TP 12. EXCHANGE CANADA DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS CENSUS OF INDUSTRY, 1918 DIRECTORY OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN CANADA AS OF DATE JANUARY 1, 1919. (Prepared for the Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACH& PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 CANADA . J^ ^^ / DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS CENSUS OF INDUSTRY, 1918 DIRECTORY OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN CANADA AS OF DATE JANUARY 1, 1919. (Prepared for the Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHfe PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 616341 -TP/v BXCHANGB PREFACE. At the request of the Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics recently undertook a special survey of Canadian Chemical Industries, as a section of the annual Industrial Census. The purpose of the survey was twofold: (1) to provide a directory of Canadian Chemical Industries and their products for the use of the trade; and (2) to assemble data regarding the raw materials used, the products and by-products manufactured, imports and exports, and other information calculated to indicate not only the importance of the industry and the progress which it has made during the war, but also possible new and profitable trade openings in industrial chemical lines. The present report represents the first section of the above, namely, the Directory of Canadian Chemical Industries. In the term " chemical industries " is included: (1) all concerns engaged in the production of chemicals, either as main products or as -by-products, and (2) concerns in which ^any of the processes used are essentially dependent on the agency of chemical change. The directory is in two divisions: (1) an alphabetical list of the various concerns, the head office address of each, and the location of branches where such exist, together with a detailed list 'of their products, including in the latter chemicals and products resulting from chemical processes; (2) a list alphabetic- ally arranged of the chemical products manufactured in Canada showing the names of the various firms engaged in their manufacture. The carrying out of the survey has been under the direction of Mr. S. J. Cook, B.A., A. I.C., of the Food and Drugs Laboratory of the Department of Trade and Commerce, as Chemist in Charge. The thanks of the Bureau are hereby tendered to the Laboratory and also to Mr. Alfred Burton, Honorary Secretary of the Society ^f Chemical Industry in Canada, for valuable assistance and data. It is requested that any inaccuracies or omissions in the directory be brought to the attention of the Bureau at the earliest possible moment. As the need for publication was pressing, it has been decided to issue the directory forthwith, though verification on all points had not yet been possible. R. H. COATS, Dominion Statistician. DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS, OTTAWA, May 1, 1919. 61634 IJ ivi72992 DIRECTORY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN CANADA. INTRODUCTION. At the request of the Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics has undertaken a survey of Cana- dian Chemical Industries, and the Report herein presented constitutes the first phase of the work. The report consists of a " Directory of Canadian Chemical Industries " which has been compiled from the schedules of the Industrial Census and contains the names, addresses and products of firms whose products are either chemicals, or are the result of processes involving chemical change. Only the'" chemical " products of the concerns in question are given, though in some cases many other articles of commerce are manufactured. The list is not regarded as complete, as there are several for which it has not been possible, to date, to verify information. This work will be continued, and a corrected list will be available for subsequent printing, together with more detailed information. The unprecedented demand for explosives and other munitions of war which are the products of chemical change, together with the decreased imports of chemical products from European countries, has built up in Canada during the past four years a number of large industries employing thousands of workers, and unless many of these factories can find peace-time uses for their war-time products, much of the advantage we have gained in the way of commercial chemical progress will be lost. Already, many of the plants operated by the Imperial Munitions Board have been closed down, and in some instances dis- mantled. There remain, however, many plants in the chemical field, which are still operating, and there is room for yet others. Thus a review of what we have is primarily in order, so that we may understand wherein we lack and how best to build up a chemical industry compatible with our general industrial needs. Progress in chemical industry in Canada can only be made with the co- operation of the representatives of capital supported by popular sentiment. The latter, as a force in the country, is often overlooked. In this regard, Canada may well take a page from the German note-book, as our neighbours to the south have done. In every land, where an industry of national importance is to be built up, the people must be educated to its importance and value. Exem- plification of what has just been said is found in an extract from the report made by the Alien Property Custodian of the United States, in which, writing on the subject of " The Chemical Industry ", he says: " It seems to have been regarded as the duty of a good German chemist in the United States to preach the doctrine of the invincibility of the German chemical industry, the impossible difficulty of the processes of many important dyes, and the hopelessness of procuring the necessary technically trained men and skilled labour outside of Germany." Canada has listened all too long to just such doctrine, but our successes in the chemical field during the war just closed have done much to instil ideas which, lead a vigorous people to the accomplishment of great deeds. Although we are not a nation of superlatives, we have in some of our resources and industries the " largest " and the " greatest." Possibly the most outstanding development in chemical lines during the war has occurred at Shawinigan Falls, Quebec. Here, on the St. Maurice river, has been constructed one of the largest power reservoirs in the world, second only to the great dam at 6 Gatun. The city that has grown up at Shawinigan is filled with the workers who are employed in the many and varied lines of endeavour utilizing the great resources of power held in check for the service of man. Here the world's largest glacial acetic acid plant was built for war purposes, an entirely new process beginning with acetylene having been developed. Acetone, paraldehyde, cr.otqnaldehyde, .mercuric oxide, and manganese acetate are now also produced. Hete^too, rti^rtesnjm of a purity ranging from 99 per cent to 99.9 per cent is macle' electrplytically frpm its fused salts. Aluminium, successfully made at ^lia^^Igahy ^Foveo} \attitactive, and now a second company, this time United States 'o wiled,* has* built* a plant nearby. At Niagara Falls, further utilization of the great water-power available has been made, much of it naturally going to power for lighting and heating. Besides this use there has been a further adaptation to the manufacture of fixed atmo- spheric nitrogen as cyanamide, the lime-nitrogen fertilizer, and its conversion into ammonium salts. Aluminous abrasives, ferro-silicon, and other electric- furnace products are native to Niagara and Shawinigan. The water-powers of Ontario and Quebec have scarcely been touched as yet, and the magnificent resources of Manitoba and British Columbia in this regard still call their usefulness to a people only beginning to show appreciation of rheir potentialities. Our development and future in chemical industry do not entirely depend however, upon our utilization of water-powers. These have been mentioned because it is around them that the most spectacular develop- ment has taken place. The demand for acetic acid and acetone, in the manufacture of munitions of war, stimulated the wood distillation industries of the country, and not only was the output of th3se products greatly increased, bat acetic anhydride, methyl acetate, and special grades of acetone-alcohol and acetone oils were added to the list of products. Coal-tar products, including dyes, medicinals and fine chemicals for photo- graphic and reagent purposes were almost entirely of German origin before the war. In the matter of coal-tar dyes alone, Germany supplied approximately nine-tenths of the world's needs. While it is not probable that we shall see a, coal-tar dye industry built up in Canada, such have been started both in Oreat Britain and in the United States, and, in the course of a few years, it is hoped they will be able to compete successfully in the markets of the world. Some coal-tar medicinals have bee*n made in Canada, and there seems to be a field for this line of work. Salicylic acid and the well-known acetyl derivative, better known as aspirin, are now made in Canada. Coumarin, benzoic acid, benzoate of soda, and benzaldehyde are more names taken at random from the list of new Canadian chemicals. The distillation of coal tar is carried on here more extensively, and new disinfectants, closely resembling former German products, are appearing from Canadian factories. A further use of coal-tar products is in the preservation of wood by creosoting and in the manufacture of tarred felts, as well as the various grades of tar and pitch used in roofing, paving, waterproofing, and road treating. These products will need considerable advertising in order to bring to the attention of the Canadian people the fact that quantities of these supplies are now produced in this country. Paints and varnishes are being made in increasing quantities, and at least one new lead-corroding works has been established. In the field of heavy chemicals, where transportation charges often form the determining factor of costs, each country tends to supply its own needs, and the large > quantities required enable the manufacturer to enjoy the benefits of " quantity production," which was so characteristic of the German dye and chemical houses. The demands of the war here led some of our older houses into new lines, as, for example, the manufacture of oleum for use in the making of high explosives. Several new acid plants have sprung up, and facilities for the production of sulphuric, nitric, and mixed acids have been largely increased. One firm in Canada now produces hydrofluosilicic acidj and still another picric acid. Soda ash, too, now has a Canadian home. Mention has already been made of the increased production of acetic acid. Great quantities of this acid were used in the manufacture of cellulose acetate, the dope used in varnishing aeroplanes, and the usefulness of this lacquer is only now coming into popular appreciation. One Canadian firm has under- taken the production of lacquers for various purposes, and part of the plant is adapted to the refining of fusel oil and the preparation of amyl acetate. Molybdic acid, which soared in price during the war, is now made in Canada and its ammonium salt is produced in the same plant. Chlorates of soda and potash are listed as products of two Canadian firms, one of which also makes phosphorus, and the other produces perchlorates in commercial quantities. In metallurgy, and particularly in electro-metallurgy, much progress has been made. Silico-manganese for use in the manufacture of manganese steel, and high-gtade ferro-silicon for the use of the British Admiralty as a source of hydrogen were new lines developed by one firm as a war-effort. Many new electric furnaces have been installed, and the immensity of the output of steel under the direction of the Imperial Munitions Board is so well known as not to need more than passing mention here. The refining of Canadian nickel in Canada is at last being undertaken, and two large plants are under construction for this purpose. The refining of graphite has been the subject of considerable thought and expense, but so far has not been carried on with commensurate success. One firm expects to commence operations shortly, and another is under consideration. Not a few still hold the opinion that we must look back to the period before the war as the foundation upon which to base our calculations for the period upon which we are entering. To a certain extent this is true. It must be remembered, however, that many other industries have laid aside their .peace- time activities, and that the extent to which they will return to their pre-war production is problematical. The country is filled with new ideas, and cannot ever be just the same again. As far as our chemical industries are concerned, the change has not beeif one of abandonment of the old and the taking u> of new and different lines of work. Here, the change has been due to growth. A glance at the exports of Canadian products under the heading drugs, dyes and chemicals, as compiled from the returns of the Department of Customs, covering the fiscal years 1912-19 inclusive, is convincing. The figures are given in Table 1, and the growth curve is shown in the accompanying diagram. TABLE I. Exports Canadian Products for the fiscal years 191^2-1919, inclusive. Item: DRUGS, DYES, AND CHEMICALS. Year. British Empire. Foreign. Total. 1912 $ 827 500 $ 849 716 $ 1,677,216 1913 1,066,158 734,279 1,800,437 1914 841,566 888,637 1,730,203 1915 955,156 2,588,545 3,543,701 1916 1,398,832 . 5,050,313 6,449,145 1917 1,719,972 7,498,443 9,218,415 1918... 2,765,292 11,442,317 14,207,609 1919 4,300,142 12,752,932 17,053,074 8 At the same time our imports were increasing. The figures for the period, under this subject, are given in Table 2, and the data are shown graphically in the diagram already referred to. TABLE 2. Imports for Consumption into Canada, for the fiscal years 1912-19, inclusive. Item: DRUGS, DYES, AND CHEMICALS. Year. British Empire. Foreign. Total. 1912 $ 2,806,555 $ 9,789,296 $ 12,595,851 1913 3,417,468 13,093,875 16,511,343 1914 1915 3,201,277 2,878,322 11,437,012 10,570,745 14,638,289 13,449,067 1916 3,034,277 14,060,648 17,094,925 1917 4,873,226 22,726,987 27,600,213 1918 3,636,024 22,886,148 26,522,172 1919 4,003,513 28,785,191 32,788,704 The foregoing is only a brief sketch of the development in chemical industry that has been carried out during the war period. No claim is made for com- pleteness, the intention being rather to indicate trends of activities rather than to chronicle growth. In the " Directory of Canadian Chemical Industries," to which this intro- duction is prefixed, there are listed the names, addresses, and chemical products of nearly five hundred Canadian firms, the firm names being in alphabetical order for convenience of reference. Geographically, plants operated by the firms listed fall into the following divisions: Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba , Saskatchewan Alberta Brtish Columbia. . . 30 2 20 161 293 38 8 21 61 Total... 634 For convenience of reference, all the products listed under the different firms' names have been cross-indexed, so that all the concerns known to be making any one article are found u'nder that heading. This part of the work has been carefully checked, but it is possible that changes could be made in this section which would more conveniently serve the needs of those for whom this bulletin is published. Criticism is asked, and the co-operation necessary to carry on work designed to have a commercial value is invited. The energy and enthusiasm of the chemists of America is notable, and if manufacturers, representing the financial and natural resources of the country, and the chemists, with their scientific training urging their imagination and initiative, can pool their abilities for the common good, there will be built up in Canada, in the years to come, a chemical industry of which not only the chemists and the manufacturers but the people will have just reason to be proud. S. J. COOK, Chemist in Charge. EXPORTS AND Or DRUGS DYES AND IMPORTS CHEMICALS MILLIOMS MILLIONS #, 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 /9/X 1918 19/9 # .'.") ., .1.7 3Z / J^ 31 / jy An DOMINION BUREAU 3F STAUST ICS / J<9 29 / ^^> 28 / ^8 27 s^ / ^x 26 I ^^ |T 6 25 1 5 24. 1 .84- 23 a 2^ 22 i/ ^^ Zl 1 21 20 S 20 J9 / ^/ 19 Id */ U.' Jd 17 / /X 16 / ^ / / 16 J5 / \ / / 15 14 / x^ \^ / / 14: 13 / "^ / / Id J& / 12 Jl / Jl 10 - / 10 9 / 9 8 / A 7 / ? 6 X 6y / 6 5 w. 5 4 % d- 3 / / 3 / 2 1 1 JSote. In the a"bove diagram, for IMPORTS read EXPORTS, and vice versa, PART ONE A DIRECTORY OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN CANADA Containing the names, addresses and products of nearly five hundred firms doing business in Canada, whose products are either chemicals-or are the result of processes involving chemical change. Only products as above defined are listed here. 11 ABITIBI POWER & PAPER CO., LTD., Montreal, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp. ACADIA SUGAR REFINING CO., LTD., Dartmouth, N.S. Products: Refined sugar: granulated, soft; Syrup. ACME VINEGAR CO., LTD., 1262-1274 Selkirk A ve., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Vinegar. AETNA CHEMICAL CO., Drummondville, Que. Products: Picric acid; Sulphuric acid; Nitric acid; Smokeless powder; Salt cake. AETNA EXPLOSIVES CO., INC., Prescott, Ont. Product: Fulminating mercury. AITKEN, WM. R., South Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. ALABASTINE CO., Paris, Ont. Product: Lime, hydrated. ALBERT MFG. CO., Hillsborough, N.B. Products: Plaster Paris; Wall plaster. ALBERT SOAPS, LTD., 168 McCord St., Montreal, Que. Products: Soap: household, laundry, toilet; Candles. ALBERTA CLAY PRODUCTS CO., Medicine Hat, Alta. Products: Tile: drain, fireproofing, building, glazed building; Sewer pipe; Flue lining. ALBERTA LINSEED OIL CO., Medicine Hat, Alta. (Owned and operated by Brandram-Henderson.) Products: Raw and boiled linseed oil; Oil cake; ; , Oil cake meal. ALGOMA STEEL CORPORATION LTD., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Products: Iron; Steel; Coke; Coal tar; Sulphuric acid; Ammonium sulphate; Benzol ; Toluol. ALLEN, S., LTD., Norwich, Ont. Products: Cider; Vinegar. ALLOY STEEL WORKS, LTD., Toronto, Ont. Product: Steel. 13 14 AMERICAN CYANAMID CO., 511 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Plant: Niagara Falls, Ont. Products: Cyanamide; Sodium cyanide; Ammonium nitrate. ANGLO-CANADIAN LEATHER CO., LTD., Montreal, Que. Plants: Bracebridge, Ont. Huntsville, Ont. Products: Leather, sole; Glue stock; Hair. ANNAPOLIS VALLEY CIDER CO., Bridgetown, N.S. Produ t: Vinegar. ANTI-BORAX COMPOUND COMPANY, Windsor, Ont. Product: Welding compounds. ARMSTRONG-WHITWORTH CO. OF CANADA, LTD., 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. Plant: Longueuil, Que. Product: Steel. ARSGOTT BROS. LTD., London, Ont. Product: Upper leather. ATIKOKAN IRON CO., LTD., Port Arthur, Ont. (Not operating at present) . Product: Iron. ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES, LTD., Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: St. John, N.B. Products: Refined sugar: granulated, soft; Syrup. AULD MUCILAGE COMPANY, Montreal, Que. Product: Mucilage. AULT & WIBORG CO., OF CANADA, LTD., 19-23 Charlotte St., Toronto, Ont. Branch: 302 Lagauchetiere St. W., Montreal, Que. Products: Printing inks and colours. AUTO LITE GAS CO., LTD., 456 Liptori St., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Oxygen; Acetylene, in cylinders. BARRETT CO., Montreal, Que. Branches: Halifax, N.S. Sydney, N.S. St. John, N. B. Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.C. Products: Coal tar distillation products; Pitch; Carbolic or creosote oils; Creosote stains; Light oils or naphtha; Heavy tar oils. BARRIE TANNING CO., Barrie, Ont. Products: Leather: bag, case, strap, shoe, bookbinders, harness; Glue stock. BARSALON, J., & CIE., LTfeE., 172 Delorimier St., Montreal, Que. Products: Soap: household, laundry, powder; Glycerine, crude. 15 BASTIEN, LUDGER, Loretteville, Que. Product: Leather: glove, mocassin, mitten. BATHURST LUMBER & TRADING CO., Bathurst, N.B. Products: Pulp: sulphite, sulphate. BEARD, WM., & CO., City Market, Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. BEARDMORE & CO., 37 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Muskoka Leather Co., Ltd., Bracebridge, Ont. Sole leather. Beardmore Tannery, Acton, Ont. Sole leather. Acton Tanning Co., Ltd., Acton, Ont. Leather: strap, harness, belting, saddle, bridle. Products: Leather: belting, harness, saddle, sole. BEAUCHEMIN & FILS, Sorel, Que. Product: Steel. BEAVER FLINT GLASS CO. OF TORONTO, LTD., 547 Parliament St., Toronto, Ont. Product: Druggists' glassware. BEAVER SOAP CO., LTD., 1377 Winnipeg Ave., Winnipeg-, Man. Products: Soap, laundry chip; Glycerine, crude. BELGO-CANADIAN PULP & PAPER CO., LTD., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Product: Sulphite Pulp. BELLEVILLE CIDER & VINEGAR CO., Belleville, Ont. Product: Vinegar. BELLEVILLE RUBBER CO., LTD., Box 309, Belleville, Ont. Products : Rubber goods. (Plant being installed March, 1919). BERRY BROTHERS, Walkerville, Ont. Product: Varnishes. BONNER LEATHER CO., 1060 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal, Que. Products: Glazed kid; Glue stock; Hair. BOOTH, J. R., Ottawa, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp. BORNE, LUCIEN, 491 rue St. Valier, Quebec, Que. Plant: Limoilou, Que. Product: Leather. BOWMAN, DAVID, COAL & SUPPLY CO., LTD., 461 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Lime. . BRAND, JAMES, & CO., 723 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. BRANDON GAS & POWER . CO., LTD., 149 Tenth St., Brandon, Man. Products: Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar. BRANDR AM -HENDERSON LTD., 2984 St. Urbain St., Montreal, Que. Products: Basic carbonate white lead, dry and in oil; Mixed paints; Varnishes. BREBNER, D. A., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Aluminous abrasives; Ferro-Silicon. 16 BREITHAUPT LEATHER CO., LTD., Kitchener, Ont. Plants: Hastings Tanning Co., Ltd., Hastings, Ont. Breithaupt Leather Go., Kitchener, Ont. Breithaupt Leather Co., Woodstock, Ont. Breithaupt Leather Co., Penetang, Ont. ' Products: Leather, sole; Glue stock; Cattle hair. BRITISH AMERICA NICKEL CORPORATION, LTD., Citizen Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. Plants: Nickelton, Ont. Deschenes, Que. Products: Commercial nickel; Copper ; Some gold; Silver; Platinum; Palladium. BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO., LTD., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Windsor, Ont. Products: Petroleum products; Gasoline; Benzine; Kerosene; Lubricating oils; Wax; Coke. BRITISH AMERICAN PAINT CO., LTD., Montreal and Belleville Sts., Victoria, B.C. Branches: Calgary, Alta. Edmonton, Alta. Regina, Sask. Vancouver, B.C. Products: Mixed paints; Varnishes and allied materials. BRITISH COLUMBIA CEMENT CO., LTD., Victoria, B.C. Product: Portland cement. BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO., New Westminster, B.C. Products: Non-potable alcohol-; Fusel oil. BRITISH COLUMBIA SUGAR REFINING CO., LTD', Rogers St., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Refined sugar, granulated; Syrup. BRITISH FORCINGS, LTD., Munitions Board, Ottawa, Ont. Plant: Toronto, Ont. Products: Steel; Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. BROMPTON PULP & PAPER CO., East Angus, Que. Product: Sulphate pulp. BROWN CORPORATION, La Tuque, Que. Product: Sulphate pulp. BRUNNER, MOND CANADA, LTD., Amherstburg Ont. Product: Soda ash. BURNS, P., & CO., LTD., Calgary, Alta. Product: Fertilizers. BURROWS REFINING CO., Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. Product: Silver bullion. BUSH, CHARLES, LTD., 105 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ont. Products: Inks, printing and lithographing; Rollers; Padding gum. 17 CAMERON, WILLIAM M., Carleton Place, Ont. Product: Lime. CANADA CARBIDE CO., LTD., 611 Power Bldg., Craig St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Merriton, Ont. Shawinigan Falls, Que. Product: Calcium carbide. CANADA CEMENT CO., Herald Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plants: Montreal East, Que. Longue Pointe, Que. Hull, Que. 1. Belleville, Ont. 2. Belleville, Ont. Marlbank, Ont. Lakefield, Ont. Port Colborne, Ont. Shallow Lake, Ont. Tuxedo, Man. Calgary, Alta. Sandstone, Alta. Exshaw, Alta. Medicine Hat, Alta. Products: Portland cement; Agrilime (agricultural lime) ; Potash; Steel; Pig-iron; Forgings. CANADA COPPER CORPORATION, LTD., Greenwood, B.C. Product: Blister copper. CANADA DEXTRINE CO., Bridgetown, P.E.I. Product: Potato starch. CANADA FISH PRODUCTS CO., Watts Island, Ladner, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. CANADA GLUE CO., LTD., Echo Place, Brantford, Ont. Products: Glue; Grease ; Tankage. CANADA LINSEED OIL LTD., 1213 Notre Dame St. E., Montreal, Que. Branch: 283 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Linseed oil; Oil cake. CANADA PAINT CO., LTD., 572 William St., Montreal, Que. Products: Dry colours; Varnishes; Oxides; Mixed paint; Stains; Enamels. CANADA PAPER CO., Windsor Mills, Que. Products: Pulp: sulphate, soda. CANADA PRINTING INK CO., LTD., 15 Duncan St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Inks: printing and lithographing; Printers' rolls. 616342 18 CANADA STARCH CO., LTD., 164 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Cardinal, Ont. Starch, glucose, grape sugar, corn oil. 2 Island St., Fort William, Ont. Starch, glucose, grape sugar, corn oil. Brantford, Ont. Corn starch, laundry starch. Products: Starch: corn, laundry; Grape sugar; Glucose ; Corn oil. CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LTD., 511 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal, Que. Products: Granulated sugar; Syrup. CANADIAN ALOXITE CO., LTD., Niagara Falls, Ont. Plant: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: Aluminous abrasives; Silicon carbide; Ferro-silicon. CANADIAN AMMONIA CO., LTD., 65-87 Heward Ave., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Toronto, Ont. Detroit, Mich. Products: Ammonia: aqua, anhydrous; Ammonium carbonate; Concentrated ammoniacal liquor. CANADIAN BRAKESHOE CO., Sherbrooke, Que. Product: Steel. CANADIAN CARBONATE CO., LTD., 1 Hadley St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Halifax, N.S. Rear 263 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, Ont. Archibald St., Winnipeg, Man. Calgary, Alta. Vancouver, B.C. Product: Carbon dioxide gas. CANADIAN COLLIERIES, 313 Lamberton Bldg., Victoria, B.C. Product: Coke. CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBER CO., LTD., Montreal, Que. Plants: Granby, Que. Montreal, Que. St. Jerome, Que. Elmira, Ont. Kitchener, Ont. Port Dalhousie, Ont. Products: General line of rub er goods: Shoes; Tires; Hose; Clothing; Belting; Surgical goods; Druggists' goods, etc. k CANADIAN DENATURED ALCOHOL CO., LTD., East Baltic, P.E.I. Product: Potato starch. CANADIAN ELECTRO PRODUCTS CO., LTD., 611 Power Bldg , Montreal, Que. Plant: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: 'Acetic acid; Glacial acetic acid; Acetaldehyde; Acetone; Paraldehyde; Crotonaldehyde; Sodium acetate; Mercuric oxide; Manganese acetate. % 19 CANADIAN ELECTRODE CO., LTD., Power Bldg, Montreal, Que. Plant: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Product: Carbon electrodes. CANADIAN EXPLOSIVES, LTD., 120 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Plants: James Island, B.C. Nanaimo, B.C. Nobel, Ont. Beloeil, Que. Vaudreuil, Que. Windsor Mills, Que. Products: Nitre cake; Military explosives; Blasting powder; Dynamite. CANADIAN FERRO-ALLOYS CO., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Product: Ferro-silicon, 50 p.c. CANADIAN FERTILIZER CO., LTD., Market Chambers, Chatham, Out. Products: Superphosphates; Complete fertilizers. CANADIAN FURNACE CO., 51 Hamburg St., Buffalo, N.Y. Plant: Port Colborne, Ont. Product: Iron. CANADIAN GERMICIDE CO., 1 Howard Park Ave., Toronto, Ont. * Products: Disinfectants; Liquid soaps. CANADIAN HANSON & VAN WINKLE CO., LTD., 25 Morrow Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: All nickel salts; Nickel sulphate; Nickel chloride; Nickel carbonate; Nickel ammonium; Zinc carbonate; Zinc cyanide; Copper carbonate; Copper cyanide; Lacquers and lacquer thinners; Galvanizing and toning salts; Cleaning compound. CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL, LTD., Montreal, Que. Plant: Corbyville, Ont. Products: Alcohol; Fusel oil. CANADIAN KELP PRODUCTS LTD., 921 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C Plant: Sydney, B.C. Product: Kelp ash (40 p.c. potassium oxide). CANADIAN KODAK CO., Eglington Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Dry plates; Photographic film and papers. CANADIAN SALT CO., LTD., Windsor, Ont. Products: Salt; Caustic soda; Bleaching powder; Chalk; Sulphur chloride; Carbon tetrachloride. CANADIAN STEEL CORPORATION, LTD., Ojibway, Ont. (Under construction, 1918.) Product: Iron. 61634 2J 20 CANADIAN STEEL FOUNDRIES, LTD., Montreal, Que. Plants : Longue Pointe, Que. Point St. Charles, Que. Product: Steel. CANADIAN TAR PRODUCTS CO., LTD., 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Plant: 1515 Mance St., Montreal, Que. Products: Creosote oil; Pitch: roofing, paving, waterproofing; Tarred felts; Road tar; Naphthalene; Various grades of hard pitches. CANADIAN TRENTON POTTERIES, LTD., St. Johns, Que. Products: Sanitary earthenware; Vitreous china specialties. CAPELTON CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CO., c/o J. F. Higginson, Buckingham, Que. Product: Fertilizers. CARBERRY GAS CO., LTD., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Carberry, Man. Product : Acetylene gas. CARTER'S INK CO., 655 Drolet St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Montreal, Que. Products: Inks; Adhesives ; Ribbons ; Carbon paper. CARTER WHITE LEAD CO., LTD., 91 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, Que. Products: Dry basic carbonate white lead; Lead oxides. CASS, JOHN E., Maxville, Ont. Product: Crude potash from wood ashes. CHALMERS, STEWART, & WILLIAM CAMPBELL, 689 Seventh St., Owen Sound,Ont. Product: Lime. CHAMPLAIN OXIDE CO., Three Rivers, Que. Product: Iron oxide pigments. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LTD., 608-9-10 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont, Plant: 148 Van Home St., Toronto, Ont. Products : Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) ; Phenacetine; Potassium permanganate; Para-amido-phenol ; Epsom Salts; Sal ammoniac. CHILLIWACK PRODUCERS EXCHANGE, Chilliwack, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. CHRISTIE-HENDERSON & CO., LTD., 201 Crown Office Bldg., Toron o, Ont. Plants: Gait, Ont. Hespeler, Ont. Kelso, Ont. Puslinch, Ont. Product: Lime: white, grey, hydrated, crushed. CITY OF NELSON GAS CO., LTD., Box 1058, Nelson, B.C. Products: Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar. 21 CITY OF SHERBROOKE GAS DEPT., Sherbrooke, Que. Products: Carburetted water gas; Coke; Crude tar. CITY GAS CO. OF LONDON, 215 Dundas St., London, Ont. Products: Coal gas; Carburetted water gas; Mixed coal and water gas; Coke; Crude tar : Ammonia liquor; Tar oil. CITY GAS CO. OF OSHAWA, 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. (Operated for the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.) Plant: Oshawa, Ont. Product: Carburetted water gas. CLARKE & CLARKE, LTD., 63 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Christie St., Toronto, Ont. Branches: 252 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal, Que. 553 St. Valier St., Quebec, Que. Products: Leather of all kinds. CLARKE, A. R., & CO., LTD., 633-661 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Branches: 52 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. 566 St. Valier St., Quebec, Que. Products: Leather; patent, glove. CLEMENT, EDGAR, 179 Arago St., Quebec, Que. Products: Leather, upper; Splits. CLERMONT, ALFRED, St. Melonie, Que. Product* Leather, sheepskin. COBALT REDUCTION CO., LTD., Cobalt, Ont. Product: Refined silver bullion. COLONIAL FERTILIZER CO., Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. COLUMBIA IRON & STEEL CO., LTD., Port Moody, B.C. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. COLUMBIA PRINTING INK & ROLLER CO., 1063 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C: Products: Printing inks; Rollers; Padding composition; Pastes; Rubber stamp inks. COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE SUPPLY Cp., 18 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. (Successors to Commercial Acetylene Welding Co.). Product: Dissolved acetylene in cylinders. COMMERCIAL CEMENT CO., LTD., 307 Quebec Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Portland cement. COMMONWEALTH CHEMICAL CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD., Walkerville, Ont. Branch: Sandwich, Ont. Products: Benzoic acid; Sodium benzoate; Benzaldehyde Coumarin. 22 COMPRESSED GAS CO., LTD., 240 Third Ave. E., Calgary, Alta. Products: Acetylene gas, (in cylinders); Oxygen gas, (in cylinders). CONIAGAS REDUCTION CO., LTD., St. Catharines, Ont. Plant: Thorold, Ont. Products: Bar silver, electro lytically refined; Cobalt metal; Cobalt oxide, black and grey; Nickel metal; Nickel oxide. White arsenic; CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING CO., Trail, B.C. Products: Sulphuric acid; Hydrofluosilicic acid; Copper sulphate; Refined lead, (electrolytic) ; Fine gold; Fine silver; Metallic antimony; Zinc; Refined copper, (electrolytic). CONSOLIDATED WHALING CORPORATION, LTD., Box 773, Victoria, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. CONSUMERS GAS CO. OF TORONTO, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Illuminating coal gas; Coke; Coal tar; Water gas tar; Ammonia liquor; Spent oxide. COOKE & BOULTON, 174 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Products: Floor wax; Shellac varnish. CORALOX, LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont, Products : Coralox, (Aluminous abrasives) ; Ferro-Silicon. CORDOVA MINES, LTD., Toronto, Ont. (Under construction 1918.) Plant : Cordova Mines, Ont. Product: Ferro-Chrome. COSGROVE BREWERY CO., OF TORONTO, LTD., 284 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont Products: Vinegar. COSMOS CHEMICAL CO., Port Hope, Ont. Products: Amyl acetate; Refined fusel oil; Lacquers. COWAN, JOHN, CHEMICAL CO., LTD., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, Que. Products: Sodium carbonate crystals; Copper sulphate crystals; Sodium bisulphite; Sulphurous aeid; Sodium arsenate; Iron nitrate; Iron perchloride; Zinc chloride solution; Aluminum acetate solution; Disinfectants. CROSS FERTILIZER CO., LTD., Prince St., Sydney, N.S. Product: Fertilizers, (basic slag). 23 CROW'S NEST PASS COAL CO., Fernie, B.C. Plants: Fernie, B.C. Michel, B.C. Product: Coke. CUD AH Y PACKING CO., 64 McCauley Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, toilet, powder, foots; Lye; Scouring powder. CUTLER INK CO., 61 Richmond St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Ink essence; Copying ink; Rubber stamp ink. DALY REDUCTION CO., Hedley, B.C. Products: Gold bullion; Concentrates. DARLING, HENRY, 28 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Mixed paint; Stains. DARLING & BRADY, LTD., 159 Richardson St., Montreal, Que. Products: Soap: household, laundry, scouring, soft; Glycerine, crude. DAVIDSON, THOS., MFG. CO., LTD., Montreal, Que. Product: Steel. DAVIS LEATHER CO., LTD., Newmarket, Ont, Products: Leather, calf for shoes; Glue stock; Hair; Fertilizer materials. DAVIES-IRWIN, LTD., 84 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. Products: Refined wax; Grease of all kinds. DELORAINE GAS CO., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Deloraine, Man* Product: Acetylene gas. DELORO SMELTING & REFINING CO., Deioro, Ont. Products: Silver; Stellite; Arsenic, white; Cobalt metal; Cobalt oxide; Nickel metal; Nickel oxi e. DELTA CHEMICAL CO., LTD., 1683 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Products: Benzoic Acid; Sodium Benzoate. DEXTRINE CO., LTD., Thorold, Ont. Products : Dextrine ; Gums; Sizings. DEXTRINE PRODUCTS, LTD., Brampton, Ont. Products: Dextrine; Gums; Pastes. DOMINION ARSENAL, Lindsay, Ont. Products: Fulminating mercury; Small arms ammunition. 24 DOMINION CARAMEL CO., Montreal, Que. Product: Caramel. DOMINION FERTILIZER CO., LTD., St. Stephen, N.B. Product: Fertilizers. DOMINION FOUNDRIES & STEEL, LTD., Depew St., Hamilton, Ont. Product: Steel. DOMINION GLASS CO., LTD., 107 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Branches: Hamilton, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Wallaceburg, Ont. Redcliffe, Alta. Products: Glassware: bottles, jars, etc. DOMINION GLUE CO., Kitchener, Ont. Products: Glue. Grease; Tankage. DdMINION IRON & STEEL CO., LTD., Sydney, N.S. Products: Coal; Iron; Steel; Coke; Basic slag; Coal tar; Sulphuric acid; Ammonium sulphate; Benzol; Toluol; Xylol. DOMINION LIME CO., Sherbrooke, Que. Product: Lime. DOMINION LINSEED OIL CO., LTD., Baden, Ont, Plants: Baden, Ont. Montreal, Que. Owen Sound, Ont. Products: Linseed oil: crude and refined. DOMINION OIL CO., LTD., Royal Bank Bldg., King St. W., Hamilton, Ont. Plant: 164 Strachan St. E., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Oils : mineral, resin, vegetable; Greases. DOMINION PAINT WORKS, LTD., Walkerville, Ont. Branches: Toronto, Ont. Montreal, Que. Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.C. Products: Mixed paint; Varnishes. DOMINION PAPER CO., Montreal, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp (for own use). DOMINION PRINTING INK & COLOUR CO., 128 Pears Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Inks, printing and lithographing. DOMINION PULP CO., Chatham, N.B. Products: Sulphite pulp. DOMINION REDUCTION CO., Cobalt, Ont. Products: Silver; Small quantities of copper and cobalt. 25 DOMINION SALT CO., 412 North Front St., Sarnia, Ont. Product: Salt. DOMINION SOAP CO., LTD., 475 Victoria St. North, Hamilton, Out. Products: Soap, toilet; Glycerine, crude. DOMINION SUGAR CO., LTD., Wallaceburg, Ont. Plants: Wallaceburg, Ont. Granulated sugar, Syrup, Beet pulp, Lime, Fertilizer material. Chatham, Ont. Granulated sugar, Beet pulp. Kitchener, Ont. Granulated sugar, Beet pulp. Products: Granulated sugar; Syrup; Beet pulp; Lime; Fertilizer material. DOMINION TAR & CHEMICAL CO., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Sydney, N.S. (tar distilling works). Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. (tar distilling works). Transcona (near Winnipeg, Man.), (creosoting works). Sydney, N.S. (creosoting works) . Products: Tar products; Pitch; Creosote oils; Crude carbolic acid; Phenols; Cresols; Benzol; Toluol; Xylol; Naphthas. DOMINION VINEGAR WORKS, Hamilton, Ont. Product: Spirit Vinegar. DOMINION WOOD & LUMBER CO., LTD., Trout Creek, Ont. Products: Wood alcohol, crude; Acetate of lime; Charcoal. DONNACONA PAPER CO., Donnacona, Que., Product: Sulphite pulp. DOUGALL VARNISH CO., LTD., 305 Manufacturers St., Montreal, Que. Products: Varnishes; Enamels ; Japans; Varnish remover; Mixed paint. DRYDEN TIMBER & POWER CO., LTD., Dry den, Ont. Product: Sulphate pulp. DUGAL, P. & MATTE, ENR., 206 rue Fleurie, Quebec, Que. Products: Leather: patent, chrome tanned. DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS CO., LTD., 244 Booth Aye., Toronto, Ont. Products: Manufactured rubber goods: Auto and truck tires; Hose; Soles and heels; Belting; Cement; Packing. DYSON VINEGAR CO., LTD., 462 Redwood Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Vinegar. 26 EDDY, E. B., CO., LTD., Hull, Que. Sulphite pulp. Indurated fibre ware. Products: Sulphite pulp. b EDMONTON CEMENT CO., LTD., 511-513 McLeod Bldg., Edmonton, Alta, Plant: Marlboro, Alta. Product: Portland cement. EDWARDS & EDWARDS, 27 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Woodbridge, Ont. Products: Finished sheep leathers for shoes, gloves, furniture, bookbinding, fancy goods. ELARTON SALT WORKS CO., LTD., Hyde Park, Ont. Product: Salt. ELBOW GAS PLANT, 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Elbow, Sask. Product: Acetylene gas. ELECTRIC IRON, LTD., Box 703, Orillia, Ont. Plant: Lakefield, Ont. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. ELECTRIC REDUCTION CO., LTD., Buckingham, Que. Products: Phosphorus; Potassium chlorate; Sodium chlorate. ELECTRIC SMELTING CO. OF BRANTFORD, Hull, Que. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. ELECTRIC STEEL & METALS CO., LTD., Welland, Ont. Product: Steel. ELECTRO FOUNDRIES LTD. Box 703, Orillia, Ont. (Not operating at present.) Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. ELECTRO METALS, LTD., Welland, Ont. Products: Carbon electrodes 10" diameter and up; Ferro-Silicon 15%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 85%; Silico-Manganese. ELLIOT, J. & P., Box 164, Gait, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry; Glycerine, crude. ESSEX FERTILIZER COMPANY, Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. EXETER SALT WORKS CO., LTD., Exeter, Ont. Product: Salt. EXOLON CO., Thorold, Ont. Products: Silicon carbide; Aluminous abrasives; Ferro-Silicon, 15%. FARMER'S FERTILIZER CO., Wingham, Ont. Product: Complete fertilizers. FINLAYSON, D. J., & SON, *364-368 Victoria Ave., Westmount, Montreal, Que. Products: Dry yeast; Liquid yeast; Malt flour; Noxo (Malt in paste form). 27 FLINT VARNISH & COLOUR WORKS OF CANADA, LTD., Perth Ave., West Toronto, Ont. Products: Varnishes; Japans ; Colours ground in oil. FRASER, BRACE & CO., LTD., Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Product : Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. FREEMAN, W. A., CO., LTD., 181 Hunter St. E., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Superphosphates; Complete fertilizers. FRONTENAC INK WORKS, 243 William St., Montreal, Que. Product: Printing inks. GALENA SIGNAL OIL CO., 134 Royce Ave., Toronto, Ont. Product: Lubricating oils. GALLAGHER LIME AND STONE CO., Box 85, Hamilton, Ont. Product: Lime. GENERAL CAR & MACHINERY WORKS, LTD., Montmagny, Que. Product: Steel. GIANT POWDER CO., OF CANADA, LTD., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Dynamite. GILLETT, E. W., CO., LTD., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Yeast; Caustic soda; Lye. GILLIS TYNDALL STONE CO., 204 Nokomis Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Lime. GLIDDEN VARNISH CO., LTD., 382 Wallace Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Varnish; Mixed paint. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., OF CANADA, LTD., 152 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Bowmanville, Ont. New Toronto, Ont. Products: Rubber goods; Tires; Accessories; Soles and heels; Belting; Packing hose. GORDON IRONSIDE & FARES PACKERS, LTD., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Fertilizers. GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MINING, SMELTING & POWER CO., 718 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. Plants: Grand Forks, B.C. Anyox, B.C. Products: Blister copper containing gold and silver; Fuel coke; Fuel gas; Coal tar; Ammonium sulphate; Pure benzol; Pure toluol; Solvent naphtha and naphthalene. 28 GRAPHITE PRODUCTS LTD., 55 St. Francois-Xavier St., Montreal, Que. Plants: St. Remi D'Amherst, Que. Product : Graphite. (Mill to commence operations in April, 1919). GRASSELLI CHEMICAL CO., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Sulphuric acid; Hydrochloric acid; Nitric acid; Mixed acids; Acetic acid; % Calcined salt cake; Glauber's salt; Lime sulphur solution. GRAVES, M. W., & CO., Bridgetown, N.S. Product: Vinegar. GREAT WEST FIREWORKS CO., Brandon, Man. Product: Fireworks. GUELPH SOAP CO., 12-20 Waterloo St. W., Guelph, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, scouring, chips, fulling; Glycerine, crude. GUNNS, LIMITED, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER LTD., 47 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Rubber footwear; Tubing; Heels and soles; Stamp rubber; Mechanical rubber goods; Water proof sheeting; Rubber belting; Moulded rubber goods; Rubber hose; Automobile tires; Packings; Tubes and sundries; Matting; Carriage tires. HAMILTON, JOHN, Tara, Ont. Product: Acetylene gas. HAMILTON TAR & AMMONIA CO., Caroline & Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Creosote oils; Pitch; Naphtha; Anhydrous ammonia; Aqua ammonia; Flake Naphthalene; Disinfectants; Tarred paper; Roofing felt. HAND, T. W., FIREWORKS CO., 606 King St. W., Hamilton, Ont. Product: Fireworks. HANOVER PORTLAND CEMENT CO., LTD., Hanover, Ont, Product: Portland cement. HANSEN'S, CHR., LABORATORY, INC., 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. Main Plant: Little Falls, N.Y., U.S.A. Products: Rennet extract; Pepsin extract; R-P extract; Cheese colour; Butter colour; Lactic ferment; Junket tablets; Food colours. 29 HARLAND, WM., & SONS, 400 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Varnish; Japans; Asphaltums. HARRIS, W., & CO., LTD., 994 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont Product: Fertilizers. HEINZ, H. J., CO., Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. Plant: Leamington, Ont. Products: Vinegar ; food products; HODGSON BROS. CHEMICAL CO., LTD., Lindsay, Ont. Products: Wood alcohol, crude; Acetate of lime; Charcoal. HOLLAND VARNISH CO., LTD., Park & Atlantic Aves., Montreal, Que. Product: Varnish. HOWARD, A. L., & CO., Pinehurst, N.C., U.S.A. Plant: Capelton, Que. Product: Fulminating mercury. HULL IRON & STEEL FOUNDRIES LTD., Hull, Que. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. HUMPHREYS GLASS LTD., Moncton, N.B. Products: Glass: bottles of all kinds. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED, Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Plants: loco, B.C. Regina, Sask. Sarnia, Ont. Montreal, Que. Dartmouth, N.S. Products: Gasoline; Benzine; Illuminating oils; Lubricating oils; Fuel oils; Tar; Wax; Candles; Grease; Asphalt. IMPERIAL REFINING & SMELTING WORKS, 34 Beverley St., Toronto^Ont. (Refiners of precious metal wastes). Products: Gold; Silver] Platinum. IMPERIAL VARNISH & COLOUR CO., LTD., 8-20 Morse St., Toronto, Ont Branch: Winnipeg, Man. Products: Varnishes; Naphthalene crystals; Dry colours: Para reds; Eosine reds; Para toners; . Para lakes; Toluidine reds; Toluidine toners; Lakes for inks and coach colours; Chrome green; Chrome yellow; Chinese blue; Prussian blue. 30 INDEPENDENT RUBBER CO., LTD., Merriton, Ont, Product : Rubber footwear. INGERSOLL PACKING CO., LTD., Ingersoll, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. INTERNATIONAL COAL & COKE CO., LTD., Coleman, Alta. Product: Coke. INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS CO., 120 Carling St., London, Ont. Product: Fireworks. INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO. OF CANADA, LTD., Harbor Commission Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Copper Cliff, Ont. (Mining and Smelting division). Port Colborne, Ont. (Refining division), Bayonne, N.J. (Refining division). Products: Bessemer matte; Metallic nickel; Monel metal; Nickel salts. JACKSON SIGNAL CO., 112 Morris St., Guelph, Ont. Product: Railway torpedoes. JAMIESON, J. M., Forresters Falls, Ont. Product: Lime. JAMTESON, JAMES W., & CO., LTD., Boyce Ave., Montreal, Que. Products: Mixed paints; Varnishes; Oxides. JAMIESON, R. C., & CO., LTD., 264 St. Patrick St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Montreal, Que. 235 Seventh Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. 1073 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Varnishes; Paints; Enamels; Stains; Fillers; Dry colours: Permanent reds, including toners; Vermilionettes, including toners; Chrome yellows, all shades; Chrome greens, all shades; Aniline lakes, all shades; Prussian blue; Pulp colours for wall-paper manufacturers. JEFFERSON GLASS CO , LTD., 388 Carlaw Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products : Glass, blown and pressed (lamps, chimneys, globes) . JOLIETTE STEEL CO., LTD., 903 Read Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Joliette, Que. Products: Steel. JONES PACKING & PROVISION CO., Smith's Falls, Ont. Products: Refined vegetable oil; Soap: soft, tanners', chip. JUDD, W. H., & CO., 101 Bay St. N., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Soap: powder, toilet, transparent. JULIEN, EUG., & CIE LTEE., Quebec, Que. Product: Fertilizers. 31 KAUFMAN RUBBER CO., LTD., 410 King St., Kitchener, Ont. Products: Rubber footwear. KENNEDY, WILLIAM, & SONS, Owen Sound, Ont. Plant: Collingwood, Ont. Product: Low phosphorous pig-iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. KINCARDINE PORK CURING HOUSE, c|o H. Coleman, Kincardine, Ont, Product: Fertilizers. KING BROS., LTD., Whitby, Ont. Products: Leather; Hair; Glue stock; Scrap leather. KINGSTON SMELTING CO., Kingston, Ont. Product: Refined lead. KINSELLA, A., & SONS, 165 Paradise Row, St. John, N.B. Product: Fertilizers. KIRKE CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, Sun Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. KITCHENER LIGHT COMMISSIONERS, 169 King St. W., Kitchener, Ont. Products: Coal and water gas; Coke; / Tar oil. LA CIE DES ANGRAIS CHIMIQUES, ANGLO-FRANCAISE, LTEE., Quebec, Que. Product: Fertilizers. LA CIE DE F. X. DROLET, Quebec, Que. Product: Steel. L'AIR LIQUIDE SOCIETY, 16 Boler St., West Toronto, Ont. Plants: Kane and Agricola Sts., Halifax, N.S. 1 Ernest St., Maisonneuve, Que. 1207 Pine St., Winnipeg, Man. West Toronto, Ont, Products: Oxygen; Nitrogen; Dissolved acetylene compressed in cylinders. LAKE SUPERIOR PAPER CO., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp. LAPORTE-IRWIN, LTD., 20-28 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. Hydrogen i Blanc fixe. Products: Hydrogen peroxide; 31am LAURENTIAN STONE CO., 252 Catherine St., Ottawa, Ont. Product: Lime: lump, hydrated. LAURENTIDE CO., LTD., 71 Canada Life Bldg., Montreal, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp. LAVIGEUR, ARTHUR, 31 Boisseau St., Quebec., Que. Product: Fertilizers. LEASIDE MUNITIONS CO., Beaupre, Que. Product: Ferro-Silicon. LEG ARE, P. T., LTD., Quebec, Que. Product: Fertilizers. 32 LESAGE PACKING & FERTILIZER CO., LTD., 53 St. Paul St., Montreal, Que. Product: Fertilizers. LEVER BROS., LTD., Eastern Ave. and Don River, Toronto, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, toilet, scouring, powder; Glycerine: crude, refined; Tallow: hardened, refined; Toilet preparations. LIMOGES, OLIVER, SR., 40 Poupart St., Montreal, Que. Product : Lime. LINCOLN PAPER MILLS CO., LTD., Merriton, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp, for own use. LINWOOD LIGHTING CO., Linwood, Ont. Product: Acetylene gas. LION VINEGAR CO., LTD., 661 Drolet St., Montreal, Que. Product: Pure spirit vinegar. LOGAN TANNERIES, LTD., Pictou, N.S. Product: Leather, sole. LONDON SOAP CO., 197-205 South St., London, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, scouring; Glycerine, crude. LONDONDERRY IRON & MINING CO., Montreal, Que. (In liquidation.) Plant: Londonderry, N.S. Products: Iron; Steel. LOWE BROS., LTD., 263 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products : Varnish ; Mixed paint. LOWELL FERTILIZER CO., Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. MAGNETAWAN TANNING & ELECTRIC CO., 12-14 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Burks Falls, Ont. Product: Leather, sole. MALT PRODUCTS CO. OF CANADA, LTD., Guelph, Ont. Products: Syrupy malt extracts; Malt flours. MANITOBA GYPSUM CO., LTD., Winnipeg, Man. Products: Wall plaster; Hydrated lime. MANITOBA STEEL FOUNDRIES, LTD., Winnipeg, Man. Plant: Selkirk, Man. Product : Steel. MANITOU GAS CO., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Manitou, Man. Product: Acetylene gas. MANTON BROS., 105 Elizabeth St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Inks: printing and lithographing. MARATHON TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD., Vine St., St. Catharines, Ont. Products: Rubber tires; Other rubber goods. 33 MARDEN, ORTH & HASTINGS CO., Box 793, North Sydney, N.S. Products : Cod and seal oils. MARLATT & ARMSTRONG CO., LTD., Oakville, Ont. Products: Leather: shoe, patent, carriage, automobile, glove. MARQUIS, F. CANAC, Guyart St., Quebec, Que. Product: Fertilizers. MARTIN-SENOUR CO., LTD., 2951 Greenshields Ave., Montreal, Que. Branches: Halifax, N.S. Toronto, Ont. Montcalm St., Winnipeg, Man. 1505 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Mixed paints; Varnishes; MARX & RAWOLLE OF CANADA, LTD., 516 St. Ambroise St., Montreal, Que. Product: Glycerine, refined. MASSEY LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER CO., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant : Massey, Ont. Product: Acetylene gas. McARTHUR, ALEX. & CO., LTD., 82 McGill St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Joliette, Que. Building paper, wrapping, wall, scribbler, coloured paper; Moreau & Forsyth Sts., Montreal, Que. Refined coal tar, pitch, creosote crystals. Products: Refined coal tar; Pitch; Creosote crystals, crude. McARTHUR-IRWIN, LTD., 20-28 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. Products: Dry colours; Litho inks; Paris green; Varnishes ; Mixed paints. Affiliated companies: Davies-Irwin, Ltd. Laporte-Irwin, Ltd. Parker-Irwin, Ltd. Miller Extract, Ltd. (For products of these companies see under each firm's name.) McCOLL BROS., & CO., 114-120 Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. Branches: Montreal, Que. Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.C. Products: Greases; Soaps, Varnishes , Semi-refined lubricating oils. \ McLAREN, J. C., BELTING CO., LTD., Beaumont St., Montreal, Que. Products: Leather belting; Card clothing; Leather washers. MCLEAN, j. j., & SONS, Hopeweii, N.S. Product: Leather, upper. MENDELS, J. H., Perth, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. 616343 34 METALS CHEMICAL, LTD., Welland, Ont. Products: Cobalt metal; Cobalt oxide; Cobalt sulphate; Nickel metal; Nickel oxide; Nickel sulphate; Nickel carbonate; Silver ; Crude arsenic. MIDLAND IRON & STEEL CO., Montreal, Que. Plant: Midland, Ont. Product: Iron. MILLER EXTRACT, LTD., Millerton, N.B. (Controlled by McArthur-Irwin, ) 1 Product: Hemlock extract. MINER RUBBER CO., LTD., 72 St. Peter St., Montreal, Que. Plant: Granby, Que. Products: Rubber footwear; Rubber clothing and mechanical goods. MOLYBDENUM PRODUCTS; Wilberforce, Ont, Product: Molybdenite. MOND NICKEL CO., LTD., Coniston, Ont. Product: Copper-nickel matte containing about 40% of each metal. MONTREAL ABATTOIRS, LTD., 139 Mill St., Montreal, Que. Product: Fertilizers. MONTREAL LEATHER CO., LTD., 75 St. Ambroise St., Montreal, Que. Products: Leather: automobile, bag, case, upholstering. MONTREAL LIGHT, HEAT & POWER CONSOLIDATED, ^Montreal, Que. Products: Illuminating gas; Ammonium sulphate; Coal tar; MONTREAL LIME CO., 31 Prenoveau St., Montreal, Que. Product: Lime. MONTREAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD., 806 Drummond Bldg., Montreal, Que. Products: Non-potable alcohol; Potable alcohol. MONTREAL TERRA GOTTA CO., LTD., 621 J)rummond Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Lakeside, Que. Product: Building terra cotta tiles. MOORE, BENJAMIN & CO., LTD., 2-4-6 Lloyd St. W., Toronto, Ont, Products: Mixed paints; Varnishes. MOOSEHORN LIME CO., 504 Trust & Loan Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Lime. MOOSOMIN GAS CO., LTD., 601 PoweriBldg., Montreal, Que. Plant : Moosomin, Sask. Product: Acetylene gas. MORGAN, A. J., 100 Dundas St., London, Ont, Product: Fertilizers. MORTON, DAVID, & SONS, LTD., 77 Omerald St. S., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Soap; Lard oil; Glycerine, crude. 35 MOUNT ROYAL COLOUR & VARNISH CO., LTD., 193 Dorchester St. E., Montreal, Que. Products: Mixed paint; Paste; Glue. MUIRHEAD, A., CO., LTD., 217 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Plant: St. Lawrence St., Montreal, Que. (Varnish factory) Products: Varnishes; Mixed paints; Putty; Paint and varnish remover. MURRAY, D. B., Bagot St., Kingston, Ont. Product : Vinegar. NAG PAINT CO., LTD., 1302 Wharf St., Victoria, B.C. Products : Mixed paints,; Waterproof and fireproof paints and compositions. NAPANEE GAS CO., LTD., 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Napanee, Ont. Products : Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar. NASHWAAK PULP & PAPER CO., LTD., St. John, N.B. Product: Sulphite pulp. NATIONAL ABRASIVE CO., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Aluminous abrasives; Ferro-Silicon. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, Montreal, Que. Products: Resublimed iodine; Iodides ; Bismuth salts; Citrates; Silver salts; Hydrogen peroxide (medicinal and technical) ; Alkaloids and specialties; Blanc fixe; Sodium and potassium salts. NATIONAL FIREPROOFING CO., OF CANADA, LTD., Toronto, Ont. Products: Tile: hollow, building, drain. &&: ^ NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO., LTD., Durham, Ont, Products: Portland cement; Durmite. NATIONAL POTASH CORPORATION, LTD., 178 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Grayenhurst, Ont. Products: Muriate of potash; Porcelain, tiling, vitrified clay products to be made in future. NEW BRUNSWICK SULPHATE FIBRE CO., LTD., Millerton, N.B. Product: Sulphate pulp. NEW ENGLAND FERTILIZER CO., Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO., LTD., Burlington, Ont. Products: Lime sulphur solution; Soluble sulphur; Lead arsenate; Calcium arsenate. 61634 3 36 NICHOLS CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA, LTD., 222 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Barnet, B.C. Sulphide, Ont. Capelton, Que. Warehouses: Montreal, Que. Toronto, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Products: Sulphuric acid; Oleum; Nitric acid; Hydrochloric acid; Glauber's salt; Salt cake; Nitre cake. NIPISSING MINING CO., Cobalt, Ont. (Milling silver-cobalt ore.) Products: Silver; Cobalt. NORTH AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO., LTD., Clinton, Ont. Plant: Goderich, Ont. Product: Salt. NORTH AMERICAN MAGNESITE CO., LTD., 26 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plants: Calumet, Que. (Mines). Longue Pointe, Que. (Refining plant). Products: Calcined and clinkered magnesite. NORTHERN ALUMINUM COMPANY, LTD., Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. Plants: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Toronto, Ont. Products: Aluminum: pig, ingot, sheet, cooking utensils. NORTON CO., Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. Plants: Chippawa, Ont. Niagara Falls, N.Y. U.S.A. Products: Aluminous abrasives; Ferro-Silicon. NOVA SCOTIA FERTILIZER CO., Royal Bank Chambers, Halifax, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. NOVA SCOTIA STEEL & COAL CO., LTD., New Glasgow, N.S. Plant: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, N.S. Products: Iron; Steel; Coke: Coal. NOVA SCOTIA TRAMWAYS & POWER CO., Box 770, Tramway Bldg., Halifax, N. y . Products: Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar. OAK TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD., 471 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Oakville, Ont. Product: Rubber tires. ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, LTD., Harris Road, West Toronto, Ont. Product: Complete fertilizers. ONTARIO PAPER CO., LTD., Thorold, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp for own use. ONTARIO PEOPLE'S SALT & SODA CO., LTD., Kincardine, Ont. Product: Salt. 37 ONTARIO PORTLAND CEMENT CO., LTD., Brantford, Ont. Product: Portland cement. ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO., Mimico, Ont. Products: Vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe and fittings; Culvert pipe; Chimney flues; Channel pipe; Chimney tops; Segmental sewer blocks. ONTARIO SOAP & OIL CO., 45 Dickens Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Soap: soft, liquid. Cutting oils. ORILLIA CHEMICAL CO., Orillia, Ont, Products: Molybdic acid; Ammonium molybdate; Synthetic perfume; Fertilizer materials; Disinfectants. OTTAWA & HULL CHEMICAL WORKS, Box 213, Ottawa, Ont. Plant: Hull, Que. Products: Sodium chlorate; Potassium chlorate; Sodium perchlorate; Potassium perchlorate. OTTAWA GAS CO., 35 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. Products: Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar; Ammonia liquor. OTTAWA PAINT WORKS, 687 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. Products: Mixed paints; Varnish. PACIFIC LIME CO., LTD., Pacific Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Plant : Blubber Bay, B.C. Products: Lime: lump, agricultural, hy^ rated. PACIFIC MILLS, LTD., Ocean Falls, B.C. Products: Pulp: Sulphite, sulphate. PACIFIC WHITE LEAD CO., Industrial Island, Vancouver, B.C. Branch: 145 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Products: Corroding and grinding of white lead in oil. PALMOLIVE CO., OF CANADA, LTD., 64 Natalie St., Toronto, Ont, Products: Soaps; Crude glycerine, 80 p. c.; Toilet specialties. PANTHER RUBBER CO., LTD., Box 46, Jenks Lane, Sherbrooke, Que. Products: Rubber soles and heels. PARKS BROS., Troy, Ont. Product: Lime. PARMENTER & POLSEY FERTILIZER CO., Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. PASTE & GUM CO., LTD., 502 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Glue; Gums; Sizings; Pastes. 38 PARTRIDGE, F. E., RUBBER CO., LTD., Metcatfe St., Guelph, Ont. Products : Rubber tires ; Rubber tubes. PEERLESS RUBBER CO., Carlaw & Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont, Dipped goods; Other rubber goods. Products: Dipped goods; ~ th PENDRAY, W. J., & SONS, LTD., Belleville and Montreal Sts., Victoria, B.C. Products : Soap ; Washing compounds; Sal soda; Glycerine. PENFOUND VARNISH CO., Cariboo Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Varnishes; Japans; Dryers; Shellacs; Litho oils. PERFECTION SUPPLY & MFG. Co., Calgary, Alta. Branch: 1500 Pine St., Winnipeg, Man. Products: Oils; Soap. PETERBOROUGH GAS WORKS, Peterborough, Ont. (Operated for Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.) Products: Carburetted water gas; Coke. PIDGEON FERTILIZER CO., Windsor, N.S. Product: Fertilizers. PILKINGTON BROS., LTD., Thorold, Ont. Glass Works: St. Helen's, England. Thorold, Ont. Branches: Halifax, N.S. Montreal, Que. Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Calgary, Alta. Edmont n, Alta. Vancouver, B.C. Product: Window glass. POIRIER, ARTHUR, St. Remi, Que. Product: Leather. PORT STANLEY SUPPLY CO., LTD., Port Stanley, Ont. Products: Fish oil; Fish meal. POULIOT, A., & CO., 139-143 Arago St., Quebec, Que. Product: Leather, upper. POULIOT, J. & S., & FRERES, Quebec, Que., Product : Leather. POWELL RIVER CO., LTD., Powell River, B.C. Product: Sulphite pulp. PREST-0-LITE CO. OF CANADA, Toronto, Ont. Branches: Montreal Trust Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. 831 St. Catherines St. W., Montreal, Que. Plants: Merriton, Ont. Gas plant. . Gas p Shawinigan Falls, Que. Gas plant. St. Boniface, Man. Gas plant. Toronto, Ont. Battery factory. Products: Dissolved acetylene gas in cylinders; Storage batteries. 39 PRICE BROS. & CO., LTD., Quebec, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp. PROCTER & GAMBLE MFG. CO., Burlington St. E., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, powder, chips; Glycerine, refined. PROVINCIAL CHEMICAL FERTILIZER CO., LTD., St. John, N.B. Products: Fertilizers; Fish oil. PROVINCIAL LIME CO., 89 Water St., St. John, N.B. Products: Lime: burnt, pulverized. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF OWEN SOUND, 1062 Second Ave, E., Owen Sound, Ont. Products: Coal gas; Coke; Crude tar. PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & Co., LTD., Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Soap: household, laundry, scouring, powder; Glycerine, crude; Washing compounds; Laundry blue. QUEBEC RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO., LTD., Quebec Railway Bldg., Quebec, Que Products: Carburetted water gas; Coke. QUEEN CITY VINEGAR CO., LTD., 19 River St., Toronto, Ont. Product: Vinegar. RAINY RIVER PULP & PAPER CO., 222 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Sulphate pulp. RAMSAY, A.,, & SON, CO., 10-22 Inspector St., Montreal, Que. Plants: 732-736 St. Paul St., Montreal, Que. 104 William St., Montreal, Que. Varnish factory. Branches: 48 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. 167 Fender St. W., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Paint; Varnishes. RANDOLPH & BAKER, LTD., Randolph, N.B. Products: Lime; building, magnesia. RELIANCE INK CO.,' LTD., 520 McGee St., Winnipeg, Man. Products: Writing inks of all kinds; Ink powder and pellets; Mucilage ; Liquid paste; Liquid glue; China cement; Envelope gum. RENNIE, WM., CO., LTD., Toronto, Ont, Plant: Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. RIDEAU SPECIALTY CO., Smith's Falls, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. RIORDAN PULP & PAPER CO., LTD., 355 Beaver Hall Square, Montreal, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp. 40 RIPLEY ACETYLENE GAS CO., LTD., Ripley, Ont. Product: Acetylene gas. RITCHIE BROS. & CO., 840 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. ROBERTSON, D., CO., LTD., 201 Grown Office Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Product: Lime. ROBERTSON. JAMES, ESTATE OF, 142 William St., Montreal, Que. Branches: Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. St. John, N.B. Products: Refined lead; Zinc. ROBERTSON, J. T., CO., OF CANADA, LTD., Bennett Ave., Maisonneuve, Que. Products: Soap: scouring, powder, hand, foot, soft, hard; Glycerine, crude. ROBINSON GLUE CO., LTD., 4-5-6 St. Nicholas Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Canso, N.S. Products: Glue: fish, liquid; Fertilizer materials. ROBSON LEATHER CO., LTD., Oshawa, Ont. Products: Leather: upper, patent, enamel; Fertilizer materials; Cattle hair. ROSEBANK LIME CO., Box 1184, Victoria, B.C. Product: Lime. ROSTHERN GAS PLANT, 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Rosthern, Sask. Product: Acetylene gas. ROYAL CROWN SOAPS, LTD., 289 King St,, Winnipeg, Man. Plants: 308 Georgia St., E., Vancouver, B.C. Calgary, Alta. Winnipeg, Man. Products: Soap: household, laundry, toilet, powdered, soft, foots, scouring; Glycerine, crude; Lye; Washing compounds. ROYAL MINT, 8 Sussex St., Ottawa, Ont. Products: Refining of gold and silver; Coinage: gold, silver, bronze, fine gold bars; Metals of the platinum group: . ' Some copper. RUSSIAN CEMENT CO., 559 Pius Ninth Ave., Montreal, Que. Plant: Gilbert's Lane, St. John, N.B. Product: Glue. SABULITE CANADA, LTD., 701 Rogers Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Plant : Port Coquitlam, B.C. Products: Mining and stumping powders. SADLER, GEO. W., & CO., Stanbridge E., Quebec, Que. Products: Leather belting; Grease; Glue stock. 41 SADLER & HAWORTH, 511 William St., Montreal, Que. Branches: Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.C. St. John, N.B. Products: Leather belting; Goodyear welting (for shoes) ; Valve leather; Scrap leather. SASKATOON BREWING CO., LTD., Saskatoon, Sask. Products: Temperance beer and temperance porter; Carbon dioxide gas. SGARFE & CO., Brantford, Ont. Products: Varnish; Shellac; Paint. SCOTTISH CANADIAN MAGNESITE CO., McGill Bldg., Montreal, Que. Mines: Grenville, Que. Plant: Hull, Que. Products: Crude, calcined, and dead burned magnesite in lumps, grains, or ground. SHACKELL EDWARDS & CO., LTD., 127 Peter t., Toronto, Ont. Product: Printing inks. SHAWINIGAN ELECTRO METALS CO., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: Magnesium: ingots, powder. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. OF CANADA, LTD., 897 Centre St., Montreal, Que. Plants: Montreal, Que. Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. London, Eng. Red Mill, Que. Oxide mines. Products: Paints; Varnishes; Linseed oil; Oil cake; Iron oxides; Lead arsenate; Kalcikill; Calcium arsenate; Dry colours: Chrome greens; Chrome yellows; Prussian blue; Paris green. SINCLAIR & VALENTINE CO. OF CANADA, LTD., 233 Richmond St. W., Toronto,0nt Branch: 46 St. Alexander St., Montreal, Que. Products: Inks: printing and lithographing; Rolls. SNOWDON, C. C., 810-840 Eleventh St. E., Calgary, Alta. Branches: Vancouver, B.C. Edmonton, Alta. Winnipeg, Man. Saskatoon, Sask. Products: Soaps; Oils. SPANISH RIVER PULP & PAPER MILLS, LTD., Sault Ste. Marie, Out, Plant: Sturgeon Falls, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp. SPENCER, DAVID, LTD., 515 Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. 42 ST. CROIX SOAP MFG. CO., St. Stephen, N.B. Products: Soap: household, laundry; Glycerine, crude. ST. LAWRENCE PULP & LUMBER CO., Chicoutimi, Que. Product: Sulphite pulp. ST. LAWRENCE STARCH CO., LTD., Port Credit, Ont. Products: Corn Starch; Laundry starch ; Glucose; Grape sugar; Corn oil. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LTD., 145 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Products: Refined sugar: granulated, soft; Syrup; Blackstrap. ST. LAWRENCE VINEGAR MFG. CO., Avenue Renaud, Quebec, Que. Product: Vinegar. ST. MARY'S CEMENT, LTD., 49 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ont. Product: Portland cement. ST. MAURICE PAPER CO., 502-504 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, Que. Products: Pulp: sulphite, sulphate. STANDARD CHEMICAL CO., LTD., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Plants: Weedon Chemical Co., Weedon, Que. Laurentian Chemical Co., Mont Tremblant, Que. Wood Products Co., Ltd., Donald, Ont. Canada Chemical Co., Parry Sound, Ont. Standard Chemical Co., Ltd., of: Longford, Ont. South River, Ont. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Thornbury, On*.. Eganville, Ont. Coofcshire, Que. Montreal, Que. Fassett, Que. Products: Acetic acid; Acetic anhydride; Acetone (pure); Acetone alcohol; Acetone oils ; Calcium acetate; , Charcoal; Creosote oils ; Formaldehyde; Methyl acetate; Methyl alcohol (pure) ; Sodium acetate; Wood alcohol; Wood tars. STANDARD CLAY PRODUCTS, LTD., St. Johns, Que. Plants: St. Johns, Que. New Glasgow, N.S. Products: Sewer pipes; Stove linings; Fire bricks. STANDARD FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL CO., Smith's Falls, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. STANDARD IRON CO. OF CANADA, LTD., Coristine Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Deseronto, Ont. Product: Iron. 43 STANDARD LIME CO., LTD., Joliette, Que. Product: Lime. STANDARD PAINT & VARNISH CO., LTD., C.P. Ry. and Wyandotte St., Windsor, Ont. Products: Mixed paints; Varnishes ; Enamels ; Japans; Stains; Fillers; Dry colours: C. P. greens; Commerical greens; C. P. yellows; Commercial yellows; Para reds; Eosine vermilions; Prussian blue; Wine colours; Maroons. STANDARD SMELTING & REFINING CO., LTD., Chippawa, Ont. Products: Silver bullion; Arsenic ; Mineral colours: Cobalt oxide, black and grey; Nickel oxide, brown and grey; Iron oxide, etc. STANDARD STEEL CO., LTD., 1025 Transportation Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant: Hutchison and Atlantic Sts., Montreal, Que. Product : Steel. STANDARD VINEGAR CO., LTD., 1116 Twelfth St. E., Calgary, Alta. Product: Vinegar. STANDARD WHITE LIME CO., LTD., Guelph, Ont, Plants: Guelph, Ont. Beachville, Ont. St. Mary's, Ont. Products: Lime: lump, hydrated. STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD., Hamilton, Ont. Products: Iron; Steel. STEPHENS, G. F., & CO., LTD., 172 Market St., Winnipeg, Man. Products: Mixed paints; Stains; Japans; Putty; Enamels ; Fillers; Varnishes; STERLING RUBBER CO., Waterloo Ave., Guelph, Ont. Products: Rubber goods: All kinds of seamless rubber goods. Gloves; Sleeves. STONE, WM., & SONS, LTD., Woodstock, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. STRATFORD GAS CO., 51 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. Products: Coal and water gas; Coke; Crude tar; Hydrocarbons. SWEDISH CRUCIBLE STEEL CO. OF CANADA, LTD., Windsor, Ont. Product: Steel. 44 SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LTD., Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Ont. Plants: Edmonton, Alta. New Westminster, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. SWIFTIDE OIL CO., Fairhaven, N.B. Products: Cod oil; Herring oils; Refining and recovery of cotton seed oil; Fish scrap. SYLVESTER FEED COMPANY, Box 54, Victoria, B.C. Product: Fertilizers. SYNTHETIC DRUG CO., 243 College St., Toronto, Ont. Products: Diarsenol (Salvarsan "606"); Neodiarsenol (Neosalvarsan "914"). TANGUAY, GEORGES, LTD., 48 St. Paul St., Quebec, Que. Product: Complete fertilizers. TAYLOR & PRINGLE CO., LTD., Owen Sound, Ont. Products: Vinegar: spirit and cider. THREE RIVERS STEEL FOUNDRY CO., Three Rivers, Que. Product: Steel. TIVANI ELECTRIC STEEL CO., BelleviUe, Ont. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. TORONTO BRICK CO., 77 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. Product: Lime. TORONTO CHEMICAL CO., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. (Operated by Dominion Tar & Chemical Co.). Plant: Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Products: -Hydrocarbons from coke oven gas; Benzol; Toluol; Xylol; Naphthas; Fuel oils. TORONTO LIME CO., LTD., 26 Queen St., Toronto, Ont. Product: Lime, grey building. TORONTO PAPER MFG. CO., LTD., Cornwall, Ont. Product: Sulphite pulp, (for own use). TORONTO PLASTER CO., LTD., Toronto, Ont. Product: Lime, hydrated. TRANSPARENT RUBBER GOODS CO., 1555 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. Products: Dipped rubber goods. TUDHOPE ELECTRO METALS, LTD., 602 Pacific Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. (Electric furnace under construction 1918). TURNBULL ELECTRO METALS, LTD., St. Catharines, Ont. Product: Low phosphorus pig iron produced in electric furnaces from steel scrap. UNDERWOOD, JOHN, & CO., 90 Richmond St. E., Toronto, Ont. Products: Writing inks; Mucilage; Carbon papers and ribbons. 45 UNION CARBIDE CO. OF CANADA, LTD., Dominion Bank Bldg., Toronto, On . Plant: Welland, Ont. Product: Calcium carbide. UNITED GAS & FUEL CO. OF HAMILTON, Hamilton, Ont. Products: Coal gas; Carburetted water gas; Coke; Crude tar. VAN DER LINDE RUBBER CO., LTD., 142 Weston Road, Toronto, Ont. ' Products: Rubber goods; Tires; Tubes; Footwear, etc. VANCOUVER ENGINEERING WORKS, 519 Sixth Ave. W., Vancouver, B.C. Product: Steel. VANCOUVER GAS CO., LTD., Vancouver, B.C. Products: Illuminating gas; Coke; Crude tar; Ammonia liquor, (cone.); Water gas tar. VERA CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, Freeman, Ont. Products: Resin paper sizings; Soap powder. VICTORIA CHEMICAL CO., LTD., 120 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Plant: Victoria, B.C. Products: Sulphuric acid; Nitric acid; Mixed acids; Hydrochloric acid; Sodium sulphate; Superphosphate of lime; Lime sulphur solution; Fertilizer. WABI IRON WORKS, LTD., New Liskeard, Ont. (Not operating). WATERLOO WATER & LIGHT COMMISSION, Gas Dept., Waterloo, Ont. Product: Water gas. WATERMAN, L. E., CO., LTD., 179 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Plant: St. Lambert, Que. Products: Fountain pens; Writing inks. WAYAGAMACK PULP & PAPER CO., LTD., Three Rivers, Que. Product: Sulphate pulp. WEST DISINFECTING CO., 301-303 Casgrain Ave., Montreal, Que. Branch: 325 Eighth Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. Products: Liquid soaps; Coal tar disinfectants; Machine fluids. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., LTD., 74 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Plant: Goderich, Ont. Product: Salt. WESTERN SALT CO., LTD., Courtwright, Ont. Product: Salt. 46 WHALEN PULP & PAPER MILLS, LTD., 650 Fender St. W., Vancouver, B.C. Plants: Mill Creek, B.C. Swanson Bay, B.C. Port Alice, B.C. Product: Sulphite pulp. WICKETT & CRAIG, LTD., Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. Products: Leather: bag, case, bookbinders, fine bridle; Cattle hair; Glue stock; Scrap leather. WILSON, LYTLE, BADGEROW, CO., LTD., Duke & Princess Sts., Toronto, Ont, Branches: 149 Notre Dame Ave. E., Winnipeg, Man. 1106 Homer St., Vancouver, B.C. 26 Gore St., Hamilton, Ont. Bagot St., Kingston, Ont. 74, Upper Cadieux St., Montreal, Que. Product : Vinegar. WINDSOR PLASTER CO., LTD., Windsor, N.S. Products: Calcined plaster; Selenite hardwall plaster; Land plaster. WINNIPEG SUPPLY & FUEL CO., LTD., 298 Rietta St., Winnipeg, Man. Product: Lime. WINTERMEYER, A. C., Kitchener, Ont, Products: Glue; Grease. WISER, J. P., & SONS, LTD., Prescott, Ont. Product: Non-potable alcohol. WITTS, C., Norwich, Ont. Product: Fertilizers. WRY-STANDARD, A. E., LTD., Sackville, N.B. Products: Leather: upper, oil-tanned. YOCUM FAUST CO., 123 St. George St., London, Ont. Products: Sulphonated cod oil; Sulphonated neat's foot oil; Textile and tanners' oils. YORKTON GAS CO., LTD., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Plant : Yorkton, Sask. Product: Acetylene gas. YOUNG, ESTATE OF ALEX., Wingham, Ont. Product: Salt. YOUNG-THOMAS SOAP CO., LTD., Regina, Sask. Products: Soap: household, laundry, powder; Glycerine, crude. ZINC COMPANY LIMITED, 605 Eastern Townships Bank Bldg., Montreal, Que. (To resume operations in May, 1919). Plant: Notre Dame des Anges, Que. Product: Leaded zinc oxide. PART TWO CHEMICAL PRODUCTS The products listed in Part One are here arranged in alphabetical order so that all the firms known to be making any one article are found under that subject. In this section addresses of head offices only are given. 47 ABRASIVES, Aluminous. Brebner, D. A., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Canadian Aloxite Co., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Coralox Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Exolon Co., Thorold,.Ont. National Abrasive Co., Hamilton, Ont. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. ACETALDEHYDE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. ACETATE OF LIME. See Calcium Acetate. ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACETONE. Canadian El:ctro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACETONE-ALCOHOL. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACETONE OILS. Standard Chemical- Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACETYLENE, compressed or dissolved. Auto Lite Gas Co., 456 Lipton St., Winnipeg, Man. Commercial Acetylene Supply Co., 18 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Compressed Gas Co., Ltd., 240 Third Ave., E., Calgary, Alta. L'Air Liquide Society, 16 Boler St., West Toronto, Ont. Prest-O-Lite Co. of Canada, Toronto, Ont. ACID, Acetic. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACID, Acetic, glacial. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. ACID, Acetylsalicylic. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ACID, Benzoic. Commc ' Delta Chemical Co., Ltd., 1683 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. ACID, Carbolic, crude. See Creosote Oils. Commonwealth Chemical Corporation of Canada, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. Danf ACID, Hydrochloric. Grasselli Ch mical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Nichols Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St.; Montreal, Que. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, Que. ACID, Hydrofluosilicic. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. ACID, Mixed. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. ACID, Molybdic. Orillia Chemical Co., Orillia, Ont. 49 616344 50 ACID, Nitric. Aetna Chemical Co., Drummondville, P.Q. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Nichols Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. ACID, Picrie. Aetna Chemical Co., Drummondville, P.Q. ACID, Sulphuric. Aetna Chemical Co., Drummondville, P.Q. Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Nichols Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. ACID, Sulphuric, fuming. Nichols Chemical Co. f Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. ACID, Sulphurous. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. ADHESIVES. Auld Mucilage Co., Montreal, P.Q. Bush, Charles, Ltd., 105 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ont. Canada Glue Co., Ltd., Echo Place, Brantford, Ont. Carter's Ink Co., 655 Drolet Street, Montreal, P.Q. Columbia Printing Ink and Roller Co., 1063 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. Dextrine Co., Ltd., Thorold, Ont. Dextrine Products, Ltd., Brampton, Ont. Dominion Glue Co., Kitchener, Ont. Mount Royal Colour & Varnish Co., Ltd., 193 Dorchester St. East, Montrcal,P.Q Paste and Gum Co., Ltd., 502 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, Reliance Ink Co., Ltd., 520 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. Robinson Glue Co., Ltd., 4-5-6 St. Nicholas Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Russian Cement Co., 559 Pius Ninth Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Underwood, John, & Co., 90 Richmond Street East., Toronto, Ont, Wintermeyer, A. C., Kitchener, Ont, ALCOHOL, Amyl. See Fusel Oil. ALCOHOL, Non-potable. British Columbia Distillery Co., New Westminster, B.C. Canadian Industrial Alcohol, Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Montreal Products Co., Ltd., 806 Drummond Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Wiser, J. P., & Sons, Ltd., Prescott, Ont, ALCOHOL, Methyl (pure). Standard Chemical Co., Ltd., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ALCOHOL, Wood, crude. Dominion Wood & Lumber Co., Ltd., Trout Creek, Ont. Hodgson Bros. Chemical Co., Ltd., Lindsay, Ont, Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ALUMINUM. Northern Aluminum Company, Ltd., Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. ALUMINUM ACETATE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie Street, Montreal, P.Q. AMIDO-PHENOL, para. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont, AMMONIA, Anhydrous. Canadian Ammonia Co., Ltd., 65-87 Heward Ave., Toronto, Ont, Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Ltd., Caroline & Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. 51 AMMONIA, Liquor. Canadian Ammonia Co., Ltd., 65-87 Reward Ave., Toronto, Ont. City Gas Co., London, Ont. Consumers Gas Co., of Toronto, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Caroline & Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Ottawa Gas Co., 35 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ont. Vancouver Gas Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. AMMONIUM CARBONATE. Canadian Ammonia Co., Ltd., 65-87 Heward Ave., Toronto, Ont. AMMONIUM CHLORIDE. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE. Orillia Chemical Co., Orillia, Ont. AMMONIUM NITRATE. American Cyanamid Co., 511 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. AMMONIUM SULPHATE. Alg ma Steel Corporation Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Sydney, N.S. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Van- cjuver, B.C. Montreal Light, Heat & Power Co., Montr al, P.Q. AMYL ACETATE. Cosmos Chemical Co., Port Hope, Ont. ANTIMONY. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. ARSENIC. Deloro Smelting & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Metals Chemical Ltd., Welland, Ont. Standard Smelting & Refining Co., Ltd., Chippawa, Ont. ASPIRIN: See Acid, acetylsalicylic. BASIC SLAG. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Cross Fertilizer Co., Ltd., "Drawer A," Prince Street,-Sydney, N.S. BENZALDEHYDE. Commonwealth Chemicil Corp. of Canada, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. BENZINE. British American Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. BENZOL. Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Granby Ccnsolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. Toronto Chemical Co., 201 Bark of HamilUn Bldg , Toronto, Ont. BISMUTH SALTS. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. BLANC FIXE. Laporte-I win Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul Street West, Montreal, P.Q. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. BLEACHING POWDER. Canadian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. 61634 4 52 CALCIUM ACETATE. Dominion Wood & Lumber Co., Ltd., Trout Creek, Ont. Hodgson Bros., Chemical Co., Ltd., Lindsay, Ont. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CALCIUM ARSENATE. Niagara Brand Spray Co., Ltd., Burlington, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 8j7 Centre Street, Montreal, P/ CALCIUM CARBIDE. Canada Carbide Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Craig St., Montreal, P.Q. Union Carbide Co. of Canada Ltd., Dominion Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CALCIUM CARBONATE. Canadian Salt Co., Windsor, Ont. CANDLES. Albert Soaps, Ltd., 168 McCord Street, Montreal, P.Q. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CARAMEL. Dominion Caramel Co., Montreal, P.Q. CARBON DIOXIDE. Canadian Carbonate Co., Ltd., 1 Hadley Street, Montreal, P.Q. Saskatoon Brewing Co., Ltd., Saskatoon, Sask. CARBON ELECTRODES. Canadian Electrode Co., Ltd., Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Electro Metals Ltd., Welland, Ont. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE. Can dian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. CAUSTIC SODA: See Sodium Hydroxide. CHALK: See Calcium Carbonate. CHARCOAL. Dominion Wood & Lumber Co., Ltd., Trout Creek, Ont. Hodgson Bros. Chemical Co., Ltd., Lindsay, Ont. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CITRATES. National Drug &~Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. COBALT. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Deloro Smelting & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. Metals Chemical Ltd., Welland, Ont. Nipissing Mining Co., Cobalt, Ont. COBALT OXIDE. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Deloro Smel ing & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. Metals Chemical Ltd., Welland, Ont. Standard Smelting & Refining Co., Ltd., Chippawa, Ont. COBALT SULPHATE. Metals Chemical Ltd., Welland, Ont. COINAGE. Royal Mint, Sussex Street, Ottawa, Ont. COKE. Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Brandon Gas & Power Co., Ltd., 149 Tenth St. Brandon, Man. British American Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Canadian Collieries, 313 Lamberton Bldg., Victoria, B.C. City of Sherbrooke Gas Dept., Sherbrooke, P.Q. 53 COKE Concluded. City Gas Co. of London, 215 Dundas St., London, Ont. Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Crow's Ne,t Pass Coal Co., Fernie, B.C. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. International Coal & Coke Co., Ltd., Coleman, Alta. Kitchener Light Commissioners, 169 King Street West, Kitchener, Ont. Napanee Gas Co., Ltd., 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Nova Scotia Tramways & Power, Tramway Bldg., Halifax, N.S. Ottawa Gas Co., 35 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. Peterborough Gas Works, Peterborough, Ont. Public Utilities Commission of Owen Sound, 1062 Second Ave. E., Owen Sound, Ont. Quebec Railway, Light & Power Co., Quebec Railway Bldg., Quebec. P.Q. Stratford Gas Co., 51 Downie Street, Stratford, Ont. United Gas & Fuel Co. of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. Vancouver Gas Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. COLOURS, Dry. Canada Paint Co., Ltd., 572 William Street, Montreal, P.Q. Imperial Varnish & Colour Co., Ltd., 8-20 Morse Street, Toronto, Ont. Jamieson R. C., & Co., Ltd., 264 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, P.Q. McArthur-Irwin, Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, P.Q. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre Street, Montreal, P.Q. Standard Paint & Varnish Co., Ltd., Cor. C. P. Ry. and Wyandotte St., Windsor, Ont. COPPER. British America Nickel Corporation, Citizen Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. Canada Copper Corporation Ltd., Greenwood, B.C. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co., 718 Granville Street> Vancouver, B.C. Royal Mint, 8 Sussex Street, Ottawa, Ont. COPPER CARBONATE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Avenue, Toronto, Ont. COPPER CYANIDE. Canadian Hanson & Van tVinkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Avenue, Toronto, Ont. COPPER-NICKEL MATTE. Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Coniston, Ont. COPPER SULPHATE. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. COUMARIN. Commonwealth Chemical Corporation of Canada, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. CRESOLS. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CREOSOTE CRYSTALS. McArthur, Alex., & Co., Ltd., 82 McGill Street, Montreal, P.Q. CREOSOTE OILS AND STAINS. Barrett Co., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A City Gas Co. of London, 215 Dundas St., London, Ont. Hamilton Tar and Ammonia Co., Caroline and Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., Ltd., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Kitchener Light Commissioners, 169 King St. W., Kitchener, Ont. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. CROTONALDEHYDE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montrea 1 , Que. 54 CYANAMIDE. American Cynamid Co., 511 Fifth Ave., New York, U.S.A. DEXTRINE. See Adhesives. DIARSENOL. Synthetic Drug Co., 243 College St., Toronto, Ont. DISINFECTANTS. Canadian Germicide Co., 1 Howard Park Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Caroline and Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Orillia Chemical Co., Orillia, Ont. West Disinfecting Co., 301-303 Casgrain Ave., Montreal, Que. DRY PLATES. Canadian Kodak Co., Eglington Ave., West Toronto, Ont. DYNAMITE. See Explosives. EARTHENWARE, Sanitary. Canadian Trenton Potteries, Ltd., St. Johns, Que. EPSOM SALTS. See Magnesium Sulphate. EXPLOSIVES. Aetna Chemical Co., Drummondville, Que. Aetna Explosives Co., Inc., Prescott, Ont. Canadian Explosives Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ont. Giant Powder Co. of Canada, Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Great West Fireworks Co., Brandon, Man. Hand, T. W., Fireworks Co., 606 King St. W., Hamilton, Ont. Howard, A. L., & Co., Pinehurst, N.C., U.S.A. International Fireworks Co., 120 Carling St., London, Ont. Jackson Signal Co., 112 Morris St., Guelph, Ont. Sabulite Canada, Ltd., 701 Rogers Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. FERMENTS. Hansen's, Chr., Laboratory, Inc., 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. FERRO-CHROME. Cordova Mines Ltd., Toronto, Ont. FERRO-SILICON. Brebner, D. A., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Canadian Ferro- Alloys Co., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Canadian Aloxite Co., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Coralox Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Electro Metals Ltd., Welland, Ont. Exolon Co., Thorold, Ont. Leaside Munitions Co., Beaupre, Que. National Abrasives Co., Hamilton, Ont. FERTILIZERS. Aitken, Wm. R., South Vancouver, B.C. Beard, Wm., & Co., City Market, Vancouver, B.C. Burns, P., & Co., Ltd., Calgary, Alta. Brand, James, & Co., 723 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Market Chambers, Chatham, Ont. Capelton Chemical & Fertilizer Co., c|o J. F. Higginson, Buckingham, Que. Canada Fish Products Co., Watts Island, Ladner, B.C. Chilliwack Producers Exchange, Chilliwack, B.C. Consolidated Whaling Corporation Ltd., Box 773, Victoria, B.C. Colonial Fertilizer Co., Windsor, Ont. Cross Fertilizer Co., Ltd. (Drawer "A"), Prince St., Sydney, N. B. 55 FERTILIZERS Concluded. Dominion Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. Stephen, N.B. Essex Fertilizer Co., Windsor, N.S. Farmer's Fertilizer Co., Wingham, Ont. Freeman, W. A., & Co., Ltd., Harris Road, West Toronto, Ont. Gordon Ironsides & Fares Packers Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Julien, Eug., & Cie, Ltee., Quebec, P.Q. Gunns Limited, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Ont. Harris, W., & Co., Ltd., 994 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. Ingersoll Packing Co., Ltd., Ingersoll, Ont. Kincardine Pork Curing House, c|o Mr. H. Coleman, Kincardine, Ont. Kinsella, A., & Sons, 165 Paradise Row, St. John, N.B. Kirke Chemical Co. of Canada, Sun Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Lesage Packing & Fertilizer Co., Ltd., 53 St. Paul St., Montreal, P.Q. Lavigeur, Arthur, 31 Boisseau Street, Quebec, P.Q. Lowell Fertilizer Co., Windsor, N.S. La Cie des Angrais Chimiques Anglo-Francaise, Ltee., Quebec, P.Q. Legare, P. T., Ltd., Quebec, P.Q. Montreal Abattoirs Ltd., 139 Mill St., Montreal, P.Q. Morgan, A. J., 100 Dundas St., London, Ont. Mendels, J. H., Perth, Ont. Marquis, F. Canac, Guyart St., Quebec, P.Q. New England Fertilizer Co., Windsor, N.S. Nova Scotia Fertilizers Co., Royal Bank Chambers, Halifax, N.S. Ontario Fertilizers Ltd., Harris Road, West Toronto, Ont. Pidgeon Fertilizer Co., Windsor, N.S. Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John, N.B. Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John, N.B. Ritchie Bros. & Co., 840 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. Rennie, Wm., Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Rideau Specialty Co., Smith's Falls, Ont. Spencer, David, Ltd., 515 Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. Standard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Smith's Falls, Ont. Sylvester Feed Company, Box 54, Victoria, B.C. Stone, Wm., & Sons, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont. Swift Canadian Co., Ltd., Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Ont. Tanguay, Georges, Ltd., 48 St. Paul St., Quebec, Que. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Witts, C., Norwich, Ont. FILM, Photographic. Canadian Kodak Co., Eglington Ave., West Toronto, Ont. FIREWORKS: See Explosives. FLUE LINING. Alberta Clay Products Co., Medicine Hat, Alta. FOOD COLOURS. Hansen's, Chr., Laboratory, Inc., 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. FORMALDEHYDE. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. FUSEL OIL. British Columbia Distillery Co., New Westminster, B.C. Canadian Industrial Alcohol, Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Cosmos Chemical Co., Port Hope, Ont. GAS, Acetylene. Carberry Gas Co., Ltd., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Deloraine Gas Co., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Elbow Gas Plant, 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Hamilton, John, Tara, Ont. Linwood Lighting Co., Linwood, Ont. Manitou Gas Co., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Moosomin Gas Co., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Massey Light, Heat & Power Co., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Ripley Acetylene Gas Co., Ltd., Ripley, Ont. Rosthern Gas Plant, 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Yorkton Gas Co., Ltd., 601 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. 56 GAS: Coal, water, carburetted water, and mixed. The Brandon Gas & Power Co., Ltd., 149 Tenth St., Brandon, Man. City of Nelson Gas Co., Ltd., Box 1058, Front St., Nelson, B.C. City of Sherbrooke Gas Dept., Sherbrooke, P.Q. City Gas Co. of Oshawa, 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Van- couver, B.C. Kitchener Light Commissioners, 169 King St. West, Kitchener, Ont. Montreal Light, Heat & Power Consolidated, Montreal, Que. Napanee Gas Co., Ltd., 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Nova Scotia Tramways & Power Co., Box 770, Tramway Bldg., Halifax, N.S. Ottawa Gas Co., 35 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. Public Utilities Commission of Owen Sound, 1062 Second Avenue, East, Owen Sound, Ont. Peterborough Gas Works, Peterborough, Ont. Quebec Railway Light & Power Co., Ltd., Quebec R'y Big., Quebec, Que. Stratford Gas Co., 51 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. United Gas & Fuel Co. of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. Vancouver Gas Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Waterloo Water & Light Commission, Waterloo, Ont. GASOLINE. British American Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. GLASS. Beaver Flint Glass Co. of Toronto, Ltd., 547 Parliament St., Toronto, Ont. Dominion Glass Co., Ltd., 107 St. James St., Montreal, Que. Humphreys Glass Co., Moncton, N.B. Jefferson Glass Co., Ltd., 388 Carlaw Ave., Toronto, Ont. Pilkington Bros., Ltd., Thorold, Ont. GLAUBER'S SALT. See Sodium Sulphate. GLUCOSE, (Including Grape Sugar). Canada Starch Co., 164 St. James St., Montreal, Que. St. Lawrence Starch Co., Ltd., Port Credit, Ont. GLUE. See Adhesives. GLUE STOCK. Anglo-Canadian Leather Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Barrie Tanning Co., Barrie, Ont. Bonner Leather Co., 1060 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, P.Q. Breithaupt Leather Co., Ltd., Kitchener, Ont. Davis Leather Co., Ltd., Newmarket, Ont. King Bros., Ltd., Whitby, Ont. Sadler, Geo. W., & Co., Stanbridge E., Quebec, P.Q. Wicket t & Craig Ltd., Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. GLYCERINE, Crude. Barsalon, J., & Cie., Ltd., 172 Delorimier Street, Montreal, P.Q. Beaver Soap Co., Ltd., 1377 Winnipeg Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. Darling & Brady, Ltd., 159 Richardson St., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Soap Co., Ltd., 475 Victoria St. N., Hamilton, Ont. Elliot, J. & P., Box 164, Gait, Ont. Guelph Soap Co., 12-20 Waterloo St. West, Guelph, Ont. Lever Bros. Ltd., Eastern Ave. and Don River, Toronto, Ont. London Soap Co., 195-205 South St., London, Ont. Morton, David, & Sons Ltd., 77 Omerald St. South, Hamilton, Ont. Palmolive Co. of Canada, Ltd., 64 Natalie St., Toronto, Ont. Pendray, W. J., & Sons, Ltd., Cor. Belleville & Montreal Sts., Victoria, B.C. Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Ltd., Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Robertson, J. T., Co., of Canada, Ltd., Bennett Ave., Maisonneuve, Que. Royal Crown Soaps Ltd., 289 King St., Winnipeg, Man. St. Croix Soap Mfg. Ltd., St. Stephen, N.B. Young-Thomas Soap Co., Ltd., Regina, Sask. 57 GLYCERINE, Refined. Lever Bros. Ltd., Eastern Ave., and Don River, Toronto, Ont. Marx & Rawolle of Canada, Ltd., 516 St. Ambroise St., Montreal, Que. Procter & Gamble Mfg. Co., Burlington St. E., Hamilton, Ont. GOLD. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Daly Reduction Co., Hedley, B.C. Royal Mint, 8 Sussex St., Ottawa, Ont. GRAPHITE. Graphite Products, Limited, 55 St. Francois Xavier St., Montreal, Que. GUM. See Adhesives. GUM, Padding. See Adhesives. HEMLOCK EXTRACT. Miller Extract, Ltd., Millerton, N.B. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Laporte-Irwin Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. National Drug & Chemical Co., of Canada, Montreal, Que. INK, Printing and Lithographing. Ault & Wiborg Co. of Canada Ltd., 19-23 Charlotte St., Toronto, Ont. Bush, Charles, Ltd., 105 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ont. Canada Printing Ink Co., Ltd., 15 Duncan St., Toronto, Ont. Carter's Ink Co., 655 Drolet St., Montreal, P.Q. Columbia Printing Ink & Roller Co., 1063 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, B.C. Dominion Printing Ink & Colour Co., 128 Pears Ave., Toronto, Ont. Frontenac Ink Works, 243 William St., Montreal, P.Q. Manton Bros., 105 Elizabeth St., Toronto, Ont. McArthur-Irwin, Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, P.Q. Shackell, Edwards & Co., Ltd., 127 Peter St., Toronto, Ont. Sinclair & Valentine Go. of Canada, Ltd., 233 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. INK, Writing. Carter's Ink Co., 655 Drolet Street, Montreal, P.Q. Reliance Ink Co., Ltd., 520 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. . Underwood, John & Co., 90 Richmond St. East, Toronto, Ont. Waterman, L. E., Co., Ltd., 179 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. IODIDES. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. IODINE. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. IRON. Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Atikokan Iron Co., Ltd., Port Arthur, Ont. British Forgings, Ltd., Munitions Board, Ottawa, Ont. Canada Cement Co., Herald Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Steel Corporation, Ltd., Ojibway, Ont. Canadian Furnace Co., 51 Hamburg St., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A., Columbia Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Port Moody, B.C. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Electro Foundries, Ltd., Box 703, Orillia, Ont. Electric Iron, Ltd., Lakefield, Ont. Electric Smelting Co. of Brantford, Hull, P.Q. Fraser, Brace & Co., Ltd., Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Hull Iron & Steel Foundries, Ltd., Hull, P.Q. Kennedy, William, & Sons, Owen Sound, Ont. Londonderry Iron & Mining Co., Montreal, P.Q. Midland Iron & Steel Co., Montreal, P.Q. Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co., Ltd., New Glasgow, N.S. Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Standard Iron Co. of Canada, Ltd., Coristine Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Tivani Electric Steel Co., Belleville, Ont. Turnbull Electro Metals, Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. . 58 IRON NITRATE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. IRON OXIDE. Canada Paint Co., Ltd., 572 William St., Montreal, P.Q. Champlain Oxide Co., Three Rivers, P.Q. Jamieson, James W., & Co., Ltd., Boyce Avenue, Montreal, P.Q. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre St., Montreal, P.Q. Standard Smelting & Refining Co., Ltd., Chippawa, Ont. IRON PERCHLORIDE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. KELP ASH. Canadian Kelp Products, Ltd., 921 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. KEROSENE. British American Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. LACQUERS. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Ave., Toronto, Ont. Cosmos Chemical Co., Port Hope, Ont. LAUNDRY BLUE. Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Ltd., Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. LEAD ARSENATE. Niagara Brand Spray Co., Ltd., Burlington, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada., Ltd., 897 Centre Street, Montreal, P.Q. LEAD OXIDES. Carter White Lead Co., Ltd., 91 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, P.Q. LEAD, Refined. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Kingston Smelting Co., Kingston, Ont. Robertson, Estate of James, 142 William St., Montreal, P.Q. LEAD: Basic carbonate white, or corroded. Brandram-Henderson, Ltd., 2984 St. Urbain St., Montreal, P.Q. Carter White Lead Co., Ltd., 91 Delorimier Avenue, Montreal, P.Q. Pacific White Lead Co., Industrial Island, Vancouver, B.C. LEATHER. Anglo-Canadian Leather Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Arscott Bros., Ltd., London, Ont. Barrie Tanning Co., Barrie, Ont. Bastien, Ludger, Loretteville, P.Q. Beardmore & Co., 37 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Bonner Leather Co., 1060 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal, P.Q. Borne, Lucien, 491 rue St. Vaiier, P.Q. Breithaupt Leather Co., Ltd., Kitchener, Ont. Clarke, A. R. & Co., Ltd., 633-661 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Clarke & Clarke, Ltd., 63 Bay St., Toronto, Ont, Clemont, Edgar, 179 Arago St., Quebec, Que. Clermont, Alfred, St. Melonie, P.Q. Davis Leather Co., Newmarket, Ont. Dugal, P., & Matte, 206 rue Fleurie, Quebec, P.Q. Edwards & Edwards, 27 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. King Bros., Ltd., Whitby, Ont. Logan Tanneries, Ltd., Pictou, N.S. Magnetawan Tanning & Electric Co., 12-14 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont, Marlatt & Armstrong Co., Ltd., Oakville, Ont. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Beaumont St., Montreal, P.Q. McLean, J. J., & Sons, Hopewell, N.S. Montreal Leather Co., Ltd., 75 St. Ambroise St., Montreal, P.Q. Poirier, Arthur, St. Remi, P.Q. 59 LEATHER Concluded. Pouliot, A., & Co., 139-143 Arago St., Quebec, P.Q. Pouliot, J. & S., & Freres, Quebec, P.Q. Robson Leather Co., Ltd., Oshawa, Ont. Sadler & Haworth, 511 William St., Montreal, P.Q. Wickett & Craig, Ltd., Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. Wry-Standard, A. E., Ltd., Sackville, N.B. LIME. Bowman, David, Coal & Supply Co., Ltd., 461 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. Christie-Henderson & Co., Ltd., 201 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Chalmers, Stewart, & William Campbell, 689 Seventh St., Owen Sound, Ont. Cameron, William M., Carleton Place, Ont. Canada Cement Co., Herald Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Lime Co., Sherbrooke, P.Q. Gallagher Lime & Stone Co., Box 85, Hamilton, Ont. Gillis Tyndall Stone Co., 204 Nokomis Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Jamieson, J. M., Forresters Falls, Ont. Laurentian Stone Co., 252 Catherine St., Ottawa, Ont. Limoges, Oliver, Sr., 401 Poupart St., Montreal, P.Q. Manitoba Gypsum Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Montreal Lime Co., 31 Prenoveau St., Montreal, Que. Moosehorn Lime Co., 504 Trust & Loan Bldg., Winnipeg, Ma*n. Pacific Lime Co., Ltd., Pacific Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Parks Bros., Troy, Ont. Provincial Lime Co., 89 Water St., St. John, N.B. Randolph & Baker, Ltd., Randolph, N.B. Robertson, D., Co., Ltd., 201 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Rosebank Lime Co., Box 1184, Victoria, B.C. Standard Lime Co., Ltd., Guelph, Ont. Toronto Brick Co., 77 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. Toronto Lime Co., Ltd., 26 Queen St., Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg Supply & Fuel Co., Ltd., 298 Rietta St., Winnipeg, Man. LIME, Hydrated. Alabastine Co., Paris, Ont. Albert Mfg., Co., Hillsborough, N.B. Christie-Henderson & Co., Ltd., 201 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Laurentian Stone Co., 252 Catherine St., Ottawa, Ont. Pacific Lime Co., Ltd., Pacific Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Standard White Lime Co., Ltd., Guelph, Ont. Toronto Plaster Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Windsor Plaster Co., Windsor, N.S. LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Niagara Brand Spray Co., Ltd., Burlington, Ont. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. LINSEED OIL. Alberta Linseed Oil Co., Medicine Hat, Alta. Canada Linseed Oil, Ltd., 1213 NUre Dame St. East, Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Linseed Oil Ltd., Baden, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre Street, Montreal, P.Q. LYE. See Sodium Hydroxide. MAGNESITE, Calcined. North American Magnesite Co., Ltd., 26 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Scottish Canadian Magnesite Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. MAGNESITE, Clinkered. North American Magnesite Co., Ltd., 26 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. MAGNESIUM. Shawinigan Electro Metals Co., Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. MAGNESIUM SULPHATE. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. 60 MALT, e - upy extracts of, and MALT FLOURS. Malt Products Co. of Canada, Ltd., Guelph, Ont. MANGANESE ACETATE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. MERCURIC OXIDE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. MERCURY FULMINATE. Aetna Explosives Co., Inc., Prescott, Ont. Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ont. Howard, A. L., & Co., Pinehurst, N.C., U.S.A. METHYL ACETATE. Standard Chemi'cal Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. MOLYBDENITE. Molybdenite Products, Wilberforee, Ont. MUCILAGE. See Adhesives. MURIATE OF POTASH. See Potassium Chloride. NAPHTHA. Barrett Co., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Caroline & Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Toronto Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Van- couver, B.C. NAPHTHALENE. Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., 208 South La SaUe Street, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Caroline & Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Imperial Varnish & Colour Co., Ltd., 8-20 Morse St., Toronto, Ont. NEODIARSENOL. Synthetic Drug Co., 243 College Street, Toronto, Ont. NICKEL. British America Nickel Corporation, Citizen Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Deloro Smelting & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., Harbour Commission Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Metals Chemical, Ltd., Welland, Ont. NICKEL AMMONIUM. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Ave., Toronto, Ont. NICKEL CARBONATE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Ave., Toronto, Ont. Metals Chemical, Ltd., Welland, Ont. NICKEL CHLORIDE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Avenue, Toronto, Ont. International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., Harbour Commission, Bldg., Toronto, Ont. NICKEL OXIDE. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Deloro Smelting & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. Metals Chemical, Ltd., Welland, Ont. Standard Smelting & Refining Co., Ltd., Chippawa, Ont. NICKEL SULPHATE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrov, Avenue, Toronto, Ont. International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., Harbour Commission Bldg., Toronto, Ont. 61 NITRE CAKE (acid sodium sulphate). Canadian Explosives, Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Nichols Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. NITROGEN (in cylinders). L'Air Liquide Society, 16 Boler Street, West Toronto, Ont. OILS. Alberta Linseed Oil Co., Medicine Hat, Alta. Barrett Co., Montreal, P.Q. British Columbia Distillery Co., New Westminster, B.C. Canada Linseed Oil, Ltd., 1213 Notre Dame St. East, Montreal, P.Q. Canada Starch Co., Ltd., 164 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Industrial Alcohol, Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. City Gas Co. of London, 215 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Cosmos Chemical Co., Port Hope, Ont. Dominion Linseed Oil Co., Ltd., Baden, Ont. Dominion Oil Co., Ltd., Royal Bank Bldg., King St. W., Hamilton, Ont. Jones Packing & Provision Co., Smith's Falls, Ont. Kitchener Light Commissioners, 169 King St. W., Kitchener, Ont. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Marden, Orth & Hastings Co., Box 793, North Sydney, N.S. Morton, David, & Sons, Ltd., 77 Omerald St. S., Hamilton, Ont. Ontario Soap & Oil Co., 45 Dickens Ave., Toronto, Ont. Penfound Varnish Co., Cariboo Ave., Toronto, Ont. Perfection Supply & Mfg. Co., Calgary, Alta. Port Stanley Supply Co., Port Stanley, Ont. Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John, N.B. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre St., Montreal, P.Q Snowdon, C. C., 810-840 Eleventh St. E., Calgary, Alta. St. Lawrence Starch Co., Ltd., Port Credit, Ont. Swiftide Oil Co., Fairhaven, N.B. Toronto Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Yocum Faust Co., 123 St. George St., London, Ont. OIL CAKE. Alberta Linseed Oil Co., Medicine Hat, Alta. Canada Linseed Oil, Ltd., 1213 Notre Dame Street East, Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Linseed Oil Co., Ltd., Baden, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre Street, Montreal, P.Q. OIL, Creosote. See Creosote Oil. OIL, Fusel. See Fusel Oil. OIL, Linseed. See Linseed Oil. OLEUM. See Acid, Sulphuric, fuming. OXYGEN. Auto Lite Gas Co., Ltd., 456 Lipton St., Winnipeg, Man. Compressed Gas Co., Ltd., 240 Third Avenue East, Calgary, Alta. L'Air Liquide Society, 16 Boler Street, West Toronto, Ont. PAINTS, Mixed. Brandram-Henderson, Ltd., 2984 St. Urbain St., Montreal, P.Q. British American Paint Co., Ltd., Montreal and Belleville Sts., Victoria, B.C. Canada Paint Co., Ltd., 572 William St., Montreal, P.Q. Darling, Henry, 28 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C. Dominion Paint Works, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. Dougall Varnish Co., Ltd., 305 Manufacturers St., Montreal, P.Q. Glidden Varnish Co., Ltd., 382 Wallace Ave., Toronto, Ont. Jamieson, James W., & Co., Boyce Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Jamieson, R. C., Co., Ltd., 264 St. Patrick St., Montreal, P.Q. Lowe Bros., Ltd., 263 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, Ont. Martin-Senour Co., Ltd., 2951 Greenshields Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Moore, Benj., & Co., Ltd., 2-4-6 Lloyd St. W., Toronto, Ont. 62 PAINTS, mixed Concluded. Mount Royal Colour & Varnish Co., Ltd., 193 Dorchester St. East, Montreal, P.Q. Muirhead, A., Co., Ltd., 217 King Street E., Toronto, Ont. Nag Paint Co., Ltd., 1302 Wharf St., Victoria, B.C. Ottawa Paint Works, 687 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. Ramsay, A., & Son, Co., 10-22 Inspector St., Montreal, P.Q. Scarf e & Co., Brantford, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre St., Montreal, P.Q. Standard Paint & Varnish Co., Ltd., Cor. C. P. Ry. & Wyandotte Sts., Windsor, Ont. Stephens, G. F., & Co., Ltd., 172 Market St., Winnipeg, Man. PARALDEHYDE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. s PARIS GREEN. McArthur-Irwin, Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, P.Q. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre St., Montreal, P.Q. PASTE. See Adhesives. PERFUME, Synthetic. Orillia Chemical Co., Orillia, Ont. PHENACETINE. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. PHENOLS. See Creosote Oils. PHOSPHORUS. Electric Reduction Co., Ltd., Buckingham, P.Q. PITCH. Barrett Co., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Hamilton Tar & Ammonia Co., Caroline and Mulberry Sts., Hamilton, Ont. McArthur, Alex., & Co., Ltd., 82 McGill Street, Montreal, P.Q. PLASTER. See Lime, hydrated. PORTLAND CEMENT. British Columbia Cement Co., Ltd., Victoria, B.C. Canada Cement Co., Herald Bldg., Montreal, Que. Commercial Cement Co., Ltd., 307 Quebec Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Edmonton Cement Co., Ltd., 511-513 McLecd Bldg., Edmonton, Alta. Hanover Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Hanover, Ont. National Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Durham, Ont. Ontario Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. St. Mary's Cement Ltd., 49 Wellington Street, W., Toronto, Ont. POTASH, Crude. Canada Cement Co., Herald Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Cass, John E., Maxville, Ont. POTASSIUM CHLORATE. Electric Reduction Co., Ltd., Buckingham, P.Q. Ottawa & Hull Chemical Works, Box 213, Ottawa, Ont. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE. National Potash Corporation, Ltd., 178 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE. Ottawa & Hull Chemical Works, Box 213, Ottawa, Ont. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., 608 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. POWDER, Smokeless. See Explosives. 63 PULP, Sulphate. Bathurst Lumber & Trading Co., Bathurst, N.B. Brompton Pulp & Paper Co., East Angus, P.Q. Brown Corporation, La Tuque, P.Q. Canada Paper Co., Windsor Mills, P.Q. Dryden Timber & Power Co., Ltd., Dryden, Ont. New Brunswick Sulphate Fibre Co., Ltd., Millerton, N.B. Pacific Mills, Ltd., Ocean Falls, B.C. Rainy River Pulp & Paper Co., 222 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. St. Maurice Paper Co., 502-504 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Wayagamack Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., Three Rivers, P.Q. PULP, Sulphite. Abitibi Power & Paper Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Bathurst Lumber & Trading Co., Bathurst, N.B. Belgo-Canadian Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., Shawinigan Falls, P.Q. Booth, J. R., Ottawa, Ont. Dominion Paper Co., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Pulp Co., Chatham, N.B. Donnacona Paper Co., Donnacona, P.Q. E. B. Eddy Co., Ltd., Hull, P.Q. Lake Superior Paper Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Laurentide Co., Ltd., 71 Canada Life Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Lincoln Paper Mills Co., Ltd., Merriton, Ont. Nashwaak Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., St. John, N.B. Ontario Paper Co., Ltd., Thorold, Ont. Pacific Mills Ltd., Ocean Falls, B.C. Powell River Co., Ltd., Powell River, B.C. Price Bros. & Co., Ltd., Quebec, P.Q. Riordan Pulp & Paper Mills, 355 Beaver Hall Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Spanish River Pulp & Paper Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. St. Lawrence Pulp & Paper Co., Chicoutimi, P.Q. St. Maurice Paper Co., 502-504 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Toronto Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. Whalen Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., 650 Fender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. ROLLS, Printing. Bush, Charles, Ltd., 105 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ont. Canada Printing Ink Co., Ltd., 15 Duncan St., Toronto, Ont. Columbia Printing Ink & Roller Co., 1063 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, B.C. Sinclair & Valentine Co. of Canada, Ltd., 233 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. RUBBER GOODS. Belleville Rubber Co. Ltd., Box 309, Belleville, Ont. Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Ltd., 244 Booth Aye., Toronto, Ont. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Ltd., 152 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ont Gutta Percha & Rubber Ltd., 47 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Independent Rubber Co., Ltd., Merriton, Ont. Kaufman Rubber Co., Ltd., 410 King Street, Kitchener, Ont. Marathon Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd., Vine Street, St. Catharines, Ont. Miner Rubber Co., Ltd., 72 St. Peter St., Montreal, P.Q. Oak Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd., 471 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Panther Rubber Co., Ltd., Box 46, Jenks Lane, Sherbrooke, P.Q. Partridge, F. E., Rubber Co., Ltd., Metcalfe St., Guelph, Ont. Peerless Rubber Co., Carlaw & Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Sterling Rubber Co., Waterloo Ave., Guelph, Ont. Transparent Rubber Goods Co., 1555 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. Van der Linde Rubber Co., 142 Weston Road, Toronto, Ont. SAL AMMONIAC. See Ammonium Chloride. SAL SODA. See Sodium Carbonate. SALT, See Sodium Chloride. SALT CAKE. Aetna Chemical Co., Drummondville, P.Q. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Nichols Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 222 St. ames St., Montreal, P.Q. 64 SEWER PIPE. AlbeTrta Clay Products Co., Medicine Hat, Alta. Ontario Sewer Pipe Co., Mimico, Ont. Standard Clay Products Co., Ltd., St. Johns, P.Q. SILICON CARBIDE. Canadian Aloxite Co., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Exolon Co., Thorold, Ont. SILICO MANGANESE. Electro Metals Ltd., Welland, Ont. SILVER. British America Nickel Corporation, Citizen Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. Burrows Refining Co., Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. Cobalt Reduction Co., Cobalt, Ont. Coniagas Reduction Co., Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Deloro Smelting & Refining Co., Deloro, Ont. Dominion Reduction Co., Cobalt, Ont. Imperial Refining & Smelting Works, 34 Beverley St., Toronto, Ont. Metals Chemical Ltd., Welland, Ont. Nipissing Mining Co., Cobalt, Ont. Royal Mint, 8 Sussex St., Ottawa, Ont. Standard Smelting & Refining Co., Ltd., Chippawa, Ont. SILVER SALTS. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Montreal, P.Q. SIZINGS. Dextrine Co., Ltd,, Thorold, Ont. Paste & Gum Co., Ltd., 502 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Vera Chemical Co. of Canada, Freeman, Ont. SOAP. Albert Soaps Ltd., 168 McCord St., Montreal, P.Q. Barsalon, J., & Cie., Ltd., 172 Delorimier St., Montreal, P.Q. Beaver Soap Co., Ltd., 1377 Winnipeg Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Canadian Germicide Co., 1 Howard Park Ave., Toronto, Ont. Cudahy Packing Co., 64 McCauley Ave., Toronto, Ont. Darling & Brady, Ltd., 159 Richardson St., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Soap Co., Ltd., 475 Victoria St. N., Hamilton, Ont. Elliot, J. & P., Box 164, Gait, Ont. Guelph Soap Co., 12-20 Waterloo St., W., Guelph, Ont. Jones Packing & Provision Co., Smith's Falls, Ont. Judd, W. -H., & Co., 101 Bay St. N., Hamilton, Ont. Lever Bros., Ltd., Eastern Ave. and Don River, Toronto, Ont. London Soap Co., 197-205 South St., London, Ont. McColl Bros. & Co., 114-120 Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. Morton, David, & Sons, Ltd., 77 Omerald St. S., Hamilton, Ont. Ontario Soap & Oil Co., 45 Dickens Ave., Toronto, Ont. Palmolive Co. of Canada, Ltd., 64 Natalie St., Tor nto, Ont. Pendray, W. J., & Sons, Ltd., Cor. Belleville and Montreal Sts., Victoria, B.C. Perfection Supply & Mfg. Co., Calgary, Alta. Procter & Gamble Mfg. Co., Burlington St. E., Hamilton, Ont. Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Ltd., Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Robertson, J. T., Co. of Canada, Ltd., Bennett Ave., Maisonneuve, P.Q. Royal Crown Soaps Ltd., 289 King St., Winnipeg, Man. Snowdon, C. C., 810-840 Eleventh St. E., Calgary, Alta. St. Croix Soap Mfg. Co., St. Stephen, N.B. Vera Chemical Co. of Canada, Freeman, Ont. West Disinfecting Co., 301-303 Casgrain Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Young-Thomas Soap Co., Ltd., Regina, Sask. SODA ASH. Brunner, Mond Canada, Ltd., Amherstburg, Ont. SODIUM ACETATE. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. 65 SODIUM ARSENATE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. SODIUM BENZOATE. Commonwealth Chemical Corporation of Canada, Ltd, Walkerville, Out. Delta Chemical Co., Ltd., 1683 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. SODIUM BISULPHITE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. SODIUM CARBONATE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. Pendray, W. J., & Sons, Ltd., Cor. Belleville and Montreal Sts., Victoria, B.C. SODIUM CHLORATE. Electric Reduction Co., Ltd., Buckingham, P.Q. Ottawa & Hull Chemical Works, Box 213, Ottawa, Ont. SODIUM CHLORIDE. Canadian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Dominion Salt Co., 412 North Front St., Sarnia, Ont. Elarton Salt Works Co., Ltd., Hyde Park, Ont. Exeter Salt Works Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ont. North American Chemical Co., Ltd., Clinton, Ont. Ontario People's Salt & Soda Co., Ltd., Kincardine, Ont. Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., 74 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Western Salt Co., Ltd., Courtwright, Ont. Young, Estate of Alex., Wingham, Ont. SODIUM CYANIDE. American Cyanamid Co., 511 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. SODIUM HYDROXIDE. Canadian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Cudahy Packing Co., 64 McCauley Ave., Toronto, Ont. Gillett, E. W., Co., Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Ltd., Eastern Aye., Toronto, Ont. Royal Crown Soaps, Ltd., 289 Kin St., Winnipeg, Man. SODIUM PERCHLORATE. Ottawa & Hull Chemical Works, Box 213, Ottawa, Ont. SODIUM SULPHATE. Grasselli Chemical Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Ni hols Chemical Co. f Canada, Ltd., 222 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. STARCH. Canada Dextrine Co., Bridgetown, P.E.I. Canada Starch Co., Ltd., 164 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Denatured Alcohol Co., Ltd., East Baltic, P.E.I. St. Lawrence Starch Co., Ltd., Port Credit, Ont. STEEL. Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Alloy Steel Works, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Armstrong-Whitworth Co. of Canada, Ltd., 22 Victoria Square, Montreal/ P.Q. Beauchemin & Fils, Sorel, P.Q. Brtish Forgings, Ltd., Munitions Board, Ottawa, Ont. Canada Cement Co., Herald Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Canadian Brakeshoe Co., Sherbrooke, P.Q. Canadian Steel Foundries, Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Davidson, Thos., Mfg. Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Dominion Foundries & Steel Ltd., Depew St., Hamilton, Ont. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Electric Steel & Metals Co., Ltd., Welland, Ont. General Car & Machinery Works, Ltd., Montmagny, P.Q. Hull Iron & Steel Foundries, Ltd., Hull, P.Q. Joliett Steel Co., Ltd., 903 Read Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. La Cie de F. X. Drolet, Quebec, P.Q. 616345 66 TEEL Concluded. Londonderry Iron & Mining Co., Montreal, P.Q. Manitoba Steel Foundries, Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co., Ltd., New Glasgow, N.S. Standard Steel Co., Ltd., 1025 Transportation Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. SUGAR, Refined. Acadia Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Dartmouth, N.S. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd., Power Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. B. C. Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Rogers St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., 511 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, P.Q Dominion Sugar Co., Ltd., Wallaceburg, Ont. St. Lawrence Sugar Refineries, Ltd., 145 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. SULPHUR CHLORIDE. Canadian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. SULPHUR, Soluble. Niagara Brand Spray Co., Ltd., Burlington, Ont. SUPERPHOSPHATES. Canadian Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Market Chambers, Chatham, Ont. Freeman, W. A., Co., Ltd., 181 Hunter St. E., Hamilton, Ont. Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John, N.B. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., 120 St. James St., Montreal, P.Q. SYRUP. Acadia Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Dartmouth, N.S. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd., Power Bldg., Montreal, Que. B. C. Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Rogers St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., 511 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal, Que. Dominion Sugar Co., Ltd., Wallaceburg, Ont. St. Lawrence Sugar Refineries, Ltd., 145 St. James St., Montreal, Que. TALLOW, Refined. Lever Bros., Eastern Ave. and Don River, Toronto, Ont. TAR, Coal or Crude. Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Brandon Gas & Power Co., 149 Tenth St., Brandon, Man. Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. .U.S.A. City of Nelson Gas Co., Ltd., Box 1058, Front St., Nelson, B.C. City of Sherbrooke Gas Dept., Sherbrooke, P.Q. City Gas Co. of London, 215 Dundas St., London, Ont. Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Van- couver, B.C. McArthur, Alex., & Co., Ltd., 82 McGill St., Montreal, P.Q. Montreal Light, Heat & Power Consolidated, Montreal, Que. Napanee Gas Co., Ltd., 504 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Nova Scotia Tramways & Power Co., Box 770, Tramway Bldg., Halifax, N.S. Ottawa Gas Co., 35 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. Public Utilities Commission of Owen Sound, 1062 Second Ave., E., Owen Sound, Ont. Stratford Gas Co., 51 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. United Gas & Fuel Co. of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. Vancouver Gas Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. TAR, Water gas. Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto, 19 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. Vancouver Gas Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. TAR, Wood. Standard Chemical Co., 1104 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. TILE. Alberta Clay Products Co., Medicine Hat., Alta. Montreal Terra Cotta Co., Ltd., 621 Drummond Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. National Fireproofing Co. of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 67 TOLUOL. Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Dominion Tar 3c Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Toronto Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., 718 Granville St., Van- couver, B.C. TORPEDOES. See Explosives. VARNISH. Berry Bros., Walkerville, Ont. Brandram-Henderson Ltd., 2984 St. Urbain St., Montreal, P.Q. British American Paint Co., Ltd., Montreal and Belleville Sts., Victoria, B.C. Canada Paint Co., Ltd., 572 William St., Montreal, P.Q. Cooke & Boulton, 174 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Dominion Paint Works Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. Dougall Varnish Co., Ltd., 305 Manufacturers St., Montreal, P.Q. Flint Varnish & Colour Works of Canada Ltd., Perth Ave., West Toronto, Ont. Glidden Varnish Co., Ltd., 382 Wallace Ave., Toronto, Ont. Harland, Wm., & Sons, 400 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. Holland Varnish Co., Ltd., Park and Atlantic Aves., Montreal, P.Q. Imperial Varnish & Colour Co., Ltd., 8-20 Morse St., Toronto, Ont. Jamieson, James W., & Co., Ltd., Boyce Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Jamieson, R. C., & Co., Ltd., 264 St. Patrick St., Montreal, P.Q. Lowe Bros., Ltd., 263 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, Ont. Martin-Senour Co., Ltd., 2951 Greenshields Ave., Montreal, P.Q. McArthur-Irwin, Ltd., 20-28 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, P.Q. McColl Bros. & Co., 114-120 Don Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. Moore, Benj., & Co., Ltd., 2-4-6 Lloyd St. W., Toronto, Ont. Muirhead, A., & Co., Ltd., 217 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Paint Works, 687 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. Penfound Varnish Co., Cariboo Ave., Toronto, Ont. Ramsay, A., & Son Co., 10-22 Inspector St., Montreal, P.Q. Scarf e & Co., Brantford, Ont. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd., 897 Centre St., Montreal, P.Q. Standard Paint & Varnish Co., C. P. Ry. and Wyandotte Sts., Windsor, Ont. Stephens, G. F., & Co., Ltd., 172 Market St., Winnipeg, Man. VINEGAR. Acme Vinegar Co., Ltd., 1262-1274 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Allen, S., Ltd., Norwich, Ont. Annapolis Valley Cider Co., Bridgetown, N.S. Belleville Cider & Vinegar Co., Belleville, Ont. Cosgrove Brewery Co., Ltd., 284 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont. Dominion Vinegar Works, Hamilton, Ont. Dyson Vinegar Co., Ltd., 462 Redwood Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Graves, M. W., & Co., Bridgetown, N.S. Heinz, H. J., Co., Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. Lion Vinegar Co., Ltd., 661 Drolet St., Montreal, P.Q. Queen City Vinegar Co., Ltd., 19 River St., Toronto, Ont. St. Lawrence Vinegar Mfg. Co., Avenue Renaud, Quebec, P.Q. Standard Vinegar Co., Ltd., 1116 Twelfth St. E., Calgary, Alta. Wilson, Lytle, Badgerow Co., Ltd., Duke and Princess Sts., Toronto, On". Murray, D. B., Bagot St., Kingston, Ont. Taylor & Pringle Co., Ltd., Owen Sound, Ont. VITREOUS CHINA SPECIALTIES. Canadian Trenton Potteries, Ltd., St. Johns, P.Q. WAX. British American Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Cooke & Boulton, 174 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. Davies-Irwin, Ltd., 84 Wellington St., Montreal, P.Q. Imperial Oil, Ltd., Imperial Oil Bldg., Toronto, Ont. WELDING COMPOUNDS. Anti- Borax Compound Co., Windsor, Ont. 68 XYLOL. Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Toronto Chemical Co., 201 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Ont. YEAST. Gillett, E. W., Co., Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. Finlayson, D. J., & Son, 364-368 Victoria Ave., Westmount, Montreal, P.Q. ZINC. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Trail, B.C. Robertson, Estate of James, 142 William St., Montreal, P.Q. ZINC CARBONATE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow" Ave., Toronto, Ont. ZINC CHLORIDE. Cowan, John, Chemical Co., Ltd., 9 Dalhousie St., Montreal, P.Q. ZINC CYANIDE. Canadian Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Ltd., 25 Morrow Ave., Toronto,^0nt. ZINC OXIDE, Leaded. Zinc Company Limited, 605 Eastern Townships Bank Bldg., Montreal, P.Q. Gaylord Bros.. Inc. E Stockton, Calif. T. M. Reg. U.S.Pat. Off. M72992 r P/^ C% THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY