Jewish Rights at the Congresses of Vienna (1814-1815) and Aix-La-Chapelle (1818) BY MAX J. KOHLER, A.M., LL.B. Reprinted from the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society Number 26 NEW YORK THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE 1918 $. " Mgmoire sur 1'Etat des Juives, Ad- dresse'e & S. M. 1'Empereur de Toutes les Russies," by Lewis Way, 53. " Memoiren des k. pr. Generals Lud- wig Freiherrn von Wolzogen," ref. to, 20 (note). " M6moires et Melanges Historiques et Litteraires," ref. to, 41 (note). " M6moires sur I'Gt&t des Israelites, dedie's et pre'sente's ft leur ma- jestes imperiales et royales, rfiunies au Congres d'Aix-la- Chapelle," by Lewis Way, 51, 61 (note). " Memoirs of Prince Metternich," ref. to, 53 (note), 61 (note), 90. quoted, 93. " Memoirs of the Quaker Grel. de Mobi, regarding his sojourn In Russia" (Pypin), ref. to, 89 (note). Mendelssohn, Dorothea. See Schlegel, Dorothea von. Mendelssohn, Henrietta, 65. Mendelssohn, Joseph, 66. Mendelssohn, Moses, 18, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Karl, ref. to work by, 49 (note). Metternich, Prince, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 22, 23 (note), 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49 (note), 50, 57, 58, 59, 60 (note), 61, 93. on Jewish emancipation in Frank- fort-on-the-Main, 29, 44. on Jewish emancipation in Ger- many, 30. "Memoirs" of, 53 (note), 61 (note), 90 (note) ; quoted, 93. on the Jewish question in Austria, 61-62. Metternich, Prince Richard, ref. to work by, 61 (note). Meyer, E., ref. to work by, 42 (note). Meyer, Jonas Daniel, 40, 42 (note). Meyer, Mariane. See Eybenburg, Mariane von. Meyer, Sara. See Grotthus, Sara von. Mikhailovich, Duke, ref. to work by, 90 (note). Mirabeau, 64. Missionary societies, English, and emancipation of Jews in Russia and Poland, 84, 85. " Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums," ref. to, 10 (note), 11 (note), 15 (note), 20 (note), 42 (note), 46 (note), 51 (note), 87 (note). " Morgenstunden," by Moses Men- delssohn, 67. Index. 105 Moritz, Johann C., 85, 86 (note). Mortara, Rabbi Marco, letter of Alexander von Humboldt to, 67- 68. Moscow, 86 (note), 88. Mtiller, Johann von, 52. Miinster, 89 (note). Miinster, Count of, 7, 8. Napier, Mrs. Alexander, ref. to work by, 61 (note). Napoleon, 6, 58. Napoleonic Sanhedrin, 5 (note), 58. Napoleonic Wars, 1, 2, 4 (note), 16, 64, 71 (note), 91. Nassau and Jewish emancipation, 25. Nathanson, M. L., ref. to work by, 42 (note). " Nebst Briefen von Koreff," alluded to, 69 (note). Neiszer, Regina, ref. to, 10 (note). Nesselrode, Count, 6, 37 (note), 50, 88 (note), 92. Netherlands, the, religious liberty in, and the Congress of Vienna, 2, 38, 41. See also Holland. " Neuere Geschichte der Israeliten " (Jost), ref. to, 40 (note), 42 (note). " Neueste Geschichte des judischen Volkes" (Philippson), ref. to, 29 (note), 90 (note). New York Public Library, 51 (note). Nicolai, alluded to, 64, 68. Nicolovius, Georg H. L., 66 (note). "Nord und Slid," alluded to, 20 (note). " Nouveau R e c u e i 1 G6nral " (Martens), ref. to, 57 (note). " Oeffentliches Recht des deutschen Bundes und der Bundes- staaten" (Kliiber), ref. to, 28 (note). *' Oesterreichischer Beobachter," ref. to, 16 (note). " Oesterreich's Juden in den Be- freiungskriegen " (Grunwald), alluded to, 20 (note). " Oeuvres Completes de J. de Maistre," 90 (note). Oko, A. S., alluded to, 4 (note). Olfers, Hedwig von, ref. to work by, 10 (note), 19 (note), alluded to, 20 (note). Oppenheimer, Jacob, 15, 16, 58. Orange, Prince of, 39, 40. Owen, Rev. John, work by, alluded to, 85 (note), 90 (note). Owen, R., ref. to work by, 90 (note). Owen, Robert, 90 (note). Palmella, Count, 18. Paterson, Rev. John, 84, 85. work by, alluded to, 85 (note), on patriotism of Russian Jews in Napoleonic invasion, 91. Pereyra, Madame, 6, 20. Perl, Josef, 91 (note). Perry, ref. to work by, 16 (note). Pertz, ref. to work by, 18 (note), 37 (note), 38 (note). Philippson, Martin, ref. to work by, 29 (note), 90 (note), 91 (note). Philipson, Rev. Dr. David, ref. to work by, 91 (note). Phillips, W. Alison, work by, ref. to, 17 (note), 89 (note) ; al- luded to, 50. Pilat, 49 (note), 89 (note). Pilats, the, of Vienna, 26 (note). Pinkerton, Robert, 85, 86 (note), works by, alluded to, 85 (note). " Plan d'une Memoire," by Lewis Way, 53. Plessen, von, 45 (note), 56, 57 (note). Poland, 62, 84, 85, 86 (note), 87, 92. intervenes in behalf of Jews of Bohemia, 46 (note). Jewish emancipation in, 51. Pope, the, intervenes in behalf of Jews of Bohemia, 46 (note). Prague, 5, 17, 33. " Precis historique sur 1'gtat des Israelites du Royaume de Pays- Bas " (Asser), alluded to, 42. " Preponderance Juive, La " (IA- mann), alluded to, 41 (note). 106 Index. " Present State of the Greek Church in Russia" (Paterson), alluded to, 85 (note). Prussia and religious liberty at the Congress of Vienna, 3, 38. and Jewish emancipation, 7, 8 (note), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 36, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 (note), 50, 57, 59, 60, 63, 70, 71, 83, 92. Public office, Jewish eligibility for, in Prussia, 77, 78. Ptitter, ref. to work by, 4 (note). Pypin, A. N., ref. to works by, 89 (note). " Rahel Varnhagen " (Bedrow), al- luded to, 69 (note). Raich, Dr. J. M., work by, alluded to, 18 (note). Raisin, J. S., ref. to work by, 91 (note), 92 (note). Rechberg, Count, 23, 33. " Recueil des traite's et conventions conclus par la Russie " (Mar- tens), ref. to, 53 (note). " Reform Advocate," ref. to, 70 (note). Religious liberty. See Aix-la-Cha- pelle, Congress of ; Vienna, Con- gress of. "Religious Liberty" (Rufflni), ref. to, 4 (note), 41 (note). Reuss, F., work by, alluded to, 51 (note). " Revue Droit International et de Legislation ComparCe," ref. to, 38 (note). Richelieu, 50. Ridder, Jean De, work by, ref. to, 38; quoted, 39; alluded to, 40. Riesser, Gabriel, 49. Ritter, I. H., ref. to work by, 15 (note). Rome, 60 (note). Rose, Sir George, 88. Rosenthal, Herman, ref. to, 90 (note), 91 (note). Rothschild, Baron, 60 (note). Rothschild, A. M., 45 (note). Rothschild, C. See Rothschild, Karl. Rothschild, Karl (C.), 45 (note), 59 (note). Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, 14. Rothschild, Nathan, 90 (note). Rothschild, Salomon, 59 (note). Rothschilds, the, 5, 14, 15, 48, 52, 60 (note). Royal Prussian Academy of Science, 33 (note), 71 (note). Ruffini, ref. to work by, 4 (note), 41 (note). Russia, 3, 37. and religious liberty at the Con- gress of Vienna, 3, 38, 45 ; at the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, 50, 53-55. and Jewish emancipation, 37. influence of English missionaries on treatment of Jews in, 84-93. "Russia" (Paterson), alluded to, 85 (note). Russian Bible Society, 85, 89, 90 (note). "Russie, La, et les Russes " (Tour- genieff), alluded to, 89 (note). " Russk Starina," ref. to, 89 (note). Saaling, Mariamne, 10 (note). " Saat auf Hoffnung," ref. to, 52 (note), 88 (note). St. Petersburg, 84, 89 (note). Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon. See Napoleonic Sanhedrin. Saxony and Jewish emancipation, 26, 27, 28, 34. intervenes in behalf of Jews of Bohemia, 46 (note). Schaumburg-Llppe and Jewish emancipation, 25, 26. Scheinhaus, L., ref. to works by, 91 (note). Schiff family of Hamburg, 16. Schlegel, Dorothea von, 6, 18, 26 (note), 65, 66, 68. Schlegel, Friedrich von, 18, 44, 59 (note). Schlegel, Wilhelm von, 65. Schlesier, ref. to work by, 60 (note). Schliemann, work by, alluded to, 89 (note). Index. 107 Schmidt, Wilhelm A., ref. to work by, 7 (note), 8 (note), 21, 22 (note), 37 (note). Schnapper-Arndt, G., ref. to work by, 14 (note). Schnitzler, J. H., work by, alluded to, 89 (note). " Schriften von Gentz" (Schlesler), ref. to, 60 (note). Schrotter, von, 38 (note), 71 (note). Schulze-Smidt, B., work by, alluded to, 21 (note) ; quoted, 26 (note). Schwemer, ref. to work by, 9 (note), 11 (note), 21 (note), 22 (note), 23 (note), 28 (note), 29 (note), 45, 48 (note), 59 (note). Schwenke, Paul, ref. to work by, 66 (note). " Secret History of the Court and Government of Russia under the Emperors Alexander and Nicholas" (Schnitzler), al- luded to, 121 (note). Sessa, anti-Semitic play by, 43. Simon. See Von Ronne and Simon. Slave-trade and the Congress of Vienna, 3. and the Congress of Aix-la-Cha- pelle, 90 (note). Sloane, William Milligan, ref. to work by, 41 (note). Smidt, Johann, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 59 (note), 70. Solms, Count, 20. Solomon. Benjamin, 85, 86 (note), 92 (note). on the education of Jews in Russia, 87. " Some Particulars relating to the late Emperor Alexander, with notes by L. W.," quoted, 88. Stagemann, Privy Councillor von, 10, 43 (note), 70 (note). Stein, Freiherr von, 6, 36, 37, 38. Stern, Alfred, ref. to, 7 (note), 10 (note), 38 (note), 48 (note), 53 (note), 60, 70 (note). Strassburg, 5. "Sulamitb," ref. to, 4 (note), 5 (note), 16 (note), 49 (note), 52 (note). " Supplementary Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington," ref. to, 90 (note), 93 (note). Swan, William, work by, alluded to, 85 (note). Sweden, 42. Sweet, work by, alluded to, 90 (note). Sydow, Anna von, work by, ref. to, 17 (note), 23 (note), 33 (note), 34 (note), 38 (note) ; alluded to, 20 (note) ; quoted, 65 (note), 66 (note), 68 (note). "Tagebvicher" (Gentz), 16 (note), 17 (note), 33 (note), 44 (note), 45 (note). alluded to, 48 (note), quoted, 59 (note). " Tagebficher," of Wilhelm von Humboldt, 33 (note). Talleyrand, Prince, 6, 18, 41. Tama, ref. to work by, 4 (note). Thirty Years' War, 4 (note). " Toleranzedikt Josephs II, Das " (Prank), alluded to, 41 (note). Tourgenieff, N., work by, alluded to, 89 (note). " Transactions of the Parisian San- hedrin " (Tama), ref. to, 4 '(note). Trautmansdorff, Prince, 20. " Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," ref. to, 90 (note). Treechow, 51 (note). Turkey intervenes In behalf of Jews of Bohemia, 46 (note). " Ueber den Verfasser der Posse Unser Verkehr" (Geiger), ref. to, 42 (note). " Ueber die Aufnahme der Jiidischen Glaubensgenossen zum Biirger- recht " (Buchholz), alluded to, 17. " Ueber die Stellung der Bekenner des mosaischen Glaubens in Deutschland " (Riesser), al- luded to, 49. 108 Index. " TJeber die Verbesserung der Is- raeliten im Koenigreich Poh- len " (Friedlaender), cited, 42 (note), alluded to, 92. " TJebersicht der dlplomatischen Ver- handlungen des Wiener Con- gresses " (Kltiber), quoted, 28- 29. Uffenhelm, G. G., 4, 13. " Ungarische Rundschau," ref. to, 44 (note). Unger, work by, alluded to, 18 (note). Varnhagen von Ense, Karl, 14, 19, 26 (note), 33 (note), 35, 65, 69. on Jewish emancipation In Ger- many, 35. works by, cited, 42-43 and (note) ; ref. to, 44 (note). Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel Levin, 6, 14, 19, 20 (note), 26 (note), 34, 35, 41, 68, 90 (note). " Vaterlandlsche Krleg 1812, Der, und die Juden " (Glnsburg), al- luded to, 91 (note). Velt, David, 68. Veit, Dorothea Mendelssohn. See Schlegel, Dorothea von. Venice intervenes in behalf of Jews of Bohemia, 46 (note). " Vermlschte Schrlf ten " (Varn- hagen von Ense), cited, 43 (note). Verona, Congress at, and Jewish emancipation, 88 (note )-89 (note). " Vestnlk Evropy," ref. to, 89 (note). " Vie de Minn, de Kriidener " (Ey- nard), ref. to, 90 (note). Vienna, 5, 10 (note), 13, 14, 20, 59, Gl (note). Vienna, Congress of, ill. Jewish rights at, 1-49. and religious liberty In general, 2, 8, 21, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 44. Vienna Ministerial Conference of 1820, and Jewish emancipation, 58. Vienna, Treaty of, 50. quoted, 39. Von Ronne and Simon, ref. to work by, 4 (note). " Vortrage und Versuche " (Gelger), ref. to, 15 (note), 17 (note), 19 (note), 42 (note). 48 (note). " Voyage, Le, de 1'Empereur Joseph II dans les Pays-Bas " (Hu- bert), ref. to, 41 (note). Waldeck and Jewish emancipation, 25. Wangenheim, 57. Ward, Sir Adolphus W., ref. to work by, 5, 6. Warsaw, 54, 55. Way, Drusilla, 52 (note), 90 (note), on activities of Lewis Way in be- half of the Jews, 88. Way, Lewis, 50, 51, 52 (note), 85, 86, 87, 88 (note), 89 (note), 90 (note), 93. works by, on Jewish emancipation presented at the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 59, 61 ; quoted, 53-56. and the Jews of Russia, 84-93. work by, alluded to, 86 (note). on Alexander I of Russia, 88. Wedler-Stelnberg, A., work by, al- luded to, 20 (note). Wellington, Duke of, 6, 17 (note), 18, 19, 50. "Wessenberg" (Arneth), cited, 8 (note). Wessenberg, Baron von, 5, 7, 33, 59 (note). Wessenberg, Count, 8. Westphalia, Jewish emancipation in, 3. Westphalia, Treaty of, 4 (note). Wilberforce, William, 87, 88, 90 (note). " Wilhelm und Karoline von Hum- boldt in ihren Briefen " (von Sydow), ref. to, 17 (note), alluded to, 20 (note), quoted, 65 (note)-66 (note), 69 (note). Index. 109 " Wilhelm von Humboldt als Staats- mann " (Gebhardt), ref. to, 9 (note). alluded to, 70. William I, King of the Netherlands, 40. Winzingerode, Count, 8. Wischnitzer, Dr. M., ref. to work by, 92 (note). Witnesses, competency of Jews as, in Prussia, 75 (note), 79. Wittichen, F. I., work by, alluded to, 20 (note) ; ref. to. 67 (note). " Wohltaten, Die, des Hauses Ro- ma now " (Scheinhaus), ref. to, 91 (note). Wolf. [G.,] ref. to work by, 17 (note), 60 (note). Wolf. Simon. See Kohler, Max J., nd Simon Wolf. Wolff, Joseph, 85, 90 (note). " Wort, Ein, zur Beherzigung an meine israelitische und christ- liche Glaubensbriider " (Dohm), alluded to, 51 (note). Wolzogen, Caroline von, 66 (note). Wrede, Prince, 7. Wiirttemberg and Jewish emancipa- tion, 7, 8, 57. Wurzbach, ref. to work by, 20 (note). 41 Zeitschrift fur Bucherfreunde," ref. to, 20 (note). " Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland," ref. to, 14 (note). Zichy, Count Charles, 18. Zola, alluded to, 64. "Zur Familienname Asch " (Ber- liner), alluded to, 90 (note). " Zur Geschichte der romisch- deutschen Frage " (Mejer), al- luded to, 18 (note), 68 (note). " Zustand der Israeliten zu Frank- fort " (Bender), alluded to, 48 (note). t: Zwei Epochen aus der Geschichte der deutsch-israelitischen Ge- meinde in Hamburg" (Ilaar- bleicher), ref. to, 16 (note), 37 (note). University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. THE LIBKAKY OF ' 3 1158 00394 2074 A 000048130 9 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This hook is DDE on the last date stamped helow. ROV5 31978 24139