mi \ . RARY ESSITY OP Lli^OtNiA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/alphabetsynonymeOOcrabrich ENGLISH SYNONYMES EXPLAINED, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER; WITH COPIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS AND EXAMPLES DRAWN FROM THE BEST WRITERS. TO WHICH IS NOW ADUED AN INDEX TO THE WORDS. BY GEORGE CRABB, A.M. AUTHOR OF THE UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGICAL DICTIONARY; AND THE UNIVERSAL HISTORICAL DICTIONARY. EIGHTH EDITION. ** Sed cum idem frequenti simS plura signiflcent, quod au^mvfAm vocatur, jam sunt aliis alia honestiora, sublimiora, nitidiora, jucundiora, vocaliora." QuiNTiL. Inst. Orat. lib. ix. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. 1840. r , t PREFACE. /Sf^ It may seem surprising that the English, who hare employed their talents successfully in every branch of literature, and in none more than in that of philology, should yet have fallen below other nations in the study of their synonymes : it cannot however be denied that, whilst the French and Ger- mans have had several considerable works on the subject, we have not a single writer who has treated it in a scientific manner adequate to its import- ance: not that I wish by this remark to depreciate the labours of those who have preceded me ; but simply to assign it as a reason why I have now been induced to come forward with an attempt to fill up what is considered a chasm in English literature. In the prosecution of my undertaking, I have profited by every thing which has been written in any language upon the subject ; and although I always pursued my own train of thought, yet whenever I met with any thing deserving of notice I adopted it, and referred it to the author in a note. I had not pro- ceeded far before I found it necessary to restrict myself in the choice of my materials ; and accordingly laid it down as a rule not to compare any words together which were sufficiently distinguished from each other by striking features in their signification, such as abandon and quit, which require a comparison with others, though not necessarily with themselves; for the same reason I was obliged to limit myself, as a rule, to one authority for each word, unless where the case seemed to require further exemplification. But not- withstanding all my care in this respect, I was compelled to curtail much of what I had written, for fear of increasing the volume to an inconvenient size. Although a work of this description does not afford much scope for system and arrangement, yet I laid down to myself the plan of arranging the words according to the extent or universality of their acceptation, placing those first which had the most general sense and application, and the rest in order. By this plan I found myself greatly aided in analyzing their differences, and I trust that the reader will thereby be equally benefited. In the choice of authorities I have been guided by various considerations ; namely, the appro- priateness of the examples; the classic purity of the author; the justness of the sentiment ; and, last of all, the variety of the writers : but I am persuaded that the reader will not be dissatisfied to find that I have shown a decided 421 IV PREFACE. preference to such authors as Addison, Johnson, Dryden, Pope, Milton, &c. At the same time it is but just to observe that this selection of authorities has been made by an actual perusal of the authors, without the assistance of Johnson's Dictionary. For the sentiments scattered through this work I offer no apology, although I am aware that they will not fall in with the views of many who may be com- petent to decide on its literary merits. I write not to please or displease any description of persons ; but I trust that what I have written according to the dictates of my mind will meet the approbation of those whose good opinion I am most solicitous to obtain. Should any object to the introduction of mo- rality in a work of science, I beg them to consider, that a writer, whose busi- ness it was to mark the nice shades of distinction between words closely allied, could not do justice to his subject without entering into all the relations of society, and showing, from the acknowledged sense of many moral and religious terms, what has been the general sense of mankind on many of the most important questions which have agitated the world. My first object certainly has been to assist the philological inquirer in ascertaining the force and com- prehension of the English language ; yet I should have thought my work but half completed had I made it a mere register of verbal distinctions. While others seize every opportunity unblushingly to avow and zealously to propagate opinions destructive of good order, it would ill become any individual of con- trary sentiments to shrink from stating his convictions, when called upon as he seems to be by an occasion like that which has now offered itself. As to the rest, I throw myself on the indulgence of the public, with the assurance that having used every endeavour to deserve their approbaition, I shall not make an appeal to their candour in vain, -f^ ADVERTISEMENT. The Publishers, having obtained from the Author his last corrections, which he has made at his leisure, avail themselves of the present opportunity of offering them to the public, in the full assurance that they will be found to be important additions and material improvements. Many articles have been entirely re-written, and many new authorities have been added ; and altogether, so much has been done to the whole in order to give it the essential requisites of clearness and precision, that they flatter themselves they may reckon on an increased share of the public approbation, which has already been so liberally bestowed upon this work. August 1, 1837. ENGLISH SYNONYM ES EXPLAINED. TO ABANDON, DESERT, FORSAKE, RELINQUISH. The idea of leaving or separating one's self from an object is common to these terms, which vary in the circumstances of the action ; the two former are more positive acts than the two latter. To ABANDON, from the German, 6aw, a proclamation of outlawry, signifying, to put out of the protection of the law ; or, a privative, and bandum an ensign, i.e. to cast off, or leave one's colours; is to leave thoroughly, to withdraw protection or support. To DESERT, in Latin desertus, from de privative, and sero to sow, signifying to leave oflF sowing or cultivating; and FORSAKE, compounded of the privative /or and sake or seek, signifying: to leave off seeking, are partial modes of leaving; the former by witliholding one's co- operation, the latter by withdrawing one's society. Abandoning is a viola- tion of the most sacred ties, and exposes the object to every misery; desertion is a breach of honour and fidelity ; it deprives a person of the assistance or the countenance which he has a right to expect ; hy forsaking, the kindly feel- ings are hurt, and the social ties are broken. A bad mother abandons her ofTspring; a soldier deserts his com- rades; a mzxi forsakes his companions. He who abandons his offspring or corrupts them hy his example, pcrpetiates a greater evil than a mur- derer. Hawkesworth. After the death of Stella, Swift's henevolence was contracted, and his severity exasperated: he drove his acquaintance from his table, and wondered why he was deserted. Johnson. Forsake me not thus, Adam I Milton. Things as well as persons may be abandoned, deserted, or forsaken; things only are relinquished. To abandon may be an act of necessity or discretion, as a captain abandons a vessel when it is no longer safe to remain in it. Deser- tion is often a dereliction of duty, as to desert one's post; and often an indif- ferent action, particularly in the sense of leaving any place which has had one's care and attention bestowed upon it, as people desert a village, or any particular country where they have been established. Forsaking is an in- different action, and implies simply the leaving something to which one has been attached in one form or another ; a person forsakes a certain house which he has been accustomed to frequent ; birds/or*a/fe their nests when they find them to have been discovered. To RELINQUISH is an act of prudence or imprudence ; men often inadvert- ently relinquish the fairest prospects in order to follow some favourite scheme which terminates in their ruin. If he hides it privately in the earth or other secret place, and it is discovered, the (inder acquires no property therein, for the owner hath not by this act declared any intcntiuu to abandon it. Blackstone. He wlio at the approach of evil betrays his trust, or deserts his post, is branded with cowardice. Hawkesworth. When learning, abilities, and what is excellent in the world /er for a poet or an orator when it has been debased by com- mon use. Addison. TO ABASH, CONFOUND, CONFUSE ABASH is an intensive o^ abase, sig- nifying to abase thoroughly in spirit. CONFOUND and CONFUSE are derived from different parts of the same Latin verb confundo and its participle confusus. Confundo is compounded of con and fundo to pour together. To confound and confuse then signify pro- perly to melt together or into one mass what ought to be distinct ; and figu- ratively, as it is here taken, to derange the thoughts in such manner as that they seem melted together. Abash expresses more than confound, and cnyifound more than confuse. Abash has regard to the spirit which is greatly abased and lowered, confound has re- gard to the faculties which are be- numbed and crippled ; confuse has regard to the feelings and ideas which are deranged and perplexed. The haughty man is abashed when he is humbled in the eyes of others ; the wicked man is confounded v/hen his villainy is suddenly detected ; a modest person may be confused in the presence of his superiors. If Peter was so abashed y/hen Christ gave him a look after his denial ; if there was so much dread in his looks when he was a prisoner; how much greatei will it be when he sits as a judge? South. Alas ! I am afraid they h,ive awaked. And tis not done: th' attempt, and not the deed, Confiiunds us 1 Sha kspearx Alas! I ne have no language to tell The eflfecte, iie the torment of min hell; Min herle may, min harmes not bewrey I am so confuse, that I cannot say. CHArcBR Abash is always taken in a bad sense . neither the scorn of fools, nor the taunts B 2 ABATE. ABETTOR. of the oppressor, will abash him who has a conscience void of offence towards God and man. To be confounded is not always the consequence of guilt: superstition and ignorance are liable to be cow/owwrf(96/ by extraordinary pheno- mena; and Providence sometimes thinks fit to confound the wisdom of the wisest by signs and wonders, far above the reach of human comprehension. Confusion is at the best an infirmity more or less excusable according to the nature of the cause : a steady mind and a clear head are not easily confused, but pt rsons of quick sensibility cannot always preserve a perfect collection of thought in trying situations, and those who have any consciousness of guilt, and are not very hardened, will be soon thrown into confusion by close interro- gatories. They heard and were abasht, and up they sprung Upon tlie wing: as when men wont to watch On duly, sleeping found by whom they dread, Rouse, and bestir themselves ere well awake. Milton. Whereat amaz'd, as one that unaware Hath dropp'd a precious jewel in the flood, Or 'stonish'd as night-wanderers often are. Their light blown out in some mistrustful wood. Even so confounded in the dark she lay Shaksfeare. The various evils of disease and poverty.pain and sorrow, are frequently derived from others; but shame and confusion are supposed to proceed from ourselves, and to be incurred only by the misconduct which they furnish. Hawkeswokth. TO ABATE, LESSEN, DIMINISH, DECREASE. ABATE, from the French abattre, signified originally to beat down, in the active sense ; to come down, in the neuter sense. DIMINISH, or, as it is sometimes written, minish, from the Latin diminuo, and minuo to lessen, and minus less, expresses, like the verb LESSEN, the sense of either making less or becoming less. DE- CREiVSE is compounded of the priva- tive de and crease, in Latin cresco, to grow, signifying to grow less. Abate, lessen, and diminish, agree in thesenseofbecoming less and of making less ; decrease implies only becoming less. Abate respects only vigour of ac- tion, and applies to that which is strong or violent, as a fever abates, pain, anger, &c. abates; lessen and diminish are applied to size, quantity, and number, but lessen is much seldomer used in- transitively than diminish; things are rarely said to lessen of themselves, but to diminish. The passion of an angry man ought to be allowed to abate bet\ re any appeal is made to his understand- ing. Objects apparently diminish as they recede from the view. My wonder abated, when, upon lookingaround me, I saw most of them attentive to three sirens clothed like goddesses, and distinguished by the names of Sloth, Ignorance, and Pleasure. Addison. Cassini allows, I think, ten Frencli toises of ele- vation for every line of mercury, adding one foot to each ten. two to the second, three to the third, and soon; but surely the weight of the air di minis hes m a much grea'er proportion. Brydone. Abate, transitively taken, .signifies to bring down, i. e. to make less in height or degree by means of force or a parti- cular effort, as to abate pride or to abate misery ; lessen and diminish, the former in the familiar, the latter in the grave style, signify to make less in quantity or magnitude by an ordinary process, as the size of a room is lessened, the credit of a person is diminished. We may lessen the number of our evils by not dwelling upon them ; noih'mg dimi- nishes the lustre of great deeds more than cruelty. Tully was the first who observed that friendship improves happiness and abates misery. Addison. He souglit fresh fountains in a foreign soil ; The pleasure lessened the attending toil. Addison. The fieeuess of the giver, his not exacting secu- rity, nor expressing conditions of return, doth not diminish, but rather increase the debt. Baruow. To decrease is to diminish for a con- tinuance ; a retreating army will de- crease rapidly when, exposed to all the privations and hardships attendant on forced marches, it is compelled to fight for its safety ; some things decrease so gradually that it is some time before they are observed to be diminished. These leaks shall tlien decrease; the sails once more Direct our course to some relieving shore. Falconer. The decrease is the process, the di- minution is the result ; as a decrease in the taxes causes a diminution in the revenue. The term decrease is pecu- liarly applicable to material objects which can grow less, diminution is applicable to objects generally which may become or be actually less from any cause. If this spring had its origin from rain and vapour, there would be an increase and decrease of the one as there should happen to be of the other. Dekham. I f Parthenissa can now possess her own mind and think as little of her beauty as she ought to have doi e when she had it, there will be no great diminu- tion oi her charma. HCQHES. ABETTOR, ACCESSARY, ACCOM- PLICE. ABETTOR, or one tnat abets, gives aid and encouragement by counsel, pro- ABEIOR. ABIDE. raises, or rewards. An ACCESSxiRY, or one added and annexed, takes an ac- tive, thouo^h subordinate part. An ACCOMPLICE, from the word accom- plish, implies the principal in any plot, who takes a leading part and brings it to perfection. Abettors propose, acces- saries assist, accomplices execute. The abettor and accessary, or the abettor and accomplice, may be one and the same person ; but not so the accessary and accomplice. In every grand scheme there must be abettors to set it on foot, accessaries to co-operate, and accom- plices to put it into execution : in the gunpowder plot there were many secret abettors, some noblemen who were ac- cessaries, and Guy Fawkes the princi- pal accomplice. I speak this with an eye to those cruel treatments which men of all sides are apt to give the chHraciers of those who do not agree willi tliem. How many men of honour are expo-ed to public obloquy and reproach! Those therefore who are either tlie in- strumeuts or abettors in such infernal dealings ought to be looked upon as persons who make use of reli- gion to support their cause, not their cause to pro- mote religion. Addison. Wliy art- the French obliged to lend us a part of their tongue before we can know they are conquered? They must be made accessaries to thtir own dis- grace; as the Hritons were fmmerly so artificially wrought in the cuitain of the Roman theatre, that they seemed to draw it up in order to give the spec- tators an opportunity of seeing their own defeat celebrated on the stage. Addison. Either he picks a purse, or robs a house. Or is accomplice with some knavish gang. Cumberland. Accomplice, like the other terms, may be applied to other objects besides cri- minal oifences. Parliament cannot with any great propriety punish others for that in which they themselves have been accorHplic.es. tiUKKE. TO ABHOR, DETEST, ABOMINATE, LOATHE. These terms equally denote a senti- ment of aversion. AiBHOH, in Latin abhorreo, compounded of ab from and horreo to stiffen with honor, signifies to start from with a strong emotion of horror. DETEST, in Latin detestor, compounded of de from or against, and testor to bear witness, signifies to con- demn with indignation. ABOMI- NATE, in Latin abominatus, participle of abominor, compounded of ab from or against, and ominor to wish ill luck, signifies to hold in religious abhorrence, to detest in the highest possible de- gree. LOATHE, in Saxon lathen, may possibly be a variation of load, in the aense of overload, because it expresses the nausea which commonly attends an overloaded stomach. What we abhor is repugnant to our moral feelings ; what we detest is op- posed to our moral principles ; what we abominate does violence to our religious and moral sentiments ; what we loathe offends our physical taste. We abhor what is base and ungenerous, we detest hypocrisy ; we abominate profanation and open impiety ; we loathe food when we are sick. The lie that flatters I abhor the most. Cowper. This thirst of kindred blood my sons detest. Dryden. The passion that is e.\cited in the fable of tlie sick kite is terror: the object of which is the despair of him who perceives liimself to be dying, and has rea- son to fear that his \ ery prayer is an abuminat'on. Hawkesw'orth. No costly lords the sumptuous banquet deal. To make liim loathe his vegetable meal. GoLDSMifH. In the moral acceptation loathe is a strong figure of speech to mark the ab- horrence and disgust which the sight or thought of offensive objects produce. Revolving in his mind tlie stern commard. He longs to fly, and loathes the chaiming land. DRVDEif TO ABIDE, SOJOURN, DWELL, LIVE, RESIDE, INHABIT. ABIDE, in Saxon abitan, od German beiten, comes from the Arabic or Per- sian but or bit, to pass the night, that is, to make a partial stay. SOJOURN, in French sojourner, from sub and di- urnus in the day-time, signifies to pass the day, that is, a certain portion of one's time, in a place. DWELL, from the Danish dwelger to abide, and the Saxon dwelian, Dutch dwalen to wander, conveys the idea of a movable habita- tion, such as was the practice of living formerly in tents. At present it im- plies a .stay in a place by way of resi- dence, which is expressed in common discourse by the word LIVE, for pass- ing one's life. RESIDE, from the Latin re and sideo to sit down, conveys the full idea of a settlement. INHABIT from the Latin habito, a frequentative of habeo, signifies to have or occupy for a permanency. The length of stay implied in these terms is marked by a certain gradation. Abide denotes the shortest stay ; to so- journ '\% of longer continuance; dwell comprehends the idea of perpetuity in a given place, but reside and inhabit are partial and local — we dwell on]y in one spot, but we may reside at or inha- bit many places. These words have ABILITY. ABILITY, likewise a reference to the state of society. Abide and sojourn relate more properly to the wandering habits of men in a primitive state of society. Dwell, as implying a stay under a cover, is universal in its application ; for we may dwell either in a palace, a house, a cottage, or any shelter. Live, reside, and inhabit, are confined to a civilized state of society ; the former applying to the abodes of the inferior orders, the latter to those of the higher classes. The word inhabit is never used but in connection with the place inhabited. The Easterns abode yi'\W\ each other, sojourned in a country, and dwelt in tents. The angels abode with Lot that night ; Abram sojourned in the land of Cannan; the Israelites dwelt in the land of Goshen. Savages either dwell in the cavities which nature has formed for them, or in some rude structure erected for a temporary purpose ; but as men increase m cultivation they build places lor themselves which they can inhabit: the poor have their cot- tages in which they can live; the wealthy provide themselves with su- perb buildings in which they reside. From the first to the last of man's abode on earth, the discipline must never be relaxedofguai ding the heart from the dominion of passion. Blair. By the Israelites' sojourning in Egypt, (Jod made way for their bondage there, and their bondage lor a glorious deliverance througli those prodigious mani- festations of the Divine power. South. Hence from my sight! Thy father cannot bear thee; Fly with thy infamy to some dark cell, "Where, on the confines of eternal night. Mourning, misfortunes, cares, and anguish dwell. Massinoek. Being obliged to remove my habitation, I was led Dy my evil genius to a conveuieut house in the street where the nobility reside. Johnson. By good company, in the place which I have the misfortune to inhabit, we understand not always those from whom good can be learned. Johnson. ABILITY, CAPACITY. ABILITY, in French habilite, Latin habilitas, comes from able, habile, ha- bilisy and habeo to have, because pos- sessiDH and power are inseparable. CA- PACITY, in French capacite, Latin ca- pacitaSy from capax and capio to receive, marks the abstract quality of being able to receive or hold. Ability is to capacity as the genus to the species. Ability comprehends the power of doing in general, without speci- fying the quality or degree ; capacity is a particular kind of ability. Ability may be either physical or mental ; ca- pncity, when said of persons, is mental only. Ability respects action, capacity respects thought. Ability always sup- poses something able to be done ; ca- pacity is a mental endowment, and alwHys supposes something ready to receive or hold. R iches are of no use if sickness take from us the a&tVtVy of enjoying them. Swift. In wliat I have done I have rather given a proo,* of my willingness and desire, than of my ability to do him (Shakspeare) justice. Pope. The object is too big for our capncify when we would comprehend the circumference of a world. AODJSON. Ability is nowise limited in its ex- tent ; it may be small or great : capacity of itself always implies a positive and superior degree of power, although it may be modified by epithets to denote different degrees ; a boy of capacity will have the advantage over his school- fellows-, particularly if he be classed with those of a dull capacity. St. Paul requireth learning in presbyters, yea such learning as doth enable them to exhort in doctrine which is sound, and disprove them that gainsay it; what measure of ability in such things shall serve to make men capable of that kind of office, he doth not determine. Hookek. Sir Francis Bacon's capacity seemed to have grasped all that was revealed in books before. HuaHEs. Abilities, when used in the plural only, is confined to the signification of mental endowments, and comprehends the operations of thought in general; capacity on the other hand is that pe- culiar endowment, that enlargement of understanding, that exalts the possessor above the rest of mankind. Many men have the abilities for managing the con- cerns of others, who would not have the capacity for conducting a concern of their own. We should not judge highly of that man's abilities who could only mar the plans of others, but had no capacity ^or conceiving and pro- posing any thing better in their stead. I grieve that our senate is dwindled into a schoo. of rhetoric where men rise to display their abilities rather than to deliberate. Sir W. Jones. An heroic poem requires the accomplishment of some great undertaking, which requires the duty of a soldier, and th* capacity of a general. Dryden. ABILITY, FACULTY, TALENT. These terms all agree in denoting a power. ABILITY is, as in the pre- ceding case, the general term. FA- CULTY, in Latin facultasy changed ixov(\ facilitas 9,nA facio to do, signify- ing doableness or an ability to do ; and TALENT, in Latin talentum, a Greek coin exceeding one hundred ABILITY. pounds sterling, and employed figura- tively for a gift, possf ssion, or power — denote definite kinds of power. Ability relates to human power gene- rally, by which a man is enabled to act ; it may vary in degree and quality with times, persons, and circumstances; health, strenijth, and fortune are abili- ties ; faculty is a gift of nature directed to a certain end, and following a cer- tain rule. An ability ma.y be acquired, and consequently is properly applied to individuals, an ability to speak extem- pore or an ability to write; but a faculty belongs to the species, as a faculty of speech, or of hearing, &c. Ability to teach by sermons is a grace which God doth bestow on them whom he maketh sufficient lor the commendable discharge of their duty. Hookeb. No fruit our p;ilate courts, or flower our smell, But on its fragrant bosom nations dwell. All form'd with proper facuUijjs to share The daily bounties of their Maker's care. Jenninos. Ability being in general the power of doin/, may be applied in its unqualified sense to the whole species, without any distinction. Human a&t'/t/l^ is an unequal match for the violent and unforeseen vicissitudes of the world. Bi.air. Faculty is always taken in a re- stricted sense, although applied to the species. The vital faculty is that by which life is pre- ■crved, and the ordinary functions of speech are preserved ; the animal faculty is what conducts the operations of the mind. Qui not. Faculty and talent are both gifts of nature, but a faculty is supposed to be given in an equal degree to all, a talent in an unequal degree ; as the faculty of seeing, the talent of mimicry, the talent for music ; a faculty may be impaired by age, disease, or other circumstances, a talent is improved by exercise. Reason is a noble faculty, and when kept within its proper sphere, and applied to useful purposes, proves a means of exalting human creatures almost to the rank of superior beings. Bfattie. 'Tis not indeed my talent to engage Tn lofty trifles, or ta swell my page ABILITY. With wind and noise. Drydkn. As all these terms may be applied to diifeient objects, they are aptly enough used in the plural to denote so many distinct powers : abilities denote all our powers generally, corporeal and men- tal, but more especially the latter; faculties relate to the ordinary powers of body and mind, as when we speak of a person's retaining or losing his faculties; talents re\?i\e to the particu- lar gifis or powers which may serve a beneficial purpose, as to employ one's talents usefully. Aniidst the agitations of popular government, occasions will sometimes be afforded for eminent abilities to break forth with peculiar lustre. Blaib. It may be observed tliat young persons little acquainted with the world, and who have not been used to approach men in power, are commonly struck with an awe which takes away the free use of their faculties. Btjrke. Weakness of counsels, fluctuation of opinion, and deficiency of spirit marked his administration during an inglorious period of sixteen years, from which Ensjland did not recover until the mediocrity of his ministerial talents was controlled by the ascendency of Pitt. Coxe. ABILITY, DEXTERITY, ADDRESS. ABILITY is, as before observed (v. Ability, Capacity), a general term with- out any qualification. DEXTERITY, from dexter the right hand, signifying mechanical or manual facility ; and ADDRESS, signifying a mode of ad- dress, are particular terms. Ability may be used to denote any degree, as to do according to the best of one's ability, and it may be qualified to de- note a small degree of ability. It is not possible for our small party and small ability to extend their operations so far as to be much felt among numbers. Cowper. Dexterity and address are positive degrees of ability. It is often observed that the race is won as much by the dexterity of the rider as by the vigour and fleetness of the animal. Earl of Bath. I could produce innumerable instances, from my own observation, of events imputed to the profound skill and address of a minister which in reality were either mere efiects of negligence, weakness, humour, or pride", or at best the natural course of things left to themselves. Swirr. Ability is however frequently taken in a restricted sense for a positive de- gree of ability, which brings it still nearer to the two other terms, from which it differs only in the application ; ability in this case refers to intellectual endowment generally dexterity relates to a particular power or facility of exe- cuting, and address to a particular mode or manner of addressing oneself on particular occasions. Ability shows itself in the most important transac- tions, and the general conduct in the highest stations, as a minister of state displays his ability ; dexterity and ad- dress are employed occasionally, the former in removing difficulties and escaping dangers, the latter in improv- ing advantages and accommodating tempers; the former in directing the course of things, the latter in managing of men. ABLE. ABJURE The abiliti/ displayed by tlie commander was only equalled by the valour and adroitness of the seamen. Clarke. His wisdom, by often evading from perils, waj turned rather into a dexterity to deliver himself from dangers when they pressed him, than into a provi- dence to prevent and remove them afar off. Hacon. It was no sooner dark, than she conveyed into his room a young maid of no disagreeable figure, who was one of her attendants, and did not want address to improve the opportunity for the advancement of her fortune. Spectator. ABLE/ CAPABLE, CAPACIOUS. These epithets, from which the pre- ceding abstract nouns are derived, have distinctions peculiar to themselves. Able and capable are applied to ordi- nary actions, but not always indiffer- ently, the one for the other: able is said of the abilities generally, as a child is able or not able to walk ; capable is said of one's ability to do particular things, as to be capable of performing a great journey. Able is said of that which one can do, as to be able to write or read ; capable is said of that which either a person or a thing can take, receive, or hold ; a person is capable of an office, or capable of great things ; a thing is capable uf iinprove- raent. Whom farre before did march, a goodly band Of tall young men, all able armes to sound. Spenser. What measure of ability in such things shall seive to make men capable of that kind of office, he doth not determine. Hooker. Able may be added to a noun by way of epithet, when it denotes a positive degree of ability, as an able com- mander, an able financier. I look upon an able statesman out of business like a huge whale, that will endeavour to overturn the ship unless he has an empty cask to play with. Tatler. Capable may be used absolutely to express a mental power. Look you how pale he glares; His form and cause conjoined, preaching to stones, Would make them capable. Shakspeare. Capable and capacious, though de- rived from the same verb capio to take or receive, are distinguished from each other in respect to the powers or pro- perties of the objects to which they are applied, capable being said of powers generally, capacious only of the pro- perty of having amplitude of space, or a power to take in or comprehend ; as men are capable of thought or reason, of life or death, &c. ; a hall may be said to be capacious, or, figuratively, a man has a capacious mind. His violt*i.ce thou fear'st not, being such As wo, not capable of death or pain. MiltoX If heaven to men such mighty thouglits would give, Wliat breast but thine capacious to receive The vast infusion. Cowley TO ABJURE, RECA^T, RETRACT, REVOKE, RECALL. ABJURE, in Latin abjuro, is com- pounded of the privative ab and juro to swear, signifying to swear to the contrary, or give up with an oath. RECANT, in Latin recanto, is com- pounded of the privative re and canto to sing or declare, signifying to unsa\ , to contradict by a counter declara'i* n. RETRACT, in Latin retractus, part;- ciple (^f retraho, is compounded of re back, and trafio to draw, signif)inir to draw back what has been let go. RE- VOKE and RECALL have the same original sense as recant, with this dif- ference only, that the word call, which is expressed also by voke, or in Latin voco, imy)lies an action more suited to a multitude than the word canto to sing, which may pass in solitude. We ab- jure a religion, we recant a doctrine, we retract a promise, we revoke a com- mand, we recall an expression. What has been solemnly professed is renounced by abjuration ; what has been publicly maintained as a settled point of belief is as publicly given up hy recanting ; what has been pledged so as to gain credit is contradicted by retracting ; what has been pronounced by an act of authority is rendered null by revocation ; what has been mis-spoken through inadvertence or mistake is rectified by recalling the words. Although Archbishop Cranmer re- canted the principles oi the Reformation, yet he soon after recalled his words, and died boldly for h.s faith. Henry IV. of France abjured Calvinism, but he did not retract the promise which he had made to the Cahinis's of his protection. Louis XIV. drove many of his best subjects from France by re- voking the edict of Nantes. Interest but too often leads men to abjure their faith ; the fear of shame or punishment leads them to recant their opinions; the want of principle dictates the re- tracting of one's promise ; reasons of state occasion the revoking of decrees; a love of precision commonly induces a speaker or writer to recall a lalst: expression. ABOLISH. ABOMINABLE, The pontiff saw Britannia's golden fleece. Once all his own, invest her worthier sons ! Her verdant yalleys, and her fertile plains. Yellow with grain", aibjure his hateful sway. Shenstone. A false satire ought to be recanted for the sake of him whose reputation may be injared. Johnson. When any scholar will convince me that these were futile and malicious tales against Socrates, I will retract all credit in them, and thank him for the conviction. Combekland. What reason is there, but that those grants and privileges should be revoked, or reduced to their first intention ? Spenskr. That society hath before consented, without re- voking the same after. Hookek. 'Tis done, and since 'tis done 'tis past recall. And since 'tis past recall must be forgotten. Dryden. TO ABOLISH, ABROGATE, REPEAL, REVOKE, ANNUL, CANCEL. ABOLISH, in French abolir^ Latin aboleo, is c impounded of ab and oleo to lose the smell, signifying- to lose every trace of former existence. ABRO- GATE, in French abroger, Latin ab- rogatus, participle of abrogo, com- pounded of ab and rogo to ask, signify- inij to ask away, or to ask that a thing may be done away ; in allusion to the custom of the Romans, among whom no law was valid unless the consent of the people was obtained by asking, and in like manner no law was unmade with- out asking their consent. REPEAL, in French rapppller, from the Laiui words re and appello, signifies literally to call back or unsay what has been said, which is in like manner the origi- nal meaning of REVOKE. ANNUL, in French annuller, comes from nul, in Latin nihil, signifying to reduce to nothing. CANCEL, in French cancel- ler, comes from the Latin cancello to cut crosswise, signifying to strike out cross- wise, that is, to cross out. The word abolish conveys the idea of putting a total end to a thin?, and is ap- plied properly to those things which have been long in existence, and firmly established : d^nabolition may be effected either by an act of power, as to abolish an institution, or an order of men, and the like. On the parliament's part it was proposed that all the bishops, deans, and chapters might be imme- diately taken away and abolished. Clarendon. Or it may be a gradual act, or ef- fected by indirect means, as to abolish a custom, practice, &c. Tlie long-continued wars between the English and Scots had then raised invincible jealousies and liate, which long continued peace hath long since aholhhrd. Sir John IIaywakd. All the other terms have respect to the partial acts of men, in undoing that which they have done. Laws are either repealed or abrogated, but repealing is a term of modern use, applied to the acts of j)ublic councils or assemblies, where laws are made or unmade by the con- sent or open declaration of numbers. Abrogate is a term of less definite im- port ; to abrogate a law is to render it null by any act of the legislature ; thus, the making of a new law may abrogate the old one. If the Presbyterians should obtain their ends, I could not be sorry to find them mistaken in the point which they have most at lienrt, by the repeal of the test ; I mean the benefit of employments. Swift. Solon abrogated all Draco's sanguinary laws ex- cept those that affected murder. • Cumberland. Revoking is an act of individual au- thority—edicts are revoked; annulling is an act of discretion, as official pro- ceedings or private contracts are an- nulled ; cancelling is a species of an- nulling, as in the case of cancelling deeds, bonds, obligations, &c. None can abrogate but those who have the power to make. Any one who has the power to give his word may also revoke it, if he see reason so to do. Any one who can bind himself or others, by any deed or instrument, may annul or ren- der this null and void, provided it be done for a reasonable cause, and in the pr;'per manner. As cancelling serves to blot out or obliterate what has been written, it may be applied to what is blotted out of the memory. It is a vo- luntary resignation of right or demand which one person has upon another. When we abrogate a law as being ill made, the whole caus" for which it was made still remaining* do we not herein revoke our own deed, and upbraid ourselves with folly ? Hookeb. I will annul. By the lii};h power with wnich tht; laws invest me. Those guilty forms in which you have entrapp'd, l^l^ely entrapp'd. to thy detested nuptials. My queen beiioth'd. Thomson. This hour make friendships which he breaks the next. And every breach supplies a vile pretext. Basely to cancel all concessions past. If in a thousand you deny the last Cumberland. ABOMINABLE, DETESTABLE, EXE- CRABLE. The primitive idea of these terras, agreeable to their derivation, is that of badness in the highest degree ; convey- ing by themselves the strongest signifi- cation, and excluding the necessity for every other modifying epithet. The ABOMINABLE thing exciles aversion; the DETESTABLE thing 10 ABOVE. AiUllDGE. hatred ana revulsion; the EXECRA- RLE thinff, indignation and horror. These sentiments are expressed against what is abominable by strongj ejacula- tions, against what is detestable by ani- madversion and rey)robation, and against what is execrable by imprecations and anathemas. In the ordinary acceptation of these terms, they serve to mark a degree of excess in a very bad thing; abominable expressing less than detestable, and that less than execrable. This gradation is sufficiently illustrated in the following example. Dionysius, the tyrant, having been mformed that a very aged woman prnyed to tbcirods everyday for his pre- servation, and wondering that any of his subjects should be so interested for his safety, inquired of this woman respecting the motives of her conduct, to which she replied, " In my infancy I lived under Rw abominable prince, whose death I de- sired ; but when he perished, he was suc- ceeded by a detestable tyrant worse than himself. I offered up my vows for his death also, which were in like manner answered; but we have since had a worse tyrant than he. Thh execi'able monster is yourself, whose life I have prayed for, lest, if it be possible, you should be suc- ceeded by one even more wicked." The exaggeration conveyed t)y these expressions has given rise to their abuse in vulgar discourse, where they are often employed indifferently to serve the hu- mour of the speaker. This abominable endeavour to suppress or lessen every thin}? that is praiseworthy is as freqaent among the men as among the women. Steele. Nothing can atone for the want of mode.-ty, with- out which beauty is ungraceful, and wit detestable. Steele. All vote to leave that execrable shore. Polluted with the blood of Polydore. Dryden ABOVE, OVER, UPON, BEYOND. When an object is ABOVE another, it excetds it in height ; when it is OVER another, it extends along its superior surface ; when it is UPON another, it conies in contact with its superior sur- face; when it is BEYOND another, it lies at a greater distance. Trees fre- quently grow above a wall, and some- timt s the branches hang over the wall, or rest upon it, but they seldom stretch much beyond it. So when Avith crackling llames a caldron fries, The bubbling waters from the bottom rise, /Ibove the brira ihey force their fiery way, Plack vapours climb aloft and cloud the day. Dkydbn. The geese fly o'er the barn, the bees in arms Dri\e headlong from their waxen cells in sw;irms. Dbyden As I did stand my watch upon the hill I look'd toward Birnam, and anou methought The wood began to move, Shakspeare. lie that sees a dark and shady grova Stays not, but looks beyond it on the sky. IIerbekt. In the fiorurative sense the first is mostly employed to convey the idea of superiority ; the second of au'hoiity ; the third of immediate influence ; and the fouith of extent. Every one should be above falsehood, but particularly those who are set over others, who may have an influence on their minds beyond ail calculation. The public powe:- of all societies is above every soul contained in the same societies. Hcokek. The church has over her, bishops able to silence the factious, no less by their preaching than their authority. South. This is thy work. Almighty Providence, Whose power beyond the stretch of human thouglit Revolves the orbs of empire. Thomso:*. TO ABRIDGE, CURTAIL, CONTRACT. ABRIDGE, in French abreger, Latin abbreviare, is compounded of the inten- sive syllable ab and breviare, from brevis short, signifying to make short. CUR- TAIL, in French courte short and tailler to cut, signifies to diminish in length by cutting. CONTRACT, in Latin con- tractus, participle of contraho, is com- pounded of con and traho, signifying to draw close together. By abridging, in the figurative as well as the literal sense, the quantity is diminished ; by curtailing, the measure or number is reduced ; by contracting, the compass is reduced. Privileges are a6nc?^e(i, pleasures curtailed, and powers contracted. It is ungenerous to abridge the liberty of any one, or curtail him of his advantages, while he makes no improper use of them; otherwise it is advisable, in order to contract his means of doing mischief. This would very much abridge the lover's pains in this way of writing a letter, as it would enable him to express the most useful and significant words with a single touch of the needle. Addison. I remember several ladies who were once very near seven ieet high, that at present want some in.-hes of five : how they came to be thus curtailed I cannot learn. Addison. He that rises up early and goes to bed late only to receive addresses is really as much tied and abi idged in his freedom as he tliat waits all that time to pre- sent one. South. God has given no man a body as strong as his ap- petites; but has corrected the boundlessness of lus \oluptuous (ifsires, by stinting his t-trength and cjr,- trading his capacities. SvytH ABRIDGEMENT. ABRUPT. 11 ABRIDGEMENT, COMPENDIUM, EPITOME, DIGEST, SUMMARY, ABSTRACT. The first four terms are applied to a distinct work, the two latter to parts «if a woik. An ABRIDGEMENT is the reduc- tion of a work into a smaller compass. A COMPENDIUM is a general and concise view ot any science', as geogra- phy or astronomy. An EPITOME is a compressed view of all the substantial par's of a ihins', or in other words, the whole of any matter brought into a small compass. A DIGEST isanv materials digesed in t)rder. A SUMMARY comprehends the heads and subdivisions of a work. An ABSTRACT includes a brief but comprehensive view of any par- ticular proceeding. Abridgements often surpass the originals in vahie when they are made with judgment. Compendiums are fitted for young persons to commit to memory on commencing the study of any science. There is perhaps not a better epitome than that of the Univer- sal History by Bossuet, nor a better rf^- gest than that of the laws made by order of Justinian. Systematic writers give occasional summaries oi yihB.\ they have been treating up( n. It is necessary to make a6*/rac/* of deeds or judicial pro- ceedings. I sh.all lay before my readers an ahridfjement of some ffw of tlieir extravagancies, in hopes that they will in time accustom themselves to dream a little more to the purpose. Spectator. Indexes and dictionaries are the compendium of all knowledge. Pope. From hence (as Servius remarks) Virgil took the hint of his Silenus, the siil>ject ofwhctse song is so exact an epitome of the contents of the Metamorpho- ses of Ovid, lh;it amongst the ancient titles of that eclogue, the Metamorphosis was one Warburton. If we had a complete dige t of Hindu and Ma- homm dan laws, after the model of Justinian's cele- brated Pandects, we should rarely be at a loss for principles and rules of law applicable to the cases before us. Sir W. Jones. As the Theseida, upon which Chaucer's Knight's Tale is founded, is very rarely to be met with, it may not be utipleasing to the reader to see here a short iummary of it. Tyrwhitt. Though Mr. Halhed performed his part with fide- lity, yet the Persian interpreter had su|)plied him only with a loose, injudicious epitome of the (riginal Sanscrit; in which abstract many essential passages are omitted. Sir W. Jones. Epitome and abstract are taken for other objects, which contain within a small compass the essence of a thing. The fnce is the epitome of the whole man, and the eyes are as it were the vpitome of the face. UuuHes. But man tlie abstract Of all perfection, which the workmanship Of heaven hath modeHed.in himself contain" Passions of several qualities. I" ir-a ABRUPT, RUGGED, ROUGH. ABRUPT, in Latin abruptus, parti- ciple of ahrumpo to break offi sionifies the state of beingbroken off. RUGGED, in Saxon hrugge, comes from the Latin rugosjis, full of wrinkles. ROUGH is in Saxon reoh, high German rauh, lov/ Gernian rug, Dutch ruig, in Latin ru- dis uneven. These words mark different degrees of unevenness. What is abrupt has greater cavities and protuberances than what is rugged; what is rugged has greater irregularities than what is rough. In the natural sense abrupt is opposed to what is unbroken, rugged to what is even, and rough to whiit is smoo'h. A precipice is abrupt, a path is rugged, a plank is rough. Ttie abruptness of a body is generally occasioned by a violent concussion and separation of its parts; ruggedness arises trom natural, but less violent causes ; roughness is mostly a natural property, although sometimes produced by friction. The precipice abrupt Projecting horror on the blackened flood. Softens at thy return. Thomson's Summer. The evils of this life appear like rocks and preci- pices, rugged and barren at a distance; but at oui nearer approach we find them little fruitXul spots. Spectator. The common, overgrown with fern, and rough With prickly gorse. that shapeless anddetbrmed. And dangerous to the touch, has yet its bloom. COWPKR. Not the rough whirlwind, that deforms Adria's black gulf, and vexes it with storms. The stubborn virtue of his soul can move. Francis In the figurative or extended applica- tion, the dis'inction is equally clear. Words and manners are abrupt when they are sudden and unconnected; the temper is rugged which is t?xposed to frequent ebullitions of angry humour ; actions are roM^Awhen performed with violence and incaution. An abrupt be- haviour is the consf^quence of an agitated mind ; a rugged disposition is inherent in the character ; a rough deportment arises from an undisciplined state 0^" feeling. An habitual steadmess and coolness of reflection is best fitted to prevent or correct any abruptness of manners; a cultivation of the Christian teuipercannot fail of smoothing down all ruggedness of humour ; an intercourse with polished society will inevitr'bly refine down all roushriess of behaviour. 12 ABSENT. ARSOLVE. My lady craves To know the cause of your abrupt departure, Shakspeake. The greatest favours to such an one can neither soften nor win upon him, neither melt nor endear him, but leave him as hard and rugged as ever. South. Kind words prevent a good deal of that perverse- ness which rough and imperious usage often pro- duces in generous minds. Locke. TO ABSCOND, STEAL AWAY, SE- CRETE one's SELF. ABSCOND, in Latin abscondo, is compounded of abs and condOy signify- ing to hide from the view, which is the original meaning of the other words ; to abscond is to remove one's self for the sake of not being discovered by those with whom we are acquainted. To STEAL AWAY is to get away so as to elude observation. To Sb:CRETE ONE'S SELF is to get into a place of secrecy without being perceived. Dishonest men abscond, thieves steal away when they dread detection, and fugitives secrete themselves. Those who abscond will have frequent occasion to steal away, and still more frequent oc- casion to secrete themselves. ABSENT, ABSTRACTED, ABSTRACT, DIVERTED, DISTRACTED. ABSENT, in French absent, Latin absens, comes from ab from and sum to be, signifying away or at a distance from all objects. ABS FRACTED, or AB- STRACT, in French abstrait, Latin ah- stractus, participle of abstraho, or ab from and traho to draw, signifies drawn or separated from all objects. DI- VERTED, in French divertir, Lntin diverto, compounded of di or dis asun- der, and verto to turn, signifies turned aside from the object that is present. DISTRACTED of course implies drawn asunder by different objects. A want of proper attention is implied in all tlTese term«, but in different de- grees and under different circums'ances. Absence of mind is either a state or a habit ; a man may be occasionally ab- sent. I have hardly seen a line from any of these gen- tlemen, but spoke them as absent from what they were doing, as they profess they are when they come into company. Spect.\tok. Or a man may contract an hat>itual absence, either from profound study, or Irom any other less commendable cause. Nothing is so incomnatible with politeness as any trick of absence of mind. Eabl of Chjitbam. Abstraction denotes a state, and for the most part, a temporary state. Ho would begin the ceremony again, and having gone through it, break from his abstraction, walk briskly on, and join his companions. Boswell. Tlie term absent simply implies not present with one's mird, not observant of present objects, but it does not neces- sarily imply thinking on any thing ; a man may be absent who is thinking on nothing. Theophrastus called one who barely rehearsed his speech, with his eyes fixed, an "absent actor." Hughes. Abstracted, on the other hand, de- notes a deep thought on something not present. That space the evil one abstracted stood From his own evil, and for the time remained Stupidly good. Milton. Abstract may in poetry be used in the sense of abstracted. Abstract as in a trance, methou<;lit I saw. Though sleeping, where I lay, and saw the shape. Still glorious, before whom awake I stood Milton. Absent and abstracted denote an ex- clusion of present objects ; diverted and distracted, a misapplied attention to pre- sent objects, or to such objects as do not demand attention. An absent man never has his body and mind in the same place ; the abstracted man is lost in thinking; a man who is t^aWy diverted seeks to take an interest in every passing object ; a distracted man is unable to think propel ly on any thing : it may be pood to be sometimes diverted. The mind is refrigerated by interruption; the thoughts are diverted from the principal subject; the reader is weary he knows not why. Johnson's Preface to Shakspeahe. It is bad at any time to be distracted, particularly when it arises from passion. He used to rave for his Marianne, and call upon her in his distracted fits. Adbison. TO ABSOLVE, ACQUIT. ABSOLVE, in Latin absolvo, is com- pounded of ab from and solvo to loose, signifying to loose from that with which one is bound. ACQUIT, in French acquiiter, is compounded of the inten- sive syllable ac or ad, and quit, quitter, in Latin quietus quiet, signifying to make easy by the removal of a charge. These terms imply the setting free from guilt or its consequences. Ab- solving may sometimes be applied to offences against the laws of man, but more frequently to offences against God ; acquitting applies solely to of- fences against man. The conscience is released by absolution; the body, ABSOLVE. ABSOLUTE. 13 j^oods, or reputation, are set free by an acquittal. Yet to be secret, makes not sin the less : 'Tis only hidden from the vulgar view. Maintains indeed the reverence due to princes. But not absolves the conscience from the crime. Dryden. The fault of Mr. Savage was rather negligence tban ingratitude ; but Sir Richard Steele must like- wise be acquitted of severity ; for who is there that can patiently bear contempt" from one whom he has relieved and' supported ? Johnsom. TO ABSOLVE, ACQUIT, CLEAR. ABSOLVE in this case, as distin- gfuished from the former article, (v. To absolve,) is extended to all matters af- fectino; the conscience {generally. AC- QUIT {V. To absolve, acquit) ami CLEAR in the sense of making clear or free from, are applied to everything which may call for blame, or the im- putation of what is not right. A per- son may be absolved from his oath, acquitted or pronounced quit of every charge, and cleared from every impu- tation. Compell'd by threats to take that bloody oath And the act ill, I am aljsolv'd by both. Waller. Those who are truly learned will acquit me in this point, in which I have been so far from offend- ing, that I have been scrupulous perhaps to a fault in quoting the autliors of several passages which I might have made my own. Addison. He set himself with very great zeal to clear the Romish church of idolatry.' Burnet. ABSOLUTE, DESPOTIC, ARBITRARY, TYRANNICAL. ABSOLUTE, in Latin absolutus, participle of a6*o/t'o, signifies absolved or set at liberty from all restraint as it regards persons; unconditional, unli- mited, as it regards things. DE- SPOTIC, from c?(?^o/, in Greek StmroTr] a master or lord, implies being like a lord, uncontrolled. ARBITRARY, in French arbitraire, from the Latin arbi- trium will, implies belonging to the will of one independent of that of others. TYRx\NNICAL signifies being like a tyrant. Absolute power is independent of and superior to all other power : an absolute monarch is uncontrolled not only by men but things ; he is above all law except what emanates from himself. When this absolute power is assigned to any one according to the cons' itution of a government, it is despotic. De- spotic power is therefore something less than absolute power : a prince is abso- lute of himself; he is despotic by the consent of others. In the early ages of society monarchs were absolute, and among the Eastern nations they still retain i\\Q absolute form of government, though much limited by established usage. In the more civilized stages of society the power of despots has been considerably restricted by prescribed laws, insomuch that despotism is now classed among the regular forms of government. An honest private man often grows cruel and abandoned when converted into an absolute prince. Addison. Such an history as that of Suetonius is to me an unanswerable argument against despotic power, Addison. Absolute is a term of a general appli- cation in the sense of absolved or freed from all control or limit ; in this sense God is said to be absolute. Unerring power I Supreme and absolute, of these your ways You render no account. Lillo. Sometimes it is applied either to the power itself or to the exercise of power, as absolute rule or dominion ; despotic is likewise applied to the exercise of the power as well as the power itself, as rfe- spotic sway ; arbitrary and tyrannical are used only in this last application : the latter is always taken in a bad sense, the former sometimes in an indifferent sense. With arbitrariness is associated the idea of caprice and selfishness. With tyranny is associated the idea of oppression and injustice. Among the Greeks the word rv/tavvogy a tyrant, implied no more than what we now understand by despot, or more properly, one who gained the supreme power in a republic ; but from the natural abuse of such power, it has acquired the sig- nification now attached to it, namely, of exercising power to the injury of another. If absolute power come into the hands of any one man or body of men, it is fair to expect that it will be used arbitrarily. In despotic govern- ments the tyrannical proceedings of the subordinate officers are often more intolerable than those of the prince. The power of the viceroy is very absolute; he has not only the command of all the military force in the kingdom, but likewise presides with unbounded authority in all civil tribunals. Brydone. Whatever the will commands, the whole man must do; the empire of the will over all the faculties being absolutely overruling and despotic. South By an arbitrary proceeding I mean one conilucted bv the private opinions or feelings of the man who attempts to rgulate. Burke. Our sects a more tyrannic power assume, And would for scorpions change the rod of Rome. RoSCOMMOlf. 14 ABSORB ABSTAIN, TO ABSORB, SWALLOW UP, INGULF, ENGROSS, IMBIBE. ABSORB, in French absorber,l.ai'in ahsorbeo, is compounded of ah and scrrbeo to sup up, in distinction from SWALLOW UP ; the former denoting a gradual consumption ; the latter, a sudden envelopement of the whole object. The excessive heat of the sun absorbs all the nutritious fluids of bodies animal and vegetable. The gaming table is a vortex in which the principle of every man is swallowed up with his estate. INGULF, compounded of in and gulf, signifies to be inclosed in a great gulf, which is a strong figurative representation for being swallowed up. As it applies to grand and sublime objects, it is used only in the higher style. The rays of the sun are reflected by a white body, and absorbed by a bhick one. Bacon. Surely the bare remembrance that a man wasfor- nerly rich or great cannot make him at all happier there, where an infinite happiness or an infinite miseiy shall equally swallow up the sense of these poor felicities. South. Ingulfd, all helps of art we vainly try To weather leeward shores alas 1 too nigh. Falconer. ENGROSS, which is compounded of the French words en gros whole, signi- fies to purchase wholesale, so as to swallow up the profits of others. In the moral application therefore it is very analogous to absorb. The mind is absorbed in the contemplation of any subject when all its powers are so bent upon it as not to admit distraction. The mind is engrossed by any subject when the thoughts of it force them- selves upon its contemplation to the exclusion of others which should en- gage the attention. Absorbed in that immensity I see, 1 shrink abased, and jet aspire to thee. Cowper. Those two great things that so engross the desires and designs of both the nobler and ignobler sort of mankind, are to be found in religion, namely, wisdom and pleasure. South. Absorb conveys the idea not only of taking from something, but also of taking to itself; engross conveys the idea only of taking to itself, but that to the exclusion of others ; a certain sub- ject ubsoi'bs the faculties, and meta- phorically, the roots of plants absorb moisture ; a person engrosses the con- versation so that others cannot take a part in it. From the earliest accounts of the Greeks lo tlieli absorption into the Roman empire, we cannot ju'lire that their intestine divisions consumed less than millions of their inhabitants. Burke. This inconvenience the politician must expect from others, as well as they have telt from him, un- less he thinks that he can engross this principle to himself, and that others cannot be as false and atheistical as himself. South. Absorb, and IMBIBE from in and bibo to drink, both imply the taking in by a gradual process; but the former includes the idea of being taken in so as to be lost, the latter that of being taken in so as to form a part of that by which it is received. I have been tempted to think that they (the comets) did not return at all, but were abso'bed in the body of the sun. Brydone. As meadows parch'd, brown groves, and with'ring flowers. Imbibe the sparkling dew and genial showers. Thus to man's grateful soul from Heav'n descend The mercies of his Father, Lord, and Friend. Sir W. Jones. So in the improper application, an idea absorbs the mind, and the mind imbibes the idea The agreeable prospect of soon meeting absorbed all melancholy thoughts. Brydone. The coLjuies had formed within themselves as- semblies so exceedingly resembling a parliament in all their functions and power, that it was im]:ossible they should not imbibe some opinion of a similar authority. Buhke. TO ABSTAIN, FORBEAR, REFRAIN. ABSTAIN, in French abstmir, Latin abstineo, is compounded of ab or abs from, and teneo to keep, signifying to keep one's self from a thing. * FOR- BEAR is compounded of the prepo- sition for, or from, and the verb to bear or carry, signifying to carry or take one's self from a thins. REFRAIN, in French 7^efrener, "Lz-Vmrefrccno, is com- pounded of re back, and frceno, from frccnum a bridle, signifying to keep back as it were by a bridle, to bridle in. All these terms imply the omission to do any thing, but vary in the cir- cumstances and in the motives for the omission. To abstain is the general term, to forbear and refrain are par- ticular modes of abstaining. Abstain- ing is an act that may require no .self- denial, nor oppose any inclination ; forbearing and re/ram??^ both imply a certain degree of opiiosition to the will or inchnation, the latter much more than the former. We abstain from doing indiff'erent things from mo- tives of convenience, as to abstain from speaking upon a particular subject, or ABSTINENCE. ABSTINENT. 15 we abstain from important matters from a sense of duty, as " to abstain from the appearance of evil.'' Vie/or- bear from prudence or duty to do that wliieh we have motives for doing ; as we forbear to do an injury though in return for an injury. We re/rainy from the same motives, from doing that which we are strongly inclined or im- pelled to do, as to refrain from ex- pressing the feelings of the moment. A little wisdom and an easie observation were enough to make all men that love themselves to sustain from such diet which does nut nourish. Taylor. By forbearing to do what may l>e innocently done, we may add hourly new vigour and resolution, and secure the power of resistance when pleasure or in- terest shall lend their charms to guilt Johnson. These words are often coupled with a negative, to show the inability of the agent to omit doins: a thing, as when it is said, " I cannot abstain from the gratification," or " I cannot forbear mentioning," &c., or " she was so af- fected that she could not refrain" from tears. Though a person cannot abstain from being weak, he may from being wicked. Addison. We are so used and accustomed to this imperfec- tion iu ourselves, that we cannot forbear in some measure ascribing it to him in whom there is no shadow of imperfection. Addison. If we conceive a being, created with all his facul- '.ies and senses, to open his eyes in a most delightful plain, to view for tlie tirst time the serenity of the sky, the splendour of the sun, the verdure of the .^elds and woods, the glowing colours of the flowers, we can hardly believe it possible that he should refrain from bursting into an ecstasy of joy, and pouring out his praises to the Creator of those won- ders. Si i W. Jones. Abstaining as a religious duty is mostly said of indulgences as to food or otherwise which are prohibited ; as it IS the part of the Mahometan faith to abstain from wine ; forbearing is mostly said of that which concerns others. Eveiy one is too liab'e to offend, not to have motives for forbearing to deal hrirshly with the offences of others. As for fasting sluA. abstinence, which is many tim^s very helpful and subservient to the ends of religion, there is no such extraordinary trouble in it if it be discreetly managed. Tili.otson. The kindest and the happiest pair Will find occasion to forbear. And something, every day they live. To pity and perhaps forgive. Cowpeh. ABSTINENCE, FAST. ABSTINENCE is a general term, applicable to any object from which we abstain ; FAST is a species of absti- nence, namely, an abstaining fiom food. The general term is likewise used in the particular sense, to imply a partial ab- stinence from particular food: but fast signifies an abstinence from food alto- gether. Fridays are appointed by the Church as days of abstinence; and Good Friday as a day of fast. Taylor. I am verily persuaded that if a whole people were to enter into a course of abstinence, and eat nothini,' but water gruel for a fortnight, it would abate tha rage and animosity of parties. Such a fast would have the natural tendency to the procuring of i hose ends for whior'i a /«s< is proclaimed. Addison. ABSTINENT, SOBER, ABSTEMIOUS, TEMPERATE. ABSTINENT (v. To abstain) re- spects every thing that acts on the senses, and in a limited sense applies particularly to solid food. SOBER, fiom the Latin sobrius, or sebrius, that is, sine ehrius, not drunk, implies an ab-tinence from excessive drinking. ABSTEMIOUS, from the Latin abste- mius, compounded of abs and temetum wine, implies the abstaining from wine or strong: liquor in general. TEM- PERATE, in Latin temperatus, pnr- ticiple of tempero to moderate or regu- late, implies a well regulated abstinence in all manner of sensual indulgence. The first of these terms is generic, the rest specific. We may be absti- nent without being 5oAer, *oZ>er without being abstemious, and all tojiether without beinij temperate. An absti- nent man does not eat or drink so much as he could enjoy ; a sober man may drink much without being affected ; an abstemious man drinks nothing strong ; a temperate man enjoys all in a due proportion. A particular passion may cause us to be abstinent either partially or totally: sobriety may often depend upon tiie strength of the constitution, or be prescribed by prudence : necessity rnay dictate ao- stemiousnesSj but nothing short of a well-disciplined mind will enable us to be temperate. To set the mind above the appetites is the end of abstinence, which one of the fathers observes to he not a virtue, but the groundwork of virtue. Johnson. Cralinus carried liis love of wine to such an ex- cess, that he got the niime of (piXoToroi, launcliing out in praise of drinking, and rallying all sobrietg out of countenance. Citmbkrland. The strongest oaths are straw To th' fire i' th' blood ; lie more abstemious. Or else good night your vow. Shakspeakk 16 ABSTRACT. ABSTRACTION. If we consider the life of these ancient sages, a jjreat part of whose philosophy consisted in a tem- per-ate and ahi^temious comae ot'life, one would think the life of a philosopher and the life of a man w.re of two different dates. Addison. TO ABSTRACT, SEPARATE, DISTIN- GUISH. ABSTRACT, v. absent. SEPA- RATE, in Latin separatus, participle cf separo, is compounded of se and paro to dispose apart, signifying to put things asunder, or at a distance from each other. DISTINGUISH, in French distinguer, Latin distinguo, is com- pounded of the separative preposition dis and tingo to tinge or colour, signi- fying to give different marks to things, by which they may be known from each other. Abstract, as compared with the other terms, is used in the moral sense only : separate mostly in a physical sense : dis- tinguish either in a moral or physical sense : we abstract what we wish to re- gard particularly and individually ; we separate what we wish not to be united ; we distinguish what we wish not to confound. The mind performs the of- fice oi abstraction for itself; separating and distinguishing are exerted on ex- ternal objects. Arrangement, place, time, and circumstances serve to sepa- rate : the ideas formed of things, the outward marks attached to them, the qualities attributed to them, serve to distinguish. By the operation of ab- straction the mind creates for itself a multitude of new ideas; in the act of separation bodies are removed from each other by distance of place; in the act of distinguishing objects are dis- covered to he similar or dissimilar. Qualities are abstracted from the sub- jects in which they are inherent ; coun- tries are separated by mountains or seas ; their inhabitants are distinguish- ed by their dress, language, or manners. The mind is never less abstracted from one's friends than when separated from them by immense oceans : it requires a keen eye to distinguish objects that bear a great resemblance to each other. Volatile persons easily abstract their minds from the most solemn scenes to fix them on trifling objects that pass before them: an unsocial temper leads some men to separate themselves from all their companions : an absurd am- bition leads others to distinguish them- selves by their eccentricities. We ought to abstract our minds from the observa- tion of an excellence in those we converse with, till we have received some good information of the dis- position of their minds. Stkele. Fontenelle, in his panegyric on Sir Isaac New- ton, Closes a long enumeration of that philosopher's virtues and attainments with an observation that he was not distinguished from other men by any singu- larity either natural or affected. Johnson. It is an eminent instance of Newton's superiority to the rest of mankind, that he was able to separate knowledge from those weaknesses by which know- ledge is generally disgraced. Johnson. ABSTRACTED, ABSTRACT. ABSTRACTED, as in the former case (v. Absent), is properly applied to persons or things personal, AB- STRACT, which is but a contraction of the former, is most commonly used to denote the qualities of things. A person is said to be abstracted who is in a state of abstraction; or a person may lead an abstracted life or course of life, or follow an abstracted theory, when the mind is altogether abstracted from external or sensible objects ; a thing is said to be abstract which is formed by the operation of abstraction or abstracted thinking, as an abstract idea, which is abstracted or separated by the mind from the objects to which they belong or inhere; whiteness is an abstract idea, because it is conceived in the mind abstracted from snow, a wall, or any other substance that is white. A youthful passion for abstracted devotion should not be encouraged. Johnson. It is indeed difficult, perhaps impossible, to give limits to the mere abstract competence of the su- preme power. Burke. ABSTRACTION, ALIENATION, ESTRANGEMENT. ABSTRACTION expresses the state of being abstracted as to one's mind or person from any object generally. ALIENATION, the state of being alienated as to one's affections from others. ESTRANGEMENT, the state of being a stranger or unknown to others. Abstraction expresses less than alienation or estrangement ; it is simply the abstaining to take a part with others in any matter, as an abstraction from the world, its cares, pursuits, and pleasures. Alienation and estrange- ment both suppose an altered state of mind towards any object: alienation is where the heart and aifections be- come alien or strange to that on which they have been or ought to be hxed , strangement is where the person be- ABUSE. ACCEPTANCE. 17 comes distant from that with which one lias been or ought to be intima'e. Whether dark presages of the night proceed from any latent power of the soul during her abstraction, or from the operation of subord.nate spirits, has been a dispute. Addison. One is said to be abstracted from the thina:, but alienated or estranged from the person or the thing. The rough and impetuous manners of Townshend Itegan to alienate the king and disgust the queen. COXE Upon this latter marriage the Lord Mandovillo totals) ««tra>i<7ed himself from court. Clarendon. TO ABUSE, MISUSE. ABUSE, in Latin abusus, participle of abator, compounded of ab from, and utor to use, signifies lo use away or wear away with using; in distinction from MISUSE, which signifies to use amiss. Every thing is abused which receives any sort of injury ; it is misused, if not used at all, or turned to a wrong use. Young people are too prone to abuse books for want of setting a proper value on their contents ; i hey do not always avoid misusing them m their riper years, when they read for amusement only instead of improvement. Money is abused when it is clipped, or i*s value any way lessened ; it is misused when it IS spent in excess and debauchery. I know no evil so great as the abuse of the under- Dtnnding, and yet there is no one vice more common. Grod requires not men to wrong or misuse their faculties for him, nor to lie to others or themselves for his sake. Lockk. ABUSE, INVECTIVE. ABUSE (v. To abuse) is here taken in the metaphorical application for ill- treatment of persons by the use of harsh words. INVECTIVE, from the Latin inveho, signifies to bear upon or against. Harsh and unseemly censure is the idea common to these terms ; but the former is employed more properly against the person, the latter against the thing. Abuse is addressed to the individual, and mostly by word of mouth ; invective is communicated mostly by writing. Abuse is dictated by anger, which throws off all con- straint, and violates all decency; in- vective is dictated by party spirit, or an intemperate warmth of feeling in mat- ters of opinion Abuse is always re- sorted to by the vulgar in their private quarrels; invective s the ebullition of zeal and ill na'ure in public concerns. The mure rude and ignorant the man, the more liable he is to indulije in abuse; the more restless and opiniatetl the partisan, whether in .religion or politics, the more ready he is to deal in invective. At an entertainment given by Pisistiatus to some of his intimates. Thrasippu-:, a man of violent pas- sion and inflamed with wine, took some occasion, not recorded, to break out into the most violent abuse and insult CuMBERLANa This is the true way of examining a libel ; and, when men consider that no man living thinks the better of llieir heroes and patrons for the panegyric given them, none can think themselves lessened' liy their invictive. Steele. ACCEPTABLE, GRATEFUL, WEL- COME. ACCEPTABLE signifies worthy to be accepted. GRATEFUL, from the Latin gratus pleasing, signifies alto- gether pleasing; it is that which re- commends itself. The acceptable is a relative g'^od ; the grateful i> positive: the former depends U| on ourex'ernal condition, the latter on our feelings and taste; a gift is acceptable to a poor man, which would be refused by one less needy than himself ; harmonious sounds are always grateful to a musical ear. I cannot but think the following letter from the Emperur of China to the Pojm; of Rome, proposing a coalition of the (Chinese and Roman Churches, M ill be acceptable to the curious. Steele. The kids with pleasure browze the bushy plain : The showers are grateful to the swelling grain. Dryden. WELCOME signifies come well or in season for us. Acceptable and wel- come both apply to external circum- stances, and are therefore relatively em- ployed ; but the former is confined to such things as are offered for our choice, the latter refers to whatever happens according to our wishes : we may not always accept that which is acceptable, but we shall never reject that which is welcome: it is an insult to offer any thing by way of a gift to another which is not acceptable; it is a grateful task to be the bearer of wel come intelligence to our friends. If the mind is at any time vacant from passion and desire, there are stil^ some objects that are more acceptable to us than others. Reid. Whatever is remote from wimmon appearances is alv