8061 '12 W Itfd 'A 'N ' soag Prohibition: With the People Q Behind It By John G. Woolley COPYRIGHT BY THE AMERICAN ISSUE PUBLISHING CO. LL RIGHTS RESERVED Prohibition: With the People Behind It By John G. Woolley An address delivered at the National Convention of the American Anti- Saloon League, December nth, 1911, in Washington, D. C. At the time has come when a speech against the liquor business can begin, and must begin, with a strong, high note of cheer. Not that the deep, dark pathos and outrage of the thing havei greatly dimin- ished ; they have not ; but because the apathy, the ignorance, the subserviency of decent citizens, in the matter, is disappearing like the valley mist at sun- rise; and the sparse and sorrowful prohibition militia of former clays has grown to an enthusiastic army of in- vasion, keen and fit for war to the finish. To those of us who bore the heat and burden of the movement in the lean, gray years of preparation, this day has seemed a long time on the way. When Doctor Billy Clark promoted the first tem- perance society of modern times, in Saratoga County, New York, he did not dream of anything so extravagant as a campaign to stop the trade, that lawfully, respect- ably, and as a matter of course held out the cup that curses while it cheers, to all ranks and conditions of society. Even the expectation of a little human salvage in his own neighborhood seemed fantastical. That was in 1808. It was a forlorn hope of all but ruined men that formed the Washingtonian society, in the forties. And in the fifties, when that movement burst into a flame of righteously indignant legislation, that would have i 272305 swept the liquor business from the map of trade and did in fact abolish it in fourteen or fifteen of the states, the earthquake of civil war came and engulfed it in a tidal wave of blood and beer and graft and bossism. That was in the sixties. How vividly we can still recall the sound of tears in Frances Willard's voice when, like a glorified Peter the Hermit, she went sweeping from state to state, half angel, half nemesis, pleading, arraigning, inspiring. That was in the seventies. The Prohibition Party, with set, sad countenance, did a great work greatly. It built a road for politic- al liberty of conscience, from the bi-partisan quag- mire that followed the Civil War, to the open sea of actual, ethical, intellectual, effectual, Christian Democ- racy. If there is any human activity in civil or moral engineering entitled to be called fundamental and eter- nal, it is that of casting up highways for the people. The Roman Empire has been dead for centuries ; but Roman roads still stretch their brawny arms in full, beneficient efficiency, untouched by age; for kings may come and dynasties may go, but roads rule on forever. A road is an atonement, laid in economics. The spirit of God is the togetherness of men, in the name of progress "two or three," or a billion. It was no accident that Jesus never said, "I am the vehicle, or I am the organization, or I am the man," but "I am the way." The Prohibition Party was the bridge builder of the great reform ; a rough mechanic, but its work abides and will abide. It fixed the hated word "prohibi- tion" in our political language and put its sneering rival "personal liberty" in deep and permanent contempt. It drove the tough, straight-grained and seasoned tree trunks of accomplished knowledge, conscience and con- viction into the shifting sands of party politics, down to the hardpan. Its persuasions fell like blows, vexing and spattering the Christian voters encamped supinely 2 by the party streams, until for very shame, they stood erect, at attention, caught the key and rythm of the pile-driver, enlisted not in the party but in the minute- men regiments of the Anti-Saloon League, crossed the rubicon of Christian-democrat belligerency, and threw their party badges in the stream. So that tonight we stand before the very gates of victory. But that means only that we have got a chance to fight. This is the net achievement of a hundred years, that we have made the enemy come out from his distilleries and breweries, his warehouses and saloons, his clubs and speakeasies, his drug stores and canteens his gambling houses and brothels, into the open and into battle form. And this is why we cheer as we go forward ; not because the fight is finished, but because, after a baffl- ing century of challenging and skirmishing, it has begun. But our present cheers must not shut out the voices of the future. We shall have hot work, from now on. Villainy takes naturally to strategy ; cruelty- dies hard. This cowardly, low-browed, foul-breathed, cold-blooded, false tongued degenerate of trades, driv- en farther and farther into a corner, will fight like hell. That is to say, will strangle with the brimstone fumes of slander, will mine the thoroughfares with murder, will trap and torture with the flying cavalry of lies. Yet we do well to cheer, in celebration of the sim- plified conditions of the conflict. After all the cark- ing years of tricks and bribes and betrayals and com- pounded political felonies, the liquor trade, hemmed in by mountains of public sentiment and rivers of popular knowledge, turns at bay, takes up our gage of battle and with satanic, idiotic impudence, proposes a "cam- paign of education." This itself is victory, and the beginning of the end. And if democracy is not a failure our complete tri- umph is assured. All the signs are auspicious. In the first place, 3 a finer braver spirit runs through our own ranks. The critical attitude among ourselves is dying out. It was excusable and inevitable in the boom days of mere agi- tation, and did little harm. Looking back, we see abundant justification, and even abundant credit, for us all. Every move, how- ever roughly made, was well worth while. Every riv- alry promoted zeal and sharpened the focus of the public mind. But the period of mere agitation has passed, and the methods and manners of the mere agi- tator should pass with it. The accent has shifted from salvage to conservation, from agitation to con- struction, from zeal to efficiency, from benevolence to business. And looking* forward, we see that divis- ions would be illogical and hurtful. Cooperation is the key-note for the future. The right hand of fellow- ship among ourselves is the best formation we can use against the enemy. A man that can't fight beside an- other man who differs from him incidentally is not a good soldier now. Shaking-hands is good training for the grip and heart muscles, and these are what we shall use mostly. With hearts of oak, we must close our ballots, the white fingers of our Christian citizenship, on the throat of the liquor traffic and squeeze its accursed gullet till it quits forever. There must, of course, be a few cavilers where so many are engaged. They are hard to understand. They are impossible to reconcile. But we who compose the great free, untrammeled working body of the move- ment ought to adopt and are going to adopt as a great working commandment, "Thou shalt not whine at the success of a comrade." In the second place, we have learned slowly and reluctantly, but surely, that economics is the bones of public morality : clothes, shelter, food, efficiency, di- version, justice, man to man. Moral muscles and religious nerves that do not articulate to these pro- duce mere political hysteria. The present turn of the 4 tide, in this long war, came when the Blucher of "busi- ness" brought its burly reinforcements of argument into action. And now at length, we are as willing as \ve are able to meet the economic argument where it is, without any show of condescension or affectation of superior virtue. The economic argument is on the ground, on the counter, on the bench, on the desk, in public service, not public services. The organized liquor trade is base and crooked to the core; but many a citizen who knows that, is yet dimly but honestly persuaded that the license system, poor as it is, is all the prohibition that is practicable at present. Such men are not now to be belittled, or railed at. They must be met and brought into our camp with facts. In the third place, the height and the length of our endeavor, no longer blind us to the breadth of it. The variations of local sentiment and local symptoms have come to be recognized as clearly, and taken as seriously as the great central purpose. County-man- ship is seen to be as worthy in its way, as statesman- ship, and primarily more necessary in a democracy. The doctrine of the parable looms large in reason and experience, as well as authority, that the faithful over a few things is in the true line of honorable service and promotion. It is a pity that the charge may yet be heard, sometimes, that local option is immoral. For one thing, the statement is rank nonsense unless democ- racy is immoral ; and for another thing, some of the best work in the world is of the masonry of honest mis- takes corrected ; and the sure and inevitable correc- tion of the weaknesses of local option is state and national prohibition. The critics of local option as- sume a false definition of the term. They take "local" to mean "little." They have no warrant for that. Lo- cal option means progressively town democracy, county democracy, state democracy, and federal sov- ereignty. The key-note is union, one and indivisible. 5 There are no state, county or town lines dividing the pur- pose of the people. But the John Brown days are past and gone. This is the Lincoln period of our reform, and the Lincoln breadth and charity should pervade it. ,In the fourth place, the ugly old phrase "whisky party," in its time accurate enough, has gone to the scrap heap. There 'is a whisky party, but it has now no relation to the political parties save that of a high- wayman to the stage-coach to hold them up and rob them. The political parties are very disappointing, mixed and human, but they are fundamentally patriot- ic. Human weakness and selfishness abound in them, but strength and loyalty much more abound. I am no good friend of either party. But I am ready to certify to the general deep down honesty of both. And to call either a "whisky party" in the light of Anti-Saloon League history is baby talk. At any rate, party lines are fading out, in the light of the new national moral- ity, and we have outgrown the period for wounding men to win them. In the fifth place, the lampooning of Congress is going out of fashion. It is high time. To keep it up would be to advertise our ignorance, or malice, as well as to obstruct our progress. Congressional action is absolutely necessary in aid and recognition of the police power of the states. The Internal Revenue law and the interstate commerce law are in effect ac- cessories of the organized treason to everything from the cradle to the flag. To bring them to our side, or shame them into standing up for fair play, is the most important work we have on hand. Meanwhile Congress has become friendly toward our work. Any reasonable statute that is surely con- stitutional, in aid of state prohibition will pass the sen- ate and the house, by a broadly and splendidly non-par- tisan majority, once it can be got on the floor for pass- age. The bill noAv pending for prohibition in Hawaii, and the bill amending the Interstate Commerce law so as to honor the popular will and judgment in prohibi- 6 tory states will pass congress and be signed by the president. The peril to such bills is in committee, where unfriendly minorities may be powerful for de- lay. I speak from personal and recent knowledge when I say that we can look to Washington with confi- dence, if only we are sane enough and just enough to be patient with the slow turning of the great federal millstones that have to work on such enormous crops of public sentiment and grind the grist so fine. Finally, we realize better a fact selfcevident, but often overlooked by reformers, that we scouts and cap- tains of the movement can go no faster than the people. They are interested in many things, and different groups place the accent of precedence differently ; but they have taken up the subject; and the prohibition movement, now, has no warrant to demand the right of way and a clear track. It must simply take its place with the rest and put its trained and mighty shoulder to the wheel of general progress. One still hears, now and then, that we must have "prohibition with a party behind it." That, I think, is precisely what we must not have. Parties, while not intrinsically unrighteous, are the weakest engines of righteousness. They run by weathercock power. Their cardinal doctrine is "Thou shalt follow the mul- titude to do whatever will round it up in the party corral." "Thou shalt first observe the wind and then, sow." Their message to their young men is : "My son, if enough sinners entice thee, consent and be quick about it." Minority parties are exceptions. But when they begin to come to majority the Delilah of dalliance with power crops their hair. So party government is always weak government ; and no weak government will ever stamp out the liquor banditti. This, I think, is the rationale of the present situa- tion. We have won our fight to get our question to the people. The liquor trade has lost its fight to keep it away from the people. The party boss, our enemy 7 and the liquor dealers' friend, has been Jonahed over- board by the insurgent crew of the ship of state, and no political whale appears to have the stomach for a proph- et of that flavor. The party constituencies are running- together upon issues of vital morality. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, that is to say, clean, strong government, has begun to arrive. In the present forward movement we have every advantage cf equipment. The breath of victory is in our nostrils.' The truth of history is with us. The voice of science is heard in our camp. The sanctions of religion gird us for battle. The press corroborates our message. The daily walk and conversation of the business world slant to\vard us. And the license sys- tem is itself a plea of "guilty," both on the part of the trade and the people. In the past, until the advent of the Anti-Saloon League, we scorned the critical study of the construc- tive value of methods. Our work was not education but appeal. "Stand up and be counted for the good you know and have published" was what we said and all we said. Drunkards and drunkenness were the self- evident proofs we offered, and our whole demand was made upon the Christian voter, not to think, but to do. We won that fight, and that brought us to the present point of departure. But let no man fool himself with the thought that we have whipped the liquor traffic. I know the splen- did gains that we have made, and to my own heart I boast about them. But I know also, all too well, that we have made little difference in the volume of the liquor business. We recall how General Braddock, able, brave, proud of his country, loyal to his King, marched with his little army into the Western wilderness against the French and Indians at Fort Duquesne. The Indians met him first. From every British point of view they were contemptible. He could have wiped them out before breakfast if he could have laid hands on them. 8 They were there but he scarcely caught sight of them, in one respect they were anything but contemptible tenacity and singleness of purpose. They knew noth- ing about honor. They knew nothing about military form. But they knew the value of a lawless wilderness, to savages, and they were there to defend, possess and enjoy it. They were not too proud to crawl like snakes in the grass. They dodged from tree to tree. They ran like hares but they came back like flies. They shot straight. They staid by the stuff. And the general got into history as the author of "Braddock's defeat/' Our enemy is like that. But we are not like that. The advance guard of the liquor trade are moral, in- dustrial and political savages. They are lawless and pitiless. They get their pleasure out of the pain of others. Their profits are the losses of others. They crouch like cats upon the bosom of society and suck the gasping lips of failure for their breath of life. They are out for pelts and scalps and plunder. They sneak; they crawl; they burrow; they murder while they run ; they torture the captured, they rob the dead. But ours if not better soldiers than our kinsmen at Fort Duquesne knew their enemy better. Baffled and checked by treachery, they kept right on. Shot in the back they fell forward, and we stepped over them, and sounded the advance ; until by sheer devotion we have torn the blanket savages of the liquor trade from their cover. And now, at last, they form in the open, under the walls of their twin citadels, the brewery and the distillery, where the sleek and epauletted field mar- shals of the business are in council and command. And now these heroes of hops, these moralists of malt, these sour mash patriots with their feet in the fountain of the public right, have set up a bureau of fake statistics and ordered "a campaign of education." It is a dirty battle, for clean-fighting men, but we have no choice but to accept it. So then, at last and finally, after all the chasing- and cross-firing, after all the camp-fever and discontent, 9 we face the issue and the enemy, and the ancient, eter- nal general orders for righteousness run along the line, "Say unto the children of progress that they go for- ward." Prohibitionists in Bands of Hope and Loyal Le- gions, with gentle -insistence getting little boys and girls to sign the pledge of total abstinence. Go for- ward ! Prohibtionists in Rescue Missions, throwing the life-line to half-dead derelicts of the saloon, Go for- ward ! Prohibitionists in the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union "doing everything" to save and build up womanhood, Go forward ! Prohibitionists in leagues and federations, mar- shaling the troops of trade and health and order against exposed positions of the enemy, Go forward ! Prohibitionists in bureaus at Washington carrying ammunition for the heavy ordinance on Capitol Hill, Go forward ! Prohibitionists in press and pulpit keeping watch over the springs of civic righteousness and justice, Go forward ! Prohibitionists at large, enlisted but voteless home- makers, bearing the ark of the covenant of liberty and democracy, Go forward ! Is that all? Yes that is all. Heaven is only a di- rection forward. Hell is an adverb "back." For- ward ! Everybody ! That is good politics. That is the law and the gospel. That is knowing God. That is immortality. Now, what are the branches taught in the liquor dealers' campaign of education? I shall take that up presently. What is not taught is most instructive. Who teaches that a saloon, a brewery, a distillery, a liquor store, is a good thing for any community? Who teaches that the liquor seller grades up to the level .of the baker or the carpenter, in the scheme of business life? IO Who teaches that it is a hardship that the saloon must pay a thousand dollars a year for the mere priv- ilege of showing its painted harlot face among the decent stores? Who teaches that it is a short-sighted social policy to forbid the sale of liquor to men below the age of twenty-one ? . Who teaches that the best patron of the saloon acquires the best judgment for such buying? Who teaches that in advertising the attractions of a community saloons should be set down with churches, schools and factories? Not a man, drunk or sober, in all the motley mul- titude of teachers and pupils in the "campaign of edu- cation" was ever heard to claim one atom of virtue or patriotism or righteousness for the business. Call up the grocery and challenge it, "What right have you to live?" "The right of being honest and useful and helpful. By so much as my merchandise goes out into the homes of the community, it is made a better place to live in."' Call up the saloon : "Why should we not tar and feather you and ride you out of town upon a rail? Why should we not hang you by the neck at the edge of the city as a warning to others of your kind?" And it answers solely and finally : "My license." Year after year it shuffles to the city hall and buys a permit to live, like a dog, by virtue of the tag of bloody gold upon its neck. Affirmatively, the liquor "campaign of education" includes about a dozen propositions. They are mere effigy epigrams set up to look like arguments ; and every one a lie. "Prohibition is sumptuary legislation ; it violates personal liberty ; it hurts business ; it increases taxes ; it attacks vested rights ; it causes "blind pigs ;" it makes men sneaks ; it discriminates against the poor; it creates a demand for drugs ; it is unscriptural ; it does not pro- hibit ; yon cannot make men sober by law." II Where is the proof in support of these proposi- tions? There is none. They are not set up to be proved. They are not meant to be studied, but to be swallowed holus bolus. They are not meant to instruct but to stultify. They are mere iteration directed at weakness, prejudice and ignorance. Who are the iter- ators? Simply the advertising agents of the trade, garnished with a handful of unfortunate preachers who have lost their bearings. The liquor trade's own classification of itself is with the brothel, the rat-pit, the faro bank, the prize ring and the race course, as a necessary evil a safety valve for native, and incorrigible brutism. But let us surprise these new educators by taking them seriously as seriously as possible. And first: What is a sumptuary law? It is, or was, a law directed at the buyer, attempting to regulate his conduct, in matters of mere indifference, without any good end in view. For instance, in the reign of Edward IV a statute was enacted prohibiting anybody "under the degree of a lord," from buying shoes having points over two inches long at the toes. The idea was to discourage habits of luxury among the common people, but it was manifestly unjust and foolish. A prohibitory liquor law is directed at the business of selling poison as a beverage and of maintaining a rendezvous for temptation, dissipation and disorder. It says to no man : "Thou shalt not buy nor drink"- though it may, and may well, come to that. It is in the nature of a quarantine regulation, which never says : "Thou shalt not catch yellow fever," but : "Thou shalt not spread yellow fever." Incidentally a law that restrains a man from selling liquor to his neighbor di- minishes the neighbor's liberty to spend his own mon- ey and experiment with his own body, but that does not make it a sumptuary law. Prohibition rebukes personal selfishness. But how does it violate personal liberty? Personal liberty, ac- cording to Judge Cooley, our greatest writer on con- 12 stitutional questions, is simply that condition in which rights are established and protected by means of such limitations and restraints upon the action of individual members of the political society as are needed to pre- vent what would be injurious to other individuals, or prejudicial to the general welfare. That is to say: "Obedience to law is liberty," and the liquor dealer is incorrigibly a traitor in the camp of law. Absolute liberty exists only where the person pos- sessing it is powerless to injure others. A shipwrecked man, alone on a raft in mid-ocean, has it, but would give the whole world to swap it for the limitations, that is to say, the enlargements of civil liberty the only kind of liberty that anybody but a fool or a villain counts worth having. In short, absolute liberty is only the obverse side of vital bankruptcy. The liquor business is injurious to everybody, in- cluding the owner, and prejudicial to every public in- terest. Nobody denies that. Prohibition is not tyr- anny, but protection for all men, women, children and domestic animals. Does prohibition hurt business? Yes, all the busi- ness that tends to ruin brothels, gambling dens, the white slave trade, vagrancy, begging, pawning, divorc- ing. But it helps every business that makes for "more abundant life." There is plenty of answers to the complaint that prohibition increases taxes. In the first place, there is no limit to the right of the people to increase taxes for the general welfare. In the second place, the people never object to increased taxes, if the money be honest- ly spent for the public betterment. If prohibition sometimes increases taxation, the people's ability to pay is much more increased. The tax rate does some- times rise, when prohibition is adopted, but the rise is only temporary. The assessed valuation of property increases, industry revives, earning power improves ; court, police, poor-house expenses decrease, and, after a year or tw r o, the rate swings back to normal or 13 below. If not, it is because increased school attend- ance compels new schoolhouses and teachers, or the higher plane of living, or the quickening of civic pride demands better roads and public buildings, or new pub- lic works for light, water, transportation, sewers and the like, or because the public business is poorly or dis- honestly conducted. As to the destruction of property. A liquor license is not property. It is a badge of beggary and infamy, and a disgraceful but temporary waiver of the in- alienable duty of the state to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Even if it were property, prohibi- tion does not destroy it, but only declines to resuscitate it when it dies; or if prohibition does destroy it, it is only the tearing down of an infected shack to save a city. Does prohibition discriminate against the poor? Never. It knows no rich or poor or good or bad. If the liquor business is good for the poor, a poor man ought to be able to engage in it. But it is the license system that squeezes out the poor. The chief charac- teristic of high license is that it favors the applicants that have the most money. Does prohibition make men sneaks ? It simply forces a moment of decision to be a man, or a sneak. It segre- gates the sneak into his own class, apart from men who will not sneak. It did not put the sneak sheriff and the sneak mayor in office at Newark, Ohio. It only coagu- lated the bad blood in the body politic so that the surgeon- governor could cut out the embolism and save the city's life. Does prohibition cause the use of other drugs? The disease and depravity induced by alcohol doubtless seek solace and excitement in other equivalents of poison ; but that argument proves too much. It would cut out pro- hibition of opium and cocaine, which are indeed less dangerous on the whole than alcohol. Does prohibition breed "blind pigs?" High license is the cut-snouted, swill fed mother of that breed of swine. Prohibition puts out of business the argus-eyed old razor-backs that can see through anything from a police- man to a president, from a candidate to a church, from a bunghole to a bishop, and makes them and their litters game for the sheriff. "Blind pigs" are hard to catch. But they do little harm as compared to their open-eyed dams. The blind pig suckles its own scrub sort, but makes no strong bid for the better born. Its dirty dugs are uninviting to the more cleanly animalism. Prohibi- tion kills the open saloons and chases the blind pigs. License protects the open saloons and carries legal gar- bage to its blind relatives. But we shall still have the blind pigs, under prohi- bition! Yes, any good housekeeper may have a few cockroaches in the kitchen. But no good housekeeper would agree to keep a few extra large and capable cock- roaches in her kitchen. Is prohibition unscriptural? Who says it is? The brewery. Who says it is not? The church. Which should know best? Which has the best character as a witness? The whole area of scriptural endeavor, from Sinai to Salvation Army, stands for prohibition. Paul's advice to Timothy, to use a little wine as a medicine, is irrelevant. That Jesus made wine if he did at Cana, for guests who after hours of festivity, and having "well drunk," were still so clear-headed and clean-mouthed that they detected and enjoyed the new, fine flavor of a better article, does not bear. We are not dealing with medical prescriptions or ancient oriental hospitality, or wine miraculously made, but with twentieth century breweries and distilleries that organize dissipation into trusts to exploit the weak and ignorant and vicious, to the tune of billions annually. The scripture that, is in point is "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink." When a man tells you that "you can't make men moral by law," you may know that you are being in- structed by a parrot, a fakir or a fool. He might as well say you can't produce a bent tree by inclining the twig. 15 He might as well tell you that you can't deepen a stream by building a j etty. He might as well say you can't improve poor soil by sowing clover. That is about all you can do by law. Laws are almost never enforced literally. Comparatively few receive punishment for broken law. Not many give obedience to law through fear. A remedial statute cuts comparatively little figure in the first fifty years of its existence. It is the silent, unfelt pressure of it on incoming generations that makes the people moral by so much as it is moral. It is not the sheriffs but the teachers that bring on the reign of obedi- ence and order. And the law is the great schoolmaster to bring us to itself that is to liberty. The assertion that " "prohibition does not prohibit" is a curiosity. It might, if one were not afraid of being inelegant, be called a luminiferous lie. It analyzes a well-hole of darkness, as accurately as the prism dissolves a ray of light into the solar spectrum. Who says: "Prohibition does not prohibit?" The liquor dealer. Who profits when it fails? The liquor dealer. Who makes it fail? The liquor dealer. Why does it fail? Because the average liquor dealer is con- fessedly and incorrigibly a criminal, a combination of Pagan and Bill Sikes, in contempt of the popular will and the popular right. Does somebody resent that generalization on the ground that many liquor dealers are men of good repute ? I am not speaking of repute. I am speaking broadly of character, and I weigh my words. Tell me wherein is a fence for stolen goods worse than an office of big busi- ness that knowingly and wilfully supplies liquor to brothels and speakeasies, to the contempt and confusion of law. Tell me by how much is the sender of obscene literature, or lottery tickets, through the mails a meaner degenerate than the merchant prince that establishes his igents on the border and ships alcoholic liquor to illicit dealers in prohibition areas ? Tell me what kind of traitor is more dangerous to liberty than the liquor dealer who 16 denies and prevents the right of the people even to vote on the question of prohibition? For sheer damnable in- solence if for no other reason the liquor traffic ought to he killed. These are the ugly high lights brought out in this rough, brief analysis of the failures of prohibition. We have in tlr's country an organized band of business out- laws, the most compact, determined and efficient body in American politics, business and crime, the crudest master and the most generous rewarder of weaklings and crim- inals in office. It is undeniably difficult to control them. lUit unless this' is to be a government of liquor dealers, by liquor dealers and for liquor dealers, this masterful cabal of traitors, now seen so clearly and so unanimously despised, is due for destruction. And that is not prophecy, but living, growing fact. The law abiding are already coming to their own. De- cency and sobriety under law are gaining ground, and the full-pocketed, red-handed, black-hearted conspiracy is giving back, with snarlings and curses, to its fall. Prohibition already works well in country places, next best in villages and little towns, worst in cities, but better and better everywhere. In Maine notwithstanding its millions of summer visitors from the cities, and the swarm of unruly men in- cident to the present era of internal development, the law makes headway. The people, the hardest-headed in the union, loyally maintain the law ; the Congressional delegation, the ablest in Congress, affirm the value of the policy, and the governors certify to its increasing success in practice. The shrinkage in the prohibitory major- ity, shown by the recent election represents simply the discouragement of cities, by the interference of the interstate commerce law, which can and will be re- lieved by a brief act of Congress classifying alcoholic liquors with cow-ticks and renderpest and small-pox. In Kansas, the plague spots of nullification are clear- ing up. Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita and Leavenworth 17 obey the law; the jails are nearly empty; and the poor farms are rechristened "prosperity stations", and devoted to agricultural instruction and experiment. North Dakota shows a similar record. In every prohibition state conditions of enforcement go visibly from good to better. Still better conditions are near at hand in Congressional relief, against the defeat of the "dry" states by bad neighbors on their borders under the unfair provisions of the inter-state commerce law. Meanwhile the moral level rises and the civic fiber toughens, in town, city, county, state and nation. The day of the "good man" in office has arrived. The sun of partyism is going down. And prohibition of the liquor traffic after fifty years prohibits better than the decalogue after five thousand. This, briefly, but fully enough, is a study of the liquor campaign of obscuration. It seems necessary to treat it thus respectfully for the benefit of the great number of vaguely favorable voters, for whom the old- fashioned strong, bulk, arguments assume too much of knowledge and of interest. It remains to present our own case, briefly and summarily, in rebuttal. It has been shown conclusively that the use of alco- holic liquor tends to excess ; and on that word "excess" the whole stress of former argument has been laid until now. The strong, well-disposed, well-to-do, untempted and unemotional man of affairs has confessed and avoided the issue by answering: "But alcohol is a food, a medi- cine, and a legitimate article of trade, to be sold under careful regulations and used in reason. Nursing mothers require it, the anaemic, the dyspeptic, the tuberculous, the over-worked. We must forbid sales to minors and drunkards. We must prescribe hours for the business. We must police it rigidly. We must provide, at public expense, for treatment or imprisonment for inebriates. We must encourage the Salvation Army and private benevolences in the interest of the weak and the de- praved." 18 This answer, if it were sound, was so narrow and so shallow that it seems both heartless and stupid. It made no account of the parents, wives and children of the patrons and victims of the trade, nor of the economic losses and injustices entailed upon the citizens who serve the people in the useful trades and professions. But it was not sound. Alcohol has practically no food value. It is a dangerous medicine and a more demoralizing article of trade than opium, cocaine and lottery tickets all combined. The old argument that centered on "excess" holds good today of course, and strengthens with the years. But the new century brings forth new challenges and broader reasoning. And now the accent of the argument moves up from "excess" to moderation, from weak men to strong men, from pious men to business men, from minors and drunkards to the mature and the sober. This is part of the same. change that has taken place in all the lines of moral and intellectual progress. The histories that we older people studied were the geneal- ogies of kings and the tragedies of martyrs and soldiers. Those that children study now are plain stories of the customs of the common people. Almost the youngest of us can remember how the patriotic speeches used to ring the changes on the evils of monarchy ; the insolence of kings ; our escape from old-world oppression ; liberty of conscience and the great, raw rights of man. But today we laugh at that kind of oratory. Popular statesmanship consists no longer in twisting the British lion's tail, but the American elephant and donkey have fallen upon evil times for tail culture. Normal, present, detailed matters of internal right and duty and prosperity are at the bar of public opinion. The moral and mental revolution that came in with the new century has for its nucleus the new, great word "conservation." It concerns not only the care of forests, mines and water power, but also, and more, the preservation of health, opportunity, 19 efficiency and man-power. Or, put negatively, for the sake of greater clearness, since a great part of the busi- ness of democracy today consists in throwing up de- fenses against domestic pests and raiders and robbers, the public mind is focussed now on problems of prevent- ing waste, privilege, poverty, sickness and preventible suffering. Religion that used to thunder about heaven and hell and damnation, today speaks quietly of a new earth here and now, with salvation running in the streets in pipes, on wires, in housing, sanitation and recreation. Medicine that used to be anchored at the bedside of disease is now the minister of health, and works in the open, treating the streams and marshes where the pur- veyors of sickness make their home. Law that used to revel in breaches of contract, damages for torts, and punishments for crimes, concerns itself today with coun- sel for the avoidance of actions and trespasses, and the devising of wholesale measures of reform. The great charities that used to lay their emphasis on misery, now put their millions into playgrounds, parks, schools of re- search, with a keynote of happiness. Rescue work that used to sit and scan the sea of life for wrecks, now carries cheer and instruction to the homes where the small craft of citizenship are outfitting for the deep. Prohibition is simply a part of this revolution. And it is only fair to say, the other way around, that this revolution is in part the work of the prohibition move- ment. Many a strong, good man indulges a temperate drink habit without fear and possibly without danger of be- coming debauched. To him the horrors of the old- fashioned argument are not impressive. But when we know and prove by irrefragable authority, as we do now, that no man can use alcohol as a beverage without suffer- ing- an actual and measurable slowing of his reaction time, reduction of his highest efficiency, and lowering of his power of resistance to disease, we can command his 2O attention and his aid. This man, pent up in the midst of terrific competition, demanding the hest, and keen to give the best, is sure and ready to listen when we tell him that alcohol is not only a habit-forming beverage, but also and more certainly, a disease-breeding drug, the prolific cause of Bright's disease, tuberculosis, insanity and paresis ; that the whole liquor business stands for waste, inefficiency, failure, sickness ; that it stands for race suicide, milkless breasts in motherhood, and rickets and epilepsy in children, even from the womb. We claim this man for prohibition because we can I > rove that the liquor business is the public school of the drink habit, and the town pump of disease. We claim this man for prohibition because we can pnve that the menace of the liquor business is like an iceberg, showing above the surface only a tithe of its whole bad bulk. We demand that this man read into the license opium, or cocaine, instead of liquor, and then take the bearings of his civic obligations. We claim this man for prohibition precisely for the reason that the Board of Health conscripts him into the extermination of rats that carry bubonic plague. We claim this man for prohibition on the same ground that the state slaughters tuberculous cows, and .the munici- pality taxes him to drain the marshes where the mosqui- toes breed, in malaria and yellow fever. We claim this man for prohibition for the same reason that we compel him to clean up his stable, and cart away the dung hill, where the housefly larva takes on typhoid fever for dis- tribution when its wings have grown. This average man, dispassionate, calculating, hard- headed, is our objective. He carries the keys of political power, to legislate and to enforce the law. Every plan of campaign must stand or fall, by its final effect gn him. So tested out, through forty years of strenuous and mag- nificent devotion, the Prohibition Party fails in these constructive days. Tt was first to get a sure grip on the 21 keynote of the movement, academically sounded by the Good Templars, that the liquor trade must go, by the votes of the people. It was pious, passionate, intelligent, altruistic. As an agitator it stood head and shoulders above us all. But like many another agitator, discoverer, inventor, it broke down at its strong point. A Hercules in the war for independent voting, it became blindly and savagely partizan. Charity, the greatest grace and wis- dom of democracy atrophied in its bosom. Its touch became too heavy for constructive politics. It fixed its clear, far sighted eyes on the delectable mountain tops of national courage, truth, justice, righteousness, and scorn- ed the lowly but necessary notches and circuits and zig- zags of the upward trail. It won promptly and splendidly a noble following of pastors, prophets, apostles, and others who had felt the adder tooth of drink and got away. But it never touched the mixed, refractory multi- tude. It arrested the thought and compelled the attention of practically the whole decent electorate to the folly and infamy of the liquor situation, and the perfidy of party- ism to official oaths. It had the principle, the passion, the courage, the endurance. But it could not get the voters. It stood out, a heroic, lonely figure, on the plains, and pointed all men to the heights of power. But it refused to walk, heel and toe, with the common people up the seamed and slippery sides. It was Moses without Aaron and without Israel. At its front, between its great ideal and its little ability to lead, the Anti-Saloon League gathered, with no bond but a common, patriotic impulse, and no pretension but a desire to serve, and sounded its militant bugle for the long, slow climb. It asked no man to belong to it. It swore no man to persist to the summit. It proclaimed the liberty of every man to work out his own definition^ of loyalty. It simply pulled its belt tight, set its jaw hard and started up, crying: Keep your head; keep clean; keep sweet ; keep together ; keep on. God for us all ! 22 The average citizen, who shrunk, as yet, from signing the bulk program of national virtue, believed in it in- creasingly. His purse strings, tied tight against the Party, opened to the League. Communities that owned, as yet, no responsibility for their neighbor corporations, follow- ed its lead. Economists, and politicians of the better sort who have an eye to balances and symmetry of progress, gave their approval. Conservative churches, closed against the Party, opened hospitably to the League. The press that looked coldly on Party news opened its col- umns to the League reports. Congress, deaf to the voice of the Party, gave solicitous attention to the League. The White House, closed, or scantily courteous, to the Party leaders, welcomed the superintendent of the League. Party lines, held taut against the Party, fell apart like ropes of sand before the League. The liquor traffic turned from sneering at the Party, gnashed its teeth and howled, put up distress signals and organized against the League, the only thing on earth it fears today. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union, the National Reform Bureau and the Catholic Total Absti- nence Society, are in full, efficient co-operation with the League, and it with them. The Federation of Churches is now organizing for leadership. It is no disloyalty to the League for me to wish it well. I pay no vows to an instrument. My oath of allegiance is to God alone and my hand is for the people and the cause. If the Federation of Churches wins the decision of the country, confirming its opinion of itself, I shall join it, without saying, "by your leave" to anybody. I am for the best thing in the field to kill the liquor traffic, and always ready for something better when it comes. But I am not hopeful for the new organization. There is a strain of hatred in it for the League and the League leaders, that will dwarf its growth. It challenges the title of the League to serve the Church, on the technicality that it has no ecclesiastical credentials. This 23 is trivial, the League is not a missionary, but a righting machine ; and its victories are its credentials. The Fed- . eration bases its claims to lead the masses, on ecclesiasti- cal regularity. The masses will never stand for a re- ligious "union label," and the church voters themselves will turn it down. Iri the terminology of the League, the Church of Christ is far greater than the sum of all its sects and creeds and committees, and the greater Church is for service and not millinery. I may, of course, be mistaken. If it turns out so, I'll confess it and enlist. But today I think this is the lay of the land: The Woman's Christian Temperance' Union is Prohibition with 300,000 noble women behind it. The National Reform Bureau is Prohibition with a great scholar, statistician and gatherer of world news, and 25,000 helpers behind it. The Catholic Total Absti- nence Society is Prohibition with half a million Catholics behind it. The Prohibition Party is Prohibition with 200,- ooo uncompromising, all or nothing, agitators behind it. The American Anti-Saloon League is Prohibition with the people behind it, and in this land of democracy and liberty the people can rule, ought to rule and are going to rule. 14 DAY USE URN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. k lewedjbooks are subject ate recall. REC "Ri lot iLD 21A-50rn-4 '59 (A1724slO)476B .General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDSflDD3Eflfl UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY