w Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/concordancetopoeOObakerich A TENNYSON CONCORDANCE Uniform in Size witti ttiis Volume A GUIDE TO THE BEST FICTION IN ENGLISH. By Ernest A. Baker, M.A., D.Litt., F.L.A. New edition, entirely re-written and greatly amplified, forming an invaluable guide to English and American fiction. With a classified Index of 170 pages. A GUIDE TO HISTORICAL FICTION. A companion volume to the above. By the same Author. New edition, entirely re-written and greatly amplified, forming an invaluable illustrative aid to the study and teachmg of the history of all countries and all ages. With a classified Index of 150 pages. THE BEST BOOKS: A READER'S GUIDE. By William Swan Sonnenschein. New and revised edition (con- taining about 150,000 titles) of a work that has for many years been a universal reference - book and guide to literature, in the hands of librarians, students, general readers, and book-lovers. 3 vols. A CONCORDANCE TO THE POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON INCLUDING THE POEMS CONTAINED IN THE "LIFE OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON," AND THE "SUPPRESSED POEMS," 1830-1868. By ARTHUR E. BAKER, F.R.Hist.S., F.L.A. SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN, TAUNTON. AUTHOR OF " A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY MOVEMENT IN TAUNTON," ETC. LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & Co., Ltd. BROADWAY HOUSE, 68-74 CARTER LANE, E.G. 1914 -tr. .. ^.. R %h %'\ TO THE MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, MY FIRST AND BEST TEACHER, THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. " Utitil the day break, and the shadows flee aivayT ?R5580 PREFATORY NOTE It may, perhaps, not be out of place to say a word or two as to how I came to undertake the compilation of this work. Some years ago, when occupying the position of Deputy - Librarian in a public library in the North of England, I received numerous enquiries from readers Work. ^* ^^^^ institution for a Concordance to the Works of Tennyson. Realising that here was a distinct desideratum in the library of the student of English Literature, I there and then decided to undertake the compilation of such a Work. Taking from one of the Book- presses a copy of the poet's Works, and opening it, my eyes fell on the following quotation : — " Make knowledge circle with the winds ; But let her herald, Reverence, fly Before her to whatever sky Bear seed of men and growth of minds." — Love thou thy land. I jotted down the lines under their respective key-words, and thus the work was commenced. Shortly afterwards it happened that I removed to my present position in the South of England ; consequently the matter was for some time "shelved"; but at the end of 1907 I returned to the subject, and after about eight years of what has been to me a labour of love, I present my humble labour to the public, with a sincere hope that students, and lovers of Tennyson, and others, will find it of interest and utility. The volume consists of Verbal Indexes to the Poetical and Dramatic Works of the author comprised in the Complete Edition, published by Messrs Macmillan & Co., to the Poems contained in the Life of Lord Tennyson by his son, and published by the same publishers ; also to the Supjyt'essed Poems, edited by J. C. Thomson, and published by Messrs Sands & Co. The Concordance has been arranged in strict alphabetical sequence ; the different senses or grammatical functions of a word are frequently distinguished under separate headings ; Arrangement. • i i i the dialect words are paraphrased ; all proper names are included, and occasionally some indication has been added of their identity. Line-references are given, thereby greatly facilitating the finding of a quotation or Liii6~r6f6r6nc6S« reference, particularly in the larger poems. vii viii PREFATORY NOTE As each one has to number the lines for himself in all but school editions of Tennyson's Works, I must explain the method, or rather methods, of numbering for the purpose of this Concordance. numbering Lines. ^^ ^^^ Poems the lines have been numbered without regard to the typographical peculiarities of the standard edition, which has two columns to a page. The following lines, here reprinted as they stand in that edition, were numbered 1-6, thus : — 1 These to His Memory — since he held them dear, 2 Perchance as finding there unconscioiisly 3 Some image of himself — I dedicate, 4 I dedicate, I consecrate with tears — 5 These Idylls. 6 And indeed He seems to me — Idylls of the King. Dedication. That is to say, a line broken into two by the printer was counted as one ; a line broken by the poet was counted as two. In the Dramatic Works, another and merely mechanical system was adopted. There every line of print as it occurs in Macmillan's one-volume edition of the Complete Works was numbered separately, even if only containing a single word. Thus : — 1 Cranmer. To Strasburg, Antwerp, 2 Frankfort, Zurich, Worms, 3 Geneva, Basle — our Bishops from their 4 sees 5 Or fled, they say, or flying — Poinet, 6 Barlow, — Queen Mary, Act i., Scene ii. Metrically, of course, there are only three lines here, not six. A method of numbering that is not to be avoided in the prose portions of the plays has intentionally been extended also to the blank verse, in order to facilitate rapid reference to copies of the text in which the lines are not already numbered. On receiving a reference, say to line 560 of The Falcon, a reader using Macmillan's standard edition in one volume can quickly reckon out the page and even the column in which the quotation appears, by remembering that the column contains approximately fifty lines of print. Had the lines been numbered metrically he would have had to count from the beginning of the piece. Only the lines of the text proper, not the stage- directions, have been numbered. Cross-references are supplied in the case of compounds and dialect forms — e.g., Life OroflHKlBrences. {See also After-life, Loife). In the Collected Works, two poems appear bearing the same title — viz.. To the Queen. The one which Titi appears on page 474, immediately preceding the Lover's Tale, has been described as To the and Headings Queen ii, in contradistinction to the one which appears on page 1. Then there are a few oenu. poems with no distinct titles, but simply headed thus : To , Song, Sonnet, etc. To avoid confusion, these are referred to in the Concordance by the first two or three words of each poem. PREFATORY NOTE IX No quotations are furnished for the following words. A few quotations, however, may be found under those marked with an asterisk {Poetical Works) or dagger {Drainatic Works) \ Omitted Words. , but they are there to illustrate some especial use, and by no means represer currence of the word : — A But tif Ourself Too About By In Out 'Twas Above Can ♦Indeed Over 'Twere Adown Cannot Into Perchance 'Twill tAfter Canst Is ♦Round ♦Under Again tCould It ♦Scarce Until Against Couldst Its Scarcely Unto Ago Did Itself Seldom Up Ah Didst Lest Shall Upon Albeit *Do Let Shalt Us tAll Does May She ♦tVery Almost Done May'st Should ♦fWas *Along Dost Me Shouldst Wast Aloof Doth *Mid Since We Already Down Might So ♦tWell Also fDownward Might'st ♦tSome Were Although Each tMine ♦t Something Wert Alway E'er More Soon What Always ^Either Most Still (adv.) Whate'er Am Else Must ♦tSuch Whatsoever Among Ere My Than ♦tWhen An Even Myself That Whence And tEver Near The Whene'er tAny *Every Nearly Thee Where Are For *Need Their Whereat Around Forth Ne'er Theirs Whether Art From tNeither Them Which As 'Gainst ♦Never ♦Then Whicheve At • Had *No Thence While Athwart Hadst ♦None There Who Atwain Has Nor Therefore Whom Atween Hast Not These tWhose Away Have Nothing They Why *Ay Having tNow Thine ♦Will Back He tThis Wilt Be Hence O'er Tho' With Because Henceforth Of Those Within Been Her Off Thou Without *Before Here Oft Though Would Behind Herself Often Thro' Wouldst Being Him Oh Through Ye Below Himself On Thus Yea Beneath His Once Thy Yes Beside *How ♦tOnly Thyself Yet Between Howe'er ♦Onward Till You Betwixt However Or 'Tis Your Beyond Howsoe'er Our To Yours Both *I Ours Together Yourself X PREFATORY NOTE It was originally intended, in order to curtail the heavy expenditure entailed in publication, to omit various adjectives and other words; but as enquiries were made regarding their omission, it was decided later to insert these words as far as it was possible. As, however, the letters A-D {Poetical Works only) had already been printed, it was impossible to make these entries, consequently many ordinary adjectives under the above letters are omitted. Poems in '^^^ following poems in the Life occur also in the Collected Works, or in the Duplicate. Suppressed Poems, and are, of course, treated only once : — As when a man that sails in a balloon. (See Suppressed Poems under Dream of Fair Women.) Check every outfiash, every ruder sally. (See Suppressed Poems.) Farewell, Macready, since to-night we part. (See Collected Works under To W. C. Macready.) First drink a health, this solemn night. (See Suppressed Poems under Hands all Round.) A few readings peculiar to the Life are, however, recorded in their place. Grod bless our Prince and Bride ! (See Suppressed Poems.) Grave mother of majestic works. (See Collected Works under Of old sat Freedom.) Helen's Tower, here I stand. (See Collected Works, under Helen's Toxver.) The sole variant is duly recorded, however. Here often when a child I lay reclined. (See Suppressed Poems under Mablethorpe.) Important variants in the Life are recorded. Me my own Fate to lasting sorrow doometh. (See Suppressed Poems.) Rise, Britons, rise, if manhood be not dead. (See Suppressed Poems under Britons, guard your own.) Important variants in the Life are recorded. Row us out from Desenzano, to your Sirmione row ! (See Collected Works under Frater Ave Atque Vale.) The North wind fall'n in the new-starred night. (See Suppressed Poems under The Hesperides.) Therefore your Halls, your ancient Colleges. (See Suppressed Poems under Cambridge.) The significant variants are all recorded. Thy prayer was " Light — more Light — while time shall last ! " (See Collected Works under Epitaph on Caxton.) The poem Lover's Tale appears in the Collected Works and also in the Suppressed Poems. The portion common to both versions have not been indexed twice; they have been neglected in making the Concordance to the Suppressed Poems. The volume contains approximately 150,000 quotations and references ; and as each quotation or reference was written on a separate slip, which was then placed in its alphabetical Checking. order, and afterwards classified according to the sense or grammatical function of the key-word, it can better be imagined than described what an immense amount of labour and time was thus bestowed upon the work. In this respect my acknowledgments are due, and are hereby tendered, to Miss Beatrice Hewlett (the hon. librarian of the Crewe Green Parish Library, Cheshire), and to my two sisters, Miss Mary E. Baker and Miss Miriam Maud Mary Baker, for their valuable assistance in this Appreciation. • - , portion of the work. At the same time, I beg to tender my hearty thanks to those who have from time to time written me encouraging letters, which have greatly assisted me in PREFATORY NOTE XI my arduous task, and in this respect I would specially mention Mr Lionel R. M. Strachan, English Lecturer in Heidelberg University, for the great interest he has invariably evinced in the compilation of the work — particularly for his valuable help in the checking of the proofs — and for his readiness at all times to render assistance. A. E. B. Taunton, 1914. CORRIGENDA Page 132 Dawn (verb) Tiresias 206 read Dawn (s). 252 Gave (See also Gied, Giv) read Gave (See also Gev, Gied, Giv). 256 Gev (give) read Gev (gave). 258 Give (See also Gev, Gie) riad Give (See also Gie). 334 Hope (verb) Supp. Confessions 31 read Hope (s). 832 Alight (lighted) read Alight. 832 Alighted. See Lighted — delete. CONTENTS PAGE SHORT TITLES AND ABBREVIATIONS xv CONCORDANCE TO THE POETICAL WORKS OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON . . i CONCORDANCE TO THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON . . 829 CONCORDANCE TO THE POEMS CONTAINED IN THE "LIFE OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON," BY HIS SON 1137 CONCORDANCE TO THE "SUPPRESSED POEMS," 1830-1868 1165 ADDENDA ............. 1209 xm LIST OF SHORT TITLES AND ABBREVIATIONS Achilles over the T. . (adj.) (adv.) A gate and a field . Akbar's D., Hymn . Akbar's D., Inscrip. Along this glimmering Arabian IVights Are those the far-fanned A spirit liaunts A surface man Batt. of Brunanburh Beauty, Good, etc. Because she bore Blow ye the trumpet Bold Uavelock . Bright is the moon Britons, guard . By an Evolution. Check every outflash Church^warden, etc. Com. of Arthur Come not, when, etc. (compar.) . Could I outwear D. of F. Women D. of the Duke of C. B. of the 0. Year Bay-Dm., Pro. Sleep. P. Sleep. B. „ Depart. ^ " ^v- ■ Ded. of Idylls . Ded. Poem Prin. Alice Beep glens I found Bef. of Lucknow Bemeter and P. Be Prof., Two G. „ Human C. Early-wise England and Amer. Epit. on Caxton Epit. on Gordon Epit. on Stratford Every day, etc. Faded ev'ry violet Far off in the dun First drink a health Flow, in cran. wall Frater Ave, etc. Achilles over the Trench. adjective. adverb. A gate and a field half ploughed. Akbar's Dream. Hymn. Akbar's Dream. Inscription. Along this giinunering gallery. Recollections of the Arabian Nights. Are those the far-famed Victor Hours ? A spirit haunts the year's last hours. A sm-face man of many theories. Battle of Brunanburh. Beauty, Good, and Knowledge are three sisters. Because she bore the iron name. Blow ye the trumpet, gather from afar. Bold Havelock march'd. Bright is the moon on the deep, Britons, guard your own. By an Evolutionist. Check every outflash, every ruder sally. Church-warden and the Curate. Coming of Arthur. Come not, when I am dead. comparative. Could I outwear my present state of woe. Dream of Fair Women. Death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. Death of the Old Year. Day-Dream, Prologue. „ Sleeping Palace. „ Sleeping Beauty. „ Departure. „ Epilogue. Idylls of the King. Dedication. Dedicatory Poem to the Princess Alice. Deep glens I found, and sunless gulfs. Defence of Lucknow. Demeter and Persephone. De Profundis : The Two Greetings. „ The Human Cry. Early-wise, and pure, and true. England and America. Epitaph on Caxton. Epitaph on General Gordon. Epitaph on Lord Stratford de Eedclifie. Every day hath its night. Faded ev'ry violet, aU the roses. Far off in the dun, dark Occident. First drink a health, this solemn night. Flower in the crannied wall. Frater Ave atque Vale. Frenchman, etc. From shape to shape Full light aloft G. of Swainston Gardener's D. , Gareth and L. Geraint and E. God and the Univ. God bless our Prince Gone into Darkness He was too good Hear you the sound Heavy Brigade Here, I that stood Here often when a child High. Pantheism Hither, when all Hold thou, my friend Home they brought him How glad am I How is it that men How strange it is I keep no more I, loving Freedom In Mem., Pro. „ Con. W. G. Ward I met in all {inter j.) In the Child. Hosp.. (intrans.) . June Bracken, etc. L. C. V. de Vere L. of Burleigh . L. of Shalott . Lancelot and E. Leonine Eleg. . Life of the Life Light Brigade . Lit. Squabbles . Little Aubrey . Locksley H., Sixty Long as the heart Lotos- Eaters, C. S. Love, Pride, etc. Mariana hi the S. Marr. of Geraint May Queen, N. Y.'s „ Con. M. d' Arthur . Frenchman, a hand is thine ! From shape to shape at first within the womb Full light aloft doth the laverock spring. In the Garden at Swainston. Gardener's Daughter. Gareth and Lynette. Geraint and Enid. God and the Universe. God bless our Prince and Bride. Gone into darkness that full light. He was too good and kind and sweet. Hear you the sound of wheels ? Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. Here, I that stood in On beside the flow. Here often when a child I lay reclined. Higher Pantheism. Hither, when all the deep, unsounded skies Hold thou, my friend, no lesser life in scorn. Home they brought him slain with spears. How glad am I to walk. How is it that men have so little grace ? How strange it is, God, to wake. I keep no more a lone distress. I, loving Freedom for herself. In Memoriam, Prologue. „ Conclusion. „ William George Ward. I met in all the close green ways, interjection. In the Children's Hospital, intransitive. Jime Bracken and Heather. Lady Clara Vere de Vere. Lord of Burleigh. Lady of Shalott. Lancelot and Elaine. Leonine Elegiacs. Life of the Life within my blood. Charge of the Light Brigade. Literary Squabbles. Little Aubrey in the West ! Locksley Hall, Sixty Years after. Long as the heart beats life within the breast. Lotos-Eaters. Choric Song. Love, Pride, and Forgetfulness. Mariana in the South. Marriage of Geraint. May Queen, New Year's Eve. „ Conclusion. Morte d' Arthur. XV XVI M. d' Arthur, Ep. Me my own fate Merlin and the G. Merlin and V. Methought I saw Miller's D. Move eastward . My life is full . N. Farmer, N. S. O. S. New Timon North. Cobbler . Not a whisper . Not such were those Not to Silence Ode on Well. . Ode Inter. Exhib. O God, make this age Oh, Beauty O leave not thou Of old sat Freedom . Old ghosts On Jub. Q. Victoria On One who effec. E. M. One was the Tishhite Open. I. and C. Exhib. Oriana O sad No more! Pallid thunderstricken (part.) Pass, of Arthur Pelleas and E. Poets and their B. Popular, Popular Pref. Poem. Broth. S (prep.) . . Prin. Beatrice . Princess, Pro. . „ Con. . Pro. to Gen. Hamley Prog, of Spring Prom, of May . (pron.) Remember you . Remembering him Rise, Britons, rise Romney's R. Roses on the T. St. S. Stylites . Shall the hag Sir J. Franklin Sir J. Oldcastle Sir L. and Q. 0. Sisters (E. and E.) Speak to me Spec, of Iliad . Spinster's S's . Spurge with fairy Steersman Sugg, by Reading LIST OF SHORT TITLES AND ABBREVIATIONS Morte d' Arthur, Epilogue. Me my own fate to lasting sorrow doometh. Merlin and the Gleam. Merlin and Vivien. Methought I saw a face whose every line. Miller's Daughter. Move eastward, happy earth, and leave. My life is full of weary days. Northern Farmer, New Style. Old Style. The New Timon and the Poets. Northern Cobbler. Not a whisper stirs the gloom. Not such were those whom Freedom claims. Not to Silence would I build. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. Ode sung at the Opening of the International Exhibition. O God, make this age great that we may be. Oh, beauty, passing beauty. O leave not thou thy son forlorn. Of old sat Freedom on the heights. Old ghosts whose day was done ere mine began On the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. On One who affected an Effeminate Manner. One was the Tishbite, whom the raven fed. Opening of the Indiaa and Colonial Exhibition by the Queen. Ballad of Oriana. sad No more ! sweet No more ! The pallid thimderstricken sigh for gain. participle. Passing of Arthur. Pelleas and Ettarre. Poets and their Bibliographies. Popular, Popular, Unpopular ! Prefatory Poem to my Brother's Sonnets. preposition. To H.R.H. Princess Beatrice. Princess, Prologue. „ Conclusion. Prologue to General Hamley. Progress of Spring. Promise of May. pronoun. Remember you the clear moonlight? Remembering him who waits thee far away. Rise, Britons, rise, if manhood be not dead. Romney's Remorse. Roses on the Terrace. substantive. St. Simeon Stylites. Shall the hag Evil die. Sir John Franklin. Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham. Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere. Sisters (Evelyn and Edith). Speak to me from the stormy sky ! Specimen of a Translation of the Iliad in Blank Verse. Spinster's Sweet- Arts. Spurge with fairy crescent set. Steersman, be not precipitate in thine act. Suggested by reading an article in a newspaper. Supp. Confessions Take, Lady That is his portrait . That the voice . The child was sitting The form, the form . The lamps were bright The lintwhite . The night, etc. . The noblest men The winds, etc. There are three things Therefore your Halls They say, etc. . They wrought, etc Third of Feb. . Thou viay'st remember Though night . Thy soul is like 'Tis not alone . To a Lady Sleep. To A . Tennyson To C. North . To F. D. Maurice To J. M. K. . To One who ran down En:j. To Prof. Jebb . To Marq. of Dufferin To Master of B. To Prin. F. of H. To thee with whom To W. H. BrookfUld Townsman, etc. (trans.) Trans, of Homer V. of Cauteretz V. of Maeldune Vicar of this . Voice and the P. Voice spake, etc, W. to Alexandra W. to Marie Alex. Walk, to the Mail Wan Sculptor . We lost you Well, as to Fame What rustles What time I wasted Wherever evil While I live Why suffers Will Water Window. At the W. „ Marr. Mo Woman of noble Yon huddled cloud You ask me, why. You Tnight have won Young is the grief Youth, lapsing Supposed Confessions of a Second-rate Sensi tive Mind. Take, Lady, what your loyal nurses give. That is his portrait, painted by himself. That the voice of a satisfied people may k(!ep The child was sitting on the bank. The form, the form alone is eloquent. The lamps were bright and gay. The lintwhite and the throstlecock. The night with sudden odour reel'd. The noblest men methinks are bred. The winds, as at their hour of birth. There are three things that fill my heart with sighs. Therefore your Halls, yom" ancient Colleges. They say some foreign powers have laid their heads together. They wrought a work which time reveres. Third of February, 1852. Thou may'st remember that I said. Though Night hath cUmbed. Thy soul is like a landskip, friend. 'Tis not alone the warbling woods. To a Lady Sleeping. To Alfred Tennyson, My Grandson. To Christopher North. To the Rev. F. D. Maurice. Sonnet To J. M. K. . To One who ran down the English. I To Professor Jebb. To the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. To the Master of Balliol. To the Princess Frederica of Hanover on her Marriage. To thee with whom my true affections dwell. To the Rev. W. H. Brookfield. Townsmen, or of the hamlet, young or old. transitive. ) On Translations of Homer. In the Valley of Cauteretz. Voyage of Maeldune. Vicar of this pleasant spot. Voice and the Peak. A Voice spake out of the Skies. A Welcome to Alexandra. A Welcome to Her Royal Highness Maria Alexandre vna. Duchess of Edinburgh. Walking to the INIail. Wan sculptor, weepest thou. We lost you for how long a time. Well, as to Fame, who strides the earth. I What rustles hither in the dark ? What time I wasted youthful hours. Wherever evil customs thicken. While I live, the owls ! I Why suffers human life so soon eclipse ? Will Waterproof's Lyrical Monologue. Window. At the Window. „ Marriage Morning. Woman of noble form and noble mind ! Yon huddled cloud his motion sliifts. You ask me, why, tho' ill at ease. You might have won the Poet's name. Yomig is the grief I entertain. Youth, lapsing thro' fair solitudes. A CONCORDANCE to the POETICAL WORKS OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON. A inouthing out his hollow oes and oe», Aage (age) owd « as 'appy as iver I can, Aair (hair) an' cryin' and tearin' 'er 'a A&le (ale) Says that I meant 'a naw moor a Git ma my «, (repeat) I've 'ed my point o' a ivry noight an' doesn bring ma the a ? an' droonk wi' the farmer's a, An' the taable staiiin'd wi' 'is a, tha mun nobbut hev' one glass of a. 'Aapoth (half-pennyworth) sense, Aaste (haste) thaw summun said it in 'a : Abaddon A and Asmodeus caught at me. Abase A those eyes that ever loved Abash'd so forlorn As I am ! ' half a him ; Enid, all a she knew not why, man of thine to-day A us both, A Lavaine, whose instant reverence, beauty of her flesh a the boy, Abate A the stride, which speaks of man Abbess Our simple-seeming A and her nuns, till in time their A died. Was chosen A, there, an A, lived For three brief years, and there, an A, past ' Abbey ' Come out,' he said, ' To the A : But we went back to the A, fellow hath broken from some A, The helmet in an a far away Abbey-ruin Carved stones of the A-r Abbey-wall I see the moulder'd A-w's, Abbot An a on an ambling pad, Abdiel Titan angels, Gabriel, A, A-bealin' (bellowing) An' thou was a-b likewise, Abear (bear) for I couldn a to see it. An' I can't a 'em, I can't, Abeat Eats scarce enow to keep his pulse a ; A-begging I never came a-b for myself, Abeyance Those winters of a all worn out. Abhor I hate, a, spit, sicken at him ; Abhorr'd they fell and made the glen a : Abhorrent A of a calculation crost. Abide ' Trust me, in bliss I shall a Tho" much is taken, much a's ; In whose least act a's the nameless charm you failing, I a What end soever : hate me not, but a your lot, A : thy wealth is gather'd in, A a little longer here. Dare I bid her a by her word ? but a Without, among the cattle A : take counsel ; for this lad shalt a her judgment on it ; ' I will a the coming of my lord, thou art man, and canst a a truth, Yet better if the King a, The Epic 50 Oiod Roa 3 Nortlu Cobbler 34 N. Famie); O. S.,3 „ 4, 36, 68 7 ., 65 Village Wife 77 Spiiuta-'s S's. 99 Oiod Mod 20 Joanes, as 'ant not a 'a o' JV. Farmer, 0. S., 49 27 Si. S. Stylites 172 Princess ii 427 Enoch Arden 288 Marr. of Oeraint 765 JSalin and Balan 71 Lancelot and E. 418 Pelleas and E. 78 Princess ii 429 Guinevere 309 692 696 Princess, Pro., 51 ,, Con., 106 Gareth and L. 456 Holjf Grail 6 Princess, Pro., 14 Talking Oak 3 L. of Shalott ii 20 Milton 5 Qwd Roa 89 N. Farmer, 0. S., 64 Church-warden, etc., 13 Balin and Balan 105 Dora 141 Princess iv 440 Lucretius 199 Lancelot and E. 42 Enoch Arden 473 Palace of Art 18 Ulysses 65 Princess v 70 405 Sjnteful Letter 11 In Mem. Hi 15 ,, Iviii 11 Maud I xvi 25 Gai-eth and L. 273 730 Marr. of Geraint 584 Geraint and E. 131 Balin and Balan 501 Last Tournament 109 Abide (continued) tho wife Whom he knows false, a which thou wilt a, if thou bo wise, Wretch you must a it . . . Abidest a lame and poor. Calling thyself Abiding A with me till I sail To seek thee Able-bodied Grew plump and a-b ; Abler A quarter-sessions chairman, a none ; Abode at the farm a William and Dora. those four a Within one house Wherein the younger Charles a she a his coming, and said to him stately Queen a For many a week, mightiest of my knights, a with me. Clave to him, and a in his own land. Time and Grief a too long with Life, Abodest While thou a in the bud. Abolish Caught at the hilt, as to a him : Abominable The A , that uninvited came shapes of lust, unspeakable, A, and shatter it, hold it a, \ Abreast One walk'd a with me. Abruptly broke the sentence in his heart A, Absence she mourn'd his a as his grave, in his a full of light and joy. Absolution find A sort of a in the sound Absolution-seller a-s's, monkeries Absorb in its onward current it a's Absorbing A all the incense of sweet thoughts Abstraction They do so that affect a A-buried I'll hev 'im a-b wi'mma Abu Said (Sufee Poet) him A S—a. sun but dimly seen Abuse (s) ' lest from the a of war, bore without a The grand old name Perchance from some a of Will Abuse (verb) wayward grief a The genial hour my Leonard, use and not a your day, Abused God's great gift of speech a Abysm fell into the a Of forms outworn, weigh 'd him down into the a — into the a. The A of all A's, downward too into the a. Abyss and the waste wide Of that a, to sound the a Of science, lighten thro' The secular a to come, 0, from the distance of the a upheaven from the a By fire, to sink into the a again ; bubble bursts above the a Of Darkness, Acacia Was lispt about the a's, The slender a would not shake Academe The softer Adams of your A , this your A, Whichever side be Victor, A-callin' a-c ma ' hugly ' mayhap to my faace kep a-c' o' Roa till 'e waggled 'is taail Acanthus-wreath many a wov'n a-w divine ! Guinevere 515 Ancient Sage 35 Foi'lorn 52 Tivo Voices 197 In Mem. cxxv 13 The Goose 18 Princess, Con., 90 Dora 1 „ 169 Talking Oak 297 Geraint and E. 139 Guinevere 146 „ 430 „ 440 Lover's Tale i 107 Two Voices 158 Marr. of Geraint 210 (Enrnie 224 Lucretius 158 Boadicea 65 Lover's Tale ii 86 Geraint and E. 42 Enoch Arden 247 Lover's Tcde i 425 Sea Dreams 61 Sir John Oldcastle 93 Isabel 31 Lover's Tale i 469 Princess ii 359 North. Cobbler 106 Akbar's Dream 94 Princess ■« 126 In Mem. cxi 21 Epilogue 24 In Mem. cv 9 Locksley H., Sixty, 265 A Dirge 44 Lover's Tale i 796 Columbus 137 A ncient Sage 39 Locksley H., Sixty, 146 TvM Voices 120 Princess ii 176 In Mem. Ixxvi 6 ,, xciii 11 Pass, of Arthur 82 Roonney's R. 52 Princess vii 251 Maud I xxii 45 Princess ii 197 230 Spinster's S's. 91 O^od Rod 105 Lotos-Eaters, C. S., 97 Acjcens Added Accent a^ (i„ypry low In Vlandishraeni, Isabel 19 [[ 3L6'TfpUes^ina"ifa)tter,c L. of Burleigh 5 I Wixh li>3aring' cha'ir and lower'd «) Aylmer's Field 267 Accept God a him, Christ receive him. Ode on Well. 281 do a my madness, and would die Mmid I xviii 44 to a this cloth of gold, Gareth and L. 398 that I a thee aught the more ,, 766 a thee aught the more. Scullion, ,, 839 a this old imperfect tale. To llie Qmen ii 36 dark lord a and love the Sun, Demeter and P. 137 Acceptance Blithe would her brother's a be. Maud I x 27 Access closed her a to the wealthier farms, Aylmer's Field 50'i down the lane of o to the King, Oareth and L, 661 Acclaim tumult of their a is roll'd laying Swan 33 And followed with as, Will Water. 138 let a people's voice In full a, Ode on Well. 143 Is wrought with tumult of a. In Mem. Ixxv 20 Accompanied and oft a By Averill : Aylmer's Field 137 Accompanying brethren slowly with bent brows ^1, Lancelot and E. W^^ Accomplice The a of your madness unforgiven, Princess vi 276 Accomplish ' Which did a their desire. Two Voices 217 A thou my manhood and thyself ; Princess vii 365 A that blind model in the seed, Proff. of Sirring 114 Accomplish'd (See also All-accomplish 'd, Full-accomplished) Who, thro' their own desire a, I have a what I came to do. My mission l>c o ! ' Accomplishment win all eyes with all a : Misa the full flower of this a.' Accord (s) when both were brought to full «, Faith and Work were bells of full a, Accord (verb) I a it ea.sily aa a grace. ' Accorded Prince A with hi.s wonted courtesy, According That mind and soul, a well, would work a as he wiU'd. lady's love, A to her promise, A to the Highest in the Highest for my sake, A to my word ? ' To pray, to do a to the prayer. Account (s) dodged me with a long and loose a. a hard friend in his loose as, of the crowd you took no more a Account (verb) Eat and be glad, for I a you mine ' whatsoever he a's Of all his treasurci Accounted Is thy white blamelessness a blame ! ' Accoutrement Among piled arms and rough a's, Accrue Delight a hundredfold a. Accurate your fine epithet Is a too. Xylmer's Field 776 Columbus 65 Akhar's Dream 199 Tliefonn, tliefonn 4 Gareth and L. 1297 Last Tournament 722 In Mem. W. G. Ward 2 Gareth and L. 975 Lancelot and E, 638 In Mem., Pro., 27 Holy Grail 784 Pel leas' and E. 162 A ncient Sage 90 Romney's R. 130 A hhar's Dream 8 Sea Dreams 149 „ 162 Lancelot and E. 105 Geraint and E, 647 Lover's Tale iv 233 Merlin and V. 799 Princess v 55 In Mem. cxvii 8 Merlin and V. 533 Accurst-Accursed Thro' you, my life will be accurst.' Tlie Letters 36 Accursed, who from the wrongs AKiiraed, who strikes nor lets the hand A ccursid were she ! ' (repeat) Accusation Like bitter a ev'n to death, people's talk And a of uxorioiisness breathe but a vjist and vagne, Accuse sent for Blanche to a her A her of the least immodesty : Accused You never once a me, Acbiean nor join'd The A's— Ache (8) {See (dso Finger-ache, Haftche) In coughs, a's, stitches. And ills and a't, and teethings, Ache (verb) would not let your little finger a The night that throbs and a's n't in the ^rasp of an idiot iwwer, Aehievable if our end were less a Achieve f tone ! He will a his greatness spoken true Of all we shall a, Achieved »word and golden circlet were a. a, The loneliest ways are safe Achieving wmo have striven, A calm, Achilles Hco the great A, whom we knew, 'Dkh rose A dear to Zeus ; Gareth and L. 347 435 Kapiolani 21, 24 Love and Duty 81 Man: of Geraint 83 Merlin and V. 701 Princess iv 239 Oeraint and E. Ill Happy 69 Achilles over the T, 16 ^. S. Stylites 13 Holy Grail 554 Godim 22 Lover's Talc i 33 Despair 43 Princess Hi 283 Tiresias 168 Mechanojjhilus 26 Pelleas and E. 1 70 Ixist Tilurnament 101 Two FOTV.ftv209 Ulysses 64 Achillea over the T. 2 Acknowledge in my heart of hearts I did « nobler. Lancelot undE. 1211 A-cleanin' as we was a-c the floor. Aconite Their rich ambrosia tasted a. Acorn An a in her breast, nor yet Thine a in the land. Acom-ball wear Alternate leaf and a-b Acquiescing the Queen But coldly a, A-crawin' (crowing) cocks kep a-c an' crawin' Acre {See also Five-acre, Haacre) dinner To the men of many a's, Acreage No coarse and blockish God of a A-creeapin (creeping) wur a-c about my waiiist ; Acrimony flow'd in shallower acrimonies : A-ciyin' then I seed 'er a-c, I did. Act (b) a saying, hard to shape in a; swift mind. In a to throw : king demand An a unprofitable, In a to render thanks, which 1 clothed in a, a tiger-cat In a to spring by single a Of immolation And all creation in one a at once, One a a phantom of succession : makes Such head from a to a, least a abides the nameless charm creatures native unto gracious a. How much of a at human hands bold in heart and a and word was he, graced the lowliest a in doing it. dream she could be guilty of foul a, hearts who see but a's of wrong : So splendid in his a's and his attire, Balin graspt, but while in a to hurl. From noiseful arms, and a's of prowess one last a of knighthood shalt thou see. the swift mind. In a to throw : king demand An a unprofitable, beautiful in Past of a or place, with her highest a the placid face power on thine own a and on the world, A first, this Earth, a stage may show In some fifth A Act (verb) up and a, nor shrink For fear For who can always a ? be born and think, And a and love. Not he, not yet ! and time to a — Acted weaker grows thro' a crime. If more and a on, what follows 'i after madness a question ask'd : thro' the journey home, A her hest, Acting («*e also Over-acting) A the law we live by without fear ; Action ' Which in all a is the end of all ; until endurance grow Sin«w'd with a, enough of a, and of motion we, I myself must mix with a, A life in civic a warm, shape His a like the greater ape, unfathom'd woe Reflex of a, mould it into a pure as theirs. Acton (Sir Boger) See. Roger Acton Actor let the dying a mouth his last Adair (Ellen) See Ellen Adair A-dallackt (overdrest) An' hallus a,-d an' dizen' Adam The gardener .1 and his wife when A first embraced his Eve The softer A's of your Academe, there be Two A's, two mankinds, Adam's wine I a' nowt but A w : an' a beslings-puddin' an' A w ; Add a A crimson to the quaint Macaw, Nor a and alter, many times, a my diamonds to her pearls ; months will a themselves and make Added set the words, and a names I knew. ' Swear ' a Enoch sternly ' on the book.' Spinster's Ss. 49 Demeter and P. 105 Talking Oak 228 260 287 Last Tournament 23 Oicd Roa 106 Maud I XX 32 Aylmer's Field 651 Sjnnster's Ss. 26 Aylmer's Field 563 Oitd Roa 80 Love thou thy land 49 M, d' Arthur 61 „ 96 Gardener's D. 162 Princess i 195 ,, M 451 , , Hi 284 325 329 ,, iv 452 „ vIO ,, vii 27 In Mem. Ixxxv 38 Co7n. of Arthur 17Q Gareth and L. 490 Mar?: of Geraint 120 „ 438 ,, 620 Balin and Balan 368 Hdy Grail 1 Pass, of Arthur 163 229 „ 264 Lover's Tale i 135 216 De Prof. Two G. 56 Tlie Play 1 " ! Princess Hi 265 In Mem,, cxi 9 „ Con., 127 Tlie Flight 73 Will 12 Princess ii 229 Geraint and E. 813 Pelleas and E. 203 (EvMie 148 „ 122 „ 165 Lotos-Eaters, G. S., 105 Locksley Hall 98 In Mem. cxiii 9 ,, cxx 11 Lover's Tale i 747 Tiresias 129 Locksley H., Sixty, 152 d out, Village Wife 37 L. (J. V. de Vere 51 Day -Dm., L' Envoi 41 Princess ii 197 Columbus 54 Nmih. Cobbler 5 „ 112 Daij-Thn., Pro., \i> Will Water. 15 Lancelot and E. 1224 Guinevere 62.'j Audley Court 61 Enoch Arden 842 Added Added {amlinved) Put on more calm and a suppliantly : Had surely a praise to praise, faith, I fain had a— Knight, weight is a only grain by grain. Then Balan a to their Order a, of her wit, A border fantasy a plain Sir Torre, ' Yea, since I cannot 'A fair large diamond, a plain Sir Torre, a wound to wound, And ridd'n away Were a mouths that gaped, a to the griefs the great must bear, each other They should have «), Your viceregal days Have a fulness Adder I thought it was an a's fold, harm an a thro' the lust for harm. Addition Balin, ' the Savage '—that a Princess vi 215 In Mem. xnxci 8 Garetiv and L. 1162 Marr. of Geraint 526 Balm and Balan 91 Lancelot and E. 10 198 230 567 1249 Guinevere 205 Lover's Tale i 263 To Marq. of Dufferin 11 Liymr's Tale i 691 Ancient Sage 271 Balin and Balan 53 Addle (earn) Mun be a guvness, lad, or summut, and a her breiid : ^- J'^^rmet;, iV. ^.,26 Address Began to a us, and was moving on , _. . i^rincess ii lo* AddreBsd-Addrest faces toward us and addressed Their , motion: , >' ,/^ qo now (w?(^rm'*« to speech— Who spoke few words ,, <^?";'^f, suddenly addrest the hoary Earl : Man: qf Geraint 40^ address d More to the inward than the outward Lwer s IcUei iZ\J Adeline Faintly smiling A, ■ ."^^^l^^i Shadowy, dreaming A ? (repeat) Adeline 10, 39 Spiritual A ? (repeat) •> ^'^> Y* Who talketh with thee, yl ? -. ^t Thou faint smiler, A ? " Ji Than your twin-sister, J ^^STw, «? Adieu uttered it. And bade a for ever Love and Duty 8d What more ? we took our last a, Tl^ ^«/^y 85 M, a, ' for evermore. I^ ^em. Ivii lb For tho' my lips may breathe a, m '^'^^':''J± Adit yourself and yours shall hayo Free a; ^^?"''^fJ!^ VJ9 Adjust a My vapid vegetable loves Ta^Am^ Oafc 18^ ^S^al Chains for the ^ of the Ocean ! Cohmlncs 19 Chains ! we are A's of the Ocean, n ^° Ocean— of the Indies— ^'s we— „;■'%■.. i«^ Admire a Joints of cunning workmanship Vision of bin 1»& not to desire or a, if a man "^"''^^^41 Admired which when now a By Edith Aylmers field 231 Admiring sat beside the couch, A him, Mar,: of Geramt^ the two Were turning and a it, ;» ... ^^1 Admission beat a in a thousand years, /liT^ ZiH Admit Nor other thought her mind a's In Mer.i. a:rau 2 The time a'« not flowers or leaves .. „ '^ ^r Ado why make we such a? Ma;/ Queen Con. bQ Adoration Meet a to my household gods, Jt^ ila shaken voice. And flutter'd a, Me>iin ""^J^lg Adore How many measured words a meanore 'to To stand apart, and to a, xr^.,l^ 1 -., 9fi on the meadow grass, and a, Maud I v 2b Strong in the power that all men a, '^-wits Adored was a; He, loved for her J^^'^V/ tHci A her, as the stateliest and the best Mar,: of Geraint 20 Call'd on the Power a by the Christian, ^"f^K ^S Adoring ^ That who made, and makes, ^^^^^'n uZ^nl Kneel a Him the Timeless .> ^^ IT^A Adorn brought to a her with, The jewels. Last ToimmmentJU Adom'd her 1 loved, a with fading flowers. Lo^_er s Taleui 40 A-dressin- an' jessmine a-c^ it greean, ^i^znsier s .S s. 105 A-drooping locks «-rf twined Round thy neck ^Irteimc w Adulation^ golden eloquence And amorous a, Lancelot and h. 650 Adulterer My knighte are all a's like his own, Last Tmrn^ent 84 ' :i , Go back to thine adulteress and die ! ' Leath of (Enone 47 Adulteress Go back to thine a and die ! ' ',' v 1 , Jtr Adultery mother of the foul adulteries Aylmer s Fiehl 376 arfXte.s, Wife-murders,- ^"^l^jfi}v, Advance (a) But these are the days of a, rr ^r ■ ro Advance (verb) ' The years with change a : f'^'J'^'^'fc, How gain in life, as life a's To F. D. Maurue 39 Let all my genial spirits a In Mem , <^on.t7 ' A and take, as fairest of the fair, Marr. of Geraint 553 Afire Advance (verb) {cmdinued) ' A and take thy prize , r. c^o The diamond ' ; Lancelot and h. oUo wreaths of all that would a. To Victor Hugo 5 Advanced Something far a in State, Ode on Weil. 275 a The monster, and then paused, Gareth and L, l^i who rt, Each growling like a dog, Geraint and A. 558 the King himself .1 to greet them, " j „ , ?7q Advancing up and down A nor retreating. bisters (A. anrf /i.) i/» Advantage He took a of his strength to be .^'^'"'*^* f i^^ Forebore his own a, (repeat) Guinevere 661, 666 Advent Wink at our a : help my prince Princess iii IbO dividing clove An a to the throne : ,, '^ ^* Expecting still his a home ; /« ™. ^-t ^1 Adventure battle, bold a, dungeon, wreck, yly/wi«-s Y'leM y» mad for strange a, dash'd away Bahn and Balan ^8J then, with small a met. Sir Bors ^o/y (^jm/ 660 Bound upon solitary «, saw PelleasandE. lib Adversary robbers mock at a barbarous a. BoMicea IS hearing her tumultuous adversaries ," ., I Advice he wouldn't take my a. ^ ^ Grandmother 4 Adviser Horace, you the wise A Poets and their B. b A-dying For the old year lies a-d. H- of the U. 1 earh ^akides So rang the clear voice of ^ ; Achilles over the T. 21 cry of .£ Was heard among the Trojans, ,, -« ^gis Pallas flung Her fringed «■, rr " ir • . a-^ iEoIian ^ harp that wakes No certain air. Two Voices 4db Scarce living in the .E harmony, Lover s Tale i ill JEon the great ^ sinks in blood, In Meni. cxzmi 16 Whirl'd for a million a's , ., .. .^,^ V' .^^"f* ^^k Many an jE moulded earth before her highest, Locksley H., bixty, Mb Many an ^ too may pass ,r , •" j, i,r a Shall not a after ce pass and touch Making of Man 4 iEonian Draw down yE hills, and sow In Mem. xxxv 11 yE music measuring out The steps ,, n'?'^'" 1i .E Evolution, swift or slow, TM Ring 44 Aerially And less a blue, Margaret b\ a murmur heard a, _ ^ ,^T^"^« ^^ iEtna as ^ does The Giant of Mythology Lover s Taleiv 17 and ^ kept her winter snow Demeter andl.Ub Afear'd (afraid) But Squire wur a 0' 'is son, /^"7« ^*^/« YX alius a of a man's gittin' ower fond, Spmstei-s b s. ZJ I wasn't a, or 1 thinks leastwaays as I wasn t a ; Oiod Koa »b Affair For 1 never whisper'd a private a i- Jir Wn kinsman travelling on his own a Merlin and V. 717 Affect They do so that a abstraction f /Jf'^f' * J;'' '^3^. Affection The still a of the heart . Millers D. 22o he spoke, Part banter, part a Princess, Fro. , 167 old and strange a of the house. .> * ^^ cared not for the > ••• qkr with Melissa Florian, 1 With mine a. „ "* -5^0 Affirm ^'s your Psyche thieved her theories, ,> . »^ Affirm'd she a not, or denied : r " , -^^ 01 « Affirming .4 each his own philosophy- Lucretius 216 ^thtt his father left him gold, Marr. of Geraint 451 A that as long as either lived, Lover s Tale iv 277 Affluence (See also Heart- Affluence) You, that . , ^ „• t^-r, o« wanton in a, On Juh. Q. Victoria 28 Affright nothing there her maiden grace a ! Maud I xvin 71 like a man in a mortal a ; ^'n/ '^"ivTAm Affrighted Round a Lisbon drew Ofe on Well. 103 Affronted A with his fulsome innocence ? Pelleasand A. ^bb Afire (on fire) the house is a,' she said. Oiwt /toa oa Afire Afire {om(inyed) ' But the stairs is a^' she said ; A-flyin' wool of a thistle a-/ an" seeadin' Afraid fi^ee Afear'd, Half-afraid. Afric On capes of A as on cliffs of Kent, African Indian, Australasian, A, After-a^ ITiro' a-a's in the love of Truth, After-beauty that a-b makes Such head After-days It grows to guerdon a-d : After dinner It seems in a-d talk Twas but an a-d's nap. After-folness from the a-/ of my heart. After-hands whence a-h May move the world, After-heat It might have drawn from a-h.' After-life my dead face would vex her a-l. she will pass me by in a-l After-love A-l's of maids and men Aftermath a sweep Of meadow smooth from a After-mom Which left my a-m content. Tluit man can have no a-m, Ailemoon In the a they came unto a land In which it seemed always a. Bright was that a. Sunny but chill ; Half-sickening of his pension'd a, ' That a the Princess rode all That a a sound arose in the all-golden a A guest, But in the falling a retum'd It made the laughter of an a Here in the never-ended a, For brief repast or a repose and yester a I dream'd, — Aftertime I am sung or told In a, relic of my lord Should be to a, some old man speak in the a o, And that full voice which circles sole men we shall prize in the a, I am sung or told In a, relic of my lord Should be to a, some old man speak in the a After-years a-y Will learn the secret of our Arthur's birth.' Agape A rabbit mouth that is ever d — ye seem a to roar ! Agaric learned names of a, moss and fern, as one That smells a foiil-flesh'd a Agate Tnrkis and a and almondine bottom a'8 seen to wave and float AgKvi One tall A above the lake. A-gawin' (going) I beant a-g to break my rule. A-gawinin' (staring) an' foalk stood a-f/' in, Age ('S^^ n/^'^' AAge, After-age, Mother-age) hath he lain for a's and will lie. ' I know that a to a succeeds, makes me talk too much in a. And the great a's onward roll. Now the most blessed memory of mine a. thrifty too beyond her a. until be nows Of a to help us.' old aore breaks out from a to a Of different a't, like twin-sisters aalTer'd long For a's and for a's ! ' float about the threshold of an a, an a, when every hour Must sweat Old a hath yet hia honour Immortal a beside immortal youth, thro' the a's one increasing purpose I the heir of all the a's, As all were order'd, a's since. Tis rain ! in such a bramy a fooad Mr spiritM in the golden a. tonsured h«ad in middle « forlorn, when this Aylmcr cumo of a— buffe oathedral fronts of every a, paby, death'in-lifo. And wretched a — •very dime and a Jumbled together ; Oicd Rod 80 Spinster's S's. 79 W, to Marie Alex. 17 On Juh. Q. Victwia 61 Akhar's Dream 101 Princess iv 451 Love- thou thy land 27 MiUer's D. 31 Day-Ihn., Revival 24 Lover's Tale i 146 Princess Hi 263 In Mem. Ixxxi 12 Hiwch Arden 891 Princess v 91 Window, No Answer 25 Audley Court 14 In Mem. ciii 4 EpUogiie 73 Lotos-Eaters 3 4 Enoch Arden 669 Aylmer's Field 461 Princess Hi 169 ,, vi 379 Jn Mem. Ixxxix 25 Geraint and E. 591 Merlin and V. 163 Last Toum&Tiient 584 Guinevere 395 Akbar's Dream 169 M. d' Arthur 35 99 107 Princess H 44 „ ^412 Pass, of Arthur 203 267 275 Com. of Arthur 158 Maud I xZ\ Gareth and L. 1306 Edwin Morris 17 Gareth and L. 747 The Merman 32 Princess ii 327 The Daisy 84 N. Farmer, 0. S., 4 North. Cobbler 81 There 27i€ Kraken 11 Two Voices 205 Miller's D. 194 To J. S. 72 Gardener's D. 279 DoralQ ,,127 Walk, to tli£ Mail 79 Edwin Morris 32 St. S. Stylites 100 Golden Year 16 „ 68 Vlysses 50 TiUumvs 22 Locksley Hall 137 178 Day- Dm., Sleep. P., 54 Amphion 65 To E. L. 12 The Brook 200 Aylmer's Field 407 Sea Dreams 218 Lucretius 155 Princess, Pro,, 16 A-glare Princess, Pro., ii 50 Princess ii 127 „ 153 448 „ 1^-251 Ode on Wdl. 76 „ 226 259 Grandmother 20, 100 97 Spiteful Letter 8 Milton 4 Wind(yw, When 14 In Mem. Ixxiii 12 Mmid I i 30 „ iv 35 „ Ilv2\ Gareth and L. 79 " .1^29 Geraint and E. 115 Merlin and V. 185 553 Lancelot and E. 953 Holy Grail 340 431 Pass, of Arthur 4 Lover's Tale i 125 196 357 Sisters (E. and E.) 141 Columbus 202 Tiresias 19 „ 104 Despair 40 „ 88 Ancient Sage 98 „ 146 Locksley II. , Sixty, 10 46 81 83 „ 108 137 151 „ 281 Epilogue 71 To Virgil 25 May we find, as a's run, Open. I. and C. Exhib. 11 darkness Dawns into the Jubilee of the A's. On Jub. Q. Victoria 71 Tlie Ring 77 „ 160 „ 289 Happy 46 Romney's R. 64 Parnassus 3 By an Evulutimi. 9 17 St. Telemo/chus 41 Making of Man 3 Tlie Dreamer 7 Poets and Critics 2 Age (continued) ' The climax of his a f Amazon As emblematic of a nobler a ; some a's had been lost ; second-sight of some Astrsean a, reasons drawn from a and state, you got a friend of your own a. To such a name for a's long, For many and many an a proclaim tho' the Giant A's heave the hill at your a, Annie, I could have wept (repeat) And a is a time of peace, I hear the roll of the a's. Milton, a name to resound for a's ; to-morrow, And that's an a away.' left for human deeds In endless A ? take the print Of the golden a — many a million of a's have gone Wretchedest a, since Time began. His a hath slowly droopt, sadder a begins To war against ill uses suffering thus he made Minutes an a : flatter his own wish in a for love. Who paced it, a's back : more fitly yours, not thrice your a : Built by old kings, a after a, I found Only one man of an exceeding a. In the white winter of his a, weight as if of a upon my limbs, she, my love, is of an a with me poisons of his heart In his old a.' the fool this A that doubts of all — in that flight of a's which are God's but thine a, by a as winter-white And oldest a in shadow from the night, and the human heart, and the A. For these are the new dark a's. And cap our a with snow ? ' The poet whom his A would quote well might fool a dotard's a. Some thro' a and slow diseases, A 's after, while in Asia, an a of noblest English names. When was a so cramm'd with menace ? Bring the old dark a's back without the faith, well, it scarce becomes mine a — Gone at eighty, mine own a, tho', in this lean a forlorn. Light among the vanish'd a's ; the morning when you came of a girls of equal a, but one was fair. My ring too when she comes of a. For A will chink the face, gloom of A And suffering cloud And over the flight of the A 's ! What hast thou done for me, grim Old A I have climb'd to the snows of A , all but deaf thro' a and weariness, and ere the crowning A of a's, When I make for an A of gold, Helter-skelter runs the a ; Agent (SeecdsoA^pnt) Thro" many «',s making strong. Love thou thy land 39 Aghast {See also Half-Aghast) all that mark'd him were a. Gareth and L. 1399 not a word ! ' and Enid was a ; Geraint and E. 18 men and women staring and a, ,, 804 a the maiden rose. White as her veil, Guinevere 362 Agincourt ' this,' he said, ' was Hugh's at A ; Princess, Pro., 25 Agint (Agent) Yer Honour's own a, he says to me Tomorrow 63 Agitated j^ople around the royal chariot a, BoOdicea 73 Aglala a double April old, A slept. Princess ii 111 my sweet yl, my one child : „ i; 101 Came i'sycho, sorrowing for A, ,, •yi 29 A-glare all tho Hells a-g in either eye, Akbar's Dream 115 Aglow Aglow ' yiy Rose ' set all your face re, Agned-Cathregonion And up in A -O too, Ago3,n (gone) whoy, Doctor's abeiin an' a : Agony ancient melody Of an inward a, one voice an a Of lamentation, kill'd with some luxurious a, modest bosom prest In a, as cried Christ ere His a wail of women and children, multitudmoua agomes, Roman slaughter, multitudinous agonies. With agonies, with energies, Travail, and throes and agonies of the life, into wastes and solitudes For a, up the side, sweating with a. Brain-feverous in his heat and a, one voice, an a Of lamentation, All joy, to whom my a was a joy. and in his a conceives A shameful sense these in my a Did I make bare my dull a, Ideally to her transferr'd, Dead of some inward a— is it so ? Twisted hard in mortal a A-grawin' (growing) hes now be a-g sa howd, Agreed a That much allowance must be made 80 it was a when first they came ; A to, this, the day fled on his wish, whereto the Queen a then they were a upon a night he sent, an' the father a ; An' Molly an' me was o, Agrin His visage all a as at a wake, Agi'ippuia and the Roman brows Of A Agypt (Egypt) Thim ould blind nagers in A, A-hawking We ride a-h with Sir Lancelot Ahead ho rode on a, as he waved his blade Aid (a) knew not whither he should turn for a. for lack of gentle maiden's a. He needs no a who doth his ladv's will.' following thy true counsel, by thine a, Aid (verb) Us, who stand now, when we should a the right— Lord, A all this foolish people ; « me, give me strength Not to tell her, a me Heaven when at mine uttermost, Aiding serve them both in a her — Aidless to leave thee thus. A, alone, to leave thee thus, A , alone, Aldoneus car Of dark A rising rapt thee Ail mother thought, What a's the boy ? What a's us, who are sound, Ail'd What a her then, that ere she enter'd, told his gentle wife What a him, Aileth Whata thee? whom waitest thou Ailing ' Anything a,' I ask'd her, ' with baby ? only — you Were always a. Ailment Yours has been a slighter a, Aim(s) Embrace our re's : work out your freedom. For fear our solid re be dissipated works Without a conscience or an a. so I wake to the higher a's he kept his mind on one sole a, a's Were sharpen'd by strong hate Because all other Hope had lower a ; Ready ! take a at their leaders- Look to your butts, and take good a's ! Aim (verb) one would a an arrow fair, Aim'd fairy arrows a All at one mark, Nay, but she re not at glory ,^ A at the helm, his lance err'd ; better a are your flank fusillades — Aiming near storm, and a at his head, In a at an all but hopeless mark Aimless three days, a about the land. Air (atmosphere) Till the & And the ground Or breathe into the hollow a, Roses on the T. 3 Lancelot and E. 300 N. Fdmier, O. S., 2 Claribel 7 M. d'Arthiir 200 Vision of Sin 43 Aylmer's Field 417 793 Boadicea 26 » ..?! In Mem. conn 18 Corn, of Arthur 76 Lancelot and E. 253 494 854 Pass, of Arthur 368 Lover's Tale i 656 793 ,, a 47 136 To W. n. Brookfield 10 Locksley //., Sixty, 98 Village Wife 107 Aylmer's Field 409 Princess Hi 36 176 Lancelot and E. 1169 Ouinevere 96 First Quarrel 18 Spinster's S's. 49 Princess v 521 ,, a 85 Tonwrroto 69 Merlin and V. 95 Heavy Brigade 9 Com. of Arthur 40 Lancelot and E. 765 Pelleas and E. 281 Akhar's Dream 154 Poland 13 St. S. Stylites 223 Enoch Arden 785 Man: of Geraint 502 Princess vvi 268 M. d' Arthur 41 Pass, of Arthur 209 JJemeter and P. 39 Miller's J). 93 Walk, to tlie Mail 105 Enoch Arden 518 Geraint and E. 504 Adeline 45 The Wreck 61 Tlie Ring 311 Locksley H., Sixty, 17 Princess ii 89 ,, Hi 266 In Mem. xxxiv 8 Maud III TO 38 Merlin aiid V. 626 Guinevere 19 Lover's Tale i 455 Def. of Lucknoiv 42 Riflemen form / 16 In Mem. Ixxxvii 25 Aylmer's Field 94 Wages 4 Geraint and E. 157 Def. of Lucknmv 57 Aylmer's Field 727 The Ring 346 Pelleas and E. 391 Nothing will Die 27 Snpp. Confessions 58 Air (atmosphere) {enntimi.ed) fires and fluid range Of lawless a's, The living a's of middle night a is damp, and hush'd, and close. Life in dead stones, or spirit in a ; Wide, wild, and open to the a. Or when little a's arise, With melodious a's lovelorn, reveal'd themselves to English a, a Sleepeth over all the heaven, Like softened a's that blowing steal. The very a about the door earth and a seem only burning fire.' the summer a's blow cool the languid a did swoon. Falls, and floats adown the a. warm a's lull us, blowing lowly) was no motion in the dumb dead re, round them sea and a are dark made the a Of Life delicious, murmur broke the stillness of that a Felt earth as re beneath me, A soft re fans the cloud apart ; deep re listen'd round her as she rode, I yearn to breathe the a's of heaven Are touch'd, are turn'd to finest a. And clouds are highest up in o, All the re was torn in sunder. Like Fancy made of golden re, green From draughts of balmy re. black yew gloom'd the stagnant re, sweet half-English Neilgherry re breath Of tender a made tremble at a touch of light, an a of heaven, rush of the re in the prone swing, to flush his blood with re. Drank the large re, and saw, towering o'er him in serenest re, flushing the guiltless re. Spout soul flies out and dies in the re.' sweet as English re could make her, each light re On our mail'd heads : ' for this wild wreath of re, went The enamour'd re sighing with a tender foot, light as on re, shake To the same sweet re. Naked, a double light in re and wave, like a broken purpose waste in re : In that fine re I tremble. Thro' the long-tormented a Heaven Flash'd as they turn'd in re €lash, ye bells, in the merry March re ! diviner re Breathe thro' the world And snowy dells in a golden re. .bird in re, and fishes turn'd cloud in my heart, and a storm in the re ! no ruder re perplex Thy sliding keel, Calm and deep peace in this wide a, And circle moaning in the a : Was as the whisper of an a As light as carrier-birds in re ; seem to have reach'd a purer a. Sweet after showers, ambrosial re. And shook to all the liberal re drink the cooler re, and mark The memory like a cloudless a. With summer spice the humming re ; the stirring re The life re-orient Thy voice is on the rolling re ; ruin'd woodlands drove thro' the re. essences turn'd the live re sick fed With honey'd rain and delicate re, Melody on branch, and melody in mid re. solid turrets topsy-turvy in re : under one long lane of cloudless a Ms Siipp. Confessions 148 Arabian Nights 69 A spirit liaunts 13 A Character 9 Dying Sivan 2 Adeline 33 „ 55 Elednore 2 „ 38 Two Voices 406 Miller's D. 103 (Enone 268 May Quem, N. Ts. E. 27 Lotos-Eaters 5 „ C.^.,31 89 D. of F. Women 65 Love thmi thy land 63 Gardener's D. 69 147 ,, 212 Ttthonus 32 Godiva 54 Sir Galahad 63 72 Lady Clare 2 TJie Captain 43 Tlie Voyage 66 Sir L. and Q. G. 9 Tlie Letters 2 The Brook 17 „ 202 Avhner's Field 5 86 Sea Dreams 34 Lucretius 178 274 Princess, Pro., 155 V 244 318 '^' lo 88 ,, vii 69 167 214 3.54 Ode on Well. 128 Light Brigade 28 W. to Alacandra 18 W. to Marie Alex. 43 Tlie Daisy 68 The Victim 19 Wiiidmo, Gone 6 In Mem. ix 9 ,, a» 13 ,, xii 15 ,, xvii 3 ,, XXV 6 ,, xxxiii2 ,, Ixxxvi 1 ,, Uexxix 7 " • V? ,, XCIV 11 „ ci% ,, cxvi 5 Maud I i 12 ,, odii 11 ,, xviii 21 Gareth and L. 183 255 Balin and Balan 461 Air 6 Alia Air (atmosphere) {contin ved) their foreheads felt the cooling a, Balin and Balan 589 for God's love, a little a ! Lancelot and E. 505 a that smites his forehead is not a Holy Grail 914 choice from a, land, stream, and sea, Pdleas and E. 149 my rase, that sweeten'd all mine a — ,, 403 started thro' mid a Bearing an eagle's nest : Last Tournament 14 stump Pitch-blacken'd sawing the a, ,,67 heather-scented a, Pulsing full man ; „ 691 spouting from a cliflf Fails in mid a, Guinevere 609 could not breathe in that fine a ,, 645 outward circling a wherewith I breathe, Lover's Tale i 167 seem'd a gossamer filament up in a, ,, 413 moon. Half -melted into thin blue a, „ 421 flowing odour of the spacious a, ,, 478 to all that draw the wholesome o, „ 500 the gentlest a's of Heaven Should kiss „ 738 A morning a, sweet after rain, ,, Hi 3 Bore her free-faced to the free a's ,, iw 38 veil, that seemed no more than gilded a, ,, 290 and horrible fowls of the a, Jtizpah 39 ♦0 diviner ^.' (repeat) Sisters (E. and E.) 4 Breathe, diviner A\ , , 13 but as welcome as free a's of heaven ,, 197 Ctod's free a, and hope of better things. Sir J. Oldcastle 10 jewell'd throne thro' the fragrant a, V. of Maeldune 59 where the water is clearer than a: „ 77 all that suffers on land or in a or the deep. Despair 45 Yon summit half-a-league in a — Ancient Sage 11 And now one breath of cooler a ,, 117 side by side in God's free light and a, The Flight 81 The woods with living a's Early Spring 19 light a's from where the deep, ,, 21 there In haunts of junglc-poison'd a To Marq. of Ihtfferin 31 pierce the glad and songful a, Devieier and P. 45 we will feed her with our mountain a, The Ring 319 np the tower — an icy a Fled by me. — ,, 445 marvel how in English a My yucca, To Ulysses 20 her bare To breaths of balmier a ; Prog, of Spring 13 Air (strain of music) .^Eolian harp that wakes No certain a, Two Voices 437 With the a of the trumpet round him, Princess v 162 slightest a of song shall breathe In Mem., xlix 7 She is singing an a that is known to me, Maud / v 3 while I past he was bumming an a, ,, xiii 17 playest that a with Queen Isolt, Last Tournament 263 num An a the nuns had taught her ; Guinevere 163 plajr That a which pleased her first. Lover's Tale i 21 amid eddies of melodious a's, „ 450 ' A and Words,' Said Hubert, The Ring 24 Air (manner) 1 know her by her angry a, Kate 1 A cold a pass'd between us, The Ring 380 'Air (hair) was stroakin ma down wi' the 'a, Spinster's Ss. 19 An' 'is 'a coom'd off i' my 'ands (hod Raii 100 Air'd into the world, And a him there : Aylmer's Field 468 Atrtng A a snowy hand and signet gem, Princess i 121 Airm (arm) blacksmith 'e strips me the thick ov 'is a, North. Cobbler 85 Airth But a was at pace nixt mornin', Tomorrow 25 Aisle ' Dark porch,' I said, 'and silent a, The Letters 47 but in the middle a Reel'd, Aylmer's Field 818 ambrosial a's of lofty lime Princess, Pro., 87 giant a'l, Rich in model and design ; Ode Inter. Exhib. 12 ■ombre, old, colonnaded a't. The Daisy 56 often I and Amy in the mouldering a have stood, Locksley //., Sixty, 31 AJalon like Joshua's miwn in A ! Locksley Hall 180 Ajar Thky have left the doors o ; Sisters (E. and E.) \ A-Joompin' (jumping) An' hallus a-j' about ma Spinster's Ss. 89 Akbar (^Hogul Emperor) a-fk'd his Chronicler Of A Akhar't Dream 2 turning hIowIv toward him, A said ,, 4 Akin (Stf tdsu Half-akin) Maud to him is nothing a : Maud I xiii 38 lawful and la wlcHH war Are scarcely even a. ,, II v 9!) ■wallow nnd the «wift are near a, Vam. of Arthur 313 Akrokeraunian 'I'he vast A walls. To E. L. 4 A-la&id (l3ring) fun 'urn theer a-l on 'is faitce N. Fann/r, 0. S., 33 Alarm when fresh from war's a't, I), of F. ^^'. if F. Wmnen 238 Ammonian A Oasis in the waste. A Uaxiiuler 8 Ammonite Huge A's, and the first bones of Time ; Princess, Pro., 15 Amo ' lo t'a ' — and these diamonds — The Ring 70 This very ring To t'a ? „ 1-34 This ring ' lo t'a ' to his best beloved, ,, 210 cried ' I see him. To t'«, lo t'a.' ,, 223 call thro' this ' lo t'a ' to the heart Of Miriam ; ,, 234 ' lo t'rt, all is well then.' Muriel fled. ,, 271 You love me still ' lo t'a.'— „ 291 ' lo t'a, lo t'a' ! ' flung herself ,, 397 even that ' lo t'a,' those three sweet Italian words, ,, 406 Amoighty (Almighty) ' The a's a taakin o' you to 'iss^n, (repeat) N. Fanner, 0. S., 10, 26 Amorous (See cdso All-amorou^ Human-amorous) with argent-lidded eyes A, Arabian Nights 136 Of temper a, as the first of May, Princess i 2 High nature a of the good, In Mem. cix 9 Amorously kiss Thy taper fingers a, Madeline 44 shall we dandle it a ? Boddicea 33 A-mountin' we 'card 'im a-m oop 'igher an' 'igher. North. Cobbler 47 Amourist your modem a is of easier, earthlior make. Locksley IT., Sixty, 18 Amphion In days of old yl, AmphionW Amuck Ran a Malayan a against the times, Aylmer's Field 463 Amulet What « drew her down ,, 507 kept it as a sacred a About mo, — The Ring 442 Amurath (Turkish Emperor) Or A of the East ? Sir J. Oldcastle 97 Amy I said, ' My cousin A, speak, Locksley Hall 23 my A, mine no more ! „ 39 A's arms about my neck — Locksley H., Sixty, 13 Amy (cmitinued) A loyed me, A fail'd me, A was a timid child ; Locksley H., Sixty, 19 often I and A in the mouldering aisle have .stood, ,, 31 Lies my A dead in child-birth, ,, 36 Hero to-day was A with me, ,, 53 of .fl 's kin and mine art left to me. ,, 56 our latest meeting — A — sixty years ago — ,, 177 Amygdaloid trap and tuflf, .1 and trachyte. Princess Hi 363 Ana Ere days, that deal in a. Will Water. 199 Anadem Lit light in wreaths and a's, Palace of Art 186 A-naggin ' Moother 'ed beiin a-n about the gell Chvd Rod 69 Anakim I felt the thews of ..4, InMem.ciii^l Analyse and a Onr double nature, Supp. Confessions 174 Anarch wearied of Autocrats, A 's, and Slaves, Tlie hreamer 10 Anathema Thunder '■A,' friend, at you ; To F. D. Maurice 8 Anatolian Ghost Crag -cloister ; A G ; To Ulysses 43 Anatomic not found among them all One a.' Princess Hi 307 Ancestor those fixt ayes of painted a's Aylmer's Field 832 Anchor (s) with silver a left afloat, Arabian Nights 93 there was no a, none. To hold by.' The Epic 20 Nor a dropt at eve or morn ; The Voyage 82 A's of rusty fluke, and boats Enoch Arden 18 Cast all your cares on God ; that a holds. ,, 222 lay At a in the flood below ; In Mem. ciii 20 my love Waver'd at a with me. Lover's Tale i 65 Anchor (verb) Why not yet A thy frailty there, Supp. Confessions 124 To a by one gloomy thought ; Two Voices 459 Anchor'd Tho' a to the bottom, such is he.' Pnncess iv 257 A tawny pirate a in his port. Merlin and V. 558 Half-swallow'd in it, a with a chain ; Holy Grail 803 Anchorite a Would haunt the desolated fane, St. Teleinachus 12 Ancients (s) For we are ^4 's of the earth. Day- Dm,, L' Envoi \9 Ancle See Ankle 'And (hand) an" thy muther coom to 'a, N. Farmed', N. S., 21 But I puts it inter 'er 'a's North. Cobbler 72 an' poonch'd my 'a wi' the hawl, ,, 78 Fur I couldn't 'owd 'a's off gin, „ 84 An" 'e spanks 'is 'a into mine, ,, 92 new Squire's coom'd wi' 'is taail in 'is 'a, (repeat) Village Wife 14, 121 'e 'ed hallus a booiJk i' 'is 'a, ,, 26 an' our Nelly she gied me 'er 'a, ,, 111 An' that squeedg'd m t'a i' the shed, Spinsta-'s S's. 39 Or sits wi' their 'a's afoor 'em, ,, 86 An' 'is 'air coom'd off i' my 'a's Oivd Rod 100 Anemone (See. also 'Enemies) bum'd The red a. D. of F. Women 72 Crocus, a, violet, To F, D. Maurice 44 among the gardens, auriculas, a's. City Child 4 'Ang'd (hanged) Noiikswur'a for it oop at'soize — N'. Fanner, 0. S., 36 Angel (adj.) So sweet a face, such a grace. Beggar Maid 13 With books, with flowers, with A offices. Princess vii 26 a dearer being, all dipt In A instincts, ,, 321 Rings to the roar of an a onset — Milton 8 And be found of a eyes Helen's Toicev 11 The toll of funeral in an A ear D. of the Duke of C. 10 Angel (s) (See also Earth-Angel, Hangel) When a's spake to men aloud, Supp. Confessious 25 once by man and a's to be seen. The Kraken 14 Like that strange a which of old. Clear -headeil friend 24 thyself a little lower ' Than a's. Tim Voice^s 199 temper'd with the tears Of a's To With Pal. of Art 19 slept St. Cecily ; An a look'd at her. Palace of Art 100 a's rising and descending met ,, 143 March-morning I heard the a's call ; May Queen, Cmi., 25 saw An a stand and watch me, St. S. Stylitcs 35 Is that the a there That holds ., 203 Three a's bear the holy Grail : Sir Galahad 42 And, stricken by an a's hand, ,, 69 been as God's good a in our house. Enoch Ardeit 423 Fair as the A that said ' Hail ! * Aylmer's Field 681 himself Were that great A ; Sea, Dreams 27 devil in man, there is an a too, ,, 278 His a broke his heart. ,, 280 ' lest some classic A speak In scorn Princess Hi 70 the woman's yl guards you, ,, r 410 No A, but a dearer being, ,, vii .320 Angel 10 Annie Angel (b) (coh/ih ued) Whose Titan a's, Gabriel, Abdiel, Milton 5 My guardian a will sjieak out In Mem. xltv 15 1 found an a of the night ; ,, Ixix 14 An a watching an urn Wept Maud I viii 3 ship and sail and a's blowing on it : lialin and Balan 365 a's of our Lord's report. Merlin and V. 16 I pray him, send a sudden A down Ijincelot and E. 1424 So that the a's vrere amazed, Holy Qrail 451 a't, awful shapes, and wings and eyes. ,, 848 I, and Arthur and the a's hear, Last Toumuinent 350 we are not a's here Nor shall be : face, Which then was as an a's, I to her became Her guardian and her a, Come like an a to a damned soul, like the waft of an A 's wing ; Till you find the deathless .1 mountain-walls Young a's pass. hear a death-bed ,1 whisper 'Hope.' Angelo The bar of Michael A . Anger (b) Delicious spites and darling a's, Then wax'd her a stronger. as with a kind of a in him, his a reddens in the heavens ; their ravening eagle rose In a, troubled, as if with a or pain : all their a in miraculous utterances, an a, not by blood to be satiated. The bitter springs of a and fear ; Till I with as fierce an a spoke, vassals of wine and a and lust, strength of a thro' mine arms, And when his a tare him, ruth began to work Against his a or hot, God's curse, with a — beast, whose a was his lord. As acme wild turn of a, turn of a bom Of your misfaith ; Vivien, frowning in true a, breaths of a iJuflTd Her fairy nostril his a slowly died Within him, too faint and sick am I For a : first her a, leaving Pelleas, storm of a brake From Guinevere, as a falls aside And withers so fluster'd with a were they and in a we sail'd away. great God, Ares, burns in a still climbing from the bath In a ; And a's of the Gods for evil done and quench The red God's a, And who, when his a was kindled, moment's a of bees in their hive '{ — sound of a like a distant storm. wild horse, a, plunged To fling me. Rolling her a Thro' blasted valley Anger (verb) A 's thee most, or a's thee at all ? . Anger charm 'd Sat a-c from sorrow, Anger'dfadj.) (.See «/*<> Half-anger'd) The flush of a shame O'erflows Those dragon eyes of a Eleanor (Weth spake A, 'Old Master, Sick ? or for any matter a at me ? ' most of these were mute, some o, I was jealous, a, vain, Anger'd (verb) jealousies Which a her. Who a JameM T 'So Merlin riddling a me ; a saying that a her. But he a me all the more, an' be a me more and more. Kh ! how I « Arundel asking me Angerly Again thou blushest a ; Angle (comerl We nib each other's a's down, Angle (race of people) Saxon and A from Over the broad billow Guinevere 596 Lover's Tale i 393 673 In the. Chad. Hasp. 38 Locksley H., Sixtj/, 278 Early Spring 12 Romney's R. 148 In Menu Ixxxvii 40 Madeline 6 T}i£ Goose 30 Enoch Arden 392 Princess iv 386 Ode on Well. 120 Grandmother 65 Boadicea 23 „ 52 Maud / X 49 „ // i 17 43 Gareth and L. 948 1340 Geraint and E. 102 661 Balin and Balan 488 Merlin and V. 521 531 691 848 891 Lancelot and E. 1087 Pelleas and E. 289 Gxdnevere 361 Lover's Tale i 9 V. of Maeldune 25 54 Tiresias 11 n 41 „ 62 „ L58 The Wreck 17 Vastness 35 T)ie Ring 119 Akhar's Ih-eam 118 Kapiolani 11 Lucretius 75 Aybner's Field 728 Madeline 32 D. ofF. Women 2r>5 Gareth and L. 280 Baiin and Balan 276 Last Tournament 210 Happy 66 Tlie Brook 100 Com. of Arthur 412 Last Tmirnament 628 First Quarrel 64 66 ^r J. Oldcaslle 135 Madeline 45 In Mem. Ixxxix 40 Bait, of Brunanburh 118 Angled But a in the higher pool. a with them for her pupil's love : Angling loft That a to the mother. Angrier I never ate with a appetite Angry Hungry for honour, a for his king. Hortensia pleading : a was her face. — it makes me a now. makes me a yet to speak of it — Anguisant (King of Erin) With A of Erin, Morganore, Anguish Life, a, death, immortal love, ' Thine a will not let thee sleep, ' Or that this a fleeting hence, down in hell Suffer endless «, Beauty and a walking hand in hand She loveth her own a deep Shall I heed them in their a ? My deeper a also falls, My a hangs like shame. inher a found The casement : Sweat, writhings, a, labouring in the sudden a of her heart became A intolerable. Life with its a, and horrors, and errors — Animal (adj.) With a beat and dire insanity ? Animal (s) "rhe single pure and perfect a, Animalism Hetairai, curious in their art, Hired a's, Ankle-Ancle From head to ande fine. One praised her ancles, one her eyes. At last I hook'd my ankle in a vine, Behind his ankle twined her hollow feet Ankle-bells To make her smile, her golden a-h. Ankle-bones feet unmortised from their a-b Ankle-deep And brushing a-d in flowers, Ankle-wing as it were with Mercury's a-w, Anlaf (Danish King) Sparing not any of "Those that with A , Earls of the army of A Fell nor had A With armies so broken Annal-book Merlin did In one great a-h, Annals Holding the folded a of my youth ; Told him, with other a of the port, with a day Blanch'd in our a, Bead the wide world's a, you, glorious a of army and fleet, Anne is gone, you say, little A ? I had not wept, little A , not since Annie {See also Annie Lee, Hannie) While A still was mistress ; and make a home For A : a home For A , neat and nestlike, Enoch and A, sitting hand-in-hand, set A forth in trade With all that seamen moving homeward came on A pale, to break his purposes To A , A fought against his will : Bought A goods and stores, A seem'd to hear Her own death-scaffold would work for A to the last, A's fears, Save, as his A's, ' A , this voyage by the grace of God A , come, cheer up before I go. ' A, the ship I sail in passes here ' A , my girl, cheer up, be comforted, When A would have raised him A from her baby's forehead dipt same week when A buried it, but A, seated with her grief, '^1,1 came to ask a favour of you. ' A , now — Have we not known each other A — for I am rich and well-to-do. A with her brows against the wall ask'd ' Then you will let me, A ? ' for A 's sake, Fearing the lazy gossip Miller's D. 64 Princess Hi 93 The Ring 356 Geraint and E. 233 Princess vB14 ,, vii 132 Grandmother 44 Lover's Tale iv 135 Com. of Arthur 115 Arabian Nights 73 T^vo Voices 49 235 Lotos-Eaters, C. S., 124 D. ofF. Women \h To J. S. 42 Boadicea 9 In Mem. xix 15 Ma%id II iv 74 Guinevere 586 Pass, of Arthur 115 Lover's Tcde i 702 „ a 138 Despair 48 iMcretius 163 Princess vii 306 Lucretius 53 Talking Oak 224 Beggar Maid 11 Princess iv 268 Merlin and V. 240 579 552 In Mem, Ixxxix 49 Lucretius 201 Batt. of Brunanburh 46 53 81 Com. of Arthur 158 Gardener's D. 244 Enoch Arden 702 Princess vi 63 Locksley H., Sixty, 104 Vastness 7 Grandmother 1 63 Enoch Arden 26 48 59 69 138 149 156 158 169 174 180 183 190 200 214 218 232 235 271 280 285 305 311 314 323 334 Annie 11 Answered Annie {continued) Philip did not fathom A 's mind : one evening A's children long'd To go And A would go with them ; For was not A with them ? ' Listen, A , How merry they are Tired, A ? ' for she did not speak And A said ' I thought not of it : * A, there is a thing upon my mind, A, It is beyond all hope, answer'd .1 ; tenderly she spoke : ^ A, as I have waited all my life fearing night and chill for A, At A 's door he p>aused and gave 'A, when I spoke to you, A weeping answer'd ' I am bound.' 'Take your own time, A, take A could have wept for pity of him ; chanced That A could not sleep, never merrily beat A 's heart. The babes, their babble, A , home Where A lived and loved him, His gazing in on A , his resolve, tell my daughter A, whom I saw For, A, you see, her father was not the man 1 cannot cry for him, A : Why do you look at me, A ? at your age, A , I could have wept (repeat) I mean your grandfather, A : But soihng another, A, Shadow and shine is life, little A, children. A, they're all about me yet. my A who left me at two, my own little .4, an ^ like you : in this Book, little A , the message Get me my glasses, A : Hall but Miss A , the heldest, but Miss A she said it wur draains, Hoanly Miss A were saw stuck oop, An' es for Miss A es call'd me afoor taake it kindly ov owd Miss A A, what shall I do ? ' A consider'd. ' If I,' said the wise little A, That was a puzzle for A . Enoch Arden 344 362 364 371 388 390 395 399 „ 402 „ 422 435 443 447 448 451 ,, 466 467 490 513 606 685 863 882 Qraiuiniother 5 15 17 „ 20, 100 23 36 60 76 77 78 96 „ 106 Village Wife 8 11 59 „ 105 „ 109 In the Child, ffosp. 47 48 55 A L, The prettiest little Annie Lee (See also Annie) damsel Enoch Arden 11 A later but a loftier A L, ,, 748 Annihilate eagle's beak and talon a us ? Boddicea 11 Announced ^1 the coming doom, and fulminated Sea Dreams 22 Annulet And into many a listless «, Qei-aint and E. 258 Answer (s) Our thought gave « each to each, Sonnet To 10 The sullen a slid betwixt : Two Voices 226 There must be a to his doubt, ,, 309 I spoke, but a came there none : ,, 425 To which my soul made a readily : Palace of Art 17 Not rendering true a, AI. d' Arthur 74 some sweet a, tho' no a came. Gardener's I). 159 let me have an a to my wish ; Dwa 30 before thine a given Departest, Titlwnns 44 an a peal'd from that high land. Vision of Sin 221 Rejoicing at that a to his prayer. Enoch Arden 127 such a voluble a promising all, ,, 903 And Leolin's horror-stricken a, Aylmer's Field 318 hush'd itself at last Hopeless of a: ,, 543 therewithal an rt vague as wind : Pnncess i 45 In this report, this a of a king, ,, 70 Her a was ' Leave me to deal with that.' ,, Hi 149 a which, half-muffled in his beard, ,, v 234 oozed All o'er with honey'd a ,, 242 I lagg'd in a loth to render up ,, 299 shall have her a by tho word.' ,, 327 Last, Ida's o, in a royal hand, ,, 371 what a should I give ? ,, mi 6 The noblest a unto such Is perfect Lit. Squabbles 19 it seem'd that an a came. The Victim 24 Answer (s) (continued) Bark an a, Britain's doubts and a's here proposed, What hope of a, or redress ? But Death returns an a sweet : A faithful a from the breast, win An a from my lips, Make a, Maud my bliss, old Seer made a playing on him said your say ; Mine a was my deed, being still rebuked, would a still Made a sharply that she should not So moving without a to her rest He made a wrathful a : ' Did I wish he flung a wrathful a back : Made a, either eyelid wet Is that an a for a noble knight ? Full simple was her a, ' What know I ? all their a's were as one : And when his a chafed them, Percivale made a not a word. Well then, what a ? ' voice about his feet Sent up an a when she drew No a, by and by a mournful a made the Queen : Not rendering true a, Had made a silent a : to that passionate a of full heart an a came Not from the nurse — all the night an a shrill'd. Answer (verb) And a's to his mother's calls I shall know Thy voice, and a Or a should one press his hands '( He a's not, nor understands. ' But thou canst a not again. Or thou wilt a but in vain. will she a if I call ? you dare to a thus ! To that man My work shall a, He will a to the purpose. Scarce a to my whistle ; in gentle murmur. When they a could a him, If question'd, to a. Madam, all those hard things Madam, you should a, we would ask) told me she would a us to-day, a, echoes, dying, dying, dying, (repeat) a, echoes, a, dying, dying, dying. {A, a) We give you his life.' ' wife, what use to a now ? A each other in the mist. Love would a with a sigh, whatever is ask'd her, a's 'Death.' wilt thou not a this ? musing ' Shall I a yea or nay ? ' but a scorn with scorn. it shall a for me. Ljsten to it. But shall it ? a, darling, a, no. To a that which came : he had Scarce any voice to a, Doth question'd memory a not, if my neighbour whistle a's him — Highlanders a with conquering cheers, Who then will have to a, ' give it to me, ' but he would not a me — Answer'd To which he a scoffingly ; in that time and place she a me. But William a short ; William a madly ; bit his lips, he a me ; And well his words plagiarised a heart. And a in mimic cadence a James — She a to my call, A all queries touching those at home Echo a in her sleep From hollow fields : a sharply that I talk'd astray. raven ! Boadicea 13 In Mem. xlviii 3 ,, Ivi 27 ,, Ixxxv 14 ,, ciii 50 Maud I xviii 57 Gareth and L. 252 1175 1249 Man: of Geraint 196 ■„ 530 Geraint and E. 76 146 Merlin and V. 379 Lancelot and E. 201 671 Holy Grail 284 673 Pelleas and E. 534 Last Tournament 713 761 Guinevere 162 „ 841 Pass, of Arthur 242 Lover's Tale iv 96 Sisters (E. and E.) 259 The Wreck 143 Demeter and P. 61 Supp. Confessions 159 My life is full 10 Tivo Voices 245 246 310 312 Miller's D. 118 Dora 26 Love and Duty 29 Locksley Hall 55 Amphion 68 L. of Burleigh 50 Enoch Arden 653 . Princess ii 345 " ...^^^ ,, Hi 166 „ ivQ, 12 ,, iv 18 The Victim 15 „ 55 In Mem. xxviii 4 ,, XXXV 13 Maud I i 4 ,, xviii 59 Cmn. of Arthur 426 Gareth and L. 953 Merlin and V. 386 397 Holy Grail 12 „ 434 Lover's Tale i 277 ,, iv 161 Def. of Lucknow 99 Columbus 213 Bandit's Death 27 Two Voices 37 Gardener's D. 231 Dora 22 „ 33 Edwin Mo7Ti.i 24 Talking Oak 20 Golden Year 53 Will Water. 106 Aylmer's Fidd 465 Princess, Pro., 66 ,, Hi 140 Answer'd 12 Approved Answer'd {condnuetf) I a nothing, doubtful in when have I a thee ? Gods have a ; We give them the wife ! ' Doubt not ye the Gk)ds have a, The * wilt thou ' «, and again and a me In riddling triplets Gareth « them With laughter, Sir Gareth a, laughingly, thou hast ever a courteously, reviled, hast a graciously, A Sir Gareth graciously to one ask'd it of him, Who a as before ; « with such craft as women use, not dead ! ' she a in all haste. Enid a, harder to be moved truest eyes that ever a Heaven, I am a, and henceforth ever well and readily a he : Lancelot spoke And a him at full, in ber heart she a it and said, he a not, Or short and coldly, whom she a with all calm. He a with his eyes upon the ground, Lancelot a nothing, but he went, a not, but, sharply turning, she a, and she laugh'd, Gawain a kindly tho* in scorn, a them Even before high God. he a not, * Or hast thou other griefs ? was a softly by the King I should have a his farewell. To all their queries a not a word, Julian, sitting by her, a all : he a her wail with a song — Answering a under crescent brows ; a now my random stroke a not one word, she led the way. to the court of Arthur a yea. Ant one whose foot is bitten by an a, What Ls it all but a trouble of a's Antagonism in the teeth of clench 'd a's And toppling over all a And, toppling over all a, Anthem a sung, is charm'd and tied sound of the sorrowing a roH'd Anther With a's and with dust : Antibabylonianism And loud -lung'd ^r« Antichrist He leans on ^1 ; or that his mind, Tliat mock-meek mouth of utter ,1, Antiquity A front of timher-crost a, Anton (a knight) This is the son of A, not the Arthur born of Gorlois, Others of ^ ? ' And gave him to Sir /I, else the child of A , and no king, Antony (Mark) >'^e. Mark Antony Anvil Hilvcr hammern falling On silver a's, iron-clanging a bang'd With hammers ; Ansrthing He never meant us a I but good. iJehoId, we know not a ; can nee elsewhere, a so fair. Henceforth in all the world at «, Apartment die> 1^9 that my a's Were wound about thee, ,, 202 Sat smiling, babe in a. Palace of Art 96 my a was lifted to hew down D. of F. Women 45 humid a's festooning tree to tree, ,, 70 mailed Bacchus leapt into mj a's, „ 151 kneeling, with one a about her king, ,, 270 He held a goose upon his a, The Goose 5 He took the goose upon his a, ,, 41 an a Rose up from out the bosom M. d' Arthur 29 rose an a Clothed in white samite, ,, 143 behold an a. Clothed in white samite, ,, 158 with pain, reclining on his a, ,, 168 One a aloft — Gown'd in pure white. Gardener's D. 125 in the circle of his a's Enwound us both ; ,, 216 thrust him in the hollows of his a, Dora 132 To Francis, with a basket on his a, Audley Cohort 6 Sleep, Ellen, folded in thy sister's a, ,, 63 sleeping, haply dream her a is mine. „ 64 'Sleep, Ellen, folded in Emilia's a ; ,,65 in my weak, lean a's I lift the cross, St. S. Slylites 118 leg and a with love-knots gay. Talking Oak 65 She sank her head upon her a ,, 207 close and dark my a's I spread, ,, 225 I wither slowly in thine a's, Tithonus 6 Roll'd in one another's a's, Locksley Hall 58 Glows forth each softly-shadow'd a Day-Dm. Sleep. B. 13 And on her lover's a she leant, ,, Depart. 1 Mute with folded a's they waited — Tlie Captain 39 Her a's across her breast she laid Beggar Maid 1 We rush'd into each other's a's. The Letters 40 laid the feeble infant in his a's ; Enoch Arden 152 strong a's about his drooping wife, ,, 228 babe, who rear'd his creasy a's, ,, 751 he rose, he spread his a's abroad ,, 912 grovelike, each huge a a tree, Aylmer's Field 510 a's stretch'd as to grasp a flyer : ,, 588 sideways up he swung his a's, Sea Di'eavis 24 waved my a to warn them off ; ,, 132 raised your a, you tumbled down ,, 141 soft a, which, like the pliant bough , , 290 roll thy tender a's Round him, Lucretius 82 her « lifted, eyes on fire — Princess, Pro., 41 long a's and hands Reach'd out, ,, i 28 lapt In the a's of leisure, ,, w 168 holding out her lily a's Took both his hands, ,, 303 Herself and Lady Psyche the two a's; ,, Hi 35 then Oaring one a, and bearing in my left ,, iv 183 drew My burthen from mine a's ; ,, 192 A Niobijan daughter, one a out, ,, 371 She stretch'd her a's and call'd ,, 496 From Arac's a, as from a giant's flail, ,, v 500 Ida stood With Psyche's babe in a : „ vi 31 on every side A thousand a'$ ,, 37 glittering axe was broken in their a's, „ 51 a'$ were shattor'd to the shoulder blade. ,, 52 and with the l>abe yet in her a's, j, 74 reach its fatling innocent a's ,^ 138 in your own «'« To hold your own, ^^ 177 breast that fed or a that dandled you, 181 Arm (b) (continued) from mine a's she rose Glowing Princess vii 159 and Jenny hung on his a. Grandmother 42 he turn'd and claspt me in his a's, , , 55 So dear a life your a's enfold The Daisy 93 She cast her a's about the child. The Victim 32 He stay'd his a's upon his knee : ,,54 And moves his doubtful a's, and feels Jn Mem. xiii 3 When Science reaches forth her a's „ xxi 18 Laid their dark a's about the field, (repeat) In Mevi. xcv 16, 52 They mix in one another's a's In Mem. cii 23 That watch'd her on her nurse's a, „ Con. 46 To find the a's of my true love Maud II iv 3 So well thine a hath wrought for me to-day." Com. of Arthur 127 «'s Stretch'd under all the cornice Gareth and L. 218 with a kindly hand on Gareth's a , , 578 bears a skeleton figured on his a's, ,, 640 lifted either a, ' Fie on thee, King ! ,, 657 His a's, the rosy raiment, and the star. ,, 938 Sun Heaved up a ponderous a ,, 1045 writhed his wiry a's Around him, ,, 1150 Lifted an a. and softly whisper'd, ,, 1361 a's on which the standing muscle sloped, Man; of Gerainl 76 ' noble breast and all-puissant a's, ,, 86 Not to be folded more in these dear a's, ,, 99 Claspt the gray walls with hairy-fibred a's, ,, 323 Down by the length of lance and a Gerainl and E. 463 and she cast her a's About him, % ,, 761 His a half rose to strike again, but fell : Balin and Balan 223 If a of flesh could lay him.' ,, 299 either lock'd in cither's a. ,, 632 woven paces and with waving a's. Merlin and V, 207 curved an a about his neck, ,, 241 made her lithe a round his neck Tighten, ,, 614 gentle wizard cast a shielding a. ,, 908 rose. Her a's upon her breast across, ,, 910 sloping down to make A 's for his chair, Lancelot and E, 438 battle-writhen a's and mighty hands „ 812 innocently extending her white a's, „ 932 armlet for the roundest a on earth, „ 1183 an a to which the Queen's Is haggard, „ 1226 Caught from his mother's a's — ,, 1405 often in her a's She bare me, ,, 1410 milky a Red-rent with hooks of bramble, Holy Grail 210 she rose Opening her a's to meet me, „ 395 Open'd his a's to embrace me as he came, ,, 417 every moment glanced His silver a's ,, 493 Hold her a wealthy bride within thine a's, „ 621 in her white a's Received, Last Tournament 23 Why ye not wear on a, or neck, or zone ,, 36 Eight a of Arthur in the battlefield, „ 202 wert lying in thy new leman's a's.' ,, 625 For feel this a of mine — ,, 690 milkwhite a's and shadowy hair Guinevere 416 while yet Sir Lancelot, my right a „ 429 Then she stretch'd out her a's and cried ,, 606 an a Rose up from out the bosom Pass, of Arthur 197 rose an a Clothed in white samite, „ 311 behold an a. Clothed in white samite, „ 326 with pain, reclining on his a, „ 336 on one a The flaxen ringlets of our infancies Lover's Tale i 233 Bent o'er me, and my neck his a upstay'd. ,, 690 Love's a's were wreath'd about the neck of Hope, „ 815 I wound my a's About her : ,, H 200 softly put his a about her neck ,, iv 71 Holding his golden burthen in his a's, ,, 89 To greet us, her young hero in her a's ! ,, 171 bearing high in a's the mightly babe, „ 295 bearing on one a the noble babe, „ 370 sisters closed in another's a's, Sisters (E. and E.) 155 ' Emmie, you put out your a's. In the Child. IIosp. 56 It's the little girl with her a's lying out ,, 58 little a's lying out on the counterpane ; „ 70 I spread mine a's, God's work, I said, Sir J. Oldcastle 136 As I lean'd away from his a's— The Wreck 102 Arm Arm (s) {conlimicd) ' Woman '—he graspt at my Ah, clasp me in your a's, sister, would I were in Edwin's a's — 1 feel'd thy a es I stood Amy's a's about my neck — ' Mother ! ' and I was folded in thine a's. hero, my child, tho' folded in thine a's, And dying rose, and rear'd her a's, happy had I died within thine a's, and Kome was a babe in as, ' what an a,' said the king. Arm (verb) to a in proof, and guard about Morning-star, approach, A me,' ' Approach and a me ! ' Arm-chair Her father left his good a-c, small goodraan Shrinks in his a-c When asleep in this a-c '( So I sits i' my oiin a-c Arm'd (.*^ also All-arm'd, Full-arm'd, Plump one that a Her own fair head, Sleep must lie down n, for tho villainous fair, strong, a— But to be won by force — who alway rideth a in black. These a him in blue arms, and gave damsel came. And a him in old axms, wholly a, behind a rock In shadow, horsemen waiting, wholly a. And each of them is wholly a, issuing a ho found the host and cried, ho a himself and went, There two stood a, and kept the door ; and we ride, A as ye see, • knights ^4 for a day of glory before the King. a by day and night Against the Turk ; Armlet a for the roundest arm on earth, n for an arm to which the Queen's Armour And as he rode his a rung. This mortal a that I wear. His own forefathers' arms and « hung. Your very a hallow'd, and your statues When rt clash'd or jingled, he had ask'd For horse and a : so ye cleave His a off him, hew'd great pieces of his a off him, youth who scour'd His master's a ; slay him and will have his horse And a, and possess your horse And a, three gay suits of a which they wore, bound the suits Of a on their horses. Their three gay suits of a, each from each, heap'd The pieces of his a in one place, glimmer'd on his a in the room. ' Take Five horsea and their a's ; ' palfrey heart enough To bear his a ? Bled underneath his a secretly, A light of a by him flash, moved Among us in white «, Galahad, one that on me moved In golden a horse In golden a jewell'd everywhere : In silver a suddenly Galahad shone In silver-shining a starry -clear ; Wherefore now thy horse And a : Behold hia horse and a. he that hath His horse and a : In blood-red a sallying. And all her golden a on the grass, Armour'd And a all in forest green. Armourer riding further past an a's, Who, Whereat the a turning all amazed Armoury from Jehovah's gorgeous armouries, Arms (weapons) a, orpmcer of brain, or birth Thase men thine a withstood, one might show it at a joust of a, broke a close with force and a : Uia own forefathers' a and armour hung. 15 Aromat a— The Wreck 120 Tlie Flight 5 „ 45 Spinsters S's. '2b Locksley H., Sixty, 13 Detiieter ami I'. 22 40 The Ring 222 Death of (Enone 31 The Daxon 9 Tlie Tourney 12 Svpp. Confessions 65 O'areth and L. 925 1112 Talking Oak 103 Princess v 454 Maud J vii 4 S2)inslers Ss. 9 •armed) I'rincess, Pro,, 32 Maud I i 41 Gareth and L. 104 636 931 1115 Oerainl and E. 57 121 143 ,, 407 Balin and Balan 22 Lancelot and E. 1247 Pelleas and E. 65 Last Tonmavient 55 Montenegro 3 Lancelot and E. 1183 L. of Shalott III 17 Sir Galahad 70 Princess, Pro., 24 V 413 „ vi 363 Gareth and L. 474 1095 .' . llf^ Marr. of Geraint 258 Geraint and E. 63 75 97 374 386 409 490 502 Balin and Balan 326 Udv Grail 135 ., 410 ;, 412 „ 458 „ 511 Pelleas aiul E. 355 373 ;; 378 Last Tournament 443 Tiresias 45 Last Tournament 170 Marr. of Geraint 266 Milton b To tlie Queen 3 England and Amer. 7 M. d' Arthur 102 Edioin Morris 131 Princess, Pro., 24 Arms (weapons) {contimicd) clash'd in a, By glimmering 1 /vi lanes piled a and rough accoutrements, horses yell'd ; they clash'd their a ; two armies and the noise Of a ; none to trust Since our a fail'd — supple, sinew-corded, apt at a ; whose a Champion'd our cause and won it Roll of cannon and clash of a, Arthur yet had done no deed of a, many of these in richer a than he, Closed in her castle from the sound of a, his a Clash'd ; and the sound was good A for her son, and loosed him from his vow. Gareth ere he parted Hash'd in a. Mounted in a, threw up their caps ' Bound upon a quest With horse and a — few goodlier than he) Shining in a. These arm'd him in blue a, strength of anger thro' mine a, and take his horse And a, Hath overthrown thy brother, and hath his a damsel came, And arm'd him in old a, His a are old, he trusts the harden'd skin — on a nightblack horse, in nightblack a, a On loan, or else for pledge ; a, rt, a to fight my enemy '( A ? truth ! I know not : thought to find A in your town, if ye know Where I can light on a, heard me praise Your feats of a, true heart,' replied Geraint, 'but a, ' .1 , indeed, but old And rusty. Who being apt at a and big of bone Yniol's rusted a Were on his princely person, will not light my way with gilded a, Three horses and three goodly suits of a. Two sets of three laden with jingling a, take A horse and a for guerdon ; one with a to guard his head and yours, paid with horses and with a ; loosed the fastenings of his a, grow In use of a and manhood, while she watch'd their a far-off Sparkle, earth shake, and a low thunder of a. glittering in enamell'd a the maid From noiseful a, and acts of prowess a Hack'd, and their foreheads grimed Lend me thine horse and a, Pelleas lent his horse and all his a, one might show it at a joust of a, Grold, jewels, a, whatever it may be. and shoutings and soundings to a, The warrior hath forgot his a, ^ alarms Sounding ' To a ! to a ! ' clatter of a, and voices, and men passmg Arms (ensigns armorial) His a were carven only ; V)ut if twain His a were blazon'd also ; then was painting on it fancied «, guess'd a hidden meaning in his a, quartering your own royal a of Spain, Arm's-length Paris held the costly fruit Out at a-l, Army crying there was an a in the land, compassed by two armies and the noise Charging an a, while All the world To preach our poor little a down, councils thinn'd. And armies waned. Earls of the a of Anlaf Fell nor had Anlaf With armies so broken Her dauntless a scatter'd, and so small, glorious annals of a and fleet, Amo unfamiliar A, and the dome Amon from Aroer On A unto Minneth. ' Aroer from yl On Amon unto Minneth.' Aromat from the blessed land of A — Princess, Pro., v 5 55 ' 250 „ 346 427 „ 535 ,, vi 61 Ode on Well. 116 Com, of Arthur 46 52 Gareth and L. 163 311 530 689 „ 697 /45 931 956 „ 1037 ,, 1115 1139 1381 Marr. of Geraint 219 282 289 418 422 435 474 477 489 543 Geraint and E. 21 124 188 218 486 511 Lancelot and E. 64 395 460 619 Holy Grail 1 „ 264 Pelleas and E. 345 J'ass. of Arthur 2/0 Lover's Tale iv 235 Def. of Lucknow 76 Ancient Sage 138 Prog, of Spring 104 Bandit's Death 24 Gareth and L. 412 Merlin and V. 474 Lancelot and E. 17 Columbus 115 Ginone 136 Princess iv 484 ,, V 345 Light Brigade 30 Maud I X 38 Merlin and V. 573 Batt. of Brunanhurh 53 82 Tlie Fleet 11 VaMness 7 The Brook 189 D. of F. Women 239 238 JIolj/ Grail 48 Arose 16 Arthur Arose n, and I releas'd The casement, a wind a, And overhead the wandering ivy The rain had fallen, the Poet a, and a Eager to bring them down, not to die a listener, I a, a the labourers' homes, footstool from before him, and a ; wind a and rush'd upon the South, a Once more thro' all her height, That afternoon a sound a of hoof And chariot, Star after star, a and fell ; on one side a The women up in wild revolt. Then thorpe and byre a in tire, Thro' four sweet years a and fell, Since our first Sun a and set. Till at the last a the man ; till I could bear it no more, But a, Nor ever a from below, on the further side A a silk pavilion, a, and raised Her mother too, in their halls a The cry of children, damsel l)idden a And stood with folded hands with smiling face a, and all the knights a, And staring King a and went To smoke the words of Arthur flying shriek'd, a, She clear 'd her sight, she a, call'd rt, and, slowly plunging down from the ruin a The shriek and curse Aroused So sleeping, so a from sleep A the black republic on his elms, a Lancelot, who rushing outward Arran^^e Dispute the claims, a the chances ; ^1 the board and brim the glass ; Arranged « Her garden, sow'd her name men and maids A a country dance, A the favour, and assumed the Prince. Arras (adj.) In Arthur's a hall at Camelot : Arras (s) hung with a green and blue, Array (s) Singing of men that in battle a, Array'd with her own white hands A took them, and a herself therein, took it, and a herself therein, there the Queen a me like the sun : Arraying morn by morn, a her sweet self Arrival will harangue The fresh a's of the week Arrive A at last the blessed goal, Arrived A and found the sun of sweet content a, by Dubric the high saint. Arriving A all confused among the rest ^ at a time of golden rest. Arrogance They said with such heretical a Arrow viewless a's of his thoughts were headed The bitter a went aside. The false, false a went aside. The damned a glanced aside. Within thy heart my a lies, Hhoot into the dark A'g of lightnings. A random a from the brain, look'd a flight of fairj* a's aim'd Fly twanging headless a's at the hearts, When one would aim an a fair. Or into silver a's break The sailing Before an ever-fancied a, made rt whizz'd to the right, one to the left, lest an a from the bush Should leave me jingle of bit«. Shouts, a'«, Struck by a poison'd a in the fight. Arrowing « light from clime to clime, Arrowlet V)lows a globe of after a's, Arrow-seed like the a-x's of the field flower. Arrow-slain With loss of half his people a-s ; Arrow- wounded your a-w fawn Came flying Arsenic A , « , sure, would do it. Art discovery And newness of thine a hu pleased Tioo Voices 403 (Enonem Poet's Song 1 Enoch Arden 871 The Brook 163 Ay Inter' s Field 147 327 Princess i 97 ,, vi 159 " -Kl ,, mi 50 122 Tlve 'victim 3 In Mem., xodi 3 ,, xxiv 8 „ cocoiii 12 Maud I Hi 10 „ nam Oareth and L. 910 Marr. of Geraint 535 Geraint and E. 964 Merlin and V. 68 Lancelot and E. 552 Holy Grail 192 „ 213 Last Tournament 139 Dead Prophet 31 St. Telemachus 28 Akbar's Dream 189 DoAj-Dm., L Envoi 21 Aylmer's Field 529 Guinevere 106 To F. D. Maurice 31 In Mem., cvii 16 Aylmer's Field 87 Princess, Pro., 84 „ iv 602 Merlin and V. 250 Palace o/ArtQl Maud I v8 Marr. of Geraint 17 139 849 Geraint and E. 701 Lancelot and E. 906 Pri'iicess ii 96 In Mem. Ixxxiv 41 Tlie Brook 168 Com. of Arthur 453 Princess iv 224 Merlin and V. 142 Sir J. Oldcastle 15 TJie Poet 11 Oriana 37 „ 39 „ 41 „ 80 To J. M. K. 14 Two Voices 345 Aylnwr's Field 94 Princess ii 402 In Mem, Ixxxvii 25 ,, ci 15 Geraint and E. 531 Balin and Balan 419 LaM Tournament 535 Tiresias 94 Death of (Enone 26 Akbar's D, H^jmn 5 Gareth and L. 1029 The Poet 19 Merlin atid V. 565 Princess ii 270 Maud II V 62 Ode to Memory 88 Art {continued) knowledge of his a Held me words, tho' cuU'd with choicest a, I and he. Brothers in A ; ' will you climb the top of ^ . liberal applications lie In A like Nature, Her a, her hand, her counsel Hetairai, curious in their a. At wine, in clubs, of a, of politics ; in a's of government Elizabeth and others ; ah of war The peasant Joan and others ; a's of grace Sappho and others with inmost terms Of a and science : Two great statues, A And Science, Science, A, and Labour have outpour'd shapes and hues of A divine ! piece of inmost Horticultural a, And owning but a little a From a, from nature, from the schools, on mind and a, And labour, The graceful tact, the Christian a ; That all, as in some piece of a, letters, dear to Science, dear to A, served King Uther thro' his magic a ; Knowing all a's, had touch 'd, knew the range of all their a's, since ye seem the Master of all A, Or A with poisonous honey stol'n from France, Heirlooms, and ancient miracles of A, Kepell'd by the magnet of A with the living hues of A. A and Grace are less and less : And here the Singer for his A You see your A still shrined in a nation purer through their a. the fault is less In me than A. A ! Why should I so disrelish seem'd my lodestar in the Heaven of A, Of ancient A in Paris, or in Rome. This A , that harlot-like I replied 'Nay, Lord, for A,' 'Art (heart) as 'appy as 'a could think, Artemisia (Carian) See Carian Artemisia Arthur (Epic poem) 'he burnt His epic, his King A, Arthur (King) Until King A's table, man by man, fallen in Lyonnesse about their Lord, King A : spake King A to Sir Bedivere : (repeat) replied King A, faint and pale : 'King ^'s sword, Excalibur, spoke King A, breathing heavily : replied King A, much in wrath : Then spoke King A, drawing thicker breath : answer made King A, breathing hard : as he walk'd, King A panted hard, murmur'd A, ' Place me in the barge,' like that A who, with lance in rest, my Lord A, whither shall I go ? slowly answer'd A from the barge : sail with A under looming shores. King A, like a modern gentleman cried ' A is come again : he cannot die.' For many a petty king ere A came man was less and less, till A came. after these King A for a space, for he heard of A newly crown'd, A yet had done no deed of arms, A, looking downward as he past, A, passing thence to battle, W hen A reach'd a field-of- battle till A by main might, And mightier A call'd to stay the brands in the heart of A joy was lord. A said, ' Man's word is God in man : ' Knowest thou aught of A's birth ? ' learn the secret of our A's birth ? ' By this King yl as by thee to-day, D. of F. Women 9 „ 285 Gardener's D. 4 „ 169 Day-Dm. Moral 14 Aylmei-'s Field 151 Lucretius 52 Princess, Pro., 161 , , ii 161 447 „ iv 200 Ode Inter, Exhib. 5 „ 22 Ilendecasyllabics 20 In Mem. xxxvii 14 „ xlix 1 „ Ixxxmi 22 „ ex 16 „ cxxviii 23 Ded. of Idylls ^0 Com, of Arthur 152 Gareth and L. 307 Merlin and V. 167 468 To tlie Queen ii 56 Lover's Tale iv 192 The Wreck 22 Locksley H., Sixty, 140 245 Epilogue 79 Poets and tlieir B. 11 To W, C. Macready 8 Romney's R. 9 10 39 87 115 131 North. Cobbler 15 The Epic 28 M, d' Arthur 3 5 „ 13, 66 72 103 „ 113 „ 118 148 162 „ 176 204 222 227 „ 239 „ Ep. 17 22 24 Com. of Arthur 5 12 16 41 46 „ 55 5, 75 96 109 120 124 „ 133 147 159 162 Arthur 17 Arthur (King) {continued) A bom of Gorlois, Others of Anton ? ,r ^ . 7 ■ Hold ye this A for King U ther s son < Knighted by A at his crowning, like a loyal sister cleaved To ^1,— before his time Was A born, Brought A forth, and set him in the hall, clamour'd for a king, Had .4 crown'd ; .1 were the child of shamefulness. Ye come from A's court, and A sat Crown'd on the dais, from the casement over A, smote Flame-coloui', friends Of A, gazing on him, A row'd across and took it — sad was A'a face Taking it, therefore yl's sister?" ask'd the King, when did A chance upon thee first ? ' Back to the court of A answering yea. .1 charged his warrior whom he loved A said, ' Behold, thy doom is mine. A's knighthood sang before the King :— Rome or Heathen rule in A's realm '? A spake, ' Behold, for these have sworn and A strove with Rome. A and his knighthood for a space knight of A, working out his will, A gave him back his territory, both thy brethren are in ^'s hall, thou shalt go disguised to A's hall, A's wars in weird devices done, three Queens, the friends Of A, Merlin's hand, the Mage at A's court, everywhere At .4's ordinance, heard A voice, the voice of A, Said A, ' Whether would ye? A, ' Have thy pleasant field again, ^, 'We sit King, to help the wrong'd heard that A of his grace Had made ,4 cried To rend the cloth, (repeat) this was .4 's custom in his hall ; ^4 mightiest on the battle-field — 'Comfort thyself,' said A, A mindful of Sir Gareth ask'd, and A glancing at him. Brought without the door King A's gift, ^ most ungentle knight in As hall. A's men are set along the wood ; a stalwart Baron, ^'s friend. ^ ' I well believe You be of A's Table, being A's kitchen-knave !— this mom I stood in A's hall, ^4 all at once gone mad replies, , , „ , champion thou hast brought from .1 s haU f And quickly pass to .4 's hall, ' Here is a kitchen-knave from A s hall ' No star of thine, but shot from A's heaven meek withal As any of A's best. Com. of Aiihur 170 „ 172 175 192 212 229 236 239 249 257 274 278 298 305 317 338 446 447 467 481 485 507 514 ;; 515 Oat-eth and L. 24 78 82 152 225 230 306 308 318 340 371 393 „ 400, 417 410 496 601 624 652 . 677 757 788 818 836 838 855 863 916 984 , 1036 1100 1169 knight of ,4, here lie thrown by whom I know not, „ i|^^ on the day when A knighted him." " 1254 tmth if not in A's hall. In A's presence ? o J^^^ yl 's harp tho' summer- wan, , ^ „ ,, " 1417 challenge the chief knight Of ^ s haU ? nfr^.„M 1 Geraint a knight of A 's court, Marr. of (^maivt^ Weeping for some gay knight in .1 s hall. >» g For .4 on the Whitsuntide before »> ^^„ Cavall, King A's hound of deepest mouth, » ^^^ That eat in ^ 'shall at Camelot. »» ggg Shalt ride to yl'« court, '» ggj rising up, he rode to A's court, r<^„A^i ««/? w 77^ A knight of yl's court, who laid Geraxntand E.ll^ made a knight of J 's Table Round, ^ .. '^" will not go To yl , then will A come to you, » "^ yl laugh'd upon him. 'Oldfnend, » Arthur ^^'^^^l {-n^.""'^^) «Pi"<^ °^ b- y°«^^ '^'^""''Lm and Balan 22 On A s nearv > , . . v\ « Fair Sirs," said A, ' wherefore sit >» ^J we be mightier men than all In A's court ; >» ^* «I too,' said ^4, 'am of A's hall, » ' A lightly smote the brethren down, » .„ .4 seeing ask'd ' Tell me your names ; "73 Said A ' Thou hast ever spoken truth ; "89 yl'shost Proclaim' d him Victor, »> ^„. Then ^, 'Let who goes before me, " .,„ learn what .4 meant by courtesy, »> j„g ^, when Sir Balin sought him, » 236 all the kindly warmth of A 'a hall » > „,, (for J 's knights Were hated strangers >. ^^^ <;i(wf romp's hall, and yet So simple! .» |^j^ ve men of A be but babes." " oon io thy guest. Me, me of ^"s -Table. » g^ some high lord-pnnce of ^ s nail, >» .-q if from A's haU, To help the weak. » |' A the blameless, pure as any maid, \r.^ii" „r,d V 7 The slights of A and bis Table, ^erhn and K.^7 foUow'd, Sir, In A's household V— "28 A bound them not to singleness '» ^g ' This ^ pure! , ,, j " 53 If I were A, I would have thy blood. " ^o Perchance, one curl of A's golden beard. » ^^ A him Ye scarce can overpraise, '» , .q ^'in the highest Leaveu'd the world, » . ^ While all the heathen lay at A's feet, » ^^^ wily Vivien stole from A'a court. >' jgg J walking all alone, Vext " 197 leaving A's court he gain'd the beach ; "250 In A's arras hall at Camelot : " 297 I rose and fled from A's court " -03 many-corridor'd complexities Of ^s palace: .. '^^ the royal rose In ^'s casement " --g A, blameless King and stainless man ? r^^rAot and E 32 jousts. Which A had ordain'd, LaruxLot awl lu. 0| A. long before they crown'd him King, >> ^ A came, and labouring up the pass, )> ^^ yl, holding then his court Hard " ^^^ Has J. spoken aught ? , ^,. " 121 '^, my lord. A, the faultless King, >» ^gg I am yours. Not A's, as ye know, '» ^g^ After the King, who eat in A's halls. » ^gg • Known am I, and of .4 "shaU, and known, .. |- till our good A broke The Pagan " 285 you know Of A's glorious wars." " 237 having been With A in the fight " ^^2 where he sat At yl's right, with smiling face arose, „ ^^ A to the banquet, dark in mood, " ggg ' Our true A , when he learns, " gQj A's wars were render'd mystically, " ^^^g of A's palace toward the stream, '» -j^221 In which as A's Queen I move and rule : >' ^253 For some do hold our A cannot die, >> ^2^4 So A bad the meek Sir Percivale " ^270 But A spied the letter in her hand, " ^290 • My lord liege A, and all ye that hear, » ^^26 yl answer'd, ' my knight, " jggj A leading, slowly went The marshali d >. ^^^g Then A spake among them, ' Let her tomb » g^ yl, who beheld his cloudy brows, ^^ ^ ., ., , „„ . , " 1410 Alas for A's greatest knight, a man Not after A s heart ! ,, 141 A and his knighthood call'd The Pure, Soly UraU^^ one of those who eat in A's hall ; " 7< Sin against A and the Table Round, >» „; when King A made His Table Round, .« ^^J not A's use To hunt by moonlight ; »> .3. Said .4, when he dubb'd him knight; " 20' Did yl take the vow ? " "22' For dear to A was that hall of ours, " 221 Which Merlin built for yllong ago ! »' 23' statue in the mould Of A, made by Merlin, .. ^4, twelve great windows blazon A s wars, »» Arthur 18 A-singein' ArUmr (King) (coniimicd) A finds the brand Excalibur. llohj Grail 253 ' Lo now," said A, ' have ye seen a cloud ? „ 286 voice Shrilling along the hall to A, call'd, 'But I, Sir yl, saw ,, 289 the great table of our A closed ,, 329 Had Camelot seen the like, since A came ; ,, 332 A's wars are render'd mystically, „ 359 the gate of . I "s wars." „ 539 I remember'd yl 's warning word, ,, 598 thou shalt be as A in our land.' ,, 606 foUow'd — almost yl 's words — ,, 669 sevenclear stars of yl's Table Round — ,, 684 Or was there sooth in vl 's prophecy, „ 709 there sat .1 on the dais-throne, ,, 721 and A turn'd to whom at first He saw not, „ 751 A kept his best until the last ; ,, 763 KiHG A made new knights to fill Pelleas and E. 1 and A made him knight. >, 16 I will be thine A when we meet.' ,, 47 .-1 made vast banquets, and strange knights ,, 147 For A, loving his young knight, ,, 159 A had the jousts Down in the flat field ,, 163 our A made Knight of his table ; ,, 319 * Gawain am I, Gawain of A's court, „ 371 he, Gasping, ' Of ^'s hall am I, ,, 514 Had made mock-knight of A's Table Round, Last Tournament 2 For A and Sir Lancelot riding once ,, 10 brought A maiden babe ; which A pitying took, ,, 21 So she, delivering it to vl, said, ,, 30 A tum'd to Kay the seneschal, ,, 89 A rose and Lancelot follow'd him, ,, 112 words of A flying shriek 'd, arose, ,, 139 Right arm of A in the battlefield, ,, 202 D^onet, skipping, ' A, the King's; ,, 262 so thou breakest J's music too.' ,, 266 thank the Lord I am King yl 's fool. ,, 320 call the harp of A up in heaven ? ' , , 333 With A 's vows on the great lake of fire. ,, 345 1, and A and the angels hear, ,, 350 ^i with a hundred spears Rode far, ,, 420 • Lo there," said one of yl's youth, ,, 429 But .1 waved them back. ,, 437 He ended : A knew the voice ; ,, 455 yl deign 'd not use of word or sword, ,, 458 in the heart of A pain was lord. ,, 486 other was the Tristram, y! 's knight ! ,, 634 Had A right to bind them to himself ? ,, 684 A make me pure As any maiden child ? ,, 692 That night came A home, and while ,, 755 disruption in the Table Round Of A, Guinevere 18 knight of A 's noblest dealt in scorn ; ,,40 Which good KinK A founded, years ago, ,, 221 the bard Sang A s glorious wars, ,, 286 And that was A ; and they foster'd him ,, 295 to lead her to his lord A, ,, 384 silk pavilions of King yf raised ,, 394 think How sad it were for A, should he live, ,, 496 ' Oh yl 1 ' there her voice brake suddenly, ,, 607 There came on A sleeping, Pass, of Arthur 30 yl woke and call'd, ' Who spake ? ,, 45 Then spake King A to Sir Bedivero : (repeat) Pcm. of Arthur 65, 136, 181, 234 ever yot had A fought a fight Like this I'ass, of A rthur 93 and ev'n on yl fell Confusion, ,, 98 while A at one blow, Striking ,, 167 Until King yl's Table, man by man, ,, 172 fall'n in Lyonnesse about their lord, King A. ,, 174 replied King A, faint and palo : ,, 240 ' King yl '* sword, ExcaliVmr, „ 271 Jtpoko King yl, breathing heavily: ,, 281 replied King yl, much in wrath : ,, 286 Then spoke King yl, drawing thicker breath: ,, 316 answer made King yt, breathing hard : ,, 330 as he walk'd. King A panted hard, ,, 344 murmur'd yl, ' Place me in the barge.' ,, 372 Arthur (King) (contimied) like that yl who, with lance in rest, Pass, of ArUmr 390 my Lord yl, whither shall I go? „ 395 slowly answer'd yl from the barge : » 407 friends Of A, who should help him ,, 456 city and palace Of yl the king ; Merlin and the G. 66 on the forehead Of yl the blameless ,, 73 A had vanish'd I knew not whither, ,, 77 Arthur (Sir, a local magnate) To show Sir A's deer. The Brook 133 Arthur (A. H. Hallam, 1811-1833) With my lost A's loved remains. In Mem. ix 3 My A, whom I shall not see ,, 17 That holy Death ere yl died „ Ixxx 2 My A, found your shadows fair, „ Ixxxix 6 Artificer yl and subject, lord and slave. Lover's Tale, ii 103 Artist Well hast thou done, great a Memory, Ode to Menwry 80 A more ideal A he than all, (repeat) Gardener's IJ. 25, 173 wife, an unknown a's orphan child — **5fea Dreavis 2 golden moods Of sovereign a's ; Princess, v. 195 portrait of his friend Drawn by an a. Sisters (E. and E.) 135 What yl ever yet Could make pure light Romney's R. 9 wife and children drag an A down ! ,,38 ' This model husband, this fine yl ' ! ,, 124 Artist-like A-l, Ever retiring thou dost gaze Ode to Memm-y 92 'Arty (hearty) glad to seea tha sa 'a an' well. North. Cobbler 2 Arundel (Archbishop of Canterbury) (See cdso Caiaphas- Arundel) Against the proud archbishop yl — Sir J. Oldcastle 16 this mitred yl Dooms our unlicensed preacher ,, 104 how 1 anger'd yl asking me To worship ,, 135 Arviragus there the heathen Prince, yl, Holy Grail 61 A-sailing a-s with wind an' tide. First Quarrel 42 Ascalon that was old Sir Ralph's at A : Princess, Pro. 26 Ascend Take wings of fancy, and a, In Mem. Ixxvi 1 thy deeds in light, yl's to thee ; Ded. Poem Prin. Alice 10 Ascended shouts A, and there brake Gareth and L. 801 as Kapiolani a her mountain, Kapiolani 28 Ascending A tired, heavily slept till morn. Enoch Anleri 181 with the dawn a lets the day Strike Geraint and E. 692 with slow sad steps A, fill'd Last Tournament 144 Ascension spheroid and azimuth. And right a, Princess vi 257 Ascent in steepness overcome, And victories of a, Lover's Tale i 387 Ash (tree) (See also Esh) Young a'es pirouetted down Amphion 27 Delaying as the tender a delays Princess, iv 106 Nor hoary knoll of a and haw In Mem. c 9 AshaS,med (ashamed) an' I wur dreiidful a ; Nm-th. Cobbler 40 Ashamed (See also A8ha9.med, Half-ashamed, Shaamed) Shall 1 believe him a to be seen ? Maud I. xiii 25 ' A boon, Sir King (his voice was all a), Gareth and L. 442 yl am I that I should tell it thee. Man: of G&i'aint 577 Your hand shakes. 1 am a. Romney's R. 25 A-shawin' (showing) mun be fools to be hallus a-s your claws. Spinster's S's. 61 Ashbud hair More black than a's in the front of March.' Gardener's IJ. 28 Ashen-gray seems But an a-g delight. Maud I. vi 22 Ashes And heap their a on the head ; Love thou thy land 70 And all 1 was, in a. Tithonus 23 Who will not let his a rest ! Tun anight have v}on 28 Slipt into a, and was found no more. Ayhner's Field 6 A to a, dust to dust ; Ode on Well. 270 And from his a may be made In Mem. xviii 3 And dust and a all that is ; ,, xxxiv 4c who knows ? we are a and dust. Maud I i 32 I spring Like flame from a.' Gareth and L. 546 champion from the a of his hearth.' „ 899 who lay Among the a and wedded ,, 904 youth gone out Had left in a : Merlin and, V. 246 dead a and all fire again Thrice in a second, lever's Tale iv 323 but now to silent a fall'n away. Locksley H. , Sixty, 41 Had the fierce a of some fiery peak St. Telemachus 1 Ashore I've ninety men and more that are lying sick a. The Revenge 10 And a day less or more At sea or a, ,, 87 But the blind wave cast me a, Despair 61 Ashy quivering brine With a rains. The Voyage 43 Asia Ages after, while in yl, Locksley II., Sixty, 81 A-singein' Fur 'o smell'd like a herse a-s, Oivd Rod 110 A-singin' 19 Asmodeus I A-singin' Theer wur a lark a-s 'is best Ask -I the sea At midnight, When I a her if she love me, A 's what thou lackest, a thou not my name : You a me, why, the' ill at ease, he has a mint of reasons : a. ' Annie, I came to a a favour of you.' This is the favour that I came to a.' what is it that you a ? ' then to a her of my shares, That Sheba came to a of Solomon.' you, should answer, we would a) ' a me nothing,' I said : a for him Of your great head — A me no more : (repeat) Princess would but a you to fulfil yourself : 1 a you nothing : only, if a dream, A her to marry me by and by ? And a a thousand things of home ; Let no one n me how it came to pass ; If one should a me whether The habit, I will not a thee why Or if I a thee why. Or to « her, ' Take me, sweet, Before thou a the King to make thee knight, and loathe to a thee aught. I scarce can a it thee for hate, or thyself be mad, I a not : ' So this damsel a it of me Good — ' I charge thee, a not. but obey.' 'Then will I a it of himself,' I swear I will not a your meaning in it : 1 am silent then. And a no kiss ; ' a your boon, for boon I owe you wherefore a ; And take this boon will ye never a some other boon ? Who feels no heart to a another boon, has tript a little : a thyself, never could undo it : a no more : I a you, is it clamour'd by the child, a me not Hereafter ye shall know me — a you not to see the shield he left, should a some goodly gift of him ' A me not, for I may not speak of it : yield me sanctuary, nor a Her name and they spared 1 o a it. pray you check me if I a amiss — Ye a me, friends, When I began to love. Ye know not what ye a. I a you now, should this first master let me a you then. Which voice Edith wrote : ' My mother bids me a ' Did he believe it ? did you a him ? a ' Why left you wife and children ? Ask'd {See also Hax'd) for I a him, and he said, once I a him of his early life, I a him half-sardonically. she knew it not, And would if a deny it. till I a If James were coming. To learn the price and what the price he a, a her ' Are you from the farm 1 ' wonder'd at her strength, and a her of it : And a ; but not a word ; and n iTiat which I a the woman her we a of that and this, and when I a her ' how, ' ' Tell US,' Florian a, ' How grew this feud mutual pardon a and given a but space and fairplay for her scheme ; Ay or no, if a to her face ? again The ' wilt thou ' a, whatever is a her, answers * Death,' therefore Arthur's sister ? ' a the King. a him if these things were truth — North. Cobbler 46 Sripp. Coiifessimu 125 Lilian 3 Two Voices 98 Z>. ofF. Women m Toil ask me, why, 1 The Epic 33 Enoch Arden '285 313 427 iSea Dream* 115 Princess ii 346 „ 353 „ Hi 59 ,, vi 313 vii 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15 Princess vii 146 „ 148 WduLow, Letter 6 In Mem, xiv 12 Maud 1 xviii 49 ,, XX 17 „ // Hi 2 6 ,, iv 87 Garetli and L. 145 356 „ 361 877 974 Marr. of Oeraint 133 197 Geraint and E. 743 Merlin and V. 254 306 309 375 382 602 686 771 Lancelot and E. 191 „ 653 912 Holy Grail 758 Guinevere 141 „ 145 „ 324 Lover's Tale i 144 ,, 150 „ iv 265 Sisters IE. and E.) 29 181 J/iC Rinrf 225 Romney's R. 128 Dvra 145 Edivin Morris 23 59 Enocli Arden 44 The Brook 105 „ 142 „ 209 Sea Dreavis 113 116 146 Princess i 231 „ Hi 29 76 „ V 46 282 Window, Letter- 9 In Mem. Con. 55 Maud Hi Com. of Arthur 317 398 Ask'd {continued) A me to tilt with him, he had a For horse and armour : 1 a for thy chief knight, bound to thee for any favour a ! ' a it of him. Who answer'd as before ; after madness acted question a : « her not a word, But went apart Arthur seeing a ' Tell me your names ; Balin was bold, and a To bear at feast Sir Galon likewise a a this very boon. Now a again : died Thrice than have a it once — proof of trust — so often a in vain ! they a of court and Table Round, when he a 'Is it for Lancelot, and eyes that a ' What is it ? ' a us, knight by knight, if any Had seen it, ' brother,' a Ambrosius, — 'for in sooth then he a, ' Where is he ? scarce had pray'd or o it for myself — sharply turning, a Of Gawain, Lancelot,' a the King, ' my friend, ' Dead, is it so ? ' she a. ' Ay, ay,' said he, ' Have ye fought ? ' She a of Lancelot. a, ' Why skipt ye not. Sir Fool ? ' she a, 1 know not what, and a, and a If I would see her burial : in his fantasy, I never a : she rais'd an eye that a ' Where ? ' then he suddenly a her if she were. once my prattling Edith a him ' why ? ' 'Anything ailing,' I a her, ' with baby?' a the waves that moan about the world and I a About my Mother, ' Why weird ? ' I a him ; Had a us to their marriage, paused — and then a Falteringly, a ' Is earth On fire to the West ? of the nations ' a his Chronicler Of Akbar her name ? what was it ? la her. Askew all his conscience and one eye a ' — (repeat) Asking {See also Hazin') grant mine a with a smile, Tithonus 16 Nor a overmuch and taking less, Enoch Arden 252 a, one Not fit to cope your quest. Gareth and L. 1173 therefore at thine a, thine. Marr. of Geraint 479 not so strange as my long a it, Merlin and V. 312 braved a riotous heart in a for it. Lancelot and E. 359 a him, ' What said the King ? Holy GraU 203 a whence Had Arthur right to bind Last Tournament 683 Arundel a me To worship Holy Cross ! Sir J. OldcasUe 135 A-slee&pin' (sleeping) cat wur a-s alongside Roaver, Owd Rod 33 Asleep {See also Deep-asleep, Half-asleep, Warm-asleep) Gareth and L. 27 473 658 977 Mwrr. of Geraint 204 Geraint and E. 813 880 Balin and Balan 49 199 347 Merlin and V. 323 919 920 Lancelot and E. 268 1104 „ 1249 Holy Grail 283 540 „ 638 691 739 764 Pelleas and E. 384 „ 593 Last Toxirnam^ent 256 Lover's Tale i 706 „ a 70 ,, iv\Z 94 328 Sisters {E. and E.) 58 Tlie Wreck 61 Demcter and P. 64 Tlie Ring 102 „ 197 430 Death of (Enone 94 St. TelemMchus 18 Akbar' s Dream 1 Cliarity 35 Sea Dreams 180, 184 smiling a, Slowly awaken'd, but I fall a at morn ; Falling a in a half -dream ! Since that dear soul hath fall'n a. To fall a with all one's friends ; If e'er when faith had fall'n a. When a in this arm-chair ? But come to her waking, find her a, himself alone And all the world a, vext his day, but blesses him a — half a she made comparison fell a again ; And dreamt herself He fell a, and Enid had no heart not seem as dead, But fast a, when they fall a Into delicious dreams, First falls a in swoon, wherefrom awaked, I have done it, while you were a — we believed her a again — ere the dotard fall a ? fall of water lull'd the noon a. But such a tide as moving seems a, A-smilin' An' Squire wur hallus a-s, Asmodeus Abaddon and A caught at me. Eleanore 84 May Queen, N. Vs. E. 50 Lotos-Eaters, C.S. 56 To J. S. 34 Day-Dm., L'Envoi 4 In Mem. cxxiv 9 Maud I vii 4 „ II ii 81 Com. of Arthur 119 Gareth and L. 1286 Marr. B. ,, 647 Babble (s) the b of the stream Fell, Mariana in tJie S, 51 The babes, their b, Annie, Enoch Arden 606 night goes In b and revel and wine. Maud I ocxii 28 But 6, merely for b. „ II v AS Merlin's mystic b about his end Last Tournament 670 laughter and b and earth's new wine, To A, Tennyson 2 And you liken — boyish b — Locksley H,, Sixty, 6 B, b ; our old England may go down in 6 ,, 8 — words, Wild b. Romney's R. 32 Babble (verb) by the poplar tall rivulets h and fall. Leonine Eleg. 4 I 6 on the pebbles. The Brook 42 Howe'er you b, great deeds cannot die ; Princess Hi 254 brook shall b down the plain. In Mem, ci 10 Began to scoff and jeer and o of him Marr. of Geraint 58 because ye dream they b of you.' Merlin and V. 690 ye set yourself To b about him. Last Tournament 340 Babbled b for the golden seal, that hung Dora 135 b for you, as babies for the moon, Princess iv 428 Had b ' Uncle ' on my knee ; In Mem. Ixxxiv 13 He moving homeward b to his men, Geraint and E. 362 While thus they h of the King, Lancelot and E. 1260 their tongues may have b of me — The Wreck 41 I myself have often b doubtless Locksley II., Sixty, 7 she said, I b, Mother, Mother— The Ring 115 Babbler garrulously given, A & in the land. Talking Oak 24 she, like many another b, hurt Guinevere 354 mothers with their b's of the dawn, Tiresias 103 Babbling runlets b down the glen. Mariana in tJie S. 44 his wheat-suburb, h as he went. The Brook 123 My words are like the b's in a dream Of nightmare, when the b's break the dream. Ancient Sage 106 Babby {See also Babe, Baby) An' then the 6 wur burn, North. Cobbler 16 an' she an' the b beal'd, ^^ 37 An' the b's faiice wurn't wesh'd ,, 42 Thou's rode of 'is back when a b, Owd Roa 5 Babe (See also Babby, Baby) Sat smiling, b in arm. Palace of Art 96 With his first b's first cry, Enoch Arden 85 Nursing the sickly b, her latest-born. ,, 150 Pray'd for a blessing on his wife and b's ,, 188 be comforted, Look to the b's, 219 To give his b's a better bringing-up " 299 know his h's were running wild Lik e colts 304 A gilded dragon, also, for the b's. '' 540 The 6's, their babble, Annie, ',, 606 lived and loved him, and his b's \\ 685 rosy, with his b across his knees ; \\ 746 and a ring To tempt the i, " 751 mother glancing often toward her 6, " 754 saw the b Hers, yet not his, 7f,9 Babe 23 Baffle Babe (amtinued) I shall see him, My h in bliss : The h shall lead the lion. the 6 Too ragged to be fondled One b was theirs, a Margaret, the h, Their Margaret cradled near Her maiden h, a double April old. Father will come to his h in the nest, vassals to be beat, nor pretty h's my h, my blossom, ah, my child, My b, my sweet Aglaia, my one child : With Psyche's h, was Ida watching us, Ida stood With Psyche's 6 in arm : with the b yet in her arms, h that by us, Half-lapt in glowing gauze burst The laces toward her b ; Laid the soft b in his hard-mailed hands. Not tho' he built upon the b restored ; ' Here's a leg for a 6 of a week ! ' for the b had fought for his life. bring her b, and make her boast, From youth and b and hoary hairs : Mammonite mother kills her b for a burial fee, red man's b Leap, beyond the sea. now we poison oiu- b's, poor souls ! in the flame was borne A naked 6, and rode to Merlin's feet. Who stoopt and caught the&, naked b, of whom the Prophet spake, lad and girl — yea, the soft b ! ye men of Arthur be but b's,' As clean as blood of b's, his wife And two fair b's, seven-months' b had been a truer gift. broken shed, And in it a dead b ; brought A maiden b ; which Arthur ^ pitying took. But the sweet body of a maiden b. cursed The dead b and the follies In honour of poor Innocence the b, bearing high in arms the mighty 6, And over all her h and her the jewels bearing on one arm the noble b, Whereat the very b began to wail ; a truth the b Will suck in with his milk b in lineament and limb Perfect, and the wail Of a beaten b, Saving women and their b's, a cotter's b is royal-born by right divine ; many a time ranged over when a b, senseless, worthless, wordless b, all her talk was of the b she loved ; She used to shun the wailing b, In your sweet b she finds but you — bending by the cradle of her b. linger, till her own, the b She lean'd to found Paris, a naked b, among the woods I was lilting a song to the b. Screams of a 6 in the red-hot palms and Rome was a 6 in arms. Babe-faced He came with the b-f lord ; Babel let be Their cancell'd B's : clamoiir grew As of a new-world B, Baby (adj.) Moulded thy 6 thought. Baby (s) in her bosom bore the h, Sleep, As ruthless as a 6 with a worm. Then lightly rocking b's cradle from her b's forehead dipt A tiny curl, His b's death, her growing poverty, What does little b say, B says, like little birdie, B, sleep a little longer, B too shall fly away. Ixibies roll'd about Like tumbled fruit babbled for you, as babies for the moon, I knew them all as babies, Enoch Arden 898 Aylmer's Field 648 „ 685 Sea Dreams 3 „ 56 Princess ii 110 ,, iii 13 ,, iv 146 „ vd>2 101 512 ,, m 31 74 133 149 208 ,, vii75 GrandTnother 11 64 In Mem. xl 26 ,, Ixix 10 Maud I i 45 „ xvii 19 .. 7/^63 C(mi. of Arthur 384 Gareth and L. 501 1341 Balin and Sedan 361 Merlin and V. 344 707 711 Holy Qrail 399 Last Tmimainent 21 48 163 „ 292 Lover's Tide iv 295 298 370 375 Cohimbvs 37 De Prof. Two G. 11 The Wreck 123 Lochsley H., Sixty, 64 125 The Ring 151 „ 304 353 „ 358 365 415 „ 483 Death of (Enone 54 Bandit's Death 20 The Daiom 2 9 Mand II i 13 Princess iv 77 487 Elednore 5 Gardener's D. 268 yValk. to tlie MaU 108 Enoch Arden 194 „ 235 706 Sea Dreams 301 „ 303 „ 305 „ 308 Princess, Pro., 82 „ iv 428 Grandmotlier 88 Baby (s) (cov/inued\ The b new to earth and sky, Tn Mem. xlv 1 I cannot bide Sir B. Pelleas and E. 190 I have gather'd my b together— Rizpah 20 My b, the bones that had suck'd me, ,, 53 kill Their babies at the breast Columbus 180 ' Anything ailing,' I asked her, * with b ? ' The Wreck 61 Baby-germ gamboll'd on the greens A b-r/. Talking Oak 78 Baby-girl a b-g, that had never look'd on the light : Despair 71 Babyism In b's, and dear diminutives Aylmer's Field 539 Babylon Shall B be cast into the sea ; Sea Dreams 28 and life Pass in the fire of B ! Sir J. Oldcastle 124 For B was a child new-born, The Davm 9 Babylonian The foundress of the B wall, Princess ii 80 Baby-oak magnetise The b-o within. Talking Oak 256 Baby-roae The b-r's in her cheeks ; Lilian 17 Baby-sole tender pink five-beaded b-s's, Aylmer's Field 186 Baby-wife nor wail of b-io, Or Indian widow ; Akbar's Dream 196 Bacchanal like wild B's Fled onward Lover's Tale iii 25 Bacchante B, what you will ; Romney's R. 6 Bacchus mailed B leapt into my arms, D. of F. Women 151 Back wear an undress'd goatskin on my b ; St. S. Stylites 116 How she mouths behind my b. Vision of Sin 110 Read rascal in the motions of his b Sea Dreams 167 hear my father's clamour at our b's Princess i 105 Her b against a pillar, her foot ,, iii 180 Them as 'as coats to their b's an' taakes If. Farmer, N.S. 46 The daily burden for the b. In Mem. xxv 4 b turn'd, and bow'd above his work, Man: of Geiuint 267 brutes of mountain b That carry kings Merlin and V. 576 long b's of the bushless downs, (repeat) Lancelot and E. 400, 789 Look at the cloiiths on 'er b, North. Cobbler 109 Backbiter Face-flatterer and b are the same. Merlin arudL V. 824 Back'd See Bow-back'd Bacon (Francis) See Verulam Bacon See Ba&con Bad (adj. ) base and b ! what comfort ? Princess v 78 for she wur a b un, shea. iV. Farmer, O.S. 22 the poor in a loomp is b. „ N.S. 48 What is she now ? My dreams are b. Maud / i 73 And here beneath it is all as 6, ,, IIvl4^ good ye are and b, and like to coins, ffoly Grail 25 Ya was niver sa 6 as that. Church-warden, etc. 26 Bad (b) I fear to slide from b to worse. Two Voices 231 sa o' coorse she be gone to the b ! Village Wife 98 I wur gawin' that waJiy to the b, Owd Rod 71 Bad-bade (verb) I made a feast : I bad him come ; The Sisters 13 and do the thing I bad thee, M. d' Arthur 81 utter'd it, And bade adieu for ever. Love and Duty 83 bade him cry, with sound of trumpet, Godiva 36 bad him with good heart sustain himself — Aylmer's Field 544 He bad you guard the sacred coasts. Ode on Well. 172 my three brethren bad me do it, Gareth and L. 1410 , ' Fair Sir, they bad me do it. ,, 1417 Thro' which he bad her lead him on, Geraint and E. 29 6rt^^ the host Call in what men ,, 285 Prince 6a<£ him a loud good -night. ,, 361 In this poor gown he 6a«? me clothe myself, ,, 702 Nor waved his hand, Nor bad farewell, Lancelot and E. 987 who bad a thousand farewells to me, , , 1056 Lancelot, who coldly went, nor bad me one : ,, 1057 So Arthur bad the meek Sir Percivale ,, 1264 I left her and I bad her no farewell ; ,, 1304 when he saw me, rose, and bad me hail, Holy Grail 725 and do the thing I bade thee. Pass, of Arthur 249 bad them to a banquet of farewells. Lw>er's Tale iv 186 bad his menials bear him from the door, ,, 260 We bad them no farewell, ,, 386 bad them remember my father's death, V. of Maeldwie 70 bad his trumpeter sound To the charge, Heavy Brigade 8 I bad her keep. Like a seal'd book, The Ring 122 6a(? the man engrave ' From Walter ' on the ring, ,, 235 Badger live like an old b in his earth, Holy Grail 629 Badon broke the Pagan yet once more on B hill.' iMncdot and E. 280 on the mount Of B I myself beheld ,, 303 Baffle ' Thy glory b's wisdom. Akbar's Dream 28 BafSed 24 Band Baffled Havelock b, or beaten. Def. of Luckrmo 91 B her priesthood, Broke the Taboo, Kapiolani 29 Baffling winds variable, Then h, a long course of them ; Enodi Arden 546 ' blown by 6 winds, Like the Good Fortune, , , 628 Bag not plunge His hand into the 6 : Golden Year 72 with b and sack and basket, Enoch Arden 63 Bagdat By B's shrines of fretted gold, Arabian Nights 7 mooned domes aloof In inmost B, , , 128 Bagpipe b's, revelling, devil's-dances. Sir J. Oldcastle 149 Bailey -gate storm at the B-g ! storm, Def. of Litckrwio 37 Bailiff his b brought A Chartist pike. Walk, to the Mail 70 how he sent the b to the farm The Brook 141 how the 6 swore that he was mad, ' ,, 143 He met the 6 at the Golden Fleece, ,, 146 He found the b riding by the farm, ,, 153 Bairn (See also Bame) ' See your b's before you go ! En^h Arden 870 But fur thy b's, poor Steevie, Spinstei-'s S's. 82 thou was es fond o' thy b's ,. 83 tci' my hi' 'is inoitth to the winder Owd Roii 92 Bait the b's Of gold and beauty, Ayliner's Field 486 Christ the b to trap his dupe and fool ; Sea Dreams 191 hinted love was only wasted b, The Ring 360 Baited so spum'd, so b two whole days — Sir J. Oldcastle 163 Bake whose brain the sunshine b's ; St. S. Stylites 164 Baked (See also Ba&ked) Over all the meadow b and bare. Sisters (E. and E.) 8 Baking not eam'd my cake in 6 of it ? Oareth and L. 575 Bala south-west that blowing B lake Geraiyit and E. 929 Balan Balin and B sitting statuelike, Balin and Balan 24 on the left Of B B's near a poplartree. ,, 30 Balin and B answer'd ' For the sake ,, 32 Then Balin rose, and B, ,,43 and my better, this man here, B. „ 55 fury on myself, Saving for B : ,,63 Than twenty Balins, B knight. ,, 69 Then B added to their Order „ 91 Said B * I ' ! So claim 'd the quest ,, 137 B wam'd, and went ; Balin remain'd : ,, 153 He took the selfsame track as J5, ,, 290 and B lurking there (His quest was unaccomplish'd) ,, 546 shield of B prick'd The hauberk ,, 559 had chanced, and B moan'd again. ,, 604 Balance (equipoise) As the wind-hover hangs in b, Ayliner's Field 321 Balance (verb) who would cast and 6 at a desk, Audley Court 44 Like souls that b joy and pain. Sir L. and Q. G, 1 Balanced (See also SeUf-balanced) Your fortunes, justlier b, Princess ii 66 Well, she b this a little, ,, Hi 165 And 6 either way by each. Lover's Tale iv 269 Balcony Under tower and b, L. of Shalott iv 37 And lean'd upon the b. Mariana in the S. 88 Bald Jinny's 'ciid as b as one o' them heggs, Village Wife 102 Baldness (*« also Earth-baldness) Began to wag their b up and down. Princess v 19 Baldric from his blazon'd b slung L. of Shalott Hi 15 Bale dropping down with costly b's ; Locksley Hall 122 tho" they brought Vjut merchants' b's, In Mem. xiii 19 Balin B and Balan sitting statuelike, Balin and Balan 24 on thp right of B B's horse Wa« fast „ 28 B and Balan answer'd ' For the sake „ 82 Then B rose, and Balan, „ 48 B the stillness of a minute broke „ 51 B. ' the Savage ' — that addition thine — „ 53 Than twenty li's, Balan knight. „ 69 Thereafter, when Sir B entcr'd hall, „ 80 heretofore with these And B, „ 93 Embracing B, ' Good my brother, „ 139 Balan wam'd, and went ; B remain'd : „ L53 B marvelling oft How far beyond „ 171 Arthur, when Sir B soiight him, said ,, 198 B wan bold, and ask'd To boar „ 199 ' No shadow' aaid Sir i? ' my Queen, „ 206 B bare the crown, and all the knights „ 209 chanced, one morning, that Sir B sat 240 Balin (continued) Follow'd the Queen; Sir B heard her Balin and Balan 250 and £ started from his bower. ,, ,280 B cried ' Him, or the viler devil ,, 299 B answer'd him ' Old fabler, ,, 306 Said 5 ' For the fairest and the best ,, 339 B said ' The Queen we worship, ,, 348 A goblet on the board by £, ,, 362 This B graspt, but while in act to hurl, ,, 368 Sir jB with a fiery ' Ha ! ,, 393 B by the banneret of his helm , , 398 iJ drew the shield from off his neck, ,, 429 And B rose, ' Thither no more ! „ 483 Said B to her ' Is this thy coiuiesy — , , 494 Sir ii spake not word, But snatch 'd \ ,, .553 JB's horse Was wearied to the death, ,, .560 they clash'd. Rolling back upon B, ,, 562 £ first woke, and seeing that true face, ,, 590 ' 5, -B, I that fain had died To save ,, 599 B told him brokenly, and in gasps, ,, 603 ' brother ' answer'd B ' woe is me ! ,, 618 £ answer'd low ' Goodnight, ,, 627 and slept the sleep With B, ,, 632 Balk'd with a worm I b his fame. D. of F. Wmnen 155 Ball (globe) ' No compound of this earthly b Two Voices 35 Ball (game) Had tost his b and flown his kite, Aylmer's Field 84 Flung b, flew kite, and raced the purple fly, Pnncess ii 248 others tost a b Above the fountain-jets, ,, 461 Quoit, tennis, 6 — no games? ,, m 215 And we took to playing at b, V. of Maddune 94 Ball (round object) whereon the gilded h Danced Princess, Pro., 63 like a b The russet-bearded head roll'd Geraint and E. 728 he made me the cowslip b. First Quarrel 13 Ball (orb) To him who grasps a golden b. In Mem. cxi 3 Ball (the sun) The day comes, a dull red b Maud II iv 65 Ball (the heel) Dagonet, turning on the b of his foot. Last Tournament 329 Ball (entertainment of dancing) But I came on him once at a b, The Wreck 47 Ball (plajrthing) Is to be the b of Time, Vision of Sin 105 Ball (See also AcOm-ball, Blossom-ball, Cannon-ball, Cowslip Ball, Football) Ballad time to time, some 6 or a song Princess, Pro., 241 something in the h's which they sang, , , Con, 14 flung A i to the brightening moon : In Mem,, Ixxxix 28 A passionate 6 gallant and gay, Maud Ivi To the b that she sings. Maud II iv 43 carolling as he went A true-love b, Lancelot and E. 705 lay At thy pale feet this b Bed. Poem Prin. Alice 20 Ballad-burthen Like b-b music, kept, The Daisy 77 Ballast we laid them on the b down below ; The Revenge 18 Balliol loved by all the younger gown There at B, To Master of B. 3 Balloon See Fire-balloon Balm steep our brows in slumber's holy b ; Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 21 desires, like fltful blasts of b Gardener's D. 68 spikenard, and b, and frankincense. St. S. Stylites'lW caress The ringlet's waving b— Talking Oak 178 Beat b upon our eyelids. Princess Hi 123 Be thme the b of pity. Merlin and V. 80 Strowmg b, or shedding poison Locksley H., Sixty, 274 who breathe the b Of summer-winters To Ulysses 10 ' From the South I bring you b, Prog, of Spring 66 whatever herb or b May clear the blood Death of (Enone 35 Balm-cricket The b-c carols clear In the green A Dirge 47 Balm-dew drop B-d's to bathe thy feet ! Talking Oak 268 Balm'd swathed and b it for herself. Lover's Tale i 682 Balmier kisses b than half -opening buds Tithoniis 59 B and nobler from her bath of storm, " Lucretius 175 Baltic shaker of the B and the Nile, Ode on Well. 137 side of the Black and the B deep, Maud III vi 51 Baluster And leaning there on those b's. Princess Hi 119 Balustrade stairs Ran up with golden b, Arabian Nights 118 Bamboo Your cane, your palm, tree-fern, b, To Ulysses 36 Band (bond, strip) bind with b's That island queen Buonaparte 2 Sleep had bound her in his rosy b, Caress'd or chidden 6 A 6 of pam across my brow ; Tfie Letters 6 Band 25 Bard I Band (bond, strip) (contimied) single b of gold about her hair, Princess v 513 No spirit ever brake the b In Mem, xdii 2 bars Of black and b's of silver, Lover's Tale iv 59 an" twined like a 6 o' haay. (hod Rod 22 Band (a company) held debate, a 6 Of youthful friends, In Mem. Ixocxvii 21 in a dream from a & of the blest, Maud III vi 10 if he live, we will have him of our h ; Oeraint and E. 553 thanks to the Blessed Saints that T came on none of his b ; Bandit's Death 40 b will be scatter 'd now their gallant captain is dead, ,, 41 Bandage raised the blinding b from his eyes : Princess i 244 Banded (See also Snowy-bajided, Yellow-banded) but after, the great lords B, Com. of Arthur 237 Bandied B by the hands of fools. Vision of Sin 106 Bandit redden'd with no b's blood : Aylmer's Field 597 bridge, ford, beset By b's, Oareth and L. 595 I saw three b's by the rock Oeraint aTid E. 72 Struck thro' the Dulky 6's corselet home, ,, 159 now so long By b's groom'd, ,, 193 Was half a 6 in my lawless hour, „ 795 One from the b scatter'd in the field, ,, 818 Scaped thro' a cavern from a b hold, Holy Grail 207 Thieves, b's, leavings of confusion. Last Tmtmame7it 95 Sanctuary granted To b, thief. Sir J. Oldcastle 113 tho' I am the B's bride. Bandit's Death 6 But the B had woo'd me in vain, „ 10 Bandit-haunted past The marches, and by b-h holds, Gei-aint and E. 30 Bane courtesies of household life. Became her b ; OviTievere 87 mockery of my people, and their b.' „ 526 Bang Let us b's these dogs of Seville, The Revenge 30 good manners b thruf to the tip o' the taail. Spiitster's S's, 66 Bang'd palace b, and buzz'd and clackt. Day- Dm.., Revival, 14 iron-clanging anvil b With hammers ; Princess v 504 Banished born And b into mystery, De Prof. Two G. 42 Banishment causer of his b and shame, Balin and Balan 221 Bank {See also Biver-bank, Sea-bank) In cool soft turf upon the b, Arabian Nights 96 wave-worn horns of the echoing b. Dying Swan 39 Shadow forth the b's at will : EleaTwre 110 From the b and from the river L. of Shalott, Hi 33 broad stream in his b's complaining, „ w 3 The little life of b and brier. You might have won 30 With many a curve my b's I fret The Brook 43 maidens glimmeringly group'd In tho hollow b. Princess iv 191 shadowing bluflf that made the b's. In Mem. ciii 22 Behind a purple-frosty b Of vapoiur, ,, cvii 3 Full to the b's, close on the promised good Maud I xviii 6 Rough-thicketed were the b's and steep ; Oareth and L. 907 star of mom Parts from a 6 of snow, Marr. of Oeraint 735 Tho' happily down on a 6 of grass, Oeraint and E. 507 like a 6 Of maiden snow mingled Last Tournament 148 leaves Low b's of yellow sand ; Lover's Tale i 535 thaw the b's o' the beck be sa high, Village Wife 83 Plunges and heaves at a 6 Def. of Lvjcknmo 39 slushin' down fro' the b to the beck, Owd Rod 41 Here on this 6 in smne way live tho life Akbar's Dream 144 Bankrupt b of all claim On your obedience, Romney's R. 70 Banner (See also Flame-banner) Here droops the b on the tower. Day -Dm., Sleep. P., 13 hedge broke in, the b blew, Day-Dm. Revival 9 unfurl the maiden b of our rights. Princess iv 503 undulated The b : anon to meet us ,, v 254 With b and with music. Ode on Well. 81 March with b and bugle and fife Maud IvlQ hail once more to the b of battle unroll'd ! Maud III vi 42 So when the King had set his b broad. Com. of Arthur 101 with black b, and a long black horn Oareth and L. 1366 b's of twelve battles overhead Stir, Balin and Balan 88 deeds Of England, and her b in the East ? Ded. Poem Prin. Alice 21 B of England, not for a season, b Def. of Imcknow 1 topmost roof our b of England blew, (repeat) Def. of Lucknotc 6, 30, 45, 60, 94 topmost roof our b in India blew. Def. of Lucknmo 72 Banner (continued) on the palace roof the old b of England blow. Thraldom who walks with the 6 of Freedom, b's blazoning a Power That is not seen Banneret a slender b fluttering. Balin by the b of his helm Dragg'd Def. ofLucknoiv 106 Vastness 10 Akbar's Dream 137 Oareth and L. 913 Balin and Balan 398 Banquet (See also Marriage-banquet, Mid-banquet) Each baron at the b sleeps, Day-Dm., Sleep. P., 37 beeswing from a binn reserved For b's, Aylmer's Field 406 distant blaze of those dull b's, ,, 489 with this our b's rang ; Princess i 132 With b in tho distant woods ; In Mem. Ixxxix 32 flowers or leaves To deck the b. , , cvii 6 Spice his fair b with the dust of death ? Maud I xviii 56 at the b those great Lords from Rome, Com. of Arthur 504 Faint in the low dark hall of b : Balin and Balan 343 (She sat beside the b nearest Mark), Merlin and V.\S made him leave The b, and concourse Lancelot and E. 562 Arthur to the b, dark in mood, ,, 564 ev'n the knights at b twice or thrice „ 736 against the floor Beneath the b, ,, 743 While the great b lay along the hall. Holy Orail 180 Then Arthur made vast b's, Pelleas and E. 147 bad them to a 6 of farewells. Love>''s Tale iv 186 cries about the b — ' Beautiful ! „ 239 To make their b relish ? Ancient Sage 18 Banqueted Let the needy be b, On Jub. Q. Victoria 35 Banquet-hall Into the fair Peleian b-h, (Enone 225 Banter (s) he spoke, Part b, part affection. Princess, Pro., 167 They hated h, wish'd for something real, ,, Con., 18 Banter (verb) With solemn gibe did Eustace h me. Gardener's D. 168 Banter'd I b him, and swore They said Golden Year 8 With which we 6 little Lilia first : Pnncess, Con. , 12 Bantling Then let the b scald at home, Pri7icess, v 458 Lo their precious Roman b, Boddicea 31 Baptis (Baptist) Fur I wur a B wonst. Church-warden, etc. 11 tha ?«?/,« speak hout to the i?'e5 here i' the town, ,, 51 Bar (barrier) (See also Harbour-bar, Window-bars) Sang looking thro' his prison 6's? Margaret 35 salt jxjol, lock'd in with b's of sand. Palace of Art 249 My spirit beais her mortal b's, Sir Galahad 46 Low breezes fann'd the belfry b's. The Letters 43 Save for the b between us, loving Enoch Arden 880 I linger by my shingly b's ; The Brook 180 Baronet yet had laid No b between them : Aylmer's Field 118 nor conscious of a h Between them, , , 134 squeezed himself betwixt the b's. Princess, Pro., 112 Who breaks his birth's invidious b. In Mem. Ixiv 5 Unloved, by many a sandy b, ,, ct 9 Rave over the rocky b, Voice and the P. 6 those that hand the dish across the h. Oareth and L. 155 may there be no moaning of the b. Crossing the Bar 3 When I have crost the b. „ 16 Bar (band) long night in silver streaks and b's, Ijtver's Tide, ii 112 b's Of black and bands of silver, ,, w 58 Bar (iron rod) casting b or stone Was counted best ; Oareth and L. 518 Bar (bony rid!ge) The b of Michael Angelo In Mem.. Ixxxvii 40 Bar (ray) stream 'd thro' many a golden b, Day-Dm., Depart. 15 Bar (tribunal) himself The prisoner at the b. Sea Dreams 176 Bar (body of barristers) year or two before Call'd to the b, Aylmer's Field 59 Bar (division of music) Whistling a random 6 of Bonny Doon, The Brook 82 Bar (verb) doors that b The secret bridal chambers Gardener's D. 248 block and b Your heart with system Princess iv 462 Thro' the gates that b the distance Faith 6 Barbarian Till that o'ergrown B in the East Poland 7 gray b lower than the Christian child. Lockdey Hall 174 ' Who ever saw such wild b's. ? Girls ? — Princess Hi 42 B's, grosser than your native bears — ,, iv 537 Barbarous These women were too b, „ H 298 Barcelona At B — tho' you were not Coluinlms 8 Bard b has honour'd beech or lime. Talking Oak 291 little h, is your lot so hard, Spitefid Letter 5 6's of him will sing Hereafter ; Com. of Artliur 414 Bard 26 Barrier Bard (cotititm^) not then the Riddling of the B's"! Gareth and L. 286 Was also B, and knew the starry heavens ; Merlin and V. 169 her b, her silver star of eve, Her God, ,, 954 many a /*, without offence, Ltmcdot and E. Ill all the sacred madness of the h, Holy th-ail 877 thy Paynim 6 Had such a mastery Last Towmainent 326 • Yea, one, a /* ; of whom my father said, Gninevere 111 the h Sang Arthur's glorious wars, ,, 285 we chanted the songs of the B's V. of Maddune 90 B whose fame-lit laurels glance To Victor Hvgo 4 B'.% that the mighty Muses have raised Pamassns 2 Bare (a!dj.) plain was grassy, wild and h, Hying Sioan 1 God, before whom ever lie h PalMce of Art 222 argent of her breast to sight Laid b, D. of F. Women 159 And saw the altar cold and b. The Letters 4 our love and reverence left them & ? Aylmer's Field 785 walks were stript as 6 as brooms. Princess, Pro., 184 strip a hundred hollows b of Spring, „ vi 65 Flashed all their sabres b. Light Brigade 27 B of the body, might it last. In Mem. xliii 6 breathing h Tlie round of space, ,, Ixxxvi 4 shield was blank and b without a sign Gareth and L. 414 Worn by the feet that now were silent, wound B to the sun, Marr, of Geraint 322 in my agony Did I make b Lover's Tale ii 48 Over all the meadow baked and b. Sisters {E. and E.) 8 strip your own foul passions b ; Locksley H., Sio'Iy, 141 His friends had stript him b. Dead Prophet 14 An' haafe on 'im i as a bublin'. Owd Roa 102 honest Poverty, b to the bone ; Vastriess 19 now arching leaves her b To breaths Prog, of Spring 12 Bare (to bear) hoofs 6 on the ridge of spears Prin/xss v 489 and b Straight to the doors : ,, vi 348 first that ever I b was dead Grandmother 59 b The use of virtue out of earth : In Mem. Ixxxii 9 This h a maiden shield, a casque ; Gareth and L. 680 down upon him 6 the bandit three. Geraint and E. 84 he, she dreaded most, b down upon him. „ 156 B victual for the mowers : ,, 202 b her by main violence to the board, ,, 654 Balin b the crown, and all the knights Balin and Balan 209 Trampled ye thus on that which b the Crown ? ' „ 602 he that always b in bitter grudge Merlin and V, 6 grefit and guilty love he b the Queen, Lancelot and E. 245 In battle with the love he 6 his lord, , , 246 all together down upon him B, ,, 482 came the hermit out and b him in, ,, 519 often in her arms She ft me, ,, 1411 none might see who b it, and it past. Holy Grail 190 his creatures took and b him off, Guinevere 109 Bare (to lay open) Falsehood shall b her plaited brow : Clear-headed friend 11 To b the eternal Heavens again, In Mem. cxxii 4 Bared The rites prepared, the victim h. The Victim 65 tho' it spake and b to view In Mem. xcii 9 b the knotted column of his throat, Marr. of Geraint 74 It her forehead to the blistering sun, Geraint and E. 515 Barefoot For b on the keystone, Gareth and L. 214 Bare-footed Kf came the beggar maid Beggar Maid 3 I'.l and bare-headed three fair girls Gareth and L. 926 Bare grinning Flash'd the b-g skeleton of doath ! Merlin and V. 847 Bare-headed Some cowled, and some 6-/t, Princess vi 77 Bnro-footed and b-h three fair girls Gareth and L. 926 BarenesB To make old b picturesque In Mem. cxxviii 19 Bargain they closed a b, hand in hand. The Brook 156 May rue the b made.' Princess i 74 Barge Slide tho heavy b's trail'd L. of S/utlott i 20 Then saw they how there hove a dusky b, M. d^ Arthur 193 ' Place me in the b,' And to the h they came. ,, 204 slowly answered Arthur from the b : „ 239 b with oar and sail Moved from the brink, ,, 265 and a b Be ready on tho river, Ixtncelot and E. 1122 tf) that stream whereon the ft, ,, 1141 slowly past the ft Whereon tho lily maid ,, 1241 the 6, On to the palace-doorway sliding, „ 1245 Barge {continued) ft that brought her moving down, Lancelot and E. 139 that unhappy child Pa^t in her 6 : Last Toumamsnt 45 Then saw they how there hove a dusky 6, Pass, of Arthur 361 ' Place me in the ft.' So to the 6 they came. „ 372 slowly answer'd Arthur from the ft : ,, 407 ft with oar and sail Moved from the brink, ,, 433 Barge-laden creeps on, B4, to three arches Gardiner's D. 43 Bark (vessel) (See cdso Crescent-bark) a ft that, blowing forward, bore M. d' Arthur Ep. 21 I find a magic 6 ; Sir Gakihad 38 swiftly streara'd ye by the ft ! The Voyage 50 lading and unlading the tall b's, Enoch Arden 816 this frail ft of ours, when sorely tried, Aylmer's Field 715 I sit within a helmless.ft. In Mem. iv 3 unhappy ft That strikes by night ,, xvi 12 spare thee, sacred ft ; ,, xmi 14 ft had plunder'd twenty nameless isles ; Merlin and V. 559 Down on a ft, and overbears the ft, Lancelot and E. 485 Bark (of a tree) silver-green with gnarled 6 : Ma'riana 42 And rugged b's begin to bud. My life is full 18 Could slip its ft and walk. Tidking Oak 188 Bark (verb) B an answer, Britain's raven ! ft and blacken innumerable, Boddicea 13 Let the fox 6, let the wolf yell. PeUeas and E. 472 and the dog couldn't 6. V. of Maeldune 18 Barketh B the shepherd-dog cheerly ; Leonine Eleg. 5 Barking ft for the thrones of kings ; Ode on Well. 121 Bark's-bosom Borne in the ft-ft, Batt. of BruTianburh ^9 Barley Long fields of ft and of rye, L. of SJudott i 2 In among the bearded ft, ,,29 And raked in golden 6. Will Water. 128 Barley-sheaves He rode between the b-s, L. of Shalott Hi 2 Barley-spear b-s's Were hollow-husk'd, Deimeter and P. 112 Barmaid ' Bitter ft, waning fast ! Vision of Sin 67 Bam got to the 6, fur the ft wouldn't burn Owd Rod 103 but the ft was as cowd as owt, ,, 111 Bame (bairn) Bessy Marris's 6. (repeat) N. Fanner, O.S. 14, 21 Baron (title) Each ft at the banquet sleeps, Day-Dm., Sleep. P., 37 The b's swore, with many words, ,, Revival 23 gaunt old B with his beetle brow Priiicess ii 240 bush-bearded B's heaved and blew, ,, « 21 In doubt if you be of our B's' breed — Third of Feb. 32 Lords and B's of his realm Com. of Arthur 65 B's and the kings prevail'd, ,, 105 fought against him in the B's' war, Gareth and L. 77 A knight of Uther in the B's' war, ,, 353 a stalwart B, Arthur's friend. ,, 818 B saying, ' I well believe ,, 835 the ^ set Gareth beside her, ,, 851 Setting this knave, Lord B, at my side. ,, 854 His B said ' We go but harkon : Balin and Balan 9 Heard from the B that, ten years La-^ticdot and E. 272 Count, ft — whom he smote, he overthrew. ,, 465 Bracelet-bestower and B of B's, Bait, of Bninanburh 4 Baronet hoar hair of the B bristle up Aylmer's Fidd 42 B yet had laid No bar between them : ,, 117 No little lily-handed B he, Princess, Con. 84 Barr'd All ft with long white cloud Palace of Art BiZ Every door is ft with gold, Locksley Hall 100 door shut, and window ft. Godiva 41 home-circle of the poor They ft her : Aylmer's Fidd 505 But now fast 6 : Princess v 367 and entering ft her door, Lancelot and E. 15 ribb'd And 6 with bloom on bloom. Lover's Tale i 416 Barren But it is wild and ft, Amphion 2 Tho soil, left ft, scarce had grown In Mem. liii 7 Barren-beaten He left the ft-ft thoroughfare, Lancdot and E. 161 Barricade Should pile her b's with dead. In Mem. cxxvii 8 death at our slight ft, Def. of Luckn&w 15 Barrier trumpet blared At the ft Princess v 486 burst All b's in her onward race In Mem. cxiv 14 Back to the ft ; then the trumpets lAincelot and E. 500 almost burst the b's in their heat. Holy Grail 336 voice that billow'd round the b's Last Tournament 167 Barrier 27 Battle Barrier (continued) Russia bursts our Indian b, h that divided beast from man Slipt, Barring out graver than a schoolboy's h o ; Barrow grassy b's of the happier dead. behind it a gray down With Danish b's ; Pass from the Danish b overhead ; Barter not being bred To b, Base (adj.) him thai utter d nothing b ; Counts nothing that she meets with b, ' Ungenerous, dishonourable, b, b and bad ! what comfort ? is he not too b ? And myself so languid and b. And therefore splenetic, personal, b, Nor know I whether I be very b Not only to keep down the b in man, spared the flesh of thousands, the coward and the&, Base (s) (See also Meadow-bases) Wrapt in dense cloud from b to cope. The seas that shock thy b ! Upon the hidden b's of the hills.' people hum About the column's b, The broken 6 of a black tower, a pillar'd porch, the b's lost In laurel : He has a solid b of temperament : roots of earth and b of all ; fangs Shall move the stony b's of the world, roar that breaks the Pharos from his b great the crush was, and each b, It sees itself from thatch to b drown The b's of my life in tears. a hundred feet Up from the /; : lash'd it at the b with slanting storm ; at the b we found On either hand, earthquake shivering to your b Split you, gathering at the b Re-makes itself, Upon the hidden b's of the hills.' iceberg splits From cope to b — wander round the b's of the hilk, plunge to the b of the mountain walls, Basebom Call him b, and since his ways and no king. Or else b.' Based (•S^^ also Broad-based, Firm-based) feet on juts of slippery crag b His feet on juts of slippery crag Basement Modred brought His creatures to the b Baseness ' He knows a bin his blood e<)ual b lived in sleeker times Is there no b we would hide ? She finds the b of her lot, there is no b in her.' To leave an equal b ; Puts his own 6 in him by default Basest Altho' I be the b of mankind, The b, far into that council-hall All that is noblest, all that is b, Bashful reddens, cannot speak. So b, Bashfulness His b and tenderness at war, His broken utterances and b, Basilisk hornless unicorns, Crack'd b's, Baisis All but the b of the soul. Bask or to 6 in a summer sky : To you that b below the Line, Why not b amid the senses Bask'd b and batton'd in the woods. wealthy enough to have b Basket To Francis, with a 6 on his arm, holiday. With bag and sack and b, set down His b, and dismounting skin Clung but to crate and b, Basking city Of little Monaco, b, glow'd. summer b in the sultry plains Bassa by the shore Of DugLos ; that on B ; Lockdey H., Sixty, 115 St. Tdemachus 60 Princess Con. 66 Tithomis 71 Enoch Arden 7 „ 442 „ 250 To the Queen 8 On a Mourns- 4 Aylmer's Field 292 Princess v 78 Ma\id I iv 36 „ t>18 „ a; 33 Marr. of Oeraint 468 Guinevere 480 Happy 17 T^oo Voice.s 186 England and Amer. 15 M. d' Arthur 106 St. S Stylites 39 Aylmer's Field 511 Princess i 230 „ iv 254 ,, w 446 ,, vi 58 339 353 Requiescai 3 In Mem. xlix 16 Jialin and Balan 171 Merlin awl V. 635 Holy Grail 497 Pelleas and E. 46.5 „ 609 Pass, of Arthur "^^ Lover's Tale i 604 „ a 121 V. of Maeldune 14 Ctm. of Arthur ISO 234 6 His M. d" Arthur 188 Pass, of Arthur 356 Guinevere 104 Two Voices 301 Princess v 385 In Mem. li 3 ,, Ix 6 Merlin and V. 127 830 Pelleas and E. 81 St. S. Stylitejs 1 Lucretius 171 Vastness 32 B(din and Balan 520 Enoch Arden 289 Pelleas and E. Ill Hidy Grail 718 Love thou thy land 44 Wages 9 To Ulysses 5 By an Evolution. 6 In Mem. xzxv 24 The Wreck 45 Andley Coui-t 6 Enoch Arden 63 Geraint and E. 210 Merlin and V. 625 The Daisy 8 Prog, of Spring 77 Lancelot ami E. 290 Bassoon (continued) liquid treble of that 6, my throat ; Princess ii 426 Bassoon heard The flute, violin, b ; Maud I xxii 14 Basting be for the spit, Larding and b. Gareth and L. 1083 Bastion A looming h fringed with fire. In Mem. xv 20 Bastion'd from the b walls Like threaded spiders, Princess i 107 Bat After the flitting of the b'a, Marinna 17 this Mock-Hymen were laid up like winter b's Princess iv 144 b's wheel'd, and owls whoop'd, Priticess, Con., 110 b's went round in fragrant skies. In Metn. xcv 9 For the black b, night, has flown, Maiid I xxii 2 A home of b's, in every tower an owl. Balin and Balan 336 When the 6 comes out of his cave, Despair 89 Batchelor Molly Magee wid her b, Danny O'Roon — TonKrrroio 10 Bath the b's Of all the western stars, Ulysses 60 His wife a faded beauty of the B's, Aylnm-'s Field 27 Balmier and nobler from her b of storm, Lucretius 175 dipt in b'a of hissing tears. In Mem. cxviii 23 Pallas Athene climbing from the b In anger ; Tiresias 40 fuse themselves to little spicy b's, Prog, of Spring 33 The B's, the Forum gabbled of his death, St. Tdemachus 74 Bathe Balm-dows to b thy feet ! Talking Oak 268 Coldly thy rosy shadows b me, Tithonus 66 Soft lustre b's the range of urns Day-Dm., Sleep, P., 9 she b's the Saviour's feet In Mem. xxxii 11 Bathed (.S«« (dso New-bathed) lying b In the green gleam Princess i 93 Vivien b your feet before her own ? Merlin and V. 284 So b we were in brilliance. Lover's Tale i 313 So fair in southern sunshine b. Freedom 5 B in that lurid crimson — St. Tdemachus 18 Batin' (beating) set me heart b to music wid ivery word ! Tomorrow 34 Batten And b on her poisons ? Lover's Tale i 777 Batten'd bask'd and b in the woods. In Mem. xxxv 24 Battenest Thou b by the greasy gleam Will Water. 221 Battening lie B upon huge seaworms The Kraken 12 Batter some one b's at the dovecote-doors, Princess iv 169 Batter 'd (See also Bone-batter'd) flints b with clanging hoofs ; D. of F. Women 21 He b at the doors ; none came : Princess v 337 Cyril, b as he was, Trail'd himself ,, vi 154 And b with the shocks of doom In Mem,, cxviii 24 and so left him bruised And b, Pdlcas and E. 547 Battering B the gates of heaven St. S. Stylites 7 Battery-smoke Plunged in the b's Light Brigade 32 Battle (s) (See also Field-of-battle, Mahratta-battle) We heard the steeds to h going, Oriana 15 The b deepen'd in its place, ,, 51 The distant b flash'd and rung. Two Voices 126 Peal after peal, the British b broke, Buonaparte 7 all day long the noise of b roll'd M, d' Arthur 1 drunk delight of b with my peers, Ulysses 16 boyish histories Of b, bold adventure, Aylnur's Fidd 98 That beat to b where he stands Princess iv 578 And gives the b to his hands : ,, 580 prove Your knight, and fight your b, ,, 595 Breathing and sounding beauteous 6, ,, « 161 doing b with forgotten ghosts, ,, 480 I and mine have fought Your b: „ vi 225 FVom talk of b's loud and vain. Ode on Well. 247 Some ship of b slowly creep. To F. I), Mam-ice 26 War with a thousand b's, Maiid I i 48 months ran on and rumour of b grew, ,, /// vi 29 Far into the North, and b, ,,37 hail once more to the banner of 6 unroll'd ! ,, 42 Arthur, passing thence to b, felt Co7n. of Arthur 75 long-lanced b let their horses run. ,, 104 like a painted b the war stood Silenced, ,, 122 in twelve great b's overcame The heathen hordes, „ 518 Grant me some knight to do the b for me, Gareth and L. 362 King had saved his life In b twice, „ 494 thou send To do the b with him, ,, 619 To bring thee back to do the b „ 1294 loving the b as well As he that rides him.' „ 1301 ride with him to b and stand by, Marr. of Geraint 94 BatUe 28 Beam Battle (b) (continvM) ' Do b for it then," no more ; Marr. of Geraint 561 In the great h fighting for the King. „ 596 soldiers wont to hear His voice in b, Geraint and E. 175 In 6, fighting for the blameless King, „ 970 l»nners of twelve b's overhead stir, Balin and Balan 88 My father died in b for thy King, Merlin and V. 72 ever-moaning b in the mist, ,, 192 after furious b turfs the slain ,, 657 In h with the love he bare his lord, iMncdot and E. 246 in the four loud b's by the shore Of Duglas ; „ 289 hast been in h by my side, „ 1358 twelve great Vs of our King. Hdy Grail 250 Knights that in twelve great b's „ 311 with one Who gets a wound in b, Pelleas and E. 529 Fought in her father's b's ? wounded Last Tournament 592 Isolt ?— I fought his b's, for Isolt ! „ 604 In open b or the tilting-field (repeat) Guinevere 330, 332 In twelve great b's ruining ,, 432 Far down to that great b in the west, „ 571 ere he goes to the great Bl „ 652 ere that last weird b in the west, Pass, of Arthur 29 is this b in the west Whereto we move, , , 66 last, dim, weird b of the west. „ 94 old ghosts Look in upon the b ; „ 104 King glanced across the field Of 6 : „ 127 held the field of b was the King : ,, 138 all day long the noise of b roll'd ,, 170 The darkness of that b in the West, To the Queen ii 65 In b with the glooms of my dark will. Lover's Tale i 744 God of b's, was ever a b like this The Revenge 62 Floated in conquering b or flapt Def. of Liicknow 2 kings Of Spain than all their b's ! Columbus 23 And we took to playing at b, V. of Maddune 95 For the passion of b was in us, ,, 96 Till the passion of b was on us, „ 111 Gaining a lifelong Glory in b, Batt. of Bi-unanburh 8 That they had the better In perils of 6 ,, 85 himself Blood-red from b, Tiresias 113 flay Captives whom they caught in b — Lochdey H.. Sixty, 80 mad for the charge and the b were we. Heavy Brigade 41 Stately purposes, valour in b, Vastness 7 crimson with b's, and hollow with graves, The Dreamer 12 Storm of b and thunder of war ! Rijlemenfmin ! 3 Battle (verb) For them I b till the end, Sir Galalutd 15 Battle-axe Bloodily, bloodily fall the b-a, Boadicea 56 fall b upon helm, Fall b, Com. of Arthur 486 Clang b and clash brand ! (repeat) Com. of Arthur 493, 496, 499 crash Of b's on shatter'd helms. Pass, of Arthur 110 Battle-bolt b-b sang from the three-decker Maud I i 50 Battle-club b-c's From the isles of palm : Princess, Pro., 21 Battle-cry battle or flapt to the b-c ! Def. of Luckno^o 2 and could raise such a b-c V. of Maddune 23 Battled (adj.) glow Beneath the b tower. D. of F. Women 220 Battled (verb) Who b for the True, the Just, In Mem. Ivi 18 Battle-field Be shot for sixpence in a b-f, Aitdley Court 41 Descends upon thee in the b-f: Com. of Arthur 129 Arthur mightiest on the 6-/— Gareth and L. 496 Right arm of Arthur in the b, Last Tournament 202 A galleried palace, or a b. The Ring 246 Battle-flag and the b-fs were furl'd I^ocksley Hall 127 Battlement 'ITie b overtopt with ivytods, Balin and Balan 335 Battle plain 8j>ring8 Of Dirc6 laving yonder b-p, Tiresias 139 Battleshield Hack'd the b, Batt. of Brurmnbii/rh 13 Battle song hear again The chivalrous h-s Maud I x5A Battle thunder thine the b-t of God,' Boadicea 44 the h-t broke from them all. The Revenge 49 with her b-t and flame ; ,,59 Battle-twig (earwig) ' Twur es bad es a b-t 'ere Spinster's S's. 80 Battle-writhen b-w arms and mighty hands Lancelot and E. 812 Baulk (beam) 'card the bricks an' the b's Owd Rod 109 Bawl throats of Manchester may b, Third of Feb. 43 Milliona of throats would 6 for civil rights, Princess v 387 Rbamed to h himself a kitchen-knave. Gareth and L. 717 b's this frontloBs kitchen-knave, ,, 860 Bawl'd you b the dark side of your faith Despair 39 Bay (arm of the sea) {See also Lover's Bay) spangle dances in bight and b, Sea-Fairies 24 glassy b's among her tallest towers.' (Enone 119 where the b runs up its latest horn. Audley Court 11 farmer's son, who lived across the b, ,,75 lower down The b was oily calm ; ,,86 That he sings in his boat on the b ! BreaJc, hreak, etc. 8 I bubble into eddying b's, The Brook 41 By b's, the peacock's neck in hue ; The Daisy 14 In caves about the dreary b. Sailor Boy 10 long waves that roll in yonder b ? Maud I xviii 63 pleasant breast of waters, quiet b, Lover's Tale i 6 borne about the h or safely moor'd ,, 54 growing holier as you near'd the i, ,, 338 into the sympathy Of that small ft, ,, i 435 curving round The silver-sheeted b : „ ii 76 Moved with one spirit round about the &, ,, Hi 17 their gloom, the mountains and the B, „ iv 16 After their marriage lit the lover's B, ,,28 I with our lover to his native B. ,, 155 and flung them in bight and b, V. of Maeldune 53 that dropt to the brink of his 6, The Wreck 73 that b with the colour'd sand — ,, 135 Bay (a tree) the boar hath rosemaries and h. Gareth and L. 1074 that wear a wreath of sweeter b, Poets and t/ieir B. 7 Bay (at bay) Where he greatly stood at b, Ode on Wdl. 106 heard The noble hart at b, Marr. of Geraint 233 Bay (verb) Not less, tho' dogs of Faction b, Love thou thy land 85 Baying chiefly for the b of Cavall, Marr. of Geraint 185 Bay-window from some b-vj shake the night ; Princess i 106 lands in your view From this b-io Sisters (E. and E.) 52 Beach rib and fret The broad-imbased b, Supp. Confessions 128 To watch the crisping ripples on the b. Lotos- Eaters, C.S. 61 rounded by the stillness of the h Audley Court 10 Here about the b I wander'd, Lockdey Hall 11 on this b a hundred years ago, Enoch Arden 10 here and there, on sandy b'es The Daisy 15 The breaker breaking on the b. In Mem. Ixxi 16 the scream of a madden'd b Maud 1 Hi 12 shore-cliff's windy walls to the 6, Geraint and E. 164 leaving Arthur's court he gain'd the h ; Merlin and V. 197 tremulously as foam upon the h Guinevere 364 the narrow fringe Of curving b — Lover's Tale i 39 the fig ran up from the b V. of Maddune 58 Beacon (s) like a h guards thee home. In Mem. xvii 12 prophet's b burn'd in vain, Ancient Sage 142 Beacon (verb) Not in vain the distance b's. Locksley Hall 181 Beacon-blaze h-h allures The bird of passage, Enoch Arden 728 Beacon-star Each with a b-s upon his head, Guinevere 241 Beacon-tower Fixt like a b-t above the waves Princess iv 493 Bead {See also Frost-bead) And number'd h, and shrift. Talking Oak 46 Beaded {See also Black-beaded, Five-beaded) And woolly breasts and b eyes ; In Mem. xcv 12 Beak hawk stood with the down on his b, Poet's Song 11 swoops The vulture, b and talon, Princess v 383 ever-ravening eagle's b and talon Boadicea 11 And all unscarr'd from b or talon. Last Tmirnament 20 Beaker b brimm'd with noble wine. Day-Dm., Sleep. P., 36 Be&l'd (bellowed) she b ' Ya miin saiive little Dick, Oivd Roa 81 an' she an' the babby b. North. Cobble)- 37 an' 'e 6 to ya ' Lad coom hout ' Church-warden, etc. 28 Beam (ray) So many minds did gird their orbs with b's The Pod 29 ' Or will one 6 be less intense, Two Voices 40 into two burning rings All ?»'s of Love, D.ofF. Women \7h deep-blue gloom with b's divine : ,, 186 the white dawn's creeping b's, ,, 261 fresh /) of the springing east ; M. d' Arthur 214 like a lane of b's athwart the sea, Golden Year 50 b's, that thro' the Oriel shine, Day-Dm., Sleep. P., 34 Pure spaces clothed in living b's, Sir Galahad 66 b of Heaven Dawn'd sometime Aylmer's Fidd 684 Was it the first b of my latest day ? Lucretius 59 Beam 29 Princess ii 138 ,, iv 44 „ v258 In Mem, Pro., 24 ,, lxxiil5 Maud I Hi 3 ,, xiv 21 Matr. of Geraint 262 Hdy Grail 116 „ 117, 188 122 155 187 Pass, of Arthur Zd,2 Lover's Tale i 672 a 173 Beam (ray) (continued) a h Had slanted forward, ' Fresh as the first b glittering on a sail, h Of the East, that play'd upon them, A 6 in darkness : let it grow. A chequer-work of h and shade Pale with the golden b of an eyelash Like a 6 of the seventh Heaven, smitten by the dusty sloping b', Stream'd thro' my cell a cold and silver h, down the long b stole the Holy- Grail, (repeat) Grail Past, and the b decay'd; A crimson grail within a silver 6 ; b of light seven times more clear than day : Smote by the fresh b of springing east ; crown of Vs about his brows — And solid b of isolated light, Beam (timber) (See also Baulk, Bigtree) shape it plank and b for roof Beam (verb) More bounteous aspects on me &, Beam'd Love's white star B thro' h, Beneath a manelike mass ghostly grace B on his fancy, Be&n 'ere a b an' yonder a pea ; Bear (an animal) grosser than your native Vs — dog, and wolf and boar and b Albeit grizzlier than a b, to ride Bear (constellation) B had wheel'd Thro' a great arc Bear (verb) (See also Abear, Bore) That Vs relation to the mind. ' His sons grow up that b his name, how canst thou b my weight ? I know you proud to b your name, whatever sky B seed of men As we b blossom of the dead ; 1 will not 6 it longer.' And b me to the margin ; Less burthen, by ten-hundred-fold, to b, B witness, if I could have found in truth (thou wilt b witness here) that which Vs but bitter fniit ? and he Vs a laden breast. Three angels b the holy Grail : Which Va a season 'd brain about, h me with thee, smoothly borne, beseech you by the love you b Him ' Too hard to b ! why did they take me boat that Vs the hope of life thought to 6 it with me to my grave ; Vs about A silent court of justice jam the doors, and b The keepers down, not he, who Vs one name with her The king would b him out ; ' Earth Should b a double growth think I b that heart within my breast, much I b with her : hear me, for I b, Tho' man, yet human, if thou needs must h the yoke, skater on ice that hardly Vs him, But help thy foolish ones to b ; Help thy vain worlds to b thy light. ,, To b thro' Heaven a tale of woe, ,, xii Come then, pure hands, and b the head ,, ocviii 9 I loved the weight I had to 6, ,, axro 7 A life that 6's immortal fruit ,, a^ 18 To that ideal which he /j'«? ,, lii 10 She often brings but one to ?>, ,, Iv 12 He Vs the burthen of the weeks ,, Ixoax 11 growing, till I could 6 it no more, Ma,ud I Hi 9 Vs a skeleton figured on his arms, Gareth and L. 640 heart enough To b his armour ? Geraint and E. 490 h him hence out of this cruel sun ? ,, 544 take him up, and h him to our hall : ,, 552 pray the King To let me b some token Bctlin and Balan 188 said ' What wilt thou 6 ? ' „ 199 and ask'd To h her own crown-royal „ 200 Princess vi 46 Sir Galahad 21 Gardener's D. 166 Aylmer's Field 67 Lancelot and E. 886 N. Farmer, O.S. 46 Princess iv 537 Co7n. of Arthur 23 PeUeas and E. 193 Princess iv 212 Tioo Voices 177 256 (Enone 237 L.C.V.de VerelO Love thou thy land 20 94 7%« Goose 32 M. d: Arthur 165 St. S. Stylites 24 55 „ 129 Lockdey Hall 65 143 Sir Galahad 42 Will Waier. 85 Mvce eastward 9 Enoch Arden 307 781 830 „ 896 Sea iJi-eams 173 Lucretius 169 „ 235 Princess i 182 „ ii 180 334 ,, Hi 81 „ iv 424 ,, m205 Hendeaisyllabics 6 In Mem. Pro., 31 32 2 Bear (verb) (continued) ladies living gave me this to best and purest, granted me To 6 it ! ' Thee will I 6 no more,' Vs, with all Its stormy crests Then will I h it gladly ; ' But I myself must b it.' seize me by the hair and b me far, see thou, that it may b its flower, cannot b to dream you so forsworn : added to the griefs the great must b, B with me for the last time And b me to the margin ; B witness, that rememberable day, that perfectness Which I do 6 within me : bade his menials b him from the door, How could I b with the sights and the loath- some smells Him, who should b the sword Of Justice — Why should we b with an hour of torture, sorrow that I 6 is sorrow for his sake, and I and you will b the pall ; B witness you, that yesterday younger kindlier Gods to 6 us down, creed and race Shall b false witness, The flood may b me far, Beard b Was tagg'd with icy fringes His b a foot before him, and his hair ' By holy rood, a royal 6 ! My b has grown into my lap.' paw'd his b, and muttered ' catalepsy.' answer which, half-muffled in his 6, father's face and reverend b b That looks as white as utter truth, Broad-faced with under-fringe of russet b, took his russet b between his teeth ; one curl of Arthur's golden b. to part The lists of such a b shaggy mantle of his b Across her neck no more sign of reverence than a b. b that clothed his lips with light — and his white b fell to his feet, we kiss'd the fringe of his 6 Beard-blown b-b goat Hang on the shaft. Bearded (See also Black-bearded, Bush-bearded, Bearded, Long-bearded, Parcel-bearded bearded) In among the b barley, Some b meteor, trailing light, the b grass Is dry and dewless. tho' you were not then So b. Beardless h apple-arbiter Decided fairest. Bearer Save under pall with Vs. Bearest love thou b The first-born Bearing (part.) b on My shallop thro' Ii a lifelong hunger in his heart. b hardly more Than his own shadow and, as h in myself the shame Oaring one arm, and b in my left as underhand, not openly b the sword. B all down in thy precipitancy — b in their common bond of love, sent him to the Queen B his wish, started thro' mid air B an eagle's nest : b round about him his own day, b high in arms the mighty babe, b on one arm the noble babe, from our fiery beech Were b off the mast. Bearing (mien) face nor b, limbs nor voice, thro' these Princelike his b shone ; And all her b gracious ; gazed upon the man Of princely b, I dream 'd the & of our knights Bearing (bringing forth) b and the training of a Bearing (armorial) gateway she discerns With armorial Vs Bearing (force) To change the & of a word, Bearing 6.' Balin and BalanMO 351 432 Lancelot and E. 483 „ 1106 „ 1108 1425 Holy Grail 887 Pelleas and E. 300 Gicinevere 205 „ 454 Pass, of Arthur Z'Si To the Queen ii 3 Lover's Tale i 89 „ iv 260 In the Child. Hosp. 25 Sir J. Oldcastle 87 Despair 81 The Flight 64 Locksley H., Sixty, 281 To Prof. J ebb 2 Demeter and P. 131 Akbar's Dream 98 Grossing tlie Bar 14 St. S. Stylites 31 Godiva 18 Day-Dm., Revival 20 22 Princess i 20 „ V 234 ,, vi 103 Gareth and L. 280 Geraint and E. 537 713 Merlin and V. 58 245 256 279 Last Tournament 668 V. of Maeldune 118 125 Princess iv 78 Lichen- , Busset- L. of Sludott i 29 , , Hi 26 Miller's D. 245 Columbus 9 Lucretius 91 Aylmer's Field 827 Ode to Memory 91 Arabian Nights 35 Enoch Arden 79 Aylmer's Field 29 355 Princess iv 183 Maud I i 28 Gareth and L. 8 Bcdin and Balan 150 Lamcdot and E. 1169 Last Toui-nament 15 Lover's Tale i 510 ,, iv 295 „ 370 Pro. to Gen. Hamley 4 Com. of Arthur 71 Marr. of Geraint 545 Holy Grail 394 Pelleas and E. 306 La.st Tournament 120 child Princess v 465 L. of Burleigh 43 In Mem, cxxviii 16 Beast 30 Beat Beast {'See also Be&st, Man-Beast) but a little more Than h's, l)eople here, a 6 of burden slow, one deep cry Of great wild Vs ; I a /* To take them as I did ? and even b's have stalls, Like a h with lower plea-sures, like a h The many -headed b should know.' , like s b hard-ridden, breathing bard, there surely lives in man and b (What b has heart to do it 'i b or bird or fish, or opulent flower : biting laws to scare the Vs of prey envy not the b that takes His license Move upward, working out the b, Like Paul with b's, I fought with Death ; Wherein the b was ever more and more, wet woods, and many a 6 therein, none or few to scare or chase the b ; between the man and b we die.' slew the b, and fell'd The forest, between the man and b they die. lift her from this land of Us Up to my throne, b and man had had their share of me : />'», and surely would have torn the child Have foughten like wild b's noise of ravage wrought by b and man, Care not, good b's, so well I care skins the wild b after slaying him, first as sullen as a 6 new-caged, In lieu of this rough b upon my shield, maws ensepulchre Their brother b, yell, Unearthier than all shriek of bird or b, l>eauteous h Scared by the noise weak b seeking to help herself b's themselves would worship ; in the lowest b's are slaying men, And in the second men are slaying b's, great b's rose upright like a man, the b's Will tear thee piecemeal.' b — he, she, or I ? myself most fool ; B too, as lacking human wit — made his b that better knew it, swerve what evil b Hath drawn his claws Reel back into the b, and be no more ? ' And men from b's — Long live the king thro' ever harrying thy wild b's — art grown wild b thyself, like a subtle 6 Lay couchant subtle b, Would track her guilt my realm Reels back into the b. As ignorant and impolitic as a b — That gray b, the wolf of the weald, the multitudinous b, The dragon, fierce b found A wiser than herself, curb the b would cast thee in the mire, Misters, brothers, — and the b's — Have we risen from out the b, then back into the 6 again ? bouse with all its hateful needs no cleaner than the b. Two Voices 197 Pcdace of Art 149 283 Edwin Moms 71 St. S. Stylit.es 109 Locksley Hall 176 You might luive toon 20 Aylmer's Field 291 Sea Dreains 68 Lucretius 233 „ 249 Princess v 393 In Mem. xxvii 5 ,, cxviii27 Com. of Arthur 11 45 59 79 80 163 217 226 Gareth aiid L. 437 „ 1308 Geraint OAid E. 93 856 Bcdin and Bcdan 196 488 545 421 498 575 Merlin and V. starved the wild b that was linkt But I hear no yelp of the b, caged b Yell'd, as he yell'd of yore barrier that divided b from roan Slipt, that stare of a b of prey. is prized for it smells of the b, Beftst nor a mortal b o' the feiild. An' 1 says 'Git awaJiy, ya b,' Beastlier /i than any phantom of his kind BeastUke b as 1 find myself, Not manlike Beat (s) {See alto Heart-beat) nigh to burst with violence of the b, Beat (verb) {See mchvs 45 60 V/uirity 10 TJie Dawn 14 North. Cobbler 38 Owd Roa 62 Lucretius 196 „ 231 Gareth and L. 763 Nothing will Die 12 All Things ivill Die 12 43 Beat (verb) {continued) From winter rains that his grave. My frozen heart began to b, B time to nothing in my head And her heart would b against me, I should know if it b right, dog howl, motherror the death-watch b, wind, that b's the mountain, blows ' B quicker, for the time Is pleasant, b me down and marr'd and wasted me, b the twilight into flakes of fire, heart of existence h for ever like a boy's ? where my life began to b ; Music in his heart B's quick My spirit b's her mortal bars, But never merrily b Annie's heart. b's out his weary life. May b a pathway out to wealth Long since her heart had b remorselessly, B breast, tore hair, cried out Had b her foes with slaughter but convention b's them down : B balm upon our eyelids, wave May b admission in a thousand years, My hea,irt b thick with passion vassals tx) be b, nor pretty babes That b to battle where he stands ; and they will b my girl clash'd their arms ; the dxum B ; One pulse that b's true woman, greater than all knowledge, b her down, faith in womankind B's with his blood, b with rapid unanimous hand, dance with death, to b the ground ciggk B's out the little lives of men. 'What is it makes me b so low ? ' Hath still'd the life that b from thee, my heart was used to b So quickly, A flower b with rain and wind, darken'd he^jt that b no more ; hearts that b from day to day, plays with threads, he b's his chair My pulses therefore b again That b's within a lonely place, But seeks to 6 in time with one crash'd the glass and b the floor ; At last he b his music out. hearts of old have b in tune, But let no footstep b the floor, my heart was used to b So quickly, heart b stronger And thicker, B'to the noiseless music of the night ! li, happy stars, timing with things below, B with my heart more blest than heart My heart would hear her and b, My dust would hear her and b. Is it gone ? my pulses b — But the broad light glares and b's, ■ the hoofs of the horses b, b, The hoofs of the B into my scalp and my brain, heart of a people b with one desire ; fierce light which b's upon a throne, and by this will b his foemen down.' B thro' the blindless casement Invaded Britain, ' But we b him back, Not b him back, but welcomed him B, till she woke the sleepers, while the sun yet b a dewy blade. And b the cross to earth, and break Vivien, tho' ye b me like your dog. Across the iron grating of her cell B, ~ blood b's, and tho blossom blows, felt the sun B like a strong knight let my lady b me if she will : And b's upon the faces of the dead, Ttoo Voices 261 „ 422 MiUer's D. 67 „ 177 „ 179 May Queen, Con. 21 To J. S. 1 On ft Mourner 12 Tithonus 19 „ 42 Locksley Hall 140 154 Day -Dm. Arrival 27 Sir Gala/iad 46 Enoch Arden 513 730 Aylmer's Field 439 799 Lucretius 277 Princess, Pro., 34 ,, Hi 123 155 190 ,, iv 146 578 i;88 251 ,. mlSO ,, vii 238 329 Boadicea 79 In Mem, i 12 ,, ii 8 ,, ivS „ m 12 ,, vii 3 ,, via 15 ,, zix 2 ,, Iviii 6 ,, Ixvi 13 In Mem. Ixxxv 57 „ 110 „ 115 ,, Ixxxvii 20 ,, zcvi 10 ,, xcvii 10 ,, ev 17 ,, cxix 1 Maud I via 8 ,, xviii 77 81 82 ,, xxii 69 71 „ II i 36 ,, ti;89 horses b, „ v8 „ nivi'id Ded. of Idylls 27 Com. ofA7tfiurm9 Man: of Geraint 71 746 748 Geraint and E. 404 446 Balin and Balan 458 582 Holy Grail 82 „ 671 Pellea^ and E. 23 335 Pass, of Arthur 141 >1 Beat 31 Beauty Beat (verb) (conlinued) tho' there h a heart in either eye ; Lover's Tale i 34 Death drew nigh and b the doors of Life ; ,, 111 noons £ from the concave sand ; ,, 140 felt the blast B on my heated eyelids : , , Hi 28 — Hearts that had b with such a love ,, iv 69 - It 6— the heart— it ft : Faint— but it 6 : „ 80 They b me for that, they b me — Rizjjah 48 and b Thro' all the homely town Columbus 82 "^eart alive b's on it night and day — The Flight 35 — ^heart that once had h beside her own. Lockstey H., Sixty, 58 "--when life has ceased to b. Happy 52 —* B, little heart— I give you this and this ' Rom)ietJs R. 1 - ' B upon mine, little heart \ b,b\ ,,94 ' B upon mine ! you are mine, my sweet ! ,,95 - — ' li little heart' on this fool brain ,, 155 _ pulse of Alia b's Thro' all His world. AUxir's Dream 41 h back The menacing poison ,, 164 - Harmony Whereto the worlds b time, D. of Lite Ixkke of C. 16 Beat (verb) An' it b's ma to knaw wot she died on, Churck-warden, etc. 6 Beaten (-^e aim Barren-beaten, Breaker-beaten, Hollow-beaten, Thrice-beaten, Weather-beaten) Ji with some great passion at her heart, Princess iv 388 B I had been for a little fault Com. of Arthur 341 seems no bolder than a b hound ; Geraint and E. 61 forward by a way which, b broad, „ 436 b back, and b back Settles, Merlin and V. 371 took To bitter weeping like a b child, „ 855 Of every dint a sword had b in it, Lancelot and E. 19 lance had b down the knights, Holy Grail 363 There was I b down by little men ,, 789 a traitor proven, or hound B, Pdleas and E. 440 save for dread of thee had b me. Last Tunrnamerit 525 many a heathen sword Had b thin ; Pass, of Arthur 167 Drooping and b by the breeze, Lwxr's Tale i 700 better ha' b me black an' blue First Quarrel 72 Havelock baffled, or b, Def. of l/ucknow 91 thus was I b back, Columbus 55 Beating (See cdso Batin) When will the heart be aweaiy of b ? Nothing will Die 6 in joyance is b Full merrily ; All Things will Die 6 Do h hearts of salient springs Adeline 26 music in his ears his b heart did make. Lotos-Eaters 36 heard with b heart The Sweet-Gale Edwin Morris 109 bosom b with a heart renew'd. Tithonus 36 B it in upon his weary brain, Enoch Arden 796 b up thro' all the bitter world, „ 802 two-cell'd heart b, with one full stroke, Princess vii 307 B from the wasted vines Ode on Well. 109 Rose-red with b's in it, as if alive, Holy Grail 118 own steps, and his own heart B, Pelleas and E. 417 Heart b time to heart, Lover's Tale i 260 found her b the hard Protestant doors. Sisters (E. and E. ) 240 warriors b back the swarm Of Turkish Montenegro 10 O the deathwatch b I Forlorn 24 Beatitude Fulfils him with b. Supp. Confessions 62 Beauteous The reflex of a 6 form. Miller's D. 77 To find my heart so near the b breast, Tliefyrm, tliefwm 7 when the h hateful isle Retum'd Enoch Arden 617 Breathing and sounding b battle, Princess v 161 In whispers of the h world. In Mem. Ixxix 12 Come, b in thine after form, ,, xci 15 the b beast Scared by the noise Merlin and, V. 421 Paris, himself as 6 as a God. Death of (Enone 18 Paris, no longer 6 as a God, ,, 25 Beaatifnl spirit-thrilling eyes so keen and b : Ode to Me^nory 39 And said the earth was o. A Character 12 Her b bold brow, The Poet 38 B Paris, evil-hearted Paris, (Enone 50 Idalian Aphrodite b, ,, 174 How b a thing it was to die For God D. of F. Women 231 Twin-sisters differently b. Edwin Morris 33 ever thus thou growest b In silence, Tithontis 43 ' She is more b than day.' Beggar Maid 8 his own children tall and b, Enoch Arden 762 Beautiful {coulinuaV) the stars about the moon Look b, Spec, of Iliad 12 made His darkness h with thee Perfectly b ; let it be granted her : pride flash'd over her b face. Silence, b voice ! b creature, what am I Not b now, not even kind ; He had not dreixm'd she was so b. Beyond my knowing of them, b, B in the light of holiness. ' Grod make thee good as thou art b,' ' Is Guinevere herself so b ? ' And enter it, and make it 6 ? Forgetting how to render b Her countenance The b in Past of act or place. Of all his treasures the most b, cries about the banquet — 'B ! That which is thrice as 6 as these. Of all my treasures the most b, pity, if one so b Prove, both are b : Evelyn is gayer, Both b alike, nor can 1 tell So b, vast, various, one was dark, and both were b. Bountiful, b, apparell'd gay, Beautiful-brow'd B-b (Enone, my own soul, Beautifully So lightly, b built : dress her b and keep her true' — that beauty should go b : (repeat) Beauty (See also After -beauty) solid form Of constant b. He spake of b : that the dull I see thy b gradually unfold, Light Hope at B's call would perch they live with B less and less, ' But now thy b flows away, I loved his b passing well. love B only (B seen In all varieties To And Knowledge for its b ; Good only for its b, seeing not That B, Good, and Knowledge, are three sisters B and anguish walking hand in hand ' I had great b : ask thou not my name : B such a mistress of the world. Her b grew ; till Autumn brought many a group Of beauties, glorious in his b and thy choice. Can thy love. Thy b, make amends. Thou wilt renew thy b morn by morn ; Her constant b doth inform Stillness His wife a faded b of the Baths, Edith, whose pensive b, perfect else, made pleasant the baits Of gold and b, sank down shamed At all that b ; murmurs of her b from the South, All b compass'd in a female form, beauties every shade of brown and fair underneath the crag, Full of all b. brief the moon of b in the South. Another kind of b in detail We hunt them for the b of their skins ; became Her former b treble ; All of b, all of use, Willy, my b, my eldest-born. So Willy has gone, my b, my eldest-born. She's a b thou thinks — — wot's a b 1 — the flower as blaws. Maaybe she warn't a 6 : — His b still with his years increased, this orb of flame. Fantastic b ; Who shall rail Against her b ? of the singular b of Maud ; Done but in thought to your b, child, you wrong your b, and B fair in her flower ; In Mem. locxiv 12 Maud 1 a 4 „ iv 16 „ V 19 ,, xvi 10 „ // V 66 Lancelot and E. 353 Holy Grail 103 105 136 Pelleas and E. 70 Pass, of ArUiur 17 Lover's Tale i 96 135 „ iD234 239 248 318 338 Sisters (E and E) 35 '^76 Ancient Sage 84 The Ring 161 Prog, of Spring 62 (Enone 71 Palace of Art '^A: Geraint and E. 40 „ 681, 684 Si'2^p. Confessions 150 A Clmracter 7 Eleanore 70 Caress'd or chidden 3 Mariana in tlie S. 67 T/ie Sisters 23 With Pal. of Art Q D. of F. Wmnen 15 93 Gardener's D. 58 207 Talking Oak 62 Tithonns 12 „ 24 „ 74 Do.y-Dm. Sleep. B. 15 Aylmer's Field 27 70 487 Lucretii/^s 64 Princess i 36 „ ii 34 » 437 „ m 337 „ iv. 113 „ 448 ,, v\m „ vii '2^ Ode. Inter. Exhib. 23 Grandmother 9 „ 101 N. Fanner, N. S. 14 15 28 The Victim 34 In Mem. xxxiv 6 ,, cxiv 2 Maud I i 67 ,, Hi 6 „ iv 17 25 Beauty BeaxAj (cotUinued) dream of her 6 with teader dread, To know her b might half undo it. The b would be the same. Kemembering all the b of that star gazed oa all earth's b in their Queen, To make her b vary day by day. The prize of b for the fairest there, having seen all beauties of our time, won lor thee, The prize of 6.' Your 6 is no 6 to him now : pat your b to this flout and scorn that 6 should go beautifully : (repeat) thine The wreath of b, thine the crown Guinevere, The pearl of b : Your b is your b, and I sin b of her flesh abash'd the boy, As tho' it were the b of her soul : so did Pelleas lend All the young b And title, ' Queen of £,' in the lists the sight Of her rich b made him cannot brook to see your b marr'd Qaeen of B and of love, behold This day my Queen of £ great Queen My dole of b trebled ? ' ' Her b is her b, and thine thine, her b, grace and power, Wrought b such as never woman wore. In giving so much b to the world, A b which is death ; did he know her worth. Her b even ? Who could desire more 6 at a feast ? ' b that is dearest to his heart — veriest beaxUies of the work appear One bloom of youth, health, b, Ineffable b, out of whom, at a glance, A b with defect — till That which knows, Science grows and B dwindles — Like worldly beauties in the Cell, that only doats On outward b, You would not mar the b of your bride give place to the b that endures, that endures on the Spiritual height, A b came upon your face. My b marred by you ? by you ! lose it and myself in the higher b, b lured that falcon from his eyry on the fell. 32 Bedivere Maud 1 XV i 14 „ II a 12 Ded. of Idylls 46 Com. of Arthur 463 Marr. of Geraint 9 485 498 555 Geraint and E. 330 675 „ 681, 684 Merlin and V. 79 Lancelot and E. 114 1186 Pelleas and E. /8 79 83 116 238 298 Last Towmament 208 „ 558 „ 559 Guinevere 143 549 Lover's Tale i 212 „ a 190 „ iv 151 240 249 Sisters IE. and E.) 105 120 Tiresias 55 Ancient Sage 86 Locksley H., Sixty, 246 The Ring 143 „ 164 Happy 24 „ 36 „ 37 „ 51 » 57 „ 58 „ 59 never caught one gleam of the 6 which endures — ,, 60 Became Therefore revenge b me well. The Sisters 5 And well his words b him : Edwin Morris 25 And one b head-waiter. Will Water. 144 crime of sense b The crime of malice, Vision of Sin 215 b Her former beauty treble ; Princess vii 24 B no better than a broken shed, Holy Grail 398 Thereon her wrath b a hate ; Pelleas and E. 224 courtexies of household life, B her bane ; Guinevere 87 ' Sir Lancelot, as 6 a noble knight, ,, 328 1 to her b Her giuirdian and her angel, Lover's Tale i 392 Italian words, b a weariness. The Ring 407 Hor Past b her Present, Death of (Enone 14 in the mist at once B a shadow, ,, 50 dre.-im li a deed that woke the world, Voices 70 CEno7ie29 Amphion 36 A Farewell 11 Enoch Arden 366 Princess, Pro., 88 „ i 40 „ vii 222 N. Farmer, N. S., 40 WindoiO, Winter 10 Lancelot and E. 785 Holy OraU 214 Andmit Sage 269 Vastness 35 Prog, of Spring 4 Romney's R. 82 North. Cobbler 15 Margaret 61 On a Mo^tmer 14 Edwin Morris 84 Talking Oak 141 291 Amphion 28 The Brook 135 In Mem. xxx 9 ci 3 Pdleas and E. 26 Pro. to Gen. Hamley 3 Prog, of Spring 32 Last Tournament 376 Gareth and L. 457 Princess, iv 199 Owd Roa 35 Aylmer's Field 405 Princess, ii 240 Claribel 9 Aylmer's Field 229 Geraint and E. 602 Princess, Hi 147 Ode on Wdl. 138 In Mem. xxvii 13 Princess, Pro., 210 Ode on Well. 250 Aylmer's Field 590 In Mem. xxvi 10 Beg I will b of him to take thee back : I cannot steal or plunder, no nor b : Began ' When first the world b, ' Before the little ducts b The sweet church bells b to peal. My frozen heart b to beat, those great bells B to chime, trees b to whisper, and the wind 6 5 : ' I govern'd men by change. At this a hundred bells b to peal, For when my passion first b, where my life b to beat ; So fares it since the years b, prone edge of the wood b To feather (repeat) B to chafe as at a personal wrong, drooping chestnut-buds b To spread And then b to bloat himself. Till she b to totter, and the child ' He b. The rest would follow. So I b, And the rest foUow'd : but as his brain B to mellow, when the college lights B to glitter B to address us, and was moving on ' Are you that Lady Psyche,' I b, b A blind and babbling laughter, greatest sailor since our world b. I 6 to be tired a little. What seem'd my worth since I b ; The total world since life b ; Whose life in low estate b A breeze 6 to tremble o'er wind b to sweep A music In tracts of fluent heat b, Wretchedest age, since Time b, B to move, seethe, twine and curl : Sat down beside him, ate and then b. B to scoff and jeer and babble that I 6 To glance behind me B to break her sports with graver fits, No sooner gone than suddenly she b : plain that then b To darken under Camelot ; when the day b to wane, we went. such a blast, my King, 5 to blow, Then she b to rail so bitterly. Autumn thunder, and the jousts b : and both B to struggle for it, B to gall the knighthood, asking b To vex and plague her. by and by b to hum An air Ye ask me, friends, When I 6 to love. So know I not when I & to love. B to heave upon that painted sea ; Four bells instead of one b to ring, his own b To pulse with such a vehemence At once b to wander and to wail, then b the story of his love Whereat the very babe b to wail ; An' the wind b to rise, , when the storm on the downs b, water b to heave and the weather to moan, But at length we 6 to be weary, and there I 6 to weep, cry so desolate, not since the world o, ' And since — from when this earth b — ' The years that when my Youth b She b to spake to herself, for since our dying race b, 111 To waste this earth b — I that loved thee since my day b, his fresh life may close as it 6, And a beggar h to cry ' Food, food Beget Many a chance the years b. Begetters woridly-wise b's, plagued themselves Beggar (s) Are there no b's at your gate, ' If I'm a i born,' she said, Beggar Dora 123 Geraint and E. 487 Tvx) Voices 16 „ 325 „ 408 „ 422 Palace of Art 158 May Queen, Con., 27 D. of F. Women 129 M. d' Arthur, Ep. 29 Talking Oak 9 Loclcsley Hall 154 WUl Water. 169 Enoch Arden 67, 373 474 Sir L.'and Q. G. 16 Sea Dreams 154 244 Princess, Pro., 200 243 „ i 180 208 „ u 184 261 ,, OT 136 Ode on Well. 86 Grandmother 74 In Mem., Pro., 34 ,, xliii 12 ,, Ixiv 3 ,, xcv 54 ,, ciii 53 ,, cxviii 9 Maud II V 21 Gareth and L. 234 872 Marr. of Geraint 58 Geraint and E. 862 Merlin and V. 180 Lancelot and E. 96 Holy Grail 217 488 795 Pdleas and E. 250 Last Tournament 153 410 683 Guinevere 67 ,, 162 Lover's Tale i 145 163 „ ii 192 ,, m20 „ iv 81 99 354 375 First Qjiarrd 89 Rizpah 71 The Revenge 113 V. of Maddune 91 T/ie Wreck 93 Despair 59 Ancient Sage 53 155 Tomorrmo 54 Lockdey //., Sixty, 65 Epilogue 23 To Virgil 38 Prog, of Spring 89 Voice spake, etc. 5 Miller's D. 206 Aylmer's Field 482 L. C. V. de Vere 67 Lady Clare 37 Beggar 34 Being Beggar (s) {contimied) I am a b born,' she said, ner, he loved, a b : then he pray'd tho' she were a b from the hedge, fling free alms into the b's bowl, And a b began to cry, ' Food, food Beggar'd and I fell £ for ever — Beggar Maid Bare-footed came the b m ' This h m shall be my queen ! ' Beggar- Woman silken rag, the b-w's weed : Begged then they b For Father Philip At last she b a boon. Begin fret Of that sharp-headed worm Vs And rugged barks b to bud, That to b implies to end ; When meres b to uncongeal, call me loud when the day b's to break : look ! the sun b's to rise, lights b to twinkle from the rocks : Bsto move and tremble. Till the graves b to move. And the dead b to dance. B's the scandal and the cry : Which made a selfish war b ; The noise of life b's again. From whence clear memory may b, overhead B's the clash and clang sadder age b's To war against b's to play That air which pleased her an' saw she b's to cry, Evelyn b's it ' diviner Air. ' listen how the birds B to warble Beginner fair b's of a nobler time, Beginning (part.) world's great work is heard B, B to faint in the light that she loves B at the sequel know no more. And he 6 languidly — The boat was b to move, Beginning (b) end and the b vex His reason : blind b's that have made me man, break The low b's of content. And be the fair 2> of a time. Begone ' You must b,' said Death, B : we will not look upon you more. B ! my knave ! — belike and like thou b, take counsel, and away, Begotten (See also Wajit-begotten) My father hath b me in his wrath. Beguile To b her melancholy ; Beguil'd well, well, well, I Tnay be b B^un help me as when life b : into my heart, and b to darken my eyes. My brain had b to reel — A juster epoch has b. The light of days when life b, Altho' the months have scarce b^ this bare dome had not b to gleam weary one, has it 6 ? Beheld 6 Thy mild deep eyes upraised, 1 6 great Herb's angry eyes, Since I 6 young Laurence dead, ere a star can wink, b her there. I b her ere she knew my heart, when the boy b His mother, B the dead flame of the fallen day b His wife his wife no more. Turning b the Powers of the House I b her, when she rose The yesternight, The Priest b him, And cried And what I am b again b The death-white curtain drawn ; I b From eye to eye thro' all their Order likewise I 6 Excalibur when her son B his only way to glory h Far over heads in that long-vaulted B the long street of a little town Lady Clare 71 Enoch Arden 117 Marr. of Geraint 230 Ancient Sage 260 Voice spake, etc. 5 Lover's Tale i 670 Beggar Maid 3 16 Geraint and E. 680 Enoch Arden 364 Princess i 146 Supp, Co7ifessions 186 My life is full 18 Two Voices 339 „ 407 May Qioeen 10 May Qneen, Con. , 49 Ulysses 54 Will Water. 32 Vision of Sin 165 You might have won 16 To F. D. Maurice 30 In Mem. vii 10 „ xlv 10 ,, Con. 61 Gareth and L. 1129 Lover's Tale i 20 North. Cobbler 71 Sisters (E. and E.) 4 The Flight 61 Co7n. of Arthur 457 In Mem. cxxi 11 Maud I xxii 9 Lover's Tale iv 158 274 First Quarrel 21 Two Voices 298 Lucretius 246 In Mem. Ixxodv 48 Guinevere 466 Love and Death 7 Princess iv 547 Gareth and L. 713 1002 Balin and Balan 283 Maud I xxZ „ m 89 Lockdey Hall 185 Rizpah 16 In the Child. Hasp. 60 Epilogue 6 Pref. Poem Broth. S. 23 To Ulysses 22 To Mary Boyle 41 The Dreamer 26 Supp. Confessions 73 (Enone 190 L. C. V. de Vere 28 Gardener's D, 122 276 Doi-a 137 Enoch Arden 441 758 Aylmer's Field 287 Princess v 175 The Victim 37 In Mem. czxiv 21 Maud I xiv 33 C&m. of Arthur 269 „ 295 Gareth and L. 159 318 Marr. of Geraint 242 Beheld {conti7iiied) Geraint B her firat in field, Tum'd, and 6 the four, and all b A little town with towers, I never yet 6 a thing so pale. Have I 6 a lily like yourself. true eyes B the man you loved b Balin and Balan sitting Statuelike, B before a golden altar lie B the Queen and Lancelot get to horse. b the King Charge at the head Arthur, who b his cloudy brows, every knight b his fellow's face Another hath b it afar off, b That victor of the Pagan b three spirits mad with joy B at noon in some delicious dale glancing up b the holy nuns All round her, some b the faces of old ghosts When I b her weep so ruefully ; b All round about him that which never yet b a thing so strange, when before have Gods or men b The Life b A blood-red awning waver Behest Then not to disobey her lord's b, Behold Where'er they fell, b. Like to ' B, it is the Sabbath mom.' B this fruit, whose gleaming rind Mayst well b them unbeheld, when I look'd again, b an arm, B her there. As I beheld her ' Who is this ? b thy bride,' some one spake : 'B\it was a crime In such a shape dost thou b thy God. in me b the Prince Your countryman, B your father's letter.' reverent people b The towering car, ' B the man that loved and lost, B me, for I cannot sleep, B a man raised up by Christ ! An inner trouble I b, B, we know not anything ; B their brides in other hands ; B, I dream a dream of good, happy hour, b the bride Arthur said, ' B thy doom is mine. ' B, for these have sworn To wage my wars, did Enid, keeping watch, b B me overturn and trample on him. b me come To cleanse this common father, I b him in my dreams B it, crying, ' We have still a King.' b a woman at a door Spinning ; when they led me into hall, b. looking up, B, the enchanted towers ' In happy time b our pilot-star I ' B me. Lady, A prisoner, B his horse and armour. b This day my Queen of Beauty Till the High God b it from beyond, B, I seem but King among the dead.' when I look'd again, b an arm, in her b Of all my treasures Behind this darkness, I b her still, when these b their Lord, Beholden But being po b to the Prince, shame the Prince To whom we are b ; Beholding B how the years which are not Time's B one so bright in dark estate, B how ye butt against my wish, B it was Edyrn son of Nudd, b her Tho' pale, yet happy, b him so strong, she thought Behoof break them more in their b, To mask, tho' but in his own b, Being changes should control Our b, Marr, of Geraint 540 „ 558 Geraint and E. 196 615 620 847 Balin and Balan 23 410 Merlin and V. 102 Lancelot and E. 303 1354 Holy Grail 191 897 Last Tournament 664 Guinevere 252 393 666 Pass, of Arthur lOS Lover's Tale i 773 ,, iv 53 „ 303 Demeter and P. 29 St. Telemachus 51 Geraint and E. 450 The Poet 22 Two Voices ifyz (Enone 72 ., 89 M. d' Arthur 158 Gardetier's D. 275 Love and Duty 49 Vision of Sin 213 Aylm^'s Field 657 Princess ii 214 „ iv 468 OcU 071 Well. 54 In Mem. i 15 ,, vii 6 ,, axcxilS „ odi 18 „ liv 13 ,, a»14 ,,caxcix 11 „ Con. 69 Com. of Arthur ^Q7 507 Gemint aiid E, 118 843 894 Lancelot and E. 763 Holy Grail 245 391 577 813 Pelleas a7id E. 63 240 373 Last Tournament 208 Pass, of Arthur 16 146 326 Lover's Tale iv 317 Tiresias 52 Akbar's Drea7n 142 Marr. of Geraint 623 727 Aylmer's Field 601 Marr. of Geraint 786 Geraint and E. 677 781 879 Pelleas a7id E. 117 Princess vi 61 Maud / w 48 Love thou thy land 42 Being Being (cMUinued) all the current of my b sets to and spoils My bliss in b ; No Angel, but a dearer 6, Her peaceful b slowly passes by And all the wheels of B slow. His b working in mine own, And strike his 6 into bounds, b he loved best in all the world, and he felt his b move In music glad new-year Of B, which with earliest Beknaved Gareth following was again b. Bel 'I'ill the face of ^ be brighten'd, Belaboor'd so b him on rib and cheek Belaud blush to b myself a moment — Beldam Then glided a vulturous B forth, Beleaguerer Blown by the fierce b'a of a town, Belfry white owl in the b sits, (repeat) Low breezes fann'd the b bars, Belied liars 6 in the hubbub of lies ; Belief Think my b would stronger grow ! but my b In all this matter — Beyond mine old b in womanhood, I am quicker of 6 Than you believe me, and he believed in her b. or that which most Enchains b, Believable that he sinn'd is not b ; Believe (See also Make-believes) Why not b then ? But I b she wept. I b, if you were fast my wife, Save Cfhrist as we 6 him — Gods there are, for all men so b. there is iron in the blood, And I 6 it. we b him Something far advanced nor b me Too presumptuous, I heard a voice, ' b no more ' you wrong your beauty, b it. Shall I b him ashamed to be seen ? I well b You be of Arthur's Table,* I do 6 yourself against yourself, world will not b a man repents : I well b this damsel, and the one we b all evil of thy Mark — and half b her true : I well b that all about this world I well b she tempted them and fail'd, I might 6 you then, Who«knows ? noble it is, I well b, the noblest — if I could b the things you say I may not well b that you b.' I am quicker of belief Than you b me, with him, to 6 as he believed. Our Lady says it, and we well b : greatest hardly will 6 he saw ; lie to me : I 6. Will ye not lie ? I should all as soon b that his, to h it — 'tis so sweet a thought, can well b, for he look'd so coarse ' O soul of little faith, slow to b ! who b These hard memorials speak the truth that no man may b. ' were used to b everlasting would die : Did he b it ? did you ask him ? That no man would b. Believed The woman cannot be b, b This filthy marriage-hindering when he came again, his flock b — and saw, but scarce b often she b that I should die : I b that in the living world My spirit Queen b that when her son Not less Geraint b it ; I b myself Unconquerable, He spoke, and Enid easily b, and half b her true, (repeat) 35 thee.' Loeksley Hall 24 Lucretiiis 222 Princess vii 320 Requiescat 7 In Mem. I 4 In Mem. Ixxxv 43 ,, Con. 124 Geraint and E. 103 Balin and Balan 211 Laver's Tale i 282 Gareth and L. 786 Boiidicea 16 Princess t> 341 Hendecasyllabics 18 Dead PropJut 25 Achilles over the T. 20 The Owl I. 7, 14 The Letters 43 Maud I iv 51 Svpp. Confessions 13 Com. ofArihurlSS Lancelot and E. 955 „ 1204 Holy GraU 165 Lover's Tale ii 134 Merlin and V. 760 Supp. Confessions 123 Talking Oak 164 Enoch Arden 414 Aylmer's Field 573 Lucretius 117 Princess vi 231 Ode on WeU. 274 Hendecasyllabics 15 In Mem. cxxiv 10 Maud I iv 17 ,, xiii 25 Gareth and L. 835 Geraint and E. 744 900 Balin and Balan 612 Merlin and V, 93 186 541 819 „ 922 Lancelot and E, 361 1097 „ 1196 „ 1205 Holy GraU 487 604 „ 896 Last Tournament 645 Guinevere 350 Lover's Tale i 275 In the Child. Hosp. 7 Columbus 147 195 Tiresias 50 Despair 54 The Pino 225 Meckanophiius 28 The Letters 32 Aylmer's Fidd 373 ,, 600 ^Sea Dreams 34 Princess vii 100 „ 157 Gareth and L. 158 Marr. of Geraint 28 Geraint and E. 835 874 Merlin and V. 400, 893 \ Believed {conliwued) and he b in her belief. One with him, to believe as he b. in vows when men 6 the King ! every knight B himself a greater we 6 her asleep again — And if I 6 in a God, I would Believing B where we cannot prove ; own soul to hers, B her ; JS, ' lo mine helpmate, one to feel Only, b I loved Edith, b that the girl's Lean fancy, people b that Peelfe the Goddess Bell {See also Ankle-bells, Bindweed-bell, Chapel Bell, Church-bell, Flower-bells, Marriage-bell) Nine Bell Holy Grail 165 487 iMst Tournament 649 677 In the Child. Hosp. 69 Despair 70 In Mem., Pro., 4 Pelleas and E. 84 Guinevere 485 Sistei-s {E. and E.) 138 Tfie Ring 335 Kapiolani 8 times goes the passing b : dropping low their crimson b's Half-closed, with white b's the clover-hill swells The bridle b's rang merrily The foxglove cluster dappled b's.' The sweet church b's began to peal, in the towers I placed great b's that swung, those great b's Began to chime, midnight b's cease ringing suddenly, At this a hundred 6's began to peal, sound of funeral or of marriage b's ; ffom them clash 'd The b's ; we listen 'd ; when the b's were ringing, Allan call'd I do not hear the b's upon my cap, blow The sound of minster b's, shrill 6 rings, the censer swings, There comes a sound of marriage b's. were wed, and merrily rang the b's, (repeat) Merrily rang the b's and they were wed heard the pealing of his parish b's ; hark the b For dinner, let us go ! ' the chapel b's Call'd us : we left half open'd b of the woods ! like a b Toll'd bv an earthquake Let the b be toll'd : (repeat) Clash, ye b's, in the merry March air ! Saaint's daay — they was ringing the b's. ' lights and rings the gateway b, I hear the b struck in the night : The Christmas b's from hill to hill Before I heard those b's again : The merry merry b's of Yule. One set slow b will seem to toll A single peal of b's below, That these are not the b's I know. Ring out, wild b's, to the wild sky. Ring, happy b's, across the snow : The dead leaf trembles to the b's. Is cap and b's for a fool. Not a b was rung, not a prayer was read ; she tower'd ; her b's, Tone under tone, ye, that follow but the leader's b ' thence at intervals A low b tolling, came on me The hollow tolling of the b, by slow degrees the sullen b Toll'd quicker. Four b's instead of one began to ring. Four merry b's, four merry marriage-bells, b's Lapsed into frightful stillness ; again the b's Jangled and clang'd : the b's. Those marriage-bells. Heard yet once more the tolling b, we heard them a-ringing the b, butted each other with clashing of b's, the clash and boom of the b's rang The tolling of his funeral b Ring little b's of change b's that rang without a hand, where the loyal b's Clash welcome — Bridal b's with tolling ! . . . A spike of half-accomplish'd b's — lin-lan-lone of evening b's Far-far-away. A II Things will Die 35 Arabian Nights 62 Sea-Fairies 14 L. of Shalott Hi 13 Two Voices 72 „ 408 Palace of Art 129 157 D. ofF. Women 247 M. d' Arthur, Ep., 29 Gardener's D. 36 221 Dora 41 Edtoin Morris 56 Talking Oak 272 Sir Galahad 35 The Letters 48 Enoch Arden 80, 511 512 615 Princess ii 432 470 „ vi 193 331 Ode on Well. 53, 58 W. to Alexandra 18 N. Farmer, JST. S. 13 In Mem. viii 3 x2 „ xxviii 3 16 20 , , Ivii 10 ,, civ 5 8 ,, cvi 1 6 „ Con. 64 Maud I vi 62 „ IIv2i Merlin and V. 131 Holy Grail 298 Lover's Tale ii 83 ,, Hi 10 18 20 21 29 62 ,, iv2 29 First Qttarrel 21 V. of Maeldune 108 „ 110 Tiresias 192 Early Spring 41 The Ring 411 „ 482 Ftyrlom 70 To Ulysses 24 Far-far-away 6 BeU 36 Best Bell (coutinued) Faith and Work were b's of full accord, In Mem., W. G. Ward 2 many a pendent 6 and fragrant star, Death of (Enone 13 people nag the b from love to Thee. Akbar's Dream, Inscrip. 4 m praise of Whom The Christian 6, Alchar's Dream 149 Twilight and evening h. Crossing the Bar 9 Bell'd See Milky-Bell'd Bellerophon White Rose, B, the Jilt, The Brook 161 Bellicent (Queen) the Queen of Orkney, B, (repeat) Com. of Arthur 190, 245 last tall son of Lot and B, Gareth and L. 1 Then B bemoan'd herself and said, „ 72 son Of old King Lot and good Queen B, , , 1231 Belling L^*- '"^ * roky hollow, b, heard Last Tmirnament 502 Bell-like many a deep-hued b-l flower Eleanore 37 Bell-mouth'd whom the b-m glass had wrought, Princess iv 155 Bellow'd (See also Be&l'd) ever overhead B the tempest, Merlin and V. 957 Bellowin^r {See also A-bealin', HoUower-bellowing) B victory, b doom : Ode on Well. 66 b thro' the darkness on to dawn, Gareth and L. 177 Hell burst up your harlot roofs B, Pelleas and E. 467 Bellringrer Friars, b's. Parish-clerks — Sir J. Oldcastle 160 Belong'd boooks, I ha' see'd 'em, b to the Squire, Village Wife 71 an' 'is gells es 6 to the land ; ,, 112 my Fathers 6 to the church of old. The Wreck 1 Belon^ring things b to thy peace and ours ! Aylmer's Field 740 I knew it — Of and b to me, Lucretius 44 Beloved (See also Much-beloved, Well-beloved) Revered, b — you tfutt hold To the Queen 1 this world's curse, — 6 but hated — Love and Duty 47 For love reflects the thing b ; In Mem. Hi 2 Maud the 6 of my mother, Maud I i 72 the liquid note b of men Comes Marr. of Geraint 336 friend, the neighbour, Lionel, the 6, Lovei-'s Tale i 653 6 for a kindliness Rare in Fable On Jub. Q. Victoria 4 This ring ' To t'amo ' to his best 6, The Ring 210 Belt (s) ( you fast in silken cords, ,, 49 b with bands That island Queen Buonaparte 2 an athlete, strong to break or b Palace of Art 158 Life, that, working strongly, b's— Love thou thy land 34 Faster b's a tyrant's power ; dream That Love could b them closer my vow B's me to speak, Psyche, wont to b my throbbing brow, b the scatter'd scheme of seven he may read that b's the sheaf, the frame that b's him in His isolation I took the thorns to b my brows, May b a book, may line a box, King Will b thee by such vows, would b The two together ; what is worthy love Could b him, yet thee She fail'd to b, round thee, maiden, 6 my belt. ' B him, and bring him in.' B him as heretofore, and bring him in : Far less to b, your victor, and thrust him let my lady b me if she will, vow that b's too strictly snaps itself — Had Arthur right to b them to himself ? To b them by inviolable vows, B me to one ? The wide world laughs What ! shall I b him more ? b the maid to love you by the ring ; Binding b his good horse To a tree, Bindweed-bell fragile b-b's and briony rings ; Bine When burr and b were gather'd ; berries that flamed upon b and vine, Binn beeswing from a b reserved For banquets. Birch {See also Birk) Our b'es yellowing and from each Pro. to Gen, Hamley 1 Bird {See also Birdie, Wild-bird, Carrier-bird, Sea- bird) voice of the b Shall no more be heard, All Things wUl Die 24 Vision of Sin 128 Aylmer's Field 41 Princess ii 202 250 ,, Con. 8 In Mem. xxxm 13 ,, odv 11 ,, lxix7 ,, Ixxviid Gareth and L. 270 Marr. of Geraint 790 Lancelot and E. 1379 1385 Holy Grail 159 Pdleas and E. 232 271 293 „ 334 Last Tournanunt 657 684 688 695 Lover's Tale iv 346 The Ring 202 Pelleas and E. 30 Tlie Brook 203 Aylmer's Field 113 V. of Maeldune 61 Ay liner's Field 405 heart of the garden the merry b chants. b would sing, nor lamb would bleat. Not any song of b or sound of rill ; singing clearer than the crested b lusty b takes every hour for dawn : Sang loud, as tho' ho were the b of day. These b's have joyful thoughts. Slides the b o'er lustrous woodland, every b of Eden burst In carol, Like long-tail'd b's of Paradise fly, like a b, from tree to tree ; b that pipes his lone desire Like the caged b escaping suddenly, lightning flash of insect and of b, beacon-blaze allures The b of passage, Philip chatter'd more than brook or b ; ' The b's were warm, (repeat) Returning, as the b returns, at night, and every b that sings : b Makes his heart voice amid b or fish, or opulent flower : the b, the fish, the shell, the'flower. As flies the shadow of a b, she fled. not see The b of passage flying south earliest pipe of half-awaken'd b's wild b's on the light Dash themselves dead. b's that piped their Valentines, a b, That early woke to feed Make music, O b, in the new-budded There is but one b with a musical throat. And b in air, and fishes turn'd B's' love, and b's' song B's' song and b's' love, (repeat) We'll be b's of a feather, Be merry, all b's, to-day, Like b's the charming serpent draws, Wild b, whose warble, liquid sweet, Flits by the sea-blue b of March ; So loud with voices of the b's, low love-language of the b happy b's, that change their sky Poet's Mind 22 Mariarui in tlie S. 37 D. of F. Women 66 179 M. d' Arthur, Ep. 11 Gardener's D. 96 99 Locksley Hall 162 Day-Dm. , L' Envoi 43 Ep. 7 Edward Gray 30 You might liave won 31 Enoch Arden 269 575 729 The Brook 51 Aylmer's Field 260 Sea Dreams 43 102 Lucretius 100 249 Princess ii 383 , , Hi 96 210 , , iv 50 495 ,, 1)239 ,, vii 251 W. to Alexandra 11 T/ie Islet 27 Tlie Victim 19 Windo^o, Spring 1 3,5 14 „ Ay. 1 In Mem. ocxxiv 14 Ixxxviii 1 xci 4 X(!ix2 cii 11 cxv 15 Bird 39 Biting Bird {contimied) I hear a chirp of 6*5 ; Beginning, and the wakeful b ; B's in the high Hall-garden (repeat) £'s in our wood sang And the b of prey will hover, Till a silence fell with the waking 6, My b with the shining head, red berries charm the b, b's made Melody on branch , '0 b's, that warble to the morning sky, b's warble as the day goes by, ' What knowest thou of b's, and as the sweet voice of a 6, Moves him to think what kind of b it is by the b's song ye may learn the nest, ' Among the dancing shadows of the b's, all about were b's Of sunny plume we will live like two b's in one nest, than all shriek of b or beast, the b Who pounced her quarry took his brush and blotted out the 6, foul b of rapine whose whole prey Then as a little helpless innocent b, b's of passage piping up and down, once the shadow of a 6 Flying, Beneath the shadow of some 6 of prey ; head all night, like b's of prey, like wild b's that change Their season sent his soul Into the songs of b's, the b That will not hear my call, togither like b's on a beugh ; And a pinnace, like a flutter'd b, b's make ready for their bridal-time Some b's are sick and sullen when they moult, not arter the b's wi' 'is gun, a score of wild b's Cried And the shouting of these wild b's And we left the dead to the b's flight of b's, the flame of sacrifice, b with a warble plaintively sweet b's could make This music in the b ? shell must break before the 6 can fly. listen how the b's Begin to warble whisbper was sweet as the lilt of a 6 ! av the b 'ud come to me call, thy chuckled note, Thou twinkling b. The summer b is still. Faint as a climate-changing b that flies I envied human wives, and nested b's, my ravings hush'd The b, b's that circle round the tower B's and brides must leave the nest, bright b that still is veering there My b's would sing, You heard not. scaled the buoyant highway of the b's, Sing like a b and be happy, waked a 6 of prey that scream'd and past ; Warble b, and open flower, Birdie Sleep, little b, sleep ! Without her ' little b ' ? well then. sleep. And I will sing you '6.' What does little b say Let me fly, says little b, • B, rest a little longer. Baby says, like little b. Bird's-eye-view b-e-v of all the ungracious past Birk Shadows of the silver b ere thy maiden b be wholly clad. Birth amis, or pmoer of brain, or b The old earth Had a b. Her temple and her place of b, winds, as at their hour of b. At the moment of thy b, range of evil between death and b, hadst not between death and b In Mem. cxix 5 ,, cxxi 11 Maud I mi 1, 25 9 ay; 28 ,, xxii 17 ,, IIiv45 Garetfi and L 85 182 that 1075 1078 Marr. of Qeraint 329 331 369 601 658 Geraint and E. 627 Balin and Balan 545 Merlin and V. 134 478 728 Lancelot and E. 894 Holy Grail 146 Pellcas and E. 38 608 Last Tournament 138 Pass, of A rthur 38 Lover's Tale i 321 ,, £«159 North. Cobbler 54 The Revenge 2 Sisters (E. and E.) 71 73 Village Wife 41 V. of Maeldune 27 33 36 Tiresias 6 The Wreck 81 Ancient Sage 21 154 Tlie Flight 60 Tomorrow 33 „ 45 Early Spring 38 Pref. Poem Broth. S. 18 Deineter and P. 1 53 109 The Ring 85 „ 89 „ 332 To Mary Boyle 18 Prog, of' Spring 80 Parruissus 14 Deaih of CEnone 87 Akbar's D., Hymn 7 Sea Dreams 282 283 284 293 295 297 303 Princess ii 125 A Dirge 5 Prog, of Spring 50 To tlie Queen 3 All Things loiU Die 38 Sujjp. Confessions 53 The Winds, etc. 1 Eleanor e 15 If I were loved 3 'Two Voices 169 Birth (continued) From that first nothing ere his Would God renew me from my 6 slew him with your noble b. Titanic forces taking b In divers 'He does not love me for my b, marriage, and the b Of Philip's child : one act at once. The b of light : The time draws near the b of Christ : Beyond the second b of Death. Who breaks his b's individous bar. Evil haunts The 6, the bridal ; Memories of bridal, or of b. The time draws near the b of Christ ; Becoming, when the time has 6, shaping an infant ripe for his b, mine by a right, from b till death. By the home that gave me b, ' Knowest thou aught of Arthur's b ? ' learn the secret of our Arthur's b.' the cloud that settles round his b had tended on him from his b, creatures voiceless thro' the fault of b, that weird legend of his b, mystery From all men, like his b ; govern a whole life from b to death, like each other was the h of each ! (repeat) Gives 6 to a brawling brook. Rose of Lancaster, Ked in thy b. Have I not been about thee from thy b ? and was noble in l as in worth, sweet mother land which gave them 6 Youth and Health, and b and wealth, how far ? from o'er the gates of B, the 6 of a baseborn child. Birthday Each month, a b-d coming on, the night Before my Enid's 6, given her on the night Before her 6, I send a b line Of greeting ; on your third September b And sent it on her b. She in wrath Retum'd it on her b. And on your Mother's b — all but yours — This b, death-day, and betrothal ring. Your b was her death-day. forgotten it was your b, child — Your fifth September b. Every morning is thy b b came of a boy born happily dead. Biscay The B, roughly ridging eastward, Bishop Archbishop, B, Priors, Canons, Ay, an' ya seed the B. an' sits o' the B's throan. an' thou'll be a 5 j^it. Bit (s) or b's of roasting ox Moan Nobbut a 6 on it's left, an' a nicetish b o' land. Vext me a b, till he told me I am going to leave you a b — ' tha mun break 'im off 6 by 6.' jingle of 6*s, Shouts, arrows, like a 6 of yisther-day in a dhrame— Now I'll gie tha a 6 o' my mind if tha wants to git forrads a b, Bit (verb) 6 his lips. And broke away. crack'd the helmet thro', and b the bone, clench'd her fingers till they b the palm, an' a-squealin, as if tha was b, Bite (s) Showing the aspick's b.) An' it wasn't a b but a burn, Bite (verb) b's it for true heart and not for harm, And do their little best to b B, frost, b ! (repeat) b far into the heart of the house, Biting b laws to scare the beasts of prey Modred b his thin lips was mute, b Tioo Voices 332 Miller's D. 27 L. C. V. de Vere 48 Day- Dm., L' Envoi 17 Lady Clare 9 Enoch Arden 708 Princess Hi 326 In Mem, xxviii 1 ,, zlv 16 ,, Ixiv 5 „ xcviii 14 ,, xcix 15 ,, civ 1 ,, cxiii 14 Maud I iv 34 ,, xix 42 „ Ilivl Com. of Arthur 147 159 Gareth and L, 130 179 Geraint and E. 266 Last Tottrnainent 669 Guinevere 298 Lover's Tale i 76 ,, 197, 201 „ 526 Sir J. Oldcastle 53 Columbus 148 V. of Maeldune 3 Tiresias 122 By an Evolution. 8 Far-far-away 13 Chanty 28 Will Water. 93 Marr. of Geraint 458 633 To E. Fitzgerald 45 The Ring 130 „ 211 „ 212 „ 248 ., 276 „ 301 „ 378 „ 423 AkbAr's D., Hymn 2 Charity 34 Enoch Arden 529 Sir J. Oldcastle 159 Church-warden, etc. 17 „ 20 50 Lucretius 131 N. Farmer, O.S. 41 N.S. 22 First Quarrel 36 80 Nm-th. Cobbler 88 Tiresias 93 Tomorrow 8 Church-warden, etc. 21 49 Dora 33 Man: of Geraint 573 Lancelot and E. 611 Owd Rod 89 D. ofF. Women im Oiod Rod 90 Princess, Pro., 174 Lit. Squabbles 6 Window, Winter 7, 13 11 Princess v 393 GareUi and L. 31 Bitten 40 Blame Bitten {See also Root-bitten) h the heel of the going year. b into the heart of the earth, one whose foot is b by an ant, Scratch'd, b, blinded, marr'd me Bitter (See also Seeming-bitter, Wormwood- bitter) Failing to give the b of the sweet, sweet and 6 in a breath, My own less 6, rather more : If I find the world so b Then the world were not so b (repeat) canst abide a truth, Tho' b. she tempted them and fail'd, Being so b : b death must be : Love, thou art b ; Bitterer Yet b from his readings : Bitterly B weeping I turn'd away : (repeat) ' B wept I over the stone : long and 6 meditating, spake the Queen and somewhat b. Bittern See Butter-bump Bitterness Sweet in their utmost b, Have fretted all to dust and b.' wake The old b again. By reason of the b and grief they were, A & to me ! — his spirit From b of death. Bivouac Gone the comrades of my b, Blabbing physician, b The case of his patient — Prophet, curse me the b lip, Black (See also Coal-black, Jet-black) B the garden-bowers and grots In the yew-wood b as night, foreground b with stones and slags, that hair More b than ashbuds in its coarse b's or whites, The streets were b with smoke To b and brown on kindred brows. who alway rideth arm'd in b, B, with b banner, and a long b horn ready on the river, clothed in b. Part b, part whiten'd with the bones B as the harlot's heart — Wear b and white, and be a nun stoled from head to foot in flowing b ; bars Of b and bands of silver, better ha' beaten me b an' blue An' yer hair as b as the night, b in white above his bones. B with bridal favours mixt ! B was the night when we crept away the dumb Hour, clothed in 6, Black (Sea) side of the B and the Baltic deep, Black-beaded Glancing with b-b eyes, Window, Winter 6 18 Pelleas and E. 184 Last Tournainent 526 D.ofF. Wmnen2SQ In Mem. Hi 3 ,, vi 6 Maud / m 33 ,, 38,94 Balin and Balan 502 Merlin and V. 820 Lancelot and E. 1010 Aylmer's Field 553 Edvjard Gray 6, 34 33 Boadicea 35 Guinevere 271 Supp. Confessions 117 Princess vi 264 In Mem. locxxiv 47 Com. of Arthur 210 Last Tournament 41 Lover's Tale i 143 Locksley H., Sixty, 45 Maud II V 36 57 Arabian Nights 78 Onatia 19 Palace of Art 81 Gardener's D. 28 W. to the Mail 107 In Mem. Ixix 3 ,, Ixxix 16 Gareth and L. 636 1366 Lancelot and E. 1123 Holy Grail 500 Pelleas and E. 468 Guinevere 677 Lover's Tale ii 85 ,, iv 59 First Quarrel 72 Tomorrow 32 Locksley H., Sixty, 44 Forlorn 69 Bandit's Death 25 Silent Voices 1 Maud III vi 51 Lilian 15 Black-bearded stem b-b kings with wolfish eyes, D. of F. Women 111 Black Bess (Horse) B B, Tantivy, Tallyho, The Brook 160 Blackbird (See also Merle) B ! sing me some- thing well : The Blackbird 1 while the b on the pippin hung Audley Court 38 The b's have their wills, (repeat) Early Spring 5, 47 Black-blue b-b Irish hair and Irish eyes Last Tournament 404 Blackcap The b warbles, and the turtle purrs, Prog, of Spring 55 Black'd B with thy branding thunder, St. S. Stylites 76 Blacken pierces the liver and b's the blood ; The Islet 35 bark and b innumerable, BoOdicea 13 B round the Roman carrion, ,, 14 upon a throne, And b's every blot : Ded. of Idylls 28 City children soak and b Locksley H., Sixty, 218 b round The corpse of every man Romney's R. 122 Blacken'd (See also Pitch-blacken'd) So b all her world in secret. Princess vii 42 the walls B about us, ,, Cmi 110 His countenance b, and his forehead Balin and Balan 391 Blackening b over heath and holt, Locksley Hall 191 And b in the sea-foam sway'd Holy Grail 802 B against the dead -green stripes Pelleas and E. 554 Blackening (continued) b, swallow'd all the land, Guinevere 82 Was b on the slopes of Portugal, Sisters (E. and E.) 62 Blackest lie which is half a truth is ever the b of lies, GrandmotJier 30 To lie, to lie — in God's own house — the b of all lies ! The Flight 52 Black-heart unnetted b-h's ripen dark. The Blackbird 7 Black-hooded Black -stoled, b-h, like a dream M. d' Arthur 197 Black-stoled, b-h, like a dream Pass, of Arthur 365 Blackness In the gross b underneath. Supp. Confessions 187 With 6 as a solid wall. Palace of Art 274 The b round the tombing sod, On a Mourner 27 dark was Uther too, Wellnigh to b ; Co7n. of Arthur 330 she make My darkness b ? Balin and Balan 193 Blackshadow'd there, b nigh the mere Gareth and L. 809 Blacksmith i border-marriage — one they knew — Aylmer's Field '2Q3 b 'e strips me the thick ov 'is airm, North. Cobbler 85 Black-stoled B-s, bla9k-hooded, like a dream M. d' Arthur 197 7>-,s, black-hooded, like a dream Pass, of Arthur 365 Blackthorn never see The blossom on the b. May Queen, N. Y's. E. 8 Blackthorn-blossom b-b fades and falls and leaves the bitter sloe, T!ie Flight 15 Black-wing'd the b-w Azrael overcame, Akbar's Bream 186 Blade (of grass) varying year with b and sheaf Day- Dm., Sleep. P. 1 In bud or b, or bloom, may find, ,, Moral 10 While life was yet in bud and b, Princess i 32 while the sun yet beat a dewy 6, Geraint and E. 446 voice clings to each b of grass, Lancelot and E. 107 From buried grain thro' springing b, Demeter and P. 146 Blade (of sword) pure and true as b's of steel. Kate 16 My good b carves the casques of men, Sir Galahad 1 She bore the b of Liberty. The Voyage 72 struck out and shouted ; the b glanced, Princess v 540 Geraint's, vi^ho heaved his b aloft, Marr. of Geraint 572 b so bright That men are blinded Com. of Arthur 300 but turn the h and ye shall see, ,, 303 these will turn the b.' Gareth and L. 1095 the b flew Splintering in six, Balin and Balan 395 ■waved his b To the gallant three hundred Heavy Brigade 9 drove the b that had slain my husband Bandit's Death 34 Blade (of dagger) with the 6 he prick'd his hand, Aylmer's Field 239 ' From Edith ' was engraven on the b. ,, 598 Blade (shoulder-bone) (See also Shoulder blade) arms were shatter'd to the shoulder b. Princess vi 52 Blain face deform'd by lurid blotch and b — Death of (Enone 72 Blame (s) But he is chill to praise or b. Two Voices 258 Joyful and free from 6. D.ofF. WmnenSO Shall smile away my maiden 6 ,, 214 The crime of malice, and is equal b.' Vision of Sin 216 Nor yours the b — for who beside Ayhner's Field 735 Which he has worn so pure of b, Ode on Well. 72 I had such reverence for his b. In Mem. li 6 white blamelessness accounted b ! ' Merlin and V. 799 mine the 6 that oft I seem as he Last Tournament 115 Received unto himself a part of b. Lover's Tale i 786 lines I read Nor uttcr'd word of 6, Pro. to Gen. Hamley 18 Blame (verb) in truth You must b Love. Miller's D. 192 ' I have been to b — to b. Dora 159 I have been to b. Kiss me, my children.' ,, 161 Am I to 6 for this, St. S. Stylites 124 she had a will ; was he to & ? Pnncess i 48 yet I b you not so much for fear ; tt i'o 506 ' Ida — 'sdeath ! you b the man ; ,, "in 221 ' b not thyself too much,' I said, ' nor b „ i^i 255 They are all to b, they are all to b. Sailor Boy 20 knot thou the winds that make In Mem, xlix 10 6 not thou thy plaintive song,' ,, Hi 5 Nor b I Death, because he bare , , Ixxxii 9 Nor count me all to 6 if I ,, Con. 85 She did not wish to b him — Maud Ixx5 ' Damsel,' he said, ' you be not all to b, Gareth and L. 1171 who should 6 me then 'i ' Merlin and V. 661 ' To b, my lord Sir Lancelot, much to b I Lancelot and E. 97 the girl was the most to I. First Quarrel 26 An' I felt I had been to 6 ; ,,90 You praise when you should b Epilogue 4 Blame Blame (verb) {continued) the Priest is not to b, Blamed Shall love be b for want of faith ? Let lore be 6 for it, not she, nor I : b herself for telling hearsay tales : Blameless b is he, centred in the sphere Wearinj the white flower of a 6 life. Fearing the mild face of the b King, Yourself were first the b cause The b Kiig went forth and cast fighting hr the b King. Arthur ths b, pure as any maid, Vivien should attempt the b King. Arthur, 6 5ing and stainless man ? ' And I myself, myself not b, Blamelessness thy white 6 accounted blame ! ' Blanch breakecs boom and b on the precipices, 6 the bones cf whom she slew, ripple would hardly b into spray Blanche Two wflows, Lady Psyche, Lady Ji ■ who were tutcrs. ' Lady B'^ brought a mesage here from Lady B.' we saw The Laly B's daughter Lady B alone O faded form sent for B to accuse her face to face ; Lady B erect Stod up and spake, but B At distance follow'd : With kisses, ere t)e days of Lady B : she had authority ^The Lady B : ' Ay so ? ' said B : 'imazed am I B had gone, but leftHer child Not tho' B had swor\ That after that dark night Blanched (6ee o^so Sunmer-blanched) Upon the 6 tablets of her heart B with his mill, they fuind ; won it with a day B in »ur annals, How 6 with darkness mi^t I crow ! wave, That b upon its si(i. Blanching Or scatter'd b on\he grass, confluence of watercourses^ and chanted on the b bones of Cen ? ' b apricot like snow in snow. Bland Shakespeare 6 and mild\ small his voice, But b the smip And bless thee, for thy lips ai b, like the Ijountiful season b. Blandishment an accent very lo\^n b Blank made 6 of crimef ul record As b as death in marble ; b And waste it seem'd and vain ; rain On the bald street breaks thi some but carven, and some b, shield was b and bare without a si B, or at least with some device God wot, his shield is b enough, he roll'd his eyes Yet b from sleep, one to the west, and counter to it, An the world as b as Winter-tide, the goodly view Was now one b, Blanket When a b wraps the day. Blankly Had gazed upon her b and gone by Blare (s) With b of bugle, clamour of men, Lured by the glare and the b, Blare (verb) Warble, bugle, and trumpet, & To 6 its own interpretation — Blared trumpet b At the barrier Blaspheme So they b the muse ! God, I could b, for he fought Blasphemy troops of devils, mad with b, filth, and monstrous blasphemies, B ! whose is the fault ? B ! ay, why not, B ! true ! I have scared you But the b to my mind lies Blast (s) {See cdso Trumpet-blast) burst thro' with heated b's 41 Blazon'd Happy 105 III Mem. li 10 Gareth and L. 299 Merlin and V. 951 Ulysses 39 Ded. of Idylls 2S> Geraint and E. 812 „ 826 „ 932 « ,. " ^70 Balm and Baian 479 Merlin and V. 164 779 (Jolumbus 185 Merlin and V. 799 Boddicea 76 Tiresias 150 Tfie Wreck 137 Princess i 128 „ 232 „ a 319 „ 321 „ 447 „ iv239 290 ,, vi 82 „ 114 239 „ .324 ,, vii 56 72 day. Isabel 17 Enoch Arden 367 Princess m 63 In Mem. Ixi 8 Lover's Tale i 45 Day-Dm., Arrival 12 I/iccretius 31 Princess ii 199 Proff. of Spring 30 Palace of Art 134 Princess i 115 In Mem. cxix 9 Maitd I iv. 3 Isabel 20 St. S. Stylites 158 Princess i 177 ,, vii 42 In Mem. vii 12 Gareth and L. 406 414 Lancelot and E. 194 197 820 Holy Grail 255 Last Tournament 221 Death of (Enone 4 Vision of Sin 80 Merlin and V 161 Ode on Well. 115 V. of Maeldune 73 W. to Alexandra 14 Lancelot and E. 943 Princess v 485 „ iv 137 Happy 15 St. S. Stylites 4 Pass, of Arthur 114 Despair 107 „ 109 „ 111 » 112 \ofF. Women 29 Blast {B) {continued) The b was hard and harder. The Goose 50 l«f 1 """n «!."? l^"" ?r ; ^' ^' Arthur. Ep. 15 desires, like fitful b's of balm Garden^',^s £. 68 Cramming all the b before it, j^^ksley Hall 192 HvJT 1 "f^^"*^ ""w^ ^^/ ^^^'^' The Voyage 85 like the b of doom. Would shatter ^noch Arden 769 f i,t f *'^"?P^t« ^'■°P» the g^*^. • PHmess, Pro. 42 the b and bray of the long horn ^ 252 storm and 6 Had blown the lake 'The Daisy 70 1^ i'w ^,^^ i°* '^"^t^'"' ^*^°** 5 To F. D. Maurice 22 6 * that blow the poplar white, /,, Mem. Ixxii 3 Fiercely flies The b of North and East, cvii 7 ^° f K* h f^^ overhead Thunder, Holy GraU 184 m the b there smote along the hall i86 such a b, my King, began to blow, " 795 So loud a b along the shore and sea, " 796 could not hear the waters for the b, " 797 That turns its back on the salt b, Pelleas and E. 544 felt the 6 Beat on my heated eyelids : Lover's Tale in 27 A, ; ^I't ^° ^'"™'"g «li?nf Rizpah 18 the b of that underground thunderclap Def. of Lmknono 32 a sudden j» blew us out and away F. of Maeldune 10 to put fortih and brave the h ; Pref Son. 19th. Cent. 8 Tnr Au""^^ *°f ^. ^°°^ °^ *h® ^ ^/^e Wreck 91 still d the b and strown the wave. Freedom 34 Blast (verb) I heard them b The steep slate-quarry, Golden Tear 75 like a poisonous wind I pass to b Pelleas and E. 569 Blasted a sunbeam by the b Pine, Princess vii 196 was b with a curse : 2>. ^y ^. p^^wiej^ 103 years which are not Time's Had b him- Aylmer's Field 602 I? and burnt, and blinded as I was, Holy Grail 844 A°7^°''f u^^^l suit was 6- Zocfofey ^. , Sixty 5 And sent him charr'd and 6 "^ HavmiM Rl«Sw^ a' i^^T "°'^ than lightning ! Pama^si^ 12 Blatant Ob Magazines, regard me rather- HendecasyllaUcs 17 Rioi^^w ';°"^ "^"^ *° ? ^ ^^°'^' ^««^ Ix 63 Blaw (blossom) — wot's a beauty ?— tho Blaze (s) (See also Beacon-blaze) The b upon the waters to the east ; The h upon his island ovcr- . head ; The 6 upon the waters to the west ; Enoch Arden 594 distant 6 of those dull banquets, Aylmer's Field 489 voice amid the 6 of flowers: Lucretius IQl bat hf ty m the 6 of burning fire ; Spec, of Iliad 20 Her shadow on the b of kings : In Mem. xcviii 19 wayside blossoms open to tho b. Balin and Balan 449 The incorporate b of sun and sea. Lover's Tale i 409 wl-^" '.l"'*!"'. ^^^^^K^ \ . , . Epilogue 54 betwixt the whitening sloe And kingcup b. To Mary Boyle 26 PI. ,^? K^ * 'if noonday b without, St. TdLachus 50 Blaze (verb) B upon her window, sun, Windmo, When 15 the sun 6 on the turning scythe, Geraint and E. 252 b the cnme of Lancelot and the Queen.' Pelleas and E. 570 smouldenng scandal break and b Guinevere 91 Ji by the rushing brook or silent well. 400 B, making all the night a steam " 599 Blazed many a fire before them 6 : Spec, of Iliad 10 b before the towers of Troy, ^ J ^^ joy that b itself in woodland wealth Balin and Balan 82 thing was b about the court, Merlin and V. 743 i> the last diamond of the nameless king, Lancelot and E. 444 heart s sad secret h itself gog heavens Open'd and b with thunder liky Grail 508 the heavens open d and 6 again gjg in a moment when they b again " 523 Blaz^^ X^^itlaii^^ "'" ""' '"'"''• ""^"^ "-^'^^-^ 77 Blazon B your mottos of blessing ^F. to Alexandra 12 It t g^^f * ^^ndows b Arthur's wars, ZTo/y ^ai7 248 who shall b it ? when and how ? — 255 Blazon'd from his b baldric slung x. „/ silalUt Hi 15 Sweat on his 6 chairs; Wa^;fc. to and yellowing leaf Far off a soiary trumpet b. D. cf F. Women 281 Talking Oak 249 W. to Marie Alex. 38 39 In Mem. xviii 6 ,, xxvii 9 ,, xooxii 13 Maud I. xviii 82 „ 83 Gareth aiut L. 1258 Geraint and E. 578 Holy Grail 616 874 Guinevere 634 Kapiolani 2 Tliefonn, tlieform 6 Wages 8 Maud II iv 84 „ III vi 10 Balin and Balan 148 The Flight 42 Two Voices 424 May Queen, Con. 16 The Goose 15 Eiioch Arden 886 Guinevere 584 To Prin. F. of H. 3 The Revenge 20 Arabian Nights 1 A Character 22 Palace of Art6S „ 117 The Goose 49 „ 51 Gardener's 2). 113 Day -Dm., Revival 9 Poet's Song 3 Ayhner's Field 93 427 Pnncess ii 364 •y21 „ 336 Ode oil Well. 39 „ 127 T/ie Daisy 16 In Mem. lawiii 7 ,, xcvi 24 Com. of Arthtir 480 Gareth and L. 1110 1229 1371 Geraint and E. 764 Lancelot and E. 454 „ 500 Holy Grail 99 » 748 Pelleas and E. 167 Last Tournament 154 Guinevere 529 Blew 43 Bloat Blew (cotilinved) from the North, and h The mist aside, Pass, of Arthur 12i and b Fresh fire into the sun, Lover's Tale i 318 and h Coolness and moisture and all smells ,, Hi 4 and 6 it far Until it hung, ,, 35 ever that evening ended a great gale h, The Revenge 114 topmost roof our banner of England 6. (repeat) Def. of Lucknow Q, 20, 45, &0, M topmost roof our banner in India b. the old banner of England b. „ a sudden blast b us out and away whirlwind blow these woods, as never b before, All at once the trumpet b, Bleys (Merlin's master) (so they call him) B, B Laid magic by, and sat him down, B, our Merlin's master, as they say. Blight (s) B and famine, plague and earthquake, The b of low desires — b Of ancient influence and scorn. And b and famine on all the lea : like a 6 On my fresh hope, b Lives in the dewy touch of pity if the blossom can doat on the b. Blight (verb) Which would b the plants. Shall sharpest pathos b us, h thy hope or break thy rest, Blighted ' your pretty bud. So b here. Blind (sightless) (See also Half-blind, Hoodman-blind) All night long on darkness b. this dreamer, deaf and b, men, whose reason long was b, parch'd and wither'd, deaf and b, those, not b, who wait for day, almost b. And scarce can recognise mate is h and captain lame, h or lame or sick or sound, for he groped as b, and seem'd wept her true eyes b for such a one, b with rage she miss'd the plank, I cried myself well-nigh b, And shall I take a thing so b. He would not make his judgment b, not b To the faults of his heart He mark'd not this, but b and deaf were I stricken 6 That minute, one hath seen, and all the b will see. on the splendour came, flashing me b ; thrice as 6 as any noonday owl, Being too b to have desire to see. Mute, b and motionless as then I lay ; B, for the day was as the night Almost h With ever-growing cataract, ' Henceforth be b, for thou hast seen Or power as of the Gods gone b leave him, b of heart and eyes. For wert thou bom or b or deaf, no man halt, or deaf or b ; Fur the dog's stoan-deaf , an' e's h, an' seeam'd as b as a p)Oop, A barbarous people, B to the magic, Blind (screen) (See also Lattice-blind) your shadow cross'd the b. Blind (verb) lest the gems Should b my purpose, Ere yet they b the stars, To b the truth and me : He shall not 6 his soul with clay.' good King means to b himself, b's himself and all the Table Round lest the gems Should b my purpose, b your pretty blue eyes with a kiss ! Blinded ('See also Half -blinded, Self-blinded) those whom passion hath not b, blissful tears b my sight and b With many a deep-hued Droops b with his shining eye : 72 106 V. of Maeldune 10 The FligU 12 Happy 75 Com. of Arthur 153 155 360 Lotos-Es., a. S., 115 Aylme^-'s Field 673 Princess ii 168 Tlie Victim 46 Maud I xix 102 Lover's Tale i 694 Tlie Wreck 19 Poet's Mind 18 Love and Duty 85 Faith 2 Tlie Ring 317 A deline 44 Tioo Voices 175 „ 370 Fatima 6 Lore thou, thy land 15 St. S. Stylites 39 Tlie Voyage 91 „ 93 Aylmer's Field 821 Pnncess iv 134 177 Grandmother 37 In Mem. Hi 13 ,, axvi 14 Maud I xix 67 Balin a7id Balan 318 Lancelot and E. 426 Holy Grail 313 „ 413 866 872 Lover's Tide i 607 610 Sisters (E. and E.) 191 Tiresias 49 Ancient Sage 80 „ 113 „ 175 Locksley H., Sixty, 163 Owd Rod 2 „ 101 Merlin and the O. 26 Sometimes Miller's D. 124 M. d'AHhurlhZ Tithonus 39 Princess Hi 112 ,, vii 331 Merlin and V. 783 784 Pass, of Arthur 321 Romney's R. 101 Ode to Memory 117 Oriana 23 Elednore 36 Fatima 38 Blinded (continued) I, b with my tears, ' Still strove Not with b eyesight poring so bright That men are 6 by it — Blasted and burnt, and 6 as I was, Scratch 'd, bitten, b, marr'd me Too early 6 by the kiss of death — May leave the windows b. He stumbled in, and sat B ; Blinder Nature made them b motions ' Gawain, and b unto holy things Blind Fate Rail a,t ' B F' with many Blindfold Drug down the b sense of wrong from what side The b rummage Blinding Struck up against the b wall. Dash'd together in b dew : his fire is on my face B, raised the b bandage from his eyes : suck the 6 splendour from the sand, all in mail Burnish'd to b, Are b desert sand ; we scarce can Blindless the b casement of the room, Blindly That read his spirit b wise, And, while now she wonders 6, ' The stars,' she whispers, ' 6 run ; And staggers 6 ere she sink ? muffled motions b drown b rush'd on all the rout behind. Blindness That in this b of the frame for talk Which lives with b, curse Of b and their unbelief, Blink those that did not b the terror, Blinkt B the white morn, sprays gi-ated, Bliss Then in madness and in b, Weak symbols of the settled b, Above the thunder, with undying b ' Trust me, in 6 I shall abide move Me from my 6 of life, I rose up Full of his b, A man had given all other b, I shall see him, My babe in b : and spoils My b in being ; A central warmth diffusing b 1 triumph in conclusive b, b, when all in circle drawn With gods in unconjectured b, A wither'd violet is her b : For fuller gain of after b : Nor have I felt so much of b Make answer, Maud my b, My dream ? do I dream of b ? Sun, that wakenest all to b or pain, thrills of b That strike across the soul b stood round me like the light of Heaven,- tell him of the b he had with God — sunder'd With smiles of tranquil b, b, what a Paradise there ! whose one b Is war, and human sacrifice — Twelve times in the year Bring me b, ' Sleep, little blossom, my honey, my b ! 1 had one brief summer of b. Blissful hei'e are the b downs and dales. While b tears blinded my sight As from some b neighbourhood, sleep down from the b skies. With b treble ringing clear. b palpitations in the blood, B bride of a & heir, led him thro' the b climes. On me she bends her b eyes Blister'd B every word with teai's. Blistering bared her forehead to the b sun, Blithe New-year b and bold, my friend, B would her brother's acceptance be. Bloat b himself, and ooze All over D. of F. Women 108 Locksley Hall 172 Com. of Arthur 301 Holy Grail 844 Last Tournament 526 Romney's R. 103 ,; 146 St. Telemachus 49 Locksley Hall 150 Holy Grail 870 Doubt and Prayer 2 In Mem. Ixxi 7 Balin and Balan 416 Mai-iana in the S. 56 Vision of Sin 42 Lucretius 145 Princess i 244 ,, vii 39 Gareth and L. 1027 Akbar's Dream 30 Marr. of Geraint 71 Tim Voices 287 L. of Burleigh 53 l7i Mem. Hi 5 ,, xvi 14 ,, xlix 15 Geraint and E. 466 In Mem. xciii 15 Sisters (E. and E.) 249 Tiresias 59 Gareth and L. 1402 Balin and Balan 385 Madelitie 42 Miller's D. 233 CEnone 132 Palace of Art 18 D. ofF. Wo7nen 210 Gardener's D. 211 Sir L. and Q. G. 42 Enoch Arden 898 Lucretius 222 In Mem, Ixocxiv 6 ,, lococxv 91 ,, Ixxxix 21 ,, xciii 10 ,, xcvii 2*0 , , cxvii 4 ,, Co7i. 5 Maud I xviii 57 ,, xix 3 Gareth and L. 1060 Lover's Tale i 363 495 674 ii 143 V. of Maeldune 78 Tiresias 111 The Ring 6 Romiiey's R. 99 Bandit's Death 9 Sea- Fairies 22 Ch'iana 23 Two Voices 430 Lotos-Ealers, C.S. 7 Sir L. and Q. G. 22 Princess iv 28 W. to Alexandra 27 In Mem. Ixxxv 25 „ Con. 29 Forlorn 81 Geraint and E. 515 D. of tlie 0. Year 35 Maud I x27 Sea Dreams 154 Bloated 44 Blood Bloated forehead veins B, and branch'd ; merry 6 things Shoulder'd the spigot, Block (s) {See also Yiile-block) on black Vs A of thunder. as a 6 Left in the quarry ; (Huge h's, which some old trembling Block (verb) h and bar Your heart with system Block'd knew mankind, And h them out ; Blockish No coarse and h God of acreage Blonde rosy h, and in a college gown, Blood And leave Its riders of your h Ice with the warm h mixing ; Which mixing with the infant's h, till his own 6 flows About his hoof. was no h upon her maiden robes I feel the tears of h arise her sacred h doth drown The fields, A matter to be wept with tears of h ! Till her h was frozen slowly, It was the stirring of the h. ' He knows a baseness in his h The pnident partner of his h my swift 6 that went and came my vigour, wedded to thy h, She mix'd her ancient h with shame. phantasms weeping tears of b, 'J'he guilt of h is at your door : And simple faith than Norman h, ever-shifting currents of the h That Principles are rain'd in b ; Who sprang from English b ! his brow Striped with dark h : Vex'd with a morbid devil in his 6 ' The slight she-slips of loyal b, felt my b Glow with the glow stays the h along the veins. grapes with bunches red as b ; Ah, blessed vision ! b of God! Let Whig and Tory stir their b ; To make my 6 run quicker, And I,' said he, ' the next in b — Burnt in each man's 6. scatter'd B and brains of men. In their b, as they lay dying, ' We are men of ruin'd 6 ; down thro' all his b Drew in now there is but one of all my 6 distant kinship to the gracious 6 to flush his b with air, redden'd with no bandit's b : Runs in a river of b to the sick sea. swept away The men of flesh and 6, Confused the chemic labour of the 6, thought that all the b by Sylla shed keep him from the luat of b strikes thro' the thick b Of cattle, lust or lusty b or provender : made her b in sight of Collatine none of all our 6 should know thoughts enrich the b of the world.' 6 Was sprinkled on your kirtle. That was fawn's b, not brother's, blissful palpitations in the b, what mother's h You draw from, The brethren of our b and cause, da1)bled with the b Of his own son, ' I've hoard that there is iron in the b, faith in womankind Beats with his b, Mourn for the man of long-enduring b. Shall lash all Europe into b ; pierces the liver and blackens the b ; To spill his b and heal the land : anger, not by & to be satiated. Into my heart and my b ! I seem to fail from out my h Bcdin and Balan 392 Guinevere 267 breadth Privxxss Hi 291 „ vii 230 Lover's Tale ii 45 Princess iv 462 „ m328 AylTner's Field 651 Princess ii 323 To the Queen 21 All Things will Die 33 iSupp. Confessions 61 155 The Poet 41 Orianu 77 Poland 4 „ 14 L. of Sludott iv 30 Two Voices 159 301 415 Fatima 16 (Enone 161 The Sisters 8 Palace of Art 289 L.C.V.de Fere 43 56 D. ofF. Wmmn\^ Love tlwu thy land 80 England and Amer. 10 M. d' Arthur 212 Walk, to the Mail 19 Talking Oak 57 Timonus 55 Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 4 44 Sir Galalmd 45 WiU Water. 53 „ 110 Lady Clare 84 The Captain 16 48 55 Vision of Sin 99 Enoch Arden 659 892 Aylmer's Field 62 „ 459 597 768 Sea Dreams 237 Lucretius 20 „ 47 „ 83 „ 98 „ 198 „ 238 Princess i 8 „ m181 „ 273 „ 275 „ iv 28 Princess v 404 „ vi 71 „ 104 230 ,, vii 329 Ode on Well. 24 To F. D. Maurice 34 Tlie Islet 35 The Victim ^i BoOdicea 52 Window^ Marr. Morn. 16 In Mem. ii 15 Blood (continued) Or crush her, like a vice of b, . Moved in the ckambers of the b ; Oh, sacred be the flesh and b This use may lie in b and breath, b creeps, and the nerves prick Defects of doubt, and taints of b ; Sorrow, wilt thou rule my b, Delay est the sorrow in my b, branches of thy b ; Thy b, my friend, My b an even tenor kept, Ring out false piide in place and 6, Thro' all the years of April b ; By 6 a king, at heart a clown ; Till all my b, a fuller wave, And the great .^Eon sinks in b. Remade the b and changed the frame, drip with a silent horror of 6, sweeter b by the other side ; never yet so warmly ran my b household Fury sprinkled with b true b spilt had in it a heat soul of the rose went into my b, A cry for a brother's b : Am I guilty of 6 ? fear they are not roses, but b ; sun with smoke and earth with b, and clarions shrilling unto b, And mine is living 6 : he had glamoui' enow In his own b, that best 6 it is a sin to spill.' ev'n Sir Lancelot thro' his warm h Pi'ince's 6 spirted upon the scarf, fail'd to draw The quiet night into her 6, 6 Of their strong bodies, flowing, nay ; I do not mean b : fearing for his hurt and loss of b, nature's prideful sparkle in the b vicious quitch Of b and custom Fill'd all the genial courses of his b Born with the 6, not learnable, starve not thou this fire within thy 6, Reputed to be red with sinless 6, If I were Arthur, I would have thy 6. As clean as b of babes, for my h Hath earnest in it sin that practice burns into the b, pale b of the wizard at her touch Red as the rising sun with heathen h, the b Sprang to her face and fill'd And half his b burst forth. For twenty strokes of the b, far b, which dwelt at Camelot ; when the b ran lustier in him again, Ev'n to the death, as tho' ye were my 6, Was rather in the fantasy than the b. what are they ? flesh and b ? no further off in b from me Than sister ; White Horse in his own heathen b — my b danced in me, and I knew Our race and b, a remnant b beats, and the blossom blows, slept that night for pleasure in his b, have risen against me in their b No b of mine, I trow ; be no nibies, this is frozen b, Showing a shower of 6 in a field noir, flesh and b Of our old kings : flesh and 6 perforce would violate : comforted the b With meats and wines, reverencing king's 6 in a bad man. To save his b from scandal, drew Down with his b, till all his heart a brow Striped with dark b : countenance with quick and healthful 6 — And hourly visitation of the b. In Mem. Hi 15 ,, xxiii 20 ,, xxxiii 11 ,, odv 13 12 ,, liv 4 ,, lix 5 In Mem. Ixxxiii 14 In Mem. Ixxxiv 8 ,, locxxv 17 ,, coi 21 ,, cix 12 ,, cxi 4 ,, cxodi 12 ,, cxxvii 16 Con. 11 Maud lis ,, xiii 34 ,, xviii 3 ,, aria; 32 44 " .. ,, ocxii 33 „ //i34 „ ii 73 „ ■»78 Com. of Arthur 37 103 Gareth and L. 10 210 600 1398 Marr. of Geraint 208 532 568 Geraint and E. 338 777 827 »» 804 927 Balin and Balan 175 453 557 Merlin and V. 53 344 „ 556 762 949 Lancelot and E. 308 376 517 720 „ 803 881 „ 960 1132 „ 1256 Holy Grail 69 „ 312 366 663 „ 671 Pelleas and E. 138 461 La^t Tournament 201 418 438 „ 686 „ 689 724 Guinevere 37 „ 514 Pass, of Arthur 97 380 Lover's Tale i 97 206 rA^: Blood 45 Blossom Blood {contimied) stream of life, one stream, one life, one 6, Lover's Tale i 239 As mountain streams Onr b's ran free : „ 327 I was as the brother of her b, „ 559 my 6 Crept like marsh drains ,, ii 52 I weant shed a drop on 'is b, North. Cobbler 114 Now reddest with the b of holy men, Sir J. Oldcastle 54 a cross of flesh and 6 And holier. ,, 137 Blue 6 of Spain, Colwnbits 114 blue b and black 6 of Spain, ,, 116 innocent hospitalities quench'd in b, „ 176 and the boast of our ancient b, V. of Maeldune 88 red with b the Crescent reels Montenegro 6 All the field with 6 of the fighters Flow'd, Batt. of Brunanburh 24 wholesome heat the b had lost, To E. Fitzgerald 24 crowd would roar For 6, for war, Tiresias 65 Spain in his b and the Jew — The Wreck 15 are both of them tum'd into b, Despair 91 Her b is in your bloom. Ancient Sage 166 evil thought may soil thy children's b; „ 275 yer Honour's the thrue ould b Tojnorrow 5 on that founder of our b. Locksley H., Sixty 32 shriek'd and slaked the light with b. „ 90 Like drops of 6 in a dark-gray sea, Heavy Brigade 43 O follow, leaping 6, Early Spring 25 Their idol smear'd with b, Freedom 28 crescent moon, and changed it into b. Happy 44 Diffuse thyself at will thro' all my b, Prog, of Spring 24 hopes, which race the restless 6, ,, 115 herb or balm May clear the 6 from poison, Deaih of CEnone 36 as he yell'd of yore for Christian b. St. Telemachus 46 dust send up a steam of human b, ,,53 hour Dark with the 6 of man ,, 80 warms the 6 of Shiah and Sunnee, Akbar's Dream 107 gentleman, heart, b and bone. Bandit's Death 2 For he reek'd with the b of Piero ; ,,13 a ray red as b Glanced on the strangled face — „ 31 Rang the stroke, and sprang the b, The Tourney 9 Blood-eagle red ' B-e ' of liver and heart ; Dead Prophet 71 Blooded See Cold-blooded, Pale-blooded Bloodier the hands of power Were b, Aylmer's Field 453 Bloodily B flow'd the Tamesa rolling Boadicea 27 B, fall the battle-axe, ,, 56 Bloodless now, the b point reversed, The Voyage 71 b east began To quicken to the sun, - Marr. of Geraint 534 Blood-red dabbled with b-r heath, Maiid Ii 2 flames The 6-r blossom of war ,, III vi 53 the b-r light of dawn Flared Lancelot and E. 1025 but always in the night B-r, and sliding down the blacken'd marsh B-r, and on the naked mountain top B-r, and in the sleeping mere below B-r. Holy Grail 473 In b-r armour sallying. Last Tournament 443 himself B-r from battle, Tiresias 113 Bloodshed hold were all as free From cursed h, Gareth and L. 599 Bloody shovell'd up into some b trench Audley Court 42 sec the raw mechanic's b thumbs Walk, to tlie Mail 75 Where the 6 conduit runs. Vision of Sin 144 take such b vengeance on you both ? — Princess iv 534 Bloom (s) (.See cdso Chestnut-bloom, Milk-bloom, Orange-bloom) inlay Of braided b's unmown, Arabian Nights 29 lovely freight Of overflowing b's. Ode to Mevwry 17 throng with stately b's the breathing spring The Poet 27 Whence that aery b of thine, Adeline 11 violet eyes and all her Hebe b, Gardenefr's D. 137 In bud or blade, or b, may find, Day-Dm., Moral 10 many a slope was rich in b To E. L. 20 fair in our sad world's best b. The Brook 218 scatter'd, each a nest in b. Aylmer's Field 150 cheek and bosom brake the wrathful b Pnncess iv 383 bud ever breaks into b on the tree, The Islet 32 The chestnut towers in his b ; Voice and the P. 18 b profuse and cedar arches Charm, Milton 11 not for thee the glow, the b. In Mem. ii 9 And every spirit's folded b „ xliii 2 Bloom (s) {continued) Which sicken'd every living b, In Mem. Ixodi 7 over brake and b And meadow, ,, Ixxxvi 3 And passion pure in snowy 6 ,, ax 11 azure 6 of a crescent of sea, Maud I iv 5 wild-wood hyacinth and the 6 of May. Balin and Balan 271 and her b A losy dawn kindled Pelleas and E. 71 ribb'd And barr'd with b on b. Lover's Tale i 416 We was busy as beeas i' the b North. Cobbler 15 Edith— all One b of youth. Sisters (E. and E.) 120 ' How far thro' all the b and brake Ancient Sage 19 wake The 6 that fades away ? „ 94 Her blood is in your &. ,, 166 lifts her buried life from gloom to b, Demeter and P. 98 rounder cheek had brighten'd into b. The Ring 351 vernal b from every vale and plain To Mary Boyle 9 Bloom (verb) She saw the water-lily b, L. of Shalott Hi 39 Lotos b's below the barren peak : Lotos-Eat&rs, C.S. 100 6's the garden that I love. Gardener's D. 34 That if it can it there may b, In Mem. viii 23 from marge to marge shall ?> the eternal landscape ,, xlvi7 Will 6 to profit, otherwhere. ,, Ixxxii 12 hearts are warm'd and faces b, „ Con. 82 my white heather only b's in heaven Romney's R. 110 B's in the Past, but close to me to-day Roses on the T. 6 Bloomed thro' The low and b foliage, Arabian Nights 13 Blooming The maid-of -honour b fair ; Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 28 By Cupid-boys of b hue — ,, Ep. 10 her b mantle torn, Princess vi 145 Blossom (s) {See also Almond-blossom, Apple- blossom, Blackthorn-blossom, Lake-blossom, May-blossom, Orange-blossom) Atween the b's, 'We are free.' The Winds, etc. 8 Bursts into b in his sight. Fatima 35 He prest the b of his lips to mine, (Enmie 78 The b on the blackthorn, the leaf May Queen, N. Vs. E. 8 As we bear b of the dead ; Love thou thy land 94 b fades, and they that loved Walk, to the Mail 57 The maiden b's of her teens Talking Oak 79 break In full and kindly b. Will Water. 24 as Nature packs Her b or her seedling, Enoch Arden 179 With here a b sailing, The Brook 56 Gather'd the b that rebloom'd, Aylmer's Field 142 Into a land all sun and b. Sea Dreams 101 caught the b of the flying terms. Princess, Pro. 164 Pereh'd on the pouted b of her lips : ,, 199 Fruit, b, viand, amber wine, and gold. ,, iv 35 my babe, my b, ah, my child, ,, ■» 82 lay my little b at my feet, „ 100 the b wavering fell, ,, m" 80 Scatter the b under her feet ! W. to Alexandra 9 Or rosy b in hot ravine, The Daisy 32 they tumble the b, the mad little tits ! WiTidow, Ay. 9 The tender b flutter down, In Menn. ci 2 flames The blood-red b of war Maud III vi 53 sun, and rain ! and the free b flows : Cmn. of Arthur 409 near her, like a b vermeil-white, Marr. of Gei-aint 364 tints the b of the quince Balin and Balan 267 wayside b's open to the blaze. „ 449 that will strike my b dead. Lancelot and E. 971 blood beats, and the b blows, Holy Grail 671 groves that look'd a paradise Of 6, Guinevere 390 little b, O mine, and mine To A. Tennyson 4 Had set the b of her health again. Sisters (E. and E.) 151 And stan''d with a myriad b V. of Maeldune 40 B and b, and promise oib, „ 51 if the b can doat on the blight, The- Wreck 19 tastes the fruit before the b falls. Ancient Sage 75 Jet upward thro' the mid-day b. Demeter and P. 47 hillock, Would break into b ; Merlin and the G. 108 ' Sleep, little b, my honey, my bliss ! Romney's R. 99 From each fair plant the b choicest-grown Akbar's Dream 22 Blossom (verb) A little garden b. Amphion 104 wilderness shall b as the rose. Aylmer's Field 649 buds and b's like the rest. In Mem. cxv 20 And b in purple and red. Maud I xxii 74 Blossom 46 Blowing Blossom (verb) (continued) where the winter thorn B's at Christmas, JTbZy Grail 52 b an' spring from the grass, Tomorrow 89 B again on a colder isle. To Prof. Jebb 12 Blossom-ball Made b-b or daisy-chain, Aylmer's Field 87 Blossom-belt Above the garden's glowing b-Vs, Princess v 363 Blossom-dust like the working bee in b-d, Enoch Arden 366 Foot-gilt with all the h-d Merlin and V. 282 Blossom'd (adj.) (See also Daisy-blossomed, Heavy- blossom'd) white robe like a h branch Princess iv 179 On the b gable-ends Mated I in 9 O b portal of the lonely house, Lover's Tale i 280 Blossom'd (verb) branch'd And b in the zenith, Enoch Arden 586 b up From out a common vein Princess ii 313 when the wreath of March has b, To F. D. Maurice 43 Great garlands swung and b ; Lover's Tale iv 191 Blossom-flake elmtree's ruddy-hearted b-f To Mary Boyle 3 Blossom-fragrant ?;-/slipt the heavy dews Princess v 243 Blossoming (See also Many-blossoming) and the happy b shore ? Sea-Fairies 8 Blot (s) With b's of it about them, Ayhner's Field 620 "Tis the b upon the brain Maud II iv 60 a throne. And blackens every b : Ded. of Idylls 28 Gareth's eyes had flying b's Gareth and L. 1031 square of text that looks a little b, Merlin and V. 671 Far-off, a b upon the stream, Lancelot and E. 1392 A 6 in heaven, the Raven, Guinevere 133 Blot (verb) B out the slope of sea Princess vii 38 Blotch face deform'd by lurid b and blain — Death of (Enone 72 Blotted (See also Mist-blotted) took his brush and b out the bird. Merlin and V. 478 Blow (s) (See also Death-blow, Head-blow) cursed hand ! cursed b ! Oriana 82 stood like one that had received a b : Sea Dreams 161 red-hot iron to be shaped with b's. Princess v 209 clench'd his purpose like aft! ,, 306 b's rain'd, as here and everywhere ,, 501 With their own b's they hurt themselves, . ,, w 49 Back to France with countless b'^s. Ode on Well. Ill knife uprising toward the /; ' The Victim 66 Phantom sound of b's descending, Boadicea 25 breasts the b's of circumstance. In Mem. lodv 7 Bat in the present broke the b. „ Ixxxv 56 shocks of Chance — The b's of Death. ,, xco 43 That must have life for a b. Maud II i 27 red life spilt for a private b — ,, t> 93 mightier of his hands with every 6, Com. of Arthur 110 Three with good b's he quieted, Gareth and L. 813 mightful hand striking great b's Marr. of Geraint 95 lash 'd at each So often and with such &'s, ,, 564 Descended, and disjointed it at a & : Balin and Balan 296 Kill'd with a word worse than a life of b's ! Merlin and V. 870 each had slain his brother at a & ; Lancelot and E. 41 hardly won with bruise and b, „ 1165 while Arthur at one b. Striking Pass, of Arthur 167 live to fight again and to strike another b.' The Revenge 95 Rode flashing b upon b, Heavy Brigade 32 Blow (verb) (See also Blaw) The stream flows. The wind b's, Nothing will Die 10 make the winds b Round and round, ,, 23 The wind will cease to ft ; All Things will Die 10 loud the Norland whirlwinds b, Oriana 6 Round thee 6, self-pleached deep, A Dirge 29 And tell me if the woodbines 6. My life isfidl 25 Crazing where the lilies b L. of Shalott i 7 That all about the thorn will h Tvm Voices 59 When April nights began to b, Miller's D. 106 gales, as from deep gardens, b Before him, Fationa 24 the wind b's the foam, and all my heart (Enone 62 by the meadow-trenches b the faint sweet cuckoo-flowers ; May Queen 30 from the dry dark wold the summer airs b cool May Queen, N. Vs. E. 27 and all the flowers that b, „ Con. 7 Lotos b's by every winding creek : Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 101 b's More softly round the open wold, To J. S. 1 Blow (verb) (continued) Nor ever wind b's loudly ; M. d' Arthur 261 or then While the gold-lily b's, Edwin Morris 146 I saw Your own Olivia b, Talking Oah 76 light as any wind that b's So fleetly ,, 129 The full south-breeze around thee b ,,271 winds from all the compass shift and b, Godiva 33 wildweed-flower that simply b's ? Day-Dm., Moral 6 B, flute, and stir the stiff-set sprigs, Amphion 63 weed That b's upon its mountain, ,, 94 she makes The violet of a legend b Will Water. 147 It was the time when lilies b. Lady Clare 1 And the wind did b ; The Captain 34 To b these sacrifices thro' the world — Aylmer's Field 758 Low, low, breathe and b, Princess Hi 3 and 6, J5 him again to me ; ,, g B, bugle, b, set the wild echoes flying, (repeat) ,, ivb 17 B, bugle ; answer, echoes, dying, (repeat) ,, 6 12 -B, let us hear the purple glens replying : „ H A moment, while the trumpets b, „ 581 let the mournful martial music h ; Ode on Well. 17 To Britain, when her flowers begin to 6 ! W.to Marie Alex. 7 Wet west wind how you b, you b I Windmu, No Answer 14 B then, b, and when I am gone, ,, „ 17 And make them pipes whereon to b. In Mem. oaxi 4 With blasts that b the poplar white, ,, locxii 3 fan my brows and b The fever from my cheek, ,, Ixxxvi 8 from the garden and the wild A fresh association h, ,, ci 18 There in due time the woodbine b's, „ cv 7 By ashen roots the violets 6. „ caw 4 And all the breeze of Fancy b's, „ cocxii 17 woodland lilies, Myriads b together. Maud I odi 8 lily and rose That b by night, ,, II v 75 and rain ! and the free blossom b's : Com. of Arthur 409 ' B trumpet, for the world is white with May ; ,, 482 J5 trumpet, the long night hath roll 'd away ! ,, 483 -B thro' the living world — ,, 484 ' B trumpet ! he will lift us from the dust. ,, 491 B trumpet ! live the strength and die the lust ! ,, 492 ' B, for our Sun is mighty in his May ! ,, 497 B, for our Sun is mightier day by day ! ,, 498 flower. That b's a globe of after arrowlets, Gareth and L. 1029 flowers that close when day is done, B sweetly : , , 1068 King gave order to let b His horns Marr. of Geraint 152 we b with breath, or touch with hand, Holy Grail 114 blood beats, and the blossom b's, ,, 671 But such a blast, my King, began to 6, ,, 795 clash the shield, and b the horn. Last Tournament 436 I hear the trumpet b : They summon me Guinevere 569 Nor ever wind b's loudly ; Pass, of Arthur 429 trust that Heaven Will b the tempest To the Queen ii 47 whirlwind b these woods, as never blew before. The Flight 12 gather the roses whenever they b, Romney's R. 107 Let 6 the trumpet strongly while I pray. Doubt and Prayer 10 Blower ' hunter, and 6 of the horn, Harper, La.st Tournament 542 Blowing (See also Blawin', Equal-blowing, Merrily- blowing, Trumpet-blowings) When will the wind be aweary of b Over the sky ? Nothing will Die 3 south winds are b Over the sky. All Things vrill Die 3 myrrh-thickets b round The stately cedar, Arabian Nights 104 Winds were b, waters flowing, Oriana 14 Aloud the hollow bugle b, ,,17 /? a noise of tongues and deeds, Ttoo Voices 206 Like soften'd airs that b steal, ,, 406 wind is b in tijrret and tree, (repeat) The Sisters 3, 33 (while warm airs lull us, b lowly) Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 89 a bark that, 6 forward, bore King Arthur, M. d' Arthur, Ep. 21 wind 6 over meadowy holms And alders, Edwin Morris 95 and b havenward With silks, and fruits, Golden Year 44 Summer woods, about them b, L. of Burleigh 19 B the ringlet from the braid : Sir L. and Q. G. 39 and 6 bosks of wilderness. Princess i 111 The horns of Elfland faintly h\ „ iv 10 ' Fear not, isle of b woodland, Boddicea 38 No joy the b season gives. In Mem. xocxviii 5 Over glowing ships ; Over h seas, Maud I xvii 13 Blowing 47 Boan Blowing {continued) south-west that 6 Bala lake Fills Geraint and E, 929 ship and sail and angels & on it : Bcdin and Balan 365 he waits below the wall, B his bugle PeUeas and E. 381 Brake with a wet wind b, Last Tourrmvient 137 breezes of May 6 over an English field, JJef. of Lucknow 83 Wild flowers b side by side in God's The Flight 81 Fame b out from her golden trumpet Vustness 21 When the storms are b. Forlorn 6 Blown (See also Beard-blown, Broad-blown, Full-blown) your branching limes have b Since I beheld L. C. V. de Vere 27 petals from b roses on the grass, Lotos-Eaters, Q. S, 2 round the spicy downs the yellow Lotos-dust Sab. „ 104 Death is b in every wind ; ' To J. S. 46 and roughly set His Briton in b seas Ode on Well. 155 The golden news along the steppes is b, W. to Marie Alex. 11 The rooks are b about the skies ; Ju Mem. ocv 4 Be b about the desert dust, ,, Ivi 19 Nor harp be touch 'd, nor flute heb; ,, cw 22 far-off sail is b by the breeze Maud I iv 4 And the musk of the rose is b. „ axcii 6 when the Prince Three times had b — O'areth and L. 1378 the face, as, when a gust hath b, Last Toiimavient 368 her father left us just before The daffodil was b ? Laoer's Tale i 294 The wind had b above me, ,, 622 fhost of Gawain b Along a wandering wind, Pass, of Arthur 31 am b along a wandering wind, „ 36 we came to the Isle we were b from, V. of Maeldnne 127 thy fame Is b thro' all the Troad, Death of (Enwiie 37 Like Indian reeds b from his silver tongue, The Poet 13 when a billow, b against. Falls back, Two Voices 316 And trumpets b for wars ; D. of F. Women 20 gale had caught. And 6 across the walk. Gardener's D. 125 b by baflling winds, Enoch Arden 628 b across her ghostly wall : ,, 661 gale That b about the foliage underneath, Princess Hi 121 from inmost south And b to inmost north ; n *"^ 432 B from over every main, Ode Inter. Exhib. 26 Had b the lake beyond his limit. The Daisy 71 after trumpet b, Spake to the lady Marr. of Geraint 551 by strong storm B into shelter at Tintagil, Merlin and V. 10 Her bright hair b about the serious face Lancelot and E. 392 silver horn from o'er the hills B, Holy Grail 110 after trumpet b, her name And title, Pelleas and E. 115 night, a rumour wildly b about Came, " Guinevere 153 all their dewy hair b back like flame : ,, 284 B by the fierce beleaguerers of a town, Achilles over the T. 20 B into glittering by the popular breath, Roraney's R. 49 Blowzed Huge women b with health. Princess iv 279 Blubber 'd I b awaay o' the bed — North. Cobbler 61 Blue (adj.) (See cdso Black-blue, Dark-blue, Dead- blue, Deep-blue, Faint-blue, June-blue, Light- blue, Sea-blue, Steel-blue, Warm-blue) And less aerially b, Margaret 51 the lights, rose, amber, emerald, 6, Palace of Art 169 and gave a shield B adSo, Gareth and L. 932 never yet Had heaVen appeai''d so 6, Holy Grail 365 better ha' beaten me black an' b First Qiuirrel Tl ship stood still, and the skies were 6, The Wreck 115 Some far b fell, Early Spring 34 Blue (a) clove The citron-shadows in the b : Arabian Nights 15 Were glistening to the breezy 6 ; Miller's D. 61 star Shook in the stedfast b. D. of F. Women 56 While yon sun prospers in the b, Blackbird 22 navies grappling in the central b ; Locksley Hall 124 And sweet the vapour-braided b, The Letters 42 B's and reds They talk'd of : Vs were Aylme)-'s Field 251 such a star of morning in their 6, ,, 692 years That breathed beneath the Syrian b : In Mem. Hi 12 The little speedwell's darling &, ,, IxxxiiilO And drown'd in yonder living 6 ,, cxvl morning star that smilest in the h, Gareth and L. 999 like a shoaling sea the lovely b Play'd Geraint and E. 688 but under open b Came on the hoarhead woodman Balin and Balan 293 Blue (a) {continued) Venus ere she fell Would often loiter in her balmy b, Lover's Tale i 62 little star Were drunk into the inmost 6, ,, 309 from the sky to the b of the sea ; V. of Maeldnne 46 sign of aught that lies Behind the green and b ? Ancient Sage 26 6 of sky and sea, the green of earth, ,, 41 Green Sussex fading into b Pro. to Gen. Hamley 7 domes the red-plow'd hills With loving b ; Early Spring 4 moon of heaven. Bright in b, The Ring 2 Broaden the glowing isles of vernal b. Prog, of Spring 60 Glows in the b of fifty miles away. Roses cm the T. 8 Sing the new year in under the b. The Throstle 5 round me and over nie June's high 6, June Bracken, etc. 2 Bluebell frail b peoreth over Rare broidry A Dirge 37 merry b rings To the mosses underneath ? Adeline 34 Rose-campion, h, kingcup. Last Toiirnament 234 Blue-eyed A Prince I was, b-e, and fair Princess i 1 Bluff (adj.) B Harry broke into the spence Talking Oak 47 Bluff (a) echo flap And buffet round the hills, from b to b. Golden Year 77 shadowing b that made the banks. In Mem. ciii 22 Blunder'd the soldier knew Spme one had b : Light Brigade 12 Blunt (adj.) So /> in memory, so old at heart, Gardener's D. b^ felt so b and stupid at the heart : Geraint and E. 747 Besought me to be plain and b, Lancelot and E. 1301 Blunt (verb) discourtesy To ?» or break her passion.' ,, 974 b the curse Of Pallas, hear, Tiresias 154 Blunted being rudely b, glanced and shot Holy Grail 75 Being b in the Present, grew at length Lmer's Tale ii 131 Blur but for one black b of earth Demeter and P. 37 Blurr'd (adj. and part.) one was patch'd and b and lustreless Marr. of Geraint 649 light betwixt them burn'd B by the creeping mist, Guinevere 5 And b in colour and form, Dead Propliet 22 B like a landskip in a ruffled pool, — Rmnney's R. 114 Blurr'd (verb) And b the splendour of the sun ; In Mem. IxxH 8 Blurt they 6 Their furious formalisms, Akbar's Dream h^ Bluah (a) She look'd : but all Suffused with b'es — Gardener's D. 154 The b is fix'd upon her cheek. Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 32 loose A flying charm of b'es o'er this cheek. Princess ii 430 ' What pardon, sweet Melissa, for a i ? ' ,, Hi 66 b and smile, a medicine in themselves ,, mi 62 And the sick man forgot her simple b, Lancelot and E. 864 Quick b'es, the sweet dwelling of her eyes Sisters {E. and E.) 165 the b Of millions of roses that sprang V. of Maeldune 43 Solved in the tender b'es of the peach ; Prog, of Spring 34 That b of fifty years ago, my dear, Roses on the T. 5 Blush (verb) As it were with shame she b'ei, L. of Burleigh 63 Said Cyril : ' Pale one, b again : than wear Those lilies, better b our lives away. Princess Hi 67 Since I J to belaud myself a moment — Hendecasyllabics 18 Pass and b the news Over glowing ships ; Maud I xiyii 11 B it thro' the West ; (repeat) ,, 16 24 /J from West to East, 5 from East to West, ,, 21 You should have seen him b ; Merlin and V. 481 The linnet's bosom b'es at her gaze, Prog, of Spring 17 Blush'd Katie laugh 'd, and laughing b, The Brook 214 how pretty Her blushing was, and how she b again. Princess Hi 100 suddenly, sweetly, strangely b Maud I viii 6 She neither b nor shook, Lancelot and E. 965 Then b and brake the morning Pelican and E. 157 Bluaheat Again thou b angerly ; Madeline 45 Blushing (adj.) On a i mission to me, MaudlxxlW Blushing (part. ) Fresh apple-blossom, b for a boon. Tlie Brook 90 B upon them b, and at once He rose Merlin and V. 741 Blushing (s) how pretty Her b was, and how she blush'd again. Princess Hi 100 Bluster B the winds and tides the self-same way, D. of F. Women 38 'tis well that I should b '.— Locksley Hall 63 And b into stormy sobs and say, Lancelot and E. 1067 Blustering b I know not what Of insolence and love. Princess v 396 Sir Kay, the seneschal, would come B upon them, Gareth and L. 514 Bo&dicea (British Queen) B, standing loftilv charioted, (repeat) ' Boddicea 3, 70 Bo&n (bone) an' 'e got a brown pot an' a b, Village Wife 48 Boane 48 Body Boane (bone) when an* wheere to bury his b. Otod Roa 8 Boanerges Our B with his threats of doom, Sea Dreams 251 Boar dog, and wolf and & and bear Came Cmn. of Arthur 2Z wherewithal deck the Vs head ? Flowers ? nay, the h hath rosemaries and bay. Gareth and L. 1073 Board (table) ' This was cast upon the I, (Enone 79 cast the golden fruit upon the 6, ,, 226 I pledge her silent at the h ; Will Water. 25 cups and silver on the burnish'd I Enoch Arden 742 There at a i by tome and paper sat, Princess ii 32 And on the I the fluttering urn : In Mem. xcv 8 Arrange the h and brim the glass ; ,, cvii 16 seating Gareth at another h. Sat down Gareth and L. 871 boil'd the flesh, and spread the h, Marr. of Geraint 391 knife's haft hard against the b, Geraint and E. 600 bare her by main violence to the 6, ,, 654 Along the walls and down the b ; Balin and Balan 84 A goblet on the h by Balin, ,, 362 all the light that falls upon the b Holy Grail 249 "Who spake so low and sadly at our b ; ,, 701 left me gazing at a barren &, ,, 893 Are ye but creatures of the b and bed, Pelle-as and E. 267 Before the 6, there paused and stood, Lover's Tale iv 307 Board (ship) he served a year On 6 a merchantman, Enoch Arden 53 Am I so like her ? so they said on b. The Brook 223 I leap on 6 : no helmsman steers : Sir Galahad 39 Board (for a game) That pushes us off from the b, Maud I iv 27 Board (floor) Pattering over the h's, (repeat) Grandmother 77, 79 Board (list, register) hastily subscribed, We enter'd on the Vs : Prinxxss ii 74 Boarding B's and rafters and doors— Def. of Lucknmo 67 Boast (s) To shame the b so often made, Lme thou thy land 71 And bring her babe, and make her b, In Mem. xl 26 that ye blew your b in vain ? ' Gareth and L. 1229 to mar the b Thy brethren of thee make — „ 1242 Abash'd us both, and brake my b. Balin and Balan 71 and the b of our ancient blood, F. of Maeldiine 88 crime, of her eldest-born, her glory, her b, Despair 73 Boast (verb) you know it — I will not b : Princess iv 353 the dipt palm of which they b ; The Daisy 26 and b, ' Behold the man that loved and lost. In Mem'i 14 heard them b That they would slay you, Geraint and E. 73 b's his life as purer than thine own ; Balin and Balan 104 Boasted each of them b he sprang from the oldest race V. of Maeldune 4 Boastful ruled the hour, Tho' seeming b : Aylnier's Field 195 Boat (See also Pleasure-boat) leaping lightly from the 6, Arabian Nights 92 Down she came and found &b L. of SJialott iv 6 Francis just alighted from the h, Audley Court 7 B, island, ruins of a castle, built Edwin Mcrrris 6 That he sings in his b on the bay ! Break, h-eak, eic. 8 Anchors of rusty fluke, and b's updrawn ; Enoch Arden 18 To purchase his own &, and make a home ,, 47 He purchased his own b, and made a home For Annie, ,, 58 sell the b — and yet he loved her well — ,, 134 The horse he drove, the b he sold, ,, 609 b that bears the hope of life approach ,, 830 till as when a b Tacks, Princess ii 185 fc'« and bridges for the use of men. ,, m 47 The b is drawn upon the shore ; In Mem. cxxi 6 The market b is on the stream, ,, 13 There found a little 6, and stept into it ; Merlin and V. 198 the b Drave with a sudden wind across ,, 200 He saw two cities in a thousand b's , , 561 Up the great river in the boatman's b. Lancelot arul E. 1038 with exceeding swiftness ran the b, If b it were — Holy Orail 514 or had the 6 Become a living creature ,, 518 blackening in the sea-foam sway'd a 6, ,, 802 I burst the chain, I sprang into the h. ,, 807 And felt the b shock earth, , , 812 Then from the 6 Ileapt, ,, 819 be yon dark Queens in yon black b, Past, of Arthur 452 The b was beginning to move, First Quarrel 21 an' go to-night by the i.' ,, 88 Boat (continued) the b went down that night— (repeat) First Quarrel 92 till I saw that a b was nearing us — The Wreck 123 and there in the b I lay With sad eyes , , 125 his b was on the sand ; The Flight 37 And lay on that funereal b, To Marq. of Dxifferin 34 Had parted from his comrade in the b. The Ring 308 Vs of Dahomey that float upon human blood ! The Daion 5 Boated I b over, ran My craft aground, Edunn Mo'rris 108 They b and they cricketed ; Princess, Pro. 160 Boat-head did I turn away The l-h Arabian Nights 25 as the b-h wound along The willowy hills L. of Shalott iv 24 Boatman wrought To make the boatmen fishing-nets, Enoch Arden 815 By the great river in a Vs hut. Lancelot and E. 278 Up the great river in a &'s boat. ,, 1038 Boatswain China-bound, And wanting yet a h. Enoch Arden 123 Boboli Or walks in B's ducal bowers. The Daisy 44 Bode thither wending there that night they b. Lancelot and E. 412 And Lancelot b a little, till he saw ,, 461 There 6 the night : but woke with dawn, ,, 846 And 6 among them yet a little space ,, 921 And there awhile it b ; and if a man Holy Grail 54 spake not any word. But 6 his hour, Last Tournament 386 Bodied Is b forth the second whole. Love thou thy land 66 Bodily were she the prize of b force, Marr. of Geraint 541 Body I wrapt his b in the sheet. The Sisters 34 A b slight and round, and like a pear Walk, to the Mail 53 I was strong and hale of b then ; St. S. Stylites 29 touch my b and be heal'd, and live : ..79 bodies and the bones of those That strove Day-Dm., Arrival 9 ' Here lies the b of Ellen Adair ; Edward Gray 27 There lies the b of Ellen Adair ! ,,35 Bore to earth her b, drest In the dress L. of Burleigh 98 He cast his 6, and on we swept. The Voyage 80 Like that long-buried b of the king, Aylmer's Field 3 adulteries That saturate soul with b. , , 377 His b half flung forward in pursuit, , , 587 as not passing thro' the fire Bodies, but souls — , , 672 that break B toward death, and palsy, Lucretius 154 unlaced my casque And grovell'd on my b, Princess vi 28 and to dance Its b, and reach ,, 138 There lay the sweet little b Grandmothei- 62 I look'd at the still little J— ,, 66 this weight of b and limb. High. Pantheism 5 phantom bodies of horses and men ; Boadicea 27 and back return To where the b sits, In Mem. xii 19 cheeks drop in ; the b bows Man dies : ,, xxxv 3 Bare of the b, might it last, „ xliii 6 in the ghastly pit long since a b was found, Mavd lib sworn to bury All this dead b of hate, , , xix 97 Hath b enow to hold his foemen down ? ' Com. of Arthur 253 blood Of their strong bodies, flowing, Marr. of Geraint 569 And let the bodies lie, but bound Geraint and E. 96 And being weak in b said no more ; Lancelot and E. 839 ' Faith of my b, ' he said, ' and art thou not — Pelleas and E. 318 But the sweet & of a maiden babe. Last Tournament 48 Belted his b with her white embrace, ,, 513 A b journeying onward, sick with toil. Loverr's Tale i 124 breathless i of her good deeds past. ,, 217 soul and heart and b are all at ease : ,, 556 had the ghastliest That ever lusted for a &, ,, 648 She took the b of my past delight, „ 681 ' i and soul And life and limbs, ,, iij 282 sank his b with honour down into the deep, TJie Revenge 109 He veils His flesh in bread, b and bread together.' Sir J. Oldcastle 157 ' No bread, no bread. God's b\' ,, 159 Thou canst not prove that thou art b alone. Ancient Sage 59 they laid this b they foun' an the grass Tomorrow 73 nurse of ailing b and mind, Loclcsley H., Sixty 51 lustier i, larger mind ? ,, 164 out of his b she drew The red ' Blood-eagle ' Dead Prophet 70 You say your b is so foul — Happy 25 Your b is not foul to me, and b is foul at best. „ 28 If my h come from brutes, (repeat) By an Evolution. 5, 13 Where I sank with the 6 at times ,, 18 Body 49 Bone Body (contimied) that dark 6 which had lain Of old Death of (Emnie 93 bodies and souls go down in a common wreck, Tlie Dawti 13 Bog (See also Irish Bog) last month they wor diggin' the h, Tomoirow 61 bad scran to the b's whin they swallies the man „ 66 sorra the h that's in Hiven ,, 67 aisier work av they lived be an Irish 6. ,,72 Boggle (ghost) Theer wur a bin it, Jf. Farmer, 0. S. 30 Bog-wather foun' Dhrownded in black b-w Tomorrmo 62 Boil hell beneath Made me b over. St. S. Stylites 171 Boil'd burn'd in fire, or h in oil, , ,, 52 b the flesh, and spread the board, Marr. of Geraint 391 Bold {See also Half-bold, Over-bold) so clear and b and free As you, Rosalind 17 Kate loves well the b and fierce ; Kate 29 But none are 6 enough for Kate ,, 30 wide in soul and b of tongue, Two Voices 124 New-year blithe and b, my friend, D. of the 0. Year 35 A man more pure and b and just To J. S. 31 the' keen and b and soldierly Sear'd Aylmer's Field 192 You are b indeed : Princess Hi 250 Among the wise and the b. Ode on Well. 52 If you be fearful, then must we be b. Third of Feb. 19 men are b and strongly say their say ; — W. to Marie Alex. 32 With what divine affections b In, Mem. xciv 2 b to dwell On doubts that drive the coward ,, xcv 29 b in heart and act and word was he, Com. of Arthur 176 And wholly b thou art, and meek Oareth and L. 1168 Am I so b, and could I so stand by, Marr. of Geraint 102 B will I be — Balin and Balan 194 Balin was b, and ask'd To bear ,, 199 B was mine answer, ' Had thyself Holy Grail 277 ' Art thou so 6 and hast not seen the Grail ? ' ,, 279 This heard the b Sir Bedivere and spake : Pass, of Arthur 50 death And silence made him b — Lover's Tale iv 73 Had they been b enough then, Def. of I/ucknow 66 still be b Not only to slight praise To Duke of Argyll 3 Bolden'd b by the silence of his B^ng, — Holy Grail 857 Bolder And me this knowledge b made, To J. S. 5 seems no b than a beaten hound ; Geraint and R. 61 Not risen to, she was b. The Ring 361 Boldest drawn of fairest Or b since, Ode to Memory 90 their oldest and their b said. Death of CEnone 100 Boldly for such a face had 6 died,' D. of F. Women 99, Enoch faced this morning of farewell Brightly and b. Enoch Arden 183 And b ventured on the liberties. Princess i 205 I offer h : we will seat you highest : ,, Hi 159 B they rode and well, Light Brigade 23 Boldness Should licensed b gather force, In Mem. cxiii 13 B and royal knighthood of the bird Merlin and V. 134 Bole (See also Elm-tree-boles) stanzas that you made About my ' giant b ; ' Talking Oak 136 wind And double in and out the b's, Princess iv 262 a thousand rings of Spring In every b, ,, v 238 glancing thro' the hoary b's, he saw, Pelleas and E. 50 Bolster'd An' the fences all on 'em b oop Oiod Rod 32 Bolt (See also Battle-bolt) and if a 6 of fire Would rive Sup}}. Confessions 10 b's are hurl'd Far below them in the valleys, Lotos-Eaters, C.S. Ill Appealing to the b's of Heaven ; Princess iv 372 Scarce had she ceased, when out of heaven a b Merlin and V. 934 Pray Heaven, they be not smitten by the b,' Holy Grail 221 slant His b from falling on your head — Happy 81 b of war dashing down upon cities The Dawn 8 Bolted gate Is b, and the master gone. Tiresias 201 Bond (adj. ) dwarf 'd or godlike, b or free : Princess vii 260 Bond (s) Unmanacled from b's of sense. Two Voices 236 break or bind All force in b's that might endure. Palace of Art 154 Seeing obedience is the b of rule. M. d' Arthur 94 Then broke all b's of courtesy, Aylmer's Field 323 Which breaks all b's of ours ; ,, 425 broke the b which they desired to break, ,, 778 all her b's Crack'd ; and I saw Lucretius 37 bis dearest b is this, Princess vii 277 Bond (s) (continued) Has broke the b of dying use. In Mem. cv 12 Than some strong b which is to be. cxvi 16 Gareth loosed his b's and on free feet Gareth and L. 817 all Their bearing in their common b of love, Balin and Balan 150 I purity Beyond the limit of their b, Merlin avd V. 27 For such a supersensual sensual b ,j 109 our b Had best be loosed for ever : ,, 341 world howling forced them into b's, ,, 744 yours, Not Arthur's, as ye know, save by the 6, Lancelot and E. 135 Not violating the b of like to like.' ,, 241 daughter fled From b's or death, , , 277 Our 6, as not the 6 of man and wife, ,,' I191 Our b is not the b of man and wife. , , 1206 needs must break These b's that so defame me : ,, 1421 More bondsman in his heart than in his b's. Pelleas and E. 239 may be ye shall slay him in his b's.' ,, 272 let who will release him from his 6's. ,, 294 gazed upon the man Of princely bearing, tho' in b's, ,', 306 sprang Gawain, and loosed him from his b's, ,, 315 bound, save by white b's and warm, ,, 353 brakest thro' the scruple of my b, Last Tournament 568 Seeing obedience is the b of rule. Pass, of Arthur 262 Is but a burthen : loose the b, and go. To the Queen ii 17 it was a b and seal Of friendship, Lover's Tale ii 181 Were these not 6'hilus 15 Brain-feverouB B-fm his heat and agony, Lancelot and E. 854 Brain-labour And prodigal of all b-l he, Aylmer's Field 447 Brainless Insolent, b, heartless ! ,, 368 Brainpan Than if my b were an empty hull. Princess ii 398 Brake (s) Close-matted, bur and b and briar, Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 46 gloom Of evening over b and bloom And meadow. In Mem, Ixxxvi 3 And bristles all the b's and thorns ,, cvii 9 In every wavering b an ambuscade. Geraint and E. 51 ' How far thro' all the bloom and b Ancient Sage 19 wealth of tropic bower and b ; To Ulysses 37 downy drift against the b's, Prog, of Spring 27 Brake (verb) at their feet the crocus b like fire, (Enone 96 B with a blast of trumpets from the gate. Princess, Pro. 42 from my breast the involuntary sigh /J, ,, iii 192 over brow And cheek and bosom b the wrathful bloom , , iv 383 titter, out of which there b On all sides, ,, v\Q a rout of saucy boys B on us at our books, ,, 395 then b out my sire. Lifting his grim head ,, vi 271 For on them b the sudden foe ; Tlie Victim 4 Suddenly from him b his wife, „ 70 No spirit ever b the band That stays him In Mem. xciii 2 fires of Hell b out of thy rising sun, Maud II i 9 b on him, till, amazed. He knew not whither Com. of Arthur 39 they swerved and 6 Flying, ,, 119 great lords Banded, and so b o\it in open war.' ,, 237 neither clomb, nor b his neck. But 6 his very heart in pining for it, Gareth and L. 56 That lookt ha If -dead, b bright, „ 685 there 6 a servingman Flying from out of the black wood, ,, 801 either spear Bent but not b, ,, 964 Clash'd his, and b it utterly to the hilt. ,, 1148 and thrice they b their spears. Marr. of Geraint 562 then b short, and down his enemy roll'd, Geraint and E. 160 Abash'd us both , and b my boast. Thy will ? ' Balin and Balan 71 I b upon thy rest, And now full loth ,,• 499 the storm B on the mountain and I cared not Merlin and V. 503 and the skull B from the nape, La.ncelot and E. 50 b a sudden-beaming tenderness Of manners , , 328 then out she 6: 'Gk)ing? „ 925 when the next sun b from underground, ,, 1137 B from the vast oriel-embowering vine ,, 1198 Stoopt, took, b seal, and read it ; ,, 1271 ' But when the next day b from under ground — Holy Grail 338 Then blush'd and b the morning of the jousts, PelUas and E. 157 comes again ' — there she 6 short ; ,, 295 Reel'd in the smoke, b into flame, and fell. ,, 519 It chanced that both B into hall together, ,, 587 and the Red Knight B in upon me Last Tournament 72 B with a wet wind blowing, ,, 137 B up their sports, then slowly to her bower ,, 238 maid, who brook'd No silence, b it, Guinevere 160 storm of anger b From Guinevere, „ 361 there her voice h suddenly, , , 607 b the petty kings, and fought with Rome, Pass, of Arthur 68 wan wave 5 in among dead faces, ,, 130 while they h them, own'd me King. ,, 158 B the shield-wall, Batt. of Brunanbiirh 11 Brakest b thro' the scruple of my bond, Last Tournament 568 Bramble arm Red-rent with hooks of b, Holy Grail 211 and b's mixt And overgrowing them, Pelleas and E. 422 Bramble Rose B r's, faint and pale, A Dirge 30 Branch (s) (^ee a/so Willow-branches) Like to some b of stars we see L. of Shalott Hi 11 B'es they bore of that enchanted stem, Lotos- Eaters 28 With winds upon the b, „ C. S. 27 curved b'es, fledged with clearest green, D, of F. Women 59 Branch BrancAi (s) (contirmed) paused. And dropttheisheheld, Gardetwr's D. 157 Whose topmost b eg can discern The roofs Talking Oak 31 And Irom thy topmost b discern The roofs 95 From spray, and b, and stem, " iqq ^^f'f^ and shook holding the b, Enoch Arden 767 whirl d her white robe like a blossom'd b Princess iv 179 the b eg thereupon Spread out at top, 205 and shook the b'es of the deer " q^^ 98 ??**ir.f ^^ *^^^l"^u°, ^'*f ^"'^^ '' 1^^ Mem. XV 13 On all the 6 e« of thy blood ; Ixxxiv 8 lie, while these long b'eg sway, Maud I xmu 29 Melody on 6 and melody m mid air. Gareth and L. 183 high on a 6 Hung it ji^^in and Balun 432 lore from the o, and cast on earth, 539 ""^i^^I '■*i"T * ^'V'P* '"i *^® Tushins Merlin and V. 957 A terder fantasy of i and flower, Larvcelol and E. 11 putt d the swaying b es into smoke Rohi Grail 15 were our mothers b'es of one stem ? Lover's Tale u 25 and the 6 with bernes on it, . Coluvdncs 73 Golden b amid the shadows, To Virgil 27 Who lops the moulder d b away. Ha^ids all round 8 gliding thro the bes over-bower'd Death of (Jimne 6 Branch (verb) But b e.^ current yet in kindred veins. ' Princess ii 245 o er the friths that b and spread in Mem. , Con. 115 a name that i es o er the rest, Balin and Balan 182 Branch d cloisters, b hke mighty woods, Palace of Art 26 whisper of huge trees that b And blossom'd in ,.*nTu\- • r Enoch Arden h%h that h Itself Fine as ice-fems Aylnvers Field 221 throve and b from clime to clime, In, Mem. cxviii 13 dress All b and flower'd with gold, Marr. of Geraint 631 forehead veins Bloated and b ; iMin and Balan 392 Branching: empires b, both, in lusty life !- W. to Marie Alex. 21 trace On paler heavens the b grace Of leafless elm, To Ulysses 15 Branch-work Beneath h-ir of costly sardonyx Palace 0/ Art 95 Brand (a mark) a part Falling had let appear Rr»n//'/«^J!!.iw^~ / T . V .. Aijlnie,-'s Field 509 Brand (a sword) (Aee also Levin-brand) The b, the buckler, and the spear- r,co Voices 129 Ihou therefore take my b Excalibur, M. d' Arthur 27 Ihere drew he forth the b Excalibur, 52 ' And if indeed I cast the b away, ' " gs The great 6 Made lightnings in the splendour !! 136 80 flash d and fell the b Excalibur : 142 The hard Vs shiver on the steel, Sir Galalmd 6 And, ringing, springs from b and mail ; 54 -6, mace and shaft, and shield- Prin^ss v 503 Arthur call d to stay the Vs Com. of Arthur 120 So this great b the king Took, 308 Flash b and lance, fall battleaxe " 486 Fall battleaxe, and flash b ! (repeat) ", 487, 490, 502 l^Jang battleaxe and clash b ! (repeat) 493 495 499 Gareth la^h'd so fiercely with his b Gareth and L. 968 bir Gareth s b Clash d his, 1147 neither hunting-dress Nor weapon, save a " golden-hilted b, Marr. of Geraint 166 Swung from his b a windy buffet out Once, Gen-aint and E. 90 and tearing out of sheath The b, Balin and Balan 393 Where Arthur finds the b Excalibur. Holy Grail 253 1 he Excalibur will be cast away. 257 Shield-breakings, and the clash of b\ Pass, of Arthur 109 o s that once had fought with Rome, I33 There drew he forth the b Excalibur, " 220 ' And if indeed I cast the i away, " 256 The great b Made lightnings in the splendour '' 304 So flash'd and fell the b Excalibur : 3IO Sons of Edward with hammer'd b's. Ualt. of Brunanburh 14 Brand (verb) power to burn and b His nothingness into man. Maud I xmii 39 ^us after, of whose fold we be : Merlin and V. 764 Jiarth and Hell will b your name. Forlorn 51 Brandagoraa King ^ of Latangor, Com. of Arthur \U Brandish d caught him by the hilt, and b him (repeat) M. d'AHhurUb,UO caught him by the hilt, and b him (repeat) Pass, qf Arthur 313, 328 57 Breadth Brandishing iJ in her band a dart Boddiceall Brass crag-platform smooth as burnish'd b I chose. Palace of AH 5 iwo handfuls of white dust, shut in an urn .«^*' , , , ,, Lotos - Eaters C.S. 68 A flying splendour out of b and steel, Princess vi 365 Brastias (a knight) Ulfius, and B, and Bedivere, (repeat) ,^ ^ ^ , Cmn. of Arth^ir 1S6, 165, U6 Rr-ot T K """"i ^''','^y^i \^- Com. of Arthur 173 5^L r» h1? « tr 'n "". *"' * *' ' Spinster's S^s. 84 Brave (ac^j. Bthe Captain was : r/ie Captain 5 few his knights, however b they be- Com. of Arthur 252 but all b, all of one mmd with him ; 255 Truth-speaking b, good livers, Gareth and L. 424 ti she left Not even Lancelot b, Merlin and V. 805 All b, and many generous, and some chaste. 817 Each was as bin the fight v. ofMaeldune 5 Tir^i!'!'^x f^^^^tl V. . LocksleyH., Sixty m Brave s) our Lawrence the best of the b : Def. if Lucknow 11 Follow d by the b of other lands, Qdl on Well. 194 whatsoe er He wrought of good or b Emlooue 76 Brave (verb) never : here I b the worst : ' Edwin Morris 118 However we b it out, we men are a little breed. Maud I iv 30 Braved She b a riotous heart in asking for it. Lancelot and E. 359 Bravery Lancelot, the flower of b, ng 5^11'/* ^ *'°''^^* with the /; among us. Def of Lucknow 71 R^II "^ ^feature wholly given to b's and wine, Marr. of Geraint 441 Brawl (verb) Cease to wail and b ! Two Voices 199 1 *f *t °^* ^^^^ *?? ^^""^ ™^y ^- ^a^«c« of A rt 210 eft the drunken king To b at Shushan Princess Hi 230 b Iheir rights or wrongs like potherbs ^ 458 our free press should cease to 6, ThiJrd of Feb. 3 Rr«ilJf fwu . ?°**^ ^^^S t^^y *• ^ii- Squabbles 20 Brawling brook o er a shingly bed B, Marr. of Geraint 249 x^^^^^^A their monstrous games ; St. Telemachus 40 Bray 'oud rung out the bugle's b's, Qriana 48 in the blast and b of the long horn Princess v 252 Brazen-headed O'erthwarted with the b-h spear (Enone 139 ?«^^^.v * the belting wall of Cambalu, Columbitsm Bread (^See also Bread) I speak the truth, as I live by b ! Lady Clare 26 Taking her 6 and theirs: Enoch ArdenlU wine And b from out the houses brought, Spec, of Iliad 6 chalk and alum and plaster are sold to the poor for b, Maud I i 39 Where b and baken meats and good red wine (hireth and L. 1190 l!iiH *■ !f f^u ^^®u ' "^ jnchet b. Ma,i: of Geraint 389 sold and sold had bought them b: 541 smote itself into the b, and went ; iMy Grail 467 But, 6, merely for 5. Sir J. Oldcastleli. J* — B left after the blessing ? n ro now He veils His flesh in b, body and b " i f,7 'N06, no 6. (repeat) "159 |g( Hast thou brought b with thee ? " ' 198 I have not broken b for fifty hours. " 199 For holding there was b where b was none— No b. " 2OI I am not like to die for lack of b. " 205 B enough for his need till the labourless day V. of Maddune 86 rtream, now and then, of a hand giving b and wine. Tlie Wreck 114 Master scrimps his haggard sempstress of her Tl™a,«^*'M^\ ,, Locksley II., Sixty 2Q1 Bread Mun be a guvness, lad, or summut, and addle R^a^iif *»■ r i. • ,. , , , . ^^- J'^(iJ'»i^r, N. S. 26 Breadth A s of tropic shade and palms in cluster, Locksleu Hall 160 left but narrow ft to left and right iJnoch Ardm 674 shattenng on black blocks A b of thunder. Prin^,>, Hi 292 whence they need More b of culture : ^ 188 ab Of Autumn, dropping fruits of power : " ,.;; 54 She mental b, nor fail in childward care, " ,,,v 28S tower Half-lost in belts of hop and 6's of wheat ; " Con 4^ w_^h all thy b and height Of foliage. In Mem. tol highway running by it leaves a 6 Of sward to left tJ^^^'^^^l A * ^ . Sisters (E. a7id E.) 80 she wiTnll fh^ f f '*"""*' ^^- V Lucknow 23 bhe with all the b of man, Locksley II., Sixt.y 48 Break 58 Breaker Break (b) Across a b on the mist-wreathen isle Hiioch Ardoi 632 At b of day the College Portress came : Princess ii 15 I climb'd the roofs at h of day ; The Daisy 61 Break (verb) {See also Bre3,k) passion fann'd, About thee b's and dances : Madeline 30 breaking heart that will not b, Oriana 64 athlete, strong to b or bind All force Palme of Art 153 ' No voice b's thro' the stillness , , 259 You thought to 6 a country heart L. G. V. de Vere 3 Nor would I b for your sweet sake ,, 13 call me loud when the day begins to b : May Queen 10 lest a cry Should h his sleep by night, Walk, to the Mail 74 same old sore 6's out from age to age ,, 79 Faltering, would b its syllables, Love and Duty 39 He b's the hedge : he enters there : Day-Dm., Arrival 18 But b it. In the name of wife, ,, U Envoi 53 B up the heavens, Lord ! St. Agnes' Eve 21 barren commonplaces b In full and kindly blossom. Wm Water. 23 B lock and seal : betray the trust : You might have won 18 B, b, b, On thy cold gray stones. Break, break, etc. 1 B, b, b, At the foot of thy crags, ,, 13 But had no heart to b his purposes To Annie, Enoch Arden 155 I think your kindness b's me down ; ,, 318 Help me not to J in upon her peace. ,, 787 Which b's all bonds but ours ; Aylmer's Field 425 Who broke the bond which they desired tob, „ 778 trifle makes a dream, a trifle b's.' Sea Dreams 144 that b Body toward death, Lticretius 153 which b's As I am breaking now ! ,, 241 In iron gauntlets : b the council up.' Princess i 89 wherefore b her troth ? ,,95 To b my chain, to shake my mane : u ** ^24 Kill up with pity, b us with ourselves— „ Hi 258 tho' the rough kex b The starr'd mosaic, ,, iv 77 did I b Your precinct ; ,, 421 On me, me, me, the storm first b's: „ 499 You that have dared to b our bound, ,, 539 she's yet a colt — Take, b her : „ v 456 takes, and b's, and cracks, and splits, ,, 527 fear we not To 6 them more in their behoof, ,, to 61 Nemesis B from a darken'd future, ,, 175 We b our laws with ease, ,, 323 your Highness b's with ease The law ,, 325 roar that b's the Pharos from his base ,, 339 sorrowing in a pause I dared not b ; „ vii 249 b the shore, and evermore Make and b. Ode on Well. 260 War, who b's the converse of the wise ; Third of Feb. 8 Tho' all the storm of Europe on us 6 ; ,, 14 B, happy land, into earlier flowers ! W. to Alexandra 10 everywhere, The blue heaven b, W. to Marie Alex. 43 To b the blast of winter, stand ; To F. D. Ma^irice 22 the bud ever b's into bloom on the tree, The Met 32 b the works of the statuary, Boddicea 64 immeasurable heavens B open to their highest. Spec, of Iliad 15 Must I take you and b you, Window, The Answer 3 I must take you, and b you, ,, 5 take — b, b — B — you may b my heart. ,, 7 J3, 6 and all's done. ,, 10 B, thou deep vase of chilling tears, In Mem. iv 11 To evening, but some heart did b. „ viS On the bald street b's the blank day. „ vii 12 B's hither over Indian seas, ,, xxvi 14 that my hold on life would b Before I hoard ,, xxviii 15 That 6's about the dappled pools : ,, xlix i Who b's his birth's invidious bar, ,, Ixvv 5 and b The low beginnings of content. , , Ixxxiv 47 And b the livelong summer day ,, Ixxxix 31 b's The rocket molten into flakes Of crimson ,, rxviii 30 Or into silver arrows b Tho sailing moon ,, ci 15 the rolling brine That b's the coast. ,, eoii 15 Will let his coltish nature b „ cxi 7 And every thought b's out a rose. ,, cxxii 20 million emeralds b from tho ruby -budded lime Maud I iv 1 Can b her word were it even for me ? ,, xvi 29 B not, woman'e-heart, Ded. of Idylls 44 Break (verb) {continued) B not, for thou art Royal, but endure, Ded. of Idylls i^ ' Climb not lest thou b thy neck, Gareth and L. 54 To 5 him from the intent to which he grew, ,, 140 so besieges her To b her will, and make her wed ,, 617 Running too vehemently to b upon it. Marr. of Qeraint 78 Here often they 6 covert at our feet.' ,, 183 Then will I fight him, and will b his pride, ,, 221 and in April suddenly B's from a coppice ,, 339 That lightly ?/s a faded flower-sheath, ,, 365 fight and ?) his pride and have it of him. ,, 416 I will b his pride, and learn his name, , ,, 424 In next day's tourney I may 6 his pride.' ,, 476 b perforce Upon a head so dear in thunder, Geraint and E. 12 as a man upon his tongue May 6 it, ,, 43 chance That 6',s upon them perilously, ,, 354 nature's prideful sparkle in the blood B into furious flame ; , , 828 b Into some madness ev'n before the Queen ? ' Balin and Balan 229 and b the King And all his Table.' , , 458 knight, we 6 on thy sweet rest, ,, 470 now full loth am I to fi thy dream, ,, 500 Began to b her sports with graver fits. Merlin and V. 180 in the slippery sand before it i's ? ,, 293 fled from Arthur's court To b the mood. , , 298 that wave about to b upon me And sweep me , , 302 tiny-trumpeting gnat can b our dream When sweetest ; Lancelot and E. 137 crying Christ and him. And b them ; ,, 306 Would he b faith with one I may not name ? , , 685 discourtesy To blunt or 6 her passion.' ,, 974 (He meant to 6 the passion in her) ,, 1079 Would shun to 6 those bounds of courtesy ,, 1220 To b her passion, some discourtesy ,, 1302 I needs must b These bonds that so defame me : , , 1420 b thro' all, till one will crown thee king Holy Grail 161 ' I never heard his voice But long'd to b away. Pclleas and E. 256 said Tristram, ' I would b thy head. Last Tournament 268 and after the great waters b Whitening ,, 464 make the smouldering scandal b and blaze Guinevere 91 Stands in a wind, ready to b and fly, ,, 365 b the heathen and uphold the Christ, ,, 470 — let my heart B rather — Lover's Talei 738 Not to 6 in on what I say by word ,, iv 352 B, diviner light ! Sisters (E. and E.) 23 one of those who would b their jests on the dead, In tlie Child. Hasp. 8 B thro' the yews and cypre.ss of thy grave, Ded. Poem Prin. Alice 12 would b down and raze 'The blessed tomb Columbus 98 Years that make And b the vase of clay, Ancient Sage 92 B into ' Thens ' and ' Whens ' ,,104 when the babblings b the dream. ,, 107 Scarce feels the senses b away ,, 152 shell must b before the bird can fly. ,, 154 B the State, the Church, the Throne, LocJcdey H., Sixty 138 thro' this midnight b's the sun Pref. Poem Broth. S. 21 Might b thro' clouded memories Demeter and P. 10 And b's into the crocus-purple hour ,, 50 b The sunless halls of Hades into Heaven ? ,, 135 b's her latest earthy link With me to-day. The Ring 47 Your ' Miriam b's' — is making ,, 50 No pliable idiot I to i my vow ; ,, 402 made one barren effort to b it at the last. Happy 72 groundflame of the crocus b's the mould, Prog, of Sirring 1 The mortal hillock. Would b into blossom ; Merlin and the G. 108 blight thy hope or b thy rest. Faith 2 Bre9,k (verb) fur I beant a-gawin' to b my rule. JV. Farmer, 0. S. 4 I weant b rules fur Doctor, ,, 67 B me a bit o' the esh for his 'ead, ,, If. S. 41 Tis'n them as 'as munny as b's into 'ouses ,, 45 an' sweiir'd as I'd b ivry stick North. Cobbler 35 ' tha mun b 'im off bit by bit.' ,, 88 runs out when ya b's the shell. Village Wife 4 Breaker (one who breaks) A ^i of the bitter news from home, Aylmer's Field 594 f0^ Breaker 59 Breath Breaker (one who breaks) (mntinued) Nor those horn- handed b's of the glebe, Princess ii 159 Breaker (wave) long swells of b sweep The nutmeg rocks The Voyage 39 following up And flying the white h, Enoch Arden 21 hard upon the cry of ' b's ' came ,, 548 a ridge Of b issued from the belt, Sea Dreams 212 The mellow b murmur'd Ida. Princess iv 436 roaring b's boom and blanch on the precipices, Boadicea 76 The b breaking on the beach. In Meni. Ixxi 16 And the fringe Of that great b, Com. of Arthur 387 And steps that met the b ! Soly Grail 816 chafed 6 s of the outer sea Sank powerless, Lover's Tale i 8 the b's on the shore Sloped into louder surf : ,, Hi 14 Javelins over The jarring b, Batt. of Brunanburh 97 came thro' the roar of the b a whisper, Despair 13 The b's lash the shores : Pref. Poem Broth. S. 2 Breaker-beaten For leagues along that 6-6 coast Enoch Arden 51 Breakest so thou b Arthur's music too.' Last Tournament 266 Breaking (part) (See also Ever-breaking) Just 6 over land and main ? Ttoo Voices 84 heart is 6, and my eyes are dim, CEnone 32 They say his heart is 6, mother — May Queen 22 The thunders b at her feet : 0/ old sat Freedom 2 while on all sides 6 loose Her household Hod The Goose 53 Old elms came b from the vine, Amphion 45 Long lines of cliff 6 have left a chasm ; Enoch Arden 1 Nor let him be, but often 6 in, , , 701 he saw An end, a hope, a light 6 upon him. Aylnier's Field 480 b that, you made and broke your dream : Sea Dreams 143 which breaks As I am 6 now ! Lucretius 241 nation weeping, and 6 on my rest ? Ode on Well. 82 B their mailed fleets and armed towers, Ode Inter. Exhib. 39 Or b into song by fits, In Mem. xxiii 2 The breaker 6 on the beach. ,, IxxilQ And b let the splendour fall „ Con. 119 why come you so cruelly meek, B a slumber Maud I Hi 2 B up my dream of delight. ,, xix 2 and 6 into song Sprang out, Com. of Arthur 320 heard The world's loud whisper b into storm, Marr. of Geraint 27 Then 6 his command of silence given, Geraint and E. 390 Vivien 6 in upon him, said : Merlin and V. 600 Outram and Havelock 6 their way through Def. of Lucknow 96 young life B with laughter De. Prof. Two (?. 18 Who b in upon us yestermorn, Akbar's Di-eam 114 Breaking (s) (See also Shield-breaking) Until the b of the light, Clear-headed fi-iend 25 Yours came but from the 6 of a glass, Sea Dreams 248 crave His pardon for thy 6 of his laws. Gareth and L. 986 Red ruin, and the b up of laws, Guinevere 426 making a new link B an old one ? The Ring 51 save 6 my bones on the rack ? By an Evolution. 9 Breast (s) Naiad Throbbing in mild unrest holds him beneath in her b. Leonine Eleg. 12 Showering thy gleaned wealth into my open 6 Ode to Memory 23 Fold thy palms across thy b, A Dirge 2 Take the heart from out my 6. A deliiie 8 To find my heart so near the beauteous 6 Tkefo^-m, thefwm 7 Dominion in the head and 6.' Tivo Voices 21 ' His palms are folded on his 6 : ,, 247 A vague suspicion of the 6 : ,, 336 fiU'd the 6 with purer breath. Miller's D. 92 1 crush'd them on my 6, my mouth ; Fatima 12 Over her snow-cold 6 and angry cheek CEnone 142 His ruddy cheek upon my 6, The Sisters 20 hundred winters snow'd upon his b. Palace of Art 139 as I lie upon your 6 — May Queen, Con. 59 polish'd argent of her 6 to sight D. of F. Women 158 and my true 6 Bleedeth for both ; To J. S. 62 So muscular he spread, so broad of b. Gardenen-'s D. 8 wave of such a 6 As never pencil drew. ,, 139 breathing health and peace upon her b : Audley Court 68 An acorn in her 6. Talking Oak 228 crimson comes upon the robin's 6 ; Locksley Hall 17 press me from the mother's 6. ,,90 Breast (s) (continued) and he bears a laden 6, Locksley Hall 143 in its 6 a thunderbolt. ' ,, 192 old Earl's daughter died at my 6 ; Lady Clare 25 Her arms across her b she laid ; Beggar Maid 1 I shook her 6 with vague alarms — The Letters 38 silent court of justice in his 6, Sea Dreams 174 stood out the b's, The b's of Helen, Lwretius 60 blasting the long quiet of my 6 ,, 162 Beat 6, tore hair, cried out upon herself , , 277 think I bear that heart within my 6, Princess ii 334 Rest, rest, on mother's b, ,, Hi 11 My secret, seem'd to stir within my 6 ; ,,44 from my 6 the involuntary sigh Brake, ,, 191 I smote him on the b ; ,, iv 164 now her 6, Beaten with some great passion ,, 387 Her noble heart was molten in her 6 ; ,, ri 119 if you loved The 6 that fed or arm , , 181 Thy helpless warmth about my barren 6 , , 202 something wild within her 6, ,, mi 237 Sent from a dewy b a cry for light : „ 253 Chop the b's from off the mother, Boadicea 68 And dead calm in that noble b In Mem. xi 19 And onward drags a labouring 6, ,, xo 18 Be tenants of a single b, , , xvi 3 Against the circle of the 6, ,, xlv 3 A faithful answer from the b, ,, Ixxxv 14 That warms another living b. ,, 116 They haunt the silence of the 6, ,, xciv 9 And woolly b's and beaded eyes ; , , xcv 12 A single murmur in the 6, , , civ 7 and in my 6 Spring wakens too ; ,, cxvVJ And enter in at 6 and brow, ,, cxxii\\ A warmth within the b would melt ,, caxciv 13 opulence jewel-thick Sunn'd itself on his 6 Maud I xiii 13 Lord of the pulse that is lord of her 6, ,, rm 13 ruddy shield on the Lion's b. ,, III vi 14 o'er her 6 floated the sacred fish ; Gareth and L. 223 The massive square of his heroic 6, Man: of Geraint 75 ' O noble b and all-puissant arms, ,, 86 weep True tears upon his broad and naked 6, ,, 111 thro' his manful b darted the pang ,, 121 Sank her sweet head upon her gentle 6 ; ,, 527 fell'd him, and set foot upon his 6, ,, 574 Drave the long spear a cubit thro' his b Geraint and E. 86 Her arms upon her 6 across, Merlin and V. 910 pleasant b of waters, quiet bay, Lovet-'s Tale i 6 anger falls aside And withers on the 6 of peaceful love ; ,, 10 Her 6 as in a shadow-prison, „ iv 58 her b Hard-heaving, and her eyes upon her feet, , , 307 her thin hands crost on her 6 — In the Child. Hosp, 39 kill Their babies at the 6 Columbus 180 And from her virgin 6, and virgin eyes Tiresias 46 ah, fold me to your 6 ! The Flight 5 pluck from this true b the locket that I wear, ,, 33 well-used to move the public 6. To W. C. Macready 3 gave Thy 6 to ailing infants in the night, Demeter and P. 66 my loving head upon your leprous b. Happy 26 let me lean my head upon your 6. Romney's R. 154 blade that had slain my husband thrice thro' his b. Bandit's Death 34 Breast (verb) b's the blows of circumstance. In Mem. Ixiv 7 Breast-l3one white 6-6, and barren ribs of Death, Gareth and L. 1382 Breast-deep all night long b and motion, ,, 195 And parted lips which drank her b, ,, 204 Took the b from our sails, and we stay'd. Tlve Revenge 42 but never a murmur, a b — V. of Maeldune 19 their b met us out on the seas, ,, 37 thro' life to my latest b ; T/iC Wreck 79 thro' the roar of the breaker a whisper, a b, Dexpair 13 And now one b of cooler air Ancient Sage 117 A ft, a whisper — some divine farewell — ,, 225 to feel his b Upon my cheek — The Fiigld 45 b that past With all the cold of winter. The Ring 32 and felt An icy b play on mo, „ 131 an icy b, As from the grating of a sepulchre, „ 399 leaves her bare To b's of balmier air ; Prog, of Spi-iiig 13 Blown into glittering by the popular b, Romney's R, 49 a b From some fair dawn beyond Far-far-away 10 oi>en-door'd To overy b from beavon, Ahbai's Dream 180 Breathe in her first sleep earth b's stilly : Or b into the hollow air, odorous wind B's low between the sunset But b it into earth and close it up 'Twere better not to b or speak, 'To b and loathe, to live and sigh. No life that b's with human breath I least should b a thought of pain, wind b's low with mellower tone : How hard he b's ! to sit, to sleep, to wake, to b.' I do not b, Not whisper, any murmur When that, which b's within the leaf, As tho' to b were life. I yearn to b the airs of heaven A carefuller in peril, did not b And b's in April-autumns. love-whispers may not b Within this vestal limit, Low, low, b and blow, let us b for one hour more in Heaven ' ' Alas your Highness b's full East,' Where shall I b ? that each May b himself, and quick ! b upon my brows ; To let the people h ? diviner air B thro' the world and change To b thee over lonely seas. That 6 a thousand tender vows, The slightest air of song shall b And b's a novel world, the while And, while we 6 beneath the sun. To b my loss is more than fame, summer's hourly-mellowing change May b, Leonine Eleg. 7 Supp. Confessions 58 Elednore 124 Wan Scidptor 12 Two Voices 94 „ 104 395 Miller's D. 26 Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 102 D. if the 0. Fear 37 Edwin Morris 40 St. S. Stylites 21 TalUng Oak 187 Ulysses 24 Sir Galahad 63 Enoch Arden 50 The Brook 196 Princess ii 221 , , Hi 3 69 231 «77 316 ,, vii 353 „ Con. 104 W. to Marie Alex. 44 In Mem. xvii 4 ,, xlix 7 J) CXVt V ,, la^v 14 ,, Ixxvii 16 ,, xci 10 I find no place that does not 6 Some gracious memory ,, c 3 Nor landmark b's of other days, ,, civ 11 Thro' which the spirit b's no more ? • ,, cv20 For tho' mjr lips may b adieu, ,, cxxiii 11 Left the still King, and passing forth to b. Com, of Arthur 369 only b Short fits of prayer, Geraint and E. 154 ' You b but accusation vast and vague. Merlin and V. 701 No keener hunter after glory b's. Lancelot and E. 156 there b's not one of you Will deem this prize , , 540 ' Look, He haunts me — I cannot b — Pelleas and E. 227 thought I could not b in that fine air Guinevere 645 B but a little on me. Lover's Tale i 26 outward circling air wherewith 16, ,, 167 & with her as if in heaven itself ; ,, 391 Which pass with that which b's them ? ,, 481 B, diviner Air ■ Sisters (E. and E.) 13 none could b Within the zone of heat ; Columbus 52 can I b divorced from the Past ? Despair 113 And all that b are one Slight ripple Ancient Sage 188 who b the balm Of summer-winters To Ulysses 10 Breathed B low around the rolling earth The Winds, etc. 3 She b in sleep a lower moan, Mariana in tite S. 45 Rose slowly to a music slowly b, CEnone 41 B, like the covenant of a (Jod, Gardener's D. 209 I J In some new planet : Edunn Morris 114 I b upon her eyes Thro' all the summer Talking Oak 210 tho low wind hardly b for fear. Godiva 55 on him b Far purelier in his rushings Aylmer's Field 457 while I J in sight of haven, he. Poor fellow, The Brook 157 he had b the Proctor's dogs ; Princess, Pro, 113 And look on Spirits b away, In Mem. xl 2 That /» beneath the Syrian blue : ,, liiVl Where all things round mo b of him. ,, Ixxxv 32 To where he b his latest breath, , , xcviii 5 He 6 the spirit of the song ; ,, cxxvlO living words of life B in her ear, ,, Con. 53 Whenever slander b against the King — Com. of Arthur 177 God hath b a secret thing. ,, 501 twice they fought, and twice they b, Man: of Geraint 567 Queen's fair name was b upon, Geraint and E. 951 ,B in a dismal whisper * It is truth.* Balin and Balan 527 Breathed 61 Bridal-gift Breathed {continued) emerald center'd in a sun Of silver rays, that lighten'd as he 6 ; Lancelot and E, 296 Whereof the chill, to him who b it, Pass, of Arthur 96 Has b a race of mightier mountaineers. Montenegro 14 No sound is b so potent to coerce, Tiredas 120 warm winds had gently b us away from the land — The Wreck 63 Breather those we call the dead Are b's of an ampler day In Mem. cxviii 6 Breathuiigr {See also Hard-breathing) B Light against thy face, Adeline 56 Old letters, o of her worth, Mariana in the S. 62 A hint, a whisper b low. Two Voices 434 B like one that hath a weary dream. Lotos-Eaters 6 spoke King Arthur, b heavily : M. d^ Arthur 113 answer made King Arthur, o hard : „ 162 alighted from the boat. And b of the sea. A\vdley Court 8 * Sleep, b health and peace upon her breast : ,,68 Sleep, b love and trust against her lip : ,, 69 her b's are not heard In palace chambers Day-Dm., Sleep. B. 17 warm-blue Vs of a hidden hearth Broke Aylmer's Field 155 like a beast hard-ridden, b hard. „ 291 b down From over her arch'd brows, Princess ii 38 B and sounding beauteous battle, ,, v 161 In Angel instincts, b Paradise, ,, vii 321 Closer is He than b, and nearer than hands High. Pantheism 12 Would b thro' his lips impart In Mem. xvivi 15 slowly b bare The round of space, ,, Ixxxvi 4 By meadows b of the past, ,, occix 7 Bright English lily, b a prayer Maud 1 xix 55 hear him b low and equally. Geraint and E. 372 she glided out Among the heavy Vs of the house, „ 402 Beside the placid Vs of the King, Ouinevere 69 spoke King Arthur, b heavily : Pass, of Arthur 281 answer made King Arthur, b hard : , , 330 b on esich other, Dreaming together Lover's 'tale i 261 and joy In b nearer heaven ; „ 389 6 hard at the approach of Death, — ,, 585 Is b in his sleep, Earlv Spring 23 changest, b it, the sullen wind. Prog, of Spring 110 Breathing-Bpace ballad or a song To give us b-s.' Princess, Pro. 242 BreathiBg- while Except when for a ft-w at eve, Aylmer's Field ^^9 Bred (See also Home-bred, Wisdom-bred) Two children in one hamlet born and b ; Circumstance 8 upon the board, And b this change ; (Enone 227 for his sake I b His daughter Dora : - Dora 19 not being 6 To barter, Enoch Arden 249 A CITY clerk, but gently bom and b ; Sea Dreams 1 her will B will in me to overcome Princess vZbl From out the doors where I was b, In Mem. ciii 2 'e wur burn an' b i' the 'ouse. Spinster's S.'s 69 opiate then B this black mood ? Momney's R. 62 Brede in glowing gauze and golden b. Princess vi 134 Breed (b) looks not like the common b That with the napkin dally ; Will Water. 117 In doubt if you be of our Barons' b — Third of Feh. 32 we men are a little b. Maud I iv 30 Breed (verb) Assurance only 6's resolve.' Two Voices SlSi graze and wallow, b and sleep ; Palace of Art 202 like h's like, they say : Walk, to the Mail 63 could he understand how money b's, The Brook 6 much loth to b Dispute betwixt myself Princess i 156 in thunderstorms, And b up warriors ! „ v 440 earth's embrace May 6 with him, In Mem. Ixxxii 4 Breeding Softness h scorn of simple life. To the Queen ii 53 Breeze {See also Biver-breeze, South-breeze) The Vs pause and die, Claribel 2 Low-flowing b's are roaming the broad valley Leonine Eleg. 1 When the 6 of a joyful dawn blew free Arabian Nights 1 fann'd With b's from our oaken glades, Eleiinore 10 Coming in the scented b, ,,24 Little h's dusk and shiver L. of Slialott ill And heard her native b's pass, Maria/tva in the S. 43 A b thro' all the garden swept. Day -Dm., Revival 6 Warm broke the b against the brow, The Voyage 9 Low b's fann'd the belfry bars, The Letters 43 Breeze {continued) Made noise with bees and h from end to end. Princess, Pro. 88 long b's rapt from inmost south ,, iv 431 roll'd With music in the growing 6 of Time, ,, m 56 such a b Compell'd thy canvas, In Mem. xvii 1 all the bugle Vs blew ReveilMe ,, Ixviii 7 And round thee with the b of song ,, Ixxv 11 A 6 began to tremble o'er The large leaves ,, xcvM And all the b of Fancy blows, ,, cxxii 17 tells The joy to every wandering b ; ,, Con. 62 blown by the 5 of a softer clime, Maud I iv 4 sighing for Lebanon In the long b ,, ocviii 16 For a 6 of morning moves, ,, xxii 7 Drooping and beaten by the b, Lover's Tale i 700 Thoughts of the Vs of May blowing Def. of Lucknow 83 sat each on the lap of the b; V. of Maeldune 38 a balmier b curl'd over a peacefuller sea, The Wreck 133 lark has past from earth to Heaven upon the morning b ! The Flight 62 Flies back in fragrant b's to display Prog, of Spring 64 Brendan (Irish Saint) who had sail'd with St. B of yore, V. of Maeldune 115 Brethren {See also Brother) so that all My b marvell'd greatly. St. S. Stylites 69 And of her b, youths of puissance ; Princess i 37 Not ev'n her brother Arac, nor the twins Her b, ,, 154 The b of our blood and cause, ,, vi 71 To where her wounded 6 lay ; ,, 90 let me have him with my b here ,, 123 bite And pinch their b in the throng. Lit. Squabbles 7 grieve Thy 6 with a fruitless tear ? In Mem. Iviii 10 till Doubt and Death, 111 6, ,, Ixxxvi 12 both my b are in Arthur's hall, Gareth and L. 82 b, and a fourth And of that four the mightiest, , , 614 younger b have gone down Before this youth ; ,, 1102 to mar the boast Thy b of thee make — „ 1243 my three b bad me do it, ,, 1410 Among his burnish'd b of the pool ; Marr. of Geraint 650 B, to right and left the spring, Balin and Balan 25 Arthur lightly smote the 6 down, ,, 41 Thy chair, a grief to all the 6, ,, 78 My b have been all my fellowship ; Lancelot and E. 672 came her b saying, ' Peace to thee, „ 996 those two b slowly with bent brows Accompanying, ,, 1138 So those two b from the chariot took ,, 1146 friends in testimony, Her b, and her father, ,, 1300 Where all the b are so hard. Holy Grail 618 Also the b, King and Atheling, Batt. of Brurmnburh 100 Breton on the B strand ! B, not Briton ; Maud II ii 29 Back from the ^ coast, ,, 43 touching B sands, they disembark'd. Merlin and V. 202 cried the B, ' Look, her hand is red ! Last Tournament 412 Breviary read but on my b with ease. Holy Grail 545 Brew'd found a witch Who b the philtre Luaretius 16 Brewer gloomy b's soul Went by me. Talking Oak 55 Brewis "The kitchen b that was ever supt Gareth and L. 781 Briar {See also Brier) bur and brake and b, Day-Dm,, Sleep. P. 46 Bribe a costly b To guerdon silence. Princess i 203 which for b had wink'd at wrong, Geraint and E. 939 Bribed B with large promises the men Marr. of Geraint 453 Brick When we made Vs in I^ypt. Princess iv 128 mantles all the mouldering Vs — Locksley H., Sixty 257 as graw'd hall ower the h ; Owd Roil 26 'card the Vs an' the baulks , , 109 Brickwork Tudor-chimnied bulk Of mellow b Edwin Atorris 12 Bridal (adj.) Leapt lightly clad in b white — Lomer's Tale Hi 44 Thy Soldier-brother's h orange-bloom Break Ded. Poem Prin. Alice 11 The b garland falls upon the bier, D. of the Duke of O. 1 Bridal (a) Then reign the world's great Vs, Princess vii 294 Evil haunts The birth, the b ; In Mem. xcviii 14 Memories of b, or of birth, „ xcix 15 Will clothe her for her b's like the sun.' Marr. of Geraint 231 clothed her for her Vs like the sun ; , , 836 Bridal-gift poor bride Gives her harsh groom for b-g a scourge ; Princess v 378 Bridal music 62 Brief Bridal music No h m this ! But fear not you ! The Ring 474 Bridal-time birds make ready for their h-t Sisters {E. and E. ) 71 Bride (See aho Harlot-bride, Widow-bride) like a 6 of old In triumph led, Ode to Memory 75 For merry b's are we : Sea-fairies 33 pierced thy heart, my love, my h, Oi'iana 42 Thy heart, my life, my love, my b, „ 44 happy bridesmaid makes a happy b.' Tlie Bridesmaid 4 happy bridesmaid, make a happy 6.' (repeat) ,, 8 14 down I went to fetch my b : Miller's D. 145 far-renowned b's of ancient song D. of F. Women 17 Hope and Memory, spouse and b, On a MourTier 23 And gain her for my b. Talking Oah 284 ' Who is this ? behold thy b,' Love and Didy 49 Draw me, thy b, a glittering star, St Agnes' Eve 23 The Bridegroom with his b\ ,,36 Passionless b, divine Tranquillity, Lucretius 266 I myself, my h once seen, Princess i 72 But chafing me on fire to find my b) ,, 166 help my prince to gain His rightful b, ,, Hi 161 / bound by precontract Your b, „ iv 542 To fight in tourney for my b, }> *' 353 the poor b Gives her harsh groom ,, 377 My b. My wife, my life. ,, vii 359 Blissful 6 of a blissful heir, W. to Alexandra 27 B of the heir of the kings of the sea — ,, 28 mother unto mother, stately b, W. to Marie Alex. 9 Be cheer'd with tidings of the b, In Mem. xl 23 Be sometimes lovely like a 6, ,, UxQ Behold their b's in other hands ; „ xc 14 And I must give away the b; , , Con. 42 happy hour, behold the b ,,69 As drinking health to b and groom ,, 83 Bound for the Hall, and I think for a b, Maud I x26 My b to be, my evermore delight, ,, xviii 73 He linkt a dead man there to a spectral 6 ; ,, TIv 80 Some comfortable b and fair, Gareth and L. 94 tall and marriageable, Ask'd for a & ; ,, 103 red-faced 6 who knew herself so vile, ,, 110 doom'd to be the b of Night and Death ; ,, 1396 ere you wed with any, bring your b, Marr. of Geraint 228 mended fortunes and a Prince's 6 : ,, 718 sweeter than the b of Cassivelaun, ,, 744 promise, that whatever b I brought, ,, 783 did her honour as the Prince's 6, , , 835 found his own dear 6 propping his head, Geraint and E. 584 stainless b of stainless King — Merlin and V. 81 glowing on him, like a b's On her new lord, ,, 616 he never wrong'd his b. I know the tale. ,, 729 Sees what his fair b is and does, ,, 782 Hold her a wealthy b within thine arms, Holy Grail 621 makest broken music with thy b, Last Tournament 264 Isolt of Britain and his b, „ 408 twain had fallen out about the b „ 545 Lionel, the happy, and her, and her, his b ! Lover's Tale i 755 cold heart or none— No b for me. Sisters (E. and E.) 202 placed My ring upon the finger of my b. ,, 214 Till that dead bridesmaid, meant to be ray b, ,, 264 a heedless and innocent b — Tlie Wreck 13 not Love but Hate that weds a h against her will ; The Flight 32 would I were there, the friend, the b, the wife, ,, 43 6 who stabb'd her bridegroom on her bridal night — ,, 57 one has come to claim his b, Locksley H,, Sixty 263 for evermore The B of Darkness.' Demeter and P. 100 1 sang the song, ' are b And bridegroom.' Tlie Ring 25 Birds and b's must leave the nest. ,, 89 not forgiven me yet, his over-jealous b, Happi/ 6 You would not mar the beauty of your 6 ,, 24 how it froze you from your b, ,,71 tho' I am the Bandit's b. Bandit's Death 6 and never a ring for the b. Charity 6 when he promised to make me his 6, ,, 11 Bridegroom {See also Groom) For me the Heavenly B waits, St Agnes' Eve 31 ITie B with his bride ! ,,86 Bridegroom {continued) And learning this, the b will relent. Guinevere 172 ' Have we not heard the b is so sweet ? , , 177 bride who stabb'd her b on her bridal night — Tlie Flight 57 I sang the song, 'are bride And b.' The Ring 26 when the 6 murmur'd, 'With this ring,' ,, 438 Bride-kiss Would that have chill'd her b-k ? Last Tournament 590 Bridesmaid B, ere the happy knot was tied, Tlie Bridesmaid 1 A happy 6 makes a happy bride.' ,, 4 ' O happy b, make a happy bride.' (repeat). ,, 8 14 Edith would be b on the day. Sisters (E. and E.) 208 saw The b pale, statuelike, ,, 212 In that assumption of the b — ,, 234 Till that dead b, meant to be my bride, ,, 264 Bridesman Bantering b, reddening priest, Forlwn 33 Bridge {See also Brig, Castle-bridge) Where from the frequent 6, Ode to Mernory 102 Or from the b I lean'd to hear Miller's D. 49 But Robin leaning on the h beneath the hazel-tree ? May Queen 14 Across the brazen b of war — Love tkou thy land 76 arches of a 6 Crown'd with the minster-towers. Gardener's D. 43 half has fall'n and made a b ; Walk, to the Mail 32 curves of mountain, b, Boat, island, Edunn Morris 5 / hiing with grooms and porters on the b, Godiva 2 By b and ford, by park and pale. Sir GaZahad 82 And half a hundred b's. The Brook 30 There is Darnley b, It has more ivy ; ,,36 that old b, which, half in ruins then, ,, 79 naked marriages Flash from the b, Aylmet's Field 766 under arches of the marble b Hung, Princess ii 458 o'er a 6 of pine wood crossing, ,, Hi 335 knell to my desires, Clang'd on the b; „ iv 175 boats and 6's for the use of men. ,, m47 all night upon the b of war Spec, of Iliad 9 The cataract flashing from the 6, In Mem. Ixid 15 paced the shores. And many a &, ,, Ixoaovii 12 b, ford, beset By bandits, Gareth and L, 594 this a 6 of single arc Took at a leap ; ,, 908 when mounted, cried from o'er the b, ,, 951 at fiery speed the two Shock'd on the central b, „ 963 Beyond his horse's crupper and the b, „ 966 drave his enemy backward down the 6, ,, 969 watch 'd thee striking on the b ,, 992 For there beyond a 6 of treble bow, , , 1086 Then the third brother shouted o'er the b, „ 1096 They madly hurl'd together on the b ; ,, 1120 hurl'd him headlong o'er the 6 Down to the river, ,, 1153 victor of the b's and the ford, ,, 1232 b that spann'd a dry ravine ; (repeat) Marr. of Geraint 246, 294 Earl Yniol's, o'er the b Yonder.' „ 291 after went her way across the b, „ 383 I saw you moving by me on the 6, ,, 429 Like him who tries the b he fears may fail, Geraint and E. 303 way, where, link'd with a many a b, Holy Grail 502 Galahad fled along them bhy b, ,, 504 every b as quickly as he crost Sprang into fire , , 505 gain d her castle, upsprang the b, Pelleas and E. 206 A 6 is there, that, look'd at from beneath Lover's Tale i 375 on the tremulous b, that from beneath ,, 412 Standin' here be the b, TomoiTow 2 live the life Beyond the b, Akbar's Ih'eam 145 we dipt down under the b Bandit's Death 22 Bridge-broken his nose B-b, one eye out, Last Tournament 59 Bridle The gemmy b glitter'd free, L. of SJmlott Hi 10 The b bells rang merrily ,, 13 Bridle-hand Down with the b-h drew The foe Heavy Brigade 53 Bridle-rein glimmering moorland rings With jingling b-r's. Sir L. and Q. G. 36 tied the b-r's of all the three Together, (repeat) Geraint and E. 98, 183 And sadly gazing on her b-r's, ,, 494 held His people by the b-r of Truth. Akbar's Dream 85 Brief In endless time is scarce more b Two Voices 113 days were b Whereof the poets talk, Talking Oak 185 ' tell her, b is life but love is long. And b the sun of summer in the North, And b the moon of beauty in tho South. Pnncess iv 111 Brief 63 Bring Spitefxd Letter 21 Doitht and Prayer 13 Brief (continued) B,h is a, summer leaf, if Thou wiliest, let my day be h, Brier {See also Briar) whom Gideon school'd with 6'*-. Buonaparte 14 The little life of bank and h. You might have won 30 drench 'd with ooze, and torn with Vs, Princess v 28 I have heard of thorns and b's. Window, Marr. Morn. 20 Over the thorns and 6's, ,, 21 the winds that bend the h ! La^t Tournament 731 wild h had driven Its knotted thorns Lover's Tale i 619 rough 6 tore my bleeding palms ; ,, ii 18 Brig (bridge) An' I'll run oop to the h, N. Farmer, N. S. 55 Brigade Glory to all the three hundred, and all the B ! Heavy Brigade 66 Brigade, Heavy See Heavy Brigade Brigade, Light See Light Brigade Bright (adj.) See also Over-bright, Rosy-bright, Summer- bright) Clear and b it should be ever, Poet's Mind 5 B as light, and clear as wind. ,, 7 met with two so full and b — Such eyes ! Miller's D. 86 I made my dagger sharp and b. The Sisters 26 but none so 6 as mine ; May Queen 5 Make b our days and light our dreams. Of old sat Freedom 22 B was that afternoon. Sunny but chill ; Enoch Arden 669 B with the sun upon the stream Sea Ih-eams 97 b and fierce and fickle is the South, ' Princess iv 97 B let it be with its blazon'd deeds. Ode on Well. 56 Phosphor, b As our pure love. In Mem. ix 10 Thy marble b in dark appears, ,, Ixvii 5 The voice was low, the look was b ; „ Ixix 15 And b the friendship of thine eye ; ,, cxix 10 To-day the grave is b for me, , , Con. 73 b and light as the crest Of a peacock, Maud I xvi 16 soft splendours that you look so 6 ? ,, xviii 79 dawn of Eden b over earth and sky, „ II i 8 in a weary world my one thing b ; „ III id 17 Geraint with eyes all b replied, Marr. of Geraint 494 strange b and dreadful thing, a court, „ 616 she knew That all was b ; ,, 658 Beholding one so b in dark estate, ,, 786 keep him b and clean as heretofore, Geraint and E. 937 She with a face, b as for sin forgiven, Lancelot and E. 1102 her look B for all others, Pdleas and E. Yil our eyes met : hers were b, and mine Were dim Lover's Tale i 441 an' I keeaps 'im clean an' b, North. Cobbler 97 Far from out a sky for ever b. Sisters (E. and E.) 19 an' yer eyes as b as the day ! Tomorrow 32 How b you keep your marriage- ring ! Romney's R. 59 morning that looks so b from afar ! By an Evohdion. 10 When I look'd at the bracken so b June Bracken, etc. 3 Bright (s) level lake with diamond-plots Of dark and b. Arabian Nights 86 Remaining betwixt dark and b : Margaret 28 Of this flat lawn with dusk and b ; In Mem. Ixxxix 2 B and Dark have sworn that I, Demeter and P. 96 Beyond the darker hour to see the b, Prog, of Spring 88 Brighten cheek brighten'd as the foam-bow Vs (Enone 61 stars above them seem to b as they pass ; May Queen 34 Thy sweet eyes b slowly close to mine, Tithonus 38 it b's and darkens down on the plain. Windma, On the Hill 2 it b's and darkens and b's like my hope, And it darkens and b's and darkens like my fear, ,, 18 And b like the star that shook In Mem., Con. 31 b's at the clash of ' Yes ' and ' No,' Ancient Sage 71 b's thro' the Mother's tender eyes, Prin. Beatnce 4 Brighten'd cheek b as the foam-bow brightens QSnone 61 For so mine own was b : Aylmer's Field 683 Till the face of Bel be b, Boadicea 16 Your pretty sports have b all again. Merlin and V. 305 The rounder cheek had b into bloom. Tlie Ring 351 Brightening (See also Ever-brightening) Like sheet lightning, Ever b Poet's Mind 26 B the skirts of a long cloud, M. d' Arthur 54 Unseen, is b to his bridal morn. Gardener's D, 73 Brightening (continued) Enid listen'd b as she lay : Mair. of{jleraint 733 B the skirts of a long cloud. Pass, of Arthur 2'22 And slowly b Out of the glimmer. Merlin and the G. 88 Brighter broader and b The Gleam flying onward, ,, 95 Brightest Their best and b, when they dwelt on hers, Aylmer's Field 69 Brightly Enoch faced this morning of farewell B Enoch Arden 183 Brightness as babies for the moon. Vague b ; Princess iv 429 false sense in her own self Of my contrasting 6, overbore Marr. of Geraint 801 set apart Their motions and their b from the stars, Lover's Tale i 174 The 6 of a burning thought, „ 743 Brilliance star The black earth with b rare. Ode to Memory 20 So bathed we were in b. Lover's Tale i 313 Brim (b) By garden porches on the 6, Arabian Nights 16 He froth'd his bumpers to the b ; D. of the 0. Year 19 New stars all night above the b The Voyage 25 Brim (verb) I b with sorrow drowning song. In Mem. xix 12 Arrange the board and b the glass ; ,, cvii 16 Brimful heart, B of those wild tales, D. of F. Women 12 Brimm'd (See alao Broad-brimm'd) B with delirious draughts of warmest life. Eleanore 139 And beaker b with noble wine. Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 36 Brine Lulling the b against the Coptic sands. Buonaparte 8 Fresh- water springs come up through bitter b. If I were loved 8 hear and see the far-off sparkling b, Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 98 Gloom'd the low coast and quivering b The Voyage 42 Should gulf him fathom-deep in 6 ; In Mem. x 18 To darken on the rolling b That breaks „ cvii 14 Bring b me my love, Rosalind. Leonine Eleg. 1 4 ' B this lamb back into Thy fold, Supp. Confessions 105 Music that b's sweet sleep down Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 7 And in its season b the law ; Love tlimc thy larul 32 Certain, if knowledge b the sword. That knowledge takes ,, 87 For nature b's not back the Mastodon, The Epic 36 Watch what thou seest, and lightly b me word.' M. d' Arthur 38 Watch what I see, and lightly b thee word.' ,, 44 I bad thee, watch, and lightly b me word.' ,, 81 A word could b the colour to my cheek ; Gardener's D. 196 I will have my boy, and b him home ; Dora 122 b me offerings of fruit and flowers : St. S. Stylites 128 Love himself will b The drooping flower Love and Duty 23 sweet hours that b as all things good, „ 57 sad hours that b us all things ill, ,, .^8 Nay, but Nature b's thee solace ; Lochsley Hall 87 my latest rival b's thee rest. ,, 89 B truth that sways the soul of men ? Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 52 And b the fated fairy Prince. ,, 56 ' B the dress and put it on her, L. of Burleigh 95 B me spices, b me wine ; Vision of Sin 76 Will b fair weather yet to all of us. Enoch Arden 191 I warrant, man, that we shall b you round.' ,, 841 and arose Eager to 6 them down, ,, 872 b Their own gray hairs with sorrow to the grave — Aylmer's Field 776 And b her in a whirlwind : Princess i 65 b's our friends up from the underworld. ,, iv 45 an' doesn b ma the aale ? N. Fanner, 0. S. 65 The seasons b the flower again. In Mem. ii 5 And b the firstling to the flock ; ,,6 So b him : we have idle dreams : „ a; 9 And not the burthen that they b. ,, xiii 20 If one should b me this report, ,, xiv 1 And all was good that Time could b, ,, xodii 18 They b me sorrow touch'd with joy, ,, xxviii 19 Which b's no more a welcome guest ,, xxix 5 And b her babe, and make her boast, „ xl 26 She often b's but one to bear, „ Iv 12 1 6 to life, 1 6 to death : „ Ivi 6 Then b an opiate trebly strong, ,, Ixxi 6 In verse that 6'.s myself relief, ,, Ixxv 2 B orchis, b the foxglove spire, ,, Ixxxiii 9 Demanding, so to b relief ,, Ixxxv 6 Ah, take the imperfect gift I b, „ II7 Bring 64 Broidry Bring (continued) B in great logs and let them lie, In Mem. cvii 17 Which every hour his couriers h. „ cxxvi 4 She may b me a curse. Maud I ilZ how Goid will h them about ,, i« 44 to ride forth And b the Queen ; — Com. of Arthur 449 b him here, that I may judge the right, Gareth and L. 380 And could not wholly b him under, ,, 1144 To b thee back to do the battle with him. ,, 1294 ere you wed with any, b your bride, Marr. of Oeraint 228 Call the host and bid him b Charger and palfrey.' Oeraint and E. 400 ' Go thou with hira and him and b it Balin aiul Balan 6 I b thee back, When I have ferreted Merlin aiul V. 54 charged by Valence to b home the child. ,, 718 one dark hour which b's remorse, ,, 763 Joust for it, and win, and b it in an hour, Lancelot and E. 204 let me 6 your colour back ; ,, 387 b us where he is, and how he fares, ,, 547 ' Bind him, and b him in.' Pelleas and E. 232 Bind him as heretofore, and b him in : ,, 271 to flout me, when they b me in, , , 330 third night hence will 6 thee news of gold.' ,, 357 Watch what thou seest, and lightly b me word.' Pass, of Arthur 206 Watch what I see, and lightly b thee word.' ,, 212 I bade thee, watch, and lightly b me word.' ,, 249 b's And shows them whatsoever he accounts Lover's T(de iv 232 b's and sets before him in rich guise ,, 247 To 6 Camilla down before them all. ,, 285 be none left here to b her back : ,, 367 b on both the yoke Of stronger states, Tiresias 69 God curse him and b him to nought ! Despair 106 morning b's the day I hate and fear ; Tlie Flight 2 which b's our Edwin home. ,, 92 B the old dark ages back without the faith, Locksley H., Sixty 137 Moother 'ed tell'd ma to b tha down, Owd Rod 50 Twelve times in the year B me bliss, The Ring 6 Hubert 6's me home With April ,, 59 once more I b you these. Ho-ppy 22 ' From the South I b you balm. Prog, of Spring 66 The shepherd b's his adder-bitten lamb, Death of (Enone 38 B me my horse — my horse ? Mechanophilus 9 And b or chase the storm, ,, 14 B's the Dreams about my bed. Silent Voices 2 Bringer something more, A 6 of new things ; Ulysses 28 Bringest Thou b the sailor to his wife, In Mem. x 5 ^Come quick, thou b all I love. ,, xvii 8 thou b Not peace, a sword, a fire. Sir J. Oldcastle 35 Bringeth poetess singeth, that Hesperus all things b. Leonine Eleg. 13 Bringing And b me down from the Hall Maud I xxi 2 the new sun rose b the new year. Pass, of Arthur 469 Briogiog-up give his child a better 6-m Enoch Arden 87 To give his babes a better b-u „ 299 It is but b u: no more than that : Princess, Pro. 129 Brink Betwixt the green b and the running foam^ Sea-fairies 2 now shake hands across the b Of that deep grave My life is full 6 barge with oar and sail Moved from the b, M. d' Arthur 266 the woman walk'd upon the b : Sea Dreams 112 Leapt fiery Passion from the b's of death ; Princess vii 156 And voices hail it from the b ; In Mem. cxxi 14 But if a man who stands upon the b Geraint and E. 472 barge with oar and sail Moved from the b, Pass, of Arthur 434 lianas that dropt to the b of his bay, T/i£ Wreck 73 Briony about my feet The berried b fold.' Talking Oak 148 fragile bindweed-bells and b rings ; The Brook 203 Briony- vine b-v and ivy- wreath Ran forward Aniphion 29 Bristle (s) Figs out of thistles, silk from b's, Last Tournament 356 Bristle (verb) half stands up And b's ; Walk, to the Mail 32 'fhe hoar hair of the Baronet h up Aylmer's Field 42 And b's all the brakes and thorns In Mem. cvii 9 Britain The name of B trebly great — You ask me, why 22 And keeps our B, whole within herself, Princess, Con. 52 Our B cannot salve a tyrant o'er. Third of Feb. 20 welcome Russian flower, a people's pride, To B, W. to Marie Alex. 7 Girt by half the tribes of /{, Boildiceah call us B's barbarous populaces, , , 7 Tear the noble heart oi B, ,,12 Britain {contimied) Bark an answer, B's raven ! shall B light upon auguries happier ? Nor B's one sole God be the millionaire : Chief of the church in B, flying over many a windy wave To B, Roman Csesar first Invaded B, Brought the great faith to B dread Pendragon, B's Kings of kings, Isolt of B and his bride, Isolt of B dash'd Before Isolt for crest the golden dragon clung Of B ; The voice of B, or a sinking land, banner of B, hast thou Floated Nor thou in B, little Lutterworth, Boadicea 13 „ 45 Maud III in 22 Com. of Arthur 454 J/a/T. of Geraint 338 746 Balin and Balan 103 Lancelot and E. 424 Last Tourtmrnent 408 588 Guinefoere 595 To the Qiieen ii 24 Def. of Lucknow 1 Sir J. Oldcastle 26 Broke into B with Haughty war- workers Batt. of Brunanburh 120 Makes the might of B known ; Open. I. and C. Exhib. 19 B fought her sons of yore — ,, 21 B fail'd ; and never more, ,, 22 B's myriad voices call, ,, 35 One with B, heart and soul ! ,,38 At times our B cannot rest. To Marq. of Dufferin 1 British Peal after peal, the B battle broke, Buonaparte 7 With a stony B stare. Maud 1 xiii 22 And curse me the B vermin, the rat ; ,, II v 58 Howiver was B farmers to stan' agean o' their feeat. Ouxi Rod 46 Briton set His B in blown seas and storming showers. Ode on Well, 165 Up my B's, on my chariot, Boadicea 69 Breton, not B : here Like a shipwreck'd man Maud II ii 30 Beyond the race of B's and of men. Com. of Arthur 331 B's, hold your own ! (repeat) Open, I, and C, Exhib, 10, 20, 30, 40 Britoness haled the yellow-ringleted B — Boadicea 55 Brittany (See also Breton) From overseas in B return'd. Last Tournament 175 Her daintier namesake down in B — „ 265 Was it the name of one in B, ,, 396 He seem'd to pace the strand of j5 ,, 407 Before Isolt of B on the strand, ,, 589 Broach-turner Dish-washer and b-t, loon ! — Gareth and L. 770 Broad Grows green and b, and takes no care, Lotos-Eaters, C, S. 28 Make b thy shoulders to receive my weight, M. d' Arthur 164 muscular he spread, so b of breast. Gardener's D. 8 Alas, I was so 6 of girth. Tailing Oak 139 rain. That makes thee b and deep ! ,, 280 those that saunter in the b Cries Aylmer's Field 744 I wish they were a whole Atlantic b.' Princess, Con. 71 Make b thy shoulders to receive my weight. Pass, of Arthur 332 Broad-based B-b upon her people's will, To the Queen 35 B-b flights of marble'stairs Ran up Arabian Nights 117 Broad-blown b-b comeliness, red and white, Maud I xiii 9 Broad-brimm'd 6-6 hawker of holy things, ,, a; 41 Broadcast shower the fiery grain Of freedom b Princess v 422 Broaden Freedom slowly b's down From precedent You ask me, why 11 To b into boundless day. In Mem. xcv 64 B the glowing isles of vernal blue. Prog, of Spring 60 Broaden'd Morn b on the borders of the dark, D. of F. Women 265 Broadening (See also Ever -broadening) b from her feet, And blackening, Guinevere 81 Broader Sun Grew b toward his death Princess Hi 364 B and higher than any in all the lands ! Holy Grail 247 b and brighter The Gleam flying onward. Merlin and the G. 95 Broader-grown b-g the bowers Drew the great night Pnncess vii 48 Broad-faced Bf with under-fringe of iiisset beard, Geraint atid E. 537 Broad-flung tide in its 6-/ shipwrecking roar, Maud I Hi 11 Broad-limb'd there alone The h-l Gods at random thrown To E. L. 15 Broad-shoulder'd great b-s genial Englishman, Princess, Con. 85 Brocade That stood from out a stiff 6 Aylmer's Field 20i He found an ancient dame in dim b ; Marr. of Geraint 363 Broceliande And in the wild woods of B, Merlin and V. 2 Ev'n to the wild woods oi B. ,, 204 Broider'd (See also Costly-broider'd, Star-broider'd) ' A red sleeve B with pearls, ' Lancelot and E, 373 sleeve of scarlet, 6 with great pearls, ,, 604 Broidering Among her damsels b sat. Merlin and V, 138 Broidery-ftame take the b-f, and add A crimson Day- Dm., Pro. 15 Broidry Hare b of the purple clover, A Dirge 38 Brok 66 Bronze Brok (broke) an' Charlie 'e b 'is neck, Village Wife 85 Broke {See also Brok) Peal after peal, the British battle h, Buonaparte 7 A nobler yearning never b her rest The Form, the form 2 AVhat time the foeman's line is 6, Two Voices 155 From out my sullen heart a power B, ,, 444 thro' wavering lights and shadows b, Lotos-Haters 12 love the gleams of good that b From either side, Love thou thy land 89 murmur b the stillness of that air Gardeners D. 147 bit his lips, And b away. Dora 34 She b out in praise To God, ,, 112 I 6 a close with force and arms : Edvrin Morris 131 Bluff Harry b into the spence Talking Oak 47 struck his stafif against the rocks And 6 it, — Golden Year 60 The hedge b in, the banner blew, Day-Dm., Revival 9 The linden b her ranks and rent Amphion 33 Warm b the breeze against the brow, The Voyage 9 When you came in my sorrow b me down ; Enoch Arden 317 with jubilant cries B from their elders, ,, 378 bent or 6 The lithe reluctant boughs ,, 380 long-winded tale, and b him short ; The Brook 109 tide of youth B with a phosphorescence Aylmer's Field 116 B from a bower of vine and honeysuckle : ,, 156 Then 6 all bonds of courtesy, ,, 323 /{ into nature's music when they saw her. ,, 694 Who b the bond which they desired to break, ,, 778 you tumbled down and b The glass Sea Dreams 141 you made and J your dream : ,, 143 on those cliffs B, mixt with awful light, ,, 215 ever when it b The statues, ,, 223 on the crowd B, mixt with awful light ,, 235 His angel ft his heart. ,, 280 nor b, nor shunn'd a soldier's death, Princess, Pro. 38 when the council b, I rose and past ,, i 90 dances b and buzz'd in knots of talk ; ,,133 she b out interpreting my thoughts : ,, Hi 275 b the letter of it to keep the sense. ,, iv 338 in the furrow b the ploughman's head, ,, v 221 at our disguise B from their lips, ,, 272 cloud that dimm'd her b A genial warmth and light ,, m 281 courts of twilight b them up Thro' all the ,, Con. 113 even if they b In thunder, silent ; Ode on Well. 176 We b them on the land, we drove them Third of Feb. 30 Right thro' the line they b ; Light Brigade 33 Burnt and b the grove and altar - Bo&dicea 2 Who b our fair companionship. In Mem. xodi 13 idly b the peace Of hearts that beat ,, Iviii 5 But in the present b the blow. , , locxxo 56 And strangely on the silence b ,, xcro 25 Has b the bond of dying use. ,, cv 12 And the sunlight b from her lip ? Maud I id 86 million horrible bellowing echoes J ,, Hi 24: light laugh B from Lynette, Gareth and L. 837 there he b the sentence in his heart Geraint and E. 41 b the bandit holds and cleansed the land. ,, 944 Balin the stillness of a minute b Balin arid Balan 51 but God B the strong lance, Lancelot and E. 26 She b into a little scornful laugh : ,, 120 till our good Arthur b The Pagan ,, 279 when the next day b from underground, ,, 413 heard mass, b fast, and rode away : ,, 415 But sin b out. Ah, Christ, Holy Grail 93 when the sun b next from under ground, ,, 328 bore them down, And b thro' all, ,, 480 fairy-circle wheel'd and b Flying, and link'd again, and wheel'd and b Flying, Guinevere 257 after tempest, when the long wave b „ 290 wicked one, who b The vast design „ 669 Gleams of the water-circles as they b, Lover's Tale i 67 light methought b from her dark, dark eyes, ,, 368 bliss, which b in light Like morning ,, ii 143 softly as his mother 6 it to him — ,, iv 31 all The guests h in upon him ,, 238 the battle-thunder h from them all. The Revenge 49 her brain b With over-acting. Sisters (E. and E.) 235 Broke (continued) mother b her promise to the dead, the brute bullet b thro' the brain I have b their cage, no gilded one, silent ocean always 6 on a silent shore, and the dwelling b into flame ; Sisters (E. and E.) 252 Def. of Lucknmo 20 Sir J. Oldcastle 3 V. of Maeldune 12 32 B into Britain with Haughty war-workers Bait, of Brunanburh 120 funeral bell B on my Pagan Paradise, Tiresias 193 For I b the bond. Tlie Wreck 69 a tone so rough that I b into passionate tears, ,, 122 And we b away from the Christ, Despair 25 heart of the mother, and b it almost ; ,,74 B thro' the mass from below. Heavy Brigade 29 then the tear fell, the voice b. The Ring 367 light of happy marriage b Thro' all Death of (Enone 102 B the Taboo, Dipt to the crater, Kapiolani 30 Broken {See also Bridge-broken, Brokken, Heart- broken) Half shown, are b and withdrawn. Two Voices 306 Each mom my sleep was b thro" Miller's D. 39 Let what is b so remain. Lotos-Eaters, C S. 80 all the man was b with remorse ; Dmra 165 Oh, his. He was not b. Walk, to the Mail 17 The clouds are b in the sky. Sir Galahad 73 Spars were splinter'd ; decks were b : The Captain 49 Mine was b, When that cold vapour Vision of Sin 57 A limb was b when they lifted him ; Enoch Arden 107 I seem so foolish and so 6 down. ,, 316 every day The sunrise b into scarlet shafts ,, 592 Enoch was so brown, so bow'd, So b — ,, 704 My grief and solitude have 6 me ; ,, 857 The tented winter-field was b up Aylmer's Field 110 A creeper when the prop is b, „ 810 Then the great Hall was wholly b down, „ 846 Till like three horses that have b fence. Princess ii 386 Your oath isb: we dismiss you : ,, iv 360 glittering axe was b in their arms, ,, vi 51 sanctuary Is violate, our laws b: ,,60 Her iron will was 6 in her mind ; ,, 118 ' Our laws are 6 : let him enter too.' ,, 317 It will never be b by Maud, Maud I ii 2 This fellow hath b from some Abbey, Gareth and L. 456 Because my means were somewhat b into Marr. of Geraint 455 My pride is b : men have seen my fall,' ,, 578 my pride Is b down, for Enid sees my fall ! ' ,, 590 each of whom had b on him A lance Geraint and E. 88 From which old fires have b, „ 822 There was I b down ; ,, 851 hast b shell. Art yet half -yolk, Balin and Balan 568 the high purpose b by the worm. Merlin and V. 196 these have b up my melancholy.' ,, 267 false voice made way, b with sobs : ,, 857 Becomes the sea-cliff pathway b short, ,, 882 cried ' They are b, they are b ! ' Lancelot and E. 310 It can be b easier. ,, 1208 and so full, So many lances b — Holy Grail 331 lance B, and his Excalibur a straw.* Last Tournament 88 saw the laws that ruled the tournament B, „ 161 what music have I b, fool ? ' ,, 261 B with Mark and hate and solitude, „ 643 Not to be loudly b in upon. Lover's Tale i 687 the Spanish fleet with b sides lay round The Revenge 71 And the pikes were all b or bent, ,, 80 My sleep was b besides with dreams In tlie Child. Hosp. 65 I have not b bread for fifty hours. Sir J. Okleastle 199 With armies so b A reason for bragging Batt. of Brunanburh 82 And Hope will have b her heart. Despair 92 that poor link With earth is b, The Ring 476 wait on one so b, so forlorn ? Romney's R. 17 We return'd to his cave — the link was b — Bandit's Death 29 Broken-kneed See Brokken-knee^ld Broken-wise Peering askance, and muttering b-w, Merlin and V. 100 Brokken (broken) as if 'e'd 'a b 'is neck, Owd Roa 63 Brokken-knee^d (broken-kneed) an' the mare b-k, Church-warden, etc. 4 Bronze on his right Stood, all of massiest b : Balin and Balan 364 E Bronzed 66 Brother Bronzed on the cheek, And bruised and h, Brooch Pull off, pull off, the h of gold, read and earn our prize, A golden b : Brood (s) If there were many Lilias in the &, tell her. Swallow, that thy h is flown : He sees his h about thy knee ; Because her h is stol'n away. O sound to rout the b of cares. Her own b lost or dead. Heathen, the b by Hengist left ; Brood (verb) with downcast eyes we muse and 6, About him b's the twilight dim : To muse and 6 and live again in memory, That b's above the fallen sun, happy birds, that change their sky To build and b ; nevermore to 6 On a horror of shatter'd limbs sunshine seem'd to b More warmly on the heart What use to 6 ? this life of mingled pains Brooded stillness of that air Which b round about her ; while she b thus And grew half -guilty tender love Of him she b over. B one master- passion evermore, Broodeth But where the sunbeam b warm, Brooding ragged rims of thunder b low, Sit b in the ruins of a life. Across my fancy, b warm, but b turn The book of scorn, wordless Vs on the wasted cheek — But b on the dear one dead. But over all things h slept felt that tempest b round his heart, There, b by the central altar, She that in her heart is b Brook (b) (See also Beck, Mountain-brook, Yabbok brook) Past Yabbok b the livelong night. Clear-headed friend 27 Lancelot and E. 259 Lady Clare 39 Princess Hi 301 „ Pro. 146 „ iv 108 582 In Mem. xxi 28 ,, Ixxxix 17 Com. of Arthur 28 Guinevere 16 Sonnet to 1 Two Voices 26d Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 65 To J. S. 51 In Mem. cxv 16 Maud Ii65 Lover's Tale i 327 To Mary Boyle 49 Gardener's Z). 148 Guinevere 407 Lover's Tale i 617 ,, ii 60 In Mem. xci 14 Palace of Art 75 Love and Duty 12 Day- Dm., Pro. 10 Princess v 141 ,, vii 112 In Mem. xxxvii 17 ,, Ixxviii 7 Geraint and E. 11 Ancient Sage 33 Locksley H., Sixty 23 b that loves To purl o'er matted cress deep b groan'd beneath the mill ; I thirsted for the b's, the showers : long 6 falling thro' the clov'n ravine mountain b's, I am the daughter ' The torrent b's of hallow'd Israel and leap the rainbows of the b's, Here, by this h, we parted ; yet the b he loved, ' 6,' he says, ' babbling b,' and the b, why not ? replies. Philip's farm where b and river meet. Philip chatter'd more than b or bird ; Beyond the b, waist-deep in meadow-sweet. and bowing o'er the b A tonsured head Little about it stirring save a b ! where the b Vocal, with here and there a silence, part were drown 'd within the whirling b : Cataract b's to the ocean run, b's of Eden mazily murmuring, Oh is it the b, or a pool. Spring that swells the narrow b's, The b alone far-off was heard, On yon swoll'n b that bubbles fast The b shall babble down the plain, slopes a wild b o'er a little stone, a broad b o'er a shingly bed Brawling, And at the inrunning of a little b By grove, and garden-lawn, and rushing b, saw deep lawns, and then a b, and o'er the b Were apple-trees, and apples by the 6 Fallen, But even while I drank the b, Stay'd in the wandering warble of a 6 ; Blaze by the rushing b or silent well. blue valley and the glistening b's. With falling b or blossom'd bush — Gives birth to a brawling b, echoes of the hollow-banked b's the chillness of the sprinkled b Smote black b's Of the midforest heard me — Ode to Memory 58 Miller's D. 113 Fatima 10 (Enone 8 37 D. ofF. Women 1^\ Locksley Hall 171 The Brook 1 15 20 22 38 51 118 199 Aylmer's Fidd 32 145 Princess, Pro. 47 The Islet 17 Milton 10 Window, On the Hill 4 In Mem. Ixxxv 70 „ xcv 7 „ xcix 6 „ ci 10 Marr. of Geraint 77 248 Lancelot and E. 1388 Holy Grail 230 380 383 387 Ijost Tournament 254 Guinevere 400 Lover's Tale i 331 405 526 566 633 ii 11 Brook (b) (continued) I cast them in the noisy h beneath. Lover's Tale ii 41 moanings in the forest, the loud b, ,, 114 b's glitter 'd on in the light without sound, V. of Maeldune 13 I found these cousins often by the b, The Ring 158 b that feeds this lakelet murmur'd ' debt,' ,, 171 following her old pastime of the b, „ 354 the secret splendour of the b's. Prog, of Spring 21 thunder of the b Sounded ' (Enone ' ; Death of (Enone 23 Brook (verb) I must b the rod And chastisement Supp. Confessions 107 I would not b my fear Of the other : D. of F. Women 154 We b no further insult but are gone.' Princess vi 342 shall I 6 to be supplicated ? Boddicea 9 I scarce could b the strain and stir In Mem. xv 12 Who cannot 6 the shadow of any lie.' Gareth and L. 293 I cannot b to gaze upon the dead. ' Balin and Balan 586 I cannot b to see your beauty marr'd Pelleas and E. 298 thine eyes not b in forest-paths. Prog, of Spring 31 Brook 'd B not the expectant terror of her heart, Enoch Arden 493 but she 6 no more : Aylmer's Field 798 She b it not ; but wrathful, Lucretius 14 She the appeal B not, but clamouring out Princess vi 140 until the little maid, who b No silence, Guinevere 159 Brooking b not the Tarquin in her veins, Lucretius 237 peculiar treasure, b not Exchange or currency : Lover's Tale i 447 Brooks B, for they call'd you so that knew you best. Old B, who loved so well to mouth To W. H. Brookfield 1 Broom walks were stript as bare as b's. Princess, Pro. 184 Gilded with b, or shatter'd ihto spires, Lover's Tale i 400 Broth wicked b Confused the chemic labour Lucretius 19 Brother (See also Brethren, Soldier-brother, Twin- brother) my b's they : B's in Christ — Supp. Confessions 28 vexed eddies of its wayward b : Isabel 33 Each to each is dearest b ; Madeline 21 Oh rest ye, 6 mariners, Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 128 I knew your b ; his mute dust I honour To J. S. 29 Who miss the b of your youth ? ,,59 Thy b's and immortal souls. Love them thy land 8 I and he, B's in Art ; GardcTier's D. 4 She is my b's daughter : Dora 17 Come, blessed b, come. St. S. Stylites 204 Sun flies forward to his b Sun ; Golden Year 23 Men, my b's, men the workers, Locksley Hall 117 b's of the weather stood Stock-still Will Water. 135 Hob-and-nob with b Death ! Vision of Sin 194 My dearest b, Edmund, sleeps, The Brook 187 My b James is in the harvest-field : „ 227 Leolin, his b, living oft With Averill, Aylmer's Field 57 his, a b's love, that hung With wings „ 138 thro' the bright lawns to his 6's ran, ,, 341 ' B, for I have loved you more as son Than b, ,, 351 b, where two fight The strongest wins, ,, 364 ' ft, I am grieved to learn your grief — , , 398 How low his b's mood had fallen, ,, 404 Sent to the harrow'd b, praying him ,, 607 shall thy 6 man, the Lord from Heaven, ,, 667 they see no men. Not ev'n her b Arac, Pnncess i 153 ' My 6 ! ' ' Well, my sister.' ,, ii 188 Here lies ah by a sister slain, ,, 208 That was fawn's blood, not 6's, ,, 275 be swerved from right to save A prince, aft? ,, 291 /give thee to death My 6 ! „ 308 Till, one of those two b's, half aside ,, v 302 ' 6, you have known the pangs we felt, , , 374 B's, the woman's Angel guards you, ,, 410 ' He saved my life : my b slew him for it.' ,, ri 108 to wait upon him. Like mine own b. , , 299 Help, father, b, help ; „ 305 ' Your 6, Lady, — Florian, — ask for him ,, 313 but the Prince Her b came ; ,, 345 Did those twin b's, risen again ,, vii 89 My friend, the b of my love ; In Mem. ix 16 More than my b's are to me. ,, 20 ' Where wert thou, b, those four days ? ' ,, xxxi 5 Roves from the living b's face, ,, xxxii 7 Brother 67 Brought Brother {continued) 'More than my 6's are to me,' — In Mem. Ixxix 1 I met her to-day with her 6, but not to her h I bow'd : Maud I iv 14 and chuckle, and grin at a b's shame ; ,,29 Her 6, from whom I keep aloof, ,, m 46 Blithe would her b's acceptance be, ,, x 27 All, all upon the b. ■ ,, xiii 43 her b lingers late With a roystering company) ,, xiv 14 Her b is coming back to-night, „ xix 1 only Maud and the b Hung over her dying bed — „ 35 This b had laugh'd her down, „ 60 her b comes, like a blight On my fresh hope, ,, 102 her 6 ran in his rage to the gate, ,, Hi 12 A cry for a b's blood : „ 34 ' that ye had some 6, pretty one, Com. of Arthur 335 my husband's b had my son Thrall'd in his castle, Gareth and L. 357 Our noblest b, and our truest man, , , 565 second b in their fool's parable — ,, 1004 ' What doest thou, b, in my marches here ? ' ,, 1034 Hath overthrown thy b, and hath his arms.' „ 1037 the third b shouted o'er the bridge, ,, 1096 My b and my better, this man here, Balin and Balan 54 Embracing Balin, ' Good my b, hear ! „ 139 on his dying 6 cast himself Dying ; ,, 593 ' B, I dwelt a day in Pellam's hall : ,, 605 '06' answer'd Balin ' woe is me ! ,,618 darken thine, Groodnight, true b.' ,, 626 ' Groodnight, true 6 here ! goodmorrow there ! ,, 628 two b's, one a king, had met And fought Lancelot and E. 39 each had slain his 6 at a blow ; ., 41 brought the yet-unblazon'd shield, His b's; „ 380 rosy- kindled with her b's kiss — ,, 393 Sir Modred's b, and the child of Lot, ,, 558 Came on her b with a happy face ,, 791 Full ill then should I quit your b's love, ,, 944 the b's heard, and thought With shuddering, ,, 1021 'Sweet b'g, yesternight I seem'd ,, 1034 ' Fret not yourself, dear b, nor be wroth, ,, 1074 ' O 6, I have seen this yew-tree smoke. Holy Orail 18 what drove thee from the Table Round, My 6 ? ,,29 ' Sweet 6, I have seen the Holy Grail : ,, 107 b, fast thou too and pray. And tell thy b knights to fast and pray, „ 125 and himself her & more than I. ,, 142 ' Sister or b none had he ; _ ,, 143 b, In our great hall there stood ' ,, 166 b, had you known our mighty hall, „ 225 b, had you known our hall within, ,, 246 b, when I told him what had chanced, ,, 271 (^, the King was hard upon his knights) ,, 299 b, had you known our Camelot, „ 339 '0 6,' ask'd Ambrosius, — ,, 540 b, saving this Sir Galahad, • ,, 561 my b, Why wilt hou shame me to confess ,, 566 was the one, B, and that one only, ,, 579 me, my b ! but one night my vow ,, 607 For, b, so one night, because they roll ,, 685 ' And that can I, B, and truly ; ,, 712 B, I need not tell thee foolish words, — „ 855 Art thou the purest, b ? Last Tournament 192 b, thou nor I have made the world ; „ 203 is the King thy b fool ? ' „ 852 ay, my b fool, the king of fools ! „ 854 A goodly b of the Table Round ,, 431 Slain was the 6 of my paramour ,, 448 So b, pluck and spare not.' Ijover's Tale i 351 '5,' she said, 'let thisbe call'd ,, 461 1 was as the b of her blood, ,, 559 deem'd I wore a b's mind : she call'd me 6 : ,, 741 Deem that I love thee but as b's do, ,, 767 Praise to our Indian b's, Def. of Luchnow 69 Drove me and my good b's home in chains, Columbus 134 He with his 6, Edmund Atheling, Batt. of Brunxinburh 5 Christ, our human b and friend, Despair 25 the tears, O b, mine or thine. Ancient Sage 186 Sisters, b's — and the beasts — Locksley H., Sixty 102 Brother (continued) Rip your b's' voices open, LocTcsley H., Sixty 141 True b, only to be known By those who love Pref. Poem Broth. S. 7 Sons and b's that have sent, Ope». /. and C. Exhib. B's, must we part at last ? Is b of the Dark one in the lowest. He, the b of this Darkness, Will my Indian b come ? Well spake thy 6 in his hymn to heaven Meanwhile, my b's, work, and wield Father, and my B, and my God ! Brother-brute ever butted his rough h-b For lust Brother-hands I, clasping b-h, aver I could not, Brotherhood And all men work in noble b. To fight the 6 of Day and Night- hast thou so defamed Thy b hath bound And sworn me to this b ; ' Unlawful and disloyal b — Brother-in-law that mock-sister there — B-i-l Brother-knight Lo ! he hath slain some b-k, Brother-like kiss'd her with all pureness, b-l, Brother-oak honours that, Thy famous b-o, Brother-sister are you That b-s Psyche, Brother-slayer Not from the skeleton of a b-s, Brother-star b-s, why shine ye here so low ? Brother-worm and its last b-w will have fled Brought (-See also Browt, Far-brought) Is not my human pride b low ? Supp. Confessions 14 from the outward to the inward b, Elednore 4 The oriental fairy b, ,,14 I marvell'd how the mind was 5 To anchor Two Voices 458 slowly was my mother b To yield consent Although the loss had b us pain, light-foot Iris b it yester-eve, I won his love, I b him home. and b Into the gulfs of sleep. Where'er I came I b calamity. ' then at my request He ft it ; every morning b a noble chance. And every chance b out a noble knight. till Autumn b an hour For Eustace, B out a dusky loaf that smelt of home, his bailiff b A Chartist pike. h the night In which we sat together all the mothers 6 Their children. The pint, you b me, was the best Lord Ronald b a lily-white doe lily-white doe Lord Ronald had b then with what she b Buy goods and stores — b the stinted commerce of those days ; letter which he b, and swore besides She b strange news. which he b, and I Dived in a hoard of tales which b My book to mind : these 6 back A present, a great labour He b it, and himself, a sight to shake She b us Academic silks, ' I 6 a message here from Lady Blanche.' from the Queen's decease she 6 her up. — or b her chain'd, a slave, Home they b her warrior dead : B from under every star. And bread from out the houses b, As tho' they b but merchants' bales. Such precious relics b by thee ; And he that 6 him back is there. He b an eye for all he saw ; she b the harp and flung A ballad And b a summons from the sea : Large elements in order b, and b to understand A sad astrology, B Arthur forth, and set him in the hall. Or b by Merlin, who, they say, B down a momentary brow. champion thou hast b from Arthur's hall ? ere his horse was b, Glorying ; 32 Demeter and P. 95 116 Romney's R. 143 Akbar's Dream 27 MechanopMlus 29 Doubt and Prayer 8 Lucretius 197 In Mem. Ixxxro 102 Ode Inter. Exhib. 38 Gareth and L. 857 Pelleas and E. 322 449 Sisters {E!'and E.) 174 173 Balin and Balan 549 Geraint and E. 884 Talhing Oak 296 Princess ii 254 Last Tournament 47 Gareth and L. 1097 Despair 85 Miller's D. 137 229 "(Enone 83 The Sisters 14 D. of F. Women 51 „ 96 The Epic 48 M. d' Arthur 230 Gardener's D. 207 Avdley Court 22 Walk, to the Mail 70 Love and Duty 59 Godiva 14 WiU Water. 75 Lady Clare 3 61 Enoch Arden 137 817 Aylmer's Field 522 Sea Dreams 267 Princess, Pro. 28 119 i43 200 ii 16 319 m 86 ^139 ml Ode Inter. Exhib. 25 Spec, of Iliad 6 In Mem. xiii 19 „ xvii 18 ,, xxodi 4 ,, Ixxxix 9 27 ,, dii 16 ,, cxii 13 Maud I xviii 35 Com. of Arthur 229 347 Gareth and L. 653 916 934 Brought 68 Brow Brought {continued) b a helm With but a drying evergreen Gareth b him grovelling on his knees, Enid b sweet cakes to make them cheer, and he b me to a goodly house ; like a madman b her to the court, promise, that whatever bride I b, b a mantle down and wrapt her in it. Prince had b his errant eyes Home And wine and food were h, as they b upon their forays out men b in whole hogs and quarter beeves, they b report ' we hardly found, who iirst B the great faith to Britain b By holy Joseph hither, b report of azure lands and fair, as he That b her hither. To save thy life, have b thee to thy death. miss'd, and b Her own claw back. He lightly scatter'd theirs and 6 her off. He 6, not found it therefore : I by mere mischance have b, my shield. red sleeve Broider'd with pearls,' and b it : Ketuming b the yet-unblazon'd shield. And b his horse to Lancelot where he lay. the shield was b, and Gawain saw have 6 thee, now a lonely man Wifeless saw the barge that b her moving down, Joseph, journeying B to Glastonbury, b thee here to this poor house of ours they fell from, 6 us to the hall. Joseph b of old to Glastonbury ? ' bounden straight, and so they b him in. rose up, and bound, and b him in. Waited, until the third night b a moon b A maiden babe ; which Arthur pitying took, b to adorn her with. The jewels, when both were b to full accord, And hither b by Tristram for his last Modred b His creatures to the basement and my tears have b me good : he that b The heathen back among us, every morning b a noble chance. And every chance b out a noble knight. Looking on her that b him to the light : the shuddering moonlight b its face rare or fair Was b before the guest : He slowly b them back to Lionel. caught and b him in To their charm'd circle, For we b them all aboard. On whom I 6 a strange unhappiness, So took her thence, and b her here, He had b his ghastly tools : Hast thou b bread with thee ? b out a broad sky Of dawning over — Whatever wealth I b from that new world I had b your Princes gold enough I b From Solomon's now-recover'd Ophir This creedless people will be 6 to Christ That day my nurse had b me the child. Dead ! ' Is it he then b so low ? ' Until I b thee hither, I b you to that chamber on your I b you, you remember, these roses, b you down A length of staghorn-moss, ' hast thou b us down a new Korto when I met you first — when he h you ! — Brow This laurel greener frcym the b's Among the thorns that girt Thy i, when with b'g Propt on thy knees, An image with profiilgent b's, Upon her bed, across her b. Falsehood shall bare her plaited b : Frowns perfect-sweet along the b o'er black b's drops down A sudden-curved frown : (repeat) Gareth and L. 1115 1124 Marr. of Geraint 388 713 725 783 824 Geraint and E. 24o 289 „ 567 602 Balm and Balan 94 103 112 168 187 600 Merlin and V. 499 564 719 Lancelot and E. 189 373 379 493 „ 662 1370 1391 Hdy Grail 51 » 617 ,, 720 735 PeUeas ami E. 236 „ 288 393 Last Tournament 20 715 722 747 Guinevere 103 202 Pass, of Arthur 151 „ 398 Lover's Tale i 160 650 ,, iv204: „ 371 376 The Revenge 19 Sisters (E. and E.) 89 267 In the Child. Hosp. 69 Sir J. Oldcastle 198 Columbus 77 101 105 111 189 The Wreck 59 Dead Prophet 6 Dernier and P. 8 The Ring 129 Happy 73 Romney's R. 78 Akbar's Dream 116 Charity 9 To the Queen 7 Supp. Confessions 6 69 145 Mariana 56 Clear-lieaded friend 11 Madeline 15 34,46 Brow {continued) a & of pearl Tressed with redolent ebony, Even as a maid, whose stately b Her beautiful bold b, With thy soften'd, shadow'd b, wearing on my swarthy b's The garland His broad clear b in sunlight glow'd ; From b and bosom slowly down Look up, the fold is on her b. blow Before him, striking on my b. and the charm of married b's.' drew From her warm b's and bosom her deep hair steep our b's in slumber's holy balm ; Whereto the other with a downward 6 : lying dead, my crown about my b's, dropping bitter tears against his 6 But the full day dwelt on her b's, Love with knit b's went by, whose bald b's in silent hours become I waited long ; My b's are ready. glimmer steals From thy pure b's, Her sweet face from b to chin : Warm broke the breeze against the b, A band of pain across my 6 ; sleepy light upon their b's and lips — we know the hue Of that cap upon her b's. And gain'd a laurel for your b Annie with her b's against the wall o'er his bent b's linger'd Averill, often placed upon the sick man's b breathing down From over her arch'd b's, and the Roman b's Of Agrippina. gaunt old baron with his beetle b Sun-shaded Psyche, wont to bind my throbbing b. Star-sisters answering under crescent b's ; lilylike Melissa droop'd her b's ; manlike, but his b's Had sprouted, With hooded b's I crept into the hall, made the single jewel on her b Burn till over b And cheek and bosom brake raised the cloak from b's as pale and smooth veil'd her b's, and prone she sank, she laid A feeling linger on my b's, With b to b like night and evening fear not ; breathe upon my b's ; King bent low, with hand on b, gladness even crown'd The purple b's of Olivet. Urania speaks with darken 'd b : I took the thorns to bind my b's, Lift as thou may'st thy burthen'd b's So, dearest, now thy b's are cold, turn'd To black and brown on kindred b's. fan my b's and blow The fever from my cheek, Be large and lucid round thy b. And enter in at breast and b, Broad b's and fair, a fluent hair and fine, a b May -blossom, and a cheek of apple-blossom, Brought down a momentary b. Then seeing cloud upon the mother's b, with droopt b down the long glades he rodo ; drawing down the dim disastrous b a wizard b bleach'd on the walls : two brethren slowly with bent b's Accompanying, kiss'd her quiet b's, and saying Arthur, who beheld his cloudy b's, the circlet of the jousts Bound on her b, circlet of the tourney round her b's, under her black b's a swarthy one Laugh'd laid His b's upon the drifted leaf and dream'd. a b Like hillsnow high in heaven, dropping bitter tears against a b To pass my hands across my b's, clear b, bulwark of the precious brain, lirood More warmly on the heart than on the b. Arabian Nights 137 Ode to Memory 13 Tlie Poet 38 Adeline 46 Kate 23 L, of ShaZott Hi 28 Mariana in the & 14 Two Voices 192 Fatima 25 (Enone 76 „ 177 Lotos-Eaters, 0. S. 21 D.ofF. Women m 162 M. d' Arthur 211 Gardener's D. 136 245 St. S. "Stylites 165 206 Tithonus 35 L. of Burleigh 62 The Voyage 9 The Letters 6 Vision of Sin 9 „ 142 Yoit might have won 3 Erioch Arden 314 Aylmer's Field 625 700 Princess ii 39 84 240 250 428 „ wl61 „ 204 „ 225 „ 273 382 „ V 73 „ 107 „ ml21 „ 131 ,, OT'i353 The Victim 53 In Mem. xxxi 12 xxxvii 1 Ixix 7 Ixxii 21 Ixxiv 5 Ixxix 16 Ixxxvi 8 xci 8 cocxii 11 Gareth and L. 464 588 „ 6.53 Marr. of Geraint 777 Balin and Balan 311 597 Merlin and V. 597 Lancelot and E. 1138 ll.'iO 13.54 Pdleas and E. 435 454 Last ToumaTnent 216 406 „ 666 Pass. ofA7-thur379 Lover's Tale iSl 130 328 Brow 69 Bugle Brow (continued) for her b's And mine made garlands Lover's Tale i 342 Beyond the nearest mountain's bosky b'g, ,, 396 knotted thorns thro' my unpaining b's, „ 620 sprinkled brook Smote on my b's, ,, 634 great crown of beams about his b's — ,, 672 walk'd abreast with me, and veil'd his b, ,, ii 86 and from his 6 drew back His hand to push ,, 92 about my b Her warm breath floated ,, 140 Upon my fever'd b's that shook and throbb'd „ Hi 7 walk'd behind with one who veil'd his b. ,, 12 Cold were his b's when we kiss'd him — Def. o/Lucknoio 12 in your raised b's I read Some wonder Colu7nbus 1 Why, what a 6 was there ! The Wreck 48 The broad white b of the Isle — „ 135 dreamer stoopt and kiss'd her marble b. LocMey H., Sixty 38 out of the field. And over the b and away. Heavy Brigade 64 Unfurnish'd b's, tempestuous tongues— Freedmn 38 But seen upon the silent b when life Rappy 52 when I let him kiss my b; , , 65 , round her b's a woodland culver flits, Prog, of Spring 18 I till the heat Smote on her b. Death of CEnone 98 ' Me they front With sullen b's. Akbar's Dream 52 Brow-beat while the worn-out clerk B^'s his desk below. To J. M. K. 12 Brow-bound eyes, B-b with burning gold. D. of F. Women 128 Brow'd See Beautifol-brow'd, Dark-brow'd, Lai^e-brow'd Brow-high the hemlock, B-h, did strike my forehead Lover's Tale ii 19 Brown in a silent shade of laurel b Apart Alexander 9 Her streaming curls of deepest b Mariana in the S. 16 B, looking hardly human, strangely clad, Enoch Arden 638 Enoch was so 6, so bow'd, ,, 703 beauties every shade of b and fair Princess ii 437 all her autumn tresses falsely b, „ 449 I watch the twilight falling b To F. D. Maurice 14 To black and b on kindred brows. In Mem. Ixxix 16 park and suburb under b Of lustier leaves ; ,, occviii 24 Unloved, that beech will gather b, „ ci3 bracken so bright and the heather so b, June Bracken, etc. 3 Browsed b by deep-udder'd kine, Gardener's D. 46 Browt (brought) I b what tha seeas stannin' theer. North. Cobbler 70 h me the boocits to be cobbled „ 94 So IJ tha down, an' I says Owd Roa 97 I b 'im down, an' we got to the barn, ,, 103 An' I b Roa round, but Moother ,, 113 Braise Hard-won and hardly won with b and blow, Lancelot and E. 1165 Braised cursed and scom'd, and b with stones : Two Voices 222 that there Lie b and maim'd. Princess vi 72 Had b the herb and crush'd the grape, Lt Mem. xxxv 23 swordcut on the cheek, And b and bronzed, Lancelot and E. 259 and so left him b And batter'd, Pelleas and E. 546 Nor 6 the wildbird's egg. Lover's Tale ii 21 h and butted with the shuddering War-thunder Tiresias 99 Brunanburh Slew with the sword-edge There by B, Batt. of Brunanburh 10 Brunelleschi Arno, and the dome Of B ; The Brook 190 Brunette A quick /;, well-moulded, Princess ii 106 Brush (pencil) took his b and blotted out the bird. Merlin and V. 478 Brush (tail of fox) ' Peter had the b. My Peter, first : ' Aylmer's Field 254 Brush (verb) to b the dew From thine own lily, Siipp. Confessions 84 Brush 'd 6 'Thro' the dim meadow toward his Aylmer's Field b^Q when, this gad-fly b aside, Princess v 414 and h My fallen forehead in their to and fro, Lover's Tale i 700 Brushing And b ankle-deep in flowers, In Mem.. Ixxxix 49 with his brandish 'd plume B his instep, Geraint and E. 360 Brushwood elm-tree-boles did stoop and lean Upon the dusky b D. of F. Women 58 Brute {See also Brother-brute) Take my b, and lead him in, Vision of Sin 65 Thou madest Life in man and b\ In Mem., Pro. 6 No longer half-akin to 6, ,, Con. 133 he had not been a Sultan of b's, Maud II v 81 b's of mountain back That carry kings Merlin and V. 576 great and sane and simple race of b's Pelleas and E. 480 Come from the b, poor souls — Despair 36 Brute {co7itinued) no souls — and to die with the b — Despair 36 and burn the kindlier b's alive. Locksley H., Sixty 96 B's, the b's are not your wrongers — ,, 97 let the house of a J to the soul of a man, By an Evolution. 1 If my body come from b's, (repeat) „ 5, 13 I, the finer b rejoicing in toy hounds, „ 7 and rule thy Province of the b. ,,16 these Are like wild b's new-caged — Attar's Dream 50 The Ghost of the B that is walking The Dawn 23 Brutus (Lucius Junius) See Lucius Junius Brutus Bubble (s) watch'd Or seem'd to watch the dancing b, Princess Hi 24 colour'd 6 bursts above the abyss Romney's R. 52 Bubble (verb) I b into eddying bays, The Brook 41 On yon swoll'n brook that b's fast In Mem. xcix 6 And yet b's o'er like a city, with gossip, Maud I iv 8 Bubbled at mine ear B the nightingale Princess iv 266 The milk that b in the pail, In Mem. Ixxxix 51 oilily b up the mere. Gareth and L. 816 Bubbling See Life -bubbling Bublin' (young unfledged bird) An' haafe on 'im bare as a 6.' Owd Rod 102 Bucket rope that haled the b's from the well, St. S. Stylites 64 helpt to pass a b from the well To Mary Boyle 39 Buckled B with golden clasps before ; Sir L. and Q. G. 25 Buckler The brand, the b, and the spear — Two Voices 129 Clash the darts and on the b beat Boddicea 79 snatch'd a sudden b from the Squire, Balin and Balan 554 Bud (b) (See also Chestnut-bud, Sea-bud) While thou abodest in the b. Two Voices 158 chestnuts, when their b's Were glistening Miller's D. 60 flowers, and b's and garlands gay, May Queen 11 folded leaf is woo'd from out the b Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 26 Sweet as new b's in Spring. D. of F. Women 272 all-too-full in b For puritanic stays : Talking Oak 59 kisses balmier than half-opening b's Of April, Tithonus 59 In b or blade, or bloom, may find, Day-Dm., Moral 10 burst In carol, every b to flower, ,, L' Envoi 44 While life was yet in b and blade. Princess i 32 ' Pretty b ! Lily of the vale ! „ vi 192 b ever breaks into bloom on the tree, The Islet 32 longs to burst a frozen b And flood In Mem. locxxiii 15 when her life was yet in 6, ,, Con. 33 flower tell What sort of b it was. Lover's Tale i 152 from within Burst thro' the heated b's, „ 320 No b, no leaf, no flower, no fruit ,, 725 and all smells of b And foliage from the dark , , Hi 5 spies the summer thro' the winter b, Ancieiit Sage 74 fleets the shower, And burst the b's. Early Spring 14 ' your pretty 6, So blighted here, The Ring 316 Thy warmths from 6 to 6 Accomplish Prog, of Spring 113 Bud (verb) And rugged barks begin to b, My life is full 18 times, when some new thought can b, Golden Year 27 out of tyranny tyranny b's. Boddicea 83 And b's and blossoms like the rest. In Mem. cxv 20 Budded See New-budded, Ruby-budded Buddhist Brahmin, and B, Christian, and Parsee, A kbar's Dream 25 Bude the thundering shores of B and Bos, Guinsvere 291 Buffet (s) with a stronger b he clove the helm Gareth and L. 1406 Swung from his brand a windy b Geraint and. E. 90 Buffet (verb) echo flap And b round the hills. Golden Year 77 Strove to b to land in vain. Princess iv 185 Buffeted See Tempest-buffeted Bugle (adj.) all the 6 breezes blew Reveillee In Mem. Ixviiil Bugle (s) Aloud the hollow b blowing, Oriana 17 Loud, loud rung out the b's brays, ,, 48 A mighty silver b hung, L. of Shalott Hi 16 Blow, b, blow, set the wild echoes (repeat) Princess iv 5, 17 Blow, b ; answer, echoes, dying, (repeat) ,, 6, 12 and bray of the long horn And serpent-throated b, „ v 253 With blare of 6, clamour of men. Ode on Well. 115 Warble, b, and trumpet, blare ! W. to Alexandra 14 March with banner and b and fife Mavd I v 10 raised a b hanging from his neck, Pelleas and E. 364 waits below the wall, Blowing his 6 ,, 381 and on shield A spear, a harp, a b — Last Tournament 174 Bugle 70 Buried Bugle (s) (continued) S's and drums in the darkness, Def. of Luchnow 76 Bugle-hom belted hunter blew His wreathed &-A, Palace of Art &A: when you want me, sound upon the h-h. Lochsley HaU 2 call me, sounding on the b-h, ,, 145 Build 6 up all My sorrow with my song, (Enone 39 built When men knew how to b, Edwin Morris 7 I would b Far oflf from men a college Princess, Pro. 134 She had founded ; they must b. ,, ii 145 I, that have lent my life to b up yours, ,, iv 351 6 some plan Foursquare to opposition.' ,, « 230 On God and Grodlike men we b our trust. Ode on Well. 266 b's the house, or digs the grave. In Mem. xxxvi 14 change their sky To b and brood ; ,, cxv 16 Grave him an isle of marsh whereon to b ; Holy Grail 62 he groan'd, ' ye b too high.' Pelleas and E. 555 b a wall betwixt my life and love, Lover's Tale i 176 none but Gods could b this house Ancient Sage 83 Builded The house was b of the earth, Deserted House 15 Building like enow They are b still, Gareth and L. '2!JQ Built {See also Belt, Half-built, Low-built, Sand- built, Woman-built) b up everywhere An under-roof Dying Swan 3 I B my soul a lordly pleasure-house. Palace of Art! Thereon 1 6 it firm. ,, 9 In this great mansion, that is b for me, ,, 19 ' My spacious mansion b for me, ,, 234 palace towers, that are So lightly, beautifully b: ,, 294 b When men knew how to build, Edwin Mwris 6 And b herself an everlasting name. ' Godiva 79 B for pleasure and for state. L. of Burleigh 2!2, b their castles of dissolving sand Enoch Arden 19 b, and thatch'd with leaves of palm, ,, 559 Ehodope, that b the pyramid. Princess ii 82 vapour streak the crowned towers jB to the Sun : * ,, iiiBi5 ' The plan was mine. I b the nest ' „ iv 365 conscious of what temper you are 6, ,, 400 Far oflf from men I 6 a fold for them : ,, i; 390 tho' he b upon the babe restored ; „ vii 75 And towers fall'n as soon as b — In Mem. xxvi 8 Who 6 him fanes of fruitless prayer, ,, Zm 12 New as his title, b last year, Mavd / a; 19 city of Enchanters, b By fairy Kings.' Gareth and L. 199 and whether this be b By magic, ,, 247 Fairy Queens have b the city, son ; ,, 259 And 6 it to the music of their harps. ,, 262 seeing the city is b To music, therefore never 6 at all, „ 276 And therefore b for ever.' ,, 278 B that new fort to overawe my friends, Marr. of Geraint 460 that low church he b at Glastonbury. Balin and Balan 367 Had b the King his havens, ships. Merlin and V. 168 there he 6 with wattles from the marsh Holy Grail 63 Which Merlin b for Arthur long ago ! ,, 226 Climbs to the mighty hall that Merlin b. „ 231 B by old kings, age after age, ,, 340 some ancient king Had b a way, , , 502 saw High up in heaven the hall that Merlin b, Pelleas and E. 553 B for a summer day with Queen Isolt Last Tournament 378 There be some hearts so airily b, that they, Lover's Tale i 803 Timur b his ghastly tower of eighty thousand Locksley H., Sixty 82 Served the poor, and b the cottage, ,, 268 Son's love b me, and I hold Mother's love Helen's Tower 3 b their shepherd-prince a funeral pile ; Death of (Enone 63 whose pious hand had b the cross, St. Telemachus 9 Bulbul Died roimd the b as he sung ; Arabian Nights 70 ' B, any rose of Gulistan Shall burst Princess iv 122 Bulge cheek B with the unswallow'd piece, Geraint and E. 631 Bulk Tudor-chimnied b Of mellow brickwork Edwin Morris 11 bones of some vast b that lived and roar'd Princess Hi 294 Down From those two b's at Arac's side, „ v 499 and grown a 6 Of spanless girth, ,, w 35 Dark b's that tumble half alive. In Mem. Ixx 11 strike him, overbalancing his b, Last Torwrnament 460 Bulk'd an old-world mammoth b in ice, Princess v 148 Bull grasp'd The mild b'* golden horn. Palace of Art 120 Bull {continued) oil'd and curl'd Assyrian B Smelling of musk JUaud I m 44 Kay near him groaning like a wounded b— Gareth awl L. 648 whom his shaking vassals call'd the B, Geraitit and E. 439 brainless b's, Dead for one heifer ! ' Balin and Balan 578 like a b gotten loose at a faair. North. Cobbler 33 and the b couldn't low, and the dog V. of Maeldune 18 Bull (Inn Sign) ' Thk B, the Fleece are cramm'd, Attdley Court 1 Bull (Edward) See Edward Bull Bullet {See also Cannon-bullet, Musket-bullet, Biiie- buUet) B's fell like rain ; The Captain 46 b struck him that was dressing it The Revenge 67 And caught the laming b. Sisters {E. and E.) 65 the brute b broke thro' the brain Def. of Lucknmu 20 B's would sing by our foreheads, and b's would rain ,, 21 Bulrush sword-grass, and the b in the pool. May Queen, N. Y's. E. 28 mid-thigh-deep in b'es and reed, Gareth and L. 810 Bulrush-bed plunged Among the b-b's, and clutch'd the sword, M. d' Arthur 135 plunged Among the b-b's, and clutch'd the sword. Pass, of Arthur 303 Bulwark now they saw their b fallen, Geraint and E. 168 Bummin' (buzzing) b' awaay loike a buzzard-clock N. Fai-mer, 0. S. 18 Bump'd I b the ice into three several stars, The Ejiic 12 Bumper He froth 'd his b's to the brim ; D. of the 0. Year 19 Bunch {See also Fruit-bunches, Vine-bunches) With b and berry and flower CEnmie 102 grapes with b'es red as blood ; Day-Dm., Sleep, P. 44 Craft with a 6 of all-heal in her hand, Vastness 12 Bundle now hastily caught His b, waved his hand, Enoch Arden 238 Buoy {See also Harbour-buoy) We left behind the painted b The Voyage 1 The b that rides at sea, and dips Gareth aiid L. 1146 Buoy'd range Of vapour b the crescent-bark, Day-Dm., Depart. 22 B upon floating tackle and broken Enoch Arden 551 Bur {See also Burr) b and brake and briar, Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 46 like a wall of b's and thorns ; Sea Dreams 119 Burden {See also Burthen) people here, a beast of b slow. Palace of Art 149 prepared The daily b for the back. In Mem. zxo 4 Burdock eft and snake. In grass and b, Holy Grail 571 Burgeon space to b out of all Within her— Princess vii 271 Now b's every maze of quick In Mem. cxv 2 Burgher Knight and b, lord and dame, L. of Shalott iv 43 Burial (adj.) Mammonite mother kills her babe for a 6 fee, Maud I i 4:5 Burial (s) at a 6 to hear The creaking cords Supp. Confessions 35 Fresh from the b of her little one, Enoch Arden 281 A summer b deep in hollyhocks ; Ayliner's Field 164 That hears his b talk'd of by his friends. Princess vii 152 Now to glorious b slowly borne, Ode on Well. 193 Pray for my soul, and yield me b. Lancelot and E. 1280 place of b Far lovelier than its cradle ; Lover's Tale i 529 and ask'd If I would see her & : ,, ii7\ At some precipitance in her b. ,, iv 107 Past thro his visions to the b; ,, 357 borne in white To 6 or to burning. Ancient Sage 208 Those that in barbarian b's kill'd the slave, Locksley Hall, Sixty 67 Beyond our b and our buried eyes. The Ring 296 Buried {See also A-buried, Half-buried, Long-buried) I b her like my own sweet child. Lady Clare 27 that same week when Annie b it, Enoch Arden 271 And when they b him the little port ,, 916 Old scandals b now seven decads deep Aylmer's Field 442 Half b in some weightier argument, I/wcretius 9 have they not b me deep enough ? Maud II v 96 Dead, whom we b ; more than one of us Balin and Balan 122 rummage b in the walls Might echo, „ 416 see that she be b worshipfully.' Lancelot and E. 1329 maiden b, not as one unknown, ,, 1334 I kiss'd 'em, I b 'em all — Rizpah 55 She died and she was b ere we knew. Sisters {E. and E.) 241 So feyther an' son was b togither, Village Wife f as God's truer images Are daily b.' Sir J, Oldcastle 1 I will have them b in my grave. Columbus '^ his Riverence b thim both in wan grave Tomorrow There, there ! he b you, the Priest ; Happy ll Burleigh 71 Burst Burleigh •See Lord of Burleigh Burleigh-house B-h by Stamt'ord-town. L. of Burleigh 92 Burlesque Had ever seem'd to wrestle with b, Princess, Con. 16 Bum (stream) Over the pools in the b water-gnats Leonine Eleg. 8 tall firs and our fast-falling b's ; Gareth and L. 91 Bum (burnt place) An' it was'nt a bite but a b, Owd Rod 90 Bum (verb) cricket chirps : the light b's low : D. of the 0. Year 40 While the stars b, the moons increase, To J. S. 71 And b a fragrant lamp before my bones, St. S. Stylites 196 And b the threshold of the night. The Voyage 18 but my cheek Began to b and b, Princess Hi 46 b's Above the unrisen morrow : ' „ iv9i2 made the single jewel on her brow B ,, 274 Wherefore in me b's an anger, Boddicea 52 Burst the gates, and b the palaces, ,, 64 fires b clear, And frost is here Window, Wilder 4 And with the thought her colour b's ; In Mem. vi 34 And calm that let the tapers b „ xcv 5 This maple b itself away ; ,, ci 4 Cold fires, yet with power to b Maud I xviii 39 beneath there b's A jewell'd harness, Gareth and L. 687 Made her cheek b and either eyelid fall, Marr. of Geraint 775 Made her cheek 6 and either eyelid fall. Geraint and E. 434 sin that practice b's into the blood, Merlin and V. 762 Made my tears b — is also past — Guinevere 542 Amen ! Nay, I can b, so that the Lord Sir J. Oldcastle 173 And doom'd to b alive. ,, 183 So, caught, I 6. 5? ,,184 God willing, I will b for Him. „ 193 for the bright-eyed goddess made it b. Achilles over the T. 29 great God, Ares, b's in anger still Tiresias 11 noonday crag made the hand b; ,,35 — but how my temples b ! The Flight 73 and 6 the kindlier brutes alive. LocJcsley H., Sixty 96 fur the bam wouldn't b Owd Rod 103 What star could b so low ? not Ilion yet. Death of (Enone 83 ' Who 6 's upon the pyre ? ' ,, 99 Bum (bom) Cooms of a gentleman b : N. Farmer, N. S. 38 Gentleman 6 ! what's gentleman 6 ? ,, 42 An' then the babby wur b. North. Cobbler 16 For 'e warn't not b to the land, Village Wife 44 'e wur b an' bred i' the 'ouse. Spinster's S's. 69 Bum'd (222 ., 246 Boddicea 2 Com. of Arthur 439 Marr. of Geraint 560 Geraint and E. 107 Holy GraU 264 „ 608 „ 844 Pelleas and E. 35 Guinevere 83 Sir J. Oldcastle 46 79 80 104 176 Locksletf H., Sixty 97 'The Ring SAO Burr (See also Bur) When b and bine were gather'd ; Aylmer's Field 113 Burrowing I have ferreted out their b's. Burst (s) Preluded those melodious b's Caught in a & of unexpected storm, more than mortal in the b Of sunrise, but given to starts and b's Of revel ; B's of great heart and slips in sensual mire, after some quick b of sudden wrath, now the storm, its b of passion spent, interspaces gush'd in blinding b's The incorporate blaze of sun and bosom'd the b of the spray. Burst (verb) B's into blossom in his sight. shrine-doors b thro' heated blasts all at once the old man b in sobs : — with hoggish whine They b my prayer. Or to b all links of habit — every bird of Eden b In carol. All heaven b's her starry floors, Now high on waves that idly b b away In search of stream or fount, B his own wyvern on the seal, the great organ almost b his pipes, rose of Gulistan Shall b her veil : Ready to b and flood the world with foam : clad in iron b the ranks of war, in the saddle, then b out in words. Descending, b the great bronze valves, b The laces toward her babe ; made the serf a man, and b his chain — B the gates, and burn the palaces, That longs to 6 a frozen bud fiery-hot to b All barriers And yearn'd to b the folded gloom. Ready to 6 in a colour'd flame ; should b and drown with deluging storms should make your Enid b Sunlike pavement echoing, 6 Their drowse ; fringe of coppice round them 6 A sprangled pursuivant, b his lance against a forest bough, pearl-necklace of the Queen, That b And half his blood b forth, b away To weep and wail in secret ; almost b the barriers in their heat, I b the chain, I sprang into the boat. Hell b up your harlot roofs Bellowing from within B thro' the heated buds, Methought a light B from the garland b through the cloud of thought Keen, B vein, snap sinew, and crack heart, wish yon moaning sea would rise and b the shore, Merlin and V. 55 D. ofF. Women 6 Aylmer's Field 285 Princess, Pro. 40 ,, i54 ,, •yl99 Balin and Balan 216 Merlin and V. 961 Lover's Tale i 408 V. of Maeldune 103 Fatima 35 D. of F. Women 29 D(yra 158 St. S, Stylites 178 Locksley Hall 157 Day-Dm., L' Envoi 43 St. Agnes' Eve 27 The Voyage 69 Enoch Arden 634 Aylmer's Field 516 Princess ii 474 ivl2S 474 504 'ij275 m75 148 W. to Marie Alex. 3 Boddicea 64 In Mem. Ixxxiii 15 ,, cxiv 13 ,, cxxii 8 Maud I vi 19 „ // t42 Marr. of Geraint 788 Geraint and E. 271 Balin and Balan 46 329 Merlin and V. 452 Lancelot and E. 517 1244 Holy GraU 336 » 807 Pelleas and E. 466 Lover's Tale i 320 „ 366 „ ii 164 &ir J. Oldcastle 123 Tlie FligU 11 Russia b's our Indian barrier, Locksley H., Sixty 115 B like a thunderbolt. Crash 'd like a hurricane, Heavy Brigade 27 fleets the shower, And b the buds, Early Spring 14 Burst 72 Caerleon Burst (verb) {continued) Sun B from a swimming fleece Demeter and P. 20 smoke of war's volcano b again Prog, of Spring 97 colour'd bubble b's above the abyss Romney's R. 52 Bursting thistle h Into glossy purples, Ode on Well. 206 Burthen (load) (See also Burden) Less b, by ten- hundred-fold, St. S. Stylites 24 Or seem to lift a b from thy heart Lm>e and Duty 96 vapours weep their b to the ground, Tithonus 2 With the b of an honour L. of Burleigh 79 No b, save my care for you and yours : Enoch Arden 419 breathless b of low-folded heavens Aylmer's Field 612 One b and she would not lighten it ? ,, 703 reaching forward drew My b from mine arms ; Princess iv 192 We flung the b of the second James. Third of Feb. 28 And not the b that they bring. In Mem. xiii 20 He bears the b of the weeks But turns his b into gain. ,, Ixxx 11 Were all a 6 to her, and in her heart Pelleas and E. 112 now yearn'd to shake The b off his heart Last Tournament 180 friends — your love Is but &b: To the Queen ii 17 careful b of our tender years Trembled Lover's Tale i 222 Holding his golden b in his arms, ,, iv 89 Burthen (refrain) [See also Ballad-Biirthen) Again they shriek'd the b — ' Him ! ' Edwin Morris 123 As tho' it were the 6 of a song, Enoch Arden 797 Again and like a b, ' Him or death.' Lancelot and E. 903 Bliry You'll b me, my mother, just beneath May Queen, N. Vs. E. 29 b me beside the gate. And cut this epitaph Princess ii 206 B the Great Duke With an empire's Ode on Well. 1 Let us b the Great Duke To the noise ,,3 I will b myself in myself, Maud Ii76 have sworn to b All this dead body of hate, ,, xix 96 They cannot even b a man ; „ II v 2^1 some kind heart will come To b me, b me Deeper, ,, 103 when an' wheere to b his boane. Owd Roa 8 Burying Driving, hurrying, marrying, b, Maud II v 12 Bush [See also Myrrh-bush, Rose-bush) rushes and bowers of rose-blowing b'es, Leonine Eleg. 3 girls all kiss'd Beneath the sacred b The Epic 3 ' Hear how the b'es echo ! Gardener's I). 98 Holding the b, to fix it back, ,, 127 What ? — that the b were leafless ? Lucretius 206 in the b beside me chirrupt the nightingale. Grandm,other 40 Or underneath the barren b In Mem. xci 3 He dragg'd his eyebrow b'es down. Merlin and V. 807 Above the b'es, gilden-peakt : Pelleas and E. 429 lest an arrow from the b Should leave me Last Tournament 535 With falling brook or blossom 'd b — Lover's Tale i 405 sprang without leaf or a thorn from the b ; V. of Maeldune 44 sick For shadow — not one b was near — Tiresias 36 from the b we both had set — Ilappy 102 low b'es dip their twigs in foam. Prog, of Spring 51 Bush-bearded huge b-b Barons heaved and blew. Princess v 21 Bush'd So b about it is with gloom, Balin and Balan 95 Business her b often call'd her from it, Enoch Arden 264 Two in the tangled b of the world, Princess ii 174 Buss B me, thou rough sketch of man, Vision of Sin 189 Buss'd nor 6 the milking-maid. Princess v 222 Bust show'd the house, Greek, set with b's: ,, Pro. 11 There stood a 6 of Pallas for a sign, ,, i 222 Busted See Full-busted Busying 5 themselves about the floworage Aylmer's Field 203 Butcher'd or b for all that we knew — iJef. ofLucknow 91 Butler Here sits the B with a flask Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 25 The b drank, the steward scrawl'd, ,, Revival 10 Butt (cask) woman like a b, and harsh as crabs. Walk, to tlie Mail 49 drew, from b's of water on the slope, Princess, Pro. 60 straddling on the b's While the wine Guinevere 268 Butt (target) Look to your b's, and take good aims ! Riflemen form 1 16 Butt (verb) Beholding how ye b against my wish, Geraint and E. 677 b each other here, like brainless bulls, Balin and Balan 578 cow shall b the ' Lion passant ' Locksley H., Sixty 248 Butted b his rough brother-brute For lust Lucretius 197 b each other with clashing of bells, V. of Maeldune 108 bruised aiul b with the shuddering War-thunder Tvredas 99 Village Wife 2 „ 114 „ 119 iV. Farmer, 0. S. 31 Adeline 28 Talking Oak 220 Enoch Arden 138 Sea Dreains 15 Maud / a; 32 Ma7r. of Geraint 372 Columbus 169 Enoch Arden 256 Merlin and V. 432 Lancelot and E. 139 785 Butter B an' heggs— yis— yis. B I warrants be prime, But I sarved 'em wi' b an' heggs An' I niver puts saame i' my b, Butter-bump (bittern) Moast loike a b-b, for I 'eard 'um Butterfly Hast thou heard the butterflies flutter'd round her lip Like a golden b ; Buttoned See Close-buttoned Buy B goods and stores — set Annie forth b strange shares in some Peruvian mine. Bought ? what is it he cannot b ? Go to the town and b us flesh scarce a coin to 6 a meal withal. Buying sold her wares for less Than what she gave in b Buzz It b'es fiercely round the point ; vermin voices here May b so loud — shake off the bee that b'es at us ; Buzzard-clock (Cockchafer) bummin' awaay loike a b-c N. Farmer, 0. S. 18 Buzz'd palace bang'd, and b and clackt, Day-Dm., Revival 14 dances broke and b in knots of talk ; Princess i 133 b abroad About the maid of Astolat, Lancelot and E. 722 Buzzing {See also Bummin') And b's of the honied hours. In Mem. Ixxxix 52 By-and-by I will show it you b-a-b. Bandit's Death 8 Bygones trim our sails, and let old b be. Princess iv 69 ' Let bhe\' 'B\ First Quarrel 67 ' B-g ma' be come-agains ; ,,69 By-lane Till the filthy b-l rings to the yell Maud I i 38 Byre (cow-house) Then thorpe and b arose in fire, The Victim 3 Byway where this b joins The turnpike ? Walk, to the Mail 4 Byword fatal b of all years to come, Godiva 67 Caake (cake) Doant maake thysen sick wi' the c. Oiod Rod 34 Cabin all day long till Enoch's last at home. Shaking their pretty c, Enoch Arden 173 And down in the c were we, Tlie Wreck 89 lay like the dead by the dead on the c floor, ,, 112 Call'd from her c an' tould her to come away Tomorrow 20 Cabin'd Be c up in words and syllables, Lover's Tale i 480 Cabinet And moving toward a cedarn c, Man: of Geraint 136 Cabin-window I see the c-w bright ; In Mem. x 3 Cackle With c and with clatter. The Goose 12 rustic c of your bourg The murmur of the world ! Marr. of Geraint 276 The c of the unborn about the grave, Merlin and V. 507 Cackled It clack'd and c louder. The Goose 24 Cadence a hand, a foot Lessening in perfect c. Walk, to the Mail 55 in mimic c answer'd James — Golden Year 53 but when the preacher's c flow'd Aylmer's Field 729 In clanging c jangling peal on peal — Lover's Tale iii 22 Cadmean sprang No dragon warriors from C teeth, Lucretius 50 Cadmus Our C, out of whom thou art, Tiresias 13 for I loathe The seed of C— „ 117 Thou, one of these, the race of C — „ 134 Caer-Er^ On C-E's highest found the King, Ga/reth and L. 500 Caerleon Held court at old C upon Usk. Man: cf Geraint 146 When late I left C, our great Queen, ,, 781 And all that week was old C gay, ,, 837 longer time Than at C the full-tided Usk, Geraint and E. 116 they past With Arthur to upon Usk. ,, 946 Dost thou remember at G once — A year ago — Balin and Balan 503 By the great tower — C upon Usk — ,, 606 Who never sawest C upon Usk — „ 570 dealt him at Caerlyle ; That at C ; this at Camelot : Lancelot and E. 23 And at G had he help'd his lord, ,, 297 A minstrel of C by strong storm Merlin and V. 9 Caerleon 73 Can Caerleon {continiced) as he sat In hall at old C, the high doors Pelleaa and E. 3 to find C7and the King, had felt the sun „ 22 to tilt against the knights There at C7, „ 66 but will ye to C? I Gto likewise : ,,106 when they reach'd G, ere they past to lodging, „ 125 Then at V for a space — her look Bright ,, 176 Caerlyle this dealt him at C; That at Caerleon ; Lancelot and E. 22 Ctesar tame and tutor with mine eye That dull cold- blooded C. Roman legions here again, And G's eagle : for whose love the Roman C first Invaded Britain, Rome of C, Rome of Peter, fallen every purple (7s dome — Lightning may shrivel the laurel of C, Cage (b) Lay silent in the muffled c of life : The linnet bom within the c, I have broke their c, no gilded one, I took it, he made it a c, the narrower The c, the more their fury. Cage (verb) Ye c a buxom captive here and there. Caged See New-caged, Newly-caged Cageling as the c newly-flown returns, Caiaphas-Amndel These Pharisees, this C-A Cain lust of gain, in the spirit of C, Daughter of the seed of C, And set a crueller mark than Cs on him. Cairn And cleaves to c and cromlech still ; Caim'd And the c mountain was a shadow. Caitiff (adj.) bandit earls, and c knights, I will tell him all their c talk ; Caitiff (b) hand striking great blows At c^s I would track this c to his hold, In shadow, waiting for them, c's all ; The ds\' ' Nay,' said Pelleas, but forbear ; As let these c's on thee work their will ? ' Cajole and juggle, and lie and c, Ca^e {See also Ca4ke) brought sweet c's to make them cheer, * Have I not earn'd my c in baking of it ? Calaber (Quintus) See Quintus Calaber Calamity Where'er I came I brought c.' His heart foreshadowing all c, Nor all CTs hughest waves confound, That a c hard to be borne ? Calculated mind Mine ; worse, cold, c. Calculation Abhorrent of a c crost, Calendar'd names Are register'd and c for saints. Calf (of the leg) proxy- wedded with a bootless c Calf (young of the cow) See Cauf Caliphat I came upon the great Pavilion of the C. Call (s) And answers to his mother's c's Hope at Beauty's c would perch and stand, At length I saw a lady within c. Whistle back the parrot's c. She answer'd to my c. When they answer to his c, a stable wench Came running at the c, A martial song like a trumpet's c ! But heard the c, and came : Then at his c, ' daughters of the Dawn, yet I say the bird That will not hear my c. An' Parson as hesn't the c, nor the mooney. av the bird 'ud come to me c, we couldn't ha' 'eard tha c, in his heart he cried, ' The c of God ! ' muttering to himself, ' The c of God ' And one clear c for me ! Call (verb) And thro' wild March the throstle c's, Yet, my God, Whom c I Idol ? Day and night to the billow the fountain c's : She saw me fight, she heard me c, We would c aloud in the dreamy dells, C to each other and whoop and cry D. ofF. Women \Z9 Gam, of Arthur 35 Marr. of GerairU 745 Locksley H., Sixty 88 To Virgil 30 Parnassus 4 Princess vii 47 In Mem. xxvii 3 Sir J. Oldcastle 3 The Wreck 83 Akbar's Dream 51 Merlin and V. 542 901 Sir J. Oldcastle 179 Maud / i 23 Forlorn 39 Happy 18 To tlie Queen ii 41 Merlin and V. 638 Marr. of Geraint 35 Geraint and E. 66 Marr. ofOeraint 96 415 Geraint and E. 58 PeUeas and E. 280 „ 323 Charity 29 Marr. of Geraint 388 Gareth and L. 575 D. ofF. Women m Enoch Arden 683 WU15 Maitd I xiii 3 Romney's R. 152 Enoch Arden i^^Z St. S. Stylites 132 Princess i 34 Arabian Nights 114 Supp. Confessions 159 Caress'dj or chidden 3 D. ofF. Women 85 Locksley Hall 171 Will Water. 106 L. of Burleigh 50 Princess i 227 Maud Iv 5 Com. of Arthur 47 Gareth and L. 923 Lover's Tale iv 160 Village Wife 91 Tomorrow 45 Owd Roa 49 St. Tel&nachus 27 42 Crossing tlie Bar 2 To the Queen 14 Supp. Confessions 180 Sea-Fairies 9 Oriana 32 The Merman 26 26 Call (verb) {continued) if any came near I would c, and shriek. The Mermaid 38 will she answer if I c ? Miller's D. 118 You must wake and c me early, c me early, (repeat) May Queen 1, 41 If you do not c me loud when the day begins to break ; ,,10 They c me cruel-hearted, but I care not what they say, ,, 19 If you're waking c me early, c me early, (repeat) May Queen, N. Y's. E. 1, 52 c me before the day is born. ,, 49 in the wild March-morning I heard the angels c ; May Qiieen, Con. 25 in the wild March-morning I heard them c my soul. " ,, 28 1 am that Rosamond, whom men c fair, D. of F. Women 251 for themselves and those who c them friend ? M. d' Arthur 253 Or change a word with her he c's his wife, Dora 44 Father ! — if you let me c you so — „ 140 ' They c me what they will,' he said : Golden Year 14 as of old, the curlews c, . Locksley Hall 3 Hark, my merry comrades c me, ' ,, 145 Yet say the neighbours when they c, Amphion 5 guest, Shall c thee from the boxes. Will Water. 240 But when he c's, and thou shalt cease ,, 241 What do they c you ? ' ' Katie.' The Brook 211 the voice that c's Doom upon kings, ' Aylmer's Field 741 do not c him, love, Before you prove him, ' Sea Dreams 170 From childly wont and ancient use I c — Lucretius 209 I — would c them masterpieces : Princess i 145 Brutus of my kind ? Him you c great : ,, m 285 Should I not c her wise, who made me wise ? „ 396 c down from Heaven A blessing on her labours „ 478 She c's her plagiarist ; ,, m 94 ' There sinks the nebulous star we c the Sun, ,, ivl9 And c her Ida, tho' I knew her not, And c her sweet, as if in irony. And c her hard and cold which seem'd a truth : „ vii 96 the children c, and I Thy shepherd pipe, ,, 217 again the people C it but a weed. The Flower 24 c us Britain's barbarous populaces, Boddicea 7 and c To what I feel is Lord of all, In Mem. Iv 18 To clap their cheeks, to c them mine. In Mem. Ixxxiv 18 c The spirits from their golden day, ,, xciv 5 To whom a thousand memories c, ,, cxi 10 But trust that those we c the dead ,, cxmiiSt you may c it a little too ripe, Maud I HQ Whatever they c him, what care I, ,, x 64 Who shall c me ungentle, unfair, „ oyiii 14 Scarcely, now, would I c him a cheat ; „ 29 That heard me softly c, ,, // iv 76 Merlin's master (so they c him) Bleys, Com. of Arthur 153 those who hate him in their hearts, C him bascborn, ,, 180 And there was none to c to but himself. ,, 202 Than make him knight because men c him king, Gareth and L. 420 Look therefore when he c's for this in hall, ,, 583 Proud in their fantasy c themselves the Day, ,, 633 But that I heard thee c thyself a knave, — ,, 1163 damsel, be you wise To c him shamed, ,, 1260 And tho' I heard him c you fairest fair, Marr. of Geraint 720 his own ear had heard C herself false : Geraint and E. 114 C for the woman of the house,' ,, 263 bad the host C in what men soever were his friends, ,, 286 Yet fear me not : I c mine own self wild, ,, 311 For, c it lovers' quarrels, yet I know „ 324 C the host and bid him bring Charger and palfrey.' ,, 400 whom her ladies loved to c Enid the Fair, ,, 962 The people c you prophet : let it be : Merlin and V. 317 she will c That three-days-long presageful gloom ,, 319 1 c it, — well, I will not c it vice : ,, 368 Know well that Envy c's you Devil's son, „ 467 And then did Envy c me Devil's son : ,, 497 Master, shall we c him overquick To crop „ 724 Could c him (were it not for womanhood) ,, 786 Could c him the main cause of all their crime ; ,, 788 For fear our people c you lily maid In earnest, Lancelot and E. 386 Call Call (verb) {anUinued) « Me you c great : mine is the ,Tj?Tf®®^*' .,^ , ,. Lancelot and E. 4i6 J ather, you c me wilful, and the fault Is yours T^q Would c her friend and sister, sweet Elaine " 865 I needs must follow death, who c's for me • C and " I follow, I follow ! let me die.' ' lOjj I know not what you c the highest ; " 1 0SO and bid c the ghostly man Hither, " Toqg To this I c my friends in testimony, " 1099 Art thou not he whom men c light-of-love ? ' Pdlea^'and E. 361 "Trik. nl^^?+f Arthur up m heaven ? ' Last Tournament 333 j-trike against the man they c My sister's son- Guvneoere 572 how dare I c him mine ? The shadow of another ^^^'^^^e o'^ JNor shun to c me sister, dwell with you • " 676 B^tVfor'f?"" ^^'^ ^'^'^fu"* my house ' Pass, of Arthur 155 Both for themselves and those who c them friend « 421 WhTTn^^H ^^''^ ^^'^ People c ' The Hill of Woe. ' ' Lover'^ Tale i 374 Why should he c me to-night, Riznah '? and you, will you c it a theft ?- n%zpali6 he used but to c in the dark, " co he c's to me now from the church " of Good-night. I am going. He c's. " og Th.,?r*°'" 'V'* "'^^l^^^ rr. N-/., '^ curse your fellow-victim ? c'him dotard in your ^ ' "^ ^ rage used to c the very flowers Sisters, brothers— " 101 Dead the new astronomy c's her . . " 175 g^^r'psisrtithyou, ' n.^rl>^^3l rwoTd^^hro-^^thTfi^tVr^-^^^^^^^ '^"^J Down I ^t^l^ ^"'" ^""'^°" '^^ ^'^ MaryBoyltl Spn^l^ <^ t ?r"' ^ ^"""l companions, i»/erfo>i «nrf i 36 99 119 99 227 99 ulO 15 )J 135 3> 217 fi 271 9 7 296 99 318 }| 346 }> 354 99 432 9J 467 JJ Hi 18 99 36 57 9) 87 39 123 99 136 99 168 183 99 290 )9 319 99 335 365 J) iv 221 9) 283 99 298 99 315 99 321 99 342 99 373 99 401 99 431 99 441 467 95 559 99 569 573 jj v26i jj 337 J) 340 99 370 99 424 99 477 99 523 J9 vi 15 9) 29 t) „ 38,43 77 9 9 83 99 250 99 328 9) 345 mi22 jj 43 9) 56 J ) 78 92 99 138 Came 77 Came Came (continued) when she c From barren deeps to conquer Ma all with love ; when we ceased There c a minute's pause, C thro' the jaws of Death, Remember how we c at last To Como ; Up there c a flower, at last it seem'd that an answer c. And looking back to whence I c, ' I murmur 'd, as I c along, The path we c by, thorn and flower, c In whispers of the beauteous world. This truth c borne with bier and pall, But if they c who past away, c on that which is, and caught The deep pulsations c at length To find a stronger faith his own ; And out of darkness c the hands they went and c, Remade the blood if an enemy's fleet c yonder round the hill, when the morning c In a cloud, it faded, C out of her pitying womanhood, She c to the village church, Last week c one to the county town, However she c to be so allied, snow-limb'd Eve from whom she c. Let no one ask me how it c to pass ; And at last, when each c home, He c with the babe-faced lord ; hard mechanic ghost That never c from on high C glimmering thro' the laurels At the quiet evenfall. Everything c to be known, for he c not back From the wilderness, know not whether he c in the Hanover ship, man was less and less, till Arthur c. wolf and boar and bear C night and day, But heard the call, and c : when they c before him, the King said, c to Cameliard, With Gawain and young Modred, I know not whether of himself he c, Why, Gawain, when he c With Modred hither c an ancient man. Long-bearded, They c from out a sacred mountain-cleft Then c a widow crying to the King, C yet another widow crying to him. Then c Sir Kay, the seneschal, and cried, Then c in hall the messenger of Mark, suppliant crying c With noise of ravage out of kitchen c The thralls in throng, Out of the smoke he c, and so my lance Hold, ' Well that Ye c, or else these caitiff rogues Wherethro' the serpent river coil'd, they c. ,, 906 three fair girls in gilt and rosy raiment c : ,, 927 Then when he c upon her, spake ' Methought, ,, 991 The savour of thy kitchen c upon me ,, 993 damsel c. And arm'd him in old arms, ,, 1114 unhappiness Of one who c to help thee, ,, 1238 Why c ye not, when call'd ? ,, 1247 a page Who c and went, and still reported ,, 1338 anon C lights and lights, and once again he blew ; ,, 1371 Remembering when first he c on her Marr. of Oeraint 140 Before him c a forester of Dean, ,, 148 C quickly flashing thro' the shallow ford „ 167 And thither c Geraint, and underneath „ 241 C forward with the helmet yet in hand ,, 28.5 c again with one, A youth, ,, 38.5 thither c the twain, and when Geraint Beheld her ,, .539 and errant knights And ladies c, „ 546 There c a clapping as of phantom hands. ,, .566 and c to loathe His crime of traitor, ,, .593 c A stately queen whose name was Guinevere, ,, 666 therewithal one c and seized on her, ,, 673 C one with this and laid it in my hand, „ 699 I c among you here so suddenly, „ 794 Remembering how first he c on her, „ 842 from the place There c a fair-hair'd youth, Oeraint and R. 201 when the fair-hair'd youth c by him, said, ,, 20.5 Princess vii 163 ,, Con. 4 Light Brigade 46 The Daisy 69 The Flovxr 3 The Victim 24 In Mem. xsdii 7 xxxvii 21 xlvi 2 Ixxix 11 Ixxxv 1 xc\Z xcv 39 xcvi 16 cxxiv 23 Con. 10 id I i 49 vi20 64 viii 1 £c37 adii 36 xmii 28 49 xix 61 II US ii 3.5 iv77 t?51 53 59 Com. of Arthur 12 24 47 166 243 346 Gareth and L. 25 240 „ 260 „ 333 350 367 384 „ 436 694 722 819 Came {continued) c upon him, and he sigh'd ; Crost and c near, lifted adoring eyes, I thought, but that your father c between, Suddenly c, and at his side all pale Dismounting, She rested, and her desolation c Upon her, G riding with a hundred lances up ; ere he c, like one that hails a ship, out of her there c a power upon him ; Neigh'd with all gladness as they c, C purer pleasure unto mortal kind o'er her meek eyes c a happy mist And you c — But once you c, — thither c The King's own leech to look For whatsoever knight against us c and c To learn black magic, and to hate his kind the great Queen C with slow steps, under open blue C on the hoarhead woodman at a bough scream of that Wood-devil I c to quell ! ' a wanton damsel c. And sought for Garlon no quest c, but all was joust and play, turn'd to tyrants when they c to power) They said a light c from her when she moved : and his book c down to me.' C to her old perch back, and settled there. Her eyes and neck glittering went and c ; How c the lily maid by that good shield Of Lancelot, Arthur c, and labouring up the pass, Then c an old, dumb, myriad-wrinkled man, across him c a cloud Of melancholy severe. Past inward, as she c from out the tower. Then c on him a sort of sacred fear. Then c the hermit out and bare him in, C round their great Pendragon, saying since the knight C not to us, c at last, tho' late, to Astolat : c The Lord of Astolat out. One old dame C suddenly on the Queen C on her brother with a happy face She c before Sir Lancelot, for she thought Then c her father, saying in low tones, c her brethren saying, ' Peace to thee, the King C girt with knights : c the fine Gawain and wonder'd at her, And Lancelot later c and mused at her. To answer that which c : I know That Joseph c of old to Glastonbury, And when she c to speak, behold her eyes touch with hand. Was like that music as it c ; ' Then c a year of miracle : ' Then on a summer night it c to pass, Had Camelot seen the like, since Arthur c ; to the Gate of the three Queens we c, C like a driving gloom across my mind. And on the splendour c, flashing me blind ; Open'd his arms to embrace me as he c, I saw not whence it c. return'd To whence I c, the gate of Arthur's wars.' C ye on none but phantoms in your quest, And now I c upon her once again, c a night Still as the day was loud ; My madness c upon me as of old, I c All in my folly to the naked shore. But if indeed there c a sign from heaven, out of those to whom the vision c and the sunshine c along with him. And as he c away, The men who met him strange knights From the four winds c in : out they c, But Pelleas overthrew them Then when he c before Ettarre, from a tiny cave C lightening downward, c the village girls And linger'd talking, Then a long silence c upon the hall, C Tristram, saying, ' Why skip ye so, Geraint and E, 249 9) 304 314 jj 510 )} 518 )| 589 I) 540 M 618 9> 756 >9 765 »» 769 99 845 ) J 922 Balin and Balan 35 jj 126 )9 245 )| 294 ft 548 ij 609 Merlin and V. 145 ) J 518 567 jj 650 } J 903 )> 960 Lancelot and E. 28 *» 47 170 jj 324 jj 346 >9 854 99 519 J) 528 544 99 618 99 626 99 730 9) 791 99 908 99 994 996 )J 1261 99 1267 Holy OraU 12 99 102 115 166 99 179 99 332 99 358 370 jj 413 99 417 99 515 539 jj 562 99 585 99 682 9) 787 99 792 99 873 99 895 Pel leas ai dE.6 99 141 148 jj 220 >J 237 99 426 508 99 609 Latt Tournament 9 Came 78 Cameloi Came {continued) they c Not from the skeleton of a brother-slayer, Last Tournament 46 Fool, I c late, the heathen wars were o'er, ,, 269 Who knew thee swine enow before I c, ,, 304 That night c Arthur home, ,, 755 In the dead night, grim faces c and went Before her, when she c to Almesbury she spake a rumour wildly blown about C, remembering Her thought when first she c, when at last he c to Camelot, there was no man knew from whence he c ; There c a day as still as heaven, Lancelot c, Reputed the best knight C to that point where first she saw the King then c silence, then a voice, Then c thy shameful sin with Lancelot ; Then c the sin of Tristram and Isolt ; Until it c a kingdom's curse with thee — There c on Arthur sleeping, Gawain c A bitter wind, clear from the North, C on the shining levels of the lake. So to the barge they c. therewithal c on him the weird rhyme, Then from the dawn it seem'd there c, There c a glorious morning, such a one first we c from out the pines at noon, sounds of joy That c on the sea-wind. Last we c To what our people call yet to both there c The joy of life Hither we c. And sitting down upon the golden moss, then c in The white light of the weary moon Had I not learnt my loss before he c ? Could that be more because he c my way ? the wind C wooingly with woodbine smells. I c upon The rear of a procession, c a broad And solid beam of isolated light, I c one day and sat among the stones Then c on me The hollow tolling of the bell, hand she reach'd to those that c behind, Julian c again Back to his mother's house wrapping her all over with the cloak He c in, ' Here ! and how c I here ? ' An hour or two, Camilla's travail c Upon her, Suddenly c her notice and we past, So sweetly and so modestly she c To greet us, And crossing her own picture as she c. So she c in : — I am long in telling it, some other question'd if she c From foreign lands, he was a child, an' he c to harm ; when Harry c home for good. And Harry c home at last, Harry c in, an' I flung him the letter watch'd him, an' when he c in I felt when he c to bid me goodbye. I c into court to the Judge and the lawyers. like a flutter'd bird, c flying from far away : sailed away from Flores till the Spaniard c in sight. And the rest they c aboard us. For a dozen times they c with their pikes and the stars c out far over the summer sea, their high-built galleons c. Ship after ship, I c on lake Llanberris in the dark, Then c the day when I, Flattering myself And the doctor c at his hour, Whv there ? they c to hear their preacher. And c upon th» Mountain of the World, I have accomplish'd what I c to do. Then c two voices from the Sepulchre, what was mine, c happily to the shore. And we c to the isle in the ocean. And we c to the Silent Isle And we c to the Isle of Shouting, And we c to the Isle of Flowers : And we c to the Isle of Fruits : „^^ And we c to the Isle of Fire : .^t>. Gvinevere 70 138 154 182 260 289 292 381 403 419 487 488 550 Pass, of Arthur 30 123 „ 219 373 „ 444 457 Lover's Tale i 299 - „ 310 326 373 385 539 639 665 666 ,, ii 36 74 .172 ,, in 1 9 48 ,, iv 14 87 97 127 154 170 286 302 330 First Quarrel 23 30 35 57 75 78 Rizpah 33 Tlie Revenge 2 23 52 53 56 58 Sisters {E. and E.) 95 „ 139 In the Child. Hosp. 68 Sir J. Oldcastle 42 Columbus 26 „ 65 95 „ 141 I'', of Maeldune 9 11 27 37 55 71 Came (continued) And we c to the Bounteous Isle, V. of Maeldune 83 And we c in an evil time to the Isle ,, 105 And we c to the Isle of a Saint ,, 115 And we c to the Isle we were blown from, ,, 127 c back That wholesome heat the blood To E. Fitzgerald 23 dreadful light G from her golden hair, Tiresias 44 But I c on him once at a ball. The Wreck 47 wail c borne in the shriek of a growing wind, „ 87 then <; the crash of the mast. ,, 92 an answer c Not from the nurse — ,, 143 Mother, she c to me there. ,, 148 That you c unwish'd for, uncall'd. Despair 5 there c thro' the roar of the breaker a whisper, ,, 13 Hoped for a dawn and it c, ,, 27 foam in the dusk c playing about our feet. ,, 50 From out his ancient city c a Seer Ancient Sage 2 The Nameless never c Among us, ,, 54 oft On me, when boy, there c what then I call'd, ,, 217 And yet no comfort c to me. The Flight 18 Pro. to Gen. Hamley 5 You c, and look'd and loved the view C that ' Ave atque Vale ' of the Poet's hopeless woe, from all the world the voices c c On three gray heads beneath a gleaming rift. Given on the morning when you c of age then a woman c And caught me from my nurse She c to you, not me. Vext, that you thought my Mother c to me ? one silent voice C on the wind. And she that c to part them all too late, one day c And saw you, shook her head, I c, I went, was happier day by day ; She always c to meet me carrying you. She c no more to meet me, carrying you, A beauty c upon your face, c, my friend. To prize your various book. You c not, friend ; There no one c, the turf was fresh, so to the land's Last limit I c — c of your own will To wait on one so broken, shouted, and the shepherds heard and c. shape with wings C sweeping by him. Love and Justice c and dwelt therein ; (repeat) that I c on none of his band ; would it matter so much if I c on the street ? — a widow c to my door : birthday c of a boy born happily dead. Camel c's knelt Unbidden, and the brutes And like the all-enduring c, driven Cameliard Leodogran, the King of C, And thus the land of C was waste, came to C, With Gawain and young Modred, Camelot road runs by To many-tower'd C ; island in the river Flowing down to C. shallop flitteth silken-sail'd Skimming down to C : river winding clearly, Down to tower'd C: A curse is on her if she stay To look down to G. she sees the highway near Winding down to G : long-hair'd page in crimson clad, Goes by to tower'd C ; with plumes and lights And music, went to C-. As he rode down to C: (repeat) She look'd down to C. Frater Ave, etc. 5 Demeter and P. 66 82 Tlie Ring 77 117 138 140 154 216 312 348 352 385 Happy 51 To Ulysses 46 To Mary Boyle 17 Prog, of Spnng 72 Merlin and the G. 110 Romney's R. 16 Death of (Enon^ 56 St. Telemachus 25 Akbar's Dream 181, 194 Bandit's Death 40 Charity 8 „ 26 „ 34 Merlin and V. 575 Lover's Tale i 136 Com. of Arthur 1 20 243 L. of ShaZott i 5 14 23 32 ii 5 14 23 32 L. ofShalott Hi 14, 23, 32 L. of Shalott Hi 41 Heavily the low sky raining Over tower'd C; ,, iv 5 With a glassy countenance Did she look to C. ,, 14 Thro' the noises of the night She floated down to C: „ 23 her eyes were darken'd wholly, Tuni'd to tower'd G. ,, 32 Silent into C. » 41 they cross'd themselves for fear, All the knights at C: „ 50 Walking about the gardens and the halls Of C, M. d' Arthur 21 Shot thro' the lists at C, ,,224 plain That broaden'd toward the base of C, Gareth and L. 188 then enter'd with his twain C, ,, 303 king. Was ev'n upon his way to C; ,, 392 helping back the dislocated Kay To C, „ 1214 Camelot 79 Capital Camelot (contimied) That eat in Arthur's hall at 0. Marr, of Oeraint 432 Adown the crystal dykes at O Geraint and E. 470 strange knights Who sit near C at a fountain-side, Balin and Balan 11 ' Too high this mount of C for me : ,, 226 Remembering that dark bower at C,' „ 526 But Vivien, into C stealing, lodged Merlin and V. 63 In Arthur's arras hall at C : ,, 250 this dealt him at Caerlyle ; That at Caerleon ; this at C : Lancelot and E. 23 let proclaim a joust At C, ,, 77 Shall I appear, Queen, at 0, ,, 142 go to joust as one unknown At C for the diamond, ,, 191 To ride to C with this noble knight : ,, 220 knew there lived a knight Not far from C, ,, 402 when they reach'd the lists By C in the meadow, ,, 429 ' What news from 0, lord ? ,,620 To C, and before the city-gates Came on her brother ,, 790 His own far blood, which dwelt at C ; ,, 803 helmet in an abbey far away From C, Holy Grail 7 o'er the plain that then began To darken under C : „ 218 For all the sacred mount of C, ,, 227 never yet Had C seen the like, since Arthur came ; „ 332 O brother had you known our C, „ 339 Lancelot slowly rode his warhorse back To C, Pelleas and E. 584 mock -knight of Arthiir's Table Round, At C, Last Totirnavient 3 trumpet-blowings ran on all the ways From G, „ 53 At C, ere the coming of the Queen.' Gvinevere 223 And when at last he came to C, ,, 260 And in thy bowers of or of Usk „ 503 Walking about the gardens and the halls Of C, Pass, of Arthur 189 Shot thro' the lists at C, „ 392 Clouds and darkness Closed upon C ; Merlin and the G. 76 Camest Come not as thou c of late, Ode to Memory 8 Whilome thou c with the morning mist, (repeat) ,, 12, 21 friend, who c to thy goal So early, In Mem. cxiv 23 but thee, When first thou c — Holy Grail 22 can no more, thou c, my child, Demeter and P. 4 Camilla thou and I, C, thou and I Were borne Lover's Tale i 53 bore C close beneath her beating heart, ,, 203 What marvel my C told me all ? (repeat) ,, 557, 579 C, my C, who was mine No longer in the dearest sense ,, 586 And as for me, C, as for me, — ,, 764 Sometimes I thought C was no more, ,, ii 69 An hour or two, C's travail came Upon her, ,, iv 127 To bring C down before them all. ,, 285 Camp Thro' the courts, the c's, the schools, Visuyti of Sin 104 And at her head a follower of the c, Princess v 60 a murmur ran Thro' all the c and inward raced ,, 111 Back rode we to my father's c, ,, 331 ' See that there be no traitors in your c : ,, 425 King, c and college tum'd to hollow shows ; ,, 478 ' Follow me, Prince, to the c, Geraint and E. 808 when they reach'd the c the King himself ,, 878 Campanili What slender c grew By bays, The Daisy 13 Campion See Bose-campion Camulodiine near the colony G, Boddicea 5 Lo their colony half-defended ! lo their colony, C ! ,,17 lo the colony C, (repeat) ,, 31, 53 city, and citadel, London, Verulam, C ,,86 Can 'Tis but a steward of the c, Will Water. 149 truth, that flies the flowing c, ,, 171 ' Fill the cup, and fill the c : (repeat) Vidmi of Sin 95, 119, 203 ' Fill the c, and fill the cup : (repeat) „ 131, 167 Cana like him of C in Holy Writ, Holy Grail 762 Canada loyal pines of C murmur thee, W. to Marie Alex. 19 To G whom we love and prize. Hands all Round 19 Canadian V, Indian, Australasian, African, On, Jub. Q. Victoria 60 Canal The boat-head down a broad c AraMan Nights 25 the clear c Is rounded to as clear a lake. ,, 45 Cancel Hours That c weal with woe. Ancient Sage 96 Cancell'd Is c in the world of sense ? ' ^ Tioo Voices 42 Powers, who wait On noble deeds, c a sense misused ; Godiva 72 And c nature's best : In Mem. Ixxii 20 At length my trance Was c, ,, xcv 44 Cancer Cured lameness, palsies, c's. St. S. Stylites 82 Candle an' just as c's was lit, North. Gobbler 87 Candle-light and with solemn rites by c-l — Princess v 292 Cane court-Galen poised his gilt-head c, ,, i 19 home in the c's by the purple tide. The Wreck 71 Your c, your palm, tree-fern, bamboo, To Ulysses 36 in the sultry plains About a land of c's ; Prog, of Spring 78 Canker (b) As but the c of the brain ; 'in Mem. xcii 3 Canker (verb) No lapse of moons can c Love, ,, xxviS Canker'd See Worm-canker'd Canning Or stow'd, when classic G died. Will Water. 101 Thou third great G, stand among our best Epit. on Stratford 1 Cannon with knobs and wires and vials fired A c ; Princess, Pro. 66 the volleying c thunder his loss ; Ode on Well. 62 Roll of c and clash of arms, ,, 116 Your c's moulder on the seaward wall ; ,, 173 G to right of them, G to left (repeat) Light Brigade 18, 39 C in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd ; ,, 20 C behind them Volley 'd and thunder'd ; ,, 41 cobweb woven across the c's throat Shall shake Maud III vi 27 Cannonade In the crash of the c's The Revenge 78 Hark c, fusillade ! is it true what was told Def, of Lwcloimo 95 Cannon-ball and death from their c-6's, ,, 14 musket-bullets, and thousand of c-&'s — ,, 93 Cannon-bullet Nor the c-h rust on a slothful shore, Mavd III vi 26 Cannon-shot Cs, musket-shot, volley on volley, Def. of Lucknoio 34 Fell like a c. Burst like a thunderbolt. Heavy Brigade 26 Canon Archbishop, Bishop, Priors, Gs, Sir J. Oldcastle 160 Canonized See Half-canonized CanopuB and lit Lamps which out-burn'd C D.ofF. Women li6 Canopy in the costly c o'er him set, Lancelot and E. 443 Canter 'ear my 'erse's legs, as they c's awaay. N. Farmer, N. S. 1 proputty, proputty — c an' o awaay? ,, 60 Canterbury-bell Roses and lilies and G-h's.' Gity Ghild 5 Canvas In the north, her c flowing. The Captain 27 By glimmering lanes and walls of c Princess v 6 such a breeze Compell'd thy c, In Mem. xvii 2 Launch your vessel, And crowd your c. Merlin and the G. 127 Could make pure light live on the c % Romney's R. 10 Canvass Doubtless our narrow world must c it : Aylmer's Field 774 And so last night she fell to c you : Princess Hi 40 Canvass'd He c human mysteries, A Gharacter 20 Canzonet A rogue of c's and serenades. Princess iv 135 Cap (s) Nor wreathe thy c with doleful crape. My life is full 14 Her c blew off, her gown blew up. The Goose 51 I do not hear the bells upon my c, Edwin Morris 56 we know the hue Of that c upon her brows. Vision of Sin 142 knightlike in his c instead of casque, Princess iv 600 man's own angry pride Is c and bells for a fool. Maud I vi 62 Mounted in arms, threw up their c's Gareth and L. 697 put on the black c except for the worst Rizpah 65 staghom-moss, and this you twined About her c. Romney's R. 80 Cap (verb) ' That c's owt, says Sally, North. Gobbler 71 And c our age with snow ? ' Ancient Sage 98 Capability love for him have drain'd My capahilities of love ; In Mem. locxoco 12 Capable neither c of lies, Nor asking overmuch Enoch Arden 251 Cape (headland) tower, and hill, and c, and isle. Mine be the strength 6 So they past by c's and islands, The Captain 21 We past long lines of Northern c's The Voyage 35 By grassy c's with fuller sound Sir L. and Q. G. 14 lake and lawn, and isles and c's — Vision of Sin 11 Then after a long tumble about the G Enoch Aiden 532 fold to fold, of mountain or of c ; Princess vii 3 On c's of Afric as on cliffs of Kent, W. to Marie Alex. 17 Or olive-hoary c in ocean ; The Daisy 31 would not pass beyond the c That has the poplar on it : Lancelot and E. 1039 round from the cliffs and the c's, V. of Maddune 55 stood on each of the loftiest c's ,j IQQ set me climbing icy c's And glaciers. To E. Fitzgerald 25 From isle and c and continent. Open. I. and G. Exhib. 4 Cape (a covering) with ermine c's And woolly breasts In Mem. xcv. 11 Caper Making a roan horse c and curvet Lancelot and E. 792 Capital North to gain Her c city, 27te Ring 482 Capitol 80 Cared Capitol the pillar'd Parthenon, The glittering C ; Caprera which here The warrior of (7 set, Captain melting the mighty hearts Of c's and of kings. The c of my dreams Ruled in the eastern sky. Brave the C was : harsh and cruel Seem'd the Cs mood. Then the C$ colour heighten 'd, beneath the water Crew and C lie ; Now mate is blind, and c lame, He got it ; for their c after fight, Without the c's knowledge : Communing with his c's of the war. young c's flash'd their glittering teeth, to meet us lightly pranced Three c's out ; every c waits Hungry for honour. Foremost c of his time, those deep voices our dead c taught The tyrant, To a lord, a c, a padded shape, the crew were gentle, the c kind ; band will be scatter'd now their gallant c is dead Captain 's-ear His c-e has heard them boom Captive 'sdeath ! and he himself Your c, The c void of noble rage. Ye cage a buxom c here and there. seized upon my papers, loosed My c's, void of joy, Lest she be taken c — flay Cs whom they caught in battle — Car reverent people behold The towering c, Fixt by their c's, waited the golden dawn. thro' which the c Of dark A'ldoneus rising Caracole round the gallery made his horse C ; Carddos (King) C, Urion, Cradlemont of Wales, Caravel frailer c, With what was mine, Carbonek the enchanted towers of C, Carcanet Make a c of rays, a c Of ruby swaying to and fro, c Vext her with plaintive memories of the child : • Because the twain had spoil'd her c. Tristram show'd And swung the ruby c. Carcase make the c a skeleton. Many a c they left to be carrion. Card Insipid as the Queen upon a c ; Care (s) and the c That yokes vnth empire, He hath no c of life or death ; sure it is a special c Of God, Thee nor carketh c nor slander ; And little other c hath she, Grows green and broad, and takes no c, a low voice, full of c, Murmur'd took with c, and kneeline on one knee, Come, G and Pleasure, Hope and Pain, Thy c is, under polish'd tins, Cast all your c's on God : mother cared for it With all a mother's c : no kin, no c, No burthen, save my c for you The common c whom no one cared for, Seam'd with the shallow c's of fifty years : takes a lady's finger with all c, each by other drest with c Descended She had the c of Lady Ida's youth, either she will die from want of c, out of long frustration of her c, mental breadth, nor fail in childward c, Comb, when no graver c's employ, Which once she foster'd up with c ; Is this the end of all my c ? ' If any c for what is here Survive Her c is not to part and prove ; And falling with my weight of c's O sound to rout the brood of c's, A song that slights the coming c, Let c's that petty shadows cast. Ring out the want, the c, the sin, And if the song were full of c, Freedom 4 To Ulysses 26 D. ofF. Women 176 263 The Captain 5 „ 14 „ 29 68 The Voyage 91 Aylmer's Field 226 717 PrtTwess i 67 „ v20 255 313 Ode on Well. 31 69 Maud 7 a; 29 The Wreck 129 , Bandit's Death 41 Ode on Well. 65 Princess v 277 In Mem, xxvii 2 Mo'lin and V. 542 Columbus 131 Tiresias 102 Loclcsle^i H., Sixty 80 Ode on Well. 55 Spec, of Iliad 'n Demeter and P. 38 Last Tournament 206 Com. of Arthur 112 Columbus 140 Holy Grail 813 Adeline 59 Last Tournament 6 28 419 740 Boddicea 14 Batt. of Brunanburh 105 Aylmer's Field 28 To the Queen 9 Supp. Confessions 48 63 A Dirge 8 L. of Shalott a 8 Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 28 D. ofF. Women 2\9 M. d' Arthur 173 Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 55 Will Water. 227 Enoch Arden 222 263 418 Aylmer's Field 688 814 Princess, Pro. 173 ,, iii 19 85 „ V 85 ,, vii 101 283 To F. D. Maurice 1 In Mem. via 16 xii 14 Dcxxviii 9 xlviii 5 IvU Ixaxdx 17 xcix 10 wis ci>i 17 cxxv 9 Care (s) {continued) Shall I not take c of all that I think, Maud I xv7 Forgetful of his princedom and its c's. Marr. of Geraint 54 he thought, ' In spite of all my c, ,, 115 Told him that her fine c had saved his life. Lancelot a^id E. 863 so forgot herself A moment, and her c's : Last Tournam^ent 26 took with c, and kneeling on one knee, Pass, of Arthur 341 oifices Of watchful c and trembling tenderness. Lover's Talei 226 But there from fever and my c of him ,, iv 143 the Lord has look'd into my c, Rizpah 75 lad will need little more of your c* In the Child. Hosp. 17 days' of fever, and want of c ! The Wreck 147 Muriel nursed you with a mother's c ; The Ring 349 made you leper in His loving c for both, Happy 91 With politic c, with utter gentleness, A Icbar's Dream 128 Care (verb) You c not for another's pains, Rosalind 19 random eyes. That c not whom they kill, ,, 38 Nor c's to lisp in love's delicious creeds ; Caress'd or chidden 11 She still will take the praise, and c no more. The form, the form 14 Nor c to sit beside her where she sits — Wan Sculptor 10 I c not what the sects may brawl. Palace of Art 210 Too proud to c from whence I came. L. C. V. de Vere 12 but I c not what they say, * May Queen 19 I c not if I go to-day. ,, Con. 43 But if you c indeed to listen, hear Golden Year 20 Like wealthy men who c not how they give. Tithonus 17 be happy ! wherefore should I c ? Lochsley Hall 97 To choose your own you did not c ; Day-Dm., L' Envoi 30 And that for which I c to live. ,, 56 I c no longer, being all unblest : Come not, when etc. 8 What c I for any name ? Vision of Sin 85 ' His head is low, and no man c's for him. Enoch Arden 850 if my children c to see me dead, ,, 888 Would c no more for Leolin's walking Aylmer's Field 124 Slight was his answer ' Well — I c not for it : ' ,, 238 I c not for it either ; ' ,, _ 248 wherefore need he c Greatly for them, Lucretius 150 ' G not thou ! Thy duty ? What is duty ? , , _ 280 c not while we hear A trumpet in the distance Princess iv 80 myself, what c I, war or no? »> ^ 278 And, right or wrong, I c not: ,, 290 nor c's to walk With Death and Morning ,, vii 203 Him who c's not to be great. Ode on Well. 199 what do I c for Jane, let her speak of you Grandmother 51 shall we c to be pitiful ? Boadicea 32 Nor c's to fix itself to form, In Mem. xxxiii 4 I c for nothing, all shall go. ,, Ivii I c not in these fading days ,, Ixxv 9 Whatever they call him, what c I, Maud I x 64 But now shine on, and what c I, ,) xnlii_ 41 C not thou to reply : „ ^^ ***' 7 G not for shame : thou art not knight but knave." Gareth ayid L. 1006 ' And c not for the cost ; the cost is mine.' Geraint and E. 288 Nor did I c or dare to speak with you, ,, 871 He c's not for me : only here to-day lAmcelot and E. 126 nor c's For triumph in our mimic wars, ,, 311 she cried, ' I c not to be wife, „ 937 I c not howsoever great he be, ,, 1069 And this am I, so that ye c for me Holy Grail 615 C's but to pass into the silent life. ,, 899 And pass and c no more. Pelleas and E. 77 wherefore shouldst thou c to mingle with it, Last To^irnament 105 since I c not for thy pearls. ,, 314 C not for her ! patient, and prayerful, „ 607 I the King should greatly c to live ; Guinevere 452 Not greatly c to lose ; >> 495 And c not thou for dreams from him, Pass, of Arthur 58 Do you think that I c for my soul if my boy Rizpah 78 I c not for a name— no fault of mine. Sisters (E. and E. ) 77 Not es I c's fur to hear ony harm, ViUage Wife 22 Ah why should we c what they say ? In the Child. Hosp. 71 heart of the father will c for his own.' The Wreck 98 Fly— c not. Birds and brides must leave Tlie Ring 9Q their music here be mortal need the singer greatly c ? Parnassus 18 Cared Which you had hardly c to see. L. C. V. de Vere 32 nor heard of her, nor c to hear. Nor c to hear ? Edwin Morris 138 Cared 81 Casd Caxed (continued) Nor c for seed or scion ! Amphion 12 if he c For her or his dear children, Enoch Arden 163 Yet sicklier, tho' the mother c for it ,, 262 G not to look on any human face, „ 282 question'd, aught of what he c to know. ,, 654 Held his head high, and c for no man, ,, 848 prov'n or no. What c he ? Ayhaer's Fidd 55 Me ?— but I c not for it. „ 244 slowly lost Nor greatly c to lose, her hold on life. ,, 568 The common care whom no one c for, ,, 688 Nor ever c to better his own kind, Sea Dreams 201 c not for the affection of the house ; Princess i 26 And some they c not ; till a clamour grew ,, iv 486 but she nor c Nor knew it, ,, vi 149 Which little c for fades not yet. In Mem. viii 20 Nor c the serpent at thy side ,, ex 7 Now I thought that she c for me, Maud I xiv 25 Nor c a broken egg-shell for her lord. Oeraint and E. 364 Was c as much for as a summer shower : ,, 523 storm Urake on the mountain and I c not for it. Merlin and V. 503 cackle of the unborn about the grave, I c not for it : ,, 508 G not for her, nor anything upon earth.' Holy Grail 612 I c not for the thorns ; Pelleas and E. 404 who c Only to use his own. Lover's Tale iv 311 For I c so much for my boy that the Lord Rizpah 75 meller 'e mun be by this, & I c to taaste. North. Gobbler 101 he c not for his own ; The Flight 78 Fur I niver c nothink for neither — • Spinster's Ss. 62 Nor ever c to set you on her knee, The Rin^ 386 Caxeful At you, so c of the right. To F. D. Mauitce 10 All in quantity, c of my motion, Heiidecasi/llabics 5 So c of the type she seems. In Mem. Iv 7 ' So c of the type ? ' but no. ,, Ivi 1 And that which knows, but c for itself, To tlie Queen ii 57 Carefuller A c in peril, did not breathe Enoch Arden 50 Careless G both of wind and weather, Rosalind 7 To wait for death — mute — c of all ills, Jf 1 were loved 10 like Gods together, c of mankind. Lotos-Eaters, G. S. 110 And Enoch's comrade, c of himself, Enoch Arden 568 Where c of the household faces near, Aylmer's Field 575 but he that holds The Gods are c, Lucretius 150 ye Gods, I know you c, ,, 208 Rapt in her song, and c of the snare. Princess i 221 So c of the single life ; In Mem. Iv 8 Now with slack rein and c of himself, Balin and Balan 309 eats And uses, c of the rest ; Merlin and V. 463 Then answer'd Merlin c of her words : ,, 700 Merlin answer'd c of her charge, ,, 754 G of all things else, led on with light Lover's Tale i 77 G of our growing kin. Open I. and G. Exhib. 23 Careless-order'd All round a c-o garden To F. D. Maurice 15 Caress (s) The trance gave way To those c'cs, Love and Duty 66 Or for chilling his c'es Maud I xx 12 white hand whose ring'd c Had wander'd Balin and Balan 512 Thy hurt and heart with unguent and c — Last Tournament 595 that no c could win my wife Sisters (E. and E. ) 258 at home if I sought for a kindly c. The Wreck 31 Caress (verb) ' Thrice-happy he that may c The ringlet's waving balm — Talking Oak 177 be not wrathful with your maid ; G her : Merlin and V. 381 Caress'd G or chidden by the slender hand, Garess'd or chidden 1 Carest c not How roughly men may woo Lucretius 272 Careworn contracting grew Cand wan ; Enoch Arden 487 Carian Artemisia The G A strong in war, Princess ii 81 Caring not for his own self c but her, Enoch Arden 165 No longer c to embalm In dying songs In Mem., Gon. 13 Carketh Thee nor c care nor slander ; A Dirge 8 Carnage Leaving his son too Lost in the c, Batt. of Brunanburh 73 Could we dream of wars and c, Locksley H., Sixty 189 Carnation See Bose-camation Carnival Love in the sacred halls Held c Princess vii 85 Carol (s) Flow'd forth on a c free and bold ; Dying Swan 30 Heard a c, mournful, holy, L. of Shalott iv 28 She, as her c sadder grew, Mariana in the S, 13 Losing her c I stood pensively, D. of F. Wom^n 245 Carol (s) {continued) swan That, fluting a wild c ere her death, M. d' Arthur 267 every bird of Eden burst In c. Day -Dm., L' Envoi 44 The hall with harp and c rang. In Mem, ciii 9 swan That, fluting a wild c ere her death, Pass, of Arthur 435 And lavish c of clear-throated larks Lover's Tale i 283 Carol (verb) merrily, merrily c the gales, Sea-Fairies 23 The balm-cricket c's clear In the green A Dirge 47 if I should c aloud, from aloft All things The Mernvaid 52 Or c some old roundelay, Oareth and L. 506 That you should c so madly ? The Throstle 8 Caroline Margaret and Mary, there's Kate and G : Alay Queen 6 CaroUeth the grasshopper c clearly ; Leonine Eleg. 5 Carolling (-See also Down-carolling) and beside The c water set themselves again, Balin and Balan 44 and c as he went A true-love ballad, Lancelot and E. 704 Carouse ' Soul, make merry and c, Palace of Art 'd Where long and largely we c Will Water. 91 Carp Near that old home, a pool of golden c ; Ma^iT. of Oeraint 648 Carpenter Cooper he was and c, Enoch Arden 814 Born of a village girl, c's son, Aylmer's Field 668 Carpet c es fresh es a midder o' flowers i' Maay — Spinsters S's. 45 Carriage as I found when her c past, Maud I ii3 Carried see me c out from the threshold of the door ; May Queen, JV. Y's. E. 42 But him she c, him nor lights nor feast Lover's Tale iv 310 Carrier-bird As light as c-b's in air ; In Mem. xxv 6 Carrion For whom the c vulture waits To tear his heart You might have won 35 Blacken round the Roman c, Boadicea 14 And deems it c of some woodland thing, Gareth and L. 748 troop of c crows Hung like a cloud Merlin and V. 598 Many a carcase they left to be c, Batt. of Bi-unanburh 105 Carry the king of them all would c me. The Mermaid 45 Warriors c the warrior's pall, Ode on Well. 6 brutes of mountain back That c kings in castles, Merlin and V. 577 Fur 'e'd fetch an' c like owt, Owd Rod 6 Carrying always came to meet me c you. The Ring 352 She came no more to meet me, c you, ,, 385 Cart A^ee Go-cart Carve to c out Free space for every human doubt. Two Voices 136 you may c a shrine about my dust, St. S. Stylites 195 My good blade c's the casques of men, Sir Galahad 1 monstrous males that c the living hound, Princess Hi 310 c's A portion from the solid present, Merlin and V. 461 Beyond all work of those who c the stone, Tiresias 53 Carved Caucasian mind G out of Nature for itself, Palace of Art 127 A million wrinkles c his skin ; „ 138 for if I c my name Upon the cliffs Audley Gourt 48 thou, whereon I c her name, (repeat) Talking Oak 33, 97 read the name I c with many vows ,, 154 Wept over her, c in stone ; Maud I viii 4 Had c himself a knightly shield of wood. Merlin and V. 473 our Lady's Head, G of one emerald Lancelot and E. 295 her scarlet sleeve, Tho' c and cut, ,, 807 Scribbled or c upon the pitiless stone ; Sir J. Oldcastle 5 one c all over with flowers, V. of Maeldune 106 Homer's fame, Tho' c in harder stone — Epilogue 59 Carven {See also Crag-carven) Some blazon'd, some but c, and some blank, Gareth and L. 406 His arms were c only ; ,, 412 shield of Lancelot at her feet Be c, Lancelot and E. 1342 And c with strange figures ; Holy Grail 169 Carven-work from the c-w behind him crept Lancelot and E. 436 Caryatid great statues, Art And Science, Gs, Prhicess iv 201 Cascine What drives about the fresh G, The Daisy 43 Case (covering) {See also Wing-case) And warm'd in crystal c's. Amphion 88 fearing rust or soilure fashion'd for it A c of silk, Lancelot and E. 8 entering barr'd her door, Stript off the c, ,,16 meekly rose the maid, Stript off the c, ,, 979 shield was gone ; only the c, Her own poor work, ,, 990 The silken c with braided blazonings, ,, 1149 Case (circumstance) profits it to put An idle c ? In Mem. xxxv 18 blabbing The c of his patient — Maud II v 37 Case 82 Cast Case (circumstance) (continued) it was all but a hopeless c : In the Child. Hosp, 14 And it was but a hopeless c, ,,16 Casement [See also Chancel-casement) Or at the c seen her stand ? L. of Shcdott i 25 I arose, and I released The c, Two Voices 404 And all the c darken'd there. Miller's D. 128 And fires your narrow c glass, ,, 243 As one that from a c leans his head, D. of F, Women 246 gardener's lodge. With all its c's bedded, AucUey Court 18 Many a night from yonder ivied c, Locksley Hall 7 Flew over roof and c : Will Water. 134 and he clamour'd from a c, ' Run ' The Brook 85 The c slowly grows a glimmering square ; Princess iv 52 All night has the c jessamine stirr'd Maud I xxii 15 Down from the c over Arthur, smote Flame-colour, Com. of Arthur 274 out of bower and c shyly glanced Eyes Oareth and L. 313 Beat thro' the blindless c of the room, Marr. of Geraint 71 rang Clear thro' the open c of the hall, ,, 328 Push'd thro" an open c down, Balin and Balan 413 royal rose In Arthur's c glimmer'd chastely Merlin and V. 740 Unclasping flung the c back, Lancelot and E. 981 Down in a c sat, A low sea-sunset glorying La^t Tournament 507 and in her anguish found The c : Guinevere 587 From that c where the trailer mantles Locksley H., Sixty 257 Close beneath the c crimson with the shield ,, 34 Casement-curtain She drew her c-c by, Mariana 19 Casement-edge That morning, on the c-e Miller's D. 82 Cask when their c's were fiU'd they took aboard : Enoch Arden 646 Casket since The key to that weird c, Ancient Sage 254 Casque And loosed the shatter'd c, and chafed his hands, M. d'A rthur 209 My good blade carves the c's of men. Sir Galahad 1 knightlike in his cap instead of c. Princess iv 600 unlaced my c And grovell'd on my body, ,, m 27 This bare a maiden shield, a c ; Gareth and L. 680 jangling, the c Fell, and he started up Geraint and E. 388 dismount and loose their c's Balin and Balan 573 there first she saw the c Of Lancelot on the wall : Lancelot and E. 805 a crown of gold About a c all jewels ; Holy Grail 411 I saw The pelican on the c of our Sir Bors ,, 635 I remember now That pelican on the c : ,, 700 That ware their ladies' colours on the c. Last Tournament 184 And loosed the shatter'd c, and chafed his hands, Pass, of Arthur 377 Cs were crack'd, and hauberks hack'd The Tourney 7 Cassandra Talk with the wild G, (Enone 263 C, Hebe, Joan, Romney's R. 4 Cassia turning round a c, full in view, Love and Death 4 Cassiopeia had you been Sphered up with C, Princess iv 438 Cissivelaun (British king) hear it, Spirit of G ! Boadicea 20 sweeter then the bride of C, Flur, Marr. of Geraint 744 Cast (mould) take the c Of those dead lineaments Wan Sculptor 1 Not only cunning c's in clay : In Mem. cxx 5 Cast (vomit) Lies the hawk's c, Aylmer's Field 849 Cast (throw) Jephtha vows his child ... to one c of the dice. The Flight 26 Cast (verb) Low on her knees herself she c, Mariana in the S. 27 ' Let me not c in endless shade Two Voices 5 I c me down, nor thought of you, Miller's D. 63 ' This was c upon the board, (Enone 79 And c the golden fruit upon the board, ,, 226 those That are c in gentle mould. To J. S. 4 Memory standing near C down her eyes, ,, 54 • And if indeed I c the brand away, M. d' Arthur 88 Dora c her eyes upon the ground, Bora 89 who would c and balance at a desk, Audley Court 44 ' Yet, since I first could c a shade. Talking Oak 85 Had c upon its crusty side Will Water. 103 overboard one stormy night He c his body, The Voyage 80 C all your cares on God ; Enoch Arden 222 C his strong arms about his drooping wife, ,, 228 •Enoch, poor man, was c away and lost, „ 713 Repeated muttering ' c away and lost ; ' ,, 715 she c back upon him A piteous glance, Aylmer's Field 283 But they that c her spirit into flesh, ,, 481 He had c the curtains of their seat aside— ,, 803 Cast (verb) (continued) Shall Babylon be c into the sea ; Sea Dreams 28 The mountain there has c his cloudy slough, Lucretius 177 grandsire burnt Because he c no shadow. Princess i 7 entering here, to c and fling The tricks, ,, ii 62 eddied into suns, that wheeling c The planets : ,, 118 Psyche's child to c it from the doors ; ,, to 238 turn'd her face, and c A liquid look on Ida, ,, 368 But a c oop, thot a did, N. Farmer, 0. S. 14 in a golden hour I c to earth a seed. The Flower 2 She c her arms about the child. The Victim 32 Or c as rubbish to the void. In Mem. liv 7 And if thou c thine eyes below, ,, Ixi 5 Tho' if an eye that's downward c ,, Ixii 1 To chances where our lots were c „ xcii 5 Let cares that petty shadows c, „ cv 13 I seem to c a careless eye On souls, ,, cxii 7 Uther c upon her eyes of love : Com. of Arthur 193 written in the speech ye speak yourself, ' C me „ 305 307 Gareth and L. 401 418 683 803 1011 1153 1403 Marr. of Geraint 73 609 672 807 Geraint and E. 46 572 595 705 707 „ 761 932 away ! time to c away Is yet far-off.' rend In pieces, and so c it on the hearth, rend the cloth and c it on the hearth, cloth of roughest web, and c it down, bound my lord to c him in the mere.' rough dog, to whom he c his coat, but straining ev'n his uttermost C, saw That Death was c to ground. Who, moving, c the coverlet aside. At this she c her eyes upon her dress. And c it on the mixen that it die.' she could c aside A splendour dear to women, she c about For that unnoticed failing c him and the bier in which he lay c his lance aside. And dofE'd his helm : this poor gown I will not c aside arise a living man, And bid me c it. and she c her arms About him, c his eyes On each of all whom Uther left Stumbled headlong, and c his face to ground, Balin and Balan 426 And there in gloom c himself all along, ,, 434 Tore from the branch, and c on earth, the shield, ,, 539 on his dying brother c himself Dying ; ,, 593 As Love, if Love be perfect, c's out fear. So Hate, if Hate be perfect, c's out fear. Merlin and V. 40 C herself down, knelt to the Queen, ,, 66 Where children c their pins and nails, ,, 430 The gentle wizard c a shielding arm. ,, 908 For if his own knight c him down, Lancelot and E. 313 stay'd ; and c his eyes on fair Elaine : „ 640 Leaf after leaf, and tore, and c them off, ,, 1199 The brand Excalibur will be c away. Holy Grail 257 all but hold, and then — c her aside, ,, 622 binding his good horse To a tree, c himself down ; Pclleas and E. 31 c himself down, And gulf'd his griefs ,, 515 but c himself Down on a bench, hard-breathing. ,, 591 a knight c down Before his throne of arbitration ImsI Tournament 161 Like a dry bone c to some hungry hound ? ,, 196 So dame and damsel c the simple white, ,, 232 and c thee back Thine own small saw, ,, _ 711 And c him as a worm upon the way ; Guinevere 35 * And if indeed I c the brand away. Pass, of Arthur 256 Are morning shadows huger than the shapes That c them, To the Queen ii 64 we found The dead man c upon the shore ? Lover's Tale i 295 I c them in the noisy brook beneath, „ ii 41 But c a parting glance at me, ,, iv i ' He c's me out, ' she wept, ' and goes ' ,, 103 She shook, and c her eyes down, ,, 329 Yet c her not away so suddenly, , , 366 ' C awaay on a disolut land wi' a vartical soon 1 ' North. Gobbler 3 And c it to the Moor : Columbus 111 I heard his voice, ' Be not c down. ,, 158 C off, put by, scouted by court and king — ,, 165 C at thy feet one flower that fades To Dante 7 A planet equal to the sun Which c it. To E. Fitzgerald 36 Cast 83 Cattle Cast (verb) (continued) To c wise words among the multitude Tiresias 66 when he c a contemptuous glance The Wreck 25 the crew should c me into the deep, ,, 94 But the blind wave c me ashore, Despair 61 curb the beast would c thee in the mire. Ancient Sage 276 Crime and hunger c our maidens Locksley H. , Sixty 220 C the poison from your bosom, ,, ' 241 shadows which that light would c, Epit. on Caxton 3 The roses that you c aside — Happy 22 Which, c in later Grecian mould, To Master of B. 6 And c aside, when old, for newer, — Akbar's Dream 134 vanish'd in the shadow c by Death. Z>. of the Duke of C.Z Castalies I led you then to all the C ; Princess iv 294 Castanet The starling claps his tiny c's. Prog, of Spring 56 Caste Which stamps the c of Vere de Vere. L. C. V. de Vere 40 I hate the rancour of their c's and creeds, Akbar's Dream 65 Castile The noble and the convict of C, Colurnbus 117 Castillano Weigh'd nigh four thousand C's ,, 136 Casting {See also Shadow-Casting) by two yards in c bar or stone Was counted best ; Gareth and L. 518 unhooded c off The goodly falcon free ; Merlin and V. 130 Castle (adj.) She stood upon the c wall, Oriana 28 Atween me and the c wall, ,, 35 The splendour falls on c walls Princess iv 1 Guinevere Stood by the c walls to watch him pass ; Com. of Arthur 48 Then from the c gateway by the chasm Descending ,, 370 Then rode Geraint into the c court, Marr of Geraint 312 And while he waited in the c court, ,, 326 met The scorner in the c court, Balin and Balan 387 Moving to meet him in the c court ; Lancelot and E. 175 Then bounded forward to the c walls, Pelleas and E. 363 Castle (s) (-See also Sea-castle) c, built When men knew how to build, Edwin Morris 6 See the lordly c's stand : L. of Burleigh 18 And built their c's of dissolving sand Enoch Arden 19 The lady of three c's in that land : Princess i 79 Well, Are c's shadows ? Three of them ? >) w 414 Shall those three c'« patch my tatter'd coat? ,, 416 dear are those three c's to my wants, ,, 417 To that fair port below the c The Daisy 79 Seeing his gewgaw c shine, Maud I xl8 he that held Tintagil c by the Cornish sea, Com. of Arthur 187 Closed in her c from the sound of arms. Gareth and L. 163 husband's brother had my son Thrall'd in his c, ,, 358 And saddening in her childless c, ,, 528 holds her stay'd In her own c, ,, 616 And on one side a c in decay, Marr. of Geraint 245 And keeps me in this ruinous c here, ,, 462 till the c of a King, the hall Of Pellam, Balin and Balan 331 from the c a cry Sounded across the court, ,, 399 brutes of mountain back That carry kings in c's, Merlin and V. 577 Ran to the C of Astolat, Lancelot and E. 167 and again By c Gumion, where the glorious King , , 293 The Princess of that c was the one. Holy Orail 578 A c like a rock upon a rock, „ 814 when she gain'd her c, upsprang the bridge, Pelleas and E. 206 Catlike thro' his own c steals my Mark, Last Tournament 516 And fly to my strong c overseas : Guinevere 113 Round that strong c where he holds the Queen ; ,, 194 Castle-bridge until he stood There on the c-b Pelleas and E. 443 Castle-gate sought for Garlon at the c-g's, Balin a-)id Balan 610 Castle Perilous She lives 'va.C P: Gareth and L. 611 pitch'd Beside the C P on flat field, ,, 1363 Castle-wall her orchard underneath Her c-w's, Holy Grail 594 Castle- well pool or stream. The c-w, belike ; Lancelot and E, 215 Casualty Howbeit ourself, foreseeing c, _ Princess Hi 317 Cat {See also Tiger-cat) When c's run home and light is come. The Owl i 1 yelp'd the cur, and yawl'd the c ; The Goose 33 like dove and dove were c and dog. Walk, to the Mail 58 Her gay-furr'd c's a painted fantasy, Princess Hi 186 the two great c's Close by her, ,, . vi 357 Within the hearing of c or mouse, Maud II v 48 I will be deafer than the blue-eyed c, Holy Grail 865 Cat {continued) an' scratted my faace like a c, North. Cobbler 22 they kep the c an' the dog, Toinorrow 71 a c may loook at a king thou knaws but the c mun be clean. Spinster's S's. 34 fond o' thy bairns es I be mysen o' my c's, ,, 83 till the Lion look no larger than the C, Till the G thro' that mirage Locksley H., Siody 112 c wur a-sleeJipin alongside Roaver, Owd Rod 33 to-daay, when she hurl'd a plaate at the c Church-warden, etc. 25 Catacomb water falls In vaults and c's. In Metn. Iviii 4 Catalepsy paw'd his beard, and mutter'd 'c' Princess i 20 Catalonian Minorite By him, the C M, Columbus 194 Catapult Your cities into shards with c's, Princess v 138 Hurl'd as a stone from out of a c Gareth and L. 965 Cataract (a fall of water) {See also Sea-cataract) In c after c to the sea. (Enmie 9 snowy peak and snow-white c Foster'd ,, 211 ocean-ridges roaring into c's. Locksley Hall 6 stream of life Dashed downward in a c. Day- Dm., Revival 16 Beyond the darkness and the c. Vision of Sin 49 we came to where the river sloped To plunge in c, Princess Hi 291 And the wild c leaps in glory. ,, iv i c and the tumult and the kings Were shadows ; , , 564 Set in a c on an island-crag, ,, ?; 347 C brooks to the ocean run. The Met 17 The c flashing from the bridge, In Mem. Ixod 15 senseless c, Bearing all down in thy precipitancy — Gareth and L. 7 thro' the crash of the near c hears Geraint and E. 172 the sea Drove like a c, and all the sand Holy Grail 799 and swept in a c off from her sides, The Wreck 90 hollow ridges roaring into c's, Locksley H., Sixty 2 Or c music Of falling torrents, Merlin and the G. 46 Hear my c's Downward thunder To Master of B. 15 in blood-red c's down to the sea ! Kapiolani 12 Cataract (a disease of the eye) Almost blind With ever-growing c. Sisters {E. and E.) 192 Catch (s) ' but 'tis eating dry To dance without a c. Last Tournament 250 Catch (verb) Whereof I c the issue, as I hear Dead sounds (Enone 248 C me who can, and make the catcher crown'd — Golden Year 18 C the wild goat by the hair, Locksley Hall 170 C her, goatfoot : nay. Hide, Lucretius 203 To c a dragon in a cherry net. Princess v 169 I would c Her hand in wild delirium, ,, m 92 c The far-off interest of tears ? In Mem. i 7 And c at every mountain head, In Mem. Con. 114 Prickle my skin and c my breath, Maud I xiv 36 C not my breath, clamorous heart, ,, ccvi 31 To c a friend of mine one stormy day ; „ 77 w 85 for my wont hath ever been To c my thief, Gareth and L. 822 ' Overquick art thou To c a loathly plume Merlin and V. 727 cheek did c the colour of her words. Lover's Tale i 569 The hope I c at vanishes and youth The Flight 16 Prophet-eyes may c a glory slowly gaining Making of Man 6 Catcher and make the c crown'd — Golden Year 18 Catching Seem'd c at a rootless thorn, Geraint and E. 378 Cate many a viand left, And many a costly c, Gareth and L. 849 Caterpillar Picks from the colewort a green c, Guinevere 32 Cat-footed C^ thro' the town and half in dread Princess ilOi Cathay Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of C. Locksley Hall 184 Cathedral sunshine laves The lawn by some c, D. of F. Women 190 gray c towers. Across a hazy glimmer Gardener's D. 218 But huge c fronts of every age, Sea Dreams 218 And in the vast c leave him. Ode on Well. 280 Catherine O, C, in the night. Forlorn 13 Catholic Cross I cling to the C C once more. The Wreck 3 Catholic Faith hope was mine to spread the Cf, Columbus 230 Catieuchlanian Hear Icenian, G, hear Coritanian, (repeat) Boadicea 10, 34, 47 Gods have answer'd, G, Trinobant. ,, 22 Shout Icenian, C, shout Coritanian, ,, 57 Catlike C thro' his own castle steals Last Tournament 516 Cato A dwarf-like Ccower'd. Princess vii 126 Catspaw Him his c and the Cross his tool, Sea Dreams 190 Cattle strikes thro' the thick blood Of c, Lucretius 99 Cattle 84 Cause Cattle {continued) And c died, and deer in wood, The c huddled on the lea ; ahide Without, among the c of the field. half of the c went lame, drive Innocent c under thatch, Catullus All composed in a metre of C, Thro' this metrification of C, Sweet C's all-but-island, C, whose dead songster never dies ; Caucasian Which the supreme C mind Carved Where our Cs let themselves be sold. Caucasus From Calpe unto G they sung, Elburz and all the (7 have heard ; Cauf (calf) ' Cushie wur craazed fur 'er c ' ' thank God that I hevn't naw c o' my oan.' Caught (See also Cotch'd) eddying of her garments c from thee The light Ode to Memory 31 And there a vision c my eye ; Miller's I). 76 C in the frozen palms of Spring. The BlackUrd 24 She c the white goose by the leg, The Goose 9 She dropt the goose, and c the pelf, ,, 13 c him by the hilt, and brandish'd him Three times, The Victim 18 In Mem. xv 6 Gareth and L. 21 A. V. of Maeldune 31 Locksley H., Sixty 96 Hendecasyllabics 4 10 Frater Ave, etc. 9 Poets and their B. 8 Palace of Art 126 Aylmer's Field 349 The Poet 15 W. to Marie Alex. 13 Spinster's S's. 115 116 (repeat) the last night's gale had c. And there he c the younker tickling trout — C in flagrante — what's the Latin word ? Thou wouldst have c me up into thy rest, Abaddon and Asmodeus c at me. O up the whole of love and utter'd it. Like truths of Science waiting to be c — The page has c her hand in his : Lady's-head upon the prow C the shrill salt, O the sparkles, and in circles, C each other with wild grimaces, now hastily c His bundle, waved his hand, O at his hand, and wrung it passionately, O at and ever miss'd it, and they laugh'd ; M. d'Arih7ir 145, 160 Gardener's D. 124 Walk, to the Mail 33 34 St. S. Stylites 18 „ ■ 172 Love and Didy 82 Golden Year 17 Day-Dm., Sleep P. 29 The Voyage 12 Vision of Sin 30 35 Enoch Arden 237 328 752 about the fields you c His weary daylong chirping. The Brook b2 great pock-pitten fellow had been c? ' ' ~ C in a burst of unexpected storm, And c the blossom of the flying terms, and the flood drew : yet I c her ; Right on this we drove and c. And falling on my face was c and known. as if c at once from bed And tumbled On one knee Kneeling, I gave it, which she c. Like tender things that being c feign death. Were c within the record of her wrongs, Came sallying thro' the gates, and c his hair, not less one glance he c Thro' open doors And reach'd the ship and c the rope. He c her away with a sudden cry ; And Fancy light from Fancy c. And c once more the distant shout, c The deep pulsations of the world, C and cuff 'd by the gale : and c By that you swore to withstand ? Last year, lea glimpse of his face, For how often I c her with eyes all wet, Who stoopt and c the babe, and cried c And stay'd him, ' Climb not lest thou break The listening rogue hath c the manner of it. C at the hilt, as to abolish him : Yniol c His purple scarf, and held, Edyrn's men had c them in their flight. Her by both hands he c, and sweetly said, he sharply c his lance and shield, ' And passing gentle ' c his hand away C in a great old tyrant spider's web, one of Satan's shepherdesses c And meant to stamp him plunged, and c And set it on his head. The heathen c and reft him of his tongue, and him they c and maim'd ; whereat she c her breath ; Aylmer's Field 256 285 Princess, Pro. 164 iv 182 188 270 285 470 ul08 143 340 342 Sailor Boy 3 The Victim &^ In Mem. xxiii 14 ,, Ixxxvii 9 ,, xcv 39 Maud I vi 5 " . 79 ,, xiii27 „ xix 23 Com. of A rthur 385 Gareth and L. 53 778 Marr. of Geraint 210 376 642 778 Balin and Balan 287 371 Merlin and V. 259 758 Lancelot and E. 54 273 275 623 Caught (coniinueH) Lady of the Lake C from his mother's arms — Lancelot and E. 1405 the holy cup Was c away to Heaven, Holy Grail 58 c his hand. Held it, and there, half -hidden by him, ,, 753 she c the circlet from his lance, Pelleas and E, 173 C his unbroken limbs from the dark field, ,, 585 Then Tristram laughing c the harp, Last Tournament 730 c him by the hilt, and brandish'd him Three times, (repeat) Pass, of Arthur 313, 328 round and round A whirlwind c and bore us ; Lover's Tale ii 197 they turn'd, and c and brought him in ,, iv 376 old Sir Richard c at last. The Revenge 98 And c the laming bullet. Sisters (E. and E.) 65 Had c her hand, her eyelids fell— ,, 148 C in a mill and crush'd — In the Child. Hosp. li So, c, I burn, Burn ? heathen men have borne Sir J. Oldcastle 184 I c the wreath that was flung. The Wreck 40 flay Captives whom they c in battle — Locksley H., Sixty 80 And his eloquence c like a flame Dead Prophet 34 And c her chaplet here — and there To Marg. of Dufferin 30 woman came And c me from my nurse. The Ring 113 C by the flower that closes on the fly, „ 344 Who never c one gleam of the beauty Ilaypy 60 cand held His people by the bridle-rein Akhar's Dream 84 And he c my little one from me : Bandit's Death 22 died of a fever c when a nurse Charity 41 Cause embattail and to wall about thy c To J. M. K. 8 more c to weep have I : My tears, no tears of love, Wan Sculptor 6 Nor in a merely selfish c — Two Voices 147 ' In some good c, not in mine own, ' ,, 148 This woman was the c. D. of F. Women 104 only love were c enough for praise.' Gardener's D. 105 no c ; James had no c : but when I prest the c, The Brook 97 who most have c to sorrow for her — Aylmer's Field 678 such extremes, I told her, well might harm The woman's c. Princess Hi 145 Or, falling, protomartyr of our c. Die : „ iv 505 twice I sought to plead my c, ,, 552 betray 'd her c and mine — ,, w 76 and storming in extremes, Stood for her c, „ 177 why, the c's weigh'd. Fatherly fears — ,, 215 in our noble sister's c ? More, more, for honour : ,, 312 I would not aught of false — Is not our c pure ? ,, 403 you The sole men to be mingled with our c, ,, 411 our side was vanquish'd and my c For ever lost, ,, m 24 whose arms Champion'd our c and won it ,, 62 The brethren of our blood and c, ,, 71 To dream thy c embraced in mine, ,, 200 She pray'd me not to judge their c from her ,, vii 235 that know The woman's c is man's : ,, 259 With such compelling c to grieve In Mem. xxix 1 Ring out a slowly dying c, ,, cvi 13 can he tell Whether war be a c or a consequence ? Maud / a; 45 I cleaved to a c that I felt to be pure Maud III vi 31 We have proved we have hearts in a c, ,, 55 good c is theirs To hate me, Gareth and L, 820 ' Sound sleep be thine ! sound c to sleep hast thou. ,, 1282 Am I the c, I the poor c that men Reproach you, Marr, of Geraint 87 I am the c, because I dare not speak ,, 89 ' Graver c than yours is mine, To curse ,, 308 you that most had c To fear me, fear no longer, Geraint and E. 824 Yourself were first the blameless c ,, 826 And made her good man jealous with good c. Merlin and V. 605 Some c had kept him sunder'd from his wife : ,, 715 Could call him the main c of all their crime ; ,, 788 now remains But little c for laughter : Lancelot and E. 597 that I gave No c, not willingly, for such a love : ,, 1298 hither had she fled, her c of flight Sir Modred ; Guinevere 9 come my way ! to twit me with the c ! Lover's Tale i 661 So much God's c was fluent in it — Sir J. Oldcastle 17 some less c, some c far less than mine ; ,, 187 For every other c is less than mine. ,, 188 To this great c of Freedom drink, my friends, (repeat) Hands all Round 11, 35 Death for the right c, death for the wrong c, Vastness 8 Causer 85 Cedar Causer c of his banishment and shame, BaZin and Balan 221 him The c of that scandal, fought and fell ; The Ring 215 Causeway from the c heavily to the swamp Fall, Last Tournament 461 Cauve (calve). Wi' aaf the cows to c N. Farmer, O.S. 52 Cavalier A c from off his saddle-bow, D. of F. Women 46 Cavall (King Arthur's hound) chiefly for the baying of C, Marr. of Oeraint 185 Cave (see also Chamel-cave, Temple-cave) And sweet is the colour of cove and c, Sea-Fairies 30 O C's That house the cold crown'd snake ! (Enone 36 within the c Behind yon whispering tuft ,, 87 rock-thwarted under bellowing c's, Palace of Art 71 To hear the dewy echoes calling From c to c Lotos-Eaters, C'.S. 95 Thro' every hollow c and alley lone ,, 103 Dry clash 'd his harness in the icy c's M. d' Arthur 186 A narrow e ran in beneath the cliff : Enoch Arden 23 a c Of touchwood, met a single flourishing spray, Aylmer's Field 511 All sand and cliff and deep-inrunning c, Sea Dreams 17 Ran in and out the long sea- framing c's, ,, 33 dark c's that run beneath the cliffs. ,, 90 motion of the boundless deep Bore thro' the c, ,, 92 I found Only the landward exit of the c, „ 96 along the valley, by rock and c and tree, V. of Caiiteretz 9 In c's about the dreary bay, Sailor Boy 10 help and shelter to the hermit's c. Oareth and L. 1209 A c. Sir Lancelot, is hard by, ,, 1275 woodman show'd the e From which ho sallies, Balin aiid Balan 131 Look to the c' ,, 306 As on a dull day in an Ocean c The blind wave Merlin and V. 231 But into some low c to crawl, ,, 884 massive columns, like a shorecliflf c, Lancelot and E. 406 shot red fire and shadows thro' the c, „ 414 across the poplar grove Led to the c's : ,, 805 city to the fields. Thence to the c : „ 848 rivulet from a tiny c Came lightening downward, Pdleas and E. 425 Dry clash'd his harness in the icy c's Pass, of Arthur 354 the c. Storm, sunset, glows and glories of the moon Lover's Tale ii 109 stately vestibules To c's and shows of Death : ,, 126 Strewn in the entry of the moaning c ; ,, Hi 2 Dragon's c Half hid, they tell me, Tiresias 143 When the bat comes out of his c. Despair 89 seem to draw From yon dark c, Ancient Sage 10 I peer'd thro' tomb and c, Demeter and P. 70 CEnone sat within the c from out Death of (Enone 1 still in her c. Amazed, and ever seeming stared ,, 69 in his c The man, whose pious hand had built St. Telemachus 8 Reason in the dusky c of Life, Akhar's Dream 121 dragg'd me up there to his c in the mountain, Bandit's Death 11 We return' d to his c — the link was broken — ,, 29 slept Ay, till dawn stole into the c, , , 31 Cavern shoulder under gloom Of c pillars ; To E. L. 18 a hut, Half hut, half native c. Enoch Arden 560 I long to creep Into some still c deep, Maud II iv 96 And told him of a c hard at hand, Oareth aiid L. 1189 Scaped thro' a c from a bandit hold. Holy Grail 207 Beneath a low-brow'd c, where the tide Plash'd, Lover's Tale i 55 Is scoop'd a c and a mountain hall, „ 517 The hollow c's heard me — «, H 11 Chiefly I sought the e and the hill ,, 33 old man before A c whence an affluent Ancient Sage 7 Gnome of the c. Griffin and Giant, Merlin and the G. 39 Cavern-chasm mark'd not on his right a c-c Balin and Balan 312 Cavern-mouth c-m. Half overtrailed with a wanton weed Lover's Tale i 524 All day I sat within the c-m, „ H 37 Cavern-shadowing wilderness, And c-s laurels, Lucretius 205 Caw The building rook '11 c May Queen, N. rs. E. 17 Cease The stream will c to flow ; The wind will c to blow ; The clouds will c to fleet ; The heart will c to beat ; All Things will Die 9 trust and hope till things should c, Supp. Confessions 31 When I shall c to be all alone, Mariana in the S. 95 A wither'd palsy c to shake ? ' Two Voices 57 V to wail and brawl ! ,, 199 Cease (continued) Not make him sure that he shall c ? Two Voices 282 And the wicked c from troubling, fold our wings, And c from wanderings, In silence ; ripen, fall and c : When midnight bells c ringing suddenly, 'Twere better I should c the wise of heart would c To hold his hope Shall I c here ? Is this enough to say I will not c to grasp the hope I hold Of saintdom Yet c I not to clamour and to cry, I muse on joy that will not c, thou shalt c To pace the gritted floor, For blasts would rise and rave and c, I cannot c to follow you. Nor did her father c to press my claim, But c to move so near the Heavens, and c That our free press should c to brawl, hearts that change not, love that cannot c, the Judge of us all when life shall c ; Her quiet dream of life this hour may C. They have their day and c to be : jaws Of vacant darkness and to c. And those cold crypts where they shall c. That the man I am may c to be ! Pass and c to move about ! iron tyranny now should bend or c, c not from your quest until ye find.' wherefore c, Sweet father, and bid call I would that wars should c, silver year should c to mourn and sigh — Ceased heart of Poland hath not c To quiver, A little c, but recommenced. I c, and sat as one forlorn. She c, and Paris held the costly fruit ' Here she c. And Paris ponder'd. But all these things have c to be, She c in tears, fallen from hope and trust : Before he c I turn'd, He c ; and Miriam Lane Made such a voluble answer And then the motion of the current c, cloud That not one moment c to thunder, I c, and all the ladies, each at each, Scarce had I c when from a tamarisk near She c : the Princess answer'd coldly, I c ; he said, ' Stubborn, but she may sit G all on tremble : piteous was the cry : when we c There came a minute's pause, We c : a gentler feeling crept Upon us : him who had c to share her heart, sod and shingle c to fly Behind her. Here c the kindly mother out of breath ; She c ; his evil spirit upon him leapt, He c, and then — for Vivien sweetly said She c, and made her lithe arm round his neck Scarce had she c, when out of heaven a bolt He spoke and c : the lily maid Elaine, She c : her father promised ; Then, when he c, in one cold passive hand ' He c ; and Arthur turn'd to whom at first leave this land for ever.' Here he c. But never a moment c the fight And when I c to speak, the king, now thy long day's work hath c. Nor ever c to clamour for the ring ; when life has c to beat. Ceasing C not, mingled, unrepress'd, He c, came a message from the Head. ' So speaking, and here c, Cecily Wound with white roses, slept St. ; Cedar (See also Cedar-wood) The stately c, tamarisks, A c spread his dark -green layers of shade. Beam'd thro' the thicken'd c in the dusk, in halls Of Lebanonian c : May Queen, Con. 60 Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 20 52 D. ofF. Women 2^7 To J. S. 66 Love thou thy land 81 Gardener's D. 236 St. S. Stylites 5 42 Sir Galahad 65 Will Water. 241 The Voyage 85 Princess iv 455 „ vii 87 195 Third of Feb. 3 W. to Marie Alex. 46 Grandmother 95 Requiescat 6 In Mem., Pro. 18 ,, xxxiv 16 ,, Iviii 8 Maud / a; 68 „ // iv 59 „ IIIvi2Q Lancelot and E. 548 1098 Epilogue 11 To Mary Boyle 57 Poland 3 Two Voices 318 „ 400 (Enone 135 „ 168 May Queen, Con. 48 D. of F. Women 257 Gardener's D. 121 Enoch Arden 902 Sea Dreams 117 „ 125 Princess iv 117 258 359 W438 ml42 Con. 3 In Mem. xocx 17 Maud I xix 30 Gareth and L, 761 Marr. of Geraint 732 Balin and Balan 537 Merlin and F. 17 614 934 Lancelot and E. 242 „ 1130 „ 1201 Holy Grail 751 Lover's Tale iv 368 The Revenge 57 Columbus 14 Epit. on Stratford 2 The Ring 389 Hapjjy 52 Arabian Nights 74 Princess Hi 168 Holy Grail 853 Palace of Art 92 Arabian Nights 105 Gardener's D. 116 „ 166 Princess ii 352 Cedar 86 Chair Cedax {continued) bloom profuse and c arches Charm, Sighing for Lebanon, Dark c, Cedar-tree A voice by the c tin the meadow red man dance By his red c-t, Cedar-wood A mile beneath the c-w. Milton 11 Maud 1 xviii 18 V 1 ,, xidi 18 Elednore 8 Princess v 333 Cede learn if Ida yet would c our claim, Ceiling (See also Hall-ceiling) men Walk'd like the fly on c's ? Columbus 51 Celandine in varnish 'd glory shine Thy stars of c. Prog, of Spring 39 Celebrate To c the golden prime Arahian Nights 131 Celebrated thine the deeds to be c, Boiidicea 41 Celibacy Into the suburb — their hard c, Sir J. Oldcastle 107 Celidon gloomy skirts Of C the forest ; Lancelot and E. 292 Cell From many a wondrous grot and secret c The Kraken 8 And wild winds bound within their c, Mariana 54 ' Not less the bee would range her c's, Two Voices 70 From c's of madness unconfined, ,, 371 Made havock among those tender c's, Lucretius 22 And weave their petty c's and die. In Mem. 1 12 track Suggestion to her inmost c. ,, xcv 32 The tiny c is forlorn, Maud II ii 13 Thro' c's of madness, haunts of horror „ III vi 2 in your frosty c's ye feel the fire ! Balin and Balan 446 c's and chambers : all were fair and dry ; Lancelot and E. 4Syj When they gain'd the c wherein he slept, ,, 811 Across the iron grating of her c Beat, Holy Grail 81 Stream 'd thro' my c a cold and silver beam, ,, 116 Till all the white walls of my c were dyed ,, 119 I never stray 'd beyond the c, ,, 628 bound and plunged him into a c Of great piled stones ; ,, 675 such a craziness as needs A c and keeper). Lover's Tale iv 165 They had fasten'd the door of his c. Rizpah 42 Like worldly beauties in the C, The Ring 143 Cellar in the c's merry bloated things Cfuinevere 267 Celled See Full-celled, Two-cell'd Celt (race of people) Teuton or C, or whatever we be, W. to Alexandra 32 The blind hysterics of the ; In Mem. cix 16 Celt (stone implement) c's and calumets, Claymore and snowshoe, Princess, Pro. 17 Censer incense free From one c in one shrine, Eleanore 59 The shrill bell rings, the c swings, Sir Galahad 35 A c, either worn with wind and storm ; Gareth and L. 222 Censure England's honest c went too far ; Third of Feb. 2 It might be safe our c's to withdraw ; ,, 11 Cent mellow metres more than c for c ; The Brook 5 Center'd See Centred Centre Earth is dry to the c, Nothing will Die 20 Till toward the c set the starry tides. Princess ii 117 thoughts that wait On you, their c : ,,11) 444 in the c stood The common men with rolling eyes ; »> ^ 359 Whose faith has c everywhere, In Mem. xxxiii 3 The c of a world's desire ; ,, Ixiv 16 In the c stood A statue veil'd, ,, ciiiW Safe, damsel, as the c of this hall. Gardh and L. 604 To c in this place and time. Lover's Tale i 552 the c and crater of European confusion, Beautiful City 1 Centre-bit c-h's Grind on the wakeful ear Maud / i 41 Centred-Center'd music centred in a doleful song Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 117 centred in the sphere Of common duties, Ulysses 39 Would follow, center'd in eternal calm. Lucretius 79 one emerald center'd in a sun Of silver rays, Lancelot and E. 295 Century When the centuries behind me like a fruitful land Locksley Hall 13 A maiden of our c, yet most meek ; The Brook 68 thro' the centuries let a people's voice Ode on Well. 142 Had I lain for a c dead ; Maud I xxii 72 years will roll into the centuries, Guinevere 626 speak to the centuries, All the centuries. On Jub. Q. Victoria 48 The c's three strong eights have met To Ulysses 7 Ceremonial Hail the fair C Of this year of her Jubilee. On Jul. Q. Victoria 23 in his heart rejoice At this glad C, ,,37 Of this great C, „ 50 Ceremony Long summers back, a kind of c — Princess i 124 in the darkness, at the mystical c, Boddicea 36 suit of fray'd magnificence. Once fit for feasts of c) Marr. of Geraint 297 And there be wedded with all c. „ 608 They twain were wedded with all c. ,, 839 Cha&nge (change) I thowt shall I c my staate ? Spinster's S's. 44 Cha9,nged (changed) But arter I c my mind. North. Cobbler 105 Cha&ngin' (changing) all the while I wur c my gown, Spinster's S's. 43 Chace-Chase (See also Sunmer-chace) That stand within the chace. Talking Oak 4 And overlook the chace ; ,,94 Look further through the cAace, ,, 246 Then crost the common into Darnley chase The Brook 132 Chafe yet it c's me that I could not bend D, of F. Women 137 Began to c as at a personal wrong. Enoch Arden 474 Chafed c his hands, And call'd him by his name, M. d' Arthur 209 And when his answer c them. Holy Grail 673 c his hands, And call'd him by his name. Pass, of Arthur 377 I took And c the freezing hand. The Ring 452 Chaff Mere c and draff, much better burnt. ' The Epic 40 will be c For every gust of chance, Princess iv 355 And vacant c well meant for grain. In Mem. vi 4 and grope, And gather dust and c, ,, Iv 18 Chaffering C's and chatterings at the market-cross, Holy Grail 558 Chafing c at his own great self defied, But c me on fire to find my bride) and the squire C his shoulder : c his pale hands, and calling to him. c his faint hands, and calling to him ; Chain (s) (See also Daisy-chain, Buby-chain) to chain with c's, and bind with bands loosed the c, and down she lay ; such a c Of knitted purport, Bound by gold c's about the feet of God. But dallied with his golden c, Twof ooted at the limit of his c, To break my c, to shake my mane : From growing commerce loose her latest c, made the serf a man, and burst his c — boat, Half-swallow'd in it, anchor'd with a c ; I burst the c, I sprang into the boat. Bound by gold c's about the feet of God. seem'd as tho' a link Of some tight c sat as if in c's — to whom he said : He workt me the daisy c — but am led by the creak of the c. They hang'd him in c's for a show — O's, my good lord : in your raised brows C's for the Admiral of the Ocean ! c's For him who gave a new heaven, c's for him Who push'd his prows Os ! we are Admirals of the Ocean, Drove me and my good brothers home in c's, the c's, what do they mean — the c's ? ' ' These same c's Bound these same bones wept with me when I return'd in c's. She that link'd again the broken c c's of mountain, grains of sand The slave, the scourge, the c ; all the gold from each laburnum c Down hill ' Too-quick,' the c. Chain (verb) to c with chains, and bind with bands And c's regret to his decease, Chain'd My right leg c into the crag, — or brought her c, a slave, so c and coupled with the curse Of blindness dog : it was c, but its horrible yell Chaining But c fancy now at home Chair (See also Arm-chair, Elbow-chair) If one but speaks or hems or stirs his c. In yonder c I see him sit. And the long shadow of the c Two years his c is seen Empty farmer vext packs up his beds and e's, Aylmer's Field 537 Princess i 166 Geraint and E. 27 582 585 BuoTiaparte 2 L. of Shalott iv 16 Two Voices 167 M. d' Arthur 255 Day-Dm., Revival 31 Aylmer's Field 127 Princess ii 424 Ode Inter. Exhib. 33 W. to Marie Alex. 3 Holy Grail 803 „ 807 Pass, of Arthur 423 Lover's Tale i 595 „ iv 362 First Quarrel 13 Rizpah 7 „ 35 Columbus 1 19 23 28 134 211 213 231 Locksley H., Sixty 52 „ 208 Freedom 12 To Mary Boyle 11 Politics 12 Buonaparte 2 In Mem. xxix 3 St. S. Stylites 73 Pnncess v 139 Tiresias 58 Bandit's Death 35 To Ulysses S] Sonnet To 5 Miller's D. 9 126 To J. S. 22 Walk, to the Mail 39 Chair 87 Chanced Chair (continued) Sweat on his blazon'd c's ; And in his c himself uprear'd, But kept the house, his e, and last his bed. With nearing c and lower'd accent) I cry to vacant c's and widow'd walls, They come and sit by my c, spirits sink To see the vacant c, The c's and thrones of civil power? He plays with threads, he beats his c Why sits he here in his father's c ? Gareth went, and hovering round her c Ask'd, pushing could move The c of Idris. in their c's set up a stronger race Thy c, a grief to all the brethren, sloping down to make Arms for his c, In our great hall there stood a vacant c. Merlin sat In his own c, and so was lost ; Galahad would sit down in Merlin's c. now his c desires him here in vain, fill'd his double-dragon'd c. Push'd from his c of regal heritage. Led his dear lady to a c of state. I mash'd the taables an' c's, an' the mark o' 'is 'ead o' the c's ! An' I slep i' my c hup-on-end, An' I slep' i' my c ageiin Sa I kep i' my c, fur I thowt she was nobbut she skelpt ma haafe ower i' the c, Chairman A quarter-sessions c, abler none ; Chaise Within the low-wheel'd c, Chalcedony C, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, Chalice The c of the grapes of God ; C and salver, wines that. Heavens knows when, Chalk all his joints Are full of c ? Tumbles a billow on c and sand ; e and alum and plaster are sold to the poor Chalk'd c her face, and wing'd Her transit Chalk-hill On the c-h the bearded grass Is dry Chalk-quarry white c-q from the hill Gleam'd Challenge madness made thee c the chief knight a jubilant c to Time and to Fate ; Challenging c And overthrowing every knight Chamber (See also Chaumber) faults were thick as dust In vacant c's, thick-moted sunbeam lay Athwart the c's, door that bar The secret bridal c's of the heart, breathings are not heard In palace c's far apart. till he find The quiet c far apart. In musty bins and c's, till the comrade of his c's woke. To one deep c shut from sound, all The c's emptied of delight : The field, the c and the street, Moved in the c's of the blood ; About its echoing c's wide, In the c or the street, But hire us some fair c for the night, the boy retum'd And told them of a c, the two remain'd Apart by all the c's width, High in her c up a tower to the east cells and c's : all were fair and dry ; Past to her c, and there flung herself The lucid c's of the morning star, Shut in the secret c's of the rock. Death in our innermost c, read Some wonder at our c ornaments. That c in the tower. What c, child ? Your nurse is here ? You took me to that c in the tower, I brought you to that c Chamber-door (See also Chaumber-door) As lightly as a sick man's c-d, Chamberlain call'd A hoary man, his c, Then spake the hoary c and said, Walk, to the Mail 76 Day- Dm., Revival 18 Enoch Arden 826 Aylmer's Field 267 720 Grandmother 83 In Mem. xx 19 „ xxi 16 ,, Ixvi 13 Maud I xiii 23 Oareth and L. 33 Marr. of Oeraint 543 Oeraint and E. 940 Balin and BaZan 78 Lancelot and E. 438 Holy GraU 167 176 181 901 Last Tov/mament 144 Lffoer's Tale i 118 „ iv 321 Nmth. Gobbler 37 Spinster's S's. 100 Owd Roa 54 „ 65 ,. 74 „ 76 Princess, Con. 90 TalMng Oah 110 Columbus 84 In Mem. a; 16 Lover's Tale iv 193 Atulley Cmirt 47 To F. D. Maurice 24 Maud / i 39 Princess iv 377 Miller's D. 245 „ 115 Gareth and L. 1416 Vastness 21 Balin and Baian 12 To the Queen 19 Mariana 79 Gardener's D. 249 Day -Dm., Sleep B. 18 ,, Arrival^ Will Water. 102 Aylmer's Field 583 Princess vi 376 In Mem. viii 8 11 ,, xxiii 20 Maud / m 74 ,, IlivSS Oeraint and E. 238 261 265 Lancelot and E. 3 407 609 Lmer's Tale i 28 521 Def. of Lucknow 15 Columbus 2 The Ring 94 „ 95 „ 111 „ 129 Enoch Arden 776 Com. of Arthur 145 148 Chamian Apart the G Oracle divine Aleocander 10 Champaign river-sunder'd c clothed with corn, (Enone 114 high Above the empurpled c, drank the gale Princess Hi 120 shadowing down the c till it strikes On a wood, ,, v 526 Champion My c from the ashes of his hearth.' Gareth and L. 899 c thou hast brought from Arthur's hall ? ,, 916 but have ye slain The damsel's c ? ,, 1099 Lady Lyonors Had sent her coming c, ,, 1192 Champion'd G our cause and won it Princess m 62 Chance (s) I shut my life from happier c. Two Voices 54 Many a c the years beget. Miller's D. 206 For that is not a common c To J. S. 47 every morning brought a noble c, And every c brought out a noble knight. April hopes, the fools of c ; ' Drink to Fortune, drink to C, It is beyond all hope, against all c, He gave them line : and how by c rate your c Almost at naked nothing.' With open eyes, and we must take the c. dread His wildness, and the c's of the dark.' will be chatf For every gust of c, my flitting c Were caught within the record she's comely ; there's the fairer c : or was it c. She past my way. Dispute the claims, arrange the c's ; And grasps the skirts of happy c. To c's where our lots were cast steps of Time — the shocks of C — And leaps into the future e, can a sweeter c ever come to me here ? if it had not been For a c of travel, an often c In those brain-stunning shocks, some c to mar the boast Thy brethren good c that we shall hear the hounds : What c is this ? how is it I see you A common c — right well I know it — Guilty or guiltless, to stave off a c Their c of booty from the morning's raid, ye surely have endured Strange c's here alone ; ' M. d' Arthur 230 Vision of Sin 164 191 Enoch Arden 403 The Brook 150 Princess i 160 ,, Hi 143 „ iv 244 „ 356 „ V 142 460 „ vi 97 To F. D. Matirice 31 In Mem. Ixiv 6 ,, xcii 5 ,, xcv 42 ,, cxiv 7 Maud I i 62 ,, ii 8 Gareth and L. 88 1242 Marr. of Geraint 182 Oeraint and E. 309 ,, 331 353 „ 565 810 Queen demanded as by c ' Know ye the stranger woman ? ' Merlin and V. 128 This c of noble deeds will come and go Unchallenged, Holy Grail 318 Our fear of some disastrous c for thee On hill. Ready to spring, waiting a c : Some evil c Will make the smouldering scandal c and craft and strength in single fights, every morning brought a noble c. And every c brought out a noble knight. ,, 398 Above the perilous seas of Change and O ; Lover's Tale i 806 c's of dividend, consol, and share — The Wreck 30 Like a clown — by c he met me — Locksley H., Sixty 256 Chance (verb) when did Arthur c upon thee first ? ' Com. of Arthur 338 However that might c ! boast Thy brethren of thee make — which could not c — Chance-comer You set before c-c's. Chanced It c one evening Annie's children At last one night it c That Annie could not sleep, Now it c that I had been, and if their c a joust, then by what thereafter c. At last, it c that on a summer morn It c the song that Enid sang was one with her mind all full of what had c, King's own ear Speak what has c ; Then c, one morning, that Sir Balin sat All that had c, and Balan moan'd again. And as it cthey are happy, being pure.' ' These jewels, whereupon I c Divinely, one morn it c He found her in among the garden yews, I told him what had c. My sister's vision. And then I c upon a goodly town It c that both Brake into hall together 727 Giiinevere 12 90 Pass, of Arthur 106 Gareth and L. 458 1243 Will Water. 6 Enoch Arden 362 „ 489 Princess i 31 Gareth and L. 519 1214 Marr. of Geraint 69 345 Oeraint and E. 778 809 Balin and Balan 240 604 Merlin and V. 745 Lancelot and E. 58 922 Holy Grail, 271 „ 573 Pdleas and E. 586 Chanced 88 Changed Chanced {contimted) For thus it c one morn when all . the court, Guinevere 21 c that, when half of the short summer night was gone, The Revenge 65 and it c on a day Soon as the blast Def. of Lucknow 31 Chance-gift eating not. Except the spare c-g St, S. Stylites 78 Chancel A broken c with a broken cross, M. d' Arthur 9 I peer'd athwart the c pane The Letters 3 A broken c with a broken cross, Pass, of Arthur 177 and mute below the c stones, Locksley H., Sixty 43 Chancel-casement Upon the c-c, and upon that grave May Queen, N. T's. E. 21 Chancellor The c, sedate and vain. Day- Dm., Revival 29 C, or what is greatest would he be — Aylmer's Field 397 Chance-met cross-lightnings of four c-m eyes ,, 129 Change (s) Truth may stand forth unmoved of c, Swpp. Gonfessions 144 oxen's low Came to her : without hope of c, Mariana 29 And airy forms of flitting c. Madeline 7 run thro' every c of sharp and flat ; Garess'd or Ghidden 4 I said, ' The years with c advance : Tioo Voices 52 'Then comes the check, the c, the fall, ,, 163 upon the board. And bred this c ; CEnone 227 fit for every mood And c of my still soul. Palace of Art 60 Full-welling fountain-heads of c, ,, 166 but all hath suffer'd c : Lotos- Eateis, G.S. 71 ' I govem'd men by c, and so I sway'd D. of F. Women 130 thro' all c Of liveliest utterance. ,, 167 Lie still, dry dust, secure of c. To J. S. 76 Meet is it c's should control Our being, Love thou thy land 41 So let the c which comes bo free „ 45 Of many c's, aptly join'd, „ 65 And sick of home went overseas for c. Walk, to the Mail 24 And fear of c at home, that drove him hence. ,, 68 With all the varied c's of the dark, Edwin Morris 36 shrivelling thro' me, and a cloudlike c, St. S. Stylites 199 Changed with thy mystic c, Tithonus 55 spin for ever down the ringing grooves of c. Locksley Hall 182 And, rapt thro' many a rosy c, Day-Dm., Depart 23 The flower and quintessence of c. ,, V Envoi 24 voice grew faint : there came a further c : Vision of Sin 207 came a c, as all things human change. Enoch Arden 101 So much to look to — such a c — ,, 461 and the c and not the c, Aylmer's Field 831 dismal lyrics, prophesying c Beyond all reason : Pnncess i 142 woman wed is not as we. But suffers c of frame. ,, v 463 Then came a c : for sometimes I would catch ,, mi 92 Till notice of a c in the dark world ,, 250 the c. This truthful c in thee has kill'd it. ,, 349 Iperceived no touch of c. In Mem. xiv 17 The touch of c in calm or storm ; ,, ayid 6 Each voice four c's on the wind, ,, axemii 9 I have lost the links that bound Thy c's ; hero upon the ground No more partaker of thy c. ,, xli7 we talk'd Of men and minds, the dust of c, ,, Ixxi 10 There cannot come a mellower c, ,, Ixxod 3 For c's wrought on form and face ; ,, Ixxxii 2 Recalls, in c of light or gloom, ,, Ixxxv 74 Or touch'd the c's of the state, ,, Ixxxix 35 When summer's hourly-mellowing c May breathe, ,, xci9 abyss Of tenfold -complicated c, ,, xciii 12 For c of place, like growth of time, ,, evil O earth, what c's hast thou seen ! ,, cxodii 2 His very face with c of heart is changed. Geraint and E. 899 in c of glare and gloom Her eyes and neck Merlin and V. 959 Naked of glory for His mortal c. Holy Grail 448 vdth living waters in the c Of seasons : Pelleas and E. 511 Above the perilous seas of C and Chance ; Lover's Tale i 806 In marvel at that gradual c, I thought „ Hi 19 their bridal-time By c of feather : Sisters {E. and E.) 72 Glance at the wheeling Orb of e. To E. Fitzgerald 3 Over the range and the c of the world The Wreck 70 After all the stormy c's shall we find Locksley H. , Sixty 156 Far away beyond her myriad coming c's „ 231 Ring little bells of c From word to word. Early Spring 41 By c's all too fierce and fast Freedom, 22 c of the tide — what is all of it worth ? Vastneas 30 CShange (b) (fumiinued) glimmer of relief In c of place. To Mary Boyle 48 That after many c's may succeed Life, Prog, of Spring 116 Change (verb) (See also Chainge) All things will c Thro' eternity. Nothing vnll Die 15 It will c, but it will not fade ,,31 All things will c. ,,38 Not swift nor slow to c, but firm : Lwe thou thy land 31 Or c a word with her he calls his wife, Dwa 44 ' It cannot be : my uncle's mind will c ! ' ,, 47 full music seem'd to move and c Edwin Morris 35 iris c's on the burnish'd dove ; Locksley Hall 19 She c's with that mood or this. Will Water. 107 ' C, reverting to the years. Vision of Sin 159 Then came a change, as all things human e, Enoch Arden 101 If our old halls could c their sex. Princess, Pro. 140 you began to c — I saw it and grieved — „ iv 298 one that wishes at a dance to c The music — „ 589 When your skies c again: ,, vi 278 Some patient force to c them when we will, ,, Con. 56 and c the hearts of men, W. to Marie Alex. 44 But hearts that c not, love that cannot cease, ,, 46 Nor c to us, although they c ; In Mem. xxx 24 Will c my sweetness more and more, ' ,, xxxv 15 And every winter c to spring. „ Uv 16 Thy ransoni'd reason c replies ,, Ixi 2 fly The happy birds, that c their sky „ cxv 15 To c the bearing of a word, „ cxxviii 16 the wind will never c again.' Ga/reth and L. 1140 Let Gareth, an he will, C his for mine, „ 1300 and the wine will c your will.' Geraint and E. 663 The music in him seem'd to c, Balin and Balan 217 Must our true man c like a leaf at last ? Lancelot and E. 686 The twain together well might c the world. Guinevere 301 like wild birds that c Their season in the night Pass, of Arthur 38 Nevertheless, we did not c the name. Lover's Tale i 464 Yet must you c your name : Sisters (E. and E.) 69 To c with her horizon, ,, 226 A wish in you To c our dark Queen-city, To Mary Boyle 65 Changed (See also Chaanged, Autumn-changed, Counter-changed) Till all the crimson c, and past Mariana in the S. 25 ' cruel heart,' she c her tone, ,, 69 You c a wholesome heart to gall. L. C. V. de Vere 44 but ere my flower to fruit C, D. of F. Women 208 thy flute-notes are c to coarse. The Blackbird 18 We all are c by still degrees. Love thou thy land 43 flower of knowledge c to fruit Of wisdom. Love and Ditty 24 C with thy mystic change, Tithonus 55 And her spirit c within. L. of Burleigh 64 the rim O every moment as we flow. The Voyage 28 Moved with violence, c in hue. Vision of Sin 34 but that name has twice been c — Enoch Arden 859 my mind is c, for I shall see him, ,, 897 tost on thoughts that c from hue to hue. Princess iv 210 Our mind is c : we take it to ourself.' ,, 362 and her hue c, and she said : ,, vi 107 Walk'd at their will, and everything was c. „ 384 And one is sad ; her note is c. In Mem. xon 27 crying, How c from where it ran ,, xxiii 9 A grief, then c to something else, „ Ixxvii 11 grief, can grief be c to less ? ,, Ixxviii 16 Thy place is c ; thou art the same. ,, cxxi 20 Remade the blood and c the frame, ,, Con. 11 Of her whose gentle will has c my fate, Maud I xviii 23 mood is c, for it fell at a time of year ,, /// vi 4 Till with a wink his dream was c, Com. of Arthur 441 but the wind hath c : Gareth and L. 994 ' Hath not the good wind, damsel, c again ? ' ,, 1054 being young, he c and came to loathe His crime Marr. of Geraint 593 To fear me, fear no longer, I am e. Geraint and E, 825 But kept myself aloof till I was c ; And fear not, cousin ; I am c indeed.' ,, 872 have ye seen how nobly c ? >, 897 His very face with change of heart is c. ,, 899 her hue 6' at his gaze : Balin and Balan 279 iini. Changed 89 Charger Changed {continued) And e itself and echo'd in her heart, Lancelot and E. 782 I doubt not that however c, „ 1218 I was c to wan And meagre, Holy Grail 571 find thy favour c and love thee not ' — Last Tcnimament 500 Denouncing judgment, but tho' c, Guinevere 421 I e the name ; San Salvador I call'd it ; Columbus 75 And c her into dust. Ancient Sage 162 We never c a bitter word, The Flight 86 And then had c ? so fickle are men — The Ring 392 clove the Moslem crescent moon, and c it into blood. Happy 44 I that heard, and e the prayer „ 55 A man who never c a word with men, St. Telemachus 10 Changeless thee the c in thine ever-changing skies. Akbar's D., Hymn 4 Changeling Or sorrow such a c be ? In Mem. xvi 4 like a fairy c lay the mage ; Com. of Arthur 363 But only c out of Fairyland, Gareth and L. 203 Changest Who c not in any gale, Jn Mem. ii 10 And c, breathing it, the sullen wind, Prog, of Spring 110 Changeth old order c, yielding place to new, M. d' Arthur 240 old order c, yielding place to new ; Com. of Arthur 509 old order c, yielding place to new, Pass, of Arthur 408 Changing {See also Chaangin', Ever-changing, Never-changing) In c, chime with never- changing Law. To Duke of Argyll 11 Channel {See also Mid-channel) Tho' every c of tho State Should fill Yvu. ask me, why 23 tho hoary C Tumbles a billow on chalk and sand ; To F. D. Maiirice 23 brooks Are fashion'd by the c which they keep), Lowr's Tale i 567 We seem'd like ships i the C First Quarrel 42 may The fated c where thy motion lives De Prof. Two G. 19 Chant In the heart of the garden the merry bird c's. Poet's Mind 22 ' C me now some wicked stave, Vision of Sin 151 e the history Of that great race, Jn Mem. ciii 34 From prime to vespers will I c thy praise Pelleas and £. 349 to the e of funeral hymns. Happy 48 Chanted C loudly, c lowly, L. of Shalott iv 29 C from an ill-used race of men that cleave Lotos-Eaters, G. S. 120 And c a melody loud and sweet, Poet's Song 6 c on the blanching bones of men ? ' Princess ii 199 So they c : how shall Britain light Boadicea 45 So they c in the darkness, ,, 46 whose hymns Are c in the minster. Merlin ancl V. 766 She c snatehes of mysterious hymns Lancelot and E. 1407 Had c on the smoky mountain-tops, ~ Guine'oere 282 and c the triumph of Finn, V. of Maddune 48 And we c the songs of the Bards „ 90 Chanter C of the Pollio, To Virgil 17 Chanting But mine own phantom c hymns ? In Mem. cviii 10 murmur of their temples c me. Me, me, Demetefr and P. 72 Chaos C, Cosmos ! Cosmos, C ! (repeat) Lochsley H., Sixty 103, 127 Chapel bore him to a c nigh the field, M. d' Arthur 8 To c : where a heated pulpiteer. Sea Dreams 20 The portal of King Pellam's c Balin and Balan 405 In the white rock a c and a hall Lancelot and E. 405 where the vale Was lowest, found a c, Holy Grail 442 bore him to a c nigh the field, Pass, of Arthur 176 Is it you, that preach 'd in the c Despair 1 We have knelt in your know-all c )> 94 Yonder in that c, slowly sinking Lockdey H., Sixty 27 Chapel bell the c b's Call'd us : we left the walks ; Princess ii 470 when they toll the C b ! Loeksley H., Sixty 261 Chapel-door and against the c d Laid lance. Holy Grail 459 I touch'd The c-d's at dawn I know ; ,, 536 meet you again tomorra,' says he, ' l>e the c-d.' Tomorrow 16 this body they foun' an the grass Be the c-d, ,, 74 Chai>el -green she stept an the c-g, „ 27 Chapel-yard in the precincts of the c-y, Merlin and V. 751 Then paced for coolness in the c-y ; ,, 757 Chap-fallen The e-/ circle spreads : Vision of Sin 172 Chaplet And caught her e here — To Marq. of Dufferin 30 Char Nor ever lightning c thy grain, Talking Oak 277 Character'd laws of marriage c in gold Isabel 16 How dimly c and slight. In Mem. Ixi 6 Charade C s and riddles as at Christmas Princess, Pro. 189 Charge (imputation) Redeem'd it from the e of nothingness— M. d' Arthur, Ep. 7 Set up the c ye know, Merlin and V. 703 Merlin answer'd careless of her e, ,, 754 Charge (care) father left him gold. And in my c, Marr. of Geraint 452 And all in c of whom ? a girl : Geraml and E. 125 whom Uther left in c Long since, ,, 9,33 Modred whom he left in c of all, Guinevere 195 Charge (directions) he gave them c about the Queen, ,, 591 thy c Is an abounding pleasure to mo. Gareth and L. 981 Charge (attack) surging c's foam'd themselves away ; Ode on Well. 126 O the wild c they made ! Light Briga/le 51 Honour the c they made ! ,, 53 Plunged in the last fierce c at Waterloo, Sisters {E. and E.) 64 The crash of tho c's, Batt. of Brunanburh 89 The c of the gallant three hundred, Heavy Brigade 1 bad his trumpeter soiind To the c, ,,9 The trumpet, the gallop, the c, „ 13 mad for the c and the battle were we, ,, 41 Glory to each and to all, and the c that they made ! ,, 65 Charge (to enjoin) Come forth, I c thee, arise. Ode to Memmy 46 1 c thee, quickly go again M. d' Arthur 79 I c you now. When you shall see her, Enoch Arden 877 I c thee by my love,' Gareth and L. 55 ' I c thee, ask not, but obey.' Marr. of Geraint 133 e the gardeners now To pick the faded creature „ 670 I c thee ride before, Geraint and, E. 14 I c thee, on thy duty as a wife, ,, 16 I c you, Enid, more especially, ,, 414 I count it of small use To c you) ,, 417 I c thee by that crown upon thy shield, Balin and Balan 481 I c you, follow me not.' Lancelot a7id E. 507 I c you that you get at once to horse. ,, 539 Leave me that, I e thee, my last hope. Guinevere 568 I c thee, quickly go again, Pass, of A rthur 247 I c you never to say that I laid him Rizpah 58 ' Never surrender, I c you, Def of Lucknow 10 Charge (to impute) if he did that wrong you c him with, Sea Dreams 279 Charge (to rush) C for the guns ! ' ho said : Light Brigade 6 I myself beheld the King C at the head Lancelot and E. 304 Charge (to load) See Double-charge Charged (ordered) Then Arthur c his warrior whom he loved Com. of Arthur 447 c by Valence to bring home the child. Merlin and V. 718 calling her three knights, she c them, Pelleas and E. 219 Charged (attacked) c Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. M. d' Arthur 224 down we swept and c and overthrew. Ode on Well. 130 c Before the eyes of ladies and ef kings. Pass, of Arthur 392 Charged (filled) C both mine eyes with tears. D. of F. Women 13 and c the winds With spiced May-sweets Lover's Tale i 317 Charged (loaded) It is c and we fire, and they run. Def. of Lucknmo 68 Charged (entrusted) so much wealth as God had c her with— Lover's Tale i 213 Charger When on my goodly c borne Sir Galahad 49 on my c's, trample them under us.' BoUdicea 69 and take my c, fresh, Gareth and L. 1300 At once Sir Lancelot's c fiercely neigh'd, ,, 1400 cried, ' My c and her palfrey ; ' Marr. of Geraint 126 His c trampling many a prickly star ,, 313 So Enid took his c to the stall ; ,, 382 Call the host and bid him bring C and palfrey.' Geraint and E. 401 Who saw the c's of the two that fell „ 431 While the great c stood, grieved like a man. ,, 535 See ye take the c too, A noble one." ,j 555 (His gentle c following him unled) ,, 571 fly, your c is without, ^^ 749 When Edym rein'd his c at her side, ,, §20 found His c, mounted on him and away. Balin and Balan 418 glad, Knightlike, to find his c yet unlamed, „ 428 so they overbore Sir Lancelot and his c, and a spear Down-glancing lamed the c, Lancelot and E. 487 from his c down he slid, and sat, ,, 510 Charger 90 Chasm CShai^er {continued) Full-arm'd upon his c all day long Pdleas and E. 216 Charging C an army, while All the world wonder'd : Light Brigade 30 at the midmost c, Prince Geraint Drave Geraint aiid E. 85 Charier C of sleep, and wine, and exercise, Ayliner's Field 448 Chariot to the lychgate, where his c stood, ,, 824 a sound arose of hoof And c, Princess vi 380 Up my Britons, on my c, Boddicea 69 her people all around the royal c agitated, ,, 73 each beside his c bound his own ; <^ec. of Iliad 3 The double tides of c's flow In Mem. xcviii 23 So those two brethren from the c took Lancelot and E. 1146 The prophet and the e and the steeds. Lover's Tale i 307 horses whirl'd The c's backward, Achilles over the T, 25 died Among their spears and c's. „ 33 watch the c whirl About the goal Tiresias 176 Chariot-bier let there be prepared a c-h Lancelot and E, 1121 sad c-b Past like a shadow thro' the field, ,, 1139 Charioted Far in the East Boadic^a, standing loftily c, Boddicea 3 So the Queen Boadic^a, standing loftily c, >» 70 Charioteer the C And starry Gemini hang Maud HI vi 6 sheer-astounded were the c's To see the dread, Achilles over the T. 26- Charitable To save the offence of c, Enoch Arden 342 Charity summer calm of golden c, Isabel 8 And thou of God in thy gi'eat c) n 40 with shafts of gentle satire, kin to c. Princess ii 469 those fair charities Join'd at her side, ,, vii 65 A patron of some thirty charities, ,, Con, 88 Valour and c more and more. To F. D. Maurice 40 "When one small touch of C Could lift Lit. Squabbles 13 In reverence and in c. In Mem. cxiv 28 C setting the martyr aflame ; Vastness 9 Charlatan Defamed by every c. In Mem. cod 23 Charles (the Second) Wherein the younger C abode Talking Oak 297 Charles (the First) From our first C by force we wrung our claims. Third of Feb. 26 Charles's Wain Till O W came out above May Queen, If. Y's. E. 12 Charley-Charlie and C ploughing the hill. Qrand-jnother 80 And Harry and C, I hear them too — ,, 81 And little King C snarling, Maud I xii 30 but "e leaved it to C 'is son. Village Wife 42 but Ce cotch'd the pike, ,, 43 But C 'e sets back 'is ears, ,, 67 And Squire were at C agean ,, 74 Ya wouldn't find C's likes — „ 75 Theerabouts C joompt — „ 81 thowt it wur C's ghoast i' the derk, ,, 82 But Billy fell bakkuds o' C, an' C „ 85 Charlock shone far-off as shines A field of c Gareth and L. 388 Charm (s) and the c of married brows.' (Enone 76 A heart that doats on truer c's. L. G. V. de Vere 14 all his life the c did talk About his path, Day-Dm. , Arrival 21 A Touch, a kiss ! the c was snapt ,, Revival 1 c have power to make New lifeblood Will Water. 21 Each, its own c ; and Edith's everywhere ; Aylmer's Field 165 loose A flying c of blushes o'er this cheek, Princess ii 430 nameless c That none has else for me ? ' ,, « 70 mar their c of stainless maidenhood.' Balin and Balan 268 For that small c of feature mine, pursued — Merlin and V. 76 Merlin once had told her of a c, ,, 205 see but him who wrought the c Coming and going, „ 212 Vivien ever sought to work the c, ,, 215 make me wish still more to learn this c ,, 329 c 80 taught will charm us both to rest. „ 332 when I told you first of such a c. ,, 359 I felt as tho' you knew this cursed c, „ 435 I dreamt Of some vast c concluded in that star „ 512 Giving you power upon me thro' this c, „ 514 try this c on whom ye say ye love.' ,, 525 this fair c invented by yourself? ,, 540 I needed then no c to keep them mine ,, 547 wizard who might teach the King Some c, ,, 584 the c Of nature in her overbore their own : ,, 595 they found — his foragers for c's — ,, 619 nave the King, who wrought tho c, ,, 643 9U ' Ye have the book : the e is written in it : „ 652 Charm (s) (continued) To dig, pick, open, find and read the c And every square of text an awful c, And in the comment did I find the c. mutter'd in himself, ' Tell h£r the c ! told her all the c, and slept, in one moment, she put forth the c Wrought as a c upon them, haze to magnify The c of Edith — they to be dumb'd by the c ! — She with all the c of woman. Take the c ' For ever ' from them, the c of all the Muses often flowering 1 hear a c of song thro' all the land. What c in words, a c no words Charm (verb) wish to c Pallas and Juno sitting by : seem'd to c from thence The wrath I nursed Perchance, to c a vacant brain, bloom profuse and cedar arches C, c's Her secret from the latest moon ? ' red berries c the bird, charm so taught will c us both to rest. then he taught the King to c the Queen changing market frets or c's C us. Orator, till the Lion look Do your best to c the worst, Charm-bound the eye Was riveted and c-b, Charm'd (See also Anger-charm'd, Love-charm'd) c and tied To where he stands, — D. of F. Women 193 C him thro' every labyrinth Aylmer's Field 479 the king her father c Her wounded soul with words : Princess vi 345 So much the gathering darkness c : , , Con. 107 sitting round him, idle hands, C ; Gareth and L. 513 golden mist C amid eddies of melodious airs, Lover's Tale i 450 Charming with a phosphorescence c even My Lady ; Aylmer's Field 116 Merlin and V. 660 673 683 809 966 967 Guinevere 144 Sisters (E. and E.) 130 V. of Maddune 25 Locksley H., Sixty 48 72 To Virgil 11 Prog, of 8 f ring 47 Far-far-away 16 A Character 14 Princess v 436 The Daisy 106 Milton 12 In Mem xxi 19 Gareth and L 85 Merlin and V. 332 „ 641 Ancient Sage 140 Locksley H., Sixty 112 147 Lover's Tale ii 188 Chamel Ev'n in the c's of the dead, Chamel-cave When Lazarus left his c-c, Charr'd and c you thro' and thro' within, sent him c and blasted to the deathless fire Chart (verb) c's us all in its coarse blacks Chartered craft seaworthy still , Have c this ; Chartist his bailiff brought A C pike. Two Voices 215 In Mem. xxxi 1 Pelleas and E. 467 Happy 84 Walk, to the Mail 107 Pref. Son., I9th Cent. 4 Walk, to the Mail 71 Chase (s) (See also Chace) and in the c grew wild, Talking Oak 126 Follow, follow the c ! sleek and shining creatures of the c. And reason in the c : And being ever foremost in the c, the tide within Red with free c Chase (verb) rose To c the deer at five ; 'C,' he said : the ship flew forward, do I c The substance or the shadow ? To c a creature that was current And bring or c the storm, Chased (engraved) hilt. How curiously and strangely c, meadow gemlike c In the brown wild, hilt, How curiously and strangely c. Chased (pursued) c away the still-recurring So shape c shape as swift as, • A light wind c her on the wing, but c The wisp that flickers where no foot can tread.' Princess iv 357 Window. On the Hill 11 Princess v 155 Com. of Arthur 168 Geraint and E. 959 Last Tournament 691 Talking Oak 52 Tfie Captain 33 Princess ii 408 Merlin and V. 408 Mechanophilus 14 M. d' Arthur 86 Geraint and E. 198 Pass of Arthur 254 Caress'd or Chidden 7 D.ofF. Women S7 Talking Oak 125 Com. of Arthur 167 Merlin and V. 427 To Marq. of Dufferin 29 Demeter and P. 15 Lying Swan 17 The Merman 20 ' I have seen the cuckoo c by lesser fowl, c the flashes of his golden horns Who might have c and claspt Renown and c away That shadow of a likeness Chasing C itself at its own wild will, C each other merrily. Chasm (See also Cavern-chasm) ' Heaven opens inward, c's yawn, Two Voices 304 in the icy caves And barren c's, M. d' Arthur 187 lines of cliff breaking have left a c ; And in the c are foam and yellow sands ; Enoch Arden 1 till drawn thro' either c, ,, 670 from the gaps and c's of ruin left Sea Dreams 225 ^i Chasm 91 Cheer Chasm (amtinued) Thro' one wide e of time and frost Princess, Pro. 93 By every coppice-feather'd c and cleft, ,, ti> 23 from the castle gateway by the c Com. of Arthur 370 little elves of c and cleft Made answer, Guinevere 248 clash'd his harness in the icy caves And barren c's, Pass, of Arthur 355 The yawning of an earthquake-cloven e. Lover's Tcde i 377 Flies with a shatter'd foam along the c. ,, 383 Clove into perilous c's our walls Def. of iMcknow 55 black passes and foam-churning c's — Sir J. Oldcastle 9 blur of earth Left by that closing c, Demeter and P. 38 of the c between Work and Ideal ? Romney's R. 63 Chasm-like With e-l portals open to the sea, Holy Grail 815 Chaste world's great bridals, c and calm : Princess, vii 294 All brave, and many generous, and some c. Merlin and V. 817 Chasten we love the Heaven that c's us. Geraint and E. 789 Chastisement brook the rod And c of human pride ; Sujyp. Confessions 108 May not that earthly c suffice ? Aylmer's Field 784 Chastity With the clear-pointed flame of c, Isabel 2 she rode forth, clothed on with c : Godiva 53 she rode back, clothed on with c: ,,65 They bound to holy vows of c ! Merlin and V. 695 To lead sweet lives in purest c, Guinevere 474 Chatelet The last wild thought of C, Margaret 37 Chattel Live c's, mincers of each other's fame, Princess, iv 515 Chatter Would c with the cold, and all my beard St. S. Stylites 31 I c over stony ways, The Brook 39 I c, c, as I flow To join the brimming river, ,, 47 crane,' I said, ' may c of the crane, Princess Hi 104 then to hear a dead man c Is enough Maud II v 19 Chatter'd Philip c more than brook or bird ; The Brook 51 They c trifles at the door : In Mem. Ixix 4 Chatterer Begotten by enchantment — c's they, Holy Grail 145 Chattering (ptui;.) c stony names Of shale and hornblende, « Princess Hi 361 Chattering (si Chafferings and c's at the market-cross, Holy Grail 558 Chaucer (Dan) See Dan Chaucer Chaumber (chamber) i' my oan blue c to mo. Spinster's S's. 80 Thou slep i' the c above us, Owd Roa 49 Roaver was theere i' the c ,,88 Chaumber door (chamber door) thy e d wouldn't sneck ; ,,64 Chaunt (See also Chant) I would mock thy c anew ; The Owl ii 8 And solemn c's resound between. Sir Galahad 36 Chaunteth C not the brooding bee A Dirge 16 Cheap had holden the power and glory of Spain so c The Revenge 106 Cheat (s) Yet, if she were not a c, (repeat) Maud I vi 35, 91 Scarcely, now, would I call him a c ; ,, xiii 29 Cheat (verb) love to c yourself with words : Princess vii 334 C and be cheated, and die : Maud I i 32 Cheated (See also Half-cheated) Cheat and be c, and die: ,, 32 Cheating c the sick of a few last gasps, ,, 43 Check (s) ' Then comes the c, the change, Two Voices 163 With motions, c's, and counterchecks. ,, 300 Check (verb) too noble' he said 'to c at pies, Merlin and V. 126 the good nuns would c her gadding tongue Guinevere 313 c me too Nor let me shame my father's memory, ,, 317 pray you c me if I ask amiss — ,, _ 324 Check'd and c His power to shape : Lucretius 22 Here the King's calm eye Fell on, and c, Gareth and L. 548 there he c himself and paused. Pelleas and E. 527 Cheek (See also Maiden-cheek) The red c paling, The strong limbs failing ; All things will Die 31 laughters dimple The baby-roses in her c's ; Lilian 17 then the tears run down my c, Oriana 69 That dimples your transparent c, Margaret 15 Tie up the ringlets on your c: ,,57 And your c, whose brilliant hue Rosalind 39 Leaning his c upon bis hand, Elednore 118 Returning with hot c and kindled eyes. Alexander 14 Tho' one should smite him on the c. Two Voices 251 c Flush'd like the coming of the day ; Miller's D. 131 Her c had lost the rose, and round her neck CEnone 18 his c brighten'd as tho foam-bow brightens ,, 61 eye Over her snow-cold breast and angry c Kept watch, ,, 142 Cheek (continued) His ruddy c upon my breast, with puff'd c the belted hunter blew From c and throat and chin, along the brain. And flushes all the c. with swarthy c's and bold black eyes, A word could bring the colour to my c ; clapt him on the hands and on the c's, laughter dimpled in his swarthy c ; and pat The girls upon the c, ' Then flush'd her c with rosy light. Thy c begins to redden thro' the gloom, and thy tears are on my c. Then her c was pale and thinner On her pallid c and forehead came a colour the barking cur Made her c flame : While, dreaming on your damask c. The blush is fix'd upon her c. The colour flies into his c's : C by jowl, and knee by knee : Flamed in his c ; and eager eyes, Cooling her false c with a featherfan, yet her c Kept colour : wondrous ! On glassy water drove his c in lines ; when the king Kiss'd her pale c, blew the swoll'n c of a trumpeter, flying charm of blushes o'er this c, but my c Began to burn and burn, till over brow And c and bosom brake my Sire, his rough c wet with tears. And so belabour'd him on rib and c wan was her c With hollow watch, I love not hollow c or faded eye : wordless broodings on the wasted c — ' The c's drop in ; the body bows A touch of shame upon her c > Come ; let us go : your c's are pale ; To clap their c's, to call them mine, fan my brows and blow The fever from my c, beam of an eyelash dead on the c. The Sisters 20 Palace of Art 63 140 D. of F. Women 44 127 Gardener's D. 196 Dora 133 Edwin Morris 61 Talking Oak 44 165 Tithonus 37 45 Locksley Hall 21 25 Godiva 58 Day -Dm., Pro. 3 Day-Dm., Sleep. P. 32 ,, Arrival 19 Vision of Sin 84 Aylmer's Field 66 289 „ 505 Princess i 116 ,, m264 364 430 , , Hi 45 ,, iv'383 t)23 341 ,, vi 144 ,, vii 7 „ 112 In Mem. xxxv 3 ,, xxxvii 10 ,, Ivii 5 ,, Ixxxiv 18 , , Ixxxvi 9 Maud I Hi 3 Roses are her c's. And a rose her mouth (repeat) Maud I xvii 7, 27 but speak Of my mother's faded c ,, xix 19 this was what had redden'd her c ,, 65 and a c of apple-blossom. Hawk-eyes ; GareUi and L. 589 Struck at him with his whip, and cut his c. Marr. of Geraint 207 Whom first she kiss'd on either c, „ 517 Made her c burn and either eyelid fall, ,, 775 Made her c burn and either eyelid fall. Geraint and E. 434 so there lived some colour in your c, ,, 621 spearman let his c Bulge with the unswallow'd piece, „ 630 However lightly, smote her on the c. ,, 718 White was her c : sharp breaths of anger puff'd Merlin and V. 848 Seam'd with an ancient swordcut on the c, Lancelot and E. 258 c did catch the colour of her words. Lover's Tale i 569 bent above me, too ; Wan was her c ; ,, 694 c's as bright as when she climb'd the hill. ,, Hi 47 As well as the plump c — Sisters (E. and E.) 184 kiss fell chill as a flake of snow on the c : The Wreck 32 to feel his breath Upon my c — The Flight 46 Yet tho' this c be gray. Epilogue 7 Each poor pale e a momentary rose — The Ring 315 rounder c had brighten'd into bloom. ,, 351 her lips Were warm upon my c, ,, 399 From off the rosy c of waking Day. ATchar's Dream 202 Cheek'd See Apple-cheek'd Cheep c and twitter twenty million loves. Princess iv 101 Cheeping birds that circle round the tower Are c to each other The Ring 86 Cheer (s) flowers would faint at your cruel c. Poet's Mind 15 Died the sound of royal c ; ^' 2f '^^'^^ iv 48 Naked I go, and void of c : Two Voices 239 A murmur, ' Be of better c' ,, 429 Welcome her, thundering c of tho street ! W. to Alexandra 7 With festal c, With books and music, In Mem. cvH 21 And I make myself such evil c, Maud I xv2 Cheer 92 Cheer (s) (corUinued) With all good ., He spake and ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ Emd'broi:^lit sweet cakes to make them c, Man. ofGeraint 388 cried GerTint for wine and goodly c Geratnt and E. 283 lUy maid had striven to make him c. Lancelot and K 327 Y Jt with good c he spake, , Pdleasand £.240 mghlanders answer with conquering c\ Def ofl^know^9 hard rocks, hard life, hard c, or none, Sir J. Old^af" 6 guest may make True c with honest wine- Pro. to Gen. Eardey 16 men gallopt up with a c and a shout, -Sf*^ ^"rtSo ClieeT(vert) Annie, come c up before I go.' En^oh Arden 200 ' Annie mv girl, c up, be comforted, r'h i ■ tToq Chee^d Au7hl .her Foul with love. M^££ 9 But he c me, my good inan, tTmZxxU^ And we with singing c the way, I^ Mem. xxnb Be c with ti J"gf. «f J^^X^^d Com. of Arthur 267 he spake and c his iable Kouna '^""■- J _ Nor ever c you with a kindly smile, -T "> f S^ Cheerfil It wiunigh made her c ; _ Geramt andK 443 ^^^gVew so c that they deem'd her death ^"'^'^'^irL 827 ChelrfuUy Enoch bore his weakness c. Enoch Ard^n^l ChlSminded Be .-«, talk and treat Of all things ^^jlf^^ffgj^ Cheerfulness hold out the lights of c; TheDawnlb Cheque violates virgin Truth for a com or a c. S.m zSS 15 Cheauer-work A c-w of beam and shade _ r 7 7 w 7/ fi^ cffih c that which bears but bitter fruit ? ^'Y^f.^f % The love of all Thy daughters c Thee, ^ed.^ Idylls 53 erace Thy climbing life, and c my prone year, Garethand i 95 CheSd fe'd, and /him, 'and -ved his life. ^-^ ^^^^ ?§^ Cherry To catch a dragon in a c net, MeruTand V 52 Cherub There is no being pure, My c ; Princess vi 246 Chess our wine and c beneath the planes, ^riwcess t;* ^40 Chest (part of bddy) like monstrous apes they ^^^ ^_ ^^^ Liri?n^,"^//eelinbeadorc , ^ ,,^iK;fI big voic^'big .. big xnerciless hands ! In '^j^^^-fes Ches?(W^reroSett?eivoryc ^^e Xe«.. 17 J:fther:.Vythth'you knelt- ^/.i^^n, 112 There the c was open— all The sacred relics ,, *■*" SSSt KTrtd™. «•. near, that hu,^ Um.', D. 56 I came and sat Below the c's, » ^gg While those full c's whisper by. " oni in the c shade I found the blue Forget-me-not. „ /'i^ Parks with oak and c shady, /• «/ f "''^^^^^ ^9 I see the slowly-thickening c towers Pro^. 0/ -Sprz«? 42 Chestnut (fruit) <^, when the shell Divides threefold ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ TheT^attering to the ground : _, ^ . ^« ^^'^^ ^^' ^ Chestnut-bloom that islet in the c-b Flamed m ^^^^^.^ ^.^^^ ^^ ChestS-buf 'drooping c-l's began To spread ^ir X. ^^ 16 Chew'd c The thrice-turn'd cud of wrath, rrtncess ivo cK Sir C, that scarce hast broken shell Balm and Balan 568 Or else Sir C-dismount and loose their casques . 57rf Chid be friends, like children being c ! ^^T/ Tir 63 Cher and forbid her to spoak To me, .-T >,^j^ 1 Chidden ' CaRESb'd or c by the slender hand, Carm'd or Ch^Men 1 Chief answer'd Lancelot, the c of kmght« : ^^ ^_ ^^ ^g^ (repeat) . rr- 18^ eueas thee c of those, After the King, .> ;i°^ Cs of cs and princes fall so fast, jvl^fr sFjdd 763 an Eagle rising or, the Sun In dexter c ; Merhn <^r>dV.m the thit seem'd the c among them said PeZZeas ani E. 62 ChUd (^e.«Z,o Bairn, ChUder, Children) Fed thee, a ^^^^^^^ c, lying alone, 07 A glorious c, dreaming alone, • i ' One walk'd between his wife and e, Two Vot^a 41Z features of her c Ere it is born : her c ! ^none ^l ' never c be born of me, Unblest, ,. ^"J* Child Child (^--f)J^-''' b^ ^ ^«**- " ^ y°^ *%%Ven, iV. r-. E. 44 dream of Fatherland, Of c, and wife. Lotos-Eaters 40 With that fair c betwixt them bom. On a Mourner 2b Dora took the c, and went her way -^oJ-a '^ none of all his men Dare tell him Dora waited with the c ; , , /b she rose and took The c once more, ■■ »J- Whose c is that ? What are you doing here i answer'd softly, ' This is William's c\' take the e, And bless him for the sake of him that s gone ! work for William's c, until he grows Of age a-begging for myself. Or William, or this e ; three hours he sobb'd o'er William's c n,„ji.-„ /o^i- 1 9S cling About the darling c : ?''^ ??£,%; m O, the c too clothes the father Locksley Hall 91 barbarian lower than the Christian c. w^ll'wnter 'U that cs heart within the man's Begins ^lifr/S; 24 ' I speak the truth : you are my c. Lady Llare l\ I biuied her like my own sweet c, And put my c in her ^ ' Nay now, my c,' said Alice the nurse, (repeat) ,, 33, 41 Alas, mv c, I sinn'd for thee.' . i' . t C, if it were thine error or thy crime Come not, when, etc. 7 90 93 126 142 167 from the palace came a c of sin, And give his c a better bringing-up how should the c Remember this ? ,^ ^ . , ,. the third c was sickly-born and grew Yet sick her, fears were common to her state. Being with c : but when her c was born. Then her new e marriage, and the birth Of Philip's c : darling Katie Willows, his one c ! His only c, his Edith whom he loved Nursing a c, and turning to the warmth — who could trust a c ? Their c' 'Ourc!' 'Our heiress! and because I love their c They hate me : and read Writhing a letter from his c. Of such a love as like a chidden c. He seldom crost his c without a sneer ; praying him To speak before the people of her c, The poor c of shame The common care all the gentle attributes Of his lost c, Is not our own c on the narrow way, The childless mother went to seek her c ; in the narrow gloom By wife and c ; His wife, an unknown artist's orphan c— Virdn Mother standing with her c the c Clung to the mother, and sent out a cry And mine but from the crying of a c. ' C ? No ! ' said he, ' but this tide s roar, Good man, to please the c. voice (You spoke so loud) has roused the c again. flock'd at noon His tenants, wife and c. Half c half woman as she was, they must lose the c, assume The woman : odes About this losing of the c ; when we came where lies the c We lost in other years. Your language proves you still the c. At her left, a c, In shining draperies, turn'd to go, but Cyril took the c, the c Push'd her flat hand against his face call'd For Psyche's c to cast it from the doors , on the purple footcloth, lay The lily-shimng e ; For this lost lamb (she pointed to the c) and a hope The c of regal compact, S.''bS::my'blSsorih, my c, My one sweet c, whom wheSejr/Thrc is hers-for every little fault, The c is hers ; My babe, my sweet Aglaia, my one c : Who gave me back my c ? ' You have spoilt this c ; she laughs at you Our chiefest comfort is the little c c shall grow To prize the authentic mother Vision of Sin 5 Enoch Arden 87 233 „ 261 „ 522 „ 709 The Brook 67 Aylmer's Field 23 185 264 297 423 517 541 562 608 687 731 „ 743 829 841 Sea Dreams 2 242 244 249 250 267 281 Pro. 4 101 n37 141 nlO 58 108 362 365 ii>238 287 361 421 V 80 82 87 101 105 116 430 432 Princess Child 93 Child CShild (continued) the training of a c Is woman's wisdom.' Set his c upon her knee — 'Sweet my c, I live for thee.' Knelt on one knee, — the c on one, — She bow'd, she set the c on the earth ; not yours, but mine : give me the c ' The mother, me, the c ; give her the c ! (repeat) twilight mellowing, dwelt Full on the c ; Ida spoke not, rapt upon the c. Blanche had gone, but left Her c among us, old world of ours is but a e Yet in the go-cart, love not this French God, the c of Hell, But I wept like a c that day, wept like a c for the c that was dead King is happy In c and wife ; She cast her arms about the c. The c was only eight summers old, ' They have taken the c To spill his blood Poor c, that waitest for thy love ! They call'd me fool, they call me c : find in c and wife An iron welcome Familiar to the stranger's c ; c would twine A trustful hand, unask'd, in thine, Half -grown as yet, a c, and vain— With wisdom, like the younger c : No, like a c in doubt and fear : Then was I as a <; that cries, I play'd with the girl when a c ; c, you wrong your beauty, 1 have play'd with her when a c ; For then, perhaps, as a c of deceit, Made her only the c of her mother, desire that awoke in the heart of the c, one fair daughter, and none other c ; split the mother's heart Spitting the c, surely would have torn the c Piecemeal among them, Wherefore Merlin took the c, Or else the c of Anton, and no king, Arthur were the c of shamefulness, dried my tears, being a c with me. So that the c and he were clothed in fire, same c,' he said, ' Is he who reigns ; The shining dragon and the naked c this King thine only c, Guinevere : the good mother holds me still a c ! ' Mother, tho' ye count me still the c, Sweet mother, do ye love the c ? ' ' Then, mother, an ye love the c,' Hear the c's story. ' ' An ye hold me yet for e, Hear yet once more the story of the c. „ 99 all day long hath rated at her c, , , 1285 ' My fair c, What madness made thee challenge ,, 1415 Had married Enid, Yniol's only c, Marr. of Geraint 4 dear c hath often heard me praise ,, 434 noble host. For this dear c, ,, 497 ' See here, my c, how fresh the colours ,, 680 Look on it, c, and tell me if ye know it.' ,, 684 worn My faded suit, as you, my e, ,, 706 my dear c is set forth at her best, ,, 728 your fair c shall wear your costly gift ,, 819 wail ye for him thus ? ye seem a c. Geraint and E. 547 Make knight or churl or c or damsel seem Balin and Balan 162 plumed with green replied, ' Peace, c ! Merlin and V. 90 neither eyes nor tongue— stupid c ! ,, 251 Your pardon, c. Your pretty sports have brighten'd all again. In you, that are no c, for still I find Your face a mere c Might use it to the harm of anyone, One c they had ; it lived with her : charged by Valence to bring home the c. 1 ask you, is it clamour'd by the e, bitter weeping like a beaten c. Princess v 465 ,, vi 14 16 91 „ 120 141 153 Princess v 168, 179, 183 Princess t) 192 „ _ 220 , , vii 57 „ Con. 77 Third of Feb. 7 Grandmother 64 „ 68 The Victim 26 „ 32 „ 33 43 In Mem. vi 28 ,, Ixix 13 ,, xc 7 „ ci20 cm; 18 , , cxiv 9 20 ,, cxxiv 17 19 Mavd I i 68 iv 17 vi 87 xiii 30 40 xix 48 Com. of Arthur 2 39 217 221 233 239 350 390 392 399 413 Gareth and L. 15 34 37 39 Child [continued) ' True, my c. Well, I will wear it : Lancelot and E. 370 ' Do me this grace, my c, to have my shield ,, 382 Sir Modred's brother, and the c of Lot, , , 558 the diamond: wit ye well, my c, ,, 771 kiss the c That does the task assign'd, ,, 828 Meeker than any c to a rough nurse, ,, 857 Milder than any mother to a sick c, ,, 858 '0 my c, ye seem Light-headed, ,, 1062 Yet, seeing you desire your c to live, ,, 1095 kiss'd me saying, "Thou are fair, my c, „ 1409 I saw the fiery face as of a c Holy Grail 466 winding wall of rock Heard a c wail. Last Tournament 12 thro' the wind Pierced ever a c's cry : ,,17 Vext her with plaintive memories of the c : ,, 29 that unhappy c Past in her barge : ,,44 Queen White-robed in honour of the stainless c, „ 147 whimpering of the spirit of the c, „ 418 Arthur make me pure As any maiden c? ,, 693 ' Will the c kill me with her innocent talk ? ' Guinevere 214 ' Will the c kill me with her foolish prate ? ' „ 225 They found a naked c upon the sands ,, 293 ' Tho simple, fearful c Meant nothing, ,, 369 too-fearful guilt, Simpler than any c, ,, 371 ' Liest thou here so low, the c of one I honour'd, ,, 422 Well is it that no c is born of thee. , , 424 wife and c with wail Pass to new lords ; Pass, of Arthur 44 Or Cowardice, the c of lust for gold. To the Queen ii 54 Which to the imprison'd spirit of the c, Lover's Tale i 204 Had thrust his wife and c and dash'd himself ,, 380 you may hear The moaning of the woman and the c, ,, 520 at last he freed himself From wife and c, „ iv 380 I was a c, an' he was a c, an' he came First Quarrel 23 told it me all at once, as simple as any c, , , 58 You'll have her to nurse my c, ,, 70 when he was but a c — Eizpah 25 The wind that 'ill wail like a c * ,,72 You never have borne a c — ,, 80 My father with a c on either knee, A hand upon the head of either c, iSisters (E. and E. ) 54 Here's to your happy union with my c ! ,, 68 widow with less guile than many a c. ,, 182 desire that her lost c Should earn ,, 250 here She bore a c, whom reverently we call'd Edith ; ,, 268 gratefullest heart I have found in a c of her moral c without the craft to rule, 304 366 684 „ 716 718 771 855 Lancelot and E. 146 years — the c didn't see I was there. I had sat three nights by the c — and we went to see to the c. I sorrow for that kindly c of Spain Out of the deep, my c, (repeat) I am roused by the wail of a c, The c that I felt I could die for — That day my nurse had brought me the c. I thought of the c for a moment, I shall look on the c again. ' c, I am coming to thee.' I pray'd — ' my c ' — for I still could pray — Was it well with the c ? Godless Jeptha vows his c . . . that smiles at her sleepin' c — Amy was a timid c ; dead the mother, dead the c. Edith but a c of six — wife and his c stood by him in tears. And warms the c's awakening world from her household orbit draws the c the c Is happy — ev'n in leaving her ! can no more, thou earnest, my c, Queen of the dead no more — my c ! C, those imperial, disimpassion'd eyes here, my c, tho' folded in thine arms, C, when thou wert gone, I envied human wives, do ye make your moaning for my c ? ' the c Of thee, the great Earth-Mother, In the Child. Hosp. 32 „ 44 59 68 Columbus 212 Be Prof. Two G. 1, 5, 26, 29 The Wreck 7 36 59 84 124 134 138 141 TJie FligJtt 26 Tomorrow 26 Locksley II., Sixty 19 36 258 Bead Prophet 57 Prin. Beatrice 5 7 11 Bemeter and P. 4 18 23 40 52 65 99 ChUd 94 Chillness Child (continued) c, Because I hear your Mother's voice in yours, for we, ray c, Have been till now each other's all-in-all, you the livelong guardian of the c. This ring bequeath'd you by your mother, c. C, I am happier in your happiness What chamber, c ? Your nurse is here ? but the c Is paler than before, forgotten it was your birthday, c — Kiss me c and go. Mother, dare you kill your c ? I see the picture yet, Mother and c. a c Had shamed me at it — The Ring 27 52 :; ?l 90 95 „ 326 „ 378 489 Forlorn 37 Romney's R. 81 111 Bandit's Death 15 Charity 28 The Dawn 9 Locksley H., Sixty 36 Akbar's Dream 12 Village Wife 13 55 Tomorrow 85 " , 86 Spinster's S's. 84 Enoch Arden 37 In Mem. Ixxix 15 ,, cxx 10 Gareth and L. 53 Lover's Tale i 188 221 249 a 183 Merlin and the G. 115 Princess vii 284 To Victor Hugo 4 Children [coniinued) the c call, and I Thy shepherd pipe. Princess vii 217 Late the little c clung : Ode on Well. 237 But all my c have gone before me, Grandmother 18 But as to the c, Annie, they're all about me yet. „ 76 Phantom wail of women and c, Boddicea 26 and he loved to dandle the c, the birth of a baseborn c. For Babylon was a c new-born, Child-birth Lies my Amy dead in c-b, Dying in c-b of dead sons. Childer (children) thebbe all wi' the Lord my c, all es one, the c an' me, has now ten c, hansome an' tall, Him an' his c wor keenin' But I niver not wish'd fur c. Childhood when the dawn of rosy c past, Ere c's flaxen ringlet turn'd up from c shape His action like the greater ape. One, that had loved him from his c, In the Maydews of c, pillars which from earth uphold Our c, As was our c, so our infancy, A monument of c and of love ; The poesy of c ; Him the Mighty, Who taught me in c. Childlike lose the c in the larger mind ; Child-lover Lord of human tears ; C-l ; Children [See also Child, Childer, Men-children) May c of our c say, To the Queen 23 And c all seem full of Thee ! Supp. Confessions 21 Two c in two neighbour villages Circumstance 1 Two c in one hamlet born and bred ; ,,8 I have been to blame. Kiss me, my c' Dora 162 Not in our time, nor in our c's time. Golden Year 55 mothers brought Their c, clamouring, Godiya 15 Three fair c first she bore him, L. of Burleigh 87 Three c of three houses, Enoch Arden 11 In this the c play'd at keeping house. ,, 24 With c ; first a daughter. ,, 84 To see his c leading evermore Low miserable lives ,, 115 ■ When he was gone — the c — what to do ? „ 132 if he cared For her or his dear c, „ 164 Her and her c, let her plead in vain ; ,, 166 by the love you bear Him and his c ,, 308 yet he sent Gifts by the c, ,, 338 PhiUp was her c's all-in-all ; ,, 348 Annie's c long'd To go with others, ,, 362 But when the c pluck'd at him to go, ,, 369 I fain would prove A father to your c ; ,, 411 Up came the c laden with their spoil ; ,, 445 And his own c tall and beautiful, ,, 762 Lord of his rights and of his c's love, — ,, 764 My c too ! must I not speak to these ? ,, 788 But if my c care to see me dead, , , 888 A childly way with c, and a laugh Ringing Aylmer's Field 181 they talk'd. Poor c, for their comfort : „ 427 Bodies, but souls — thy c's — ,, 672 Will there be c's laughter in their hall ,, 787 That love to keep us c ! Princess, Pro. 133 they had but been, she thought. As c ; ,, i 137 baser courses, c of despair.' ,, m213 every woman counts her due, Love, c, happiness? ' ,, 245 c, would they grew Like field-flowers ,, 251 But c die ; and let me tell you, girl, ,, 253 C — that men may pluck them from our hearts, ,, 257 — c — there is nothing upon earth ,, 259 Whose name is yoked with c's, ,, v 418 Kiss and be friends, like c being chid ! „ vi 289 For by the hearth the c sit Who takes the c on his knee, Timour- Mammon grins on a pile of c's bones, wolf would steal The c and devour, and the c, housed In her foul den, at tourney once. When both were c. And c of the King in cloth of gold all the c in their cloth of gold Ran to her. The cry of e, Enids and Geraints As c learn, be thou Wiser for falling ! In c a great curiousness be well, Where c cast their pins and nails. To one at least, who hath not c, Lives for his c, ever at its best And fullest ; And mirthful sayings, c of the place. Where c sat in white with cups of gold. The c born of thee are sword and fire, Who either for his own or c's sake, When Harry an' I were c, dogs of Seville, the c of the devil, ' We have c, we have wives, God help the wrinkled c that are Christ's I am sure that some of our c would die They are all his c here, we past to this ward where the younger c are laid : ' Little c should come to me.' I find that it always can please Our c, the dear Lord Jesus with c about his knees.) Lord of the c had heard her. Women and c among us, God help them, our c ' C and wives — if the tigers leap Grief for our perishing c, women and c come out. Their wives and c Spanish concubines, they play'd with The c of Edward. clouds themselves are c of the Sun. Day and Night are c of the Sun, evil thought may soil thy c's blood ; Happy c in a sunbeam sitting City c soak and blacken soul laborious. Patient c of Albion, Household happiness, gracious c, Father's fault Visited on the c ! Innocent maidens, Garrulous c. That wife and c drag an Artist down ! ' Why left you wife and c ? nurse my c on the milk of Truth, Ah, that will our c be. Chill But he is c to praise or blame. Then fearing night and c for Annie, Bright was that afternoon. Sunny but c : As wan, as c, as wild as now : and dark the night and c ! and dark and c the night ! Whereof the c, to him who breathed it, ' not even death Can c you all at once : ' But he sent a c to my heart when I saw him kiss fell c as a flake of snow on the cheek : His winter c's him to the root, Chill'd heavens Stifled and c at once ; Would that have c her bride-kiss ? He c the popular praises of the King The very fountains of her life were c ; fell from that half -spiritual height C, Chilling c his caresses By the coldness like a phantom pass C the night : Chillness Whose c would make visible c of the sprinkled brook Smote on my brows, In Mem. a;a; 13 ,, Ixvi 11 Mavd / i 46 Com. of Arthur 27 29 Gareth and L. 533 Marr. of Geraint 664 668 Geraint and E. 965 Balin and Balan 75 Merlin and V. 364 430 506 Lancelot and E. 336 Holy Grail 555 Last Tournament 142 Guinevere 425 513 First Quarrd 10 The Revenge 30 „ 92 SisUrs (E. and E.) 183 In the Child. Hosp. 11 19 27 50 72 Def. of Ly/;know 8 II 89 100 Columbus 175 Batt. of Brunanburh 92 Ancient Sage 242 245 275 Locksley H., Sixty 14 . 218 On Jub. Q. Victoria 59 Vastness 24 The Ring 176 Merlin and the G. 56 Romney's R. 38 „ 129 Akbar's Dream 162 The Dawn 24 Two Voices 258 Enoch Arden 443 670 In Mem. Ixxii 17 Guinevere 168 174 Pass, of Arthur 96 Lover's Tale iv 77 In the Child. Hosp. 2 The Wreck 32 Ancient Sage 119 Aylmer's Fidd 613 Last Tournament 590 Guinevere 13 Sisters (E. and E.) 266 To E. Fitzgerald 20 Maud I XX 12 Gareth and L. 1336 Supp. Confessions 59 Lover's Tale I 633 Chime Christian Chime (s) speak for noise Of clocks and c's, oft we two have heard St. Mary's c's ! Chime (verb) the blue river c's in its flowing and those great bells Began to c. Set her sad will no less to c with his, changing, c with never changing Law. Chimera (Ts, crotchets, Christmas solecisms, Chimley (Chimney) haiife o' the c's a-twizzen'd Princess i 216 To W. H. Brookfidd 3 All Things will Die 1 Pcdace of Art 158 Enoch Arden 248 To Duke of Argyll 11 Princess, Pro. 203 Owd Bod 22 Chimney (See also Chimley, Chimney-top) And half the c's tumbled. The Goose 48 And c's muffled in the leafy vine. AvMey Court 19 For now her father's c glows In Mem. vi 29 Chimney-top above the tall white c-t's. May Queen, N. Y's. E. 12 Chin smooth 'd his c and sleek'd his hair, A Character 11 His double c, his portly size. Miller's D. 2 From cheek and throat and c. Palace of Art 140 Close up his eyes : tie up his c : D. of the O. Year 48 Her sweet face from brow to c : L. of Burleigh 62 reddening in the furrows of his c, Princess vi 228 many-winter'd fleece of throat and c. Merlin and V. 841 China laws Salique And little-footed C, Princess ii 134 China-bound Reporting of his vessel C-b, Enach Arden 122 Chink (sound) Even in dreams to the c of his pence, Maud I x i'3 Chink (crevice) walls Were full of c's and holes ; Godiva 60 Found in a c of that old moulder'd floor ! ' The Ring 280 Chink (verb) For Age will c the face, Happy 46 Chink'd C as you see, and seam'd — Lover's Tale i 131 Chirp (a) (See also Matin-chirp) I hear a c of birds ; In Mem. cxix 5 Chirp (verb) The cricket c's : the light burns low: D. of the 0. Year iO Chirping about the fields you caught His weary daylong c. The Brook 53 Chirpt gray cricket c of at our hearth — Merlin and V. 110 Chirr'd not a cricket c : In Mem. xcv 6 Chirrup The sparrow's c on the roof, Mariana 73 titmouse hope to win her With his c at her ear. Maud I xx 30 Chirrupt beside me c the nightingale. Grandmother 40 Chivalry came to c : When some respect, Princess ii 135 urged All the devisings of their c Gareth and L. 1349 Choice wherefore rather I made c To commune Two Voices 460 Teach that sick heart the stronger c, On a Mourner 18 And told him of my c. Talking Oak 18 glorious in his beauty and thy c, Tithonus 12 But you have made the wiser c. You might have won 5 Which weep the comrade of my c. In Mem. xiii 9 your sweetness hardly leaves me a c Maud I v2i c from air, land, stream, and sea, Pelleas and E. 149 her c did leap forth from his eyes ! Lover's Tale i 657 Choicest-grown blossom c-g To wreathe a crown Akhar's Dream 22 Choke Should fill and c with golden sand — You ask me, why 24 ' A quinsy c thy cursed note ! ' The Goose 29 yellow vapours c The great city Maud II iv 63 Chok'd I c. Again they shriek'd the burthen — Edwin Morris 123 Heaven, and Earth, and Time are c. St. S. Stylites^ 104 Her voice C, and her forehead sank Princess vii 247 hopes are mine,' and saying that, she c, Lancelot and E. 607 His mercy c me. Guinevere 616 C all the syllables, that strove to rise Lover's Tale i 711 Choler old, but full Of force and c, Golden Year 61 Cholera C, scurvy, and fever, Def. of Lucknow 84 Chooch (church) An' I alius comed to 's c N. Farmer, 0. S. 17 Choorch (church) voated wi' Squoire an' c an' staiite, I, 15 Choose To c your own you did not care ; Day-Dm., L'Envoi 30 'Twere hardly worth my while to c In Mem. xxxiv 10 arms for guerdon ; c the best.' Geraint and E. 218 of overpraise and overblame We c the last. Merlin and V. 91 Chop (s) His proper c to each. Will Water. 116 Among the c's and steaks ! . , _ 148 Chop (verb) C the breasts from off the mother, Boddicea 68 Chop-house Head-waiter of the c-h here, WiU Water. 209 Chord (See also Master-chord) clear twang of the golden c's Sea-Fairies 38 note From that deep c which Hampden smote England and Amer. 19 and smote on all the c'a with might ; Locksley HaU 33 Chord (continued) ' Screw not the e too sharply lest it snap. ' Consonant c's that shiver to one note ; The deepest measure from the c's : Will flash along the c's and go. speak His music by the framework and the c ; Sweeps suddenly all its half-moulder'd c's would drop from the c's or the keys. Chorus Go ' (shrill'd the cotton-spining c) ; Aylm^r's Field 469 Princess Hi 90 In Mem. xlviii 12 ,, Ixxxviii 12 Holy Grail 879 Lover's Tale i ] 9 The Wreck 27 „ , , Edwin Morris 122 YOU c of indolent reviewers, Hendecasyllabics 1 All that c of indolent reviewers, ,, 12 whereupon Their common shout in c, mounting, Balin and Balan 87 Chose crag-platform, smooth as burnish'd brass I c. Palace of Art 6 That sober-suited Freedom c. You ask me, why 6 for your sake, the woman that he c, Dora 63 You c the best among us— Enoch Arden 293 C the green path that show'd the rarer foot, Lancelot and E. 162 Chosen Who madest him thy c, Titlwnus 13 Gods,' he said, ' would have c well ; The Victim 58 ' Had I c to wed, I had been wedded earlier, Lancelot and E. 934 Was c Abbess, there, an Abbess, Guinevere 696 happy to be c Judge of Gods, Death of OLnone 16 Chousin' an' I wur c the wife, North. Cobbler 83 Christ (See also Christ Jesus, Jesus, Lamb) Brothers in C— a world of peace Supp. Confessions 29 C, the Virgin Mother, and the saints ; St. S. Stylites 112 So I clutch it. Cl'Tisgone: ,, 207 Save C as we believe him— Aylm^r's Field 573 as cried C ere His agony to those that swore ,, 793 Not preaching simple (J to simple men, Sea Dreams 21 C the bait to trap his dupe and fool ; ,,191 God accept him, C receive him. Ode on Well. 281 The time draws near the birth of C : In Mem. xxviii 1 Behold a man raised up by C ! ,, xxxi 13 The time draws near the birth of C ; ,, dvl Ring in the C that is to be. ,, ewi 32 Ah C, that it were possible For one short hour Maud II iv 13 As the churches have kill'd their C ,, v 29 Sware at the shrine of C a deathless love : Com. of Arthur 466 ' The King will follow C, and we the King ,, 500 we that fight for our fair father C, , , 510 Follow the deer? follow the C, the King, Gareth and L. 117 Hath prosper'd in the name of C, Balin and Balan 99 the Roman pierced the side of C. 114 scarce could spy the C for Saints, '' 409 saintly youth, the spotless lamb of C, Merlin and V. 749 all his legions crying C and him, Lancelot and E. 305 Ah, C, that it would come. Holy Grail 93 C kill me then But I will slice him Pelleas and E. 337 ' My churl, for whom C died, Last Tournament 62 Have everywhere about this land of C Guinevere 431 To break the heathen and uphold the C, ,, 470 And so thou lean on our fair father C, ,, 562 God my C— I pass but shall not die.' Pass, of Arthur 28 and shrieks After the C, 111 wrinkled children that are C's Sisters (E. and E.) 183 ears for C in this wild field of Wales— Sir J. OldcasUe 13 and raze The blessed tomb of C ; Columbus 99 This creedless people will be brought to C , , 189 And we broke away from the 0, Despair 25 A THOUSAND summers ere the time of C Ancient Sage 1 transfigured, like C on Hermon hill, Happy 38 In that four-hundredth summer after C, St. Tele^nachus 4 Christian C's with happy countenances — Supp. Confessions 20 barbarian lower than the C child. Locksley Hall 174 she, who kept a tender C hope, . Sea Dreams 41 The graceful tact, the C art ; In Mem. ex 16 Nor any cry of C heard thereon, Pass, of Arthur 128 C conquerors took and flung the conquered C into flames. Locksley H., Sixty 84 That ever wore a C marriage-ring. Romney's R. 36 at length he touch'd his gaol, The C city. St. Tdemachus 35 as he yell'd of yore for C blood. ,, 46 eighty thousand C faces watch Man murder man. ,, 55 Brahmin, and Buddhist, C, and Parsee, Akhar's Dream 25 Christian 96 Circle Christian {continued) I shudder at the C and the stake ; Akbar's Bream 72 in praise of Whom The C bell, ,, 149 The C's own a Spiritual Head ; ,, 153 Cali'd on the Power adored by the C, Kapiolani 32 Christian Church if it be a C 0, people ring the bell for love to Thee, Alcbar's D. Inscrip. 4 Christ Jesus of Him who died for men, C J [' iSt. Telemachus 64 Christless C code, That must have life Mand II i 26 Pellam, once A C foe of thine BcUin and Balan 97 fury of peoples, and C frolic of kings, The Dawn 7 Christ-like The tenderest C-l creature Charity 32 Christmas {See also Christmas day, Christmas-eve, Christmas-mom) in the pits Which some green C crams with weary bones. Wan Sadftor 14 all the old honour had from C gone, The Epic 7 The cock crows ere the C morn, Sir Galahad 51 lastly there At C ; ever welcome at the Hall, Aylmer's Field 114 when the second C came, escaped His keepers, , , 838 We seven stay'd at C up to read ; Princess, Pro. 178 play'd Charades and riddles as at C here, „ 189 told a tale from mouth to mouth As here at C.' ,, 192 Chimeras, crotchets, G solecisms, ,, 203 The C bells from hill to hill In Mem. xxviii 3 weave The holly round the G hearth ; „ xxx 2 Again at G did we weave The holly round the G hearth ; ,, Ixxviii 1 where the winter thorn Blossoms at G, Holy Grail 53 Christmas day we were married o' C d, First Quarrel 39 Cliristmas Eave Oia.G E, an' as cowd as this, Owd Rod 31 goa that night to 'er foolk by cause o' the E ; ,,52 ' be a-turnin' ma hout upo' U E"l ,,59 Christmas-eve {See also Christmas Eave) At Francis Allen's on the C-e, — The Epic 1 How dare we keep our C-e ; In Mem. xxix 4 And sadly fell our G-e. ,, xxx 4 And calmly fell our 6'-e : ,, Ixxviii 4t And strangely falls our O-e, , , cvi Christmas-morn church-bells ring in the G-m. M. d' Arthur, Ep. 31 Christopher Colon (Columbus) ' i3ehold the bones of C G ' — Columbus 210 Chronicle ran thro' all the coltish c. The Brook 159 dash'd Into the c of a deedful day, Aylmer's Field 196 we keep a c With all about him ' — Princess, Pro. 27 So sang the gallant glorious c ; ,, 49 The total c's of man, the mind, ,, n 881 Chronicler ask'd his G Of Akbar ' what has darken'd thee to-night ? ' Alcbar's Dream 2 Chrysalis This dull c Cracks into shining wings, St. S. Stylites 155 Or ruin'd c of one. In Mem. Ixxxii 8 But she from out her death-like c. Lover's Tale Hi 41 Chrysolite sardius, C, beryl, topaz, Columbus 85 Ghrysoprase c, Jacynth, and amethyst — ,, 85 Chuch (church) the c weant happen a fall. Church-warden, etc. 10 as long as I lives to the owd e now, ,, 15 Chuch- warden (church-warden) I bean c-w mysen i' the parish fur fifteen year, ,, 8 Well — sin ther bea c-w's, ,, 9 An' then I wur chose G-w „ 38 plaate fuller o' Soondays nor ony c-w afoor, ,, 40 Chuckle c, and grin at a brother's shame ; Maud I iv 29 Chuckled It clutter'd here, it c there ; The Goose 25 Church {See also Chooch, Choorch, Christian Church, Chuch) As homeward by the c 1 drew. The Letters 44 a moulder'd c ; and higher A long street Enoch Arden 4 c, — one night, except Por greenish glimmerings Aylmer's Field 621 pious variers from the c. To chapel ; Sea Dreams 19 And in the dark c like a ghost In Mem. Ixvii 15 A single c below the hill „ civ 3 She came to the village c, Maud I viii 1 fragrant gloom Of foreign c'es — ,, xix 54 kill their c, As the c'es have kill'd ,, II v2S Chief of the c in Britain, Com. of Arthur 454 walls Of that low e he built at Glastonbury. Balin and Balan 367 A little lonely c in days of yore, Holy Grail 64 Church {continvM) first may be last— I have heard it in c— Rizpah 66 he calls to me now from the c , , 84 To the deaf c— to be let in— Sisters {E. and E. ) 238 Back to the pure and universal c, isir J. Oldcastle 71 Tether 'd to these dead pillars of the G — ,, 121 Authority of the G, Power of the keys ! ' „ 161 Sylvester shed the venom of world- wealth Into the c, „ 167 chiefly to my sorrow by the G, Columbus 56 Holy G, from whom 1 never swerved ,, 63 my Fathers belong'd to the c of old. The Wreck 1 Christian love among the C's Locksley H., Sixty 86 Break the State, the G, the Throne, ,, 138 Her spirit hovering by the c. The Ring 478 Touch'd at the golden Cross of the c'es, Merlin and the G. 68 all but sure I have — in Kendal c — Bomney's E. 19 temple, neither Pagod, Mosque, nor G, Akbar's Dream 178 Church-bell The sweet c-b's began to peal. Two Voices 408 Toll ye the c-b sad and slow, D. of the O. Year 3 clear c-b's ring in the Christmas-morn. M. d' Arthur, Ep. 31 Church-commissioner Now harping on the c-c's, The Epic 15 Church-harpy scare church-harpies from the master's feast ; To J. M. K. 3 Churchmen Should all our c foam in spite To F. D. Maurice 9 the c fain would kill their church, Maud II v 28 Church-tower graves grass-green beside a gray c-t. Circumstance 6 morning grows apace, and lights the old c-t, The Flight 93 Churchwarden (See also Chuch-warden) Until the grave c doft'd. The Goose 19 Churchyard wall — in the night by the c w. Rizpah 56 Churl {See also Village-churls) low c, compact of thankless earth, Godiva 66 The c in spirit, up or down In Mem. cxi 1 The c in spirit, howe'er he veil ,, 5 Mark would sully the low state of c : Gareth and L. 427 Then riding close behind an ancient c, Marr. of Geraint 261 transitory word Made knight or c or child Balin and Balan 162 not worthy to be knight ; A c, a clown ! ' „ 286 ' G, thine axe ! ' he cried, ,, 295 said the c, ' our devil is a truth, „ 302 ' Old fabler, these be fancies of the c, ,, 307 laugh'd the father saying, ' Fie, Sir C, Lancelot and E. 200 A c, to whom indignantly the King, ' My c. Last Tournament 61 sawing the air, said the maim'd c, ,, 67 That doest right by gentle and by c, ,, 74 ' Take thou my c, and tend him curiously ,, 90 Cicala At eve a dry c sung, Mariana in the S. 85 Cider flask of c from his father's vats, Avdley Court 27 Cinder may make My scheming brain a c, Merlin and V. 933 Circle (s) {See also Eagle-circle, Fairy-circle, Home- circle, Sea-circle, Water-circle) round about the c's of the globes The Poet 43 In the same c we revolve. Two Voices 314 In lazy mood I watch'd the little c's die ; Miller's D, 74 The greensward into greener c's. Gardener's D. 134 in the c of his arms Enwound us both ; , , 216 Sun will run his orbit, and the Moon Her c. Love and Duty 23 Thro' all the c of the golden year ? ' Golden Year 51 music winding trembled, Wov'n in c's : Vision of Sin 18 Caught the sparkles, and in c's, „ 30 mouldy dens The chap-fallen c spreads ; ,, 172 yell'd and round me drove In narrowing c's Lucretius 57 a group of girls In c waited. Princess, Pro. 69 The c rounded under female hands ,, ii 372 Thro' c's of the bounding sky, In Mem. xvii 6 And in a c hand-in-hand Sat silent, ,, xxx 11 Against the c of the breast, ,, xlv Z With all the c of the wise, ,, Ixi 3 In c round the blessed gate, „ Ixxxv 23 bliss, when all in c drawn About him, ,, Ixxxix 21 memory fades From all the c of the hills. ,, « 24 held All in a gap-mouth'd c his good mates Gareth and L. 511 remnant that were left Payniro amid their e's. Holy Grail 664 The c widens till it lip the marge, Pelleas and E. 94 The phantom c of a moaning sea. Pass, of Arthur 87 shower'd down Rays of a mighty c Lover's Tale i 418 I Circle Circle (s) (continued) Scarce housed within the c of this ^*^' ,, ,^^.. . ^ , . Lover's Tale ii79 caught and brought him in To their charm'd c iv 377 Whirling their sabres in c'5 of light! ' Heavy Brigade Si Circle (verb) Make knowledge c with the winds ; L ] 66 And while the people e for a king Com. of Arthur 235 '«* Clash Clamour'd (continued) I ask you, is it c by the child. Merlin and V. 771 Clamouring c, 'If we pay, we starve ! ' Godiva 15 c etiquette to death, Unmeasured mirth ; Princess v 17 but c out Mine— mine— not yours, ^^ 149 c on, till Ida heard, Look'd up, " ^bO pulses at the c of her enemy fainted Bokdicea 82 the damsel c all the while, Gareth and L. \\U Clan beyond the passions of the primal c ? Locksley H Sixty 93 Clang s) overhead Begins the clash and c In Mem' Con. 61 Clang (verb) An eagle c an eagle to the sphere. Princess Hi 106 , wildswan m among the stars Would c it, {■„ 435 the wood which grides and c's 7« Mem. cvii 11 O battleaxe, and clash brand ! (repeat) Com. of Arthur 493 4% 499 ring thy name To every hoof that c's it, Ttresia's 138 Clang'd left and right The bare black cliff c round him, M. d' Arthur 188 knell to my desires V on the bridge ; Princess iv 175 left and right The bare black cliff c round him. Pass, of Arthur 356 again the bells Jangled and c : Lover's Tale Hi 53 Olangmg (bee also Iron-Clanging) you hear The windy rior, ^-^°*n^^"'^.'''*f.u^°''^ ' . .... Gardeners D.B8 Clap (8) Dead c s of thunder from within Sea Breams 55 stammering cracks and c's that follow'd. Merlin and V 942 Clap (verb) C s her tiny hands above me, Lilian 4 crested bird That c's his wings at dawn. D. of F Women 180 c their cheeks, to call them mine. /„ Mem. Ixxxiv 18 J he starling c s his tiny castanets. Prog, of Spring 56 Clapper Than in a c clapping in a garth. Princess ii 227 Clapping Laughing and c their hands between, The Merman 29 Ihan in a clapper c in a garth. Princess ii 227 all within was noise Of songs, and c hands. In Mem. Ixxxvii 19 from distant walls There came a c as of phantom PTo«+ ^'^'^^^^ I, 1, J J • , .X Marr. of Geraint bm Olapt and c her hands and cried, ' I marvel Palace of Art 189 c his hand On Everard's shoulder. The Epic 21 c him on the hands and on the cheeks, Bo^a 133 c his hand in mine and sang— Audley Court 39 And feet that ran, and doors that c, Day-Dm., Revival 3 c her hands and cried for war, Princess iv 590 Lancelot '—and she c her hands— Gareth and L. 1290 mused a little, and then c her hands Merlin and V 8m Dagonet c his hands and shriU'd, Last Tournament 353 ba I ban t c eyes on im yit, ViUage Wife 123 1 c my hands. Hnnmi S*? Clara Vere de Vere (-Sfee oZso Vere de Vere) Lady ^ rr '^ r '^ ^' (>:epeat) i. V. V. de Vere 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41 Trust me, GVd V l. O. V.de Vere 49 1 know you, CVdV C7 C, C F d F, " gi ^^^A To give his cousin Lady 0. 'tody Clare A And that is well,' said Lady C. ^ 12 ' It was my cousin,' said Lady C, " 15 And you are mo< the Lady C ' " 20 Said Ijady C, ' that ye speak so wild ? ' "22 She was no longer Lady C : " go Lady C, you shame your worth ! " qq beggar born,' she said, ' And not the Lady C " 72 And you shall still be Lady O.' " 33 Clariance Claudias, and 6' of Northnmberland, Com. of Arthur 113 Claribel Where low-lieth (repeat) Claribel 1 8 21 Claiion shouts, and c's shrilling unto blood. Com. of Arthur 'l03 Clash (8) I heard the c so clearly. Sea Dreams 136 Koll of cannon and c of arms, Qde on Wdl. 116 overhead Begins the c and clang Jn Mem., Con. 61 crush dm the c of jarring claims, Maud III vi 44 bhield-breakings, and the c of brands, Pass, of Arthur 109 long loud c of rapid marriage-bells. Lover's Tale Hi 23 by their c. And prelude on the keys. Sisters (E. and E.) 1 And the c and boom of the bells v, of Maeldune 110 reasons had He to be glad of The c of the war- glaive- _„ , Batt. of Brunanburh 78 brightens at the c of ' Yes and ' No," Ancient Sage 71 struck from out the c of warring wills ; Prog, of Spring 95 hear The c of tides that meet in narrow seas.— Akbar's Dream 58 and your fiery c of meteorites ? God and the Univ. 3 Clasn (verb) I ly on to c together again, Lucretius 41 Clash 99 Clear Clash (verb) [continued) hard, when love and duty c ! Princess ii 293 but you c them all in one, ,, v 180 C, ye bells, in the merry March air ! W. to Alexandra 18 C the darts and on the buckler Boadicea 79 Clang battleaxe, and c brand ! (repeat) Com. of Arthur 493, 496, 499 C like the coming and retiring wave, Gareth and L. 522 each would c the shield, and blow the horn. Last Tournament 436 at her girdle c The golden keys To Marq. of Dufferin 3 where the loyal bells C welcome — The Ring 483 And I c with an iron Truth, The Dreamer 6 Clash 'd Dry c his harness in the icy caves M. d' Arthur 186 from them e The bells ; we listen'd ; Gardener's D. 220 shameless noon Was c and hammer'd Godiva 75 Touch'd, clink'd, and c, and vanish 'd, Sea Dreams 135 and one, that c in arms. Princess v 5 they c their arms ; the drum Beat ; ,, 250 he c His iron palms together with a cry ; ,, 353 all silent, save When armour c or jingled, ,, vi 363 C with his fiery few and won ; Ode on Well. 100 As the music c in the hall ; Maud I xxii 34 his arms C ; and the sound was good Gareth and L. 312 Sir Gareth 's brand C his, and brake it utterly „ 1148 thrice They c together, and thrice they brake their spears. Marr. of Geraint 562 they sat. And cuj) c cup ; Bdin and Balan 85 when they c, Rolling back upon Balin, ,, 561 table of our Arthur closed And c Holy Grail 330 And c with Pagan hordes, and bore them down ,, 479 meadow-grass Borne, e : FeUeas and E. 562 Dry c his harness in the icy caves Pass, of Arthur 354 slowly-ridging rollers on the cliffs C, Lover's Tale i 58 Two trains c : then and there he was crush'd Charity 21 Clashing (See also Iron-clashing) there were cries and c's in the nest, GareOi and L. 70 Enid heard the c of his fall, Geraint and E. 509 With all her golden thresholds c, Lover's Tale i 605 butted each other with c of bells, V. of Maddune 108 Clasp (fastening) Buckled with golden c's before ; Sir L. and Q. G. 25 Clasp (embrace) In glance and smile, and c and kiss, In Mem. Ixxxiv 7 Clasp (verb) I'd c it round so close and tight. Miller's D. 180 He c's the crag with crooked hands ; The Eagle 1 but everywhere Some must c Idols. Swpp. Confessions 179 c These idols to herself ? Lucretius 164 c it once again, And call her Ida, Princess vii 95 C her window, trail and twine ! Window. At the W. 2 Trail and twine and c and kiss, ,, 4 Let Love c Grief lest both be drown'd, In Mem. i 9 Some landing-place, to c and say, , , xlvii 15 Thy passion c's a secret joy : ,, IxxxviiiS and c the hands and murmur, LocTcsley H., Sixty 192 Ah, c me in your arms, sister. The Flight 5 Clasp'd-Claspt (See also Ivy-claspt) clas-pt hand-in-hand with thee. If I were loved 9 Die, dying clasp'd in his embrace. Fatima 42 I saw her, who clasp'd in her last trance -D. of F. Women 266 Are clasp'd the moral of thy life, Day-Dm., L' Envoi 55 But he clasp'd her like a lover, L. of Burleigh 67 Claspt hands and that petitionary grace The Brook 112 fell on him, Clasp'd, kiss'd him, wail'd : Lucretius 280 That claspt the feet of a Mnemosyne, Princess iv 269 in hands so lately cZaspi with yours, ,, vi 184 But he turn'd and claspt me in his arms. Grandmother 55 Ckispt on her seal, my sweet ! Window, The Answer 2 A hand that can be clasp'd no more — In Mem. vii 5 And hands so often clasp'd in mine, , , a; 19 Of comfort dasp'd in truth reveal'd ; ,, xxxvii 22 land Where first he walk'd when claspt in clay ? ,, xciii 4 He is claspt by a passion-flower. Maud I xiv 8 ivy-stems Claspt the gray walls with hairy-fibred arms, Marr. of Geraint 323 claspt and kiss'd her, and they rode away. ,, 825 flinging round her neck, Claspt it, Last Tournament 750 but I clasp'd her without fear : Lover's Tale ii 202 And claspt her hand in his : ,, Hi 52 Clasp'd-Claspt (continue) round him closed and claspt again. Lover's Tale iv 378 she that clasp'd my neck had flown ; LocTcsley H., Sixty 15 Here we stood and claspt each other, ,, 180 Who might have chased and claspt Renown To Marq. of Dufferin 29 You claspt our infant daughter, Romney's R. 77 Clasping That round me, c each in each, Talking Oak 143 I, c brother-hands, aver I could not, In Mem. Ixxxv 102 Claspt See Clasp'd Class Of Knowledge fusing c with c, Freedom 17 Clat (mess) But wa boiith was i' sich a c Spinster's S's. 33 their mucky bibs, an' the c's an' the clouts, ,, 87 Clatted (soiled) it wur c all ower wi' claay. ,, 46 Clatter With cackle and with c. The Goose 12 Clamour and rumble, and ringing and c, Maud II v 13 and a c of hail on the glass. In the Child. Hosp. 62 c of arms, and voices, and men passing Bandit's Death 24 Claudias Urien, Cradlemont of Wales, C, Com. of Arthur IIB Claum (climb) I c's an' I mashes the winder hin, Owd Roa 83 Claumb'd (climbed) I c up agean to the winder, ,, 99 Clause lead my Memmius in a train Of flowery c's Lucretius 120 the little c ' take not his life : ' Princess v 470 Clave loved one only and who c to her — ' Ded. of Idylls 11 c Like its own mists to all the mountain side ; Lancelot and E. 37 and all his kith and kin C to him, Guinevere 440 cTo Modred, and a remnant stays with me. ,, 442 Claw Nature, red in tooth and c With ravine, In Mem. hi 15 miss'd, and brought Her own c back, Merlin and V. 500 what evil beast Hath drawn his c's Last TournaTnent 63 Naay, but the c's o' tha ! quiet ! Spinster's S's. 36 mun be fools to be hallus a-shawin' your c's, „ 61 Clay (See also ClaJiy) grave Was deep, my mother, in the c ? Supp, Confessions 86 They should have trod me into c, Oriana 62 And on my c her darnel grow ; My life is full 22 Doing dishonour to my c' Two Voices 102 common c ta'en from the common earth To With Pal. of Art. 17 growing coarse to sympathize with c. Locksley Hall 46 And the leaf is stamp'd in c. Vision of Sin 82 Rose from the c it work'd in as she past, Aylm£r's Field 170 He shall not blind his soul with c' Princess vii 331 Half -conscious of their dying c, In Mem. Iviii 7 land Where first he walk'd when claspt in c ? ,, xciii 4 Not only cunning casts in c : ,, cxx 5 judge all nature from her feet of c. Merlin and V. 835 death, that seems to make us loveless c, Lancelot and E. 1014 From the same c came into light Lover's Tale i 194 make And break the vase of c, Ancient Sage 92 Claymore C and snowshoe, toys in lava. Princess, Pro. 18 Clean (See also Clean) As c and white as privet when it flowers. Walk, to the Mail 56 whole, and c, and meet for Heaven, St. S. Stylites 213 will never make oneself c. Grandmother 36 make all c, and plant himself afresh. Geraint and E. 905 keep him bright and c as heretofore, ,, 937 As c as blood of babes, as white as milk : Merlin and V. 344 I decreed That even the dog was c, Akbar's Dream 53 CIe3.n c as a flower fro' 'ead to feeiit : North. Cobbler 44 an' I keeaps 'im c an' bright, ,, 97 but the cat mun be c. Spinster's S's. 34 es c Es a shillin' fresh fro' the mint ,, 75 An' thy farmin' es c es thysen,' ,, 77 Clean-cut There were some for the c-c stone, V. of Maeldune 112 Cleaner house with all its hateful needs no c than the beast, Happy 32 Cleaner-fashion'd fork of thine Is c-/— Merlin andV. 60 Cleaning See A-cleanin' Cleanse working out his will. Toe the world. Gareth and L. 25 c this common sewer of all his realm, Marr. of Geraint 39 c this common sewer of all my realm, Geraint and E. 895 Cleansed broke the bandit holds and c the land. ,, 944 Cleanser saved a life Worth somewhat as the c of this wood. Gareth and L. 828 Clean-wud (clean-mad) An' I thowt as 'e'd goan c-w, Owd Rod 61 Clear (adj.) (See also Silver-clear, Staixy-clear) C, without heat, undying, Isabel 3 Clear 100 Climb Clear (a.dj.) {continued) With chisell'd features cand sleek. A Character 30 G and bright it should be ever, Poet's Mind 5 Bright as light, and c as wind. ,, 7 so c and bold and free As you, Rosalind 17 C as the twanging of a harp, Kate 8 So healthy, sound, and c and whole, Miller's D. 15 Make Thou my spirit pure and c St. Agnes' Eve 9 hark, hear ! how thin and c, Princess iv 7 nobbut a curate, an' weant niver git hissen c, N. Farmer, N. S. 27 1 feel so free and so c Mavd I xix 98 world Was all so c about him, that he saw Com. of Arthur 98 as a lark, high o'er me as a lark, Holy Grail 833 Name, surname, all as c as noon. The Ring 237 a faith as c as the heights of the June-blue heaven, June-Bracken, etc. 7 Clear (adv.) came A bitter wind, c from the North, Pass, of Arthur 124 That sings so delicately c, Marr. of Geraint 332 long es she lived she kep 'em all c, Village Wife 53 Clear (verb) Better to c prime forests, Princess Hi 127 Will c away the parasitic forms ,, i«i269 balm May c the blood from poison. Death of (Enone 36 Clear-cut But a cold and c-c face, Maud I ii 3 Cold and c-c face, why come you so cruelly meek, ,, m 1 Clear'd And a whirlwind c the larder : The Goose 52 flash of semi-jealousy c it to her. Aylmer's Field 189 moving everywhere C the dark places Geraint and E. 943 She c her sight, she arose. Dead Prophet 31 Clearer like a light that grows Larger and c, (Enone 109 The fires are all the c. Window. Winter 16 every turn and depth Between is c in my life Lover's Tale i 149 Clearest Yet c of ambitious crime. Ode on Well. 28 Clear- faced Until they found the c-f King, Lancelot and E. 432 Clear-featured that c-/ face Was lovely, ,, 1159 Clear-headed C-h friend, whose joyful scorn. Clear-headed friend 1 Clearness ' are like the rest ; No certain c, Two Voices 335 The starry c of the free ? In Mem. Ixxxv 86 The critic c of an eye, ,, cm; 3 c of his fame hath gone Beneath the shadow Lover's Tale i 789 no shade of doubt. But utter c. Ancient Sage 236 Clear-pointed fed With the c-p flame of chastity, Isabel 2 Clear-stemm'd c-s platans guard The outlet, Arabian Nights 23 Clear- voiced The c-v mavis dwelleth, Claribd 16 Clear-wall'd Or in a c-io city on the sea, Palace of Art 97 Cleave (to adhere) love thee well and c to thee, (Enone 160 ' The man will c unto his right.' Lady Clare 46 O to your contract : Princess iv 409 if I fall, c to the better man.' Geraint and E. 152 To love one maiden only, c to her, Guinevere 475 The shadow of another c's to me, , , 618 c's to cairn and cromlech still ; To the Queen ii 41 The lecher would c to his lusts. Despair 100 • C ever to the sunnier side of doubt, Ancient Sage 68 to one another still ? Open. I and C. Exhib. 34 Cleave (to divide) Clear Love would pierce and c. If I were loved 6 ill-used race of men that c the soil, Lotos-Eaters, O. S. 120 To c the rift of difference deeper yet ; Princess v 301 When mighty Love would c in twain In Mem. xxv 10 master-bowman, he. Would c the mark. ,, Ixxxvii 30 To c a creed in sects and cries, ,, cxxviii 15 and so ye e His armour off him, Gareth and L. 1094 May this hard earth c to the Nadir hell Merlin and V. 349 Cleaved (For I c to a cause that I felt Mavd III vi 31 ever like a loyal sister c To Arthur, Com. of Arthur 191 some she c to, but they died of her. Gareth and L. 113 So to this king I c : my friend was he. Sir J. Oldcastle 61 Cleaving The fruitful wit C, took root. The Poet 21 Cleft (b) (See also Mountain-cleft) Far-off the torrent call'd me from the c : (Enone 54 thro' mountain c's the dale Was seen Lotos-Eaters 20 every coppice-feather'd chasm and c, Princess iv 23 gather'd trickling dropwise from the c, Merlin and V. 274 little elves of chasm and c Made answer, Guinevere 248 saw The c's and openings in the mountains Lover's Tale i 330 Cleft (verb) He e me thro' the stomacher ; Princess ii 407 spire of land that stands apart C from the main, ,, iv 282 Cleft (verb) {continued) Has risen and c the soil, and grown a bulk Princess vi 35 Which c and c again for evermore. Ancient Sage 43 Clelia C, Cornelia, with the Palmyrene Princess ii 83 Clematis O'erflourish'd with the hoary e : Golden Year 63 among the meadows, the clover and the c, City Child 9 Rose, rose and c, (repeat) Window. At the W. 3, 10 and the dark-blue c, clung, V. of Maddune 39 Clemm'd (clutched) an' c owd Tloa by the 'ead, Owd Roa 99 Clench those, who c their nerves to rush Love and Duty 77 Clench'd {See also Half-clench'd) taunt that c his purpose like a blow ! Princess v 306 c her fingers till they bit the palm, Lancelot and E. 611 c His hands, and madden'd with himself Pelleas and E. 459 Muriel c The hand that wore it. The Ring 261 Cleopatra-like C-l as of old To entangle me Maud I vi 27 Clergyman that good man, the c, has told me words of peace. May Queen, Con. 12 Clerk {See also Parish-clerks) worn-out c Brow- beats his desk below. To J. M.K.W now we left The c behind us, I and he, Edwin Morris 97 That was a God, and is a lawyer's c, ,, 102 A CITY c, but gently born and bred ; Sea Dreains 1 mitre-sanction'd harlot draws his c's Into the suburb— Sir J. Oldcastle 106 Cletch (brood of chickens) But Nelly, the last of the c, Village Wife 9 Cleverness not for all Aspasia's c, Princess ii 344 Click merry milkmaids c the latch, The Owl I 8 C with the pick, coming nearer Def. of Lucknow 28 Cliff {See also Sea-cliflf, Shore-cliflf) light upon the wall Of purple c's, Ode to Memory 54 mountain-shade Sloped downward to her seat from the upper c. (Enone 22 Along the c to fall and pause and fall Lotos-Eaters 9 bare black c clang'd round him, M. d' Arthur 188 Upon the c's that guard my native land, AvMey Court 49 girt the region with high c and lawn : Vision of Sin 47 lines of c breaking have left a chasm : Enoch Arden 1 A narrow cave ran in beneath the c : ,,23 sand and c and deep-inrunning cave, Sea Dreams 17 on sand they walk'd, and now on c, ,, 37 claps of thunder from within the c's ,, 55 enter'd one Of those dark caves that run beneath the c's. _ „ 90 on those c's Broke, mixt with awful light ,, 214 those lines of c's were c's no more, ,, 217 we wound About the c's, the copses, Princess Hi 360 sweet and far from c and scar „ j^ 9 A stroke of cruel sunshine on the c, ,, 524 On capes of Afric as on c's of Kent, W. to Marie Alex. 17 And leave the c's, and haste away In Mem. xii 8 From scarped c and quarried stone ,, hi 2 like a crag that tumbles from the c, Marr. of Geraint 318 Between the steep c and the coming wave ; Guinevere 280 as a stream that spouting from a c Fails ,, 608 left and right The bare black c clang'd round him. Pass, of Arthur 356 Hbbe far away, seen from the topmast c, Lover's Tale i 1 slowly-ridging rollers on the c's Clash'd, ,, 57 the red passion-flower to the c's, V. of Maddune 39 all round from the c's and the capes, ,, 55 And c's all robed in lianas that dropt The Wreck 73 blanch into spray At the feet of the e; „ 138 1 climb'd on all the c's of all the seas, Denuter and P. 63 Cliff-side broken rocks On some c-s, Lancelot and E. 1253 Climate manners, c's, councils, governments, Ulysses 14 Climax and he : ' The c of his age ! Princess ii 50 Climb {See also Claum) Where he was wont to leap and c, Supp. Confessions 165 ' Cry, faint not, c: the summits slope Two Voices 184 could she c Beyond her own material prime? ,, 377 You seem'd to hear them c and fall Palace of Art 70 ' will you c the top of Art. Gardener's D. 169 long day wanes : the slow moon c's ; Ulysses 55 I leave the plain, I c the height ; Sir Galahad, 57 street c's to one tall-tower'd mill ; Enoch Arden 5 Climb 101 Cldse-' Climb (continued) stairs That c into the windy halls of heaven : Lucretius 136 but we Set forth to c ; Princess Hi 354 as one that c's a peak to gaze O'er land and main, ,, vii 35 Be near us when we c or fall : Jn Mem. li 13 G thy thick noon, disastrous day ; ,, Ixxii 26 I c the hill : from end to end ,, c 1 I could c and lay my hand upon it, Gareth and L. 50 * G not lest thou break thy neck, 54 felt the knot G in her throat, Lancelot and E. 741 G's to the mighty hall that Merlin built. Holy Grail 231 ' There rose a hill that none but man could c, ,, 489 in a dream I seem'd to c For ever : 836 I would not or I could not c — Guinevere 644 clomb Ev'n to the highest he could c, Pass of Arthur 463 G first and reach me down thy hand. Sir J. Oldcastle 204 sister of the sun Would c from out the dark, Tiresias 31 And c the Mount of Blessing, Ancient Sage 280 wounded warrior c's from Troy to thee. Death of CEnone 39 if ever a woman should c to the dwelling Kapiolani '22 Climb'd (See also Claumb'd) They c as quickly, for the rim Changed The Voyage 27 as he c the hill, Just where the prone edge Enoch Arden 66 he had c across the spikes, Princess, Pro. Ill we c The slope to Vivian-place, ,, Gon. 39 I c to the top of the garth, Grandmother 38 I c the roofs at break of day ; JDaisy 61 And thither I c at dawn Maud I xiv 5 I have c nearer out of lonely Hell. ,, xviii 80 sweet son, had risk'd himself and c, Gare^ and L. 60 And c upon a fair and even ridge, Marr. of Geraint 239 Guinevere had c The giant tower, ,, 826 on his foot She set her own and c ; Geraint and E. 760 For one from out his village lately c Balin and Balan 167 c That eastern tower, and entering barr'd Lancdot and E. 14 Then to her tower she c, ,, 397 lea thousand steps With pain : Holy Grail 835 came Arthur home, and while he c, Last Tournament 755 G to the high top of the garden-wall Guinevere 25 cheeks as bright as when she c the hill. Lover's Tcde Hi 47 heard a groaning overhead, and c The moulder'd stairs ,, iv 136 c one step beyond Our village Ancient Sage 206 I c on all the cliffs of all the seas, Demeter and P. 63 I c the hill with Hubert yesterday. The Ring 152 I have c to the snows of Age, By an Evolution. 17 c from the dens in the levels below, The Dawn 17 Climbing In ever c up the c wave ? Lotos-Eater's, G. S. 50 And ever c higher ; D. of F. Women 32 And c up into my airy home, St, S. Stylites 217 valleys underneath Came little copses c. Amphion 32 A lily-avenue c to the doors ; Aylmer's Field 162 Was c up the valley ; at whom he shot : , , 228 then, c, Cyril kept With Psyche, Princess Hi 354 tum'd his face And kiss'd her c, , Geraint and E. 761 Cried to me c, ' Welcome, Percivale ! Holy Grail 425 over all the great wood rioting And c, Lover's Tale i 404 set me c icy capes And glaciers, To E, Fitzgerald 25 Pallas Athene c from the bath In anger ; Tiresias 40 Evolution ever c after some ideal good, Locksley H. , Sixty 199 saw Him, c toward her with the golden Death of CEnone 15 Climbing (b) Maud with her venturous c's Maud / t 69 Clime Thk poet in a golden c was born, . The Poet 1 thro' mine ears in that unblissful c, D. of F. Women 82 Put forth and feel a gladder c' On a Mourner 15 — what to me were sun or c 1 Locksley Hall 177 In divers seasons, divers c's ; Day-Dm., L'Envoi 18 O hundred shores of happy c's. The Voyage 49 Again to colder c's we came, ,, 89 on the tables every c and age a Jumbled together ; Princess, Pro. 16 For many a time in many a c Ode on Well. 64 And led him through the blissful c's. In Mem. Ixxxv 25 who throve and branch'd from c to c, ,, cxviii 13 blown by the breeze of a softer c, Maud I iv i prayer of many a race and creed, and c— To the Queen ii U Clime (continue) arrowing light from c to V ''■'■'> ilJSi^A's p,] Hymn 5 Cling As close as might be would he c Talking &>'^ --27 They c together in the ghastly sack — Aylmer's Field 764 ' My mother c's about my neck, Sailor Boy 17 flower that c's To the turrets and the walls ; Maud II iv 33 all night long a cloud c's to the hill, Geraint and E. 691 voice c's to each blade of grass, Lancelot and E. 107 glory c To all high places like a golden cloud Pass, of Arthur 53 I c to the Catholic Cross once more, The Wreck 3 c to Faith beyond the forms of Faith ! Ancient Sage 69 Who c's to earth, and once would dare ,, 115 That we might c together, Happy 92 Clinging Not c to some ancient saw ; Love thou thy land 29 Unshaken, c to her purpose. Princess y 344 necks Of dragons c to the crazy walls. Holy Grail 347 C to the silent mother ! Locksley H., Sixty 99 Clink (a) the tinsel c of compliment. Princess ii 55 Clink (verb) Thou hear'st the village hammer c, In Mem. cxxi 15 Clink'd Touch'd, c, and clash'd and vanish 'd. Sea Dreams 135 Clinking Hammering and c, chattering stony names Princess Hi 361 Clinkt blade flew Splintering in six, and c upon the stones. Balin and Balan 396 Clip And c your wings, and make you love : Rosalind 45 Tho' fortune c my wings, WiU Water. 50 Clipt They read in arbours c and cut, Amphion 85 from her baby's forehead c A tiny curl, and gave it : Enoch Arden 235 many thousand days Were c by horror Aylmer's Field 603 Or keeps his wing'd affections c with crime : Princess vii 316 had c free manhood from the world — Last Tournament 446 a scrap, c out of the ' deaths ' in a paper, fell. The Wreck li6 Cloak (b) And the red c's of market girls, L. of Shdott ii 17 Pitiful sight, wrapp'd in a soldier's c. Princess v 56 raised the c from brows as pale and smooth , , 73 Wrapt in a c, as I saw him, Matid 1 159 Sir Gareth loosed A c that dropt Gareth and L. 682 wrapping her all over with the c He came in, Lover's Tale iv 86 Cloak (verb) wife-worship c's a secret shame ? Balin and Balan 360 c's the scar of some repulse with lies ; Merlin and V. 818 Cloak'd The Shadow c from head to foot. In Mem. xxiii 4 Cloaths (clothes) Sally she wesh'd foalks ' c JNorth. Gobbler 29 Look at the c on 'er back, ,, 109 CloStthes (clothes) an' a-buyin' new c. Village Wife 37 Clock The slow c ticking, and the sound Mariana 74 The windy clanging of the minster c ; Gardener's D. 38 The heavy c's knoUing the drowsy hours. ,, 184 There rose a noise of striking c's, Day-Dm. , Revival 2 speak for noise Of c's and chimes. Princess i 216 the dark, when c's Throbb'd thunder ,, vii 103 c Beats out the little lives of men. In Mem. ii 7 And hark the c within, Maud I xviii 64 lights the c ! the hand points five— The Flight 94 Clock-work little c-w steamer paddling plied Princess, Pro. 71 Clod before the heavy c Weighs on me, Supp. Gonfessions 184 and the c, Less dull than thou, Gareth and L. 1391 Clog (s) A c of lead was round my feet. The Letters 5 To lighten this great c of thanks. Princess vi 126 Clog (verb) fulsome Pleasure c him, and drown Maud I xvii Cloister (See also Crag-cloister) row Of c's, branch'd like mighty woods, Palace of Art 26 while our c's echo'd frosty feet. Princess, Pro. 183 world-old yew-tree, darkening half The c's. Holy Grail 14 Walk your dim c, and distribute dole Guinevere683 Sometimes I frequent the Christian c, Akbar's D., Inscrip. 5 Clomb Imprisoning sweets, which, as they c Arabian Nights 40 C to the roofs, and gazed alone for hours Princess vii 32 neither c, nor brake his neck, Gareth and L. 56 And glad was I and c, but found at top Holy Grail 427 turn'd and slowly c The last hard footstep Pass, of Arthur 446 c Ev'n to the highest he could climb, ,, 462 C the mountain, and flung the bierries, Kapiolani 6 Close (an enclosure) I broke a c with force and arms : Edwin Morris 131 I lay Pent in a roofless c of ragged stones ; 8. St. Stylites 74 Are wither'd in the thorny c, Day-Dm., Arrival 11 Close (an end) sweet c of his delicious toils — Palace of Art 185 i Close 102 Clothed Clo^„(akn fcni)' (J; « 478 So their fair c turn'd to hospital ; ,, vii 17 ' Look there, garden ! ' said my c friend, ,, Con. 49 And heard once more in c fanes In Mem. Ixxxvii 5 College-council Should eighty-thousand c-c's To F. D. Maurice 7 College-time 106 Come College-time save for c-t's Or Temple-eaten terms, Alymer's Field 104 Colon (Columbus) See Christopher Colon Colony near the c Camulodiine, Boiidicea 5 Lo their c half-defended ! lo their c, ,, 17 Then a phantom c smoulder'd on the refluent estuary ; ,'.28 Lo the c, there they rioted in the city of Cunobeline ! „ 60 silent c hearing her tumultuous adversaries ,, 78 Fell the c, city and citadel, ,, 86 Colossal Let his great example stand C, Ode on Well. 221 Colosseum Gain'd their huge C. St. Telemachus 45 Colour {See also Flame-colour) sweet is the c of cove and cave, Sea-Fairies 30 I lose my c, I lose my breath, Eleanore 137 A magic web with c's gay. L. of Shalott ii 2 A word could bring the c to my cheek ; Gardener's D. 196 came a c and a light, Locksley Hall 25 The c flies into his cheeks : Day-Dm., Arrival 19 Then the Captain's c heighten'd, The Captain 29 the c flushes Her sweet face from brow to chin : L. of Burleigh 61 She wore the c's I approved. The Letters 16 a rough piece Of early rigid c, Aylmer's Field 281 yet her cheek Kept c : wondrous! ,, 506 sense of wrong had touched her face With c) Princess, Pro. 220 April daffodilly (Her mother's c) ,, m 325 In c's gayer than the morning mist, ,, 438 shook the woods. And danced the c, ,, Hi 293 ' Sir Ralph has got your c's : ,, iv ^9i With Psyche's c round his helmet, ,, z; 534 But such as gather'd c day by day. , , vii 118 But distant c, happy hamlet, The Daisy 27 And with the thought her c burns ; In Mem. vi 34 Be all the c of the flower : ' ,, xliii 8 The c's of the crescent prime ? ,, cxvi 4t Saying in odour and c, 'Ah, be Among the roses Maud I xxi 12 rainbow with three c's after rain, Gareth and L. 1160 my child, how fresh the c's look. How fast they hold like c^s of a shell Marr. of Geraint 680 and play'd upon it. And made it of two c's ; Geraint and E. 292 And so there lived some c in your cheek, ,, 621 In c like the satin-shining palm Merlin and V. 224 With c's of the heart that are not theirs. ,, 822 Took gayer c's, like an opal warm'd. ,, 950 And lichen'd into c with the crags : Lancelot and E. 44 The low sun makes the c : ,, 134 The shape and c of a mind and life, ,, 335 let me bring your c back ; ,, 387 secret blazed itself In the heart's c's ,, 837 But did not love the c ; ,, 840 cell were dyed With rosy c's leaping on the wall ; Holy Grail 120 In c like the fingers of a hand Before a burning taper, ,, 693 Damsels in divers c's like the cloud Pelleas and E. 53 That ware their ladies' c's on the casque, Last Tournament 184 With all the kindlier c's of the field.' ,, 224 And glowing in all c's, the live grass, ,, 233 1 yeam'd for warmth and c which I found In Lancelot — Guinevere 647 The c and the sweetness from the rose. Lover's Tale i 172 Her cheek did catch the c of her words. ,, 569 shadowing pencil's naked forms C and life : ,, it 181 And blurr'd in c and form. Dead Prophet 22 concentrate into form And c all you are, liomney's R. 8 Colour'd See Emerald-colour'd, Leaden-coloured, Vary-coloured Colourless for all his face was white And c, M. d' Arthur 213 for all his face was white And c. Pass, of Arthur 381 Colt 'Then ran she, gamesome as the c. Talking Oak 121 babes were running wild Like c's about the waste. Enoch Arden 305 He pointed out a pasturing c, The Brook 136 Squire had seen the c at grass, ,, 139 the c would fetch its price ; ,, 149 she's yet a c — Take, break her : Princess v 455 Ran like a c, and leapt at all he saw : Com. of Arthur 322 never c would more delight To roll Romney's R. 13 Colt-like c-l whinny and with hoggish whine St. S. Stylites 177 Columbus How young C seom'd to rove, The Daisy 17 Column Six c's, three on either side. So like a shatter'd c lay the King ; people hum About the c's base, The watcher on the c till the end ; And in we stream'd Among the c's. To left and right, of those tall c's bared the knotted c of his throat, massive c's, like a shorecliff cave. So like a shatter'd c lay the King ; masses Of thundershaken c's indistinct, From c on to c, as in a wood, names. Graven on memorial c's, Co-mate one of my c-m's Own'd a rough dog, true c-m's regather round the mast ; Arabian Nights 144 M. d' Arthur 221 St. S. Stylites 39 „ 163 Princess ii 435 „ vi 354 Marr. of Geraint 74 Lancelot and E. 406 Pass, of Arthur 389 Lover's Tale ii 66 it; 189 Tiresias 124 Gareth and L. 1010 Pref. Son. 19th Cent. 5 Comb (s) See Coamb, Comb of Pearl, Hornet-comb Comb (valley) they past a narrow c wherein Gareth and L. 1193 Comb (verb) With a comb of pearl I would c my hair ; The Mermaid 11 I would c my hair till my ringlets ,, • 14 Combat (s) And when the tide of c stands, Sir Galahad 10 To prick us on to c ' Like to like ! Princess v 304 Not dare to watch the c, Geraint and E. 154 In c with the follower of Limours, ,, 501 Combat (verb) sware to c for my claim till death. Princess v 360 a knight To c for my sister, Lyonors, Gareth and L. 608 He needs must c might with might. Epilogue 28 Comb'd (See also Cod,mb'd) as I c I would sing and say. The Mermaid 12 I curl'd and c his comely head, The Sisters 31 Combing C her hair Under the sea. The Mermaid 4 c out her long black hair damp from the river ; Princess iv 276 Comb of Pearl With a cop, On a throne ? The Mermaid 7 With a c p I would comb my hair ; ,,11 Made with her right & c op Merlin and V. 244 Come (See also Coom, To-come) Spring will c never more. All Things voill die 15 Ye will c never more, , , 48 He will not c,' she said ; Mariana 82 When cats run home and light is c. The Owl i 1 C not as thou earnest of late, Ode to Memory 8 C forth, I charge thee, arise, ,, 46 C from the woods that belt the gray hill-side, ,, . ^^ Dark-brow'd sophist, c not anear ; Poet's Mind 8 Hollow smile and frozen sneer C not here. ,,_ _ 11 hither, c hither and furl your sails, Sea-Fairies 16 C hither to me and to me ; Hither, c hither and frolic and play ; ,,17 Hither, c hither and see ; >» 28 hither, c hither, and be our lords, ,, 32 C away : no more of mirth Is here Deserted House 13 C away : for Life and Thought Here no longer dwell ; ,,17 How could I rise and c away, Oriana 57 1 dare not die and c to thee, ,,96 LuU'd echoes of laborious day C to you, Margaret 30 C down, c down, and hear me speak : ,,56 C down, c home. My Rosalind, Rosalind 33 C's out thy deep ambrosial smile. Eleanore 74 Thought seems to c and go In thy large eyes, ,, 96 C only, when the days are still. My life is full 23 Fresh- water springs c up through bitter brine. // / were loved 8 The knights c riding two and two ; L. of Shalott ii 25 ' The curse is c upon me, ' >, Hi ii night c's on that knows not morn, Mariana in the S. 94 I saw the dragon-fly C from the wells Two Voices 9 ' Then c's the check, the change, the fall, >> 163 In days that never c again. >> 324 Herh c's to-day, Pallas and Aphroditfe, (Enone 85 Should e most welcome, seeing men, „ 129 (power of herself Would c uncall'd for) ,, 147 sounds at night c from the inmost hills, „ 249 her child ! — a shudder c's Across me : ,, 253 Lest their shrill happy laughter c to me ,, 258 the stars' c forth Talk with the wild Cassandra, ,, 262 I made a feast ; I bad him c ; The Sisters 13 There c's no murmur of reply. Palace of Art 286 Come 107 Come Come {continued) shepherd lads on every side 'ill c from far away, The night-winds c and go, mother, I only wish to live till the snowdrops c again: and the sun c out on high : And the swallow, 'ill c back again When the flowers c again, mother, And you'll c sometimes and see me If I can I'll c again, mother, Don't let Eflie c to see me sweet is the new violet, that c's beneath the skies, if it c three times, I thought, to wait a little while till you and Effie c — we should c like ghosts to trouble joy. ' C here. That I may look on thee." C's up to take his own. And gently c's the world to those Nothing c's to thee new or strange. So let the change which c's be free The Spirit of the years to c keep a thing, its use will c. Merlin sware that I should c again land, where no one c's, Or hath c, ' Arthur is c again : he cannot die. ' ' C again, and thrice as fair ; ' C With all good things, and war shall be no more News from the humming city c's to it In sound of funeral Nor heard us c, nor from her tendance Call'd to me from the years to c, the time Is c to raise the veil. for this orphan, I am c to you : His mother, he cried out to c to her : but now I c For Dora : take her back ; I go to-night : I c to-morrow morn. And when does this c by ? and here it c's With five at top : For that the evil ones c here. That here e those that worship me ? I do not say But that a time may c — C, blessed brother, c. Aiid down the way you use to c, Spun round in station, but the end had c. O might it c like one that looks content, slow and sure c's up the golden year. The fatal byword of all years to c, C, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek Man c's and tills the field and lies there c's A glimpse of that dark world crimson c's upon the robin's breast ; tho' my mortal summers to such length of years should c Slowly c's a hungry people, Knowledge c's, but wisdom lingers, (repeat) Never c's the trader, never floats C's a vapour from the margin, Faint murmurs from the meadows c, C, Care and Pleasure, Hope and Pain, He c's, scarce knowing what he seeks : The flashes c and go ; ' Love may c, and love may go, Till Ellen Adair c back to me. she c's and dips Her laurel in the wine, earth of light and shade C's out a perfect round. To c and go, and c again, ' That all c's round so just and fair : Why c you drest like a village maid, ' If I c drest like a village maid. ,, oy When beneath his roof they c. L. of Burleigh 40 C not, when I am dead. Come not, when, etc. 1 There c's a sound of marriage bells. The Letters 48 Here is custom c your way ; Vision of Sin 64 Therefore c's it we are wise. ,, 100 May Queen 27 33 May Queen, N. ¥'s. JS. 14 15 ■' i? ;: Con. 5 38 58 Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 74 D.ofF. WomenV2^ D.oftheO. YearM To J. 8. 3 ■ > 74 Love thou thy land 45 55 ^The Epic 42 M. d' Arthur 23 „ 202 „ Ep. 24 26 Gardener's D. 35 144 „ 180 274 Dora 64 „ 138 „ 142 Audley Court 70 Walk, to the Mail 7 112 St. 8. Stylites 98 125 190 204 Talking Oak 115 Love arid Dviy 76 93 Golden Year 31 Godiixi 67 Ulysses 56 Tithonus 3 „ 32 Locksley Hall 17 67 135 „ 141, 143 „ 161 191 Day- Dm., Sleep P. 6 55 ,, Arrival 17 St. Agnes' Eve 26 Edward Gray 29 32 WiU Water. 17 „ 68 „ 229 Lady Clare 18 67 Come [continued] day that is dead Will never c back to me. Break, break, etc. 16 ' Save them from this, whatever c's to me.' Enoch Arden 118 (Sure that all evil would c out of it) ,, 162 make him merry, when I c home again. ,, 199 C, Annie, c, cheer up before I go.' ,, 200 Look to the babes, and till I c again ,, 219 if he c again, vext will he be To find ,, 301 when Enoch c's again Why then he shall repay me — ,, 309 ' C with us Father Philip ' ,,368 If Enoch c's — but Enoch will not c — ,, 431 C out and see.' But she — she put him off — ,, 460 when the dead man c to life beheld His wife ,, 758 let them c, I am their father ; but she must not c, For my dead face would vex her after-life. ,, 889 ' Whence c you ? ' and the brook, why not ? replies, I c from haunts of coot and hern, men may c and men may go, (repeat) The Brook 22 The Brook 33, 49, 65, 184 Yes, men may c and go ; and these are gone, The Brook 186 days That most she loves to talk of, c with me. ,, 226 you will be welcome — 0, c in ! ' ,, 228 Cries ' C up hither,' as a prophet to us ? Aylmer's Field 745 link'd their race with times to c — , , 779 Then c'a the close,' Sea Dreams 29 Too ripe, too late ! they c too late for use. ,, 67 then c's what c's Hereafter : ■ ,, 177 ' His deeds yet live, the worst is yet to c. ,, 314 recollect the dreams that c Just ere the waking : Lucretius 35 ' C out,' he said, ' To the Abbey : Princess, Pro. 50 ' C, listen ! here is proof that you were miss'd : ,, 177 No matter : we will say whatever c's. , , 239 Should c to fight with shadows and to fall. ,, i 10 what, if these weird seizures c Upon you ,, 82 ye c. The first-fruits of the stranger : ,, ii 43 For Solomon may c to Sheba yet.' ,, 349 C from the dying moon, and blow, ,, Hi 6 Father will c to thee soon ; (repeat) ,, 10, 12 Father will c to his babe in the nest, ,, 13 Then c's the feebler heiress of your plan, ,, 237 Nor willing men should c among us, ,, 318 Would rather we had never c ! ,, iv 243 there are those to avenge us and they c: ■ „ 501 Thy face across his fancy c's, „ 579 in the night Had c on Psyche weeping : ,, » 50 c's With the air of the trumpet round him, ,, 161 You did but c as goblins in the night, ,, 220 (our royal word upon it, He c's back safe) ,, 225 As c's a pillar of electric cloud, ,, ' 524 ' C hither, O Psyche," she cried out, ' embrace me, c. Quick while I melt ; ,, fi 284 C to the hollow heart they slander so ! > > 288 C down, maid, from yonder mountain ,, vii 192 And c, for Love is of the valley, c. For Love is of the valley, c thou down And find him ; ,, 198 but c ; for all the vales Await thee ; „ 215 When c's another such ? never, I think, ,, 244 Then c's the statelier Eden back to men : ,, 293 trust in all things high C's easy to him, ,, 330 the new day c's, the light Dearer for night, ,, 346 I love thee : c, Yield thyself up : ,, '363 But yonder, whiff ! there c's a sudden heat, ,, Cow. 58 To thee the greatest soldier c's ; Ode on Well. 88 C to us, love us and make us your own : W. to Alexandra 30 Jenny, my cousin, had c to the place. Grandmother 25 she c's and goes at her will, ,, 79 Often they c to the door in a pleasant kind of a dream. They c and sit by my chair, ,, 82 neighbours c and laugh and gossip, ,, 91 summun 'uU c ater mea mayhap N. Farmer, 0. 8. 61 C, when no graver cares employ, Godfather, c and see your boy : To F. D. Maurice 1 (Take it and c) to the Isle of Wight ; ' ,, ' 12 C, Maurice, c : the lawn as yet Is hoar with rime, ,, 41 Nor pay but one, ,but c for many, , , 47 I c to the test, a tiny poem Hendecasyllabics 3 Come ^""mv W^"lf Ih^''"'^ ^'^^* "'' °''*' ^""^ J^"'"^ P«^^ -^P^- «/ Iii<^d 13 Talp mv Invi f V^^*""^ T,""" '7^ "' ^°^ &°'^«' irindcm;. On the HiU 14 lake my love, for love will c, Love will c but once a life. Sun c's, moon c's. Time slips away. Flash, I am coming, I c, And yet we trust it c's from thee, From out waste places c's a cry, Or ' here to-morrow will he c' A happy lover who has c saying ; ' Cs he thus, my friend ? C Time, and teach me, many years C stepping lightly down the plank ' c The man I held as half-divine ; C quick, thou bringest all I love. C then, pure hands, and bear the head And c, whatever loves to weep, The praise that c's to constancy.' To thee too c's the golden hour And hopes and light regrets that c The wonders that have c to thee. Peace ; c away : the song of woe Peace ; c away : we do him wrong let us go. C ; let us go : your cheeks are pale ; With so much hope for years to c. The foolish neighbours c and go. There c's a glory on the walls : likeness, hardly seen before, C's 9ut— There cannot c a mellower change, Ah dear, but c thou back to me : ' But he, the Spirit himself, may c The violet c's, but we are gone. With thousand shocks that c and go, I c once more ; the city sleeps ; Behind thee c's the greater light : With faith that c's of self-control, And back we c at fall of dew. can a sweeter chance ever c to me here ? Cold and clear-cut face, why c you so cruelly meek C shdmg out of her sacred glove. Then let c what c may, (repeat) One is c to woo her. That old man never c's to his place : shook my heart to think she c's once more ; her brother c's, like a blight On my fresh hope, And then, oh then, c out to me For a minute C out to your own true lover, ' C into the garden, Maud, (repeat) C hither, the dances are done. But c to her waking, find her asleep, Gtet thee hence, nor c again The day c's, a dull red ball ' Has c to pass as foretold ; cs from another stiller world of the dead, he c's to the second corpse in the pit ? some kind heart will c To bury me, I c to be grateful at last for a little thing : Ye c from Arthur's court, will not die, But pass, again to c ; c to see The glories of our King : King be King at all, or c From Fairyland, Lest he should c to shame thy judging of him.' the seneschal, would c Blustering upon them. Now therefore have I c for Lancelot.' And therefore am I c for Lancelot.' And look who c's behind,' C, therefore, leave thy lady lightly Look, Who c's behind ? ' and wherefore now C ye, not call'd ? I but c like you to see the hunt, To find, at some place I shall c at, C's flying over many a windy wave To Britain, Constrain'd us, but a better time has c ; By the flat meadow, till she saw them c ; Look, Here c's a laggard hanging down bis head, 108 Come I No Answer 20 When 1 Marr. Morn. 13 In Mem., Pro. 23 Hi 7 »i24 via 1 xii 13 xiii 13 xiv 7 9 acvii 8 xviii 9 11 xxi 12 xxxix 6 xl 7 xli22 Ivii 1 3 5 lix 14 fel3 Ixvii 4 Ixxiv 4 arc 21 xciii 6 ev 8 cxiii 17 cxix 3 cxxi 12 Con. 100 Maud / 1 62 in 1 t)i85 xi 5, 12 xii 28 xiii 24 xviii 10 xix 102 a;a;44 46 xxii 1, 3 54 //it 81 iv 56 >) 66 t;44 70 102 „ III viz Com. of Arthur 249 „ 422 Gareth and L. 243 246 513 623 „ 644 752 957 1211 1248 Marr. of Geraint 179 219 337 716 „ 832 Geraint and E. 60 Come i^^^nn^) C. we will slay him and will have said the second, 'yonder c's a knight ' And if he want me, let him c to me ' You c with no attendance, page or miid c with morn, And snatch me^om him a.s hv vJni-. C slipping o'er their shadows on "he Tani ^ ''"^'''"" ' And now their hour has c ; ' I c the mouthpiece of our King to Doorm If he will not go To Arthur, then wiU Trth.i r . f sometime you would c To these my hsts *° ^°"' now behold me c To cleanse this common sewer overthrowing ever knight who c's. S vpfS *°,^ '"y/'llainy, c to shame.' Art yet ha f-yolk, not even c to down— and now The night has c. 'C from the storm,' and having no reply to have my shield In keeping till Ic' who will c to all I am And overcome" it ; Is It Lancelot who hath c Despite the Wound This will he send or c for : ""« wouna when the ghostly man had c and gone. Or c to take the King to Fairyland « C, for you left me taking no farewell phantom of a cup that c's and goes ? ' thought That now the Holy Grail would c again • But mi'^ht ft", t'"''*' ^^^' ^'^"^*' "-^^^ it wouldT ' might It c To me by prayer and fasting ? ' we know not whence they c ; chance of noble deeds will c'and go madness has c on us for our sins ' And hither am I c ; fail'd from my side, nor c Cover'd and in the strength of this C victor and c thou too. For thou shalt see the vision and the vision had not c ; C, as they will ; and many a time they c. But lately c to his mherita.nce, t°\2^}:?^ *^® ^'^^*^ islands had he c, bo that he could not c to speech with her If he cs again '—there she brake short • C ye know nothing : here I pledge my troth. Then, when I c within her counsels they c no more Till the sweet heavens have fill'd it and say his hour is c, C— let us gladden their sad eyes, Tnstram, waiting for the quip to c, C, thou art crabb'd and sour : as the water Moab saw C round by the East C, I am hunger'd and half-anger'd— ' And out beyond into the dream to c ' Traitor, c out, ye are trapt at last ' then she, 'The end is c, And I am shamed i< or if there ever c a grief to me knowest thou now from whence I c— think not that I c to urge thy crimes I did not c to curse thee, Guinevere ' But hither shall I never c again, ' Merlin sware that I should c again To rule waste land, where no one c's. Or hath c He c s again ; but— if he c no more— ' I c, great Mistress of the ear and eve • Love, Hope ! They c, ' Death gave back, and would no further c thronging fancies c To boys and girls seas upon my head To c my way ! should he not c my way if he would 1 why shovU he c my way Robed in those robes C like an angel to a damned soul, C like a careless and a greedy heir C's in upon him in the dead of night thought His dreams had c again. ' Send I bid him c ; ' but Lionel was away— To c and revel for one hour with him ' you are sure it '11 all c right,' Geraint and E. 62 „ 126 237 322 356 471 697 796 815 839 894 Balin and Balan 13 492 569 „ 621 Merlin and V. 895 Lancelot and E. 383 448 565 635 1101 » 1257 1274 Holy Grail ii 92 „ 95 „ 147 „ 318 „ 357 „ 468 ,, 470 „ 481 » 483 „ 572 „ 911 Pelleas and E. 18 86 205 295 341 348 » 509 Last Tournament 86 „ 222 „ 260 272 483 719 721 Guinevere 106 110 „ 200 „ 433 „ 532 533 Pass, of Arthur 191 370 ^ » 451 Lover's Tale i 22 47 115 554 661 667 670 673 675 a 154 tt»78 101 182 Quarrel 1 I First Come 109 Coming Ciome (continued) I'll c for an hour to-morrow, First Quarrd 46 C, c, little wife, let it rest ! „ 62 I am sure it '11 all c right.' (repeat) „ 74, 91 • mother, c out to me ! ' Bizpah 2 what are you ? do you c as a spy ? ,.11 C ! Here's to your happy union with my child ! Sisters {E. and E.) 67 Pray c and see my mother. ,, 191 'Pray e and see my mother, and farewell.' „ 196 know they c, They smile upon me, ,, 278 when I saw him c in at the door. In the Child. Hosp. 2 Had ? has it c ? It has only dawn'd. It will c by and by. „ 23 ' Little children should e to me.' ,, 50 women and children c out, Def. of Luchnow 100 He might be kindlier : happily c the day ! Sir J. OMcasde 23 might have c to learn Our Wiclif's learning : ,, 64 who will e, Grod willing, to outlearn the filthy friar. „ 117 He that thirsteth, c and drink ! ,, 134 Who c's ? A thousand marks are set upon my head. ,, 194 he unchain'd for all the world to c' Columhus 215 ' C to us, c, c ' V. of Maddune 98 that also has c from Thee ; Be Prof. Human C. 7 from within The city c's a murmur void of joy, Tiresias 101 C from the brute, poor souls — Despair 36 When the bat c's out of his cave, ,, 89 ' And idle gleams will c and go. Ancient Sage 240 C, speak a little comfort ! The Flight 17 he c's, and finds me dead. ,, 72 my own true sister, c forth ! the world is wide. ,, 96 That matters not : let c what will ; „ 103 an' tpuld her to c away from the man. Tomorrow 20 whin Dan didn't c to the fore, ,, 43 av the bird 'ud c to me call, ,, 45 for a blessin' 'ud c wid the green ! ' , , 64 to-morrow — you, you c so late, Locksley H., Sixty 214 one has c to claim his bride, ,, 263 I that loathed, have c to love him. „ 280 On you will c the curse of all the land, The Fleet 3 C's at last to the bounteous On Jub. Q. Victoria 10 far-ofif friendship that he c's no more, Demeter and P. 90 She c's to dress me in my bridal veil. The Ring 98 My ring too when she c's of age, ,, 289 Let her c ! And we will feed her with our mountain air, ,, 318 There will c a witness soon Forlorn 25 Dreadful ! has it c to this, ,, 43 C back, nor let me know it ! Happy 5 wall of solid flesh that c's between your soul ,, 35 May lea little nearer, ,, 55 ' I c with your spring-flowers.' To Mary Boyle 17 C, Spring, for now from all the dripping eaves Prog, of Spring 5 She c's ! The loosen'd rivulets run ; , , 9 C, Spring ! She c's on waste and wood, ,, 22 C, Spring ! She c's, and Earth is glad ,, 48 Will my Indian brother c ? Romney's R. 143 If my body c from brutes, (repeat) By an Evolution. 5. 13 ghostly murmur floated, ' C to me, CEnone ! Death of CEnone 79 But c. My noble friend, Akbar's Dream 17 Or makes a friend where'er he c. The Wanderer 6 But seldom c's the poet here. Poets and Critics 15 c's a gleam of what is higher. Faith 6 Come-agains By-gones ma' be c-a ; First Quarrel 69 Comelier comely, yea, and c than myself. Gareth and L. 610 taller indeed. Rosier and c, thou — Last Tournament 710 Comeliness a broad-blown c, red and white, Maud I xiii 9 Ck>mely ' C, too, by all that's fair,' Princess ii 114 say she's c ; there's the fairer chance : , > ^ 460 c, yea, and comelier than myself. Gareth and L. 610 Yet, since the face is c — Geraint and E. 551 Comer (See also Chance-comer, New-comer) But spring, a new c, A spring rich Nothing will die 21 Comest Thou c morning or even ; Leonine Eleg. 15 Tliou c not with shows of flaunting vines Ode to Memory 48 Thou c atween me and the skies, Oriana 75 Thou c, much wept for : In Mem. xvii 1 ' Whence c thou, my guest, Lancelot and E. 181 Comest (continued) thou c, darling boy ; (repeat) De Prof. Two G. 10, 34 Cometh At midnight the moon c, Claribd 13 she c not morning or even. Leonine Eleg. 15 He c not,' she said ; (repeat) Mariana 22, 34, 46, 58 I know He c quickly : Fatimn 23 he that c, like an honour'd guest. Ode on Wdl. 80 and there c a victory now. Boddicea 46 Comfort (b) (See also Coomfut) The c, I have found in thee : Miller's D. 234 dreadful eternity. No c anywhere ; Palace of Art 268 Comfort thyself : what c is in me ? M. d' Arthur 243 Then follow'd counsel, c, Love and Duty 69 Where is c ? in division of the records of the mind ? Locksley Hall 69 C ( c scorned of devils ! ,,75 * I may see her now. May be some little c ; * Enoch Arden 276 Why, that would be her c ; ' „ 809 but a voice Of c and an open hand of help, Aylmer's Fidd 174 they talk'd. Poor children, for their c : ,, 427 what c ? none for me ! ' Princess w 78 Take c : live, dear lady, ,, 80 I think Our chiefest c is the little child ,, 430 Sole c of my dark hour, ,, »i 194 That out of words a c win ; In Mem. xx 10 Of c clasp'd in truth reveal 'd ; ,, xxxvii'iZ And find his c in thy face ; ,, cia; 20 take again That c from their converse Geraint and E. 950 saying in low tones, ' Have c,' Lancelot and E. 995 If here be c, and if ours be sin. Last Tournament 575 Comfort thyself : what c is in me ? Pass, of Arthur 411 Come, speak a little c ! The Flight 17 And yet no c came to me, ,, 18 'Take c you have won the Painter's fame,' Romney's R. 43 groans to see it, finds no c there. ,, 45 Comfort (verb) (See also Coomfut) They c him by night and day ; Stipp. Confessions 45 But, Efiie, you must c her May Queen, Con. 44 ' It c's me in this one thought to dwell, D. of F. Women 233 C thyself : what comfort is in me ? M. d' Arthur 243 Take, give her this, for it may c her : Enoch Arden 899 said the kindly wife to c him. Sea Dreams 140 Reach out dead hands to c me. In Mem. Ixxx 16 C her, c her, all things good, Maud II ii 75 And c her tho' I die. , , 83 The love of all Thy people c Thee, Ded. of Idylls 54 ' C thyself,' said Arthur, ' I nor mine Rest : Gareth and L. 601 Because I saw you sad, to c you. Merlin and V. 441 C your sorrows ; for they do not flow Guinevere 188 C thyself : what comfort is in me ? Pass, of Arthur 411 C yourself, for tho heart of the father The Wreck 98 Comfortable Nor wholly c, I sit, WiU Water. 158 Comforted ' Annie, my girl, cheer up, be c, Enoch Arden 218 look up : be c : Sweet is it to have done the thing Princess v 66 ' Be c : have I not lost her too, ,, 69 ' Be c,' Said Cyril, ' you shall have it : ' ■ ,, 105 and c my heart, And dried my tears, Com. of Arthur 349 let me go : be c : Pelleas and E. 355 He answer'd, ' my soul, be c ! Last Tournament 573 after these had c the blood With meats ,, 724 Queen Smiles on me, saying, ' Be thou c ! ColwmbTis 188 Let the weary be c, On Jub. Q. Victoria 34 Yet be c ; For if this earth be ruled D. of the Duke of C. 7 Comforting An image c the mind, In Mem. Ixxxv 51 Comic Too e for the solemn things they are. Princess, Con. 67 Comin' remimbers wan night c down be the sthrame. Tomorrow 7 Coming (See also Comin', Coomin') C in the scented breeze, Elednore 24 heart Went forth to embrace him c ere he came. CEnone 63 C thro' Heaven, like a light that grows ,, 108 the New-year's c up, mother, May Queen, N. ¥'s. E, 7 A noise of some one c thro' the lawn, D. of F. Women 178 Each month, a birth-day c on, WiU Water. 93 Philip c somewhat closer spoke. Enoch Arden 398 ' Ay, ay, I mind him c down the street ; . ,, 847 His wreck, his lonely life, his c back. „ 862 Coming CoXQhig (continued) If James were c. 'C every day.' > The Brook 106 ff?!.°^f''/,WM^'rf°"^' ■ • Aylmer's Field 23i and c fitfully Like broken music, ajq A crippled lad, and c turn'd to fly, , " kJq like swallows c out of time Will wonder Pri^u^ess ii 431 Or at thy c, Princess, everywhere, W. to Marie Alex. 42 she to be c and slandering me, Grandmother 27 Flash, I am c, I come. Window. Marr. Mom. 13 they are c back from abroad ; Mand I i 65 i see my Oread c down, • g Her brother is c back to-night " ^^^ j She is c, my dove, my dear ; She is c, my life, my fate ; ',' xxii 6] tone IS c, my own, my sweet ; gj But c back he learns it, Geraint aUd E. 498 And c up close to her, said at last : gyn c up quite close, and in his mood " 724 So c to the fountain-side beheld Balin arU Balan 23 A STORM was c, but the wipds were still, Merlin andV 1 C and going, and he lay as dead 213 Such trumpet-blowings in it, c down " 423 C and going, and she lay as dead, "644 C upon me— never harp nor horn. Holy Grail 113 and c out of gloom Was dazzled by the sudden K l'^^*' Ar^rr, ■ FeUeas and E. lQ4t but a sound Of Gawam ever c, and this lay — 396 feet Thro' the long gallery from the outer doors " Range, Guinevere '^.i lo guard thee m the wild hour con, 446 for wasn't he c that day ? pi^.^ q'^^^^^ 47 it IS c— shaking the walls— Rizpah 85 c nearer and nearer again than before- Def. of Lucknow 28 c down on the still-shatter'd walls 92 hands, when I heard him c would drop The Wreck 27 ' I am c to thee in thine Ocean-grave.' 132 '0 child, I am c to thee.' " J34 light of a Sun that was c would scatter Despair 23 But a sun c up in his youth ! Dead Frophet 42 Silver crescent-curve, C soon, xhe Ring 14 c home— And on your Mother's birthday— 247 c nearer— Muriel had the ring— " 259 she sees Her maiden c like a Queen, " 430 he was c down the fell- jfappy 82 ?«^„^L''° '^ *'°'^' • T^ Snowdrop 5 SUMMKB IS c, summer IS c. The Throstle 1 bummer is c, is c, my dear, Ig '^, " "f?'','.,^"™^^ ^^® downward thunder Dea^A 0/ (Enone 22 i< lush d like the c of the day ; Miller's D 132 Narrow'd her goings out and c's in ; A ylmefs Field 501 Half-bhnded at the c of a light. Com. of Arthur 266 himself Had told her, and their c to the court. (repeat) jl/a„. 0/ Geraint 144, 846 bne look d on ere the c of Geraint. , 6I4 'I will abide the c of my lord, dlraint and E. 131 And she abode his c, and said to him I39 Would listen for her c and regret Her parting " ^f ' * ^r- r> . / . Zan<;cZo< and E. 866 ere the c of the Queen, (repeat) ' Guinevere 223, 233 Before the c of the sinful Queen.' 270 (My friend is long in c.) Sir J."oidcasUeU8 you have dared Somewhat perhaps in c ? Columbus 242 kiss so sad, no, not since the c of man ! Despair 60 Command (s) He, that ever following her c's, Ode on Well 211 ?rl'^''l7'^°ll9 I« Earth and Earth's, /„ Mem., Con. 130 Ihy hfeis thineat her c. Gareth and L 983 gave c that all which once was ours Marr. of Geraint 696 one c I laid upon you, not to speak to mo, Geraint and E. 77 Debating his c of silence given, 3gQ Then breaking his c of silence given, ' ' 390 Wroth that the King's c to sally forth Lancelot and E. 560 I'hat only seepos half-loyal to c,- Last Tournament 118 r«J™«*«/r^lKWWu\""K' V. .0 Death of (Enone 99 Command (verb) Will he obey when one c's ? Two Voices 244 Man to c and woman to obey ; Frincess v 450 I cannot all c the strings ; /„ Mem. Ixxxvni 10 itrength of the race to c, to obey, Def. of Lucknow 47 110 Companionship Commander Attest their great c's claim With « honour; / Ode on WeU. U8 Oommeasure C perfect freedom. (Enone 167 Commenced However then c the dawn : Princess ii 138 c A to-and-fro, so pacing till she paused 301 Comment thoughtsinrubric thus For wholesale c,' " m 51 and heard in thought Their lavish c Merlin and V 151 crost, and cramm'd With c, gjg And none can read the c but myself ; And in the " c did I find the charm. g82 like the critic's blurring c make Sisters (E. and JS. ) 104 Six foot deep of burial mould Will dull their c's ! Romneu's R 126 Commerce Saw the heavens fill with c, Locksl^ Hall 121 brought the stinted c of those days ; Enoch Arden 817 two crowned twins, C and conquest, Frincess v 421 From growing c loose her latest chain, Ode Inter. Exhib. 33 bo hold I c with the dead, /„ Mem. Ixxxv 93 No more shall c be all in all, Maud HI vi 23 that c with the Queen, I ask you, . Merlin and V. 770 if if ty years of ever-broadening C ! On Jub. Q. Victoria 52 Commercing c with himself, He lost the sense Walk, to the Mail 21 Commingled C with the gloom of imminent war, Ded. of Idylls I'd Commission A bought c, a waxen face, Maud I x 30 c one of weight and worth To judge between Columbus 12i Commissioner See Church-commissioner Common (adj.) and fears were c to her state, Enoch Arden 521 'Loss is c to the race '—And c is the commonplace. In Mem. vi 2 That loss is c would not make My own less bitter, ,, 5 Too c ! Never morning wore To evening, " 7 Their c shout in chorus, mounting, Balin and Balan 87 but love s first flash in youth. Most c : Lancelot and E. 950 Common (s) crost the c into Darnley chase The Brook 132 Commonplace barren c's break In full and kindly blossom. _ ^nu Water. 23 And common is the c, And vacant chaff In Mem. vi 3 To lift us as it were from c, Sisters (E. and E.) 223 shrunk by usage into commonest c ! Locksley H., Sixty 76 Common-sense Rich in saving c-s, Ode on WeU. 32 crown d Republic's crowning c-s, To the Queen ii 61 1 nests Who fear the king's hard c-s Sir J. Oldcastle 66 Commonwealth from it sprang the C, which breaks Lucretius 241 Commune (s) For days of happy c dead ; In Mem. cxvi 14 Held c with herself, Geraint and E. 368 Commune (verb) To c with that barren voice, Two Voices 461 Communed I c with a saintly man. Holy Grail 742 But c only with the little maid, Guinevere 150 And while I c with my truest self. The Ring 181 Communicate We two c no more.' In Mem. Ixxxv 84 Communing C with herself : ' All these are mine, Falace of Art 181 C with his captains of the war. Frincess i 67 Communion An hour's c with the dead. In Mem. xeiv 4 was a very miracle Of fellow-feeling and c. Lover's Tale i 251 Como Remember how we came at last To C ; The Daisy 70 past From C, when the light was gray, ,, 73 Compact (adj.) churl, c of thankless earth, Godiva 66 issued in a court C of lucid marbles, Frincess ii 24 Compact (s) He said there was a c ; ,, i 47 there did a c pass Long summers back, ,, 123 Our formal c, yet, not less ,, 165 and a hope The child of regal c, ,, iv 421 ' that our c be fulfill'd : ,| ,, 115 she would not keep Her c' " 324 Companion on her bridal morn before she past From all her old c's, ^ a 263 Too harsh to your c yestermorn ; ,',' m 199 When wine and free c's kindled him, Geraint and E. 293 Fled all the boon c's of the Earl, ,, 477 Meanwhile the new c's past away Lancelot and E. 399 My boon c, tavern-fellow— Sir J. Oldcastle 90 Kindly landlord, boon c— Locksley H., Sixty 240 Down to the haven. Call your c's, Merlin and the G. 125 Companionless I, the last, go forth c, M. d' Arthur 236 I, the last, go forth c, Fass. of Arthur 404 Companionship Who broke our fair c. In Mem. xxii 13 Company 111 Confusion Ck>mpany Where sat a c with heated eyes, The little wife would weep for c, ^ ,yes ! — but a c forges the wine. her brother lingers late With a roystering c) twos and threes, or fuller companies,. ' Where is that goodly c,' said I, Spread the slow smile thro' all her c' ' Belike for lack of wiser c ; A glorious c, the flower of men, in companies Troubled the track of the host Compaiison And half asleep she made c Compass (s) And in the c of three little words, winds from all the c shift and blow, Might lie within their c, And his c is but of a single note, sorrow of my spirit Was of so wide a c The c, like an old friend false Compass (verb) To c our dear sisters' liberties.' To c her with sweet observances, you should only c her disgrace, made him leper to c him with scorn — Compass'd And c by the inviolate sea.' With what dull pain C, Then c round by the blind wall of night All beauty c in a female form, Sat c with professors : Tho' c by two armies and the noise That, c round with turbulent sound, And c by the fires of Hell ; So, c by the power of the King, He c her with sweet observances Compassion ' Full of c and mercy— (repeat) Compel I c all creatures to my will.' (repeat) Compell'd such a breeze C thy canvas, Compensated For often fineness c size : Compensating nor c the want By shrewdness. Competence Seven happy years of health and c, gracious children, debtless c, golden mean ; Complaining broad stream in his banks c, C, ' Mother, give me grace To help me call'd him by his name, c loud, call'd him by his name, c loud, Complaint Not whisper, any murmur of c. What end is here to my c ? Completer gipsy bonnet Be the neater and c ; Completion awaits C in a painful school ; fulfill'd itself, Merged in c? Complexity many-corridor'd complexities Of Arth palace : Complicated See Tenfold-complicated Compliment Light coin, the tinsel clink of c. Composed All c in a metre of Catullus, Compound ' No c of this earthly ball Comprehensive See All-comprehensive Comprest rais'd her head with lips c, Comrade C's, leave me here a little. Hark, my merry c's call me. And Enoch's c, careless of himself. His c's having fought their last below, till the c of his chambers woke. Which weep the c of my choice. Is c of the lesser faith labour him Beyond his c of the hearth, and then against his brace Of c's, His craven pair Of c's making slowlier To laughter and his c's to applause. — thy shame, and mine. Thy c — And some are wilder c's, sworn to seek Gone the c's of my bivouac, parted from his c in the boat. Conceal she knows too. And she c's it.' And half c the Soul within. Marriage will c it . . . Conceal'd it aeem'd Better to leave Excalibur c it seom'd Better to leave Excalibur c Vision of Sin 7 Enoch Arden 34 Maud 7 » 36 , , xiv 15 Mart, of Geraint 57 Holy Grail 432 PeUeas and E. 95 Last Tournament 245 Guinevere 464 Batt. of Brunanburh 39 Marr. of Geraint 651 Gardener's D. 232 Godiva 33 Aylmer's Field 485 The Islet 28 Lover's Tale ii 135 Colurnbus 70 Princess Hi 288 Geraint and E. 39 The Fleet 17 Happy 16 To the Queen 36 D.ofF. Women 278 Enoch Arden 492 Princess ii 34 444 „ V 345 WiU7 In Mem. cxxvii 17 Com. of Arthur 20Z Marr. of Geraint 48 Rizpah 62, 63 Geraint and E. 629, 673 In Mem. xvii 2 Princess ii 149 Enoch Arden 250 82 Fastness 24 L. of Shalott ivZ Mariana in the S. 29 M. d' Arthur 210 Pass, of Arthur 378 St. S. Stylites '2f2. In Mem. Ixxxi 6 Maud I XX 20 Love thou thy land 58 Gardener's D. 239 ur's Merlin and V. 732 Princess ii 55 Hendecasyllabics 4 Two Voices 35 The Letters 19 Locksley Hall 1 145 Enoch Arden 568 Aylmer's Field 227 583 In Mem. xiii 9 ,, cxxviii 3 Gareth and L. 485 Geraint and E. 88 167 296 Sir J. OldcasUe 102 Pref. Son. 19th Cent. 12 Locksley H., Sixty 45 The Ring 308 Princess Hi 60 In Mem. v 4 Forlorn 10 M. d' Arthur 62 Pass, of Arthur 2dO Concealment maiden-meek I pray'd C ; Princess Hi 135 Conceit (s) (See also Self-conceit) So spake he, clouded with his own c, M. d' Arthur 110 ; So spake he, clouded with his own c. Pass, of Arthur 278 Conceit (verb) C's himself as God that he can v make Last Tournament'.S55 Conceive and in his agony c's A shameful sense • Lover's Tale i 793 Conceived sinful man, c and born in sin : St. S. Stylites 122 Concentrate if I fail To conjure and c Romney's R. 7 Concession and the bounds Determining c ; To Duke of Argyll 3 Conciliate so potent to coerce, And to c, Ttresias 121 Concluded At last a solemn grace C, Princess ii 453 dreamt Of some vast charm c in that star Merlin and V. .'512 Conclusion To those c's when we saw In Mem. Ixxxvii 35 a semi-smile As at a strong c — Lover's Tale iv 282 Concourse banquet, and c of knights and kings. Lancelot and E. 562 Concubine Sent like the twelve-divided c Aylmer's Field 759 wives and children Spanish c's, Columbus 175 Condemn'd prisoner at the bar, ever c : Sea Dreams 176 Condensation cramm'd With comment, densest c, Merlin and V. 678 Condition with sound of trumpet, all The hard c ; Godiva 37 Hear my c's : promise (otherwise You perish) Princess ii 295 And these were the c's of the King : Gareth and L. 107 Conditioning ebb and flow c their march. Golden Year 30 Condole See Condowl Condoned treacheries — wink'd at, and c — Columbus 226 Condowl (condole) frinds 'ud ponsowl an' c wid her, Tomorrow 47 Conduct (verb) C by paths of growing powers. In Mem. Ixxxiv 31 Conduit Where the bloody c rung, Vision of Sin 144 Cone (See also Cjrpress-cone, Mountain-cones) In masses thick with milky c's. Confederacy between her daughters o'er a wild c. Conference And thus our c closed. Confess I c with right) you think me bound As I c it needs must be ; Why wilt thou shame me to c to thee I will find the Priest and c. Confessed thunders often have c Thy power. Confidence In e of unabated strength, Confined C on points of faith. Conflict c with the crash of shivering points. Folk and his friends that had Fallen in c, Confluence A riotous c of watercourses Confound did all c Her sense ; Nor all Calamity's hugest waves c. On whom the victor, to c them more, God the traitor's hope c ! (repeat) Confounded (See also Worse-confounded) wrath his heart c. Saw them lie c. Confuse Nor thou with shadow'd hint c A life pass on ! the sight c's — Confused Makes thy memory c : Remaining utterly c with fears, wicked broth C the chemic labour of the blood, Arriving all c among the rest C by brainless mobs and lawless Powers ; C me like the unhappy bark Thro' all that crowd c and loud, ' C, and illusion, and relation, Enid look'd, but all c at first. Those twelve sweet moons c his fatherhood.' Confusion The airy hand c wrought, Is there c in the little isle ? There is c worse than death, Unsubject to c, Tho' soak'd and saturate, Man to command and woman to obey ; All else c. At first with all c : by and by Sweet order lived C's of a wasted youth ; yet-loved sire would make C worse than death, Once for wrong done you by c, Thieves, bandits, leavings of c. From flat c and brute violences, disloyal life Hath wrought c in the Table Round and ev'n on Arthur fell C, Miller's D. 56 Boadicea 6 Princess ii 367 n.58 In Mem. lix 4 Holy Grail 567 Bandit's Death 18 To W. C. Macready 2 Lover's Tale i 51 1 ii 150 Princess v 491 Batt. of Brunanburh 71 Lucretius 30 - Mariana 76 ■ WiU 5 Geraint and E. 169 Hands all Round 10, 22, 34 Shame and The Captain 61 The Tourney}^ In Mem. xxxiii 7 Parnassus 15 A Dirge 45 Palace of Art 269 Lucretius 20 Princess iv 224 Ode on WeU. 153 In Mem. xvi 12 Maud II iv 71 Gareth and L. 287 Marr. of Geraint 685 Merlin and F. 712 Palace of Art 22Q Lotos-Eaters, C.S. 79 83 Witt Water. 86 Princess « 451 ,, vii 18 In Mem., Pro. 42 „ xc 19 Merlin and V. 307 Last Tournament 95 124 Guinevere 220 Pass. ofArUmr 99 Pass, of Arthur li4i Beaviifvl City 1 Forlorn 26 Confnsion Confusion (continued) for on my heart hath fall'n C, centre and crater of European c, Confuted come a witness soon Hard to be c Conjecture (s) make C of the plumage and the ConjectS'(verb) C's of the features of her child ^'"^' ''^ &t' H rnniTr,*rinr'^tJ'^^"'?\^°^^e^'"^'"^^^*' In Mem., Con. 86 Conjecturing C when and where : this cut is fresh ; Lancelot and E. 21 Conjure if I fail To c and concentrate Romneu's R 7 Conquer From barren deeps to c all PHZ::!:ii{A. Is rack d with pangs that c trust ; /„ j^g^ i g you are Lancelot ; your great name, This c's : Lancelot and E. \b\ Arise, go forth and c as of old,' p^ss of Arthur 64 lake and mountain c's all the day. Sisters (E. and E.) 100 Love wi 1 c at the last. locksley H., Sixty 280 That only cs men toe peace, Akbar's Drelm 15 Conquer d (See also Woman-conquer'd) A cry above A+*!'t+''^^T+v, i*u X. .. InMem.cxxxi? At last she let herself be c by him. Merlin and V. 900 knowing he was Lancelot ; his great name C : Lancelot and E. 580 Conqueror (See also Woman-conqueror) Christian c'5 took and flung Locksley H., Sixty 8i Conquest two crowned twins, Commerce and e, Princess vi21 brag to his fellow rakes of his c Cfuiritv 18 ^^^^x^^^u ,A?'"^® ^J"^'" °^ " ™''*^® ^^°^ ««"'••■ J^wwn 0/ -Sin 218 With a 1 his c and one eye askew '—(repeat) Sea Dreams 180, 184 My a wiU not count me fleckless ; princess ii 294 Who reverenced his c as his king ; Bed. of Idylls 8 To whom a c never wakes ; /„ j^, J. ^^^ 8 Without a c or an aim. _„ • , o Thee as a cat rest: " ^!?'^.S Their c, and their c as their King, Guinevere 469 as IS the c of a saint Among his warring senses, fiSQ Conscious («ee oZso Half-conscious) nor c of a bar " Between them Aylmer's Field ISi blowly and c of the rageful eye That watch'd him, 336 c of ourselves, Perused the matting ; p^l^,,, ^ 67 And partly c of my own deserts, ,•„ oqk We, c of what temper you are built, " 400 r^r.TJ,t "?'? H^^°. °*?^'" ^^i^"^' Romn^y's R. 62 Consecrate I dedicate, I c with tears- Bed. of Idylls 4 t'c c to lead A new crusade against the Saracen. Columbus 102 Consent (See also Half-consent) To yield c to my ^oiumous w^ desire ; Miller's D 138 w 'T^ ^'^'"^ ^f ' ^^i" ^,\°^ "' ^°** marriage, JEwocA Jrden 708 Was handed over by c of all To one who had not Consequence Were wisdom in the scorn of c' '^ * rpXtll 1 In And duty duty, clear of c's. Prinie^iii 152 canhetell Whether warbeacauseorac? Maud T r 4.n Conservative That man's the true C Handsa^lRm,^A7 Consider 'C well,' the voice replied. TwoVokAl C, William : take a month t^ thiAk, """ Boratl c them, and all Their bearing in their common P-„_,.]^3j .„„. , , ., BalinandBalanliQ Consider d Again she c and said : /„ the Child. Hosp. 55 Sn« ?S^ rf ^^f yybj"-« H«r «°cret meaning /„ Mem.lv 9 Consistent hberal-mmded, great, C ; r;„~, qq Consol chances of dividend, c, and share— The Wreck 30 SSot'^'L^Swl"^ ""^"^' ""' " ^^^^^■'^ ^-^ ^- «^« S^nli^*^ became C in mind and frame- Two Foic«5 366 Consort And a gentle c made he, £ 0/ Burleiah T\ Consowl (console) 'ud c an' condowl wid her, To^^S 47 Constancy The praise that comes to c' ' i/mZ^iI may yours for ever be That old strength rn««tr^«^«- Ai *i, *. ^ Open. Land C.Exhib.U ?^?f ^*I^"" T^'*" **'°. ''i:^^*^'. °°°' ^' ^««- of Brunanburh 63 Constellation Larger c'« burning, mellow moons and » "w 00 happy skies Locksley Hall 159 With c and with continent, Prmcm i 224 Sphere-music of stars and of c's. iWsLfs Conatram'd thro' that young traitor, cruel need Parnassus » ^ "'*' .afarr. of Geraint 716 112 Converse Lover's Tale i 468 Tithonus 6 Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 13 /w Mem. Ixxxiv 1 , , carctM 1 Akbar's Dream 48 PoZace o/^r< 212 Marr. of Geraint 533 Elednore 107 Constraining C it with kisses close and warm Consume Me only cruel immortality C's : ' Consumed utterly c with sharp distress, ' Contained See Self-contained Contemplate When I c all alone C all this work of Time, c The torment of the damn'd ' Contemplating no form of creed, But c all,' but lay C her own unworthiness ; Contemplation And luxury of c : Contempt (See also Self-contempt) touch 'd on Cor.^JIf'T^^ 7'^^ """'^. '^^ Princess ii 135 Contend C for lovmg masterdom. /„ Mf^m «V 8 Content (adj.) (-See oZso Ill-content. Well-content) I ^" ^^'»- "^ » had been e to perish, Locksley Hall IQZ might It come like one that looks e, Lov^ ami Duty 93 Which left my after-morn e. /„ ^,^_ ^^^ 4 He rested well e that all wa^ well. Geraint and E. 962 Nor rested thus c but day by day, Lam^elot and E. 13 yueen, she would not be e Save that I wedded her 1 qi 4 Must be c to sit by little fires. ' Holv Grail au he well had been e Not to have seen, ^ "^ 653 C am I so that I see thy face But once a day : Pelleas a^ E. 243 that had left her 111 c; The Revenge 51 Not findable here— c, and not c, ' ^30 born of worldlings— father, mother— be e LocksleuH Sixtv 25 I shall hardly be e Till I be leper '^''^ ^^^^ g He rests c, if his young music wakes To Marv Bmifp 6^ Content (s) (-See also Self-content) breast That once ^ ^ W?ff nf f*° '"^ '* f % u ^'^^ /""«. i^^ form 8 With meditative grunts of much e, JFa/i. to the Mail 87 found the sun of sweet c Re-risen The Brook 168 and break The low beginnings of c. /„ ji/g^. ;^^^j^ 43 nor more c. He told me, lives m any crowd, xcmii 9^ Contented (-See aZso Well-contented) leapt into my arms, C there to die ! DofF Women 152 Continent With constellation and with c, ' Princess i 224: Maoris and that Isle of C, w. to Marie Alex. 18 From isleand cape and c, Open. I and C. Exhib. 4 and sow The dust of c's to be ; 7n ilfem. a:ar:n. 12 Continue you saw. As who should say ' C Lover's Tale iv 5 Contradiction seem d to live A c on the tongue, In Mem. cxxv 4 Contract Cleave to your c: Princess iv 409 Contracting Philip s rosy face c grew Enoch Arden 486 Contrast love will go by c, as by likes. Sisters (E. and E) 42 Contrivance With great c's of Power. Love thou thy land 64 Contrived where the two c their daughter's good— Aylmer's Field 848 Contriving c their dear daughter's good — 701 Control (s) (See also Half-control, Self-control) keep " it oui^, God, from brute c ; Ode on Well. 159 U triendship, equal-poised c, /„ Mem Ixxxv 33 Control (verb) changes should c Our being, Love thou thy land 41 Controll d For they c me when a boy ; /„ Mem. xxviii 18 Oontrolletn C all the soul and sense Of Passion Eleanore 115 Convent (-See also Hill-convent) while I lived In the white c down the valley St. S. Styliies 62 Convention but c beats them down : Princess, Pro. 128 Dwell with these, and lose C, ^ gg to-morrow morn We hold a great c : " tv 511 Convent-roof Deep on the c-r the snows St" Agnes' Eve 1 Convent-tower shadows of the c-t's Slant down ' 5 Converse (s) (See also Honey-converse) We may hold " c with all forms Ode to Memory 115 War, who breaks the c of the wise ; Third of Feb 8 But open c is there none, /„ Mem. xx 17 Ihy c drew us with delight, ^^ j rode In c till she made her palfrey halt, Gareth and L. 1360 he suspends his c with a friend, Marr. of Geraint 340 told her all their c in the hall, 520 Edyrn, whom he held In c for a little, Geraint'and E. 882 1 hat comfort from their c which he took 950 c sweet and low— low c sweet. Lover's Tale i 541 Am not thyself in c with thyself, A ncient Sage 65 Converse 113 Corner Converse (verb) Hears him lovingly c, L. of Burleigh 26 Convert That was a miracle to c the king. Sir J. OldcasUe 178 Convey'd c them on their way And left them Gareth and L. 889 Convict The noble and the c of Castile, Columbus 117 Convolution saturate, out and out. Thro' every c. WiU Water. 88 Convolvulus The lustre of the long c'es Enoch Arden 576 with a myriad blossom the long c hung ; V. of Maeldune 40 Cony Or conies from the down, Enoch Arden 340 Coo Deeply the wood-dove c's ; Leonine Eleg. 6 Coodled (cuddled) An' coax'd an' c mo oop North. Gobbler 80 Coo'd it c to the Mother and smiled. The Wreck 60 Cook'd c his spleen, Communing with his captains Princess i 66 Cool (adj.) while she wept, and I strove to be c, Maud II i 15 fair days— not all as c as these, Balin and Balan 273 Is all as c and white as any flower,' Last Tournament 416 Cool (s) as we enter'd in the c. Gardener's D. 114 Cool (verb) ' Drink to lofty hopes that c— Vision of Sin 147 saw it and grieved — to slacken and to c ; Princess iv 299 Cool'd placed upon the sick man's brow C it, Aylmer's Field 701 Or c within the glooming wave ; In Mem. Ixxxix 45 ere his cause Be c by fighting, Gareth and L. 703 Cooling C her false cheek with a featherfan, Aylmer's Field 289 Coolness paced for c in the chapel-yard ; Merlin and V. 757 blew C and moisture and all smells of bud Lover's Tale Hi 5 Coom (come) But Parson a c's an' a goas, N. Farmer, O. S. 25 an' thy muther c to 'and, ,, N.S. 21 C's of a gentleman burn : ,,38 Wrigglesby beck c'a out by the 'ill ! ,, 53 C oop, proputty, proputty — ,, 59 WaXit till our Sally c's in, North. Cobbler 1 one night I c'» 'oam like a bull ,, 33 ' My lass, when I c's to die, ,, 103 C thou 'eer— yon laady a-steppin' ,, 107 but 'e dosn' not c fro' the shere ; Village Wife 23 sa I knaw'd es 'e'd c to be poor ; ,,46 C ! c ! fey ther,' 'e says, ,, 69 fur they weant niver c to naw good. ,, 96 When Mollv c's in fro' the far-end close Spinster's S's. 2 Rob, e oop ere o' my knee. „ 11 C give hoaver then, weant ye ? ,,63 let Steevie c oop o' my knee. ,, 67 Dick, when 'e c's to be dead, Otod Rod 11 'ud c at the fall o' the year, „ 23 I'll c an' I'll squench the light, ,, 117 an' 'e beal'd to ya ' Lad c hout ' Church-warden, etc. 28 Coom'd (came) An' I hallus c to 's chooch N. Farmer, O. S. 17 said whot a owt to 'a said an' I c awaay. ,, 20 afoor I c to the plaace. „ 34 sin fust a c to the 'All ; ,,55 afoor 'e c to the shere. ,, N.S. 28 'e c to the parish wi' lots o' Varsity debt, ,, 29 An' I c neck-an-crop soomtimes, North. Cobbler 20 An' when we c into Meeatin', ,, 53 fur New Squire c last night. ViUage Wife 1 new Squire's c wi' 'is taail in 'is 'and, (repeat) ,, 14, 121 Thou's c oop by the beck ; ,,79 fur he c last night so laate — ,, 123 Bui 'e c thruf the fire wi' my bairn Owd Bod 92 He c like a Hangel o' marcy ,, 93 An' 'is 'air c off i' my 'ands ,, 100 fur a lot on 'em c ta-year — Church-warden, etc. 13 They says 'at he c fra nowt — ,, 17 an' c to the top o' the tree, ,, 38 Coomfut (s) (comfort) But she wur a power o' c. North. Cobbler 79 Fur she hedn't naw c in 'er, ViUage Wife 12 Coomfut (verb) When I goas fur to c the poor Spinster's S's. 108 Coomin' (coming) upo' c awaay Sally gied me a kiss North. Cobbler 56 Fur I seed that Steevie wur c,' Spinster's S's. 40 but, Lord, upo' c down — ,, 44 'cep' it wur at a dog c in, ,, 60 By a man c in wi' a hiccup ,, 98 Fur I seed the beck c down Oivd Bod 40 an' the times 'at was c on ; ,,44 Coontryside (Countryside) booots to be cobbled fro' hafe the c. North. Cobbler 94 Cooper C he was and carpenter, Enoch Arden 814 Cooperant Is toil c to an end. In Mem. cxxviii 24 Coortin (courting) gied tha a raatin that sattled thy c o' me, Spinster's S's. 48 Coostom (custom) Foalks' c flitted awaay North. Cobbler 28 An' c agean draw'd in like a wind ,, 93 Coot I come from haunts of c and hern, The Brook 23 Cope c Of the half-attain'd futurity. Ode to Memory 32 Wrapt in dense cloud from base to c. Two Voices 186 one Not fit to c your quest. Gareth and L. 1174 slinks from what he fears To c with, Pelleas and E. 439 sound as when an iceberg splits From c to base — Lover's Tale i 604 the c and crown Of all I hoped and fear'd ? — ,, ii 27 Cophetua came the beggar maid Before the king C. Beggar Maid 4 C sware a royal oath ; ,,15 Coppice in April suddenly Breaks from a c Marr. of Geraint 339 scour'd into the c's and was lost, Geraint and E. 534 from the fringe of c round them burst Balin and Balan 46 Coppice-feather'd every c-/ chasm and cleft, Princess iv2S Copse danced about the may-pole and in the hazel c, May Queen, N. Y's. E. 11 shadowy pine above the woven c. Lotos-Eaters 18 did we hear the c's ring, Locksley Roll 35 Came little c's climbing. Amphion 32 Then move the trees, the c's nod. Sir Galahad 77 In c and fera Twinkled the innumerable ear The Brook 133 firefly-like in c And linden alley : Princess i 208 we wound About the the cliffs, the c's, ,, Hi 360 Here is the c, the fountain and — Sir J. Oldcastle 127 seas leaning on the mangrove c, Prog, of Spring 76 Coptic Lulling the brine against the C sands. Buonaparte 8 Coquette the slight c, she cannot love. The form, the form 12 Coquette-like or half c-l Maiden, Eendecasyllabics 20 Coquetting C with young beeches ; Amphion 28 Cord The creaking c's which wound and eat Supp. Confessions 36 The wounding c's that bind and strain Clear-headed friend 4 We'll bind you fast in silken c's, Bosalind 49 Lower 'd softly with a threefold c of love D. ofF. Women 211 Bound by the golden c of their first love — The Bing 429 while she stared at those dead c's Death of (Enone 10 A silken c let down from Paradise, Akbar's Dream 139 Cordage coils of c, swarthy fishing-nets, Enoch Arden 17 Corded See Sinew-corded Cordon draw The c close and closer Aylmer's Field 500 Core Else earth is darkness at the c. In Mem. xxxiv 3 To make a solid c of heat ; ,, cmi 18 Corinna wrought With fair C's triumph ; Princess Hi 349 Coritanian hear C, Trinobant ! (repeat) Boddicea 10, 34, 47 Gods have heard it, Icenian, O C ! Boddicea 21 Shout Icenian, Catieuchlanian, shout C, Trinobant, ,, 57 Corkscrew up the c stair With hand and rope Walk, to the Mail 90 Com {See also Cum) river-sunder'd champaign clothed with c, (Enone 114 land of hops and poppy-mingled c, Aylmer's Field 31 Ruth among the fields of c, ,, 680 when a field of c Bows all its ears Princess i 236 glutted all night long breast-deep in c, ,, it 387 Steel and gold, and c and wine, Ode Inter. Exhib. 17 sweating underneath a sack of c, Marr. of Geraint 263 Take him to stall, and give him c, „ 371 fell Like flaws in Summer laying lusty c: ,, 764 spice and her vintage, her silk and her c ; Vastness 13 A thousand squares of c and meadow. The Bing 149 Corn-bin horse That hears the c-b open. The Epic 45 Cornelia Clelia, C, with the Palmyrene Princess ii 83 Comer ' Sometimes a little c shines. Two Voices 187 From some odd c of the brain. Miller's D. 68 in dark c's of her palace stood Uncertain shapes ; Palace of Art 237 crow shall tread The c's of thine eyes : WiU Water. 236 sitting-room With shelf and c for the goods Enoch Arden 171 From distant c's of the street they ran „ 349 or Ralph Who shines so in the c ; Princess, Pro. 145 my own sad name in c's cried, Maud I vi 72 Found Enid with the c of his eye, Geraint and E. 281 A damsel drooping in a c of it. ,, 611 folded hands and downward eyes Of glancing c, Merlin and V, 70 Corner 114 Count Comer (continued) Or whisper'd in the c? do ye know it ? ' Merlin and V. 772 knelt Full lowly by the c's of his bed, Lancelot and E. 826 dragon, grifl&n, swan, At all the c's, Holy Grail 351 deal-box that was push'd in a c away. First Qvxirrd 48 Cornice Now watching high on mountain c. The Daisy 19 Stretch'd under all the c and upheld : Gareth and L. 219 Cornish held Tintagil castle by the C sea, Com. of Arthur 187 name of evil savour in the land, The C king. Gareth and L. 386 Mark her lord had past. The C King, Last Tournament 382 sands Of dark Tintagil by the C sea ; Guinevere 294 Corn-laws And struck upon the c-l, Audley Court 35 Coronach Prevailing in weakness, the c stole Dying Swan 26 Coronal My c slowly disentwined itself Lover's Tale i 361 dost uphold Thy c of glory like a God, ,, 488 Coroner c doubtless will find it a felo-de-se, Despair 115 Coronet Kind hearts are more than c's, L. C. V. de Vere 55 Corp (corpse) a c lyin' undher groun'. Tomorrow 62 Corpse {See also Corp) On c's three-months-old at noon she came, Palace of Art 24:3 C's across the threshold ; D. of F. Women 25 Step from the c, and let him in D. of the 0. Year 49 he comes to the second c in the pit ? Maud II v 88 A yet-warm c, and yet unburiable, Gareth and L. 80 My mother on his c in open field ; (repeat) Merlin and V. 43, 73 night with its coffinless c to be laid Def. of Lucknow 80 I'd sooner fold an icy c dead of some The Flight 54 She tumbled his helpless c about. Dead Prophet 65 Pain, that has crawl'd from the c of Pleasure, Vastness 17 And found a c and silence, The Ring 217 lies, that blacken round The c of every man Eomney's R. 123 Corpse-cofEm. end but in being our own c-c's at last, Vastness 33 Correspond Not for three years to c with home ; Princess ii 70 Corridor Full of long-sounding c's it was, Palace of Art 53 Corridor'd See Many-corridor'd Corrientes and flowers. From C to Japan, To Ulysses 4 Corrupt Plenty c's the melody That made thee famous once. The Blackbird 15 Lest one good custom should c the world. M. d' Arthur 242 C's the strength of heaven-descended WiU 11 Lest one good custom should c the world. Pass, of Arthur 410 Corruption c crept among his knights, Merlin and V. 154 Corselet thro' the bulky bandit's c home, Geraint and E. 159 Cosmogony their cosmogonies, their astronomies : Columbus 42 Cosmopolite That man's the best C Hands all Round 3 Cosmos Chaos, C! C, Chaos! (repeat) Lochsley H., Sixty 103, 127 Cossack C and Russian Reel'd Light Brigade 34 Cost (s) care not for the c ; the c is mine.' Geraint and E. 288 Cost (verb) story that c me many a tear. Grandmother 22 it c me a world of woe, , , 23 They still remember what it c them here, The Ring 201 Costliest Black velvet of the c— Aylmer's Field 804 Costly the work To both appear'd so c, Marr. of Geraint 638 ' Let her tomb Be c, Lancelot and E. 1340 Costly-broider'd Laid from her limbs the c-b gift, Marr. of Geraint 769 Costly-made half-cut-down, a pasty c-m, Audley Court 23 Costrel youth, that following with a c bore Marr. of Geraint 386 Cot and kiss'd him in his c. Enoch Arden 234 Here is the c of our orphan. In the Child. Hosp. 28 Softly she call'd from her c to the next, „ 46 Thro many a palace, many a c, Demeter and P. 55 Cotch'd (caught) but Charlie 'e c the pike, Village Wife 43 Thou'd niver 'a c ony mice Spinster's S's. 55 An' 'e c howd hard o' my hairm, Owd Rod 58 c 'cr death o' cowd that night, ,, 114 I c tha wonst i' my garden. Church-warden, etc. 33 Coterie Camo yews, a dismal c ; Amphion 42 Cottage Or even a lowly c whence we see Ode to Memory 100 ' Make me a c in the vale,' she said, Palace of Art 291 Love will make our c pleasant, L. of Burleigh 15 she seems to gaze On that c growing nearer, , , 35 Fair is her c in its place, Reguiescat 1 Served the poor, and built the c, Lochsley H., Sixty 268 sound ran Thro' palace and c door. Dead Prophet 38 Cottager She was the daughter of a c, Walk, to the Mail 59 Cottage-walls robed your c-w with flowers Aylmer's Field 698 Cotter a c's babe is royal-born by right divine ; Locksley H., Sixty 125 Cotton (s) Whose ear is cramm'd with his c, Maud / a; 42 ' Cotton (verb) If tha c's down to thy betters. Church-warden, etc. 48 Cotton-spinner We are not c-s's all. Third of Feb. i5 Cotton-spinning Go' (shrill'd the c-s chorus) ; Edwin Morris 122 Co-twisted New things and old c-t, Gareth and L. 226 Couch Kings have no such c as thine. Dirge 40 She lying on her c alone, Day -Dm., Sleep B. 2 And flung her down upon a c of fire, Aylmer's Field 574 light of healing, glanced about the c. Princess vii 59 Rolling on their purple c'es Bocidicea 62 And Enid woke and sat beside the c, Marr. of Geraint 79 which she laid Flat on the c, and spoke exultingly : ,, 679 left her maiden c, and robed herself, ,, 737 wearied out made for the c and slept, Merlin and V, 736 flung herself Down on the great King's c, Lancelot and E. 610 Low on the border of her c they sat Guinevere 101 And the crowded c of incest in the warrens Locksley H., Sixty 224 Couchant c with his eyes upon the throne, Guinevere 11 Couch'd (See also Low-couch'd) tame leopards c beside her throne. Princess ii 33 c behind a Judith, underneath The head ,, iv 226 The wine-flask lying c in moss. In Mem. Ixxxix 44 c at ease, The white kine glimmer'd, (repeat) ,, xcv 14, 50 c at night with grimy kitchen-knaves. Gareth and L. 481 They c their spears and prick'd their steeds, Lancelot and E. 479 at her will they c their spears, Three against one : Pdleas and E. 273 Lancelot passing by Spied where he c, Guinevere 31 Cough c's, aches, stitches, ulcerous throes St. S. Stylites 13 Council ((See aZso College-council) ' And statesmen at her c met To the Queen 29 manners, climates, c's, governments, Ulysses 14 In iron gauntlets : break the c up.' Princess i 89 But when the c broke, I rose and past ,, 90 enter'd an old hostel, call'd mine host To c, ,, 174 ' everywhere Two heads in c, ,, ii 173 Great in c and great in war. Ode on Well. 30 c's thinn'd. And armies waned. Merlin and V. 572 CouncU-hall The basest, far into that c-h Lucretius 171 His voice is silent in your c-h Ode on Well. 174 Counsel (advice) silver flow Of subtle-paced c Isabel 21 Then follow'd c, comfort, and the words Love and Duty 69 Her art, her hand, her c all had wrought Aylmer's Field 151 Nor dealing goodly c from a height ,, 172 You prized my c, lived upon my lips : Princess iv 293 In part It was ill c had misled the girl ,, vii 241 to whom He trusted all things, and of him required His c: Com. of Arthur 147 man of plots, Craft, poisonous c's, Gareth and L. 432 Abide: take c : for this lad is great ,, 730 thou begone, take c, and away, ,, 1002 take my c : let me know it at once : Merlin and V. 653 he turn'd Her c up and down within his mind, Lancelot arid E. 369 Then, when I come within her c's, Pelleas and E. 348 I would not spurn Good c of good friends. Sir J. Oldcastle 146 My c that the tyranny of all Led backward Tiresias 75 And following thy true c, Akbar's Dream 154 mix the wines of heresy in the cup Of c — ,, 175 Counsel (advocate) a sound Like sleepy c pleading ; Amphion 7i A man is likewise c for himself, Sea Dreams 182 Counsel (verb) Speak to me, sister ; c me ; The Flight 75 Counsell'd but old Merlin c him, Com. of Arthur 306 Counsellor He play'd at c's and kings. In Mem. Ixiv 23 My noble friend, my faithful c, Akbar's Dream 18 and bravest soul for c and friend. ,, 69 Count (title) c's and kings Who laid about them Princess, Pro. 30 C, baron — whom he smote, he overthrew. Lancelot and E. 465 C who sought to snap the bond Happy 61 Count (reckoning) ' Heaven heads the c of crimes D. of F. Women 201 Count (verb) I can but c thee perfect gain. Palace of Art 198 or touch Of pension, neither c on praise : Love thou thy land 26 C's nothing that she meets with base. On a Mourner 4 but c not me the herd ! Golden Year 13 But I c the gray barbarian lower Locksley Hall 174 Deep as Hell I c his error. The Captain 3 Count 115 Court C the more base idolater of Count (verb) (continued) the two ; conscience will not c me fleckless ; what every woman c's her due, Love, children, Nor, what may c itself as blest. Shall c new things as dear as old : I c it crime To mourn for any To c their memories half divine ; Thy likeness, I might c it vain To-day they c as kindred souls ; Nor c me all to blame if I ' Mother, tho' ye c me still the child, I c it of small use To charge you) be he dead, 1 c you for a fool ; ' I c it of no more avail, Dame, may c The yet-unbroken strength I should c myself the coward if I left them, You c the father of your fortune. The gells they c's fur nowt. Thy frailty c's most real, I c them all My friends I c you kind, I hold you true ; CSounted casting bar or stone Was c best ; So died Earl Doorm by him he c dead. And only queens are to be c so. Countenance Christians with happy c's — With a glassy c Did she look to Camelot, If I make dark my e, I shut my life Then her c all over Pale again as death o'er his c No shadow past, nor motion : Else I withdraw favour and c From you She sets her forward c His c blacken'd, and his forehead veins his face Shone like the c of a priest Forgetting how to render beautiful Her c to see the settled c Of her I loved. Counter rogue would leap from his c one to the west, and c to it. And blank : My knights have sworn the c to it — We run more c to the soul thereof Coiinterchange Witch-elms that c the floor Counter-changed c The level lake with diamond- plots half-disfarae. And c with darkness ? Countercharm c of space and hollow sky. Countercheck With motions, checks, and c's. Countermarch would fight and march and c. Counterpane girl with her arms lying out on the c' little arms lying out on the c ; Counterpressure But c's of the yielded hand Counter-scoff fiery-short was Cyril's c-s, Counter- term such c-t's, my son. Are border-races Counter-yell yells and c-y's of feud And faction, Countest See thou, that c reason ripe Counting C the dewy pebbles, fix'd in thought ; C the dewy pebbles, fix'd in thought ; Country His c's war-song thrill his ears : None of these Came from his c, Prince, I have no c none ; If love of c move thee there at all, neither court nor c, tho' they sought Who loves his native c best. Countryman and in me behold the Prince Your c, Country-side {See also Coontryside) c-s descended ; Countrjrvroman countrywomen ! she did not envy gives the manners of your countrywomen ? ' A foreigner, and I your c. County Not a lord in all the c that almighty man, The c God — County Member not the C M's with the vane : County Town Last week came one to the c t, Couple (a) a c, fair As ever painter painted, then, the c standing side by side, Aylmer's Fidd 670 Princess ii 294 „ m244 In Mem. xxvii 9 a:Z28 Ixxxv 61 xcl2 xcii 2 xdx 19 Con. 85 Gareth and L. 34 Geraint and E. 416 548 715 Holy Grail 325 The Revenge 11 Sisters {E. and E.) 28 ViUage Wife 18 Ancient Sage 51 Epilogue 18 The Wanderer 13 Gareth and L. 519 Geraint and E. 730 Lancelot and E. 238 Supj). Confessions 20 L. ofShalottivlS Two Voices 53 L. of Burleigh 65 Enoch Arden 709 Aylmer's Field 307 In Mem. cxiv 6 Balin and Balan 391 Pelleas and E. 144 Lover's Tale i 97 „ m 39 Maud I i 51 Holy Grail 254 Last Tournament 80 659 In Mem. Ixxxix 1 Arabian Nights 84 Merlin and V. 466 Maud I xviii 43 Two Voices 300 AuMey Court 40 In the Child Hasp. 58 70 Sisters (E. and E.) 163 Princess v 307 Ancient Sage 250 To Duke of Argyll?, In Mem. xxxiii 13 M. d' Arthur 84 Pass, of Arthur 252 Two Voices 153 Enoch Arden 653 Princess ii 218 Ode on WeU. 140 Marr. of Geraint 729 Hands all Round 4 Princess ii 215 tree by tree. The Amphion 52 Princess Hi 41 ,, iv 151 317 L. of Burleigh 59 Aylmer's Field 14 Walk, to the Mail 12 Maud I x37 Aylmer's Field 105 The Bridesmaid 5 Locksley H., Sixty 107 In Mem. cxxvi 4 Guinevere 396 Two Voices 327 L. C. V. de Vere 45 Enoch Arden 546 „ 629 Princess Hi 213 In Mem. cix 8 ,, cxiii 16 ,, cxvii 12 , , cxviii 19 ,, cxxviii 4 Geraint and E. 927 Merlin and V. 880 Lover's Tale ii 14 De Prof. Two G. 20 Heavy Brigade 21 Sir J. Oldcastle 120 Gardener's D. 222 Marr. of Geraint b'23, To the Queen 25 Couple (verb) then let men c at once with wolves. Pelleas and E. 536 Coupled No power — so chain'd and c with the curse Tiresias 58 Courage A c to endure and to obey ; Isabel 25 ' C ! ' he said, and pointed toward the land, Lotos-Eaters 1 C, St Simeon ! This dull chrysalis St. S. Stylites 155 Till thy drooping c rise. Vision of Sin 152 C, poor heart of stone ! Maud II Hi 1 C, poor stupid heart of stone. — ,, 5 if dynamite and revolver leave you c to be wise: Courier Which every hour his c's bring. By c's gone before ; Course (s) {See also Water-course) Their c, till thou wert also man : .You held your c without remorse, j winds variable, Then baffling, a long c of them ; Like the Good Fortune, from her destined c. Or baser c's, children of despair.' outran The hearer in its fiery c ; And roll it in another c. And all the c's of the suns, move his c, and show That life is not as idle ore, faith That sees the c of human things. Fill'd all the genial c's of his blood The c of life that seem'd so flowery to me ' Paused in their c to hear me, and sway thy c Along the years of haste Three that were next in their fiery c. Course (verb) To c and range thro' all the world. Coursed we c about The subject most at heart, C one another more on open ground Court Her c was pure ; her life serene ; Four c's I made. East, West, and South and North, Palace of Art 21 round the cool green c's there ran a row Of cloisters, , , 25 I earth in earth forget these empty c's, Tiihonus 75 ' seek my father's c with me, Day-Dm., Depart. 27 old-world trains, upheld at c By Cupid-boys ,, Ep. 9 in a c he saw A something-pottle-bodied boy Will Water. 130 Thro' the c's, the camps, the schools, Vision of Sin 104 A silent c of justice in his breast. Sea Dreams 174 often, in that silent c of yours — ,, 183 ' I have a sister at a foreign c. Princess i 75 I stole from c With Cyril and with Florian, , , 102 In masque or pageant at my father's c. ,, 198 a c Compact of lucid marbles, ' We of the c, ' said Cyril. ' From the c ' we crost the c To Lady Psyche's : rolling thro' the c A long melodious thunder Descended to the c that lay three parts In shadow. So saying from the c we paced, there rose A hubbub in the c push'd us, down the steps and thro' the c, Deepening the c's of twilight broke them up pleased him, fresh from brawling c's I keep Within his c on earth. Ye come from Arthur's c. to the c of Arthur answering yea. Merlin's hand, the Mage at Arthur's c, then will I to c again, And shame the King brave Geraint, a knight of Arthur's c. Next after her own self, in all the c. himself Had told her, and their coming to the c. (repeat) ,, 144, 846 Held c at old Caerleon upon Usk. ,, 146 with the morning all the c were gone. ,, 156 rode Geraint into the castle c, ,, 312 while he waited in the castle c, ,, 326 the good knight's horse stands in the c ; ,, 370 Shalt ride to Arthur's c, and coming there, ,, 582 rising up, he rode to Arthur's c, ,, 591 ride with him this morning to the c, ,, 606 bright and dreadful thing, a c, ,, 616 her own faded self And the gay c, „ 653 lord and ladies of the high c went In silver tissue ,, 662 like a madman brought her to the c, „ 725 it 23 48 100 475 Hi 20 117 iv 476 555 Cow. 113 In Mem. Ixxxix 11 ,, cxxvi 7 Com. of Arthur 249 446 Gareth and L. 306 897 Marr. of Geraint 1 18 Court 116 Court {continued) neither c nor country, though they _ sought Marr. of Geraint 729 I can scarcely ride with you to c, ,, 749 such a sense might make her long for c ,, „ °Xa In this poor gown I rode with him to c, Geraint and E. 700 A knight of Arthur's c, who laid his lance In rest, ,, 7/5 Was but to rest awhile within her c ; ,, 855 we be mightier men than all In Arthur's c ; Balin and Balan 34 c and King And all the kindly warmth ,, 235 stall'd his horse, and strode across the c, ,, 341 He rose, descended, met The scorner in the castle c, ,, 387 from the castle a cry Sounded across the c, ,, , „ ,2 the mask of pure Worn by this c, Merlin and V. 3b because that f oster'd at thy c I savour narrow c and lubber King, farewell ! thro' the peaceful c she crept And whisper'd : wily Vivien stole from Arthur's c. leaving Arthur's c he gained the beach ; I rose and fled from Arthur's c the thing was blazed about the c, the c, the king, dark in your light, Arthur, holding then his c Hard on the river Moving to meet him in the castle c ; great knight, the darling of the c, much they ask'd of c and Table Round, she heard Sir Lancelot cry in the c. Above her, graces of the c, and songs, Sighs, we two May meet at c hereafter : ye will learn the courtesies of the c, Thence to the c he past ; So ran the tale like fire about the c, And all the gentle c will welcome me, I go in state to c, to meet the Queen. I hear of rumours flying thro' your c. Nun as she was, the scandal of the C, ' Gawain am I, Gawain of Arthur's c, Gawain of the c, Sir Gawain — Then he crost the c, And spied not any light Creep with his shadow thro' the c again, My tower is full of harlots, like his c, tonguesters of the c she had not heard. QtJKBN Guinevere had fled the c, one morn when all the c. Green-suited, lissome Vivien, of her c The wiliest and the worst ; Lured by the crimes and frailties of the c, I came into c to the Judge and the lawyers, showing c's and kings a truth Fonseca my main enemy at their c. Cast off, put by, scouted by c and king — Than any friend of ours at C ? You move about the C, I pray you tell King Ferdinand Courted a well-worn pathway c us To one green wicket Courteous And mighty c in the main — Sir, I was c, every phrase well oil'd, C or bestial from the moment, C — amends for gauntness — Gawain, sumamed The C, fair and strong, • Too c truly ! ye shall go no more Too c are ye, fair Lord Lancelot, some one thrice as c as thyself — Courtesy To greet the sheriff, needless c ! Then broke all bonds of c, With garrulous ease and oily courtesies in his coffin the Prince of c lay. men have I known In c like to thee : amends For a c not retum'd. stout knaves with foolish courtesies : ' waving to him White hands, and c ; Geraint, from utter c, forbore. Host and Earl, I pray your e ; ' I pray you of your c, He being as he is, I see ye scorn my courtesies, such a grace Of tenderest c, To learn what Arthur meant by c. 38 139 149 197 297 743 870 Lancelot and E. 74 175 „ 268 344 648 698 „ 699 706 734 1060 1124 1190 Holy Grail 78 PeUeas and E. 371 379 „ 418 441 Last Tournament 81 393 Guinevere 1 " 21 „ 28 " ^It Rizpah 33 Columbus 37 „ 126 „ 165 „ 198 .. 222 Gardener's D. 109 Aylmer's Field 121 Princess Hi 133 Gareth and L. 631 Merlin and V. 104 Lancelot and E. 555 „ 716 972 Last Tournament 706 Edwin Morris 133 Aylmer's Field 323 Princess 1 164 G. of Swainston 10 12 Maud I vi 14 Gareth and L. 733 „ _ 1377 Marr. of Geraint d81 403 Geraint and E. 641 671 862 Balin and Balan 158 Courtesy {coniinued) high-set courtesies are not for me. Whom all men rate the king of c. ' Is this thy c — to mock me, ha ? wonted e, C with a touch of traitor in it, ye will learn the courtesies of the court, Deeming our c is the truest law. Obedience is the c due to kings.' myself Would shun to break those bounds of c And loved thy courtesies and thee, such a c Spake thro' the limbs and in the voice- one Murmuring, ' All c is dead,' King by c. Or King by right— The greater man, the greater c. For c wins woman all as well As valour trustful courtesies of household life. And of the two first-famed for c — Had yet that grace of c in him left Yield thee full thanks for thy full c Court-favour willing she should keep C-f: Court-Galen c-G poised his gilt-head cane. Court-lady And should some great c-l say. Courtliness He moving up with pliant c, thought, and amiable words And c, Courting See Coortin Courtly Not her, who is neither c nor kind, looking at her, Full c, yet not falsely, Courtship Discussing how their c grew. Cousin a silent c stole Upon us and departed : Trust me, c, all the current of my being Saying, ' Dost thou love me, c ? ' my c, shallow-hearted ! To give his c, Lady Clare. ' It was my c,' said Lady Clare, Her and her far-off c and betrothed. My lady's c. Half-sickening of his pension'd And had a c tumbled on the plain, Jenny, my c, had come to the place. Had made his goodly c, Tristram, knight, ' c, slay not him who gave you life.' ' Fair and dear c, you that most had poor c, with your meek blue eyes, ^ fear not, c ; I am changed indeed.' My sister, and my c, and my love, c of his and hers — God, so like ! ' ' Take my free gift, my c, for your wife ; And Muriel Erne— the two were c's — I found these c's often by the brook. Cove dimple in the dark of rushy c's, sweet is the colour of c and cave. And shadow'd c's on a sunny shore, waves that up a quiet c Rolling slide, And steering, now, from a purple c, curl'd Thro' all his eddying c's ; The sailing moon in creek and c ; then the two Dropt to the c. Sat by the river in a c, and watch'd Covenant Breathed, like the c of a God, Coventry / waited for the train at C ; wife to that grim Earl, who ruled In C : Cover (s) I slide by hazel c's ; Cover (verb) Have mercy, mercy ! c all my sin. C the lions on thy shield, Cover'd His blue shield-lions c — All over c with a luminous cloud, fail'd from my side, nor come C, what I saw was veil'd And c ; Coverlet Across the purple c. Who, moving, cast the c aside. Coverlid The silk star-broider'd c And all the c was cloth of gold Covert Rode thro' the c's of the deer. Here often they break c at our feet.' Coverture In closest c upsprung. Cow He praised his ploughs, his c's, his hogs, Cow Balin and Balan 227 257 495 Lancelot and E. 638 699 712 718 1220 1363 Holy Grail 22 Last Tournament 211 341 633 " 707 Guinevere 86 „ 323 „ 436 To Victor Hugo 13 Princess vii 58 „ il9 Marr. of Geraint 723 Geraint and E. 278 Guinevere 482 Maud / 1) 27 Lancelot and E. 236 In Mem., Con. 97 Edwin Morris 115 Locksley Hall 24 30 39 Lady Clare 4 ,, 15 The Brook 75 Aylm^er's Field 460 Princess vi 319 Grandmother 25 Gareth and L. 394 Geraint and E. 783 „ 824 841 J73 Lover's Tale Hi 43 iv 327 363 The Ring 147 158 Ode to Memory 60 Sea-Fairies 30 Eleanore 18 ,, 108 The Daisy 20 In Mem. Ixxix 10 „ ct 16 Com. of Arthur 378 Lancelot and E. 1389 Gardener's D. 209 Godiva 1 „ 13 The Brook 171 St. S. Stylites 84 Gareth and L. 585 1217 Holy Grail 189 „ 471 852 Day-Dm., Sleep. B.3 Marr. of Geraint 73 Day-Dm., Sleep. B. 9 Lancelot and E. 1157 Sir L. and Q. G. 21 Marr. of Geraint 183 Arabian Nights 68 The Brook 125 Cow 117 Cramm'd N. Farmer, 0. S. 37 52 Village Wife 103 Spinsters S's. 2 Locksley H., Sixty 248 Church-warden, etc. 5 16 54 Two Voices 108 Princess v 309 In Mem. xcv 30 AferZm and V. 789 Pe«ms ajwi E. 438 TAe Revenge 4 Cow (conimwai) theer warn't not feead for a c ; Wi' aaf the c's to cauve as big i' the mouth as a c, wi' her paails fro' the c. peasant e shall butt the ' Lion passant ' an' wa lost wer Haldeny c, an' I doubts they poison'd the c, an' it poison'd the c. CJoward The fear of men, a e still. Where idle boys are c** to their shame, dwell On doubts that drive the c back, were he not crown'd King, c, and fool. ' a c slinks from what he fears To cope with, * Fore Gk)d I am no c : * I know you are no c ; I should count myself the c if I left them, ,, 11 spared the flesh of thousands, the e and the base, Happy 17 Cowsu^ce full of e and guilty shame, Princess tv 348 being thro' his c allow'd Her station, Guinevere 516 Or c, the child of lust for gold. To the Queen II 54 Cowd (cold) sa c ! — hev another glass ! Straange an' c fur the time ! Village Wife 20 Of a Christmas Eave, an' as c as this, Owd Rod 31 but the barn was as c as owt, ,, 111 she cotch'd 'er death o' c that night, ,, 114 CJower'd A dwarf -like Cato c. Princess vii 126 Had often truckled and c When he rose Dead Prophet 62 Cowering See Low-cowering Cowl And turn'd the c's adrift : Talking Oak 48 leaving for the c The helmet in an abbey Holy Grail 5 Cowl'd Some e, and some bare-headed. Princess vi 77 Beside that tower where Percivale was c, Pelleas and E. 501 Cowslip Spring Letters c's on the hill ? Adeline 62 To stoop the c to the plains, Rosalind 16 c and the crowfoot are over all the hill, May Queen 38 As c unto oxlip is, Talking Oak 107 The little dells of c, fairy palms, Aylmer's Field 91 what joy can be got from a c out of the field ; In the Child. Hasp. 36 Cowslip BaU he made me the c b, First Quarrel 13 Cowslip Wine hev a glass o' c w ! Village Wife 5 Cra&dle (cradle) An' I tummled athurt the c North. Cobbler 35 Nelly wur up fro' the c Village Wife 103 bring tha down, an' thy c an' all ; Owd Rod 50 Cra&zed (crazed) Warn't I c fur the lasses mys^n N. Farmer, N. S. 18 ' Cushie wur c fur 'er cauf ' Spinster's S's. 115 Crab like a butt, and harsh as c's. Walk, to the Mail 49 Crabb'd Thro' solid opposition c and gnarl'd. Princess iii 126 Come, thou are c and sour : Last Tournament 272 Crack (s) deafen'd with the stammering c's Merlin and V. 942 c of earthquake shivering to your base Pelleas and E. 465 Crack (verb) chrysalis C's into shining wings, St. S. Stylites 156 splinter'd spear-shafts c and fly. Sir Galahad 7 earthquake in one day C's all to pieces, — Lucretius 252 living hearts that c within the fire Princess v 379 and takes, and breaks, and c's, and splits, ,, 527 whelp to c ; C them now for yourself, Maud II v 55 Burst vein, snap sinew, and c heart. Sir J. OldcasUe y21i Crack'd The mirrow c from side to side ; L. of Shalott iii 43 all her bonds C ; and I saw the flaring atom-streams Lucretius 38 The forest c, the waters curl'd. In Mem. xv 5 And c the helmet thro', and bit the bone, Marr. of Geraint 573 And once the laces of a helmet c. Last Tournament 164 whin I c his skull for her sake. Tomorrow 41 Casques were c and hauberks hack'd The Tourney 7 Crackle The tempest c's on the leads. Sir Galahad 53 Crackling His hair as it were c into flames, Aylmer's Field 586 heard A c and a rising of the roofs, Holy Grail 183 Cradle (See also Cra9,dle) To deck thy c, Eleiinore. Eleanore 21 Then lightly rocking baby's c Enoch Arden 194 sway'd The c, while she sang this baby song. Sea Breams 292 on my c shone the Northern star. Princess i 4 rock the snowy c till I died. >, iv 104 Love, Warm in the heart, his c, Lover's Tale i 158 we slept In the same c always, ,, 259 place of burial Far lovelier than its c ; ,, 530 Cradle {continued) bending by the c of her babe. The Ring 415 paler then Than ever you were in your c, moan'd, ,, 432 Cradled (See also Lily-cradled) Their Margaret c near them. Sea Dreams 57 Cradle-head half-embraced the basket c-h ,, 289 Cradle-time Familiar up from c-t, so wan, Balin and Balan 591 Cradlemont Urien, C of Wales, Claudias, Com. of Arthur 112 Craft (art, etc.) before we came. This c of healing. Princess iii 320 less from Indian e Than beeliko instinct ,, iv 198 Yet Merlin thro' his c, Com. of Arthur 234 man of plots, C, poisonous counsels, Gareth and L. 432 answer'd with such c as women use, Geraint and E. 352 Nor left untold the c herself had used ; ,, 393 moral child without the c to rule, Lancelot and E. 146 The c of kindred and the Godless hosts Guinevere 427 chance and a and strength in single fights, Pass, of Arthur 106 c and madness, lust and spite, Locksley H., Sixty 189 Had never served for c or fear, To Marq. of Dufferin 27 C with a bunch of all-heal in her hand, Vastness 12 the flattery and the c Forlorn 3 Then you that drive, and know your C, Politics 5 Craft (vessel) I boated over, ran My c aground, Edwin Morris 109 At times a carven c would shoot The Voyage 53 Become the master of a larger c, Enoch Arden 144 pushing his black c among them all. Merlin and V. 563 seamen made mock at the mad little c The Revenge 38 Of others their old c seaworthy still, Pref. Son. 19th Cent. 3 Crag (See also Island-crag) And the c that fronts the Even, Eleanore 40 A gleaming c with belts of pines. Two Voices 189 barr'd with long white cloud the scornful c's, Palace of Art 83 All night the splinter'd c's that wall the dell D. of F. Women 187 And the wild water lapping on the c' M. d'Arthur 71 ' I heard the water lapping on the c, ,, 116 based His feet on juts of slippery c „ 189 when the bracken rusted on their c's, Edwin Morris 100 The light cloud smoulders on the summer c. ,, 147 My right leg chain'd into the c, I lay St. S. Stylites 73 still hearth, among these barren c's, Ulysses 2 swings the trailer from the c ; Locksley Hall 162 He clasps the c with crooked hands ; The Eagle 1 At the foot of thy c's, Sea ! Break, break, etc. 14 from the beetling c to which he clung Aylmer's Field 229 came On flowery levels underneath the c. Princess iii 336 like a jewel set In the dark c : ,, 359 find the toppling c's of Duty scaled Ode on WeU. 215 They tremble, the sustaining c's : In Mem. cxxvii 11 like a c that tumbles from the cliff. And like a c was gay with wilding flowers : Marr. of Geraint 318 And lichen'd into colour vsrith the c's : Lancelot and E. 44 And found a people there among their c's. Holy Grail 662 Clutch'd at the c, and started thro' mid air Last Tournament 14 and c and tree Scaling, Sir Lancelot ,, 17 And the wild water lapping on the c' Pass, of Arthur 239 ' I heard the water lapping on the c, ,, 284 based His feet on juts of slippery e ,, 357 last hard footstep of that iron c ; ,, 447 path was perilous, loosely strown with c's : Lover's Tale i 384 issuing from his portals in the c ,, 430 Revenge herself went down by the island c's The Revenge 118 the pine shot along from the c V. of Maddv/ne 16 down the c's and thro' the vales. Montenegro 8 The noonday c made the hand burn ; Tiresias 35 When I had fall'n from off the c we clamber'd The Flight 22 Crag-carven left c-c o'er the streaming Gelt — Gareth and L. 1203 Crag-cloister C-c ; Anatolian Ghost ; To Ulysses 43 Crag-platform huge c-p, smooth as burnish'd brass Palace of Art 5 Crake (See also Meadow-crake) flood the haunts of hern and c ; In Mem. ci 14 Cram green Christmas c's with weary bones. Wan Sculptor 14 ' Give, C us with all,' Golden Year 13 c him with the fragments of the grave, Princess iii 311 Well needs it we should c our ears with wool ,, tu 65 Like any pigeon will I c his crop, Gareth and L. 459 Cramm'd (See also Furze-cramm'd) ' The Bull, the Fleece are c, Audley Court 1 Cramm'd Cramm'd {continued) And e a plumper crop ; Not like your Princess c with erring pride, Titanic shapes, they c The forum, she was c with theories out of books. Whose ear is c with his cotton, every margin scribbled, crost, and c With comment, When was age so c with menace ? Cramming C all the blast before it, Cramp (s) stitches, ulcerous throes and c's, Crsimp (verb) c its use, if I Should hookit I will not c my heart, nor take Half-views To c the student at his desk. 118 Win Water. 124 Princess Hi 102 „ vii 124 „ Con. 35 Maud I xi2 Merlin and V. 677 Locksley H., Sixty 108 Locksley HaU 192 St. S. Stylites 13 Day -Dm., Moral 15 Will Water. 51 In Mem. cxroiii 18 I saw her Cramp'd (/See oZso Iron-cramp'd) for women, up till ...o-o this C under worse Princess xii m weakness or necessity have c Within themselves, 1 iresias »/ Crane c,' I said, ' may chatter of the c, Princess tw 104 steaming marshes of the scarlet c's, ^, Prog, of Spring 7b Crannied Flowek in the c wall, , Flow, m Cran. wall 1 Cranny I pluck you out of the crannies, ,, ^ In an ancient mansion's crannies and holes : „," T. -i^ooi A light was in the crannies, Holy GrflSdS Crape Nor wreathe thy cap with doleful c. My hfeisfuMU Crash (b) came The c of ruin, and the loss of all Enoch Arden 549 In conflict with the c of shivering points, Pnwessv'^l There at his right with a sudden c, . /£ 170 thro' the c of the near cataract hears Geratnt andlL. 1// c Of battleaxes on shatter'd helms, ^"-^^jJ i''^'^"'" ^o maim'd for life In the c of the cannonades The Revenge 78 The c of the charges, Batt. of BnmanburhS^ My brain is full of the c of wrecks, The Wreck ^ then came the c of the mast. » ^^ the c was long and loud- ^ ^^ Happy m Crash (verb) The fortress c'es from on high, In Mem.cxxmil'i I thought the great tower would c Balm andBalan 515 hail of ArSs c Along the sounding walls. i^trestas yb Crash'd boys That c the glass and beat the floor ; In Mem. ^^«^* 20 and so they c In onset, Baiin and Ba^ano55 the stormy surf C in the shingle : Lov^s Tale in 54 as if she had struck and c on a rock ; The Wreck 108 C like a hurricane. Broke thro' the mass Heavy Brigade ^8 Crashing C went the boom, P'P"S^f',^ c with long echoes thro' the land, ^VJ'^^S ^f '^ ^?2 c thro' it, their shot and their shell, Def. of Lu.chiow 18 Crass (cross) as ye did-over yer C ! Tomorrow 90 An shure, be the C, that's betther nor cuttm „ «* Crasst (crossed) ' niver c over say to the Sassenach whate ; ,, 48 Crate the skin Clung but to c and basket, Merlin andy.bZb Crater the centre and c of European confusion, BeauttfuH^ity >- Broke the Taboo, Dipt to the c, Kapiolani 6\ Crathur' (whisky) been takin" a dhrop o' the c Tomorrow ll Crave household shelter c From winter rains Two Voices /bU I c your pardon, my friend ; In Mem. Ixxxv lUU damsel back To c again Sir Lancelot of the King. Gareth and L 88/ See thou c His pardon for thy breaking ,, . ^ ^°^ C pardon for that insult done the Queen, Marr. of Geramt 08,i Btay'd to c permission of the King, Balm and Balan ^88 dazzled by the sudden light, and c Pardon : Pelleas and h. 1U& Might I c One favour ? Romm.^ s K. 69 Craved He c a fair permission to depart, Marr of Geramt 4U Lancelot at the palace c Audience of Guinevere, Lancelot and iL. iio/ Craven Silenced for ever— c— a man of plots, Gareth and L. idl ' A c ; how he hangs his head.' Geramt and E. 127 c, weakling, and thrice-beaten hound : Pelleas and h. ^91 my c seeks To wreck thee villainously : Last Tournament 548 c shifts, and long crane legs of Mark— ,, 729 Craw (crow) theer's a c to pluck wi' tha, Sam : N. Farmer, ^-S.b Crawin' (crowing) cocks kep a-crawin' an' c' Owd Moa lUb Crawl Why inch by inch to darkness c? Two Voices 200 The wrinkled sea beneath him c's ; Af^ooA But into some low cave to c. Merlin and K. 884 Crawl'd (-See oZso Scaped) C slowly with low moans to where he lay. Balm and Balan ^<^ Pain, that has c from the corpse of Pleasure, Vastness U But 'e creeapt an" 'e c along. Church-warden, etc. 19 Crawling scorpion c over naked skulls ;- Crayon Mary, my c's ! if I can, I will. Craze if the King awaken from his c. Crazed {See also Craazed, Half-crazed) (and I thought him c, so c that at last There were some leap'd arrogant opulence, fear'd myself turned c, I c myself over their horrible infidel writings ? for War's own sake Is fool, or c, or worse ; coals of fire you heap upon my head Have c me. I was all but c With the grief CrazinesB such a c as needs A cell and keeper), For such a c as Julian's look'd Crazy when I were so c wi' spite. Never a prophet so c ! Creak but am led by the c of the chain, Creak'd The doors upon their hinges c ; Cream fruits and c Served in the weeping elm ; robb'd the farmer of his bowl of c : Cream- white Her c-w mule his pastern set : Crease (weapon) cursed Malayan c, and battle clubs Create Life eminent c's the shade of death ; Creation Yet could not all c pierce And all c in one act at once, serene C minted in the golden moods And love C's final law— To which the whole c moves, _ Creature Did never c pass So slightly, But not a c was in sight : happy as God grants To any of his c's. As hunters round a hunted c draw the gentle c shut from all Her charitable use, The c laid his muzzle on your lap. Like some wild c newly-caged. So stood that same fair c at the door. The sleek and shining c's of the chase. The lovely, lordly c floated on Like c's native unto gracious act. Thy c, whom I found so fair. leave at times to play As with the c of my love beautiful c, what am I A c wholly given to brawls and wine. To pick the faded c from the pool, they themselves, like c's gently bom c's voiceless thro' the fault of birth, 1 compel all c's to my will.' (repeat) To chase a c that was current then There sat the lifelong c of the house. Creed Demeter and P. 78 Romney's R. 88 Gareth and L. 724 Lover's Tale iv 163 V. of Maddune 75 Despair 78 Epilogue 31 Romney's R. 142 Bandit's Death 38 Lover's Tale iv 164 „ 168 First Quarrel 73 The Throstle 10 . Rizpah 7 Mariana 62 Gardener's D. 194 Princess v 223 Sir L. and Q. G. 31 Princess, Pro. 21 Love and Death 13 A Character 5 Princess Hi 325 V 194 In Mem. Ivi 14 „ Con. 144 Talking Oak 86 167 Enoch Arden 417 Aylmer's Field 499 565 Princess ii 272 301 329 0I55 in 89 vii 27 Pro. 38 lix 12 Maud I xm\0 Marr. of Geraint 441 671 Geraint and E. 191 „ 266 „ 629, 673 Merlin and V. 408 Lancelot and E. 1143 In Mem or had the boat Become a living c clad with wings ? Holy Grail 519 Are ye but c's of the board and bed, His c's to the basement of the tower and his c's took and bare him off. Had I but loved thy highest c here ? but the c's had worked their will, glorious c Sank to his setting. unhappy c ? diseaseful c which in Eden was divine, 1 worshipt all too well this c of decay, like a c frozen to the heart Beyond all hope tendorost Christ-like c that ever stept Credible I almost think That idiot legend c. Credit (s) Hadst thou such c with the soul ? His c thus shall set me free ; Credit (verb) The world which c's what is done Credited See Scarce-credited Creditor They set an ancient c to work : Credulous c Of what they long for, Credulousness darken, as he cursed his c, Creeap (creep) But c along the hedge-bottoms, Creeapt (crept) But 'e c an' 'e crawl'd along. Creed compare All c's till we have found the one The knots that tangle human c's. And other than his form of c, cares to lisp in love's delicious c's : A dust of systems and of c's. Pelleas and E. 267 Guinevere 104 109 „ 656 Rizpah 50 Batt. of Brunanhurh 29 Forlorn 44 Happy 33 ,, 45 Death of (Enone 73 Charity 32 Princess v 153 In Mem. Ixxi 5 ,, Ixxx 13 ,, Ixxv 15 Edwin Morris 130 Geraint and E. 875 Sea Dreams 13 Church-warden, etc. 50 19 , Supp. Confessions 176 Clear-headed friend 3 A Character 29 Car ess' d or Chidden 11 Two Voices 207 Creed 119 Cried Creed (continued) I sit as God holding no form of c, Palace of Art 211 Against the scarlet woman and her c ; Sea Dreams 22 Who keeps the keys of all the c's, In Mem. xxiii 5 wrought With human hands the c of c's ,, xxxvi 10 shriek'd against his c — ,, Ivi 16 Believe me, than in half the c's. „ xcyi 12 To cleave a c in sects and cries, ,, cxxviii 15 The prayer of many a race and c, and clime — To the Queen tt 11 drear night-fold of your fatalist c, Despair 21 cramping c's that had madden'd the peoples ,, 24 Despite of very Faith and C, To Mary Boyle 51 I hate the rancour of their castes and c's, Akbar's Dream 65 when c and race Shall bear false witness, ,, 97 Like calming oil on all their stormy c's, ,, 160 Neither mourn if human c's be lower Faith 5 Creedless This c people will be brought to Christ Columlms 189 Creek marish-flowors that throng The desolate c's and pools among, Dying Swan 41 The Lotos blows by every winding c : Lotos-Eaters, C. S. 101 The sailing moon in c and cove ; In Mem. ci 16 Creep (See also Cree&p) Wind c ; dews fall chilly : Leonine Eleg. 7 These in every shower c -4 Dirge 33 a languid fire c's Thro' my veins Eleanore 130 c's from pine to pine, And loiters, CEnone 4 And thro' the moss the ivies c, Lotos-Eaters C. S. 9 lost their edges, and did c Roll'd on each other, D. of F. Women 50 C's to the garden water-pipes beneath, ,, 206 c's on, Bai^e-laden, to three arches of a bridge Gardener's D. 42 The slow-worn c's, and the thin weasel Aylmer's Field 852 Where never c's a cloud, or moves a wind, Lucretius 106 Could dead flesh c, or bits of roasting ox ,, 131 Some ship of battle slowly c, To F. D. Maurice 26 And like a guilty thing I c In Mem. vii 7 When the blood c's, and the nerves prick „ 12 Must / too c to the hollow and dash myself Maud I i 54 Felt a horror over me c, >) ^y 35 Always I long to c Into some still cavern deep, ,, II iv 95 The slow tear c from her closed eyelid Merlin and V. 906 C with his shadow thro' the court again, Fdleas and E. 441 like a new disease, unknown to men, C's, Guinevere 519 down, down ! and c thro' the hole ! Def. of Luchnow 25 who c from thought to thought. Ancient Sage 103 he — some one — this way c's ! The Flight lO fire of fever c's across the rotted floor, LocJcsley H., Sixty 223 c down to the river-shore, Charity 15 Creeper as falls A c when the prop is broken, Aylmer's Field 810 With c's crimsoning to the pinnacles, _ The Bing 82 Creeping (See also A-cree&pin, Forward-creeping, Silent-creeping) C thro' blossomy rushes and bowers Leonine Eleg. 3 And crystal silence c down. Two Voices 86 Upon the tortoise c to the wall ; D. of F. Women 27 c on from point to point : _ LocJcsley Hall 134 comes a hungry people, as a lion c nigher, ,, -r,^^^ Still c with the c hours »<• ^y««« ^^e 7 Crept (See also Creeapt) The cluster'd marish-mosses c. 'Mariana 40 deep inlay Of braided blooms unmown, which c . , - , on Adown Arabian Nights 29 ' From grave to grave the shadow c : Two Voices 274 And out I stept, and up I c : Edwin Morris 111 And down my surface c. Talking Oak 162 C down into the hollows of the wood ; Enoch Arden 76 Another hand c too across his trade ,, 110 He c into the shadow : at last he said, , , o87 c Still downward thinking ' dead >> 688 C to the gate, and open'd it, „■ " • U^r With hooded brows I c into the hall. Princess iv 22b As on The Lariano c To that fair port The Daisy 78 a gentler feeling c Upon us : In Mem. xxx 17 till he c from a gutted mine Maud I x 9 Mt life has c so long on a broken wing „ III ml thro' the peaceful court she c And whisper'd : Merlm and V. 139 some corruption c among his knights, , " j ti I^^ from the carven-work behind him c Lancelot and E. 436 C to her father, while he mused alone, ,, 748 Crept (continued) all that walk'd, or c, or perch'd, or flew. Last Tournament 367 in the pause she c an inch Nearer, Guinevere 527 my blood C like marsh drains thro' all my languid limbs ; Lover's Tale ii 53 the night has c into my heart, Rizpah 16 C to his North again. Hoar-headed hero ! Batt. of Brunanburh 64 Black was the night when we c away Bandit's Death 25 Crescent (adj.) (See also De-crescent, In-crescent) many a youth Now c, who will come Lancelot and E. 448 Crescent (s) Hundreds of c's on the roof Arabian Nights 129 And April's e glimmer'd cold, Miller's D. 107 beneath a moon, that, just In c, Audley Court 81 When down the stormy c goes. Sir Galahad 25 As when the sun, a c of eclipse. Vision of Sin 10 A downward c of her minion mouth, Aylmer's Field 533 To which thy c would have grown ; In Mem. Ixxxiv 4 To yon hard c, as she hangs ,, cvii 10 Half-lost in the liquid azure bloom of a c of sea, Maud I iv 5 With this last moon, this c— De Prof. Two G. 9 red with blood the C reels from fight Montenegro 6 Crescent-bark range Of vapour buoy'd the c-b, Day-Dm., Depart. 22 Crescent-curve Set in a gleaming river's c-c, Princess i 171 Silver c-c. Coming soon. The Ring 13 Crescent-lit while the balmy glooming, c-l, Gardener's D. 263 Crescent-moon And clove the Moslem c-m, Happy 44 Crescent-wise thro' stately theatres Bench'd c-w. Princess ii 370 Cress brook that loves To purl o'er matted c Ode to Memory 59 I loiter round my <^es ; The Brook 181 Crest She watch'd my c among them all, Oriana 30 lapwing gets himself another c ; Locksley Hall 18 and light as the c Of a peacock, Maud I xvil6 With but a drying evergreen for c, Gareth and L. 1116 The giant tower, from whose high c, they say, Marr. of Geraint 827 stormy c's that smoke against the skies, Lancelot and E. 484 And wearing but a holly-spray for c. Last Tournament 172 while he mutter'd, ' Craven c's ! shame ! ,, 187 Fall, as the c of some slow-arching wave, ,, 462 To which for c the golden dragon clung Guinevere 594 c of the tides Plunged on the vessel The Wreck 89 ' A warrior's c above the cloud of war ' — The Ring 338 Crete Had rest by stony hills of C. On a Mourner 35 Crevice shriek'd. Or from the c peer'd about. Mariana 65 fretful as the wind Pent in a c : Princess Hi 81 Crew (s) the seamen Made a gallant c, The Captain 6 beneath the water C and Captain lie ; ,, 68 And half the c are sick or dead. The Voyage 92 They sent a c that landing burst away Enoch Arden 634 And ever as he mingled with the c, ,,- 643 a c that is neither rude nor rash. The Islet 10 mann'd the Revenge with a swarthier alien c. The Revenge 110 harass'd by the frights Of my first c, Columbus 68 ran into the hearts of my c, V. of Maeldune 33 the c should cast me into the deep, ' The Wreck 94 the c were gentle, the captain kind ; ,, 129 Crew (verb) sitting, as I said. The cock c loud ; M. d' Arthur, Ep. 10 Crichton I call'd him C, for he seem'd Edwin Morris 21 Cricket (See also Balm-cricket) The c chirps ; the light burns low : D. of the 0. Year 40 not a c chirr'd : In Mem. xcv 6 As that gray c chirpt of at our hearth — Merlin and V. 110 Than of the myriad c of the mead, Lancelot and E. 106 And each was as dry as a c, V. of Maeldune 50 Cricketed They boated and they c ; Princess, Pro. 160 Cried he took the boy that c aloud Dora 101 when the boy beheld His mother he c out ,, 138 Leolin c out the more upon them — Aylmer's Field 367 mock'd him with returning calm, and c : Lucretius 25 c out upon herself As having fail'd in duty ,, 277 clapt her hands and c for war. Princess iv 590 So thrice they c, I likewise, ,, Con. 104 I c myself well-nigh blind. Grandmother 37 Like those who c Diana great : Lit. Sqvxzbbles 16 So thick they died the people c, The Victim 5 And c with joy, ' The Gods have answer'd : „ 38 Cried 120 Cross Cried (eontimied) my own sad name in corners c, Maud I vi 72 Arthur c to rend the cloth (repeat) Gareth and L. 400, 417 when mounted, e from o'er the bridge, Gareth and L. 951 Then c the fall 'n, ' Take not my life : „ 973 C out with a big voice, ' What, is he dead ? ' Geraint and E. 541 Here the huge Earl c out upon her talk, „ 651 had you c, or knelt, or pray'd to me, , 844 more than one of us C out on Garlon, Balin and Balan 123 lost itself in darkness, till she c — ,, 514 I c because ye would not pass Beyond it, Lancelot and S. 1042 So many knights that all the people c. Holy Grail 335 ' That so c out upon me ? ' ,, 433 left alone once more, and c in grief, ,, 437 ' Queen of Beauty,' in the lists C— Pelleas arid E. 117 his helpless heart Leapt, and he c, ,, 131 from the tower above him c Ettarre, ,, 231 ' And oft in djring c upon your name.* ,, 385 And woke again in utter dark, and c, Last Tournament 623 We c when we were parted : Lover's Tale i 253 the bones that had laughed and had c — Rizpah 53 Sir Richard c in his English pride, The Revenge 82 An' I c along wi' the gells. Village Wife 96 Fur, lawks ! 'ow I c when they went, ,, 111 Some c on Cobham, on the good Lord Cobham ; Sir J. OldcasUe 43 a score of wild birds C from the topmost summit V. of Maeldune 28 Once in an hour they c, ,,29 An' I could 'a c ammost, Spinster's S's. 47 c the king of sacred song ; Locksley H., Sixty 201 And the Muses c with a stormy cry Dead Prophet 2 till I c again : ' Miriam, if you love me The Ring 262 I c for nurse, and felt a gentle hand ,, 418 I c to the Saints to avenge me. Bandit's Death 14 that the boy never c again. ,, 28 Crime thorough-edged intellect to part Error from c ; Isabel 15 And all alone in c : Palace of Art 272 * Heaven heads the count of c's D. of F. Women 201 When single thought is civil c, ' You ask me, why, 19 if it were thine error or thy c Come not, when, etc. 7 it was a c Of sense avenged by sense Vision of Sin 213 ' The c of sense became The c of malice, , , . . 215 keeps his wing'd affections dipt with c : Princess vii 316 Yet clearest of ambitious c. Ode on Well. 28 to dodge and palter with a public c ? Third of Feb. 24 And ever weaker grows thro' acted c, Will 12 Unfetter'd by the sense of c. In Mem. xxvii 7 Day, mark'd as with some hideous c, ,, Ixxii 18 I count it c To mourn for any overmuch ; „ Ixxxv 61 Perhaps from madness, perhaps from c, Maud I xvt 22 came to loathe His c of traitor, Marr. of Geraint 594 call him the main cause of all their c ; Merlin and V. 788 that most impute a e Are pronest to it, ,, 825 all her c. All — all — the wish to prove him ,, 864 blaze the c of Lancelot and the Queen.' Pelleas and E. 570 Lured by the c's and frailties of the court, Guinevere 136 think not that I come to urge thy c's, , , 532 A shameful sense as of a cleaving c — Lover's Tale i 794 or such c's As holy Paul— Sir J. OldcasUe 109 curbing c's that scandalised the Cross, Columbus 193 But the c, if a c, of her eldest-born. Despair 73 crown'd for a virtue, or hang'd for a c ? ,,76 C and hunger cast our maidens Locksley H., Sixty 220 ' Who was witness of the c ? Forlorn 7 His c was of the senses : Romney's R. 151 Whose c had half unpeopled Hion, Death of (Enone 61 his kisses were red with his c. Bandit's Death 13 Crimson (adj.) (See also Silvery-crimson) above, C, a slender banneret fluttering. Gareth and L. 913 c in the belt of strange device, A c grail Holy Grail 154 All pall'd in c samite, ,, ..^^7 We steer'd her toward a c cloud In Mem. ciii 55 c with battles, and hollow with graves, The Dreamer 12 Crimson (s) long-hair'd page in c clad, L. of Shalott ii 22 IMll all the c changed, and past Mariana in the S. 25 In the Spring a fuller c comes Locksley Hall 17 add A c to the quaint Macaw, Day-Dm., Pro. 16 Crimson (s) {continued) rocket molten into flakes Of c In Mem. xcviii 32 Sunder the glooming c on the marge, Gareth and L. 1365 In c's and in purples and in gems. Marr. of Geraint 10 the c and scarlet of berries that flamed V. of Maeldune 61 Close beneath the casement c Locksley H. , Sixty 34 Was all ablaze with c to the roof. The Ring 250 but — when now Bathed in that lurid c — St. Tdemachus 18 Crimson (verb) C's over an inland mere, Eleanore 42 Crimson-circled Before the c-c star In Mem. Ixxxix 47 Crimson'd glow that slowly c all Thy presence Tithonus 56 Grimson-hued c-h the stately palmwoods Whisper Milton 15 Crimson-rolling when the c-r eye Glares ruin. Princess iv 494 Crimson-threaded When from c-t lips Silver-treble laughter trilleth : Lilian 23 Cripple a story which in rougher shape Came from a grizzled c, Aylmer's Field 8 he met A c, one that held a hand for alms — Pelleas and E. 542 Crisp To make the sullen surface c. In Mem. xlix 8 Crispeth The babbling runnel c, Claribel 19 Critic No c I — would call them masterpieces : Princess i 145 Musician, painter, sculptor, c, ,, ii 178 And like the c's blurring comment Sisters (E. and E.) 104 And the C's rarer still. Poets and Critics 16 Critic-pen Unboding c-p. Will Water. 42 Croak c thee sister, or the meadow-crake Princess iv 124 When did a frog coarser c upon our Helicon ? Trans, of Homer 4 For a raven ever <^s, at my side, Maud I vi57 Once at the c of a Raven who crost it. Merlin and the G. 24 Croak'd A blot in heaven, the Raven, flying high, C, Guinevere 134 Crocodile C's wept tears for thee : A Dirge 22 Crocus at their feet the c brake like fire, (Enone 96 From one hand droop'd a c : Palace of Art 119 C, anemone, violet. To F. D. Maurice 44 And we roH'd upon capes of c V. of Maeldune 47 in this roaring moon of daffodil And c, Pref. Son. 19th Certt. 8 groundflame of the c breaks the mould. Prog, of Spring 1 Croft Thro' c's and pastures wet with dew Two Voices 14 Started a green linnet Out of the c ; Minnie and Winnie 18 an' thy windmill oop o' the c. Spinster's S's. 73 Cromlech And cleaves to cairn and c still ; To the Queen ii 41 Crone rhymes and scraps of ancient c's, Lover's Tale i 289 Garrulous old c, The Ring 120 Crook C and turn upon itself Locksley H., Sixty 236 Crooked Lame, c, reeling, livid. Death of (Enone 27 Crop (of a bird) And cramm'd a plumper c ; WHl Water. 124 Like any pigeon will I cram his c, Gareth and L. 459 Crop (verb) call him overquick To c his own sweet rose Merlin and V. 725 Crept They might have c the myriad flower of May, Balin and Balan 577 Cross (s) (See also Catholic Cross, Crass, Market-Cross) A broken chancel with a broken c, M. d' Arthur 9 1 lift the c, and strive and wrestle St. S. Stylites 118 I smote them with the c ; „ 173 Fly happy with the mission of the C ; Golden Year 43 Made Him his catspaw and the C his tool, Sea Dreams 190 They mark'd it with the red c to the fall. Princess vi 41 Under the c of gold That shines Ode on Well. 49 roU'd Thro' the dome of the golden c ; ,,61 the c And those around it and the Crucified, Com. of Arthur 272 like the c her great and goodly arms Stretch 'd Gareth and L. 218 Thorns of the crown and shivers of the c, Balin and Balan 111 beat the c to earth, and break the King_ ,, 458 lone woman, weeping near a c, Stay'd him. Last Tournament 493 A broken chancel with a broken c, Pass, of Arthur 177 the copse, the fountain and— a C ! Sir J. OldcasUe 127 how I anger'd Arundel asking me To worship Holy C ! , , 136 I said, a c of flesh and blood And holier. ,, 137 we, who bore the C Thither, were excommunicated Columbus 191 curbing crimes that scandalised the C, ,, 193 He that has nail'd all flesh to the C, Vastness 28 My soldier of the C ? it is he and he Happy 12 My warrior of the Holy C and of the conquering sword, ,, 21 yesterday They bore the C before you ,, 48 Touch'd at the golden C of the churches, Merlin and the G. 68 under the Ces The dead man's garden, ,, 105 sunset glared against a c St. Telemachus 5 Cross 121 Crown Cross (verb) Nor any cloud would c the vault Mariana in the S. 38 he was wrong to c his father thus : Dora 148 Should my Shadow c thy thoughts Too sadly Love and Duty 88 Should it c thy dreams, might it come ,, 92 the lonely seabird des With one waft of the wing. The Captain 71 Not for three years to c the liberties ; Princess ii 71 It c'es here, it c'es there, Maud II iv 70 never shadow of mistrust can c Between us. Marr. of Oeraint 815 shadow of mistrust should never e Geraint and E. 248 Your leave, my Ibrd, to c the room, ,, 298 He shall not c us more ; ,, 342 I forbear you thus : c me no more. ,, 678 To e our mighty Lancelot in his loves ! Lancelot and E. 688 To c between their happy star and them ? Lover's Tale i 730 Cross-bones carved c-b, the types of Death, WHl Water. 245 Cross'd-Crost (See also Crasst) And they cross'd themselves for fear, L. of Shalott iv 49 Sometimes your shadow cross'd the blind. Miller's D. 124 And cross'd the garden to the gardener's lodge, Audley Court 17 then we crost Between the lakes, and clamber'd Golden Year 5 And seldom crost her threshold, Enoch Arden 337 Abhorrent of a calculation ^^ Dan Chaucer D C, the first warbler, I>. of F. Women 5 Danae lies the Earth aU 2> to the stars, Princess mtlSZ Danaid prove The -D of a leaky vase, » ** ^^^ Dance (s) (-See o^so Devil's-dances) echoing d Of ^ , . ca reboant whirlwinds, Suvp. Confessions 96 Yet in the whirUng d's as we went. The form, m form^ star that with the choral starry d Join'd not. Palace of Art 25d Leaving the d and song, ■»• 0/ ^- Women 216 men and maids Arranged a country d. Princess, ^^^.m d's broke and buzz'd in knots of talk ; » .* ^^^ Like one that wishes at a d to change The music— „ tv OW In d and song and game and jest ? In Mem. xxuc » And d and song and hoodman-bUnd. j> ixxvtn 1^ wheels the circled d, and breaks The rocket » a^c^t" ^^ No d, no motion, save alone What lightens „ cvfo And last the d ;— till I retire : ,, ^on. iU£> A dinner and then a d For the maids and marriage- makers, -^^^""^ ^ '=?. |4 She is weary of d and play.' »» ^^* ^^ Come hither, the d's are done, i. " j r i yioo with d And revel and song, made merry over Death, Gareth and h. 14^J Eush'd into d, and like wild Bacchanals Lmer's Tale m 25 whirling rout Led by those two rush'd into d, » o& An' the fall of yer foot in the d ^"TST?"" qh Dance (verb) About thee breaks and d's : c^^-'^^oa And the spangle d's in bight and bay, ^^ ^ Sea-Fatries Zi but to d and sing, be gaily drest. The form,i^e form 6 for she says A fire d's before her, (Ewowe 264 And make her d attendance ; ^^ . . Amfhion 62 And the dead begin to d. Vision of Sin 16b I make the netted sunbeam d The Brook 17b But fit to flaunt, to dress, to d, to thrum. Princess iv 519 to d Its body, and reach its f atUng innocent arms „ vy I6i let the torrent d thee down To find him in the valley ; ,, mi 2uy To d with death, to beat the ground. In Mem. 1 12 Now d the lights on lawn and lea, .. 'v^^ Till the red man d By his red cedar-tree, Maud I^\^ flickering in a grimly light D on the mere. Gareth and L. B2< Down upon far-ofi cities while they dr- Merlin and V. 114 eating dry To d without a cateh, a roundelay Tott to ' Tjos^ Tournament 250 D to the pibroch !— saved ! Def. of Lwknow 103 D in a fountain of flame with her devils, Kapioiani 10 Danced we d about the may-pole and in the ,7, tt, t^ n hazel copse, May Q««m, /VT's £. 11 Till all the tables d again, ^ /^"F^n^ll d The greensward into greener circles. Gardener s v. i^a Z) into light, and died into the shade ; ,. ^^% And madly d our hearts with joy, ^ ^'^ ^ri'^^^e^ the gilded ball B Uke a wisp : Pnwess, Bro-^ O'er it shook the woods, And d the colour, „ *" ^^f For I that d her on my knee, ,/« Mem., Con.f Yniol's heart Z> in his bosom, Marr. of Geraint 505 and the sand d at the bottom of it. Balm and BalanZl For all my blood d in me, and I knew ^ Holy Grail ^bb D Uke a wither'd leaf before the haU. (repeat) Last Tournament 4, 242 And down the city Dagonet d away; » ^o^ as d in 'er pratty blue eye ; North. Cobbler 50 Dancer To the d'5 dancing in tune ; Maud I xxn lb When will the d'« leave her alone? ,» *:J A wreath of airy d's hand-in-hand ^ , Gwtwwre 261 Dancing Tho' if, in d after Letty HUl, 5,. Edwin Moms 55 Dancing (continued) that keeps A thousand pulses d, In Mem. cxxv 16 To the dancers d in tune ; Maud 7 ^^t 16 burst in d, and the pearls were spilt ; Merlin and V. 452 Till the d will be over ; Maud I xx 43 d of Fairies In desolate hollows. Merlin and the G. 41 Dandle shall we d it amorously ? ,.^''^*''^ ?k I bore him a son, and he loved to d the child, Bandit s Death 15 Dandled nor pretty babes To be d, Princess iv 147 breast that fed or arm that d you, » «» lol Dandy-despot What if that d-d, he, Maud 7 ct 42 Dane Saxon and Norman and 7) are we, But all of us D's in our welcome of thee, W. to Alexandras For Saxon or D or Norman we, » 31 We are each all 7? in our welcome of thee, „ ., ^q Dang'd (damned) an' be d if I iver let goa ! Village Wifem Danger Uke of shocks, D's, and deeds, „, '^"* ^^ Her household fled the d, The Goose 54 I take my part Of d on the roaring sea, ."^^j^^.i^ I see the d which you cannot see : Geraint andE. 421 Dangled D a length of ribbon and a ring Enoch Arden 750 when my father d the grapes, ^f ««» -' » 71 d a hundred fathom of grapes, V. of Maddune 5b Dangling one with shatter'd fingers d lame, Last Tournament bO Dangtha (damn you) Woa then, wiltha ? d ! N. Farmer, ■^•'S'. 40 Daniel great Books (see D seven and ten) Sea Dreams 152 Danish behind it a gray down With D barrows ; Enoch -^rdenl Pass from the D barrow overhead ; „ 442 Danny (*Se« oZso Danny O'Roon) an' 7) says ' Troth, an' I been Dhrinkin' Tomarrow 11 for D was not to be foim', » ^ For the Divil a D was there, ,> ^ ' Your D,' they says, ' niver crasst over „ 48 Danny O'Roon (.See oZso Danny) MoUy Magee wid her batchelor, 7) O'T?— " =" meet your paaxints agin an' yer D O'E afore God „ 01 young man D O'R wid his ould woman, „ "o about Molly Magee an' her I> 0'2?, ,, ^^ Dante there the world-worn D grasp'd his song, Palace of Art ld& Danube The D to the Severn gave In Mem. xix 1 Let her great D rolUng fair Enwind her isles, „ xcmii9 Dare why d Paths in the desert ? Supp. Confessions 78 d to kiss Thy taper fingers amorously, Maddme 4d I d not think of thee, Oriana. Oriana 9d I d not die and come to thee, » 96 ' The doubt would rest, I d not solve. Two Voices 616 ' You will not, boy ! you d to answer thus ! Bora 26 none of all his men D tell him Dora waited „ 76 Then not to d to see ! Love and Duly rf8 ' I will speak out, for I d not he. Lady Clare d8 But I must go : I d not tarry,' Princess iit 95 « D we dream of that,' I ask'd, „ . 297 7 d All these male thunderbolts : "*"?«« he that does the thing they d not do, „ ® 160 What d's not Ida do that she should pnze V t t? t. \ri d not ev'n by silence sanction hes. Third of Feb. 10 How d we keep our Christmas-eve ; In Mem. xxix 4 Nor d she trust a larger lay, » xlmii 16 And d we to this fancy give, .. '*»»^ By which we d to Uve or die. » txxxvfJ D I say No spirit ever brake the band „ xciii 1 That which we d invoke to bless ; ,, /?*»''-l Who can rule and d not lie. Maud I x bb That I d to look her way ; " '^ ki D I bid her abide by her word ? r^ . '.'rj n 00 Who d's foreshadow for an only son Ded.of Idylls 2V not once d to look him in the face.' Gareth and L. 782 I am the cause, because I d not speak Marr. of Geraint W yet not d to tell him what I think, • » , t- loc How should I d obey him to his harm ? Geraint and h. Idb Not d to watch the combat, » ^^4 Nor did I care or d to speak with you, „ , ^^ °'i ' What d the full-fed hars say of me ? il^e^^^n "t/ "i n^^ And no man there will d to mock at me ; Lancdot and E. lua^ What rights are his that d not strike for them ? Last 1 oumament 52 / how d I caU him mine ? Gttm«;ere 617 Dare 129 Dare (continued) They swore that he d not rob the mail, Rizuah sn names who d For that sweet mother land Tir^ZTl 99 but if thou d— Thou, one of these, '"'' yJ would d Hell-heat or Arctic cold. Ancient Saae U% I d without your leave to head Pro t^al TJn3J]l For d we dally with the sphere * *^ -J^f^Jl 1^ Mother, d you kill your cfild ? ^|^^^„* ^ crymg'Irf her, let Peelfe avenge herself'! KavZlaXii2 Dared ' He d not tarry,' men wiU say, TwoToteTlOl But when at last I ei to speak, MillerTL 12^ I had not d to flow In these words toward you To / \ ft my word was law and yet you d To slight it. ' Dora 98 Yet d not stu- to do it, ^„/,„>^'» pjlw «n« ^To leap the rotten pales of prejudice, '^iLllfi iS You that have d to break our bound, ^nncessn 141 sorrowing in a pause I d not break ; " ^i otq Bnot to glance at her good mother's face, Man. of Geraint 766 sue thought. He had not d to do it, toX ' They d me to do it,' he said, " j?i^^„Jti 'The farmer d me to do it,' he said ; ^*^P"* i But they d not touch us again. r*-, p-„,J' Iro d her with one little ship and his English few Sevenge 72 you have d Somewhat perhaps in coming ? ' Columbia 242 When thickest d did trance the sky, "Mariana A Which upon the d afloat, r*^^T- q evel lake with diamond-plots Of d and bright. Arabian Niahi^m twisted silvers look'd to shame The hoUow-vauIted a '^'^ ^126 Or dimple m the d of rushv coves n^ 4 ''\t tr^ thro' t^e wreaths of floaS'rupcurl'd. ^'^ MXl 3^ AH within is das night: Tt^^J,.^VK Ere the Ught on rf w^as growing, OAaZM Remaining betwixt