a stranp 
 or injury 

 THE work which is now presented to the public has unfortunately 
 been many years in progress, as owing to various occupations, both 
 private and public, the leisure at my command has been but 
 small, and it has been only from time to time, often at long 
 intervals, that I have been able to devote a few hours to its 
 advancement. During this slow progress the literature of the 
 subject, especially on the Continent, has increased in an unprece- 
 dentedly rapid manner, and I have had great difficulty in at all 
 keeping pace with it. 
 I have, however, done my best, both by reading and travel, to 
 keep myself acquainted with the discoveries that were being made 
 and the theories that were being broached with regard to bronze 
 antiquities, whether abroad or at home, and I hope that so far as 
 facts are concerned, and so far as relates to the present state of 
 information on the subject, I shall not be found materially 
 Of course in a work which treats more especially of the bronze 
 antiquities of the British Islands, I have not felt bound to enlarge 
 more than was necessary for the sake of comparison on the cor- 
 responding antiquities of other countries. I have, however, in all 
 cases pointed out such analogies in form and character as seemed 
 to me of importance as possibly helping to throw light on the 
 source whence our British bronze civilisation was derived. 
 It may by some be thought that a vast amount of useless 
 trouble has been bestowed in figuring and describing so many 
 varieties of what were after all in most cases the ordinary tools of 
 the artificer, or the common arms of the warrior or huntsman, which 
 differed from each other only in apparently unimportant particulars. 
 But as in biological studies minute anatomy often affords the 
 most trustworthy evidence as to the descent of any given organism 
 from some earlier form of life, so these minor details in the form 
 and character of ordinary implements, which to the cursory 
 observer appear devoid of meaning, may, to a skilful archaeologist, 
 afford valuable clues by which the march of the bronze civilisation 
 over Europe may be traced to its original starting-place. 
 I am far from saying that this has as yet been satisfactorily 
 accomplished, and to my mind it will only be by accumulating a 
 far larger mass of facts than we at present possess that compara- 
 tive archeology will be able to triumph over the difficulties with 
 which its path is still beset. 
 Much is, however, being done, and I trust that so far as the 
 British Isles are concerned, the facts which I have here collected 
 and the figures which I have caused to be engraved will at all 
 events form a solid foundation on which others may be able to 
 So long ago as 1876 I was able to present to the foreign 
 archaeologists assembled at Buda-Pest for the International Con- 
 gress of Prehistoric Archaeology and Anthropology, a short abstract 
 of this work in the shape of my Petit Album de Vage du Bronze 
 de la Grande Bretagne, which I have reason to believe has been 
 found of some service. At that time my friend the late Sir 
 William Wilde was still alive, and as the bronze antiquities of 
 Ireland appeared to be. ^specially under his charge, I had not regarded 
 them as falling within the scope of my book. After his lamented 
 death there was, however, no possibility of interfering with his 
 labours, by my including the bronze antiquities of the sister country 
 with those of England, Wales, and Scotland in the present work, 
 and I accordingly enlarged my original plan. 
 In carrying out my undertaking I have followed the same 
 method as in my work on the "Ancient Stone Implements, &c., of 
 Great Britain ; " and it will be found that what I may term the 
 dictionary and index of bronze antiquities is printed in smaller 
 type than the more general descriptive and historical part of the 
 book. I have in fact offered those who take an ordinary interest 
 in archaeological inquiry without wishing to be burdened with 
 minute details a broad hint as to what they may advantageously 
 skip. To the specialist and the local antiquary the portion 
 printed in smaller type will be found of use, if only as giving 
 references to other works in which the more detailed accounts of 
 local discoveries are given. These references, thanks to members 
 of my own family, have been carefully checked, and the accuracy
 of all the original figures for this work, engraved for me with 
 conscientious care by Mr. Swain, of Bouverie Street, may, I think, 
 be relied on. 
 To the councils of several of our learned societies, and especially 
 to those of the Societies of Antiquaries of London and Edinburgh, 
 the Royal Irish Academy, the Royal Archaeological Institute, and 
 the Royal Historical and ArchaBological Association of Ireland, I 
 am much indebted for the loan of woodcuts and for other assist- 
 ance. I have also to thank the trustees and curators of many 
 local museums, as well as the owners of various private collections, 
 for allowing me to figure specimens, and for valuable information 
 My warmest thanks are, however, due to Mr. Augustus W. 
 Franks, F.R.S., and Canon Green well, F.R.S., not only for assist- 
 ance in the matter of illustrations, but for most kindly under- 
 taking the task of reading my proofs. I must also thank Mr. 
 Joseph Anderson, the accomplished keeper of the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh, and Mr. Robert Day, F.S.A., of Cork, for 
 having revised those portions of the work which relate to Scotland 
 and Ireland. 
 The Index has been carefully compiled by my sister, Mrs. 
 Hubbard. As was the case with those of my " Ancient Stone Im- 
 plements," and "Ancient British Coins," it is divided into two parts; 
 the one referring generally to the subject matter of the book, and 
 the other purely topographical. The advantages of such a division 
 in a book of this character are obvious. 
 In conclusion, I venture to prefer the request that any dis- 
 coveries of new types of instruments or of deposits of bronze 
 antiquities may be communicated to me. 
 March, 1881.
 The Succession of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages A Copper Age in America 
 Scriptural Notices of Bronze Bronze preceded Iron in ancient Egypt Bronze 
 in ancient Greece The Metals mentioned by Homer Iron in ancient Greece 
 Bronzes among other ancient Nations Use of Iron in Gaul and Italy 
 Disputes as to the three Periods The Succession of Iron to Bronze The Pre- 
 servation of ancient Iron 1 
 Origin of the word Celt Views of early Antiquaries Conjectures as to the Use of 
 Celts Opinions of modern Writers 27 
 Flat Celts from Cyprus and Hissarlik Discoveries of Flat Celts in Barrows Those 
 ornamented on the Faces Flanged Celts Those from Arreton Down And 
 from Barrows Decorated Flanged Celts Flat Celts found in Scotland Deco- 
 rated Scottish Specimens Flat Celts found in Ireland Decorated Irish Speci- 
 mensCharacter of their Decorations Flat Celts with Lateral Stops . . 39 
 Origin of the term Palstave Celts with a Stop-ridge Varieties of Winged Celts 
 Transitional Forms Palstaves with Ornaments on Face With Central Rib 
 on the Blade Shortened by Wear With a Transverse Edge Looped Pal- 
 stavesWith Ribs on Blade With Shield-like Ornaments With Vertical 
 Ribs on Blade With semi-circular Side-wings hammered over Iron Palstaves 
 imitated from Bronze Palstaves with two Loops Scottish Palstaves Irish 
 Palstaves Lopped Irish Palstaves Irish Palstaves with Transverse Edge 
 Comparison with Continental Forms 70 
 Terms, "the Recipient" and "the Received" Evolution from Palstaves With 
 "Flanches," or curved Lines, on the Faces Plain, with a Beading round the
 Mouth-Of a Gaulish type -With vertical Ribs on the Faces- With Ribs end- 
 ing in Pellets With Ribs and Pellets on the Faces -With Ribs and Ring 
 Ornaments -Variously ornamented Of octagonal Section With the Loop on 
 one Face Without Loops Of diminutive Size Found in Scotland 1 ound 
 in Ireland Comparison with Foreign Forms Mainly of Native Manufacture 
 in Britain Those formed of Iron 10 < 
 The perforated Axes of Bronze Celts in Club-like Handles Their Hafts, as seen 
 in Barrows Hafting after the manner of Axes Socketed Celts used as 
 Hatchets Hafted Celt found at Chiusi Hafts, as seen at Hallbtatt Celts in 
 some instances mounted as Adzes No perforated Axe-heads in Britain 
 Hafting Celts as Chisels I'* 6 
 Simple form of Chisel rare Tanged Chisels Chisels with Lugs at sides Socketed 
 Chisels Tanged Gouges Socketed Gouges Socketed Hammers Irish Ham- 
 mers Method of Hafting Hammers French Anvils Saws and Files almost 
 unknown in Britain Tongs and Punches The latter used in Orna- 
 menting Awls, Drills, or Prickers frequently found in Barrows Awls used 
 in Sewing Tweezers Needles Fish-hooks IGo 
 Method of Hafting Sickles with Projecting Knobs With SocketsSickles found 
 in Scotland and Ireland Found on the Continent 1 94 
 The Socketed Form Scottish and Irish Knives Curved Knives Knives with 
 broad Tangs With Lanceolate Blades Of peculiar Types Double-edged 
 Razors Scottish and Irish Razors Continental Forms 204 
 Tanged Knives or Daggers Knife-Daggers with three Rivets Method of Hafting 
 Daggers Bone Pommels Amber Hilt inlaid with Gold Hilts with numerous 
 Rivets Inlaid and Ivory Hilts Hilts of Bronze Knife-Daggers with five or 
 six Rivets Knife-Daggers from Scotland From Ireland Daggers with 
 Ornamented Blades With Mid-ribs With Ogival Outline Rapier-shaped 
 Blades Rapiers with Notches at the Base With Ribs on the Faces Rapiers 
 with Ox-horn and Bronze Hilts Bayonet-like Blades 222 
 Arreton Down type of Spear-heads With Tangs and with Socket Scandinavian 
 and German Halberds The Chinese Form Irish Halberds Copper Blades 
 less brittle than Bronze Broad Irish Form Scottish Halberds English and 
 Welsh Halberds The Form known in Spain Maces, probably Mediaeval . 257
 Their Occurrence in British Barrows not authenticated Occur with Interments in 
 Scandinavia The Roman Sword British Swords Disputes as to their Age 
 Hilts proportional to Blades Swords with Central Slots in Hilt-plate With 
 many Rivet-holes With Central Rib on Blade Representation of SAVord on 
 Italian Coin Those with Hilts of Bronze Localities where found Comparison 
 with Continental Types Swords found in Scotland In Ireland In France 
 Swords with Hilts of Bone Decorated with Gold Continental Types Early 
 Iron Swords 273 
 Sheaths with Bronze Ends Wooden Sheaths Bronze Sheaths Ends of Sword- 
 Sheaths or Scabbard Ends Chapes from England and Ireland Spiked 
 Chapes Mouth-pieces for Sheaths Ferrules on Sword-Hilts . . . .301 
 Different Types Leaf-shaped With a Fillet along the Midrib Ornamented on 
 the Sockets With Loops at the Sides From Ireland Decorated on the 
 Blade With Loops at the Baso of the Blade Of Cruciform Section near the 
 Point With Openings in the Blade With Flanges at the Side of the Openings 
 With Lunate Openings in the Blade Barbed at the Base Ferrules for 
 Spear-shafts African Spear Ferrules Continental Types Early Iron Spear- 
 heads 310 
 Shields with numerous raised Bosses With Concentric Ribs With Concentric 
 Rings of Knobs Shields found in Scotland In England and Wales Wooden 
 Bucklers The Date of Circular Bucklers Bronze Helmets Their Date . 343 
 Trumpets found in Ireland Trumpets with Lateral Openings The Dowris Hoard 
 Riveted Trumpets The Caprington Horn Trumpets found in England 
 Bells found in Ireland 3-57 
 Pins with Flat Heads With Crutched Heads With Annular Heads Those of 
 large Size With Spheroidal Heads With Ornamental Expanded Heads 
 From Scotland From Denmark Their Date difficult to determine . . 365 
 The Gaulish Torque Gold Torques Funicular Torques Ribbon Torques Those 
 of the Late Celtic Period Penannular Torques and Bracelets Bracelets en- 
 graved with Patterns Beaded and Fluted Looped, with Cup-shaped Ends 
 Late Celtic Bracelets Rings Rings with others cast on them Coiled Rings 
 found with Torques Finger-rings Ear-rings Those of Gold Beads of Tin 
 Of Glass Rarity of Personal Ornaments in Britain .... 374
 Difficulty in Determining the Use of some Objects Looped Sockets and Tubes 
 Possibly Clasps Perforated Rings forming a kind of Brooch Rings used in 
 Harness Brooches Late Celtic Buttons Circular Plates and Broad Hoops- 
 Perforated Discs Slides for Straps Jingling Ornaments Objects of Uncertain 
 Use Rod, with Figures of Birds upon it Figures of Animals . . . 396 
 Fictile Vessels Gold Cup Bronze Vessels not found in Barrows Caldrons found 
 in Scotland In Ireland Some of an Etruscan Form The Skill exhibited in 
 their Manufacture 407 
 Composition of Bronze Lead absent in early Bronze Sources of Tin and Copper 
 Analyses of Bronze Antiquities Cakes of Copper and Lumps of Metal Tin 
 discovered in Hoards of Bronze Ingots of Tin Methods of Casting Moulds 
 of Stone for Celts, Palstaves, Daggers, Swords, and Spear-heads Moulds of 
 Bronze for Palstaves and Celts The Harty Hoard Bronze Mould for Gouges 
 Moulds found in other Countries Moulds formed of Burnt Clay Jets or 
 Runners The Processes for Preparing Bronze Instruments for Use Rubbers 
 and Whetstones Decoration Hammering out and Sharpening the Edges . 415 
 Inferences from number of Types Division of Period into Stages The Evidence 
 of Hoards Their different Kinds Personal, Merchants', and Founders' 
 Lists of Principal Hoards Inferences from them The Transition from Bronze 
 to Iron Its probable Date Duration of Bronze Age Burial Customs of the 
 Period Different Views as to the Sources of Bronze Civilisation Suggested 
 Provinces of Bronze The Britannic Province Comparison of British and 
 Continental Types Foreign Influences in Britain Its Commercial Relations 
 Imported Ornaments Condition of Britain during the Bronze Age General 
 Summary 455
 The references are to the original sources of such cuts as have not been engraved 
 expressly for this book. 
 via. PAGE 
 1. Cyprus 40 
 2. Butterwick 41 
 3. Moot Low 44 
 Llew. Jewitt, F.S.A., "Grave Mounds," 
 fig. 187. 
 4. Yorkshire 45 
 5. Weymouth 46 
 6. Read 47 
 7. Suffolk 48 
 8. ArretonDown 49 
 Archaologia, vol. xxxvi. p. 329. 
 9. Plymstock 50 
 10. , 50 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 346. 
 11. Thames 52 
 12. Norfolk 52 
 13. Dorsetshire 53 
 14. Lewes 53 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 167. 
 15. Ely 53 
 16. Barrow 54 
 17. Liss 54 
 18. Rhosnesney 55 
 19. Drumlanrig 56 
 20. Lawhead 57 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 105. 
 21. Nairn 58 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. N.S. 
 22. Falkland 59 
 23. Greenlees 59 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 601. 
 24. Perth 60 
 25. Applegarth 60 
 26. Dams 61 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xiii. p. 120. 
 27. Ballinamallard 61 
 28. North of Ireland 62 
 29. Ireland 62 
 30. Tipperary 62 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 410. 
 31. Ireland . . 63 
 32. Connor 64 
 33. Clontarf 65 
 34. Ireland 65 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 248. 
 35. Ireland .... 
 .... 66 
 36. Trim 
 .... 66 
 37. Ireland .... 
 .... 66 
 38. .... 
 .... 66 
 39. Punched patterns . 
 .... 67 
 40. , . 
 .... 67 
 41. , . 
 .... 67 
 42 , 
 .... 67 
 43. , 
 .... 67 
 Wilde " Catal. Mus. R. 
 I. A.," figs. 286 
 to 290. 
 44. Annoy 
 .... 68 
 45. Ireland .... 
 .... 68 
 .... 69 
 47. .... 
 .... 69 
 48. Icelandic Palstave 
 .... 71 
 .... 71 
 Arch. Journ., vol. 
 vii. p. 74. 
 50. Wigton 
 51. Chollerford Bridge . 
 .... 73 
 .... 74 
 52. Chatham. . . . 
 .... 74 
 53. Burwell Fen . . . 
 .... 75 
 54. BuckneU. . . . 
 .... 75 
 65. Culham 
 .... 75 
 56. Reeth 
 .... 76 
 57. Dorchester . . . . 
 .... 76 
 58. Colwick .... 
 .... 77 
 59. Barrington . . . . 
 .... 78 
 60. Harston 
 .... 78 
 61. Shippey 
 .... 79 
 62. Severn 
 ... 80 
 63. Sunningwell . . . 
 64. Weymouth . . . . 
 .... 80 
 .... 82 
 65. Burwell Fen . . . 
 .... 82 
 66. East Harnham. . . 
 .... 83 
 67. Burwell Fen . . . 
 .... 83
 68. Thames .... 
 69. Stibbard . . . 
 70. Irthington . . . 
 71. North Owersby . 
 72. Bonn .... 
 73. Dorchester. . . 
 74. Wallingford . . 
 75. Stanton Harcourt 
 76. Brassingtou . 
 77. Bath 
 78. Oldbury HiU . . 
 . 84 
 . 84 
 ... 85 
 ... 87 
 ... 88 
 ... 88 
 ... 80 
 ... 89 
 ... 90 
 ._. . ... 91 
 80. Honington 9l 
 81. Ely . 92 
 82. Bottisham 
 83. Nettleham 93 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 84. Cambridge. 93 
 85. Carlton Rode 94 
 86. Penvores 96 
 87. West Buckland 96 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 107. 
 88. Bryn Crug S 
 89. Andalusia 97 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. C9. 
 90. Burreldale Moss 98 
 91. Balcarry 98 
 92. Pettycur 99 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 377. 
 93. Ireland IOC 
 94. 100 
 95. 101 
 96. North of Ireland 101 
 97. Lanesborough 101 
 98. Trillick 102 
 99. Ireland 102 
 100. 102 
 101. 102 
 102. 103 
 103. 103 
 104. 103 
 105. Miltown 104 
 106. Ireland 105 
 107. 105 
 108. , 105 
 109. BaUymena 105 
 110. HighRoding 109 
 111. Dorchester, Oxon 109 
 112. Wilts 110 
 113. Harty 110 
 114. Ill 
 115. Dorchester, Oxon Ill 
 116. Reach Fen 112 
 117. 112 
 118. Canterbury 114 
 119. L T sk 114 
 120. Alfriston . 115 
 121. Cambridge Fens 116 
 122. HighRoding H6 
 123. Chrishall 117 
 124. Reach Fen 117 
 125. Barrington H7 
 126. Mynydd-y-Glas 119 
 127. Stogursey 120 
 128. Guildford 120 
 129. Frettenham 120 
 ISO. Ely 121 
 131. Caston 121 
 132. Carlton Rode 122 
 133. Fornham 122 
 134. Fen Dittoii 123 
 135. Bottisham 123 
 136. Winwick 123 
 137. Kingston 124 
 138. Cayton Carr 124 
 139. Lakenheath 125 
 140. Thames 125 
 141. Kingston 125 
 142. 126 
 143. Thames 127 
 144. Givendale 127 
 145. Cambridge 127 
 146. Blandford 127 
 147. Ireland (?) 128 
 148. Barrington 128 
 149. Hounslow 128 
 150. Wallingford 128 
 151. Newham 129 
 152. Westow 130 
 153. Wandsworth 130 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 378. 
 154. \Vhittlesea 130 
 155. Nettleham 132 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 156. Croker Collection 132 
 157. Nettleham 132 
 Arch. Journ. vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 158. Ulleskelf 132 
 159. Reach Fen 133 
 160. Carlton Rode 133 
 161. Arras 134 
 162. Bell's Mills 135 
 " Catal. Ant. Mus. Ed." 
 163. North Knapdale 136 
 164. Bell's Mills 136 
 165. 136 
 " Catal. Ant. Mus. Ed." 
 166. Leswalt' 137 
 Ayr and Wig ton Coll., vol. ii. p. 11. 
 167. Ireland 138 
 168. 138 
 169. Belfast 139 
 170. Ireland 139 
 171. 139 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 280. 
 172. Athboy 140 
 173. Meath 140 
 174. Ireland 140 
 175. Newtown Crommolin .... 141 
 176. North of Ireland 141
 177. Ireland 141 
 178. 142 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 275. 
 179. Kertch 142 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 91. 
 180. Stone Axe of Montezuma II. . 148 
 181. Aymara Stone Hatchet . . .148 
 182. Modern African Axe of Iron . 149 
 183. Stone Axe, Eobenhausen . . . 150 
 184. Bronze Axe, HaUein .... 152 
 185. Karon, Brigue 154 
 186. Edenderry 155 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 257. 
 187. Chiusi 156 
 188. Winwick 158 
 189. Everley 163 
 190. Plymstock 166 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 346. 
 191. Heathery Burn 166 
 192. Glenluce 166 
 192* Carlton Rode 167 
 193. Wallingford 168 
 194. Reach Fen 168 
 195. Thixendale 168 
 196. Yattendon 169 
 197. Broxton 169 
 198. Scotland 170 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 613. 
 199. Ireland 170 
 200. Carlton Rode 171 
 201. Westow 172 
 202. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .172 
 203. Carlton Rode 173 
 204. Thorndon 174 
 205. Harty 174 
 206. TJndley 175 
 207. Carlton Rode 175 
 208. Tay 175 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 127. 
 209. Ireland 176 
 210. Thorndon 178 
 211. Harty 178 
 212. 178 
 213. Carlton Rode 178 
 214. Taunton 178 
 215. Ireland 179 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 66. 
 216. Dowris 179 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 65. 
 217. Fresne la Mere 182 
 218. 182 
 219. Heathery Burn Cave .... 185 
 220. Hatty 186 
 221. Reach Fen 180 
 222. Ebnall 186 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 66. 
 223. Upton Lovel 189 
 Archceologia, vol. xliii. p. 466. 
 224. Thorndon 189 
 225. Butterwick 189 
 226. Bulford 190 
 Arch&oloyia, vol. xliii. p. 465. 
 227. Winterbourn Stoke .... 190 
 228. Wiltshire 191 
 Archaologia, vol. xliii. p. 467. 
 229. Llangwyllog 192 
 230. Ireland 192 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 403. 
 231. Mcerigen 196 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 192. 
 232. Edington Bur.tle 197 
 233. , 197 
 234. Thames 198 
 235. Near Bray 199 
 236. Near Errol, Perthshire . . .200 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 378. 
 237. Garvagh, Deny 200 
 238. Athlone 201 
 239. Wicken Fen 204 
 240. Thorndon 205 
 241. Reach Fen 205 
 242. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .206 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132. 
 243. Kilgraston, Perthshire . . . .206 
 244. Kejft 207 
 245. Ireland 208 
 246. Moira 209 
 247. Fresne la Mere 209 
 248. Skye 209 
 Wilson's " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. 
 p. 400. 
 249. Wester Ord 209 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. viii. p. 310. 
 250. Reach Fen 210 
 251. 210 
 252. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .212 
 253. Harty 212 
 254. Ireland 212 
 255. Ballyclare 213 
 256. Reach Fen 213 
 257. Ballycastle 213 
 258. Ireland 213 
 259. Wigginton 214 
 260. Isle of Harty 214
 261. AUhallows, Hoo 214 
 262. Cottle 215 
 froc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 301. 
 263. Reach Fen 216 
 264. Lady Low 216 
 265. Winterslow 216 
 266. Priddy 216 
 267. Balblair 217 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 476. 
 268. Kogart 217 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. p. 431. 
 269. Wallingford 218 
 270. Heathery Burn Cave .... 218 
 271. Dunbar.* 219 
 272. 219 
 273. 219 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. p. 440. 
 274. Ireland 219 
 Wilde's " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 433. 
 275. Kinleith 220 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 87. 
 276. Nidau 221 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 91. 
 277. Roundway 223 
 278. Driffield ........ 224 
 279. Butterwick 225 
 280. Helperthorpe 227 
 281. 227 
 282. Garton . . .228 
 Archteologia, vol. xliii. p. 441. 
 283. Wilmslow 228 
 284. Hammeldon Down . . . .229 
 285. Reach Fen 230 
 286. AUhallows, Hoo 230 
 287. Brigmilston 231 
 288. Leicester 231 
 289. Normanton 232 
 290. Roke Down 233 
 291. Ireland 235 
 292. Belleek . . 235 
 Journ. JR. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 4th S., vol. ii. p. 196. 
 293. Ireland 235 
 294. Woodyates 236 
 295. Homington 237 
 296. Idmiston 237 
 297. Dow Low 239 
 298. Cleigh 239 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Soc., vol. x. p. 84. 
 299. Collessie 239 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 440. 
 300. Musdin 240 
 301. Plymstock 240 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 346. 
 302. Winterbourn Stoke . . . .240 
 303. Camerton 243 
 304. Cambridge 243 
 305. Magherafelt 245 
 Journ. JR. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 2nd S., vol. i. p. 286. 
 306. Arreton Down 245 
 307. Kinghorn 245 
 SOS. CoUoony 246 
 309. Ireland 246 
 Wilde's " Catal. Mns. R. I. A." fig. 347. 
 310. Kilrea 247 
 311. Thames 247 
 312. Thatcham 247 
 313. Coveney 249 
 314. Thames 249 
 315. Chatteris 251 
 316. Thetford 251 
 317. Londonderry 251 
 318. Lissane 252 
 Wilde's " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 314. 
 319. Galbally 253 
 Journ. It. S. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 4th 8., vol. ii. p. 197. 
 320. Tipperary 254 
 321. Ely 255 
 322. North of Ireland 255 
 323. Raphoe 255 
 324. Arreton Down 258 
 325. Stratford le Bow 258 
 326. Matlock 259 
 327. Plymstock 259 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 349. 
 328. Arreton Down 260 
 329. Arup 261 
 Montelius, " Sver. Forntid," fig. 131. 
 330. China 262 
 331. Ireland 264 
 332. Cavan 266 
 333. Kewtown Limavady .... 267 
 334. Ballygawley 267 
 335. Falkland ." 268 
 336. Stranraer 268 
 froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 423. 
 337. Harbyrnriggc 269 
 338. Shropshire 269 
 339. Lidgate 271 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 181. 
 340. Great Bedwin 271 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 411. 
 341. Ireland 271 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 361. 
 342. Battersea 278 
 343. Barrow 279 
 344. Newcastle 281
 345 Wetheringsett 
 386. Reach Fen 
 387. Ireland. . . 
 . 317 
 346. Tiverton 
 347. Kingston 
 348. Ely 
 349. River Cherwell 
 350. Lincoln 
 Proc. Sot: Ant., vol. ii. p. 199. 
 351. Whittingham 
 352. Brechin 
 353. Edinburgh 
 354. Newtown Limavady . . . 
 355. Ireland 
 358. Muckno 
 Journ. R. H. $ A. Assoc. of Ir elan 
 3rd S., vol. i. p. 23. 
 360 Muckno 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 
 388. North of Ireland .... 
 389. Ireland 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 
 390. Reach Fen 
 391. Thorndon 
 392. Culham. . . 
 . 319 
 . 319 
 . 319 
 . 319 
 . 320 
 . 320 
 . 321 
 . 323 
 . 323 
 393. Athenrv 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 
 394. Thetford 
 395. Lakenheath 
 396. Near Cambridge .... 
 397. North of Ireland . . . 
 398. Ireland 
 399. Thames 
 400. Ireland 
 401. Near Ball vmena. . . 
 402. Ireland. " 
 . 324 
 . 324 
 . 324 
 . 325 
 . 326 
 . 326 
 . 326 
 361. Mully lagan 
 Journ. R. H. $ A. A-snoc. of Jrelani 
 4th S., vol. ii. p. 257. 
 362. Mullylagan 
 363. Ireknd 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig 
 385, 386, 378. 
 405. Elford .... 
 406. Isleham Fen . . 
 407. Stibbard 
 408. Ireland 
 409. Lakenheath Fen . . 
 410. Nettleham. . . . 
 . 328 
 . 329 
 . 329 
 . 329 
 . 330 
 364. Isleworth 302 
 365. Guilsfield 303 
 366. River Isis, near Dorchester . . 303 
 367. Ireland 303 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 335. 
 368. Stogursey, Somerset . . . . 304 
 369. Brechin. . . 304 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 81. 
 370. Pant-y-Maen 304 
 371. Reach' Fen 306 
 372. Cloonmore 305 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 336. 
 373. Stoke Ferry 305 
 374. Keelogue Ford, Ireland . . .306 
 375. Mildenhall 306 
 376. Thames 307 
 377. Isle of Harty 308 
 378. Thames, London 312 
 379. Lough Gur 312 
 380. 312 
 381. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .312 
 382. Nettleham 314 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 159. 
 383. Achtertyre 315 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix. p. 435. 
 384. North of Ireland 316 
 385. Newark 317 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160, 
 411. Knockans . 
 412. Lurgan 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 
 413. Ireland 
 414. Antrim 
 415. Thames 
 416. Naworth Castle 
 417. Blakehope 
 418. Whittingham 
 419. Winmarleigh 
 420. Burwell Fen . . . 
 421. Denhead 
 " Catal. Ant. Mus. Ed.," p. S8 
 422. Speen 
 423. Nettleham. 
 . 331 
 . 332 
 . 332 
 . 332 
 . 333 
 . 333 
 . 334 
 . 334 
 . 335 
 . 336 
 . 337 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 424. Guilsfield 339 
 425. Glancych 341 
 426. Fulbourn 341 
 427. Hereford . . 341 
 428. Little Wittenham 344 
 Messrs. James Parker & Co. 
 429. Harlech 345 
 430. Coveney 346 
 431. 347 
 432. Beith 347 
 433. 348
 434. Beith 349 
 Ayr and Wigton Coll., vol. i. p. 66. 
 435. Yotholm 350 
 436. 350 
 437. , 350 
 Proa. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 165. 
 438. Limerick 357 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R.I. A.," fig. 360. 
 439. Tralee 358 
 440. 359 
 441. 359 
 Journ. R. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 4th S., vol. iii. p. 422. 
 442. Africa 359 
 443. Derrynane 360 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 529. 
 444. Portglenone 361 
 Journ. R. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 4th S., vol. iii. p. 422. 
 443. The Caprington. Horn .... 362 
 Ayr and Wigton Coll., vol. i. p. 74. 
 446. Dowris 364 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 523. 
 447. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .365 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 130. 
 448. Brigmilston 366 
 449. Everley 366 
 450. Bryn Crug 367 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxv. p. 246. 
 451. Taunton 367 
 452. Chilton Bustle 367 
 Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 106. 
 453. Ireland 368 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 452. 
 454. River Wandle 368 
 Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 8. 
 455. Scratchbury 369 
 456. Camerton 369 
 Both from Archceologia, vol. xliii. p. 468. 
 457. Ireland 370 
 458. 370 
 459. Cambridge 370 
 460. Ireland 370 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 447. 
 461. North of Ireland 370 
 462. Keelogue Ford 371 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 449. 
 463. Ireland 371 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A." fig. 448. 
 464. Edinburgh 372 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., New S., vol. i. 
 p. 322. 
 465. Ireland 372 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 450. 
 466. Wedmore 375 
 467. 376 
 468. West Buckland 377 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 107. 
 469. Wedmore 378 
 470. Yarnton 379 
 471. Montgomeryshire 380 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 467. 
 472. Achtertyre 382 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix. p. 435. 
 473. Redhill 382 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 138. 
 474. Scilly 383 
 475. Liss 383 
 476. Stoke Prior 384 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xx. p. 200. 
 477. Stobo Castle 384 
 Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 277- 
 478. Guernsey 385 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 344. 
 479. Cornwall 385 
 480. Normanton 385 
 Archceologia, vol. xliii. p. 469. 
 481. West Buckland 386 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 107. 
 482. Ham Cross 386 
 483. Heathery Burn Cavo .... 386 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 131. 
 484. County Cavan 387 
 485. Cowlam 387 
 486. 388 
 487. Ireland 389 
 Wilde, '< Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 480. 
 488. Woolmer Forest 390 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 83. 
 489. Dumbarton 390 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 24. 
 490. Cowlam 392 
 491. Goodmanham 392 
 Greenwell's "British Barrows," p. 324. 
 492. Orton 392 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. viii. p. 30. 
 493. Reach Fen 397 
 494. 397 
 495. Broadward . .' 397 
 Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 354. 
 496. Trillick 398 
 Journ. R. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 
 3rd S., vol. i. p. 164. 
 497. Ireland 399 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 494. 
 498. Cowlam 400 
 499. Reach Fen 400
 Kill. PAGE 
 500. Edinburgh 401 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., New S., vol. i. 
 p. 322. 
 .301. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .402 
 502. .... 402 
 Both from Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. iii. p. 236. 
 503. Harty 403 
 504. Dreuil, Amiens 404 
 505. Abergele 404 
 506. 404 
 507. , 404 
 508. Drouil, Amiens 405 
 509. Goldcii Cup, Rillaton .... 408 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 189. 
 510. Kincardine Moss 410 
 Wilson, "Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. 
 p. 409. 
 511. Ireland 411 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 407. 
 512. Ireland 412 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 409. 
 513. Capecastle Bog 413 
 514. Falmouth 426 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 39. 
 i 515. Ballymena 429 
 1 516. Ireland 431 
 : 517. 431 
 518. Ballymoney 433 
 519. Broughshano 433 
 520. Knighton 434 
 521. 434 
 | 522. Maghera, Co. Deny 435 
 I 523. Lough Gur 436 
 Arch. Jotirti., vol. xx. p. 170. 
 ; 524. Campbelton 437 
 i 525. 437 
 ! 526. 437 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 48. 
 527. HothamCarr 439 
 528. Wiltshire 440 
 529. 440 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 158. 
 530. Harty 441 
 531. 442 
 532. 446 
 533. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .448 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. 
 p. 132. 
 534. Stogursey 450 
 535. 450 
 536. 450 
 537. Heathery Burn Cave . . . .451 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132. 
 538. Kirby Mooraide 452 
 539. Hove 452 
 Sussex Arch. Coll., vol. ix. p. 120. 
 540. Harty 453 
 Page 117, under fig. 123, for " Crishall " read " Chrishall." 
 143, line 15, for " Spain " read " Portugal." 
 207, ., 34, for "St. Genoulph" read "St. Genouph." 
 16, for "St. Julien Chateuil" read "St. Jullien, Chapleuil.' 
 3 from bottom, for " Staffordshire" read "Shropshire." 
 4, for " Suffolk" read " Sussex." 
 , 336, 20, for "Staffordshire" read" Shropshire." 
 , 452, ,, 4 from bottom, for " Staffordshire " read " Shropshire.
 HAVING already in a former work attempted the arrangement and 
 description of the Ancient Stone Implements and Ornaments of 
 Great Britain, I am induced to undertake a similar task in con- 
 nection with those Bronze Antiquities which belong to the period 
 when Stone was gradually falling into disuse for cutting purposes, 
 and Iron was either practically unknown in this country, or had 
 been but partially adopted for tools and weapons. 
 The duration and chronological position of this bronze-using 
 period will have to be discussed hereafter, but I must at the outset 
 reiterate what I said some eight or ten years ago, that in this 
 country, at all events, it is impossible to fix any hard and fast 
 limits for the close of the Stone Period, or for the beginning or 
 end of the Bronze Period, or for the commencement of that of 
 Iron. Though the succession of these three stages of civilisation 
 may here be regarded as certain, the transition from one to the 
 other in a country of such an extent as Britain occupied, more- 
 over, as it probably was, by several tribes of different descent, 
 manners, and customs must have required a long course of years 
 to become general ; and even in any particular district the change 
 cannot have been sudden. 
 There must of necessity have been a time when in each district 
 the new phase of civilisation was being introduced, and the old 
 conditions had not been entirely changed. So that, as I have else- 
 where pointed out, the three stages of progress represented by the 
 Stone, Bronze, and Iron Periods, like the three principal colours of 
 the rainbow, overlap, intermingle, and shade off the one into the 
 other, though their succession, so far as Britain and Western 
 Europe are concerned, appears to be equally well defined with that 
 of the prismatic colours.
 In thus speaking of a bronze-using period I by no means wish 
 to exclude the possible use of copper unalloyed with tin. There 
 is indeed every ground for believing that in some parts of the world 
 the use of native copper must have continued for a lengthened 
 period before it was discovered that the addition of a small pro- 
 portion of tin not only rendered it more readily fusible, but added 
 to its elasticity and hardness, and thus made it more serviceable 
 for tools and weapons. Even after the advantages of the alloy 
 over the purer metal were known, the local scarcity of tin may at 
 times have caused so small a quantity of that metal to be employed, 
 that the resulting mixture can hardly be regarded as bronze ; or 
 at times this dearth may have necessitated the use of copper alone, 
 either native or as smelted from the ore. 
 Of this Copper Age, however, there are in Europe but extremely 
 feeble traces, if indeed any can be said to exist. It appears not 
 unlikely that the views which are held by many archaeologists as 
 to the Asiatic origin of bronze may prove to be well founded, and 
 that when the use of copper was introduced into Europe, the dis- 
 covery had already long been made that it was more serviceable 
 when alloyed with tin than when pure. In connection with this 
 it may be observed that the most important discovery of instru- 
 ments of copper as yet recorded in the Old World is that which was 
 made at Gungeria in Central India.* They consisted of flat celts of 
 what has been regarded as the most primitive type ; but with them 
 were found some ornaments of silver, a circumstance which seems 
 to militate against their extreme antiquity, as the production 
 silver involves a considerable amount of metallurgical skill, and 
 probably an acquaintance with lead and other metals. However 
 this may be, there are reasons for supposing that if a Copper Age 
 existed in the Old World its home was in Asia or the most 
 eastern part of Europe, and not in any western country. 
 The most instructive instance of a Copper Age, as distinct from 
 one of Bronze, is that afforded by certain districts of North 
 America, in which we find good evidence of a period when, in 
 addition to stone as a material from which tools and weapons were 
 made, copper also was employed, and used in its pure native con- 
 dition without the addition of any alloy. 
 The State of Wisconsin! alone has furnished upwards of a 
 hundred axes, spear-heads, and knives formed of copper ; and, to 
 judge from some extracts from the writings of the early travellers 
 * Seepostea, p. 40. f Butler, "Prehist. Wisconsin."
 given by the Rev. E. F. Slafter,* that part of America would seem 
 to have entered on its Copper Age long before it was first brought 
 into contact with European civilisation, towards the middle of the 
 sixteenth century. It has been thought by several American 
 antiquaries that some at least of these tools and weapons were 
 produced by the process of casting, though the preponderance of 
 opinion seems to be in favour of all of them being shaped by the 
 hammer and not cast. Among others I may mention my friend 
 the Hon. Colonel C. C. Jones, who has examined this question for 
 me, and has been unable to discover any instance of one of these 
 copper tools or weapons having been indisputably cast. 
 That they were originally wrought, and not cast, is d priori in 
 the highest degree probable. On some parts of the shores of 
 Lake Superior native copper occurs in great abundance, and 
 would no doubt attract the attention of the early occupants of 
 the country. Accustomed to the use of stone, they would at first 
 regard the metal as merely a stone of peculiarly heavy nature, 
 and on attempting to chip it or work it into shape would at once 
 discover that it yielded to a blow instead of breaking, and that in 
 fact it was a malleable stone. Of this ductile property the 
 North American savage availed himself largely, and was able to 
 produce spear-heads with sockets adapted for the reception of their 
 shafts by merely hammering out the base of the spear-head and 
 turning it over to form the socket, in the same manner as is so 
 often employed in the making of iron tools. But though the 
 great majority of the instruments hitherto found, if not all, have 
 been hammered and not cast, it would appear that the process of 
 melting copper was not entirely unknown. Squier and Davis 
 have observed,! " that the metal appears to have been worked in 
 all cases in a cold state. This is somewhat remarkable, as the fires 
 upon the altars were sufficiently strong in some instances to melt 
 down the copper implements and ornaments deposited upon them, 
 and the fact that the metal is fusible could hardly have escaped 
 notice." That it did not altogether escape observation is shown by 
 the evidence of De Champlain,+ the founder of the city of Quebec. 
 In 1610 he was joining a party of Algonquins, one of whom met 
 him on his barque, and after conversation " tira d'un sac une 
 piece de cuivre de la longueur d'un pied qu'il me donna, le quel 
 * "Preh. Copper Tmpl.," Boston, 1879. 
 t " Anc. Hon. of the Missies. Valley." p. 202. 
 t "Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain," Paris, 1613, pp. 2467, cited by Slafter, 
 op. cit., p. 13. 
 B 2
 estoit fort beau et bien franc, me donnant a entendre qu'il en avoit 
 en quantit^ la ou il 1'avoit pris, qui estoit sur le bort d'une riviere 
 proche d'un grand lac et qu'ils le prenoient par morceaux, et le 
 faisant fondre le mettoient en lames, et avec des pierres le ren- 
 doient uny." 
 We have here, then, evidence of a Copper Age,* in comparatively 
 modern times, during most of which period the process of fusing 
 the metal was unknown. In course of time, however, this art was 
 discovered, and had not European influences been brought to bear 
 upon the country this discovery might, as in other parts of the 
 world, have led to the knowledge of other fusible metals, and 
 eventually to the art of manufacturing bronze- an alloy already 
 known in Mexico and Peru.f 
 So far as regards the Old World there are some who have sup- 
 posed that, owing to iron being a simple and not a compound 
 metal like bronze, and owing to the readiness with which it may 
 be produced in the metallic condition from some of its ores, iron 
 must have been in use before copper. Without denying the 
 abstract possibility of this having been the case in some part of our 
 globe, I think it will be found that among the nations occupying 
 the shores of the eastern half of the Mediterranean a part of the 
 world which may be regarded as the cradle of European civilisation 
 not only are all archaeological discoveries in favour of the suc- 
 cession of iron to bronze, but even historical evidence supports 
 their testimony. 
 In the Introductory Chapter of my book on Ancient Stone 
 Implements I have already touched upon this question, on which, 
 however, it will here be desirable farther to enlarge. 
 The light thrown upon the subject by the Hebrew Scriptures is 
 but small. There is, however, in them frequent mention of most 
 of the metals now in ordinary use. But the word nu?"n?, which in 
 our version is translated brass a compound of copper and zinc 
 would be more properly translated copper, as indeed it is in one 
 instance, though there it would seem erroneously, when two vessels 
 of fine copper, precious as gold, are mentioned. J In some passages, 
 however, it would appear as if the word would be more correctly 
 * For notices of American copper instruments see, in addition to the works already 
 quoted, Wilson, "Prehist. Man," vol. i. p. 205, &c. ; Lubbock, " Preh. Times," p. 258, 
 &c. See also an interesting article by Dr. Emil Schmidt, in Arehiv.fiir Anth., vol. xi. 
 p. 65. 
 t A Peruvian chisel analyzed by Vauquelin gave -94 of copper and '06 of tin (Moore's 
 " Anc. Mineralogy," p. 42). 
 % Ezra, ch. viii. v. 27.
 rendered bronze than copper, as, for instance, where Moses* is 
 commanded to cast five sockets of brass for the pillars to carry the 
 hangings at the door of the tabernacle, which could hardly have been 
 done from a metal so difficult to cast as unalloyed copper. Indeed 
 if tin were known, and there appears little doubt that the word 
 Vn5 represents that metal, its use as an alloy for copper can hardly 
 have been unknown. It may, then, be regarded as an accepted 
 fact that at the time when the earliest books of the Hebrew Scrip- 
 tures were reduced to writing, gold,t silver, iron, tin, lead, and brass, 
 or more probably bronze, were known. To what date this reduc- 
 tion to writing is to be assigned is a question into which it would 
 be somewhat out of place here to enter. The results, however, of 
 modern criticism tend to prove that it can hardly be so remote as 
 the fourteenth century before our era. 
 In the Book of Job, as to the date of which also there is some 
 diversity of opinion, we find evidence of a considerable acquaint- 
 ance with the metals : " Surely there is a vein for the silver, and 
 a place for gold where they fine it. Iron is taken out of the 
 earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. "+ Lead is also men- 
 tioned, but not tin. 
 Before quitting this part of the subject I ought perhaps to 
 allude to the passage respecting Tubal-Cain, the seventh in descent 
 from Adam, who is mentioned as " an instructor of every artificer in 
 brass and iron," or a furbisherll of every cutting instrument in those 
 metals. This must, however, be regarded as a tradition incor- 
 porated in the narrative at the time it was written, and probably 
 with some accessory colouring in connection with the name which 
 Gesenius has suggested may mean scoriarum faber, a maker of 
 dross, and which others have connected with that of Vulcan. 
 Sir Gardner WilkinsonH" has remarked on this subject that what- 
 ever may have been the case in earlier times, " no direct mention 
 is made of iron arms or tools till after the Exodus," and that 
 " some are even inclined to doubt the barzel (bna), of the Hebrews 
 being really that metal," iron. 
 Movers** has observed that in the whole Pentateuch iron is 
 mentioned only thirteen times, while bronze appears no less than 
 forty-four, which he considers to be in favour of the later intro- 
 duction of iron ; as also the fact that bronze, and not iron, 
 * Exod., ch. xxvi. v. 37. t Numbers, ch. xxxi. v. 22. 
 % Ch. xxviii. v. 1, 2. Genesis, ch. iv. v. 22. 
 || Smith's " Diet, of the Bible," *. v. IF " Anc. Egyptians," vol. iii. p. 
 ** "Phonicier," ii. 3.
 was associated with gold and silver in the fittings for the 
 For other passages in Scripture relative to the employment of 
 brass or bronze, and iron, among the Jews, the reader may consult 
 an excellent article by the Rev. John Hodgson in the first volume 
 of the Archceologia jfiliana (1816), "An Inquiry into the Era 
 when Brass was used in purposes to which Iron is now applied." 
 From this paper I have largely borrowed in subsequent pages. 
 As to the succession of the two metals, bronze and iron, among 
 the ancient Egyptians, there is a considerable diversity of opinion 
 among those who have studied the subject. Sir Gardner Wilkin- 
 son,* judging mainly from pictorial representations, thinks that the 
 Egyptians of an early Pharaonic age were acquainted with the use 
 of iron, and accounts for the extreme rarity of actual examples by 
 the rapid decomposition of the metal in the nitrous soil of Egypt. 
 M. Chabas,f the author of a valuable and interesting work upon 
 primitive history, mainly as exhibited by Egyptian monuments, 
 believes that the people of Egypt were acquainted with the use of 
 iron from the dawn of their historic period, and upwards of 3000 
 years B.C. made use of it for all the purposes to which we now 
 apply it, and even prescribed its oxide as a medicinal preparation. 
 M. Mariette,+ on the contrary, whose personal explorations entitle 
 his opinion to great weight, is of opinion that the early Egyptians 
 never really made use of iron, and seems to think that from some 
 mythological cause that metal was regarded as the bones of Typhon, 
 and was the object of a certain repugnance. M. Chabas himself is, 
 indeed, of opinion that iron was used with extreme reserve, and, so 
 to speak, only in exceptional cases. This he considers to have been 
 partly due to religious motives, and partly to the greater abundance 
 of bronze, which the Egyptians well knew how to mix so as to 
 give it a fine temper. From whatever cause, the discovery of iron 
 or steel instruments among Egyptian antiquities is of extremely 
 rare occurrence ; and there are hardly any to which a date can be 
 assigned with any approach to certainty. The most ancient 
 appears to be a curved scimitar-like blade discovered by Belzoni 
 beneath one of the Sphinxes of Karnak, and now in the British 
 * " Anc. Egyptians," vol. iii. pp. 246, 247. See also " The Egyptians in the Time of 
 the Pharaohs," p. 99. 
 t" Etudes sur 1'Antiquite Historique d'apres les sources Egyptiennes," &c., 1872, 
 p. 69. 
 J " Catalogue de Boulaq," pp. 247, 248 ; Chahas, p. 54. See also Emil Soldi, 
 " L'Art Egyptien," 1879, p. 41.
 Museum.* Its date is stated to be about 600 B.C. t A wedge of 
 iron appears, however, to have been found in a joint between the 
 stones of the Great Pyramid. $ 
 Without in any way disputing the occasional use of iron among 
 the ancient Egyptians, nor the interpretation of the colours red 
 and blue on the tomb of Rameses III. as being intended to repre- 
 sent blades of bronze and iron or steel respectively, I may venture 
 to suggest that the round blue bar, against which butchers are 
 represented as sharpening their knives in some of the pictures in the 
 sepulchres of Thebes, may have been too hastily regarded as a steel 
 instead of as a whetstone of a blue colour. The existence of a 
 steel for the purpose of sharpening seems to imply not only the 
 knowledge of the preparation of the metal and its subsequent 
 hardening, but also of files or of other tools to produce the peculiar 
 striated surface to which the sharpening property of a steel is due. 
 Had such tools been known, it seems almost impossible that no 
 trace of them should have come down to our times. Moreover, if 
 used for sharpening bronze knives, a steel such as at present 
 used would sooner become clogged and unfit for use than if em- 
 ployed for sharpening steel knives. 
 Lepsius II has observed that the pictures of the old Empire do 
 not afford an example of arms painted in blue, the metal of 
 weapons being always painted in red or bright brown. Iron was 
 but little used under the old Empire ; copper was employed in its 
 stead where the hardness of iron was not indispensable. 
 However this may be, it seems admitted on all hands that the 
 use of iron in Egypt in early times was much restricted, probably 
 from some religious motive. May not this have arisen from the 
 first iron there known having been, as it appears to have been in 
 some other countries, of meteoric origin ? The Coptic name for 
 iron, BG Nine, which has been interpreted by Professor LauthH as 
 "the Stone of Heaven," strongly favours such a view. The 
 resemblance of this term to BAA-N-HG, the baa of heaven, or 
 celestial iron, has also been pointed out by M. Chabas,** who, how 
 ever, is inclined to consider that steel was so called on account of 
 its reflecting the colour of the sky. If the iron in use among the 
 * Catal., No. 5410. t Day, " Preh. Use of Iron and Steel," page 14. 
 J Day, op. cit., p. 32. Wilkinson, op. cit., vol. iii. p. 247. 
 || " Les Metaux dans les Inscrip. Egypt.," 1877, p. 57. 
 IT "Zeitsch. f. ^Egypt. Sprache," &c., 1870, p. 114. 
 ** Op. cit., p. 67. Dr. Birch translates ba en pe " heavenly wood " or " stone " (Arch., 
 vol. xxxviii. p. 377 ; Hierog. Diet.}. See also a paper by the Eev. Basil Cooper in 
 Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. ii. p. 386, and Day, " Preh. Use of Iron and Steel," p. 41.
 early Egyptians were meteoric, and its celestial origin acknow- 
 ledged, both its rarity and its restricted use would be accounted 
 for. The term " bone of Typhon," as applied to iron, is given by 
 Plutarch on the authority of Manetho, who wrote in the days of 
 the first Ptolemy. It appears to be used only in contrast to the 
 name " bone of Horus," which, according to the same author, was 
 applied to the loadstone, and it seems difficult to admit any great 
 antiquity for the appellation, or to connect it with a period when 
 iron was at all rare, or its use restricted. 
 Although the use of iron in Egypt was at an early period com- 
 paratively unknown, that of bronze was most extensive. The 
 weapons of war,* the tools for various trades, including those of the 
 engraver and sculptor, were all made of that metal, which in its 
 crude form served also as a kind of circulating medium. It 
 appears to have been mainly imported from Asia, some of the 
 principal sources of copper being in the peninsula of Sinai. One 
 of the chief mines was situated at Sarbout-el-Khadem, where 
 both turquoises and copper ore were extracted, and the latter 
 smelted at Wady-Nash. The copper mines of Wady-Magarah are 
 thought to have been worked as early as the second dynasty, 
 upwards of 3000 years B.C. ; and in connection with ancient' 
 Egyptian mining, it is worth while again to cite Agatharchides,f 
 whose testimony I have already adduced in my " Ancient Stone 
 Implements," and who relates that in his time, circa B.C. 100, 
 there were found buried in some ancient gold-mines in Upper 
 Egypt the bronze chisels or wedges (Xaro/xtBe? ^aA/rat) of the old 
 miners, and who accounts for their being of that metal by the fact 
 that when those mines were wrought, men were in no way acquainted 
 with the use of iron. 
 In the seventh century B.C., however, iron must have been in 
 general use in Egypt, for on the landing of the Carians and lonians, J 
 who were armed with bronze, an Egyptian, who had never before 
 seen men armed with that metal, ran to Psammetichus to inform 
 him that brazen men had risen from the sea and were wasting the 
 country. As Psammetichus himself is described as wearing a 
 brazen helmet, the arms mentioned would seem to have been 
 offensive rather than defensive. 
 The source whence the tin, which formed a constituent part of 
 * Chabas, op. cit., p. 47. Lepsiua, op. cit., p. 57. 
 t " Photii Bibliotheca," ed. 1653, col. 1343. 
 I " Herod.," lib. ii. c. 152.
 the bronze, was derived, is much more uncertain. Indeed, to judge 
 from M. Chabas' silence, its name and hieroglyphic are unknown, 
 > though from some of the uses to which the metal designated by 
 Q was applied, it seems possible that it may have been tin. 
 On the whole, to judge from documentary evidence alone, 
 the question as to the successive use of the different metals 
 in Egypt seems to be excessively obscure, some of them being 
 almost impossible to identify by name or representative sign. 
 If, however, we turn to the actual relics of the past, we find 
 bronze tools and weapons in abundance, while those of iron are 
 extremely scarce, and are either of late date or at best of uncer- 
 tain age. So strong, indeed, is the material evidence, that the 
 late Mr. Crawfurd,* while disputing any general and universal 
 sequence of iron to bronze, confesses that Ancient Egypt seems to 
 offer a case in which a Bronze Age clearly preceded an Iron one, 
 or at least in which cutting instruments of bronze preceded those 
 of iron. 
 Among the Assyrians iron seems to have been in considerable 
 use at an early date, and to have been exported from that country 
 to Egypt, but knives and long chisels or hatchets of bronze were 
 among the objects found at Tel Sifr, in Southern Babylonia. The 
 earliest bronze image to which a date can be assigned appears to 
 be that on which M. Oppert has read the name of Koudourmapouk, 
 King of the Soumirs and Accads,t who, according to M. Lenormant, 
 lived about 2100 B.C. Dr. S. Birch reads the name as Kudur- 
 mabug (about 2200 B.C.). Others in the British Museum are 
 referred to Gudea, who reigned about 1700 B.C. 
 The mythology and literature of ancient Greece and Rome are so 
 intimately connected, that in discussing the evidence afforded by 
 classical writers it will be needless to separate them, but the 
 testimony of both Greek and Latin authors may be taken indis- 
 criminately, though, of course, the former afford the more ancient 
 evidence. I have already cited much of this evidence in the 
 Introductory Chapter of my book on Ancient Stone Implements, 
 mainly with the view of showing the succession of bronze to stone ; 
 on the present occasion I have to re-adduce it, together with what 
 corroborative testimony I am able to procure, in order to show 
 that, along the northern shores of the Mediterranean, philology and 
 history agree as to the priority of the use of bronze for cutting 
 instruments to that of iron. 
 * Trans. Ethnol. Soc., vol. iv. p. 5. t Soldi, " L'Art Egypt.," p. 25.
 The Greek language itself bears witness to this fact, for the 
 words significant of working in iron are not derived from the name 
 of that metal, but from that of bronze, and the old forms of ^a\Kev^ 
 and ^aXKeveiv remained in use in connection with the smith and 
 his work long after the blacksmith had to a great extent super- 
 seded the bronze-founder and the copper-smith in the fabrication 
 of arms and cutlery.* An analogous transition in the meaning of 
 words has been pointed out by Professor Max Miiller. " The 
 Mexicans called their own copper or bronze tepuztli, which is said 
 to have meant originally hatchet. The same word is now used for 
 iron, with which the Mexicans first became acquainted through 
 their intercourse with the Spaniards. Tepuztli then became a 
 general name for metal, and when copper had to be distinguished 
 from iron, the former was called red, the latter black tepuztli." t I 
 am not certain whether Professor Max Miiller still retains the views 
 which he expressed in 1864. He then pointed out* that "what 
 makes it likely that iron was not known previous to the separation 
 of the Aryan nations is the fact that its names vary in every one 
 of their languages." But there is a " name for copper, which is 
 shared in common by Latin and the Teutonic languages, ces, cerig, 
 Gothic ais, Old High German er, Modern .German Er-z, Anglo- 
 Saxon dr, English ore. Like chalkos, which originally meant 
 copper, but came to mean metal in general, bronze or brass, the 
 Latin ces, too, changed from the former to the latter meaning ; and 
 we can watch the same transition in the corresponding words of 
 the Teutonic languages. . ... . It is all the more curious, there- 
 fore, that the Sanskrit ayas, which is the same word as aes and 
 aiz, should in Sanskrit have assumed the almost exclusive mean- 
 ing of iron. I suspect, however, that in Sanskrit, too, ayas meant 
 originally the metal, i.e. copper, and that as iron took the place of 
 copper, the meaning of ayas was changed and specified 
 In German, too, the name for iron was derived from the older 
 name of copper. The Gothic eisarn, iron, is considered by Grimm 
 as a derivative form of aiz, and the same scholar concludes from 
 this that 'in Germany bronze must have been in use before iron.'" 
 But to return to Greece. It is, of course, somewhat doubtful how 
 far the word ^oX/ro?, as used by the earliest Greek authors, was 
 * XaXicevtiv Sk cat TO fftlriptvttv tXtyov, Kal xa\Kids, roi> rbv aiSrjpov epyao/vouc 
 (Julius Pollux, " Onomasticon," lib. vii. cap. 24). 
 t " Lectures on the Science of Language," 2nd S., 1864, p. 229 ; Tylor's " Anahuac," 
 1861, p. 140. 
 J "Lectures on the Science of Language," 2nd S., p. 231.
 intended to apply to unalloyed copper, or to that mixture of 
 copper and tin which we now know as bronze. Mr. Gladstone,* 
 who on all questions relating to Homer ought to be one of the 
 best living authorities, regards the word as meaning copper : 
 firstly, because it is always spoken of by Homer as a pure metal 
 along with other pure metals ; secondly, on account of the 
 epithets epvOpos, ^]vo^, and vcopoTJr, which mean red, bright, and 
 gleaming, being applied to it, and which Mr. Gladstone considers 
 to be inapplicable to bronze ; and thirdly, because Homer does not 
 appear to have known anything at all of the fusion or alloying of 
 metals. The second reason he considers further strengthened by 
 the probability that Homer would not represent the walls of the 
 palace of Alcinous as plated with bronze, nor introduce a heaven 
 of bronze among the imposing imagery of battle (II., xvii. 424). 
 On the whole he concludes that ^aA/ro? was copper hardened by 
 some method, as some think by the agency of water, or else and 
 more probably according to a very simple process, by cooling 
 slowly in the air.f 
 I regret to say that these conclusions appear to me to be founded 
 to some extent on false premises and on more than one misconcep- 
 tion. The process of heating copper and then dipping it in water or 
 allowing it slowly to cool, so far from being adapted for hardening 
 that metal, is that which is usually adopted for annealing or 
 softening it. While the plunging into cold water of steel at a red 
 heat has the effect of rendering that metal intensely hard, on 
 copper the reverse is the result ; and, as Dr. Percy has observed,? 
 it is immaterial whether the cooling after annealing or restoring 
 its malleability by means of heat takes place slowly or rapidly. 
 Indeed, one alloy of copper and tin is rendered most malleable 
 by rapid cooling. 
 It has been stated! that bronze of the ancient composition may 
 by cooling it slowly be rendered as hard as steel, and at the same 
 time less brittle, but this statement seems to require confirmation. 
 According to some II the impossibility of hardening bronze like 
 steel by dipping it into water had passed into a proverb so early 
 as the days of J^schylus, but " ^O\KOV jScu^a? " has by others been 
 * " Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age," vol. iii. pp. 498, 499. 
 t The reference is to Millin, " Mineralogie Homerique," pp. 126, 132. 
 J " Metallurgy Fuel, Fireclays, Copper," &c., p. 6. 
 Moore, "Anc. Mineralogy," p. 57. 
 || Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. iv. p. 97 ; -&sch. Agamem., v. 612. Professor Eolleston 
 is inclined to refer the expression to the "tempering" of bronze (Trans. Brist. and 
 Glow. Arch. Soc., 1878).
 regarded as referring to the impossibility of dyeing metal.* Some 
 of the commentators on Hesiod and Homer speak, however, dis- 
 tinctly as to a process of hardening bronze by a dipping or /3a^}, 
 and Virgil t represents the Cyclopes as dipping the hissing bronze 
 in water 
 " Alii stridentia tingiint 
 ^Era lacu " 
 but the idea of bronze being hardened or tempered by this process 
 appears to me to have been based on a false analogy between this 
 metal and steel, or even iron. The French chemist, Geoffrey, 
 thought he had succeeded in imitating the temper of an ancient 
 bronze sword, but no details are given as to whether he added 
 more than the usual proportion of tin to his copper, or whether 
 he hardened the edge with a hammer. 
 With regard to the other reasons adduced by Mr. Gladstone, 
 it is no doubt true that ^aXifo^ is occasionally spoken of by Homer 
 as a pure metal, mainly, however, it may be argued, in conse- 
 quence of the same name being applied to both copper and bronze, 
 if not, indeed, like the Latin " ses," to copper, bronze, and brass. 
 We find, moreover, that tin, for thus we must translate Kaaairepos, 
 is mentioned by Homer ; and as this metal appears in ancient 
 times to have been mainly, though not exclusively, employed for 
 the purpose of alloying copper, we must from this fact infer that 
 the use of bronze was not unknown. In the celebrated descrip- 
 tion of the fashioning of the shield of Achilles by Vulcan which 
 may for the moment be assumed to be of the same age as the 
 rest of the Iliad we find the copper and tin mentioned in juxta- 
 position with each other ; and if it had been intended to represent 
 Hephaistos as engaged in mixing and melting bronze, the descrip- 
 tion could not have been more complete. + 
 XaX/cov S'tV irvpl fiaXXev dreipea, Kacrcrirepdv re. 
 Even the term indomitable may refer to the difficulty of melting 
 copper in its unalloyed condition. 
 But tin was also used in the pure condition. In the breast- 
 plate of Agamemnon there were ten bands of black KVCLVOS, 
 twelve of gold, and twenty of tin. In his shield II were twenty 
 bosses of tin. The cows 5! on the shield of Achilles were 
 " Les Metaux dans 1'Ant.," p. 238. t " 2En.," viii. 450. 
 xi. 24. || xi. 34. IT xviii. 574.
 made of both gold and tin, and his greaves* of soft tin, and 
 the border of the breast-plate of Asteropaeus t was formed of 
 glittering tin. 
 This collocation of various metals, or inlaying them by way of 
 ornament, calls to mind some of the pottery and bronze pins of 
 the Swiss Lake dwellings, which are decorated with inlaid tin, 
 and the remarkable bronze bracelet found at Mcerigen,+ which is 
 inlaid with iron and a yellow brass by way of ornament. 
 With regard to the epithets red, bright, and gleaming, they are 
 perfectly applicable to bronze in its polished condition, though 
 they ill assort with the popular idea of bronze, which usually 
 assigns to that metal the brown or greenish hues it acquires by 
 oxidation and exposure to atmospheric influences. As a matter of 
 fact, the red colour of copper, though certainly rendered more 
 yellow, is not greatly impaired by an admixture of tin within the 
 proportions now used by engineers, viz. up to about two and a 
 half ounces to the pound, or about 1 5 per cent. As to the bright 
 and shining properties of the metal, Virgil, when no doubt speak- 
 ing of bronze swords and shields, makes special mention of their 
 glitter II 
 " ^Eratseque micant peltse, micat sereus ensis." 
 Indeed, the mere fact of the swords of Homer being made of 
 ^a\/ro9 is in favour of that metal being bronze, as pure copper 
 would be singularly inapplicable to such a purpose, and certainly 
 no copper sword would break into three or four pieces at a blow 
 instead of being merely bent.^f 
 The bending of the points of the spear-heads against the shields 
 of the adversaries is, however, in favour of these weapons having 
 been of copper rather than of bronze.** 
 As to Homer having been unacquainted with the fusion or 
 alloying of metals, it may fairly be urged that without such know- 
 ledge it would have been impossible to work so freely as he has 
 described, in gold, silver, and tin ; and that the only reason for 
 which Vulcan could have thrown the latter metal into the fire 
 must have been in order to melt it. 
 * " 11.," xviii. 612. 
 t xxiii. 561. For these and other instances see Prof. Phillips in the Arch. Jouri?., 
 vol. xvi. p. 10. 
 J Desor et Favre, " Bel Age du Bronze," p. 16. 
 Holtzapffel, "Turning and Mechanical Manipulation," vol. i. p. 271. 
 || "Mneid," vii. 743. f " Iliad," iii. 363. 
 ** <( Il.,"iii. 348, vii. 259.
 Whether steel was designated by the term KVO.VOS is a matter of 
 considerable doubt, and certainly in later times that word was 
 applied to a substance occasionally used as a blue pigment, not 
 improbably a dark blue carbonate of copper. Assuming the word 
 to mean a metal, the difficulty in regarding it as significant of steel 
 appears in a great measure due to the colour implied by the 
 adjective form k-vdveos, being a dark blue.* If, however, it were the 
 custom even in those days to colour steel blue by exposing it, 
 after it had been polished, to a certain degree of heat as is usually 
 done with watch and clock springs at the present day the deep 
 blue colour of the sky or sea might well receive such an epithet. 
 That steel of some kind was known in Homeric days is abundantly 
 evident from the process of hardening an axe by dipping it in 
 cold water while heated, which is so graphically described in the 
 If KVCLVOS be really steel, we can also understand the epithet 
 black t being occasionally applied to it, even though the adjective 
 derived from it had the signification of blue. 
 According to the Arundelian Marbles, iron was discovered B.C. 
 1432, J or 248 years before the taking of Troy, but though we 
 have occasional mention of this metal and of steel in the Homeric 
 poems, yet weapons and tools of bronze are far more commonly 
 mentioned and described. Trees, for instance, are cut down and 
 wood carved with tools of bronze ; and the battle-axe of Menelaus 
 is of excellent bronze with an olive-wood handle, long and well 
 Before noticing further the early use of iron in Greece, it will be 
 well to see what other authors than Homer say as to the origin 
 and ancient use of bronze in that country. 
 The name of the principal metal of which it is composed, copper, 
 bears witness to one of the chief sources of its supply having been 
 the island of Cyprus. It would appear that Tamassus in this 
 island was in ancient times a noted mart for this metal, as it is 
 according to Nitzsch and other critics the Temese II mentioned in 
 Homer as being resorted to in order to exchange iron for ^O\KO^, 
 which in this as well as some other passages seems to stand for 
 copper and not bronze. 
 The advantage arising from mixing a proportion of tin with the 
 * M. Ch. Houssel in Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. iv. p. 98. t " II.," xi. 24. 
 Arch, fur Anthrop., vol. viii. p. 295 ; Miiller, " Fragm. Hist. Graec.," vol. i. 
 p. 549. 
 "II.," xiii. 612. || " Odyss.," i. v. 184.
 copper, and thus rendering it at the same time more fusible and 
 harder, must have been known before the dawn of Grecian history. 
 The accounts given by early Greek writers as to the first 
 discoverer of the art of making bronze by an admixture of copper 
 and tin vary considerably, and thus prove that even in the days 
 when these notices were written the art was of ancient date. 
 Theophrastus makes Delas, a Phrygian, whom Aristotle * regards 
 as a Lydian, to have been the inventor of bronze. Pausanias t 
 ascribes the honour of first casting statues in bronze to Rhoecus 
 and Theodorus the Samians, who appear to have lived about 
 640 B.C. They are also said to have improved the accuracy of 
 casting, but no doubt the process on a smaller scale was practised 
 long before their time. Ehoecus and his colleague are also 
 reported to have discovered the art of casting iron,? but no really 
 ancient objects of cast iron have as yet been discovered. 
 The invention of the metals gold, silver, and copper is also 
 ascribed to the Idsean DactyliJ or the Telchines, who made the 
 sickle of Chronos 1 1 and the trident of Poseidon.^] 
 Though, as has already been observed, iron and even steel were 
 not unknown in the days of Homer, both seem to have been of 
 considerable rarity, and it is by no means improbable that, as 
 appears to have been the case with the Egyptians, the first iron 
 used by the Greeks was of meteoric origin. I have elsewhere ** 
 called attention to the possible connection of the Greek name 
 for iron (atfypos') with currrip, often applied to a shooting-star or 
 meteor, and with the Latin Sidera and the English Star, though 
 it is unsafe to insist too much on mere verbal similarity. In an 
 interesting article on the use of meteoric iron by Dr. L. Beck, ft of 
 Biebrich on the Rhine, the suggestion is made that the final typos 
 of ff/8r/j009 is a form of the Aryan ais (conf. ces, ceris). Dr. Beck, 
 however, inclines to the opinion that the recognition of certain 
 meteorites as iron was first made at a time subsequent to the dis- 
 covery of the means of smelting iron from its ore. 
 The self-fused mass or disc of iron,++ <r6\ov avToyowvov, which 
 formed one of the prizes at the funeral games of Patroclns, may 
 possibly have been meteoric, but this is very doubtful, as the 
 forging of iron, and the trouble and care it involved, were well 
 * Plin. " Hist. Nat.," lib. vii. c. Ivi. 6. t Lib. viii. c. 14, 5. 
 I Op. cit., lib. iii. c. 12, 8. Diodorus Siculus, lib. v. c. 64. 
 || Strabo, " Geog.," lib. xiv. p. 935, ed. 1807. 
 U Callimachus, "Hymn, in Del.," 1. 31. ** " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 5. 
 ft Archiv fur Anthrop., 1S80, vol. xii. p. 293. } " Iliad," lib. xxiii. v. 826.
 known in those days, as is evident from the epithet 
 often bestowed upon that metal. 
 For a considerable time after the Homeric period bronze re- 
 mained in use for offensive weapons, especially for those intended 
 for piercing rather than cutting, such as spears, lances, and arrows, 
 as well as for those which were merely defensive, such as shields, 
 cuirasses, helmets, and greaves. Even swords were also some- 
 times of bronze, or at all events the tradition of their use was pre- 
 served by the poets. Thus we find Euripides * speaking of the 
 bronze-speared Trojans, ^a\Key)^eiav Tpwwv, and Virgil t describ- 
 ing the glitter of the bronze swords of some of the host of 
 Probably, however, the use of the word XO\KOS was not restricted 
 to copper or bronze, but also came in time to mean metal in 
 general, and thus extended to iron, a worker in which metal was, 
 as we have already seen, termed a xciXxevs. 
 The succession of iron to bronze is fully recognised by both 
 Greek and Latin authors. The passage in Hesiod, + where he 
 speaks of the third generation of men who had arms of bronze 
 and houses of bronze, who ploughed with bronze, for the black iron 
 did not exist, is already hackneyed ; nor is the record of Lucre- 
 tius less well known : 
 " Anna antiqua, manus, ungues, dentesque fuerunt, 
 Et lapides, et item sylvarum fragmina rami, . . . 
 Posterius ferri vis est, serisque reperta, 
 Sed prior seris erat quam ferri cognitus usus ; . . . 
 Inde minutatim processit f erreus ensis, 
 Versaque in opprobrium species est falcis ahenee, 
 Et ferro coepere solum proscindere teroe." 
 The difference between the age of Homer and Hesiod in 
 respect to the use of metals is well described by Mr. Gladstone. 
 The former |j " lived at a time when the use of iron (in Greece) 
 was just commencing, when the commodity was rare, and when 
 its value was very great ; " but in the days of Hesiod " iron, as 
 compared with copper, had come to be the inferior, that is to say 
 the cheaper metal," and the poet " looks back from his iron age 
 with an admiring envy on the heroic period." 
 * "Troad.," 143. ^ f Mv..," lib. vii. 743. 
 J "Op. et D.," i. 150. Tote $' r\v \a\eta p'tv rtv\ta XO\KIOI Ss Tt OIKOI 
 XaXey $' iipydoro, fiiXag $' &VK ta\i aiSrjpof. 
 Lib. v. 1282, et seqq* \\ " Juv. Mundi," 1869, p. 26.
 Hesiod gives to Hercules* a helmet of steel and a sword of 
 iron, and to Saturn t a steel reaping-hook. His remark that at 
 the feast of the gods the withered + part of a five-fingered branch 
 should never be cut from the green part by black iron, shows that 
 this metal was in common use, and that for religious ceremonies 
 the older metal bronze retained its place. 
 Bronze was, however, a favourite metal with the poet, if not 
 indeed in actual use long after iron was known, for Pindar, about 
 B.C. 470, still frequently cites spears and axes made of bronze. 
 By the time of Herodotus, who wrote before 400 B.C., the use 
 of iron and steel was universal among the Greeks. He instances, 
 as a fact worth recording, that the Massagetre, I! a powerful tribe 
 which occupied the steppes on the east of the Caspian, made no 
 use of iron or silver, but had an abundance of yaXicos and gold, 
 pointing their spears and arrows and forming the heads of their 
 battle-axes with the former metal. Among the ^Ethiopians,H on 
 the contrary, he states that bronze was rarer and more precious 
 than gold ; nor was it in use among the Scythians.** The Sagartii ft 
 in the army of Xerxes are mentioned as not carrying arms either 
 of bronze or iron except daggers, as if bronze were still of not 
 unfrequent use. 
 Strabo,++ at a much later date, thinks it worth while to record 
 that among the Lusitanians the spears were tipped with bronze. 
 But certainly some centuries before the time of Herodotus, and 
 probably as early as that of Hoiner, the Chalybes on the shores of 
 the Euxine practised the manufacture of iron on a considerable scale, 
 and from them came the Greek name for steel, ^a\i-^-. Da'imachus, 
 in the fourth century B.C., records that different sorts of steel are 
 produced among the Chalybes in Sinope, Lydia, and Laconia. That 
 of Sinope was used for smiths' and carpenters' tools ; that of Laconia 
 for files, drills for iron, stamps, and masons' tools ; and the Lydian 
 kind for files, swords, razors, and knives. In Laconia iron is said 
 to have formed the only currency in the days of Lycurgus. 
 Taking all the evidence into consideration, there can be no 
 doubt that iron must have been known in Greece some ten or 
 twelve centuries before our era, though, as already observed, it 
 was at that time an extremely rare metal. It also appears that as 
 * " Scut. Hercul.," v. 122138. f " Theogon.," v. 161. 
 i " Op. et D.," v. 741. " Olymp.," od. i. 123 ; " Nem.," od. x. 1 13, &c. 
 || Lib. i. c. 215. IT Lib. iii. c. 23. 
 ** Lib. iv. c. 71. ft Lib. vii. c. 85. JJ Lib. iii. p. 208, ed. 1707. 
 Bochart's "Phaleg.," <p. 208, cited in Arch. ^Eliana, vol. i. p. 52. 
 early as B.C. 500, or even 600, iron or steel was in common use, 
 though bronze had not been altogether superseded for offensive 
 arms such as spear-heads and battle-axes. 
 The tradition of the earlier use of bronze still, however, remained 
 even in later times, and the preference shown for its employment 
 in religious rites, which I have mentioned elsewhere,* is a strong 
 witness of this earlier use. It seems needless again to do more 
 than mention the bronze ploughshare used at the foundation of 
 Tuscan cities, the bronze knives and shears of the Sabine and 
 Koman priests, and the bronze sickles of Medea and Elissa. I 
 must, however, again bring forward the speculations of an intel- 
 ligent Greek traveller, who wrote in the latter half of the second 
 century of our era, as to the existence of what we should now 
 term a Bronze Age in Greece. 
 Pausanias t relates how Lichas the Lacedaemonian, in the fifth 
 century B.C., discovered the bones of Orestes, which his country- 
 men had been commanded by an oracle to seek. The Pythia + 
 had described the place as one where two strong winds met, where 
 form was opposed to form, and one evil lay upon another. These 
 Lichas recognised in the two bellows of the smith, the hammer 
 opposed to the anvil, and the iron lying on it. Pausauias on this 
 observes that at that time they had already begun to use iron in 
 war, and that if it had been in the days of the heroes it would 
 have been bronze and not iron designated by the oracle as the 
 evil, for in their days all arms were of bronze. For this he cites 
 Homer as his authority, who speaks of the bronze axe of Pisander, 
 and the arrow of Meriones. A further argument he derives from 
 the spear of Achilles, laid up in the temple of Minerva at Phaselis, 
 and the sword of Memnon in that of ^Esculapius at Nicomedia, 
 which is entirely of bronze, while the ferrule and point of his 
 spear are also of that metal. 
 The spear-head which lay with the bones of Theseus in the 
 Isle of Scyros was also of bronze, and probably the sword like- 
 wise. There are no works of Latin authors of a date nearly so 
 remote as that of the earlier Greek writers, and long before the 
 days of Ennius, iron was in general use in Italy. If the Articles 
 of Peace which " Porsena, King of the Tuscans, tendered unto the 
 people of Rome " were as Pliny || represents them, the Romans 
 * " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 4. t " Lacon.," lib. iii cap. iii. 
 * Herod., lib. i. c. 67. Plutarch. " Thes.," p. 17, c. Ed. 1624. 
 y "Nat. Hiflt.," lib. xxxiv. cap. 14.
 must even in those early days have had iron weapons, for they 
 were forbidden the use of that metal except for tilling the ground. 
 In B.C. 224 the Isumbrian Gauls who fought with Flarninius 
 were already in possession of iron swords, the softness and flexi- 
 bility of which led to the discomfiture of their owners. The 
 Romans themselves seem but to have been badly armed so far as 
 swords were concerned until the time of the Second Punic War, 
 about B.C. 200, when they adopted the Spanish sword, and learnt 
 the method of preparing it. Whether the modern Toledo and 
 Bilbao blades are legitimate descendants of these old weapons we 
 need not stop to inquire. In whatever manner the metal was pre- 
 pared, so thoroughly was iron identified with the sword in classical 
 times that ferrum and gladius were almost synonyms. 
 Pliny mentions that the best steel used in Rome was imported 
 from China, a country in which copper or bronze swords are said 
 to have been in use in the days of Ki,* the son of Yu, B.C. 2197 48, 
 and those of iron under Kung-Kia, B.C. 1897 48, so that there 
 also history points to a Bronze Age. But this by the way. 
 Looking at the fact that iron and steel were in such general 
 use at Rome during the period of her wars in Western Europe, 
 we may well believe that had any of the tribes with which the 
 Roman forces came in contact been armed with bronze, such an 
 unusual circumstance could hardly have escaped record. In the 
 Augustan age the iron swords of Noricum were in great repute, and 
 farther north in Germany, though iron did not abound, it was, ac- 
 cording to Tacitus, used for spears and swords. The Catti had the 
 metal in abundance, but among the Aestii, on the right coast of the 
 Baltic, it was scarce. The Cumbrians in the first century B.C. had, 
 according to Plutarch,! iron breast-plates, javelins, and large swords. 
 The Gauls of the North of France had in the time of Julius 
 Csesar large iron mines which they worked by tunnelling ; the 
 bolts of their ships were made of that metal, and they had even 
 chain cables of iron. The Britons of the South of England who 
 were in such close communication with the opposite coast of Gaul 
 must have had an equal acquaintance with iron. Csesar mentions 
 ingots or rings of iron as being used for money, and observes 
 that iron is obtained on the sea-coast, but in small quantities, and 
 adds that bronze was imported.! Strabo includes iron, as well as 
 gold, silver, and corn, among the products of Britain. In Spain, 
 * See Zeitsch.fiir Eth." vol. ii., 1870, p. 131. t " Vit. Caii Marii," 420, b. 
 I "Bell. Gall.," iii. 13 ; vii. 22. Lib. v. .12. 
 c 2
 as already mentioned, iron had long been known, so that from the 
 concurrent testimony of several historians we may safely infer that 
 in the time of Julius Caesar, when this country was first exposed 
 to Roman influences, it had already, like the neighbouring coun- 
 tries to the south, passed from the Bronze into the Iron Age. 
 Notwithstanding all this historical testimony in favour of the 
 prior use of bronze to that of iron, there have been not a few 
 authors who have maintained that the idea of a succession of 
 stone, bronze, and iron is delusive when applied to Western Europe. 
 Among these was the late Mr. Thomas Wright, who has gone so 
 far as to express * "a firm conviction that not a bit of bronze 
 which has been found in the British Islands belongs to an older 
 date than that at which Csesar wrote that the Britons obtained 
 their bronze from abroad, meaning of course from Gaul." " In 
 fact these objects in bronze were Roman in character and in their 
 primary origin." As in the same page he goes on to show that 
 two hundred years before Christ the swords of the Gauls were 
 made of iron, and as his contentions have already been met by Sir 
 John Lubbock,f and will, I think, be effectually disposed of by 
 the facts subsequently to be mentioned in this volume, it seems 
 needless to dwell on Mr. Wright's opinions. I may, however, 
 mention that,+ while denying the antiquity of British, German, 
 and Scandinavian weapons and tools of bronze, he admits that in 
 Greece and Italy that metal was for a long period the only one em- 
 ployed for cutting instruments, as iron was not known in Greece 
 until a comparatively late date. 
 About one hundred and thirty years ago, in 1751, a discussion 
 as to the date of bronze weapons took place among the members 
 of the Acade'mie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres of Paris, on the 
 occasion of some bronze swords, a spear-head, and other objects 
 being found near Gannat, in the Bourbonnais. Some antiquaries 
 regarded them as weapons made for use ; others as merely made for 
 show. The Count de Caylus considered that the swords were 
 Roman, though maintaining that copper or bronze must have 
 been in earlier use than iron. Levesque de la Ravaliere main- 
 tained, on the contrary, that neither the Greeks, Romans, Gauls, 
 nor Franks had ever made use of copper or bronze in their swords. 
 The Abbs' Barthelemy showed from ancient authors that the 
 * Trans. Ethnol. Soc., vol. iv. p. 190. See also Anthrop. Rev., vol. iv. p. 76. 
 t Trans. Eth. Soc., vol. v. p. 105; "Preii. Times," 4th ed., p. 18. 
 J Arch. Annoc. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 73. 
 See Eossignol, " Les Metaux dans 1'Ant.," p. 205.
 earliest arms of the Greeks were of bronze ; that iron was only 
 introduced about the time of the siege of Troy ; and that in later 
 times among the Romans there was no mention of bronze having 
 been used for weapons of offence, and therefore that these swords 
 were not Roman. Strangely enough, he went on to argue that 
 they were Frankish, and of the time of Childeric. Had he been 
 present at the opening of the tomb of that monarch in 1653 he 
 would, however, have seen that he had an iron sword.* 
 A still warmer discussion than any which has taken place in 
 England or France, one, in fact, almost amounting to an inter- 
 national war of words, has in more recent times arisen between 
 some of the German antiquaries and those of the Scandinavian 
 kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden. 
 So early as 1860t my friend Dr. Ludwig Lindenschmit, of 
 Mainz, had commenced his attack on " the so-called Bronze 
 Period," and shown a disposition to regard all bronze antiquities 
 of northern countries as of Italian origin, or, if made in the coun- 
 tries where found, as mere homely imitations of imported articles. 
 Not content with this, he in 1875 + again mustered his forces and 
 renewed the campaign in even a more formal manner. He found 
 a formidable ally in Dr. Hostmann, whose comments on Dr. Hans 
 Hildeb rand's " Heathen Period in Sweden " are well worth the 
 reading, and contain a vast amount of interesting information. 
 Dr. Hostmann's method of dealing with Dr. Hans Hildebrand 
 brought Dr. Sophus Miiller to the rescue, with whom Dr. Linden- 
 schmit || at once grappled. Shortly after Dr. Hostmann If again 
 appears upon the scene, and before engaging with Dr. Sophus 
 Miiller goes so far as to argue that while Greek swords of iron 
 are known to belong to the eighth century B.C., no bronze sword 
 of that country can with safety be assigned to an earlier date than 
 the sixth century, and, indeed, these may have been only weapons 
 of parade, or possibly funereal offerings in lieu of efficient swords. 
 Rector Genthe ** also engages in the fight upon the same side. 
 These three antagonists bring Sophus Miiller ft again to the 
 front, and as one great argument of his opponents was that bronze 
 objects could not be produced with the finish and orna- 
 mentation which is found upon them without the use of iron and 
 * Cochet, "Le Tombeau de Childeric," i. p. 1". 
 t " Sammlung zu Sigmaringen," p. 153. 
 J Archiv, fur AnthropoL, vol. viii. p. 161. 
 Archiv., vol. ix. p. 127. || Op. cit., p. 141. H Of. tit., p. 185. 
 ** Arch, fur Anthrop., vol. ix. p. 181. ft ^-/- ^- vo1 - * P- 2 ?-
 steel tools, he brings forward an official document signed by four 
 authorities in the museum at Copenhagen, and stating that pre- 
 cisely similar ornamentation to the spirals, zigzags, and punched 
 lines which occur on Scandinavian bronze antiquities had been 
 produced in their presence by a workman using bronze tools only 
 on a plate of bronze. Both plate and tools were of the same 
 alloy, viz. 9 of copper to 1 of tin. 
 On this a final charge is made by Professor Hostmann * and 
 Dr. Lindenschmit, the former of whom produces a kind of affidavit 
 from the late director of the Polytechnic School at Hanover and the 
 court medallist of the same town, to the effect that certain kinds 
 of punched work cannot be produced with bronze punches, and 
 the editors of the Archiv think it best to close the discussion 
 after Dr. Lindenschmit' s final retort. 
 I have not thought it worth while to enter into all the details 
 of this controversy, as even to summarise them would occupy 
 more room than I could spare. It seems to me, however, that a 
 considerable amount of misconception must have existed in the 
 minds of some of the disputants, both as to the accepted meaning 
 of the term Bronze Age, as applied not chronologically, but to a 
 certain stage of civilisation, and as to the limitation of the objects 
 which can with propriety be referred to that age. No antiquary 
 of experience will deny that many bronze ornaments, and even 
 some bronze weapons, remained in use long after iron and even 
 steel were known, any more than he would deny that the use of 
 stone for certain purposes continued not only after bronze was 
 known, but even after iron and steel were in general use, and, in 
 fact, up to the present time, not only in barbarian but in civilised 
 countries. Our flint strike-a-lights and our burnishers are still 
 of much the same character as they were some thousands of 
 years ago, and afford convincing instances of this persistent use. 
 The real question at issue is not whether any bronze weapons 
 co-existed with those of iron and steel in Western Europe, but 
 whether any of them were there in use at a period when iron and 
 steel were unknown. Moreover, it is not a question as to whence 
 the knowledge of bronze w T as derived, nor whether at the time 
 the Scandinavians or Britons were using bronze for their tools and 
 Aveaporis, the inhabitants of Greece and Italy were already ac- 
 quainted with iron and steel ; but it is a question whether in each 
 individual country there arrived a time when bronze came into 
 * Arch.f. Anthrop., vol. x. pp. 41, 63.
 use and for certain purposes superseded stone, while iron and 
 steel were practically unknown. 
 This is a question to be solved by evidence, though in the 
 nature of things that evidence must to some extent be of a nega- 
 tive character. When barrow after barrow is opened, and weapons 
 of bronze and stone only are found accompanying the interments, 
 and not a trace of iron or steel ; when hoards of rough metal 
 and broken bronze, together with the moulds of the bronze- 
 founder and some of his stock-in-trade, are disinterred, and there 
 is no trace of an iron tool among them the presumption is strong 
 that at the time when these men and these hoards were buried 
 iron was not in use. When, moreover, by a careful examination 
 of the forms of bronze instruments we can trace a certain amount 
 of development which is in keeping with the peculiar properties 
 of bronze and not with those of iron, and we can thus to some 
 extent fix a kind of chronological succession in these forms, the 
 inference is that this evolution of form, which must have required 
 a considerable amount of time, took place without its course being 
 affected by any introduction of a fresh and qualifying influence in 
 the shape of iron tools and weapons. 
 When, however, in various countries we find interments and 
 even cemeteries in which bronze and iron weapons and instruments 
 are intermingled, and the forms of those in bronze are what we 
 have learnt from other sources to regard as the latest, while the 
 forms in iron are not those for which that metal is best adapted, 
 but are almost servile copies of the bronze instruments found with 
 them, the proof of the one having succeeded the other is almost 
 absolutely conclusive. 
 The lessons taught by such cemeteries as that at Hallstatt, in 
 Austria, and by our own Late Celtic interments, such as those at 
 Arras, in Yorkshire, are of the highest importance in this question. 
 It is not, however, to be supposed that even in countries by no 
 means geographically remote from each other the introduction either 
 of iron or bronze must of necessity have taken place at one and the 
 same chronological period. Near the shores of the Mediterranean 
 the use of each metal no doubt prevailed far earlier than in any 
 of the northern countries of Europe ; and though the knowledge 
 of metals probably spread from certain centres, its progress can 
 have been but slow, for in each part of Europe there appears to 
 have been some special development, particularly in the forms of 
 bronze instruments, and there is no absolute uniformity in their
 types extending over any large area. In each country the process 
 of manufacture was carried on, and though some commerce in tools 
 and arms of bronze no doubt took place between neighbouring 
 tribes, yet as a rule there are local peculiarities characteristic of 
 special districts. 
 So marked are these that a practised archaeologist can in almost 
 all cases, on inspection of a group of bronze antiquities, fix with 
 some degree of confidence the country in which they were found. 
 To this rule Britain offers no exception, and though some forms of 
 instruments were no doubt imported, yet, as will subsequently be 
 seen, our types are for the most part indigenous. 
 As to the ornamentation of bronze by bronze tools, I have seen 
 none in this country on objects which I should refer to the Bronze 
 Age but what could have been effected by means of bronze 
 punches, of which indeed examples have been discovered in bronze- 
 founders' hoards in France,* and what are probably such also in 
 Britain. Such ornamentation is, however, simple compared with 
 that on many of the Danish forms, and yet I have seen the com- 
 plicated Scandinavian ornaments accurately and sharply repro- 
 duced by Dr. Otto Tischler, by means of bronze tools only, on 
 bronze of the ordinary ancient alloy. 
 But even supposing that iron and steel were known during some 
 part of the so-called Bronze Age, I do not see in what manner it 
 would affect the main features of the case or the interest attaching to 
 the bronze objects which I am about to describe. " De non apparen- 
 tibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio " is a maxim of some 
 weight in archeology as well as in law ; and in the absence of iron 
 and all trace of its influence, it matters but little whether it was 
 known or not, except in so far as a neglect of its use would argue some 
 want of intelligence on the part of those who did not avail them- 
 selves of so useful a metal. It will be seen hereafter that some of 
 the objects described in these pages actually do belong to an Iron 
 Period, and nothing could better illustrate the transition of one 
 Period into another, or the overlapping of the Bronze Age upon 
 that of Iron, than the fact that in these pages devoted to the 
 Bronze Period I must of necessity describe many objects which 
 were still in use when iron and steel were superseding bronze, in 
 the same manner as in my "Ancient Stone Implements" I was forced 
 to describe many forms, such as battle-axes, arrow-heads, and 
 bracers, which avowedly belonged to the Bronze Period. 
 * Mortillet, " Fonderie de Larnaud," 32, 38.
 A point which is usually raised by those who maintain the 
 priority of the use of iron to that of bronze is, that inasmuch as 
 it is more readily oxidized and dissolved by acids naturally present 
 in the soil, iron may have disappeared, and indeed has done so, 
 while bronze has been left ; so that the absence of iron as an 
 accompaniment to all early interments counts for nothing. Pro- 
 fessor Rolleston,* in a paper on the three periods known as the 
 Iron, the Bronze, and the Stone Ages, has well dealt with this 
 point ; and observes that in some graves of the Bronze Period the 
 objects contained are incrusted with carbonate of lime, which 
 would have protected any iron instrument of the Bronze Period as 
 well as it has done those of Saxon times. Not only are the iron 
 weapons discovered in Saxon cemeteries often in almost perfect 
 preservation, but on the sites of Roman occupation whole hoards 
 of iron tools have been found but little injured by rust. The fact 
 that at Hallstatt and other places in which graves have been 
 examined belonging to the transitional period, when both iron 
 and bronze were in use together, the weapons and tools of iron, 
 though oxidized, still retain their form and character as com- 
 pletely as those in bronze, also affords strong ground for believing 
 that had iron been present with bronze hi other early interments 
 it would also have been preserved. The importance attaching to 
 the reputed occurrence of bronze swords with Roman coins as late 
 as the time of Magnentius cannot be better illustrated than by a 
 discovery of my own in the ancient cemetery of Hallstatt. In 
 company with Sir John Lubbock I was engaged in opening a 
 grave in which we had come to an interment of the Early 
 Iron Age, accompanied by a socketed celt and spear-heads of 
 iron, when amidst the bones I caught sight of a thin metallic 
 disc of a yellowish colour which looked like a coin. Up to 
 that time no coin had ever been found in any one of the 
 many hundred graves which had been examined, and I eagerly 
 picked up this disc. It proved to be a " sechser," or six-kreutzer 
 piece, with the date 1826, which by some means had worked its 
 way down among the crevices in the stony ground, and which 
 from its appearance had evidently been buried some years. Had 
 this coin been of Roman date it might have afforded an argument 
 for bringing down the date of the Hallstatt cemetery some cen- 
 turies in the chronological scale. As it is, it affords a wholesome 
 caution against drawing important inferences from the mere collo- 
 * Trans. Brist. and Glouc. Arch. Soc., 1878.
 cation of objects when there is any possibility of the apparent 
 association being only due to accident. 
 In further illustration of the succession of the three Ages of 
 Stone, Bronze, and Iron in Western Europe, I might go on to 
 cite cases of the actual superposition of the objects of one age 
 over those of another, such as has been observed in several barrows 
 and in the well-known instance of the cone of La Tiniere, in the 
 Lake of Geneva, recorded by Morlot. 
 It will, however, be thought that enough, if not more than 
 enough, has already been said on the general question of a Bronze 
 Age in a book particularly devoted to the weapons and instru- 
 ments of bronze found in the British Isles. It is now time to 
 proceed with the examination and description of their various 
 forms ; and in doing this I propose to treat separately, so far as 
 possible, the different classes of instruments intended each for some 
 special purpose, and at the same time to point out their analogies 
 with instruments of the same character found in other parts of 
 Europe. Their chronological sequence so far as it can be ascer- 
 tained, the position in time of the Bronze Period of Britain and 
 Ireland, and the sources from which our bronze civilisation was 
 derived, will be discussed in a concluding chapter. 
 I begin with the instrument of the most common occurrence, 
 the so-called celt.
 OF all the forms of bronze instruments the hatchet or axe, to 
 which the name of celt has been applied, is perhaps the most 
 common and the best known. It is also probably among the 
 earliest of the instruments fabricated from metal, though in 
 this country it is possible that some of the cutting instruments, 
 such as the knife-daggers, which required a less amount of metal 
 for their formation, are of equal or greater antiquity. 
 These tools or weapons for, like the American tomahawk, they 
 seem to have been in use for peaceful as well as warlike purposes 
 may be divided into several classes. Celts may be described as 
 flat ; flanged, or having ribs along the sides ; winged, or having 
 the side flanges extended so as almost to form a socket for the 
 handle on either side of the blade, to which variety the name of 
 palstave has been given ; and socketed. Of most of these classes 
 there are several varieties, as will be seen farther on. 
 The name of celt which has been given to these instruments is 
 derived from the doubtful Latin word " celtis " or " celtes," a chisel, 
 which is in its turn said to be derived a coelando (from carving), 
 and to be the equivalent of codum. 
 The only author in whose works the word is found is St. Jerome, 
 and it is employed both in his Vulgate translation of the Book of 
 Job* and in a quotation from that book in his Epistle to Pam- 
 machius. The word also occurs in an inscription recorded by 
 Gruter and Aldus, t but as this inscription is a modern forgery, 
 it does not add to the authority of the word " celtis." 
 Mr. Knight Watson, Sec. S. A., in an interesting paper com- 
 municated to the Society of Antiquaries of London, J has given 
 * Cap. xix. v. 24. 
 This inscription is said to have been found at Pola, in Istria. 
 J Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. vii. p. 396.
 28 CELTS. [CHAP. IT. 
 several details as to the origin and use of this word, which he con- 
 siders to have been founded on a misreading of the word certe, arid 
 the derivation of which from codo he regards as impossible. There 
 can be no doubt, as Beger pointed out two centuries ago, that a 
 number of MSS. of the Vulgate read certe instead of celte in the 
 passage in Job already mentioned, and that in all probability these 
 are the most ancient and the best. But this only adds to the dif- 
 ficulty of understanding how a recently invented and an unknown 
 word, such as celte is presumed to be, can have ever supplanted a 
 well-known word like certe ; and so far as the Burial Service of the 
 Roman Catholic Church is concerned can have maintained its ground 
 for centuries. Nor is this difficulty diminished when we consider 
 that the ordinary and proper translation of the Hebrew ^h is 
 either " in seternum " or " in testimonium," according as the word 
 is pointed 13?b or 13?b, and that, so far as I am aware, there is no 
 other instance of its being translated "certe." On the other hand, a 
 nearly similar word, to375 " with a stylus," or, as it is translated, " a 
 pen," occurs in the same passage ; and assuming that this was by 
 some accident read for 13?b by St. Jerome, he would have thought 
 that the word for stylus was used twice over, and have inserted 
 some word to designate a graving tool, by way of a synonym. The 
 probability of such an error would be increased if his MS. had 
 the lines arranged in couplets in accordance with its poetical 
 character, the passage standing thus when un-pointed : 
 n-iesn bm to^n 
 Very possibly the word used by St. Jerome may not have been 
 celte but codo, and the corruption into celte in order to make a 
 distinction between heaven and a chisel would then at all events 
 have been possible. 
 The other contention involves two extreme improbabilities the 
 one, that St. Jerome, having in his second revision of the Bible 
 translated the passage as " in testimonium in petris sculpantur," 
 should in the Vulgate have given the inaccurate rendering " certe 
 sculpantur in silice ; " the other and the more extreme of the two, 
 that the well-known word certe should have been ousted by a 
 word like celte had it been utterly new-fangled. 
 Under any view of the case there are considerable difficulties, 
 but as the word celt has now obtained a firm hold in our language, 
 it will be convenient to retain it, whatever its origin or derivation.
 It has been the fashion among some who are fond of novelties 
 to call these instruments " kelts," possibly from some mental 
 association of the instruments with a Celtic or Keltic population. 
 From some such cause also some of the French antiquaries must 
 have coined the new plural to the word, Celtce. Even in this 
 country it has been said * with regard to " the ancient weapon 
 denominated the celt," " Our antiquarians have commonly as- 
 cribed them to the ancient Celtse, and hence have given them this 
 unmeaning appellation." If any one prefers pronouncing celt as 
 " kelt," or celestial as " kelestial," let him do so ; but at all events 
 let us adhere to the old spelling. How the Romans of the time 
 of St. Jerome would have pronounced the word ccelum or celtis 
 may be inferred from the punning line of Ausonius with regard 
 to Venus, f 
 " Orta salo, suscepta solo, patre edita ccelo." 
 The first author of modern times whose use of the word in con- 
 nection with Celts I can trace is Beger, who, in his " Thesaurus 
 Brandenburgicus " + (1696), gives an engraving of a celt of the 
 palstave form, under the title Celtes, together with the following 
 dialogue : 
 "Et nomen et instrumentum mini obscurum est, infit AR- 
 CBLEOPHILUS ; Instrumentum Statuariorum est, respondit DULO- 
 DORUS, qui simulacra ex Cera, Alabastro, aliisque lapidum 
 generibus csedunt et poliunt. Grsecis dicitur 'EyKOTrevs, qua voce 
 Lucianus usus est in Somnio, ubi cum lusum non insuavem 
 dixisset, Deos sculpere, et parva qusedam simulacra adornare, addit 
 ey/f07rea <yap rti/a JJ.OL 8ou?, scilicet avunculus, id quod Joh. Bene- 
 dictus vertit, Gelte data. Celte 1 excepit ARCH^OPHILUS ; at nisi 
 fallor hsec vox Latinis incognita est ? Habetur, inquit DULO 
 DORUS, in versione vulgata Libri Hiob c. 19 quamvis alii non 
 Celte, sed Certe ibi legant, quod tamen minus quadrat. Quicquid 
 sit, instrumentum Statuariorum hoc esse, ex forma patet, figuris 
 incidendis aptissima ; neque enim opinio Molineti videtur admit- 
 tenda, qui Securim appellat, cum nullus aptandi manubrii locus 
 huic faveat. Metallum reposuit ARCH^EOPHILUS, minus videtur 
 convenire. Instrumentum hoc ex sere est, quod duritiem lapidum 
 nescio an superare potuerit ? Uti lapides diversi sunt, regessit 
 DULODORUS, ita diversa fuisse etiain metalla instrumentorurn iis 
 * Rev. John Dow in Archwol. Scot., vol. ii. p. 199. See also Pegge in the Arch., 
 vol. ix. p. 88, and Whitaker's " Hist, of Manchester," vol. i. p. 24. 
 t Epig. xxxiii. 1. 1. J Vol. iii. p. 418.
 30 CELTS. [CHAP. n. 
 csedendis destinatorum, facile cesserim. Vet. Gloss. Celtem 
 iTistrumentum ferreum dicit proculdubio quod durioribus lapidibus 
 ferreum chalybe munitum servierit. Hoc autem non obstat, ut 
 sereum vel ceris, vel terris, vel lapidibus mollioribus fuerit adhibi- 
 tum. Si tamen res Tibi minus probetur, me non contradicente, 
 molliori vocabulo yXixfreiov ccelum poteris et appellare et credere. 
 r\u0eTa etiam Statuariorum instrumenta fuisse, ex allegato modo 
 Luciano planum est. ubi Humanitas, si me relinquis, inquit, a^iy/xa 
 vaAj/'^-j/, KCU /Jio^Xia, KCU 'y\v<peia, KCLL /roTrea?, KCLL 
 iv TCLLV \epoLv ee<?, habitum servilem assumes, Vectes, 
 COELA, CELTES, Scalpra prce manibus habebis." 
 The idea of a bronze celt being a statuary's chisel for carving in 
 wax, alabaster, and the softer kinds of stone will seem the less 
 absurd if we remember that, at the time when Beger wrote, the 
 manner in which such instruments were hafted was unknown, and 
 that all antiquities of bronze were generally regarded as being of 
 Roman or Greek origin. 
 Dr. Olaf Worm, a Danish antiquary of the seventeenth century, 
 was more enlightened than Beger, for in his " Museum Wormia- 
 num,"* published in 1655, he states his belief that bronze weapons 
 had formerly been in use in Denmark, and cites two flat or 
 flanged celts, or cunei, as he calls them, found in Jutland, which 
 he regards as hand weapons for close encounters. He also was, 
 nevertheless, at a loss to know how they were hafted, for he adds 
 that had they but been provided with shaft-holes he should have 
 considered them to have been axes. 
 In a work treating of the bronze antiquities of Britain we must, 
 however, first consider the opinion of British antiquaries, by whom 
 the word celt had been completely adopted as the name for bronze 
 hatchets and axes by the middle of the last century. Borlase,t 
 in his " Antiquities of Cornwall," 1754, speaking of some "spear- 
 heads " of copper mentioned by Leland. says that by the spear- 
 heads he certainly meant those which we (from Begerus) now 
 call Celts. Leland's words are as follows : + " There was found of 
 late Yeres syns Spere Heddes, Axis for Warre, and Swerdes of 
 coper wrapped up in lynid scant perished nere the Mount in S. 
 Hilaries Paroch in Tynne Works ; " so that it by no means 
 'follows but that he was right in speaking of spear-heads, for if 
 there were any celts among the objects discovered they were pro- 
 bably termed battle-axes by Leland. 
 * P. 354. f P. 265. + " Itin.," vol. iii. p. 7.
 Camden makes mention of the same find : * "At the foote of 
 this mountaine (St. Michael's Mount), within the memorie of our 
 Fathers, whiles men were digging up of tin, they found Spear- 
 heads, axes, and swordes of brasse wrapped in linnen, such as were 
 sometimes found within the forrest of Hercinia in Germanie, and 
 not long since in our Wales. For evident it is by the monuments 
 of ancient Writers that the Greeks, the Cimbrians, and the 
 Britans used brazen weapons, although the wounds given with 
 brasse bee lesse hurtfull, as in which mettall there is a medicinable 
 vertue to heale, according as Macrobius reporteth out of Aristotle. 
 But happily that age was not so cunning in devising meanes to 
 mischiefe and murthers as ours is." 
 Hearne, the editor of Leland's " Itinerary," took a less philoso- 
 phical view of these instruments. Writing to Thoresby t in 
 1709, he maintains that some old instruments of bronze found 
 near Bramham Moor, Yorkshire, are not the heads of British 
 spears ; on the contrary, they are Roman, not axes used in their 
 sacrifices, nor the heads of spears and javelins, but chisels which 
 were used to cut and polish the stones in their tents. Such 
 instruments were also used in making the Roman highways and in 
 draining their fens. 
 Plot J also, at a somewhat earlier date, asserted a Roman origin 
 for bronze celts, which he regarded as the heads of bolts, founding 
 his opinion mainly on two, which are engraved in the Museum 
 Moscardi. These, which are reproduced in the Archceologia, 
 vol. v. PL VIII. 18 and 19, are of the palstave form, and were 
 regarded by Moscardo as the heads of great darts to be thrown 
 from a catapult. A flat celt found in Staffordshire, || Plot takes to 
 be the head of a Roman securis with which the Popes slew their 
 Rowland.^ in his " Mona Antiqua Restaurata," 1723, suggested 
 that looped palstaves fastened by a thong to a staff might be used 
 as war flails. 
 The imaginative Dr. Stukeley, in the year 1724, communicated 
 to the Society of Antiquaries a discourse on the use of celts, 
 which is to be found in the Minute Book of the Society. An 
 abstract of it is given by Mr. Lort ** in his paper subsequently men- 
 * " Britannia," ed. 1637, p. 188. 
 t "Thoresby's Correspondence," vol. ii. p. 211. 
 ; "Nat. Hist, of Staffordshire," 1686, p. 403. 
 "Mus. Lud. Moscard." Padua, 1656, fol. 305, lib., in. c. 174. 
 || "Nat. Hist, of Staff.," p. 403. f P. 86. ** Arch., vol. v. p. 110.
 32 CELTS. [CHAP. n. 
 tioned. Dr. Stukeley undertook to show that celts were British 
 and appertaining to the Druids, who, when not using them to cut 
 off the boughs of oak and mistletoe, put them in their pouches, 
 or hung them to their girdles by the little ring or loop at the 
 side. In a more sensible manner he divided them into two 
 classes, the recipient and the received ; that is to say, the socketed, 
 in which the handle was received, and the flat and palstave forms, 
 which entered into a notch in the handle. 
 Borlase,* notwithstanding that he was under the impression 
 that a number of socketed celts found at Karnbre in 1744 were 
 accompanied by Roman coins, one of them at least as late as 
 the time of Constantius I., did " not take them to be purely 
 Roman, foreign, or of Italian invention and workmanship." 
 He argues that the Romans of Italy would not have made such 
 instruments of brass after Julius Caesar's time, when the superior 
 hardness of iron was so well understood, and that metal was so 
 easily to be procured. Farther, that no representations of such 
 weapons occur on the Trajan or Antonine Columns, that few 
 specimens exist in the cabinets of the curious in Italy, where they 
 are regarded as Transalpine antiquities, and that none have 
 been found among the ruins of Herculaneum ; t nor are any pub- 
 lished in the Museum Romanum or the Museum Kircherianum. 
 He concludes that they were made and used in Britain, but that 
 though they were originally of British invention and fabric, they 
 were for the most part made when the Britons had improved their 
 arts under their Roman masters, as most of them seem too correct 
 and shapely for the Britons before the Julian conquest. 
 As to the uses of celts, Borlase cites the various opinions of the 
 learned, and observes that if they had not been advanced by men 
 of learning it would be scarce excusable to mention some of them, 
 much less to refute them. They had been taken for heads of 
 walking staffs, for chisels to cut stone withal (as such instruments 
 must have been absolutely necessary in making the great Roman 
 roads), as tools with which to engrave letters and inscriptions, as 
 the sickles with which the Druids cut the sacred mistletoe, and as 
 rests to support the lituus of the Roman augurs. After all, how- 
 ever, Borlase himself comes to the somewhat lame conclusion that 
 they formed the head or arming of the spear, the javelin, or the 
 * " Ants, of Cornwall," p. 263. 
 t Count de Caylus has, however, engraved two which are said to have been found at 
 Herculaneum. He thought that they were chisels (Bee. d 1 Ant., vol. ii. pi. xciii. 
 fig. 2; xciv. fig. 1).
 arrow, and thinks that Mr. Rowland comes the nearest to the truth 
 of any author he has read, when he says that they might be used 
 with a string to draw them back, and something like a feather to 
 guide them in flying towards the enemy, and calls them sling- 
 hatchets. He concedes, however, that for such weighty heads 
 there was no occasion for feathers, and as for slinging of hatchets 
 against an enemy, he does not remember any instance, ancient 
 or modern. Some of the celts, moreover, are too light to do any 
 execution if thrown from the hand. 
 The Rev. Mr. Lort,* who communicated some observations on 
 celts to the Society of Antiquaries in 1776, differed from Dr. 
 Borlase, and regarded a large flat celt found in the Lower 
 Furness as manifestly designed to be held in the hand only, and 
 much better adapted to the chipping of stone than to any other 
 use which has hitherto been found out for it. He will not, how- 
 ever, take upon himself to assert that some socketed celts, which 
 he also describes, were designed for the same purpose. Appended 
 to the paper by Mr. Lort are notices of several bronze celts, which 
 at different times had been brought under the notice of the 
 Society of Antiquaries. Some which had been exhibited in 1735 
 were regarded by Mr. Benjamin Cooke and Mr. Collinson as 
 Gaulish weapons used by the Roman auxiliaries at the time of 
 Claudius. Mr. Cooke, however, took them to be axes, and 
 mounted one of them on a shaft, citing Homer as his authority 
 for doing so, and speaking of the a^ivrjv ev%a\Kov. 
 The Rev. Samuel Pegge in 1787 makes some pertinent remarks 
 respecting celts in a letter to Mr. Lort, which is published in the 
 Archceologia.^ He points out that from some of them having 
 been found in barrows associated with spear-heads of flint, it is 
 probable that some at least were military weapons. He also 
 maintains that though the use of bronze originally preceded that 
 of iron, yet that regard must be had to the circumstances of each 
 country, so that it would not follow that a bronze celt found in 
 Ireland was prior in age to the invention of iron. All that could 
 be said was that it was older than the introduction of iron into 
 Ireland, and when that was, no one could pretend to say. Mr. 
 Pegge did not approve of the derivation of the name of celt from 
 celtis or ccelare, but thought it derived from the name of the 
 Celtic people who used the instruments. In his opinion the 
 instruments were not Roman, especially as they were frequent in 
 * Arch., vol. v. p. 106. t Vol. ix. p. 84. 
 34 CELTS. [CHAP. n. 
 Ireland and in places where the Romans never were settled. The 
 specimen on which he comments is of the palstave form, and, 
 though it might be mounted as a tool, he thinks it could never have 
 served as an axe, but it might have tipped a dart or javelin. 
 Douglas""" was of opinion that the bronze arms found in this 
 country were not Roman, but that it was more reasonable to refer 
 them to the early inhabitants, of probably not less than two 
 centuries B.C. 
 Mr. C. J. Harford, F.S.A.,t writing in 1801, expressed his 
 opinion that a clue as to the uses of celts might be obtained from 
 a consideration of similar instruments which had been brought 
 from the South Sea Islands. " Our rude forefathers doubtless 
 attached the celt by thongs to the handle, in the same manner as 
 modern savages do ; and, like them, formed a most useful implement 
 or destructive weapon from these simple materials." He thought 
 that the metal celts might have been fabricated abroad and ex- 
 ported to this country, just as we have sent to the South Sea 
 Islands an imitation in iron of the stone hatchet there in use. 
 Coming down to later times, we find Sir Richard Colt Hoare,+ 
 who discovered a few flat and flanged celts in the Wiltshire barrows, 
 regarding them as for domestic, and not for military, architectural, 
 or religious purposes. He thought that the flat form must be the 
 most ancient, from which the pattern of that with the socket for the 
 insertion of a handle was taken ; for among the numerous speci- 
 mens described by Mr. Lort in the Archceologia, not one of the 
 latter pattern is mentioned as having been discovered in a barrow. 
 As many were found in Gaul, he rather supposed that they were 
 imported from the Continent ; or, perhaps, the art of making 
 them might have been introduced from Gaul. From the method 
 of hafting of one of those he found (see Fig. 189), he seems to 
 have regarded the whole of them as chisels rather than hatchets. 
 Sir Joseph Banks, in some observations communicated to the 
 Society of Antiquaries hi 1818, on an ancient celt found near 
 Boston, Lincolnshire, pointed out the manner in which looped pal- 
 staves could be hafted so as to serve either as axes, adzes, or chisels. 
 He thought that they were ill adapted for any warlike purposes, 
 and regarded them as tools such as might be used in hollowing 
 out the trunks of trees to form canoes, and suggested that they 
 were secured to their handles by strings tied round them in the 
 * "Naenia Britannica" (1793), p. 153. t Arch., vol. xiv. p. 98. 
 \ "Ancient Wilts," vol. i. 1812, p. 203. Arch., vol. xix. p. 102.
 same manner as the stone axes used in the South Sea Islands were 
 fastened to theirs. 
 About the year 1816 the Rev. John Dow,* in some remarks 
 on the ancient weapon denominated the celt, advocated the opinion 
 that it was an axe, and probably a weapon of war. He also 
 traces its connection with the stone celt, from which he considered 
 it to have been developed. 
 About the same year the Rev. John Hodgson, secretary of the 
 Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne, communicated to 
 that society a valuable memoir in the shape of t"An Enquiry into 
 the Mra, when Brass was used in purposes to which Iron is now 
 applied," of which mention has already been made in the Intro- 
 ductory Chapter. He thought that celts were tools which were 
 well adapted for use as wedges for splitting wood, or that with 
 wooden hafts they might be used as chisels for hollowing canoes 
 and for similar purposes, some instruments found with them being 
 undoubtedly gouges. As to their date, he thought that bronze 
 began to give way to iron in Britain nearly as soon as it did in 
 Greece, and that consequently the celts, &c., found in this island 
 belonged to an era 500, or at least 400 years, B.C. 
 In 1839 Mr. Rickman J communicated to the Society of 
 Antiquaries a paper on the Antiquity of Abury and Stonehenge, 
 in the notes to which he propounds the theory that the socketed 
 celts were used merely as chisels, with hafts of wood inserted in 
 the socket. They could be then either held in the hand or by 
 means of a withe, like a blacksmith's chisel, while they were 
 struck with a stone hammer. 
 Among writers of comparatively modern times, the first whom I 
 have to mention is the late Mr. G. V. Du Noyer, who in 1847 com- 
 municated to the ArchaBological Institute two papers on the classi- 
 fication of bronze celts, which are still of great value and interest. 
 He traces the gradual development in form from the bronze celt 
 shaped like a wedge to that which is socketed, and shows that an 
 important element in the transition from one form to the other 
 has been the method of hafting. He also enters into the subjects 
 of the casting and ornamentation of celts ; and as in subsequent 
 pages I shall have to refer to these as well as to the methods of 
 hafting, I content myself here with citing Mr. Du Noyer's papers 
 as being worthy of all credit. 
 * Archaol. Scot., vol. ii. p. 199. t Archaol. JEliana, vol. i. p. 17. 
 I Arch., vol. xxviii. p. 418. Arch. Journ., vol. iv. pp. 1 and 327. 
 D 2
 36 CELTS. [CHAP. n. 
 In 1849 Mr. James Yates communicated a paper to the Archaeo- 
 logical Institute of a far more speculative kind than those of Mr. 
 Du Noyer, his object being to prove that among the various uses 
 of bronze celts one of the most important was the application of 
 them in destroying fortifications and entrenchments, in making 
 roads and earthworks, and in similar military operations. He 
 confines his inquiry, however, to those which were adapted to be 
 fitted to straight wooden handles. Following in the steps of some 
 of the older antiquaries, he appears to regard them as of Roman 
 origin, and identifies them with the Roman dolabra, an instrument 
 which he thinks was used as a chisel or a crowbar. In fact, he was 
 persuaded that the celt was commonly used not as a hatchet, but 
 as a spud or a crowbar. Had he but been acquainted with the 
 ancient handles, such as have been discovered in the Austrian 
 salt-mines and elsewhere, he would probably have come round to 
 another opinion as to the ordinary method of hafting, though it is 
 of course possible that in some instances these instruments may 
 have been mounted and used as spuds. Had he practically tried 
 mounting them and using them as crowbars, he would have found 
 that with but slight strain the shafts would break or the celts 
 become loosened upon them. And had he been better versed in 
 archaeology, he would have known that whatever was the form of 
 the Roman dolabra, or whatever the uses for which it served, it 
 can hardly have differed from their other implements in being 
 made of bronze and not of iron ; and he would have thought twice 
 before engraving bronze celts from Cornwall and Furness as illus- 
 trations of the Roman dolabra in Smith's " Dictionary of Greek 
 and Roman Antiquities." 
 The ring or loop, which so often is found on the side of celts of 
 the palstave and socketed forms, was thought by Mr. Yates to have 
 been principally of use to assist in carrying them, a dozen or 
 twenty perhaps being strung together, or a much smaller number 
 tied to the soldier's belt or girdle. He also thought that they 
 might serve for the attachment of a thong or chain to draw the 
 instrument out of a wall, should it become wedged among the stones 
 in the process of destruction. 
 The next essay on celts and their classification which I must 
 adduce was written by the late Rev. Thomas Hugo, F.S.A.,* who 
 followed much the same system as Mr. Du Noyer, so far as the 
 development of the socketed celt was concerned, though he differed 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., 1853, vol. ix. p. 63.
 from him with regard to the method of hafting, as he was persuaded 
 that, in general, celts were mounted with a straight shaft, like spuds. 
 He considered that the loop was not used for securing the celt to 
 its haft, but for hanging it up at home when not in use, or for 
 suspending it from the soldier's girdle whilst on the march. 
 Mr. Hugo's paper was followed by some supplementary remarks 
 from Mr. Syer Cuming, who suggests that a thong may have 
 passed through the loop by which the weapon might be propelled, 
 and contends that socketed celts are neither chisels nor axe-blades, 
 but the ferrules of spear-shafts, which might be fixed in the 
 ground, or even used at times as offensive weapons. 
 The name of the late Mr. Thomas Wright* has already been 
 mentioned. In his various works and papers he claims a Roman 
 origin for bronze celts and swords, though admitting that they may 
 occasionally have been made in the countries in which they are 
 Among other modern writers who have touched upon the sub- 
 ject of celts, I may mention that accomplished antiquary, the late 
 Mr. Albert Way, F.S.A., whose remarks in connection with an 
 exhibition of bronze antiquities at a meeting of the Archaeological 
 Institute in 1861 1 are well worth reading. I may also refer to the 
 late Sir W. R. Wilde, in his " Catalogue of the Copper and Bronze 
 Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy," published 
 in the same year; to Mr. Franks, in the "Horse Ferales;" to Sir 
 John Lubbock, in his " Prehistoric Times ; " and to General A. 
 Lane Fox (now Pitt-Rivers), in his excellent lecture on Primitive 
 Warfare, section iii.+ 
 Canon Greenwell, in his "British Barrows," has also devoted 
 a few pages to the consideration of bronze celts and axe-heads, 
 more especially in connection with interments in sepulchral 
 Foreign writers I need hardly cite, but I may mention a re- 
 markable idea that has been promulgated by Professor Stefano de 
 Rossi || as to celts having served as money, which has, however, been 
 shown by Count Gozzadini to be unfounded. 
 In conclusion, I may also venture to refer to an address If which 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 64. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 148, et seq. 
 I Jour. Hoy. Un. Service Inst., vol. xiii., 1869. 
 P. 43, et seqq. 188. 
 || See Revue de la Numis. Beige, 5th Ser., vol. vi. p. 290. 
 If Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 392.
 38 CELTS. [CHAP. n. 
 I delivered to the Society of Antiquaries on the occasion of an exhi- 
 bition of bronze antiquities in their apartments in January, 1873. 
 In treating of the different forms of celts on the present occa- 
 sion, I shall divide them into the following classes : 
 Flat celts. 
 Flanged celts. 
 Winged celts and palstaves, with and without loops. 
 Socketed celts. 
 What are known as tanged celts may perhaps be more properly 
 included under the head of chisels, to which class of tools it is not 
 unlikely that some of the narrow celts of the other forms should 
 be referred. 
 It is difficult to draw a hard and fast line between the flat 
 celts and the flanged, and between these latter and the so-called 
 palstaves. I propose, therefore, to include the flanged celts, which 
 are not provided with a stop-ridge to prevent their being driven 
 into their haft, in the same chapter with the flat celts, and to treat 
 of those which have a stop-ridge in the same chapter as the pal- 
 staves, with and without a loop. In a subsequent chapter I shall 
 speak as to the manner in which these instruments were probably 
 celts, or those of simple form with the faces somewhat 
 convex, and approximating in shape to the polished stone celts of 
 the Neolithic Period, have been regarded by several antiquaries 
 as being probably the earliest bronze implements or weapons. 
 Such a view has much to commend it, but, as already observed, 
 it may be doubted whether in the earliest times, when metal was 
 scarce, it would be so readily applied to purposes for which much 
 of the precious material was required, as to the manufacture of 
 weapons or tools of a lighter kind, such as daggers or knives. 
 Among celts, however, the simple form, and that most nearly 
 approaching in character to the stone hatchet, was probably the 
 earliest, though it may have been continued in use after the 
 introduction of the side flanges, the stop-ridge, and even the 
 socket. Some celts of the simplest form found in Ireland are of 
 copper, and have been thought to belong to the period when the 
 use of stone for cutting purposes was dying out and that of metal 
 coming in ; but the mere fact of their being of copper is by no 
 means conclusive on this point. 
 A copper celt of the precise shape of an ordinary stone celt, 
 6 inches long and 2| inches wide, which was found in an Etruscan 
 tomb, and is preserved in the Museum at Berlin, appears to have 
 been cast in a mould formed upon a stone implement of the same 
 class. It has been figured and described by Sir William Wilde. *~ 
 I have not seen the implement, nor am I aware of the exact 
 circumstances of the finding. Celts may, however, like the flint 
 arrow-heads inserted in Etruscan t necklaces of gold, have been 
 regarded with superstitious reverence, and it does not appear to 
 me quite certain that this specimen was ever in actual use as an 
 * "Catal. Mus. R.I.A.," pp. 367, 395 (Etruscan Coll., Berlin, No. 3244). 
 t "Horse Ferales," p. 136 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 169.
 [CHAP. in. 
 implement, and was not placed in the grave as a substitute for a 
 stone hatchet or Ceraunius. 
 However this may be, some of the earliest bronze or, possibly, 
 copper celts with which we are acquainted, those from the excavations 
 of General di Cesnola in Cyprus, and of Dr. Schliemann at His- 
 sarlik, are of the simple flat form, and justify Sir W. Wilde''" in his 
 supposition that the first makers of these instruments, having 
 once obtained a better material than stone, repeated the form 
 with which they were best acquainted, though they economized 
 the metal and lessened the bulk by 
 flattening the sides. The annexed 
 cut, Fig. 1, shows a celt from Cyprus 
 in my own collection, which in form 
 might be matched by celts of flint, 
 though it must be acknowledged that 
 the type in stone is rather that of 
 Scandinavia than of Eastern Europe 
 or the Levant. A slight ridge in 
 the oxide upon it seems to mark the 
 distance that the narrow end pene- 
 trated the handle. Numerous tools 
 or weapons of the same form were 
 found by Dr. Schliemann t in his 
 excavations in search of Troy. They 
 were at first thought to be of copper, 
 but subsequently proved to have a 
 small per-centage of tin in them. A 
 number of flat celts, some short and 
 broad, and others long and narrow, 
 were found at Gungeria, J in the Mhow 
 Talook, about forty miles north of Boorha, in Central India, many 
 of which are now in the British Museum. On analysis Dr. Percy 
 found them to be of pure copper. The same form was found at Tel 
 Sifr, in Southern Babylonia. Some from that place, and from the 
 island of Thermia, in the Greek Archipelago, are also in the British 
 Museum. Nearly similar instruments, said to be made of copper, 
 have been found in Austria, II Denmark,f Sweden,** Hungary, ft 
 * "Catal. M. R.I.A.," p. 366. f "Troy and its Eemains," p. 330, &c. 
 "CoDg. preh.," Stockholm vol. i. p. 346. Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, May, 1870. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 437. || Kenner, "Arch. Funde," 1867, p. 29. 
 Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," fig. 178. * "Cong, preh.," Bologna vol. p. 292. 
 ft "Cong, preh.," Buda Pest vol. i. p. 227. 
 Fig. 1. Cyprus.
 France,* and Italy, t I have one 3f inches long, from Royat, Puy de 
 Dome. A large and thicker specimen is in the Museum at Toulouse. 
 They have usually a small per-centage, O'lo to 2 '08 of tin in them.* 
 I have already, in the Introductory Chapter, made some remarks 
 on the probability of a copper age having, in some part of the 
 world, preceded that of bronze, and need here only repeat that the 
 occurrence of implements in copper, of the forms usually occurring 
 in bronze, does not of necessity imply a want of acquaintance with 
 the tin necessary to mix with copper to form bronze, but may 
 only be significant of a temporary or local scarcity of the former 
 metal. I may also add that without actual analysis, it is unsafe, 
 from appearance only, to judge whether copper is pure, or whether 
 it has not an appreciable per-centage of tin in it. 
 In treating of the different forms and characters of bronze celts, 
 and of the places and circumstances of finding, I think it will be 
 best first to take those from England and Wales, then those from 
 Scotland, and lastly those from Ireland. I begin with those which 
 have been found in barrows in England. 
 Fig. 2 represents a flat celt found in a barrow in the parish of Butter- 
 wick, in the East Eiding of Yorkshire, by the Eev. Canon Greenwell, 
 F.K.S., F.S.A. It lay at the hips of 
 the body of a young man, at whose right 
 hand the knife-dagger (Fig. 279) and the 
 bronze drill or pricker (Fig. 225) were 
 found, accompanied by a flint knife 
 formed from a broad external flake. In 
 front of the chest were six buttons, five 
 of jet and one of sandstone, two of which 
 are figured in my " Ancient Stone Imple- 
 ments." || The handle of the celt or axe- 
 head could be plainly traced by means of 
 a dark line of decayed wood, and to all 
 appearance the weapon had been worn 
 slung from the waist. " The blade is of 
 the simplest form, modelled on the pat- 
 tern of the stone axe, and may, it is 
 probable, be regarded as the earliest 
 type of bronze axe antecedently to the 
 appearance of either flanges or socket. 
 It is 4 inches long, 2f inches wide at the pi g . 2. Butterwick. j 
 cutting edge, and 1 inches at the smaller 
 end. It had evidently been fixed into a solid handle to a depth of 2 inches.' 
 Bull. Soc. de Sorda, Dax, 1878, p. 57. 
 t " Cong, preh.," Copenhagen vol. p. 484. 
 t Morlot, Mem. Soc. Ant. du Nord, 186671, p. 25. 
 " British Barrows," p. 188. The cut is Fig. 38. 
 || Figs. 369 and 370, p. 407.
 A very similar discovery to that at Butterwick was made by the late 
 Mr. Thomas Bateman in a barrow upon Parwich Moor, Derbyshire,* 
 called Shuttlestone, opened by him in June, 1848. In this case a man of 
 fine proportions and in the prime of life had been interred, surrounded by 
 fern-leaves and enveloped in a hide with the hair inwards. Close to the 
 head were a small flat bead of jet and a circular flint (probably a 
 "scraper"). In contact with the left arm lay a bronze dagger, much like 
 Fig. 279, with two rivets for the attachment of the handle, which had 
 been of horn. About the middle of the left thigh was a bronze celt of the 
 plainest axe-shaped type. The cutting edge was turned towards the 
 upper part of the person, and the instrument itself had been inserted into 
 a wooden shaft for about 2 inches at the narrow end. The celt and 
 dagger are engraved in the Archceological Association Journal,} and the 
 former in the Archceologia.\ It is about 5 inches long, and in form much 
 like Fig. 19. 
 In a small barrow named Borther Low, about two miles south of 
 Middleton by Youlgrave, Mr. William Bateman discovered a skeleton 
 with the remains of a plain coarse urn on the left side, a flint arrow-head 
 much burnt, a pair of canine teeth of either a fox, or a dog of the same 
 size, and a diminutive bronze celt. In the catalogue of the Bateman 
 Museum || this is described as "of the most primitive type, closely 
 resembling the stone celts in form," and 2 inches only in length. It is 
 there stated to have been found with a flint spear, but this seems to be a 
 mistake for an arrow-head. ^[ 
 Dr. Samuel Pegge,** in his letter to Mr. Lort already cited, mentions that 
 "Mr. Adam Wolsey the younger, of Matlock in Derbyshire, has a celt 
 found near the same place A.D. 1787, at Blakelow in the parish of 
 Ashover, with a spear-head of flint, a military weapon also." Not 
 improbably this was an axe-head of the same class. 
 A celt of much the same character as Fig. 2, but in outline more 
 nearly resembling Fig. 19, 4f inches long and 2| broad at the cutting 
 edge, was found in company with two diadems or lunettes of gold such 
 as the Irish antiquaries call "Minds," at Harlyn, in the parish of 
 Merryn, near Padstow, Cornwall, and is engraved in the Archceological 
 Journal.]} The objects were found at a depth of about six feet from the 
 surface, and with them was another bronze article, which was unfortu- 
 nately thrown away. This was described by the man at work on the spot 
 as "like a bit of a buckle." The discovery was quite accidental, and no 
 notice seems to have been taken as to whether there were any traces of an 
 interment at the spot, though the earth in contact with the articles is 
 described as having been "of an artificial character." 
 It is a celt of this kind which is engraved by Plot J J as found near 
 St. Bertram's Well, Ham, Staffordshire. He describes it as " somewhat 
 like, only larger than, a lath-hammer at the edge end, but not so on the 
 other," and regards it as a Eoman sacrificial axe. 
 One (4 inches) was found on Bevere Island, Worcestershire. 
 *"Ten Years' Diggings," p. 34. "Catalogue," p. 75. Arch. Assoc. Journ., 
 vol. vii. p. 217. t Vol. vii. p. 217, pi. xix. 
 t Vol. xliii. p. 445. " Vest, of the Ants, of Derb.," p. 48. 
 H See " Catal.," p. 32, No. 29. 
 ix. p. 85. 
 "Nat. Hist, of Staffordshire," tab. xxiii. p. 403 
 P. 74, No. 11. ee " ata., p. 
 ** Arch., vol. ix. p. 85. tt Vol. xxii. p. 
 JJ "Nat. Hist, of Staffords 
 Allies, p. 151, pi. iv. 11.
 Others of the same kind have been found near Duxford, Cambs,* near 
 Grappenhall, Cheshire ; f the Beacon Hill, Charnwood Forest, Leicester- 
 shire ; I and, near Battlefield, Shrewsbury, in. company with a palstave 
 without loop, some sickle-like objects, and other articles. One, 9 inches 
 long and 5 inches broad at the cutting edge, found in the ruins of Grleas- 
 ton Castle, Lower Furness, Lancashire, is engraved in the Archceologia.\\ 
 The celts found on Baddow Hall Common, <f[ near Danbury, Essex, one 
 of which was 6 inches long and 3^ inches broad at the edge, seem to have 
 been of this character. 
 I have seen specimens of the same type from Taxley Fen, Hunting- 
 donshire (4 inches long), in the collection of Mr. S. Sharp, F.S.A. ; and 
 from Eaisthorp, near Fimber, Yorkshire, in that of Messrs. Mortimer. 
 In Canon Greenwell's collection are three (about 4 inches) found at 
 Newbiggin, Northumberland, and others (about 5^- inches) from Alnwick 
 and Wallsend. A specimen in the same collection (5^ inches), found at 
 Knapton, Yorkshire (E. K.), has a slight ridge along the centre of the 
 sides, which, as well as the angles between the faces and the sides, is 
 indented with a series of slight hammer marks at regular intervals. 
 Mr. Wallace of Distington, Whitehaven, has one (6 inches) from 
 Hango Hill, Castleton, Isle of Man. 
 I have myself oelts of the same class from the Cambridge Fens 
 (4 1 inches) ; Sherburn Carr, Yorkshire (5|- inches), found with another 
 nearly similar ; Swansea (4 inches, much decayed); and near Pont Caradog, 
 Brithder, Glamorganshire (6| inches), found with three others, and given 
 to me by Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., in whose collection the others are 
 A few of these flat plain celts have been found in France. Some from 
 the^departments of Doubs and Jura are engraved by Chantre.** One from 
 Normandy, ft figured by the Abbe Cochet, seems to show some trace of a 
 transverse ridge. One from the Seine is engraved in the " Dictionnaire 
 Archeologique de la Gaule." Another was found in Finistere.JJ Others 
 are in the Museum at Narbonne and elsewhere. The form is also 
 found in Spain, both in bronze and what is apparently copper. I have 
 specimens from the Ciudad Real district. 
 The plain flat form like Fig. 2 is also occasionally found in Germany. 
 One from Ackenbach, near Homberg, is figured by Schreiber.|||| 
 With nearly straight sides like Fig. 27, the form is not uncommon in 
 Hungary. Some of these are very thin. 
 Others of nearly the same form, but thicker, have been found on the 
 other side of the Atlantic in Mexico, and many of the copper celts of 
 North America are also of the plain flat type with an oblong section. 
 This circumstance to my mind rather proves that the form is the simplest, 
 and therefore that most naturally adopted for hatchets, than that there 
 was of necessity any intercourse between the countries in which it has 
 Many of the flat celts are ornamented in a more or less artistic 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 179. t Op. cit., vol. xviii. p. 158. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 44. P. S. A., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251. 
 || Vol. v. pi. vii. i. p. 106. IT Arch., vol. ix. p. 378. 
 ** PI. ii. 1, 2, 3. ft " La Seine Inf.," p. 552. 
 H " Materiaux," vol. iv. p. 525. " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 2, 3. 
 III! "Die ehernen Streitkeile " (1842), Taf. i. 1.
 manner on the faces, or the sides, or on both ; but before pro- 
 ceeding to notice any of them, it will be well to mention another 
 variety of the plain celt, in which the faces, instead of being nearly 
 flat or uniformly convex, slope towards either end from a trans- 
 verse ridge near the middle of the blade. This ridge is never very 
 strongly defined, as the total thickness of the blade from ridge to 
 ridge is rarely more than half an inch. The plain variety is some- 
 what rare in Britain, but one ornamented on both faces will be 
 described, under Fig. 5, and an Irish example is shown in Fig. 35. 
 A large doubly tapering celt (8 inches) was found at East Surby, 
 Kushen,"* Isle of Man. Some of those already mentioned partake 
 of this character. In Hoare's great work a specimen from the 
 Bush Barrow, Normanton,f is engraved as being of this plain 
 doubly tapering type ; but from the more accurate engraving 
 given by Dr. Thurnam + it appears that this instrument has flanges 
 at the side, like Fig. 8, and must therefore be spoken of later on. 
 I now proceed to consider some of. the flat celts ornamented 
 with patterns probably produced by punches, as will subsequently 
 be mentioned. The first which I ad- 
 duce was found with an interment, and 
 the ornamentation is so slight that it 
 is a question whether the celt ought 
 not to rank among those of the plain 
 The late Mr. Thomas Bateman in 1845 
 found what he described as " a fine bronze 
 celt of novel form " and " of elegant out- 
 line " near the head of a contracted skele- 
 ton in a barrow called Moot Low, about 
 half-way between Alsop Moor and Dove- 
 dale, Derbyshire. " It was placed in a 
 line with the body, with its edge up- 
 wards." By the kindness of Mr. Llewel- 
 lynn Jewitt, F.S.A.,|| I am enabled to 
 give a figure of this instrument in Fig. 3. 
 As will be seen, it has slight flanges 
 along the sides, and the upper part is 
 ornamented with short vertical lines 
 punched in. 
 That shown in Fig. 4 was found in Yorkshire, and is now in the 
 British Museum. The patina upon it has been somewhat injured, but 
 * "First Rep. Arch. Comm. I. of Man," pi. iv. 2. 
 t "Ancient Wilts," vol. i. p. 202, pi. xxvi. I Arch., vol. xliii. p. 444. 
 "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 68. " Catal.," p. 75, No. 18. 
 || "Grave-mounds," fig. 187. 
 the ornamentation upon the faces is in places very well preserved. It 
 consists of numerous parallel lines, each made up of short diagonal 
 indentations in the metal, and together forming the pattern which will be 
 better understood from the figure than from any description. The sides 
 are ornamented by having two low pyramidal bosses drawn out upon 
 them, leaving a long concave hexagonal space in the middle between 
 'Fig. 4. Yorkshire. 
 them. This celt has already been figured, but on a much smaller scale, in 
 the " Horse Ferales." * 
 This style of ornamentation on the sides is more common on Irish than 
 on English or Scottish celts. One, however, 5 inches long, of the doubly 
 tapering form with lunate edge, having the central portion of the blade 
 ornamented with a series of lines in a chevron pattern, and having the 
 sides worked into three facets of a pointed oval form, was found at 
 Whittington,f Gloucestershire, and was presented by Mr. W. L. Law- 
 rence, F.S.A., to the Society of Antiquaries. The ornamentation is much 
 * PL iv. No. 4. t Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. pp. 235, 250.
 like that on Fig. 7, but between the ornamented portion of the blade 
 and the edge there is a curved hollow facet, the ridge below which runs 
 nearly parallel with the edge. 
 The celt shown in Fig. 5 might perhaps be more properly placed among 
 the flanged celts, as, without having well- 
 developed flanges along the sides, there is 
 a projecting ridge running along either 
 margin of the faces, in consequence of the 
 sides having been somewhat chamfered, or 
 having had their angles beaten down by 
 hammering. It was found on Preston 
 Down, near Weymouth, Dorsetshire ; but 
 I do not know under what circumstances. 
 It has become thickly coated with a dark 
 sage-green patina, which has in places 
 been unfortunately knocked off. The 
 beautiful original ornamentation of the 
 celt has been admirably preserved b} r the 
 patina. The greater part of the surface 
 has been figured with a sort of grained 
 pattern like morocco leather, probably by 
 means of a punch in form like a narrow 
 1 1 ';.? k^, blunt chisel. The faces of the blade are 
 !j't\'\ ' ,W not flat, but taper in both directions from 
 /Mjj|f^ .'Jft a ridge rather more than half-way up the 
 ifflHi' i|i|i||iiiMTnT^ blade. Along the lower side of this some- 
 what curved ridge, and again about an 
 inch above the cutting edge, a belt of 
 chevrons has been punched in, having the 
 appearance of a plaited band. Below the 
 lower band the surface has been left 
 smooth and unornamented, so that grind- 
 ing the edge would not in any way injure the pattern. The upper part of 
 the blade has at the present time exactly the appearance of dark green 
 morocco with "blind-tooling" upon it. No doubt many blades which 
 were originally ornamented after the same fashion as this specimen have 
 now, through oxidation or the accidental destruction of the patina, lost 
 all traces of their original decoration. On this, where the patina has 
 been destroyed, nothing can be seen of the graining. 
 I have a flat celt from Mildenhall, Suffolk (6 inches), in form like Fig. 
 6, the greater part of the surface of which has been grained in a similar 
 manner, though the graining is now almost obliterated. 
 In the collection of the Duke of Northumberland* is a large celt which 
 appears to be of the flat kind, with the side edges " slightly recurved," 
 and with the surface "elaborately worked with chevrony lines and orna- 
 ments which may have been partly produced by hammering." It was 
 found in Northumberland. 
 Another belonging to James Kendrick, Esq., M.D., found at Eisdon,f 
 near Warrington, is described as being " ornamented with punched lines 
 in a very unusual manner." Another, of which a bad representation 
 from one of Dr. Stukeley's drawings is given in the Archceologia, is said 
 Fig. 5.-W, 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 363. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 159.
 to have been found in the long barrow at Stonehenge.* One 4 inches 
 long, the faces ornamented with a number of longitudinal cuts, was found 
 near Sidmouth.f 
 In some instances the faces of the celts have been wrought into a series 
 of slightly hollowed facets. One such from Head, Lancashire, is in the 
 British Museum, and is engraved as Fig. 6. The central space between 
 the two series of ridges and also the margins of the faces are ornamented 
 with shallow chevrons punched in. The sides have been hammered into 
 Fig. 6. Read. 
 three facets, and this has produced slight flanges at the margins of the 
 faces. These facets are ornamented with diagonal lines. This celt was 
 found with two others, apparently of the same kind, and is described and 
 engraved in Whitaker's "History of the Original Parish of Whalley."| 
 The author says that these instruments were from 9 to 12 inches long, and 
 had a broad and narrow end, but had neither loops, grooves, nor any 
 other contrivance by which they could be fixed in a shaft, or indeed 
 applied to any known use. That in the British Museum was obtained 
 * Arch., vol. v. p. 135, pi. viii. 14. t Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. v. p. 82. 
 J 3rd edit., 4to, 1818, pi. ii.
 [CHAP. in. 
 by the late Mr. Charles Towneley. The two others were formerly in 
 the collections of the Kev. Dr. Milles, P.8.A., and of Dr. Whitaker. 
 I now come to the flanged celts, or those which have projecting 
 ledges along the greater part of each side of the faces, produced 
 either by hammering the metal at the sides of the blades, or 
 in the original casting. As has already been observed, some of 
 the celts which have been described as belonging to the flat 
 variety might, with almost equal propriety, have been classed as 
 flanged celts, as the mere hammering of the sides with a view to 
 render them smooth or to produce an ornament upon them 
 " upsets " the metal, and produces a thickening along the margin 
 which almost amounts to a flange. 
 In the celt shown in Fig. 7 the flanges are very slight, and are in all 
 probability merely due to the hammering necessary to produce the kind 
 of cable pattern or spiral fluting which is 
 seen in the side view. The faces taper 
 in each direction from a transverse 
 ridge, and the blade for some distance 
 below this is ornamented with an incuse 
 chevron pattern. The blade towards 
 the edge and above the ridge is left 
 plain. This specimen was found in 
 Suffolk, but I do not know the exact 
 locality. It is in my own collection. 
 Among nineteen bronze celts dis- 
 covered about the year 1845 on the pro- 
 perty of Mr. Samuel Ware, F.S.A., at 
 Postlingford Hall,* near Clare, Suffolk, 
 were several of this class, two of which 
 (6 and 5 inches), now in the British 
 Museum, are figured in the Archceo- 
 logia. One of them is ornamented with 
 a chevron pattern, covering the part of 
 the blade usually decorated, and having 
 vertical lines running through the 
 centres of the chevrons, and through 
 the junction of their bases. The other 
 is ornamented with a series of curved parallel lines running across the 
 blade, as on Fig. 16. They have a slight projection or ridge at the 
 thickest part of the blade, as have also two that are not ornamented, 
 which likewise were presented by Mr. Ware to the British Museum. 
 Another celt of this kind (4f inches) was found with a bronze spear-head 
 having loops at the lower part of the blade in the Kilcot Wood, f near 
 Newent, Gloucestershire. The faces are ornamented with parallel rows 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant,, 1st S., vol. i. p. 83 ; Arch., vol. xxxi. p. 496 ; Prof. Bury and 
 West Suf. Arch. Inst., vol. i. p. 26. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 369. 
 Fig. 7. -Suffolk
 of short diagonal lines, bounded at the lower end by a double series of 
 dots, and a transverse row of diagonal lines. 
 In the remarkable hoard of bronze instruments discovered on Arreton 
 Down, in the Isle of Wight, about the year 1735, were, besides the spear- 
 heads and dagger blades, of which mention will be made in subsequent 
 chapters, four of these flanged celts. Of these one (6^ inches) was orna- 
 mented both on the face and sides, but is at present only known from a 
 drawing in an album belonging to the Society of Antiquaries. 
 Fig. 8. Arreton Down 
 The others were plain, and of one of them a woodcut is given in the 
 Archaologia,* which by the permission of the Council of the Society of 
 Antiquaries is here reproduced as Fig. 8. It is 8 inches in length, and is 
 one of the largest of its class in the British Museum. As will be seen, the 
 blade itself is of the doubly tapering kind. The others are 4 and 4f 
 inches long. They are said to have been found arranged in regular 
 order,f an d, as Mr. Franks has suggested, may possibly have been the 
 store deposited by some ancient founder, which he was unable to reclaim 
 from its hiding-place. 
 * Vol. xxxvi. p. 329. 
 t Arch., vol. v. p. 113.
 [CHAP. in. 
 In Figs. 9 and 10* are shown two more of these doubly tapering 
 flanged celts, which were found in the parish of Plymstock,f Devonshire, 
 about a mile east of Preston. They lay beneath a flat stone at a depth of 
 about two feet below the surface, together with fourteen other celts, three 
 daggers, one of which is given as Fig. 301, a spear-head or dagger, 
 shown in Fig. 327, and a narrow chisel (Fig. 190). All the sixteen 
 Fig. 9. Plymstock. 
 Fig. 10. Plymstock. | 
 celts are of the same general type, but vary in length from 3f inches to 
 6f inches. The extent of the flanges or wings also varies, and in some 
 they project considerably, and are brought with great precision to a sharp 
 edge. At the narrow or butt end, the late Mr. Albert Way, who described 
 the hoard, noticed a peculiar slight groove extending only as far as the 
 * For the loan of these cuts I am indebted to Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S. 
 t Arch. Joum., vol. xxvi. p. 346. The scale of the cuts is there erroneously stated to be \.
 commencement of the lateral flanges. The character of the groove is 
 shown in the portion of the side view given with each figure. Mr. Way 
 and Mr. Franks thought that the narrow end of the celt, when produced 
 from the mould, had been slightly bifid, and that the little cleft had been 
 closed by the hammer. My own impression is that these marks are 
 merely the result of " drawing down " the narrow ends with the hammer 
 after their sides had been somewhat "upset" or expanded by hammering 
 out the side flanges. 
 The sides of some of these celts have been hammered so as to present 
 three longitudinal facets ; others have the sides simply rounded. One of 
 the most interesting features of this discovery is its analogy with that 
 already mentioned as having been made at Arreton Down. The greater 
 number of the objects found at Plymstock were given by the Duke of 
 Bedford to the British Museum, and the remainder to the Exeter Museum. 
 Four or five celts with slight side flanges were found in the Wiltshire 
 barrows by Sir E. Colt Hoare. The largest of these (6J inches long and 
 2 inches broad) was found in 1808, in a tumulus known as the Bush 
 Barrow, near Normanton.* The following are the particulars of this 
 discovery: On the floor of the barrow was the skeleton of a tall man 
 lying from south to north. Near his shoulders lay the celt, which owes 
 its great preservation to having been inserted in a handle of wood. About 
 eighteen inches south of the head were several bronze rivets, intermixed 
 with wood and thin pieces of bronze, which were regarded as the remains 
 of a shield. Near the right arm were a large dagger of bronze and a 
 spear-head of the same metal, fully 13 inches long. The handle of this 
 dagger, marvellously inlaid with pins of gold, will be described in a 
 subsequent chapter. On the breast of the skeleton was a large lozenge- 
 shaped plate of gold, ornamented with zigzag and other patterns, and 
 near it were some other gold ornaments, some bone rings, and an oval 
 perforated stone mace, the representation of which I have reproduced in 
 my "Ancient Stone Implements." 
 We have here an instance of bronze weapons occurring associated 
 with those of stone and with gold ornaments. Sir E. Colt Hoare has 
 recorded some other cases. In a bell-shaped barrow near Wilsford,f at 
 the feet of the skeleton of a tall man, he found a massive hammer of a 
 dark-coloured stone, some objects of bone, a whetstone with a groove in 
 the centre, and a bronze celt with small lateral flanges 3J inches long. 
 These were accompanied by a very curious object of twisted bronze, 
 apparently a ring about 4^ inches in diameter, having a tang pierced with 
 four rivet holes for fixing in a handle. In the ring itself, opposite 
 the tang, is a long oval hole, through which passes one of three circular 
 links forming a short chain. 
 In a barrow on Overton Hill,} Sir E. Colt Hoare found a contracted 
 skeleton buried either in the trunk of a tree or on a plank of wood. Near 
 the head were a small celt of this kind, an awl with a handle (Fig. 227), 
 and a small dagger, or, as he terms it, a "lance-head." 
 The occurrence of celts of this character is not limited to interments by 
 inhumation. In another barrow of the Wilsford group Sir E. C. Hoare 
 found, in a cist 2 feet deep, a pile of burnt bones, an ivory (?) pin, a rude 
 " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 202, pi. xxvi ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 444. 
 t "Anc. Wilts," vol.i. p. 209, pi. xxix. 
 i " Anc. Wilts," vol. ii. 90 ; Gran. Brit., xi. 7, where these objects are figured. 
 E 2
 ring of bone, and a small bronze celt, also with side flanges, and only 
 2 inches long. 
 Among other specimens of this form of celt may be cited one found on 
 Plumpton Plain,* near Lewes, Sussex, now in the British Museum ; one 
 (4 inches) found near Dover in 1856; and one (6J inches) from Wye 
 Down, Kent, both in the Mayer collection at Liverpool. Canon Green- 
 well, F.R.S., has one (3 inches) from March, Cambridgeshire. 
 Flanged celts much like Fig. 9 have been found in France. Some 
 from Haute-Saone,f Rhone, and Compiegne J (Oise) have been figured. I 
 have specimens from Evreux (Eure), Amiens (Somme), and Lyons. 
 The type also occurs in Italy in some abundance ; it is found more rarely 
 in Germany. || Examples from Denmark are figured by Schreiber,*ff 
 Segested,** and Madsen.ff The form also occurs in Sweden.^ 
 A peculiar form of flanged celt is shown in Fig. 11. The flanges 
 extend as usual nearly to the edge, but at the upper part of the blade are 
 Rg. 11. Thames. 
 Fig. 12. Norfolk. 
 set down so as to project still farther over the faces, though at a lower 
 level. The original was found in the Thames, and is the property of 
 Mr. T. Layton, F.S.A. 
 A small example, ornamented with a fluted pattern on the sides and with 
 the blade slightly tapering in each direction from a central ridge, is shown 
 in Fig. 12. The original was found in Norfolk, and is in the collection of 
 Mr. E. Fitch, F.S.A. 
 Another, decorated with a fluted chevron pattern on the sides, and with 
 indented herring-bone and chevron patterns on the faces, is given in 
 Fig. 13. This example was found in Dorsetshire, and is now in the 
 British Museum. In the same collection is a beautiful celt with side 
 * Sass. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 268. 
 t Chantre, "Album," pi. iv. 2, 3. " Cong, preh.," Bologna vol. p. 352. 
 Diet. Arch, de la Gaulc. Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xiii. PI. i. fig. EL. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxi. 100. Lubbock's "Preh. Times," p. 28, fig. 17. 
 Lisch, "Fred. Francisc.," tab. xiii. 7. H Die ehernen Streitkeile, Taf. i. 5. 
 * " Oldsag. fra Broholm," pi. xxiii. 6. ft " Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xxi. 6. 
 ; Montelius, " La Suede preh.," fig. 42. " Cong, preh.," Bologna vol. p. 292. 
 fret. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 428, pi. i.fig. 1.
 flanges found near Brough, Westmoreland (6f inches), which has the 
 Fig. 13. Dorsetshire. 
 portion of the blade below the thickest part ornamented with a lozengy 
 matted pattern much like that on 
 Fig. 51, but with the alternate 
 lozenges plain and hatched. The 
 hatching on some of the lozenges 
 is from left to right, on others the 
 A flanged celt of unusual type, 
 the sides curiously wrought and 
 engraved or punched, and the 
 faces exhibiting a pattern of che- 
 vrony lines, is shown in Fig. 14. 
 It was found near Lewes,* Sussex, 
 and is the property of Sir H. 
 Shiffner, Bart. 
 An example of nearly the same 
 kind is shown in Fig. 15, from a 
 celt found in the Fens near Ely, 
 and now in the museum of Mr. 
 Marshall Fisher, of that city. Both 
 faces are ornamented below the 
 thickest part with broad indented 
 lines, vertical and transverse, as 
 will be best seen in the figure. 
 Fig. 15. Ely. 
 * Arch, Journ., vol. xviii. p. 167. Chichester vol. of Arch fnst., p. 62, whence this 
 cut is taken.
 The sides are hammered into three facets, each having a series of diagonal 
 grooves wrought in them. The two left-hand facets on each side have 
 the grooves running upwards from left to right ; on the third facet they 
 run downwards, but at a much less inclination. The punch with which 
 the grooves and ornaments were produced has also been employed along 
 the inner angle of the flanges. 
 A pretty little celt, ornamented with transverse ridges in the lower part, 
 is shown in Fig. 16. The original was found at Barrow, Suffolk. 
 The Eev. Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., possesses one (4| inches) found at 
 Horncastle, Lincolnshire, the faces of which are decorated in a nearly 
 Fig. 16. Barrow. 
 Fig. 17.-IJ88. 
 similar manner ; but the sides show a cable pattern, and there is a slight 
 central ridge on the faces. 
 A much larger specimen (6 inches), found near the Menai Bridge,* 
 Anglesea, has also cabled sides, but the grooves on the faces are straighter 
 and wider apart. 
 A Danish celt, ornamented in a similar manner, is engraved by 
 The celt shown in Fig. 17 is of somewhat the same character, but the 
 transverse lines are closer and not continuous. They have evidently been 
 produced by means of a small blunt punch, with the aid of a hammer. 
 The original was found at Liss,J near Petersfield, Hants, and is now in 
 the British Museum. 
 Flanged celts decorated on the faces are of rare occurrence in France. 
 One of narrow proportions, and ornamented with lozenges and zigzags, 
 was found at Mareuil-sur-Ourcq (Oise). 
 * Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. viii. p. 207. 
 J Arch. Jcurn., vol. xii. p. 278, xviii. p. 167. 
 t " Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xxi. 2. 
 { Diet. Arch, de la Gaule.
 The only instance known to me in which the rough castings 
 destined to be wrought into this form of celt have been found in 
 Britain is one recorded in the Archceologia Cambrensis * by the 
 Rev. E. L. Barnwell. At the meeting of the Cambrian Archseo- 
 logical Association at Wrexham, Sir R. A. Cunliffe, Bart., exhibited 
 what had evidently been the stock in trade 
 of an ancient bronze -founder or merchant. 
 It had been found at Rhosnesney, near Wrex- 
 ham, and consisted of six palstaves, all from 
 the same mould, another somewhat slighter 
 and broken in two, the blade of a small 
 dagger, three castings for flanged celts, and 
 the shank of a fourth all of them rough as 
 they came from the mould. The cut given 
 of one of the last-mentioned castings is here 
 reproduced on a smaller scale as Fig. 18. It 
 will be seen that a broad runner is left at the 
 butt end, which was probably destined to be 
 broken off; the sides would also be ham- 
 mered, so as to increase the prominence of the 
 flanges ; and the whole would be planished by 
 hammering and grinding. All the specimens 
 have the appearance of having been washed 
 over with tin, but this deposit of tin upon 
 the surface may, I think, be due to some chemical action which 
 has gone on since the bronze was buried in the ground, and may 
 not have been intentionally produced. 
 A casting for a longer flanged celt found at Vienne (Isere) has 
 been figured by Chantre.f 
 Turning now to the flat and flanged celts discovered in Scotland, 
 I may remark that the instruments of the flat form appear to be 
 comparatively more abundant in that country than in England 
 and Wales, 
 In Fig. 1 9 is shown a remarkably well-preserved specimen in my own 
 collection, which is said to have been found near Drumlanrig, Dumfries- 
 shire. The sides present two longitudinal facets at a low angle to each 
 other. In hammering these the margin of the faces has been somewhat 
 raised ; they are otherwise smooth and devoid of ornament. Other speci- 
 mens have three facets on the sides. Instruments of much the same 
 character have been found near Biggar J (6 inches), Culter (5J inches), 
 Fig. 18. Ehosnesney. 
 * 4th 8., Tol. vi. p. 70. Cat. p. 1. 
 Arch, Ansoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 20. 
 "Album," pi. iii. 1. 
 [CHAP. in. 
 both in Lanarkshire ; on the farm of Colleonard,* near Banff (found with 
 three which were ornamented) ; at Sluie on the Findhorii,f Morayshire 
 (two, 6 inches) ; near 
 Abernethy,J Perth- 
 shire (4 inches across 
 face) ; near Ardgour 
 House, Inverness- 
 shire (5f inches) ; 
 the Hill of Fortrie 
 of Balnoon,|| Inver- 
 keithney, Banffshire 
 (5 inches long) ; Ka- 
 velston,^[ near Edin- 
 burgh (7 inches) ; 
 Cobbinshaw, Mid- 
 calder, Edinburgh 
 (4f inches), in my 
 own collection. One 
 found in the Moss 
 of Cree,** near Wig- 
 ton in G-alloway, has 
 been mentioned by 
 Wilson, and is en- 
 graved in the Ayr 
 and Wigton Collec- 
 tions.^ Others from 
 Inch and Leswalt, 
 Wigtonshire, have 
 also been figured. \\ 
 Fig. 19. Drumlanrig. J 
 Some of these 
 blades, and not- 
 ably the celts from 
 Sluie, the Hill of Fortrie of Balnoon, and Ravelston, have been 
 thought to be tinned. An interesting paper on the subject has 
 been written by Dr. J. Alexander Smith and Dr. Stevenson 
 Macadam. Their conclusion is rather in favour of the celts 
 having been intentionally tinned, so as to protect them from 
 oxidation and the influence of the weather. I think, how- 
 ever, that the tinned appearance of the castings for celts from 
 Rhosnesney affords a strong argument against this feature being 
 the result of intentional tinning ; for, if so, that metal would 
 t P. 8. A. S., vol. iv. p. 187, and ix. p. 431. 
 P. S. A. S., vol. ix. p. 182. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 245. 
 J P. S. A. S., vol. iv. p. 380. 
 || P. S. A. S., vol. ix. p. 430. 
 IT Arch. Scot., vol. iii. App. II. p. 32; P. S. A. S., vol. ix. p. 431. 
 ** " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," 2nd ed., vol. i. p. 381. 
 t+ Vol. ii. p. 6. H Op. cit., p. 7. 
 $ P. S. A. S., vol. ix. p. 428.
 have been applied to the blades after they had been wrought and 
 ground into shape, and not to the rough castings, from the surface 
 of which the tin would be certainly removed in the process of 
 finishing the blades. A bronze hammer from France in my col- 
 lection has all the appearance of having been intentionally tinned, 
 even partly within the socket ; but in this case the bronze appears 
 unusually rich in tin, which was probably added in order to 
 increase the hardness of the metal, and some considerable altera- 
 tion of structure has taken place within the body of the metal, as 
 the surface is fissured in all directions, something like "crackle 
 In the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh are other flat celts, some of 
 them with slight flanges at the edge, from Eildon, Roxburghshire ; Inch- 
 nadamff, Sutherlandshire ; 
 Dunino, Fifeshire; Vogrie 
 and Ratho, Midlothian ; 
 Kintore and Tarland, 
 Aberdeenshire ; and other 
 Some celts of this form, 
 but with slight side 
 flanges, have been found 
 in the South of France.* 
 A celt of this class, also 
 in the Museum at Edin- 
 burgh, is probably the 
 largest ever found in the 
 United Kingdom. ItislSf 
 inches in length, 9 inches 
 in its greatest breadth, but 
 only If inch at the nar- 
 row end. Its thickness is 
 about f inch in the middle 
 of the blade, and its weight 
 is 5 Ibs. 7 ozs. It is shown 
 on a scale of rather more 
 than one-fourth in Fig. 20, 
 for the use of the woodcut 
 of which I am indebted to 
 the Society of Antiquaries 
 of Scotland. It was found 
 in digging a drain on the 
 farm of Lawhead,f on the 
 south side of the Pentland A T , , 
 TT*n -r-i i * t -i Jiff. 20. JjftWlldftCU 
 Hills, near Edinburgh. 
 Some of the Scottish celts, both flat and doubly tapering, are ornamented 
 on the faces. One with four raised longitudinal ribs, and two with a 
 " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 6, 7. 
 f Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 105.
 [CHAP. in. 
 series of short incised or punched lines upon their faces, were among 
 those found on the farm of Colleonard,* Banff; another has shallow 
 flutings on the blade ; another, E 22, in the Catalogue of the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh, is also ornamented with incised lines. One of 
 those from Sluie,| Morayshire, is cited by Wilson. 
 The tastefully ornamented celt shown in Fig. 21 was found near 
 Nairn, and is now in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of 
 * P. S. A. S., vol. iii. p. 245. 
 t "Preh. Ann.," 2nd ed., vol. i. p. 381.
 Scotland, to the Council of which I am indebted for the use of the cut. 
 The wreathed lines appear to have been produced by a chisel-like punch. 
 The ornamentation of both faces is almost exactly similar. 
 I have two flat celts, both said to have been found near Falkland, Fife- 
 shire, one of which (6f inches) has had grooves about half an inch apart 
 worked in the faces parallel to the sides, so as to form very pointed 
 chevrons down the centre of the blade. The other (5 inches long) has 
 had broad shallow dents about inch long and i inch apart made in its 
 faces, so as to form a herring-bone pattern. 
 The doubly tapering celt shown in Fig. 22 is also said to have been 
 found near Falkland. Below the ridge the face has been ornamented 
 Fig. 22. Falkland. 
 Fig. 23. Greenlees. 
 with parallel belts of short, narrow indentations arranged longitudinally 
 for about half the length of the lower face, but nearer the edge trans- 
 versely. The sides are worked into three longitudinal facets. 
 Of Scottish flanged celts resembling Fig. 9, the following may be 
 mentioned. One found in Peeblesshire * (5f inches long, with a circular 
 depression on one face); one from Longman, f Macduff, Banffshire (3f 
 inches long). 
 Another of the same class, having a round hole at the upper part of the 
 blade, is said to have been found in Scotland, and is engraved by Gordon. 
 * Engraved in Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. pi. vi. 4, p. 21. 
 t P. S. A. S., vol. vi. p. 41. I "Itin. Septent.," p. 116, pi. 1. No. 1.
 [CHAP. in. 
 A celt with but slightly raised flanges and peculiar ornamentation is 
 shown in Fig. 23. It was found at Greenlees,* near Spottiswoode, 
 Berwickshire, and is in the collection of Lady John Scott. There is a 
 faintly marked stop-ridge, above which the blade has been ornamented by 
 thickly set parallel hammer or punch marks. The sides are fluted in a 
 cable pattern. Parallel to the cutting edge are three slight fluted hollows, 
 and on the blade above are segments of concentric hollows of the same 
 kind, forming what heralds would term ' ' flanches ' ' on the blade. Whether 
 in this ornament we are to see a representation of the "flanches" of the 
 winged palstave like Fig. 85, such as is so common on socketed celts, or 
 whether it is of independent origin, I will not attempt to determine. 
 Fig. 24. Perth. 
 Fig. 25.-Applegarth. J 
 A flanged celt with a slight stop-ridge, having the sides ornamented 
 with a cable pattern and the faces with rows of triangles alternately 
 hatched and plain, is shown in Fig. 24. The original was found near 
 Perth,f and is in the collection of the Rev. James Beck, F.S.A. A celt 
 with five hatched bands surmounted by triangles, and with the sides cable 
 moulded, though found in Denmark, + much resembles this Scottish speci- 
 men and some of those from Ireland. Another with similar sides, but 
 with the lower part of the faces ornamented with narrow vertical grooves, 
 was found at Applegarth, Dumfriesshire, and is now in the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh. It is represented in Fig. 25. 
 * Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 601. I am indebted to the Council for the use of 
 this cut. 
 t Proe. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. viii. p. 5. 
 t Madsen, Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xxi. 7. See also "Ant. Tidsk.," 18G1 3, p. 24. 
 Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., vol. xii- D . 602.
 Another decorated celt of the same character, though with different 
 ornamentation, is shown in Fig. 26. The curved bands on the faces are 
 formed of lines with dots between, and the sides have a kind of fern-leaf 
 pattern upon them, like that on the winged celt from Trillick, Fig. 98. 
 The original was found at Dams, Balbirnie,* Fifeshire. 
 A very large number of flat celts of the simplest form have been 
 found in Ireland. So numerous are they that it would only 
 encumber these pages were I to attempt to give a detailed account 
 of all the varieties, and of all the localities at which they have been 
 found. Sir William Wilde, in his most valuable " Catalogue of the 
 Museum of the Royal Irish Academy," has placed on record a 
 Fig. 26. Dams. 
 Fig. 27. Ballinamallard. 
 large amount of information upon this subject, from which some 
 of the facts hereafter mentioned are borrowed, and to which the 
 reader is referred for farther information. Some of those of the 
 rudest manufacture are formed "of red, almost unalloyed copper."t 
 These vary in length from about 2| inches to 6| inches, and are 
 never ornamented. 
 In Fig. 27 is shown a small example of a celt apparently of pure 
 copper, which was found at Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh, and was 
 kindly added to my collection by the Earl of Enniskillen. I have another, 
 more like Fig. 28, from Ballybawn, Co. Cork, presented to me by Mr. 
 Robert Day, F.S.A. 
 A small celt of this character, from King's County, now in the British 
 Museum, is only 2 inches in length. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xiii. p. 120. I am indebted to the Council for the loan 
 of this cut. t Wilde, p. 361.
 [CHAP, in 
 Fig. 28 shows a very common form of Irish celt, in this instance made 
 of bronze. The instruments of this type are in general nearly flat, and 
 Fig. 28. North of Ireland. | Fig. 29. Ireland. \ 
 without any marked central ridge, such as is to be observed more 
 Fig. 30. Tipperary. 
 frequently on the longer and narrower form, of which a remarkably small 
 specimen from the collection of Mr. E. Day, F.S.A., is shown in Fig. 29. In
 this case it will be seen that the blade tapers both ways from a low 
 central ridge. Others of these flat celts are in outline more like Fig. 20. 
 One such, in the museum of the Royal Irish Academy, is 1 2 J inches long 
 by 8 J inches broad, and weighs nearly 5 Ibs. One in the British Museum, 
 which, unfortunately, is somewhat imperfect, must have been of nearly 
 the same size. The usual length of the celts like Fig. 28 is from 
 4 to 6 inches. One from Greenmount, Castle Bellingham, Co. Louth, is 
 engraved in the Archceological Journal.* 
 Occasionally the flat surface is ornamented. An example of this kind 
 (7 inches) is given in Fig. 30, from a specimen found in the county of 
 Tipperary,f and now in the British Museum. The surface has the patterns 
 punched in, and the angles between the faces and the sides are slightly 
 serrated. Some few Irish celts are slightly fluted on the face, like the 
 English specimen, Fig. 6. 
 Another ornamented celt of this class, from my own collection, is shown 
 in Fig. 31. On this the roughly worked pattern has been produced 
 Fig. 31. Ireland. 
 by means of a long blunt punch, or possibly by the pane or narrow end 
 of a hammer ; but it is far more probable that the former tool was 
 used than the latter. The two faces are nearly alike, and the sides have 
 been hammered so as to produce a central ridge along them. 
 A large and highly ornamented flat celt in the collection of Canon 
 Greenwell, F.R.S., is shown in Fig. 32. The ornamentation on each 
 face is the same, and the sides have been hammered so as to produce a 
 succession of flat lozenges upon them. It was found near Connor, Co. 
 Antrim, with two others of nearly the same size, one of which was 
 * Vol. xxvii. p. 308. 
 f Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 410. For the use of this cut I am indebted to Mr. A. W. 
 Franks, F.R.S.
 [CHAP. in. 
 scraped by the finder. The other is ornamented with a cross-hatched 
 border along the margins, and three narrow bands across the blade, one 
 cross-hatched, one of triangles alternately hatched and plain, and one with 
 vertical lines. Parallel with the cutting edge, which, however, has been 
 broken off in old times, is a curved band of alternate triangles, like that 
 across the centre of the blade. Much of the surface is grained by vertical 
 indentations, and the sides are ornamented like those of Fig. 4. 
 Fig. 32. Connor. i 
 In the celts tapering in both directions from a slight transverse ridge, 
 the sides have often been "upset" by hammering, so as to produce a 
 thickening of the blade at the margins almost amounting to a flange. 
 Not unfrequently a pattern is produced upon the sides, as in Fig. 33, 
 where it will be seen that the median ridge along the sides is interrupted 
 at intervals by a series of flat lozenges. The faces of this instrument 
 below the ridge have been neatly hammered, so as to produce a kind of 
 grained surface not unlike that of French morocco leather. This speci-
 men, which is unusually large, was found near Clontarf, Co. Dublin. 
 The same kind of decoration occurs on the sides of many specimens in the 
 museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy.* 
 The decoration of the faces often extends over the upper part of the 
 blade, though, when hafted, much of this was probably hidden. In 
 Fig. 34, borrowed from Wilde (Fig. 248), this peculiarity is well ex- 
 hibited. The sides have the long lozenges upon them, like those on the 
 celt last described. 
 Fig. 33. Clontarf. 
 Fig. 34. Ireland. J 
 The beautiful specimen shown in Fig. 35 was presented to me by Mr. 
 Eobert Day, F.S.A. The sides have in this case a kind of cable pattern 
 worked upon them. The ornamentation of the faces is remarkable as 
 having so many curved lines brought into it. The lower part of the blade 
 has two shallow flutings upon it, approximately parallel to the edge. 
 In the case of a celt of much the same form and size (7 inches), which 
 belonged to the late Eev. Thomas Hugo, F.S.A., and was at one time 
 * See Wilde, Fig. 249. 266.
 thought to have been found in the Thames,* it is the upper part of the 
 Fig. 36. Trim. 
 blade that is decorated, and not the lower, which is left smooth. There 
 is no central ridge, but the upper part has a coarse lozenge pattern 
 Fig. 37,-Ireland. * Fig. 38,-Ireland. } 
 hammered upon it, the centres of the lozenges being roughly hatched with 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 295.
 transverse lines. Possibly this roughening may have assisted to keep the 
 blade fast in the handle, though in producing it some artistic feeling was 
 brought to bear. There is little doubt of this instrument being of Irish 
 Other celts, like Fig. 36, have the upper part of the blade plain and 
 the lower ornamented. This specimen was found at Trim, Co. Meath, and 
 is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. It will be observed that 
 even the cabled fluting of the sides ceases opposite the transverse ridge. 
 In Figs. 37 and 38 are shown two more of these slightly flanged 
 ornamented celts. The first is in the museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy, 
 and has already been figured by Wilde (Fig. 298). The lower part of the 
 blade is fluted transversely with chevron patterns punched in along the 
 curved ridges. In the second, which was presented to me by Dr. Aquilla 
 Smith, M.E.I. A., there is a fairly well defined though but slightly pro- 
 j ecting curved stop-ridge, and the blade is decorated by boldly punched 
 lines, forming a pattern which a herald might describe as "per saltire 
 argent and azure." The cable fluting on the sides is beautifully regular. 
 The Eev. GK W. Brackenridge, of Clevedon, possesses a longer specimen 
 (5f inches), found at Tullygowan, near Gracehill, Co. Antrim, the faces of 
 which are ornamented with a nearly similar design. Canon Greenwell 
 has another example found at Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. 
 The patterns punched upon the celts of this type show a great 
 variety of form, and not a little fertility of design in the ancient 
 artificers/'' Various combinations of chevron patterns are the most 
 frequent, though grained surfaces and straight lines like those on 
 Fig. 17 also frequently occur. Sir William Wilde describes them 
 as hammered, punched, engraved, or cast. Most of the patterns 
 were, however, produced by means of punches, though it is possible 
 that in some instances the other processes may have been used. 
 Figs. 39 to 43, borrowed from Wilde (Figs. 286 to 290), show 
 some of the patterns full size. The punch most commonly 
 Fig. 39. Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig 43. 
 employed must have resembled a narrow and blunt chisel ; but a 
 kind of centre-punch, producing a shallow round indentation, was 
 also employed, and possibly a somewhat curved punch like a blunt 
 gouge. In some cases the lines between the punched marks are, 
 according to Wilde, engraved. It is, however, a question whether 
 even the finest lines might not have been produced by a chisel used 
 after the manner of a punch. What were probably punches for 
 * See "Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 389 et seq. ; " Vallancey," vol. iv. pi. x. 9. 
 F 2
 [CHAP. in. 
 producing such patterns have been found in some English hoards, 
 as will subsequently be mentioned ; and in the Fonderie de Lar- 
 naud, Jura,* was a punch with an engrailed end for producing a 
 kind of " milled " mark, either in the mould or on the casting. 
 Another, with concentric circles, seems best adapted for impressing 
 the loam of the mould. 
 Some few of the Irish ornamented celts have well-defined stop- 
 ridges like the English example, Fig. 51 ; but these will be more 
 in their place in the following chapter. One or two other forms 
 may, however, be here mentioned, though they approximate closely 
 to the chisels described in subsequent pages. 
 One of these is shown in Fig. 44, the upper part of the blade of which 
 is, as will be seen, so narrow, and the instrument itself so small and light, 
 Fig. 44. Armoy. 
 Fig. 45. Ireland. 
 that it is a question whether it should not be regarded as a chisel or paring- 
 tool rather than as a hatchet. The blade tapers both ways, and the inci- 
 pient flange is more fully developed above the ridge than below. The 
 original was found at Armoy, Co. Antrim. It is much broader at the 
 cutting edge than the blade from Culham, Fig. 55, to which it is some- 
 what allied. 
 Another Irish form of celt, or possibly chisel, tapers in both directions 
 from a central transverse ridge, near which there are lateral projections 
 on the blade, as if to prevent its being driven into the handle. An 
 example of this kind, from the museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy, is 
 given in Fig. 45. There are nine or ten in that collection, and they vary 
 in length from about 3f to 8 inches. Others are in the British Museum, 
 one of which is more distinctly tanged than the figure, and the stops are 
 formed by the gradual widening out of the blade, which again contracts 
 with a similar curve, and once more widens out at the edge. This type 
 is also known in France. Other varieties of this form are described in 
 Chapter VH. 
 * Chantre, " Album," pi. 1. 9, 10.
 A doubly tapering blade in the museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy, 
 shown in Fig. 46, has a slight stop-ridge on the face, and also expands 
 at the sides, though not to the same extent as the plain specimens just 
 mentioned. It is ornamented with straight and curved bands formed of 
 chevron patterns. 
 A double-edged instrument, also in the museum of the Eoyal Irish 
 Academy, has a stop-ridge on one of the faces only, as shown in Fig. 47. 
 An instrument of the same form, but with stops at the sides instead of 
 on the face, 4f inches long, $ inch broad at the edges, and about inch 
 thick, was found at Farley Heath, Surrey, and is now in the British 
 A Danish instrument of the same kind is figured by Worsaae.* 
 Fig. 46. Ireland. 
 Fig. 47. Ireland. 
 Flat celts of iron with lateral stops have been found in the cemetery at 
 Hallstatt, Austria, as well as winged palstaves and socketed celts of the 
 same metal. 
 Some of the thin votive hatchets found at Dodona f are of the same form, 
 and are significant of such blades having been in actual use in Greece. 
 In the next, chapter are described the celts in which the side 
 flanges have become more fully developed, so as to form wings to 
 embrace and steady the handle, and the central ridge has grown 
 into a well-marked shoulder against which the end of the haft 
 could rest. 
 * Nord. Oldsnger, No. 176. 
 f Carapanos, " Dodone," pi. liv. 7.
 To any one who has examined an extensive collection of the 
 bronze instruments found in this country it will at once be 
 apparent that in the class of celts designed to be fixed in some 
 sort of haft, and not themselves socketed for the reception of a 
 handle, there is a wide range of form. Any attempt, however, to 
 divide them into well-marked classes is soon seen to be futile, as 
 there is found to be a gradual transition from what at first sight 
 appears to be a well-marked form into some other which presents 
 different characteristics. If, for instance, we take the side flanges 
 as a criterion, we find them ranging from a mere thickening on the 
 margins of the flat celts to well-developed flanges, extending along 
 nearly the whole blade ; we then find them confined to the upper 
 part of the instrument, and in some cases of great lateral extent, 
 so as to be capable of being hammered over to form a kind of 
 semicircular socket on each side of the blade. In other cases we 
 find that the flanges have some part of their apparent projection 
 due to a diminution in the thickness of the portion of the blade 
 which lies between them. If we take as a criterion the stop- 
 ridge, as it has been termed, a projecting ridge for the purpose of 
 preventing the blade being driven too far into its wooden handle, 
 we find the ridge in a rudimentary form in the blades which taper 
 both ways ; next as a slightly raised ridge or bead running across 
 the blade ; then as a better-defined ridge, to which, at last, greater 
 development is given by a reduction in the thickness of the blade 
 above it. The presence or absence of a loop at the side is, no 
 doubt, a good differentiation, but as this is a mere minor accessory, 
 and two celts may be identical in other respects with the excep- 
 tion of one being provided with a loop and the other being 
 without it, it does not materially assist in the classification of this 
 group of instruments, although for convenience' sake it is best to
 treat of the two varieties of form separately. An additional 
 reason for this may be found in the possibility that the loop was 
 a comparatively late invention, so that the palstaves provided 
 with it may be in some cases of later 
 date than those without it, though 
 the identity in the ornamentation of 
 some of the instruments of the two 
 classes, and the fact of their being 
 occasionally found together, are al- 
 most conclusive as to their contem- 
 In the present chapter I propose 
 to treat of the celts with a stop- 
 ridge, of the winged celts, and of 
 those of the palstave form. 
 The winged celts may be generally 
 described as those in which the 
 flanges are short and have a great 
 amount of lateral extension. When 
 these wings are hammered over so as 
 to form a kind of socket on each side 
 of the blade, one of the varieties 
 of the palstave form is the result. 
 The other and more common variety 
 of the palstave form has the portion 
 of the blade which lies between the 
 wings or side flanges and above the 
 stop-ridge cast thinner than the rest 
 of the blade, thus leaving a recess or 
 groove on each side into which the 
 handle fitted. 
 I have already made frequent use 
 of the term palstave, and it will be 
 well here to make a few remarks 
 as to the origin and meaning of the 
 word. The term palstave, or more 
 properly paalstab, comes to us from 
 the Scandinavian antiquaries. Their 
 reason for adopting the term was that there is still in use in 
 Iceland a kind of narrow spade or spud, which is known by the 
 name of paalstab, and which somewhat resembles these bronze
 instruments. Woodcuts of two of these Icelandic palstaves are 
 given in the Archaeological Journal,* from drawings communi- 
 cated to Mr. Yates by Councillor Thomsen, of Copenhagen. They 
 are here by permission reproduced. The derivation of the term 
 suggested in a note to the Journal is that paal comes from the 
 Icelandic verb pula, or pala, to labour, so that the word means the 
 " labouring staff." But this appears to me erroneous. Pul, indeed, 
 signifies hard, laborious work ; but pceli (at pcela) means to dig, and 
 pall (conf. Latin pala and French pelle) means a kind of spade or 
 shovel. The word, indeed, survives in the English language as peel, 
 the name of a kind of wooden shovel used by bakers for placing 
 loaves in the oven. The meaning of the term would appear, 
 then, to be rather "spade staff" than "labouring staff," unless 
 the word labouring be used in the sense of the French labourer. 
 Mr. Thorns, in a note to his " Translation of Worsaae's Primeval 
 Antiquities of Denmark, "j" says that the "term Paalstab was 
 formerly applied in Scandinavia and Iceland to a weapon used 
 for battering the shields of the enemy, as is shewn by passages in 
 the Sagas. Although not strictly applicable to the (bronze) 
 instruments in question, this designation is now so generally used 
 by the antiquaries of Scandinavia and Germany, that it seems 
 desirable, with the view of securing a fixed terminology, that it 
 should be introduced into the archaeology of England." The term 
 had already been used in 1848 in the "Guide to Northern 
 Archaeology,"* edited by the Earl of Ellesmere, and has now, like 
 celt, become adopted into the English language. 
 I have not been able to refer to the passage in the Sagas men- 
 tioned as above by Mr. Thorns, but whatever may be the original 
 meaning of the word palstave, it is applied by northern anti- 
 quaries to all the forms of celts with the exception of those of the 
 socketed type. 
 Among English antiquaries it has, I think, been used in a more 
 restricted sense. Professor Daniel Wilson II defines palstaves as 
 "wedges, more or less axe-shaped, having a groove on each side 
 terminating in a stop-ridge, and with lateral flanges destined to 
 secure a hold on the handle. The typical example, however, 
 which he engraves has neither groove nor stop-ridge, but is what 
 I should term a winged celt, like Fig. 56. 
 * Vol. vii. p. 74. f London, 1849, p. 25. + P. 59. 
 $ See Nilsson, " Skandinaviska Nordens Ur-Invanare," p. 92. 
 |j " Preh. Ann.," 2nd ed., vol. i. p. 382.
 In the present work I propose confining the term palstave to 
 the two varieties of form already mentioned ; viz. the winged celts 
 which have their wings hammered over so as to form what may be 
 termed external sockets to the blade ; and those with the portion 
 of the blade which lies between the side flanges and above the stop 
 thinner than that which is below. 
 The first form, however, of which I have to treat is that of the 
 celts provided with a stop-ridge on each face. These are almost 
 always flanged celts. 
 A fine specimen, with the stop-ridge consisting of a straight narrow 
 raised band across each face, and with a second curved band at some dis- 
 tance below, is shown in Fig. 50. It was found atWigton, Cumberland, 
 Fig. 50. Wigton. 
 and is in the a/llection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. The face between 
 the two bandy has a grained appearance given it by hammering. The 
 wings or side flanges are also faceted by the same process. In the same 
 coDection is another blade (5 inches) of this form, with a small stop-ridge, 
 and having the lower part ornamented with vertical punched lines. The 
 sides have three facets, that in the centre ornamented in a similar manner. 
 This celt was found at Rougham, Norfolk. I have a sketch of another 
 (6 inches) found near Longtown, Cumberland, in 1860. 
 I have a nearly similar specimen, but only 4 inches long, from Stanton, 
 Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. Another (5f- inches) with only a slight 
 stop-ridge was found at Aynhoe,* Northamptonshire, and is in the collec- 
 Baker's " Hist, of North.," p. 558.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 tion of Sir Henry Dryden. Fig. 51 shows a beautifully wrought and 
 highly decorated flanged celt, provided with a somewhat curved stop-ridge 
 connecting the two flanges. The two faces of the celt are ornamented 
 with an interlaced pattern produced by narrow dents, with a border of 
 chevrons along each margin punched into the metal. The flanges are 
 worked into three facets ornamented with diagonal grooves, and the 
 lower side of the stop-ridge has a moulding worked on it. This fine 
 example of an ornamented celt was found near Chollerford Bridge, 
 Northumberland, and is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. 
 A somewhat similar but unornamented variety of instrument, partaking 
 more of the palstave character, is shown in Fig. 52. The original was 
 Fig. 51. Chollerford Bridge. 
 found in excavations at Chatham Dockyard, and is now in the British 
 Museum. As will be seen, the recess for the haft ends in a semicircular 
 In Fig. 53 is shown a winged celt without stop-ridge found in Bur well 
 Fen, Cambridgeshire, and now in my own collection. The side flanges 
 or wings have been hammered into three facets, and are well developed. 
 The form of the blade is otherwise that of a flat celt, except that there is 
 a slight irregularity in the sweep of the sides, which results from the 
 hammering of the flanges. The form occurs occasionally in Ireland, and 
 one (4 inches) is figured by Wilde.* Winged celts of nearly the same 
 form, but provided with a stop-ridge, are occasionally found. One of 
 these in the British Museum, found at Bucknell, Herefordshire, is shown 
 in Fig. 54. The blade below the stop-ridge is & inch thick ; above it 
 * " Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 373, fig. 258.
 only | inch. A celt of much the same character (7 inches), found at 
 Wolvey, Warwickshire, is in the collection of Mr. M. H. Bloxam, P.S.A. 
 Fig. 53. Burwell Fen. 
 Fig. 54. Bucknell. 
 The double curvature of the sides may be noticed in the narrow chisel- 
 like celt shown in Fig. 55. The blade in this instance tapers both ways 
 from a line just below the wings, but without there being 
 any actual stop-ridge ; a third slope is produced by the 
 lower part of the blade having been drawn down by 
 hammering to form the edge. The original was found 
 at Culham, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire, and is in my 
 own collection. 
 I have another specimen, 4J inches long, and half 
 as wide again as the Culham chisel, which was found 
 near Dorchester, Oxon. The blade at the lower end 
 of the wings is an inch wide, but in the straight part 
 between that point and the edge only a little more 
 than inch wide. 
 Although these instruments are so narrow that they 
 may be regarded as chisels rather than axes, yet from 
 their general character so closely resembling that of 
 Fig. 53, I have thought it best to insert them here. 
 A Scotch example will be subsequently cited. Kg ' 55 -- Culham - 
 Another form of winged celt without stop-ridge is shown in Fig. 56. 
 In this the blade is flat, and the wings, which form triangular projections,
 [CHAP. TV. 
 stand at right angles to it. Had they been hammered over to form 
 semicircular receptacles on each side of the blade the instrument would 
 have been more properly described as a palstave. It was found with 
 others near Eeeth, in the North Hiding of Yorkshire, and is in the collec- 
 tion of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., where are also other specimens of this 
 type from Linden, Northumberland (5 inches) ; Brompton, N.E., York- 
 shire (5^ inches) ; and Wolsingham, Durham (5f inches). 
 Fig. 56. B*eth. 
 Fig. 57 shows a winged celt with a broad low stop-ridge. The part of 
 the blade above this is about inch thinner than the part below, so that 
 though transitional in character it belongs to one of the classes to which 
 I would wish to restrict the term palstave. This specimen was found 
 near Dorchester, Oxfordshire, and is in my own collection. 
 I have a nearly similar palstave (6 inches long) found in "Wicken Fen, 
 Cambridgeshire. In this the blade below the stop-ridge is ^ inch thick, 
 and above it & inch. In this as well as in that from Dorchester the stop- 
 ridge is well below the level of the side flanges. In one found on 
 Hollingbury Hill,* near Brighton, and now in the British Museum, the 
 stop-ridge is nearly on the same level as the side flanges. It was found 
 in the year 1825, together with four looped armillee, a torque, and three 
 spiral rings, which are said to have been arranged in a symmetrical 
 manner in a depression dug in the chalk. Both the torque and the 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 324.
 palstave were broken ; and it is thought that this was done intentionally, 
 at the time of the interment. 
 A similar discovery is recorded as having been made in 1794 on the 
 Quantock Hills, when two large torques were found, within each of which 
 was placed a palstave. In this case, however, these instruments were of 
 the looped kind. 
 Winged celts of the type of Fig. 57 are of not unfrequent occurrence 
 in Ireland, though the stop-ridge is usually less fully developed. 
 They also occur in France. One from Jonquieres * (Oise) has been 
 figured. I have a good specimen (6J inches) from the Seine at Paris. 
 The wings are rather wider and the 
 stop-ridge better defined than in the 
 figure. One from Gasny is in the 
 Museum at Evreux. 
 There are several in the Grottingen 
 Museum, from a hoard found in that 
 neighbourhood. . 
 Usually the stop-ridge is nearly on 
 the same level as the part of the side 
 flanges on which it abuts, as will be 
 seen in Fig. 58. This specimen was 
 found in the gravel of the Trent at 
 Colwick, near Nottingham, and is in 
 my own collection. The blade imme- 
 diately below the stop is fluted, and 
 the bottom of this fluting tapers some- 
 what in the contrary direction to the 
 tapering of the blade. The junction 
 of the fluting and the face produces 
 an elliptic ridge of elegant outline. 
 The blade is f inch thick at this ridge, 
 but above the stop-ridge barely f inch. 
 It is rather thinner near the stop- 
 ridge than somewhat higher up, so 
 that the blade would be as it were 
 dovetailed into the handle, if tightly 
 tied to it. I have specimens of much 
 the same type from Attleborough, Nor- 
 folk (6f inches), Newbury, Berks (6f inches), and Hay, Brecknockshire 
 (7 inches). A curious variety of this type found at Monach-ty-gwyn,f 
 near Aberdovey, has on the bottom of one of the recesses for the handle 
 a number of sunk diagonal lines crossing each other so as to form a kind 
 of lattice pattern. It seems to me that though this cross-hatching occurs 
 on only one face of the palstave, it was intended rather as a means of 
 giving it a grip on the handle than as an ornament, for when hafted this 
 part of the instrument must have been concealed by the wood. Mr. 
 Barnwell, however, regards it in the light of an ornament. 
 Plain palstaves of this character are of not unfrequent occurrence in 
 the North of France. I have one from a hoard found at Bernay, near 
 Abbeville. With it were palstaves of different varieties, but none of 
 them provided with loops. The form also occurs occasionally in Holland. 
 Fig. 58.-Colwick. 
 Diet. Arch, de la Gaule. 
 t Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. ii. p. 21.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 In the palstave engraved as Fig. 59, the half -oval ornament below the 
 stop-ridge is preserved, but there is a raised bead round it. There is also 
 a slight median ridge running down the blade. The joint of the two 
 moulds in which it was cast can be traced upon the sides of the instru- 
 ment, and it appears as if one of the moulds had been somewhat deeper 
 than the other. The original was found at Barrington, near Cambridge, 
 and is in my own collection. I have other specimens of the same type, 
 and of nearly the same size, from Swaffham Fen, Cambridge ; and from 
 Dorchester, Oxfordshire. The semi-elliptical ridge on the latter is larger 
 and flatter than in that figured. The same is the case in a large speci- 
 men (6 inches long) from Weston, near Ross, also in my own collection. 
 I have seen others from the Fens, near FJy (6 inches), and from Milden- 
 hall (6J- inches), in the collections of Mr. Marshall Fisher, of Ely, and the 
 Rev. S. Banks, of Cottenham, near Cambridge. Another (5J inches) 
 from the Carlton Bode find is in the Museum at Norwich. 
 Fig. 59. Barrington. i Fig. 60.-Harston. 
 One from North Wales* (7 inches), in an unfinished state, is in the 
 British Museum. Another (6f inches) from Llanfyllin,f Montgomeryshire, 
 is also of nearly this type. One from North Tyne (6 inches), in the 
 Newcastle Museum, has two of the looped ridges one below the other on 
 each face. In this type and in that subsequently described the ridge at 
 the sides of the semi-elliptical ornament sometimes dies into the upper 
 part of the blade. The variety like Fig. 59 is also abundant in the North 
 of France. There were two or three in the hoard from Bernay, near 
 Abbeville, and I have one from the neighbourhood of Lille. 
 In Fig. 60 the same general type is preserved, but there is a vertical 
 * "Horae Ferales," pi. iv. 25. f Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. viii. p. 209.
 rib running down the middle of the semi-elliptical ornament below the 
 stop ; and the median ridge along the upper part of the blade is more fully 
 developed. In this specimen, which is in my own collection, and was 
 found at Harston, near Cambridge, there is an attempt at ornamentation 
 along the sides, the angles of the blade having been hammered in such 
 a manner as to produce a series of small pointed oval facets along them. 
 I have other specimens of the same type, but without the ornamenta- 
 tion on the sides, from Burwell, Q/uy, and Reach Fens, near Cambridge, 
 6 inches, 5f inches, and 6f inches long respectively. In that from Bur- 
 well there is no median ridge below the ornament. Canon Greenwell has 
 one which was found with three others, one of them with a loop, near 
 Wantage, Berks. 
 A rather peculiar variety of this type (6f- inches), found in Anglesea,* 
 has been figured, as well as another 
 from Pendinas Hill,f near Aberyst- 
 In palstaves of this class there 
 is often a slight projection on each 
 of the sides a little below the level 
 of the stop-ridge. Below this pro- 
 jection the sides are usually more 
 carefully hammered and planished 
 than above it. 
 In a narrow palstave of this class, 
 found at Freeland, near Witney, 
 Oxfordshire, there are three short 
 ridges at the bottom of each of the 
 recesses for the handle, like those 
 in a palstave from Newbury, sub- 
 sequently described. These were 
 probably designed to assist in 
 steadying the handle. 
 A palstave (7j inches) from Cy- 
 nwyd,| Merionethshire, appears to 
 be of this type. 
 An instrument of this type from 
 Les Andelys (Eure) has been 
 figured. Another, with the vertical 
 rib in the shield, from a hoard 
 found in Normandy, has been engraved by the Abbe Cochet.|| Some 
 from the Bernay hoard have a similar ornament. 
 On some palstaves of this class there is a series of vertical ribs within 
 the semi-elliptical loop, as will be seen in Fig. 61. This is taken from a 
 specimen found at Shippey, near Ely, which is in the collection of Mr. 
 Marshall Fisher of Ely, who has kindly allowed me to engrave it. I have 
 one from Bottisham, near Cambridge (6f inches), on which there is a 
 smaller vertical ridge, on each side of the central ridge, within the orna- 
 ment. One from Snettisham, Norfolk (6 inches), like that from Shippey, 
 * Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. v. p. 13. 
 t Meyrick's " Cardigansh." and "Ancient Arm.," by Skelton, pi. xlvii. 1. 
 J Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxiii. p. 118. Diet. Arch, de la Gaule. 
 || "La Seine Inf.," p. 272. 
 Fig. ei. Shippey.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 is in the Norwich Museum. Another from Lakenheath, Suffolk (5J 
 inches), is in the collection of Mr. James Carter of Cambridge. 
 A palstave with this ornament is in the Museum at Soissons. 
 The type is also found in Northern Germany.* 
 In some cases these vertical lines below the stop-ridge are not enclosed 
 in any loop. In Fig. 62 is shown an example of the kind from a speci- 
 men in my own collection found in the Severn, near Wainlodes Hill, 
 Gloucester. It has a slight rib down the middle of the blade. One of 
 the same class (6| inches), with four vertical stripes, found on Clayton 
 Hill, Sussex, is in the collection of Mrs. Dickinson of Hurstpierpoint ; 
 Fig. 62. Severn 
 Fig. 63. Sunningwell. 
 four others (about 6 inches long), with five short vertical ridges, were 
 found with two of the type of Fig. 63 in making the railway near 
 Bognor, and are now in the Blackmore Museum at Salisbury. 
 Another, apparently of the same type, found near Brighton, is en- 
 graved in the Sussex Archaokgical Collections.] 
 Another variety, having nearly the same general form, but no elliptical 
 ridge below the stop, is shown in Fig. 63, engraved from a specimen in 
 my own collection, found at Sunningwell, near Abingdon. The end of 
 the recess for the handle is somewhat rounded, and there is a well-marked 
 central rib running down the blade. At the upper part, near the stop- 
 * Lindenschmit, "Alt. uns. heidn. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft. i. Taf. iv. 43. 
 t Vol. ii. p. 268, No. 11.
 ridge, there are also slight side flanges. The metal in the recess for the 
 handle is thinnest near the stop, so as to be somewhat dovetailing. 
 This is markedly the case in a fine example of the same type (6 inches) 
 with the provenance of which I am unacquainted. In another, also in my 
 own collection, found at Newbury, Berks, the side flanges of the blade 
 are continued almost down to the edge, and the bottom as well as the end 
 of the recess for the handle is rounded. Near the end of the recess are 
 some slight longitudinal ribs, one on one face and two on the other, 
 perhaps designed to assist in steadying the handle. The mouldings 
 along the sides of the blade are often much more fully developed, like 
 those on Fig. 77. 
 Palstaves of this type have been obtained from the following localities : 
 from South Cerney,* near Cirencester ; from the mouth of the Eiver 
 Wandle,f in Surrey, now preserved in the British Museum ; from Bucks J 
 (6 inches long), also in the British Museum; from Chichester ; Astley,|| 
 Worcestershire ; Liang wyllog,^f Anglesea (6 inches) ; from near Bognor,** 
 Billingshurst, ff and If ord, \ \ Sussex ; and Lovehayne, near Broad Down, 
 Devon (5 inches) ; where several appear to have been found in the rough 
 state in which they came from the mould. I have an example from the 
 neighbourhood of Penzance. 
 One (6f inches) found near Ashford, Kent, is in the Mayer Collection 
 at Liverpool. One of the same kind was found with a hammer, a tanged 
 chisel, broken spear-heads, and rough metal, in Burgesses' Meadow, 
 Oxford. The hoard is now in the Ashmolean Museum. In three 
 palstaves of this kind found in the parishes of Llandrinio, || || and Caersws, 
 Montgomeryshire, and St. Harmon, Eadnorshire, there is a hole in the 
 metal between the two recesses for the handle just above the stop-ridge. 
 It has been thought by Professor Westwood that these holes were con- 
 nected with the manner of fastening the instrument to its haft, but it 
 appears to me much more likely that they arise from accidental defects 
 in casting. This is certainly the case with two specimens of my own, 
 which also have holes through the same part of the instrument, where the 
 metal is thin. 
 One (5 inches), rather narrower in the blade than the figure, found near 
 Longford, Ireland, is in the Blackmore Museum at Salisbury. 
 Palstaves with a central and two lateral ribs on the blade are of not 
 unfrequent occurrence on the Continent, especially in the North of France. 
 I have examples much like the figure found in the hoard at Bernay, near 
 Abbeville. Others, much narrower in the blade, have been discovered in 
 large numbers in the North-west of France. 
 German examples have been figured by Lindenschmit.^ 
 In another variety the blade is nearly flat, having only a broad pro- 
 tuberant ridge extending along the upper part to the stop. A palstave of 
 this kind, found near Winfrith, Weymouth, Dorset, is shown in Fig. 64. 
 In this, the metal between the side flanges tapers towards the top of the 
 * Arch., vol. x. pi. x. 2, p. 132. t Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 8. 
 I "Horae Ferales," pi. iv. 26. Proc. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 38. 
 || Allies, "Wore.," p. 112, pi. iv. 4. 
 II Arch. Journ., vol. xxvii. pi. x. No. 3, p. 163. 
 ** Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. xvii. p. 255. ft Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. xxvii. p. 183. 
 %% S. A. C., vol. xxix. p. 134. Trans. Dev. Assoc., vol. ii. p. 647. 
 Illl "Montgom. Collections," vol. iii. p. 435. 
 HIT "Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft i. Taf. iv. 
 [CHAP. iv. 
 instrument, instead of being of nearly even thickness, as is often the case, 
 or thinnest near the stop-ridge, as it is sometimes. Close to the stop the 
 metal is ^ inch thick, while at the top of the recess it comes to a nearly 
 sharp edge. A palstave of this character was found on Kingston Hill,* 
 Surrey, near Caesar's Camp. 
 In a specimen found at Winwick,f Lancashire, the blade below the stop- 
 ridge appears to be nearly flat. A broad flat ring of bronze, If inch in 
 diameter (Fig. 188), was found at the same time. It has been thought 
 that this was attached to the shaft to prevent its splitting. A palstave 
 much like that from Winwick was found at Chagford, Devon, and is in 
 Fig. 64. Weymouth. 
 Fig. 66. Burwell Fen 
 the possession of Mr. GK W. Ormerod, F.GKS. Another (6 inches), from 
 Ashford, Kent, is in the Mayer Collection at Liverpool. Another of these 
 plain palstaves, found near Llanidan,J Anglesea, with one of the looped 
 kind somewhat like Fig. 76, is engraved in the Archceologia Cambrensis. 
 I have a palstave of nearly the same form, but with a more 
 clearly defined semi-conical bracket below the stop, which was 
 found at Masseyck, on the frontiers of Belgium and Holland. 
 A short and thick form of palstave is shown in Fig. 65, engraved 
 from a specimen found in Burwell Fen, Cambridge. On one of its faces 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 82. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. pi. xxv. p. 
 I 3rd Series, vol. xiii. p. 283. 
 i ; vol. xiv. p. 269.
 it has the semi- elliptical ornament, with one vertical rib in it, below the 
 stop-ridge. On the other there are five ribs instead of one within the 
 I have another from Bottisham Fen (4f inches), not quite so heavy in 
 its make, and perfectly flat below the stop-ridge. The ends of the recess 
 for the handle are somewhat undercut, so as to keep the wood close to the 
 blade when a blow was struck. 
 The shortened proportions of these instruments are probably due to 
 wear. In this instance it is not improbable that the cutting end of the 
 original palstave has been broken off, and the blunt end that was left has 
 been again drawn to an edge by hammering. 
 A form of palstave without any ornament below the stop-ridge is shown 
 in Fig. 66. This specimen was found in 1846 at East Harnham, near 
 Fig. 66. East Harnham 
 Fig. 67. Burwell F 
 Salisbury, and is now in my own collection. The thickness of the blade 
 below the stop is nearly inch, above it but little more than % inch. The 
 sides are remarkably flat. 
 One, only 2 inches long, merely recessed for the handle, found at 
 Chatham Hill, Kent, is in the Mayer Collection at Liverpool. 
 This plain form with a square stop-ridge is found in France and in 
 Western Germany. 
 A long chisel-like form of palstave is shown in Fig. 67, engraved 
 from a specimen in my own collection found in Burwell Fen, Cambridge. 
 It is ornamented with a semi-elliptical projecting ridge below the stop. 
 The flanges at the sides of the recess have some notches running diagonally 
 into them, so as to form a kind of barb, such as would prevent the blade 
 from being drawn away from the handle when bound to it by a cord. 
 I have another nearly similar tool, also from the Cambridge Fens, but 
 without any barbs. In a third, from the neighbourhood of Dorchester, 
 G 2
 [CHAP. iv. 
 Oxon, there are neither barbs at the sides nor any ornament below the 
 stop-ridge. I have seen another of the 
 same character (4^ inches) which was 
 found at Wolsonbury, Sussex, and is 
 in the collection of Mrs. Dickinson. 
 Another (4 inches), found in the 
 Thames at Kingston, Surrey, is in the 
 Museum of the Society of Antiquaries. 
 I have seen another (6| inches), found 
 at Sutton, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, 
 in which there was a tongue-shaped 
 groove below the stop-ridge, like that 
 on the socketed celt, Fig. 148, but 
 single instead of double. 
 The Eev. James Beck, F.S.A.,* has 
 a palstave of this kind 6 inches long 
 and 1J inch wide at the edge, with a 
 projecting rib below the stop-ridge 
 and also in the recess above. It was 
 found at "Westburton Hill, near Big- 
 nor, Sussex. There are depressions 
 on each side of the rib below the 
 stop, forming an ornament like that 
 on Fig. 81. 
 A narrow palstave, apparently of the 
 same character, found at Windsor,! 
 is engraved by Stukeley. 
 A very beautiful narrow palstave, 
 found in the Thames, and now in the 
 collection of General A. Pitt Eivers, 
 F.E.S., is shown in Fig. 68. As will 
 be seen, the angles are ornamented 
 with a kind of milling, and the sides 
 are also decorated with zigzag and 
 chevron patterns. 
 In Fig. 69 is shown an unfinished casting for a 
 palstave of unusually small size, which formed 
 part of the great hoard found at Stibbard, J Norfolk. 
 About seventy such castings were found, and about 
 ten castings for spear-heads (see Fig. 407). 
 The form of palstave with the side wings or 
 flanges hammered over so as to form a kind of 
 semi-circular socket on either side of the blade, is 
 of rare occurrence in Britain, and is usually pro- 
 vided with a loop. In Canon Greenwell's collection 
 is one (7 inches) without any ornament below the 
 square stop-ridge, with the side wings slightly 
 hammered over. It was found with others (with 
 and without loops), together with a mould for 
 palstaves (Fig. 527), at Hotham Carr, York- 
 Fig. 69stibbard. j shire, E. E. 
 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., N.S., vol. iv. p. 442. f "Itin. Cur." Cent., ii. pi. xcvi. 
 j Arch. Inst., Norwich vol. p. xxvi. 
 Fig. 68. Thames.
 In a hoard of about sixty bronze objects found at Westow,* about 
 the Scarborough Eoad, was one p~ 
 this kind, like Fig. 85, but without a loop, and about thirty socketed celts, 
 twelve miles from York on the Scarborough Eoad, was one palstave of 
 six gouges, a socketed chisel, two tanged chisels, and 
 numerous fragments of metal, including some jets or 
 runners broken off castings. 
 The type is of common occurrence in Austria, South Ger- 
 many, and the South of France. 
 Palstaves of the adze form, or having the blade at right 
 angles to the septum between the flanges, are but very 
 seldom found in Britain. A small specimen from the 
 collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., is shown in Fig. 70. 
 It was found at Irthington, Cumberland. 
 Another, from North Owersby, Lincolnshire, in the same 
 collection, is shown in Fig. 71 . It has a remarkably narrow 
 chisel-like blade. 
 Irish examples will be subsequently cited. 
 I have, in Fig. 72, engraved for comparison a larger 
 specimen in my own collection, which came from the Valley 
 of the Ehine, near Bonn. One from Bad en f is figured by Lindenschmit. 
 Others have been found near Landshut, J Bavaria, and in the Ehine 
 district. One with a loop, from Hesse, || is engraved by Lindenschmit. 
 Fig. 71 .North Owersby. 
 Fig. 72. Bonn. 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 58 ; Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 381. 
 t " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft i. Taf. iv. 48. 
 J Von Braunmiihl, "Alt. Deutschen Grabmaler " (1826), pi. i. 3; Schreiber, "Die 
 ehern. Streitkeile," Taf. i. 13, Taf. ii. 14. Diet. Arch, de la Gaule. 
 || " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft i. Taf. iv. 49.
 A long and narrow example of this type * was found at Villeder, near 
 Ploermel, Morbihan, and has been figured by Simonin. There are speci- 
 mens in the museums at Eouen and Tours. Some have a loop on one 
 face. A specimen from Escoville is in the museum at Caen. Several with 
 and without loops have been found in the Swiss lake-dwellings,! the 
 type being termed the Hache Troyon by Desor.]: 
 A beautiful palstave of the same character is preserved in the Antiken 
 Cabinet at Vienna. Its sides are ornamented with four small sets of con- 
 centric circles and a pattern of dotted lines, punched in after the instru- 
 ment was fashioned. The form has also been found in Italy. 
 Palstaves without loops, but of which no detailed description is given, 
 are recorded to have been found at the following places : The Thames, || 
 near Kingston ; Drewsteignton,^[ Devonshire ; Cundall Manor,** North 
 Biding, Yorkshire; Aspatria,ff Cumberland; Ackers Common,^ near 
 Warrington, Lancashire ; Bushbury, Brewood, Handsworth, and a 
 barrow on Morridge, Staffordshire ; near Llanvair Station, || || Khos-y-gad, 
 Palstaves of which it is not specified whether they were provided with 
 a loop or no, have been found in the Thames,^ near London ; the old 
 Eiver, Sleaford,*** Lincolnshire ; Canada Wharf,tff Eotherhithe ; Wol- 
 vey,^JJ Warwickshire ; and near Corbridge, Glamorganshire (?) 
 Plain palstaves without loops have frequently occurred with other forms 
 of instruments in hoards of bronze objects. The following instances may 
 be cited. Several were found with unfinished socketed celts, fragments of 
 swords and spears, a socketed chisel, and lumps of metal, at Romford,|||||| 
 Essex. At Nettleham,^|^f^f near Lincoln, one was found with looped pal- 
 staves, socketed celts, spear-heads, and a tube, most of which will be men- 
 tioned in subsequent pages. In the hoard at Battlefield,**** near Shrews- 
 bury, a palstave without loop, a flat wedge-shaped celt, and three curious 
 curved objects were found together. Other instances are given in 
 Chapter XXII. 
 The palstaves which are provided with a loop on one side 
 present as many varieties as those without the loop. The same 
 character of ornamentation occurs on the instruments of both 
 classes. Indeed, for some length of time both forms appear to 
 have been contemporaneous and in use together. 
 Some of them are, however, entirely devoid of ornament, as will be 
 seen from Fig. 73. This represents a palstave in my own collection 
 found near Dorchester, Oxfordshire. The loop has unfortunately been 
 broken off. At the stop the metal is 1 J inch thick, but the diaphragm 
 * "La Vie Souterraine," " Materiaux," vol. iii. p. 100. 
 f Keller, 6ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 30; 7ter Ber., Taf. ix. 30. 
 + " Les Palafittes," fig. 40. 
 Bull, di Palet. Ital., vol. i. p. 10, Tav. I. 9. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 327. H Arch. Journ., vol. xxix. p. 96. 
 ** Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 346. ft Arch. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 164. 
 H Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 158. Plot's " Nat. Hist, of Staffordsh.," p. 403. 
 {HI Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 85. HIT Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 63. 
 *** Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 73. ftt Proc. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 412. 
 JJJ Proc.\Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 129. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 248. j|||j| Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 302. 
 H1F1I Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 159. *** Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251.
 between the two recesses for the haft is only f inch thick. This specimen 
 is shorter than usual in the blade, which not improbably has been con- 
 siderably worn away by use. 
 A somewhat larger instrument, but of precisely the same type, found 
 at Kamsbury,* Wilts, is engraved in the Salisbury volume of the Archaeo- 
 logical Institute. The Eev. James Beck, F.S.A., has one (6 inches) of 
 narrower proportions, found at Pulborough, f Sussex. I have seen 
 another from near Wallingford, Berks. 
 Stukeley has engraved a somewhat simi- 
 lar palstave found near Windsor. J 
 In some the bottom of the recesses, 
 instead of being square, is rounded more 
 or less like Fig. 52, and there is a pro- 
 jecting bead round its margin. I have 
 a narrow specimen of this kind 5| inches 
 long and 1 inch broad at the edge, 
 found in the neighbourhood of Dor- 
 chester, Oxon. 
 A number of palstaves of this kind 
 were discovered in 1861 at Wilmington, 
 Sussex, in company with socketed celts, 
 fragments of two daggers, and a mould 
 for socketed celts. The whole of these 
 are now in the Lewes Museum. 
 In the hoard found near Guilsfield,|| 
 Montgomeryshire, were some instru- 
 ments of this kind, associated with 
 socketed celts, gouges, swords, scab- 
 bards, spear-heads, &c. Others from Stretton,^[ Staffordshire (5J inches), 
 and Lancashire ** (5 J inches) are engraved, though badly, in the Archao- 
 logia. Two others of this character (5 inches) were found on Hangleton 
 Down,ff near Brighton, and another at Grlangwnny, JJ near Caernarvon. 
 I have seen others found at Sutton, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. 
 A larger example of the same type, found near Wallingford, and com- 
 municated to me by Mr. H. A. Davy, is shown in Fig. 74. In this the 
 blade is flat and without ornament. The short specimen shown in Fig. 73 
 may originally have resembled this; as such instruments must have 
 been liable to break, and would then have been drawn out and sharpened 
 in a curtailed condition ; or if not broken would become eventually 
 " stumped up " by wear. In the British Museum and elsewhere are 
 many palstaves and celts which have been worn almost to the stump by 
 Nearly thirty palstaves, mostly, I believe, of this type, were found with 
 about twelve socketed celts, like Fig. 116, and lumps of rough metal, 
 near Worthing, in 1877. The whole had been packed in an urn, of 
 coarse earthenware. 
 P. 112, fig. 37. t Proc. Soc. Ant., N.S., vol. iv. p. 442. 
 J "It. Cur." Cent., ii. pi. xcvi. 
 Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. xiv. p. 171 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xx. p. 192. 
 H Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 214 ; 
 " Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437. 
 IF Vol. v. p. 113. **Ibid. 
 ft Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. viii. p. 268. JJ Arch., vol. vii. p. 417. 
 Kg. 73. Dorchester.
 [CHAP. rv. 
 Looped palstaves of the type of Fig. 74 are occasionally found in 
 Ireland. One with a small bead running down the centre of the blade 
 found in West Meath is engraved in the Archceologia.* 
 One from Grenoble, \ Isere, is engraved by Chantre. 
 Some palstaves of much the same general character have a median 
 ridge, occasionally almost amounting to a rib, running down the blade 
 below the stop. One of this kind from Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, is 
 shown in Fig. 75. On the face of the recess there are some slightly 
 raised ribs running down to the stop, which are not shown in the cut. 
 Fig. 74. Wallingford. 
 Fig. 75. Stanton Harcourt. 
 Two (6f inches) were found near Bolton Percy, Yorkshire, one of which 
 is in Canon Grreenwell's collection, and the other in the British Museum. 
 Mr. John Brent, F.S.A., has an example of nearly the same type from 
 Blean, near Canterbury. Another from Buckland, near Dover (6-]- inches), 
 is in the Mayer Collection at Liverpool. One from Ombersley, \ Worcester- 
 shire, appears to be of the same kind. I have also a large specimen 
 (6 inches) from Bottisham, Cambridge. 
 In the palstave engraved as Fig. 76, the central rib down the blade is 
 much more fully developed. It was found at Brassington, near Wirks- 
 worth, Derbyshire, and is in my own collection. It is considerably under- 
 cut at the stop, so as to keep the handle pressed against the central 
 diaphragm of metal. 
 * Vol. ix. p. 84, pi. iii. 1. f " Album," pi. ix. 4. % Allies, p. 108, pi. iv. 3.
 A palstave of the same character from Llanidan,* Anglesea, has been 
 figured. It is said to have been found with another without a loop. 
 Another from Boston, f Lincolnshire, is engraved in the Archceologia. 
 Others with the ribs very distinct were found in a hoard at Wallington, 
 Northumberland, and are in the possession of Sir Charles Trevelyan. 
 I have seen others of the same general character which were found at 
 Downton, near Salisbury (5f inches), and at Aston le Walls, Northamp- 
 One with a narrower and more distinct midrib, found at Nymegen, 
 Guelderland, Holland, is in the museum at Ley den. 
 In Fig. 77 is shown another variety which has two beads running down 
 the sides of the blade, in addition to the central rib. I bought this specimen 
 Fig. 76. Brassington. 
 at Bath, but I do not know where it was discovered. It is much like one 
 which was found on the Quantock Hills, + in Somersetshire, and is engraved 
 in the Archceologia. The side flanges are, however, in that case more 
 lozenge shaped, and project to obtuse points about half an inch above 
 the stop. Two palstaves and two torques were on that occasion found 
 buried together, as has already been mentioned. One of the same type 
 (5f inches) from Elsham, Lincolnshire, is in the British Museum. 
 One of narroAver form (6 inches) but of the same character, found 
 with socketed celts (some of them octagonal at the neck) at Haxey, Lin- 
 colnshire, is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. 
 * Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. xiii. p. 283. f Vol. xix. pi. viii. p. 102. 
 J Arch., vol. xiv. p. 94.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 I have another of the same type, but imperfect, which was found with 
 a plain bronze bracelet, and what from the description must have been a 
 small ribbon-like gold torque, at Winterhay Green, near Ilminster. I 
 have a smaller specimen (5 inches) from the Cambridge Fens. 
 The unfinished casting for a palstave of the type Fig. 77 (5 inches) 
 was found with four looped palstaves, and one without a loop, and a 
 spear-head like Fig. 409 at Sherford,* near Taunton, in 1879. Some of 
 the palstaves have a raised inverted chevron below the stop-ridge by 
 way of ornament. 
 Palstaves of the same character, but without the loop, have already 
 been described under Fig. 63. The looped type, like Fig. 77, occurs also 
 in Ir eland. f 
 In the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of London is a heavy 
 narrow looped palstave (8 inches by 2 inches) with this ornamentation, 
 found in Spain. 
 The central rib running down the blade is in many cases connected with 
 some ornament below the stop-ridge. The ornament consists usually of 
 raised ribs, either straight and converg- 
 ing, as on Fig. 78, or curved so as to 
 form a semi- elliptical or shield-shaped 
 loop, as on Fig. 79. 
 The original of Fig. 78 was found on 
 OldburyHill, Much Marcle, Hereford- 
 shire, and is in my own collection. I 
 have a smaller example of the same type 
 (5f inches) found at Hammerton, Hun- 
 tingdonshire, as well as one from the 
 Cambridge Fens (6 inches). 
 One (6f inches) found at Danesfield,J 
 near Bangor, has been figured. I have 
 seen one found near Chelmsford (6f 
 inches) with much the same ornament. 
 One (6J inches) in the Museum of the 
 Society of Antiquaries, found in North- 
 amptonshire, has the middle rib large, 
 and the converging ribs much slighter. 
 There are some which have only a slight 
 central ridge on the blade, and are orna- 
 mented with an indented chevron below 
 the stop-ridge. I have one such from 
 the Cambridge Fens, and I have seen 
 one (6 inches) which was found at 
 Broomswell, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. 
 A palstave of this character 6 inches long, found near the Upper 
 Woodhouse Farm, Knighton, Radnorshire, is engraved in the Archceologia 
 Cambremis. The loop, owing to a defect in casting, is filled with metal. 
 Six others (6 inches long), apparently of the same character, were found 
 with some rough castings of flanged celts at Ehosnesney,|| near Wrexham. 
 Two others (6 inches) were found with a chisel and a spear-head, like 
 * Pring, "The Brit, and Kom. on the site of Taunton," p. 76, pi. iii. 
 t Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 381, fig. 273. 
 % Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. ii. p. 130. 4th Ser., vol. vi. p. 20. || Ibid., p. 71. 
 Eg. 78. Oldbury Hill.
 Fig. 407, at Broxton, Cheshire, and are in the collection of Sir P. de 
 M. Grey Egerton, Bart. 
 The type is found upon the continent. One from Normandy* has been 
 engraved by the Abbe Cochet. I have an example from the neighbour- 
 hood of Abbeville. . 
 One from near Giessen, in the museum at Darmstadt, is figured by 
 That with the shield-shaped ornament below the stop-ridge, shown in 
 Fig. 79, is in my own collection, and was found near Eoss. The central 
 rib runs only part of the way up the shield. In a specimen from the 
 Kg. 79. Boss. 
 Fig. 80. Honington. 
 Cambridge Fens (5f inches) it stops short on joining the ridge forming the 
 In others it forms a heraldic pale running through the shield, as in five 
 found at Waldron, J Sussex. 
 A smaller variety, in which the vertical rib does not extend into the 
 shield, is shown in Fig. 80. This specimen was found at Honington, 
 In some the shield-shaped ornament consists of merely two triangular 
 depressions. A palstave of this class, rather narrow at the stop-ridge, and 
 with almost triangular blade, is shown in Fig. 81. The original, which 
 is of more yellow metal than ordinary, was found in the neighbourhood of 
 Ely, and is in the collection of Mr. Marshall Fisher, who has kindly 
 allowed me to figure it. In one such from Downton, near Salisbury, in 
 the Blackmore Museum, the faces of the diaphragm between the recesses 
 for the handle have raised ridges or ribs running along nearly the whole 
 ; La Seine Inf.," p. 14. 
 t " A. u. h. V.," vol. i. Heft i. Taf. iv. 44. 
 I Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ix. p.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 length, five on one face and six on the other. These are longer than in 
 the Nottingham specimen shortly to be mentioned. 
 In one found at Hotham Carr (of inches), Yorkshire, and now in 
 Canon Green well's collection, there is a bead running down the blade 
 between the two depressions. 
 This shield-shaped ornament below the stop-ridge is well shown in a 
 palstave from Bottisham Lode, Cambridge, engraved as Fig. 82. What 
 may be called the field of the shield is on one face nearly flat ; on the 
 other there are indentations on either side of the central ridge. As will 
 be seen, the extremities of the cutting edge are recurved, both in this and 
 the specimen from Ross shown in Fig. 79. It does not, however, appear that 
 the instruments were originally cast in this form, but the wide segmental 
 Fig. 81. Ely. 
 Fig. 82. Bottisham. 
 edge, together with the recurved ends, seem to be the result of a constant 
 hammering out of the blade, in order to renew or harden the edge. 
 Though the hammer was thus freely used, the whetstone was employed 
 both to polish the sides of the blade and to perfect the cutting edge. 
 I have a French palstave found near Abbeville, almost identical with 
 this in size and form. The shield ornament is, however, replaced by two 
 triangular depressions with a rib left between them, like that on Fig. 81. 
 In some specimens the ornamentation consists of a greater or less 
 number of parallel ribs below the stop-ridge, as in that from Nettleham,* 
 Lincolnshire, shown in Fig. 83. With this were found two others and 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160, whence this cut is reproduced.
 a fourth without loop, two peculiar socketed celts, two spear-heads, and a 
 ferrule, which will be subsequently mentioned. They are now in the 
 British Museum. 
 A nearly similar discovery was made in 1860 near Nottingham,* where 
 a palstave was found similarly ornamented, but also having three ribs on 
 the diaphragm above the stop-ridge. It was accompanied by sixteen 
 socketed celts, four spear-heads, a tanged knife, fragments of swords, a 
 ferrule, &c. 
 In Mr. Brackstone's collection was a palstave of the same type, found 
 near Ulleskelf,t Yorkshire, in 1849, with two socketed celts, one of them 
 of the peculiar type shown in Fig. 158. 
 I have a palstave found near Dorchester, Oxfordshire, of the same kind 
 as Fig. 83, with three ribs below the stop-ridge. There are also side 
 Fig. 83. Nettleham. 
 Fig. 84. Cambridge. 
 flanges at that part of the blade of the same length and character as the 
 ribs in the middle of the blade, so as virtually to make five ribs. 
 Canon Greenwell has specimens of this type (6 inches) from Llandysilio, 
 Denbighshire, and (6 inches) from Ubbeston, Suffolk. One (6 inches) 
 from Keswick, Cumberland, in the same collection has the ribs If inches 
 long. Another (6f inches) was found at Vronheulog,J Merionethshire. 
 I have a very fine and perfect specimen (6f inches) from the Cambridge 
 Fens, on which the three ribs stand out in high relief and converge so as 
 to form a triangle below the stop-ridge something like that on Fig. 78. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd. S., vol. i. p. 332. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. viii. p. 99, and Private Plate. 
 I Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. viii. p. 209.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 A palstave, having a series of ribs upon the diaphragm as well as 
 below the stop-ridge, is shown in Fig. 84. In this instance the upper 
 series of ribs extends nearly to the top of the instrument. It was probably 
 thought that they assisted in making the haft firm to the blade. This 
 specimen, which has been much cleaned, is in the British Museum, and 
 as it formed part of the late Mr. Lichfield's collection it was probably 
 found in the neighbourhood of Cambridge. 
 The form of palstave, so common in France and Germany, with- 
 out stop-ridge, and with the side wings hammered over so as to 
 form a kind of semi-cylindrical socket 
 on either side of the blade, is rare in 
 England. A specimen from the great 
 find of Carlton Rode,* Norfolk, is shown 
 in Fig. 85. There is usually at the top 
 of the blade a sort of dovetailed notch, 
 which may possibly have been made of 
 service in hafting the tool. It originates, 
 however, in there having been two run- 
 ners by which the metal was conducted 
 into the mould, which when broken off 
 left two projections at the top of the 
 blade. These being hammered so as to 
 round the external angles and flatten the 
 ends have come over towards each other, 
 and made what was a notch with parallel 
 sides into one which is dovetailed. 
 In this hoard were found numerous socketed celts, gouges, chisels, 
 hammers, pieces of metal, &c. It seems to have been the stock in 
 trade of a bronze-founder. Some other specimens from the same 
 hoard will subsequently be described. 
 Another palstave of the same character was found, with many socketed 
 celts, fragments of swords and daggers, and rough metal, at Cumberlow,f 
 near Baldock, Herts. 
 Three others were found in 1806, with two socketed celts, a fragment of 
 a sword, three lumps of raw copper, and four gold armlets, on the beach 
 near Eastbourne, :[ immediately under Beachy Head. They passed with 
 the Payne Knight collection into the British Museum. 
 That found " in an old wall, in Purbeck," with the socket " double or 
 divided ly a partition" as described by Mr. Hutchins in a letter to 
 Bishop Lyttelton in 1768, must probably have been of this kind. 
 A good specimen of the same character but bent (5f inches), as well 
 * Arch., vol. xxxi. p. 494; Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 80; Arch. Assof. Journ., vol. i. 
 p. 51 ; Smith's " Coll. Ant.," vol. i. p. 105 ; " Catal. Norwich Mus.," No. 9. 
 f Journ. Anthrop. lust., vol. vi. p. 19-5. i Arch., vol. xvi. p. 363, pi. Ixviii. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 117. See Borlase, " Ant. of Cornw.," pi. xx. 6. 
 Fig. 85. cariton Rode,
 as part of another, was found at Wickham Park, Croydon, together with 
 several socketed celts. They are now in the British Museum. 
 The upper part of a palstave of this character was found with socketed 
 celts, gouges, &c., in the Hundred of Hoo,* Kent. It has been thought 
 that this was cast hollow to receive a central prong, but the cavity is pro- 
 bably due to defective casting. A broken instrument of this kind was 
 found with socketed celts and metal on Kenidjack Cliff, f Cornwall. 
 Palstaves of this type, both with and without loops, are much more 
 abundant on the Continent than in Britain. Numerous examples have 
 been found in France, in Rhenish Prussia, and in the Lake habitations 
 of Savoy and Switzerland. 
 A Danish example is engraved by Worsaae,J and several from Germany 
 by Lindenschmit. 
 Iron palstaves with and without loops, some of them closely 
 approximating to the form of Fig. 85, but others more like the 
 ordinary Italian form of palstave, with a broad chisel-like blade, 
 have been found in the cemetery of Hallstatt. II In a specimen in 
 my own collection the side flanges are ornamented with transverse 
 ribs, precisely like those on some of the bronze palstaves from the 
 same locality. In one instance the upper part with the flanges is 
 of bronze, and the lower part of the blade of iron or steel. 
 This form of instrument, with a section in the form of the letter 
 H above, though easily cast, must have been extremely difficult to 
 forge ; and though we can readily trace its evolution in cast 
 bronze, it so ill accorded with the necessary conditions for the 
 profitable working of malleable iron that it seems soon to have 
 disappeared when iron came into general use. The fact of the 
 form occurring at all in iron shows that the iron instruments were 
 made in imitation of those in bronze, and not the bronze in 
 imitation of the iron. The same observation holds good with the 
 iron socketed celts, spear-heads, and swords from the same 
 Looped palstaves, without sufficient details being given of their types, 
 are recorded to have been found in Hare wood Square, London, ^[ Oxford,** 
 Devonshire,!! and with socketed celts, near Kidwelly,JJ Caermarthen. 
 A looped palstave rather like Fig. 75 is said to have been found in a 
 barrow near St. Austell, Cornwall, in 1791, but no details are given. 
 Palstaves provided with a loop on either side are of rare occurrence in 
 the British Islands. 
 A specimen found in 1871 at Penvores,|||| near Mawgan-in-Meneage, 
 * Arch. Cant., vol. xi. p. 123. f Journ. Roy. Inst. of Cornw., No. 21. 
 J Oldsager, fig. 184. "Alt. u. h. V.," vol. i. Heft i. Taf. iv. 
 || Von Sacken, "Das. Grab. v. Hallst.," Taf. vii. 
 If Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 188. ** Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. ix. p. 186. 
 ft Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 85. JJ Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xii. p. 96. 
 Borlase, " Naen. Corn.," p. 188. |||| Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 398.
 Cornwall, is engraved as Fig. 86. In character it closely resembles that 
 from Brassington, Fig. 76, the main difference consisting in its second 
 Fig. 86. Penvores. 
 Fig. 87. West Buckland. 
 loop. This specimen, with another from Cornwall and two from Ireland, 
 was exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries in 1873, and is now in the 
 British Museum. In the same collection is another, 6^ inches 
 long, somewhat lighter below the stop-ridge, and having the 
 central rib less fully developed on the blade. It was found in 
 Somersetshire in 1868, in making the Cheddar Valley line of 
 railway. Another found in 1842, near South Pethert on,* in the 
 same county, is in the possession of Mr. Norris at that place. 
 Another example, shown in Fig. 87 was found at West 
 Buckland, f Somersetshire, and is in the collection of Mr. 
 W. A. Sanford. With it were discovered a torque (Fig. 468,) 
 and a bracelet, (Fig. 481,) and also some charcoal and burnt 
 bones, but there was no sign of any tumulus. Irish speci- 
 mens will be subsequently mentioned. 
 Another two-looped instrument of a different character was 
 found at Bryn Crug,]: near Carnarvon, in company with a 
 tanged knife and a pin with three holes through its flat head 
 Pig. 88. (Fig. 450). It is shown in Fig. 88, copied on a reduced 
 Bryn Crag. } scale from the Archaeological Journal. It resembles a flanged 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 387 ; vol. x. p. 247 ; vol. xxvii. p. 230. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 107. For the use of this cut I am indebted to the 
 Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute. J Arch. Journ., vol. xxv. p. 246.
 celt except in having that part of the blade which lies between the side 
 loops raised to the level of the flanges. 
 In France these double-looped palstaves are of rare occurrence, but I 
 have seen one much like -Fig. 86 which was found in the Department of 
 Haute Ariege, and is now in the Toulouse Museum. One from Tarbes* 
 was in the Exposition des Sciences Anthropologiques, 
 at Paris in 1878. Another was found at Langoiran 
 The form is much more abundant in Spain, but in 
 most cases both the blade and the tang are long and 
 narrow in their proportions. An engraving of one from 
 Andalusia is given in the Archaological Journal^ and is 
 here by permission reproduced as Fig. 89. I have one 
 like it from a mine in the Asturias. One rather broader 
 from the Sierra de Baza,J Andalusia, has also been 
 figured. A broken and unfinished double-looped pal- 
 stave from Oviedo, now in the British Museum, has a 
 cup-shaped projection at the butt end which has been 
 filled with lead, possibly in old times, but for what 
 purpose it is impossible to say. An engraving of one 
 much like it has been published. There are several 
 such in the Museums at Madrid, with the head of metal 
 left on the castings. 
 The forms of celts and palstaves treated of in 
 this chapter are found also in Scotland, though 
 perhaps less frequently than those of the flat and 
 flanged forms described in the previous chapter. 
 Many so closely resemble English specimens 
 that it is needless to give representations of them, 
 as a reference to the figures in the preceding pages 
 will sufficiently indicate their character. AndltoL * 
 In the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh is a winged celt 4 inches 
 long much like Fig. 56, which was found on the top of a hill called Lord 
 Arthur's Cairn, in the parish of Tullvnessle,|| Aberdeenshire. Another, 
 6 inches long, with the wings somewhat curved inwards, was found at 
 Kerswell,^]" in the parish of Oarnwath, Lanarkshire. Another winged 
 celt, 4 inches long, was ploughed up on the estate of Barcaldine,** Argyle- 
 In the same Museum are also winged celts (5 inches) from Birrens- 
 wark, Dumfriesshire, and from the neighbourhood of Peebles, much like 
 that from Eeeth (Fig. 56). 
 A chisel-shaped celt, in character much like Fig. 55, but having a slight 
 stop-ridge, was found in Burreldale Moss, ft Keith Hall, Aberdeenshire, 
 * " Materiaux," vol. xiv. p. 192. t Vol. vi. p. 69, 369 
 i Gongora y Martinez, "Ant. preh. de Andal.," p. 110. Arch. Journ., xxvii. p. 237. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvii. p. 230. 
 || Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 30 ; Wilson's " Preh. Ann.," fig. 58. 
 IF Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 21. ** Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 203. 
 ft Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xi. p. 153. 
 [CHAP. TV. 
 and has been engraved by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, to 
 whom I am indebted for the use of Fig. 90. 
 In a palstave (6f inches) from Kilnotrie,* Crossmichael, Kircudbright, 
 the lateral flanges are continued below the stop-ridge, and there is a 
 median ridge down the blade. 
 In some palstaves in the British Museum, found between Balcarry and 
 Kilfillan, Wigtonshire, the stop-ridges instead of being at right angles to 
 the face of the blade shelve outwards. One of them is engraved as Fig. 
 91. The sides are hammered into V-shaped depressions forming a kind 
 of fern-leaf pattern along them. 
 Two of these palstaves are figured on a larger scale in the Ayr and 
 Wigton Collections.] 
 Another palstave from Windshiel, near Dunse, in the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh, has also the flanges somewhat hammered over. 
 Fig. 90. Burreldale Moss. J 
 Fig. 91. -Balcarry. J 
 A palstave without loop, and which from the engraving appears to have 
 a well-marked stop-ridge and to have the side flanges much hammered 
 over, is said to have been found near Tintot-top,J in Clydesdale. The 
 description, however, says that it has no stop, otherwise the figure would 
 almost justify an attribution of the instrument to Southern Germany 
 rather than to Scotland. Another of much the same character, but with- 
 out any stop-ridge, has been figured from Baron Clerk's collection as 
 having been found in Scotland. 
 Palstaves with a side loop have been said || to be common in Scotland ; 
 * Wilson's " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 382, fig. 56 ; "Cat. Ant. Mus. Ed.," E. 
 48. t Vol. ii. pp. 8 and 9. 
 J Arch., vol. v. p. 113, pi. viii. No. 2 ; Gough's "Camden," vol. i. p. ccvi. 
 Gordon's "Itin. Septent.," p. 116, pi. 1. 6. 
 || Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 21 ; Wilson, " Preh. Ann, of Scot.," vol. i. p. 383.
 but this can hardly be the case, as in the Museum of the Society of 
 Antiquaries of Scotland there are no authenticated examples. 
 One from Aikbrae,* Lanarkshire (6J inches), like Fig. 77, has been 
 figured. Wilson gives another example like Fig. 78, but does not 
 say where it was found. The "spade" he gives as his Fig. 59 is in all 
 probability Italian. 
 A palstave rather like that from Balcarry, Fig. 91, but with a loop, is 
 figured by Gordon f as having been found in Scotland. 
 What may be classed as a celt with two side loops, 
 or possibly as a chisel, is said to have been found 
 in the year 1810 in a barrow near Pettycur, J Fife- 
 shire. It is described as very strong, and the bend 
 in the upper part, as seen in Fig. 92, is thought to 
 be accidental. Wilson describes it as a crowbar or 
 lever, but as its total length is only 7-J inches it can 
 hardly be classed among such instruments. 
 A somewhat similar tool, but without holes in the 
 side stops (7| inches), is in the Museum of the Eoyal 
 Irish Academy. 
 Turning now to the instruments of this class 
 discovered in Ireland, I may observe that it is 
 so difficult to draw the line between the flanged 
 celts, tapering both ways from a central ridge, 
 and those which have a slight projecting stop- 
 ridge upon them, that some Irish instruments 
 of the latter class have already been mentioned 
 in the preceding chapter, to which the reader 
 is referred for the more highly ornamented 
 varieties. Other Irish types have also been in- 
 cidentally cited. 
 Some of the Irish palstaves much resemble 
 English and Scottish types, but generally speak- 
 ing there are sufficient peculiarities in their forms Fig. 92. Pettycur. * 
 to enable a practised observer to recognise their 
 origin. For several other varieties of form, besides those men- 
 tioned in the following pages, the reader is referred to Wilde's 
 Winged celts without a stop-ridge, like Fig. 53, have occa- 
 sionally been found in Ireland, and one is figured by Wilde. || I 
 have one (5^ inches) from Armoy, Co. Antrim. The wide-spreading 
 celt with a slight stop-ridge and segmental band upon the blade, 
 * Arch. Assoe. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 21. f " Itin. Septent.," p. 116, pi. 1. 4. 
 % Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 377 ; " Cat. Mus. Arch. Imt. Ed.," p. 27 ; Wilson, " Preh. 
 Ann. Scot.," vol. i. p. 386. 
 " Catal.," p. 521, fig. 394. || Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 373, fig. 258. 
 H 2
 [CHAP. iv. 
 like Ficr 50, also occurs. A remarkably fine specimen from West- 
 meath with punctured ornaments on the wings and at the lower 
 margin of the band has been engraved by Wilde.* Some are 
 without the segmental band. 
 The type of Fig. 54 has also been found. I have a specimen 
 (6 inches) from Ballinamallard, near Enniskillen. 
 Palstaves without a stop-ridge, and with broad lozenge-shaped wings 
 like Pig. 56, are of rare occurrence. One of nearly the same type but 
 having a low projecting ridge between the wings, is shown in 
 Fig. 93.-Ireland. 
 I have another from Annoy, Co. Antrim (6 inches), with a still slighter 
 transverse ridge, which forms the upper boundary to a shield-shaped pro- 
 jection on the blade, on which is a central vertical ridge with two others 
 on each side less definitely marked. The base of the shield is pointed. 
 A not uncommon type has a very high stop-ridge coming up to the 
 level of the side wings, the blade above the stop-ridge being somewhat 
 thinner than it is below. An example is shown in Fig. 94. 
 I have another from County Antrim, in which the lower part of the 
 blade has a slight median vertical ridge. 
 In a palstave in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy,! with ellip- 
 tical wings, a long fusiform boss has been cast in the centre of the blade. 
 * " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 373, fig. 262. f Op. cit., p. 373, fig. 259.
 In another instrument in the same collection the whole blade is 
 thickened out so as to form the stop-ridge, as will be seen in Fig. 95. 
 In other cases the ridge of the wings is 
 continued as a moulding on the face of the 
 blade, so as to enclose a space below the stop- 
 ridge. From the base of this there sometimes 
 proceeds a vertical rib, as seen in Fig. 96. 
 Inverted chevrons by way of ornament 
 below the stop-ridge are not uncommon, 
 sometimes with a vertical rib in addition. 
 Such compartments are often seen on the 
 winged celts, with only a slight stop-ridge. 
 Fig. 97 shows an example from Lanes- 
 borough, Co. Longford, now in the collection 
 of Canon Green well, F.E.S. The compart- 
 ment is ornamented with vertical punch 
 marks. The outside of the wings is faceted 
 after a fashion not unusual in Ireland, but 
 there is here a slight shoulder at the base 
 of the central facet which may have assisted 
 in securing the blade to the handle. On a 
 specimen at Dublin there are on the other- 
 wise flat sides elevated transverse ridges, which, as Sir W. Wilde* 
 has pointed out, may have served "to keep the tying in its place." 
 Fig. 95. Ireland. 
 Fig. 96.-North of Ireland. i Fig. 97.-Lanesborough. i 
 * " Catal. Mus. K. I. A.," p. 373, fig. 260.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 The sides of other specimens of much the same type are otherwise 
 fashioned and ornamented. In Fig. 98 is shown a celt from Trillick, Co. 
 Tyrone, on the sides of which a kind of 
 fern-leaf pattern has been hammered, 
 or rather punched, not unlike the carv- 
 ing on one of the stones in the great 
 chambered tumulus of New Grange. 
 The shield plate has two vertical hol- 
 lows worked on it. 
 The side of a celt ornamented in the 
 same manner is engraved by Wilde.* 
 A small palstave, with two vertical 
 grooves in the blade, is shown in Fig. 99. 
 Another form of winged celt, with a 
 low stopriidge and with a vertical rib 
 passing through an inverted chevron 
 on the blade, is shown in Fig. 100. 
 The original is in the collection of Mr. 
 Eobert Day, F.S.A. 
 The same style of ornament occurs 
 on palstaves of other forms. f 
 In some instances, there is in the 
 centre of the stop-ridge a kind of bracket on the blade, and the side wings 
 are hammered over so as to form an imperfect socket. A small example 
 of the kind is shown in Fig. 101. I have a larger specimen (4 inches) 
 from Trillick, Co. Tyrone. VallanceyJ engraves a palstave of this type. 
 * " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 379, fig. 270. f VaUancey, vol. iv. pi. x. 7. 
 + Vol. iv. pi. x. 2.
 Others with flat blades and no brackets have the side flanges hammered 
 over in the same manner. 
 A fine example, in which the conical bracket dies into the stop-ridge and 
 side flanges, is in the British Museum. 
 Palstaves with a loop at the side are not of such frequent occurrence in 
 Ireland as those without. Wilde * has engraved a specimen (6f inches) like 
 Fig. 77 as well as that f which I have here shown on a larger scale as 
 Fig. 102. This latter has the wings well hammered over at the base, so 
 as to form a kind of socket on each side of the blade. It differs, however, 
 from the English and foreign specimens like Fig. 85 in having a well- 
 marked shoulder or stop on the blade between the wings. 
 Palstaves of nearly the same character, but without the loop, have 
 already been mentioned as found both in Ireland and Scotland. Others, 
 ?. 102. Ireland. Fig. 103. Ireland. Fig. 104. Ireland. J 
 with loops like Fig. 103, have a bracket on the blade between the 
 A remarkable form with slight side flanges and no stop-ridge, from the 
 Dublin Museum, is shown in Fig. 104. It is No. 630 in Wilde's Cata- 
 logue. The sides have deep diagonal notches upon them and the upper 
 part of each face is chequered, perhaps in order to assist in steadying 
 the blade in its handle. 
 Another noteworthy palstave, found at Miltown, Co. Dublin, is shown 
 in Fig. 105. In this the side wings are not hammered over, and the stop is 
 supported by a conical bracket. The shoulders, instead of being nearly 
 square to the midrib, are inclined upwards at an angle of nearly 45, so as to 
 form receptacles in which the wedge-shaped ends of the split handle would 
 be held tight against the blade. These inclined stops have been observed 
 in other palstaves of different forms, and Sir W. Wilde J has called atten- 
 tion to them in connection with a palstave much like that now under 
 consideration, but without any projection or loop on the side. The most 
 remarkable feature in the Miltown example is a projecting, slightly 
 * P. 381, fig. 273. * P. 379, fig. 265. J " Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 377, fig. 263.
 [CHAP. iv. 
 curved spike or neb placed near the top of the blade rather above the 
 position usually occupied by the loop. At first sight it looks like an 
 imperfect loop, but, on examination, it is evident that the casting is per- 
 fect ; and, on consideration, it seems clear that this projection would serve 
 quite as well as a loop for receiving a cord to hold the blade back upon 
 its haft, while for the actual tying it would be more convenient, as the cord 
 would have merely to be passed over a hook, and not to be threaded 
 through a loop. In a somewhat similar palstave (3f inches) in the Museum 
 of the Eoyal Irish Academy* there is also a projecting neb, but more 
 semicircular in outline. I am not 
 sure that it was intended for the 
 same purpose. A looped palstave 
 of this type, but with the bottom of 
 the side socket more circular, is en- 
 graved by Vallancey.f 
 Some of the socketed celts from 
 the Bologna hoard have curved nebs 
 on each side instead of rings. In- 
 struments of the same character, 
 also from Italy, have been engraved 
 by De Bonstetten,| Schreiber, and 
 Double-looped palstaves, with a 
 loop on either side, and in character 
 like Fig. 86, are almost or quite as 
 rare in Ireland as in England. The 
 only specimen engraved by Wilde ^f 
 is in the collection of Lord Talbot 
 de Malahide. It is 6 inches long, 
 with the loops not quite symmetrical. 
 It was supposed to be unique. I 
 have, however, another specimen of 
 this type (6f inches) found at Bal- 
 lincollig,** Co. Cork, in 1854, which 
 was formerly in the collection of the 
 Eev. Thomas Hugo, F.S.A. It so closely resembles Fig. 86 that it is not 
 worth while to engrave it. 
 Another remarkable and indeed unique instrument, in the Museum of 
 the Eoyal Irish Academy, ff is shown in Fig. 106. It is like a flat celt, 
 but has grooves and stops at the side like a palstave with a transverse 
 edge. Below the stops are two loops. The sides below the stops are 
 ornamented with transverse lines, and on the face here shown there is a 
 dotted kind of cartouche below the stops, and a square compartment 
 chequered in lozenges above them. This latter is wanting on the other 
 face, but the corresponding cartouche below is divided into small lozenges 
 alternately hatched and plain. 
 t Vol. iv. pi. x. 1. 
 See also Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 377 ; vol. 
 xxi. p. 100. 
 "Dieeher. Streitkeile," Taf. ii. 8. || " Recueil d'Ant.," pi. xciv. 1. 
 f "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 382, fig. 274 ; Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 194. 
 ** Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 222. 
 tt " Catal.," p. 521, fig. 393 ; Arch. Journ., vol. viii. p. 91, pi. No. 1. 
 Fig. 105. MUtown. 
 ; Catal.," p. 433, No. 641. 
 + ' Eecueil d'Antiq. Suisses," pi. ii.
 Another Irish instrument of nearly the same form, but without the 
 grooves and stops at the sides, is in the Bell Collection in the Antiquarian 
 Fig. 106. Ireland. 
 Fig. 107. Ireland. 
 Museum at Edinburgh ; but its exact place of finding is uncertain. It is 
 shown in Fig. 107, and, like 
 that last described, has each of 
 its faces ornamented in a dif- 
 ferent manner. 
 The palstaves with a trans- 
 verse edge are of more common 
 occurrence in Ireland than in 
 England, but are even there 
 very rare. That engraved as 
 Fig. 108 was formerly in the 
 collection of the Eev. Thomas 
 Hugo, F.S.A.* A similar tool 
 is figured by Vallancey.f 
 The smaller specimen shown 
 in Fig. 109 was found near 
 Ballymena, Co. Antrim, and is 
 in the collection of Mr. Eobert 
 Day, F.S.A. I have one from 
 the North of Ireland (4 inches) 
 with the stops less distinct. 
 Another Irish specimen (3 
 inches) is in the British Museum. In the Museum of the Eoyal Irish 
 Academy are several varying in length from 2|- inches to 5 inches. 
 They are classed by "Wilde J among the chisels. 
 Fig. 108 Ireland. 
 Fig. 109. Ballymena. J 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 156. 
 J "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 521, fig. 397. 
 t Vol. iv. pi. x. 6.
 In describing the various forms illustrated by the figures, I have 
 from time to time called attention to the analogies which they 
 present with other European forms, and it is hardly necessary to 
 make any broad comparison of British palstaves and winged celts 
 with those of other European countries. It would indeed be a 
 difficult task to attempt, as in each country, if not in several dis- 
 tricts in each country, the instruments of this kind are characterised 
 by some local peculiarity. 
 Perhaps it will be more instructive to mention certain conti- 
 nental forms which are conspicuous by their absence in Britain. 
 We have not, for instance, the southern French form with a 
 kind of contracted waist and broad side flanges or rounded wings 
 in the middle of the blade ; nor, again, the long narrow form 
 almost resembling a marrow spoon ; nor that with the almost 
 circular blade, much like an ancient mirror. Nor have we the 
 German form, with the V-shaped stop-ridge, nor that in which the 
 stop-ridge forms a circular collar above a blade with beadings 
 along the sides. Nor have we the common Italian form, with the 
 blade like a long spud ; nor, again, the narrow Scandinavian form, 
 which is often highly decorated. 
 And yet, in comparing the instruments described in the present 
 chapter with those of neighbouring countries, and especially of 
 France, it will at once be remarked that, as might have been 
 reasonably expected, the closest analogies are to be observed 
 between some of those of England and France, while in the more 
 peculiarly Scottish and Irish types the resemblances are more 
 remote. It must, however, be borne in mind that there is good 
 evidence in the shape of moulds and bronze-founders' hoards, such 
 as will subsequently be mentioned, to prove that these instruments 
 were cast in various parts of this country ; so that, though some 
 palstaves may be of foreign origin, yet, as a rule, it was the 
 fashion of the objects rather than the objects themselves for which 
 the inhabitants of Britain were indebted to foreign intercourse. 
 Even in the area now embraced by France there does not appear 
 to have been any single centre of manufacture, but, taken as a 
 group, the palstaves of the South, the North, and the North-west 
 of France present some distinguishing characteristics. The same 
 is the case with the socketed celts of that country, the English 
 representatives of which will be discussed in the next chapter.
 THE class of celts cast in such a manner as to have a socket for 
 receiving the haft is numerously represented in the British Isles. 
 In this form of instrument the haft was actually imbedded in the 
 blade, whereas in the case of the flat and flanged celts, and of the 
 so-called palstaves, the blade was imbedded in the handle, so that 
 the terms, " the recipient " and " the received," originally given 
 to the two classes by Dr. Stukeley, are founded on a well-marked 
 distinction, and are worthy of being rescued from oblivion. 
 That the recipient class is of later introduction than the received 
 is evident from several considerations. In the first place, a flat 
 blade not only approaches most nearly in form to the stone 
 hatchets or celts which it was destined to supersede, but it also 
 requires much less skill in casting than the blade provided with a 
 socket. For casting the flat celts there was, indeed, no need of a 
 mould formed of two pieces ; a simple recess of the proper form 
 cut in a stone, or formed in loam, being sufficient to give the shape 
 to a flat blade of metal, which could be afterwards wrought into 
 the finished form by hammering. And secondly, as will subse- 
 quently be seen, a gradual development can be traced from the flat 
 celt, through those with flanges and wings, to the palstave form, 
 with the wings hammered over so as to constitute two semi-cir- 
 cular sockets, one on each side of the blade ; while on certain of the 
 socketed celts flanges precisely similar to those of the palstaves have 
 been cast by way of ornament on the sides, and what was thus 
 originally a necessity in construction has survived as a superfluous 
 decoration. There is at least one instance known of the inter- 
 mediate form between a palstave with pocket-like recesses on 
 each side of a central plate and a celt with a single socket. In 
 the museum at Trent * there is an instrument in which the socket 
 * " Materiaux," vol. iii. p. 395.
 is divided throughout its entire length into two compartments 
 with a plate between, and, as Professor Strobel says, resembling a 
 palstave with the wings on each side united so as to form a 
 socket on each side. The evolution of the one type from the 
 other is thus doubly apparent, and it is not a little remarkable that 
 though palstaves with the wings bent over are, as has already been 
 stated, of rare occurrence in the British Islands, yet socketed celts, 
 having on their faces the curved wings in a more or less rudimentary 
 condition, are by no means unfrequently found. The inference 
 which may be drawn from this circumstance is that the discovery 
 of the method of casting socketed celts was not made in Britain but 
 in some other country, where the palstaves with the converging 
 wings were abundant and in general use, and that the first socketed 
 celts employed in this country, or those which served as patterns 
 for the native bronze-founders, were imported from abroad. 
 Although socketed celts, with distinct curved wings upon their 
 faces, are probably the earliest of their class, yet it is impossible to 
 say to how late a period the curved lines, which eventually became 
 the representatives of the wings, may not have come down. This 
 form of ornamentation was certainly in use at the same time as 
 other forms, as we know from the hoards in which socketed celts 
 of different patterns have been found together. As has already 
 been recorded, the socketed form has also been frequently found 
 associated with palstaves, especially with those of the looped 
 The form of the tapering socket varies considerably, the section 
 being in some instances round or oval, and in other cases present- 
 ing every variety of form between these and the square or rect- 
 angular. There is usually some form of moulding or beading 
 round the mouth of the celt, below which the body before expand- 
 ing to form the edge is usually round, oval, square, rectangular, 
 or more or less regularly hexagonal or octagonal. The decora- 
 tions generally consist of lines, pellets, and circles, cast in relief 
 upon the faces, and much more rarely on the sides. Not unfre- 
 quently there is no attempt at decoration beyond the moulding at 
 the top. The socketed celts are, almost without exception, devoid 
 of ornaments produced by punches or hammer marks, such as are 
 so common on the solid celts and palstaves. This may be due to 
 their being more liable to injury from blows owing to the thinness 
 of the metal and to their being hollow. They are nearly always 
 provided with a loop at one side, though some few have been
 cast without loops. These are usually of small size, and were 
 probably used as chisels rather than as hatchets. A very few have 
 a loop on each side. 
 The types are so various that it is hard to make any proper 
 classification of them. I shall, therefore, take them to a certain 
 extent at hazard, keeping those, however, together which most nearly 
 approximate to each other. I begin with a specimen showing in a 
 very complete manner the raised wings already mentioned. 
 This instrument formed part of a hoard of celts and fragments of metal 
 found at High Roding, Essex, and 
 now in the British Museum, and is 
 representedinFig.110. With it 
 was one with two raised pellets 
 beneath the moulding round the 
 mouth, and one with three longi- 
 tudinal ribs. The others were 
 Another (4 inches), with a treble 
 moulding at the top, from Water- 
 ingbury, Kent, was in the Douce 
 and Meyrick Collections, and is 
 now also in the British Museum. 
 I have a German celt of this 
 type, but without the pellets, 
 found in Thuringia. Others are 
 engraved by Lindenschmit,* Mon- 
 telius,f and Chantre.J I have a 
 good example from Lutz (Eure 
 et Loir). 
 On many French celts the wings 
 are shown by depressed lines or 
 grooves on the faces. I have spe- 
 cimens from a hoard found at 
 Dreuil, near Amiens, and from 
 Lusancy, near Rheims. Others 
 with, the curved lines more or less 
 distinct have been found in va- 
 rious parts of France. 
 There is an example from Maulin in the Museum at Namur, and a 
 Dutch example is in the Museum at Assen. 
 In Fig. 1 1 1 is shown a larger celt in my own collection, found in the 
 neighbourhood of Dorchester, Oxon. The wing ornament no longer con- 
 sists of a solid plate, but the outlines of the wings of the palstave are 
 shown by two bold projecting beads which extend over the sides of the 
 celt as well as the faces. The socket is circular at the mouth, but the 
 neck of the instrument below the moulding is subquadrate in section. In 
 the socket are two small projecting longitudinal ribs, probably intended 
 Fig. 110. High 
 Roding. |. 
 Fig. 111. Dorchester, 
 Oxon. | 
 * " Alt. u. h. V.," vol. i. Heft ii. Taf. ii. 5. 
 t " Cong, preh.," Bologna vol. p. 293. 
 % " Age du Br.," ptie. i. p. 59.
 [CHAP. v. 
 to aid in steadying the haft. Such projections are not very uncommon, 
 and are sometimes more than two in number. 
 A celt ornamented in a similar manner, but with two raised bands near 
 the mouth, was found with several other socketed celts and some pal- 
 staves with the wings bent over at Cumberlow,* near Baldock, Herts. 
 Some of these are in the British Museum. 
 Another with two small pellets between the curved lines was found 
 in a hoard at Beddington,f Surrey. 
 Fig. 112 represents another celt of much the same character, but with a 
 bolder moulding at top, and a slight projecting bead all round the instru- 
 ment just below the two curved lines representing the palstave wings, 
 which on these celts have just the appearance of heraldic "flanches." 
 On the face not shown there is 
 a triangular projection at the 
 top like a "pile in chief" be- 
 tween the flanches. Inside the 
 socket there are two longitudinal 
 projections as in the last. The 
 original of this figure, which has 
 been broken and repaired with 
 the edge of another celt, is in 
 the Blackmore Museum at Salis- 
 bury, and was probably found 
 in Wilts. 
 In the British Museum is an 
 example of this type (4 inches) 
 which has on one face only a 
 pellet in the upper part of the 
 compartment between the two 
 "flanches." It was found at 
 Another (4 inches) from the 
 Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, is 
 now in the collection of Canon 
 Grreenwell, F.K.S. I have one 
 with the pattern less distinct from 
 a hoard found in the Barking 
 Marshes, Essex, in 1862. A celt 
 much of the same pattern, but 
 without the transverse line below the flanches, was found on Plumpton 
 Plain, J near Lewes. 
 The same type occurs in France. I have examples from a hoard found 
 at Dreuil, near Amiens. The same ornament is often seen on Hungarian 
 celts, though usually without the lower band. 
 In Fig. 113 is shown one of the celts from the hoard discovered in the 
 Isle of Harty, Kent, to which I shall have to make frequent reference. 
 Besides eight more or less perfect unornamented socketed celts, various 
 * Journ. Anthrop. Inst., vol. vi. p. 195. 
 t " Surrey Arch. Soc. Coll.," vol. vi. ; Anderson's " Croydon Preh. and Rom.." p. 11. 
 pi. ii. 1. 
 % Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 268, fig. 8. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 408 ; " Cong. Preh." Stockholm vol., 1874, p. 444. 
 Fig. 112. Wilts.
 hammers, tools, and moulds, five celts of this type were found. Although 
 so closely resembling each other that they were probably, cast in the same 
 mould, in fact in that which was found at the same time, there is a con- 
 siderable difference observable among them, especially in the upper part 
 above the loop. In the one shown in the figure there are three distinct 
 beaded mouldings above the loop, and above these again is a plain, some- 
 what expanding tube. In one of the others, however, there are only the 
 two lowest of the beaded mouldings, and the upper half -inch of the celt 
 first mentioned is absolutely wanting. The three others show very little 
 of the plain part above the upper moulding. As will subsequently be 
 explained, the variation in length appears to be connected with the 
 method of casting, and to have arisen from a greater part of the mould 
 having been "stopped off" in 
 one case than another. It will 
 be noticed that the " flanches " 
 on these celts are placed below 
 the loop and not close under the 
 cap-moulding. The beads which 
 form them are continued across 
 the sides. Eunning part of the 
 way down inside the socket are 
 two longitudinal ridges which are 
 in the same line as the runners 
 by which the metal found its way 
 into the mould. The vertical 
 ridge above the topmost moulding 
 shows where there is a channel in 
 the mould for the metal to pass 
 by. If the celts had been skil- 
 fully cast so that their top was 
 level with the upper moulding, 
 no traces of this would have been 
 In Fig. 114 is shown one of 
 the plain socketed celts from the 
 same hoard. The mould in which 
 it was cast was found at the same 
 time, as well as the half of a 
 mould for one of smaller size. 
 The five other plain celts from 
 the same hoard were all rather less than the one which is figured, and 
 appear to have been cast in three different moulds, as the beading 
 round the top varies in character, and in some is double and not single. 
 The two projections within the socket are in these but short, though 
 strongly marked. 
 In the British Museum is a celt of this kind, 4 inches long, found at 
 Newton, Cambridgeshire, which on its left face, as seen with the loop 
 towards the spectator, has a small projecting boss 1 inch below the top. 
 Five socketed celts of this plain character (2 inches to 3f inches) were 
 found together at Lodge Hill, Waddesdon, Bucks, in 1855, and were 
 lithographed on a private plate by Mr. Edward Stone. 
 The outline and general character of the celt shown in Fig. 115 may be 
 Fig. 114. Harty. Fig. 115. Dorchester, Oxon.
 [CHAP. v. 
 taken as representative of one of the most common forms of English 
 socketed celt. This particular specimen differs, however, from the ordi- 
 nary form in having a ridge or ill-defined rib on each face which adds 
 materially to the weight and somewhat to the strength of the instru- 
 ment. It was found near Dorchester, Oxon. 
 A nearly similar celt found in Mecklenburg has been figured by Lisch.* 
 A larger celt of the same general character, found with a hoard 
 of bronze objects in Reach Fen, Burwell Fen, Cambridge, is shown 
 in Fig. 116. This may also be regarded as a characteristic specimen 
 of the socketed celts usually 
 found in England, though the 
 second moulding is often ab- 
 sent, and there is a consi- 
 derable range in size and in 
 the proportion of the width 
 to the length. No doubt 
 much of this range is due to 
 some instruments having been 
 more shortened by use and 
 wear than others. The edge 
 of a bronze tool must have 
 been constantly liable to be- 
 come blunted, jagged, or bent, 
 and when thus injured was 
 doubtless, to some extent, re- 
 stored to its original shape 
 by being hammered out, and 
 then re-ground and sharpened. 
 The repetition of this process 
 would, in the course of time, 
 materially diminish the length of the blade, until eventually it 
 would be worn out, or the solid part be broken away from the 
 socketed portion. 
 Celts of this general character, plain with the exception of a single or 
 double beading at the top, occur of various sizes, and have been found in 
 considerable numbers. In my own collection are specimens (3 inches) 
 from Westwick Row, near Grorhambury, Herts, found with lumps of 
 rough metal ; from Burwell Fen, Cambridge (3 inches), found also with 
 metal, a spear-head like Fig. 381 and a hollow ring; from Bottisham, 
 Cambridge (3 inches), and other places. 
 In the Reach Fen hoard already mentioned were some other celts of 
 * " Pfahlbauten, in M.," 1865, p. 78.
 this type. They were associated with gouges, chisels, knives, hammers, 
 and other articles, and also with two socketed celts, one like Fig. 133, and 
 two like Fig. 124, as well as with two of the type shown in Fig. 117, 
 with a small bead at some little distance below the principal moulding 
 round the mouth. One of them has a slightly projecting rib running 
 down each corner of the blade, a peculiarity I have noticed in other speci- 
 mens. The socket is round rather than square. 
 I have other examples of this type from a hoard of about sixty celts 
 found on the Manor Farm, Wymington, Bedfordshire (3f inches) ; from 
 Burwell Fen, Cambridge (4 inches) ; and from the hoard found at Carlton 
 Rode, Norfolk (4 inches). This last has the slightly projecting beads 
 down the angles. 
 Socketed celts partaking of the character of the three types last described, 
 and from 2 inches to 4 inches in length, are of common occurrence in 
 England. Some with both the single and double mouldings were found 
 in company with others having vertical beads on the face like Fig. 124, 
 and a part of a bronze blade at West Halton,* Lincolnshire. I have seen 
 others both with the single and double moulding which were found with 
 some of the ribbed and octagonal varieties, a socketed knife, parts of a 
 sword and of a gouge, and lumps of metal, at Martlesham, Suffolk. 
 These are in the possession of Captain Brooke, of Ufford Hall, 
 near Woodbridge. Another, apparently with the double moulding, 
 was found with others (some of a different type), seven spear-heads, and 
 portions of a sword, near Bilton,f Yorkshire. These are now in the 
 Bateman Collection. Another with the single moulding was found near 
 Windsor.;]; Others with the double moulding, to the number of forty, were 
 found with twenty swords and sixteen spear-heads of different patterns, 
 about the year 1726, near Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. Some also 
 occurred in the deposit of nearly a hundred celts which was found with a 
 quantity of cinders and lumps of rough metal on Earsley Common, || about 
 12 miles N.W. of York, in the year 1735. A socketed celt with the single 
 moulding was found with spear-heads, part of a dagger, and some small 
 whetstones, near Little Wenlock,^f Shropshire. Four socketed celts of this 
 class with the double moulding were found, with a socketed gouge and 
 about 30 pounds weight of copper in lumps, at Sittingbourne,** Kent, in 
 1828. They are, I believe, now in the Dover Museum. One (4 inches), 
 obtained at Honiton,ff Devonshire, has a treble moulding at the top, that 
 in the middle being larger than the other two. The socket is square. 
 A plain socketed celt, 2 inches long, was found in digging gravel 
 near Ctesar's Camp,^ Coombe Wood, Surrey. It is now in the Museum 
 of the Society of Antiquaries. In the collection of Messrs. Mortimer, at 
 Fimber, is a celt with the double moulding (3 inches long), found at 
 Frodingham, near Driffield, which has four small ribs, one in the centre 
 of each side running down the socket. Another, with the double moulding 
 (4 inches), and with a nearly round mouth to the socket, was found at Tun 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 69. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. v. p. 349 ; Bateman, Catal. M. 60, p. 76. 
 J Stukeley, " Tt. Cur.," pi. xcvi. 2nd. Arch., vol. v. p. 113. 
 || Arch., vol. v. p. 114. 
 II Hartshorne's " Salopia Antiqua," 1841, p. 96, No. 9. 
 ** Smith's " Coll. Ant.," vol. i. p. 101. 
 tt Engraved in Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 343. 
 I j Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. i. p. 67 ; 2nd S., vol. i. p. 83. 
 [CHAP. v. 
 Hill, near Devizes, and is in the Blackmore Museum, where is also one 
 found near Bath (3f inches) with the mouldings more uniform in size. 
 A socketed celt without any moulding at the top, which is hollowed and 
 slopes away from the side on which is the loop, is said to have been found 
 in a tumulus near the King Barrow on Stowborough Heath,* near 
 Wareham, Dorset. 
 Socketed celts of this character occur throughout the whole of France, 
 but are most abundant in the northern parts. They are of rare occur- 
 rence in Germany. 
 The same form is found among the Lake habitations of Switzerland. 
 Dr. Gross has specimens from Auvernier and Mcerigen,f which closely 
 resemble English examples. 
 A celt of the same general character as Fig. 114, but of peculiar form, 
 narrowing to a central waist, is shown in Fig. 118. The original was 
 found at Canterbury, and was 
 kindly presented to me by Mr. 
 John Brent, F.S.A. 
 Broad socketed celts nearly 
 circular or but slightly oval at 
 the neck, and closely resembling 
 the common Irish type (Fig. 167) 
 in form and character, are occa- 
 sionally found in England. That 
 shown in Fig. 119 is stated to 
 have been discovered at the 
 Castle Hill, Usk, Monmouth- 
 I have seen another (3J 
 inches) in the collection of Mr. 
 E. Fitch, F.S.A., which was 
 found at Hanworth, near Holt, 
 Among those found at Guils- 
 field,! Montgomeryshire, was 
 one of somewhat the same cha- 
 racter, but having a double 
 moulding at the top. Another, with a nearly square socket, has above 
 a double moulding, a cable moulding round the mouth, like that on 
 Fig. 172. In the same hoard were looped palstaves, gouges, spears, 
 swords, scabbards, &c. 
 Another, that, to judge from a bad engraving, had no moulding at 
 the top, which was oval, is said to have been found under a supposed 
 Druid's altar near Keven Hirr Vynidd,|| on the borders of Brecknockshire. 
 Another variety, with a nearly square socket and long narrow 
 blade is shown in Fig. 120, the original of which was found at 
 Alfriston, Sussex. The loop is imperfect, owing to defective cast- 
 * "The Barrow Diggers," p. 74. 
 t Grosst, " Deux Stations, &c.," pi. i. 15, 18. 
 I Arch. Cainb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 214, No. 4 ; " Montg. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437. 
 Arch. Camb., itbi sup. No. 3. || Arch., vol. iv. p. 24, pi. i. 6. 
 Fig. US. Canterbury
 ing. The socket is very deep, and extends to within an inch of 
 the edge. Instruments of this type are principally, if not solely, 
 found in our southern counties. The type is indeed Gaulish 
 rather than British, and is very abundant in the north-western 
 part of France. It appears probable that not only was the type 
 originally introduced into this country from France, but that there 
 was a regular export of such celts to Britain. For I have in my 
 collection a celt of this type, 4| inches long, that was found under 
 the pebble beach at Portland, and in which 
 the core over which it was cast still fills the 
 socket, the clay having by the heat of the 
 metal been converted into a brick-like terra- 
 cotta. It could, therefore, never have been 
 in use, as no haft could have been inserted. 
 It is waterworn and corroded by the action 
 of the sea, the loop having been almost eaten 
 and worn away, so that it is impossible to 
 say whether the surface and edge were left 
 as they came from the mould. In the large 
 hoard, however, of bronze celts of this type 
 which was found at Moussaye, near Ple'ne'e- 
 Jugon, in the Cotes du Nord, the bulk were 
 left in this condition, and with the burnt 
 clay cores still in the sockets. 
 I have another celt of the same size and 
 form as that from the Portland beach, which 
 was found near Wareham, Dorset, and ap- 
 pears to have been in use. 
 Two found with many others in the New 
 Forest* (3 and 5 inches long) are engraved in 
 the Archaologia. The larger has a rib 3 inches 
 long running down the face and terminating in Fig. 120. Alfriston. 
 an annulet. 
 Others of the same type have been found at Hollingbury HilT,f and 
 near the church, at Brighton, \ Sussex. 
 Among the celts found at Karn Bre, Cornwall, in 1744, were some of 
 this character, but expanding more at the cutting edge. Others were 
 more like Fig. 124, though longer in proportion. With them are said to 
 have been found several Roman coins, some as late as the time of 
 Constantius Chlorus. Others (5 inches long) seem to have formed part 
 * Arch., vol. v. p. 114, pi. viii. 9, 10 ; (Jough's " Camden," vol. i. p. ccvi 
 t SUM. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 268, fig. 7. 
 J Ibid., fig. 12. 
 [CHAP. v. 
 of the hoard found at Mawgan,* Cornwall, in which there was also 
 a fine rapier. Another, from Bath,f is in the Duke of Northumberland's 
 museum at Alnwick. Another has been cited from Cornwall. J 
 Celts of this form are of rare occurrence in the North of England, 
 but one, said to have been disinterred with Roman remains at Chester- 
 le-Street, Durham, is in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of 
 Celts Tike Fig. 120 are of very frequent occurrence in Northern France; 
 large hoards, consisting almost entirely of this type, have been found. 
 A deposit of sixty was discovered near Lamballe || (Cotes du Nord), and 
 one of more than two hundred at Moussaye, near Plenee-Jugon, in the 
 same department. Most of the 
 celts in both these hoards had 
 never been used, and in a large 
 number the core of burnt clay was 
 still in the socket. A hoard of 
 about fifty is said to have been 
 found near Bevay,^[ Belgium. 
 Plain socketed celts nearly square 
 at the mouth have occasionally 
 been found in Germany. One from 
 Pomerania** is much like Fig. 120 
 in outline. 
 The form of narrow celt, which I 
 regard as of Gaulish derivation, is 
 not nearly so elegant as that of a 
 more purely English type of which 
 an example is shown in Fig. 121. 
 The original was found in the Cam- 
 bridge Fens, and is in my own col- 
 lection. Within the socket on the 
 centre of each side is a raised nar- 
 row rib running down 2 inches 
 from the mouth, or to within inch 
 of the bottom of the socket. 
 The type is rare ; but a specimen 
 (5 inches) of nearly the same form as 
 the figure was found, with palstaves, 
 sickles, &c., near Taunton, Somer- 
 set.ff There is also a resemblance 
 to the Barrington celt, Fig. 148. 
 I have already mentioned a celt with a moulded top, which, on one of 
 its faces, is ornamented with a small projecting boss. In Fig. 122 
 is shown an example with two pellets beneath the upper moulding. It 
 was found with others at High Boding, Essex, and is now in the British 
 Museum. Another with three such knobs on each face, placed near the 
 Cambridge Fens. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 75. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 75. 
 * Arch., vol. xvii. p. 337. 
 S + Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. vii. p. 172. 
 " Materiaux," vol. i. p. 539. 
 If Lindenschmit, " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft ii. Taf. ii. 4. 
 ** " Zeitsch. fur Eth.," vol. vii. Taf. ix. 2. 
 +t Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 94. Pring, " Brit, and Rom. on Site of Taunton," 
 pi. i. 1.
 top of the instrument, is shown in Fig. 123. The original is in the 
 British Museum, and was found at Chrishall,* Essex, where also several 
 plain celts with single or double mouldings at the top, some spear-heads, 
 and a portion of a socketed knife were dug up. 
 A large brass coin of Hadrian, much defaced, is said to have been 
 found at the same time. As in other instances, the evidence on this 
 point is unsatisfactory, and if it could be sifted, would probably carry 
 the case no farther than to prove that the Eoman coins and the bronze 
 celts were found near the same spot, and possibly by the same man, on 
 the same day. In illustration of this collection of objects of different 
 dates, I may mention that I lately purchased a fifteenth-century jeton 
 as having been found with Merovingian gold ornaments. 
 Fig. 123.-Crishall. 
 Fig. 124. Beach Fen. 
 Fig. 125. Harrington. 
 Some of the Breton celts, in form like Fig. 120, have two or three 
 knobs on a level with the loop. 
 Another and common kind of ornament on the faces of socketed 
 celts consists of vertical lines, or ribs, extending from the moulding 
 round the mouth some distance down the faces of the blade. They 
 vary in number, but are rarely less than three. In some instances 
 the ribs are so slight as to be almost imperceptible, a circumstance 
 which suggests the probability of celts in actual use having served 
 as the models or patterns from which the moulds for casting others 
 were made, as in each successive moulding and casting any promi- 
 nences such as these ribs would be reduced or softened down. On any 
 * Neville's " Sepulchra Exposita," p. 3.
 other supposition it is difficult to conceive how an ornamentation 
 so indistinct as almost to escape observation could have originated. 
 There are some celts which on one face are quite smooth arid plain, 
 while on the other some traces of the ribs may just be detected. 
 The same is the case with some of the celts which have the slightest 
 possible traces of the " flanches," such as seen on Fig. 111. The 
 smearing of metal moulds with clay, to prevent the adhesion of 
 the castings, would tend to obliterate such ornaments. 
 A celt with the vertical ribs from the hoard of Beach Fen, Cambridge, 
 is shown in Fig. 124. There are slight projecting beads running down 
 the angles. The three ribs die into the face of the blade. Another of 
 nearly the same type, but with coarse ribs somewhat curved, is shown in 
 Fig. 125. It has not the beads at the angles. This specimen was found 
 in company with a celt .like Fig. 116, and with a gouge like Fig. 204, at 
 Barrington, Cambridge/ and is in my own collection. 
 Celts of wider proportions, and having the three ribs farther apart, 
 have been frequently found in the Northern English counties. I have 
 one (3J inches) from Middleton, on the Yorkshire Wolds, which was 
 given me by Mr. H. S. Harland ; and Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., has 
 several from Yorkshire. The celt which was found near Tadcaster,* in 
 that county, and which has been so often cited, from the fact of its having 
 a large bronze ring passing through the loop, on which is a jet bead, 
 is also of this type. There can be little doubt that the ring and bead, 
 which not improbably were found at the same time as the celt, were 
 attached to it subsequently by the finder, in the manner in which they 
 may now be seen in the British Museum. A celt with three ribs, from 
 the hoard found at Westow,f in the North Eiding, has been figured, as 
 has been one from Cuerdale,J near Preston, Lancashire, and one (4 
 inches) from Eockbourn Down, Wilts, now in the British Museum. 
 One (3f- inches long) was found near Hull, || in Yorkshire; and five others 
 at Winmarley,^] near Grarstang, Lancashire, together with two spears, 
 one of them having crescent-shaped openings in the blade (Fig. 419). 
 Another was found, with other bronze objects, at Stanhope,** Durham. 
 The celts found with spear-heads and discs near Newark, and now 
 in Canon Grreenwell's collection, are of this type, but of different sizes. 
 That found at Cann,ffnear Shaftesbury, with, it is said, a human skeleton 
 and two ancient British silver coins, had three ribs on its face. 
 Several others were found in the hoard at West Halton,|| Lincoln- 
 shire, already mentioned. Others were discovered in company with a 
 looped palstave, some spear-heads, ferrules, fragments of swords, and a 
 tanged knife, near Nottingham, in 1860. Seven or eight such celts, 
 and the half of a bronze mould in which to cast them, were found with a 
 socketed knife, spear-heads, and numerous other objects, in the Heathery 
 * Arch., vol. xvi. p. 362, pi. liv. ; Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 6. 
 f Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xx. p. 107, pi. vii. 5 ; see also vol. iii. p. 58. 
 Op. cit., vol. viii. p. 332, pi. xxxvii. 1 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 304. 
 "Horse Ferales," pi. v. 7. || Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. ix. p. 185. 
 If Op. cit., vol. xv. p. 235. ** Arch. Juliana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. ii. 8. 
 ft Evans' "Anc. Brit. Coins," p. 102. |+ Arch. Journ., vol. x. pp. 69, 70. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 332.
 Biirn Cave,* near Stanhope, Durham, of which further mention will 
 subsequently be made. Many have also been found in Yorkshire and 
 The type is not confined to the Northern Counties, for specimens 
 occurred in the great find at Carlton Eode,f near Attleborough, Norfolk. 
 I have seen another, 4 inches long, which was found with many other 
 socketed celts and other articles at Martlesham, Suffolk, in the hoard 
 already mentioned (p. 113). I have one (3f inches) from Llandysilio, 
 Denbighshire. Another, with traces of the three ribs, was found at Pul- 
 borough,! Sussex. This specimen is in outline more like Fig. 130. A 
 socketed celt of this kind (5 inches long), with three parallel ribs on the flat 
 surface, was found near Launceston, Cornwall. 
 Some long celts of the same kind were found 
 at Karn Bre, in the same county, as already 
 In some celts with the three ribs on their 
 faces, found in Wales, the moulding at the top 
 is large and heavy, and forms a sort of cornice 
 round the celt, the upper surface of which is 
 flat. That engraved as Fig. 126 was found at 
 Mynydd-y-Glas, near Hensol, Glamorganshire, 
 and is now in the British Museum. In the 
 same collection is another of much the same 
 character, but of ruder fabric, 4|- inches long, 
 with a square socket, found in 1849 with others 
 similar, in making the South Wales Eailway, 
 in Great Wood,|| St. Pagan's, Glamorganshire. 
 The loop is badly cast, being filled up with 
 Canon Greenwell has a celt of this type (4 
 inches), found at Llandysilio, Denbighshire, 
 with two others having three somewhat con- 
 verging ribs (3f inches and 3| inches), a socketed 
 knife, and part of a spear-head. 
 Two others (5J- inches and 4f inches) were 
 found with part of a looped palstave ^f and a 
 waste piece from a casting, and lumps of metal, 
 on Kenidjack Cliff, Cornwall. Another (4 
 inches) from Cornwall is in the British Mu- 
 seum. One from Sedgemoor, Somersetshire, is 
 in the Taunton Museum. 
 The three-ribbed type occurs occasionally in France. Examples are in 
 the Museums of Amiens, Toulouse, Clermont Ferrand, Poitiers, and other 
 towns. Three vertical ribs are of common occurrence on celts from Hun- 
 gary and Styria. 
 In some rare examples the three ribs converge as they go down the 
 blade. One such is shown in Fig. 127. The original is in the possession 
 of Sir A. A. Hood, Bart., and was found with twenty-seven other socketed 
 Fig. 126. Mynydd-y-Glas. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132. 
 % Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ix. p. 118, fig. 7. 
 || " Horse Ferales," pi. v. 6. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Jottrn., vol. i. p. 59. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 31. 
 IT Journ. Rorj. Inst. Corn., No. 206.
 [CHAP. v. 
 celts, some of oval and some of square section, two palstaves, two gouges, 
 two daggers, twelve spear-heads, and numerous fragments of celts and 
 leaf -shaped swords, as well as rough metal and the refuse jets from cast- 
 ings. The whole lay together about two feet below the surface at Wick 
 Park,* Stogursey, Somerset. 
 In other rare instances there is a transverse bead running across the 
 blade below the three vertical ribs. The celt shown in Fig. 128 was found 
 near Guildford, Surrey, and is in the collection of Mr. E. Fitch, F.S.A. 
 On other celts the vertical ribs are more or less than three in number. 
 Fig. 127. Stogursey. 
 Kg. 12 
 Fig. 129. Frettenham. 
 A specimen with four ribs, also in Mr. Fitch's collection, is engraved as 
 Fig. 129. It was found at Frettenham, Norfolk. 
 Others with four ribs occurred in the find at West Halton,f Lincoln- 
 shire, already mentioned. One was also found at the Castle Hill,J 
 Worcester, and another at Broust in Andreas, Isle of Man. Examples 
 with three and four ribs from Kirk-patrick and Kirk-bride, Isle of Man, 
 are in the collection of Mr. J. E. Wallace of Distington, Whitehaven. 
 One (4 inches) with five ribs was found in the hoard at Martlesham, 
 Suffolk, also already mentioned. 
 One (3 inches) with six small vertical ribs on the faces, found at 
 Downton, near Salisbury, is in the Blackmore Museum. In a celt with 
 * Proe. Soc.^Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 427, pi. i. 3. f -Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 69. 
 .," pi. iv. 1. 
 t AUies, " Wore.," p. 18, pi. i. 1. 
 " 1st Rep. Arch. Comm. I. of M.,"
 square socket from the Carlton Rode find there are traces of six ribs on 
 one of the faces only. This specimen, in my own collection, is in good 
 condition, and the probability is in favour of this almost complete oblite- 
 ration of the pattern being due to a succession of moulds having been 
 formed, each rather more indistinct than the one before it, in which the 
 model that served for the mould was cast. 
 Celts closely resembling Fig. 129 are in the museums at Nantes and 
 As an instance of a celt having only two of these vertical ribs upon it, 
 I may mention a large one in my own collection (4- inches) found in the 
 Fig. 130. Ely. 
 Fig. 131. Caston. 
 Isle of Portland. The mouth of the socket is oval, but the external faces 
 are flat, the sides being rounded. The ribs run about 2 inches down the 
 faces, but the metal is too much oxidised to see whether they end in 
 pellets or no. 
 It is not unfrequently the case that the ribs thus terminate in roundels 
 or pellets. That from the Fens, near Ely, which has been kindly lent me 
 by Mr. Marshall Fisher, and is shown in Fig. 130, is of this kind, though 
 the pellets are so indistinct as to have escaped the eye of the engraver. 
 This celt is remarkable for the unusually broad and heavy moulding 
 at the top. The notches in the edge, which the engraver has reproduced, 
 are of modern origin. 
 The celt from Caston, Norfolk, shown in Fig. 131, has also the three 
 * "Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 11.
 [CHAP. v. 
 ribs ending in pellets, but there are short diagonal lines branching in 
 each direction from the central rib near the top. 
 I have another of the same kind, but longer, and without the diagonal 
 lines, from Thetford, Suffolk. 
 A celt of this type is in the Stockholm Museum. 
 In Figs. 132 and 133 are shown two celts of this class, one with five short 
 ribs ending in pellets, from the Carlton Rode find, and the other with five 
 longer ribs ending in larger roundels, from Fornham, near Bury St. 
 Edmunds. The latter was 
 bequeathed to me by my 
 valued friend, the late Mr. 
 J. W. Flower, F.G.S. 
 It will be observed that 
 in the Fornham celt the 
 first and last ribs form 
 headings at the angles of 
 the square shaft. In the 
 other none of the beads 
 come to the edge of the 
 face. I have a celt like 
 Fig. 133, but shorter (4 
 inches), from the hoard 
 found in Reach Fen, al- 
 ready mentioned. Another 
 (4-J- inches), in all respects 
 like Fig. 133, except that 
 the outer ribs are not at the 
 angles, was found at 
 B rough,* near Castleton, 
 Derbyshire, and is in the 
 Bateman Collection, where 
 is also another (4J inches) 
 / |B from the Peak Forest, Der- 
 / Hi byshire. Canon Greenwell, 
 / Hn F.R.S., has one (4 inches) 
 from Broughton, near Mai- 
 ton, on one face of which 
 there are only four ribs, 
 and in the place where 
 the central rib would terminate, a ring ornament. The other face of 
 the celt has only four ribs at regular intervals, ending in pellets. 
 Another, similar (5 inches), was found in the Thames, near Erith.f I 
 have seen another rather more hexagonal in section, which was found 
 in the Cambridge Fens. 
 Celts with vertical ribs ending in pellets are occasionally found in 
 France. One from Lutz (Eure et Loir) is in the museum at Chateaudun ; 
 others are in that of Toulouse. Another with four ribs, found at 
 Cascastel, is in the museum at Narbonne. Canon Greenwell has one 
 from 1'Orient, Brittany. 
 I have a small one like Fig. 120 in form, but barely 3 inches long, 
 * Bateman's " Catalogue," p. 74 ; Marriott's "Ant. of Lyme " (1810), p. 303 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 157. 
 - Carlton Rode. 
 Fig. 133. Fornham.
 found near Saumur (Maine et Loire). It has five ribs, arranged as on 
 Fig. 133. 
 An example with a far larger array of vertical ribs than usual is shown 
 in Fig. 134. The ribs are arranged in groups of three, and each termi- 
 nates in a small pellet. The outer lines are so close to the angles of the 
 celt as almost to merge in them. This instrument was found at Fen 
 Ditton, Cambridge, and is now in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. 
 On some celts there is, besides the row of roundels or pellets at the end 
 of the ribs, a second row a little higher up, as is shown in Fig. 135, 
 which represents a specimen in the British Museum, from Bottisham. 
 Fig. 134. Fen Ditton. 
 Fig. 135. Bottisham. 
 Fig. 136.-Winwick. 
 Lode, Cambridge. The sides of this celt are not flat, but somewhat 
 ridged, so that in its upper part it presents an irregular hexagon in 
 section. There are ribs running down the angles, with indications of 
 terminal pellets. 
 In the Warrington Museum is a curious variety of the celt with the 
 three vertical ribs ending in pellets, which by the kindness of the trustees 
 of the museum I have engraved as Fig. 136. It will be seen that in 
 addition to the vertical ribs there is a double series of chevrons over the 
 upper part of the blade. The metal is somewhat oxidised, and the pattern 
 is made rather more distinct in the engraving than it is in the original.
 [CHAP. v. 
 This celt has already been figured on a smaller scale, and was found at 
 Winwick,* near Warrington, Lancashire. 
 An ornamentation of nearly the same character, but without pellets at 
 the end of the ribs, occurs on a socketed celt from Kiew,f Eussia. 
 The vertical ribs or lines occasionally end in ring ornaments or 
 circles with a central pellet, like the astronomical symbol for the 
 sun 0. Next to the cross this ornament is, perhaps, the simplest 
 and most easily made, for a notched flint could be used as a pair 
 of compasses to produce a 
 circle with a well-marked 
 centre on almost any ma- 
 terial, however hard. We 
 find these ring ornaments 
 in relief on many of the 
 coins of the Ancient Bri- 
 tons, and in intaglio on 
 numerous articles formed 
 of bone and metal, which 
 belong to the Roman and 
 Saxon periods. On Ita- 
 lian palstaves they are 
 the commonest orna- 
 ments. But though so 
 frequent on metallic anti- 
 quities of the latter part 
 of the Bronze Age, it is 
 remarkable that the orna- 
 ment is of very rare oc- 
 curreneo on any of the 
 pottery which is known to 
 Fig. 137. Kingston. \ Fig. 138.-Cayton Carr. \ belong to that period. 
 A good example from Kingston, Surrey, of a celt with ring ornaments 
 at the end of the ribs is in the British Museum, and is shown in Fig. 137. 
 Canon Greenwell possesses a nearly similar celt (5 inches) from Seamer 
 Carr, Yorkshire, the angles of which are ribbed or beaded. A socketed 
 celt with the same ornamentation, but with pellets having a central boss 
 instead of the ring ornaments, is in the museum at Nantes4 It was 
 found in Brittany. 
 Some of the Brittany celts like Fig. 120 have one ring-ornament on each 
 face, composed of two concentric circles and a central pellet. 
 * Arch. Assoc. Jbwrw., vol. xv. pi. xxiv. 7, p. 236; Arch. Journ., vol. xv. p. 158. 
 f Chantre, " Age du Bronze," 2me partie, p. 284, fig. 81 ; Mem. des Ant. du Nord, 
 1872 -7, p. 115. 
 I Chantre, " Age du Bronze," 2me partie, p. 292, fig. 138.
 On a celt found at Cayton Carr, Yorkshire, and in the collection of 
 Canon Greenwell, F.R.S., there is a double row of ring ornaments at the 
 end of the three ribs. Below the principal moulding at the top of the celt 
 is a band of four raised beads by way of additional ornament. It is 
 shown in Fig. 138. A nearly similar specimen is in the Museum of the 
 Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
 In a very remarkable specimen from Lakenheath,* Suffolk, preserved 
 in the British Museum and engraved as Fig. 139, there are three lines 
 formed of rather oval pellets, terminating in ring ornaments, and alter- 
 nating with them two plain beaded ribs ending in small pellets. There 
 are traces of a cable moulding round the neck above. 
 Fig. 139. Lakenheath. 
 Fig 140. Thames. 
 In another variety, also in the British Museum, and shown in Fig. 140, 
 the three ribs ending in ring ornaments spring from a transverse bead, 
 between which and the moulding round the mouth are two other vertical 
 beads, about midway of the spaces between the lower ribs. It is probable 
 that this celt was found in the Thames. 
 Another of remarkably analogous character was certainly found in the 
 Thames near Kingston,! and is now in the Museum of the Society of 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 106. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 101 ; 2nd S., vol. i. p. 
 p. 491; and Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. i. p. 21. 
 See also Arch., vol. xxx.
 [ CHAP. V. 
 Antiquaries. It is shown in Fig. 141. On it are only two descending 
 ribs, ending in ring ornaments, the pellets in the centre of which are 
 almost invisible ; but above the transverse bead are three ascending ribs, 
 which alternate with those that descend. All these ribs are double 
 instead of single. 
 In some rare instances there are ring ornaments both at the top and at 
 the bottom of the vertical lines, as is seen on one of the faces of the 
 curious celt shown in Fig. 142, where the usual ribs are replaced by rows 
 of two or three slightly raised Lines. On the other face it will be seen 
 that the ornamentation is of a different character, with one ring orna- 
 Fig. 142,-Kingston. 
 ment at top and three below, the two outer of which are connected with 
 ribs diverging from two curved lines above. The original was found, 
 with three others less ornamented, at Kingston,* Surrey, and is in the 
 British Museum. 
 A nearly similar celt from Scotland is described at page 137. 
 In another very rare specimen the vertical lines are replaced by two 
 double chevrons of pellets, the upper one reversed. There is still a ring 
 ornament at the base, and lines of pellets running down the margins of 
 the blade. This specimen, shown in Fig. 143, was found in the Thames,! 
 and is in the collection of Mr. T. Layton, F.S.A. 
 -* Engraved also in " Horse Ferales," pi. v. 5. f Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., v. p. 428.
 In another equally rare form there is a treble ring ornament at the 
 bottom of a single central beaded rib, and at the top two " flanches," 
 represented by double lines, as shown in Fig. 144. The neck of this celt 
 is in section a flattened hexagon. It was found at Givendale, near 
 Pocklington, Yorkshire, E. E., and is now in the British Museum. 
 In the celt shown in Fig. 145 the central rib terminates in a pellet, 
 and there are three curved ribs on either side. In. this case the section of 
 the neck of the blade is nearly circular. The specimen is in the British 
 Museum, and was probably found near Cambridge, as it formed part of 
 the late Mr. Lichfield's collection. A celt ornamented in the same manner, 
 but without the central rib, was found near Mildenhall, Suffolk, and is 
 in the collection of Mr. H. Prigg. 
 Another (4 inches), also in the British Museum, has two ribs on each 
 Fig. 143. Thames. 
 margin, parallel to the sides, as seen in Fig. 146. It was found near 
 Blandford, Dorsetshire, in company with unfinished gouges, and is 
 remarkable on account of its having been cast so thin that it seerns 
 incapable of standing any hard work. 
 It seems probable that the instruments from Blandford, now in the 
 British Museum, formed part of a large hoard, for in the collection of the 
 late Mr. Medhurst, of Weymouth. were a dozen or more of much the same 
 outline and character. The section at the neck is a flattened hexagon. 
 Some have a straight rib on each of the sloping sides, as well as two 
 curved lines on the flat face. Others have three lines, one straight and 
 two curved, on the flat face, each ending in a pellet ; and others again 
 have merely a central line on the flat face. 
 A celt of nearly the same outline as Fig. 146 (4J inches), found at 
 Gembling, Yorkshire, E. E., has slight flutings down the angles for
 [CHAP. v. 
 about two-thirds of its length. It is in the collection of Canon Green- 
 well, F.K.S. 
 Another of these instruments, ornamented m the same manner, but 
 having a curved edge, is shown in Fig. 147, from an original in the 
 British Museum. It formed part of the Cooke Collection from Parsons- 
 town King's County, but I doubt its being really Irish. 
 A rare form of socketed celt is shown in Fig. 148. ^ The original was 
 found in the Fens, near Barrington, Cambridge, and is in my own col- 
 lection. It has at the top of the blade, below the moulding, a shield- 
 shaped ornament, of much the same character as that on the palstaves, 
 like Fig. 60, but in this case formed by indented lines cast in the 
 Another, of unusually narrow form, found at Thames Ditton,* is in 
 the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries. 
 A broader celt, ornamented with a reversed chevron, formed of three 
 raised ribs, and with short single ribs on each side, is shown in Fig. 149. 
 It was found at Hounslow, with a flat celt, a palstave, and a socketed 
 celt like Fig. 112, and is now in the British Museum. 
 A more common form has a circular socket and moulded top, below 
 which the neck of the blade is an almost regular octagon. That shown 
 in Fig. 150 is in my own collection, and was found at Wallingford,f 
 Berks, in company with a socketed gouge, a tanged chisel (Fig. 193), a 
 socketed knife, and a two-edged cutting tool or razor (Fig. 269). 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. 398. 
 * This is possibly the specimen mentioned in Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. 303.
 One nearly similar, supposed to have been found in Yorkshire, 
 together with the mould in which it was cast, is engraved in the Archceo- 
 logia.* The mould was regarded as a case in which the instrument was 
 kept. Another of the same kind seems to have been found, with other 
 celts and fragments of swords and spears, at Bilton,f Yorkshire. I have 
 seen another, 4 inches long, from the hoard found at Martlesham, Suffolk, 
 already mentioned. A broken specimen, found with a socketed gouge 
 and an article like Fig. 493, at Roseberry Topping, J in Cleveland, 
 Yorkshire, appears to be of this kind. Another (5 inches long), found 
 at Minster, Kent, is in the Mayer Collection at Liverpool. I have also 
 one from the Cambridge Fens. 
 In the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., are three socketed celts 
 with octagonal necks, which were found with 
 others, both plain and having three ribs on the 
 face, together with a looped palstave, at Haxey, 
 Lincolnshire. Two of these are of the usual type, 
 but the third (3 inches) is shorter and broader, 
 resembling in outline the common Irish form, 
 Fig. 167. A celt apparently of the type of Fig. 150, 
 but with a double bead round the top, was found 
 in the Severn, at Holt, Worcestershire. In the 
 Faussett Collection, now at Liverpool, is a celt of 
 this kind, with the angles engrailed or "milled." 
 This was probably found in Kent. 
 A celt of this type, found at Orgelet, Jura, is 
 figured by Chantre, || as well as one from the Lac 
 du Bourget.^f They have also been found in the 
 Department of La Manche.**' I have one from the 
 hoard found at Dreuil, near Amiens, the neck of 
 which is decagonal. 
 Nearly the same form has been found in Swe- 
 Another example, more trumpet-mouthed, is 
 shown in Fig. 151, from the collection of Canon 
 Greenwell, F.E.S. It was found in 1868 in drain- 
 ing at Newham, Northumberland. I have another 
 of nearly the same form (4f inches), from Coveney, 
 in the Isle of Ely. Another, found at Stanhope,^ 
 Durham, without loop, and with two holes near 
 the top, was regarded as an instrument for sharpen- 
 ing spear-heads. 
 Occasionally the neck of the blade is hexagonal instead of octagonal. 
 In one found at Ty-Mawr, on Holyhead Mountain, Anglesea, the hexa- 
 gonal character is continued to the mouth. The socket is of an irregularly 
 square form. It was found with a socketed knife, a tanged chisel, spear- 
 * Vol. v. 109, pi. vii. 5. 
 t Arch. Assoc. fourn., vol. v. p. 349 ; Bateman's Catal., p. 76, No. GO. 
 t Arch. Scot., vol. iv. 55 ; Arch. jE/iana, vol. ii. p. 213. 
 Allies, p. 149, pi. iv. 6. || " Album," pi. x. 4. 
 IT Op. cit., pi. Iv. 8. ** Mem. Soc. Ant. Norm., 18278, pi. xvi. 4. 
 ft " Cong, preh.," Bologna vol. p. 293. 
 tt Arch. ^Eliana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. ii. 7. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. 255, pi. fig. 3. 
 Fig. 151. Xewham. -J- 

 [CHAP. v. 
 heads, &c., which are now in the British Museum. This form occurs more 
 frequently in Ireland. A nearly similar celt has been found in the Lake 
 of Geneva.* 
 Another celt, with the neck irregularly octagonal, but with a series of 
 mouldings round the mouth of the socket, is shown in Fig. 152. The 
 original is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, and formed part of the 
 hoard found at Westow, in the East Biding of Yorkshire, already men- 
 tioned at p. 118. 
 In Fig. 153 is shown, not on my usual scale of one-half, but of nearly 
 the actual size, a very remarkable celt, which was found in the bed of the 
 Fig. 153. Wandsworth 
 Fig. 154. Whittlesea 
 Thames f near Wandsworth, and was presented to the Archaeological 
 Institute. The original is, unfortunately, no longer forthcoming. It was 
 4f inches long, and, besides its general singularity of form, presented the 
 peculiar feature of having the hole of the loop in the same direction as the 
 socket of the celt, instead of its being as usual at right angles to the blade. 
 Socketed celts with a loop on the face instead of on the side are of ex- 
 ceedingly rare occurrence either in Britain or elsewhere. That shown in 
 * Chantre, "Age du Br.," Ire ptie. p. 59; Desor, " Les Palafittes," fig. 39. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 378, whence this cut is borrowed.
 Fig. 154 is in the Museum at Wisbech, and was found in company with, 
 three socketed celts, two gouges, a hammer, and a leaf-shaped spear- 
 head at Whittlesea. The socket shows within it four vertical ribs at equal 
 distances, with diagonal branches from them. These latter may have 
 been intended to facilitate the escape of air from the mould. I am 
 indebted to the managers of the Museum for the loan of the specimen for 
 The type has occasionally been found in the Lake-dwellings of Savoy. 
 In the Museum of Chambery * there are three examples from the Lac du 
 Bourget, and I possess another specimen from the same locality. Another 
 (about 4 inches), from la Balme,f Isere, is in the Museum at Lyons ; 
 it is more spud-shaped than the English example. Another, of different 
 form, was in the Larnaud hoard, J Jura. One has also been found at 
 Auvernier, in the Lake of Neuchatel. Another (4 inches), in the late 
 M. Troyon's collection, was found at Echallens, Canton Vaud. 
 One with curved plates on the sides, like Fig. 155, but having the loop 
 on one face, was found near Avignon, and is now in the British Museum. 
 It has a round neck with a square socket. A smaller one, of nearly the 
 same form, was found in a hoard at Pontpoint, near the River Oise. 
 Another, with curved indentations on the sides, from the department of 
 Jura, || is in the museum at Toulouse. Socketed celts with a loop on the 
 face have been found in Siberia.^ 
 In some socketed celts the reminiscence of the "flanches" or wings upon 
 the palstaves, of which I have spoken in an earlier part of this chapter, 
 has survived in a peculiar manner, there being somewhat hollowed oval 
 projections upon each side of the blade, that give the appearance of the 
 "flanches " on the face, but at the same time produce indentations in the 
 external outline of the instrument. 
 This will be seen in Fig. 155, which was found with the palstave 
 (Fig. 83), the socketed celt (Fig. 157), and other objects at Nettleham,** 
 near Lincoln, as already described (page 93). Another of the same class is 
 said to have been found in a tumulus on Frettenham Common,!! Norfolk. 
 Another, shown in Fig. 156, was in the Crofton Croker Collection. All 
 these are now in the British Museum. The second celt from Nettleham 
 (Fig. 157) shows only the indented outline without any representation 
 of the oval plates. The nearest approach in form to these celts which I 
 have met with is to be seen in some from the South of France. These 
 are, however, generally without loops. I have two from the departments of 
 Haute Loire and Isere. One from Ribiers, in the department of the Hautes 
 Alpes, is in the museum at St. Omer. Another is in the museum at Metz. 
 A socketed celt, found at Aninger, and now in the Antiken Cabinet at 
 Vienna, has large oval plates on each of its sides, which nearly meet 
 upon the faces. 
 In the collection of the late Mr. Brackstone was a remarkable celt, exhi- 
 biting a modification of this form. It is said to have been found with a 
 large socketed celt with three mouldings round the mouth, and a looped 
 * Perrin, " Et. preh. de la Sav.," pi. x. 4, 5 ; " Exp. Arch, de la Sav.," 1878, pi. vi. 
 210 ; Chantre, " Album," pi. Iv. 3. 
 t Chantre, "Album," pi. x. 2. J Op. cit., pi. xl. bis. 3. 
 Gross, " Deux Stations," pi. i. 17. 
 || "Materiaux," vol. xiv. pi. ix. 10. IT " Materiaux," vol. i. p. 463. 
 ** Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160, whence this and fig. 157 are borrowed, 
 tf Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iv. 153 ; Arch. Inst., Norwich vol. p. xxvi. 
 K 2
 palstave with three ribs below the stop- ridge, near Ulleskelf, Yorkshire. 
 Fig. 155. Nettleham. 
 Fig. 156,-Croker Collection. 
 Fig. 157. Nettleham. 
 Mr. Brackstone printed a lithographic plate of the three, from which and 
 from an engraving in the Archaological 
 Journal* Fig. 158 is taken. It will be 
 observed that this celt is elaborately or- 
 namented, even on the ring, either by 
 engraving or punching. The original 
 is now in the Blackmore Museum at 
 A celt of closely allied character, with 
 the lower part of the blade and the 
 C-shaped flanches similar to that from 
 Ulleskelf, with the exception of the 
 chevron ornament, is said to have been 
 also found in Yorkshire. A woodcut, 
 from a drawing by M. Du Noyer, will 
 be found in the Archaeological Journal.] 
 The upper part is rectangular and 
 plain, without any moulding round 
 the top, and there is no loop. The 
 original is 6 inches long. In general 
 appearance and character this celt ap- 
 proaches those of Etruscan and Italian 
 origin ; but I see no reason why it may 
 * Vol. viii. p. 91. The length is erroneously stated to be about 4 inches in a sub- 
 sequent volume (vol. xviii. p. 164). 
 t Vol. viii. 91. 
 Fig. 158. LTleskelf.
 not have been found, as stated, in Britain, though, so far as I know, it is 
 unique of its kind. 
 The next class of socketed celts which has to be noticed consists 
 of those in which the loop is absent. No doubt, in some cases, 
 this absence arises either from defective casting, or from the loop 
 having been accidentally broken off, and all traces of it removed ; 
 but in many instances it is evident that the tools were cast pur- 
 posely without a loop. It seems probable that many of them 
 were intended for use as chisels, and not like the looped kinds as 
 axes or hatchets. The similarity between the looped and the 
 loopless varieties is so great that I have thought it best to de- 
 scribe some of the instruments which may be regarded as un- 
 doubtedly chisels in this place rather than in the chapter devoted 
 to chisels, in which, however, 
 such of the socketed kinds as are 
 narrow at the edge, and do not 
 expand like the common forms 
 of celt, will be found described. 
 The small tool shown in Fig. 159 
 may safely be regarded as a chisel. 
 It does not show the slightest trace 
 of ever having been intended to have 
 a loop, and is indeed too light for a 
 hatchet. It was found with a tanged 
 chisel, a hammer, numerous socketed 
 celts, and other articles, in the hoard 
 from Eeach Fen, Cambridge, already 
 mentioned at p. 112. I have seen 
 another, 2 inches long, with a 
 somewhat oval socket and no loop, which was found in Mildenhall Fen, 
 and was in the collection of the Eev. S. Banks, of Cottenham. 
 A longer celt of the same character is engraved by Dr. Plot.* It was 
 sent to him by Charles Cotton, Esq., and according to Plot " seems to 
 have been the head of a Eoman rest used to support the lituus, the 
 trombe-torte, crooked trumpet, or home pipe used in the Eoman armies." 
 Another of nearly the same form was found on Meon Hill,f near Camden, 
 A celt or chisel of this character found at Diiren, in North Brabant,, is 
 in the museum at Leyden. 
 Another was found at Zaborowo, J in Posen, in a sepulchral urn. 
 A celt of the octagonal form of section and without a loop is shown in 
 Fig. 160. It formed part of the great hoard found at CarltonEode, near 
 Attleborough, Norfolk, of which some particulars have already been 
 given. The joint marks of the moulds are still very distinct upon the 
 * " Nat. Hist. Staff.," p. 404, pi. xxxiii. 7. t Arch., vol. v. pi. viii. 23, p. 118. 
 I "Zeitsch. fur Eth.," vol. vii. Taf. viii. 4.
 sides. This specimen is in the Norwich Museum, and was kindly lent by 
 the trustees for me to have it engraved. A nearly similar Scottish celt is 
 shown in Fig. 1 65. A celt from the hoard of Cumberlow, near Baldock,* has 
 been figured as having no loop, but I believe that this has arisen from an 
 error of the engraver, as in a drawing which I have seen the loop is present. 
 One of hexagonal section and socket from a hoard found on Earsley 
 Common,! Yorkshire, in 1735, is engraved as having no loop. 
 Celts without loops are not uncommon in France, and are often found 
 of small size in Denmark. J 
 Socketed celts have rarely if ever been found with interments in 
 barrows in Britain. Sir R. Colt Hoare mentions " a little celt " as 
 having been found with a small lance, and a long pin with a handle, 
 all of bronze, near the head of a skeleton, in a barrow on Overton 
 HillJ near Abury, Wilts. The body had been buried in the con- 
 tracted attitude, and had, as was thought, been enclosed within the 
 trunk of a tree. It appears, however, from Dr. Tlmrnam's 
 account, II that this was a flat and not a socketed celt. It was a 
 celt like Fig. 116, 3 inches long, which is reported to have been 
 discovered by the late Rev. R. Kirwan in a barrow on Broad Down, 
 Farway, Devonshire.lf It is said to have lain in the midst of an 
 abundant deposit of charcoal which was thought to be the remains 
 of a funeral pyre. Mr. Kirwan informed Dr. Thurnam that there 
 was every reason to believe that the celt was deposited where found 
 at the time of the original interment. No bones, however, were 
 actually with the celt, which lay 1 8 inches from the central cist. 
 A socketed celt with three vertical ribs, like Fig. 125, is also 
 said to have been found with a human skeleton, and two 
 uninscribed ancient British coins of silver, at Cann,** near 
 Shaftesbury, in 1849. The celt and coins are now in the 
 collection of Mr. Durden, of Blandford. In neither case 
 are the circumstances of the discovery absolutely certain. 
 A curious instance of the survival of the bronze celt 
 as an ornament or amulet is afforded by that which was 
 found in a barrow at Arras, or Hessleskew,tt near Market 
 Weighton, Yorkshire. It is only an inch in length, 
 and is shown full-size in Fig. 161. With it was a pin 
 which connected it with a small light-blue glass bead. It accom- 
 panied the contracted body of a woman laid in a grave, and 
 * Journ. Anth. Inst., vol. vi. p. 195. f Arch., vol. v. pi. viii. 7, p. 114. 
 I Segested, " Oldsag. fra Broholm," pi. xxiii. 8. 
 " Anc. Wilts," vol. ii. p. 90. || Arch., vol. xliii. 443. 
 II Trans. Dev. Assoc., vol. iv. p. 300, pi. ii. 1. 
 ** Evans, " Anc. British Coins," p. 102. 
 ft Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 156; Arch. Inst., York vol. Catal., p. 27.
 having with it a necklace of glass beads, a large amber bead, and 
 a brooch, bracelets, ring, tweezers, and pin, apparently of bronze, 
 some of them ornamented with a kind of paste or enamel. The 
 majority of the objects found in the group of barrows at Arras, 
 of which this was one, seem to belong to what Mr. Franks has 
 termed the "Late-Celtic" period, or approximately to the time 
 of the Roman invasion of this country. 
 Socketed celts not more than | of an inch in length have been 
 found in Ireland, but with sockets large enough for serviceable 
 handles, so that they might possibly have been used as chisels. 
 The diminutive celts, about 2 inches in length, which have been 
 found in large numbers in Brittany, and have been regarded by 
 French antiquaries as votive offerings, might also by some possi- 
 bility have served as tools ; but this can hardly have been the 
 case with the Arras specimen. A golden celt 
 found in Cornwall is said to have been in the 
 possession of the Earl of Falmouth,* but nothing 
 is known of it by the present Viscount Fal- 
 mouth, and the statement in the "Barrow Dig- 
 gers" is probably erroneous. 
 It will be well to postpone the account of the 
 different hoards of bronze objects, in which 
 socketed celts have been found with other tools 
 and weapons, until I come to treat of such an- 
 cient deposits, though some of them have al- 
 ready been mentioned. 
 Turning now to the socketed celts which have 
 been discovered in Scotland, we find them to present a considerable 
 variety of types, though hardly so great as that exhibited by those 
 from England, and the recorded instances of their finding are 
 comparatively few in number. 
 In Fig. 162 is shown a socketed celt of the plain kind which was found at 
 Bell's Mills, f on the Water of Leith, Edinburgh, in company with those 
 given as Figs. 164 and 165. 
 A celt found in a bog between Stranraer and Portpatrick, Wigton- 
 sMre,J like Fig. 162, but with a bead at the level of the top of the loop, 
 has been figured. 
 The nearly square-necked celt shown in Fig. 163 is of a broader type 
 than usual, and was found at North Knapdale, Argyleshire. 
 * " Barrow Diggers," 1839, p. 72. 
 t For the use of these cuts I am indebted to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 
 % " Ayr and Wigton Coll.," vol. ii. p. 10. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. vii. p. 196.
 [CHAP. v. 
 Socketed celts with oval necks, and resembling the common Irish type, 
 Fig. 167, in form, have occasionally been found in Scotland. One (3 
 inches), with a double moulding round the mouth, was found on Arthur's 
 Seat, Edinburgh. Another (3 inches) was found with several other socketed 
 celts and a spear-head near the Loch of Forfar. One of these, like Fig. 
 150, has a round socket and a twelve-sided neck. 
 A celt with a long socket and narrow blade was found, with spear-heads, 
 bronze armlets, and some pieces of tin, at Achtertyre,* Moray shire. 
 Another type, which appears to be more especially Scottish, has the 
 ornamented moulding placed on the neck of the blade in such a manner 
 as to run through the loop. One of this character, dug up near Samson's 
 Ribs,f Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, has been figured by Professor Daniel 
 Wilson. A second (2^ inches), with three raised bands passing through 
 the loop, was found in the Forest of Birse,J Aberdeenshire. 
 Fig. 163. 
 Fig. 164. Bell's Mills 
 Fig. 165.-Bell's Mills. 
 A type which is also common to England is shown in Fig. 1 64 from 
 another of the Bell's Mills specimens. 
 Others with raised lines on the sides are preserved in the museum at 
 Edinburgh. One of these was found near the citadel at Leith. 
 One (3 inches), ornamented with four longitudinal lines on each face, 
 was found in the parish of Southend, || Cantire. Another (4 J inches), 
 with traces of five ribs, three down the middle and two at the margins of 
 each face, was found at Hangingshaw,^f in Culter parish, Lanarkshire. 
 A third celt from Bell's Mills is shown in Fig. 1 65. This is of the variety 
 without the loop, and closely resembles that from the Carlton Eode 
 hoard, Fig. 160, the main difference being that the neck is of decagonal 
 instead of octagonal section. 
 Moulds for celts of other patterns have also been found in Scotland, 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix. p. 435. 
 J P. S. A. S., vol. ii. p. 153. 
 || P. S. A. S., vol. iv. p. 396. 
 If Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. pi. xi. 5, p. 111. 
 t "Preh. Ann. Scot.," vol. i. pp. 351, 384. 
 P. S. A. S., vol. xii. p. 209.
 as will subsequently be seen. A modern cast from some moulds found 
 at Eosskeen, Eoss-shire, has been engraved by Professor D. Wilson.* It 
 is of hexagonal section, and is ornamented on each face by two diverging 
 ribs starting from an annulet close below the moulding round the mouth, 
 and ending in two annulets about two-thirds of the way down the blade, 
 which expands considerably, and has a nearly flat edge. 
 For the use of Fig. 166 I am indebted to the Council f of the Ayrshire 
 and Wigtonshire Archaeological Association. The original was found 
 in a peat-moss near the farm-house of Knock and Maize, in Leswalt 
 parish, Wigtonshire, and is now in the cabinet of the Earl of Stair. Its 
 Fig. 166. Leswalt 
 analogies with that found at Kingston, Surrey (Fig. 142), are very 
 striking, while at the same time it closely resembles the type exhibited by 
 the mould from Eoss-shire already mentioned. The occurrence of instru- 
 ments of so rare a form at such a distance apart is very remarkable ; but 
 if, as appears probable, the celts of this type are among the latest which 
 were manufactured, and may possibly belong even to the Late Celtic 
 period, their wide dissemination is the less wonderful. 
 Socketed celts have been found in very large numbers in Ireland, 
 upwards of two hundred being preserved in the Museum of the 
 * " Preh. Ann. Scot.," vol. i. p. 384, fig. 61. t " Collections," vol. ii. p. 11.
 [CHAP. v. 
 Royal Irish Academy ; and numerous specimens are to be seen in 
 other collections, both public and private. Mr. R. Day, F.S.A., of 
 Cork, has upwards of forty in his own cabinet. The Irish celts 
 vary much in size, the largest being a little over 5 inches long, 
 and the smallest less than an inch. The most common form is 
 oval at the neck, and expands into a broad cutting edge. There 
 is usually some kind of moulding round the mouth, giving the end 
 of the instrument a trumpet-like appearance. The effect of the 
 Fig. 167. Ireland. 
 Fig. 168. Ireland. 
 moulding is not unfrequently exaggerated by a hollow fluting 
 round the neck, as in Fig. 167. 
 Celts of this and some of the following types have been figured by 
 In that shown as Fig. 168 there is a slight shoulder below the trumpet- 
 shaped part of the mouth, and the loop, instead of springing straight 
 out from the neck, has its ends extended into four ridges, running over 
 the neck of the celt like half -buried roots. 
 An example of a celt with the loop attached in a similar manner has 
 been engraved by Wilde.f Another (3f inches) is in the collection of 
 Mr. E. Day, F.S.A. 
 Vol. iv. pi. ix. 3, 4, 6. 
 f "Catal. Mus. K. I A.," p. 392, fig. 306.
 Fig. 169 shows a finely patinated celt, with a triple moulding 
 below the expanding mouth, which was found near Belfast. With 
 it are said to have been found a set of three gold clasps, or so-called 
 fibulae, with discs at each end of a slug-like half-ring (see Wilde, 
 Figs. 594 598). Curiously enough, I have another set of three 
 of these ornaments, also found together at Craighilly, near Bally- 
 mena, Co. Antrim. Mr. Robert Day, F.S.A., has a specimen which 
 also is one of three found together in the Co. Down. It seems, 
 Fig. 170.-Ireland. 
 therefore, probable that, like our modern shirt-studs, these orna- 
 ments were worn in sets of three. 
 A celt with four hands (3 inches) has been engraved by Wilde.* The 
 middle member of the triple band is often much the largest. 
 A small example of the same type, but with, a single band at the 
 mouth, is shown in Fig. 170. One from Co. Antrim, If inch long and 1^ 
 inch broad at the edge, is in the British Museum. 
 These oval-necked celts are occasionally, but rarely, decorated with 
 patterns cast in relief upon them. One of them, in the Museum of the 
 Eoyal Irish Academy, f is shown in Fig. 171. 
 Inside the sockets of most of the instruments of this class there are near 
 the bottom, where the two sides converge, one, two, or more vertical 
 ridges, probably destined to aid in steadying the haft. 
 In some instances the upper member of the moulding round the mouth 
 * P. 385, fig. 279. 
 t W ilde " Catal. Mus. R. T. A.," p. 385, fig. 280. This cut is kindly lent by the 
 [CHAP. v. 
 is cast in a cable pattern. Fig. 172 shows an example of this kind from 
 Athboy, Co. Meath, in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. Others 
 are in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy. 
 Socketed celts, with vertical ribs on the faces, are of rare occurrence in 
 Ireland. A specimen from Co. Meath, in Canon Grreenwell's collection, 
 is engraved as Fig. 173. 
 One (2f inches) found near Cork, and now in Mr. Eobert Day's collec- 
 tion, has six vertical ribs on each face, three on either margin. They 
 are placed close together, and vary in length, the outer one being about 
 twice as long as that in the middle, which is, however, nearly three times 
 as long as the innermost of the three ribs. 
 I have an example of the same kind (2| inches), from Trillick, Co. Tyrone,* 
 Fig. 172. Athboy. 
 Fig. 173. -Meath. 
 Fig. 174. Ireland. 
 in which there are five equidistant vertical ribs on each face. The edge 
 has been much hammered, so as to be considerably recurved at the ends. 
 Wilde f has figured a much larger specimen (4 inches), with three vertical 
 ribs, which cross a ring, level with the top of the loop, and run up to the 
 lip moulding. Another, J with rectangular socket, has the ribs arranged 
 in the usual manner. In a few instances the ribs end in pellets, and in 
 one instance Wilde describes them as " ending in arrow points." 
 A short but broad socketed celt in the Petrie Collection has on each face 
 six vertical ribs terminating at each end in annulets. 
 The socketed celts with an almost square socket and neck are not so 
 common in Ireland as those of the broad type with an oval neck, but are 
 * Engraved in Journ. Hoy. Hist, and Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 4th Ser. vol. v. p. 259. 
 t Fig. 282. J Fig. 284. ' $ P. 429.
 yet not absolutely rare. Fig. 174 shows a good specimen of this type. 
 I have another (3 inches), from the neighbourhood of Belfast, rather 
 wider at the edge, and with three flat vertical ribs below the neck 
 Fig. 175 shows a short variety of the same type, from Newtown Crom- 
 molin, Co. Antrim. One from Trillick, Co. Tyrone (2 inches), though 
 nearly rectangular at the neck, has an oval socket. 
 Mr. Eobert Day has an example (3 inches), from Dunshaughlin, Co. 
 Meath, with two beads round it, the lower one at the level of the bottom 
 of the loop. This celt is rectangular at the neck, though the socket is 
 Some few have grooves running down the angles. One from London- 
 derry (4 inches) is in Mr. Day's collection. 
 The long narrow celt with a rib ending in an annulet on the face, 
 engraved by Wilde as Fig. 283, appears to me to belong to Brittany 
 rather than to Ireland. 
 Fig- 175 
 Newtown Crommolin. 
 An elegant type of socketed celt of not uncommon occurrence in Ireland 
 is shown in Fig. 176. The neck is octagonal below the rounded trumpet 
 mouth, which is ornamented with a series of small parallel beads, between 
 which a number of minute conical depressions have been punched, making 
 the beads appear to be corded. Around the loop is an oval of similar 
 punch marks. A nearly similar specimen has been engraved by Wilde 
 (CataL, Fig. 276), who also gives one of the same general type, but 
 with two plain broad beads, alternating with three narrow ones, round 
 the mouth (Catal., Fig. 277). It has a hexagonal neck. A celt (4 inches) 
 from Ballina, Co. Mayo, in the collection of Mr. Eobert Day, F.S.A., 
 has an octagonal neck, and five grooved lines round its circular mouth. 
 Canon Greenwell has one of the type of Fig. 176 (3 inches), with 
 hexagonal neck and five equal beads round the mouth, from Carlea, Co.
 [CHAP. v. 
 Fig. 178. Ireland 
 Longford, and another (3 inches), -with ten small beads round a some- 
 what oval mouth, from Arboe, Co. Tyrone. The neck of this latter is 
 nearly rectangular. I have a celt of this type from Balbriggan, Co. 
 Dublin (3 inches), with a hexagonal neck and a plain mouth. The 
 loop has root-like excrescences from it, as already described. 
 There is one more Irish type of looped socketed celts which it will be well 
 to figure, and to which Wilde has given the name of the axe-shaped socketed 
 celt. As will be seen, the blade is expanded considerably below the 
 socketed part, and assumes a form not uncommon among iron or steel 
 axes. I have copied Fig. 177 from Wilde's cut, No. 
 281, on an enlarged scale. 
 A socketed celt expanding into a broad axe-like 
 edge is in the Pesth Museum. 
 ATI analogous but narrower form is found in France. 
 I have seen the drawing of one found at Pontpoint, 
 Oise (?). 
 Socketed celts without loops have not unfrequently 
 been found in Ireland. One of this type has been 
 figured by Wilde,* whose cut is, by the kindness of 
 the Council of the Eoyal Irish Academy, here repro- 
 duced as Fig. 178. There are two others in the same 
 collection. Another of the same length (2-^ inches), but wider at the 
 edge, was found in the Shannon,f at Keelogue Ford. A longer and 
 narrower instrument (3f inches) of the same kind has also been engraved 
 by Wilde. | Another has been engraved by Vallancey. Others (2 and 
 2 inches) from Lisburn and Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, are in the British 
 Museum. The former has a small bead on a 
 level with the base of the socket. The latter 
 is oval at the neck, but oblong at the mouth. 
 A bronze instrument of this form, but 
 wider at the edge, was in common use among 
 the ancient Egyptians, and has been re- 
 garded as a hoe. 
 A socketed celt without loop, but with two 
 projections on one side, from the Sanda Val- 
 ley, || Yunan, China, has been figured by 
 Dr. Anderson. The edge is very oblique. 
 An example brought from Yunan by the 
 same expedition is in the Christy Collection. 
 One from Cambodia, ^| without loop, but in 
 form like Fig. 119, has been figured by Dr. 
 A very remarkable socketed celt without 
 loop from Java is in the Cabinet of Coins at 
 Stuttgart. It expands widely at the edge 
 and has three facets on one side of the neck, while the other is curved, 
 so that it was probably mounted as an adze. The surface of the socket 
 is not flat, but there is a V-shaped depression across it. 
 P. 384, fig. 275. t Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., vol. xi. p. 170. 
 J P. 521, fig. 398. Vol. iv. pi. ix. 7. 
 || Eeport on " Expedit. to Western Yunan," Calcutta, 1871, p. 414. 
 51 " Areh. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Toulouse," vol. i. pi. vi. 6. 
 Fig. 179. Kertch.
 Socketed celts with, two loops have not as yet been recorded as found 
 within the United Kingdom, though a stone mould for celts of this form 
 was found at Bulford Water, Salisbury. In Eastern Europe the form is 
 more common. The specimen shown as Fig. 179 was found in the neigh- 
 bourhood of Kertch,* and is now in the British Museum. I have seen 
 others ornamented on the faces, brought from Asiatic Siberia by Mr. H. 
 Seebohm. Others from Siberia f have been figured. One of these is 
 without loops, and has chevron ornaments in relief below a double 
 A socketed celt with two loops, and apparently hexagonal at the neck, 
 found at Ell, near Benfeld, Alsace, is figured by Schneider. J 
 I have elsewhere described a two-looped socketed celt from Portugal 
 (6 inches). It is like Eig. 120, but has a second loop. Another, of 
 gigantic dimensions, 9 inches long and 3 inches wide, was found in 
 Estremadura, Spain. || 
 A two-looped celt with square socket and the loops at the junction with 
 the flattened blade was in the great hoard found at Bologna. Only one 
 of the loops, however, is perforated. 
 In the museum at Stockholm are also some socketed celts with two loops. 
 In looking over these pages, it will have been observed, that 
 though socketed celts occur in numbers throughout the British Isles, 
 yet that those found in England for the most part differ in form 
 from those found in Ireland, and that some few types appear to 
 be peculiar to Scotland. Traces of continental influence are, as 
 might have been expected, most evident in the forms found in the 
 southern counties of England, and are barely, if at all, perceptible 
 in those from Ireland and Scotland. Some few of the socketed celts 
 from both England and Scotland are of the type Fig. 167 a type 
 so common in Ireland as to be characteristic of it and these 
 appear for the most part, though by no means exclusively, to 
 have been found in western counties. Although, therefore, the first 
 socketed celts in Britain were doubtless of foreign origin, there 
 was no regular importation of them for use over the whole country ; 
 but the fashion of making them spread through local foundries, 
 and different varieties of pattern originated in various centres, 
 and were adopted over larger or smaller areas as they happened 
 to commend themselves to the taste of the bronze-using public. 
 The use of socketed celts would, from their abundance, seem 
 to have extended over a considerable period ; and from their 
 having apparently been found with objects belonging to the Late 
 * -Arch. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 91. For the use of this cut I am indebted to Mr. 
 A. W. Franks, F.R.S. 
 f Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 13 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xxxi. p. 262 ; Mem. des 
 Ant. du Nord, 1872 7, p. 116, &c. 
 I "Die ehern. Streitkeile," Taf. ii. 12. Trant. Ethn. Soc., N. S., vol. vii. p. 45 
 || " Cong, preh." Copenhagen vol. p. 352.
 Celtic Period they must have been among the last of the bronze 
 tools or weapons to be superseded by those of iron. A socketed 
 celt, somewhat like Fig. 116 but more trumpet-mouthed, is stated 
 to have been found in company with a looped spear-head, two 
 pins like Figs. 453 and 458, a bronze bridle-bit, and some por- 
 tions of buckles of a late Celtic character on Hagbourne Hill, 
 Berks. These objects are now in the British Museum, and there 
 seems reason to believe the account of their discovery given in 
 the Archceologia* Some coins of gold and silver are said to have 
 been found with them, but these are not forthcoming. Socketed 
 celts have also been found associated with clasps like Figs. 504 
 and 505 at Dreuil, near Amiens, while at Abergele such clasps 
 accompanied buckles almost, if not quite, late Celtic in character. 
 No doubt the final disuse of socketed celts was not contempo- 
 raneous throughout the whole of the country, and their employ- 
 ment probably survived in the north and west of Britain and in 
 Ireland to a considerably later date than in the districts more 
 accessible to Gaulish influences. The chronology of our Bronze 
 Period will, however, have to be considered in a subsequent 
 chapter. The transition from bronze to iron cannot so readily 
 be traced in this country as on the Continent ; but socketed 
 celts, &c. formed of iron, and made in imitation of those in bronze, 
 have occasionally been found in Britain. One (4 inches) with a 
 side loop, and a part of its wooden handle, was found in Merioneth- 
 shire, and is now in the British Museum. It has been figured 
 in the Archeeologia Cambrensis.f Another of the same type was 
 found in North Wales. J 
 I have one (5^ inches) with a rounded socket and no loop, found 
 at Gray's Thurrock, Essex. 
 I have another (4 inches) with a square socket, from Pfaffen- 
 burg in the Hartz ; and others of longer proportions with round 
 sockets from Hallstatt. The metal has been carefully welded 
 together to form the sockets, in which there is no slit like those 
 commonly to be seen in more modern socketed tools of iron. 
 There are ornaments round the mouth of some of the Hallstatt 
 socketed celts, and both they and the iron palstaves are frequently 
 provided with a side loop, in exact accordance with those on their 
 analogues in bronze. Some of the socketed celts in iron from 
 * Vol. xvi. p. 348. f 3rd S., vol. i. p. 250. 
 I Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 518. 
 \ Von Sacken, " Grabf. v. Hallst.," Taf. vii.
 the cemetery of Watsch,* in Carniola, are also provided with a 
 As an illustration of the view that similar wants, with similar 
 means at command with which to supply them, lead to the produc- 
 tion of similar forms of tools and weapons in countries widely 
 remote from each other, I may mention a socketed celt (10^ 
 inches) found in an ancient grave near Copiapo, Chili, t In general 
 form it is almost identical with some of the Italian bronze celts, 
 but it is of copper, and not bronze ; and is not cast, but wrought with 
 the hammer. The socket has, therefore, been formed in the same 
 manner as those of the early iron celts from Hallstatt, with which 
 it also closely corresponds in outline. The surface, however, has 
 been ornamented by engraving ; and among the patterns we find 
 bands of chevrons, alternately plain and hatched, closely allied to 
 the common ornament of the European Bronze Age. What is, 
 perhaps, more striking still is that the Greek fret also occurs as an 
 ornament on the faces. 
 The method in which socketed and other celts were hafted 
 will be discussed in the next chapter. 
 * Deschmann. und Hochstetter, "Prah. Ansied, u. Begr. Btatt. in Krain.," 1879, 
 Taf. xvi. 
 t Rev. Arch., vol. xxiii. p. 257, pi. viii.
 ANY account of the various forms of celts and palstaves which 
 have been discovered in this country, such as that attempted in 
 the preceding chapters, would be incomplete without some observa- 
 tions as to the manner in which they were probably hafted or 
 mounted for use, and some account of the discoveries which throw 
 light upon that subject. 
 In a previous chapter I have cited numerous opinions of the 
 older school of antiquaries as to the nature of these instruments 
 or weapons, and the uses which they were intended to serve. 
 Many of these opinions are so palpably absurd that it is needless 
 again to refer to them. Others which regard the instruments as 
 having been mounted in such a manner as to serve for axes or 
 adzes, for chisels, or for spud-like tools or weapons, have an 
 evident foundation in the necessities of the case. There can, in 
 the first place, be no doubt that celts and palstaves were cutting 
 tools or weapons. There can, in the second place, be but little 
 doubt that they were not destined for direct use in the hand 
 without the addition of any shaft or handle. In fact, with the 
 palstave and socketed forms, it is evident that special provisions are 
 made for a haft of some kind. In the third place, this haft, 
 whether long or short, must either have been straight or crooked. 
 If straight, a kind of chisel or spud must have resulted ; if 
 crooked or L-shaped, an axe, hatchet, or adze. 
 It is possible that the same form of bronze instruments may 
 have been mounted both with straight and with L-shaped handles ; 
 but, as will subsequently be seen, the probability, judging from 
 what few ancient handles have been discovered, is that the great 
 majority were mounted with elbowed handles as axes. At the 
 same time, from the form and small size of some celts, especially 
 of some of those of the socketed variety, it is probable that they
 were used as chisels. Indeed, judging from the analogy of some 
 other forms, and from the discovery at Everley, mentioned at 
 p. 163, this may be regarded as certain. 
 As the discoveries of the original hafts of bronze celts have 
 principally been made upon the Continent, I shall, in treating 
 of this part of my subject, be compelled to have recourse to foreign 
 rather than British illustrations. It will also, in speaking of the 
 method of hafting, be desirable to make an attempt to trace the 
 successive stages of development of the socketed celts ; and, in con- 
 nection with this part of the subject also, foreign examples will 
 become of service. 
 And first, in illustration of the use of bronze blades as axes, 
 rather than as spuds, or chisels of any kind, I may mention an 
 instrument not uncommon in Hungary, and occasionally occurring 
 in other parts of Southern Europe, which is perforated and 
 similar in general form to our modern axe-heads of iron and 
 steel. In Scandinavia also other varieties of these perforated 
 axe-heads have been found. The common axe-like type has also 
 been discovered among Assyrian antiquities. Another and distinct 
 form which has been found in Egypt mounted as an axe or 
 hatchet, with a wooden handle, is a flat blade not unlike the 
 ordinary flat celt, except that instead of tapering at the butt-end 
 it expands so as to have two more or less projecting horns, by 
 which it was bound against the haft in a shallow socket provided 
 for it. Egyptian axes mounted in this manner may be seen in 
 many museums, and have been frequently figured in works on 
 Egyptian antiquities.* The blade of an axe of this kind, formerly 
 in the collection of the Rev. Sparrow Simpson, D.D., F.S.A.,f 
 and by him presented to the British Museum, bears an inscrip- 
 tion in hieroglyphics upon it, with cartouches probably containing 
 the name of a shepherd king of the sixteenth or seventeenth 
 dynasty. In my own collection is another bronze blade of the 
 same shape and size, and with the same inscription, except that 
 the names in the cartouches are different. Unfortunately this 
 part of the blade is corroded, but Dr. S. Birch thinks that the 
 cartouches contain the name either of Ramses I. or of a subordinate 
 Ramses of the eighteenth dynasty. The hieroglyphics are the 
 same on both faces of the blade, but on one run from right to left, 
 and on the other from left to right. A hatchet of the same form, 
 * See " Materiaux," vol. v. p. 376. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., rol. xxiii. p. 293, pi. xv. 
 L 2
 [CHAP. vi. 
 still bound to its haft, was found in the tomb of Queen Aah-Hotep,* 
 of the eighteenth dynasty. 
 Some of the stone hatchets from Ecuador, in South America, 
 are also provided with projecting ears, and were tied against their 
 helves in the same manner. 
 The stone axe, said to be that of Montezuma II., preserved in 
 the Ambras Museum at Vienna, and shown in Fig. 180, may also 
 be of this kind. Copper or bronze blades of this crescent or 
 cheese-cutter form, with two projecting lugs at the top of the 
 narrow part of the blade, have been found in Peru. 
 Fig. 180. Stone Axe of Montezuma II. 
 Broad blades of bronze, in form more like the ordinary flat 
 celts, but with the projections at the top, have been found in the 
 same country. I have one about 5 inches long and 3 inches 
 wide, with strong lugs at the top 2 niches long. It came from 
 Eastern Peru. 
 Some blades of this form were hafted in a rather different 
 manner, as will be seen by means of Fig. 181. 
 Fig. 181. Aymara Indian Hatchet. J 
 This represents an iron hatchet used by the Aymara Indians, of 
 the province of La Paz, Bolivia, which was brought from that 
 country and presented to me by my friend, the late Mr. David 
 Forbes, F.R.S. In this form the handle is split, and the blade is 
 secured by a leather thong, two turns of which pass under the two 
 lugs of the blade, and thus prevent it from coming forward ; two 
 * " Materiaux," vol. v. p. 379, pi. xix. 7.
 other turns pass over the butt-end, and thus prevent it from being 
 driven backwards by any blow ; while all the coils of the thong hold 
 the cleft stick firmly against the two faces of the blade. Although 
 no celts with the T-shaped butt-end have been found in Britain, 
 or, indeed, in Western Europe, I have thought it worth while to 
 engrave this curious example of the method of mounting such 
 blades, especially as the central projections of the Irish form of 
 celt, like Fig. 45, may have been secured by thongs in a somewhat 
 analogous manner. 
 Turning now to the other British forms of celts, of which, as 
 already observed, the flat and doubly tapering blades, like Fig. 2, 
 Fig. 182.-Modem African Axe of Iron. J 
 seem to be the most ancient, it is probable that these were hafted 
 by the butt-end being merely driven into a club or handle of 
 wood, in the same manner as many stone celts appear to have 
 been mounted. The modern iron hatchet, from Western Africa, 
 shown in Fig. 182, will give a good idea of the manner in which 
 the bronze celts that are so much like it hi form were probably 
 hafted. Another modern African axe has been engraved by Sir 
 John Lubbock.* It is, of course, possible that some of the ancient 
 flat celts were mounted after the manner of spuds, as is, by several 
 German and Danish antiquaries, held to have been the case with 
 those of the palstave form. It must, however, be borne in mind 
 * "Preh. Times," p. 29. For other examples see Klemm, "Allgem. Culturwiss.," 
 vol. i. p. 100.
 that as a rule the stone celts, which the earliest of those in bronze 
 must in all probability have supplanted, were mounted after the 
 manner of hatchets. Moreover, the few stone celts, the axis of the 
 straight handle of which was in the same direction as the blade, 
 appear to have been hafted with short handles as chisels, and not 
 with long shafts as spuds. Among those found still attached to 
 their hafts in the Swiss lake dwellings, some few were mounted in 
 short stags-horn handles as chisels, but the majority were fitted for 
 use as hatchets, with a club-like handle, in which a short stag's-horn 
 socket was mortised as affording a receptacle for the stone, harder 
 and less liable to split than those of wood. In some cases, however, 
 the handles were made from a bough of a tree with a short pro- 
 jectino- branch, which was cleft to receive the stone. One of 
 Fig. 183. Stone Axe, Robenhausen. 
 these, from Robenhausen, is shown in Fig. 183, which is copied 
 from Dr. Keller's work.* 
 In Britain the traces of the original handles of bronze celts have 
 been not unfrequently found, though the actual wood had perished. 
 In a barrow in the parish of Butterwick,t Canon Greenwell, 
 F.R.S., found what he describes as " an axe-blade of bronze," 
 engraved as Fig. 2, which lay with a skeleton, and " the handle, 
 which had been under two feet in length, could be plainly traced 
 by means of a dark line of decayed wood extending from the hips 
 towards the heels ; moreover, from the presence of decayed wood 
 on the sides of the blade, it would seem as if the axe had been 
 protected by a wooden sheath. To all appearance the weapon 
 had been worn slung from the waist." In this case the blade 
 had been fixed, apparently after the manner of Fig. 182, into 
 a solid handle to the depth of two inches, as is evident from the 
 surface of the metal being oxidized on that part of the blade 
 differently from what it is elsewhere. 
 * "Lake Dwellings," Eng. ed., p. 110, pi. x. 16. See also xi. 2, and xxviii. 24 ; and 
 Lindenschmit, " Hohenz. Samml.," Taf. xxix. 4. f " British Barrows," p. 188.
 In a barrow at Shuttlestone,* near Parwich, Derbyshire, Mr. Bate- 
 man found about the middle of the left thigh of a skeleton a bronze 
 celt, of " the plainest axe-shaped type. The cutting edge was 
 turned upwards towards the upper part of the person, and the 
 instrument itself has been inserted vertically into a wooden handle 
 by being driven in for about two inches at the narrow end at 
 least, the grain of the wood runs in the same direction as the 
 longest dimension of the celt." "A fact," adds Mr. Bateman, "not 
 unworthy of the notice of any inclined to explain the precise 
 manner of mounting these curious implements." It may be re- 
 marked, however, that no part of the handle itself, beyond this 
 grain upon the bronze, was preserved, and that this direction of 
 the grain of the wood would be quite consistent with the blade 
 having been mounted in a side branch from the shaft, after the 
 manner of the Swiss stone celt shown in Fig. 183. 
 It appears to me possible that in other cases where the marks 
 of the grain of the wood, or even the traces of the wood itself, 
 have been found upon celts, running along and not across the blade, 
 the somewhat hasty conclusion has been drawn that they were 
 attached to the end of straight shafts instead of into side branches ; 
 and that possibly this opinion, when once accepted, may have 
 affected insensibly the reports of the position of the blade of the 
 celts with regard to the bodies with which they were found, and 
 to the traces of their shafts. 
 The opinion first enounced by J. A. Fabricius that the celt was 
 the ancient German framea or spear mentioned by Tacitus, seems 
 also insensibly to have affected observers. 
 There is an account given by Thorlaciusf of the discovery in a 
 tumulus near Store-Hedinge, in Denmark, of a palstave with the 
 wooden shaft an ell and a quarter long, into which the blade was 
 inserted ; the wood, as might have been expected, running down 
 between the side wings ; at the other end of the shaft there was a 
 leather strap wound round for about a quarter of an ell. The 
 whole was so decayed that not the least part of it could be taken 
 out of the ground. Although nothing appears to be said with 
 regard to the position of the palstave with respect to the shaft, 
 this has been cited by LischJ and others in evidence of this form of 
 instrument having been mounted spud-fashion, as a kind of chisel- 
 * " Ten Years' Diggings," p. 35. 
 t Cited in Schreiber's " Die ehernen Streitkeile," Freiburg, 1&42, p 4. 
 % See Lisch, " Frederico-Francisceum," p. 38.
 ended spear. A more conclusive instance is that adduced by Westen- 
 dorp,* who has figured a socketed celt without a loop, found in a 
 fen in the province of Groningen, Holland, mounted in this manner 
 on a straight shaft. I have, however, already remarked that 
 some of the socketed celts of this character were probably used as 
 Whatever reliance may be placed upon the older discoveries, all 
 those of more recent times are in favour of the instruments of the 
 palstave form having been mounted as axes, hatchets, or adzes. 
 In the museum at Salzburg, Austria, there are at least four crooked 
 handles for this kind of blade, found in the salt-mines of Hallein, 
 one of which is shown in the annexed cut. I am not, however, 
 Fig. 184. Bronze Axe, Hallein. 
 sure whether the blade was actually found with the haft in which it 
 is now placed, nor, if so, whether it was originally in its present posi- 
 tion with the loop outwards. It looks much more like an Italian 
 than a German specimen, which has been added to the haft in recent 
 times, and it has not the appearance of having been exposed for cen- 
 turies to the action of salt. It seems more probable that the salt, 
 which has fortunately had the power of preserving the wood, would 
 in course of years have dissolved the whole of the metal, assuming 
 that at the time when the haft was lost, or left in the mine, a 
 blade was still attached to it, than that it should have left the 
 metal, as here, almost uninjured. In this instance, moreover, the 
 haft is perfect, and not, as in some of the other cases, broken, 
 so as to raise an inference of their having been thrown away. 
 * " Antiquiteiten," iii. Stuck, p. 285.
 The position of the blade with the loop outwards is also sus- 
 A broken example of the same kind of haft, also from the salt- 
 mines of Hallein, has been figured by Klemm,* and is to be seen 
 in the British Museum. There are others in the museum at Linz. 
 Handles of the same kind, intended for palstaves, have been 
 found in the Italian lake dwellings. In some discovered in the 
 " palafitta " of Castione,t the notch is in the transverse direction 
 to the shaft, as if the blade had been mounted as an adze, and not 
 as an axe. In others the notch is longitudinal, and not trans- 
 verse. In one instance the side branch has no notch, but there 
 is a shoulder on it, as if it had served for a socketed celt. 
 A looped palstave, mounted in a similar branched handle, has 
 been found at the lake dwelling of Mcerigen,J on the Lac de 
 Bienne. In this case also the loop is on the farther side of the 
 That the flanged and winged celts and palstaves were, as a rule, 
 destined to be mounted in the manner of hatchets or adzes, and 
 not as spuds or spear-heads, is to some extent witnessed by the 
 development of their form ; the progressive increase in the size of the 
 wings and flanges, more especially about the middle of the blade, 
 appearing to be intended as a precaution against lateral strains, 
 such as the blade of an axe undergoes, rather than against a mere 
 thrust, such as that to which the head of a spear or lance is 
 subject. Of course the stop-ridge is a preservative against the 
 blade being driven back into its handle, in whatever way it is 
 mounted. But the flanges, at first slight, then expanding at the 
 middle of the blade, then becoming projecting wings, and finally 
 being bent over, so as to form side sockets on each side of the 
 blade, seem rather the result of successive endeavours to steady the 
 blade against a sideways strain. 
 This development can best be traced in the series of flat celts, 
 flanged and winged celts, and palstaves, discovered in the South of 
 Even the long narrow palstaves, which have so much the 
 appearance of chisels, seem to have been mounted on crooked 
 shafts. There is a long German form with a narrow butt above 
 the stop-ridge, and with but slight side flanges, which are con- 
 * Allgemeine Culturwissenschaft," pi. i. fig. 186, p. 105. 
 t Strobel in Bull, di Palet. Ital., Anno i. (1875), p. 7, Tav. i. ; Anno 4to (1878), p. 46 
 Tav. ii. { Keller, " 7ter Bericht," Taf. xxiv. 17. 
 See Lindenschmit, "A. u. h. V.," vol. i., Heft. i. Taf. iv. 32.
 [CHAP. vi. 
 tinued down along the sides of the blade below the ridge, that 
 seems much more like a chisel than a hatchet. The usual 
 length of this form is about 6 inches, and the width at the edge 
 about 1| inches, that of the butt-end, including the side 
 flanches, being about f inch. But that palstaves of this kind 
 were mounted as hatchets will be evident from an inspection of 
 Fig. 185, which represents a specimen in my own collection, 
 found in the district of Earon, 
 near Brigue, Valais, Switzerland. 
 It is, as will be seen, in fact, a 
 socketed celt, but with the 
 socket at right angles to the 
 axis of the blade. The reason 
 why it should have been cast 
 in this manner is probably to 
 be found in the fact that boughs 
 of trees with a smaller branch 
 at right angles to them are not 
 easily met with, though such 
 boughs are best adapted for con- 
 version into the helves of this 
 kind of hatchet. Some ingeni- 
 ous bronze-founder of old times 
 conceived the idea of producing 
 a hatchet which did not require 
 a crooked helve, but for hafting 
 which any ordinary straight 
 stick would serve ; and we have 
 here his new form of axe-head. 
 In practice, however, it was pro- 
 bably found both to balance 
 badly, and to be expensive in 
 metal, and the design appears 
 not to have spread, as up to 
 the present time this specimen seems to be unique. The most 
 remarkable features in it have still to be noticed. The pattern 
 from which it was cast seems to have been a palstave already 
 mounted on its haft, and we have here the smooth and rounded 
 end of the bough, with the smaller side branch running off at 
 right angles, reproduced in bronze. Even the band by which the 
 blade was secured in the cleft part of the handle is reproduced as 
 Fig. 185. Earon, Brig-ue.
 a spiral moulding. The banding which extends to the mouth 
 of the socket is also spiral, and probably represents a binding 
 round the original wooden handle at the part where, from expe- 
 rience, it was found most liable to break. The straight haft of 
 this hatchet was secured in its place by a bronze rivet passing 
 through the socket from side to side, which is still in its place, 
 though all trace of the wood has disappeared. 
 With this singular celt was found a small dagger, 6| inches 
 long, which had been secured to its hilt by four rivets, and a 
 penannular bracelet decorated with ring ornaments. It is remark- 
 able how well the discovery of this form of celt bears out the 
 theoretical suggestions of Sir Joseph Banks,* Sir Samuel Meyrick,f 
 Mr. Dunoyer,^: and others, including Sir W. Wilde. Indeed, 
 Dr. Richard Richardson || many years ago advanced the same 
 opinion as to the manner in which such celts were hafted. 
 With regard to the usual manner of mounting those of the 
 socketed form there can be but little doubt, as in some few 
 instances the original handles have been preserved with them. 
 Fig. 186. Edenderry. J 
 One such, found in the bed of the river Boyne, near Eden- 
 derry, King's County, has been figured by Wilde,H whose cut, by 
 the kind permission of the Royal Irish Academy, is here repro- 
 duced as Fig. 186. The helve is only 13f inches long, but 
 seems well adapted to the size of the blade. So far as I know 
 this is the only instance of such a discovery within the United 
 In Fig. 187, however, is shown an Italian socketed celt of 
 a common form, with the original handle still attached. This 
 specimen is in my own collection, and was found about the year 
 1872 in the neighbourhood of Chiusi, Tuscany. With it were 
 another, also retaining its handle, a large fibula of silver, a scara- 
 ba3us, and many small square plates of bronze, each having a fylfot 
 * Arch., vol. xix. p. 102, pi. viii. 6. 
 t "Ancient Armour," by Skelton, vol. i. pi. xlvii. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 4. " Catal. Mas. R. I. A.," p. 367. 
 || Leland's Itin., Heame's ed., vol. i. p. 145. H P. 370, fig. 257.
 [CHAP. vi. 
 cross upon it, probably the ornaments of a girdle. All these 
 objects had been buried in an urn, which was covered by a slab of 
 stone, and most of them are to be seen in the Etruscan Museum at 
 Florence. With the exception of a fracture not far from the angle, 
 the handle of my specimen is perfect. The preservation is due to 
 its having been entirely coated with thin plates of bronze, the sides 
 of which overlap, and have been secured round the handle by 
 Fig. 187. Chiusi. 
 round-headed nails about f inch apart. This plating is turned 
 over square at the end of the handle, where there is a little pro- 
 jecting bronze eye, through which a ring may have passed, so as to 
 serve for its suspension. At the sides above the celt there are 
 some larger round-headed nails, or possibly rivets; and the end of 
 the branch which goes into the socket appears to be secured by a 
 rivet, which passes through from face to face. At the end of the 
 handle itself, above the celt, is a nearly circular flat bronze plate,
 with a round-headed nail in the middle to attach it to the wood. 
 The fracture exposes the wood inside the plates, which has been 
 preserved by the salts, or oxide, of copper. It has been thought 
 to be oak. On the blade of the celt are some flakes of oxide of 
 iron, as if it had lain in contact with some articles made of that 
 metal. Indeed, from the form, as well as from the objects found 
 with it, the presumption is that this instrument belongs to quite 
 the end of the Bronze Age of Italy, or to the transitional period 
 between bronze and iron. 
 It may be well here to mention that celts of iron of the flat 
 form, with projections at the sides like Fig. 45 ; of the palstave 
 kind, with the semicircular side sockets ; and of the socketed form, 
 have been found in the cemetery at Hallstatt, in Austria, the 
 researches in which of Herr Ramsauer have been described by 
 Baron Von Sacken.* These discoveries seem to show that all three 
 varieties were still in use at the close of the Bronze Period. In 
 the same cemetery celts of the two last-mentioned forms were 
 found in bronze, and palstaves occurred with the wings formed of 
 bronze and the blade of iron. 
 In 1866 I exhumed from this cemetery with my own hands, 
 when in company with Sir John Lubbock, a socketed celt of iron, 
 with a portion of the haft still in it. The celt is attached to a 
 branch of the main handle, which projects at an angle of about 
 80. This has been split off from the handle, only a small part 
 of which remains attached ; and it is this portion only of the 
 wood which has been preserved by the infiltration of some salts 
 of iron, while the rest, which was detached from contact with 
 metal, has disappeared. The wood of which the handle was 
 made appears to be fir. On an iron palstave from the same spot 
 it seems to be oak. On two bronze palstaves from France in 
 my own collection, one from Amiens and the other from the 
 Seine, at Paris, the portions of wood which still remain attached 
 to the blades appear also to be oak. 
 In the Hallstatt specimen the inclination of the blade seems to 
 have been towards the hand, and the part of the handle beyond 
 the branch which enters the socket presents some appearance of 
 having been bound with an iron ferrule, probably with the view of 
 preventing it from splitting. The projection is somewhat longer 
 proportionally than that in Fig. 185, and the end appears to have 
 been truncated, and not rounded. 
 * Grabfeld von Hallst.," p. 38.
 There have been in this country a few instances of the dis- 
 covery of bronze rings in company with palstaves and socketed celts, 
 and these rings may possibly have served a similar purpose, though 
 it must be confessed that such an use is purely conjectural. That 
 shown in Fig. 188 was found in company with a bronze palstave 
 without a loop, but much like Fig. 74, at Win wick,* near Warring- 
 ton, Lancashire, and was kindly lent me by Dr. 
 O James Kendrick, who in 1858t suggested that 
 it was a " sort of ferrule to put round the 
 handle of the palstave to prevent the wood from 
 splitting when the instrument was struck." 
 The ornament on the ring, somewhat like the 
 " broad arrow " of modern times, is of much the 
 same character as the shield-like pattern below 
 the stop-ridge of some palstaves. In the British Museum is a 
 stone mould from Northumberland for flat rings, 3 inches in dia- 
 meter, and for flat celts ; but such rings probably served some 
 other purpose. 
 Another bronze ring, 1^ inches in diameter, was found with a 
 socketed celt in the Thames, + opposite Somerset House, but here 
 the actual association of the two is doubtful. 
 I have already expressed a doubt whether the celt from Tadcaster, 
 Yorkshire, and now in the British Museum, had, when found, the 
 bronze ring with a jet bead upon it passing through the loop. 
 The ring itself is made not of one continuous piece of metal, 
 but of stout wire, with the ends abutting against each other, 
 and nothing would be easier for the workman who found the 
 three objects than to pass the ring through the loop of the 
 celt and the hole of the bead. I have myself received from 
 Hungary two socketed celts, each having imperfect penannular 
 bracelets passed through the loop in the same manner, though they 
 certainly had no original connection with the celts. It is, how- 
 ever, but right to mention that in the British Museum is the 
 upper part of a celt with an octagonal neck, found with other 
 objects near Kensington, on the loop of which is a small ring, barely 
 large enough to encircle the loop. Of what service this could 
 have been it is difficult to imagine. 
 If the association of the larger rings and the celts must be 
 given up, it is needless to cite the opinions which have been held 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. pi. xxv. p. 236 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 159. 
 t A. A. J., vol. xiv. p. 269. j Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 161.
 as to the use of the one in connection with the other. Some 
 references are given in the note.* 
 The early Iron Age of Denmark is no doubt considerably later 
 in date than that of Hallstatt, but in several of the discoveries of 
 objects of that period in Denmark socketed celts of iron have 
 been found still attached to their helves. In the Nydam find, 
 described by Mr. Conrad Engelhardt, the majority of the axes were 
 of the ordinary form, with eyes for the shafts ; but there were 
 some also of the form of the socketed celt, though without any 
 loops. These were mounted as axes, and not as adzes, on crooked 
 handles about 1 7 inches long. The helves of axes of the ordinary 
 form were from 23 to 32 inches in length. In the Viinose find + 
 there were several of these iron celts, one of which was thought 
 to have been mounted on a crooked handle, but the others appear 
 to have been mounted as chisels. 
 The palstaves with the edges transverse to the septum between 
 the side flanges seem to have been mounted in precisely the same 
 manner as those of the ordinary form, except that when attached 
 to their handles they formed adzes, and not axes. It has been 
 suggested that the palstaves of the ordinary form may also have 
 been mounted as adzes, and probably this was so in some excep- 
 tional cases. Mention has already been made of some Italian 
 helves with transverse notches for the reception of the blade. 
 Some of the flat celts may have also been mounted as adzes by 
 binding them against the shorter end of an L~ sna P e( l handle, in 
 the same manner as the Egyptians fixed their adze blades. 
 In some palstaves, but more especially in those of the South 
 of Europe, there is at the butt-end of the blade a kind of dove- 
 tailed notch, which appears to have been formed by hammering 
 over a part of the jets or runners of the original castings, which 
 were left projecting a short distance instead of being broken off 
 short at the blade. Whether the hammering over was for the 
 purpose of rounding the angles or for that of forming this dove- 
 tailed notch is somewhat uncertain ; it is, however, possible that 
 one or more pins or rivets may have been driven through the 
 handle, so as to catch the dovetails and retain the blade in its 
 place. It is not often the case that this portion of the blade is so 
 * Arch., vol. xvi. p. 362; Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 6 ; Klemm, " AUg. Kult. gesch.," 
 p. 107. 
 t " Nydam Mosefund," 18591863. Copenhagen, 1865. 
 t " Vimose Fundet" af C. Engelhardt, 1869, p. 29. 
 9 Westropp in Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 335.
 long that it would have gone through the handle and have allowed 
 of a pin beyond it, as suggested by Mr. Dunoyer * in the case of 
 a long palstave, with a rivet-hole near the butt-end of the blade. 
 A palstave, found in a tomb in the department of Loir et Cher,t 
 by my friend the late Abbs' Bourgeois, is provided with a rivet- 
 hole near the top, countersunk on either side so as to guide a 
 pin into the place intended for it ; and it seems probable, as the 
 Abbe" suggests, that this was connected with the securing of the 
 blade, which is destitute of a loop, to the helve. Of six thin flat 
 bronze celts, 7 or 8 inches long, from the Island of Thermia,+ or 
 Cythnos, in the Greek Archipelago, which are now in the British 
 Museum, three that are broad are provided with square or 
 lozenge-shaped holes towards the upper end of the blade, and 
 three that are narrower are without. A flanged celt from Italy, 
 6 inches long, has a circular hole in the same position, which 
 may have received a pin. Some contrivance for keeping blades 
 of smooth bronze fast in their handles must have been neces- 
 sary or desirable from the earliest times. With stone celts we 
 often find that the butt-end destined to be let into the wooden 
 or horn socket was purposely roughened. With bronze, how- 
 ever, such a process does not seem to have been adopted to 
 any extent ; and probably with blades of bronze, so much less 
 tapering than those of stone, the difficulty of keeping them in 
 place was surmounted by attaching them with some sort of 
 resinous or pitchy cement. A safe remedy against slipping out 
 was no doubt found in the addition of the ring or loop to the 
 side, which there can be but little doubt served for a cord to pass 
 through, so as to hold the blade back to the handle. In a socketed 
 celt, 5 i inches long, found in the Seine, at Paris, and now in my 
 own collection, not only is the wood preserved in the socket by 
 saturation with some salt of copper, but within the upper part of 
 the loop there are distinct traces of a cord which was apparently 
 formed of vegetable fibre. The Irish palstave, Fig. 105, with the 
 curved projection instead of the usual loop, seems to show that it was 
 only against the upper part of the loop that the strain came. No 
 doubt, however, there was more strength in the loop attached to 
 the blade at both ends than in the mere neb or projection. Some 
 Italian socketed celts have similar projecting nebs, one on either 
 side. In the case of the palstaves and celts with two loops, it 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 4, fig. B. f Revue Arch., vol. xxix. p. 73, pi. iii. 2. 
 % Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 436. Arch. Journ., vol. xxi. p. 100.
 seems probable that the handle must have been somewhat pro- 
 longed beyond the side branch, which received the palstave or 
 went into the socket of the celt. 
 It has been stated that some of the Spanish palstaves* with two 
 loops were, when first discovered, attached to a straight handle of 
 wood. But this opinion may have been formed from the grain of 
 the wood impressed on the upper part of the blade running along 
 and not across it. In the first account f given of the discovery, 
 these palstaves were regarded as having been used for picking out 
 the strata of coal, and one of them is said to have been firmly 
 attached to a wooden handle by means of thongs interlaced and 
 held by notches in the wood. This handle was described as 
 having been straight, so that the instrument was fitted to be 
 used as a crowbar and not as a hatchet. But inasmuch as the 
 groove for the handle is only 2j inches long and ^ inch wide, 
 while the length of the blade projecting beyond the handle is 
 nearly 5 inches, it is almost impossible for it to have served in 
 this manner. 
 Axe-heads of bronze of the modern form with an eye through 
 them to receive a straight helve have not been found in this 
 country, though, as already observed, they are not uncommon in 
 Hungary, Southern Germany, and Italy. That the form was already 
 known in Greece in the Homeric Age is evident from the feat of 
 skill in shooting an arrow through the shaft holes of a number of 
 axe-heads, arranged in a row, recorded in the Odyssey.* I have 
 in my collection a fine double-edged axe, or TreXeKw, from Greece, 
 81 inches in length, with a round shaft-hole inch in diameter. 
 I have also two from Salamis. 
 Looking at the widespread distribution of perforated stone im- 
 plements, especially battle-axes, throughout Europe, it seems 
 strange that so few bronze weapons of the same class should be 
 found. Possibly, however, these stone weapons may have re- 
 mained in use even until the latter part of the Bronze Period, as 
 they certainly did through the earlier part of it. In this country 
 it seems doubtful whether any of the perforated battle-axes of stone 
 belong to a time when bronze was absolutely unknown, as bronze 
 knife-daggers, like Fig. 279, have so often been found asso- 
 ciated with them in interments. Hungary is the country in 
 which the perforated bronze battle-axes seem to have arrived at 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 369. t Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 69. 
 I Lib. xix. v. 573. See also Lib. v. v. 235. 
 their fullest development, many of them being of graceful form 
 and beautiful workmanship. The perforated copper implements 
 of that country were probably used for agricultural purposes, and 
 I see no reason for assigning them to so early a date as the com- 
 mencement of the Bronze Period of Hungary. They may, indeed, 
 belong to a much later period. It is hard to account for this 
 absence of perforated axes of bronze in Britain, but various causes 
 seem to have conduced to render their introduction difficult. 
 When first bronze came into use it must have been extremely 
 scarce and valuable ; and to cast an axe-head in bronze, like one 
 of the perforated axe-hammers of stone, would have required not 
 only a considerably greater amount of the then precious metal than 
 was required for a flat hatchet-head, but would also have involved 
 a far higher skill in the art of casting. Moreover, the flat form of 
 these simple blades rendered them well adapted for being readily 
 drawn out to a sharp cutting edge, and when once they had come 
 into general use they wouldnot have been readily superseded by those 
 of another form, hafted in a different method, even were that method 
 more simple. If the bronze celts were mainly in use for peaceful 
 industries, while the warlike battle-axes were made of stone, the 
 progressive modifications in the shape of the former would be less 
 likely to be affected by the characteristics of the latter. It must 
 also be remembered that in France,* which then as now set the 
 fashion to Britain, perforated axe-heads of stone were very seldom 
 used, and those of bronze were in the north of the country 
 But, to return to the celts of the British Islands, there can, I 
 think, be but little doubt that the loop is, as already described, 
 connected with the method of mounting these instruments on 
 their hafts j and is not intended for the attachment of a cord, by 
 which they might be withdrawn and recovered after they had 
 been thrown at the enemy. Like the American tomahawks, they 
 may, no doubt, have occasionally been used as " missile hatchets," 
 the " missiles secures " of Sidonius ; t but the days of young 
 Sigimer, whose followers were provided with these weapons, are 
 many centuries more recent than those to which the bronze celts 
 must be referred. 
 In the same manner, any idea of the loops having merely served 
 * While speaking of French celts, I may refer to a short Paper on the method in 
 which they were hafted, written by the late M. PenguiUy-l'Haridon. Rev. Arch., 
 2nd S. vol. iv. p. 329. 
 t Ep. 20, lib. 4. See Arch., vol. xxx. p. 492.
 for hanging these instruments at the girdle may be at once dis- 
 carded. For such a purpose the projection which we find sub- 
 stituted for the loop would be useless, and the presence of two 
 loops would be superfluous. 
 On the whole, we may conclude that the majority of these 
 instruments were mounted for use, somewhat in the manner 
 described, so as to serve as axes or adzes. A smaller proportion 
 of them may, however, not improbably have 
 been provided with short straight handles, to 
 serve as chisels, especially the socketed celts 
 of small size and without loops. This is the 
 more probable as several socketed instruments 
 closely resembling them in character cannot be 
 regarded as other than chisels and gouges. No 
 example, however, of a socketed celt provided 
 with a handle of this kind has as yet been 
 found. The little instrument of brass fixed 
 into a handle made of stag's horn, which 
 was found in a cist in a barrow at Everley,* 
 Wilts, by Sir R. Colt Hoare, has more the 
 appearance of being a tanged chisel, such as 
 will subsequently be described, than a flat celt. 
 It is shown full size in Fig. 189, which I have 
 copied from Sir R. C. Hoare's plate. There 
 were no bones or ashes found in the cist, but 
 several pointed instruments, and what appears 
 to be a kind of long, flat bead of bone, as well 
 as two whetstones of freestone, and a hone of 
 a blueish colour had been deposited with it. 
 Professor Worsaae t has published an en- 
 graving of a narrow Danish palstave, which 
 was found in a hill in Jutland fastened to its 
 handle by three rings of leather. This handle 
 was straight, but unlike that from Store Hedin- 
 age, which was an ell and a quarter long, was 
 not more than about 8 inches in length. In 
 some other instances, he says, the blade has Kg. m Everiey. * 
 been fastened to the handle by nails or rivets. 
 I have already mentioned that some of the socketed celts of 
 iron belonging to the early Iron Age of Denmark have been found 
 * " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 182, pi. xxi. t " Prim. Ant. of Denmark," p. 26. 
 M 2
 mounted as chisels. A good example of one thus hafted has 
 been figured by Engelhardt.* The part of the handle which goes 
 into the socket is tapered to fit it. Above this the handle ex- 
 pands with a shoulder projecting somewhat beyond the outside of 
 the celt. It continues of this size for about Ij inches, and is 
 then again reduced to the same size as the mouth of the celt. 
 The whole of the handle beyond the metal is about 4 inches 
 in length. 
 Having said thus much with regard to the early iron chisels, it 
 will, however, now be well to proceed to the consideration of 
 those formed of bronze, and of the other bronze tools found in 
 this country. 
 * " Vimose Mosefundet," p. 28.
 ALTHOUGH, doubtless, many if not most of the instruments of 
 different forms, described in the preceding chapters, were used as 
 tools, and not as weapons, yet in some cases, especially where they 
 have been found in graves, it is more probable that they formed 
 part of the equipment of a warrior than of an artificer. With 
 regard to the various forms of which I intend to treat in the pre- 
 sent chapter, there can hardly exist a doubt that they should be 
 regarded as tools, and not as weapons. Already in the Neolithic 
 Period we find many of these forms of tools, such as chisels and 
 gouges, developed ; and so far as hammers are concerned, it seems 
 probable that for many purposes a stone held in the hand may 
 have served during the Bronze Period as a hammer or mallet, just 
 as it often does now in the age of steel and steam. I have else- 
 where* mentioned a fact communicated to me by the late Mr. David 
 Forbes, F.R.S., that in Peru and Bolivia the masons, skilful in 
 working hard stone with steel chisels, make use of no other mallet 
 or hammer than a stone pebble held in the hand. 
 The simplest form of chisel is of course a short bar of metal 
 brought to an edge at one end and left blunt at the other where 
 it receives the blows of the hammer or mallet. Such at the 
 present day are the ordinary chisels of the stone-mason, and the 
 " cold chisel " of the engineer. 
 Most of the Scandinavian chisels of flint are of nearly the same 
 form as the simplest metal chisels, being square in section in the 
 upper part and gradually tapering to an edge at the lower end. 
 Bronze chisels of this form are, however, but rarely met with in 
 any part of Europe. One such, however, was found at Plymstock,t 
 * " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 207. 
 t See Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 346. I am indebted to Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S. 
 for the use of this cut.
 near Oreston, Devonshire, in company with sixteen flanged celts 
 like Figs. 9 and 10, three daggers, and a tanged spear-head, en- 
 graved as Fig. 327. It is shown in Fig. 190. Its length is 4 
 inches, and the cutting edge is rather more than | inch in width. 
 The late Mr. Albert Way, who describes this specimen in the 
 ArchceologicalJournal, regarded it as unique in England; and the 
 form, so far as I am aware, has not again been found in this 
 country. It is now in the British Museum. 
 I have a large chisel of the same type, but apparently formed of copper, 
 which, was found in the neighbourhood of Pressburg, Hungary. It is 
 7 inches long, about -J inch 
 square in the middle, and 
 expands in width at the edge, 
 which is lunate. Others of 
 the same form, 4 inches and 
 5f inches long, also from 
 J Hungary, are in the Zurich 
 Museum. Such chisels have 
 also been found in the Swiss 
 A long chisel, formed from 
 a plain square bar drawn to 
 an edge, was found by Dr. 
 Schliemann* in his excava- 
 tions at Hissarlik. 
 Bronze chisels of the same 
 form were also in use among 
 the ancient Egyptians. 
 A smaller chisel, conical at 
 the butt end and possibly 
 intended for insertion into a 
 handle, is shown in Fig. 191. 
 The original is in the collec- 
 tion of Canon Greenwell, 
 F.R.S., and was found with 
 numerous other bronze antiquities in the Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, 
 already so often mentioned. One rather larger, about 3 inches long and 
 \ inch broad, probably found in one of the barrows at Lakef or Durn- 
 ford, is in the collection of the Rev. E. Duke, of Lake House, near Salis- 
 bury. It may possibly have been a large awl. 
 An Aztec J chisel of nearly the same form as Fig. 191, and about 4 
 inches long, contains 97 -87 copper and 2-13 of tin. Another from Lima 
 contains 94 copper and 6 of tin. 
 The small bronze chisel from Scotland, shown in Fig. 192, exhibits a 
 somewhat different type ; the blade tapering evenly away from the edge. 
 The point which was intended to go into the handle appears to have been 
 " drawn down" a little by hammering, which has produced slight flanges 
 * "Troy and its Remains," p. 332. f Arch., vol. xliii. p. 467. 
 J " Anales del Museo de Mexico," vol. i. p. 117. 
 Fig. 190. 
 Plymstock. | 
 Fig. 191. 
 Heathery Burn. 
 Fig. 192. 
 at the sides. The edge has also been hammered. The original was kindly 
 lent me by the Eev. George Wilson, of Glenluce, Wigtonshire, and was 
 found, with a conical button and a flat plate of cannel-coal or jet, on the 
 Sandhills of Low Torrs, near Glenluce. Numerous arrow-heads and 
 flakes of flint have also been found among the sands at the same place. 
 A flat chisel (4 inches) like Fig. 192, but rather broader at the edge, 
 which is somewhat oblique, was found with two flat sickles on Sparkford 
 Hill,* Somersetshire. 
 There were some small chisels of this class in the Larnaud hoard t 
 Others have been found in the Swiss Lake-dwellings. J 
 Two shorter edged tools, found at Ebnall, Salop, which have been 
 described as chisels or hammers, seem rather to have been punches, and 
 will be mentioned subsequently. 
 As chisels were probably used in ancient times, as at present, not 
 only in conjunction with a mallet, but also in the hand alone with 
 pressure as paring-tools, it would have been found 
 convenient to attach them to wooden or horn 
 handles. Accordingly we find them both provided 
 with a tang or shank for driving into a wooden 
 handle, like the majority of modern chisels, and 
 also, though more rarely, with a socket for the 
 reception of a handle, like the heavy mortising 
 chisels of the present day. Chisels of the tanged 
 variety vary considerably in size and strength, and 
 in the relative width of the blade to the length. 
 That shown in Fig. 192* is from the great hoard 
 discovered at Carlton Eode,|| Norfolk, already men- 
 tioned, and is preserved in the Norwich Museum. The 
 marks of the joint of the mould are still visible on the 
 tang. It was found with numerous celts and gouges, 
 a hammer, and at least one socketed chisel. Another 
 tanged chisel of nearly the same form and dimensions is 
 also in the Norwich Museum. It formed part of the Woodward Collec- 
 tion, and was probably found in Norfolk. 
 A chisel much more expanded at the edge, and also of lighter make, 
 was found at Wallingford, Berks, in company with a double-edged knife 
 or razor, and a socketed celt, gouge, and knife, of which notices are given 
 in other parts of this book. It is engraved as Fig. 193, and is in my own 
 collection, as is also the original of Fig. 1 94. This formed part of the hoard 
 discovered in Reach Fen, Cambridge, and was the only one of the kind 
 there found. A socketed chisel-like celt from the same hoard has been 
 already described and figured at page 133, Fig. 159. 
 * Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Proc., 18567, vol. vii. p. 27. 
 t Chantre, " Album," pi. xliii. J Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. ix. 34, 35. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 167 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 66. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 80 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. p. 59.
 Tanged chisels have also occurred in various other hoards of bronze 
 antiquities. Some were found with numerous celts and other tools at 
 Westow,* on the Derwent, Yorkshire, which from their curved edges and 
 general character the late Mr. James Yates regarded as the oyu'Aa x a P T - 
 TO/XOS, or chisel for cutting paper, mentioned by Philoxenus, and as the 
 currier's chisel, o-Kuroro/*os, mentioned by Julius Pollux. If I were to off er 
 an opinion it would be that any cutting tool of the Bronze Period in 
 Britain was more likely to have been used for cutting leather than paper, 
 the latter commodity being, to say the least of it, scarce in Britain at that 
 time ; and, moreover, that chisels are generally used for cutting wood and 
 not leather. 
 In the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S., are two of these tanged 
 chisels from Westow, about 4 J inches long and 1 inch broad at the edge. A 
 small part of the blade below the round collar is cylindrical. In the British 
 Museum is a small specimen of this kind (3 inches) from the Thames. 
 Fig. 193.-Wallingfoid. \ 
 Fig. 194. Reach Fen. 
 Fig. 195,-Thixendale. 
 In the Mayer Collection at Liverpool is a specimen, 4 inches long and 
 f inch broad at the edge, found near Canterbury in 1761. The collar is 
 Hat above and almost hemispherical below. Another, with part of the 
 tang broken off, and the blade 2 inches long and 1 inch wide, was 
 found in the Kirkhead Cave, Ulverstone, Lancashire, and was described 
 to me by Mr. H. Ecroyd Smith. 
 Another, rather like Fig. 199, but broken at the angles, was found 
 with spear-heads and a socketed celt at Ty Mawr,f Anglesea. What 
 appears to be a chisel of this kind (4f inches long) was found near 
 Biggen Grange, J Derbyshire, and is in the, Bateman Collection. Another 
 was found at Porkington, Shropshire. 
 A fragment of a tanged chisel was found with a large hoard of broad 
 spear-heads, &c., at Broad ward, Shropshire. 
 A remarkably small specimen from Thixendale, in the East Eiding 
 of Yorkshire, is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, who has kindly 
 allowed me to engrave it as Fig. 195. The stop, instead of being as usual 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 381, 408; Arch. Assoc. Jonrn., vol. iii. p. 58. 
 t Arch. Jount., vol. xxiv. p. 253. 
 J Bateman's " Catalogue," p. 74, No. 8 ; " Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 8. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 195.
 a circular collar, consists of a bead on each face, so that in the side view 
 it appears as if an oval pin traversed the blade. 
 Nearly similar side-stops are to be observed in the chisel represented 
 in Fig. 196, which was found with two others (3f inches and 4 inches) 
 in a hoard of bronze antiquities at Yattendon,* Berks, of which I have 
 given an account elsewhere. With the chisels were instruments of the 
 following forms, some in a fragmentary condition : flat celts, palstaves, 
 socketed celts, gouges, socketed and tanged knives, swords, scabbard 
 Fig. 196. Yattendon. 
 Fig. 197. Broxton. 
 ends, spear-heads, and flat, conical, and annular pieces of bronze. The 
 other two chisels from this hoard were more like Fig. 194. 
 A very large example of a chisel of this kind is shown in Fig. 197, the 
 original of which was kindly lent me by Sir Philip de M. Grey Egerton, 
 F.E.S. It was found in company with two looped palstaves and a spear- 
 head near Broxton, Cheshire, about twelve miles south of Chester. 
 An instrument of somewhat the same character, from Farley Heath, 
 has already been described at p. 69. 
 A tanged chisel, 5 inches long, and without any stops or collar, was 
 found with other objects at Burgesses' Meadow, Oxford, in 1830, and is 
 now in the Ashmolean Museum. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. vii. p. 480.
 Tliis form of instrument occurs but rarely in Scotland ; but 
 what appears to be a chisel of this kind is engraved by Wilson.* 
 His figure is, however, a mere diagram, without any scale attached, 
 and the instrument is described as an axe blade with a cross limb, 
 or as a " spiked axe." Whatever its character, the original of the 
 figure is said to have been found with other bronze relics at 
 Strachur, Argyleshire. 
 An example of a chisel of elongated form is in the Antiquarian 
 Museum f at Edinburgh, but it is uncertain in what part of Scotland it 
 was found. By the kindness of the Council of the Society of Antiqua- 
 ries of Scotland it is shown as Fig. 198. 
 Fig. t98. Scotland. * Fig. 199. Ireland. 
 In Ireland they are much more common. There are thirteen 
 specimens in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, as cata- 
 logued by the late Sir William Wilde, + varying in length from 
 2i to 6 j inches. Some of these Irish chisels, which approximate to 
 ilat celts in character, have already been described in Chapter III. 
 That which Wilde has given as his Fig. 395 is almost identical in 
 form with the chisel from Ireland in my own collection which is here 
 engraved as Fig. 199, though considerably longer altogether, and some- 
 what longer proportionally in the tang. 
 I have another example from Belaghey, County Antrim, which is 6f 
 inches long, and much stouter in the tang and in the neck of the blade 
 than that here figured. It is only If inches wide at the edge. 
 * "Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 381, fig. 54. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 613. J " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 520.
 Among those in the museum at Dublin is one which is decorated 
 with knobs round the collar. Two others are figured in " Horse Ferales." * 
 In the British Museum is one (4| inches) with a well-marked collar. 
 Another, with the square tang broken off, has a loop at the side of the 
 round part of the blade, which is 2| inches long. This curious specimen 
 was found near Burrisokane, county Tipperary. 
 Another chisel (4f inches) in the same collection has side-projections 
 only, like Fig. 195. 
 Another (3J inches), with a well-developed collar, is engraved in the 
 Archaological Journal.] The form shades off into that of the flat celts 
 having projections at the sides. 
 Others in the collection of Mr. Eobert Day, F.S.A., resemble Fig. 196 
 (4^- inches) and Fig. 197 (6 inches). The latter was found at Kanturk, 
 Co. Cork. 
 Tanged chisels have been found, though not abundantly, in 
 France. One from Beauvais is in the museum at St. Germain. 
 The socketed form of chisel is by no means common in this 
 country ; but some instruments, probably intended for use as 
 chisels, have already been described among the 
 socketed celts not provided with loops. These 
 are all comparatively broad at the cutting edge ; 
 but there is another variety, with a narrow end, 
 formed much like the modern engineer's "cross- 
 cut chisel," some specimens of which will be now 
 That shown in Fig. 200 is from the great find 
 of Carlton Rode,J Norfolk (1844), from which 
 several specimens, including a tanged chisel (Fig. 
 192*) and a socketed celt without loop (Fig. 160), 
 have already been described ; and some other 
 forms, such as gouges and hammers, have yet to be 
 mentioned. The edge is only -o-ths of an inch in Ca ritfn Rode 
 width, and the tool seems well adapted for cutting 
 mortises. The idea of a mortise and tenon must be of very early 
 date, as a mere stake driven into the ground supplies it in a 
 rudimentary form ; and tools let into sockets, or having sockets to 
 receive handles, afford instances of connections of the same kind. 
 In our modern mortising chisels the cutting edge, instead of being 
 in the middle of the blade, so as to have a V-shaped section, is 
 usually at the side, and presents an outline like the upper part of a 
 K, V . I have not met with this bevelled edge among bronze chisels. 
 * PI. v. 43, 44. t Vol. viii. p. 91. 
 1 Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 80 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 57, 59 ; Smith's " Coll. 
 Ant.," vol. i. p. 105 ; Arch., vol. xxxi. p. 494 ; " Horse Ferales," pi. v. 40.
 On the side of this Carlton Rode chisel may be seen the 
 mark of the joint of the mould in which it was cast. The socket, 
 as usual with these tools, is circular. 
 A bronze chisel of the same form, 3f inches long, was found at Rom- 
 ford,* Essex, in company with socketed celts, palstaves, fragments of 
 swords, a broken spear-head, and lumps of metal. It has already been 
 In the hoard found at Westow, Yorkshire, already mentioned, were 
 two or three socketed chisels. One of them, 2 inches long, is engraved 
 in the Archaeological Journal.] That which I have here engraved as 
 Fig. 201 is probably the same specimen. It is now in the collection of 
 Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. Tanged chisels, gouges, and socketed celts 
 were found at the same time. 
 In the same collection is a somewhat smaller chisel, the socket of which 
 is square instead of circular. This was found in the Heathery Burn Cave, 
 Durham, together with a number of 
 objects, belonging to the Bronze 
 Period, of which further mention 
 will be made hereafter. Another, 
 found at Roseberry Topping, York- 
 shire, is now in the Bateman Collec- 
 tion, at Sheffield. A small narrow- 
 edged chisel was found in a hoard at 
 Meldreth, Cambridgeshire. 
 I am not aware of any socketed 
 chisels of the narrow form having 
 been found in Scotland, 
 wfstow. i HeaiS$tam. * I* Ireland they are rare, but in 
 the collection of Mr. R. Day, F.S.A., 
 are a few specimens of undoubtedly chisel-like character. The broad 
 celt-like form has been described in a previous chapter. 
 In France they are also far from common. There are, however, 
 two in the museum at Tours, found at the Chatellier d'Amboise. 
 There is also one in the museum at Narbonne.J They have been 
 found in Savoy, Doubs,|| and Jura.^f 
 Several have been found in the Lake-dwellings of Switzerland.** One 
 with a treble moulding round the mouth and a polygonal neck from 
 Moerigenft exhibits much taste in its manufacture. 
 A number of chisels both of the tanged and the socketed forms were 
 present in the great hoard of bronze objects discovered at Bologna. 
 Socketed examples from Italy are in the museum at Copenhagen,]:]: and 
 in the British Museum. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 303. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 382. See also Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 58, fig. 4. 
 I "Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 12. 
 Exp. Arch, de Savoie, 1878, pi. xxi. No. 3 ; pi. vi. 215, 216 ; Perrin, " Et. Preh. de 
 la Sav.," pi. x. 8. 
 || Chantre, " Album," pi. x. 7. H Ibid. No. 5. 
 ** Keller, 6ter Bericht, Taf. ix. 38; 7ter Ber., Taf. vii. 2, 3, 5, &c. ; Desor, "Les 
 Palafittes," fig. 46. 
 ft Desor and Favre, " Le Bel Age du Br.," pi. i. 7- 
 J "Cong. Preh.," Copenhagen vol. p. 485.
 I have some from Macarsca, Dalmatia, of which the sockets have been 
 formed by hammering out the metal and turning it over, instead of being 
 produced as usual, by means of a core in the casting. 
 Socketed chisels from Emmen and Deurne, Holland, are in the 
 museum* at Ley den. 
 From North Germany I may cite one (6fc inches) from Schlieben,f 
 which is in the Berlin Museum. 
 Others are engraved by Lindenschmit,] Schreiber, andLisch.|| 
 One from Kempten, Bavaria, is in the Sigrnaringen Collection.^ 
 Closely allied to chisels are gouges, in which the edge, instead 
 of being straight, is curved or hollowed, so that it is adapted for 
 working out rounded or oval holes. In some languages, indeed, 
 the name by which these tools are known is that 
 of " hollow chisels." It is an early form of instrument, 
 and a few specimens made of flint have been found 
 in this country, though they are here extremely rare, 
 while, on the contrary, they are very abundant in 
 Denmark and the South of Sweden. In the Scandi- 
 navian countries, however, bronze gouges are never 
 found ; and though gouges of stone were not unknown 
 in this country during its Stone Period, their suc- 
 cessors in bronze do not appear to belong to the early 
 part of the Bronze Period, but, on the contrary, seem 
 to be characteristic of its later phases. 
 Of bronze gouges there are the same two varieties 
 as of the ordinary chisel, viz. the tanged and the 
 socketed, of which the former is far rarer than the 
 latter. Indeed the only tanged gouge from Britain 
 with which I am acquainted is that from the Carlton 
 Kode** hoard, already so often mentioned, which is 2Q3 
 shown in Fig. 203. The original is in the Norwich c |S|f n 
 Museum, the trustees of which kindly allowed me to 
 engrave it. As will be seen, it is of remarkably narrow form, 
 especially as contrasted with the socketed gouge from the same 
 hoard shown in Fig. 207. There was a broken tanged gouge in 
 the great hoard of bronze objects found at Bologna. 
 * Jannsen's "Catal.," No. 21. 
 t Schreiber, "Die ehern. Streitkeile," Taf. ii. 11. 
 } " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft v. Taf. iii. Taf. ii. 10. 
 || " Freder. Francisc.," Tab. xxxiii. 5. I Lindenschmit, Taf. xlii. 7. 
 ** Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 80 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. p. 51, 59 ; " Horae Ferales," 
 pi. v. 42.
 Of English socketed gouges the most common form is that shown in 
 Fig. 204, from an original in the British Museum, which was found with 
 a spear-head (Fig. 391), socketed knife (Fig. 240), hammer (Fig. 210), 
 awl (Fig. 224), and two socketed celts, at Thorndon,* in Suffolk. There 
 were six gouges of the same character, but of different sizes, in the hoard 
 found at Westow,f Yorkshire, some of which have been figured. Another 
 (3 inches) found with socketed celts and some curious ornaments under 
 a large stone at Eoseberry Topping, J in Cleveland, has also been figured. 
 Another was found with socketed celts and spear-heads at Exning, in 
 Suffolk. The cutting end of another was associated with socketed celts 
 in the hoard discovered at Martlesham in the same county. Part of 
 another was discovered, with a socketed celt, fragments of blades, and 
 rough copper, at Melbourn,|| Cambridgeshire. Another was found, 
 with socketed celts, spear-heads, and an armlet, within the encampment 
 on Beacon Hill,^] Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire. Another, with 
 socketed celts, spear-heads, &c., at Ebnall,** 
 near Oswestry ; and another (2 inches), with 
 g^^^^ socketed celts, fragments of knives, a button or 
 jj^^^B stud, and lumps of metal, at Kensington. ff This 
 hoard is in the British Museum. A gouge was 
 found with four socketed celts and about 30 Ibs. 
 of rough copper in an urn at Sittingbourne,^ 
 Kent. A plain gouge formed part of the hoard 
 found at Stanhope, Durham. A remarkably 
 fine gouge, 4J inches long and nearly 1 inch 
 wide at the edge, was found, with spear-heads, 
 socketed celts, part of a celt mould, and lumps 
 of metal, at Beddington,|||| Surrey. At Porking- 
 ton,^[^[ Shropshire, a gouge accompanied the 
 tanged chisel lately mentioned. In the hoard 
 found at Gruilsfield,*** Montgomeryshire, there 
 Thorndon. i ifarty. j were two gouges in company with looped pal- 
 staves, socketed celts, &c. In my own collection 
 are three socketed gouges, about 3 inches long, which form part of 
 the hoard from Eeach Fen, Cambridgeshire, in which were socketed 
 celts, socketed and tanged knives, and numerous other objects. In 
 some of the instances cited, as at Gruilsfield and Ebnall, the upper part of 
 the socket is beaded instead of plain. One of this kind from the Harty 
 hoard already mentioned is shown in Fig. 205. There were two such in 
 the hoard, which comprised numerous socketed celts and the moulds for 
 them, and various tools of the bronze-founder. There were also the two 
 halves of a bronze mould for such gouges which will subsequently be 
 described. In the Museum of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society is a 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3 ; " Horas. Fer.," pi. v. 36. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 381, 408 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 58. 
 % Arch. Scot., vol. iv. p.;55, pi. vii. 5 ; Arch. JEliana, vol. ii. p. 213, pi. iv. c. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3. || Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 294. 
 f Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 323. 
 ** Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 167 ; " Horae Ferales," pi. v. 35. 
 tt Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 232. 
 Smith's " Coll. Ant.," vol. i. p. 101 ; Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 81. 
 Arch. jEliana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. ii. 12. 
 " Surrey Arch. Soc. Coll.," vol. vi. f H Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 195. 
 *** Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 214 ; "Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437.
 gouge from Bottisham Lode (3 inches) with a slight shoulder about inch 
 from the top of the blade, the upper part of the neck being larger than 
 the lower. One of three found in the Heathery Burn Cave (2f- inches) is 
 also shouldered. Of the other two (3f inches and 3 J inches) one is very 
 slightly shouldered. They are in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. , 
 as is also a plain example (3J inches) from Scothorn, Lincolnshire. 
 In the British Museum are the unfinished castings for two gouges, one 
 2 inches long and fully J inch wide, and the other 3 inches long and 
 | inch wide at the edge, which in both is but slightly hollowed. They 
 were found with a socketed celt (Fig. 146) near Blandford, Dorset. The 
 longer one is of very white and hard 
 Two gouges, one 3 inches and the 
 other broader, but only 2 inches 
 long, found with various other ob- 
 jects at Hounslow; as well as one 
 from the Thames at Battersea (4 
 inches), are in the same collection. 
 Two gouges (3 inches and 5 
 inches) were found, with a hammer, 
 a spear-head, and a socketed celt 
 with a loop on the face (Fig. 154), 
 near Whittlesea. The whole are in 
 the museum at Wisbech. 
 Two from Derbyshire are in the 
 Blackmore Museum at Salisbury. 
 A socketed gouge of unusually 
 long proportions is shown in Fig. 
 206. It was found at Undley, near 
 Lakenheath, Suffolk, and is in my 
 own collection. In the Carlton Rode 
 hoard were also two long gouges 
 with the hollow extending more 
 nearly to the socket end. They are 
 both rather trumpet-mouthed. One 
 of them is 4 inches long and -&- 
 inch wide at the edge, the other 
 4 inches long and % inch wide. I have not seen the originals, but 
 describe them from a lithographed plate. 
 The broad short gouge shown in Fig. 207 is also from Carlton Eode. 
 It is broken at the mouth of the socket, but I have, in the figure, restored 
 the part that is wanting. The original was lent me by the trustees of 
 the Norwich Museum. Another* from the same hoard, about 3J inches 
 long, has the groove, which is wide and rather flat, extending only an inch 
 upwards from the edge. 
 Socketed gouges have been found, though very rarely, in Scotland. 
 That shown in Fig. 208, the cut of which has been kindly lent to 
 me by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, was dredged up in the 
 river Tay.f This appears to be almost the only Scottish specimen 
 * "Horae Ferales," pi. v. 39. f Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., TO!, v. p. 127. 
 Fig. 206. 
 at present known. Professor Daniel Wilson* terms it " one of the 
 rarest of the implements of bronze hitherto found in Scotland;" 
 but he adds that other specimens have been met with in the Tay. 
 In Ireland they are considerably more abundant, there being 
 at least twenty specimens in the Museum of the Royal Irish 
 Academy, one of them as much as 4| inches long. 
 One, much like Fig. 208, has been engraved by Wilde as Fig. 399. 
 Others are figured in the Archaeological Journal \ and " Horse Ferales." J 
 In one of these, 2 inches long, the hollow is carried up to the collar 
 round the mouth as a square-ended recess. One gouge 
 appears to have been originally tanged. Several 
 socketed gouges from Ireland are in the British Mu- 
 seum. Mr. E. Day, F.S.A., has examples from Mul- 
 lingar and Derry, the latter with a collar at the top. 
 They occurred also in the Dowris hoard. A gouge 
 only 2 inches long and unusually broad has a small 
 loop at the upper end of the concave part. It is here 
 engraved as Fig. 209, from the original in the Museum 
 of the Royal Irish Academy. This may be the specimen 
 figured by Vallancey.|| I have a specimen like Fig 208. 
 Fig. 209. Ireland, i Socketed gouges are occasionally found in France. 
 One, 4 inches long, with two mouldings round the top, 
 ornamented with faint diagonal lines, was found with socketed celts and 
 other implements in the Commune de Font-point ^f (Oise), near the river 
 Oise, and is in the Hotel Cluny, Paris. Others from the Hautes Alpes** 
 and from the Fonderie de Larnaud have been figured in Mr. Ernest 
 Chantre's magnificent Album. 
 There are three with moulded tops, from the hoard of Notre Dame d'Or, 
 in the Poitiers Museum. 
 A fine gouge (about 5 inches) with a moulded top is in the museum 
 at Clermont Ferrand (Puy de Dome). A very fine French gouge of this 
 character is in the British Museum. 
 I have a specimen much like Fig. 208 found in the Seine at Paris. 
 Others were in the hoard at Dreuil, near Amiens, and in a second hoard 
 also found near that town. 
 Large gouges with moulded tops, from the Stations of Auvernier,ff in 
 the Lake of Neuchatel, and Moerigen, in the Lake of Bienne, are in 
 Dr. Victor Gross's collection. 
 There was at least one socketed gouge in the great Bologna hoard. 
 In Germany they are very rare, but one from the museum at Sig- 
 maringen, with a somewhat decorated socket, is engraved by Lindenschmit. 
 It was found at Kempten, Bavaria.jJ Others, from Diiren and Deurne, 
 North Brabant, Holland, are in the museum at Leyden. 
 * " Preh. Ann. Scot.," vol. i. p. 388. t Vol. iv. p. 335, pi. iii. 1, 2, 3, 4. 
 } PI. v. 37, 38, 41. " Horse Ferales," pi. v. 38. 
 || Vol. iv. pi. ix. 5. 
 f " Horse Ferales," pi. v. 34 ; Eev. Arch., N.S., vol. xiii. pi. ii. x. 
 ** PI. x. 6, and xl. 5. See also Mem. Soc. Ant. Norm., 18289, pi. xvi. 16. 
 tt "Deux Stations Lacustres," pi. iv. 34. Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 4; Desor 
 and Favre, " Le Bel Age du Br.," pi. i. 5. 
 H " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," Heft. v. Taf. iii. 9, 10 ; " Hohenzoll. Samml.," pi. 
 xlii. 7.
 A socketed gouge, with, the edge turned to a sweep of about 1 inch radius, 
 is in the museum at Agram, Croatia. 
 One from Siberia * has been figured by Worsaae. 
 Another form of tool constructed with a socket to receive the 
 handle in precisely the same manner as the socketed celts and gouges 
 is the hammer. It is worthy of notice that, though perforated ham- 
 mers formed of stone are comparatively abundant in this country, 
 yet that instruments of the same kind in bronze are unknown. It is 
 true that what looks like a perforated hammer, said to be of bronze, 
 was found in Newport, Lincoln, and is engraved in the Archceo- 
 logical Journal,-^ but there is no evidence of its belonging to the 
 same period as the ordinary tools formed of bronze ; and the 
 suggestion that it may have been the extremity of a bell-clapper 
 is, I think, not far from the truth. It is very probable that many 
 of the perforated stone hammers belong to the Bronze Period of this 
 country, as do doubtless most of the perforated stone battle-axes or 
 axe-hammers ; for in the early part of the Bronze Period it is likely 
 that metal was far too valuable to be used for heavy tools and 
 weapons, and even towards the close of the period it seems as if 
 it was only the lighter kind of hammers which were formed of 
 bronze. The heaviest I possess weighs only five ounces, and the 
 lightest less than half that weight. As will subsequently be seen, 
 it is possible that some of these instruments were of the nature of 
 anvils rather than of hammers, but for the present it will be most 
 convenient to speak of them under the latter name. 
 The most common form of hammer is that which is shown in 
 Fig. 210, from an original in the British Museum found at 
 Thorndon,+ Suffolk, in company with a spear-head, socketed gouge, 
 socketed knife, and two socketed celts. The two hammer-like 
 instruments engraved as Figs. 211 and 212 were found, with a 
 number of socketed celts, moulds, &c. in fact the whole stock-in- 
 trade of an ancient bronze-founder in the Isle of Harty, Sheppey, 
 and are in my own collection. The larger of the two shows a 
 considerable amount of wear at the end, which is somewhat 
 " upset " by constant use. The smaller is more oxidized, so that 
 the marks of use are less easily recognised. The metal of which 
 * Mem. Soc. Ant. du Nord, 18727, p. 118. f Vol.xxvii. p. 142. 
 | Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3 ; Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol iii. p. 66, where it is en- 
 graved full size ; " Horae Ferales," pi. v. 33. 
 they are formed seems to contain a larger admixture of tin than is 
 usual with the cutting tools; and I have noticed the same appear- 
 ance in some other instances, so that even in early times the 
 Kg. 210. Thorndon. J Fig. 211. -Harty. $ Fig. 212. Harty. i Fig. 213. Carlton Rode 
 singular fact must have been known that by adding to copper 
 the softer metal, tin, in a larger proportion than the one-tenth 
 usually employed for bronze, a much harder metal resulted. At 
 the present time the extremely hard alloy used 
 for the specula of reflecting telescopes is formed 
 by an admixture of about two parts of copper 
 and one part of tin, the two soft metals mixed 
 in these proportions forming an alloy almost 
 as hard as hardened steel. 
 In the Carlton Eode find, of which mention has 
 already been frequently made, was a hammer of 
 much longer proportions than those from the Isle 
 of Harty. By the kindness of the trustees of the 
 Norwich Museum I have been able to engrave it as 
 Fig. 213. It expands considerably at the mouth. 
 As will be seen, the end is " upset " by use. What 
 appears to be a hammer of much the same kind, 
 but with the face still smaller, was found with a 
 hoard of bronze objects, including palstaves, spear- 
 heads, flat sickles, a torque, &c., at Taunton.* It 
 is shown in Fig. 214. 
 A hammer somewhat larger in its dimensions than Fig. 211, but in 
 type more resembling Fig. 212, having no shoulder upon its body, was 
 found at Eoseberry Topping,! i n Cleveland, with a socketed celt, a gouge, 
 * Arch. Joarn., vol. xxxvii. p. 94 ; Pring, " Brit, and Roman Taunton," pi. i. 2. 
 t Arch. Scot., vol. iv. p. 55, pi. vii. 4; Arch. JEliana, vol. ii. p. 213, pi. iv. b. 
 Fig. 2u.-Taunton.
 and other objects. Another broken hammer was found, with a hoard 
 of bronze objects, at Stanhope,* Durham. 
 A small hammer (2 inches), found with gouges and other objects near 
 Whittlesea, is in the Wisbech Museum. 
 Another with a circular socket was in the hoard found in Burgesses' 
 Meadow, Oxford. 
 A small one was found at Kugby,f and is in the possession of Mr. 
 M. H. Bloxam, F.S.A. I have one (3 inches) found near Cambridge. 
 I am not aware of any examples having as yet been found in 
 In Ireland they are rare, but four "round-faced socketed 
 punches," varying from 2 to 4 inches in length, are mentioned in 
 Wilde's Catalogue. These are probably hammers. 
 In the British Museum are also several Irish hammers, one of which is 
 shown full size in Fig. 215, for the use of which I am indebted to the 
 Fig. 216. Downs, 
 Council of the Society of Antiquaries.]: It is cylindrical in form, with 
 two rings of projecting knobs around it. The end is circular and slightly 
 convex, and has a ridge across it, due to constant use. Another, found, 
 with trumpets, spear-heads, and numerous other bronze relics, at Dowris, 
 King's County, is shown in Fig. 216, also lent me by the same Council. 
 It is of a different type from any of the others, expanding beyond the 
 socket into a large flat blade. It appears never to have been in use. 
 Two other small Irish specimens, one with a long oval face, are in the 
 British Museum. I have a hammer (2 inches) much like Fig. 210, but 
 * Arch. jEllana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. ii. 13. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 129 ; " Horse Fer.," pi. v. 32. 
 I Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 66. Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 65. 
 N 2
 with the shoulder nearer the top, found with a socketed celt and some 
 perforated and other rings, near Trillick, Co. Tyrone. I have also an 
 imperfect specimen with the end expanded, but not to the same extent 
 as Fig. 216. This was found with a broken sword, spear-heads, and a 
 socketed knife, on Bo Island, Enniskillen, and was kindly procured for 
 me by the Earl of Enniskillen. 
 Socketed hammers have been found in several European countries. 
 I have two from France. One of them (3 inches), like Fig. 212 in 
 form, was found, with a spear-head, a double-edged knife, some curved 
 cutting tools, and an anvil of bronze (Fig. 217), together with a large 
 torque and a plain bracelet of gold, at Fresne la Mere, near Falaise, 
 Calvados. The other (2 inches), stouter in its proportions and more 
 like Fig. 210, was found near Angerville, Seine et Oise. A short thick 
 hammer was found at Briatexte, Tarn.* 
 An instrument in the British Museum, in form much like Fig. 216, 
 found at Vienne (Isere ?), has only a small square hole in the socket, and 
 may have served as an anvil rather than as a hammer. A hammer also 
 with expanded end was found near Chalon,f and another in the Yalley of 
 the Somme.ij: 
 A cylindrical hammer or anvil was found in the hoard of the Jardin des 
 Plantes at Nantes. 
 Cylindrical hammers have been found among the Lake-dwellings of 
 the Lac du Bourget,|| Savoy, one of them provided with a loop. 
 M. Ptabut, of Chambery, has a stone mould from the same lake for 
 casting such hammers. Another hammer-mould of stone was found at 
 the Station of Eaux Vives, near Geneva. 
 In my own collection is one of these looped socketed hammers, nearly 
 square in section, from Auvernier, in the Lake of Neuchatel. Others 
 from Swiss Lake-dwellings, both with and without loops, are engraved by 
 Keller. Professor Desor has a hammer expanding towards the end from 
 the Lake of Neuchatel.^f A hammer found at Mcerigen ** seems to have 
 been formed from a portion of a looped palstave. The Lake-dwellers 
 frequently utilized such broken instruments. Another hammer, from the 
 Lake of Bienne,ff is hexagonal in section, and ornamented with reversed 
 chevrons on its faces. 
 They are occasionally found in Hungary. I have seen one ornamented 
 with chevrons in relief upon the sides. One with saltires on the sides, 
 and some fragments of others, were in the Bologna hoard. 
 The object engraved by Madsen J J as possibly the ferrule of a lance may 
 be a hammer of this kind. 
 A solid bronze hammer (4 inches), of oblong section, with two pro- 
 jecting lugs on each side for securing the handle, found near Przemysl, 
 Poland, was exhibited at the Prehistoric Congress at Pesth. It was 
 * "Materiaux," vol. xiv. pi. ix. 6. 
 t Chantre, "Age du Br.," lere ptie. p. 38. 
 J " Materiaux," vol. v. p. 452. 
 Parenteau, "Le fondeur du Jard. des Plantes;" "Materiaux," vol. v. p. 190, 
 pi. viii. 10. 
 || "Exp. Arch, de la Sav.," 1878, pi. v. ; Chantre, " Album," pi. v. 1. ; Perrin, " Et. 
 Preh. sur la Sav.," pi. x. 6, 7, xix. 17. 
 H Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 9. 
 ** Desor et Favre, " Le Bel Age du Bi'.," pi. i. 9 ; Gross, " Deux Stations," pi. iii. 22. 
 ft Desor, " Les Palafittes," fig. 47. ft " Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. 13, 15.
 found with a bronze spear-head, and is in the Museum of the Academy of 
 Sciences at Cracow. 
 As to the manner in which these socketed hammers were 
 mounted we have no direct evidence. It seems probable, however, 
 that many of them had crooked hafts of the same character as 
 those of the socketed celts. It is worth notice that on some of 
 the coins of Cunobeline * there is a seated figure at work forging 
 a hemispherical vase, and holding in his hand a hammer which in 
 profile is just like a narrow axe, the head not projecting beyond 
 the upper side of the handle. A seated figure on a hitherto 
 unpublished silver coin of Dubnovellaunus, a British prince con- 
 temporary with Augustus, holds a similar hammer, or possibly a 
 hatchet, in his hand. But though when in use as hammers they 
 were mounted with crooked shafts, it is quite possible that some 
 of these instruments may have been fitted on to the end of straight 
 stakes and have served as anvils. The Eev. W. C. Lukis, F.S.A., 
 informs me that at the present day the peasants of Brittany make 
 use of iron-tipped stakes, which, when driven into the ground, 
 form convenient anvils on which to hammer out the edges of their 
 sickles, and which have the great advantage of being portable. 
 Though such anvils are not, so far as I am aware, any longer used 
 in this country, traces of their having been formerly employed 
 appear to be preserved in our language, for a small anvil to cut 
 and punch upon, and on which to hammer cold work, is still 
 termed a " stake." 
 It is worthy of remark that an implement of the same kind as 
 these so-called socketed hammers, and made in the same manner, of 
 a very hard greyish alloy, was found in the cemetery at Hallstatt,t 
 and was regarded by the Baron von Sacken as a small anvil. A 
 bronze file was found with it. 
 It is also to be observed that of the two hammer-like instruments 
 found together in the Harty hoard one is much larger than the 
 other, and may have formed the head of a stake or anvil, while 
 the other served as a hammer. Still, as a rule, a flat stone must 
 have served as the anvil in early times, as it does now among the 
 native iron-workers of Africa, and did till quite recently, for many 
 of the country blacksmiths and tinkers of Ireland. + Among 
 Danish antiquities some carefully made anvils of stone occur, but 
 * Evans, " Anc. Brit. Coins," pi. xii. 6. 
 t "Grabfeld von HaUstatt," pi. xix. 11, p. 89. 
 t Wilde, "Catal. Stone Ant. in E. I. A. Mus.," p. 81.
 I am not certain as to the exact age to which they should be 
 Bronze anvils of the form now in use are of extremely rare occur- 
 rence hi any country. That figured by Sir William Wilde * appears 
 to me to be of more recent date than the Bronze Period, and I am not 
 aware of any other specimen having been found in the British Isles ; 
 but as it is a form of tool which may eventually be discovered, it 
 seems well to call attention to it by engraving a French example. 
 This anvil is shown in two views, in Figs. 217 and 218. As will be 
 seen, it is adapted for being used in two positions, according as one 
 or the other pointed end is driven into the workman's bench. In 
 one position it presents at the end two plane-surfaces, the one broad 
 Fig. 217. FresniS la M6re. 
 and the other narrow, inclined to each other at an angle of about 
 120 degrees, so that their junction forms a ridge. This part of the 
 anvil has seen much service, as there is a thick burr all round it, 
 caused by the expansion of the metal under repeated blows. 
 On the projecting beak there are three slight grooves gradually 
 increasing in size, and apparently intended for swages in which to 
 draw out pins. In the other position the anvil presents no smooth 
 surface on which to hammer, but a succession of swages of different 
 forms some half-round, some V-shaped, and some |/\| -shaped. 
 There are also some oval recesses, as if for the heads of pins. The 
 metal of which the anvil is made appears to contain more tin than 
 the ordinary bronze, and therefore to be somewhat harder. On 
 one face is the mark of the runner f inch in diameter, which 
 was broken off after the tool was cast. 
 * " Catal. Mua. R. I. A.," fig. 401.
 This interesting tool was found with the hammer already men- 
 tioned, a spear-head, a double-edged knife or razor, a knife with 
 the end bent round so as to present a gouge-like edge, and a large 
 curved cutting-tool of the same character (Fig. 247), all of bronze, 
 at Fresne la Mere, near Falaise, Calvados. With them was a 
 magnificent gold torque with recurved cylindrical ends, the twisted 
 part being of cruciform section ; and a plain penannular ring or 
 bracelet, formed from what was a cylindrical rod. The whole 
 find is now in my own collection. It is not by any means 
 improbable that this anvil was rather the tool of a goldsmith of 
 the Bronze Age than that of a mere bronze- worker. 
 I have another anvil of about the same size, but thinner, which was 
 found in the Seine at Paris. It also can be mounted two ways, but in 
 each position it presents a nearly flat but somewhat inclined face, and 
 there are no swages in the beaks, one of which is conical and the other 
 nearly rectangular. 
 M. Ernest Chantre has engraved two other specimens, somewhat 
 differing in form, but of much the same general character. They were 
 found near Chalon-sur-Saone and near Geneva.* The analysis of the 
 metal of one of them gives 16 parts of tin to 84 parts of copper. 
 Another bronze anvil is in the museum at Amiens, and a fifth, also 
 from France, is in the British Museum. This has a flat projecting ledge 
 at the top, and at right angles a slightly tapering beak. An anvil of the 
 same kind, but without the beak, was found with other objects near 
 Amiens, and is now in the museum of that town. 
 A small anvil without a beak, found at Auvernier,f in the Lake of 
 Neuchatel, is in the collection of Dr. Gross. A square flat anvil, some- 
 what dented on the face, formed part of the Bologna hoard. 
 In my own collection is what appears to have been a larger anvil of 
 bronze, which was found, with other instruments of the same metal, at 
 Macarsca, Dalmatia. In form it is not unlike an ordinary hammer-head 
 about 5 inches long ; but the eye through it appears to be too small for it 
 ever to have served to receive a haft of the ordinary kind, though it 
 probably held a handle by which to steady the tool when in use. One 
 end is nearly square and but slightly convex ; the other is oblong and 
 rounded the narrow way. Both ends are much worn. On one face and 
 one side are rounded notches or swages. This tool has been cast in an 
 open mould, as one face presents the rough surface of the molten metal, 
 which contains a large proportion of tin. The other face and the sides are 
 fairly smooth. 
 While speaking of bronze tools, which up to the present 
 time have not been noticed in Britain, but which may probably 
 be some day discovered if, indeed, they have not already been 
 found the saw must not be forgotten. 
 * "Age d 
 t Keller, 
 du Br.," ptie. i. p. 39. 
 7ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 8 ; Gross, "Deux Stations," pi. iii. 28.
 A fragment of what lias been regarded as a rudely formed saw of 
 bronze was indeed found, with a sword and several celts, at Mawgan,* 
 Cornwall, and is now in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries. It is 
 4 inches by f inch, coarsely toothed, and the serrations appear to have 
 been cast. I am, however, rather doubtful whether it was really a saw. 
 Saws have been found both in Scandinavia and in France, in the latter 
 country in hoards apparently belonging to the later portion of the Bronze 
 Period. One from Ribiers,f Hautes ALpes, is about 5 inches long and 
 inch broad, slightly curved, and with a rivet-hole at one end for attach- 
 ment to the handle. Two from the "Fonderie de Larnaud," J Jura, are 
 nearly one-half smaller. There were five specimens in that hoard, and 
 M. Chantre enumerates sixteen altogether from various parts of France 
 and Switzerland. A fine specimen, with a rivet-hole for the handle, was 
 found at Mcerigen, in the Lake of Bienne. 
 The Scandinavian || type is of much the same character, though some 
 are more sickle-like in shape, with the teeth on the inner sweep. 
 A saw, found with celts, spear-heads, diadems, &c., at Lammersdorf, 
 near Prenzlau, is in the Berlin Museum. A short one, with a rivet-hole 
 for the handle, found at Stade, is in that at Hanover. 
 A saw of pure copper was found in some excavations of dwellings of 
 remote date at Santorin,^[ in the Grecian Archipelago, in company with 
 various instruments formed of obsidian. Some fragments of saws occurred 
 in the Bologna hoard. Part of one from Cyprus is in the British 
 Museum. A copper (?) saw from Niebla, Spain, 9 inches long, also in 
 the British Museum, has the teeth arranged to cut as it is drawn towards 
 the workman, and not when pushed away from him. 
 The file is another tool of exceedingly rare occurrence in bronze, 
 though not absolutely unknown in deposits belonging to the close 
 of the Bronze Period. Sir William Wilde ** mentions " a bronze 
 circular file, straight, like a modelling tool," as being in the 
 Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, but I have not seen the 
 original and am not confident as to its age. A file ft was, however, 
 found in the great hoard of the Fonderie de Larnaud, and another 
 from the Lake-dwellings of the Lac du Bourget is in the museum 
 at Chamb&y. 
 The early form of file is indeed much the same as that of a 
 very broad saw, the toothing being coarse and running at right 
 angles across the blade. In the cemetery at Hallstatt, ++ in Upper 
 Austria, files of this character were found, several in bronze 
 and one in iron. The bronze files are from 5 to 10 inches long, 
 * " Catal. Mus. Soc. Ant.," p. 16; Arch., vol. xvii. p. 337. 
 t E. Chantre, "Album" pi. xxv. No. 5. 
 J Chantre, "Album," pi. xliii. Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 11. 
 || Woraaae, "Nord. Olds.," figs. 157, 158; "Cong, preh.," Stockholm vol., 1874, p. 
 IF " Comptes Rend, de 1'Ac. des Sc.," 1871, vol. ii. p. 476. 
 ** " Catal.," p. 597, No. 96. 
 tt -E. Chantre, " Age du Bronze," lere ptie. p. 87. 
 ft Von Sacken, " Das Grabf. v. Hallst," pi. xix. 12.
 and some which are flat for the greater part of their length are 
 drawn down, for about 2 inches at the end, into tapering round 
 files. In the Bologna hoard were several fragments of files, includ- 
 ing one of a "half-round" file. 
 From our greater acquaintance with the working of iron than 
 with that of bronze, there seems to us a sort of natural connection 
 between the anvil, hammer, and tongs. It must, 
 however, be borne in mind that bronze is a metal 
 which instead of being, like iron, tough and ductile, 
 becomes "short" and fragile when heated, so that 
 all the hammering to which the tools and weapons 
 of bronze were subjected in order to planish their 
 faces, or to draw out and harden their edges, was 
 probably administered to them when cold. At least 
 one pair of bronze tongs has, however, been found, 
 which is shown in Fig. 219. This instrument 
 was discovered, with numerous other antiquities, 
 in the cave at Heathery Burn,* near Stanhope 
 in Weardale, Durham, and is now in the collec- 
 tion of Canon Greenwell. As half of a mould 
 for socketed celts and some waste runners of bronze 
 were found, it is evident that the practice of casting 
 bronze was carried on in the cave, and these tongs 
 were probably part of the founder's apparatus. 
 Whether they were used merely as fire-tongs, or 
 for the purpose of lifting the crucible or melting- 
 pot, is a question. They appear, however, much too 
 light to be of service for the latter purpose. 
 In the museum of the Louvre at Paris are some 
 Egyptian tongs of bronze, which are remarkably 
 similar to those from Durham. A workman seated HeatSj BH. j 
 before a small fireplace, holding a blowpipe to his 
 mouth with one hand and with a pair of tongs in the other, 
 is shown in a painting at Thebes, published by Sir Gardner 
 Wilkinson, t 
 What I have ventured to regard as another of the tools of the 
 * Proc. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 127. 
 t " Anc. Egyptians," vol. iii. p. 224, fig. 375.
 bronze-founder is a kind of pointed punch or pricker, of which an 
 example is given in Fig. 220. This, as well as another which had 
 lost its point, was found, with socketed celts, gouges, moulds, &c., 
 forming the whole stock-in-trade of a bronze-founder, in the Isle of 
 Harty, Kent. It seems to have been furnished with a wooden 
 handle, into which the tang was driven as far as the projecting 
 stop ; and its purpose appears to have been the extraction of the 
 cores of burnt clay from out of the sockets of the celts. That 
 these sockets were formed over a core of clay inserted into the 
 fig. 220. Harty. * Fig. 221. Reach Fen. J Fig. 222. Ebnall. i 
 mould is proved by numerous celts having been found with the 
 cores still in them. The heat of the melted metal was sufficient 
 to convert the clay into terra-cotta or brick, and in this condition 
 the cores have been preserved. Some force was necessary to 
 extract such hardened cores, and this could be well effected by 
 driving in such a pointed instrument as that here figured. If the 
 two prickers from the Harty hoard were originally of the same 
 length, the broken one has lost a portion from its end exactly 
 corresponding in length with the depth of the socket of the largest
 celts found with it ; as if it had been driven home through the 
 burnt clay quite to the bottom of the socket, and then had been 
 broken off short at the mouth of the celt in the vain endeavour to 
 extract it. 
 Some small punches, without any tang for insertion in a handle, 
 were found with socketed celts and numerous other objects in the 
 hoard from Reach Fen, already mentioned. One of these is shown 
 in Fig. 221. No moulds were discovered in this case ; and though 
 the hoard has all the appearance of being the stock of an ancient 
 bronze -founder, it is possible that these shorter punches may here 
 have been used for some other purpose than that of extracting 
 cores. The end of one is sharp, that of the other presents a small 
 oblong face. It is possible that, like the instruments next to be 
 described, these may have been punches used in the decoration of 
 other articles of bronze. Mr. H. Prigg,* in his description of this 
 hoard, has suggested such an use. The large end of the punch 
 shown in the figure bears no mark of having been hammered ; it 
 may, however, have been struck with a wooden mallet. Punches, 
 more chisel-shaped at the point, appear to have been in use for 
 producing the incuse ornaments which occur on so many of the 
 flat and flanged celts. I am not aware of any tools which were 
 undoubtedly used for this purpose having been observed in Britain ; 
 but, as I have already remarked, there were found at Ebnall,t 
 Salop, two short-edged tools, which may possibly be punches, and 
 if so may have been applied to this use. One of these is shown 
 in Fig. 222, the block for which has been kindly lent me by the 
 Council of the Society of Antiquaries. The other is described as 
 of similar form but of rather longer proportions. They were found 
 in company with spear-heads, celts, gouges, and broad dagger- 
 blades ; but it does not appear that any of these were ornamented 
 with punch-marked patterns. The tools may, therefore, have been 
 merely some kind of strong chisels, possibly used for breaking off 
 the jets and superfluous metal from the castings. The thickness 
 of the tool is rather greater than the cut would lead one to imagine, 
 being i inch. These two tools have been regarded as ham- 
 mers, or possibly weights. I have now spoken of them as punches, 
 or possibly chisels, but it may be that after all it was the broad 
 end that was destined for use, in which case they might be regarded 
 as anvils. 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxvi., p. 59. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 66 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 167.
 Whatever the purpose of these particular tools, there can be but 
 little doubt that punches were in use for the ornamentation of the 
 flat faces and the sides of celts ; and it will be well to be on the 
 look out for such tools when hoards belonging to the ancient 
 bronze-founders are examined. For the most part, however, these 
 seem to belong to a period posterior to that of the ornamented 
 flat celts, though decorated spear-heads occur in them. 
 Some of the punches from the Fonderie de Larnaud and from 
 the Lake-dwellings may have served for decorating other articles in 
 Allied to the pointed tools last described, but considerably 
 smaller, are the awls, drills, borers, or prickers of bronze which 
 have so frequently been found accompanying interments in barrows. 
 No doubt such instruments must have been in very extensive and 
 general use ; but it is only under favourable conditions that such 
 small pieces of metal would be preserved, and when preserved it 
 is only under conditions equally favourable that they would attract 
 the attention of an ordinary labourer. It is, therefore, mainly to 
 the barrow-digger that we are indebted for our knowledge of these 
 little instruments. Many belong to a very early part of the Bronze 
 Age, but the form continued in use through the whole period. 
 A somewhat detailed essay upon them has already appeared in 
 the Archceologia* in the late Dr. Thurnam's admirable and ex- 
 haustive paper on " Ancient British Barrows," from which I am 
 tempted largely to borrow. I am also, through the kindness of 
 the Council of the Society of Antiquaries, enabled to make use of 
 some of the woodcuts which illustrate Dr. Thurnam's paper. 
 He distinguishes three types of these instruments, which, as he 
 points out, correspond to some extent with as many types or 
 varieties of the bronze celt. They are as follows : 
 I. That with a simply flattened end or tang for insertion into 
 its handle. 
 II. That with a well-marked shoulder, where the stem and tang 
 unite ; the object being to prevent its passing too far into the 
 III. That with a regular stop-ridge, or waist, almost as marked 
 as that in a carpenter's awl, as distinguished from that of a shoe- 
 * Vol. xliii. p. 464.
 One of the first type, from the Golden barrow at Upton Lovel, is engraved 
 by Hoare,* and is shown in Fig. 223. With it were two cups, a necklace 
 of amber beads, and a small bronze dagger. It is almost the longest of 
 those found by Sir E. Colt Hoare, which were upwards of thirty in 
 number. The only longer specimen was found in a barrow near Lake,f 
 and there also some beads and a bronze dagger accompanied the inter- 
 ment. It is considerably thicker than Fig. 223, and the tang for insertion 
 in the handle is broader and flatter. A smaller awl of the same character 
 was found in a barrow on Upton Lovel 
 Down, | opened by Mr. Cunnington. In this 
 instance there were two interments in the 
 same grave, and several flint celts and a 
 perforated stone battle-axe were found, as 
 well as numerous instruments of bone, and 
 a necklace of beads of jet or lignite. 
 An awl of this kind (3-^ inches) found, 
 with a spear-head, hammer, knife, and gouge 
 of bronze, at Thorndon, Suffolk, most of 
 them already described, is now in the British 
 Museum, and is shown in Fig. 224. 
 Several such instruments, some of them 
 not more than an inch in length, were found 
 by Canon Green well || in his exploration of 
 the Yorkshire barrows. In nine cases awls 
 or prickers accompanied interments of un- 
 bumt bodies, and in three oases they were 
 found among burnt bones. In most in- 
 stances instruments of flint were found with 
 them. An aged woman in a barrow on Lang- 
 ton Wold^f had three bronze awls or prickers, 
 as well as an assemblage of bone instru- 
 ments, animal teeth, marine shells, and 
 other miscellaneous property, buried with 
 her. Dr. Thurnam regarded these as drills 
 used with a bow, but I think such an use is 
 doubtful. Some of the awls from the York- 
 shire barrows, instead of being flattened at 
 one end, are drawn down to a point at both ends, leaving the middle of 
 larger diameter so as to form a kind of shoulder. These, I presume, are 
 included under Dr. Thurnam's Type II. Sometimes this central part of 
 the blade is square and sometimes the tang is square, like that described 
 by Stukeley** from a barrow near Stonehenge as " a sharp bodkin round 
 at one end, square at the other where it went into a handle." 
 An awl, square at the centre, and round at each end in section, is shown 
 in Fig. 225. It was found by Canon Greenwell in a barrow at Butter- 
 wick, Yorkshire, in company with the celt (Fig. 2), and other objects. 
 The point has unfortunately been broken off. 
 A typical example of Dr. Thurnam's second class from a barrow at 
 Fig. 223. Fig. 
 wick, i 
 Vol. i. p. 99, pi. xi. The cut is from the Arch., vol. xliii. p. 466. 
 f PI. xxx. 3. J Arch., vol. xv. p. 122, pi. iv. 5. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3. || " British Barrows," passim. 
 Op. cit., p. 138. * " Stonehenge," p. 45, pi. xxxii. 
 Bulford,* Wilts, is shown in Fig. 226. Another was found at Beckhamp- 
 ton, and a small pricker of the same type was found with a burnt inter- 
 ment at Storrington,f Sussex. Like those found by Sir R. C. Hoare, this 
 was regarded as the pin for fastening the cloth in which the bones were 
 collected from the funeral pyre. The fact of several of them having been 
 found still inserted in their hafts, as will subsequently be seen, will 
 suffice to prove that this view is mistaken. 
 Several awls pointed at both ends were found by the late Mr. Bateman 
 during his researches in the Derbyshire barrows. In Waggon Low J at 
 the right shoulder of a contracted skeleton were three instruments of 
 flint, and a small bronze awl 1 inches long, tapering each way from the 
 middle, which is square. Another, pointed at each 
 end, lay with a drinking cup and a rude spear- or 
 arrow-head of flint near the shoulder of a youthful 
 skeleton in a barrow near Minning Low. Another 
 of the same kind was found in a barrow on Ham 
 Moor, || Staffordshire. Another was found with cal- 
 cined bones in a barrow in Larks-Low, ^f Middleton. 
 In several instances there were traces of a wooden 
 handle, as was the case with one, upwards of 3 
 inches long, which was found with a flint spear- 
 head, a double-edged axe of basaltic stone, and 
 objects of bone, among the calcined bones in a 
 sepulchral urn from a barrow at Throwley.** 
 In a barrow at Haddon Field ff there was a small 
 drinking cup near the back of a contracted skeleton, 
 Fig. 226. Kg. 227. and beneath this an arrow-head of flint, an instru- 
 ford. i W ^ t toke >ur i ment of stag's-horn like a netting mesh, and a bronze 
 awl showing traces of its wooden handle. 
 In another barrow near Grotam, Nottinghamshire, JJ there lay near the 
 thigh of a contracted skeleton a neatly chipped spear-head of flint, and a 
 small bronze pin which had been inserted into a wooden handle. 
 In a barrow near Fimber, Yorkshire, opened by Messrs. Mortimer, 
 there were found near the knee of a contracted female skeleton a knife- 
 like chipped flint and the point of a bronze pricker or awl. With 
 another female interment in the same barrow a bronze pricker was found 
 inserted in a short wooden haft. The Britoness in this instance wore a 
 necklace of jet discs with a triangular pendant of the same material. 
 A bronze, pin, 1J inches long, accompanied by a broken flint celt and 
 some arrow-heads and flakes of flint, together with calcined bones, was 
 found in an urn in Ravenshill barrow, || || near Scarborough. 
 In some of the Wiltshire barrows more perfectly preserved handles 
 have been found. One of these, copied from Hoare's " Ancient Wilt- 
 shire,"^ is shown in Fig. 227. It was found in the King barrow with 
 what was probably a male skeleton buried in the hollowed trunk of an 
 * Arch., vol. xliii. p. 465, fig. 163. f Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. i. p. 55. 
 I "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 85. " Vest. Ant. of Derb.," p. 41. 
 || "Vest. Ant. of Derb.," p. 82. IT Smith's "Coll. Ant.," vol. i. p. 60, pi. xxi. 3. 
 ** " Ten Years' Dig.," p. 155. ft Lib. cit., p. 106. 
 H "Vest. Ant. of Derb.," p. 104. 
 " Reliquary," vol. ix. p. 67. 
 HI! Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. vi. p. 3. f IT Vol. i. p. 122, pi. xv. No. 3.
 elm tree. With it was a curious urn of burnt clay and two bronze daggers, 
 one near the breast and the other near the thigh. The handle is 
 described as being of ivory, but I think Dr. Thurnam was right in regard- 
 ing it as of bone. The awl in this instance is of the third type, having a 
 well-marked collar round it. Another of the same character, but retain- 
 ing only a small part of the haft, so that the shoulder is better shown, 
 was found with burnt bones in an urn deposited in a barrow near Stone- 
 henge.* No mention is made as to the nature of the material of which 
 the haft was formed. 
 In the case of an awl of the first type, engraved by Dr. Thurnam, and 
 here reproduced as Fig. 228, the handle is of wood, but the kind of 
 wood is not mentioned. 
 One or two bronze or brass awls with square shoulders are in the 
 Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, f Several awls with their original 
 wooden handles have been found in the Lake-dwellings of 
 Savoy, I and others in hafts of stag's-horn in the Swiss Lake- 
 Whether the twisted pins from the Wiltshire barrows 
 are of the nature of gimlets, as suggested by Dr. 
 Thurnam, is a difficult question. I shall, however, 
 prefer to treat of them as personal ornaments rather 
 than as tools. It is possible that they may to some 
 extent have combined the two functions. As to the 
 instruments which I have been describing being piercing 
 tools or awls, there seems to be little doubt ; and 
 Mr. Bateman can hardly have been far wrong in re- 
 garding them as intended to pierce skins or leather. 
 Though not curved like the cobbler's awl of the pre- 
 sent day, they are probably early members of the same 
 family. In Scandinavia these instruments are of 
 frequent occurrence, sometimes being provided with 
 ornamental handles also made of bronze. They are 
 in that part of Europe often found in company with tweezers and 
 small knives of bronze, and all were probably used together in 
 sewing, the hole being bored by the awl and the thread drawn 
 through by the tweezers and, when necessary, cut with the knife. 
 Possibly the use of bristles as. substitutes for needles dates back to 
 very early times. 
 In one instance at least tweezers have been found in Britain in 
 company with objects apparently belonging to the Bronze Age, 
 though no doubt to a very late part of it. Those represented in 
 * " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 164, pi. xvii. t Wilde's " Catal.," p. 597. 
 J Chantre, "Alb.," pi. Ixiii. 
 $ Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," figs. 274,276; Nilsson, " Nordens Ur.-Invanare," figs. 
 55, 57.
 Fig. 229 were discovered near Llangwyllog, * Anglesea, together 
 with a two-edged razor, a bracelet, buttons, rings, &c., which are 
 now in the British Museum. 
 A more highly ornamented pair of tweezers, with a broad end, 
 found with a bone comb, a quern, spindle- whorls, &c., in a Picts' 
 house near Kettleburn,t Caithness, belongs to a considerably later 
 The needles of bronze found in the British Isles do not as a rule 
 appear to belong to the Bronze Period, though some of those found 
 on the Continent seem to date back to that age. Two are engraved 
 by Wilde, + and there are altogether eighteen such articles in the 
 Museum of the Royal Irish Academy. A 
 broken specimen (1J inch) from the sand- 
 hills near Glenluce, Wigtonshire, has been 
 Another useful article anciently formed 
 of bronze though perhaps not, strictly 
 speaking, a tool may as well be men- 
 tioned in this place ; I mean the fish- 
 hook, of which, however, I am able to cite 
 but one example as having been found in 
 the British Isles. This was found in Ireland, 
 and is shown in Fig. 230,11 kindly lent by 
 the Royal Irish Academy. 
 Fish-hooks of bronze have been found in 
 considerable abundance on the site of several 
 of the Swiss Lake-dwellings ; and it is not 
 a little remarkable that in form many of 
 them are almost identical with the steel 
 fish-hooks of the present day. The barb, to prevent the fish 
 from struggling off the hook, is in most instances present, 
 and double hooks are occasionally found. The attachment to the 
 line was, even in the single hooks, frequently made by a loop or 
 eye, formed by flattening and turning back the upper part of the 
 shank of the hook. Fish-hooks were found in the Fonderie de 
 Larnaud (Jura),1J and in the hoard of St. Pierre-en-Chatre (Oise). 
 Such are the principal forms of tools and instruments of bronze 
 found in these islands. Some of them, such as the socketed gouges, 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 74. 
 t Proc. Soe. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 266 ; Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 218. 
 t "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 547. "Ayr and Wigton Coll.," vol. ii. p. 14. 
 H Wilde, " Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," fig. 403. IF Chantre, " Age du Br.," lere ptie. p. 87.
 hammers, and chisels, can only belong to the latter part of the 
 Bronze Period, when the art of using cores in order to produce 
 sockets or other hollow recesses in castings was well known. 
 Others, like the simple awls so frequently found in company 
 with instruments of flint in our barrows, appear to extend from 
 the commencement of the Bronze Age to its close. 
 There still remains to be described a class of instruments in 
 use by the husbandman, and not by the warrior ; and as the 
 present chapter has extended to such a length, it will be well to 
 treat of these under a separate heading.
 SICKLES are the only undoubtedly agricultural implements in 
 bronze with which we are acquainted in this country. Already 
 in the Stone Period the cultivation of cereals for food appears to 
 have been practised, and I have elsewhere* pointed out a form of 
 flint instrument which may possibly have supplied the place of 
 sickles or reaping hooks in those early times. The rarity of 
 bronze sickles in this country, as compared with their abundance 
 in some parts of Southern Europe, is, however, somewhat striking, 
 and may, perhaps, point to a considerably less cultivation of grain 
 crops in Britain than in countries with a wanner climate, while 
 the inhabitants were otherwise in much the same stage of civilisa- 
 The traditions of the use of bronze sickles survived to a com- 
 paratively late period in Greece and Italy, and Medea is described 
 by Sophoclesf as cutting her magic herbs with such instruments 
 (Xa\Areoi<7ii> rf/jui cpeTravois rojuav), and by Ovid + as doing it 
 " curvamine falcis ahenae." Elissa is by Virgil represented as 
 using a bronze sickle for similar purposes 
 " Falcibus et messee ad lunam quzeruntur aenis 
 Pubentes lierbse nigri cum lacte veneni." 
 When bronze sickles were used for reaping corn it seems to have 
 been a common custom merely to cut the ears of corn from off the 
 straw, after the manner of the Gaulish reaping machine described 
 by Pliny, || and not to cut and carry away straw and ear together 
 from the field. This practice will probably account for the small 
 size of the sickles which have come down to us, unless we are to 
 reverse the argument, and derive the custom of cutting off the 
 * " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 320. t Macrob. "Saturn.," v. c. 19. 
 J " Met.," vii. 224. " JEn.," lib. iv. 513. 
 || "Nat. Hist.," xviii.c. 30.
 ears only from the diminutive size of the instruments employed 
 for reaping. 
 Bronze sickles were hafted in different ways, sometimes being 
 fastened to the handle by a pin, either attached to the stem of 
 the blade or passing through a hole in it, combined with some 
 system of binding ; and sometimes being provided with a socket 
 into which the haft was driven, and then secured by a transverse 
 pin or rivet. 
 The sickles with a socket to receive the handle appear to be 
 peculiar to Britain and the North of France. The other form 
 occurs over the greater part of Europe, including Scandinavia, and 
 the blades, as has been observed by Dr. Keller, are always 
 adapted for use in the right hand. Dr. Gross, of Neuveville, on 
 the Lake of Bienne, has been so fortunate as to discover at 
 Mcerigen, the site of one of the ancient pile-villages on the lake, 
 two or three handles for sickles of this kind. A figure showing 
 three views of one of these handles has been published by the 
 Royal Archaeological Institute,* and is here by permission repro- 
 duced as Fig. 231. This handle is formed of yew, curiously 
 carved so as to receive the thumb and fingers, and has a flat place 
 at the end against which the blade was fastened. In this place 
 there are two grooves to receive the slightly projecting ribs with 
 which the stem of the sickle-blade is usually strengthened. Dr. 
 Kellert has suggested that the blade of the sickle was made fast 
 to the handle by means of a kind of ferrule which passed over it, 
 and was secured in its place by two pins or nails. 
 The end of the handle forms a ridge, through which are two 
 holes that would admit a small cord for the suspension of the 
 sickle, and thus prevent its being lost either on land or water. 
 We find this sailor-like habit prevailing among the Lake-dwellers 
 in the case of their flint knives also, the handles of which were 
 often perforated. 
 There is a remarkable resemblance in character between this 
 handle and some of those in use among the Esquimaux + for their 
 planes and knives, which are recessed in the same manner for the 
 reception of the fingers and the thumb. 
 Some iron sickles, of nearly the same form as those in bronze 
 with the flat stem, were present in the great Danish find of the 
 Early Iron Age at Vimose, described by Mr. C. Engelhardt. The 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 192. f Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. vii. 1. 
 I See Lubbock's '< Preh. Times," p. 513. \ " Vimose Fundet," 1869, p. 26, 
 chord of the curved blades is from 6 to 7 inches in length, and 
 one of the instruments still retained its original wooden handle. 
 This is between 9 and 10 inches long, and is curved at the part 
 intended to receive the hand. The end is conical, like the head 
 Fig. 231. Three views of a handle for a sickle, Moerigen. 
 of a screw, and is evidently thus made in order to give a secure 
 hold to the reaper when drawing the sickle towards him. Sickles 
 with nearly similar handles were in use in Smaaland,* in the South 
 of Sweden, until recent days. 
 * " Aarboger for Oldkynd.," 1867, p. 250.
 Of sickles without a socket but few have been found in Britain, 
 and those mostly in our Western Counties. In a remarkable hoard 
 found in a turbary at Edington Burtle,* near Glastonbury, Somer- 
 setshire, were four of these flat sickles. One of these had never 
 been finished, but had been left rough as it came from the mould, 
 into which the metal had been run through a channel near the 
 point of the sickle. A projection still marks the place where the 
 jet was broken off. As will be seen from Fig. 232, this blade is 
 Fig. 232. Edington Burtle. 
 provided with two projecting pins for the purpose of attaching it 
 to the handle. In this respect it differs from the sickles of the 
 ordinary continental type, which, when of this character, have 
 usually but a single knob. 
 Another of the Edington sickles with a single projection is 
 Fig. 233. -Edington Burtle. 
 shown in Fig. 233. This blade is more highly ornamented, and 
 has a rib along the middle in addition to that along the back, no 
 doubt for the purpose of increasing stiffness while diminishing 
 weight. Of the other two sickles found at Edington, one is im-r 
 perfect and the other much worn. Both are provided with the 
 two projecting pins. 
 -Two other sickles found on Sparkford Hill.t also in Somerset- 
 shire,, present the same peculiarity. One of these much resembles 
 . * Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Proc., 1854, vol. v. p. 91. 
 t Op. tit., 18567, vol. vii. p. 27.
 198 SICKLES [CHAP. vm. 
 Fig. 233, though nearly straight along the back. The other is 
 flat on both faces. Each has lost its point. A chisel-like tool was 
 found with them. 
 With the Edington sickles were found a broad fluted penannular 
 armlet and what may have been a finger-ring of the same pattern, 
 a plain penannular armlet of square section, part of a light funicular 
 torque like Fig. 467, part of a ribbon torque like Fig. 469, and 
 four penannular rings, some of them apparently made from frag- 
 ments of torques. 
 Two other sickles of the same character, each with two pro- 
 jecting pins, were found in Taunton * itself in association with 
 twelve palstaves, a socketed celt, a hammer (Fig. 214), a fragment 
 of a spear-head, a double-edged knife, a funicular torque (Fig. 
 468), a pin (Fig. 451), some fragments of other pins, and several 
 penannular rings of various sizes. 
 Fig. 234. Thames. 
 All the objects found at Edington, Sparkford Hill, and Taunton 
 are now in the museum in Taunton Castle. 
 A thinner form of flat sickle, if such it be, has been found in 
 Kent. Among a number of bronze objects which were discovered 
 at Marden,f near Staplehurst, there is a slightly curved blade with 
 a rivet at one end, which appears to present a sickle-like character. 
 I have not seen the original, and as it is described as a knife-blade 
 it may prove to have been one, or possibly, what is of far rarer 
 occurrence, a saw. 
 Of socketed sickles a few have at different times been dredged 
 up from the Thames. One of these, found in 1859, is in my own 
 collection, and is shown in Fig. 234. The blade, which is almost 
 as sharp at the back as at the edge, is not quite central with the 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 94. Pring, " Brit, and Roman Taunton," pi. i. 3. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258, pi. 13, No. 1.
 socket, but so placed as to make the instrument better adapted for 
 use in the right hand than in the left. The socket tapers con- 
 siderably, and is closed at the end. 
 In another sickle found in the Thames, near Bray, Berks* (Fig. 235), the 
 socket dies into the blade instead of forming a distinct feature. A third, 
 found near Windsor, and engraved in the Proceedings of the Society of 
 Antiquaries,] closely resembles Fig. 234, but the end of the socket, instead 
 of being closed, is open. The blade of this also is sharp on both edges. 
 One from Stretham Fen, in the Museum of the Cambridge Antiquarian 
 Society (about 5 inches), is of the same character. It has two rivet-holes 
 in the socket. Another from Downham Fen (5 inches) is sharp on both 
 In the Norwich Museum is a sickle of somewhat the same character as 
 Fig. 235, but the socket instead of being oval is oblong, and is placed at a 
 less angle to the blade, which in this case also is double-edged. The 
 Fig. 235.-Near Bray. i 
 socket is -H by iV inch, and has one rivet-hole through it. The curved 
 knife from Wicken Fen, to be described in the next chapter, much 
 resembles this Norwich example in outline. Another sickle from Nor- 
 folk J was exhibited to the Archaeological Institute in 1851. Mr. Franks 
 has shown me a sketch of another found at Dereham which has the 
 external edge of the blade extending across the end of the socket. Both 
 edges of the blade are sharp. 
 But few sickles have been found in Scotland. That shown in Fig. 236 
 was found in the Tay, near Errol, Perthshire, in 1840, and has been 
 described by Dr. J. Alexander Smith. The block, which has been kindly 
 lent me by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is engraved on the 
 scale of two-thirds linear, instead of my usual scale of one-half. The 
 main difference between this specimen, and mine from the Thames (Fig. 
 * Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 85. t 2nd S., vol. v. p. 95. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. viii. p. 191. Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 378.
 [CHAP. vin. 
 234) consists in the blade being fluted. Another more rudely made 
 sickle, found at Edengerach,* Premnay, Aberdeenshire, has also been 
 engraved. This has a single central rib along the blade and no rivet- 
 hole through the socket. Perhaps it is an unfinished casting. 
 Fig. 236.-Near Errol, Perthshire. 
 In Sinclair's " Statistical Account of Scotland"! it is stated that an 
 instrument of this class was found at Ledbeg, Sutherlandshire, and was 
 pronounced by the Earl of Bristol, then Bishop of Derry, to whom it 
 was presented, to be a Druidical pruning hook similar to several found 
 in England. 
 In Ireland these instruments are much more abundant. Eleven 
 specimens are mentioned by Wilde + as being in the Museum of 
 the Royal Irish Academy, and there are three in the British 
 Museum, as well as one in that at Edinburgh. 
 That engraved as Fig. 237 is in the 
 collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., 
 and was found at Grarvagh, county 
 Derry. The blade is fluted somewhat 
 like that of the Tay specimen. In 
 one of those engraved by Wilde (Fig. 
 405) it is more highly ornamented. 
 In another the socket is not closed 
 at the end, but resembles that of 
 the Windsor example already men- 
 tioned. This appears to be the one 
 engraved by Vallancey who ob- 
 serves that it was "called by the 
 Irish a Scare," and that it was used 
 **to cut herbs, acorns, misletoe, &c." In another )| the blade forms 
 Fig. 237. Qarvagh, Derry 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 376. 
 - 'f Vol. xvi. p. 206, cited by Wilson, " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 401, 
 t " Catal.," p. 527. 
 " Coll. de Reb. Hib.," vol. iv. pi. x. 4, p. 60. 
 . || Fig. 406. Compare " Horse. Ferales," pi. x. 19.
 a direct continuation of the socket as in Fig. 238, which is engraved 
 from a specimen in the British Museum, found near Athlone, county 
 Vallancey, in his "Collectanea," has figured another. In the collection 
 of Mr. J. Holmes is another example of this type. Another sickle 
 of the same character as Fig. 237, found near Ballygawley,* Tyrone, 
 has also been figured. This specimen is among those in the British 
 A socketed sickle, double-edged, and with a concavity on each side at 
 the angle between the blade and the socket so deep as to meet and form 
 a hole, was found in Alderney, and is engraved in the Archceological 
 Association Journal.] With it were found socketed celts, spear-heads, 
 Fig. 238.-Ath]one. 
 and broken swords and daggers. This may be regarded as a French 
 rather than an English example. 
 In my own collection is another, from the Seine at Paris, about 7 inches 
 in length along the outer edge of the blade, which extends past the end 
 of the socket. This still contains a part of the wooden handle, which has 
 been secured in its place by two rivets, apparently of bronze. In general 
 outline this sickle is much like Fig. 234, but the blade is narrower and 
 more curved and the socket more flattened. In the museum at Amiens 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 186. See also Dublin Penny Journ., i. p. 108 ; " Horse 
 Ferales," pi. x. 18. 
 t Vol. iii. p. 9.
 202 SICKLES [CHAP. vin. 
 is another sickle, in form closely resembling Fig. 234, but with a loop at 
 the back of the socket. M. Chantre in his magnificent work, " L'Age 
 du Bronze," does not specify this socketed type, though he divides the 
 form without socket into five different varieties. The socketed form 
 appears to be quite unknown in the South of France, as it also is in 
 These three are the only instances I can cite of socketed sickles 
 having been found outside the British Isles, so that this type of 
 instrument appears to be peculiarly our own. The existence of 
 a socket shows that the form does not belong to an early period 
 in the Bronze Age, and the same is to be inferred from the 
 character of the other bronze objects with which the Alderney 
 sickle was found associated. 
 Inasmuch as the continental forms are as a rule different 
 from the British, and as they are, moreover, well known, it will 
 suffice to indicate some few of the works in which descriptions of 
 them will be found. Some from Camenz, in Saxony, have been 
 engraved in illustration of a paper by myself in the Proceedings 
 of the Society of Antiquaries* 
 Others from Germany, some of which are said to have Roman 
 numerals upon them, have been figured by Lindenschmit.f 
 Examples from Italy have been given by Strobel,+ Gastaldi, 
 Lindenschmit,|| and others. 
 They have been found in great abundance in some of the settle- 
 ments on the lakes of Switzerland and Savoy. It has been thought 
 that the Lake-dwellers did not cut off merely the ears of their corn,1[ 
 but " that the straw was taken with it, otherwise there would not 
 have been the seeds of so many weeds in the corn." Diodorus Siculus, 
 however, who wrote in the first century B.C., tells us distinctly 
 that the Britons gathered in their harvest by cutting off the ears 
 of corn and storing them in subterraneous repositories. From 
 these they picked the oldest day by day for their food. Whether 
 for threshing they made use of the trihulum** that "sharp 
 threshing instrument having teeth," before Roman times, is doubt- 
 ful ; but that so primitive an instrument, armed with flakes of 
 flint or other stone, should have remained in use in some Mediter- 
 ranean countries until the present day, is a remarkable instance 
 * 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 333. 
 t "Samml. zu Sigmar.," Taf. xli. ; "Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft xii. Taf. ii. 
 I "Avanzi Prerom.," 1863, Tav. ii.6, 7. 
 "Nuovi Cenni," 1862, Tav. iv. 17, 18. || " Samml. zu Sigmar.," Taf. xli. 
 f Stevens, " Flint Chips," p. 157. 
 ** See Evans, " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 256.
 of the power of survival of ancient customs. Such an instance 
 of persistence in a primitive form much reduces the extreme im- 
 probability of the use of bronze sickles in Germany having lasted 
 until a time when Roman numerals might appear upon them. 
 If every St. Andrew's cross and every straight line found upon 
 ancient instruments is to be regarded as a Roman numeral, and 
 the objects bearing them are to be referred to Roman times as 
 their earliest possible date, the range of Roman antiquities will 
 be much enlarged, and will be found to contain, among other 
 objects, a large number of the bronze knives from the Swiss 
 Lake-dwellings ; for one of the most common ornaments on 
 the backs of these knives consists of a repetition of the pattern 
 Even were it proved that in some part of Europe the use of 
 bronze sickles survived to so late a date as supposed by Dr. Lin- 
 denschmit, their great scarcity in the British Isles affords a conclu- 
 sive argument against their being assigned to the period of the 
 Roman occupation, of which other remains have come down to us 
 in such abundance.
 IT Is a question whether, if in this work strict regard had been paid 
 to the development of different forms of cutting implements, the 
 knife ought not to have occupied the first place, rather than the 
 hatchet or celt ; for when bronze was first employed for cutting 
 purposes it was no doubt extremely scarce, and would therefore 
 hardly have been available for any but the smaller kinds of tools 
 and weapons. 
 Both hatchets and knives, or rather knife-daggers, have been 
 found with interments in barrows ; but it seems better to include 
 the majority of the latter class of instruments, which appear to 
 occupy an intermediate place between tools and weapons, in the 
 next chapter, which treats of daggers; rather than in this, which will 
 Fig. 239. Wicken Fen. 
 be devoted to what appear to be forms of tools and implements. 
 Some of these, however, like the celt or hatchet, may have been 
 equally available both for peaceful and warlike uses ; and though 
 I have to some extent tried to keep tools and weapons under 
 different headings, it appears impossible completely to carry out 
 any such system of arrangement. Nor in treating of what I have 
 regarded as knives does it seem convenient first to describe what 
 appear to be the simpler and older forms, inasmuch as there are 
 other forms which in all respects except the shape of the blade so 
 closely resemble some of the socketed sickles described in the last 
 chapter, that they seem almost of necessity to follow immediately
 in order. The first instrument which I shall cite has sometimes 
 indeed been regarded as a sickle, though it is more properly 
 speaking a curved knife. 
 It was found in Wick en Fen, and is now in the Museum of the Cambridge 
 Antiquarian Society, the Council of which has 
 kindly permitted me to engrave it as Fig. 239. 
 It has already been figured, but not quite accu- 
 rately, in the Arcliceological Journal,* the rib at 
 the back of the blade being omitted. I am not 
 aware of any other example of this form of 
 knife having been found in the United Kingdom, 
 but a double-edged socketed knife with a curved 
 blade, found in Ireland, is in the Bateman Col- 
 The ordinary form of socketed knife has 
 a straight double-edged blade, extending 
 from an oval or oblong socket, pierced by 
 one or two holes, through which rivets or 
 pins could pass to secure the haft. These 
 holes are usually at right angles to the axis 
 of the blade, but sometimes in the same 
 plane with it. 
 Fig. 240 shows a knife with two rivet-holes, 
 which was found at Thorndon, Suffolk, together 
 with socketed celts, a spear-head, hammer, 
 gouge, and an awl, several of which have been 
 figured in preceding pages. Another (9 inches 
 long), much like Fig. 240, but with the sides of 
 the socket flat, and the blade more fluted, was 
 found in the Thames, and is engraved in the 
 Archaological Journal.] Another, of much the 
 same size and general character, formed part of 
 a hoard of bronze objects found in Eeach Fen, 
 near Burwell, of which mention has already fre- 
 quently been made. It is in my own collection, 
 and is shown in Fig. 241. I have another, rig. 240. Fig. 241. 
 6 inches long, found in Edmonton Marsh. Thorndon. j Beach Fen. \ 
 A fine blade of this kind, with two rivet-holes 
 in the hilt (14 inches), was found in the New Forest, Glamorganshire, 
 and was formerly in the Meyrick Collection. It is now in the British 
 Museum. The blade has shallow flutings paraUel with the edges. 
 A socketed knife of this kind (4 inches) was found by General A. 
 PittEivers, F.E.S., in a pit at the foot of the interior slope of the rampart 
 of Highdown Camp, near Worthing, Sussex. It may possibly have 
 accompanied a funereal deposit. 
 * Vol. vii. p. 302. 
 "Anc. Armour," pi. xlvii. 11. 
 t Vol. xxxiv. p. 301. 
 Arch., vol. xlii. p. 75, pi. viii.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 In some instances the two rivet-holes run lengthways of the oval of the 
 socket. One such, discovered with other objects at Lanant, Cornwall 
 (8J inches), is engraved in the Archceologia.* It is now in the Museum 
 of the Society of Antiquaries. One like it was found on Holyhead Moun- 
 tain,! Anglesea, and is now in the British Museum. 
 A fragment of a knife of this kind is in the museum at Amiens, and 
 formed part of a hoard found near that town. It has a beading at the 
 mouth of the socket, and also one about 
 midway between the rivet-holes. 
 Commonly there is but a single 
 hole through the socket, especially in 
 the smaller specimens. That shown 
 in Fig. 242 is of this kind, but pre- 
 sents the remarkable feature of hav- 
 ing upon each face of the socket six 
 small projecting bosses simulating 
 rivet-heads. It was found in the 
 Heathery Burn Cave,* Durham, with 
 socketed celts, spear-heads, and nu- 
 merous other articles. Another from 
 the same cave (5| inches) with a 
 plain and rather larger socket is in 
 the collection of Canon Greenwell, 
 Of other specimens, but without the 
 small bosses, the following may be men- 
 tioned : One (6 inches long) found with 
 socketed celts, part of a sword blade, 
 and a gouge, at Martlesham, Suffolk, 
 and in the possession of Captain Brooke, 
 of Ufford Hall. Two found in the 
 Thames near Wallingford. Another (5f 
 inches), from the same source, in my 
 own collection. This was found with a 
 socketed celt, gouge, chisel, and razor 
 (Fig. 269). One from Llandysilio, Den- 
 bighshire, found with socketed celts and 
 a spear-head, is in Canon Greenwell' s 
 collection. A knife of this kind was 
 among the relics found above the stalag- 
 mite in Kent's Cavern, near Torquay. 
 I have a knife of this character (4f inches), but with the rivet-hole in a 
 line with the edges of the blade, found in Dorsetshire. 
 * Vol. xv. p. 118, pi. ii. ; " Catal. Mus. Soc. Ant.," p. 16. 
 f Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 254. 
 J Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132; Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 359. This cut is 
 lent by the Society. Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 303. 
 Burn Cave. * 
 F e'
 In Scotland the socketed form of knife is very rare. 
 That shown in Fig. 243 was found at Kilgraston, Perthshire, and is in 
 the collection of Canon Gbreenwell, F.B.S. It has a central rib along the 
 blade and two shorter lateral ribs, and in some respects has more the 
 appearance of being a spear-head than a knife. 
 Another, with the rivet-hole in the same plane as the blade, was found 
 near Campbelton, Argyleshire, and has been engraved as a spear-head by 
 Professor Daniel Wilson.* The discovery of a blade having its original 
 handle, as subsequently mentioned, proves, however, that some of these 
 are rightly regarded as knives, though another form (Fig. 328) has more 
 the appearance of being a spear-head. The curved knife with a socket, 
 figured by the same author, f can hardly, I think, be Scottish. 
 In Ireland the socketed form of knife is more abundant than in 
 either England or Scotland. No less than thirty-three such knives* 
 are recorded by Sir W. Wilde, as preserved in 
 the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, of five 
 of which he gives figures. Many specimens also 
 exist in private collections. 
 That shown in Fig. 244 is in the collection of Canon 
 Greenwell, F.E.S., and was found at Kells, Co. 
 Meath. As will be observed, the blade is at the base 
 somewhat wider than the socket. The indented lines 
 upon it appear to have been produced in the cast- 
 ing, and not added by any subsequent process. A 
 knife of the same kind, found in the Bog of Augh- 
 rane, near Athleague, Co. Galway, is still attached 
 to the original handle, which, like many of those of 
 the flint knives found in the Swiss Lake-dwellings, 
 is formed of yew. It has been several times figured. 
 I have a specimen of the same character, but in 
 outline more like Fig. 240, 6 inches long, from the 
 North of Ireland. 
 A knife of this kind, found in a hoard at St. Ge- 
 noulph, is in the Tours Museum. 
 In some instances the junction between the blade and the socket 
 is made to resemble that between the hilt and blade of some of the 
 bronze swords and daggers, such as Figs. 291 and 349. 
 The example shown in Fig. 245 is in my own collection. I do not, 
 however, know in what part of Ireland it was found. The rivet-hole is 
 at the side, and not on the face, in which, however, there is a slight flaw, 
 which assumes the appearance of a hole in the figure. In Canon Green- 
 well's collection is a nearly similar specimen (lOf inches), found at Balte- 
 ragh, Co. Derry, with two rivet-holes at the side and the socket some- 
 what ornamented by parallel grooves at the mouth and at the junction 
 with the blade. 
 * " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 390. t Op. eit., p. 402. J " Catal.," p. 465. 
 "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 350; Arch., yol. *xxyi r p. 330; "Hora Ferales," pi. x. 29. 
 Fig. 244. Kells.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 One of the socketed knives in the Academy Museum at Dublin has two 
 rivet-holes on the face. Of the others, about 
 two-thirds have a single rivet-hole on the face, 
 and the other third one on the side. 
 A long blade, somewhat differing in its details 
 from Fig. 245, was found between Lurgan and 
 Moira, Co. Down, and, it is stated, in company 
 with the bronze hilt or pommel shown in Fig. 
 246. These objects formed part of the Wilshe 
 Collection, and are now in the Museum of the 
 Royal Irish Academy. Two objects, somewhat 
 similar to Fig. 246, found with spear -heads in 
 Cambridgeshire, will subsequently be mentioned. 
 A piece of bronze of much the same form, found 
 with a hoard of bronze objects at Marden,* in 
 Kent, seems to be a jet or waste piece from a 
 casting. It has, however, been regarded as part 
 of a fibula. 
 The socketed form of knife is hardly known 
 upon the Continent, though, as will have been 
 observed, it has occasionally been found in the 
 North of France. Among the fragments of 
 metal forming part of the deposit of an ancient 
 bronze-founder, and discovered at Dreuil, near 
 Amiens, I have the fragments of two such 
 knives. I have also a fine and entire specimen, 
 9 inches long, from the bed of the Seine at 
 Charenton, near Paris. There is a transverse 
 rib at each end and in the middle of the socket, 
 through the face of which are two rivet-holes. 
 A portion of the original wooden handle is still 
 in the socket, secured in its place by two pins, 
 also apparently of wood, which pass through the 
 rivet-holes. Another knife (6$ inches), like 
 Fig. 241, but with only one rivet-hole, was also 
 found in the Seine at Paris, and is now in my 
 Several socketed knives with curved blades 
 have been found in the Swiss Lake-dwellings, 
 and one such, found with the sickle already 
 mentioned, is in the Amiens Museum. 
 There is another form of socketed knife 
 which it will be well here to mention. The 
 blade is sharp on both sides, but instead 
 of being flat it is curved into a semicircle. 
 Fig. 2 45.-ireiana. * For a typical example I am obliged to have 
 recourse to a French specimen. 
 That shown in Fig. 247 is in my own collection, and was found with a 
 * Arch. As&oc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258.
 gold torque and bracelet, a bronze anvil (Fig. 217), and other objects, at 
 Fresne la Mere, near Falaise, Calvados. It seems well adapted for 
 working out hollows in wood. With it was found a small, tanged, single- 
 edged knife, the end of which is bent to a smaller curve. 
 An instrument of much the same character (4 inches) was found, 
 with a bronze sword, spear-heads, &c., in the Island of Skye, and is now 
 Fig. 246. Moira. 
 Fig. 247. Fresne la Mere. 
 in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. As Professor Daniel Wilson* 
 observes, "in general appearance it resembles a bent spear-head, but it 
 has a raised central ridge on the inside, while it is nearly plain and 
 smooth on the outer side. The most probable use for which it has been 
 designed would seem to be for scraping out the interior of canoes and 
 other large vessels made from the trunk of the oak." It is shown as 
 Fig. 248. Another instrument of the same kind (4i inches), found at 
 Wester Ord, Invergordon, Eoss-shire, is engraved in the Proceedings of the 
 Fig. 248.-Skye. 
 Fig. 249. Wester Ord. 
 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,] and is here by their permission repro- 
 duced as Fig. 249. 
 It seems by no means improbable that such instruments may have been 
 * " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 400 ; Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. viii. p. 310. The cut is 
 here reproduced by permission of Messrs. Macmillan. 
 t Vol. viii. p. 310.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 mistaken for bent spear-heads, and that they are not quite so rare as would 
 at present appear. 
 Two specimens of the socketed form have been found in the Lake settle- 
 ment of the Eaux Vives, near Geneva, and are now in the museum of 
 that town. Another, with a tang, is in the collection of M. For el, of 
 Morges, and was found among the pile-dwellings near that place. 
 A fragment of what appears to have been one of these curved knives, 
 but with a solid handle, and not a socket, was found with gouges and 
 various fragments at Houn- 
 slow, and is now in the 
 British Museum. 
 What seems to be a 
 tanged curved knife of this 
 kind formed part of the 
 great Bologna hoard. 
 Another form of 
 knife, which appears to 
 be intermediate between 
 those with sockets and 
 those with merely a flat 
 tang, is shown in Fig. 
 250. In this there are 
 loops extending across 
 the blade on either side, 
 which would receive the 
 ends of the two pieces of 
 wood or horn destined 
 to form the handle, so 
 that a single rivet suf- 
 ficed to bind them and 
 the blade between them 
 firmly together. 
 The original was found 
 in Reach Fen, Cambridge- 
 shire, and is now in my 
 own collection. The blade 
 has the appearance of having been originally longer, but of being now 
 worn away by use. I know of no other specimen of the kind. The 
 power to cast such loops upon the blade is a proof of no ordinary skill 
 in the founder. 
 A palstave with a loop of this kind instead of a stop or side-flanges 
 was found at Donsard,* Haute Savoie. 
 Another form of knife or dagger has merely a flat tang, in some 
 * Chantre, "Album," pi. vi. 2. 
 Fig. 250. -Reach Fen.
 cases provided with rivets by which it could be fastened to a 
 handle, in others without rivets, as if it had been simply driven 
 into a handle. 
 The blade shown in Fig. 251 was found in the same hoard as that 
 engraved as Fig. 241. The rivets are fast attached to the blade, and 
 the handle through which they passed was probably of some perishable 
 material, such as wood, horn, or bone. 
 Another blade (5 inches), with a broad tang and two rivet-holes, was 
 found in the Thames.* 
 In the British Museum is a knife much like the figure, 8 inches long, 
 and showing three facets on the blade, found in the Thames at Kingston. 
 The knife-blades with broad tangs, which were not riveted to 
 their handles, were in some instances provided with a central 
 ridge upon the tang, which served to steady them in their handles, 
 and in others the stem or tang was left plain. 
 One of the former class, from the Heathery Burn Cave, is shown in 
 Fig. 252. It is in the collection of Canon Grreenwell, F.E.S. 
 An imperfect knife of the same kind, found in Yorkshire, is in the 
 Scarborough Museum. 
 Another, with the edges more ogival, like Fig. 241, was found in the 
 neighbourhood of Nottingham,! with socketed celts and numerous other 
 objects in bronze. 
 Another, broader at the base and more like a dagger in character, was 
 found with various other articles at Marden,^: Kent. 
 More leaf-shaped and sharply pointed blades of this kind, probably 
 daggers rather than knives, have been often found in Ireland. One 
 (10^ inches) has been figured by "Wilde. Another was in the Dowris 
 In the Isle of Harty hoard, already more than once cited, was a knife 
 with a plain tang, shown in Fig. 253. It has rather the appearance of 
 having been made from the point of a broken sword, as the edges of the 
 tang have been "upset" by hammering. The blade itself is now 
 narrower than the tang, the result probably of much wear and use. 
 The end of a broken sword in the Dowris hoard has been converted 
 into a knife in a similar manner. In the collection of the late Lord 
 Braybrooke is what appears to be part of a tanged knife, sharpened at 
 the broken end so as to form a chisel. 
 In the Eeach Fen hoard was a knife (4 inches) of much the same 
 character, but not so broad in the tang. 
 A flat blade with a tang for insertion in a haft must have been a very 
 early form of metal tool. Among the Assyrian relics from Tel Sifr, in 
 South Babylonia, such blades were found, of which there are examples in 
 the British Museum. 
 Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. , has two leaf -shaped blades of copper, with 
 tangs set in handles of bone rather longer than the blades, which were 
 lately in use among the Esquimaux. In form they resemble Fig. 257. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 229. f Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 332. 
 I Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258. "Catal.," p. 467, fig. 355. 
 It will now be well to mention some of the other Irish speci- 
 mens of this class. 
 The knives with the projecting rib upon the tang are hy no means 
 uncommon, and there are several in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish 
 Academy and elsewhere. Canon Greenwell has one (6| inches) from 
 Fig. 252. Heathery Burn Cave. i Fig. 253. Harty. $ Fig. 254. Ireland. 
 Ballynascreen, Co. Tyrone, much like that from the Heathery Burn Cave 
 (Fig. 252). 
 The knife or dagger with a plain tang and an ornamented "blade 
 engraved as Fig. 254 is in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy. 
 Another, simply ridged and with a single rivet-hole in the tang, found at 
 Craigs,* Co. Antrim, is in the collection of Mr. E. Day, F.S.A. It is less 
 round-ended than the hlade with a central rib along it and one rivet-hole 
 in the tang, shown in Fig. 255. This is in my own collection, and was 
 found at Ballyclare, Co. Antrim. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 269 (woodcut).
 A mould for blades of this character will subsequently be mentioned. 
 Another form of knife, unless possibly it was intended for a lance- 
 head, is shown in Fig. 256. This specimen is also from the Eeach Fen 
 hoard, but is of yellower metal and differently patinated from the objects 
 found with it. Canon Greenwell has a knife of the same form (4 inches), 
 found at Seamer Carr, Yorkshire. Another, smaller (3$- inches), is in 
 the British Museum, but its place of finding is not known. A nearly 
 similar blade, found near Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, is shown in Fig. 257. 
 Another example of this form (5-f inches) is in the British Museum. 
 Sir W. "Wilde * has figured some other examples of the same kind, from 
 3 to 4 inches long, which he regarded as arrow-heads. They appear to 
 me, however, too large for such a purpose. 
 In the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy is yet another variety, with 
 the blade pierced in the centre (Fig. 258). 
 Fig. 255.-Ballyclare. * Fig. 256.-Eeach Fen. J Fig. 257.-BaUycastle. J Fig. 258.-Ireland. 
 Before proceeding to describe some other symmetrical double- 
 edged blades, it will be well to notice such few examples as have 
 been found of single-edged blades, like the ordinary knives of the 
 present day. Abundant as these are, not only in the Lake- dwell- 
 ings of Switzerland, but in France and other continental countries, 
 they are of extremely rare occurrence in the British Isles. 
 In Fig. 259 I have engraved a small instrument of this kind, found at 
 Wigginton, near Tring, Herts, the handle of which terminates in the 
 head of an animal. It was therefore not intended for insertion into a 
 haft of some other material. 
 * " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 503, figs. 387, 388, 389.
 I have another bronze knife, rather longer and narrower, and with a 
 pointed tang, which is said to have been found in London ; but of this I 
 am by no means certain. 
 The rude knife found with the Isle of Harty hoard, and shown full size 
 Fig. 259. Wigginton. 
 as Fig. 260, is the only other English specimen with which I am ac- 
 quainted, but no doubt more exist. 
 The only specimen mentioned in the Catalogue of the Museum of the 
 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland is in all 14 inches long, with a thick 
 back and notched tang, and of this the place of finding is unknown. 
 Fig. 260. Isle of Harty. 
 Professor Daniel Wilson * speaks of it as having been found in Ayrshire, 
 and regards it as a reaping instrument. He also figures a socketed knife 
 of much the same size from the collection of Sir John Clerk at Peni- 
 cuick House, in which are also some tanged specimens. I cannot help 
 suspecting that these are of foreign origin. 
 In Ireland the form appears to be at present unknown. 
 In Fig. 261 is shown a knife of a form which is of extremely 
 rare occurrence in this country ; 
 though, as will be seen, it has 
 frequently been found in France. 
 The specimen here figured has 
 been kindly lent me by Mr. Hum- 
 __^_ > ___^__ phrey Wickham, of Strood, and was 
 Fig 26i -Aiihaiiows Hoo t found with a hoard of bronze objects 
 at Allhallows, Hoo,f Kent. The 
 hoard contained socketed celts, gouges, a spear-head, fragments of 
 swords, and the object engraved as Fig. 286. One more crescent-like in 
 form was found with a hoard of bronze objects near Meldreth, Cam- 
 bridgeshire, and is in the British Museum. 
 Knives of this kind were associated with celts, gouges, &c., in the hoard 
 * " Preh. Ann. Scot.," vol. i. p. 402. t Arch. Cant., vol. xi. p. 125, pi. c. 14.
 of Notre-Dame d'Or, now in the museum at Poitiers. Two also were 
 present in the Alderney hoard found near the Pierre du Villain.* 
 Some knives of this character were found with a hoard of bronze tools 
 and weapons at Questembert, Brittany, and are now in the museum at 
 Vannes. A broken one was in the hoard of the Jardin des Plantes, 
 Nantes.f One from La Manche is engraved in the Memoirs of the Society 
 of Antiquaries of Normandy, 1827 8, pi. xvi. 20. A knife of this 
 character of rectangular form, each side being brought to an edge, 
 was found with other bronze relics at Ploneour, Brittany, and is en- 
 graved in the Archceologia Camlrensis.^ In character this knife closely 
 resembles some of those in flint. A kind of triangular knife of the 
 same character was found at Briatexte|| (Tarn). One from the station 
 of Eaux Vives, in the Lake of Geneva, has the face ornamented at the 
 blunt margin with a vandyke of hatched triangles. In some French 
 varieties there are rings at the top of the blade instead of holes through 
 it. In a curious specimen from St. Julien, Chateuil, in the collection of 
 M. Aymard, at Le Puy, the edge is nearly semicircular, and there are 
 eight round holes through the blade as well as two rings at the back. 
 Some of the razors from the Lake-dwellings of Savoy and Switzerland 
 are of much the same character as these knives. I have a knife of this 
 class with a rather large triangular opening in it and two circular loops, 
 found at Bernissart, Hainault. ^f Another somewhat different was found at 
 Lavene** (Tarn). 
 Fig. 262.-Cottle. 
 A Danish ff knife of this character has five circular loops along the 
 hollowed back. A Mecklenburg |J knife has three such loops and corded 
 festoons of bronze between. 
 The bronze knife or razor, shown full size in Fig. 262, was found at 
 Cottle, near Abingdon, and is now in the British Museum. It is of a 
 peculiar and distinct type, but somewhat resembles in character the 
 oblong bronze cutting instrument found at Ploneour, Brittany, already 
 mentioned. It is thinner and flatter than would appear from the figure. 
 A Mecklenburg || || knife or razor figured by Lisch is analogous in form. 
 I have a rough and imperfect blade of somewhat the same character as 
 that from Cottle, but thinner and more curved. It has no hole through 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 9. t Parenteau, " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. viii. 16. 
 J 3rd S., vol. vi. p. 138. " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 304, fig. 255. 
 || "Materiaux," vol. xiv. pi. ix. 4. 
 H " Ann. du cercle Arch, de Mons," 1857, pi. i- 6. 
 ** "Materiaux," vol. xiv. p. 489. ft Worsaae, "Nord. Olds.," fig. 160. 
 U Lisch, "Freder. Francisc.," tab. xvii. 10. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 301. For the use of this cut I am indebted to 
 the Council of the Society. 
 |||| "Freder. Francisc.," tab. xviii. 14.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 it, but thickens out at one end into a short boat-shaped projection about 
 i inch long. It was found near Londonderry. 
 A diminutive pointed blade which appears to be too small to have been 
 in use as a dagger, and which from the rivet-hole through the tang can 
 hardly have served as an arrow or lance head, is shown in Fig. 263. This 
 specimen formed part of the Eeach Fen hoard. A very small example of 
 this kind of blade, from a barrow near Robin Hood's Ball, Wilts, has 
 been figured by the late Dr. Thurnam, F.S.A., in his second exhaustive 
 paper on "Ancient British Barrows," published in the Archaologia,* 
 from which I have derived much useful information. 
 A small blade with the sides more curved is shown in Fig. 264, which I 
 have copied from Dr. Thurnam's engraving.f The original was found in 
 Lady Low, Staffordshire. 
 A smaller example, with a longer and iniperforated tang, found in an 
 urn at Broughton,^: Lincolnshire, and now in the British Museum, has 
 been thought to be an arrow-head ; but I agree with Dr. Thurnam in 
 regarding both it and the small blades described by Hoare as arrow- 
 heads, as being more probably small double-edged knives. 
 Fig. 263. 
 Reach Fen. 
 Some remarks as to the almost if not absolutely entire absence 
 of bronze arrow-heads in this country will be found in a subsequent 
 The larger specimens of these tanged blades of somewhat tri- 
 angular outline I have described as daggers, but I must confess 
 that the distinction between knives and daggers is in such cases 
 purely arbitrary. The more rounded forms which now follow seem 
 rather of the nature of tools or toilet instruments than weapons. 
 Fig. 265, copied from Dr. Thurnam's plate, || represents what has been 
 regarded as a razor blade. It was found in a barrow at "Winterslow, 
 * Vol. xliii. p. 450, pi. xxxii. 5. f Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxii. fig. 4. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. viii. p. 346. " Anc. Wilts,"vol. i. pp. 67, 176, 238, pi. xxxii. 1. 
 || Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxii. fig. 8.
 Wilts, and is now in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. Its resemblance 
 to the leaf of rib-wort (Plantago media] has been pointed out by Dr. Thur- 
 nam, who records that it was found in an urn with burnt bones and a set 
 of beautiful amber buttons or studs. He has also figured one of nearly 
 the same size, but with fewer ribs, from a barrow at Priddy, Somerset. 
 This also has been regarded as an arrow-head, though it is 3 inches long 
 and 1 inches broad. It has a small rivet-hole through the tang. The 
 original is now in the Bristol Museum, and its edge is described as sharp 
 enough to mend a pen.* I have reproduced it in Fig. 266. A blade of 
 much the same kind was found in an urn, with an axe-hammer of stone 
 and a whetstone, at Broughton-in-Craven,f in 1675. 
 Fig. 267. Balblair. 
 Fig. 268.-Rogart. 
 Canon Greenwell records the finding of an oval knife (2| inches) with 
 burnt bones in an urn at Nether Swell,^ Gloucestershire. 
 A flat blade, almost circular, with a somewhat longer tang than any 
 here figured, formed part of the great Bologna hoard. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 152. 
 t Thoresby's "Catal.," in Whitaker's ed. of "Ducat. Leod.," p. 114. 
 J " British Barrows," p. 446.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 These instruments are occasionally found in Scotland. Some 
 of them are of rather larger size, and ornamented in a different 
 manner upon the face. 
 A small plain oval blade, which has possibly lost its tang, was found 
 in a tumulus at Lieraboll,* Kildonan, Sutherland, and has been figured. 
 Two oval blades were found with burnt bones in urns near St. Andrews.f 
 Another, found in a large cinerary urn at Balblair,^ Sutherlandshire, 
 is shown full size in Fig. 267. The edges are very thin and sharp, and 
 the central rib shown in the section is ornamented with incised lines. 
 Another blade of the same character, but ornamented with a lozenge 
 pattern, and with the midrib less pronounced, is shown in Fig. 268, also 
 of the actual size. It was found in a tumulus at Kogart, Sutherland. 
 Fig. 269. Wallingford. * 
 Fig. 270. Heathery Burn Cave. 
 Another, apparently more perfect, and with many more lozenges in the 
 pattern, is engraved in Gordon's "Itinerarium Septentrionale." || He 
 describes it as "the end of a spear or Hasta Pura of old mixt brass, 
 finely chequered." It was in Baron Clerk's collection. 
 The only English example which I can adduce was found with some 
 sickles, a torque, and numerous other objects at Taunton. It is of nearly 
 the same size and shape as Fig. 267, but the centre plate is fluted with a 
 slight ridge along the middle and one on either side, and is not orna- 
 mented. It is described as a lance-head in the Archaeological Journal. 9 ^ 
 I am not aware of any such blades having ever been found in Ireland, 
 in which country the plainer forms of oval razors also seem to be ex- 
 tremely rare. 
 In Canon Greenwell's Collection is an oval blade (4 inches) with a flat 
 central rib, tapering to a point, running along it. It has no tang, but 
 t Greenwell, 
 Brit. Barrows," p. 446. 
 For the use of this cut, as well as figs. 268, 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. p. 434. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. p. 476. 
 271, 272, and 273, I am indebted to the Society. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. p. 431. || P. 116, pi. 1. 8 (1726). 
 H Vol. xxxvii. p. 95. See also Pring, " Brit, and Rom. Taunton," pi. i. 4.
 there is a rivet-hole through the broad end of the rib. It was found in 
 an urn with burnt bones at Killyless, Co. Antrim. 
 The form most commonly known under the name of razor is that 
 shown in Fig. 269, from a specimen in my own collection, found 
 in the Thames, with a socketed knife and other objects, near 
 Wallingford. One of almost identical character was found at 
 Llangwyllog,* Anglesea. 
 Fig. 273. Dunbar. J 
 Fig. 274. Ireland. 
 Another, without midrib, from the Heathery Burn Cave, is, by the 
 permission of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S., shown as Fig. 270. 
 An example from Wiltshire f in the Stourhead Museum (now at 
 Devizes) is more barbed at the base and rounded at the top, in which 
 there is neither notch nor perforation. 
 It is difficult to assign a use for the small hole usually to be seen in 
 * Arch. t/bwrw., vol. xxii. p. 74; Arch. Cfcwwi., 3rd S.,vol. xii. p. 97; Arch., vol. xliii. 
 pi. xxxii. 7. 
 t Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxii. 6.
 [CHAP. ix. 
 these blades. It may possibly be by way of precaution against the 
 fissure in the blade extending too far, though in most cases the notch in 
 the end of the blade does not extend to the hole. 
 Eazors of this character have been discovered in Scotland. Three 
 which are believed to have been found together in a tumulus at Bower- 
 houses, near Jhmbar,* Haddingtonshire, about 1825, are shown in Figs. 
 271, 272, and 273. They are all in the Antiquarian Museum, at 
 Edinburgh, together with a socketed celt found with them. 
 Eazors of the class last described have been found in Ireland, and 
 three are mentioned in Wilde's Catalogue f of the Museum of the Eoyal 
 Fig. 275,-Kinleith. 
 Irish Academy, to the Council of which body I am indebted for the use of 
 Fig. 274. The midrib of the specimen here shown is decorated with ring 
 ornaments formed of incised concentric circles, an ornament of frequent 
 use in early times, though but rarely occurring on objects of bronze in 
 Britain. There is a large razor of this kind in the Museum of Trinity 
 College, Dublin. Several unornamented blades of this character were 
 present in the Dowris hoard. Two which were found in a crannogej in 
 the county of Monaghan were regarded as bifid arrow-heads. One of 
 these (2f inches) is in the British Museum. 
 * Proe. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. p. 440 ; " Catal.," p. 83, No. 182. 
 t P. 649, fig. 433. % Arch - Journ., vol. iii. p. 47.
 A blade of this kind, but with a loop instead of a tang, and a hole at 
 the base of the blade as well as one near the bottom at the notch, was 
 found at Deurne,* Guelderland, and is in the Leyden Museum. 
 The only remaining form of razor which has to be noticed is that of 
 which a representation is given of the actual size in Fig. 275. 
 This instrument was found at Kinleith, f near Currie, Edinburgh, and 
 has been described and commented on by Dr. John Alexander Smith. 
 The blade, besides being perforated in an artistic manner and having a 
 ring at the end of the handle, is of larger dimensions than usual with 
 instruments of this kind. The metal of which it is composed consists of 
 copper 92-97 per cent., tin 7-03 (with a trace 
 of lead). 
 It aifords the only instance of a razor of 
 this shape having been found in the British 
 Isles. The form much more nearly ap- 
 proaches one of not uncommon occurrence on 
 the Continent than any other British ex- 
 ample, and Dr. Smith has illustrated this by 
 the accompanying figure of a razor from the 
 Steinberg, near Nidau,]; on the Lake of 
 Bienne (Fig. 276). I have a razor of nearly 
 the same form from the Seine at Paris, and 
 others have been found in various parts of 
 The nearest in character to Fig. 275 is per- 
 haps one found in the hoard of Notre-Dame 
 d'0r,|[ and preserved in the museum at Poi- 
 tiers. Instead of the blade being a single 
 crescent, it consists of two penannular con- 
 centric blades with a plain midrib connecting 
 them, which has a ring at the external end. 
 An instrument with the blade formed of a single crescent was found at 
 the same time. 
 A German example is in the Museum of the Deutsche Gesellschaft, at 
 In the next chapter I shall treat of those blades which appear to 
 be weapons rather than tools. 
 * Jannsen's " Catal.," No. 209. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 84 ; vol. x. p. 441. I am indebted to the Society 
 for the use of this and the following cut. 
 J See Keller, 5ter Bericht, Taf . xvi. 
 $ See Chantre, "Age du Br.," lere partie, p. 76. 
 || Mem. de la Soc. des Ant. de V Quest, 1844, pi. ix. 10. 
 Fig. 276. Kidau.
 AMONG all uncivilised, if not indeed among all civilised nations, 
 arms of offence take a far higher rank than mere tools and 
 implements ; and on the first introduction of the use of metal 
 into any country, there is great antecedent probability that the 
 primary service to which it was applied was for the manufac- 
 ture of weapons. So far as there are means of judging, a 
 small knife or knife-dagger appears to have been among the 
 earliest objects to which bronze was applied in Britain. Possibly, 
 like the Highland dirk, the early form may have served for both 
 peaceful and warlike purposes ; but there are other and appa- 
 rently later forms made for piercing rather than for cutting, and 
 which are unmistakably weapons. The distinction which can be 
 drawn between knives, such as some of those described in the 
 last chapter, and the daggers to be described in this, is no doubt 
 to a great extent arbitrary, and mainly dependent upon size. In 
 the same way the distinction between a large dagger and a small 
 sword, such as some of those to be described in the next chapter, 
 is one for which no hard and fast rule can be laid down. 
 Nor in treating of daggers can any trustworthy chronological 
 arrangement be adopted, though it is probable, as already observed, 
 that the thin flat blades are earliest in date. The late Dr. Thurnam, 
 in the paper already frequently cited, has pointed out that of 
 bronze blades without sockets there are two distinct types. These 
 are the tanged, which he regards as perhaps the more modern, and 
 those provided with rivet-holes in the base of the blade, which 
 seem to be the most ancient. I purpose mainly to follow this 
 classification ; and, inasmuch as the tanged blades are most closely 
 connected with the smaller examples of the same character, 
 described in the last chapter, I take them first in order, though 
 possibly they are not the earliest in date.
 But for its size, the blade shown in Fig. 277 might have been regarded 
 as a knife for ordinary use. The original was found in a barrow at 
 Roundway,* Wilts, covered with a layer of black powder, probably the 
 remains of a wooden sheath and handle, the upper 
 outline of which latter is marked upon the blade. 
 It lay near the left hand of a contracted skeleton, 
 with its point towards the feet. Between the 
 bones of the left fore-arm was a bracer, f or arm- 
 guard, of chlorite slate, and part of the blade and 
 the tang of some small instrument, perhaps a 
 knife. Near the head was a barbed flint arrow- 
 A smaller blade J (5 inches), of nearly the 
 same shape and character, was found in one of 
 the barrows near "Winterslow, Wilts, as well as 
 one more tapering in form. 
 Another, from Button Courtney, Berks (6J 
 inches by If inches), is in the British Museum. 
 Another (5^ inches) was found by Mr. Fenton 
 in a barrow at Mere Down, Wilts. In this case 
 also there was a stone bracer near the left side 
 of the contracted skeleton. Another, imperfect, 
 and narrower in the tang, was found at Bryn 
 Crug,|| Carnarvon, with interments. The double- 
 looped celt (Fig. 88) was found at the same 
 Canon Green-well, F.E.S., has what appears to 
 be a tanged dagger (6 inches) from Sherburn 
 Wold, Yorkshire. 
 A blade of this character (10 inches) was found 
 by M. Cazalis de Fondouce in the cave of 
 Bounias,^| near Fonvielle (Bouches du Rhone), 
 associated with instruments of flint. 
 Smaller tanged blades, of which it is hard to 
 say whether they are knives or daggers, are not 
 uncommon in France. Two are engraved in the 
 " Materiaux." ** I have specimens from Lyons, 
 and also from Brittany. 
 Another form, which appears to be a dagger 
 rather than a knife, has the tang nearly as wide 
 as the blade, and towards its base there is a 
 single rivet-hole. A dagger of this kind was 
 found with a contracted interment in a barrow 
 near Drifneld, Yorkshire, and an engraving of it 
 Fig. 277. Roundway. J 
 * Arch., vol. xliii. p. 450, fig. l./>4, from which this cut is copied; "Wilts. Arch. 
 Mag.," vol. iii. p. 186; "Cran. Brit.," pi. 42, xxxii. p. 3. 
 t " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 381, fig. 355. 
 I Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxii. 2, 3, p. 449. 
 Hoare's "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. 44, pi. ii. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xxv. p. 246. 
 IF Chantre, " Age du Br.," Ire partie, p. 91 ; Cazalis de Fondoiice, " Alices couv. de la 
 Provence," pi. iv. 1. 
 ** Vol. xiv. p. 491.
 is given in the Archceologia* from which Fig. 278 is reproduced. It had 
 a wooden sheath as well as the wooden handle, of which a part is shown. 
 On the arm of the skeleton was a stone bracer. 
 Another, rather narrower in the tang and about 4J inches long, was 
 found, with a stone axe-hammer, and bones, in an urn within a barrow at 
 Win wick, f near Warrington, Lancashire. One (2 inches) with a rivet- 
 hole in its broad tang was found in an urn on Lancaster Moor.| 
 A dagger of nearly the same form but having two rivet-holes was 
 found by the late Eev. E. Kirwan in a barrow at Upton Pyne, Devon. 
 One, only 3 inches long, and much like Fig. 278 in form, was found in 
 an urn with burnt bones in Moot Low, || near Middleton, Derbyshire. 
 Another was found with burnt bones in a barrow at 
 Lady Low,^[ near Blore, Staffordshire. The end of 
 the handle in this instance was straight, and not hol- 
 lowed. One (5f inches) with a broad tang, through 
 which passes a single rivet, was found in the Thames.** 
 It is now in the British Museum. 
 What Sir E. C. Hoare terms a lance-head (3 inches), 
 found with amber beads in the Golden Barrow, ff 
 Upton Lovel, appears to have been a knife-dagger of 
 this character. 
 A knife, 1 inch wide, which had been fastened to its 
 haft of ox-horn by a single rivet, was found by Canon 
 Greenwell in a barrow at Eudstone, Yorkshire. Jt 
 With the same interment was an axe-hammer of stone 
 and a flint tool. A blade like Fig. 278 (3 inches), 
 Fig. 278. Driffieid. | from the sand-hills near Glenluce, Wigtonshire, 
 has been figured. 
 Daggers, or possibly spear-heads, with a broad tang, as well as the 
 moulds in which they were cast, were discovered by Dr. Schliemann on 
 the presumed site of Troy.|||| 
 The more ordinary form of instrument is that of which the blade 
 was secured to the handle by two or more rivets at its broad base. 
 These may be subdivided into knife-daggers with thin flat blades, 
 and daggers which as a rule have a thick midrib and more or less 
 ornamentation on the surface of the blade. The former variety 
 is now generally accepted as being the more ancient of the two, 
 and may probably have served as a cutting instrument for all 
 purposes, and not have been intended for a weapon. 
 Fig. 279, representing a knife-dagger from a barrow at Butterwick,^[5f 
 Yorkshire, E.E., explored by Canon Greenwell, will give a good idea of 
 * Vol. xxxiv. pi. xx. 8, p. 255. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 295, pi. xxv. 9. 
 | Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxi. p. 160. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. iv. p. 643. 
 || "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 51; Arch. Journ., vol. i. p. 247; Bateman's " Catal.," p. 4. 
 IT "Ten Years' Digg.," p. 163; " Catal.," p. 19. 
 ** Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 45. ft " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 99, pi. xi. 
 t+ "British Barrows," p. 265. "Ayr and Wigton Coll.," vol. ii. p. 12. 
 IHI " Troy and its Remains," p. 330. Ht " British Barrows," p. 186.
 the usual form, though these instruments are not unfrequently more 
 acutely pointed. This specimen was found with the body of a young 
 man, and had been encased in a wooden sheath. The haft had been of 
 ox-horn, which has perished, though leaving marks of its texture on the 
 oxidized blade. In the same grave were a flat bronze celt (Fig. 2), a bronze 
 pricker or awl (Fig. 225), a flint knife, and some jet buttons. Another 
 blade of the same character, but rather narrower in its proportions, was 
 found in a barrow at Eudstone,* Yorkshire. The handle had in this 
 instance also been of ox-horn. In the same grave were a whetstone, a 
 ring and an ornamental button of jet, and a half -nodule of pyrites and 
 a flint for striking a light. Of the shape of the handles I shall subse- 
 quently speak ; I will only here remark that at their upper part, where 
 they clasped the blade, there was usually 
 a semi-circular or horseshoe-shaped notch, 
 in some instances very wide and in others 
 but narrow. This notch is more rarely 
 somewhat V-shaped in form. 
 A blade of nearly the same form as Fig. 
 279, but with only two rivet holes, found 
 in a barrow at Blewbury,f Berks, is pre- 
 served in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. 
 Another, also with two rivets, was found 
 by the late Mr. Bateman in a barrow near 
 Minning Low,J Derbyshire. Its handle ap- 
 pears to have been of horn. Its owner, 
 wrapped in a skin, had been buried enve- 
 loped in fern-leaves, and with him was also 
 a flat bronze celt, a flat bead of jet, and 
 a flint scraper. Dr. Thurnam mentions 
 eighteen other blades, varying from 2 
 inches to 6f inches in length, as having been 
 found during the Bateman excavations, as 
 well as one 7f inches long and sharply pointed, found at Lett Low, || near 
 Warslow, Staffordshire. Of these twenty, sixteen were found with 
 unburnt bodies and four with burnt. Some of these were, however, 
 of the tanged variety, and some fluted or ribbed. At Carder Low a 
 small axe-hammer of basalt, as well as a knife-dagger of this kind, 
 with the edges worn hollow by use, had been placed with the body. 
 The same was the case in a barrow at Parcelly Hay, near Hartington, 
 At End Low, near Hartington, there was a rudely formed "spear- 
 head" of flint beside the knife-dagger, and at Thorncliff,^} on Calton 
 Moor, Staffordshire, "a neat instrument of flint." 
 In some cases, though there were holes in the blade, there were no 
 rivets ** in them, which led Mr. Bateman to think that they were attached 
 Fig. 279. Butterwick. 
 Ten Years' 
 * "British Barrows," p. 264, fig. 125 ; " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 284. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 282; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 249. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. vii. p. 217; Bateman's " Catal.," p. 15 
 Dig.," p. 34. 
 "Vest. Ant. Derb.," pp. 61, 63, 66, 68, 90, 96; "Ten Years' Dig.," pp. 21, 24, 34 
 39, 57, 91, 113, 115, 119, 148, 160, 163; "Cran. Brit.," pi. 13, xxii. 2. 
 || " Ten Years' Dig.," p. 245 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 42. 
 IT "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 119. ** Op. cit., pp. 57, 113.
 to their handles by ligatures. In a barrow in Yorkshire/'- 1 Mr. Har- 
 land found, with remains of a burnt body, a small bronze knife which 
 still had adhering to it some portions of cord partly charred, apparently 
 the remains of what had formed the attachment to the handle. Pins of 
 wood, bone, or horn were no doubt frequently used instead of metal rivets. 
 Such pins seem to have been commonly employed for securing spear- 
 heads to their shafts. " An instrument of brass, f formed like a spear- 
 head, but flat and thin," was found in a barrow on Bincombe Down, 
 Dorsetshire. "It had been fixed to a shaft by means of three wooden 
 gs, one of which remained in the perforation when found, but on 
 ing exposed to the air fell immediately into dust." In certain dagger 
 blades with four or more rivet-holes some are devoid of rivets, while 
 there are metal rivets in the others. 
 A remarkably small blade, only 1|- inches long, with two rivet-holes, 
 was found in a tumulus in Dorsetshire. J Another (4 inches) lay with 
 burnt bones, in what was regarded as a cleft and hollowed trunk of a tree, 
 in a barrow near Yatesbury, "Wilts. Another, more triangular in shape, 
 and also with two rivet-holes, was found in a barrow near Stonehenge.|| 
 Another (2 inches) of the same character was found with burnt bones, 
 a needle of wood, and a broken flint pebble, in an urn at Tomen-y-Mur,^| 
 near Festiniog, Merionethshire. 
 Of knife-daggers with three rivet-holes found in our southern counties, 
 may be mentioned one (5 inches) found with a drinking cup and a 
 perforated stone axe, accompanying an unburnt interment, in a barrow at 
 East Kennett,** Wilts. Another (4 inches), also accompanied by a stone 
 axe-hammer, was found in a barrow called Jack's Castle, ff near Stourton. 
 The body had in this instance been burnt. Another knife-dagger, also 
 with burnt bones, in a barrow at Wilsford,|| was accompanied by two flint 
 arrow-heads, some whetstones, and some instruments of stag's-horn. 
 Another, protected by a wooden scabbard, was found in a barrow at 
 What appear to have been blades of the same kind were found with 
 burnt bones in the barrows near Priddy, || || Somerset, and Ashey Down,^ 
 Isle of Wight (6 inches). The latter is tapering in form. One (7f inches) 
 which shows no rivets was found at Goiter,*** Lanarkshire. 
 An unfinished blade without rivet-holes was also found, with castings 
 of palstaves and flanged celts, at Ehosnesney,ftf near Wrexham. 
 From Derbyshire may be cited that from Carder Low,JJ+ already de- 
 scribed, and one from Brier Low. Another from Lett Low, || |j |[ Stafford- 
 shire, has already been mentioned, as have been others described by Bate- 
 man. *[f^f^f One from a barrow at Middleton **** was regarded by Pegge 
 as a spear-head. 
 * Greenwell, " Brit. Barrows," p. 360, n. 
 f M.S. Minutes of Soc. Ants., 1784, p. 51, cited in Warne's "Celtic Tumuli of 
 Dorset," pt. iii. p. 7. i Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 323. 
 $ Arch. Inst., Salisb. vol. p. 97. || Stukeley's"Stonehenge,"p.45,pl.xxxii. 
 If Areh. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 16; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. xiv. p. 241. 
 ** Arch. Inst., Salisb. vol. p. 110 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 29. 
 ft Hoare's " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 39, pi. i. ; Archeeol., vol. xliii. p. 452. 
 it "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 209. "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 185. 
 Illl Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 148, 151. HIT Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. x. p. 164. 
 *** Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 21. tft Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. vi. p. 71. 
 ttt Archaol., vol. xliii. pi. xxxiii. fig. 4. $ Ibid., fig. 3. ||j|i| Ibid., fig. 5. 
 HH1T " Ten Years' Dig.," pp. 21, 115, 119. *** Archatol., vol. ix. p. 94, pi. iii.
 From Yorkshire Mr. Bateman describes one (4 inches) with a crescent- 
 shaped mark showing the form of the handle, found with an extended 
 skeleton at Cawthorn.* Another (6 or 7 inches), from a barrow near 
 Pickering,! na d. a V-shaped notch in the handle, to which had been 
 attached a small bone pommel. One from Bishop Wilton, J belonging to 
 Mr. Mortimer, has been engraved by Dr. Thurnam. 
 The mention of this pommel suggests that it is time to consider 
 the manner in which these blades were hafted, as to which the 
 discoveries of Sir Richard Colt Hoare in the 
 Wiltshire barrows, and of Canon Greenwell 
 in those of Yorkshire, leave no doubt. The 
 hafts appear in nearly all cases to have con- 
 sisted of ox-horn, bone, or wood, sometimes 
 in a single piece with a notch for receiving 
 the blade, and sometimes formed of a pair 
 of similar pieces riveted together, one on 
 each side of the blade. The lower end of 
 the haft was often inserted in a hollow 
 pommel usually of bone. 
 The nature of the arrangement of the haft 
 when formed of two pieces will be readily 
 understood on reference to Fig. 280, in 
 which the presumed outline of the original 
 ox-horn haft is shown by dotted lines, and 
 the rivets by which the two plates of horn 
 were bound together are in the position 
 they originally occupied along the centre of 
 the haft. The outline of the upper part of 
 this handle, where it was secured by two 
 rivets to the blade, is still visible, and is 
 shown by darker shading. The pommel at 
 the lower end was attached by pins of horn 
 or of wood, and not by metal rivets. A separate view and 
 section of the pommel is shown in 
 Fig. 281. The original was found by 
 Canon Greenwell, F.R.S., with a con- 
 tracted interment in a barrow at 
 HelperthorpeJ Yorkshire, at the open- 
 ing of which I was present. As will be seen, the blade has all 
 * " Ten Years' Dig.," p. 206. t Op. oit., p. 226. J Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxiii. 6. 
 " British Barrows," p. 207. This specimen has since been presented, with the rest 
 of the Greenwell Collection, to the British Museum. 
 Q 2
 the appearance of having been much worn by use and repeated 
 Bone pommels of the same kind have been frequently met with in 
 barrows, but their purpose was not known to some of the earlier explorers. 
 One from a barrow on Brassington Moor * is described by Mr. Bateman 
 as a bone stud perforated with six holes, and was thought to have been 
 intended for being sown on to some article of dress or ornament. Another 
 was found in a barrow at Narrow-dale Hill,f near Alstonefield, and is also 
 described as a bone button. In both these instances the dagger itself 
 seems to have entirely perished. 
 In a barrow subsequently opened by Mr. Ruddock near Pickering, j the 
 butt end of a dagger handle was recognised in one of these objects. In 
 this instance the pommel was made of three pieces of bone fastened 
 together by two bronze rivets, and having two holes for the pegs by 
 which it was secured to the handle. 
 Fig. 282. Garton. Fig. 2S3.-Wilmslow. 
 Two others in solid bone from barrows at Garton and Bishop Wilton, 
 Yorkshire, have been figured by Dr. Thurnam. The former is here by 
 permission reproduced. That from the well-known Gristhorpe tumulus, || 
 near Scarborough, in which the body lay in the hollowed trunk of an 
 oak-tree, is more neatly made, being of oval outline with a projecting 
 bead round the base. It has holes for three pins. 
 Another pommel of an ornamental character was found with burnt 
 bones in an urn at Wilmslow, Cheshire, and is engraved in the Journal 
 of the British Archceological Association,^ from which Fig. 283 is here 
 reproduced. The receptacle is so small that the haft to which it was 
 attached probably consisted of but a single piece of ox-horn or wood. 
 It appears as if the mortise had been made by drilling three holes side 
 by side. 
 A very remarkable and beautiful hilt of a sword or dagger, formed of 
 amber of a rich red colour and inlaid with pins of gold, was found in a 
 barrow on Hammeldon Down,** Devonshire. By the kindness of the 
 Committee of the Plymouth Athenaeum I am enabled to give two views 
 * " Catal.," p. 1 ; "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 39. 
 t "Catal.," p. 12; "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 98. 
 t "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 226. Arch., vol. xliii. p. 441. 
 l| " Cran. Brit.," 52,4; "Reliquary," vol. vi. p. 4. 
 H Vol. xvi. pi. 25, fig. 5, p. 288. 
 ** Trans. Devon, jissoc., vol. v. p. 555, pi. ii.
 and a section of this unique object in Fig. 284. Instead of a socket or 
 mortise, there is in this instance a tenon, or projection, which entered into 
 a mortise or hole in the handle. On each side of this tenon is a small 
 mortise of the same length, and through the tenon have been drilled two 
 small holes, one from each side, for pins to attach the pommel to the 
 handle. A small part of the pommel which was broken off in old times 
 seems to have been united to the main body by a series of minute gold 
 rivets or clips, but this piece has again been severed, though the pins 
 round the margin of the fracture remain. This pommel seems dispropor- 
 tionately large for the slightly fluted blade, of which a fragment was found 
 in the same barrow. 
 Tig. 284. Hammeldon Down. 
 A small object of amber, apparently the pommel of a diminutive dagger, 
 was found in a barrow at Winterbourn Stoke,* Wilts. A small knife or 
 scraper, mounted in a handle formed of two pieces of amber, secured by 
 two rivets and bound with four strips of gold, is also preserved at Stour- 
 head.f The blade is at the side like that of a hatchet. 
 Amber was used for inlaying some of the ivory hilts of iron swords at 
 The bronze object shown full size in Fig. 285 may not improbably be 
 the pommel of the hilt of a dagger or sword. The hole through the base 
 is irregular in form, and may be accidental. It was found in the hoard 
 at Eeach Fen, Cambridge, in which were also the tip of a scabbard and 
 some fragments of swords, as well as two large double-edged knives. 
 * "Ancient Wilts," vol. i. p. 124, unpub. pi. xv. B; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 503, fig. 196. 
 t "Ancient Wilts," vol. i. p. 201, pi. xxv. 4 ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 453.
 A somewhat similar object is in the Musee de 1'Oratoire, at Nantes. 
 Another, found at Gresine,* Savoy, has been regarded as the tip for a 
 scabbard. Another was found in the department of La Manche.f 
 What appears to be the hilt of either a sword or dagger was found in 
 a hoard of bronze objects at AUhallows,J Hoo, Kent. By the kindness of 
 Mr. Humphrey Wickham I am able to engrave it as Fig. 286. It con- 
 sisted originally of a rectangular socketed ferrule with a rivet-hole 
 through it, and attached to a semicircular end like the half of a grooved 
 pulley. The socket itself extends for some distance into this semi- 
 circular part. From portions of a sword having been found with it, 
 Mr. Wickham has regarded it as a kind of pommel. It may, however^ 
 Fig. 286 AllhaUows, Hoo. 
 have been the end of a scabbard or a chape, and, if so, should have been 
 described in Chapter XIII. The knife, Fig. 261, was found in the same 
 To return, however, to undoubted examples. The most remark- 
 able of all dagger handles discovered in the British Isles are those 
 obtained by Sir R. Colt Hoare from the barrows of Wiltshire. 
 One of these, from a barrow at Brigmilston, is here reproduced in 
 Fig. 287, taken from the engraving in "Ancient Wiltshire." It is thus 
 described by the late Dr. Thurnam: "It is of the thin broad-bladed 
 variety. The handle is of wood, held together by thirty rivets of bronze, 
 and strengthened at the end by an oblong bone pommel fastened with 
 two pegs. It is decorated by dots incised in the surface of the wood, 
 forming a border of double lines and circles between the heads of the 
 rivets." He goes on to say that a similar dagger of the broad variety, 
 having exactly the same number of rivets, was found in one of the Derby- 
 shire || barrows. Two buttons of polished shale accompanied this inter- 
 ment. Another, from Garton,^[ Yorkshire, in the collection of Mr. 
 Mortimer, has thirty-seven rivets and two strips of bronze at the sides 
 of the handle, in addition to the four rivets for securing the blade. The 
 bone pommel is shown in Fig. 282. 
 * "Exp. Arch, de la Sav.," 1878, pi. xii. 357. 
 f "Mem. Soc. Ant. Norm.," 18278, pi. xix. 4, 5. 
 ^ Arch. Cant., vol. xi. p. 125, pi. c, 18. 
 \ "Ancient Wilts," vol. i. p. 185, pi. xxiii. ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 458, pi. xxxiv. 2. 
 || Bateman, " Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 68. 1i Arch., vol. xliii. p. 462, pi. xxxiv. 3.
 Another dagger, of somewhat the same character, was found at 
 Leicester, and is preserved in the museum of that town. For the sketch 
 from which Fig. 288 is engraved I am indebted to Mr. C. Bead. In 
 this instance the pommel consists of two pieces of bone riveted on either 
 side of a bronze plate, which, however, does not appear to have been 
 continuous with the blade. From the length of the rivets remaining 
 Fig. 287.-Brigmilston. 
 Fig. 288. -Leicester. 
 in the blade, the handle appears to have been somewhat thicker in the 
 middle than at the sides. 
 In the British Museum is a dagger from a barrow at Standlow, Derby- 
 shire, with a bone pommel of nearly the same character as that from 
 Perhaps the most highly ornamented dagger handle ever discovered is
 that which was found by Sir R. Colt Hoare in the Bush Barrow,* near 
 Normanton, the lower part of which, copied from the engraving in 
 "Ancient Wiltshire," is shown in Fig. 289. A drawing of the whole 
 dagger with its handle restored has been published by Dr. Thurnam.f 
 The blade is 10 inches long and slightly fluted at the sides, so that it is 
 not, strictly speaking, a knife-dagger such as those hitherto described. It 
 appears, however, best to call attention to it in this place. It lay with a 
 skeleton placed north and south, with which were some rivets and thin 
 plates of bronze, supposed to be traces of a shield. At the shoulders was a 
 flanged bronze celt, like Fig. 9. Near the right arm was the dagger and 
 " a spear-head " of bronze. These were accompanied by a nearly square 
 plate of thin gold, with a projecting flat tongue or hook, which was 
 Fig. 289. Normantoii. 
 thought to have decorated the sheath of the dagger. Over the breast lay 
 another lozenge-shaped plate of gold, 7 inches by 6 inches, the edges 
 lapped over a piece of wood. On the right side of the skeleton was a 
 stone hammer,]: some articles of bone, many small rings of the same 
 material, and another gold lozenge much smaller than that on the breast. 
 As to the handle, I may repeat Sir Richard's words : "It exceeds any- 
 thing we have yet seen, both in design and execution, and could not be 
 surpassed (if, indeed, equalled) by the most able workman of modern 
 times. By the annexed engraving you will immediately recognise the 
 British zig-zag or the modern Vandyke pattern, which was formed, with a 
 labour and exactness almost unaccountable, by thousands of gold rivets 
 smaller than the smallest pin. The head of the handle, though exhibiting 
 * "Ancient Wills," vol. i. p. 202, pi. xxvii. 2. t Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxv. 1. 
 }. " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 203, fig. 154.
 no variety of pattern, was also formed by 
 the same kind of studding. So very minute, 
 indeed, were these pins, that our labourers 
 had thrown out thousands of them with their 
 shovels and scattered them in every direction 
 before, by the necessary aid of a magnifying 
 glass, we could discover what they were, but 
 fortunately enough remained attached to the 
 wood to enable us to develop the pattern." 
 Some of the pins are shown in the figure 
 below the hilt. 
 As Dr. Thurnam has pointed out, the 
 ornamentation on a thin piece of metal (said 
 to have been gilt), which apparently de- 
 corated the hilt of a bronze dagger, found in 
 a barrow in Dorsetshire,* is of the same 
 character, though produced in a different 
 manner. This dagger is said by Douglas to 
 have been " incisted " into wood. It is uncer- 
 tain whether this refers to the hilt or to the 
 sheath ; but in several instances remains of 
 sheaths have been found upon the blades of 
 daggers, some of which have been already 
 adduced, and others will hereafter be men- 
 tioned. Sir E. Colt Hoare, in a barrow near 
 Amesbury,f found an interment of burnt 
 bones, and with it a bronze dagger which had 
 been "secured by a sheath of wood lined 
 with linen cloth." A small lance-head, a pair 
 of ivory nippers, and an ivory pin accom- 
 panied the interment. In one instance the 
 wood of the sheath was ' ' apparently willow." J 
 I am unable to guarantee the accuracy 
 of the representation of a large dagger 
 with its handle given in Fig. 290, the ori- 
 ginal having unfortunately been destroyed 
 in a fire. I have, however, copied it from Dr. 
 Thurnam's engraving, which was taken 
 from a drawing by the late Mr. S. Solly, 
 P. 8. A. || It was found in 1845, in a barrow 
 on Eoke Down, near Blandf ord, Dorsetshire, 
 and is thus described by Mr. Shipp : ^ " The 
 blade is exquisitely finished, and the handle, 
 which is ivory, as perfect and as highly 
 polished as any of more recent date. It was 
 found with two small bronze spear-heads at 
 the bottom of a cist cut in the chalk, and 
 * Douglas, " Nenia," p. 153, pi. xxxiii. fig. 3. 
 t " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 207. 
 J Op. cit., p. 194. 
 Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxiv. 1. 
 || Proc. Soc. Ant., 1st S., vol. i. p. 75. 
 H Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. ii. p. 98 ; vol. xv. p. 228. 
 Fig. 290.-Roke Down.
 covered with burnt bones and ashes ; and over it was an inverted urn 
 of the coarsest make, unburnt and unornamented." In Mr. Shipp's 
 drawing the handle expands gradually to the base like the mouth of a 
 trumpet. In a subsequent communication * Mr. Shipp describes the two 
 spear-heads as of iron. 
 Mr, Solly f says that with it was a second small blade, also of bronze, 
 which may have been a knife, and makes no mention of iron spear-heads. 
 He also says that it lay beneath a stone more than a ton in weight. 
 Mr. C. Warne, F.S.A., has informed me that the spear-heads if, indeed, 
 such they were were of bronze and not of iron. He has engraved the 
 dagger in his Plate X.,J not from the original, but from the figure in the 
 Journal of the Arch&ological Association. 
 Hilts made of bronze, though of frequent occurrence in Scandinavia, 
 the South of France, and Italy, are rarely discovered in England or Scot- 
 land. That said to have been found at Bere Hill, near Andover, cast in 
 one piece with the blade and with a raised rim round the margin, and 
 studs like rivet-heads in the middle, has been kindly submitted to me by 
 Mr. Samuel Shaw, its owner, and I believe it to be of Eastern and pro- 
 bably Chinese origin. Near Little Weiilock, however, a portion of a 
 dagger was found with part of the handle, in form like that of the sword 
 from Lincoln (Fig. 350), attached by four rivets. With it were a socketed 
 celt, some spear-heads, and whetstones. 
 A beautiful Egyptian || bronze dagger from Thebes is in the Berlin 
 Museum. It has a narrow rapier-like blade and a broad flat hilt of ivory. 
 Others of nearly the same character are in the British Museum. The 
 end of the hilt is often hollowed, like that of Fig. 277, and the attach- 
 ment to the blade is by means of three rivets. 
 In Ireland a few daggers have been found with bronze hilts 
 still attached. 
 In the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy is a fine example, which has 
 frequently been published, and which I have here reproduced as Fig. 291, 
 from the engraving given by Wilde, ^[ but on the scale of one-half. Both 
 blade and handle are " highly ornamented, both in casting and also by 
 the punch or graver." 
 A portion of a blade with a bronze hilt still attached was found near 
 Belleek, Co. Fermanagh, and has been engraved in the Proceedings of the 
 Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland.** The cut is by 
 their kindness here reproduced as Fig. 292. The handle is hollow, and 
 the blade appears to have been originally attached by four pins or rivets, 
 of which but two now remain. Possibly the other two were of horn. 
 Another Irish form of hafted dagger has also been frequently pub- 
 lished.ff It is shown in Fig. 293. Vallancey describes this specimen as 
 * Arch. Assoe. Journ., vol. ii. p. 100. f Arch., vol. xliii. p. 459. 
 I " Celtic Tumuli of Dorset," pi. ii. p. 17. 
 $ Hartshorne's " Salop. Ant.," p. 96, No. 7. 
 || Bastian und A. Voss, "Die Bronze schwerter des K. Mus.," Taf. xvi. 31 ; Wilkin- 
 son's " Ancient Egyptians," vol. i. p. 320. Another dagger with a hilt is figured at 
 p. 23. 
 IT " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 458, fig. 334 ; " Hora Ferales," pi. vii. 14. 
 ** Proc., 4th S., vol. ii. p. 196. 
 ft Vallancey, "Coll.," vol. iv. p. 61, pi. xi. 4 ; Gough's " Camden," vol. iv. pi xviii. 
 4; Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 467, fig. 354; " Horse Fer.," pi. vii. 13.
 cast in one piece, the rivets being either ornamental or intended to stop 
 against the top of the scabbard. No doubt these imitation rivets are 
 Fig. 291. Ireland. 
 Fig. 292-Belleek. 
 Fig. 293. Ireland. J 
 mere " survivals " from those of the daggers, which were thus fastened 
 to their handles before it was found that it saved trouble to cast the whole 
 in one piece. The hole in the handle, the sides of which are left rough,
 was probably filled by two slightly overlapping plates of wood or horn 
 riveted together. 
 Another* (14J inches) was thought to have the "loop-fashioned" 
 handle for suspending the weapon to a thong or the belt. I think, 
 however, that when the daggers were in use the handles were to all 
 appearance solid. In one found in Dunshaugh- 
 lin f crannoge, Co. Heath, there is a second oval 
 hole at the end of the hilt, which may have 
 been used for suspension. 
 There is a good example of this type of dagger 
 in the Blackmore Museum at Salisbury. 
 A small dagger (7-g- inches), found near Balli- 
 namore,J Co. Leitrim, has an extension of the 
 blade in the form of a thin plate with a button 
 at the bottom so as to form the body of the 
 handle. In this part are two rivet holes for the 
 attachment of the plates of wood or horn to 
 form the handle. 
 Some handles of bronze knives found in Scan- 
 dinavia and Switzerland are formed with similar 
 openings. Daggers with the blade and handle 
 cast in one piece have been found in the Italian 
 terramare. || I have a dagger of the same kind from 
 I must now return, from this digression 
 as to the hafting of daggers, to the thin 
 blades or knife-daggers of which I was 
 Of those with four rivets but few can be cited. 
 One of unusually large size is shown in Fig. 294. 
 The original was found by Sir R. C. Hoare in a 
 barrow at "Woodyates.^f It was protected by a 
 wooden scabbard. A perforated ring and two 
 buttons of jet, four barbed flint arrow-heads, and 
 a bronze pin were found with the same skeleton. 
 This blade, like many others, is described as 
 having been gilt, but this can hardly have been 
 the case. Dr. Thurnam ** has tested such bril- 
 ltes - * liantly polished surfaces for gold, but found no 
 traces of that metal. 
 A blade of this form is engraved in the " Barrow Diggers," f f but is 
 described as a stone celt split in two. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 161. 
 t Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 466, fig. 353. 
 J Wade, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 463, fig. 346. 
 "Cong, preh.," Stockholm vol., 1874, p. 521; Keller's " Lake-dweU.," Eng. ed., 
 pi. xli. 5. 
 || Strobel, "Avanzi Preromani," 1863, Tav. ii. 35; Gastaldi, " Nuovi Cemri," 1862, 
 Tav. ii. 7. 
 If " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 239, pi. xxxiv. 
 * Arch., vol. xliii. p. 455. ft P. 74, pi. ii. fig. 3.
 A nearly similar blade from Oefeli* (Lac de Bienne) is said to be of 
 In Fig. 295 is shown a blade with five rivets, from an interment at 
 Homington,f near Salisbury, which is now in the British Museum. One 
 side is still highly polished, with an almost mirror-like lustre. The mark 
 of the hilt is very distinct upon it. 
 One of more pointed form, and with a more V-shaped notch in the 
 hilt, was found with an unburnt body in a cairn at North Charlton, 
 Fig. 295. Homington. 
 Fig. 296. -Mansion. 
 Northumberland, and is in the Greenwell Collection in the British Museum. 
 The portion is broken off in which were the rivets. 
 Occasionally the surface of these thin blades is ornamented by engraved 
 or punched patterns. The decoration usually consists of converging bands 
 of parallel lines. The example given as Fig. 296 was found in a barrow 
 at Idmiston, near Salisbury, and is now preserved in the Blackmore 
 Museum. In one found in Dow Low,! Derbyshire, shown in Fig. 297, 
 there are three parallel lines on either side which meet in chevron. This 
 blade has two rivets. 
 In a barrow near Maiden Castle, Dorchester, opened by Mr. Syden- 
 ham, there lay in the midst of the ashes two bronze daggers. One 
 * Gross, " Deux Stations," pi. iv. 3. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 329; "Horae Ferales," p. 158, pi. vii. 21; Arch., vol. 
 xliii. pi. xxxiii. 1. 
 t "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 96 ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 461, fig. 161. 
 Arch., vol. xxx. p. 332, pi. xvii. 8 ; " Celtic Tumuli of Dorset," pt. iii. p. 46 
 pi. x. d, e.
 (4 inches) has two lines engraved on it, forming a chevron parallel with 
 the edges; the other (5 inches) is described as "curiously wrought, 
 chased, and gilt." This latter, to judge from Mr. Warne's engraving, 
 has a slight projecting rib along the middle of the blade, between two 
 others converging to meet it near the point. The space on each side of 
 the central rib appears to be decorated by small circular indentations. 
 One from another barrow in Dorsetshire * has a treble chevron on the 
 blade and a straight transverse groove between two ridges just above the 
 A small blade found in an urn at Wilmslow,f Cheshire, seems to have 
 a single chevron upon it. 
 A dagger from a tumulus at Hewelinghen (Pas de Calais), and now in 
 the museum at Boulogne, is of this character. It has double lines to the 
 chevron and four rivet-holes. 
 Another was found with an interment at Bame J (Hautes Alpes) in 
 company with other articles of bronze. It has six rivet-holes. A narrower 
 blade and more of the rapier shape, with four rivet-holes, was found in 
 the Marais de Donges (Loire Inferieure). 
 A dagger much like Fig. 296, but with a double row of rivets, has 
 been found at Moerigen, || in the Lac de Bienne. 
 A dagger with a pointed blade having two parallel grooves just within 
 each edge was found with other dagger blades, flat celts, flint arrow- 
 heads, &c., in the tumulus of Kerhue-Bras, Finistere.^f It has a plain 
 wooden handle, to which the blade is attached by six rivets. The character 
 of some of the other blades is peculiar. 
 A beautifully patinated dagger (7J inches) from the Seine at Paris, 
 now in my own collection, has six rivet-holes at the base, as in Fig. 296, 
 and is of nearly the same shape, though rather more sharply pointed. 
 One of the rivets which remains is inch long. The blade has upon it a 
 small low rib on either side running parallel with the edge. On the 
 inner side of the rib there is a groove, on the outer side the blade is flat. 
 The edge itself is fluted. 
 I have a small thin blade (4| inches), like Fig. 298, found in the 
 Palatinate, which has four rivet-holes at the base. There is a band of 
 five parallel lines running along each edge, and in the centre of the blade 
 a chevron with the sides slightly curved inwards formed of two similar 
 bands. The lines seem to have been punched in. The mark left by the 
 hilt is like that on Fig. 296. 
 What appear to be knife-daggers, some of them with notches 
 at the side for the reception of rivets, have been found with inter- 
 ments in Spain, and have been described by Don Gongora y 
 Martinez** as lance-heads. 
 Knife-daggers of much the same character as the English have 
 occasionally been found in Scotland. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 322. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 288, pi. 25, fig. 6. 
 % "Materiaux," vol. xiii. p. 155. 
 Rev. Arch., vol. xxxiii. p. 231. 
 || Gross, " Deux Stations," pi. iv. 4. 
 f "Materiaux," vol. xv. p. 289. 
 * "Ant. Preh. de Andalusia," pp. 97, 105.
 That shown in Fig. 298 was found in a stone cist in a cairn at Cleigh,* 
 Loch Nell, Argyleshire. Along the margin of the original handle is a 
 line of small indentations made with a pointed punch. 
 Another (4J inches) was found in a cairn at Linlathen,f Forfarshire, 
 together with a " drinking cup." Particulars of the finding of several 
 others, with interments in sepulchral cairns, have been given by 
 Fig. 297. Dow Low. 
 Mr. Joseph Anderson j in an interesting paper, to which the reader is 
 Three others, from Drumlanrick, near Callander, Perth (4 inches, 
 two rivets), Crossmichael, Kirkcudbright- 
 shire, and Callachally, Island of Mull, are 
 in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. 
 Another, apparently of the same type, was 
 found in a cairn at Collessie, || Fife, the 
 handle of which appears to have been en- Fig 299. Collessie t 
 circled by the gold fillet shown in Fig. 299. 
 The sheath seems to have been of wood covered with cow-hide, the hairs 
 on the outside. 
 In Ireland the thin flat blades are of rare occurrence. Canon 
 Greenwell, F.R.S., has one from Co. Antrim (4| inches) with 
 three rivet-holes, and with a V-shaped notch in the mark of the 
 There is a form of blade which appears to be intermediate between the 
 flat knife-daggers and those to which the name of dagger may more 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. x. pp. 84, 459. I am indebted to the Council of the Society 
 for the use of this and the following cut. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 449. % Op. cit., vol. xii. p. 439. 
 P. S. A. S., vol. xii. p. 456. || Op. cit,, vol. xii. p. 440.
 properly be applied, which are either considerably thicker at the centre 
 than towards the edges, or else have a certain number of strengthening 
 ribs running along the blade. This intermediate form has a single 
 narrow rounded rib running along the centre of the blade. That shown 
 in Fig. 300 is an example of the short and broad variety of this kind. 
 It was found in a barrow at Musdin,* Staffordshire, and has a splendid 
 Fig. 300. Musdin. 
 patina, rivalling malachite in colour. The relation of the dagger to any 
 interment is uncertain. 
 A dagger of this class, but more pointed and with two parallel lines 
 engraved on each side of the midrib, was found by Canon Greenwell, 
 F.E.8., in one of the barrows called the Three Tremblers,! Yorkshire. It 
 showed traces of both its handle and sheath. "With it was a beautifully 
 flaked large flint knife. 
 A more pointed blade, with the central rib much less pronounced, and 
 * Bateman's "Ten Years' Diggings," p. 148 ; engraved in Arch,., vol. xliii. p. 461, 
 fig. 162, from which my cut is copied, 
 t " British Barrows," p. 359 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 243.
 the notch in the hilt more distinct, was found with a skeleton in a cist 
 near Cheswick,* Northumberland, and is now in the Greenwell Collection 
 in the British Museum. It has been carefully polished. 
 Another, with a small, well-defined central midrib and two rivets, was 
 found by Canon Grreenwell in a barrow at Aldbourn, Wilts. It accom- 
 panied a burnt body. 
 Some of the Italian dagger blades are provided with similar midribs. 
 Of the English weapons just described some closely resemble in 
 character the much larger blades of which I shall subsequently have to 
 speak, and which not improbably were those of some form of halberd or 
 A much longer and narrower form, in which the central rib is partly 
 the result of two long lateral grooves along the sides of the blade, is shown 
 in Fig. 301. This was found with two others at Plymstock,f Devon, in 
 company with flanged celts, a chisel, and a tanged spear-head or dagger, 
 Fig. 327, and is now in the British Museum. 
 I have a much smaller blade, of somewhat the same character (4 
 inches), but imperfect at the base, found in a barrow near Cirencester ; 
 and one smaller still (4 inches), from a small barrow near Ablington, 
 Cirencester, Gloucestershire. This latter appears to have had two rivet- 
 A beautiful example of the form of dagger of which Sir "Richard C. 
 Hoare found numerous examples in the Wiltshire barrows is shown in 
 Fig. 302. It lay with burnt bones in a wooden cist in a barrow near 
 Winterbourn Stoke. J With it was another, which was, however, broken, 
 an ivory pin and tweezers, and two small pieces of ivory with bronze 
 rivets, which were supposed to have appertained to the tips of a bow. 
 They may more probably have formed part of the hilt of the dagger. 
 The blade is ornamented with parallel lines as usual, but it also has a 
 series of fine dotted lines. 
 Two other blades (8 and 8 inches), less highly ornamented, and one 
 of them straighter at the edges, were found with a skeleton buried in 
 the hollowed trunk of an elm-tree in the King Barrow, Winterbourn 
 Stoke. With one of these at the breast of the skeleton were traces of a 
 wooden scabbard, with indentations which were thought to have been 
 gilt. The handle is described as having been of box- wood, and rounded 
 somewhat like that of a large knife. The other dagger was at the thigh. 
 On the breast was also a bronze awl with what is said to have been an 
 ivory handle (Fig. 227). 
 Dr. Thurnam II thinks it not improbable that one of the blades 
 may have been a spear-head for use in the chase. In writing of 
 these blades he observes, " Where two are found with the same 
 interment they are not exactly of one type, but one is light and 
 thin and of greater breadth, the other strengthened by a stout 
 midrib relatively heavier and of more pointed or leaf-like form ; 
 the rivets also are larger. In such cases the former may, perhaps, 
 * Raine, " North Durham," p. 235. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 346 ; Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. iv. p. 304. For the use 
 of this cut I am indebted to Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S. 
 I " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 122, pi. xiv. Ibid., pi. xv. |! Arch., vol. xliii. p. 456. 
 be supposed to be the dagger, the latter the spear." Sir Richard 
 Hoare in some cases discriminates between the spear and the 
 dagger when two blades were found ; and Mr. Cunnington 
 observed in a barrow at Roundway,* Wilts, that a pointed blade 
 only 3 inches long with three rivets had a wooden shaft about 
 a foot in length, which, as Dr. Thurnam remarks, could not have 
 been the haft of a dagger. 
 The fact that many of these blades bore traces of having had a 
 sheath is in favour of their being daggers rather than spear-heads, 
 though it must not be forgotten that Homer t describes Achilles 
 as drawing the spear which had belonged to his father from its 
 'EK S'opo. crupiyyos Trarpwiov eoTracraT' lyxos- 
 Though Sir Richard Colt Hoare at first regarded all these blades 
 as spear-heads, he observes, about two-thirds of the way through his 
 first volume, J "daily experience convinces me that those implements 
 we supposed to be spear-heads, may more properly be denominated 
 daggers, or knives, worn by the side, or in a girdle, and not affixed 
 to long shafts like the modern lance." Further on, however, he 
 mentions a " spear-head " from a barrow near FovantJ having the 
 greater part of the wooden handle adhering to it, so that the mode 
 by which it was fastened was clearly seen. From the figure given 
 in the Archceologia, and in an unpublished plate of Hoare, this 
 seems, however, to have been a dagger rather than a spear. 
 Other blades of much the same character, found at Everley and Lake. 
 Wilts, and West Cranmore, Somerset, are figured by Dr. Thurnam. |J 
 This latter was found by my friend the .late Mr. J. W. Flower, F.G.S. 
 It is straight at the bottom of the blade, which went only inch 
 into the handle at the part where the usual semicircular notch was 
 formed. There was a single rivet on either side. The one preserved is 
 inch long. Another, from Lake,^f is given by Hoare. It was found 
 with burnt bones and was accompanied by a whetstone. 
 Others have been found in a barrow at Ablington,** near Amesbury, 
 Wilts, and at Rowcroft,tf Yattendon, Berks (7 inches). 
 A fine blade of this character (9J inches long), with three rivets, was 
 found near Leeds. The midrib ends in a square base. It is not unlike 
 the blade of a halberd. 
 A hafted blade of the same kind,}* from Bere Regis, Dorsetshire, has 
 already been mentioned ; as well as the decoration of the hilt of one of 
 the same form. One (9 inches) was found in a barrow at Came, and 
 * Wilts Arch. Mag., vol. vi. p. 164. f Iliad, lib. xix. v. 387. 
 Op. cit., p. 242. 
 |j Arch., vol. xliii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 4 ; xxxv. figs. 2, 4. 
 T " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 211, pi. xxviii. ' * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 248. 
 Tt Arch. Atsoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 334. tl Ante p 233 
 Arch Journ., vol. v. p. 322.
 exhibited to the Archaeological Institute. Mr. Warne,* however, records 
 the finding of two at that place. One seems to have the midrib dotted 
 over with small indentations. 
 That shown in Fig. 303 (which is copied from Dr. Thurnam's f engrav- 
 ing) is from Camerton, Somerset. It is remarkable as having a kind of 
 second midrib beyond the parallel grooves which border the first. As 
 usual it has but two rivets. 
 A bronze dagger (5 inches) of the Wiltshire type was found in the 
 well-known barrow at Hove,} near Brighton, in which the interment had 
 been made in an oak coffin. 
 An amber cup, a perforated 
 stone axe-hammer, and a 
 whetstone had also been de- 
 posited with the body. 
 In a blade of this class (7 
 inches), found with burnt 
 bones and chippings of flint 
 in a barrow at Teddington, 
 the midrib appears to be 
 formed of three beads. 
 Another (9 inches) formed 
 part of the Arreton Down || 
 find, of which more will here- 
 after be said. The blade 
 is ornamented with delicate 
 flutings and curves, and the 
 midrib ends in a crescented 
 hollow exactly opposite to the 
 usual notch in the handle. 
 This specimen is now in the 
 British Museum. 
 A bronze dagger (6 J inches) 
 with three rivets, of which 
 the blade has much suffered 
 from decomposition, was 
 found with a lump of iron 
 pyrites within an urn in a 
 barrow at Angrowse Mul- 
 lion.ff Cornwall. A dagger blade of nearly the same kind, but with six 
 rivets, found in a barrow at Carnoel,** Finistere, is in the museum at 
 the Hotel Cluny, Paris. 
 I have a dagger (9 inches) much like Fig. 302, only somewhat more 
 taper, found in the Seine at Paris. It has had three rivet-holes, and on 
 the blade are two bands of four lines parallel with the edge. 
 The strengthening of the blade is sometimes effected by forming it 
 with three or more projecting ribs instead of a single midrib. In 
 Fig. 304 is shown a dagger blade in my own collection, found not far 
 * " Celtic Turn." pt. i. p. 35, pi. x. E. and G. t Arch., vol. xliii. p. 453, fig. 157. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 184 ; vol. xv. p. 90; Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ix. p. 120. 
 Surrey Arch. Soc. Trans., vol. i. ; Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 30-5. 
 I! Arch., vol. xxxvi. p. 328, pi. xxv. fig. 6; "Horse Fer.," pi. vii. 18 
 H Borlase, "Nsenia Corn.," p. 236. 
 ** Lindenschmit, "Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. i. Heft xi. Taf. ii. 1. 
 R 2 
 Fig. 303. Camerton. J Fig. 304. Cambridge,
 from Cambridge. On either side of the central rib and along the outer 
 margin of the two other ribs are lines of minute punctures by way of 
 A somewhat larger blade (8f inches), from Little Cressingham,* Nor- 
 folk, has two deep furrows, one on each side of the broad central midrib, 
 and beyond these again two lateral ribs. This was secured to its hilt by 
 six rivets, three on each side. It was found with a contracted male 
 skeleton, accompanied by a necklace of amber beads and some articles 
 made of thin gold plate. 
 A dagger with a central rounded midrib, and apparently two lateral 
 ribs like those on Fig. 304, was found in a barrow near Torrington,f 
 Devon. It has three rivets, by which it was attached to a wooden handle, 
 and the blade showed traces of a wooden sheath, which like the handle 
 had perished. 
 A very small dagger or knife, with apparently a well-marked central 
 rib, found near Magherafelt,J Co. Londonderry, is shown in Fig. 305. 
 It has a haft of oak attached, which is thought to be original. Any 
 pins or rivets that may have existed are now lost, and possibly what were 
 used may have been formed of wood or horn. Some thin wedges of oak 
 appear to have been used for steadying the blade in the haft, the upper 
 part of which has somewhat suffered from fire. 
 One of the daggers from the great find at Arreton Down, Isle of 
 Wight (9 inches), has the blade strengthened by three raised ribs. It is 
 shown in Fig. 306. It was found with several tanged blades like 
 Fig. 324, some flanged celts, and other objects. In a blade (9 inches) 
 in Canon Greenwell's collection, and found at Ford, Northumberland, 
 there are two slight ribs about f inch from the edges and parallel to 
 them. There are punctures along the sides of the ribs. 
 Possibly some of these weapons may have been halberd blades, such 
 as those hereafter described. 
 Another form of dagger widens out considerably at the base, so as to 
 give the edges an ogival outline, and this form passes into what have 
 been termed rapier-like blades. As is the case with the leaf-shaped 
 blades, which will presently be described, some of these latter are so 
 long that it is hard to say whether they ought to be classed as swords or 
 as daggers. 
 The example engraved as Fig. 307 is from Scotland, and not England, 
 the original being in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. It was 
 found in 1828 upon the farm of Kilrie, near Kinghorn, Fifeshire. The 
 blade, as is usually the case, shows a central ridge upon it, but is also 
 ornamented with parallel lines engraved on either side, which is a feature 
 of far less common occurrence. 
 A plain blade of the same character (7 inches), but narrower in its 
 proportions, was found at Bracklesham, || Sussex. It has as usual two 
 rivets only. 
 I have another (7i inches), showing four facets on the blade, from 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 456 ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 454, fig. 158. 
 t Trans. Devon. Astoc., vol. vii. p. 104. 
 J Journ. Royal Hist, and Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 2nd S., vol. i. p. 286, whence this 
 cut has been kindly lent. 
 Arch., vol. xxxvi. p. 328, pi. xxv. 5, from which the cut is copied. 
 || Dixon's " Geol. of Sussex," p. 12; Arch. Journ., vol. viii. p. 112; Suss. Arch. 
 Coll., vol. ii. p 260.
 Soham Fen ; the two rivet-holes cut through the margin of the base, as in 
 Fig. 304. 
 I have seen others from the Cambridge Fens. 
 Another (13 inches) with four rivets, and more nearly approaching 
 the rapier form, was found in the Thames at Ditton,* Surrey, and was 
 presented to the British Museum by the Earl of Lovelace. Another of the 
 Fig. 307. Kinghorn. i 
 same character (7 inches) was found in the Thames near Maidenhead,! 
 and another (8 inches) at Battersea.J 
 One (9f inches) with two rivets, and the base forming half a hexagon, 
 was found at New Bilton, near Eugby. I have another of nearly the 
 same form (7| inches) from Waterbeach Fen, Cambridge. 
 Fig. in Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 364. 
 A. A. J., vol. xiv. p. 329. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. p. 311. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 50.
 In some the blade is ornamented by ribs cast in relief and by engrav- 
 ing. A good example of the kind from the collection of Mr. Robert Day, 
 F.S.A., is shown in Fig. 308. It was found in the old castle of Colloony,* 
 Co. Sligo. One of much the same form as the Wiltshire dagger (Fig. 302), 
 found in the Thames,! near Richmond (7^- inches), has at the base a 
 vandyke border and hatched diagonal bands. The blade is slightly ridged 
 but not otherwise ornamented. It is now in the British Museum. One 
 (5 inches), ornamented at the base in a similar manner, but with a short 
 Fig. 309. Ireland. 
 broad tang and one rivet-hole, was found on Helsington Peat Moss,J 
 A blade (7 inches) also ornamented at the base with a vandyke pattern 
 was found at Pitkaithly, Perthshire, and is now in the museum at 
 Many blades of daggers from Germany are ornamented. One of the 
 most beautiful that I have seen is that in the museum at Laibach, 
 Carniola. Another (11^ inches), with the hilt complete, and the blade 
 and pommel-plate beautifully ornamented, was found near Vienna. Von 
 Sacken points out that from the shortness of the hilt it is probable that 
 these daggers were held in the same manner as among the Peruvians of 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 268. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 79; " Horse Feralea," pi. vii. 19. 
 I Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 370. 
 $ Von^Sacken, "Die Funden an der Langen Wand bei Wiener Neustadt," 1865, p. 6.
 the present day, with the two first fingers not round the hilt, but stretched 
 along the blade. 
 In the museum of the Royal Irish Academy* is a broad dagger blade 
 6| inches long, and engraved with a kind of vandyke pattern at the base. 
 The ornamented portion is shown full size in Fig. 309, kindly lent me by 
 the Academy. It is rather remarkable that the ornaments should extend 
 to so near the base, as they must have been intended to be free of the 
 hilt, in which, in consequence, it would appear that only a small part of 
 the blade can have been inserted. The sides of the socket in the hilt may, 
 however, have extended some 
 distance up the sloping part 
 of the base of the blade. 
 An ornamented blade of 
 more elongated form (16^ 
 inches) is engraved on the 
 scale of one-fourth in Fig. 310. 
 It was found at Kilrea, Co. 
 Sligo, and is in the collection 
 of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. 
 There is a vandyke pattern 
 near the base, which is not 
 shown in the cut. 
 I have a plain blade (14 
 inches) with merely a central 
 ridge, and with two rivet- 
 holes, which is also from Ire- 
 land, and of much the same 
 In a small English blade 
 (5 inches) of the same charac- 
 ter there are no rivet-holes at 
 the base. 
 A blade from the Thames f 
 of an ordinary rapier shape is 
 shown on the scale of one- 
 fourth in Fig. 31 1. It is pro- 
 vided with two rivets, and 
 there are notches at the side 
 Fig. 311. 
 Thames. J 
 of the base as if to allow of 
 two others being passed 
 through the hilt to steady 
 the blade. 
 A blade of the same form 
 (10 inches), but with only two rivet-holes at the base, was found at the 
 foot of "the Castle Tump," Newchurch,J Radnorshire. 
 Rapier-shaped blades from 8 inches to 12 inches long, found at 
 Auchtennuchty, Fife; at Fairholm, Dumfries-shire; and near Ardoch, 
 Perthshire, are preserved in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. 
 Fig. 312 represents a small blade of this character dredged up from the 
 Kennet and Avon Canal, between Theale and Thatcham, Berks, and 
 * Wilde, " Catal.," p. 465, fig. 347. t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 403, fig. 6, 
 I Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. vi. p. 19.
 given me by Mr. W. Whitaker, F.G.S. The two little notches at the 
 side of the base are peculiar. 
 A number of blades of this character, but without these small notches, 
 have been found in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Mr. Fisher, of Ely, has 
 four, varying in length from 8 inches to 9 inches, about 2 inches wide at 
 the base and 1 inch in the middle of the blade. They all have two rivet- 
 holes, in some of which are rivets inch long. 
 Two blades found at South Kyme,* Lincolnshire, seem to have been of 
 this character. Another (13 inches) was found at Corbridge,f Northum- 
 berland, in company with a leaf-shaped spear-head. One from Burwell 
 Fen, in my own collection, has three rivet-holes, in which are still two of 
 the rivets, of which one is formed from a nearly square piece of metal. 
 A long blade of this kind (16 inches), but with the blade tapering more 
 gradually from a rounded base, was dredged from the Thames J near 
 Vauxhall. Other rapier-shaped blades (18| inches and 14/0 inches) have 
 been found in the Thames near Kingston. 
 The base of these blades appears sometimes to be disproportionately 
 broad with regard to the blades themselves. ATI example from Coveney, 
 near Downham Hithe, Cambridgeshire, is in the collection of Mr. Fisher, 
 of Ely, and is shown in Fig. 313. This widening was no doubt intended 
 to aid in steadying the blade in its hilt. 
 I have a dagger of the same form (8 inches), but with a more tapering 
 blade, found in Waterbeach Fen, Cambridge. Another (11 inches), 
 from Harlech, Merionethsliire, is even narrower in the blade than the 
 Coveney example, but it has lost its edges by corrosion. 
 Some blades, from 12 inches to 15 inches long, and rapier-like in 
 character, from Maentwrog in the same county, are engraved in the ArcJueo- 
 logia,\ and are now in the British Museum. The rivet arrangements vary. 
 A spear-head, with loops attached to the blade, was found with them. 
 One of them has notches at the sides of the base, as in Fig. 311. 
 One 14 J inches long, and of much the same outline, but flat in the 
 centre instead of ridged, was found at Fisherton,^f near Salisbury, and is 
 in the Blackmore Museum. Another of the same character, but broad 
 in the blade (16 inches), was found in the Thames.** 
 Canon Greenwell has two rapier-like blades from the Thames, 17 
 inches and 15f inches long, from Sandford. With the latter was found 
 a leaf -shaped blade (19 inches) with two rivet-holes in the base. 
 Such blades are almost long enough to be regarded as swords. 
 A weapon of this form(16 inches), with the blade reduced in thickness 
 towards the edges, and with two large rivets, one of them still in situ, 
 was found in the Thames, and is now in the British Museum. Another in 
 the same collection (12$ inches), from the Thames at Kingston, is much 
 narrower at the base. 
 A blade of this character from Blair Drummond Moss was exhibited 
 in the museum at Edinburgh, and is preserved at Blair Drummond 
 The type occurs in France. One found at Auxonne,ff Haute Saone, is 
 in the St. Germain Museum. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 73. t Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 363. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 60. Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 83. 
 || Vol. xvi. p. 365, pi. Ixx. % Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 ** Op. cit., p. 158. tt Chantre, " Alb.," pi. xri. 2.
 Another, rather shorter and broader, with two rivets and two notches 
 in the sides of the base, was found in the bay of Penhouet* (Loire 
 I have examples from 
 the Seine at Paris, and 
 also from the neighbour- 
 hood of Amiens. 
 In some cases the rivet- 
 holes cut through the mar- 
 gin of the metal as in Fig. 
 Blades appear some- 
 times to have been cast 
 with deep rounded notches 
 in the base to receive the 
 rivets instead of having 
 holes drilled or cast in 
 them. That shown in Fig. 
 314 is of this character, 
 and was found in the 
 Thames at London. It 
 was given to me by Mr. 
 C. Eoach Smith, F.S.A. 
 Others of the same charac- 
 ter have also been found 
 in the Thames. One of 
 these (16f inches), of 
 nearly the same type but 
 more rounded at the lower 
 part of the wings, is in the 
 British Museum. 
 Canon Greenwell has a 
 blade of this type (8f 
 inches), found near Meth- 
 wold, Norfolk. 
 A specimen of this form 
 (11 inches) from Edington 
 Burtle, Somerset, is in the 
 Museum at Taunton. 
 A blade from Inchigec- 
 la,f Co. Cork, figured in 
 the Archteological Journal, 
 seems to be notched in a 
 similar manner. Another 
 of different form, but ap- 
 parently notched after the 
 same fashion, is engraved 
 by Vallancey.J 
 Fig. 313. Coveney. 
 Some of the rapier-shaped blades, and especiaUy those of larger size 
 such as seem intermediate between swords and daggers, are ornamented 
 * Rev. Arch., vol. xxxiii. p. 231. f Vol x p 73 
 J " Collect.," vol. iv. pi. xi. 9.
 as well as strengthened by a projecting midrib, while their weight is 
 diminished by flirtings along either side. A beautiful example of 
 this kind, found at the bottom of an old canoe, between the peat and 
 clay, near Chatteris, Cambs, is shown one-quarter size in Fig. 315. 
 I have another (14 inches) with the midrib not quite so prominent, and 
 with the rivet-holes cutting the margin of the base, found at Aston 
 Ingham, Herefordshire. A portion of another was found near Water- 
 beach,* Cambs. 
 A broader blade of the same character (12f inches), with two very large 
 rivets, was found in the Thames at Kingston, and is now in the British 
 Museum. A narrower blade (12 inches) with the rivet-holes cutting 
 through the base, was found at Csesar's Camp, Farnham, Surrey, and is 
 in the same collection. 
 A long blade of this character from the Thames (21 inches long and 
 2| inches wide at the base), with central ridge and slight flutings at the 
 edges, may more properly be regarded as a sword. It is in the British 
 Six blades, all of the rapier character, but varying in details, and from 
 12 inches to 22 inches in length, were found at Talaton, Devonshire.! 
 Some moulds of stone for blades of the same kind were found at Hennock 
 in the same county, and will subsequently be described. Another 
 blade (17 inches) was found at Winkleigh,]; near Crediton, Devon. 
 A blade of the same character from Ireland is given by Vallancey. 
 A fine specimen from the same country (18 inches) is in the British 
 Museum. || What appears to be a part of a blade ^[ of the same kind has 
 been regarded as a kind of " steel" for sharpening other blades. 
 A rapier-shaped blade (21 inches) with two rivet-holes was found, with 
 socketed celts and a palstave, at Mawgan,** Cornwall. 
 Blades of this character are also found in France. Two from the 
 departments of Aisne and Somme,tf have been figured. One (20 inches 
 long) is in the Museum at Nantes. 
 A rapier blade from the Chaussee Brunehault, and now in the Boulogne 
 Museum, is almost like a trefoil in outline at the hilt end. 
 A still longer blade of this character, which perhaps ought with greater 
 propriety to have been classed among swords, is shown in Fig. 3 1 6 on 
 the scale of one-fourth. It has unfortunately lost its point, but is still 
 17f inches long. It would appear to have been originally about 20 
 inches long, as shown in the figure. The blade in this case has three 
 projecting ribs between which and again towards the edges it is fluted. 
 It was found in the Eiver Ouse, near Thetford. The imperfect rivet- 
 holes at the base appear to have been cast in the blade, and the means 
 of steadying it in its hilt must have been but inadequate. Such weapons, 
 however, can only have been intended for stabbing, and not for striking. 
 Another blade of similar form, but with perfect rivet-holes, was 
 found in the fine earthwork of Badbury, Dorsetshire, and is in the 
 collection of Mr. Durden, of Blandford. It is 23^- inches long and 2-^- 
 inches wide at the base above the rivet-holes. 
 Blades of this kind are occasionally found in Ireland. In the British 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 193. t Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 110. | Op. cit., p. 
 " Collect.," vol. iv. pi. xi. 10 ; Gough's " Camden," vol. iv. pi. xviii. 10. 
 || " Horse Ferales," pi. vii. 23. IT Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 186. 
 ** Arch., vol. xvii. p. 337. tt -#<* Arch, de la Gaule. 
 Museum is one (9 inches) with deep notches for the rivets, found in 
 Kathkennan Bog, Co. Tipperary. 
 Nearly all the rapier-shaped blades which have still to be noticed may 
 be regarded as probably those of swords rather than of daggers. That 
 Fig. 315. Chatteris. J 
 Fig. 316. Thetford. 
 Fig. 317. Londonderry. 
 shown in Fig. 317 is in my own collection, and was found near London- 
 derry. The method of attachment to the hilt by two rivets fitting into 
 notches at the sides of the base of the blade is the same as in some of the 
 shorter weapons already mentioned. 
 Another (19 inches), found at Killeshandra,* Co. Cavan, has similar 
 * Wilde, "Catal.," p. 448, fig. 326.
 notches at the sides, but the base is somewhat differently shaped. Many 
 of these rapier-shaped blades have been found in Ireland, and 
 Canon Green well has one (27 inches) which was bought in 
 Scotland, and probably found in that country. 
 A blade (14 inches) found in the Loire, and now in the Nantes 
 Museum, has side notches of nearly the same character as those 
 in Fig. 317. 
 The finest example of the rapier kind ever found in Ireland 
 is that shown in Fig. 318, which by the kindness of the Eoyal 
 Irish Academy I here reproduce from Sir W. Wilde's Cata- 
 logue. It is no less than 30^ inches long, and is only f inch 
 in width at the centre of the blade, which has a strong midrib. 
 It was found in a bog at Lissane, Co. Derry. I have a blade, 
 found at Noailles, near Beauvais, Oise, France, identical in 
 form and character, but only 23^ inches long. Were it not 
 that the rivets are wanting, Fig. 318 might have been taken 
 from the French instead of the Irish specimen. 
 Another narrow blade, with a heavy rounded midrib (22 1 
 inches long and If inch broad at the base), was found in a bog 
 at Galbally, Co. Tyrone, and had at the time of its discovery 
 the original hilt attached. There also appear to have been 
 some remains of a scabbard, but this is uncertain. The hilt 
 has been engraved in the Proceedings of the Royal Historical and 
 Archteological Society of Ireland,* and is here by their kindness 
 reproduced as Fig. 319. 
 Mr. Wakeman, of Enniskillen, in his interesting ac- 
 count of the discovery, describes the material of which 
 the hilt is formed as bone, or rather whalebone. Both 
 blade and haft are, however, now in my own collection, 
 and I think there can be no doubt that the material of 
 the hilt is in reality a dark-coloured ox-horn. On some 
 Danish blades I have seen the fibrous texture of this 
 substance still shown by the oxide or salt of the metal, 
 forming as it were a cast of its surface, which has out- 
 lasted the horn against which it was originally formed. 
 There are no traces of the rivets in the Galbally hilt, so 
 that probably pins of hard wood served to secure it to 
 the blade. 
 Some Scandinavian daggers have been found with 
 their handles of horn still attached. One from a barrow 
 in Hasslof,t South Halland, Sweden, had its leather 
 sheath with a long rectangular end of bronze still pre- 
 served. The length of the sheath is about twice that 
 of the blade of ^ e dagger. 
 * 4th Series, vol. ii. p. 197. 
 t "Hallands Fornminnes-Forenings Aarskr.," 1869, p. 89.
 The bronze hilts for the long rapier-like blades are rare, but not 
 One of these blades, found in the Co. Tipperaiy,* has its hilt still 
 Fig. 319.-Galbally. 
 attached by metal rivets, as shown in Fig. 320. The hilt is hollow and is 
 * Wilde, " Catal.," p. 458, fig. 333, from which the fig. in the text is copied on a 
 e, aa., p. 458, g. 333, rom whi 
 somewhat larger scale; " Horse Ferales," pi. vii.
 now open at the end, though probably, as Wilde suggests, originally closed 
 by a bone stud. 
 The hilt of a sword in the museum at Tours is joined to the blade in 
 much the same fashion, but has a mere indentation instead of the central 
 semicircular notch. The body of the hilt is engraved with bands of 
 triangles and circles. 
 A rapier-shaped blade, with a bronze hilt 
 of nearly the same form, but with six rivets, 
 is in the museum at Narbonne.* Another 
 nearly similar was found at Cheylounet,f 
 Haute Loire. 
 Some Egyptian bronze daggers have the 
 hilts formed in the same style. 
 In another form, the blade of which is 
 more leaf-shaped, like the ordinary bronze 
 sword, the means of attachment to the haft 
 are merely slight notches at the sides. That 
 shown in Fig. 321 is only 11 inches long, but 
 the edge has been removed for about 1 inch 
 from the base, showing the portion which 
 presumably was inserted in the hilt. The 
 original was found near Ely, and is in the 
 collection of Mr. M. Fisher, of that town. 
 I have a small specimen of the same kind 
 (6J inches) from Fordham, Cambs. 
 A more leaf -shaped blade (14 inches), with 
 rivet notches at the side of the base, was 
 found, with leaf-shaped spear-heads, at 
 Worth,^: Washfield, Devon. Possibly this, 
 as suggested by Mr. Tucker, F.S.A., was 
 originally a sword from which the hilt was 
 A blade more like Fig. 321 (15 inches 
 long and 1 inch broad) was found in the Mardyke, near Grays Thur- 
 rock, Essex. Some of the weapons of this kind, like one from the 
 Thames at Kingston (11^ inches), appear to have been made from broken 
 sword or rapier- like blades. 
 A long-tanged form, of which it is sometimes difficult to say whether it 
 is a sword, a knife, or a dagger, is of not unfrequent occurrence in 
 Ireland. That shown in Fig. 322 is in my own collection. 
 I have another found near Armagh (8^- inches), which is rather broader 
 in its proportions. It has a diagonal row of circular indentations across 
 each side of the blade just above the shoulders. Not improbably these 
 and other specimens originally existed in a somewhat different form, but 
 having been injured at their base were refitted with a tang for attach- 
 ment to the haft instead of being secured by rivets at the sides like those 
 last mentioned. 
 Some Danish daggers are provided with merely a slight tang like that 
 of a modern chisel. 
 Fig. 320. Tifperary. 
 * " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 1. f " Materiaux," vol. x. p. 370. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 120. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 191 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 406.
 Another form of blade is more of the nature of a bayonet than of a 
 Fig. 321. Ely. * Fig. 322. North of Ireland, 
 Fig. 323.-Raphoe. i 
 rapier, yet this would appear to be the proper place in which to notice it.
 The example shown in Fig. 323 is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, 
 F.K.S., and was found at Eaphoe, Co. Donegal. 
 The section of the blade is nearly square, and the faces are ornamented 
 with parallel engraved lines. It ends in a tang with a single hole 
 through it, and with it was found a ferrule of bronze for receiving the end 
 of the handle. 
 In the Eoyal Irish Academy Museum is another blade of the same 
 character, 33 inches long and nearly square in section, but having the 
 faces fluted. With it was a ferrule, 3f inches long, having four ribs at 
 the base, with hollows between. It has one rivet-hole through it. This 
 specimen was found in a bog near Glenarm, Co. Antrim. 
 From the ferrules and general form of the blades it is probable that 
 they were lance or pike heads rather than of the nature of swords or 
 daggers. The " javelin with loop " found in Monaghan, and engraved 
 in the Archaological Journal * seems to be somewhat of the same nature. 
 It may possibly be the case that some of the other blades 
 described in this chapter have served as the points of spear-like 
 weapons, though, from the hilts being discovered with so many 
 of them, there can be no doubt that the majority must be regarded 
 as having been the blades of daggers or rapiers. Among modern 
 weapons we have, however, some which, like the sword-bayonet, 
 are intended to serve a double purpose ; and though there can 
 be little doubt as to the true character of the knife-daggers, it is 
 hardly safe to assert that all the dagger-like blades were without 
 exception mounted with short hilts as poniards, and that none were 
 provided with straight shafts as pikes, or placed transversely on 
 a handle to serve as halberds or battle-axes. 
 The weapons described in this chapter probably range over the 
 whole of the Bronze Period of Britain. The knife-daggers, which 
 have almost exclusively been found in barrows, often associated 
 with other weapons formed of stone, may be regarded as among 
 the earliest of our bronze antiquities ; while the rapier-shaped 
 blades, though of rare occurrence in hoards, appear to belong to a 
 period when socketed celts were already in use. Of the dagger-like 
 blades, in whatever manner they were mounted, a considerable 
 number belong to an early period. The analogies of the different 
 forms with those found upon the Continent have already from time 
 to time been noted in the preceding pages. 
 * Vol. iii. p. 47.
 BEFORE passing to the leaf-shaped swords, which would seera 
 naturally to follow in order after the blades last described, it will 
 be well to notice two sets of weapons which, though in many 
 respects identical with daggers, may in the one case have served 
 as spear-heads, and in the other most probably as the blades of 
 battle-axes or halberds. To the first of these two classes the term 
 " Arreton Down type " has been conventionally applied, as it was 
 in the hoard found at that place that the largest proportion of such 
 weapons occurred; and, indeed, until that discovery the type appears 
 to have been unknown. 
 The tanged blades are still rare, but have now been found in 
 several other places besides the Isle of Wight. The centre of the 
 blade is usually thick and strong, showing a central ridge and 
 having the sides more or less decorated with flutings or lines 
 where the metal is reduced in thickness. The tang, unlike that 
 of the daggers described at the beginning of the last chapter, is 
 long and narrow, and tapers away from the blade. At its end is a 
 hole for a rivet or pin. In one instance a ferrule was found upon 
 the blade, as will be seen in Fig. 324. This figure is copied from 
 that in the Archceologia* which is taken from a drawing made in 
 1737 by Sir Charles Frederick. Upon the ferrule are a number 
 of raised bosses in imitation of rivets, but there seems to be no 
 rivet-hole in the ferrule itself, though there is one in the end of 
 the tang of the blade with the rivet still in it. 
 Accounts of the discovery of this and other weapons at Arreton 
 Down, near Newport, in the Isle of Wight, were communicated to 
 the Society of Antiquaries in the years 1735 and 1737, and the 
 latter has been printed by Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S.f At least 
 * Vol. xxxvi. pi. xxv. 2. f Arch., vol. xxxvi. p. 326.
 sixteen articles were found in a marl-pit, and they are said to 
 have been arranged in a regular order. Of these, nine were of this 
 tanged type, but varying in details. One (Fig. 328) was provided 
 with a socket ; two were dagger 
 blades, already mentioned (one of 
 which is given in Fig. 306), and 
 four were flanged celts, like Fig. 8, 
 but varying in size. Six specimens 
 from this hoard are now in the 
 British Museum. Mr. Franks, in the 
 paper already mentioned, regards 
 these tanged weapons as spear- 
 heads, and is I think right in so 
 doing ; the blades, however, present 
 such close analogies with the daggers 
 from the Wiltshire barrows, and the 
 socketed variety (Fig. 328) is so 
 dagger-like in character, that it is 
 hard to speak with any degree of 
 confidence upon this point. 
 In 1855 Mr. Franks observed 
 that the type was quite new to him, 
 but since that time several other 
 specimens have been found besides 
 those from Arreton Down. One of 
 these, discovered in the River Lea 
 at Stratford-le-Bow, Essex, is now 
 in the British Museum, and is shown 
 in Fig. 325. As will be seen, it 
 has a rounded midrib, with several 
 parallel grooves on each side of it 
 engraved or punched on the blade. 
 Tig. 324. Arreton 
 Down. J 
 Fig. 325. Stratford- 
 le-Bow. i 
 Some of the weapons from* Arreton 
 Down are of nearly the same descrip- 
 tion, but the midrib is more ridged, 
 and is ornamented with rows of engraved or punched dots. One has 
 a double crescent-shaped line of dots punched in at the base of the blade. 
 I have a blade (10 inches) of the same form and character, but without 
 any engraved dots upon it, from Burwell Fen, Cambridge. The parallel 
 flutings on the blade appear to have been produced in the casting, and 
 not by engraving or punching. The hole in the tang was also made in 
 * Arch., vol. xxxvi. pi. xxv. 1 ; "Horae Ferales'," pi. vi. 24.
 the casting, being irregular in form. It is nowhere less than inch 
 in diameter. Another weapon (7 inches) of the same character, but 
 apparently without any fluting, was found near Newbury,* Berks. 
 Such blades are of extremely rare occurrence in Ireland, but 
 one (9 inches) closely resembling Fig. 325 was found in the county 
 of West Meath, and is now 
 in the collection of Mr. Robert 
 Day, F.S.A. : of Cork. 
 A slightly different variety of 
 blade is shown in Fig. 326. It 
 is ridged along the centre, and 
 has a groove on each side run- 
 ning parallel to the edge, such 
 as would afford facility for 
 sharpening the edge by ham- 
 mering it out. The end of the 
 tang has been broken off at the 
 hole. This specimen is said to 
 have been found near Matlock, 
 Derbyshire, and is in my own 
 One with much broader and 
 deeper grooves on each side of 
 the midrib (10 inches), found 
 in Swaffham Fen, is in the 
 Museum of the Cambridge An- 
 tiquarian Society. 
 A nearly similar blade, but 
 with four slight channels on 
 either side instead of one, is in 
 the museum at Copenhagen, 
 and is said to have been found 
 in Italy, f 
 Another of these blades, but 
 without any lateral flutings, 
 and in character similar to Fig. 
 324, was found near Preston, J 
 in the parish of Plymstock, 
 Devon, and is shown in Fig. 
 327. It is now in the British 
 Museum. In this instance, as 
 at Arreton Down, the accom- 
 panying articles were flanged Kg. 326. Matlock. 
 celts like Fig. 9, of which there 
 were sixteen, and three dagger blades (see Fig. 301). There was also a 
 narrow chisel (Fig. 190). 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 322, pi. 26, No. 1. 
 t " Cong, preh.," Copenhagen vol., p. 483. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 349. For the use of this cut I am indebted to Mr. 
 A. W. Franks, F.R.S. 
 S 2
 Two specimens from Suffolk (8 inches and 10^ inches), one of them 
 from Hintlesham,* formed part of the collection of the late Mr. Whin- 
 copp, and are now in the British Museum. 
 One of the Arreton Down f specimens, without a ferrule, is also much of 
 this type. 
 In the Arreton Down hoard there was a single example of a 
 weapon of this kind which was provided with 
 a socket for the insertion of a handle or shaft, 
 instead of having a tang. Fig. 328 is copied 
 from the engraving published in the Archceo- 
 logia.+ As will be observed, the socket part is 
 made to abut on the blade, much after the man- 
 ner of a dagger handle, and has cast upon it 
 two bosses in imitation of the heads of rivets 
 for securing the blade. A weapon (8j inches), 
 which there can hardly be a doubt is the original 
 from which Sir Charles Frederick made his draw- 
 ing for the Society of Antiquaries, is now in 
 Canon Greenwell's collection, and I know of no 
 other example. It differs from the socketed 
 knives in the character of the blade, which is 
 thicker and more highly ornamented, like some 
 of the daggers from the Wiltshire barrows. Whe- 
 ther it was itself intended to be a dagger, or 
 whether it was the head of a spear or lance, I 
 will not attempt to determine. 
 What has somewhat the appearance of being a 
 weapon of the same character was found in a moss 
 near Campbeltown, Argyleshire, together with a 
 bronze sword. It may, however, as already suggested, 
 be merely a socketed knife. 
 A very beautiful weapon of this kind is in the mu- 
 seum at Lausanne. The blade is ornamented some- 
 what in the same manner as that of Fig. 328. The 
 socket is shorter and ornamented with parallel rings 
 and bands of triangles, alternately hatched and plain. 
 There appear to be six rivets, and what may be 
 termed the hilt has a deep half-oval notch in it, like that which is com- 
 mon on swords and daggers. The margin of this notch is decorated with 
 punctured dots. It was, I believe, found near Sion, Valais, with por- 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 349. 
 t Arch., xxxvi. pi. xxv. 3 ; "Horae Ferales," pi. vi. 25. 
 j Vol. xxxvi. p. 328, pi. xxv. 3. 
 Wilson's Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 390 ; Catal. Mus. Arch. Inst., Edinb., p. 23. 
 Fig. 328. Arreton 
 Down, i
 tions of what may have been the ornaments of a sheath, and also with 
 a long narrow celt, flanged at the upper part. The general resemblance 
 between the Swiss and the English specimens is very remarkable. 
 An Egyptian * blade, with the side edges slightly curved inwards, and 
 with the socket rather shorter than in Fig. 328, is in the museum at 
 Boulaq. It is attached to the socket by three rivets. 
 Fig. 329. Arup. 
 The second series of blades of which it is proposed to treat in 
 this chapter are usually from six to sixteen inches long, rather 
 broad at the base, and not unfrequently curved longitudinally. This 
 * " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. xix. 11.
 latter circumstance, as well as their shape and weight, proves that 
 some of these broad blades were not intended for use as daggers ; 
 and this being admitted, it seems to follow that others, which 
 resemble the curved blades in all respects except their curvature, 
 must be regarded as belonging to the same class of weapons. 
 What these weapons were may I think be best shown by some 
 examples from Scandinavia and Northern Germany, which also 
 show the manner in which similar blades were attached to their 
 shafts so as to form a kind of halberd or battle-axe. 
 That which I have selected by way of illustration is one that is engraved 
 in Dr. Oscar Montelius' " Sveriges Forntid," * who has kindly lent me the 
 block of Fig. 329. In this instance the scale adopted is one-third linear 
 measure. In A is given a view of the upper end, seen from above, and 
 in B a view from behind the blade, showing the great projection of the 
 Fig. 330. China. J 
 rivet-like knobs. The handle as well as the blade is in bronze. This 
 specimen was found at Arup, in Scania. Another is engraved in Lisch's 
 " Frederico-Francisceum." f It was found, with two others, at Blen- 
 gow, near Buckow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, and is regarded by Lisch as 
 a kind of battle-axe, or possibly as a "commander's staff" or baton of 
 honour. Good examples of the same kind are in the museums at Malmoe 
 and Kiel, and others have been described by Klemm.J Two have been 
 found near Neu Euppin. Others are in the Schwerin Museum. 
 Another, with a separate socket, having three rivet-like bosses upon it, 
 is in the Berlin Museum. There can be little doubt that this last-men- 
 tioned weapon is a representative of an earlier form, when the shaft was 
 merely of wood and the transverse blade was secured in it by means of 
 * Fig. 131. f Taf. vii. 1 ; xxxiii. 1 ; " Horae Ferales," pi. x. 2, 
 I " Handb. der Germ. Alterth.," p. 208. See also Preusker, " Blicke," Taf. iii. 44 f. ; 
 Klomm, " Allg. Culturwiss," p. 112. 
 Bastian und A. Voss, "Die Bronze Schwerter des K. Mus.," Taf. vi. 6.
 three rivets. An intermediate form, in which the blade fits into a kind of 
 open-work bronze socket for receiving a shaft, is preserved in the Berlin 
 An instance of the use of an analogous form of weapon in another part 
 of the world is aiforded by some bronze blades from China, of which one 
 is represented in Fig. 330. For the loan of the original of this figure 
 I am indebted to Mr. A. W. Franks, F.E.S. As will be readily seen, 
 the blade is adapted for being attached at nearly a right angle to a 
 shaft, into which the flat tang behind the stop-ridge would be inserted, 
 and the blade would then be secured in its position by laces or straps 
 passing through the slots at the base of the blade. The antiquity of 
 such weapons in China it is hard to ascertain, but they probably date back 
 to a period many centuries remote from the present day. 
 Several of them are engraved in a Chinese work on antiquities, "The 
 Golden Study," to which Mr. H. N. Moseley, F.E.S., has kindly called 
 my attention. What appear to be bronze spear-heads and swords are 
 figured in the same work. 
 A bronze weapon of the same kind, but with a socket, which, like 
 the blade, is highly ornamented, was found on the Yenissei,f in Siberia. 
 There is the figure of a kind of antelope projecting from the socket oppo- 
 site the blade. Another, from Viatka, in Russia, has the head of an 
 animal in the same position. 
 An iron weapon with a socket at right angles to the blade, from the 
 Iiiwa,| Perm, appears to be a halberd of much the same kind. 
 This form of weapon closely approximates to the Australian "malga" 
 and to some other wooden weapons in use in New Caledonia. 
 As it is in Ireland and Scotland that the most characteristic of 
 the halberd blades have been discovered, it will be well to com- 
 mence with the examples from those countries rather than with 
 those from England. 
 In Fig. 331 is represented a fine specimen of a form not unusual in 
 Ireland, though the central rib is somewhat more ornamented than is 
 generally the case. The rivets, as usual, are three in number, and are 
 still preserved in the blade. In this case they are about f inch in 
 diameter and inch between the heads, which are about | inch in 
 diameter and have been carefully hammered into an almost hemispherical 
 form. The midrib ends abruptly in a straight line where it abutted on 
 the shaft. The metal appears to have a considerably less proportion of 
 tin to copper than is usual with bronze weapons. It looks in fact almost 
 like pure copper. 
 This coppery appearance is by no means uncommon in these blades. I 
 have another specimen of the same form (9f- inches), but without the bead 
 on the midrib. It was found at Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. A specimen 
 much like Fig. 331 is termed by Vallancey,|| "the brass head of a Tuagh 
 * " Horae Ferales," pi. x. 3 ; Von Ledebur, " Koiiigl. Mus.," p. 15. 
 t " Materiaux," vol. viii. pi. xvi. 14 ; vol. xiii. p. 232 ; Chantre, " Age. du Br., 
 2me partie, p. 283 ; Mem. des Ant. du Nord, 18727, p. 116. 
 I "Zeitsch. fur Ethnol.," vol. ix. 1877, Proc., p. 34, Taf. vi. 3. 
 Col. A. Lane Fox, " Prim. Warfare," lect. 2. 
 || " Coll. Hib.," vol. iv. p. 62, pi. xi. 11.
 Fig. 331.-Ireland. 
 catha, a general name for the war- 
 axe." "The large rivets of this 
 weapon show it was mounted on a 
 very strong shaft." 
 Sir W. Wilde has described, 
 under the two distinct headings 
 of "Broad scythe-shaped Swords,'' 
 and " Battle-axes," the weapons 
 which I have here classed toge- 
 ther. Of the former he mentions 
 forty-one specimens in the Mu- 
 seum of the Royal Irish Aca- 
 demy, of the latter but two or 
 three. The " swords " * he de- 
 scribes as thick, heavy, and round- 
 pointed, averaging about 12 
 inches in length by about 2 \ 
 inches in breadth at the base ; 
 twenty-two of the blades being 
 curved. With the strong blades, 
 however, he classes some which 
 are quite thin and flat, and which 
 have more the appearance of 
 having been intended for daggers. 
 The curved shape is much against 
 their having been attached to 
 staves " spear- ways ;" so that 
 Wilde's other suggestion of the 
 scythe-shaped swords having been 
 mounted like axes, or " affixed to 
 long handles like modern hal- 
 berds," seems much more rea- 
 sonable. As to the shorter and 
 broader blades, whether curved 
 or not, he appears to have had 
 no doubt of their being a kind of 
 Wilde has inferred from the 
 large size of the rivets, some 
 being 1^ inches in length and 
 Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 449.
 nearly 1 inch across the burr or head, that they must have been 
 attached to massive metal handles, of which, however, no frag- 
 ments have been preserved. If this view had been correct, the 
 disappearance of the handles would be a remarkable circumstance ; 
 but the large rivets appear rather intended for securing the blades 
 to wooden shafts, the disappearance of which from ordinary decay 
 is exactly what might be expected. In one instance there are 
 large conical washers or broad rings of bronze 1 j inches in diameter 
 beneath the rivet-heads, and these in the case of a metal handle 
 would have been superfluous. 
 Wilde appears to me to have fallen into another error with 
 respect to the antiquity of this form of weapon.* Arguing from 
 the fact that many of the specimens are formed either of red bronze 
 or of pure copper, he thinks it probable that, like the celts of 
 that material, they are of immense antiquity. And in another 
 place he says that their antiquity may be gathered from the fact 
 of many being of copper, the use of which metal invariably pre- 
 ceded that of bronze. As I have already had occasion to observe, 
 it is perfectly true that many of these blades have the appearance 
 of being made of copper, but the absence of tin in their composi- 
 tion has not as yet been proved. Even were they of pure copper the 
 form and character of the blades show them to be derivatives from 
 the dagger, as the dagger itself sprang from the simpler knife ; and 
 the cause for using a less proportion of tin, or indeed none of that 
 metal in them, appears to me to have been the wish to make them 
 less brittle than if they had been of bronze. A weapon used as a 
 battle-axe would not be less deadly from having a somewhat duller 
 cutting edge than if formed of bronze, and should it get bent in 
 an encounter, the straightening of it might quickly be effected, 
 while the loss of a blade by its breaking would be irreparable. 
 I have elsewhere contended that the Hungarian perforated double- 
 ended axes (like pickaxes) of copper, with but little or no tin in 
 them, were made of this material, not because tin was unknown, but 
 because the ductile and malleable copper was found better adapted 
 for certain purposes than the more fragile bronze. In the same 
 manner copper rather than brass sets or punches are in use among 
 engineers at the present day, when an intermediate piece of metal 
 is required to convey the blows of a hammer to an iron key or 
 other object which would be injured by receiving the blows direct. 
 Sir William Wilde, in his Fig. 360, has shown a hollow tube of 
 * P. 449.
 bronze as forming the handle of a wide halberd blade ; but this 
 juxtaposition of the two objects has been questioned. Not only 
 are the projecting spikes upon the tube somewhat inconsistent 
 with its use as a handle, but from a comparison with some similar 
 objects since discovered there can be no doubt of the presumed 
 halberd shaft being in reality a portion of a trumpet. 
 Fig. 332.-Cavan. i 
 The blade which is figured in connection with, this handle was found 
 near Eoscrea, Co. Tipperary, and closely resembles Fig. 332 both in form 
 and size, being 7f inches long and 8& inches wide at the base, in which 
 are two rivet-holes and also two notches in the margin. It has a kind of 
 treble midrib. The blade shown in Fig. 332 has but a single midrib, but 
 near the edges and following the same curve is a minor ridge. A section 
 is given at the side of the figure. The original was found near Cavan, 
 and is in my own collection. From the absence of rivet-holes it seems 
 doubtful whether it was ever mounted on a shaft so as to form a complete 
 weapon, unless, indeed, the sharp base was merely driven into the wood. 
 The metal appears to have a larger admixture of tin in it than is usual 
 in the scythe-like blades. I am not aware of the existence of any other 
 specimens of this very broad form besides the two now mentioned. 
 A curved blade, of much the same section as Fig. 332, but 15 inches 
 long and 3 inches broad at the base, found at the foot of Slieve Kileta 
 Hill, Co. Wexford, is in the British Museum. It has three stout rivets.
 The long and narrow blade shown in Fig. 333 seems also to belong 
 Fig. 333. Newtowu Limavady. 
 Fi(j. 334. Ballygawley.
 to the category of halberds, though the rivet-holes are smaller than usual, 
 and the blade itself thinner. It is strengthened by a number of small 
 converging ribs formed in the casting, instead of by a broad midrib, and 
 is also straight and not curved. The original was found near Newtown 
 Limavady, Co. Derry, and is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. 
 The shorter and much more massive blade shown in Fig. 334 is also in 
 Canon Greenwell' s collection, and was found at Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone. 
 It has probably seen much service, as what appear to have been the 
 Tig. 335. Falkland. 
 Fig. 336. Strarnr.er. 
 original three rivet-holes have in two cases been partly closed by hammer- 
 ing, while in the third the base of the blade has broken away. In order 
 to make use of the weapon, three fresh holes have been drilled rather 
 farther from the base, in which the rivets are still preserved. 
 Some of the Irish * blades are more rounded than this at the point, and 
 have been secured to the shafts by four rivets arranged as in Fig. 336. 
 There is also occasionally a shoulder between the blade and the part let 
 into the handle, as in that from Stranraer. 
 * Conf . Wilde, op. cit., p. 489, figs. 356 and 357 ; and " Horae Fer.," pi. x. 6.
 In Fig. 335 is shown another blade much like that from Ballygawley, 
 Fig. 338. Shropshire. i 
 Fig. 337. Harbyrnrigge. J 
 but found near Falkland, Fifeshire. The metal appears to be nearly
 Eure copper, and it is doubtful whether it ever had more than one rivet- 
 ole, though there are notches for the reception of two besides the rivet 
 still left in the blade. It would, however, be fairly secured in its handle 
 by a second rivet in the notch on the left, while a third at the back of 
 the midrib would prevent the blade from being driven into its handle by 
 a blow. 
 In the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh are several of these halberd- 
 like blades, some of them curved. One from Sluie,* Edinkillie, Elgin- 
 shire, is 1 1 by 3 inches, and has four rivet-holes arranged in a semi- 
 circle. It was found with two flat celts. Three others, from 10 to 13 
 inches by. 3 inches, were found together at Kingarth,f Bute. They are 
 described as of reddish bronze. 
 The original of Fig. 336 was found near Stranraer,^: Wigtonshire, and 
 is now in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. It is 12 inches long 
 and 4 broad, and weighs nearly If Ibs., so that if mounted as a halberd, 
 it must have been a formidable weapon. The rivets are an inch in 
 In England and Wales the blades which can with any degree of 
 confidence be regarded as those of halberds are by no means 
 common. I think, however, that the example from Harbyrnrigge, 
 Crosby Ravensworth, Westmoreland, shown in Fig. 337, must be 
 looked upon as a halberd rather than as a dagger. It is in the 
 collection of Canon Green well, F.R.S. 
 Another blade of much the same character is shown on the scale of one- 
 fourth in Fig. 338. It was found in Shropshire, || but the exact locality 
 is not known. Another (11 by 4 inches), bearing much resemblance to 
 that from Shropshire, was found near Manea,^[ Cambridgeshire. It is 
 provided with four rivets, and has a small rib running down the thickened 
 centre of the blade. It is now in the Museum of the Cambridge Anti- 
 quarian Society. 
 The late Mr. J. W. Flower, F.Gr.S., bequeathed to me a blade of this 
 character (9f by 3 inches) thickened out in the middle like Fig. 334, and 
 with three large rivet-holes in the base, which is somewhat of a trefoil 
 form. It was found with broken sword-blades and spear-heads at Stoke 
 Ferry, Norfolk, and appears to be formed of copper. 
 The only Welsh example which I have to mention was found in the 
 parish of Llansanffraid,** Cwm Deuddwr, Radnorshire. It is 9 inches 
 long and 4 inches wide, and weighs 1 5 oz. In form and character it closely 
 resembles the Irish and Scotch specimens (Figs. 334 and 335), having 
 a plain midrib, bevelled edges, and three rivet-holes. 
 A large blade, with a strong midrib and three rivets, found in 
 Zealand, and engraved by Madsen,ff may have belonged to a halberd of 
 this class. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iv. p. 187. + Ibid., vol. iv. p. 396. 
 % Ibid., vol. vii. p. 423. I am indebted to the Council for the use of this cut. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 258. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 414 ; vol. xviii. p. 161 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 403. 
 H Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 193; "Horae Fer.," pi. x. 7. 
 ** Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. vi. p. 20 (figured). 
 +t "Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xi. 14.
 I have already mentioned the halberd blades from Scandinavia 
 and North Germany, and have seen but one example from any of 
 the western countries of Europe. This is from Spain, and was 
 found near Ciudad Real. It is about 8j inches long, and more 
 T-shaped at the base than any British specimen, the blade 
 suddenly expanding from 2 inches in width to 5. In this 
 expanded part are the usual three rivets, each about 1 inch in 
 length. The discovery of a weapon of this type in Spain seems 
 to lend support to those who maintain that there was some con- 
 nection between the Iberians and the early inhabitants of Ireland. 
 The curious similarity of some of the Portuguese forms of flint 
 arrow- and javelin-heads to those of Ireland is also worthy of notice. 
 Fig. 3b9. Lidg 
 Besides the battle-axe or halberd there is another form of 
 weapon for hand-to-hand encounters the mace of which it 
 will be well to say a few words ; for though I do not for a moment 
 believe that the bronze mace-heads so frequently found in this 
 and other European countries belong to the Bronze Age, yet by 
 many they have been classed among the antiquities of that period. 
 These weapons vary considerably in size and weight, but the cuts 
 will show the more common forms. 
 That shown in Fig. 339 is in the Museum of the Cambridge Antiquarian 
 Society, and is stated to have been found at Lidgate,* Suffolk. In the 
 Meyrick f Collection is one precisely similar, which was brought from 
 Italy. The mace to which these dentated rings were attached is thought 
 to have been a kind of " morning star " or flail. Others from Lanark- 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 181. 
 f Skelton's Meyrick, vol. i. pi. xlv.
 shire * are of similar character. Professor Daniel Wilson refers these to 
 the time of the Roman occupation. 
 I have three heavy rings with four long and eight short spikes each, 
 from Hungary. 
 Another form is provided with a socket, and is evidently intended for 
 mounting on a straight staff. That shown in Fig. 340 was found in a 
 well at Great Bedwin,f Wilts, and is now in the British Museum. 
 Another of the same class, with a longer socket, is in the Museum | of 
 the Cambridge Antiquarian Society ; and two are in the collection of 
 Mr. M. Fisher, at Ely. Others have been found in London, and at 
 Stroud, || Gloucestershire. 
 An Irish example from Wilde ^f is shown in Fig. 341. There are three 
 such in the Museum of the Academy, varying in length from 2 to 5 inches. 
 One from Tipperary ** (4 inches) is of the same kind. 
 I have specimens of this kind from Hungary, one (4|- inches) with 
 three rows of four spikes, and one (4-f- inches) with five rows of five 
 spikes. I have another from the Seine at Paris (4f inches) with six 
 longitudinal ribs instead of spikes. 
 Lindenschmit f f has figured seven examples, from various parts of 
 Germany and Italy, some more or less similar to each of "the three figures 
 I have given. Some of these are decorated with spirals in relief. Lisch J J 
 has also engraved some specimens. 
 In the British Museum are some foreign specimens decorated with 
 patterns of a decidedly mediaeval character. 
 An instrument of this kind, with eight lateral spikes and a long iron 
 spike coming out from the end, was found with numerous mediaeval relics 
 in the ruins of S6borg,|||| in North Zealand. Such a discovery seems to me 
 conclusive as to the date to be assigned to this class of weapons. 
 I must apologise to the reader for this digression, and now 
 proceed to the consideration of the leaf-shaped bronze swords, 
 which are far more closely allied to the arms described in 
 Chapter X. than to the objects which have been discussed in the 
 present chapter. 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 111. t Arch, Journ., vol. vi. p. 411. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 302. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. p. 249, vol. iii. p. 60. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 If " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 493, fig. 361. I am indebted to the Council for this cut. 
 ** Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd 8., vol. v. p. 12. 
 ft "Alt. u. h. Vorzeit," vol. i Heft viii. Taf. 2. 
 JJ "Freder. Francisc.," Taf. xxv. 13, 14. Proc. Soc. Ant., ubi sup. 
 UK Annalen for Nord. Oldkynd., 1851, Taf. v. 1.
 AMONG ancient weapons of bronze, perhaps the most remarkable 
 both for elegance of form and for the skill displayed in their cast- 
 ing are the leaf-shaped swords, of which a considerable number 
 have come down to our times. The only other forms that can vie 
 with them in these respects are the spear-heads, of which many 
 are gracefully proportioned, while the coring of their sockets for 
 the reception of the shafts would do credit to the most skilful 
 modern founder. Neither the one nor the other belong to the 
 earliest period * when bronze first came into general use for weapons 
 and tools, the fiat celts and knife-daggers characteristic of that 
 period being as a rule absent from the hoards in which fragments 
 of swords and spear-heads are present. 
 There is also this remarkable circumstance attaching to the 
 bronze swords, viz., that there is no well-authenticated instance t 
 of their occurrence with any interments in barrows. It is true 
 that Professor Daniel Wilson + speaks of the frequent discovery of 
 broken swords with sepulchral deposits, and mentions one found 
 alongside of a cinerary urn in a tumulus at Memsie, Aberdeenshire, 
 and another which lay beside a human skeleton in a cist under 
 Carlochan Cairn, Carmichael, Galloway. But one of these dis- 
 coveries took place so long ago as 1776, and in both cases there may, 
 as Canon Greenwell has suggested, either have been some mistake 
 as to the manner of finding, or the connection of the sword with the 
 interment may have been apparent rather than real. A portion of a 
 sword 6i inches long, said to have been found in a cairn at Ballagan, 
 Strathblane, Stirlingshire, in 1788, is in the Antiquarian Museum 
 at Edinburgh. A " sarcophagus with ashes " is said to have been 
 in the cairn. Another sword, broken in four pieces, is said to 
 * Conf. Greenwell, " British Barrows," p. 49. t Op. cit., p. 44. 
 J " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 394. Arch. Scot., vol. iii. App. p. 67.
 have been found in a barrow in Breconshire.* Another, found at 
 Wetheringsett, Suffolk, is said to have lain fourteen feet deep in clay, 
 with a great number of human bones, but no pottery or other 
 remains. In this case, however, there is no mention of a barrow. 
 The sword is elsewhere said to have been found in a sandpit, t 
 In Scandinavia, however, bronze swords have not unfrequently 
 been found with interments in barrows ; and inasmuch as the 
 owners of the bronze swords in Britain were, after death, in all 
 probability interred, either in a burnt or unburnt condition, there 
 appears no reason why in some instances their swords may not 
 have been buried with them, though as yet the evidence of these 
 weapons having been found in tumuli, is far from satisfactory. 
 Possibly at the time when the swords were in use the practice of 
 erecting mounds over graves had ceased, and there are now no 
 external marks upon the ground to indicate the graves of the 
 warriors who wielded the bronze swords, and who have thus 
 escaped disturbance in their " narrow cells " from the hands of 
 treasure-seekers and archaeologists ; or possibly the custom of 
 burying weapons with the dead may at that time have ceased. 
 But not only has there been a question, as to what was the method 
 of interment in vogue among the owners of the bronze swords, 
 but, as already mentioned in the Introductory Chapter, serious 
 dispute has arisen whether the swords themselves are not Roman, 
 or at all events of Roman date. The late Mr. Thomas Wright + 
 was the most ardent advocate of this latter view, and he has been to 
 some extent supported by Mr. C. Roach Smith. The contrary 
 view, that the swords belong to a Bronze Age before the use of 
 that metal was superseded by that of iron, has been ably advocated 
 by the late Mr. A. Henry Rhind, F,S,A,Scot.,|| and Sir John 
 Lubbock.1I It seems almost needless for me here to enter further 
 into this controversy, in which, to my mind, as already stated 
 in the Introductory Chapter, the whole weight of the argu- 
 ment is in favour of a pre-Roman origin for these swords in 
 Western and Northern Europe. There was no doubt a time when 
 bronze swords were in use in Greece and Italy, and the substitu- 
 tion of iron or steel for bronze, so far as we can judge from the 
 early iron swords found in the ancient cemetery at Hallstatt and 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 60. t A. A. J., vol. xv. p. 230. 
 J " On the True Assignation of the Bronze Weapons," &c., Trans. Ethn. Soc., N.S., 
 vol. iv. p. 176. The Celt, Roman and Saxon, 2nd Ed. p. 7, et seqq. 
 " Catal. Lond. Ant.," p. 80. || Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 72. 
 U " Preh. Times," 4th Ed. p. 17 ; Tram. Ethn. Soc., N.S., vol. v. p. 105.
 elsewhere, involved little if any alteration in the form and character 
 of the weapon, which was better adapted for thrusting than for 
 striking. Even here in Britain, by the time when the Roman 
 invasion took place, not only were swords made of iron in use, but 
 the form of what is known as the Late-Celtic* sword was no 
 longer leaf-shaped, but slightly tapering, with the edges nearly 
 straight almost as far as the point. Among the Romans it 
 would seem that more than one change was made in the form 
 of their swords after the introduction of iron as the material 
 from which they were formed. As Mr. Rhind has pointed 
 out, Polybius speaks of the swords wielded by the soldiers of 
 ^Emilius at the battle of Telamon, B.C. 225, as made not only to 
 thrust but to give a falling stroke with singular effect. " During 
 the Second Punic War, however, which immediately succeeded the 
 battle of Telamon, the Romans adopted the Spanish sword," the 
 material of which we have no difficulty in definitely ascertaining, as 
 "Diodorus Siculusf particularly mentions the process by which the 
 Celtiberians prepared their iron for the purpose of manufacturing 
 swords so tempered that neither shield, helmet, nor bone could resist 
 them." How far their process of burying iron underground until 
 a part of it had rusted away would, in the case of charcoal iron, 
 leave the remaining portion more of the nature of steel, I am un- 
 able to say. Perhaps the amount of manipulation in charcoal 
 necessary to restore the rusted plates to a serviceable condition 
 may have produced this effect of converting the iron into mild steel. 
 The steel of the sabres made in Japan, + which will cut through an 
 iron nail without their edge being injured, is said to be prepared 
 in a similar manner from iron long buried underground. 
 Most of the bronze swords are shorter than those of the present 
 day; but the Roman sword would, in the time of Julius, appear to 
 have been longer than ours. Otherwise Cicero's joke about his son- 
 in-law, Lentulus, would have but little point, however small in 
 person he may have been. Indeed, Macrobius expressly says that 
 it was a long sword that Lentulus was wearing when Cicero made 
 the inquiry, Who has tied my son-in-law to a sword ? 
 The swords in use among the Britons at a somewhat later period 
 appear to have been of great size, for Tacitus speaks of them as 
 " ingentes " and " enormes." They were also bluntly pointed, or 
 " sine mucrone." Such a description is entirely inconsistent with 
 * See " Horae Ferales," pis. xiv., xv., and xviii. t Lib. v. c. 33. 
 J Beckman, " History of Inventions," vol. ii. p. 328. " Saturn.," lib. ii. cap. 3. 
 the form and size of our bronze swords, though it might well refer 
 to some of the iron blades of the Late-Celtic Period, which are 3 feet 
 in length. Others are, however, shorter. 
 Of the comparative rarity of bronze swords in Italy, and of their 
 abundance in Scandinavia and Ireland, countries never occupied 
 by the Romans, Sir John Lubbock* has already spoken ; and he 
 has also summarized the reasons which convince him, as they do 
 me, that our bronze weapons cannot be referred to Roman times. 
 I will only repeat one of the arguments, of which perhaps not 
 sufficient use has been made. It is that at the time when Julius 
 Caesar was invading Britain, and its inhabitants were thus for the 
 first time brought in contact with Roman weapons, iron had been 
 so long in use for swords in Italy that the term for the weapon 
 was "ferrum." 
 Another feature in bronze swords, which has been frequently 
 commented on by archaeological writers, is the comparatively small 
 size of the hilt. " The handles are always very small, a fact which 
 tends to prove that the men who used these swords were but of 
 moderate stature." t "The handles of the bronze swords are very 
 short and could not have been held comfortably by hands as large 
 as GUI'S a characteristic much relied on by those who attribute 
 the introduction of bronze into Europe to a people of Asiatic 
 origin. " + 
 I must confess that I regard this view of the smallness of the 
 hilts as being somewhat exaggerated. My own hand is none of 
 the smallest, and yet where the bronze hilts of the Danish and 
 Hungarian swords have been preserved I have no difficulty in 
 finding room to clasp them. The part of the hilt where it expands 
 to embrace the base of the blade was, I think, probably intended 
 to be within the grasp of the hand, and not to be beyond it as a 
 guard. In the case of some of the short dagger-like weapons it 
 seems possible that the projecting rim, which forms a kind of 
 pommel at the end of the hilt, was intended to rest between the 
 fourth and the little finger, and thus to assist in its being grasped 
 firmly when in use as a stabbing weapon. When the plates of 
 horn or wood, which, as we shall subsequently see, once covered 
 the hilt portion of the sword, have perished, it is hard to realise 
 what was the exact form of the hilt ; but it is quite evident that 
 we must not assume that because the bare bronze does not fill the 
 * 'Preh. Times," p. 22. f Worsaae's "Prim. Ant. of Denmark," p. 29. 
 t Lubbock, "Preh. Times," p. 32.
 hand so as to give it a good grip, the same was the case when it 
 had a plate of some other material on each face, which also possibly 
 projected beyond the sides. 
 There is, moreover, one peculiarity about the hilt-plates of these 
 swords which I have often pointed out by word of mouth, but 
 which I think has not as yet been noticed in print. It is that 
 there is generally, though not universally, a proportion between 
 the length of the blade and the length of the hilt-plate ; long sword 
 blades having as a rule long hilt-plates, and short sword blades 
 short hilt-plates. So closely is this kind of proportion preserved, 
 that the outline of a large sword on the scale of one-sixth would 
 in some cases almost absolutely correspond with that of one which 
 was two-thirds of its length, if drawn on the scale of one-fourth. 
 This relative proportion between the length and size of a blade 
 and its handle is by no means restricted to the swords of the 
 Bronze Period, but prevails also among various tools, such as the 
 saws and chisels of the present day. If, for instance, we were to 
 argue from the saw-handles in a carpenter's shop as to the size of 
 the hands of the carpenters, we should soon find ourselves in 
 difficulties. The handle of an ordinary hand-saw is sufficiently 
 large to admit the hand of any one short of a giant, while the 
 orifice in the handle of a small keyhole-saw will not admit more 
 than a couple of fingers, and the handles of saws of intermediate 
 size range between these two extremes. This fact suffices to incul- 
 cate caution in arguing from the hilt-plates of the bronze swords 
 as to the size of the hands of those who used them. It is a 
 question which will be more safely determined on osteological than 
 archaeological evidence ; but, owing to the remarkable absence of 
 bronze swords from the interments in our barrows, it may be some 
 time before a sword and the bones of the hand that wielded it 
 are found in juxtaposition. 
 Professor Rolleston* has well said, " I am not quite clear that 
 this bronze sword, leaf-shaped or other, has always a very small 
 hilt." "At any rate, there can be no doubt that in this country the 
 skeletons of the Bronze Period belonged to much larger and 
 stronger and taller men than did the skeletons of the Long Barrow 
 stone-using folk who preceded them. In some parts of England 
 the contrast in this matter of size between the men of the Bronze 
 and those of the Stone Age is as great as that now existing between 
 the Maori and the gentle Hindoo." 
 * Trans, Brist. and Gloue. Arch. Soc.
 [CHAP. xii. 
 The stature of several of the men interred in the Yorkshire 
 barrows, examined by Canon Greenwell, was not less 
 than five feet nine inches, and the bones of the hands 
 were proportional to those of the bodies ; but, unfor- 
 tunately, no bronze swords accompanied them, though 
 many of the interments were of the Bronze Age. 
 The usual form of sword to which the term " leaf- 
 shaped" has been applied is that shown in Fig. 342. 
 Their total length is generally about 24 inches, though 
 sometimes not more than 16 inches, but they are 
 occasionally as long as 30 inches, or even more. 
 The blades are in most cases uniformly rounded, but 
 with the part next the edge slightly drawn down so 
 as to form a shallow fluting. In some instances, how- 
 ever, there is a more or less bold rounded central rib, 
 or else projecting ridges running along the greater 
 part of the blade near the edges. They differ consi- 
 derably in the form of the plate for the hilt, and in 
 the number and arrangement of the rivets by which 
 the covering material was attached. This latter, as 
 will subsequently be seen, usually consisted of plates 
 of horn, bone, or wood, riveted on each side of the 
 hilt-plate. In rare instances the outer part of the 
 hilt was of bronze. Of the scabbards of such swords 
 and the chapes attached to them I shall subsequently 
 The sword shown in Fig. 342 was found about the year 
 1864 in the Thames, near Battersea Bridge, and is now in 
 my own collection. Its length is 25J inches, and the blade 
 is 2^ inches broad in its broadest part, though at the top of 
 the hilt it is 2f inches in breadth.. Just above this point 
 the edge of the blade has been removed so as to form two 
 broad notches, the object being probably to save the hand 
 of the warrior from being cut should the sword be drawn 
 back in his hand, there being apparently no transverse 
 guard. The hilt has been attached by rivets or pins pass- 
 ing through three longitudinal slots, which have been pro- 
 duced in the casting, and not subsequently drilled or made. 
 The hilt-plate expands into a kind of fish-tail termination, 
 which was probably enclosed in a pommel-like end formed 
 by the plates of horn, or other material, of which the hilt 
 was made. 
 I have another sword, about 21 inches in length, which 
 was found in the year 1851 near the circular encampment
 at Hawridge, on the south-eastern border of Buckingham- 
 shire. The hilt-plate is of the same character as that of 
 Fig. 342, but the lower slot is longer and the upper ones 
 shorter. In the latter were found the bronze rivets for 
 fastening on the hilt. This blade is figured on a small scale 
 in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries.* 
 Another sword (22 inches) of the same character, with 
 three pointed oval slots for the rivets, was found at Wash- 
 ingborough,f Lincolnshire. Two other leaf-shaped swords 
 were found near the same spot. Another (24 inches), found 
 near Midsummer Norton, J Somerset, has the central slot 
 nearly rectangular. 
 The central slot is sometimes accompanied by two or more 
 rivet-holes in the projecting wings of the hilt-plate. A 
 sword (24 inches) with two rivets was found between Wood- 
 lands and Grussage St. Michael, Dorset. Another, broken, 
 was found, with fragments of others, socketed celts, spear- 
 heads, a sickle, and other objects, near the Pierre du Villain, 
 One (24 inches) from the Thames,^ at Battersea, and now 
 in the Bateman Collection, has a long rectangular slot and 
 four rivets. One of two (24 inches), found in broken condi- 
 tion, with a spear-head and two ferrules, on Fulbourn Com- 
 mon,** near Cambridge, was of this type. Another, from 
 Aldreth, Cambs. (23 inches), is in the Museum of the Cam- 
 bridge Antiquarian Society. 
 I have an example, originally 26 inches long, found with 
 a leaf-shaped spear-head near Weymouth. 
 The type occurs also in France. I have one (18| inches), 
 with a slot and four rivets, from Albert, near Amiens. 
 Another was found near Argenteuil,ff Seine et Oise. I 
 have seen a bronze sword from Spain, also with the three 
 In the collection of Canon Green well, F.E.S., is a re- 
 markably fine sword (27 inches) from Barrow, Suffolk, in 
 which the long slot in the hilt-plate is combined with ten 
 small rivet-holes. The central ridge on the blade is well 
 pronounced, as will be seen by Fig. 343. The blunted part 
 of the blade near the hilt is engraved or milled diagonally. 
 The number of rivets is here larger than usual ; but in a 
 sword (28 inches) from the Thames, near Vauxhall,JJ there 
 are five rivet-holes in the centre of the plate in lieu of the 
 slot, and four in each of the wings thirteen in all. In 
 another (23 inches) from the same locality there are eleven, 
 * 1st S., vol. ii. p. 215. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xi. p. 263 ; vol. xv. 230, pi. 23, 5. 
 J Somerset Arch, and N. H. Soc. Proc., vol. xxii. p. 70, pi. iii. 
 $ Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 229, pi. 23, 3. 
 || Op. cit., vol. iii. p. 9. 
 IT Op. cit., vol. xiv. p. 328, pi. xxiv. 6. 
 ** Arch., vol. xix. p. 56, pi. iv. 
 ft Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. v. pi. ix. 1. 
 J| Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 60. 
 Fig. 343. 
 Barrow. \
 three in each wing and five in the centre. One (27 inches) from the 
 Thames, in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries, has ten rivets, of 
 which four are in the centre. 
 Another (28 inches) with ten rivet-holes, four in the hilt-plate and 
 three in each wing, was found in the Thames* in 1856, and is in the 
 British Museum. 
 A sword from the Eoach Smith Collection (20f inches) has a well- 
 marked midrib to the blade, which is somewhat hollowed on either side 
 of it. The hilt-plate has the central slot and four rivet-holes, in which 
 two rivets remain. 
 In the British Museum is another sword (27f inches) of much the same 
 form at the hilt, but with ten rivet-holes, three in each wing and four in 
 the central plate, which is prolonged beyond the fishtail-like expansion in 
 the form of a fiat tang, 1 inch by f inch. It was found in the Lea,f near 
 London. The lower part of the hilt has been united to the blade by a 
 subsequent process of burning on, as will shortly be mentioned. 
 This prolongation of the hilt-plate is not singular. In the Eouen 
 Museum is a sword with thirteen rivets which exhibits this peculiarity. 
 The same exists in a Swiss Lake J sword, and is not uncommon in swords 
 found in Italy. 
 Another sword from the Thames (23 inches) has five holes in the hilt- 
 plate and four in each wing. The blade, which expands from 1 J inch 
 near the hilt to 2 inches at two-thirds of its length, is ornamented with 
 a single engraved line skirting the edge. 
 In the British Museum is another remarkably fine sword from the 
 Thames, ornamented in a similar manner, but with a slot in the hilt-plate 
 and three rivet-holes in each wing. The blade is 24 inches long and 
 from If inch to 2f inches wide. 
 Another, from Battle, Sussex (29^ inches), has eleven rivets, three in 
 the hilt-plate, which is in form much like that of Fig. 343. The blade is 
 drawn down towards the edges. The lower end shows where the runner 
 was broken off after it was cast, and is left quite rough, thus raising the 
 presumption that it was covered by some kind of pommel. Five rivets 
 are still preserved. 
 A sword from the Medway, at Upnor Reach, is 31^ inches long and 
 If inch wide at the broadest part. It has no less than fifteen rivet-holes 
 for the hilt, in three groups of five each. 
 One from the Thames (28 inches), with plain blade and thirteen rivet- 
 holes, has five small rivets still in situ. 
 More commonly the rivet-holes are fewer in number. One (24 inches) 
 in Canon Green well's Collection, from Broadway Tower, Broadway, 
 Worcester, has nine rivet-holes, three in the tang and three in each wing. 
 One from the Thames at Battersea (26 inches), and one from Ebberston, 
 Yorkshire, in the Bateman Collection, have the rivets arranged in the 
 same manner, as has one which was found near Whittingham, || Northum- 
 berland, with another sword subsequently to be described, and also with 
 three spear-heads. 
 * See "Horae Fer.," pi. ix. 2, p. 161. 
 t Proe. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 50 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 91. 
 + Keller, 8ter Bericht, Taf. iii. 1. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 329 ; op. eit., vol. xxii. p. 244. 
 B Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 429.
 I have one (19 inches) with eight rivet-holes, four in the 
 centre and two in each wing, found near Cambridge. The 
 holes appear to have been either made or enlarged by a 
 punch having been driven through them, the rough burr 
 being left on. On either side of the central ridge of the blade 
 there is a pair of engraved lines parallel to the edges and at 
 about i inch distant from them. The base of the blade next 
 the expansion for the hilt has been neatly serrated or en- 
 grailed, like that of the sword from Barrow, but in this 
 case transversely. Unfortunately this blade, which is beau- 
 tifully patinated, has been broken into three pieces. 
 French swords of this class, both with a central slot com- 
 bined with rivets and with rivets only, are by no means 
 uncommon. Specimens of each, from the department of 
 Seine et Oise, are figured in the ' ' Dictionnaire Archeologique 
 de la Graule." One with a slot and four rivets is in the 
 museum at Nantes. Two with seven rivet-holes were found 
 at St. Nazaire-sur-Loire * (Loire Inferieure). 
 Seven is, indeed, a more usual number for the rivet-holes 
 than any of these higher numbers. In Fig. 344 is shown a 
 fine example of a sword with seven rivet-holes, found in the 
 Tyne, near Newcastle, and now in the collection of Canon 
 Greenwell, F.R.S. It is 28 inches in length, and has a bead 
 or rib just within the edges, which is somewhat exaggerated 
 in the figure. The hilt-plate is provided with slight flanges 
 for retaining the horn or wood that formed the hilt, and has 
 a semicircular notch at the base, possibly for the reception of 
 a rivet. See Fig. 356. 
 A sword from the Thames near Battersea (28 f- inches), in 
 the British Museum, is of nearly the same form as Fig, 344, 
 but the end of the hilt-plate has no notch, and there is no 
 midrib running down it. The hilt has been fastened by 
 seven rivets, which fit tightly in the holes and are nearly all 
 in position. Their ends have conical depressions in them, 
 as if a punch had been used as a riveting tool. In some the 
 rivets have been closed by a hollow punch, so as to leave a 
 small stud projecting in the middle of each surrounded by 
 a deep hollow ring. Some French swords present the same 
 A sword of the same form (23 inches), but with a plain 
 blade and only five small rivet-holes, was found in the Med- 
 way at Chatham Eeach, and is now in the same collection. 
 The hilt seems to have been burnt on. 
 A sword of this form (25 inches), with raised ridges 
 parallel to the edges, has a rounded end to the hilt-plate and 
 holes for six very small pins or rivets at the base and for one 
 large one. The hilt-plate has been much hammered. It was 
 found in the Thames. A second (24f inches), almost identical 
 in every respect, has retained five of its pins. 
 There are two swords in the Norwich Museum, each of 
 them with seven rivet-holes, both 21^ inches long, but the 
 * Rev. Arch., vol. xxxiii. p. 231. 
 Fig. 344. New- 
 castle. J
 one found at Woolpit, Suffolk, and the other at Windsor. One of 
 the swords found at Fulbourn,* Cambridge, had its rivets arranged 
 as in Fig. 344. The blade is somewhat fluted between the central 
 ridge and has smaller ridges running parallel to the edges. An- 
 other (23 inches), found in Glamorganshire,! is of the same character. 
 Another like this was found in the bed of the Lark,t at Icklingham, 
 I have two swords (about 23 inches) with seven rivet-holes, which were 
 found with spear-heads, a halberd, and other objects at Stoke Ferry, 
 Norfolk. They are unfortunately broken. One of them appears to have 
 been a defective casting, and to have wanted a portion of its hilt-plate. 
 This has been subsequently supplied by a second hilt-plate having been 
 cast over the broken end of the original plate, a hole in which has been 
 stopped with a rivet, which has been partly covered over by the metal of 
 the second casting. This is not an unique instance of mending by 
 burning on additional metal. I have a small leaf-shaped sword (17-jj- 
 inches), for which I am indebted to the Earl of Enniskillen, found near 
 Thornhill, Killina, Co. Cavan, which has in old times had a new hilt-plate 
 cast on the original blade in this manner. 
 Other swords with seven rivet-holes arranged as in Fig. 344 have 
 been found near Alton Castle, || Staffordshire, and at Billinghay, 
 A sword with six rivet-holes (23 inches) was found near Cranbourne,^[ 
 Dorset. Another of the same length was dug up at Stifford,** near Gray's 
 Thurrock, Essex. Another (20 inches) was found in the Severn ff at 
 Buildwas, Salop. The rivet-holes are two in the middle and two in each 
 A leaf-shaped sword, the hilt broken off, but the blade still 22 inches 
 long, was found with a bronze spear-head, a palstave, and a long pin, in 
 the Thames, j J near the mouth of the Wandle. It is now in the British 
 A sword with the hilt-plate like that of Fig. 344 has been found in 
 Ehenish Hesse. 
 Another variety of the sword has a strong central rounded rib along 
 the blade, of which kind a good example is shown in Fig. 345. The 
 original is in the collection of Mr. Robert Fitch, F.S.A., who has kindly 
 lent it to me for engraving. It was found at Wetheringsett,|||| Suffolk, 
 and is said to have had remains of a wooden hilt and scabbard attached 
 to it when found. Human bones are also reported to have been found 
 near it. It is 25 inches long, with engraved lines on the hilt, and 
 has only two rivet-holes besides the central square-ended slot. 
 Mr. Fisher, of Ely, has a sword of the same character (25 inches), but 
 with four rivets and a slot, found in the Fens near Ely. 
 A fragment of what appears to have been a sword of the same character, 
 * Arch., vol. xix. p. 56, pi. iv. ; Skelton's "Meyrick's Anc. Armour," pi. xlvii. 14. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. iii. p. 67 ; Arch., xliii. p. 480. 
 I Bury and West Su/. Proe., i. p. 24. " Beliquary," vol. iii. p. 219. 
 |j Arch., vol. xi. p. 431, pi. xix. 9. 
 IT Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 229, pi. xxiii. 2. 
 ** Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 406; Arch. Jotirn., vol. xxvi. p. 191. 
 ft- "Horae Fer.," pi. ix. 5, p. 162. JJ Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 7. 
 Lmdenscnmit, "A. u. h. V.," vol. i. Heft iii. Taf. iii. 5. 
 Illl Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 254; xv. p. 230, pi. xxiii. No. 4.
 but with two rivet-holes instead of the central slot, was 
 found with socketed celts and spear-heads at Bilton,* 
 I have a fragment of a blade of this kind in the Reach 
 Fen hoard. Another fragment, from Chrishall, Essex, is 
 in the British Museum, as is also one found under 
 Beachy Head.f It has two rivet-holes in each wing, 
 and three considerably larger in the centre. They ap- 
 pear to be cast, and not drilled. "With this fragment 
 were found palstaves, socketed celts, lumps of copper, 
 and gold armlets. 
 The type also occurs in France. I have a specimen 
 from the Seine at Paris, with the hilt and lower part 
 almost identical with Fig. 345, but the blade does not 
 expand in the same manner, and has two lines engraved 
 on each side of the central rib, the inner pair meeting 
 on the rib some little way from the point, the outer con- 
 tinued to nearly the end of the blade. I have fragments 
 of a sword of similar character from the hoard found at 
 Dreuil, near Amiens. The fragment from Beachy Head 
 already mentioned may possibly be of Gaulish origin. 
 On an Italian oblong bronze coin or quincussis, 
 G| inches by 3| inches, and weighing about 3J Ibs., 
 is the representation of a leaf- shaped sword with a 
 raised rib along the centre of the blade, and in 
 general character much like Fig. 345. A specimen 
 of this coin is in the British Museum. + and bears 
 upon the reverse the figure of a scabbard with 
 parallel sides, and a nearly circular chape. Another 
 coin of the same type, engraved by Carelli, has a 
 nearly similar scabbard on the reverse, but the sword 
 on the obverse is either represented as being in its 
 scabbard or is not at all leaf-shaped, the sides of the 
 blade being parallel. The hilt is also curved, and 
 there is a cross-guard. In fact, upon the one coin, 
 the weapon has the appearance of a Roman sword 
 of iron, and on the other that of a leaf-shaped sword 
 of bronze. These pieces were no doubt cast in 
 Umbria, probably in the third century B.C., but their 
 attribution to Ariminum is at best doubtful. From 
 the two varieties of sword appearing on coins of the 
 same type, the inference may be drawn either that 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. v. p. 349. 
 t Arch., vol. xvi. p. 363. 
 J Catal. of Gr. Coins in Brit. Mus., Italy, p. 
 " Numm. Vet. Ital. descript.," pi. xli. 
 Fig. 345. Wether- 
 ingsett. I
 [CHAP. xn. 
 at the time when they were cast, bronze swords were in Umbria 
 being superseded by those of iron ; or that the type originally 
 referred to some sacred weapon of bronze such as is represented 
 on the coin in the British Museum, but was subsequently made 
 more conventional so as to represent the sword in ordinary use 
 at the period. 
 The sword with a central rib was sometimes at- 
 tached to the hilt in a different manner from any 
 of the blades hitherto described, as will be seen 
 by Fig. 346, copied from the ArcJiaological Asso- 
 ciation Journal.* This sword was found at Tiver- 
 ton, near Bath, and it is provided with four 
 rivets, a pair on each side of the continuation of 
 the central rib along the hilt-plate. Human re- 
 mains and stag's-horns are said to have been 
 found near it. 
 In the British Museum is a blade of the same 
 kind (19f inches), with semicircular notches for 
 the four rivets. It was found in the Thames at 
 Kingston. Another from the Thames (21 inches) 
 has the two upper holes perfect. 
 Leaf-shaped swords of the ordinary type also 
 occasionally had their hilts attached in the same 
 manner. Fig. 347 shows a blade from the 
 Thames,f near Kingston (16 inches) with the 
 rivet-holes thus arranged. I have another, from 
 the Hugo Collection (18 inches), found in the 
 Thames about a mile west from Barking Creek, \ 
 which has had four rivet-holes arranged in the 
 same manner, though the margins are now broken 
 away, so that only traces of the holes remain. 
 Another apparently of this type was found in 
 In Canon Greenwell's Collection is a leaf -shaped 
 blade of the same character (15f inches), which, 
 however, has only two rivet-holes, one on each 
 side of the hilt-plate. It was found at Sand- 
 ford, || near Oxford, together with a rapier-shaped 
 A ' Fig. 346. Fig. 347. 
 Another variety has a narrower tang and rivet Tiverton. j Kingston, j 
 holes in the median line. A blade of this kind, 
 which is in Mr. Layton's Collection, was found in the Thames at 
 Greenwich, and is engraved in the Archaological Journal.*^ 
 Before proceeding to the consideration of the swords with more perfect 
 hilts and pommels found in England, it will be well to give references to 
 * Vol. iv. p. 147 ; vol. iii. p. 334. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 327; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 83, No. 14. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 44. 
 \ Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 91. || Arch. Journ., vol. xxxiv. p. 301. 
 H Anth. Inst. Journ., vol. iii. p. 230.
 some of the other instances of leaf-shaped swords found in this country 
 and in Wales. Several have been found in the Thames * besides those 
 already mentioned. Others have been discovered in the Isle of Portland ; f 
 at Brixworth,J Northamptonshire ; and in the sea-dike bank between 
 Fleet and Gedney, Lincolnshire. Two, one with the chape of the 
 scabbard, of which more hereafter, were found at EbberstonJ Yorkshire. 
 Two were found at Ewart Park,^[ near Wooler, Northumberland, one 
 of which is in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on- 
 Some fragments of swords, regarded as being of copper, were found, 
 with spear-heads, celts, and lumps of metal, at Lanant,** and also at St. 
 Hilary, Cornwall, about the year 1802. 
 There were also some fragments in the Broadward find,ff Shropshire, 
 which consisted principally of spear-heads and ferrules. Occasionally a 
 considerable number of swords are said to have been found together. 
 No less than twenty are reported to have been discovered about the year 
 1726 near Alnwick Castle, JJ in company with forty-one socketed celts and 
 sixteen spear-heads ; and two broad swords, one sharp-pointed sword, a 
 spear-point, and a socketed celt were found " in a bundle together " at 
 Ambleside, Westmoreland, about 1741. 
 Two swords, some spear-heads, celts, and other relics were discovered 
 at Shenstone, || || Staffordshire, in 1824. Near them are said to have been 
 some fragments of human bones. Some swords are reported to have 
 been found in a marsh on the Wrekin Tenement, ^]^[ Shropshire, with a 
 celt and about one hundred and fifty fragments of spear-heads. 
 Two swords and a fragment of a third were found in the Heathery 
 Burn Cave, in company with numerous bronze and bone instruments and 
 a gold armlet and penannular hollow bead. Most of these objects are 
 now in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.E.S. Three swords were 
 found at Branton, Northumberland, and are now in the Alnwick Museum ; 
 where are also two which had pommels of lead, and were found with 
 two rings near Tosson, parish of Kothbury, in that county. Another, 
 which was also accompanied by two rings, were found near Medomsley, 
 Durham. These rings may in some manner have served to attach the 
 swords to a belt. 
 Most of the swords found in Wales appear to be in a fragmentary 
 condition. Engravings of some leaf-shaped swords are said to exist on a 
 rock between Barmouth *** and Dolgellau, North Wales. 
 A fragment of a sword was found, with a bronze sheath-end, looped pal- 
 staves, spear-heads, and a ferrule, near Gruilsfield,fff Montgomeryshire. 
 Fragments of three swords were found, with lance-heads, ferrules, a chape, 
 and other objects, at Glancych,|JJ Cardiganshire. They appear to have 
 had six rivets. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 158 (24-J inches) ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 243. 
 Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 482 (said to have had a bone or wooden hilt when found). 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xxi. p. 90. Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. ii. p. 356. 
 Stukeley, "It. Cur.," vol. i. p. 14. || Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 321. 
 If Arch. Mliana, vol. i. p. 11, pi. iv. 3. ** Arch., vol. xv. p. 118. 
 tf Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 353. Jf Arch., vol. v. p. 113. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 115. |||| Arch., vol. xxi. p. 548. 
 Iff Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 464. *** Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 91. 
 ttt Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 250; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 214. 
 JJt Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 221.
 [CHAP. xn. 
 English swords, with the hilts, or pommels, or both, formed of 
 bronze, are not of common occurrence. The first which I have 
 selected for illustration has 
 the side edges so straight 
 that it hardly belongs to 
 HA | the class usually known as 
 leaf-shaped. The hilt-plate 
 // 1\ is peculiar in having well- 
 developed side flanges 
 ill which expand at the base 
 Klin so as to form an oval 
 III.) j|j pommel The hilt has as 
 usual been formed of two 
 plates of bone or wood, 
 which have been secured 
 to the hilt-plate by six 
 rivets. This sword, which 
 was found in the Fens, 
 I near Ely, has unfortu- 
 nately lost its point, but 
 is still 191 inches long. 
 It was lent me for engrav- 
 ing (as Fig. 348) by Mr. 
 M. Fisher, of Ely. In 
 some Danish examples the 
 high flanges of the hilt- 
 plates are covered by thin 
 plates of gold, beyond 
 which, of course, the hilt 
 of bone, wood, or horn did 
 not project, and no doubt 
 in this instance also the 
 side flanges were left vi- 
 sible and not in any way 
 covered. They are up- 
 wards of 4 inches in 
 length, so that the hilt 
 would fit into a large 
 A small but very interesting sword with a perfect bronze hilt 
 and pommel is shown in Fig. 349. It was found in the River 
 Fig. 348. Ely. J 
 Fig. 349. River 
 Cher well,* and is now in the Museum at Oxford. It was kindly 
 lent me by Professor Rolleston for the purpose of engraving. The 
 total length of the weapon is 21 inches, of which the pommel and 
 hilt, which is adapted for a decidedly large hand, occupy about 5 
 inches. The hilt has the appearance of having been cast upon 
 the blade, and seems to be formed of bronze of the same 
 character. There are no rivets visible by which the two 
 castings are attached the one to the other. 
 I am of opinion that the same process of attaching 
 the hilt to the blade by casting the one upon the other 
 was in use in Scandinavia and Germany. Some of the 
 bronze daggers from Italy seem also to have had their 
 hilts cast upon the blades in which the rivets were 
 already fixed. 
 In the British Museum is a sword blade with, slight ribs 
 inside the edges, retaining a portion of the hilt, which is cast 
 in a separate piece and attached to the wings by two rivets. 
 It is said to have been found in the Thames.f The hilt has 
 had ribs round it at intervals of about half an inch apart. 
 On a fragment of a sword blade, ornamented on each side 
 with five parallel engraved lines, the upper margin of the hilt 
 is marked out by a raised and engrailed line of the same form 
 as the upper end of the hilt of Fig. 350. It was found in the 
 Fen, near Wicken, Cambs, with a part of a scabbard end, 
 spear-heads, and other objects now in the British Museum. 
 A remarkably fine sword, found in the Eiver Witham, J 
 below Lincoln, in 1826, is shown in Fig. 350, for the use of 
 which. I am indebted to the Council of the Society of Antiqua- 
 ries. The original is in the museum of the Duke of Northum- 
 berland, at Alnwick. It presents the peculiarity of having 
 two spirals attached to the base of the hilt with a projecting 
 pin between them, the whole -taking the place of the pom- 
 mel. The blade appears to be engraved with, parallel lines 
 on either side of the midrib. These spirals are of far more 
 common occurrence on the Continent than in Britain, and this 
 sword, though found so far north as Lincoln, is not impro- 
 bably of foreign origin. 
 Several such, have been found in France. One with the 
 spirals but a different form of hilt was found at Alies, Fig. 350. 
 Cantal. Ltac6ta ' 
 A bronze sword found in the Ehone at Lyons, but now in 
 the museum at Eennes, || Brittany, has a nearly similar hilt and pommel. 
 It has three raised bands on the hilt, but no pin between the spirals. 
 Some of the swords from the Swiss Lake-dwellings have similar hilts. 
 * Journ. Anthrop. Inat., vol. iii. p. 204. f " Horaa Fer.," pi. ix. 9, p. 162. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 199. Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xxiv. pi. xxv. 3. 
 || Chantre, " Alb.," pi. xiv. bis, 3 ; Diet. Arch, de la Gaule.
 [CHAP. xii. 
 Fig. 351. Whit- 
 tingham. J 
 They have been found at Concise,* in the 
 Lake of Neuchatel, and in the Lac de 
 Another of the same kind is in the 
 Johanneuni at Gratz, Styria. The same 
 form was also found at Hallstatt.j An- 
 other was found near Stettin. Another 
 from ErxlebenJ Magdeburg, is in the 
 Brunswick Museum. 
 The hilt of a sword with spirals and 
 a central pin was found in the great Bo- 
 logna hoard. A perfect example is in the 
 Eoyal Armoury at Turin. ^f 
 There are several swords with this kind 
 of hilt in the Museum of Northern Anti- 
 quities at Copenhagen,** some of which 
 are figured by Madsen.ff The spirals are 
 sometimes found detached. A highly inte- 
 resting paper by Dr. Oscar Montelius on 
 the different forms of hilts of bronze 
 swords and daggers is published in the 
 Stockholm volume of the Congress for 
 Prehistoric Archaeology, jj 
 The remarkable sword with a somewhat 
 analogous termination to the hilt, shown 
 in Fig. 351, was found at Thrunton Farm, 
 in the parish of Whittingham, Northum- 
 berland, and is in the collection of Lord 
 Kavensworth. With it was found another 
 sword already mentioned, a spear-head 
 with lunate openings in the blade (Fig. 
 418), and some smaller leaf-shaped spear- 
 heads. They are said to have been all 
 found sticking in a moss with the points 
 downwards, and arranged in a circle. The 
 pommel end of the hilt is in this instance 
 a distinct casting, and is very remarkable 
 on account of the two curved horns ex- 
 * Keller, 7ter Bericht, Taf. iii. 4 ; 3ter Bericht, 
 Taf . iii. 35 ; Desor and Favre, " Le Bel Age du 
 Br.," pi. v. 10; Troyon, "Habit. Lacust.," 
 pi. ix. 11. 
 t Keller, 7ter B., Taf. xxiv. 9. 
 J Von Sacken, " Grabf. v. Hallst.," pi. v. 10. 
 Lindenschmit, "A. u. h. V.," Heft i. Taf. 
 ii. 1. 
 || "Zeitsch. fur Ethn.," vol. vii. Taf. x. 2. 
 f "Bull, di Palet. Ital.," anno ii., p. 26. 
 ** "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B. iv., 4042 ; 
 Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," figs. 135, 136. 
 ft " Afbild," vol. ii. pi. v. vi. 
 JJ P. 882. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S.,vol. v. p. 429; "Hora? 
 Fer.," pi. ix. fig. 3, p. 161.
 tending from it, which are somewhat trumpet-mouthed, with a projecting 
 cone in the centre of each. 
 In Scotland a number of bronze swords have been found which 
 bear, as might have been anticipated, a close resemblance to those 
 from England. 
 That shown in Fig. 352 was found in a moss at Leuchland, Brechin, 
 in Angus, and is now in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. Its 
 length is 26 inches, and the six rivets for attaching the hilt are still in 
 the hilt-plate, which is doubly hooked at the end. A rib from the thicker 
 part of the blade is prolonged part of the way down the hilt-plate as in 
 Fig. 344. Another sword, broken at the hilt, but still 26J inches long, 
 was found on the same farm. A find from Brechin is mentioned further on. 
 A sword with four rivet-holes, like those from Arthur's Seat, found on the 
 borders between England and Scotland, and engraved by Grose,* has the 
 same peculiar end to the hilt-plate, as has one with five rivets from 
 Methlick, Aberdeenshire, now in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. 
 Grose has also engraved two, each with six rivet-holes in the wings and 
 two or three in the hilt- plate, found in Duddingston Loch,f near Edin- 
 burgh, as well as the hilt-plate of another, found near Peebles, with slots 
 in the wings and a slot and rivet-hole in the tang. 
 Some fragments of swords from this loch are in the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh. Almost directly above Duddingston Loch, on 
 Arthur's Seat, J two other swords were found during the construction of the 
 Queen's Drive. They are 26 J inches and 24 inches long, in outline 
 like Fig. 342, with one rivet-hole in each wing and two in the centre of 
 the hilt-plate. 
 Two (23| inches and 20^ inches) of the usual character, with nine rivets 
 and hilts much like Fig. 354, have been found in Lanarkshire. 
 In Gordon's "Itinerarium Septentrionale" || a sword (24 inches) found 
 near Irvine, Argyleshire, is engraved, as is also one (26 inches) found in 
 Graham's Dyke near Carinn, which is said to be in the Advocates' Library 
 at Edinburgh. The figures do not seem accurate, but show seven rivets 
 in one and three in the other. Gordon makes no doubt that these swords 
 are Roman. 
 Other specimens have been found at Forse,^[ Latheron, Caithness (25 
 inches), near the Point of Sleat,** Isle of Skye (22 inches), with two 
 spear-heads and a pin. Another was found in Wigtonshire.ff 
 In the Antiquarian Museum are specimens from the following counties : 
 Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Edinburgh, Fife, Forfar, Kincardine, and 
 In peat, atlochdar,^ South Uist, were found two swords like that from 
 Arthur's Seat, the hilts of which are said to have been formed of wood. 
 A leather sheath is also reported to have been present. 
 A bronze scabbard tip, such as will subsequently be described, was 
 * "Treatise on Anc. Armour," pi. Ixi. 1. t Op. cit., pi. Ixi. 2, 3, 4. 
 % Wilson's "Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 352, fig. 52. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 210, pi. xx. 10, 11. || PI. li. 2, 3, p. 118. 
 IT Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 33. ** P. S. A. S., vol. iii. p. 102. 
 tt Ayr and Wigton Coll., vol. ii. p. 14. J J Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 252. 
 [CHAP. xii. 
 found, with four bronze swords (about 24 inches) and a large spear-head, 
 near Brechin,* Forfarshire ; and in Corsbie Moss, f Legerwood, Berwick, a 
 bronze sword and spear-head were found, the former having, it is said, a 
 scabbard, apparently of metal, but so much corroded as to fall in pieces 
 on removal. This also may have been of leather stained by the metal. 
 A sword with a large pommel (24 inches), closely resembling Fig. 353, 
 was found, together with two other sword 
 blades (one 25 inches with slots), a scab- 
 bard end, and two bronze pins, with large 
 circular flat heads, at Tarves,J: Aberdeen- 
 shire. Some of these were presented to the 
 British Museum by the Earl of Aberdeen. 
 There is a recess on the hilt-plate for the 
 reception of the horn or bone of the hilt, 
 which was fastened by three rivets still 
 Another sword, the blade 22 inches long, 
 the handle, including a round hollow pom- 
 mel, 5^- inches, was found in Skye, and is 
 engraved in " Pennant's Tour." It shows 
 four rivet-holes arranged like those in the 
 sword from Arthur's Seat, so that the hilt 
 was probably formed as usual of horn or 
 wood and not of bronze. 
 A few other swords with pommels to 
 their hilts have been found in Scotland. 
 That shown in Fig. 353 was found in 
 Edinburgh, || with, it is said, thirteen or 
 fourteen more, a pin, and ring, and a 
 kind of annular button, of bronze. It 
 is now in the Antiquarian Museum at 
 Edinburgh. The hilt appears to have 
 been added to the hilt-plate by a sub- 
 sequent process of casting. The pom- 
 mel has been cast over a core of clay, 
 which it still retains within it. An- 
 other of the swords (241 inches) has 
 the hilt-plate pierced for six rivets. 
 Two others which have been examined 
 are imperfect. 
 Mr. Joseph Anderson, who has de- 
 scribed this find, points out that this hilt must have " been cast in 
 a matrix modelled from a sword which had the grip made up of 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. pp. 181, 224 : Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 203. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 121. % "Horse Fer.," pi. ix. 4, p. 161. 
 Vol. ii. p. 334, pi. xliv. || Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xiii. p. 321. 
 Fig. 353. Edinburgh.
 two convex plates attached on either side of the handle plate, and 
 their ends covered by a hollow pommel" in fact, from such a sword 
 as that from Tarves, already mentioned. He also observes that the 
 holes in the hilt are not rivet- holes, and thinks that they may have 
 been caused by wooden pins used to hold the clay core in position, 
 for the handle as well as the pommel is hollow. I am rather 
 doubtful as to the accuracy of this theory, as such pins would, 
 I think, produce blow-holes in the metal in casting. There may, 
 however, have been clay projections from the inner core which 
 would leave holes such as these, into which studs of wood, bone, 
 or horn might afterwards be inserted by way of ornament and to 
 add firmness to the grip. For details of the finding of from 
 thirty to forty bronze swords in Scotland, the reader is referred 
 to Mr. Anderson's paper. 
 The bronze leaf-shaped swords from Ireland, of which nearly or 
 quite a hundred, either perfect or fragmentary, are preserved in 
 the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, have been treated of at 
 some length by the late Sir William Wilde,'''" whose Catalogue 
 the reader may consult with advantage. In general appearance 
 they closely resemble the swords from the sister countries, and vary 
 in length from about eighteen to thirty inches. The blades are 
 usually rounded on the faces, or have a faintly marked median 
 ridge, and are slightly fluted along the edges. This fluting or 
 bevelling is sometimes bounded by a raised ridge. The form 
 with a rounded rib along the middle of the blade is almost un- 
 known. There is considerable variation in the form of the end 
 of the hilt-plate, in which occasionally there is a deep V-shaped 
 notch, or several smaller notches. The most common termination 
 is that like a fish-tail as seen in Fig. 354. The number of rivet-holes 
 is various, ranging from four to eleven. There are occasionally 
 slots t in the hilt-plate and in the wings at the base of the blade. 
 They have been found in most parts of the kingdom. 
 A common type of Irish sword is shown in Fig. 354 from a speci- 
 men found at Newtown Limavady, Co. Deny, in 1870. One 
 wing of the fish-tail termination is wanting and has been restored 
 in the sketch. The nine rivet-holes seem to have been cast 
 and not drilled, though they may have been slightly counter-sunk 
 subsequently to the casting. The hilt-plate is slightly fluted, per- 
 haps with the view of steadying the hilt. In a fragment of a 
 sword found with spear-heads, a socketed dagger, and a fragment 
 * "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 439. f Op. tit., p. 454. 
 U 2
 of a hammer on Bo Island, Enniskillen, there are five deep flutings 
 Fig. 354. New- 
 town Limavady. 4 
 Fig. 355. Ireland. J 
 i. Ireland. J 
 Fig. 357. Ireland. |
 on each side of the hilt-plate. As is the case with some of 
 the English examples already mentioned, this hilt-plate has been 
 joined to the blade by some process of burning on. One of the 
 four rivet-holes in it has been partially closed by the operation. 
 Sir William Wilde has noticed that several of the leaf-shaped 
 swords under his charge had been broken and subsequently 
 " welded " both by fusion and by the addition of a collar of the 
 metal which encircles the extremities of the fragments. The term 
 " welding " is, however, inappropriate to a metal of the character 
 of bronze. 
 In the British Museum is a sword of this type with nine rivet-holes 
 (25 inches), found near Aghadoe,* Co. Kerry. 
 In the small Irish blade of much the same type (Fig. 355) there are only 
 three rivet-holes, which have been cast in the blade, a fourth having from 
 some cause been filled up with the metal, though a depression on each 
 face marks the spot where the hole was intended to be. 
 There were several swords, mostly broken, in the great Dowris hoard. 
 They had a rivet-hole in each wing and two or three in the hilt-plate. 
 Some of the bronze swords found in Ireland attracted the attention of 
 antiquaries upwards of a century ago. Governor Pownall described two 
 found in a bog at Cullen, Tipperary, which are engraved in faQArchaologia.] 
 They are 26^ inches and 27 inches long, and one of them is of the same 
 form as the Scotch sword, Fig. 352. Yallancey]; has also figured one 
 (22 inches) with eight rivets. 
 From among those in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy I have 
 selected two for engraving. The first, Fig. 356 (26J inches), has had its 
 hilt attached by a number of very small pins instead of rivets of the usual 
 size. The second, Fig. 357, is a short blade about 19 inches long, with 
 a central rib extending down the hilt-plate, in which there are four rivet- 
 holes, two on each side. 
 A bronze sword from Polignac, Haute Loire, now in the Museum at 
 Le Puy, Haute Loire, has its hilt-plate like that of Fig. 356, but has only 
 four rivets. Another with seven rivets was found in a dolmen at Miers, 
 Lot. Another with six rivets from the Department of Jura || is in the 
 museum at St. Germain. 
 Another from near Besangon,^]" Doubs, has six small rivets. One found 
 at Alise Ste. Keine,** Cote d'Or, has four rivets only. 
 The type also occurred at Hallstatt,tf and in Germany 4 1 
 At least two swords have been found in Ireland still retaining the 
 plates of bone which formed their hilts. By the kindness of Mr. 
 Robert Day, F.S.A., I am able to reproduce full-sized figures of 
 * "Horae Ferales," pi. ix. 7, p. 162. t Vol. iii. p. 355, pi. xix. 
 t Vol. iv. pi. vii. 1, p. 50. 
 De Bonstetten, " Essai sur les Dolm.," 1865, pi. ii. 2; Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xiii. 
 p. 183, pi. v. D. 
 || Chantre, " Alb.," pi. xvi. 1. t Diet. Arch, de la Gaule. 
 ** Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. iv. pi. xiii. 23. tt Von Sacken, Taf. v. 2. 
 H Lindenschmit, A. u. h. V.," vol. i. Heft iii. Taf. iii. 6.
 both sides of one of the most perfect specimens, as Figs. 358 and 
 Tig. 358. Muckno. } Fig. 359. Muckno. } 
 359, which have already appeared in the Journal of the Royal
 Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland* The sword 
 Fig. 360. Muckno. 
 Fig. 361. Mullylagan. 
 Fig. 362. Mully- 
 lagan -J 
 itself, shown on a small scale in Fig. 300, was found in Lisletrim 
 * 3rd S., vol. i. p. 23 ; 2nd S vol. vi. p. 72 ; " Reliquary," vol. x. p. 65
 Bog, Muckno, Co. Monaghan. It is 241 inches long, with, a thick 
 midrib running along the blade. The plates of bone which are 
 still attached have been pronounced by Professor Owen to be 
 mammalian, and probably cetacean. It will be observed that at 
 the wings of the hilt-plate the bone projects somewhat beyond the 
 metal. The same peculiarity may be observed in the bone hilt 
 of a sword found at Mullylagan,* Co. Armagh, which has some- 
 what the appearance of having been carved at the end next the 
 blade into a pair of rude volutes. It is shown full-size in 
 Fig. 361. The sword itself, on a small scale, is shown in 
 Fig. 362. In this instance the bone projects beyond the sides 
 of the hilt-plate. I have not seen the specimen, which is pre- 
 served in the collection of Mr. A. Knight Young, of Monaghan. t 
 A bronze sword with six rivets, found near Kallundborg, Denmark, + 
 had the hilt formed of wood. 
 As is the case with several of the bronze swords discovered in 
 Scandinavia, some of those found in Ireland seem 
 to have been decorated with gold upon their hilts. 
 On one of the rivets of a sword found in a bog 
 near Cullen, Tipperary, was a thin piece of gold 
 weighing upwards of 12 dwts. Another sword, 1 1 
 found near the same place in 1751, had a plate of 
 gold on one side which covered the hilt ; at the end 
 was a small object like a pommel of a sword, with 
 three links of a chain hanging from it. The whole 
 weighed 3 ozs. 3 dwts. 1 1 grs. In this bog about twenty bronze 
 swords were found at intervals, besides about forty pieces of hilt- 
 plates in which the rivets stood. In one swordll there was a recess 
 near the blade, ^X^-X^ inch, in which was "a piece of pewter 
 which just fitted it, with four channels cut in;it, in each of which 
 was laid a thin bit of fine copper, so that they resembled four 
 figures of 1." 
 A fragment of a blade which Wilde ** considers to be that of a 
 sword, is decorated with raised lines and circles in relief, w r hich 
 were cast with the blade. A portion of it is shown in Fig. 363. 
 As the whole fragment is only 4| inches long, it may have formed 
 part of a socketed knife or some other instrument, and not of a 
 * Jour. Royal Hist. $ Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 4th S., vol. ii. p. 257- I am indebted 
 to the Council for the use of the cuts. 
 t Op. tit., 4th S., vol. i. p. 505. J " Aarboger for Nord. Oldk.," 1871, p. 15. 
 $ Arch., vol. iii. p. 363. || Ib., p. 364. f Ib., p. 365. 
 * " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 446, fig. 322, here by permission reproduced.
 SAVord. A part of a spear-head, with a series of ring ornaments 
 engraved on the blade, was in the hoard found at Haynes Hill, 
 There is considerable general resemblance between the bronze 
 swords found in the British Islands and those of the continental 
 countries of Europe. The similarities with those from France 
 have already been pointed out. Several with ornamented hilts 
 have been figured by Chantref and others. One has a hemi- 
 spherical pommel and a varied design on the hilt. 
 The bronze swords from the Swiss Lake-dwellings J have fre- 
 quently bronze hilts, like those of the swords from the South of 
 France. In some instances the hilt-plate has side flanges, with a 
 central slot or line of rivets, and rivets in the wings. In others 
 the broad tang forming the hilt has two or three rivet-holes. In 
 some hilts cast in bronze there is a recess for receiving a piece of 
 horn or wood. The blades have frequently delicate raised ribs, 
 sometimes six on each face, running along them. 
 The bronze swords of Italy present several varieties not found 
 in Britain. The sides of the blades are more nearly parallel, and 
 many have a slender tang at the hilt, sometimes with two rivet-holes 
 forming loops at the side of the tang, sometimes with one rivet- 
 hole in its centre. In some the blade narrows somewhat for the 
 tang, in each side of which are two semicircular notches for the 
 rivets. In some Italian and French swords the blade is drawn out 
 to a long tapering point, so that its edges present a somewhat 
 ogival curve. 
 A fragment of a very remarkable Greek sword from Thera II has 
 a series of small broad-edged axes of gold, in shape like conven- 
 tional battle-axes, inlaid along the middle of the blade between 
 two slightly projecting ribs. 
 The double-edged bronze swords found by Dr. Schliemann^f at 
 MycenaB are tanged and often provided with pommels made of 
 alabaster. The hilts and scabbards are in some cases decorated 
 with gold. The blades are usually long and narrow, though some 
 widen considerably at the hilt-end, so as to form a broad shoulder 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 282. 
 t " Agedu Br.," lere ptie. p. 105 et seq. ; Alb., pi. xv. bis, 2; De Ferry, " Macon preh.," 
 pi. xxxix. 
 J Keller, passim. 
 See Gastaldi, " Iconografia," 1869, Tav. viii. ; Pellegrini, " Sepolchreto Preromano," 
 1878, Tav. iii., iv. Gozzadini, " Mors de Cheval et 1'Epee de Rorzano," 1875. 
 i" Aarbog. f. Nord. Oldk.," 1879, pi. i. 
 "Mycenae und Tiryns," 1878, pp. 281, 303, &c.
 to the tang. Swords appear to have been much rarer on the pre- 
 sumed site of Troy. 
 There appear to be doubts whether the beautiful bronze sword 
 in the Berlin Museum,* reported to have been found at Pella, in 
 Macedonia, does not belong to the valley of the Rhine. 
 Bronze swords have but rarely been found in Egypt. In my own 
 collection, however, is one which was found at Great Kantara during 
 the construction of the Suez Canal. The blade, about 1 7 inches 
 long, is leaf-shaped, and much like that of Fig. 360, but more 
 uniform in width. Instead of having a hilt-plate it is drawn down 
 to a small tang about ~ 6 inch square. This again expands into 
 an octagonal bar, about i inch in diameter, which has been drawn 
 down to a point, and then turned back to form a hook, probably 
 for suspending the sword at the belt. At the base of the blade 
 are two rivet-holes. The hilt must have been formed of two 
 pieces which clasped the tang. The total length of the sword 
 from the point to the top of the hook is 22| inches. I have 
 never seen another similar example, but a bronze sword blade, 
 presumably from Lower Egypt, is in the museum at Berlin. It has 
 an engraved line down each side of the blade, and its sides are 
 more parallel than in mine from Kantara, already mentioned. 
 The hilt is broken off. A German sword from the Magdeburg 
 district, with a tang and two rivet-holes at the base of the blade, 
 closely resembles mine from Egypt, except that it has no hook to 
 the tang. 
 The bronze swords found in Denmark t and Northern Germany J 
 have often side flanges to the hilt-plate, like Fig. 348, occasion- 
 ally plated with gold ; but the blades are generally more uniform 
 in width, and have the edges straighter than those from the United 
 Kingdom. Some blades have a simple tang. On a very large 
 proportion the hilt formed of bronze (or of some more perishable 
 material alternating with bronze plates) has been preserved. The 
 pommels are usually formed of oval or rhomboidal plates with a 
 central boss, and are generally ornamented below. 
 Some of the swords found in Sweden and Denmark have been 
 regarded by Dr. Montelius and Mr. Worsaae || as of foreign 
 * Bastian und A. Voss, "Die Bronze Schwerter des K. Mus. zu Berlin," 1878, p. 56. 
 t "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B, ii., iii., iv. ; "Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," figs. 114 
 to 137. 
 j Lisch, " Freder. Francisc.," Tab. xiv., xv. 
 i "Cong, preh.," Stockholm vol. i. p. 506. || " Cong, preh.," Buda Pest vol., p. 238.
 A bronze sword from Finland with a flanged hilt-plate and 
 eight rivet-holes has been * figured. 
 In Germany t the bronze swords present types which more 
 nearly resemble those of France and Denmark than those of the 
 British Isles. Those with a flanged hilt-plate are found, however, 
 both in Northern and Southern Germany, as well as in Italy, Austria 
 and Hungary. Others have long and narrow tangs, but a large 
 proportion are provided with bronze hilts, usually with disc-like 
 pommels. These hilts conceal the form of the tangs. Some few have 
 spirals at the end of the hilt, as already mentioned, and one from 
 Brandenburg, in the Berlin Museum, has a spheroidal pommel. In 
 some of the bronze hilts there are recesses for the reception of 
 pieces of horn or wood, as on some of the French and Swiss swords. 
 Iron swords of the same general character as those of bronze 
 have been found in the ancient cemetery at Hallstatt and else- 
 where. Those from Hallstatt + are identical in character with the 
 bronze swords from the same locality. In one instance the hilt 
 and pommel of an iron sword are in bronze ; in another the 
 pommel alone ; the hilt-plate of iron being flat, and provided with 
 rivets exactly like those of the bronze swords. In others the 
 pommel is wanting. I have a broken iron sword from this 
 cemetery, with the hilt-plate perfect, and having three bronze rivets 
 still in it, and the holes for two others at the pommel end. The 
 blade has a central rounded rib along it like Fig. 345, but with a 
 small bead on either side. I have a beautiful bronze sword from the 
 same locality, on the blade of which are two small raised beads on 
 either side of the central rib, and in the spaces between them a 
 threefold wavy line punched in or engraved. In this instance a 
 tang has passed through the hilt, that was formed of alternate 
 blocks of bronze and of some substance that has now perished, 
 possibly ivory. A magnificent iron sword from Hallstatt, now in 
 the Vienna Museum, has the hilt and pommel formed of ivory 
 inlaid with amber. 
 The late Celtic iron swords found in Britain have been described 
 by Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S., in an exhaustive paper in the 
 Archaiologia, in which also the reader will find many interesting 
 particulars of analogous swords found in continental countries. 
 Several iron swords have been found in France with flat hilt- 
 * "Cong, preh.," Copenhagen vol., p. 449. 
 t See Bastian und A. Voss, " Die Bronze Schwerter des K. Mus. zu Berlin," 1878. 
 J Von Sacken, " Grabf. v. Hallst.," Taf. v. ; Lindenschmit, "Alt. u. h. Vorz.," 
 vol. ii. Heft i. Taf. v. j Vol. xlv. p. 251.
 plates and rivets exactly of the same character as those of the 
 bronze swords. Nine have been discovered in tumuli at Cosne, 
 Magny Lambert, and elsewhere in the department of Cote d'Or. 
 Others have been found at Cormoz, Ain ; and at Ge'dinne, in 
 Belgium. There can be but little doubt that M. Alexandre Bertrand* 
 is right in assigning the French examples to the fourth or fifth 
 century B.C., and in regarding them as direct descendants from 
 the bronze swords of ordinary type. He adduces, also, the remark- 
 able fragment of an iron sword with a bronze hilt found in the 
 Lac de Bienne, which is in exact imitation of a bronze sword with 
 ribs on the blade, as an additional proof that these early iron 
 swords are the reproductions, pure and simple, of those in bronze, 
 and fabricated from the metal then recently introduced into the 
 "West. How far back in time the use of bronze swords in Gaul 
 may have extended it is difficult to say, but the varieties in their 
 types testify to a lengthened use before they began to be super- 
 seded by those of iron. 
 I must, however, now describe the sheaths by which these 
 blades were protected. 
 * Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xxvi. p. 321.
 ALTHOUGH the sheaths which protected the daggers and swords 
 described in the preceding chapters consisted probably for the 
 most part of wood or leather, yet in many instances some portion 
 of the scabbard and its fittings was made of bronze ; and to the 
 description of these objects it seems desirable to devote a separate 
 chapter. It is rarely that the metallic portions of the sheaths 
 have been found in company with the blades ; but in one instance 
 at least a portion of a sword blade has been discovered within a 
 surrounding sheath of bronze ; which, however, does not extend 
 the full length of the blade, the upper part of the scabbard having 
 probably been formed of wood. This discovery proves that the 
 short bronze sheaths, which are usually from 8 to 12 inches long, 
 belonged to swords, and not, as at first sight might be inferred 
 from their size, to daggers. 
 In France some much longer bronze sheaths have been found 
 with the swords still in them. The most noteworthy is that from 
 the neighbourhood of Uze's,* Gard, now in the Musee d'Artillerie, 
 at Paris, which is decorated with transverse beaded lines alter- 
 nating with ornaments of concentric rings. This scabbard is longer 
 by some inches than the blade it contains. In fact, in no instance 
 does the point of the sword appear to have reached so far as the 
 end of the sheath. Another sheath found at Cormoz (Ain) t is in 
 the museum at Lyons. 
 In a few instances the wooden sheaths of bronze swords have 
 been found entire. The finest is that from the Kongshoi,+ Yam- 
 drup, Ribe, Denmark. It was found with a body in a tree-coffin 
 *"Horae Ferales," pi. viii. 7; Chantre, "Agedu Br.," lere ptie., p. 108; Linden- 
 schmit, " A. u. h. V.," vol. ii. Heft i. Taf. 3. 
 t Chantre, op. cit., p. 135. 
 J Madsen, " Afb.," vol. ii. pi. vii. ; Lindenschmit, " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. ii. Heft i. 
 Taf. iii. 1.
 [CHAP. xin. 
 of oak. This sheath is about a fifth longer than the blade of the 
 sword, and is carved on both faces, though more highly 
 decorated on what must have been the outer face, than 
 on the inner. There is no metal mounting at either 
 end. Another scabbard found in the Treenhoi* is 
 likewise of wood. Its chape also is formed of some 
 hard wood. It has been lined with skin, the hair to- 
 wards the blade of the sword. This sheath is about 
 an eighth longer than the blade of the sword. 
 No doubt many of the British sheaths were made 
 of wood alone. Others, though partly made of that 
 material, were tipped with bronze, the metal being 
 secured to the wood, or the leather, if that material 
 was used, by a small rivet which passed diagonally 
 through the metal. As Mr. Franks t has pointed out, 
 the presence of this rivet-hole would have been suffi- 
 cient to show that these objects are not dagger sheaths, 
 as some have thought, for the rivet leaves too small a 
 part of the bronze receptacle available for a blade even 
 as long as that of an ordinary dagger. The discovery 
 already mentioned places this question beyond doubt. 
 The bronze sheaths of the iron swords and daggers 
 of the Late Celtic Period are of a different character 
 from those I am about to describe, and are made of 
 sheet bronze, and not cast in a single piece. 
 In Fig. 364 is shown a portion of a sword blade, with 
 the scabbard end still in position, which was found in the 
 Thames near Isleworth, and is in the collection of Mr. 
 T. Layton, F.S.A.J This scabbard end has a central rib 
 and two other slight ribs along each margin in order to give 
 it strength, and, as will be seen from the figure, probably 
 extends at least 6 inches beyond the end of the sword, thus 
 giving an opportunity of securing the metal end to the 
 wooden or leather scabbard at a place where the blade would 
 not interfere with the passage of a pin or rivet. 
 A scabbard end of much the same form (13^- inches) 
 is shown in Fig. 365. It was found with fifteen others, some 
 broken, near Guilsfield, Montgomeryshire, together with 
 looped palstaves, spear-heads, &c. It has a small rivet-hole 
 about half-way along it. Another, || somewhat straighter 
 * Madsen, op. cit., pi. v. 
 t " Horae Ferales," p. 159. See also Arch. Journ., vol. xxxiv. p. 301, fig. 3. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 404. 
 $ Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251; Arch. Catnb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 214; 
 Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437. 
 [I Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 259, whence this cut is taken, by permission of Mr. Franks. 
 Fig 364 
 (12 inches), found with a bronze buckler in the Eiver Isis near Dor- 
 chester, Oxon,* is shown in Fig. 366. It is now in the British Museum. 
 There is a small rivet-hole passing transversely through it. Several f 
 other sheath ends of the same kind are preserved in the same collection. 
 One, imperfect, from the Thames atTeddington (10 inches), with ribs along 
 the middle and edges, has a hole for a diagonal rivet, and retains a frag- 
 ment of wood inside, as does also another from the Thames at London, 
 which has a very slightly projecting midrib. A third, of the same 
 Fig. 365. Guilsfield. J 
 Fi{?. 366. River Isis, 
 near Dorchester. J 
 character (lOf inches), from the Thames at Chelsea, has a small end plate 
 secured by a central rivet. This has traces of either leather or wood 
 inside. I In another, also from the Thames (7f inches), the end plate has 
 been cast with the sheath, and there is a wooden lining secured by a 
 diagonal rivet. The opening is nearly flat. 
 In some there is no rib down the middle, but merely a projecting ridge, 
 and in others no rivet-holes are visible. 
 This straight form of scabbard end has been very rarely found in 
 Ireland. The only specimen mentioned by Wilde is by permission here 
 reproduced as Fig. 367. Another (5 inches) was in the collection of 
 Mr. Wakeman, of Enniskillen. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., iii. p. 118 ; Arch., vol. xxvii. p. 298. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 201. See " Horae Ferales," pi. ix. No. 10 to 14, and C. 
 R. Smith, " Coll. Ant.," vol. iii. p. 72. 
 I Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 118.
 [CHAP. xiii. 
 A scabbard end of much the same general character as that from 
 Guilsfield, but shorter and broader, is shown in Fig. 368. It was found 
 at Wick Park, Stogursey, Somerset,* with palstaves, socketed celts, gouges, 
 spear-heads, and fragments of swords, together with jets from castings 
 and rough metal. 
 Scabbard ends occur also in Scotland, for one nearly similar to these last 
 (5f inches) was found with four leaf-shaped swords and a large spear- 
 head, all of bronze, at Cauldhame, near Brechin, Forf arshire. f They 
 are now in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. The scabbard is by 
 permission of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland here shown as Fig. 
 369. Another scabbard tip in the same museum is rather shorter. It 
 was found at Gogar Burn, near Edinburgh, together with a sword and a 
 Fig. 368. Stogursey, Somerset. \ Fig. 369. Brechin 
 Fig. 370. Pant-y-maen. 
 penannular brooch of bronze and a small penannular ornament of gold. 
 A Scotch specimen from the farm of Ythsie, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, is 
 in the British Museum. It is like that from Brechin, and is 5 inches 
 The straight form of scabbard end has been discovered, though rarely, in 
 Northern France. One from Caix, Somme, is engraved in the Dictionnaire 
 Archeologique de la Gaule. A fragment of another, more like Fig. 365, 
 has been found near Compiegne (Oise). 
 A still shorter form is shown in Fig. 370, the original of which was 
 found at Pant-y-maen, near Glancych, Cardiganshire, J together with 
 broken swords, spear-heads, and ferrules, as well as some small rings. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd 8., vol. v. p. 427. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 181 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 203 ; " Catal. Mus. 
 Arch. Inst. Ed.," p. 24. 
 I Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 221, whence the figure is copied.
 A still more simple form, and one more nearly approaching the modern 
 chape, has occasionally been found. That shown as Fig. 371 formed part 
 of the hoard found in Eeach Fen, Cambridgeshire, which comprised also 
 some fragments of swords. It is of especial interest, as the small bronze 
 nail which served to fasten it to the wooden scabbard was found with it 
 This nail is shown above the chape in the figure. 
 Fig. 371.-Reach Fen. 
 Another chape of the same kind, but more like Fig. 372 in form, was 
 found at Haines Hill, near Hythe, Kent,* with a perforated disc of bronze, 
 like Fig. 503, and some other objects. 
 Fig. 372, kindly lent by the Royal Irish Academy, shows a chape found 
 at Cloonmore, near Templemore, Co. Tipperary.f This form seems to be 
 of very rare occurrence in Ireland. 
 It has, however, been found in Savoy, J and in the Swiss Lake-dwellings. 
 Fig. 372. Cloonmore. { Fig. 373. Stoke Ferry. 
 An English form, which is, I believe, as yet unique, is shown in Fig 
 373. It was found, with several broken swords and spear-heads, at 
 Stoke Ferry, Norfolk. It is ornamented with a neat fluting, produced 
 apparently by means of punches. The rivet-holes are at the sides, instead 
 of oeing, as usual, on the face. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 280. t Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 461, fig. 336. 
 J " Exp. Arch, de la Sav.," 1878, pi. xii. 354, 356. 
 [CHAP. xiii. 
 A curious socketed object in bronze, found near Piltown,* in the 
 barony of Iverk, Co. Kilkenny, has been regarded as the haft of a 
 dagger. It is rectangular in section and expanding at the base which 
 is closed. But from its analogy with some of the scabbard ends lately 
 described it seems possible that it formed part of a sheath. The 
 objection to this view is that the breadth of the socket is much greater 
 than usual with these chapes. The zig-zag and other ornamentation upon 
 it is described as having been engraved with a fine point after the object 
 was cast. The lower face is not ornamented. 
 The form is not unlike that of the end of the scabbard of some modern 
 African leaf-shaped swords of iron, as to which Mr. Syer Cumingf has 
 remarked, that while the point of the blade is as sharp as a needle, the 
 base of its receptacle measures nearly 3 inches across. It is possible that 
 Fig. 374. Keelogue Ford, Ireland. 
 the object engraved as Fig. 286 may be intended for the end of a scabbard, 
 and not for that of a hilt, but this can only be determined by future dis- 
 Another Irish form is shown in Fig. 374, the original of which was 
 found at Keelogue Ford, in the Shannon, and is in the Eoyal Irish 
 Academy. In this instance the chape has assumed a kind of boat -like 
 form with pointed ends. As Sir W. Wilde]: has observed, the indenta- 
 tions at the top mark the overlapping of the wooden portion of the 
 scabbard, which was fastened to the bronze by two slender rivets, so that 
 the ends projected about an inch on each side. 
 Fig. 375 shows an English scabbard tip of the same class, though 
 differing in details, which was found in the neighbourhood of Mildenhall, 
 Suffolk, and is in the collection of Mr. Simeon Fenton, of that town, to 
 whom I am indebted for permission to engrave it. The surface of this 
 chape is beautifully finished, and the raised rib round the semi-circular 
 notch is delicately engrailed or "milled." There is a single minute 
 hole for a pin or rivet on one face only. As will be seen, this English 
 example closely resembles that from Ireland shown in the previous 
 Such projections as those on the chapes of this form would 
 appear to be inconvenient ; but in another variety the projecting 
 * Journ. B. H. and A. Assot. of Ireland, 4th S., vol. iv. p. 186. 
 1 Arch. Atsoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 322. J "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 461.
 ends shoot out into regular spikes, the ends of which are tipped 
 by a small button. In some cases the length from point to point 
 is not less than 8 inches. There are several in the museum of 
 the Royal Irish Academy. Sir W. Wilde considered that the 
 bronze sword was suspended high up on the thigh and not allowed 
 to trail on the ground, so that these projections would be less in 
 the way of the wearer than might at first sight appear. The 
 lengthening of these points may have been the result of a kind 
 of prehistoric dandyism, analogous to that which led to the 
 lengthening of the points of boots and shoes in England at the 
 beginning of the fifteenth century.* Specimens of these still exist in 
 which the points extend 6 inches beyond the foot, and it has been 
 Fig. 376. Thames 
 asserted that they had to be chained to the knees of the wearers 
 to give them a chance of walking with freedom. 
 Though chiefly found in Ireland, this elongated form of scabbard has 
 occasionally been discovered in England. Fig. 376 represents a specimen 
 from the Thames, now preserved in the British Museum. 
 Another example, but slightly more curved, was found with a bronze 
 sword at Ebberston, Yorkshire, and is in the Bateman Collection.! It has 
 been figured. The rivets for attaching it to the wooden scabbard are still 
 in position. 
 This type of scabbard end has also been found in France. In the 
 Museum of Bourges is an example about 5 inches long, much like Fig. 
 376, but rather more Y-shaped. Another, more like the figure, was found 
 with a bronze sword, near MarsanneJ (Drome), and a third in the tumulus 
 of Baresia (Jura). Another was found at the end of an iron sword 
 in a tumulus at Mons || (Auvergne). 
 * Fair-holt's " Costume in England," p. 382. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 321, pi. 30, fig. 2. 
 I Chantre, " Age du Br.," lere ptie. p. 136. Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xxxix. p. 306. 
 Diet. Arch, de la Gaule. 
 || "Materiaux," vol. xiii. p. 64. See also a paper by M. Alex. Bertrand, in the Bull. 
 Soc. Ant. de France, 1878, p. 56. " Mater.," vol. xv. p. 162. 
 x 2
 It is to be observed that the ends of some of the knife sheaths of the 
 Early Iron Period * expand in somewhat the same manner, so as to 
 assume an anchor-like appearance. 
 A bronze bouterolle or scabbard tip of a very peculiar type, the sides 
 being elongated and flattened out so as to form two sickle-shaped wings 
 curving upwards, was exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries in 1867f as 
 having been found in Britain. A figure of it was to have appeared in 
 the Archaologia, but has not yet been published. Perhaps there was 
 room to doubt its English origin. Certainly the description, with the 
 exception of the sickle-shaped wings curving upwards, agrees with a form 
 of which several examples have been found in Germany and in France. J 
 Some of these are sharp at the end like a socketed celt, with two ex- 
 panding sickle-like wings, but their purpose as chapes has not always 
 been recognised. One from Hallstatt is described by Von Sacken as a 
 cutting tool to be attached to a thin shaft. There are two in the Museum 
 at Prague, found at Korno and Brasy. 
 One from Oberwald-behrungen is in the Museum at Wiirzburg. 
 Another is at Hanover. 
 The fact that traces of wooden sheaths to daggers have been found in 
 the Wiltshire and other barrows has already been mentioned, but no 
 Fig. 377. Isle of Harty. 
 bronze fittings have been found with them. There are, however, some 
 objects which may have served either as the mouth-pieces of sheaths for 
 daggers or small knives, or as ferrules for their hilts. 
 One of these from the Harty hoard is shown full size in Fig. 377. 
 Another of identically the same character, but rather shorter, was 
 found, with a bronze knife or dagger and numerous other articles, at 
 Harden, || Kent. It was regarded by Mr. Beale Poste as the mounting 
 of the top of a dagger sheath formed of leather. 
 Another was found with various other relics near Abergele,^[ Denbigh- 
 Some elongated loops formed of jet are of a shape that would have 
 served for the mouth-pieces of sword scabbards, but whether so fragile a 
 substance was used for such a purpose may well be questioned. They 
 may have been merely ornamental. One about 3 inches long, found in 
 Scotland,** has been regarded as a clasp for a belt. Possibly these objects 
 in bronze may, after all, be of the nature of slides or clasps. 
 Another loop, more rounded at the ends, found in the peat at Newbury,ff 
 * De Bonstetten, "Rec. d'Ant. Suisses," Supp., pi. xxi. 1 ; Von Sacken, "Grabf. v. 
 Hallstatt," Taf. vi. 11. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 518. J Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xxxix. p. 305. 
 " Das Grabfeld von Hallstatt," p. 155, pi. xix. fig. 10. 
 II Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 257, pi. xiii. 6 ; Wilson, " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 441, 
 fig. 82. 
 IF Arch. Scot., vol. i. p. 393. ** Arch., vol. xliii. p. 556, pi. xxxvii. 3. 
 tt Arch. Astoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 323, pi. xxvi. 5 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. 
 p. 521.
 Berks, has been described as a slider for securing some portion of the 
 dress, or for passing over a belt. Not improbably this is their true inter- 
 pretation. Some other slides are described at p. 404. 
 Some bronze objects of nearly similar form, but about 3 inches in 
 length, found with late Celtic remains, have been regarded as the cross- 
 guards * of daggers or knives. 
 In my own collection is a fine bronze sword from Denmark with broad 
 side flanges to the hilt plate, on the blade of which is a bronze loop about 
 i inch wide, rebated for the reception of wood, but without any rivet- 
 holes. Each face presents four parallel beadings. For some time, in 
 common with some Danish antiquaries, I regarded this loop as the mouth- 
 piece of a scabbard, for which it appears well adapted ; but I now find that 
 such a view is erroneous, and that this loop is the ferrule for receiving 
 the ends of the plates of wood or horn which formed the hilt. For in 
 the barrow of Lydshoi,f near Blidstrup, Frederiksborg, was a bronze 
 sword with a similar ferrule upon it, and the remains of the plates of 
 horn beneath it still in position. One of these Danish ferrules is of gold.J 
 A sheath from a barrow at Hvidegaard, made of birch wood with an outer 
 and inner casing of leather, has a leather band for the mouthpiece, and 
 a leather eye for receiving the belt. Some small sheaths for bronze knives 
 and for a flint dagger found at the same time are simply of leather. 
 * Arch. Inst., York vol. p. 33 ; Arch., vol. xiv. pi. xx. 6. 
 t "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B ii. 2; Worsaae, "Nord. Olds.," fig. 115 ; Madsen, 
 "Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xi. 1. 
 J Boye, " Oplys. Fortegnelse over det K. M.," p. 31. 
 "Annalen for Oldk.," 1848, p. 336; "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B. ii. 7; 
 Worsaae, "Nord. Olds.," fig. 119; Madsen, "Afbild.," vol. ii. p. 9. pi. iv. 8.
 THERE can be but little doubt that one of the weapons of offence 
 in earliest use among mankind must have been of the nature of a 
 spear a straight stick or staff, probably pointed and to a certain 
 extent hardened in the fire. The idea of giving to such a staff a 
 still harder and sharper point by attaching to it a head of bone or 
 of stone, such as is still commonly in use among many savage 
 tribes, would come next. And, lastly, these heads or points 
 would be formed of metal, when its use for cutting tools and 
 weapons had become general, and means had been discovered for 
 rendering it available for this particular purpose. In the earlier 
 part of the Bronze Age, when bronze was already in use for 
 knife-daggers and even for daggers, it would appear that the spears 
 and darts, if any such were in use, were in this country still tipped 
 with flint. How long this practice continued it is impossible to 
 say, and it is even doubtful whether any bronze spear-heads were 
 in use before the time when the founders had discovered the art 
 of making sockets by means of cores placed within the moulds. 
 It is, however, not impossible that some of the blades found in the 
 Wiltshire barrows, and the tanged weapons which have already 
 been described in Chapter XL, may have been the heads of spears 
 rather than the blades of daggers ; but even at the period to 
 which they belong the art of making cores must have been known, 
 as the ferrule found at Arreton Down, and shown in Fig. 324, will 
 testify, as well as the hollow socket of Fig. 328. 
 In the South-east of Europe and in Western Asia, as in Cyprus 
 and at Hissarlik, tanged and not socketed spear- heads have been found 
 in considerable numbers ; but such a form is of very rare occur- 
 rence in Europe, and is unknown in Britain, unless possibly some 
 of the blades already described as knives or daggers, such as 
 Fig. 277, were attached to long rather than short handles, and
 should, therefore, have been treated of in this chapter rather than 
 in that in which I have placed them. If spears were deposited in 
 the graves with the dead, the shafts must in all probability have been 
 broken, for as a rule the graves for bodies buried in the contracted 
 position are not long enough to receive a spear of ordinary length. 
 In the case of some few ancient socketed tools of bronze, the 
 socket has not been formed by casting over a core, but a wide 
 plate of metal has been hammered over a conical mandril so as to 
 form a socket like that of many chisels of the present day, and of 
 the iron spear-heads of earlier times. I am not aware of any 
 bronze instruments with the sockets formed in this manner ever 
 having been found in this country. In all cases the sockets have 
 been produced by cores in the casting, and in many spear-heads 
 the adjustment of the core has been effected with such nicety that 
 a conical hollow extends almost to the tip, with the metal around 
 it of uniform substance, and often very thin in proportion to the 
 size of the weapon. 
 The heads of arrows, bolts, darts, javelins, lances, and spears so 
 nearly resemble one another in character, that it is impossible 
 to draw any absolute line of distinction between them. The 
 larger varieties must, however, have served for weapons retained 
 in the hand as spears, while those of small and moderate size may 
 have been for weapons thrown as lances, or possibly discharged as 
 bolts or arrows. In length these instruments vary from about 
 2 inches to as much as 36 inches. 
 Sir W. Wilde* has divided the Irish spear-heads into four 
 varieties, as follows : 
 1. The simple leaf-shaped, either long and narrow, or broad, 
 with holes in the socket through which to pass the rivets to fix 
 them to the shaft. 
 2. The looped, with eyes on each side of the socket below and 
 on the same plane with the blade. These are generally of the 
 long, narrow, straight-edged kind. 
 3. Those with loops in the angles between the edge of the 
 blade and the socket. 
 4. Those with side apertures and perforations through the blade. 
 To these four classes may be added 
 5. Those in which the base of each side of the blade projects at 
 right angles to the socket, or is prolonged downwards so as to 
 form barbs. 
 * "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 495.
 A remarkably fine specimen of a broad leaf-shaped spear-head of 
 the first class is shown in Fig. 378. The original was found in the 
 Fig. 378. Thames, London. 
 Thames at London, and still contains a portion of the wooden shaft 
 smoothly and carefully pointed. The wood is, I think, ash ;
 and my opinion is supported by that of Mr. Thiselton Dyer, F.R.S., 
 who has kindly examined the shaft for me. There are no traces 
 of the pin or rivet, which in the spear-heads of this character 
 appears to have been formed of wood, horn, or bone, rather than 
 of metal, probably with the view of the head being more readily 
 detached from the shaft, in case the latter was broken. I have, 
 however, a leaf-shaped bronze spear-head of this class, found in 
 the Seine at Paris, in which a metallic rivet is still present. It is 
 formed of a square rod of bronze, which at each end has been 
 hammered into a spheroidal button, of at least twice the diameter 
 of the hole through which the rivet passes. Portions of the 
 wooden shaft are still adhering to the rivet. The wood in this 
 instance also appears to be ash. 
 I have a rather narrower spear-head of the same type as Fig. 378 (lOf 
 inches), found with a bronze sword near Weymouth ; and another identical 
 in type with that from the Thames, but only 9 inches long, found in the 
 county of Dublin. 
 Others of nearly the same form (12f inches and 8f inches) were found 
 with a bronze sword in an ancient entrenchment at Worth,* in the parish 
 of Washfield, Devon. 
 Another spear-head of this type from the Thames f ( 1 3 inches) is in 
 the British Museum, as are others (13 inches and 10 inches long). 
 A remarkably fine bronze spear-head, found in Lough Gur, Co. Lime- 
 rick, with the lower part of the socket ornamented with gold, is of much 
 the same form as Fig. 378, and is shown on the scale of one-fourth in 
 Fig. 379. The ornamented part is shown on the scale of one-half in 
 Fig. 380. It is in the collection of General A. Pitt Eivers, F.E.S., who 
 has thus described the socket. J Around it, " at top and bottom, are two 
 ferrules of very thin gold, each f inch in width. Each ferrule is ornamented 
 with three bands scored with from four to seven transverse lines, and 
 separated from each other by two bands scored with incised longitudinal 
 lines. The two ferrules are separated by a band about -& inch in width, 
 in which longitudinal lines of gold have been let into grooves in the bronze, 
 leaving an intervening line between each of the gold lines." Most of 
 these gold strips have, however, now disappeared. The shaft of this spear 
 is of bog oak 4 feet 8 inches long, but though its authenticity has been 
 accepted by many good judges, I must confess that I do not regard it 
 as the original. Some other spear-heads ornamented with engraved lines, 
 but not with inlaid gold, will be mentioned further on. I may incidentally 
 recall the fact that the gold ring or ferrule around the spear-head of 
 Hector is more than once mentioned by Homer. 
 irapoiOe 8e Xa/XTrero Soupos 
 Trcpi Sc xpvaeos 3 e ' 
 Another fine specimen of a spear-head with a long oval leaf-shaped 
 blade in Canon Greenwell's Collection is shown in Fig. 381. It was 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 120. t " Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 29. 
 \ Journ. Ethnol. Soc., 1868, N.S., vol. i. p. 36. $ Iliad, vi. v. 319 ; viii. v. 494.
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 found with several others varying in length from 6| inches to 11J inches, 
 and numerous other articles of bronze and bone, in the Heathery Burn 
 Cave,* Durham. As will be seen, the blade is continued as a slight 
 narrow projection along the socket as far as the rivet-hole. The edges 
 are somewhat fluted. 
 A spear-head of nearly the same form (10^ inches) 
 was found in a peat moss near the Camp Graves, f 
 Bewcastle, Cumberland. Another was found in a 
 hoard at Bilton, Yorkshire. J 
 A very fine example (about 15 inches), as well as 
 a smaller one of the same type (about 8 inches), and 
 one with lunate openings in the blade (Fig. 418), 
 were found with two swords (see Fig. 351) near 
 Whittingham, Northumberland. 
 I have others (9 inches to 11 inches) found with 
 broken swords at Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, and from 
 the Reach Fen hoard. The same form occurs in Ire- 
 land. I have a fine specimen (8$ inches) from 
 Athlone. Another (13 inches) is engraved by Wilde 
 as his Fig. 362. A very narrow spear-head, 14 inches 
 long, and only If inch wide, said to have been found 
 in a barrow near Headford, Co. Gralway, is in the 
 British Museum. 
 A spear-head of this character from the Thames 
 (16f inches), not fluted at the edges and quite plain, 
 is in the British Museum. The blade is only 2J 
 inches wide. 
 One from Stanwick, Yorkshire (8 inches), is in the 
 British Museum, as is one (11 inches) from Bannock- 
 burn, Scotland. An Irish specimen (10 inches) is 
 devoid of rivet-holes. 
 Another spear-head of nearly the same type, but of 
 smaller dimensions, is given in Fig. 382. It was 
 found, with some other spear-heads (Fig. 410), 
 socketed celts (Figs. 155 and 157), palstaves (Fig 83), 
 and a ferrule, to be subsequently mentioned, at Net- 
 tleham,|| near Lincoln, in 1860. They are now in the 
 British Museum. 
 Others of the same type have been found at 
 r jf 382. "Winmarleigh^f and Cuerdale,** Lancashire, at Ward- 
 low,ft Derbyshire, Little Wenlock,}} Staffordshire 
 (8 inches), near Windsor (7 inches), at Bottisham,|||| Cambridge, and 
 in Herts.ff 
 * Dawkins, " Cave Hunting," p. 143, fig. 34. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 231. 
 I Arch. Assoe. Journ., vol. v. p. 349. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 429, pi. iv. 
 II Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 159. I am indebted to Mr. Franks for the use of this 
 IT Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 235, pi. xxiv. 3. 
 ** Op. cit., vol. viii. p. 332. ft Op. cit., vol. xv. p. 235, pi. xxiv. 4. 
 % I Hartshorne's " Salop. Ant.," p. 96. Stukeley's " It. Cur.," pi. 96, vol. ii. 
 |||| Arch. ASM. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 351. 
 HH Skelton's " Meyrick's Anc. Arm.," pi. xlvii. 10.
 have one from the Kiver Lea* at St. Margaret's, Herts, and others 
 from Beach Fen, Cambridge. 
 Others were in the Ghrilsfield hoard, f and in that of Pant-y-maen,+ or 
 the Grlancych hoard. One from the latter hoard is about 1 1 inches long. 
 Another, more like Fig. 386, about 4 inches. With them were found 
 fragments of swords, a scabbard tip, some rings and ferrules. Others 
 (9 inches and 5 inches) were found, with a socketed 
 celt and knife, a tanged chisel, and other objects, at 
 Ty Mawr, on Holyhead Mountain. 
 Five were found in the hoard near Stanhope, || Durham, 
 with socketed celts, a gouge, &c. 
 Of Scottish specimens the following may be noticed : 
 one from Lanark ^[ (5|- inches), which has been figured; 
 two (7f inches) rather long in the socket, found with 
 a bronze sword and a long pin on the Point of Sleat,** 
 Isle of Skye; one (6 inches) from Balmaclellan,j-|- New 
 Galloway. One (5 inches) from Duddingston Loch, 
 Edinburgh, is in the British Museum. 
 Leaf-shaped spear-heads such as Fig. 382 are of 
 frequent occurrence in various parts of France. A 
 number were found at Alise Ste. Eeine JJ (Cote d'Or), 
 several of them ornamented with rings round the 
 They also are found in the Lake-dwellings of Switzer- 
 land and Savoy. Many of them have parallel rings 
 round the mouth of the socket by way of ornament. 
 They also occur in Germany |||| and Denmark. ^ One 
 from Northern Germany, still containing a part of its 
 wooden shaft, has been engraved by Von Estorfi 3 .*** 
 Those from Italy and Greece have very fre- 
 quently facets running along the midrib which 
 contains the socket. 
 In Fig. 383 is shown a variety (11 inches) with a 
 projecting fillet running down to the rivet-holes as in 
 Fig. 381, which, however, in this case forms the termi- 
 nation of small beads running along the sides of the 
 central rib. There is also a beading running along the midrib. The 
 original was found, with another spear-head, plain, a socketed celt, some 
 bronze rings, and fragments of tin, at Achtertyre,ftf Morayshire. Mr. E. 
 D&y, F.S.A., has a nearly similar spear-head (5 inches), found in Dublin. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 279. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251 ; "Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437. 
 j Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 221. Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 254. 
 || Arch. ^Eliana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. i. If Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 110. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 102. ft Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iv. p. 417 
 JJ Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. iv. pi. xiii. 214. 
 $ Keller, passim. 
 Illl Von Braunmuhl, " Alt Deutschen Grabmaler ; " Schreiber, " Die ehern. Streit- 
 keile," Taf. ii. 19; Lisch, "Fred. Francisc.," Taf. viii. 
 HH Worsaae, "Nord. Olds.," fig. 190. *** "Heidnisch. Alterth.," Taf. viii. fig. I. 
 ttt P- S. A. S., vol. ix. p. 435. The cut has been kindly lent by the Society.
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 Fig. 384. North of 
 Ireland. * 
 A more elongated form, with the projecting part 
 of the socket considerably shorter, is shown in 
 Fig. 384, from a specimen found in the North of 
 Ireland. A spear-head (20 inches) of the same 
 form of outline, but with a slight ridge running 
 the whole length of the socket from its mouth to 
 the point, was found at Ditton,* Surrey. It is now 
 in the British Museum, having been presented by 
 the Earl of Lovelace. 
 Another (14f inches) in the same collection, found 
 in the Kiver Thames, f near the mouth of the 
 Wandle, retains a portion of the original wood in 
 its socket. It was found in company with a bronze 
 sword, a palstave, and a long pin (Fig. 454). 
 One of much the same form as the figure ( 1 1 inches) 
 was found at Teigngrace,| Devon. It has a delicate 
 bead running down each side of the midrib, and 
 continued as a square projection below the blade. 
 Canon Grreenwell has a long spear-head (14 
 inches) from Quy Fen, with grooves running up the 
 blade at the side of the socket. The ends of the 
 blade are truncated so as to leave projections on 
 the sides of the socket above the rivet-hole. These 
 are slightly ornamented. 
 I have seen another spear-head (11 inches) with 
 the base of the blade slightly truncated in a similar 
 manner. It was found near Eastbourne. 
 This elongated form is of common occurrence in 
 Denmark and Northern Germany, the necks being 
 usually ornamented by delicate punch-marking or 
 possibly engraving. 
 A broader variety, with the socket considerably 
 enlarged in the part extending below the blade, 
 is shown in Fig. 385. The original was found in 
 company with other spear-heads like Fig. 382 from 
 5 1 inches to 10$ inches long, two socketed celts with 
 three vertical lines on the face like Fig. 125, and 
 two somewhat conical plates with central holes, near 
 Newark, and is in the collection of Canon Green- 
 well, F.E.S. 
 A spear-head (6 inches) not quite so broad in its 
 proportions, said to have been found in a tumulus, 
 near Lewes, || Sussex, is in the British Museum, as 
 is another (6 inches) found near Bakewell, Derby- 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 364. 
 t A, J., vol. ix. p. 8. It is there erroneously stated to be 
 26 inches long. 
 I Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. vii. p. 199 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd 
 S., vol. vii. p. 40. 
 Worsaae, "Nord. Olds.," figs. 185, 186 ; " Atlas for Nord. 
 Oldk.," pi. B 1, 16. 
 || " Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 28.
 A spear-head of the same general outline as Fig. 385, but with the sides 
 of the socket straighter, was found with others, as well as with 1 6 socketed 
 celts, a knife, fragments of swords and of a quadrangular tube (qy. a 
 scabbard ?) and a long ferrule, near Nottingham.* 
 It is often the case that the sides of the upper part of the blade are 
 nearly straight, and the socket itself appears large in proportion to the 
 width of the blade. Such a spear- or lance-head from the Reach Fen 
 hoard is shown in Fig. 386. I have several others from the Fen districts, 
 as well as one of a shorter and broader form (5 inches) with a large 
 Fig. 385. Newark. } 
 Fig. 386.-Reach Fen. * Fig. 387. Ireland, 
 socket extending only an inch below the blade, found at Walthamstow, 
 A spear-head from Unter-TJhldingenf exhibits the same narrowness of 
 blade in proportion to the size of the socket. 
 In some cases the blade and socket are of nearly equal length. 
 Fig. 387 is here by permission reproduced from Wilde's Catalogue, Fig. 
 367. It is only 3 inches long, and may have been the head of a dart or 
 javelin rather than of a spear. I have an example of nearly the same 
 form and size from Co. Dublin. One in the British Museum is only 
 2 inches long, though the mouth of the socket is inch in diameter. 
 * Proc. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 332. 
 t Keller, 6ter Bericht, Taf. ix. 34.
 Some of these very small weapons may possibly have served to point 
 arrows. In the Norwich Museum is a head like Fig. 387, but with the 
 blade shorter in proportion and narrower, the total length of which is 
 only HI inch. The blade is % inch wide, and the socket is only f inch 
 in external diameter. A bronze arrow-head is said to have been found in 
 the Isle of Portland,* but particulars are not given. Another small point, 
 in form rather like Fig. 386, and only 3 inches long, was found at Llan- 
 y-mynech Hill,f Montgomeryshire. Another, 3 inches, was found near 
 Pyecombe,J Sussex. 
 One 4 inches long is said to have been found in Yorkshire. 
 Some double-pointed arrow-heads of bronze are mentioned as having 
 been found in Ireland, || but in point of fact these were "razors" like 
 Fig. 274. 
 In this country,H however, and not improbably in others, during 
 the period when bronze was in use for cutting tools and the larger 
 weapons, flint still served as the material from which arrow-heads 
 were usually made. Such a method of taking the census as that 
 devised by the Scythian king Ariantas would in Britain have 
 produced but small results ; at all events, but few of the inhabit- 
 ants would have been able each to contribute his bronze arrow- 
 head. Many of the bronze arrow-heads found on the Continent 
 appear to belong to the Early Iron Age, but it is mainly in 
 southern countries that they have been found. 
 In Egypt** and Arabia they have occurred of the leaf-shaped as 
 well as of the three-edged form, which latter is common in 
 Some spear-heads appear to have had the form of their point somewhat 
 modified by grinding, as if from time to time they became blunted by use 
 and required to be re-sharpened. A kind of ogival outline such as is 
 shown in Fig. 388 appears, however, to have been intentional. The 
 original was found in the North of Ireland. 
 This ogival outline is of frequent occurrence among the bronze spear- 
 heads from Hungary. 
 The lance-head shown in Fig. 389, also from Wilde (Fig. 368), has the 
 blade of a trapezoid rather than of a leaf-shaped form, and in general 
 character more nearly approaches the looped variety, Fig. 397, than those 
 now under consideration. The socket also appears to be quadrangular 
 rather than round. 
 It will now be well to speak of some of the spear-heads of this 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxi. p. 90. 
 t "Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 433; vol. xi. p. 205. 
 t Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. viii. p. 269, 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xx. p. 107. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. iii. p. 47. There is an article by Mr. Du Noyer on the classifica- 
 tion of bronze arrow-heads in vol. vii. p. 281. 
 U See " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 328. 
 ** Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. pp. 20, 27; vol. xxii. p. 68; Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. 
 p. 187 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 322.
 class which have either their sockets or their blades ornamented 
 by engraving or punching. 
 In Fig. 390 is shown a spear-head from the Eeach Fen hoard, the 
 nature of the ornamentation on which will he seen from the cut. 
 The five hands, each of four parallel lines around the socket, have 
 the appearance of being engraved ; but I think that this is not actually 
 the case, but that the lines have been punched in with a chisel-like punch. 
 Fig. 388. 
 North of Ireland. 
 Beach Fen. 
 The short transverse dotted lines have probably been made with a serrated 
 Another spear-head, with ornamentation of a nearly similar character, is 
 shown in Fig. 391. This example was found at Thorndon, Suffolk,* in 
 company with a hammer (Fig. 210), a knife (Fig. 240), a gouge (Fig. 
 204), and an awl (Fig. 224), the whole of which are now in the British 
 Museum. Another in the same collection from Thames Ditton (6 inches) 
 has three sets of three rings each, with short vertical lines above the 
 upper ring. 
 A small lance-head of this type (4 inches), found at Ingham, Norfolk, 
 with socketed celts, has one band of four parallel lines round the socket. 
 It is now in the Mayer Collection at Liverpool. Another from the Broad- 
 ward hoard ( Shropshire)! has two bands of four, and one of two rings, 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3 ; " Hor. Fer.," pi. vi. 27. 
 t Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 351.
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 the latter close to the mouth of the socket. A second in the same hoard 
 shows eight rings near the mouth of the socket, and a line running down 
 each side of the midrib prolonged below the blade as far as the rivet-hole 
 which it encloses. A spear-head from the hoard found at Beddington, 
 near Croydon,* is ornamented in nearly the same manner. It was found 
 with a gouge, socketed celts, a portion of celt mould, &c. That from 
 Culham, near Abingdon, shown in Fig. 392, has three sets of four rings 
 and one of two, as well as some vertical dotted lines above the upper ring. 
 In this case the bands seem to have been punched in with a serrated 
 punch which produced four short lines at each stroke, and by skilful 
 manipulation these short lines were made to join so as to form a continuous 
 I have a spear-head from Lakenheath, Suffolk (5f inches), with a 
 small raised band cast on the socket just below the rivet-hole. 
 A spear-head (6 inches) in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh, 
 found near Forfar, is ornamented with 
 two bands of three parallel lines round 
 the socket. 
 The sockets of some Irish spear-heads 
 are highly decorated. That of a long leaf- 
 shaped specimen from Athenry, Co. Gal- 
 way, is shown in Fig. 393, kindly lent me 
 by the Eoyal Irish Academy. It is Fig. 
 382 in Wilde's Catalogue, in which also 
 some other examples are engraved. The 
 chevron ornament and the alternate direc- 
 tion of the hatching are highly charac- 
 teristic of the style of the Bronze Period. 
 A similar decoration is found on English 
 specimens. One found at Bilton, York- 
 shire,! with other spear-heads, fragments 
 of swords, and socketed celts, has round 
 the socket three bands of triangles alternately hatched and plain, and 
 the blade is ornamented with a single row of the same kind on each 
 side of the central rib. One from Edington Burtle, Somerset (4 inches), 
 in the Taunton Museum, has a band of hatched triangles above three 
 bands of parallel lines with transverse lines between. 
 A broken spear-head from the Broadward J find has the blade orna- 
 mented in the same way. A row of plain triangles is left on each side 
 of the midrib, while the rest of the blade is hatched, the set of parallel 
 lines in each point between the plain triangles being alternately to the 
 right and to the left. 
 A fragment of a blade from the Haynes Hill hoard, Kent, has ring 
 ornaments engraved along each side of the midrib. 
 As has already been observed, the edges of this class of spear-heads 
 are not unfrequently fluted, but it occasionally happens that the whole 
 blade is ornamented by minute ribs and flutings. The spear-head 
 (10 inches) found with two swords and two ferrules at Fulbourn, Cam- 
 bridge,]] affords an example of this kind. On each side of the central rib 
 * Anderson's " Croydon Preh. and Rom.," p. 11, pi. iii. 4. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. v. p. 349. J Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 351. 
 1. iv. 5. 
 Culham." i 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 282. 
 || Areh., vol. lix. p. 56, pi.
 containing the socket are two sharp ridges one below the other, next 
 comes a hollow fluting, then a ridge, and then the fluting which forma 
 the edge. To judge from the engraving, another found at Gringley, 
 Nottinghamshire,* must also have been fluted in a somewhat similar 
 The discovery of other leaf-shaped spear-heads with rivet-holes through 
 the sockets is recorded to have been made at the following places, and 
 many others might no doubt be added to the list : the Thames, near 
 Battersea f (16f inches) ; near Wallingford J (7 J inches) ; and Kingston 
 (6 and 7A inches) ; two (7f inches and 6 inches) were found near Tod- 
 dington, Beds; || at Beacon Hill, Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire,^ two 
 (7 inches and 6 inches) were found with a socketed celt and gouge. 
 Others were discovered near Yarlet, Stafford- 
 shire ; ** near Alnwick Castle ff (sixteen with 
 celts and swords) ; Vronheulog, Merioneth- 
 shire; JJ and Longy Common, Alderney (one 
 with blade ornamented). 
 The spear-heads of the second of the 
 classes into which they are here divided 
 are those with loops at the side of the 
 projecting socket. These loops are usually 
 more elongated than those on socketed 
 celts and palstaves, though they probably 
 served a similar purpose, that of securing 
 the metallic head to the wooden handle. 
 The metal of which the loops are formed 
 has frequently been flattened by hammer- 
 ing, so as to reduce the projection of the 
 loops beyond the socket ; the flattened 
 part is often wrought into a lozenge form. 
 The strings which passed through these 
 loops were probably secured to some stop 
 or collar on the shaft, and may have been 
 arranged in some chevron-like pattern with which these lozenges 
 coincided. There are usually no rivet-holes in the spear-heads of 
 this class. 
 A specimen exhibiting these lozenges, and with the blade of nearly 
 the same form as those of the spear-heads of the first class, is shown in 
 Fig. 394. The upper part of the midrib containing the socket is ridged, 
 so that the section near the point is almost square. The socket is slightly 
 fluted round the mouth. The original was found at Thetford, Suffolk. 
 A spear-head of the same type, but with only a single large loop, found 
 Fig. 394. Thetford. f 
 * Arch., vol. xvi. p. 361, pi. Ixiv. 1. 
 I P. S. A., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 280. 
 || Arch., vol. xxvii. p. 105. 
 ** Plot's " Stafford.," p. 404, pi. xxxiii. ! 
 } J Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. viii. p. 210. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 244. 
 P. S. A., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 83. 
 IT P. S. A., vol. iv. p. 323. 
 ft Arch., vol. v. p. 113. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 9.
 in Glen Kenns, Galloway, is engraved in the Archceologia* but it seems 
 probable that the figure is somewhat inaccurate. 
 Another (5 inches) with two loops was found at Hangleton Down, 
 Suffolk.! Another (5 inches), rather more elongated than Fig. 394, was 
 found at Trefeglwys, Montgomeryshire.! Another from Shirewood 
 Forest is engraved in the Archteologia. It has a slightly ogival outline 
 on each side, a peculiarity I have noticed in other specimens. An example 
 given in the same plate seems to have lost the flat part of the blade. 
 I have one (6^ inches) from Fyfield, near Abingdon. 
 Mr. M. Fisher has a specimen from the Fens at Ely (5f inches), with 
 the midrib ridged like Fig. 396. 
 One from Hagbourn Hill, near Chiltern, Berks, || is reported to have 
 been found with a socketed celt, a pin like Fig. 458, and another like 
 Fig. 453, together with a bronze bridle-bit, and some portions of buckles 
 bike those of the late Celtic Period. These are now in the British Museum. 
 A few coins of gold and silver are said to have been found at the same 
 One (6 inches) was found at Chartham, near Canterbury.^ 
 One, 5 inches long, from the Thames, is in the British Museum. It has 
 a small ridge or bead along the mid-feather. The loops have a diamond 
 engraved or punched upon them. 
 In one from Beckhampton, Wilts** (4f inches), the side loops do not 
 appear to be flattened. 
 The form is of not unfrequent occurrence in Ireland, though perhaps 
 that with the raised ribs on the blade, like Fig. 397, is more common. 
 In one instance (13 inches) ff the loops upon the socket are not opposite 
 each other, though, as usual, in the same plane as the blade. 
 A small specimen (5J inches) from Fairholme, Lockerbie, Dumfries- 
 shire, is in the British Museum. 
 A small example of this type (about 3^ inches) is in the collection 
 formed by Sir E. Colt Hoare at Stourhead, and now at Devizes, and in the 
 same case with the dagger blades. It has been figured by the late Dr. 
 Thurnam \\ in his valuable memoir in the Archaologia, and is thought by 
 him to have been found in a grave with burnt bones in one of the Wilsf ord 
 barrows near Stonehenge. 
 There is a diminutive variety of this class of weapon with two loops, in 
 which the blade is extremely narrow, like that from Lakenheath shown 
 in Fig. 395. I have another, 4i inches, with even a smaller and shorter 
 blade, from Cumberland. 
 Canon Greenwell has one only 3 inches long, found near Nottingham. 
 It has three parallel grooves round the socket mouth. One, 4 inches, from 
 Ashdown, Berks, is in the British Museum. 
 A fragment of another of very small dimensions was found at Farley 
 Heath, Surrey, and is now in the British Museum. 
 A lance-head with a more leaf-shaped blade (6J inches) is said to have 
 been found in a tumulus at Craigton, near Kinross. 
 * Vol. x. p. 480, pi. xl. 5. t Sussex Arch. Coll., vol. viii. p. 269. 
 t " Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 432, and vol. xii. p. 25. 
 Vol. ix. p. 94, pi. iii. || Arch., vol. xvi. p. 348, pi. 1. 
 f Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 334. ** Arch. Inst., Salisb. vol., p. 110. 
 ft Wilde, "Catal. R. I. A.," p. 496, fig. 363; "Hor. Fer.," pi. vi. 15. 
 II Arch., vol. xliii. p. 447; "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 208. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xi. p. 168.
 An Irish example, 2f inches long, and comparatively broad in propor- 
 tion to its length, has been regarded as an arrow-head. It was found at 
 Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.* It has probably been broken and repointed. 
 An example much like Fig. 395 is engraved by Wilde as his Fig. 379. 
 In some cases there is a ridge running along the whole or a great part 
 of the midrib on the blade so as to make the section near the point almost 
 cruciform. An example of this kind from the neighbourhood of Cam- 
 bridge is shown in Fig. 396. In this case the side loops are unusually 
 Fig. 395. 
 Lakenheath. $ 
 near the mouth of the socket, the cavity of which extends about half-way 
 along the blade. Canon Green well has an example of this type (6 inches), 
 from Langton, Lincolnshire, with a longer socket, and the loops about 
 half-way along it. 
 This ribbing along the midrib is of frequent occurrence on Irish spear- 
 heads, and was probably intended to strengthen as well as to decorate 
 the blade. The projecting ribs on the flat part of the blade were also 
 probably added for the same purpose. Fig. 397 shows a spear-head with 
 these ridges, found in the North of Ireland. The blade is carried down 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 282, and xviii. p. 167. 
 Y 2
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 as a slight projection 
 along the socket until it 
 meets the side loops, the 
 outer faces of which are 
 expanded into lozenges. 
 I have a shorter ex- 
 ample (oi- inches) from 
 Old Kilpatrick, Dum- 
 bartonshire, Scotland ; 
 one from Tennon, Co. 
 Tyrone, is engraved in 
 the A.rchceological Jour- 
 In some the blade is 
 proportionally wider and 
 shorter. I have one 
 from near Enniskillen 
 (7^ inches), in which the 
 blade between the socket 
 and the ribs is so thin 
 that two long holes have 
 been eaten or worn 
 through it, giving it the 
 appearance of belonging 
 to the perforated class 
 to be subsequently de- 
 An Irish specimen 
 much like Fig. 397 is 
 engraved in " Horse 
 Ferales." f 
 A small broad-bladed 
 form is of very common 
 occurrence in Ireland. 
 An example is given in 
 Fig. 398. Another is 
 engraved by Wilde (Fig. 
 369). Some have two 
 diagonal ribs on each 
 side of the blade instead 
 of only one. A rather 
 more pointed form is 
 given by Vallancey.J 
 There are others figured 
 in the " Hora Fe- 
 This type is of rare 
 * Vol. ii. p. 187. 
 t PI. vi. 17. 
 J"Coll. Hib.," vol. iv. 
 pi. xi. v. 
 PL vi. 12, 13. 
 Fig. 400. Ireland, t
 occurrence in England, but one (4J inches ?) much like Fig. 398 was 
 ploughed up at Heage,* in the parish of Duffield, Derbyshire, and 
 another (4f inches) was found near Lincoln, f 
 A gracefully shaped spear-head, with parallel headings upon the blade, 
 and having very flat loops with pointed oval faces on the socket, was found 
 in the Thames, and formed part of the Eoach Smith Collection, now in the 
 British Museum. It is shown in Fig. 399, and appears to be unique of 
 its kind. A plain spear-head (7 inches) of much the same form, and 
 another of the same length, but wider and flatter, were found at Edington 
 Burtle, Somerset, and are now in the 
 Museum at Taunton. 
 A very remarkable specimen in the Royal 
 Irish Academy is engraved as Fig. 400. 
 It has already been figured on a small scale 
 by Wilde, who thus describes it : J "A long 
 narrow spear with concave or recurved 
 sides, and long lozenge-shaped loops on 
 each side of the socket, where the circular 
 form of that portion of the weapon becomes 
 angular. Narrow lateral ridges connect 
 these loops with the base of the blade, 
 which has hollow bevelled edges, and is as 
 sharp as the day it came from the mould. 
 The socket margin is decorated with a fillet 
 of five elevations, and a double linear en- 
 graved or punched ornament forming a 
 triangular pattern like that seen in some 
 antique gold ornaments. A sharp ridge 
 extends along the middle of the socket from 
 the loops to the point, on each side of which, 
 as well as in the angles between the blade 
 and the socket, there are lines of small oval 
 punched indentations apparently effected by 
 the hand." 
 In one of the looped forms both the 
 blade and the socket are often highly orna- 
 mented. The socket part is made to appear 
 somewhat like a haft to the blade, as in 
 the Arreton Down specimen (Fig. 328), and 
 the blade itself has ridges running nearly 
 parallel to the edges, the midrib being 
 almost square in section. An example of this kind from Ballymena 
 is, by the kindness of Mr. E. Day, F.S.A., shown in Fig. 401. As will 
 be seen, the socket, blade, and external faces of the loops are all orna- 
 mented with engraved and punctured lines. A beautiful example from 
 Ireland (6 inches), the socket engraved with a double ring of chevrons 
 near the middle, and a single ring near the base, and also ornamented 
 with dotted circles and lines extending down the blade, is in the 
 British Museum. It has two knobs on each side of the socket simulating 
 * Arch. Assoe. Journ., vol. ii. p. 280; "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 9. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 285. % " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 496. 
 Fig. 401. Near BaUytnena.
 Other varieties with the midrib more rounded are given by Wilde,* 
 and two of his figures are, by the kindness of the Council of the Eoyal 
 Irish Academy, here reproduced as Figs. 402 and 403. f The original of 
 Fig. 402 is 5 inches long. It has "a central circular stud opposite the 
 base of the blade, beneath which there are a series of minute continuous 
 lines margined on both sides by a row of elevated dots." The socket and 
 the outer surface of the loops are also highly decorated. 
 Fig. 403 is 7 inches long, and is also artistically ornamented. 
 Fig. 402. Ireland 
 Fig. 403. Ireland. 
 Fig. 404. Ireland. 
 An example of this kind is given in " Horse Ferales." J 
 One (5 j inches) from the Dean Water, Forfarshire, is in the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh. The blade is ornamented by incised lines and 
 Fig. 404, also kindly lent by the Eoyal Irish Academy (Wilde, Fig. 378), 
 shows a smaller and a plainer type. 
 An unornamented lance-head of this type (5 inches) was found at Peel,|| 
 in the Isle of Man. Another, 5f inches, with three bands of parallel 
 lines round the socket, was obtained at Douglas, Lanarkshire. 
 * " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," pp. 498, 501. 
 J PI. vi. 19. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. Ill, pi. xi. 4. 
 t Ibid., Figs. 385 and 386, p. 502. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 187.
 The spear-heads of this class with loops at the side of the sockets are 
 almost unknown out of the British Islands. In my own collection, how- 
 ever, is one from the Seine at Paris (6 inches), almost identical in 
 form with Fig. 394, but with the lozenge-shaped plates forming the 
 loops somewhat wider. 
 A highly ornamented spear-head from Hungary,* preserved in the 
 Museum at Buda-Pest, has small semicircular loops 
 at the sides of the socket. 
 The third class of spear-heads consists of 
 those with loops at the base of the blade con- 
 necting it with the socket. There are many 
 varieties of this class, which includes some 
 of the most elegant forms of these ancient 
 weapons. The reason for adopting this par- 
 ticular kind of loop appears to be that they 
 were, when thus attached to the blade, less 
 liable to be broken off or damaged than when 
 they formed isolated projections from the 
 socket. The spear-heads were also more readily 
 polished and furbished when the socket was 
 left as a plain tube. 
 The loops are very frequently formed by the 
 continuation of two ribs along the margin of 
 the blade, which are curved inwards from the 
 base of the blade until they join the socket. 
 A good example of this formation of the loop is 
 shown in Fig. 405. The original was found at 
 Elford, Northumberland, and is in the collection 
 of Canon Greenwell, F.K.S. 
 Another of nearly the same form, but without 
 the ribs on the blade, was found near Lowthorpe, 
 Yorkshire, E.R., and is in the possession of Mr. 
 T. Boynton, of Ulrome Grange. 
 The very graceful spear-head shown in Fig. 406 
 was found at Isleham Fen, Cambridge, in 1863, 
 and is a remarkably fine casting, the cavity for the 
 reception of the shaft being no less than 12| inches Fig. 405. Elford. i 
 in length, and perfectly central in the blade. 
 I have another spear-head of the same type (18 inches), probably from 
 the Thames, almost as well cast, but rather heavier in proportion to its size. 
 There are traces of wood in the socket, as is also the case in another of the 
 same form (14 inches) dredged from the Thames at Battersea,f and now 
 in the Bateman Collection. The wood has been thought to be ash. 
 Another similar, but originally about 20 inches long, was found in the 
 * Lindenschmit, " Alt. u. h. Vorz.," vol. ii. Heft iv. Taf. i. 9. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 329, pi. xxiv. fig. 3.
 Thames near Runnymede ; * and another in the col- 
 lection of General A. Pitt Rivers, F.R.S., 17 inches 
 long, was found at Hampton Court. 
 Another (13f inches) from the Thames at Thames 
 Ditton is in the British Museum. 
 One (15J inches) from Bottisham Lode, Cam- 
 bridge, is in the British Museum; as is another (14J 
 inches) from the New River Works, Pentonville. 
 I have seen others from Coveney Fen (16f inches, 
 Mr. Fisher), and from Woolpit, near Bury St. 
 Edmunds (8| inches). The Wade of one (llf inches) 
 without the socket was found at Stanwick, York- 
 shire, and is now in the British Museum. 
 One (13 inches) was found with three rapier- 
 shaped blades near Maentwrog, Merionethshire, and 
 is in the same collection.! 
 Another, broken, in the Museum at Taunton, is 
 said to have been found in the Roman villa at 
 Wadsford, Combe St. Nicholas, near Chard. Its 
 original length must have been about 1 8 inches. 
 In the specimen from Stibbard, Norfolk,]: shown 
 in Fig. 407, the ribs upon the blade are less distinct, 
 and the loops are widened out so as to show a 
 lozenge form when the edge of the blade is seen. 
 This spear-head was found with nine others and 
 about seventy palstaves about 1806, and is in the 
 state in which it left the mould, having never been 
 finished by hammering and grinding, though the 
 core has been extracted. I have seen a specimen in 
 the collection of Mr. J. Holmes, found at Morley, 
 near Leeds, in which the hammering process had 
 been applied to a part only of the blade, which 
 had evidently broken in the operation. The partly 
 finished base and the unfinished point were found 
 An Irish example of this form has been engraved 
 by Vallancey. 
 This type is rare in France, but a specimen is in 
 the Museum at Carcassonne (Aude), and another in 
 that at St. Germain. 
 In some spear-heads of nearly the same form 
 there is a raised bead running down the midrib as in 
 Fig. 408. This beautifully finished weapon was 
 bought in Dublin, but I cannot say in what part of 
 Ireland it was found. 
 A smaller and broader specimen (7 inches) in my 
 collection was found at Clough, near Antrim. 
 * Arch. Assoc. Jour., vol. xvi. p. 322. 
 t Arch., vol. xvi. p. 365, pi. Ixx. 3. 
 J Arch. Inst., Norwich vol., p. xxvi. Another from 
 this hoard is in the Brit. Mus., " Hor. Fer.," pi. vi. 22. Mr. 
 Franks thinks that the mould was in four pieces besides the 
 core, but on this point I am rather doubtful. 
 Vol. iv. pi. xi. 6. 
 Fig . 406 . Isleham Fen.
 I have another (lOf inches) from the north of Ireland in which the 
 midrib half-way along the blade expands to form an edge almost as sharp 
 as that at the sides. Near the point the section is cruciform, as in 
 Fig. 396. 
 Fig. 407. Stibbard. 
 Fig. 409. Lakenheath Fen. J 
 A spear-head found near Hay, on the river Wye, and now in the Museum 
 of the Society of Antiquaries of London, presents the same peculiarity as 
 Fig. 408. 
 Some ancient bronze spear-heads from China* are provided with 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 415.
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 central ridges of the same kind on the blades. They have but one loop, 
 and that is on the face, and there is a deep notch at the mouth of the 
 The long blades are often more leaf-shaped and less truncated at the 
 base than that shown in Fig. 406. A very large specimen of this kind 
 from Lakenheath Fen is shown on the scale of inch in Fig. 409. The 
 point is unfortunately lost, but is restored in the engraving. The midrib 
 containing the socket is ridged, and the outer faces of the loops expand 
 into the diamond form. 
 One of nearly the same character (22J inches), found 
 in the Thames at Datchet, forms part of the Eoach Smith 
 Collection,* now in the British Museum. Another (11^ 
 inches) was found with palstaves at Sherford,f near 
 A specimen in the British Museum (15f inches) has 
 an ornament of hatched chevrons round the base of the 
 socket, and the lozenge-shaped flanges are also orna- 
 mented with hatched open mascles. 
 A spear-head of the same form (15 inches) from 
 Ireland J has the ridge decorated with lines of dots, and 
 the socket with bands and a chevron pattern. A 
 plain specimen, no less than 26J inches long, found at 
 Maghera, Co. Londonderry, has been figured by 
 In others the midrib is conical, and the blade nearly 
 flat, or with only a shallow channel along the sides of 
 the midrib. One such from the find at Nettleham, Lin- 
 colnshire, || now in the British Museum, is, by the kind- 
 ness of Mr. Franks, shown in Fig. 410. I have one 
 nearly similar (9J inches) from Edmonton Marsh. One 
 (?2- inches) from the Thames at Lambeth is in the 
 British Museum, as are others from the same river 
 varying in length from 9 to 15 inches. 
 One from Speen, Berks ^f (7 inches), is of the same 
 character, as is one (8J inches) from Crawford, Lanark- 
 shire.** Another (9 inches) from Horsey, near Peter- 
 borough, Hunts, has been engraved by Artis-ff 
 Another (10 inches) from the Severn at Kempsey, 
 Worcestershire, |J appears to have been of this type. 
 I have seen others from the Cambridge Fens. One (5 
 inches) from Edington Burtle, Somerset, is in the Taun- 
 ton Museum. 
 A spear-head of this character (10 inches), with the faces of the loops 
 lozenge-shaped, was found with two looped palstaves and a chisel 
 * " Catal. Mus. Lond. Ant.," p. 83, No. 370. 
 t Pring, " Brit, and Rom. Taunton," pi. iii. 
 | "Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 20. 
 "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. 366, p. 496; " Hor. Fer.," pi. vi. 18. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 IT Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 322, pi. xxvi. 3. 
 ** Op. tit., vol. xvii. p. 110, pi. xi. 3. 
 ft " Durobrivae," p. Ivi. 4. 
 JJ Arch. Journ., vol. iii. 354; Allies, "Worcester.," p. 60. 
 Fig. 410.
 (Fig. 197) at Broxton, about 
 twelve miles south of Chester. 
 It is now in the collection of Sir 
 P. de M. G. Egerton, Bart., who 
 has kindly shown it to me. 
 Spear-heads of this character 
 are occasionally found in Scot- 
 land. Two from Wigtonshire* 
 have been figured. 
 The form is common in Ireland. 
 I have one 12 inches long from, 
 one of the northern counties. 
 A spear-head (6 inches) with 
 small projecting loops at each 
 side of the blade was found near 
 Hawick, Roxburghshire.! 
 In Fig. 4 1 1 is shown a remark- 
 ably fine spear-head in the collec- 
 tion of Canon Grreenwell, F.E.S., 
 which exhibits the peculiarity of 
 having the loops formed by the 
 prolongation of small ribs on each 
 side of the midrib, and of having, 
 in addition, a rivet-hole through 
 the socket. It was found at 
 Knockans, Co. Antrim. 
 An Irish spear-head ( 1 4f inches) 
 with loops at the lower end of 
 the blade, and the socket pierced 
 for a rivet, was exhibited to the 
 Archaeological Institute in 18564 
 The fourth class of spear- 
 heads, those with openings in 
 the blade, may again be sub- 
 divided into those in which 
 the openings appear to have 
 served as loops for attaching 
 the blade to the shaft, and 
 those in which these apertures 
 seem to have been mainly 
 intended for ornament, or pos- 
 sibly for diminishing weight. 
 Of the former kind appear 
 to be those which have merely 
 two small slits in the lower 
 * Ayr and Wigton Coll., vol. ii. p. 13. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 214. 
 % Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 296. 
 Fig. 411. Knockans.
 part of the blade, such as would seem adapted for the insertion 
 of a cord. These holes are usually protected by 
 projections rising from the blade on the outer side 
 of the holes. 
 A fine spear-head in my own collection thus per- 
 forated, found near Lurgan, Co. Armagh,* is shown in 
 Fig. 412. It is 24 inches in length, and 3J inches in 
 extreme breadth. 
 The openings are about 17 inches from the point. 
 An Irish friend has suggested that they were for the 
 reception of poison, but after the blade had penetrated 
 seventeen inches into the human body such an use of 
 poison would probably be superfluous. 
 A spear-head of the same form (19 inches) was 
 found on the hill of Rosele, Duff us, Morayshire,f and 
 Fig. 412. Lurgan. 
 Fig. 413. Ireland. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 65. I am indebted to the Council for the use of 
 this block. 
 + Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 413 ; "Hor. Fer.," pi. vi. 21.
 is now in the Elgin Museum. Another, broken, "but still 10 inches long, 
 was found with a rapier-shaped blade at Corbridge, Northumberland.* 
 A broken specimen was found in the Isle of Portland, f 
 A spear-head (10 inches) with small openings in the blade was found, 
 with palstaves, socketed celts, rapiers, bracelets, and a ferrule, at 
 Wallington, Northumber- 
 land, and is in the pos- 
 session of Sir Charles 
 An "eyed" spear-head 
 22 inches long was found 
 in the Thames near 
 Datchet,^ hut whether it 
 was of this or some other 
 type I cannot say. One 
 (9 inches) with two holes 
 at the base of the leaf 
 above the ferrule was 
 found near Speen, Berks. 
 A broader form (13 
 inches) from Ireland is 
 engraved by Wilde (Fig. 
 365), and another broader 
 still is shown in my Fig. 
 413. This has a rivet-hole 
 on the front of the socket, 
 as well as the holes in the 
 blade. This is also in the 
 Dublin Museum. 
 In some instances the 
 blade is very much shorter 
 in proportion to the 
 length of the socket, as 
 will be seen in Fig. 414, 
 the original of which was 
 found in the county of 
 Antrim, and is now in 
 Canon Greenwell's collec- 
 A remarkably fine Eng- 
 lish example of the same 
 class is shown in Fig. 415. 
 This specimen was found 
 in the Thames, and is now 
 in the British Museum. The small projecting flanges at the side of the 
 holes in the blade are very strongly marked, and form circular discs 
 when seen with the edge of the spear-head towards the spectator. 
 The simplest of the forms, in which the holes in the blade appear to be 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 363. 
 t Ibid., vol. xxv. p. 49. 
 t Arch, Assoc. Journ., vol. v. p. 89. 
 I Ibid., vol. xvi. p. 250. 
 Fig. 415. Thames.
 [CHAP. xiv. 
 for ornament rather than use, is that in which there are two circular or 
 oval holes through the blade, one on either side of the midrib containing 
 the socket. The spear-head shown in Fig. 416 was found near Naworth 
 Castle, Cumberland, in 1870, and is in the collection of Canon Green- 
 Fig. 417. Blakehope. 
 Fig. 418. WMttingham. J 
 well. In general form it resembles the type, Fig. 381. It is provided 
 with a rivet-hole through the socket. 
 Some Italian spear-heads have two circular holes in the blade, but 
 nearer the base. 
 In the spear-head shown in Fig. 417 there is no trace of a rivet-hole 
 in the socket, the end of which, however, is broken, and the two oval 
 orifices in the blade are placed one somewhat below the other. This
 specimen is in Canon Greenwell's collection, and was found at Blakehope, 
 The more truly characteristic spear-heads of this class have two 
 crescent-shaped or lunate openings, one on each side of the mid- 
 rib containing the socket, which thus is 
 made, as it were, to reappear in the 
 middle of the blade. There is usually 
 a rivet-hole in the projecting part of the 
 socket below the blade, so that these 
 openings must be regarded as ornamental, 
 or else as intended to diminish the weight 
 of the weapon. 
 The original of Fig. 418 was found about 
 1847, near Whittingham, Northumberland,* 
 in company with some other spear-heads and 
 two swords, and is now in the possession of 
 Lord Eavensworth. The surface of the blade 
 is ornamented by being worked into steps or 
 terraces, and the socket by bands of parallel 
 A rather longer specimen was found, to- 
 gether with a plain leaf-shaped spear-head 
 and five socketed celts, at Winmarleigh, near 
 Garstang, Lancashire.! By the kindness of 
 the curators of the Warrington Museum I am 
 enabled to give it as Fig. 419. It is 19 
 inches long. There are small ridges by the 
 side of the midrib and round the margin of 
 the openings. 
 Another like it, but only 15 inches long, 
 was found with a socketed celt near Middle- 
 ham, Yorkshire. 
 Some fragments of spear-heads of this cha- 
 racter were found with other bronze anti- 
 quities in Duddingston Loch, Edinburgh.}: 
 The same form has occurred in Ireland. 
 A fine example (14 inches) from a hoard at 
 Dowris, King's County, || is in the British 
 A spear-head of this type, about 8 inches 
 long, is in the Boucher de Perthes Collection Fig. 419. Winmarleigh. 
 at Abbeville. 
 A spear-head smaller than Fig. 419, but of the same general character, is 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 429. 
 t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 234; Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 158. 
 J Grose's " Treat, on Anc. Armour," 1786, pi. Ixi. 5. 
 Vallancey, " Coll. Hib.," vol. iv. pi. xi. 7. 
 || " Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 16.
 shown in Fig. 420. It was found in Bur- 
 well Fen, Cambridge, about 1869. There 
 is a double bead along each side of the 
 midrib, and the blade is in two steps 
 or terraces. Around the crescent- 
 shaped opening the beading is grained 
 or milled transversely. A projection 
 is carried down along the socket from 
 the blade, so as to allow the rivet-hole 
 to be made in it. The socket extends 
 to within 1 inches of the point. 
 A spear-head of nearly the same 
 size, with the openings somewhat 
 smaller, but ornamented in a similar 
 manner, was found with celts, pal- 
 staves, gouges, swords, scabbards, &c., 
 at Guilsfield, Montgomeryshire,* in 
 1862. Another, broken, was found at 
 the same time. Another was in the 
 hoard at Little Wenlock, Stafford- 
 shire,! but does not appear to have 
 been ornamented. There was a frag- 
 ment of another, plain, in the Broad- 
 ward J find. 
 In the Antiquarian Museum at Edin- 
 burgh are some spear-heads of this 
 character, with the openings on the 
 blade rather longer in proportion. 
 One was found in the bottom of 
 a cairn at Highfield, TJrray, near 
 Dingwall, Eoss-shire. Others were 
 found in Roxburghshire and Stirling- 
 Some of the spear-heads of this type 
 which have been found in Ireland are 
 highly ornamented. A very fine speci- 
 men given by Wilde (Fig. 374) has 
 several mouldings with a kind of cable 
 pattern upon them. Others have cir- 
 cular perforations in addition to the 
 lunate openings ; and in one instance 
 the socket is decorated with bands and 
 vertical lines (Wilde, Fig. 372). 
 A small lance-head from Jelabugy, 
 Eussia, || with comparatively large 
 crescent-shaped openings in the blade, 
 has been figured by Worsaae. 
 The cut for Fig. 421 is kindly lent 
 me by the Society of Antiquaries of 
 * Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 217, fig. 8 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 251. 
 t Harfshorne's " Salop. Ant.," p. 96. J Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 352. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 154. 
 Mem. desAnt. du Nord, 18727, p. 115.
 Scotland. The original, 1 9 inches long, was found with a bronze sword 
 at Denhead, Cxipar- Angus, Forfarshire,* and has unfortunately been 
 somewhat broken. As 
 will be seen, there are 
 ten circular holes, be- 
 sides two long cres- 
 cents. The socket is 
 said by Professor 
 Daniel Wilson to con- 
 tain a thin rod or core 
 of iron, which was 
 inserted in the mould 
 to strengthen this un- 
 usually large weapon ; 
 but what seemed to 
 Dr. Wilson to be an 
 iron rod is really a 
 piece of wood that 
 has been recently in- 
 serted when the spear- 
 head was mended. 
 In the last class 
 into which these 
 weapons are here 
 divided, are placed 
 those which are 
 barbed at the base 
 of the blade, or in 
 very rare instances 
 are square at that 
 A good typical ex- 
 ample (10iV inches) 
 is shown in Fig. 422, 
 from an original found 
 at Speen, Berks. f It 
 is very heavy, weigh- 
 ing 11 ozs. troy, or 
 more than | Ib. avoir- 
 Fig. 421. Denhead. 
 Fig. 4-^. Speen 
 Another of the same size, but lighter (8 ozs.), was found in the Severn, 
 near Worcester .| 
 * Wilson's " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 391; " Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 23 ; " Catal. Mus. 
 Arch. Inst. Ed.," p. 23. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S.. vol. v. p. 404, pi. iii. 11; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvi. 
 p. 322, pi. xxvi. 4. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 187 ; vol. iii. p. 354 ; " Horse Fer.," pi. vi. 26 ; Allies, 
 "Wore.," p. 30; "Arch. Inst.," York vol., pi. v. 4.
 Another (lOf inches), found in the Plaistow Marshes, Essex, and now 
 in the British Museum, has a rivet of bronze 2f inches in length still in 
 the rivet-hole. Curiously enough this long rivet appears to be a speciality 
 of this class of weapons. Some of this type, together with some fragments 
 twisted and adhering together as if partially molten, were found in the 
 Thames at Kingston,* and in one of them was the bronze rivet. These 
 are now in the British Museum. Some broken barbed spear-heads of 
 larger size (about 14 inches), also with the rivets still in position, were 
 found with bronze ferrules at a spot called "Bloody Pool," South Brent, 
 Another (7 inches), found at Pendoylan, near Cardiff, Glamorganshire,! 
 has an oval socket pierced on one side for a rivet, which, however, is 
 Canon Greenwell, F.B.S., possesses an example much like that from 
 Speen (lOf inches) found in Yorkshire, near the river Humber. 
 In the Broadward find (Shropshire) were several spear-heads of this 
 type, mostly retaining their bronze rivets. One of them, about 6 inches 
 long and 3 inches broad, has the base of the blade at right angles to the 
 socket, and not sloping downwards. Several bronze ferrules were included 
 in the hoard. What appears to have been a discovery of nearly the same 
 character took place in a bog on a farm called the Wrekin Tenement, || 
 also in Shropshire, where a celt, a small number of swords, and about 
 one hundred and fifty fragments of spear-heads were found. They are 
 described as being for the most part about 8 inches in length, and having 
 rivets of bronze through the sockets. I have not met with the type in 
 Scotland or Ireland. 
 It has been suggested that these weapons were fishing spears, and 
 certainly their barbed form, so distinct from that of the more 
 common spear-heads, raises a presumption that they were intended 
 for some special purpose. It appears to me, however, as it already 
 has done to others, that such weapons are too clumsy to have been 
 used for the capture of fish of any ordinary size, and would have 
 made sad havoc even of a forty-pound salmon. If they were used 
 for the chase at all, it is more probable that they were intended for 
 attacking large four-footed game, such as wild oxen, either by 
 thrusting or darting, and that the weapons were left in the wound, 
 the shafts encumbering the animal in its flight. If, as would 
 probably be the case, these got broken by the animal, the long 
 rivets were well adapted for being removed so as to allow of the 
 broken shaft being taken out, and would again serve to retain a 
 new one. 
 Mention has already been made of ferrules having been frequently 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 125. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 84 ; vol. xviii. p. 160. 
 | Ibid., vol. xiv. p. 357; vol. xviii. p. 161. 
 Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. pp. 339, 347. 
 || Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 464.
 discovered in company with ordinary spear-heads ; and from this 
 fact, and the size and character of the ferrules, the inference has, 
 with much probability, been drawn that they served to tip the lower 
 ends of the shafts of spears and lances. 
 The illustrations given in Figs. 423 and 424 will serve to show 
 the usual character of these objects. They vary in length from 
 about 16 inches down to 8 inches, and are 
 about I; inch or less in diameter. They are 
 not made from a flat piece of metal turned 
 over, but are cast in one piece, having been 
 very carefully "cored." The metal, espe- 
 cially near the mouth, is very thin, and there 
 is usually a small hole nearer this end than 
 the other to allow of a pin or rivet being 
 inserted to keep the ferrule on the shaft. 
 The original of Fig. 423 (8|- inches) was 
 found with spear-heads and other articles at 
 Nettleham, near Lincoln, and is now in the 
 British Museum.* 
 One 14 inches long, bluntly pointed at the 
 base, was found in the Thames, near London, 
 and is now in the British Museum. It has a 
 portion of the wooden shaft inside, which ap- 
 pears to be of beech. The hole for the pin is 
 still visible in the wood, but the pin has 
 perished. It may have been made of horn. 
 Fig. 424 is on the scale of one-fourth, the 
 original being 14 inches long. It was found 
 with eleven others, varying in length from 10 
 to 16 inches, and with spear-heads and other 
 articles, at Ghiilsfield, Montgomeryshire.! 
 Another ferrule (9 inches) was found, with 
 spear-heads, socketed celts, &c., near Notting- 
 ham. | 
 Four such (about 7 inches) were found, with 
 spear- heads, &c., at Bloody Pool, South Brent, 
 Canon Greenwell has a specimen from Antrim 
 (9J inches), the end of which is worn obliquely, as if by trailing on the 
 ground. It has a single rivet-hole. 
 A very long ferrule of this kind (14 inches), but with a small disc at 
 the base, is in the Museum at Nantes. It was found in the bed of the 
 * Arch. Journ.y vol. xviii. p. 160. I am indebted to Mr. Franks for the use of this 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 260 ; vol. v. p. 422 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. 
 p. 214 ; " Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 437. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 332. Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 84. 
 z 2 
 Fig. 423. Fig. 424. 
 Nettleham. 1 Guilsfleld.
 A shorter form, somewhat expanding towards the base, is shown in 
 Fig. 425. This, together with three others, none more than 4J inches 
 long, was found, with spear-heads, &c., at Pant-y-maen, near Glancych.* 
 In the Broadward find f were six tubes, varying in length from 6 to 
 2 inches, of which one only was of this type. Some were so small that 
 the diameter did not exceed inch. 
 A small ferrule of this kind was in the hoard found at Beddington, 
 near Croydon,^ and part of one in that of Wickham Park. The latter is 
 now in the British Museum. 
 What appears to be a ferrule of this kind, but more widely expanded 
 at the end, like Fig. 425, is described in Gordon's "Itinerarium Septen- 
 trionale " as "a Roman tuba, or trumpet." 
 Another of these expanded ferrules is in the Museum of the Cambridge 
 Antiquarian Society. || 
 In the Fulbourn find *[f there were two ferrules expanding at the base 
 to about 2 inches in diameter, which were regarded by Dr. Clarke as 
 having been the feet of two spears. He points out that similar feet for 
 spears may be seen represented on Greek vases.** The oupt'axos or 
 a-avpan-qp of Homer ff appears to have been more susceptible of being 
 driven into the ground. This point at the base was sometimes used for 
 fighting when the spear-head proper was broken. 
 Among the African tribes on the shores of the Gambia, the spears, as 
 Mr. Syer Cuming JJ has pointed out, have a chisel- or celt-like ferrule at 
 the base of their shafts ; and this fashion extends all across Africa to 
 Madagascar, and recurs in Borneo. 
 Some Danish ferrules || || present the same peculiarity of being chisel- 
 like at the base. 
 Another form, more spherical at the base, is shown in Fig. 427, copied 
 from the Archaeological Journal.^ The original, with several others, was 
 found at St. Margaret's Park, Hereford. The socket tapers to a point 
 1 inches from the extremity. 
 A nearly similar ferrule, but with a slight cylindrical projection beyond the 
 spherical part, was found with other bronze objects at Lanant, Cornwall.*** 
 A kind of pointed ferrule of a nearly square section, with the faces 
 hollowed, which was found near Windsor, fff and is now in the British 
 Museum, not improbably belongs to a later date than the Bronze Period. 
 In the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy are several ferrules, 
 apparently for the end of spear shafts, some of which are said to have been 
 found with spear-heads. Many of these have ornaments of a late Celtic JJJ 
 character upon them. Others appear to have been made from plates 
 turned over and soldered, and not to have been cast hollow. Both of these 
 kinds are of more recent date than the Bronze Age. 
 * Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 221. f Ibid., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 353. 
 J Anderson's " Croydon Preh. and Rom.," p. 11, pi. iii. 5. 
 P. 116, pi. 1. 7. || Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 96. 
 H Arch., vol. xix. p. 56, pi. iv. 10, 11 ; Skelton's " Meyrick's Anc. Arm.," pi. xlvii. 12. 
 ** Arch, ubi sup., " Millin, Peintures de Vases," tome ii. p. 25. 
 ft " Iliad.," lib. x. 153 ; lib. xiii. 443, &c. 
 H Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xv. p. 235. " Preh. Cong.," Norwich vol., p. 77. 
 Illl Woraaae, "Nord. Olds.," fig. 191 ; "Atlas for Nord. Old.," pi. B 1, 22, 23. 
 HU Vol. xi. p. 55. *** Arch., vol. xv. p. 118. 
 ttt Arch., vol. v. pi. viii. 15. 
 HI Wilde, " Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," figs. 390, 391. f Op. eit., p. 517.
 Tapering ferrules of bronze occur in Italy, and a pointed iron ferrule, 
 probably belonging to a barbed javelin of Eoman age, was found in 
 the river Witham, near Lincoln.* 
 A ferrule, about 3 inches long, with parallel lines engraved round it, is 
 in the Museum at Clermont Ferrand. Another, more conical, is in that 
 of Narbonne.f Some with expanded button-like ends have been found 
 in the Lake-dwellings of Savoy. Several ferrules, some of them very 
 short, were found with bronze spear-heads at Alise Ste. Eeine (Cote d'0r).| 
 Fig. 425. Glancych. 
 Fig. 426. Fulbourn. 
 Fig. 427. Hereford. 
 Others, some of them ornamented, formed part of the great Bologna 
 A ferrule was found with a bronze spear-head, between 23 and 24 
 inches long, in the Alban Necropolis, and is figured in the Ardweologia.^ 
 Padre Garrucci regards this spear as neither Greek, nor Etruscan, nor 
 Latin, but Celtic. 
 Although the simple leaf-shaped spear-heads from the British Isles 
 present close analogies with those from the other parts of Europe, 
 yet for the most part those of the other types, with loops to the 
 sockets, with openings in the blade, or of the barbed class last 
 described, present peculiarities of their own. Several of these 
 types appear, indeed, to have been evolved in Britain or in 
 Ireland, and the differences they exhibit from the ordinary conti- 
 nental types are more marked than in any other class of bronze 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 211. 
 J Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. iv. pi. xiii. 
 t " Materiaux," vol. v. pi. ii. 25. 
 Vol. xlv. p. 383.
 weapons. Though loops are such a common adjunct to the socketed 
 celts of other countries, yet looped palstaves are comparatively 
 rare abroad. At the same time, as will have been seen, hardly any 
 examples of looped spear-heads from foreign countries can be cited, 
 while in Britain, and more especially in Ireland, they are verv 
 abundant. This fact, in whatever way it is to be accounted for, 
 affords a most conclusive argument against assigning a Roman 
 origin for our bronze weapons ; a looped spear-head, so far as I 
 am aware, never having been discovered in Italy, and but very 
 rarely even in Gaul. The spear-heads with the small apertures 
 in the blade appear also to be of an indigenous type. 
 Some of the iron spear-heads from Hallstatt and elsewhere have 
 been made in imitation of those in bronze, and have been welded 
 along the whole length of their sockets in a manner which dis- 
 plays the highest skill in the smiths. But, unlike the iron 
 palstaves and socketed celts, none of the spear-heads are provided 
 with a loop. In later times the sockets of the iron spear-heads 
 were left with an open slit along them, a method of manufacture 
 which produced an equally serviceable weapon, and involved far 
 less trouble. 
 As to the position in time which spear-heads occupy in the 
 Bronze Age, it is probable that it is towards the close rather than 
 the beginning of that period. Not only are spear-heads almost, if 
 not quite, absent from our barrows, but the skill involved in 
 producing implements so thin and so truly cored could only have 
 been acquired after long practice in casting. The objects to be 
 considered in the next chapter are also of comparatively late 
 HAVING now described the various weapons of offence of which 
 in early times bronze formed the material, it will be well to 
 examine the arms of defence fabricated from the same metal, and 
 presumably of the same or nearly the same age. 
 The shields first in use in Britain were probably formed of 
 perishable materials, such as wicker-work, wood, or hide, like those 
 of many savage tribes of the present day ; and it can only have 
 been after a long acquaintance with the use of bronze that plates 
 could have been produced of such size as those with which some 
 of the ancient shields and bucklers found in this country were 
 covered. They would appear, therefore, to belong to quite the 
 close of the Bronze Age, if not to the transitional period when iron 
 was coming into use. There are, indeed, several bronze coverings 
 of shields of elongated form, such as those from the river Witham* 
 and from the Thames, f with decorations upon them, in which red 
 enamel plays a part, that have been found associated with the 
 iron swords of what Mr. Franks has termed the Late Celtic Period. 
 Those, however, which appear to have a better claim to a place in 
 these pages are of a circular form. 
 That which I have shown in Fig. 428 is now in the British 
 Museum, and has already been figured in the Archceologia,+ and 
 described by Mr. Gage. It was dredged up from what appears to 
 have been the ancient bed of the river Isis, near Little Witten- 
 ham, Berks, not far from the Dyke Hills, near Dorchester, Oxon. 
 It is about 13| inches diameter, not quite circular in form, though 
 * "Horse Fer.," pi. xiv. ; Arch., vol. xxiii. p. 97; Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 144; 
 Skelton's "Meyrick's Anc. Arm.," pi. xlvii. 7. 
 t " Horae Fer.," pi. xv. ; Arch. Assoc. Joum., vol. xiv. p. 330. 
 JVol.xxvii.pl. xxii. p. 298; "The Barrow Diggers," pi. ii. 1, p. 73; AVorsaae, 
 " Prim. Ant. of Denm.," Eng. ed., p. 32. I am indebted to Messrs. James Parker & Co. 
 for the use of this block.
 [CHAP. xv. 
 probably intended so to be. The raised bosses have all been 
 wrought in the metal with the exception of four, two of which 
 form the rivets for the handle across the umbo, and two others 
 serve as the rivets or pivots for two small straps or buttons of 
 bronze on the inner side of the buckler. Such buttons occur on 
 several other examples, but it is difficult to determine the exact 
 purpose which they served. From the pains taken in this instance 
 to conceal the heads of these pivots on the outside, by making 
 them take the form and place of bosses, it would appear that they 
 were necessary adjuncts of the shield, and possibly in some way 
 connected with a lining for it. Such a lining can hardly have 
 / . F,.t 
 Tig. 428. Little Wittenham. 
 been of wood, or many rivet or pin holes would have been necessary 
 for securing the metal to it. It may be that a lining of hide was 
 moulded while wet to the form of the shield, and that these 
 buttons served to keep it in place when dry. In one case * it is 
 said that some fibrous particles resembling leather still remain 
 attached to the inside of the shield. In general the metal is so 
 thin that without some lining these bucklers would have afforded 
 but a poor defence against the stroke of a sword, spear, or arrow. 
 In this Little Wittenham example, and possibly in some others, it 
 is probable that the shield itself was larger than the bronze plate. 
 Another view is that these buttons fastened a strap for carrying 
 the shield when either in or out of use. 
 * Journ. E. H. and A. Assoc. of Ireland, 4th S., vol. iv. p. 488.
 Another buckler, in Lord Londesborough's collection, 14 inches in 
 diameter, with two circles of small bosses divided by a raised band, 
 is stated to have been found with a large bronze spear-head at Athenry,* 
 Co. Gralway. Two of the bosses of the inner circle are the heads of 
 rivets for securing the handle. A much smaller buckler, or centre of 
 a buckler, only 9 inches in diameter (also with two rings of bosses), 
 presumably found in the Isis,f near Eynsham Bridge, is in the Museum 
 of the Society of Antiquaries. It has a slightly conical boss, surrounded 
 by a circle of smaller bosses between two raised ribs. There is also a 
 raised rib round the margin formed by turning over the metal towards 
 the outer face. In the outer ring of bosses two are missing at the places 
 where, no doubt, were formerly the rivets of the buttons or loops. 
 A shield in the British Museum (21 inches), found in the Thames, has 
 four rows of bosses, about an inch in diameter, and the same number of 
 Fig. 429. Harlech. 8 
 raised rings. The inner set of bosses abuts on the umbo. There is a 
 marginal rim about an inch beyond the outer ring. This shield appears 
 to have had two buttons, which as usual are nearly in a line with one 
 of the rivets which fasten the handle. One of these loops remains secured 
 by a large-headed rivet matching the bosses. There is at least one hole 
 through the shield which may have resulted from a spear thrust. 
 The rivets which secure the handle have heads made in imitation of 
 In some the decoration consists of a series of concentric ribs or beads, 
 as in that found in a peat moss near Harlech, ; which is shown in Fig. 
 429. Its diameter is 22 inches. The heads of the four rivets for 
 * "Horse Fer.," p. 167, pi. xi. 1 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 187. 
 t Op. cit., p. 167, pi. xi. 3 ; " Catal. of Ants., &c., of the Soc. Ant.," p. 17. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 77, whence the cut is copied; "Hor. Fer.," p. 167, pi. xi. 4.
 [CHAP. xv. 
 holding the handle and the two buttons are in this case visible in the 
 spaces between the ribs. 
 Another of the same pattern was discovered in company with that 
 shown in Fig. 430, in Coveney Fen,* near Ely, and is now in the Museum 
 of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. The metal of which it is formed 
 has been found on analysis to contain 
 Copper 87-55 
 Tin 11-72 
 Nickel . . 0-40 
 The presence of the nickel is probably due to impurities in the ore from 
 which the copper was extracted. 
 Fig. 430. Coveney. 
 The second Coveney shield is shown in Fig. 430.f The ornament in 
 this instance is of a very peculiar character, and appears to represent 
 two snakes, one long and the other short, twisted about into a symmetrical 
 pattern. They are of the ampJiisbaena kind, with a head at each end. The 
 two outermost ribs, one of them at the margin, are continuous. The 
 rivets for holding the handle are visible, as are also three on either side 
 connected with the inner buttons, that in this case have been regarded as 
 * " Hor. Fer.," p. 167; Trans. Camb. Ant. Soc., vol. ii. p. 12. 
 t Copied from Publ. Camb. Ant. Soc., vol. ii. Misc. pi. 3.
 loops by which the shield was suspended. The buttons have a small 
 hole through them, as will be seen by Fig. 
 431. In front of each is a pair of small coni- 
 cal studs, of which the purpose can now 
 hardly be determined. Mr. Goodwin thought 
 that they might be intended to prevent a 
 thong which passed beneath the buttons from 
 slipping away from them. 
 The type of shield, of which the largest rig. 43i.-coven ey . * 
 number has been found in the British Isles, is that having a 
 Fig. 432. Beith.
 [CHAP. xv. 
 series of concentric rings, from about twelve to thirty in number, 
 and between them circles of small studs. 
 A very fine example of this kind of shield is preserved in the Museum 
 of the Society of Antiquaries of London,* and is shown on the scale of 
 one-sixth, together with some of its details on a larger scale, in Figs. 432, 
 Fig. 433. Beith. 
 433, and 434, for the use of which I am indebted to the Council of the A}-r- 
 shire and Wigtonshire Archaeological Association, f 
 A figure of the shield has been given by Professor Daniel "Wilson, J 
 but the illustrations here given will convey a much more accurate 
 impression of its character and details. 
 Though there is some discrepancy as to measurement, there is little 
 doubt that this is the shield found about the year 1780 in a peat moss on 
 a farm called Luggtonrigge, in the parish of Beith, Ayrshire, and pre- 
 sented to the Society of Antiquaries by Dr. Ferris, who was informed 
 * "Catal. Mus. Soc. Ant.," p. 16. 
 t See " Ayr. and Wigt. Coll.," vol. i. p. 66, where I have described this shield. 
 " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," 1st ed., p. 267 ; 2nd ed., vol. 
 : Minute Book of Soc. Ant.," vol. xxiv. p. 147. 
 p. 397-
 that four or five others of the same kind were discovered at the same 
 time. A portion of the margin of the shield is shown of the full size in 
 Fig. 433, and the handle across the inner side of the boss on the scale of 
 one-half in Fig. 434. These figures give so complete an idea of the 
 original that it seems needless to enter into further details. It is, how- 
 ever, well to call attention to the fact that the handle of the buckler, 
 which is made from a flat piece of bronze, is rendered more convenient to 
 grasp, and at the same time strengthened, by its sides being doubled 
 over, and thus made to present a rounded edge. It is secured to the 
 shield by a rivet at each end. About midway between the edge of the 
 umbo and that of the shield, but placed so that one of the rivets of the 
 handle is in the same line and midway between them, have been two 
 rivets, each fastening a short button like those on the Coveney Fen shield, 
 of which at present only one remains. The rivet-hole for the other has 
 been closed by a short rivet. 
 Fig. 434. Beith. 
 Other shields, almost identical in character, have likewise been found 
 in Scotland, one of which, by the kindness of the Council of the Society 
 of Antiquaries of Scotland, is shown in Fig. 435, on the scale of one-sixth. 
 A portion of the margin is shown full size in Fig. 436, and the interior 
 of the umbo in Fig. 437, on the scale of one-fourth. It was found in 1837, 
 together with another, in a marshy field near Yetholm, Roxburghshire. 
 These shields have been described in a paper by the late Mr. W. T. 
 M c Culloch,* of some of whose references I have here made use. 
 One of these Yetholm shields is 23 inches in diameter, and has thirty 
 concentric rings of convex knobs alternating with projecting circular 
 ribs or beads ; the other measures 24 inches across, and has twenty-four 
 rings of both knobs and ribs. In the centre of each is a hollow circular 
 umbo 4 inches in diameter, with a handle riveted across it. 
 Another shield of the same character was found at Yetholm f in 1870, 
 near the place where the two others were discovered. It is 22J inches in 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 165. See also Tr. JR. Hist, and Arch. Assoc. of 
 Ireland, 4th S., vol. iv. p. 487. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. viii. p. 393.
 diameter, with twenty-nine concentric rings alternating with the usual 
 small knobs. The boss is 3 inches in diameter. 
 Fig. 436. Yetholm. 
 Fig. 43". Yetholm. J
 At the back of each of these shields, about midway between the centre 
 and the rim, are the usual small movable tongues of bronze, which have 
 been supposed to serve for the attachment of a leather strap by which the 
 shield might be slung round the body. Mr. Jeffrey, F.S.A. Scotland, of 
 Jedburgh, who described this third shield, has pointed out that there is 
 too little room beneath the tongues for a strap of any kind. 
 So far as at present known these are the only instances of bucklers 
 of this kind having been discovered in Scotland. 
 In England and Wales several such have been found. One was in the 
 Meyrick Collection * at Groodrich Court, and is now in the British 
 Museum. It is about 26 inches in diameter, with twenty concentric 
 circles of knobs and ribs between, and is in all respects like those just 
 described. It was found about 1804 in a turbary near Aberystwith, 
 Cardiganshire. It has had the usual buttons, one of which remains. 
 Another example f of the kind (25 inches), with twenty-seven con- 
 centric rings, was also in the Meyrick Collection, and is now in the 
 British Museum. It was found in a peat moss at Moel Sinbod, near 
 Capel Curig, Carnarvonshire. It has one of the usual loops and the 
 rivet of the other. Sir Samuel Meyrick had heard of another shield, 
 dug up near Newcastle-on-Tyne, which the owner, wishing to gratify 
 all his friends, cut up like a cake, and sent to each a slice. This may be 
 the shield found at Broomyholme, Chester-le-Street, Durham, of which 
 a fragment is in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle- 
 Another now in the possession of Sir Edward Blackett, Bart., was 
 found near Corbridge, Northumberland. 
 Fragments J of two other shields of the same character were also 
 found in Northumberland, at Ingoe, in the parish of Stamfordham, about 
 two miles north of the Eoman wall. They were originally about 20 inches 
 in diameter, and like so many others were discovered during draining 
 Another buckler of the same character was found in the Thames at 
 London, and passed into the British Museum with the Koach Smith 
 Collection. This specimen is 21^ inches in diameter, and has eleven rings 
 of the small bosses upon it separated by concentric ribs. A curious 
 feature in this shield is that the places to which the usual little buttons 
 were attached have been neatly cut out, leaving triangular holes. There 
 is also a third hole of the same kind. In one place also there is a hole 
 through the shield, such as might have been produced by the thrust of 
 a bronze spear. Close by this hole is a clean cut, such as might have 
 been made by a sword. The plate of bronze has been turned over on to 
 the face, so as to form the outer rim. 
 A circular shield, || with twenty-six concentric rings of studs, was dredged 
 up, together with a leaf-shaped bronze sword, from the bed of the Thames 
 off Woolwich in 1830. 
 A thin bronze plate from the Thames, 19 inches in diameter, convex, 
 and with small knobs round the margin, is in the Mayer Collection at 
 Liverpool. It has been marked with the hammer, possibly in imitation 
 * Arch., vol. xxiii. p. 92 ; " Anc. Arm.," by Skelton, vol. i. pi. xlvii. 4. 
 t jirch., vol. xxiii. p. 95. ^ A/rch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 157. 
 "Hor. Fer.," pi. ix. 168 ; C. Koach Smith, "Catal. of Lond. Ant.," p. 80. 
 || C. Roach Smith, ubi sup.
 of basket-work, and has been mended in one place in ancient times. It 
 may be the bottom of a caldron, and not a shield. 
 Another buckler, 26 inches in diameter, having twelve concentric raised 
 rings with the usual knobs between them, is also said to have been found 
 in the Thames* between Hampton and Walton, in September, 1864. 
 In draining a meadow at Bagley,f about five miles from Ellesmere, in 
 Shropshire, another of these circular bucklers was found. This is 23 
 inches in diameter, with an umbo of 4 inches, and has twenty-six con- 
 centric circles, with the same rings of knobs between them as on the 
 other examples. It has the usual holes for the rivets of the small buttons. 
 Another, found on Burringham Common, J Lincolnshire, in 1843, is 
 26 inches in diameter, with an umbo of 4J inches, and only nineteen 
 concentric circles with intermediate rings of knobs. The boss of this 
 shield is conical rather than hemispherical. It is now in the Museum of 
 the Royal Irish Academy. A shield of this kind 20 inches in diameter, 
 having thirteen concentric circles of small bosses and raised rings be- 
 tween, was found at Sutton St. Michael's, Norfolk. 
 In the collection of Canon Greenwell is the bronze boss of a shield 
 nearly 5 inches in diameter, probably intended for the centre of a wooden 
 buckler. It has three small holes for nails or rivets in the rim. In one 
 place there is a square hole, apparently made by a thrust from a spear. 
 This boss was found at Harwood, Northumberland. 
 Shields like Fig. 435, with several concentric rings alternating with 
 small knobs, are rare, but by no means unknown in Ireland. One (27f 
 inches in diameter) was found in a bog near Ballynamona,|| Co. Limerick, 
 and has been figured. As usual, it has the two movable loops or buttons 
 at the back. There is a little patch of bronze over a small irregular 
 hole in the shield, such as an arrow or a javelin would make. It is 
 soldered on with a metal which is stated to be bronze, but which I 
 imagine must be some more fusible alloy of copper. This shield is now 
 in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, and in their Proceedings ^1 is 
 stated to have been found in Lough Gur, Co. Limerick, but this must 
 be an error. 
 The central portion of a bronze shield, including the umbo, was found 
 at Toome Bar, Lough Neagh, and is now in the collection of Mr. 
 William Gray, of Belfast. 
 A somewhat doubtful instance has been recorded of the remains of a 
 bronze shield having been found with an interment in a barrow. Sir R. 
 Colt Hoare, in his examination of the Bush Barrow, Normanton,** found 
 a skeleton lying from S. to N., and about eighteen inches S. of the 
 head "several brass rivets intermixed with wood, and some thin bits of 
 brass nearly decomposed. These articles covered a space of twelve inches 
 or more ; it is probable, therefore, that they are the mouldered remains 
 of a shield." Near the shoulders lay a flanged bronze celt like Fig. 9. 
 A large dagger of bronze, and what Sir Richard calls a spear-head of the 
 same metal, but which was probably a dagger, the inlaid hilt (Fig. 289), 
 * Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 518; v. p. 363 ; Gent. Mag., Dec., 1865, p. 771. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 200. 
 % Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iv. p. 395 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 200 ; Proc. 
 JRoy. Irish Acad., 1874, p. 277. Arch. Assoc. Jour., vol. xxxvi. p. 165. 
 |j Journ. Royal Hist, and Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 4th S., vol. ii. p. 118, and vol. iv. 
 p. 487. See Arch., vol. xliii. p. 480. 
 IT Vol. x. p. 155. ** " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 203.
 a stone hammer, and some plates of gold accompanied this interment. 
 It is much to be regretted that more is not known of the real character of 
 the object with the rivets, but their presence shows that it could not have 
 been a shield such as those here described, in which the only rivets are 
 those securing the handle and the movable buttons. 
 The umbo of a Late-Celtic shield was among the objects found at Polden 
 Hill,* Somersetshire. 
 Some wooden bucklers have been found both in Scotland f and Ireland, 
 but it is hard to determine their age. 
 Mr. Franks J has already remarked that bronze shields are of far less 
 common occurrence on the Continent than in the British Isles. He cites 
 three from the Copenhagen Museum, one of which, about 27 inches in 
 diameter, has five concentric ribs round the boss and ten sets of knobs ; 
 these, however, are arranged in such a manner as to leave a star of eight 
 rays of smooth metal radiating from the boss. The other two are less 
 like the British in character. A fine shield in the Stockholm Museum, 
 with swan-like figures upon it, has been thought to have been imported 
 from Italy. || 
 One found near Bingen, on the Ehine,H about 15 inches in diameter, 
 has merely four raised concentric ribs. There are two small bowed 
 handles secured with two rivets, each in about the same position as the 
 usual button. They seem certainly intended for a strap to pass through 
 them. There are, however, two other rivets in the shield to which 
 movable buttons may possibly have been attached. 
 The Italian shields mentioned by Mr. Franks are of a different type. 
 One in the British Museum (34 inches in diameter) has a very slight 
 boss, and is ornamented with concentric bands of sphinxes and other 
 As has already been observed, it is somewhat hard to judge of 
 the date of these bucklers. I am not aware of any portions of 
 them having been found in the hoards of metal in which fragments 
 of swords frequently occur. Still in the case of the shield dredged 
 up off Woolwich the sword which accompanied it was of bronze, 
 though of course there is no evidence of the two having been lost 
 or deposited together. The whole character, however, of the 
 ornamentation and workmanship is, I think, more in accordance 
 with the Bronze Age than with the Late Celtic or Early Iron 
 Period, though the shields probably belong to the close of the 
 Bronze Period. 
 Circular bucklers, or targets, no doubt remained in use until a 
 considerably later date, but it seems probable that some other 
 material than a thin plate of bronze was used for their manufac- 
 * Arch., Tol. xiv. p. 90. pi. xviii. t See Arch. Scot., vol. v. p. 217. 
 I " Hor. Fer.," p. 166. 
 Madsen, " Afbild.," vol. ii. pi. xvii. ; "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B, v. ; Worsaae 
 " Prim. Ant. of Den.," Thorns' Eng. ed., p. 31. 
 4" Cong, preh.," Bologna vol., p. 294. 
 Lindenschmit, "Alt. u. h. Vorzeit," vol. i. Heft xi. Taf. 1, 4, and 5. 
 A A
 ture. Professor Daniel Wilson* remarks that on the gold coins of 
 Tasciovamis, Cunobeline, and others of our native rulers contem- 
 porary with the first intercourse with Rome, the shields borne by 
 the warriors are either long and double-pointed, or, if round, large 
 and disked, and of very different construction from the Luggton- 
 rigge shield. On one coin of Cunobeline, however (Evans, pi. xii. 
 14), the horseman bears a circular buckler, which, so far as can be 
 judged from so diminutive a representation as that given on the 
 coin, would be about 2 feet in diameter. On two small gold coins 
 of Verica,f recently published, the horseman carries a target of 
 somewhat larger proportions. Somewhat smaller circular bucklers 
 are carried by the horsemen on certain Spanish coins, + probably 
 of the second century B.C. One of these shields shows four 
 smaller bosses, arranged in cruciform order around the central 
 boss ; another seems to be plain except the umbo and a project- 
 ing rim. 
 This buckler is no doubt the Cetra, or Caetra (/ratTpea, Hesych.), 
 in use among the people of Spain and Mauretania, which was 
 usually made of hide, among the latter people sometimes of that 
 of the elephant. CaBsar speaks of the "cetratae Hispaniae cohortes," 
 and Tacitus || mentions the Britons as armed " ingentibus gladiis 
 sine mucrone et brevibus cetris." It does not appear that the 
 Romans ever earned the cetra, which has been by Livy compared 
 to the pelta of the Greeks and Macedonians.^]" The clipeus appears 
 to have been larger in size, and to have been held on the arm 
 and not by the handle only. 
 But whatever shields may have been in use in this country at 
 the time of the Roman invasion, I am inclined to refer these 
 circular bucklers to a somewhat earlier date, as already in Caesar's 
 time iron was fully in use for swords and for cutting purposes 
 generally ; and, as has already been observed, the shields with 
 which the early iron swords are found are of a different form 
 from these. As is the case with bronze swords, such bucklers are 
 never found with interments, and those discovered seem to have 
 been lost in the water, or hidden in bogs, rather than buried as 
 accessories for the dead. 
 The skill requisite for the production of such bucklers must 
 * "Preh. Ann. of Scot.," 2nd ed., vol. i. p. 398. 
 t Num. Chron. t N.S., vol. xvii. pi. x. 7 and 8. 
 i See Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 187. 
 $ " De Bell. Civ.," i. 39, 48. || Agrio.," 36. 
 5 See Smith's "Diet, of Ant.," s. v. Cetra.
 have been great, and the appliances at command by no means 
 contemptible. The whole of the work is repousse and wrought 
 with the hammer, and not improbably the original sheet of bronze 
 from which a shield was made was considerably less in diameter 
 and also much thicker than the finished shield. To produce so 
 large a casting of such even substance, and yet so thin, would I 
 think be beyond the skill of most modern, and probably most 
 ancient, brass-founders ; and moreover there is no appearance on 
 the shields, of the metal having been cast in the form in which 
 it now appears. 
 While still upon the subject of defensive armour it will be well 
 to say a few words about bronze helmets, though there is good 
 reason to believe that in this country at all events such objects do 
 not belong to the Bronze Age properly so-called. Indeed the 
 earliest known bronze helmets in some other countries, such as 
 those from Assyria and Etruria, appear to belong to a time when 
 iron was already in use in those countries. The date of an Etrus- 
 can helmet of bronze preserved in the British Museum* can be 
 determined with precision, for an inscription upon it proves that 
 it was offered in the Temple of Zeus at Elis, by Hiero, Tyrant 
 of Syracuse, from the spoils of the Etruscans after the naval battle 
 of Cumae, which took place in B.C. 474. It is of simple form 
 with a brim around it. Those which have been found in Styria 
 and Germanyf are in some cases half ovals in form, sometimes 
 with a knob at the top, without any rims round the opening, but 
 with a certain number of small holes for the attachment of cheek- 
 pieces or appendages of other kinds. These may belong to a true 
 Bronze Period. Others, like those from Halls tatt,+ have rims and 
 even ridges for crests. 
 In the Salzburg Museum is a fine helmet without a rim, but with 
 an ornamented ridge and cheek-pieces. It was found, with twelve 
 others now at Vienna, at MattreyJ between Innsbruck and Brixen. 
 One of these bears an Etruscan inscription upon it. According to 
 Pliny, " the ancient inhabitants of Brixen came from Etruria." 
 Even in the time of Severus, the Britons, according to Herodian,!! 
 made no use of helmets or cuirasses, though they wore an iron 
 collar round the neck and an iron belt round the body, and re 
 garded them as ornaments and signs of wealth. 
 * " Horse Ferales," p. 168, pi. xii. 1. 
 t Lindenschmit, "A. u. h. Vorzeit," vol. i. Heft xi. Taf. 1. 
 t Von Sacken, "Grabf. zu Hallst.," Taf. viii. 5, 6. 
 5 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. i. p. 167. || Lib. iii. c. 14. 
 A A 2
 The following English and French helmets of bronze may just 
 be mentioned. 
 (1.) A helmet of hemi-spherical form tapering to a projection, pierced 
 above to receive a crest or ornament, the extreme height being about 
 8 inches, and the diameter at the base nearly the same. This was found 
 in Moorgate Street, London.* 
 (2.) One found in the Thames, f near Waterloo Bridge, with projecting 
 horns and ornamented with scroll-work and red enamel. This is un- 
 doubtedly of the Late Celtic Period. Some Etruscan helmets also bear 
 horns, but more curved in form than those on this helmet from the 
 (3.) Another, more conical in form, and with a semicircular plate at 
 the back, locality unknown, but probably from a river.! This was in the 
 Meyrick Collection, and is now in the British Museum. 
 The helmets found on Ogmore Down, Glamorganshire, appear to be 
 of much later date. 
 A helmet from Auxonne, Cote d'Or, has been figured by Chantre.|| 
 Another was found with various bronze antiquities at Theil ^f (Loir et 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 518. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 342 ; Waring's " Ornaments of Remote Ages," 
 pi. xci. 10. 
 I Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 362. 
 Arch., vol. xliii. p. 553, pi. xxxvi. II " Album," pi. xvi. bit. 
 II Chantre, "Age du Br.," lere ptie., p. 146.
 ANOTHER instrument probably connected with warfare, though 
 not strictly speaking an arm either of offence or defence, is the 
 trumpet, of which numerous examples in bronze have been found, 
 especially in Ireland. It is very doubtful whether the greater 
 part of them do not belong to the Early Iron Age, rather than to 
 that of Bronze ; but as it seems probable that some at least belong 
 to a transitional period, and it is possible that others are of even 
 earlier date, they could hardly be passed over without notice in 
 these pages. 
 There are two distinct classes of these instruments, so far as the 
 process of their manufacture is concerned, viz. those which are 
 Fig. 438. Limerick. I 
 cast in one piece, and those which are formed of sheet-metal 
 turned over and riveted to form the tube. There are also two 
 distinct varieties of the instrument, viz. those in which the aperture 
 for blowing is at the end, and those in which it is at the side. 
 Sir W. Wilde, in his Catalogue * of the Museum of the Royal 
 Irish Academy, has devoted several pages to a detailed description 
 of the trumpets found in Ireland, to which the reader is referred. 
 Those which he figures are all curved, some almost to a semicircle, 
 others to a more irregular sweep. Some straight tubes which 
 were found in company with several curved horns he has regarded, 
 but without sufficient cause, as the portions of a " commander's 
 staff," or of the handle of a halberd. One of these is shown in 
 Fig. 438, borrowed from his Catalogue.! A similar straight tube, 
 * P. 623 et seqq. j t Fig. 360, p. 492.
 (23f inches,) found with trumpets at Dunmanway, Co. Cork, is now in 
 the British Museum. The earliest known instance of the discovery 
 of such instruments is, according to Wilde, that recorded by Sir 
 Thomas Molyneux,* in 1725, of a "short side-mouthed trumpet" 
 being found with others in a mound near Carrickfergus, which was 
 then regarded as of Danish origin. But so early as 1713 Mr. F. 
 Nevill described eight bronze trumpets found at Dungannon,t Co. 
 Tyrone. In 1750 thirteen or fourteen more curved bronze horns 
 were discovered between Cork and Mallow, three of which are 
 described and figured in the " Vetusta Monumenta." $ 
 There is a remarkable resemblance between these trumpets and 
 three of those found near Chute Hall, Tralee, Co. Kerry, and 
 described by Mr. Robert Day, F.S.A., in the Journal of ike Royal 
 Historical and Archceological Association of Ireland.^ By his 
 kindness I am able here to reproduce his cuts as Figs. 439, 440, and 
 441. It will be observed that in two of them the ends are open, 
 Fig. 439. Tralee. 
 so as to be adapted for the reception of mouth-pieces, and that the 
 end of the other is closed. In this there is a lateral opening to 
 which to apply the mouth. It is on the inner curve of the trumpet, 
 but in some other cases it is at the side. As Mr. Day has 
 observed, there are rivet-holes at the wide ends of two of the 
 horns, as if for securing some more widely expanding end, while 
 in the more bell-mouthed examples no such rivet-holes are present. 
 The trumpet shown in Fig. 440 is made of two pieces which fit 
 exactly into each other, one of them being nearly straight. The 
 length of this instrument, taken along the external curve, is 
 50 inches, and its bell-shaped mouth is 4 inches in diameter. It 
 will be seen that at the mouths, and in other positions on these 
 * " Discourse concerning Danish Mounds, &c." f Phil. Trans., vol. xxviii. p. 270. 
 J Vol. ii. pi. xx. 3, 4, 5 ; Gough's " Camden," vol. iv. pi. xiv. ; " Hor. Fer.," pi. xiii. 
 4th S., vol. iii. p. 422.
 three trumpets, there are small conical projections or spikes always 
 in groups of four. Mr. Day has suggested the possibility of these 
 being added to give effect to blows with the trumpets in case it 
 became necessary to use them as weapons of offence. He has also 
 pointed out the remarkable resemblance between the horns with 
 the lateral openings and the war trumpets in use in Central Africa, 
 Figs. 440 and 441. Tralee. 
 which are made from elephants' tusks. One of these is shown in 
 Fig. 442, also kindly lent by Mr. Day. The conch-shell trumpets 
 of Fiji have also lateral openings. 
 As will subsequently be seen, trumpets of the two types repre- 
 Fig. 442. Africa. 
 sented by Figs. 439 and 440 have been found associated with bronze 
 To return to the trumpets from Cork described in the " Vetusta 
 Monumenta." Two of these are formed, like Fig. 440, of two pieces, 
 and are open at the end, which may have been provided with some 
 kind of mouth-piece. The other, like Fig. 439, is cast in a single 
 piece and is closed at the small end, but has a large orifice at the 
 side like the Portglenone specimen Fig. 444. Both are provided
 with a number of conical projections by way of ornament round the 
 mouth, and one of them has similar small spikes in other positions. 
 With them were found some pieces of straight tubing, which were 
 also decorated in a similar manner. The horn with the side aperture 
 is provided with a ring for suspension, like Fig. 439. Some of the 
 straight tubes have a sliding ferrule upon them also furnished with 
 a ring. 
 Sir W. Wilde observes of a horn about 24 inches long with the 
 aperture at the end slightly everted, as if for holding the lips, that 
 it requires a great exertion even to produce a dull sound with this 
 instrument. As to those with lateral apertures 2 inches long on 
 the average, and 1$ inches wide, he says that " it is not possible 
 by any yet discovered method of placing the lips to this mouth- 
 hole to produce a musical sound ; but, as conjectured by Walker 
 in 1786, these instruments might have been used as speaking- 
 trumpets, to convey the voice to a great distance as well as render 
 it much louder." 
 In one instance of a trumpet, like Fig. 439, being broken 
 across the mouth-piece, it has been repaired by a process of burning 
 together, like that adopted 
 in the case of broken 
 swords * previously men- 
 tioned. The mended por- 
 tion is shown in Fig. 443,t 
 borrowed from Wilde. This 
 trumpet was found at Derrynane, Co. Kerry. 
 A trumpet, broken across the middle and mended in a similar 
 manner, formed part of the " Dowris find," from which a number 
 of specimens are preserved in the British Museum,* and others 
 are in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy. The metal of 
 which most of the articles in this hoard are formed has a peculiar 
 golden lustre which is thought to arise from the admixture of a 
 certain proportion of lead. A horn analyzed by Donovan gave : 
 Copper 79-34 
 Tin 10-87 
 Lead . . . 9'11 
 *P. 282. 
 t Wilde, fig. 529, p. 592, kindly lent by the Council of the R. I. A. One of Mr. 
 Day's trumpets is also patched. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 96. There is an article on Irish trumpets by Dr. Petrie 
 in the Dublin Pennti Journal, vol. ii. See also Proc. jB. /. A., vol. iv. pp. 237, 423. 
 Von Bibra, "Die Br. u. Kupf.-leg.," p. 140.
 The find took place at Dowris, near Parsonstown, in 
 King's County, and comprised, besides trumpets and socketed 
 celts, a casting for a hammer-head, a socketed knife, tanged knives, 
 razors, a broad rapier-shaped dagger-blade, broken swords, a 
 dagger formed from a part of a sword, spear-heads both leaf-shaped 
 and with openings in the blade, vessels of thin bronze, rough metal, 
 some rattles or crotals, such as will shortly be mentioned, a pin 
 with a hook somewhat like a crochet-needle, and some rubbing 
 stones for grinding and polishing. There may have been other 
 articles, but those here mentioned are represented in the portion 
 of the hoard now in the British Museum. The association of 
 trumpets with such a series raises the presumption that some of 
 them at least belong to the close of the Bronze Age proper. 
 Some of these Dowris trumpets are engraved in the " Horse Ferales," * 
 and one of them belonging to the Earl of Eosse is peculiar as having two 
 Fig. 444. Portglenone. 
 loops opposite each other above and below. A detached portion of 
 another consists of a nearly straight tube, 9 inches long, expanding at 
 each end. 
 Another slightly differing example with the opening at the side is also 
 figured by Mr. E. Day, and here with his permission reproduced. It 
 was found at Portglenone, Co. Derry, and measures 24 inches along the 
 convex margin. 
 The other finds of trumpets have been for the most part isolated. Most 
 of those I am about to cite have already been mentioned by Wilde. A 
 fine specimen, like Fig. 444, is figured by Yallancey f and in Gough's 
 " Camden's Britannia." J Three others and a portion of a straight tube were 
 found in the county of Limerick in 1787. Others have been found near 
 Killarney ; || Cornaconway, Co. Cavan ; Kilraughts, Co. Antrim ; Dia- 
 mond Hill, Killeshandra ; Crookstown and Dunmanway, Co. Cork. 
 * PI. xiii. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. t " Coll. Hib.," vol. iv. pi. vii. 2. 
 I Vol. iv. pi. xiii. 2. Trans. S. I. A., vol. ii. 
 || Wilde's " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 624 et seqq. ; Jour. R. H. and A. A. of Ireland, 
 4th S., vol. iii. p. 422 et seqq. See also Ulster Journ. of Arch., 1860, vol. viii. p. 99 ; 
 and "Horss Ferales," p. 172.
 As the riveted variety of trumpet appears from its ornamentation to 
 belong to the Late Celtic Period, a short mention of it will suffice. One * 
 found near Armagh, and now in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy, 
 has at the end a disc 7 inches in diameter, embossed with the peculiar 
 scroll patterns characteristic of that period. 
 Another is no less than 8 feet 5 inches 
 along the convex margin, and consists of 
 two portions made of sheet bronze, each 
 turned over to form a tube, and having the 
 abutting edges riveted to a long strip of 
 metal extending along the interior of the 
 tube. This strip of bronze is only half an 
 inch in width, and has two rows of minute 
 rivet-holes in it, the rivets being placed 
 alternately. Their circular heads are on 
 the inside of the tube, and so minute are 
 the rivets, that there are no less than 638 
 of them along the seam. It is, indeed, not 
 unlike a modern riveted hose pipe of leather. 
 In what manner such an ingenious and 
 complicated piece of riveting could have 
 been effected is, as Sir "W. Wilde remarks, 
 a subject for speculation. 
 These riveted trumpets appear to be 
 unknown in Britain, and the cast-bronze 
 variety is extremely scarce. A fine and 
 perfect specimen found at Caprington, 
 Ayrshire, has been engraved for the 
 Ayrshire and Wigtonshire Archaeological 
 Association, f and is here, by the kind- 
 ness of the Council of the Association, 
 reproduced as Fig. 445. It was found 
 some time before 1654, on the estate 
 of Coilsfield, in the parish of Tarbolton, 
 in Kyle, but is known as the Caprington 
 horn. According to Mr. R. W. Cochran- 
 Patrick, F.S.A., it has been described by 
 Sir Robert Gordon in Blaeuw's Atlas 
 and by Defoe. This horn is 25 inches 
 in length, and is the only specimen re- 
 Fig. 445.-The Caprington Horn. J jj A l_ rJ'OxlJ 
 corded to have been found in Scotland. 
 The metal of which it is formed has been analyzed by Professor 
 Stevenson Macadam, and consists of 
 * Wilde, 630 et seqq. 
 t " Collections," vol. i. p. 74 ; Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xii. p. 565. 
 J Vol. vi. p. 50. " Tour through Britain," vol. iv. p. ISO.
 Copper 90-26 
 Tin 9-61 
 Loss '13 
 English trumpets of bronze are of extremely rare occurrence. 
 One found in the river Witham, Lincolnshire, has been figured 
 in the Philosophical Transactions* and is nearly straight for the 
 greater part of its length (about 28 inches), curving upwards near 
 the end into an irregularly-shaped expanding mouth. It has an 
 ornament or crest like a mane along the exterior curve. In form 
 it is not unlike the carnyx which is brandished by the horseman 
 on the coins of the British princes Eppillus and Tasciovanus,t and 
 which also appears on some Roman coins and monuments com- 
 memorative of Gallic and British victories. The metal on analysis 
 gave copper 88, tin 12, and the tube was formed from a hammered 
 sheet and soldered with tin. It not improbably belongs to a 
 period not far removed from that of the Roman invasion of this 
 Another, with two joints and a perfect mouth-piece, is said to 
 have been found at Battle, Sussex, and has been engraved by 
 Grose. + A bronze horn about 3 feet 7 inches long, found in 
 Mecklenburg, is not unlike the Scotch horn in character, though 
 smaller at the wide end. The curved bronze horns or " hirer," 
 found in Denmark, || have usually broad bossed flanges at the 
 wide end, and most resemble the Irish Late Celtic trumpets. 
 The use of war trumpets among the Celtic population of 
 Western Europe has been more than once mentioned by classical 
 writers, and passages from them have been cited by Mr. Franks 
 and others. Polybius^I speaks of the innumerable trumpeters in 
 the army of the Celts, and Diodorus Siculus ** says of the Gauls 
 that they have barbaric trumpets of a special nature which emit a 
 hoarse sound well suited to the din of battle. The Roman lituus 
 in use for cavalry seems to have been of much the same shape as 
 the carnyx, the end of which latter was in some cases made to 
 resemble a fanciful head of an animal. The continuance of the 
 * Vol. Ixxxvi. 1796, pi. xi. ; " Horae Fer.," pi. xiii. 2 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. IfiO. 
 t Evans, " Anc. British Coins," pi. iii. No. 11, and pi. v. No. 10, &c. 
 J "Anc. Armour," pi. xiii. ; (rough's "Camden," vol. iv. p. 231. 
 Lisch, " Fred. Francisc.," Tab. ix. 3. 
 || "Atlas for Nord. Oldk.," pi. B, vii. ; Worsaae, Nord. Olds.," figs. 199201. 
 t Lib. ii. c. 29. 
 ** Lib. v. c. 30. See also Livy, lib. v. 37 and 39.
 [CHAP. xn. 
 same character of instrument into the Early Iron Age, and the 
 advanced art shown in producing such castings as the trumpets 
 from Dowris and elsewhere, go to prove that they must belong 
 to the close of the Bronze Period, if, indeed, some may not more 
 probably be placed in a period of transition from Bronze to Iron. 
 Another form of instrument intended for producing sound, if 
 not indeed deserving to be classed as a musical instrument, is the 
 bell, or rattle, formed of a hollow egg-shaped or pear-shaped piece 
 of bronze, with a pebble or piece of metal inside by way of 
 The only examples which I am able to adduce are those which 
 formed part of the Dowris hoard, one of which is represented in 
 Fig. 446.* There are three such in the Mu- 
 seum of the Royal Irish Academy, and four in 
 the British Museum. With the latter is a smaller 
 plain bell of the same character and two un- 
 finished castings. Sir W. Wilde observes that in 
 casting, the metal appears to have been poured 
 into the mould by an aperture at the side, 
 through which the core of clay that contained 
 the metal clapper was broken up. The mould 
 was in two halves, and the rings and staples at 
 the ends were cast together. In the perfect 
 examples at the British Museum, the sides of 
 the holes by which the core was extracted have 
 been hammered together so as in some cases 
 to be almost closed. In one instance there is 
 some appearance of the sides having been brazed together. 
 The sound emitted by these bells is dull and feeble. Like the 
 modern horse bells, a number of them may have been hung 
 together, and not improbably employed in a similar manner to 
 attract the attention both of the eye and ear. 
 * Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 612, fig. 623, whence this cut is reproduced. 
 See also Proe. R. I. A., vol. iv. pp. 237, 423. 
 Fig. 446. Dowris.
 PINS for the purpose of fastening the dress or the hair seem to 
 have been in use from very early times. Made of bone,* they have 
 been found associated with polished stone implements, and pins of 
 the same material are of extremely common occurrence with 
 Roman remains, and are not unknown at the present day. In 
 the same manner, pins of bronze or of brass have remained in use 
 ever since their first introduction during the Bronze Period, and 
 it is, therefore, by no means easy, and, indeed, often absolutely 
 impossible, to assign a date with any degree of confi- 
 dence to such objects when found by themselves, and 
 not in association with other remains of which the 
 antiquity can be more readily determined. In the 
 case of small or imperfect pins there is considerable 
 difficulty in distinguishing them from awls, such as 
 have already been described in Chapter VII. In other 
 cases, it is often difficult to say whether bronze pins, 
 certainly of great antiquity, are to be assigned to the 
 Bronze Period properly so called, or the Late Celtic or 
 Early Iron Period. 
 In describing the objects of this class, it will, per- 
 haps, be best to take first such examples as have been found in 
 the exploration of tumuli or in direct association with bronze 
 weapons or instruments. 
 Among the numerous relics found in the Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, 
 were a large number of bronze pins, of which one, f 3 inches long, is 
 shown in Fig. 447. Canon Greenwell has eleven others from 3 inches to 
 5f inches long, with flat heads, all from this cave, as well as one which 
 has had its end hammered flat, and then turned over into a loop, so as to 
 * Greenwell, " British Barrows," pp. 15, 31. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 130. I am indebted to the Council of the Society 
 for the use of this cut.
 [CHAP. xvn. 
 form the head. A socketed knife and many other objects from this cave 
 have been described in previous pages. 
 Four imperfect bronze pins, without heads, the longest 3f inches long, 
 were found in the hoard at Marden,* Kent, with a sickle, dagger, and 
 other objects. 
 What is termed part of a bronze pin, some chipped flints, and long 
 ribbed beads of pottery, were found in the barrow called Matlow Hill,f 
 Cambridgeshire. Another, also frag- 
 mentary, was found with a flake of 
 calcined flint, four jet beads, and burnt 
 bones in a barrow on Wykeham Moor,! 
 Yorkshire, by Canon Greenwell. Others 
 are mentioned by Bateman ; but in all 
 these cases, as Canon Greenwell || has 
 pointed out, the presumed pins may 
 have been awls or prickers. The little 
 pin found with a lance-head, a small 
 urn, and some gold ornaments at Upton 
 Lovel,^j Wilts, may have been of the 
 same character, as also other pins men- 
 tioned by Sir E. Colt Hoare.** A " fine 
 brass pin " is described as having been 
 found with glass, jet, and amber beads, 
 together with burnt bones, in a barrow 
 near Wilsford.ff A very fine one in a 
 barrow at Lake,!! which, from the en- 
 graving, was probably an awl. The 
 long pin with a handle found with a 
 bronze celt and lance-head, or dagger, 
 in a barrow at Abury, may also have 
 been a tool of that kind. The bronze 
 pins recorded to have been found in a 
 barrow at Bulford,|||| Wilts, likewise 
 seem to come under this category. 
 In a barrow at Brigmilston ^f^[ an 
 interment of burnt bones was accom- 
 panied by a pin of twisted bronze, 
 6 inches long, in the form of a crutch, the head perforated (Fig. 448), a 
 small dagger of bronze, and two whetstones. 
 A smooth pin of the same character and nearly the same size, but 
 broken, was found in a barrow at Norman ton,*** in company with burnt 
 bones, two bronze daggers, a whetstone, and a pipe of bone. 
 The curious pin, with two rings at the head, in each of which is 
 another ring (Fig. 449), was found by Sir E. Colt Hoare in a barrow near 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 259. f Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 227. 
 ! Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 247. 
 "Vest. Ant. Derb.," p. 34 ; "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 130. 
 || " Brit. Barrows," p. 366. IF Arch., xv. p. 129. 
 ** " Anc. Wilts," vol. i.pp. 206208. ft Op. tit., p. 207. 
 J| Op. cit., p. 210. The references to the plate are somewhat confused or confusing. 
 " Anc. Wilts," vol. ii. p. 90. |||| Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 319. 
 HU "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 194, pi. xxiii., here copied. See also Arch., vol. xliii. 
 p. 467. 
 ; 'Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 199, pi. xxiv.
 Everley. The interment seems to have been in the hollowed trunk of a 
 tree, but the bones were burnt. With them was a dagger with three 
 rivets, and this instrument, which is described as having been in a sheath 
 of wood lined with cloth. Its purpose is difficult to determine. 
 Fig. 450. Bry-n Crug. 
 Fig. 452. Chilton Bustle. 1 
 Another pin (4| inches), with a bi-lobed head and three perforations, 
 was found with a two-looped palstave and a knife with an interment at 
 Bryn Crug,* near Carnarvon. It is shown in full size in Fig. 450. 
 Pins with large rings for their heads have occasionally been found. 
 One such from Taunton,f 7f inches, is shown in Fig. 451. It was found 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxv. p. 246. 
 this cut. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 94. 
 I am indebted to the Institute for the use of 
 Pring, "Brit, and Eom. Taunlon," pi. ii.
 [CHAP. xvu. 
 with palstaves, a socketed celt, rings, and other objects. 
 The part forming the pin is bent, it would appear inten- 
 tionally, but for what purpose it is difficult to guess. 
 Another with a straight pin was found at Chilton Bustle,* 
 Somersetshire. The annular part is divided in the middle, 
 and is flat and thin. It is shown full size in Fig. 452. 
 Another object of a similar character, but with the ring 
 larger (being oval and 4 inches by 3 inches) and with the 
 pin part shorter, was found in a barrow between Lewes and 
 Brighton,! with a long pin, to be subsequently mentioned, 
 and a pair of looped bronze bracelets, like Fig. 482. These 
 are now in the museum at Aba wick Castle. Another (6 
 inches, with ring 2 inches in diameter), probably from a 
 Wiltshire barrow, J is in the collection at Stourhead. 
 A pin of the same character from the Lake -dwellings of 
 Savoy has been figured by Eabut. 
 Another form has a smaller ring at the top, and the pin 
 beneath is usually curved. Fig. 453, from Wilde, || shows 
 an example of this kind. One of the two pins reported to 
 have been found with bronze bridles and buckles of " Late 
 Celtic " character, as well as with a bronze lance-head and 
 socketed celt, at Hagbourn Hill,^f Berks, was of this type. 
 The other had a flat head. 
 I have a pin of the same kind (4 J inches) found at Holt,** 
 Worcestershire. It has, however, a small cross, formed of 
 five knobs, attached to the front of the ring. It was found 
 in the bed of the Severn, and was presented to me by Mr. 
 G. Edwards, C.E. The pins of this character seem to belong 
 to quite the close of the Bronze Period, if 
 not indeed to the " Late Celtic." 
 A much larger form of pin appears, from 
 its style of ornamentation, to belong more 
 truly to the Bronze Period. That shown in 
 Fig. 454 was, indeed, found with a bronze 
 sword, spear-head, and palstave, in the 
 Thames at the mouth of the river Wandle,!! 
 Surrey, and is now in the British Museum. 
 It is 7f inches in length, and the bulging 
 portion in the centre is pierced probably for 
 some means of attachment. The point, Mr. 
 Franks thinks, was purposely curved. He 
 regards the pin as having been intended to 
 adorn the hair or fasten the dress. 
 Another pin, of much the same fashion, 
 12^ inches long, also has the point curved. 
 The bulging portion is in this instance nearer 
 the head, which, moreover, has a piece of 
 1! ireiana.* amber set in it, and there is a small loop on Rivef Wan'aie. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 106. f Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 265. 
 t Arch., vol. xliii. p. 469. 2eme Mem., " Album," pi. xi. 17. || Fig. 452. 
 t Arch., vol. xvi. p. 348, pi. 1. ** Allies, "Wore.," p. 149, pi. iv. 7. 
 ft Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 8. I am indebted to Mr. Franks for the use of this cut.
 the side of the pin, as in Fig. 457, instead of a hole through the bulging 
 part. This specimen was found in a mine near the river Fowey,* at 
 a depth of ten fathoms from the surface, when a new work was begun for 
 searching after tin ore. 
 The long pin already mentioned as found in a barrow near Lewes f has 
 an expanded head with a boss upon it, and about 4 inches below, an 
 ornamented lozenge-shaped plate, beneath which is a small loop for 
 Large pins of the same character have been found in the Lake-dwell- 
 ings of France, Switzerland, and Italy. 
 A large bronze pin, 13 inches long, found on Salisbury Plain,J is 
 described as having a flattened head, ornamented on one side with a 
 pattern. This which is now in the British 
 Museum is, however, of the late Celtic 
 It is by no means impossible that 
 these larger and heavier pins may at 
 times have served as piercing-tools and 
 even as weapons. The stiletto sur- 
 vives as a ladies' piercing-tool, but no 
 one at the present day would " his 
 quietus make with a bare bodkin ; " 
 though there was probably a time when 
 both stiletto and bodkin served a double 
 purpose, and were used, as occasion 
 might require, either as weapons or 
 as tools. 
 Smaller pins, ornamented at the blunt 
 end, have not unfrequently been found. 
 A fragment of one discovered by Sir E. 
 Colt Hoare in a barrow at Scratchbury, is 
 engraved in his unpublished plate, and 
 has also been figured by Dr. Thurnam, 
 F.S.A., in his memoir so often quoted. It 
 is here reproduced as Fig. 455. Another from a barrow at Camerton,|| 
 Somerset, has a hollow spheroidal head, with a double perforation. The 
 head and upper part of the stem are decorated with parallel rings and 
 oblique hatching, as may be seen in Fig. 456. In character this pin 
 much resembles some of those from the Swiss Lake-dwellings. 
 A very similar pin was obtained from a barrow near Firle,^[ Sussex, by 
 Dr. Mantell. 
 A fine pin, nearly 12 inches long, with a head of this shape, was found 
 near Enniskillen. The upper part of the pin is ornamented with groups 
 * Arch., vol. xii. p. 414, pi. li. 8. f Suss. Arch. Coll, vol. ii. p. 260. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 469. 
 Arch., vol. xliii. p. 468. I am indebted to the Council of the Soc. Ant. for this and 
 the next cut. 
 || Proc. Som. Arch. Soc., vol. viii. p. 45. 
 II Dr. Thurnam, ubi sup. (Horsfield, "Lewes," vol. i. 48, pi. iii. 12). 
 B B
 [CHAP. xvn. 
 of five small headings round it, and between these are spiral ribs, forming 
 many threaded screws alternately right- and left-handed.* 
 A long pin from Gralway, f of which the lower part is twisted into 
 a spiral, has a head with a notch in it, much like that of a modern 
 The pins with spherical heads, ornamented by circular holes, with 
 concentric circles around them, so common in the Swiss Lake-dwell- 
 Fig. 458. . Fig. 459. 
 Ireland, i Cambridge. 
 Fig. 461. 
 North of Ireland, 
 ings, are as yet unknown in Britain. I have, nevertheless, a portion 
 of what appears to be the large spherical head of a pin, which formed 
 part of the hoard found at Dreuil, near Amiens. Instead of holes, 
 however, it has bosses at intervals, with concentric circles round 
 them. In the spaces between are bands of parallel dotted lines. + 
 * Journ. X. Hist. Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 4 Sec. vol. v. p. 97. 
 t Arch., vol. xv. p. 394 , pi. xxxiv. 5. j Like Keller, " Lake-dwellings," pi. xxxiv. 2.
 Some of the Swiss pins have knobs of tin, or some other metal 
 than bronze, and even red stones inlaid in the perforations, so that 
 not improbably those which now show merely holes in the metal 
 may have been inlaid with horn or some perishable material. 
 Pins with flat heads, sometimes of large size, are of not unfre- 
 quent occurrence, and appear to belong to the Bronze Age. 
 An Irish example with a small loop at the side is shown in Fig. 457, 
 from a specimen in my own collection. It has apparently at some time 
 been longer. Some German pins * are provided with side loops in the 
 same manner. 
 A large pin, 8 inches, with the upper part beaded, and with a small 
 side loop, was in the hoard found near Amiens, and is preserved in the 
 museum of that town. With it were socketed celts, a sickle, &c. 
 A pin of the same general form, but 
 without any loop and with a more 
 ornamental head, also from Ireland, 
 is shown in Fig. 458, and an English 
 example, found near Cambridge, in 
 Fig. 459. 
 One with a plain flat head, and 
 llf inches long, is figured by Wilde 
 (Fig. 446). 
 Similar pins with flat heads have 
 been found in the Lake-dwellings of 
 Savoy and Switzerland. 
 The large flat heads are often 
 highly ornamented. 
 The pin from Ireland, of which the 
 head is shown in Fig. 460,f one-third 
 of the actual size, is 13 inches long. 
 This cut and Figs. 453, 462, 463, and 
 465, are kindly lent by the Eoyal 
 Irish Academy. 
 The ornamental expanded heads, 
 which usually have a conical projection in the centre, are more fre- 
 quently turned over so as to be in the same plane as the pins and be 
 visible when stuck into a garment. Fig. 461 is from a specimen of my 
 own found in the North of Ireland. 
 Fig. 462, from Wilde, J shows a small pin of the same kind, found at 
 Keelogue Ford. 
 Occasionally the head seems disproportionately large to the pin. 
 That of which the highly ornamented head is shown in Fig. 463, is 
 only 5^ inches long, while the head itself is 2^ inches in diameter. 
 A grand pin of this kind from Ireland, with the head 4 inches in 
 diameter, and the pin lOf inches long, is in the British Museum. The 
 face of the disc has five concentric circles upon it, with triangles, squares, 
 and ring ornaments between them. 
 * Lisch, " Freder. Francisc.," Tab. xxiv. 5, 6. t " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," fig. Ml 
 I Op. cit., p. 558, fig. 449 ; Journ. Arch. Assoc. of Scot., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 194. 
 Wilde, fig. 448. 
 B B 2 
 Fig. 462. Keelogue 
 Ford. | 
 Fig. 463. Ireland.
 [CHAP. xvii. 
 A Scottish specimen of the same character as Pig. 462 (9 inches), 
 found at Tarves, Aberdeenshire, together with bronze swords, is in the 
 same collection. The head is If inches in diameter. Another of the 
 same type from Ireland * is said to have had the cone originally gilt. 
 The head of another, which was found with a number of bronze swords 
 at Edinburgh,! is shown in Fig. 464. This discovery seems to prove that 
 the pins of this type belong to quite the latter part of the Bronze Period. 
 Pins with flat heads turned over so as to lie parallel with their stems 
 are of common occurrence in Denmark.^ They are usually ornamented 
 with concentric ribs, and the heads are sometimes plated with gold. The 
 stems are also often decorated. 
 Another form of pin has a cup-shaped head, not unlike the termination 
 Kg. 464. Edinburgh. 
 Fig. 465. Ireland. 
 of the large gold clasps, like drawer-handles, so frequently found in 
 Ireland. One of these is shown in Fig. 465, borrowed from Wilde. 
 An example of this kind was found in the Heathery Burn Cave. 
 Another pin of this type, 10 inches long, with the cup-shaped head inch 
 in diameter and inch deep, with a small cone projecting in the bottom 
 of the cup, was found with a bronze sword and two spear-heads in peat 
 near the Point of Sleat, || Skye. 
 Sir W. Wilde has given figures of numerous other types of pins, 
 but they nearly all belong to a later period than that of which I 
 am treating. That from a brooch at Bowermadden, Caithness, 
 engraved in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of 
 Scotland *k is also of later date. Altogether the subject of pins 
 belonging to the Bronze Age in the British Islands is one of 
 * Journ. Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 2nd S., vol. i. p. 194. 
 t froc. Soc. Ant. Scot., N.S. vol. i. p. 322. For the loan of this block I am indebted 
 to the Council of the Society. 
 + Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," fig. 239. " Catal. Mus. K. I. A.," p. 558, fig. 450. 
 || Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 102. H Vol. ix. p. 247.
 which, in the present state of our knoAvledge, it is difficult to 
 treat satisfactorily, so few of the more highly developed types 
 having been found in actual association with other bronze relics. 
 In England especially the rarity of bronze pins, as compared, for 
 instance, with their abundance in the Lake-dwellings of Southern 
 Europe, is very striking. As will subsequently be seen, there is 
 nearly as great a scarcity of bracelets and of some other orna- 
 ments. It may be that for personal decorations the jet and 
 amber, which during our Bronze Age were so much in fashion for 
 ornaments, suited the native taste better than decorations manu- 
 factured from the same metal as that which served for tools and 
 weapons ; and that when metal was used gold had the preference. 
 At the same time, for useful articles, such as some kinds of pins, 
 bronze may well have served, and it is to be observed that no 
 pins decorated with gold have as yet been found with bronze 
 weapons in Britain, though they have occurred in other countries.
 ALTHOUGH some of the pins described in the last chapter were 
 destined for ornament rather than for use, they cannot as a class 
 be regarded as purely ornamental. The collars and armlets, to 
 which the present chapter is to be devoted, must, I think, be con- 
 sidered as essentially ornaments, though possibly in some cases 
 affording protection to the neck and arms. The modern epaulette 
 was originally intended for the protection of the shoulder, though 
 now, as a rule, little better than an ornament. 
 The torque, or tore, takes its name from the Latin torques, 
 which again is derived a torquendo. This word torques was 
 applied to a twisted collar of gold or other metal worn around the 
 neck. Among the ancient Gauls gold torques appear to have been 
 abundant, and to have formed an important part of the spoils 
 acquired from them by their Roman conquerors. About 223 B.C.,* 
 when Flaminius Nepos gained his victory over the Gauls on the 
 Addua, it is related that instead of the Gauls dedicating, as they 
 had intended, a torque made from the spoils of the Roman 
 soldiers to their god of war, Flaminius erected to Jupiter a golden 
 trophy made from the Gaulish torques. The name of the Torquati, 
 a family of the Manlia Gens, was derived from their ancestor, T. 
 Manlius,f having in B.C. 361 slain a gigantic Gaul in single com- 
 bat, whose torque he took from the dead body after cutting off the 
 head, and placed it around his own neck. 
 On some of the denarii of the 'Manlia family + the torque forms 
 a circle round the head of Rome on the obverse. Two interesting 
 papers " On the Tore of the Celts," by Dr. Samuel Birch, will be 
 found in the Archaeological Journal. 
 Although these gold torques in many instances undoubtedly 
 * Florus, lib. ii. c. 4. t Aulus Gellius, lib. ix. c. 13. 
 J Cohen, Med. Cons.," pi. xxvi. 5. Vol. ii. p. 368 ; vol. iii. p. 27.
 belong to the Bronze Period, they are sufficiently well known to anti- 
 quaries to render it needless for me here to enter into any minute 
 description of them. The commonest form presents a cruciform 
 section, so that the twist is that of a four-threaded screw, and at 
 either end there is a plain, nearly cylindrical bar, turned back so 
 as to form a kind of hook. I have a fine example of this kind of 
 torque, found with a bronze anvil (Fig. 217) and other bronze 
 Fig. 466. Wedmore. 
 instruments and weapons at Fresne' la Mere, Calvados. A similar 
 but smaller gold torque was found near Boyton, Suffolk,* which is 
 said to have had the extremities secured together by two small 
 pen annular rings of gold, embracing the two terminal hooks. 
 One 42 inches long was found on Cader Idris ;t others in 
 Glamorganshire;* at Pattingham, Staffordshire^ and in several 
 other parts of Britain. Some fine examples of these funicular 
 * Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 471. 
 J Op. cit., vol. xxvi. p. 464. 
 t Arch., vol. xxi. p. 557. 
 Op. cit., vol. xiv. p. 96.
 torques of gold, as well as of other varieties of the same kind of 
 ornament, are in the Museum of the Koyal Irish Academy at 
 The torques formed of bronze are, as a rule, thicker and bulkier 
 in their proportions than those of gold, and the ends are usually 
 left straight or but slightly hooked over so as to interlock. They 
 are never provided with the projecting cylindrical ends already 
 The form most frequently discovered in the British Islands is 
 Fig. 467. Wedmore. 
 that known as funicular, one of which is shown in Fig. 466, 
 copied from the Archceological Association Journal.^ 
 The original was found with two others at Wedmore, Somersetshire. 
 One of these is of the same type, but of smaller size, and not quite so 
 closely twisted, as shown in Pig. 467 ; and the other is made of a flat 
 ribbon of metal, f inch broad, twisted, as shown in Fig. 469, which is 
 copied from the same plate as Figs. 466 and 467. 
 From another account of these torques, J it appears that they were found 
 near Heath House, in the parish of Wedmore, and that with, them were 
 two celts and a few amber beads strung on a wire. This latter, to me, 
 sounds doubtful, as the wire is probably a later addition. The weight of 
 * See "Wilde's " Catal.," p. 70, et seqq. ; and " Vetusta. Monum.," vol. v. pi. xxix. 
 t Vol. xxi. pi. xii. 2. J Areh. Journ., vol. vi. p. 81.
 the largest is said to be pound, of the second 2 ounces, and of the 
 smallest 1 ounce. 
 Another torque of the character of Fig. 466, about 9 inches in diameter, 
 was found with a bracelet, Fig. 481, and a two-looped palstave, Fig. 87, 
 at West Buckland, Somersetshire,* and is in the collection of Mr. W. 
 A. Sanford. It is shown on the scale of one-third in Fig. 468. 
 A portion of another torque, but of slender make, was found at Pen 
 Pits, f in the same county ; and another, somewhat imperfect, near 
 Edington Burtle.J With the latter was a portion of a ribbon torque like 
 Fig. 469, two bracelets, some rings, and four palstaves. 
 Two very fine torques, like Fig. 468, 8f inches in diameter, were also 
 found in Somersetshire on the Quantock Hills, in 1794. Within each of 
 Fig. 468. West Buckland. 
 them is said to have been placed a looped palstave, like Fig. 77. The 
 weight of one of the torques is reported to have been nearly 2 pounds. 
 In the collection of the Eev. E. Duke, of Lake House, near Salisbury, 
 are two fine torques of this kind, one large and heavy, and the other 
 smaller and more slender, which were found near Amesbury. With them 
 were several spiral rings closely resembling Fig. 489. 
 Two others found with armillse in Dorsetshire || are now in the British 
 Museum. The larger of these is closely twisted, and about 7 inches in 
 diameter. The smaller is thicker, and shows a coarser twist, and is 
 about 6f inches in diameter. The armillee are penannular and of rhom- 
 boidal section. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxrvii. p. 107, whence this cut is lent by the Council, 
 t Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. froc., vol. vii. p. 27. 
 J Op. cit., vol. v. 1854, p. 91. Arch., vol. xiv. p. 94, pi. xxiii. 
 || froc. Soc. Ant., vol. i. p. 234.
 Two small torques, some bronze rings or bracelets, and a palstave 
 are recorded to have been dug up in Woolmer Forest, Hants.* Two 
 spiral rings were found with them. 
 In the collection of Mr. Durden, at Blandford, are several specimens 
 found at Spetisbury, Dorset, f 
 I have a thin torque about 6J inches in diameter, but unfortunately 
 broken, found in Burwell Fen, Cambridgeshire. 
 In some instances the plain ends of the torque are left without hooks. 
 Such is the case with the fine collar found, with four looped armlets and 
 a palstave without loop, at Hollingbury Hill,J near Brighton, which is 
 now in the British Museum. On each extremity was a spiral ring of 
 Fig. 469. Wedmore. 
 bronze, considerably larger than the rod forming the torque, and a third 
 ring is shown in the published drawing. The palstave, which is broken 
 in the middle, apparently on purpose, lay within the circle of the torque, 
 which also was broken across the middle. At regular intervals round it 
 lay the four bracelets, which resemble Fig. 482, and vary somewhat in 
 The third of the torques already mentioned as found at Wedmore is 
 shown in Fig. 469. 
 It is of a type which occurs more frequently in gold than in bronze, 
 and in the former metal has often been found in Scotland. Several 
 such were discovered under a large stone at Urquhart, Elginshire. 
 Others have been found at Culter, Lanarkshire ; Belhelvie, Aber- 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. vi. p. 88. t Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxi. p. 232. 
 % Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 323; Arch., vol. xxix. 372; Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. 
 p. 267. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. 211, pi. xxi. 2.
 cleenshire ; Little Lochbroom, Eoss-sliire ; Kannoch, Perthshire ; and 
 elsewhere. Some of these are in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. 
 There are three or four such in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish 
 A gold torque of this class found at Clonmacnoise,* King's County, 
 has oval balls at each end instead of hooks. 
 So far as at present known, the funicular torques of bronze are 
 more abundant in the southern and western counties than in the 
 other parts of England. They appear to be unknown both in 
 Fig. 470. Yarnton. 
 Scotland and Ireland, though torques of Late Celtic patterns occur 
 in those countries. 
 The inference is that, although socketed celts are rarely if ever 
 found with them, these twisted neck-rings belong to the close of the 
 Bronze Period, and were introduced into Britain from the Continent. 
 The form is, however, rare in the North of France, and the nearest 
 analogues to the English torques with which we are acquainted are 
 to be seen among those from Northern Germany and Denmark. 
 The Danish form, with broad expanding ends terminating in 
 spirals, and the derivatives from it in which the spirals are repre- 
 sented by solid cast plates with volutes upon them, are nevertheless 
 unknown in Britain, as is also that with the twist alternately to 
 the right and to the left. 
 * Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 74, fig. 603.
 Another form of bronze torque found in Britain is made from 
 a plain piece of wire, hammered out at each end into a broad, 
 nearly quadrangular, plate. 
 That shown in Fig. 470 lay near the head of a contracted skeleton at 
 Yarnton, four miles from Oxford, at a spot which seems to have been a 
 prehistoric cemetery. I obtained it through the kindness of Professor 
 Eolleston when visiting the place. The ends are ornamented by hammer 
 marking. In a line with the wire forming the torque is a slightly raised 
 flat band perpendicularly fluted ; the expanding parts above and below 
 are fluted horizontally. A herald would engrave " azure, a fesse gules " 
 in the same manner, but with the lines much closer together. Two 
 torques of the same character, found at Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, are 
 in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. 
 The form probably belongs to the close of the Bronze Period, if not 
 indeed to the Late Celtic or Early Iron Age. 
 Fig. 471. Montgomeryshire. 
 A torque about 5 inches in diameter, described as of copper, made of 
 a simple wire, with the ends turned back so as to form hooks, and on 
 each a lenticular button of metal, was found near Winslow, Bucks, * and 
 may also be Late Celtic. 
 Another form of torque is made from a stout wire expanding into small 
 flat discs at the end, a type which is also common among bracelets both 
 in bronze and gold. A torque of this kind, together with a bracelet, is 
 shown in Fig. 471, kindly lent by the Council of the Society of Anti- 
 These objects were found with seven others in the parish of Llanrhaiadar- 
 yn-Mochnant, Montgomeryshire.! One of them is said to have had 
 pendants upon it. Several of them were too small to have served as 
 torques for the neck, and were most probably bracelets or anklets. To 
 these penannular ornaments I shall have to refer further on. 
 * Arch., vol. xi. p. 429, pi. xix. 3. 
 t froc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 467; "Montgom. Coll.," vol. iii. p. 419 ; vol. iv. 
 p. 247.
 The other varieties of torques found in Britain seem decidedly to 
 belong to the Late Celtic rather than to the Bronze Period, so that a brief 
 notice of them will suflice. They are frequently made in two halves, 
 hinged or dowelled together, and are often decorated with a series of 
 ornamental beads. 
 A collar found in Lochar Moss, Dumfries-shire, is now in the British 
 Museum.* About one-third of it is formed by a solid piece of bronze of 
 flat section, having the face ornamented with a peculiar wavy pattern 
 and the outer rim with cabled lines. The rest consists of fluted melon-like 
 beads with pulley-shaped collars between them. They appear to have 
 been strung on an iron wire. 
 A portion of another collar found at Perdeswell,f Claines, near Wor- 
 cester, has the iron wire still preserved. The ornamental beads are flatter, 
 with leaf -shaped projections upon them, and between them are smaller 
 pulley-like beads. 
 Another, formed in much the same fashion as that from Lochar Moss, 
 was found at Mow-road, Eochdale, Lancashire. J This was in halves, 
 dowelled together with iron pins. 
 Another, entirely of bronze, is made in two pieces, one part re- 
 sembling a row of beads, the other engraved like a closely plaited cord, 
 and was found at Embsay, near Skipton, Yorkshire. 
 A torque, weighing no less than 3 Ibs. 10 ozs. avoirdupois, was found 
 in the parish of AVraxall, Somerset. || This also is in halves, with pins to 
 form the joint. It is described as appearing to have been adorned with 
 precious stones. Possibly, like some other objects of Late Celtic manu- 
 facture, it may have been inlaid with enamel of different colours. 
 Bracelets of the same type as the torque and bracelet shown in 
 Fig. 471 have not unfrequently been found in Britain, though, 
 perhaps, they are less common in bronze than in the more precious 
 metal, gold. 
 They are sometimes slightly hollowed at the expanding ends. One 
 found with the hoard at Marden, Kent,^[ is of this kind. Another plain 
 penannular bracelet tapers off at the ends instead of expanding. This 
 latter is too small for an adult person. 
 One found, with various other bronze relics, at Ty Mawr, on Holyhead 
 Mountain,** expands at one end and tapers at the other. As is often the 
 case, the inner side of the ring is flatter than the outer. 
 One, 2f inches by 2 inches inside, expanding at each end, was in the 
 Heathery Burn Cave hoard. Some others were also found there. 
 In some instances the section of the metal, instead of being rounded, is 
 nearly square. Two such, tapering towards the ends, were found in Dor- 
 setshire, j-f with the torques already mentioned, and are now in the British 
 * Arch., vol. xxxiv. p. 83, pi. xi.; Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 148; Arch., xxxii. p. 400. 
 t Arch., vol. xxx. p. 554. 
 Arch., vol. xxv. p. 595 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 167. 
 Arch., vol. xxxi. p. 517, pi. xxiii ; Arch. Journ., vol. iii. p. 32. 
 Arch., vol. xxx. p. 521. 
 IT Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258, pi. xiii. 2, 3. 
 ** Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 367 ; vol. xxiv. p. 254. 
 \-\-Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. i. p. 234.
 Three plain penannular bracelets were in the hoard of palstaves and 
 socketed celts found at Wallington, Northumberland. 
 Several have been found in Scotland. Two such bracelets, the one 
 slender and the other thick, were found at Achtertyre, Moray shire,* in 
 company with a socketed celt, a spear-head, Fig. 383, another spear-head, 
 Fig. 472. Achtertyre. 
 and some fragments of other bracelets and of tin. One of these is shown 
 full-size in Fig. 472. 
 Another, 2 inches in greatest diameter, slightly thickened at the ex- 
 tremities, was found in a peat moss at Conage, Banff shire, f 
 Other penannular armlets, one of which is shown as Fig. 473, were 
 Fig. 473. Redhill. 
 found with socketed celts at Redhill, Premnay, Aberdeenshire, \ and are 
 now in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh ; as is another found with 
 burnt bones near Preston Tower, East Lothian. 
 This very simple penannular form of bracelet is found all over the 
 world, and is indeed the form of necessity adopted wherever it became 
 the fashion to wear thick metal wire round the arm. It was common 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix. p. 435. t P. S. A. S., vol. iv. p. 377. 
 % P. S. A. S., vol. i. p. 138.
 among the ancient Assyrians, and several bronze bracelets of this form 
 from Tel Sifr, in South Babylonia, are in the British Museum. The 
 hammered copper bracelets of North America* are usually penannular. 
 Two very massive penannular armlets, formed of rounded bronze fully 
 inch in diameter, and weighing about 12 ozs. each, were found with 
 an agate bead and a spindle-whorl in a tumulus near Peninnis Head, in 
 the Scilly Isles.f One of these is shown in Fig. 474. 
 An imperfect armlet of thick bronze wire was found in a barrow at 
 Wetton, J by the late Mr. Bateman. 
 Four plain armillee of bronze found with the spiral ring, Fig. 489, and 
 with a palstave, in "VVoolmer Forest, Hants, are also in the Bateman 
 Collection. As already mentioned, two small torques and a celt are said 
 to have been found with them. || 
 Ornamented bracelets, such as have been found in abundance in the 
 Fig. 474.-Scilly. * Fig. 475. Liss. 
 Swiss Lake-dwellings, and such as are common in most continental 
 countries, are scarce in Britain. 
 Tn the British Museum are two bracelets, slightly oval in section, and 
 engraved with parallel lines, chevrons, &c., as will be seen by Fig. 475. 
 They were found at Liss, Hampshire. Though the two ends are brought 
 more closely together than usual in continental examples, the general 
 character of these bracelets is much like that of some French and German 
 specimens. The patina upon them closely resembles that on the celt Fig. 17, 
 also found at Liss ; so they were probably deposited together. 
 A curious penannular armlet with flat broad ends, and ornamented 
 with punctured markings, was found with another armlet of smaller 
 diameter, but plain, more massive, and broader, together with the remains 
 * Schoolcraft, " Ethn. Res.," vol. i. p. 92 ; Squier and Davis, " Anc. Mon. Miss. Vail.," 
 p. 204. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 96 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. pp. 406, 422 ; Borlase, 
 " Naenia Corn.," p. 162. 
 % "Ten Years' Digg.," p. 167. 
 " CataL," p. 22 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 83. 
 || Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. vi. p. 88.
 of a skeleton, at Stoke Prior,* Worcestershire. It is now in the British 
 Museum, and is represented in Fig. 476. It may belong to a later period 
 than that of which I am treating, and is possibly Saxon. 
 Fig. 477, kindly lent by the Council of the Society of Antiquaries of 
 Scotland, shows another form of armlet, made from a bar of nearly semi- 
 Fig. 476. Stoke Prior. 
 circular section, bent into a circular form. The original, together with 
 another of the same kind, were found near Stobo Castle, f Peebles-shire, 
 beneath a flat stone, and lying on a large boulder, under which was a 
 collection of small stones, burnt and with apparently calcined bones 
 among them. 
 Another armlet (3 inches) of the same type was found with an urn 
 Fig. 477. Stobo Castle. 
 containing burnt bones in a cairn in the parish of Lanark.]: A bronze 
 spear-head is stated to have been found with it. 
 One of the bracelets from the find at Camenz, in Saxony, is of nearly 
 the same type. 
 Two circular armlets, one with the ends slightly apart, were found in 
 Dorsetshire, one in the parish of Milton. || I have an imperfect armlet of 
 this kind, found with a palstave, at Winterhay Green, ILninster, Somerset. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xx. p. 200. The Council of the Institute have kindly lent this 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 277. 
 J Arch. Asaoc. Journ., vol. xvii. p. Ill, pi. xii. 2 ; vol. x. p. 8. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 332. 
 || " Barrow Diggers," p. 77, pi. v. 14, 15.
 A penannular armlet of bronze, with compressed oval knobs at the 
 extremities, was found by Mr. F. C. Lukis, with a jet armlet, in the 
 cromlech of La Roche qui sonne* in Guernsey, and is shown in Fig. 478. 
 The scale has been said to be one-third, though from information kindly 
 furnished to me by the Eev. W. C. Lukis, F.S.A., it appears to be one-half. 
 A somewhat different and more elegantly ornamented armlet from 
 Cornwall f is shown in Fig. 479. 
 A bronze armilla, made from a flat ribbon of metal, inch broad, and 
 Fig. 478. Guernsey. 
 Fig. 479. Cornwall. 
 ornamented outside with a neatly engraved lozengy pattern, was found 
 with an interment in a barrow at Castern,J near Wetton, Staffordshire. 
 Another, about 1 inch wide, ornamented with four parallel bands of 
 vertical lines, with chevrons at the end, was found in a barrow at 
 Normanton, Wilts, encircling the 
 arm of a skeleton, and is shown 
 in Fig. 480. In this example the 
 ends overlap. 
 Another, with a series of small 
 longitudinal beads or mouldings 
 upon it, was found near Lake, 
 Wilts, and is in the collection of 
 the Eev. E. Duke. Some plain 
 penannular bracelets from that 
 district are in the same collection. 
 An armlet of nearly the same 
 character, but narrower, was found 
 in Thor's Cave,|| near Wetton, 
 Derbyshire. Remains of Late 
 Celtic and of Eoman date were 
 found in the same cave. 
 A fluted bracelet was found with rings and other objects at Edington 
 Burtle, Somersetshire.^ 
 A bracelet of bronze, of which some of the fragments are represented 
 in Fig. 481, was found with a bronze torque and a two-looped palstave 
 * Arch. Assoe. Journ., vol. iii. p. 344 (I am indebted to the Council for the use of this 
 cut) ; Arch., vol. xxxv. p. 247 ; " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 417. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. pp. 406, 430. 
 I Bateman, '*>Ten Years' Dig.," p. 167. 
 Hoare's "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 160; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 469, fig. 172. I am in- 
 debted to the Council of the Soc. Ant. for the use of this cut. 
 || " Reliquary," vol. vi. p. 211, pi. xx. 1 ; Dawkins, "Cave Hunting," p. 129. 
 H Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., vol. v. 1854, p. 91. 
 C C 
 Fig. 480. Normanton.
 at West Buckland,* Somersetshire. It is flat on the inside, so that the 
 ornaments appear to have been cast in a mould, though subsequently the 
 more delicate work was added by means of punches or gravers. 
 Another form of bracelet, probably of earlier date than some of those 
 represented in the previous figures, is of the type shown in Fig. 482. It 
 consists of a long bar of bronze, either circular or subquadrangular in 
 section, doubled over so as to leave a broad loop in the middle, and then 
 curved round so as to form the bracelet, the two ends of the bar being 
 bent over to form a hook, which engages in the central loop. That 
 Fig. 481. West Buckland. J 
 shown in the figure was formerly in the collection of the late Sir Walter 
 Trevelyan, and is now in the British Museum. As will be seen, the 
 edges are in some parts minutely serrated. The original was discovered 
 with two others, and a ring of the same metal, in a moss at Ham Cross, 
 near Crawley, Sussex. 
 Four others, forming two pairs, neatly placed round a torque, were 
 found at Hollingbury Hill,f near Brighton, as already described. They 
 are now in the British Museum. I have seen two others of the same 
 kind which were found at Pyecombe, Sussex. They are in the collection 
 Fig. 482. Ham Cross. 
 Fig. 483. Heathery Bum. 
 of Mrs. Dickinson, of Hurstpierpoint. Another was found in a barrow 
 near Brighton, with the long pin already mentioned, and is now at 
 Alnwick Castle. This was slightly ornamented with a kind of herring- 
 bone pattern. 
 Bracelets constructed on the same principle are sometimes formed of 
 much thinner wire. One from the Heathery Burn Cave, already so often 
 mentioned, is shown in Fig. 483. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. p. 107. I am indebted to the Institute for the use of this 
 cut. See Figs. 468 and 87. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 323. 
 % Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. i. p. 148 ; Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 260. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 131. For the use of this cut I am indebted to the 
 Council of the Society.
 Another of the same size and character, but made of even thinner wire, 
 was found with a bronze razor, a button, and other antiquities, in the bed 
 of a stream near Llangwyllog Church,* Anglesea. These objects are now 
 in the British Museum. The type is not confined to Britain, for a bracelet 
 clasping in the same manner was found in the Lac du Bourget.f 
 Penannular bracelets, like Fig. 473, with the ends slightly expanding, 
 have been not unfrequently found in Ireland. One engraved by Wilde J 
 is described as of pure red copper. 
 In many there are large cup-shaped ends at about right angles to each 
 other. One from Co. Cavan is shown in Fig. 484. I have another of 
 the same type, but much smaller and lighter, from Ballymoney, Co. 
 They much resemble the manillas or ring-money in use on the West 
 Coast of Africa, but are more cup-shaped at the ends. It appears possible 
 Fig. 484. Co. Cavan. 
 that, like some large Irish rings which will subsequently be described, 
 they are not actually bracelets. The other armillse engraved by Wilde 
 appear to be of later date than the Bronze Period. The same may be 
 said of the elegant bracelet shown full size in Fig. 485, which is certainly 
 Late Celtic. It was found by Canon Green well, F.K.S., on the right 
 arm of a female skeleton in a barrow at Cowlam, Yorkshire, and is 
 similar to some found at Arras, || in the same county. 
 Another somewhat plainer bracelet, with a short dowel at one end, 
 fitting into a socket at the other, so as to form an almost invisible joint, 
 was found with a fibula, Fig. 498, on the skeleton of an aged woman in 
 another of the Cowlam^j barrows, and is shown in Fig. 486. 
 Another bronze armlet of the same period was found in a barrow in 
 the parish of Crosby Garrett,** Westmoreland. It encircled the right 
 arm of a skeleton, and is penannular, "oval in section, and unorna- 
 mented, except in having a series of notches along both edges." 
 * Arch. Jotirn., vol. xxii. p. 74. 
 t Perrin, "Etude. prh. sur la Sav.," pi. xviii. 6. 
 % " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 570, fig. 479. " British Barrows," p. 210. 
 || " Cran. Brit.," pi. xii. B 4 ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 474. 
 II Greenwell's "British Barrows," p. 209. ** Op. cit., p. 386. 
 C C 2
 Many bracelets of Late Celtic date have been found at various times in 
 Scotland. Some of these are of very ornate design, and extremely 
 massive; while on others a repomse pattern has been worked upon a 
 plate of thin bronze. Such bracelets hardly come within the scope of 
 the present work, but a few references to engravings of them are sub- 
 joined : 
 Aboyne, Aberdeenshire (Arch. Jburn., vol. xxii. p. 74 ; Wilson's " Preh. 
 Ann. of Scot.," vol. ii. pp. 136, 139). 
 Alvah, Banffshire (Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 11, pi. iii. 1). 
 Muthill, Perthshire, now in the British Museum (Arch., vol. xxviii. 
 p. 435). 
 Plunton Castle, Kirkcudbright (Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 194; Proc. 
 Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 236). 
 Strathdon, Aberdeenshire (Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 13, pi. iii. 2). 
 Fig. 486. Cowlam. 
 Among hoards of bronze antiquities belonging to the latter part 
 of the Bronze Period, rings of various sizes are of not unfrequent 
 occurrence. They are usually plain and of circular section, as if 
 formed of a piece of cylindrical wire, though actually cast solid, 
 and do not for the most part seem to require any illustrations. 
 Some also are lozenge-shaped , in section. 
 In the hoard found at Marden,* Kent, there were six perfect bronze 
 rings, varying in diameter from 1 to If inch. In the Heathery Burn 
 Cave were numerous rings of circular section, and varying in thickness 
 from inch to 1^ inch in diameter. Many of these are now in the collection 
 of Canon Greenwell, F.K.S. One, 2 inches in diameter, was in the 
 hoard found at Westow,f Yorkshire, and may have been an armlet. 
 Several stout rings, about 1 inch in diameter, "probably cast in moulds," 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258. f Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 59.
 were found with various other antiquities in bronze at Ty Mawr,* Holy- 
 head, and a number of rings of various sizes, from f inch to 1^ inch in 
 diameter, were found in the deposit at Llangwyllog,t Anglesea. There 
 were also three small rings in the great hoard found at Pant-y-maen, J 
 Several rings, some of lozenge-shaped section and of delicate workman- 
 ship, were found in the hoard at Taunton, with the pin and other objects 
 already mentioned. 
 Such rings may have served various purposes, but were probably used 
 as means of connection between different straps or accoutrements. Canon 
 Greenwell has called my attention to two separate instances of two rings 
 being found together, in company with a bronze sword, in one case 
 near Medomsley, Durham, and in the other near Rothbury, Northumber- 
 The rings found with remains of chariots at Hamden Hill,|| near 
 Montacute, Somersetshire, appear to be of Late Celtic date, and to be 
 hollow. A hollow ring, however, If inch in diameter, and made from 
 a strip of bronze, fashioned into a tube 
 and left open on the inner side, was 
 found with a socketed celt, a gouge, 
 and other objects of bronze, at Mel- 
 bourn,^ Cambridgeshire. Many of 
 those from the cemetery at Hallstatt 
 are of this kind, wrought from a thin 
 plate of metal. Some hollow rings 
 from Ireland will subsequently be 
 Near Trillick,** Co. Tyrone, a pin 
 passing transversely through the body 
 of two rings (see Fig. 496) was found, Kg 
 and with it two large rings about 3 
 inches in diameter, and four smaller, about 2 inches. These latter appear 
 to be hollow, with probably a clay core inside. With these objects a 
 socketed celt and a bronze hammer were found. 
 Nearly six hundred bronze rings are in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish 
 Some of the Irish rings are cast in pairs, like a figure of 8.ff Others 
 of large size have smaller rings cast upon them. That shown in Fig. 487, 
 borrowed from Wilde, J| is 4 inches in diameter, with rings of 1 inches 
 diameter upon it. Sir W. Wilde was inclined to regard it as a bangle 
 with two rings by which to suspend it, but this appears to me very 
 doubtful. I have an almost identical example of the form from Bally- 
 money, Co. Antrim. 
 A gold ring, 4J inches in diameter, with a single small ring playing 
 upon it, from the great Clare find, is figured by Wilde. He states that 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 256; Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 483. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 74. J Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. p. 224. 
 Pring, "The Brit, and Horn, on the Site of Taunton," p. 50. 
 || Arch., vol. xxi. p. 39. IT Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 294. 
 ** Journ. Hist, and Arch. Assoc. of Ireland, 3rd S., vol. i. p. 164. 
 tt " Vallancey," vol. iv. pi. xiv. 8 ; Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 578, fig. 490. 
 H "Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 570, fig. 480. 
 $ "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 46, fig. 573.
 " similar articles are occasionally observed sculptured upon the breasts 
 of the statues of ancient Eoman generals, the small ring being attached 
 to the dress." 
 Some few bronze ornaments, which have been thought to be 
 finger rings, have from time to time been found associated with 
 other objects of the same metal, such as armlets, torques, &c. 
 One found with the armlets and palstaves in "Woolmer Forest,* Hants, 
 as already mentioned, is shown in Fig. 488. It has been formed from a 
 small quadrangular bar of metal, cylindrical at the ends, twisted after 
 the manner of an ordinary torque, and subsequently coiled into a spiral 
 ring. Mr. Bateman f describes it as a finger ring. With it was also 
 another twisted bronze ring of the same kind, but of only one coil. It 
 appears doubtful whether these rings were not more of the nature of 
 ornamental beads. It will be remembered that three spiral rings of the 
 same kind, but plain and of about four coils each, were found on the 
 Fig. 488. Woolmer Forest. J Fig. 489. Dumbarton. 
 extremities of the torque discovered at Hollingbury Hill,* Sussex. They 
 were considerably too large to fit on the torque, and were regarded as 
 intended in some way to fasten the garment. Some rings of this kind 
 were found with torques near Amesbury, as already mentioned. A ring 
 of a single coil, but made from a twisted bar like that in the figure, was 
 in the hoard found at Camenz, Saxony, in which also were fragments 
 of torques. 
 I have three small twisted penannular rings of gold which were found 
 with a small torque of the same metal near Carcassonne, Aude. They 
 are of different sizes and weights, but are all too small for the finger or 
 for ear-rings. One of them is indeed too small to pass over the re-curved 
 end of the torque, but the ends may possibly have been pinched together 
 since it was found. I am not aware that any of the rings were ever 
 actuaUy upon the torque, though I have reason to believe they were 
 found with it. 
 Mr. Franks has recently presented to the British Museum a gold torque 
 from Lincolnshire, which has three banded rings of gold, strung like 
 beads upon it. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. ii. p. 83. The cut is kindly lent by the Council. 
 t " Catal.," p. 22. + Sup., p. 378 ; Arch. Journ., vol . v. p. 323. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 332*
 Some small penannular rings found on a gold torque at Boyton have 
 already been mentioned. 
 The penannular rings so often found in Ireland, and commonly called 
 ring money, may after all be of the nature of beads. 
 The large hollow penannular ornaments made of thin gold, and nearly 
 triangular in section, seem also to be of the nature of beads or possibly 
 clasps. Straps passed through the narrow notch would require some 
 trouble to take out ; but still such beads could be dislodged from their 
 string without its ends being unfastened. The ornament shown in Fig. 
 489 was found near Dumbarton.* 
 Others, similar, have been found in Anglesea, Heathery Burn Cave, 
 near Alnwick,f and in other places. They occur also in Ireland.^ They 
 have frequently been found associated with armlets. Some Egyptian 
 rings of carnelian, ivory, and other materials have similar notches through 
 them. They have, however, been regarded as ear-rings. 
 Bronze finger rings seem to have been in occasional use. 
 In a perished urn with burnt bones, found with several others, one 
 containing a barbed flint arrow-head, in the cemetery at Stanlake, 
 Oxfordshire, there was a spiral bronze finger ring of the plainest form, 
 the only fragment of metal brought to light during nearly a month's 
 excavations by Mr. Akerman and Mr. Stone. What may have been a 
 finger ring was also found in the Heathery Burn Cave, || Durham. It is 
 formed of stout wire, the ends expanding, and slightly overlapping each 
 other, and is i inch in diameter. 
 In the hoard of bronze antiquities found near Edington Burtle,^f Somer- 
 setshire, were several small rings ; but with one exception they are hardly 
 such as could have served for finger rings. This exceptional ring is 
 penannular, and fluted externally like the bracelet found with it in the same 
 hoard. The form is not unlike that of the gold ring engraved by Wilde ** 
 as his Fig. 609. 
 Another form of ornament, the ear-ring, appears to have been 
 known in Britain during the Bronze Period. In two of the 
 barrows on the Yorkshire Wolds, explored by Canon Greenwell, 
 F.R.S., female skeletons were found accompanied by such orna- 
 In a barrow at Cowlam,ff "touching the temporal bones, which were 
 stained green by the contact, were two ear-rings of bronze. They have 
 been made by beating the one end of a piece of bronze flat, and forming 
 the other end into a pin-shaped termination. This pin had been passed 
 through the lobe of the ear and then bent round, the other and flat end 
 being bent over it. Thus the ear-ring must have been permanently fixed 
 in the ear." One of these rings is, by Canon Green well's kindness, shown 
 * Proc, Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. iii. p. 24, whence this cut is borrowed. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 295. 
 I " Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 36. 
 Arch., vol. xxxvii. p. 368. 
 || Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 426. 
 f Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., vol. v. 1854, p. 91. 
 ** " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 81. 
 ft " British Barrows," p. 223.
 as Fig. 490, as is one from Goodrnanham,* in Fig. 491. In the latter 
 case there was a bronze awl, or drill, behind the head ; the ear-ring here 
 figured was at the right ear, and its fellow, in a more broken condition, 
 Fig. 490. Cowlam. 
 Fig. 491. Goodmanham. 
 lay under the left shoulder. The better preserved of the two is some- 
 what imperfect, and may, I think, have formed a perfect circle when 
 Mr. Bateman records finding in a barrow called Stakor Hill,f near 
 Fig. 492. Orton. 
 Burton, a female skeleton, "the mastoid bones of which were dyed 
 green from contact with two small pieces of thin bronze bent in the middle 
 just sufficiently to clasp the edge or lobe of the ear." With the skeleton 
 *Brit. Barrows," p. 324. For Fig. 491 I am indebted to the Delegates of the 
 Clarendon Press. 
 t "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 80.
 EAR-RINGS. 393 
 was a flint "javelin head," and Mr. Bateman considered the interment 
 to be the oldest he had met with in which metal was present. 
 By way of illustration, a much longer form of trough-shaped ear-ring 
 may be adduced, though the metal in this instance is gold and not bronze. 
 That shown in Fig. 492 was found with another in a stone cist at Orton, 
 Moray shire.* 
 It seems possible that a lunette or diadem of gold was buried with 
 these ear-rings. 
 A pair of circular embossed plates, with a beaded ring on each and a 
 smaller disc above, were found in a tumulus near Lake, Wilts, and have 
 been regarded as ear-rings. They are in the collection of the Eev. E. 
 In the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy f is another gold ornament 
 of the same form as Fig. 492. It is, however, smaller, and the lower 
 part is at present flat. Gold penannular rings of torque-like patterns, 
 pointed at each end, and which may have been ear-rings, and not bead- 
 like ornaments, are not uncommon in Ireland and Britain.]: Eings of 
 nearly the same kind are still in use in Northern Africa. Plain double- 
 pointed penannular ear-rings in bronze are also found, but I am uncertain 
 as to the period to which they should be assigned. Some appear to be of 
 Saxon date. 
 I have a pair of ear-rings of circular form from Hallstatt, about 2 inches 
 in diameter, of hollow bronze, made from a thin plate, and with one end 
 pointed which fits into a socket at the other end. Other ear-rings of 
 bronze, || from the same cemetery, have a small ring encircling them, to 
 which, in one instance, three small spherical bells are attached. 
 In the Laibach Museum are some bronze ear-rings of the Early Iron 
 Age, much like those from Goodmanham, but broader. 
 Ear-rings of the Bronze Period appear to be almost unknown in France. 
 I have, however, specimens found with a hoard of bronze socketed celts, 
 fragments of swords, spear-heads, bracelets, and a variety of other obj ects 
 at Dreuil, near Amiens, about 1872. 
 They are two in number, in form like Fig. 490, but rather shorter. 
 One of them is coiled up, and the other has the broad part nearly flat. 
 Each is ornamented with some parallel lines stamped in across the broader 
 part. Several small hollow and some solid rings, circular, semicircular, 
 and flattened in section, were in the same hoard. 
 Some few objects of bead-like character have from time to time 
 been found in barrows and with other bronze objects. Dr. Thur- 
 nam^j describes a tubular bronze bead, 1| inch long, found in a 
 barrow in Dorset, and now in Mr. Durden's collection. He thinks 
 the bead mentioned by Sir R. Colt Hoare as found in a barrow 
 near Fovant ** may have been the spheroidal head of the bronze 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. viii. p. 30. 
 t Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 40, fig. 570. 
 1 Op. cit., p. 38. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 88. 
 || Von Sacken, " Grabf . v. Hallst.," Taf. xvii. 4, 6. 
 IT Arch., vol. xliii. p. 470. 
 ** " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 243.
 pin with which it was found. Some beads of amber and jet were, 
 however, discovered with it. 
 A notched head of tin, like a number of small heads strung together, 
 accompanied a little pin of copper or bronze, most probably an awl, and 
 some conical buttons of bone or ivory, in a barrow on Sutton Verney 
 Down,* in which there had been deposited a burnt body. Hoare says 
 that "it is the only article of that metal we have ever found in a barrow." 
 Small beads, or more probably drum-shaped buttons of gold, as sug- 
 gested by Dr. Thurnam,f have also been found in the Wiltshire barrows. 
 Beads formed of joints of encrinites, with others formed of burnt clay, 
 as well as a necklace formed of the shells of dentalium, were found in 
 a barrow near Winterbourn Stoke, j Glass beads of the notched form 
 have been found with burnt interments, and frequently with bronze in- 
 struments in others of the Wiltshire barrows. Other beads have spiral 
 ornaments in white upon a blue ground. A blue glass bead, with three 
 yellow spirals on it, was found with the point of a bronze blade in a cist 
 with burnt bones in a barrow at Eddertoun, Ross-shire. || Such beads, 
 known as Clachan Nathaireach,^f or serpent stones, have been used as 
 charms for diseased cattle and other evils. 
 Glass beads with the same spiral ornamentation have been found in the 
 cemetery at Hallstatt, and their presence in these graves certainly affords 
 an argument for assigning them to a comparatively late period, or at all 
 events to a time when commerce with the Continent was well established. 
 Among the objects found at Exning, Suffolk,** are some "curious 
 bullse " with clay cores, but they appear to belong to a later date. 
 As will be seen from the list of personal ornaments described in 
 the preceding pages, their forms are but few and their number 
 small in the British Islands, as compared with those of analogous 
 objects found in some continental countries, as, for instance, Scan- 
 dinavia and Switzerland. The absence of several forms of torques 
 has already been mentioned ; the Danish and North German 
 lunette, or diadem-like bandlets, are also never found in this 
 country, though, perhaps, the crescent-shaped gold plates or 
 " minds " of the Irish antiquaries may represent the same class of 
 ornaments. Spirals formed by coiling long tapering pieces of wire, 
 such as are common in Scandinavia and throughout Germany, are 
 also unknown, and this circumstance affords an argument against 
 there having been any direct intercourse in very early days between 
 this country and Etruria, where such spiral ornaments abounded. 
 Besides this absence of spirals formed of solid metal, the engraved 
 * " Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 103. f Arch., vol. xliii. p. 525. 
 J Op. tit., 114. A bead of burnt clay has also been found in a Westmoreland barrow. 
 " Brit. Barrows," p. 55. 
 See Thurnam, Arch., vol. xliii. p. 495. 
 || Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 313, pi. xxi. f Ibid. 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3.
 spiral ornament which in some countries is characteristic of the 
 Bronze Period may be said to be absolutely unknown in Britain. 
 The nearest approach to it is the ring ornament formed of concen- 
 tric circles. 
 The bracelets formed of cylindrical coils of wire are also un- 
 known, as Avell as those of hollowed bronze with discoidal ends, 
 such as are so common in the Swiss Lake-habitations. Decorated 
 pendants, like those which are found in Switzerland and the South 
 of France, are also wanting. Altogether the bronze ornaments of 
 Britain are neither abundant nor, as a rule, highly artistic; and it 
 would appear that here, at all events, the serviceable qualities of 
 bronze were more highly appreciated than its decorative lustre.
 THERE still remain to be noticed a number of objects in bronze, of 
 some of which the precise nature and use are now hardly sus- 
 ceptible of being determined ; and of others but so few examples 
 are known that they are best placed in a chapter which, like the 
 present, is intended to treat of miscellaneous articles. It has 
 occasionally been observed of antiquaries that when at a loss to 
 explain the use or destination of some object of bronze or brass, 
 their usual refuge is in the suggestion that it formed some portion 
 of harness, or was what is termed a horse-trapping. To judge from 
 what may be seen on the dray-horses and waggon-horses of the 
 present day, future antiquaries, in examining the relics of the 
 nineteenth century, will have some justification in assigning a vast 
 number of forms of ornamental pendants and tongueless buckles 
 to this comprehensive class of trappings ; while a number of 
 curious instruments of brass and other alloys, some of them not 
 unlike complicated dentists' Instruments, will probably be given 
 up in despair, though now in most cases susceptible of being re- 
 cognised by the adept as destined to extract cartridges or their 
 cases from breech-loading guns. If these puzzles await future 
 antiquaries, those of the present day must be pardoned for occa- 
 sionally being at fault as to the destination of some ancient 
 instrument or ornament, and they may even be forgiven for 
 making suggestions as to probable uses of such objects, provided 
 they do not insist upon possibilities being regarded as strong pro- 
 babilities, much less as facts. 
 In Eig. 493 is shown full-size a mysterious object, consisting of a tube 
 with a slight collar at each end, having on one side a long narrow loop of 
 solid metal sub-quadrangular in section, and on the other an elongated 
 oval opening, a part of 'the side of which has been broken away. It was 
 found with a number of socketed celts, knives, and other articles in the 
 hoard at Keach Fen, Cambridge, already often mentioned. With it was
 also another smaller object of the same kind, shown in Fig. 494. This, 
 however, has the orifice in the front, and not at the side opposite the 
 loop, the section of which in this case is circular. One end of the tube 
 is plugged up with a bronze rivet. The mouth of the oval opening is 
 rough, and has no lip to it. as in the other case ; and within the tube 
 there are remains of wood. I have a broken specimen found at Malton, 
 near Cambridge, of the same character as Fig. 493, but with the loop 
 round in section, and both shorter and stouter. The end of the tube is 
 cast with a flat plate closing the aperture, except for a central hole about 
 inch in diameter. I have another specimen much like Fig. 493, but 
 the loop is longer and flatter, and beneath it the tube has a long oval 
 opening with a lip around it, as well as a somewhat shorter opening on 
 the opposite side of the tube. The loop also has a deep groove on its 
 inner side extending its whole length. I am not sure where this object 
 was found, but there is little doubt of its being English. 
 An object like Fig. 493 was found with socketed celts, gouges, and ham- 
 Fig. 493. Reach Fen. 
 Fig. 494. Beach Fen. 
 Fig. 495. Broadward. 
 mers at Koseberry Topping,* Yorkshire, in 1826. With them was a flat 
 quadrangular whetstone (?) and fragments of a flat plate of bronze, the 
 ends hollowed and with crescent-shaped openings or lunettes in them, 
 and with staples for attachment at the corners. There are three rivet-holes 
 on the convex side of the lunettes. 
 Another object of the same kind was found with a socketed celt, a hollow 
 ring, gouge, &c., at Melbourn,f Cambridge. There were two of these 
 looped tubes found with spear-heads, socketed celts, broken swords, &c., 
 near La Pierre du Villain, | Longy, Alderney. 
 In the great hoard of bronze spear-heads, &c., found at Broad ward, 
 Shropshire, was a short object of this kind about 1% inch long, with the 
 loop as large in diameter as the tube and extending the whole length, so 
 * Arch. JEliana, vol. ii. p. 213, pi. iv. ; Arch. Scot., vol. iv. p. 55, pi. vii. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 294. J Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. p. 10. 
 Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. iii. p. 354. I am indebted to the Council of the Cambrian 
 Arch. Assoc. for the use of this cut.
 as to give it the form of the letter D. The orifice of the loop is only 
 inch long. This specimen is shown in Fig. 495. Another seems to 
 have been found at the same time. 
 A fragment of another was in the collection of the 
 late Lord Braybrooke. 
 An example, like Fig. 493, but somewhat broken, 
 was in the deposit of Notre-Dame d'Or, now in the 
 Poitiers Museum. 
 Another (2f inches), almost identical with Fig. 493, 
 was found in a hoard with other objects near Amiens, 
 and is now in the museum of that town. 
 Another of much the same kind was found at La 
 Parnelle, Manche.* 
 I have an object from the Seine at Paris, which 
 appears to belong to the same class as the tubes lately 
 described, though without any loop. The tube is in 
 this instance about 3 inches long, with small flanges 
 at each end ; and through the middle of it is an oval 
 opening about 1 inch by f inch, with mouth-pieces 
 standing out on each side of the tube, making the 
 whole length of the oval cross-tube thus formed 
 nearly 1 J inch. Each mouth-piece has two parallel 
 beads running round it. I am at a loss to assign a 
 purpose to it. 
 Those with a loop seem to me possibly intended as 
 clasps for leather straps or belts, one end of which 
 passed through the metal loop and was sewn or 
 fastened to the strap so as to form a loop of leather, 
 while a corresponding loop at the other end was in- 
 serted into the oval mouth-piece, so that a pin passed 
 down inside the tube would go through it and secure 
 it. This pin need not have been of metal, but of 
 some more perishable material. 
 The objection to this view is that the side orifice 
 in the tube is not in all cases opposite to the loop, but 
 in one instance at least at right angles to it. A second 
 suggestion is that they were loops in some manner 
 attached to wooden or leather scabbards of swords, 
 which could at any time be detached by withdrawing 
 a pin that passed down the tube. Whatever purpose 
 they served, they do not appear to have been perma- 
 nently attached to any other article, as in no instance 
 have any rivet-holes been observed in them. 
 Some of the hollow rings found in Ireland with 
 transverse perforations through them, appear also to 
 have been made for attachment at will to leather or 
 * cloth by means of a pin passing through the cross- 
 holes, which at once converted the rings into brooches or buckles of a 
 peculiar kind. 
 This purpose has already been suggested by Mr. T. 0' Gorman, in the Journal 
 of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland.] He there 
 * Mem. Soc.Ant. Form. ,1827 8,pl.xvii. t 3rdS.,vol.i.p. 164, whence thecutis borrowed.
 describes a bronze pin with two thick bronze rings upon it, which was 
 found with two large rings of bronze, four rings of about the same size 
 as those on the pin, a large socketed celt, and a bronze hammer, in what 
 appears to have been a sepulchre near Trillick, Co. Tyrone. These objects 
 are now all in my own collection, and, as will be seen in Fig. 496, there 
 can be no doubt of an efficient form of double buckle being presented by 
 the pin and rings. Whether it was used for fastening a cloak or tunic, 
 as suggested by Mr. 0' Gorman, or for some other purpose, I need not 
 stay to examine. I think, however, that the discovery of the pin and 
 perforated rings in juxtaposition throws some light upon the character of 
 other rings with cross perforations, of which many have been found in 
 Ireland. One of these is shown in Fig. 497, borrowed from Wilde.* I 
 have one of precisely the same character, 2f inches in diameter, with a 
 cross perforation through the two projecting mouth-pieces, slightly oval, 
 and about the size to receive a common pencil. VaHancey f has figured 
 others, in one of which there is a cross-pin with a 
 small ring at each end, somewhat like a horse's bit.J 
 Others, with numerous small loops round the circum- 
 ference, and with central bosses secured by pins, or 
 occasionally with cross arms within them, appear to be 
 of later date and to have had bands of chain-mail 
 attached. In some of the plain rings, however, there 
 is a portion of a strap of bronze left, which Sir W. 
 Wilde regards as having served to connect the ring- 
 chains, of which he thinks that coats of mail were 
 made. Under any circumstances, these perforated 
 rings seem to come under the category of fastenings or clasps, to which 
 the looped tubes already described may also be referred. 
 A perforated ring was in the hoard found at Llangwyllog, Anglesea, 
 already mentioned. 
 Large rings, such as those described in the last chapter, may 
 also have served as connections for bands or straps. 
 There is, indeed, numismatic evidence that among the Ancient 
 Britons, shortly after the time of Julius Caesar, rings were em- 
 ployed as connecting links between the different straps forming 
 the harness of war-horses. On a gold coin of Verica,|| engraved 
 on the title-page of Akerman's " Ancient Coins of Cities and 
 Princes," and now in my own collection, there is on the reverse 
 a warrior on horseback. The engraving of the die is exquisitely 
 minute, and the warrior's saddle is shown to be secured by four 
 girths, and by straps running from it round the chest and the 
 hind-quarters to keep it in position. On the shoulder and the 
 haunches there are rings to which these straps are joined, and 
 from each of these rings another strap runs down to pass below 
 * "Catal. Mus. E. I. A.," p. 579, fig. 494. t Vol. iv. pi. xiv. 
 I See Wilde's "Catal.," p. 576 et seqq. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 74 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. xii. p. 97. 
 || Type of Evans, " Anc. Brit. Coins," pi. ii. 9.
 [CHAP. xix. 
 the body of the horse. Each ring, therefore, has three straps 
 secured to it, one running forwards, another backwards, and the 
 third downwards. Kings with three loops for straps attached 
 occur among Etruscan Antiquities.* 
 Of brooches proper, with a pin attached by a spring or hinge, 
 and secured by a hasp or catch, none are, I think, known in 
 Britain which can Avith 
 safety be assigned to an 
 earlier period than the Late 
 Fig. 498. Co-vrtam 
 That shown in Fig. 498 
 was found by Canon Green- 
 well, F.E.S., in a barrow in 
 the parish of Cowlam,f Yorkshire, together with an armlet (Fig. 486) 
 and a necklace of glass beads, on the body of an aged woman. The 
 pin was of iron, which had replaced the original of bronze. I have a 
 somewhat similar brooch from Eedmore, near St. Austell, Cornwall, as 
 well as one of longer form and with a larger disc, which was found 
 in a barrow near Bridlington, together with two remarkable buckles 
 formed of penannular rings. These were described by the late Mr. 
 Thomas Wright J (who has figured them) as un- 
 doubtedly Eoman, but their character is decidedly 
 "Late Celtic." Other brooches of the same character 
 as the figure, found in the Thames, London, and near 
 Avebury, Wilts, are in the British Museum. 
 Another article in use for fastening or attach- 
 ing parts of the dress is the button, which 
 claims a high antiquity. I have elsewhere 
 described some made of stone and jet, in which 
 a Y-shaped perforation in the body of the button 
 afforded the means of fastening it to the dress. 
 In the bronze buttons a legitimate loop or shank 
 is found, which is cast in one piece with the 
 button itself. 
 In Fig. 499 are shown three full-size views of one of 
 two bronze buttons from the Eeach Fen hoard in my own 
 collection. There is a sharpness and smoothness about 
 their faces which suggests their having been finished 
 by some process of turning or rotary grinding. The centre and raised bands, 
 though similar, are not identical in the two, or it might have been thought 
 that they were cast in a m etal mould . Four oth ers w ere found at the same time . 
 A button of almost the same size and pattern was found with a razor 
 and other objects at Llangwyllog, Anglesea.|| One of the same character, 
 * Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxvi. p. 110. t " British Barrows," p. 209. 
 J " Essays on Arch. Sub.," vol. i. p. 25. " Anc. Stone Imp.," p. 407. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. p. 74 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. xii. p. 97.
 but of larger size (If inch), was found with a gouge, socketed celts, 
 &c., at Kensington.* It has a central boss and two raised ridges. Both 
 these buttons are now in the British Museum. 
 In the Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, was a small button, inch in 
 diameter, with one loop at the back; and another larger (1J inch), with 
 five loops at the back, one in the centre, and the four others at equal 
 distances around it forming four sides of an octagon. This larger button 
 has a series of concentric rings or grooves on the face ; the small one 
 has a central pointed boss with one groove around it. 
 Some curious buttons, like half barrels in shape, were found with a 
 hoard of bronze objects at St. Grenouph (Indre et Loire), and are 
 preserved in the Museum at Tours. Numerous buttons of circular form 
 have been found in other parts of France. 
 Buttons of various sizes and shapes have also been found in abund- 
 ance in the Swiss Lake-dwellings. 
 A clay mould, apparently for buttons of this kind, is in the Museo 
 Civico at Modena. 
 In the cemetery at Hallstatt immense numbers of small button-like 
 objects have been found, some of the warriors' coats having been completely 
 Fig. 500. Edinburgh. 
 studded with them. Some of these are not more than f inch in diameter, 
 nearly hemispherical, and with a small bar cast across them inside. 
 A peculiar annular button with two loops at the back, found with 
 bronze swords (see Fig. 353) and a flat-headed pin (Fig. 464) at Edin- 
 burgh,! is represented in Fig. 500. The original is now in the Anti- 
 quarian Museum at Edinburgh, It has been thought to be the mounting 
 of a belt. 
 Bronze discs of larger size than any ordinary buttons or clasps are 
 occasionally found. One such, 3^- inches in diameter, with three con- 
 centric circles engraved on one of its faces, was discovered at Castell y 
 Bere, Merionethshire.^: Another was found at Wolsonbury Hill, Sussex. 
 A third, about 5 inches in diameter, with raised concentric rings upon it, 
 is in the Scarborough Museum. One found at Inis Kaitra, || Lough Derg, 
 between Clare and Galway, has been figured. It has a hollow conical pro- 
 jection like the umbo of a shield, surrounded by five concentric raised 
 rings, the interval between the second and third being about double that 
 between any other pair. The inner side has grooves corresponding with the 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 232. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., N.S., vol. L, p. 322, whence this cut is borrowed. 
 J Arch. Journ,, vol. xi. p. 179. Ibid. || Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 200. 
 D D
 [CHAP. xix. 
 external ridges, and across the inside of the hollow umbo is a small bar 
 of metal. The diameter of this ornament is 4% inches. It is now in the 
 British Museum. In many respects such discs resemble the so-called 
 tutuli of the Scandinavian antiquaries, though the long-pointed form has 
 not been found in the British Islands. 
 An irregularly rounded flat plate of bronze, about 5 inches by 5, 
 and \ \ inch thick, apparently hammered out, was found with leaf -shaped 
 Fig. 501. Heathery Burn Cave. 
 spear-heads and a sword at "Worth,* Devon. I have a round flat plate, 
 about 6^ inches in diameter and -\- inch thick, found near Clough, Co. 
 Antrim, which bears deep hammer marks in sets of parallel grooves on 
 both faces. Perhaps such plates were destined to be still further drawn 
 out into sheets for the manufacture of caldrons or other vessels. 
 In the Heathery Burn Cave, already so often mentioned, were about 
 ten convex plates, with a raised rim round their edge, a small hole in the 
 middle, and four loops cast on at the back. One of these is shown in 
 Fig. 501.f With them were found about 
 the same number of broad hoops, of which 
 an example is given in Fig. 502. These 
 are dexterously cast in one piece, with a 
 groove inside corresponding with the raised 
 central ridge on the outside. Their dia- 
 meter is only about 4f inches, while that of 
 the discs is about 5 & inches. It is diffi- 
 cult to see any connection between the two 
 Fig. 602. Heathery Burn Cave, j f orms, though from the correspondence in 
 their numbers a connection at first sight 
 seems probable. The hoops have been spoken of as armlets, but I can 
 hardly regard them as such. Most of the specimens are in the collection 
 of Canon Green well, F.R.S., though thanks to his kindness I have an 
 example of each ; and two hoops and a disc are in the British Museum. 
 Canon Greenwell has two other discs of a somewhat similar character, 
 found with spear-heads and socketed celts near Newark. They are 5J 
 inches in diameter, with a raised rib round the margin and a central 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 120. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 236. This and the following cut are kindly lent 
 me by the Council of the Society.
 hole. The surface, instead of being regularly convex, rises more rapidly 
 towards the centre, so as to make a kind of cone with hollowed sides. 
 There are no loops nor any means of attachment on the interior. It may 
 be that a shank was riveted through the central hole, as was the case 
 with some analogous conical objects from Hallstatt. 
 Without expressing any definite opinion on the subject, I may call 
 attention to a certain analogy that exists between these hoops and discs, and 
 the hoops and axle ends of Gaulish chariots of the Early Iron Age. The 
 naves of the* wheels of the chariot found in the tomb of la Gorge Meillet * 
 (Marne) had bronze hoops on either side of the naves, and an ornamented 
 plate at each end of the axle. The hoops, however, are made of plates 
 riveted together, and were not cast in one piece, and the centre of the 
 plates is open, though crossed by an iron pin. 
 Fragments of what may have been discs of the same kind, with a hole 
 in the centre and four small bosses at intervals around it, were found 
 in the hoard at Stanhope, f Durham, which comprised spear-heads, celts, 
 &c., much like those in the Heathery Burn Cave. 
 Similar large discs with concentric circles upon them, and having loops 
 at the back, have been found in various parts 
 of France, Switzerland, and Italy .J 
 Another and smaller disc with a central hole, 
 having a short collar round it, is shown in 
 Fig. 503. This is only the rough casting ; and 
 at one time I thought it was merely a waste 
 piece or jet from the foundry, as it was dis- 
 covered with moulds, celts, &c., in the Isle of 
 Harty hoard. Another disc of the same kind 
 was, however, found with the hoard of bronze 
 at Yattendon, Berks, which shows so much 
 finish all over that it would seem to have been 
 adapted for some special purpose, and not to 
 have been merely a piece of waste metal. Another disc of the same kind 
 was found in the hoard at Haynes Hill, || Kent, and was regarded as part 
 of an utensil. Mr. Franks informs me that an example with a rather 
 longer tube has been found in Brittany. In the Yattendon hoard were 
 also some fragments of thin bronze plate very highly planished on one 
 face, and a hollowed conical piece of bronze, not unlike an extinguisher; 
 but the purpose for which either of these was intended is a mystery. 
 Returning to bronze objects which appear to be in some manner con- 
 nected with straps, I may cite some loops or slides of which an example 
 is given in Fig. 504. The original is not in this case English, having 
 formed part of the hoard found at Dreuil, near Amiens. But a specimen 
 of the same size and shape, though rather more convex on the faces, is 
 in Lord Braybrooke's collection at Audley End, and was, I believe, found 
 with other bronze objects, including a hollow ring, in Essex. At first 
 sight such objects might appear to be intended for mouth-pieces of scab- 
 bards, but on trial I find that the opening is not wide enough to allow of 
 the passage of a sword blade, much less to admit of a thickness of 
 * Fourdrignier, "Double Sep. Gaul.," 1878, pi. v. and vi. 
 t Arch. Jttiana, vol. i. p. 13, pi. ii. 14. 
 \ See Chantre, "Age du Br.," lere ptie., p. 156. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. vii. p. 485. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. p. 282, fig. 3 ; Anthrop. Inst. Journ., vol. iii. p. 230. 
 D D 2
 [CHAP. xrx. 
 leather or wood in addition. They seem more probably to be slides, such 
 as might have served for receiving the two ends of a leather belt. 
 In the Dreuil hoard was also a flat kind of ferrule, about 2 inches 
 wide and closed at the end, which may have served as a sort of tag or 
 end to a broad strap. There were also socketed celts and knives. 
 In the same hoard was a loop fluted on one face, like Fig. 505, but 
 with four divisions instead of three, and 2 inches wide. The loops 
 shown in Figs. 505 and 506 formed part of a large hoard found near 
 Abergele,* Denbighshire, and described in the Archaologia, whence my 
 cuts are copied. There were present in the hoard forty-two loops or slides 
 of this kind, though of various widths, as well as eighteen buttons, a reel- 
 shaped object like Fig. 377, and numerous rings, some of them almost like 
 Fig. 506. Abergele. 1 
 Fig. 507. Abergele. 
 buckles in shape. There were also several double rings fitting the one 
 within the other, the inner about 1 J inch in diameter and the outer about 
 2 inches. They are cast hollow, and on the inner ring is a loop which 
 fits into a hole in the outer ring. In the same hoard was the remarkable 
 object shown half-size in Fig. 507. It consists of three pairs of irregular 
 oval plates with loops, through which is passed a bar of bronze. Mr. 
 Franks, who has described the hoard, says that " the loops show marks 
 of wear, and the whole was probably a jingling ornament to be attached 
 to horse-harness. Objects of the same nature have been found with 
 bridle-bits, and are engraved in Madsen, Afbildninger,] and in "Worsaae's 
 Nordiske Oldsager, Fig. 266." 
 These examples, however, do not present such close analogies with the 
 * Arch., vol. xliii. p. 556, pi. xxxvii. figs. 8 and 11. 
 t PL ad. 16 ; Samlede Fund, pi. xvi. 12.
 Welsh specimen as do some interlinked rings with flat pendants found at 
 Ploneour,* Brittany, with looped palstaves and a flat quadrangular knife. 
 Some other analogous objects are mentioned by M. Chantre,f who has also 
 described several ststrum-like instruments, to which M. de Mortillet J is 
 inclined to assign an Eastern origin. 
 Eeverting to the Abergele hoard, I may add that Mr. Franks regards 
 it as belonging to the close of the Bronze Period, and conjectures that 
 most of the objects which it comprised formed part of the trappings of a 
 Bronze bridle-bits, such as have been found in various parts of the 
 Continent, have very rarely been found in Britain, though occasionally 
 discovered in Ireland. In the British Isles they appear for the most part, 
 if not in all cases, to belong to the Late Celtic Period. 
 Another form of bronze objects of uncertain use is shown in Fig. 508, 
 which is taken from a French and not an English original. This formed 
 part of the Dreuil hoard ; and as in so many respects the articles com- 
 prised in this deposit present analogies with those found in England, it 
 appeared worth while to call attention to this particular object. It is a 
 kind of semicircular flap, with a hole 
 running through the beaded cylinder at 
 top. What was its purpose I cannot 
 say, though I have a thin gold plate of 
 the same form, but decorated with ring 
 ornaments, that was found at Hallstatt. 
 It may be merely a pendant. 
 Among other miscellaneous objects 
 of bronze may be mentioned an article 
 of twisted bronze already cited at p. 51. 
 It has a flat tang for insertion into a 
 handle, in which are four rivet-holes. 
 Beyond the handle project two twisted K 
 horns, which seem to have nearly or 
 quite met, so as to form a somewhat heart-shaped ring. In the centre 
 opposite the tang is a long slot with a chain of three circular rings 
 attached. The whole covers a space of about 6 inches in length by 4 
 inches in breadth. With Sir E. Colt Hoare, " I leave to my learned 
 brother antiquaries to ascertain" what was the ancient use of this 
 singular article, which was found in a barrow at Wilsford,|| with a stone 
 hammer, a flanged bronze celt, and other objects in company with an un- 
 burnt body. 
 Portions of three sickle-like objects, with a kind of square tang, 
 through which is a large hole, were found with a palstave and a flat celt 
 and many other bronze antiquities, near Battlefield, Salop. ^[ These 
 measure about 7 inches by 7J inches, and their purpose is as much 
 veiled in mystery as that of the Wilsford relic, with which they present 
 a slight analogy. 
 The flat annular and horseshoe-shaped plates the one 13 inches in 
 diameter, and the other 2 feet 1 inch long found with an oblong cup- 
 * Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. vi. p. 137. t "Age du Bronze," lere ptie., p. 188. 
 J Bev. Anthrop., 1875, tome iv. p. 650. 
 See Chantre, "Age du Br.," Ire ptie., p. 152. 
 || "Anc. Wilts," vol. i. p. 209. II Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 252.
 shaped boss on the hill of Benibhrese,* in Lochaber, appear to me to be 
 probably Late Celtic. 
 Some of the curious spoon-like articles f of bronze occasionally found 
 in all parts of the United Kingdom may also belong to the Late Celtic 
 Period, and most of them probably to quite the close of that period, if 
 not to a later date. 
 The remarkable bronze rod, about 18 inches long, with small figures 
 of birds and pendent rings upon it, found near Ballymoney, j County 
 Antrim, is probably of later date than the Bronze Period : as are also 
 the curious figures of boars and other animals found near Hounslow. 
 In concluding this chapter, it may be observed that although 
 I have attempted to give in it some notice of various forms of 
 bronze relics of many of which the use is uncertain, yet that I do 
 not pretend that the list here given comprises all such objects as 
 have been discovered in Britain. In several hoards of bronze 
 there have been found portions of thin plates and fragments of 
 objects the purpose of which is unknown ; and I have thought it 
 best not to encumber my pages with notices of mere fragments 
 about which even less is known than about the mysterious articles 
 to the description of which, perhaps, too much space has already 
 been allotted. 
 * Proe. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 46. 
 t See Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. pp. 35 and 52 ; Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. Ill; 
 C. R. Smith's " Catal. London Ant.," p. 82 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. viii. p. 208 ; vol. x. 
 p. 57 ; " Hor. Fer.," p. 184. 
 I Trans. Kilkenny Arch. Soc., vol. iii. p. 65. Annalerfor Oldk., 1836, p. 175. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 90.
 OF the various forms of fictile vessels which were in use at the 
 same period as daggers and other weapons formed of bronze, it is 
 not the place here to speak. Much has already been written on 
 the subject, not only in various memoirs which have appeared in 
 the proceedings of our different Antiquarian and Archaeological 
 Societies, but also in several standard archaeological works. For 
 the pottery found in the tumuli of this country I would more 
 particularly refer to Canon Greenwell's " British Barrows," and to 
 Dr. Thurnam's "Paper on the Barrows of Wiltshire," published 
 in the Archceologia* Both these authors agree that none of the 
 pottery from the barrows has been made upon the wheel. The 
 greater part of the fictile ware with which we are acquainted was used 
 for sepulchral purposes, and there appears good reason for supposing 
 that much of it was manufactured expressly for the dead, and not 
 for the living. Still there are a certain number of examples known of 
 what has been termed culinary pottery, some of which have been 
 found in barrows, and some in the remains of dwellings of the 
 Bronze Period. This pottery, unlike the sepulchral, is devoid of 
 ornament, and is well burnt, " plain, strong, and useful," but it 
 is also made by hand. Some of the pottery from the Swiss Lake- 
 dwellings is, however, ornamented in various ways, but the 
 potter's wheel does not seem to have been in use. t And yet, in 
 more than one instance, there have been found in barrows in the 
 South of England weapons of bronze, accompanied by vessels of 
 amber and 'of shale, which have all the appearance of having been 
 turned in a lathe. Of some of these vessels I have given figures 
 in my " Ancient Stone Implements," + and also stated the parti- 
 culars of the discoveries. I have also mentioned the discovery of 
 a gold cup in a barrow at Rillaton, Cornwall, which was accom- 
 * Vol. xliii. f Lubbock, "Preh. Times," 4th ed., p. 223. J P. 399 et
 panied by what appears to have been a bronze dagger.* As this 
 vessel is of metal, I have here reproduced the cut as Fig. 509. 
 It seems to me probable that the same kind of vessel which was 
 made in the nobler metal may also prove to have been made in 
 bronze, although as yet no examples have been discovered. The 
 Bottom of cup. 
 Fig. 509. Golden Cup; Eillaton. Height, 3i inches. 
 hanging cups of bronze of which many have been found in Scan- 
 dinavia, and at least one example in Switzerland, are at present 
 not known to have been discovered within the British Isles. 
 It was probably not until nearly the close of the Bronze Period 
 that the art was discovered of hammering out bronze into suffi- 
 ciently large and thin laminae for the manufacture of cups and 
 * Erroneously called a celt by Mr. Kirwan. See Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 189 
 whence this cut is borrowed.
 vessels. It would be impossible to cast the metal so thin as even 
 that employed for shields, and before ingots or flat plates, like 
 those already mentioned at page 402, could be thus drawn out, an 
 acquaintance with some process of annealing must have been 
 gained. It is a remarkable fact that the same process which has 
 the effect of hardening steel has exactly the contrary effect on 
 copper, and to some extent on bronze. Steel when heated to 
 redness and then dipped in cold water becomes so intensely hard, 
 that tools treated in this manner have to be somewhat tempered, 
 or softened by heat, before they can safely be used; while to 
 soften copper the usual method adopted is to make it red-hot 
 and dip it in cold water. In whatever way the metal was drawn 
 out, some of the large vessels of the transitional period between 
 Bronze and Iron, such as those from Hallstatt, are wonderful 
 examples of skill in working bronze. 
 Almost the only bronze vessel found in a barrow in England 
 had an iron handle to it, showing that it could not belong to the 
 Bronze Age properly so called. It is, indeed, somewhat doubtful 
 whether it accompanied an interment. In the centre of a low 
 mound near Wetton,* Staffordshire, about a foot below the surface, 
 Mr. Bateman found "two very curious vessels," one about four 
 inches high, and of rather globular form, carved in sandstone, and at 
 the distance of a foot from it the other, "a bronze pan or kettle four 
 inches high and six inches in diameter, w r ith a slender iron bow 
 like a bucket handle. It has been first cast and then hammered, 
 and is very slightly marked with horizontal ridges." It was 
 inverted, and above it were traces of decayed wood. There appear 
 to have been some remains of burnt bones near the surface of the 
 ground. This bronze vessel is somewhat like the lower part of 
 an ordinary flower-pot in form. In Mr. Bateman' s Catalogue t 
 there is a note to the effect that this object is " probably Romano- 
 British," but I have thought it best to cite it. 
 Several caldrons made of thin bronze plates riveted together 
 have been found in Scotland, in some instances in company with 
 bronze weapons. 
 In Duddingston Loch,| near Edinburgh, together with swords and 
 spear-heads, were some bronze rings and staples similar in character to 
 those attached to the rim of a large bronze caldron found at Farney, 
 Ulster, but there is no record of any caldrons. Others of these rings are in 
 * "Ten Years' Dig.," p. 173. t P. 21. 
 J Wilson, "Preh. Ann.," vol. i. pp. 350, 408. 
 Shirley's "Dominion of Farney ;" Arch. Journ., vol. iii. p. 96.
 the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh, two of which were found with the 
 large caldron here figured (Fig. 510) in the Moss of Kincardine,* near 
 Stirling, in the year 1768. In this case no weapons appear to have been 
 found. At the side is a broad band embossed with circles. This vessel 
 is of large size, being 16 inches high, 16 inches across the mouth, and 
 25 inches in extreme diameter. 
 An imperfect caldron, with handles of the same kind, was found at 
 Kilkerran, Ayrshire, with socketed celts and fragments of swords. 
 Others of these caldrons, but little differing in form from those found 
 with bronze relics, have been accompanied by various tools formed of 
 iron, as, for instance, those found at Cockburnspath, Berwickshire ; and 
 in Carliiiwark Loch, Kelton, Kirkcudbright. There can, indeed, be little 
 Fig. 510. Kincardine Moss. 
 doubt that such vessels, if belonging to the Bronze Age, are to be 
 assigned to the close rather than to the beginning or even middle of that 
 Several such caldrons have been discovered in Ireland. 
 That shown in Fig. 511 is about 21 inches in diameter and 12 inches 
 high.f It is composed of a number of pieces of thin bronze, each averaging 
 3 inches broad and decreasing in length near the bottom. " These 
 plates bear the marks of hammering, and are joined at the seams with 
 rivets averaging about half an inch asunder. These rivets have sharp 
 conical heads externally, and some were evidently ornamental, as they 
 exist in places where there are no joinings, and in the circular bottom 
 portion they are large and plain. The upper margin of this vessel is 
 2 inches broad," and corrugated. " Its outside edge next the solid hoop 
 has a double line of perforations in it." It was in a vessel of this kind 
 tha,t part of the great Dowris hoard of bronze antiquities was deposited. 
 The metal is said by Mr. McAdam, in a paper on " Brazen Caldrons," 
 * Wilson, op. cit., vol. i. p. 409. I am indebted to Messrs. Macmillan & Co. for the 
 use of this cut. 
 t Wilde, " Catal. Mus. K. I. A.," p. 529, fig. 407. This cut has teen lent me by the 
 Council of the Academy.
 published in the Ulster Journal of Archceology * to be thinner than any- 
 thing of the kind used in our modern cooking vessels, while the surfaces 
 are almost as even and level as that of modern sheet brass. 
 Another caldron from Dowris, more nearly hemispherical, also with 
 two rings, is in the collection of the Earl of Eosse. A specimen from 
 Farney has been already mentioned. It resembles Fig. 511. 
 In the collection of Mr. T. W. U. Eobinson, F.S.A., is a remarkably 
 fine and perfect caldron, closely resembling Fig. 511, found in the parish 
 of Bally scullion, Co. Antrim, in June, 1880. The following are its 
 dimensions : 
 Diameter at top . . . 18 inches. 
 Width of rim .... 2 ,, 
 Extreme diameter . . . 24 ,, 
 Height 16 
 Outside diameter of rings . 4J ,, 
 The rings are about inch wide and of this section 
 Fig. 511. Ireland. 
 Although no such vessels have been found in barrows in Eng- 
 land, they are not entirely unknown in this country. 
 A very fine caldron of this character, about 21 inches in extreme 
 diameter and about 16 inches in height, was dredged up in the Thames 
 near Battersea, and is now in the British Museum. It is formed of two 
 tiers of plates above the concave bottom, and has had two rings at the 
 mouth, one of which, about 5 inches in diameter, remains. The rings are 
 of this section |-j-, which combines great strength with economy of metal. 
 The expanding rim of the mouth is supported on four small brackets, 
 pierced so as to leave a saltire ornament in each. The rivet-heads are 
 about J inch in diameter. From these brackets two strips of thin brass 
 run down about 3 inches, each ornamented with a fern-leaf pattern. 
 The bottom of another caldron, from Walthamstow, of about the same 
 size, is also in the same collection. The metal is remarkably thin. 
 The two rings of such a caldron, 5 inches, of this section {-* , found 
 near Ipswich, are in the British Museum. The semi-cylindrical beaded 
 brackets through which they pass and a part of the rim are still 
 attached. Another ring was found with a hoard at Meldreth, Cambs. 
 * Vol. v. p. 82.
 [CHAP. xx. 
 In some vessels very large sheets of bronze have been used. That shown 
 in Fig. 512, also from Wilde,* is 18^ inches deep, but was formed of three 
 plates only, one for the circular bottom and two for the remainder of the 
 vessel. At the neck is a stout bronze ring, over which the plates are 
 turned. " It originally stood on six feet, each forming an inverted cup." 
 It has suffered much from wear, and has been carefully patched in 
 several places. The metal is very tough and of a rich golden colour. It 
 is composed of 
 Copper 88-71 
 Tin 9-46 
 Lead 1-66 
 Iron Trace 
 Among three bronze vessels from the Dowris find now in the British 
 Museum is one of the form of Fig. 512, 16 inches high. 
 The form is almost identical with some 
 of the bronze urns from the cemetery at 
 Hallstatt, of which several appear to be of 
 Etruscan fabric. 
 Another vessel of the same character 
 was found in a tumulus in Brittany, f and 
 contained burnt bones. 
 In the collection of Canon Greenwell, 
 F.R.S., is a vessel of hammered bronze 
 of the same character as the figure, but of 
 rather broader proportions, being nearly 
 17 inches high and about 16 inches in 
 diameter; at the shoulder the neck con- 
 tracts to 13 inches. It has the usual two 
 massive handles ; and at the bottom is a 
 flat ring with arms across it like a four- 
 spoked wheel, rather more than 9 inches 
 in diameter. The arms are ribbed longi- 
 tudinally, and the ring has concentric 
 ribs upon it, except at the junction with the arms, where there are 
 cross-ribs. There are five rivets in it, one in the centre and four in the 
 ring opposite each end of the arms. This vessel, which has been patched 
 in more than one place, was found with numerous other bronze objects 
 in the Heathery Burn Cave, already so often mentioned. 
 A remarkably fine specimen of a vase of this character, found in 
 Capecastle Bog, near Annoy, Co. Antrim, is in the collection of Mr. T. 
 W. U. Eobinson, F.S.A. It formerly belonged to Mr. William Gray, of 
 Belfast, who kindly allowed me to engrave it as Fig. 513. Its dimensions 
 are as follows 
 Height 17 inches. 
 Diameter of mouth . . . 13 ,, 
 Diameter at shoulder . . 15^ ,, 
 Diameter at bottom . . 7J ,, 
 The weight is 5 Ibs. 9 ozs. The plates of which it is formed are care- 
 fully riveted together, and are of large size. Some holes which have 
 * Catal. Mus. E. I. A., p. 531, fig. 409. f Rev. Arch., N.S., vol. xxvi. p. 326. 
 Fig. 512. Ireland.
 apparently been worn by use have been carefully patched. All the upper 
 part of the vessel above the shoulder is decorated by small raised bosses pro- 
 duced by means of a punch applied on the inside of the vessel, and below 
 the shoulder is a series of triangles embossed in a similar manner forming 
 a kind of vandyke collar round the vessel. This character of ornamentation 
 is very characteristic of the Bronze Period, and though not uncommon on 
 urns formed of burnt clay, has not, I think, been before observed on those 
 made of bronze. 
 The bottom of the vessel is se- 
 cured by a ring and cross piece of 
 bronze forming a kind of four- 
 spoked wheel, as shown in the 
 lower figure. The rings for 
 suspension are solid, and hang 
 towards the inside of the vessel. 
 As will be seen, there is much 
 analogy between this Irish vessel 
 and that from the Heathery Burn 
 Cave last described. The latter, 
 however, is without ornament. 
 Fig. 513. Capecastle Bog. 
 These conical vessels are 
 probably earlier in date than 
 the spheroidal caldrons. 
 Whether either were actu- 
 ally manufactured in Britain 
 and Ireland is an interesting 
 question. There can, I think, 
 be little doubt that the conical 
 form originated among the 
 Etruscans, whose commerce 
 certainly extended to the 
 northern side of the Alps.* 
 One of the upright vases 
 found at Hallstattf has animal figures upon it almost undoubtedly 
 of Etruscan work, though showing some signs of Eastern influence 
 in their style, and bronze helmets bearing Etruscan inscriptions have 
 been found in Styria. On the other hand, M. Alexandre Bertrand 
 and some other antiquaries are inclined to believe in a more direct 
 commerce with the East along the valley of the Danube or Dnieper. 
 The finding of vessels of the same form in Brittany, England, and 
 Ireland seems to point to a more western course of trade, always 
 assuming that these objects were imported. That some of them 
 * A paper on " Etruscan Commerce with the North," by Dr. Hermann Genthe, will 
 be found in the Archiv. fur Antfirop., vol. vi. p. 237. 
 t Von Sacken, " Das Grabf. v. Hallst.," Taf. xxi. 1.
 may have come from abroad appears in the highest degree probable. 
 Not impossibly the ces importation of Caesar may refer to a con- 
 tinuance of such a trade. But whether there were no bronze- 
 smiths in the British Isles capable of imitating such products of 
 skill is doubtful. The bronze shields which are of essentially 
 indigenous character exhibit an amount of dexterity in producing 
 thin plates of bronze quite sufficient for the manufacture of such 
 vessels. Moreover, the handles of these British and Irish vessels 
 are formed by rings, while those of the vessels from southern 
 countries are loops like the handles of pails or buckets. The 
 spheroidal caldrons are also of a form and character which appears 
 to be unknown on the Continent, and are therefore, in all proba- 
 bility, of indigenous manufacture. 
 The careful manner in which some of the vessels are mended 
 affords an argument that such utensils were rare and valuable ; 
 but it also shows that the native workmen understood how to 
 make thin plates unless these were portions of other vessels 
 and at all events how to rivet plates together.
 HAVING now passed in review the various forms of weapons, tools, 
 ornaments, and vessels belonging to the Bronze Period of this country, 
 it will be well to consider the nature of the metal of which they are 
 formed, and the various processes by which they were produced 
 and finished ready for use. Some of these processes, as for instance 
 the hammering out of the cutting-edges of tools and weapons, and 
 the production of ornamental designs by means of the hammer 
 and punch, have already been mentioned, and need be but cursorily 
 noticed. The main process, indeed, of which this chapter will 
 treat is that of casting. 
 Bronze, as already stated, is an alloy of copper and tin, and 
 therefore distinct from brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. 
 Many varieties of bronze or, as it is now more commonly called, 
 gun-metal are in use at the present day ; and one remarkable 
 feature in bronze is that the admixture with copper of the much 
 softer metal tin, in varying proportions, produces an alloy in most 
 if not all cases harder than the original copper ; and when the tin 
 is much in excess, as in the metal used for the specula of tele- 
 scopes, so much harder that, d priori, such a result of the mixture 
 of two soft metals would have been thought impossible. The 
 following table compiled from a paper in Design and Work, 
 reprinted in Martineau and Smith's Hardware Trade Journal* 
 gives some of the alloys now in most common use and the 
 purposes to which they are applied : 
 Per cent. 
 Tin. Copper. of Copper. 
 11 108 - Qfl-7fi \ ^ common Distal for cannon and machine 
 ( brasses, used also for bronze statues. 
 J1 99 9Q. \ 
 95 ~ 89.79 ( Grun-metal proper, used for cannon. 
 ,, 00,4,4 I Used for bearings of machinery, frequently 
 14 j called gun-metal. . 
 * April 30, 1879.
 Per cent. 
 Tin. Copper. of Copper. 
 11 72 = 86-75 Bather harder. 
 11 60 = 84-50 Harder, not malleable. 
 11 44 = 80-00 Used for cymbals and Chinese gongs. 
 11 48 = 81-35 Very hard, used for culinary vessels. 
 \l K^JBe". 
 11 24 = 68-57 Yellowish, very hard, sonorous. 
 o f Very white, sometimes used for specula with 
 3b ( some other slight admixture. 
 Lord Rosse, however, in casting specula, preferred using copper 
 and tin in their atomic proportions, or 6 8 '21 per cent, of copper 
 and 3179 of tin. 
 The addition of tin, while increasing the hardness of copper, 
 also renders it more fusible. In small proportions it but little 
 affects the colour of the copper,* and it is difficult to recognise its 
 presence from the physical characters of the copper, except from 
 that of increased hardness. What appear, therefore, to be copper 
 instruments may, and indeed often do, contain an appreciable 
 admixture of tin, which, however, can only be recognised by 
 Besides the superiority of one alloy over another, it appears 
 probable that the method of treatment of the metal may some- 
 what affect its properties. M. Trescaf found that a gun-metal 
 cast by Messieurs Laveissiere, consisting of 
 Copper 89-47 
 Tin 978 
 Zinc 0-66 
 Lead 0'09 
 was superior in all respects to either the common gun-metal A or 
 the phosphor-bronze B cast at Bourges, the constituents of which 
 were as follows : 
 A B 
 Copper . . . 89'87 90-60 
 Tin . . 9-45 8'82 
 Zinc .... 0-31 0-27 
 Lead. 0'37 0'31 
 100- 100- 
 * Percy's "Metallurgy," vol. i. p. 474 (ed. 1861). 
 t Comptes Rendua de V Ac. des So., vol. Ixxvi. (1873), p. 1232.
 The results of both ancient and modern experience as to the 
 proportions in which copper and tin should be mixed, in order to 
 produce a tough and hard though not brittle metal, appear to be 
 nearly the same ; and nine parts of copper to one part of tin may 
 be regarded as the constituents of the most serviceable bronze or 
 In the following table I have given the results of some of 
 the more recent analyses of bronze antiquities found in the United 
 Kingdom, and have omitted the early analyses of Dr. Pearson* 
 in 1796 as being only approximative. I have arranged them so far 
 as practicable in accordance with the different forms of the objects 
 analyzed ; and one feature which is thus brought out tends strongly 
 to confirm the conclusion which has been arrived at from other 
 premises, that certain forms of bronze weapons and other instru- 
 ments and utensils are of later date than others. 
 It will be seen, for instance, that in the flat and flanged celts, 
 the palstaves, and even spear-heads, lead, if present at all, exists in 
 but very minute quantity ; whereas in the socketed celts and swords, 
 which are probably later forms, and especially in those from 
 Ireland, this metal occurs in several cases in considerable pro- 
 This prevalence of lead is very remarkable in some of the small 
 socketed celts found in very large numbers in Brittany, which 
 from their diminutive size have been regarded as "votive" rather 
 than as destined for actual use. In some of these Professor 
 Pelligotf found as much as 28*50 and even 32*50 per cent, of 
 lead, with only li per cent, or a small trace of tin. In others, 
 with a large per-centage of tin, there was from 8 to 16 per cent, 
 of lead. Some of the bronze ornaments of the Early Iron Period 
 also contain a considerable proportion of this metal, which, in the 
 early Roman as + and its parts, is found to the extent of from 
 20 to 30 per cent. Although some such proportion as 9 to 1 
 appears to have been aimed at, there is great variation in the 
 proportions of the principal ingredients even in cutting tools of 
 the same general character, the tin being sometimes upwards of 
 1 8 per cent, and sometimes less than 5 per cent, of the whole. 
 This variation was no doubt partly due to occasional scarcity of 
 tin ; but, as Dr. W. K. Sullivan has pointed outj there are two 
 * Phil. Trans., 1796, vol. Ixxxvi. p. 395. 
 t Chantre, " L'Age du Br.," lere ptie., p. 62. 
 I J. A. Phillips, Q. J. Chem. Soc., vol. iv. p. 266. 
 $ O'Curry's " Mann, and Oust, of the Anc. Irish," vol. i. p. ccccxx. 
 E E
 other causes for it : first, the separation of the constituent metals 
 in the fused mass, and the accumulation of the tin in the lower 
 portion of the castings ; and, second, the throwing off of the tin 
 by oxidation when the alloys were re-melted. M. Dusaussoy* 
 found that an alloy containing 90*4 per cent, of copper and 9 '6 
 per cent, of tin lost so much of the latter metal by six fusions that 
 it ultimately consisted of 95 per cent, of copper and only 5 per 
 cent, of tin. 
 With regard to the early sources of the copper and tin used in 
 this country, and in general through Western Europe, it will not 
 be in my power to add much to what has already been published 
 on this subject. 
 It seems probable that gold, which commonly occurs native and 
 brilliant, was the first metal that attracted the attention of man- 
 kind. The next metal to be discovered would, in all probability, 
 be copper, which also occurs native, and has many points of 
 resemblance with gold. 
 The use of this metal, as I have observed in the Introductory 
 Chapter, no doubt originated in some part of the world where, as 
 on the shore of Lake Superior, it occurs in a pure metallic state. , 
 When once it was discovered that copper was fusible by heat, 
 the production of the metal from some of the more metallic-looking 
 ores, such as copper pyrites, would follow ; and in due time, either 
 from association with the metal, or from their colour and weight, 
 some of the other ores, both sulphuretted and non-sulphuretted, 
 would become known, f 
 When once the production of copper in this manner was 
 effected, it is probable that the ores of other metals, such as 
 tin, would also become known, and that tin ores would either 
 * O'Cuny, op. cit., p. ccccxviii. 
 t For an interesting essay on the sources of bronze, see Prof. Sullivan in the Intro- 
 duction to O'Curry's " Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish," p. ccccvii. See 
 also H. H. Howorth, F.S.A., on the " Archaeology of Bronze," Trans. Ethnol. Soc., 
 vol. vi. p. 72 ; Sabatier, " Production de 1'or, de 1' argent, et du cuivre," &c., 1850 ; Von 
 Bibra, "Die Bronzen und Kupferlegirungen," 1869 ; De Fellenberg, " Bull, de la Soc. 
 des Sc. nat. de Berne," 1860 ; Wocel, " Chemische Analysen anb. Bronze legirungen," 
 in Sitz f -Ber. phil. hist. Classe. Acad. der Wiss. Wien. Bd. xvi. 169 ; " Kelternes, Ger- 
 manernes og Slavernes Bronzer," in Antiq. Tidskrift., 1852 54, p. 206 ; Morlot, " Les 
 Metaux dans 1'Age du Bronze," Mem. Soc. Ant. du Nord, 186671, p. 23 ; Wibel, " Die 
 Cultur der Bronze-Zeit Nord und Mittel Europas," 1865 ; Von Cohausen's Review of 
 Wibel, Archh:furAnth.,vol. i. p. 320, vol. iii. p. 37; Lubbock, " Prehistoric Times," p. 59 
 et seqq. ; Zaborowski-Moindron, " L'Anciennete de 1'Homme," 1874 ; Dr. C. F. Wiberg, 
 "Einfluss der Etrusker und Griechen auf die Bronze Cultur," Arch, fur Anth., vol. iv. 
 p. 11 ; Troyon, "Monuments de 1'Ant. dans 1'Europe barbare," 1868 ; De Rougemont, 
 "L'Age du Bronze," 1866; A. Bertrand, "Aruh. Celtique et Gauloise," 1876; G. De 
 Mortillet, " Origine du Bronze," Revite d'Anthrop., vol. iv. p. 650 ; Wilson, " Preh. 
 Annals of Scotland," and " Prehistoric Man."
 be treated conjointly with the ores of copper, as suggested by 
 Dr. Wibel, so as at once to produce bronze ; or added to crude 
 copper, as suggested by Professor Sullivan ; or again, be smelted 
 by themselves so as to produce metallic tin. At what date it 
 was generally known that " brass is molten out of the stone "* is, 
 however, a question difficult to answer. 
 Native copper and many of its ores occur in Hungary, Norway, 
 Sweden, Saxony, and Cornwall ; but copper pyrites is far more 
 generally distributed, and is found in most countries of the world. 
 So far, therefore, as the existence of this metal is concerned, there 
 was no necessity for the Britons in Csesar's time to make use 
 of imported bronze, especially as tin was found in abundance in 
 Cornwall, and long before Caesar's time was exported in considerable 
 quantities to the Continent. And yet his account may to some 
 extent be true, as a socketed celt of what is almost undoubtedly 
 Breton manufacture has been found near Weymouth,t and several 
 instruments of recognised French types have been found in our 
 southern counties. Bronze vessels also may have been imported. 
 Copper and its ores are abundant in Ireland, especially 
 copper pyrites and gray copper. 
 Although tin was formerly found in abundance in some parts of 
 Spain, and also in less quantity in Brittany,+ there can be but 
 little doubt that the Cassiterides, with which either directly or 
 indirectly the Phoenicians traded for tin, are rightly identified with 
 Britain. But, with due deference to Professor Nilsson and other 
 antiquaries, I must confess that the traces of Phoenician influence 
 in this country are to my mind at present imperceptible ; and it may 
 well be that their system of commerce or barter was such as 
 intentionally left the barbarian tribes with whom they traded in 
 much the same stage of civilisation as that in which they found 
 them, always assuming that they dealt directly with Britain and 
 not through the intervention of Gaulish merchants. 
 The argument, however, that the Phoenician bronze would have 
 been lead-bronze, because the Phoenicians derived their civilisa- 
 tion and arts from Egypt, and had continual intercourse with 
 that country, where lead-bronze was early known, appears to me 
 wanting in cogency. For though the Egyptians may have used 
 * Job, chap, xxviii. v. 2. 
 t P. 115. 
 Comptes Rendus, 1866, vol. Ixii. pp. 223, 346. 
 The doubts raised by the late Sir G-. C. Lewis on this point have been dealt with by 
 Sir John Lubbock, " Preh. Times," p. 63 et seqq. 
 E E 2
 lead-bronzes for statues and ornaments, the Egyptian dagger* 
 analyzed by Vauquelin gave copper 85, tin 14, and iron 1 per 
 cent., and showed no trace of lead. Of one point we may be fairly 
 certain, that the discovery of bronze did not originate in the British 
 Isles, but that the knowledge of that useful metal was commu- 
 nicated from abroad, and probably from the neighbouring country, 
 France. When and in what manner that and the other countries 
 of Western and Central Europe derived their knowledge of bronze 
 it is not my intention here to discuss. I will only say that the 
 tendency of the evidence at present gathered is to place the original 
 source of bronze, like that of the Aryan family, in an Asiatic rather 
 than an European centre. 
 The presence in greater or less proportions of other metals than 
 copper and tin in bronze antiquities may eventually lead to the 
 recognition of the sources from which in each country the 
 principal supplies of metal were obtained. Professor Sullivan, 
 in the book already cited, arrives at the following among other 
 conclusions from the chemical facts at his command : 
 1. The northern nations in ancient times used only true bronzes 
 those formed of copper and tin of greater or lesser purity 
 according to the kind of ores used. 
 2. Many of these bronzes contain small quantities of lead, zinc, 
 nickel, cobalt, iron, and silver, derived from the copper from which 
 the bronze was made. 
 3. Though some bronzes may have been produced directly by 
 melting a mixture of copper and tin ores, the usual mode of 
 making them was by treating fused crude copper with tin-stone, t 
 In later times bronze was made by mixing the two metals 
 4. The copper of the ancient bronzes seems to have been 
 smelted in many different localities. 
 Some analyses of bronze antiquities found in other countries are 
 given in the works indicated below,* in addition to those men- 
 tioned on page 418, 
 * Von Bibra, op. cit., p. 94. 
 t Dr. Percy, F.K.S., and other practical metallurgists have shown that this view is 
 untenable. See Lubbock, " Prehist. Times," p. 621. 
 I Annales for Oldk., 1852, p. 249 ; Jahrbiich. des Ver. v. Alt.-freund im Eheinl., vol. 
 lix. p. 21 ; Chantre, "Age du Br.," lere ptie., p. 62 ; Perrin, " Et. preh. sur la Savoie," 
 1870, p. 19; Layard, "Nineveh and Babylon," p. 670.
 Flat celt, Ireland . . 
 Flanged celt . . . 
 Palstave (Mean) . 
 Fife . . . 
 Socketed celt, York- 
 Socketed celt, Ireland. 
 (Mean) . 
 Cavan . 
 ,, Dowris . 
 Dagger, Newton, near 
 Cambridge . . . 
 Dagger, Ireland (?) . 
 S word,England (Mean ), 
 Chertsey, Br. . . 
 Sword, Scotland . . 
 Ireland (Mean) 
 Spear-head, Ireland . 
 ',', " 
 Halberd, Ireland . . 
 Shield, Coveney Fen . 
 Trumpet, Dowris . . 
 Caldron, Scotland . . 
 Ireland . . 
 A, Mr. J. A. Phillips, see Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc., vol. iv. p. 276. 
 B, J. W. Mallet, Trans. JR. I. Ac., vol. xxii. p. 324. 
 C, T. H. Henry, F.R.S., Pub. Camb. Ant. Soc., No. xiv. p. 13. 
 D, Dr. George Wilson, Wilson's " Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 374. 
 E, Prof. Davy, 
 F, Dr. Donovan, 
 G, De Fellenberg. 
 * In this case oxygen to the extent of 3-83 was present. The bronze had become so 
 friable as to be easily pulverised in a mortar. Mr. J. Arthur Phillips writes about it 
 as follows : " When a freshly-broken fragment of it is examined under a low magnify- 
 ing power, it is seen to consist of a metallic net-work enclosing distinct and perfectly 
 formed crystals of cuprite, surrounded by a greyish white substance which is chiefly 
 binoxide of tin. In this alloy the nickel, silver, and iron are evidently accidental im- 
 purities, but the lead is no doubt an intentional ingredient." The specific gravity 
 after pulverization is about 7'26 only. 
 intentional ingredient." The specific gravity 
 t Specific gravity 8-59.
 I have here given most of the trustworthy analyses already 
 published, and have only added two new analyses kindly made for 
 me by Mr. J. A. Phillips, F.G.S., of a socketed celt from York- 
 shire and of a small dagger from Newton, near Cambridge. 
 Those who wish for detailed information as to the composition 
 of the bronze antiquities found in other countries are referred to 
 De Fellenberg's essays and to Yon Bibra's comprehensive work. 1 "" 
 The copper which was used by the bronze-founders of old times 
 appears to have been smelted from the ore and run into a shallow 
 concave mould open at top, in which the metal assumed the form 
 of a circular cake, convex below and flat above ; but before 
 becoming sufficiently cold to be quite set into tough metal, these 
 cakes seem as a rule to have been disturbed and broken up into 
 numerous pieces, better adapted for re-melting than the whole 
 cakes would have been. This method of breaking up the solid 
 cakes while hot saved also an infinity of labour ; as to cut such 
 masses into small pieces when cold would, even with modern 
 appliances, be a difficult task ; and with only bronze and stone 
 tools at command would have been nearly impossible. Many of 
 the cakes are, however, interspersed with cavities formed in the 
 metal, and in some cases there seems reason to think that this may 
 have been produced intentionally, so as to render the breaking of 
 the cakes even when cold more readily practicable. 
 Many of the blocks of metal cast in rough moulds, and known 
 by Italian antiquaries as ces signatum, have a similar broken 
 appearance at the ends. Professor Chiericif has suggested that 
 the moulds in which they were cast were of considerable length, 
 and that from time to time clay and sand were thrown in so as to 
 break the continuity of the metal, which indeed was poured in at 
 intervals, after the insertion of the sand or clay,t to form the break 
 in the mould. 
 Some pieces of metal which have been regarded as ingots, and 
 which not improbably are really such, have the form of a double- 
 ended axe with a very small shaft hole. They have been discovered 
 with several of the bronze-founders' hoards in France. Dr. 
 Y. Gross, of Neuveville, has a fine example of this kind found at 
 Locras, in the Lac de Bienne.J It is about 16i inches long and 
 4f inches wide at the ends, the hole through the centre being 
 * "Die Bronzen und Kupferlegirungen," 8vo. Erlangen, 1869. 
 t Bull, di Paletnol. Ital., 1879, p. 159. 
 J Chantre, "Age duBr.," lereptie., p. 36; "Alb.," pi. xxviii. ; " Materiaux," vpl. xi. 
 pi. L 1. Proc. Soc. Ant. 2nd Ser., vol. viii. p. 250.
 about i inch in diameter, and the weight of the ingot, which is of 
 pure copper, is about 6| Ibs. 
 Rough lumps of metal have frequently been found with deposits of 
 bronze implements in Britain, these latter being sometimes in a 
 worn-out or broken condition, and apparently brought together as 
 old metal for re-casting. In other deposits the instruments seem 
 new and ready for use, or again they are in an unfinished condition. 
 All the circumstances of these discoveries, however, go to prove that 
 they are in fact the stock-in-trade of the ancient bronze-founders. 
 The jets or waste pieces from the castings, of which I shall subse- 
 quently have to speak, are often found mixed with the rude lumps. 
 These lumps have usually the appearance of pure copper, and in 
 many cases have proved to be so on analysis. 
 Some copper cakes appear, however, to belong to Roman times. 
 They differ in shape from those already described, in being of nearly 
 even thickness, but with the edge inclined as if they had been cast 
 in a small frying-pan. They are from 10 to 13 inches in diameter 
 and about 2 inches thick ; and on more than one found in 
 Anglesea* there are inscriptions in Roman characters. They 
 weigh from 30 to 50 Ibs. 
 Turning now to the instances of lumps of rough metal being found 
 with bronze weapons and tools, the following may be cited, though other 
 instances are given in the tables at page 462 : 
 Lanant, Cornwall,! heavy lumps of fine copper, found with broken, 
 socketed celts, &c. 
 Kenidjack Cliff, Corn wall, J with palstaves and socketed celts. 
 St. Hilary, Corn wall, lumps weighing 14 or 15 Ibs. each, said to have 
 been found with spear-heads. 
 Near Worthing, Sussex, several lumps of metal, with palstaves and 
 socketed celts. 
 Beachey Head, \\ three lumps of raw copper, apparently very pure, 
 with palstaves, socketed celts, &c. 
 Wick Park, Stogursey, Somerset,^ with palstaves, socketed celts, 
 broken swords, spears, &c. 
 Kingston Hill, Surrey,** with socketed celts, fragments of swords, and 
 Beddington, Surrey, f f with mould, socketed celts, gouge, spear-heads, &c. 
 Wickham Park, Croydon, Surrey, H with palstave, gouge, hammer, &o. 
 Danesbury, near Welwyn, Herts, lumps of metal with damaged 
 socketed celts. 
 * Arch. Camb., 4th S.,'vol. ii. p. 59, vol. viii. p. 210 ; Pennant's " Tour," vol. i. p. 63 ; 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxix. 194 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 286. 
 t Arch., vol. xv. p. 118. % Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornw., No. xxi. 
 Arch., vol. xv. p. 120 (Leland). \\ Arch., vol. xvi. p. 363. 
 IT Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd Ser., vol. v. p. 427. ** Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 288. 
 tt Surrey Arch. Coll., vol. vi. JJ Anderson's "Croydon," p. 10. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 248.
 Cumberlow, Herts,* with palstaves, socketed celts, fragments of 
 swords, &c. 
 Westwick Eow, Hemel Hempsted,f several lumps, with socketed celts. 
 Eomford, Essex, J lumps of metal in waste pieces and imperfect cast- 
 ings, untrimmed socketed celts, &c. 
 Fifield, Essex, upwards of 50 Ibs. of metal, with socketed celts. 
 High Eoding, Essex, || with socketed celts, &c. 
 Kensington,^ with socketed celt, gouge, &c. 
 Sittingbourne, Kent,** with socketed celts, gouges, &c. 
 Meldreth, Cambs,tt with socketed celts, chisel, ring of caldron, &c. 
 Carlton Eode, Norfolk,^ lumps of metal, with socketed celts, gouges, 
 HelsdonHall, Norwich, pieces of copper, socketed celts, &c. 
 Earsley Common, York, || || several lumps of metal, with nearly a hundred 
 socketed celts. 
 Marti esham, Suffolk,^ a large quantity of metal, including some lumps 
 weighing 5 or 6 Ibs., with socketed celts, gouge, &c. 
 West Halton, Lincolnshire,*** with socketed celts and broken sword. 
 Eoseberry Topping, Yorkshire, fff with socketed celts, gouges, hammer, 
 In the Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, and in the Guilsfield find, there 
 was in each case at least one lump of metal. 
 Besides the cakes of copper, bars of that metal appear to have been 
 hammered into an oblong form, and then cut into lengths of from 4 to 
 5 inches, weighing each about J lb., and in that state to have served as 
 the raw material for the bronze-founders. Thirteen of these short bars 
 were found at Therfield, near Eoyston, Herts, J^ and Dr. Percy found 
 on analysis that they contained about 98^ per cent, of copper with a 
 small alloy of tin or antimony, probably the latter. Some fifteen or 
 "sixteen "pieces of long triangular brass" are described as having 
 been found with about the same number of celts at Hinton, near Christ- 
 church, Hants. These bars " seemed to be pieces of the metal out 
 of which the celts were cast." 
 In Scotland some " lumps of brass" were found with the swords, 
 spears, &c., in Duddingston Loch.|||||| Probably other lumps of metal have 
 been found in that country, but they seem to be scarcer in Scotland and 
 Ireland than in England. 
 Although, as already observed, Spain may have been the 
 principal Western source of tin in early times, and possibly 
 MalaccaHHH in the East, the trade with Britain for that metal must 
 * Journ. Anthrop. Inst., vol. vi. p. 195. t Penes me, Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 24. 
 % Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 302. $ Arch., vol. v. p. 116. 
 j| In the British Museum. f Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd Ser., vol. iii. p. 232. 
 ** Smith's " Coll. Ant.," vol. i. p. 101. ft In the British Museum. 
 %% Arch. Journ., vol. ii. p. 80. Arch., vol. v. p. 116. 
 (HI Arch., vol. v. p. 114. 
 1T1T Penes Capt. Brooke, TJfford Hall, Woodbridge. 
 *** Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 69. ftt Arch. Mliana, vol. ii. p. 213. 
 \\ I Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. i. p. 306 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 86. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 115. 
 IHIII Wilson, " P. A. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 348 ; Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 132. 
 HHU Crawfurd, Trans. Eth. Soc., vol. iii. p. 360.
 have commenced at a very remote epoch. We might expect, 
 therefore, that fragments of tin would be frequently found in the 
 old bronze-founders' hoards. But though lumps of copper have 
 so often been discovered in them, tin is at present conspicuous by 
 its absence. The only instance to which I am able to refer is the 
 discovery at Achtertyre,* Morayshire, of four " broken bits of tin," 
 in company with socketed celts, spear-heads, and bracelets. These 
 pieces seem to be fragments of a single bar which was about 
 6 inches in length, of oval section, and somewhat curved, and in 
 weight about 3 ounces. Though spoken of as tin, the metal is in 
 fact a soft solder composed, according to Dr. Stevenson Mac- 
 adam, of 
 Tin . 78-66 
 Lead 21-34 
 This, he points out, is a more fusible alloy than the ordinary 
 plumbers' solder, which consists of 1 of tin to 2 of lead, and 
 fuses at 441 degrees Fahr., as it contains nearly 4 of tin to 1 of lead, 
 and would fuse at 365 degrees. Whether this bar was intended 
 for use as solder, or represents a base tin exported to Scotland 
 from the tin-producing districts, is an interesting question. Pro- 
 fessor Daniel Wilson t has called attention to the fact that in all the 
 bronze instruments found in Scotland which have been submitted to 
 analysis lead is uniformly present, though in varying proportions. 
 Soldering J is considered to have been entirely unknown in the 
 Bronze Age, and even during the earlier times of the Iron Age ; 
 but the art of burning bronze on to bronze was certainly known, 
 and instances of its having been practised are given in preceding 
 Some fragments of pure metallic tin have from time to time 
 been found on the Continent. A small hammered bar found at 
 the Lake-dwelling of Estavayer, and analyzed by M. de Fellenberg, 
 was free from lead, zinc, iron, and copper. 
 Besides being found in Cornwall, tin occurs in France, || Saxony, 
 Silesia, Bohemia, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal. It also occurs in 
 Etruria,H and is said to be found in Chorassan.** 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix. p. 435. t "Preh. Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 376. 
 I Lubbock, "Preh. Times," p. 44; Von Sacken, "Das Grabfeld von Hallatatt," 
 p. 118. Keller, 3er Bericht, p. 93. 
 || " Manners and Customs of the Anc. Irish," O'Curry and Sullivan, p. ccccxix. 
 f " Cong, preh.," Buda-Pest, vol. i. p. 242 ; Engineer, March 26, 1876. 
 ** Arch, fur Anth., vol. ix. p. 265.
 This metal is said by Dionysius* to have been struck into coins 
 at Syracuse, but none such are at present known. Among the 
 Ancient Britons, f however, tin coins cast for the most part in 
 wooden moulds were in circulation, not in the tin-producing dis- 
 tricts, but in Kent and the neighbouring parts of England. Their 
 date is probably within a century of our era, either before or after 
 A large ingot of tin, in shape like the letter H, was dredged up 
 in Falmouth harbour. + It is 2 feet 11 inches long and about 
 11 inches wide, and 3 inches thick, and, though a small piece has 
 been cut off at one end, it still weighs 158 Ibs. It is shown in 
 Fig. 514. The late Sir Henry James, F.R.SJ has pointed out 
 that the form in which the ingot is cast adapts it for being laid in the 
 keel of a boat, and for being slung on a horse's side, two of them 
 thus forming a proper load for a pack-horse. He has also suggested 
 that this was the form of ingot in which the tin produced in 
 Cornwall was transported to Gaul, and thence carried overland, as 
 described by Diodorus Siculus, to the mouths of the Rhone. 
 Curiously enough this author speaks of the blocks being in the 
 form of astragali, with which this ingot fairly coincides. Other 
 ingots II of tin of different form have also been found in Cornwall, 
 but there appears to me hardly sufficient evidence to determine 
 their approximate date, and I therefore content myself with men- 
 tioning them. A lump cast in a basin-shaped mould, with two 
 holes in the flat face converging so as to form a V-shaped receptacle 
 for a cord, is in the Blackmore Museum at Salisbury. 
 What appear to be ingots of copper rather than votive or mor- 
 tuary tablets have been found in Sardinia,1[and in their form present 
 a close analogy with this ingot of tin, though they are of much 
 * Jul. Pollux. " Onom," lib. ix. c. 6, p. 1055. 
 t Evans, " Coins of the Anc. Brit.," p. 123. 
 I Arch. Joum., vol. xvi. p. 39 ; whence the cut is borrowed. 
 $ Arch. Journ., vol. xxviii. p. 196. See also Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 7, for an inter- 
 esting paper on Ancient Metallurgy, by the late Prof. J. Phillips. 
 || Arch. Journ., vol. xvi. p. 39. U Spano, " Paleoetnol. Sarda," p. 26.
 smaller dimensions. Both the sides and ends curve inwards, the 
 notch at the ends of some being semicircular. They are counter- 
 marked with a kind of double T. 
 As to the method of melting the metal but little is known. It 
 seems probable, however, that the crucibles employed must have 
 been vessels of burnt clay provided with handles for moving them ; 
 while for pouring out the metal small ladles of earthenware may 
 have been used. At Robenhausen,* on Lake Pfaffikon, Switzer- 
 land, small crucibles of a ladle-like form have been found, in some 
 cases with lumps of bronze still in them. Crucibles without 
 handles have been discovered at Unter-Uhldingen,t in the Ueber- 
 linger See. 
 The methods of casting were various. Objects were cast 
 1. In a single mould formed of loam, sand, stone, or metal, 
 the upper surface of the casting exhibiting the flat surface 
 of the molten metal, which was left open to the air. In 
 the case of loam or sand castings a pattern or model would 
 be used, which might be an object already in use, or made 
 of the desired form in wood or other soft substance. 
 2. In double moulds of similar materials. The castings pro- 
 duced in this manner when in unfinished condition show 
 the joints of the moulds. When sand was employed a 
 frame or flask of some kind must have been used to retain 
 the material in place when the upper half of the mould 
 was lifted off the pattern. The loam moulds were pro- 
 bably burnt hard before being used. In many cases cores 
 for producing hollows in the casting were employed in 
 conjunction with these moulds. 
 3. In what may be termed solid moulds. For this process the 
 model was made of wax, wood, or some combustible 
 material which was encased hi a mass of loam, possibly 
 mixed with cow-dung or vegetable matter, which on 
 exposure to heat left the loam or clay in a porous condi- 
 tion. This exposure to fire also burnt out the wax or 
 wood model and left a cavity for the reception of the metal, 
 which was probably poured in while the mould was still 
 Sir John LubbockJ regards this as the commonest mode of 
 casting during the Bronze Age, but so far as this country is con- 
 * Keller, "Lake-dwellings," Eng. ed., p. 54. t Op. tit., p. 118. 
 I " Preh. Times," p. 40.
 cerned it appears to me to have been very seldom, if ever, in use. 
 Except in highly complicated castings, such as ring within ring, no 
 advantage would be gained by adopting the process, as the same 
 result could usually be obtained by the use of a mould in two 
 halves, while the pattern would then be preserved. In comparing 
 a number of objects together, though, like the six hundred and 
 eighty- eight specimens of celts in the Dublin Museum, no two may 
 appear to have been cast in the same mould, it does not follow 
 that this was actually the case, for allowance must be made for 
 hammering, polishing, and ornamenting, which were subsequent 
 processes, and also for wear at the edge. Even in castings from 
 the same metal mould there will be considerable variations, from 
 differences in the amount of coating used to prevent the hot 
 metal from adhering to mould, and the length stopped off by the 
 core. But of this I shall shortly speak. 
 The moulds formed of burnt clay have but rarely lasted to our 
 times, though some have been found on the continent of Europe. 
 One for a perforated axe found among the remains of Lake-dwell- 
 ings near Laibach, in Carniola, is in the museum of that town. 
 Others will subsequently be mentioned. 
 The single moulds found within the United Kingdom are all of 
 stone, and are adapted for the production of flat celts, rings, 
 knives, and small chisels. In some cases it is hard to say whether 
 a mould was intended to be used alone or in conjunction with 
 another of the same kind, so as in fact to be only the half of a mould. 
 The single mould, which I have engraved as Fig. 515, was 
 found near Ballymena, Co. Antrim, and, as will be seen, is for a 
 flat celt of the ordinary form. The material is a micaceous sand- 
 stone, which a recent possessor of the mould has thought so well 
 adapted for use as a whetstone, that the mould is in places scored 
 with the marks where apparently a cobbler's awl has been sharp- 
 ened. A celt cast in such a mould would be flatter on one face 
 than the other, and be blunt at the ends, though much thinner 
 there than in the middle. Before being used it would be sub- 
 mitted to a hammering process, which would render the two faces 
 nearly symmetrical, and at the same time condense the metal and 
 render it harder and fitter for cutting purposes, especially at the 
 edge which was drawn out. In an Irish specimen in my collec- 
 tion there is in one face a deep conical depression, apparently 
 caused by the contraction of the metal in cooling. It was probably 
 necessary to add a little molten metal to the casting while cooling
 in order to avoid such defects. The sides as well as the faces of 
 these plain celts have usually been wrought with the hammer, and 
 Fig. 515. Ballymena. 
 it seems probable that some even of the flanged celts were origi- 
 nally plain castings in an open mould. 
 Moulds of the same kind have been found, though rarely, in 
 England. In a field near Cambo,* near Wallington, Northumber- 
 * Arch, ^liana, vol. iv. p. 107; Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 2.
 land, was found a block of sandstone, having on one face two 
 moulds for flat celts of different sizes, and on the other face another 
 such mould, and also one for a flat ring. It is now in the British 
 Stone blocks with moulds cut in them have been found in Scotland. 
 One with a mould for a large celt in the centre, and near it in one 
 corner of the slab a mould for a very small celt, was found in a cairn 
 near Kintore, Aberdeenshire.* 
 Another large block, forming the end of a cist, near Kilmartin, 
 Argyleshire,f has nine depressions in it in the form of flat celts, which 
 may have been used as moulds. They are barely an eighth of an inch 
 in depth, and on this account have been thought to be pictorial represen- 
 tations rather than moulds. With a metal so imperfectly fluid as melted 
 bronze, castings could be made thicker than the depth of the moulds, and 
 it is by no means impossible that this stone and another forming part of 
 the same cist may have been intended for the production of castings. 
 The second slab of stone may have served for casting pins. 
 The stone moulds from Trochrig, near Girvan, Ayrshire, J and Alford, 
 Aberdeenshire, with depressions of various forms upon them, not impro- 
 bably belong to a later period than that of which I am treating. 
 A mould for casting rings, 2 inches in diameter, found at Kilmailie, 
 Inverness-shire, is in the Museum at Edinburgh. 
 One for two flat celts on the one face, and for a larger celt and 
 perhaps a knife on the other, is in the Antiquarian Museum at 
 Edinburgh. || 
 These moulds are more abundant in Ireland. 
 One in the Belfast Museum,^) polyhedral in shape, has moulds upon four 
 of its faces for flat celts of different sizes. In the Bateman Collection is 
 a slab of schistose stone (7 inches by 6 inches) with three such moulds 
 upon it. It was found near Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim.** 
 On a slab in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy f f there are 
 moulds for two flat celts, and also for one with a stop-ridge and a loop. 
 It would appear as if the founder must have possessed a second half of 
 this latter mould. 
 Two moulds formed of stone, and apparently intended for flat or 
 slightly flanged celts, have been found at Bodio in the Lago di Varese.JJ 
 Moulds for palstaves and socketed celts have been found both of 
 stone and of bronze, but it will be well to reserve the latter until 
 all the forms of moulds made of stone have been considered. Such 
 celt moulds have always been made in halves. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ii. p. 33, vol. vi. p. 209. 
 f Journ. Ethnol. Soc., vol. ii. p. 341 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iv. p. 513. Arch. 
 Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxvi. p. 146. Only seven depressions are there described. 
 J Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. p. 45. 
 $ Ibid., vol. iv. p. 383, and v. p. 109. 
 || Ibid., vol. ii. p. 34 ; Wilson, " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 343, pi. v. 
 f Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 335, pi. vi. ; Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 392. 
 * " Catal.," p. 78. tt Wilde's " Catal.," p. 91, fig. 72. 
 + Pegazzoni, " L'uomo preist. nella Prov. di Como," 1878, pi. vi. 18 20.
 In Fig. 516 is shown the half of a mould for palstaves, which is now 
 in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy. The other half is with it. 
 They are formed of sandstone. It is uncertain in what part of Ireland 
 they were found. 
 Another mould, formed of mica schist, and now in the British Museum, 
 was found in the river Bann, and was intended for short palstaves about 
 3 inches long, 
 The half of a mould for casting palstaves of a somewhat broader forin 
 was found near Lough Corrib, Gralway,* and is in the Antiquarian Museum 
 at Edinburgh, Another has been engraved by Dunoyer,f who has also 
 figured a mould for a looped palstave, from the Museum of the Univer- 
 sity of Dublin. A stone mould from Ireland, for palstaves with double 
 Fig. 516. Ireland. J 
 Fig. 517. Ireland. 
 loops, is in the Antiquarian Museum at Edinburgh. As the halves of 
 these stone moulds are rarely made so as to be dowelled together, 
 they are almost always of exactly the same size externally, so as to be 
 readily adjustable into their proper position when tied together for the 
 reception of the metal. 
 The half of a mould for a small palstave, with transverse edge, is 
 shown full size in Fig. 517. The original is of green schist, and is in 
 the Eoyal Academy Museum at Dublin. It is remarkable that a mould 
 for so rare a form should have been found. A stone mould for trans- 
 verse palstaves of the same kind has, however, lately been discovered in 
 the Lac de Bienne J by Dr. V. Gross. 
 On the Continent stone moulds for ordinary palstaves have been found 
 * Wilson, " Preh. Ann.," vol. i. p. 358, fig. 46. t Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 335. 
 J " Les dernieres trouvailles du Lac de Bienne," 1879, pi. i. 10 ; " Materiaux," 1880, 
 pi. i. 10.
 in some numbers, especially in the Late habitations. In the museum at 
 Geneva are several from the Station of Eaux Vives. The wings as originally 
 cast were vertical to the blades, so that they might be withdrawn from 
 the mould, and they were subsequently hammered over to form the side 
 pockets, as in Tig. 85. 
 Moulds for looped palstaves have been found in the Lac du Bourget, 
 Savoy.* One of them is in my own collection. A broken mould for a 
 palstave was found at Billy (Loir et Cher).f 
 Others have been found in Hungary. J 
 A few stone moulds for casting socketed celts have been found in 
 England. The half of one, apparently for celts without loops, was found 
 near Milton, Dorsetshire, and is now in the Dorchester Museum. It has 
 several holes on the face of the slab, as if for the reception of dowels, on 
 which the other half of the mould would fit. 
 In another instance a set of moulds has been formed of three slabs of 
 stone, and would produce two varieties of socketed celts, one half of the 
 mould of each being engraved on the two faces of the central slab. It is only 
 this central piece which has been preserved. It was, I believe, found at 
 Bulford Water, near Salisbury, and not at Chidbury Hill, near Everley, 
 as stated in the "Barrow Diggers." || On one face is the mould for a 
 single-looped socketed celt about 4 inches long, of oblong section, with 
 three vertical ribs on the face ; on the other is that for a double-looped 
 celt of the same character, but about 5J inches long, also with three 
 vertical ribs. This mould is formed of some variety of greenstone, and 
 is now in the collection of the Rev. E. Duke, of Lake House, near 
 Stone moulds for socketed celts, with vertical ribs upon them, have been 
 found in the Lacustrine Station of Eaux Vives, near Geneva. There are 
 often moulds on each face of the stones. 
 Others in sandstone for socketed celts have been found in Hungary.^ 
 Several moulds for such instruments have been discovered in Sweden.** 
 One with diagonal air-passages, like those in Fig. 521, is in the Copen- 
 hagen Museum. 
 Stone moulds for socketed celts have also been found in Scotland. 
 Two pair from the parish of Eosskeen, Ross-shire, |f have been figured by 
 Professor Daniel Wilson. They are for looped celts rather wide and 
 straight at the edge, about 5 inches long and of hexagonal section. The 
 castings from the one are plain upon the faces ; in those from the other 
 there are three annulets connected by raised ribs, much the same as on one 
 face of the celt from Wigtonshire (Fig. 166). These moulds had the two 
 halves dowelled together when in use. On one there appears to be a 
 second mould for a small flat bar. 
 In Ireland stone moulds for socketed celts are rare, and they appear to 
 * Exp. Arch, de la 8m., 1878, pi. iv. 187 ; Chantre, "Alb.," pi. lii. 
 t " Materiaux," vol. x. p. 112. J " Materiaux," vol. xii. p. 185. 
 " The Barrow Diggers," p. 75, pi. v. 10. It is so badly drawn that it might be 
 taken for a broken mould for a palstave. Arch., vol. xxviii. p. 451. 
 || P. 78. 
 IF Hampel, " Cat. de 1'Exp. prehist.," 1876, p. 134; "Ant. preh. de la Hongrie;" 
 "Materiaux," vol. xii. p. 184. 
 ** Wittlock, " Jord-fynd fran Warend's forhist. Tid.," 1874, p. 68. 
 ft "Preh. Ann, of Scot.," vol. i. p. 345, figs. 48 and 49. Fig. 61 shows a casting 
 from one of the moulds.
 have been for the most part cast in sand or loam. There is, however, in 
 the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy,* the half of a mould of this 
 kind made of mica slate, and much worn by age and exposure, apparently 
 intended for a ribbed socketed celt. It has dowel-holes on the face of the 
 The mould, or more properly half of a mould, for a tanged knife, with 
 a central rib along the blade, is shown in Fig. 518. It is of close- 
 grained sandstone, and was found near Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. The 
 surface on which the knife has been engraved is ground very smooth, as 
 Fig. 518. Ballymoney. 
 Fig. 519. Broughshane. 
 if to fit another half mould. In this other half there was probably little 
 more than grooves for the central rib and tang, as the mould at the edge 
 of the knife would produce a casting fully ^ inch thick, which would 
 require a good deal of hammering out. 
 Fig. 519 shows the half of a mould for a dagger blade of elegant 
 form. It is of mica slate, and was found near Broughshane, Co. Antrim. 
 It is about 1 inch in thickness ; and on the other face are moulds for a 
 small flat chisel with side stops, in total length about 2f inches, for a 
 flat triangular celt-like tool about 1 inch long, and an unfinished mould 
 for a segment of a flat ring. 
 Wilde, " Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 
 F F 
 I, fig. 73.
 Stone moulds for daggers have teen found in the Italian terrain are.* 
 Fig. 520.-Knighton. J Fig. 521.-Knighton. i 
 In Figs. 520 and 521 I have reproduced on the scale of one-fourth 
 the engravings of two stone moulds which were found near Knighton, 
 * Gastaldi, " Nuovi cenni," 1862, Tav. iv. 22.
 but in the parish, of Hennock, near Chudleigh, Devon, and are pub- 
 lished in the Archceological Journal* They are of a light greenish 
 micaceous schist, such as occurs in Cornwall. The large one is 24 inches 
 in length by 3 inches in its greatest width, the smaller is 21 inches long 
 and also 3 inches wide. When found the two halves of each mould were in 
 apposition ; the longer mould placed vertically, the shorter horizontally. 
 As will be seen, they are for the production of rapier-shaped blades. 
 In the smaller is a series of small channels, to allow of the escape of 
 air during the process of casting. On the larger, by the side of the main 
 mould, is a second, which would produce a slightly tapering casting, 
 ribbed longitudinally on one face 
 and flat on the other. It is diffi- 
 cult to judge of the purpose for 
 which it was intended, but it 
 may possibly have been at once 
 an ornament and a support for 
 the scabbard of the blade. 
 Some fluted pieces of bronze, 
 such as would be produced from 
 a mould of this kind, are in the 
 museum at Tours, found in a 
 hoard at St. Genouph. 
 A mould for a short leaf -shaped 
 sword has been found in Ire- 
 land, t 
 A stone mould, formed of 
 green micaceous schist, and 
 found at Maghera, Co. Deny, 
 is in the collection of Canon 
 Greenwell, F.R.S., and is 
 shown in Fig. 522. As will 
 be seen, it is for a spear-head 
 of the ordinary Irish type, 
 with loops on the socket. 
 These, however, were pro- 
 bably flattened down during the finishing process. The outside of 
 the mould has been neatly rounded, and has shallow grooves in it 
 to assist in keeping the string in place with which the two halves 
 of the mould were bound together when ready for use. 
 In the same collection is the half of a mould for spear-heads, from 
 Armoy, Co. Antrim. It is much like the figure, but 7f inches long. 
 I have the half of a mould for a nearly similar spear-head, made of 
 light brown stone, with the sides left square, and not rounded. This is 
 also from the North of Ireland. It is difficult to understand the manner 
 in which the cores for forming the sockets of the spear-heads were sup- 
 ported in the moulds. Possibly small pins of bronze were attached to the 
 Fig. 522. Maghera. 
 * Vol. ix. p. 185. 
 t Jfem. des Ant. du Nord, 187277, p. 142. 
 F F 2
 clay core, which kept it in position, but which during the casting process 
 got burnt into the molten metal. I have, however, found no actual traces 
 of such a contrivance. On examining broken spear-heads it will some- 
 times be found that the socket core inside the blade, instead of being simply 
 conical, has lateral projections running into the thicker part of the blade. 
 A mould for spear-heads of the same kind as Fig. 521, found near 
 Claran Bridge,* in the barony of Dunkellen, Co. Galway, has at the base 
 two pin-holes about 1 inch long and inch in diameter. Their axes are 
 parallel to that of the socket. These may possibly be connected with 
 the steadying of the core. 
 A stone mould found at the edge of Lough Earner, Co. Cavan,f and 
 now in the Museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy, is quadrangular in 
 section, with moulds for very small lance-heads on three of its faces. On 
 the fourth there are marks of a worn-out mould. The corresponding 
 halves have not been found. Such instances of several half -moulds on a 
 single block of stone are not unfrequent. 
 Fig. 523. Lough Gur. J 
 A moiety of a stone mould for casting spear-heads of various 
 sizes, and also pointed objects, " possibly," though not probably, 
 "arrow-heads," was found at Lough Gur,+ Co. Limerick, and is now 
 in the British Museum. It is a four-sided prism, 65 inches long 
 and 2J inches broad at one end of each face, and If inch at the 
 other. A second similar prism would, it has been observed, give four 
 perfect moulds for casting spear-heads slightly varying in form, but 
 in each case provided with side loops. These loops are as usual 
 semicircular in form on the mould, and were no doubt destined to 
 be flattened in the usual manner by a subsequent process of ham- 
 mering. There is one special feature in this mould, viz. that at 
 the base of the blade there is a transverse notch in the stone, 
 evidently destined to receive a small pin, which would serve to 
 keep the clay core for the socket in its proper position. There is 
 a similar transverse notch in one of the smaller moulds for the 
 pointed objects. This mould is shown in Fig. 523. 
 * Arch., vol. xv. p. 349, pi. xxxiv. 1, 2. f Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R. I. A.," p. 93. 
 J Arch. Journ., vol. xx. p. 170. The cut is kindly lent by the Council of the Institute.
 There is a similar notch in a mould for leaf- 
 shaped spear-heads without loops in the Preusker 
 Collection at Dresden. It would seem as if the 
 pin which formed the hole for the rivet was also 
 of use to support the core. Another such mould is 
 in the museum at Modena. 
 There are similar notches in a stone mould for 
 spear-heads, in one of burnt clay for socketed 
 knives, found at Mcerigen, in the Lake of Bienne, 
 and in one found in the Lake of Varese.* 
 A small Irish mould for casting broad leaf-shaped 
 lance-heads without loops is in the Antiquarian 
 Museum at Edinburgh. 
 A mould of much the same character as the 
 Irish examples was found near Campbelton,t 
 in Kintyre, Argyleshire. It is formed of dark 
 serpentine, and one of its halves is shown in 
 Fig. 524. On the same spot were found two 
 polished stone celts and another stone mould 
 for spear-heads, in two portions, also of ser- 
 pentine, shown in Figs. 525 and 526, both 
 sides being cut for moulds, one for a looped 
 spear-head and the other for one without loops. 
 Dr. Arthur Mitchell, who has described this 
 Fig. 524. Campbelton. 
 find, says that in this second mould the two halves are not alike, 
 Fig. 525. Campbelton. Fig. 526. Campbelton. 
 * Eanchet e Regazzoni, Atti della Soc. Ital. de sc. nat., vol. xxi. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vi. p. 48, pi. vi. I am indebted to the Council for the 
 use of these four blocks.
 as in the one first described. In this case one-half has the shape 
 of the spear-head deeply cut into the stone, so as to include the whole 
 thickness of the edge of the spear, and the other side has simply 
 the midrib alone cut on it, and the rest of that side of the mould 
 is gently bevelled towards the edges, the result of which simple plan 
 is that when the two sides are laid together a perfect mould is 
 made, the two sides of the casting being almost exactly alike, less 
 labour being thus required than in forming an outline exactly 
 alike on both sides of the stone mould, and the result being 
 equally satisfactory. 
 An English., or rather Welsh, quadrangular mould, much like that 
 from Lough Gur, was found between Bodwrdin * and Tre Ddafydd, 
 Anglesea. It is formed of hone-stone 9 inches long, with the sides 
 tapering from 2 inches to 1 inch. It is adapted for casting looped 
 spear-heads of two sizes, and what has been regarded as a double-looped 
 celt. The fourth side has a conical groove, and may be the complement 
 of another more defined mould, as is the case with. Fig. 525s. It has 
 been thought to have been for a spike-like javelin. What has been 
 regarded as the mould for double-looped celts seems also to be the shallow 
 half of a mould for spear-heads. In the museum at Clermont Ferrand f 
 there is an analogous stone mould for palstaves of three types and a 
 point or ferrule. 
 Of other stone moulds, I may mention one for casting buckles of a 
 kind like those from Polden Hill, which was found at Camelford, Corn- 
 wall. J This is not improbably of Late Celtic date. 
 I have a flat oval slab of compact grit, about 2 inches thick, having on 
 one face a mould for a thin oval plate of metal about 5 inches by 4 inches, 
 and on the other a mould for a rather thicker oval plate, about 6 inches 
 by 4 inches. It was found near Nantlle, Carnarvon, and was given me 
 by Mr. R. D. Darbishire, F.S.A. I am uncertain as to the period to 
 which it ought to be assigned. 
 Of foreign moulds of stone besides those already cited, I may mention 
 some for double-ended hatchets and for flat celts which, have been found 
 in the Island of Sardinia. 
 A number of moulds formed of stone, principally mica-schist, were 
 found by Dr. Schliemann || during his excavations on the presumed site 
 of Troy. They were for casting flat celts, tanged spear-heads or daggers, 
 and various other forms. Several of the blocks had moulds on both sides 
 and ends, and served for casting as many as a dozen different objects. 
 The moulds made of bronze which have been found in this 
 country are for palstaves, socketed celts, and gouges only. They 
 appear to be more abundant in England than in any of the neigh- 
 bouring parts of Europe. At one time the whole school of English 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. iii. p. 257, vol. vi. p. 385 ; Lindenschmit, "A. u. h. V.," vol. ii. 
 Heft. xii. Taf. i. 5. 
 t Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. p. 166. 
 % Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. p. 148. Spano, " Paleoetnol. Sard.," p. 27. 
 || "Troy and its Remains," pp. 82, 110, 139, 173, 261, &c.
 antiquaries regarded the moulds for socketed celts as cases or 
 sheaths specially prepared to hold such instruments.* To Vallancey, 
 I think, belongs the credit of being the first to recognise their 
 true character. In writing about the half of a bronze mould for 
 palstaves found in Ireland, he observes, t " Dr. Borlase and Mr. 
 Lort had seen brass cases of these instruments, which fitted them 
 as exactly as if they had been the molds in which the instru- 
 ments were cast. I cannot conceive why these gentlemen hesitate 
 Fig. 527. Hotham Carr. 
 to call them molds, as a certain proof that they were manufactured 
 in Ireland, where the Romans came not, either as friends or foes, 
 the molds are found in our bogs ; they are of brass also, mixed 
 with a greater quantity of iron, or in some manner tempered much 
 harder than the instruments." I am not sure that the latter 
 remark as to the comparative hardness of the moulds holds good 
 in all cases, otherwise the correctness of the opinion expressed by 
 Vallancey, now about a hundred years ago, is undeniable. 
 * See Arch., vol. v. p. 108 et seqq. t "Collectanea," vol. iv. p. 59.
 In Fig. 527 are given three views of one half of a complete mould 
 for palstaves, which was found with a hoard of bronze objects, includ- 
 ing seven palstaves without loops, at Hotham Carr, in Yorkshire, E.R. 
 It is in the collection of Canon Greenwell, F.R.S. Among the 
 palstaves which were found with it only one was in an un- 
 damaged condition. As will be seen from the figure, there are 
 projections or dowels on the face of this half of the mould which 
 fit into corresponding depressions in the counterpart, so as to 
 steady the two halves when 
 brought together and keep 
 them in proper position. At 
 the top is a cup-shaped 
 cavity for the reception of 
 the metal. Any portion of 
 the casting which occupied 
 this part of the mould was 
 broken off from the palstave 
 when it was cool, and was 
 kept for re-melting. Such 
 waste pieces, or jets, from the 
 moulds are of common occur- 
 rence in the old founders' 
 hoards, and some will be 
 subsequently noticed. 
 Another mould for simple 
 palstaves was found in Danes- 
 field, near Bangor,* in 1800. 
 It is for a blade rather wider 
 at the edge and narrower in 
 the shank than that roduced 
 a looped palstave of about the same size. One half of each pair of 
 moulds is in the British Museum, and the other half in Lord Bray- 
 brooke's collection at Audley End. The half of a bronze mould for a 
 simple palstave, with a shield-shaped ornament below the stop-ridge, 
 was found in Ireland.f One of the same kind was lately in the collec- 
 tion of Mr. Stevenson of Lisburn. 
 In the British Museum is another mould for looped palstaves, which is 
 shown in Figs. 528 and 529, for the use of which I am indebted to the 
 Council of the Society of Antiquaries. J The original was found in Wiltshire. 
 It is remarkable as bearing on each of its halves bands evidently cast from 
 actual twine which has been upon the model ; but the bands on the two 
 * Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 386, vol. xviii. p. 166 ; Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. ii. p. 128. 
 t Vallancey, " Coll.," vol. iv. p. 59, pi. x. 10. I Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. p. 158.
 halves do not coincide, being on the one placed higher than on the other. 
 The sides are also joggled together in a singular manner. As to the 
 bands of cording, it may be that the model of the first half of the mould 
 was formed of clay, which when dry, in order to prevent its being broken, 
 was tied on to the palstave on which it had been shaped, and was thus 
 moulded in clay or loam ; and that afterwards, when the second half of 
 the mould had to be cast by a similar process, the model for it was tied 
 on to the half-mould already formed, the binding being in contact with 
 the side of the band already in relief upon the back and sides of the half - 
 Several palstave moulds formed of bronze have been found in different 
 countries in Europe. 
 The half of one, found in the Saone, for looped palstaves, is in the 
 museum at Lyons.* 
 General A. Pitt 
 Eivers, F.E.S., has one 
 from the neighbour- 
 hood of Macon.f 
 M. Charles Seidler, of 
 Nantes, has another. 
 Another from the 
 hoard of Notre- Dame 
 d'Or, Vienne, is in the 
 museum at Poitiers. 
 M. Forel has another 
 f oxind in the Lake-dwel- 
 lings at Morges.J 
 A palstave mould of 
 bronze, found near 
 Medingen, is in the 
 museum at Hanover. 
 The half of one found 
 at Polsen, near Merse- 
 burc:, II is in that of 
 Fig. 530 Harty. 
 Another bronze mould from the neighbourhood of Grriinberg,^ is in the 
 museum at Darmstadt. 
 There are several bronze moulds of this character in the Museum of 
 Northern Antiquities at Copenhagen. 
 In Figs. 530 and 531 are engraved the halves of two moulds 
 for casting socketed celts of different sizes and patterns, which 
 were found with a number of other relics in the Isle of Harty, 
 Sheppey, and are now in my own collection. I have already 
 given an account of this discovery elsewhere ; ** but as it throws so 
 * Chantre, "Album," pi. i. ; " Age du Br.," lere. ptie., p. 26. 
 t Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 433. 
 t Keller, 3er Bericht, p. 109, pi. vii. 43 ; Troyon, "Hab. Lac.," pi. x. 15. 
 I Lindenschmit, "Alt. u. h. V.," vol. ii. Heft. xii. Taf. i. 3. 
 || Bastian und A. Voss, " Die Bronze-schwerter des K. Mus. zu Berlin," Taf. xiv. 9. 
 H Lindenschmit, ubi sup., Taf. i. 4. 
 ** Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 408; "Cong, preh.," Stockholm vol. i. p. 445.
 much light upon the whole process of casting as practised towards the 
 close of the Bronze Period, it will he desirable to give a somewhat 
 detailed account of the entire find and its teachings in this place. 
 The hoard, which may very fairly be described as the stock-in- 
 trade of an ancient bronze-founder, consisted of the following 
 Both halves of the mould, Fig. 530. 
 5 celts cast in this mould and a fragment. 
 Both halves of the mould, Fig. 531. 
 1 celt cast in it. 
 One-half of a smaller mould with a portion of a lead lining 
 adhering to it, as kindly determined for me by Dr. J. Percy, F.R.S. 
 3 celts, more or less worn out, apparently cast in it. 
 2 large celts from different 
 2 small socketed celts from 
 other and different moulds. 
 Both halves of a gouge mould, 
 Fig. 532. 
 2 gouges, both from one 
 II mould, but it is doubtful 
 whether they are from this. See 
 Fig. 205. 
 2 pointed tools, Fig. 220. 
 1 double-edged knife, Fig. 
 Fig. 53i.-Harty. i i single-edged knife, Fig. 260. 
 1 perforated disc, Fig. 503. 
 1 ferrule, Fig. 377- 
 1 part of a curved bracelet-like object of doubtful use, with 
 small hole near the end. 
 1 hammer or anvil, Fig. 211. 
 1 small hammer, Fig. 212. 
 2 pieces of rough copper. 
 1 whetstone, Fig. 540. 
 Of the largest mould itself, Fig. 530, not much need be said. 
 The dowels on the face of one of the halves have been much injured 
 by oxidation, so that the two parts of the mould do not now fit so 
 well together as they did originally. On the outside of each valve 
 are two projecting pins intended to hold the cord in position, by 
 which the two parts of the mould were held together when in use.
 As will be seen, the mould itself is somewhat bell-mouthed. Of 
 the ornamental " flanches " on the celt, I have already given the 
 history at page 108. The instruments cast from this mould, and 
 present in the hoard, are five in number, four in fairly perfect 
 condition, and one broken in two in the middle. Though cast in 
 the same mould, no two are absolutely alike. Not only do they 
 vary in width at their edges the natural result of one having 
 been more freely hammered out than another but in the upper 
 part, to which very little has been done in the way of hammering 
 or grinding since the celt left the mould, there are striking differ- 
 ences. As will be seen, the mould is calculated to produce three 
 parallel mouldings round the mouth of each celt ; but in one of 
 the castings only two of these mouldings are present ; in another 
 there are three, and there is metal enough beyond to represent 
 half the width of another moulding. In two others the length is 
 equivalent to nearly another moulding, so that the celts appear to 
 have four mouldings round their mouths ; and in the fifth celt 
 there is a collar of plain metal extending - inch beyond the three 
 bands (see Fig. 1 1 3.) On comparing this instrument with that 
 first described, the difference in the length above the loop is 
 upwards of ^ inch. This difference can only be accounted for 
 by a difference in the arrangement of the mould and core at 
 the time of casting. On comparing the interior of one celt with 
 that of another, it is evident that the core was not produced in 
 any mould or core-box, as the small projecting ribs of metal left as 
 usual to help in steadying the haft vary in number and position. 
 In the case of the celt broken in two in the middle, the core has 
 been placed so much out of the centre that there is a large hole 
 in the casting where there was not room for the metal to run. 
 The system adopted appears, therefore, to have been much as 
 First, the mould was tied together in proper position, and loam 
 or clay was rammed into it so as tightly to fill the upper part. 
 The mould was, secondly, taken apart and the clay removed 
 and probably left to become nearly dry. Thirdly, the lower part 
 of the clay was then trimmed to form the core, a shoulder being 
 left which would form the mould for the top of the celt. The 
 upper part of the clay would be left untouched, beyond having 
 two channels cut in it to allow of the passage of the melted metal. 
 Fourthly, the mould would be tied together again with the pre- 
 pared core inside, the untrimmed part of which would form a
 guide for its due position in the mould. Fifthly, the mould would 
 then be placed vertically, probably by being stuck into sand, and 
 the melted metal would be poured down the channels. When cool 
 the runners thus formed would be broken off, and the fractured 
 surfaces would be hammered or ground. The knife found with 
 the hoard was probably used for cutting the channels and trimming 
 the core. If such a process as that which I have described were 
 in use, it is evident that the chances would be much against the 
 shoulders of the clay core being always cut at exactly the same 
 place, and we have at once a reason for the variation here ob- 
 There is another cause for slight variations in the sharpness of 
 the mouldings and the other details of the castings. In order to 
 prevent the molten bronze from adhering to the bronze mould, the 
 latter must have been smeared over with something by way of 
 protection, so as to form a thin film between the metal of the 
 mould and that of the casting. Modern founders, when casting 
 pewter in brass, or even iron, moulds,* " anoint " the latter with 
 red ochre and white of egg, or smoke the inside of the mould ; and 
 our plumbers prevent solder from amalgamating with lead by 
 using lamp-black and size, or even by rubbing it with a dock-leaf. 
 No doubt the ancient founders had some equally simple method, 
 such as brushing the mould over with a very thin coat of marl. 
 Turning now to the second mould, Fig. 531, it will be seen that 
 just below the mouldings there is accidentally present a sharply 
 defined small recess ; the impression, however, of this recess on 
 the celt cast in this mould is not nearly so sharp, probably in con- 
 sequence of the mould having been smeared as lately suggested. 
 It will also be noticed that though there is a double band of 
 mouldings in the mould, there is but one and a fraction on the 
 celt itself, which is shown in Fig. 114. 
 The outside of this mould is provided with three knobs to keep 
 the binding cord from slipping off. The other and smallest half- 
 mould has a single projection in the middle, like an imperfectly 
 formed loop. The three celts which were apparently cast in this 
 mould show great uniformity at their upper ends, and to the 
 reason for this I think the lead adhering to the mould furnishes a 
 clue. It is evident that if, in preparing the cores, instead of 
 beginning by having the mould empty and ramming clay into it, 
 * Holtzappf el, "Turning and Mech. Manip.," vol. i. p. 321; Arch. Journ., vol. iv. 
 p. 337.
 which was subsequently to be trimmed, the founder placed a celt 
 in the mould, its socket would act as a core-box or mould for a clay 
 core which would require no further trimming so far as the part of 
 forming the socket was concerned. On opening out the mould 
 this core could be withdrawn from the socket of the model celt, 
 and when dry would be ready for use. Perhaps in the celts with 
 long and not highly tapering sockets there would be a difficulty 
 in getting out the clay unbroken, and the process would not be 
 found to answer ; but in the case of the small celts there would 
 probably be less difficulty. In this mould I think we have the 
 remains of a celt formed of lead, an instrument which would be 
 utterly useless as a cutting tool, but which might well have been 
 made and kept as a core-box. The very fact of its being made of 
 another metal would prevent its being confounded with the other 
 castings and being bartered away ; while in the first instance a casting 
 in lead might have been made on a wooden core, which could pro- 
 bably be trimmed to the exact shape required more readily than one 
 of clay. I have elsewhere* called attention to the fact that wooden 
 moulds were in use among the Ancient Britons for the casting of 
 coins formed of tin. Several socketed celts made of lead have from 
 time to time been found, though not in association with bronze- 
 founders' hoards, and have been a great puzzle to antiquaries. One 
 found at Alnwick,t near Sleaford, Lincolnshire, was thought to 
 have come from a barrow. One found with bronze celts in the 
 Morbihan, is in the collection of the Rev. Canon Greenwell, F.R.S., 
 but it is doubtful whether it was used as a core-box. The use 
 which I have suggested for them is at all events one that is 
 possible, but we must wait for further discoveries before accepting 
 it as the only cause for their existence. 
 A mould for sword hilts found in Italy, + and now in the museum 
 at Munich, is formed by three pieces of bronze, even the core by 
 which the cavity in them was produced being formed of that metal. 
 But that the cores were frequently if not always made of clay, 
 and not, as has been sometimes supposed, of metal, is proved by 
 the numbers of socketed celts which from time to time have been 
 found with the cores still in them, though this, it is true, has been 
 the case in France rather than in England. In the great hoard of 
 socketed celts found near Ple'nee Jugon, in Brittany, the majority 
 * " Anc. British Coins," p. 124. 
 t Proc. Geol. and Polyt. Soc. of Yorkshire, 1866, p. 439. 
 I Lindenschmit, "Alt. u. h. Vorz.," Heft. i. Taf. ii. 10, 11, 12.
 were as they had come from the mould, with the clay cores still in 
 them, burnt as hard as brick by the heat of the metal. I have 
 already mentioned this fact in describing the tool from the Harty 
 hoard, which appears to have been used for extracting the cores. 
 I have also described the anvil, if such it be, and the hammer, 
 Figs. 211 and 212, by means of which, probably, the edges of the 
 celts were drawn out and hardened. I will now add that the celt, 
 Fig. 114, is too long and too broad at the edge for that part of 
 it to enter into the mould in which it was cast. This shows how 
 much its edge was drawn out by hammering. The final sharp- 
 ening was no doubt effected by the whetstone, Fig. 540. 
 Fig. 552. Harty. * 
 The other mould from this hoard is almost unique of its kind. 
 Two views of each of its halves are given in Fig. 532. Originally 
 there was a loop on the back of each half, but from one this has in 
 old times been broken off. The arrangement for carrying the core is 
 different from what it seems to have been in the other moulds. There 
 is in the upper part of the mould when put together a transverse 
 hole, which would produce what may be termed trunnions on the 
 clay core, and assist materially in holding it in proper position 
 during the process of casting. From the upper surfaces of the 
 gouges found with the mould, it appears that there were two 
 channels cut for the runners of metal, one at the middle of each 
 half of the mould, so as to alternate with the joint of the mould 
 through which the air could escape during the casting process.
 What appears to be part of a mould for gouges was found in the 
 hoard of Notre-Dame d'Or, and is now in the museum at Poitiers. 
 I must now return to the other examples of moulds for socketed 
 celts which have been found in this country. 
 One, with external loops on each half, like that on Fig. 532s, was found 
 with looped palstaves, socketed celts, and broken dagger or sword blades, 
 at Wilmington,* Sussex, and is now in the museum at Lewes. All these 
 objects, as is the case in many other hoards, had been deposited in a vessel 
 of coarse pottery. 
 Another mould, found with eleven celts and fragments of weapons at 
 Eaton,f near Norwich, has smaller and broader loops near the top. On 
 each side of the face of one half, a little distance from the actual mould, 
 and roughly following its contour, is a shallow groove, into which fits a 
 corresponding ridge on the counterpart. The outer face of each half is 
 ornamented with two slightly curved vertical ribs, one on each side of the 
 loop, and joined at the base by a transverse rib. It is for casting celts 
 about 4 inches long, and of the ordinary form. 
 Another mould, for celts with an octagonal neck, was found on the 
 Quantock Hills, J Somersetshire (and not in Yorkshire), and is now in 
 the British Museum. The halves are adjusted to each other by a rib and 
 groove, as on that last mentioned, and the back is ornamented with a 
 peculiar raised figure with three vertical lines and a straight transverse 
 line at the top, and two lines at the bottom running up to the central 
 vertical line so as to form on each side of it an angle of about 120. 
 At the junction there is a ring ornament, and two others near the angles 
 formed with the side lines. This mould has a transverse hole at the top 
 like that in the gouge-mould already mentioned. 
 Another mould, also in the British Museum, is for celts with three 
 vertical ribs on the face. This likewise has a transverse and nearly square 
 hole at the top, and also recesses in each half -mould, so as to give four 
 points of support to the core between which the channels for the runners 
 might be cut. On the outside, near the top, is a loop, and near the 
 bottom two projecting pins to retain the string. This appears to be the 
 mould from Yorkshire belonging to Mr. Warburton, figured by Stukeley.|| 
 The half of another mould for celts, of nearly the same character, was 
 found in the Heathery Burn Cave,^f already so often mentioned, and is 
 shown in Fig. 533, for the use of which I am indebted to the Council of 
 the Society of Antiquaries. 
 Another mould was found in the fen at Washingborough,**near Lincoln. 
 Another, from Cleveland, ff found with chisels, gouges, &c., is in the 
 Bateman Collection. 
 A part of another was found in a hoard at Beddington, Surrey, JJ and a 
 * Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. xiv. p. 171 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xx. p. 192. 
 t Arch., vol. xxii. p. 424 ; Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 387 ; " Arch. Inst.," Norwich vol., 
 p. xxvi. I have assumed that the mould described in these passages is one and the 
 I Arch., vol. v. pi. vii. ; Arch. Journ., vol. iv. p. 336, pi. iii. 5, 6, 7, 8. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. iv. pi. ii. 5, 6, 7, 8. || "Itin. Cur.," pi. xcvi., 2nd ed. 
 H Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132 ; Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 358. 
 ** Arch. Joivrn., vol. xviii. p. 166. ft Ibid. 
 %\ " Surrey Arch. Soc. Coll.," vol. vi.
 fragment of another at "Wickham Park, Croydon. This latter is now in 
 the British Museum. 
 A bronze mould for socketed celts, found at Eikrath, was in the collection 
 of the late Dr. Hugo Garthe, of Cologne. Upon the outside there are 
 six ribs with ring ornaments at the ends, diverging from a loop in the 
 A bronze mould for socketed celts, ornamented with V-shaped lines, and 
 found at Gnadenfeld,* in Upper Silesia, is in the Berlin Museum. 
 Another bronze mould with an external loop, also for socketed celts, was 
 found in Gotland,! and is in the Stockholm Museum. 
 A magnificent mould for socketed celts was found in the Cotentin J in 
 1827. It has broad loops outside either half, with three processes from 
 it running up and down the mould. 
 A bronze mould for spear-heads was ex- 
 hibited in Paris in 1878. A part of another 
 was in the Larnaud hoard, and is now in 
 the museum at St. Germain. 
 There were some fragments of bronze 
 moulds in the great Bologna hoard. 
 The process of casting bronze instru- 
 ments in loam, clay, or sand must have 
 been much the same as that in use at 
 the present day ; but it was very rarely 
 that the mould consisted of more or 
 less than two pieces. On a great many 
 bronze instruments the joint of the 
 mould is still visible; and in some of 
 the large hoards, such as those which 
 have been found in the North of France, 
 Fig. 533. Heathery Burn. $ . 
 we see the castings just as they came 
 from the moulds, except that the runners have been broken off. 
 For socketed celts there were usually two runners of metal ; for 
 palstaves sometimes two, and sometimes only one nearly the full 
 width of the upper part. It is not uncommon to find castings 
 which show that the two halves of the mould or the flasks have 
 slipped sideways, so that they were not in proper position when 
 the casting was made. 
 I have a palstave from a large hoard found near Tours, in which 
 the lateral displacement of the mould is as much as a quarter of an 
 inch, so that there is what geologists might term a " fault " in the 
 casting. The metal which has been in contact with what was the 
 face of the mould is smooth, and appears to have been cast against 
 * Bastian und A. Voss, " Die Bronze-schwerter des K. Mus.," p. 76. 
 t Ulfsparre, "Svenska Fornsaker," pi. viii. 93. 
 I Mem. Soe. Ant. Norm., 1827-8, pi. xviii.
 clay. A considerable variety of patterns was in use by the founder 
 to whom this hoard belonged, and they appear to have been of 
 metal and not of wood, some of the palstaves having been appa- 
 rently cast from tools already shortened by wear. 
 That castings were occasionally made even from tools already 
 mounted in their handles is proved by the Swiss hatchet, 
 Fig. 185. 
 Some portions of moulds formed of burnt clay were found 
 with broken palstaves, socketed celts, gouges, knives, spear-heads, 
 daggers, swords, lumps of metal, runners, &c., at Questembert. 
 Brittany, and are in the museum at Vannes. 
 Part of a mould for spear-heads formed of burnt clay was found 
 in the Lac du Bourget ;* but the most interesting discoveries are 
 those which have been made by Dr. V. Gross at the station of 
 Mcerigen,f on the Lake of Bienne. He there found a considerable 
 amount of the plant of an ancient bronze-founder, all of whose 
 moulds, however, were either in stone or burnt clay, and not 
 formed of metal. The stone moulds appear to have been princi- 
 pally used for the plainer articles, such as knives, sickles, pins, &c., 
 while for articles with irregular surfaces, or requiring cores, clay 
 was preferred. Of clay moulds Dr. Gross recognises two types : 
 one formed in a single piece, which could serve but once, and which 
 was broken in extracting the casting ; and the other, which was 
 composed of two or more pieces, and which could be used over and 
 over again. Of the first kind there were two examples one for a 
 socketed chisel and the other for a socketed knife. The form of 
 the mould for a chisel is nearly cylindrical, with a funnel-shaped 
 opening at one end, at the bottom of which are two holes leading 
 into the interior of the mould. The clay between these two holes 
 forms part of a conical core. Such a mould would give the idea 
 of its having been formed on a model of wax on the system known 
 as that of cire perdue ; but this appears not to have been really 
 the case, for on examination the mould itself appears to have been 
 originally formed of two halves, or valves, formed of fine clay, 
 which had been well burnt, and these when put together had been 
 surrounded by an external envelope of coarse clay, which held 
 them and the core they enclosed in their proper position. The 
 core itself seems to have been T-shaped, the ends of the transverse 
 line being triangular and fitting into corresponding recesses in the 
 valves of the mould. 
 * Chantre, " Alb.," pi. liv. 5. t Keller, 7ter Bericht, p. 16, Taf. xvii. 
 G G
 The best-preserved mould of the second kind was one for a 
 socketed hammer, which was also provided with a core of the same 
 kind. It seems to me, however, that the distinction drawn by 
 Dr. Gross between the two classes of moulds does not really exist, 
 as by enveloping such a mould as that for the hammer in a 
 mass of clay it would be transferred from the second class to 
 the first. 
 Clay moulds for socketed- celts have been found in Hungary.* 
 In some Scandinavian examples! of what appear to have been 
 ceremonial axes there is merely a thin coating of bronze cast over a 
 clay core, but no such specimens have as yet been found in Britain. 
 That bronze so thin could have been cast shows wonderful skill 
 in the founder. 
 The heads and runners, jets or waste pieces, from the castings 
 were reserved for being re-melted, and are frequently found in the 
 Fig. 534. Stogursey. J Fig. 535. Stogursey. 
 bronze-founders' hoards. They are of course of various sizes, 
 but are usually conical masses, showing the shape of the cup or 
 funnel into which the metal was poured, and having one, two, or 
 more processes from them showing the course of the metal into 
 the mould. 
 Figs. 534, 535 and 536, all from the same hoard, found at Stogursey, + 
 Somersetshire, will give a fair idea of the general character of these 
 waste pieces, or jets. They are shown with their flat face downwards, 
 or in the reverse position to what they occupied when in the molten state, 
 and exhibit one, two, and four runners from them respectively. No less 
 than fifteen of these objects were found with this deposit six with one 
 runner, three with two, and six with four. 
 Jets of metal, for the most part with two runners, were found with the 
 Westow hoard, Yorkshire, those of MardenJ Kent; of Kensington ; ^[ 
 * " Materiaux," vol. xii. p. 184, 
 t " Aarbogerfor Nord. Oldk.," 1866, p, 124. 
 J Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 409. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 382; Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. iii. pp. 10 and 58. 
 iArch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 258. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 232.
 aud of Hounslow. Those from the two latter deposits are in the British 
 Another waste piece, If inch long, with two runners, was found in 
 the Heathery Burn Cave,* and is shown in Fig. 537. 
 A very symmetrical jet, circular, with four irregularly conical runners 
 proceeding from it, was in the hoard found at Lanant,f Cornwall, and is 
 now in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries. 
 Another oval head (2 inches long), with four runners from it, has much 
 the appearance of a sword pommel. It was found with socketed 
 celts on Kenidjack Cliff, ^ Cornwall. 
 A perforated disc, with a collar round the central hole (Fig. 503), 
 which at one time I regarded as a waste piece from a casting, I have 
 now reason to think was prepared for some special 
 purpose, as at least one object of this class has been 
 found with the runners removed, and in a finished 
 condition. See page 403. 
 The conical lump of metal found with the hoard 
 at Marden, || Kent, and described as "a very rare 
 species of fibula," may be the head of metal from 
 a casting. 
 Some conical funnels of burnt clay, found in the 
 Lake -dwellings near Laibach, have been regarded as having served to 
 receive the metal in the casting process. 
 Runners of the same character as those already described have been 
 found in different countries, including Denmark^} and Sweden.** 
 We must now briefly consider the processes to which the cast- 
 ings were subjected before being finally brought into use. Where 
 the objects had sockets cast over clay cores, those cores had to be 
 removed, probably by means of pointed tools, such as that already 
 described under Fig. 220. Where they were solid they seem in 
 most cases to have undergone a considerable amount of hammering, 
 which both rendered the metal more compact, and to a certain 
 extent removed the asperities resulting from the joints in the 
 mould. With edged tools and weapons, whether socketed or not, 
 the edges especially were drawn down by means of the hammer. 
 These hammers, as has already been shown, were occasionally 
 themselves of bronze, and so also were some of the anvils. It is, 
 however, probable that in most cases both hammers and anvils were 
 stones, either natural pebbles and flat slabs, or occasionally wrought 
 into special shapes. In South Africa at the present day the iron 
 assegais are wrought with hammers and anvils of stone. Judging 
 from the unfinished condition of the tools and weapons in some 
 * Proe. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. ii. p. 132. I am indebted to the Council for the use of 
 this cut ; Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 358. 
 t Arch., vol. xv. p. 118, pi. ii. J Journ. Soy. Inst. of Cornwall, No. xxi. fig. 4. 
 " Petit Album," pi. xxv. 6. || Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. xiv. p. 260. 
 If Worsaae, " Nord. Olds.," figs. 213, 214. ** Montelius, " La Suede preh.," fig. 40. 
 G G 2
 of the old bronze-founders' hoards, and from large deposits of 
 socketed celts having been found with the clay cores still in them, 
 it seems not improbable that the founders often bartered away 
 their castings nearly in the state in which they came from the 
 moulds, with only the runners broken oft", and that those who 
 acquired them finished their manufacture themselves. Possibly a 
 hammering process upon the surface of the socketed spear-heads 
 and celts would so loosen the cores that they would fall out or 
 could be extracted with merely a pointed stick. 
 After the hammering, the surface of most weapons and of some 
 tools was further polished, probably by friction with sand, or with 
 a rubbing-stone of grit. I have elsewhere described some of the 
 stone rubbers which appear to have been in use in conjunction 
 with sand, for the purpose of grinding and polishing the faces of 
 different forms of perforated stone axes, which in Britain at all 
 Fig. 538. Kirby Moorside. i Fig. 539. Hove. 
 events belonged to the period when bronze was known. It is, 
 therefore, probable that similar rubbers were employed for grind- 
 ing and polishing the faces of bronze weapons ; and the rubber 
 shown in Fig. 538 appears to have been destined for this purpose. 
 It was found with several socketed celts at Keldholm, near Kirby 
 Moorside, North Riding of Yorkshire, and is now in Canon Green- 
 well's collection. The material seems to be trap. 
 No doubt many other such rubbing-stones must exist, and it is 
 possible that some of those which I have regarded as used for the 
 grinding and polishing of weapons of stone may have served for 
 those of bronze. Whetstones of various kinds have from time to 
 time been discovered in company with bronze instruments. Near 
 Little Wenlock,* Staffordshire, some spear-heads, a socketed celt, and 
 part of a dagger were found in 1835, and with them are recorded 
 to have been three or four small whetstones. In the Dowris 
 hoard f also some rubbers of stone with convex, concave, and 
 * Hartshorne's " Salop. Ant.," p. 95. f Proc. R. 1. Acad., vol. iv. p. 439.
 flat surfaces were present. In my "Ancient Stone Implements"* 
 I have given an account of a number of whetstones found at 
 various places in company with bronze relics, not unfrequently 
 with interments in barrows, and I need not here repeat the 
 details. I reproduce, however, in Fig. 539 a whetstone found 
 in a barrow at Hove, near Brighton,! with the remains of a 
 skeleton, a stone axe-head, an amber cup, and a small bronze 
 Another whetstone, shown in Fig. 540, was found with the 
 hoard in the Isle of Harty, and no doubt was employed by the 
 ancient bronze-founder for finishing off the edges of the socketed 
 celts and gouges in which he dealt. It is made from a sort of 
 The decoration of the surfaces of bronze implements by sunk, and 
 in some cases by raised lines appears to have been 
 effected, not as a rule by any method of engraving, 
 but by means of punches, as already described in 
 Chapter III. I have in that chapter accidentally 
 omitted to mention two decorated bronze celts which 
 have been figured and described by Mr. Llewellynn 
 Jewitt, F.S.A.+ They were both found at a place called 
 Highlow, in the High Peak of Derbyshire, about two 
 miles from Hathersage, and are in the possession of the 
 Duke of Devonshire. There seems some reason to 
 believe that the celts were found in a barrow accom- 
 panied by burnt bones and pottery. One of them 
 (6f inches) is flat and ornamented with lines of slightly 
 impressed chevrons running along it. The other (6 
 inches) is flanged and ornamented with a similar herring- ^|- r g- ^ 
 bone pattern, which in this instance ends in a row of 
 triangles near the edge of the celt. In some few cases the patterns 
 may have been engraved, and I find on trial that there is no diffi- 
 culty in engraving such parallel lines as are frequently seen on 
 dagger blades by means of a flake of flint. Such an instrument 
 suffers but little by wear, and by means of a ruler, either straight 
 or curved, there is no difficulty in engraving lines of the required 
 character in the bronze, though the lines are hardly so smooth as 
 if made with a chisel-edged punch. 
 * Chap. xi. p. 235 et seqq. 
 t Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. ix. p. 120, whence this cut is borrowed; Arch. Journ., 
 vol. xiii. p. 184, vol. xv. p. 90. J " Reliquary," vol. iv. p. 63. 
 Pennington, " Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire," 1877, p. 51.
 Notches which would assist in the breaking off of superfluous 
 pieces of metal, such as the runners in the moulds, can readily be 
 made with flint flakes used as saws. 
 For smoothing the surface of bronze instruments flint scraping- 
 tools are not so efficient, as they are liable to " chatter " and to 
 leave an uneven and scratched surface, much inferior to one 
 produced by friction with a gritty rubber. 
 There remains little more to be said with regard to the manu- 
 facture of the ancient bronze tools and weapons. It may, however, be 
 observed that the processes of hammering-out and sharpening the 
 edges were employed not only by those who first made the instru- 
 ments, but also by the subsequent possessors. Many tools, such 
 for instance as palstaves, like Fig. 65, were no doubt originally 
 much longer in the blade than they are at present, and have in 
 the course of use either been broken and again drawn down and 
 sharpened, or have been actually worn away and " stumped up " 
 by constant repetition of these processes. The recurved ends of 
 the lunate cutting edges of many such instruments are also due to 
 repeated hammering-out. In some instances the broken part of 
 one instrument has been converted into another form as, for 
 example, a fragment of a broken sword into a knife or dagger, 
 or a palstave that has lost its cutting end, into a hammer.
 HAVING now passed in revieAv the various forms of instruments, 
 arms, and ornaments belonging to the Bronze Period of Great 
 Britain, it will be well to attempt some chronological arrangement 
 of the different types, and to examine the means at our command 
 for fixing the approximate date and duration of the Period as well 
 as the sources from which the knowledge of bronze in this country 
 was derived. 
 The sequence and extent of variation in the types of an 
 instrument or weapon destined to serve some given purpose are 
 of course important factors in any theoretical calculation of the 
 length of time such an instrument was in use. For if the type 
 has remained one and the same during the whole period of the 
 use of the instrument, it affords no evidence as to the length of 
 its duration ; whereas, if it has varied, and the sequence of its 
 variations can be traced, their nature and extent may afford some 
 means of judging of the length of time probably necessary for the 
 development of the succession of forms. Or where an instrument 
 has been so well adapted for its particular ends that no material 
 modification in its form was likely to take place in it, so long as 
 its use was limited to its original purpose, yet the springing from 
 it of what may be termed collateral types of instruments specialized 
 for other though analogous purposes may also be indicative of the 
 original form having remained in use during a lengthened period 
 of time. 
 The extremely numerous variations which may be observed in 
 socketed celts afford conclusive evidence of that instrument having 
 been employed in this country during a long series of years ; and 
 the collateral varieties, such as socketed chisels and gouges, as well 
 as the more distantly related socketed hammers, give corroborative 
 testimony to the same effect.
 Improvements in the method of working metals will often react 
 on the forms of tools and weapons, but here again the chrono- 
 logical element exists, as old processes and old forms are slow to 
 die, especially among a people of no very high material civilisation. 
 The discovery, for instance, of the art of producing hollow sockets 
 in bronze castings by the use of cores of loam or clay, though it 
 materially modified the form of many instruments, did not cause 
 the entire extinction of the older forms without sockets, the use 
 of which in some cases went on side by side with that of the instru- 
 ments of more novel invention ; and this fact tends to prove that 
 bronze must have long been in use for tools with tangs instead of 
 sockets, before the process of coring was known. Indeed, as I 
 have elsewhere* pointed out, the Bronze Period of Britain is 
 susceptible of division into an earlier and later stage, the former 
 mainly characterized by instruments which were let into their 
 hafts or handles, and the latter by those which received their 
 handles in sockets. As will subsequently be seen, it may be 
 divided even into three more or less distinct stages. 
 A division into two stages has been suggested for the Scandinavian 
 Bronze Age. M. Gabriel de Mortillet has in like manner divided the 
 Bronze Period of France and Switzerland into an earlier and later 
 stage the one distinguished by flanged celts, which came into 
 use at the close of the Stone Period (his Epoque robenhausienne), 
 and the other by palstaves and socketed celts, which he regards as 
 belonging to the close of the Bronze Period. To these two stages 
 he has applied the terms morgien and larnaudien, derived from 
 the Lake-dwelling of Merges, in the Lake of Geneva, and from 
 the large founder's hoard discovered at Larnaud (Jura). Curiously 
 enough he regards the flat celts as being even more recent in date 
 than the socketed, forgetful that the form with flanges at the sides 
 can hardly by any possibility have been an original type, as such 
 flanges must either have been produced by hammering the sides 
 of flat celts, or must have been cast hi a mould consisting of two 
 halves, which certainly cannot have been so early a form of mould 
 as a simple recess in stone, sand, or clay, adapted for casting a 
 nearly flat plate of metal like a wedge-shaped celt. 
 Such flat celts, as has already been mentioned, have been found 
 with interments in barrows associated with what were apparently 
 lance-heads of flint, and maces and battle-axes of stone ; and their 
 nearest allies, those with but slight flanges the result of ham- 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 412.
 mering the sides have also been found under similar circum- 
 The knife-daggers, as described in Chapter X., and the awls or 
 prickers, are the only other bronze instruments which in this 
 country can challenge a similar antiquity ; and none of these, as a 
 rule, are found in those deposits of bronze objects to which the 
 name of " hoards " has been given. 
 As M. Gabriel de Mortillet and others have pointed out, these 
 hoards are of more than one character. In certain cases they seem 
 to have been the treasured property of some individual who would 
 appear to have buried his valued tools or weapons during troublous 
 times, and never to have been able to disinter them. In other 
 cases the hoards were probably the property of a trader, as they 
 consist of objects ready for use and in considerable numbers ; and 
 in others, again, they appear to have been the stock-in-trade of 
 some bronze-founder of ancient times, as they comprise worn out 
 and broken tools and weapons, lumps of rough metal, and even 
 the moulds in which the accumulation of bronze was destined to 
 be recast. 
 Mr. Worsaae has suggested that some of these hoards may be of 
 a votive character and have been deposited in the ground as 
 precious offerings to the gods. I am not, however, aware of any 
 of our British hoards being of such a character that they can safely 
 be regarded as votive. 
 As to the other three kinds of hoards, the small group from 
 Wallingford* (No. 60 in the following table), consisting of a socketed 
 celt, gouge, and knife, and a tanged chisel and razor, may be taken 
 as a good instance of a private deposit. That of Stibbard t (No. 8), 
 consisting of seventy palstaves and ten spear-heads, some of 
 them rough from the mould, would appear to have belonged to a 
 merchant ; and the Harty hoard (No. 105), described in the last 
 chapter, affords a typical example of the stock-in-trade of a bronze- 
 In some other cases, deposits, especially when consisting exclu- 
 sively of ornaments, may possibly be of a sepulchral character. 
 The value of the evidence afforded by hoards, especially by 
 those of the first and second kinds lately mentioned, is great and 
 unquestionable in determining the synchronism of various forms of 
 instruments as, for instance, of plain and looped palstaves with 
 socketed celts. In the case of the bronze-founders' hoards of 
 * Page 128. t Page 84.
 old metal, it is of course possible that the fragments contained may 
 belong to various periods. Nevertheless the objects, as a rule, 
 appear to be such as were in use at the time, and which, being 
 worn out or broken, were collected by the bronze-founder for the 
 purpose of re-melting. In order to make them at once more 
 portable and more ready for placing in the crucible, he generally 
 broke the larger and longer articles into fragments, broken spear- 
 heads, swords, &c., being frequently present in the hoards, as well 
 as the jets or waste pieces of metal broken off from castings. In some 
 instances fragments of various instruments have been inserted in the 
 sockets of others, so as to diminish the space occupied by the whole. 
 As will subsequently be seen, by far the greater number of the 
 undoubted bronze-founders' hoards belong to a time when socketed 
 celts were already in use, and therefore to the close rather than the 
 beginning of our Bronze Period. 
 M. Ernest Chantre has divided the principal hoards of the 
 Bronze Age discovered in France into three principal categories, to 
 which he has applied the terms " Tresors," " Fonderies," and 
 "Stations." The first, as a rule, comprise articles which have 
 never been in use, and are, in fact, of the same character as the 
 hoards which I have classed under the head of "Personal" or 
 "Merchants." The principal tresors, those of Rdallon, Ribiers, 
 Beaurieres, Manson, Frouard, are characterized by the presence 
 of socketed instruments ; and in two instances those of La Fertd- 
 Hauterive, and Vaudrevanges, Rhenish Prussia either an ingot 
 or a mould of metal was present. I should, therefore, have 
 classed these two among the " fonderies." 
 M. Chantre has, however, in the main, restricted this term 
 to hoards consisting principally of broken objects, and of these 
 fonderies he has examined some fifty in France. In the southern 
 part of that country these hoards are by no means so constantly 
 characterized by the presence of socketed celts and other socketed 
 instruments as in Britain. In the north of France, however, the 
 socketed forms are more frequent in the hoards. 
 The stations are considered to represent habitations of the 
 Bronze Age of the same character as the Lake-dwellings, but fixed on 
 terra firma instead of on piles or artificial islands. Some of the 
 hoards placed under this head appear from the presence of moulds 
 and lumps of metal to be those of founders. 
 Hoards of broken objects of bronze have been found in other 
 parts of Europe, but it seems needless to do more than mention
 the fact. I may, however, refer to the hoards of Camenz and 
 Grossenhain, in Saxony,* of which I gave an account to the Society 
 of Antiquaries some fifteen years ago. 
 In the following lists I have divided the principal hoards 
 discovered in the United Kingdom into two main categories, the 
 one, in which socketed celts, gouges, or other tools were absent ; 
 the other, in which they were present in greater or less abundance. 
 This is perhaps the simplest method of arriving at what may be 
 regarded as a fairly trustworthy chronological division. Some of 
 the results of an examination of the lists will subsequently be 
 discussed. In the first list I have given the precedence to those 
 hoards in which flat or flanged celts were present. Second, I have 
 placed those in which there were palstaves. Third, those in which 
 ornaments were found ; and last, those mainly characterized by 
 swords and spear-heads, or spear-heads and ferrules, but in which 
 both palstaves and socketed celts were absent. 
 In the second list I have placed at the head the hoards in which 
 socketed celts, sometimes accompanied by palstaves, were found 
 associated with swords or spears, while mere tools, such as gouges 
 and hammers, were absent. Next come a few cases in which 
 socketed celts occurred either in company with ornaments or alone. 
 Then follow the hoards in which chisels, gouges, or hammers were 
 found, but no lumps of metal were present. After these are 
 placed the bronze-founders' hoards, in which lumps of metal and 
 the jets or waste pieces from castings were found, including one or 
 two Scotch and Irish hoards ; and, finally, those in which moulds 
 were present. 
 In each case I have attempted to distinguish whether a hoard 
 was personal or belonged to a merchant or founder, by adding the 
 letters P, M, or F. Where two of these letters occur, the hoard 
 seems to come under either category. It is possible that some of 
 those characterized by a P may be sepulchral. 
 Appended to the tabulated lists is a more detailed account, 
 mentioning some of the principal features in each case, and giving 
 references to the works in which the discoveries are recorded. Of 
 course this is to a great extent a repetition of what has been 
 recorded in previous pages. It must be observed that the num- 
 bers given in the lists do not always refer to entire objects but 
 frequently to fragments only. Where the numbers are unknown 
 the presence of the objects is shown by an x. 
 * Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. iii. p. 328,
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 "I frill 

 1. Arreton Down, Isle of 
 Ranged celts, some ornamented, 
 tanged spear-heads, ferrule to 
 one, halberd? one socketed dagger. 
 2. Plymstock, Devon. 
 Flanged celts, straight chisel. 
 3. Battlefield, Shrews- 
 Mostly melted. Flat celts, palstaves, 
 curved objects. 
 4. Postlingford Hall, 
 Flanged celts, some ornamented. 
 Clare, Suffolk. 
 5. Rhosnesney, Wrex- 
 Palstaves, all from one mould ; 
 ham, Denbighshire. 
 castings for a dagger and for 
 flanged celts of narrow form. 
 6. Broxton, Cheshire. 
 Tanged chisel ; socketed spear- 
 7. Sherford, Taunton, 
 One palstave, a defective casting. 
 8. Stibbard, near Faken- 
 Castings for small palstaves and 
 ham, Norfolk. 
 9. Quantock Hills, Som- 
 Each palstave laid within a torque. 
 10. Hollingbury Hill, 
 Palstave laid within a torque, brace- 
 Brighton, Sussex. 
 lets around. 
 11. Edington Burtle, Som- 
 One casting for a flat sickle ; ribbed 
 bracelet and ring. 
 12. Woolmer Forest, 
 There appears some doubt about 
 the small torques. 
 13. West Buckland, Som- 
 Two-looped palstave. 
 14. Blackmoor, Hants. 
 Fragments of swords and sheaths, 
 large and small spear-heads. 
 15. Fulbourn Common, 
 Swords broken, leaf-shaped spear- 
 heads, broad-ended ferrules. 
 16. Pant-y-maen, Cardi- 
 Swords and leaf-shaped spear-heads, 
 broken or damaged. 
 17. Wicken Fen, Cambs. 
 Nearly all fragmentary ; fragments 
 perhaps of two swords. 
 18. Corsbie Moss, Leger- 
 Sword perfect. 
 wood, Berwickshire. 
 19. Weymouth, Dorset. 
 Both sword and spear-head nearly 
 20. ThruntonFarm,Whit- 
 Spear-heads, leaf-shaped, and with 
 tingham, Northum- 
 lunate openings ; all objects un- 
 21. Worth, Washfield, 
 Sword and leaf-shaped spear-heads, 
 Arch., vol. xxxvi. p. 326. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. 
 p. 346; Trans. Devon. 
 Assoc., vol. iv. p. 304. 
 Proc. Soe. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. ii. p. 251. 
 Arch., vol. xxxi. p. 496 ; 
 Proc. Soc.Ant.,vol. i. p. 83. 
 Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. 
 vi. p. 72. 
 Penes Sir P. de M. G. 
 Egerton, F.R.S. 
 Pring," British and Roman 
 Taunton," p. 76. 
 Arch. Inst., Norwich vol. 
 p. xxvi. 
 Arch., vol. xiv. p. 94. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. v. p. 
 323 ; Arch., vol. xxix. 
 p. 372, &c. 
 Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist. 
 Proc., vol. v. (1854) pt. 
 ii. p. 91. 
 Arch. Assoe. Journ,, vol. 
 vi. p. 88; Bateman's 
 Catal., p. 22. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. 
 p. 107. 
 White's "Selborne," Bell's 
 ed., 1877, vol. ii. p. 381. 
 Arch., vol. xix. p. 56. 
 Arch. Camb., 3rd S., vol. 
 x. p. 221. 
 In British Museum. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iii. 
 p. 121. 
 Penes Auct. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. v. p. 429. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxiv. 
 p. 120.
 22. Stoke Ferry, Norfolk. 
 23. Brechin, Forfarshire. 
 24. Duddingston 
 25. Point of Sleat, Isle of 
 26. River Wandle, Surrey. 
 27. Tarves, Aberdeenshire. 
 28. Cwm Moch, Maen- 
 twrog, Merioneth- 
 29. Bloody Pool, South 
 Brent, Devon. 
 30. Broadward, Leintwar- 
 dine, Herefordshire. 
 Remarks. ' 
 Swords and leaf-shaped spear- 
 heads broken, halberd. 
 Swords, &c., unbroken. 
 Swords, spear-heads, &c., in frag- 
 ments; caldron. 
 Sword, spear-head, and pin, per- 
 All objects nearly perfect. 
 Objects mostly perfect. 
 Objects unbroken ; loops at base of 
 blade of spear-head. 
 Spear-heads mostly barbed; all 
 objects broken. 
 Spear-heads, leaf-shaped, with per- 
 forations in blade, and barbed. 
 enes Auct. ; Proc. Soc. 
 Ant., 2nd S., vol. v. p. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xiii. p. 
 203; Proc. Soc. Ant. 
 Scot., vol. i. pp. 181 and 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. i. 
 p. 132; Wilson, "Preh. 
 Ann. of Scot.," vol. i. p. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. 
 iii. p. 102. 
 Arch. Journ., -vol. ix. p. 7. 
 Horaferales, p. 161. 
 Arch., vol. xvi. p. 365. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xii. p. 
 84 ; xviii. p. 160. 
 Arch. Camb., 4th S., vol. 
 iii. p. 345 ; iv. 202. 
 31. Mawgan, Cornwall. 
 32. Wallington, Northum- 
 33. Nottingham. 
 34. Nettleham, Lincoln- 
 36. Haxey, Lincolnshire. 
 36. Ambleside, Westmore- 
 37. Bilton, Yorkshire. 
 38. Alnwick Castle, Nor- 
 39. Flixborough, Lincoln- 
 40. Greensborough Farm, 
 Shenstone, Stafford- 
 41. WreMn Tenement, 
 42. Llandysilio, Denbigh- 
 43. Dunbar, Haddington- 
 44. Little Wenlock, Shrop- 
 Rapier in high preservation. 
 Fragments of swords, and possibly 
 of scabbard-tip. 
 Socketed celts of peculiar types. 
 Swords described as broad-swords, 
 and sharp-pointed swords. 
 Swords broken, one spear -head 
 Found in 1726. 
 Sword broken. Possibly palstaves. 
 Swords apparently perfect. 
 One celt, a few swords, about 150 
 spear-heads and fragments. 
 See p. 119. 
 Spear-heads mostly broken, whet- 
 stones with them. Possibly the 
 same hoard as No. 41. 
 Arch., vol. xvii., p. 337. 
 In Sir C. Trevelyan's Col- 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. i. p. 332. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. 
 p. 159. 
 Penes Canon Greenwell, 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 115. 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. 
 v. p. 349. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 113. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxix. 
 p. 194. 
 Arch., vol. xxi. p. 548. 
 Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 464. 
 Penes Canon Greenwell, 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. 
 x. p. 440. 
 Hartshorne, " Salop. Ant.," 
 p. 96 ; Arch. Journ., 
 vol. viii. p. 197-
 Locality. , 
 45. Winmarleigh, Gar- 
 stang, Lancashire. 
 One spear-head, large, and with 
 lunate openings ; all found in 
 "a cist or box." 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. 
 p. 158. 
 46. Near Newark, Not- 
 "wo large discs in hoard. 
 Penes Canon Greenwell, 
 47. Hagbourn Hill, Berks. 
 Jridle-bits and late Celtic buckles, 
 said to have been found; coins 
 Arch., vol. xvi. p. 348. 
 48. Ty Mawr, Holyhead. 
 Said to have been found in a box. 
 Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 483. 
 49. Heath House, Wed- 
 Amber beads found at same time ; 
 Arch. Journ. vol. vi. p. 81. 
 more, Somerset. 
 possibly palstaves and not sock- 
 eted celts. 
 60. Wymington, Beds. 
 About sixty celts found. 
 Specimens penes Auct. 
 51. Keepham, Norfolk. 
 Tound about 1747. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 114. 
 52. Yattendon, Berks. 
 Swords in fragments, tanged chisels 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 and knives, two socketed knives, 
 vol. vii. p. 480. 
 fiat celt much worn. 
 53. Taunton, Somerset. 
 ?lat sickles, looped pin. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxxvii. 
 p. 94. 
 54. Beacon Hill, Cham- 
 Leaf -shaped spear-heads. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., vol. iv. 
 wood Forest, Leices- 
 p. 323. 
 65. Ebnall, Oswestry, 
 Two punches ? 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. 
 p. 167. 
 56. Exning, Suffolk. 
 Mostly perfect ? 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3 ; 
 vol. ix., p. 303. 
 67. Melbourn, Cambs. 
 Sword broken, a clasp. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xi. p. 
 58. Stanhope, Durham. 
 Leaf-shaped spears, fragment o; 
 sword, broken hammer, &c. 
 Arch. JEliana, vol. i. p. 
 59. Thorndon, Suffolk. 
 All entire. Most of these are 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 3. 
 figured on previous pages. 
 60. Wallingford, Berks. 
 Entire ; mostly here figured. 
 Penes Auct. 
 61. Whittlesea, Cam- 
 Entire ; one celt with loop on face 
 In Wisbech Museum. 
 62. Barrington, Cambs. 
 Penes Auct. 
 63. Porkington, Shrop- 
 Point broken off sword. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vii. p. 
 64. Trillick, Tyrone. 
 Perfect ; two rings with cross per 
 f orations for the pin. 
 Journ. Hist, and Arch. 
 Assoc. of Irel., 3rd S., 
 vol. i. p. 164. 
 65. Bo Island, Fermanagh 
 Sword and hammer broken. 
 Penes Auct. 
 66. Uangwyllog, Angle 
 Connected with the other hoards 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxii. 
 by the razor and buttons. 
 p. 74. 
 67. Meldreth, Cambs. 
 Most of the objects broken ; sock 
 In British Museum. 
 eted chisel, flat lunate knife with 
 opening in middle, caldron ring. 
 68. Hounslow, Middlesex 
 One flat celt, swords in fragments 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. iii. p. 90 ; vol. v. 
 p. 428. 
 69. Hundred of Hoc 
 Most of the objects broken. See p 
 Arch. Cant., vol. xi. p. 
 70. Guilsfield, Montgom- 
 Objects for the most part broken, 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 spear-heads with lunate open- 
 vol. ii. p. 251 ; Arch. 
 Camb., 3rd S., vol. x. 
 p. 214; Montg. Coll., 
 vol. iii. p. 437. 
 7 1 . Wick Park, Stogursey, 
 Swords broken, numerous frag- 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 ments of other forms. 
 vol. v. p. 427. 
 72. Chrishall, Essex. 
 Portion of socketed knife. 
 Neville's "Sep. Exp.," p.3. 
 73. Romford, Essex. 
 Swords broken, socketed chisel, 
 Arch. Journ., vol. ix. p. 
 celts not trimmed. 
 74. Cumberlow, Baldock, 
 Swords in fragments. 
 Journ. Anth. Inst., vol. \l. 
 p. 195. 
 75. Beachy Head, East- 
 Fragment of sword, four gold 
 Arch., vol. xvi. p. 363. 
 bourne, Sussex. 
 76. Burgesses' Meadow, 
 An ingot 9f inches long. 
 In Ashmolean Museum. 
 77. Westow, Yorkshire. 
 Seventeen fragments included 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. p. 
 among the celts ; one chisel 
 381; Arch. Assoc. Journ., 
 socketed, two tanged. 
 vol. iii. p. 58. 
 78. Carlton Rode, Norfolk. 
 One tanged gouge, tanged and 
 Smith's "Coll. Ant.," vol.i. 
 socketed chisels. 
 105 ; Arch. Journ. , vol. ii. 
 80 ; Arch. Assoc. Journ., 
 vol. i. p. 51 ; Arch., 
 vol. xxxi. p. 494. 
 79. Kenidjack Cliff, Corn- 
 Large oval jet. 
 Journ. Roy. Inst. of Corn., 
 No. xxi. 
 80. HelsdonHall.Norfolk. 
 Found before 1759. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 116. 
 81. Worthing, Sussex. 
 Found in an earthern vessel. 
 Specimens penes Auct. 
 82. Reach Fen, Cambs. 
 Fragments of swords and many 
 Arch. Assoc. Joum., vol. 
 broken objects. 
 xxxvi., p. 56. 
 83. Haynes Hill, Salt- 
 wood, Kent. 
 Objects nearly all broken. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxx. 
 p. 279 ; Journ. Anth. 
 Inst., vol. iii. p. 230. 
 84. Allhallows,Hoo,Kent. 
 Objects mostly broken, flat knife. 
 Arch. Cant., vol. xi. p. 
 See p. 214. 
 86. St. Hilary, Cornwall. 
 Swords in fragments ; weight alto- 
 Arch., vol. xv. p. 120. 
 gether about 80 Ibs. 
 86. Longy Common, Al- 
 Socketed sickle, objects mostly 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. 
 iii. p. 9. 
 87 Kingston Hill, Coombe, 
 Objects all fragmentary. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xxvi. p. 
 88. Sittingbourne, Kent. 
 In two urns ; broken sword and 
 rings in one urn, celts, &c., in 
 Smith's " Coll. Ant.," vol. 
 i. p. 101 ; Arch. Journ., 
 the other. 
 vol. ii. p. 81. 
 89. Martlesham, Suffolk. 
 Fragments of swords, socketed 
 Penes Capt. Brooke. 
 90. Lanant, Cornwall. 
 Fragments of swords; pieces of 
 Arch., vol. xv. p. 118. 
 gold in one celt. 
 91. West Halton, Lincoln- 
 Fragment of sword. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 69. 
 92. Burwell Fen, Cambs. 
 The ring penannular and of tri- 
 Penes Auct. 
 angular section. 
 93. Marden, Kent. 
 Found in an earthen vessel, mostly 
 Arch. Assoc. Journ., vol. 
 xiv. p. 257. 
 94. Kensington, Middle- 
 Knives broken. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S., 
 vol. iii. p. 232.
 95. Roseberry Topping, 
 Mostly broken. 
 Arch, ^liana, vol. ii. p. 
 213 ; Arch. Scotica, vol. 
 v. p. 55. 
 96. Danesbury, Welwyn, 
 Mostly imperfect. 
 Arch. Journ., vol. x. p. 
 97. Earsley Common, 
 Nearly 100 celts found in 1735. 
 Arch., vol. v. p. 114. 
 98. High Roding, Essex. 
 Some figured in previous pages. 
 In British Museum. 
 99. Panfield, Essex. 
 Possibly other forms found at same Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd S.. 
 vol. v. p. 428. 
 100. WestwickRow,Hemel 
 One celt broken. 
 Penes Auct. 
 Hempsted, Herts. 
 101. Achtertyre, Moray- 
 With tin. See p. 425. 
 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. 
 ix. p. 435. 
 102. DowriSjParsonstown, 
 With caldrons, trumpets, bells, &c. 
 Wilde, "Catal. Mus. R.I. 
 King's County. 
 See p. 361. 
 A.," pp. 360, 613, 626; 
 Proc. K. I. Ac., vol. iv. 
 pp. 237, 423. 
 103. Hotham Carr, York- 
 Palstaves almost all damaged. 
 Penes Canon Greenwell, 
 104. Beddington, Surrey. 
 Many fragments, mould broken. 
 Surrey Arch. Soc. Coll., 
 vol. vi. ; Anderson's 
 " Croydon," p. 10. 
 105. Isle of Harty, Kent. 
 See p. 441. 
 Penes Auct. 
 106. Heathery Burn Cave, 
 Socketed knife, large collars and 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xix. p. 
 discs. Seep. 119, &c. 
 358 ; Proc. Soc. Ant., 2nd 
 S., vol. ii. p. 127. 
 107. Wickham Park, 
 Croydon, Surrey. 
 Mould broken, other objects mostly 
 fragmentary; list partly com- 
 Anderson's " Croydon," p. 
 10 ; British Museum. 
 piled from Anderson, and partly 
 from originals. 
 108. Wilmington, Sussex. 
 In an urn, mostly broken or worn. 
 Suss. Arch. Coll., vol. xiv. 
 p. 171 ; Arch. Journ., 
 vol. xx. p. 192; Proc. 
 Soc. Ant., 2nd S., vol. 
 v. p. 423. 
 109. Cleveland, York- 
 Said to be in the Bateman Collec- 
 Arch. Journ., vol. xviii. 
 tion. Possibly the same hoard 
 p. 166. 
 as No. 95. 
 110. Eaton, Norfolk. 
 Spear-heads apparently broken. 
 Arch., vol. xxii. p. 424; 
 Arch. Journ., vol. vi. 
 p. 387; Arch. Inst., 
 Norwich vol. p. xxvi. 
 Turning now to the lists, the following observations may be 
 made, though they must be accepted as liable to revision under 
 the light of future discoveries : 
 1. That flat celts and knife-daggers, such as have been fre- 
 quently found in barrows, rarely occur in hoards, only two 
 instances beino- recorded of the occurrence of flat celts. 
 2, That flanged celts and. palstaves are occasionally found 
 together, while the latter are frequently associated with socketed 
 3. That socketed weapons are of rare occurrence in association 
 with flanged celts, though a socketed dagger and a ferrule for a 
 tanged spear-head or dagger were present in the Arreton Down 
 4. That such tanged spear-heads or daggers are never found 
 in company with socketed celts. 
 5. That torques are more frequently associated with palstaves 
 than with socketed celts, and are mainly confined to our western 
 6. That there are several instances of swords and scabbards, 
 and spear-heads and ferrules being found together without either 
 palstaves or socketed celts being with them. 
 7. That swords, or their fragments, are not found with flanged 
 8. That socketed celts are often found with swords and spear- 
 heads, or with the latter alone. 
 9. That socketed celts are often accompanied by gouges, and 
 somewhat less frequently by hammers and chisels, though even 
 where such tools occur, spear-heads are generally present. 
 10. That caldrons, or the rings belonging to them, have been 
 discovered with socketed celts, both in England and Ireland. 
 11. That where metal moulds are found in hoards they are 
 usually those for socketed celts. 
 12. That where lumps of copper or rough metal occur in hoards, 
 socketed celts are, as a rule, found with them. 
 The general inferences are much the same as have already been 
 indicated in former chapters, viz., that two of the earliest forms 
 of bronze weapons discovered in the British Isles are the flat and 
 the slightly flanged celts, and the thin knife-daggers. That these 
 are succeeded by the more distinctly flanged celts, and the tanged 
 spear-heads, with which probably some of the thick dagger-blades 
 found in barrows are contemporary. That subsequently the celts 
 with a stop- ridge and the palstave form came in and remained in 
 use to the close of the Bronze Period, though to a great extent 
 supplanted by the socketed celt which, as has already been 
 shown, was probably evolved from one of the forms of the 
 palstave ; and it may here be remarked that flanged celts with 
 a stop-ridge seem rarely, if ever, to occur in the hoards. That the 
 socketed chisels, gouges, hammers, and knives are contemporary 
 with the socketed celts, as are also socketed spear-heads and
 swords. That hoards in which palstaves only, and not socketed 
 celts, are present rarely belonged to ancient bronze-founders ; but 
 that the deposits whfch these artificers have left behind them almost 
 all denote a period when the art of coring, and thereby producing 
 socketed tools and weapons, was already well known. 
 From this latter circumstance, and the comparative abundance 
 of bronze-founders' hoards, it may reasonably be inferred that in 
 this country they belong for the most part to the close of the 
 Bronze Period. To how recent a date bronze remained in use for 
 cutting purposes is a question difficult of accurate solution. There 
 are, indeed, two instances in which socketed celts are reported to 
 have been discovered in company with ancient British coins, but 
 in neither case is the evidence altogether satisfactory. Two unin- 
 scribed silver coins, of the type of my Plate F, No. 2*, are stated 
 to have been found with a human skeleton and a bronze celt at 
 Cann, near Shaftesbury, in 1849 ; but I believe that this state- 
 ment would, if it were now capable of being sifted, resolve itself 
 into the fact of the two coins, the celt, and some bones having 
 been found near together by the same workman, without their 
 being actually in association together. The type of the coins, 
 though probably among the earliest in the British silver series, 
 is one which was derived from gold coins struck some considerable 
 time after the introduction of a gold coinage into this country, and 
 probably belongs to the first century B.C. If such coins were in 
 contemporary use with socketed celts, it is strange that none of the 
 gold coins of earlier date have ever been found associated with 
 bronze instruments. 
 It is true that in the account given in the Archceologia t 
 of the antiquities discovered on Hagbourn Hill, Berks, it is stated 
 that at the bottom of a pit about four feet from the surface of the 
 ground was a further circular excavation, in which, together with 
 bronze bridle-bits and buckles of Late Celtic patterns, were socketed 
 celts, and a spear-head of bronze, and, in addition, some coins. 
 These, however, were not seen by the writer of the account, but 
 he was informed " that one of them was silver and the other gold, 
 the latter of which was rather large and flat, and perhaps one of 
 the lower empire." Looking at the Late Celtic character of some 
 of the objects it seems possible that Ancient British coins might 
 have been found with them ; but, on the other hand, it is evident 
 that the particulars given of the find were all derived from the 
 * Evans's " Coins of the Anc. Britons," p. 102. t Vol. xvi. p. 348.
 workmen who dug up the objects, and not from personal observa- 
 tion ; and it is possible that not only were the coins described not 
 actually found with the bronze celts and spear-heads, but that these 
 latter were not discovered in actual association with the Late Celtic 
 bridle-bits. I have, however, provisionally accepted the account of 
 their being found together, relying to some extent on the Aber- 
 gele* hoard, in which some buckles allied in form to those from 
 Hagbourn Hill were present, associated with slides such as have 
 been elsewhere found with socketed celts. 
 Whatever may be the real state of the case in these dis- 
 coveries, there is every probability of a transition having gradually 
 taken place in this country, from the employment of bronze for 
 cutting tools and weapons of offence to the use of iron or steel 
 for such instruments ; in other words, from a Bronze Age to an 
 Iron Age, such as that to which the term " Late Celtic " has been 
 That this transition must have been effected, at all events in the 
 South of Britain, prior to the Roman invasion, is shown, as has 
 already been pointed out, by the circumstance that the Early 
 Iron swords found in France belong in all probability to a period 
 not later than the fourth or fifth century B.C., while the southern 
 parts of Britain had, long before Caesar's time, been peopled by 
 Belgic immigrants, who either brought the knowledge of iron with 
 them or must have received it after their arrival from their 
 kinsmen on the continent, with whom they were in constant 
 intercourse. In the more northern parts of Britain and in Scotland 
 an acquaintance with iron was probably first made at a somewhat 
 more recent period ; but in the Late Celtic interments in York- 
 shire no coins are present, and the iron and other objects found 
 exhibit no traces of Roman influence. Moreover, the Roman 
 historians, who have recorded many of the manners and customs 
 of the northern Britons, do not in any way hint at their weapons 
 being formed of bronze. 
 In Ireland, perhaps, which was less accessible from the continent 
 than Britain, the introduction of iron may have taken place con- 
 siderably after the time when it was known in the sister country ; 
 but there appears to have been a sufficient intercourse between 
 Scotland and the north of Ireland at an early period for the 
 knowledge of so useful a metal, when once gained, to have 
 been quickly communicated from one country to the other. 
 * Supra, p. 405 ; Arch., vol. xliii. p. 006.
 On the whole I think we may fairly conclude that in the 
 southern parts of Britain iron must have been in use not later than 
 the fourth or fifth century B.C., and that by the second or third 
 century B.C. the employment of bronze for cutting instruments had 
 there practically ceased. These dates are of course approximate only, 
 but will at all events serve to give some idea of the latest date to 
 which bronze weapons and tools found in England may with some 
 degree of safety be assigned. 
 As to the time at which such weapons and tools were here first 
 in use, we have even less means of judging than we have as to 
 when they fell into desuetude. It is, however, evident that the 
 Bronze Period of the British Isles must have extended over a long 
 period of years, probably embracing many centuries. The 
 numerous bronze-founders' hoards, containing fragments of tools 
 and weapons of so many various forms, testify to the art of bronze- 
 founding having been practised for a lengthened period ; and 
 yet in all of these the socketed celt occurs, or some other 
 socketed instruments, which we know to have been contemporary 
 with it, are present. It is true that the socketed celt was not 
 originally developed in this country, but was introduced from 
 abroad ; and, as has already been pointed out, was derived from a 
 form of palstave which is of rare occurrence in Britain. Yet the 
 length of time requisite for the modification of the flat form of 
 celt to that with flanges, of this latter again to that with the 
 flanges produced into wings, and finally the transition into the 
 palstave with the wings hammered over so as to form sockets on 
 each side of the blade, must itself have been of very great duration.* 
 The development of the forms of palstave common to Britain and 
 the opposite shores of the Continent must also have demanded a 
 long lapse of years, and most of the stages in its evolution can be 
 traced in this country. We have the flat celt, the flanged celt, 
 and the flanged celt with a stop-ridge ; and we can trace the 
 modification of form from one stage to another until the charac- 
 teristic palstave is reached, in which the stop-ridge is as it were 
 formed in the actual body of the blade. And it is to be observed 
 that this form of palstave had already been developed at the time 
 represented by the earliest of the ordinary bronze-founders' hoards, 
 in which, moreover, the flanged celts, either with or without a 
 stop-ridge, are hardly ever present. 
 * See also Col. A. Lane Fox's "Primitive Warfare, Sect. III.," in Jottru. R. U. 
 Strviee Inst., vol. xiii.
 The Bronze Age of Britain may, therefore, be regarded as an 
 aggregate of three stages : the first, that characterized by the flat 
 or slightly flanged celts, and the knife-daggers frequently found in 
 barrows associated with instruments and weapons formed of stone ; 
 the second, that characterized by the more heavy dagger-blades and 
 the flanged celts and tanged spear-heads or daggers, such as those 
 from Arreton Down ; and the third, by palstaves and socketed celts 
 and the many forms of tools and weapons, of which fragments are so 
 constantly present in the hoards of the ancient bronze-founders. 
 It is in this third stage that the bronze sword and the true 
 socketed spear-head first make their advent. The number of 
 these hoards, and the varieties in the forms of these swords and 
 spear-heads, as well as in the socketed celts and other tools, 
 would, I think, justify us in assigning a minimum duration of some 
 four or five centuries to this last stage. The other two stages 
 together must probably have extended over at least an equal lapse 
 of time ; so that for the total duration of the Bronze Period in 
 Britain we cannot greatly err in attributing eight or ten centuries. 
 This would place the beginning of the Period some 1,200 or 1,400 
 years B.C. a date which in many respects would seem to fit in 
 with what we know as to the use of bronze in the southern parts 
 of Europe.* 
 Although I have thus attempted to assign a definite chronology 
 to our Bronze Age, I do so with all reserve, as any such attempt is 
 founded upon what are at best imperfect data, and each of the 
 stages I have mentioned may have been of far longer duration 
 than I have suggested, though it is not likely that any of them 
 should have been materially shorter. 
 There is, it must be acknowledged, the difficulty which I have 
 already mentioned, as to the absence of nearly all traces of the later 
 stages of the Bronze Period in the graves and barrows that have 
 been examined in Britain, t The reason of this absence has still 
 to be discovered ; but it may perhaps have been the case that 
 during this time the method or fashion of interring the dead 
 underwent some change, and the practice of placing weapons and 
 ornaments with the bodies of departed friends and relatives fell 
 into disuse. Among the bronze-using occupants of the Yorkshire 
 Wolds, whose burial-places have been explored by Canon Green- 
 well, the interments by inhumation were much in excess over those 
 * The Bronze Period of Switzerland has by some been calculated to have begun not 
 less than 3,000 years B.C. ZaborowsM Moindron, "L'Anc. de 1'homme," 1874, p. 208. 
 * See GreenweU's " British Barrows," p. 44 et seqq.
 which took place after cremation, but in other parts of England 
 the proportions are reversed. Out of fourteen instances * in which 
 bronze articles were associated with an interment, it was only in 
 two that the body had been burnt ; or taking the whole number 
 of burials, viz. 301 by inhumation and 78 after cremation, bronze 
 articles were found with 4 per cent, of the burials of the former 
 kind and only 2J per cent, with those of the latter. This seems 
 to point to a tendency towards departing from the old custom of 
 burying weapons with the dead for use in a future life. And, 
 indeed, if the custom of burning the dead became general, 
 the inducement to place such objects among mere dust and ashes 
 would be but small. An urn or a small recess in the ground 
 would suffice to contain the mightiest warrior, and his weapons 
 would be out of place beside the little calcined heap which was 
 left by the purifying fire. Even the practice of raising mounds or 
 barrows over the interments may have ceased, and " when the 
 funeral pyre was out and the last valediction over, men took a 
 lasting adieu of their interred friends." 
 It has been suggested that the absence of the later bronze forms 
 with interments is due to a superstitious reverence for the older 
 forms, so that the habit of burying the flat wedge-shaped axe t and 
 the dagger with the dead continued down to the later Age of 
 Bronze ; but I cannot accept this view. 
 In Scandinavia + interments with which bronze swords and other 
 weapons are associated, have frequently been discovered ; and in 
 some instances in which coffins, hollowed out in trunks of trees, 
 have been used, even the clothing has been preserved. In this 
 country also coffins of the same kind have occasionally been dis- 
 covered, but the bronze objects which have been placed in them 
 are of the same character as those which are found in the barrows 
 of the district, and never comprise socketed weapons or swords. 
 Stone weapons are also occasionally present. Remains of clothing 
 made of skins and of woven woollen fabric have also been found. 
 The best-known instance of the discovery of the latter was in a 
 barrow at Scale House, near Rylston, Yorkshire, examined by 
 Canon Greenwell, who has recorded other instances of these tree- 
 burials. Neither bronze nor stone were in this instance present. 
 It is not, however, my intention to dilate upon the burial 
 customs of our Bronze Age, as they have already been so fully 
 * "British Barrows," p. 19. t Dawkins's " Early Man in Britain," p. 348. 
 J See Worsaae in Arch. Journ., vol. xxiii. p. 30. 
 " British Barrows," pp. 32, 375. See also Reliqttery, vol. vi. p. 1.
 discussed by Canon Greenwell, Dr. Thurnam, Sir John Lubbock, 
 and others. 
 It will now be desirable to say something as to the sources from 
 which the use of bronze in this country was derived, though on 
 this subject also much has already been written. 
 The four principal views held by different authors have thus been 
 summarized by Colonel A. Lane Fox, now General Pitt Rivers : * 
 1. That bronze was spread from a common centre by an intru- 
 ding and conquering race, or by the migration of tribes. 
 2. That the inhabitants of each separate region in which bronze 
 is known to have been used discovered the art independently, and 
 made their own implements of it. 
 3. That the art was discovered and the implements fabricated 
 on one spot, and the implements disseminated from that place by 
 means of commerce. 
 4. That the art of making bronze was diffused from a common 
 centre, but that the implements were constructed in the countries 
 in which they were found. 
 For a full discussion of these hypotheses I must refer the reader 
 to General Pitt Rivers' Paper, but I shall here make use of some 
 of the information which he has collected, premising that in my 
 opinion there is a certain amount of truth embodied in each of 
 these opinions. 
 The first view, of an intruding and conquering race having 
 introduced the use of bronze into their country, has been held by 
 most of the Scandinavian antiquaries, and Professor Boyd Dawkins 
 seems to regard a Celtic invasion and conquest of the Iberic peoples 
 in Britain as having been the means by which the knowledge of 
 bronze was extended from Gaul to these islands. The osteological 
 evidence in favour of the bronze-using Britons having as a rule 
 been of a different race from the stone-using people of our 
 Neolithic times is strongly corroborative of such a view ; as is 
 also the change which is to be noted in the burial customs of the 
 two periods. Such an immigration or conquest must, however, 
 have taken place at a very early period if we accept Sir John 
 Lubbock'st view, that between B.C. 1500 and B.C. 1200 the 
 Phoenicians were already acquainted with the mineral fields of 
 Britain, a period at which it must not be forgotten the use of 
 bronze had long been known in Egypt. Although it is true that 
 * "Primitive Warfare, Sect. III. ; " Journ. . U. S. Inst., vol. xiii. 
 t " Preh. Times," p. 73.
 at present we have no satisfactory proof of any Phoenician influence 
 on the people of our Bronze Age, yet if at so early a period there 
 was an export of tin from this country, the search for that metal 
 and the means employed for its production would almost of 
 necessity tend to an acquaintance with copper also, even supposing, 
 what is improbable, that those who traded for tin hi order to 
 manufacture bronze with it kept the knowledge of this latter 
 alloy from those with whom they had commercial relations, or 
 that the natives of Britain were not already acquainted with more 
 metals than tin when the trade first began. But to this subject 
 I shall recur. It may be observed by the way that the date 
 assigned for this Phoenician intercourse corresponds in a remark- 
 able manner with the date assigned for the earliest instances of 
 the use of bronze in Britain, which was suggested on other 
 The second view of the independent discovery of bronze in 
 different regions has little or nothing to support it so far as the 
 different countries of Europe are concerned, though there is a 
 possibility that the discovery of copper and of the method of 
 alloying it with tin, so as to produce bronze, may have been made 
 independently in America. But it may even there be the 
 case that the knowledge of bronze was imported from Asia.* In 
 Europe, however, when once the use of the metal was known, 
 there were certain types of weapons and implements developed in 
 different countries which in a certain sense may be regarded as 
 instances of independent discoveries. 
 The third view, that the art was discovered at some single spot 
 at which subsequently implements were manufactured and dis- 
 seminated by commerce must, at least to a limited extent, be true. 
 Wherever the discovery of bronze may have been made, there is 
 ample evidence of its use having spread over the greater part of 
 Europe if not of Asia ; and at first the spread of bronze weapons 
 and tools was in all probability by commerce. Even subsequently 
 there were local centres, such as Etruria, from which the manufac- 
 tured products were exported into neighbouring countries, as well 
 as to those lying to the north of the Alps. Some even of the 
 bronze vases found in Ireland, though themselves not of Etruscan 
 manufacture, bear marks of Etruscan influences in their form and 
 character. In each country in Europe there may have been one 
 or more localities in which the manufacture of bronze objects was 
 * Worsaae, in "Aarb. for Nord. Oldk.," 1879, p. 327.
 principally carried on, though it may now be impossible to identify 
 the spots. Such large hoards of unfinished castings as those of 
 Ple'ne'e Jugon, and other places in Brittany, prove that district, 
 for instance, to have been at one time a kind of manufacturing 
 centre. Indeed, a socketed celt of Breton type, unused, and still 
 retaining the burnt clay core, has been found on our southern 
 The process of casting, as practised by the ancient bronze- 
 founders, was, moreover, one requiring a great amount of skill ; 
 and though there appear to have been wandering founders, who, 
 like the bell-founders of mediaeval times, could practise their art 
 at any spot where their services were required, yet there were 
 probably fixed foundries also, where the process of manufacture 
 could be more economically carried on, and where successive gene- 
 ration^ passed through some sort of apprenticeship to learn the art 
 and mystery of the trade. 
 The fourth opinion, that the use of bronze spread from some 
 single centre, though implements were manufactured in greater or 
 less abundance in each country where the use of bronze prevailed, 
 is one that must commend itself to all archaeologists. It does 
 not, of course, follow that in any given district the bronze 
 tools and weapons were all of home manufacture, and none of 
 them imported. There is, on the contrary, evidence to be found 
 in most countries that some, at least, of the bronze instruments 
 found there are of foreign manufacture, and introduced either by 
 commerce or by the foreign travel of individuals. 
 Where the original centre was placed, from which the European 
 use of bronze was propagated, is an enigma still under discussion, 
 and one which will not readily be solved. Appearances at present 
 seem to point to its having been situate in Western Asia ;* but the 
 whole question of the origin and development of the Bronze 
 civilisation has been so recently discussed by my friend Professor 
 Boyd Dawkins, in his " Early Man in Britain," that it appears 
 needless here to repeat the opinions of which he has given so good 
 an abstract. Suffice it to say, that it has been proposed to regard 
 the bronze antiquities of Europe as belonging generally to three 
 provinces,t the boundaries of which, however, cannot be very 
 accurately defined. These provinces are the Uralian, comprising 
 Russia, Siberia, and Finland ; the Danubian, which consists of the 
 See A. Bertrand in Rev. Arch., vol. xxvi. p. 363. 
 t See Chantre, " Age du Bronze," 2dme ptie. p. 281.
 Hungarian, Scandinavian, and Britannic sub-divisions or regions ; 
 and the Mediterranean, composed of the Italo-Greek and Franco- 
 Swiss sub-divisions. 
 I must confess that I do not attach such high importance to this 
 classification as at first sight it would seem to merit ; for on a 
 close examination it appears to me to involve several serious 
 incongruities. Take, for instance, the Danubian province, and it 
 will be found that the differences in type of bronze instruments 
 belonging to the Hungarian region, when compared with those of 
 the British, are on the whole greater than the difference presented 
 when they are compared with the types of the Italian region, 
 which, however, is made to belong to another province. There is, 
 moreover, a difficulty in synchronizing the antiquities belonging to 
 different provinces or regions, so as to be sure that any comparisons 
 between them are of real value. Taking, for example, the Uralian 
 province, it will at once be seen that though in Finland some Scan- 
 dinavian types occur, such as swords and palstaves, yet the great 
 majority of the bronze antiquities belonging to it, so far as at 
 present known, consist of socketed celts, often with two loops ; of 
 daggers, with their hafts cast in one piece with the blade ; and of 
 perforated axes, sometimes with the representations of the heads 
 of animals ; in fact, of objects which evidently belong to a very 
 late stage in the evolution of bronze, and which, as Mr. Worsaae 
 has pointed out, not improbably show traces of Chinese influence. 
 Such objects can hardly be satisfactorily compared with those of a 
 province in which the whole development of bronze instruments, 
 from the flat celt and small knife, to the socketed celt and the 
 skilfully cast spear-head and sword, can be traced. 
 All things considered, I think it will be better and safer to 
 content ourselves for the present with less extensive provinces ; 
 and, so far as these are concerned, the sub-divisions already enume- 
 rated may be accepted, and are quite sufficiently large, if, indeed, 
 they are not too extensive. In the Britannic province, a part of 
 France is included by M. Chantre, and there are certainly close 
 analogies between many of the types of the south of England and 
 those of the north and north-west of France. For the purpose of 
 the present work, though accepting M. Chantre's boundary in the 
 main, I shall, however, restrict the Britannic province to the 
 British Isles. 
 On a general examination of our British types it is satisfactory 
 to see how complete a series of links in the chain of development
 of the bronze industry is here to be found, though many of them 
 bear undoubted marks of foreign influence, and prove that though 
 some of the types were of native growth, yet that others were 
 originally imported. On general grounds, I have assigned an 
 antiquity of 1,200 or 1,400 years B.C. to the introduction of the 
 use of bronze into this country, but it is a question whether this 
 antiquity will meet all the necessities of the case ; for we can 
 hardly imagine the Phoenicians, or those who traded with them, 
 landing in Britain and spontaneously discovering tin. On the 
 contrary, it must have been from a knowledge that the inhabitants 
 of Britain were already producers of this valuable metal that the 
 commerce with them originated ; and the probable reason that tin 
 was sought for by the native Britons was in order to mix it with 
 copper, a metal which occurs native in the same district as the tin. 
 If, therefore, the Phoenician intercourse, direct or indirect, com- 
 menced about 1500 B.C., the knowledge of the use of tin, and 
 probably also of copper, dates back in Britain to a still earlier 
 A comparison of the various British types of tools and weapons 
 with those of Continental countries has been frequently instituted 
 in the preceding pages, but it will be well here to recapitulate some 
 of the principal facts. We have in Britain the flat form of celt in 
 some abundance, though none of the specimens exhibit traces of 
 being direct imitations of hatchets formed of stone, as would 
 probably have been the case in any country where the use of 
 metal for such instruments originated. And yet many of our 
 British flat celts exhibit a certain degree of originality, inasmuch as 
 they are decorated with hammer- or punch-marks in a manner pecu- 
 liar to this country, and others in a fashion but rarely seen abroad. 
 We can trace the development of the flanged celt from the flat 
 variety, through specimens with almost imperceptible flanges, the 
 result merely of hammering the sides, to those with the flanges 
 produced in the casting. At the same time, the flanges are never 
 so fully developed as in some of the French examples. 
 The development of a stop-ridge between the flanges, which 
 eventually culminated in the ordinary palstave form, can probably 
 be better observed in the British series than in that of any other 
 country. At the same time, the origin of the other form of 
 palstave that without a definite stop-ridge, and with semicircular 
 wings bent over so as to form a kind of side-pocket can best be 
 traced on the Continent, and especially in the south of France. It
 was from this form of palstave that the socketed celt was developed, 
 and although this development seems to have taken place abroad, 
 possibly in Western Germany, the form was introduced into Britain 
 at an early period of its existence, as is proved by the semicircular 
 projections and curved "flanches" so common on the faces of the 
 socketed celts of this country. 
 Our knife-daggers may originally have been of foreign introduc- 
 tion, but evidently belong to a time when metal was scarce, and 
 like the flat and slightly-flanged celts have often been found 
 associated with stone implements. The dagger-blades of stouter 
 make, which seem to have succeeded them, show analogies with 
 French, Italian, and German examples ; but similar blades, with a 
 tang such as those from the Arreton Down hoard, seem to be 
 almost peculiar to Britain. The fact, however, that the socketed 
 blade found with them has its analogues both in Switzerland and 
 Egypt suggests the probability of the tanged form being also of 
 foreign, and possibly Mediterranean origin ; indeed, a specimen is 
 reported to have been found in Italy. 
 Our halberd blades with the three rivets are nearly allied to 
 those of northern Germany ; and the type appears never to be 
 found in France, though I have met with a solitary example in 
 Southern Spain, and the form is not unknown in Italy, there 
 being one from the province of Mantua in the British Museum. 
 Socketed chisels, hammers, and gouges were probably derived from 
 a foreign source ; but tanged chisels, though not absolutely want- 
 ing in the North of France, are more abundant in the British 
 Isles than elsewhere. Long narrow chisels with tangs were, how- 
 ever, present in the great Bologna hoard. 
 Bronze socketed sickles are almost peculiar to the British Isles, 
 though they have occasionally been found in the North of France. 
 The flat form, from which they must have been developed, is of 
 rare occurrence, though not unknown in Britain. Its origin is to 
 be sought in the South of Europe, though the British examples 
 more closely resemble German and Danish forms than those of any 
 other country. Tanged single-edged knives are almost unknown 
 in our islands, though so abundant in the Swiss Lake-dwellings 
 and in the South of France. Double-edged knives with a socket 
 are, however, almost peculiar to Britain and Ireland, though they are 
 found in small numbers in the North of France. The tanged 
 razor may also be regarded as one of our specialities, though 
 not unknown in Italy. Most of the foreign varieties have a ring
 for suspension at the end of the tang, a peculiarity almost 
 unknown in Britain. 
 Bronze swords, no doubt, originated on the Continent ; and as 
 such long thin blades required great skill in casting, it seems 
 probable that their manufacture was to some extent localized at par- 
 ticular spots, and that they formed an important article of commerce. 
 The same type has been discovered in countries wide apart, and 
 many of those found in Scandinavia are now regarded as being of 
 foreign origin. Still there are some British types which are rarely 
 or never found abroad, and the discovery of moulds proves conclu- 
 sively that both leaf-shaped and rapier-shaped blades were cast in 
 these islands. The latter kind of blades are, indeed, almost 
 exclusively confined to Britain and the north of France. Bronze 
 scabbard-ends, as distinct from mere chapes, seem also to be con- 
 fined to the same tract of country. 
 When we turn to the spear-heads of these islands we find that 
 though the leaf-shaped form prevails over the greater part of 
 Europe, yet that those with loops at the side of the socket and with 
 loops at the base of the blade are common in the British Isles, 
 while they are extremely rare in France, and almost unknown else- 
 where. The same may be said of the type with the small 
 eyelet-holes in the blade, and of those with barbs. Those with 
 crescent-shaped openings in the blades are also almost unknown 
 elsewhere, though one example has been found in Eussia. Our 
 bronze shields with numerous concentric rings are also specially 
 Among ornaments formed of bronze, there are few, if any, that 
 we can claim as our own. Our torques seem more nearly connected 
 with those of the Rhine district than of any other part of Europe. 
 Our bracelets, which are not common, hardly present any special 
 peculiarities, and brooches we have none. 
 Our spheroidal caldrons seem to be of native type, but with 
 them are vases which almost undoubtedly show an Etruscan 
 influence in their origin. 
 We have here then, I think, sufficient proof that Britain, though 
 not unaffected by foreign influences, and in fact deriving many of 
 the types of its tools and weapons from foreign sources, was, never- 
 theless, a local centre in which the Bronze civilisation received 
 a special and high development ; and where, had extraneous influ- 
 ences been entirely absent after the time when the knowledge of 
 Bronze was first introduced, the evolution of forms would probably 
 have differed in but few particulars from that which is now 
 exhibited by the prevailing types found in this country. 
 If we compare these British types with those of the other 
 regions which together make up the so-called Danubian province, 
 we shall at once be struck, not by the analogies presented, but by 
 the marked difference in the general fades. 
 Taking Scandinavia to begin with, and Mr. Worsaae's types as 
 giving the characteristics of that region, what do we find ? The 
 perforated axe-hammers and axes of bronze are here entirely want- 
 ing; the tanged swords and the majority of those with decorated hilts 
 are also unknown. There is hardly a type of dagger common to 
 this country and Scandinavia. The saws, knives, and razors are of 
 quite another character, but there is a resemblance in the sickles 
 to a rare British type. The flat and flanged celts of the two 
 regions are of nearly the same kind, and in one rare instance there 
 is a similar decoration on a reputedly Danish and on an Irish celt. 
 The palstaves, however, are of an entirely different character, with 
 the exception of the form with semicircular wings, which is not 
 essentially British. The socketed celts are nearly all unlike those of 
 this country ; and though the leaf-shaped spear-heads present close 
 analogies, the looped and eyed kinds are absent. The shields are 
 of a different character from ours. The tutuli and diadems are 
 here unknown. There is but one form of torque common to this 
 country and Denmark. Brooches, combs, and small hanging vases 
 are never met with in Britain ; and the spiral, whether formed 
 of wire or engraved as an ornament, is conspicuous by its absence. 
 If we take the Hungarian region, we are driven to much the 
 same conclusions. The perforated axes and pick-axes, principally 
 formed of copper, the semicircular sickles, the spiral ornaments, 
 the swords with engraved hilts of bronze, and several forms of 
 minor importance are absent in Britain, while the socketed celts 
 and the majority of the palstaves are of markedly different types, 
 though that with the semicircular wings hammered over is of 
 common occurrence in Hungary. 
 In Northern Germany the types of bronze may be regarded as 
 intermediate between those of Hungary and Scandinavia, though 
 in some few respects presenting closer analogies with those of 
 Britain, with which, as will subsequently be seen, there may have 
 been some commercial intercourse. The connection between 
 British and German types is, however, but small, and on the whole 
 I think that the evidence here brought forward is sufficient* to
 prove that the British Isles can hardly be properly classified 
 as forming part of any Danubian province of bronze. 
 The connection between France and Britain during the Bronze 
 Period cannot be denied, and in many respects there is an identity 
 of character between the bronze antiquities of the North of France 
 and those of the South of England. The North of France cannot, 
 however, at any time since the first discovery of bronze, have 
 been absolutely shut out from all communication with the South 
 and East. The East must always have been affected by the habits of 
 those who occupied what is now Western Germany; and the South 
 can hardly have been exempt from the influence of Italy, if not, 
 indeed, of other Mediterranean countries. I am inclined to think 
 that these external influences acted also on the bronze industry 
 of Britain, not so much directly as indirectly, and that some of the 
 types in this country may be traced to an Italian or German origin 
 as readily as to a French. 
 It is, I think, a fact that as close a resemblance in type, so far 
 as regards our earliest bronze instruments, may be found among 
 Italian examples as among French. Many of the slightly flanged 
 celts of Italy can hardly be distinguished from those of Britain, ex- 
 cept by the faces of the latter being more frequently decorated ; and 
 there is also a great similarity between the dagger-blades of the 
 two countries. In the later forms, such as palstaves and socketed 
 celts, the difference between British and Italian examples is suffi- 
 ciently striking. May it not be the case that at the time when 
 first the commerce between Britain and the Mediterranean 
 countries originated, always assuming that such a commerce took 
 place, the flanged celt was the most advanced type of hatchet 
 known by those who came hither to trade, and the palstave and 
 socketed form were subsequently developed ? At a later period it 
 was the German influence that was felt in Britain, rather than the 
 Italian, for our socketed celts appear, as already stated, to have 
 had the cradle of their family in Western Germany ; and the few flat 
 sickles that have been found in Britain/as well as the more numerous 
 torques, show a closer connection in type with those of Germany 
 than with those of France or any other country. Whether this 
 introduction of what appear to be North German types can in 
 any way be attributed to commercial relations between the two 
 countries, and especially to a trade in amber, is worth considera- 
 tion. The abundance of amber ornaments in some of the graves 
 of our Bronze Period shows how much that substance was in use 
 At the same time, the eastern shores of England might have fur- 
 nished it in sufficient quantity to supply the demand, without 
 having recourse to foreign sources. I have known amber thrown 
 up on the beach so far south as Deal. 
 A curious feature in the comparison of the later bronze antiqui- 
 ties of Britain and those of France, is the marked absence of many 
 of the forms which abound in the remains of the Lake-dwellings of 
 Savoy, as well as in those of Switzerland. A glance through 
 " Kabul's Album " * or " Keller's Lake-dwellings," will at once show 
 how few of the specimens there figured could pass as having been 
 discovered in the British Isles. The large proportion of ornaments 
 to tools and weapons is also striking. There is, indeed, as M. 
 Chantre has pointed out, a closer connection between the bronze 
 antiquities of the South of France and those of Switzerland and 
 Northern Italy, than with those of Northern France. 
 Even the character of the ornaments is in many cases essentially 
 different. The hollowed form of bronze bracelet, made from a thin 
 plate bent in such a manner as to show a semicircular section, is 
 entirely wanting in Britain, and is very rarely found in the North 
 of France. 
 Enough has, however, now been said in favour of regarding 
 Britain as one of those centres into which a knowledge of the use 
 of bronze was introduced at a comparatively early date, and where 
 a special development of the bronze industry arose, extending over 
 a lengthened period, and modified from time to time by foreign 
 influences. On the transition from bronze to iron, it is not neces- 
 sary here further to enlarge. I have, in treating of the different 
 forms of tools and weapons, pointed out those which I considered 
 to belong to the close of the Bronze Period ; and it is pro- 
 bable that these forms for some time continued in use, side by side 
 with those made of the more serviceable metal, iron, which ulti- 
 mately drove bronze from the field, except for ornamental purposes 
 or for those uses for which a fusible metal was best adapted. It 
 seems probable that, as was the case in Mediterranean countries, 
 some of the socketed weapons, such as spear-heads, which were 
 more easily cast than forged, may for some time have been made 
 of bronze in preference to iron ; but at present our knowledge of 
 any transitional period is slight, and this question would be best 
 treated of in a work on the Late Celtic or Early Iron Period of 
 "Habitations Lacustres de la Savoie," 1864, 1867, 1869.
 Among the ornaments in use in this country during the Bronze 
 Period, are some, the history of which, if it could be traced, might 
 throw light upon the foreign intercourse of that time, for glass and 
 ivory were probably not of native production.* Glass beads 
 have occasionally been found in barrows of the Bronze Age, 
 nearly always in our southern counties, and with burnt in- 
 terments. They are usually small tubes of opaque glass of 
 a light blue or green colour, with the outer surface divided 
 into rounded segments, so as to give the appearance of a 
 number of spheroidal beads side by side. I am not aware of any 
 having been discovered with interments of the Bronze Age on 
 the Continent, but it seems probable that such beads have 
 been found, and they may eventually assist hi marking out the lines 
 of ancient commerce with this country. A few larger beads, with 
 spiral serpent-like ornaments upon them, have likewise been found ; 
 but these, also, I am unable to compare with any Continental 
 examples. The finding of glass, however, in tombs belonging to 
 the early portion of our Bronze Age is suggestive of some method 
 of intercourse, direct or indirect, with Mediterranean countries. 
 The small quoit-like pendants, formed of a greenish vitrified 
 material, which have been found in Sussext with burnt interments 
 of the Bronze Age, closely resemble Egyptian porcelain, and their 
 presence in this country corroborates this suggestion. 
 The discovery of beads made in sets like those of glass, of 
 a bracelet, buttons, pins, and hooks, all, in Dr. Thurnam's opinion, 
 formed of ivory, gives indications in the same direction ; for 
 though billiard balls have been manufactured from Scottish 
 mammoth ivory of the Pleistocene Period, the fossil tusks found in 
 Britain are, as a rule, too much decomposed to be any longer of 
 service, and in this respect differ materially from the fossil mam- 
 moth tusks of Siberia, which still furnish so much of our table 
 cutlery with handles. 
 For the jet and amber ornaments of the Bronze Period we have 
 not, of necessity, to go so far afield as for glass. Abundance of jet 
 is to be obtained in our own country, and the usual type of jet 
 necklace,* with a series of flat plates, seems to be essentially 
 British. Some of the amber plates found at Hallstatt are, how- 
 * See Thurnam in Arch., vol. xliii. p. 494. 
 t Arch., vol. xliii. p. 497. 
 t See "Ancient Stone Impts.," p. 411. I may take this opportunity of correcting 
 the statement that the Assynt necklace is inlaid with gold. It is merely engraved with 
 various patterns, in which micaceous grains of sand got lodged and were mistaken for 
 ever, of the same form, and perforated in the same manner, so 
 that possibly these jet necklaces may have been made in imitation 
 of foreign prototypes in amber. How far the amber ornaments of 
 the Bronze Period in Britain were of native production we have no 
 good means of judging ; but the circumstance just mentioned 
 is suggestive of Hallstatt and Britain having been supplied from a 
 common source, which may have been on the shores of the Baltic. 
 On the other hand, our amber ornaments differ, as a rule, from 
 those of Scandinavia, and, as already remarked, our eastern coast 
 would furnish an ample supply of the raw material without seek- 
 ing it abroad. It must, however, be remembered that some of 
 the forms of our bronze instruments show traces of German influ- 
 ence, and that in Strabo's time both amber and ivory were among 
 the articles exported from Celtic Gaul to Britain. The remark- 
 able amber cup from the Hove barrow, near Brighton, I have 
 described elsewhere.* 
 It remains for me to say a few words as to the general condition 
 of the inhabitants of Britain during the Bronze Age ; but on this 
 subject, apart from the light thrown upon it by the tools, weapons, 
 and ornaments which I have been describing, and by the contents 
 of the graves of the period, we have in this country but little to 
 guide us. Such a complete insight into the material civilisation 
 of the period as that afforded by the Lake-dwellings of Switzer- 
 land, Savoy, and Northern Italy is nowhere vouchsafed to us in 
 Britain. The Irish crannoges, which, in many respects, present 
 close analogies with the pile- buildings, have remained in use until 
 mediaeval times, and in no instance has the destruction of a settle- 
 ment by fire contributed to preserve for the instruction of future 
 ages the household goods of the population. The nearest approach 
 to a Lake-dwelling in England is that examined in Barton Mere,t 
 Suffolk, where, however, the results were comparatively meagre. 
 A single spear-head was found, apparently of the type of Fig. 406, 
 and the remains of various animals used for food, including the 
 urus and the hare, which latter in Caesar's time the Britons did 
 not eat. 
 The information to be gained from the burial customs and the 
 contents of the graves has already been gathered by the late Dr. 
 Thurnam and by Canon Green well, as well as by other antiqua- 
 ries, and I cannot do better than refer to the forty-third volume of 
 * " Ancient Stone Impts.," p. 402. 
 t Dawkins's "Early Man in Britain," p. 352 ; Quart. Joura. Suff. Inst., vol. i. p. 31.
 the " Archaeologia," and to " British Barrows."* I may, however, 
 shortly depict some of the principal features of the external condi- 
 tions of the bronze-using population of these islands, taken as a 
 whole, for no doubt the customs and condition of the people were 
 by no means uniform throughout the whole extent of the country 
 at any given moment of time. 
 As to their dwellings, we seem to have no positive information, 
 but they probably were of much the same character as those of the 
 Swiss Lake population, except that for the most part they were 
 placed upon the dry land, and not on platforms above the water. 
 Their clothing was sometimes of skins, sometimes of woollen 
 cloth, and probably of linen also, as they were acquainted with the 
 arts of spinning and weaving, Of domesticated animals they 
 possessed the dog, ox, sheep, goat, pig, and finally the horse. 
 They hunted the red deer, the roe, the wild boar, the hare, and 
 possibly some other animals. For the chase and for warfare their 
 arrows were tipped with flint, and not with bronze ; and some 
 other stone instruments, such as scrapers, remained in use until 
 the end of the period. At the beginning, as has already often 
 been stated, the axe, the knife-dagger, and the awl were the only 
 articles of bronze in use. For obtaining fire, a nodule of pyrites 
 and a flake of flint sufficed. Some cereals were cultivated, as is 
 shown by the bronze sickles. Pottery they had of various forms, 
 some apparently made expressly for sepulchral purposes; but they 
 were unacquainted with the potter's wheel. Some vessels of 
 amber and shale, turned in the lathe, may have been imported 
 from abroad. Ornaments were worn in less profusion than in 
 Switzerland ; but the torque for the neck, the bracelet, the ear-ring, 
 the pin for the dress and for the hair, were all in use, though 
 brooches were unknown. Necklaces, or gorgets, formed of amber, 
 jet, and bone beads were not uncommon ; and the ornaments of 
 glass and ivory, such as those lately mentioned, were probably 
 obtained by foreign commerce. Gold, also, was often used for 
 decorating the person, though coins, and apparently even the 
 metal silver, were unknown. They appear to have been accom- 
 plished workers and carvers of wood and horn, and there were 
 among them artificers who inlaid wood and amber with minute 
 gold pins almost or quite as skilfully as the French workmen of 
 the last century, who wrought on tortoise-shell. In casting 
 * See also Rolleston's App. to "British Barrows;" Lubbock's " Prehist. Times ;" 
 Dawkins's "Early Man in Britain," &c., &c.
 and hammering out bronze they attained consummate skill, and 
 their spear-heads and wrought shields could not be surpassed at 
 the present day. The general equipment of the warrior in the 
 shape of swords, daggers, halberds, spears, &c., and the tools of 
 the workman, such as hatchets, chisels, gouges, hammers, &c., 
 have, however, all been dealt with at large in previous pages. 
 They contrast with the arms and instruments of the preced- 
 ing Neolithic Age more by their greater degree of perfection than 
 by their absolute number and variety. The material progress 
 from one stage of civilisation to the other was no doubt great, 
 but the interval between the two does not approach that which 
 exists between Palaeolithic man of the old River-drifts and 
 Neolithic man of the present configuration of the surface of 
 Western Europe. 
 So far as the general interest attaching to the Bronze Period 
 is concerned, it may readily be conceded that it falls short of 
 that with which either of the two stages of the Stone Period 
 which preceded it must be regarded. The existence of numerous 
 tribes of men who are, or were until lately, in the same stage of 
 culture as the occupants of Europe during the Neolithic Age, 
 affords various points of comparison between ancient and modern 
 savages which are of the highest interest, while there exists at the 
 present day not a single community in which the phases of the 
 Bronze culture can be observed. The Palaeolithic Age has, more- 
 over, a charm of mysterious eld attaching to it as connected with 
 the antiquity of the human race which is peculiarly its own. 
 The Bronze Age, nevertheless, from its close propinquity 
 to the period of written history, is of the highest importance 
 to those who would trace back the course of human progress 
 to its earliest phases ; and though in this country many of 
 the minute details of the picture cannot be filled in, yet, taken 
 as a whole, the broad lines of the development of this stage 
 of civilisation may be as well traced in Britain as in any other 
 country. It has been a pleasure to me to gather the information 
 on which this work is based ; and I close these pages with the 
 consolatory thought that, dry as may be their contents, they may 
 prove of some value as a hoard of collected facts for other seekers 
 after truth. 
 Achilles, shield of, 12 ; spear of, 18, 242 
 Addua, Gauls defeated on the, 374 
 Ms importatum, 414, 419 ; signatum, 422 
 Eschylus quoted, n 
 ^Esculapius, temple of, 18 
 Estii, the, iron scarce among, 19 
 Ethiopians, bronze rare among, 17 
 African axe of iron, 149 ; ironworkers, 181 ; 
 swords, 306 ; trumpet, 359 
 Agamemnon, breast-plate of, 12 
 Agatharchides quoted, 8 
 Akerman, J. Y., F.S.A., cited, 391, 399 
 Alban necropolis, 341 
 Alcinous, walls of palace of, bronze-plated, n 
 Algonquins, fusing of copper among the, 3 
 Alloys, various, of copper and tin, 22, 178, 265, 
 352, 4i5, 476 
 Amber, beads, 135, 189, 244, 366, 394, 487 ; buttons 
 or studs, 217; cup with interment, 243,486; hilts 
 or pommels, 228, 229; ornaments, 373, 483, 485, 
 487 ; trade in, 483, 486 
 American tomahawks, 162 
 Amulets, celts used as, 134 
 Analysis of metal of caldron, 412 ; celts, 417, 421 ; 
 Indian celts, 40 ; chisels, Mexican and Peru- 
 vian, 166 ; shield, 346 ; solder, 425 ; trumpets, 
 360, 363 ; various bronzes, 415 to 422 
 aderson, Mr. Joseph, quoted, 239, 290 
 Anvils, 180 to 183, 375, 451 
 Ariantes, Scythian king, 318 
 Armillz and Armlets. See Bracelets 
 Arreton Down type of spear-head, 257, 480 
 Arrow-heads, 216, 318, 323 ; flint, 39, 42, 167, 190, 
 223, 226, 236, 318, 391, 487 
 Arundelian marbles, 14 
 Aryan name for copper, 10 
 Asiatic origin of bronze, 2, 276, 420, 477 
 Assyrians, early use of iron among, 9 ; wore pen- 
 annular bracelets, 383 
 Asteropaeus, breast-plate of, 13 
 Ausonius quoted, 29 
 Awls, 188 to 191 ; double-pointed, 190 ; tanged, 
 189, 190; handled, 191; with interments, 189, 
 190, 191, 225, 241, 319, 392, 437 
 Axes, 14, 41, 147 to 156, 161, 162 ; African modern 
 iron, 149 ; ceremonial, 450 ; Egyptian, 147 ; 
 Hungarian, 147, 161, 482 ; clay mould for, 
 428; of copper, 265; perforated, 161,478,482; 
 stone, 190, 226 
 Axe-hammers, of stone, 217, 224, 225, 243 
 Axe-shaped socketed celts, 142 
 Aymara Indians, 148 
 Aymard, M., collection, 215 
 Aztec chisel, 166 
 Banks, Sir J., quoted, 34, 155 
 Banks, Rev. S., collection, 78, 133 
 Barnwell, Rev. E. L., quoted, 55, 77 
 Barthelerny, Abbe, quoted, 20 55 
 Bateman collection, see Museums, Sheffield ; Mr., 
 quoted, 42, 44, 151, 190, 225, 227, 228, 383, 390, 
 392, 393. 402, 49 
 Battle-axe of Menelaus, 14. See Axes 
 Bayonet-like blades, 255, 256 
 Beads, 393 ; agate, 383 ; amber, 135, 189, 244, 366, 
 487 ; bone, 487 ; bronze, 381, 393 ; dentalium 
 shells, 394 ; fluted, 381 ; glass, 134, 366, 394, 
 485; gold, 391, 394 ; ivory, 485 ; jet, 118, 158, 
 17 ; joints of encrinite, 394 ; pen- 
 15, 391 ; pottery, 366; pulley-shaped, 
 381 ; tin, 39^ ; with leaf-shaped projections, 
 381 ; with spiral ornaments, 394, 485 
 Beck, Rev. James, F.S.A., collection, 60, 84, 87 
 Beck, Dr. L., quoted, 15 
 Beger quoted, 28, 29 
 Bell or rattle of bronze, 364 
 Bell collection in the Ant. Mus., Edinburgh, 105 
 Bell-metal, 416 
 Bells to ear-rings, 393 
 BENinE, its meaning, 7 
 Bertrand, M. Alexandre, quoted, 300, 413 
 Birch, Dr. S., F.S.A., quoted, 9, 147, 374 
 Birds on rod, 406 
 Blackett, Sir Edward, collection, 351 
 Blackmore Museum. See Museums, Salisbury 
 Blades, bayonet-like, 255, 256; curved, 264; diffi- 
 culty of determining character of, 258, 260 ; 
 lance-shaped, perforated, 213 ; of dissimilar 
 character, in the same interment, 241 ; tanged, 
 211, 244 
 Blaeuw's Atlas, 362 
 Bloxam, Mr. M. H., F.S.A., collection, 75, 179 
 Boars found at Hounslow, 406 
 Bodkin obsolete as weapon, 369 
 Bone, instruments of, 189, 285, 366 ; of Horus, 8 ; 
 of Typhon, 6, 8 ; plates for sword-hilt, 296 ; 
 pommels for dagger-hilts, 228 ; rings, 51 
 Borlase, Dr., quoted, 30, 32, 439 
 Bourgeois, the Abbe, 160 
 Bouterolle. See Chapes 
 Boynton, Mr. T., collection, 327 
 Bracelets, 381 to 388 ; 90, 96, 135, 136, 155, i 
 333, 377! American, 
 beaded, 385 ; circular, 38 
 beaded, 385 ; circular, 384 ; gc 
 283, 285 ; jet, 385 ; Late Celt 
 looped, 76, 368, 378, 384, 386, 
 lar, 381, 382 ; Scottish, 388, 4 
 lan, ; 
 , 180, 
 >, 387 ; penan 
 lar," 381, 382 ; Scottish, 388, 400; with inter- 
 ments, 135, 385, 387 
 Bracer of chlorite slate, 223 
 Brackenridge, Rev. G. W., collection, 67 
 Brackstone, Mr., collection, 93, 131, 132 
 Braybrooke, Lord, collection, 211, 398, 403, 
 Brent, Mr. John, F.S.A.., 88, 114 
 Bridle-bits, 144, 322, 368, 404, 405, 470 
 Bristles, possible early use of, 191 
 Britain, condition of its inhabitants m the Bronze 
 Britannic province of bronze antiquities, 478 
 British types of instruments mostly indigenous, 
 24, 481
 Britons, ancient, merely cut off the ears of corn, 
 202 ; used iron before the Roman invasion, 
 19. 276, 354, 471, 472; used no helmets in 
 time of Severus, 355 
 Brixen, ancient inhabitants of, came from 
 Etruria, 355 
 Broad arrow ornament on ring, 158 
 Bronze, analysis of, 22, 178, 265, 415 to 422 ; 
 Asiatic origin of, 2, 276, 420, 477 ; bronze 
 burning on to, 280, 293, 425 ; cakes of, 423 ; 
 early value of, 17, 177, 204; brittle when 
 heated, 185, 409; hardening of, u, 12, 178, 
 415 ; lumps of, see Metal ; moulding of, 427 
 to 470 ; survival of use of, 18, 22 
 Bronze-founders' hoards, 24, 55, 94, no, 113, 185, 
 361, 422, 423, 440 (see Hoards) ; classification 
 of. 457. 459; l ist ? ( principal, 460 to 468 
 Bronze Period, antiquities of, divided into pro- 
 vinces, 477 ; chronology of, 455, 456, 472, 473 ; 
 condition of the inhabitants of Bntain during 
 the, 487 ; succession of, to Stone Period, 9, 
 40; succession of iron to, 16, 33, 274, 299, 
 300, 471 
 Brooches, 135 ; Late Celtic, 400 ; penannular, 
 Brooke, Capt., collection, 113, 206 
 Buckles, Late Celtic, 144, 368, 470'; penannular, 
 Bucklers, 303 ; date of, 353 ; not found with 
 interments, 354 ; Spanish, 354 
 Buttons, 400, 401 ; annular, 290 ; bone or ivory, 
 394; gold, 394; jet, 41, 225, 236; polished 
 shale, 230 ; sandstone, 41 
 Cable-pattern, 48, 54, 140 
 Caesar, Julius, quoted, 19, 354, 414 ; time of, 19, 
 ^ , 276, 354, 399, 419, 486 
 Caldrons, 409 to 413 ; spheroidal, 481 
 Camden's " Britannia quoted, 31, 361 
 Canoe, rapier-blade found in, 250 
 Caprington horn, the, 362 
 Carelli quoted, 283 
 Carians armed with bronze, 8 
 Carnyx on British coins, 363 
 Carter, Mr. James, collection, 80 
 Cassiterides identified with Britain, 419 
 Casting from hafted celt, 154 ; from worn instru- 
 ments, 117, 121, 442, 449 
 Castings, defective, 81, 114, 428, 448; unfinished, 
 84, 90, 115, 175, 328 
 Catti, the, used iron, 19 
 Caylus, Count de, quoted, 20, 104 
 Cazalis de Fondouce, M., 223 
 " Celestial iron," 7 
 Celts,asamulets,i34; analysis of,40, 417, 421; cast- 
 ing, method of, in, 443 ; casting from ready 
 mounted, 154 ; casting from worn specimens, 
 117, 121, 442, 449 ; classification of, 38 ; con- 
 jectures as to, 31 to 37; copper, 2, 39, 40, 43, 
 61/145 ! decoration of, 44 to 49, 52 to 54, 60 to 
 63, 102 ; derivation of name, 27 to 29 ; flint, 
 189, 190 ; gold (?), 135 ; gradation of types of, 
 35, 7.0, 76, 77, 95, 99, i8, 153, 456, 469, 479 ; 
 hafting of, 70, 146 to 164 ; moulds for, 136, 
 143, 428, 429, 430, 442 to 450 ; " recipient " and 
 " received," 32, 107, 456 ; restored at edge by 
 hammering, 83, 112, 446, 454; shortened by 
 wear, 83,87, 112 ; stone, 40, 150; superstitious 
 reverence for, 39 ; supposed identity with 
 German framea, 151 ; tanged, included under 
 chisals, 38 ; tinned appearance of, 55, 56 ; 
 votive, 69, 135, 417 ; with interments, 41, 42, 
 44, 47, Si, 134, MS, 15, 352 
 Celts, countries where found. Austria, 69, 131, 
 144, 157; Belgium, 116; Cambodia, 142; 
 China, 142; Cyprus, 40; Denmark, 40, 52, 
 54, 60, 69, 95, 134, 159, 163 ; Egypt, 142, 147 ; 
 Etruria, 39, 132, 156 ; France, 43, 52, 54, 55, 
 77, 109, no, 115, 119, 121, 122, 129, 131, 142, 
 144, 152; Gaul, 115, 116; Brittany, 117, 124, 
 419, 445, 477 ; Savoy Lake-dwellings, 131 ; 
 Germany, 43, 52, 77, 109, 112, 116, 133, 142, 
 144; Greece, 69, 160 ; Holland, 77, 109, 133, 
 152 ; Hungary, 40, 43, no ; India, 2, 40 ; Italy, 
 104, 132, 142, 143, 155, 157, 160 ; Java, 142; 
 Jutland, 30 ; Mexico, 43 ; Portugal, 143 ; 
 Russia, 143; Siberia, 131, 143; Spain, 43; 
 Sweden, 52, 129, 143 
 Celts, flat. English, 39 to 48 ; Scottish, 55 to 59 ; 
 Irish, 39, 45, 61 to 65; copper, 39, 40, 43, 61 ; 
 decorated, 44, 49, 58, 59, 62 to 65, 69, 453 ; 
 double-ended, 69 ; doubly tapering, 44, 49, 
 69; earliest in date, 39, 107, 149, 469; iron, 
 157 ; largest found in Britain, 57 ; moulds for, 
 430, 428, 438 ; perforated, 160 
 Celts, flanged. English, 48 to 55 ; Scottish, 59 to 
 61 ; Irish, 66 to 68 ; castings for, 55 ; de- 
 corated, 48, 53, 54, 58 to 61, 66 to 69 ; doubly 
 tapering, 68, 69 ; perforated, 59; roughening 
 blade of, 67; with "flanches" on face, 60; 
 with stop-ridge, 68, 69, 73, 74, 479 
 Celts, socketed. English, 107 to 135 ; 87, 93, 94, 
 95 ; Scottish, 135 to 137, 143 ; Irish, 137 to 142 ; 
 apparently of German origin, 483 ; axe- 
 shaped, 142 ; castings for, 86 ; clay cores 
 left in, 115, 116, 186, 445 ; of copper, 145 ; 
 "flanches" on, 60, 107 to in, 131,480; of iron, 
 116, 144, 157, 159, 163 ; of lead, 445 ; method 
 of casting, 442 ; moulds for, of bronze, 438 to 
 445 ; moulds for, of burnt clay, 450 ; moulds 
 for, of stone, 432 ; origin of, 107, 483 ; rarely 
 or never found with interments in Britain, 134 ; 
 with looponface, 130; with two loops, 142, 143; 
 without loops, 133, 142, 144 ; with ribs inside 
 socket, 109, no, in ; with ribs on face, 117, 
 127, 136, 137, 140 
 Celts, winged. English, 71 to 77 ; Scottish, 97 ; 
 Irish, 99 to 102 
 Celts, trumpeters in army of, 363 
 Celtiberian method of preparing iron, 275 
 " Celiis" Roman pronunciation of, 29 
 Census, method of taking, 318 
 Centres of manufacture, independent, 106, 143, 
 " Ceraunius, 40 
 Cereals cultivated during the Stone Period, 194 ; 
 cultivated during the Bronze Period, 487. 
 See Sickles 
 Cesnola, General di, 40 
 Cetra in use in Spain and Mauretania, 354 
 Chabas, AI., quoted, 6, 7 
 Chalybes, the, 17 
 Chantre, M. Ernest, quoted, 43, 55, 88, 109, 176, 
 183, 184, 202, 297, 358,405, 478, 484 ; his classi- 
 fication of hoards, 458 
 Chapes, 285, 305 to 307 ; wooden, 302 
 Chariots of Early Iron Age, 389, 403 
 Chierici, Professor, quoted, 422 
 Chilian celt of copper, 145 
 China, steel imported to Rome from, 19 
 Chinese antiquarian work, 263 ; halberd, 262; in- 
 fluence, 478 ; spear-heads, 329 
 Chisels, 16510 173, 113, 148; Aztec, 166; celts used 
 as, 38, 133, 146 ; Egyptian, 8, 166 ; flint, i6s ; 
 narrow, 259; mould for, 
 172 ; from Swiss Lake-dwe 
 keted, 171 
 419 ; socete, 171, 
 ellings, 166 ; tanged, 
 Christy collection, 142 
 Chronos, sickle of, 15 
 Cicero's facetious inquiry, 275 
 Cimbrians used iron, 19 
 " Cire perdue" method of casting, 427, 449 
 " Clacnan nathaireach," 394 
 Clasps, 396 ; or slides, 308 ; found with celts, 144 ; 
 gold, 139 
 Clerk, Baron, collection, 98, 214, 218 
 Clipeus longer than cgtra, 354 
 Coins, British, 118, 134, 181, 354, 363, 399, 470; of 
 Cunobehne, 181, 354; of Dubnovellaunus, 181; 
 ofEppillus,363; of Hadrian, 117 ; of gold and 
 silver, 322; Italian, 283 ; Roman, 115, 117,
 363 ; Spanish, 354 ; Syracusan, 426 ; of Tas- 
 ciovanus, 354, 363 ; ot Verica, 354, 399 ; un- 
 known in Bronze Age, 487 
 Collars, with beads strung on iron wire, 381. See 
 " Commander's staff," 262 
 Commerce between Britain and the Mediter- 
 ranean countries, 483, 485 ; of the Etruscans, 
 413, 476 ; of the Phoenicians, 419, 475, 479 ; 
 with the East, 413 
 Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology, Buda-Pest, 
 180 ; Stockholm, 288 
 Continental influence on British forms, 106, 143, 
 297, 379> 472, 479 to 486 
 Cooke collection, 128 
 Cooke, Mr. B., quoted, 33 
 Copper Age, in America, 2 ; in Europe, 2 ; in 
 modern times, 4 
 Copper, bars of, 424 ; blades, 265 ; cakes, 422 ; 
 cakes with Roman inscriptions, 423 ; celts, 
 Chilian, 145 ; celts, Etruscan, 39 ; celts, 
 Indian, 2 ; celts, Irish, 61 ; early sources 
 of, 8, 14, 418 ; halberds, Irish, 265 ; ingots, 
 426; knives, Esquimaux, 211 ; lumps of 
 (see Metal) ; native, 3, 418, 4:9 ; perforated 
 axe, 265 ; punches, or sets, modern, 265 ; 
 pyrites, 419 ; saw from Santorin, 184 ; 
 smelting of, 422 
 Cord, traces of, on celt, 160 ; traces of, on dag- 
 ger, 226 
 Cores of clay for bells, 384 ; extraction of, 186, 
 451 ; method of casting with, 443 ; remaining 
 in celts, 115, 116, 186, 445; wooden and 
 bronze, 445 
 Cornwall, native copper in, 419 ; native tin in, 
 Cotton, Charles, Esq., 133 
 Crannoges, Irish, 220, 486 
 Crawfurd, Mr. J., quoted, 9 
 Crofton Croker collection, 131 
 Cross-guards of daggers or knives, 309 
 Crotals or rattles, 361 
 Crowbar, 161 
 Crucibles, probably of clay, 427 
 Cumae, Battle of, 355 
 Cuming, Mr. Syer, quoted, 37, 306, 340 
 Cunliffe, Sir R. A., collection, 55 
 Cunnington, Mr., F.S.A., quoted, 189, 242 
 Cunobeline, hammer on coins of, 181 ; shields on 
 coins of, 354 
 Cups, amber, 243, 486 ; gold, 407 ; hanging, 408 ; 
 with interments, 189, 190, 226, 239, 243 
 Curved cutting tools, 180 
 Dactyli, invention of metals ascribed to, 15 
 Daggers, 222 to 247, 254, 256 to 260 ; Danish, 254 ; 
 Egyptian, 254, 420 ; French, 223, 234, 238, 
 243, 254; German, 246; Hungarian, 236; 
 Irish, 234, 239, 244, 254; Italian, 236, 241, 
 287 ; methods of hafting, 227 to 236 ; moulds 
 for, Italian, 434 ; ornamented on blade, 234, 
 241, 246; Peruvian mode of holding, 246; 
 Scandinavian, 234, 236, 252; socketed, 260, 
 480; tanged, 222, 223, 224, 254, 258, 259, 260 ; 
 tanged, peculiar to Britain, 480 ; with stone 
 axes in interments, 161, 224, 225 
 Datmachus quoted, 17 
 Dalmatian hammer, 183 ; chisels, 172 
 Danubian province of bronze antiquities, 478, 482 
 Darbishire, Mr. R. D., F.S.A., 438 
 Davy, Mr. H. A., 87 
 Dawkins, Prof. W. Boyd, F.R.S., 475, 477 
 Day, Mr. R., F.S.A., collection, 61, 62, 65, 102, 
 105, 138, 139, 140, 141, 171, 172, 176, 212, 246, 
 259. 293. 3i5. 325, 35 8 
 Delas, inventor of bronze, according to Theo- 
 phrastus, 15 
 De fionstetten, 104 
 De Champlain quoted, 3 
 De Fellenberg referred to, 422, 425 
 Defoe quoted, 362 
 Dentalium necklace, 394 
 Desor, Prof., collection, 86, 180 
 Diadems, 184 ; Danish and German, 394 ; gold, 
 4 2 > 393 
 Dickinson, Mrs., collection, 80, 84, 386 
 Diodorus Siculus quoted, 202, 275, 363, 426 
 Dionysius said to nave struck coins of tin, 426 
 Discs with concentric circles, 401 ; periorated, 
 Dolabra, Roman, 36 
 Dolmen, French, 293 
 Donovan's analysis of trumpet, 360 
 Douce and Meyrick collection, 109 
 Douglas, "Naenia Brit.," quoted, 34, 233 
 Dow, Rev. John, quoted, 35 
 " Dowris Find," golden lustre on articles from, 
 " Druidical pruning-hook," 32, 200 
 Druid's altar, supposed, 114 
 Dryden, Sir Henry, collection, 74 
 Dubnovellaunus, hammer on coin of, 181 
 Duke, Rev. E., collection, 166, 377, 385, 393, 432 
 Dunoyer, Mr. G. V., quoted, 35, 132, 155, 160, 431 
 Durden, Mr., collection, 134, 250, 378, 393 
 Dusaussoy, Mr., analysis by, 418 
 Dyer, Mr. Thiselton, F.R.S., 313 
 Early Iron Age of Denmark, 159 ; hoard at 
 Vimose, 195 ; interment, belonging to, 25 ; 
 trumpets of, 357, 363. See also Hallstatt and 
 Late Celtic Period. 
 Ear-rings, 391 ; gold, 393 
 Edwards, Mr. G., C.E., 368 
 Egerton, Sir P. de M. G., F.R.S., collection, 91, 
 169, 331, 464 
 Egypt, bronze as circulating medium in, 8 ; early 
 rarity of iron and steel in, 6 ; early use of 
 bronze in, 475 ; lead bronze used in, 419 
 Egyptian arrow-heads, leaf-shaped, 318 ; axes, 
 142, 147 ; celts with ears, 147 ; chisels, 166 ; 
 daggers, 234, 254 ; daggers, analysis of, 420 ; 
 daggers, socketed, 261, 480; hatchet still 
 hafted, 148 ; hoe-like instrument, 142 ; method 
 of fixing adze blades, 159 ; rings, penannular, 
 391 ; swords, 298 ; tongs, 185 
 Elissa, bronze sickle of, 18, 194 
 Enamel on bronze articles, 135 ; red, on shields, 
 Encrinite beads, 394 
 Engelbardt, Mr. Conrad, quoted, 159, 164, 195 
 Enniskillen, Earl of, F.R.S., 61, 180, 282 
 Ennius, iron used in Italy before the days of, 18 
 Epaulettes, originally intended for protection of 
 shoulder, 374 
 Esquimaux, handles of instruments, 195 ; knives 
 of copper, 211 
 Etruscan, celts, 132; commerce, 413, 476; gold 
 necklaces, 39; helmets, 355; influence on 
 form of Irish vases, 412, 476, 481 ; rings with 
 loops, 400 ; tomb, copper celt in, 39 ; urns at 
 Hallstatt, 412 
 Euripides quoted, 16 
 Fabrics, woven, 474 
 Fabricius, T. A., quoted, 151 
 Falmouth, Earl of, golden(?) celt belonging to, 135 
 Faussett collection, 129 
 Fenton, Mr., 223 
 Fenton, Mr. S., 306 
 Ferris, Dr., 348 
 Ferrules, 338 to 341, 256, 257, 309, 315, 3'7, 333 ! 
 African celt-like, 340 ; Danish, 309, 340 ; flat, 
 404 ; gold, 309, 313 ; Irish, 340 ; iron, 341 
 " Ferrum*' used for sword in Cesar's time, 276 
 Fibula of silver, 155 ; with interment, 387, 400 
 Fiji, conch-shell trumpets from, 359 
 Files, bronze, 7, 181, 184, 185 ; iron, 184
 Finds of bronze. See Hoards of Bronze 
 Finger-rings, 198, 391 
 Fisher, Mr. Marshall, collection, 53, 78, 79, 91, 
 121, 248, 254, 272, 282, 286, 322, 328 
 Fish-hooks, 192 
 Fitch, Mr. R., F.S.A., collection, 52, 114, 120, 282 
 Flaminius Nepos, 374 
 " Flanches" on celts, 60, 107 to in, 131, 480 
 Flint, arrow-heads, 42, 167, 223, 226, 236, 238, 318, 
 391 ; Etruscan, 39 ; celts, 189, 190 ; chipped, 
 243, 366; chisels, 165; flakes, 167, 366; flakes i 
 used as saws, 454 ; implements, 189, 224, 225 ; | 
 implements, French, 223 ; implements, Irish, 
 271; knives, 41, 225, 240; scraper, 225; simi- 
 larity between Irish and Portuguese forms, j 
 271 ; spear-heads, 190, 225 ; " strike-a-lights," 
 Flowe'r, 2 Mr. J. W., F.G.S., 122, 242, 270 
 Forbes, Mr. David, F.R.S., 148, 165 
 Forel, M., collection, 210, 441 
 Franks, Mr. A. W., F.R.S., quoted, 37, 49, 
 5i, 135, 199, 257, 299, 302, 330, 353, 363, 404, 
 405, &c. 
 Frederick, Sir Charles, 257, 260 
 Gage, Mr., F.S.A., 343 
 Garrucci, Padre, 341 
 Garthe, Dr. Hugo, collection, 448 
 Gastaldi, Prof., 202 
 Gauls, gold torques among the, 374 ; Isumbrian, 
 had iron swords, 19 ; of North of France had 
 iron mines, 9 
 Gaulish reaping machine, 194 ; torques used for 
 trophy, 374 ; trumpets, 363 
 Genthe, Rector, quoted, 21 
 Geoffrey's experiments, 12 
 Gesenius, suggestion of, 5 
 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., quoted, n, 16 
 Glass beads, 134, 135, 366, 394, 485, 487 
 Gold, bracelets, 180, 209, 283, 285 ; buttons, 394 ; I 
 clasps, 139, 391 ; Cornish celt, doubtful, 135 ; 
 diadems, 42, 393; ferrules, 309, 313; fillet, 
 239; mines, Egyptian, 8; necklaces, 39; on 
 dagger hilts, 51, 228, 232 ; ornaments, 51, 304, 
 39ii 393; Merovingian, 117; pins for inlaying, 
 51, 228, 232 ; plates, 51, 232, 244 ; plates, cres- 
 cent-shaped, 394 ; probably the first metal 
 used, 418 ; rings, 389, 390, 393 ; torques, 90, 
 180, 209, 374, 375, 376, 379, 390; trophy of 
 Gaulish torques, 374 
 Gongora y Martinez, Don M., 238 
 Goodwin, Mr., 347 
 Gordon, Sir R., 218, 289, 340, 362 
 Gouges, 173 to 177, 319, 320, 336 ; French, 176 
 Gozzadini, Count, quoted, 37 
 Gray, Mr. W., collection, 352, 412 
 Greece, early use of iron in, 14 
 Greek axe, 161 ; fret on Chilian celts, 145 ; lan- 
 guage, testimony of, 10 ; sword, 298 ; vases, 
 representations on, 340 
 Greenwell, Rev. Canon, F.R.S., collection, pas- 
 sim; quoted, 37, 41, 151, 224, 227, 387, 389, 
 400, 407, 8cc. 
 Grimm quoted by M. Muller, 10 
 Grose quoted, 363 
 Gross, Dr. Victor, collection, 114, 176, 183, 195, 
 422, 431, 449 
 Gudea, King of Assyria, 9 
 Gun-metal, 415 
 Hafting. See Handles and Hilts 
 Halberds, 261 to 270 ; Chinese, 263 ; Irish, 263, 
 266, 268 ; iron, 263 ; Italian, 480 ; mode of 
 attachment to shaft, 262 ; rare in Britain, 
 270 ; Russian, 263 ; Scandinavian, 262 ; Scot- 
 tish, 269; Spanish, 271 
 Hallstatt, 23, 25, 69, 144, 181, 184, 229, 288, 293, 
 308, 342, 355, 389, 393, 394, 401, 405, 409, 412 
 Hammers, 177 to 181 ; bronze, 81, 94, 319, 442, 
 451 ; in Bologna hoard, 180 ; casting tor, 361 ; 
 clay mould for, 450 ; formed of part of pal- 
 stave, 180; Hungarian, 180; Lake-dwellings, 
 181 ; looped, 180 ; stone, 165 ; stone with inter- 
 ment, 51, 232, 353, 405 
 Handles to celts, 146 to 164 ; to celts, club-like, 
 149 ; to celts, elbowed, 146 ; to celts, original, 
 150 ; to iron celt, 144, 157 ; to Italian celt, 155 ; 
 to knife, of amber, 228 ; to stone celts, of stags- 
 horn, 150; to vessels, variety of, 414 
 Hare, remains of, at Barton Mere, 486 
 Harford, Mr. E. J., F.S.A., quoted, 34 
 Harland, Mr. H. S., 118, 226 
 " Has to. Pura," 218 
 Hatchets, iron, 148 
 Hearne, quoted, 31 
 Hector, gold- ringed spear-head of, 313 
 Helmets, bronze, 355 ; Late Celtic, 356 
 Herodian quoted, 355 
 Herodotus quoted, 17 
 Hesiod quoted, 16, 17 
 Hiero, Tyrant of Syracuse, 355 
 Hieroglyphic inscriptions on axes, 147 
 Hildebrand, Dr. Hans, quoted, 21 
 Hilts of daggers, 229 to 236 ; of rapiers, 252 to 
 56 ; of swords, 286 to 300 ; proportional to 
 lades, 277 ; made of amber, 228 ; made of 
 ivory, inlaid with amber, 299; made of ox- 
 horn, 252; inlaid, of dagger, 352 
 Hoards of Bronze 
 Abergele, 144, 308, 404, 405, 471 
 Achtertyre, 136, 315, 382, 425, 468 
 Allhallows, Hoo, 214, 230, 467 
 Alnwick, 43, 113, 285, 321, 391, 465 
 Ambleside, 285, 465 
 256 ; 
 Amiens, 52, 157, 176, 201, 206, 249, 371, 398 
 Vrreton Down, 
 473, 480 
 49, 243, 244, 257, 258, 260, 464, 
 ngton, 78, 118, 466 
 Battleleld, 43, 86, 405, 464 
 Beachy Head, 94, 283, 423, 467 
 Beacon Hill, 43, 174, 321, 466 
 Beddington, no, 174, 320, 340, 423, 447, 468 
 Bernay, 77, 78, 79 
 Bilton, 113, 129, 282, 314, 320, 465 
 Blackmoor, 464 
 Bloody Pool, 338, 339, 465 
 Bo Island, 180, 292, 466 
 Bologna, 104, 143, 172, 173, 176, 180, 183, 184, 
 185, 210, 217, 288, 341, 448, 480 
 Brechm, 290, 465 
 Broadward, 168, 285, 319, 320, 336, 338, 397, 465 
 Broxton, 91, 169, 331, 464 
 Burgesses' Meadow, Oxford, 81, 169, 179, 467 
 Burwell Fen, 467 
 Camenz, 202, 384, 390, 459 
 Carlton Rode, 78, 94, 113, 119, 121, 122, 133, 167, 
 Chnshall, 117, 283, 465 
 Clare, Postlingford Hall, 48, 464 
 Cleveland, 447, 468 
 Corsbie Moss, 290, 464 
 Cumberlow, 04, no, 134, 424, 467 
 Danesbury, 423, 468 
 Downs, 176, 179, 211, 220, 293, 335, 360, 361, 410, 
 411, 412, 452, 468 
 Dreuil, 109, no, 129, 144, 176, 208, 283, 370, 393, 
 403, 404, 405 
 Duddingston Loch, 289, 315, 335, 409, 424, 465 
 Dunbar, 220, 465 
 Earsley Common, 113, 134, 424, 468 
 Eaton, 447, 468 
 Ebnall, 167, 174, 187, 466 
 Edington Burtle, 197, 249, 320, 325, 330, 377, 
 385, 39i, 464 
 Exnmg, 174, 394, 466 
 Flixborough, 465 
 Fresne la Mere, 180, 183, 189, 209, 375 
 Fulbourn, 279, 282, 320, 340, 464 
 Glancych, 285, 304, 315, 340, 389, 461 
 Greensborough Farm, Shenstone, 285, 465
 Guilsfield, 87, 114, 174, 285, 302, 315, 336, 339, 
 424, 467 
 Hagbourn Hill, 144, 322, 368, 466, 470, 471 
 Harty, Isle of, no, in, 174, 177, 181, 186, 211, 
 214, 308, 403, 441, 442, 453, 457, 468 
 Haxey, 89, 129, 465 
 Haynes' Hill, 297, 305, 320, 403, 467 
 Heathery Burn Cave, no, 118, 166, 172, 175, 
 185, 206, 211, 219, 285, 314, 365, 372, 381, 386, 
 388, 391, 401, 402, 412, 424, 447, 451, 468 
 Helsdon Hall, 424, 467 
 High Roding, 109, 116, 424, 468 
 Hollingbury Hill, 76, 115, 378, 386, 390, 464 
 Hotham Carr, 84, 92, 440, 468 
 Hounslow, 128, 175, 210, 451, 466 
 Hundred of Hoo, 95, 460 
 Kenidjack Cliff, 95, 119, 423, 451, 467 
 Kensington, 158, 174, 401, 424, 450, 467 
 Kingston Hill, 126, 423, 467 
 Lamballe, 116 
 Lanant, 206, 285, 340, 423, 451, 467 
 Larnaud, Fonderie de, 68, 131, 167, 176, 184, 
 192, 448, 456 
 Little Wenlock, 113, 234, 314, 336, 452, 465 
 Llandysilio, 93, 119, 206, 465 
 Llangwyllog, 81, 192, 219, 387, 389, 400, 466 
 Longy Common, 321, 467 
 Maentwrog, 248, 328, 465 
 Harden, 198, 208, 211, 308, 366, 381, 388, 450, 
 45i, 467 
 Martlesham, 113, 119, 120, 129, 174, 206,424,467 
 Mawgan, 116, 184, 250, 465 
 Melbourn, 174, 389, 397, 466 
 Meldreth, 172, 201, 411, 424, 466 
 Moussaye, 115, 116, 445, 477 
 Nettleham, 86, 92, 131, 314, 330, 395, 465 
 Newark, 118, 316, 402, 466 
 Nottingham, 93, 118, 317, 322, 339, 465 
 Panfield, 468 
 Pant-y-maen. See Glancych 
 Pierre du Villain, 214, 279, 397 
 Plenee- Jugon. See Moussaye 
 Plymstock, 50, 165, 241, 259, 464 
 Point of Sleat, 289, 315, 372, 465 
 Porkington, 168, 174, 466 
 Quantock Hills, 77, 377, 447, 464 
 Reach Fen, 79, 112, 118, 122, 133, 167, 174, 187, 
 205, 210, 211, 213, 216, 229, 283, 305, 314, 315, 
 317, 3i9, 396, 400, 467 
 Reepham, 466 
 Rhosnesney, 55, 90, 226, 464 
 Romford, 86, 172, 424, 467 
 Roseberry Topping, 129, 172, 174, 178, 397, 424, 
 St. Hilary, 285, 423, 467 
 Shenstone, 285, 465 
 Sittingbourne, 113, 174, 424, 467 
 Stanhope, 118, 129, 174, 179, 315, 403, 466 
 Stibbard, 84, 328, 457, 464 
 Stoke Perry, 270, 282, 305, 314, 465 
 Tarves, 290, 372, 465 
 Taunton, 116, 178, 198, 218, 367, 389, 466 
 Thorndon, 174, 177, 189, 205, 319, 466 
 Thrunton Farm, Whittingham, 280, 288, 314, 335, 
 To 4 urs, 44 8 
 Trillick, 180, 389, 399, 466 
 Ty-Mawr, 129, 168, 315, 381, 39, 46 
 Viraose, 159, 195 
 Wallingford, 87, 128, 167, 206, 219, 321, 457, 466 
 Wallington, 89, 333, 382, 465 
 Wandle River, 282, 316, 368, 465 
 Wedmore, 376, 378, 466 
 West Buckland, 96, 377, 386, 464 
 Halton, 113, 118, 120, 424, 467 
 Westow, 85, 118, 130, 168, 172, 174, 388, 450, 467 
 Westwick Row, 112, 424, 468 
 Weymouth, 279, 313, 419, 464 
 Whittlesea, 131, 175, 179, 46 
 Wick Park, 120, 304, 423, 450, 467 
 Wicken Fen, 76, 199, 205, 287, 464 
 Wickham Park, 95, 340, 423, 448, 468 
 Wilmington, 87, 447, 468 
 Winmarleigh, 118, 314, 335, 466 
 , , 
 Woolmer Forest, 378, 383, 390, 464 
 Worth, 254, 313, 402, 464 
 Worthing, 87, 423, 467 
 Wrekin Tenement, 285, 338, 465 
 mington, 113, 466 
 tendon, 169, 403, 466 
 , Sir Richard Colt, quoted, 34, 44, 51, r34, 
 163, 190, 232, 241, 242, 352, 369, 405, and 
 Hodgson, Rev. John, quoted, 35 
 Holmes, Mr. J./collection, 201:328 
 Homer, bronze or copper? mentioned by, n ; 
 mentions tin, 12 ; other metals, 13 
 Homeric Age 16, 18, 161, 242, 3^, 340 
 Hones. See Whetstones 
 Hood, Sir A. A., Bart., collection, 119 
 Hoops, 402 
 Horns, curved, found in Denmark, 363 
 Horn, the Caprington, 362 
 Horn, used, 225, 226, 227, 252, 487 
 Horse-trappings, 396 
 Hostmann, Dr., quoted, 21 
 Hugo, Rev. T., F.S.A., quoted, 36 
 Hugo collection, 65, 104, 105, 284 
 Hungary, native copper in, 419 
 Hungarian province of bronze antiquities, 482 
 Hutchms, Mr., quoted, 94 
 Imitation rivets, 235, 257, 260, 344 
 Inlaying of metals, 13, 296, 297 ; wood and amber, 
 51, 228, 232, 368, 487 
 Instruments, broken, converted into another form, 
 180, 211, 361, 454; tanged, of earlier date 
 than socketed, 456 
 Intercourse between Britain and the Continent, 
 I0 6> 143, 162, 379, 413, 483; Ireland and 
 Spam, 271 
 Interments, 41, 42, 237, 238, 239 ; burnt, 51, 96, 
 189, 190, 224, 226, 233, 241, 242, 243, 366, 384, 
 394, 474, 485 ; contracted, 44, 51, 134, 190, 
 223, 244, 380 ; comparison ot size of men of 
 the Stone and Bronze Periods, 277 ; in a hide, 
 with fern leaves, 225 ; in wooden cist, 241 ; 
 Late Celtic, 23, 391 ; with beads, 135, 366, 394 ; 
 with bracelets, 135, 385, 387 ; with awls, 189, 
 190,191, 225, 241, 319, 392, '457; with axes, 
 190, 226; with celts, 41, 42, 44, 47, 51, 134, 
 145, 150, 352 ; with stone hatchets, 204 ; with 
 stone hammers, 51, 232, 353, 405 ; with knife 
 daggers, 41, 161, 204, 225, 226, 256, 367, 480 ; 
 with marine shells, 189, 394 ; tree-burials, 
 190, 226, 228, 241, 243, 301, 367, 474 ; um- 
 bunals, 42, 190, 191, 217, 226, 234, 384, 391 ; 
 at Hallstatt, 412 ; various modes of, 473 
 lonians armed with bronze, 8 
 Ireland, use of iron probably later than in Britain, 
 471 ; never occupied by the Romans, 276 
 Iron, ancient, preservation of, 25 ; approximate 
 date of introduction into Britain, 472 ; " Ce- 
 lestial," 7; celts, 116, 144, 157, 159, 163; 
 Celtiberian method of tempering, 275 ; col- 
 lars and belts, 355 ; currency, 17 ; date of 
 discovery of, from the Arundelian "marbles, 
 14 ; effects of long burying, 275 ; files, 184 ; 
 forms copied from bronze, 23, 95, 144, 299; 
 hatchet from Bolivia, 148 ; meteoric origin 
 of, 7; mines in France, 19; probably un- 
 known till after the separation of Aryan 
 nations, 10; pyrites in urn, 243, with inter- 
 ment, 225, for obtaining fire, 487 ; religious 
 avoidance of, in Egypt, 6 ; self-fused mass of, 
 15 ; succession of, to bronze, 4, 6, 16, 22, 23 ; 
 spear-heads, 342 ; swords, 19, 274, 275, 276 ; 
 280, 287, 297, 299, 300, 343, 354; used in 
 Britain before Roman invasion, 19, 276, 354, 
 471, 472 ; used by the Catti, 19 ; used by the 
 Gauls, 19 ; used in ancient Greece, 14, 15 ; 
 used in Italy, 19
 Italian, coins with type of sword, 283 ; origin sug- 
 gested for Northern bronze antiquities, 21 
 Ivory, bracelets, 485 ; buttons, 394, 485 ; dagger 
 handles, 233 ; exported from Gaul to Britain, 
 486 ; hilts to iron swords, 229 ; hooks, 485 ; 
 nippers, 233 ; pieces of, with bronze rivets, 
 241; pins, 51, 233, 241, 485 ; rings, Egyptian, 
 391 ; tweezers, 241 ; war trumpets, African, 
 James, Sir Henry, F.R.S., quoted, 426 
 Japanese sabres, 275 
 Java, socketed celt from, 142 
 "Javelin with loop," 256 
 Jeffrey, Mr., F.S.A.Scot., 351 
 Jerome, St., quoted, 27, 28 
 Jet, beads, 118, 158, 189, 336,394; Buttons, 225, 
 236 ; discs, 190 ; loops, 308 ; necklaces, 189, 
 190, 487 ; ornaments, 485 ; pendant, 190 ; used 
 for decorations, 373 
 Jets and runners, 450 
 Jewitt, Mr. Llewellynn, F.S.A., quoted, 44, 453 
 Job, book of, quoted, 5 ; translation of, by St. 
 Jerome, 27 
 Tones, Hon. Col. C. C., quoted, 3 
 Jutland, flat celts in, 30 
 Keller, Dr. F., quoted, 150, 195 
 Kendrick, James, M.D., 46, 158 
 Kirwan, Rev. R., 134, 224 
 Klemm, Dr., cited, 153 
 Knife-daggers, antiquity of, 222, 457 ; associated 
 with stone implements (see Stone and Bronze 
 together) ; attached to haft by perishable 
 rivets, 226; ornamented, 212, 237; perforated, 
 225 ; Scottish, 238 ; short and broad, 240 ; 
 Spanish, 238 ; with handle of yew, 207 ; with 
 haft of ox-horn, 225 ; with interments, 41, 161, 
 204, 205, 226, 256, 367, 480 
 Knives, 204 to 216 ; flint, 41 ; flint with inter- 
 ment, 225, 240 
 Knives, socketed, curved, 204, 205, 209 ; double- 
 edged, 205 to 208, 167, 216, 480 ; Irish, 207 ; 
 looped, 210, 215 ; moulds for, 449 ; with fluted 
 blade, 205 
 Knives, tanged, 211 to 216 ; curved, 209, 214, 215 ; 
 Danish and German, 215 ; made from broken 
 swords, 2ii ; moulds for, 433; perforated, 213, 
 215 ; single-edged, 214, 215, 480; tang ending 
 in head of animal, 213 ; tangs flat, 211, 212 ; 
 with rings on blade, 215 
 Koudourmapouk, King of the Soumirs and Ac- 
 cads, 9 
 Laconia, steel of, 17 
 Lake-dwellers probably cut straw, 
 Lake-dwellings of Savoy, 95, 131, 191, 371; of 
 Switzerland, 13,95, "4, 37; insight in 
 civilisation given by, 4 
 to early 
 Lake Superior, native copper found near, 3, 418 
 Lance-head, 368 
 Lane Fox, Gen. A. See Pitt-Rivers, Gen. A. 
 LateCeltic Period. Arrow-heads, 318; bridle-bits, 
 144, 368, 405, 470; bracelets, 135, 387, 388; 
 brooches, 400; buckles, 144, 368, 470; celts, 
 *?7> I44 157, 163; chariots, 389, 403; ear- 
 pugs, 393 ; ferrules, Irish, 340 ; helmet, 356 ; 
 interments, 23, 25, 135, 471 ; pins, 144, 369 ; 
 remains, 135, 144, 385; sheaths, 302, 308; 
 shield, 353 ; spear-heads, 144, 342 ; swords, 
 229, 275, 299, 343 ; torques, 381 ; trumpets, 362 ; 
 vessel with iron handle, 409 
 Lauth, Prof., quoted, 7 
 Laveissiere, Messrs., gun-metal, 416 
 Lawrence, Mr. W. L., F.S.A., 45 
 Layton, Mr. T., F.S.A., callection, 52, 126, 284, 
 Lead, absent in early bronze, 417 ; at butt-end of 
 palstave, 97 ; socketed celts, made of, 445 ; in 
 small socketed celts, from Brittany, 417 ; in 
 articles from Dowris, 360 ; spoken of by Job, 5 
 Lead bronze used in Egypt, 419 
 Leather sheath for flint dagger, 309 ; for bronze 
 knives, 309 ; for Scandinavian dagger, 252 ; 
 thongs for securing hatchet, 148 
 Leland quoted, 30 
 Lepsius quoted, 7 
 Lichas the Lacedemonian, 18 
 Lichfield, Mr., collection, 94, 127 
 Lindenschmit, Dr. Ludwig, quoted, 21, 81, 202 
 Lisch, Dr. F., quoted, 151, 262 
 Livy quoted, 354 
 Local peculiarities of bronze antiquities, 24, 477 
 Londesborough, Lord, collection, 345 
 " Long Barrow " period, skeletons of, 277 
 Loops or slides, 403 ; of jet, 404 
 Lort, Rev. Mr., F.S.A., quoted, 31, 33, 439 
 Lovelace, Earl of, 245, 316 
 Lubbock, Sir John, F.R.S., quoted, 20, 37, 149, 
 157. 274, 276, 427, 475 
 Lucretius quoted, 16 
 Lukis, Rev. W. C., F.S.A., 181, 385 
 " Lurer," or curved horns found in Denmark, 363 
 Lusitanians, bronze spears among the, 17 
 Lycurgus, iron currency in time of, 17 
 Lydia, steel of, 17 
 Macadam, Dr. Stevenson, quoted, 56, 362, 410, 
 , Mr. W. T., quoted, 349 
 Maces, 271, 272 ; perforated stone, 51 
 Macrobius quoted, 275 
 Madsen quoted, 52, 54, 288, 404 
 Magnentius, bronze swords attributed to time of, 
 Malacca the principal Eastern source of tin, 424 
 " Malga," Australian wooden weapon, 263 
 Manetho quoted by Plutarch, 8 
 Manillas, or African ring money, 387 
 Manlia Gens, denarii of, 374 
 Mariette, M., quoted, 6 
 Marine shells with interments, 189, 394 
 Martineau and Smith quoted, 415 
 Masons of Peru still use stone pebbles as mallets, 
 Massagetae a bronze-using people, 17 
 Mayer collection. See Museums, Liverpool 
 Medea, bronze sickle of, 18, 194 
 Medhurst, Mr., collection, 127 
 Medicinal use of iron in ancient Egypt, 6 ; 
 " virtue in brass," 31 
 Mediterranean province of bronze antiquities, 
 Memnon, sword of, 18 
 Menelaus, battle-axe of, 14 
 Meriones, arrow of, 18 
 Merovingian gold ornaments, 117 
 Metals, 415 to 426 ; admixture of other than 'cop- 
 per and tin in bronze, 346, 360, 417, 420 ; 
 early use of, i to 20, 418, 420 ; lumps of, 81, 
 8 7, 94, "3, "9, 120, 283, 423,425, 442, 449, 459, 
 Meteoric origin of first-known iron, 7, 15 
 Mexican, bronze, 4 ; name for copper transferred 
 to iron, 10 
 Meyrick collection, 109, 205, 271, 351, 356; Sir 
 Samuel, quoted, 155 
 Milles, Rev. Dr., collection, 48 
 "Minds," Irish, 42, 394 
 Mines, Egyptian gold, 8 
 Minerva, Temple of, at Phaselis, 18 
 " Missile hatchets," 162 
 Mitchell, Dr. Arthur, F.S.A. Scot., 437 
 Molyneux, Sir T., quoted, 358 
 Money, suggestion that celts served as, 17 
 Montelius, Dr. O., quoted, 109, 26?, 288, 298 
 Montezuma II., axe of, 148 
 Morlot, M., quoted, 26
 " Morning Star," or flail, 271 ' 
 Mortillet, M. Gabriel de, 405, 456, 457 
 Mortimer, Messrs. .collection, 43, 113,190,227, 230 
 Mortise and tenon, 171 
 Moseley, H. N., F.R.S., 263 
 Moulds, 427 to 450 ; bronze, 84, 174, 438 to 448 ; 
 clay, 427, 428, 448, 449 ; clay, for buttons, 401 ; 
 stone, 143, 158, 180, 250, 428 to 438 ; notches 
 on, 436 ; wooden, for British coins of tin, 445 i 
 Movers, Prof./quoted, 5 
 Miiller, Prof. Max, quoted, 10 
 Miiller, Dr. Sophus, quoted, 21 
 Abbeville, 335 
 Agram, 177 
 Alnwick Castle, 46, 116, 285, 287, 368, 386 
 Amiens, 119, 183, 201, 206, 208, 371, 398 
 Assen, 109 
 Belfast, 430 
 Berlin, 39, 173, 184, 234, 262, 263, 298, 299, 441, 
 Boulaq, 261 
 Boulogne, 238, 250 
 Bourges, 307 
 Bristol, 217 
 Brunswick, 288 
 Buda-Pest, 142, 327 
 Caen, 86 
 Cambridge Ant. Soc., 174, 199, 205, 259, 270, 
 fji, 272, 279, 
 Carcassonne, 3 
 Chambery, 131, 184 
 Chateaudun, 122 
 Clermont-Ferrand, 119, 176, 341, 438 
 Copenhagen, of Northern Antiquities, 172, 259, 
 288, 353, 432, 441 
 Cracow, Academy of Sciences, 181 
 Darmstadt, 91, 441 
 Devizes, see Stourhead 
 Dorchester, 432 
 Dover, 113 
 Dresden, Preusker collection, 437 
 Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, passim ; Trinity 
 College, 220, 431 
 Edinburgh, Ant., passim; Advoc. Library, 289 
 Elgin, 333 
 Evreux, 77 
 Exeter, 51 
 Florence, 156 
 Geneva, 210 
 Gottingen, 77 
 Gratz, Johanneum, 288 
 Hanover, 184, 308, 441 
 Kiel, 262 
 Laibach, 246, 393, 428 
 Lausanne, 260 
 Leipsig, Deutsche Gesellschaft, 221 
 Le Puy, 293 
 Lewes, 87, 447 
 l.eyden, 89, 133, 173, 176, 22 1 
 Linz, 153 
 Liverpool, Mayer collection, 52, 81, 82, 83, 
 88, 129, 168, 319, 351 
 London, British Museum, pas. 
 49, 90, 125, 348, and passim 
 Lyons, 131, 301, 441 
 Madrid, 97 
 Malmoe, 262 
 Metz, 131 
 Modena, Museo Civico, 401, 437 
 Munich, 445 
 Namur, 109 
 Nantes, 121, 124, 230, 250, 252, 281, 339 
 Narbonne, 43, 121, 122, 172, 254, 341 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 78, 116, 125, 285, 351 
 Norwich, 78, 80, 134, i?3, 175, 178, 199, 281, 318 
 Oxford, 287 ; Ashmolean, 81, 169, 189, 216, 225 
 Paris, d'Artillerie, 301; Hotel Cluny, 176; 
 Louvre, 185 
 Plymouth, Athenaeum, 228 
 Poitiers, 119, 176, 214, 221, 398, 44i, 447 
 Prague, 308 
 boc. Ant., 
 Rennes. 287 
 St. Germain, 171, 248, 293, 328, 448 
 St. Omer, 131 
 Salisbury, Blackmore, 80, 81, 91, no, 114, 120, 
 132, 175, 256, 237, 248, 426 
 Salzburg, 152, 355 
 Scarborough, 211, 401 
 Schwerin, 262 
 Sheffield, Bateman collection, 42, 44, 113, 172, 
 150, 168, 172, 190, 205, 225, 279, 280, 307, 321, 
 327, 390, 392, 393, 409, 430, 447 
 Sigmaringen, 173, 176 
 Soissons, 80 
 Stockholm, 122, 143, 353, 448 
 Stourhead, 219, 322, 368, and passim 
 Stuttgart, Cabinet of Coins, 142 
 Taunton, 119, 198, 249, 320, 325, 328, 330 
 Toulouse, 41, 97, 119, 122, 131 
 Tours, 86, 172, 207, 254, 401, 435 
 1 rent, 107 
 Turin, Royal Armoury, 288 
 Vannes, 215, 449 
 Vienna, Ambras, 148; Antiken Cabinet, 86, 
 , 131,. 299, 355 
 VVarnngton, 123, 335 
 Wisbech, 131, 175, 179 
 Wurzburg, 308 
 " Museum Moscardi," quoted, 31 
 Nail for fastening scabbard end, 305 
 Native copper, 3, 418, 419 
 Neb, projecting, on celts, 104, 160 
 Necklaces, amber, 244, 487; bone, 487 ; of dentalium 
 shells, 394 ; of glass beads. 135 ; jet, 189, 190, 
 Necropolis, Alban, 341 
 Needle of bronze, 192 ; wood, 226 
 Neolithic Period, gouges developed in, 165 
 Neville, Mr. F., quoted, 358 
 Nickel present in bronze of shield, 346 
 Nilsson, Prof., 419 
 Nitzsch quoted, 14 
 Noricum, iron swords of, 19 
 Norris, Mr., collection, 96 
 Northumberland, Duke of, collection, 46, 116 
 Norway, native copper in, 419 
 Noulet, Dr., 142 
 Objects of uncertain use, 306, 308, 396, 397, 405 
 Obsidian instruments from Santorin, 184 
 Odyssey, description of hardening axe in, 14 ; 
 testimony of, as to axe- heads, 161 
 O'Gorman, Mr. T., quoted, 398 
 Oppert, M., referred to, 9 
 Orestes, bones of, 18 
 Origin of term celt, 27 ; of term palstave, 71, 72; 
 continental, of British bronze forms, 108, 115, 
 143, 297, 379 
 Ormerod, Mr. G. W., F.G.S., collection, 82 
 Ornaments, 374 10395, 481, 483 to 486; bronze, 
 rare in Britain, 395, 481, 487 ; gold, 51, 304, 
 39 1 , 393, 487 : for horse-trappings, 404 ; sil- 
 ver, 2 
 Ornamentation on bronze, preserved by patina, 
 46 ; cable pattern, 54, 60, 140 ; chevron pat- 
 terns, 90, 145, 160, 180, 320, 321, 330, 338 ; by 
 enamel, 135, 338 ; fern-leaf pattern, 61, 102 ; 
 Greek fret, 145 ; by inlaying of metals, 13, 
 296, 297 ; by hatched lozenges, 53, 66, 218 ; by 
 punching, 67, 187, 319, 453 ; by matted pat- 
 terns, 53, 74; resembling Roman numerals, 
 203 ; rings, 296 ; rings concentric, on shields, 
 347 to 353 ; ring and pellet, 124 et segg- ; 
 shield-shaped, 128 ; on back of Swiss Lake 
 knives, 203 
 Osteological observations, 278, 475 
 Overlapping of Stone and Bronze Periods, i, 24 
 Owen, Prof., F.R.S., cited, 296
 Paalstab, the term, 71, 72 
 Palafitta of Castione, 153 
 Palstaves, 70 to 106, 159, 169 ; broken, with broken 
 torques, 378 ; castings for, go, 448 ; Danish, 
 95, 151, 163 ; development of, from flat celts, 
 107, 472 ; double-looped, 95 to 97, 104, 105 ; 
 edge renewed by hammering, 92, 454 ; French, 
 81, 88, 91, 97, 160; German, 80, 83, 91; Ice- 
 landic, 71 ; Irish, 81, 99 to 105, 160; iron, 157, 
 159; looped, 80, 98, 103; moulds for, 431, 439, 
 440 ; of two metals from Hallstatt, 95 ; origin 
 of term, 71 ; roughening blade of, 77 ; 
 Scottish, 77 to 79, 99 ; socketed celts evolved 
 from, 108, 472 ; Spanish, 90, 97, 161 ; transi- 
 tional forms between celts and, 76, 77, 95, 
 472 ; with ridges on recesses for handle, 79 ; 
 with transverse edge, 85, 105, 159; with 
 socket formed by wings, 85 ; worn by re- 
 sharpening, 83, 87, 454 
 Paris Exhibition of 1878, 97, 448 
 Patina, preservation of ornament by, 46 
 Patrick, Mr. R. W. Cochran,:F.S.A., 362 
 Patroclus, funeral games of, 15 
 Pausanias, quoted, 15, 18 
 Payne-Knignt collection, 94 
 Pegge, Rev. Samuel, F.S.A., quoted, 33, 42, 226 
 Pelhgot, Prof., analysis of Breton celts, 417 
 Pelta or buckler of Greeks and Macedonians, 354 
 Penguilly 1'Haridon, M., quoted, 162 
 Pennant's "Tour" quoted, 200 
 Pentateuch, mention of metals in, 5 
 Percy, Dr. J., F.R.S., quoted, II, 40, 420, 424, 
 Perthes, Boucher de, collection, 3.15 
 Peru, bronze in, 4 ; use of stone mallets in, 165 
 Peruvian mode of holding dagger, 246 
 Pest, Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology at, 
 Petrie collection, 140 
 Phillips, Mr. J. A., F.G.S., 422,426 
 Philology, testimony of, 9, no 
 Philoxenus quoted, 168 
 Phoenician trade with Britain, 419, 475, 470 
 Pins, 365 to 373! 134. 135, I9i, 282, 290, 322; 
 associated with swords, 290, 372 ; bone, with 
 Roman remains, 365 ; curved, 368 ; Danish, 
 gold-plated, 372 ; French, 370 ; German, 371 ; 
 gold, for inlaying, 51, 228, 232 ; Irish, 369, 371, 
 372 ; Late Celtic, 368, 369 ; looped, 368, 369 ; 
 Scottish, 372 ; spiral, 370 ; Swiss, 370 ; 
 twisted, 191, 366; with amber inlaid, 368; 
 with annular heads, 367 ; with flat heads, 
 290, 365, 371 ; with perforated heads, 96 
 Pindar quoted, 17 
 Pipe of bone, 366 
 Pisander, axe of, 18 
 Pitt-Rivers, Gen. A., F.R.S., 37, 84, 205, 313, 328, 
 Plates, 'conical, with central hole, 316; convex, 
 351 ; with rims, 402 ; flat, 402 ; gold, articles 
 made of, 244 ; gold, lozenge-shaped, 51, 232 ; 
 horse-shoe shaped, 405 ; with lunate open- 
 Pliny quoted, 18, 19, 194, 355 
 Plot, Dr., quoted, 31, 42,133 
 Plutarch quoted, 19 
 Pollux, Julius, mentions currier's chisel, 168 
 Polybius quoted, 275, 363 
 Pommels, of dagger hilts, 229 ; to iron sword, 
 229 ; object like, with links of chain, 296 ; 
 cast on core of clay, 290 ; to Scottish swords, 
 Porsena, articles of peace tendered by, 18 
 Poseidon, trident of, 15 
 Poste, Mr. Beale, quoted, 308 
 Pottery, from barrows, 407 ; of Bronze Age, 407, 
 487 ; from Swiss Lake-dwellings, 13 
 Pownall, Governor, F.S.A., quoted, 203 
 Preservation of iron, 25 
 Prickers of bronze for extracting clay cores, 186. 
 See Awls 
 Prigg, Mr. H., quoted, 187 ; collection, 127 
 Proportion between size of tool and handle, 277 
 Proximity of objects no proof of identity of date, 
 25, 117, 273, 470 
 Psammetichus, brazen helmet of, 8 
 Punches, used in ornamenting, 67, 68, 187, 188, 
 453 ; serrated, 319, 320 
 Punic War, Second, 19, 275 
 Pyramid, Great, iron wedge found in, 7 
 Pyrites, iron, 225, 243, 487 ; copper, 419 
 Queen Aah-Hotep, axe found in tomb of, 148 
 Queen's Drive, Edinburgh, swords found at, 28 
 " Quincussis," 283 
 Rabat, M., collection, 180, 368 
 Rameses III., tomb of, 7 
 Ramsauer, Herr, 157 
 Ramses, the name on Egyptian axe, 147 
 Rapier-shaped blades, 245 to 254, 328, 333; 
 broken, regarded as a steel, 250 ; rare in 
 hoards, 256 ; with hilt of ox-horn, 252 
 Rattles, crotals, or bells, 361, 364 
 Ravaliere, Levesque de la, quoted, 20 
 Ravensworth, Lord, collection, 288, 335 
 Razors, 217 to 221, 480 ; continental forms, 221 ; 
 crescent-shaped, 221 ; from Lake-dwellings, 
 215 ; Irish, 218, 318 ; perforated, 218 to 221 ; 
 tanged, 217 to 219 ; tanged, peculiar to Bri- 
 tain, 480 
 Read, Mr. C., 231 
 Reaping-hooks, of flint, 194 (see Sickles); 
 Saturn's, 17 
 Reaping-machine, Gaulish, 194 
 "Recipient" and "received," the terms as ap- 
 plied to celts, 107 
 Religious rites, use of bronze in, 18 
 Repousse work on Late Celtic bracelets, 388 
 Reproduction in bronze of stone forms, 40 
 Reverence, superstitious, for celts, 39 
 Rhcecus and Theodoras, the Samians, 15 
 Rhind, Mr. A. Henry, 274, 275 
 Richardson, Dr. Richard, quoted, 155 
 Rickman, Mr., quoted, 35 
 Rings, 38810 391; 82, 135, 158, 290; bone, 51, 
 232 ; of caldron, 411 ; concentric, on shields, 
 347 to 353 ; connecting straps of harness, 
 399; dentated, for maces, 271; Egyptian, 
 391; Etruscan, 400; gold, 389, 390, 391; 
 hollow, with transverse perforations, 389, 398, 
 399 ; interlinked, 405 ; Irish, in pairs, 389 ; on 
 loop of celt, n8, 158 ; penannular, 198, 390, 
 391; and plates as ornaments for horse- 
 trappings, 404 ; and pellet ornament, 124 to 
 127 ; spiral, 76, 390, 391 ; stone mould for, 
 158 ; twisted, 390 
 Ring-money, African, 387 ; Irish, 391 
 Rivets, horn or wood, 227; imitation of, 235, 
 257, 260, 344 ; long, for barbed spear-heads, 
 338 ; numerous, for trumpet, 362 
 Robinson, Mr. T. W. U., F.S.A., collection, 411, 
 Rod, with birds and rings, 406 
 Rolleston, Prof., F.R.S., quoted, 25, 277, 287, 
 Roman, coins, at Kara Bre,32, 115 ; commemora- 
 tive of victories, 363 ; priests, bronze knives 
 of, 18 ; pronunciation of celtis, 29 ; remains, 
 116; sword, long, 275 
 Roman numerals, ornaments resembling, 203 
 Rome, best steel imported to, from China, 19 
 Rosse, Earl of, collection, 361, 411 ; his speculum 
 metal, 416 
 Rossi, Prof. Stefano de, quoted, 37 
 Roughening of butt-end of celts, 67, 77, 160 
 Rowland quoted, 31, 32 
 Rubbing-stones for grinding and polishing, 361, 
 Sabine priests, bronze knives of, 18 
 Sabres, Japanese, 275 
 Sacken, Baron von, 157, 181, 246, 308 
 Sagartii, the, had bronze daggers, 17 
 Sagas, use of term Paalstab in, 72 
 Sanford, Mr. W. A., F.G.S., collection, 06, 377 
 Sanscrit term for iron, 10 
 " Sarcophagus with ashes " in cairn, 273 
 Savoy Lake-dwellings. See Lake-dwellings 
 Saws, 183, 184 ; flint flakes used as, 454 
 Saxon cemeteries, preservation of iron in, 25 
 Saxony, native copper in, 419 
 Scabbards and scabbard-ends, 301 to 309, 336 ; 
 French, 301 ; localities where found, 481 ; 
 Scottish, 304 
 Scandinavia never occupied by the Romans, 276 
 Scarabzus of bronze, 155 
 Schliemann, Dr., quoted, 40, 166, 224, 297, 438 
 Schreiber, quoted, 43, 52, 104 
 Scott, Lady John, collection, 60 
 Scythians, the, did not use bronze, 17 ; method of 
 taking census among, 318 
 "Seare" or Sickle, 200 
 Segested cited, 52 
 Seidler, Mr. Charles, collection, 441 
 Severus, Britons of the time of, 355 
 Sharp, Mr. S., F.S.A., collection, 43 
 Sharpeners, 7 ; broken bronze rapier regarded as, 
 Shaw, Mr. S., collection, 234 
 Sheaths, bronze, 301 ; bronze, for iron sword, 302 ; 
 leather, 252, 289 ; wooden, with interment, 
 , 302 
 J; on British coins, 354 ; Italian, 
 iltic, 363; Scottish, 349; with 
 ly Iron swords, 354 ; with interment, 352 
 ields,'343 to 356 ; on 
 353 ; Late Celtic, 
 Early Iron sword 
 Shiffner, Sir H., Bart., collection, 53 
 Shipp, Mr., 233 
 Sickle of Chronos, 15 ; of Elissa and Medea, 18, 
 194; ot Saturn, 17 
 Sickles, 194 to 203, 480, 487; English, 197 ; Scot- 
 tish, 199 ; Irish, 200 ; French, 201 ; German, 
 202 ; Italian, 202 j Scandinavian, 195 ; Swiss, 
 195, 202 ; method of hafting, 196 ; flat, with 
 knobs on blade, 197,480; socketed, 195, 198 et 
 seqq., 480 
 Sidpnius quoted, 162 
 Sigimer, his followers provided with missile 
 hatchets, 162 
 Silver, apparently unknown in the Bronze Age, 
 487 ; ornaments at Gungeria, 2 
 Simpson, Rev. Sparrow, D.D., collection, 147 
 Sinai, copper from peninsula of, 8 
 Sinclair quoted, 200 
 Sinope, steel of, 17 
 Sistrum-like instruments, 405 
 Slafter, Rev. E. F., quoted, 3 
 Smith, Dr. Aquilla, 67 
 Smith, Mr. C. Roach, F.S.A., quoted, 274; col- 
 lection, 249, 280, 325, 330, 351 
 Smith, Mr. Ecroyd, 168 
 Smith, Dr. John Alexander, 56, 199, 221 
 Soldering unknown in the Bronze Age, 425 
 Solly, Mr. S., F.S.A., 233 
 Sophocles quoted, 194 
 Spain, tin in, 419, 424 
 Spear-heads, 310 to 338 ; absent from barrows, 
 342 ; African, 340 ; Arreton Down type, 257, 
 260 ; barbed, 337, 338, 481 ; castings for, 84 ; 
 Celtic, in the Alban Necropolis, 341 ; 
 Chinese, 330; "eyed," 333; ferruled, 257; 
 flint, 190, 225; Greek, 313, 340; inlaid with 
 gold, 313 ; Irish, 311, 320 ; iron, 342 ; leaf- 
 shaped, 248, 254, 312 to 321, 341, 481 ; looped 
 on blade, 248, 327 to 331 ; looped on socket, 
 321 to 326 ; moulds for, 435 to 438 ; perforated, 
 288, 330 to 337 ; retaining portion of shaft, 
 312, 313, 316, 327; tanged, 257, 258; types 
 peculiar to Britain, 341 ; where found, 481 
 Speculum-metal, 178, 416 
 Spindle-whorl, 383 
 Spirals, their absence in Britain, 2 
 beads, 394, 485 
 Spiral rings, 76, 390, 391 
 Spoon-like articles, 406 
 Squier and Davis quoted, 3 
 Stag's-horns, 284 ; horn handle to brass instru- 
 ment, 163 ; handle to celts, 150 ; instruments 
 in barrow, 226; instruments like netting- 
 meshes in barrow, 190 
 Stair, Earl of, collection, 137 
 " Stake," possible origin of this name for a small 
 anvil, 181 
 Stature of men interred in Yorkshire barrows, 
 Steel of three kinds produced by the Chalybes, 
 17 ; helmet of Hercules, 17 ; known in 
 Homer's day, 14 ; Japanese method of 
 preparing, 275 ; reaping-hook of Saturn, 17 ; 
 of Sinope, 17 
 Stevenson, Mr., collection, 440 
 Stiletto and bodkin, served a double purpose, 369 
 Stone, Mr., 391 
 Stone, Mr. Edward, in 
 Stone anvils, 181 ; mallets, 165 
 Stone, forms reproduced in bronze, 40 ; and 
 bronze associated, 41, 42, 51, 161, 165, 189, 
 190, 223, 224, 225, 226, 232, 236, 238, 243, 256, 
 366, 39i, 405, 452, 453, 456, 480, 487 
 Strabo quoted, 17, 19, 486 
 Strobel, Prof., quoted, 108, 202 
 Stukeley quoted, 31, 87, 107, 189 
 Succession of iron to bronze, 4, 6, 16, 22, 23 
 Sullivan, Prof. W. K., 417, 420 
 Superposition of articles of different date, 26 
 Superstitious reverence for beads, 394 ; for celts, 
 Survival of celts as amulets, 134 ; of'flanches" 
 as ornaments, 60, 107, 108, no, in, 131 
 Sweden, native copper in, 419 
 Swiss Lake-dwellings. ^Geographical Index. 
 Swords, 273 to 300 ; British, 275, 278 to 287 ; 
 Celtiberian, 275 ; Danish, 286, 296, 298, 309 ; 
 Egyptian, 298 ; Finnish, 299 ; French, 281, 
 287, 293, 297, 301 ; Gaulish, 300 ; German, 
 298, 299; Greek, 297 ; Hallstatt, 299; Hun- 
 garian, 276; Irish, 291, 293 to 296; Italian, 
 274, 297 ; from Mycenae, 297 ; Roman, 275 ; 
 Scandinavian, 274, 276, 287, 296, 298; Scottish, 
 273, 289, 290, 291 ; from site of Troy (presumed), 
 298; Spanish, 275; Swiss Lakes, 280, 287, 
 Swords, absent from interments, 273, 274, 277 ; 
 date of, 273, 274, 275, 276 ; Early Iron, 274, 
 275, 276, 280, 287, 297, 299, 300, 343, 354; 
 found in a moss arranged in a circle, 288 ; 
 inlaid, 296, 297 ; length of, 275 ; methods of 
 mending, 254, 293 ; mode of grasping, 276 ; 
 on Italian bronze coin, 283 ; types almost 
 peculiar to Britain, 481 ; with bronze sheaths, 
 Sword-hilts and hilt-plates added by casting, 
 287, 290 ; Danish, 276 ; Hungarian, 276 ; 
 ferrules on, 306; gold on, 286, 296, 298; 
 of ivory inlaid with amber, 299 ; longitudinal 
 slots in, 278, &c.; pommels to, of alabaster, 
 291 ; pommels with curved horns, 288 ; pom- 
 mels of lead, 285 ; with plates of bone, horn, 
 or wood, 278, 286, 290, 293, 296; spirals on, 
 rare in Britain, 287 
 Sydenham, Mr., 237 
 Tacitus, quoted, 275, 354 
 Talbot de Malahide, Lord, collection, 104 
 Tamassus, mart for copper at, 14 
 Tasciovanus, coins of, 354, 363 
 Teeth of animals in barrows, 42, 189 
 Telamon, battle of, 275'. 
 Telchines, the, gold, silver, and copper discovered 
 by, 15 
 Teutonic languages, name for copper in, 10 
 Thebes, paintings in sepulchres at, 7, 185 
 Theophrastus quoted, 15 
 Theseus, grave of, 18 
 Thorns, Mr., note on Paalstabs, 72 . 
 Thomsen, Councillor, 72 
 Thorlacius quoted, 151 
 Thurnara, Dr., F.S.A., quoted,' 44, 134, 188, 189, 
 191, 216, 222, 225, 230, 232, 236, 241, 242, 369, 
 Tin, bead of, 394; coins of, 445 ; early sources of, 
 418; Egyptian, source unknown, 8 ; exported 
 from Britain, before Roman invasion, 419, 
 476 ; found in Brittany, 419 ; fragments of, 
 136, 315, 425 ; in bronze, loss of, by fusion, 
 418 ; in hoards of bronze, 425 ; in ingots, 426 ; 
 Malacca, principal Eastern source of, 424; 
 mentioned by Homer, 12 ; pure metallic, 425 ; 
 pure, used by early Greeks, 12; Spain, 
 principal Western source of, 424; trade 
 with Britain for, 424 ; used for soldering, 
 Tinned, implements supposed to be, 55, 56, 57 
 Tischler, Dr. Otto, 24 
 Tongs, 185 
 Torquati, origin of their name, 374 
 Torques, 374 to 381 ; 76, 96, 198 ; beaded, 181 ; 
 Danish, 379 ; on denarii of the Manlia Gens, 
 374 ; derivation of name, 374 ; funicular, 375 
 to 377; gold, 90, 180, 209, 375, 376; gold, 
 Gaulish, 374 ; gold, Irish, with ball at each 
 end, 379 ; Late Celtic, 381 ; ribbon, 90, 379 ; 
 rings on, 390 ,391 
 Towneley, Mr. Charles, 48 
 Tree-burial. See Interment. 
 Tresca, M., 416 
 Trevelyan, Sir Charles, collection, 89, 333 ; Sir 
 Walter, 386 
 "Tribulum," the, 202 
 Trojans, " bronze-speared," 16 
 Troy, swords rare on the presumed site of, 298 
 Troyon, M., collection, 131 
 Trumpets, 357 to 364 ; African, of elephants' 
 tusks, 359 ; broken and repaired by burning, 
 360 ; English, 363 ; found at Downs, 361 ; 
 from Fiji, of conch shells, 359 j'Gaulish, 363 ; 
 Irish, 357, 361 ; Late Celtic, 362 ; metal of, 
 360, 363 ; Scottish, 363 ; with lateral opening, 
 "iTuagh-catha," Irish war-axe, 263 
 Tubal-Cain, 5 
 Tubes, 265 ; looped, 397 
 Tucker, Mr., F.S.A., 254 
 Tuscan cities, bronze ploughshare used in found- 
 ing, 18 
 "Tutuli," 402 
 Tweezers, 191, 192 ; ivory, 241 
 Umbrian coins with the type of a sword, 283 
 Unfinished castings, 84, 90, 115, 175, 328 
 Uralian province of bronze antiquities, 477 
 Urn-burials, 42, 190, 191. 217, 226, 234, 384, 391 ; 
 at Hallstatt, 412 
 Urns, cinerary, 474; cinerary, said to contain 
 sword, 273 ; of coarse earthenware, 87 ; found 
 at Chiusi, 156; inverted, 234 
 Urus, remains of, at Barton Mere, 486 
 Utilization of broken instruments, 180, 361, 454 
 Vallancey quoted, 138, 176, 200, 201, 234, 263, 361 
 399; as to Irish moulds, 439 
 Variations in implements cast in the same mould. 
 Various centres of bronze-founding in Britain 
 143, 477 
 \ r ases of Etruscan origin, 413, 481 
 Vauquelin's analysis of Egyptian dagger, 420 
 Verica, gold coins of, 354, 399 
 Vessels, amber, 407 ; bronze, 361 ; bronze, coni- 
 cal, 413 ; bronze, ornamented, 413 ; bronze, 
 with iron handle, 409 ; gold, 408 ; sandstone, 
 409 ; shale, 407 
 Virgil quoted, 12, 13, 16, 194 
 Von Bibra, referred to, 422 
 A^on Estorff quoted, 315 
 Von Sacken quoted, 157, 181, 246, 308 
 Votive celts or hatchets, 69, 135, 417 ; hoards, 457 
 Vulgate, different readings of, 28 
 Wakeman, Mr., collection, 303 
 Wakeman, Mr., quoted, 252 
 Wallace, Mr. J. R., collection, 
 Warburton, Air., 447 
 Ware, Mr. Samuel, F.S.A., quoted, 48 
 Warne, Mr. C., F.S.A., quoted, 234, 238, 243 
 Watson, Mr. C. Knight, Sec. S.A., quoted, 27 
 Way, Mr. Albert, F.S.A., quoted, 37, 50, 51, 166 
 " Welding," the term, 293 
 Westendorp quoted, 152 
 Westwood, Prof., quoted, 8r 
 Whetstones in hoards, 113, 397, 452 ; with inter- 
 ments, 51, 225, 226, 242, 366; in urns, 163, 
 217; use of, 453 
 Whincopp, Mr., collection, 260 . 
 Whitaker, Dr., collection, 48 ; quoted, 47 
 Whitaker, Mr. W., F.G.S., 248 
 Wibel, Dr., 419 
 Wickham, Mr. Humphrey, collection, 214, 230 
 Wilde, Sir W. R., 37, 39, 40, 61, 65, 67, 101, 155, 
 170, 184, 252, 264, 293, 306, 311, 357, 360, 361, 
 364, 372, 389, 399, 4io 
 Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, quoted, 5, 6, 185 
 Wilshe collection, 208 
 Wilson, Prof. Daniel, quoted, 58, 72, 99, 136, 137, 
 169, 176, 207, 209, 214, 272, 273, 337, 348, 354, 
 Wilton' Jlev. George/ 167 J 
 Wood preserved by salt, 152 ; preserved by salts 
 of copper, 160; preserved by salts of iron, 
 Wooden hafts for celts, 144, 149, 150, 151, 155, 
 157 ; handle of sickle, of yew, 195 ; handle of 
 knife, of yew, 207 ; shafts for spears, of ash, 
 312, 313 ; shafts for spears, of beech, 339 ; 
 shafts for spears, of bog-oak, 313 ; sheath 
 for dagger, 308 ; sheath for dagger, ap- 
 parently of willow, 233 
 Woodward Collection, 167 
 Worm, Dr. Olaf, quoted, 30 
 Worsaae, Councillor, quoted, 72, 163, 276, 298, 
 457, 478, 482 
 Wright, T., F.S.A., quoted, 9, 20, 37, 274, 400 
 Yates. Mr. James, F.R.S., quoted, 36, 168 
 Young, Mr. A. Knight, collection, 296
 See also "Hoards" and "Museums" in General Index. 
 Toddington, 321 
 Wymington, 113, 466 
 Ashdown, 322 
 Blewbury, 225 
 Cottle, 215 
 Fyfield, 322 
 Hagbourn Hill, 144, 322, 368, 466, 470, 471 
 Isis, near Little Wittonham, 343 
 Kennet and Avon Canal, 247 
 Newbury, 77, 81, 259, 308 
 Rowcroft, Yattendon, 242 
 Speen, 330, 333, 337 
 Sunningwell, 80 
 Sutton Courtney, 223 
 Thames, near Bray, 199 
 near Maidenhead, 245 
 Thatcham, 247 
 Theale, 247 
 Wallingford, 87, 128, 167, 206, 219, 321, 457, 466 
 Wantage, 79 
 Windsor, 84, 113, 199, 281, 314, 340 
 Yattendon, 169, 403, 466 
 Buckinghamshire, 81 
 Hawridge, 279 
 Lodge Hill, Waddesdon, HI 
 Thames, near Datchet, 330, 333 
 Wiuslow, 380 
 Aldreth, 279 
 Barrington, 78, 118, 128, 466 
 Bottisham, 79, 83, 88, 112, 314 
 ,, Lode, 92, 123, 175, 328' 
 Burwell Fen, 74, 79, 82, 83, 113, 248, 258, 336, 378, 
 Cambridge, 94, 127, 179, 244,281/323, 371 
 Chatteris, 250 
 Coveney, Isle of Ely, 129, 248 
 Fen, 328, 346 
 Downham Fen, 199 
 Duxford, 43 
 Ely, 01, 254 
 Fens at, 53, 78, 121, 282, 286, 322 
 Fens, 43, 83, 90, 91, 93, "6, 122, 129, 245, 248, 317, 
 Fen Ditton, 123 
 Fordham, 254 
 Fulbourn, 279, 282, 320, 340, 464 
 Harston, 79 
 Isleham Fen, 327 
 Malton, 397 
 Manea, 270 
 March, 52 
 Matlow Hill, 366 
 Melbourn, 174, 389, 397, 466 
 Meldreth, 172, 201, 411, 424, 466 
 Mildenhall Fen, 78, 133 
 Newton, in, 422 
 Quy Fen, 79, 316 
 Reach Fen, 79, 112, 118, 122, 133, 167, 174, 187, 205, 
 210, 211, 213, 216, 229, 283, 305, 314, 315, 317, 
 319, 396,'40o, 467 
 Shippey, Ely, 79 
 Soham Fen, 245 
 Stretham Fen, 199 
 Swaffham Fen, 78, 259 
 Waterbeach, 245, 248, 250 
 Whittlesea, 131, 175, 179, 466 
 Wicken Fen, 76, 199, 205, 287, 464 
 Wisbech, 131 
 Broxton, 91, 169, 331, 464 
 Grappenhall, 43 
 Wilmslow, 228, 238 
 Cornwall, 96, 116, 119, 135, 385, 419, 425, 426 
 Angrowse Mullion, 243 
 Camelford, 438 
 Falmouth, 426 
 Fowey River, 369 
 Harlyn, 42 
 Karn Bre, 32, 115, 119 
 Kenidjack Cliff, 95, 119, 423, 451, 467 
 Lanant, 206, 285, 340, 423, 451, 467 
 Launceston, 119 
 Mawgan, 116, 184, 250, 465 
 Penvores, 95 
 Penzance, 81 
 Redmore, 400 
 Rillaton, 407 
 t. Austell, 
 St. Hilary, 
 St. Michael's 
 , 423, 467 
 ount, 31 
 K K2 
 Cumberland, 322 
 Aspatria, 86 
 Camp Graves, Bewcastle, 314 
 Irthington, 85 
 Keswick, 93 
 Longtown, 73 
 Naworth Castle, 334 
 Wigton, 73 
 Derbyshire, 175 
 Bakewell, 316 
 Biggen Grange, 168 
 Blakelow, 42 
 Borther Low, 42 
 Brassington Moor, 88, 228 
 Brier Low, 226 
 Brough, 122 
 Carder Low, 225, 226 
 .Dow Low, 237
 Duffield, 325 
 Lea, at Stratford-le-Bow, 258 
 End Low, 225 
 River, 280 
 Haddon Field, 190 
 Mardyke, 254 
 High Low, 453 
 Lark's Low, 190 
 Matlock, 42, 259 
 Panfield, 468 
 Plaistow Marshes, 338 
 Romford, 86, 172, 424, 467 
 Middleton, 226 
 Stifford, 282 
 Minning Low, 190, 225 
 Thames, near Barking Creek, 284 
 near Erith, 122 
 NarrowdTle 4 Hi 22 , 4 228 
 Walthamstow, 317, 411 
 Parcelly Hay, 225 
 Parwich Moor, 42 
 Peak Forest, 122 
 Shuttlestone, 42, 150 
 Stakor Hill, 392 
 Ablington, 241 
 Cirencester, 241 
 Kilcot Wood, Newent, 48 
 Standlow, 231 
 Thor's Cave, Walton, 385 
 Throwley, 190 
 Waggon Low, 190 
 Wardlow, 314 
 Meon Hill, 133 
 Nether Swell, 217 
 Severn, near Wainlodes Hill, 80 
 South Cerney, 81 
 Stanton, 73 
 Devonshire, 95 
 Whittington, 45 
 Bloody Pool, 338, 339, 465 
 Broad Down, Farway, 134 
 Arreton Down, Isle of Wight, 49, 243, 244, 257, 
 Chagford, 82 
 259, 260, 278, 464, 473 
 Drewsteignton, 86 
 Hammeldon Down, 228 
 Ashey Down, 226 
 Bere Hill, 234 
 Hennock, 250 
 Blackmoor, 464 
 Honiton, 113 
 Fovant, 393 
 Kent's Cavern, 206 
 Hinton, 424 
 Knighton, 434 
 Lovehayne, 81 
 Liss, 54, 383 
 New torest, 115 
 Plymstock, 50, 165, 241, 259, 464 
 Sidmouth, 47 
 Woolmer Forest, 378, 383, 39O, 44 
 Talaton, 250 
 Teigngrace, 316 
 Torrington, 244 
 Aston Ingham, 250 
 Broadward, 168, 285, 319, 320,336, 338, 340, 397, 465 
 Upton Pyne, 224 
 Winkleigh, 250 
 Bucknell, 74 
 Oldbury Hill, 90 
 Worth, 254, 313, 402, 464] 
 Ross, 91 
 St. Margaret's Park, Hereford, 340 
 AVeston, 78 
 Dorsetshire, 52, 206, 226, 233, 238, 377, 381, 393 
 Badbury, 250 
 Hertfordshire, 314 
 Bincombe Down, 226 
 Cumberlow, 94, no, 134, 424, 467 
 Blandford, 127, 175 
 Came, 242 
 Danesbury, 423, 468 
 Lea River, St. Margaret's, 315 
 Cranbourne, 282 
 Gussage St. Michael, 279 
 King Barrow, Wareham, 114 
 Maiden Castle, 237 
 Royston, 424 
 Westwick Row, 112, 424, 468 
 AVigginton, 213 
 Milton, 380, 432 
 Portland, Isle of, 115, 121, 285, 318, 333 
 Preston Down, 46 
 Purbeck, 94 
 Hammerton, 90 
 Horsey, 330 
 Taxley Fen, 43 
 Roke Down, 233 
 Spetisbury, 378 
 Wareham, 115 
 Kent, 129, 426 
 Allhallows, Hoo, 214, 230, 46- 
 > 79, 3 I 3> 4*9, 44 
 Ashford, 81, 82 
 Woodlands, 279 
 Blean, 88 
 Buckland, 88 
 Canterbury, 114, 168 
 Broomyholme, 351 
 Chester-le-Street, 116 
 Chartham, 322 
 Chatham Dockyard, 74 
 Heathery Bum Cave, no, 118, 166, 172, 175, 185, 
 206, 211, 219, 285, 314, 365, 372, 3 8l, 386, 3 88, 
 391, 401, 402, 412, 424, 447, 451, 468 
 Medomsley, 285, 389 
 Stanhope, 118, 129, 174, 179, 315, 403, 466 
 W r olsingham, 76 
 Hill, 83 
 Dover, 52 
 Harty, Jsle of, no, in, 174, 177, 181, 186, 211, 214, 
 308, 403. 441, 442, 453, 457, 468 
 Haynes Hill, 297, 305, 320, 403, 467 . 
 Hundred of Hoo, 95, 466 
 Marden, 198, 208, 211, 308, 366, 381, 388, 45, 45*. 
 Essex, 403 
 Baddow Hall Common, 43 
 Medway, Chatham Reach, 281 
 Upper Reach, 280 
 Barking Marshes, no 
 Chelmsford, 90 
 Minster, 129 
 Sittingbourne, 113, 174, 424, 467 
 Chrishall, 117, 283, 467 
 Thames at Greenwich, 284 
 Fifield, 424 
 Gray's Thurrock, 144 
 High Roding, 109, 116, 424, 468 
 off Woolwich, 351 
 Wateringbury, 109 
 Wye Down, 52
 Lancashire, 87 
 Acker's Common, 86 
 Cuerdale, 118, 314 
 Gleaston Castle, 43 
 Kirkland Cave, 168 
 Lancaster Moor, 224 
 Mow Road, Rochdale. 381 
 Read, 47 
 Risdon, 46 
 Wir ' 
 Lisdon, 46 
 Vinmarleigh, 118, 314, 335, 466 
 Vinwick, 82, 124, 158, 224 
 Beacon Hill, 43, 174, 321, 466 
 ster, 231 
 Lincolnshire, 284, 390 
 Alnwick, Sleaford, 445 
 Billinghay, 282 
 Boston, 34, 89 
 Broughton, 216 
 Burringham Common, 352 
 Klsham, 80 
 Fleet and Gedney, Sea-dike between, 285 
 Flixborough, 465 
 Haxey, 89, 129, 465 
 Horncastle, 54 
 Langton, 323 
 Lincoln, 325 
 Nettleham, 86, 92, 131, 314, 330, 339, 465 
 Newport, 177 
 North Owersby, 85 
 Scothorn, 175 
 Sleaford River, 86 
 South Kyme, 248 
 Washingborough, 279, 447 
 West Halton, 113, 118, 120, 424, 467 
 Witham River, 287, 341, 363 
 Edmonton Marsh, 205, 330 
 Hampton Court, 328 
 Hounslow, no, 128, 175, 210, 406, 451, 466 
 Kensington, 158, 174, 401, 424, 450, 467 
 London, 95, 214, 272, 356 
 Pentonville, 328 
 Teddington, 243 
 Thames, at Chelsea, 303 
 between Hampton and Walton, 352 
 near Islewortn, 52, 302 
 at or near London, 84, 86, 125, 126, 158, 
 168, 198, 205, 211, 224, 247, 249, 280, 287, 
 33. 307, 3", 3i4> 322, 325, 333, 339, 345, 
 35L 400 
 at Teddington, 303 
 near Waterloo Bridge, 356 
 Castle Hill, Usk, 114 : 
 Norfolk, 52, 167 
 Attleborough, 77 
 Carlton Rode, 78, 94, 113, 119, 121, 122, 133, 167, 
 171, 173, 175, 178, 424, 467 
 Caston, 121 
 Dereham, 199 
 Eaton, 447, 468 
 Frettenham, 120 
 Common, 131 
 Hanworth, 114 
 Helsdon Hall, 424, 467 
 Ingham, 319 
 Little Cressingham, 244 
 Methwold, 249 
 Ouse River, near Thetford, 250 
 Reepham, 466 
 Rougham, 73 
 Snettisham, -Q 
 Stibbard, 84, 328, 457, 464 
 Stoke Ferry, 270, 282, 305, 314, 465 
 Sutton, St. Michael's, 352 
 Northamptonshire, 90 
 Aston -le- Walls, 89 
 Aynhoe, 73 
 Brixworth, 285 
 Northumberland, 46, 158 
 Alnwick, 43, 113, 285, 321, 391, 465 
 Blakehope, 335 
 Hranton, 285 
 Cambo, 429 
 Cheswick, 241 
 Chollerford Bridge, 74 
 Corbridge, 248, 333, 351 
 Elford, 327 
 Ewart Park, 285 
 Ford, 244 ' 
 Harwood, 352 
 Newbiggin, 43 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 351 
 Newham, 120 
 North Charlton, 237 
 Tyne, 78 
 Rothbury, 389 
 Tosson, 285 
 Tyne, near Newcastle, 281 
 Wallington, 89, 333, 382, 46$ 
 Wallsend, 43 
 Whittingham, 280, 288, 314, 335, 464 
 Colwick, 77 
 Gotam, 190 
 Gringley, 321 
 Newark, 118, 316, 402, 466 
 Nottingham, 93, 118, 211, 317, 322, 339, 465 
 Oxfordshire, 95 
 Burgesses' Meadow, Oxford, 81, i6g,'i7t), 467 
 Cherwell River, 287 
 Culham, 75, 320 
 Dorchester, 75, 76, 78, 83, 86, 93, 109, 112 
 Dyke Hills, 343 
 Freeland, 79 
 Isis, near Dorchester, 303 
 near Eynsham Bridge, 345 
 Sandford, 248, 284 
 Stanlake, 391 
 Stanton Harcourt, 88 
 Yarn ton, 380 
 Shropshire, 270 
 Battlefield, 43, 86, 405 
 Broadward (see Here " 
 3, 234, 314, 336, 452, 465 
 Ebnall, 167, 174, 187, 466 
 Little Wenlock, 11 
 Porkington, 168, 174, 466 
 Severn, near Buildwas, 282 
 Wrekin Tenement, 285, 338, 465 
 Bath, 89, 114, 116 
 Camerton, 243, 369 
 Cheddar Valley, 96 
 Chilton Bustle, 368 
 Edington Burtle, 197, 249, 320, 325, 330, 377, 385, 
 Hamden 4 Hill, 39 
 Midsummer Norton, 279 
 Pen Pits, 377 
 Hill, 353 
 Priddy, 217, 226
 Quantock Hills, 77, 377, 447, 464 
 Sedgemoor, 119 
 Sherford, go, 330, 464 
 Sparkford Hill, 167, 197 
 South Petherton, 96 
 Taunton, 116, 178, 198, 218, 367, 389, 466 
 Tiverton, 284 
 Wadsford, 328 
 Wedmore, 376, 378, 466 
 West Buckland, 96, 377, 386, 464 
 ., Cranmore, 242 
 Wick Park, Stogursey, 120, 304, 423, 450, 467 
 Wmterhay Green, 90, 384 
 Wraxall, 381 
 Staffordshire, 31 
 Alton Castle, 282 
 Brewood, 86 
 Bushbury, 86 
 Castern, near Wetton, 385 
 Ham Moor, 190 
 St Bertram's Well, 42 
 Lady Low, 216, 224 
 Lett Low, 225, 226 
 Morridge, 86 
 Musdin, 240 
 Pattingham, 375 
 Shenstone, 285, 465 
 Stretton, 87 
 Thorncliff, 225 
 Wetton, 383, 409 
 Yarlet, 321 
 Suffolk, 48 
 Barrow, 54, 279 
 Barton Mere, 486 
 Brooms'wellj Woodbridge, 90 
 Exning, 174, 394, 466 
 J-ornham, 122 
 Hintlesham, 260 
 Honington, 91 
 Ipswich, 411 
 Lakenheath, 80, 125, 320, 322 
 Lark 'River, Icklingham, 282 
 Lidgate, 271 
 Martlesham, 113, 119, 120, 129, 174, 206, 424, 467 
 Mildenhall, 46, 78, 127, 306 
 Postlingford Hall, 48, 464 
 Sutton, 84, 87 
 Thetford, 122, 321 
 Undley, 175 
 Wetheringsett, 274, 282 
 Woolpit, 281, 328 
 Battersea, 245 
 Beddington, no, 174 320, 340, 423, 447, 468 
 Caesars Camp, Farnham m 2^0 
 Canada Wharf, RotherhithefgT 
 Ditton, 128, 245, 316, 319, 328 
 Farley 'Heath, 69, 169 ,322 
 Guildford, 120 
 Kingston, 124, 126, 321 
 Hill, 82, 423, 467 
 Thames at Battersea, 175, 278, 279, 281, 321, 327, 
 Kingston, 84, 86, 125, 211, 248, 250, 
 T 2 54, 284,338 
 Lambeth, 330 
 Richmond, 246 
 ,, Runnymede, 328 
 Vauxhall, 248, 279 
 Wandsworth, 130 
 -n- 'Ji u . mouth of Wandle, 282, 316, 368 
 H andle River, 81, 465 
 Wickham Park, Croydon, 95, 340, 423, 448, 4 f S 
 Alfriston, 114 
 Battle, 280, 363 
 Beachy Head, 94, 283, 423, 467 
 Billingshurst, 81 
 Bognor, 80, 81 
 Bracklesham, 244 
 Brighton, 80, 115 
 Chichester, 81 
 Clayton Hill, 80 
 Eastbourne, 316 
 Firle,369 ' 
 Ham Cross, 385 
 Hangleton Down, 87, 322 
 Highdown Camp, 205 
 Hollingbury Hill, 76, 115, 378, 36, 390, 464 
 Hove, 243, 453, 486 
 Ilford, 81 
 Lewes, 53, 316, 369 
 Lewes and Brighton, between, 368 
 Plumpton Plain, 52, no 
 Pulborough, 87, 119 
 Pyecombe, 318, 386 
 Storrington, 190 
 Waldron, 91 
 Westburton, 84 
 Wilmington, 87, 447, 468 
 Wolsonbury HiU, 84, 401 
 Worthing, 87, 423, 467 
 New Bilton, 245 
 Rugby, 179. 
 Wolvey, 75, 86 
 Ambleside, 285, 465 
 Brough, 53 
 Crosby Garrett, 387 
 Harbyrnrigge, 270 
 Helsington Peat Moss, 246 
 Wiltshire, 110,219,440 
 Ablington, 242 
 Abury, 366 
 Aldbourn, 241 
 Amesbury, 233, 377, 390 
 Avebury, 400 
 Barrows, 51, 190, 191, 227, 230, 241, 242, 260, 322 
 Beckhampton, 190, 322 
 Brigmilston, 226, 230, 336 
 Bulford, 190, 366 
 Water, 143, 432 
 Bush Barrow, 44, 51, 232. 352 
 Cann, 118, 134,470 
 Downton, 89, 91, 120 
 East Harnham, 83 
 Kennett, 226 
 Everley, 147, 163, 242, 366 
 Fisherton, 248 
 Fovant, 242, 393 
 Golden Barrow, 189, 224 
 Great Bedwin, 272 
 Homington, 237 
 Idmiston, 237 
 Tack's Castle, Stourton, 226 
 King Barrow, 190, 241 
 Lake, 166, 189, 242, 366, 385, 393 
 Mere Down, 223 
 Normanton, 366, 385 
 Overton Hill, 51, 134 
 Ramsbury, 87 
 Robin Hood's Ball, 216 
 Rockbourn Down, 118 
 Roundway, 223, 242 
 Salisbury Plain, 369 
 Scratchbury, 369 
 Stonehenge, 47 
 Barrow near, 189, 191, 226 
 Stourhead, 229
 Sutton Verney, 394 
 Tun Hill, 114 
 Upton Lovel, 189, 366 
 Wilsford, 51, 226, 3 22,;,66, 405 
 AVinterbourn Stoke, 229, 241, 394 
 AVinterslow, 216, 223 
 "Woodyates Barrow, 236 
 Alderney, 201 
 La Pierre du Villain, 214, 279, 397 
 Longy Common, 321, 467 
 Yatesbury, 226 
 " La Roche qui sonne," 385 
 Astley, 8 1 
 Bevere Island, 42 
 Broadway Tower, 280 
 Broust in Andreas, 120 
 Castle Hill, 120 
 Castleton, 43 
 Holt, 129, 368 
 East Surby, 44 
 Ombersley, 88 
 Perdeswell, 381 
 Kirk-bride, 120 
 Kirk-patrick. 120 
 Severn at Kempsey, 330 
 Peel, 326 
 ,, near Worcester, 337 
 Stoke Prior, 384 
 Peninnis Head, 383 
 Yorkshire, 44, 118, 129, 132, 189, 211, 226, 318, 422, 
 Arras, or Hessleskew, 23, 134, 387 
 North Wales, 78, 144 
 Bilton, 113, 129, 282, 314, 320,465 
 Bishop Wilton, 227, 228 
 Bolton Percy, 88 
 Anglesea, 79, 391, 423 
 Bodwrdin and Tre Ddafydd, between, 438 
 Bridlington, 400 
 Brigmilston, 230 
 Brompton, 76 
 Broughton in Craven, 217 
 Butterwick, 41, 151, 189, 224 
 Cawthorn, 227 
 Holyhead Mountain, 206 
 Llangwyllog, 81, 192, 219, 387, 389, 399, 400, 466 
 Llanidan, 82, 89 
 Llanvair Station, 86 
 Menai Bridge, 54, 86 
 Ty-Mawr, Holyhead, 129, 168, 315, 381, 39, 4 
 Cayton Carr, 125 
 Cleveland, 447, 468 
 Cowlam, 387, 391, 400 
 Cundall Manor, 86 
 Driffield, 223 
 Brecknockshire, 274 
 Hay, 77, 329 
 Keven Hirr Vynidd, 114 
 Earsley Common, 113, 134, 424, 468 
 Ebberston, 280, 285, 307 
 Embsay, 381 
 Kidwelly, 95 
 Fimber, 190 
 Frodingham, 113 
 Garton, 228, 230 
 Gembling-, 127 
 Givendale, 127 
 Goodmanham, 392 
 Gristhorpe, 228 
 Bryn Crug, c6, 223, 367 
 Danesfield, 90, 440 
 Glangwnny, 87 
 Moel Siabod, 351 
 Nantlle, 438 
 Helperthorpe, 227 
 Hotham Carr, 84, 92, 440, 468 
 Hull. 118 
 Humber River, 338 
 Keldholm, 452 
 Aberystwith, 351 
 Glancych or Pant-y-Maen, 285, 304, 315, 34, 3?9, 
 Pendinas Hill, 79 
 Knapton, 41 
 Langton Wold, 189 
 Leeds, 242 
 Lowthorpe, 327 
 Middleham, 335 
 Middleton, 118 
 Abergele, 144, 308, 404, 405, 471 
 Llandysilio, 93, 119, 206, 465 
 Rhosnesney, 55, 9, 226 4 6 4 
 Morley, 328 
 Pickering, 227, 228 
 Raisthorp, 43 
 Ravenshill Harrow, 190 
 Glamorganshire, 282, 375 
 Corbridge, 86 
 Great Wood, St. Pagan's, 119 
 Reeth, 76 
 Roseberry Topping, 129, 172, 174, 178,397,424,468 
 Mynydd-y Glas, 119 
 New Forest, 205 
 Rudstone, 224. 225 
 Scale House, Barrow near, 474 
 Seamer Carr, 124, 213 
 Sherburn Carr, 43 
 Wold, 223 
 Ogmore Down, 356 
 Pendoylan, 338 
 Pont Caradog, 43 
 Swansea, 43 
 Stanwick, 314. 328 
 Tadcaster, 118, 158 
 Thixendale, 168 
 Three Tremblers, 240 
 Ulleskelf, 93,132 
 Westow, 85, 118, 130, 168, 172, 174, 388, 450, 4"J7 
 Wolds, 391, 473 
 Wykeham Moor, 366 
 Merionethshire, 144 
 Barmouth, 285 
 Cader Idris, 375 
 Castell-y-Bere, 401 
 Cynwyd, 79 
 Dolgellau, 285
 Harlech, 248, 345 
 Maentwrog, 248, 328, 465 
 Monach-ty-Gwyn, 77 
 Tomen-y-Mur, 226 
 Vronheulog, 93, 321 
 Bowermadden, 372 
 Forse, 289 
 Kettleburn, Pict's House near, 192 
 Caersws, 81 
 Dumbarton, 391 
 Guilsfield, 87, it4, 174, 285, 302, 315, 336, 339, 424, 
 Old Kirkpatrick, 324 
 Llandrinio, 81 
 Llanfyllin, 78 
 Llanrhaiadar-yn-Mochnant. 380 
 Applegarth, 60 
 Birrenswark, 97 
 Llan-y-Mynech Hill, 318 
 Trefeglwys, 322 
 Drumlanrig, 55 
 Fairholm, 247, 322 
 Lochar Moss, 381 
 " Castle Tump, The," Newchurch, 247 
 Llansanffraid.'Cwm Deuddwr, 270 
 St. Harmon, 81 
 Preston Tower, 382 
 Woodhouse Farm, Knighton, 90 
 Scotland, 97, 126, 166, 170, 238, 252, 289, 290, 291, 
 308, 424, 471 
 Edinburgh, 289 
 Cobbinshaw, 56 
 Duddingston Loch, 289, 315, 335, 409, 424, 405 
 Edinburgh, 190, 289, 372. 401 
 Arthur's Seat, 136, 289 
 Bell's Mills, 135, 136 
 Leith Citadel, 136 
 Aberdeen, 289 
 Aboyne, 388 
 Alford, 430 
 Belhelvie, 378 
 Burreldale Moss, 97 
 Gogar Burn, 304 
 Kinleith, 221 
 Lawhead, Farm of, 57 
 Ravelston, 56 
 Edengerach. 200 
 Forest of Birse, 136 
 Kintore, 57, 430 
 Sluie, 270 
 Urquhart, 378 
 Lumphanan, 380 
 Memsie, 273 
 Methlick, 289 
 Redhill Premnay, 382 
 Strathdon, 388 
 Fifeshire, 289 
 Auchtermuchty, 247 
 Collessie, 239 
 Tarland, 57 
 Dams, 61 
 Tarves, 290, 372, 465 
 Tullynessle, Lord Arthur's Cairn, 97 
 Ythsie, 304 
 Dunino, 57 
 Falkland, 59, 269 
 Kilrie, 244 
 Pettycur, 99 
 St. Andrew's, 218 
 Argyleshire, 289 
 Barcaldine, 97 
 Callachally, Isle of Mull, 239 
 Campbelton, 207, 260, 437 
 Cleigh, 239 
 Irvine, 289 
 Kilmartin, 430 
 Forfarshire, 289 
 Brechin, 290, 465 
 Cauldhame, 304 
 Dean Water, 326 
 Denhead, 337 
 North Knapdale, 135 
 Southend, Cantire, 136 
 Strachur, 170 
 Forfar, 320 
 Leuchland, 289 
 Linlathen, 239 
 Loch of Forfar, 136 
 Ayrshire, 289 
 Caprington, 362 
 Coilsfield, 362 
 Bowerhouses, Dunbar, 220, 465 
 Corsbie Moss, 290 
 Kilkerran, 410 
 Lugtonridge, Beith, 348 
 Trochrig, 430 
 Ardgour House, 56 
 Benibhreae, Hill of, 406 
 Craigton, 322 
 Alvah, 388 
 Colleonard, 56, 58 
 Conage, 382 
 Hill of Fortrie of Balnoon, 56 
 Kilmailie, 430 
 Skye, Isle of, iqo, 209, 290 " 
 Point of Sleat, 289, 315, 372, 465 
 South Uist, lochdar, 289 
 Longman, 59 
 Kincardine, 289 
 Cockburnspath, 410 
 Corsbie Moss, 290, 464 
 Greenlees, 60 
 Balmaclellan, 315 
 Windshiel, 98 
 Carlinwark Loch, 410 
 Crossmichael, 239 
 Kilnotrie, 98 
 Kingarth, 270 
 Plunton Castle, 388
 Lanarkshire, 271, 289 
 Aikbrae, 99 
 Biggar, 55 
 Kerswell, 97 
 Carmichael, 273 
 Crawford, 330 
 Culter, 55, 226, 378 
 Douglas, 326 
 Hangingshaw, 136 
 Lanark, 315, 384 
 Tintot-top, Clydesdale, 98 
 Ratho, 57 
 Vogrie, 57 
 Achtertyre, 136, 315, 382, 425, 468 
 Orton, 393 
 Rosele, 332 
 Slnie, 56, 58 
 Nairn, 58 
 Peebles-shire, 59 
 Peebles, 97, 289 
 Stobo Castle, 384 
 Abernethy, 56 
 Ardoch, 247 
 Blair Druramond, 248 
 Drumlanrick, 239 
 Kilgraston, 207 
 Kincardine, 289 
 Muthill, 388 
 Perth, 60 
 Pitcaithly, 246 
 Rannoch, 379 
 Tay River, 175 
 ,, near Errol, 199 
 Eddertoun, 394 
 Highfield, 336 
 Little Lochbroom, 379 
 Rosskeen, 137, 432 
 Wester Ord, 209 
 Roxburghshire, 336 
 Eildon, 57 
 Hawick, 331 ' 
 Yetholm, 349^ 
 Stirlingshire, 289, 336 
 Ballagan, 273 
 Bannockburn, 314 
 Graham's Dyke, 289 
 Moss of Kincardine, 410 
 Stirling, 289 
 Balblair, 218 
 InchnadamfF, 57 
 Ledbeg, 200 
 Lieraboll, 218 
 Rogart, 218 
 Wigtonshire, 289, 331, 43 2 
 Balcarry, 98 
 Glen Kenns, 322 
 Glenluce, 167, 192, 224 
 Inch, 56 
 Kilfillan, 98 
 Leswalt, 56, 137 
 Moss of Cree, 56 
 Portpatrick, 135 
 Stranraer, 135, 270 
 Ireland, 34, 39, 63, 90, 98 to 105, 128, 138, 140, 142 
 170, 176, 179, 192, 205, 208, 212, 234, 247, 250 
 254> 263, 291, 293, 296, 303, 314, 317, 318, 322 
 324, 326, 328, 330, 331, 333, 336, 340, 368, 371 
 387, 389, 393. 398, 45 46> 41. 43, 432. 440 
 North of Ireland, 105, 207, 316, 318, 323, 329, 371 
 Antrim, 100, 139, 239, 333, 339 
 Armoy, 68, 99, 100, 435 
 Ballycastle, 213 
 Ballyclare, 212 
 Ballymena, 105, 325, 428 
 Ballymoney, 142, 387, 389, 406, 433 
 Ballyscullion, 411 
 Bann River, 431 
 Belaghey, 170 
 Belfast, 139, 141 
 Broughshane, 433 
 Capecastle Bog, Armoy, 412 
 Carrickfergus, 67, 358, 430 
 Clough, 328, 402 
 Connor, 63 
 Craighilly, 139 
 Craigs, 212 
 Glenarm, 256 
 Killyless, 219 
 Kilraughts, 361 
 Knockans, 331 
 Lisburn, 142, 440 
 Newtown Crommolin, 141 
 Toome Bar, Lough Neagh, 352 
 Tullygowan, Gracehill, 67 
 Armagh, 254, 362 
 Lurgan, 332 
 Mullylagan, 296 
 Cavan, 266, 387 
 Cornaconway, 361 
 Diamond Hill/Killeshandra, 361 
 Killeshandra, 251 
 Lough Ramer, 436 
 Thornhill, Killina, 282 
 Clare, 389 
 Inis Kaltra, Lough Derg, 401 
 Ballincollig, 104 
 Ballybawn, 61 
 Cork, 140, 359 
 and Mallow, between, 358 
 Crookstown, 361 
 Dunmanway, 358, 361 
 Inchigeela, 249 
 Kanturk, 171 
 DERRY (see Londonderry). 
 Letterkenny, 263 
 Raphoe, 256 
 Down, 139 
 Lurgan and Moira, between, 208 
 Dublin, 315, 317 
 Balbriggan, 142 
 Clontarf, 65 
 Dublin, 101, 315 
 Miltown, 103 
 Ballinamallard, 61, 100 
 Belleek, 234
 Bo Island, 180, 292, 466 
 Enniskillen, 324, 369 
 Galway, 370 
 Athenry, 320, 345 
 Athleague, Bog of Aughrane, 207 
 Claran Bridge, Dunkellen, 436 
 Headford, 314 
 Keelogue Ford, 142, 306, 371 
 Lough Corrib, 431 
 Piltown, Iverk, 306 
 Aghadoe, 293 
 Chute Hall, Tralee, 358 
 Derrynane, 360 
 Killarney, 361 , 
 King's County, 61 
 Boyne River, near Edenderry,' 155 
 Clonmacnoise, 379 
 Downs, 176, 179, 211, 220, 293, 335, 360, 361, 410, 
 411, 412, 452, 468 
 Ballinamore, 236 
 Limerick, 361 
 Ballynamona, 352 
 Lough Gur, 313, 436 
 Londonderry, 141, 176, 215, 251 
 Balteragh, 207 
 Garvagh, 200 
 Lissane, 252 
 Maghera, 330, 435 
 Magheratelt, 244 
 Newtown Limavady, 268, 291 
 Portglenone, 361 
 Longford, 81 
 Carlea, 141 
 Lanesborough, 101 
 Greenmount, Castle Bellingham, 63 
 Ballina, 141 
 Meath, 140 
 Athboy, 140 
 Dunshaughlin, 141 
 Crannoge at, 236 
 Kells, 207 
 Trim, 67 
 Monaghan, 220, 256 
 Farney, 409 
 Lisletrim Bog, 295 
 Colloony, 246 
 Kilrea, 247 
 Tipperary, 63, 253, 272 
 Burnsokane, 171 
 Clonmel, 323 
 Cloonmore, Templemore, 305 
 Cullen, 293, 296 
 Rathkennan Bog, 251 
 Roscrea, 266 
 Arboe, 142 
 Ballygawley, 201, 268 
 Ballynascreen, 212 
 Dungannon, 358, 
 Galbally, 252 
 Terman, 324 
 Trillick, 61. 102, 140, 141, 180, 389, 399, 466 
 Westmeath, 88, 100, 259 
 Athlone, 201, -514 
 Mullingar, 176 
 Slieve Kileta Hill, 266 
 Gaul, 300, 426 
 France, 41, 83, 94, 95, 114, 119, 142, 281, 287, 297, 
 301, 369, 401, 403, 425, 480 
 Franc?, North of, 19, 81, 116, 304, 379, 448, 480, 
 481, 483 
 France, North-west of, 81, 115 
 South of, 57, 85, 13!, 153, 234, 479, 484 
 Brittany, 117, 124, 135, 181, 223, 403, 412, 417, 419, 
 Normandy, 43, 79, 91 
 Cormoz, 300, 301 
 Aisne, 250 
 Ferte Hauterive, La, 458 
 Gannat, 20 j 
 Carcassonne, 390 
 Cascastel, 122 
 Bounias, Cave of, 223 
 Alies, 287 
 Mons, St. Flour, 307 
 Escoville, 86 
 Fresne la Mere, 180, 183, 189, 209, 375 
 Alise Ste. Rcine, 293, 315, 341 
 Auxonne, 356 
 Cosne, 300 
 Magny Lambert, 300 
 Latnballe, 116 
 Moussaye, Plenee-Jugon, 115, 116, 445, 477 
 Doubs, 43, 172 
 Besanon, 293 
 Beaurieres, 458 
 Marsanne, 307 
 Bernay, 77, 78, 81 
 Evreux, 52 
 Gasny, 77 
 Les Andelys, 79 
 Lutz, 122 
 Finistere, 43 
 Frouard, 458 
 Carnoel, 243 
 Kerhue-Bras, 238 
 Ploneour, 215, 405 
 Morbihan, 445 
 L'Orient, 122 
 Uzes, 301 
 Questembert, 215, 449 
 Villeder, 86 
 Langoiran, 97 
 Beauvais, 171 
 Compiegne, 52, 304 
 Hautes Alpes, 176 , 
 Rame, 238 
 Jonquieres, 77 
 Mareuil-sur-Ourcq, 54 
 Reallon, 458 
 Ribiers, 131, 184, 458 
 Noailles, 252 
 Pont-point, 131, 142, 176 
 St. Pierre-en-Chatre, 192 
 Haute Ariege, 97 
 Chaussee Brunehault, 250 
 Hewelinghen, 238 
 Haute Loire, 131 
 Cheylounet, 254 
 Polignac, 293 
 St. Jullien, Chapteuil, 215 
 Manson, 458 
 Royat, 41 
 Tarbes, 97 
 Lyons, 52, 223 
 Rhone at, 287 
 ,, Saone at, 441 
 Haute Saone, 52 
 Auxonne, 248 
 Chalon-sur-Saone, 180, 183 
 Macon, 441 
 Rennes, 287 
 Chatellier d'Amboise, 172 
 Savoie, 95, 131, 172, 191, 305, 315. 34*, 368, 484 
 Donsard, 210 
 St. Genouph, 207, 401, 435 
 Tours, 448 
 Gresine, 230 
 Lac du Bourget, 129, 131, 180, 184, 387, 432, 449 
 Isere, 131 
 Grenoble, 88 
 Seine River, at Paris, 77, 157, 160, 176, 183, 201, 
 208, 221, 238, 243, 249, 272, 283, 313, 327, 398 
 La Balme, 131 
 Vienne, 55, 180 
 Seine et Oise, 281 
 Jura, 43, 131, 172, 293 
 Angerville, 180 
 Argenteuil, 279 
 Fondene 3 de Larnaud, 68, 131, 167, 176, 184, 192, 
 448, 456 
 Orgelet, 129 
 Somme, 250 
 Abbeville, 91, 92, 335 
 Albert, 279 
 Lille, 78 
 Amiens, 52, 157, 176, 183, 201, 206, 208, 249, 371, 
 Caix 304 
 Marais de Donges, 238 
 Nantes, 180, 215, 281 
 ,, Loire at, 252, 339 
 Dreuil, 109, no, 129, 144, 176, 208, 283, 370, 393, 
 403, 404, 405 
 Somme Valley, 180 
 Penhouet, 249 
 1 TAR\ 
 St. Nazaire-sur-Loire, 281 
 Briatexte, 180, 215 
 Lavene, 215 
 Loir et Cher, 160 
 'Billy, 432 
 Avignon, 131 
 Theil, 356 
 Miers, 293 
 Notre-Dame d'Or, 176, 214, 221, 398, 441, 447 
 Saumur, 123 
 Germany, 19, 52, 94. 95, "4, W, W> * 8 7. *93, 
 Manche, La, 129, 215, 230 
 North "erf," 80, '298, 315, 316, 379, 48 
 Cotentin, 448 
 La Parnelle, 398 
 482, 483 
 South of, 85, 161 
 ", West of, 83, 479, 483 
 La Gorge Meillet, 403 , 
 Lusancy, 109 
 Hercinia, 31 
 Thuringia, 109
 Baden, 85 
 Gedinne, 300 
 Bohemia 425 
 Maulin, 109 
 Brandenburg, 299 
 Hesse, 85 
 Mecklenburg, 112, 215, 363 
 Palatinate, 238 
 Pomerania, 116 
 Scandinavia, 147, 184, 101, 195, 234, 236, 252, 274 
 287, 296, 298, 408, 474, 478, 481, 482, 486 
 Rhenish Hesse, 282 
 Prussia, 85, 95, 481 
 Saxony, 419, 425 
 Norway, 419 
 Silesia, 425 
 Ackenbach, 43 
 Benfeld, 143 
 Denmark, 30, 40, 52, 54, 60, 69, 95, 134, 159, 163, 
 Bingen, 353 
 270, 286, 296, 298, 309, 315, 316, 340/363, 372 
 Blengow, 262 
 379, 451 
 Bonn, 85 
 Camenz, 202, 384, 390, 459 
 Iceland, 71 
 Jutland, 30, 163 
 Eikrath, 448 
 Erxleben, 288 
 Hvidegaard, 309 
 Giessen, 91 
 Kallundborg, 296 ' 
 Gnadenfeld, 448 
 Gottingen, 77 
 Grossenhain, 459 
 Kongshoi, 301 
 Lydshoi, 309 
 Nydam, 159 
 Griinberg, 441 
 Soborg, 272 
 Kcmpten, 173, 176 
 Lammersdorf, 184 
 Store-Hedinge, 151, 163 
 Treenhoi, 302 
 Landshut, 85 
 Vimose, 159, 195 
 Magdeburg, 298 
 Medingen, 441 
 Neu - Ruppi n , , 262 
 Oberwald-behrungen, 308 
 Pfaffenburg, 144 
 Sweden, 40, 52, 129, 298, 419, 425, 432, 4Si 
 Gotland, 448 
 Smaaland, 196 
 Stade 184' 
 Arup, 262 
 Stettin, 288 
 Hasslof,. 252 
 Vaudrevanges, 458 
 Watsch, 145 
 Zaborowo, 133 
 Lake-dwellings, 13, 86, 95, 150, 166, 167, 172, 180, 
 191, 208, 236, 280, 287, 297, 305, 315, 369, 370, 
 383, 395. 401, 403, 407, 408, 480, 484, 486, 487 
 Lake of Bienne, 180, 300, 431 
 Austria, 40, 85 
 ,, ,, Locras, 422 
 Dalmatia, 172, 183 
 Hungary, 40, 43, 119, 147, 158, 161, 180, 236, 272, 
 276, 318, 327, 419, 432, 450, 478, 482 
 I ake of Bienne, Mrerigen, 13, 114, 153, 172, 176, 
 180, 184, 195, 238, 437, 449 
 Oefeli, 237 
 Styria, 119, 355, 413 
 ,, ,, Nidau, 221 
 Geneva, 130, 183 
 Agram, 177 
 Aninger, 131 
 ' Eaux Vives, 180, 210, 215, 432 
 ,, La Tiniere, 26 
 Brasy, 308 
 Merges, 441, 456 
 Brixen, 355 
 Luissel, 288 
 Gratz/288 5 
 ,, Neuchatel, Auvernier, 114, 131 176, 180 
 Hallein,.i52, 153 
 Hallstatt, 23, 25, 69, 95, 144, 157, 181, 184, 229, 
 ,, Concise, 288 
 274, 288, 293, 308, 342, 355, 389, 393, 394, 401, 
 403, 405, 409, 4x3, 485, 486 
 Estavayer, 425 
 ,, Pfaffikon, Robenhausen, on, 150, 427, 
 KLorno, 308 
 Laibach, 246, 393, 428, 451 
 Echallens, 131 
 Macarsca, 172, 183 
 Mattrey, 355 
 Pressburg, 166 
 Raron, 154 
 Sion, Valais, 260 
 Unter-Uhldingen, in the Ueberlinger See, 317, 427 
 Przemysl, 180 
 Vienna, 246 
 Italy, 41, 52, 86, 104, 155, 160, 234, 241, 259, 271, 
 272, 274, 280, 287, 297, 315, 334, 341, 369, 403, 
 Holland, 77 
 445, 480, 483, 484 
 Deurne, 173, 176, 221 
 Diiren, 133, 176 
 Etruna, 39, 355, 394, 400, 412, 413, 425, 476, 481 
 Bologna, 104, 143, 172, 173, 176, 180, 183, 184, 185, 
 Emmen, 173 
 Groningen, 152 
 210, 217, 288, 341, 448 
 Alban Necropolis, 341 
 Masseyck, 82 
 Nymegen, 89 
 Castione, 153 
 Chiusi, 155, 480 
 Herculaneum, 32 
 LakeofVarese, 430, 437 
 Modena, 401 
 Bernissart, 215 
 Bevay, 116 
 Sardinia, Island of, 426, 438 
 " Terramare," 236, 434
 Spain, 19, 43, 90, 97, 161, 238, 271, 275/279, 354, 
 Arabia, 318 
 Sarbout-el-Khadem, 8 
 , Wady-Magarah, 8 
 419, 424, 425, 480 
 Astunas, 97 
 CiudadReal, 43, 271 
 Wady-Nash, 8 
 CamboVat 7 ^ 55 
 Niebla, 184 
 Oviedo, 97 
 Sierra de Baza, 97 
 China, 19, 263, 329 
 ,, Sanda Valley, Yunan, 142 
 Portugal, 425 
 Cyprus, Island of, 40, 184, 310 
 Tamassus, 14 
 India, Gungeria, 2, 40 
 Southern Babylonia, Tel Sifr, 9, 40, 211, 383 
 Greece, 10, 160, 161, 297, 315, 318 
 Archipelago, 40 
 Africa, 149, 181, 36, 34, 359, 387, 393, 45 1 
 ttgypt, 6 , 7, 8, 147, 261, 298, 318, 391, 419, 475, 
 Great Kantara, 298 
 Scyros, 18 
 Karnak, 6 
 ,, Santorin, 184 
 ,, Thermia, 40, 160 
 Dodona, 69 
 Thebes, 7, 185, 234 
 Mauretania, 354 
 Mycena;, 297 . 
 Salamis, 161 
 Thera, 297 
 America, North, 43, 383, 476 
 Mexico, 4, 43, 166 
 Wisconsin, 2 
 Mediterranean Countries, 478, 480, 483 
 Bolivia, 165 
 La Paz, 148, 165 
 Russian Empire, 477 
 Chili, Copiapo, 145 
 Finland, 299, 477 
 Ecuador, 148 
 Siberia, 131, 143, 177, 477 . 
 Peru, 4, 148, 165 
 ,, Lima, 166 
 Inwa, the, 263 
 Eabugy, 336 
 rtch, 143 
 OCEANIA, &c. 
 Australia, 263 
 Kiew, 124 
 Viatka, 263 
 Yenissei, the, 263 
 Borneo, 340 
 Fiji, 359 
 Japan, 275 
 Java, 142 
 Madagascar, 340 
 Asia' 3 Mmor, Hissarlik, the presumed site of 
 Troy, 40, 166, 224, 310, 438 
 Malacca, 424 
 New Caledonia, 263 
 South Sea Islands, 34
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