A m il A pq CSOU n mm 9 7 1 — 8 > 6 9 ^ z^ 8 8863 THOMAS TAYLOR THE PLATONIST 1758-1835 LIST OF ORIGINAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS COMPILED FOR USE IN THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY BY RUTH BALCH OF THE LIBRARY STAFF CHICAGO 1917 tSO copies multigraphed JuDc t9t7 LIBRARY ONIV^RSITY OF CALIPOJK^fU SANTA BAfiBAJBLA FOREWORD This hand-list of the writings of Thomas Taylor, "the Platonist" (1758-1835) has been prepared for use in connection with the reference work of the Library, since many lines of investigation in the fields of Philosophy, English Literature, and the Classics are found to cross or to approach his varied activities. As no complete bibliography of Taylor's publications is known to exist, it seemed desirable to compile the present list as an aid to students whose studies in the Library required ac- cess to and knowledge of the life and works of this well known English Platonist. Every effort has been made to make the list as complete as possible. The works are arranged in chronological order. The original works of each year are followed by edited works and translations. The titles of works now in The Newberry Library are designated by their respective "call-numbers". Those not in the Library are indicated by references to the authorities whence a knowledge of them was derived. A key to the abbreviations used for these authorities will be found at the end of the list. W. N. C. Carlton LIBRARIAN WRITINGS OF THOMAS TAYLOR 1780 The elements of a new method of reasoning in geometry, applied to the rectification of the cir- cle. [By Thomas Taylor] Lond.1780. Q. B.M. ,DNB. 1782 On the nature of the universe [by Ocellus Lu- canus. A paraphrase of this work by Thomas Taylor] (in European magazine, v. 2, p. 180-182, 262-263, 350-351, 429-430. Sept. -Dec., 1782) A 51.315. Note: Preceded by a "Note to the editors of the European magazine," signed: T.T. 1787 The mystical initiations; or. Hymns of ORPHEUS; tr. from the original Greek, with a preliminary dissertation on the life and theology of Orpheus, by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1787. D. Y 642.0 917. Concerning the beautiful; or, A paraphrase translation from the Greek of PLOTINUS. Ennead I. Book VI. By T.Taylor. Lond.1787. D. B.M.,L. Note: Entered in some lists under the title: On the beautiful, and An essay on the beautiful. 1788-1789 The philosophical and mathematical commentaries of PROCLUS...on the first book of Euclid's Elements, and his life by Marinus . Tr. from the Greek, with a preliminary dissertation on the Platonic doctrine (5) 1788-1789 of ideas, &c . by Thomas Taylor. (To which are added, a history of the restoration of the Platonic theology, by the latter Platonlsts: and a transla- tion.. .of Proclus's theological elements) Lond.1788- 1789. 2v.Q. B.M. 1790 A dissertation on the Eleusinlan and Bacchic mysteries. [By Thomas Taylor] Lond?[1790] 0. Adv.L. ,B. ,Bost. ,B.M. ,L.C. Note: This dissertation, with additions, appeared also in the Pamphleteer, v. 8. 1816. (See under that date) Note: Some lists give the place and date of the first edition as Amsterdam, 1791, or [1790?] 1792 A vindication of the rights of brutes. [By Thomas Taylor] Lond.1792. D. B.M. ,L. Note: Said to be a satire on Paine ' s Rights of man. The hymns of ORPHEUS, tr. from the original Greek: with a. ..dissertation on the life and theology of Orpheus [by T.Taylor] Lond.1792. 0. B.M. ,DNB. ,L. Note : In verse . The Phaedrus of PLATO; a dialogue concerning beauty and love. Tr. from the Greek [by T.Taylor] Lond.1792. Q. B.M. ,L. An essay on the beautiful. From the Greek of PLOTINUS. Lond.1792. D. L. Note: Translated by Thomas Taylor. The philosophical and mathematical commentaries of PROCLUS , on the first book of Eucllds' Elements. To which are added, A history of the restoration of Platonic theology, by the latter Platonlsts [by Thomas Taylor]: and a translation from the Greek of (6) 1792 Proclus's Theological elements... Lond.1792. 2v.ln l.Q. Y 642. P 8087. Note: Translated by Thomas Taylor. 1793 Five hymns [by Thomas Taylor] (in Sallust, the Platonlst. Sallust on the gods and the world, [tr. by T.Taylor] 1793) Y 6409.86. Two orations of the Emperor JULIAN: one to the sovereign sun, and the other to the mother of the gods; tr. from the Greek [by Thomas Taylor] With notes, and a copious Introduction, In which some of the greatest arcana of the Grecian theology are unfolded... Lond.1793. nar.O. Y 642. J 617. The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides, and Tlm?us of PLATO, tr. from the Greek by T.Taylor. With notes on the Cratylus, and an explanatory Introduc- tion to each dialogue. Lond.1793. 0. B.M.,L. Five hymns by PROCLUS In the original Greek, with a poetical version [by Thomas Taylor] {In Sallust, the Platonlst. Sallust on the gods and the world. 1793) Y 6409.86. SALLUST on the gods and the world; and the Pythagorlc sentences of Demophilus, tr. from the Greek; and five hymns by Proclus, in the original Greek, with a poetical version. To which ape added five hymns by the translator [Thomas Taylor].., Lond.1793. 0. Y 6409.86. Note: The version of Demophilus is reprinted in the Phlloblblion. N.Y.1862. v.l, p. 52. Z 007.72. 1794 An abridgment to Mr. [Bryan] EDWARDS'S Civil and commercial history of the British Wesfc Indies. Lond.1794. 3v.O. Al . , B.M. ,DNB . ,L. ,Low. (7) 1794 Note: The editorship of this work is attrib- uted by some authorities to Taylor; others do not question it. The description of Greece, tr. from the Greek [of PAUSANIAS] With notes [by T.Taylor] Lond . 1794. 3v.O. B.M. ,L. ,L.C. Five books of PLOTINUS , viz. On felicity; On the nature and origin of evil; On Providence; On nature, contemplation, and the One; and On the de- scent of the soul; tr. from the Greek. With an introduction, containing additional information on these important subjects. By Thomas Taylor... Lond. 1794. 0. Y 642. P 6004. 1795 A poetical paraphrase on the speech of Diotima in the Banquet of Plato. [By Thomas Taylor] (in Apulelus Madaurensls. The fable of Cupid and Psy- che. 1795. p. 93-117) Y 672. A 412. The fable of Cupid and Psyche, tr. from the Latin [of APULEIUS MADAURENSIS ]... To which are added, a poetical paraphrase on the speech of Diotima, in the Banquet of Plato; four hymns, &c . &c . With an introduction, in which the meaning of the fable is unfolded [by the translator, Thomas Taylor]... Lond. 1795. nar.O. Y 672. A 412. 1798-1814 Letters to George Cumberland [by Thomas Taylor] (in Cumberland papers. Correspondence of the fami- ly of Cumberland, with papers. ..of George Cumberland, of Bristol. V.8, 1798. Br .Mus . add .mss . , 36498; V.14, 1814. Br .Mus. add. mss. , 36504) B .M. add .mss . (8) 1800-1804 Four letters from Thomas Taylor, the "Platon- 1st," to Charles Taylor, secretary of the Society of arts; Adelphi, etc., 15 June, 1800-8 Sept. 1804. ff. 52-58. Followed (f.59) by "Extracts from the arguments of Celsus against the Christians as pre- served by Origen." Br .Mus . add .mss . , 34813. B.M.add .mss . 1801 A dissertation on nullities and diverging series; in which the nature of infinitely small quantities is unfolded, and the t^ 'en, or, The one of the Pythagoreans and Platonists elucidated... (in Aristoteles. The metaphysics of Aristotle. 1801. p. [437J-467) Y 642. A 8559 The metaphysics of ARISTOTLE, tr. from the Greek; with copious notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas respecting numbers and ideas are unfolded from ancient sources. To which is added, A dissertation on nullities and diverging series, In which the conclusions of the greatest modern mathematicians on this subject are shown to be erroneous, the nature of Infinitely small quan- tities is explained, and the t^ 'en, or The one of the Pythagoreans and Platonists, so often alluded to by Aristotle in this work, Is elucidated, by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1801. sq.F. Y 642. A 8559. 1803 Graecum lexicon manuale, primum a Benjamine Hederlco [HEDERICH] institutum: mox assiduo labore Sam. Patricil, auctum myriade amplius verborum; postremo innumeris vitiis repurgatum, plurimisque novis signif Icatibus verborum locupletatum cura Jo. August! Ernestl: atque Itorum recensitum et quam- plurimum. in utraque parte auctum a T. Morell...et denique nunc prodeat , prioribus longe emendatius, et in multis locls instauratum et emendatum a T. Taylor. Londinl , 1803 . Q. B.M.,L.C. Note: Unpaged. (9) 1804 - An answer to Dr. Gillies 's supplement to his new analysis of Aristotle's works; in which the un- faithfulness of his translation of Aristotle's Ethics is unfolded. By Thomas Taylor... Lond.1804. 0. B.M.,L.C. The Pythagoric sentences of DEMOPHILUS. [Tr. from the Greek by Thomas Taylor] (in Bridgman, William. Translations from the Greek. 1804) B. ,B.M. The dissertations of MAXIMUS TYRIUS . Tr. from the Greek by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1804. D. Y 642. M 218. The works of PLATO, viz. his fifty-five dia- logues and twelve epistles, tr. from the Greek; nine of the dialogues by the late F.Sydenham, and the remainder by Thomas Taylor: with occasional an- notations on the nine dialogues tr. by Sydenham, and copious notes by the latter translator... Lend. 1804. 5v.Q. *Y 642. P 518. and B 14.689. Note: Printed for T.Taylor. 1805 Miscellanies in prose and verse; containing the triumph of the wise man over fortune, according to the doctrine of the Stoics and Platonists; the creed of the Platonic philosopher: a panegyric on Sydenham, &c . , &c . By Thomas Taylor. Lond.1805. 0. B.M. ,DNB. 1806 Collectanea; or Collections, consisting of mis- cellanies inserted by Thomas Taylor in the European and Monthly magazines, with an appendix containing some hymns by the same author never before printed. Lond.1806. D. B.M. ,DNB. Note: Only fifty copies printed. (10) 1806-1812 [Works of ARISTOTLE, tr. with elucidations from the Greek commentators by T.Taylor] Lond . 1806-12 . lOv.sq.F. Y 642. A 818. Note: Binder's title: Aristotle's works. Tay- lor . Note: No general title-page. Each volume has special title-page. 1807 The treatises of ARISTOTLE on the heavens; on generation and corruption; and on meteors. Tr. from the Greek, with copious elucidations from the com- mentaries of Simplicius and Olympiodorus , by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1807. Q. Lond. Inst. 1809 The elements of the true arithmetic of infini- ties. In which all the propositions in the arith- metic of infinities invented by Dr.Wallis, relative to the summation of infinite series, and, also the principles of the doctrine of fluxions are demon- strated to be false; and the nature of infinitesi- mals is unfolded... Lond. 1809. sq.F. (in Aristoteles. [Works of Aristotle] v. 6) Y 642. A 818. v. 6. The history of animals of ARISTOTLE and his treatise on physiognomy. Tr....by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1809. Q. B.M. The arguments of the Emperor JULIAN against the Christians; tr. from the Greek fragments preserved by Cyril, bishop of Alexandria. To which are added, Extracts from the other works of Julian relative to the Christians. By Thomas Taylor... Lend., printed for the translator. 1809. 0. Y 642 . J 618. Note: Privately printed edition of 25 copies. Note: The title In Lowndes' Bibliographer's manual reads: The arguments of the Emperor Julian against the Christians, tr. from the Greek frag- ments preserved by Cyril of Jerusalem. To which (11) 1809 Is added, Extracts from the other works of Julian relative to the Christians. Lond . , printed for the translator, 1809. B.M. ,L. ,Low. 1810 Commentaries of PROCLUS ; on the Tim^eus of Pla- to, in five books; containing a treasury of Pytha- goric and Platonic physiology. Tr . from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1810. 2v. B. 1811 The Great and Eudemlan ethics, the Politics, and Economics of ARISTOTLE... Tr . from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1811. F. L.C. 1812 A dissertation on the philosophy of Aristotle, in four books. In which his principal physical and metaphysical dogmas are unfolded; and it is shown, from indubitable evidence, that his philosophy has not been accurately known since the destruction of the Greeks. The insufficiency also of the philoso- phy that has been substituted by the moderns for that of Aristotle, is demonstrated... Lond. 1812. sq.F. B 15.859. Same. Lond. 1812. sq.F. (in Aristoteles. [Works of Aristotle] v. 10) Y 642. A 818. v. 10. 1816 A dissertation on the Eleuslnlan and Bacchic mysteries. ..By Thomas Taylor... Ed . 2 . , with altera- tions, (in The pamphleteer. Lond. 1816. 0. v. 8, p.[33]-66; [455J-486) H 07.66 Theoretic arithmetic in three books; containing the substance of all that has been written on this subject by Theo of Smyrna, Nlcomachus, lambllchus, and Boetius... Lond. 1816. 0. B 455.862 (12) 1816 The six books of PROCLUS , the Platonic succes- sor, on the theology of Plato, tr. from the Greek; to which a seventh book [by the translator] Is added, In order to supply the deficiency of another book on this subject, which was written by Proclus but since lost. Also a translation from the Greek of Proclus' Elements of theology. To which are added a translation of the treatise of Proclus On providence and fate; a translation of extracts from his treatise, entitled: Ten doubts concerning prov- idence; and a translation of extracts from his treatise On the subsistence of evil. By Thomas Tay- lor. Lond.1816. 2v.ln l.sq.F. Y 642. P 8088. 1817 Remarks on the daemon of Socrates. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 16, whole no. 31, p. 160-164. Sept. 1817) X 0163.003 Use of arches known among the ancients. [Signed: T.Taylor] (In Classical journal. v. 16, whole no. 31, p. 184-185. Sept. 1817) X 0163.003 Select works of PLOTINUS...and extracts from the treatise of Synesius on Providence. Tr. from the Greek. With an Introduction containing the sub- stance of Porphyry's Life of Plotlnus. By T.Taylor. Lond.1817. 0. B.M. ,L.C. Life of Plotinus [by PORPHYRIUS] (in Plotinus. Select works of Plotinus. 1817) Note: Forms the introduction to Plotinus' Se- lect works and contains in Taylor's words the substance of Porphyry's Life of Plotinus. 1817-1818 Collection of the Chaldean oracles. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (In Classical journal. v. 16-17, whole no. 32-34, p. 333-344, 128-133, 243-264. Dec. 1817, March and June, 1818) X 0165.003. (13) 1818 On a peculiar signification of the words demas and soma. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (In Classical journal. v. 18, whole no. 35, p. 202-203. Sept. 1818) X 0163.003. Orphic fragments, hitherto Inedlted. [Signed: T.Taylor] (in Classical Journal, v. 17, whole no. 33, p. 158-163. March, 1818) X 0163.003. Remarks on a passage In Stobasus. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 17, whole no. 34, p. 455-456. June, 1818) X 0163.003. The Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nicomachean ethics of ARISTOTLE, tr. from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. Lond.1818. 2v.O. B.M.,DNB. Same. Ed . 2 . Lond.1818. 2v.O. B.M.,DNB. lAMBLICHUS' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric life. Accompanied by fragments of the ethical writings of certain Pythagoreans in the Doric dia- lect; and a collection of Pythagoric sentences from Stob.Tus and others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula mythologica and have not been noticed by any editor. Tr, from the Greek, by Thomas Tay- lor... [Lond.1818] 0. Y 642.1 15. Note: "...A list of translations and original works by T. Taylor . "-p. [355 ]-360 . 1819 On the antiquity of alchymy. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 20, whole no. 39, p. 75-78. Sept, 1819) X 0163.003. On the coincidence between the belts of the planet Jupiter and the fabulous bonds of Jupiter the Demlurgus. [Signed: Thomas Taylor I (in Class- ical journal. v. 20, whole no. 40, p. 324-326. Dec. 1819) X 0163.003. (14) 1819 On the philosophical meaning of the words bios, kinema, energema, and aisthema. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 19, whole no . 38 , p. 363-364. June, 1819) X 0163.003. 1820 ...Discovery of a verse of Homer, and error of Kiessling. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 21, whole no. 42, p. 361-362. June, 1820) X 0163.003. Important additions to the first Alclbiades, and Tim^eus of Plato. [Signed: T.Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 21, whole no. 41, p. 141-142. March, 1820) X 0163.003. Important discovery of the original of many of the sentences of Sextus Pythagoricus , which have been hitherto supposed to be alone extant in the fraudulent version of the presbyter Ruffinus. [Signed: T.Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 21, whole no. 42, p. 266-270. June, 1820) X 0163.003. Miscellanies in prose and verse; containing, the Triumph of the wise man over fortune according to the doctrine of the Stoics and Platonists. The creed of the Platonic philosopher; A panegyric on Sydenham, &c . , &c . 2d ed., with additions. Lond . 1820. S. B 11.86. On the theology of the Greeks. By Thomas Taylor (in Classical journal. v. 22, whole no. 43-44, p.89- 104, 301-314. Sept. and Dec. 1820) X 0163.003, Platonic demonstration of the immortality of the soul. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 21-22, whole no. 42-43, p . 201-250[ ! ] , 40-51. June and Sept. 1820) X 0163.003. Note: Pages 205-224 skipped in numbering. (15) 1820 The commentaries of PROCLUS on the Tlmasus of Plato, in five books; containing a treasury of Pythagorlc and Platonic physiology. Tr. from the Greek by T.Taylor. Lond.1820. 2v.F. Y 642. P 8089. 1821 Notice of Professor Cousin's edition of the two first books of Proclus on the Parmenldes of Plato... [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v. 24, whole no. 48, p. 336-347. Dec. 1821) X 0163.003. On the mythology of the Greeks. [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 23-24, whole no. 45, 47, p. 33-41, 54-67. March, Sept. 1821) X 0163.003. The Rhetoric, Poetic and Nlcomachean ethics of ARISTOTLE, tr. from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. Lond.1821. 0. B.M. ,DNB. Note: The Ethics are omitted In this edition. lAMBLICHUS on the mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians; tr. from the Greek by Thomas Taylor... Chlswlck , 1821 . 0, Y 642.1 1. 1822 Observations on Professor Cousin's edition of the Commentaries of Proclus on the first Alclblades of Plato, in 2 vols. 8vo . Paris, 1820 and 1821; and also on Creuzer's edition of the same Commentaries, together with those of Olympiodorus on that dia- logue, in 2 vol. Svo. Francof.1820 and 1821. [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v. 25, whole no. 49-50, p. 134-142, 300-305. March and June, 1822) X 0163.003. Observations on that part of a work entitled, Empedoclis et Parmenidls fragmenta ex codlce taur- inensis bibliotheca^ restituta et lllustrata, ab Amedeo Peyron, Llpslie, 1810, in which the author (16) 1822 treats of the genuine Greek text of the Commentary of Slmpliclus in Arlstotelem de coelo at mundo. [Signed: T.] (In Classical journal. v. 26, whole no. 52, p. 250-259. Dec.1822) The Metamorphosis, or Golden ass, and Philoso- phical works of APULEIUS. Tr . from the original Latin by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1822. nar.O. Y 672. A 413. Political fragments of ARCHYTAS , CHARONDAS , ZALEUCUS , and other ancient Pythagoreans, preserved by Stobjeus; and also, Ethical fragments of HIER- OCLES... preserved by the same author. Tr. from the Greek by Thomas Taylor... Chlswlck, 1822. 0. B 167.86. Note: Binder's title reads: Taylor's politi- cal fragments. 1823 The elements of a new arithmetical notation and of a new arithmetic of infinities. ..with an appendix, concerning some properties of perfect, amicable, and other numbers, no less remarkable than novel. By Thomas Taylor. Lond.1823. 0. B 455.86 [Explanation of] the allegory of the Wanderings of Ulysses [by Thomas Taylor] (in Porphyrius. Se- lect works. ..tr. by T.Taylor. 1823. appendix) Y 642. P 76. Observations on Creuzer's edition of the Com- mentary of Olympiodorus on the first Alcibiades of Plato... [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v. 27, whole no. 53, p. 39-47. March, 1823) X 0163.003. Observations on the Scholia of Hermeas on the Phsedrus of Plato, published by Fredericus Astlus... [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v. 28, whole no. 55-56, p. 79-83, 268-273. Sept. and Dec. 1823) (17) 1823 Select works of PORPHYRY; containing his four books on Abstinence from animal food; his treatise on the Homeric cave of the nymphs; and his auxil- iaries to the Perception of intelligible natures. Tr. from the Greek by T.Taylor; with an appendix, explaining the allegory of the Wanderings of Ulysses, by the translator. Lond.1823. 0. Y 642. P 76. 1824 Emendations of the text of Plato. [Signed: T. Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 30, whole no. 60, p. 304-306. Dec. 1824) X 0163.003. Introduction to the second edition of the translation of the Mystical hymns of Orpheus, by Thomas Taylor... (in Classical journal. v. 29-30, whole no. 58-59, p. 322-331, 81-92. June and Sept. 1824) Observations on the Excerpta from the Scholia of Proclus on the Cratylus of Plato, published by Professor Bolssonade... [Signed: T.] (In Classical journal. v. 30, whole no. 59-60, p . 3-9 , 247-253. Sept. and Dec.1824) X 0163.003. The mystical hymns of ORPHEUS; tr. from the Greek, and demonstrated to be the invocations which were used in the Eleusian mysteries, by Thomas Tay- lor... Ed . 2 , with... emendations, alterations, and additions. Chlswlck , 1824. 0. Y 642.0 918. The description of Greece, by PAUSANIAS , tr. from the Greek. With notes In which much of the mythology of the Greeks is unfolded from a theory which has been for many ages unknown. Illus. with maps and views. A new ed. with considerable aug- mentations in 3v. Lond.1824. 3v.O. DNB..L.,L.C. Note: Tr. by Thomas Taylor. (18) 1825 ...Biblical criticism. [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v.j2, whole no. 63, p,[31] Sept. 1825) X 0163.003. Classical allusion [to Democrates. Signed: T.] (in Classical Journal. v. 31, whole no. 61, p. 195. March 1825) X 0163.003. Notice of Professor Cousin's edition of the third, fourth, and fifth books of Proclus on the Parmenides of Plato... [Signed: T.] (in Classical journal. v. 31, whole no. 61-62, p.[16]-21, 271-279. March and June, 1825) X 0163.003. The fragments that remain of the lost writings of PROCLUS, surnamed the Platonic successor. Tr . from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1825. D. Y 642. P 809. 1829 Corruption of Demiurgus . [Signed: Thomas Tay- lor] (in Classical journal. v. 39, whole no. 77. p. 101-103. March, 1829) X 0163.003. Extracts from some of the lost works of Aris- totle, Xenocrates, and Theophrastus . [Signed: Thomas Taylor] (in Classical journal. v. 40, whole no. 80, p. 332-335. Dec. 1829) X 0163.003. 1830 Arguments of CELSUS , PORPHYRY, and the Emperor JULIAN, against the Christians; also extracts from Diodorus Siculus, Josephus, and Tacitus, relating to the Jews. Together with an appendix containing the oration of Libanius in defence of the temples of the heathens, tr. by Dr. Lardner; and extracts from Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian church... Lond.1830. nar.S. C 5232.86 Note: Edited and translated by Thomas Taylor. Note: Cover-title reads: Fragments of Porphy- ~ ry , Julian, &c . against the Christians. (19) 1831 OCELLUS LUCANUS. On the nature of the universe. TAURUS, the Platonic philosopher, On the eternity of the world. Julius FIRMICUS MATERNUS Of the thema mundl ; in which the positions of the stars at the commencement of the several mundane periods Is given. Select theorems on the perpetuity of time, by PROCLUS. Tr. from the original by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1831. D. B 42.86 1833 Two treatises of PROCLUS, the Platonic succes- sor; the former consisting of Ten doubts concerning Providence, and a solution of those doubts; and the latter containing a development of the nature of evil. Tr. from the edition of these works by Victor Cousln...by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1833. D. Y 642. P 8093. 1834 Translations from the Greek of the following treatises of PLOTINUS ; viz. On suicide, to which Is added an extract from the Harlelan ms . of the scholia of Olymplodorus on the Phrcdo of Plato re- specting suicide, accompanied by the Greek text; two books on truly existing being; and extracts from his treatise on the manner in which the m.ultl- tude of Ideas subsists, and concerning the good; with additional notes from Porphyry and Proclus. By Thomas Taylor... Lond.1834. D. Y 642. P 6005. 1873 The arguments of the Emperor JULIAN against the Christians, tr. from the Greek fragments preserved by Cyril, bishop of Alexandria. To which are added Extracts from the other works of Julian relative to the Christians. By Thomas Taylor. Repr. and ed. by W.Nevlns. Lond.1873. 0. B.M. (20) 1875 A dissertation on the Eleuslnlan and Bacchic mysteries. [By Thomas Taylor] 3d ed., ed. with Introduction, notes, emendations, and glossary, by Alexander Wilder... N.Y.1875. 0. Bib.L. 1880 Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. Three treatises of PLOTINUS (two on the essence of the soul [the second tr. by T.Taylor] and one on the descent of [the] soul) Tr. from the original Greek. ..by T.M.Johnson. Osceola , Mo ., 1880'. 0. B.M. 1891 The Eleuslnlan and Bacchic mysteries. A disser- tation. By Thomas Taylor... Ed., with Introduction, notes, emendations and glossary, by Alexander Wild- er... With 85 illustrations by A.L.Rawson. 4th ed. N.Y.1891. 0. (Bouton's archaic library, v.l) B.M. ,L.C. 1893 The metamorphosis; or, Golden ass, and Philoso- phical works of Apulelus. Tr. from the original Latin by Thomas Taylor... Lond.1822 [repr. Birming- ham, 1893] 0. L.C. Note: "Of this re-issue only 600 copies have been printed...". "Passages suppressed", 4p . (in- serted) in Library of Congress copy. 1894 The republic [of PLATO]... Tr. by Thomas Taylor. Lond.[1894] 0. (The Scott library) B.M. 1895 Select works of PLOTINUS, tr. from the Greek, with an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry's life of Plotinus, by Thomas Taylor. (21) 1895 New ed., with preface and bibliography by G.R.S. Mead... Lond.1895. D. (Bohn's philosophical libra- ry) Y 642. P 60055 Life of Plotinus [by PORPHYRIUS ] (in Plotlnus. Select works of Plotlnus. 1895) Y 642. P 60055 Note: Forms the introduction to Plotlnus' Se- lect works and contains in Taylor's words the substance of Porphyry's Life of Plotlnus. 1896 The mystical hymns of ORPHEUS. Tr . from the Greek and demonstrated to be the Invocations which were used In the Eleuslnian mysteries, by Thomas Taylor. New ed. Lond.1896. 0. B.M.,L.C. 1906 The republic of PLATO. Lond.[1906] D. (Meth- uen's standard library) L.C. Note: "Translation by F.Sydenham and T.Tay- lor, rev. by W.H.D. Rouse. With introd. by Ernest Baker. "-cf. British museum catalogue. Accessions, May 12,1906. 1909 Select works of PLOTINUS , tr. from the Greek, with an introduction, containing the substance of Porphyry's life of Plotlnus, by Thom^as Taylor. New ed. with preface and bibliography by G.R.S. Mead, Lond.1909. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) L.C. Note: Earlier edition in 1895, in the same series . Life of Plotlnus [by PORPHYRIUS] (in Plotlnus. Select works of Plotlnus. 1909) Note: Forms the introduction to Plotlnus' Se- lect works and contains in Taylor's words the substance of Porphyry's Life of Plotlnus. (22) 1917 An essay on the beautiful [by Thomas Taylor. Lond.1917. 0. PLOTINUS] tr. by Y 642.? 3009 UNDATED. History of the restoration of Platonic theolo- gy, Lond.n.d. Q. Low WORK ATTRIBUTED TO TAYLOR A short essay on the propagation and dispersion of animals and vegetables. Being chiefly Intended as an answer to a letter lately published, and sup- posed to be written by a gentleman of Exeter, in favour of equivocal generation. Lond.1786. B.M. ,L. ,N.& Q. Note: This is included in O.M. Sanf ord ' s list and other bibliographies, but is by Elf ord and not by Taylor, and is a reply to William Jackson of Exeter. -cf. Axon, in The library. (23) KEY TO THE ABBREVIATIONS Adv.L Al. B. B.L. . B.M. . B.M.add.m Bib.L. Bost. DNB. . L. L.C. . . Lond . C . . Lond . Inst Low. . N.& Q . Edinburgh. Advocates' Library Catalogue Alllbone, S.A. Dictionary of authors. Book-lore, v. 3-4, p. 11, 169. 1885-86. Brooklyn Library Catalogue. British Museum Catalogue and Supplement British Museum Catalogue of additional manuscripts . Blbllotheca Llndesiana. Boston Public Library Catalogue. Dictionary of National Biography. Library, v. 2, p. 245, 292. 1890. Library of Congress catalogue. London Library Catalogue. London Institution Library Catalogue. Lowndes Bibliographer's manual. Notes & queries. (25) APPENDIX WORKS ABOUT THOMAS TAYLOR AXON, W.E.A. Thomas Taylor, the Platonist, ^in- cluding a bibliography] Library, v. 2, p.245- 250, 292-300. 1890. (A 5.09) * — Thomas Taylor, the Platonist: a biographical and bibliographical sketch... Repr. from The Library. Lond.1890. +BARTHELEMY-St .HILAIRE, JULES. Victor Cousin, sa vie et sa correspondance , v. 3, p. 238, 245. Paris, 1895. (B 239.195) +BLAKEY, ROBERT. History of the philosophy of mind, V.4, p. 66. Lond.1848. (B 04.1) *BRIDGMAN, WILLIAM. Translations from the Greek. Lond.1804. BRITISH public characters, see Public characters. +CAMPBELL, J.D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, p. 15 (note), 58. Lond.1896. (E 5.C 67743) +DE QUINCY, THOMAS. Works, v. 12, p. 60. Edin.1878. (Y 12. D 457) +D'ISRAELI, ISAAC. Curiosities of literature, v.l, p. 215. Lond.1866. (Y 145. D 632) * — Vaurlen. Lond.1797. [In both these works of D' Israeli, Taylor is known as a modern Pletho] +EMERSON, R.W. Works, v.4, p. 40, 310; v. 5, p. 295; V.7, p. 202; V.8, p. 50. Camb. 1903-04. (Y 22. E 5302) ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, v. 27, p. 473. (A 21.2598) KNIGHT'S Penny cyclopccdia, see Penny Cyclopaedia. +MATHIAS, T.J. Pursuits of literature, a satirical poem. 14th ed. Lend. 1808. (Y 185. M 428) [Taylor Is called "England's gentile priest."] Mr. EMERSON in the lecture room. [On Thomas Tay- lor, translator of metaphysical philosophy, emphasizing Synesius and Proclus, forming a (27) part of reminiscences of a course of lectures by Emerson, signed: A.F.] Atlantic monthly, V.51, p. 827-828. June, 1883. (A 5.09) Mr. THOMAS TAYLOR. [A brief account of his works, principally the translations; an obituary no- tice] AthencGum, v. 8, p. 874-875. Nov. 21, 1835. This article Is supposed to have been written by John Inglls. (A 51.1) +NICHOLS, JOHN. Literary anecdotes, v. 8, p. 484. Lond. 1812-16. (Y 117.621) +NIEBUHR, B.G. Life and letters, v.l, p. 142-143. Lond. 1852. (E 5.N 55) NOTEBOOK of a literary Idler, no . 1 . [An unfriendly criticism of T.Taylor] Blackwood's magazine, V.17, p. 737. June, 1825. (A 51.04) NOUVEAU blographle generale, v. 44, p. 942-943. Paris, 1865. (E 25.41 ) OBITUARY. Thomas Taylor, esq. [Same article as In the Athen?c'um] Gentleman's magazine, v. 159, p. 91-92. Jan. 1836. (A 51.36) ON THE MYSTERIES of Eleusls. (In Classical journal V. 39-40, whole no. 78-79, p. 332-337, 56-70. June and Sept. 1829) A criticism on Taylor's Dissertation on the Eleuslnlan mysteries. PEACOCK, EDV/ARD. Taylor, the Platonlst. [Contain- ing "a perfect list of the writings of Thomas Taylor." Signed: Edward Peacock] Notes and queries, 3d ser., v.lO, p. 302-303. Oct. 20, 1866. (A 51.679) — Thomas Taylor, the Platonlst. [A sympathetic sketch of his life and works, and a blbllogra"- phy. This list Is the same, except for a few added annotations, as that found in Notes and queries] The Antiquary, v. 18, p. 1-5. July. 1888. (F 0245.0031) PENNY cyclopsFdla. v. 24. Lond. 1857. (A 21.67) *PLATONIST. St. Louis & Osceola, Mo., Orange, N.J. 1881-1890. PUBLIC characters, v 1, p. 100-124. Lond. 1798. (E 445.12) New ed. Lond 1799. (E 445.1201) — v.l, p. 127-149. [REVIEW of] The elements of a new method of rea- soning In geometry: applied to the rectlflca- (28) tlon of the circle. By Thomas Taylor. 1780. Q. Monthly review, v. 64, p. 72. 1833. (A 51.60) [REVIEW of] The works of Plato, viz. his Fifty- five dialogues and Twelve epistles... Lond.1804. 5v.Q. [An unfavorable criticism of Taylor's translation of Plato] Edinburgh review, v. 14, p. 187-211. April, 1809. (A 51.296) RIGG, J.M. [Article on] Taylor. Dictionary of national biography, v. 55, p. 468-470. Lond . 1898. (E 445.84) ^ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. Transactions, v. 16-23. Lond . *SAINT PAUL'S SCHOOL. Admission registers, 1748- 1866. Ed. by R.B.Gardiner. Lond. 1884. SANFORD, O.M. Works of Thomas Taylor the Platon- 1st, [with a bibliography] Book-lore, v . 3-4 , p. 11, 169. 1885-86. (Z 007.155) * — Annotated catalogue of an unique set of the works of Taylor, In 62v. N.Y.1885. The SURVIVAL of paganism. [On Thomas Taylor, his translations and philosophy] Eraser's maga- zine, V.92, p. 640-651. (new ser., v. 12) Nov. 1875. (A 51.342) +WALPOLE, HORACE. ...Letters, ed. by.. .Cunningham, v. 9, p. 237. Lond. 1886. (E 5.W 1567) *WATSON, J.S. Life of Richard Person, p. 204. Lond. 1861. WELSH, J.J. A brief notice of Mr. Thomas Taylor, the celebrated Platonist, with a complete list of his published works. (In Barker, E.H. Lit- erary anecdotes, v.l, p. 261-274. Lond. 1852) (Y 145. B 24) * — — Lond. 1831. Works not examined; + Works giving brief men- tion, some of value and interest. (29) INDEX The Index contains titles and subjects of the works of Taylor, authors translated by Taylor and persons and magazines found in the titles as listed in this bibliography. Abridgment to Edwards 7 Alchemy 14 Allegory of... Ulysses . . . 17,18 Answer to Dr. Gillies 10 Antiquary .... 28 Apuleius Madauren- sis ... 8,17,21 Arches 13 Archytas .... 17 Arguments of Celsus... 19 Aristoteles 9,10,11,12, 14.16,19 23 6,12 Arithmetic . 9,11,12 Ast, G.F.A. Athenaeum .... Atlantic monthly . Axon, W.E.A. Bacchic myster- ies Baker, Ernest . Barker, E.H. Barthelemy-St . Hilaire Jules Biblical criticism Bingham, Joseph Blackwood's magazine Blakey, Robert Boetius .... Boissonade, J.F. . Book-lore 17 17 28 28 27 21 22 29 27 19 19 28 27 12 18 29 Brldgman, William 10,27 Campbell, J.D. . . 27 Celsus .... 9,19 Chaldean oracles . . 13 Charondas .... 17 Classical allusion to Democrates ... 19 Classical jour- nal . . . 13-19,28 Coleridge, S.T. . . 27 Collectanea... ... 10 Collection of the Chaldean oracles . 13 Corruption of Demi- urgus 19 Cousin, Vic- tor . . 16,19,20,27 Creuzer, G.F. . . 16,17 Cumberland, George . 8 Cunningham, Peter . 29 Cyril of Alexand- ria .... 11,20 Demiurgus . . . .19 Democrates .... 19 Demophilus . . . 7,10 De Quincy, Thomas . 27 Diet. of national biog.29 Diodorus Siculus . . 29 Diotlma 8 Discovery of a verse of Homer . . . .15 (31) D'Israeli, Isaac . . 27 Dissertation on the Eleuslnlan and Bacchic mysteries 6,12,21,28 Dissertation on the nullities 9 Dissertation on the philosophy of Aris- totle 12 Edinburgh review . . 29 Edwards, Bryan . . 7 Elements of. ..arith- metical notation . 17 Elements of a new method of reasoning in geometry ... 5 — Review .... 28 Elements of. .. Infini- ties . . . ..11 Eleuslnlan myster- ies . . . 6,12,21 Elford, Sir William . 23 Emendations of. ..Plato 18 Emerson, R.W. . 27-28 Enc . Brltannlca . 27 Ernest 1, J. A. . . 9 Euclid .... 5,6 European magazine 5,10 Extracts from.. .Aris- totle [etc . ] . 19 Flrm.lcus Maternus . 20 Five hymns . . 7 Four letters. ..to C. Taylor . 9 Eraser's magazine . 29 Gale, Thomas . 14 Gardiner, R.B. . 29 Gentleman's magazln e 28 Geometry . 5 Gillies, Dr. . 10 Hederich, Benjamin . 9 Hermeas .... . 17 Hlerocles . 17 the restor- Platonic History of atlon of theology Homer Hymns lamblichus, see Jambllchus Immortality Important additions Important discovery Inglis, John Introduction to. ..the Mystical hymns . Jackson, William . Jambllchus . . 12 Johnson, T.M. . Josephus Jullanus, Apostata . 23 . 15 7,10,18 15 15 15 28 . 18 . 83 14,16 . 21 . 19 7,11, 19,20 Jupiter" 14 Klessllng, Gottlieb . 15 Lardner, Dr. ... 19 Letters to George Cumberland ... 8 Llbanlus . . . .19 Library , .... 27 Lowndes 11 Marlnus . Mathlas, T.J. . Maxlmus Tyrius Mead, G.R.S. Miscellanies In prose and verse Monthly magazine Monthly review Morell, Thomas Mythology, Greek Nevlns , W. . Nichols, John . Nlcomachus . Niebuhr B.G. Notebook of a literary Idler Notes and queries 10 16 5 27 10 22 15 10 29 9 18 20 28 12 28 28 28 (32) Notice of... Cousin' s edi- tion [of Proclus] . 19 Nouv. biog. generale . 28 Observations on... Cousin's edition [of Proclus] . . 16 Observations on Creu- zer's edition [of Olympiodorus ] . . 17 Observations on [Pey- ron's ed . of Frag- menta] . . . 16-17 Observations on... Hermeas .... 17 Observations on the Excerpta .... 18 Ocellus Lucanus . 5,20 Olympiodorus 11,16,17,20 On a peculiar signi- fication of...demas and soma .... 14 On the antiquity of alchymy .... 14 On the coincidence be- tween the belts... and bonds of. ..Jupiter . 14 On the Mysteries of Eleusis .... 28 On the mythology of • the Greeks ... 16 On the nature of the universe .... 5 On the philosophical meaning of. ..bios, [etc.] .... 15 On the theology of the Greeks ... 15 Orlgen 9 Orpheus . 5,6,14,18,22 Orphic fragments . . 14 Paine , Thomas ... 6 Pamphleteer . . .6,12 Patrick, Samuel . . 9 Pausanias . . . 8,18 Peacock, Edward . . 28 Penny cyclopaedia . 28 Peyron, Amedeo . . 16 Phllobiblion ... 7 Plato 6,7,8,10,12,13, 15,16,17,18.19, 20,21,22 — Review . . . .29 Platonic demonstra- tion 15 Platonist .... 28 Plotinus 5,6,8,13.20, 21-22,23 Poetical paraphrase... 8 Political fragments of Archytas... . . 17 Porphyrius 13,17,18, 19,20,21,22 Person, Richard . . 29 Proclus Lycius 5,6,7,8, 12,13,16,18,19,20,27 Public characters . 28 Pythagoras . .14,16 Rawson, A.L. ... 21 Remarks on a passage in Stobieus ... 14 Remarks on the daemon of Socrates . . 13 Rigg, J.M. ... 29 Rouse, W.H.D. . . 22 Royal society of arts 29 Ruflnus Tyranius . 15 Saint Paul's school 29 Sallust .... 7 Sanford, O.M. . 23,29 Sextus Pythagoricus 15 Short essay on.. .animals and vegetables . 23 Simpllcius . . 11,17 Socrates .... 13 Stobrcus . . .14,17 Stoics 15 Survival of paganism 29 (33) Sydenham, Floyer 10,15, 22 Syneslus . . . 13,27 Tacitus 19 Taurus 20 Taylor, Charles . . 9 Taylor, Thomas, Works about; .... 27-29 Theo of Smyrna . . 12 Theology, Greek 6,12,15, 18.21,23,28 Theophrastus ... 19 Theoretic arithmetic Ulysses . . . .17 Use of arches . Vindication of the rights of brutes Wallis, Dr. Walpole, Horace Watson, J.B. Welsh, J.J. Wilder, Alexander Xenocrates . Zaleucus 12 18 13 6 11 29 29 29 21 19 17 (34) >5^ • t 3 1205 03057 2141 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 297 869 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW.