UC-NRLF $B mS MMT ■ CATALOaJJffl Hebraica and THE LIBRAR^ OF THE Cocpovatton of m Citg of 3Loii \f.^^ t7^ CATALOGUE HEBEAICA AND JUDAICA THE LIBRARY Corporation of tfje Citp of lonDon. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofhebraOOguilrich CATALOGUE HEBMICA AND JUDAICA THE LIBRARY Corporation of tije €itv of Jlont)on.^-^n WITH A SUBJECT INDEX REV. A. LOWY, prfntcD linger tbe direction ot tbe Xibrarg Committee. LONDON, 1891 GAapfiNTjen SCHOOii LONDON : PBINTED BY WEKTHEIMEE, LEA AND CO., CIRCUS PLACE, LONDON WALL. / «?o LioWi INTRODUCTION The collection of Hehraica and Judaica enumerated in this Catalogue owes its origin to the generosity of the late Mr. Philip Salomons. In December, 1846, he wrote to Sir George Carroll, then Lord Mayor, offering to present to the Corporation about four hundred volumes of ancient Hebrew works which had been collected chiefly by his father, Mr. Levy Salomons. The Court of Common Council, on receiving from the Library Committee a Report upon this offer, accepted the donation, and unanimously passed a resolution in which they recorded their thanks to Mr. Salomons " for this very munificent gift." In 1873, the late Sir David Salomons, brother of Mr. Philip Salomons, bequeathed to the Corporation the sum of £1,000 for the purposes of the Guildhall Library. The Court of Common Council, acting upon the recommendation of the Library Com- mittee, devoted a portion ' of this bequest to make additions to the collection of Hebrew works by the acquisition of such publica- tions, in ancient and modern languages, as would illustrate the various phases of the history, literature, and community of the Jews. The Committee also ordered the preparation of a catalogue of the entire collection. The author of this catalogue, after having been consulted in the choice of suitable additional works, was entrusted with the preparation of the present compilation. The works described in the following pages include writings in Arabic, Aramaic (Chaldaic), Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Jewish-German, Latin, Portuguese, and Spanish ; and thus afford an extensive view of Jewish literature. Many valuable works, Biblical and post-Biblical, presented by the original donor were found to be incomplete or defective ; these deficiencies have been supplied in nearly every instance. It has here to be recorded that several friends and cultivators of literature have most liberally presented to this Library costly and useful publications. Mr. F. D. Mocatta has frequently a 2 VI INTRODUCTION. received the thanks of the Library Committee for such vahiahle contributions. His gift of Dr. Moritz Steinschneider's numerous pamphlets, covering a \Vide fifeld of litetatufe, deserves to be especially noticed. Mr. Mocatta has also subscribed for the benefit of the Guildhall Library to the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg's edition of the Massorah. Further donations of an important character have been received from Louisa Lady Goldsmid in commemoration of her husband, the late Sir Francis Goldsnlid. Among these gifts were Munk's Arabic and French edition of the " Guide for the Per- plexed " by Maimonides, and the voluminous series of the Archives Israelites, published in Paris. Since this Catalogue has been printed, Mr. E. H. Harris has given to the Guildhall Library a fine copy of an Amsterdam edition of the " Biblia Rabbinica Magna," and some other valuable works. The Trustees of the British Museum have also, in the past year, pre- sented an important collection of Hebrew works, which formed part of the duplicates in the National Library. The enumeration of titles has by purchases and gifts risen to nearly 1,500 entries. These may be classed under the following heads : — 1. Bible and Commentaries. 2. ^Mishnah. 8. ■'^Talmud, Talmudical compendia, and commentaries. 4. ^Midrash and Midrashic folklore* 5. *Cabbala and "^Chasidism. 6. Liturgies. 7. Sermons and other Homiletical works. 8. Philosophy, Ethics, and Sciences. 9. Philology and *Massorah. 10. History of the Jews, of Jewish Sects and Communities, Biographies, and Epitaphic Inscriptions. 11. Geography and Travels. 12. Encyclopsedias and Lexical Works of reference. 13. Periodical Publications — Historical, Philosophical, and Literary. 14. Bclles-Lettres, in Prose and Poetry. 15. History of Literature and Bibliography. ♦ For translation and explanation of the terms marked by an asterisk, see the Glossary at the end of this Introduction. INTRODUCTION. Vll In the preparation of the Catalogue, the following method has been adopted. In the enumeration of works in Hebrew and other Semitic languages, the first two or three essential words of the title are given in the original language, and these are followed by a description in English. A full list of contents has been added to the description of several important works ; as, for example, under the headings of Bible, Talmud, Moses ben Maimon, Beth Ha-Midrash, and various historical and periodical publications. An alphabetical index of the Hebrew, and of some other works written in Semitic languages, has been added, with the names of their authors or editors. As a special feature of this Catalogue, a copious English subject- index has been appended ; the index also includes references to some of the periodical publications. It is hoped that the new de- parture thus made in the bibliography of Hehraica and Judaica will render this collection of Jewish literature conspicuously useful to an important class of readers. In conclusion, most cordial thanks have to be tendered to Mr. Charles Welch, F.S.A., the Chief Librarian, for his inestimable advice and co-operation. He has w^ith unwearied patience devoted a considerable portion of his valuable time to the task of thoroughly systematising and revising the present Catalogue. A. LOWY. London, April, 1891. CORRIGENDA. „ 38, » 59, „ 88, „ 100, „ 103, „ 115, „ 125, „ 151, „ 153, 13 7 6 17 14 13 24 17 10 bottom for Edelmann read Edelman. » „ Eleazar , , Eliezer. )) „ Dniaip , D-lDJIp top, „ sixty , , sixty-four. bottom „ and , , und. top, „ 1721 , 1712. »> „ aus der , , zur. » „ Dntoiiip , , D"ltO:ip n ,, Recension , , Recensionen bottom „ Frauen , , Jungfrauen. GLOSSARY. AGADA (also Aggada and Hagadah, plural Agadoth, &c., from haggid, " to tell," "to inform," "to narrate "), a narrative or a parabolical lesson designed to illustrate a religious or ethical precept. The so-called Agada, or Agadic collection, forms an integral part of the Talmudical and Midrashic literature, and is frequently mentioned in contradistinction to Halacha (which see). BOBAITHA, a Rabbinical lesson of equal antiquity with a Mishnaic section (see MishnaJi). Such a lesson, not originally incorporated in the Mishnaio code, received the name " Boraitha," that is, " outside " or " non-incorporatod " portion. CABBALA (or Cahalah or Kabalah), "a reception," or "a tradition," from kabhel, " to receive " ; literally the " reception " of the dicta of ancient authorities. This term is applied to Jewish mysticism, and serves as a comprehensive designation of the vast cabalistic literature. CHASIDIM, the plural of chasid, " a pious man." The Chasidim are a sect of mystics in Poland, and some adjacent countries. This designation is occasionally applied to the " Essenes." FIVE SCBOLLS (Chamesh Megilloth), a title given to the following five books of the Hagiographa : — Song of Solomon, Ruth, Esther, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes. GEMARA (plural Gemaroth), " complement " ; from the verb gamar, " to finish," or "to conclude." Every section of a Talmudical chapter is headed by a paragraph of the Mishnah. The contents of such a paragraph are more or less minutely discussed (by the successors of the ancient Mishnaic Rabbis) in the Gemara or complemental portion. Mishnah and Gemara con- jointly constitute the Talmud, but very often the term Gemara is taken as a synonym of Talmud. HAFTARAH (plural Haftaroth), "conclusion" ; from hafte?', "to conclude or finish." The Haftaroth are lessons selected from the prophetical writings, and follow the readings of the Law on Sabbath and on other solemn occasions. X GLOSSARY. HALACHA (or Halachah, ytlmsxl HalacJioth), " a proceeding " ; from halach/^ to walk," " to go forth," " to proceed." Ilalacha denotes a precept for the practice of a Jewish observance in conformity with the accepted ruling of an ancient Jewish authority, or of several such authorities. Most sections of the Mishnah and its continuations in the Talmud are made up of Halachic pro- positions, discussions and decisions. HOSH'ANAH BABB AH, the " great (supplicatory service) Save, God " ; from HosJia, "save thou," waA, " we beseech," rab, "great." There is an obvious connection between Hoshanah and the term Hosanna. This name is given to the seventh day of Tabernacles, for which special rituals exist. MASSOKAH, " transmission " or " tradition," from niassar^ " to transmit " or "hand down." This name has been assigned to ancient scholia bearing upon the Canon of the Hebrew Scriptures, and containing an index of textual characteristics and variants. A record is made of normal and abnormal readings, division of verses, peculiarities in the occurrence of words, letters, vowel-points, accents, and other striking features ; and thereby has been ob- tained the textus receptus of the Old Testament. The Massorah as a collection of the annotations just mentioned, has been preserved both in special works called by that name, and in marginal notes, which in old MSS. and some editions of the Hebrew Bible are placed at the top and bottom, or some- times in the lateral margin of the Hebrew Scriptures. MIDBASH (plural Midrashlm), "a study" ; from darask, "to inquire," "to in- vestigate," " to study." The extensive ancient literature of Biblical exegesis and ethics is designated by the name Midrash. This literature embodies, like the Talmud, historical antiquities, together with Jewish legends, pro- verbial sayings, and many points of homiletical and philological interest. MISHNAH (plural Mishnlyoth), "recapitulation," is taken as synonymous with " study " ; from shanah, which in the Rabbinical idiom denotes " to engage in a study," or "in instruction." This title is given to the records of Rab- binical authors who are styled tenaim or " the earliest teachers." These records are divided into short paragraphs, each of which bears the name Mishnah. The entire Mishnaic collection is systematically arranged in six " orders " or parts, and each part contains a series of kindred treatises. SHULCHAN 'ARUCH, " a table arranged." This is the general title of Joseph ' Caro's work, in four volumes, containing a systematically arranged code of Jewish observances. TALMUD, "instruction," "that which is learnt" (a cognate of the term tahnld, "a learner," or "a disciple"); from the verb lamad, "to learn." The Mishnah, together with the continuation of Rabbinical discussions as comprised in the Gemara (which see), form conjointly the "Talmud, or corpus GLOSSARY. XI of Rabbinical learning as respectively transmitted from the ancient colleges of Babylon and Palestine. The voluminous compilation made in the first- named colleges bears the title of Babylonian Talmud, and contains the Gemara, or comments to thirty-six out of fifty-three Mishnaical treatises. It occupies 2,947 folio pages, the pagination of which is identical in all editions, to facilitate reference. The incomplete remnant of the Palestinian compilation is known as the Talmud of Jerusalem. TARGUM (plural Targumim), " a version " or " a translation." The name Targum is mostly applied to the Aramaic (commonly called Chaldean or Chaldaic) Jewish version of the Hebrew Scriptures, or any part of them. A translator of Biblical portions was called Meturgeman^ and this term has been preserved in the modified form of Dragoman. TOSAFOTH, " additions " ; from the verbal form hosef, " to add." This term is applied to the additional annotations made by medieval French rabbis, which, like the great commentary of Rashi, are placed on the margin of the editions of the Babylonian Talmud. TOSEFTA, " additamentum " ; from the verbal form hosef, " to add." The Tosefta is supplementary to the Mishnah. ZOHAB, " shining light " ; from zahar^ " to shine," " to be lustrous." The medi- aeval work entitled Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Pentateuch, and is accepted by the Cabbalists or Jewish mystics as their chief authority. CATALOGUE OF HEBRAICA AND JUDAICA, AARON ABARBANEL. AARON ben Abraham Ibn Chayim. pni< 1? Commentary on Joshua and Judges. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna. 1724-28. AARON Moses Padua. K'^lt^On Din The Threefold Cord, or biographies of three Talmudical celebrities ; R. Levi bar Sisi, R. Akiba, and R. Johanan. Edited with notes by Chayim Nachman ben Jacob Witkind. 8«>. Wilna, 1877. AARON of Pesaro. pnx nn?in References to Pentateuch passages quoted in the Talmud and in later Rabbinical works. See Bible. Pentateuch, various editions. AARON ben Samuel, of Frankfort. pnfc? n"'3 A Book of Reference, connecting the several verses of the Hebrew Scriptures with passages in the Talmud, the Midrashim, the Zohar, and other ancient Jewish works. A list of 36 works thus referred to is given in fol. 89^, and their abbreviated titles are explained in ff. la and 90a. fol. Frankfort on the Oder, 1690. ABARBANEL, Isaac. See Isaac ben Judah Abravanel. B 2 ABENDANA ABRAHAM. ABENDANA, Isaac. The Jewish Kalendar, containing an Account of their Feasts and Fasts .... their Sabbaths and Proper Lessons. Beginning at the 14 of the Moon Tebeth in the year 5455 of the Creation, and con- tinuing to the 23 of Tebeth 5456. To which is added an account of our Public Liturgy as at this day established amongst us. This title page is faced by another. — An Almanack for the year of Christ 1695, being the Third after bissextile or leap-year. 12=. Oxford. Printed at the Theater in the year 1695) ABRABANEL, Solomon, "op the House of David." Pseud. The Complaint of the Children of Israel, representing their griev- ances under the penal laws, and praying that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. 8°. London, 1736. ABRAHAM Abulafia. See Jellinek, A., n'pnpn n^DH ^133 1853. ABRAHAM hen Alexander, of Cologne. aiD DC' -iriD See Jellinek, A., rv>1\>T\ nD3n >T33 Auswahl kabbal. Mystik. 1853. ABRAHAM ben Baruch Mizrachi. (?NT^* ^33^? piDT Short rules for Shochatim, i.e.y persons authorised to kill animals for food. See Chayim Moses Caeeegal, n^D |^»» 1777-78. ABRAHAM ben Chayim Lisker. Commentaries Dn"l3i< ^» and DmiN -li<3 See MiSHNAH. 1726. ABRAHAM ben Chiyah. "inyn -IQD [With English title.] Abraham bar Chiyah Prince, who flourished in Spain in the 11th century, on the mathematical and technical chronology of the Hebrews, Nazarites, Mahomme- tans, etc. Edited by Herschel Filopowski. 8°. London, 1851. ABRAHAM ben Chizkiyah Chazkuni. nn^ ^riK^ Cabbalistical discourses on the Weekly Portions of the Law, based on the Talmud, Midrash, and Agadah. fol. Amsterdam, 1726. ABRAHAM. 3 ABRAHAM ben David. '^2 Commentary. See Abraham tlie Patriarcli, Pseud., m^^^ 'D 1642. ABRAHAM ben David, the Levite. n^npn -no See Seder Olam. 1863. ABRAHAM ben David di Portaleone. D*")n!iri *D?SJ^ Ninety chapters on the Antiquities of the Temple in Jerusalem, viz., the Priests and Levites, Sacrificial rites, Musical instruments, Liturgical forms, etc. With an essay on Jewish palaeography and Massoretic antiquities. fol. Mantua, 1612. ABRAHAM ben David of Pousquieres [T'2N-|]. '*D Commentary. See Isaac hen Jacob Alfasi, DSPS 2") niD?n 1720. '*S Commentary. See MiDRASH Sifra. 1862. mJtJTI Animadversions. See MoSES hen Maimon, [npTHH IM] min HJC^D 1739-42. t^Din vy3 On conjugal ascetism. See Solomon hen Abraham hen Addereth, ^"\\>\\ muy 1602. ABRAHAM ben Isaac Shalom. wh^ ni3 On religious philosophy, with an introduction hy Meir hen Asher (as shown by the acrostic on fol. 3a). 4°. Venice, 1574' ABRAHAM Jaghel ben Hannaniah dei Galicchi. niD n\h Catechismus Judaeorum [Hebrew and Latin]. 12°. London, 1679. ABRAHAM ben Jehiel Danzig. DIX ^^n Compendium and exposition of the D^^H ny\^. With flDt^'J Dn&5 Supplemental commentary on the foregoing work. 2 vol. in 1. fol. '''■ As ^printed in'' Wilna, n. d. [The end of vol. 2 is imperfect.] Dlfe< nDDn and tn^ n^"*! Compendium and exposition of the mV nyi 2vol.ini. fol. '' As printed in'' Wilna, n. d. DmHK n"'l Testamentary exhortations. Edited by his sons Isaac and Jehiel. 12^ Presshurg, 1860. B 2 4 ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM Levi Zaken. /Sfee Jacob &«7i MoEDECAi PoGGETTO, n»3n n*K^K1 "iHp. 1725. ABRAHAM Jew Meir Ibn Ezra [y''3«1]. n21D mvJ")D Commentary on the Pentateuch, with Super-commen- taries D^^n DpD by Samuel Zarzah [also called Ibn Saneh], PJDV i>nx by Joseph ben Eliezer Ibn Eiem, and DnriD rhiD by Samuel Motot. fol. Amsterdam, 1722. NI^D 11D^ Jesod Mora. Fundamentum Pietatis varias dissertationes de doctrina mandatisque sacris continens. . . . Paraphrastice vertit Dr. M. Creizenach. [Hebrew and Latin.] 8=. Frankfort on the Main, 1840. "lUyn *)BD On Lunar calculations and intercalary months. 8». Lyck, 1874. DmSN riDIl Commentar zu den Spriichen Salomon's, von R. Abraham Aben Esra. Zum ersten Male nach einer alten, in meinem Besitze befindlichen Handschrift, herausgegeben von Chaim M. Horwitz. 8*. Frankfort on the Main, 1884. D*{yiTQ Commentaries. See Bible. Biblia Eabbinica, edited by Buxtorf. 1618-19. See Bible. Biblia Rabbinica Magna. 1724-28. See Bible. Pentateuch, various editions. Essays on the writings of Ibn Ezra. See Fkiedlander, Dr. M. 1877. '*Q Commentary on Isaiah. See Hebrew Literature Society. 1873-77. Short commentaries on Daniel. See Hebrew Literature Society, Miscellany, vol. 2. 1877. riD-n^ ^^m ^V D^rnn On the Game of Chess. See Holl^nderski, L., "jte OlVD Delices royales. 1864. IDDD 11 D" Grammar of the Hebrew numerals. See PiNSKER, S., '^'\\>:ir\ ^K NUD 1863. ^*D Commentary on the Pentateuch. See Samuel Ibn Zarzah, D^^n "lIpD Super-commentary. 1559. See Steinschneider, Dr. M., nnifc^DH OK^ Berlin, 1847. ABRAHAM. 5 ABRAHAM Menahem Rabe [or Rapoport]. n?1?2 nn:D Homiletical expositions of Biblical Sections read on Sabbaths and Festivals. 40. Verona, 1594. ABRAHAM ben Mordecai Farissol. '*D Commentary on Job. See Bible, Biilia Rahhinica Magna. 1724-28. ABRAHAM ben Mordecai Galante. D^311 7ip The Book of Lamentations [Hebrew text], with a Cabba- listical commentary bearing the title D^IDD 7113^ 4°. \_Prague.'\ 1621. ABRAHAM ben Moses de Boton. nJEJ'D DPI? A commentary. See Moses len Maimon, min n:SJ^D 1739-42. ABRAHAM ben Moses ben Maimon. See Maasse Nissim, D^D^J niJ^^D 1867. ABRAHAM, the Patriarch \_Pseud.']. ilTV* 1DD Liber Jezirah qui Abrahamo Patriarchae adscribitur, una cum commentario Rabbi Abraham F. D[ior], super 32 semitis sapientiae. Translatus et notis illustratus a Joanne Stephano Rittangelo. 4». Amsterdam, 1642. The name of the commentator is not Abraham ben Dior, but Abraham ben David. m^V* 'D Das Buch Jezirah, die alteste kabalistische Urkunde der Hebraer. Nebst 32 Wegen der Weisheit. Hebraisch und Deutsch, mit Einleitung, erlauterndern Anmerkungen und einem punktirten Glossarium der rabb. Worter. Herausgegeben von J. F. v. Meyer. 4°. Leipzig, 1830. ABRAHAM ben Raphael Jalfon, or Chalfon. Dm25< *^n Explanations of the origin of various ritual observances. 4". Leghorn, 1826. ABRAHAM ben Raphael Meldola. /SeeSHiB'AH enayim, D*:^y nyna^ 1745. ABRAHAM ben Samuel Ibn Chasdai. KioDnx^ msnn See Aeistotlb. 1873. ABRAHAM hen Samuel Zacuto or Zacut. U7^\\ ponv Liber Juchassin sive Lexicon biogr. et histor. complec- tens vitas omnium virorum eruditorum in Talmude Babylonico et Hierosolymitano. Ed. H. Filopowski. 8°. Londini, 1857. 6 ABRAHAM ABLER. ABRAHAM Seba. "lion "»"nX Commentary on the Pentateuch, both according to the plain sense and according to the exposition of the Zohar. fol. Venice, 1546, ABRAHAM ben Solomon Nanzig. nsnn rhv In three sections : — 1 . The lawfulness of inoculation as a preventive to small-pox. 2. A chapter on the Talmudical treatise Berachoih. 3. Religious discourses for various occasions. 8^ London, 1785. ABRAVANEL [or Abarbanel]. See Isaac hen Judah Abravanel. ABULAFIA. See Abraham hen Samuel Abulafia. ABU'L-WALID Merwan Ibn Janah. See Jonah Merwan Ibn Ganach. ACHA Gaon. pNa *Nnx 31T nin7''KK' Decisions on religious observances, with commentary by Isaiah ben Loeb Berlin. fol. Dyhernfurth, 1786. ADAM, Pseud. [^Xni 12D] nXDip DIKT ^<-lDD [nr] The Book of Raziel. " This is the Book of Adam. . . . which the Angel Raziel gave unto him." With notes by the " Maggid of Kosnitz." 4^ Josefof, 1873. ADLER, Rev. Dr. Hermann. The Jews in England. A lecture delivered to Jewish working men. 8°. London, 1870. Letter of Maimonides to Rabbi Jehudah Ibn Tibbon. Translated with notes. See Hebrew Literatube Society, Miscellany, vol. 1. 1872. ADLER, Dr. L. Die Bedeutung des Essaerbundes in der fortschreitenden Cultur- entwickelung der Menschheit. Vortrag in dem Beamten-Verein zu Cassel. 8». Cassel, 1880. ADLER, Marcus N., M.A. Memoir of the late Benjamin Gompertz, F.R.S., F.R.A.S. 8°. \_London, 1865.] ADLER, Rev. Dr. Nathan. 1i? n3^n3 A commentary on the Targum of Onkelos. See Bible. Pentateuch^ 1876, AGUILAR ALMANZI. 7 AGUILAR, Emanuel. Ancient liturgical melodies. See LiTUEGiES. 1857. AGUILAR, Grace. The Spirit of Judaism ; edited by Isaac Leeser. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. The Women of Israel, or characters and sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish history, illustrative of the past history, present duties, and future destiny of the Hebrew females, as based on the word of God. New edition. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1865. AINSWORTH, William F. See Pethachiah hen Jacob. Travels. 1861, AKIBA, Rabbi. Biography of R. Akiba. See Aaron Moses Padua r^ltTDH Din . . . 1877. See Gastfreund, J., i^n^pV Ul nn'pin 1871. AKIBA, R., hen Moses Gins Egeb. nj^X i*nn -)DD " The Book of Life." See LiTUEGiES. 1861. See Solomon hen Judah Ibn Gabirol, D^3^3Dn "in2D A Choice of Pearls. 1859. ASHER ben Abraham Crescas. '*Q Commentary. See Moses hen Maimon [Maimonides] D^D113 miD. 1742. ASHER, Asher, M.D. rh*''Cir\ mo The Jev^^ish rite of Circumcision, with the prayers and laws appertaining thereto. Translated into English, with an intro- ductory essay. [The liturgical portions are according to the Spanish, German and Polish rites.] 8°. London, 1873. ASHER hen Jehiel, of Toledo [p"iC\]. D*:K> iq Commentary on the Mishnaic section ZeraHm, with annota- tions by Elisha ben Abraham. 4*. Altona^ 1735. niilK^n Animadversions. See Isaac &e7i Jacob Alfasi. DQ7N 21 HIdSt 1720. JJ'Kin *pD3 Compendium of the Talmudical Ordinances. See Talmud, Babylonian. AUERBACH, Dr. B. H. Geschichte der Israelitischen Gemeinde Halberstadt. Nebst einera An- hange ungedruckter die Literatur wie die religiosen und politischen Verhaltnisse der Juden in Deutschland in den lestzten zwei Jahr- hunderten betreffender Briefe und Urkunden. 8°. Halberstadt, 1866. AUERBACH, Israel Mattathiah. See Israel Mattathiah Auerbach. AVERROES [Abu'l Walid Muhammed. . . Ibn Roshd]. IK'-l pK DDnn^ DnOND n^b\^ Drei Abhandlungen uber die Conjunc- tion des separaten Intellects nxit dem Menschen, von Averroes. Aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt von Samuel Ibn Tibbon, zum ersten Male herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erlautert von Dr. J. Hercz. 8°. Berlin, 1869.^ AZARIAH BAER. 11 AZARIAH ben Moses de' Rossi. P)D37 ?]nVD Trutina Argenti s. dissertatio critica. , . . de aetate mundi. [With a biographical notice of the author.] Ed. H. Filopowski. 8°. Edinhurgh, 1854. Complete works ; comprising — * ^IDD^ PJI^fO ♦ nT2 nOK ♦ D^rV 11KD DnQD mnriDD ♦ n^nXD n^B^ * K^np n^S?^ * W^'oh^V pIV Biblical and general antiquities ; Chronological and Calendarial essays ; Reli- gious and secular poetry; a Bibliographical index. Edited by Dr. D. Cassel. 2 vol. in 1. 8^ Wilna, 1864-66. AZARIAH ben Ephraim Figo. D^ny? n:^2 Sermons for Sabbaths, Feasts, and Fasts, and on various religious and moral Subjects. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Berlin, 1791. AZULAI, Chayim Joseph David. See Chayim Joseph David Azulai. BAAL Ha-turim. See Jacob hen Asher of Toledo. BACHER, Simon. • Dsnn |n3 Nathan der Weise. See Lessing, G-. E. 1866. BACHER, Dr. Wilhelm. Abraham Ibn Ezra's Einleitung zu seinem Pentateuch-Commentar, als Beitrag zur Geschichte der BibeleXegese. 8^ Wien^ 1876. Die Agada der babylonischen Amoraer ; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Agada, und zur Einleitung in den babylonischen Talmud. 8°. Budapest, 1878. Die Agada der Tanaiten. Erster Band : Von Hillel bis Akiba. Von 30 bis 135 nach d. g. Z. [In progress.] 8"*. Strasshurg, 1884. BAER, S. (aVXI ^^K^DI D^^nn »»!?D) HDK mm [with Latin title] Thorath Emeth, sive liber prsecepta. . . . accentuum libb. Psalmorum, Pro- verbiorum et Jobi continens secundum Massoram et principia quae nobis reliquerunt R. Aharon ben Ascher, R. Jehuda ben Bilaam, aliique prioris temporis grammatici. Accedit. . . . epistola. ... ab illustr. S. D. Luzzatto. 8°. Bodelhelm, 1852. See Jonah ben Ganach, HOpin IQD 1856. c 2 12 BARGilS BEER. BARGJfcS, Abb6 J. J. L. See JuDAH hen Koreish, nVsDl 1857. See Massorah, pjn ISO 1866. BARNETT, Hyam. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1836, BARUCH hen Jacob Sklow. D^DK^n moy On Astronomy; and D^^? rTIXSn On Anatomy and Physiology. With a Latin nomenclature of which the first leaf is wanting. 2 parts. 8°. Berlin, nil. BASS, Shabtai hen Joseph. See Shabtai hen Joseph Bass. BAUMGARTEN, Dr. M. Wider Herrn Hofprediger Stocker ; eine christliche Stimme iiber die Judenfrage. 8". Berlin, 1881. BAYLY, Anselm, LL.D. See Bible. 1774. BEAUGENCI, Eleazar. See Eleazar Beaugenci. BECHAI hen Asher. minn hv "I1N3 Cabbalistical commentary on the Pentateuch. fol. Amsterdam, 1726. BECHAI hen Joseph Ibn Bakodah. nnn^n nnin " The Duty of the Hearts." On the moral philosophy of Judaism, translated from the Arabic by Judah ben Saul Ibn Tibbon. 4°. Mantua, 1559. The last page contains the following entry by the Censor : Revisto per mi fra Luigi da Bologna, Marzo 1599. BEER, Dr. Bernhard. Jiidische Literaturbriefe. 8°. Leipzig, 1857. Leben Abrahams nach Auffassung der jUdischen Sage, mit erlautern- den Anmerkungen und Nachweisungen. 8". Leipzig, 1858. See MuNK, S., Philosopliie und philos. Schriftsteller der Juden. 1852. Biography of Dr. Beer. See Frankel, Dr. Z. 1863. BEER, Peter. ^&^ ^IDID Supplement to the Rabbinical Lexicon. See Nathan hen Jehiel. 1665. 14 BENJAMIN BERLINER. BENJAMIN, THE Priest. |D^33 713JI Homiletical discourses on the Portions of the Law and the Prophets for Sabbaths and Festivals. Also discourses at Circum- cisions, Marriages and Funerals. 3 parts. fol. Amsterdam, 1727. BENNY, Philip B. The Shechita. The Jewish mode of slaughtering cattle, and its advantages. 8°. Sheffield, 1875. BENSEW, JuDAH LoEB. See Judah Loeb Bensew. BERECHIAH ben Natrona! ha-Nakdan. n'hvy^ 'h^t^ Fables of the Foxes, in verse. 8°. Berlin, 1756. BERGL, Dr. J. Geschichte der ungarischen Juden, nach den besten Quellen be- arbeitet. 8'. Ka:posvdr, 1879. BERLIN, R. Isaiah. Biography of R. Isaiah Berlin. See Berliner, Dr. A. 1879. BERLINER, Dr. A. DnaiD nOvQ Pelatath Soferim. Beitrage zur jiidischen Schriftausle- gung ira Mittelalter, nebst Midrasch Uber d. Griinde der defeciwa und plena. 8*. Breslau, 1872. Die Massorah zum Targum Onkelos. Nach Handschriften und unter Benutzung von seltenen Ausgaben zum ersten Male edirt und commentirt. 4°. Berlin, 1875. Second and enlarged edition. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Beitrage zur hebraischen Grammatik im Talmud und Midrasch. 8*. Berlin, 1879. Rabbi Jesaia Berlin, eine biographische Skizze, im Rabbiner-Semi- nar vorgetragen. 8°. Berlin, 1879. D*33« nim^ Hebraische Grabschriften in Italien. Erster Theil. 200 Inschriften aus Venedig, 16. u. 17. Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben und mit Noten versehen. 8**. Frankfort on the Main, 1881. Beitrage zur Geographic und Ethnographic Babyloniens im Talmud und Midrasch. 8"*. Berlin, 1884. See Hananel of Kairvan i^KJin ^i:0 1876. See Isaac hen Joseph Israeli D''801"li> IDllOn ISD 1885. See Moses Zacut th)V ^1D* [a drama]. 1874. See Periodical Publications. Mag. fur die Wissensch. des Jud. See Solomon hen Isaac minn bv ^"K^T 1866. See Synagogal-Poesien. 1884. See Targum Onkelos. 1884. BEROSUS BIBLE. 15 BEROSUS. See Rubin, Dr. S. HEJ'an >D1T3 1882. BIALLOBLOTZKY, C. H. F. See Joseph ien Joshua, the Priest. Cliromcles. 1836. BIBLE.* D''3in31 D>K03 nnin The Hebrew Bible. [The Hagiographa are wanting with the exception of the Five Scrolls, which follow the Book of Deuteronomy.] 3 vol. in 6. 16°. Plantin, Antwerp, 1566. Biblia Sacra, ed. Arias Montanus. The Old Testament contains the Hebrew text, the version of St. Jerome, the Septuagint with Latin translation, the Targum of Onkelos to the Pentateuch, and the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel to the other portions of the Old Testament (except Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and the Book of Chronicles). The New Testament contains the Greek text, the Syriac text with Latin translation, and the version of St. Jerome. At the foot of each page is appended the Syriac text transliterated in Hebrew characters, with the radicals of the Syriac nouns and verbs. 5 vol. fol. Plantin, Antwerp, 1569-71. [A series of philological, geographical, and archaeological essays, in 3 volumes, under the title of "Apparatus." forms tlie sequel to this edition of the Bible, See the "Catalogue of Books belonging to the Dutch Church," under the entry "Arias Montanus," pp. 6 and 7.] Vol. 1. The Pentateuch. 2. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, and the Book of Chronicles. 3. Ezra (I. Esdras), Nehemiah (II. Esdras), III. and IV. Ezra (in Latin only), Tobit, Judith, Esther, Continuation of the Book of Esther, in Greek and Latin, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon, The Wisdom of Solomon, The Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach. 4. Isaiah, Jeremiah, The Book of Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Continuation of the Book of Daniel (in Greek and Latin only), The Twelve Minor Prophets, I. and II. Maccabees (Greek, with the version of St. Jerome, and a second Latin version) ; III. Maccabees (Greek with a Latin version). 5. The New Testament, * The several sections of the Bible have been arranged in the following order :— I. Pentateuch. II. Prophets. a) Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings. &) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. c) The XII Minor Prophets. III. Hagiographa. a) Psalms, Proverbs, Job. 6) The Five Scrolls, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther. c) Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah. d) Chronicles. IV. Apocrypha. V. New Testament. 16 BIBLE. BIBLE — continued. Hebraicorum Bibliorum veteria Testament! Latina interpretatio [in- terlinearis], opera olim Xantis Pagnini. . . . nunc vero Benedict! Arias Montani [aliorumque] collato studio. ... ad Hebraicam dic- tionem. . . . expensa. Item Novum Testamentum Grasce cum Vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci contextus lineis inserta. Studio Benedict! Ariae Montani. . . . fol. Antwerp, 1572. This Bible forms the second vol. of the Apparatus to the Antwerp Polyglot of Arias Montanus. Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Graece et Latine. Latina interpretatio duplex est. . . cum annotationibus Francisci Yatabli. 3 vol. Ex officina Sanctandreana [Heidelberg'}, 1586. The 3rd volume, containing tlie New Testament, is wanting. Vol. 1. Hieronymi Prologus. G-enesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutero- nomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Book of Kings, Chronicles, The Prayer of Manasseh, Esra, Nehemiah (vulgo Esdras Secundus), III. and IV. Esra, Tobit, Judith, Esther, with continuation. 2. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, The "Wisdom of Solomon, The Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, The Twelve Minor Prophets, I., II. and III. Maccabees. Biblia Ebrsea elegant! et majuscula characterum forma qua ad facilem sanctse linguae et Scripturae intelligentiam primo statim intuitu literae radicales et serviles deficientes et quiescentes, &c., situ et colore discernuntur. Cura et studio Elias Huteri. fol. Colonics, 1603. T'Jn Bible, without points. 32°. Leyden, 1610. Biblia Rabbinica, with the Targums of Onkelos and of Jonathan ben Uzziel and the Jerusalem Targum ; the Massorah ; various read- ings; and commentaries [enumerated below]. Edited by Johannes Buxtorf. 4 vol. fol. Basel, 1618-19. Vol. 1. Pentateuch. 2. Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. 3. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Minor Prophets. 4. The Hagiographa (from the Psalms to the Chronicles). Commentaries : — Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, on the Pentateuch, Isaiah, the Minor Prophets, the Psalms, Job, the Five Scrolls, and Daniel. David ben Joseph Kimchi, on the First and the Later Prophets and the Book of Chronicles. Isaiah of Trani, on Judges and Samuel. Jacob ben Asher (Baal ha-turim), on the Pentateuch. BIBLE. 17 BIBLE — continued. Levi ben Gershon, on the first Prophets, Proverbs, and Job» Moses ben Joseph Kimchi, on Proverbs, Ezra, and Nehemiah [erroneoualy attri- buted to Abraham Ibn Ezra]. Saadiah ben Joseph Fayumi [^pseud.']^ on Daniel. Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi), on all the Books of the Bible. Biblia Hebraica. ... ex recensione. . . . Menasseh ben Israel. With short prefatory notices in Hebrew and Latin. The Hagiographa follow the Pentateuch. 4°. Amsterdam, 1635-36. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia Textus originales, Hebraicum cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Grsecum; versionumque antiquarum Samaritanae, Grascse LXXII. Interp., Chaldaicae, Syria- cae, Arabicae, ^thiopicae, Persicae, Vulg. Lat., quicquid comparari poterat : cum textuum et versionum Orientalium translation i bus Latinis. Cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, variis lectionibus, annotationibus, indicibus, &c. Edidit Brianus Waltonus, S.T.D. 6 vol. fol. London, 1657. [Vol. 5, which contains the New Testament, is wanting.] Vol. 1. Pentateuch. 2. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Esra (I.), Nehemiah, (Esra II.). 3. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, the Twelve Minor Prophets. 4. The Prayer of Menasseh, III. and IV. Esra, Tobit (with two Hebrew versions), Judith, Continuation of the Book of Esther, The Wisdom of Solomon, the Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, The First and Second Epistles of Baruch, The Epistle of Jeremiah, The History of Susanna, The Song of Azariah, The Song of the Three Holy Children, Bel and the Dragon, I. II. and III. Maccabees, Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel and the Jerusalem Targum. Persian version of the Pen- tateuch by Jacob Tawus. 5. New Testament [wanting.] 6. Appendix, containing the various readings of the Polyglot texts. An interpretation of Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek proper names. An alphabetical index to the contents of the Bible. Biblia Eabbinica Magna ni^n: niKipD. HEJ^D nibnp Hebrew text with the Massorah, the Targum of Onkelos and of Jonathan' ben Uzziel, introductions, commentaries [enumerated below], the variants of Bene Asher and Bene Naphtali, and the variants in thQ accents. 4 vol. fol. Amsterdam, 1724-28. Vol. 1. Pentateuch. 2. Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. 3. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Minor Prophets. 4. The Hagiographa. D la BIBLE. BIBLE— continued. Alphahetical list of the Commentaries and Targums. Aaron ben Cliayim, Leh Aharon on Joshua and Judges. Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, Commentaries on the several Books of the Bible except the First Prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The Commentaries on the Proverbs, Ezra and Nehemiah, which in this edition are attributed to Ibn Ezra, should be ascribed to Moses Elimchi. Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol, on Job. David Ibn Hin, Likute SJioshanim Commentaries ; together with extracts from the Commentaries of Jacob Berab, Meir Arama, Obadiah Sfomo, Samuel Almosnino and Isaac ben Gerson Treves, on Joshua and some portions of the Later Prophets. David ben Joseph Kimchi, on the Prophets and the Chronicles. David ben Solomon Ibn Jachia, Xab venaM on Proverbs. Hezekiah ben Manoach {ChazkuniX on the Pentateuch. Isaac ben Gerson Treves, see David Ibn Hin. Isaac ben Mordecai Grershon, on Malachi. Isaac ben Solomon Jabetz, Torath chesed on Psalms, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah. Isaiah of Trani, on Judges and Samuel. Jacob ben Asher (^Baal ha-turini), on the Pentateuch. Jacob Berab, see David Ibn Hin.. Jacob d'llescas, Imi-e noam on the Pentateuch. Jalkut Shimdni, see Simeon Darshan. Jonathan ben XJzziel, Targum on the Bible (except the Pentateuch, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles). Joseph ben David Ibn Jachia, on the Hagiographa. Levi ben Gershon, on the Pentateuch, First Prophets, Job, Five Scrolls (except Lamentations), and the Book of Daniel. Likute Shoshanim, see David Ibn Hin. Meir ben Isaac Arama, Urim ve-tumim on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Song of Solomon. Menahem ben Solomon Meiri, on Proverbs. Moses Frankfurt, Kometz mijichah on the Pentateuch ; Minchah Ttetanah on the First Prophets ; Minchah gedolah on the Later Prophets ; Minchath irch on the Hagiographa. Moses ben Joseph Kimchi, on Proverbs, Ezra, and Nehemiah (erroneously attri- buted to Abraham Ibn Ezra). Moses ben Nachman, on Job. Moses Nakdan, DarTte ha-nihud on Punctuation. Obadiah Sfomo, on the Pentateuch and Psalms ; Mishpat ZedeU on Job, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Onkelos, Targum on the Pentateuch. " Rashi," see Solomon ben Isaac. Saadiah ben Joseph Fayumi \^psend.\ on Daniel. Samuel Almosnino, on the Minor Prophets. Samuel ben Isaac Aripol, Mizmor le-thoda on Psalm cxix. Samuel Laniado, Kele jahar, on the First Prophets ; Kele paz, on the Later Prophets. Simeon Darshan, on Chronicles (from Jalkut Shimdni'). Simeon ben Zemach Duran, on Job. Solomon ben Isaac (Bashi), Commentary on the whole Bible. BIBLE. 19 BIBLE — continued. T':n (nnjtt ^K^^JD) With German-Jewish translation and the com- mentary of Rashi. 12 vol. 8". Amsterdam, 1753-55. Vol. 1—5. The Pentateuch, the Haf taroth, and the Five Scrolls. 6. Joshua and Judges. 7. Samuel. 8. Kings. Vol. 9. Isaiah and Jeremiah. 10. Ezekiel and Minor Prophets. 11. Psalms, Proverbs, and Job. 12. Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles. D'^ainDI D^fc<*3J min Biblia en dos colunas, Hebrayco y Espanol. With a table dividing the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa into 54 sections to be read in one year. fol. Amsterdam, 1762. D>nin31 D^K*3i min The Old Testament, English and Hebrew, with remarks critical and grammatical on the Hebrew, and corrections of the English by Anselm Bayly, LL.D. [With illustrations.] 4 vol. 8°. London, 1774. La Bible, traduction nouvelle avec I'Hebreu en regard. . . avec des notes philologiques, geographiques et litteraires, et les variantes de la version des septante et du texte samaritain, par S. Cahen. [The Pentateuch is of the 2nd edition of 1845-56.] 18 vol. 8^ Paris, 1835-56. Vol. 1. La Grenese. De la Creation selon les docteurs et les philosophes de la Synagogue. 2. L'Exode. Examen des critiques du tome premier, par S. Munk. Extrait des Observations sur la topographic de la presqu'ile de Sinai, par J. M. J. Coutelle. 8. Le Levitique. Extrait du MorS Nehouchime. Des animaux propres aux sacrifices et des diverses especes des sacrifices. . . . trad, sur I'original Grec de PMlon. De la lepre et de I'elephantiasis, par le Baron Larrey. Notice sur le calendrier talmudique. 4. Les Nombres. Reflexions sur le culte des anciens Hebreux dans ses rapports avec les autres cultes de I'antiquite, par S. Munk. Cinquieme livre des Lois de Manou. Chapitres xxvii. et xxxi. de la troisieme partie de la Direction des Egares, par Mousa Ibn Maimoun. Sur la zone des villes levitiques et sur le chemin sabbatique. 5. Le Deuteronome. Sur les Samaritains. Notice sur la femme hebreue. Note [from a Caraite work] sur le verset 4 du chap. xxx. du Deu- teronome. D 2 20 BIBLE. B IBLE — continued. 6. Josu6. Les Juges, 7. Samuel. Sur r^tablissement de la royaute panni les Hebreux. 8. Les Rois. Note sur le eh. xx. du livre II. des Rois. [An essay on miracles.] 9. Isai'e. Preface d'Abrabanel a son commentaire sur Isaie. Commentaire d'Abrabanel sur les chap, xxxiv. et xxxv. d'Isaie. Notice sur Saadia Gaon et sa version arabe d'Isaie, et sur un e version persanne, par S. Munk. 10. Jeremie. Preface d'Abrabanel sur Jeremie. Observations et errata concernant la Notice sur le calendrier judaique. Extrait de I'introduction historique. . . . par Dahler. [On the chronology of the prophecies of Jeremiah.] 11. Ezechiel. More Nebouchime, ch. i.-vii. Preface d'Abrabanel. Extrait de. . . . I'Exposition historique de la predication et des lec- tures liturgiques chez les Juif s par le Dr. Zunz. 12. Les douze Petits Prophetes. Preface d'Abrabanel. Extrait du commentaire geographique sur I'Exode et les Nombres, par Leon Delaborde. Commentaire de R. Tan'houm de Jerusalem sur le livre de Habak- kouk, par S. Munk. 13. Pseaumes. De I'auteur et des auteurs des Pseaumes. Ordres des Pseaumes. Suscriptions des Pseaumes. Instruments de musique. Poesie hebraique. Accents toniques (^NeginotTi). 14. Proverbes. Introduction historique et litteraire, par Leopold Dukes. 15. Job. Esquisse sur la philosophic du poeme de Job, par Is. Cahen. 16. Le cinq Megilloth. [With an introduction to the Five Scrolls.] 17. Daniel, Ezre, N^hemie. [With a general introduction.] 18. Chroniques. Extrait de I'Exposition historique de la predication et des lectures liturgiques chez les Juifs, par le Dr. Zunz. Table chronologique de I'ancien Testament. [Translated from the German of Dr. Zunz.] Additions a la Notice sur le calendrier talmudique. "|"3n, With the Targum of Onkelos to the Five Books of IMoses, and the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel to the other Books (except Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Book of Chronicles), and the BIBLE. 21 BIBLE — continued. commentary of Rashi. Each volume contains the German trans- lation and the Biur (exposition) by Mendelssohn and his School. Edited with a German commentary by L. Mandelstamm and others. 15 vol. 8°. Wilna, 1852-53. Vol. 1. G-enesis. "With introduc- tions to the Torah, by Abraham Ibn Ezra and Moses Mendelssohn. 2. Exodus and Book of Esther. 3. Leviticus and Song of So- lomon. 4. Numbers and Ruth. 5. Deuteronomy, Lamenta- tions and Ecclesiastes. 6. Joshua and Judges. Vol. 7. Samuel. 8. Kings. 9. Isaiah. 10. Jeremiah. 11. Ezekiel. 12. Minor Prophets. 13. Psalms. 14. Proverbs and Job. 15. Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Book of Chronicles. and 'n nny Jewish School and Family Bible Newly translated under the supervision of the Rev. the Chief Rabbi of the United Congregations of the British Empire, by Dr. A. Benisch. [English text only.] 4 vol. 8°. London, 1852-78. [Vol. 2 and 3 are without title-pages.] T'Jn Die israelitische Bibel, enthaltend den heiligen Urtext, die deutsche Ubertragung, die allgemeine ausfiihrliche Erlauterung mit mehr als 500 englischen Holzschnitten. Herausgegeben von Dr. Ludwig Philippson. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 vol. in 6. 4°. Leipzig, 1858-59. Vol. 3, part 1. Psalms, Job. part 2, Vol. 1, part 1. Genesis and Exodus, part 2. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 2, part 1. Joshua, Judges, Sa- muel, Book of Kings, part 2. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets. Y'^ri Hebrew Bible, revised by M. L. Letteris. Proverbs, and The Five Scrolls (Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamen- tations, Ecclesiastes, Esther), Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chro- nicles. 8°. Vienna, 1871. Die vier und zwanzig Biicher der heiligen Schrift, nach dem masoretischen Texte. Edited by Dr. L. Zunz, and translated by H. Arnheim, M. Sachs, Julius Fiirst, and L. Zunz. 8°. Berlin, 1873. The Twenty-four Books of the Holy Scriptures. . . . translated ac- cording to the masoretic text, after the Jewish authorities, by Isaac Leeser. 8'. Philadelphia, 1878. 22 BIBLE. BIBLE — continued. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament [including the Apocrypha] with an EngHsh translation ; and with various read- ings and critical notes. 4°. London, 1879. Pentateuch. nnin >^D)n ntJ^On Pentateuch and the Five Scrolls, with the com- mentary of Rashi, and the Haftaroth. 12". Amsterdam, 1701. mm ♦K'Din HK^DH The Pentateuch with the Targum of Onkelos, the Five Scrolls, and the Haftaroth. 8°. Amsterdam, 1719. min ^K^Din n^Dn The Pentateuch with the Targum of Onkelos, the Haftaroth and the Five Scrolls ; also the commentaries of Rashi, Shabtai ben Joseph Bass (^Sifthe chachamim), Jacob ben Asher (Baal Ha-turim), and Aaron of Pesaro (loldoth Aharon). 4". Frankfort-on-tJie-Oder, 1728. niin ^K'Din r\^^n with the Haftaroth and the Five Scrolls. 8". Amsterdam, 1730. riD^Dn 'n min and the Haftaroth. 8°. Amsterdam, 1751. n»*Dn 'n mm The Pentateuch, according to the second edition of Bomberg's Hebrew Bible, with Haftaroth. 5 parts. 8°. Amsterdam, 1751. min ^K'Din nSJ^on with the Five Scrolls, the Targum of Onkelos, the commentary of Rashi, and the Haftaroth with Hebrew notes. Also an enumeration of the 613 Mosaic precepts. 12". Amsterdam, 1756. minn 1N3 K'Din with a marginal literal translation in the German- Jewish dialect (each word or phrase being preceded by the corres- ponding Hebrew text), by Gedaliah ben Abraham Menahem Teikus. 4^ Amsterdam, 1758. min ^K'Din rW^n with the Targums of Onkelos and of Jonathan ben Uzziel, and the Targum Jerushalmi ; the commentaries of Rashi, Samuel ben Meir, Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, Jacob ben Asher, and Aaron of Pesaro (To/dZo^^ ^Aarow); Glosses on the Targumim; the lesser Massorah; notes from the Shene luchoth ha-herith ; the commentary D''^n niNVin, of Chayim Boskowitz ; the Haftaroth ; the Five Scrolls ; and the Targum sheni on the Book of Esther. 5 vol. 4°. Amsterdam, 1764. mm ^K^DIPI HK'Dn, with the commentaries of Rashi and Abravanel, the nt^'inn l^n by Saul ben Aryeh, and the Haftaroth. 5 vol. 4°. Amsterdam, 1768. BIBLE. 23 BIBLE. Pentateuch — continued. nD^Dn 'n iriin with the Haftaroth. The EngHsh translation on opposite pages. Notes by David Levi, and additional notes by Lion Soesmans. [Without pagination.] 5 vol. 8°. London, 1785-87. min '•tJ'Din riK^Dn with the commentary of Rashi. To each volume is appended a form of prayers for the Sabbath day [printed in 181Q]. 5 vol. 8°. Amsterdam, 1797. min ^EJ'Din n^on and the Five Scrolls, with the commentary of Rashi, and the Haftaroth with short Hebrew notes. 12". Amsterdam, 1817. min ^25^)01 n HK^DH with the Haftaroth, in Hebrew and English. Notes by David Levi, edited with various additions, including the indication of the 613 Mosa,ic precepts, by Hyam Barnett. [Illus- trated.] 5 vol. 8°. London, 1836. Historical and critical commentary on the Old Testament, with a new translation by Dr. M. Kalisch. [Hebrew and English.] 4 vol. 8'. London, 1858-72. Vol. 1. Genesis. General introduction. Essays: — The Creation. Paradise and the Fall. Science and the Noachian Deluge. The Deluge. The Genealogy of Nations. The History of Babylon and Assyria. The Dead Sea. The last Address of Jacob. 2. Exodus. Introduction. Essay: — The Holy Tabernacle. 3. Leviticus. Part I. (ch. i. to x.). Essays :— On Sacrifice. The Hebrew Priesthood. 4. Leviticus. Part II. (ch. xi. to xxvii.). Essays : — On Dietary Laws. The Laws of Purification. Day of Atonement and other Festivals. The Doctrine of Angels and Spirits, or ithe Monotheism of the Bible. Matrimonial Laws. mm ^EJ'Din riK^on II Pentateuco volgarizzato e commentato da Samuel Davide Luzzato con introduzione critica ed ermeneutica. 5 vol. 8°. Padova, 1871-76. D^n?N mm Pentateuch with the Targum of Onkelos, revised by the Chief Rabbi, Rev. Dr. Nathan Adler. With commentaries and additions (alphabetically enumerated below). The Haftaroth and 24 BIBLE. BIBLE. Pentateuch — continued. the Five Scrolls, with the commentaries of Solomon ben Isaac, Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, and Obadiah Sforno. The Book of Esther is followed by the Aramaic legendary paraphrase " Targum Sheni," and the commentary anDH pKTlD. To each volume the prayers for the Sabbath day are appended. Second edition. 5 vol. 8". Wilna, 1876. Alphabetical list of Commentaries : Aaron of Pesaro, ToldotTi Aharon containing references to passages in the Talmud and later Rabbinical works. Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, Commentary. Adler, the Rev. Dr. Nathan, Nethinah la-ger ("13? n3*n3), a commentary on the Targum of Onkelos. David ben Joseph Kimchi, Commentary on the Haftaroth. Jacob ben Asher, Conmientary. Massorah on the Targum. Moses ben Nachman, Commentary. Obadiah Sforno, Commentary, Pathshegen [|!IK^nD cited by S. D. Luzzato as Jaer "1^?^], a critical commentary on the Targum of Onkelos. Samuel ben Meir of Rameru, Commentary. Solomon Cohen of Lissa, Ahi-Ezer (^TV ''3X) a super-conunentary on Abra- ham Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Solomon ben Isaac, Commentary. The Children's Pentateuch with the Haphtarahs, or portions from the Prophets, arranged for Jewish children by Mrs. Henry Lucas. [English.] 8». London, 1878. Introduction to the Pentateuch. See Mandelstamm, Dr. L. J. 1864. Prophets. D^ninDI D^N^na The Prophets and the Hagiographa (except the Five Scrolls). Printed by Emanuel Etias. 12°. Amsterdam, 1700-5. D^niriDI N"i The Later Prophets and the Hagiographa (except the Five Scrolls), with the commentary of Rashi. Edited by David Nunez Torres. Printed by Emanuel Etias. 12°. Amsterdam, 1701-5. 7\'^W* Isaiah. The fifty-third chapter. See nbubauee, A., >iny b^'2^'^ nan ^tj^n^a 1876-77. ^Nprn* Ezekiel. Commentary. See SCHNITZLER, J. hen A., niOnnNH nVt^lD WT\ hv dH "I1N3 i^Kptn^ IQDD 1825. BIBLE. 25 BIBLE — continued. Hagiographa. ns^K D*^nn Psalms and Lamentations. Hebrew text with transli- teration in English characters. Edited by William Robertson, M.A. 8°. London, 1656. D^!?nn Psalms. With a Jewish-German translation. See Liturgies, Daily Prayers. 1772. Psalmos de David. Traducido del Hebraico y illustrado con una intelligencia que facilita la lectura. 16°. Amsterdam, Ao. 5493-1733. 'h^^ Proverbs. Hebrew text of the Book of Proverbs, with German translation in Hebrew square characters, and a Hebrew commen- tary by Isaac Euchel. 8°. Berlin, 1790. The Proverbs of Solomon, translated from the Hebrew text, with notes critical and explanatory, by A. Elzas. 8°. Leeds, 1871. 3VK Job. Hebrew text with the commentaries, tDDK^D nniK by Simon ben Zemach Duran, and pHX DDt^'iD by Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno. 4°. Venice, 1589. The Book of Job translated from the Hebrew text, with an introduc- tion and notes, critical and explanatory, by A. Elzas. 8°. London, 1872. See Bible. Pentateuch, various editions. See Moses hen Chayim Alshec. Commentaries, 1717, Tvbyo tJ'Dn The Five Scrolls, paraphrased in Jewish- German. See Jacob hen Isaac o/ Janowa, nJXll nONV 1766, IDDt? n?30 Megillath Esther. Manuscript Scroll on parchment, of. the Book of Esther, in 14 columns. 13 inches wide. 18th Century. Apocrypha. Apocrypha. T\u7^ JlDDn The Wisdom of Solomon, translated into Hebrew, with a commentary entitled |n ni"l, by Naphtali Herz ben Isachar Wessely. fol. Berlin, 1780. Die Apokryphen. Nach dem griechischen Texte iibersetzt von Dr. D. Cassel. Anhang zu der unter Dr. Zunz erschienenen Bibel- iibersetzung. 8°. Berlin, 1866. See Alphabetum Siracidis KTD pi KflUXa'pN 1858. The Apocrypha. Greek and English. See Bible. The Septuagint Version. 1879. 26 BIBLE BODENSTEDT. BIBLE. Apocrypha — continued, n»niO r\^V^ or n»niD IDD The Book of Tobit. A Chaldee text, from a unique MS. in the Bodleian Library, with other Rabbinical texts, English translations, and the Itala. Edited by Ad. Neubauer, M.A. 8°. Oxford, 1878. NVD p VK^in* riDDn The Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach. Translated from the Syriac into Hebrew and German [in Rabbi- nical characters], and supplied with a Hebrew commentary by Juda Loeb Benzeeb. 8°. Wien, 1814. Neio Testament. Xmn Kp^n^n New Testament. Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testa- mentum, Syriace litteris Hebraicis, Graece, & Latine. Studio Guidonis Fabricii Boderiani. 4°. PaHs, 1584. HK^inn nnnn Translated from the Greek into Hebrew. Edited by Prof. Franz Delitzsch. 2nd edition. 12°. Leipzig, 1878. BLOCH, J. S, Die Juden in Spanien. Eine historische Skizze. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Studien zur Geschichte der Sammlung der althebraischen Literatur. 8°. Breslau, 1876. BLOCH, Dr. M. Das mosaisch-talmudische Polizeirecht. 8*. Budapest, 1878. BLOGG, S. E. Geschichte der hebraischen Sprache und Literatur, nebst einem Anhang die Targumim betreffend. [Second edition.] 4°. Hanover ^ 1826. BLUNT, John Elijah. A history of the establishment and residence of the Jews in England, with an inquiry into their civil disabilities. 8°. London, 1830. BODENSCHATZ, J. Chr. G. Kirchliche Verfassung der heutigen Juden, sonderlich deren in Deutschland. . . . aus ihren. . . . und anderen Schriften. . . . darge- than. . . . mit 30. . . . Kupfern erlautert. 4 parts. 4°. Brlangen, 1748. BODENSTEDT, Friedrich von. ♦SDNK^ KVn^D n^SJ^ Die Lieder des Mirza Schaffy ins Hebraische iibertragen und mit einem Prolog versehen von Joseph Chotzner. [Hebrew only.] 16°. Breslau, 1868. BODLEIAN BRIDGES. 27 BODLEIAN Library. Catalogus librorum Hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, jussu cura- torum digessit iiotis instruxit M. Steinschneider. 2 vol. 4°. Berlin, 1852-1860. BONCOMPAGNI, B. Intorno ad un' opera del Signor M. Steinschneider. [On Dr. Stein- schneider's History of Jewish literature.] 4". Rome, 1858. BONSENIOR Ibn Jachiah. See HoLL^NDEBSKi, L. "]Vd "^TiV^ Le Jeu des Echecs. 1864. BOXBERGER, Emil v. Barkochba, Gesiinge. 12*. Leipzig, 1857. BRAUNSCHWEIGER, Dr. M. Geschichte der Juden and ihrer Literatur in den romanischen Staaten zur Zeit des Mittelalters, von 700 bis 1200. Nach den Quellen dargestellt. 8°. Wiirzhurg, 1865, BRECHER, Dr. Gideon. Das Transcendentale, Magie, und magische Heilarten im Talmud. 8". Wie7i, 1850. mOK^l D"'3in3n n?X Concordantiae nominum propriorum quae in libris sacris continentur a. . . patre G. Brecher inchoatae* . . finitas demum a filio Adolpho Brecher. Addenda et corrigenda e libro inedito Sefer Ha-'azamim [D^DVyn "IDD] viri. . . W. Heidenheira. Selegit R[aphael] K[irchheim]. 4". Frankfort 07i the 3Iain, 1S7 6, BREITHAUPT, J. F. See Joseph ben Goeion [Pseudo-Josephus], 1710. BRESLAU, M. H. ^■|3y \)^? p)lpl l))ip A compendious Hebrew grammar. [English only.] 8^. London, 1855. '>'^2V ]y^h IVIS Hebrew and English dictionary, Biblical and Rabbi- nical. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 8°. London, 1855. p?D "|iy English and Hebrew dictionary. 8**. London, 1856. See EDELMANif, H., and L. Dukes, l")SDp5^ ^V^ Treasures of Oxford. 1851. BRIDGES, J. H., B.A. The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages. [Oxford Essays, 1857. No. vi.] 8°. London, 1857. E 2 28 BRITISH MUSEUM BUXTORFIUS. BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library of the B. M. [By- Joseph Zedner.] 8°. London, 1867. BRtrCK, s. riDNn JlTpn Religious and philosophical essays ; also the story of a shipwreck in 1826. 8°. Vienna, 1842. BRtJLL, Dr. Adolf. Fremdsprachliche Redensarten, und ausdriicklich als fremdsprachlich bezeichnete Worter in den Talmuden und Midraschim. Eine philo- logische Studie. 8\ Leipzig, 1869. Trachten der Juden im nachbiblischen Altherthume. Ein Beitrag zur alJgemeinen Kostiimkunde. 1 Theil. 8°. Frankfort on tJie Main, 1873. Zur Geschichte der Saraaritaner, nebst einem Anhange enthaltend Varianten zur Genesis des samaritanischen Targums. Frankfort on the Main, 1876. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der jiidisch-deutschen Literatur. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1877. See Samaritan Targum ^:"l»tJ^ Diain 1873-76. BRtJLL, Jacob. nJC'IDn NUD Einleitung in die Mischnah, enthaltend das Leben und die Lehrmethode der Gesetzlehrer von Esra bis zum Abschlusse der Mischnah. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1876. See HiRSCH, Chajes, mip2 mJK 1853. BRtJLL, N. Jahrbiicher der jiidischen Geschichte und Literatur, See Periodical Publications. BUBER, Salomon. See Lattes, Isaac de, |W ^"lyK' 1855. See MiDRASH, 31D np(? J^'mo 1880. BUXTORFIUS, Joannes. Concordantise Bibliorum HebraicaB. . . . Accesserunt novae concordan- tiae chaldaicae. 2 copies. fol. Basel, 1632. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. [With a short vocabulary of rabbinical terms, and a list of abbreviations.] 8°. London, 1646. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. . . . accesserunt Lexicon breve rabbinico-philosophicum et Index Latinus. 8°. Glasgow, 1824. See Bible. Bihlia Rahbinica. 1618-19. CAHEN CHAKIRAH. 29 CAHEN, Michael David. mDnn r\V2^ Repertorium talmudicum, siTe memorabilia omnia de personis et rebus quae in utroque Talmude et Midraschira occurrunt, praesertim de Misnae et Gemarae doctoribus. Item series integra commentatorum. . . . medii aevi, so. Raschi ejusque magis- trorum, disci pulorumque qui vulgo TosaphistaB nuncupantur. . . . omnia collegit et in ordinem alphabeticum digessit M. D. Calien, auctoris manuscriptum .... emendavit notulas criticas passim adjecit L. Wogue. [Hebrew.] 8°. Mayence, 1877. CAHEN, S. La Bible, traduction nouvelle. See Bible. 1835-56, See Periodical Publications. Archives Israelites, CARPENTER, J. Estlin, M.A. See Ewald, H. The History of Israel. 1869-74, CASSEL, Dr. David. Lehrbuch der jiidischen Geschichte und Literatur. 8°. Lei^pzig, 1879, See AzARiAH DEI Rossi, D^J^y "IlKD and clDa*? 5]1V0 1864-66. See Bible. Apocrypha. 1866, CASTELLT, David. Leggende Talmudiche. Saggio di traduzione dal testo originale, con prefazione critica. 8**. Pisa, 1869, II Messia secondo gli Ebrei. 8". Firenze, 1874, CHAJES, HiRSCH. mipn miK Ein Beitrag zur historischen Kritik in BetrefiE der Targumim und Midraschim. Zweite Auflage mit Anmerkungen und Zusatsen von Jacob Briill. 8°. Fressburg, 1853. CHAKIRAH Emunah. n:i»K riTpn IDD Meditations on natural and revealed religion. [In Hebrew and Jewish-German.] 12"'. Lemlerg, 1874. 30 CHAMAI CHAZKUNI. CHAMAI Gaon. Pseud, \vvn "isD See Jellinek, A., nblpn nD3n n3J, Auswahl kabbal. Mystik. 1853. CHARIZI. See Judah ben Solomon Charizi. CHAYIM Abraham Israel Zabi. D^^n D*0 "1K2 A commentary. See Chayim Moses Caekegal, n^D pD^ 1777-78. CHAYIM Joseph David Azulai [S"l^n]. niDlp "12*1D Selection of articles on biblical and rabbinical antiquities, including cabbalistical subjects, alphabetically arranged. 8°. Lemherg, 1869. D*»Dn^ nyi * D^^nin n^ A dictionary of celebrated Jewish authors and their works. 2 vol. 8°. Warsaw, 1876. Part 1, Authors. Part 2, Works. CHAYIM ben Joseph Vital. DipD miD Index to the Zohar. See Simeon hen Jochai, intn 1736. CHAYIM Moses Carregal. T\^^ PD^ An exposition of the Section ntD^HK^ niD^H (on the slaughter- ing of animals for food) of the Shulchan Aruch, part 2, by- Joseph ben Ephraim Caro ; followed by two additional treatises on this subject, 7{N n nH))'S Testamentary exhortations. See MiDRASH. nnmn ni^v K^'nio istb. ELIEZER PAPO. On^Dn )]bv^ Guide to the ethical and ascetical life of a Chasid {i.e., a follower of the sect of Chasidim, or "pious men"). This work is an abstract of the DH^Dn 'D by Judah ben Samuel Ha-chasid. 4°. Jerusalem, 1883. ELIEZER ben Solomon Ashkenazi. D^Jpt DVt3 Miscellaneous collection of Hebrew pieces in prose and poetry. Edited from ancient MSS. 8^ Franlfort on the Main, 1854. ELIEZER SussMAN. ItyvK Dip?* Collections, systematically arranged, from the Talmud Jerushalmi, Midrash Rabba and various other Midrashim. 3 vol. in 2. 8*. Fressburg, 1864. ELIJAH ben Abraham Mizrachi. V'jj>-j >-)2i • • • ?y tJ'n^Q Super-commentary upon Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch. fol. Fiirth, 1763. ELIJAH ben Asher Levita. jDJniriD Lexicon Chaldaicum, ed. P. Fagius. fol. Isene, 1541. See David ben Joseph Kimchi, b)b^D 1545. ELIJAH ben Benjamin Wolf of Tiktin. N131T HvK a commentary. See MoEDECAi ben Abraham Japeh (Yapbh), "linni n^3nn B^U^ ELIJAH ben Isaac Moses Deuz. invi< *D a commentary. See Pieke Shirah, HTK^ *p"ia 1735. ELIJAH ben Moses de Vidas. nD2n n^K'K^ Cabalistical guide to a religious life. 4th edition. 4*. Amsterdam, 1708. See Jacob ben Mobdecai Poggetto, n^DPI H^K^K") IIVp 1725. ELIJAH ben Solomon Abraham. "1D1D t32K^ Guide to a moral and religious life. 4*. Sulzbach, 1761. ELISHA ben Abraham. r\)r]:T]) • • • K^n^D See Asher ben Jehiel, D^iK' *a 1736. 40 ELJAKIM ESHED. ELJAKIM b€n Judah Hamilzaghi. n''^3J<1 Criticisms on the " Gottesdienstliche Vortrage " of Dr. Zunz, and on the historical researches of S, J. L. Rapoport. 4°. Ofen, 1837. ELLENBERGER, Naphtali Zebi. T1i?1 ?V A chronological account of the persecutions of the Jews, and of their liberators. Translated into Hebrew from the German, with emendations and additions by Zebi ben Mordecai Horovitz. 8\ Pre^hnrg, 1882. ELZAS, A, ^ee Bible. ProverU of Solomon, 1871. See Bible. Joh 1872. EMDEN, Jacob Hirschel, Biography of Jacob Hirschel Emden. See wagenaar, h. A., f "ny^ nnVin 1868. EMDEN, Jacob Israel ben Zebi. See Jacob Israel hen Zebi Emden. EPHRAIM ben Aaron Lenczycz [Lentschuetz]. ny*T ^nst? A compilation from his sermons and meditations on each portion of the Scripture lessons, fol. Prague, 1610. 0^1133 TP Homilies on the Pentateuch. 4". Amsterdam, 1769. D^^n? m"li< Religious discourses for the New Year, the Day of Atone- ment, the Sabbath in the Ten Penitential Days, and Passover. 4". Amsterdam, 1770. CB^ n^DV Homilies. 4^ Ley den, 1772. D^")SN ni?/'iy Homilies on the several stages of life from childhood to old age ; on festivals and other solemn days ; on " the three ^ pillars of the world ; " on future redemption ; and on the adages of Rabbi bar-bar-Chan a. 4°. Amsterdam, 1779. "^p^ ^?3 Commentary on the Pentateuch. 4°. ZolUew, 1798. Commentary on the Passover-night Service. See LiTUEGiES. 1781. ESHED HA-NECHALIM. D^?n3n 1K^fc< A commentary on Magen Abraham and Mag en David [upon the Shulckan Aruch or Ritual observances]; with Responses extracted from the author's manuscript work NfiJ'l T])^i 8°. Livorno, 1821. ESTHORI EYBESCHUETZ. 41 ESTHORI ben Moses Parchi. [^"K *3^T 7y] msi "linSD CapMor wa-pherach de ritibus terrain sanc- tam spectantibus necnon de geographia, antiquitatibus, nummis, &c., introdiictionem atqiie annotatioiies adjecit Hirsch Edelraann. 4°. Berlin, 1852. ETHERIDGE, J. W., M.A. Jerusalem and Tiberias, Sora and Cordova ; a survey of the reli- gious and scholastic learning of the Jews, designed as an intro- duction to the study of Hebrew literature. 8°. London, 1856. See Targums of Onkelos a7id Jonathan ben Uzziel. 1862-65. EUCHEL, Isaac. vEJ'D Proverbs, with German translation and Hebrew commentary. See Bible. Proverbs. 1790. EWALD, Dr. Ferdinand Christian. See Talmud, Ahodah Zarah. 1868. EWALD, Heinrich. The History of Israel. Translated from the German. Vols. I. and 11. edited, with a preface and appendix, by Russell Martineau, M.A. Vols. III., IV. and V. edited by J. Estlin Carpenter, M.A. Second edition. Revised and continued to the commencement of the Monarchy. 5 vol. 8°. London, 1869-74. Vol. 1. Introduction and preliminary history. 2. History of Moses and the Theocracy. 3. The rise and splendour of the Hebrew Monarchy. 4. From the disruption of the Monarchy to its fall. 5. The history of Ezra and of the Hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. The Antiquities of Israel. Translated from the German by Henry Shaen Solly, M.A. 8°. London, 1876. EYBESCHUETZ, David Salomon. See David Salomon Eybe- SCHUETZ. EYBESCHUETZ, Jonathan ben Nathan. See Jonathan ben Nathan EYBESCHUETZ. 42 FAGIUS FORMSTECHER. FAGIUS, P. See Elijah len Asher Levita, p3"linO 1541. FASSEL, HiRSCH B. 7N ^DDK'D Das mosaisch-rabbinische Civilrecht, mit Angabe der Quellen, nebst Anhang, enthaltend das Sklavengesetz. 2 vol. 8° Gross-Kanisza, 1854. DQtJ'D niU'y Das mosaisch-rabbinische Gerichts-Verfahren in civil- rechtlichen Sachen. [In German.] 8°. Gross-Kanisza, 1858. 17*Vni 1DSK'"I Das mosaisch-rabbinische Strafgesetz, mit Angabe der Quellen. [German only.] 8°. Gross-Kanisza, 1870. FERGUSON, James, D.C.L. The Temples of the Jews and other buildings in the Haram area at Jerusalem. 4°. London, 1878. FILIPOWSKI, H. See Abraham hen Chijah "lliyn "1SD 1851. See Abraham ben Samuel Zacut D^SJTI pDHV 1857. See Azariah de' Rossi 5)03? PjlVD 1854. See DONASCH ben Librat t3"in^ p m)l nniEJ^D 1855. See Menahem ben Saruk DnjD m3n 1854. FIRKOWITCH, Abraham. Biography of A. Firkowitch. See Deinard, E., f\^l p« nnbin 1875. FISCHER, KARL. Gutmeinung Uber den Talmud der Hebraer, von K. Fischer, k.k. Censor, Revisor und Translator im hebr. Fache zu Prag. (Nach einem MS. vom Jahre 1802.) 8°. Wien, 1883. FLEISCHER, Prof. Dr. H. L. See Levy, Dr. J. Neuhebraisches und Chald. Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim. 1875-82. FOGES, Benedikt. Alterthiimer der Prager Josefstadt, israelitischer Friedhof, Alt- Neu-Schule und andere Synagogen. Herausgegeben von David J. Podiebrad. Zum Theile nach gesammelten Daten und erwor- benen Manuscripten des Herausgebers, verfasst von B. Foges. [With illustrations.] 8°. Prague, 1870. FORMSTECHER, Dr. S. Die Religion des Geistes, eine wissenschaftliche Darstellung des Judenthums, nach seinem Character, Entwicklungsgange und Berufe in der Menschheit. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1841. FRANCK FREY. 43 FRANCK, Adolphe. Die Kabbala oder die Religions-Philosophie der Hebraer. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt, verbessert und vermehrt von Ad. Gelinek [Jellinek]. 8". Leipzig, 1844. FRANKEL, Dr. Z. njJJ'Dn ^3m Hodegetica in Mischnam librosque cum ea conjunctos, Tosefta, Mechilta, Sifra, et Sifri. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Dr. Bernhard Beer. Ein Lebens- und Zeitbild, mit Portrait und Facsimile. 8°. Breslau, 1863. *D7B^1Tn i55>3K Biographies of Jonathan Eybeschuetz and Solomon Munk. 8°. Lyck, 1879. GEDALIAH ben Abraham Menahem Teikus. Jewish-German translation of the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1768. \\1\> min In two sections. 1. On the 613 precepts. 2. \'\th7\ \r\ on Hebrew Grammar [in the German-Jewish dialect] for the use of the young. 12°. Amsterdam, 1765. T'NItJ'* nJIDX On the principles of the Jewish religion. 12°. Lemberg, 1873. GEDALIAH ben Joseph Ibn Jachiah. n^Spn rh^?^ A chronology of Jewish history and Jewish writers, treating also of physical, metaphysical and astrological subjects. 8°. Warsaw, 1877. GEIGER, Dr. Abraham. D^32n N?D Melo Chofnajim. Biographic Joseph Salomo del Medigo's nebst dessen kurzem Leitfaden der hebr.-jiidischen Literatur- geschichte, mit Anmerkungen und einzelnen Bemerkungen zu andern hier mitgetheilten hebr. Schriften. Herausgegeben von W. Wilzig. [Hebrew and German.] 8°. Berlin, 1840. 46 GEIGER. GEIGER, Dr. Abraham — continued. Lehr- iind Lesebucli zur Sprache der Mischnah. 2 parts. 8°. Breslau, 1845. Abtheilung 1. Lehrbuch. „ 2. Lesebncli. Diran des Castiliers Abu'l Hassan Judah Ha-Levi. Nebst Biogra- pliie und Anmerkungen. 12». Breslau, 1851. t^mJK'ID Parschandatha. Die nordfranzosische Exegetenschule. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Bibelexegese und der judischen Literatur. 8°. Leipzig, 1855. D^mai D^^f^V Jiidische Dichtungen der spanischen und italienischen Schule. 8». Leipzig, 1856. Urschrift und Uebersetzungen der Bibel in ihrer Abhangigkeit von der innern Entwickelung des Judenthums. 8°. Breslau, 1857. Saducaer und Pharisaer. 8°. Breslau, 1863. Das Judenthum und seine Geschichte. 3 vol. in 1. 8°. Breslau, 1864-71. Gedachtnissfeier zum Andenken des . . . Herrn Baron James von Rothschild, gehalten am 29 November 1 868. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1868. Die Stellung des Judenthums zum Christenthum im dreizehnten und vierzehnten Jahrhundert. 8'. Breslau, 1871. Nachgelassene Schriften. 5 vol. 8°. Berlin 1875-78. Vol. 1 . Brochiiren [chiefly theo- logical essays] . Abhandlungen aus den Programmen der jiid. Religionsschule in Breslau, 1844-63. Predigten, 1838-69. Leitartikel aus der wis- senschaftlicben Zeit- Bchrift fiir jiidische Th.eologie. 2. Einleitung in das Studi- nm der judischen Theo- logie. Allgemeine Einleitung in die Wissenschaft des Judenthums. Vol. 2. Literaturbriefe aus dem Jahre 1853. 3. Josef Salomo del Medigo. Moses ben Maimon. Juda Ha-Leyi. Isaac Troki. Jiidische Dichtungen der spani- schen Schule. [Theologische und lexicographi- sche] Abhandlungen aus der Zeitschrift der deutsch-mor- genlandischen Gesellschaft. 4. Einleitung in die biblischen Schriften. Pirke Aboth. 5. [Autobiographical sketches and literary correspondence.] GEIGER GHIRONDI. 47 GEIGER, Dr. Abraham — continued. Nachgelassene Schriften. D^nDKD nvup Abhandlungen in hebrai- scher Spracbe. With a German introduction by the editor R[aphael] K[irchheim]. Biographies of the Kimchi family: — Joseph Kimchi. Moses Kimchi. David Kimchi [p'm] On a commentary on the Book of Ezra, falsely attributed to Joseph Karo. Supplement to the Author's Parschan- datha. Philological and miscellaneous notes. See Liturgies. 1854. See Periodical Publications. Jiidische Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft und Leben. GEIGER, LuDwiG. Das Studium der hebraischen Spracbe in Deutschland vom Ende des XV. bis zur Mitte des XVI. Jahrhunderts. 8°. Breslau, 1870. Gescbichte der Juden in Berlin. 8°. Berlin, 1871. GELBHAUS, Dr. S. Rabbi Jehuda Ha-Nassi und die Redaction der Mischna. Eine kritisch-historische und vergleichend-mythologische Studie. 8°. Vienna, 1876. GELINEK. See Jellinek, Dr. Adolph. GESENIUS, WiLHELM. Thesaurus philologicus criticus linguas HebraBae et Chaldeeae veteris testamenti. [Parts 6 and 7 continued by Emil Roediger, who has added grammatical and other indexes.] 7 parts. fol. Leipzig, 1829-58. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament. Translated by" Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, LL.D. 4°. London, 1857. Hebrew Grammar, translated from Roediger's edition by Benjamin Davies, LL.D. . . . Revised and enlarged with the help of Prof. E. Kautsch's German edition, and other recent authorities, by Edward C. Mitchell, D.D., with full subject. Scripture, and Hebrew indexes. 4th edition. 8°. London, 1880. See Davies, A., Student's Hebrew Lexicon. 1876. GHIRONDI, M. S. 7N"I5J>^ ^Plli nn?in Biographical and bibliographical notices of Jewish authors, especially of those who flourished in Italy; based upon the manuscript work n3*l3? D^p^T^ 13T of Hananel Nepi, with additions and corrections. 8°. Triest, 1853. 48 GINSBURG GOODMAN. GINSBURG, Christian D. See Massoeah. 1880. GODINES, Benjamin Senior. (ni3-i3 n«D) niD"in -no See Liturgies. 1687. GOLDBERG, BAR. Chronologische Tafel zur Berechnung des cliristlichen Kalenders. 8°. Xonigsberg, 1842. See Isaac ben Joseph Israeli D7iy TlD'' 1848. See Jonah ben G-anach IIDpin 1BD 1856. See JuDAH ben Koeeisch ri'pXDT 1857. See Maasseh Nissim D^Di n^V^ 1867. See Shbrira Gaon pS: KinST 21 mJK 1873. GOLDENTHAL, Dr. J. Die neuerworbenen handschriftlichen Werke der. . . Hofbibliothek zu Wien. . . sammt Erganzungen zum Krafft'schen Catalog. [Latin title also.] 4°. Vienna, 1851. GOLDFAHN, Dr. A. H. Justinus Martyr und die Agada. 8°. Breslau [187 .]. GOLDSMID, Anna Maria. See Jews op Roumania. 1872. See Philippson, Dr. Ludwig. The development of the Religious Idea. 1855. See Solomon, Dr. Gotthold. Twelve Sermons. 1839. GOLDSMID, Sir Francis Henry, Bart. A scheme of Peerage reform, with reasons for the scheme. By the youngest of the Tompkinses. \_Pseud.'] 8°. London, 1835. A Lecture on the history of the Jews in Spain. 8°. London, 1855. See Jews in England. 1830-48. Biography of Sir F. H. Goldsmid. See Marks, Rev. D. W., and Rev. A. Lowy. 1882. GOLDZIHER, Ignaz. Studien iiber Tanchum Jeruschalmi. 8°. Leipzig, 1870, GOODMAN, Tobias. b^'W^ naiDX The Faith of Israel. [Instruction in the principles and the ritual observances of the Jewish religion.] 8°. London, 1834- GOTTLOBER GRAETZ. 49 GOTTLOBER, Abraham. D»X-|pn nnhn^ mpn Researches into the history of the Karaites. 8°. Wilna, 1865. nn^Dnni ni»3pn nn*?in History of Kabbalah and Chasidism. [With a second title page in Russian.] 8°. Zitomir, 1869. GRABBER, Eisig. nniJ^ ^D Eighty-one poems by mediaeval Hebrew poets (Judah ha-Levi, Solomon Gabirol, etc.), collected, prefaced and annotated by S. D. Luzzatto, with additional notes by 'n Tl 'T '^ [S. Hal- berstamm]. Edited by Eisig Graeber. 8°. Przemysl, 1881. See LUZATTO, S. D. b'"^^ nn:« 1882-83. See Rappopoet, S. L. T-^C^ nn:K , 1885. GRAETZ, H. D^JEJ'IK^ Dp? Lehet Schoschamm. Blumenlese neu-hebraischer Dich- tungen. Chronologisch geordnet. [Hebrew poetry from the period of the Talmud to the time of Emanuel Romano.] 12°. Breslau, 1862. Geschichte der Juden von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. 11 vol. [Vol. 2 in 2 parts.] 8°. Leipzig, 1866-82. The following is a translation of the contents: — Vol. 1. From primeval time (about 1600 B.C.) to the death, of King Solomon and tlie partition of the Empire (about 977 B.C.). 2. (part 1) From B.C. 977 to the Babylonian Exile (586 B.C.). (part 2) From B.C. 586 to the deatb of Judas Maccabaeus (B.C. 160). 3. From B.C. 160 to the fall of the Jewish commonwealth. 4. From the fall of the Jewish commonwealth to the close of the Tal- mud A.D. 500. 5. From A.D. 500 to the development of Judgeo-Spanish culture (A.D. 1027). 6. From A.D. 1027 to the death of Maimonides (A.D. 1205). 7 & 8. From A.D. 1205 to the exile of the Jews from Spain and Portugal. 9. From A.D. 1525 to the first permanent settlement of the Marannos (secret Jews) in Holland (A.D. 1618). 10. From A.D. 1618 to the dawn of the Mendelssohn period (A.D. 1750). 11. From A.D. 1750 to 1848. Frank und die Frankisten, eine Secten-Geschichte aus der letzten Halfte des vorigen Jahrhunderts. 8°. Breslau, 1868. The Minister-Rabbi Samuel Nagdela. See Hebeew Literatuee Society, Miscellany, vol. 1. 1872. Monatschrift fiir Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums. See Periodical Publications. H 50 GROJEWSKY HAFTAROTH. GROJEWSKY, Rev. Lazar. See LiTUEGiES. Hagadah for Passover. 1877. GRtJNHUT, D. See JuDAH hen Samuel of Ratisbon DH^Dn "IDD 1713. GRtTNSPAHN, Meir. See Jacob hen Aaeon Saspoetas. ^nV ^ni3 n^»>f, 1867. GUEDALLA, H. See MoNTEFiOEE, Sib Moses. 1882. GtTDEMANN, Dr. Moritz. Die Geschichte der Juden in Magdeburg. 8°. Breslau^ 1866. Das jiidische Unterrichtswesen wahrend der spanisch-arabischen Periode. 8°. Vienna, 1873. Religionsgeschichtliche Studien. 8°. Zeijpzig, 1876. Geschichte des Erziehungswesens und der Cultur der Juden, 2 vol. 8°. Vienna, 1880-84. Lexidion. . . griechischer und lateinischer Fremdworter. See MiDEASH ^nan Knp^DB 1880. HAARBRtJCKER, Theodor. See Wissenschaftliche Blatter aus der Veitel Heine Ephraim'sclien Lehranstalt. 1862. HAASSIF. Pj^DXn [a Hebrew annual]. Edited by Nahum Sokolef. See Peeiodical Publications. HARZBERG-FRANKEL, Leo. Polnische Juden ; Geschichten und Bilder. 8°. Vienna, 1867. HAFTAROTH. nJK^n 7DD nntssn Haftaroth or Lessons from the Prophets. With a German translation in Hebrew characters, and a Hebrew com- mentary. 8*. Berlin, 1790. See Bible. Pentateuch. Various editions. HAGADAH HARBURGER. 51 HAGADAH. man no Liturgy for the first two nights of Passover. See Solomon Zalman London riK^D n^np 1818. HAHISHTACHOTH 'al Kibre hatzadikim. D>pn:;n nap i>y ninna^nn On prostrations upon the tombs of "the Righteous Men " of the sect of the Chasidim, and on intercourse with the spirits of the departed. Together with an account of the death of R. Menahem Mendl. 8°. Warsaw, 1871. HALE, Ven. William Hale, M.A. The history of the Jews from the time of Alexander the Great to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. 8°. London^ 1850. HALEVY, Joseph. Travels in Abyssinia. See Hebeew Literatubb Society, Miscellany, vol. 2. 1877. HAMBERGER, Dr. C. H. See De Rossi, G. B., Historisches Worterbuoh der jiid. Schriftsteller. 1839. HAMBURGER, Dr. J. Geist der Sagada. Sammlung hagadischer Ausspriiche aus den Talmuden und Midraschim iiber bibl., dogm., moral, und antiqua- rische Gegenstande in alphab. Ordnung. Buchstabe A. n 8°. Leipzig, 1857. Real-Encyclopadie fUr Bibel und Talmud. Worterbuch zum Hand- gebrauch fiir Theologen, Juristen &c. [In two alphabetical divi- sions, the first of which relates to the Biblical, and the second to the Talmudical period.] 2 vol. 8°. Strelitz, 1866-83. HANANEL of Kairvan. ?KJin ?1iD Migdal Chananel. Ueber Leben und Schrifteu R. Oha- nanel's, in Kairvan. Nebst hebr. Beilagen, enthaltend Chananel's Commentar zum Tr. Makkoth, Erklarungen zum Pentateuch und zum Buche Jecheskel. [Edited by Dr. D. Z. Hoffmann, with in- troduction by Dr. A. Berliner.] 8°. Leipzig, 1876. HANNOVER, Samuel Sanvil. Commentary on the Prayers for Festivals. See LiTUEGlHS. 1804. HARBURGER, J. See Talmud NDIT pK H"!! [flDDD] 1839. H 2 52 HARKAVY HEBREW LITERATURE SOCIETY, HARKAVY, Albert. D»11X7Dn JISK^I D^^^rrn Die Juden und die slavischen Sprachen, [Hebrew only.] 8°. Wilna, 1867. HARTMANN, Eduard von. Das Judenthum in Gegenwart und Zukunft. 8". Leipzig, 1885. HAST, Rev. M. See Liturgies. rtlUyn 11D The Divim Service. 1879. HAUSE, Benedict. t^np X"lpD Fest- und Sabbathpredigten zum Gebrauche fiir Lehrer und zur hauslichen Erbauung. 8". Frankfort on the Main, 1870. HEBENSTREIT, J. Christian. See David ben Solomon Gans D^VJI "T»n3 1743. HEBREW LITERATURE SOCIETY. Ibn Ezra Literature. — The commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah ; edited from MSS. and translated with notes, introductions, and indexes, by M. Friedlander, Ph. D. 4 vol. 8°. London, 1873-7. Vol. 1. Translation of the commentary. 2. The Anglican version of Isaiah amended according to the com- mentary of Ibn Ezra. 3. The Hebrew text of the commentary on Isaiah, with glossary. 4. Essays on the writings of Abraham Ibn Ezra, by Dr. M. Fried- lander. To which are appended fragments, hitherto inedited, of Ibn Ezra's commentaries, from MSS. in the British Museum. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. Vol. 1. Edited by Israel Davis, M.A. 8°. London, 1872. 1. The Minister-Rabbi Samuel Ibn Nagrela [Nagdela]. . . by Dr. H. Graetz. Translated from the G-erman by the Rev. Dr. S. Davidson. 2. Specimen of the Biur on G-enesis, ch. ii. Translated from the Hebrew, with an introduction, biographical sketches, and notes, by Dr. A. Benisch. 3. Specimen of the Book Cusari. The Arabic text edited and translated with notes by Adolph Neubauer. 4. Chisdai the son of Isaac. A biographical sketch by Dr. [David] Cassel. Translated by A. J. K. D. 5. Epistle of R. Chisdai, son of Isaac, to the king of the Cusars. Translated from the Hebrew with Zedner's notes (as contained in his "Auswahl historischer Stiicke "). Translated from the German by A. J. K. D. 6. Answer of Joseph, king of the Togarmi, to Chisdai. Translated from the Hebrew by A. J. K. D., under the direction of Dr. S. Davidson. 7. Selections from two letters written by Obadia di Bertinoro. Translated from the Hebrew by A. J. K. D., under the direction of Dr. S. Davidson. HEBREW LITERATURE SOCIETY HELLER. 53 HEBREW LITERATURE SO CmTY— continued. 8. On the sufferings of the Jews in tlie middle ages. Translated from tlie "Synagogale Poesie des Mittelalters," with notes and an introduction on the writings of Dr. Zunz, by the Rev. A. Lowy. 9. Letters of Maimonides to Jehudah Ibn Tibbon. Translated from the Hebrew with notes by the Rev. Dr. H. Adler. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. Vol. 2. Edited by Rev. A. Lowy. 8°. London, 1877. 1. Life and labours of Manasseh ben Israel, being a contribution to the history of the Jews in England. . . . Translated from the German of Dr. M. Kayserling by Dr. F. De Sola Mendes. 2. The Sons of the Prophets and the Prophetic Schools, by Dr. A. Benisch. 3. Legends from the Midrash. Translated by Thomas Chenery, M.A. 4. On the Hebrew translations of " L'Image du Monde,". . . by H. Neubauer, M.A. Translated by I. A. 5. Travels in Abyssinia by J. Halevy. Translated from the author's MSS. by James Picciotto. 6. Abraham Ibn Ezra's Short Commentary on Daniel. Edited with an Appendix of the variation of two additional MSS. of his Commentary on the Canticles, by H. J. Mathews, M.A. The Guide of the Perplexed, by Moses ben Maimon. Translated from the original text and annotated by M. Friedlander, Ph. D. Vol.1. [In progress.] 8°. London, 1S81. HEBREW REVIEW. See Periodical Publications. HEFFNER, Dr. L. Die Juden in Franken, Ein unpartheiischer Beitrag zur Sitten- und Rechtsgeschichte Frankens. Mit 29 Urkunden-Beilagen. 8°. mirnberg, 1855. HEGESIPPUS. -ffigesippi historiographi . . . historia de hello judaico, Sceptri subla- tione, Judeorum dispersione, et Hierosolymitano excidio. fol. [Paris, 1511.] HEIDENHEIM, Wolf. See Beechee, Gideon. Concordantise nominnm proprium. 1876. D^JD^^ani D^DI^an On poems and poets of the Synagogue. See LiTUEGiES. 1832-54. HEILPRIN, J. See Jehiel ben Solomon Heilprin. HELLER, JoM-TOB Lipman. See Jom-tob Lipman Heller. 54 HERRMANN HOCHSTADTER. HERRMANN, J. ' Le Temple de Jerusalem d'apr^s les travaux des Archeologues mo- dernes. 8°. Valenciennes, 1882. HERXHEIMER, Dr. S. A new and practical method of learning the Hebrew language. Translated and remodelled bj A. Oppler. 2nd edition. 8°. London, 1862. HERZFELD, Dr. L. Zwei Vortrage iiber die Kunstleistungen der Hebraer und alten Juden. 8*. Leipzig, 1864. Metrologische Voruntersuchungen zu einer Geschichte des ibraischen respective altjiidischen Handels. 2te Lieferung. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. G-eschichte des Volkes Israel von der Zerstorung des ersten Tempels bis zur Einsetzung des Mackabaers Schimon. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. Handelsgeschichte der Juden des Alterthums. 8°. Braunschweig, 1879. HEZEKIAH ben Manoach Chazkuni [Oiptn]. Commentary on the Pentateuch. See Bible. BiUia Rahhinica Magna. 1724-28. HIERONYMUS. Questiones in Genesin. See Rahmee, Dr. M. Die hebraischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus. 1861. HIRSCH, Chajes. See Chajes Hirsch. HIRSCH, Samson Raphael. Aus dem yabbinischen Schulleben. 4". Frankfort on the Main, 1870. Ein Einblick in einen altjiidischen Erziehungs-Kanon. !4°. Frankfort on the Main, 1870. HIRSCHFELD, Dr. H. S. See Talmud. Tractatus Macot. 1842. HIRSCHFELD, Joseph. D^Sn^n niDK^, oder Synonymik. . . der hebraischen Sprache. 8°. Berlin, 1830. HOCHSTADTER, Dr. Benjamin. Zur Versohnung der positiven Religionen und ihrer Bekenner. Vor- trag gehalten in Mendelssohn- Verein zu Frankfurt a/M. 8°. n. d. HOFFMANN HUTTER. 55 HOFFMANN, Dr. David Z. Mar Samuel, Rector der jiidischen Akademie zu Nehardea, in Baby- lonien. Lebensbild eines talmudischen Weisen der ersten Halfte des dritten Jahrhunderts nach den Quellen dargestellt. 8°, Lei;pzig, 1873. See Hananel of Kaievan ^t^JJH ^nJD 1876. See Pekiodical Publications. Mag. fiir die Wissensch. des Juden- thums. HOLDHEIM, S. niK^^NH "IDXD On the laws of matrimony and consanguinity according to the Rabbinites and the Karaites ; with historical and critical inquiries into the dijffierences among the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Karaites, and the Rabbinites. 8°. Berlin, 1861, HOLLJENDERSKI, Leon. Meditations d'un proscrit polonais. [Containing poems on Jewish and other topics.] 8". Paris, 1861. ^7D *JiyD Delices Royales, ou le jeu des Echecs, son histoire, ses regies et sa valeur morale. Par [Abraham] Aben Ezra et [Bon- senior] Aben Yehia, Rabbins du XII® siecle. Traduction de I'Hebreu, par L. Hollasnderski. 8°. Paris, 1864. Dix-huit • siecles de prejuges Chretiens, precede d'une lettre approba- tive par Ad. Cremieux. 8°. Paris, 1869. HOROVITZ, Dr. M. Frankfurter Rabbinen, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der israelitischen Gemeinden in Frankfurt am Main. 1200-1805. [With Hebrew appendices.] Parts 1-4. 8°. Fmnlfort on the Main, 1882-85. HOROVITZ, Zebi hen Mordegai. See Ellenberger, Naphtali Zebi lli^l Vv 1882. HURWITZ, Hyman. Vindiciae Hebraicae, or a defence of the Hebrew Scriptures as a vehicle of revealed religion. 8°. London, 1820. *nJ ?1p The Tears of a grateful people. A dirge and hymn chaunted in the Great Synagogue, St. James's Place, Aldgate, on the day of the funeral of King George III. Translated into English verse by a friend [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]. 4th edition. 8°. London, 1820. Sagen der Hebraer aus den Schriften der alten hebraischen Weisen. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von *r. 8°. Leijgzig, 1828. HUTTER, Elias. See Bible. BiUia Ehrcea. 1603. 56 IBN GANACH ISAAC. IBN GANACH [or Janah]. See Jonah Merwan Ibn Ganach. IBN JACHIAH, BoNSENiOR. See Bonsenior Ibn Jachiah. IBN JACHIAH [or Yachiah]. See Joseph ben David Ibn Jachiah. IBN ROSHD Abu'l Walid Muhammed. See AVEEROES DnDND n^)h\i^ 1869. ISAAC hen Abba Mare. IID^yn 1SD Laws relating to property, betrothals, divorces, and marriage contracts. [Folio 92^ contains a mathematical poem.] fol. Venice, 1608. ISAAC Aboab, the Elder. niKIOn mi31D With commentary miH* K^B3, by Moses ben Simeon Frankfurt. [Moral philosophy of Judaism on a Talmudical basis.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1700. Another edition. fol. Amsterdam, 1722. See Moses ben Simeon Feankpurt ni^^riQ V2^ 1721. ISAAC Aboab, the Younger. See Shibah Enayim. 1745. ISAAC ben Abraham Chayim Jeshurun. See Joseph ben Epheaim Caeo, Shulchan Aruoh. 1754, 1783. ISAAC ben Abraham Grahnboom. pnV* V^T On the Law, divine worship, and acts of charity. 4°. Amsterdam, 1789. ISAAC ben Abraham Molco. D^p^^l^ nim&? Ethical philosophy, translated from the Jewish- German. Also directions, alphabetically arranged, for blessings to be said on partaking of various articles of food, and on other occasions. 16°. Frankfort on the Oder, 1794. [Wants title-page and a portion of the introduction.] ISAAC Baruch Levi. ^DJIIQD? pnv* • • • nnpin Biography of Isaac ben Samuel Lampronti. 8°. Lyck, 1871. ISAAC. 57 ISAAC ben David of Osierow. ND1T pnv* ^3Q Dissertations on Talmudical treatises. Part 1 relates to section "Moed." Part 2 (fol. 86b) contains notes on "Nezikin," " KodosMm," and "Tehoroth." fol. Amsterdam, 1731. ISAAC ben Eliakim. * p^K 'ilK iiV TS D^KD^J T^X nSD tJ>T*1 * * ' " This book is made for the young and the old, and (has) all the rules how a man shall conduct himself." A treatise in Jewish- German on ritual and moral duties. fol. Amsterdam, 1706. h'<)) pxna n :i3n ^i'N na -i3K , |k^^^ pni pvD njiy^ ^'px • • • V2 D"in*i "li^n jiB • • • D^jn ik^^pd tn *!?«••• itNij jtj'^ii • • • h^k • • • i3^x Dnyii ny "All readers may read therein, but especially I will let the women know the rules for a man from his birth until he becomes old." 4°. Fiirth, 1765. ISAAC ben Jacob Alfasi [P)"*"i] DD?i< 3"! ni3?n Compendium of the Talmudical JTalachoth, without commentaries. 3 vol. 16°. Basel, 1602. Another edition, with D^UJn iU7^ (noise variorum) and the com- mentaries enumerated below ; also references to the Biblical passages and the rabbinical authorities. 3 vol. fol. Amsterdam, 1720. Vol. 1. n"lD13 nr:yn 2. nion* Vol. 2. piD>a PEj'np D^K-np nDD NnsDin ninnso D^:n b "II vp 3. «»p Km 58 ISAAC. ISAAC hen Jacob Alfasi — continued. Alphabetical list of Commentators : Aaron ben David of Pousquieres, Temim deotJi. Asher ben Jehiel, Hasagoth [K^"K1]. Baruch. ben David of G-nesen, CMdushe gediillath Mordechai. Benjamin ben Abraham Motal, CMdushe haal tumath jesharim. Isaac ben Reuben of Barcelona, Shaare shebuoth. Isaiah ben Elijah of Trani, the younger, Commentary. Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi, Commentary. Joseph Ibn Chabi'b, JVimuke Joseph. Joseph ben Mordecai G-ershon, CMdushe Anshe Shem. Menahem Tiktin, Commentary. Mordecai ben Hillel Ashkenazi, Extracts from Gedullath Mordechai, Moses ben Nachman 3filchamoth hashem. Nathan Spira, Commentary. Nissim ben Reuben G-erondi, Commentary. Solomon ben Isaac [^''B^n], Extracts from Commentaries. Zechariah Ha-Levi, Hamaor hagadol, ISAAC ben Joseph Caro. (minn ^V '*S) pnv^ nin^in Commentary on the Pentateuch. [Wants title-page.] fol. Cracow, 1593. Another edition. 4°. Amsterdam, 1708. ISAAC ben Joseph Israeli. D?iy *I1D^ Liber Jesod Olam sen Fundamentum Mundi. Opus astro- nomicum. With a German epitome. Edited by B. Goldberg and L. Rosenkranz. 2 vol. in 1. 4°. Berlin, 1848. D^KBri? *lD1Dn "IDD Isak Israeli's Propsedeutik fiir Arzte, iibersetzt von Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann. Vorbemerkung von Dr. A. Berliner. 8°. Berlin, 1885. ISAAC ben Judah Abravanel [Abarbanel]. nJK'IOn n2D"1D Commentary on Deuteronomy. fol. Sabionetta, 1551. D*312^^^<■^ D^t^^li ?V tJ'ITQ Effigies accuratissima; sen commentarius in quatuor priores prophetarum libros. Auctus cum novo commen- tario [riNSI T^T\'2^ Dp?] ab auctore Jacob Fidanque. [Hebrew.] fol. Hamburg, 1687. Commentary. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1768, 1785-87. Commentary on the Service for the Passover-nights. See Liturgies. 1781. ISAAC. 59 ISAAC DE Lattes. Prefatory sanction to the publication of the Zohar. See Simeon hen Jochai intn 1736. ISAAC DE Leon* See Shibah enayim. 1745. ISAAC hen Meir of Dueren. i5"in *"iyK^ Treatises on things ritually lawful or unlawful. 4°. Basel, 1599. ISAAC Meir ben Jonah Frenkel. See Jacob hen Solomon Ibn Chabib 3py^ py 1740. ISAAC hen Mordecai Gershon. Commentary on Malachi. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna. 1724-28, ISAAC hen Moses Arama. pnv^ T\1\»3 Religious philosophy, adapted to the weekly portions of the Law. Also a philosophical exposition of the Five Scrolls. fol. Venice, 1573. ISAAC hen Moses Duran [Efodi], '*a Commentary. See MoSBS hen Maimon DOUJ miD 1742. ISAAC hen Samuel Lampronti. pnv^ *ins An alphabetical glossary to the Mishnah, Boraitha, Gemara, the Halachoth of Alfasi, and other rabbinical authorities. Vol. I. and II. fol. Venice, 1750-51. Biography of Isaac Lampronti. See Isaac Baruch Levi pnv^ nni>in 1871. ISAAC ScHOR. D*D3n nyil DIDIP An alphabetical record of the earlier and later Rabbins cited in the Babylonian Talmud (the Tanaim and the Amoraim), and the authorities from whom they derived their information. Edited by his son Jacob Schor, who has added, under the title D^D^n ' Rules for the ritual process of killing animals for food. These rules are in verse and contain in an acrostic the name of the author. See Chayim Moses Cakeegal HK^D pD> 1777-78. ISRAEL ben Samuel. \rh'\^T] niK"I D^«>n3 1687. JACOB Abraham ben Raphael. (minn hv) '2,'pV'* n?n3 Short commentary on passages in the Penta- teuch, fol. Amsterdam, 1729. JACOB ben Asher of Toledo [D^lt^n ^yn]. D*"l1t3 ny2")X Code of religious, legal and domestic enactments and observances, in four parts. Part 1. D>*n miK niD "Order of the Path of Life," containing three sections, in 697 paragraphs, on observances for Week Days, Sabbaths and Festivals. 2. T\V^ mV "IID "Order of the Guide to Knowledge," in 403 para- graphs, treating of things lawful and unlawful. 3. "iryn |3K "IID " Order of the Eben Ezer" (or Stone of " Help"), in 178 paragraphs, on the rules relating to woman, principally with regard to matrimony. 4. DDEJ'On \^r\ IID " Order of the Breast-plate of Judgment," in 426 paragraphs, on judicial procedure and the rights of property. With the novella^ entitled f|D1^ D^l, of Joseph ben Ephraim Caro, ntJ^D OIT of Moses ben Israel Isserles [N"Dn], and the annotations of Judah Loeb ben Meir Chaneles [n^^iriD]. 4 vol. fol. Vienna, 1810-13. "Ityn pfc5 "lID Another edition. Part 3 only, with the commentaries, 9\DV n^n and n^nn pna of Joseph ben Ephraim Caro, HJ^'nai r\^'^'r\ of Joshua Falk ben Alexander, and riK^D ^31*1 of Moses ben Israel Isserles. fol. Wilhermsdorf, 1727. DmiDn ?y3 Commentaries on the Pentateuch. See Bible. Bihlia Rabhinica Magna, and Pentateuch, various edi- tions. JACOB Charasch. DTpD D*D^ A tale of Jewish life in Russia. Translated into Hebrew from the Jewish-German by Joseph Judah Lerner. 8°. Odessa, 1869. JACOB ben Eliezer of Shidlowitz. (T'jn hv) 3pr nn^in Short expositions of Biblical and Talmudical passages. 8°. London, 1770. JACOB, Henry. See Lyons, Isbael. DH^D^n TVWO A Hebrew Grammar. 1823. JACOB. 63 JACOB d'Ilescas. Dyi nD&< Commentary on the Pentateuch. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna. 1724-28. JACOB hen Isaac of Janowa. n3^&?"l1 nJ^KV Jewish-German paraphrase of the Pentateuch (preceded by the Sabbath Morning Service in Hebrew), of the Haftaroth, of the Five Scrolls, and of the Targums of the Five Scrolls. The paraphrase of the Targum of Lamentations is followed by the Talmudical legend of the destruction of the second Temple. 8°. Amsterdam, 1766. JACOB hen Isaac Luzzatto. (mQl "liriDD) nn^NH niillD An exposition, original and compiled, of difficult Agadas in the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud, in various Midrashim, and in the Zohar, 4°. Amsterdam, 1709. JACOB hen Isaac of Zausmer. miDDH bv BAIT'S Commentary on the Massorah, with additions by the author's son, Judah Isaac. 8°. Lemlerg, 1870. JACOB Israel hen Zebi Emden [)^"ny^]. D*D2J^n Dn? Commentary on the Mishnah. fol. Wandshech, 1728. ty HlID m^2 Treatises on the moral philosophy of Judaism. 8°. Altona, 1748. niXJpn min A biography of the Pseudo-Messiah, Shabthai Zebi. 8°. Lemlerg, 1876. JACOB hen Judah. See Shibah Enayim. 1745. JACOB Judah Aryeh Leon. ?D*n n^3in A description of Solomon's Temple and the sacred vessels. 8°. Warsaw, 1860. JACOB of LissA. Biography of Jacob of Lissa. See Zewaath Ha-Geonim. 1875, JACOB hen Machir [Prophatius]. nini^ riD^pn ProphatiiJudsei Monti spessulani Massiliensis( A. 1300) Prooemium in Almanach adhuc ineditum e versionibus duabus antiquis (altera quoque interpolata) una cum textu hebraico e MSS. primum edidit suamque versionem latinam verbalem adjecit Mauritius Steinschneider. 4°. Home, 1876. 64 JACOB. JACOB, R., MA.GID of DUBNO. See Liturgies. 1877, JACOB hen Mokdecai Poggetto [ID^^IS]. nD3n n^J5>S"l IIV^"? Abridged from Reshith Chachmah of Elijah ben Moses de Vidas ; with penitential directions by Isaac ben Solomon Loria, and rules for the observance of the Sabbath by Abraham Levi (Zaken). 8°. Amsterdam,, 1725. JACOB ben Moses Levi Molin [i>"nnD] (T:32J^« *jn3D) y^HD Manual of the rites and observances of the Ashkenazi congregations. 4°. [Lublin] 1590. JACOB ScHOR. See Isaac Schor D^DDH nyil [DltOJip] 1871. JACOB ben Solomon Ibn Chabib. 7m^^ py [Commonly known as IpV py]. A collection of the legends and parables in the Babylonian Talmud. With glossary of the difficult terms at the end of Vol. 1. 2 vol. in 1. S**. Amsterdam, 1684-85. Another edition, with an epitome of the commentaries of Rashi and others. 2 vol. in 1. 12^ Amsterdam, 1714. [-I1K niJriD or r]i:h^ n^np] apy* py Collection of parables and legends in the Talmud, with commentaries enumerated below. The first compilation of commentaries (by Isaac Meir Frenkel) was entitled TIN ni3nD ; on the basis of that work the present edition was enlarged by Solomon Zalman ben Jacob of Glogau. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Amsterdam, 1740.41. List of Commentators and Compilers : — Isaac Meir ben Jonali Frenkel, compiler of tlie collection entitled "11 N ni3n!3 Jom Tob ben Abraham [Sl'Dn] U^mm Josiah ben Joseph Pinto [5)"n] W^^V ">^«0 Judab Aryeb [Leon] of Modena ni'\r\'< n*3 Moses ben Nachman []"2D1'] D^K^nn Nissim ben Reuben G-erondi [I'l] D^K^nn Samuel Eliezer ben Judah Edels [i5"K'"inD] D'lK^nn Solomon ben Isaac ['•"K^"!]. Extracts from, his commentary. Solomon Zalman ben Jacob of Grlogau (compiler of this edition). Tosafists or Glossators of the Babylonian Talmud. See Josiah ben Joseph Pinto, »3B^ p^n ci'^'nn 1764. JACOB JASHAR. 65 JACOB Tawus. Pentateuch, Persian version. See Bible, Walton Polyglot, vol. iv. 1657. JACOB Weil. nip^121 nitS^ntJ' On the slaughtering of animals for food, with anno- tations by Zebi ben Isaac. 8°. Amsterdam, 1745. See David ben Nathan GeOnhut, ^NH l"lt3 1702. JACOB hen Zebi [Hirsch] Emden [y"2V^2 Biography of his father Zebi Hirsch. See Zevaoth Ha-Geonim. 1875. JACOBS, Joseph, B.A. The Jewish Question, 1875-1884. Bibliographical hand-list. 8°. London, 1885. [A bibliography arranged alphabetically under authors' names. The preface contains an analysis of the contents under the headings : General, Germany (general, history, press, the agitation, the defence, political, economical, social, religious, professional, literary treatment, . miscellaneous), Austro-Hungary (general, blood-accusation, Tisza-Eszlar trial), Russia (general, persecu- tion), Roumania, France, England, other countries.] On the racial characteristics of Modern Jews. 8°. 1885. Reprinted from the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Aug., 1886. JACOBSON, B. See LiEBLiNG, L., and B. Jacobson, 3py> fl^l n*t5^ 1881. JAFEH [or Yafeh]. See Mordecai ben Abraham Jafeh. JAFEH [or Yafeh], Samuel ben Isaac. See Samuel ben Isaac Jafeh. JAGHEL, Abraham. See Abraham Jaghel ben Hananiah dei Galicchi. JAHRBUCH FUR DIE Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. See Peeiodical Publications. JAHRBUCHER fur die judische Geschichte und Literatur. See Peeiodical Publications. JASHAR. See Sepher hajashar. K 66 JEDAIAH JELLINEK. JED AT AH ben Abraham Bedarshi. D^IV ni3*ni Meditations on the Universe. With an ode to the Deity in nine sections, each word of which begins with the letter "mem"; and a commentary by Moses ben Mordecai Galante. 4°. Vienna, 1804. Another edition ; with a German translation in Hebrew characters and a Hebrew commentary by Joel ben Joseph Wust. 8°. Dessau, 1807. Biography of Jedaiah Bedarshi. See Kroner, Th., De A. Bedaresii vita. 1868. JEHIEL Michel ben Abraham Epstein. See Isaiah hen Abraham Horwitz, nniH niHI^ ^22^ '\'\'i'\> 1722. JEHIEL ben Solomon Heilprin. niinn no Hebrew chronology, with especial regard to the de- velopment of rabbinical literature. The 2nd volume treats of the earlier and the later Talmudical authorities (the Tenaim and the Amordim). 8°. n. d. [A reprint from the Carlsruhe edition of 1769.] JELLINEK, Adolph. n^npn riDDn ^JJ Auswahl kabbalistischer Mystik. Enthalt — 1. Tractat iiber Emanation. 2. Das Buch der Intuition. 3. Sendschreiben Abraham Abulafias. 4. Uber das Tetragramma- ton von Abraham aus Coin. Nebst histor. Untersuchungen und Charakteristiken. Herausgegeben von A. J. ^ 8°. Leipzig, 1853. C'^nDH n^l Bet ha-Midrasch, Sammlung kleiner Midraschim und vermischter Abhandlungen aus der alteren jiidischen Literatur. Nach Handschriften und Druckwerken gesammelt und herausge- geben von A. J. [An introduction to the several Midraschim is given at the beginning of each volume.] 6 vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1855-78. Der Talmud. Zwei Reden am Hiittenfeste 5625 (1864). 8°. Vienna, 1865. JJ'nQDn DIDilp Bibliography of the authors of Talmudical commen- taries, from R. Nissim Gaon to R. Bezalel Ashkenazi; and of rab- binical expounders and authors of decisions whose writings are not included in the printed editions of the Talmud. Also notes relat- ing to converted Jews who return to their religion. 8°. Vienna, 1877. JELLINEK. 67 JELLINEK — continued, T3tDn D"ll3ilp Bibliography of the names of towns, rivers, and per- sons occurring in letters of divorce. Also a list of proper names, and notices of the HIVnipD niDEJ^ of Bezalel ben Abraham Ashke- nazi. 8°. Vienna, 1877. Dv?3n D"lD31p Bibliography of works in elucidation of the plan of the Mishnah and the Talmud; also a list of the Talmudical autho- rities [the Tanaim and Amorairri]. 8°. Vienna, 1878. -3"^in D"lD31p Bibliography of the 613 commandments in the Law of Moses, according to the Talmud and subsequent rabbinical authorities. Followed by D^Xl^Dn 1DXD, containing passages from the Arabic text of ni^DH "IDD of Maimonides, with Hebrew versions by Abraham ben Chisdai and Moses ben Samuel Ibn Tibbon. With introductions by various authors to the HIVDn IDD and notes on the 613 commandments. Also a supplement by the editor to his I^JOn DIDilp 8°. Vienna, 1878. D"2D"in D"IDi1p Bibliography of commentaries, Novellts, and exposi- tions upon the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides; and the "opinions" of Maimonides as quoted in divers works. Together with a critical notice of the Hebrew version of the Responses of Maimonides, and supplements to the author's previous bibliographical lists. 8°. Vienna, 1878. T'!IDn D")D3"lp Bibliographical list of works on the method adopted in the Agadah and the Midrashim; and of notes, notices and com- mentaries bearing on the Midrashim and minor Agadic writings. Followed by a glossary of foreign terms, and a supplement to the editor's T3TDn D-)D31p ; also collectanea of Midrashim, (^DIp^^J D^EJ'-nD). 8°. Vienna, 1878 n:^"I1 ^npi KT^^nTII D-ltDJIp Worms und Wien. Liturgische Formulare ihrer Todtenfeier aus alter und neuer Zeit, und Namensverzeichniss der Wormser Marty rer aus den Jahren 1096 und 1349, nacli einer Handschrift herausgegeben. 8°. Vierma, 1880. nnSDn D'lDilp Bibliographic der Nominal-, Verbal- und Real-Indices zum babylonischen und jerusal. Talmud, zur Midrasch und Sohar- Literatur, und der alphabetisch geordneten Hagadasammlungen, nebst Zusatzen zu den friiherern Bibliographien und handschrift- lichen Mittheilungen. 8°. Vienna, 1881. K 2 6a JELLINEK JEWS. JELLINEK — continued. ]':^\>'0T\ D"ID:ip Martyrer und Memorbuch. Verzeichniss der Martyrer- gemeinden aus dem Jahren 1096 und 1349; das alte Memorbuch der Deutzer Gemeinde von 1581 bis 1784, nebst Ausziigen aus dem neuen von 1786 bis 1816. Nach Handschriften zu Deutz, Coblenz, Dusseldorf und Versailles. 8°. Vienna, 1881. See Franck, A., Die Kabbala. 1844. See Gastfreund, Dr. J., "I^DTn^ DHDD 1878. . See Joseph hen Zadok, \'Ci\>r\ D^lV 1854. See JUDAH hen Jehiel of Mantua, D^SIV HDIJ 1863. See Menahem de Lonsano, "jnyD 1853. See Moses len Nachman. HD^Dn Tl min 1853. JESHUAH hen, Joseph Ha-Leti. D^iy niDvn An introduction to the study of the Talmud. Appended is KIDjn Nno by Samuel ben Joseph Ha-Nagid. With MS. notes in the margin. 4°. Mantua, 1593. JEWS. History of the Jews. From the birth of Abraham to the destruction of Jerusalem. [Universal History. Ancient. Vol. 2-3.] 8°. London, 1779. History of the Jews. From the dispersion, after the destruction of Jerusalem, to the end of the l7th century. [Universal History. Modern. Vol. 10 and 11.] 8". London, 1779-81. History of Israel, by Prof. J. Wellhausen. [Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, 9th edition. Vol. 13.] 1881. History of the modern Jews, by Israel Davis. [Encyclopsedia Bri- tannica, 9th edition. Vol. 13.] 1881. "Auto-Emancipation." Mahnruf an seine Stammgenossen, voneinem russischen Juden. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Der Talmudjude von Rohling in der Schwurgerichtverhandlung vom 28. October 1882. Zur Abwehr und Verstandigung von D. Lowy. - 8°. Vienna, 1882. Schachmatt den Blutliignern Rohling und Justus, entboten von Franz Delitzch. 2nd edition. 8°. Erlangen, 1883. Die Blutbeschuldigungen gegen die Juden. Von christlicher Seite beurtheilt. [Edited by E. Baumgarten.] 2nd edition. 8°. Vienna, 1883. JEWS. 69 JEWS — continued, Gutmeinung liber den Talmud der Hebraer, von Karl Fischer. 8°. Vienna, 1883. Die allgemeine israelitische Allianz. Bericht des Central-Comites iiber die ersten fiinfundzwanzig Jalire, 1860-1885. Zweite deut- sche Ausgabe, mit einer Schulkarte der Allianz. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Persecutions of the Jews. See Ellenbeegee, N. Z. 1882. Bibliography of the Jewish Question, 1875-1884. See Jacobs, Joseph. 1885, JEWS OF America. Statistics of the Jews of the United States. Compiled under the authority of the Board of Delegates of American Israelites and the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 8°. \_PUladelpUa'] 1880. JEWS OF England. Esther's suit to King Ahasuerus in behalf of the Jews. In a letter to a member of Parliament. 8°. London, 1753. A modest apology for the citizens and merchants of London who petitioned the House of Commons againt naturalizing the Jews. 8°. London, 1753. An apology for the naturalization of the Jews. Containing, 1. An account of the charters granted to the Jews. 2. The popular objections to their naturalization. 3. The naturalization of the Jews an advantage to the kingdom, etc. By a True Believer. 8°. London, 1753. A word or two to the 228 members who voted against the second reading of the Jews' Relief Bill, on the 17th May, 1830. By an Ansonian. 8°. London, 1830. Remarks on the civil disabilities of British Jews. By Francis Henry Goldsmid. 8°. London, 1830. The arguments advanced against the enfranchisement of the Jews, considered in a series of letters. By Francis Henry Goldsmid. 8°. London, 1831. Debates in the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the Bill for removing the civil disabilities of the Jews ; the pro- tests of the Lords Holland and Clifford against the rejection of the Bill, and a list of petitions for and against the measure, pre- sented during the session of 1833. With a preface by Barnard Van Oven. 8°. London, 1834. 76 JEWS. JEWS OF England — continued. Reply to the arguments advanced against the removal of the disabi- lities of the Jews, by Francis Henry Goldsmid. 8°. London, 1848. Parliamentary Oaths. Observations on the law and practice with regard to the administration of oaths, submitted to the Committee of the House of Commons by Mr. Alderman Salomons. 8°. London, 1850. Alteration of oaths considered in a letter to the Earl of Derby, with an appendix by Mr. Alderman Salomons. 8°. London, 1853. Excerpta ex instrumentis publicis de Judaeis. [From a.d. 1189 to 1330. On the question whether Jews could anciently purchase real estates.] 8°. n. d. The status of the Jews in England. See Eqan, Charles. 1848. JEWS OF ROUMANIA. Die Judenverfolgungen in Rumanien, von H. B. Oppenheim. 8°. JBerlin, 1872. The Jews in Roumania ; account of the proceedings at the trial of the Jews of Buseu. Translated from the " Rumanische Post." 8°. London, 1872. Debate in the House of Commons, 19th April, 1872, on the condition and treatment of the Jews in Roumania and Servia. 8^. London, 1872. Debatte iiber die Lage und Behandlung der Juden Rumaniens und Serbiens in der Unterhaussitzung des englischen Parlaments am 19 April 1872. [Translated by the Rev. A. Lowy.] 8°. London, 1872. Report of public meeting held at the Mansion House on Thursday, May 30th, 1872. 8°. London, 1872. Persecution of the Jews of Roumania. By a friend of his country, his people, and of liberty. Translated from the French version of the original Hebrew by Anna Maria Goldsmid. 8°. London, 1872. The Jews in Roumania; a short statement of their recent history and present situation. Compiled for the Anglo-Jewish Associa- tion by Israel Davis. With Preface by Jacob Waley, M.A. 2nd edition. 8°. London, 1872. Note sur la situation des Israelites en Roumanie, au point de vue dea Israelites Internationales [by Isidore Loeb]. 4°. Paris, 1875. JEWS. 71 JEWS OF RouMANiA — continued. Persecutions centre les Israelites Roumains. Octobre-Decembre 1876. 8°. Paris, 1877. Les conventions commerciales de la Rouraanie devant le droit public europeen. 8°. Paris, 1878. The persecution of the Jews in Roumania. A detailed account, compiled from recent official and other authentic information. By David F. Schloss, M.A., S.C.L. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law. 8°. London, 1885. JEWS OF Russia. Persecution of Jews in Russia, 1881. Reprinted from "The Times," with map and tabulated statement. 8°. London, 1882. The same, third edition. 1882. Russian atrocities, 1881. Supplementary statement issued by the Russo-Jewish Committee in confirmation of *' The Times " narra- tive. 8"*. London, 1882. Outrages upon the Jews in Russia. Report of the public meeting at the Mansion House, on Wednesday, February 1st, 1882. With an appendix, containing lists of towns where similar meetings were held, together with a letter addressed to the Chief Rabbi by the graduates of Oxford University. Published by direction of the Council of the Anglo-Jewish Association. 8°. London, 1882, Persecution des Israelites en Russie. Compte-rendu du Meeting public tenu au Mansion House de Londres, le mercredi \^^ fevrier 1882. Traduit de I'edition anglaise publiee par 1' Anglo- Jewish Association. 8°. Paris, 1882. Die Londoner Rathhausversammlung fiir die verfolgten russischen Juden unter dem Vorsitz des Lord Mayor, am 1. Februar 1882. [Second edition.] 8". Berlin, 1882. Die Juden-Verfolgungen in Russland. Russische Greuel, 1881. Supplementarbericht, herausgegeben von dem russisch-jiidischen Comite. Zur Beglaubigung der Timesberichte vom 11. und 13. Januar (veroffentlicht in der Times vom 2. und 3. Marz 1882). 8°. Berlin, 1882. The same. 2nd edition. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Jewish Question in Russia^ See Demidoff, Peince Paul de San Donato. 1884. f^ JEWS JOHLSON. JEWS OF Servia. Die Judenfrage in den Donaufiirstenthiimern, von Dr. Bernhard Levy. 8^ JBerliii [1871?]. JEWS OF Spain. See GoLDSMiD, SiE Feancis H. 1855. JOEL "Baalshem." D^p?{< niPySD "ISD Cabalistical prayers and recipes for effecting preternatural cures and for working divers miracles. 12°. [? ZolMev] 1874. JOEL, Dr. D. Der Aberglaube und die Stellung des Judenthums zu demselben. 8°. Breslau, 1881. JOEL, Dr. M. Lewi ben Gerson [Grersonides] als Religionsphilosoph. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Pliilosophie und der philosopbischen Exegese des Mittelalters. 8° JBreslau, 1862. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie. 2 vol. 8°. Breslau, 1876. Vol. 1. Moses Maimonides. Verhaltniss Albert des Grossen zu Moses Mai- monides. Lewi ben Gerson (Gersonides). Anhang. — Ibn-Gabirol's (Avicebron's) Bedenttmg fiir die Ge- scMclite der PMlosopMe. Drei Excerpte. Uber einige gescMclit- liclie Bezieh-ungen des pMlonisclien Systems. Einfluss der jiid. Philosophie auf die christliche Scholastik. 2. Don Chasdai Creskas, Spinoza. Anhajig. — tjber den Einfluss des Judenthums auf die nicht- jiidische Welt. Philo. Sadias. Mendelssohn. Blicke in die Religionsgeschichte zu Anfang des zweiten christlichen Jahrhunderts. 2 vol. 8°. Breslau, 1880. Vol. 1. Der Talmud und die griechische Sprache ; nebst zwei Excursen, a. Aristobul der sogenannte Peripatetiker. t. Die Gnosis. 2. Der Conflict des Heidenthums mit dem Christenthume in seinen Folgen fiir das Judenthum. JOHANAN, R. Biography of R. Johanan^ See Aaeon Moses Padua B^^IK^DH Din 1877. JOHLSON, J. Vertraute Briefe iiber neuere jiidische Schriftsteller. Erste Liefe- rung. 8°. Bockenheim, near Frankfort on the Main, 1845. JOM-TOB JOSE. 73 JOM-TOB ben Abraham [K^lDn]. D^iJ^nn Novellae. See Jacob ben Solomon Ibn Chabib IpV VV 1740. JOM-TOB LiPMAN Heller. nn^K n^^JD An autobiography with an account of his imprisonment in Prague and in Vienna. 12°. Warsaw, 1870. Commentary niD D^ mSDin. See MiDRASH. 1862. JONAH ben Abraham of Gerona. naitJTl '^IV^ On repentance, and how to lead a pious life. 8°. Suhhach, 1788, JONAH ben Oanach, or Abu 'L-Walid MarwAn Ibn Janah. riDpin "IQD Sefer JSarzkmah. Grammaire hebraique. Traduite de I'Arabe en Hebreu, par Juda Ibn Tibbon. Publiee par B. Gold- berg. Revue et corrigee par R. Kirchheim, accompagnee de notes et d'additions du correcteur, de S. Baer et de S. D. Luzzatto. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1856. f^^Ji\ t-->U^ The Book of Hebrew roots, by Abu 'L-Walid Marwan Ibn Janah, otherwise called Rabbi Yonah. Now first edited, with an appendix containing extracts from other Hebrew- Arabic dictionaries, by Adolph Neubauer, M.A. 4°. Oxford, 1875. JONATHAN ben Nathan Etbeschutz. pJin* ninx Homiletical discourses, for the whole year, on the les- sons from the Prophets. 2 vol. in 1. 4°. Hamburg, 1766. nny nimV An apology in defence of the character and the doctrines of Jonathan Eybeschiitz. 8°. ZolUew, 1865. Biography of Jonathan ben Nathan Eybeschiitz. See Gastfreund, Dr. J., U^ ^K'iN 1879, See Liturgies. Hagadah for Passover. 1877. JONATHAN ben Uzziel. Targum. See Bible. BiUia Babbinica Magna, and other editions. See David ben Jacob Szebrczyn, \T\'^V Diain hv '*B 1609. JOSE ben Chalafta. See Seder Olam Rabba ^m zhw "»1D 1863. L 74 JOSEPH. JOSEPH Albo. Dnpx; "IDD Gmnd- und Glaubenslehren der mosaischen Religion, ins Deutsche iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von W. und L. Schlesinger. [German only.] S°. Frankfort on the Main, ISSS-iS. JOSEPH ben Azriel Ha-Levi Schnitzler. [pKpin* ?y] K^nn TIJ^I Commentary on the last nine chapters of the Book of Ezekiel, with a large plate containing a bird's-eye view of the Temple according to the vision of Ezekiel, and explanatory notes in English. 4°. London, 1825. JOSEPH ben Chayim Zarfati. ^IDI* n* Sermons on the weekly portions of the Law. fol. Amsterdam, 1700. JOSEPH ben David Ibn Jachia. '^D Commentary on the Five Scrolls, the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, and the Chronicles. fol. Bologna, 1538. See Bible. Bihlia Rabhinica Magna, and other editions. JOSEPH ben Eleazar Tob-Elem. fjDV ?nK Super-commentary. See Abeaham len Meie Ibn Ezka HIID HV^^nO 1722. JOSEPH ben Ephraim Caro. 'y\'\V jnW Shulchan Aruch, Code of Jewish observances arranged in four parts: — 1. D^TI mifc? Orach chayim, Code of Eitual Observances. 2. nVl mV Yoreh deah. Code of things lawful or unlawful. 3. "iTyn pi< Uben ha-ezer. Code of observances relating to women. 4. DStJ^DH jEJ'in Choshen hamishpat. Code of the law concerning the rights of property. With additions by Moses ben Israel Isserles [N''D"l]. The various editions also respectively contain: Beer heteb, a commentary with references to rabbinical authorities by Judah ben Simeon Ashke- nazi, of Tiktin ; a commentary, also entitled Beer heteb, by Zechariah Mendl ben Aryeh Leb; Beer hagolah, by Moses ben Naphtali Hirsch Ribkas ; Lehet hakemachf by Moses ben Jacob Chagiz; and Panim chadashoth, by Isaac ben Abraham Chayim Jeshurun. Part 4 further contains Novelise, selected from JSben ha-ozer, by Ozer ben Meir. ni'iy |n?16^ comprising the four divisions. 2 vol. 8*. Amsterdam, 1662. [Part 1 is imperfect.] JOSEPH. 75 JOSEPH ben Ephraim Caro — continued. Shulchan Aruch, part 1. D^^n miK, entitled pS ^J^D, containing, besides the usual commentaries, TIT po by David ben Samuel, and Dn")2K pD by Abraham Abele ben Chayim Gumbiner. fol. Amsterdam, 1720. Another edition. 8°. Amsterdam, 1742. Another edition [pi5 *:3D]. fol. Dyhernfurth, 1743. Another edition. 8°. Amsterdam, 1768. Another edition. 8°. Dyhernfurth, 1783. Shulchan Aruch, part 2. HVl mV. 8°. Amsterdam, 1662. Another edition [entitled ^n")2"l ^i^EJ^S]. fol. Amsterdam, 1743. Another edition. 8°. Amsterdam, 1754. Another edition. 8°. Amsterdam, 1777. Shulchan Aruch, part 3. ITVn p&< 8°. Amsterdam, 1739. Shulchan Aruch, part 4. tDSE^Dn jK^n 8°. Amsterdam, 1758. niDTlK^ niD?n Treatise on the slaughtering of animals for food. See Chayim Moses Cakeegal, n^D \^D'' 1777-78. tJD)* n^3 and flOn pia. Commentaries. See Jacob Je?i Ashek o/ Toledo "IT^n pS nrj 1727 and 1810-13. njIJ'D t]DD A commentary. See Moses jctj maimon [npTHH ^^^] min n:^» 1739-42. JOSEPH ben Gorion [Pseudo-Josephus]. |1*"11J p ps^DI^ Josephus Hebraicus. Rerum memorabilium in populo Judaico gestarum imprimis de excidio Hierosolymitano libri vi Hebraici, edidit [cum versione Latina] J. F. Breithaupt. 4°. Gotha, 1710. Continuation of his history. See Menahem Mann len Solomon the Levite, ^^''W'^ n^fc^K^ 1767. JOSEPH ben Joshua the Priest. The Chronicles of Joseph ben Joshua [D^D^H ^n^T ISD]. Translated from the Hebrew by C. H. F. Bialloblotzky. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1836. Les chroniques Juives, 1. NDSH pDV JEmeh habakha, ou La Vallee des Pleurs, chronique des souffrances d'Israel depuis sa dispersion jusqu'a nos jours, par Maistre Joseph Ha-Cohen, medecin, d' Avignon, 1575. Public pour la premiere fois en fran9ais, avec notes et textes historiques, par Julien See. [French only.] 8°. Paris, 1881. L 2 76 JOSEPH JOSEPHUS. JOSEPH JUDAH LOEB. KTin* nS^Di? Expositions of the Pentateuch on the basis of the Tal- mud and the Midrash. 4°. Franikfort on the Main, 1873. JOSEPH ben Meir Teomim. D*n3D Dyi3 A liturgical commentary. See Liturgies, 1^ JViil 1845. JOSEPH, Nathan S. Religion, natural and reyealed. A series of progressive lessons for Jewish youth. 8°. London, 1879. JOSEPH ben Samson Stadthagen. piDT ^I^T On ritual observances, with an admonitory conclusion appended to each section. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Amsterdam, 1705. JOSEPH ben Solomon Ibn Verga [or Vikga]. PJDI* nnXK' An introduction to the study of the Talmud, with a classified index. 4". Mantua, 1593. JOSEPH ben Zadoc. ptOpn D7iy Der Mikrokosmos. Ein Beitrag zur Religionsphilosophie und Ethik. Aus dem Arabischen ins Hebr. iibersetzt von R. Mose Ibn Tibbon ; zum ersten Male herausgegeben von A. Jellinek. 8^. Leipzig, 1854. JOSEPHUS. Flavii Josephi opera, Grsece. Editio princeps. fol. -Frohen, Basel, 1544. Flavii Josephi opera, Graece et Latine. Recognovit G. Dindorfius. 2 vol. 8°. Paris, 1865. Josephi Judei historici praeclara opera per venerabilem Ruffinum prsesbyterum de Grseco in Latinum traducta. 2 vol in 1. fol. ^Paris'] 1513. Flavij Josephi seven boecken van die Joetsche oorloghe, ende destructie van Jerusalem. Desselfs Josephe leven. fol. Antwerp, 1552, Flavij Josephi des vermaerden Joetschen historie scrivers twintich boeken. fol. Antwerp, 1553. Opera omnia. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1617. JOSEPHUS JOSHUA. 77 JOSEFB.US— continued, Flavii Joseph! Joodsche historien ende boecken noch Egesippus van de ellendighe verstoringe der stadt Jerusalem. Met schone figu- ren verciert ende met nootwendige anteikeningen en sumarien verrijckt. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Amsterdam, 1659. Histoire des Juifs ecrite par Flavins Joseph sous le titre de Antiquitez Judaiques, traduite par Arnauld D'Andilly. Nouvelle edition, enrichie d'un grand nombro de figures en taille-douce, et augmentee de plusieurs nouvelles planches concernant les an- ciennes ceremonies des Juifs. 3 vol. [vol. 1 wanting]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1702. Histoire de la guerre des Juifs contre les Remains, ecrite par Flavins Josephus, et sa vie. Traduite par Arnauld D'Andilly. Nouvelle edition, enrichie d'un grand nombre de tres-belles figures en taille- douce. 2 vol. 8°. Bruxelles, 1703. The whole genuine works of Josephus. Translated from the Greek, together with notes and an index ; to which are added three dissertations, with a complete table of the Jewish coins, weights and measures, by William Whiston, M.A. 4 vol. 8°. London, n. d. Twenty Books of Jewish Antiquities. The Life of Josephus, written by himself. Seven Books of the Jewish war. Two Books against Apion. An extract out of Josephus' exhortation to the G-reeks concerning Hades and the resurrection of the dead. Dissertations : — 1. The testimonies of Josephus vindicated. 2. Grod's command to Abraham to offer up Isaac for a sacrifice. 3. Tacitus' account of the origin of the Jewish nation, and of the parti- culars of the last Jewish war. Another edition in one volume. 8*. Edinlurgh, 1828. JOSIA'H hen Joseph Pinto [^I'^nn]. »JE5' \hn fl"nn "IQD Exposition of the Talmudical legends and parables as compiled in Jacob Ibn Chabib's IpV* PV 8°. Amsterdam, 1754. D"'3"'y T'iD A commentary. See MosES hen Maimon rr\\T\ H^^D 1739-42. JUDAH hen Samuel Hachasid. See Eliezer Papu, DH^DH vhv'' 1883. JUDAH ben Samuel Ha-Levi. ^1T13n 1SD Kuzari. Dialogues on the philosophy of Judaism. Trans- lated from the Arabic by Judah Ibn Tibbon. With a commentary, min* ^1p, by Judah Moscato. 4°. Venice, 1594. [Wants title-page.] See Geiger, A. Divan. 1851. Cusari, specimen of the Arabic text. See Hebrew Literature Society. Miscellany. 1872. Jehuda Halewi. Versuch einer Charakteristik, See Kaufmann, Dr. D. 1877. JUDAH ben Samuel of Ratisbon. D*1*Dn *1SD Ethical and religious precepts, together with cabalistical anecdotes. Edited by DaTid Griinhut. 4". Frankfort on the Main, 1713. JUDAH ben Saul Ibn Tibbon. See Bechai hen Joseph Ibn Bakodah, nil^Vn n2in 1559. See Judah hen Samuel Ha-Levi, mi^H *iaD 1594. See Saadiah hen Joseph Fayumi, niyini niilDNH 1647. See Salomon hen Judah Ibn Gabirol, D*i''Jan iniHD, A Choice of Pearls. 1859. jlin pN min* '"l nxilV Last will or testamentary exhortations. See Edelmann, Zebi Hirsch, D''31tD "|"ll 1852. See Steinschneider, Dr. M. \">VT\ W npy> «nn 1852. JUDAH ben Simeon Ashkenazi of Tiktin. St3S"l 1K3 A commentary. See Joseph hen Ephraim Caro, ^py inblB' JUDAH KAHN. 81 JUDAH hen Solomon Charizi [Al-charizi]. *3lD3nn Fifty poetical seances in imitation of the poetry of Hariri. 8°. Amsterdam, 1629. 7K*n^^? mnriD Machberoth Ithiel bj Jehiidali ben Shelomoh Alcharizi, edited from the MS. in the Bodleian Library by Thomas Chenery, M.A. 8^ London, 1872. See Moses ten Maimon, DOHJ miD 1742. See Neubauer, A., "l^Ji'n DDXte 1865. JtJDISCHE Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Leben. See Peeiodical Publications. JtTDISCHER Plutarch. Jiidischer Plutarch, oder biographisches Lexicon der merkwiirdigsten Manner und Frauen jiidischer Abkunft, aller Stande, Zeiten, und Lander, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das osterreichische Kaiser- thum. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8°. Vienna, 1848, JUNIUS, Franciscus. Grammatica HebraeaB linguae. Editio tertia. 8°. Geneva, 1596. JUSTIN Martyr. See GoLDFAHN, Dr. A. H. Justin Martyr und die Agada. KADANIR, Jacob. D^X"n3 DniDD "Thrilling stories" concerning certain " Holy men " connected with the sect of the Chasidim. 8°. Lemherg, 1875. KAEMPF, Dr. S. L Nichtandalusische Poesie andalusischer Dichter aus dem elften, zwolf ten u. dreizehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Poesie des Mittelalters. 2 vol. 8°. Prague, 1858. KAHN, Zadoc. L'esclavage selon la Bible et le Talmud. See Seminaiee Iseaelite. Rapport sur la situation morale du Semi- naire Israelite a Paris. 1867. Sermons et allocutions. Premiere serie. 8° Paris, 1875, M 82 KAHNE KAUFMANN. KAHNE, D. D^yinn pt* Eben Hatoim (die Verirrten). Eine kritisch-historische Abhandlung iiber Sabathai Zewi, seine Sehiiler imd Nachfolger. [Exposing the impostures of the Chasidim. Edited by P. Smo- lensky.] 8°. Vienna, 1872. KAIM, IsiDOR. See Sidori, K. KALISCH, M. M., Ph.D., M.A. A Hebrew grammar, with exercises. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1863-65. Part 1. The outlines of the langnage, with exercises, being a practical introduction to the study of Hebrew. Revised edition, 2. The exceptional forms and constructions ; preceded by an essay on the history of Hebrew grammar. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1858-72. KALONYMOS ben Kalonymos. D**n *7y3 m:iN Dialogues of the animated creatures, contending with each other for pre-eminence before the king of the spirits. From the Arabic of the "Resail of the Achwan As-safa." 8°. Wilna, 1874. KAPLAN, A. Cohen. 1BD DmDN ^"•n The biography of Abraham Mapo ; with two poems. 12°. Vienna, 1870. KATZ, N. H. See LiTUEGiES. Die traditionellen Synagogen-Gesange. 1868. KATZENELLENBOGEN, Moses hen Nahum. ^'''rn nan^ nriQO Kn»n ^^W An alphabetical key to difficult terms in the Talmud, the Tosefta, the Midrashim, and the writings of Rashi and Maimonides. Part 1. [Not completed.] 8°. Franhfort on the Main, 1855. KAUFMANN, Dr. David. Geschichte der Attributenlehre aus der jiidischen Religionsphilo- sophie des Mittelalters von Saadja bis Maimuni. 8°. Gotha, 1877. Jehuda Halewi. Versuch einer Charakteristik. 8°. Breslau, 1877. Die Spuren Al-Batlajusi's in der jiidischen Religionsphilosophie, iiebst einer Ausgabe der hebraischen Ubersetzungen seiner bild- licheu Kreise. [Also a Hebrew version of Al-Batlajusi's work, with the title nVJVVin ni'p^avn, translated by Mo.ses Ibn Tibbon ; to which are added a few sections of Ibn Motet's version as con- tained in his Meshobeb Nethiboth (a commentary on HTV* "ISD). Edited from MSS. by Dr. D. K.] 8°. Budapest, 1880. KAUFMANN KOHUT. 83 KAUFMANN, Dr. Bayib— continued. Die Sinne. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Physiologie und Psycho- logie im Mittelalter. Aus hebraischen und arabischen Quellen. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Israeli's Propaedeutik fiir Arzte. See Isaac hen Joseph Iseaeli D^KDnV nOIDH IDD 1885. See LUZZATTO, S. D., bn^ nn:« 1882-83. KAYSERLING, Dr. M. Sephardim. Romanische Poesieii der Juden. Ein Beitrag zur Lite- ratur und Geschichte der spanisch-portugiesischen Juden. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Die Juden in Navarra, den Baskenlandern und auf den Balearen. 8°. Berlin, 1861. Life and labours of Menasseh ben Israel, being a contribution to the history of the Jews in England, from original sources. Translated from the German by the Rev. Dr. F. De Sola Mendez. 8°. London, 1877. See also Hebrew Literature Society, Miscellany. Vol. 2. 1877. Die jiidischen Frauen in der Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Moses Mendelssohn. Ungedrucktes und Unbekanntes von ihm und iiber ihn. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. KIMCHI, David. See David hen Joseph Kimchi. KIRCHHEIM, Raphael. plJOltJ' ^^"ID Introductio in librum Talmudicum de *' Samaritanis," qu£e illius.haeresis historiam, theologiam, ritus, et literarum monu- menta tractat. Addita est epistola clarissimi S. D. Luzzatto de Scriptura Samaritana. [Hebrew only.] 8°. FranUfort on the Main, 1851. See Jonah hen Ganach. nDp")n "1DD 1856. KOHUT, Alexander. tJber die jiidische Angelologie und Dcemonologie in ihrer Abhan- gigkeit vom Parsismus. 8°. Leipzig, 1866. D7JJ*n l^y^V Aruch completum. See Nathan hen Jehiel. 1878. M 2 84 KOL LANDSHUTH. KOL KoRE. Klip ?1p A Hebrew tract, addressed to the Jews by the Society for promoting Christian knowledge, and urging them to accept Chris- tianity. 8°. London, 1850. KOREISH, Jehudah. See Judah ben Koreisch. KORNICK, Meier. System der Zeitrechnung in chronologischen Tabellen. Eine voll- staudige Anleitung zur Kenntniss des julianischen, gregoriani- schen, jiidischen und muhamedanischen Kalenders. fol. Berlin, 1825. KROCHMAL, Abraham Ha-Kohen. pt^n DM^fc? nyi Religious philosophy. 8°. Lemherg, 1863. KROCHMAL, Nachmann. pTH *DUi miD More Nehoche ha-seman sive Director errantium nostras aetatis, opus ad illustrandas Judaeorum antiquitates et leges, philosophiamque, imprimis celeberrimi Aben Esrse doctrinam de divino scripsit Nachmann Krochmal ; [cum] praefatione a Dr. L. Zunz. Secunda editio augmentata per biographiam ejus et litteris ejusdem a Michael Wolf. 8°. Lemherg, 1863. KRONER, Theodorus. De Abrahami Bedaresii vita et operibus dissertatio inauguralis. 8°. Vratislav, 1868. KRtJGER, Dr. M. S. See LuzzATTO, S. D,, Grammatik der biblisch-chaldaischen Sprache und des Talmud. 1873 LAMPRONTI, Isaac ben Samuel. See Isaac ben Samuel Lampronti. LANDAUER, Dr. S. See Saadia ben Joseph al-Fayumi. Kitab al-Amanat wa'1-I'tiqadat. 1881. LANDSHUTH, Eliezer ben Meir. muyn nioy Amude Ha-aboda (columnas cultus). Onomasticon auc- torum hymnorum Hebrseorum eorumque carminum. Cum notis biographicis et bibliographicis e fontibus excusis et mss. 2 parts. 8°. Berlin, 1857-62. nD"l3 llpD A liturgical commentary. See LiTUEGiBS. 3^ jViH 1845. LARREY LESSING. 85 LARREY, Baron Jean Dominique. De la lepre et de relephantiasis. See Bible. Traduction par S. Cahen. 1835-56. LATTES, Isaac de. lV)f *^y^5' Shaare Zion. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Judenthums bis zum Jahre 1372, von Isaac de Lattes. Mit Anmerkungen versehen von Salomon Buber. 8°. JaroslaVf 1885. LAZARUS, Prof. Dr. M. Was heisst National? Zweite Auflage. 8°. Berlin, 1880. Unser Standpunkt. Zwei Reden an seine Religionsgenossen am 1. und 16. December 1880. 8°. Berlin, 1881. LEBRECHT, F. * See WissENSCHAFTLiCHB Blatteb aus der Veitel Heine Ephraim'sclien Lehranstalt. 1862. LEESER, Isaac. See Aguilar, Grace. The Spirit of Judaism. 1842. See Bible. English Version. 1878. See ScHWABZ, Rabbi Joseph. A descriptive geography of Palestine. 1850. LEHMANN, Dr. M. Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Jiidische Erzahlungen. 8°. Berlin, 1871. LEO MODENA. See Ockley, Simon. The history of the Jews. . 1707. LEON, Jacob Judah. A relation of the most memorable thinges in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Salomon, according to text of Scripture, by J. J. Leon, Hebrew author of " the Model of Salomon's Temple." 8°. Amsterdam, 1675. LERNER, J. J. See Jacob Chaeasch. DIpD D^»V 1869. LESSING, G. G. DDnn |ni Nathan der Weise, dramatisches Gedicht in fiinf Aufzii- gen. Ins Ebraische iibersetzt von Simon Bacher. 8^ Vienna, 1866. 86 LETTER-WRITER LEVI. LETTER- WRITER. [D^ariD] A Hebrew letter- writer. Page 1 begins:— ppintJ^D i^^ifh iV ains^B' nia'nn nnpi nnno 8°. [1756?] [Wants title-page.] LETTERIS, Dr. M. ■)SD2 jllDT Memoiren von Dr. M. Letteris. Ein Beitrag zur Litera- tur- und Culturgeschichte im XIX. Jahrhundert. Erster Theil, vom Jahre 1800 bis 1831. 8°. Vienna, 1869. See Bible. 1871. LEVI Ibn Chabib. U'nnn l^\yp nn'pn hv '»a A commentary. See Moses ben Maimon [npTHH HM] mm HDtJ'tD 1739-42. LEVI, David. Letters to Dr. Priestley in answer to those he addressed to the Jews, inviting them to an amicable discussion of the evidences of Christianity. Second edition. 8°. London, 1787. Lingua sacra. In three parts. 1. Hebrew Grammar. 2. Hebrew- English Dictionary. 3. English-Hebrew Vocabulary. 3 vol. 8°. London, 1785-87. English translation of the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1785-87, and 1836. LEVI ben Gershon [y'3^"l] DKTI niDnpD Milchamoth Ha-schem. Die Kampfe Gottes. Reli- gions-philosophische und kosmische Fragen, in sechs Biichern. Neue berichtigte Ausgabe. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Leipzig, 1866. Commentaries. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna, Buxtorf 's BilUa Babbinica, and Pentateuch, various editions. See Joel, Dr. M., Levi ben Gerson als Religionsphilosoph. 1862. See Weil, Isidoee. Philosophie Religieuse de Levi b. Gershon. 1868. LEVI, Giuseppe. See Educatoeb Isbablita. 1863-74. LEVI, Isaac. See LiTUEGiES. HOD W miil Service for the first two nights of Passover. 1808 and 1831. LEVI ben Sisi. Biography of Levi ben Sisi. See AAEON MosES Padua. li^b)i^Dn Din 1877. LEVINSOHN LEWYSOHN. 87 LEVINSOHN, J. B. Efes Dammim. A series of conversations at Jerusalem between a patriarch of the Greek Church and a chief-rabbi of the Jews, con- cerning the malicious charge against the Jews of using Christian blood. Translated from the Hebrew as a tribute to the memory of the martyrs of Damascus. 8°. London^ \^il. LEVITA, Elijah. See Elijah hen Asher Levita. LEVY, Dr. Bernhard. Die Judenfrage in den Donaufiirstenthiimern. See Jews of Seevia. LEVY, Dr. J. Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Targumim und einen grossen Theil des rabbinischen Schriftthums. 2 vol. 4°. Leipzig, 1866-68. Neuhebraisches und chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim, nebst Beitragen von Professor Dr. H. L. Fleischer. Vol. 1-4 [in progress]. 8°. Leipzig, 1875-85. LEVY, Dr. M. A. Don Joseph Nasi, Herzog von Naxos, seine Familie und zwei jiidi- sche Diplomaten seiner Zeit. 8°. Breslau, 1859. Geschichte der jiidischen MUnzen, gemeinfasslich dargestellt. [With numerous illustrations.] 8° Leipzig, 1862. Das Mesa-Denkmal und seine Schrift. 8°. Breslau, 1871. LEWISOHN, L. M. Geschichte und System des jiidischen Kalenderwesens, nach den Quellen bearbeitet. 8°. Leipzig, 1856. LEWYSOHN, Dr. L. DV^n^ niK^ai Sechzig Epitaphien von Grabsteinen des israelitischen Friedhofes zu Worms, regressiv bis zum Jahre 905 iiblicher Zeit- rechnung, nebst biogr. Skizzen und einem Anliang. [With an illustration of the Mausoleum of Rashi.] 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1855. Die Zoologie des Talmuds. Eine umfassende Darstellung der rabbi- nischen Zoologie, unter steter Vergleichung der Forschungen iilterer und neuerer Schriftsteller. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1858. 9f^ LIEBLING LITURGIES. LIEBLING, L., und B. Jacobsohn. 3py» n*3 *T2^ Shire beth Jaacob. Israelitisches Schul- und Gemeinde- Gesangbuch, zum Gebraiiche beim Unterricht in der Liturgie und dem ofEentlichen Gottesdienste. 8°. Leipzig^ 1881. LINDO, E. H. A Jewish Calendar for sixty years, detailing the New Moons, Festi- vals and Fasts, with the sections of the Law, as read in the Synagogues every Sabbath. Also the dates on which the hour for commencing Sabbath is altered; together with the corres- ponding Christian dates. To which are added Tables for con- tinuing the Calendar to A. M. 6000, i.e. 2240 Christian aera, and a chronological table of Jewish history from the flood to the present time. 8°. London, 1838. The history of the Jews of Spain and Portugal from the earliest times to their final expulsion from those kingdoms and their sub- sequent dispersion. 8°. London, 1848. See Menasseh len Israel. The Conciliator. 1842. LIPPE, Ch. D. Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesammten jiidischen Literatur der Gegenwart, und Adress-Anzeiger von Rabbinen, Predigern, Lehrern, Cantoren, Schriftstellern und Forderern der jiidischen Literatur. 8°. Vienna, 1881. LITURGIES. T\\2"\1 "lID [entitled also m^ll riND on the outer page]. Orden de Bendiciones, con muchas adiciones a las precedentes impreciones. Edited from the collection of Isaac Metatia Aboab, by Benjamin Senior Godines. [Hebrew and Spanish.] 12°. Amsterdam, 1687. nin^7D Penitential liturgy (Polish rite). 4°. Amsterdam, 1701. X\\>*>r\\ nxnp TTD Readings and Prayers for the nights of the Feast of Weeks and Hoshanna Rabba. 8°. Amsterdam, 1705. T\y^ »J1pn Prayers for Sabbath, the Nights of the Feast of Weeks and of Hoshanna Rabba, with cabalistical annotations according to Isaac Loria. 32° Amsterdam, 1705. ni7Qn IID Daily Prayers (Spanish rite). With a perpetual calendar appended. 16°. Amsterdam, 1712. D*12^65^ |1p*n Penitential devotions, by Moses ben Mordecai Zacuth, with additions by Joseph Fiammetta. 16° Venice, 1712. LITURGIES. 89 LITURGIES— continued. nii^p Lamentations (Polish rite) for the Ninth Day of Ab, with a Jewish-German translation. 8°. Amsterdam, 1718. tlp^nn "no Readings for the night of Hoshanna Rabba according to the customs of Palestine, Egypt and other countries. 8'. Amsterdam, 1727. QnK^» n^an Daily and Festival Prayers (Spanish rite) according to the cabalistical liturgy of Isaac Loria ; edited by David ben Raphael Meldola. With an appendix on the Jewish calendar. 8°. Amsterdam, 1740. *3V *D1p? Miscellaneous prayers with services for midnight devotions and for other occasions ; also extracts from the Mishnah (Joma and Succah). Collected by Zebi ben Chayim. 12°. Amsterdam, 1741. Another edition. 12°. Breslau, 1820. D^DK^n "^W Daily Prayers. With a cabalistical commentary by Isaiah ben Abraham Horwitz, author of the nnnn nini? ^3tJ' 8°. Amsterdam,, 1742. [Imperfect at the end.] ni?Bn *^^D according to the German and Polish rites. 16°. Amsterdam, 1751. "lltriD Services for Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles (Polish rite), with a Jewish-German translation and a Hebrew commen- tary. Edited by Solomon ben Aaron. 4°. Sulzhaeh, 1754. niJ^p mo Lamentations for the Ninth Day of Ab (Polish rite), with a Jewish-German translation. 4°. Amsterdam, 1754. T\^l^T] 7DD n?Bn Prayers for the whole year, arranged by Solomon Zalman ben Moses London. 12°. Amsterdam, 1755. Dn^K'l ninnsj'l ni^an Prayers and Hymns for the Day of the Re- joicing of the Law ; for marriages ; for circumcision of infants, slaves, and proselytes ; for the Day of Purim ; for the Day of Memorial; and for the Day of Atonement. According to the rites of the Singalese and Cochin Jews. 8°. Amsterdam, 1757. niyUK^ 7v |1p*n Liturgy for the nights of Pentecost and Hoshanna Rabba, with the Book of Psalms. 8°. Fiirth, 1761. [A note on the fly-leaf states that this copy belonged to the Chehra Kadisha, or Charitable Funeral Society, of the Duke's Place Synagogue, the New Synagogue and the Hambro' Synagogue.] N 90 LITURGIES. LITJJRGIES— continued. pp^ni nN*"ip "no Reading and Prayers for the nights of the Feast of Weeks and Hoshanna Rabba. 8°. Amsterdam, 1767. nJK^n ?DD ni7Sn Prayers for the whole year (Polish rite), in four parts, adapted to the use of women. 8°. London, 1772. Part 1. Daily Prayers with a Jewish-German translation. 2. Liturgy for special Sabbaths and for Festivals. 3. The Psalms, with a Jewish-German translation. 4. Techinoth (supplications) for women, in "an improved" Jewish- German version. ni?Qn "llD Daily Prayers (G-erman and Polish rites). 16°. Amsterdam, 1777. ]l3**2n DJIIS Dy "lltn^ Liturgy for the whole year (except the three principal festivals). Headings, in Jewish-German, explanatory of the subject, are attached to the liturgical pieces. 12°. Amsterdam, 1781. (min) pTin n^l npVD Service for the first two nights of Passover; and commentaries by Moses Alshec, Ephraim Lenczycz, and Isaac Abravanel. With pictorial initials, a Hebrew map, and numerous illustrations. The directions for the ceremonial are in Hebrew, and partly in the Jewish-German and the Judaeo-Spanish dialects. 4°. Amsterdam, 1781. noa b^ m)in Service for Passover nights. With a Jewish-German translation by Elchanan ben Moses Schneitach, and rules on ritual observances in the same dialect. 4°. Amsterdam, 1783. {rmn) ^Jiy nrh Service for the first two nights of Passover (Ger- man and Spanish rites). With a mystical commentary and an autobiographical introduction by Raphael Chazan. 8°. London, 1784. jlD^^an n:i13 UV lirnD With a Jewish- German translation. 5 vol. 8°. Amsterdam, 1791. Vol. 1. HDD b^ "lirriD Service for Passover. 2. niynSJ' „ „ Pentecost. 3. r\:\i^T\ tJ'N") „ „ New Year. 4. "naa nv „ „ Day of Atonement. 5. niDID „ „ Tabernacles. D^^n mm Readings from the Bible and the Zohar for each Friday night in the month, with introductory and concluding prayers by Moses ben Isaac Edrei. 8°. London, 1792. LITURGIES. 91 LITJJRGIES— continued, ni?an no Daily Prayers (German and Polish rites). 32°. Amsterdam, 1793. mK^n i>3D n^an Daily Prayers (German and Polish rites). 12°. Sulzhach, 1798. |V>f *-)j;k^ Midnight service (cabalistical), with annotations by Nathan Nata ben Moses Hannover. To vrhich is added the HT^'' "IBD by Abraham the Patriarch \^'pseud.']. 12°. Dyhemfurth, 1798. n^^n ^DD "inn» Cycle of prayers for the whole year, edited with commentary by Sanvil Hannover. [Vol. 2 contains a short treatise on the Minhagim, or ritual observances, connected with the month of Elul, the New Year and the Day of Atonement.] 2 vol. fol. Altona, 1804. ril7Dnn "no Prayers for the whole year (Polish rite), with services for the Passover nights ; the Book of Psalms j Maamadoth, etc. 8°. Amsterdam, 1805* nJS^n 7DD \h^T\ Prayers for the whole year. With copious expla- natory and liturgical notes ; the Book of Psalms with introduc- tory notes, and the commentary of David Kimchi. 12°. Amsterdam, 1805. nD3 7K^ mjn Service for the first two nights of Passover in Hebrew and English (German and Polish rites). Revised and corrected by Isaac Levi. 4°. London, 1808. Another edition. With a view of the Great Synagogue in St. James's Place. 8°. London, 1831. nii>Bn "I*1D Daily Prayers (German and Polish rites), with directions in the Jewish-German dialect. 8°. London, 1809. TWT\ ^DD ni^an Daily Prayers (Polish rite). 8°. Amsterdam, 1814. n?ann "^W Daily Prayers (German and Polish rites). 8°. London, 1819. 3?n milX^ Daily Prayers, with Selichoth (expiatory services) for certain Mondays and Thursdays, and for other occasions. 8°. Altona, 1821. npan Daily Prayers. Edited from the collection of printed and MS. rituals in the possession of Solomon Herschel, Chief Rabbi of London. 8°- London, 1822. N 2 92 LITURGIES. LlTVEGrlllS— continued, [nnnp nao] lirriD Form of service for the Festivals, with a Ger- man translation in Rabbinical characters, and a Hebrew commen- tary by Wolf Heidenheim. 9 vol. 8°. Eddelheim, 1832-54. Vol. 1-2. Service for Passover. 3. » „ Pentecost. 4-5. if „ New Year. 6-7. »» „ Day of Atonement. 8-9. » „ Tabernacles. Vol. 9 also contains under the title of D^JLi^^Qni D"'DVBn an alphabetical list of liturgical poets whose productions form part of the ritual. npsn "no Daily Prayers (German and Polish rites). 8°. Amsterdam, 1833. nPSrin no Forms of Prayer according to the custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, with an English translation by the Rev. D. A. De Sola^ to which are added tables forming a complete Hebrew almanac. Vol. I. Daily Prayer. 8°. London, 1836. ni?Dnn mo Forms of Prayer used in the West London Synagogue of British Jews, with an English translation. Edited by the Rev. D. W. Marks and the Rev. A. Lowy. 5 vol. 8°. London, 1843-70. Vol. 1. Daily and Sabbath Prayers. Third edition, 1870. 2. Prayers for the Festivals. Second edition, 1868. 3. Prayers for the Day of Memorial (New Year). Second edition, 1868. 4. Prayers for the Day of Atonement. Second edition, 1866. 5. Prayers for various occasions. 1843. ^h |1"'3n Daily Prayers; with Dnao D^IJ a commentary [pp. 94-152 et passim'] on the origin of various liturgical observances, by Joseph ben Meir Teomim; and r\^12 "llpD an historical and criti- cal commentary by Eliezer Landshuth. With additional historical notes by the editor, HirscK Edelman. 8°. Kdnigsherg, 1845. n?sn no Israelitisches Gebetbuch f iir den offentlichen Gottesdienst im ganzen Jahre, mit Einschluss der Sabbathe und sammtlicher Feier- und Festtage. Geordnet und mit einer neuen deutschen Ubersetzung versehen. 8°. Breslau, 1854. The ancient melodies of the liturgy of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, harmonised by Emanuel Aguilar. Preceded by an his- torical essay on the poets, poetry and melodies of the Sephardic liturgy, by the Rev. D. A. De Sola. 8°. London, 1857. LITURGIES. 93 LITVRGIES— continued. m65^^ n?Dn A small collection of prayers for the New Year and the Day of Atonement, with a translation into the Jewish-German dialect. 8°. Mnigsberg, 1861. l])^b n:VD -il^fp] D^^nn -ISD Th-e Book of Life and Expressions of the Tongue ; adapted for the use of the sick, and for those who attend them in their dying moments. Also a selection of moral reflections. Edited and translated by the Rev. B. H. Ascher [Hebrew and English], Second edition. 8°. London, 1861. 7K"1K^* ni?an Gebete der Israeliten, iibersetzt von J. N. Mannhei- mer. Ninth edition. 8°. Vienna, 1864. D"lDy 2") niD An ancient Form of Prayers according to Amram Gaon. 2 vol. in 1. 8°. Warsaw, 1865. Die traditionellen Synagogen-Gesange, herausgegeben von H. H. Katz und L. Waldbott. [The words of the melodies are trans- literated in Roman characters.] 2 vol. in 1. 4°. Brillon, [1868]. miOK'J m^TH Gebete fiir das Seelenheil der Hingeschiedenen, ge- sammelt von Michael Wolf. 16°. Lemberg, 1868. 3? *"ID&? Prayers and meditations for every situation and occasion of life. Translated and adapted from the French by Hester Roth- schild. New edition. 12°. London, 1869. r\':^^r\ *iyiD h'^ "lirriD Festgebete der Israeliten, mit vollstandigem sorgfaltig durchgesehenem Texte. Neu iibersetzt und erlautert von Dr. Michael Sachs. Zehnte vermehrte und verbesserte Auf- lage. 9 vol. in 5. 8°. Berlin, 1874-75. Auswahl alter hebraischer Synagogal-Melodien fiir das Pianoforte, bearbeitet von A. Marksohn und W. Wolf. With an introduction on the character and the history of synagogue melodies. 4°. Leipzig, 1875. riDD 7^ man Hagadah for Passover, containing a revision of the Hebrew text according to a MS. written a.m. 5374 [1614] by R. Shabsi Sofer of Premslow; also a commentary by R. Jonathan Eybeschuetz, together with explanations in Hebrew, and an English translation of some illustrative parables, by R. Jacob, Magid of Dubno. Edited by the Rev. B. Spiers and the Rev. Lazar Gro- jewsky. 4°. London, 1877. m LITURGIES LOEWENSTEIN. LITJJRGIES— continued. miiyn no The Divine Service. Ancient and modern compositions, in Hebrew, English and German, by the Rev. M. Hast. 3 vol. 4°. London, 1879. Vol. 1. Sabbath. 2. Festivals. 3. Psalms. The music used in the services of the West London Synagogue of British Jews. The ancient melodies harmonised, the whole arranged with obligato Organ accompaniments and edited by C. G. Verrinder, Mus. Bac. Oxon. The melodies of vol. 1 principally composed and collected by Charles Salaman. [The original text of the melodies is transliterated in Roman charac- ters.] 2 vol. 4°. London, [1881]. See AsHER ASHEE, M.D. The Jewish rite of Circumcision. 1873. Sabbath Prayers appended to the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentateuch. Various editions. Liturgical melodies. See LiEBLiNG, L., und B. Jacobsohn. 3py* n*n n^B' 1881 LOEB, Isidore. La situation des Israelites en Turquie, en Serbie, et en Roumanie. 8°. Paris, 1877. Biographic d'Albert Cohn. 8°. Paris, 1878. Juifs [extrait du dictionnaire universel de geographic de Vivien de Saint-Martin]. Historical and statistical account of the Jews. . 12°. Paris, 1884. Note sur les Israelites en Roumanie, 1875. See Jews in Roumania. See Maedoch^e Aby Seeoub. Les Daggatoun, tribu d'origine Juive. 1880. LOEWE, Dr. L. See Levinsohn, J. B., JEJ/es Dammim (Blood-accusations) 1841. LOEW^ENSTAMM, Abraham Levy. Der Talmudist wie er ist, oder wir sind alle Menschen. 8°. Emden, 1822. LOEWENSTEIN, L. H. Damascia. Die Judenverfolgungen zu Damascus, und ihre Wirkun- gen auf die offentliche Meinung. 8". Rddelheim, 1840. Stimmen beriihmter Christen iiber den damaszener Blutprozess. Als Anlage zu der Schrift Damascia. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1843. LONDON LOWYSOHN. 95 LONDON, Salman. See Solomon Zalman hen Moses Raphael London. LOW, Leopold. Beitrage zur jiidischen Alterthumstunde. With the sub-title : Gra- phische Requisiten und Erzeugnisse bei den Juden. Vol. 1 in 2 parts. 8°. Lei;pzig, 1871. LOWE, Rev. William Henry, M.A. See Talmud Babli. PesaoUm jlEJ^n Th K: h)^^ "IDD 1879. ^D^nTH iiDi?nn noia n'hv ^^i^ hjej^dh See MiSHNAH. The Mishnah of the Palestinian Talmud. 1883. LOWENFELD, Dr. S. Die Wahrheit iiber der Juden Antheil am Verbrechen. 8°. Berlin, 1881. LOWY, Rev. Albert. On a unique specimen of the Leshana shel Imrani, the modem Syriac or Targum dialect of the Jews in Kurdistan and adjacent countries ; with an account of the people by whom it is spoken. 8°. London, 1875. Zunz on the sufferings of the Jews in the middle ages. An essay on the writings of Dr. Zunz. See Hebrew Literature Society, Miscellany. Vol. 1. 1872. Debatte iiber die Lage der Juden Rumaniens und Serbiens. See Jews in Roumania. Forms of Prayer used in the West London Synagogue. See Liturgies. 1843, Memoirs of Sir Francis Goldsmid. See Marks, Rev. D. W., and Rev. A. Lowy. 1882. See Salomon Dr. G-otthold. Sermon. 1852, A treatise on the Sabbatical Cycle and the Jubilee. See Zuckermann, Dr. B. 1866. LOWY, D. Der Talmudjude von Rohling. See Jews. LOWYSOHN, Abraham. D*in3D *"l1p)0 nSD Safer Mekore Minhagim. XJeber die Quellen der religiosen Observanzen. [Hebrew only.] 8'. GUiwit* 1357. 96 LUCAS LUZZATTO. LUCAS, Mrs. Henry. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1878. LUEDER, HoPRATH. Ueber die Veredlung der Menschen, besonders der Juden durch die Regierung. Nebst einem Sendschreiben an den Verfasser der Bemerkungen iiber des Hrn. Jacobsohn's Vorstellung an den Fiir- sten Primas. 8°. Braunschweig, 1808. LUNCZ, A. M. pnV* nn^in n^KI Biograpbie de M. Adolphe (Isaac) Cremieux, Senateur, ancien Ministre de Justice, President de 1' Alliance Israelite Universelle a Paris. [Hebrew only.] 12°. Jerusalem, 1877. LUTOMIRSKI, A. D. njTi n^sn Gebeden en gezangen te dienste van Nederlandscb-Israe- litische scholen. [Appended is an essay on tbe musical accents in tbe Bible, with directions for chanting in the public reading of the Pentateuch.] 8*. Rotterdam [1837]. LUZZATTO, Prof. Isaiah. Index raisonne des livres de correspondance de feu Samuel David Luzzatto . . . precede d'un avant-propos et suivi d'un essai de pen- s^es et jugements tires de ses lettres in^dites. 8". Padua, 1878. See Luzzatto, S. D. D*y: "1133 1879. LUZZATTO, Samuel David. 1112? *31&5 Seventy-six Hebrew epitaphs at one time extant on tombstones in Toledo. A portion of a commentary on Micah, by J. V. Pardo. An elegy on the death of J. V. Pardo, by J. Almanzi. Edited by S. D. L. 8°. Prague, 1841. P)D1* 1* Catalogue de la bibliotheque de litterature hebra'ique et orien- tate du feu M. Joseph Almanzi. [The Hebrew collection is now in the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries.] 8°. Padua, 1864. Israelitische Moral-Theologie : Vorlesungen aus dem Italianischen iibersetzt von Dr. L. E. Igel. 8». Breslau, 1870. Grammatik der biblisch-chaldaischen Sprache und des Idioms des Talmuds, aus dem Italianischen mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Dr. M. S. Kriiger. 8'. Breslau, 1873. LUZZATTO MAASE. 97 LUZZATTO, Samuel David — continued. D^yi IliD Poesie ed epitaffii di Samuel David Luzzatto da Trieste. Opera postuma. [Edited by his son Isaiah Luzzatto. Hebrew only.] 8°. Padova, 1879. i?"15J^ niliX S. D. Luzzatto's hebraische Brief e, gesammelt von seinem Sohne Dr. Isaias Luzzatto. Herausgeber Eisig Graber. [A posthumous work. Vol. 1 contains an analytical index, pre- pared by Prof. David Kaufmann.] 5 vol. 8°. Przemysl, 1882-83. See Baer, S., n'O^ miH 1852. II Pentateuco. See Bible. Pentatetich. 1871-76. See Jonah hen GtANACH. HlDp'in IBD 1856. See KiECHHEiM, R., piD1K> ^D")3 " De Samaritanis." 1851. Index to the correspondence of S. D. Luzzatto. See Luzzatto, Dr. I. Index raisonne. 1878. nniK ^D Tal Oroth. See Graber, EisiG. 1881, LYONS, Israel. D^l^OPn riTlD The scholar's instructor; a Hebrew grammar, with points. Revised and corrected by Henry Jacob. 4th edition. 8". Glasgow, 1823. MAASE AdonaL 'n T\^V^ Stories of miraculous events mentioned in the Zohar, in Shalsheleth ha-kebalah, and in four other works. 12°. Lemherg, 1874. MAASE Ha-Nemalah. See MiDRASH. KtJ'in ^y^^ 1875. MAASE NissiM. D*Di HK^yD Questions by R. Daniel ha-Babli respecting the Sepher ha-mitzvoth of Moses ben Maimon, and the responses by his son Abraham. Edited from an Arabic MS. in the Bodleian Library, together with a Hebrew version by D. B. Goldberg* 8°. Paris, 1867. (Printed on vellum.) 98 MAASE MARCO. MAASE Nora. N"I13 ntJ^VD A legend of miraculous occurrences at Safed concerning Joseph de Reina. Edited by Solomon Navari of Jerusalem. S\ n. d. MADDEN, Frederic W. History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testament. With 254z woodcuts and a plate of alphabets, by F. W. Fairholt. 8°. London, 1864. Coins of the Jews. With 279 woodcuts and a plate of alphabets. 4:°. London, 1881. MAGNUS, Mrs. K. About the Jews since Bible times, from the Babylonian exile till the English exodus. 8". London, 1881. MAIMON, Salomon. Biography of S. Maimon. See WiTTE, De. J. H. 1876. MAIMONIDES. See Moses ben Maimon. MANDELSTAMM, Dr. Leon. Biblische Studien. 1. Geschichte. 2. Kritik der Quellen. 3. Sprach- liches und Sachliches. 8". Berlin, n. d. Horae Talmudicae. Reform in Judenthum. 8°. Berlin, n. d. Die Bibel neu iibersetzt und erklart. Band I. Einleitung in den Pentateuch. 8". Berlin, 1864. See Bible. 1852-53. MANNHEIMER, Isaac Noah. See LITUEGIES. b^l'^'' ni^an 1864. Biography of I. N. Mannheimer. See Wolf, G. 1863. MANNHEIMER, Moses. Die Juden in Worms, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Juden in den Rheingegenden, mit einem Vorwort von Dr. J. M. Jost. 8°. Franhfort on the Main, 1842. Die Judenverfolgungen in Speyer, Worms und Mainz im Jahre 1096, wahrend des ersten Kreuzzuges, mit historisch-kritischen Anmerkungen. 8°. Darmstadt, 1877. MAPO, Abraham. Biography of A. Mapo. See Kaplan, A. Cohen, 1£)D Dn-I3K ^>n 1870. MARCO. See Osimo, Dr. Marco. MARCUS MASSOKAH. 99 MARCUS, Dr. Samuel. Die Padagogik des israelitischen Volkes von der Patriarchenzeit his- auf den Talmud. 2 vol. 8". Vienna, 1877. Vol. 1. Die Bibel, ein Buch der Erzieh.ung. „ 2. Zur Schul-Padagogik des Talmuds. MARDOCH^E Aby Serour. Les Daggatoun, tribu d'origine juive demeurant dans le desert du Sahara. Par le Rabbin Mardochee Aby Serour. Traduit de I'hebreu et annote par Isidore Loeb. 8°. Paris, 1880. MARKS, Rev. Prop. D. W. Sermons. Vol. 2 and 3. 8°. London, 1862-84. The Jews of modern times. Two lectures delivered at the Philo- sophical Institution, Edinburgh. 8°. London, 1872. — AND Rev. a. Lowy. Memoir of Sir Francis Goldsmid, Bart. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 8°. Lofidon, 1882. Forms of prayer. See LiTUEGiES. 1843. MARKSOHN, A., and W. Wolf. Auswahl alter hebraischer Synagogal-Melodien. 1875. MARTINEAU, Russell, M.A. See EwALD, Heinrich. The History of Israel. 1869-74. MARTINUS, Petrus. Grammatica Hebraea . . . brevibus notis a Gul. Coddaeo; una cum ejusdem auctoris Technologia, item Grammatica Chaldaea. Acces- sere . . . de recta lectione linguae sanctse . . . una cum regularum textualium syllabus Sixtini Amama. 8°. Amsterdam, 1621. MASSORAH. pun 'D Sepher Taghin, Liber coronularum quem ex unico bibliothecse Parisiensis imperialis codice manuscripto a D. B. Goldberg descriptum edidit adjectis excerptis ex alio codice manuscripto . . . cujus titulus : Sepher Badde Avon ou Migdal Hananel, auctore R. Schem Tob Bar- Abraham Bar-Gaon, Toletano, item Homilia quadam breviori allegorica de coronulis, apicibus, et de Uteris majoribus et minoribus . . . R. Akiba adscripta . . . quam notis et animadversionibus illustravit . . . Senior Sachs . . . J. L. Barges. 8\ Paris, 1866. o 2 100 ' MASSORAH MEIR. MASSOUAR— continued. miDDn The Massorah compiled from manuscripts, alphabetically and lexically arranged by Christian D. Ginsburg, LL.D. 3 vol. fol. London, 1880-85. Massorah on the Targum of Onkelos. See Beeliner, Dr. A. Die Massorah zum Targum Onkelos. 1875, 1877. See Bible. Bihlia Rabbinica, edited by Buxtorf the Elder. 1618-19. and Biblia Rabbinica Magna. 1724-28. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1876. Commentary on the Massorali. See Jacob ben Isaac of Zausmer, miDDn bv '^Q 1870. See Moses ben Israel D^JIDX "IDIB' 1724. See OCHLAH W'OCHLAH. 1864. MATHEWS, Henry John, M.A. Abraham Ibn Ezra's short commentary on Daniel. See Hebrew Literature Society. Miscellany. Vol. 2. 1877. MAYBAUM, Dr. Siegmund. Die Anthroporaorphien und Anthropopathien bei Onkelos und den spatern Targumim, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ausdriicke Memra, Jekara and Schechina. 8°. Breslau, 1870. MECHILTA. See Midrash Mechilta. MEDIGO, Joseph Solomon ben Elijah del. See Geigbr, Dr. A., D^iSH x'PD 1840. MEGILLATH Yochasin. (p"m2 n^D^DD) ponr rh^'^D Biographical notices, miracles, lists of literary works, and anniversaries of the deaths of celebrated Cha- sidim since the time of Besht {Baal shem-tob). [By M. Bodek.] 12^ Lemberg [18..]. MEIR ben Baruch of Rothknburg [D"nnD]. nVJID^^D nin^n Animadversions. See Moses ben Maimon. [Hpinn H^H] mm HiK'D 1739-42. MEIR ben Ezekiel ben Gabbai. ^^[>\\ mi3V A cabalistical guide to a religious life. Cracow^ 1576. MEIR ben Joseph Aramah. '*S Commentary. See Bible. Biblia Rabbinica Magna, and other editions. MEISEL MENASSEH. 101 MEISEL, Wolf Aloys. Leben und Wirken Naphtali Hartwig Wessely's. Eine biogr. Dar- stellung. 8°. Bredau, 1841. MELDOLA, David hen Raphael. Daily and Festival Prayers. See LiTUEGiES. 1740. MELDOLA, Raphael. See Raphael Meldola. MENAHEM, Azariah, of Fano. nnDND ni'^V Cabalistical dissertations, with a commentary h^\* nC'D by Moses ben Solomon Levi. 4". Amsterdam, 1649. D7S nil* "ISD A cabalistical treatise, forming part of Assarah Maamaroth. 4°. Amsterdam, 1711. MENAHEM ben Judah di Lonsano [or Lonzano]. y^V^ Maarich. Enthalt Erklarungen von Fremdwortern in den Talmuden, den Midraschim u. dem Sohar, nach alphab. Ordnung, Erlauterung schwieriger Stellen, und Erzahlungen ; nach Hand- schriften herausgegeben von Adolph Jellinek. 8°. Leipzig, 1853. MENAHEM Mann ben Solomon the Levite. (niDipD nriD) !?K1SJ>* n>-lKSJ^ Continuation of the History of the Jews by Joseph ben Gorion or Josippon [Pseudo-Josephus]. 4°. ^^Fiirth?^, 1767. MENAHEM Menle Sofer. |N^ my \]^\7^ Stories of three miracle-workers connected with the sect of the Chasidim. 8°. Przemysl, 1874. MENAHEM ben Saruk. DnJD m^riD Antiquissimum linguas Hebraicse et Chaldaic^e Lexicon. The first Hebrew and Chaldaic Lexicon to the Old Testament, compiled in the tenth century by Menahem ben Saruk, the Spa- niard. Selected and translated from the original Hebrew by Herschel Filopowski, accompanied by a biography of the author. 8°. London, 1854. [This work has three title-pages, viz. Hebrew, Latin and English.] MENASSEH ben Israel. The hope of Israel, written by Menasseh ben Israel, an Hebrew divine and philosopher. Newly extant, and printed at Amsterdam, and dedicated by the author to the High Court, the Parliament of England, and to the Councell of State. Whereunto are added some discourses' upon the point of the conversion of the Jews, by Moses Wall. 2nd edition. 8". London, 1651, 102 MENASSEH MIDRASH. MENASSEH ben Israel — continued. The Conciliator of Rabbi Menasseh ben Israel, a reconcilement of the apparent contradictions in Holy Scripture ; to which are added explanatory notes and biographical notices of the quoted authorities, by E. H. Lindo. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1842. See Bible. 1635-36. Life and labours of Menasseh ben Israel. See Kayseeling, De. M. 1877. MENDELSSOHN, Moses. Gresammelte Schriften, nach den Originaldrucken und Handschriften herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Gr. B. Mendelssohn. 7 vol. [Vol. 4 in 2 parts. Vol. 1 contains a biography of the author.] 8^. Leipzig, 1843-45. Zum 150. Geburtstage Moses Mendelssohn's. 8". Berlin, 1878. See Bible. 1852-53. A commentary. See MosES hen Maimon |V2nn DI^D 11X2 1822. Biographical notice of Moses Mendelssohn. See Salomon, De. G-otthold, Secularfeier. 1829. MENDES, Rev. Dr. F. De Sola. Kayserling's Life and labours of Menasseh ben Israel. See Hebeew Liteeatuee Society, Miscellany, vol. 2. 1877. MEYER, Dr. Johann Friedrich. See Abeaham the Pateiaech. Das Buch Jezira. 1830. MEYER, Seligman. Arbeit und Handwerk im Talmud. [On the theory and practice of labour and handicrafts, and on the artisans and guilds.] 8°. Berlin, 1878. MICHELL, J. See San-Donato, Peince Demidoff. The Jewish Question in Russia. 1884. MIDRASH. nnmn mK^j; C^mo Midrash 'Asereth ha-dibroth. Exposition of the Ten Commandments, with illustrative parables. This Midrash is preceded by ^n:in nm^^K 'l HKIIlf of Eliezer ben Isaac of Worms. 12°. Warsaw, 1875. Beth Ha-midrash. See PeEIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. MIDRASH. 103 MIDRASH OF THE Five Scrolls. See MiDRASH Eabboth film \^11D 1725, MIDRASH Lekaoh Tob (Pesikta Zutarta). (NmDIT xnp>DD) 11D nph t^mD Midrash Lehach toh (Pesikta zutarta) von Rabbi Tobia ben Elieser. Ein agadischer Commentar, zum ersten Male herausgegeben und kritisch bearbeitet mit einem Com- mentar und einer ausfiihrlichen Einleitung, von Salomon Buber. [Parts 3, 4, and 5 contain a commentary by Aaron Moses Padua of Karlin.] 5 parts. 8°. Wilna, 1880. MIDRASH Mechilta [attributed to R. Ishmael]. NnVOD K^nD With a commentary, entitled liDPIJ^ PIT, by Moses ben Simeon Frankfurt, and marginal references to the Bible. fol. Amsterdam, 1721. MIDRASH MiSHLE. 'h^'O K^niD Midrash on the Proverbs of Solomon. fol. Venice, 1546. MIDRASH Pesikta Rabbathi. *n2") Nnp^DQ Pesikta Rabhathi, Midrasch fiir den Fest-Cyclus und die ausgeseichneten Sabbathe, kritisch bearbeitet, commentirt, durch neue handschriftliche Haggadas vermehrt, mit Bibel und Personen- Indices versehen, von M. Friedmann. Mit einem Lexidion der vorkommenden griechischen und lateinischen Fremdworter, von Rab. Dr. Moritz Giidemann. 8°. Vienna, 1880. MIDRASH Rabboth. nm tJ^niO Midrash Pabboth, the ancient Rabbinical expositions of the Five Books of Moses, and ni^*:iD t^DH K'niD, or the Rabbinical expositions of the Five Scrolls. With the commentary nJiriD ruriD, by Issachar Baer ben Naphtali Cohen; and marginal notes and copious indexes by Naphtali Hirsch ben Samson Oettinger. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Frankfort on the Oder, 1692. Another edition. With the additional commentaries 7]\i^t2 H* by Jacob ben Abraham Hellin, ntvi'^ '>2'M HiB^D by Eliezer ben Judah of Pinczow, and DmiK y^T, by Abraham ben Jacob Moses Hellin. fol. Amsterdam, 1725. 104 MIDRASH MISHLE. MIDRASH Rabboth — continued, Bibliotheca Rabbinica. Eine Sammlung alter Midraschim zum ersten Male ins Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. August Wiinsche. Parts 1-34. [In progress.] 8°. Leipzig, 1880-85. Midrasch Bereschith Rabba „ Shemoth. „ „ Wajikra „ „ Bemidbar „ „ Debarim „ „ Miscble „ Midrasch. Shir Ha-Shirim Rabba „ Ruth „ „ Echa „ „ Esther „ „ Koheleth „ Pesikta des Rab Kahana. MIDRASH Shemuel. hi^)12^ K'-Iltt Midrash on the Book of Samuel. fol. Venice, 1564. MIDRASH SiFRA. (D^jriD n^in) 3"l ^m 8<"IDD with commentaries of Abraham ben David of Pousquieres 0"l«1), and lID^nn mS^D, by the editor, Isaac Hirsch Weiss. 4". Vienna, 1862. MIDRASH SiFRi DEBE Rab. 21 *n nSD St/re debe Eah, der alteste halachische und hagadische Midrasch zu Numeri und Deuteronomium, mit krit. Noten, Erkla- rungen, Indices, und einer ausfiihrlichen Einleitung von M. Fried- mann. Theil 1. S°. Vienna, 1864. MIDRASH Tadshe. NtJ^in t^lHD On the Pentateuch and other portions of the Bible. VK^n K>mD On Exodus xiv. and xv. nbi:i^n H^VD Legend of the ant and King Solomon. 8*. Warsaw, 1875. MIDRASH Tanchuma o;- Jelamdenu. [IJId!?^] KDinan On the Pentateuch. fol. Mantua, 1563. MIDRASH Tehilim. [21D -iniK'] D^^nn tJ^nD Midrash on the Book of Psalms. fol. Venice, 1546. See Eliezeb hen Hyecan "ITV^^K *3"n *p1Q 1867. See Eliezer Sussman "Ity^^K D1p!?> 1864. See Simeon [hen Chelbo] Kara ^^I^DK^ t3"ip^* 1687. MILMAN, Rev. Henry Hart, D.D. The history of the Jews from the earliest period down to modern times. Third edition. 3 vol. 8". London, 1863. MISHLE Chachamim. See Steinschneider, Dr. M., pyn ^« 3pV^ X3*1 1852. MISHNAH. 105 MISHNAH. ni^JSJ'D With the commentaries of Obadiah di Bertinoro (J^'I'T'D), Jom-Tob Lipman Heller (31D D1^ niSDin), Moses Lipschuetz (nJK^D Dn^), and Abraham ben Chayim Lisker (Dn"l3S "l«n and "iXa *D). 6 vol. in 3. 4°. Amsterdam, 1726. Vol. 1. n ^ynt •)1D Vol. 2. ■ lyiD • IHD 1. m3")3 7. nnc'vo 1. nnc^ 7. n^f^n 2. njJB^ "itryD 2. i^nny 8. n32J^n t^Ni 3. ^KDT 9. n^n 3. D>nD2 9. n^:yn 4. D>Nb 10. ni>"iy 4. D"'^pB' 10. n*?UD 5. n^yuK^ 11. Dni3n 5. NDV 11. IDp nyiD 6. mDnn 6. HDID 12. nj'jn Vol. 3. wm -no Vol. 4. ppnJ ' ■no 1. m»n* 5. ntDiD 1. «Dp i^an 6.. nivuK' 2. nniriD 6. ptoo 2. Ny^^D xan 7. mny 3. Dmj 7. Vmip 3. «-ina N3n 8. niT mny 4. rn 4. \^iin:D 9. mnK 5. ni3D 10. nnin Vol. 5. c ^K^np 110 1 Vol. 6. nnnD no 1. n^nar 7. ninnD 1. D^b 7. ni: 2. nimo 8. n'p^VD 1 2. ni'pnx 8. PT2J>DD 3. r'pin 9. n*Dn 3. D-'yjj 9. D>2T 4. mii33 10. nno 4. ma 10. DV 'pud 5. r^-iy 11. DOP 5. nnnto 11. DH^ 6. n-iiDn 6. niNipD 12. D^vpiy nVJtJ^O With the additional commentaries of Samson of Altona (D^ti>nn niDDin), Hezekiah ben David de Silva (D^>n D^» from his D^EJ^nn) ; and Levi Isaac of Berditshef (D^EJ^n^H). Together with lectiones variantes, and references to the Shulchan Aruch. 6 vol. 4°. Slavuta, 1828-30. nVJSJ^D Mishnah with vowel points, a German translation in Hebrew square characters, and a short Hebrew commentary (nnj ?)D ^^^), by Senior Pheibesh. Translated and edited, with the assistance of J. Moser and others, by Dr. J. M. Jost. 6 vol. in 3. 4°. Berlin, 1832-34. D^yiT "IID With the usual commentaries and those of Isaiah Berlin {\V):h ])^i^l), Elijah of Wilna (IH^^X nii^), and Akiba Eger PJ>^K i21 niDDin). Vol. 1. 4». Altona, 1841. 106 MISHNAH MONTEFIORE. MISUNAU— continued. >D!?K'n\n niD^nn nOIJ n>hv "^m natJ'Dn The Mishnah of the Pales- tinian Talmud. Edited . . . from the unique manuscript preserved in the University Library of Cambridge by [the Rev.] W. H. Lowe, M.A. 8°. Cambridge, 1883. [nnx *pia hv ni«>l] ^KIDK^ C^-inD Commentary on the Firke Aboth or Ethics of the Fathers, by Samuel ben Isaac de Uceda, together with the commentary of Rashi. 4**. Venice, 1579. Another edition. fol. Frankfort on the Main, 1713. [pn^ I""-] nilK n2DD The Ethics of the Fathers. With the com- mentary Jen Lebanon, by Naphtali Herz ben Issachar Wessely. fol. Berli7i, 1775. See Taylob, Charles, M.A., dl>)Vn nUK nm 1877. MISSES, Isaac. n^VQ niDX Darstellung und kritische Beleuchtung der jiidischen Geheimlehre. [German only.] 2 parts. 8°. Cracow, 1862-63. MITCHELL, Edward C, D.D. See Gesbnius, W., Hebrew G-raminar. ' 1880. MOCATTA, Frederic David. The Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition. 8°. London, 1877. ^JNJIDlSat niBDn Dnin^n The Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition. Translated into Hebrew by J. B. Frumkin. 12°. Jerusalem, 1878. [Bound in olive wood, with a carving of the " Shield of David " on the front cover.] MOCATTA, Isaac Lindo. Moral Biblical gleanings and practical teachings. 8°. London, 1872. MOCATTA, Moses. "IEJ' n^y m^h On the laws of property and commercial transactions. [Rabbinical Code, parts 3 and 5.] fol. Prague, 1624. \^)i^ l^y CJ^Il? On the laws of property and commercial transactions. [Rabbinical Code, part 5.] fol. Prague, 1609. MORDECAI ha-Cohex {of Safed). pD ^nsSi^ Cabalistical exposition of the Pentateuch. fol. Hamburg, 1690. P 2 108 MORDECAI MOSES. MORDECAI GuMPEL ben Judah Leb Schnapper. nODnni minn Religion and science. An exposition of natural philosophy. 4°. London, 1771. Thy?1 nn3!D n?D Short expositions of Biblical and Talraudical passages. 8°. Altona, 1797. MORDECAI hen Isaac Tama. See Moses hen Maimon, inn "IND ' 1765. MORDECAI hen Nisan. *D1"1D TiT On the history, doctrines and literature of the Caraites, with supplement by Simchah Isaac ben Moses of Lutzka. Also rules for the killing of animals for food, by Joseph ben Mordecai Troki and Israel Maarabi. Compiled from answers to questions by J. Trigland, on the differences between the Caraites and the Rabbinists. 4°. Vienna, 1830. MORDECAI Zebi hen Benjamin. nnjxn nnao Alphabetical index to the Agadas in the Talmud. Edited by Joshua Falk of Wilkomir. 8". Wilna, 1870. MOSES hen Chayim Alshec. n^D min Commentary on the Pentateuch. fol. Venice, 1601. HB^D nStJ'D («"lp:n) inOi^ n^ao '*a Commentary on the Book of Esther, with the text. 4°. Venice, 1606. niX31^n nifc5"ID Commentary on the earlier and later Prophets. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Venice, vol. 1, 1620 ; vol. 2, 1607. Commentaries on the Five Scrolls. fol. Offenbach, 1717. DV^Vn nJK^ISJ' Commentary on the Song of Solomon. HK'D ^^^V ,, „ Ruth. D^Din^ D'''I21 „ „ Lamentations. D>niD Onm „ „ Ecclesiastes. ntJ'D nXtJ^D „ „ Esther. [l"3 ^y] niK3i:^n niNID Commentary on the earlier Prophets. fol. Offenhach, 1719. intJTl n^Vnn Commentary on Daniel, with the text. fol. Amsterdam, 1726. Commentary on the service for Passover-nights. See Liturgies. 1781, MOSES. 109 MOSES Derai. See Neubauer, A., n^K^H flD^te 1865. MOSES ben Israel Isserles. HEJ^D ""D^T A commentary. See Jacob hen AsHER of Toledo Ityn pK nit3 1727. See Joseph hen Ephraim Caro ^nV \rh'\^ 1783. MOSES Jew Israel of Landsberg. D'>J1DX lOIK^ Exposition, both plain and mystical, of passages in the Pentateuch and in the Five Scrolls, together with an elucidation of the Massorah. 4°. Offenhach, 1724. MOSES ben Jacob Albelda. nVDT nyK* " The gates of tears." A philosophical inquiry into the dispensations of Providence in times of adversity. 4°. Venice, 1586. MOSES ben Jacob Chagiz. D^»3n m^D The student's guide to the acquisition of knowledge, and the improvement of the moral faculties. 4°. Wansheck, 1733. [The introduction gives a list of the contents of a second part, entitled D^i-Dn noifj which was never published.] n»pn Dp^ See Joseph hen Ephraim Caro, '])!]} \rh)^ 1783. MOSES ben Jacob Corduero. Index to the Zohar. See Simeon hen Jochai, IHtn 1736. MOSES ben Jacob of Coucy. 7na niVD "ISD "lIVp On ritual observances. Edited by Simeon ben Meir of Carlsruhe. 12°. Carhruhe, 1763. MOSES ben Joseph Kimchi. Commentaries. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna and other editions. MOSES ben Joseph of Trani. See Saadiah hen Joseph Fayumi, n^nnn 1873. MOSES ben Maimon or Maimonides, [D"nD"i]. De idolatria liber cum interpretatione Latina et notis Dionysii Vossii. Hebraice et Latine. 4°. Amsterdam, 1641. 110 MOSES. MOSES hen Maimon — continued, *D1D 3N3 Porta Mosis; sive dissertationes aliquot a R. Mose Maimo- nide suis in varias mishnaioth . . . commentariis praemissae. Nunc primum Arabice et Latine editae studio Edvardi Pocockii. 8°. OxonicB, 1655. [The Arabic text is in Hebrew characters.] [nptnn *l^n] min HJK^D a digest of the Jewish ordinances as set forth in the Talmud of Jerusalem and the Talmud of Babylon, in the Tosefta, the Sifra, and the Sifri, and as expounded by the Geonim after the close of the Talmud. In fourteen books, with various commentaries as enumerated below, and copious tables of reference. 4 vol. fol. Jessnitz, 1739-42. Alphabetical list of commentators : — Abraham ben David of Pousquieres Abraham ben Moses de Boton Joseph ben Ephraim Caro ... Judah Rozanes Levi Ibn Chabib and Obadiah ben David K^lPiri Meir ben Baruch of Rothenburg Shem Tob ben Abraham Ibn Gaon Vidal de Tolosa niJK^n ... ^):h mK'D Vol. 1. mV»n pj» (the 613 Mosaic precepts). Book 1. vnon nsD minn hid* nn^n r\m „ mm iiD^n „ Dn>nipim D'idv „ nniK^n „ Book 2. nnriK -lao D>3nD riD-ini n'pan „ &^r\ „ nnT» „ mm ")E5D „ niD-in „ n^^D „ n35J>n ^D nSsn "no Vol. 1 — continued. Book 3. D^JDT nSD HDID „ nvayn „ Vol. 2. Book 4. D^K^: "IQD MOSES. Ill MOSES ben Mai m on— contmwed Vol. 2 — continued, nmo „ Book 5. nti'np "ISD Vol. 3. Book 6. nxban isd Book 7. D''yiT nSD niDiin Dnn2 Book 8. mny idd ni32-ipn n^v^ „ pK^npiDn >^1DQ ,, Dmsan dv muy „ Vol. 3 — continue i. mas noino niD^n Book 10. mnO "12D noHN ma „ 2mi2) nSt^D ^NDDD „ mxipD „ Vol. 4. Book 11. ppn: 1BD |i»D '•pn nnSn na^ja „ mnxi n'pta „ pn»i 'pnin „ c^B3 riTDEj'i nvn „ Book 12. p^:p nsD pBnitJ'1 pni'pEJ^ „ Book 13. D''t3SSJ'D -)SD tnpai n'pxt^ „ ni^i nto „ ]V^:) jyiD „ Book 14. Book 9. nijmpn nao noa \2'ip ms'pn See Jellinek, Dr. Adolph D"3D"in D"l031p D^DaiB^ -ISD 1878. 112 MOSES. MOSES ben Maimon — continued. D*3Ui TyWO The guide of the perplexed. With commentaries by Shem Tob ben Joseph Palquera, Isaac ben Moses Duran (Efodi), and Asher ben Abraham Crescas ; summaries of the chapters (miDn *p"iQ v?D) by Judah ben Solomon Charizi ; and a glossary of philosophical terms by Samuel ben Judah Ibn Tibbon. fol. Jessnitz, 1742. D^D113 nilD Liber Moreh Nebuchim, sive Doctor Perplexorum primum ab auctore in lingua Arabica conscriptus, deinde a Rabbi Jehuda Alcharisi in linguam Hebream translatus, nunc vero adno- iationibus illustratus a Simone Scheyero, Ph.D., e vetere codice bibliothecaB nationalis Parisiis, primum edidit Leon Schlossberg. [Vol. 1 contains a Hebrew glossary of difficult terms.] 3 vol. 8». London, 1851-79. p^«n^K rhvh^ Le Guide des Egares. Traite de theologie et de philosophic par Moise ben Maimon . . . Publie pour la premiere fois dans I'original arabe, et accompagne d'une traduction fran9aise et de notes critiques, literaires et explicatives, par S. Munk. [Arabic and French. The Arabic text is in Hebrew characters.] 3 vol. 8°. Paris, 1856-66. The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated by Dr. M. Friedlander. 3 vol. See Hebeew Literature Society. 1881-5. inn "lfc5Q Responses to consultations, with an index of the subjects submitted for his decision. Translated from the Arabic by Mor- decai Tama. Preceded by two epistles, in the Spanish language, by Jacob Sasportas and the translator. 4°. Amsterdam, 1765. |l*5nn ni?D IINI The book of logic by Maimonides; with a com- mentary by Moses Mendelssohn. Together with a German trans- lation, in Hebrew characters, and a Hebrew exposition by Moses Samuel Neumann. 8°. Vienna, 1822. (Viva ri'^iXlOn) Jj^ Ljtcj Mose ben Maimun's Acht Kapitel. Arabisch und deutsch, mit Anmerkungen von Dr. M. Wolff. [On ethical philosophy. Arabic in Hebrew characters.] 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Gifte und ihre Heilung. Zum ersten Male deutsch von Moritz Stein- schneider, nebst einem Anhange iiber die Familie Ibn Zohr. Hierzu als Einleitung : Die toxicologischen Schriften der Araber bis Ende des XII. Jahrhunderts. 8°. Berlin, 1873. MOSES. 113 MOSES ben Maimon — -continued. W'lDlb nulSJ^ni nnjfc? Correspondence, and responses to consulta- tions ; together with testamentary exhortations to his son, and a short biography. ' 8°. Warsaw, 1877. Testamentary exhortations D'^^Din r\ii)))i See Edelman Zebi Hirsch, DUItO "JIT 1852. See Steinschneider, Dr. M., PVH ^K 3py* Nl^l 1852. Letter to Rabbi Jehudah Ibn Tibbon. See Hebrew Literature Society, Miscellany, vol. 1. 1872. Commentary on the Mishnah. See Mishnah and Talmud. Mishnah Hatorah. See Peppercorne, J. W., The laws of the Hebrews. 1850. Life and writings. See Peppercorne, J. W. The laws of the Hebrews. 1850. See Tauber, I., pj;") niTK 1860. Essays on the philosophy of Maimonides. See Rosin, Dr. David, Die Ethik des Maimonides. 1876. See Rubin, Salomo, Spinoza und Maimonides. 1868. See SCHEYER, Dr. S. B., Das psychol. System des Maimonides. 1845. See Steinschneider, Dr. M., nni«Dn OEJ^ 1847. See Steinschneider, Dr. M., D^inDD nVUp 1875. MOSES ben Mordecai Galante. See Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedarshi, uh)V ni3*n3 1804. MOSES ben Nachman or Nachmanides, [r'3D"i]. minn K^IVa Commentary on the Pentateuch. fol. Soncin. Pesaro, 1514. [No pagination. Wants title page.] nv*XK> nillSJ^n Responses to consultations. 4°. Venice, 1519. [This work, commonly ascribed to Moses ben Nachman, was written by Solomon ben Abraham ben Adereth.] [njj>"ll] nD''Dn ** min R. Mose ben Nachman's Dissertation iiber die Vorziige der mosaischen Lehre, gehalten in Saragossa vor Konig Jacob von Aragonien. Nach der Prager Edition v. J. 1595, ver- bessert und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Adolph Jellinek. 8°. Leipzig, 1853. Q 114 MOSES. MOSES ben Nachman — continued. |'^3D"in niD^I Nachmanidis disputatio publica (a. 1263) pro fide Judaica e codd. mss. recognita, addita ejusdem expositione in Jesaiam Liii., edidit M. Steinsclaneider. 8°. Berlin, 1860. ?1DJn *^W Treatise on reward and punishment, the future state, paradise and hell, immortality, the coming of the Messiah, and the resurrection of the dead. 8°. Warsaw, 1876. Commentaries. See Bible. Bihlia Rabbinica Magna; also Pentateuch, 1876, and other editions. See Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi DD^S 31 niD?n 1720. See Shib'ah Enayim W^V HVIK^, Jacob ben Judah of London. 1745. D^K^nn Novellae. See Jacob ben Solomon Ibn Chabib ^pV l"^ 1740-41. MOSES Nakdan of London. See Bible, Biblia Rabbiniea Magna. 1724-28. MOSES ben Naphtali Hirsch Ribkas. See Joseph ben Ephraim Caro ^ny ]nh\i^ 1662. MOSES ben Noah Isaac Lipschutz. HiK^D nrh Commentary. See MiSHNAH. 1726. MOSES ben Samuel Ibn Tibbon. See Kaufmann, Prof. Dr. David. Die Spnren Al-BatlajM's in der jiidisohen Religionsphilosophie. 1880. MOSES ben Simeon Frankfurt. ni^^na V2\if A compendium of the IINDH mi3» (Moral philosophy) by Isaac Aboab. 8'. Amsterdam, 1721. See Isaac Aboab the Elder, "lIKDn miJlD 1700, 1722. See MiDRASH Mechilta. 1712. MOSES hen Solomon Levi. See Menahem Azariah of Fano, nn»XD n'^^V 1649. MOSES MUSAFIA. 115 MOSES Zacut [or Zacuth, or Sacut]. D7iy TlD^ Jessod Olam, das alteste bekannte dramatische Gedicht in hebraischer Sprache von Mose Sacut. Zum ersten Male edirt und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Dr. A. Berliner. 8°. Berlin, 1874. MOSES Zarah Eidlitz. nntJ^riD n2X?D A manual of arithmetic. Hebrew and Jewish-German. 8°. Prague, 1775. M0SS6, Benjamin. Histoire des femmes de I'antiquite judaique, a I'usage des ecoles. 8°. Avigno7t, 1881. MOTOT, Samuel. See Samuel Motot. MUEHLFELDER, Dr. M. J. Rabh. Ein Lebensbild aus der Geschichte des Talmud. Nach den Quellen dargestellt. 8°. Lei;pzig, 1871. MtJLLER, Dr. Alois. Brauchen die Juden Christenblut ? Ein offenes Wort an denkende Christen. 8°. Vienna, 1884. MULLER, Dr. Joel. D^Jn3D Pjlpn Differences in the ritual observances enforced by the early Rabbinical authorities in the Holy Land and in Babylonia. 8°. Vienna, 1878. Tni^l nE)"ll^ *DDn nini^^n Reponses faites par de celebres Rabbins fran9ais et lorrains du xi. et xii. siecle, publiees d'apres un manuscrit, et accompagnees d'un commentaire et d'une preface. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Vienne, 1881. See Talmud Babli DnsiD nSDD ■ 1878. MUNK, Salomon. Philosophic und philos. Schriftsteller der Juden; eine historische Skizze. Aus dem Franzosischen des S. Munk, mit erlauternden und erganzenden Anmerkungen von Dr. B. Beer. 8°. Leipzig, 1852. See Bible. Traduction par S. Cahen. 1835-56. See Moses Un Maimon in^&^n^N fbvh^ 1856-66. Biography of Salomon Munk. See Gastfkeund, De. J., D^ '^m^ 1879. MUSAFIA, Benjamin ben Immanuel. See Benjamin hen Immanuel MuSAFIA. Q 2 116 NACHMANIDES NATHAN. NACHMANIDES [or Nachmani]. See Moses ben Nachman. NAGARA, Israel. See Israel hen Moses Nagara. NAPHTALI Herz Gunzburg. p^fl V^^ ^iria: Expositions of the Pentateuch and the Five Scrolls. fol. Amsterdam, 1708. NAPHTALI Herz ben Issachar Wessely. mXBn *"i*EJ^ The glory of Moses. A didactic poem in eighteen cantos, on the exodus from Egypt, and the reception of the Law at Mount Sinai. 8°. Prague, 1809. blW p Gan Naul. On the philosophy of the Bible, based upon an exposition of Hebrew synonyms. 2 vol. 8°. Wilna, 1872. |n nn See Bible. Apocrypha, 1780. Biography of Naphtali Herz Wessely. See Meisel, W. A. 1841. pil? P* A commentary. See MiSHNAH nUK DDDD 1775. NAPHTALI HiRSCH ben Samson Oettinger. Marginal references to the Bible and the Talmud. See MiDRASH Rabboth. 1692. NAPHTALI HiRZ Bacharach. "]7Dn pDV Expositions of the Zohar and the cabalistical doctrines of Isaac Loria. fol. Amsterdam, 1648. NAPHTALI Lewy. nV310np ^'Ipn On the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt during the period of the shepherd-kings. 8°. Breslau [ 1 1862]. NATHAN ben Jacob Bonn. i3p^ nn265» See Reuben hen Hoeschke *331K"I Dlp^* 1700. NATHAN NEUBAUER. 117 NATHAN ben Jehiel. nnj^n 9\o)J2 Rabbinical lexicon ; with supplemental and critical anno- tations by Benjamin ben Immanuel Musafia. fol. Amsterdam, 1655. "]1"iyn Rabbinical lexicon ; with marginal references to the Talmud by Samuel ben Elchanan Jacob Archevolti. fol. Basle, 1659. D?K^n Tliy Aruch completum, sive lexicon vocabula et res, quae in libris targumicis, talmudicis et midraschicis continentur, explicans auctore Nathane filio Jechielis sseculi xi., cum appendice per Benjaminum Mussafiam, ad contextum Aruchinum adjuncta. Praelaudatum opus ex disciplinis contextus Aruchini Venetiis (anno 153 1) editi et typis mandatorum optimi ita ex hujus cum editione princip. (ante 1480), nee non cum septem Aruchinis vete- ribus manuscriptis bono cum animo facta comparatione corrigit, explet, critice illustrat et edit Dr. Alexander Kohut, Rabbinus supremus Quinque-Ecclesiensis. Vol. 1-4. [In progress.] 8°. Vienna, 1878-83. NATHAN Nata ben Moses Hannover. See LiTUEGiES. |VX nvt5^ 1798. NAUMBOURG, S. Dn*K^ m!lK Recueil de chants religieux et populaires des Israelites des temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Partitions transcrites pour piano ou orgue harmonium. Precedees d'une etude historique sur la musique des Hebreux. [The 86 liturgical texts are trans- literated according to the French pronunciation.] 4°. Paris, [1872]. See Rossi, Salomon, HID^K^^ l^i^ Dn>tJ^n Cantiques. 1877. NEPI, Hananel. See Ghirondi, M. S. ^NIC* ^HhJ nn^lH 1853. NEUBAUER, Adolph, M.A. TK^n nDK?D [Miscellany of Hebrew prosody; being extracts from manuscripts of the writings of Saadiah Ibn Danan, an anonymous prosodist, Judah ben Solomon Alcharizi, and the Karaite poet Moses Derai (*y"n).] 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1865. La geographie du Talmud. 8°. Paris, 1868. Chronique Samaritaine. Suivie de courtes notes sur quelques autres manuscrits samaritains et sur un commentaire samaritain inconnu de Genese i. a xxviii. 10. 8°. Paris, 1873. IIB NEUBAUER NISSIM. NEUBAUER, Adolph, M.A. — continued. nny ^^3tJ>^ n^n ^C^^IT-S The Fifty-third chapter of Isaiah according to the Jewish interpreters. 2 vol. _ 8°. Oxford, 1876-77. Vol. 1. Texts edited from printed books and MSS. by Ad. Neubauer. „ 2. Translations by S. R. Driver and Ad. Neubauer, with an introduc- tion to the translations by Rev. E. B. Pusey. Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Jews' College, London (DnJStJ'K p'\>l C^-nDH n>n). 8°. Oxford, 1886. . n^aiD HK^VD or n^niD nao The book of Tobit. See Bible. Apocrypha. 1878. Specimen of the book Cusari. (The Arabic text.) See Hebeew Lite-eatuee Society. Miscellany. Vol. 1. 1872. On the Hebrew translations of "L'Image du monde." See Hebeew Liteeatuee Society. Miscellany, vol. 2. 1877. See Jonah hen Ganach. The Book of Roots. 1875. See Renan, J. E., Les Rabbins frangais. 1877. NEUMANN, Dr. Bebnhard. Die heilige Stadt und deren Bewohner in ihren naturhistorischen, culturgeschichtlichen, socialen und medicinischen Verhaltnissen geschildert. 8°. Hamburg^ 1877. NEUMANN, Moses Samuel. See MoSES ben Maimon \V2r\n HiVd 11X3 1822. NEUMANN, Dr. S. Die Fabel der jiidischen Masseneinwanderung. Ein Kapitel aus der preussischen Statistik. Mit einer Nachschrift : — 1. Antwort an Herrn Adolf Wagner. 2. Herr H. v. Treitschke und seine jiidische Masseneinwanderung. 3. Die Antwort des konigl. preussischen statistischen Biireaus. Dritte Auflage. 8". Berlin, 1881. Die neueste Liige iiber die israelitische Allianz, ein Probestiick aus der antisemitischen Moral. 8°. Berlin, 1883. Zur Statistik der Juden in Preussen von i8i6 bis i88o. Zweiter Beitrag aus den amtlichen Veroffentlichungen. 8°, Berlin, 1884. NEW TESTAMENT. See Bible. NIETO. See David ben Phineas Nieto. NISSIM len Benveniste. See Shib'ah enayim U^^V ^W^.^ 1745. NISSIM OCKLEY. 11J9 NISSIM ben Reuben Gekondi [|""i]. D^SJ'nn Novella. See Jacob hen Solomon Ibn Chabib Ipj;* py 1740. NUTT, Rev. John W., M.A. See Eleazae of Beaugenci K'O hv D*Ii^1"I^D, Commentaries on the Later Prophets. 18T9, OBADIAH Di Bertinoro. Letters. See Hebrew Liteeaturb Society. Miscellany. Vol. 1. 1872, Commentary. See MiSHNAH. OBADIAH hen David. K^nnn m'^''\> nn^n ^y '^S A commentary. See Moses hen Maimon [npTHH HM] 7\1\T\ nitJ'D 1739-42. OBADIAH ben Jacob Sporno. pl^ IDSK^D Commentary on the Book of Job. See Bible. Joh. 1589. Commentary. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna; also Pentateuch, 1876, and other editions. OCHLAH w'OcHLAH. n?DS1 n?2K [Massorah]. Herausgegeben, iibersetzt und mit erlau- ternden Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. S. Frensdorff. 4°. Hanover, 1864. OCKLEY, Simon. The history of the present Jews throughout the world, being an account of their customs, ceremonies and manner of living. Translated from the Italian of Leo Modena. With two supple- ments on the Samaritans and the Caraites, from the French of Father Simon. 12°. London, 1707. 120 OELSNER PARCHl. OELSNER, Dr. L. R. Sabbathai Bassista und sein Process. 8°. Leipzig, 1858. Schlesische Juden im Mittelalter. 8°. Breslau [18 . .] OLIVEYRA, Solomon. See Solomon ben David Oliveyra, ONKELOS, Targum op. See Bible. Bihlia Babhinica Magna, and otlier editions. Die Massorah zum Targum von Onkelos. See Beelinee, Dr. A. 1875. Die Anthropomorphien, bei Onkelos. See Maybaum, Dr. S. 1870. OPPENHEIM, H. B. See Jews of Roumania. 1872. OPPLER, A. See Hebxheimeb, De. S. Tlie Hebrew language. 1862. ORIENT, Der. See Periodical Publications. OSIMO, Dr. Marco. Narrazione della strage compita nel 1547 contro gli Ebrei d'Asolo e cenni biografici della famiglia Coen-Gantarini. Originata da un ucciso Asolano. 8". Casale Monferrato, 1875. OZER ben Meir. See Joseph bm Ephraim Caso, ^ny jnPIK' PALESTINE. See Peppercorne, J. W. The laws of the Hebrews. 1850. PALMER, Edward Henry, M.A. A history of the Jewish nation from the earliest times to the present day. 8'. London, 1874. PARCHl. See Esthori ben Moses Parchi. PARCHON PERIODICALS. 121 PARCHON, Solomon. See Solomon hen Abraham Parchon. PARDO, Joseph Vita. Commentarj on the Book of Micah. See LuzzATTO, Samuel David, |n^T ''315< 1841. PATHSHEGEN. \i^T\^ or 'l"K* "I2D A critical commentary on the Targura of Onkelos. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1876. PELLATT, Apsley. Brief memoir of the Jews, in relation to their civil and municipal disabilities. With an appendix containing the Jews' petition to Oliver Cromwell ; the Russian ukase ; and ordinance of the King of Wurtemberg affecting the civil and religious liberty of the Hebrew nation. 8°. London, 1829. PENTATEUCH. See Bible. Pentateuch. PEPPERCORNE, James Watts. The laws of the Hebrews relating to the stranger, from the '*Mischna- Hathora " of the Rabbi Maimonides, with an introduction upon the rights of necessity; an account of the life and writings of Maimonides ; remarks upon the fertility of the Holy Land, and illustrative notes. 8°. London, 1850. PERIODICAL Publications. Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums. Ein unparteiisches Organ fUr alles judische Interesse in Betreff von Politik, Religion, Literatur, Geschichte, Sprachkunde und Belletristik. Herausgegeben von Dr. Ludwig Philippson. 41 vol. 4°. Leipzig, 1837-77. Archives Israelites de France. Revue mensuelle religieuse, histo- rique, biographique, bibliographique et litteraire . . . sous la direc- tion de S. Cahen. 29 vol. 8°. Paris, 1840-68. [Vol. 4 and 13 are wanting, and vol. 22 and 27 are imperfect.] Beth ha-Midrash B^IIDn fl'^l Sammlung kleiner Midraschim und vermischter Abhandlungen aus der alteren jiidischen Literatur. ■ Nach Handschriften und Druckwerken gesammelt und herausge- geben von Adolph Jellinek. [An introduction to the several Midraschim is given at the beginning of each volume.] 6 vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1855-78. Vol. 1. (Dnis'?) |in^a «nN JJ>11D l. Midrasch Abba Gorion. (DniS^) nnD« rh^'O C'lnO 2. Midrasch Megillat Ester. 122 PERIODICALS. PERIODICAL Publications — continued. Beth ha-Midrash. Vol. 1— continued. (niyuK^*?) noanpyD 3. 4. 5. 6. (3K nn*?) pnK m^tOD cj'nD 7. 8. 9. nnDJt*^>) ii>3n niJ^D nTiaa c:^"nD 10. (min 11. 12. 13. 14. D:n>j n^DD 15. inpn Dun n^DD 16. n^in nTv^ -no 17. 2. 13U-I HK'D y.j' D-'D^n nm 1. nnin> nt^^yn 2. piD K'mD 3. np3^n riDDo 4. D13) "•1^ p yK'in> '-n nsj^vD 5. py p "iiD 6. ^nnnt nao 7. n^K'Dn niniK 8. nn2Tt? n'?N t^-nD 9. irns 3py> DDnn cj^mD "l^Dn nob^ b\i^ «dd nioi 10. 11. 12. 13. n-iin n^vo K'-no 14. Erzahlung von Abraham u. Nimrod. Midrascli Wajoscha. Quell der Weisheit. Midrasch der zehn G-ebote. Midrascli von Ableben Aharon's. Midrasch Jona. Midrasch Temura. Midrasch vom Ableben Mosis, Greschichte Judith's. Midrasch fiir Chanuka. Zweiter Midrasch fiir Chanuka. Megillat Antiochus. Tractat vom Gehinnom. Tractat von den Grabesleiden. Tractat von der Bildung des Kindes, Zusatze zu Midrasch Abba Gorion, Megillat Ester, und Temura. Chronik des Moses. Gescbichte Judith's. Midrasch Conen (Verherrlichung der Tora ; die vier Weltgegenden, mit Paradies und Holle. Alte es- saische Cosmogonie. Gottes "Weis- heit. Weltgegenden und Israel's- Stamme. Lobpreis Gottes von den Engeln.) Tractat von den himmlischen Hallen. Geschichte von R. Josua ben Lewi. Schilderung des Paradieses. Erste Recension. Das Buch Serubabel. Die Zeichen des Messias. Midrasch der zehn Martyrer. Midrasch vom Segen Jakob's, Der Thron Salome's. Salome's Wanderjahre. Tractat von den Tempelgerathen. Midrasch Maase Tora. (Lehren, Ver- haltungsregeln und Erfahrungs- satze.) PERIODICALS. 123 PERIODICAL Publications — continued. Beth ha-Midrash. Vol. 2 — continued. ('« NRDi:) >nn nn'?i< nso 15. Tl3n ISD 16. Dn"in« ntj'VD 17. 31 >2T Kn^J:-lD 18. 3. lyon E^'mD 1. (mnx KRDij) ^:in mi>K idd 2. Nn^py m nn^n nd^k ij^mD 3. tn2 13. m IBD 14. n^bD\T ^-^ISD p-|Q 15. ^tj'in K'-iiD 16. py p niD^ niDDin Eldad ha-Dani. Erste Recension. Das Buch Henocli, Erzahlung von Abraham. Die Perle Rab's. Midrasch Wajisau, oder die Helden- sage von den Sohnen Jakob's. Eldad ha-Dani. Zweite Recension. Abenteuer und Berickte iiber die zehn Stamme. Alfabet-Midrasch des R. Akiba. Erste Recension. Alfabet-Midrasch des R. Akiba. Zweite Recension. Apokalypse des Elia. Abschnitte iiber den Messias. Mysterien des R. Simon ben Jochai. Die grossen Hechalot. (Der Thron- wagen Grottes und die Glorie des- sen der dieses Wunder erschaut.) Midrasch leolam. [Quotations from the Talmud of passages beginning with '^leolam," and relating to duties and to virtues.] Midrasch Gadol u-Gedola. [Passages in the Talmud commencing with "Gador'or "Gedola," and a few passages on "peace."] Schilderung des Paradieses. Zweitg* Recension. Messias-Hagada. Beschreibung der Stiftshiitte* Das Noah-Buch. Preis der Engel. Midrasch Tadsche. [Symbolical treatment of the temple, the sacri- fices, the laws of purification ; ex- planation of the works wrought on the six days of the creation.] Zusatze zur Schilderung des Para- dieses. Anhang. 1. Historisches Datum im Buche Sohar ; 2. tJber die R 2 124 PERIODICALS. PERIODICAL Publications— cowyD nvK'yD Vkik^'' y»B^ man 'HI 'T p"ia ^nn hi'pdm^ niDoin Ti3n -iDD D"a NipJi ni^asT "ibd Buclier Pelia und Kana. 3. Vari- anten und Zusatze zu den grossen Hechalot. 1. Hagada zur Genesis. 2. Gebet des R. Simon ben Jochai. 3. Schemcliasai und Asael. 4. Das Leben Henocb's. 5. Exil-Midrascb. Erste Recension. 6. Midrasch bajom ha-schemini. 7. Goliatb-Midrasch.. 8. Erzablungen. 9. Gleicbnisse des Konigs Salomo. 1. Gebet Mordecbai's und Ester's. Ara- maisch und bebraiscb. 2. Zusatze zum Bucbe Ester. 3. Eldad ba-Dani. Dritte Recension. 4. Salomo und die Ameise. 5. Keri- und Ketib- Midrascb. 6. R. Akiba's Alfabet-Symbole. 7. Salomo's Tbron und Hippodrome. 8. Abrabam-Midrascb. 9. Paradies und Holle. 10. Preis der Vaterliebe. 11. Tefilla-Hagada. 12. Mikrokosmos. 13. Petrus-Legende. 14. Die gottlicbe Sopbia. 15. Scbocber Tob zu Ps. 68-71, 96-99 und 119. 16. Hallel-Midrascb. 17. Konig Hiram. 18. Exil-Midrasch. Zweite Recension. 19. Erzab.lung Daniel's. 20. Erzablungen. 21. Midrascb Fragmente. 22. Scbma-Hagada. 23. Hecbalot-Zusatze. 24. Henoob-Buch. PERIODICALS. 125 PERIODICAL Publications — continued. Beth ha-Midrash. Vol. 5 — continued. D^:ipm nnyn (0 «nDi:) nDi^n*? t^'nD NnDi3) nnte '•Jnn niK'j; ntj^yo xmn «np^Da ('1 KHDiJ) n"j;"i» m^DD K^mo ^'D xDinjn K^iiDD nv£^-i3 1^>E^'^^^ "1 piQ pnn Din * py p mo ♦ inn'? NB^D pVDtJ'T Km3«^ nsDin ('J «nDi3) 25. Lekach.-Tob zum Segen Jakob's. Zusatze. Anhang. 1. Matthaus 23, 15; 2. Hagadisclie Aussagen liber TMere; 3. Adam-Prometlieus; 4. Proselyten-Bilder ; 5. Salomo's Weislieit in hagadisclien Bildern ; 6. "liber das Kedactionsprincip der Misclina; 7. Die urspriingliche Eintlieilung der Mecliilta. 1. Clianuka-Midrascli. Dritte Recen- sion. 2. Megillat Antiochos, aramaiscli. 3. Petrus-Legende. Dritte und vierte Recension. 4. Hagada von Moses' Naclikommen. 5. Gescbichte der zelm Martyrer. Zweite nnd dritte Recension. 6. Neue Pesikta. 7. Midrasch vom Ableben Moses'. Zweite Recension. 8. Jelamdenu-Fragmente. 9. Tancbuma-Fragmente. 10. Midrasch al Jithallel. 11. Damono- und Angelologie. 12. Capitel des R. Joscbija. 13. Messias-Kriege. 14. Erzablungen. 15. Hagada - Fragmente iiber Aufer- stebung, Liwjatan, Paradies und Weltgericbt. Anbang. 1. Die Himmelfabrt des Propbeten Jesaja; 2. Elasar ben Kalir ; 3. Der Alpbabet- Midrascb. Beth Talmud. TlD^n n*l Monatschrift fiir rabbinische Literatur und Geschichte. [A periodical of Biblical, Mishnaic and Talmu- dical criticism, and of Jewish history, biography and literature. Edited by Isaac Hirsch Weiss and Meir Friedmann.] 3 vol. [In progress.] 8°. Vienna, 1881-83. 126 PERIODICALS. PERIODICAL Publications — continued. L'Educatore Israelita. Giornale di letture per le famiglie israeli- tiche, compilato dai Professor! Giuseppe Levi ed Esdra Pontremoli. [The volumes for 1870-74 were edited by Giuseppe Levi, "coUa collaborazione di distinti correligionarii."] 22 vol. 8°. VercelU, 1853-74. Haasif tj^DXn [An encyclopaedic Hebrew annual, embracing histori- cal, chronological, scientific, legislative, commercial, charitable, literary and statistical information relating to the Jews in Russia and other countries. Edited by Nahum Sokolof]. 1884 and 1885. 2 vol. [In progress.] 8°. Warsaw, 1884-85. Hebrew review and magazine of Rabbinical literature 0^?^. Edited by Dr. Morris J. Raphall. 3 vol. 80. London, 1835-36. Israelitische Annalen. Ein Centralblatt fUr Geschichte, Literatur und Cultur der Israeliten aller Zeitenund Lander. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. M. Jost. 3 vol. 4°. Frankfort on the Main, 1839-41. Jaarboeken voor de Israeliten in Nederland. [Containing historical and miscellaneous essays, together with notices of ephemeral sub- jects, and an index.] 4 vol. 8°. '5 Gravenhage, 1835-38. Jahrbuch fiir die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. 4 vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1860-69. Vol. 1. 1. Schilderungen aus Russland von Rabinowitsch. Lebensbilder der Vergangenheit — Der Straf noi. 2. Die Juden auf Mallorca, von Dr. M. Kayserling. 3. Die letzten zwolf Jahre. Zur Greschichte der Juden in Preussen. Von Dr. Immanuel Heinrich Ritter. 4. Die Entstehung und Vollendung der Septuaginta. Von Rabbiner Dr. M. Duscbak. 5. Die geistliche Amtsbefahigung im Judenthume, historisch ent- wickelt von Dr. Jacob Frankel. 6. Zur Geschichte der Juden in Hannover. Von Dr. M, Wiener. 7. Die Juden unter Ferdinand II. Von G. Wolf. Vol. 2. Nachruf dem Andenken des Dr. J. M. Jost. Von Dr. A. M. Gold- Schmidt. 1. Eliah von Pesaro. Von Dr. J. M. Jost. 2. Eine Familien-Megillah. Von Dr. J. M. Jost. 3. Menasse ben Israel ; sein Leben und Wirken. Von Dr. M. if ay- serling. Adresse in Namen der jiidischen Nation. Erklarung an die Republik England's von Menasse ben Israel. 4. Baruch Spinoza. Von Dr. Ludwig Philippson. 5. Epigraphische Beitrage zur Geschichte der Juden. Von Dr. M. A. Levy. 6. Beitrage zur Geschichte der jiidischen Aerzte in Italien. Von Livius Fiirst. 7. Kleinere Abhandlungen. tJbersicht der historischen Literatur, Von Dr. M. Kayserling. PERIODICALS. 127 PERIODICAL Publications — continued. Jahrbuch fur die Geschichte der Juden. Vol. 3. X. Leben Moses nacli Auffassung der jiid. Sage, ein Fragment. Von Dr. B. Beer. 2. Sara Copia Sullam. Lebensbild einer jiid. italienisclien Dicbterin aus dem xvii. Jabrbundert. Von Dr. M. A. Levy. 3. Metrologiscbe Voruntersucbungen zu einer Gescbicbte dea ibraiscben, resp. altjudiscben Handels. Erste Lieferung. Von Dr. L. Herzfeld. 4. Zwei Brief e Obadjab's aus Bartenuro, aus dem Jabre 5248 und 5249. Nacb dem Manuscript iibersetzt von Adolf Neubauer, 5. Ein anonymer Reisebrief aus dem Jabre 1495. Uebersetzt von Adolf Neubauer. 6. Tbeilnabme von Juden an den portugiesiscben Entdeckungen. Von Dr. M. Kayserling. 7. Uebersicbt der bistoriscben Literatur. Von Dr. M. Kayserling. Vol. 4. 1. Eduard Lasker: biograpbiscbe Skizze. Von Dr. Tobias Cobn. 2, Die Vertreibung der Juden aus Bobmen im Jabre 1744, und deren Riickebr im Jabre 1748. Von Dr. G-. Wolf. 3. Das castilianiscbe Gemeindestatut. Von Dr. M. Kayserling, Jahrbiicher fiir jiidische Gescbicbte und Literatur, herausgegeben von Dr. N. Briill. 7 vol. [In progress.] 8°. Franlfort on the Main, 1874-85, JUdiscbe Zeitschrift fiir Wissenscbaft und Leben. Herausgegeben von Dr. Abraham Greiger. 11 vol. 8°. Breslau, 1862-74. Magazin fiir die Wissenscbaft des Judenthums. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Berliner und Dr. D. Hoffmann. Vol. 3-5. 8°. Berlin, 1876-78. Monatsscbrift fiir G-eschichte und Wissenscbaft des Judenthums. Edited by Dr. Z. Frankel (vol. 1 to 17) and Dr. H. Graetz (vol. 18 to 30). 30 vol. [In progress.] 8°. Dresden, Leipzig S^ Breslau, 1851-81, Der Orient. Berichte, Studien uiid Kritiken fiir jiidische Geschichte und Literatur. Herausgegeben von Dr. Julius Fiirst. [Each volume consists of 52 double numbers, the supplemental number being devoted to literary subjects.] 20 vol. 4°. Leipzig, 1840-51. Revue des etudes juives. Publication trimestriale de la Societe des etudes juives. 12 vol. [In progress.] 8°. Paris, 1880-86. See SOCIETE DES ETUDES JUIVES. Vessillo Israelitico. Rivista mensile per la storia, la scienza e lo spirito del Giudaismo, diretta dal Cav. Flaminio Servi. [A con- tinuation of "L'Educatore Israelita."] 11vol. [In progress.] 8°. Casale, 1875-85. 128 PERLES PHILO. PERLES, Dr. J. Die Leichenfeierlichkeiten im nachbiblischen Judenthiime. Eine arcbseologische Studie. 8°. Breslau, [1861]. R. Salomo ben Abrabam Adereth. Sein Leben und seine Schriften. 8°. Breslau, 1863. G-eschichte der Juden in Posen. 8°. Breslau, 1865. David Cohen de Lara's rabbinisches Lexicon Kheter Khehmnah (1713 nJin^). Ein Beitrag zur Gleschicbte der rabbiniscben Lexico- graphie. 8°. Breslau, 1868. Etymologiscbe Studien der rabbiniscben Spracbe und Altertbiimer. 8°. Breslau, 1871. Thron und Circus des Konigs Salomo. Aus einer Handscbrift der k. Hof- und Staatsbibliotbek zu Miinchen. 8°. Breslau, 1872. Zur rabbiniscben Spracb- und Sagenkunde. 8°. Breslau, 1873. Beitrage zur Geschicbte der bebraischen und aramaiscben Studien. 8°. Miinchen, 1884. PETHACHIAH ben David. See David len Aeyeh Loeb, 1)1 "l^V 1719. PETHACHIAH ben Jacob. n^nna *1 nn 313D Travels of Rabbi Petachia of Ratisbon, who in the latter end of the twelfth century visited Poland, Russia, Little Tartar J, etc. Translated with explanatory notes by Dr. A. Benisch, and additional notes by William F. Ainsworth. [Hebrew and English.] 2nd edition. 8°. London, 1861. PHILIPPSON, Dr. Ludwig. The development of the religious idea in Judaism, Christianity and Mahomedanism, considered in twelve lectures on the history and purport of Judaism. Translated from the German with notes, by Anna Maria Goldsmid. 8\ London, 1855. See Bible. 1858-59. See Periodical Publications. AUgemeine Zeitung des Juden- thums. 1837-77. PHILIPPSON, Dr. Phoebus. Biographische Skizzen [Moses Philippson, Joseph Wolf and Gotthold Salomon], 3 parts. 8". Leipzig, 1864-66. PHILO JUD^TJS. In libros Mosis. Graece. fol. Paris, 1552. See Feiedlandee, DE. Moeitz, Philo's Schriften. 1880. PHINEHAS PONTREMOLI. I2i9l PHINEHAS, Elijah hen Meir. nnnn IQD An encyclopaedia of the physical and speculative sciences, 2 vol. in 1. 4°. Briinn, 1797. PHOEBUS Segal Hurwitz. p^DNlDDni? y^ ynin:iDJ3XQ:K Elements of arithmetic. [German in Hebrew characters.] Part 1. 8°. Amstei^dam, 1791. PICART, Bernard. The ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations of the world, together with historical annotations. Vol. 1, containing the ceremonies of the Jews. Written originally in French, and illustrated with a large number of copper plates. fol. London, 1733. PICCIOTTO, James. Sketches of Anglo-Jewish history. 8°. London, 1875. Translation of Halevy's Travels in Abyssinia. See Hebrew Literature Society. Miscellany, vol. 2. 1877. PINSKER, S. ni^JIDnp *'^)ph Likute Kadmoniot. Zur Geschichte des Karaismus und der karaischen Literatur. 8». Vienna, 1860. Einleitung in das babylonisch-hebraische Punktationssystem nach Handschriften, mit Vokaltafel und einem Facsimile ; nebst einer Grammatik der hebr. Zahlworter {Jesod mispar) von Abraham ben Ezra, aus Handschriften herausgegeben. 8°. Vienna, 1863. PIRKE Shirah. tX^'V ^p"lD On the prayers offered to the Deity by the animated and inanimate works of creation, with the commentary HvK *Q by Elijahu ben Isaac Moses Deuz. 4°. Altona, 1735. [Wants the title-page.] POCOCK, Edward. See MoSES hen Maimon. Porta Mosis. 1655. PODIEBRAD, David J. See FOGES, B. Alterthiimer der Prager Josef stadt. 1870. POLAK, G. I. See Wagenaar, H. A., y"2T nn^lfl 1868. PONTREMOLI, Esdra. See Periodical Publications. L'Educatore leraelita. 1853-74. s 130 POPPER RABBINOWICZ. POPPER, Dr. Julius. Der biblische Bericht iiber die Stiftshiitte. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Composition und Diaskeue des Pentateuch. 8°. Leipzig, 1862. PORTALEONE, Abraham hen David di. See Abraham hen David DI PORTALEONE. PRIDEAUX, Humphrey, D.D. The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. 19th edition. 3 vol. 8°. London, 1825. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D. Letters to the Jews, inviting them to an amicable discussion of the evidences of Christianity. 8°. Birmingham, 1786. See Levi, David, Letters to Dr. Priestley in answer. 1787. See Solomon de A. R., Reply of the Jews. 1787. An inquiry into the knowledge of the antient Hebrews concerning a future state. Edited by T[heophilus] L[indsey]. 8^ London, 1801. PUSEY, Rev. E. B. See Neubauee, A., HDi; ^"-^K^^ HJH ^m^li The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah. 1876-77. RABBINOWICZ, Dr. Israel Michael. La religion national des anciens Hebreux. Reponse a la Revue des deux Mondes. 8°. Paris, 1873. Legislation criminelle du Talmud. Organisation de la magistrature rabbinique, autorite legale de la Mischnah, ou traduction critique des traites talmudiques Synhedrin et Makhoth et des deux passages du traite Edjoth, 8°. Paris, 1876. Essai sur le judaisme, son passe et son avenir. 8°. Paris, 1877. RABBINOWICZ RAPHAEL. 131 RABBINOWICZ, Dr. Israel Michael — continued. Legislation civile du Thalmud. Nouveau commentaire et traduction critique. 5 vol. 8°. Paris, 1878-80. Vol. 1. Les traites Berakhoth jusqu'a Kh.eth.oubotli, Grhitin, KidouscMn de tous les passages des 26 traites des 3 premieres divisions (Sedarim) qui concernent la legislation, les f emmes, les paiens, etc. 2. Traite Baba Kama. 3. Traite Baba Metzia. 4. Traite Baba Bathra. 5. Tous les passages des 30 traites des 3 dernieres divisions (Sedarim) qui concernent la legislation, la medecine, les pai'ens, etc. RABBINOWICZ, R. D^'IS'ID ''pllpT Variae lectiones in Mischnam et in Talmud Baby- lonicum quum ex aliis libris antiquissimis et scriptis et impressis turn e codice Monacensi praBstantissimo collectae, annotationibus InstructaB. 15 parts. [In progress.] 8°. Munich, 1867-86. Part 1. Berachotb et totus ordo Seraim. „ 2. Bezab, Chagiga, Moed Katon. „ 3. Taanitb, Sukkab. „ 4. Rosch Hascbanah, Joma. „ 5. Erubin. „ 6. Pesachim. „ 7. Sabbatb. „ 8. Megillah, Scbekalim. Adjecta est TlD^nn nDDlH bv 10ND synopsis critica omnium editionum Talmudis babylonici inde ab anno 1484 vulgatarum. „ 9. Synbedrin. „ 10. Abodab Zarab, Makkotb, Shebuotb, Horajotb, Edijoth. „ 11. Baba bathra. [Appended is D'^K^in tJ'n^Q in continuation of the commentary of Rasbi, the completion of wbicb was interrupted by bis deatb.] „ 12. Baba Kama. „ 13. Baba Mezia. „ 14. Sebacbim. „ 15. Menacbotb. RAHMER, Dr. M. Die hebraischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus : ques- tiones in Genesin. 8^ Breslau, 1861- RAPHAEL ben Gabriel of Norzi. n^DI nXD Religious and ethical philosophy. With a dedication in Portuguese, to the presidents of the ''Academia de Hets-Haym" [D>^n }^y] in Amsterdam. 8°. Amsterdam, 1757. s 2 1 32 RAPHAEL REG GIO. RAPHAEL Immanuel Chai Ricchi. in*7S miN Explanation of difficult passages in the Talmud. 2 vol. in !• 4°. Leghorn, 1742. P*^ nin Commentary on the Psalms, with the text ; and an auto- biography of the commentator. fol. Zivorno, 1742. RAPHAEL Meldola. D''Jnn riDin Ethics and ritual observances of the married estate. 32°. Warsaw, 1877. RAPHALL, Dr. Morris J., M.A. Post- Biblical history of the Jews ; from the close of the Old Testa- ment about the year 420 b.c.e., till the destruction of the Second Temple in the year 70 c.e. 2 vol. 8'. London, 1856. See Peeiodical Publications. Hebrew Keview. 1835-36. RAPOPORT, Salomon Judah Loeb. |vO 1")y Erech Millin opus encyclopaedicum alphab. ordine disposi- tum, in quo et res et voces ad historiam, geographiam, archaeolo- giam, dignitates, sectas, illustresque homines spectantes, quae in utroque Talmude, Tosef ta, Targumicis, Midrachicisque libris occur- runt, necdum satis explicatae sunt, illustrantur. Tomus i. continens literam X. 4°. Prag, 1852. "i'**^ nnai? S. L. Rappoports hebraische Briefe an S. D. Luzzatto (1833-60). Mit Anmerkungen von S. J. Halberstam, nebst Ein- leitung von Dr. A. Harkavy. Herausgegeben von Eisig Graber. 8°. Przemysl, 1885. See Eljakim hen Judah Hamilzaghi, iT'Ut^"! 1837. See Solomon hen Abraham hen Parchon, Tliyn niQIlD 1844. See Steinschneider, Dr. M. nmNDH ""^^ 1847. RASHI [^"K'-i]. See Solomon hen Isaac. RAZIEL. The Book of the Angel Raziel. See Adam, ['pK*?"! "ISD] r\\^^lp DINT K1SD 1873. REGGIO, Isaac. 1"K^* mDTD A literary autobiography, compiled as a memento for his friends. sm. 8°. Vienna, 1849. ll'^s D1p7^ Collectanea dissertationum ex memoriis Is. Reggio. Part 1. 8°. Goritia, 1854. REIFMANN ROEDIGER. 133 REIFMANN, J. '>)bn n>n"lT l^m nn^in An account of the life and writings of Rabbi Zerachiah Ha-Levi, with copious bibliographical notices. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Prague, 1853. D1X T\l^ Sedeh Aram continens complures de Veteris Testamenti interpretationibus quaestiones. Pars prima. 8°. Berlin, 1875. "Ip3 ")1X Or Boker. Kritische Beitrage nebst einer Analyse der BUcher Samuel's. 8°. Berlin, 1879. RENAN, Joseph Ernest. Les rabbins fran9ais. [Compiled from materials furnished by Mr. A. Neubauer, M.A.] 4°. Paris, 1877. REUBEN hen Hoeschke. *J31X"l Dlp^^ Collectanea of expositions of the Law, from the Tal- mud, the Midrashism, and cabalistical works ; with a supplement Dp7 nriDK^ by Nathan ben Jacob Bonn. fol. Amsterdam, 1700. REUSCHER, Moses. D'»7EJ^1T ny^ A topographical and historical sketch of Palestine, with an account of Jewish usages in that country. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Lemherg, 1875. RICCHI, Raphael Immanuel Cha'i. See Raphael Immanuel Chai RiCCHI. RIESSER, Dr. Gabriel. Einige Worte iiber Lessing's Denkmal; mit einer Widmung an Berthold Auerbach, neu herausgegeben von Dr. J. Riesser. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1881. RITTANGEL, J. S. Liber Jezirah. See Abeaham the Patriarch, HT^'' ISD 1642. ROBERTSON, William. A key to the Hebrew Bible, by which most of the words in the historical books, together with many other words are explained. With an alphabetical praxis upon the Psalms and Lamentations. 8°. London, 1656. RODRIGUES, Hippolyte. Midraschim et fabliaux. [Twenty-four poems.] 8°. Paris, 1880. ROEDIGER, Emil. See G-ESENius, Wilhelm. Thesaurus linguae Hebraeae et Chaldasas. 1829-58. 134 ROEST ROUMANIA. ROEST, M. Catalog der Hebraica und Judaica aus der L. Rosenthal'schen Biblio- thek. [With a Hebrew appendix entitled "ISD Vl)\ containing a bibliographical list of a large portion of the library belonging to and described by L. Rosenthal.] 2 vol. -S^*. Amsterdam, 1875. ROMANELLI, Samuel Aaron. See Samuel Aaron Romanelli (Mantuanus). ROSENKRANZ, L. See Isaac ben Joseph Iseaeli a?)V IID^ 1848. ROSENTHAL, L. See RoEST, M. Catalog der Hebraica und Judaica aus der Rosentliar- schen Bibliotliek. 1875. ROSIN, Dr. David. Ein Compendium der jiidischen Gesetzeskunde aus dem vierzehnten Jahrhundert. 8°. Breslau, 1871. Die Ethik des Maimonides. 8°. Breslau, 1876. ROSSI, Salomon. niy?^7 "12J^K Dn^K^^n Cantiques. Premiere partie. Chants, psaumes et hymnes a 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 et 8 voix j transcrits et mis en partition d'apres I'original (Venise, 1620) par S. Naumbourg. Deuxieme partie. Choix de madrigaux, a 5 voix; transcrits d'apres les deux editions [de] Yenise, 1600-7, P^^ Vincent d'Indy. Publies par S. Naumbourg. 4°. Paris, 1877, ROTHSCHILD, Baron de. See Van Oven, Barnaed, M.D. 1848. ROTHSCHILD, Baroness Charlotte de. Prayers and meditations for every day of the year. 8°. London, 1870, ROTHSCHILD, Constance and Annie de. The history and literature of the Israelites, according to the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1870. Vol. 1. The historical books, with maps. 2. The prophetic and poetical writings. ROTHSCHILD, Hester. See Liturgies. Prayers and meditations, 1869, ROUMANIA. See Jews op Roumania. RUBIN SAADIAH. 135 RUBIN, Dr. Salomo. Spinoza und Maimonides. Ein psjchologisch-philosophisches Anti- theton. 8°. Vienna, 1868. n?^?"!? *P*^"^^5 Berossos oder chaldaische Altherthiimer ; als, durch die neulich im Boden Assyriens ausgegrabenen Keilinschriften besta- tigte Seitenstiicke zur Bibel. In sechs Biichern. [Hebrew.] 8°. Vienna, 1882. RtTLF, Dr. G. Zur Lautlehre der aramaisch-talmudischen Dialecte, I. Die Kehl- laute. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. RULF, Dr. J. Drei Tage in Jiidisch-Russland. Ein Oultur- und Sittenbild entwor- fen. 8°. FranTifort on the Main, 1882. SAADIAH Ibn Danan. On Hebrew Prosody. See Neubauer, A., T^^H nD«!?D 1865. SAADIAH hen Joseph Fayumi [or Saadiah Gaon]. niyini m^lDXri Scepher Aemonoth, sive liber de capitibus fidei, auctore celebri R. Scheliadiah principe olim JudaBorum in Persia. [Translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Judah ben Saul Ibn Tibbon. Vignette by Rembrandt on title-page. Printed by Joseph the son of Menasseh ben Israel.] 4°. Amsterdam, 1647. nnsni n^nnn On the future state, and salvation; with additions by Moses ben Joseph of Trani. 12°. Warsaw, 1873. Kitab al-Amanat wa'1-I'tiqadat. Herausgegeben von Dr. S. Lan- dauer. [The Arabic text of Saadia's Emunot vedeot, on the reli- gious philosophy of the Jews.] 8°. Leiden, 1881. Commentaries. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna, and other editions. See Steinschneideb, De. M. Der Siddur des Saadia Gaon. 1856. 1 36 SAALSCHtrXZ SALOMON. SAALSCHtTZ, Dr. J. L. Archaologie der Hebraer, fiir Freunde des Altertbums, imd zum Gebrauche bei akademischen Vorlesungen. 2 vol. 8°. Konigslerg, 1855-56. SABBATHAI. See Shabthai. SACHS, Dr. Michael. Die religiose Poesie der Juden in Spanien. [With specimens of the Hebrew poems.] 8°. Berlin, 1845. Beitrage zur Sprach- und Alterthumsforschung. Aus jiidischen Quellen. 2 parts. 8°. Berlin, L852-54. Stimmen vom Jordan und Euphrat. Ein Buch fiir's Haus. Erster Band, mit Beitragen von Moritz Veit. 8°. Berlin, 1868. See Bible. German version, edited by Zunz. 1873. Festgebete der Israeliten. See Liturgies. 1874-5. SALAMAN, Annette A. Footsteps in the way of life ; a collection of appropriate texts from Holy Scripture for guidance and comfort. Second edition. 8°. London, 1874. SALAMAN, Charles Kensington. Jews as they are. 8°. London, 1882. Music of the services at the West London Synagogue. See Liturgies. [1881.] SALKINSON, J. E. See Shakespeare, William, Othello ^K^IDH ^N^n^N 1874. See Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet !?yM DT 1878. SALOMON, Dr. Gotthold. Predigten in dem neuen israelitischen Tempel. Erste und dritte Sammlung. 8°. Hamburg, 1820-25. The same. Jahrgang 5586, erstes Heft. 8°. Hamburg, 1826. Denkmal der Erinnerung an Moses Mendelssohn zu dessen erster Sacularfeier im September 1829 ; nebst einem Blick in sein Leben. 8°. Hamburg, 1829. Mose, der Mann Gottes. Ein heiliges Lebensgemahlde in ein und zwanzig Kanzelvortragen. 8°. Hamburg, 1835. SALOMON S AMMTER. 1 37 SALOMON, Dr. Gotthold — continued. Twelve sermons delivered in the New Temple of the Israelites at Hamburg. Translated from the German by Anna Maria Gold- smid. 8°. London, 1839. The three elements of Israel's welfare ; a sermon delivered in the West London Synagogue of British Jews on Sabbath Debarim, 561 1 (i2th of August, 1 851). Translated by the Rev. A. Lowy. 8°. London, 1852. 'n ^lyiD Festpredigten fiir alle Feiertage des Herrn. 8°. Hamburg, 1855. Biography of Gotthold Salomon. See Philippson, De. P. Biographische Skizzen. ;„ 1864-66. SALOMONS, Sir David, Bart., Alderman. An account of the recent persecution of the Jews at Damascus, with reflections thereon, and an appendix containing various documents connected with the subject. 8°. London, 1840. Observations on the law and practice with regard to the administra- tion of oaths; respectfully submitted to the chairman and members of the Committee of the House of Commons on Parliamentary oaths, by Mr. Alderman Salomons. 8°. London, 1850. See Jews of England. 1850, 1853 SALVADOR, J. Histoire des institutions de Moise et du peuple hebreu. Deuxieme edition. 4 vol. 12°. Bruxelles, 1829-30. SAMARITAN Chronicle. See Neubauer, A. Chronique Samaritaine. 1873. SAMARITAN Targum. '^y\'0^ Dia"in Das samaritanische Targum zum Pentateuch. Zum erstenmale in hebr. Quadratschrift, nebst einem Anhange text- kritischen Inhaltes herausgegeben von Dr. Adolf Briill. 6 parts. [The last part contains an appendix, entitled : Anhang zur Ge- schichte und Literatur der Samaritaner, nebst Varianten zum Buche Genesis.] 8". Frankfort on the Main, 1873-76. See BRtJLL, De. Adolf. 1876. SAMMTER, Dr. A. See Talmud, Tractat Baha Mezia. 1876. T 138 SAMUEL. SAMUEL Aaron Romanelli (Mantuanus). 31V3 {^K'D Romanelli's travels in Morocco towards the end of the eighteenth century. Fifth edition. With preface, notes and life of the author by S. M. Schiller-Szinessy, M.A., Ph. D. [Hebrew and Latin titles.] Part I. Hebrew text. 8°. Cambridge, 1886. SAMUEL ben Abraham Laniado. TD v3 Commentary on Isaiah, with the text. fol. Venice, 1657. SAMUEL ben David Auerbach. 7fc<1)DK' ion Exposition of passages in the Book of Genesis, in a plain and in a mystical sense. The concluding portion treats of Jewish martyrs. 8°. Amsterdam, 1699. [Imperfect. Wants title-page.] SAMUEL ben David Halevy. TSV^V ri?n3 On the rites of betrothal and divorce, with forms for drafting the religious documents. 4°. Lemberg, 1874. SAMUEL ben Elchanan Jacob Archevolti. Index to the Aruch. See Nathan ben Jehiel, "jnyn 1659, SAMUEL Eliezer ben Judah Edels [K"K^inD]. [N"E5>nnD -ISD] niD^n ^EJ'nn Elucidations of difficult passages in the Babylonian Talmud. With this work is incorporated nD?K^ HDan [7'SJ^"inD ISD] by Solomon ben Jehiel Loria, containing analogous expositions, printed in smaller type on the lower part of the page. fol. Amsterdam, 1755. See Jacob ben Solomon Ibn Chabib IpV W 1740-41. SAMUEL ben Isaac Jafeh [Yapeh]. riKID ns^ Parables and legends from the Jerusalem Talmud, with commentary by Abraham Glogau. fol. Amsterdam, 1727. SAMUEL ben Isaac de Uceda. [nnx V"»D b niK^n] '?ki»k> e^-inD See MiSHNAH. ^ 1579. SAMUEL ben Joseph Ha-Nagid [Nagdelah]. See Talmud Babli, Proops. vol. 1. 1752-65. SAMUEL SCHECHTER. 139 SAMUEL ben Judah Ibn Tibbon. See AvERROES, DnDND TVih^ 1869. nn? ni^D K^n^a See Moses hen Maimon, D^DIi: miD 1742. SAMUEL hen Meir [p"2^'\']. Commentary on the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentateuch, ' 1764 and 1876. SAMUEL MoTOT. D^nriD nb^JD Super-commentary. See Abraham hen Meir Ibn Ezra, n31D nvV:"IO 1722. SAMUEL Ibn Zarzah [Saneh]. (minn bv) Q^^n llpD Super-commentary on Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Pentateuch. *°- Mantua, 1569. -See Abraham &e% Meir Ibn Ezra, nniD DV^aiD 1722. SAPHIR, Jacob. TSD p&< Eben Saphir. Beschreibung der Reisen des Rabbi Jacob Saphir aus Jerusalem durch Egypten, Arabien, Jemen, Aden, Ostindien und Australien. 2 vol. [Hebrew on]y.] 8®. Mayence, 1874, SASPORTAS, Jacob. See Jacob hen Aaron Sasportas. SAUL ben Aryeh. i)«nK pn In two parts. 1. mm mn Exposition of the Penta- teuch and the Five Scrolls. 2. niD^n n*2 Dissertation on Talmudical subjects. fol. Amsterdam, 1778. nu^inn "ixnn a commentary. See Bible. Pentateueh, 1768. SCHAPIRA, E. J. 7^XDni miEJn A story of the vicissitudes of the Jews in Bohemia in the 16th century. 12° Warsaw, 1873. SCHECHTER, Solomon. nNll^f Testamentary exhortations by R. Judah and R. Jacob ben Asher of Toledo, edited from a ms. in the British Museum. With glosses and notes. 8°. Presshurg, 1886. T 2 140 SCHEYER SCHWAB. SCHEYER, Dr. Simon B. n^ninai Dn&?n t^SJ Das psychologische System des Maimonides, eine Einleitungsschrift zu dessen More N'ehuchim, nach den Quellen bearbeitet. [German only.] 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1845. See Moses hen Maimon, 0^3113 miD (Charizi's version). 1851-79. SCHILLER-SZINESSY, Dr. S. M. Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts preserved in the University Library, Cambridge. Vol. 1. The Holy Scriptures. Commentaries of the Bible. 8° Cambridge 1876. D^linDl riDHI Occasional notices of Hebrew manuscripts. No. 1. Description of the Leyden ms. of the Palestinian Talmud. 8°. Cambridge, 1878. See Samuel Aabon Romanelli, l"iyi NK'D 1886. SCHLEIDEN, M. J. Die Bedeutung der Juden fiir Erhaltung und Wiederbelebung der Wissenschaften im Mittelalter. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. The same, translated into French under the title : Les Juifs, et la science au moyen age. 8°. Paris, 1877. SCHLE SINGER, W. and L. See Joseph Albo D^lpV 1SD Grund- und Glanbenslehren. 1838-48. SCHLOSS, David F., M.A. Persecution of the Jews in Roumania. See Jews of Roumania. 1885. SCHLOSSBERG, Leon. See Moses ben Maimon, D*!3113 miD (Charizi's version). 1851-79. SCHNITZLER, Joseph. See Joseph hen Azriel Halevi Schnitzler. SCHUR, W. D^^nn nitniD Reisebilder aus dem Orient, und zwar aus Syrien, Irak- Arabien, Ostindien, Birmah und aus dem indischen Archipelagus. [In Hebrew.] 8°. Vienna, 1884. SCHtJRER, Dr. Emil. Die Gemeindeverfassung der Juden in Rom in der Kaiserzeit, nach den Inschriften dargestellt, nebst 45 jiidischen Inschriften. 4°. Leipzig, 1879. SCHWAB, MoisE. Se» Talmud. Traits des Berakhoth. 1871. SCHWARZ SERVI. 141 SCHWARZ, Dr. Adolf. Der jiidische Kalender historisch uad astrouomisch untersucht. 8°. Breslau, 1872. SCHWARZ, Joseph. A descriptive geography and brief historical sketch of Palestine. Translated by Isaac Leeser. Illustrated with maps and numerous engravings. .8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Das heilige Land, nach seiner ehemaligen geographischen Beschaf- fenheit, nebst kritischen Blicken in das Carl Raumer'sche "Pa- lastina." Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. Israel Schwarz. 8°. Frankfo rt on the Main, 1 852 . S'EDER Olam [attributed to R. Jose ben Chalafta]. rh'l\>T] "11D and (Nt:)!!! Nil) D^iy mo, by Rabbi Abraham ben David the Levite. Chronological histories from Adam to the end of the period of the G-aonim. 8°. Lemherg, 1863. SEE, JULIEN. Les chroniques juives. See Joseph hen Joshua the Priest, Emek habakha. 1881. SEFER HAJASHAR. "IK^\T ")SD History of Israel, interspersed with legends, from the Creation to the accession of the Elders after the death of Joshua. 8°. Lemherg, 1877. Another edition. 8°. Warsaw, 1874. SEMINAIRE ISRAELITE (Paris). Rapport sur la situation morale du Seminaire Israelite, suivi de la vie de Hiliel I'ancien, par Isaac Trenel. L'esclavage selon la Bible et le Talmud, par Zadoc Kahn. ,8°. Paris, 1867, SENIOR, Phoebus [Pheibesch]. nn3 PjD vh'O Commentary upon tlie Mishnah. See Mishnah. 1832-34. SENIOR, Salman. 'U'llp "13 A Chasid's petition to the Czar Paul ; A sacred letter ; and A mystical commentary on the Book of Ruth. 8"*. Warsaw, 1871. SERVI, Flaminio. Vessillo Israelitico. See Periodical Publications, 142 SHABTHAI SHEM-TOB. SHABTHAI ben Joseph Bass [^or Bassista]. D>jtj>> >riBEJ^ [A catalogue of Hebrew books, printed and manuscript- The last few pages are wanting and are supplied in ms. in Jewish running hand]. 4°. Avisterdam, 1680. D''D3n *natJ^ Super-commentary upon Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch and the Five Scrolls. 4°. Frankfort on the Main, 1712. [Wants title page,] See Bible. Pentateuch. 1728. See Oelsneb, De. L. R. Sabbathai Bassista und sein Process. 1855. SHABTHAI Sheftel hen Isaiah Horwitz. See Isaiah hen Abeaham Hoewitz, finnn nini^ ^y^ 1698. SHABTHAI Zebi. [Pseudo-Messiah.] Biography of Shabthai Zebi. See Jacob hen Aaeon Saspoetas, ^nV !?313 flV^V 1867. See Jacob Iseael hen Zebi Emden, ni{<3pn min 1876. See Kahne, D., D"'yinn pX 1872. SHAKESPEARE, William. N^vyj^lD ^5J>ir)n ^X>n^« Othello der Mohr von Venedig von William Shakespeare, aus den Englischen in's Hebraische iibertragen von J. E. S[alkinson]. Herausgegeben und mit einer kritischen Einleitung versehen von Peter Smolensky. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Vienna, 1874. ^y*1 Dl Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet translated into Hebrew by J. E. S[alkinson]. 8°. Vienna, 1878. SHEM-TOB ben Abraham [ben GaonJ. |"'an 1SD See Massoeah. TV1 h'^ya A commentary. See Moses hen Maimon [npTHH n\l] niin nJK>D. SHEM-TOB ben Joseph Palquera. ^\>yOT\ Dialogue on scientific and ethical problems. Partly in verse. 8°. The Hague, 1778. SHEM-TOB ben Joseph Shem-Tob. miDn K'lTQ See Moses hen Maimon DOUJH miD 1742. SHEMAIAH SIMANE. 143 SHEMAIAH ben Simeon Zebi. riDDn? f|"IVD An enumeration of the 613 Mosaic precepts, each precept being described in eight words, the initials of which are D '^ '•? "> . '> 'h '^ 'D 8°. Amsterdam, 1765. SHERIRA Gaon. PNJ KT"lK^ n m!lX Epistle of Sherira G-aon in response to questions upon the historical origin of the Mishna. To this is added an inquiry into the pedigree of Sherira Gaon as a reputed descendant of the house of David. Edited by Baer Goldberg. 8°. Mainz, 1873. SHIB'AH Enatim. D''J*y nynSJ^ Notes on a portion of the Talmudical treatises Sanhedrin and Maccoth, with strictures on parts of Alfasi's compendium of the Talmud, by Moses ben Nachman ; together with responses to consultations by Isaac Aboab the Younger, Isaac de Leon, Nissim ben Benveniste, and Isaac ben Zaith. Edited by Jacob ben Judah of London, and Abraham ben Raphael Meldola. 4°. Livorno, 1745. SHULCHAN Aruch. See Joseph ben Epheaim Caeo. Supplement to the Shulchan Aruch. See ISEAEL hen Samuel, in^lBTl flKQ 1836. SIDORI, K. pseud. [Isidor Kaim]. Geschichte der Juden in Sachsen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf ihre Rechtsverhaltnisse. 8°. Leipzig, 1840, SIEGFRIED, Heinrich. Zwei Betrachtungen iiber die Antisemiten-Bewegung in Deutschland. 8°. Berlin, 1881. SIFRA. See MiDEASH SiPBA. 1862. SIFRI. See MiDEASH SlFEI DEBE Rab. 1864. SIFTHE Kedoshim. See SiPPUBE Zaddikim. 1873. SIMANE Ra'ashim u-re'amim. D^Dy*11 W^^Vy *J»^D A collection of astrological weather-sawe for each month of the year. 12°. [Xew&*r^, 18..]. U4 SIMEON SIPPURE. SIMEON hen Isaac Unschburq [Uschenburg]. 31tD P21 Super-commentary upon Rashi's commentary on the Penta- teuch. 8°. Amsterdam, 1714. SIMEON hen Jochai. Pseud. [^''njJ*^] inin The Zohar or cabalistical exposition of the Pentateuch, with the commentaries «nni« ^llpQ, thv^T\ K^mD, minn nnD, and fc^nSDin on some of the portions of the Law. With Biblical refe- rences, and an index, by Chaim ben Joseph Vital and Moses Corduero ; glossary of cabalistical terms by Issachar Baer Pethachiah ; commentary on some passages by Isaac ben Solomon Loria; and an introduction by Isaac ben Immanuel de Lattes. 3 vol. 4°. Constantinople, 1736. K^nn -inn The "New Zohar" on the Pentateuch and the Five Scrolls. 4°. Amsterdam, 1701. inrn »i1p»n D^ynEJ> Cabala with commentary »nv nTDH by Zebi ben Jerachmeel Chocz. fol. Amsterdam, 1706. fc^'Tpa I'lNJ Readings from the Zohar and other cabalistical works, for the nights of Pentecost and Hoshanna Rabba. 8°. Amsterdam, 1723. See Naphtali Hiez Baohaeach, "|^Dn pDy 1648. SIMEON Kahira. Dl?*)*!!! niD?n A code of rabbinical ordinances based on Talmudical authorities, and partly arranged according to the six divisions of the Mishnah. [Portions of this work are attributed to Rabbi Jehudai b. Nachman, " Sagi-Nahor," t.e., " the blind."] fol. Veniee, 1548. SIMEON Kara. *3iyiDK^ I31p7* Collectanea from the Talmud, the Midrashim and later sources. With index. 2 vol. fol. Frankfort on the Main, 1687. SIMEON hen Zemach Duran. Y2^T\n ISD Responses to consultations upon Rabbinical questions. 4 vol. in 1. fol. Amsterdam, 1738. See Bible. Bihlia RahUnica Magna. 1724-28. See Bible. Joh. ODK^D ani« 1589. SIPPURE Kedoshim. D^K^np mSD Legends concerning R. Isaac Loria, the " Besht," and other "holy men" of the sect of the Chasidim. 8'. Leipzig, 1866. SIPPURE SOLOMON. 145 SIPPURE Zaddikim. D^p*"!^ ^IIDD Miracle stories concerning some of the chief members of the sect of Chasidim. 12°. Lemberg, 1873. D^'K'np ^riQK^ Si/the Kedoshim. Another edition of the above work. 12*. Lemlerg, 1876. SIRACH [Jesus hen Sirach]. See Alphabetum Siracidis, K"1>D pi Nfl^nXD^^ 1858. SNEERSOHN, H. S. Palestine and Roumania ; a description of the Holy Land, and the past and present state of Roumania and the Roumanian Jews. 8°. New York, 1872, SOAVE, MoiSE. Dei Soncino, celebri tipografi italiani nei Secoli xv, xvi, con elenco delle opere da essi date alia luce. 8°. Venezia, 1878. SOCIETE DES ETUDES JUIVES. Annuaire de la Societe. 4 vol. 8°. Paris, 1881-85. Revue des etudes juives. See Periodical Publications. SOCIETY OF Hebrew Literature. See Hebrew Literature Society. SOESMAN, L. Notes on the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentateuch. 1785-87. SOKOLOF, Nahum. Haassif, tl^DXH See Periodical Publications. SOLOMON de a. R. The reply of the Jews to the letters addressed to them by Dr. Joseph Priestley. 8°. Oxford, 1787. SOLOMON ben Abraham hen Adereth [X'^IK^I]. 7ni7^SK^ milEJ'n Responses to consultations. See MoSES be7i Nachman. 1519. ^IpT] muy Ritual observances on Sabbaths and Festivals. Foil. 48-75 contain K^D^n ^7^2 (on conjugal ascetism) by Abraham bea David of Pousquieres. 4°. Venice, 1602. Biography of Solomon ben Adereth. See Pbbles, Dr. J. 1863. u U6 SOLOMON. SOLOMON ben Abraham ben Parchon. ^nyn mino Lexicon Hebraicum. Edidit S. G. Stern. Prsemissa historia grammatici apud Judseos studii auctore S. L. Rapoport. 4°. Posonii, 1844. SOLOMON Cohen of Lissa. Ity *3N Super-commentary on the Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentuteuch. 1876. SOLOMON ben David de Oliveyra. Dyi3 '^yn An alphabetical key to the study of the Talmud; an essay on the Hebrew accents; on the 613 precepts. ^* *D"n An alphabetical key to the 613 precepts, with references to the Tal- mud and later authorities. 12°. Amsterdam, 1688. D^^n |*y Hes-Hayim. Arvore de Yidas. Thesouro da Lingua Sancta. A Hebrew and Portuguese vocabulary, and a vocabulary of the Aramaic terms in the Bible, pyi n*"! A vocabulary, with expla- nations in Portuguese, of terms occurring in the Mishnah, the Gemara, and various philosophical works. 12°. Amsterdam,, 1682. D^3n5< n?*K mit? On Abraham's obedience, as shown in his willing- ness to immolate Isaac. A poem. 12°. Amsterdam, 1665. T\y>1^ T\'\^'\^ A rhyming dictionary, with rules and illustrations of prosody. [At the end of the volume are curious typographical designs.] 16°. Amsterdam, 1665. PSIID 1''D3yb* iVX Vocabulario da lingua Portuguesa explicado em Hebraico, os verbos, os adverbios, etc. [This vocabulary is sup- plementary to the author's D''^n yV.'] 12°. [Amsterdam^ 1682. DTiaEJ^ 71 \W7 1* LivrQ da grammatica Hebrayca & Chaldayca. [A catechism in two parts. The first {J ad lashon) treats of the Hebrew language, the second (^Dal sefathayim) of the Aramaic dialect.] 12°. Amsterdam, 1689. SOLOMON Ephraim ben Aaron Lencztcz. See Ephraim ben Aaron Lencztcz. SOLOMON ben Isaac [^"K^"J, Rashi or, erroneously, Yarchi]. (DmnX^ 1131) m^nn hv ''"^^ Raschii (Salomonis Isaacidis) in Pen- tateuchum commentarius. E codd. Mss. atque editis critice pri- mum edidit et auxit A. Berliner. 8°. Berlin, 1866. Commentaries. See Bible. Bihlia Rahhinica Magna, and other editions. See Isaac hen Jacob Alfasi DD^X m mD^T 1720. See Jacob hen Solomon Ibn Chabib, IpV"* \^V 1740-41. SOLOMON. U7 SOLOMON ben Isaac [Rashi] — continued. See MiSHNAH. ^KIOK^ \i^rM:i 1579 & 1713. Commentary on the Talmud. See Talmud. Super-commentaries upon Rashi. See Elijah hen Abraham Mizrachi, '"^^T ^31 7V "3 1763. /Sde Shabthai hen Joseph Bass, D^O^n ^riQtJ' 1712. See Simeon hen Isaac Uschenburg, 31D pn 1714. SOLOMON ben Jehiel Loria. HD^^ riDDH [y'K^nnD nSD] Elucidations of difficult passages in the Babylonian Talmud. See Samuel Eliezer Edels, «''5^"inD ISD 1755. SOLOMON ben Jehiel Shalom. nD^£J> *")3T Homiletical expositions of the Five Books of Moses. fol. Frankfort on the Oder, 1753. SOLOMON hen Judah Ibn Gabirol. n'd7^ ^y^ Schire Schlomo. Hebraische Gedichte von Salomo ben Gabirol aus Malaga. Aus Handschriften in Oxford, Parma und Wien gesammelt, erlautert und zum erstenmal herausgegeben von Leopold Dukes. [Hebrew only.] 2 parts. 8°. Hanover, 1858. D''3'*JDn in2D with Hebrew commentary by Aaron Dessau, and a German translation by Hirsch Lewinsohn. [Erroneously attribu- ted by the editor to Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedarshi.] 8°. Berlin, 1842. D^J^JSn "iniD A choice of pearls ; embracing a collection of ethical sentences, maxims, and reflections, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Jehuda Ibn Tibbon. The Hebrew text carefully revised and corrected from mss., accompanied by an English translation, with explanatory notes, by the Rev. B. H. Ascher. 8°. London, 1859. SOLOMON ben Judah Hanau. n3*nn ini^ A Hebrew grammar. 8°, [Berlin^] [Imperfect. Wants title-page.] SOLOMON ben Moses Lipschutz. nD?6J^ miyn Advice to precentors [Chazanim] on their training as readers, and on the performance of their public duties. 8». Offenbach, 1718. 148 SOLOMON STEINSCHNEIDER. SOLOMON ben Verga. min* 132K^ History of persecutions of the Jews, religious contro- versies, cruelties inflicted upon the Jews in Poland ; and other historical matters. 8°. Leviierg, 1814. SOLOMON Zalman ben Moses Raphael London. ntypH^ rhnp Rules for ritual observances, in Hebrew and Jewish- Grerraan, interspersed with prayers ; directions to parents for the religious training of their children ; a Hebrew and Jewish-Grerman vocabulary ; together with the history of Judith, and the story of a possessed woman. Appended is riDQ T^ m^n, a service for the first two nights of Passover, with a translation and Hebrew notes. 4°. Dyhernfurth, 1818. SOLOMON Zebi Ufhausen [Offenhusen]. prills D>^mi«ii D^D ponp \vi 1^3 mnv nji« pv ^y^D>i hi^ yi 'pD^QXp pn r8< * * * |D"l11t3JS"l1 ':iK Jiidischer Theriak. [A refutation of attacks made upon Judaism by Friedrich Brenz von Ettingen.] 4°. Altorf, 1680. SOMERHAUSEN, H. D"*"l"IDt^ ?v? r\l}r\ A parody of the Hagadah or Domestic Service for the first nights of the Passover, " to add to the convivialities of the Feast of Purim." [Lithographed.] 8". Brussels, 1842. SPIERS, Rev. B. See LiTUEGiES. Hagadah for Passover. 1877. SPINOZA, Benedict de. See Rubin, De. Salomo. Spinoza uud Maimonides. 1868. SPITZER, Dr. Samuel. Die Gemeinde-Ordnung bei den alten Israeliten, verglichen mit den diesfailigen neuesten Bestimmungen in Oesterreich-Ungarn. 8°. Essek, 1873. Das Heer- und Wehrgesetz der alten Israeliten, Griechen und Romer, verglichen mit den diesfailigen Rechtsbestimmungen fUr Oesterreich-LTngarn. Zweite Ausgabe. 8°, Vinkowitz, 1879. SPOTTISWOODE, William, F.R.S. See 8TEINSCHNEIDEE, De. Moeitz. Jewish Literature. 1857. STEIN, Dr. A. Die Geschichte der Juden in Danzig, seit ihrem ersten Auftreten in dieser Stadt bis auf die neueste Zeit. 8°. Danzig, 1860. STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. Moritz. nniKOn *iK^ Schene Hameoroth enthalt [lin^n "IDXD] Maamar Haji- chud (Abhandlung iiber die Einheit), aus dem Arab, des Moses b. STEINSCHNEIDER. 149 STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. Mouitz— continued. R. Moses b. Maimon liebraisch von R. Isaak b. Natan. Zum ersten Mai herausgegeben nebst sachlichen und sprachiichen Erlauterun- gen, imd einer deutschen Inhaltsiibersicht. Nebst einem Send- schreiben an den Herausgeber von S. L. Rapoport ; und [^?^ niPXSJ^] drei astronom. Bemerkungen auf Anfrage des R. David b. Joseph Narboni, von R. Abraham Ibn Esra. 8°. Berlin, 1847. f^Vn hii npV N2^1 Ermahnungsschreiben des Jehuda Ibn Tibbon an seinen Sohn Samuel [jun pX min> "l nsil^], des Moses Maimonides an seinen Sohn Abraham [D^'DDin flNII^], und [^^EJ'D D^DDn] Spriiche der Weisen. Zu Ehren des siebenzigsten Geburts- tags seines Vaters Jacob Steinschneider. Aus Bodlejanischen Handschriften zum erstenmal herausgegeben, mit einer deutschen Charakteristik und biogr. Skizze begleitet. 8°. Berlin, 1852. Der Siddur des Saadia Gaon. [Privately printed.] 4 pages. 8°. Berlin, 1856. Jewish literature from the eighth to the eighteenth century; with an introduction on Talmud and Midrash. An historical essay. [Translated from the German by William Spottiswoode, F.R.S.] Revised by the author. 8°. London, 1857. Conspectus codd. mss. Hebrasorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. 4°. Berlin, 1857. Les ouvrages du Prince Boncompagni concernant I'histoire des sciences mathematiques. Notice bibliographique. 4°. Borne, 1859. TlDi?n n^SJ^i<"l JReshith Hallimud. A systematic [pictorial] Hebrew primer for David Sassoon's Benevolent Institution at Bombay. Edited by M. S. With a translation of the Decalogue, the British national anthem, etc. Appended is a notice (in German) of the plan of the work, from the editor's " Hebraische Biblio- graphic." 8°. Berlin, 1860. Ueber die Mondstationen (Naxatra), und das Buch Arcandam. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Intorno ad alcuni matematici del medio evo ed alle opere da essi composte. 4°. Borne, 1863-67. Intorno al Liber Karastonis [" The Book of the Scales or the Balance "]. Intorno al libro Saraceni cuiusdam de Eris, ed al libro Tabulae Jahen, Brani dell' aritmetica d'Elia Misrachi. Intorno ad otto manoscritti Arabi di matematica, con una nota intorno al " Calcolo del vinoitore e del vinto." 150 STEINSCHNEIDER. STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. MoRiTz^continued. Aus der Literatur. (Hebraische Schriften seit i860.) 8^ Vienna, 1864. Aus der Literatur. [On the progress of Jewish literature.] 8°. Vienna, 1865. Die " mittleren Biicher *' der Araber und ihre Bearbeiter. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. [Regarding the term " mittlere Biicher " Dr. Steinschneider ob- serves that the Arabic authors designate as intermediary (muta- wassatat), certain mathematical treatises which should be studied between the Elements of Euclid and the Almagest of Ptolemy.] Harib Sohn des Zeid, und Garib Sohn des Said. [On mathematical science in the tenth century]. 8°. — 1866. Abraham Judaeus — Savasorda [Abraham bar Chiyah] und Ibn Esra. 8^ — 1866. Wissenschaft und Charlatanerie unter den Arabern im neunten Jahr- hundert. 8°. Berlin, 1866. Donnolo. Pharmakologische Fragmente aus dem zehnten Jahrhun- dert, nebst Beitragen zur Literatur der Salernitaner, hauptsachlich nach handschriftlichen hebraischen Quellen. Als Beilagen : Con- stantinus Africanus und seine arabischen Quellen ; [und] Donnolo, Fragment des altesten medicinischen Werkes in hebraischer Sprache, zum ersten Mai herausgegeben. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Aven Natan e le teorie sulla origine della luce lunare e delle stelle presso gli autori ebrei del medio evo, 4°. Borne, 1868. Al-Farabi (Alpharabius) des arabischen Philosophen Leben und Schriften, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Gesehichte der grie- chischen Wissenschaft unter den Arabern. Nebst Anhangen : Joh. Philoponus bei den Arabern, Darstellung der Philosophie Plato's, Leben und Testament des Aristoteles von Ptolemaeus. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1869. Zum Speculum astronomicum des Albertus Magnus, liber die darin angefiihrten Schriftsteller und Schriften. [With a notice entitled Pseudo-Trithemius und Cam. Leonardi.] 8°. Leipzig, 1870. tJber die Volksliteratur der Juden. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Ubersetzer aus dem Arabischen, ein Beitrag zur Biicherkunde des Mittelalters. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. STEINSCHNEIDER. 151 STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. Mouitz— continued. Giuda Romano. [A biographical and bibliographical notice.] 4°. Eome, 1870. Intorno ad alcuni passi d'opere del medio evo relativi alia caiamita. 4°. Rome, 1871. Die toxicologischen Schriften der Araber bis Ende des 12. Jahr- hunderts. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Rede bei der Trauung des Dr. E. M — 1. mit der Jungfrau S. L — n. [Privately printed.] 8°. Berlin, 1871. Spanische Bearbeitungen arabischer Werke. [On adages, etc.] 8°. Leipzig, 1871. Catalog hebraischer Handschriften grosstentheils aus dem Nachlass des Rabb. M. S. Ghirondi. [Auto-lithographed.] 8°. Berlin, 1872. Trepan eines Melancolischen im 13. Jahrhundert. [A single leaf.] 8°. Berlin, 1872 [?] Antiquariat von J. Fischl. Seltene und werthvolle hebr. Drucke. [Auto-lithographed.] 8°. Berlin, 1872. Verzeichniss karaitischer und anderer hebraischer Handschriften. 8°. Berlin, 1872. II libro di Sidrach. Notizia. 4°. Rome, 1872. Recension. Le calendrier de Cordoue de Tanne 961, public par R. Dozy. 8°. — 1873. Schach bei den Juden. Ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Literatur- Geschichte. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Thabit ("Thebit") ben Korra. [A bibliographical notice of the Latin translation of the astronomical and astrological writings attributed to that author]. 8°. — 1873. Ysopet hebraisch, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fabeln im Mittel- alter. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Die Schriften des Dr. Leopold Zunz. Zum 10. August 1874 zusam- mengestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1874. Vite di matematici Arabi tratte da un* opera inedita di Bernardino Baldi, con note. 4°. Rome, 1874. Die hebraischen Handschriften der k. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in Miinchen. [With additional title.] Catalogus codicum MSS. bibliothecse reg. Monaceneis. Tomi primi pars prima codices Hebraicos complectens. 8°. Miinchen, 1875. 152 STEINSCHNEIDER. STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. Moritz— continued. [Abhandlung iiber] die hebraischen Handschriften der k. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in Miinchen. 8°. MUnchen, 1875. Typen. [On parabolical expressions in the literature of the Jews,] 8°. Bamberg, 1875-6. *71D?n n^K^fc?1 Systematische hebraische Fibel. Zweite verbesserte und mit einem Anhange vermehrte Auflage. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Polemische und apologetische Literatur in arabischer Sprache zwi- schen Muslimen, Christen und Juden, nebst Anhangen verwandten Inhalts. Mit Benutzung handschriftlieher Quellen. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Rectification de quelques erreurs relatives au mathematicien arabe Ibn Al-Banna. 4°. Rome, 1877. Miscellen, 1877. 1. Bernard Alberti (Pseudo- Gen tills de Fulgineo). 2. Galen, de morte subitanea. 3. Galen, de morbo icterico. 4. Rufus, de morbo icterico. 5. Magnus (oder Magnes) iiber Urin. 8°. — 1877. Catalog der hebraischen Handschriften in der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg und der sich anschliessenden in anderen Sprachen. 8°. Hamburg, 1878. Verzeichniss der hebraischen Handschriften [in der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin]. 4°. Berlin, 1878. Kritiken. "Histoire de la medecine arabe par le docteur Lucien Leclerc. Expose complet du texte grec. Les sciences en Orient, leur transmission a I'Occident par les traductions latinos." 2 parts. 8°. — 1878. Constantin's Liber de gradibus und Ibn al-Gezzar's Adminiculum. [With Arabic-Latin glossary of terms, mainly botanical, of the Arabian materia medica. The Arabic in Hebrew characters.] 8° — 1879- Hebraische Papyrus-Fragmente aus dem Fayyum. [With a plate containing facsimiles of 5 Hebrew papyri.] 4°. Leipzig, 1879. Intorno a Johannes de Lineriis (de Liveriis) e Johannes Siculus. [An account of the writings of a French mathematician and astro- nomer of the lith century.] 4° Rome, 1879. Beitrage zur Palastinakunde aus neueren jiidischen Quellen. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. STEINSCHNEIDER-^SYNAGOGAL-POESIEN. 153 STEINSCHNEIDER, Dr. Moritz— continued. Abraham Ibn Esra (Abraham Judaeus, Avenare). Zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften im xii. Jahrhundert. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. Notice sur les tables astronomiques attribuees a Pierre III d'Aragon. Avec une addition a Particle " Intorno a Johannes de Lineriis,'* etc. 4°. Rome, 1881. Die Schrif ten des Dr. M. Steinschneider zu seinem 70. Geburtstage, 30. Marz, 1886. Zusammengestellt von Dr. A. Berliner. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Zur Geschichte der Ubersetzungen aus dem Indischen in's Arabische und ihres Einflusses auf die arabische Literatur. 8°. Leipzig [18 . .] Copernicus, nach dem Urtlieile des David Gans. 8°. Single leaf, n. d. See Alphabetum Sieacidis. NTD pT Kn^3&1, Disputatio publica. 1860. See Wissenschaftliche Blattee aus der Veitel Heine Epliraim'sclien Lehranstalt. 1862, STERN, Mendel E. Gebete zur hauslichen und offentlichen Andacht fur israelitische Madchen und Frauen. 8*. Vienna [ ? 186.4], [Wanting title-page.] STOBBE, Otto. Die Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters in politischer, socialer und rechtlicher Beziehung. 8". Brunswick, 1866. SYNAGOGAL-POESIEN. Hebraische Texte mit der deutschen Uebertragung aus der sjnago- galen Poesie des Mittelalters von Dr. Zunz. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Berliner. 8°. Berlin, 1884. See Zunz, De. Leopold. 1855, 1865, 1867, 154 TALMUD. TALMUD. Babylonian Talmud, 'hll TllO?n Comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara, Rashi's commentary, Tosafoth (additional commentaries), an epitome of Tosafoth, the compendium of Asher ben Jehiel (tJ^"K"in), an epi- tome of his compendium, and Moses ben Maimon's commentary on the Mishnah; with marginal references. 12 vol. 4°. Benveniste, Amsterdam^ 1644-47. *733 TlOpn With the usual commentaries, and various readings. 12 vol. fol. Proops, Amsterdam, 1752-65. Vol. 1 of this edition further contains : — 1. A key to the chapters of the Mishnah and the Talmud (fol. 975 and 98). 2. TlD?nn N12D An introduction to the Talmud, with an abstract of the principles of the Mishnah and the G-emara by Samuel ben Joseph Ha-Nagid [Nagdelah]. 3. An outline of the rules adopted in Rashi's commentary. 4. An abstract of the 13 principles of interpretation. 5. The 32 principles of interpretation by R. Eliezer ben Jose the Galilean. This edition surpasses that of Benveniste in completeness and accuracy. Jerusalem Talmud. ♦D^'tJ'n^ n^O^n With a marginal commentary (pyn "1^5^), an alpha- betical table of the contents of each treatise by Mordecai Weiss- man Chaiuth, and marginal references to the Babylonian Talmud, the Mechilta, Sifri, Sifra, Tosefta, etc. 4 parts in 1 vol. fol. Xrotoschin, 1866. Alphabetical List op the Talmudical Treatises. (ni3K VIS) nnx Aboth (Pirke aboth) Aboth derab Nathan Babylonian Talmud. Vol. 9 9 Jerusalem Talmud. Ebel rabbathi Aholoth (Semachoth) 9 11 N-inn N33 Baba bathra 8 pt. 4 NrvD xna Baba metzi'a 7 4 i^j^p «3n Baba kama 7 4 ^^;>3 Betzah 3 2 nni3n Bechoroth 10* Dni33 Bikkurim 1 1 nm3 Berachoth 1 1 PDJ Gittin 6 3 * Benveniste, vol. 11. TALMUD. 1^ TALMUD —continued. NDU ps *i"n nm p&? 111 D^nnr nnnD on-. nno jtop nyio nimD nnK^y» ma tmn3D Demai Derech. eretz zuta Derecli eretz rabbah Horiyoth Halachotli ketanoth Zebachim Zabim Zera'im Cliagigali Ckullin Challah Tebul Jom Telioroth Jebamoth Jadayim Joma Kilayim Kallali Kelim Keritliuth Keth-ubotli Megillah Middoth Mo'ed katon Makkoth. Maclishirm Menachoth Me'ilah Ma'serotli Ma'ser sheni Mikvaotli Nega'im Niddah Nedarim Nazir Sotah Sukkah Soferim Sanhedrin Babylonian Talmud. Vol. 1 9 9 9 9-^ 10 12 1 a lit 1 12 12 6 12 4 1 9 12 11 4 11 3 9 12 lOJ 11 1 1 12 12 12 6 6 6 4 9 9$ Jerusalem Talmud. * Not In Benveniste. t B«nyeniste, yol. 11. t Benveniste, vol. 10. i Benveniste, yol. 8. X 2 156 TALMUD— continued. HIT mnv nviv ms nionn Separate Treatises. Ky^VD i<33 Tractat £a5a MezVa mit deutscher Uebersetzung nnd Er- klarung von Dr. A. Sammter. fol. Berlin, 1876. niD*!! Traite des BeraTchoth du Talmud de Jerusalem et du Talmud de Babylone, traduit pour la premiere fois en fran9ais par Moise Schwab. 8°. Paris, 1871. See Chiaeini, L'Abb£ L. Le Talmud de Babylone. 1831. t^lDlT V"^^ T^*^ Derech erez sutta. Eine Sammlung der reinsten Sitten- und Anstandslehren der altesten Rabbinen. Herausgegeben mit einer getreuen tJbersetzung und erlauternden Anmerkungen von J. Harburger. 8°. Bayreuth, 1839. niDD Tractatus Macot cum scholiis hermeneuticis, glossario nee non indicibus adjectia auctore Dr. H. S. Hirschfeld. 8*. Berlin, 1842. TALMUD. - Babylonian Talmud, Jerusalem Talmud. 'Abodah zarali Vol. 8* 4 'Ediyoth 9 'Oketzin 12 'Erubin 2 2 'Erechin 11 'Orlah 1 1 Peah 1 1 PesacMm 3 2 Parab 12 Pirke aboth 9 Kiddusbin 5 S Kinnim 11 Eosh ha-sbanah 4 2 Shebu'otli 9 4 Sbebiitb I 1 Sliabbatb 2 2 Sbemonab perakim Rambam le- - 9 Semaolioth (Ebel rabbatbi) Shekalim 3 Temurab 11 Tamid 11 Ta'anitb 2 Terumoth 1 * Benveniite, vol. 9. TALMUD TARGUM. 157 TALMUD — Separate IVeatises — continued. D''V^i riDDD, Oder das Talmudische Buch iiber den Aussatz. See Wagenseil, J. C. Belelirung der judisch-teutsclieii Schreibart. 1699. D^"1S1D riDDO Masechet Soferim. Der Talmud. Tractat der Schreiber. Eine Einleitung in das Studiiim der althebraischen Grraphik, der Masorah und der altjiid. Liturgie. Nach Handschriften herans- gegeben und commentirt von Dr. Joel Mliller. 8". Leipzig, 1878. [mt mi2V] ^Ahodah Sarah, oder der Gotzendienst. Ein Traktat aus dem Talmud. Die Mischna und die Gemara, letztere zum ersten- male vollstandig iibersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und mit Anmer- kungen begleitet und herausgegeben von Dr. Ferdinand Christian Ewald. Zweite Ausgabe. 8°. NUmlerg, 1868. [D>nDQ] pE^n -rh ^rh^^ The Fragment of Talmud Babli, Pesachim, of the ninth or tenth century, in the University Library of Cam- bridge. Edited with notes by W. H. Lowe. fol. Cambridge, 1879. See FiscHEE, Kael. Gutmeinung iiber den Talmud der Hebraer. 1883. See MiSHNAH. 1883. TANCHUM Jerushalmi. Studien iiber Tanchum Jeruschalmi. See GrOLDZIHEE, Ignaz. 1870. Arabischer Commentar zum Buche Josua. See WissENSCHAFTLiCHE BLATTER aus der Veitel Heine Ephraim'- schen Lehranstalt. 1862, TANCHUMA or Jelamdenu. See Midrash Tanchuma. TARGUM. The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Penta- teuch, with the fragments of the Jerusalem Targum ; [translated] from the Chaldee by J. W. Etheridge, M.A. 2 vol. 8°. London, 1862-65. Targum Onkelos. Herausgegeben und erlautert von Dr. A. Berliner. 2 vol. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Vol. 1. Text nach Editio Sabioneta v. J. 1557. 2. Noten, Einleitung und Register. See Berliner, Dr. A. Die Massorah zum Targum Onkelos. 1877. See Bible. Bihlia Rabhinica Magna; Bihlia Sacra Polyglotta (ed. Walton), and other editions. See Frankel, Dr. Z. Zu dem Targum der Propheten. 1872. See Maybaum, Dr. S. Die Anthropomorphien bei Onkelos. 1870. IS»1 TARGUM TOBIA. TARGUM Samaritanum, or Targum Shomroni. See Samaritan Targum. TARGUM Sheni. Legendary paraphrase of the Book of Esther, with the commentarj See Bible. Pentateuch. 1876. TAUBER, Israel. pyi mT^5 Notices of the life and writings of Maimonides. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Pressburg, 1860. TAUBER, Dr. Jacob. Standpunkt und Leistung des R. David Kimchi als Grammatiker, mit Beriicksichtigung seiner Vorganger und Nachfolger, 8". Breslau, 1867. TAYLOR, Charles, M.A. D^iyn ninx nnn Bibre Ahoih Haolam. Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comprising Pirqe Aboth and Pereq R. Meir, in Hebrew and English, with critical and illustrative notes ; and specimen pages of the Cambridge University MS. of the Mishnah Jerushal- mith, from which the text of Aboth is taken. Edited by Charles Taylor, M.A. 8°. Cambridge, 1877. TENDLAU, Abraham M. Sprichworter und Redensarten deutsch-jiidischer Vorzeit, als Beitrag zur Volks- Sprach- und Sprichworter-Kunde. Aufgezeichnet aus dem Munde des Volkes. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1860. Das Buch der Sagen und Legenden jlidischer Vorzeit. Nach den Quellen bearbeitet, nebst Anmerkungen und Erlauterungen. Dritte vermehrte Auflage. 8°. Franhfort on the Main, 1873. THEIN, Salomon. Der Talmud, oder das Prinzip des planetarischen Einflusses nach der Anschauung des Talmuds. 2nd edition. 8*. Vienna, 1876. THORNBORROW, William. Advocacy of Jewish freedom. 2nd edition. 8°. London, 1848. TOBIA hen Elieser. See Midra9B[ Lbkach Tob. 1880. TOSEFTA VERO. 159 TOSEFTA. KriDDin Toseftaf nach den Erfurter und Wiener Handschriften mit Parallelstellen und Varianten herausgegeben von Dr. M. S. Zuckermandel. Parts 1—3. Pasewalk, 1877-78. See DuNNEE, Db. J. H., Die Theorien liber das Wesen . . . der Toseplitlia. 1874. TOVEY, D'Blossiers, LL.D. Anglia Judaica, or tiie history and antiquities of the Jews in England. 4^ Oxford, 1738. TREGELLES, Samuel Prtdeaux, LL.D. See G-ESENius, Wilhelm, Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. 1857. TRENEL, Isaac. La vie de Hillel. See Seminaire Israelite. 1867. TROPLOWITZ, J. 7lfc?E5' nWD A Hebrew drama in six acts. 8°. Lemberg, 1820. UCEDA, Samuel. See Samuel ben Isaac de Uceda. UFHAUSEN, Solomon. See Solomon Zebi Ufhausen. VAN OVEN, Barnard, M.D. Ought Baron de Rothschild to sit in Parliament ? An imaginary conversation between Judaeus & Amicus Nobilis. Second edition with an introduction. 8°. London, 1848. An appeal to the British nation on behalf of the Jews. 8°. London [18 . .] See Jews of England. 1834. VATABLUS, Franciscus. See Bible. BiUia Sacra. 1586. VEIT, MoRiTz. See Sachs, Dr. M. Stimmen vom Jordan und Euphrat. 1868. VERO, Carlos. The Inquisition and Judaism. A sermon addressed to Jewish mar- tyrs on the occasion of an auto-da-fe at Lisbon, 1705 ; and a reply to the sermon by Carlos Vero. Translated by Moses Mocatta. 8° London, 1846. 160 VERRINDER WAGENSEIL. VERRINDER, Charles G. Music of the services at the West London Synagogue. See Liturgies. [1881.] VESSILLO ISRAELITICO. See Periodical Publications. VIDAL DE TOLOSA. nJtJ'D T^iD A commentary. See Moses len Maimon. [npTHH l^H] min n:K'D 1739-42. VIOLET, Thomas, o/ London, Goldsmith. A petition against the Jewes, presented to the Kings Majestic and the Parliament. Together with several reasons proving the East- India trade, the Turkey trade, the East-Countrey trade, may all be driven without transporting gold or silver out of England. And also some abuses in the managing those trades set down... 4°. London. 1661. VOSSIUS, DioNYSius. See Moses hen Maimon. De Idolatria liber. 1641. WAGENAAR, H. A. f"3V^ nn^in Jacob Hirschel's (Emden's) Leben und Schriften, nebst Ausziigen aus seinen noch ungedruckten Handschriften und einer alphabetischen Tabelle von Abbreviaturen. Durch Beitrage ver- mehrt von G. J. Polak. [Hebrew only.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1868' WAGENSEIL, Johann Christof. Belehrung der jiidisch-teutschen Red- und Schreibart. D^VJJ nSDD, oder das Talmudische Buch von dem Aussatz. Bericht wie das Jiidisch-Teutsche zu lesen. Drei Lieder welche die Juden, son- derlich die Weibsbilder an dem Osterfest zu singen pflegen. Von dem Aufruhr welchen Vincenz Fettmilch im Jahr 1 6 14 in Franck- furth angestifftet. Judischer Geschicht-Roman von dem grossen Konig Arturo in Engelland und dem tapferen Helden Wieduwilt. Prob-Uebungen in dem Teutsch-Hebreischen Dialecto. Bedencken ob die H. Schrift einem Maun erlaube zwei Schwestern nach ein- ander zu heyrathen. 4". Kdnigsherg, 1699. WAHL WEYDEN. 161 WAHL, Dr. M. C. Das Sprichwort der hebraisch-aramaischen Literatur mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Sprichwortes der neueren Umgangssprachen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Paromiologie. Erstes Buch. Zur Entwicklungstheorie des sprichwortlichen Materials. 8°. Leipzig, 1871. WALL, Moses. See Menasseh Je» Israel. Tlie Hope of Israel. 1651. WEIL, Dr. G. Biblische Legenden der Muselmanner. Aas arabischen Quellen zusaramengetragen, mit jiidischen Sagen verglichen. 8°. Frankfort on the Main, 1845. WEIL, Isidore. Philosophie religieuse de Levi-ben-Gerson. s*. Paris, 1868. WEISS, Isaac Hirsch. T\^^12T[ \\^h 10Q55'D Studien iiber die Sprache der Mischnah. [Hebrew only.] . 8°. Vienna, 1867. V'^ini in in Zur Geschichte der jiid. Tradition. [Hebrew only.] 3 vol. 8°. Vienna, 1871-76- Vol. 1. Von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Zerstorung des zweiten Tempels. 2. Von der Zerstorung des zweiten Tempels bis zum Abschluss der Mischna. 3. Von der Vollendung der Misclma bis zum Abscliluss des Talmuds. See MiDRASH Sifra, m *m KIDD 1862. See Periodical Publications. Beth Talmud. 1881-83. WELLHAUSEN, Prof. Julius. Prolegomena to the history of Israel. Translated ... by J. Suther- land Black, M.A., and Allan Menzies, B.D., with preface by Prof. W. Robertson Smith. 8°. Edinburgh, 1885. WERTHEIMER, Joseph Ritter von. Zur Emancipation unserer Glaubensgenossen. 8°. Vienna, 1882. Jiidische Lehre und jiidisches Leben, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Juden in Osterreich, und auf die Pflichten gegen Vaterland und Mitmenschen. 2nd edition. 8*. Vienna, 1883. See Wolf, Gr. Joseph "Wertheimer, ein Lebens- und Zeitbild. 1868. WESSELY, Naphtali Herz [or Hart wig]. See Naphtali Herz ben IssACHAR Wessely. WEYDEN, Ernst. Geschichte der Juden in Koln am Rhein von der Romerzeit bis auf die Gegenwart. 8°. Kdln, 1867. 162 WHATJELY WOGUE. WHATELY, Richard, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. A speech in the House of Lords, August i, 1833, on a Bill for the removal of certain disabilities from Her Majesty's subjects of the Jewish persuasion. 8°. London, 1833. WHISTON, William, M.A. See JosEPHUS. Works. n. d. WIENER, Dr. M. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Erster Theil. 8°. Hanover, 1862. WIESNER, J. Scholien zum babylonischen Talmud. 3 parts. 8°. Prague, 1859-67. Part 1. Berachoth. 2. Sabbath. 3. Erubin und Pesachim. Der Bann in seiner gesohichtlichen Entwickelung auf dem Boden des Judenthums. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. WILLHEIMER, Jonas. See Benjamin len Immanubl Mussafia, 3"1 ")DT 1863. WILZIG, W. See Geigek, De. A., D^JSH n'?D 1840. WISSENSCHAFTLICHE BLATTER. Wissenschaftliche Blatter aus der Veitel Heine Ephraim*schen Lehr- anstalt (Beth Ha-Midrasch) in Berlin. Erste Sammlung. 8°. Berlin, 1862. 1. F. Lebrecht : Handschriften und erste Gesammtausgabeii des Babylo- nisclien Talmud. 2. Th. Haarbriicker : Rabbi Tanchum Jeruschalmi, Arab. Commentar zum Bucbe Jo sua. 3. M. Steinschneider : Zur pseudepigraphischen Literatur, insbesondere der geheimen Wissenschafteu des Mittelalters. WITKIND, Chayim Nachman len Jacob. See Aaeon Moses Padua, ^^\^^r\ Din 1877. WITTE, Dr. J. H. Salomon Maimon. Die merkwiirdigen Schicksale und die wissen- schaftliche Bedeutung eines judischen Denkers aus der kantischen Schule. 8°. Berlin, 1876. WOGUE, L. Histoire de la Bible et de Texegese biblique jusqu'a nos jours. 8°. Paris, 1881. See Cahen, M. D., Repertorium talmudicum. 1877. WOLF WOLFF. 16a WOLF, Dr. Elcan Isaac. Von den Krankheiten der Juden. Seinen Briidern in DeutscMand gewidmet. 8°. Mannheim, 1777. WOLF, G. Zur Geschichte der Juden in Worms und des dentsclien Stadte- wesens. 8°. Breslau, 1862. Isaak Noa Mannheimer, Prediger. Eine biographische Skizze. 8°. Vienna, 1863. IDK'K^* ^HN Catalog der Bibliothek des Dr. Bernhard Beer in Dresden. 8°. Berlin, 1863. Judentaufen in Oesterreich. ^ 8°. Vienna, 1863-. Joseph Wertheimer, ein Lebens- und Zeitbild. Beitrage zur Ge-. schichte der Juden Oesterreich's in neuester Zeit. Mit Benutzung archivalischer Quellen. 8°. Vienna, 1868. Geschichte der Juden in Wien. 1 156-1876. 8°. Vienna, 1S7 6. WOLF, Joseph. Biography of Joseph Wolf. See Philippson, De. Phoebus. Biogr. Skizzen. 1864-66. WOLF, LuciEN. Sir Moses Montefiore. A centennial biography, with extracts from letters and journals. 8°. London, 1884. WOLF, Michael. Life and letters of Nachmann Krochmal. See Kkochmal, K, pfD >D12J miD 1863. Gebete fiir das Seelenheil der Hingeschiedenen. See Liturgies. 1868. WOLF, William. See Maeksohn, A., and W. Wolf. Auswahl alter hebraischer Syna- gogal-Melodien. 1875. WOLFF, Dr. M. See Moses ben Maimon, ^IVD n*iN»n Acht Kapitel. 1863. WOLFF, S. A. Mischna-Lese oder Talmud-Texte religios- moralischen Inhalts. Grosstentheils in vocalisirtem Urtext mit deutscher Ubersetzung und erlauternden Anmerkungen. Zur hauslichen Erbauung und Belehrung. Part 1. Emunat Itecha, 8°. Leipzig, 1866. T 2 164 WOLFIUS WUST. WOLFIUS, Jo. Christophorus. Bibliotheca Hebraea. 4 vol. 4°. Hamhurg, 1715-33. Vol. 1. Notitia turn auctorum Hebr. cujuscunque aetatis, turn scriptorum, quae vel Hebraice primum exarata vel ab aliis conversa sunt ad nostram aetatem deducta. Accedit Jacobi Gaffarelli index Codicum Cabbalistic. MSS. quibus Jo. Pious Mirandulanus Comes usus est. 2. [Pars 2.] Quae praster historiam Scripturge Sacrae veteris instru- menti, codicumque ejus turn editorum turn MSS. tradit notitiam Masorse, eorumque, quse ad lexica et grammaticas pertinent, Tal- mudis item utriusque, tum vero Bibliothecam judaicam et anti- judaicam aperit, ac post enarratas paraphrases cbaldaicas et cab- balam, scripta Judeeorum anonyma recenset. 3. Accessiones et emendationes ad volumen primum totum, et partem secundi, quoad de scriptis anonymis exponit, pertinentes. Inseritur R. Scbemuelis fil. Davidis Jemsel, Judaei Karaitae Itinerarium ; specimen versionis Pentateucbi Craeco-barbarse ; supplementum lacunae libri Chissuk Aemuna una cum lectionibus variantibus . . . 4. Accessiones et emendationes inprimis ad volumen secundum, tum vero ad totum opus pertinentes, una cum indicibus auctorum et rerum. Inseruntur opuscula quaedam quorum nonnulla ad res et commentarios Karseorum Biblicos spectant, una cum Epitapbiorum Judaicorum specimine selecto. WtFNSCHE, Dr. August. Der Talmud, eine Skizze. 8*. Zurich, 1878. Der jerusalemische Talmud in seinen haggadischen Bestandtheilen zum ersten Male ins Deutsche iibertragen. 8". Ziirich, 1880. Die E-athseweisheit bei den Hebraern mit Hinblick auf andere alte Volker. 8°. Lei;pzig, 1883. See Midrash Rabboth. Bibliotbeca Rabbinica. 1880-85. WURFEL, A. Historische Nachrichten von der Juden-G-emeinde in Niirnberg. 4°. Nuremlerg, 1755. WUST, Joel hen Joseph. Commentary. See Jbdaiah Im Abraham Bedarshi, D?1V 7113^113 1807. YARCHI ZEDNER. 165 YARCHI [erroneous designation]. See Solomon hen Isaac [Rashi]. ZACUT, Abraham. See Abraham hen Samuel Zacuto. ZACUTH, Moses ben Mordecai. See LiTUEGlES. 1712, ZEBI hen Aaron Samuel Katdanover. IK^^n 3p The duties of a moral life, in 102 chapters, with a German- Jewish translation. 4°. Sulzbach, 1795. ZEBI ben Chatim. See Liturgies. 1741. ZEBI HiRSCH Heller. See Judah Aeyeh ben Mobdecai Ha-Levi, nnX n^fe^K^ 1868. ZEBI ben Jerachmeel Chocz. See Simeon ben Jochai, IHTn ^^"Ip^n D*y3^ 1706. ZECHARIAH Mendl ben Arteh Leb. See Joseph ben Ephbaim Cabo, Tl"iy \rh)^ ZEDNER, Joseph. Auswahl historischer StUcke aus hebraischen Schriftstellern vom zweiten Jahrhundert bis auf die Gegenwart. Mit vokalisirtem Texte, deutscher Uebersetzung und Anmerkungen. 8°. Berlin, 1840. See British Museum. Catalogue of the Hebrew books. 1867. 166 ZERACHIAH ZUNZ. ZERACHIAH Ha-Levi. h)i:n niNDH Commentary. See Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi. DSpN 3T nD?n 1720, Life and writings. See reifmann, J. n!?n n^mt i:m nn^in isbs. ZEVAATH Ha-Geonim. D^J1N:in ni^ll^ Testamentary exhortations by Akiba Emden and Jacob of Lissa j also a biography of Jacob Israel ben Zebi Emden. 12°. Warsaw, 1875. ZUCKERMANDEL, Dr. M. S. See TosEFTA KHSDin 1877-78. ZUCKERMANN, Dr. B. Ueber talmudische Gewichte und Miinzen. 4°. Breslau, 1862. A treatise on the Sabbatical cycle and the Jubilee, a contribution to the archaeology and chronology of the time anterior and subse- quent to the captivity, accompanied by a table of Sabbatical years. Translated from the German by the Rev. A. Lowy. 8°. London, 1866. Das jiidische Maassystem und seine Beziehungen zum griechischen und romischen. 8*. Breslau, 1867. Catalogus bibliothecae seminarii jud. theol. Vratislaviensis, continens cxc codicum mss. hebr. rarissimorum et ccLXiii bibliorum edi- tionum descriptionem, [Second edition.] 8*. Breslau, 1876. ZUNZ, Jehiel Mattathiah. ^"^'iTS I^V Geschichte der krakauer Rabbinate vom Anfange des i6*^^ Jahrhunderts bis auf die Gegenwart, als Beitrag zur Geschichte der Juden in Polen. [Biographies of the rabbis and heads of colleges of Cracow from the year 5260 to 5616; also notes on the community of that city. Hebrew and German title-pages.] 8°. Lemlerg, 1874. ZUNZ, Dr. Leopold. Die gottesdienstlichen Vortrage der Juden historisch entwickelt. Ein Beitrag zur Alterthumskunde und biblischen Kritik, zur Lite- ratur- und Religionsgeschichte. Zur Geschichte und Literatur. Die synagogale Poesie des Mittelalters. Die Ritus des synagogalen Gottesdienstes. 8°. Berlin, 1832. 8°. Berlin, 1845. 8^ Berlin, 1855. 8*. Berlin, 1859. ZUNZ. 167 ZITNZ, Dr. Leopold — continued. Die hebraischen Handschriften in Italien ; ein Mahiiruf des Reclits und der Wissenschaft. 8°. Berlin, 1864. Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie. 8*. Berlin, 1865. Naclitrag zur Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie. 8^ Berlin, 1867. Die Monatstage des Kalenderjahres. Ein Andenken an Hingeschie- dene. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Gesammelte Schriften, herausgegeben vom Curatorium der Zunz- stiftung. 3 vol. 8°. Berlin, 1875-76. Vol. 1. 1. Etwas iiber die rabbinische Literatur, 1881. 2. Die gottesdienstlicben Vortrage, Vorrede, 1832. 3. Die jiidiscbe Literatur, 1845. 4. Sittenlehrer, 1845. 5. Juden und jiidische Literatur, 1845. 6. Psalmen, 1855. 7. Israel's gottesdienstliche Poesie, 1870. 8. G-rundlinien zu einer kiinftigen Statistik der Juden, 1823. 9. Vorrede zu Bernstein's Lied der Lieder, 1834. 10. Geograpbiscbe Literatur der Juden, 1841. 11. Bibelkritisches, 1873-74. 12. Beleuchtung der Theorie du judai'sme Chiarini's, 1830. Anbang. [Political subjects, 1848-65.] Vol. 2. 1. Namen der Juden (berichtigt und vermehrt), 1836. 2. Predigt iiber Religiositat, 1817. 3. Predigt ; Erweckung zum Fortscbreiten, 1820. 4. Rede bei der Feier von Moses Mendelssobn's bundertjabrigem Geburtstage (1829). (Moses Mendelssobn's bundertjabriger Geburtstag, Bericbt aua der Haude- und Spenerscben Zeitung), 1829. 5. Vortrag zur Huldigung, 1840. 6. Rede zur Eroffnung des jiidiscben Seminars, 1840, 7. Festrede bei der Jubelfeier des Herrn Lewandowski, 1865. 8. Nekrolog Biiscbentbals, 1818. 9. Nekrolog H. Micbaels, 1847. 10. Nekrolog N. Krocbmals, 1844. 11. Damaskus, ein Wort zur Abwebr, 1840 und 1859. 12. Tbefillin, eine Betracbtung, 1822 und 1843. 13. Eine alte Stimme, 1844. 14. Ein gefundener Brief, 1845. 15. Gutacbten iiber die Bescbneidung, 1844. 16. Kurze Antworten auf Kultusfragen, 1843. 17. Sendscbreiben des Vereins fiir Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden, 1823. 18. Scbulscbriften, 1825-65. 19. Die Vorscbriften iiber Eidesleistung der Juden, 1859. 20. Zur palastiniscben Geographic aus jiidiscben Quellen, 1840. 168 ZUNZ. ZUNZ, Dr. Leopold — continued. Gesammelte Schriften. Vol. 3. 1. Die hebraisclieii Handschriften in Italien, 1864. 2. Wiinsclie fiir ein Worterbuch. der hebraisclieii Sprache, 1855. 3. Das Adverbium |ND, 1870. 4. Hebraisch.e Redeweisen fiir besclieideiie Meinungs-Ausserung, 1871. 5. " Verfassen nnd t)bersetzen", hebraisoh. ansgedruckt, 1871. . 6. Tiber das Verbum DD13, 1872. 7. Biblisohes und Geschichtliclies : Alter der Casselschen Bibel-Handschrift Kennicott 157, 1871. Massora, Talmud, Kabbala, Grammatik in historisclier Wirk- samkeit, 1818. Alteste Nacbricliten iiber Juden und jiidiscbie Gelehrte in Polen, Slavonien, Russland, 1846. Eine merkwiirdige Medaille, 1840. 8. Berichtigungen : Das Buch Jaschar, 1828. Heisst RascM Jarclii ? 1839. Anmerkungen zu Tboluk de ortu Cabbalas, 1838. Aus Briefen in Geigers Judischer Zeitsclirift, 1867-68. Aus einem Brief e, 1872. 9. Beurtheilungen und Anzeigen : Beurtheilung von Herzf eld's Kohelet, 1839. Beurtheilung von Saclis' Psalmen-TJbersetzung, 1836. Beurtheilung von Hamberger's tjbersetzung von de Rossi's liistorisch.eni Worterbucke, 1839. Anzeige von Or Sarua, 1865. 10. BiograpMsclies : Saadia und sein Zeitalter betreffende Bemerkungen, 1839. Joclianan, 1842. Joel, 1842. 11. Analekten : 1. Jose ben Jose, 1836. 2. Abraham ben Isaac und Abraham ben David, 1836. 3. Kalonymos ben Kalonymos, 1836. 4. Jehuda ben Moses Romano, 1836. 5. Joab, 1837. 6. Rom A. 1270 bis 1330, 1839. 7. Namenkunde, 1839. 8. Die Gersoniden, 1844. 9. Verfehltes Wortverstandniss, 1868. 10. Begleitnamen in Chiffern, 1868. 11. Alte Sentenzen iiber Hochmuth und Demuth, 1868. 12. "inn hagadisch gedeutet, 1870. 13. Erlosungsjahre, 1871. 14. Saadia's Hiyni DlilDS, altere Ubersetzung, 1872. 12. Aus Steinschneider's Hebraischer Bibliographic : 1. Die Censur hebraischer Werke, 1858. 2. Die Baraita Samuel's, 1862. ZUNZ. 169 ZUNZ, Dr. Leopold — continued. Vol. 3. 4. Das Buch T-ntni (WeMsMr), 1865. 5. NacMese zur Spruclikuiide, 1869. 6. Zweite Nachlese zur Spruchkunde. 7. Mose Cohen ben Elasar. 8. n'-^K und n"j;3, 1870. 9. Miscellen, 1869-1875. Nachtrage und Berichtigungen. Table chronologique de Fancien testament. See Bible. Traduction par S. Cahen, 1835-36 ; and Die vier und zwanzig Biiclier der Heiligen Schrift. 1873. See Eljakim hen Judah Ha-milzaghi H^Ufc^T 1837. On the sufferings of the Jews in the middle ages. Essaj on the writings of Dr. Zunz by the Eev. A. Lowy. See Hebrew Literature Society, Miscellany. Vol. t. 1877. See Krochmal, N., jlDin ^DU3 miO 1863. Bibliographical account of the writings of Dr. Zunz. See Steinschneider, Dr. M. 1874. See Synagogal-Poesien, herausgegeben von Dr. A. Berliner. 1884. Jubelschrift zum neunzigsten Geburtstag des Dr. L. Zunz. Heraus- gegeben durch das Curatorium der Zunz-Stiftung. 8°. Berlin, 1884. I. Abtheilung: — 1. Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles in jiidischen Bearbeitungen. Ein Ver- such von M. Steinschneider. 2. Beitrage zur Bibelexegese von Dr. David Rosin. 3. La Genesi e la scienza. Nota sull' origine e sull' eta dell' uomo, von Marco Mortara. 4. Begriff und Ursprung der Tosefta von Dr. N. Briill. 5. Haggada und Midrasch-Haggada. Ein Beitrag zur Sagengeschichte von Dr. M. Giidemann. 6. Abraham ben Natan aus Lunel, Verfasser des Manhig, von Dr. D. Cassel. 7. Vorbemerkungen zu D''K^D 3 Hit? 8. „ „ nv P -lOJ^O 10. „ „ HDC'Dn K^n^Q 11. „ „ Vn^n; K^n n>::' >^^ 12. „ „ t!?p p ^d^q II. Abtheilung: — 1. D^K'J nniK des Jedaja Bedraschi, von Dr. Neubauer. 2. py |3 'yO^f^'O des Chajim Israeli, von Abbe Perreau. 3. Bibliographie Hebraischer Denk- und Trauer-Reden, von Dr. Ad. Jellinek . 4. *n7 "lfc<3 des Isak ben Todros, von Baron D. de Giinzburg. B. nuivp niD^n , nipiDS niDi>n , niVna niD^n von o. h. Schorr. 170 ZUNZ ZWEIFEL. ZUNZ, Dr. Leopold — continued. 6. DStJ'D jK^n des Simeon ben Josef, von Prof. Dr. Kaufmann. 7. DvD 'DD nJEJ'D ""S des Maimonides, von Prof. J. Derenbourg. 8. i»n^3a K^n n^K^ von Dr. J. Egers. 9. n^i>p \2 ^OVQ von Dr. P. F. Frankl. ZWEIFEL, E. Z. 7&<'nt5'* 7V DIpK' An exposition and defence of the mystical doctrines of "Besht" (Baal Shem Tob) and his disciples. Compiled from various authors connected with the sect of the Chasidim. 3 vol. 8"*. Zitomer^ 1868. 171 APPENDIX ADLER ANGLO- JE WISH. ADLER, Marcus N. The Temple at Jerusalem ; a paper read before the Jews' College Literary Society. 8°. London, 1887. ANGLO-JEWISH Association. Fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth annual reports. 8°. London, 1886-8. 1886. A new departure in the apprenticing of Jewish boys and girls in Bagdad, by Mr. Morris Cohen. On the regeneration of the Jews in Galicia, by Dr. M. Friedlander (of Vienna). Public schools in Roumania, by Dr. M. Gaster. The " Cheder " in Russia, by a Russian Jew. 1887. Speech of Sir Julian G-oldsmid, Bart., President of the Association, March 2nd, 1887. Industrial instruction in Bagdad, by Mr. Morris Cohen. Jewish education and the Talmud Torah. in Constantinople, by Mr. Theodore Lumley. The Jewish oommunity and the local schools of Smyrna, by M. Pariente. 1888. The Jews at the present time in their various habitations : a lecture delivered by Mr. F. D. Mocatta, April 22nd, 1888. With a map. ANGLO-JEWISH Historical Exhibition. Publications. 4 vol. 8°. London, 1888. Vol. 1. Historic parallels in Jewish history (including references to the " Wandering Jew," and a proposal for founding a Jewish Academy"), by Prof. H. Graetz. The London Jewry, 1290, by Joseph Jacobs. The middle age of Anglo-Jewish history, 1290-1656, by Lucien Wolf. The rise and development of Synagogue music, by the Rev. F. L. Cohen. The persecution of the Jews in England, by Walter Rye. The Exchequer of the Jews of England in the Middle Ages, by Charles G-ross. Jewish sources of, and parallels to, the early English metrical romances of King Arthur and Merlin, by Dr. M. Caster. The Chief Rabbis of England, by the Rev. Dr. H. Adler. Report of the members of the General Committee of the Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition. z2 172 ANGLO-JEWISH GRAEBER. ANGLO-JEWISH Historical Exhibition — continued. 2. ShStaroth or Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1290, edited by M. D. Davis. Norwich deeds, 1235—1290. Nottingham deeds, 1230—1290. Lincoln deeds, 1182—1290. Canterbury deeds, 1230—1290. London deeds, 1250—1290. York deeds, 1237—1250. Colchester deeds, 1258. Oxford deeds, 1267—1275. Winchester deed, no date. No indication of locality, 1249 — 1275. 3. Bibliotheca Anglo- Judaica, a bibliographical guide to Anglo- Jewish history, compiled by Joseph Jacobs and Lucien Wolf. Manuscript sources of Anglo-Jewish history. Bibliography. 1. Pre-expulsion period to 1290. 2. Middle Age, 1290 to 1656. National movement for the return, 1642 to 1656. 3. Modem period, 1657 to 1886. 4. Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition ; compiled by Joseph Jacobs and Lucien Wolf, illustrated by ; Frank Haes. Large paper, with illustrations. 8*^. London, 1888. Report of the Committee. 8^ London. [1887.] BODLEIAN LIBRARY. See Neubauer, A. DAVID ben Joseph Kimchi [p"Tl]. [D^^nn] ni^nnn IDD The Psalms according to the text of the Cambridge ms. Bible, add. 465, with the longer commentary of R. David Qimchi ; edited by the Rev. Dr. S. M. Schiller-Szinessy. Part I. 80. Cambridge, 1883. DEUTSCH-ISRAELITISCHER Gemeindebund. Revidirte Statuten. S^. Altenhurg. [1882.] FRANCK, Adolphe. La Kabbale, ou la philosophic religieuse des Hebreux. 80. Paris, 1843. GESELLSCHAFT DER FREUNDE. Statut der Gesellschaft. Gegriindet 1792. Revisionen von 1870, 1872 und 1874. [Jewish Iklutual Benefit Society of Berlin.] 80. Berlin, n. d. GRAEBER, Eisio. nnson I^IX IVIagazin fiir hebraische Literatur und Wissenschaft, Poesie und Belletristik, geschrieben von mehreren Celebritaten. 2 vol. 80. Jaroslaw (Vol. 2 Cracow), 1887-8. [Vol. 1 is edited by Ei&ig Graber jointly with Samuel Philipp.] GRAETZ. 173 GRAETZ, Prof. H. Historic parallels in Jewish history. A discourse delivered at the Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition, 16th June, 1887. 80. London, 1887. Jubelschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage des Prof. Graetz. 80. Breslau, 1887. I. Abtheilung :— 1. Die Berner Handschrift des kleinen Aruch, von Rabbiner Dr. J. Perles, Munchen. 2. Les expulsions des Juifs de France au XIV* sieole, par Isidore Loeb, Paris. 3. Beleucbtung einer dunklen Misohnah, von Rabbiner Dr. A. Sohwarz, Karlsruhe. 4. Der Gott der Rache, ein Bel brag zur Ethik des jiidisohen Volkes, von Rabbiner Dr. M. Griidemann, Wien. 5. Der Priifstein des Menachem ben Salomo, von Prof. Dr. W. Bacher, Budapest. 6. Des stammelnde Madohen, von Dr, J. Egers, Berlin. 7. Un passage sur les Juifs au XII° sieole, traduit de I'Autobiographie d'Ousama, par Hartwig Derenbourg, Professeur, Paris. 8. Jarobh-am, oder die Theilung des Reiches, ein Beitrag zur jiidisohen Geschichte und Alter thumskunde, von Lector M. Friedmann, Wien. 9. David Friedlander und Probst Teller, von Rabbiner Dr. B. Rippner, Glogau. 10. Einige Notizen als Erganzungen zu meiner Schrift " Blicke in die Religionsgeschichte," von Rabbiner Dr. M. Joel, Breslau. 11. Der kleine Sifra, von Rabbiner Dr. N. Briill, Frankfurt a/M, 12. Die ersten Culturbestrebungen der jiidisohen Gemeinde Posen unter preussisoher Herrschaft, von Rabbiner Dr. Ph. Bloch, Posen. 13. Geschichte des Landrabbinats in Schlesien, nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen, von Rabbiner Dr. M. Brann, Pless. 14. Barthold Dowe Burmania und die Vertreibung der Juden aus Bohmen und Mahren, von Prof. Dr. D. Kaufmann, Budapest. 15. Haggadische Analekten aus den pseudo-hieronymianischen Quaes- tiones, von Rabbiner Dr. M. Rahmer, Magdeburg. II. Abtheilung (under the Hebrew title ^IV mtOy):— 1. Einleitung und Erganzungen zum Aruch von Rabbi Samuel ben Jacob G'ama, herausgegeben von Salomon Buber, Lemberg. 2. n^'V^pn niQ rhiD von Rabbiner Dr. A. Kisch, Prag. 3. ^3» mvpi Yvp n^K's »i>"i"iBi k^oi^U2 ik'VJ nvjiDip n):pn 4. Sefer ha-Ot (HIKn "ISD). Apokalypse des Pseudo-Propheten und Pseudo-Messias Abraham Abulafia, von Prediger Dr. A. Jellinek, Wien. 1 74 HALBERST AMM LEHM ANN. HALBERSTAMM, S. Z. Ch. D*3n30 nvnp Inedita of coutroversial writings on the " Moreh'* and the " Sepher Ha-mad'a " of Maimonides. 8". Bamlerg, 1875. HALEVY, J. Prieres des Falashas on Juifs d' Abyssinia. Texte ethiopien, pubhe pour la premiere fois. (With a Hebrew version bj the editor, under the title D^2J>'?Dn ni^Sn "IID.) Sm. 80. Paris, 1877. HOTTINGER, Johann Heikrich. Cippi Hebraici, sive Hebraeorum tarn yeterum, Prophetarum, Patriar- charum, quam recentiorum Tannaeorum, Araoraeorum, Rabbino- rum monumenta, Hebraice a Judaeo quodam... observata et conscripta... Latinitate donata notisque illustrata. Accedunt dissertationes : — 1. De variis Orientis monumentis mensuris et inscriptionibus ; 2. De nummis Orientaliura ; 3. Elenchus tracta- tuum ab eodem authore editorum. Editio secunda. 80. Heidelherg, 1662. JACOBS, Joseph, B.A. The Jewish Question, 1875-1884. Bibliographical hand-list. Sm. 80. London, 1885. Jehuda Halevi, poet and pilgrim ; a paper read before the Jews* College Literary Society, March, 1887. 8^. London, 1887. The London Jewry, 1290 ; a lecture delivered at the Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition, Royal Albert Hall, 5th May, 1887. Sm. 80. London, 1887. Jewish diffusion of folk- tales; a paper read before the Jews' College Literary Society. 8^. London, 1888. Bibliography of Anglo- Jewish history. Pre-expulsion period. ^Privately printed from the Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica.] 4°. ^London, 1888.] LEHMANN, Emil. Die Einordnung des israelitischen Religionsunterrichts in die Volks- schule. Thesen und Gutachten, herausgegeben und alien Freun- den religioser Gleichberechtigung gewidmet vom Ausschuss des deutsch-israelitischen Gemeindebundes. 8^. Leipzig, 1873. Ueber die judenfeindliche Bewegung in Deutschland. Referat erstattet auf dem dritten ordentlichsn Gemeindetag in Leipzig, 11 April, 1880. 8°. {Leipzig, \^m.] LESSER SAMUEL. 175 LESSER, LuDWiG. Chronik der Gesellschaft der Freunde in Berlin, zur Feier ihres funfzigjahrigen Jubilaums. (History of the Jewish Mutual Bene- fit Society of Berlin.) Privately printed. 4". Berlin, 1842. LOUIS, Dr. Sigmund. The poor laws of the ancient Hebrews. %^, London, 1884. Handicrafts and artizans mentioned in Talmudical writings. 80. London, 1885. LUZZATTO, Samuel David. 1^15 nJ1D« 46 Goodman, T 'pSIK^^ HJIDK 163 Wolff, s. A iny n:iD« 11 Azariah de' Rossi n^l nD&5 93 Liturgies 3*? nD« 18 Bible DVIJ nDK 45 Gastfreund, J DtJ* ^S^JK 126 Periodicals Pl^DXH 76 Joseph Loeb fc^lin* HD^DN 61 Issachar b. Elchanan U^^i^m ym« 62 Jacob of Toledo DniD nj;m« 40 Ephraim Lenczycz D"*^n*? m&< 56 Isaac Molco D^n^f nimN 129 Phoebus Hurwitz p"»DXDDn&< 40 EshedHa-Nechalim...D*bn3n ^EJ>^{ 110 Moses b. Maimon '»D1» 3K3 112 Moses b. Maimon \Vinn m^D niN3 74 Joseph Schnitzler [^NpTn> 'py ] 11 N3 105 Mishnah Dm2t5 n&<3 74 s. V. Joseph Caro H^liH "INl 74 s.v. Joseph Caro ID^n INI 169 s. V. Zunz, L '>vh "IN3 PAGE 106 Mishnah ni2« 24 Bible ")TV '•nX 74 s.v. Joseph Caro "ITiyn pS 74 Joseph Caro "ITVn JSK 82 Kahne,D D^yinn pN 139 Saphir, J TBD pK 44 Frumkin, J. B ^NIDK^ j^N ' 96 Luzzatto, S. D piDT ^33« ' Periodicals mC^D m:N Periodicals pp D?iy ni^N Periodicals ni^V niDSJ' m:N Periodicals HC^D "•Jll «m:N 124-5 Periodicals... NQ^3 pyOSJ'T NmJN 117 Naumbourg, S D>TK^ mU« Moses b. Maimon nUlC^ni nn^K Luzzatto, S. D ^15^^ nnJK Rapoport, S. J. L T^K^ nn^K Solomon de D*3nN H^^^? mJN Oliveyra. Kalonymosb D^''n 'hv^ mJK Kalonymos. 29 Chajes, H mipn mJK ■ 143 SheriraGaon... pXJ NintJ^ ni:K 132 Raphael ChaiRicchi...in^'?N JTnfc? 73 Jonathan Eybeschiitz jnJ'in'' nnnX 4 Joseph Ibn Elem f\OV ^HK 163 Wolff, G IDEJ'B^^ 'pHi* 169 ^. i;. Zunz, L Wm 2niK 13 Benjacob, I DnDD.l "l^flN 27 Breslau, M. H nsy ])^^ 1V1X 133 Reifmann, J "Ipn "IIN 74 Joseph Caro 0''^ miN 18 Bible D^Dini DHIK 122 Periodicals mriDH niniX 158 Tauber, I pyi mtN 25 Bible nV« 123 124 124 125 113 97 132 146 82 A A 178 HEBREW INDEX. 122 Periodicals... HD^SJ'^K^KDD niDT 79 JudahLoebPisek nn« p^DI 84 Krochmal, A.... pK3 D^h'pN nyi .— 131 Rabbinowicz, R.... DHDID ^npT 62 s. V. Jacob of Toledo HK^nQI n^'\1 156 Talmud KD1T pN "jIT 80 Chayim Lipschuetz ....D^^n "]T1 — 37 Edelman, Hirsch D^31D T" — 43 Frankel, Z H^K^DiT ^Dll — 18 Bible ni|TM »Drr 62 ^.-y. Jacob of Toledo HtJ^D ^DIT 146 Solomon deOliveyra... Dyi3 '•DTT 148 Somerbausen, H. DnnK^ h'bh mJH 90, 93, 147 Liturgies HDQ 'pK^ m^n 124 Periodicals bi<'^'> yOIJ' mjn 110 5. V. Mosesb.Mai- niOD^^Dmn:tn mon. 92 Liturgies nS ^V^n 51 Ha- Dvn^n nnp i?]; ninn^j^nn hishtachotb. 93 Liturgies niOtJ^: n^DTH 122-3 Periodicals m*?D>n 123-4 Periodicals Till ni'?DM 68 Jeshuab Ha-Levi nb^V Hl^^'^H 144, 169 Simeon Kabira 71)^)1^ niD'?n 169 s.v. Zunz, L niplDS fin^n 169 *. V. Zunz, L nmxp niD^H 57 Isaac Alfasi 02^.^ 2"! rm'pn 30 CbayimCarregal... nO\niJ> nn^H — 118 Neubauer, A HIV >yy'> mn 50 Haftaroth m^T] ^DD niniDSn 60 s.v. Isaiah... DniDyn m nmpn Horwitz. 63 Jacob b. Machir Dim^ nonpH 10 Asber b. Jebiel ni^K^n 58 s.v. Isaac Alfasi HM^n 110 *. V. Moses b. Maimon niJK^n 96 Luncz, A. M.... pnv^ nn^iD n^JNI 140 Schiller-Szinessy, DUinD2 HDni S. M. 149 Steinscbneider, PVH ^« npy^ «2^1 M. 78 Judah Altschueler HK'ID ^n*l 114 Moses b. Nacbman... |"20in n^3»1 30 Cbayim Azulai D^DDH^ 1]J) 42 Fassel, H. B li>>^nMDatJ>1 103 Midrasb IJDnr HT 144 Simeon b. Jocbai "intn 144 Simeon b. Jocbai K^in IHT 146 Solomon de Oliveyra pP") fl^J 13 Belais, A *K"I »n^ 1X2 30 s.v. Chayim D^*n D^D "1N3 Carregal. 156 Talmud W^D Km 141 Senior, S B^lip 13 62 s. V. Jacob of Toledo n^2n pl3 QQ Jedaiab Bedarshi nh)V Hli^nn 11 AzariabFigo Wnvh n:^3 3 AlM-abam Danzig DIS DJ''! las Rubin, s ntJ^DH ^Dn>a 63 Jacob Emden TV 'piiD HTl a Ateaham Danzig Dmn&< n^2 1 Aaron of Frajikfort pHK n^3 58 s. V. Eliezer ben ^Min n^2 Hyrcanus. 121-5 Jellinek, A K^TTOrt n*2 64 ^. ^;. Jacob Chabib min> JT^n &2 s. V. Jacob of Toledo 5^01 * n U 125 Periodicals ntO*?n HU 1S9 Saul b. Aryeh niD^n n^3 139 Saul b. Aryeh bsn« p2 145 s. V. Solomon b. Adereth K^DiH ^^2 49 Gottiober D^5« nhi6l HEBREW INDEX. 179 PAGE 83 David Griinhut ^S*n miD 26 Bible H^niD 'D 62 Jacob of Toledo "iTyn |3iS "IIID 62 Jacob of Toledo D^>n ni1J< l^ti 62 Jacob of Toledo lOStJ'Dn ]^n "11D 62 Jacob of Toledo nVl niV 110 49 Graeber, Eisig FlTni^ ^D . — 39 Eliezer Ashkenazi D^:pT DVD 11 Baer, S....nVNl ^PC'D D>t>nn 'DV^ 24 Bible TK^ 110 Moses b. Maimon npinn n>n 74 Joseph Zarfati P]Dr n^ 96 Luzzatto, S. D PJOV 1* 146 Solomon de Oliveyra pK^*? 1^ 103 Midrash HC^D H^ 106 Mocatta, F. D T1DD2 Dnin\-| — . 52 Harkavy, D^lls'pDn nS'^n DmnNT A. 101 Menahem of Fano r\^J2 hii)'> 148 Solomon Ufhausen pK^n^D IK'nr -i- 134 Koest, M "JSD VH'' 5 Abraham Zacut n!?2J'n ponr 125 Periodicals ]nn DV 101 Menahem of Fano D^X n:V 75 Joseph b. Gorion...pni J p p2>Dr 38 Eleazar Ashkenazi np? 5JD1'> 74 Joseph Caro 7)^1 HIV 24 Bible ^NpTH* 106 5. -y. Mishnah pjl^) [» 104 Midrash 1jnD7> 39 Eliezer Sussman ITy^^fc^ mpi^^ 132 Reggio, I TK^> Dlpi)^ 133 Reuben b.Hoeschke...''331K1 Dlp^^ 144 SimeonKara ^il^DSJ^ Dlp^* 62 Jacob Charasch DlpD D*D^ 30 Chayim Carregal n^D pD> ^ 4 Abraham Ibn Ezra N"I1D IID^ -- 129 Pinsker, S r^NI^ ISDD 11 D* "-- 58 Isaac Israeli D^iy 11D'' 115 Moses Zacut o'piy "IID^ 39 Eliezer Papo Dn^DH ^thv 138 Samuel Jafeh HXID HD^ 5 Abraham ^A 44 Frumkin, A. L.... H^atJ^ini D^ijE^IT 24 Bible n^VtJ^* 141 Sefer Hajashar "IK^NT 'D — 63 Jacob Luzzatto nn^Nn ni311D — 80 Judah Ha-Levi nTIDH 'D 18 Bible.... Ip^ >^D A A 146 Solomon b. C"5i'")) DnmS? 11DT Isaac. 47 s. V. Ghirondi, r\'212'7 D'-pH^f "IDT M. S. 13 Benjamin Mussafia 31 "I3T 86 Letteris, M IDOn pIDT 30 s. V. Chayim Car- h^'^^> ^^n*? piDT regal. 122 Periodicals "PannT 'D 103 Midrash Dn"iaN yiT 56 Isaac G-rahnboom pPl^if^ VIT 122 Periodicals '^2\>r\ pun 108 Moses Alshec pT^n T\h'iin 58 5. i;. Isaac Alf asi U^ 'm^ ^K^HH 58 s. V. Isaac Alf asi '''nbv^ '^)in 58 s. V. Isaac *DTiD n?na "mn Alfasi. 138 Samuel Edels fllD^H ^L^HH 64 5. v. Jacob Chabib D^^nn 74 s. V. Joseph Caro Q"'S^nn 105 Mishnah D''^'nn 139 Saulb. Aryeh n-|in mn 12 Bechai Bakodah nU2^n nnin 32 David Chazan nil HTin 1 Aaron Padua li^b)^Dn Din 22 Bible minn "ixn :^Din 132 Raphael Meldola D^JDH HQin 74 Joseph Caro DS'^Dn j^lH 132 Raphael Chai Ricchi \V'i HTn 5 Abraham Chalfon DHIDK >^n 82 Kaplan, A. Cohen 1DD DmnN »^n 3 Abraham Danzig DIN ^^n 124 Periodicals "jl^n >>n 3 Abraham Danzig Dn« riDDH 26 Bible NTD ]2 ]}mr\'> riDDH 25 Bible nioh^ HDrn 138,147 Solomon Loria riD^li^ DDSH 124 Periodicals ^DTlD DI^H 115 Mliller, J D^JHJD ^)bn 144 *. V. Simeon b. Jochai... '•n^fmnn 15-25 Bible ni^JD m^n 22-4 Bible n-llfl ^SJ'Din HE^DH 123-4 Periodicals lUn 'D 138 Samuel Auerbach i^NIDS:^ IDH 39, 80 Judah b. Samuel DH^DH 'D 22 Bible H^inn l^fH 29 Chakirahemunah... HJIDN ni^pn 28 Briick, S DDNn DTpH ■ 116 NaphtaliLewy niOIDip npn 169-70 s,v. Zunz, L DBK'D {K'n 2 180 HEBREW INDEX. 148 g.v. Steinschneider, M. nin^H ")DND 131 Rabbi- TiD?nn riDDin ^y i»xd nowicz, R. 129 Pinsker, S. mK^Nn l^pjH *?« KUO 68 s. V. Jesbuah Ha-Levi NlDiH N12D 43 rrankel,Z ^lo'pEJ'n^n KIID 28 Bruii, J n^t^ron 52^n 33 David Griinhut IH PHJO 32 David of Lida ^H 'pnJD 110 J?. V. Moses b. Maimon... nV 'PHJD 51 Hananel of Kairvan... ?t<3in 713Q 63 Jacob Emden TV i)lJD [flTl] 110 Moses b. Maimon HJk^^D lOD 19 Bible nm» ^min -73 Jom-Tob Heller ni^K n'pJD 122-5 Periodicals DlDVtD:X 71^30 25 Bible "inDx n^:D 100 Megillath ... (D''K^V3) I^DHV H^JD Jochasin. 4 Samuel Motot OnnD h'pJD 75 5. v. Joseph Caro Dnii^^ pD 75 *. v. Joseph Caro IH pD 75 s. V. Joseph Caro... (F2^) pN ^i^D 30 ChayimAzulai niDip "1210 121 Periodicals pniJ X^N K'-nD 124 Periodicals... n^£^K-in mJN K'TIO 125 Periodicals *?'?nn' ^« K>nD 122 Periodicals HIDTN H'PK K^inD 123 Pe- ^2'\>V '"IT Sn^n NS^J< C^-IID riodicals. 124 Periodicals ^3"'0K'n DV3 IJ'-nD 122 Periodicals i:^n« 3py> n3"ll K^nD 123 Periodicals n'pnJI ^HJ EJ'-IID 124 Periodicals... ^nK'^an n^bj tJ^IlD 124 Periodicals. ..irnX DiTaSl Vr\n 124 Periodi- j^lK HD^ HDDna 'H ^TM:^ cals. 124 Periodicals \hn EJ^nD 144 5. r. Simeon b. Jochai lhv^T\ tJ^IID 124 Periodicals DH^JS^ liy NIHI tJ^nD 104 Midrash WV^ *^"nO 122 Periodicals V^VI KHID 123 Periodicals lyO"*! {^"no 103 Midrash ni^PJO EJ'Dn K^inD 122 Periodicals nJV tJ^llD 1 22 Periodicals |:13 tJ>*niO 124 Periodicals... np N^l 3^nD ^^"110 40 Ephraim Lenczycz np** v3 18, 138 Bible TQ ^'pa 33 David Friesenhausen... |nCJ>n ^^"pa 112 Moses b. Maimon mVOn ^'?-|^ ^'?^'?D 97 Luzzatto, S. D U'V^ ni:3 124 Periodicals pDm^D^KI «D3 110 s. V. Moses b. Maimon... iiy^D P)D3 41 Esthori... O'^X ^jn) mSl liriDD Parchi. 63 Jacob ... (nnjsn bv) msii "iinaa Luzzatto. 83 Kirchheim, R jn^lK^ ^»-l3 135 Saadiah Fayu- nS3«DK'?« nSHD mi nN^Npnv^<'?x'l 73 Jonahb. Ganach... "pl^fi^^X 3Xn3 86 Letter-writer [D''3nD] 24 Bible DUinD 64 Jacob Chabib (3pj;> ]'V) ll^^ ni:n3 128 s. V. Perles, J HJinD inD 101 Menahemb. Solomon... niD^D "inD 18 (Aaron Ibn Chayim)Bible pHN 3^ 57 Isaac b. Eliakim 310 3*? 107 Mordecai Jafeh linn t^'u'? 107 Mordecai Jafeh n'pDnn K^13^ 107 Mordecai Jafeh... 3 nr n-llOy K^n*? 107 Mordecai Jafeh \m^' I^V tJ'n'? 14 Berliner, A D''33K mnii> ' 71 Jonathan Eybeschiitz DMV nmi? 63 Jacob Emden D^OtJM Unb 105 s.v. Mishnah n:^D Unb 110 *. V. Moses b. Maimon... n^K'D Unh 90 Liturgies ^:iy Dn^J 3 1 Chotzner, Rev. J D ni DE^ b^^ 124 Periodicals Wli^llD >l01pb» 89 Liturgies »3:f '>D)pb 129 Pinsker, S nVJIDHp ^Dip^ 18 Bible Wi^^ *l31pi> 3 Abraham Galicchi 310 np^ 103,125 Midrash 3113 np^ 74 s. V. Joseph Caro nopn Dp^ 49 Graetz, H D^J^tJ' Dp^ 58 s. V. Isaac Abra- nX^Sl nn3S^ Dpi) vanel. 88 Liturgies ni3n3 nX» 58 s.v. Isaac Alfasi ^HJn "lINDn 59 .?. V. Isaac Schor D^D3n ^^V "51^0 12 Azariah de' Rossi D^J^y D^D 64 «. V. Jacob Chabib D^J^y IIND 169 s. V. Zunz, L pV p 1DND 55 Holdheim, S fllK'^Nn "IDKD ItEBREW INDEX. 181 105 s. V. Mishnah Dm P|D xte 117 Neubauer, A TK^H HS^te 115 Moses Eidlitz nncrnO HDn'^D -159 Troplowitz, J ^1«t5^ Dsto -112 Moses b. Maimon ir^HH HI^D 58 s.v. Isaac Alf asi DE^n DDrhD 86 Levi b. Gersbon DE^H HIDnte 125 Periodicals... H^K'Dn "I'PD HIDnte 64 Jacob Molin U^l^i^ >jn3tD 60 Isaac of Tyrnau D^Jn^DH 56,114 Isaac Aboab "IISDH nii:» 5 Abraham Eabe n?1?3 nn^D 18 Bible H^H^ nm» 18 Bible HiOp nm» 18 Bible my nmD 110 Moses b. Maimon fllVDn pjD 100 Massorah miDOH 106 Misbnah nU« HDDD 122 Periodicals Djn"*: n!3D0 122 Periodicals inpn DUH n2DD 122 Periodicals D>^D n^DD 160 Wagensei], J. C D^yjJ HDOO 157 Talmud DnSID HDDD 55 Hollaenderski, L "1^0 >:nyD 122 Periodicals HD^H p^D 90 Liturgies (."113 H) |mn n^n n^jyo 101 Menabem di Lonsano T'"iyD 122-3 Periodicals... ly^N Dl"nn^« nt^'yD 122 Periodicals... "jVlOn HD'pEJ^n HK^yD 124 Periodicals i>KOn HK'yD 122 Periodicals.."*!!? p yS^in> "IT HK^yD 97 MaaseAdonai 'H HtJ'yD 104, 124 Midrasb H^Din n^V^ 26 Bible n>nil3 HK^yO 122 Periodicals nmn^ HK^yO 98 MaaseNora ^-113 HtJ'yD 97 MaaseNissim D^D3 HS^yO 125 Perio- nn^D *jnn mtj'y nK'yD dicals. 38 Eleazar Asbkenazi T! ^tJ'yD 124-5 Periodicals UVi^V^ 124 Periodicals D^EJ^yon 'D 72 Joel *• Baalshem " . . . D v'pfc^ n^'py DD 108 Mordecai b. Benja- nniSn nflDD min. 45 Gabriel Hirz K^llp FinVD 143 Sbemaiab b. Simeon niD^vh PjlVD 11 Azariah de' Rossi f)DD^ Cjl^D 92 s.v. Liturgies H^ni -)lplo 4, 139 s. V. Samuel Ibn Zarzah D^^n "I1p» PAGE 122-5 Periodicals nai^H? d*lD 123 Periodicals ub)V^ K^IID 103 Midrasb 2)^ nph K^nO 121 Periodicals inD« phiO li^llJO 103 Midrasb SnipOD CJ^mD 122 Periodicals min ilt^yO K^"nD 103 Midrasb ''hl^^D K'TID 124 Periodicals pj^^tn ^y K^IID 124 Periodicals HV^J IK^y tJ^inD 102 Midrasb nnmn mtj^y ^-md 122 Periodicals ..nnain HIB^y E^^nD 122 Periodicals pHK HTOD l^^llD 122,125 Periodicals... TD nTtOS E^'inD 124 Periodicals... 2^)2 nS >ip K^nD 103 Midrasb nUI li^'MD 104 Midrasb ^&<1D2^^ K^llD 106 Mishnah ^K^OIJ' EJ^mD 104 Midrasb i<^in EJ'IID 123 Periodicals NEJ'TH EJ^inD • 104 Midrasb D^Sin K^IID - 124 Peri- "Wi N'^y-n'D D^^nn EJ^-nD odicals D">pi t3"V 122 Periodicals miDH ^IID 64 Jacob Molin ynnO 'D 138 Samuel Edels N'E^^inD 'D 138, 147 Solomon Loria W"inD 'D 13, 117 Benjamin Mussafia "|nyn f]D1D 58 Isaac Israeli... D^NSn^ "IDIDH 'D 137 Salomon, G- TI '<1]})D 107 Moraim... (D'EJ'yn) D^^HJ D^NIID Gredolim. 84 Krocbmal, N |»Tn *3nj miO ' 112 Moses b. Maimon D^DUJ miD ' 97 Lyons, I Dn^D^pn miO 132 Reggio, I TEJ'^ mDTD 18 Bible min'? 11DTD 81 JudahCharizi i'X^n^X maHD 146 Solomon Parcbon... '^)')]jn mnilD - 101 Menabem b. Saruk... DnJD mnriD . 89-93 Liturgies ^"llTnO 140 Scbur, W D^^Hil niTHD 33 David Nieto nmi p HDD ' 105 *. V. Mishnah 1K2 *0 105 5. V. Mishnah D^*n WD 156 Talmud T))2D 103 Midrasb Nn^O» . 33 David Kimchi ^I^DD • 107 Montefiore, Sir M ^i^j nnSD 45 Gastfreund, J T^TH^ DflDD 45 Geiger,A DOSH k'pD 182 HEBREW INDEX. PAGE 88 Liturgies :... 1^1313 "nO 122-5 Periodicals \'^V ]i T1D 66 Jehiel Heilprin niinn mO 10 Asher, A n'p^DH IID 94 Liturgies muyn 110 141 s.v. Seder 01am nblpn mO 89 Liturgies jlpnn "IID 105 Mishnah n*y-|T "IID 122 Periodicals lb)r\ DT^f^ IID 141 Seder 01am (Nt:5lT1 Nm) uh^V "J^D 88-90 Liturgies ppni HNnp mO 93 Liturgies D"lDy Q"! mO 88-93 Liturgies ni^SH "IID 125 Periodicals «m NK'IDK^T niD 125 Periodicals flto^H mO 143 Simane Ra'ashim D^EJ'yT >:D>D 88 Liturgies nim^D 108 Mordecai Schnapper iin^D n?D 125 Periodicals ]n^)b miVD 145 SippureZaddikim... D^HV n^DD 144 SippureKedosMm... W^Mp niDD 81 Kadanir, J D''N11J DniSD 123 Periodicals in^^X 1S)D 129 Phinehas, Elijah nnnn ISD 93 Liturgies D^*nn "12D 122-5 Periodicals mi'DM ")2D 141 Sefer Hajashar "lEJ'M ISD 80 Judali of Ratisbon DH^Dn "IQD 6 Adam, Pseud. HNCnp Dn«T NnDD 104 Midrash 31 UT NIQD 104 Midrash 2") Ul nSD 144 Simeon b. Jochai miDn nnO 157 Talmud HIT mUV 91 Liturgies l^n muy 100 Meir b. Ezekiel l^^ipn ni)2V 145 Solomon b. Adereth... IJ'npn niMV 4 Abraham Ibn Ezra "lUyn 'D 82 *. V. Kauf- nr:rnn ni^i^yn mann, D. 21 Bible 'H HHy 40 Ephraim b. Aaron DnDi< nihb)V Lenczycz. 76 Joseph b. Zadoc ppH D^iy 56 Isaac b. Abba Mare "lltDyn 'D 64, 77 Jacob Chabib npV» ]'>]} 64 Jacob Chabib bi ^V 108 Moses Alshec HEJ'D *:^y 40 Ephraim Lenczycz D^T)33 Ty 32 David of Lida ,.^ Til Ty 166 Zunz, J. M pH^H Ty PAGK 95 Lowysohn, A D>:n:D n^p» 'D 52 Hause, B K^np KipD 17 Bible ni'?na niN-ipD 108 Moses Alshec niK3"lVn niN"irD 4 Abraham Ibn Ezra... nniD nr'paiD 123 Periodicals 11 ^21 «n^3aiD 58 Isaac Abravanel... Hi^Dn nnDID 138 Samuel Romanelli niya «K^D 34 Deinard, E Dnp ii^D 108 Moses Alshec ni^D riNK^D 82 5. V. Kaufmann, D. nU^nJ 331£J^D 25 Bible ''b^^ 149 Steinschneider, M.... D^DDH ^^K^D 14 BerechiahHa-NakdanD^'pyiK^^^K'D 124 Periodi- H^PDH HD'pEJ' ^K^ D^^B^D cals. 106 Mishnah HDIJ H^^y "It^'fc^ HiC'Dn 103 Midrash "1Ty^'?S '"IT HDK^D 110 s. V. Moses b. Maimon...-j'?D^ HJK'D 110 Moses b. Maimon miH ni^^^D 105 Mishnah nrJtJ'D 109 Moses Chagiz D^DDH nJEJ'D 161 Weiss, L H.... HJC^DH \^^b ODtJ'D 18 Bible plV DDCD 42 Fassel, H. B ^N ^DDtJ'D 104 J. V. Midrash niD^Tin mC'D 103 jf.i?. Midrash HJ^D n^HD 144 *. -». Simeon b. Jochai ^'\p2 "n«J 40 s. V. Eshed Ha-Nechalim Nt^T niN3 3 Abraham Shalom DI^'J^ nU 92 s. V. Liturgies Dn^D Dyi3 79 Judah b. Jehiel D''21^ HDIJ 123 Periodicals m 'D 62 Jacob b. Raphael. . . , 2pT H^RJ 138 Samuel Halevy r\)^2^ Thni 34 David Gans D^yJI nom 58 «. V. Isaac Alfasi PJDV »p1D: 123 Periodicals ^NHV \2 \\^r:i'^ finriD: 140 Scheyer, S. B. n>mn31 Dl& ^^nD3 burg. 3 Abraham Danzig DnN riDtJ'J 24 Bible ^h r\yT\^ 85 Lessing, G. C DDHn jflD 131 Raphael b. Gabriel n^Dl ^^ ^-^^D 125 Peri- '•"D NDimn K^IIDD nV^'\Q odicals. 46 Geiger, A «m3B^-ia 24 Bible nriDH jasj'nQ 63 Jacob of Janowa HJ^XTl HJ^i^V 11 Azariah de' Rossi D^D^iy pi:^ 147 Solomon Hanau ni^nn iniV 166 Zevaatb Ha-aeo- DOIK^H HNIIV nim. tJ^'^Kin >:2 'pv" '11 min'' nn ni«ii^ 139 5. V. Schecbter, S. 149 s. V. Steinschnei- Wll^m nXIIV der, M. 102 Midrash... ^H^H -Ity^K '"I HNII!; |nn pN min* n n^^iiv 149 5. V. Steinschneider, M. 46 Geiger,A WniSi) D^V>^ 61 Jacob Sasportas... OV ^31 J nV^^f 40 Ellenberger, N. Z "11X1 h)i 34 David Gans HIT HDV 106 Misses, I mys DiSi'i 6 Abraham Seba "IIDH "111^ 165 Zebi Kaydanover "ItJ^^H 3p 18 Bible... '•p31 Ip 47 Geiger, Dr. A DnDKO flVUp 17 Bible n^D ni'pnp 148 Solomon (D^Dlpi?) HD^K' n'pnp London. 64 Jacob Chabib {2pV'> PV) HD^K^ n^Hp 5 Abraham Galante D''D11 ?1p 80 s. V. Judah Ha-Levi min^ ^ip 55 Hurwitz, H \i: "pIp 84 KolKore «"l1p i>1p 18 Bible nnjD |>D1p 125 Peri- inD^> K^llDD jnnx D"lD3ip odicals. 36 Dob Ber Caiman ni^VDnnn D"lt031p 67 Jellinek, A D>'?'?3n D"llD3ip 6 Abraham Nanzig nBUn ti^V 78 Joshua, Heschel Zeeb in^'pX nv'pj; 80 Judah Horwitz...min> H^n HIDy 84 Landshuth, E miiyn HlOy 12 Baruch Sklow D^DK'n HlCy 40 Ephraim Lenczycz l^^ HIDy 75 Joseph b. Joshua «Dnn pDV 116 Naphtali Bacharach "|^0n pDy 124 Periodicals "1^ "jte DTH pjy 146 Solomon de Oliveyra D^^H |^y 27 Brecher, G D^D^jyn 'D 59 Isaac Arama pHV^ mpy 74 Joseph Albo Dnpy D 34 David Eybeschuetz bui i21V 31 Costa, I naina Duny 117 Nathan b. Jehiel ^nvn 117 s.v. Nathan b. Jehiel...n^5^n inV 27 Breslau, M. H p*?D "|-|i; 132 Rapoport, S. J. L j'-^D "jiy 42 Fassel, H. B 12QEJ>D nWV 101 Menahemof Fano...nnDt?D ni^V 112 Moses b. Maimon inn "INQ 61 Israel b. Samuel in'plEJ'n fli^Q 139 Shapira, E. J ^^VDHI miBH 61 Israel Nagara D>:ilDTQ 59 Isaac Lampronti pPIV* inS 129 *. V. Pirke Shirah H^^K ^Q 10 Asher b. Jehiel D^JK' >Q 169-170 s. V. Zunz, L. T^p p ^DVQ 92 Liturgies D^3t2>*Qni D^DrSH 112 5. -y. Moses b. Maimon. miDn ti'lTD 118 Neubauer, A. Hiy ^^DK^^ H^H '»a 104 Midrash (fc^nSD^) T'lKin '»a 131 Rabbi- (fc^inn Nni*?) D'QK^-in '^Q nowicz, R. 113 Moses b. Nachman minn '*Q 108 Moses Alshec *inDX nbi^ '*Q 169-70 5.V. Zunz,L (D^'?3) HJC^D "'Q 39 Elijah Mizrachi...^'/K'"l nm "^V "•Q 63 Jacob of Zau8mer...nniDDn ^y '*Q 74 Joseph Ibn... ni'piO K^»n i>y ""D Jachia. 58 Isaac Abravanel TJ by '*Q 110 s. V. Moses b. K^inn l^'H^p hv '^S Maimon. 33 David Szebrczyn jH^V Dinn by '^D 16-18 Bible D^K^ITD 38 Eleazar of Beaugenci K'ObyD^K^lTD 14 Berliner, A DnDID nD>!?Q 57 Isaac of Osierow... NDIT pnV* *JQ 184 HEBREW INDEX, 33 David Griinhut.. H.pnai nitD^HB^ 32 David of Lida wb^^n TtJ' 11 Azariah de' Rossi H^UKD TB' 11 Azariah de' Rossi ^1p '^''^ 88 Liebling,L 3py^ n^3 n^K^ 26 s. V. Boden-... '•DSXK' KVTD ^'^ stedt, F. V. 147 Solomon Ibn Gabirol... HD^SJ' n>K^ 116 Naphtali H. Wessely miK^n 1 33 Reuben b. Hoescke Dp^ finSB^ 29 Cahen, M. D mDHn nVDB' 170 Zweifel,E. Z 'PKIK'"' 'PV 01*?^^ 101 . MenaheniSofer...|i<^f ''^IV HtJ'l^K^ 74 Joseph Caro ^ny jn'pK' 3 Abraham Portaleone Dnin^n^D'pEJ' 57 Isaac Alfasi DnUJn ^d'?K' 1 49 *. V. Steinschneider, M. ni^KK> CJ''?E5' 10 Averroes DnOi^lD r]^b^ 45 Gedaliah Ibn Ja- vhipn rh^hl^ chiah. 30 ChayimAzulai D^'PH^H U^ 54 Hirschfeld, J D^STl^H niDtJ' 67 s.v. Jellinek,A.... niVllpD mOEJ' 124 Periodicals bi^W WHDK' 60 Israel Auerbach K^Djn m^DK^ 105 s.v. Mishnah IH^PK nM\y 148 Steinschneider, M.... nniSOn ^iLJ» 60 Isaiah Horwitz...nnnn nim^ >Jt5^ 169-70 Zunz, Dr. L ^TIJ n^K' *iK^ 114 Moses b. Nachman h)J2:^ 1])^ 89 Liturgies n>D\^n lyjj' 91 Liturgies H^Dnn "lyK^ r59 Isaac of Dueren N"in nVK^ 109 Moses Albelda nyDT n^K^ 133 Reuscher, M d'pK^IT n^K^ 90 Liturgies (ppfl) p>V *-|V2J^ 85 Lattes, ... (Jinn "110) |W nVK^ Isaac de. 58 s. V. Isaac Alfasi niyUEJ' nytJ' 73 Jonah of Gerona TlD^T) nVK' 40 Ephraim Lenczycz nyi ^nSK^ 142 ShabthaiBass D^D3n ^nSSJ' 142 ShabthaiBass D^:tJ^> ^flDK^ 107 Mordecai Ha-Cohen |nD ^DDK' 145 «. V. Sippure Zad- ... D^mp ^riDtJ^ dikim. 146 Solomon de Oliveyra T])"?!} niK^-lK' 33 David Kimchi O'^^l^n 'D 2 Abraham Chazkuni HIT ^HB' PAGE 67 Jellinek, A TJDn DlliJip 67 Jellinek, A TDTOn DIDDIp 66 Jellinek, A B^iarDH DnD31p 67 Jellinek, A nnSDH DIDDip 68 Jellinek, A pipDH DIDiip 67 5. V. Jellinek, A. D'nDin D"ID:ip 67 Jelli- «3''11 Sip"! KT^^OTIl DIDJIp nek, A. 59 Isaac Schor... D^»3n nyil D"ID31p 67 Jellinek, A ynn DIDJIp 89 Liturgies JTjJV 5 Abraham Galante OnnO n)yp 7 Almanzi, J SIT n;ni 0^3^"? 27 Breslau, M. H pnpi 11 ^fp 93 Liturgies pC''? myO 11 Vp 109 Moses of Coucy y^DD "ll^p 64 8. V. Jacob Pog- HDSn H^K'Kn 11 Vp getto. 60 Isaiah Horwitz H'^K^ ll^p 40 Eljakim Hamilzaghi n'^lXI 105 «.v. Mishnah jV^f!? pt^S^I 149, 152 Steinschneider, M. IID^H H^K^NI 39 Elijah de Vidas HUDDn n*E^«1 25 Bible |n HIT 38 Eleazar of Worms npiin 6 Adam, Pseud ^Xni 77 Josiah Pinto ^"^-^n 'D 79 JudahLoebSpirc.nypn^ D^DDin 142 Shakespeare, William ^y^l D1 79 Judahb. Koreish il'pKDI 73 Jonah b. Ganach nDplH 'D 146 Solomon b. Isaac... Hlinn bv *'K^1 79 Judah Aryeh Ha-Levi nn5< nJNC' 6 Acha Gaon nin!?*«5^ 157 s. V. Talmud... jlCJ'n lib Ki i'NK' 125 Periodicals "1Ty*i)N '1 n)bi<^ 76 Joseph Ibn Verga fjDV DnXB^ 101 Menahemb. Solomon ^NIK^^nnXK' 148 Solomon b. Verga miri'' tDlB^ 39 Elijah b. Solomon 1D1D 035^^ 114 Moses Frankfurt ni^^nS yst^' 143 ShibahEnayim D^J^y nV2^ 144 Simeon b inin >:ip>n D^yiB' Jochai. 133 Reifmann, J , D1K HK' 30 «. r. Chayim Carregal DH^M ^tDHIt:^ 104 Midrash 31D iniCJ' 109 Moses b. Israel DOIDN IDIK^ 108 Moses Alshec D^pDyn n^CJ'IK' 65 Jacob Weil Dipnni HID^n^J' HEBREW INDEX. 185 PAGE 104 108 45 135 81 Midrash («1£)D) □''JnD min Moses Alshec n^D mm G-edaliah Teikus jDp mm Saadiah Gaon nnsm H^nn Judah Charizi »J^J33nn 154-7 Talmud ^^22 DD^n 154-6 Talmud ''D^mi^ DD^H 112 Moses b. Maimon b)'iD n^iXDJi 58 s. V. Isaac Alfasi nm D'-OD 104 Midrash KDimn 147 Solomon LipscMtz... nD^^ miyn 12 BaruchSklow DIN mSSn 10 Aristotle nisnn 96 Lutomirski, A. D H Jll n'pDn 93 Liturgies mJ5'» H^DH 88-93 Liturgies nibsfl 89 Liturgies HinnCJ^I m^Sn 93 Liturgies '?t?-|K'> m'?Dn 89 Liturgies Dn*^> n^Sn 124 Periodicals... iriDNl ^DT)D n'pQD 124 Periodicals ^NHV \2 ])V^^.nb^n 88-9 Liturgies nyUSJ^ ^^'p'P ppn 88 Liturgies W'll)^ PpJI 88 Liturgies r\2^ ^JIpH 15-24, 157 Targum D^pJIX DlJin 15-22, 157 Targum jfl^r DlJin 15-22, 157 Targum '•D^P^T DlJin 137 Samaritan Targum... ^JIDEJ' D1 Jin 144 Simeon Duran T^'E^nn 'D 36 Donasch ben Librat t^JH nU^SJTI 115 Miiller, yn)b) HD")^ ^DDH nm^^n J. 113 Moses b. Nachman ni^^NJJ' nirnKTI PAGE 63 Jacob Leon 7D'n n03n 99 Massorab p3n 'D 34 Deinard, E t)"SJ^-) p"N fin'pin 47 Ghirondi, '?Nni^'» ^'ph: nn^in M.S. 49 Gottio- nn^Dnni n'pnpn nnbrn ber, A. 133 Reifmann, J....*lS"l H^mt nnSlH 160 Wagenaar, H. A.... f 2V> nn'pin 62 Jacob (-i"3n ^j; "'S) npy> nn^in of Shidlowitz. 58 Isaac (nnnn !?y ""D) pn^^ nn'pm Caro. 56 Isaac Levi ^DDnSD*? pnV* nn'pm 12 Beer, p hi^i'^'' nn'pm 45 Gastfreund, J.... «2>py '■) nn'pin 7 Akiba Eger 1J''« H^^pV n nn'pin 105 «. 'y. Mishnah D^K^IH niDDlH 105 «. V. Misbnah D'^'' niQDin 105 s. V. Mish- ir5< 5n7N mm 11 Baer, S HDS mm 22-23 Bible... (mm) no^Dn 'H mm 63 Jacob Emden niNJpn mm 90 Liturgies D^^H mm 18 Bible IDH mm 113 Moses b....(nK^-n) HD^Dn >> mm NacKman B B SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Aaron, Legends on tlie death of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Ab, Fast of. See Liturgies. Abba Gorion, Midrash of : Periodi- cals, Beth ha-Midrash 121 Abbreviated maxims: Zunz, L. ... 168 Abbreviations, Hebrew : Wagenaar, H. A., 160 ; Wolfius, J. C. (Bibl. Hebr. 2), 164; Zunz, L., (Zur G-esch. und Literatur, pp. 304-389) 166 of n"'S and n'yn : Zunz, L. ... 169 Abraham, Hebrew poem on : Solo- mon de Oliveyra 146 Legends of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122-4 Abraham b. David, Notice of : Zunz, L 168 Abraham b. Isaac, Notice of : Zunz, L 168 Abraham b. Natan, Notice of, by Cassel : Zunz, L 169 Abulafia, Pseudo-Messiah, Apo- calypse of : Graetz, H 173 Abyssinia, Halevy's Travels in : Hebrew Literature Society 53 Abyssinian Jews, Prayers of the Falashas : Halevy, J 174 Academy, Jewish, Proposals: Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 171 Accents, Directions for chanting : Lutomirski, A. D 96 Essay on: Solomon de Oliveyra 146 of Psalms, Proverbs and Job : Baer, S 11 Tonic : Bible, Psalms 20 See Music. Adages : Alphabetum Siracidis, 8 ; Belais, A 13 Ethical : Solomon b. Gabirol 147 of the Sages: Steinschneider, M. 149 B PAGB Adages of things threefold, fourfold, etc.: Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Rabbinical: Dukes, L 36 Spanish version of Arabic : Steinschneider, M 151 See Maxims. Adam, Folklore of, in "Book of Noah": Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 compared with Prometheus : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 125 Aden, Jews of : Anglo-Jewish Association 8 Visit to : Saphir, J 139 Adler, H., Chief Rabbis of England : Ang\o-Jewish Historical Exhibi- tion 171 Adversity, Divine dispensations in : Moses Albelda 109 Agadah, The, and Justin Martyr : Goldfahn, A. H 48 Bibliography : Jellinek, A. . . . 67 Commentary on the Penta- teuch : Midrash 103-4 Exposition : Jacob Luzzatto... 63 History: Bacher, W 11 in the Jerusalem Talmud : Wiinsche, A 164 Index to, in Talmud : Morde- cai b. Benjamin 108 on Genesis : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Passages from Questiones of Pseudo-Hieronymus (by M. Rah- mer): Graetz, H 173 Rules for expounding the : Judah b. Jehiel 79 Swine symbolised in : Zunz, L. 168 Treatise on (M. Giidemann) : Zunz,L 169 b2 188 SUBJECT INDEX. Agriculture in Jaffa : Anglo-Jewish Association 9 Akiba, Alphabet — Midrash of: Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 123-4 Algebra, Principles of : David Friesenhausen 33 Alliance Israelite, Refutation of attacks upon : Neumann, S 118 Reports of : Jews 69 Schools : Anglo-Jewish Association , 8-9 Almanac, Introduction to the : Jacob b. Machir 63 See Calendar. Almanzi Library, Catalogue : Luz- zatto,S.D 96 Alphabet, Corollas upon letters of the : Massorah 99 Midrash of the : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123, 125 America, Statistics of Jews : Jews 69 Amoraim, Agadah of : Bacher, W. Alphabetical record : Isaac Schor Bibliography : Jellinek, A. ... Chronology : Jehiel Heilprin Sepulchral memorials : Het- tinger, J. H 174 Anatomy, Treatise on: Baruch Sklow Anecdotes, Cabalistical : Judah of Ratisbon Angelology in "Hechaloth :" Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... Jewish: Kohut, A 83 of the Bible: Bible, Leviticus... 23 Angels, Adoration by the : Periodi- cals, Beth ha-Midrash 122-3 Folklore on : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123-125 Anglia Judaica : Tovey, D'Blossiers 159 Anglo-Jewish Association, Annual Reports 8-9, 171 Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibi- tion 171-2 Animals, Contests for pre-eminence among : Kalonymos b. Kalony- mos 82 Slaughtering of : Abraham Mizrachi, 2j Benny, P. B., 14; 11 59 67 66 12 80 124 164 124 165 36 65 100 PAOX Chayim Carregal, 30 ; David Griinhut, 33 ; Jacob Weil, 65 ; Mordecai b. Nisan 108 Anniversaries of deceased cele- brities : Zunz, L 167 Annuaire des etudes Juives 145 Anonymous Jewish authors, index to : Bodleian Library catalogue (vol. 1), 27; Wolfius, J. C Ant, Legend of the : Midrash, 104 ; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... Anthology of Hebrew poetry : Edelman, H., 37 ; Graetz, H 49 of Hebrew prose and poetry : Eliezer Ashkenazi, 39 ; Zedner, J of Rabbinical proverbs : Dukes, L Anthropology, Jewish : Jacobs, J. Anthropomorphism in the Tar- gum : Maybaum, S Anti-Jewish works. Bibliography of : Wolfius, J. C 164 Anti-Semitic charges. Refutation of: Neumann, S 118 movement : Baumgarten, E.... 12 in Germany : Siegfried, H., 143; Lehmann, E 174 See Blood Accusations, Jews. Antiochus, History of (Aramaic) : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 125 (Hebrew) : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Antiquities, Biblical, Rabbinical, Cabalistical: Chayim Azulai* 30 Chaldean: Rubin, S 135 Encyclopsedia of Rabbinical : Rapoport, S. J. L 132 Jewish: Abraham di Portaleone, 3 ; Ewald, H., 41 ; Hamburger, J. 51 ; Hettinger, J. H., 174; Josephus, 76-7; Krochmal, N., 84; Naphtali Levy, 116; Saalschiitz, J. L., 136; Zunz, L 166 Military,of the Jews : Abraham di Portaleone, 3; Spitzer, S 148 of funeral rites : Perles, J. ... 128 of Israel : Ewald, H 41 of Jewish writing and writing materials: Low, L 95 SUBJECT INDEX. 189 PAGE Antiquities of the Crimean Jews : Deinard, E 34 of the Holy Land : Esthori Parchi 41 of the Jewish cemetery in Prague : Fog-es, B 42 Rabbinical : Eisler, L., 38 ; Perles, J 128 See Tabernacle, Temple. Apion, Two books against : Jose- phus 77 Apocrypha. See Bible. Apocryphal literature of Mysti- cism : Wissenschaftliche Blatter 162 Apologetical literature, Arabic : Steinschneider, M 152 Apprentices, Jewish, in Bagdad: Anglo-Jewish Association 171 Arabia, State of Jews in Sanaa : Anglo- Jewish Association 8 Travels in: Saphir, J., 139; Schur, W 140 Arabic botany and materia medica : Steinschneider, M 152 language, Works in the : — Bible, 17 ; Bible, Isaiah 20 Cusari (specimen of text) : Hebrew Literature Society... 52 Dissertations on the Mishnah : Moses b. Maimon 110 Emunot vedeot : Saadiah Fayumi 135 Guide of the Perplexed : Moses b. Maimon 112 Jewish ethics : Moses b. Maimon 112 Judah b. Koreish on the Targum 79 On Sepher ha-Mizvoth of Maimonides : Maase Nissim 97 Tanchum's Commentary on Joshua : Wissenschaftliche Blatter 162 compared with Hebrew : Judah b. Koreish 79 literature, Controversial : Steinschneider, M 152 Influence of Indian li- terature upon : Steinschneider, M. 1 52 mathematician : Steinschnei- der, M 152 Arabic mathematicians in the Middle Ages : Steinschneider, M. 14 9-1 5 1 metaphysics : Deutsch, E 35 philosophy : Steinschneider, M. 150 poetry, Hebrew translations of : Judah Charizi 81 proverbs, Hebrew versions of : Edelmann, H 37 works, Spanish adaptations of: Steinschneider, M 151 writers on toxicology : Stein- schneider, M 151 writings, Translations from : Steinschneider, M 150 Arabs, Medicine of the: Stein- schneider, M 152 Science and charlatanism : Steinschneider, M 150 Aramaic grammar in Portuguese : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 paraphrases of the Bible : Targum 157-8 of Esther : Bible, Penta- teuch 23 philology: Perles, J 128 proverbs : Wahl, M.C 161 Talmudical dialects : Riilf, Gr. 135 terms in the Bible : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 version of the Bible : Bible ... 15-26 Arcandam, Notes on the Book : Steinschneider, M 149. Archseology. See Antiquities. Aristotle's metaphysics, in Jewish writings: Zunz, L 169 Arithmetic, Manual of : Moses Eidlitz, 115 ; Phoebus Hurwitz... 129 Army regulations of the ancient Jews: Spitzer, S 148 Arthur, King, Jewish romances of : Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibi- tion, 171 ; Wagenseil, J. C 160 Artizans noticed in the Talmud : Louis, S., 175 ; Meyer, S 102 Arts cultivated by the Jews : Herzfeld, L 54 Aruch : Nathan b. Jehiel 117 Berne MS. of the : Graetz, H. 173 Jacob Gama's introduction and supplement to the: Graetz, H. 173 190 SUBJECT INDEX. Asceticism, Conjugal : Solomon b. Adereth 145 Ashkenazim, Liturgy of the : Liturgies 88-91 Rites of the : Jacob Molin ... 64 Asia Minor, Travels in : Frankl, L. A 43 Asolo, Persecution of the Jews in : Osimo, M 120 Assyria, History of : Bible, Gene- sis 23 Assyrian inscriptions and the Bible : Rubin, S 135 Astrology, Folklore of : Simane Ra'ashim 143 Jewish : Gredaliah Ibn Jachiah 45 Notes on : David Gans 34 Thabit b. Korra on : Stein- schneider, M 151 Astronomer, A French, of the 14th century: Steinschneider, M 152 Astronomical tables attributed to Peter III. of Aragon : Stein- schneider, M 153 Astronomy, Jesod 01am : Isaac Israeli 58 Jewish: Schwarz, A 141 Lunar calculations : Abraham Ibn Ezra 4 Lunar stations : Steinschnei- der, M 149 Medieval Jewish writers on : Steinschneider, M 150 Responses to questions on : Steinschneider, M 149 Speculum of Albertus Magnus : Steinschneider, M 150 System of Copernicus : Stein- schneider, M 153 Thabit ben Korra on : Stein- schneider, M 151 Treatise on : Baruch Sklow, 12; David Grans 34 Atonement. See Day of Atone- ment, Liturgies. Attributes, Divine : Kaufmann, D. 82 Australia, Travels in : Saphir, Jacob 139 Austria, Baptism of Jews in : Wolf,G 163 PAGE Austria, Duties of the Jews in : Wertheimer, J. von 161 History of the Jews in : Peri- odicals, Jahrbuch, 1 26 ; Wolf, O. 163 Jewish celebrities of: Jiidischer Plutarch 81 Austro-Hungary, Bibliography of the Jewish Question in: Jacobs, J 65 Jewish congregations in : Spitzer, S 148 Military laws of, and of the ancient Jews : Spitzer, S 148 Authors, Biographies and biblio- graphy of : Ghirondi, M. S 47 Dictionary of Jewish : Chayim Azulai, 30 ; De Rossi, G. B 35 Letters on modern Jewish : Johlson, J 72 Auto-da-Fe at Lisbon : Vero, Carlos 160 Auto-Emancipation of Russian Jews : Jews 68 Babylon and Palestine, Rituals of, compared: Miiller, J 115 Geography and ethnography : Berliner, A 14 History of : Bible, Genesis 23 Rabbinical colleges in : Hoff- mann, D. Z 55 Babylonian-Hebraic punctuation : Pinsker, S 129 Talmud, See Talmud. Bacher, Dr. W. , Menachem b. Solo- mon's " Touchstone" : Graetz,H. 173 Bagdad, Industrial training in : Anglo- Jewish Association 171 Jewish apprentices in : An- glo-Jewish Association 171 Jewish school and home life in : Anglo- Jewish Association ... 9 Balearic Islands, History of the Jews in : Kayserling, M 83 Basque Provinces, History of the Jews in : Kayserling, M 83 Beer Library, Catalogue: Wolf, G. 163 Benedictions of the Spanish Jews, Liturgies 88 on various occasions : Isaac Molco 56 SUBJECT INDEX. 191 175 173 Beni Israel, History : Samuel Haeem [Kehimker] 175 History and literature : An- glo-Jewish Association 8 Berlin, Hebrew MSS. in : Stein- schneider, M 152 History of the Jews in : Geiger, L 47 Jewish Benefit Society of : Gesellschaft der Freunde, 172 ; Lesser, L Berne MS. of the Aruch : Graetz, H Bernstein's Exposition of the Song of Songs : Zunz, L 167 "Besht," Biography and biblio- graphy of: Megillath Yoohasin 100 Miracle-stories concerning : Morai'm G-edolim 107 Mysticism of : Zweifel, E. Z... 170 See Cabbala, Chasidim. Beth ha-Midrash, Jewish legends in the: Periodicals 121-5 Betrothal, Laws of : Isaac b. Abba Mara 56 On the rites of : Samuel Halevy 138 Bible 15-26 Ancient Jewish versions : Geiger, A 46 and Assyrian inscriptions : Rubin, S 135 Anglo- Jewish versions 21-3 Antiquities : Azariah de' Rossi, 11; Chayim Azulai 30 Apocrypha 15-17, 25-26 Proverbs of the : Wahl, M. 161 Apparatus : Bible, 15, 17; Wolfius, J. C 164 Aramaic terms : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 Archaeological essays 15 Cassel Codex : Zunz, L 168 Commentators of Northern France : Geiger, A., 46 ; Renan, J.E 133 " Conciliator " of diificulties : Menasseh b. Israel 1 02 Concordance : Buxtorf , J 26 Bible, Concordance of proper names: Brecher, G 27 Connection of the Old and New Testaments : Prideaux, H. . . . 1 30 Course of readings : Abraham di Portaleone 3 Criticism : Geiger, A., 46 ; Pe- riodicals, Beth Talmud, 125 ; Zunz, L 167 History of : Zunz, L. ... 166 Daniel, Introduction 20 Ecclesiastes, Herzfeld's ver- sion : Zunz, L 168 Temurah or antithetical teachings in : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Educational aid : Marcus, S.... 99 Encyclopgedia : Hamburger, J. 51 English version 21 Esther 25 exegesis. History of : Bacher, W., 11 ; (Rosin) Zunz, L 169 Mediaeval : Berliner, A., 14 ; Eleazar of Beaugenci 38 Exodus, Geography of 20 Introduction 23 Expositions : Belais, A,, 13 ; Mordecai Schnapper, 108 ; Mi- drash, 102-4 ; Issachar Baer b. Elchanan, 61 ; Simeon Kara 144 Ezekiel, Preface by Abrabanel 20 Ezra, Introduction 20 Five Scrolls 22-24 Introduction 20 Jewish - German para- phrase : Jacob of Janowa 63 " New Zohar " on : Simeon b. Jochai 144 Philosophical disserta- tions : Isaac Arama 59 French version 19-20 Genesis, Agadah on : Periodi- cals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 and science (Mortara) : Zunz, L 169 Biur on : Hebrew Litera- ture Society 52 Dissertations : Rahmer, M 131 Introduction 23 192 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Bible, Genesis, Samaritan commen- tary on : Neubauer, A 117 ' "Variants in Samaritan Targum : Briill, A 28 Greography 15 German version 20-21 Greek version 22 Haftaroth, Jewisli - German paraphrase : Jacob Janowa 63 Hebrew - Chaldean concord- ance : Buxtorf , J 28 Hebrew synonyms : Naphtali Herz Wessely 116 History : Beer, P., 12 ; Koths- child, C. and A. de, 134 ; Wogue, L. 162 Homiletical exposition : Abra- ham Rabe 5 Humour and irony : Chotzner, J. 3 1 Introduction : Geiger, A 46 Isaiah, amended Anglican version : Hebrew Literature So- ciety 52 Arabic and Persian ver- sions 20 Jeremiah, chronology of pro- phecies 20 Midrash on "Al Jith- hallel " : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 125 Preface of Abrabanel ... 20 Syriac version 43 Jewish versions 19-26 Job 25 Accents: Baer, S 11 Philosophy and poetry ... 20 Joshua, Colenso's objections criticised : Benisch, A 13 Key to the Hebrew : Robert- son, W 133 Lamentations 25 transliterated : Robert- son, W 133 Legends among the Moslems : Weil, G 161 Massorah 99-100 Moral gleanings from : Mo- catta, I. L 106 Nehemiah, introduction 20 New Testament, proverbs of : Wahl, M. C 161 PAGB Bible, Numbers, geography 20 ' Numismatics : Madden, Fre- deric W 98 Old Testament chronology ... 20 Onomasticon : Bible 17 Passages quoted in Talmud and Midrash : Aaron b. Samuel... 1 Pentateuch 22-24 Barbaro-Greek version : Wolfius, J. C 166 Cabalistical discourses : Abraham Chazkuni 2 Colenso's objections re- futed : Benisch, A 13 Discourses : Benjamin the Priest 14 Homilies : David Eybe- schuetz, 34 ; Ephraim Lenczycz, 40 ; Solomon b. Jehiel Shalom ... 147 Intonation of accents : Lutomirski, A. D 96 Introduction : Bible, 21 ; Mandelstamm, L 98 Italian version 23 ■ — Jewish - German para- phrase : Jacob of Janowa 63 — Jewish-German version... 19-22 Massorah 22 " New Zohar " on : Simeon b. Jochai 144 ■ Notes 23 Philosophical disserta- tions : Isaac Arama 59 Samaritan, Deutsch, Em- anuel 35 Samaritan Targum 137 Sermons on Pericopes : Joseph Zarfati 74 Targum : Targum 157 Vindication : Hurwitz, H 55 Zohar : Simeon b. Jochai 144 Philology 15 and exegesis (Tanchum) : Goldziher, 1 48 Prophets, Lessons from Haf ta- roth 50 Minor, preface (Abra- banel) :Bible 20 Targum: Frankel, Z. ... 43 SUBJECT INDEX. 193 PAGE Bible, Proverbs 25 — Accents: Baer, S 11 Introduction 20 • Psalms : Bible, 25 ; Zunz, L. 167 Accents : Baer, S 11 Arrangement 20 Autborsbip 20 German - Jewish transla- tions : Liturgies 90 Sachs's version : Zunz.L. 168 Titles 20 Transliterated : Robert- son, W 133 Rabbinical 16-18 Readings from : Bible (1657) 17 Rhetoric of : Judah Jebiel ... 79 Samuel, analysis : Reifmann, J. 133 Septuagint 22 English translation 22 Studies of : Frankl, Ph. F 43 Sermons on Sabbath portions : Ephraim Lenczycz 40 Song of Solomon, exposition : Zunz, L 167 Spanish version 19 Studies : Mandelstamm, L. . . . 98 Verses selected from : Sala- man, A. A 136 Versions 15 et seq. — — - Women of the : Aguilar, Gr. . . . 7 See Commentaries; Precepts, The 613. Bibliography, Bibliotheca Hebrsea : Wolfius, J. C 164 Anglo-Jewish history : Ja- cobs, J 174 Gabalistical MSS. : Wolfius, J. C 164 • Hebrew literature : Ben Ja- cob, 1 13 Hebrew MSS. in the Bodleian Library: Steinschneider, M 149 in Cambridge University Library : Schiller-Szinessy, S. M. 140 in the Imperial Library of Vienna: Goldenthal, J 48 in Italy : Zunz, L 167-8 Hebrew necrologies: Zunz,L. 169 Introductions to the Agadah and Midrashim : Jellinek, A. ^.. 67 Bibliography, Introductions to the Mishnah and Talmud : Jellinek, A 67 Jewish and Arabic science and literature: Steinschneider, M. ... 150 authors : Ghirondi,M. S., 47; Lippe, C. D 88 geographical writers : Zunz, L 167 liturgical poets : Lands- huth, E 84 Jewish Question, 1875—1884 : Jacobs, J 65, 174 Jews in England : Anglo-Jew- ish Historical Exhibition 172 Lexicon of Jewish biblio- graphy : Lippe, C. D 88 Local and personal names : Jellinek, A 66 Manuscripts and early edi- tions of the Talmud: Wissen- schaftliche Blatter 16 Mathematical works of the Middle Ages: Steinschneider, M. 149 Notes on Hebrew bibliography : Geiger, A 45 Prince Boncompagni's works : Steinschneider, M 149 Steinschneider's writings : Steinschneider, M 153 The 613 Precepts : Jellinek, A. 67 Zunz's writings : Steinschnei- der, M 151 See Catalogues, Manuscripts, Printing, Talmud. Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 172 Bibliotheca Hebr^a : Wolfius, J. C. 164 Bibliotheca Rabbinica : Midrash... 104 Biography, General : — Chasidim : Megillath Yochasin 100 Cracow rabbis : Zunz, J. M. ... 166 Encyclopasdia of Jewish : Ra- poport, S. J. L 132 Jerusalem literati : Frumkin, A.L 44 Jewish : David Gans, 34 ; Peri- odical publications 121-7 authors : Chayim Azulai, 30; De Rossi, G. B 35 194 SUBJECT INDEX. Biography, Jewish celebrities : Jii- discher Plutarch 81 liturgical poets : Lands- huth, E., 84; Zunz, L 166-7 Liber Juchasin : Abraham Zacuto 5 Mishnaic doctors : Briill, J. 28; Wolfius, J. C 164 Talmudical rabbins : Isaac Schor 59 Women of Israel : Aguilar, Grace 7 Biography, Individual : — Abraham : Beer, B 12 Abraham Bedarshi : Kroner, Th 84 Abraham Mapo : Kaplan, A. C. 82 Akiba, Rabbi : Aaron Moses Padua,!; Grastfreund, J 45 Akiba Eger 7 Al-Farabi : Steinschneider, M. 150 Azariah de' Rossi 11 Beer, Dr. B. : Frankel, Z 43 Chisdai b. Isaac : Hebrew Literature Society 52 Coen-Cantarini family : Osi- mo,M 120 Cohn, Albert: Loeb, 1 94 Cremieux, A. : Luncz, A. M.... 96 De Sola, David Aaron : De Sola, A. 35 Del Medigo, Joseph : Geiger, A 45-6 Deutsch, Emanuel 35 Elijah of Wilna : Joshua Heschel 78 Firkowitch, A. : Deinard, E.... 34 Geiger, A 46 Giuda Romano : Steinschnei- der, M 151 Goldsmid, Sir F. : Marks, Rev. D. W 99 Gompertz, B. : Adler, M. N. . . . 6 Hananel, Rabbi : Hananel of Kairvan 51 Hillel: Seminaire Israelite ... 141 Isaac Lampronti : Isaac Levi 56 Isaac Reggio 132 Jacob Hirschel Emden : Wage- naai:,H. A 160 Biography, Jacob Israel Emden : Zevaoth Ha-Geonim 1 66 Jellinek, Dr. A. : Gastfreund, J 45 Jesaia Berlin : Berliner, A. ... 14 Jochanan, R. : Aaron Moses Padua, 1 ; Zunz, L 168 Joel: Zunz, L 168 Jom-Tob Lipman Heller 73 Jonathan Eybeschuetz : Gast- freund, J 45 Joseph Nasi : Levy, M. A. ... 87 Josephus 76-7 Judah Ha-Levi : Geiger, A, ... 46 Kalonymos b. Kalonymos : Zunz, L 168 Kimchi family : Geiger, A. ... 47 Krochmal, N 84 Lasker, E. : Periodicals, Jahr- buch 127 Letter is, M 86 Levi bar Sisi : Aaron Padua ... 1 Mannheimer, I. M. : Wolf, G 163 Mar Samuel, of Nahardea : Hoffmann, D. Z 55 Menasseh b. Israel : Hebrew Literature Society, 53 ; Kayser- ling, M., 83 ; Periodicals, Jahr- buch 126 Moses (legendary) : Periodi- cals, Jahrbuch 127 Moses b, Maimon : Benisch, A., 13 ; Geiger, A., 46 ; Moses b. Maimon, 113 ; Peppercorne, J. W., 121; Tauber, 1 158 Moses Mendelssohn : Dessauer, M., 35; Kayserling, M., 83; Men- delssohn, M., 102; Salomon, G... 136 Montefiore, Sir Moses : Davis, I., 34; Wolf, L 163 Nachod, Jacob 175 Philippson, Moses : Philipp- son, Ph 128 Rabh: Muehlf elder, M. J. ... 115 Raphael Chai Ricchi 132 Raphael Chazan : Liturgies ... 90 Saadia Gaon : Zunz, L 168 Sabbathai. See Shabthai. Salomon, G. : Philippson, Ph. 128 SUBJECT INDEX. 195 162 45 101 128 Biography, Samuel Romanelli 138 Samuel Ibn Nagdela : Hebrew Literature Society 52 Sara Copia SuUam : Periodi- cals, Jahrbuch 127 Saul WaM: Edelmann, H. ... 37 Shabthai Bassista : Oelsner, L, 120 Shabthai Zebi : Jacob Emden, 63 ; Jacob Sasportas 61 Solomon b. Adereth : Perles, J. 128 Solomon Maimon, 176 : Witte, J. H Salomon Munk : G-astfreund J Spinoza, B. : Periodicals, Jahr- buch 126 Troki, Isaac : Geiger, A 46 Wertheimer, J. von : Wolf, G. 163 Wessely, N. H, : Meisel, W. A. Wolf, Joseph : Philippson, Ph. Zerachiah Ha-Levi : Beif- mann, J 133 See Obituaries. Biur onthe Bible 21 Bloch, Ph., on the history of the Jews of Posen : Graetz, H. 173 Blood-accusations : Friedlander, M. H., 44; Lowenfeld, S., 95; Loewenstein, L. H 94 at Damascus: Salomons, Sir D., 137; Zunz, L 167 Bibliography : Jacobs, J 65 by pagans against Christians : Joel, M 72 refuted : Jews, 68 ; Levinsohn, J. B., 87 ; MiiUer, A 115 See Jews. Bodleian Library: Catalogue of Hebrew Books Hebrew MSS. in the : Stein. Schneider, M., 149; Neubauer, A Bohemia, Expulsion of the Jews from : Graetz, H., 173 ; Periodi- cals; Jahrbuch 127 Persecution of the Jews in : Schapira, E. J 139 Bologna, Jewish Communal regu- lations : Graetz, H 173 Bombay Jewish school: Anglo- Jewish Association 8 27 175 Boraitha, Glossary to the : Isaac Lampronti 59 of Samuel: Zunz, L 168 Boston, U.S.A., Montefiore memo- rial service at: Montefiore, Sir M. 107 Botany, Arabic terms of : Stein- schneider, M 152 of the Talmud : Duschak, M. 37 Brann, M., History of the Rabbi- nate of Silesia : Graetz, H 173 Breslau, Catalogue of the Jewish Seminary Library at : Zucker- mann, B 166 British Jews, Liturgy of the : Li- turgies 92 Brody, Russo-Jewish emigrants to : Friedlander, M 44 Briill, N., on the smaller Sifra : Graetz, H 173 Briill's Origin of the Tosef ta : Zunz, L 169 Buber, S., Jacob G'ama's Introduc- tion and supplement to the Aruch: Graetz, H 173 Burial customs, Ancient Jewish : Perles, J 128 Burial Society of Duke's Place Synagogue: Liturgies 89 Burmah, Travels in : Schur, W. ... 140 Burmania, Barthold Do we, and the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia : Graetz, H 173 Buseu, Trial of the Jews of : Jews 70 Cabala, Alphabet of Akiba : Periodi- ' cals, Beth ha-Midrash 123 Antiquities: Chayim Azulai... 30 Bi bliogr aphy : Wolfius, J. C . . . . 164 Book of Raziel : Adam 6 Discourses on the Law : Abra- ham Chaskuni 2 Esoteric influences : Dob Ber Caiman 36 Ethics : Judah of Ratisbon ... 80 Ethics and observajices : Elie- zer of Worms 38 Explanation of : Naphtali b. Bacharach 116 Exposition of the written and oral Law : Isaiah Horwitz 60 196 SUBJECT INDEX. 100 168 Cabala, Guide to religious life ; Elijah Vidas, 39 ; Meir b. Ezekiel History of : Gottlober, A., 49 ; Jellinek, A., 66 ; Zunz, L Jezirah : Abraham the Patri- arch 5 Liturgical readings : Si- meon b. Jochai 144 Prayers : Joel " Baalshem," 72; Liturgies 88-91 Predictions of R. Josiah : Pe- riodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 Pseudographical literature of the Middle Ages : Wissenschaft- liche Blatter 162 Religious observances : Judah Puchawitzer Selections from literature of : Jellinek, A Specifics : Chayim Lipschuetz Tholuk De ortu Cabbalas : Zunz, L Treatise on: Franck A., 43, 172 ; Jost, J. M. (Gesch. des Juden- thums), 78 ; Menahem of Fano, 101; Misses, 1 106 See Besht, Chasidim, Commen- taries, Liturgies, Mysteries, Zohar. Cabiri : Darmesteter, J 32 Calendar, Jewish : Abendana, I. . . 2 and Christian, harmo- nised : Goldberg, B 48 Christian, and Mahomedan : Abraham b. Chiyah, 2 ; Kornick, 79 30 168 M. Essays : Azariah de' Rossi 11 for 60 years : Lindo, E. H 88 History: Lewisohn, L. M., 87 ; Schwarz, A 141 Introduction : Jacob b. Machir 63 Lunar calculations : Abraham IbnEzra 4 Noteson 20 of Cordova : Steinschneider, M 151 of Jewish celebrities : Zunz, L. 167 Perpetual: Liturgies 88 Talmudical: Bible 19 See Chronology. Caligraphic design of the Temple of Jerusalem : Schulman , S 176 PAGE Cambridge University library, He- brew MSS. in : Schiller-Szinessy, S. M 140 Canterbury, Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition 1 72 Captivity of the Ten Tribes in Eldad Hadaui, Legend of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123-4 Caraites. See Karaites. Cassel on the author of the Manhig : Zunz, L 169 Castillo, Constitution of the Jews in : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 127 Catalogues of Hebrew works, Al- manzi's library : Luzzatto, S. D. 96 and MSS. : Shabthai Bass 142 Beer's library : Wolf, G 163 Bodleian library, (printed books and MSS.) 27, 149 Breslau Jewish Seminary li- brary : Zuckermann, B 169 British Museum 28 Cambridge University library, (MSS.) : Schiller-Szinessy, S. M, . 140 Ghirondi collection (MSS.) : Steinschneider, M 151 Hamburg library (MSS.) : Steinschneider, M 152 Jews' College (MSS.) : Neu- bauer, A US Munich library (MSS.) : Stein- schneider, M 151 Rosenthal library : Roest, M. . 134 See Bibliography. Catechismus Judseorum : Abraham dei Galicchi 3 S^ee Abulafia ... 173 Metaphors in Jewish literature : Steinschneider, M 152 Metaphysics: Averroes 10 Judaeo-Arabic : Deutsch, E. ... 35 of Aristotle, Steinschneider on the : Zunz, L 169 See Philosophy. Meteorology, Folklore of : Simane Ea'ashim .. 143 Metrology, Ancient Jewish: Herz- feld,L 54 Jewish, compared with Greek and Roman : Zuckermann, B. ... Michael, H., Obituary of : Zunz, L. Microcosm : Joseph b. Zadoc, 76 ; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 124 127 166 167 140 144 67 39 132 Middle Ages, Jewish science in the Schleiden, M.J Persecution of the Jews in the: Mannheimer, M 98 Midnight devotions : Liturgies 88-91 Midrash, Agadas expounded : Jacob Luzzatto 63 Alphabetical list of authors : Jacob Schor 59 Babylonian geography and ethnography: Berliner, A 14 Bible as expounded in : Simeon Kara Bibliography of indexes and introductions : Jellinek, A Collections from, by Eliezer Sussman Encyclopaedia of Midrashic subjects : Rapoport, S. J. L Foreign terms in : Briill, A., 28; Menahem di Lonsano 101 French poems based upon : Rodrigues, H 133 German translation of various sections 104 Glossary of difficult terms in : Katzenellenbogen, M 82 Historical criticism of the : Chajes, H 29 Introduction to : Frankel, Z., 43 ; Steinschneider, M Key to Biblical passages in : Aaron b. Samuel Legends from : Hebrew Liter- ature Society, 53; Hurwitz, H.... Mahomed's use of : Gast- f reund, J Materials of Hebrew grammar in : Berliner, A Maxims from : Hamburger, J. Notable persons and matters in: Cahen, M. D 29 on the Bible, 102-4 ; Eliezer b. Hyrcanus 38 on the defectiva and plena : Berliner, A 14 Short Midrashim : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 121-5 Treatise on Midrash- Agadah, by M. Giidemann : Zunz, L 169 149 55 45 14 51 SUBJECT INDEX. 217 See Dictionaries, Rabbinical. Military antiquities. See Antiqui- ties. Millennium, Legend of, in Zerub- babel's vision : Periodicals, Beth. ha-Midrash 1 22 Minhagim. See Customs, Jewish. Ministry, Installation in the Jew- ish : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Miracle - stories. See Chasidim, Zohar. Miscellany, Hebrew : Eliezer Ash- kenazi, 39 ; Hebrew Literature Society 52 Mishnah and commentaries : Mish- nah 105-6 Bibliography of introduc- tions : Jellinek, A 67 Commentaries : Asher b. Je- hiel, 10 ; Jacob Emden 63 Commentators : Cahen, M. D. . 29 Criticism : Periodicals, Beth Talmud 125 Explanation of a passage in : Graetz, H 173 Gleanings from : Wolff, S. A. . 163 Glossary : Isaac Lampronti ... 59 Grammar : Geiger, A., 46 ; Weiss, J. H 161 History : Gelbhaus, S., 47 ; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash, 125 ; Sherira Gaon, 143 ; Weiss, L H., 161; Wolfius, J. C, 164; Zunz, L. (Gottesd. Vortr.) 166 Introduction : Br till, J., 28 ; Frankel, Z., 43 ; Moses b. Maimon 110 Legislative authority : Rabbi- nowicz, I. M 130 Method: Briill, J 28 of Jerusalem : Taylor, C 158 Philological essay on : Judah Koreish 79 Principle of its compilation : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 Various readings : Rabbino- wicz, R 131 See Ethics of the Fathers. Mishneh Torah, Bibliography of commentaries : Jellinek, A 67 Moab, Stone of : Levy, M. A 87 PAGE Mocatta, F. D., " The Jews in va- rious countries " : Anglo- Jewish Association 171 Mogador, The Jews in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8 Monarchy, Hebrew : Bible 20 Monotheism : Bible, Leviticus 23 Moon, MediaBval theories : Stein- schneider, M 160 Moral faculties. Improvement of the: Moses Chagiz 109 Moral philosophy, Jewish : Isaac Aboab, 56 ; Bechai Bakodah Compendium of : Moses Frank- furt Treatises on : Jacob Emden . . . See Ethics. Moral theology, Jewish : Luzzatto, S.D Moralists, Jewish : Zunz, L Moravia, Expulsion of the Jews from : Graetz, H Mordecai and Esther, Prayer of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... Morocco, Jews and Jewish schools in : Anglo- Jewish Association . . . Travels in : Samuel Romanelli Mortara, M., Genesis and science : Zunz, L Mosaic institutions. Excellency of : Moses b. Nachman 113-14 History of : Salvador, J 137 See Bible, Pentateuch, Law of Moses. Moses, Legends concerning : Pe- riodicals, Beth ha-Midrash, 122, 123, (Eldad and Medad) 127 Poem on the life of : Naphtali Herz Wessely 116 Posterity of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 Sermons on the life of : Salo- mon, G 136 Moses b. Maimon, Controversies on the Moreh and the Sefer Ha-ma- d'a : Halberstaram, S. Z. Ch 174 Moses Cohen b. Elasar, Notice of : Zunz, L 169 Moslems, Controversial literature of the : Steinschneider, M 152 12 114 63 96 167 173 124 9 138 169 D D 218 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Moslems, Jewish legends among the : Weil, G 161 Munich, Hebrew MSS. in the Li- brary of : Steinschneider, M 151-2 Music, History of Jewish : Naum- bourg, S 117 of the Synagogue : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition, 171 ; Liebling, L., and Jacobsohn, B., 88 ; Liturgies, 92-4 ; Mark- sohn, A., 99 ; Naumbourg, S., 117 ; Rossi, S 134 Musical accents of the Bible, Chant- ing of the : Lutomirski, A. D. ... 96 instruments: Abraham di Portaleone, 3 ; Bible 20 Mutual Benefit Society, Jewish : Gesellschaf t der Freunde 1 72 Mysteries of Simeon b. Jochai : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 123 Mysticism. See Besht, Cabbalah. Mythology of the Cabiri : Darme- steter, A 32 Names, Bibliography of proper, in Letters of Divorce : Jellinek, A 66 Hebrew Biblical : Bible, 17 ; Brecher, G 27 of the Jews: Zunz, L 167-8 Nathan the Wise, Hebrew version of: Lessing, G, E 85 Notes on : Friedlander, M. ... 44 National anthem, Hebrew transla- tion : Steinschneider, M 149 Nationality, Meaning of : Lazarus, M 85 Natural Philosophy, Treatise on : Mordecai Schnapper 108 Naturalization of the Jews. See Jewish Disabilities. Nature, Prayers of animate and inanimate : Chayim Lipschiitz, 30; PirkeShirah 129 Neo-Hebraic dictionary. See Dic- tionaries. Neubauer, A,, Bedrashi's Oheb Na- shim, edited by : Zunz, L 169 New Testament. See Bible. New Year, Discourses for : Eph- raim Lenczycz 40 See Liturgies. Nimrod, Legends of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Ninth Day of Ab, Lamentations for : Liturgies 89 Noah, Folklore of the Book of: Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 123 Norwich, Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 172 Nottingham, Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 172 Numerals, Hebrew, Grammar of the : Pinsker, S 129 Numismatics. See Coins. Nuremberg, History of the Jews of : Wiirfel, A. 164 Oaths, Administration of : Salomons, David 137 Jewish : Zunz, L 167 Parliamentary : Jews of Eng- land 70 Obituaries : Zunz, L 167 Obituary of Biischenthal : Zunz, L. 167 Jost : Periodicals, Jahrbuch ... 126 James de Rothschild : Geiger, A. 46 Obituary discourses, Jellinek's Bi- bliography of Hebrew : Zunz, L. 169 Occult sciences in the Talmud : Brecher, G 27 Ode to the Deity : Jedaiah Bedarshi 66 Onomasticon, Jewish : Zunz,L 167 of Hebrew liturgical poets : Landshuth, E 84 " Or Sarua," Notice of the book : Zunz, L 168 Oral law. Authenticity of the : David Nieto 33 Mystical expositions of the : Isaac Horwitz 60 Ordination, Jewish : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Organ, Jewish melodies arranged for the : Liturgies, 94 ; Naum- bourg, S 117 Othello, Hebrew version of: Shakes- peare, W 142 SUBJECT INDEX. 219 Ousama, Autobiograpliy of : Graetz, H 173 Oxford, Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish. Historical Exhibition 1 72 Oxford University, Protest against Jewish persecution in Russia : Jews 71 157 38 35 145 Pala30graphy, Jewish : Abraham di Portaleone,3 ; Low,L.,95; Talmud Samaritan: Kirchheim, R. ... Semitic : Deutsch, E Palestine, Account of : Sneersohn, H.S and Babylonia, Differences of ritual in : Miiller, J 115 Antiquities of : Esthori Parchi 41 Fertility of : Peppercorne, J.W. 121 G-eography of : Zunz, L 167 and history of : Schwarz, J. 141 Historical sketch of : Reuscher, M 133 Jewish schools in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8-9 Jewish usages in : Reuscher, M. 133 Jewish writers on : Stein- Bchneider, M 150 Letters by Bertinoro : Hebrew Literature Society 52 Travels in : Frankl, L. A., 43 ; Montefiore, Sir M 106-7 under the Maccabees and Herods, Jost, I. M See Liturgy. Ritual Observances Papyrus, Hebrew : Steinschneider, M, Parables, Talmudical : Jacob Chabib, 64 ; Samuel Jaf eh 138 See Fables, Folklore, Legends, Tales. Parabolical expressions in Jewish literature: Steinschneider, M. ... 152 Paradise and Hell : Moses b.Nachman 114 and the Fall: Bible, Genesis 23 Folklore of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122-5 Parental instruction ; Edelman, H. 37 Paris, Jewish Seminary of : Semi- naire israelite 141 Parliament, Admission of Jews into: Van Oven, B 159 78 152 PAGE Parliament, Debates on Jewish emancipation : Jews of England 69-70 Debates on Jewish persecution : Jews of Roumania 70 See Jewish Disabilities. Parliamentary oaths : Salomons, SirD 137 Paroemiology, Comparative : Wahl, M.C 161 Passover, in Midrash Pesikta : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 Jewish - German songs for : Wagenseil, J. C 160 See Liturgies. Passover-night, Parody of service for : Somerhausen, H 148 Paternal love, Mystical inquiry into : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Patriarchs, Dissertation on the : Eliezer Ashkenazi Patristic studies : Friedlander, M. Paul, Czar, Petition to : Senior, S Peace, Midrashim on : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123 Temporal and spiritual : Belai's, A Pedagogy, History of Jewish : Giide- mann, M., 50 ; Marcus, S Peerage reform : Goldsmid, Sir F.H Penal law, Jewish : Fassell, H. B. Pentateuch. See Bible, Law of Moses, Mosaic Institutions. Pentecost, Midrash Jelamdenu on the: Periodical publications 125 Pentecost-nights, Readings from the Zohar for : Simeon b. Jochai 144 See Liturgies. Pericopes, Sermons on the : Joseph Zarf ati 74 Periodical publications 121-7 Peripatetics, The, and Aristobulos : Joel, M 72 Perles,Dr. J., "A MS. of the Aruch": Graetz,H 173 Perreau, Abbe, on Chayim Israel's Maamar gan eden : Zunz, L. ... 169 Persecution of the Jews, Chronicles of the : Joseph b. Joshua 75 Chronology : EUenberger, N. Z. 40 d2 38 44 141 13 99 48 42 SUBJECT INDEX. 98 9 17 Persecution of the Jews, History : Solomon b. Verga 128 in Asolo : Osimo, M 120 in Bohemia : Shapira, E.J. ... 139 — ^ in Damascus, Loewenstein, L. H., 94 ; Salomons, Sir D 137 in England : Anglo - Jewish Historical Exhibition 1 71 in Roumania : Jews of Rou- mania 70-71 in Russia, 71 ; Friedlander, M. 44 in the Middle Ages : Fried- lander, M. H., 44 ; Hebrew Litera- ture Society, 53 ; Mannheimer, M, See Jews. Persia, Jews in : Anglo - Jewish Association Memorial to the Shah of : Anglo- Jewish Association Persian version of the Bible : Bible (Isaiah) : Bible 20 Peshito, Syriac version of the Bible : Bible 15-17 Peter III. of Aragon, Astronomical Tables attributed to : Stein- schneider, M 153 Pharisees : Greiger, A., 46 ; Hold- heim, S., 55 ; Jost, I, M. (Gresch. d. Judenthums) 78 Pharmacology, Jewish, in the 10th Century : Steinschneider, M 150 Pharmacy, Arabic : Steinschneider, M 152 Philology, Foreign terms in Talmud and Midrash : Brull, A 28 German - Jewish phrases : Tendlau, A. M 158 Hebrew : Donasch b, Librat, 36 ; Geiger, A. 46 ; Luzzatto, S. D., 175; Zunz, L ^Hebrew and Aramaic: Perles, J. Imrani language : Lowy, Rev. A Jewish and Slavonic idioms : Harkavy, A Language of the Mishnah : Geiger, A 46 Notes on : Geiger, A 47 Rabbinical : Eisler, L., 38 ; Perles, J., 128 ; Sachs, M 136 168 95 52 PAGB Philology, Semitic : Deutsch, E. .. 35 Philosophers, Jewish, of the Middle Ages: Eisler, M 38 Philosophy, Jewish : Judah Ha-Levi, 80 ; Krochmal, N.,84 ; Periodical Publications 121-7 and Religion, Dialogues on : Judah Horwitz 80 historically treated : Munk, S 115 History of, in the Middle Ages: Joel, M 72 Maimonides' Guide of the Per- plexed : Hebrew Literature So- ciety 53 of Levi b. Gerson : Weil, I. ... 161 of Maimonides and Spinoza : Rubin, S 135 of the Bible : Naphtali Herz Wessely 116 Problems of : Shem-Tob b. Abraham 142 Rabbinical terms : Buxtorf , J. 28 Religious : Abraham b. Isaac Shalom, 3 ; Joseph Albo, 74 ; Moses b. Maimon, 112 ; Saadiah Gaon 135 Religious and ethical : Ra- phael b. Gabriel 131 Solomon Maimon and Kant's philosophy : Witte, J. H 162 See Ethics, Metaphysics. Phylacteries: Zunz, L 107 Physical science, Cyclopasdia of : Phinehas b. Meir 129 Inquiry into : Shem-Tob b. Palquera 142 Physicians, Ethical guide for : Isaac Israeli 58 Jewish, in Italy : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Physiology, Notes on: Baruch Sklow 12 of the senses : Kaufmann, D. 83 Pianoforte, Jewish music arranged for the : Naumbourg, S., 117 ; Liturgies 93 See Music. Planetary influence. Rabbinical opinions on : Thein, S 158 SUBJECT INDEX. 221 Plays. See Drama. Poetry, French, based on Midrashim : Rodrigues, H 133 of a Polish exile : Hol- laenderski, L 55 ■ German, Barkochba : Box- berger, E. V 27 Der Primator : Frankl, L.A 43 on Biblical and Rabbini- cal subjects : Sachs, M 136 Hebrew, Essays on : Bible, Psalms, 20 ; Costa, I., 31 ; Kaplan, A. C, 82 ; Lnzzatto, S. D., 175 ; Meir b. Elia of Norwich, 175 ; Periodicals, Der Orient, 127 ; Solomon Glabirol 147 and epitaphs : Luzzatto, S. D 97 Anthology: G-raetz, H.,.. 49 Collection: Edelman, H. 37 Dialogues on religion : Judah Horwitz 80 — Dramatic: Moses Zacut... 115 Elegy on the death of Greorge III. : Hurwitz, H 55 Elegy on death of J. V. Pardo : Luzzatto, S. D 96 History : Delitsch, F. ... 35 Hymns : Israel Nagara... 61 Jewish - G-erman songs : Wa- genseil, J. C 160 Judah Ha-Levi's Divan (Ger- man version) : Geiger, A 46 Lexical poem on the Creation : Benjamin Mussafia 13 Liturgical : Synagogal-Poesien, 153; Zunz, L 166-7 Magazine of, 7 ; Graeber, Eisig 172 • Medieval : Graeber, E 49 Neo-Hebraic : Dukes, L 36 of Italy: Geiger, A 46 of Spain : Geiger, A , 46 ; Kaempf,S. L, 81 ; Sachs, M 136 on Abraham's obedience : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 on chess : Hollaenderski, L..., 55 on Mediaeval persecutions : Hebrew Literature Society 53 32 11 84 83 26 81 Poetry, on the Law of David Lida on the Savoy dynasty : Aza- riah de' Rossi Onomasticon of liturgical composers : Landshuth, E Romance Jewish : Kayserling, M Songs of Mirza Schaffy : Bodenstedt, F. v Tachkemoni and Machberoth Ithiel : Judah Charizi The glory of Moses : Naphtali Herz Wessely 116 See Epitaphs. Poets, List of liturgical : Liturgies 92 Poisons and their cures : Moses b. Maimon 112 Arabic works on : Stein- schneider, M 151 Poland, History of the Jews of : Harzberg-Frankel, L., 50 ; Zunz, J. M., 166 ; Zunz, L 168 Jewish schools in : Zunz, L... 168 Liturgies of the Jews of : Liturgies 88-91 Persecution of the Jews in : Solomon b. Verga 148 Travels in : Pethachiah b. Jacob 128 Polemical literature, Arabic, of Moslems, Christians and Jews : Steinschneider, M 152 Polyglots. See Bible 15-17 Poor laws of the Hebrews : Louis, S Portugal, History of the Jews in : Lindo, E. H The Jews of, and the Inquisi- tion : Mocatta, F. D 106 Portuguese and Hebrew vocabu- lary : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 voyages of Discovery, Jewish share in : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 127 Posen, Jewish community : Graetz, H., 163 ; Perles,J 128 Prague, Early Hebrew printing in : Zunz, L 168 Jewish Burgomaster (Prima- tor) of : Frankl, L. A 43 175 88 222 SUBJECT INDEX. Prague, Jewish community of : Foges, B 42 Prayers, Cabalistical : Joel " Baal- shem " 72 for Jewish schools in Holland : Lutomirski, A. D 96 for private worship : Roths- child, Baroness de 134 for the whole year : Liturgies 89-93 for way-farers : Chayim Lip- schiitz 30 for women : Stern, M. E 153 Midrash on the " Eighteen prayers " : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 124 of the animate and inanimate creatures : Pirke Shirah 129 See Liturgies, Ritual Obser- vances. Precentors (Chazanim)Vade mecum for : Solomon Lipschiitz 147 Precepts, The 613 : Bible, Penta- teuch, 22-3 ; Gedaliah Teikus, 45 ; Maase Mssim, 97 ; Moses b. Mai- mon, 110 ; Shemaiah Zebi, 143 ; Solomon de Oliveyra 146 Bibliography of : Jellinek, A. 67 Precious stones : Abraham di Portaleone Priesthood, Hebrew : Bible, Levi- ticus 23 Priests, Jewish : Abraham di Por- taleone 3 Primer, Hebrew : Steinschneider, M 149, 152 Printers, Hebrew, The Gersons of Prague: Zunz, L 168 The Soncino : Soave, M 145 Property, Laws of : Isaac b. Abba Mara, 56 ; Joseph Caro, 74 ; Mordecai Jaf eh 107 Prophets, The, and their schools : Hebrew Literature Society 83 8ee Bible. Proselytes, Sketches of : Periodi- cals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 See Conversion. Prosody, Hebrew, Miscellany of : Neubauer, A 117 Rules of : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 PAGE Proverbs, Grleanings of : Zunz, L.... 169 Hebrew and Arabic : Wahl, M.C 161 Hebrew and Chaldean : Dukes, L 36 Hebrew, from Arabic and Greek : Edelman, H 37 of the German Jews : Tend- lau: A.M 158 See Adages, Maxims. Providence, On the dispensations of: Moses Albelda 109 Prussia, History of the Jews of : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Statistics of Jews of : Neu- mann, S 118 Pseudo-Hieronymus, Agadic Pas- sages in Questiones of : Graetz, H. 1 73 Pseudo - Messiah, Biography, 142; Jacob Emden, 63; Jacob Sasportas 61 Psychology and the senses : Kauf- mann, D 83 of Maimonides : Scheyer, S. B. 140 of Maimonides and Spinoza : Rubin, S 13 Punctuation, Babylonian, of the Hebrew Scriptures : Pinsker, S. 129 Purification, Laws of : Bible, Levi- ticus 23 Purim, Midrashim and legends on : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash .. 121-4 See Liturgies. Rabbinical antiquities : Chayim Azulai, 30 ; Eisler, L.,38 ; Rapo- port, S. J. L 132 authors and their works : Jehiel Heilprin, ^^ : Isaac Schor 59 Bible \^ et seq. code of observances : Joseph Caro, 74-5 ; Mordecai Jafeh, 107; Moses b. Maimon, 110; Simeon Kahira 144 commentators of northern France : Geiger, A 46 encyclopaedia : Hamburger, J. 51 folklore : Perles, J 128 language : Briill, A., 28 : Eisler, L., 38 ; Perles, J., 128 ; Sachs, M 136 SUBJECT INDEX. 223 PAGE Eabbinical literature : Periodicals, Beth Talmud, 125 ; Zunz, L. ... 166-70 marriage rites : Holdheim, S. 55 ordinances and customs : Schroder, J. F 176 proverbs : Dukes, L 30 schools : Griidemann, M., 50 ; Hirsch, S. R.,54 ; Marcus, S 99 terms of philosophy : Bux- torf, J. See Antiquities, Commentaries, Dictionary, Philology, Talmud. Rabbinism : G-iidemann, M,, 50 ; Jost, J. M. (Geschichte d. Juden- thums), 78 ; Weiss, I. H Rabbinites and Karaites : Mordecai b. Nisan Rabbins in Cracow : Zunz, J. M. ... of France : Renan, J. E of France and Lorraine : Muller,J 115 of Frankfort-on-the-Main : Horovitz, M Jurisdiction, Rabbinowicz, I. M Sepulchral memorials : Hot- tinger, J. H 174 Rabbis, Chief, of England : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 171 Ordination of : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Rahmer, Dr. M., Agadic passages in Questiones of Pseudo-Hierony- mus : Grraetz, H 173 Raziel, Book of : Adam 6 Folklore of, in the " Book of Noah " : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 Readings from the Bible and the Zohar : Liturgies 88-91 Real property, Jewish tenure of, in England : Jews 70 Rebenstein, See Berstein. Reformers, Jewish(Gresch. d. Juden- thums) : Jost, L M 78 Refuge, Cities of : Bible 19 Religion and science : Formstecher, S., 42 ; Mordecai Schnapper 108 Comparative studies of : Philippson, L 128 28 161 108 166 133 55 130 100 166 Religion, Differences in, reconciled : Hochstadter, B 54 Natural and Revealed : Chaki- rah Emunah, 29 ; Joseph, N. S.... 76 Practice of : Zunz, L 167 Revealed, Defence of : Hur- witz, H 55 Religion, Jewish, Ceremonies: Bible, 19;Picart, B 129 Essay on the: Rabbinowicz,!. M. 130 Gruide to : Elijah de Vidas, 39 ; Elijah b. Solomon Abra- ham, 39 ; Judah Altschiiler, 78 ; (Cabalistical) Meir b. Ezekiel . . . History : G-iidemann, M., 50 ; Joel, M., 72 ; Weiss, I. H., 161 ; Zunz, L Instruction in : Abraham Jaghel dei Galicchi, 3 ; David- sohn, M., 34 ; G-oodman, T., 48 ; Joseph, N. S 76 Philosophy : Abraham Ibn Ezra, 4 ; Aguilar, G., 7 ; Briick, S,, 28 ; (Cusari) Hebrew Litera- ture Society, 52 ; (Cabbala) Franck, A., 43 ; Formstecher, S., 42 ; Isaac Arama, 59 ; Jacob Emden, 63 ; Joel, M., 72 ; Joseph Albo, 74 ; Joseph b. Zadoc, 76 ; Judah Ha-Levi, 80 ; (Dialogue), Judah Horwitz, 80 ; (Mediseval) Kaufmann, D., 82 ; Krochmal, A., 84 ; Levi b. Gershon, 86 ; Moses b. Maimon, 112 ; Raphael b. G^abriel, 131 ; Saadiah Gaon ... 135 Public disputation on the : Moses b. Nachman 113-4 See Ethics, Precepts. Religious address to the Jews : Montefiore, C 106 Repentance and piety : Jonah of Gerona 73 Efficacy of : Belais, A la Guide to : Jacob Poggetto . . 64 Responses, Bibliography of : Jelli- nek, A 66-7 of French and Lorraine rabbis: Miiller, J 115 on astronomy : Steinschnei- der,M 149 224 SUBJECT INDEX. Responses on ritual observances : Eshed ha-Nechalim 40 on the origin of thei Mishnah : Sherira Graon 143 Rabbinicd:! : Acha Gaon, 6 ; Moses b, Maimon, 112 - 13 ; Shibab Enayim, 143 ; Simeon Duran 144 See Decisions. Resurrection : Josepbus, 77 ; Moses b. Maimon, 114 ; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrasb 125 Reviews, Jewish : Periodical publi- cations 121-7 Revue des etudes juives : Periodical publications 127 Reward and punishment, Future : Moses b. Nachman 114 Rhenish Provinces, Jewish commu- nities in the : Mannheimer, M.... 98 Rhetoric, Treatise on : Judah b. Jehiel 79 Rhyming dictionary, Hebrew : Solomon de Oliveyra 146 Riddles. See Enigmas. Rippner, Dr. B., " David Friedlander and Probst Teller ": Graetz, H. 173 Ritual observances : Abraham Chalfon, 5 ; Eliezer of Worms, 38 ; Goodman, T., 48 ; Isaac of Tyrnau, 68 ; Isaac of Dueren, 59 ; Israel b. Samuel, 61 ; Jacob b. Asher, 62 ; Jacob Poggetto, 64 ; Joseph Stadthagen, 76 ; Judah Loeb Pisek, 79 ; Mordecai Jafeh, 107 ; Moses of Coucy, 109 ; Solo- mon London 148 Code of : Jacob b. Asher, 62 ; JosephCaro 74 concerning Palestine : Israel b. Samuel 61 Day of Atonement : Mordecai Jafeh 107 Festivals : Mordecai Jafeh, 107 ; Solomon b. Adereth 145 History of : Zunz, L lfi6-7 Marriages : Raphael Meldola 132 of the Ashkenazim : Jacob b. Moses Levi..... 64 Origin of : Lo wysohn, A 95 PAGB Ritual observances, Palestine : Es- thori Parchi, 41; Israel b. Samuel 61 Palestine and Babylonia : Miiller, J 115 Sabbaths : Jacob Poggetto, 64 ; Mordecai Jafeh, 107 ; Solo- mon b. Adereth 145 See Liturgy, Prayers. Romance poetry, Jewish : Kayser- ling, M 83 Romances, Jewish sources of English: Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition 171 Rome, Ancient, Jewish community, Darmesteler, A., 32 ; Schiirer, E. 140 Mediaeval, Jewish literature of: Zunz, L 168 Military laws : Spitzer, S. ... 148 Romeo and Juliet, Hebrew version : Shakespeare, W Rosenthal Hebrew library. Cata- logue of : Roest, M Rosin on Biblical exegesis : Zunz, L. Roumania, Jews of 70-1 : Anglo- Jewish Association, 8-9 ; Loeb, L, 94 ; Sneersohn, H. S Bibliography : Jacobs, J 65 Persecution : Anglo-Jewish Association, 8-9 ; Loeb, 1 94 Schools in : Anglo- Jewish As- sociation 9, 171 Russia, Jews of, 71 : Anglo-Jewish Association. 8 ; Periodicals, Jahr- buch, 126; Riilf, J Annual : Periodicals, Haasif . Auto-emancipation : Jews . Bibliography : Jacobs, J Earliest notices : Zunz, L 168 Jewish question : Demidoff, Prince Mission to : Montefiore, Sir M Mode of life : Jacob Cha- rasch Persecution : Anglo-Jewish Association 9 Restriction of domicile : Pel- latt, A 121 Statistics : Anglo-Jewish As- sociation 9 142 134 169 145 135 126 68 65 35 107 62 SUBJECT INDEX. 225 PAGE Russia, The Cheder in : Anglo- Jewish. Association 171 Travels in : Pethachiah b. Jacob 128 Russo-Jewish Committee, Report on atrocities : Jews 71 Russo-Jewish emigrants to Brody : Friedlander, M 44 Russo-Turkish war, Jewish victims: Anglo- Jewish Association 8 Rye, W., Persecution of the Jews in England : Anglo - Jewish His- torical Exhibition 171 Saadiah and his period : Zunz, L.... 168 Sabbath journey : Bible 19 of creation, Synonymical poem on the : Ben j amin Mussafiah 13 portions, Midrash upon : Mi- drash 103 river. Legends in Eldad ha-Dani : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 See Liturgies, Ritual obser- vances, Sermons. Sabbatical cycles : Zuckermann, B. 166 Sacrifices : Abraham di Portaleone, 3 ; Bible, 19 ; Bible, Leviticus ... 23 Sadducees : Geiger, A,, 46 ; Hold- heim, S,, 55 ; Jost, I. M. (G-esch. d. Judenthums) 78 Safed, Miracle stories of : Maase Nora 98 Sahara, Jewish tribe in the : Mar- dochee Aby Serour 99 Salernitans, Literature of the : Steinschneider, M 150 Salonica, Jewish schools in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8 Salvation, Treatise on : Saadiah Gaon 135 Samaritan chronicle : Neubauer,A. 117 Pentateuch : Deutsch, E 35 ■ Targum: 137; Bible, 17; Brull,A. 28 Samaritans, History : Bible, 19 ; Briill, A., 28 ; Freudenthal, J., 43 ; Jost, I. M. (Gresch. d. Juden- thums), 78 ; Kirchheim, R., 83 ; Ockley, S 119 Literature : Kirchheim, R 83 PAQB Sambation, Legends in Eldad ha-Dani : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 Sanaa, Jews of : Anglo-Jewish As- sociation 8 Sara Copia Sullam, Biography of : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 127 Saragossa, Controversy at : Moses b. Nachman 113-4 Saxony, History of the Jews of : Sidori, K 143 Schechter, S., Aboth de-Rabbi Na- than : Talmud 175 Scholasticism and Jewish philo- sophy : Joel, M 72 Scholia on the Talmud : Wiesner, J. 162 Schools, Jewish, in Constantinople : Anglo- Jewish Association 171 in Roumania and Smyrna : Anglo-Jewish Association 171 in the East : Anglo-Jewish Association 8-9 Music for : Liebling, L. and Jacobsohn, B 88 Religious teaching in : Leh- mann, E 174 See Education. Schwarz, Dr. A., Explanation of a passage in Mishnah : Graetz, H. 173 Science and charlatanism, Arabian : Steinschneider, M 150 and religion : Mordeca'i Schnapper 108 and the Deluge : Bible, Genesis 23 Genesis and, by M. Mortara : Zunz, L 169 Graeco-Arabic : Steinschnei- der, M 150 Hebrew encyclopaedia of : Phinehas b. Meir 129 Jewish : Periodical publica- tions 121-7 Mediasval Jewish : Schleiden, M.J 140 studies : Shemtob b. Abraham 142 Sects, Jewish : Jost, I. M., 78 ; Rapo- port, S. J. L 132 See Chasidim, Essenes, Frankists, Karaites, Pharisees, Sadducees, Samaritans. 226 SUBJECT INDEX. 174 Seminaire Israelite , Paris 141 Seminary, Jewish, Opening speech : Zunz, L 167 Semitic culture : Deutsch, E 35 languages : Deutsch, E., 35 ; Judah b. Koreish 79 See Palasography. Senses, Mediaeval philosophy of the : Kaufmann, D 83 Sephardic liturgy : Liturgies 88-93 poetry : Kayserling, M 83 Septuagint : Bible 15-22 History : Frankl, Ph. F., 43 ; Periodicals, Jahrbuch 126 Sepulchral memorials of patriarchs and rabbins: Hottinger, J. H. ... See Epitaphs. Sermons : Artom, Rev. B., 10 ; Azariah Figo, 11; Benjamin the Priest, 14 ; Ephraim Lenczycz, 40 ; Greiger, A., 46 ; Hause, B., 52 ; Joseph Zarfati, 74 ; Kahn, Zadoc, 81 ; Marks, Rev. D. W., 99 ; Salomon, G., 136-7 ; Zunz, L. See Bible, Homilies, Meditations. Servia, Jews of : 70-2 ; Loeb, I Seventy names of G-od in the Book of Enoch : Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 Shechinah in the Targum : May- baum, S 100 Shechitah. See Animals, Slaughter- ing of. Shema, Legendary exposition of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Shetaroth, or Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition 1 72 Shipwreck, Story of a : Briick, S.... 28 Shochatim. See Animals, Slaughter- ing of. Shulchan Aruch : Joseph Caro 74-75 Commentary : Eshed ha- Nechalin 40 Compendium: Abraham Danzig 3 Sick, Prayers for the : Liturgies ... 93 Sidrach, Book of : Steinschneider, M 151 S if ra. Digest : Moses b. Maimon ... 110 Introduction: Frankel, Z 43 Thesmaller: Craetz, H 173 167 94 168 52 PAQB Sifri, Digest : Moses b. Maimon ... 110 Introduction : Frankel, Z 43 Silesia, Chief rabbinate of: Graetz,H. 173 Jews of : Oelsner, L 120 Simeon b. Jochai, Mysteries of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 123 Prayer of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Sinai, The Law of : Angel, M 8 Topography of : Bible 19 Singalese Jews, Prayers of the : Liturgies 89 Slaughtering. See Animals. Slavery, Jewish law of : Fassel, H. B., 42 ; Seminaire israelite 141 Slavonia, Earliest notices of the Jews of : Zunz, L Slavonic languages and the Jews Harkavy, A Small-pox, Inoculation for : Abra- ham Nanzig 6 Smyrna, Jewish community of : Anglo- Jewish Association 171 Jewish education in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8-9 Society for Jewish culture and science. Letter of : Zunz, L 167 Sohar. See Zohar. Solomon, King, Legends of: Midrash, 104; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash, 122, 124-5 ; Perles, J 128 Wisdom of : Bible, Apocrypha 25 Soncino, early Hebrew printers : Soave, M 145 Songs, Jewish : Naumbourg, S 117 Jewish-German : Wagenseil, J.C See Music. Soul, Immortality of the : Belais, A. Treatises on the : Averroes . . . Spain, History of the Jews of : Bloch, J. S., 26 ; Goldsmid, Sir F. H., 48 ; Lindo, E. H., 88 ; Mocatta, F. D Jewish education in : Giide- mann,M Jewish epitaphs : Luzzatto, S. D. — ■— Jewish poets : Edelman, H., 37 ; Geiger, A., 46 ; Kaempf , S. I., 81 ; Kayserling, M., 83 ; Sachs, M. 160 13 10 106 50 136 SUBJECT INDEX. 227 PAGE Spanish adaptations of Arabic works : Steinsclineider , M 151 and Portuguese Jewish litur- gies : Liturgies 88-93 version: Bible, 19; (Psalms) Bible 25 Speculum astronomicum of Albertus Magnus : Steinschneider, M 150 Speyer, Persecution of Jews in : Mannheimer, M 98 Spiritualism of the Chasidim : Hahishtachoth 51 Stammering maiden, The : Graetz, H 173 Stars, Theories on the light of the : Steinschneider, M 150 Statistics, Jewish : Andree, R., 8 ; Lo3b, I., 91 ; Periodicals, Haasif, 126; Zunz, L 167 of Prussia : Neumann, S. 118 of United States : Jews of America 69 Steinschneider on Aristotle : Zunz, L. 169 Stories. See Fables, Folklore, Legends, Parables, Tales. Strangers, Jewish laws on : Pepper- come, J. W 121 Students' G-uide : Moses Chagiz ... 109 Super-commentary on Abraham Ibn Ezra : Samuel Ibn Zarzah 139 on Rashi : Elijah Mizrachi, 39 ; Shabthai Bass, 142 ; Simeon Unschburg 144 See Commentaries. Superstition, Effect upon the Jews : Joel, D 72 Swine, Agadic symbolism of the : Zunz, L ■ 168 Symbolism, Religious : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123 Synagogue, Alt-neu-schule of Prague: Foges, B 42 melodies. See Music. poetry. See Poetry. Synonyms. See Hebrew synonyms. Syria, Travels : Frankl, L. A., 43 ; Saphir, J., 139 ; Schur, W 140 Syriac version : Bible, 15, 17, 26 ; (Jeremiah) Frankl, P. F., 43 ; (New Testament) Bible, 15, et acq. PAGK Tabernacle, The: Bible, Exodus, 23 ; Leon, J. J., 85 ; Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123 Description : Popper, J 130 Tabernacles, Feast of. See Liturgies. Tacitus, Account of the Jews : Jo- sephus 77 Tales, Jewish: Costa, I., 31 ; Leh- mann, M 85 Life in Russia : Jacob Cha- rasch 62 See Fables, Folklore, Legends, Parables. Talmud 154-6 Aboth de-Rabbi Nathan 175 Agadas : Jacob Luzzatto, 63 ; Mordecai b. Benjamin 108 See Legends. Baba Mezia translated : Tal- mud Berachoth expounded ; Abra- ham Nanzig French version : Chia- rini, L Bible, as expounded in: Simeon Kara Bibliography : Rabbinowicz, R., 131; Wolfius, J.C 164 of authorities : Jehiel Heilprin, ^(^ ; Weiss, I. H., 161 ; Jellinek, A of commentaries : Jelli- nek, A of indices : Jellinek, A. of introductions : Jelli- nek, A Botany : Duschak, M 37 Civil legislation : Rabbino- wicz, L M 131 Codices : Schiller-Szinessy, S, M., 140 ; Rabbinowicz, R., 131 ; Wissenschaftliche Blatter, 162 ; Wolfius, J. C 164 Collectanea : Eliezer Sussman 39 Commentators : Cahen, M. D., 29; G-eiger, A Criminal legislation : Rabbi- nowicz, I. M Dictionary : Buxtorf, J., 28 ; Levy, J,, 87 ; Nathan b. Jehiel ... 156 31 144 67 67 67 46 130 .17 228 SUBJECT INDEX. Talmud, Digest : Isaac Alfasi, 57 ; Jacob b. Aslier, 74 ; Joseph Caro, 74; Moses b. Maimon 110 Educational systems : Mar- cus, S 99 Encyclopaedia : Cahen, M. D., 29 ; Hamburger, J., 51 ; Isaac Lampronti, 59 ; Rapoport, S. J. L 132 Essays : Deutsch, E., 35 ; Fried- lander, M., 44 ; Periodicals, Beth Talmud, 125 ; Wiinsche, A 164 Ethnography of Babylon : Berliner, A 14 Expositions : Isaac of Osierow, 57; Jacob of Shidlowitz, 62; Mordecai Schnapper, 108 ; Ra- phael Chai Ricchi, 132 ; Samuel Edels, 138 ; Saul b. Aryeh, 139 ; Shibah Enayim, 143 ; Solomon Loria 147 Geography : Berliner, A., 14 ; Neubauer, A 117 Gleanings : Wolff, S. A 163 Glossary : Briill, A., 28 ; Kat- zenellenbogen, M., 82 ; Mena- hem di Lonsano, 101 ; Perles, J 128 Grammar : Berliner, A., 14 ; Luzzatto, S. D., 96 ; Riilf, G 135 History: Weiss, I. H., 161; Zunz, L 168 Horae Talmudicae : Mandel- stamm, L 98 Index to Agadas : Mordecai b. Benjamin 108 Index to Biblical quotations : Aaron b. Samuel 1 Index to chapters : Talmud ... 154-6 Influence on Mahomet : Gast- f reund, J 45 Internal polity : Bloch, M. , . . 26 Introduction : Bacher, W., 11 ; Frankel, Z., 43 ; Jeshua Ha-Levi, 68 ; Joseph Ibn Verger, 76 ; Solo- mon de Oliveyra, 146 ; Stein- schneider, M., 149 ; Talmud 154 Labour and handicrafts : Louis, S., 175 ; Meyer, S 102 140 115 Talmud, Language : Briill, A., 28 ; Eisler, M., 38 ; Joel, M., 72 ; Judah b. Koreish, 79 ; Perles, J., 128; Riilf, G 135 Lectures: Jellinek, A 66 Legends: Castelli, D., 29 ; Hur- witz, H., 55 ; Jacob Ibn Chabib, 64 ; Josiah Pinto, 77 ; Samuel Jafeh 138 Leyden MS. : Schiller-Szi- nessy, S. M Life of Rabh: Muehlf elder, M. J Makkoth : Hananel of Kair- van 51 Magic : Brecher, G 27 Marriage law : Duschak, M. 37; Holdheim, S 55 Maxims: Hamburger, J 51 Megillah : Chayim Lipschuetz 30 Midrashim on certain terms : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 123 Negaim, translated : Wagen- seil, J. C 160 Opinion on : Fischer, K 42 Ordinances : Simeon Kahira, 144 ; Schroder, J. F 176 Planetary influences : Thein, S 158 Portuguese glossary : Solo- mon de Oliveyra 145 Repertory : Cahen, M. D 29 Scholia : Wiesner, J 162 Slavery : Seminaire Israelite 141 Talmudists : Abraham Zacuto, 5 ; Cahen, M. D., 29 ; Hoffmann, D. Z., 55 ; Isaac Schor, 59 ; Jehiel Heilprin, 66 ; Loewenstamm, A. L., 94 ; Wolfius, J. C 164 Translations 156-7 Treatise on the Samaritans : Kirchheim, R 83 Various readings : Rabbino- wicz, R., 131 ; Talmud 154 Weights and coins : Zucker- mann, B 166 Zoology : Lewysohn, L 87 Zunz's views criticised : El- jakim Hamizaghi 40 SUBJECT INDEX. 229 Talmud. See Agadah, Mishnah, Parables, Proverbs, Rabbinical language and literature. Talmud Torah scliool& in Constan- tinople : Anglo-Jewish. Associa- tion 171 Tanaim, Agada : Bacher, W 11 Bibliography : Jellinek, A. . . . 67 Chronology : Jehiel Heilprin 66 Commentary : Bible, Penta- teuch 24 Sepulchral memorials of : Hottinger, J. H 174 See Talmud, Talmudists. Tanchum, Lexical and exegetical writings of : Groldziher, 1 48 Tanchuma : Midrash, 175 ; Period- cals, Beth ha-Midrash 125 Targum 157-8 ■ Account : Blogg, S. E 26 Anthropomorphism and an- thropopathism in : Maybaum, S. 100 Criticism : Chajes, Hirsch ... 29 Dialect in Kurdistan : Lowy, Rev. A 95 Dictionary : Levy, J 87 Encyclopaedia : Rapoport, S. J. L 132 Essay : Deutsch, B 35 Glossary: Szebrczyn, David... 33 Glosses : Bible, Pentateuch ... 22 ■ Massorah : Berliner, A., 14 ; Bible, Pentateuch 24 of Jonathan b. Uzziel : Bible.. 15-17 of the Five Scrolls, Jewish- German paraphrase : Jacob of Janowa 63 of the Prophets : Frankel, Z... 43 Origin : Wolfius, J. C 164 Samaritan : Briill, A 28, 137 Treatise : Judah b. Koreisoh .. 79 See Bible 15-26 Tartary, Travels in : Pethachiah b. Jacob 128 TefiUin. See Phylacteries. Temple of Jerusalem : Abraham di Portaleone, 3 ; Adler, M.N., 171 ; Ferguson, J., 42 ; Hermann, J., 54 ; Jacob Leon, 63, 85 ; Joseph Sohnitzler 74 176 122 63 Temple of Jerusalem, Caligraphic design of the : Schulman, S. ... Hidden vessels : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash Legends of its destruction ; Jacob of Janowa Service symbolized in Midrash Tadshe ; Periodicals, Beth ha- Midrash 123 Ten tribes. Legends : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Testamentary exhortations : Abra- ham Danzig, 3 ; Edelman, H., 37 ; Midrash, 102 ; Moses b. Maimon, 113 ; Schechter, S., 139 ; Stein- schneider, M., 149 ; Zewaoth Ha- Geonim 166 Tests, Repeal : Abrabanel, S 2 Tetragrammaton, Cabala on the : Jellinek, A 66 Tetuan, Jewish life in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8 Theology, Jewish, Corpus of : Moses b. Maimon 110-12 Encyclopaedia of : Ham- burger, J 51 Essays: Geiger, A 46 History : Weiss, I. H. 161 ; Zunz, L 166 Introduction to : Geiger, A. 46 Moral : Luzzatto, S. D.... 96 See Talmud (Digest). Theosophy in Midrash Konen : Peri- odicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Theriak, Jewish : Solomon Ufhausen 148 Tholuk de ortu Cabbalae : Zunz, L. 168 Tisza-Eszlar trial : Jacobs, J 65 Tobit : Bible, Apocrypha 26 Toledo, Jewish epitaphs from : Luz- zatto, S. D 96 Tombstone inscriptions. See Epi- taphs. Topography. See Jewish communi- ties. Torah. See Bible, Pentateuch. Tosafists, List of : Cahen,M. D.,29 ; Renan, J. E Tosefta 154, Briill on signification and origin of: Zunz, L 169 133 159 230 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Tosefta, Criticism : Diinner, J. H. . 86 Digest : Moses b. Maimon 110 Introduction : Frankel, Z. ... 43 Touchstone, The, of Menachem b. Solomon : Graetz, H 1 73 Toxicology. See Poisons. Tradition, History of Jewish : Weiss, I.H 161 Traditions, Hebrew, in St. Jerome : Rahmer, M 131 See Legends. Translators from the Arabic : Stein- schneider, M 150 Travels in Abyssinia : Hebrew Literature Society 53 in Egypt : Frankl, L. A 43 in Egypt, Arabia, etc. : Saphir, J 139 in G-reece, Asia Minor, etc. : Frankl, L. A 43 in Morocco : Samuel Roma- nelli 138 in Palestine, etc. : Montefiore, M 106-7 in Poland, Tartary, etc. : Pethachiah b. Jacob 128 in the East : Anglo - Jewish Association, 9 ; Schur, W 140 of a Jew in 1495 : Periodicals, Jahrbuch 127 of Obadiah de Bertinoro : He- brew Literature Society 52 Treaties, Commercial, of Roumania : Jews 71 Trepanning in the 13th century : Steinschneider, M 151 Trial of Sabbathai Bassista : Oels- ner, L 120 Tribe, Jewish, in the Sahara : Mar- dochee Aby Serour 99 Tribes, Legends of Jewish ; Peri- odicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122-3 Tunis, Jewish schools in : Anglo- Jewish Association 8-9 Turkey, Condition of the Jews in : Loeb, 1 94 Typical expressions in Jewish literature: Steinschneider, M. ... 152 Typography. See Printers. PAGE United States. See America. Unity, The Divine : Steinschneider, M 148-9 Universe, Meditations on the : Jedaiah Bedarshi 66 Urine, Mediseval treatise on : Stein- schneider, M 152 Valley of Tears : Joseph b. Joshua 75 Vehizhir, The book : Zunz, L 169 Venice, Jewish epitaphs in : Ber- liner, A 14 Vienna, Hebrew manuscripts in the Imperial Library : Goldenthal, J. 48 History of the Jews of : Frankl, L. A., 48 ; Wolf, 163 Jewish commemoration ser- vices at : Jellinek, A 67 Vocabularies. See Dictionaries. Vulgate : Bible 15-17 "Wandering Jew," On the : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition ... 171 War of the Jews : Hegesippus, 53 ; Josephus 76-7 Weather predictions : Simane Raashim 143 Weekly portions, Sermons on the : Zarfati, Joseph 74 Weights and measures. Ancient Jewish : Herzfeld, L., 54; Zucker- mann, B 166 Oriental : Hottinger, J. H. ... 174 West London Synagogue, Liturgy of the : Liturgies 92 Music used in the : Liturgies, 94 ; Verrinder, C. G 160 Sermon preached in the : Salomon, G- 137 Wills. See Testamentary exhorta- tions. Winchester, Jewish deeds : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibition 172 Wisdom, Midrashim concerning : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash ... 122 Wisdom Divine : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 124 Wolf, L., Anglo- Jewish history : Anglo- Jewish Historical Exhibi- tion 171 SUBJECT INDEX. 231 Wolf, L., Bibliotheca An^lo-Ju- daica : Anglo- Jewish. Historical Exhibition 172 Women, Jewish. : Aguilar, Grrace, 7; Bible 19 History: Mosse, B 115 in history, literature and art : Kayserling, M 83 Manual of devotions for : Stem, M. E 153 Observances relating to : Joseph Caro 74 Prayers for : Liturgies 90 Worms, History of the Jews in : Manheimer, L., 98 ; Wolf, G 163 Jewish epitaphs in : Lewy- solm, L 87 Jewish, martyrs in: Jellinek, A. 67 Jewish persecution in : Mann- heimer, M 98 Worship, On public : Isaac Grrahn- boom 56 Writing, Antiquities of Jewish : Low, L 95 Talmudical treatise on: Talmud 157 Wlirtemberg, Jewish disabilities in : Pellatt, A 121 PAGB Year-books, Jewish. Periodical pub- lications 126-7 Yemen, Travels in : Saphir, J 139 See Sanaa. York, Jewish, deeds : Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition 172 Zerubbabel, Apocryphal book of : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 122 Zohar : Simeon b. Jochai 144 Agadas in the : Jacob Luzzatto 63 An historical date in the : Periodicals, Beth ha-Midrash 123 Bibliography of indices : Jel- linek, A 67 exposition : Naphtali b. Bacha- rach 116 Foreign terms ; Menahem di Lonsano 101 Grlossary : Simeon b. Jochai ... 144 Index to Biblical passages : Aaron b. Samuel 1 Miracle stories : Maase Adonai* 97 Readings from : Liturgies 90 See Cabala. Zoology of the Talmud : Lewysohn, L 87 Wertheimer, Lea & Co., Printers, Circus Place, London Wall. ■TV I A