ff r <::^^ . ^. I^ha^oras '(aboU't 569-500 bc.) settled in Croton, a Dorian • • (fcv^fiy^jVi'36utlteiriT'^ Italy, where he opened a school in which philosophy and mathenriatics were taught. He founded a brother- hood, the members of which were afterwards called Pythagoreans. He is said to have taught that the foundation of the theory of the universe was to be found in the science of numbers. The word mathematics has been ascribed to him. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA BY . GEORGE H. HALLETT, A.M., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND EGBERT F. ANDERSON, A.M., Sc.D. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST CHESTER, PA. SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO aAi54 Copyright, 1917, By silver, BURDETT AND COMPANY SDUCATION DEFT^ Ol^ PREFACE This book is designed primarily for the use of those who are beginning the study of algebra ; it is, however, sufficiently extensive to serve as a text for a review of algebra during the third or fourth year of the high school course in those schools in which the curricula call for such a review. In preparing this text the authors have kept in view the fact that no substantial progress in algebra is possible for the student unless due emphasis is placed on the fundamental prin- ciples and processes of the subject, and that these essentials must be provided for irrespective of whatever trend the teach- ing of algebra may have had within the last few years, or may have in the future. Long experience in teaching has convinced the authors that the technical terms employed and the principles involved in problems of physics and engineering are not sufficiently under- stood to warrant their inclusion in an elementary course in algebra ; that practically the whole of such a course should be devoted to the treatment of the elements of the subject itself, and that the problems referred to may be. solved with little difficulty by the student who has mastered the first course in algebra before he begins the study of physics. However, they believe that formulae drawn from various sources, including physics and engineering, should be used extensively in ele- mentary algebra; for there is, perhaps, no more important practical exercise in the subject than that which comes from determining the actual or approximate numerical value of a literal number which occurs in a formula, when given numerical values are substituted for the remaining letters of the formula. To make effective provision for attaining the end in view, 54 5 -jftU iv PREFACE namely, the furnishing of a textbook from which the student may acquire a thorough grounding in the elements of algebra, the authors have made its prominent features the following : 1. The simplest possible presentation of the topics of elemen- tary algebra. 2. The use of the inductive method in developing fundamental concepts and principles. 3. The use of illustrative problems to make clear the applica- tion of the principles. 4. The actual application of the principles by means of nu- merous, well-graded examples, both sight and written. 5. The extensive use of numerical checks to promote habits of accuracy and to give the student confidence in the results of his work. 6. The copious supply of problems designed to give the stu- dent facility in applying the mechanics of algebra. 7. The reviews designed to make the students' knowledge cumulative and coherent and thorough. 8. Such treatment of graphs as is necessary to render the student familiar with the underlying principles of graphical representation so that he may be able to apply them wherever there may be need for their application. 9. The conciseness and exactness of statement of definitions and principles. The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the courtesy of the Open Court Publishing Company in permitting the re- production of the portraits contained in this book. CONTENTS OHAPTEB PAGE I. Introduction 1 n. Fundamental Processes 34 m. Simple Equations 81 rv. Type Products and Factors . . . . . 100 V. Fractions 153 VI. Fractional and Literal Equations . . . 191 Vn. Systems of Linear Equations 205 Vni. Katio, Proportion, and Variation . ... . 239 IX. Graphs 251 X. Powers, Roots, Radicals, and Exponents . . 262 XI. Involution and Evolution 300 XII. Quadratic Equations 312 XIII. Systems of Quadratic Equations .... 350 XIV. Progressions 365 XV. General Review 381 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryalgebrOOhallrich ELEMEI^TARY ALGEBRA CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Notation of Algebra 1. The Notation of Arithmetic. In arithmetic numbers are expressed by the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The numbers represented by these symbols are called integers. The operations of addition, subtraction, multi- plication, and division performed on these integers lead either to integers or to fractions. Therefore, primarily, arithmetic treats of integers and fractions and the opera- tions which are indicated by the signs +, — , X, and -?-. 2. Algebra. Algebra, like arithmetic, treats of number. The symbols which are used in arithmetic are retained in algebra. In algebra, however, new symbols of number and of relations between numbers are introduced, and, in the written language of algebra, systematic use is made of letters to represent numbers. A number which is repre- sented by a letter is called a literal number. 3. Use of literal numbers. In arithmetic it is shown 2 4 2x4 that -x- = - -• This example illustrates a principle d O O X O which may be expressed in words as follows : The product of two fractions is equal to a fraction whose numerator is the product of the two given numerators 1 2 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA and whose denominator is the product of the two given denominators. This statement may be expressed concisely in the writ- ten language of algebra thus : a^c_ axe b d b X d Here a denotes the integer which is the numerator of the first frac- tion and b the integer which is its denominator ; also, c denotes the integer which is the numerator of the second fraction and d that which is its denominator. In the algebraic expression -, the letters a and b represent any integers whatever, whereas in the arithmetical expression l^, the symbols 2 and 3 denote definite integers. 4. Symbols. The language of algebra employs symbols to represent: (1) Numbers themselves; (2) operations on numbers; (3) relations between numbers. 5. Symbols of number. Numbers in algebra are ex- pressed by Arabic numerals, and also by letters ; thus; c may represent the number of cents in the cost of an orange ; a dollars may denote any number of dollars ; m may stand for the number of miles between two towns ; X may stand for any number, which for the sake of brevity is called the number x. 6. Symbols of operation. Symbols of operation are as follows : -}- is the sign of addition ; it is read plus. 7 + 3 denotes the sum of the two numbers 7 and S; a -\- h stands for the sum of the two numbers represented by the letters a and b. — is the sign of subtraction ; it is read minus. a — b stands for the difference of the numbers represented by the letters a and b. X is the sign of multiplication; it is read times or mul- tiplied hy» INTRODUCTION 3 a y. h stands for the product of the numbers represented by the letters a and b. Multiplication is also indicated by a dot. 2 x a may be written 2 • a. When numbers are represented by letters, the sign of multiplication may be, and usually is, omitted. Thus, 5 ab stands for 5 x a x &. -f- or : is the sign of division; it is read divided hy, 3 -f- 5 or 3 : 5 denotes the quotient obtained from the division of 3 by 5. Remark. Neither the sign -h nor the sign : is so frequently used in algebra as formerly. For instance, a -4- & is usually written -. b 7. Symbols of relation. Symbols of relation are as follows : = is the sign of equality and is read equals^ or is equal to. a = b expresses the equality of the numbers represented by the letters a and b. > and < are signs of inequality. > is read greater than ; < is read le%% than. a'>b means that the number represented by a is greater than the number represented by 6. a < 6 means that the number represented by a is less than the number represented by b. EXERCISE 1 1. In the following, c stands for cost (meaning, say, the number of cents in the cost), s for selling price, g for gain, and I for loss ; read in words : c-{-g = 8. 8-hl=o. 8—c = g. c— 8 = 1. 8 — g = e, c— I = 8. 2. 3 + 2 expresses the sum of 3 and 2 ; what then is expressed by 3 + 5? 5 + a? 5 + 6? a+b? t 3. 6 — 2 expresses the difference of 6 and 2 ; what then is expressed by 8-5? 7-a? 6-3? a-b? 4 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 4. 3x5 expresses the product of 3 and 5 ; what then is expressed by 4x6? 3xa? 4: x b? a xh? 5. What is expressed by3.c? a » b? I x w? ab? f* ♦ 6. - expresses the quotient of 6 divided by 2 ; what then is expressed by ?? ^? h ^? £? 4^? ^? ^ '^42a2cJ5r^ 7. Using the + sign, express the sum of 6 and 7 ; 5 and a ; c and d. 8. Using the — sign, express the difference of 7 and 6 ; a and 7 ; 3 and b ; a and b. 9. Using the x sign, express the product of 2 and 5 ; 7 and a ; 3 and b ; a and 6. 10. Indicate in three ways the product of 3 and a ; 4 and b ; c? and c?. 11. Using the fractional form, indicate the quotient of 9 divided by 4 ; a divided by 3 ; 6 divided by 2 ; a divided by c. 12. Find the number that is equal to a + 1 when a stands in turn for 3 ; 5 ; 7 ; 12 ; J ; 1| ; ; .3. 13. Find the number that is equal to b — 1 when b stands in turn for 2 ; 3; 7; IJ ; 1; 2^; 1.5; 2.25. 14. Find the number that is equal to 2 a when a stands in turn for 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; | ; 1 J ; .5 ; 1.1. 15. Find the number that is equal to ^ when a stands in turn for 2 ; 1 ; 3 ; 6 ; J ; 5 ; IJ. 16. When a stands for 2 and b stands for 1, what num- ber is equal to a + 6 ? a — b? U'b? -? INTRODUCTION 5 17. When x= 6 and ?/ = 3, what number is equal to 1/1/ 2.y 18. When a; = |^ and i/ = ^i what number is equal to x-\-i/? x-yl x-yl -? — ^? ? y y ^-y 19. If goods cost c dollars and were sold at a gain of g dollars, express the selling price. If c = 7 and ^ = 3, what was the selling price ? 20. If goods cost p dollars and were sold at a loss of t dollars, express the selling price. If jo = 9 and < = 2, what was the selling price ? 21. Express the number that is 6 more than a. 22. Express the number that is c more than d. 23. Express the number that is 5 less than c. 24. Express the number that is n less than m. 25. Express the sum of a, 6, and c. 26. Express the sum of a and h diminished by c. 27. Find the cost of 3 pounds of sugar at a cents a pound. 28. Find the cost of a yards of cloth at h cents a yard. 29. If p pounds of sugar cost 30 cents, what did one pound cost ? 30. If h bushels of grain weigh p pounds, what does one bushel weigh ? 31. What did a boy pay for 2 oranges at c cents each and 3 apples at h cents each ? 32. How much change should a boy receive from c cents given in payment for a ball that cost h cents? 33. Express the result of adding p times r to I. 6 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 34. Express the result of adding t times r to p. 35. Express the result of dividing Vhy a times h. 36. Write the product of 3, a, 6, and c in three different ways. 37. How many quarts are there in a gallons ? 38. How man^ quarts are there in h pecks ? 39. How many pecks are there in c bushels ? 40. How many quarts are there in m pints ? 41. How many units are there in c dozen ? 42. How many dozen are there in u units ? 43. If I stands for the length of one line in inches and w for the length of another line in feet, what stands for the sum of their lengths in inches ? What stands for the difference of their lengths in feet ? 44. If I stands for the number of inches in the length of a rectangle and w for the width in inches, what stands for the number of inches in the perimeter ? 45. If 8 stands for the length of one side of an equi- lateral triangle, what stands for the perimeter ? 8. Algebraic expressions. Any symbol or combination of symbols used in algebra to express a number is called an algebraic expression, or simply an expression. Thus, 2 a, a + &, — , 3 ar — y + « are algebraic expressions. 9. Evaluation of an algebraic expression. The process of substituting numbers for letters in an expression and calculating tlie numerical value of the result is called the evaluation of the expression for the given values of the letters. INTRODUCTION 7 Thus, to evaluate 2 a -\- b when a = 2 and 6 = 3, substitute the given values of a and b in the expression, obtaining 2-2 + 3=4 + 3 = 7. Remark. It is often convenient in testing the accuracy of alge- braic work to evaluate the expression for simple numerical values of the letters. This is termed checking the result. 10. Order of operations. Algebraic expressions often contain different signs of operation. In evaluating such expressions it is understood that : When operations of addition and subtraction are indicated in an expression^ they are to he performed in the order of their occurrence from left to right. Thus, 4 + 5-2 + 3-6 = 9-2 + 3-6 = 7+3-6 = 10 -6= 4. When operations of multiplication and division are indi- cated in an expression^ they are to he performed in their order from left to right and before the operations of addition and subtraction are performed. Thus, 6 X 8-^4 + 12 -6 X2-24 -4 -2=48-4 + 2 x2- 6-^2 = 12 + 4-3 = 13. EXERCISE 2 1. What is the value of 2 a — 6 when a = l and 5 = 1? 2. What number is when a = 2 and 5 = 4? 2 When a = 1 and 5 = 3 ? When a = J and 5 = J ? 3. If a stands for the number of units in the altitude, h for the number in the base, and A for the area of a rectangle, read in words the statement, A = ah. 4. What is the area of a rectangle when the altitude equals 5 ft. and the base equals 7 ft.? 5. What is the area of a rectangle when a = 3 and 6 = 4? 8 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 6. A man walked 3 hours at the rate of 4 miles an hour. How far did he walk ? If he walked x hours at the same rate, how far did he walk ? 7. A man walked a hours at the rate of x miles an hour. How far did he walk ? 8. What is the cost of 5 yards of cloth at x cents a yard? 9. How many a's in a + a? In2a4-a? In3a-fa? In3a + 2a? Tn4a-a? In 5a- 2a? In7a-3a? In examples 10-16, supply the missing numbers. 10. 4x $10 + 2 X 110 + 3 X $10 = ( )x$10. 11. 4xa + 2xa + 3xa=( )xa. 12. 6 X 10 ft. + 5 X 10 ft. - 3 X 10 ft. = ( ) X 10 ft. 13. 6x6 + 5x6-3x6= ( )x6. 14. 6a; + 5a; + 4a; — 2aj=( )a:. 15. 7w+5m — 3m— 2m=( )w. 16. 9r + 5r— 3r-r=( )r. 17. A boy is a years old, his father is 2 a years old. How many years are there in the sum of their ages ? 18. A person is x years old. How old will he be two years hence? How old was he 2 years ago? How old was he a years ago ? 19. One number is three times another. If n represents the smaller number, what expression represents their sum ? Their difference ? 20. Some sugar costing a dollars was sold at a gain of 50%. State the selling price. 21. The circumference of a circle is equal to 2 tt times the radius; this truth may be briefly expressed thus: c = 2 Trr. INTRODUCTION 9 Find the length of the circumference if 7r = ^ and r = 7; if 7r=^andr = |. 22. The radius of a circle is x ft. What is the circum- ference ? 23. How much greater than a is a + 2 ? How much greater than a -{- 1 is a -^ 2? 24. Read the expression 2a - a; also, a * 2 a. Assume that a = 5, 5 = 2, c = 1, a; = 3, y = 2, 2 = 0, and evaluate the following : 25. y x-z 4: ab-\- ac—bc 27. 2 a5tf — X1/Z, 28. 29. ^^ I ^^^ I 25^ 2ic^ 30. a + b 2a;+l 2^-f-a; 2a. 35 x + l 20y a4-5 + x > y, each of the numbers, 2, x, and y, is a factor of 2xy. Remark 1. The expression 2(x + y) means 2 times the sum of x and^. 10 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Thus, the factors of 2(-c + y') are 2 and (x + y). Remark 2. A number may have different sets of factors. Thus, sets of factors of 24 are 4 and 6, 2 and 12, 3 and 8 ; 2, 2, and 6 ; 2, 3, and 4 ; and 2, 2, 2, and 3. 13. Coefficient. When a number is the product of two factors, either of these factors is called the coefficient of the other in the product. . Thus, in 5 ah, 5 is the coefficient of ah, and 5 a is the coefficient of h. Note 1. A numerical coefficient is usually written first. Thus, the product of 2 and a is written 2 a, not a 2. Note 2. The numerical coefficient 1 is usually omitted. Thus, 1 X a is usually written a. Remark. When the term coefficient is used, numerical coefficient is usually meant. Thus, in 3 a&, 3 is understood to be the coefficient, unless otherwise implied. EXERCISE 3 1. Give factors of 18 ; 14 ; 96 ; 23. 2. Omitting the factors 1 and 3 a6, name six factors of 3. Name the factors of 3(a -|- 5). 4. Name three sets of factors of abc. 5. What is the coefficient of ah in 3 ai ? 6. What is the coefficient oi 2 xy m ^ ah - '^^xyl 7. Each factor in 2xyz has a coefficient. Name each factor and give its coefficient. 8. Write the factors of a(h + c); 2 a(h-{- c). 9. Write the product a x 2 x 6 in its usual form. 10. Write 1 . a 4- 1 • 5 in a better form. 11. Is the following a true statement: l.a+2.a = (H.2)a? INTRODUCTION 11 14. Powers. The product of two equal factors is called the square, or second power, of one of the factors. Similarly, the product of three equal factors is called the cube, or third power, of one of the factors; and the product of four equal factors is called the fourth power, etc. Thus, 2 X 2 is the square, or second power, of 2 ; a x a is the square of a; aaa is the third power of a; and aaaaaa is the sixthi power of a. 15. Base and exponents. For convenience, a x a is usually written a^, read a square ; a x a x a is written a^ read a cube ; ax a x a x a is written a*, read a to the fourth power or a with an exponent Jf. In an expression similar to a*, the number a is called the base, and the number 4 is called the exponent, or index. When the ex- ponent is an integer it shows how many times the base is used as a factor. Thus, in 2^ = 64, the number 64 is the sixth power of 2, and the exponent., 6, shows that the ftcwe, 2, is used six times as a factor in ob- taining 64. Note. The exponent 1 is usually omitted. Thus, a}- is usually written a. Remark 1. In a subsequent chapter other numbers than integers will be introduced as exponents. Their use will then be explained. Remark 2. Care should be taken not to confuse an exponent with a coefficient. Thus, 3 a means a + a + «, while a^ means a x a x a. Remark 3. It should be emphasized that such expressions as 2 ah^ mean 2 dbh and not* 2ab x2 ah. The latter expression is written (2 ahy. EXERCISE 4 Write examples 1-5 in another form, using exponents and coefficients : 1. 2. a + a + a-f-a + a. 12 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. aa 4- CL(X" 4. XXX -\- XX -{- XX + 1, 5. aaa + aaa — aa -{• a + a -\- a. 6. Evaluate each of the following when x = 2: a^; ar^; a:*; a^. 7. Evaluate each of the following when a; = 3 : 2x^; bx^; ^x^; 2 3^; ^ x^. 8. Evaluate a^ + 2x^ — x-\-2 when a; = 3. 9. Evaluate a^— b^ + 2 ab when a = 3 and 6 = 2. 10. Evaluate a^ — h^ when a = 2 and 6 = 1. 11. Evaluate 3 a^ 4. 2 6 — 5 when a = 2 and 6=1. 12. Evaluate y^—2y-{-l when y = 2. Rewrite these expressions, using exponents when possible : 13. 2 a6 X 2 a6 X 2 ah. 14. 3 a26 X 3 a^h x 3 a%. 15. 3 aa - 2 66 ; aaa - 2 x 3 66 ; 2 • 2 . 2 aa - 3 x 3 66. 16. 2 x2aa-3 X 3666; 2 x 2 x 2a;a; - 2 x 3yy ; 25aa - 49 66. 16. Parentheses. Parentheses, ( ), are used to indi- cate that the expression inclosed is to be treated as a single number. When different parentheses are used in the same expression, other forms, as brackets, [ ], braces, | j, and the vinculum, , are employed. Thus, a +{1) — c) means that the number remaining after subtract- ing c from h is to be added to a. (5 + 4)(6 — 2) means the product of 9 and 4. In — -^, the vinculum groups a + 6 into one number, and c + a c -\- d into one number. Note. The various forms of parentheses are called signs of aggregation ; their use is illustrated by the following expression : [2 + {3 - 2} + 3^ +(2 + 5) + (4 - 2)] = [2 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 2] = 14. INTRODUCTION 13 EXERCISE 5 Simplify : 1. (2 + 3)(4 + 5). Thus, (2 + 3)(4 + 5) = 5 X 9 = 45. 2. (5 + 3)(8-3). ^ 3. 5(3 + 4-5). 4. (18-12)^3. 5. 15-(3x2 + 4). 6. (12 + 6)H-(8-5). 7. (15-5)-f-(3 + 2). 8. (2 4-4)(6-4)^(5-hl). 9. (8 + 4) -5- (10 -6) (15 -5). ^^ (12 + 3)x(12-7), ^^ 2 + [3+(l + 15)]. 2x5 12. 3 + (2-l) + (3 + 2). 13. 8 + [4-f.2 + 3]. 14. (3 + l)(2 + l)+2. 15. 5[2 + (3-2) + j3 + 2-|-in. 16. 15^^ X 2 H- 8T6"-J- 2. 17. Monomial. An algebraic expression which does not contain an addition or a subtraction sign is called a monomial expression, or simply a monomial. Thus, 3 a, —, and ^ are monomials. b d Note. An expression within parentheses must be regarded as a monomial, since it is to be taken as a whole. Thus, 2(a + b) and (a -f- a) are monomials ; but a + 6 is not a monomial. 18. Terms. The monomials of an algebraic expression which are connected by -f and — signs are called the terms of the expression. Thus, the terms of aa; + 3 6 + 2 c are ax, 3 b, and 2 c. 19. Binomial. An algebraic expression of two terms is called a binomial. Thus, a + 2, 3 a - X, and 2(a -{- b) -\- 'd(x + y) are binomials. 14 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 20. TrinomiaL An algebraic expression of three terms is called a trinomiaL Thus, X + y + z, 2a + 3b - c, and 2(b + c) + 3(a; + y) + c(a + b) are trinomials. 21. PolynomiaL An algebraic expression of two or more terms, is, in general, called a polynomial. Thus, a binomial is a polynomial of two terms, and a trinomial is a polynomial of three terms. 22. Like terms. Terms which do not differ except in their coefficients are called like terms. Thus, 3ab% 6ab% and ^ab^ are like terms; but 3ab^ and 5a% are unlike terms. Remark. Terms may be regarded as like with respect to a cer- tain factor or certain factors, when the remaining factors are regarded as coefficients. Thus, ay and by are like terms with respect to y ; also abx and cbz are like with respect to bx. EXERCISE 6 1. How many terms are there in 2x— 3^ + «? 2. Name the terms inx — 4i/ — Sz-\-l. 3. Name the numerical coefficient in each of the monomials 2a%,, ah^ Sabx, mn\ Zxyz^ 4(a;-|-y). 4. Of the following monomials name those that are like: 2xy, Sx^y, Zxy, 2xy\ \^y, bxy\ xy, xy\ x^y, bxy^. 5. State with respect to what letter 4 rw, mw, and cm are like. What is the coefficient of each of these monomials ? 6. With respect to what factor are axy^ bxy, and cxy like, and what is the coefficient of each monomial ? 7. With respect to what factor are 2(w + w), c{m -f- w), and d(m + n) like, and what is the coefficient of each monomial ? INTRODUCTION 15 8. If a stands for one number and h for another, a-\-h represents their sum ; a — b, their difference ; a6, their product ; and ^, the quotient of a divided by b. Which of these expressions are binomials, and which monomials ? Evaluate each when a = 2 and 5=1. Evaluate the following trinomials when a: = 4, ^ = 2, and 2 = 1. 9. X -{- 1/ -{- z. 10. X — y -\- z. IX. x — y — z. 12. X — 2 y -\- z, 13. X — y — 2z. 14. x + y —'^z, 23. The equation. Such statements as, a = b^ 2 a; = 3, and x-\- y = 4: are called equations. The equation a = b means that the number represented by the letter a is equal to the number represented by the letter b. In the equation a=b^ a is called the first member of the equation and b is called the second member. 24. Application of the equation. Problem. $ 500 is to be divided between two persons, A and B, in such a way that B shall receive $ 100 more than A. How many dol- lars should each receive ? Solution. Let x = the number of dollars in A's share. Then, x -)- 100 = the number of dollars in B's share. Hence, x -\- x -\- 100 = the number of dollars both are to receive. meaning that two times the number of dollars that A receives plus 100 is equal to 500, the number of dollars to be divided. -100, .'. X = 200, the number of dollars that A is to receive. x + 100 = 300, the number of dollars that B is to receive. Note. The symbol .-. is read therefore. That is. 2a: + 100=.500< Hence, 2x = 500 or, 2a; = 400; 16 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA In the foregoing solution, the equation 2x = 500 — 100 was obtained from the preceding equation *2x-\- 100 = 500, by means of the principle that if equal numbers he subtracted from equal numbers the resulting numbers are equal. Also, the equation x = 200 was obtained from the equation 2x = 400 by means of the principle that if equal numbers be divided by equal numbers (the number zero excepted} the resulting numbers are equal. 25. Assumptions. The simplification of all equations depends on such assumptions, or principles, as those stated in section 24. These assumptions are : 1. ^ equal numbers be added to equal numbers^ the sums will be equal. 2. If equal numbers be subtracted from equal numbers^ the differences will be equal. 3. If equal numbers be multiplied by equal numbers^ the products will be equal. 4. If equal numbers be divided by equal numbers (zero excepted) .> the quotients will be equal. 5. Numbers which are equal to the same number are equal to each other. 26. The generalizing spirit of algebra may be illus- trated by further consideration of problems similar to that of section 24. ILLUSTRATION Instead of dividing $ 500 between two persons, let the number of dollars divided be represented by the letter w, which may represent any number of dollars, and let the second person receive a dollars more than the first. Solution. Let x = the number of dollars in A's share. Then, x -\- a = the number of dollars in B's share. Hence, x -^ x -\- a — the number of dollars they both receive. INTRODUCTION 17 That is, 2x -{■ a = n, or, 2x = n-a, [§25,2] .•.x = ^. [§25,4] Hence, n — a _ ^j^^ number of dollars in A's share, and n — a _j_ ^ _ ^j^g number of dollars in B's share. 27. The resulting value of x in the solution, section 26, namely, x = "" , is an illustration of what in algebra is termed a formula. This formula gives the solution of a great number of particular problems which are all of the same kind and which differ only in the numerical values assigned to the letters. Thus, when n = 500 and a = 100, [§ 24] 500 - 100 2 and x + 100 = 300 ; which were the results obtained in § 24. = 200, 28. As a general definition we have the following : A formula is a rule of calculation expressed in algebraic symbols. Remark. Problem 3, Exercise 2, page 7, contains an important geometrical formula, that for the area of a rectangle. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. When a: + 3 = 7, what is the value of x ; that is, for what number does x stand ? Solution. ar + 3 = 7. Subtracting 3 from each member, a? = 7 — 3. [§ 25, 2] .*. X = 4:. 2. When 3 a: = 12, what is the value of a;? Solution. 8 ar = 12. Dividing both members by 3, x = 4. [§ 25, 4] 18 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. When Jo; = 2, what is the value oi x? Solution. ' J a: = 2. Multiplying both members by 4, x = 8. [§ 25, 3] 4. Solve 3 a; + 5 = 11 and check the resulting value of X. Solution. 3 a; + 5 = 11. 3a; = 11 -5. 3a; = 6. x = 2. Check. 3 X 2 + 5 = 6 + 5, or 11. 5. Solve 3a; + 2a; — a;4-7 = 2a; + 15 and check. Solution. 3a; + 2a;-a; + 7 = 2a; + 15. 4a; + 7 = 2x + 15. [See Example 9, Exercise 2] 4a;-2a; + 7 = 2a;-2a;+15. [§25,2] 2a; + 7 = 15. 2a; = 8. a; = 4. Check. 3x4 + 2x4-4 + 7 = 2x4 + 15. 12 + 8 - 4 + 7 = 8 + 15. 23 = 23. EXERCISE 7 Solve the following equations and check : 1. a; + 3-5. • 2. a; + 7 = 9. 3. a; H- 2 = 3. 4. a; +- 1 = 5. 5. a; +- 1 = 4. 6. a; +- 7 = 8. 7. 3 + a; = 4. 8. 2 + a; = 4. 9. 4+-a; = 6. 10. 2a; + 3 = 7. 11. 3a; + l==10. 12. 5a:H-2 = 12. 13. 3a;4-3 = 9. 14. 5a; +-1 = 11. 15. 2a;-h4 = 6. l^. 3a;+-4 = 5, INTRODUCTION 19 17. 42^ + 8 = 12. 18. 72:4-6 = 20. 19. 32:+ 22: = 10. 20. 32;-f-2; = 12. 21. 52:+ 22: -2^=12. 22. 62: =22: + 3. 23. 72:- 2: + 1 = 22: + 9. 24. 2x-\-Sx — 4:X=B, 25. ^2: = 3. 26. ^2: = 3. 27. ^2:=1. 28. 52: + 1=32; + 7. 29. 52: + 2 = 62:+l. 30. 4x-x -\- 2x = ^x -{-4:. In problems 31-35, denote the unknown number by x. Form the equation and find the value of 2:. 31. Twice a certain number is 20. What is the number ? 32. The sum of 10 and twice a certain number is 50. What is the number ? 33. If three times a certain number is added to 9, the sum is 15. What is the number ? 34. The sum of two consecutive integers is 11. Find the integers. Suggestion. Consecutive integers are those which differ by 1. 35. If a pound of butter and one of lard together cost 60 cents, what was the price of each if the butter cost three times as much as tlie lard ? y 36. The perimeter of the rectangle in the accompanying diagram is given by the formula P = 2 2: + 2 y. Find X when P = 100 and «/ = 30. Find t/ when P = 50 and 2: = 10. When A stands for the area of a rectangle, h the num- ber of units in its base, and a the number of units in its altitude, A = axb. 20 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Using this formula, find the value of the missing letter, given : 37. 6 = 6, a = 4. 38. 6 = 10, a =2^. 39. ^ = 20, a = 4. 40. A = 60, ,b = 10. When A stands for the area of a triangle, b the number of units in its -base, and a the number of units in its altitude, ^ _ a x 6 From this formula find the value of the missing letter, given: 41. a = 6,b = 8. 42. a=9,b = 4. 43. ^ = 12, a = 6. 44. A = 20,b = S. When r stands for the number of units in the radius of a circle, c the number in the circumference, and A the area, then, (j) ^ ^ 2 irr; (2) A = irr^. Using the proper formula, 45. Find (?, given r = 3. Thus, c = 2 TT X 3, or 6 TT. 46. Find A, given r = 5, Thus, ^ = -TT X 52, or 25 tt. 47. Find r, given c = 8 tt. Thus, 2 7rr=8ir; 2r = 8; r = 4. Remark. Observe that the equation 2 r = 8 was derived from the equation 2 irr = 8 tt by dividing both members of the latter by x. 48. Find r, given A = 9 tt. Thus, irr2 = 9 TT ; r2 = 9 ; r = 3. 49. Find c, given r = 6. 50. Find A, given r = 2. 51. Find A, given r = 10. 52. Find r, given c = 16 tt. 53. Find r, given ^ = 647r. 54. Find r, given -4 = | tt. Introduction 21 55. Using the letters c and n, write a formula for the cost of any number of dozen oranges when one dozen costs 25 cents ; when one dozen costs a cents. 56. Write as a formula the rule for finding the simple interest for a given number of years i on a given sum of money s at a given rate of interest per cent per annum r. 57. I am twenty-five years younger than my father, whose age is a years. Write in a formula the rule for finding my age when his age is known. 58. Write a formula for the weight of a bottle of milk, given the weight of the bottle, the weight of a cubic inch of milk, and the quantity in the bottle. (Use the letters Tf, b, if, and v.) 59. Write a formula for the number of cents in a dollars + h dimes -h e nickels. 60. Write a formula for the number of inches in a yards b feet c inches. 61. Write an expression for the rate of a train which runs m miles in 5 hours ; which runs m miles in h hours. 62. If n articles cost d dollars, find an expression for the number of articles which can be bought for x dollars. 63. Construct a formula for the number iV which, when divided by d, gives the quotient q and the remainder r. 64. The sum of three consecutive integers is 18. Find the integers. 65. Write a formula for the volume Fof a beam, I feet long, w feet wide, and d feet thick. Apply the formula to find the thickness of a beam which contains 10 cubic feet of timber and is 2 feet wide and 5 feet long. 66. What is the area of a triangle whose base is 5 feet and whose altitude is 10 feet ? 22 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 67. A room is a feet long and h feet wide. Construct a formula for the cost of carpeting the room with lino- leum which costs $2 per square yard. 68. The rule for making tea is : " One teaspoonful of tea for each person and one for the pot." Express this rule by a formula letting t denote the number of tea- spoonfuls of tea and p the number of persons. 69. A formula for the time in hours required to cook a joint of beef of given weight in pounds is t = \w + \. From this formula state the rule. Positive and Negative Numbers 29. Algebra makes use of all the numbers of elementary arithmetic and in addition to these it introduces certain other numbers called positive and negative numbers. ILLUSTRATION Let a point on a horizontal line be selected and marked ; let the point one unit to the right of be marked + t, the point two units to the right of be marked + 2, and so on. Let the point one unit to the left be marked — 1, the point two units to the left of be marked — 2, and so on ; thus : I I I I I I I I I _4 _3 _2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 The points marked +1, + 2, + 3, etc., represent the positive numbers, and those marked — 1,-2, — 3, etc., represent the negative numbers. 30. Two positive or two negative numbers are said to have like signs, A positive number and a negative number are said to have unlike signg. Positive and negative numbers are called algebraic numbers, 31. Whenever quantities exist which are exact opposites, as illustrated in section 29, these quantities may be repre- sented by positive and negative numbers. INTRODUCTION 23 Thus, an ordinary thermometer scale may be divided in the manner indicated by the diagram in section 29. When so divided the point marked indicates zero degrees ; one degree above zero is marked + 1, two degrees above zero, -f 2, onjp degree below zero, — 1, two degrees below zero, — 2, and so on. 32. The scale of positive and negative numbers, section 29, has various practical applications, such as indicating degrees of latitude north ' and south from the earth's equator, marked 0°; degrees of longitude west and east from some chosen meridian, as that of Greenwich, which is marked 0° ; intervals of time after and before a certain event ; gains and losses in business transactions. Note. Negative numbers are introduced into algebra by a simple convention. In a - 6 it is convenient to call the expression — 6 a number and to say that a — b is obtained by adding — 6 to «. Thus, a — b is written a -\-{— b). This is a new use of the word number. A negative number is, therefore, simply a number which is to be sub- tracted. In the same way a positive number is a number which is to be added. The numbers of arithmetic are neither positive nor negative. EXERCISE 8 1. Using the signs + and — , write : 5 positive units ; 6 negative units ; a positive units ; h negative units ; 2 a positive units ; Sx negative units. 2. State how many and what kind of units there are in each of the following : -1-3; -1; +c; -b; ■j-2x; -Sb. 3. If 10° north latitude is represented by + 10°, what number will represent 25° north latitude ? 10° south latitude ? 30° south latitude ? ^ 4. If north latitude is marked -f- and south latitude — , write, using the signs + and — instead of N. and S. : 6° N.; 6° S.; 9° 30' N.; 7° 30' 12" S. 24 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 5. If west longitude is marked -|- and east longitude — , write, using the signs + and — instead of W. and E. : 20° E.; 5° W.; 4° 15' W. ; 7° 10' 20'' E. 6.' If the year 1916 a.d. is represented by +1916, what will represent the year 2000 A.D.? The year 399 B.C.? The year 646 B.C.? 7. If gains are marked + 'and losses — , write, using the signs + and — : 15 gain; $6 loss; 18 loss: $4 gain. 8. If temperature above zero is marked -|- and tempera- ture below zero — , state what temperature is indicated by each of the following : ^5°; ^lo. +60°; -7°; +80°. Addition 33. A gain of f 10 together with a gain of $6 makes a total gain of f 16 ; also a loss of -f 10 together with a loss of $6 makes a total loss of $16. Hence, regarding gain as positive and, therefore, loss as negative^ we may infer that : 1. (+10) + (+6)= + 16. 2. (_10)4.(-6) = -16. Remark. If it is necessary to distinguish a sign of an algebraic number from a sign of operation, the algebraic number is put into parentheses ; otherwise, in writing such numbers the positive sign is usually omitted. 34. A gain of $10 combined with a loss of $6 is equiva- lent to a net gain of f 4 ; also, a loss of -f 10 combined with a gain of $6 is equivalent to a net loss of |4. Hence, we may infer that : 1. (+10) + (-6) = -f-4. 2. (_10)-h(+6) = -4. INTRODUCTION 25 35. The absolute value of an algebraic number is its value without regard to sign. Thus, the absolute value of + 2 is 2 and the absolute value of — 3 is 3. Remark. The expressions arithmetical value and numerical value are sometimes used instead of absolute value. 36. Positive and negative numbers are also called opposite numbers. See section 31. 37. The result obtained by combining (adding) two or more algebraic numbers is called the sum of the numbers. From sections 33 and 34 we infer that: 1. The sum of two numbers with like signs is the sum of their absolute values with their common sign prefixed to the result. 2. The sum of two numbers with unlike signs is the dif- ference of their absolute values with the sign of the number which has the greater absolute value prefixed to the result. Note 1. To add three or more algebraic numbers with like signs, add the second to the first, to the result add the third, and so on. Thus, +3+(+2)+(+4) + (+l) = +5 + (+4) + (+l) = (+9) + (+l) = (+10). Note 2. To add three or more algebraic numbers with unlike signs, add the positive numbers and the negative numbers separately, and then add the results. Thus, +4+(+o) + (+6) + (-2)-f-(-7)=-|-15+(-9)= + 6. Remark. When two numbers have the same absolute value and unlike signs, their sum is zero. Thus, (+2) + (-2) =0. EXERCISE 9 Name at sight the sum : 1. +3 2.-2 3. + 5 4. -4 + 2 -1 + 7 -9 26 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 5. + 2 6. +3 7.-8 8.-6 -1 -5 + 5 + 9 9.-4 10. -10 11. +7 12. +8 + 4 - 1 -6 -8 Add, as indicated, at sight : 13. +5 + (+2). 14. -7 + (-3). 15. -8 + (-6). 16. -8 + (-3). 17. +9 + (_9). 18. +10 + (-12). 19. +2+(+l) + (+4). 20. _2-f-(-3) + (-4). 21. -4 + (+l) + (+2). 22. +6 + (-2) + (-l). 23. _l + (_2) + (+l) + (+3). 24. +2 + (-3) + (4-4) + (-l). 25. _l+(+l) + (+5) + (-3). 26. +3 + (-3) + (-4) + (+4). 27. _2+(-3) + (+4) + (-3). 28. 6 + (-3) + (+2) + (-7). 29. 5+(-|.3) + (-4) + (-8). 30. _7+(-2) + (+8) + (+2). Subtraction 38. In algebra, as in arithmetic, subtraction is the inverse operation of addition ; that is, subtraction is the undoing of an addition. Thus, 5 + 3-3 = 5, which shows that the addition of 3 has been undone by the subtraction of 3. Also, a + 3 — 3 = a, in which a is any algebraic number. In general, the result of subtracting a number from an equal number, whether it be positive or negative, is zero. Thus, a - a = 0, since + a - a = 0. INTRODUCTION 27 Since a — a= and a -h ( — «) = [section 37, remark], the following principle may be inferred : The result of subtracting a number is the same as the result of adding the opposite number. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Subtract + 3 from + 5. Solution. (+ 5)-(+ 3) = (+ 5) + (- 3) = + 2. 2. Subtract — 3 from + 5. Solution. (+5)-(-3) = +5+(+3)= + 8. 3. Subtract + 7 from + 2. Solution. (+2)-(-|-7) = + 2 +(-7) = - 5. 4. Subtract + 3 from — 5. Solution. (-5)-(+3) = - 5+(-3)=-8. 5. Subtract — 2 from — 5. Solution. (- 5)-(-2) = - 5+(+2) = -3. Remark. In algebra the terms minuend, subtrahend, and difference have the same meaning as in arithmetic. Thus, in (+ 6) — (+ 2) = + 4, the minuend is + 6, the subtrahend is + 2, and the difference is + 4. 39. From the solutions of the illustrative examples of section 38 the following rule may be derived: Rule. The difference of two algebraic numbers is found by adding to the minuend the subtrahend with its sign changed. EXERCISE 10 Name at sight the difference : 1. + 5 2.-5 3. + 3 4.-4 + 2 -3 H-7 -9 28 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 5. +9 6.-7 7. - -9 8. 4-1 -2 4-3 -1 + 8 9.-6 10.-6 11. 12. -6 +6 4-8^ -5 Subtract, as indicated, at sight : 13. +6 -(4- 2). 14. -4 -(-3). 15. 4-7-(-l). 16. -9 -(4- 5). 17. -1-(4.1). 18. -l-(-7). 19. 11 -(-4). 20. 7 -(-10). 21. 0-(4-5). 22. O-(-l). 23. 6 -(4- 5). 24. 5 -(-5). 40. In section 33 it is shown that 10 4-(4-6)=16 = 10 4-6, (1) also that 10 4- (- 6) = 4 = 10 - -6. (2) Again, from section 39 we have 10-(4-6)=.10+(- -6) = 10 - 6, (3) also that 10 -(- 6)= 10 4-(4- 6) = 10 4-6. (4) Examples (1), (2), (3), and (4) illustrate the following : Rule of Signs 4- 4- or — — mat/ be replaced by 4-. 4- — or — 4- may be replaced by — . From examples (1), (2), (3), and (4), it is evident that in addition a number is written down with the sign before it retained, while in subtraction the number is written with its sign changed. Thus, (+ 2) + (+ 3) + ( - 4) is written 2 + 3-4 = 1; but, ( + 2) - (- 6) is written 2 + 6 = 8. Also, - 4 +( - 3) is written - 4 - 3 = - 7 ; but, - 4 - (- 3) is written - 4 + 3 = - 1. INTRODUCTION 29 Remark. An expression like 4 - 6 = — 2 does not occur in arithmetic. In algebra, this expression means simply [see diagram, § 29] that if we start at the point marked + 4 and count 6 units to the left we shall end with the point marked — 2. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Simplify (4.2) + (-3) + (-f4). Solution. (+2) + (-3)+(+4)=2-3 + 4=-l + 4 = 3. 2. Simplify (-}.2)4-(-3) + (-4). Solution. (+2) + (-3) + (-4)=2-3-4 = -l-4=--5. EXERCISE 11 Perform the indicated operations in the following ex- amples : 1. (+2)-(+l). 2. 3 -(+2). 3. -5 + (-2). 4. (-2) + (H-5). 5. 2 -(-3). 6. -7 +(-2). 7. _2-(+l). 8. -3-h(-5). 9. -2 + (-l). 10. 3 + (-2). 11. 3 -(+5). 12. 3 + 5-(+2). 13. (_2) + (-3)-(-4> 14. (-3)+( + 2)-(-l). 15. -4'+(-4). 16. -2 + 2 + (-2). 17. -5 + 4+(-l). 18. -l-2-(+3). 19. l + 2 + (-3). 20. 1-1 + 2 + (-2). 21. -3 + 4 -(-5). 22. -l_2 + (-3). 23. _(_2)4-C-3)-(-l). 24. l4.(+9)-(+12)H-(-3) + (+17)-(+12). 25. 2 + (-9)-(-8) + (-l)-(+10) + (+20). 26. 8-(-7) + (-14)-(-5)-(4-12)4-(+7). 27. -6-(-10) + (-f 20)-(4-15) + (-25). 30 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Graphic Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Numbers 41. It is not possible in arithmetic to subtract a number from a less number. The introduction of negative numbers makes it possible in algebra to subtract in all cases. The diagram of section 29 is here reproduced and used in illustrating the addition and subtraction of alge- braic numbers. I I I I I I I I I I I _5 _4 _3 _2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 1. To add a positive number. To add + 2 to +3 begin at the point marked + 3 and count two spaces to the right, ending at the point marked + 5. In like manner, to add + 2 to any positive or negative number begin with that number and count two spaces to the right. In general, In adding a positive number^ the counting is to the right, 2. To subtract a positive number. Since subtraction is the undoing of an addition, to subtract + 2 from + 5, begin at the point marked + 5 and count two spaces to the left, ending at the point marked + 3. In general. In subtracting a positive number^ the counting is to the left, 3. To add a negative number. Since the sum of — 2 and — 3 is equal to — 5 [§ 33], to add — 2 to — 3, begin at the point marked - 3 and count two spaces to the left, ending at the point marked — 5. In general. In adding a negative number^ the counting is to the left. 4. To subtract a negative number. Since subtraction is the undoing of an addition, to subtract — 2 from — 5, begin at the point marked — 5 and count two spaces to the right, ending at the point marked — 3. In general, In subtracting a negative number, the counting is to the right. INTRODUCTION 31 Remark. Notice that in the two operations of adding a positive and subtracting a negative number, the counting is done to the right ; while in the two operations of adding a negative number and subtracting a positive number, the counting is done to the left. Hence, The subtraction of a number and the addition of its opposite number lead to the same result. EXERCISE 12 Using the diagram in section 41, verify the following by counting : 1. (_2)-h(+2)=0. 2. (-5) + (+9)= + 4. 3. (_2)-(+2)=-4. 4. (-5)-(-l)=-4. 5. + (+3)=-f3. 6. 0-(+3)=-3. 7. 0+(-3)=-3. 8. 0-(-3)= + 3. 9. + = 0. 10. 0-0 = 0. 11. (-l) + (_2)=-3. 12. (_4)-C+l) = -5. 13. (-f-3)-H(-4)=-l. 14. (+5)-(+8)=-3. Multiplication 42. In arithmetic, 3x2 means 2 + 2 + 2. In algebra, 1. (+3)x(+2) means +2+(+ 2) + (+2); that is, multiplication by a positive integer means that another number is to be repeated positively. 2. (-3)x( + 2) means -( + 2)-( + 2)-( + 2); that is, multiplication by a negative integer means that another number is to be repeated negatively. Note. (+ 3) X (+ 2) and (- 3) x (+ 2) are usually written (+ 3)(+ 2) and (- 3) ( + 2), respectively. 43. The number repeated is called the multiplicand; the number which shows how many times the multiplicand is repeated is called the multiplier; the result in multipli- cation is called the product. 32 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 44. The possible combinations of signs in algebraic multiplication are given in the following : 1. (+3)(+2) = + (-f 2) + (+2) + (+2)=2 + 2 + 2=4-6. 2. (+3)(-2) = + (-2) + (-2) + (-2)=-2-2-2=-6. 3. (- 3)(+ 2)= -(+ 2)-(+ 2)- (+ 2) = - 2 - 2 - 2 = -6. 4. (-3)(-2) = -(-2)-(-2)-(-2) = +2 + 2 + 2=+6. 45. From 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section 44 we may infer the Rule of Signs in Multiplication The product of two numbers with like signs is positive; the product of two numbers with unlike signs is negative. EXERCISE 13 Name, at sight, the product : 1. ( + 3)( + 2). 2. ( + 4)( + 3). 3. (+3)(-2). 4. (-4)(+3). 5. (-3)(-2). 6. (-1X-2). 7. ( + 1)(-1). 8. (-1)(-1). 9. ( + 2)(-3). 10. (-3)(-3). 11. (-5)( + 2). 12. (+7)(-3). 13. (+2)(+3)(-4). Suggestion. Multiply +3 by + 2, then find the product of this result and — 4. 14. (+2)(+3)(-2). 15. (_2)(-3)(-4). 16. (_2)(+3)(-5). 17. (+5)(-7)(-2). 18. (_1)(+1X-1). 19. (+l)(_l)(+l). 20. In finding the product of three factors, what is the sign of the product when only one of the factors is nega- tive? When all of the factors are negative? When two of the factors are negative ? Franciscus Vieta (Francois Viete) (1540-1603) was a French lawyer who gave up most of his leisure to mathematics. He was the author of the earliest work on symbolic algebra. He introduced in this work the use of letters for known and unknown numbers. His solution of the cubic equation continues in use at the present time. INTRODUCTION 33 Division 46. In arithmetic, 12 (the dividend)-!- 3 (the divisor) = 4 (the quotient), because 8 x 4 = 12. That is, 2)/i;/5o;. X Quotient = Dividend. This relation connecting divisor, quotient, and dividend may be employed in establishing the rule of signs in division, thus : 1. (+12)-f-(+4) = +3, since(+4)(+3)= + 12. 2. (+12)-(-4)=-3, since (- 4)(- 3)= + 12. 3. (-12)-(+4)=:-3, since (+4) (-3) = -12. 4. (-12)-(-4) = -f 3, since (-4)(+3) = -12. From 1, 2, 3, and 4, we may infer the Rule of Signs in Division 77ie quotient of two numbers with like signs is positive; the quotient of two numbers with unlike signs is negative. BXBRCISI : 14 Name, at sight, the quotient : 1. (+6)^(+2). 2. (+9K(+3). 3. (+6)^(-2). 4. (-6) + (+2). 5. (-8)^(+l). 6. (_3)^(-l). 7. (-24)^(-12). 8. (-27)^ (-3). 9. (-14)^(-2). 10. (+27)^(+9). 11. (+30)h-(-8). 12. (+56)^(-8). 13. (+12)--(-t-3)^(+2). Suggestion. Divide (+ 12) by (+ 3), then divide the resulting quotient by (+ 2). 14. (+24) + (-2)H-(-3> 15. (_18)^(-3)-v(-3). CHAPTER II FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES Addition 47. Addition of monomials which have no common factor. 1. The sum of 3 a, 2 5, and 5c is -\- Sa -\- 2b -\- 5c. 2. The sum of 3«,26,and -5cis +Sa -{-2b + (- 5 c), which is equal to H-3a4-25 — 5e. In general, The sum of two or more monomials which have no common factor is expressed by writing the monomials in turn, each preceded by its own sign. Remark. For convenience, a plus sign before the first term is usually omitted. Thus, +3a + 2& + 5cis written 3 a + 2 ft + 5 c. 48. Commutative law for addition. In arithmetic, it is not necessary to call attention to the obvious fact that, for instance, 2 -}- 3 = 3 + 2. In algebra, it is assumed that the sum does not depend on the order in which the terms are taken; this assumption is usually referred to as the commutative law for addition. This law is ex- pressed by the formula, a^h=b-\- a. EXERCISE 16 Name the sum in each of the following : 1. a and c. 2. x and 1. 3. b and x. 3. From — 8 y take 3 y. Solution. - 83/ - (+ 3 .v) = - 8;/ - 3 ?/ [§40] = -ll.y. 4. From —Qxy take — 2 xy. Solution. - Q xy - {- 2 xy)= -Q xy -{- 2 xy [§40] = — 4:xy. 5. From X take y. Solution. X -(+ y)= X — y. [§40] 6. From — 3 xy take 2 yz. Solution. -Sxy-(+2yz)=-S xy - 2 yz. [§ 40] 7. From —2mn take - 4 vs. Solution. — 2 wn - ( - 4 rs) = - 2 wm + 4 rs [§40] = 4 r.s — 2 mn. [§48] 8. From amn take bmn. Solution. mnn -(+ l)tnn)= amn - b7Jin [§ 40] = (a — b)mn. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 43 EXERCISE 19 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) In the first three examples subtract the lower mono- mial from the upper monomial. 1.5a; — 7a 5w — 5y 1 z 2x —4a 7m -\-2y -4z 2. -5E -IB -%^y — a^ 3r^ mn -5a2 7^3 4mn — xyz 4(m + w) 2(x-\-y) xyz 3(w + w) 7{x-\-y^ -2r8 -6r8 3. -5(r + «) 4. From 3 x take 9 x. 5. From 4 y^ take — 7 y^. 6. From — 7 tww take 2 mn. 7. From 4 Tri?^ take irB^. 8. From - 6 7-2 take - r2. 9. From TriJ^ take jTri^^. 10. From 6{m + n} take —2(m + 7i), 11. From (r - 1) take - 2 (r - 1). 12. From 2a(x + y^ take 3 a (rr + y) . 13. From 52 (a; _ ^) take -2Iy^Qx-y). 14. From subtract x. 15. From 1 subtract — a. 16. From a subtract — b. 17. From — a take — 6. Subtract as indicated : 18. m- (-11). 19. 2^-( + y). 20. ax-C-6y 21. a2_(_ ww). 22. c2-(-(?0. 23. _^2_^_^2). 24. — 4a:y — (+ Suv). 25. 1^^2_(+^2). 26. — cm^ — (^— dm^). 27. ax— (— 6a;). 28. 3(^-y)-«(^-^). 29. w(a;-|-y)-w(a;-f-2^). 44 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 54. Subtraction of polynomials. In adding 2 a — Sb to 3 a 4- 5 5 — c, each term of 2 a— 3 J is added to 3a + o5 — - c + rf may be written 2a+(3 6-c + d), or 2a + 36+(- c + c?). FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 49 2 a — (3 6 H- e) meaus that the number (3 6 + )] = 2a-[3a-2a + 6] = 2a — 3a + 2a — 6, ora — 6. 3. Simplify 1 - [2 a: + J3 y - (4 « + 5) j] + [5 a: -S4^4-(32-2)S]. 50 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Solution. l-l2x + {3y -(4:z + 5)}] + [5a: - {4y +(32 - 2)}] = 1- [2a: + {3 2/ -42- 5}] + [5x - {4:y + Sz - 2]'] = l-[2a: + 3y-42-5] + [5x-42/-3z+2] = l-2a;-3y + 4z + 5 + 5a:-43/-32 + 2 = S + 3x-7y + z, Remark. It will be observed in the solutions of illustrative examples 1, 2, and 3, that the innermost parentheses have been re- moved first. Although it is not essential to do so, yet the beginner is advised to proceed in this manner. 4. Indicate that from the sum of 2a-\-Sb — c and Sa + b-\-2c the sum of a — h-\-c and 4a+-26 — 3(? is to be subtracted ; then perform the indicated operations. Solution. [(2a + 3&-c) + (3a + & + 2c)]-[(a-& + c) + (4a + 26-3c-)] = [2a + 36-c + 3a + & + 2c]-[a-ft + c + 4a + 26-3c] = [5a + 46 + c]-[5a+ />-2c] = 5a + 46 + c - 5a - 6 + 2c = 3 & + 3 c. EXERCISE 21 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Remove the parentheses and simplify when possible : 2. a:+-(y-3). 4. m—{n—p). 6. x-\-(2x-y). 8. 5 + (7 -2). 10. 8 -(5 -4). 12. ^x — (2x — x). 14. r— (— 3r-fr). 16. 2k — [m — w] . 18. 9-7"=^. 20. 7 -(8 -5)- 2. 22. 6-(5-l)-(4-3). 1. a-\-(h + c). 3. x-iy-^z). 5. r-(B-ty 7. a-(a-\-b). 9. 6 -(3 + 2). Il- 3-(-2-l). ia. 2m-(-3m-m). 15. 7rH-!-2«-«S. 17. 8-5+2. 19. 9-(64-2) + 3. 21. 8-(6 + l)-(8-7) FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 51 23. a-(a-^) + (a- 25). 24. 2x-(x — i/} — (2x + 2i/), 25. 2^-(32^-6i/)-(z^-2y + 3y). 26. 4a: + [3a: +(3 2: -2)]. 27. 7a:- [3a:-(6«/ + 22)]. 28. 2m + 37i + fm — (m— n)}. 29. a:-2^-52a:-(a:-3^)S. 30. 6r+ J37--(2r-0-3«i. 31. 4m— [2w — (3m — n)-|-2 7i]. 32. (3r + s)-{r-(2r-«) + 3r|. 33. (4^-^)-[-;>-(3^ + ^)-4^]-(;> + ^). 34. a:- [a:-(«/ + 2)-Ja:-(^-2)i]. 35. ll_J10-[9-(8-7-6a:)]i. 36. 2-S-2-[2-(-2-2T2-2)-2]i. 37. r — \_— r — I — r — (r -\- r — r — r — r} — r \ — r^. In examples 38-44, remove only the inner parentheses and simplify when possible. Thus, [a - (6 - c)] = [a - & + c]. 38. [a:-(^/ + 2)]. 39. [a: + (y + 2)]. 40. [m — (w — 1)]. 41. [{rn + n) — (p — q)], 42. [(2a:+3^)-(2a:-3y)]. 43. [(a:2_^2)_(^+2./2)]. 44. 5 (m + n) — (m — 7i) j . In examples 45-50, indicate the operations before per- forming them. 45. To3a2_ladda2_3a-Hl. 46. From 3 a take a — 2. 47. Add 7^-2o?y, 3 xy^ - y\ and a:^^ - 2 xy^. 52 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 48. From 3 y take ^ — 5. 49. Add 1 to the sum of 3 a — 3 and 2 a + 2. 50. Take the sum of 3a — 26 +5 and 6 — 5a — 2 from 2. Inclose the last three terms of the following polyno- mials within parentheses, preceded by a plus sign. 51. a-\-h-\-c -\-d. 52. — a-^h — c-{- d. 53. a-\-h-\-c—d. 54. a-{-b — c — d. 55. m — w+jp + l. 56. m — n—p — 1. 57. 2^2 + ^2 _,.22/ + l. 58. m^ — n^ — 2 n — 1, 59. r2_82^2«-l. 60. x^ — y^ — 2 yz — z^. 61-70. Inclose the last two terms of the polynomials in examples 51-60 within parentheses, preceded by a plus sign when the sign of the third term is plus, and by a minus sign when it is minus. 71-80. Inclose the last three terms of the polynomials in examples 51-60 within parentheses, preceded by a minus sign. EXERCISE 22. — GENERAL REVIEW 1. Simplify by collecting like terms : 2x—Sy-\-z — i/-^Sz-{-2x — Sx — y-^4:y — i2, 2. Evaluate a[^—2x^ — x-\-l when x = 1. 3. Evaluate a^ — 4: x^ -\- x -\- 1 when x=2. Given 7r= 3.1416, find to three places of decimals : 4. 2 7rr, when r = 1. 5. 2 7rr, when r = 1.5. 6. 7rr, when r = 2. 7. 7rr, when r = 2.5. 8. 4 Trr^, when r = 4. 9. ^ Trr^ when r = 3. 10. Express the sum of the squares of a and h; the difference of the squares of c and d. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 63 11. If m and n represent two numbers, what does m-\-n represent? What does m — n represent? m^ -\-n^'^ TT^ — r^^. (771 + w)2 ? (m — 7i)2 ? 12. Express the sum of the cubes of x and y\ the difference. 13. Simplify by collecting like terms : 3 a26 + 2 aJ - a^^- 2 a% - 3 ab^ - 2 a% -\- 2 ab -^ 4: ab\ 14. Add a; + 2y4-3z, 2x — y — 2z^ y — x— z^ and 15. Add a4-2a3_^3a2, a + a^ -\- a\ 2a^4-3a3, a2+5a - 2, and - 2 r- 3 a - 4 a2. 16. Add -2(x-y), 6(x-y), -4(a:-2/), and 7(a:-y). 17. Simplify by collecting like terms : ^x- 5(y - 2) — 2 a; + (^ - z) + 2; - 2(y - 0) 4- 2 2. 18. From 5 a take 2 a — 3. 19. From 3 take x^— x — 1. 20. From a^ -\- 2 ab -\- b^ take a^-2ab-\- b^. 21. From 2 take the sum of 2a— 3^ — 4 and 2 — 2b-\- a. 22. From 3 a6c - 2 a%x -\-l ay-2 take - 3 a6c - 3 a25a; + 7 ay + 2. 23. What must be added to m — w + jt? to make 2 jp ? 24. What must be added to a: + y — z to make ? 25. What must be subtracted from a-\-b + c to make a-b-\-cl 26. If 2 « = a + 6 + c, what expression is equal to aH-6-c? 27. Given « = (a + 5) ^ ; for what number does « stand when a = 1, ft = 3, and w = 6 ? 54 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 28. Simplify by combining the terms having the same powers of m, so as to have the plus sign before each set of parentheses : am^ + Jw2 + - cy(a + b- cy. 35. (m_ 1)2(^-1)3(^-1)7. 36. (2x- ^ yyC2x - S 2/y(2x - S yyC2x - S I/). 59. The product of two monomials. When written in full, 2abxSab^='2xaxbxSxaxbxb z=2xSxaxaxbxbxb [§ 5^] = (2 X 3) X (a X a) X (6 X 6 X ^>) [§ 57] = 6 a253. In like manner it may be shown that ( - 2 a^2^)( __ 4 ab^c) = 8 a%^(^. Also, that (_ 2a62)(- 3a262)(- 4a5) = - 24 aW Euclid (330 275 bc) was a successful teacher of mathematics in Alexandria. His Elements has been the recognized textbook in elementary geometry for 2000 years. In it are to be found geo- metrical proofs of the commutative and distributive laws. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 57 From the foregoing illustrations it is evident that : The product of two or more monomials is equal to the prod- uct of their numerical coefficients and all the different literal factors that occur in the monomial factors^ each letter having as exponent the sum of the exponents of that letter in the monomial factors. EXERCISE 24 Multiply : 1. 2 a by a. 2. 2 jK by ^. 3. - 3 a; by 4 x. 4. -Qyhy -2y. 5. 3a^ by 2a:3. g. ^Rhy^R. 7. a%'^ by a%^. 8. 6 a by - 3 6. 9. 2 i2 by J i. 10. - 4 xyz^ by - 2 A. ii. 4 22 by ^ i2. 12. I a% by - 3 he. 13. -2ah'^hy - 3 ax^. 14. - ?>a%c by 4 he^x, 15. (a + hy by 3(a -h 6)3. 16. 2(x + yyhy -^(x-^yy. 17. - 4 (x + y-{- z)\x ^y + z)\x -\- y -\- zy>. 40. 3a(a;-h «/) • 2a5(ajH-^y) . 3 5c(a7H-y). 41. ( - 3 a%c) (f a52) ( - 4 o^c^) ( - ^253^) . 42. (1 0^33^2254) ( _ 2 2:2^23) ( _ 3 ^^3^2) ( _ ^^2^5) . 43. 3 a;"*. 4 a;". 44. 5 ^''.4^. 45. 2 a"» . 3 a2*". 46. 5 a;"'^! • 3 rc*""^. 47. 3 af +^ . 2 a;«-*. 48. - 3 a^^^C - Ta:^). 49. _7^2o+l(_3^2-2a), 50 (_3a;".)2. Find the product of : 51. a;, 3 a;2^ 2 x", and 4 a;^ 52. 2 a26, 6 62^, and 5 c^a. 53. - 3 hV, 5 H2, and - 7 ^3^2. 54. 28, - 32^, - 4, and 52^3. 55. ^x^yz^ — ^xy\ ^xyz^^ and — 2xyz. 56. |(a:+ y^{y+zy, - J(y + 2!)(25 + a;)2, and -K2 + a:)(a; + ^)2. 60. Multiplication of a polynomial by a monomial. It is obvious that 3x(4 + 5)=3x4 + 3x5. Also, that 3 X (4 + 5- 2)= 3 x4 + 3x5-3x2. In like manner, it is assumed that a(h-\-c)-=ah-\-ac. (1) Also, a(J>-\-c-d) = ah + ac-ad. (2) Equations (1) and (2) express the fact that multiplying every term of a polynomial hy a monomial multiplies the polynomial hy that monomial. This principle is referred to as the distributive law for multiplication. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 59 From equations (1) and (2) we have the following rule for multiplying a polynomial by a monomial : Rule. Multiply each term of the polynomial hy the mono- mial and write in succession the resulting products^ each with its proper sign. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Multiply (h-\- c— d^ by 2 a and verify the result when a = 2, 5 = 3, (? = 2, and d = l. Solution. 2a(h + c - d)=2ah + 2ac -2ad. Check. 2x 2(3 + 2-1)= 2x2x3 + 2x2x2-2x2x1 4x4 =12+8-4. 16 = 16. 2. Multiply (-2ar* + 3y-222) by ^x^yz and verify when x= — 2, y = — 1, and 2 = — 3. Solution Check -2a:2 + 3y-222 _ 8 - 3 - 18 = -29 3 x'^yz 36 = 36 - 6 x^yz + 9 x'^yH - 6 x^y^ - 288 - 108 - 648 = - 1044 Remark. The form of solution used in example 2 is preferable when the multiplication cannot readily be performed at sight. 3. Simplify 2(a - 26)+ 3(2 a - 5). Solution. 2(a - 2 fe)+ 3(2 a - ft) = 2 a - 4 6 + 6 a - 3 6. = Sa-7b, EXERCISE 25 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) 1. a(x+-y). 2. a;(a — 6). 3. 2'irR{H-\-R). 4. y(a-6 + c). 5. x(x — y — z), 6. — a(— a — 6 — c). 7. ah{a — h — V). 8. Q[^{xy—xz-\-c). 9. 7r(^ + r -\- Rr). 10. m\mhi — m^p + pn). 60 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 11. _2(3a-45 + c). 12. 6(2^-22/3-322). 13. 2ax(ax-l + Sa^3^), 14. - 2a2«/(12a3 + 3y). 15. Say^-x-^lhy ^x. 16. 2a: + «/+ 1 by -a;. 17. 3a:2 - a: + 2 by 3 x\ 18. 2aft2 -ah+h'^ by aJ. 19. a2_3^5 4.262by_2a5. 20. ^x^y — 2xy^ — ^y^ by xy^, 21. ah -\-hc— ea by — aftc. 22. ?;2 _ ^3 _ 4 ^4 |3y ^^^ 23. a(a; + «/) + (wi + 7i) by ab. 24. a(m + ?2) + ^(jo + 5')+ g a2 + ac - fe2 ^. 2,c =32 3. Multiply 3 a:^ — 2 xy^ + 3 x^y — y^ by — y^ -\- xy •\' a^ and verify when a; = 2 and^ = 1. (See note, section 61.) Solution Check 3 a;8 + 3 x2y - 2 xy^ - f =31 x^ -\- xy — y^ = 5 3 a:« + 3 a;*y - 2 T^y^ - x^y^ + 3 a:*3/ 4- 3 x^y"^ - 2 xh^ - xy^ - 3 x^y^ - 3 x^y^ + 2 xy* + y^ 3 a:* + 6 xV - 2 a;8y2 _ 6 ara^s + ^,^4 _^ yi = 155 EXERCISE 26 Multiply, and check results : 1. a; + 3 by a: + 2. 2. 2wH-lbyw + 3. 3. a + 5by2aH-4. 4. 3 a; + 5 by a; -4. 5. 5 a + 2 by 2 a + 3. 6. 2 m - 4 by 3 w - 3. 7. 6-4a;by 5-2a;. 8. 3a -5 by 4 + 6a. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 63 9. 5 + 2 ?w by 3 w - 2. lO. 8 a + 2 by 3 a - 2. 11. 4 — 2 ^ by 4 4- 2 y. 12. m -\- n hy m -\- n. 13. a — b by a — b. 14. r + » by r — 8. 15. 3 7W 4- w by 2 m + w. 16. 3 r + 2 « by r — 3 «. 17. 5a: + 4y by 3a; + 2i/. 18. 8m— 2n by 2 m-h3ri. 19. 3a;2H-2yby4a;-8«/2. 20. 3^24.4 ^3 by 2^2-4 w2 21. 2 a:^ -f- 3 2 by 5 x^t/ — 4:Z. 22. 5 3^t/^-2z^ by Sa^f-^z\ 23. 6a:3_i by 22^3+1. 24. 5 a^^2 _ 1 by 6 a:2^2 _ 1^ 25. m2 — 7WW + 7l2 by w + 71. 26. 2x^-\-^xi/ + 4:2/^hy x+1/, 27. 0:2 H- a:^ + i/2 by ic + y. 28. 2^2 _|. ^2- + a2 by 2 a: + 3 a. 29. 4r2 + 6r« + 9«2 by 2r4-3«. 30. 3ic3^ 2a:-l by 4a;2+2. 31. 4 a* - 3 a2 + a by 2 a3 _ 3 a\ 32. mV + 2 WW + 1 by ww H- 1. 33. 2:2^2 -f 4 2;y + 4 22 by a;y 4- 2 0. 34. 2a^ + Sx^-4x-Shy^a^-h2x. 35. 2a:34.3a;2_^^4by 22^-82: + 2. 36. 2^2 ^ 2:^ ^ ^2 by 2^2 _ 2;^ _|_ y2^ 37. 3 m2 - 2 m + 1 by m2 4- 3 m + 2. 38. 2^ + 2a;+2by2:2_2rr + 2. 39. 4 2^2 ^12^^ + 9 ^^2 by 2 2;+ 3^. 40. 2^ + a^^ + 2:?/2 ^ y3 by 2; — y. 41. 82:34. 122^^4. 182;2/2 + 27^by 22:-32/. 42. 6 TwV — 2 7w2w2 4- 4 7WW — 1 by 3 mV — 2 mn — 3. 64 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Expand : 43. (4a2+ 2a + l)(4a2_2a-|-l). 44. (9^2- 6mn-f-4w2)(9w2+6wn + 2w2). 45. (a^-x-l}(2^-2a^-x-{-l). 46. (a;-l)(a;-2)(2;-3). 47. (x^-x + iy. ' 48. (3^-^2x^-\-Sx-j-iy. 49. (2m4-47i + J)2. 50. (2r-«)(r + 2«)(2r + 8«)- 51. (m + w + ^)^. 52. (a — 6 — c)8. 53. (a;»4-2)(2:« + 3). 54. (a;» - 4)2. 55. (2 a +36)3. .56. (3 m- 2/1)8. 57. (a>4-4)(ir2n_4). 53. (2 a + 3 6 - c-H 4 (?)2. 59. {T^-^-T^y-^-x^y^-^-xy^^-y^^ix-y), 60. (3a;-2y + 42-l)2. 61. What is the area of a rectangle that is 2 a + 8 units long and 3 a -f 1 units wide ? 62. By how much is the area of a rectangle of base h and altitude a changed by increasing the base by 2 and decreasing the altitude by 1 ? Division 62. The quotient of two powers of the same base. Since a2 x a^ = a^, it follows from the definition of divi- sion that a^ -J- a2 _ ^3^ Qp ^6-2 In general, when w and w are positive integers and n is less than w, 0^ -5- a" = a"~**. The exponent of the quotient of two power% of the same base is equal to the exponerit of that base in the dividend minus its exponent in the divisor. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 65 EXERCISE 27 Name the quotients in the following examples : 1. c? -h a. 2. a^ -J- a^. 3. y^ -j- 1/^. 4. a^^2^. 5. R^-i-E. 6. m^-^m\ 7. (_^)^(4.a:4). 8. (a^)^(i-a^). 9. (_a;i2)^(_^2). 10. 58-^52. 11. 45-43. 12. (25) -(-23). 13. (ia-^by-T-(a-^by. 14. (m + ti)^— (m 4- ri)*- 15. (x-ht/y-^Cx-ht/y. 16. (rH-l)6-(r+l)8. 17. (l + a)7-(l + a)2. 18. (jt? + ^)io-(^ 4-^)6. 19. (2 2:+«/)i<^^(2 2;4-?/)^. 20. (a + ^-0^-^(« + ^-^w>\ a^'^a'"', 26-5-23. 24. Name the quotients in the following : a%^^ aV) ',a%-^ah\ - 6 a^J*-^ 2 ^352 . _ (3 ^^)3^ _ (3 ^5)2. 25. Name the quotients in the following : a**6" -r- ah ; x^^^y^^'^ -?- x^y^ ; ic^"^ -^ a;"y. 26. Divide irW' by 1 R. 21, Divide 2 irRH-^ 2 7ri22 by 27ri2. 28. Divide irRL + irR^ by ttR. 29. Divide a25 _ aja -|- 2 aW by - a6. 30. Divide (a - 6)2; + (a - h^x^- (a - 6)(a + 6)2:8 by (a — h')x, 31. Divide m^ — n^ hy m — n. 32. Divide 1 -|- 2 a; by 1 -|- 2:, carrying the quotient to four terms. 33. Divide a^+b^ + ^ aH -\- ^ aW' by a + 6. 34. Divide a* -^ 5* - 4 aft^ _ 4 a% -i- 6 a252 by a - 6. 35. Express m— n— 'p-\-q — r— ar^h—x— y in- tri- nomial terms having the last two terms of each trinomial inclosed within parentheses preceded by the sign — . 36. Show that (m — n)(^p— q) = {n — m)(^q — p), 31. Show that (a - 6)2= (h - ay. 38. Show that gi:^'=^'-^'. a — h — a 39. Multiply W2:3 _ ^^ j^ ^x —c by moi^ + 2:^ -|- 4 2: + d and arrange the result according to powers of x. 40. In the formula V= ^ttR^^ find the value of V when 7r= 3.1416 and R = 8.' 41. Divide 3 a^ + a* - 12 a^ -|- 5 a2 - 15 a - 6 by a^ 4-2a2 + 3. 78 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 42. Divide 3 aa^ - U aV _ 7 ^z^ ^ 5 ^i^ _ q ^6^2 by 6 xS - 3 aa^ + 2 A. 43. Multiply ^2 +(a + ft)a; + a^ by 2; — a, arranging the result according to powers of x. 44. Show that Cax + bi/y+(ibx-ayy=(a^-\-b^){2^-^i/^). 45. If (x + a)(3 a^ - 2 5a; + 3) is the same as 3 a^s _ ^^ — a; + 3, find a and b. 46. The expression aa^i/^ has the value 32 when a; = 2 and t/ = 1 ; find its value when a; = — 3 and y = — 2. 47. Find the value of a^-S a«+i + 2(a + 1)« when a=2. 48. Find the value of 2a;— 3^+z when a; = a + ft — c, ?/=a— 5+2c, and z=Sa-\-2b + c. 49. From the formula s = at -\- ^ft^^ find : (1) the value of « when a = 12, f = 2,/= 32. (2) the value of/ when « = 64, a = 64, e = 2. 50. To - -h - add ^ — -and take -a — ^b from the sum. 51. Simplify 3(a;-y)-2(y-2)-4(t-a;)-7(a;+y+0- 52. Find the value of n which satisfies the equation, 7(58 - w) = 3(n - 14) - 14(n - 25). 53. Subtract 2a + 36 — 4c from 5a —Sb + 2c and add the remainder to — 3 a. 54. Simplify : 4}3(|a-f6)+2(f6-i.)+6(fc-|a){. 55. Find the value of [p^ + (a + l)jt> + a] -*- (/> + a). 56. A man has to walk to a place m miles away. How far will he be from his destination in a given number of hours (f) if his rate of walking is r miles an hour ? 57. Evaluate a""^, also a" — 1, when a = 3 and n sa 5. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 79 58. Find the product oi x — 2y, x-\-2y^ and x — ^y. 59. In the year 1900 a man on his birthday found that the number of months he had lived was half of the date of the year of his birth ; how old was he ? 60. If (a + l)x -{-l=x-\-2a, express x in terms of a. 61. A man has four sons whose combined ages are equal to his own. In 20 years their combined ages will be double the age of their father ; what is his present age ? 62. Show that S a^ -\- b^ -\- (^ — 6 abc is exactly divisible by 2 a H- 6 + c. 63. Show that 64. The volume of a circular cone is given by the expression ^ ttt^A where h and r represent, respectively, the measures of the height and the radius of the base in terms of the same unit. Find to two decimal places the volume of a cone 5 ft. high and 12 in. in diameter. (Take w = 3.14.) 65. Find the value of Z, when a^-a-l = (^a-\- 2)(a - 3). 66. Find the value of m, when a^ - ma — 35 = (a + 5)(a - 7). 67. Find the value of w, when ^a2 + 3 a - 6 = 3(3 a + 2)(2 a - 1). 68. First indicate and then perform the following series of operations : To the product of (a + 2 5) and (2 a — 6) add the product of (a — 2 b) and (2 a -f 6), and divide the sum by 4. 69. If a gallon of diluted milk contains p pints of water, how much pure milk is there in n gallons of the mixture ? 80 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 70. Representing the sum of two numbers by «, their difference by d^ the larger number by iV, and the smaller by n, express by formulae the following statements : "Half the sum of any two numbers plus half their difference is equal to the greater number, and half their sum less half their difference is equal to the smaller number." 71. If n denotes any positive integer, what kind of integers are completely represented by2w? By 2/1 — 1? 72. If eggs are sold according to quality for 50 cents, 42 cents, and 38 cents per dozen, write a formula for the total cost in dollars of m dozen of the highest grade eggs, n dozen of the medium grade, and p dozen of the lowest grade. 73. What number is represented hy St^-\-2t-\- 1 when t denotes the number 10 ? Can any integer of three digits be expressed in the form at^ -\-bt + c (read from left to right) where a, 5, and e denote the digits used to express the number and t denotes the number 10 ? 74. Using the notation of problem 73, write the six numbers which can be represented by using the digits a, 5, and c. 75. a and b are two digits of which a is the larger. Find a formula for the difference between the two num- bers which can be represented by them. 76. If a represents the sum of the ages of n persons b years ago, what expression represents the sum of their present ages ? 77. Divide 2 a;"» + 3 rr'^+i + 14 x^+^ -|- 32 x"'+^ - 98 ic«+4 -|-39a:'«+5by 2 + E> x - '6 x^. CHAPTER III SIMPLE EQUATIONS 67. Identity. If the two members of an equation are such that the one can be transformed into the other, the equation is an identical equation and is called an identity. Thus, 3a + 4a = 7aisan identity. Note. Since the two sides of an identity represent ways of ex- pressing the same number, the statement that they are equal is always true, whatever values may be assigned to the letters involved. Thus, ^x — 2x = X is true whatever value be given to x. 68. Conditional equation. An equation which is true only when the letter or letters involved are restricted to certain values or sets of values is called a conditional equation. Thus, the equation x — 1 = is true only when x has the value 1. The equation x + y — 2 is true for many sets of values of x and y, but not for all values of x and y. Remark. When in algebra the word equation is used, a condi- tional equation is usually meant. 69. Notation. In algebra unknown numbers are usually represented by the last letters of the alphabet, as, w, v, a?, y, z ; and known numbers by the first letters, as, a, 6, c. By this convention it is easy to distinguish at a glance between the known and the unknown numbers which occur in the equation. 81 82 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 70. Satisfying an equation. Any set of values of the letters of an equation which reduces the equation to an identity is said to satisfy the equation. Thus, X = 2 satisfies the equation 3 x = 6 ; x = 2 and y = 1 is a set of values of x and y which satisfies the equation 2x -\-dy = 7. 71. Simple equation in one unknown number. Any equation which can be put in the form ax -{-h = is called a simple equation in one unknown number. Thus, 5x-\-2 = 3x + 4: is a simple equation ; it may be written 2x-2 = [§25], Remark. The simple equations considered in this chapter con- tain only one unknown number. Observe that no higher power of the unknown than the first occurs ; and that the unknown number does not occur in the denominator of any fraction. Note. A simple equation is called an equation of the first degree, or a linear equation. 72. Solution of an equation. To solve an equation which contains only one unknown number is to find all values of the unknown which satisfy the equation. 73. Root of an equation. A root of an equation which contains only one unknown is any value of the unknown which satisfies the equation. Thus, 2 is .a root, and the only root, of the simple equation 3a; -6 = 0. 74. Equivalent equations. Two equations in one un- known are said to be equivalent when they are satisfied by the same value or values of the unknowp ; that is, when they have the same roots. Thus, iix-\-S = 2x-{-5, and j^ + 3 = 5 are two equivalent equa- tions ; each one has the single root 2. SIMPLE EQUATIONS 83 Two equations are therefore equivalent when: 1. Every solution of the first equation is a solution of the second. 2. Every solution of the second equation is a solution of the first. Thus, the two equations a; - 1 = and a:^ - x = are not equiva- lent; for although the one solution of the first equation, namely, a; = 1, is a solution of the second, yet the second equation has a solu- tion, namely, a: = 0, which is not a solution of the first. Note. A simple equation is solved by transforming it into an equivalent equation which shall contain the unknown number alone in one member and its value in the other. Thus, the equation 3a:-f-3 = 2a: + 5 is equivalent to x -}- 3 = 5, which is equivalent to a: = 2. 75. Transposition. An important principle follows from assumptions 1 and 2, section 25. Thus: Let ax — b = c. (1) Adding b to each member of equation (1), ax- b + h = c + b. (2) Combining, ax = c -\- b. (3) Observe that equation (3) differs from equation (1) in that the term containing b is in the second member of (3) but in the first member of (1), and that the signs of the terms containing b are different in the two equations. Again, let ax -\- b = c. (1) Subtracting b from each member of equation (1), ax + b - b = c - b. ■ (2) Combining, ax = c — b. (3) Compare equations (1) and (3) and observe as before that the term containing b is in the second member of (3) but in the first mem- ber of (1), and that the signs of the terms containing b are different iu the two equations. 84 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA It follows from the foregoing that : Any term may he transposed from one member of an equa- tion to the other, provided that its sign is changed. 76. Cancellation of terms in an equation. Cancellation of terms in an equation may be illustrated by solving the equation, x + b = c-\-b. (1) Transposing, x = c -\- b — b. (2) Combining, x = c. (3) Comparing (1) with (3) we may infer that : When the same terms preceded by like signs occur in both members of an equation^ these terms may be omitted. 77. Change of signs in an equation. It is sometimes convenient to change the signs of all the terms of an equation. This may be done by multiplying both mem- bers by - 1 [§ 25]. For example, let 2 — a: = — 5. (1) Multiplying both members of equation (1) by — 1, (-l)(2-:r) = (-l)(-5), (2) or, _ 2 + x = 5. (3) Observe that equation (3) is equation (1) with the sign of each term of equation (1) changed. Remark. It is evident that the members of an equation may be interchanged. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation Sx — 2 = 2x + 5. Solution. 3 x - 2 = 2 X + 5. (1) Transposing, 3 x — 2 a: = 5 + 2. (2) Combining, x = 7. (3) Check. 3 a: - 2 = 2 a: + 5. (4) Substituting 7 ior x, 3x7-2 = 2x7 + 5. (5) Simplifying, X9 = 19. (6) SIMPLE EQUATIONS 85- 2. Solve the equation x -p-^ = -(^x— 2). Solution. X - 5^jt_? = hx-2). (1) Multiplying each member of the equation by the least common multiple of the denominators, 12.-lg(3^ + 2)^|(.-2). (2) Performing the indicated divisions, 12ar - 3(3 a: + 2)=i(x - 2). (3) Performing the indicated multiplications, 12x-9x-Q=4x-S. (4) Combining, 3 a: — 6 = 4 a; — 8. (5) Transposing, 8 — 6 = 4 a: — 3 a:. (6) Combining, 2 = a:. (7) Interchanging members, a: = 2. (8) Check. x- ^^^^ = -(x-2). (9) Substituting 2 fot x, 2_?Jil±-? = ?:(2-2). (10) Simplifying, 2-2 = ^x0, (11) or, = 0. 3. Solve the equation 2.5a; — 3 = .82: + 2.1. Solution. 2.5 a: - 3 = .8 a; + 2.1. (1) Expressing the decimals in (1) as common fractions, i^-3 = i^+fi. (2) Transposing, | a: - | ar = -|1 + 3. (3) Combining, i^a: = ^. (4) Multiplying both members of (4) by -J-^, a: = 3. (5) Check. 2.5 a: - 3 = .8 a: + 2.1. (6) Substituting 3 f or ar, 2.5 x 3 - 3 = .8 x 3 + 2.1. (7) Simplifying, 7.5 - 3 = 2.4 + 2.1. (8) Combining, 4.5 = 4.5. (9) 86 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Remark. Various methods of procedure may be resorted to in solving example 3. Thus, each term of equation (1) may be multi- plied by 10; also, .Sx maybe transposed and combined with 2.5a: and — 3 transposed and combined with 2.1. Again, both members of equation (2) may be multiplied by 10, the least common multiple of the denominators; then equation (3) would be replaced by 25a:-30 = 8x + 21. EXERCISE 33 Solve the following simple equations, and check each solution ; 1. 13x-h7 = 5a;-4. 2. 5u + 2=2u-4. 3. 13-6a = 13a-6. 4. 25c?-13 = -6^ + lll. 5. 3m + 2 = llw-J^. 6. 5jt? + 12 = 17 - 5j9. 7. 13r-ll = 2r-ll. 8. 15 -6f= 3^-12. Suggestion. Divide each term by 3. 9. -3^ + 17 = 125^-58. 10. 13-lli/ = 133/ + 253. 11. 2 + 3(a:-5)=5 + 4(a:-6). 12. 3 -2(3^-4) =5(2^^ + 3) -84. 13. 3(jo 4- 2) - 2(2jt? - 3) = 11 (3 - 7 jo) + 72p - 1. 14. 11(1 -a:) +3(2 -a:) -5(3 -a:) =11. 15. 12«-5(3f-2) = 3-2«. 16. 3(2a;-3)=8-5(2a;-3). 17. 5(z-3)+2(z-3)-4(2-3)=0. 18. 2(3y-5)-7(23^ + 3)=5(3y-5)-8(2y + 3). .19. a;(a:+3)=r^ + 6. SIMPLE EQUATIONS 87 20. (a:-hl)(a;H-3) = ar2-82:+27. 21. (a;4-3)(22;-5)=2a:(2;-2). 22. (^^-Hl)(y4-2)-(^ + 3)(y4■4)4-30 = 0. 24. 3a!-Ka^+2)=8. 2 5 26. i (3a; -1)= 11(2^ -7). 27. £l^-£ll2 £-_5^Q 10 15 20 28. 7-^^-(7x + l) = 0. 55 ^ 77 31. .3a; + 4=. 9a: -2. 32. .8a;-l = .la; + 2.5. 33. 1.5a;- .5 = . 7a; +.6. 34. .9a; -2.1 = 3.9 -.la;. 78. Solution of problems. In solving a particular prob- lem which leads to a simple equation in one unknown number it is necessary to : 1. Restate the problem in algebraic language in the form of an equation. 2. Solve the resulting equation for the unknown number, 3. Verify the solution. 88 . ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Remark. Many different kinds of problems occur which lead to simple equations each in one unknown number, and only the foregoing very general directions can be given for their solution. However, when any such problem admits of a definite solution, it will be found that there are in it as many distinct statements as unknown numbers. These distinct statements enable us to express all the unknown num- bers in terms of one of them. The algebraic form of the final state- ment is an equation in this one unknown. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. What number is as much greater than 10 as it is less than 54? Solution. Let X = the required number. Then, a; — 10 = the difference between the required number and 10, and 54 — a; = the difference between 54 and the required number. Since the two differences are equal, X - 10 = 54 - x. (1) Transposing, a: -h a: = 54 -H 10. (2) Combining, 2 a: = 64. (3) Therefore, x = 32. (4) Hence, the required number is 32. Check. 32 - 10 = 54 - 32. 2. A dealer bought 500 oranges in two lots ; the first lot at the rate of 2J cents apiece, and the second at the rate of 2 cents apiece. He sold them all at the rate of 30 cents a dozen and gained $2.25. How many did he buy at each price? Solution. Let X = the number of oranges in the first lot. Then, 500 — x = the number of oranges in the second lot. Then, f a? = the number of cents in the cost of the first lot. and 2(500 — x)= the number of cents in the cost of the second lot. .*. I" a; -f 2(500 — x)— the number of cents in the cost of both lots. ^-^^ X 30 = the number of cents in the selling price of both lots. SIMPLE EQUATIONS 89 Then, I a: -f- 2(500 - x)+ 225 = ^^- x 30. (1) Simplifying, | a: + 1000 - 2 x + 225 = 1250. (2) Transposing and combining, J a: = 25. (3) Whence, x = 50, and 500 -a: = 450. (4) Therefore, the dealer bought 50 oranges at 2-| cents apiece and 450 at 2 cents apiece. Check. I X 50+2(500 - 50) + 225 = -^^^- x 30. That is, 1250 = 1250. 3. A man traveled 30 mi. in 6 hr. 40 min., walking part of the distance at the rate of 3 mi. an hour and rid- ing the remaining distance at the rate of 6 mi. an hour. How far did he walk? Solution. Let x = the number of miles he walked. Then, 30 — a; = the number of miles he rode. Also, - = the number of hours he walked, and = the number of hours he rode. 6 rvx. t a; , 30- a: 20 ,,v Therefore, - + —^— = —• (1) Multiplying both members of (1) by 6, 2 a: + 30 - a: = 40. (2) Combining, x + 30 = 40. (3) Whence, x = 10. (4) Cheok. 10 3_0-ip^20. ^ 3 6 3 ^ ^ That is, \^ = ^^- (6) 4. A number is composed of two digits ; the digit in the tens' place is one more than twice that in the units' place, and if 36 is subtracted from the number the result- ing number is expressed by the same two digits taken in the reverse order. Find the number. 90 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Solution. Let x = the units' digit. Then, (2 a: -h 1) = the tens' digit. Also, 10(2 X + l) + a: = the number, and 10 a: + (2 0? + 1) = the number obtained by writing the digits in the reverse order. By the conditions of the problem, 10(2a:+ l)+a:-36 = 10a:+(2a:+ 1). (1) Simplifying (1), 9 a: = 27. ' (2) Dividing by 9, a; = 3, (3) and 2 x + 1 = 7. (4) Therefore, the required number is 73. EXERCISE 34 1. If X represents a certain number, what represents the number increased by 3? 2. What number increased by 3 is equal to 15? 3. If X represents a certain number, what represents the number diminished by 2? 4. What number diminished by 2 is equal to 10 ? 5. If X represents a certain number, what represents four times the number ? 6. If four times a certain number is 30, what is the number ? 7. If X represents a certain number, what represents \ of the number? What represents | of the number? 8. If I of a certain number is 2J, what is the number ? 9. A certain can filled with lard weighs 42 lb. ; if the can weighs 4 lb., what is the weight of the lard? 10. Two boys have 36 cents ; if one of them has three times as much as the other, how much has each? 11. Two men bought 100 fruit trees; if one of them bought 10 more than the other, how many did each buy? SIMPLE EQUATIONS 91 12. If the sum of two angles is 90° and one of them is 20°, what is the other? 13. If the sum of two consecutive integers is 21, what are the numbers? 14. The sum of two numbers is 276. One of them is five times the other ; what are the numbers ? 15. The number of pupils in a certain school is 227 and the number of girls exceeds the number of boys by 21. How many boys are there? 16. I paid 8150 for two cows, one costing §30 more than the other. What was the price of each? 17. The difference between two numbers is 7 and their sum is 31. What are the numbers ? 18. If from five times a number 21 is subtracted, the remainder is 9. What is the number? 19. Separate 24 into two parts so that one part may be equal to three fifths of the other. 20. A woman bought a certain number of yards of dress goods and one half as many yards of lining. If she bought 24 yards of cloth, how many yards of each did she buy? 21. If one half of a number added to one fourth of the number is 7|^, what is the number ? 22. Find a number which when 100 is added to it will give a result equal to five times the number. 23. Two dealers together bought 15,000 bushels of wheat, one of them buying three times as many bushels as the other. How many bushels did each buy ? 24. A wagon loaded with wheat weighed 6390 lb. If the wagon weighed one half as much as the wheat, what was the weight of the wheat ? 92 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 25. Three times a certain number is 24 more than J of the number. What is the number ? 26. The result of subtracting 96 from a certain number is the same as the result of dividing the same number by 13. What is the number ? 27. The difference of two numbers is 24 and the smaller is I of the larger. What are the numbers ? 28. A and B together own 466 acres of woodland. If 22 times A's share is 6 acres less than B's share, how much does each own? 29. A dealer sold an article for il2, which was at a gain of ^ of the cost. What was the cost? 30. A dealer sold an article for $12, which was at a loss of ^ of the cost. What was the cost? 31. The wages of a man and his son for one month were il20. If the son's wages were | of the father's, what were the wages of each? 32. Find three consecutive numbers whose sum is 42. 33. The sum of three angles, A, B, C, is 180°. If B is two times and A three times (7, how many degrees are there in each? 34. The sum of the angles of any plane triangle is 180°. If in a triangle ABC^ angle A is twice angle B and angle (7 is J of angle -B, how many degrees are there in each angle? 35. A storekeeper found that he had #6.50 in dimes and quarters. How many had he of each if the number of coins of both kinds that he had was 35? 36. A man wishes to divide a straight line 40 ft. long into three parts so that the first part may be 4 ft. less than the second and the second 7 ft. more than the third. Required the length of each part. SIMPLE EQUATIONS 93 37. If ^ of a pole is in mud, ^ of it in water, and the remainder, 15 ft. of it, above water, what is the length of the pole ? 38. A baseball team won 63 games, which were | of the games that it played. How many games did it play? 39. In sorting melons 27 less than | of them were found to be defective. If 45 of the melons were found to be in good condition, how many of them were defective? 40. A man sold 3 acres more than ^ of his lot and had 2 acres less than half of it left. Find the number of acres in the lot. 41. If a; represents the number of dollars in the cost of an article, what represents the number of dollars in the gain if the rate of gain is 50%? 25%? 20%? 100%? 121%? 62i%? 50 1 X Suggestion. 50% of a: = — — x = -x, or -■ 42. If X represents the number of dollars in the cost of an article, what represents the number of dollars in the loss if the rate of loss is 5%? 4%? 75%? 371%? 331%? 6i%? 43. If X represents the number of dollars in the cost of an article, what represents the number of dollars in the selling price if the rate of gain is 25%? 30%? 80%? 621%? 200%? 44. If X represents the number of dollars in the cost of an article, what represents the number of dollars in the selling price if the rate of loss is 20%? 10%? 121%? 16f%? 8|%? 45. A dealer gained 25 % by selling a coat at a profit of $51. Find the cost of the coat. 94 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 46. Some lemons were sold at a loss of 6 cents a dozen. If the rate of loss was 16|%, what was the cost ? 47. A farmer sold a horse for §220, which was at a gain of 10 %. What was the cost ? 48. A used automobile was sold for §600, which was 20 % less than cost. What was the cost ? 49. The difference between two numbers is 328, and the larger is 42 times the smaller. Find one of the numbers. 50. A tennis court for doubles is 42 ft. longer than its breadth. The distance around the court is 228 ft. Find the length and breadth of the court. 51. An acre of wheat yielded 25,000 lb. more straw than grain. The weight of the grain was f of the weight of the straw. What was the weight of tlie grain? 52. A man bequeathed §45,000 to his wife, daughter, and son. The daughter received §5000 more than the son, and the wife received three times as much as the son. How much did each receive ? 53. A man is 27 years older than his son ; 12 years hence he will be twice as old as his son will be then. How old is his son ? 54. Divide §30 among three persons so that the first person shall receive three times as much as the second, and the third person §5 more than the second. 55. Part of a sum of §3000 was invested at 4% and the remainder at 4| % ; the total income from these invest- ments was §126.25. How much was invested at each rate? 56. Divide 68 into two parts so that one third of one part may equal one fourth of the other. 57. A man is 60 years old and his son is 30 ; how many years ago was the man just three times as old as his son ? SIMPLE EQUATIONS 95 58. What number diminished by ^ of itself equals 1 less than I of itself ? 59. All school buildings should have the total light space equal to at least 20 % of the floor space ; what, then," is the greatest amount of floor space that a schoolroom should have whose light space is 180 sq. ft. ? 60. A straight line is divided into two parts, one of which is 30 in. longer than the other. Seven times the shorter piece equals two times the longer. How long is the line ? 61. A has $3 more than B, and B has §6 more than C ; together they have #111. How much has each? 62. On a farm there are twice as many turkeys as there are dugks, and five times as many chickens as there are turkeys. There are 260 of the three kinds in all. How many are there of each ? 63. How many pounds of tea at 40 ct. a pound must be mixed with 20 lb. at 75 ct., in order that the mixture may be worth 50 ct. a pound ? 64. The perimeter of a rectangle is 1000 yd. and its altitude is four times its base. What is the length of the base ? 65.. Eight men hired a yacht, but by taking in four more the expense of each was diminished f 1 ; how much did they pay ? 66. A man bought 2-cent stamps, 5-cent stamps, and 11-cent stamps, of each the same number ; if he paid 72 ^ for the lot, how many of each did he buy ? 67. A man saved §1350 in three years. He saved twice as much the second year as the first, and three times as much the third as the second. How much did he save the first year ? 96 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 68. A man spends ^ of his yearly income for board and lodging, I of the remainder for clothes and other expenses, and saves ^500 a year. What is his income ? 69. What number increased by | of itself equals the sum of I of the number and 9 ? 70. A man invests f of his capital at 5%, and the re- mainder of it at 4| % ; his annual income from both in- vestments is i 240. Find his capital. 71. " Eight years ago," said a man to his son, " I was thirteen times as old as you were, and four years hence, I shall, if I live, be four times as old as you will be then.'* What is the man's age ? 72. A merchant mixes 30 lb. of tea which cost 40 ct. a pound, and 20 lb. which cost 60 ct. a pound. What is the mixture worth per pound ? 73. If I spend $70 for rugs and $S6 for chairs, and then have left one fourth of what I had at first, how much have I remaining? 74. A dealer has coffee, some at 20 ct. and some at 35 ct. per pound ; he wishes to make a mixture of 100 pounds which shall be worth 30 ct. a pound. How many pounds of each must he use ? 75. A train ran from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia in 7^ hours ; if it had traveled 10 miles an hour slower, it would have taken 10 hours. Find the distance from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. 76. It is required to find a number such that if it be multiplied by 3 and the product increased by 7, the result shall be the same as if it were increased by 8, and the sura multiplied by 2. SIMPLE EQUATIONS 97 77. 10 lb. of tea and 12 lb. of coffee together cost 19.60. If a pound of tea cost 30 ct. more than a pound of coffee, find the cost per pound of each. 78. A packer, engaged to pack 500 tumblers, received 8 ct. for every one that arrived at its destination in good condition, and forfeited 15 ct. for every one broken. He received il7.34. How many were broken ? 79. A cask contains a mixture of 25 gallons of vinegar and 5 gallons of water ; a certain quantity is drawn out and replaced by water and then the mixture consists of 10 gallons of vinegar with 20 gallons of water. How many gallons were drawn out? Suggestion. If x represents the number of gallons drawn out ; then I X represents the number of gallons of vinegar drawn out, and 25 — I a; represents the number of gallons of vinegar left in. 80. A bottle contains a mixture of 1 pint of cream and 3 pints of milk ; a certain quantity is removed and re- placed by milk, and then the mixture contains J of a pint of cream. How much was removed ? 81. I traveled 22 mi. in 8 hr., walking part of the way at 4 mi. per hour, and riding the rest of it at 10 mi. per hour. How far did I walk ? 82. A person wishing to give 50 cents apiece to some boys, finds that he has not money enough by 25 cents ; but if he gives them 40 cents apiece he will have 35 cents re- maining. Required the number of boys. 83. A workman received ^2.50 and his board for each day that he worked, and paid 60 ct. for board for each day that he did not work. For 90 da. he received $132 ; how many of these days did he work ? 98 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 84. It is required to find two numbers whose sum is 12, such that if ^ the less be added to J the greater, the sum shall be equal to ^ the greater diminished by ^ the less. 85. How many pounds of water must be added to 40 lb. of a 5 % solution of salt to obtain a 4 % solution ? 86. How many pounds of salt must be added to 80 lb. of a 10% solution of salt to obtain an 11| % solution ? 87. A certain number consists of two digits, the one in the units' place being twice that in the tens' place. If 18 be added to the number, the resulting number is repre- sented by the same digits reversed. What is the original number ? 88. A certain number consists of two digits, the one in the units' place being three times the one in the tens' place. If the order of the digits be reversed and 16 be added to the resulting number, the new number will be three times the original number. What is the original number ? 89. Into what two sums can $2700 be divided so that the income from one at 5 % shall equal the income from the other at 4 % ? 90. M's income is $500 a year more then N's and each saves ^ of his income. At the end of 10 years M has saved 1| times as much as N. What is the yearly income of each ? 91. A certain medicine contains 80% alcohol. How much water must be added to 1 quart of it so that the mixture shall contain only 10 % alcohol ? 92. During one year a traction company carried 3,000,000 fewer passengers than in the preceding year ; but, as the average fare had been raised from 4.1 ct. to 5.2 ct., the receipts were $394,000 more. How many were carried in each year ? SIMPLE EQUATIONS 99 93. If one machine can grind 10 bu. of grain in 2| hr. and another can grind 10 bu. in IJ hr., how long will it take both machines to grind 100 bu. of grain ? 94. The digit in the units' place of a number composed of two digits is 4 less than 3 times that in the tens' place; the sum of the digits plus 27 is equal to the number. Find the number. 95. Twice the digit in the tens' place of a number composed of two digits is 7 greater than that in the units' place ; if 7 is subtracted from the number, the remainder is 5 times the sum of the two digits. Find the number. 96. If one machine can skim 75 gal. of milk in 1| hr. and another 60 gal. per hour, how long must both run to skim 300 gal. of milk ? 97. A man invested $ 5500 in two business enterprises. On the first investment he lost 6 % and on the second he gained 5%. His net gain was $55. How many dollars did he invest in each enterprise ? 98. There is a reservoir which can be supplied with water from three different inlets ; from the first it can be filled in 12 hr., from the second in 18 hr., and from the third in 36 hr. In what time will it be filled if it is being supplied from all inlets at the same time ? 99. A certain principal will earn 120 more interest in 8 yr. at 6% than it will in ^ yr. at 5%. What is the principal ? 100. A certain principal will in 4 yr. at 5 % amount to $10 less than the same principal will amount to in 5 yr. at 4|-%. What is the principal? 101. The sum of two numbers is 30 and one of them is 6 less than the other. Find the numbers. CHAPTER IV TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 79. Rational operations. Addition, subtraction, multi- plication, and division are called the rational operations of algebra. 80. Rational expression. An expression which in- volves only rational operations is called a rational ex- pression. 81. Integral expression with respect to any letter. An expression is said to be integral with respect to any letter when it does not involve a division either by that letter or by a polynomial containing that letter. Thus, a^ — 2a -h - is integral, but - and '^—^ are not integral, .., ,. 3 a 2a— 1 with respect to a. 82. Integral expression. An integral expression is an expression that is integral with respect to each one of the letters which it contains. Thus, a^h — Xxy -\- 2 is an integi-al expression. 83. Degree of a monomial. The degree of an integral monomial is equal to the number of its literal factors. Thus, 3 x^y is a monomial of the third degree. 84. Degree of an expression. The degree of an integral algebraic expression is the same as the degree of the term or terms of the expression which are of the highest degree. 100 TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACIO^RS I'^i Thus, Sa% + 2 abc — 5 a is an algebraic expression of the third degree, and a:^ + 5 a: + 6 is one of the second degree. Note. When all the terms of an expression are of the same degree, the expression is called homogeneous. Thu^, 3 aH) + 2 h^c — 5 c% is a homogeneous expression. 85. Degree of an expression with respect to a particular letter. The degree of an integral expression with respect to a particular letter is the same as the index of the highest power of that letter in the expression. Remark. It is convenient to classify expressions according to their degree with respect to a given letter. Thus, with respect to x : ax -\- b is a linear expression, or an expression of the Jirst degree; ax^ 4- &x + c is a quadratic expression, or an expression of the second degree ; ax^ + bx^ -]- ex + d is a. cubic expression, or an expression of the third degree; ax* + bx^ + cx^ 4- dx -\- e is an expression of the fourth degree. EXERCISE 36 1. State the degree of each of the following monomials: 3 X1/Z ; — 2 0^1/ ; 1 a^; — 3 ci^i/h. 2. State the degrees with respect to x of each of the monomials in example 1. 3. State the degree of the following expressions : 2x-\-S; ax — by; aa^-^-bx+e; a^ — y^; x^yH'^ -^2xyz — Z. 4. State the degrees with respect to x of each of the expressions in the preceding exercise. 5. Which of the following expressions are integral with respect to each of the letters contained? o^25 3^2 _ 5^ 2a:2 1 a^^hy^ 3 3 i + 1 a 2 ab 102 STLEMENTARY ALGEBRA 6. State the degree of each of the following products : 7. State the degree of each of the following quotients : 3a6 -5-2^2. a253^2a52; Sx'-^'Sx; y^yH^~xy^^, 8. Which of the following expressions are homogeneous ? a^^1a-\-W'\ a + 254-3c; 2^2^33,^. ^_^_f_22. x + y -\-l; x^ -\- ip' -\- z^ — xyz ; he + ca + ah. 9. Write a homogeneous polynomial of five terms using the letters a, 6, and c. 10. Write two homogeneous polynomials of three terms each, find their product, and state whether or not it is homogeneous. 86. The square of a monomial. From section 58, we have, That is, (ic»»)2 = a:2m^ Hence, Rule. To square a power of a number^ multiply its ex- ponent hy '2. By the commutative law of multiplication, section 56, That is, (arb'^y = (a'»)2(5»)2 = a2m52n. Hence, Rule. To square a monomial^ multiply the exponent of each of its factors by 2. Remark. When a monomial has a numerical coefficient, it is usually preferable actually to square the coefficient rather than to indicate its square. Thus, (3 x^yzY = 3\x^)Y^^ = » ^Y^^- TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 103 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Square a^. Solution. (a^y = a\ 2. Square 6^. Solution. (68'«)2 = 66«. 3. Square — e5 a^h^c. Solution. ( - 5 a^b^cy = (- 5ya%^c^ = 2ba%*c^. 4. Square (a + by(c — dy. Solution, [(a + b)\c - dy^ = (« + ^)* (^ " ^Y- EXERCISE 36 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Find the square of each of the following, as indicated : 1. (-3)2; (-2a)2; (5a)2; (-2x 32^)2. 2. [(a + J)P; [2(« + 5)]2; [_3(a + 6)P. 3. ( - 5 2^y ^5)2 ; (-2.3 a63c2)2. 4. (-2a-)2; (3a3-)2. 5. [2a(5 + (?)P; [-3a3(5 + c?)4]2. 6. [|a]2; [-|a]2; [| .a^6]2. 7. [-fa2(6 + ^)2(2; + ^)3]2. 8. Why is the square of all numbers which we have considered necessarily positive ? 9. Why are the exponents of the literal factors which occur in the square of a monomial necessarily even numbers ? 10. If the numerical coefficient of a monomial is a per- fect square, and the exponents of the literal factors are all even numbers, what can be said of the monomial ? 104 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 87. The cube of a monomiaL From section 58, we have That is, (af^y = a^. Hence, Rule. To cube a power of a number multiply its exponent byZ. By the commutative law of multiplication, section 56, That is, (iaH^y = (a^)3(5»)3 = c^H^-. Hence, Rule. To cube a monomial multiply the exponent of each of its factors by Z. Remark. When a monomial has a^ numerical coefficient, it is usually preferable to cube the coefficient rather than to indicate its cube. Thus, (3 x^yzY = S^x^yf^^ = 27 xy^- ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Cubea2. Solution. (a2)8 = a^. 2. Cube a^"*. Solution. (x^y = a;9«. 3. Cube - 5 flS^c?. Solution. ( - 5 a%^cy = ( - 5y(a»y(byc» = - 125 a^'^cK 4. Cube (a 4- hy(c - dy. Solution, [(a + by(c - dyf = (o + by(c - dy. EXERCISE 37 (Solve as many as possible, at sight.) Find the cube of each of the following, as indicated : 1. (2)8; (-3)8; (-2a)8; (5 ay. 2. (abc^y; (2ab^cyi {-^a^yhy. TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 105 3. [(a + b^Y; [2(a + 6)]3; [_3(«+^)]=^. 4. (-2a^y; (3a3'")3. 5. l2a(b-\-c)Y; [-Sa^b + cyy, 6. [faP; [-|aP; [2a26]3. 8. When is the cube of a number positive? When negative ? 9. Why are the exponents of the literal factors which occur in the cube of a monomial necessarily divisible by 3? 10. If the numerical coefficient of a monomial is a perfect cube and the exponents of the literal factors are all multiples of 3, what can be said of the monomial ? 88. Square root and cube root of a monomial. When the square of a number a is equal to a given number A^ the number a is called a square root of A. Also, when the cube of a number a is equal to a given number A^ the number a is called a cube root of A. Thus, 3 is a square root of 9 since (3)^ is equal to 9. Also, 3 is the cube root of 27, since (3)^ is equal to 27. There are always two square roots of a number, the one being positive and the other negative. Thus, since (+2)2 = 4 and (-2)2 = 4, both + 2 and - 2 are square roots of 4. Since the cube of a positive number is positive, and the cube of a negative number is negative, it follows that the cube root of a positive number is positive and the cube root of a negative number is negative. Thus, (+2a)8 = + 8a3 and (-2a)8 = -8a8; therefore, +2a is the cube root of + 8 a* and - 2 a is the cube root of — 8 a*. Remark. For the present, a number will be considered as having but one cube root. Later it will be shown that there are three dif- ferent expressions which when cubed give the same number. 106 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 89. Notation. The radical sign V is used in algebra to indicate a square root ; similarly, V is used to indicate a cube root. Note 1. In such expressions as Vah fhe sign V does not include h. The square root of the whole expression is indicated either by y/(ab) or Vab, the vinculum over ah serving the purpose of paren- theses. Note 2. The sign ± is read plus or minus. Thus, y/9 = ± 3 is read the square roof of 9 is equal to plus or minus 3. It is agreed, however, that + VO shall mean + 3 and — V9 shall mean -3. EXERCISE 38 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) 1. Why is it not possible to find a numerical value of the square root of a negative number ? 2. In finding a square root of a\ by what number must the exponent be divided ? 3. In finding the square root of aP^^ by what number must the exponent be divided ? 4. Give a rule for extracting a square root of a num- ber such as ic^m [§ 86]. 5. Give a rule for extracting a square root of such an expression as a^b^^ [§ 86]. 6. How can the result obtained by taking a square root of a number be checked ? 7. In finding the cube root of a^ by what number must the exponent be divided ? 8. In finding the cube root of a^"*, by what number must the exponent be divided ? 9. Give a rule for extracting the cube root of a num- ber such as a^"" [§ 87]. TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 107 10. Give a rule for extracting the cube root of such an expression as a^b^"' [§ 87]. 11. How can the cube root of a number be checked ? Find the following roots, as indicated : 12. V^; />-1000(a + 2^)9(2 J -3)5*. Type Products 90. Certain algebraic identities which occur in multi- plication are specially important owing to their frequent occurrence. They serve as models for other multiplica- tions, and for this reason should be memorized. 91. The distributive law [§ 60]. a(b-\-c} = ab-{-ac. (1) a(b-c)=ab-ac. (2) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. x(^y — z) = xy — xz. 2. 12(3a;^-^/)=36a; + 12^/. 3. — 3 x^y (a: — 2 y) = — 3 oi^y -f 6 a^y . 4. 2y{x-y^z) = 2yx — '2y{y + z) = 2yx — 2y'^-2yz. EXERCISE 39 Multiply : 1. _2(a-4). 2. Zx(2x-'^y). 3. |a(J6-c)- *• 2wv(2w-3v). 108 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 5. 3a6(3a-2J). 6. |(3a:-6y). 7. — xy {x^ — y)' 8. (5 — a) d^, 9. (- 2a;+ 3)(-2a;). 10. a{h-\-c + d). 11. f(52-|-J52). 12. (3a:2^-52)(-3a;?/«2). €> 13. lm{l + m-\-l). 14. 2a;(i/-f2-0- 15. (2x-'6y^-bz){-2x). 16. 3a(5 - — c + 5 rZ may be written, as a binomial, (2a + 3^) + (— c + 5rf); as a trinomial, (2 a + 3 &) — c + 5 c?. By repeated application of the rules for finding the square of a binomial or a trinomial, it will be found in every case that the square of a polynomial is expressed by the principle employed to find the square of a trinomial ; namely. The square of a polynomial is equal to the sum of the squares of its terms plus twice the sum of the products of all pairs of the terms. Note. A systematic way of naming the pairs of terms in a poly- nomial is as follows : Take the first term with each of the terms that 112 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA follows it; take the second term with each that follows it; take the third term with each term that follows it ; contirme this process until next to the last term is taken with the last. Thus, the sum of the algebraic products of all pairs of terms of the polynomial (a + b -\- c — d + e) is ab -\- ac -h a(- r/) + o.e + be -\- b(- d)+ he + c(- rl) -\. (^e -\- (- d)e. EXEBCISE 42 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Square the following polynomials as indicated : 1. (a + 6 + c?4-c?)2. 2. {x-\-y + z-uy. 3. (m-\-n—p-\- qy. 4. (r — 8 + ^ -h w)^. 5. (a — b — c-\- dy. 6. (m — n—p — q^. 7. {x-\-y^-z-\-iy, 8. (mH-372-jo + 2)2. 9. (a -h 5 + ah^. 17. a:2y25 + 2 aj?/% — 3 a:^^^^ is. — abc —hc — h. 19. 5 a^ + 10. 20. a:?/ — x. 21. xy ■\- xz — X. 22. a(ft + ^c) + (iy^z^{h-{-c), 24. (a 4- h)x — (a 4- ^)«/. 25. (a4-^>-(a4-i)«/H-(a4- J>. 26. (a4-^)2 and (a - 6)2= «2 _ 2 a5 + ^2 ; conversely (1) fl2 + 2a& + 62 = (a+6)2. (2) fl2-2a&+2r^ = (a-6)2. From identities (1) and (2) it is obvious that If two terms of a trinomial are perfect squares and the third term is equal to plus or minus twice the product of the square roots of the other two terms, then the trinomial is the square of a binomial. When two terms of a trinomial are perfect squares and the third term is equal to plus or minus twice the product 124 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA of the square roots of the other two terms, the binomial square root — that is, the binonlial which, when squared is equal to the given trinomial — may be found by taking the positive square roots of the two terms of the trinomial which are perfect squares, and adding one of these square roots to the other, or subtracting it from the other, accord- ing as the third term of the trinomial is positive or negative. Remark, (a — by=(b — a)^ since a — b and b — a differ only in sign, and (+ a)2=(— 0)2 whatever expression may be represented by a. However, it is customary to write a^ — 2ab -\- b^ equal to either (a ~ by or (b — ay at pleasure and not to write it equal to [±(a - 6)]2. Similarly, a^ -\-2ab + b^ is written (a + by and not [±(a + 6)p. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor a2+ 2a + 1. Solution. a2 + 2 rt + 1 = (a)2+ 2(a) (1) -f (1)2, which satisfies the conditions for a perfect square. ,'.a^-\-2a + l=(a + iy. [§105,1] 2. Factor x^ — 4: x^ -\- 4. Solution, x* - 4 x2 4- 4 = (x^y - 2(2) (x^) + (2)2, which satisfies the conditions for a perfect square. .-. a:* - 4 a;2 + 4 = (^2 - 2)2. [§ 105, 2] Remark, (x^ - 2)2 may be written (2 - x2)2. [§ 105, Remark] 3. Factor 4 r*- 12 2:2^ + 9/. Solution. 4:x^ - 12xy + 9y^ =(2xy- 2(2x) (3 y) + (3 yy = (2x-dyy. 4. Factor (a -f 6)2- 6 (a + 5)(c - c?) + 9((7 - dy. Solution, (a + 6)2- 6(a + b)(c - rf)+ 9(c - dy = (a + by - 2(a + 6)[3(c. - d>] + [3(c - d)Y = [(a + &)-3(c-rf)]2 = (a + 6_3c + 3rf)2 TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 125 5. Factor x^ — x -\- \. Solution. x^-x + l = x^- 2(i) x + Qy. Remark. Although not all of the numerical coefficients of x^ — X -\- i are integral, yet the terms of the trinomial satisfy the conditions for a perfect square. EXERCISE 49 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Factor the following trinomials : 1. m2 -f- 2 mw 4- n^. 2. r^ — 2 rs -f- «2. 3. aP'j-2x-{-l. 4. a2-h4a + 4. 5. 7w2-6m + 9. 6. 4:a^-\-4:x-{-l. 7. x^-6xi/-\-9y^, 8. x^ + x-\-\. 9. a2-a+i. 10. 9^:2+32: + ^ 11. a^+2rc2 + l. 12. 4a*-h20a2+25. 13. 25a4-20a2 4.4. 14. x^i/^ -\- 2x1/ -{■ 1^ 15. 4a252-4a5 + l. ' 16. x^ -\- 2xf -\- 1/^. 17. a254_2a52-|_l. is. 2^/ - 2 a;?/V + 2*. 19. x^-Qxf-\-9f. 20. 4 a2 _ 20 a52 + 25 5*. 21. 9 x^t/^z^ -\- 6 axi/z -{■ a^. 22. a2 - 12 a -f- 36. 23. 25m24-70ww+49n2. 24. (p^qy+2(p + q}-\-l. 25. a2« + 2 a"»5" + ^". Suggestion, a^^ + 2 a'^b'' + J^n _ (am)2_^ 2(a'") (&»*) + (b'^y. 26. a:2p — 2 a:^?/' + ^2«. 27. a^ + 4 aH"" + 4 62n. 28. 4 a63 - 4 ^252 _^ ^5, 29. 7?y -2 :^y + a;y. 30. a25^ + 4 aj^ + 4 5^2. 31. 2:2^22 _ 14^^22 + 49^2, 32. o?-V\%^-\-^\x. 33. w2wjt?4-20mwp + 100rip. 34. (a:+^)2_6(2: + y)(a+i)+9(a+5)2. 35. 2:2_iOx(?/ + 2)+25(?/ + z)2. 126 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 36. a^-^b^+c^ + 2hc-\-2ca-\-2 ah. Suggestion, a^ + b^ + c^ + 2bc + 2 ca -\- 2 ab = a2 + 2(b + c)a + (62 + 26c + c«). 37. a^ + h^-^(^-\.2hc^2ca-2ah, 38. 4a2-28a(6 + c)4-49(5+c)2. 39. 49a:V+28a:«/2(3^4.2)+4i/2(y + 2)2. 40. l-6(a-5)+9(a-6)2. 106. The difference of two squares. We learned, section 95, that (a + 6)(a — 5) = a2 _ 52 . hence, conversely, a2-63 = (a4.6)(a_5). From this identity we infer the following rule for factoring the difference of two squares : Rule. Find the positive square root of each of the two squares and form the sum and the difference of these square roots in the order in which their squares occur in the expres- sion. The sum and the difference of the square roots are the two factors, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor 9a^-25. Solution. 9 x2 - 25 = (3 x)^ - (5)2. The positive square roots of the squares are 3 x and 5. The sum of the square roots is 3 x + 5 and the difference is 3 a: — 5. .-. 9ar2 - 25 =(3x 4- 5)(3ar - 5). 2. Factor a2 - (5 - c)2. Solution. The positive square roots of the squares are a and b — c. The sum of the square roots is a + (b — c), and the difference is a — (6 — c) ; that is, a + 6 — c and a — b + c. .-. a2 -(6 - c')2 =(a + b- c)(a - 6 + c). TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 127 In practice, the work of factoring a^ —(b — cy may be arranged thus: a^-(b- c)2 = [a +(b - c)] [a-(b- c)] = (a -{- b — c)(a — b + c). 3. Factor a2 _ 1 52. Solution. a2 _ A 52 = ^2 _ (2 5)2 4. Factor a* — b^. Solution. • a* - 6* = (a^y - (b^y = (a^ + b^)(a^-b^) = la^ + b^X^ + b)(a - b). EXERCISE 50 Factor : 1. m^ — n^. 2. 2^2 _ y2 Z, W — r^. 4. a^-\. 5. 1-32. , 6. m2-4. 7. 9-^2. 8. 42:2_^2, 9. ^2_1622. 10. 2^2 _ 100. 11. 252;2-64?/2. 12. ^m^-\^n'^, 13. w*-w2. 14. a;6_^2, 15. 36a:4-49«/8. 16. 25 a254 _ 36 52^4, 17, ^ - x. 18. a^-4ir2, 19. 2^-?/*. 20. ^ — {y-\- 25)2. 21. ( w H- w)2 - jt?2, 22. {a -f 5)2 - 9. 23. 2^2 - I y2. 24. (a+6)2-((?+(^)2. 25. l_(a:-y)2. 26. 4(a-6)2-9(a + 5)2. 27. 25(2: -^)2- 36(2^4-^)2. 28. (&-Q>-cy. 29. 9c2_(a-}-6 + (?)2. 30. a2+2a(? + c2-52. 31. a;2_l_2^_^2. 32. 2^2 ^10 a; 4. 25- 25 «/2. 33. \-m^ -"Imn-n^. 107. Trinomials of the form x2 4- ex + {/. From sec- tion 96 we have, {x 4- a)(2; + 5) = 2;2 + (a + h^x + ah ; conversely, Jt2 4- (a 4- &)jir + a6 = (jr + a)(jr + 6). 128 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA From this identity we see that : Any trinomial of the form a^-\- cx-{- d can be factored when c, the coefficient of x, is the sum of two expressions, and d, the last term, is the product of the same two expressions. Remark. When c and d are given integers and not too large, it is possible to determine by inspection whether two other integers a and h exist such that a + b = c and ab = d. When t^o such integers are found the factors oi x^ -\- ex -\- d are {x + a) and (x + b). ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor x^ -{- 1 x -\- 12. Solution. The two integers whose sum is + 7 and whose product is + 12 are evidently -f 3 and + 4. . ... a:2-<-7a; + 12=(x + 3)(x + 4). [§107] 2. Factor q^-{-x — 12. Solution. The two integers whose sum is + 1 and whose product is — 12 are evidently + 4 and — 3. .-. a:2 + a: - 12 = (x - 3)(a: + 4). [§ 107] 3. Factor a;^ - 9 ic + 20. Solution. The two integers whose sum is — 9 and whose product is + 20 are evidently — 4 and — 5. .-. a;2 - 9 a: + 20 = (x - 4)(a: - 5). [§ 107] 4. Factor x^ -\- a(h — c)x — c^hc. Solution. The two expressions whose sum is ab — ac and whose product is — aV)c are evidently ab and — ac. .'. x^ + a(b - c)x - a%c = (a: + ab){x - ac). [§ 107] 5. Factor x^-2 x^y^ - 15 y^. Solution. The two monomials whose sum is - 2 y* and whose product is — 15 y^ are — 5 y^ and 3 y^. ... x^-2 xhf -\by^= {x^ - 5 y'^ix^ + 3 ^2). [§ 107] TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 129 BXBROISB 51 Factor the following : 1. a2 + 3a + 2. 2. y2 ^ 2 ^ - 3. 3. 22_2_6. ^. h^-Qh + b. 5. jo2 + 6jD + 8. 6. ^-7c? + 12. 7. x^-bx-1^. 8. «2_4^_45. 9. 52-12 5 + 32. 10. 22 + 13^ + 30. 11. m2 + 4m-221. 12. .c2 + 18 a: 4- 72. 13. jp2_i0jp_ll. 14. 2^ -10 a; + 24. 15. ;r2-27a; + 50. 16. a2-18a + 80. 17. x^-l^x-\-^\. 18. «24.8a_209. 19. a2+9a-36. 20. 2^2 -2; -2. 21. 62 + 27 5 + 152. 22. w2-16m + 55. 23. 22.^52-24. 24. 2:2 ^_ 10 a: - 39. 25. a2_i2a_l33. 26. w2- 28 m + 171. 27. 2:2 _ 78 2; + 365. 28. 2^2 _^ 10 a: - 119. 29. 2:2 + 3 2; -154. 30. 22_|.62-91. 31. a^ + a-mO. 32. Z2_j.24Z+23. 33. 2:2 _ 26 a; - 155. 34. a2_i8^_i9. 35. a^y^ + 4 2:2^/2 _ 5 xy. 36. x^-{-(a + S)x + 3 a. 37. a2_(2- 5)a- 2 5. 38. «/2 -(5 + ^)^ + 5 2. 39. ^2 _j_ 2;(?/ _ ;2)^ _ x^yz, 40. 2:2 + 3 2: — a2: — 3 a. 41. 2:2 _ ^2; + 3 ^^ _ 3 ^^ 42. a^ _|_ 2 52: — C2: — 2 5(7. 43. 6/2 4- 3 a5 + 2 52. 44. 2:2 _ 6 ^^2 + 5 ?/*. 45. a* + 4 «2J - 221 52. 46. X^-{-S 2:2/ _^ 15 2^. 47. 2:2- 2a2:-2 52: + a2_|_2a5. 48. 2:2^^2:— 52: + 6 — 3 a. 130 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 108. The general quadratic trinomial ax^ -\- bx -h c. By actual multiplication we have (^px -f q) (rx + «) = pro^ + (ps -f qr^x + qs; conversely, prx^ -h (ps + qr}x -^qs = (px + q)(rx + s). We observe in the first member of this identity that the coefficient of x is the sum of two terms + ps and -h qr whose product is -i-pqrs and that the product of the coeffi- cient of x^, namely pr^ and the last term, namely qs, is also +pqr8. These facts furnish a clew which is of assistance in factoring a trinomial of the form aa^ +bx'^c whenever it is possible to express b as the sum of two numbers whose product is equal to ac. Note. In the foregoing, we have, a = pr, h = ps ■{■ qr, c = qs. Therefore, V^ = ph^ + 2 pqrs + qh-^ ] ^ and, 4 ac = ^pqrs ; hence, h^ — ^ac = p^s^ — 2pqrs + q^r^ = (ps — qry. If, therefore, in aaj-^ -i- bx -\- c, the square of the coefl&cient of x minus four times the product of the coeflBcient of x^ by the last term is not a perfect square, it is not possible to express the quadratic ax^ + bx -\- c a,s the product of two rational factors. The converse of this statement (namely, that when b^ — 4: ac is a perfect square, integral values of p, q, r, and s exist such that a = />r, ^ =z ps -\- qr, c = qs) will be proved in a later chapter. (The letters a, b, c are assumed here to represent positive or negative integers, or integral expressions.) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor 6 2^2 .,.19 ^^10, Solution. If possible, we must find two integers whose sum is 19 and whose product is 6 x 10, or 60. These integers are evidently 15 and 4. TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 131 Therefore, 6 a:^ + 19 x + 10 = 6 a:^ + ISx + 4 x + 10 = S x(2 X + 5) + 2(2 X -{■ 5) = (2x+ 5)(3a; + 2). That is, 6x2 + 19a: + 10 =(2x + 5)(3x + 2). 2. Factor 10 2:2 _ 7 a- _ 12. Solution. If possible, we must find two integers whose sum is — 7 and whose product is 10(— 12), or — 120. Since their product is negative, one of these integers is positive and the other negative. Moreover, the larger integer is negative, since the sum of the two integers is negative, namely —7. The required integers are evidently - 15 and + 8, since - 15 + 8 = - 7, and (- 15)(8) = - 120. .-. 10x2 - 7x - 12 = 10x2 _ I5x + 8x - 12 = 5x(2x-3)+4(2x-3) = (2x-3)(5x + 4). That is, 10x2 -7x- 12 =(2x - 3)(5x + 4). (In this example a = 10, 6 = - 7, and c = - 12. ^>2 _ 4 q^. = 629 = 23*. Since b^ — 4:ac is a perfect square, the given expression can be ex- pressed as the product of two rational factors.) 3. Factor acx^ + (^bc — a^x — b. Solution. If possible, we must find two expressions whose sum ia be — a and whose product is — abc. The required expressions are evidently be and — a. Hence, acx2 + (be — a)x — b = aex^ + bex — ax — b = ex(ax -\- b) — (ax + b) = (ax+ 6)(cx- 1). Note. See problem 29, exercise 48. EXEBCISB 52 Factor : 1. Qa^-x-1. 3. 6x^-\-x-5. 5. 102:2- 13a: -3. 7. 3p^-7p-Q, 9. 622 + 113 + 3. 11. 262+116-21. 2. Ux^^^x-1, 4. 14arJ + 2:-3. 6. 9a2_9^_4. 8. 6m2-5wi-4. 10. 862_i45_i5. 12. 142:2_4i^ + 15 132 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 13.. 6x^-x-2. 14. 4y2 + it3^ + 15. 15. 6a^-{-Ux-\-6. 16. 20^2 + 13 m -15. 17. 4a2H-8a + 3. 18. 6^2^ii^_10. 19. 1522 + 162 + 4. 20. 8^>2_266-45. 21. 10^:2+9^+2. 22. 10j92 + 29jo + 10. 23. 9 a2 + 18 a + 8. 24. 28 a2 + 51 « + 20. 25. 6^2+112 + 4. 26. 6a;2 + 23a: + 20. 27. 21a2+8a-4. 28. 12rr2+ 59a; + 55. 29. 16^2 + 2a- 3. 30. 16a:2 + 34a:-15. 31. '24:X^+7x-6. 32. 20a^ + 53a:+35. 33. 22a2 + 27a-9. 34. 6ic2 + (9 + 2a> + 3a. 35. 3rr2 + (^+6>)^ + 2a. 36. 6^2 + (2a-9)y-3,a. 37. a+2 5. 38. aba^ + (a^-lr^^x—€d>. 39. aJa^ + (a^ + 52)a; + ^5. 40. 3 - 4. 41. 6 aV — 5 ax — 6. 42. 6 wwp2 + (3 7^2 + 2 7i2^jt> H- mw. 109. Sum and difference of two cubes. By actual mul- tiplication we have, {a + h)(a^-ab + h^}=a^-^h^ and (a-6)(a2 + a6 + ^>2^=a3-63; conversely, (1) a8 + 63 = (a+6)(a2-a&H-62). (2) (^-i^ = (a-b)(i(^ + ab-hh^). By use of identities (1) and (2), the factors of any expres- sion which has the form of the sum or the difference of two cubes may be found. It is obvious that one factor of the sum of the cubes of two numbers is the sum of the num- bers and that the other factor is a trinomial which is the sum of the squares of the two numbers minus their product ; also, TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 133 that one factor of the difference of the cubes of two numbers is the difference of the numbers and that the other factor is a trinomial which is the sum of the squares of the two num- bers plus their product, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor a^ -}- 8. Solution. a3 -H 8 = a3 + (2)8 = (a + 2)(a2-2a + 4). [§109,1] 2. Factor a^ - 216 R Solution. o8 _ 216 &8 = a3 _ (6 &)« = (a - 6 6)(o2 + 6 ab + 36 fe^). [§ 109, 2] 3. Factor x^ + y^. Solution. a-« + y^ - {jp-y^r (y^Y = (:r2 + 2/8)[(x2)2 - (x2)(|,8) + (3^«)2] That is, a:» + y^ = (x'^ + y^){x^ - -^V + 2/®)- 4. Factor a^ — y^. Solution. a:« - yS = (a:« - y^){x^ + /) [§ 106] = (a: - .y)(a:2 + xy + 2^2) (^ _,. y^(^x2_xy + y^). That is, a:® — y^ = (a: — y)(x + .v)(a:2 _j. -^y _|. y2)(-y2 — a;y+y2y^ Factor : EXERCISE 53 1. m^ + n^. 2. m^ — ?l3. 3. 63 + ^. 4. 2:»-l. 5. r3+l. 6. a3-8. 7. 1-./3. 8. 2/3-0^. 9. 2:3+27. 10. a3H-216R 11. 8 a3 4- 27 63. 12. 27a3_l. 13. 8 53-1-1. 14. ^-h 15. 27^3 + 64713. 16. a^-\-l. 17. a^-1. 18. m^-{-m. 19, a^-fa:^. 20. ma^ 4- mab^. 21. 16r3« + 2«*. 22. a;6^y6. 23. x^-Sx. 24. a363 _ c^. 134 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 25. rn^ + S, 26. w«-8. 27. a6+27. 28. mV-a%^. 29. r«-27. 30. 2 7w8w + 128w. 31. (a; -2)3 + 1. 32. l-(^x + ^y. 33. (a;4-y)3+(a;-y)3. 34. Give, at sight, one factor of 125 — (a -|- 4)^. 35. Give, at sight, one factor of (a + by — (a — by. 36. Give, at sight, one factor of (2m — ny-{-(m + 2 w)^. 37. By use of the factors of a:^ — y^ [See Illustrative Example 4, p. 133], find four factors of 999,999. Suggestion. 999,999 = lO^ - 1. Factor : 38. l + ^\f. ' 39. (a-6) + Ca3-63). 40. a-\-b + a^-\-b^. 41. 2(jt?+ ^)+jt>3-f- ^. 42. (1+ a;) +3(1 + 2^3). 43. (^a-\-b-cy-(a-b + cy, 44. m%* + m^n. 45. 1 + (jt? + 5' — 1/. 46. m^ — mn(m + w) + w^. Suggestion, tw* — mn(m + w)+ n* = (w?* + w*) — mn(in -f n). 47. m^ — 2 m^w + 2 Tww^ — w,8, 43. 2m3 — 12m2+24w — 16. 49. a8 + fa25 4.|a62+i63. 50. a^ ^ a^ Jf.\a-{-^j. 110. Special methods of factoring. There are certain integral expressions whose factors may be found, and which are not classed under any of the preceding general cases of factoring. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Factor a* +a2 + l. Solution, a* + a2 + 1 = a* + 2 a2 + 1 - a2 That is, a* + a* + 1 = (a2 + rt + l)(a« - a + 1). TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 135 Remark. The solution of example 1 illustrates the method of factoring by the aid of adding and subtracting the same number. 2. Factor a^-{-b^-^ 4c^- 4:be-^4:ca-2ab. Solution, a^ + b^ + 4: c^ - 4:bc + 4: ca - 2 ab = a2 + 2a(2c - &) + (4c2 - 46c + f^) = a^ + 2a(2c - b) + (2c - by = (a-h2c-by. [§105] 3. Factor hc(h — V + ?*- 6. 3^+a^i/^-\-y^, 7. a^-\-a^-\-l. 8. 16/ + 4^2^!^ 9. x^-lla^t/^-^^^ 10. a4_27a2^ + 5*. 11. w*-123m2H- 1. 12. a:4 + /_7a;2/. 13. a* - 34 a2 -f- 1. 14. p^ _ 14 jo2^2 ^ ^4. 15. 2:2 + 4 y2 _j_ ^2 _|_ 4 ^2 _ 2 2a; _ 4 ^^ 16. yz(jf — z)-\'Zx(z — x)-^xy{x — y). 17. x^ + y^+l-\-2y + 2x-\-2xt/. 18. a^(b - c) + bXc - a) + (^(a - 5) . 136 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 19. a\b-o)+b\c-a}+c\a-b). Suggestion. Arrange according to powers of «, remove a factor, then arrange the remaining factor according to powers of b, remove a second factor, finally arrange the remaining factor according to powers of c. 20. 9a*-37a262+4 6*. • 21. 4a^-21a^f-^9i/^, 22. 16a^ + SQa%^ + Slb^. 23. bc(b^ - c2) + ca((^ - a2) ^ ab(a^ - 52). 24. a(b^-c^) + b((^-a^') + c(a^-b^). 25. 62. 17. 7i(7i4-l)(w4-2) + (7i4-l)(w+ 2)(w + 3). 18. 2x^ + 2ax-[-2ac-\-2cx. 19. 2ax-^ay—2hx+Sby 20. awi — 2 5w + «n — 2 5m. 21. (a + l)2— 3(a + l). 22. a2 - 2(a -h)- h\ 23. a^ - 2(a -h)- h\ 24. a^+aV- 25. (m + w)2— p2, 26. 49^262^- 64 a2c?2. 27. 49a252^-64a262^. 28. 25a2+10a+l. 29. 3a2-7a?>4-452 30. 2^2 -12 a: + 36. 31. jo22:4+23prc2_,_130. 32. a;2+2a;-8. 33. \2m^ -1 pm^ ^-p^. 34. 8a;3+27. 35. 4m2w2-(w2 + w2-;?2)2. 138 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 36. Sa^-h6Sa^-S. 37. a^^ - a^ 38. a6 H- 62 4. a _ 1. 39. ab-b^-a + 1. 40. a^ + 6aP + 5x+l. 41. a2_4^(^^^) + 3(a;4.t^)2. 42. (a2_2a)2 + 2(a2-2a) + l. 43. a2(^ + l)2-(a-|-l)2(a + 2)2. 44. (a_6)2_(6_a)(a + )2. 74. a2(a + 6 + V + 16 c2a2 - 4 ahH - 16 h(?a + 8 ca%, 78. xyH — y^ + 2 (^ — 2). 79. 2aa:2_(3^^2> + (a + 2). 80. 3aa;2+(2a-5>-5(a-l). 112. The remainder theorem. When a polynomial in x is divided by a binomial ic — a, the remainder may be found by substituting a for x in the polynomial. Thus, when ^7? — Z x"^ -\-2x — f)\& divided by a; — 2, the remainder is the value of 1:x? — Zx'^-\-1x — h when 2 is substituted for x ; namely, 2 . 23 - 3 . 22 + 2 . 2 - 5 or 16 - 12 + 4 - 5, which is 3. Similarly, when 3 x* + 2 a: — 5 is divided by a: — 1, the remainder is 3 • 1* 4- 2 • 1 — 5, which is 0. Hence, 3a:*4-2a:— 5 is exactly divisible by a; — 1. The proof in the case of the first of the foregoing ex- amples is as follows : We know that 2a;8-3a;2 + 2a:-5=(a:-2)Q + /2, where d and R represent, respectively, the quotient and remainder when Ix^ -Ztc^ + 2 a: — 5 is divided by (a: — 2). Since one member of this equation is the same polynomial as the other, the two members are equal for all values of x. Substituting 2 for x, we have 2 • 2^ - 3 • 2^ + 2 . 2 - 5 = (2 - 2)Q + /? or, since (2 - 2)Q = • Q = 0, 2^ - 3 • 2^ + 2 • 2 — 5 = i?. A precisely similar proof holds when any polynomial- in x is divided by a: — a. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the remainder when 7p'-\-Zx-\-b is divided by a:- 3. Solution. i2 = 32 + 3.3 + 5 = 23 2. Find the remainder when ^ -\-^^ — bx-\-Z\B divided by a; + 2. Solution. Since a: + 2 = a; -(- 2), we substitute - 2 for a: in the polynomial ; hence i? =(_ 2)8 + 3(- 2)2 - 5(- 2)+ 3 = 17. 140 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. Find the remainder when 2a^— 3a;-h7 is divided by JT. Solution. Since the divisor may be written a; — 0, we have i2 = 20-3.0 + 7 = 7. 4. Find the remainder when a^-(a-{-2}a^ + (2a — S')x-\-4:a is divided by x-a. Solution. i2 = aS - (a + 2)a^ + (2 a - 3)a + 4 a = a8-a8-2a2 +2a2-3a + 4a = a. 5. Find the remainder when a\h - (?) + ^K^ - «) + ^(« - ^) is divided by a-b. Solution. The given expression may be regarded as a polynomial in a. Hence, the remainder is the value of the polynomial when b is substituted for a. Thus, R = b^(b - c) + b^c -b)+ c^(b - b) = 53 _ 52c 4. 52^ _ fts + = 0. Since the remainder is zero, the polynomial is exactly divisible by a-b. 113, The remainder theorem in factoring. The linear factors of a polynomial can often be found by an applica- tion of the remainder theorem. In order that a poly- nomial in X should have a: — a as one of its factors, it is sufficient that the polynomial should vanish, that is, should become equal to zero, when a is substituted for x. This is evident since, by the remainder theorem, when the polynomial is divided by a; — a, the remainder is zero, if the polynomial vanishes when a is substituted for x. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the factors oi a^-\-2x^— 5x — 6. Solution. If re - a, where a is an integer, is a factor of ar^ + 2 x- - 5 X - 6, it is necessary that the last term - 6 should be divisible TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 141 by a. We therefore substitute in turn the different factors of — 6, namely, 1, — 1, 2, — 2, 3, — 3, 6, — 6, in the polynomial. When a; = l, a:8 + 2a:2-5a;-6 becomes 1 + 2-5-6=- 8. When x = -l,7? + 2x^-5x-Q becomes -1 + 2 + 5-6 = 0. When x = 2,3^-\-2x^-5x-Q becomes 2^ + 2 • 2'^ - 5 • 2 - 6 = 0. When x = -2, 3?-\-2x^-bx-Q becomes (- 2)3 + 2(- 2)'2 _5(_2)-6=4. When a: = 3, a:3 + 2ar2-5a:-6 becomes 38 + 2 • 3^-5 • 3-6 = 24. Whena: = -3, a;« + 2x2-5a:-6 becomes (-3)3+2(-3)2-5(-3) -6 = 0. Hence, when 3^ + 2 x^ - bx — Q is divided by a: — (- 1), by a: — 2 and by a: — (— 3), the remainder is 0, and therefore the factors of ar3 + 2 a:2 - 5 a; - 6 are a: + 1, a; - 2, and a: + 3. Question. Why is it unnecessary to substitute 6 and — 6 for x in the given expression ? 2. Show that a;" — ^", where n is a positive integer, is exactly divisible hj x — y. Solution. When a:** — y« is divided by a: — y, the remainder, JR, is the value of a:" — y^ when y is substituted for x. Hence, R = y^ — y^ = 0. 3. When is a:" +- ^" exactly divisible by a; + ^? Solution. R =(— yY + ^, which is or 2 y", according as n is an odd or an even positive integer. Therefore, when n is an odd positive integer, a:** + y" is exactly divisible hjx-\-y and when n is an even integer it is not exactly divisible hj x -\- y. 4. Show that a^ -\- h^ + (^ — 2> ahc is exactly divisible by a-{-h-\- c. Solution. Since a -^ h -^ c = a -{- h - c) the remainder, /?, of the division is the value of a^ + 6^ + c^ — 3 abc when — 6 — c is sub- stituted for a. Hence, R=-(h-\- c)' + 6^ + c^ + 3(^> + c)hc = -b^-3I^c-d bc^ _ c3 + 63 + c8 + 3 b'^c + 3 bc^ = 0. Therefore, the division is exact. 142 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA BXEBOISB 66 Factor : 1. a^-x^-x + 1. 2. 2^-Sz'\-2, 3. 3^-i-X^-X-l, 4. a:8_3a;-2. 5. a^-6x^-{-llx-6. 6. a^ + 5x^-x-5. 7. 2a^-x^-6x-2. Suggestion. When two factors have been found, the third factor may be obtained by dividing the given expression by the product of the two known factors. 8. Sa^-2a^-19x-e. 9. 2a^ -\-x^-lSx-\-6. 10. a^4-5aj3 + 5a:2_5a._6, 11. Show that a;2» — ^2n^ where w is a positive integer, is exactly divisible by a; + y. Equations Solved by Factoring 114. Rational and integral equations in one unknown number. By transposition, all the terms of an equation can be brought to one member of the equation. The other member then is zero. An equation which contains one and only one unknown number is said to be a rational and integral equation in one unknown, provided that, when all the terms are written in one member, the polynomial which occurs in that member is rational and integral with respect to the unknown. Thus, 3 a:» - I a;2 + 1 X - ^ = is a rational integral equation. Remark. When the word equation is used in this chapter, it will be understood to refer to a rational integral equation in one unknown. 115. Degree of an equation. Any equation may be put in the form ^ = 0, in which A represents a rational and integral expression with respect to the unknown. Equa- tions are classified according to the degree of the expres- TYPE PRODUCTS AND PACTOPB 143 sion, represented by A^ with respect to the unknown number. For example, aa; + & = is a linear equation^ or an equation of the first degree. ax^ + 6a: + c = is a quadratic equation^ or an equation of the second degree. ax^ + 6a~^ + car + c? = is a cubic equation^ or an equation of the third degree. ax^ + 6a;* + ca;2 4- rfa: 4- e = is an equation of the fourth degree. [§ 85, Remark.] 116. Solution of an equation. An equation in one unknown is said to be solved when all of its roots have been found. 117. Roots of an equation found by factoring. If one member of an equation is zero, the roots of the equation may be found easily, provided that the polynomial in the other member can be expressed as a product of factors, each one of which is of the first degree in the unknown number. This important method of solving an equation is applied and explained in the illustrative examples which follow. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation ^x^-\- ^x=2x^ - Zx'\-^^. Solution. 3 a;2 + 5 a: = 2 a;2 - 3 a; + 33. (1) Transposing, 3 a;2 + 5 a; - 2 x2 + 3 a: - 33 = 0. (2) Combining, a;2 -|- 8 a; - 33 = 0. (3) Factoring, {x - 3)(a: + 11) = 0. (4) Notice here, that the first member of equation (4) is a product of factors and that a product cannot be equal to zero unless at least one of its factors is zero. Hence, any value of x which satisfies equation (4) must cause at least one of the factors of the first member to vanish. Moreover, any value of x which causes either of the factors to vanish will satisfy the equation. Therefore, the required roots are found by equating each of the factors to zero. 144 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Therefore, a; - 3 = 0. (5) Whence, x = d. (6) Also, a; + 11 = 0. (7) Whence, x = - 11. (8) That is, the roots of 3 a;^ + 5 a; = 2 a;^ - 3 a; + 33 are 3 and -11 2. Solve the equation ^a^ -2a^- ^ x-\- 2 = 0. Solution. 3 x8 - 2 a:2 - 3 a: + 2 = 0. (1) Grouping terms, (3 a:8 - 2 a:2) - (3 a; - 2) = 0. (2) Factoring first term of (2), a;2(3 a; - 2) - (3 a; - 2) = 0. (3) Factoring, (3 a; - 2) (a?^ - 1) = 0. (4) Factoring completely, (3 a; - 2) (a; - l)(a: + 1) = 0. (5) Equating (3 x - 2) to 0, 3 a; - 2 = 0. (6) Equating (a: - 1) to 0, a; - 1 = 0. (7) Equating (a; + 1) to 0, a; + 1 = 0. (8) Solving (6), a; = |. (9) Solving (7), a; = L (10) Solving (8), a: = - 1. (11) That is, the roots of 3 x^ - 2 a;^ - 3 a: + 2 are 1, — 1, and ^. 3. Solve the equation a^ — Sx^-{-16 = 0. Solution. a;4 - 8 a:2 + 16 = 0. (1) That is, (a:2 - 4)2 = 0. (2) Factoring, [(a: - 2)(a: + 2)]2 = 0. (3) That is, (x - 2)(x - 2)(x + 2)(ar + 2) = 0. (4) Equating each factor to 0, a: — 2 = 0, a: — 2 = 0, a; + 2 = 0, x + 2 = 0. Solving simple equations, a:= 2, a: = 2, a: = — 2, a: = — 2. That is, the roots of a;^ - 8 a:2 + 16 = are 2, 2, - 2, and - 2. Note. The equation has four roots, two pairs of equal roots ; that is, as many roots as there are linear factors. Remark. The student should carefully check all roots obtained from the solutions of illustrative examples 1, 2, and 3. 4. Solve Qa^-llx^-S5x=0. Solution. 6 a;8 - 11 a;2 - 35 a; = 0. Factoring, a:(3 a: + 5) (2 a: - 7) = 0. Equating each factor to 0, a: = 0, 3 a: + 5 = 0, 2 a: — 7 = 0. Solving simple equations, a: = 0, a: = — J, a: = |. That is, the roots of 6 a:8 - 11 a:2 - 35 x = are 0, - J, and J. TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 145 From the solutions of the foregoing illustrative ex- amples, the following rule for solving an equation by factoring may be inferred : Rule. Transpose all the terms to one member of the equa- tion^ factor the resulting expression into its linear factors^ equate each factor to zero^ and solve the resulting simple equations. Note. In solving equations by factoring, care should be exer- cised to bring all terms to one member of the equation. The following is an example of an error which is the direct result of disregarding this practice. Solve the equation (2 a; + 3) (a: - 1) = (a: + 2)(a: - 1). Incorrect Solution. (2 a: + 3)(x - 1) = (ar + 2) (a: - 1). (1) Dividing both members of (1) by (x — 1), 2 a: + 3 = X + 2. (2) Transposing and combining, a: + 1 = 0. (3) Solving, X = — 1. (4) Correct Solution. (2 a: + 3)(a; - 1) = (a: + 2) (a: - 1). Transposing, (2a; + 3)(a: - l)-(x + 2)(a: - 1)= 0. (1) Factoring, (x - 1)[(2 a: + 3) - (a: + 2)] = 0. (2) SimpUfying, (x - l)(a: + 1) = 0. (3) Equating each factor to 0, a: — 1 = 0, a: + 1 = 0. Solving simple equations, a; = 1, a: = — 1. That is, the roots of (2 a: + 3) (a: - 1) = (a: + 2) (a; - 1) are + 1 and -1. The error in the incorrect solution arises from dividing both mem- bers of equation (1) by a factor which contains the unknown num- ber, and which vanishes when x has the value 1. The equations (2 a: -f- 3) (a: - 1) = (x + 2) (a: - 1) and 2x +3 = x-\-2 are not equivalent, the first equation having a root which is not a root of the second. In solving equations, every transformed equation or set of equations wMch occurs in the solution must be equivalent to the original equation [§74]. 146 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 57 Solve the following equations and check the roots : 1. a?(a:-2)=0. 2. r» (3 a; -h 2) = 0. 3. (2a:+l)(3a;-l) = 0. 4. a^-2x-^l = 0, 5. ar2-3a;H-2=0. 6. a^-9x + 20 = 0, 7. 2^2 + 2a; -3 = 0. 8. rrZ + 3^; _ IQ = 0. 9. a;2-13a; + 42 = 0. 10. a^*- 6a: - 55 = 0. 11. a^-5a;+6 = 0. 12. a^^- 4a:- 21 = 0. 13. a^-\-x-SO = 0, 14. a:2_7^^io^O. 15. a^-Ux-15=:0. 16. 2a:2-3a:-2 = 0. 17. 3a;2-h2a:-8 = 0. 18. 4a:2 - 3 a: - 85 = 0. 19. 3a^2-5a:-12 = 0. 20. 4a:2 _ 3^ _ 45 ^ 0. 21. 5a^ + a:-6=0. 22. 4x^^lx-Ul = 0. 23. 7a:2_5a:-78 = 0. 24. 11 a^^- 13a; 4- 2 = 0. 25. 15a^i + 2a;-56 = 0. 26. 13ar2- 9a; - 414 = 0. 27. 3a;2^2a: + 5 = 5a;2_3^_2. 28. a;(a;+l) = (2a; + l)(a; + l). 29. a;(a;H-l)(a; + 2)=a;(2a; + 3)(a;-t-l). 30. (2a;2_3^_,.i)2_(^_ 1)2 = 0. Highest Common Factor— Lowest Common Multiple 118. Highest common factor. The highest common factor (H. C. F.) of two or more integral expressions is the integral expression of the highest degree, with greatest numerical coefficient, which exactly divides each of them. Thus, the H. C. F. of 4 a%» and 6 a%^ is evidently 2 a%^. 119. Greatest common diyisor (G. CD) in arithmetic. In arithmetic, the greatest common ^ivisor of two or more numbers may be found by expressing each of them TYPE PRODUCTS AND FACTORS 147 as the product of powers of its different prime factors, and then taking the product of the common prime factors of the numbers, giving to each common prime factor the least exponent which it has in any of the numbers. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Find the greatest common divisor of 180, 252, and 270. Solution. 180 = 22 x 3^ x 5 252 = 32 X 7 X 22 270 = 2 X 38 X 5 G. C. D. of 180, 252, and 270 = 2 x 32, or 18. 120. Highest common factor of monomials. The high- est common factor of two or more literal monomials can, obviously, be found by inspection. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Find the highest common factor of 12 a^^c^, 18 cfil^(^^ and 24 a%'^c. The greatest number which will exactly divide 12, 18, and 24 is 6. The highest power of a which will exactly divide a, a^, and a* is a. The highest power of h which will exactly divide 62, &», and 6* is h^. The highest power of c which will exactly divide c* and c is c. Evidently, the required H. C. F. is 6 ab^c. From the above illustration, we have the following: Rule. To find the highest common factor of two or more monomials, multiply the product of the lowest powers of their common literal factors hy the greatest common divisor of their numerical coefficients. Note. The numerical coefficient in the highest common factor is taken as positive. Thus, the H. C. F. of - 4 a^h and 6 a/>2 jg regarded as 2 ah and not — 2 ah. Remark. When the greatest common divisor of the numerical coefficients of two or more monomials cannot be readily seen, it may be found as in section 119. 148 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 58 Find by inspection the highest common factor of : 1. a%^ and a¥. 2. 3 x^yz and 12 s^y. 3. 6 a'^h^c and 4 a^h\ 4. a!^c, a^c^, and a% In algebraic symbols, ±^ = -l- (3) • =^ = -r (*) — 00 -\- By comparing equation (1) with equation (2) and equa- tion (3) with equation (4), it is evident that I. The signs of both terms of a fraction may he changed mthout altering the value of the fraction. Thus, ±^ = :::^and ^=^. + b -b -b + b II. Any two of the three signs affecting a fraction may be changed without altering the value of the fraction. The foregoing statement is evident from (I) and from the following : Changing the sign of the fraction and the sigti of the numerator in (1), we have Changing the sign of the fraction and the sign of the denominator in (1), we have ^51=+' + !)=+!• c^) Comparing identities (1), (2), (3), we have — ^^—r = + ^^ = -\- ^— , since each is equal to -|- ^ 4-0+6—6 6 156 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA From I and II it is evident that in. A fraction may he written in at least four ways with- out changing its value. Thus, +±i^ = + Zl^ = _±^ = _ZL^. -fft -h - b +6 In like manner, I ^ ~ -' = \ - ^ + y - - ^ + .y ^ X- y X — y — z — X + y + z x — y — z — x -\- y + z Remark. When no sign is written before a fraction, + is under- stood. Thus, - means +-• b b 129. Change of signs of factors in the terms of a frac- tion. To change the sign of one factor of an expression is equivalent to multiplying that expression by — 1. Therefore, when either or both terms of a fraction are ex- pressed as a product of factors, the signs of an even num- ber of these factors may be changed without altering the value of the fraction ; but if the signs of an odd number of them are changed the sign of the fraction must be changed in order that its value may not be changed. Thus, (g - b)(c - d) ^ (b - aXd - c) ™, ^-. (x - y)iz -w) {x - y){z - w) = -(« -h){c-d) [Why?] {X - y)(ia -z) I y ^ ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Without altering the value of the fraction — ^~^ , ex- press it in a form in which each of the three signs affecting it is plus. Solution. Changing the sign of the fraction and the sign of the denominator, we have y - X _ y - X -2a 2a FRACTIONS 157 EXEBCISE 62 Tell, at sight, which of the statements in examples 1-15 are true. 1. +£ = +^^. y -y 3. +E = -I1^. y -y 5. --^ = -z:£. -y y ' X X 2. y -y 4. X —X y y 6. X — X -y -y 8. X — X 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. X-y y-x x-y y-x X _ — a; x-y x-y a a (a - 6)(e - df) (h - a){d - #»{77r=n) (m + 1) ^ m + 1 ^^' 6 7«5 + 6 m* _ 12 m8 ~ jS.**a(rrr^ri) (m + 2) ~ 2 y«2(m + 2) ' 2^2 Remark. Care should be exercised not to cancel a common term of the numerator and denominator of a fraction when they are poly- nomials. EXERCISE 63 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Reduce the following fractions to lowest terms : ^. 2. — . 3. ?^. xz 4: be xyt ^ -7^ . 12a8 1. a" c^ 7^ -16 a^ ^^ - 12 mhiY 9p^qr UmV 160 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 13. ^m.^ 2irRH UttB^ xi/{^ + zy (a: H- z) ' x"" 17. — • 18. — ^— • 2 ^n—lym+2 jf^+lym—l 19. ^ • 20. i^^ ^, -35a2«-352p ^2_52 21. • 22. • 23. xr_J — £_. 24. 25. ^- 4 26. ^ ^ (a;-l)(a^+l) 46 + 4a 2^ a2 + 2«a; + 2^ ^ 28. ^'-y' a^ -]-a^x ' iy — ^Y 29. • 30. ^- ^ • 53 _ ^8 (f—p^ 31. ^' + ^ . 32. ^'"^^ 2a5 + 26a: a:2_8^^16 a^-2xy^-y^ a^ + h^ ^^ ax-^bx + ay-^ by ^^ xy ' ax-^-ay — bx—by ^y + xy'^ 37. <^. 38. 8-3 a^ — 1 4-42^ (a + l)(a + 2)(a + 3) ^ 2 2^+17^-19 • (a + 2)(a4-3)(a + 4) * Z:^-bx^-1 4^:2^3^,22 ^2 ^-(y-gy " b^-Zx-X^ ' (x + yy-z^ 43. FRACTIONS 161 (x + zy-y^ ' * x^-a^ + yi^x-^-y) ^g 7?-x^y-\-xy'^-7? ^g \-x-^y-xy a? + o^y + xy"^ + ^ 1— x — z + xz a^-\-2x^-\-x-{-2 4 52^ _ (52 ^ g2 _ ^2)2 a5 + 3a;24.a,^3* * 4c2a2_ (^.^ ^2. 52)2" Multiplication of Fractions 132. Multiplication of a fraction by an integral expres- sion. Let ^ denote any fraction and c any integral ex- pression. Representing the quotient of - by 5^ we have, i=.. (1) Since the dividend is equal to the product of the divisor and the quotient, a = bq. (2) Multiplying both members of identity (2) by c, ac = bcq. (3) Dividing both members of identity (3) by 6, ac bcq a ^^ . T= 6 =^^ = ^^ft (4) That is, ^=^Xt- (5) . . ac ac -^ c a ^ci\ Again, — = = (6) b 0-7- c b-i-c Therefore, from identities (5) and (6), = cxl (7) b-i-c I? 162 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Identity (5) shows that multiplying the numerator of - by ^<'-»)<«-.0. 24. _?-^bv(a^ + y)2. 25. r^>y5. 164 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Addition and Subtraction of Fractions 133. Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. By the distributive law, Section 60, \m m mj \mj \mj \mj = a + 6-|-c [§ 132, Rule]. (1) Dividing both members of identity (1) by m, «4.1 + £ = ^±M^. (2) m m m tn Again, mi— ]=m[—]—m[ — \ \m mJ \mj \mj = a-b. (3) Dividing both members of identity (3) by w, a b a— b mm m (4) From identities (2) and (4), we have the following Rule. To add or subtract fractions which have the same denominator^ add or subtract their numerators and place the result over their common denominator. 134. Lowest common denominator. Two or more frac- tions whose denominators are not the same may be re- placed by other fractions equivalent to them, respectively, each of whose denominators is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of the given fractions. The lowest common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions is called their lowest common denominator (L. C. D.). FRACTIONS 165 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Express as a single fraction --\-- • a b e Solution. The L. C. D. of the fractions is abc. a abc^ 1 _ ac b dbc^ c abc abc 2. Express as a single fraction in lowest terms : x^ + x a^+Sx-t2 x^^-lx Solution. The L. C. D. of the fractions is x{x + l)(x + 2). 1 a: + 2 x^ -\- X x(a:+ l)(a:+ 2) 1 X a;2 + 3a;+2 x{x ^ l)(a: + 2) 1 2; + ! a:2 + 2x a:(a: + l)(a: + 2) Sum = (^ + ^)+^-(^ + ^> a:(a:+l)(a: + 2) _ a; + 2 + a:-a;-l a;(a: + l)(a:4-2) 1 a:(x + 2) * 3. Express as a single fraction ^ ■\- xy -\- y^ ■{ — ^ — x-y Solution. :r2 + zy + y2 + _J^ = £iHl£y±l! + -J^ a; -y 1 x-y a:- y a: - y a:8 166 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 4. Simplify: b -{- c , c-^ a a-\-h (^a — b){a — c} (h — c)(h — a) (^c — a)(c — b^ Solution. ^-±^ + i±i5 + « + ^ (^a-b)(a-c) (b-c)(b-a) (r - a)(c - b) b -\- c c + a a -\- b (a-bXc-a) (a-b)(b-c) (b - c){c - a) The L. C. D. of the fractions is (b — c){c — a) (a — b). b + c _ (6 + c)(b - c) (a — b)(a — c) (b — c)(c — a)(a — b) ' c + a (c -\- a)(c — a) (b - c){b -a)~ (b- c)(c - a){a - b)' a + b _ (a-\- b)(a - b) (c -a)(c - b) (b - c)(c - a)(a - b)' (b — c)(c — a) (a — b) _ 52 _f. c2 _ c2 + a2 - a2 _,. 52 (b — c)(c — a) (a — 6) 0. From the solutions of illustrative examples 1, 2, 3, and 4, pages 165 and 166, we have the following: Rule. For adding or subtracting fractions : 1 . Reduce^ when necessary^ the fractions to their lowest common denominator. 2. Find the algebraic sum of the numerators of the re- suiting fractions. 3. Write the algebraic sum of the numerators for the nu- merator of the result and the lowest common multiple of the denominators for its denominator. 4. Simplify the resulting fraction. Note. In general, before operations on fractions are performed, each fraction involved should be reduced to its lowest terms. FRACTIONS 167 EXERCISE 65 Express as a single fraction in lowest terms : 1. l + l- 2. 1+1. 3. ^ + ^. 4. 2x + ^ a a zx Sx x S. x+±-f. 6. a + *. 7. X-&. 8. 1-1 ZX OX c z he ca 4:a 6a a+la 13. -f+*. X4. 1 1 ha a-\- h a — h 15. -i- + l. 16. _2--A. 2H-a a a + 2 2a 17. -^ + . ^ ■ 18. ' 2 x + ^z 2a:+2y a: + 3 a;+2 19. — • 20. + aH-2 3a-l a-1 a + 1 21. - + -. 22. ^-hf-' z X by OX x^ 1 1 23. 2: 24. a; + ^ 2a + 6 3a + J 25. ^ + ?^. 26. 1 +-J_. 22; 2y a-\-h c + d 27. 1+1. 28. 9_t2a^9-25 a-1 3a 36 168 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 31. —±-,^^-±^. 32. ^ 33. (a;+y)5 {x+i/}a a^ — ab P — ab la /a-\-5b b—2a\ -( b \ b ■ b J 34. B-^ + £. 35. f' + *i+4- ax ox ex DC ca ab 36. ^±l-l±l^^±l. 37. ?_^4.i5 a:z/ 2/5J za: a 3a 9a 38. -• 39 2a(a;-a) 2a(a;+a) 6(2 a;- 3) 6(2 a: + 3) 40. — - — I 41. a H- 6 a^ a* a + 5 42. 1 • 43. a a+1 • Sx^—Sxy '^iy'^ — ^yx o^ _i_ ^ _ b^i^^-^y^) _ 3 a^^ 45. 1 +-J_+ 1 . 46. ^+ ^ 6 — c c— a a — 6 b — c c — a a — b 49- -^ T^T r + 50 (a - 6)(a 4- ty y — x 53. 1+^ + ^ ' ^ + ^ a;a;2_9 x^-^x-\-^ FRACTIONS 169 54 flt + g . h4-c 55. .. il 4 2 . 8 56. (3a:+2X2a;-3) (22:-3Xa:-2) (2-2:X3a:+2) 2 4 5_ 2^ a,2_2a;-3 l-a:2* 57. Z § + I 2a^-bx--Z ^a^-lOx^Z Q:^^x-1 x-^\ 942:- 186 . 71a:-135 08. — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — 4" Qx^-llx+12 152^-14a:-8 Qx^-Vlx+ll . In examples 59-64, combine not more than two fractions at a time. Thus, in example 59, combine the first two fractions and then the result with the third. 59. ^+-^+ 2 1 — a 1 + a l + a^ a h -2_A! 60. -^ + —^4 a + h a-h a^-^h^ x — y x-^y a^ + y^ x^ -\- y^ __ a a4-4, a a — 4 oz. \- • a + 4 a a — 4 a a^+x-h^ a^-1 2a;-8 63. x-1 x-2 x^-Sx + 2 64. -^+ 1 1 x-S x-\-S x-2 x + 2 gg 3(22;2+l) 2a:+l 2a:-l 3^^x^+l x^-x-^1 x^^-x^-1 Reduction of Fractions to Integral or Mixed Expressions 135. Simple fraction. When both terms of a frac- tion are integral, the fraction is called a simple fraction. 170 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 136. Proper and improper fractions. Simple fractions are classified as proper fractions and improper fractions. A proper fraction is a simple fraction in which the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denomi- nator. An improper fraction is a simple fraction in which the degree of the numerator is either equal to or greater than the degree of the denominator. Thus, — is a proper fraction ; — is an improper fraction. a^ + o a -\- h^ Remark. When the terms of a fraction contain more than one literal number, the fraction may be a proper fraction with respect to one of these numbers and an improper fraction with respect to another. Thus, — — — is a proper fraction with respect to 6, but it is an a -\- h^ improper fraction with respect to a. 137. Mixed expression. An expression, some of whose terms are integral and some fractional, is called a mixed expression. Thus, a + -, X -\- y — , and 1 + - are mixed expressions. c ^ x-\-y y Note. An improper fraction can be reduced either to an integral expression or to a mixed expression in which the fractional part is a proper fraction. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Reduce r to a mixed expression. Solution 1. a2 _ 52 _ q _!■ 2 h a^-b'^-a + b + b a — b a-b a2 -62 -b — a : + b h a a - -b -^a — b a -62 -b a — a — b b b^a- 1 a + 6- -1 + h I, FRACTIONS 171 Remark. Since = — + — — — it is evident that a f rac- m m m m tion whose numerator is a polynomial can always be written as the algebraic sum of two or more fractions. As a step in reducing a fraction to a mixed expression, it is desirable to express it in this manner, whenever the terms can be grouped at sight in such a way that each numerator with, in general, the exception of the last, is exactly divisible by the denominator. Solution 2. a - a-l + & _ j)a2 _ a _ ^,2 ^ 2 6 a^ — ah -a + ab-b^-{-2b -a +6 ab-b^ + ab-b^ a^-a-b^ + 2b = a — 1 + + a-b Remark. Solution 2 is preferable when it is not evident at sight how the terms of the numerator should be grouped. Check. Let « = 2, 6 = 1. Dividend = Quotient x Divisor + Remainder. ai-b^-a-\-2b= (a-{-b-l)(a-b) -{-b. 4_1 _2 + 2=(2+l-l)(2-l) + l 3=2x1+1 3 = 3. 2. Reduce 2a:« - 3a:V + 4r.y^ + 5y3 ^^ ^ ^.^^^ ^^ S x^ -\- 2 XT/ — 4: y^ sion. X - -U til. Solution. Sx^ -\-2xy -4: y^)2 x^ - S x^y -\- 4: xy^ + 6 y^ 2x^ -^ ^x^y -fxyg -^x^y + \^-xy^+5y^ 172 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Hence, 3 a:2 + 2 xy - 4 2/2 3 9 ^ 3 x^ + 2 xy - ^ y^ = ^x-^y+ S6xy^-7y^ 3 9 "^ 9(3x^ + 2xy-iy2) Check : Let x = 2, y = 1. 2aH»-3x2.y + 4xyH52/^==(|x-^3,)(3x2 + 2x3/-4y2) + ?^^^^^ 16 _ 12 4- 8 + 5 = (i-MVl2 + 4 - 4)+ ^^^~T . \3 9 / ^ ^ 9 17=-f + ^^ = 17. EXERCISE 66 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Reduce to either an integral or a mixed expression : 1. 3. 5. 7. a 2a^ - 3 rr2 + 2 a; - 1 X 4 w -f- 3 mn — 2m n x^- -a2 X — ■a x^- -2ir + l x-1 a2_ b^ + a~b a-b 2a2 -ft2 + l mn Sa^-2ab-\-5 ' 2a l + 3a6-2a2j + 5j8 11. a-\-b 15. ^-y' . X+1/ 2ab 8. ma-\- mb a + b 10 2 'irRH+ 2 irm H+R 12. a^+b^ a-b 14 a^-b^j^a-2b a-b 16 2x'^-\-^xy + y^ 2x^Zy FRACTIONS 173 17. 19. 21. 3 a;2 - 2 rg,y + 2 3a;-2«^ x^-\-2xy ■\-'^y'^ Sx^-2x-\-2 2a^-^x-\-S' 18. 20. 22. Sx^-\-Sxy + 2 x + y 2a^+3a;+l x^+2x-,^ ' Zx^-2xy + 4:y^ 2x^-^4xy-Sy^' Multiplication of Fractions 138. Product of two fractions. Let j=:q (1) and ^ = r a Then, a= bq (3) and c = dr ac = hdqr. Dividing both members of (5) by hd^ ac (2) (4) (5) [§ 25, 3] bd = qr. But a c H v£ — ^ b d~bd' (6) a) (8) From identity (8) we have the following : Rule. To find the product of two fractions, multiply the numerators together for the numerator of the product and the denominators for the denominator. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Scd 1. Find the product of ^ — i:: and Scd^ ^ah^ Solution. 2a% 3c(P Scd a 2hd (I 2M Remark. In practice it is customary to cancel as shown in solu tion of example 2, which follows. ''^'^ :,2 + 5^+6 "^ 4 a:-4 x^-hSx-4: 3a: -k6_ = (3>^)(^ + 4) 3(^^K2) ' a;2+5a; + 6 4a; -4 (2>K2)(a: + 3(a: + 4) 4(a: + 3) 3) i(^^^) Let x = 2. a;2 + 3 a; _ 4 3a; + 6 = 3(^ + 4). a:2+5a; + 6 4a; -4 4(a; + 3) 4 + 6-4 6 + 6. _3(2 + 4). 174 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 2. Multiply V.,. • Solution. Check. 4 + 10 + 6 8-4 4(2 + 3) Remark. It is evident that x — 1 and a; + 2 may each be can- celled in the numerator of the one fraction and the denominator of the other [Solution, example 2], for, if expressed in the product, each would be a factor common to the numerator and denominator of the product and hence could be cancelled. 3. S>mphfy 1 - ^, . ^^^/^^ • Vzfr- Solution. (C _ y)2 ' c* + CV ^ y4 c^ _ yi ^l (c + y)(c^-cy + y^) ^ (c - y)(c^ -[- cy -{- y^) ^ (c + .y)2 (c - 2^) 2 (c2- cy + y^)(c2+ C3/ + y2) (c - 2/) (c + y) ^1 (^ + yy {c-yy ^ (c-yy-(c + yy (c - yy ^ l(c-y) + (c + y)M(c - y) - (c + y)] ^ (2c)(-2y) ^ -4:cy {c - yy (c - yy FRACTIONS 175 EXERCISE 67 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Simplify : 2a 2^— si— 4^§f 3*5* ' Sh'b^' ' a^'a^' ' b ' d' 5. ^.?5.J_. e. 2a. ^. 5 21 - 2 c „ 2 «^ o 2a 4 5 2xy^ 4x — 3 mn^p^ 4m * 3a52*3z/' ' 2a5V *9a* 5a:yV -2a;y 2 a^^gS 4 a^^g^ ' 3a5g * 3ag ' * Sde^^' 9 cPef^' 2(x + ^) (x + yy ^^ -3(a + 5) 5(a -f 5)3 3(2:-^)'(a;-^)3' ' 2(a-5) -15(a-5)2* 15. ^ + y ^-y 16. 3(^H-^^^-^^ ' X - 1/ 2^ -\- 1/^ ^ — y^x-\-y 17 ^!zil (^ + ^)^ 18 ^^ 2(5+3) • a2_52- ^4.1 '54-3 3a2 19. 21. a52 6(^2 gf 4a5gc2 Ix^fz^ %ac — . . -sL • 20. . ^ • • cd^ e^f ah 1 xyz ZaVycH %xyz a52/l_l\ _ 20252/02 _a\ 3U hj ' 5 W 5/ 23 a; l-a2 2^ a2^2a + l -352 a — 12x-\-xy 5^ o + l 27. yv z \^ 35-6a: 2a*+2a35 6x-^Sx^ 2a + 2x dax-\-9x 2ab — ^ax 176 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 28 <^^ - 2 aa; ab-\-SP 2abi/-Sxy^ a^ + Sab' 2abx-'d2^'i/' ax-2a^ 2m^-2 5?n2 + 5 bp^ + bq ^ bp + bq ^p^-Sq' ap^ + aq^' 3^2+8' cm-c' (y + l)2V4-l' b--a a^-b^ 6(x^-y^) (x + y)2 (a; + y)2' 10 * a-^-b ' x-y 29. 30. 31. 139. Powers of a fraction. An important case in the multiplication of fractions is that in which the fractions to be multiplied are equal; their product is, therefore, a power of one of the given equal fractions. -- ^-hhh%=k m-^^^x=^>^^>^^-^- -32 243 32 243 (^y = ^^.^... ton factors _ a. a. a. ..ton factors ^a«j^^ b'b'b"-ton factors 6'* W IP Identity (1) may be expressed in words as follows : Any power of a fraction is equal to the same power of the numerator divided by the same power of the denominator. Conversely, we may write, ?-©■• « FRACTIONS 177 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES .2 ^'-"(ffDHfcf)' 1. y Solution. \x — y } \ a — h I L X — y JL a — 6 J 2. Simplify L________L. Solution. (2 ^^ + 3. + 1)3 ^/ 2.^ + 3. + 1 \» (X + 1)8 V X + 1 I EXERCISE 68 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Raise the following to the indicated powers : ^- (2^) • '' [-^r) '' (32^) • 10 13 IV 3 xyH J \b xy ■ {-IT '■ 6)"- . (ff. „. (=^)\ „. (i+i) \oJ V xyz ) \x yj Suggestion. Add the fractions before squaring. •e-p" "S-'T- -c--")" 16 fi-iY. 17 i^'+'^y 18 C^'+^^'^' V a:y * (a2-a+-l)3' * (a3 + jsy 19^ i^ - ^yY 20. i^tuMt.. 21. (^^ - ^^^)^ . (^ — a;)^ * (a; — ^)^ * (m^ — w^)^ 178 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Write each of the following as the square of a fraction : • J2_45_^4 • a:2 + 2a;+l " * / 25 ^^ 26 ^^ ^'^'^' 27 4-^-12a:+9 * 9a456 * 64ar*2/V0* * 9a:2^_i2:i;+4- Division of Fractions 140. Reciprocal of a number. The reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by that number. Hence, whenever the product of two numbers is equal to 1, either one of these numbers is the reciprocal of the other. Thus, since - x - = 1, the reciprocal of - is -, or - = 1 -f- - and ha h a h a - = 1 -^- -. The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by interchanging a b the numerator and the denominator of the fraction ; that is, by invert- ing the fraction. 141. Quotient of two fractions. The quotient of two fractions may be obtained by use of the identity Dividend = Divisor x Quotient (V) Thus, let it be required to find the quotient of - h- -. a Multiplying both terms of - by cd, a _ acd b bed Expressing the second member of (2) as the product of two fractions, ? = £ X — (3) b d be Observing that - in identity (3) corresponds to dividend in b identity (1), that - in identity (3) corresponds to divisor in identity (1), and that — corresponds to quotient in identity (1), and since be (2) FRACTIONS 179 dividend divided by divisor is equal to quotient, we have, a ^ c _ ad _ a d ft^. b d be b c From identity (4) we have the following: Rule. To find the quotient of two fractions multiple/ the dividend hy the reciprocal of the divisor, 142. Two special cases of division. 1. When the dividend is a fraction and the divisor is an integral expression. Any integral expression can be written in the fractional form. Thus, c may be written -. Therefore, --c=-h-- = -x- = -. (1) b b 1 b c be That is, «^c=-^. (2) b be From identities (2) and (3) From identities (2) and (4) we have the following: Rule. To divide a fraction hy an integral expression^ either divide the numerator or multiply the denominator of the fraction hy the integral expression. Note. In practice, divide the numerator rather than multiply the denominator whenever the numerator is exactly divisible by the integral expression. 2. When the dividend is an integral expression and the divisor is a fraction. a^^ = «^^ = «x^ = ^. (1) c \ c 1 b b ^ ^ That is, a-^ = ^. (2) c b 180 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA From identity (2) we have the following: Rule. To divide an integral expression by a fraction^ find the product of the reciprocal of the fraction and the integral expression. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Divide — — by — —. 21 xy^^ 28 xy^ 2ab 4 Solution IQ ""^^^ ^ - 15 ab^c^ _ ^0^^^^ .2S-^vt^ 21 xy^z^ ' 28 xyz» -iirxy^z^ ^-l^^*3c»- Sy -3c2 Sy 3c2 __ Sab Solution. £^x3£%^^=^x-i:^x:i^*t' « 2 J a 2 ^ 2 ay' q. ,.£ (rg H- y^^ x^ -\- xy . (a^ + y)^ x^ — y^ (x -\- ^)2 — xy 7^ — y^' Solution. (a^ + y)^ j^ a:^ + xy ^ {x + yY = 7^7^ — ^^^ 1 1 x + y __ X ~ x-\-y FRACTIONS 181 EXERCISE 69 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Simplify : 1. — '- m. 2. —-5-6. 3. --5-C. n 1 - w ^ ^ 4. a-i--. 5. m-5 . 6. r-=--. c 7i 8 c c 9. _^?_^(a;+i/). 10. '^^-^^ ^(m-n^ X — y X U. "'' + ^' ^(,» + n). 12. ^^(x-1). 13. (a:-3/)-5-^— . 14. (2^_^2)^£l^. a^ + y a a x-\- Z a 19. -^ r-^ -5- «(6 -h c). 20. — 5- (w + ri). — 1 m «, 1 1 oo 3 4 o, 1 1 21. --5--. 22. --5--. 23. -^-. X 2 a X y «. « 2 ^^ 2a3 4a2 ^^3 5 24. — ; — . 25. ! . 26. ; . 2 a 3 63 9 63 2a 4a2 27. ^-^^. 28. ^-5-^1^. 63 3 62 I y 5£^_15^ 3^ (g-f ^>)^ . 2Ca-h6)8 Zmy^' 2m^f' * 3(a:-2/)S * 5(a:-^)2' 182 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 31. 2ab,Zb 32 a 2d Zcx 33. 2a . 8a 36 * 3 6* 34. ^-^. 35. cd ' bd ax ^ X % ■ y' 36. 2a6 2 6 Zed' Zc 37. 2 a5V 3 a^^c 9 xi/^^ 4 3^y^z 38. H-- 39. -■... 40. 41. .-^.!|?. 42. («+6)2h 2(a + 6)3 3a ,^ -2a2: 2x _ -a362c4 2 a36c2 ^^^ _t_ ^ 44. ! • 3 y2 * _ cfiy' ' 2 a;2«/32 * 3 x^y'^z a% b'^c abx ^^ . -,x x^-\-x-\-l 45. -^-^—7r~- • *^- (^ — 1)"^ T"^ • x^y y^z yz 1 — x 47. (2;2_. y2)^^Zll. 48. (2: + a)2H--^±^. ^!±i!^(«2 + ,j + 52). 50. 2(:r+y)^^3(.+ y)8 a-6 ^ ^ ^ . 3(:r-^)3 2(x-yy (2a;+l)(3a;-2) . (3 rr- 2)(2 a; + 1)2 (3a:+2)(2a:-l) * (3 2: + 2)(2 2: - 1)2* (2a;+3)(2 2;-3) . (2 a; + 5)(2 a;- 3) (3a: + 2)(3a:-l) * 3(3a:-l)(2a:-l)* 6a;2H-5a;-6 . 2a; + 3 Qx'^-bx-Q^ Zx + 2' 9^:2-1 3 2:2 + 2 a;- 1 49. 51. 52. 54. 6 2;2-5a; + 6* 2a:2-2;-3' f - x^y ^ f y - a^ Y -\- yx-\-x^ \y ■\- x) y^^-y) y'^ a^ -\- ab — ae (a — c^ — b^ a 57. 58. 59. FRACTIONS 183 3 x^y^ + 3 + 6 a:!/ , "Ixy-^-l 4x^7/^ + 4: -8x1/ ' Sxy-S' 2^3 _ y3 x^ — xy + y^ _^ x^ -{- xy -^ xz-\- yz x^ — xy -\- xz — yz x-\- y a^ -j- x^y^ + y^ (x-^yy-z^ ^ z^-x'^-\-yiy-2z) , (y + z^-x ^ ^x-yy-z^ z^-x^ + y(2x-y} * (y-z^-x^' 60. What is the reciprocal of — f ? Of — - ? 61. What is the reciprocal of the reciprocal of a frac- tion ? Illustrate by taking ^. 62. When equal factors are cancelled from the numera- tor and the denominator of a fraction, what operation are we performing on the terms of the fraction ? 63. Why can we not cancel the like terms in the nu- 2 -\-x .2 + 2^ 2 + 1 merator and denominator of _ and obtain = - o 1+x 1+/ 1+1 = -9 2' X A- \ 64. For what value of x has no meaning? Complex Fractions 143. Definition. A complex fraction is a fraction which has one or more fractions in either or both of its terms. A complex fraction is said to be simplified when it is reduced to an equivalent simple fraction or integral expression. In simplifying a complex fraction it is usually most convenient to express each term of the fraction in its simplest form before attempt- ing to perform the indicated division. Sometimes, however, labor is saved by first multiplying both numerator and denominator by the L. C. D. of aU the fractions contained in the terms of the given fraction. . 184 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1 + 1 1. Simplify =- - Solution. Multiplying both terms of the given fraction by ar, x_ X + 1 1 2. Simplify :j T-'^'i T"* a b-\- c b a-\- c Solution. Multiplying both terms of the first fraction by a(h + c) and both terms of the second fraction by b(a 4- c), we have, 1 1_ 1 1_ a b -\- c b a -\- c b + c — a a + c — h i+ a 1 6 + c r b ^ 1 b + c -\-a a + c _b -\- c - a a+ c + b + 6 b-\-c + a a-\-c -b b + c - a a -\- c — b EXERCISE 70 Simplify : '^- -=t- 3. -2.5 -^ a 4.1 c b mn 5 ""^^ ab 6. m + Si . 1 1+^ FRACTIONS 185 ^ — yi- ^ _mr ^— y n^ a 4__ X X 10. 11. a 1 is _0' X — a X X— y X — z 13. ^ 14, V z r-1 9. r+l r+1 r-1 X w 12. y z X w y z 1 , 1 a + 1 ' a ;-i 1 1 y—x z—x a—\ a+1 (j-')^')Hr')e-') 15. 1+^ 62 16. T— 70 17. j—-^ ao + tr a— -\- c ab—l^ a—h—c X y fl . 1\2 1^1 1^1 X \x yj y X \x yj x y -\- z X z — y 18. ! — = = — • 19. = = '- T — . x y 1^_J^ 1 1 1 1 y X a^ y^ X y — z X y -\- z 22. 186 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA (i — ^ — —V(— — —)' \ i/-\-z x + yj \y + z x-Vyl 23 V \ 1 24. x-\- .+1 X Suggestion. Multiply both terms of the complex fraction by x and then reduce the resulting mixed number to an improper fraction. A complex fraction of the form given in this example is called a continued fraction. 1 3 25. iH 7. 26 1+i* ' 24- ^ oc^ — y^ X 2-\-x EXERCISE 71.— REVIEW 1. Name at sight the result in each of the following : b X m^ f Tt ax-; ax—; ^-m; -z=i-i- rt. c ae n R 2. Name at sight the result in each of the following : ^{x-y^, z 3. Reduce — — — - to lowest terms. arm + 3 a^ -f am + 3 a 4. Does("-y=-(^^l^% Why? c — a d — c ( 'YY\. — 92, I ^ 5. Reduce 1 — ^^— ^ to an improper fraction. ^2 ^ ^2 ^ ^ \ — ^ 6. Reduce to a mixed expression. 7. Add - to a. FRACTIONS 187 8. Subtract x from - Si„pli„g.f).g-f). Simplify : 1 10 m-\-n m— n 11. J-+-1-, 12. 1 2 X— y Z x — ly 13. ^^^ I ^% nhx -f ^i^y max -\- may 14. , ^ . + „ 1 . + 1-6^ 15. -JL+ 2 ^ J_ 3a^ a — 5 a -f- 5 a^ — b^ (a — by 16. ^ + .-^„+ 1 a;— 1 1 — a;2 a:^ — 1 17. -1-+ 1 1 1 x-\-a x—a x — b x-\-b ^^y y ~~ ^ z — x x — z y — x z — y a + 36 a-36 a3_9^52 20. fl- /-g Y-±l. \ 3?-X-Vx-\ ■i-a l-a2 188 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA .1.1 a3 + 3a2_l 22. aH-l+ \vo a a^ -{-2 a ix + 2yy ix-2yy 24. l-^_ + -J_ + ^+1 a a— 1 a — 2 a(a — l)(a — 2) 26. 1_1 ■ 1^1 X y X y Suggestion. Factor the resulting numerator by arranging accord- ing to powers of a. (jd — h)(a— c) (h — c)(h — a) (^c — d)(^c — b) 28. , i, , 4- 1 1 a(a— 6)(a— (?) h(h — d)(h — c) e(^c — d)(^c— h) 29. a + a; 30. a— a; a -\-x 1 1 (:r4-l)(^H-2) (a; + 2)(a: + 3) (a;4- 3)(2: + 1) 1 a^-1 0^4-1 34. - — 7 + x^-l'x^ + 1 a^ + a^ + 1 2^-a^ + l FRACTIONS 189 • ^ x+1 ^ (a: + 3)2^ (a; + 3)2(2^+1) 2a^ 10 4 36. x + S-^ (a; -1)2 2;2_i (a;+ l)(a;- 1)2 x-^1 37 (2xy + ^x-y 2xy-^x-y\ . a^y V 32;-^ 32: + y J ' ^x^-f a^ + 2a;+3 ^2^2^ + 3 X y 38 -^ 3a^ + 2a;+l 3^/2+2^ + 1 rc2 4- a: a^^+7a; + 10 x^ + 1 x-^12 a^ + 5a: + 4 a:2^2a; 2^ + 82; + 15 1 r^ I 2x-1 lfx-2 (a; + l)(a:-3) \n * a; L 1 ^ 3U + 2 a^(a; + 2) jlj 41 X 3 8A2 + 7c?2 2^-6 FRACTIONAL AND LITERAL EQUATIONS 199 3. What number must be added to both numerator and denominator of the fraction — so that the resulting fraction shall be equal to - ? P Solution. Let x denote the required number. From th6 conditions of the problem, I + X _n .y. (2) (3) (4) m-\- X p Clearing (1) of fractions, Ip -\- px = nm + nx. Transposing in (2) and uniting like terms, (p — n)x = nm — Ip. Dividing both members of (3) by {p - n), ^_nm-lp p-n Check. 1 + X p-n wi + ^ ^ ^ nm- Ip p-n _ pi — In + nm - '¥ pm — nm + nm -Ip _ n(m — I) _ n p{m - 1) p Application of formula. Substitute Z = 5, w = 6, n = 16, p = 17, in formula (4), nm — Ip p- - n 6 X 16- 5x17 17- 16 96- -85, or 11. 200 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 73 ' Solve the following and check all roots: 1. X — h = a. 2. ^ = b. 3. 1_1 X a 4. a ax= b. 5. 2x-\-ax = l. 6. ax — x-^bx=sc. ."■■' 7. ax-}- bx — x = 0. 8. X 9. X a 10. 1 11. ax-{-bx = 1. 12. ax-l = 2-bx 13. 1 a x-1 2 • 14. ax—bx-^(c-^ d)x = a -b-^c-\-d. 15. ax — b = d — ex. 16. ^-5 = ^ a-{-b _ 1 aa: bx ex ^ 19. 2 aa: — 3 6a; = 2 5a; — 3 aa; -h -l>-(a-6+l) = (a-h6-l)-(a-6+2)a;. 21. a(a: - a) + 6(a; - 6) = 3 «a; - (a + 5)2. 22. a(^x + 5) + 5(a: + a) = 2 aa: + 52 - (a - 5)2. 23. (a: + a)2 = 4a2 4-(a;-a)2. 24. (a;-a)(a;-5)-(a;-(?)(a;-(^)=0. 25. a + -=e. 26. - + - = + 3?/ = 4a + 26 + 2. ^1 ax+by= c. ^ ^ax+by = d, mx -\-ny=c. (For further practice in solving a system of two linear equations by employing the method of elimination by substitution, one or more of the examples in exercise 76 may be taken.) 164. Elimination by comparison. The solution of a system of two linear equations by employing the method of elimination by comparison is explained in the following : 216 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Solve the system I ^^ ^ ~ ' ^^^ ^ (10a;H-92/ = 10. (2) Solution. Solving (1) for x, (3) 4-3w Solving (2) for x, x = ^^~^^ ' (4) Equating the two values of x as found in (3) and (4), 4-3.y ^ lO-9y .g. 5 10 ■ > ^ Simplifying (5), 3y = 2. (6) Solving (6), 2/ = |. (7) Substituting in (3) the value of y as found in (6), x = f (8) Therefore, the solution of (1) and (2) is x = ^, y = ^. From the solution of the foregoing illustrative example we may infer the following : Rule. To eliminate hy comparison an unknown number, as x^from two simultaneous linear equations, solve each of the two equations for x and equate the two resulting values. EXERCISE 78 Solve the following systems of equations, using the method of elimination by comparison : 2y-\-'2>x = b, [3a; + 4y=-l. 11 x-l^y = 1, j2x-Sy = l, Ux-\-14:y = 27. I5a; + 7y = 46. 5x-^2y=-l, \llx-2y = l, Sx-\-5y = ll. \Ux-\-l y=:-65. ■I SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 217 1892:4-3^ = 3, jllx-2S^ = 2, ^' \lSx-5y = -b. 123 2: + 71^ = 236. (For further practice in solving a system of two linear equations by employing the method of elimination by comparison, one or more of the examples in exercise 76 may be taken.) Remark. The three methods of elimination considered in sections 162, 163, and 164 are manifestly applicable to any system of two simultaneous linear equations. Of these methods, that of elimination by addition or subtraction is most frequently employed. However, when one of the equations gives the value of one of the unknowns, as X, in terms of the other, elimination by substitution may be used to advantage. 165. Elimination by use of an undetermined multiplier. The solution of a system of two linear equations by use of an undetermined multiplier is explained in the following : ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Solve the system 1 ! ^ "^ ? ^ "" !'^' ^1} ^ [3a:-5i/ = l. (2) Solution. Multiplying (2) by m, 3 mx — 5 my = m. (3) Adding (1) and (3), (7 + 3w)a: +(3 - 5m)y = 17 + m. (4) Equating the coefficient of y in (4) to 0, 3 — 5 m = 0. (5) Solving (5), ^ = I- (6) Substituting the value of m in (4), (7 + ■|)a: + • y = 17 + |^. (7) Solving (7), x = 2. (8) Substituting the value of x in (1) and solving, y = I- Remark. The number m in equation (4) of the foregoing solution is undetermined ; that is, it may have any numerical value assigned to it. We assign such a value to m that the coefficient of one of the unknown numbers shall vanish. It is evident that instead of first eliminating y, the coefficient of x might have been placed equal to zero and the value of y determined. 218 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 79 Solve the following systems of equations, eliminating one of the unknowns by use of an undetermined multiplier: 6m + 5jt? = — 2. |4^-5y = 22, f l32:+.23/ = 5. ^' \ j7w-llv = 26, |a:-h2^ = 2, I15w-f 5t; = -30. *• 1 2a:-3y = 54. \(m -f n) -h J(^ - w) = 2, I (m 4- w) + f (w - 7i) = 17. 15^ + 19y = 18, ^' h9a; + 15^ = 50. 1*^ IK ■■! 10. 18a:+23?^==13, 23 a: + 18 ^ = 28. 2.5 a: + 3.7 3/ = 7.69, 3.6 a; -2.9^ = 1.20. f. 05 a: +.03?^ =.011, 1 .72 a: + .93 2^ = .258. f aa; + 6^ = a^ ^ 52^ \ a^ — 52^ = a^ _ 58^ 166. Special systems of simultaneous equations. Cer- tain systems of simultaneous fractional equations, which are of frequent occurrence, should be solved by the methods already employed in this chapter. In such systems, the equations are not cleared of fractions, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the system ?+^=i, (1) ?+^ = 2. (2) X y SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 219 Solution. Writing (1) and (2) in another form, Equations (3) and (4) are in the form of two simultaneous linear equations in the unknown numbers - and -. Multiplying both X y members of (3) by 5 and those of (4) by 3, Subtracting the members of (6) from the corresponding members of (5), - = -1. (7) X Solving (7) for a:, a: = - 1. (8) Substituting in (1) the value of x as found in (8), -2+? = l. (9) y Solving (9) for y, y = l. (10) Therefore, the solution of (1) and (2) is ar = — 1, y = 1. Check. Substituting — 1 for x and 1 for y in (1) and (2), we have, respectively, -2 + 3 = 1, ai) -8 + 5 = 2. (12) Note. The system (1) and (2) whose solution has just been given is not equivalent to the system obtained by clearing (1) and (2) of fractions ; namely the system j ^ x — xy ]^ ^ rjy^^^ [3y + ox = 2xy} new system is not composed of linear equations and it has other solutions than the one obtained from (1) and (2). For example, X = 0, y = is evidently a solution of this new system but is not a solution of the system (1) and (2). When, however, two equations of the form I ^^ + ^ — ^^V I are given, one solution of the \mx-\- ny = pxy J 220 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA system may, in general, be obtained by dividing each member of both equations by xy and proceeding as in the solution of the fore- going illustrative example. + -^ = 12, 2. Solve the system x-1 5 ^ + 2 3 1. x-1 y+2 Solution. Writing (1) and (2) in another form, (1) (2) (8) (4) In equations (3) and (4) we may regard the unknown numbers as and „ . Multiplying both members of (3) by 3 and both X -I y -\-2 members of (4) by 2, and adding 19 {-^^- 38. Dividing by 19, = 2. x-1 Clearing (6) of fractions, 1 = 2(a; - 1). Solving (7), ar = f . Substituting in (1) the value of x as found in (8), 6 + = 12. y + 2 Solving (9), y = - f • Therefore, the solution of (1) and (2) is x = \, y = - Check. Substituting in (1) and (2), (5) (6) (7) (8) (») (10) -1 -f+2 5 3 = 12, = L Simplifying, 1 -I+.2 I 6 + 6 = 12, 1 10 - 9 = L SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 221 EXERCISE 80 Solve the following systems of equations, regarding each as a system of simultaneous linear equations in two un- knowns : 5. 3, ?4-l X y 1 + 1 = 2. X y X y 3_2 X y 7 = 2. x—\ y+b = 11, x-1 y+B 17 ■ 2 2a 5a 3 5 a 2 a 17 2. 4. 6. 8. '^+^=-1, X y ?-?=-4. X y + x+l ?/ + l 1 = 5, ah x y a-\- h a X 2, h = 1. a h y ~h a y 20 3a 5a^7 hx cy 4 ' 7a_3« 6a: c^ 23 20 10. 11. f 2(a + 6) , 3(a-6) _ 3 X y 2 -3(^4-6) 5(a- 6) ^11 X y 12" 5 3a^ a-18 6x 5 y 6 2 3a^ 2a + 45 3a: 5^/ 15 ' a _b X y a h = m, = n. y 222 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 12. 13. 14. h a_ 4 ax 4:hy 2b 3 ax a hy a— c x^h a + c a — h = 0, x—h 1 y-c a + h ^ 2a(c-b') y—c (a— b){a — c} 1 2 x + b-\- c 2a-\-b-\-c 2b-\- c-\-a a—b x+b-\-e y-\-c + a a-\-b + c 167. Fractional equations. In the case of systems of simultaneous fractional equations which are not included among those considered in section 166, it is usually best to clear the equations of fractions. Solve the system ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 2x-\- 5y x 4:X = 1. 2 1^ = 2. (1) (2) x + y Solution. Clearing equations (1) and (2) of fractions and com- bining like terms, x^by = 2, (3) 2 ar - 5 y = 0. (4) Adding (3) and (4), 3 a: = 2. (5) Solving (5), X = 2 . (6) Substituting in (3) the value of z as found in (5), .V = y = T^- (7) Therefore, the solution of (1) and (2) is j: = J, y = ^. These values of x and y are found to satisfy the given equations (1) and (2). Remark. Before clearing an equation of fractions, each fraction should be expressed in its lowest terms (see also note, page 193). SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 223 EXERCISE 81 Solve the following systems of equations and check the results ; 1. i 3. 7. 11. £±1=3, X— 2 x-hy y-2-y-r x + 1 y-1 = 1. 2y + 3 ^ 3y + 2 2a:4-3 32^ + 2' a: + ^ + 2 = 0. 1 . a;_2^-3a: 1 -l — — — , y y Zx^y=l. x-\-2 y-3' a b a _h y^ x' 2a 1 ax-\-by b 2. 4. 8. 10. 12. = 3, y X x + = 4, 3y-2 ^y 2 2a;-3y ^2 3a:-2?/ 3' 3a;H-2y _3 2x-^y 2* a; 4- ^ _ 53 13 a; 4- 5 3 2: "39 26 a; " a:+l a;+l a: -f 2 _ ,y — 6 a a— 6' x— y = a — b^ a H- c_ 6+ c a: ^ EXERCISE 82 1. The sum of two numbers is 15 and one of them is one greater than the other. What are the numbers ? 224 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Suggestion. Let x = the larger number and y = the smaller. Then, p + y = 15, (1) 1 ^ = ^ + 1. (2) 2. The sum of two numbers is 12, and their difference is 6. What are the numbers ? 3. The sum of two numbers is 27, and five times the first number is equal to four times the second. What are the numbers ? 4. The difference between two numbers is 5, and the sum of the numbers is twice their difference. Find the numbers. 5. Twice a certain number is 4 greater than 5 times a second number ; the sum of the two numbers is 80. Find the numbers. 6. A bushel of corn and a bushel of oats together weigh 88 lb., and the weight of a bushel of corn is 24 lb. greater than the weight of a bushel of oats. What is the weight of a bushel of each ? 7. The weight of 3 bu. of bran is equal to the weight of 1 bu. of wheat, and the weight of 1 bu. of wheat exceeds the weight of 1 bu. of bran by 40 lb. What is the weight of a bushel of each ? 8. The sum of two numbers is 18, and 4 times the larger is equal to 5 times the smaller. What are the numbers ? 9. Three times a certain number is 7 greater than four times the sum of 8 and a second number ; the sum of three times the first number and four times the second is 63. Find the numbers. 10. One half of one number is equal to two thirds of a second; the sum of the first number and twice the second is 20. What are the numbers ? SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 225 11. A classroom has 54 desks, some of which are single and some double ; the seating capacity of the room is 72. How many desks of each kind are there ? 12. Two opposite numbers which differ by 8 have the same absolute values. What are the numbers ? 13. 2 lb. of coffee and 6 lb. of sugar cost 11.18; 51b. of coffee and 3 lb. of sugar cost f 1.99. Find the cost of a pound of each. 14. If 12 gallons of milk will just fill either 152 bottles and 5 jars, or 32 bottles and 20 jars, what are the separate capacities of a bottle and a jar ? 15. A dealer bought 30 bu. of wheat and 10 bu. of rye for $46. He also bought at the same time 50 bu. of wheat and 30 bu. of rye for $87. Find the price of each per bushel. 16. The sum of two numbers is equal to 5,5 diminished by the second number ; three times the first number dimin- ished by twice the second number is — 1.1. What are the numbers? 17. " Give me five of your marbles," said a boy to his brother, "and I shall have twice as many as you." His brother replied, ^ Give me five of your marbles and then I shall have as many as you." How many marbles had each ? 18. Three years ago a boy was twice as old as his sister, and fifteen years hence | of his age will equal J of his sis- ter's age. How old is each? 19. A bill amounting to $8.70 was paid with 60 coins, some of which were dimes and the rest quarters; how many of each were there ? 226 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 20. Divide $10 between A and B, so that the number of half-dollars in A's share may be ten less than the num- ber of quarter-dollars in B's share. 21. A certain number is equal to seven times the sum of its two digits, and the left-hand digit exceeds the right- hand digit by 2. Find the number. Suggestion. Let x = the tens* digit, and y = the units' digit. Then, \^ x ■\- y = the number. Whence, f 10 x + ^^ = 7(:r + y), (1) \ x-y^% (2) 22. The length of a room is 25 % greater than the width, and the perimeter is 35 ft. Find the dimensions. 23. A merchant has tea worth 50 cents per pound and also tea worth 70 cents per pound ; how many pounds of each must he use to make a mixture of 25 pounds worth 62 cents per pound ? 24. The cost of sending a day telegram of 17 words from Philadelphia to Richmond, Indiana, is 71 cents, and the cost of sending one of 23 words is 89 cents. What is the rate for the first ten words in such a message and for each additional word? 25. Five first-class fitters and 7 plain sewers earn $160 a week; 7 first-class fitters and 2 plain sewers earn il85 a week. Find the weekly wages of a first-class fitter and those of a plain sewer. 26. The sum of two digits of a certain n.umber is 10 and if 18 be added to the number, its digits will change places. Required the number. Suggestion. Let x — the tens' digit, and y = the units' digit. Then, 10 a; + y = the number, and 10 y + a: = the number with the digits interchanged. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 227 27. One digit is one greater than twice a second digit ; the difference between the numbers which can be repre- sented by the two digits is 45. P'ind the digits. 28. A man rode a certain distance, at a uniform rate, in 7 hr. If the distance had been 4 miles less and his rate per hour 1 mile more, the time required would have been 6 hr. Find the distance and his rate. 29. One man and three boys can do a piece of work in 2f working days of 10 hours each ; two men and one boy could do it in the same time. How many hours would one man alone require to do the work? Suggestion. Let X = the number of hours in which a man can do the work, and y = the number of hours in which a boy can do the work. Then, - = the part of the work the man does in 1 hr., X and - = the part of the work a boy does in 1 hr. y Whence, l + ? = i- (1) X y 24 ^^ ? + i = i-. (2) X y 2^ • ^ ^ ^ 30. One man and two boys can do a piece of work in 9 days; two men and five boys could do it in 4 days. How long would one boy alone take to do the work ? 31. If 1 is added to the numerator of a fraction, the value of the fraction becomes |- ; if 1 is added to the de- nominator of the same fraction, the value becomes J. What i^ the fraction ? Suggestion. Let - = the fraction. 228 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 32. If 1 be added to both terms of a fraction the re- sulting fraction will be |, but if 1 be subtracted from both terms, the resulting fraction will be ^, What is the fraction ? 33. Separate 53 into two parts such that the greater part divided by the less shall give both a quotient and a remainder of 2. 34. A owes 1250 and B owes $375. A could pay all his debts if in addition to his own money he had ^ of B's ; and B could pay all of his debts and have $25 left if in addition to his own money he had | of A's. How much money has each? 35. The base of a rectangle is 10% greater than the altitude, and the perimeter is 126 ft. Find the dimensions. 36. A part of $3000 is invested at 5|^% and the remain- der at 4^%. The yearly income from the investments is $147.25. Find the amount in each investment. 37. In a certain family each son has twice as many sis- ters as brothers but each daughter has as many brothers as sisters. How many children are in the family? 38. In a certain family each daughter has as many brothers as sisters, but each son has three times as many sisters as brothers. How many children are in the family? 39. A man has $7000 which he wishes to invest in two enterprises so that his total income Avill be $ 330 ; if one enterprise pays 5 % and the other 4| %, how much must he invest in each? 40. A certain principal will amount to $260 if loaned at simple interest for 5 yr. , and to $ 240 if loaned at the same rate for 4 yr. Required the principal and the rate. SYSTEMS OP LINEAH EQUATIONS 229 41. A certain principal in a given time will amount to $744 if loaned at simple interest at 6%, and to $708 if loaned for the same time at 4| %. Required the principal and the time. 42. In an athletic meet the winning team scored 42 points and the second team 35 points. The winning team took first place in 6 events and second place in 4 ; the sec- ond team took 4 first and 5 second places. How many points does a first place count and how many does a second place count? 168. Simultaneous linear equations in three unknown numbers. Three consistent linear equations in three unknown numbers have one and only one solution when- ever by elimination two independent and consistent linear equations in two unknowns can be derived from them. ILLUSTRATIVE, EXAMPLES 2; 4-2^/4-3 2 = 4, (1) 2^ + 3^/4-42 = 7, (2) [^x--ii/-5z = S. (3) Solution. Multiplying (1) by 2, 2 x + 4 ?/ + 6 z = 8. (4) Subtracting (2) from (4), y -h2z = l. (5) Multiplying (1) by 3, 3 a; + 6 2^ + 9 2 = 12. (6) Subtracting (3) from (6), 10y-hUz = i. (7) Dividing (7) by 2, 5y-{-7z = 2. (8) Equations (5) and (8) are two independent equations in two unknowns and are solved by methods previously explained ; thus : Multiplying (5) by 5, 5 3/ + 10 z = 5. (9) Subtracting (8) from (9), ' 3 z = 3. (10) Solving (10), z = l. (11) Substituting in (5) the value of 2 as found in (11) and solving resulting equation for y, ?/ = — !• (12) Substituting in (1) the value of y from (12) and the value of z from (11), and solving for x, x = 3. (13) Therefore, the solution of the given system is x=3, y= —1, z = l. Solve the system 230 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Check. Substituting 3 for x, — 1 for //, and 1 for z in equations (1), (2), and (3), we have respectively, r 3 - 2 + 3 = 4. (14) . 6 - 3 + 4 := 7. (15) 9 4. 4 _ 5 = 8. (16) ?-? + l = i, (1) X y z 4,23 2 r - 5 (2) X y z 3 2 5 2_1^ (3) 2. Solve the system Solution. Regard equations (1), (2), and (3) as linear in the three unknowns -,-,-• X y z Multiplying (1) by 3, §_? + ?= 3. (4) X y z Adding (2) to (4), --- = ^ (5) X y Z Multiplying (1) by 2, ? _ i + ? = 2. (6) X y z Subtracting (3) from (6), ' ^ + 1 = 11. (7) X y Q Multiplying (7) by 4, 16_^4^^ ^g^ X y 6 Adding (8) to (5), ??=f. (9) X 6 Solving (9), x = 3. (10) Substituting in (7) the value of x as found in (10), .. h]-l ("> Solving (11), y = 2. (12) Substituting in (1) the value of x from (10) and the value of y from (12), and simplifying, - = 1. (13) z Solving (13), z = \. (14) Therefore, the solution of the given system is a; = 3, 3/ = 2, * = 1. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 231 -l + i 1 = - 1 Check. Substituting 3 for ar, 2 for y, and 1 for 2, in equations (1), (2), and (3), we have, respectively, - - ' 1, (15) (16) 6- (17) From the foregoing illustrative examples we may infer the following : Rule. To solve three linear equations in three unknown num- bers^ eliminate any one of the unknowns^ as x^from any pair of the equations^ and then eliminate the same unknown from another pair ; solve the resulting two linear equations in two unknowns for these unknowns^ substitute the values of the two unknowns in one of the given equations^ and solve for the third unknown number. BXEBCISE 83 Solve the following systems of equations, and check the results : 1. 3. 7. 2a?-3 «/-2=12, 2. 3a: + ^+ 2z = 5. Sx+2y-lz=-14:, Sx-2y + 5z = m, 4. x-{-1 y-2z=-29. llx+2y-{-Sz = 24:, 5a;H-3^-42=-18, 6. 2x-5y + l z = ^2. 5x-Sy-\-2z = U, 4a; + 4^-3 2 = 57, 8. Sx-h2y-\-5z = 16. x-\-y-\-z = 2, 2x-Sy-{-llz = S, 10. [Sx-^ly-2z=5, [2x-3^ + 5z = 15, 3a;+2y-4z=-7, x-\- y-^z=:2, \5x-\-2y-\-Sz=4:, Sx-Sy-\-4z=-19, 2x-\-3y-l z = 41. Sx-^2y+Sz = S, 22:4-3^ + 22 = 27, 1 x-5y-5z = 91. 5x-2y = S, 3a;4-2z = 5, By-Sz=2, x-\- y=0, ?/ + 2 = -l, z-^x = l. 232 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 11. 13. 15. [1 . 1 1_ - + -- 6, X y z 1 1 \ _ --- + -2, X y z 1 1 1_ -4-- + 0. .^ y z W-= 5, X y 1 1 -+- = 6, y z 1+1= 7. Z X 12. 14. 11 6"' f2_^3_l X y z 3 1 ,2_7 X y z Q X y z S 1.1 o - + - = 2 a, 1 + 1 = 25, 1^1 O - + - = 2 (?. 2 X { ax -\- hy + cz = a^ -\- h'^ -\- c^^ I (5 + c)x + (-i)=' 40. Express 26 x 24 in the form of (a + b)(a— h) and state the product. 41. 21x19=? 51x49 = ? 53x47 = ? 101x99 = ? 42. Does(-^)(+2:)(-y)(+2)=<-2:)(+^)(-z)? Why? 43. Find in the shortest way the value of 748 x 680 - 748 X 670. 44. Find in the shortest way the value of 2 TrMff-}- 2 ttR^ when TT = 3.1416, i2 = 1, and iT = 9. 45. What must be added to x^ + 4:X that the sum may be (x 4- 2)2 ? 46. What must be added to a:^ -far that the sum may be SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS 237 47. What must be subtracted from x^-^^xy-^y'^ that the difference may be {x—yYl Factor : 48. m^ + m3. 49. K^-^)-H^-s^) 50. r(a-h)-8{h- -a). 51. a2-b^-2bc-c\ 52. mx-\-ny — nx- my. 53. 64 - m^ 54. l^a-a^-haK 55. l-x^-x + x\ 56. m2 57. X x^ 58. m^ n^ n^ m^ 59. y.3 60. R^ -h Eh-^ -\- r^, 61. 4x^-^x-l. 62. Find all the factors of Sx^-\-a^^l x^- lOx- S, being given that x^-\-x-\-l is one of them . 63. Find all the factors of x^ -\- x^ — 1 x^ — x + 6, being given that two of them are x — 2 and x — 1. 64. Reduce to lowest terms ^ ~ ^ » ix- yy 1 —(r — 8^^ 65. Reduce to lowest terms ^^ ^ • 8 — rs -\- 8^ 66. Simplify 2- ^"^ ~^ . Z-^y-X 67. Simplify -1- + -J— 1-. ^—y y —X ^-\- y 68. 69. Simplify — — ^ -^— — x , , < TTjii — 77171 -\-n^ mP — w (x + iy 7^-1 238 70. Simplify ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA x^ — y"^ {m + n)^ m^ 4- 3 n^m + 3 nm^ -f- n^ 71. Find the value of when x = n— X m-\-n 72. Given a = jt? + 'prt ; find f in terms of a, r and t» »o c 1 1,111 73. Solve — + - = m X n X 74. Solve 0.3 a: -0.1 4- ^'^ '^"^•^ = 0.4 a: -0.05. 1.2 75. Solve 76. Solve 77. Solve . 1 1 = -1. X y 3 x-{-y—\ x-^y-\'2 4 2 = 0, = 0. 78. Solve a;— 8 3/ — 4 x-{-y-\-z = S, 4:x-Sy-\-2z = -2y 6x-2y-Sz = l, X y z CHAPTER VIII RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION Ratio 169. Definition. The ratio of a number a to a number b is the quotient - obtained by dividing a by b. The ratio a to 6 is sometimes written a : b. Note. By the ratio of one quantity to a second quantity is meant the number of times that the first contains the second ; as the ratio of 4 quarts to 3 quarts is ^. Obviously, no ratio exists between quantities which are not of the saine kindy and before the ratio of two quantities which are of the same kind can be found, they must be ex- pressed in terms of the same unit. Thus, the ratio of one gallon to three quarts is the ratio of four quarts to three quarts, which is ^. 170. Definitions. In the ratio f the dividend, or nu- b merator, a, is called the first term or antecedent, and the divisor, or denominator, 6, is called the second term or consequent of the ratio. EXERCISE 86 In examples 1-24 express the ratios as fractions and simplify when possible : 1. 2:4. 2. 6:8. 3. 9 : 3. 4. 15:. 10. 5. a2 . ^^ 6. aP:2^, 7. J:i. 8. i:|. 239 9. ab^ : b. 240 ELEMENTARY ALGEBHA 10. ax\ Q^. 11. n : 5f . 12. {x-y):i^- f\ 13. Cx-\-i/y:(x-^y). 14. 9 a2^ : 15 a2^J. 15. 3 pk. : 8 pk. 16. 2 rd. : 161 rd. 17. 9 in. : 1 ft. 18. 2 yd. : 1 rd. 19. 5 pk. : 2 bu. 20. 5 gal. : 3 qt. 21. 1 mill. : 1 hr. 22. ahc : - . c 23. $x : y ct. 24 (a - 5) yd. : {a + 5) ft. •25. Arrange the ratios, |, |, J, |, in ascending order of magnitude. 26. What number must be added to both terms of the ratio 1^ in order to convert it into the ratio ^? 27. Two numbers are in the ratio of 7 to 4 ; if 3 be subtracted from each number, the differences are in the ratio of 11 to 5. Find the numbers. Proportion 171. Definitions. Four numbers or quantities are said to be in proportion when the ratio of the first to the sec- ond is equal to the ratio of the third to the fourth. Remark. In what follows we shall use the expression, the ratio of one number to another instead of, the ratio of one number or quantity to another. If Y = -, then a, 5, WG have from identity (I), ad = be. (2) 242 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Dividing both members of identity (2) by ah^ {='- (HI) o a Again, dividing both members of identity (2) by dc^ c a Comparing identities (III) and (IV) with the propor- tion ^ = - , we observe that if four numbers taken in a h d certain order are in proportion, they continue to be in proportion when either extremes or means are inter- changed. This fact is usually expressed as follows : If four numbers are in proportion^ they are also in propor- tion hy alternation. If 1 be added to both members of the identity (3) (4) (V) a c h^d' 3 have, h d Combining, a + b c-h d Subtracting 1 from both members of identity (3), Combining, ~ = "" . (VI) d Dividing the members of (V) by the corresponding members of (VI), fl-t- fr ^ c + rf rvin a-b c-d' ^ ■ RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION 243 Identities (V), (VI), and (VII) are usually expressed in order as follows: If four numbers are in proportion^ they are also in propor- tion hy composition. If four numbers are in proportion^ they are also in pro- portion by division. If four numbers are in proportion^ they are also in propor- tion by composition and division. EXERCISE 87 Test identities (I)- (VII) by the use of the propor- tions of examples 1-4. ^ « 31 210 a — b 5a _ 30 ab ax-\- ay — bx ^ by _a -\- b 3 5 18 52 ' ax — ay -\- bx — by x — y x-\- y Find the value of x in each of the proportions stated in examples 5-12. 5. 1 = -. 6. 5: 2 = 2:: 10. 3 X 7. 3: 2:= 6: 14. 8. 2: : 10 = 5 : 2. 9. — i^=— ^t^. 10. a-\-x:b-\-x=:c-{-x:d+x. S -\- X lb -\- X 11. 3-x: -2 = 3a:+4:32. 12. a:b::x:c. 13. Write by inversion ; yd y 3 n q 14. Write (a), (6), and (c) of example 13 by alter- nation, 244 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 15. Write (a), (6), and (0RTI0N, AND VARIATION 245 175. Mean proportional. When three numbers are in continued proportion, the second is said to be a mean pro- portional between the other two. Thus, if - = -, the number & is a mean proportional between the b c extremes a and c. 176. Third proportional. When three numbers are in continued proportion, the third is said to be a third pro- portional to the other two. Thus, if - = -, the number c is a third proportional to a and b. b c VJl. Fourth proportional. A fourth proportional to three numbers a, 5, e, taken in the order given is the fourth term of the proportion a : h = c : X. 178. Composition of equal ratios. Let -, -, and - be ha J equal ratios and each equal to r ; that is. ace Then, a — hr^ c= dr, e —fr. Adding, a + c+^ = (^ + c? -h/)r. Dividing, « + + i)^( vj. 6. V7 V8 V3 V5 8. vTi V5 9. VI- ^a 11. VS- 12. VA- yJ^". 14. '243c6 /(a + 6)8^ ^ie + dy V Va='"g-xa+%/i- 26. 27. 28. ■v/8 + 24 a + VsToTW. Vl2^^^^S¥-\- V27 ftV + 18 62 - V48 (^x^-{- 32 c^. 3 V3^ - V48^ - V3 a3 4- 6 a2 4- 3 a. , POWERS, ROOTS, RADICALS, AND EXPONENTS 281 29. (a -f hy^ab + (a - hyVab - (a2 + 5^) V^. 30. V2:3_2a:2_V4a:-8-V(a: + 2)(a:2_4). 216. Multiplication and division. The rules for the multiplication and division of monomial surd expressions are derived from identities (III) and (V), section 209; namely, from the identities, VaV5 = ^ah and -;r^ = \t' Remark. Observe that these identities contain surds of the same order only. Hence, before two or more surds are combined by mul- tiplication or division, they must, when necessary, be reduced to surds of the same order. See section 214. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. 5 V20 X 3 V45 = 10 V5 x 9 V5 = 90( V5)2 = 450. 2. 2V^x5v^^ = 2^^3x5-y^454^10^^^ = lOah^/ab. 3. V6^V5=x/^ = 6 EXERCISE 103 Simplify each of the following expressions: 1. V5xVT0. 2. VlO^VS. 3. axVa^ x hy^l^. 4. V6 X V2. 5. V'6 ^ Vl2. - 6. axy/'c^ -j- hyVa. 282 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 7. V5xV20. 8. V90-hVT0. 9. Va X V6. 10. 2Va X 3V6. 11. 2^/3x3^/9. 12. ^320-^\/5. 13. -v^24-^-v/3. 14. 2a/64-4^/8. 15., ^18x-n/3. 16. /5-fV2)(V5-V2) ^ V5 -I- Vio _ V2 - 2 3 ' EXERCISE 105 Rationalize the denominator of : 2. 14.V2 2-V2 2 + V2 V3-V2 V3-V2 2-Va; X . 1-V5 m n + Vw -y/x + V^ 1 + V5 2 + V3 „ V3+V2 „ yg + v^ • 2-V3 V3-V2 Va-V5 13. _^2_ ^^ 4±V3 ^3 ^-2_ V5-f-V7 4~V3 V12 + V8 POWERS, ROOTS, RADICALS, AND EXPONENTS 285 Find the sum of : 16. _^ + ^ . 17. 9V3 2V2 V3 + 1 V3-1 * 2V3-f3 3V2 + 2 Suggestion. Rationalize the denominators. 18. 4.-^— L. 19. -2=4- ' ^ V27 V48 Vl2 V60 Vl5 Vl35 Rationalize the denominator of : 4 Suggestion. Multiply both terms by 20 2-(-V3-fV5' 2+V3-V5. 21. 12 ^ 33^ 1 V2 4-V3+V5 V2 + V5-V8 220. Division by polynomials containing surds. To divide an expression by a polynomial containing one or more surds, the dividend should be written as the nu- merator and the divisor as the denominator of a fraction, which should be transformed into an equivalent fraction with a rational denominator. EXERCISE 106 Perform the indicated divisions in the following : 1 « V2 , V3-V2 3. V2-1 V2-I-1 V3-f-V2 1 , 2-hV3 ^ 3-V5 V5-V3 1 + V3 V10-V6 7. Find the quotient of (V2 + V6)-5-(l -}- V3) with- out rationalizing the denominator. 8. Mention at sight the numerical value of 3V2+y ^ 1+V2 286 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA V2 + V4-v^ H.V2-V3 9. State at sight the value of 10. Simplify V3-f '^^~^ » ^ ^ 14-V3 "• -p>«' (^T-e-^T- 12. Divide (3 - V2)2 + 1 by 3 - V2. 13. Divide (V3 + V2)2+l by V3-hV2. 14. Find the value of ^-^^^-^^-^ ^hen a; = 1 + V2. X 221. Fractional and negative exponents. The following identities from section 198 had a meaning only when the exponents were positive integers. «"».«" = «"*+". (I) (a5)'" = aH"^. (II) («"»)« = («")»« = a"*". (Ill) (a"^5")p = a*"Pft"p. (IV) In section 62 the identity — = a»»-", in which m>n (V) was shown to result directly from the definition of divi- sion, and in section 63 a meaning was given to the expression a9, where a denotes any number different from 0. That is, it was shown that, It is convenient to extend the meaning of the word exponent so that this term shall include, in addition to positive integers, all other rational numbers. It is evidently desirable that all exponents should com- bine according to the same laws, and hence to define negative and fractional exponents so that the identities of POWERS, ROOTS, RADICALS, AND EXPONENTS 287 section 198 may be satisfied for all rational values of w, w, and p. We shall proceed to show that such definitions can be given. In what follows, any base, as a, is supposed to be different from 0. 222. Definition of a'"". If the identity «»".«»= a^+", in which m and n are positive integers, is also an identity when n is replaced by — w, we shall have ^m . ^-m __ ^m+(-m) _ ^0 _ J^ We therefore define a~^ by the equation a^ . a~^ — 1 ; hence, a~^ and al^ are reciprocals ; that is, cr'" = — ; also, O" = It 223. Definition of af. If the identity («*")*» = a*"", in which m and n are any positive integers, is also an identity when m is replaced by ^, where p and q are positive integers, we shall have, by taking n equal to ^, p Therefore a^ must represent a number whose qth power is equal to a^. Now the principal qth root of a^ is such a p number. We therefore define the symbol a^ by the equation 0? = -?/^. (I) In this identity, Va^ represents the principal 5th root of aP. In particular, by making j3 equal to 1, a^ = Va, (II) Since p and q in identity (I) represent any positive integers, it is admissible to change them in this identity to 288 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA pm and qm^ respectively; we then have from identity (I) pm But, V^=^^ [§209 (II)] p pm p a'""=^a'^. (Ill) p From identity (III) it is evident that the value of a^ is not changed when £ is replaced by an equivalent fraction. 9 p Note. In the expression a', the numerator p indicates a power and the denominator q a principal root. In some cases it may be desirable to take the pth. power of the principal ^th root of a and in others to take the principal ^th root of the joth power of a. That, in both cases, the results are the same is evident from the known identity, section 209, IV, 5 Thus, in simplifying 8^, either of two solutions may be given, the first being preferable. Solution 1. 8' = (8^)6 = (2)5 = 32. Solution 2. 8^ = (85)* = K^^yi^ = (2i6)* = 2^ = 32. In simplifying 2^ it is evident that the method followed in solution 2 is preferable ; that is, 2^ = v^22 = H. In simplifying 2^ it is preferable to proceed as follows : 2^ = 2^"^^ =2 X 2^ = 2v^4. _p _p 224. Definition of a '^ . From section 222, a * must be defined by the identity -^ 1 a /^V6^ 77. ^V^. y?. 76. aV^ ""'"■v/a;"**-*' 226. Square root of a binomial surd expression. The square of a binomial surd expression of the form a + V3 is itself a binomial surd expression of the same form. Thus, (2 -\/5)2 = 9 - 4V5 and (a + ^ly = a^ + 6 + 2a\/6. When an expression in the form of a -f- V3 is a perfect 294 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA square, its square root may usually be found by inspec- tion. The method may be seen in the solutions of the following : ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the square root of 16 -h 6V7. Solution. 16 + 6 V7 = 16 + 2v'63 = 9 -f 2V9 V7 + 7 = 32 + 2 X 3 X V7+(V7)2 = (3+V7)2. .-. V16 + 6V7 = V(3 + V7)2 = 3 + V7. 2. Find the square root of 6 — Vll. Solution. 6 - Vll = 6 - 2 V^ = ¥ - 2 V-V- vi + i =(V5y-2V-y:V|+(Vjy .-. Ve-Vii = V( v^ - Vly 3. Show that V 6 + V35 + V 6 _ V35 = Vl4. Solution. Ve + V35 = V 6 + 2 Vy = V| + V| V6-V35=V6-2V^ = V|-V| Sum = 2 Vj = vTi. 227. From the solution of the foregoing illustrative examples we may state the following : Rule. A binomial surd expression of the form a-\- 2V6, where a and h are rational numbers^ is a perfect square when b (the number under the radical sign^ is the product of two fac- tors whose sum equals a, the rational term. In this case, the POWERS, ROOTS, RADICALS, AND EXPONENTS 295 square root of the binomial surd expression is eqyxil to the sum or difference of the square roots of the two factors of the number. Remark. Any binomial surd expression of the form a + Vft can be written a + 2\-' 228. (1) A quadratic surd cannot he equal to the algebraic sum of a rational number and a quadratic surd. For, if possible, let Va = & + Vc ; then by squaring, a = b^ -\- c -\-2 bVc. and Vc= «-^'-^ 2b Since Vc is a quadratic surd, it is an irrational number and can- not be equal to the rational number " oa~ ^ ' Therefore, the assump- ^ tion that Va = 6 + y/c is false. (2) A binomial surd expression of the form a + y/b cannot be equal to another expression x + y/y of the same form (where a and x denote rational numbers) unless a = x and Vb = y/y. For, if possible, let a +'"\/6 = a: + Vy ; then, Vb =(x — d)-\- y/y. By (1) this equation can be true only when a: — a = 0, in which case y/b = y/y. EXERCISE 108 Find, in surd form, the square root of : 1. 16-6V7. 2. 6 + VTT. 3. 7-hV48. 4. 32-V700. 5. 12-6V3. 6. 8-I-2V7. 1 7. Simplify Vs-i-Vs 9. Simplify Vn + 12 V2. 296 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 109. REVIEW (Solve as many as possible at sight.) Write without negative exponents : 1. ar\ 2. a%-^. 3. a-^c. 4. x'^yr^. 5. a-^b^. 6. 2a-%'\ 7. Sa-H. 8. 5-1 a. 9. iaby\ 10. 5a-\ 11. 3a6-8. 12. x^r^. 13. a^c-K 14. a«6-». 15. 3-32^. 16. 6-1 3 17. aT'^xif^, 18. (5a-i)-i. 19 1 a-2 20. 1 a;-i 21. 1 X«7. (2^)-i 22. a 23. a 24. a Sxy-' 3(xy)-> (Zxyy-^ 25. a-i 26. a;«-iy-»-l. (-a)-3. 27. 7fl~^, (3=^y)-' 1 _1 a « 28. 31. 34. ia + x)-^ 2-8 16-1 (- «)-*• 29. 32. 35. 30. 33. 36. 37. ©"■ 38. ^' -^ a:(«-*>') ^"* 127. Simplify ^~^ CHAPTER XI INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION Involution. The operation of raising an expres- sion to any positive integral power is called involution. Remark. The involution of monomials has been explained in section 198. We shall now consider the involution of a binomial. Since by grouping the terms of any polynomial it may be expressed as a binomial, the involution of a binomial is an important topic of algebra. 230. Binomial expansion. The process of raising a bi- nomial to a power is called expanding the binomial, and the result of the operation is called a binomial expansion. Thus, by expanding (a + b)^ we obtain a^ -\- 2 ab -{• b% which is called the expansion of (a + by. 231. The binomial formula. By actual multiplication we obtain the following expansions : (a -f. 5)2 = «2 4. 2 a6 + 62. (a + by = a3 + 3 a^ + 3 a62 4 ^,3. (a + 6)4 = a* + 4 a% -h 6 a2^>2 + 4 ^J3 + ^4. (a + 6)6 = a^ -j- 5 a'^b + 10 a^I>^ + 10 a^^ + 5 aft* + b^ If we examine the above expansions we arrive at the following important conclusions which we here assume are true when a binomial is raised to any positive integral power: 1. 77ie first term in the expansion is a", where a is the first term and n is the exponent of the binomial. The last term is 300 m^ Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was perhaps the greatest mathe- matician of all time. He is best known as the discoverer of the laws of gravitation. In algebra he discovered the binomial theorem and wrote extensively on the theory of equations. His great work " Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" appeared in 1686-87. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 301 6", where h is the second term of the binomial. The number of terms is n + 1. 2. TTie sum of the exponents of a and b in any term is n. The exponent of b in the first term is zero and that of a in the last term is zero. The exponent of a in the second and fol- lowing terms is one less than in the preceding term. Hence, the exponent of b in any term is one greater than in the pre- ceding term. 3. The coefficient of any term is obtained from the coeffi- cient of the preceding term by multiplying that coefficient by the exponent of a in that term and dividing the resulting product by ofne unit more than the exponent of b in that term, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Expand (2 + xy. Solution. Since (a + 6)8 = a^ + 3 a^ft + 3 ah^ -I- h\ therefore, (2 + a:)^ = 28 + 3 • 22 . a; + 3 • 2 • ar^ + a:« = 8 + 12 a; +6x2+3:8. 2. Expand (a — 2 ?/)*. Solution. Since (a - by = a^ - ^a% + Q a^h"^ - 4 aft8 + h\ .'. (a - 2 i/)4 = rt* - 4 a8(2 2/) + 6 a\2 yY - 4 a(2 yY + (2 y)* = a* - 8 a8y + 24 02^2 _ 32 ay^ + 16 y*. 3. Expand C^-^Y Solution. Since (a - hy = a^ - Q a% + 15 a*62 _ 20 a%^ + 15 a%^- 6 aft«+ 6«, ^1 6 & J 15 />2 20 68 ^ 15 &^ Q¥ h^ /jB n^n n^r^ n^r*^ n^n^ n/^o /.6 302 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 110 (Solve as many as possible at sight.) 1. (x 4- 2/)^ 2. Cx-yy. 3. (a + hy. 4. (m — ny. 5. cx-iy. 6. (2 - x-)\ 7. (a + hy. 8. {x-yy. 9. (X^ - 1)3. 10. (3 a - by. 11. (3a+2J)3. 12. (5*- 3^)3. 13. (2 m - ny. 14. (2 a2 - 1)4. 15. (2-3 nfiy. 16. (3 2^ + 2 fy. 17. (2 a 4- ^>)^ 18. (1 - ay. 19. (_^2_ 2^2)6. 20. (r2-2)7. 21. (mhfi - 1)». 22. (1^2+1)5. 23. (1:^2- 1^2)6 . 24. (J^^+3)». 25. 28. Qm-hiny. »• g-:)* 27. (l-i)' / 29. 1 + v a- - S ..)' 232. Evolution. The operation of extracting an indi- cated root is called evolution. 233. Square root. In section 88 a square root of a number was defined, and it was shown that any number has two square roots of the same absolute value but with opposite signs. From section 92 we have (a -k-hy= a^-\- 2 a5 4- 62; there- fore, V«2 + 2ah + l^== ± (a + V). From section 209 (V), we have therefore, J2~vP'" * vfiT=V^=-=^-" INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 303 EXERCISE 111 Find the following square roots by inspection: 1. Vl. 2. Vl6^. 3. V9^2p. 4. V625 2:y. 5. +Vl6rc^2^. 6. - V324 a*. 7. +V289^. 8. -VT02l«V. 9. Va2-2a6+^>2. 10. _Va2 + 4a + 4. 11. V42:2_4^_^i, 12. Va:2 _ 6 ^ + 9. 13. Va:V-2a:«/ + l. 14. -\-V9 x^-hl2x^ + 4 f. 15. -Vl6a2 + 24a^.H-9R le. + V64 x 81 a%^(^. 17. + V4 X 25 X 256 a^js^ioye. 18. -V^\ 19. + \/a2"+2^ 20. 4-V«2p^. 21. 23. 25. J?^. 24 x/? 2_2a6 + 52 729 ^a2^2a^ + ^ \a;2_io^ + 25' • ^92:2-18a: + 9 ' 234. Square root of a trinomiaL The positive square root of any trinomial which is a perfect square may be found by inspection. Thus, + Va2 -{-2ab -\-b^ = a-\-b. The actual work of finding the square root of a2-f- 2 ab-\-b^ may be arranged as follows: a2 + 2 a& + &2 \a-\.b a2 trial divisor 2a complete divisor 2a + b 2ab + b^ 2ab + b^ The explanation of the method is as follows: 304 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 1. We find the square root of the first term (which is the first term of the result) and subtract its square from the trinomial, obtaining 2 a6 + b\ 2. The second term h of the result may be found by dividing 2 ah by 2 a. We call 2 a the trial divisor. The trial f/irisor /.s double the part, a, of the root already found. After h, the second term of the result, has been found, we add it to the trial divisor, obtaining 2 a -\- b, the complete divisor. 3. Multiply the complete divisor 2 a -\- bhj b and subtract. 235. Square root of any polynomial. The process em- ployed in finding the square root of a^ -{-2ab + 1^ is applicable in finding the square root of any polynomial. ILLUSTRATION Extract the square root oix^ — 2 x^i/ + Sx^i/^ — 2 xi/^ 4- ^. x^-2x^y + S x^y^ -2xy^+ y^ \x^-xy-\-y^ 1st trial divisor, 2(x^) =2x^ 1st complete divisor, 2x^ — xy 2d trial divisor, 2(x^ -xy) = 2x^— 2 xy 2d complete divisor, 2x'^—2xy-\- y^ 2 x^y + 3 x^y^ — 2 xy^ + y*, 1st remainder 2xhi+ a;V -f- 2 x'^y^ — 2 xy^ + «/*, 2d remainder 0, 3d remainder Explanation. 1. The square root of x^ is x^ (the first term of the result). The first trial divisor is 2x^ (double the part of the root already found). The first term in the first remainder divided by the trial divisor is — xy (the second term of the result), and the first complete divisor is 2x^ — xy. Here a = x\ 2ab = — 2 x^y, 2 a -^ b = 2 x^ — xy. Multiplying 2 x^ — xy hj — xy and subtracting, we obtain the second remainder; this corresponds to multiplying 2a + bhj b and subtracting. 2. The second remainder is the result of subtracting the square of the part of the root already found (x^ — xy)^ from the given poly- nomial. By taking a = x^ — xy, the second trial divisor is found to be 2(x^ — xy)=: 2x^ — 2xy. The first term of the second remainder divided by the first term of the second trial divisor is y^ (the third term of the result), and the second complete divisor is 2 x* — 2 xy + y\ INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 305 We now multiply 2 x^ — 2 xy + y^hj y^ and subtract. Here a = x^ — ary, 2a = 2x^-2xy,b = y\B,nd2a + h = 2x^-2xy-\-yK 3. The third remainder, 0, is the result of subtracting the square of the part of the root already found (x^ — xy + y^Yi from the given polynomial. Hence, the given polynomial is the square of x^ — xy -\- y^, and x^ — xy -{- y^ is the required square root. Remark. The polynomial should be arranged according to the powers of some one letter before the work of extracting the square root is begun. EXERCISE 112 Find the square root of the expressions in examples 1-9. 1. 9a^-Qx-\-l. 2. 4:2^-12a^-{-lSx^-6x-hl, 3. 25a^-20a^ + Ma^-12x-{-9, 4. 3^-\-22^-Sx^-4:X-\-4:. 5. 3^-4:a^ + 5x^-2x-\-\. 6. x^-2x-\-S---h-. X x^ 7. 7^-2x^y-\-b T^y'^ - 14 2:^^3+14 a^»^-20 xf-{-2b /. 8. x^+2x^-2a^-^x^-2x-{-l, 9. x^-\-2x^-^l + 2x^ + ^x^. 10. Show that \ + x^^(2x^- 4)a?» + (a;+ l)(a; + 3) is a perfect square. 11. For what value of m is the expression 4 a;* — 12 a^y + mx^y'^ — 6 xy^ + y^ ^ perfect square ? Extract the square root of the expressions contained in examples 12 to 26 inclusive. 12. aV+h'^y'^+l + 2ahxy-ir2ax-^2hy. 13. x^-Qmx^-\- 13 m^x^ - 20 m^a^-{- 16 m'^a^- 6 m^x-\-m^. 14. (p - qy- 2(jt?2 + fxp - qy+Kp"^ + ^0. 306 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 15. aP-.4x-\--- — 'hlO. of X -^ m^ . n^ . 2m . ^n . ^ 16. -5 + — ^ H 1 1- o. fir m^ n m 17. a2j-2 4- J2) + M. 25. x-\-x^ -\-x^-\-2x^ + 2xi -^2 x^^^, 26. «-2 4. 6-4 4- c2 4- 2 a-15-2 - 2 a-i(? - 2 6-2c. 27. Show that a^ ^ 53 _^ ^ _ 3 ^5^ jg ^j^g square root of (^2 _ J^)3 + (52 _ cay 4-(c)(62 _ ^a) 28. Show that l-\-(x-l)x(x+l)(x + 2} is a perfect square. Hence, write down the square root of 1 4- 2 • 3 • 4 • 5. 29. If 2:4 H- 4 - 4 ^(^,2 ^ 2) 4- 8 2:2 = (^2 _|_ ^^^ 4. 2)2, what is the value of w? 30. Find the square root of (-^ - -^V ^^ + 1. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 307 31. Prove that x^ -\- (x -h ly + (x -\- 2y -\- {x -\- Sy - 5 is a perfect square. If the sum of the squares of any four consecutive integers is diminished by 5, what may be said of the form of the result? 236. Square root of arithmetical numbers. We know that + VT = 1, + VTOO = 10, + VTOOOO = 100, + VlOOOOOO = 1000. Hence, the positive square root of any number between 1 and 100 is between 1 and 10; that of any number between 100 and 10,000 is between 10 and 100, and so on. That is, the integral part of a square root of a number of two figures contains one figure; that of a number of three or four figures contains two figures, and so on. Hence, to find the number of figures in the integral part of the square root of a given number begin at the units' figure and separate the number into periods, or groups^ of two figures each, the last period containing either one or two figures according as the given number contains an odd or an even number of figures in the integral part. There are as many figures in the integral part of the square root of the given number as there are periods. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the positive square root of 9604. Solution. Since there are two periods in the given number, there are two figures in the integral part of the root, which we find in the same manner as we did the square root of a^ + 2 ab -\- h\ For a, we take the greatest number of tens whose square is less than 9604 ; that is, 9 tens, or 90. In practice, we take the greatest number whose square is equal to or less than 96 in the first period at the left. The work is completed as follows : 96^041 90 + 8 8100 2 a = 180 15 04 2a + 6 = 180 + 8 = 188 15 04 308 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Remark. In practice the work is usually arranged thus : 96'04[98 81 188 15 04 15 04 2. Find the positive square root of 56026.89. Solution. Observe that if the square root of a number has decimal places, the number itself has double that number of decimal places. For this reason, in extracting the square root, decimals are separated into periods of two figures each beginning at the decimal point. 5^60^26.89 1 236.7 - 4 2a = 2(20)= 40 160 2 a + 6 = 43 1 29 2a = 2(230)= 46 2 a + & = 46 2a = 2(2360)= 47 2 a + & = 47 3126 6 27 96 20 27 3 30 89 3 30 89 237. Approximate square root. When a number is not a perfect square, we annex as many periods of zeros as are desired and continue the process of extracting the square root. In this way we obtain a rational number which is an approximate value of the square root of the number. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Find to two places of decimals the square root of 10. 10.00^00^00 13.162 9 61 [Too 61 626 39 00 37 56 6322 144 00 126 44 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 309 Therefore, vTO = 3.16, correct to two places of decimals. Remark. Had the third decimal figure been either 5 or greater than 5, we should have taken 3.17 as the approximate square root. EXERCISE 113 Find the positive square root of : 1. 6724. 2. 14884. 3. 5776. 4. 53361. 5. 110889. 6. 99856. 7. 591361. .8. 1723969. 9. 146.41. 10. 91083.24. 11. 100.2001. 12. 493:817284. Find, to two places of decimals, the square root of: 13. 2. 14. 3. 15. 5. 16. 7. 17. 11. 18. 13. 19. 12. 20. 15. Find, to three places of decimals, the value of: 21. (l+V2)(l-f-V3). 22. (7V5-2)(V2-f-l). 23. (2V3-hV5)(l + 3V2). 24. V3-V2 25. — 26. V2-1 V3-4 Find, to two places of decimals, approximate values of the roots of the following simple equations: 27. (a:-l)V2 = V3 4-2. 28. a:(lH-V2) = 2a:4-3V3. 29. V2a:-l = V5 + 2. 30. a.^ V5-l^ 2 Suggestion. 2x-l = 9+4V5. 310 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 238. Equations solved by finding the square roots of a number. Any equation which can be reduced to the form ax^ = 5 in which a and h are positive numbers and - is a perfect square, has rational roots which may be a ^ found by taking the square root of -. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Solve the equation 4a::2 _ 9 _ q. Solution. 4 a:2 - 9 = 0. (1) Solving (1) for x^, x^ = |. (2) Now a root of (2) is a number whose square is ^ ; therefore, it is a square root of f . Hence, taking the square root of each member of (2), x = ±|. (3) Therefore, the roots of (2) are + |- and - |. Note. Any root which can be found by the above method can also be found by factoring, as in section 117. Thus, 4 x2 - 9 = 0. (1) Factoring, (2 a; - 3) (2 x + 3) = 0. (2) Equating (2 a; - 3) to 0, 2 a: - 3 = 0. (3) Equating (2 x + 3) to 0, 2 x + 3 = 0. (4) Solving (3) and (4) for x, ^ = f > ^^d - \. EXERCISE 114 Solve the equations in examples 1-14. 1. 2^2 = 4. 2. :?^ = 9. 3. 2 2^2 - 32 = 0. 4. 2^2 = a\ 5. a2^=^>2. 6. 182^-200 = 0. 7. 4 2;2= 49. 8. aW^=^\, 9. (a + 6)22:2=a2_2a6 + 62. 10. {x -f 1)2 = 16. 11. (aa; H- 6)2 = c2. 12. a:2_f_2a:+l =^2^2 a + 1. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 311 13. (2a: -3)2 = (a -2)2. 14. f^±lj = l. 15. In the illustrative example, page 310, in taking the square root of each member of (2), why is not equation (3) written ± a: = ± | ? Calculate, to two places of decimals, the numbers which satisfy the following equations : 16. a;2 = 2. 17. x^ = S. 18. 0^2 = 5. 19. 2:2 = 32. 20. 2^=27. 21. 2:2 = 32.16. 22. Solve the equation ^22:2 _|_ 2 abx -\- b^ = c^. 23. Solve the equation 4 pV — 4 pqx = p^ — (f, 4 24. Solve the equation x= -- X 9 25. Solve the equation 2: — 2 = 2:-2 26. For what values of x will the H. C. F. of 2:^ __ 3 jp2 4- 2: — 3 and 2:^4.2 2^2 + 2^ + 2 reduce to 5? 3 2: — 2 7 27. Solve the equation — - — = • ( o X — 2t 28. If 2: = 2 satisfies the equation (a: _ 3)(2: + 1) = 3 2:(2: 4- 2) - (2: + a2), what are the values of « ? 2' 2 X I 1 29. Solve the equation -= ^ . ^ 2; + 4 2;-2 30. When 2 2:* 4- 10 2:3 + 13 2:2 - 2: - 6 ig divided by 2:2 4- 3 2: + 2, the quotient is 2 2:2 -|- m22: — 3. Find the values of m, 31. If w2 - 1 = 2:(2: 4- X){x 4- 2)(2: + 3), find the values of m in terms of x. CHAPTER XII QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Definition. An equation whose second member has been reduced to zero by transposition of terms is called an equation of the second degree, or simply a quadratic equation in one unknown number, as x^ when its first member is a polynomial of the second degree in x. Thus, 5 + 2a;2-7x = 0, and m - nx^ -\- qx ■\- n^ - p^ = are quadratic equations. 240. Notation. It is customary to arrange the poly- nomial in the first member of a quadratic equation accord- ing to the descending powers of x and to render positive, when necessary, the coefficient of the highest power of x by multiplying both members of the equation by — 1. The first member of a quadratic equation being a tri- nomial of the second degree in rr, has, in general, three terms, a term in x^ with positive coefficient, a second term in X, and a third term which does not contain x and which is the constant term in the equation. In any particular equation, however, not all of these terms may occur, as the coefficient of one or more of them may reduce to zero ; but we shall assume that in a quadratic equation the coefficient of x^ is not zero. 241. Standard form of a quadratic equation. Any quad- ratic equation can be reduced to the standard for m^ ax^ -{-bx-^ c = 0. In this standard form a is positive and different from zero, while h and c may have any values, including zero, 312 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 313 Thus, the equation mx^ — 3 mz + 5 = nx^ — 2 n + 3 /)x — 4, when transformed, becomes {m — n)a:2 — 3(7n + i»)2: + (2 n + 9) = 0. In this last equation the a, 6, and c of the standard form have the following values : a — m — n^ h = — 3(m + jo), and c = 2 n + 9. 242. Complete quadratic equation. A quadratic equa- tion in which none of the coefficients a, 6, or e reduces to zero is called a complete quadratic equation. All other quadratic equations are incomplete quadratic equations. 243. Solution of incomplete quadratic equations. The roots of an incomplete quadratic equation can, jn general, be obtained by methods of solution which have been treated in preceding chapters. These methods are applied in the illustrative examples which follow. • ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation 2x^ = 0. Solution. 2 x^ = is an example of a quadratic equation in which two of the coefficients, namely h and c, reduce to zero. It is evident that the only value of x which satisfies this equation is 0, since from 2x^ = 0, we derive x^ = 0. We say that the equation has two roots each equal to 0, one root corresponding to each factor of x^- 2. Solve the equation 2a;2 — 3 a; = 0. Solution. 2 a:^ — 3 a; = is an example of a quadratic equation in which the constant term c reduces to zero. We solve such an equation by the method of section 117. Thus, factoring, 2x^-%x = x(2x- 3)=0. (1) Equating each factor of (1) to zero, we have (2) and (3), a: = 0. (2) 2a:- 3 = 0. (3) Solving (3) ar = |. (4) Therefore, the roots of 2 a:^ — 3 a: = are and 4, which may be verified by substituting each of these results in (1). 314 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Remark. Observe that when the constant term c in a quadratic equation is zero, one root of the equation is zero, and conversely, when one root of a quadratic equation is zero, the constant term is zero. 3. Solve the equation Sa;^ — 2 = 0. Solution. 3 a:^ — 2 = is an example of an equation in which i, the coefficient of x, is zero. Such an equation is sometimes called a pure quadratic equation. From 3 a;2 — 2 = 0, we derive x^ = |^. The values of x which satisfy this equation are evidently the square 2 /2 "v/fi roots of -. Hence, x = i'V- , or ± -7— • o '33 Therefore, the roots of Sa:^ — 2 = are — and , which 3 3 may be verified by substituting these numbers in the given equation. 4. Solve the equation a^^ _|_ 4 = 0. Solution. a;2 + 4 = is an example of a pure quadratic equation, both of whose terms have the same sign. No positive or negative number exists which satisfies this equation; for the sum of two positive numbers, one of which is not zero, cannot be zero. This type of quadratic equation will be considered in section 251. EXERCISE 115 Solve the following incomplete quadratic equations : 1. 5a;2 = 0. 2. x^-2x=(i. 3. 3a;2-.4a: = 0. 4. 4a^2_i,= o. 5. 5a;2-3a: = 0. 6. 7a:2_15 = 0. 7. 5a:2~2 = 0. 8. 2a:2-5:r = 0. 9. 8:c2_9 = o. 10. ax^-hx = 0. 11. 9a;2~16a: = 0. 12. 3a:2-5 = 0. 13. Qx^-bx = 0. 14. 20a:2-8a:=0. 15. 2:^2-11=0. 16. aV-h^^a. 17. (a+h)x^-(^c-\-d)x=0. 18. (a-h6)a;2-(a~6)2:=0. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 315 19. 5ax^-Sb = 0. 20. ^^^:=0. Z b 21. ax^—a = 0. 22. x^ — 5 = 0, 23. ^-x = 0. 24. --8a: = 0. X X 25. ^x^ + ^x=0. 26. 19:c2_i2: = 0. 244. "Completing the square." From section 92 we know that the trinomials x^ -\- 2 ax -\- a^ and x^ — 2 ax-i- a^ are both perfect squares. We therefore infer that both x^-\-2 ax and x^ —2 ax are converted into perfect squares by the addition of a^ to each. Observe in each case that a^ may be obtained by taking the square of one half the coefficient of x. We therefore have the following rule for completing the square of a binomial of the form x^ -\-2 ax, in which the coefficient of a;^ is 1 : Rule. Add the square of one half the coefficient of x. EXERCISE 116 Complete the square in each of the following examples, and state the binomial whose square is obtained : 1. X'^+2X. 2. X^-2X. 3. X^-\-4:X. 4. x^-^-Qx. 5. x^-6x, 6. x^-\-16x. 7. x^ - 18 a;. . 8. x^ + 20 a;. 9. x^ + ^x. 10. x^ — ^x. 11. x^ — ^x. 12. x^-{-^x. 13. x^-\-2cx. 14. x^ - 2(^a -\- b}x. 15. a;2 + 2(a-6>. 16. x^ — ax, 17. x^-\-Sx. 18. 2;2 — (a 4- h}x. 19. x^-^x, 20. x^ + ^x, 21. x^-^^'^x, bd c?+ d 316 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 245. Solution of a quadratic equation by ^^ completing the square." When the roots of a quadratic equation are not rational numbers, its solution by factoring [section 117] is not, in general, so convenient as that explained in the following illustrative examples : ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation Sx^ — 2x — 2 — 0. Solution. 3 x2 - 2 a; - 2 = 0. (1) Dividing both members of (1) by 3 so that the coefficient of x^ shall be 1, x2-|a;-| = 0. (2) Transposing, x^ — ^x = ^. (3) Completing the square by adding the square of one half the coeffi- cient of X to each member of (3), ^^-t^ + i = l + i = f W Since the first member of (4) is a perfect square, we have, Extracting the square root, Transposing and combining, ''- 3 • (7) Therefore, the roots of 3 a;^ - 2 a: - 2 = are ^ \ and ^ '^ . 3 o 2. Solve the equation 4:p^x^ — 4 mpx -{-m^ — m — n = 0. Solution. 4:p^x^ — 4 mpx + m* - m - n = 0. (1) Dividing both members of (1) by 4:p^, ^2_m^^ m^-m_-n^O (2) p 4jo m -i- n — m' Transposing in (2), x^-'^x = '" -^ ' ~ "" . (8) p 4/>^ QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 317 Completing the square and combining in (3), p^4:p^~ 4j9« • ^*^ Since the first member of (4) is a perfect square, we have, V Extracting the square root, 2pJ ip' • Transposing, 2p ' ^^ Therefore, the two roots of the riven eouation are ^ + ^^ + » 2p 2p Remark. The solution, example 2, illustrates the solution of a literal quadratic equation by completing the square. Had the object been merely to solve the equation, the solution would be as follows : Transposing, i p^x^ — 4: mpx -\- m'^ = m ■}- n. (2) Since the first member of (2) is a perfect square, (2px - m)2= m + n. (3) Whence, 2px — m =± Vm + n and X = ^'±^^ + ^, 2p EXERCISE 117 Solve the following quadratic equations by the method of completing the square : 1. rr2 -{- 4 re -f 3 = 0. 2. x^ + 4:X-hl = 0. 3. x^-{-2x-i = 0. 4. a:2 H- 3 2^ + 1 = 0. 5. x^-\-5x-\-b = 0. 6. 2;2 + 10.r4-15 = 0. 318 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 7. 2:2 + 112:4-25 = 0. 8. 2:2-3a:-l = 0. 9. a;2 - 5 a: + 3 = 0. 10. 2:2-7x4-11 = 0. 11. a;2_lla;-l = 0. 12. a:2 _ 13 a: + 30 = 0. 13. x^-15x-5 = 0. 14. 2:2-102:4-23 = 0. 15. x^-6x+4: = 0. 16. 4a:2_42:-l = 0. 17. Sx^-]-Sx-2 = 0, 18. 52:2-52:4-1 = 0. 19. Sx^-lx+S = 0. 20. 72;2_7a;-5 = 0. 21. llx^-hlx-S = 0. 22. 52:2-32:-5 = 0. • 23. 13 2^2 - 13 2; - 3 = 0. 24. 5a:2_52:-l = 0. 25. 2x^-Sx-i=::0. 26. (a;_5)(2:-3)=l. 27. (x-6)(x-S) = 4. 28. 2:2- (a 4- 1)2: 4- a = 0. 29. 52:2 - «(5 4- 1)2: 4- «2 = 0. 30. (a 4- 3)2:2 -2(a 4- 4)2; 4- (a 4- 5) =0. 31. («4-^')2:2 4-(5 4-2)2:-(a-2)=0. 32. (a - 2)2:2 + ^ __ (« _ 3) = Q. 33. (2 a- b)x^ -Sax-\-(a-\-b)=0. 34. 2:2 4-2(w4-l)a:4-m(w + l)=0. 35. 4 2:2 4- 4^0^ ^ ^^^ 4- m2 4- ri2 _ Q, 36. 2;2 - 2 aa; 4- ^2 - a = 0. 37. 42:2- 4^2:4- 52_ 4^ = 0. 38. (a 4- 5)22:2 - 2(a + 6)22: + (a 4- 5)2 - 2 = 0. 39. 16 a^V - 8 ab(a + 5)2: 4- (« 4- 5)2 - 16 a^^ = 0. 40. (« 4- 5)22:2 4- 2(^2 + 52)2: + (a -5)2=0. In the following examples, clear the equation of frac- tions and solve the resulting integral equation, checking the roots found : 12 4 41. -4. X x — 1 3 45. 53. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 319 42. -^ §-+J- = 0. 2:4-1 2: + 212 43. ^ + 1+ = 0. 32^-3 ^2x-S 3 + 1 - TT^-T^ = 0. 22: + l 3a; + 2 12 5 62: — 5a a a — 6x * a;-2 a;+2 * * ix-\-2 3a: + 5 48 -1^+^^+1 = 1 49 9^+1 , 62^+5^8 • 6x-5"^4a:H-3 ' 15x + l 3a: + 5 9* 50. ^±i 2;-2 a;-2 ^^ 2 2:2+32:-22 2:2 + 2;-1^2;2 + 3a:H-2 51. ^±^ + _^±8_ ^-4 ^ 2 2:2 + 52: + 22;2_2._6^.2 2:2-52:-3 2a: + 2 , 4:x-{-2 ^ 3a: + 3 rv n "T" 3a:2 4.a;-2 6x^-Ux+6 2x^-x-^ 3 ^ = ^ . x^ + Sx-\-2 x^-\-7x + 12 x^-^4x-\-S' 246. Approximations. Many of the problems which occur in physics and geometry give rise to quadratic equations. In general, the roots of such quadratics are irrational numbers which appear in the form of radical expressions. For practical purposes we usually require rational results which give approximately the values of the roots. The method used in obtaining such approxi- mations may be seen from the following : 320 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Approximate to two decimal places the roots of 25^ + 2 j_47^jf31^^ x+1 2x-S Solution. 25X + 2 47.-f31^Q x+1 2x-d Clearing (1) of fractions and combining, (1) a;2_30a;_ 8 = 0. (2) Solving (2), a: = 15 db V233. (3) That is, x = 15± 15.264+ (4) Therefore, the roots of the given equation, correct to two places of decimals, are 30.26 and — .26. Remark. — In checking the roots of a quadratic equation whose roots are irrational, the expressions in terms of radicals should be substituted for the unknown in the given equation. Thus, in check- ing the result in the foregoing example, substitute 15 ± V233 for x in the given equation. The rational numbers obtained as approxi- mations will not satisfy the equation. EXERCISE 118 Approximate to two places of decimals the roots of the following equations : 1. a^_4a; + 2 = 0. 2. a^-6x-{-l = 0. 3. a^-22x-hllS = 0. 4. 2:2_ 20a: + 95 = 0. 5. 4a;2_i2a:-3 = 0. 6. 2x^-\-Sx-6==0. 7. 3a:2-5a:-l = 0. 8. 5x^-1 x + 1 = 0. 9. l2^-15x-\-5 = 0. 10. a:2_32a;-l = 0. U. r^-102: + 8 = 0. 12. 3a:2_8a,4.i=:0. 13. 2x^-lSx-\-l = 0. 14. 3a:2 + 5a:-3 = 0. 15. ^a^ + lx-2 = 0. 16. 8a^2- 282:4-21 = 0. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 321 247. Irrational equations. The unknown number in an equation sometimes occurs in expressions which are found under radical signs. Such equations are called irrational equations. Thus, Qx — y/Wx + 4 = 20 is an irrational equation. We shall consider only equations in which the square root of expressions containing the unknown number is indicated. The solutions of the following examples will illustrate the method of solving such equations. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation bx — V3 a: + 7 = 11. The equation 5 jl- - V3 x + 7 = 11 is an example of an equation in which only a single square root occurs. Solution. 5 a; - V3 a: + 7 = 11. (1) Transposing terms so that the radical expression stands alone in one member of the equation, - v/3a:+ 7 = - 5a: + 11. (2) Squaring both members of (2), 3 x + 7 = 25 x^ - 110 x + 121. (3) Simplifying (3), 25 x* - 113 x + 114 = 0. (4) Factoring, {x - 3) (25 a; - 38) = 0. (5) Therefore, the roots of equation (4) are 3 and |^. Substituting 3 in the given equation, 15_V9TT:=11. (6) Simplifying (6), 11 = 11, which is an identity. Substituting ^ in the given equation. 5x ||-V3xff + 7 = 11. (7) Simplifying (7), %! = 11, which is false. Since ||^ does not satisfy the given equation, it is no^ a root of the equation. It may readily be verified that ||^ is a solu tion of the equation 5 x + V3 x + 7 = 11, which equation differs from the given equation only in the sign of the radical expression. 322 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Note. In the process of squaring, as in the above solution, we multiply each member of the equation by a factor containing the unknown number. The resulting rational equation may have solu- tions which are not solutions of the given equation. It is, therefore, necessary to test each root of the rational equation by substituting it in the given equation. 2. Solve the equation Vrr + 5 — V7 a; + 4 -f V2 rc4- 9 = 0. (The first step in the solution of an irrational equation of this form is to arrange the terms so that one radical shall stand alone in one member. The process of squaring leads to an equation in which a single radical occurs and the solution proceeds as in that of example 1.) Solution. Va; + 5-V7a; + 4 + V2a:-f 9 = 0. (1) Transposing, Va; + 5 + V2z + 9 = V7 x -\- 4. (2) Squaring (2) and simplifying, 2 a: — 5 = y/(2x-\-9)(x-\-5). (3) Squaring (3) and simplifying, 2x2 -39x- 20 = 0. (4) Factoring, . (2 x + 1) (a: - 20) = 0. (5) Therefore, the roots of equation (4) are 20 and — i. Substituting 20 in the given equation, V25 - Vl44 + V49 = 0. (6) Simplifying (6), 5 — 12 + 7 = 0, which is an identity. Substituting - ^ in the given equation, V|-VJ-fV8 = 0. (7) Simplifying (7), 3V2 = 0, which is false ; hence, — 4 is not a solution of the given equation. It may readily be verified that — | is a solution of the equation - y/x + 6 - \/7a: + 4 + V2x + 9 = 0. EXERCISE 119 Solve the equations : 1. V:r-1-1 = 0. 2. V2a:-8-3 = 0. 1 ■Vx + l = 2. Suggestion. Clear of fractions. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 323 1 4. V52:H-2 = 7. 5. -5 = 0. V2a:-3 6. x-{-Vx = 12. 7. a;-2Vi-8 = 0. 8. x + ^Sx-i-1 = 7. 9. a:-V3a:+7=lll. 10. 5x-\-V5x-^4 = 52. 11. 22:-V2a:-f 3 = 17. 12. 3a:-|-V3a; + 2=4. 13. 5rr + Va; + 2 = ^. 14. 3Vi-Va: + 16 = 4. 15. V2a: + 9 + 7 = 3V2^. 16. Va;-7 + 3=V2^ iC. 17. Va; + 24-V2;-15 = 3. 18. V92:-f l-V4a;-3 = 3. 19. V-35-99a: + V27 + 2a: = 13. 20. V7^T4-f2V3^-VT5^T76 = 0. 21. V2a:H- ll + 2Va: + 2 = V20a:-19. 22. V2:-7-V:c-ll=V3a:-29. 23. V2a;-6-Va:-l+V3a;-15 = 0. 24. V2a;4-l4-V3a:-ll-V92:-8 = 0. 25. V7a; + l-V3a: + 10 = l. 26. a;^ — 12x"^ 4- 1 = 0. Suggestion. Clear of fractions. ^2a;H-l ^ 2: 28. a-\-b — Va^ — a: = Vi^ -|- x. 29. wax-{-b = — — » V22: 30. 2Vi = Va + V42;— a ^ia^~ b'^-iac 4a3 (*) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 325 Thatis, (x + -) =-^^^. (5) Extracting the square root, 6 ± V62 - 4 ac ,«x Transposing and simplifying, 2a (7) Representing the two roots of aa^ -\- bx -\- c = hy x^ and x^, we have, therefore, the following formulae, _ -fr-V&2_4gg Note. When (6^ _ 4 ac) is negative, the given equation, ax^ + hx + c = 0, is satisfied by no positive or negative number. The ex- pression \b^ — 4: ac is, for the present, without meaning when 62 _ 4 ac < 0. [See section 251.] ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equation 12x^ -{- x — 6 = 0. Solution. Here a = 12, 6 = 1, c = — 6 ; hence, by substitution in the foregoing formulae we find the roots to be 1 + VI + 288 ajj(j - 1 - VT+ 288 24 24 which, when simplified, are equal to ^ and — J, respectively. 2. Solve the equation 2 mx^ — (3 w + l)a7 + (m + 1) = 0. Solution. Here a = 2 m, 6 = - (3 m + 1), c = m + 1; hence, by substitution in the foregoing formulae we find the roots to be 3 m + 1 + V(3 m 4-1)2-8 7/?(m + 1) 4m and 3 m + 1 - V(3 m + 1)2- 8 m(m + 1) 4 m which, when simplified, are equal to 1 and ^ "^ , respectively. 2 w 326 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 120 Find the roots of the following equations by substitut- ing, in each case, the proper values of a, 6, and c in the foregoing formulae. 1. a:2-5a;-14 = 0. 2. x^-10x + 21 = 0, 3. 6ir2-a^-2 = 0. 4. x^-%x-2^ = 0. 5. 20a;2-23ar + 6 = 0. 6. 15 a;2- 11 a;- 12 = 0. 7. 2:2 + 42^ + 2 = 0. 8. a;2-6a; + 6 = 0. 9. 2^2-10 2: + 18 = 0. 10. a;2-3 2:+l = 0. 11, 3 2^2 + 4 2^-1 = 0. 12. 25 2^-10 2:- 2 = 0. 13. 2^2 — (c — d)x — cd = 0. 14. 2^2 — (2 m - 3 71)2; — 6mw = 0. 15. abx^-(a^-\-b^)x + ah=0, 16. 4chy^-{-a^=b^-\-4:acx, 17 1 + 1 _-l + l. 2;— a 2: — b a b 18. 6c2:2 + 2 m2: + a^> = 0. 19. a;- 100 = 10 -Vi. 20. 2(2:-l)=V2^. 21. a; + Vi = 0. 22. 2:2-9 = 0. 23. 2:2 _ 4 = 0. 24. 2:2-3 = 0. 25. 2:2- 3 2:= 0. 26. 2:2_a;V2 = 0. 27. 2:2 + a:V3 = 0. 28. 2:2- a = 0. 29. W2:2 — n=0. 30. «2^2_52 3,0. 249. Relations between roots and coefficients. Taking the standard form of the quadratic equation, we have : ax^ -\- hx -\- c = 0. (1) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 327 Dividing both members of (1) by a (since a is not zero), (2) (3) (4) a a = 0. From the formulae of section 248 we ] tiave the roots of ^ _ - 6 + V62 - ^ • 2a 4ac 2a ■4ac From (3) and (4) by addition, - ^■— '^^ a From (3) and (4) by multiplication, (5) (-b + y/b^-4: ac)(- b - V6'' -4 ac) ' 4 a2 4 a** = _l-[6._*. + 4ae]=£. (6) We see from identity (5) that the sum of the roots of equation (2) differs in sign only from the coefficient of x in that equation. Also, we see from identity (6) that the product of the roots of equation (2) is the constant term in that equation. Hence, In any quadratic equation of the form ax^ -\- hx -\- c = Oi (I) The coefficient of x with its sign changed divided hy the coefficient of x^ is equal to the sum of the roots. (II) The constant term divided hy the coefficient ofx'^ is equal to the product of the roots. 250. Formation of the equation. The principles of sec- tion 249 enable us to form the quadratic equation when its roots are given numbers. For this purpose we suppose 328 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA the equation written in the form x^+px-hq = 0^ in which p and q are written instead of - and -, respectively. a a From identities (5) and (6), section 249, we have ■^i + -^2 = -^=-A . ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Form the equation whose roots are 3 and — 2. Solution. Here x^ + x^^^ — 2 = 1= — p; also, XjXg = 3x(— 2) = — 6 = ^. Hence, jt> = — 1 and ^ = — 6. Substituting these values of p and ^ in x^ -{■ px -{■ q = 0, the re- quired equation is a;^ — x — 6 = 0. X -{• 1 _ X 5 ~6-6a; 2 is - ; find, without solving the equation, the other root, o Solution. Reducing the given equation to the standard form, we >*^^' 6x2+ 5a; -6 = 0. (1) From (II), section 249, the product of the roots of equation (1) is equal to the constant term divided by the coefficient of x^ ; namely, \ -6 1 to , or - 1. 6 Since | is known to be a root, the other root is equal to — 1 -^ J ; that is, the second root of the given equation is — |. We may check thi^ result by making use of (I), section 249, from which we know that the sum of the roots of this equation is the coefficient of x with the sign changed divided by the coefficient of x\ which is —5^6, or ^— . Since % is one root, the other root is 6 3 equal to -^-|=-| = -|^, which is in agreement with the pre- ceding result. 2. Given that one root of the equation QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 329 EXERCISE 121 1. State at sight the sum and the product of the roots of the following six equations. Do not solve the equations. a:2_22;-|-l=0. x^-lx-^12 = 0. ax^ ~ bx-\- c=0. mx^ -^nx-\-pq = 0. 2. One root of each of the following six equations is — 2. Find the second root in each case. Do not solve the equations. a:2 + 3a:+2 = 0. x^-x-Q = 0. 3 2;2-h42:-4 = 0. x^-\-4x-\-4 = 0. ax^ + (2a-\-b)x + 2b = 0. px^ + (2p - q}x- 2 q= 0. 3. In a pure quadratic equation what is the sum of the roots ? Form the quadratic equations which have the following roots : 4. 2 and — 3. 5. 3 and 2. 6. — 1 and 3. 7. 6 and - 3. 8.-2 and - 3. 9. 1+V2andl-V2. lo. 3 - V2 and 3 -|- V2. 11. m-\-n and m — n. 12. - + - and 2. b a 13. m -f- Vw and m — Vw. 14. f and — |. 15. f V2 and - f V2. 251.^ Quadratic equations in which bf^ — ^ac is negative. The equation a;2 + 4 = [section 243, example 4], which *This section may be omitted, if so desired, until the subject is reviewed. 330 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA is of the form aa? -|- 62: + c = 0, where ^ — 4 ac < [sec- tion 248, note], is an example of a large class of equations which have no rational or irrational solution. There are no rational or irrational numbers which satisfy an equa- tion such as a^ + 4 = 0. It is evidently desirable that all equations should have solutions, but this is manifestly impossible so long as the number system of algebra includes only rational and irrational numbers. In agreement with the generalizing spirit of algebra, the number system is so extended that all equations shall have solutions. 252. Pure imaginary number. The square root of a negative number is called a pure imaginary number. Thus, V — 4, also V — 2, are pure imaginary numbers. 253. Real numbers. All rational and irrational numbers are called real numbers. Thus, 2, - 3, I, - I, Vi, a/2, are real numbers. 254. The imaginary unit. The pure imaginary number V— 1 is called the imaginary unit and is denoted by the letter i. Thus, I = y/'^\. 255. A pure imaginary number expressed in terms of i. A pure imaginary number is expressed in terms of the imaginary unit i as follows : V— a = V(— l)a = V— 1 Va = ^Va. Whenever a pure imaginary number occurs in any algebraic work, it is to be expressed in terms of the imaginary unit ^. .-A Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) is called by general agree- ment the greatest mathematician of modern times. In 1799 he published a proof of the theorem that every algebraic equation has a root of the form a + bi. He introduced the symbol / to denote V — 1 and was the originator of a great part of the modern theory of numbers. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 331 256. Powers of /. We have by definition, (V— 1)2 = — 1, or 1*2 = — 1 ; therefore, i = V^T. z2 = - 1. ^3 =z iH = (— V)i = — i. 1^= 0*2)2= (-1)2= +1. iH = 1 ' i = i. From these identities it is inferred that any even power of i is a real number, namely, + 1 or — 1, and that any odd power of i is a pure imaginary number, namely, + 2 or — ^. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the product of V— 4 and V— 9. Solution. \/31=V(£T)4=V^Vi = 2i. v^ = V(- 1)9 = V- 1 V9 = 3 i. Hence, v""^ V - 9 = (2 1)(3 i) = 6 i^ = 6(- 1) = - 6. Note. An error is often made in finding the product of two imaginary numbers by an incorrect use of the identity y/a Vb = y/ab. In the proof of this identity the numbers a and b ,were limited to positive numbers ; the expressions V — a and V— b were entirely meaningless. This error is avoided by observing that a pure imagi- nary number is to be expressed in the form ai, where a is a real number [§255]. 2. Simplify — Solution. _l__ = l = i = _J_ = _j. V3i i i^ -1 3. Simplify -V^^ x V^Tg -- V^^5. Solution. V32 x V^3 ^ V^^ ^iy/2iVS iV5 >/6 6 6 332 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 257. Simplest form of an expression containing a pure imaginary. An expression which contains pure imaginary- numbers is said to be in its simplest form when its de- nominator is a rational number and its numerator con- tains no real factor under a radical sign which can be removed. EXERCISE 122 Simplify 1 13. 15. 17. 19. V- -4a2 v^ -5 V- -30 i- «2 " 3* V- -2-hV-3 V-2 V2 4-V-3 V2 "J V-3 4. v^lV^^. 6. ^^, V3 8. v^V^^. 1 V-3a 19 V-30 V-5 14. v-|. 16. u la V^a + V^ V-6 9n V-2 + 3 22. t^. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 333 1 ill* 23. 24. V-125. 25. V- 24x36x53. 258. Complex numbers. A number which can be ex- pressed in the form a -h 5V— 1, where a and h are real numbers, neither one of which is zero, is called a complex number. Thus, 4+V— 1, 2— \/-5, and 5 + 2V— 1 are complex numbers. 259. Conjugate complex numbers. Two complex num- bers which differ in the sign of the imaginary unit only are called conjugate complex numbers. Thus, 1 + iy/2 and 1 - iV2 ; \/2 + V^^a and V2 - V^I^ ; a + 6i and a — hi, are pairs of conjugate complex numbers. 260.' Sum and product of two conjugate complex numbers. Let a + hi and a — hi be any two complex numbers ; then : The sum = (a + hi) + (a — hi) = 2 a. The product = (a + hi) (a - i{) = a^ - (6i)2 = a2 _ J2^-2 = a2 _ 52(_ 1)= a2 + 62. Hence both the sum and the product of two conjugate complex numbers are real numbers. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the product of V2 + V^^ and V3 + V"^5". Solution. V2 + iV3 VE + 3i + ^ VTO + i2Vl5 V6 + i(3+Vl0)-Vl5 Therefore, 334 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Remark. Observe that the product of the two complex num- bers is a complex number. Q 2 . Rationalize the denominator of the fraction = . V5 + V-3 Solution. Since the product of two conjugate complex numbers is real, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the given fraction by an expression conjugate to the denominator, and have V5+V^ VS-V-a 5 + 3 Note. An imaginary number is sometimes defined as " any even root of a negative number." However, although V— 1, for exam- ple, is evidently not a real number, it is, nevertheless, not a pure imaginary, but a complex number. For, it may be verified that (_L + A.,V (±-±-i)\ (-^^±i)\ or i-^-^iY VV2 V2 / W2 \/2 / \ V2 V2 / V V2 V2 / is equal to — 1 ; hence, each of the expressions within the paren- theses is a fourth root of — 1. EXERCISE 123 Simplify 16 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. + V-36. V3V-2. 2. - a(a > i r4)(V: -2 + V- + 3V- • -3). 1. V- -Tkv (V-2-V- (l + V-5)2. 9. (2-hV-3)(2-V-3). 10. q + i^-^^i-iV^). 11. V— a-j-V— i. 12. (5 + ^V3)-^(5-^V3). QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 335 2 2 13. = 14. -3 + 1 V-2h-V^ 5 15. V-lO-V-5 261. Quadratic equations with complex roots. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Solve the equation 2a;2 — 3a;4-5 =0. Solution by completing the square. 2x2 -3a: + 5 = 0. (1) Transforming (1), a:^ - | a: + | = 0. (2) Transposing, x^ — ^ x = — ^. (3) Completing the square, a:^ — |-a: + ^ = — f + y^6=— ^q- (4) That is, (a:-|)2 = _ll. (5) Extracting the square root, ^c — ^ =± 4V— 31. (6) Solving (6), ^=i±^El. ^ (7) Solution by formulae. _ ^, + V'52 _ 4 ac - 6 - V&2 _ 4 ac xi = , x^ = 2a 2a Here a = 2, 6 = -3, c = 5; hence, by substitution in the formulae we find the roots to be -(-3) + V9-40 ^^^ -(-3)-V9340 4 4 which when simplified are equal, respectively, to 3+^^=^ and S^l^^Zl. EXERCISE 124 Solve the following equations, which have either pure imaginary or complex roots : 1. 2:24.1 = 0. 2. ic2 + 4 = 0. 336 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. a;2+9 = 0. 4. 3^2^2 = 0. 5. 2a;2 + 3 = 0. 6. 3a^ + 5 = 0. 7. 5a:2-h2 = 0. 8. 15a;2 + 17 = 0. 9. a;2+2a; + 2 = 0. 10. 2^2^43,.^ 5 = 0. 11. 2^2-62: + 11 = 0. 12. a:2 + 5a; + 7 = 0. 13. 2a^-32; + 2 = 0. 14. 32^2_3^+2 = 0. EXERCISE 125 1. A man bought a certain number of oranges at 75 cts. The number of oranges he bought was three times the number of cents he paid for each orange. How many oranges did he buy ? 2. The side of one square is three times the side of another and the difference of their areas is 32. What is the side of the smaller square ? 3. If the edge of a certain cube be doubled, the area of the entire surface of the cube will be increased by 72 sq. in. What is the edge of the cube ? 4. A dealer sold an article at a loss of f 6.25 and thereby lost as many per cent as there were dollars in the cost. What was the cost ? 5. Find two consecutive integers whose product is 56. 6. Find two consecutive integers whose product is 462. 7. Find a number whose square exceeds 100 times the number by 2684. 8. Two odd integers differ by 2 and the difference of their squares is 56. Find the integers. 9. The quotient of two numbers is 2J and tfieir prod- uct is 756. Find the numbers. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 337 10. The difference of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 197. Find the numbers. 11. The sum of two numbers is 21, and their product is 110. What are the numbers ? 12. The difference of two numbers is 4, and their prod- uct is 45. What are the numbers ? 13. The difference of two numbers is 42, and their quotient is the less number. What are the numbers ? 14. A dealer sold an article for $ 39 and thereby gained as many per cent as there were dollars in the cost. Find the cost. 15. The plate of a looking-glass is 18 in. by 12 in. ; it is to be surrounded by a plain frame of uniform width, whose area shall be equal to that of the glass. Required the width of the frame. 16. Find three consecutive integers the sum of whose products by pairs is 299. 17. If a body be thrown vertically upward from the ground with an initial velocity of 32 ft. per second, when will it be at a height of 7 ft. ? Suggestion. Use the formula s = at — 16 fi, in which a represents the initial velocity and s the height at the end of t seconds. 18. The denominator of a given fraction is one greater than its numerator ; if ^"^ be added to the fraction, the sum is equal to the reciprocal of the given fraction. Find the given fraction. 19. The difference between the hypotenuse and base of a right-angled triangle is 6, and the difference between the hypotenuse and altitude is 3. What are the sides ? 20. A square garden is surrounded by a path. The area of the path is 12,400 sq. ft. The garden is 290 ft. wider than the path. Find the area of the garden. 338 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 21. A field containing one acre is in the form of a rec- tangle I as wide as it is long. The field is enlarged by adding 39,664 sq. ft. in such a way as to increase length and width of the rectangle an equal amount. Find the dimensions of the enlarged field. 22. From the point of intersection of two straight roads which intersect at right angles, two men, A and B, set out simultaneously, A on the one road riding at the rate of 12 mi. per hour, and B on the other walking at the rate of 5 mi. per hour. After how many hours will they be 65 mi. apart ? 23. A number of laborers were employed to do a piece of work. If 7 less had been employed, the work would have taken two more days. If 28 men had been em- ployed, the work would have been done in 20 days. How many laborers were employed ? 24. A gardener planted a certain number of trees at equal distances apart, and in the form of a square. He found on finishing the planting that he had 5 trees to spare. He then added one of them to each row as far as they would go, and found that he needed 10 trees to com- plete the square. How many trees had he ? 25. Find the price of tea per pound if a rise of 10 cents in the price per pound would reduce by 5 lb. the quantity obtainable for $15. 26. What is the price of eggs per dozen, if a fall of 2 cents in the price would increase by one the number of dozen obtainable for i6.84 ? 27. Two trains travel without stopping between two stations m miles apart. One train goes a miles an hour faster than the other and takes h hours less time for the QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 339 journey. Find the speed of each train. What is the speed of each train if m = 40, a = 10, and h = ^? 28. A man bought a certain number of cows for flSOO. He sold 5 less than the whole number of cows for 1 20 a head more than they cost him and made $100 by the transaction. How many cows did he buy ? 29. A merchant sold 7 doz. fresh eggs and 12 doz. storage eggs for $5.81, and found that he had sold 1 doz. more fresh eggs for $2.10 than he had of storage eggs for $1.40. Required the price of each kind per dozen. 30. A merchant draws a certain quantity of vinegar from a full cask containing 63 gallons. Having filled up the cask with water, he draws the same quantity as before. He then finds that the cask contains ^g the original quantity of vinegar. How many gallons did he draw each time ? 31. A sum of $30,000 is subject to an inheritance tax of a certain per cent, then to a percentage for fees at a rate one half per cent greater than that of the inheritance tax. When the tax and fees are deducted there remains $ 27,504. What are the two rates ? 262. Utility of the extension of the meaning of the word number. The extension of the meaning of the word num- ber so as to include under the term such expressions as V— 2 and 2 + V— 3 renders possible a greater generality in the statement of algebraic principles and results. As an illustration of this, the statement that except when l^ — 4:ac is negative, the quadratic equation ax^ -\-bx-\- c=0 admits of solution [section 248, note], is replaced by the general statement, everi/ quadratic equation has two roots. 340 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 263. Nature of the roots of ax^ + bx+c = 0. In this equation the a, 6, and c represent rational numbers. The roots of ax^ -\-bx-\- c=0 have been found to be, a?, = -^—- and x^ = An examination of these formulae leads to the follow- ing important principles : I. When 6^ _ 4 ac is positive and not equal to zero. In this case, 1. The roots are real and unequal. Thus, in the equation Oa:^ — 18a; + 7 = the expression 6^ — 4 ac = 72, and the roots, 1 ± J"^) are real and unequal. 2. If 52 — 4 ac is a perfect square, the roots are rational ; and, conversely, the roots are rational only when 5^ — 4 ac is a perfect square. Thus, in the equation 2ar2 + 5a; — 3 = 0, the expression b^ — iac = 49, and the roots, — 3 and -^ , are rational. 3. If b^ — 4:ac is not a perfect square, the roots are conjugate quadratic surd expressions. Thus, in the equation 9 x^ — 18 a; + 7 = 0, the expression b^ — iac = 72, and the roots 1 + J V2 and 1 — J V2 are conjugate quadratic surd expressions. 4. If c is 0, one root is zero, and the second root is rational. Thus, in the equation a:* — 3 a: = 0, the roots are zero and 3. Note. If a and c have opposite signs, 6* — 4 ac is necessarily posi- tive and the roots are always real. II. When J^ - 4 acis equal to zero. In this case, QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 341 1. The roots are rational and equal. Thus, in the equation 9x^ — Qx-^l = 0, the expression b^ ~ i^ac = 0, and the roots are ^ and J. 2. The polynomial aa^ + 5a; + ^ is a perfect square. Thus, 9a;2-6a: + l = may be written (3 ar - 1)2 = 0. 3. When c is zero, then b is also zero, and both roots are zero. Thus, if 62 _ 4 ac = 0, and c = 0, then b^ = 0, or 5 = ; and the roots of the equation are and 0. III. When 6^ — 4 ac is negative. In this case, 1. The roots are not real. Thus, in the equation 3a;2 — 2ar + 4: = 0, the expression b^ — iac = ^ 44 and the roots are ~ — and ~ ~ — , which are not 3 3 ' real. 2. When b is zero, the roots are pure imaginary numbers. Thus, in the equation a:2 + 4 = 0, the expression b^ — iac = — i and b is zero. The roots are 2 i and — 2 e, which are pure imaginary numbers. 3. When b is not zero, the roots are conjugate complex numbers. Thus, in the equation 3a;2 — 2a; + 4 = 0, which is the equation given in 1, the roots are seen to be conjugate complex numbers. Note. The statement that when b^ — 4:ac = the polynomial ax^ -\- bx -\- c is a. perfect square, may be proved as follows : Given ^2 - 4 ac = 0. Transposing, 62 — 4 qc. Therefore, b =±2y/aVc. Substituting, ax^ -{- bx + c = ax^ ± 2VaVcx + c = (ar Va ± Vc)2. a42 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 126 Calculate for each of the following equations the value of h^ — 4 ac and determine from principles of section 263 the nature of the roots. The principles should not be memorized, but the reason for each statement made should be clearly understood. 1. a:2H-3a:-4 = 0. 3. 5a:2 = 0. 5. 3a;2 + 2a; + 5 = 0. 7. ic2-a;-l = 0. 9. 9a:2-12a: + 4 = 0. 11. |a;2-f^ + ^Y^ = 0. 13. 2a;2_3^_20 = 0. 15. a^2_^2«rr + a2+52=o. 264. Factors of ax^+hx-\- c. By definition, a root of an equation is a number which, when substituted for the unknown, reduces the equation to an identity ; that is, satisfies the equation. Let Xj represent a root of the equation, ax^ -\- hx -\- c = 0. (1) Substituting x-^ for x in (1), ax^ + 6^1 + c = 0. (2) Solving (2) for c, c = - ax^^ - hx^ (3) .Substituting the value of c in (1), ax^ + hx ■\- c = ax^ + bx - ax^ - bx^ (4) = a(x^-x,^)+b(x-x^ (5) = (x - xi) (ax + axi + b) (6) From the foregoing it may be inferred that : if x^ is a root of the equation a^ + 5a; -|- c = 0, the polyno- mial aoi^ 4- ia; + c is exactly divisible by x— x^ 2. 2a:2_3_0. 4. a;2 + 1 = 0. ' 6. 3a^-2rr-2 = 0. 8. a^-{-x-{-l = 0. 10. fa^-|a; + | = 0. 12. 4.9a:2-7.35a;-22.05 = 0. 14. 169a;2+442^4.289 = 0. 16. a:2_2aa: + a2 + 52=0. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 34$ A second root of ax^ + 62: + c = is obtained by equat- ing the second factor of ax^ -\-hx-^ c^ namely, ax + ax^ + 6, to and solving for x [see section 117]. Thus, ax + a^i + 6 = 0. (1) Solving (1) for x, , x — —x^ • (2) Representing the root — x^ — by x,^ we have, Transposing, x^-\- x^ = (^) Identity (4) is in agreement with (I) of section 249. The expression ax + ax^ + h may be written a[x-\-x^-\--\ or substituting — x^ for a;^ + - , we have a{x — x^. There- fore, the polynomial a'39- -\- hx -\- c is identically equal to a{x — Xy){x — x^ where x^ and x^ are two roots of the quadratic ax?' + 6a; + c = 0. 265. Number of roots of a quadratic. Let x^ be a root of the quadratic equation ax^ -\- hx -\- c — ^ \ that is, of the equation a{x - x^{x - x^=^, in which x-^ and x^ are two roots of the quadratic. Ob- serve that the existence of at least two roots was shown in section 248. Substituting x^ for x in the given equation, a(x^ — x^^ (a;g — x^) = 0. From this identity it is evident, since a is not zero, that either x^ — x^ = or x^ — x^^O; that is, x^ is equal to either x^ or x^; and, therefore, that: Every quadratic equation has two and only two roots. 344 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 266. Quadratic with given roots. The quadratic equa- tion whose roots are x^ and x^ is a(^x — x^^(^x — x^) = [see section 264]. In this equation a may have any constant value. Let the two equations ax^ + bx + c = and mx^ + nx + p = have the same roots x^ and x^ We may write [see section 249] : b] ^1 + ^2 = - a and •^1 ~f" "^2 m m From these identities, —=- = —. Therefore : m n p Two quadratic equations with the same roots have their cor- responding coefficients proportional ; and conversely, if two quadratic equations have their corresponding coefficients pro- portional^ they have the same roots. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE P^ind the simplest form of a quadratic equation whose roots are — | and |. Solution. The required equation is a{x + J)(a: — ^)= 0. That is, a(3^)(5^) = 0. Letting a = 15, (3 a: + 2)(5 x - 3) = 0. Expanding, 15 a;^ + a; - 6 = 0. EXERCISE 127 1. By inspection, arrange the following equations in groups so that those in any group shall have the same roots : 5 2:2 _ 15 a; ^. 10 = 0. 10 a^ - 15 a: - 10 = 0. a:a~§£-l = 0. m^-Smx-{-2m=0, 2 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Find the quadratic whose roots are : 345 2. — 5 and 6. 3. | and f 5. — t and X. 4. -f and -f e. 1±;^ and 3Ll^ 7. — r— and — -— ■ 3_ l + 2V-2 ^^^ 1-2V-2 _ „ 2 + 3i . 2-3i 267. Graph of a polynomial of the second degree. Graphs of linear functions of one variable and of linear equations of two unknowns were treated in Chapter IX, We shall now consider the graphs of certain quadratic functions. 268. Graph of x^ — 2 x. Representing the polynomial x^ — 2xhj 1/ ; then, i/^x^-^2x. (1) We construct a table of the corresponding values of x and y by arbitrarily assigning values to x and calculating the corresponding values of y from equation (1). The table follows : X -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 X2 16 9 4 1 1 4 9 16 25 36 -2x 8 6 4 2 3 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 y 24 16 8 -1 3 8 16 24 Plotting the points (x, y) as given in the table and drawing a smooth curve through these points, we have the required graph of the polynomial 3^- 2XfM indicated in the figure, page 346. 346 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA From the graph of the poly- nomial x^ -2x; that is, from the graph of the equation y = z^ — 2x, the roots of the quadratic equation a:^ - 2 a: = may be found by inspection. Evidently, those values of x which make y equal to zero are the roots of the equation x^ — 2x = 0, for they satisfy the equation. The points on the graph for which y = are those common to the graph and the a:-axis ; for the ordinate y oi a, point is zero only when the point is on the x-axis. The roots of the equation a:^ — 2 a: = are, therefore, the a:(abscissas) of the points in which the graph of the polynomial x^ — 2x in- tersects the X-axis. These points of intersection are x = and X = 2j and the roots of the equation ar^ - 2a; = are and 2. 269. Graphof x2-A:-f 1. Let y = x^ —X -h 1. A table of corresponding values of x and y is as follows : X -4 -3 -2 -1 \ 1 2 3 4 6 ^ 16 9 4 1 \ 1 4 9 16 25 -4 -a;-f-l 6 4 8 2 1 \ -1 -2 -3 V 21 13 7 3 1 \ 1 3 7 13 21 Plotting the points (a:, y) as given in the table and drawing a smooth curve through these points, we have the required graph of the polynomial a;^ — a; -h 1, as in the figure, page 347. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 347 We observe that the graph of the equation y = x^ — x + 1 does not intersect the axis of x. This indicates that the quadratic equation a;^ — x + 1 = has no real root. The roots of this equation are 1± V- that is, conjugate complex numbers. In general, when the graph of a polynomial ax^ + bx -^ c does not intersect m the X-axis, the roots of the equation ax^ + bx -\- c = are either pure imaginary numbers or conjugate complex numbers. 270. Graph of a system of two simultaneous equations. Given the system of two simultaneous equations, (1) (2) In section 192 we learned that the graph of the linear equation y = 2x is a straight line. It is, therefore, necessary to find the codrdinates of two of its point* only in order to plot the straight 348 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA line. We observe from equation (2) that the points (0, 0) and (3, 6) may be taken. The corresponding values of x and y in equation (1); that is, of x and a:^, are given in the preceding table. The graphs of equations (1) and (2) are seen in the accompanying figure. The real solutions of equations (1) and (2) are the coordinates of the points of intersection of their graphs ; for the coordinates of these points satisfy both equa- tions, and the coordinates of any point not on both graphs do not satisfy the equations. The straight line y = 2 a: intersects the graph of y = a;^ in the points (0, 0) and (2, 4). The two solu- tions of the simultaneous equa- tions y = x^ and y = '2x are, therefore, (0, 0) and (2, 4>. When the graphs of two equar tions do not intersect, their solu- tions involve pure imaginary num- bers or complex numbers. The graphs of y — x"^ and y ■=2x also show by their intersections the roots of the equation a:2 - 2 a; = 0. Thus, the ordinate of any point on the straight line whose- equation is y = 2 a: is equal to twice its abscissa, and the ordinate of any point on the graph of y — x"^ is equal to the square of its abscissa. At a common point the ordinate is equal to twice its abscissa and also to the square of its abscissa. The abscissa of a common point, therefore, satisfies the equation a;2 = 2 a:, or a:2 - 2 a; = 0. In like manner the real roots of aa;* 4- &a: + c = are the abscissas of the points common to the graphs of the equations L_ Y , L 7 f I 4 t j- 4 ^ ' 1- ^ 7- ' t aJ X t' 4 H 4- l|- t t X JL )^2L -^t x-j 7"o X t 7 Y'^ y = Qx^ and y = - &x - c. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 349 EXEBCISE 128 1. Construct the graph of the equation y = qc^ — 1. From the resulting graph determine the roots of the equa- tion a;2 — 1 = 0. 2. Construct with respect to the same axes of reference the graphs of y = 2x^—1 and y = — ^x + l. Estimate from the figure the values of x and y which satisfy both equations. Also obtain approximately the roots of 2x^-\-Sx-2 = 0. 3. Construct with respect to the same axes of reference the graph of y -\-2x^ -Sx -9 = and y-\-x~S = 0. Es- timate from the figure the values of x and y which satisfy both equations. Also obtain approximately the roots of x^-2x-^ = 0. 4. Construct the graph of x^— 2. Estimate from the figure, correct to one decimal place, the value of V2. 5. Plot 2y—Sx = 6 and 2x'\-l=4:y — 4:y\ using the same axes, and estimate from the graphs the solutions of the equations. 6. Graph ^ = 1 + 32^. 7. Construct with respect to the same axes of reference the graphs oi y = 2x'^ -{-1 and y = x^ -\-S x — 1. Estimate from the figure the values of x and y which satisfy both equations. Also obtain from the figure the roots of 2^-Bx-{-2 = 0. 8. Construct with respect to the same axes of reference the graphs of x^-\-y-5 = and y^-\- Sy — 2x=0. Es- timate from the figure the real values of x and y which satisfy both equations. CHAPTER XIII SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 271. Systems of two equations in two unknowns. The elimination of one of the unknowns from two equations of the second degree in two unknowns does not, in general, lead to a quadratic equation in one unknown. Certain special systems of two equations, however, neither one of which is of higher degree than the second, are of frequent occurrence and lead to quadratic equations in one un- known. Such systems may be solved by the methods of preceding chapters. • 272. A quadratic and a linear equation. A system con- sisting of a quadratic and a linear equation may always be solved by substitution. The method is indicated in the illustrative examples which follow. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES ,.2 Solve the system \ „ . ^ „ a) (2) Solution. Solving (2) f or y, y = -Sx + 13. (8) Substituting in (1) the value of y from (3), a;a + 2a:(-3a:+13) = 33. (4) Simplifying (4) , 5 a;^ - 26 a: + 33 = 0. (6) Factoring (5), (x - 3)(5 a; - 11) = 0. (6) From (6), ar = 3. (7) Also from (6), ^ = ^' (S) Substituting 3 for a: in (3), y = 4, (O) One solution of (1) and (2) is, therefore, (3, 4) Substituting ^ for a: in (3), y = ^. (10) The second solution of (1) and (2) is, therefore, (-y-, ■^). S50 SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 351 Check. Substituting 3 and 4 for x and y, respectively, in (1) . 9 4- 24 = 33, (11) which is an identity. Substituting JJ- and -^ respectively, in (1) ,.,. ., . W + W = ^^' (12) which IS an identity. The values of y were obtained from (3), which is another form of (2); it is, therefore, unnecessary to substitute in (2), 2. Solve the system 2x^-Sxi/-\- f-Bx + l ^ -4:=0, (1) 4a:+3^ + l=0. (2) Solution. Solving (2) for y, y = - ijLtl (3) Substituting in (1) the value of y from (3), 2x«+3.(i^l) + (i^)'-5.-7(l^)-4 = 0. (4) Simplifying (4), 5 a;^ - 8 a: - 4 = 0. (5) Factoring (5), (x - 2) (5 a: + 2) = 0. (6) From (6), ' a: = 2. (7) Also from (6), ^ = - f • (8) Substituting 2 for a: in (3), 2^ = - 3. (9) One solution of (1) and (2) is, therefore, (2, — 3). Substituting - ^ ior x in (3), !/ = i' (10) The solutions of (1) and (2) are, therefore, (2, - 3) and (- |, •^), which solutions should be verified by substituting in (1) the values of X and y as found. EXERCISE 129 Solve the following systems, and check each solution: *la; = l. ' [^ — x=: 0. a; + 2 3/ = 17. ' \x-^ = ^. \xy = 2, 3ir2_^2aj + y-ll = 0, 2x-y-\-l = 0, ^ 352 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA j6a;2^ + 4=0, '' I5a:-5^=21. -I 6 a;y + 4 = 0, ^ f a;^ _ ^ = ^2 _|. ^.^ (^ + l)-(2;-l) = 0. 1 10. 11. = 8, xy 1 + 2^17. a; y 12. 13 a;2_43/2 = 4, 2a: + 3«/ + 4 = 0. (2;-l)2 + (y_3)2 = 25, fa;2_^2^3^^2«/-10 = 0, 14. 15. 16. rr2 _ 2 a;?^ + «/2 -f 2 a; - 2 ^ = 0, a;+^-2 = 0. 2rr2-3a:^+4?/2_2a; + 3^-6 = 0, 5a: + 4«/— 1 = 0. 3a;2+2a;-3^~2 = 0, 3a; + ^-4 = 0. 273. Two quadratic equations, one of which is homogene- ous. When one of the given quadratic equations is homo- geneous, the given system can be replaced by two systems each of which is of the type considered in section 272. The method of solution is as follows : ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE x^-hx + Qy-lS = 2x^-xy-15y^ = 0, (1) 0. (2) SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 353 Expressing the homogeneous polynomial 2 x^ — xy — 15 y^ a,s the product of two linear factors, equation (1) may be replaced by (x-3y)(2x + 5y)=0. (3) Since any solution common to equations (2) and (3) must satisfy either x — 3y = 0, or2a; + 5?/ = 0, we may consider first those solu- tions of the given systems which satisfy x - 3 y = 0, (4) and a:2 + a; + 6 3/ - 18 = 0. (2) Afterwards those that satisfy 2a;+5y = 0, (5) and a:2 + x + 6 y - 18 = 0. (2) Substituting in (2) the value of x from (4) and simplifying, y^ + y-2 = 0. (6) Solving (6), y = 1; also, y = — 2. From (4), when 3/ = 1, a; = 3 ; when y = — 2, a: = — 6. Therefore, the solutions of (4) and (2) are (3, 1) and (-6, — 2). Substituting in (2) the value of y from (5) and simplifying, 5x2 -7a; -90 = 0. (7) Solving (7), x = 5 ; also a: = — ^-. From (5), when a; = 5, ?/ = — 2 ; when x = — ^, y = |-|.. Therefore, the solutions of (5) and (2) are (5, — 2), and (-¥.|f)- Therefore, the solutions of the given system are (3, 1), (—6, —2), (5, - 2), and (-1/-, |f). EXERCISE 130 Solve the following systems : a;2_y2^0, (X^-4: 2/^ = 0, 3a:2 + 7a;?/ = 0, (2x^ + i/^+4:i/-2S = 0, x^z-hlx + l y + 49 = 0. *• 13 0^2 + 80:3/ -3 3/2 = 0. a;2 4- 3 rry - 5 ?/2 = 0, f 2 2^2 + 7 a;^/ - 3 «/2 = 23, [2/ ^-\-4:X2/-14:X-24: = 0. [d X^ - 12 Xt/ -{- 4: t/^ = 0, 354 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 274. Two equations without terms of the first degree. A system of two simultaneous quadratic equations, neither one of which contains terms of the first degree, and in which the constant terms do not reduce to zero, may be solved as in the following : ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Solve the system (^ ^ "^ ^ ^^ + ^' 7 ^' ^^^ •^ 1 3 a^ + 7 a:?/ + 2 3/2 = 2. (2) Multiplying both members of (1) by 2 so that the constant term in the resulting equation shall be the same as that in (2), ix^ + 4: xy + 2 y^ =z 2. (3) From (2) and (3) by subtraction, x^ — S xy = 0. (4) The given system can now be replaced by the equivalent system, x(x-Sy) = 0, (5) 2x^+2xy + y^ = l. (1) The system (5) and (1) can be solved by the method of section 273. Solving, we obtain the following solutions : (0,1),(0, -l),(f,^),(-f. -J). Remark. If the constant term in one of the given equations is not a multiple of the other, the equations may be multipUed by such numbers as will make the constant terms equal. U2- 7. EXERCISE 131 Solve the following systems : + 42^^/ + 3^2=2, 2 1^2-32:^ + 2^2^3^ 4a:y+3^/2=12. * U24. 2 2:y - 3 ^^2^ 3, 1^:2 -h 3 1/2 = 21, g [2a:2_3a:^/ + ^/2 = 3, 1 2:2 + 2 a:?/- 3^/2= 15. * I a^ + a:!/ + i/2 = 7. -3^:2/4-3^/2 = 12, f 8x2 + 11 a:i/+ 8^2 = 12, fa:2-3 12 2:2- 2a;a-a:y + 4^2^ 16, Il5a:2+18a;2/ + 12y2=20 SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 355 275. Particular systems of equations. I. When the sum and product of two unknowns are given, either of two special methods of solution may be em- ployed ; thus : Solve the system \ ^^ ' )^ •^ \x7/=n. (2) Solution 1. From section 249 the roots of the quadratic x^ — mx -{- n = are two numbers whose sum and product are equal, respectively, to m and n. The roots of the equation, therefore, satisfy the given system. Solving the quadratic x^ — mx + n = 0, we have, m ± y/m^ — 4 n Therefore the two solutions of (1) and (2) are (m + y/m^ — 4 w m — Vm^ — 4 n \ , f m — Vm^ — 4 n m + Vm^ — 4 n \ 2 ' 2 ) ^"^ \ 2 ' 2 / Solution 2. Squaring (1) x^ + 2 xy + y^ = m\ (3) Multiplying (2) by 4, 4 xy = 4 n. (4) Subtracting (4) from (3), x"^ -2 xy ^ y^ = ni^ - ^ n. (5) That is, ix -yy =m^-4: n. (6) Therefore, x-y =±^1x1^ - 4 n. (7) Adding (1) and (7), 2x = m± Vm^ - 4 n. ' (8) Subtracting (7) from (1), 2y = m^ \/m^ - 4 n. (9) mi i r . m + Vm^ — 4 n . m — Vm* — 4 n Therefore, when ar is — ■ , y is , J , . m — Vm^ — 4 n • w + V/n^ + 4 n and when x is , y is . EXERCISE 132 Solve the following systems : * U?/ = 1. ' U^ = 12. 356 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. i la:^ = -28. 4. ^x+y = i, i^^ = A- 5. 6. a; H- y = 3 a, a^y = 2 a2. 7. D a , ly = 1. 8. ^xy -\- a^ = 0, 9. ^^ 3-2a' l-5a 10. ' , 2a+ 36 ^ + ^ = 2J-3a' 26- 16a "^=3a-2J- II. TFAeTi the difference and product of two numbers are given, the following will illustrate a method of solution: Solve the system | _ i o ' (1) (2) Solution. Introducing an auxiliary number 2, defined by the identity y = — 2, the given equations may be replaced by a: + z = 1, 0:2; = -12. (3) (4) The system (3) and (4) now belongs to class I and may be solved by the methods employed therein, the solutions being ar = 4, 2 3, and a; = — 3 and 2 = 4. Substituting — y for 2, the solutions of the given system are (4, 3), (-3,-4). EXERCISE 133 Solve the following systems : \xy + Q = (i, 1 8 a;t^ + 1 = 0. 2. 1^-^^ Uy=3. SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 357 I xy = 3. a6 ~ I xy xy-\-l = 0. 3a- 26 X- y = =-, a — 35 10. xy = a — h a+ 2 ^ 2g- 2a2 + 2a8 "^^ 2 a - 3 Solve the system { III. When the mm of the squares and the product^ mm, or difference of two numbers are given. Typical systems are : ic2+3/2=5(l) ^^^2 = 5(1) 2^^^2=5(1) xy = 2 (2) 2:+«/=3 (3) a: - y = 1 (4) ^2 + 2/^ = 5, (1) ^y=2. (2) Solution. Multiplying (2) by 2, 2xy = 4. (5) Adding (5) and (1), x2 + 2 xy + 2/^ = 9. (6) Subtracting (5) from (1), x^ -2xy -{• y^ = \. (7) From (6), x + y=±^. ' '(8) From (7), x-y = ±\, (9) Adding (8) and (9), 2 x = ± 3 ± 1. (10) Dividing (10) by 2, and combining, a; = 2, 1, — 1, — 2. Subtracting (9) from (8), 2y=±^^l, (11) Dividing (11) by 2 and combining, y = 1, 2, — 2,-1. Therefore, the solutions of the system (1) and (2) are (2,1), (1,2), (-1,-2), (-2, -1). Note. In solving either the system i ^ ~ \J.\ or ^ ^ \x + y = ^ (3)/ ra:2 + 2/2 = 5 {1)\ \x-y = l (4)/^ it is evident that if either (3) or ^4) is squared and combined with (1), the value of 2xy will be obtained; it will be found that 358 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 2 a;y = 4, as in equation (5) of the foregoing solution •, so that the solution of the system (1) and (3) reduces to the case of the solution of a system such as is given under I, and the solution of the system (1) and (4) reduces to the case of the solution of a system such as is given under II. Observe, however, that the system of equations (1) and (3), or (1) and (4) may be solved by the methods of section 272. 1 EXERCISE 134 Solve the following systems : ^2+^2 = ¥, 2. |^ + ^' = 4i' U + y = A. I \x- y = 9. = 290, y = 16. rr2 + ?/2 ^ 13 a2 + 10 a -h 2, X — 1/ = a. Xy = l. ' \x^=—4:, , o_ 25a2 + l6a4-4 "" ^^ - (2a+l)2 ' ^ 2a + 1 \xi/=l. IV. When the polynomial in x and y {obtained hy omit- ting the constant term) of one equation is a factor of that in the other equation, a solution of the system can often be obtained by quadratic equations, even though one of the equations is of a degree higher than the second. The solution of the following system will illustrate : ia;8 I ^8 __ 7. r]\ ... , x-^ y = \, (-^) SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 359 Solution. Factoring (1), (x + y) (x^ - xy + y^) = ^. (3) Substituting ^ior x -\- yin. (3), J(x^-xy + 3,«) = 2V (4) Simplifying (4), x'' - xy + y^ = \. (5) Squaring (2), x^ + 2xy + y^ = \. (6) Subtracting (5) from (6), ^xy = — J. (7) Dividing, xy = —^. (8) Subtracting (8) from (5), x^ -2xy + y'^^l. (9) Therefore, x - y = ±\. (10) Addiug (10) and (2) and dividing, x = J or — ^. (11) Substituting, in (2) the value of x in (11), y = -^ov\. a2) Therefore, solutions of the given systems are (J, -^), , and (-if)- A solution similar to the foregoing may be given for each one of the following three systems of equations : \x-y=ir \x''-^xy + y''=l ]' W-xy + y'' = \ I EXERCISE 135 Solve the systems : =-39, 13. 3. \oi^ -{- y^ = ^. *U-y = l. {x+y = 2, . g {x-y = l, la;3 4-i/3=98. • U3- 2/3 = 127. \x^-\-xy + y'^=l. ' Xx^-xy + y^^l, 360 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISE 136.— REVIEW Solve the following systems of equations ^^ Sx^--2f = l, ^ \4.x^ + xy = lb. 7. 11. 16. 17. 18. 19. rc-f 3«^=34. \x^ + xy = Q, 192^2 + 42/2 = 2, — 4 aa; = 0, \6xy = l. ^' \y = mx-{-- m j9x^-^16y^ = l, jy^^Sx, 1162^ + 9^2 = 1. »• \2;2+^2 = 20. ^' ^ " / = 15. ^°- la^-2;y==3«/ + 9. jx'- \x^- 4 2^ + 6 2: 2/ + 2 a; - 6 y + 1 = , 2x-{-y-2 = 0. 12. [^' + 3^+11 = 0, ^^ j2^+^23.74, 12^2/ = \32? + 2y + 14 = 0. 12^2/ = 35 ^^ r22:2-2;2/ = 2, ^^ f2?+32;+y2-2t/=. 14. S ^ o -< ^ 15' ' 12^2_^^=,12. *"• \32;-2t/ = 2. l22;-3/ = a^_^2_ 3^.^^ + 2 = 102. 22^-30^-292^ + 89 = 0, y-x = 2. \Sxy + 2x-Sy-10 = 0, \x^-Sxy-^ly^ = 0. f22;2-3«/ + 202;-100 = 0, [2x^ + 5xy-7y^ = 0, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 28. 30. 31. SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 361 '2a;2 + 2a^«/- ^24. 3^_ 22/- 15 = 0, 3a;_4y-2 = 0. 2a;2 4- 5a;^ - 3 ?/ 4- 2a: + 36 = 0, rr+?/=-2. 3a^ - ic?/ + ^2 _p 22; - 3^ + 5 = 0, 3a;2 4.a;^_2i/2 = o. fy2 + 2a:y + ^+6 = 0, 3a:2 4-lla;y + 6i/2 = 0. a;2 _ ^2 _|. 3 a; _ 2 y 4- 237 = 0, 52:2 -62;?/ + 3/2 = 0. f2iry + 32;-4?/H-19 = 0, \l2x-:i/ = l. 35. 22;2- 32:^-23/2 = 3, 32^2 4. 82:3/ -3^/2 = 8. X^-\- y^z= a2, a;4-^ = aV2. \Q^-xy + y'^ = l, X y _b y X b 27. 2:8 4. 3/3 = ^37, x + y = -l. f2^4-3/'=«', ^^- \2/ = 32;+aVlO. 32. ^ 34. J + -2=4a2+62 2^2 ?/2 xy = 2 ah 36. 2^*4-2:21/24.3/4^91^ 2:2 _ 0:3/ 4- y2^ 7^ 2:4 _ 2/* = 15^ 362 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 37. 38. 39. f 7a:2 + 34rry + 39 ?/2 + a; + 3^ + 6 = 0, 1332:2^140^^ + 1473^2=0. f92:2_ii2:^_,. 2^2 = 0, 1 55a;2 - 542:y - 13 ?/2 + 5a; + «/ + 6 = 0. EXERCISE 137 1. The sum of two numbers is 25 ; the sum of their squares is 457. Find the numbers. 2. The sum of the squares of two numbers is 225, and the difference of their squares is 63. Find the numbers. 3. The ratio of two numbers is ^ ; their product is 315. Find the numbers. 4. The product of two numbers is 637 and their quotient is 13. Find the numbers. 5. The product of the sum and difference of two numbers is 81 and the quotient of their sum divided by their difference is |. What are the numbers ? 6. Find two numbers whose sum, whose product, and the difference of whose squares are equaL 7. The area of a right triangle is 6 sq. ft. ; the hypote- nuse is 5 ft. Find the sides. 8. The diagonal of a rectangle is 25 in. If the rec- tangle were 4 in. shorter and 8 in. wider, the diagonal would still be 25 in. Find the area of the rectangle. 9. Two integers are in the ratio 2:3. If each is increased by 5, the difference of their squares becomes 40. What are the integers? SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 363 10. The combined perimeters of two squares are 68 in. One square contains 51 sq. in. more than the other. Find the area of each. 11. The difference of two numbers is 5 ; the sum of their reciprocals is ^|. Find the numbers. 12. The difference of the cubes of two numbers is 604 and the sum of the numbers is 14. Find the numbers. 13. The difference of the terms of a certain proper fraction is 8 and the product of this fraction by one whose numerator and denominator exceed the numerator and denominator of the given fraction by 1 and 5, respect- ively, is ^. Find the fraction. 14. The diagonals of two rectangles are 29 ft. and 5 ft., respectively. The ratio of their bases is 7 to 1 and that of their altitudes 5 to 1. What are the dimensions of the larger rectangle ? 15. If the length of a rectangle be increased by 4 and the breadth decreased by 2, the area remains unchanged ; if the length be decreased by 4 and the breadth by 2, the area is halved. Find the sides of the rectangle. 16. The perimeter of a right triangle is 30 ft. ; its area is 30 sq. ft. Find the sides and the hypotenuse. Suggestion. Let x — the number of feet in the base. Let y = the number of feet in the altitude. Then, x + y + Vx^ + y^ = 30, (1) and xy = 60. (2) Transposing, x -^ y - SO = - Vx"^ + y^. (3) Squaring, x^ + y^ + 900 - QO x - 60 y-\- 2 xy z= x^ + y^. (4) Simplifying, and substituting value of xy from (2), x + y = 17. (5) Now solve the system J ^ ^ « * "^ [ xy = 60. 364 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 17. The perimeter of a right triangle is 70 ft. and its area is 210 sq. ft. Find the three sides of the triangle. 18. The diagonal of a rectangle is 37 ft. If one side were 4 ft. shorter and the other 2 ft. longer, the area of the rectangle would be 14 sq. ft. greater than the area of the original rectangle. Find the sides of the original rectangle. 19. A page is to have a margin at the sides of ^ in. and one of I in. at the top and at the bottom ; it is to con- tain 48 sq. in. of printing. How large must the page be if the length is to exceed the width by 2 J inches? 20. The fore wheel of a carriage makes six revolutions more than the rear wheel in going 120 yd. ; if the circum- ference of each wheel be increased one yard, the fore wheel will make four revolutions more than the rear wheel in going the same distance. Find the circumference of each wheel. 21. The circumference of the rear wheel of a carriage is 2 feet greater than the circumference of the fore wheel. The fore wheel makes 64 more revolutions than the rear wheel in traveling 3496 feet. What is the circumference of each wheel ? 22. Three men, A^ B, and (7, can do a piece of work to- gether in 1^ days. To do the work alone A would take twice as long as C and 2 days longer than B. How long would it take each to do the work? 23. A rectangular box is 8 in. long. Its volume is 192 cu. in. and the area of its six faces is 208 sq. in. Find the other two dimensions of this box. 24. The hypotenuse of a certain right triangle is 10 ft., and its area is 24 sq. ft. Find the base and the altitude of the triangle. CHAPTER XIV PROGRESSIONS 276. Series. A succession of numbers that proceed according to a fixed law is called a series. The numbers which form the series are called the terms of the series. Thus, the sequence of numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, ••• is a series in which the first term is 1, and the second term 3. The law of formation in this series is that any term is obtained from the preceding by the addition of the number 2. 277. Arithmetical progression. A series in which each term is obtained from the preceding by the addition of a constant number is called an arithmetical progression. Thus, — 8, — 4, 0, 4, 8, 12 is an arithmetical progression. 278. Common difference. The constant number obtained by subtracting any term of an arithmetical progression from the next succeeding term is called the common dif- ference, or simply the difference. Thus, in the arithmetical progression 2, 5, 8, 11, the common dif- ference is 3. 279. General form. The general form of an arithmet- ical progression is a, a -{■ d, a + 2 d, a + S d, "- in which a represents the first term, and d the difference. 280. The general term. By inspection it is seen that any term of an arithmetical progression is equal to the first term plus a multiple of the difference. 366 366 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Thus, in the general form it is obvious that the coefficient of rf in the second term is 1, in the third term 2, in the fourth term 3. In the tenth term the coefficient of c? is 9 and in the nth term it is n — 1. Hence, if the nth term of an arithmetical progression be denoted by a„, we have the formula, a„ = a+(n-l)(f. (1) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the fifteenth term of 2, |, 3, ... . Solution. Here a = 2, d = ^, n = 15. Substituting in (1), a^g = 2 + (15 - 1)|-, or 9. 2. Write the first three terms of the series whose twelfth term is 6 and whose thirty-fifth term is ^-. Solution. Here ajg = 6 = a + (12 - l)rf, (1) and 085 = -%^- = « H- (35 - l)d. (2) From (1), a + lie? = 6. (3) From (2), a + S4:d = \K (4) Subtracting (3) from (4), 23 d = S^. (5) Dividing, d - ^' (6) From (3), a = 6 - 11 ••• *> that is, J, ^, ^, •••. PROGRESSIONS 373 Remark. Observe that when any two terms of a geometric pro- gression are given, the first term and the common ratio can be found. EXERCISE 141 1. Find the fifth term of 1, 2, 4, .... 2. Find the sixth term of 3, |, |, ••.. 3. Find the sixth term of 1, 5, 25, •••. 4. Find the fifth term of 2, - 4, 8, .... 5. Find the sixth term of a, a6, a^, ••-. 6. Find the fifth term of a, 2a\4:a\ .... 7. Find the fifth term of m\ m(m — V)^ {m— 1)2, .... 8. Find the fifth term of 1, V2, 2, .... 9. Find the fifth term of ^^~^ , V2, 4(1 + V2), .... 10. Find the nth term of 3, 9, 27, ••.. 11. Find the nih. term of 1, J, ^, •... 12. Find the n\h. term of a, Va, 1, •••. 13. The fourth term of a geometric progression is 24 and the sixth term is 96. Find the ratio and the first term. 14. The third term of a geometric progression is 16 and the seventh term is Jg. Find the tenth term. 15. The sum of the first and fourth terms of a geometric progression is ^Q and the sum of the second and third terms is 24. Find the series. 16. The sum of three numbers in a geometric progres- sion is 14 and the sum of their squares is 84. Find the numbers. 374 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 17. Each stroke of a certain air pump exhausts one sixteenth of the air in the receiver. How much of the air originally in the receiver is removed in six strokes ? Geometric mean. When three numbers are in geometric progression, the second number is called the geometric mean of the other two. Thus, if a, x, b are in geometric progression, x is the geometric mean of a and h. If X is the geometric mean of a and b, x may be found in terms of a and b thus : Since - = r and - = r, a X we have - = -. a X Therefore, x^ = a&, and X = Va6 ; that is : 77ie geometric mean of two numbers is the square root of their product. Remark. It is evident that the geometric mean of two numbers is the mean proportional between these numbers [§ 175]. 290. Geometric means. The terms which stand be- tween any two given terms of a geometric progression are called the geometric means between the given terms. Thus, in the geometric progression 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, the geometric means between 2 and 32 are 4, 8, and 16. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE Insert three real geometric means between 32 and 2. Solution. a„ = ar'^'^. There are five terms in all, of which 32 is the first term and 2 the fifth term. Here a„ = Og = 2 = ar^. .•.82r* = 2. Whence^ '^ = :^' ^^^ '* = ± 5 ^^^ ± \' lo « « PROGRESSIONS 375 That is, the two real values of r are | and — 4. Corresponding to the real values of r, we have the progressions 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 32, - 16, 8, - 4, 2. The required means are, therefore, either 16, 8, and 4 or - 16, 8, and - 4. EXERCISE 142 Find the positive geometric mean between : 1. 3 and 48. 2. Jg and J^. 3. ^ and -. 4. (x-yy and (x^-^y^y, 5. 3 a and 27 a^. 6. a and a^. Insert three positive geometric means between : 7. 4 and 64. 8. 48 and 243. 9. (x — y') and (^x^ — y^^(x -\- y')^, 10. - and — . a^ 11. The sum of three numbers in geometric progression is 117 ; the mean is equal to three tenths of the sum of the other numbers. Find the numbers. 291. Sum of a geometric series. Let S^ represent the sum of n terms of a geometric progression ; then, 5„ = a + ar + ar2 + ... 4- ar""-^ + ar""-^ + ar''-\ (1) Multiplying (1) by r, r 5„ = ar -\- ar^ + ••• + ar'^'^ + ar^^ + ar^, (2) Subtracting (2) from (1), (1 - r)5„ = a - ar"". Dividing, , o„= —1 376 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA That is, the formula for the sum of n terms of a geo- metric progression is S„ = ^Z^. (2) In an increasing geometric progression the formula obtained by changing the signs of the terms in formula (2) should be employed ; the formula is, S„ = ^«. (3) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Find the sum of eight terms of 2, 6, 18, •••. Solution. Here a = 2, r = S, n = 8. We use the formula Sn = — — • r — 1 Substituting in the formula, S. = ^'^^-^ = 38 - 1 = 6560. 8 2 2. The sum of the terms of a geometric progression is 728, the ratio is 3, and the last term is 486. Find the first term and the number of terms. Solution. Since «n = ar»~\ ran = o^", and the formula s„ = '""°-" r-1 may be written, -.=?fr- Here, 5„ = 728, r = = 3, and a„ = 486. Substituting, ^„o 3 X 486 - a ^^^- 3-1 whence, a = 2. From a„ = ar«-i. we have 486 = 2 X S»-\ or. 3« = 3«-i. Hence, 5 = n - 1, or, n = 6. PROGRESSIONS 377 EXERCISE 143 1. Find the sum of 2, 6, 18, •-. to 6 terms. 2. Find the sum of 4, 2, 1, ... to 8 terms. 3. Find the sum of — 3, 9, — 27, ••. to 7 terms. 4. Find the sum of V3, 3 + V3, 6 + 4V3, ... to 5 terms. 5. Find the sum of 1, 2, 4, ••• to 7i terms. 6. Find the sum of 1, J, ^, ••• to ti terms. 7. Find the sum of aV5, 6Va, 5V5, ... to n terms. 8. Find the sum of 3, — 6, 12, ... to 2 m + 1 terms. 9. If the sum of the series 1 -|- 4 + 16 + ••• is 5461, find the number of terms. 10. The first term of a geometric progression is 1, the last term is 81, and the sum of the series is 121. Find the ratio. 11. Find two numbers whose sum is 52, such that their arithmetical mean exceeds their geometric mean by 2. 12. The first term of a geometric progression is 5, the ratio is 4, and the number of terms is 5. Find the sum of the terms. 13. The first four terms of a geometric progression are the same as the first four terms of a second geometric progression, but in reverse order ; the sum of the first eight terms of one is equal to 81 times the sum of the first eight terms of the other. Find the common ratio of each. 292. Infinite geometric series. The terms of a geometric progression in which r is positive and numerically less than 1, become smaller and smaller. By taking n 378 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA sufficiently large, we can make the nth term as small as we desire ; that is, make it more and more nearly equal to zero. By this statement we mean that however small a' num- ber we please to mention, we can find a term such that it and each one of the succeeding terms of the series is numerically less than the number mentioned. Thus, in the series 100, 10, 1, J^, yoo"' T"^Vo' *" *^® successive terms are becoming smaller and smaller. When n is 10, a„ is y^nToV^nrS"' which is a small number; and when n is 103, a„ = , which is an exceedingly small number. From illustrative example 2, section 291, o _ a — ra^ which may be written, aS'^ = aJ ). 1 — r \1 — rj The term is a constant, and the term aJ — - — ) 1 — r \1 — rJ varies with n and becomes smaller and smaller. Hence, as more and more terms of the series are added, aS^^ differs less and less from . 1 — r The number is called the limit of the sum of n 1 — r terms, as n increases without limit. For convenience we shall call this limit the sum to infinity of a decreasing geometric progression, and shall denote it by the symbol S^ . We therefore have the following identity : <3 - ^ PROGRESSIONS 379 293. Recurring decimal. A decimal in which a figure or set of figures repeats in a certain fixed order is called a recurring decimal, or a repeating, or circulating decimal. Recurring decimals are illustrations of infinite geometric series : Thus, each of the following is an infinite geometric series : .6666 •••, sometimes written .6, in which a = .6 and r — .1. .3434 •.., sometimes written .34, in which a = .34 and r — .01. .304304 •.., sometimes written .304, in which a - .304 and r - .001. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 1. Sum to infinity the series 2, 1, |, ;^, ••• Solution. Here a = 2 and r = |^. 2. Sum to infinity the series 6, — 3, 1|, — | •••. Solution. Here a = 6 and r = — -^. S - Q - ^ -_L-4 3. Sum to infinity the series a, —^ — , ^ , .... Solution. Here a = a, and r = — a;2 + l ^-^ 1- a:2 + l 4. Sum to infinity the series .666 • • • . Solution. Here a = .6 and r = .1. S = ^ = -^ -'^-2 " l-r 1-.1".9~3' 5. Sum to infinity the series .24545 •••. Solution. .24545 ••• = .2 + .04545 •••, in which .2 is not a part of the series. jjere a = .045 and r = .01. S ^ q ^ .045 ^.045^ 5 * l-r 1 - .01 .99 no' ••• •2^5 = 1^ + ^4^, or ^ViJ. 380 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA , EXERCISE 144 1. Sum to infinity the series 1, ^, J, .••. 2. Sum to infinity the series 100, 10, 1, •••. 3. Sum to infinity the series 5, 1, ^, •••. 4. Sum to infinity the series 1, J, ^, •••. 5. Sum to infinity the series 6, |, -^^^ •*•• 6. Sum to infinity the series |, |, f, •••• 7. Sum to infinity the series 2.5, 1.25, .625, •••. 8. Sum to infinity the series 18, 12, 8, .•-. 9. Si;m to infinity the series 3.5, .35, .035, •••. Sum to infinity the following : 10. .5. 11. .54. 12. .61. 13. .i35. 14. .24. 15. .434. 16. Show that 4 + 1 + ^/ + — =3 + f + |J + • — 17. An elastic ball bounces to three fourths the height from which it falls. If it is thrown up from the ground to a height of 20 feet, find the total distance traveled before it comes to rest. 18. A heavy iron ball at the end of a chain is pulled to the right 1 yard out of the vertical and is then released. It swings to a point 0.9 of a yard to the left of the vertical, then to a point 0.9 of a yard to the right of the vertical. The succeeding swings follow the same law. Including the first movement, find the greatest distance the ball could travel before coming to rest. 19. Show that before the ball mentioned in example 18 passes through the vertical for the seventh time after being withdrawn, it has moved more than half its total movement. CHAPTER XV GENERAL REVIEW 1. Evaluate 1 -— when a = 3, 5 = 4, and c=l. 2. Evaluate — — — — ±- i— when x = 2. 3. Evaluate ^P " ?)' + C + *) % (P + ?)' + C" - O' ^ p -{■ q + r -\- 8 p — q-\- r — 8 when JO = 3, 3' = 2, r = 1, and 8 = ^ . 4. Write a formula for the area of a parallelogram. Find the area of a parallelogram whose base is 10 inches and whose altitude is 7 inches. 5. Write a formula for each of two numbers whose sum and difference are known. Find two numbers whose sum is 126 and whose difference is 32. 6. Write a formula to find the weight of a bag con- taining any given number (n) of bushels of grain, given the weight of the bag and the weight of a single bushel of grain. 7. Write a formula for the area of the wall of a room of length L and width TF" containing two windows each of length I and width w, 8. Write a formula to find the number of square feet in the four walls of a room, I ft. long, w ft. wide, and h ft. high. 381 382 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Find the sum of the expressions in examples 9-12. 9. Sa^-\-2xt/-4f + lSz^, 2x^-5x1/-^ 7t/^-^Uz^ and -3a;2+ 2x^-7 y^-5z\ 10. 8 mn^ — 7 mhi -{- 2n^, 5m^ — 2 mhi — 11 mn\ and m^ — 2 nK 11. (jE? -h q)a, (^q + r)a, and (r — 5')a. 12. ix-^^-\-^z,^x + ^y-^z,and2x-ii/-^^z, 13. Simplify 3(a - b -\- c -\-2d}- 5(a- 2b+ Sc--Sd^ + 4(a-36 + 2(? + 4(^)-2(a-7 6-2c-7c^). 14. Evaluate (3 a: + 2 a)2 - (2 a; + 5 ay when a; = 7 a. 15. Evaluate 5(2 m - 37i)(3m - 2 w) - (2/1 + 3 w) (3 w + 2 w) when w = 3 /t. 16. Simplify 2a; -(- 3^ + 2- jrr- y|)-(3a;H- 22- [-2^ + 32]). 17. Simplify _ 5 _ [_ (_ « 4. J _ c)]_ cj - { - [- 18. From the sum of 3 a6 — 2 a;y + 4 and 2 aft — 3 a;^ + 3 take the difference between 4 a6 + 3 a;y — 2 and 5 ah — 2 xy. 19. Add 5jo - (3 ^- 2 r) and - (3 ^ -6 j^)- lOjt? ; from the sum subtract — 4^ — (3 r + 5'). 20. State what value of x will make the expression 3(a; H- 3) — 2(2 a: — 3) equal to twice the value of x, 21. What number is as much greater than 30 as it is less than 74 ? 22. Find a number to which if 10 be added the result is equal to 6 times the number. 23. A man, who rode a motorcycle at the rate of m miles an hour, completed a journey from P to ^ in A hours, during r of which he rested. Find an expression for the distance from P to ©• GENERAL REVIEW 383 24. Multiply 5a;3-22^ + 7a;-llby3ar» + 7a;-3. 25. Simplify (ax + hy)(cx — dy) — (ex — hy)(ax-\- dy), 26. Multiply b(x + yy - 3(a; + ^) - 2 by 3(a: -f- y)- 27. Multiply .3 2^2 ^1,2 a; +1 by .52^2 _i. 28. Multiply a;"* + 2 2^-1 + 3 a^-2 by 2:1; -3. 29. Multiply a°+i — 2 a« + 3 by 2 a" — 3. Verify your result by putting a = 2. 30. Simplify ba-\'^a-[2h(p -^ q)-^h(p - q)^\, 31. Prove by actual multiplication that (^a + h+cy-\-a^ + y^+(^=(h+cf+(c + ay+(a^hy. 32. Show that if 2; = 1 + a, y = 1 + 5, z = l-\- c, then a;2 -(- ^2 ^ 2;2 — ^2 — 237 — 2;^ = a^ _|_ 52 _|_ ^ _ 5^ __ ^^ _ ^5^ 33. Prove by actual multiplication that (a^ — bey— (h^ — ed)(c^ — aJ)) is equal to a(a + h-\- c)(a2 + 5^ + c^ — 6c — ca — ah), 34. Arrange the expression a^(x — 1) -j- (oc^ — 1)^ — mx (a^ -f 3) in descending powers of x. 35. Divide4a3 4-a^-i3by a-|. 36. Divide a^^ + 53^ by a^ + ^. 37. Divide a;^ + 8 a;^ - 192 a:^ _ 256 x + 1024 by a:^ _ 4 ^^s -16a;+32. 38. Divide (x-\-6 yY — (y -^ 4: zy hj x •{- 4:(y — 2). 39. Divide 6x^ -9x^ + 22a^- 4:0^ --^x-lSa^-^lOhy 3a:3_2a: + 5. 40. Divide a^+"6" — 5 ^r+^-^J^n _ 3 ^-|-n-258n + 15 a"»+»-354n lyj fjfiln _ 5 ^n-152n^ 41. Factor24-822_9. 42. Factor (m + 2)* - 9(w + 2)2+ 20. 43. Factor a^ — b^. 384 ELEMENTAKY ALGEBRA 44. Factor aa^ -\- bx^ -{- a — h. 45. Factor a^ -\- 2 ab -\- S ac -\- 6 he. 46. Factor a^-b^- a{a^ - ^2) + 6(a - b)\ 47. Factor {i^ + 3 2^)2 - (3 x^ + l)^. 48. Factor ^^-|i. «>6 27 49. Factor^2;2_|.2^a;- 3^ + ^2^^ + 2^x-3^. 50. Factor 3(a:-3) + a;(rc-3)(3a;+3). 51. Factor a!^ -2aW ^b^ - a^ -\-2 ab ^ W^. 52. Prove that {tP' -\- xi/ 4- y^)^- (aP-^XT/- y^y = ^xy\x-^y), 53. Factor j^^ _ 3 ^2 ^. 4, 54. Factor 7^ — x^y — xy'^ + y^, 55. Factor jt?2 _ 6 j9^- 16^252 + 9^. 56. Factor (x^ -lxy-\- 18(a^ - 7 a;) + 72. 57. Factor x^^ + m^xy^. 58. Factor 3(2^+1)84-4(2; + 1)2 + a; + 1. 59. Express (5 a; - 6) (5 a; + 6) - 4 ^(10 a; - 4 ^) as the difference of two squares. 60. Resolve a:^ — 13 a;2 + 36 into linear factors. 61. Show that (9 a: ~ 10)2- 2(7 X - 10)2= (x - 10)2 _ 2(3 a; - 10)3. 62. Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of a^s+l and 2 a:2_a;_ 3. 63. Find theH.C.F. and L.C.M. of a:3 + 22^ + 2a;+l anda:8-.2a;2 + 2a;-l. 64. Reduce to lowest terms: '^'~^' + f+^^^ a^ — c^— 0^ — 2 bo TO '' 2 65. Simplify -j f—J' . GENERAL EEVIEW 385 66. Simplify x-hB , x + 2 , a; +3 (2_^)(3-jr) (x-^X^-^} (a;-2)(a:-5) 67. Simplify + (a — 6) (b — e) (h — c)(^c— a) (a — c)(h— a) 69. Simplify \x—y x^- y aP'-y'^] '\x + y x^y] 71. Simplify fsx-'5--Ysx-hB--\-^(x--\ 72. Simplify (a— 6)(a--c) (6 — c)(6 — a) (c— a)( — x — b a^ — ah b^—bc c^— ca c^ — ac b^—ba c^ _ ^^ ^_^_ 2i(a-ft) a-\-b a2 + ^2 a6 + ^2 81. Show that ^^-f^ + ^^±^ = (^ + ^)^^±-^. a+6 a-b ^ ^ a^-b^ 82. Simplify f-l^ L + _8^V-^^=^ V2a;+^ 2x-y^ y'^-4.x^J (Ix-y) (2x-yy 83. Solve the equation ^^±2 ^ ^±1 ^ 2. 84. Solve the equation 85. Solve the equation 86. Solve the equation 87. Solve the system 3 5 + 4a; 2x 3a;-4 Qx-1 3a:-4 m x X n p ^X X x-\-2 x+1 = 2. x-^y x-y _ -. 3 4 " * ~2 3 -^- 88. Solve the system 89. Solve graphically the system 2xy-\-Sx = 6, Sxy + 6x = S. '2x-y=:i, 2x+Sy==12. GENERAL REVIEW 387 90. Divide m into two parts, one of which shall exceed the other by n, 91. The difference of the squares of two consecutive odd numbers is 96. Find the numbers. 5 92. Solve the system by = -2, x+ly = ^. ft3. Solve the system 94. Solve the system 3 . 5 = 8, = 11, x-2 y+3 2 3 = 11. '2,x + y x — ^ 2x-\- y X— Sy 95. Solve the system f4a;H-8y-32 = 6, hx-{- y- 2 = 7, [4^ — 5 a; + 4 2 = 8. 96. Solve the system ^_3 y _^ ^_^ 3+^~7' 4 + 2"9' 5 + x~8' 97. Solve the system 5 .^ 4 x y z §-2 + 1=12. 98. Solve the system 4 5 5£:iI + ii^z:^ = i8-5 3,. = 1. 388 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 99. Solve for a; and ^: -^ + X. = ^, - + ^=2. oa 2 6 a b 100. A mixture of corn and oats contains 33J % of oats by weight. How many pounds of corn must be added to 100 lb. of the mixture so that the resulting mixture shall contain only 20 % of oats? 101. A dealer bought 2000 lemons, some of them at the rate of 1 J ct. apiece, and the remainder at the rate of 2 ct. apiece. He sold them all at the rate of 27 ct. per dozen and gained $7.50. How many did he buy at each price? 102. If 7 is added to twice a certain number, the sum is 13. Find the number. 103. If one half of a certain number is added to itself, the sum is 3 less than twice the number. Find the number. 104. Twice a certain number is 9 less than 5 times the number. What is the number? 105. One number is 3 times a second number ; the sum of the two numbers is 6 greater than twice the smaller number. What are the numbers ? 106. The sum of two numbers is 50 ; one of the num- bers is 5 less than 4 times the other. What are the numbers ? 107. The difference between two numbers is 37. The smaller number plus 3 times the larger equals 163. Find the numbers. 108. The sum of two numbers is 60 ; one number is 17 less than 6 times the other. Find the numbers. 109. One number exceeds another by 30 ; the smaller is 3 greater than one half of the larger. Find the numbers. GENERAL REVIEW ^89 110. One number exceeds another by 101 ; if 3 times the smaller is added to the greater, the result is 201. Find the numbers. 111. A's share of a business is twice that of his partner B; they sell the business for $12,000. How much should each receive ? 112. The sum of two numbers is 280, and their difference is equal to one fourth of the greater. Find the numbers. 113. A house and a garage cost $7000, and twice the cost of the house was equal to five times the cost of the garage. Find the cost of each. 114. A number is composed of two digits ; the digit in the tens' place is one less than twice that in the units' place. If 27 is subtracted from the number, the remain- der is composed of the same two digits in reversed order. Find the number. 115. The difference between the squares of two con- secutive numbers is 13. Find the numbers. 116. If A can perform a piece of work in 3 days, and B in 5 days, in what time should they perform it working together ? 117. If a man and 2 boys can do a piece of work in 5 days and the man working alone can do it in 12 days, in what time can one boy working alone do the work, pro- viding the boys do equal amounts ? 118. The sum of the two digits of a number is 14 ; if the order of the digits is reversed, the number is diminished by 18. Find the number. 119. A person has just ten hours at his disposal ; how far may he ride at the rate of ten miles an hour, so as to return home on time, walking back at the rate of 4 miles an hour? 39a ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 120. A train travels from Philadelphia to New York in 2 hours ; if it had traveled 15 miles an hour slower, it would have taken one hour longer. Find the distance from Philadelphia to New York. 121. A number of workmen, who receive the same wages, earn together a certain sum. Had there been 6 more workmen, and had each received 10 cents more, their joint earnings would have increased by $19.60. Had there been 3 fewer workmen and had each received 10 cents less, their joint earnings would have decreased by $9.70. How many workmen are there and how much does each receive? 122. The total number of boys and girls attending a certain boarding school is 95. If the. number of boys were 30 % less and the number of girls 20 % more, there would be as many girls in attendance as boys. How many of each are there in attendance? 123. A man has $2.20 in nickels, dimes, and quarters, 15 coins in all. If the number of nickels and quarters were interchanged, he would have $1.80. How many of each has he ? 124. A quantity of wheat sufficient to fill three bins of different sizes will fill the smallest bin four times, the second bin three times, or the largest bin twice with 40 bu. to spare. What is the capacity of each bin ? 125. A wholesale egg dealer sold on the average 3800 dozen eggs a day for cash. He reduced his price 5%, and found that his average daily cash receipts from sales were increased 10%. How many dozen eggs did he sell daily at the reduced prices? 126. A man has $5000 which he wishes to invest in two enterprises so that his total income will be $ 180 ; if GENERAL REVIEW 391 one enterprise pays 4% and the other 3%, how much must he invest in each? 127. The circumference of the rear wheel of a carriage is 3J ft. greater than the circumference of the front wheel. The front wheel makes 98 more revolutions than the rear wheel in traveling 5600 ft. What is the circum- ference of each wheel? 128. The sum of two fractions is ^ and their difference is y2_. What are the fractions ? 129. Find a fourth proportional to a*, ah\ 6 a%, 130. Find a mean proportional between 32 aV and 2 a^x. 131. Two numbers are in the ratio oi mi n. If c be added to the first and subtracted from the second, the results will be in the ratio of 4 : 5. Find the numbers. 132. What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 6, 9, 15, and 27, so that the resulting differences shall form a proportion when taken in the given order? 133. If = - , prove that 6 is a mean proportional b — c c between a and c. 134. Two numbers have the ratio of 7:8; if 21 be added to each, they have the ratio of 10 : 11. Find the numbers. 135. Represent by a graph the distance traveled by an automobile at the rate of 25 miles an hour. What is the equation connecting the distance and the time? 136. Determine the value of x from the proportion 137. If h is a mean proportional between a and ^ «^~"] -p. 158. Simplify, using positive exponents to express the iswer, f x~'^y^z~^ \^ ( x'^X^ V xy-^ ) ^\^y 159. Simplify VT8 ; 36^ 25"^; ^^x-, -\/W. r 160. Simplify ^ 161. Simplify ^h-- 3^+1 gor+i -l^*+l 162. Simplify 5 «« - (5 a)0 - l^ + A. 9^ 163. Simplify 5V| + V|-V8. 164. Simplify 3V12+V75-V108. 165. Simplify ^^-^^. 394 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 166. Simplify '^2-h-V2^2^. 167. Simplify ^| . ^/IT, 168. Simplify -yo(^^;-j;j^;)- 211. Simplify ^-^-2 + 0.^" 210 212. Divide 5x^-6x^-4: x~^^ - 4 x~^ - 3 x^ by x^-2x-^. 213. Show that (29753)2-*. 43 - (29581)2-4- 43 = 237336. GENERAL REVIEW 397 214. Solve 5x^-Sx-2 = 0, 215. Solve in two ways 5 a:^ + 14 a; — 55 = 0. 216. Solve 8a;- 152:2-1 = 0. 217. Solve ax^ — hx= c. 218. Solve a; + 5 + 2 V^+5 = 15. 219. Solve by factoring, by completing the square, and by f ormulge, 3 a;2 - 26 a: + 35 = 0. 22b. Solve 4 a;2 -I- 8 mx = 4 mn 4- n?. 221. Solve m^a^ — mx -\-l = x^. 222. Solve . ^J ^ =1 ^ t^^St + 2 t-2 223. What values of x will make the expression (a: + 2) (5 — 3 a:) equal to six times the value of a:? 224. Solve and check -Vx -f 2 — Vx — 6 = Va; — 3. 225. Solve 5a;2_32;_3V5a^-3a;-13 = ll. 226. Solve 6(x^-h^-[-6fx-^-\-SS = 0, 227. Solve 12fx^ + ^-6fx-{--\- 291 = 0. 228. Solve 4a72 — 7a; + 2 = 0; give both roots correct to two places of decimals. 229. Solve (l — n^)x^—2mx + m^ = 0. 230. Solve V^^^ + x-S = 0. 231. Solve 3VZ--|^ = 8. 232. Solve V«^H-5 + «^-l = 0. 233. Complete the square in each of the following ex- pressions : a:2-12a;, a;2 + 25, a^ + 9a;, a?^4--^j. :^I8 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA In problems 234-7, write down the quadratic equations whose roots are given. 234. 3 and 5. 235. 1 H- V2 and 1 ~ V2. ^ 236. — -^ — and — -— . 2 2 237. m-i-n-\- Vw — n and m + n — Vm — n(m > n), 238. Solve the system fa; + V^+ «/ = 14, \x^+xy + 1/^ = 84:. 239. Solve the system f a^-y^=^6, 240. Solve the system 241. Given p = 9A^^d; find value of d. What is the positive root when t= .21 and j? = 3.2 ? 242. The area of a mat of uniform width about a picture 10 inches long by 8 inches wide is one half the area of the picture. What are the outside dimensions of the mat ? 243. Solve -l- + _i- ^=0. x—a x-\- 2a 2a 244. Solve --±1-1=^. X—6 X-\-l X — 4: 245. A loop of twine 30 inches long is to be stretched over four pegs so as to form a rectangle whose area shall be 50 square inches. What are the sides of the rectangle ? INDEX [Eeferences are to pages.] Abscissa, 252 Absolute value, 25 Addition, 24 ; associative law for, 37 ; by counting, 30 ; commuta- tive law for, 34 ; graphic repre- sentation of, 30 ; of fractions, 164 ; of monomials, 34, 35, 37 ; of polynomials, 38 ; of surds, 279 Algebra, 1 ; laws of combination in, 9 ; symbols of, 2, 3 Algebraic expressions, 6 Algebraic fraction, 153 Alternation, 242 Antecedent, 239, 245 ' Approximations, 319 Arithmetic, the notation of, 1 Associative laws, 37, 55 Assumptions, 16 Axes of coordinates, 261 ; of refer- ence, 251 Base of a power, 11 Binomial, 13 ; cube of, 115; square of, 108 Binomial expansion, 300 Binomial formula, 300 Binomials, product of two, 114 Braces, 12 Brackets, 12 Cancellation, 84 Checking the result, 7 Clearing of fractions, 191 Coefficient, 10 Common difference, 365 Common ratio, 371 Commutative laws, 34, 54 Completing the square, 316 Consequent, 239 Constant, 247 Coordinates, 252 Cubes, sum and difference of two, 132 Decimal, recurring, 379 Degree of an equation, 82, 142, 143, 205, 312 ; of an expression, 100, 101 ; of a monomial, 100 Descartes, 261 Difference, 27 Distributive law, 58 Dividend, 33, 72 Division, 33, 64 ; by zero, 16, 72, 154 ; of fractions, 178 ; of mo- nomials, 66 ; of polynomials, 68, 69 ; of surds, 281, 285 ; rule of signs in, 33 ; special cases of, 179 Divisor, 33 Equations, 15 ; change of signs in, 84 ; complete quadratic, 313 ; conditional, 81 ; degree of, 82, 142, 143, 205, 312 ; dependent, 207 ; equivalent, 82, 208, 219 ; formation of quadratic, 327 ; fractional and literal, 191, 197, 222 ; graph of dependent, 260 ; graph of inconsistent, 260 ; graph of linear, 258, 260 ; graphs of, 256 ; homogeneous, 352 ; in- complete quadratic, 313, 314 ; inconsistent, 207, 260 ; independ- ent, 207 ; indeterminate, 206 ; irrational, 321 ; linear, 82, 205 ; number of roots of a quadratic, 343 ; number of solutions of, 205, 208 ; numerical, 197 ; partic- ular systems of quadratic, 355 ; quadratic, 312 ; quadratic with complex roots, 335 ; rational and integral, 142 ; relations between roots and coefficients of quad- ratic, 326; roots of, 82, 143, 342 ; satisfying an, 82 ; simple, 82, 205 ; simultaneous, 207, 229 ; solution of, 82, 143, 206, ^316, 399 400 INDEX 824 ; standard form of quadratic, 812 ; systems of quadratics, 350 ; systems of linear, 205, 208 Elimination by addition and sub- traction, 209 ; by comparison, 215 ; by substitution, 214, 350 ; by undetermined multiplier, 217 Euclid, 57 Euler, 109 Evaluation of an algebraic expres- sion, 6 Evolution, 302 Exponents, 11 ; fractional, 286, 287, 288, 289 ; negative, 286, 287, 288, 289 ; zero, 65 Expressions, algebraic, 6 ; integral, 100; mixed, 170; prime, 118; rational, 100 Extremes, 241 Factoring, 118 ; equations solved by, 142 ; remainder theorem in, 140 ; special methods of, 134 ; summary of, 136 Factors, 9 ; found by grouping terms, 121 ; integral algebraic, 118 ; monomial, 119 ; of alge- braic expressions, 118 ; of differ- ence of two squares, 126 ; of general quadratic trinomial, 130 ; of integral expressions, 118 ; of monomials, 119 ; of trinomials of the form x^ + ex -\- d, 127 ; of tri- nomial squares, 123 ; sum and, difference of two cubes, 132 Formula, 17 Fourth proportional, 245 Fractional equations, 191, 222 Fractions, 153 ; addition and sub- traction of, 164 ; change of signs of factors in terms of, 156 ; clear- ing an equation of, 191 ; complex, 183 ; continued, 186 ; division of, 178 ; laws governing algebraic, 153 ; lowest common denominator of, 164 ; multiplication of, 161, 178 ; powers of, 176 ; proper and improper, 170 ; quotient of two, 178 ; reduction of, 169 ; reduction to lowest terms, 158 ; simple, 169 ; signs affecting, 154, 156. Function, 255 ; graph of, 256 Gauss, 330 Graphic representation, of addition and subtraction, 30 ; of the rela- tion between two variables, 251 Graphs, 251, 346 Greatest common divisor, 146 Highest common factor, 146 ; of monomials, 147 ; of polynomials by factoring, 148 Identities involving roots, 267 Identity, 81 Imaginary imit, 330 Index, 11 ; law, 55 ; of a radical, 275 ; of a root, 265 Involution, 800 Least common multiple in arith- metic, 149 Linear equations, 82, 205 Literal equations, 197 Lowest common denominator, 164 Lowest common multiple, 149 ; of monomials, 150 ; of polynomials by factoring, 151 Mean, arithmetical, 368 ; geometric, 374 ; proportional, 245, 374 Means, arithmetical, 368 ; geo- metric, 374 ; of a proportion, 241 Members of an equation, 15 Minuend, 27 Monomial, 13 Multiplicand, 31 Multiplication, 81, 64; associative law for, 55 ; combinations of signs in, 32 ; commutative law for, 54 ; distributive law for, 58 ; of a polynomial, 58, 61 ; of frac- tions, 161, 173 ; of surd expres- sions, 281, 282 ; rules of signs in, 32 Multiplier, 81 Newton, 801 Notation, 81, 106 Number, complex, 333 ; imaginary, 880 ; irrational, 262 ; literal, 1 ; prime, 118 ; rational, 262 ; re- ciprocal of a, 178 ; symbols of, 2 INDEX 401 Numbers, algebraic, 22 ; conjugate complex, 333 ; negative, 22, 23 ; opposite, 25 ; positive, 22 ; prime to each other, 158; property of positive, 266 ; real, 330 ; scale of positive and negative, 23 ; sum of, 25 ; use of Uteral, 1 Operations, order of, 7 ; rational, 100 ; symbols, 2 Ordinate, 252 Origin, 251 Parentheses, 12, 48 Pascal, 204 Plotting, 253 Polynomial, 14 Portraits, Descartes, 261 ; Euclid, 57 ; Euler, 109 ; Gauss, 330 ; Newton, 301 ; Pascal, 204 ; Py- thagoras, ii ; Vieta, 33 Powers, 11 ; ascending and descend- ing, 61 ; fundamental identities involving, 263 ; of a fraction, 176 ; of i, 331 ; quotient of two of the 'same base, 64 Processes, fundamental, 34 Product, 31 ; of conjugate surds, 284 ; of two binomials having a common term, 114 ; of two com- plex numbers, 334 ; of two con- jugate complex numbers, 333 ; of two fractions, 173 ; of two monomials, 56 ; of sum. and dif- ference of two numbers, 112 Products, type, 107 Progression, arithmetical, 365 ; de- creasing, 372 ; geometric, 371 ; increasing, 371 ; infinite geo- metric, 377 Proportion, 240 ; by alternation, 242 ; by composition, 243 ; by division, 243 ; by inversion, 241 ; continued, 244 Proportional, fourth, 245 ; mean, 245 ; third, 245 Pythagoras, ii Quadratic equations, 312 ; com- plete, 313 ; incomplete, 313 ; number of roots of, 343 ; particu- lar systems of, 355 ; standard form of, 312 ; systems of, 350 ; with complex roots, 335 Quadratic surd, 266, 295 Quotient, 33, 72 ; of two fractions, 178. • Radical, 265 Radicals, 275 Radicand, 265 Ratio, 239 Ratios, composition of, 245 Remainder, 72 Remainder theorem, 139 Review, 52, 75, 137, 186, 234, 296, 381 Root of an equation, 82 Roots, 265 ; approximate square, 308 ; cube root of a monomial, 105 ; found by factoring, 143 ; like and unlike, 265 ; nature of the roots of ax"^ -^ bx -j- c = 0, 340 ; principal, 265 ; quadratic equations with complex, 335 ; square root of arithmetical num- bers, 307 ; square root of a bi- nomial surd expression, 293 ; square root of a monomial, 105 ; square root of a polynomial, 304 ; square root of a trinomial, 303 Rule of signs, in division, 33 ; in multiplication, 32 ; in subtrac- tion, 28 Series, 365 ; sum of arithmetical, 369 ; sum of geometric, 375 Signs, affecting a fraction, 154 ; change of, in terms of a fraction, 156 ; like and unlike, 22 ; of ag- gregation, 12 ; rule of, 28, 32, 33 Square of a binomial, 108 ; of a monomial, 102 ; of a polynomial, 111 ; of a trinomial, 110 Subtraction, 26 ; of fractions, 164 ; of monomials, 42 ; of polyno- mials, 44 ; of surds, 279 Subtrahend, 27 Surds, 266 ; addition and subtrac- tion of, 279 ; comparison of, 278 ; conjugate, 283 ; division by poly- nomial containing, 285 ; multipli- cation and division of, 281 ; order of a, 266 ; product of conjugate, m2 INDEX '284 ; qnadratic, 266, 295 ; simpli- fication of fractional, 276 ; square root of a binomial expression, Symbols, 2 ; of number, 2 ; of operation, 2 ; of relation, 3 Terms, 13 ; like, 14 ; 6f a fraction, 163 ; of a proportion, 240 Transposition, 83 Trinomial, 14 Type forms, 11© Value, arithmetical, 25 ; numerical, 25 Variable, 247 Variation, 247 verse, 248 Vieta, 33 Vinculum, 12 Zero, 23, 25 direct, 247 ; in- THIS BOOTi'^'^mm^t^^&^'r DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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