C. L, C GIFT OF Professor C. L* Cory ENGINEERING LIBRARY C.L..CC, C. L. C c. L. com A TREATISE ON ELECTRICITY C A^D MAGNETISM A TREATISE ON ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM BY E. MASCART, PROFESSOR IN THE COLLEGE DE FRANCE, AND DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL METEOROLOGICAL BUREAU; AND J. JOUBERT, PROFESSOR IN THE COLLEGE ROLLIN. LANSLAIED BY E. ATKlWOTMrffiB., F.C.S., PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE IN THE STAFF .COLLEGE. VOLUME I. GENERAL PHENOMENA AND THEORY. LONDON: THOS. DE LA RUE AND CO. no, BUNHILL ROW. i883 4-0 ENGINEERING LIBRARY PRINTED BY THOMAS DE LA RUE AND CO., BUNHH.L ROW, LONDON. u PREFACE. THIS work is based upon a course of Lectures delivered by one of us in the College de France in the last few years. It will comprise two parts : the first, which is principally theoretical, forms the present volume ; the second, which will be more experimental in character, will be devoted to the examination of the various phenomena, the methods of measurement, and the principal applications. % This method of treatment seemed to us to present great advantages. The phenomena are, in fact, almost always very complicated, especially in the case of electricity; and to understand all the details which these phenomena involve often requires a more extensive knowledge than that fur- nished in the chapters with which they are more immediately connected. The explanation of the experiments will, there- fore, be materially facilitated by a preliminary account of the general principles of the science. After having stated and co-ordinated the facts which serve to establish the theory, we have investigated the mechanical consequences. This first volume forms, accord- ingly, a distinct work ; and we might express the idea which has guided us by considering it as an Essay on the Mechanical TJieory of Electricity, if such a title did not seem too ambitious. We have endeavoured to bring into prominence the profound views introduced into science by Faraday, and 842487 VI PREFACE. so happily developed by Clerk Maxwell, on the conside- ration of the lines of force, and on the function of the medium in which electrical and magnetic actions are exerted. This conception brilliantly elucidates the relations between various phenomena, and has given rise to a totally unfore- seen theory of light. As our principal aim was to be of service to physicists, we have made all efforts to simplify the demonstrations without in any way sacrificing the strictness of the reasoning. Those parts which require a somewhat more advanced analysis, and which can be readily distinguished, may be omitted in a first reading; in most cases they are not in- dispensable for following the development of theory. In the last few years the science of electricity has under- gone a real transformation ; we eagerly recognise our nu- merous obligations to the works of those physicists who have most contributed to this reform, and particularly to the memoirs of Sir W. Thomson, and the excellent treatise of Clerk Maxwell. In this English edition we have introduced several corrections, and have given some new proofs of certain questions. We must express our obligations to Dr. At- kinson for the care and exactitude with which the trans- lation has been made. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. STATICAL ELECTRICITY. PAGE CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY i ,, II. ON POTENTIAL 9 ,, III. GENERAL THEOREMS 36 ,, IV. ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM 51 ,, V. WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES 77 ,, VI. ON DIELECTRICS 87 ,, VII. PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM in ,, VIII. SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY .... .... 175 PART II. ELECTRICAL CURRENTS. CHAPTER I. PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY IN THE PERMANENT STATE 186 ,, II. VARIABLE STATE 213 III. ENERGY OF CURRENTS 236 ,, IV. THERMOELECTRICAL CURRENTS 259 PART III. MAGNETISM. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY 280 ,, II. CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS 298 ,, III. PARTICULAR CASES 33^ ,, IV. MAGNETIC INDUCTION 358 V. ON MAGNETS 385 VI. MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE 407 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IV. ELECTROMAGNETISM. PAGE CHAPTER I. CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS 420 II. ELEMENTARY ACTIONS 440 III. PARTICULAR CASES 465 ,, IV. INDUCTION 491 ,, V. PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION 503 ,, VI. PROPERTIES OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD . . 546 ,, VII. PHENOMENA OF INDUCTION IN NON-LINEAR CON- DUCTORS 556 ,, VIII. OPTICAL PHENOMENA 574 ,, IX. ELECTRICAL UNITS 584 , X. GENERAL THEORIES 601 XI. SUPPLEMENTARY , . 628 A TREATISE C.L.CORY. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM PART I. STATICAL ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. 1 . MOST bodies, when rubbed, acquire, at any rate temporarily, the property of attracting light bodies. They are then said to be electrified. If the attracted body comes in contact with the electrified body, it is sooner or later repelled, and it is then itself found to be electrified. Electrical properties can accordingly be transmitted from one body to another by mere contact. On the other hand, bodies which show no electrical properties are said to be in the natural state, or in the neutral state. 2. CONDUCTORS. INSULATORS. On certain bodies, such as glass, resin, silk, caoutchouc, etc., electricity remains localised for a shorter or longer time, at the place where it has been produced by friction, or by contact. Such bodies are said to be bad conductors of electricity. On other bodies, on the contrary, such as the metals, electrical properties imparted to any one part, are almost instantaneously transmitted to all parts; these are said to be conductors. Most substances composing the earth belong to this latter class ; air, and vapours, and generally all gases, belong to the former. Electricity can only be retained on a conductor by insulating it from the ground that is, supporting it by a bad conductor, such as a rod of glass, or sealing-wax, or ebonite, or by silk threads. Hence we have the term insulators^ applied to bad conductors. B INTRODUCTORY. The distinction between good and bad conductors does not really correspond to any essential difference of properties. Electricity moves upon all bodies with greater or less freedom. No bodies are known which are absolute -insulators that is to say, on which electrical pro- perties can be retained for an indefinite time without alteration. In like manner, notwithstanding the rapidity with which elec- tricity is transmitted on the best conductors, there are none on which it is propagated instantaneously. Very material differences are found among them in this respect, and we can determine the special resistance which each one offers to the motion of electricity. 3. Two ELECTRICITIES. When any two bodies are rubbed together, a piece of glass and a piece of resin for instance, both become electrified, but with different characters ; each of them repels an insulated light body which has been in contact with it, and which has shared its electricity ; but the resin attracts the body which has been touched by the glass, and the glass the body which has been touched by the resin. The condition of the glass differs, then, from that of the resin, which is expressed by saying that the electricity of the glass is of a different kind to that of the resin. Experiment shows, moreover, that any electrified body behaves either like the glass, or like the resin of the preceding experiment. It attracts, for instance, the body electrified by glass, and repels that which has been electrified by resin, or conversely. There are thus two kinds of electricity, and only two. This fundamental property may be formulated by saying that two bodies charged with the same electricity repel each other, and two bodies charged with opposite electricities attract each other. 4. ELECTRICAL ACTIONS. ELECTRICAL MASSES. The action exerted between two electrical bodies whose dimensions are small in comparison with their distance apart, is in the direction of the straight line joining them. Coulomb found by direct experiment that this force is inversely as the square of the distance. It is also a function of the electrical condition of adjacent bodies, or of their electrification. If, between two identical bodies of very small dimensions, and placed at unit distance, the electrical action is equal to unit force, the quantity of electricity, or the electrical mass of each of them, is equal to unity. If, while the condition of one of the bodies remains unchanged, the distance being also unchanged, the action between them becomes 2, 3 ... times as great, the electrical mass of the other is said to have become 2, 3 ... times as great ELECTRICAL FORCE. The electrical mass of a body, other things being equal, is (pro- portional to the force which it exerts upon an external body placed at a distance) considerable in reference to its dimensions ; and the mutual action of two electrical masses is proportional to the product of their electrical masses. 5. When two bodies for instance, a glass disc and one of metal, the latter being insulated are kept in contact after being rubbed together, the whole system behaves in reference to an external body, electrified or not, just as if it were in the neutral state. The elec- trical properties developed by friction have not, however, disappeared ; for if the two discs are separated, it may at once be shown that each of them is electrified. The actions of the two bodies in contact are accordingly equal and of opposite signs. Hence follows this double conclusion. By their mutual friction two bodies acquire quantities of electricity^ which are equal and of different kinds. The law according to which the action varies with the distance is the same for the two electricities. 6. ELECTRICAL SIGNS. We are thus led to consider electrical masses of different kinds, as quantities of the same nature and of opposite signs. When a closed surface contains electrical masses of different kinds, the action exerted upon an external mass, equal to unity, and at a great distance, as compared with the surface in question, is proportional to the difference of the electrical masses of each kind, and is attractive or repulsive according to the kind of electricity which.predominates. Affixing to these masses the signs + and - , we may say that the resultant action is proportional to the algebraical sum of the electrical masses contained on the surface, and is repulsive or attractive according to the sign of this sum. It is usual to apply the term positive to the electricity developed upon glass when rubbed with resin, and negative to the electricity acquired by the resin. 7. ELECTRICAL FORCE. The action between two bodies of small dimensions, charged respectively with the masses m and m', and at the distance r from each other, is therefore mm' f ~r*' This expression is positive if the two masses are of the same sign, and the force is then repulsive. In the contrary case it is attractive. If a mass m is in the presence of any electrified bodies whatever, it may be considered that the total action which it experiences is the B 2 INTRODUCTORY. resultant of all the actions which each of the elementary masses, considered separately, would exert upon it ; and this whether the masses belong to separate bodies, or whether they form part of the charge of one and the same body. For the sake of abbreviation, we shall apply the term, electrical force at a point, to the resultant of all the actions which would be exerted on unit mass of electricity placed at this point. 8. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. Coulomb proved by direct experiment that when an electrified conducting sphere is put in contact with an identical sphere in the neutral state, each of them possesses a mass of electricity equal to half the original mass that is to say, that each of them acting separately at the same distance upon an external electrified body, exerts half the action of that of the sphere in its original state. If the same sphere, instead of being neutral, is itself electrified before contact, the final charges are also equal ; each of them is half the algebraical sum of the original masses, so that it is zero, and the bodies are in the neutral state, if the initial charges were equal, and of opposite signs. This would also be the case with two identical conductors of any given shape, which were made to touch, provided that they were symmetrical at the point of contact. If the condition of symmetry be not fulfilled, the charges are no longer equal ; but their algebraic sum is always equal to that of the original mass. This is a general fact, and applies to any number of bodies, however they may be placed in relation to each other ; and provided that none of the conductors are put, even for a moment, in contact with the earth, the algebraical sum of the electrical masses of the system remains the same. 9. ELECTRICITY OF CONTACT. Volta discovered this most impor- tant fact, that the contact of two different metals, originally in the neutral state, or more generally, of any two bodies at the same temperature, is sufficient to place them in two different electrical states, and to charge them respectively with equal quantities ot electricity of opposite signs. Friction is only a particular case of contact. The cause which produces the electricity seems then to be the same in both cases. It follows from Volta's discovery, that two conducting spheres of the same radius would only have equal charges after contact, pro- vided they were of the same material, and at the same temperature. But this is no exception to the fundamental proposition, that the algebraical sum of the charges is the same before and after contact. 10. ELECTRIFICATION BY INFLUENCE. INDUCTION. When a INDUCTION ON AX CLOSED CONDUCTOR. body, originally in the neutral state, is placed near electrified bodies it becomes itself electrified ; the phenomenon is known as electrifica- tion by influence or induction. If the body under electrical induction is insulated, its total electrical mass, from what we have seen, must remain zero. It will then be charged with two masses, equal, and of opposite signs, distributed according to a certain law. The phenomenon of induction always precedes the attraction of a neutral body by an electrified one, and the action which is exerted is simply that between the electrical masses. We may thus consider it as an experimental fact that there is never any direct action, except that of electrical masses on other electrical masses. 11. ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. The essential characteristic of induction is that electricity is produced at every point of a conductor at which electrical force is exerted. Equilibrium can therefore only exist on a conductor, provided that the electrical force is zero at each of its points ; the electricity which it possesses exerts, at each point of its surface, an action equal and of opposite sign to that of the external masses. The necessary and sufficient condition for electrical equilibrium in a system of conductors, insulated or not, is then that the electrical force be zero at any point whatever of each of them. 12. DIELECTRICS. Electrical force can, therefore, only exist in a state of equilibrium, on bad conductors, or insulators. For this reason Faraday gave the name of dielectrics to these bodies, to denote that they are bodies in which electrical forces may exist or be transmitted. 13. LOCALISATION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SURFACE OF CON- DUCTORS. The experiments of Cavendish and of Coulomb showed that in any electrical system in equilibrium, conductors have electricity on their external surface only. The surface of any closed cavity hollowed in a conductor, and not containing electrical masses, is destitute of electricity, and the electrical force is null throughout the above extent of the cavity. We shall find that this fundamental property is only compatible with the law of inverse squares. 14. INDUCTION ON A CLOSED CONDUCTOR. This localisation of electricity on the surface of a conductor leads to several important consequences. When a conductor is electrified by induction, each of the positive and negative layers, with which it is charged, forms a mass less than, or at most equal to, that of the influencing body, or inductor. When the influenced, or induced, conductor completely surrounds the in- ductor, the outer electrical layer is of the same kind as that of the INTRODUCTORY. inductor, and the charge at each point is independent of the position of this latter. Nothing is altered, even if the inductor comes in contact with the internal surface ; but then if it also is a conductor it only forms with the induced body a single conducting mass, and the internal surface retains no charge of electricity. There was, accordingly, in the inside of the induced body, an electrical layer equal and of opposite sign to that of the inductor, and hence on the external surface a layer equal and of the same sign. The quantity of electricity induced by an electrified body on a conductor which completely surrounds it, is thus equal to the quantity of inducing electricity. This property also holds if the inducing body is a bad conductor, and more generally if the electrical masses are distributed in any manner whatever in the cavity of the conductor. 15. ADDITION OF CHARGES. We have seen above that the electrical charge of a conductor may be divided into two. In like manner any electrical masses whatever may be added to a conductor. It is sufficient for this if the conductor has a cavity almost entirely closed through which electrified conductors may be introduced, and which, by contact, transmit the electricities with which they are charged to the outer surface. 16. We may then increase or diminish at pleasure, the algebraic sum of the electrical masses contained in the interior of a closed surface, provided we introduce, or give exit to, positive or negative masses. It is, however, important to remark that, if no mass tra- verses the surface in one direction or the other, whatever be the actions to which the enclosed body is submitted friction, induction, contact, physical or chemical actions, it is impossible to modify the total quantity of electricity of the system. We can neither create nor destroy, on any body, a determinate quantity of electricity, without at the same time creating or destroying, on the same body, or on another, an equal quantity of electricity of the opposite sign. 17. HYPOTHESES RESPECTING THE NATURE OF ELECTRICITY. Electricity, defined and measured as we have explained above, is a magnitude of a particular kind, perfectly definite from the mechanical point of view, affected with a sign like a quantity of motion, and the theory of electrical phenomena may be established from experimental laws without having recourse to any hypothesis. From the facility with which electricity is transmitted in conductors, it has often been compared to a fluid, just as formerly the effects of thermal con- ductivity were explained by the propagation of a special fluid. The character of duality, which electrical phenomena present, has been accounted for in two ways. ELECTRICAL DENSITY. According to Franklin, a -body in the natural state contains a normal quantity of the electrical fluid, and it becomes positively or negatively electrified, according as its charge of fluid is increased or diminished by the action of external bodies. The attractions and repulsions of bodies are explained by the mutual repulsion of the fluids, and by the attraction which they exert upon ponderable masses. The hypothesis of two fluids, devised by Symmer, and adopted, at any rate provisionally, by Coulomb, assumes that there are two different fluids, that the molecules of the same fluid repel, and that different fluids attract; and, finally, that in a body in the natural state, there are equivalent quantities of the two fluids forming the neutral fluid. A body is electrified positively or negatively, according as it contains an excess of one or the other fluid. Attractions and repulsions are explained in like manner by the actions which they exert between the fluids and the ponderable matter. It is the least defect of these hypotheses that they are superfluous. As, moreover, experiment indicates no limit to the electrification of a body, we are led to the conclusion that the normal charge of a body on Franklin's theory, or that the mass of neutral fluid in the theory of two fluids, is unlimited a conclusion that is manifestly in contradiction with the notion of a material, fluid. A certain number of expressions used in the study of electricity have originated in the idea of fluids ; there is no inconvenience in retaining them, if we are careful to define them by the mathematical and experimental properties to which they correspond, with the object, as Coulomb expressed it, " of presenting the results of calcu- lation and of experiment with the fewest elements possible, and not of indicating the true causes of electricity."* 18. ELECTRICAL DENSITY. The idea of a fluid has thus led to that of electrical density. If the electricity occupies the whole extent of a body, in the case of a dielectric for instance, and that it is distributed uniformly, electrical density is the quantity of electricity, defined as above, which exists in the unit of volume. If the distri- bution is irregular, the density at a point is the ratio of the electrical charge of an element of volume at the point to that of the volume itself. Conductors only possess electricity on the surface. If the distri- bution is uniform, the superficial density is the quantity of electricity which exists upon the unit of surface. In the case of any given * Histoire de V Academic des Sciences pour 1788, p. 673. 8 INTRODUCTORY. distribution, the superficial density at this point, is the ratio of the charge of an element of surface taken about this point to the extent of the element. On the hypothesis of fluids, it must be admitted that the layer of electricity on the surface has a certain thickness, and that it penetrates to a certain depth, which may be extremely small, in the conductor, or in the dielectric which surrounds it. As the thickness of this layer cannot be determined by experiment, holding to the same order of considerations, we may either suppose the density to vary with constant thickness, or suppose the density constant with variable thickness ; in this case, the expressions electric density and electric thickness at a point are equivalent. It will be seen that, apart from any idea of fluid, the expressions ot electric density in volume, or superficial density, have a purely mathe- matical or experimental meaning quite apart from any hypothesis. DEFINITION --OF POTENTIAL. CHAPTER II. ON POTENTIAL. 19. WE shall assume, in the first place, in conformity with experi- ment, that the action of two electrified bodies, of small dimensions, takes place along the straight line joining them, and only varies with the distance ; that it satisfies, in short, the definition of what are called central forces ; and, lastly, by definition (4), that the action is proportional to the product of the quantities of electricity which the bodies possess. We shall assume, moreover, that the reciprocal action of two electrified bodies of finite dimensions is the resultant of the actions which would be exerted, according to the same function of the distances, between the elementary masses which make up the charge. 20. ELECTRICAL FIELD. The term electrical field is applied to the entire extent of the space throughout which the action of any given electrical system is exerted. An electrical field is generally unlimited ; it may be bounded in the case, for instance, in which all the acting masses are inside an entirely closed conductor. For masses whose magnitude and position are defined, the electrical force at each point of the field is merely a function of the co-ordinates of the point. The force is zero in all conductors in a state of equilibrium ; the electrical field does not comprise the volumes of conductors it is formed of intermediate spaces occupied by an insulating medium or dielectric. 21. LINES OF FORCE. A line of force in an electrical field is a line tangential at each point to the direction of the force. Such a line is obviously continuous, so long as it does not encounter acting masses. 22. DEFINITION OF POTENTIAL. Consider a system in equi- librium, and suppose that all the acting masses being fixed in their several positions, we move unit mass of positive electricity from 10 ON POTENTIAL. A to B. The work of the electrical forces which corresponds to this displacement, is independent of the path following in passing from A to B. This is a necessary consequence of the hypothesis (19) that the forces are central ; for if it were otherwise, it is obvious that, by moving an electrical mass on suitable paths between the points A and B, we might produce an indefinite quantity of work, without a corresponding expenditure. The work in question only depends, then, on the co-ordinates of the points A and B ; it is equal to the difference of the values V A and V B which the same function V has at these two points, and representing this work by W, we may write (0 W>V A -V B . The function V plays a paramount part in the study of electrical phenomena ; it has been called potential. As this function is only denned by an integral, its value is only determined to within a constant, and the variations are measured by the electrical work. From equation (i), the excess of the potential at a point A over the potential at B, is equal to the work done by the electrical actions on unit mass in passing from A to B ; or conversely, it is the work which must be expended against electrical force to move this mass from B to A. If unit mass moves along a line of force, the work for an infinitely small displacement ds is fds t and the total work from A to B is expressed by (2) W' 23. EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. A level surface, or equipotential surface, is a surface perpendicular at every point to the direction of the force ; that is to say, a surface which is perpendicular to all the lines of force which it meets. In the case of central forces, a surface satisfying this condition can always be drawn through any given point. If an electrical mass moves along such a surface, the elementary work is constantly zero, for the force is always perpendicular to the displacement. The potential has the same value for all points of the same electrical level. Let us consider two equipotential surfaces, ! and S 2 , whose potentials are respectively V 1 and V 2 . The work corresponding to the displacement of unit mass from a point of the former to a point of the latter, has the value V x - V 2 ; it is independent of the path traversed, and even of the position of the point of departure from, and of the point of arrival at, the two surfaces. EQUI POTENTIAL SURFACES. II The work done by a mass x ?# of electricity in passing from the equipotential surface S x to the surface S 2 , is ;// (V 1 - V 2 ). Electrical work, like that of gravity on a falling body, appears as a product of two factors, one m, which corresponds to the weight of the body, and the other, V l - V 2 , to the height of the fall. When a mass of positive electricity is left to itself, it tends to move along a line of force towards the points where the potential is lower ; negative electricity would move towards high potentials. If the electrical masses are distributed on dielectrics, they can only be displaced by carrying along with them the dielectric itself. Con- ductors, on the contrary, are characterised by the property of allowing a free passage to electrical masses, which go to the surface, and distribute themselves there so as to produce equilibrium. In all cases, the difference of potential V t - V 2 may be considered as producing the motion of electrical masses ; it is often called the electromotive force. 24. EXPRESSION OF FORCE AS A FUNCTION OF POTENTIAL. Consider two infinitely near equipotential surfaces S and S', whose potentials are V and V (Fig. i). At the point M of the former surface the force is F ; if dn is the distance of the two surfaces measured along the perpendicular, the work done by this force on unit mass in going from M to M' is equal to ~dn. We have then the equation which gives "-- Thus, the force at a point is equal, and of opposite sign, to the differential of the potential, in reference to the perpendicular to the equipotential surface which passes through this point. 12 ON POTENTIAL. The components of the force with reference to any given axis possess the same property. For let a line MA be drawn through the point M, making an angle with the perpendicular, and let da denote the portion of this line between the two surfaces S and S'. The component F a of the force parallel to the straight line is thus expressed : //V F =Fcos0 = -V-cosl9. dn The figure gives moreover, dn = da cos 6 from which we get, _^V dn_ = _<)V a ~ dn da" la' Thus, the component of the force in any given direction is equal, and of opposite sign, to the partial differential of the potential along this direction. If we consider three rectangular axes, the components X, Y and Z of the force parallel to the axes are, (4) from which we have, (5) 25. EQUILIBRIUM OF CONDUCTORS. In the interior of a con- ductor in equilibrium the force is zero (11). Hence for the whole surface of the conductors we have, dV dV 3V - = 0, -- = 0, = 0, OX oy 02 and consequently, V = constant. It follows from this, that the whole volume of a conductor in equilibrium is at the same potential ; this is what may be called a level volume. Its surface being then a level surface, the NUMERICAL VADUE OF POTENTIAL. 13 force is perpendicular at all' points ; hence, the lines of force proceed perpendicularly from the conductors, or terminate there perpendicularly. 26. NUMERICAL VALUE OF POTENTIAL. In all these phenomena, equipotential surfaces are only apparent as differences, and not as the absolute values of the corresponding potentials. We may accordingly add to these potentials any given constant. In the expression which represents the work corresponding to the displacement of a unit of electricity from an equipotential surface V 1} to an equi- potential surface V 2 , let us suppose that the latter is the earth, and that we agree to take its potential as equal to zero, we shall have The numerical value of the potential at any given point, is the number of units of work which corresponds to the displacement of a Fig. 2. unit of positive electricity from this point, to the earth, by any path whatever. The sign of the potential is that of the work of the electrical forces in this displacement. In other words, the potential at a point, is the work which must be done to bring unit mass of electricity from the earth, or from a body in connection with the earth, to this point. 27. POTENTIAL IN THE CASE OF THE LAW OF THE SQUARE OF THE DISTANCES. We have hitherto left undetermined the law, according to which the action of electrical masses varies with the distance. We shall assume in future that this law is the inverse of the square of the distance, conformably to the experiments of Coulomb. In this case, the potential is expressed simply as a function of the masses and of the distances. Let us suppose, in the first place, that the electrical system is reduced to a mass + m placed at a point O. If a mass equal to unity placed at a point M (Fig. 2) at a distance r from the former, is 14 ON POTENTIAL. moved through MM' or ds, along any curve whose tangent MT makes the angle a with the direction of the force, the corresponding electrical work is since the force is expressed by we have If rj and r 2 represent the distances OA and OB, the work of displacing unit mass from A to B is B m m W. = . *1 >2 Comparing this equation with equation (i) we see that the two terms and represent respectively, to within a constant, the value r \ '2 of the potential at A and at B ; hence the potential of a single mass m at a point at distance r is equal, except for a constant, to } that is, to the quotient of the acting mass by its distance from the point in question. Let us now suppose that there are several acting masses m, m\ m", . . . , the total work of the displacement of unit of electricity is equal to the algebraical sum of the partial works corresponding to each of the masses ; denoting then by ^ the sum of the quotients of the different masses by their distances from the point of departure A, and by the analogous sum for the point of arrival B, r z If the point B is in connection with the earth, the potential V B is zero. On the other hand, the expression Jf becomes zero, if the r 2 point B is at a great distance from the masses in question, whether in the air or on the ground ; and since the earth, like any conductor ON THE FLOW OF FORCE. in equilibrium, has everywhere the same potential, this expression, which implicitly contains masses relative to induced electricity, is also zero on the ground. The value of V A is then reduced to ^ . In general, then, to express the potential V at any point of the field, we have (6) ^-* = , and multiplying these equations by each other, we get but in virtue of the theorem of the flow of force we have also and, therefore, f n dS=f n dS' If we agree to consider as positive, the perpendicular components Fig. 5- directed towards the exterior of the surface, and as negative those directed towards the interior, f n and f' n are of opposite signs, which gives If the surface, while still continuous, had concave portions, and if the cone in question da) cut it in more than two points, it would meet it an even number of times ; the product f n dS would have the same numerical value for each of the intercepted elements, but these products would have to be taken alternately of opposite signs, and the algebraical sum would still be zero. We have, then, for any closed surface external to the acting mass m, the equation 1 8 ON POTENTIAL. that is to say, that the total flow of force which starts from the surface is equal to zero. If the acting mass m is within the closed surface S (Fig. 5), the elements dS and ^S', cut by a cone of aperture d^ starting from the mass m, always gives the ratio But in the present case, the perpendicular components f n and/' n are of the same sign. We have thus for the whole surface, / n d?S = w du = The flow of force which proceeds from a surface S, enclosing an acting mass, is thereby equal to ^irm. In other words, we may say that the total flow of force which issues from a mass m t in all directions^ is equal to Fig. 6. It is clear that if each sheet of the cone meets the surface more than once, it meets it an uneven number of times, for which the values off n dS should be taken alternately of opposite signs, and the final result is still the same. 30. Let us now suppose that there are masses m, m', m", . . . com- prised within the surface S (Fig. 6), and other masses m v m^ m 3 , . . . on the outside. At each point of the surface, the perpendicular component F* of the resultant force F, is equal to the algebraical sum of the perpen- dicular components of the forces proceeding from all the acting masses, both internal and external. Calling 2 fn tne sum J at a P ^ of the perpendicular com- ponents which arise from the external masses, and fn> tne sum i GREEN 'S THEOREM. 1 9 of the components relative to thfe internal masses, the total flow of force which proceeds from the surface S is expressed by hvfs= |V/.*s+ p./ Since the flow of force is null for each of the external masses, we have For each internal mass, on the contrary, we have J/ W X \ ( X + dx \dydz. \ ^ x /' The excess of the flow which emerges is equal to dX <> 2 V - dxdydz= --dxdydz. ^x ^x 2 Repeating the same reasoning for the other co-ordinates, it will be seen that the total flow of force which proceeds from the element of volume is /W c) 2 V 3 2 V\ ~ ( ^-T + ^TV + TV \dxdydz. \J)x 2 . If the element of volume is not electrified, p = and (10) AV = 0. Thus, the sum at a point of the three second partial differentials of the potential in reference to three rectangular axes is equal, and of opposite sign, to the product of 4?r by the density of the mass acting at this point. This sum is zero when there is no electricity near the point. This theorem of the second differentials was first enunciated by Laplace in the form (10). The more general equation is due to Poisson. 32. If the equipotential surfaces are concentric spheres, the force F is inversely as the square of the distance r from the common centre, and we have F __^X_A c) 2 V 2 A 2 F ~^7~^' ^*-z-- Taking the z axis along the perpendicular to the surface, the two others will be in the tangent plane ; if we measure the distance in the direction of the force, we get 2F and therefore, by Laplace's theorem, If the equipotential surface is of any given form, it is readily seen that the second differential of the potential along the tangent to a principal section is the same as for the osculating circle. The z axis being always perpendicular, and the two others along the tangents to the principal sections, whose radii of curvature are R x and R 2 , we shall have W _ F W _ F ^2 = R/ "Sy^R^' and, therefore, 22 ON POTENTIAL. 33. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SURFACE OF CON- DUCTORS. In any conductor in equilibrium, electricity is present on the surface only. For we have seen that the force is zero in a conductor in equilibrium, and that therefore the potential has a constant value for the whole surface of the conductors. All orders of differentials of the potential are zero at each point, and we have then AV = 0, or p = 0. Hence, in the interior of a conductor in equilibrium, not only is there no electrical force, but there is no electricity at all. The distribution is exclusively on the surface. 34. GREEN'S FORMULA. The formula relative to the flow of force gave, for a closed surface, the equation - . I on J The mass M, inside the surface, is equal to the sum of the masses pdv comprised in the different elements of volume ; taking equation (9) into account, we have then, (n) . This equation is a particular case of a more general formula due to Green. Let U and V be two finite and continuous functions of x, y, and z. Let us also put AV = - + - + -, and consider the integral J IV UAW?;= | | | U( ^ + ^ + T r ) dxdydz, ox oy oz I / extended to the volume enveloped by a closed surface S. This integral consists of three terms of the form U dxdyd*=\ \dydz\V~dx. GREEN^ FORMULA. 23 Integrating this expression 5y parts, we have dx = U dydz- \-d ~ " " ~ The first term of the second member should be extended to the whole surface S, and the second to the volume bounded by this surface. Repeating this operation for the other co-ordinates, the sum of the integrals relative to the surface S will be dydz-\ -- dzdx-\ -- dxdy ). x "^ "N. "X -^ I ox oy 02 Now, if we consider V as a potential, which does not restrict the <)V general character of the demonstration, the expression -- dydz, or , represents the flow of force through the surface element dydz; that is to say, the projection of a surface element d$ on a plane perpendicular to the axis x. It is the same for other terms, so that, except for the sign, the parenthesis represents the excess of force which traverses this element of surface. This parenthesis is thus equal av to - F n of this element. In passing from P to P' the action of the external masses does not appreciably change, but that of the element changes its sign, and becomes + <. As this force, moreover, is perpendicular by symmetry, the perpendicular component of the force varies by 2<, which gives whence (f> = 27TCT. As the perpendicular component of the force is alone modified, the tangential components of the forces F and F' are equal on both sides the surface. If / and /' are the angles of the forces with the perpendicular on the same side of the surface, we have then F' sin / ' = F sin i. The preceding equation gives, moreover, F' cos /' - F cos / = 47TO- ; from which we have tan i' 47TO- 477-0- r ~ . tan i P cos i F The forces undergo therefore a sort of refraction on meeting an electrified surface. It may be remarked in passing, that as the law of refraction is determined by the ratio between the tangents of the angles of the perpendicular and the forces, there could never be any phenomenon analogous to total reflection. 28 ON POTENTIAL. 41. ELECTROSTATIC PRESSURE. Electricity forms, on the surface of a conductor, a very thin layer whose thickness it does not seem possible to determine by experiment, but which is necessarily limited. It is probable that this layer is restricted to the surface of the conductor itself, and that it occupies part of the surrounding dielectrical medium. Let A B (Fig. 9) be the thickness of this layer. The force is zero at A on the internal surface S 15 and starting from the point B on the outer surface S 2 , its value is F = 473-0-. In the interval the force varies from to F according to an unknown law. Let p be the density at a point M, and V the potential. The force at this point is perpendicular to an equipotential surface which dV lies between Si and S 2 , and has the value - - . Let e be the an Fig. 9. thickness AB. What has hitherto been called surface density represents the quantity of electricity on the layer e for unit surface ; we have then 0- = I pdn. Let us take three rectangular axes, one of them in the same direction as the perpendicular at M to the equipotential surface, that is the perpendicular to the surfaces S t and So, and the two others of which, x and jy, are in the tangent plane of this equipotential surface. 7)2y yy The second differentials and r r being zero (32), the density ox' 2 oy* is expressed by, ELECTROSTATIC PRESSURE. 2 9 Hence, if p be the force on unit surface, the total force exerted on the electrical layer (n/S of an element of surface is n -- =- .~dn = - As -3 is zero at the point A, we have simply, dn On the other hand, F = 47T(7, which gives p = - 1 67T 2 CT 2 = 27TO- 2 . O7T It is remarkable that this expression might be obtained strictly without any other hypothesis than that of an extremely small thickness e, and therefore whatever be the law of distribution along the perpendicular. The electricity spread upon each unit of surface is thus impelled towards the exterior with a force equal to 27r is, in like manner, and these two actions are directly opposed. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON CONDUCTORS. If the surface in question is a sphere, the angles / and /' are equal. If, moreover, the sphere' is insulated, and not exposed to any extraneous action, the distribution is homogeneous, and the densities o- and the mean density of the whole sphere, and p the mean density of the external layers, we shall have M The force at the surface is F x = , which gives r, ^ The force may at first be an increasing one on starting from the surface, then attain a maximum, and then go on decreasing to the centre. This, for instance, is the case with the variations of gravity in the interior of the globe. For this we must have If the thickness h = R r is very small as compared with R, this condition may be written (r\^ h p r h p 2 \ <2 , or <- 2 H o, the coefficients of the terms in x 2 and in y 2 must be equal and of POINTS AND LINES OF EQUILIBRIUM. 39 opposite signs, so that the equation of the cone is of the form they represent two rectangular planes. Let us consider, as an example, the surface of a conductor charged partly with positive electricity and partly with negative; the line of separation of the two layers is a neutral line. The force is null in all points of the neutral line (35), and there is in the dielectric another equipotential surface at the same potential as the conductor, which cuts it perpendicularly along this line. It will be remarked that this particular equipotential surface separates the lines of force, which start from the conductor, from those which terminate there. It might, therefore, be considered as a limiting surface of the lines of force. 49. If the equipotential surface consists of n sheets which intersect along the same line^ the successive intersections take place at 7T the same angle . n Starting from a point P of the line of equilibrium, all the functions H of the development of the potential, up to that of the degree n, are identical with zero, since the tangent cone consists of n sheets. In order that the equation H n = shall represent n planes passing through the z axis, it must not contain any terms in z, and Laplace's equation reduces to If r denotes the distance of a point P from the z axis, and putting x = r cos 6 y = r sin 0, Laplace's equation becomes I*H ~ The function of the degree , which satisfies this equation, is 40 GENERAL THEOREMS. Making it equal to zero, we get an equation which represents n planes passing through the z axis, and the successive angles of which are equal to - . n 50. THERE is ONLY ONE STATE OF EQUILIBRIUM. It may be observed, in the first place, that the superposition of two states of equilibrium is itself a state of equilibrium. For in each of the two states of equilibrium the potential is constant on all the conductors. The superposition of the two systems of electrical layers produces, at each point, a potential equal to the sum of the potentials relative to the two primitive states. The potential is constant, therefore, on each of the conductors, and equilibrium exists. It follows from this, that if we change the electrical density at each point in a constant ratio, a new state of equilibrium will be formed, for the operation amounts to superposing two or more identical states of equilibrium. 51. A system of conductors A p A 2 , A 3 ..., whose electrical charges are separately null, is necessarily in the neutral state. Let Vp V 2 , V 3 denote the potentials of these various con- ductors, and let Vj be the greatest. There can be no point in the dielectric where the potential is higher than V v since there is no maximum of potential outside the acting masses. The potential sinks, therefore, in all directions from the conductor A x ; all the lines of force start from this conductor, and none terminate there. As the sum of the flows of force must be zero (for by hypothesis the total charge of A x is zero) it is seen that all the elementary flows of forces are zero. The density is therefore zero over the whole surface, and therefore the conductor is not electrified. The conductor A 1? being in the neutral state, may be suppressed, and the same reasoning applied to the next conductor ; it may thus be shown successively that all the conductors are in the neutral state. The conductors A v A 2 , A 3 . . . , having charges M 15 M 2 , M 3 . . . , differing from zero, let us now suppose that two states of equilibrium are possible, such that the densities on A 1? A 2 , A 3 are o- 1} o- 2 , o- 3 . . . in the first case, and ^ f If the body A is constrained to move parallel to itself, we shall have dz=d(, and therefore, 3 2 V W 3 2 V W D 2 V W (2) AV = VT + VT + ^ = ^ + ^- + ^79- cte 2 ty/ 2 c)^ 2 Sf 8 0. Within the whole dielectric the potential can neither be higher than Vj nor lower than zero, and it lies between V l and (55). It follows from this, that those conductors connected with the earth only possess negative electricity; for if there were positive spaces on their surface, lines of force would start from them towards the points where the potential was lower, that is to say negative, and these points do not exist. All the lines of force of the field start then exclusively from the conductor A l ; one set terminates in the conductors in connection with the earth, the others proceed towards an infinite distance. It follows from this that the negative charge on these conductors is only a fraction of that upon A l ; the two charges would only be equal, provided one of the conductors in connection with the earth completely surrounded A r 67. Let us now suppose that in the vicinity of Aj there are other insulated conductors A 2 , A 3 , , at first in the neutral state, and whose total charge therefore is zero. The potential is still positive and is less than V a within the whole dielectric. It has a constant value on each of the other conductors ; this value is positive, since part of the surface of each of the conductors is charged with positive electricity, and therefore lines of force start from them, and these lines of force proceed towards spaces where the potential is everywhere positive. Let A 2 be that insulated conductor whose potential V 2 is highest ; part of its surface is negative, it therefore receives lines of force. None of these lines of force come to it from the earth, nor, by hypothesis, from the other conductors whose potential is lower ; they all proceed then from the conductor A p and therefore V 2 is less than V r As, moreover, the lines of force received by A 2 do not form the whole of those proceeding from A v each of the positive and negative layers which make up the zero charge of A 2 is smaller than the total charge of A r RELATION OF CHARGES TO POTENTIALS. 53 The same reasoning applies to all the other conductors; thus taking them in decreasing magnitude of potential, A 3 , for instance, receives lines of force from A l and A 2 , and these latter may be con- sidered as proceeding indirectly from A r On each of the insulated conductors the negative charge is less than the positive of A 15 provided that none of them forms a closed surface completely surrounding the conductor A r 68. RELATION OF CHARGES TO POTENTIALS. Denoting by A 1? A 2 , . . . A n the conductors, let M 1? M 2 , . . . M n be the respective charges, and V lf V 2 , . . . V n the corresponding potentials. Let us first suppose all the conductors insulated, in the neutral state, and at zero potential. If we give unit positive charge to one of them, A 15 its potential becomes a n , and those of the other conductors are respectively a 21 , a sl , . . . a nl . If instead of unit charge, the charge M x be given to A 15 all the potentials would be multiplied by M! ; they would be a n M 15 a 21 M 15 . . . a nl M r Let us suppose that Aj is discharged, and that we give the charge M 2 to A 2 , the potentials will become a 12 M 2 , a 22 M 2 ..... a w2 M 2 ; and so forth. Now the final state, when all the conductors receive their respective charges simultaneously, is that in which all the states, obtained thus in succession, are superposed ; to express then the potential of each conductor we shall have an equation of the form and, therefore, n similar equations for the whole system. From this the following theorem is deduced. In any electrical system in equilibrium, the potentials of the several conductors may be expressed as a linear function of the charges. Among the n 2 coefficients of the equation (i), the coefficient a pl> expresses the potential of the conductor A p when it is charged with unit electricity, all the others being in the neutral state ; a coefficient such as a qp denotes the potential, which a conductor such as A q would acquire in the same time. It is easy to see that these latter coefficients satisfy the relation (2) o. pq = a qp . For, let us consider the two successive states in which each of the conductors A p and A q is alone charged with unit electricity, all the others being in the neutral state ; applying Gauss' theorem (62) the relation (2) is at once obtained. 54 ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. The remark made above (67) shows that all the coefficients a are positive, and that a coefficient such as a qp is never greater than a pp or a qq . 69. If we solve equations (i) in reference to the charges, we shall have n equations of the form (3) M p containing 2 coefficients, the signification of which is at once manifest. The coefficient jpp expresses the charge which must be given to the conductor A p to raise it to unit potential, all the others being at zero potential. This coefficient, which plays a conspicuous part in the theory of electricity, is called the capacity of the conductor A p ; we shall revert to it in a moment. A coefficient such as y qp expresses the charge acquired by the conductor A q in connection with the earth ; it might be called the coefficient of electricity induced by A p upon Ag. The application of Gauss' theorem in the case of two successive states, in which each of the conductors A p and A^ is raised to unit po- tential, the others being in communication with the earth, shows that these coefficients are also equal in pairs, and that we have the ratio (4) 7pq which is only an extension of the theorem demonstrated above (63) for two conductors. If we refer to the observation in 66, it is easy to see that while the coefficients y^, which express the capacities, are all positive, the coefficients of the induced electricity, such as y pq , are all negative ; moreover, that the sum of all those which relate to the induction exerted by the same conductor, is never higher in absolute value than the capacity of this conductor itself. For instance, we have, necessarily, 7PP> -[71P + 72P ..... +7np\> unless one of the conductors in connection with the earth A q , for instance completely envelopes the conductor A p . In this case, we should have 7pp= ~7qp> ANALOGIES OF THE PROBLEM OF ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. 55 and the n - 2 other coefficients relative to the conductor A p , y^, 7 2 P 7njp W0uld be nul1 ' 70. ANALOGIES OF THE PROBLEM OF ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. It is interesting to compare with the problem, which we have just treated, two other problems relating to phenomena which are entirely different, but which, analytically, present the most complete analogy that of the uniform propagation of heat in a homogeneous medium, and that of the steady motion of an incompressible and frictionless liquid. In short, the electrical problem is characterised by the existence of a function of the co-ordinates, which, vanishing at an infinite distance, has a constant value on each of the conductors, and for each point of the dielectric satisfies the ratio AV=0, the physical signification of which is very simple. X, Y and Z being the components of the force at a point P, the quantity - AWz; represents the total flow of force which proceeds from an element of volume dv taken at this point, and equation AV = expresses that this flow is nothing in the dielectric, or in the interior of a con- ductor ; that is to say, where there is no electricity. Let us now suppose that in a problem of statical electricity the insulating medium is replaced by a medium which conducts heat, and which is homogeneous, and isotropic\ that is to say, which has the same properties in all directions; and let us suppose each of the electrified conductors replaced by sources which emit or which absorb heat, so as to maintain constant temperatures on the surfaces which are respectively equal in numerical value to the initial potentials, so that for each of the conductors /=V. When once equilibrium is established, every point of the medium will be at a definite temperature, and isothermal surfaces can be traced ; that is to say, surfaces of equal temperature, or of equal thermal level. It is clear that the temperature of a point P, com- prised between two isothermal surfaces S and S', is independent of the situation of the sources, and that it will remain the same when these sources are suppressed, if the temperatures / and /' of these two surfaces are kept constant in any other way. Fourier's hypothesis consists in assuming, what indeed may be regarded as the simple expression of facts, that heat travels from layer to layer ; that the thermal effect of a point has no appreciable influence except on very near points; and that the hotter points ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. tend to raise the temperature of the colder ones. Fourier assumes, moreover, what is only true for a particular thermometric scale, that the interchanges of heat only depend on differences of temperature, and not on their absolute values. The flow of heat which traverses an element dS of an isothermal surface S (Fig. 14) is, by symmetry, perpendicular to this surface, and to all the isothermal surfaces which it meets. The flow of heat ^Q, which passes in unit time from the element dS to the infinitely near element dS', is proportional to the surface dS v to the infinitely ds Fig. 14. small difference of temperature / - /', to a coefficient h which only depends on the nature of the medium ; and, lastly, to a function of the distance of these elements. We may therefore put t-t' If we consider an intermediate temperature t v the flow of heat from dS to dS' passes first through the element ^S : at the distance e v which gives Since the differences of temperature / / x and / /' are, by continuity, proportional to the perpendicular distances, the function < is proportional to the distance only. The flow of heat between two infinitely near corresponding elements, calling dt the variation of temperature measured in the direction of the flow of heat, and dn ANALOGIES OF THE PROBLEM OF ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. 57 the distance of the elements, may be expressed by the following formula : \ dxdydz / + - + \- \C ty ^Z / as this flow must be zero, it follows that + - + = -M/=0. 02 cy oz 58 ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. It is evident, moreover, that the action of the system is not appreciable at great distances, and that the temperature /, which it determines, is zero at an infinite distance. Hence, for every point of the medium and for the limits, the function / satisfies the same conditions as the function V. It is seen further that if the constant k is equal to unity, the numerical values of the flow of electrical force, and of the flow of heat during unit time, are identical in every point in the two problems. 71. Let us now consider the corresponding hydrodynamical problem. Let us imagine that the space originally occupied by the dielectric is filled by a frictionless and incompressible liquid ; let us imagine, moreover, that -the conductors are replaced by porous surfaces, so that the liquid has at each point of such surfaces, a normal velocity, equal to the original value of the electrical force at this point. The whole of the trajectories of the molecules which at the same moment have traversed the element dS of the surface of a conductor, form a liquid thread which issues perpendicularly, and yields the same supply in all sections. As there is nowhere any accumulation of liquid, the flow passing through a volume element dxdydz taken at any point P, is equal to that which emerges ; now if #, v, w, denote the components of the velocity at the point P, this condition is expressed by the equation ~+ = 0. oy cz The motion is further inappreciable at an infinite distance ; we thus see that the velocity at each point, depends on a function of the co-ordinates which satisfies the same conditions as the potential or the temperature. Lines of flow will coincide everywhere with the lines of force of the corresponding electrical problem, and at each point the electrical force and the velocity of the liquid will have the same numerical value. The correlation which we have established is of great interest ; for if it is clear that the analytical difficulties are exactly the same in the three kinds of problems, it is no less true that certain consequences present themselves more naturally in one order of ideas than in another, and it is clear that any result obtained in one case may be directly transferred, with its special interpretation, into another. We shall meet with many instances of this in the sequel ELECTRICAL CAPACITY. 59 72. ELECTRICAL CAPACITY. We have designated as the capacity of a conductor the charge which must be given to it to raise it to unit potential, when all the conductors which surround it are in communi- cation with the earth. It follows, from this definition, that the capacity of a conductor depends not merely on its own shape, but on the shape and position of the conductors which surround it. We shall represent this constant by the letter C. If, while the conditions remain the same, a charge M is imparted to the con- ductor, in virtue of the principle of superposition of conditions of equilibrium, its potential will be from which follows M = CV. The problem of determining the capacity of a conductor in a given case, amounts to investigating the state of equilibrium of the system formed of the conductor in question, together with those surrounding it, these latter being in connection with the earth; it merges then into the general problem of equilibrium. The word capacity has been borrowed by analogy from the theory of heat ; but it is important to remark that while the calorific capacity of a body only depends on the nature and weight of the body, the electrical capacity of a conductor depends neither on its nature nor on its weight, but solely on its external shape and on the shape and position of all the adjacent conductors. The electrical capacity is not therefore a constant, fixed for the body in question, as is the thermal capacity. 73. SPHERE. Let us consider a conducting sphere at a great distance from any other conductor. Let R be its radius, M its charge. By symmetry this charge forms a uniform layer on the surface ; it satisfies, moreover, the condition of equilibrium, for its action on any internal point is null (42). The potential is, therefore, constant throughout the whole interior; its value at the centre is M - ; hence, V = ^ or M = RV. -R The capacity of the sphere is, therefore, C = R; 60 ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. it is equal to the radius. This example shows that the electrostatic capacity of a conductor is a linear quantity. 74. ELLIPSOID. If a conductor bounded by the surface of an ellipsoid is covered by a homogeneous electrical layer, bounded itself by a second ellipsoidal surface concentrical and similarly placed to the former, the action of the layer on an internal point P is null. Let us suppose, in fact, that this layer is very thin, and let us draw through the point P (Fig. 15) an infinitely slender cone */w, which cuts an element of surface ^S at M at the distance u, and in the layer, a volume element the height of which along the radius Fig. 15- vector is du. The action at P of this volume element is in the direction of the radius vector, and calling p the density, its value is The action of the opposite element at M' is also pdudu'. As the heights du and du' are equal and the forces are directly opposed, their resultant is zero ; this is also the case for all the elements of surface two by two, and the action of the entire layer on the point P is null. An electrical layer distributed on an ellipsoid according to this law will be then in equilibrium and will have a constant potential in the interior. Let (i +a) be the ratio of similitude of the two surfaces supposed to be very close. The thickness of the layer at a point N is pro- portional to the distance of the tangent planes from the two homologous points N and N', and is equal to /a, p denoting the perpendicular OQ let fall from the common centre on the tangent plane in N ; the value of the surface density cr is CAPACITY OF AN ELLIPSOID. 6 1 The ellipsoid being represented by the equation the total mass of electricity is M = ^nz&r[(i+a)3-i],3 From this we get M _ M 7*a / z* The potential in the interior being constant, it is sufficient to calculate its value at the centre. We have then, if r be the radius ON, fov/S M CpdS V= = - \- , r ^irabc r / / and the capacity of the ellipsoid is given by the equation C ^.irabc J r 75. For an ellipsoid with three unequal axes the capacity is an elliptical function, but it may be easily obtained in the case of an ellipsoid of revolution. Let us take as element of surface ^S, the zone described by an element ds of the meridian curve, and let us suppose that the axis a is the axis of rotation. We have then 2irydx from which = 2irb (VO-'> - V 2 ), whence CHARGE BY CASCADE. 73 Adding all these equations, we get Hence the charge of the first jar, which is the only one that receives electricity directly, is v,-v, I I I c + c + c 7/ We have thus, for the capacity Cj of the battery, If the jars are identical, the capacity of the battery has become / times less than that of each of the jars. This arrangement may appear unfavourable, since its effect is to diminish greatly the capacity of the battery; yet it presents great advantages for certain experiments. Leyden jars can only sustain a limited difference of potential, beyond which their coatings discharge themselves along the surface of the glass, and even sometimes through the mass of the glass itself, which is then traversed by a spark. By means of a battery in cascade, the total difference of potential may be distributed in stages on the successive jars. This, for instance, is the arrangement adopted in the ordinary Holtz machines, where the capacity of the conductors is increased by connecting each of them with the inner coating of a Leyden jar ; care however is taken to join these in cascade, so as to maintain the maximum difference of potential, and therefore the greatest striking distance which the play of the machine allows. When a large number of jars are available, they may be joined together for quantity so as to form several batteries, which in turn are arranged in cascade. In this way the whole of the potential which a machine can yield may be utilised, and the maximum of effect obtained with the least expenditure of electricity. 74 ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. 86. GENERAL PROBLEM OF THE RECIPROCAL INFLUENCE OF Two INSULATED CONDUCTORS. MURPHY'S METHOD. In order to determine the distribution of electricity on two insulated conductors A and B, charged with the total masses M a and M 6 and only sub- mitted to their reciprocal action, it is sufficient if we know for each of them : ist The capacity and the distribution on the surface when it is insulated and not subject to any external induction ; 2nd. The distribution of the electricity induced on the surface when it is in connection with the earth, and is subject to the in- ductive action of an electrical mass placed at any point outside it. Let m be the capacity of the conductor A alone that is to say, the charge which would then produce potential unit. Let us fix this mass, the distribution of which is known, and let us place in the desired position the conductor B in connection with the earth. This will be at potential zero, and will become charged with a known mass of the opposite electricity - m'. In like manner let us fix the mass m' on B. Let this conductor be insulated, and let the first one be connected with the earth ; this latter will acquire a mass m 1 at potential zero. In like manner let the mass +m 1 be fixed on A, an induced layer - m" will be obtained on B, and so forth. Continuing in the same manner, we shall successively obtain the masses m t m v m z ... on the former, and m\ m", m'" ... on the latter, each of them tending to verge rapidly towards zero. The superposition of all the layers m, m v m 2 . . . on A, and of all the layers m', m", m'" on B will result in a state of equilibrium with zero potential on B, and potential equal to unity on A. In fact, the successive layers m and - m' t m l and - m", . . . taken in pairs, give zero potential on B ; the layers m' and m v m" and m 2 , . . . give, in like manner, zero potential on A. We have only thus to consider the mass m on the first conductor, which produces a potential equal to unity. Putting Cm+mm + ..... , we see that C a represents the capacity of the insulated conductor A in the presence of the conductor B connected with the earth, and - C' the coefficient of electricity induced on B (69). Multiply these two masses by V , the respective charges C a V a and - C' a V' a correspond to a state of equilibrium with zero potential on B, and potential equal to V a on A. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF TWO ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS. 75 Reversing the functions of the conductors, we shall obtain the masses C 6 V & on B and - C' b V' b on A, corresponding to a new state of equilibrium, with zero potential on A, and potential V & on B. The superposition of these two states of equilibrium gives a new state of equilibrium with the addition of the potentials on each of the conductors that is to say, the potential V a on A and V 6 on B. The total charges of the two conductors are these These equations enable us to calculate the total masses of the two conductors when the potentials are known. In like manner the potentials may be deduced as functions of the masses, which gives V =^ a r r 87. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF Two ELECTRIFIED CONDUCTORS. The preceding method enables us to determine the distribution of electricity on the two conductors, for the final density at each point is the sum of the densities relative to the various superposed layers, and by hypothesis we know the law of distribution for each. We have then all the elements needed for calculating the action exerted between the two bodies ; the problem only presents then difficulties of calculation. This force consists of the action of each of the two layers C a V a and - C' 6 V & of the body A, on the two layers C 6 V & and - C' a V a of the body B. The potentials being supposed positive, the action f CaYa ls m ade up of two terms one repulsive, proportional to the product V a V & of the two potentials, and the other attractive pro- portional to V* . The action of - C' b V b comprises also two terms, one attractive proportional to V^ and the other repulsive proportional to the product v.v 6 . Calling a, Z>, and c coefficients which depend on the form of the body and on their distance, the reciprocal action R, considered as repulsive, has an expression of the form 76 ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. If the conductors A and B are identical, and arranged sym- metrically, the coefficients a and b are equal, and the formula becomes We have assumed that the action of the two bodies reduces to a single resultant. If it were not so, the same reasoning would apply to the two resultants by which the whole of the forces may be replaced. As a matter of fact the calculations required by this method for determining the coefficients C a , C 6 , C' a and C' 6 , and the resultant R, are extremely tedious even in the simplest cases. We shall after- wards explain the application which Sir W. Thomson has made of it to calculating the reciprocal influence of two spheres. ELECTRICAL ENERGY. 77 CHAPTER V. WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. 88. ELECTRICAL ENERGY. When different electrical conductors are connected with the earth, the system reverts to the neutral state, and in doing so performs work which is necessarily positive. Any given system of electrical conductors possesses a store of available energy corresponding to this work ; it is a potential energy, which we may simply speak of as electrical energy. The electrification of a system, requires the expenditure of an amount of work equal to the potential energy which it possesses in this new condition. When two conductors are connected, a change is in general produced in the distribution of the electrical masses, and this modification corresponds to a positive work. The electrical energy of a system of conductors is therefore equal, or superior, to that of the system obtained by connecting all these conductors in any way whatever. When the system contains an electrified insulating body, we may look upon the several electrified masses, with which the body is charged, as belonging to infinitely small conductors. If all the masses are connected together, the energy diminishes. The energy of a system of bodies, each of which possesses a given mass, is therefore a minimum when all the bodies are conductors. The potential energy of a system may be measured either by the work expended in electrifying it, or by the work which is per- formed by its discharge. 89. ENERGY OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR. Let us first consider a single conductor of capacity C, and let us suppose that a charge M has been given to it, which raises it to potential V. To increase the charge by dM, this quantity */M of electricity must be brought from infinity, or from the earth, to the conductor, and the work expended in this operation is equal to WM. 78 WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. The increase dW of the energy of the conductor is therefore When the mass of electricity changes from M to M I} the in crease of energy is As the energy vanishes with the mass, we see that the energy which corresponds to the mass M is W = = -CV2 = -MV 2C 2 2 Thus the electrical energy of a single conductor is proportional to the square of the charge, or to the square of the potential. 90. ENERGY OF A SYSTEM OF CONDUCTORS. Let there be any number of conductors A v A 2 , A 3 , . . . having charges M 1? M 2 , M 3 , .... with the potentials V p V 2 , V 8 , . . . If the density of each point is multiplied by x, a new state of equilibrium is obtained, in which the potentials are multiplied by the same factor x. There is the charge xM 1 on A x at the potential xV v xM% on A 2 at the potential #V 2 , etc. If we increase x by dx, the masses and the potentials are multiplied by x + dx, and the increase of charge in the conductor A 1 is M^x. The corresponding work lies between M 1 dx.xV 1 and 'M. l dx(x + dx)V-^ it is therefore, within an infinitely small expression of the second order, equal to M-^^dx. This is also the case with the other conductors, so that the variation of energy of the system is dW = (MjVj + M 2 V 2 + ..... )xdx = Between the two values X Q and x 1 the increase of energy is If we make ^ = and ^=1, which amounts to supposing that ENERGY OF A SYSTEM OF CONDUCTORS. 79 to reach the state in question we started from the neutral state, we have simply W = -(M 1 V 1 + M 2 V 2 + ) = MV. We thus see that the energy of a system of conductors is equal to the half -sum of the products of each mass by the corresponding potential. 91. A conductor which remains insulated during the charge is merely electrified by induction, and its total charge is zero ; there is no term, therefore, in the sum of the products, which corresponds to an insulated conductor. In like manner, a conductor kept in connection with the earth remains at zero potential, and does not enter into the expression for the energy. It must however be remarked that these two kinds of conductors affect the value of the energy, by modifying the influence of the capacities, and therefore the potentials, of the electrified bodies. Lastly, the same formula holds for the case of insulating bodies, however electrified. Each of the volume elements of an insulating body may, in fact, be considered as an infinitely small conductor on which the corresponding electrical mass is distributed. In this case the preceding sum becomes an integral; calling p the electrical density, and V the potential on the volume element dv, the energy of the system is expressed by The energy accumulated by electrification on a system of con- ductors is expended when the system is discharged, and may be transformed into mechanical work, or into an equivalent effect : disengagement of heat, chemical action, etc. 92. If electricity were a material substance, the masses consti- tuting the electrical layers would acquire a certain vis viva during the discharge, in virtue of which they would, like a pendulum, pass beyond their position of equilibrium, so as to restore to the system a fraction of its initial energy ; a succession of discharges alternately in opposite directions would be produced, until the heat disengaged upon the conductors had exhausted the whole of the available energy, and final equilibrium would only be reached after a certain number of oscillations. Experiment shows, indeed, that under So WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. certain conditions the discharges have a distinctly oscillatory cha- racter ; but we shall see that these oscillations may be explained in a totally different manner. Hence no conclusion can be drawn in favour of the hypothesis which assigns a certain inertia to electrical masses, and in the present state of science no decisive fact can be claimed for or against this hypothesis. 93. DISCHARGE OF BATTERIES. QUANTITY BATTERY. Total Discharge. We have seen that the capacity Q of a battery arranged for quantity is equal to the sum of the capacities of each of the jars. If the total energy of the battery is transformed with heat during the discharge, then, calling J the mechanical equivalent of the unit of heat, and Q the heat disengaged, we have W = -MV = -~ = C 1 V 2 = JQ. 2 2 L^^ If the battery consists of p identical jars, of capacity C, the formula becomes We thus see that, for a given charge, the energy, or the heat disengaged, is inversely as the number of jars, and that for a given potential the energy is proportional to the number of jars. 94. Incomplete Discharge. Let us consider two batteries of the capacities C x and C 2 , the former charged with a mass M and the second in the neutral state, the outer coatings being connected with the earth. Let us suppose that instead of discharging the first, we join the coatings so as to form a single jar of the capacity C x + C 2 . The discharge is said to be incomplete; it represents a loss of energy, and produces a disengagement of heat. Before contact, the potential energy of the first battery was After contact, the energy of the system has become DISCHARGE OF A BATTERY IN CASCADE. 8 1 The energy expended in the discharge is then 2 C, C,+C, The proportion of the initial energy which has been expended is Wi-W a= C 2 i W x ~C 1 + C 2 - Cj' C 2 Let us suppose that the first battery consists of p l jars of the surface Sj and thickness e v and the second of A J ars f ^ e surface S 2 and the thickness * 2 , we shall have &'iA.S.-.4 ; ; C 2 A S 2 'i which gives l 1+ .l.2 A S 2 ^1 95. DISCHARGE OF A BATTERY IN CASCADE. The capacity C x of a battery arranged in cascade is connected with the capacities C, C', C" . . . of the several insulated jars by the expression (85) _ C C' C" The expression for the potential energy of the system only comprises the term relative to the first jar ; for all the other conductors are insulated, or in connection with the earth, while being charged. We have thus If the battery consist of p identical jars, C =- which gives for the energy _i M 2 _iCV 2 ~~2 P ~Q,~~2~P~' For a given charge, the energy of the cascade would be greater G 82 WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. than that of a single jar; but for a given potential it would be p times less. It is the exact opposite of charge by quantity. All the laws relating to the discharge of batteries have been experimentally established by M. Riess. On the whole, then, in working at a constant potential that is to say, with a constant source of electricity, the best combination that can be made with a given number of jars, so as to obtain the maximum energy in the discharge, is to join them in quantity, pro- vided always that the jars can sustain the maximum potential of the source. If, on the other hand, only a limited supply of electricity is available, it is best to arrange them in cascade. The first is the case most frequently met with in electrical machines; but as they usually produce very high potentials, it is often advantageous to select a suitable combination of the jars by which these high potentials may be used and at the same time the charge be economized. 96. ELECTRICAL WORK IN THE DISPLACEMENT OF INSULATED CONDUCTORS. Conductors with a Constant Charge. The value of the potential energy of a system of conductors is When the relative position of these conductors is changed, with- out in any way connecting them, a positive or negative work of the electrical forces is, in general, produced, and therefore the energy of the system is altered. If the conductors are left to themselves they obey the electrical actions which urge them ; the work of these forces is positive and corresponds to a loss of energy in the system. If, by any external work, the system experiences a deformation in a direction contrary to that of the electrical actions, the energy increases to a corresponding extent. Hence, calling V 3 . . . , communicate separately with bodies of the capacities Cj, C 2 , C 3 . . . , withdrawn from any external influence for instance, closed condensers the outer coating of which is connected with the earth. This case comes under that which we have been con- sidering ; if W a is the energy of the conductors and W c that of the condensers, the energy of the system is w=w a +w c . If the system undergoes any deformation without the intervention of extraneous energy, the theorem (i) applies and gives (2) The energy of the conductor is W a = - 2 and therefore 2 2 For the energy of the condensers, the capacity of which is un- changed, we shall take the expression 2 G 2 84 WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. from which is deduced Lastly, the total charge M + CV for any system consisting of a conductor and the corresponding condenser is constant; we have then and therefore which gives for the conductor and condenser together Taking into account this latter relation, equation (2) may be written ii ii 22 22 We have then (3) ^ This equation holds, whatever be the capacities of the condenser. There is nothing to prevent our considering the capacities as being infinitely large in reference to those of the conductors, so that the variations of potential dV v dV 2 . . and the variations of energy Mj^Vj, M 2 ^V 2 . . . are absolutely negligable. We come then to the case of conductors kept at constant potentials by external sources, and equation (3) reduces to whence which gives finally, from equation (i), Thus, when conductors are kept respectively at constant poten- tentials, the energy of the system, for a given deformation, increases by a quantity equal to the work of the electrical forces. This work is positive if the system is left to itself; like the corresponding CONDUCTORS AT CONSTANT POTENTIAL. 85 increase in . the energy, it is borrowed from the sources which keep the potentials constant. The sources yield then, at every moment, a quantity of energy which is divided into two equal parts; one serves to perform the work dT of the electrical forces, the other goes to increase by dW a the electrical energy of the system. In this case the energy of the system tends towards a maximum. 98. We shall proceed to apply these theorems to the following problem, which may serve as basis of the theory of symmetrical electrometers. Let us suppose that a system of conductors is formed of two fixed unlimited cylinders A and B (Fig. 21) having a common axis, Fig. 21. and of a cylinder concentric with the preceding ones, movable along this axis, the length of the inner cylinder C being, moreover, so great that the density at each end only depends on that of the nearest fixed conductor. Let V 15 V 2 , and V be the potentials of these three bodies, and A , B , and C the charges which they possess when the movable cylinder is in a position symmetrical with the two others. If the cylinder C is displaced by a small quantity x, towards the right for instance, the distribution of electricity on the various surfaces near the opening and at the ends is not modified ; we have merely on this side increased, by a quantity proportional to x, the surface on which the electrical density is uniform and proportional to the difference of potentials of the adjacent conductors The right half of the movable cylinder will have gained a quantity of elec- tricity proportional to x, and the fixed cylinder B an equal quantity of the contrary electricity ; the opposite effect will be produced on the other side. Thus, calling A , B , C the initial charges on the three cylinders, A, B, and C the new charges, and a the capacity for unit length of the inner cylinder at some distance from the middle and from the ends, = B -cu;(V-V 2 ), = A + ca;(V-V 1 ). 86 WORK OF ELECTRICAL FORCES. The variation of energy is then w - w = I ax ! - v 2 ) v - (v - v 2 )v 2 + (v - vjvj The resultant F of the actions of A and B on C is, by symmetry, parallel to the common axis; the work F#, performed during the displacement x, is equal to the variation of energy. We get from this We may, indeed, express the coefficient a in functions of the data of the problem. We know, in fact (80), in the case of two unlimited concentric cylinders, the radii of which are R and Rj and the potentials V and V 1} that the charge of the inner cylinder for the length x is R From this we get and therefore FUNCTION OF THE DIELECTRICAL MEDIUM. 87 CHAPTER VI. ON DIELECTRICS. 99. FUNCTION OF THE DIELECTRICAL MEDIUM. We have hitherto reasoned on the hypothesis that the actions between elec- trified bodies take place at a distance, and have considered the dielectric as an inert medium, through which the forces act, but as destitute itself of any active properties. It appears now to be well proved that heat is a vibratory motion, the propagation of which takes place through the intervention of an elastic medium. Now, we have seen that the problem of electrical equilibrium, and that of heat in the permanent state, are characterized by the same mathematical properties. May we not then suppose that the analogy in the two cases is closer ; that it may be followed into the mechanism of the elementary actions ; and that there is no other difference in the two orders of phenomena than that which we ourselves introduce into the physical interpretation of the laws ? If this is the case, it should be possible to explain the production of the electrical forces by the action of the medium only. Such is the idea which Faraday sought to elucidate, and which constantly guided him in his researches. This is not the place to attempt to prove, or to disprove, the exactitude of one or the other of these points of view, but simply to show their equivalence in explaining phenomena. We shall commence by establishing some theorems on the relations between forces and electrostatic pressure. 100. EXPRESSION OF FORCE AS A PRESSURE. We have already considered as evident, that the action which is exerted on a conductor is the resultant of the electrical pressures on the whole of its sur- face ; but it may be useful to consider this theorem from another point of view. 88 ON DIELECTRICS. The pressure, on unit surface, at a point of the conductor where the density is a-, and the force F, has the value /=27TO- 2 = F 2 = -F(T, O7T 2 and this pressure is always directed outwards, whatever be the sign of the electricity. For each element of surface, the pressure /^S is the resultant of the actions exerted, on the mass OY/ S of this element, by all the masses external to the conductor, and by those on its own surface. The resultant of all the pressures for the entire surface, is the resultant of the actions exerted on this conductor, both by the external masses and by its own electricity. But the resultant of the actions which the various masses of the conductor exert one upon the other is almost null; for as there is equilibrium, those masses may be regarded as fixed on the conductor, and in this case, the elementary forces taken in pairs neutralise each other ; the resultant of the pressures is then simply equal to the resultant of the actions of the external masses. 101. When an electrical system is surrounded by an equipotential surface S v the action exerted on this system is the resultant of the pressures which would be exerted on a layer equal to the total charge of the system, in equilibrium on the surface S r Let us suppose that an equipotential surface S x divides all the acting masses into two systems, an internal one M 15 and an external one M 2 . We have seen that for points external to S 15 the internal masses may be replaced by a layer of the same total mass M 1 in equilibrium on the surface. Conversely, the external system M 2 will act on this layer Mj fixed on the surface S lf as it would act on the internal masses, supposed to be connected with each other, so as to form a rigid system. But, from the foregoing remark, the action of external masses upon the layer Sj, and therefore on the system M l of the internal masses, is no more than the resultant of the electrostatic pressures of this layer. As the total action of the system M l on all the external bodies is equal, and of opposite sign to the force which this system experiences, it is also seen that the action of the system M 15 on external bodies, is equal to the resultant of the elementary pressures on the surface S 15 each of them being counted towards the inside. EXPRESSION OF ELECTRICAL FORCE AS PRESSURE. 8 9 102. The reciprocal action of two systems M l and M 2 is equal to the action of two layers + M^ and M l distributed on the two equi- potential surfaces S x and S 2 , which include M 1 and leave M 2 outside. For, consider a second equipotential surface S 2 (Fig. 22) which includes M 15 and again leaves the system M 2 entirely outside. Let us arrange a layer + Mj in equilibrium on the surface S 1} and a layer - Mj in equilibrium on S 2 ; the layer on S : may replace the internal system + M^ for all points external to S x ; and the layer on S 2 is equivalent to the external system M 2 for all points on the surface S 2 . The system of these two layers gives, moreover, a constant potential V 1 -V 2 inside Sj, and a zero potential outside S 2 ; and, finally, a potential varying from Vj V 2 to zero in the intermediate space. The electrical force is therefore everywhere zero, excepting in this space, where it retains the same value at all points, either for the two primitive systems M : and M 2 , or for the equivalent layers distributed on the surfaces S : and S 2 . Fig. 22. The action of the electrified surface Sj on the layer S 2 is thus the same as on the system M 2 ; that of S 2 , the same on S : as upon M x ; the reciprocal actions of the electrified surfaces S x and S 2 are thus the same as those of the two primitive systems M l and M 2 . But we know from the preceding theorems, that the actions ex- perienced by the surfaces Sj and S 2 , are merely the resultants of the electrical pressures /X^i ano - A^2 which are exerted on the elements of these surfaces. If Fj and F 2 are the electrical forces in the medium, the values of these pressures near the elements in question are T : 8^ i 8^ the first are directed outside the surface S 15 and the second inside 90 ON DIELECTRICS. the surface S 2 ; and the resultants of these two systems of perpen- dicular forces /X$>i and / 2 = fv^^S- (^dv J *n to the volume bounded by a sphere of very large radius r which includes the electrical system we are considering. The first term of the second member should be extended to the surface of this sphere. The potential V, as we recede, tends to become inversely <)V as r; the factor represents the perpendicular component of the on force, and becomes inversely as r 2 . As the surface itself is pro- portional to r 2 , this integral is inversely as r, and tends towards zero. The second member reduces then to the second term, and we have, for the expression of the energy, S7T It appears from this that the energy of the system is the same as if each volume element of the medium had a quantity of energy F 2 . The energy w for unit volume is accordingly OTT 94 ON DIELECTRICS. Hence the energy for unit volume is equal at every point to the electrostatic pressure. 108. SPECIFIC INDUCTIVE CAPACITY. If the dielectric does play this essential part in phenomena, it is not likely that all media behave in exactly the same manner. We know, in fact, since Franklin's experiments, that the nature of the glass is of great importance in the construction of electrical batteries. Cavendish had already made a great number of ex- periments to determine directly the comparative effect of various substances used as insulators in condensers, but his experiments were unpublished and unknown at the time when Faraday published his important researches. Faraday connected the coatings of two spherical Leyden jars of the same dimensions, in one of which the insulating layer of air had been replaced by a solid dielectric such as melted sulphur or resin ; he thus found that when a definite charge of electricity was imparted to this system of conductors it did not divide equally between the two jars. That in which the dielectric was solid, took the larger charge. This is a general phenomenon, and falls under a very simple law. The charge, acquired by a closed condenser, with a solid or liquid dielectric, is in a constant ratio with the charge which it would take, for the same difference of potential, if the dielectric were replaced by a layer of air. Experiment shows, in fact, that air and gases, even when moist, behave in virtually the same manner, whatever be the pressure and temperature. If the nature of the gas does exert an appreciable influence, to which we shall subsequently refer, it may be neglected in practice. The ratio thus determined, is what Faraday calls the specific inductive capacity of the dielectric. It is, as we see, the number by which the capacity of an air-condenser must be multiplied, to give that of the same condenser, in which the layer of air has been replaced by the dielectric in question. 109. ELECTRICAL ABSORPTION. The determination of this constant offers considerable difficulties for most substances, owing to the occurrence of a phenomenon, to which Faraday gave the name of electrical absorption, and which is due to the same cause as the residual charge of condensers. The capacity of a condenser, in which the dielectric is solid, appears as a function of the time ; it increases and seems to tend towards a limit, in proportion as the duration of the charge increases. Conversely, when the condenser ELECTRICAL ABSORPTION. 95 is discharged, the disposable electricity which disappears in the discharge is sometimes far below the whole of that which it possesses ; it is known moreover that we can successively obtain a greater or less number of discharges of decreasing intensity. It appears difficult in the present state of science to account for this phenomenon. Everything seems to point to its being due to a progressive change in the structure of the dielectric, to a particular deformation under the influence of causes which produce polarization; a deformation which becomes permanent as in an imperfectly elastic body, and after which the body does not immediately revert to its original state when the cause has ceased to act. This view of the matter is confirmed by the facts that all the circumstances which, in the case of a mechanical deformation, favour the return of a body to the normal state such as blows, rapid variations of temperature, and the like, appear also to accele- rate the disappearance of the residual charge, and its return to the neutral state. 110. POLARIZATION OF THE DIELECTRIC. Although Faraday's experiment is incompetent to settle the question of actions at a distance, it shows unequivocally the part played by the medium in electrical phenomena. We are thereby led to assume that, in electrical induction, the medium acquires a state of polarization analogous to that observed in soft iron when under the influence of a magnet. In order to explain magnetism, Poisson made a hypothesis which was transferred to the study of electrical phenomena by Mossotti, and then adopted by Faraday. This hypothesis consists in assuming that the magnetic medium, or the dielectric, is made up of particles, which may be spherical for instance, which are absolute conductors, and are disseminated in a non-conducting medium. " If the space round a charged globe were filled with a mixture of an insulating dielectric, as oil of turpentine or air, and small globular conductors as shot, the latter being at a little distance from each other so as to be insulated, then these would in their condition and action exactly resemble what I consider to be the condition and action of the particles of the insulating dielectric itself. If the globe were charged, these little conductors would all be polar ; if the globe were discharged, they would all return to their normal state to be polarized again upon the recharging of the globe." (Faraday, Experimental Researches , Series xiv., 1679.) Sir W. Thomson has shown that, without making any hypothesis as to the constitution of the medium, it is sufficient to assume that 96 ON DIELECTRICS. each volume-element is changed by induction into a small magnet, which may, indeed, be considered as an experimental fact. In this way all the mathematical consequences of Poisson's hypothesis may be deduced. 111. DEFINITION OF DIELECTRIC. A dielectric placed in a field becomes polarized, and the algebraical sum of the masses which form the charge is always null. We know further (59) that, what- ever be the condition of an electrified body, the action which it exerts upon an external point is equal to that of a layer of the same total mass as its own, distributed on the surface according to a certain law ; in the present case the equivalent layer is formed of two sheets having equal masses and opposite signs. According to the theory of magnetic induction, which we shall afterwards explain, the action of this layer replaces the effect of polarization, not only for external, but also for internal points. The distribution is determined by the condition, that at two adjacent points, one in air or rather in vacuum, and the other inside the dielectric, the components of the force, perpendicular to the bounding surface, shall be in a constant ratio />&, so that, if Y n and F n are the perpendicular components in air and in the dielectric, taken in the same direction, we have ^ = /,, or F^FV Without attempting, for the moment, to examine thoroughly the intimate nature of the phenomenon, we may regard this equation (i) as defining the function of a certain class of bodies, to which experiment shows that the dielectrics, such as we know them, must belong. We have seen (39) that on both sides of an electrified surface the components of the forces parallel to the surface are equal, and that the difference between the perpendicular components is pro- portional to the density of the layer, From which, agreeing to count as positive the perpendicular com- ponents on the side of the dielectric, is deduced DEFINITION OF DIELECTRIC. 97 Poisson's hypothesis amounts, in short, to supposing that, on the surface of the dielectric, there is a fictive layer the density of which cr satisfies this condition. 112. This result may be exhibited under another form. On both sides of an element PP' or dS of the surface of the dielectric (Fig. 24) let us draw two tubes of force, and let them terminate in two orthogonal bases dS l and d$\, one in air and the other in the dielectric, and just far enough apart to comprise between them the layer a-dS. The flow of force which enters by the base ^S x is ~F n d -, that which emerges by the base dS\ is Fig. 24. the rate of variation of the flow is then equal to (F M - F' n ) dS, or from equation (i) which defines the dielectric, to ( i -- \ ; it corre- sponds to a mass of electricity o-d such that The effect is therefore the same as if a constant fraction of the flow of force were absorbed or emitted by the fictive layer on the surface ; the value of this fraction is i - - . I* 113. REFRACTION OF THE FLOW OF FORCES. The tangential components being the same in the two media, if / and /' are the angles which the forces F and F' make with the perpendicular N to the surface S, the expressions F cos/=/>tF' cos/', F sin i F' sin *', H 98 ON DIELECTRICS. give the equation i tan /= tan /', which expresses what may be called the law of refraction of the force, or of the flow at the moment at which the force passes from air into a liquid or solid dielectric. 114. More generally, let us suppose that the surface S separates two dielectrics, solids or liquids, whose specific inductive capacities are respectively equal to /^ and /* 2 . If the surface is replaced by an infinitely thin layer of air, then if F, F 1? and F 2 are the forces in air, in the first, and in the second medium, we shall have 11/1 from which is deduced (F n ) and The fictive layer is determined by the equation ( F J2 ~ ( F )i = putting v 2 from which we have 4*7*! OBSERVATIONS ON THE FICTIVE LAYER. IOI 118. OBSERVATIONS ON THE FICTIVE LAYER. Although the layer of density o- is a fictive layer, it must be noticed that if, while the dielectric is under induction, its surface is brought by any means to the neutral state, by moving along it a flame con- nected with the earth for instance, and if the sources of induction are removed, a real layer of density ' = mO. This is the equation of the lines of force drawn from the point I 2 Il6 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. A; an analogous equation will give those which proceed from the point A'. If m and m' are of the same sign, all these lines are unlimited ; any one of them that of the order N, for instance is an asymptote to a right line making an angle a with the axis Ax ; this angle is denned by the condition that the right lines of order n', connected by the ratio (4), are parallel to each other that is, that we have n ri n + n' N m (6) a = = = - = - = - 0. 2m 2m All these asymptotes pass through the centre of gravity O of the masses m and m' t which is evident and easy of verification. By eliminating the ratio , the equation of a line of force (5) m and that of its asymptote give 6-o> 0-a This is the equation of the line of force as a function of the angles which the asymptote, and the tangent at the origin make with the axis Ax. If r and r' are the distances of a point P to the two lines A and A', the equation of the equipotential surfaces is V = const - 2 \M.r + X'l.r'} = const - 2/.(rV A/ ), from which r \ r '\' _ C onst. 134. SEVERAL PARALLEL LINES. It is evident that this method of construction may be applied to any number of electrified lines A, A', A" ... defined as above by the masses m, m' t m", . . . , on the condition that these lines are parallel and situate in the same plane. The general equation of the lines of force starting from the centre A of the mass m will be in this case the masses m, m',... may be positive or negative ; that of the cor- responding asymptote is (m + m' + m" )a = md TWO LINES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 117 When all the masses are of the same sign, all the lines of force are unlimited. In the contrary case, part of the flow of force issuing from positive masses is absorbed by negative masses. From the method of numbering adopted, the number of un- limited lines of force is equal to the difference between the number of positive lines and of negative lines. If the electrified lines A, A', A" . . . . , while still parallel, are no longer in the same plane, the construction of lines of force becomes more complicated. In this case, the value of the potential at a point P at distances r, r\ r" . . . from the lines A, A', A" ---- , is V = const - % 2 XI. r = const - 2/. (r whence const 135. Two LINES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. Consider the particular case of two lines electrified oppositely, defined by the masses +m Fig. 29. and - m', situate at two points A and A' (Fig. 29) at the distance 20, and let m be the greater of these masses. The equation of a line of force becomes from which n ri = N, mat m'w = mO ; Il8 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. that of the corresponding asymptote is m m m' As the angle a cannot become greater than TT, there can only be unlimited lines of force for values of smaller than The line of force AP l corresponding to this value separates the m-m' lines of force proceeding from A, and which are unlimited, from the m' which are finite and are absorbed at A'. The equation of this limiting line of force is ma) - m'). M This equation is satisfied, for O> = TT and o>' = 7r; hence the line meets the axis on the left of the point A', and the point of meeting O' is symmetrical with the centre of gravity of the system in refer- ence to the axis AA'. We have, in fact, for any point P x of the curve . sin (TT-O)) r sin to sin (TT - o> ) m r sin sin (TT - ' = TT, from which we get 2 sin 2 TWO EQUAL LINES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 119 The limiting line of force is therefore a circumference whose centre is A', and which passes through the point A. The equation of the equipotential surfaces is V = const- 2 1. ( ) = const + 2/. ( - from which = const e' 2 . 136. Two EQUAL LINES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. If we suppose the two masses equal in absolute values, the equation of the lines of force reduces to and that of the equipotential surfaces to The former represents segments of the circumference such as ATA' (Fig. 30) passing through the two points A and A' and which Fig. 30- may have the angle ; the second represents circumferences S, S' . . . having their centres on the right line AA', and such that the two points are conjugate in reference to each of them. Considering the two equipotential surfaces S and S', a layer + m 120 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. on each unit of length of the cylinder S, and a layer - m on each unit of length of the cylinder S', will replace the action of the two unlimited lines A and A' (61) for all points between the two sur- faces ; the figure will correspond, in this case, to the problem of a condenser formed of two unlimited excentric cylinders. 137. Let us suppose that the distance za approximates to zero, but that the density A varies so that the product 20 A remains con- stant. The potential at the distance r, in a direction which makes the angle o> with the straight line, will be \ - \ r ] This equation represents circumferences whose radii vary as the reciprocals of the series of even numbers. We have in like manner for the lines of force, 2a sn to ) + 2Trm'(i cos a/) = N = 27rm(i cos 0), whence (8) m cos to + m' cos a/ = m' + m cos 9. If the two angles in this equation to and + cos G>' = i + cos 0, and that of the asymptote 2 cos a = i+ cos 0, or cos a = cos 2 -0. 2 The expression for the force at a point on the transverse axis OP is 2m . 2my v F = sin to = - - = 2 m f T 7 //j2 it is a maximum at points D and D' for which y-* tt -r- It is only a maximum in reference to the transverse axis, and on the contrary is a minimum for the direction parallel to AA'. The lines of force proceeding from m and m' are separated by the plane perpendicular to the axis AA', passing through the point O. 143, TWO UNEQUAL MASSES OF THE SAME SlGN. If two maSSCS of the same sign are unequal, the general form of the equipotential surfaces is the same as in the preceding case excepting the symmetry. The point of equilibrium corresponding to the point of intersection of the surface with two sheets is defined by the ratio m m 1 r ^ = ^2' or ->'- Putting r + r' = 20, we get from this Jm m TWO UNEQUAL MASSES OF THE SAME SIGNS. 125 The equation of the lines of force is m cos o) + m' cos to' = m f + m cos 0. They always form two distinct systems ; the surface which separates them corresponds to = 7r, and its equation is m cos w + m' cos w' = m' m. If we put = i + e, the equation becomes COS w + (i + e) COS to' = e, or in rectangular co-ordinates, the origin being taken in the middle of the distance 20, x-a x + a jy2 + ( x - a y + ( I+ > jjr + ( x + a )2 = ' This equation represents a surface of the sixth degree, which passes through the point of equilibrium, and which has some analogy with the sheet of a hyperboloid. Its meridian section, like all the other lines of force, has an asymptote which passes through the centre of gravity of the two masses. The equation to this asymptote is COS a = 2+e The force makes, with the radius vectors, angles /3 and /?', defined by the ratio sin/2 r' 2 m'r 2 w'sin 2 w' sh^~~m s= mr r * = msm*' = i cos 6 = These lines of force are all limited, proceeding from the point A, and terminating at the point A' ; they are evidently symmetrical in reference to the plane of zero potential, which is perpendicular to the axis AA' at 0, the middle of the distance AA' (Fig. 34). T' Fig. 34- 145. The angles ft and ft' which the force makes with the radius vectors are still determined by the equation (10), which gives (12) sin ft 146. The expression of the force is "cos ft cos ft' TWO EQUAL MASSES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 127 Its value at P a on the axis AA', at a distance d from the centre, is 2d n _ ^2x2 and on the transverse axis at the same distance d from the centre, or at the distance p from either of the masses, The product 2ma, of one of the masses by the distance separating them, which is called the magnetic moment in the corresponding problem in magnetism, may be called the electrical moment of the system. A' Fig- 35- 147. When the force is perpendicular to the axis sn = cos a equation (12) becomes COS 0> COS 0) This is the equation of the curve APX (Fig. 35) which passes through all the points of the plane where the force is vertical. It 128 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. consists of two symmetrical branches, starting from A and A' tan- gentially to the vertical, and which are asymptotes to a straight line OL. In order to determine the direction of the asymptote, let us consider a very distant point ; then, if 8 is the very small difference , the values of R are inversely as the square roots of the potentials. 152. In the equation of the lines of force, N COS to - COS to = the first member may be transformed in the following manner, de- noting by 8 the infinitely small difference o> - to' : , . za . cos to - cos to = a. cos w = sin . - = sin' 5 w. R R we have then sin 2 w i N N N R All these curves are similar, and for the same direction, R is inversely as N. They are tangential to the axis at the origin the 136 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. loci of the points where the tangent is vertical is evidently the asymptote found in the preceding problem (144), and the equation of which is tan 2 o>=2. 153. Equations (14) and (15) of (146) give for the values of the force on the axis, and on the transversal, at A and B (Fig. 40), and therefore S Q A T Fig. 40. From equation (17) we have for a point P at the same distance in any direction whatever w, Y= - = -GT = 3 sin w cos CD. J Through the point O as centre, draw a circle of radius R, passing through the point P, and consider at this point the perpendicular component F w , and the tangential component F^ of the force ; we have (ao) = X cos o> + Y sin o> = 2 cos w, R 3 T . = - X sin o> + Y cos o> = sin w. ' TWO EQUAL MASSES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 137 If / be the inclination of the force F with the tangent, and A the complement of the angle o>, we have (21) tan /= -^ = 2 cot w= 2 tan A. We get lastly, for the force itself, F 2 = X 2 + Y 2 = F 2 B + F*=/^ -Y( 3 cos 2 = ST tan A. As tan i=2 tan A, we see that ST = 2OS, whence (23) OT = 3 OS. This theorem is due to Gauss. The value of the force is easily expressed as a function of the same lines. We have, in fact, R = OT cos w = 3 OS cos (o, = Rcosw, and, consequently, ,2,.,. cosw = OS 138 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. We obtain then, by substitution, 155. In valuing the force at each point, the electrical masses only affect the result by their moment 2ma = t3, which may remain finite for suitable values of m, although the distance 20. is infinitely small. The total flow of force proceeding from the two infinitely near centres is not therefore determined, but the flow from a sphere of given radius R may be easily calculated. From equation (20) the value of the perpendicular component at point P, corresponding to the angle w, is trr F = 2 cos o>. The surface of the bow whose angular aperture is 2o>, being equal to 27rR 2 (i cos is sin wtfo). The flow of force which traverses this zone is therefore 47TS7 . d Q = sin o> cos w #w, R and the total flow corresponding to the angle o> is O = sin w cos w d(& = sin 2 o>. R J R This expression is nothing more than that of the line of force, of the order N, which terminates at the contour of the zone in question, and it might have been written directly. If o) be made equal to , we shall have the total flow on one side of the transverse plane OB the value of this flow is ; it is seen to be inversely as R. To trace on a meridian plane the lines of force which correspond INDUCTION ON AN INFINITELY SMALL BODY. 139 to the flows represented by the numbers i, 2, 3, 4 . . . , we need only take, on the transverse axis, lengths corresponding to the numbers 1 >->->- an d by equation (18) draw the lines of force which cut the axis in these different points. 156. INDUCTION ON AN INFINITELY SMALL BODY. The system of two equal masses of opposite signs infinitely near each other, repre- sents the condition of an infinitely small body, conductor or not, originally in the neutral state, and placed in any given electrical field. The body is in effect covered with two layers of equal masses, and of opposite signs, each of which acts as if it were concentrated in its centre of gravity. This is also the case with any body, originally in the neutral state, (that is with a total charge null,) when its action at a great distance is considered. 157, POLARIZED SPHERE. LAYERS OF GLIDING.* Let us con- sider two spheres S and S' of the same radius (Fig. 41), of uniform densities + p and-/), and whose, centres A and A' are at an infinitely small distance 8. This system is in fact equivalent to that of two equal layers of opposite signs distributed on the two halves of a spherical surface. This particular form of electrification is of great interest, and cor- responds in magnetism to a very simple method of magnetisation. For the sake of brevity we may apply the term layers of gliding * What are here spoken of as layers of gliding (couches de glissement), are the result of a purely fictitious geometrical operation, which does not aim at repre- senting a real phenomenon, or a particular constitution of the electrified body. We shall retain the expression electrical displacement to denote the mechanical modification of the medium which Maxwell had in view in his theory of dielectrics. 14 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. to those which are thus produced by two homogeneous masses equal in density and of opposite signs, one of which has moved through an infinitely small distance. The medium may be considered to be polarized, and the axis of electrical polarization is parallel to the direction along which the displacement has taken place. In the present case the density of the layer at each point is pro- portional to the corresponding thickness P'P of the part which is not common to the two spheres. Denoting by cr this density on the line of the centres, we shall have As the thickness of the layers along the line of the centres is con- stant, the value of the density, at a point P at the end of radius which makes the angle o> with this right line, is o- = (T O cos to = pS cos w. The action on a point M in the interior, is that of two homogeneous spheres whose radii are AM and A'M, on a point of their respective surface. Hence, for the sphere A, it is equal to TT/a.AM, and is directed along AM; for the sphere A', it is 3 equal to -^Trp.MA', and is directed along MA'. The resultant is 3 therefore proportional to AA' and has the value 4 A, 4 * 4 - 7T/0 . A A = 7T/06 = 7TO-Q ; j 5 5 it is constant. Let us denote this force by F { , and reckon it posi- tively from left to right, we shall have In the interior of the sphere, the equipotential surfaces are planes perpendicular to the axis AA' and are equidistant ; the potential at a point varies proportionally to the abscissa x of the point, and as it is zero at the centre, we have POLARIZED SPHERE. 141 For the outside, the layer in question may be replaced by two homogeneous spheres, or by two masses of opposite signs equal to -7rR 3 /> concentrated at A and A', and the moment of which is tar = 8 . - 7rR 3 p = - 7rR 3 o- = UO-Q, in a direction at an angle o> with the axis, cos w x The surface of the elementary zone du being dS = 27rR 2 sin o> dfo>, the corresponding mass is 27rR 2 cr sin w cosco du = d. 7rR 2 cr sin 2 o>. The total mass M of each of the layers is then o-^S = Y d. 7rR 2 (r sin 2 = -2^ cosw, . ^smo>= -F { sinw, o = _ F 2 4 a 4 159. CONDUCTING SPHERE IN A UNIFORM FIELD. Suppose now that a sphere thus electrified is placed in a uniform field, of strength , parallel to the axis of x, and let V be the value of the potential in the plane which passes through the centre. If we have the resultant force is null in the whole sphere; the potential is therefore constant, and there is equilibrium if the sphere is a con- ductor. CONDUCTING SPHERE IN A UNIFORM FIELD. 143 To obtain the electrical state of a conducting sphere in a uniform field of strength , F^ may be replaced by - < in all the preceding formulae, which gives (f>r cos W, a 3 < cosw, 3 sin to cos w, - 160. If R be the radius of the circle, drawn on an equipotential surface, through which would pass the same flow in the original field that is to say, of the circle which comprises all the lines of force directed towards the conducting sphere we have This circle has therefore a surface three times as great as a great circle of the sphere. All the lines of force terminate perpendicularly at the surface of the sphere and proceed perpendicularly from it, always excepting those which fall upon the equator ; these make with the normal an angle of 45. 144 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. In fact, for any point at a distance r in the direction w, the angle 6 of the resulting force with the radius vector r^ is given by the ratio tan (9 sin w - ~F t cos w + F_ tan to 2- This angle is always null when r = a that is, when the point is on the sphere. For all points on the equator, however, the angle w is equal to -, and the expression assumes an indeterminate form. 2 TJ. Let us suppose that the angle o> is very little different from -, the angle 6 for a point P (Fig. 42) near the surface is r a a tan ( o> 2 r- a r a i tan Fig. 42. Multiplying this equation by the preceding, which always holds, and observing that the difference r - a is very small, we get a r^ # 3 a 30* (r a) 30? tan 2 6 = . - = . = = :=i. r-a a r-a + 20? r^ + 20? The lines of force which touch the sphere on the equator make, therefore, with the surface, an angle of 45. The equipotential surface at the original potential V of the centre of the sphere is a plane which terminates at the equator, and is thus prolonged by the surface of the sphere itself. The equator is a line of equilibrium. CONDUCTING SPHERE ,IN A UNIFORM FIELD. 145 161. UNINSULATED CONDUCTING SPHERE IN A UNIFORM FIELD. It -is easy to pass from the case we have been treating to that of a sphere situate in a uniform field, and in connection with the earth. For this, the internal potential which had the constant value V must be null; this condition is fulfilled by superposing on the preceding condition a uniform layer capable of producing in the interior a potential equal and of opposite sign to V . Let - M' be the mass of this layer and - a-' its density, we shall have V - whence 47TO- The resultant density at any point will be 1 V (T = (T COS (0 CT' = - < COS 0) -- , 4?r 471-0 47ro- = 3$ cos a) -- - . a For the density to be zero at A, we must have at the pole of the sphere. If Vj and V 2 are the original potentials at A' and A, the strength of the field is and the potential at the centre The preceding condition reduces to whence 146 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. For the density to be null at A, the original values of the poten- tial at the two poles of the sphere must be in the ratio of i to 2. The density at any other point is negative, and therefore the surface of the sphere is entirely negative as long as V 2 < 2V r In the contrary case, the greater part of the surface is still negative, but about the point A there is a more or less extensive zone of positive electricity. 162. DIELECTRIC SPHERE IN A UNIFORM FIELD. Uniform polari- zation, or electrification by layers of displacement, also represents, on Poisson's theory, the condition of a dielectric in a uniform field. Yet if be the strength of the field, F^ the internal force due to the fictive layer, the resultant force at each point of the interior, instead of being zero, will have a constant value equal to < + F^. We can demonstrate that the condition relative to the equilibrium of dielectrics is then satisfied that is to say, that there is a constant ratio over the whole surface between the perpendicular components on the interior and on the exterior. This ratio ft, being given by the nature of the dielectric, will enable us to determine the force F^, and consequently the distri- bution of the fictive layer. For a point P on the surface in a direction to, the external perpendicular component is < cos to + F n = (< 2F^) cos to, and the internal perpendicular component ( + F { ) cos to. The ratio of these two forces (< - 2F,.) cos to < - 2F,. cos to is therefore constant, and we deduce from it It thus appears that the problem is completely determinate, and that the state of the sphere is identical with that of a conducting sphere of the same radius situate in a uniform field, the strength of which is < ^^ . We deduce from this (159) p+2 3 A*" 1 DIELECTRIC SPHERE IN A UNIFORM FIELD. 147 163. The flow of force from the sphere is equal to the flow which traverses it, va 2 (< + F^) increased by the flow - 3?r0 2 F { , which corresponds to each of the surface layers. We have therefore Q = 1 + 2 The equivalent circle of flow on the original equipotential surfaces would have a radius determined by the equation !=9/r2 Fig. 43- so long as ft > i this radius is always greater than that of the sphere. The force in the interior is it is equal to - < if /x = 2, which is approximately the case with most 4 3< dielectrics, and becomes equal to when ft, is very large. L 2 148 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. Near the pole A, on the outside, the force is it is equal to < for //, = 2, and becomes 3 when ft is very great. This force, therefore, is then thrice its primitive value; this is the case with conductors. In the present case the external lines of force are no longer per- pendicular to the surface. It could be easily shown that the tangen- tial components are equal, and that the ratio of the angles 6 and For the equator, where co = , this equation also gives 6 = The lines of force which touch the sphere on the equator are then tangents to the surface. Fig. 44. 164. CONCENTRIC SPHERICAL LAYERS IN A UNIFORM FIELD. It is easy to generalise the preceding problem, and to apply it to a series of concentric spherical layers. In a uniform field of strength 4> let there be a system of concentric spheres S 15 S 2 , S 3 (Fig. 44) having the radii a lt a 2t a z . . . , and the specific inductive capacities CONCENTRIC SPHERICAL LAYER IN A UNIFORM FIELD. 149 Let us consider the inner sphere S r If the medium of specific inductive capacity fi 2 , which surrounds it, were unlimited and formed a uniform field of strength 2 , this sphere would be covered with a layer of displacement M 15 giving in the interior a constant force Fj and a uniform field : = < 2 + l ; and for a point P x on the surface in the direction w, we should have the equation cos to = * < - 2 cos o> or (25) But the uniform field of strength < 2 , situate on the outside of the sphere S 19 is that which would be produced for the interior of the sphere S 2 by an external uniform field of strength < 3 , and by the internal force F 2 due to the fictive layer distributed on the surface according to the same law, which would give For a point P 2 of this surface we have to consider not merely the action < 3 of the external field, and that of the layer M 2 , but also the action of the layer M 1 of the internal sphere S r The law of the conservation of the flow of induction would give a relation between these quantities analogous to the equation (25) and which we may write directly in the following manner, suppressing the common factor cos w : whence (26) ^, = ft fa, - 2 F 2 ) + a (ft, - The same reasoning applies to surface S 3 ; for a point P 3 of its surface we should then have to take into account the strength ^ of the external field, together with the actions of the three internal layers M 3 , M z and M r We shall thus have 150 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. Whence ' The law of the terms is evident. Connecting these equations with the identities & -**+*!, (28) 4> 2 we could determine the values of Fj , F 2 , F 3 . . . The problem is thus completely solved. 165. Let us suppose that there are two layers bounded by the surfaces Sj and S 2 , in a uniform external field of strength <, where the dielectric is air. We may simply put Equations (28) give then /XY Substituting in (25) and (26), and putting /?=( ) we have F!) = ft (< + F 2 - 2FJ, + 2 - equations which would determine the forces F x and F 2 as functions of the data of the problem. 166. Suppose, further, that the internal nucleus is also air, which would amount to determining the state of a spherical layer ; /^ must also equal i. Let us denote by ft the specific inductive capacity of the medium previously denoted by /* 2 , equations (29) would become From this is deduced POISSON'S HYPOTHESIS. 151 and therefore 2) -2(/X-l) 2 /? ' The force in the interior at the surface S x is The force is constant inside S p but it is not constant between S x and S 2 , nor outside S 2 . The value of the force in the interior of S x is a fraction of the strength of the field, which would be equal to unity for ft = i, and to zero for ft= oo. With dielectrics whose coefficient ft does not differ much from 2, the fraction is always very near unity; if the layer is a conductor, the coefficient /* may be considered as infinite, and F T becomes zero. We shall afterwards see the importance of this question in magnetism. 167. POISSON'S HYPOTHESIS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF DIELEC- TRICS. Poisson's hypothesis, as revived by Faraday for electricity, consists, as we have already said (no), in assuming the dielectric to be formed of small conducting spheres disseminated in an insulating medium. The results already obtained enable us to explain the method adopted by Poisson for calculating, at any rate approximately, the consequences of his hypothesis. Consider a sphere of radius a lt and of specific inductive capacity fij , situate in a field of strength 2 , and of specific inductive capacity ft 2 ; from equations (25) and (28) the force on the interior of the electric layer is and the external potential of this layer on a point at a distance r is equal to Let us suppose that a sphere of radius a contains a large number 152 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. of small spheres of radius a 19 and assume with Poisson that the electrification of each of them is not influenced by the electrification of the adjacent spheres, and only depends on the strength of the field. If n is the number of small spheres contained in the large one, the value of the potential at a distance, which is very great compared with a, is _ r na\ or putting h = , that is to say calling h the ratio of the space, occu- pied by the small spheres, to the volume of the whole sphere, cos If the sphere were homogeneous, and of the specific inductive capacity /*, the potential V at the same distance would be The action of the two systems is identical if we have which gives this value of ft represents the apparent inductive capacity of the sphere made up as we have supposed. If we assume that the small spheres are conductors, we must make a, = oo ; we have then I + 2/1 POISSON'S HYPOTHESIS. 153 _jv _ If, finally, the external medium is of air, /* 2 = i, and we get I +2/1 For those dielectrics, whose specific inductive capacity is near 2, we should have 2 + 2 4 This result may give some idea of the degree of exactitude to which Poisson's reasoning tends. In a conducting sphere, the interior force due to the induced layers is equal to the action of the external field. The external action of a polarized sphere is very small compared with the internal AA 3 action, for the ratio of the forces (158) is at most equal to 2( - J and tends towards zero when the spheres are infinitely small. But if the volume occupied by the conducting spheres is a quarter of the total volume, the action which each of them exerts upon the adjacent ones can no longer be neglected in comparison with the internal force, and the field is thus modified. The maximum ratio of the sum of the volumes of the spheres which touch, to the total space is equal to -= or sensibly = . If this ratio is reduced to - , the 3v/2 v/2 4' distance of the centres of two adjacent spheres is about equal to the 3 /~T~ diameter multiplied by * / =. The action exerted by the electrical layer of one of the spheres, at the centre of the nearest one, might thus attain a fraction of the internal force equal to It is true that if the reciprocal action of the sphere tends to increase the electrification parallel to the force of the field, it tends to diminish it in a perpendicular direction, so that we are not far from the truth in assuming, with Poisson, that this reciprocal influence may be neglected. 154 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. 168. Two UNEQUAL MASSES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. Let +m and m' be two masses of opposite signs situate at A and A' (Fig. 45) at a distance of 20, m being greater than m' in absolute value ; let us put m The equation of an equipotential surface is r r r r rr One of these surfaces corresponds to potential zero, and its equation is m m' 7-7=. whence It is a sphere to which the point A' is internal ; the two points A and A' are conjugate in reference to this sphere. To determine the radius R, and the centre O of the sphere, we shall use the ratios BA B'A R OA TWO UNEQUAL MASSES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 155 Remarking that OA - OA' = 2 a, we easily deduce from this (30) I 4 -I The potentials are negative inside the sphere, and positive outside. Fig. 46. All the equipotential surfaces are closed surfaces with one sheet or with two distinct sheets, except a single one which has two adjacent sheets S f and S' i5 and which passes through the point I (Fig. 46) where the force is zero. The position of this point is given by the equation m m' or 156 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. we have thus ^-k I A'"*' and therefore The value of the potential at I, and on the whole surface with two sheets, is 2d k There are evidently two other points C and C on the axis where the potential has the same value, and which belong to this surface. For from B to A, the potential increases from zero to infinity, and de- creases from infinity to zero, from the point A to an infinite distance. The distances x and x' of the points C and C' from the point A, are given by the equations 20. All the surfaces whose potential is greater than V t surround the point A ; all those whose potential is positive and smaller than V { , consist of two sheets, both of them isolated and closed ; one of them outside the great lobe of the surface S f surrounds the two points A and A'; the other, which is inside the small lobe S' { , merely surrounds the point A'. 169. The general equation of the lines of force m cos to + m' cos o>' = m' + m cos becomes here m cos ' = - m' + m cos 0, or (31) cos >' - / 2 cos eo = i - k z cos 6. TWO UNEQUAL MASSES OF OPPOSITE SIGNS. 157 X _^__^__ The asymptote which corresponds to w = c/, is defined by the equation (i / 2 ) cos a = i 2 cos 6] it passes through the centre of gravity O of the two masses. This point is given by the ratio OA w'i For the asymptote to be real, cos a must be > - i, or i - & cos e The condition i - 2 cos gives the value of corresponding to the limiting line of force. The equation of this line of force is then cos a/ 2 cos to = / 2 i ; it evidently bounds the flow /^(m - m') from the point A, and corre- sponds to the value of Q given by the equation . N 2(m-m') i - cos = = m or 44) cos = i. This line of force 2 passes moreover through the point of equi- librium I, as can be easily shown. 158 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. We can determine the direction of the tangent as above (145), which gives , . sin/3 /' m'r 2 i r 2 /== 170. When the tangent is horizontal, we have or sin /3 = sin ' & r' 2 or replacing the sines by the opposite sides, r f _ i r 2 r~~&'7*' which equation may be thus written The locus of the points where the tangent is horizontal, is there- fore a sphere comprising the point A'. The centre and the radius of this sphere may be calculated by formulas (30) in which k is replaced by $. 171. When the tangent is vertical, we have or sin /? = cos a). sin 3' = cos /. ELECTRIFICATION OF A SPHERE BY A POINT. \ 159 _ ' X. In this case equation (32) becomes COS to it represents a curve formed of two branches, one proceeding from the point A, the other from the point A' (Fig. 46). The branch T proceeding from A is at first vertical at this point. For points at a considerable distance, the angles co and w' tend towards equality, and we have cos ' cos W cos to' sin o> . 8r 20 sin 2 o> from which sin 2 a>_r(i->E 2 ) COS to 20 The second member increases to infinity with r. The angle o> tends 77 then towards -, and the curve has a vertical asymptote which evi- dently passes through the point O. The second branch is a closed curve T'j it passes through the point A', and through the point I. 172. ELECTRIFICATION OF A SPHERE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A POINT. We know from the theorems already proved (61), that we can replace the mass - m' by an equal layer in equilibrium on any one of the equipotential surfaces which surround the point A', com- prising the sheet S'^ of the surface with two sheets. In like manner we* may replace the mass m by an equal layer on one of the equi- potential surfaces which surround A, including the surface S^ The two masses m and - m' may, lastly, always be replaced, for external points, by one mass m - m' on one of the surfaces which surround the two points, including again the surface S^. If, in particular, we consider the sphere S of potential zero, which surrounds the point A', we can replace m' by an equal mass in equilibrium on the sphere. Nothing will be changed for external points ; but for points in the interior the potential will be constant and equal to the value which it has on this surface that is to say, zero. For points inside the surface S, the mass m may be replaced by a mass + m' in equilibrium on this surface, and thus the potential will everywhere be zero on the outside. i6o PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. The first case corresponds to the electrification of an uninsulated sphere under the influence of an external mass; the second gives the influence of an electrified mass on an uninsulated spherical surface which surrounds it. The density o- of the layer at each point should satisfy the ratio F= 47TCT. At the point P, on the surface (Fig. 47) the force is directed along PO ; it is the resultant of the forces /and/', one aeting from A and Fig. 47- the other directed towards A'. The triangle formed by the three forces F,/ and/' is similar to the triangle APA'; we have then AA' r' r and, consequently, / m m 20, m I = 20. = 2a = 2ak i = . . From this we have m m CT = The force and density at a point on the surface S are therefore inversely as the cube of the distance, either from the point A, or from the point A'. This density is positive if the mass m be replaced by a layer dis- tributed on the spherical surface S ; this is the case of the inductive action of a mass - m', placed inside an uninsulated spherical surface. ELECTRIFICATION OF A SPHERE BY A POINT. l6l The density is negative if the action of this layer be substituted for that of the mass - m' t which corresponds to the problem of an uninsulated sphere S under the influence of the mass m at A. In these two cases, the sphere is given as well as the position and magnitude of one of the masses. Knowing the mass m, the radius of the sphere R, and the dis- tance AO = Jx and, consequently, a* yJ- m (T= - 4 7TR 173. If, after having insulated the sphere, we superpose on the layer - m any uniform layer M, equilibrium still holds, and the potential of the sphere, which was zero, becomes If we make M = m', the total charge of the sphere is zero, and its potential is This is the case of an insulated sphere, originally in the neutral state, electrified under the influence of an external point. As the mass is null, the potential at the centre only depends on the external mass. We must then have m ' The density of this new layer being m m r - 162 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. the resultant density is m - m m + = 4 7rR The density will be zero for all points of the small circle perpen- dicular to the axis defined by the equation The plane of this small circle cuts the axis OA on the left of the point A', since we have r> \/*/ 2 -R 2 . It is the neutral line which separates the positive from the negative zone. It is a line of equilibrium the force and the density there are null. It is the intersection, by the sphere, of the equipotential surface V = ; we know, moreover, that the two surfaces intersect at a right angle. The density will be null on the small circle, formed by the con- tact of the tangent cone to the sphere, and having its apex at the point A, the plane of which circle passes through the point A', pro- vided that M d* - R 2 m m 4 7rR and therefore M R m 174. The action of the insulated sphere S, electrified by induc- tion from the mass m^ on all external points, may be replaced by that of a mass - m' = - , placed at A'. In like manner the uninsulated k surface S' acted on by induction from -m', is equivalent for all internal points to the mass m = km' placed at A. 175. IMAGE OF ANY GIVEN SYSTEM. The principle of images in reference to a sphere may be extended to any system whatever for instance, to an electrified layer. For each element of the systems develops by induction, on the sphere, a layer whose action on external points is identical with that of the corresponding image. As each of RECIPROCAL ACTION OF TWO SPHERES. 163 these layers -is in equilibrium, their superposition will be a state of equilibrium, and the resultant action will be equal to the resultant action of all the images. The totality of these images will form a system, which is the image, in reference to the sphere of the given system. If the given system is a surface 2, the image will be a surface conjugate to the first. 176. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF Two SPHERES. The principle of images combined with Murphy's method (86), enables us to solve completely the very important problem of the reciprocal action of two spheres. Let S a and S & be the two spheres (Fig. 48), R and R' the radii. The method consists, as we know, in determining a series of successive layers in the following manner. On the conductor S a a layer is placed capable of giving the potential i ; this is a uniform layer of mass R. This layer acts outwards as if it were concentrated at A. It is fixed and the induced layer on the surface S & of the Fig. 48. second uninsulated sphere is determined, which amounts to deter- mining the image A' in reference to S 6 of a mass + R at A. The equivalent layer is next fixed at A', and its inductive action on the uninsulated sphere S a is determined that is to say, the new image A l of A', and so on. The same operation will be repeated beginning with the sphere S 6 , and all the masses thus determined are multiplied by suitable coefficients. As each of the masses and the densities can be exactly calculated, the problem of distribution is completely solved. The force exerted between the two spheres is the resultant of the actions exerted by each of the masses comprised within one of the spheres on all the masses contained in the second. M 2 164 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. The calculation does not present any theoretical difficulties, but it is very tedious. Sir W. Thomson performed it in the case of two spheres of the same radius when the distance of the centres varies between 2R and 4R, that is to say, when the distance of the surfaces is comprised between and the diameter of one of the spheres. In the present case, if R is the common radius of the spheres A and B, U and V the potentials, = 47T The coefficient K is equal to for conductors, and has a 47T smaller value for dielectrics, since the factor h is always less than unity. MOTION OF SMALL BODIES IN THE ELECTRICAL FIELD. 167 Consider now a sphere so small that, placed at any point of a variable field, it becomes electrified as it would be in a uniform field where the force was the same ; the electrical moment of this sphere will be or = UO-Q = uK, and the axis of electrification being parallel to the force <, will be perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces which include it. Suppose that we fix on the surface the two electrical layers, which are equivalent to the system of two solid spheres, or of two equal and opposite masses m at an infinitely small distance 8, such that 7 = m8. If Vj and V 2 are the potentials at the points occupied by the masses - m and + m, the energy of this sphere in the field is then W = f*V = - At a point P' where the force is equal to + d$> the energy of the sphere will be W'= - The work necessary for bringing the sphere from the point P to the point P' is then W'-W= - In reality, if the layers are not fixed, the electrification changes with the displacement of the sphere, and the work in question is between -CT^ and -(cr + ^fer)^; this work only differs therefore from the value found by an infinitely small expression of the second degree. The energy dW expended in effecting the displacement is then (33) u dW= Thus, when an infinitely small sphere passes from a point in the 1 68 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. field where the force is < , to another where the force is , the increase of energy is If the sphere is brought from an infinite distance, we shall have The sphere left to itself tends of course to expend energy, and therefore, by equation (33), to move in a direction in which the value of 2 increases most rapidly. It tends then to move to points in which the force is a maximum in absolute value. 179. Let n be the direction in which < 2 varies most rapidly ; the expression for the force acting on the sphere is (34) F- U'fi x un and its components parallel to the co-ordinates are (35) OZ 180. In a variable electrical field, the force cannot be a maximum at any point situate outside the acting masses. This theorem follows directly from the preceding demonstration. We have seen in fact from Earnshaw's theorem (63), that an electrified body cannot be in stable equilibrium in a variable field. Since an infinitely small sphere can only be in stable equilibrium at points where the value of < 2 is an absolute maximum, that is to say, where the value of < is a maximum in absolute value, it follows that this circumstance cannot present itself for any point outside the acting masses. DIRECTION OF A DIELECTRIC NEEDLE IN A FIELD. 169 181. The same reasoning applies to the motion of a very small body of any given form, if we neglect the effects of rotation that is to say, if we assume that the body always retains the same direction in reference to the lines of force. This body, in fact, becomes electrified proportionally to the force of that point of the field in which it is situated, and the variation of energy is proportional to the variation of the square of the force. Independently of this progressive motion, a body which is not spherical will turn on itself in every point, in such a manner that for stable equilibrium about its centre of gravity the electrical energy is a minimum, and the electrification is a maximum. Such, according to Sir W. Thomson, is the true meaning of the attraction of light bodies of small dimensions in an electrical field, so long at any rate as they have not been electrified by direct contact. These bodies, whether conductors or not, move towards points where the force is a maximum in absolute value, and they finish by coming in contact with the electrified surfaces. If they were movable in a medium in which an extraneous resistance would keep the velocity very small, they would move towards the electrified body, not along a line of force, but along a line of maximum variation of the force ; in certain cases, in which the body is impeded, this motion may even be perpendicular to the force. The body is in equilibrium for points in which we have d

= 0, or d$ = 0. Hence there is equilibrium when the force is null, maximum, minimum, or stationary. There is equilibrium particularly in a uniform field, which was d priori evident The equilibrium is thus neutral ; it is stable at the maxima of force, unstable at the minima, and at the points at which the force is null. 182. DIRECTION OF A DIELECTRIC NEEDLE IN A VARIABLE FIELD. Let us suppose that on a sphere charged, as we have always supposed, by layers of displacement, we cause a force F to act which is constant in magnitude and direction, and which makes the angle 6 with the axis of electrification ; the moment of the couple produced by this force will be F;//.S cos = FCJ cos 0. 1 70 PARTICULAR CASES OF EQUILIBRIUM. The electrical moment T3 is therefore the moment of the couple which this sphere would experience in a field equal to unity, the force of which is perpendicular to the axis of electrification. If we adopt the conception of Poisson and of Faraday regarding the constitution of dielectrics, and consider them as formed of con- ducting spheres disseminated in an insulating medium ; if we admit, further, that the electrification of each of them is not modified by the adjacent ones, the electrical moment of a body of any given form in a uniform field is U where U is the volume of the dielectric, n the number of spheres which it contains, and u the volume of each one of them. The expression of this moment is therefore the same as for a homogeneous sphere. On this hypothesis, a body of any given form in a uniform field would also be in equilibrium in reference to its centre of gravity, whatever was its direction. For all the volume-elements become electrified parallel to the force of the field, and the couple of rotation, being null on each of them, is null upon the whole. In a variable field, on the contrary, a very small body, fixed by its centre of gravity, tends to take a certain direction. As each volume- element du is only acted on by the force of the field, it tends to move towards points where the force increases, and the components of the force which it undergoes are z = -- . 2 02 183. Consider a short and infinitely thin needle, and let be the force of the field at the centre of gravity O of the needle. Let us take the direction of the force for the #-axis ; suppose that the needle can turn about the .s-axis, and that it makes the angle 6 with < . For the volume element du at a distance a from the centre, and DIRECTION OF A DIELECTRIC NEEDLE IN A FIELD. 171 X whose co-ordinates are x and y, the component < of the force, parallel to the plane, will have an expression of the form The components X and Y of the force will be The component tangential to the circle which the volume-element du describes is T = X sin 9 - Y cos = (A sin - B cos 0). The position of equilibrium corresponds to the condition A sin - B cos = 0, or tan 6 = , A that is to say, to the direction along which the variation of the force is a maximum. When the element is turned through an angle dO from its position of equilibrium, the tangential component is dT = (A cos B + B sin 0)d0, the angle being determined by the condition of equilibrium ; from this is deduced Acos0 + Bsin<9 We have then mm'. If this latter condition is realised at the outset (and it evidently does not depend on the original electrification), the charge of the machine will go on increasing. If the inequality is kept up notwithstanding the increase of the coefficients m and m', the charge will have no other limit than that which is determined by the pro- duction of sparks. If the preceding inequality were in the contrary direction, the charge would go on diminishing, and would rapidly become null. When the apparatus is symmetrical, the condition for the increase of the charge is simply nc>m. The preceding calculation applies particularly to the arrangement in which the collector of one machine is in metallic connection with the inductor of the other ; but the same method of reasoning, slightly modified in details, would also apply to all multipliers of electricity which act by reciprocal induction. 197. YIELD OF MACHINES. Whatever, moreover, may be the external cause limiting the charge, it will be seen that all these machines act like true sources that is to say, as systems which by the play of their own organs can maintain a conductor at a constant potential, or maintain a certain difference of potential between two conductors. This result is obtained when the quantity of electricity brought to the conductor is at every instant equal to that taken away from it, either by loss from contact with air, or by discharges between the collector and the earth. The yield of the machine is the quantity of electricity put in motion in each unit of time. It is clear that for addition machines, the yield, other things being equal, is proportional to the capacity of the carrier and to the number of operations performed in each unit of time. If, as with plate machines, the carrier acts continuously, the yield is proportional to the velocity. The phenomena in multiplication machines are not quite so simple ; but experiment shows that the yield is sensibly proportional to the velocity, although as a general rule it increases a little more rapidly. l86 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. PART II. ELECTRICAL CURRENTS. CHAPTER I. PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY IN THE PERMANENT STATE. 198. PERMANENT CONDITION. When two insulated conductors, at different potentials V and V, are put in metallic connection, equilibrium can no longer exist positive electricity flows from the body at the higher towards the body at the lower potential; a flow of electricity, an electrical current is produced. If the charges on the two bodies are limited, equilibrium is established after a time, which is generally very short, and which depends on the nature and the dimensions of the intermediate conductor; the current is then variable with the time. But if by any means the two conductors are kept at a constant difference of potential, a permanent state is established, and the intermediate conductor becomes the seat of a constant current. 199. ANALOGY WITH THERMAL PHENOMENA. The analogy of these phenomena with those of the propagation of heat between surfaces, at constant temperatures in a conducting medium, is obvious, and this analogy is expressed by identical laws in the two cases. We have seen, reminding the reader of the principles of Fourier's theorem (70), that if, in a medium which is a conductor of heat, we take two near isothermal surfaces at the temperatures t and t + df, the flow of heat dQ, which in unit time traverses an element of surface dS, is perpendicular to the element, proportional to the dif- ference of temperature dt of the two surfaces, and inversely as their distance dn t and is thus expressed OHM'S THEORY. 187 k being the coefficient of conductivity for heat ; the sign - signifies that the flow of heat is in the direction in which the temperatures decrease. The expression for the flow is the same across an element dS' of any given surface S', isothermal or not ; it is proportional to the partial differential , of the temperature in reference to the per- pendicular ri to the surface S', and we have 200. OHM'S THEORY. Ohm transferred Fourier's method of reasoning to the study of the propagation of electricity. He assumes that all points of a conductor in equilibrium are in the same elec- trical condition, at the same tension. When there is no equilibrium, interchanges of electricity take place ; the tension at every point is generally a function of the time and of the co-ordinates but if any extraneous cause maintains a constant difference between the ten- sions of the different parts of the conductor, a stationary condition is established in the system, after a shorter or longer time, in which the tension at each point becomes independent of the time. Ohm assumes, further, that between two molecules whose tensions are U and U', an exchange of electricity is produced in unit time, proportional to the difference of tensions and to a function of the distance, such that the adjacent molecules have a preponderating influence. This hypothesis is identical with that of Fourier (70). Without its being necessary to repeat the reasoning, it follows that the exchanges of electricity take place at right angles to the surfaces of equal tension, or to the surfaces of electrical level relative to this new property. The flow of electricity */Q, which traverses an element = (). The law of the proportionality of the flow of electricity to the flow of force leads directly to the same conclusion. For, if the state PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. is permanent, the flow of electricity for a volume- element is zero : the flow of force which is proportional to it is zero also ; but the latter is equal to 477^2, m being the mass in the volume in question ; hence m = 0. Thus, when a system of conductors has attained a permanent state, the electrical density is zero at all points of the conductor ; the electrical masses which produce the potential V, and whose action determines the current, are therefore entirely on the surface of the conductors. These masses are not in equilibrium of themselves, and they produce at each point the electromotive force of the current. It follows from this that the flow, whatever it may be, if it has a real existence, is not a flow of free electricity ; on the hypothesis of two fluids, we must assume that at every instant there is the same quantity of the two electricities in each volume-element in the interior of the conductor, and that these move in two equal currents in opposite directions. On the hypothesis of a single fluid, each element must be looked upon as containing at each instant the normal quantity of electricity, while we still assume that this may be either wholly or partially displaced. 204, LINEAR CONDUCTORS. OHM'S LAW. Imagine a cylin- drical wire, very long as compared with its diameter, placed in a perfectly insulating medium, and let us suppose that the permanent state has been attained. If there is no loss of electricity, the flow of electricity is parallel at each point to the generating lines of the cylinder; the equi- potential surfaces are therefore planes perpendicular to the axis of the wire. The flow of electricity across any given section in unit time is the same throughout the whole length ; let us call this flow the intensity or strength of the current, or more simply the current^ and denote it by /. Let V be the potential at the point P at a distance x from a fixed plane perpendicular to the wire, and let S be the section of the wire. The potential is simply a function of x, and the expression for the current is dV t=-cS- . dx As this flow is independent of x, we have = a, and V = ax + b, dx where a and b are constants to be determined. RESISTANCE THE INVERSE OF A VELOCITY. 19 1 Let Vj and V 2 be the values of the potential at two points A and B (Fig 49) at a distance / from each other, and let the point A be the origin of the co-ordinates, we have (i) and, consequently, The quotient = r is called the resistance of the wire between <:S the two points A and B, and the inverse of this resistance is the conductivity of this same wire. Fig. 49. Equations (i) and (2) show that : i st. The potential decreases in arithmetical progression along the wire, in the direction of the current; 2nd. The current between the two points A and B is equal to the quotient of the difference of potential of these two points by the resistance of the intermediate wire. These two statements form Ohm's law. It may be noticed that the distribution of potential, and the flow of electricity in the case we are considering, are identical with the distribution of temperatures, and with the flow of heat in a homo- geneous wall bounded by two parallel planes kept respectively at constant temperatures. 205. THE RESISTANCE OF A CONDUCTOR is THE INVERSE OF A VELOCITY. The quantity r, which we have called the resistance of the conductor, has the value ; it is proportional to the length of o the conductor, is inversely as its section, and of the coefficient of conductivity of the medium. 1 92 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. The ratio - represents the resistance of a cube equal to unity parallel to one edge ; it may be called the specific resistance of the conductor. The resistance of a conductor is a magnitude of the same kind as the inverse of a velocity in mechanics. For we have V -V M MJ The difference of potential V l - V 2 is equal to the quotient of an electrical mass M by a length a-, the strength of a current, or the flow during unit time, is equal to the ratio of the quantity of elec- tricity M', which flows in the time /, to the corresponding time. We have then The quotient is an abstract number, and the ratio - is a M / velocity. The resistance r is therefore the inverse of a velocity. 206. We may, indeed, imagine an experiment in which this velocity would have a physical meaning. Consider a sphere, of radius R, charged with a mass of electricity M, and let us suppose this sphere connected with the earth by a conductor of resistance r. M The potential of this sphere is equal to ; it diminishes as soon is. as it is connected with the earth ; but if the sphere contracts at the same time as the charge diminishes, it may happen that the potential remains constant This condition being realised, then if ^M is the loss of charge of the sphere, and aTR the diminution of the radius in the time dt, M_M ~~lf ~ R- but from Ohm's law, dlli^-dt. ANY GIVEN LINEAR CONDUCTORS. 193 In order that the potential may be constant, dR. must also be proportional to the time ; let us put We have then udt ru ' and therefore i r=- u Thus the resistance r of a given conductor is the inverse of the velocity u with which the radius of a sphere must decrease for its potential to remain constant, notwithstanding the loss of electricity, when it is connected with the earth by the conductor in question. 207. ANY GIVEN LINEAR CONDUCTORS. We have supposed the conductors to be rectilinear, but the same reasoning evidently applies to linear conductors bent in any manner whatever, the flow of elec- tricity being perpendicular at each point to the cross section of the conductor. Y* T7 Fig. 50- If the circuit consists of two or more cylindrical portions of different kinds and sections joined end to end, these various parts may be considered separately. If Vj and V 2 are the potentials at the points A and B (Fig. 50), the first in a conductor of section S, and whose coefficient of conduc- tivity is c, and the second belonging to a conductor in which these quantities are S' and c'. Let V be the point of contact O of the two cylinders, at distances / and /' from A and B respectively, and let us for the present disregard the electromotive force of contact of the two conductors, to which we shall subsequently return. On each side of the point O we have r+r 1 The current is therefore inversely as the sum of the resistances o 194 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. of the two conductors between the points A and B. This is obviously a general relation. Thus the resistance of a series of successive cylindrical conductors is the sum of the resistances of all the conductors. In conclusion, let us take the case of a conductor of any given shape terminated at its ends by equipotential surfaces kept at potentials V 1 and V 2 ; the current is proportional to the difference v i ~ V 2 f tne potentials, and the number by which this difference must be divided to give the strength of the current represents the resistance of the conductor. The number thus obtained is the resistance of the cylindrical conductor, which for the same difference of potential would give the same current. 208. KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS. Let us suppose linear conductors, of various materials and different sections, to be joined to each other in a complicated manner, the division of the current among these various conductors must satisfy the two following conditions, which follow directly from Ohm's law. Fig. 51. i st. If several conductors terminate at the same point, the sum of the currents, counted from this point, is zero. For, since there can be no accumulation of electricity at the point in question, the quantity of electricity brought by one set of con- ductors must be equal to that which passes away by the others in the same time; so that if we give the positive sign to the currents proceeding towards the point, and the negative sign to those which pass away, we must have (3) 3*/-o. 2nd. If several conductors form a closed polygon, the sum of the products of the resistance of each conductor, by the current which traverses it, is zero. Imagine a series of conductors of resistances r v r^ r^, r n , which form the successive sides of a closed polygon (Fig. 51); let RESISTANCE OF A MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR. 1 95 V 1} V 2 V n , be the potentials at the summits A v A 2 A n , and let t\, / 2 i n be the currents reckoned positively when the circuit is traversed in a certain direction. These strengths are not equal, for at the various summits there may be other conductors which bring or carry away currents. We shall have successively : For the first conductor i^r^ = V x - V 2 , For the second conductor 2 2 r 2 = V 2 - V 8 , For the n th conductor i n r n = V n -V r Adding these equations together, all the potentials disappear, and we have finally from which (4) ^i>=0. The two expressions (3) and (4) are known as Kirchhofs laws. Fig. 52- 209. RESISTANCE OF A MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR. As an appli- cation of these theorems, let us consider the case in which the circuit divides into multiple arcs, between two points A and B (Fig. 52). Let I be the current in the undivided part in front of A and beyond B, r v r 2 . . . r n the resistances of the conductors, *i, I 2 . . i n the respective currents, and lastly let R be the resistance of the single circuit which would be equivalent to the multiple circuit between the same two points. We shall have O 2 196 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. The second equation may be written i-i i t' I 71 R and we deduce from it Thus the inverse of the resistance of a number of conductors terminating at the same points, is the sum of the inverses of the resistances of the several separate conductors ; in other words, the conductivity of a multiple conductor is the sum of the conduc- tivities of the several conductors of which it is made up, which indeed is evident. 210. HETEROGENEOUS LINEAR CONDUCTORS. The existence of electromotive forces of contact between metals slightly modifies Ohm's law. Consider two points P l and P 2 (Fig. 53), separated by Fig- 53- two different conductors A and B whose resistances are a and b. Let V 1 and V 2 be the potentials at the points P l and P 2 , V a and V & the potentials at the point P on each side of the surface of sepa- ration of the metals. The current from P : to P 2 is a + b Let H a& be the sudden rise which the potential experiences between the metals A and B going with the current that is to say, the electromotive force of contact V b - V a = B|A of the conductors B and A, we get HETEROGENEOUS LINEAR CONDUCTORS. 197 Let us now suppose that a closed circuit is composed of separate conductors A, B, C L (Fig. 54) comprising bodies of Volta's second class that is to say, that the chain of conductors does not obey the law of tensions; the circuit will be traversed by a per- manent current. Fig. 54- Let r^ r^Tf. *j, be the resistances of the different conductors, V and V'a, V ft and V' & the successive potentials at the ends of each going in the direction of the current, and in like manner let H a6 , H &c Hj a be the successive electromotive forces of contact ; we have H..-V.-V,, The current being the same throughout the whole extent of the circuit, we have also from which, reducing, we get The numerator of this fraction represents the algebraical sum of the electromotive forces of contact in the chain of con- ductors; it is the electromotive force E of the circuit The 198 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. denominator is the sum of the resistances, or the total resistance of the circuit. We have thus 211, CASE IN WHICH THE CIRCUIT CONTAINS ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES. It is easy to see what Kirchhoff's laws (208) become, when there are electromotive forces at work. The first theorem is not modified. The sum of the quantities of electricity which start from, or terminate at, a point is always zero in the permanent state; for this point can neither be an unlimited centre for the production of electricity, nor a centre of absorption. The second theorem must be modified. Suppose that in the preceding circuit, at the points where the various conductors terminate, the metals change, or that these places are also points where the summits of other conductors branch off. The current is not the same throughout the whole circuit ; let / a , i b ..... t\ be the different values of the current in the different conductors between any two successive points of contact or of division. From Ohm's law we shall have and consequently v'.+n+- +ni-(v.- v a )+(v 6 - vy+ . . . +(v,- vy = ( V 5 - v ') + (V. - v '>) + '-+ (V. - V',) or (6) E-^Vf. Thus, in a closed circuit, the sum of the products of the resistance of each conductor by the strength of the corresponding current is equal to the algebraical sum of the electromotive forces of the circuit. This sum is zero if the circuit is made up of conductors of the same kind, or of metals at the same temperature, for the latter obey the law of tensions. The two relations (5) and (6) give all the equations necessary CONDUCTORS OF ANY GIVEN FORM. 199 for determining the currents in the various branches of the circuit. Any modification in the resistances, or in the electromotive forces which produces no change in the equations, will obviously be without influence on the currents. For instance : i st. The resistance of a branch in which the current is null may be modified at will. 2nd. In all conductors which terminate in the same point, we may introduce equal electromotive forces tending to produce currents which all approach or recede from the point in question, these elec- tromotive forces neutralising each other in pairs in all the closed contours which pass through that point 212, CONDUCTORS OF ANY GIVEN FORM. ELECTRODES. The analogy of electrical conductivity with thermal conductivity, and of this latter with the phenomena of statical electricity, enables us to establish directly some theorems relative to the propagation of electricity. Let us consider, in the first place, a single isotropic unlimited medium. Let us suppose that, for the three different orders of phe- nomena, the temperature on the one hand and the potential on the other are kept constant on different closed surfaces Sj, S 2 , S n , and that on each of the surfaces the temperatures and the potentials /! and V p / 2 and V 2 are represented by the same numbers, or by proportional numbers. In the thermal problem, these surfaces will represent sources of heat ; in the problem of statical electricity, the conductors; in the problem of the propagation of electricity, they are called the electrodes. The temperature and potential of any point of the medium are functions of the co-ordinates defined by the condition that these functions acquire determinate values on the bounding surfaces, and in the interval of these surfaces satisfy the condition A/=0, or AV = 0. The temperature and the potential at every point will therefore have values which are either equal or are in a constant ratio. The iso- thermal and the equipotential surfaces will be identical throughout the whole extent of the medium, and therefore the tubes of flow are identical. Across an element dS of any given surface, the flow of heat (70) is - kd , the flow of electrostatic force is - d$ , and the elec- 9* av ^ n trical current is - cd$ - , k and c being the coefficients of thermal 200 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. and electrical conductivity. These three flows are therefore pro- portional to each other. According to this, whenever a problem of the uniform propa- gation of heat or of statical electricity has been solved, the corresponding problem of the propagation of electricity in the permanent state, will be found to be solved in the same way. As a particular case, we have seen that if we assign the potentials V lf V 2 . . , V n to fixed surfaces S 1} S 2 . . , S n that is to say, the poten- tials of different conductors in air the potential at every point of the medium is defined, and the problem of equilibrium has only one solution. In like manner, if the dielectric medium is replaced by a conductor, and the potentials are kept constant on the same surfaces Sj, S 2 . . . S n , the flow of electricity is determined for each point, and there is only a single state of equilibrium. 213. Suppose now that two dielectrics, whose inductive capacities are /^ and /x 2 , are separated by a surface S. The flow of force is not maintained on each side of the surface, but the flow of induction is maintained, and counting the normal n to the surface in the same direction for the two media, we have (121) C.L.COHY. 3V w . It is the condition of continuity on the surface. If we replace the dielectrics by conductors whose coefficients of conductivity are ^ and c^ the flow of electricity is then the same on each side of the surface S, which gives W <>V 2 It will be seen from this that if, in a problem of electrostatics containing dielectrics whose inductive capacities are yu 15 //. 2 , . . //, 3 , we replace 4he dielectrics by conductors whose coefficients of conduc- tivity are respectively proportional to the corresponding inductive capacities, such, that is to say, that we have the flow of electricity at each point will be proportional to the flow of induction of the correlated electrostatic system. HETEROGENEOUS CONDUCTORS. 2OI Thus, all electrostatical problems which have been solved for a system of dielectrics, furnish also the solution of the corresponding problems in the propagation of electricity. Such, for instance, are the following cases : Concentric spheres (77). Concentric cylinders (80), or eccentric cylinders one of which is inside the other (136). Parallel planes (81). Closed condensers of constant thickness (79). Successive concentric cylinders formed of different media (164). 214. HETEROGENEOUS CONDUCTORS. We have also seen (167) that, by comparing a dielectric to a medium whose specific inductive capacity is /* 2 , and in which is disseminated little spheres of the specific inductive capacity /*j, the medium thus constituted behaves like a homogeneous dielectric, the specific inductive capacity of which would be represented by the expression in which h represents the ratio of the sum of the volumes of the small spheres to the total volume of the space in which they are disseminated. In analogous conditions, the mean specific conductivity of a medium of conductivity r 2 , containing small spheres of conductivity is the flow for unit surface, the flow of induction across an element dS is f t>V dV <>V~1 = -^S ;ua + /a' + /t"a" ~bx ty ~bz J If /?, ft' and ft" are the cosines of the angles formed by the electrical force F at the point in question, which is not perpendicular to the equipotential surface, we may write = (pap + /* 'a' ft' + p "a" ft") F. 2O4 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. In this case the electrical displacement is no longer parallel to the electrical force. 217. CONDUCTORS IN Two DIMENSIONS. The preceding con- siderations apply to unlimited media. It is clear that nothing is altered if we limit the conducting medium by a surface formed entirely by the lines of flow of the unlimited system. For a limited conductor placed in an insulating medium, the external surface, whatever it may be, is always parallel to the lines of flow, and therefore, if the medium is isotropic, it is perpendicular to the equi- potential surfaces. This is the case of the propagation of electricity in a thin plate, which may be regarded as a conductor of two dimensions. We may determine by experiment the locus of points which have the same potential, by the condition that no current flows through a conducting wire one end of which is in connection with a fixed point in the plane. The results obtained by experiment are in complete accor- dance with those deduced from Fourier's formula, and furnish a fresh confirmation of the analogy between the two orders of phenomena. In both cases we may suppose the propagation to take place either with or without loss in the surrounding medium. If there is no loss in the external medium, Poisson's equation for any point outside the electrodes reduces to and, for any point in the outside of the plate, we have It is easily seen that this problem merges into that of the problem of equilibrium in the case of a cylindrical distribution (132 et seq.) We have seen there that in a plane traversed perpendicularly at points Aj, A 2 , A 3 ..... by parallel lines of the densities A p A 2 , A 3 . . . , the potential at a point P, at distances r v r^ r z ... from these lines, has the value The flows of force which, in a layer of the thickness e comprised RESISTANCE OF ANY GIVEN CONDUCTOR. 205 between two parallel planes, proceed from the different lines are If, in the problem of propagation, we regard the same portions of the lines as sources of electricity, as electrodes, the flows of elec- tricity, or the strengths of the currents, are from which we have A i = and the expression of the potential at P becomes V = const- V =const -- L/.r, + I/.r 2 + ..... . ^ 27JV6 27TT6 \_ l J A particularly interesting case is that of two electrodes A l and A 2 furnishing equal flows of opposite signs. In this case I 1 + I 2 = 0, and V = const -- /. . The lines of flow are segments of circles passing through the two points A x and A 2 (Fig. 30); the equipotential lines are circum- ferences having their centres on the line A T A 2 and such that these two points are conjugate in reference to each of them. From the remark made above, it is clear that the problem will remain the same 2O6 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. if, instead of an unlimited plate, we consider a circular plate having two electrodes on its circumference, or again, any plate comprised between two circular segments passing through the points AJ and A 2 . 218. RESISTANCE OF A CONDUCTOR OF ANY GIVEN FORM. Whatever be the conductor, it may be always supposed to be divided by two series of surfaces parallel to the lines of flow into infinitely slender tubes, each of which is a tube of flow. Each of these tubes may itself be compared to a conducting wire of varying section, the resistance of which is at each point inversely as the section. The total resistance can be deduced from the resistance of this complex, by the ordinary laws of multiple conductors ; the reciprocal of the total resistance, or the conductivity, will be the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances of all these tubes. The calculation will in general be very complicated ; but if the value of the potential on the two electrodes is known, as well as the corresponding flow of electricity, it is easy to determine the total resistance of the conducting medium by Ohm's formula (207). Let us take as an example the case of two electrodes A l and A 2 in an unlimited medium. We may suppose these electrodes to be small spheres of radius p. Let V x and V 2 be their potentials, and I the absolute value of the flow of electricity corresponding to each of them. If the radius p can be neglected in comparison with the distance A 1 A 2 , we may assume that the potential close to each of the electrodes is inversely as the distance r, and is represented by -, which, on the spheres themselves, will give The current is then '/' //v - dn As, on the surface of the sphere, we have DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON LINEAR CONDUCTORS. 207 we get or According to this, the total resistance R of the medium is ex- pressed by The same reasoning would apply to the case of a medium unlimited on one side, and bounded on the other by a plane on which two hemispherical electrodes A x and A 2 are placed. The resistance would then be the double of the preceding, and we should have TTCp It is remarkable that the resistance is independent of the dis- tance of the two electrodes, and only depends on their dimensions and on the conductivity of the medium. This case may be regarded as corresponding to that of the earth when two points of the soil are connected with electrodes kept at potentials of equal values and opposite signs. 219. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON LINEAR CONDUCTORS. When the state is permanent, as the density is zero in the interior of the conductor (203), the potential is simply due to the electricity which exists on the surface; this electrical layer is distributed ac- cording to a law which can be determined in a few simple cases. Let us consider a rectilinear cylindrical wire, the diameter ot which is very small as compared with its length, and placed in its whole extent in conditions which are the same in reference to neigh- bouring conductors. If this wire were electrified and in equilibrium, the distribution of the superficial layer at some distance from its ends would be uniform that is, that any portion of a surface comprised between two planes perpendicular to the axis, and at unit distance, would have the same quantity of electricity: let A be this quantity, which may be called the linear density of the wire. 208 PROPAGATION OF ELECTRICITY. The potential V of the wire is, moreover, proportional to the total charge, and therefore to the charge of each unit length. We have then A being a constant which depends on the section of the wire, and on its position in reference to external conductors. If the charge of the wire varies from one point to the other of the length, the linear density at a point, is the limit of the ratio of the charge to the corresponding lengths. When equilibrium does not hold, it is not generally speaking exact that the potential at each point is proportional to the density; but this proportionality is evidently in particular true for cables, in which the conducting wire is surrounded by a dielectric layer of constant thickness, which in turn is surrounded by a con- ductor in connection with the earth. The various parts of the wire are then without appreciable action on each other, and the potential at each point is that due solely to the nearest electrical masses. If 7 be the capacity of unit length of the wire that is to say, the charge which would correspond to unit potential the charge of a length dx at potential V would be equal to yVdx. 220. PROPAGATION IN A WIRE WHEN THERE is A Loss ON THE SURFACE. Let us still consider a cylindrical wire traversed by a current, and let us suppose that the permanent state has been attained, but that there is a loss of electricity on the surface. The flow is no longer parallel to the axis throughout the entire extent of a perpendicular section ; it tends to become perpendicular to the wire close to the external surface. The equipotential surfaces S, S' (Fig. 55) are still planes throughout the greater part of their extent, S . T 3 , Let R x be the total resistance from the point P x to the ground, R 2 the resistance starting from the point P 2 , , ; finally r v r 2 , r 3 , . . . . the resistances of the wire between the successive points of contact P^, P 2 ^3' > etc - From the point P! the total conductivity is equal to the sum of the conductivities which the various paths offer, which gives the equation We should have a series of analogous equations, and ultimately I P2 I Pn r n This is the case of overhead telegraph wires when we take into account the leakage by the insulators. If the leakage is continuous, and R is the resistance starting from the point P, R + __L_ = n '*', . TZTT o =i which, if the loss may be neglected, becomes V _t-X ^ M=C I 27r % . W7T 225. DURATION OF THE RELATIVE PROPAGATION. The second equation shows that if there is no loss by the sides, the ratio of the potential at a distance x, to the potential at the origin, is the same for two different wires, at two points whose distances from the origin are proportional to the total lengths of the wires, when the ratio - has or/- 1 the same value. The time / necessary for the potential at any given point (in the middle of the wire, for instance) to attain a definite fraction of the initial potential or of the final potential, is therefore proportional to a 2 / 2 or y/>/ 2 that is to say, to the square of the length of the wire, to the capacity, and to the resistance of unit length. This condition gives what may be called the time of relative propagation of electricity. There is not, therefore, in the preceding conditions, a deter- minate velocity for the propagation of electricity as there is for sound, or for light. The apparent velocity which it has sometimes been attempted to estimate, by supposing the propagation uniform, and determining the time necessary for the electrification produced at one end of a wire to have a sensible effect at a certain distance, depends on constants characteristic of the wire, and on the sensitiveness of the means by which these electrical effects are made evident. 226. UNLIMITED WIRE. Fourier's general integral lends itself with difficulty to numerical applications; but we may choose simpler conditions, which really correspond to several of the observed phenomena, and enable us to find again the principal results obtained by Sir W. Thomson, DURATION OF THE RELATIVE PROPAGATION. 217 Consider an insulated wire, whose loss by the surface may be neglected, originally in the neutral state, and of an unlimited length, or at any rate of a length such that the condition at a point is not appreciably modified by that of the most distant end. At the end of the wire a constant potential V is maintained. At the end of a time /, the potential at a distance x is defined by the equation For a second wire placed in the same conditions as the first, and the material of which is defined by another coefficient a', we shall have in like manner Let us put x' = mx^ t' = nt, m and n being constants ; we may then consider the potential V as a function of the variables x and t, and equation (5) will become If the coefficients m and n are chosen so that that is to say /' the potentials V and V satisfy the same differential equation (2), and the same limiting conditions; they represent then the same function of x and of /. 227. Hence, for unlimited wires, which is practically equivalent to wires so long that the duration of the propagation has an appre- a?x 2 ciable value, the potential V does not change when the ratio has the same value ; it is, therefore, a function of this ratio. 2l8 VARIABLE STATE. Hence follows the conclusion which has been established above (226), that the time required to produce a definite potential at the distance x, or more precisely, a definite fraction of the potential at the origin, is proportional to the square of the distance, and to the coefficient a 2 , which is special to the wire. In these conditions, equation (2) really only contains one inde- pendent variable, and putting IT it becomes 20^ = 0; dz* dz from this we easily deduce The constants A and B are determined by the initial conditions. For = 0, that is to say x = or /= oo , we have V = V ; for = oo , that is to say x = oo , or / = 0, we have V = 0. We get then There is no simple expression for the integral contained in this formula, but it is met with in a great number of problems ; for instance, in the theory of probabilities, and tables of it have been calculated, so that its numerical values are well known. JTT Between the limits and oo , for instance, it is equal to > which gives DURATION OF THE RELATIVE PROPAGATION. 219 The curve A (Fig. 56) represents the values of the ratio of the V a?x 2 potentials , as a function of /, by taking a = = z 2 t. The VG 4 ordinate remains zero for some time near the origin, and only com- mences to acquire an appreciable value from the period in which & / = -. The asymptote to the curve is parallel to the /-axis at a 4 distance from this axis equal to unity. 0,5 \ \ \ \ \ TV \ sin O.I Fig. 56. 228. The expression for the current at the distance x, is __ _oi_ _ L " ~ j o p dz ' ttor p JIT 2 Jt ' replacing z 2 by - , we get (7) T "0 / " =A/ 7 220 VARIABLE STATE. This strength is a function of the time; it is zero for /=0, and <)I i becomes a maximum when = 0, which gives z 2 = - . If T is the ot 2 time of the maximum we have *JK* 2. 2 The curve A (Fig. 57) represents the value of the expression \ -e~~ t which is proportional to the strength of the current. The Fig. 57- time of the maximum being proportional to a 2 ,* 2 , we see that the curve is the more bent, the greater is the distance x from the point taken as the origin. 229. MOMENTARY CONTACTS. Let us suppose that the end of the wire is only put in momentary -contact with a source at constant potential, that is to say, that this end is only raised to potential V for a very brief period T, and is then connected with the earth. The potential at any given point will be obtained by superposing MOMENTARY CONTACTS. 221 two states, the first due to the permanent potential V , established at the origin of the wire at the beginning of the time, the second to the permanent potential - V , set up after the time r. The value of the potential at the distance x, corresponding to each of those states, is the same function of the time which elapses from establishing at the origin of the wire the corresponding potential; the resultant poten- tial U is therefore equal to V(/) - V(/-r). If we suppose that the time r is infinitely short, we get From this we deduce The value of U is no longer then a simple function of z*. If < stands for the function z fix _ - e r** = e t t 2/1 we may write (8) 230. We may, moreover, determine graphically the value of , v o by taking the difference of the ordinates of the curve A, and of another identical curve which has been displaced towards the right by a quantity T. The curves I, II, III, IV, V, represent the result of this superposition for values of r equal respectively to a, 20, 30, 40, $a. This construction and the formula will show that the momentary connection of the end of the wire with a source of constant poten- tial, gives rise to a sort of electrical wave, which is propagated according to a somewhat complex law, and which spreads itself out as it travels. 222 VARIABLE STATE. We obtain in the same way the strengths corresponding to momentary contacts; curves I, II, III (Fig. 57), represent the law of the strengths at a point, when contacts are made for durations respectively equal to a, 20, 30. 0,1 Fig. 58. 231. The period T v at which the maximum potential of the wave is obtained for an infinitely short contact, is determined by the condition ^ = Q, or = 0. Since we have lit the maximum takes place when 2z 2 = 3, or 2d 3 HP - X 2 = . 6 3 DURATION OF PROPAGATION OF AN ELECTRICAL WAVE. 223 This time T l corresponds to the point of inflexion of the curve W 2 2 V A (Fig. 56), for the condition = 0, is equivalent to ^7 = ; it is a third of the time T, required to attain maximum current at this point, with a constant potential at the end of the wire. The time T, may therefore be considered as expressing the duration of propagation of an electrical wave. 232. We may, in like manner, determine either graphically or by calculation, the wave which would result when the origin of the wire is put alternately in contact with sources at potentials + V and - V during equal or unequal times. The curves in Fig. 58 correspond thus to alternating contacts which may be collated in the following table : Curves. Duration of Contacts. I a a II a a a III 2.a 2a IV 2.a a V 30 2a VI 30 a VII 3# 2a a It will be seen that, by choosing the duration of these contacts, we may obtain a far shorter wave than by a single contact. The wire is then quickly restored to the neutral state after the passage of the wave ; this is the problem which it has been attempted to solve in certain cases of telegraphic communication. The curve of contact T may be simply constructed by adding algebraically the ordinates of the curve A, and of another curve - AT, the origin of which has been displaced through T. The curve corresponding to the succeeding contact r of the opposite sign, is obtained in like manner by the ordinates of the curves AT and + AT+T/. The curves corresponding to the contacts r and r' of opposite signs will therefore be obtained by the sum of the ordinates of the three curves A-2A T + A T+T /; we thus avoid the separate construction of curves relative to the different contacts. 233. In the most general case, the potential V at the origin of the wire does not pass suddenly from zero to a constant value ; it is a continuous function F (9) of the time 6, counted from the moment 224 VARIABLE STATE. the electrification begins. The element ^U of the potential at the dis- tance x and at the time /, which corresponds to the potential V set up during the time dO and to the time at the origin of the wire is equal (229) to M (/-#) dO. If the total duration of the electrification VTT is r, we shall have for the resultant potential U = -= It may, however, be remarked, that this expression has no meaning except for values of /, greater than T. If the potential at the origin of the wire varies periodically according to a simple law if it is represented, for instance, by V sin 2nt, the ultimate electrical state of the wire at each point varies obviously according to the same period. The potential at the distance x may be expressed by the formula in which b is a constant, and A a function of x. Substituting this, in equation (2) we get finally (9) V = V Q e- ax ^ n sm(2nt-xa f Jn). Hence a definite phase of the potential at the origin is trans- mitted along the wire with a constant velocity equal to - . In this case it may be said that there is a regular velocity of propa- gation, but this velocity depends on the period of electrical oscillation; the time necessary to traverse a definite length is proportional to a, and not to a 2 , as has been found for the relative length of propagation considered above (225). If the electrification at the origin, comes under a more or less complex law, and if the expression for the initial potential is de- composable into a series of simple periodic terms, the potential in the wire will be represented by a series of corresponding ele- mentary waves; but these waves will be propagated with different velocities, and a kind of electrical dispersion will be produced analogous to the phenomenon of the dispersion of light in a re- fracting medium. ELECTRICAL WAVE. 225 234. Let us suppose that the potential at the origin V has alternately constant values which are equal, and of opposite signs during the very short and equal times r, and that the operation is repeated an uneven number of times, 2n+ i for instance that is to say, + V from to T, - V from T to 2T, + V from 2T to 3T, + V from 2m to (272+1)1-. We have then TT T 2nr The different values of the function (t - 0) are : For the first contact - + <(/- 0) =+(/), For the second contact - -(/- T) = - (t) For the third contact - + <(/- 2r) = + <.(/) - 2r'(/). For the ( 2 n + i ) th contact +(/- 2 nr) =+ 2 2 (50 2 -I Putting e u = v, we get The current is at first zero, since v is zero when t is equal to zero ; it then increases towards the limiting value . pl CURRENT IN A WIRE OF FINITE LENGTH. 229 The curve represented by this series would be very easily calcu- lated, for the terms rapidly decrease when v differs appreciably from unity. 237. Sir W. Thomson has, however, solved the problem by the help of another series, which is more easily discussed, and which follows directly from Fourier's equation (4). According to this formula, the expression for the current at the distance x from the origin, is 1 ^ v v of vV= - t ** 1 * 1= --. -2 1 + 2 V e c^ 2 cos * . p ^x pl\_ - 1 / For the end of the wire which is in connection with the earth, x = /, and we get Giving to n the successive values i, 2, 3 . . . , the cosine takes alternately values equal to - i and + i. If for the sake of brevity we put IT"* we get (12) I = l - For very small values of t, u tends toward unity, the series in the parenthesis is equal to - , and the current null. As the time increases, u diminishes, the series tends to zero, and the y current diminishes up to a limiting value 7. pi The series can, moreover, be easily calculated; according to Sir W. Thomson, it does not differ appreciably from its maximum value, until u is greater than - If a' is the time at which this 4 value is attained, we have 3 -^' " 2 / 2 7 /4 - = e a/, or a --rjr-/, ( - 4 ^ \3 230 VARIABLE STATE. We may then write 3V - \a' 4y The curve A (Fig. 61) represents as a function of the time and taking the final strength as unity, the curve of the current produced at that end of a wire which is in connection with the earth, when a constant potential is established at the other end. Til \ \ Fig. 61. 238. MOMENTARY CONTACTS. In order to obtain the strength corresponding to the case in which the wire is connected with a source of constant potential V , for the time r, it is sufficient, if, as in the case of the insulated wire, we calculate the expression or construct geometrically the curve, the ordinate of which is equal at each point to the difference of the ordinates of the two curves F (/)andF (/-T). Curves II, III, IV, V, VI, VII (Fig. 61) represent thus the currents arising from contacts whose durations are respectively equal to 20', 30', ..... , 70'. The phenomenon appears as an electrical wave, or a momentary impulse at the end of the wire. If the time of contact is infinitely short, the arrival curve of the current / is represented by the equation d d du MOMENTARY CONTACTS. 231 which gives ^ pi 7T 2 ^T 2 This current is represented by the curve B (Fig. 61). It is a di maximum when = 0, that is to say, when u- an equation which gives sensibly /3\s =(-), or /=3. W 239. Finally, in order to shorten the arrival waves, and to discharge the wire, the origin of the wire may be put alternately at equal potentials and opposite signs, during equal or unequal times, by connecting it with one of the poles of a battery. Fig. 62. Curves I, II, and III of Fig. 62, represent the arrival waves of the alternative successive contacts : Curves. I II III Duration of contact. 4* 3*' 232 VARIABLE STATE. Without, for the present, dwelling further on this important question, it will be seen what is the nature of the problem, and what methods may be utilised for accelerating the transmission of signals in electrical wires. 240. USE OF CONDENSERS. We may add that in practice it has been found very useful to keep the cable constantly insulated by joining each of its ends with a condenser. The battery electrifies one of the coatings of the condenser at the sending station ; the other coating, which is connected with the cable, is electrified with the opposite kind, and a flow of the same kind as that which the battery would have given passes to the first coating of the condenser at the other end. The second coating of this condenser is con- nected with an electrometer, or is in communication with the earth by a galvanometer. If the contact at the origin is continuous, the electrometer tends towards a maximum deviation ; the galvanometer gives a deviation which increases at first and then reverts to zero, so that even for a permanent contact, the phenomenon appears as an electrical wave. It is easily understood from this, that momentary alternate con- tacts suitably chosen, may produce waves which are materially shorter than if the wire had been directly charged by the battery. 241. PROPAGATION IN DIELECTRICS. The conclusions from Fourier's formula applied to the variable state, are verified, at any rate approximately, for good conductors in the phenomena presented by transatlantic cables, and, for imperfect semi-conductors, by the experiments of Gaugain. The formula appears general therefore, and we are led to apply it to dielectrics, which are never absolutely destitute of conductivity. A dielectric submitted to the action of an electromotive force, may be considered as being at once the seat of a phenomenon of polarisation, and of a phenomenon of conduction subject to the ordinary laws. Let us suppose that the dielectric is isotropic and let /* be its specific inductive capacity, and c its coefficient of conductivity. The general equation of induction (116) applied to a volume element dv situate at a point in which the density is p, gives /xAV + 4717) = 0. On the other hand, the variation of the charge ckdvdt of the element, during the time dt, produces a corresponding increase of RESIDUAL CHARGE OF CONDENSERS. 233 density, which gives the equation from which we deduce p i dp A V = ATT = p c dt and therefore putting T = . This equation shows that the density p constantly decreases, and that if for any reason the dielectric has received a charge in the interior, it will not retain it indefinitely ; this charge will always finish by being altogether on the surface, like that of a good con- ductor evidently an a priori conclusion. 242. RESIDUAL CHARGE OF CONDENSERS. The phenomena of absorption and of residual charge to which dielectrics give rise should not be considered as effects of their own conductivity. Let us examine, from this point of view, the series of phenomena to which the charge or the discharge of a condenser gives rise. Let C be the capacity of a condenser, R the resistance of the dielectric, E the difference of potential of the two coatings at the moment /, r the resistance of the circuit which joins the two coatings on the outside ; let E be the electromotive force of a source inter- posed in the circuit. The increase of charge G/E of the condenser during the time dt, is equal to the excess of the flow of electricity "F "F "P dt furnished by the source, over the flow dt which traverses r R the dielectric. From this we have the equation ETP TT //TT - & H, tf-C' and therefore putting Tj = 234 VARIABLE STATE. Suppose that at the moment / x we open the circuit, and leave the apparatus to itself during a time / 2 , equation (13) reduces to denoting by E : the difference of potential at the time / : between the armatures, by E 2 that which exists at the moment / 1 + / 2 , and putting T 2 = CR, we have Suppose, lastly, that we discharge the condenser by connecting the two coatings by a conductor of small resistance />, we shall have the equation E E_ E + ~ ^~* and, at the end of a time / 3 that is to say, at the period ^ + / 2 + / 3 E = E-| with T The total loss of the condenser during the time / 3 , is C (E 2 - E 3 ) ; the portion which traverses the outer circuit and constitutes the p discharge Q, is equal to C(E 2 -E 3 )- - , which gives finally JK. + p CR 2 To have a complete discharge, we must make / 3 = oo ; we see that we attain this complete discharge in a continuous manner, and without any of the alternatives to which condensers give rise. Maxwell has shown that a system formed of parallel dielectric layers, and even of different dielectrical elements mixed in any way whatever, may give rise to residual charges, although each of the constituent dielectrics is destitute of this property. But the want RESIDUAL CHARGE OE CONDENSERS. 235 of homogeneity does not seem to be the sole cause of the phe- nomenon, and experiment shows that the existence of residual charges must in most cases be ascribed to a kind of elastic de- formation which is caused by the polarization of the dielectric. It must be observed that all actions, such as repeated shocks, vibrations, sudden variations of temperature in opposite directions, which facilitate the return to the normal state, of a body which has undergone any permanent elastic deformation, also facilitate the appearance of residual charges and their return to the natural state. The propagation of heat gives rise to no phenomenon which could be compared to the residual charge of dielectrics, and in this respect the analogy, which in so many respects is so close between the two orders of phenomena, ceases to hold. 236 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. CHAPTER III. ENERGY OF CURRENTS. 243. DISENGAGEMENT OF HEAT. When a system of electrified conductors undergoes any modification whatever, without the inter- vention of any external force, the electrical energy in the second state is necessarily less than in the first. The energy lost during the trans- formation may be utilised in an equivalent form, such as a mechanical work, the raising of a weight, increase of the vis viva of the system, a change of physical state, or finally a disengagement of heat. For any infinitely small transformation of the system in question, the loss of energy is equal to the sum of the products of each of the electrical masses, into the difference of the values of potentials at the points in which they were placed before and after the transformation. Let us consider two points A and B kept respectively at the potentials V : and V 2 , and on equipotential surfaces which are traversed at A and B by two corresponding portions S x and S 2 that is to say, cut by the same tube of flow. The quantity of electricity which traverses the two surfaces is the same ; the energy lost by the current in this interval in unit time, is equal to the product of the mass of electricity which issues that is to say, of the strength of the current I by the difference of potentials V l - V 2 , if the current goes from A to B that is to say, by the electromotive force between these points. Hence, as a measure of the energy lost, we have W = I(V 1 -V 2 ) = IE. We shall assume as an experimental fact, that no part of this energy is employed in changing the vis viva of the electrical masses. The fact is obvious if the surfaces Sj and S 2 are equal, for then the velocities are the same on entering and on leaving the tube. For the general case, we have already observed that the flow is parallel to the force at each point, and that therefore no effect attributable to JOULE'S LAW. 237 electrical inertia seems to intervene in the phenomena of the perma- nent state. If, on the other hand, the conductor is rigid, at any rate as a mechanical whole, and if, finally, the current produces no external work, the energy is necessarily spent in the conductor itself. 244. JOULE'S LAW. Two cases may present themselves : either the fall of potential between the points A and B is continuous, and takes place in accordance with Ohm's law ; or there are, somewhere between these two points, two adjacent surfaces between which there is a sudden fall of potential, constant and independent of the strength of the current that is to say, a constant electromotive force H. The manner in which the electrical energy is distributed along the conductor, depends on the law according to which the potential varies, and is not identical in the two cases. Wherever the variation of potential is continuous, energy is expended in a continuous manner ; it is transformed into thermal energy, and gives rise to a disengagement of heat along the conductor. Wherever there is a sudden fall of potential, there is a sudden change of electrical energy, which reveals itself either by some thermal phenomenon or by some other equivalent physical effect. Let us first consider the former case, and let us suppose that there are no variations of potential independently of the current. If R is the resistance of the conductor between two points A and B, Ohm's law gives The expression for the energy expended between the two points is therefore W = IE = I 2 R = . R Accordingly, the thermal energy developed in a conductor during unit time, is equal to the product of the square of the current strength into the resistance of the conductor. If Q be the quantity of heat, such as is measured by calorimetrical methods, and J is the mechanical equivalent of heat, we have The quantity of heat disengaged is proportional to the resistance of the conductor, and to the square of the strength of the current. This is Joule's law. 238 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. 245. CONNECTION BETWEEN OHM'S AND JOULE'S LAWS. This result can be arrived at in another way : Let us consider a conductor of capacity C, a battery for instance, electrified to potential V ; the value of the potential energy is (89) -CV 2 . 2 Let us now suppose this battery connected to earth by a wire whose resistance R is so great that its discharge has an appreciable duration. During the time dt, a mass of electricity dlA flows out, and the potential diminishes by^V; we have and the loss of energy in the same time is = C WV = WM = I Vdt. Ohm's law applies if the current remains sensibly constant during the time dt ; from this it follows that -i- and V 2 that is to say that the energy expended in unit time is expressed by Joule's law. We have here deduced Joule's law from the principle of the conservation of energy together with Ohm's law. Ohm's law might conversely be deduced from the same principle combined with Joule's law. For Joule's law gives W = I 2 R. We have further W-Elj from which follows E = IR, that is to say Ohm's law. 246. We may here observe that in a multiple circuit, which does not contain localised electromotive forces, the quantity of heat developed is a minimum, when the currents come under Ohm's law. PELTIER'S PHENOMENON. 239 Suppose, for instance, that between two points A and B, at potentials Vj and V 2 , there is a series of conducting arcs (Fig. 52). Let R be the resistance of one of them, and I the strength deduced from Ohm's law that is to say, such that IR = V 1 -V 2 = E, and suppose that by a change of conditions, the strength in this con- ductor becomes ! + /. The expression for the total quantity of heat developed in the new system will be but the product RI is a constant for each of the arcs, and on the other hand i is necessarily zero, if the current which terminates at the point A is not modified; the quantity of heat reduces therefore to and it is obviously a minimum, for z = that is to say when the strength divides in the branches according to Ohm's law. 247. PELTIER'S PHENOMENON. Let us now suppose that between two points A and B, always kept at the same potentials Vj and V 2 , the value of the potential, instead of varying in proportion to the resistances, undergoes a sudden fall Uj - U 2 = H, at a point P between two adjacent surfaces, which is independent of the current ; the expression for this strength will no longer be the same as in the preceding case. If Rj and R 2 are the resistances of the two portions AP and PB, we have thus (210) V 1 -U 1 U 2 -V 2 V 1 -V 2 -(U 1 -U 2 )E-H _ R 2 Ri + R 2 R The total energy expended between the points A and B is W = I(V 1 -V 2 ) = IE, which gives This energy consists then of two parts ; one which is propor- tional to the square of the strength of the current, and which heats the conductor throughout its entire length corresponding to Joule's law ; and another, which is proportional to the current, is localised 240 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. at the point P. This latter is positive if the fall is in the direction of the current, and negative in the contrary case. If there is no other work than that corresponding to changes of temperature, this energy will appear as a disengagement of heat at P in the first case, and by an absorption in the second that is, by a cooling. This is the effect which is known as Peltier's phenomenon, produced at the contact of the two metals. It may be that the localised energy IH is correlated to a chemical reaction, which expends heat if H is positive, and on the other hand produces heat if H is negative, so that the changes of tempera- ture are then merely due to the heat disengaged in accordance with Joule's law. 248. The' converse of the conclusions which we have established is evident. If, at any point of the circuit, a thermal or chemical phenomenon is produced, the energy of which is proportional to the strength of the current, it may be affirmed that at this point there will be a sudden variation of potential positive or negative, according to the sign of the work, and that the variation is indepen- dent of the current. If, further, the work changes with the direction of the current, we conclude from this that the corresponding variation of potential is fixed, and is independent of the current. Let us consider this latter case ; let r be the resistance of the region in which the fall of potential is manifested, and let us suppose that only thermal phenomena are produced at that place. The quantity of heat disengaged is made up of two parts ; one defined by Joule's law is expressed by IV, and is independent of the direction of the current; the other, due to the Peltier effect, has the value IH, and changes its sign with the direction of the current. If the current passes in one direction, the total quantity of heat disengaged is iBfi+I^ V and if it passes in the opposite directicfh i r VTT " In proportion as the current is diminished, the term I will ri become smaller and smaller, the Peltier effect will predominate, and the reversal of the current will more and more tend to produce equal effects and contrary signs. CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION. 241 A question presents itself here in reference to Peltier's phenomenon. The thermal effect observed during the passage of the current at the soldering of the two metals, measures the sudden fall of potential at this point, and it would seem as if it should measure the electro- motive force of contact between them on Yalta's theory. Does the result thus obtained agree with that given by other methods the use of electrometers, for instance ? Experiment answers this question in the negative ; not merely do the series of numbers obtained by the two methods disagree with each other, but the bodies themselves are not arranged in the same order ; the numbers of the two series are not of the same order of magnitude ; they are even sometimes of opposite signs. It is certain therefore that we are not measuring the same phenomenon in the two cases. The most plausible explanation of this discrepancy is that, in the electrostatic measurements, we are dealing with a complicated phenomenon in which the nature of the medium, necessarily inter- posed between the metals in contact, plays a considerable part. 249. CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION. Whenever a compound liquid is traversed by a current it splits up ; one of the elements appears at the conductor by which the current arrives, the other at that by which it leaves. Faraday gave to this phenomenon the name electrolysis ; the body submitted to decomposition he called an electrolyte, and applied the term electrodes to the two conductors by which the current enters and leaves ; the former being the positive electrode, and the latter the negative electrode.* Two conditions are necessary for the occurrence of electrolysis ; the current must traverse the compound, and the compound itself must be liquid, or at any rate in the pasty state. Thus, glass at a red heat gives evident signs of decomposition, for it becomes at once a conductor, and pasty. It is extremely remarkable that the products of decomposition only appear on the electrodes. Clausius, developing a theory which was originally propounded by Grotthiis, explains this phenomenon in a very ingenious manner. On his view the molecules of which the body is made up are in a constant state of agitation ; but while the excursions of each molecule are restricted in the case of solids, these excursions may take place to any extent and in any directions in liquids. Thus the molecules of hydrogen which form part of the * Faraday called the electrode by which the current enters the anode, and that by which it leaves the cathode ; he applied the term ions to the elements decomposed. The anion is that which is liberated on the anode, the cation that on the cathode; these terms have not however, like the former, been generally adopted R 242 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. molecules of water are not invariably united to the corresponding molecules of oxygen ; but, carried along in an incessant eddying, they may quit the first molecule of oxygen, to become combined with adjacent ones ; and thus by a series of successive interchanges they may be carried to distances which are infinitely great in comparison with their radius of activity. In the ordinary condition, the directions of these motions are perfectly irregular ; the passage of electricity imparts to them a systematic tendency, owing to which the molecules of hydrogen moving with the current are impelled towards the negative electrode ; those of oxygen, on the contrary, going in the opposite direction move towards the positive electrode. 250. FARADAY'S FIRST LAW. The first experiments on the decomposition of water by electricity appear to have been due to Troostwyk and Diemann in 1795. They employed the spark of the battery passing between two gold or platinum wires. The experiment was repeated in 1800 by Carlisle and Nicholson by means of the current of the voltaic pile. In working with sparks it is advantageous to use what are called Wollastoris electrodes, which consist of a platinum wire passed into a glass tube in such a way that only the mere section of the wire is in contact with the liquid. Wollaston, Faraday, Armstrong, have shown that the effect of the spark is identical with that of the battery. Whatever be the origin of the electricity, the quantity of water decomposed is proportional to the quantity of electricity which passes. This law, which was enunciated by Faraday, has been more particularly verified by the electromagnetic measurement of currents ; but the direct determination of the quantity of electricity by elec- trostatic methods also allows of a very exact demonstration. In some recent experiments Dr. Warren De La Rue discharged a condenser which had been charged to potentials i, 2, 3, through water, and verified the exact proportionality between the quantity of electricity and the quantity of water decomposed. This propor- tionality enables us to regard electrolytes as measurers of electricity ; the term voltameter is applied to an apparatus arranged so that the gases arising from the decomposition of water may be collected. 251. The work of chemical decomposition being proportional to the strength of the current, it follows, from the remark made above, that there must be somewhere in the voltameter a sudden fall of potential H, independent of the strength. The energy made avail- able by the fall of the current at this point, is used in decomposing the water, and may be calculated in absolute value. Let M be the quantity of electricity which has passed through POLARIZATION OF THE ELECTRODES. 243 the voltameter in unit time, and P be the weight of water decom- p posed. These two quantities being proportional, the quotient =/ expresses the weight of water decomposed by unit electricity. If a is the heat of combination of unit weight of water at constant pressure, JaP represents the energy necessary to decompose a weight of water equal to P. This energy being furnished by the fall of the current, we must have W from which is deduced Hence, between the two electrodes of a voltameter traversed by a current there is, besides the difference of potential due to the resistance of the intermediate conducting liquid, a sudden fall, the exact seat of which is indeterminate, and which may be produced either wholly upon one electrode, or partially on both, and which is numerically expressed by the mechanical work corresponding to the energy absorbed by that quantity of water which a unit of electricity decomposes. 252. POLARIZATION OF THE ELECTRODES. By what mechanism is this difference of potential produced ? It is clear that before the current passes, the two electrodes, if they are of the same metal, (both of platinum, for instance,) are, by Volta's law, at the same potential, which probably differs from that of water ; but the sudden and opposite changes which then take place at each of the electrodes would produce in the voltameter an amount of work which is ob- viously zero. When the current is started, the two falls are unequal and their difference is equal to H. Following Volta's ideas, we are led to the conclusion that the surfaces in contact are modified. A deposition of the elements of the electrolyte on the electrodes gives a sufficient explanation of this modification. For if a plate, which has been used as an electrode, or which has been immersed in a gas, is placed in water in presence of a plate of the same kind, but clean, or recently heated to redness, a difference of potential is set up between the two plates. Let us consider, as a particular case, the decomposition of water. The first portions of gas which come in contact with the platinum, if they do not form with it a true combination, seem at any rate to be deposited there in a state of condensation in which the gas has far less potential energy than it has in the free state. This effect of condensation of the gas takes place particularly at the outset, R 2 244 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. and then goes on progressively diminishing until the thickness of the layer becomes so great that the fresh bubbles no longer expe- rience an action on the part of the plate, and can then escape freely. The work of the decomposition of water only attains its normal value from this period. Hitherto the normal value has been diminished by the work of condensation in question; experi- ment shows that at the outset the value of this difference may be very small. The modification which the surface of the plates thus undergoes is the cause of the phenomenon known as polarization of the electrodes, and which manifests itself by the development of an electromotive force opposed to that which produces the current. We can thus understand how it is that this polarization is not instantaneous, that it may increase continuously from zero to a maximum limit; and, finally, how the quantity of electricity required to produce a given state of polarization depends on the condition and dimensions of the plates. This quantity is often called the capacity of polarization relative to the given system. By taking electrodes of very unequal surfaces and passing a given quantity of electricity at a given potential through the voltameter, we can produce polarization of either electrode at will; recent experiments by M. Blondlot show that the phenomenon follows the same law whatever be the direction of the current, and that for a given electrode and given electrolyte the capacity does not depend on the direction of the polarization. 253. SECONDARY CURRENTS. When once polarization is set up, if the original current is opened and the two electrodes are themselves joined by a wire, the electromotive force of polarization H, produces a current in a direction opposite to that of the original current, but the current rapidly diminishes and finally disappears more or less completely ; this current is called the secondary current. It is easy to account for this phenomenon ; when the two elec- trodes are connected by a conductor, the layer of gas gradually disappears, reforming water ; the electromotive force diminishes and disappears with it; and lastly it is clear that the total quantity of electricity set in motion while the secondary current lasts, must be equal to that expended in effecting the polarization of the electrodes. It is manifest that the current would remain constant provided the electromotive force H could be kept constant; it would be sufficient for this if the layer of gas necessary for complete polariza- tion were maintained at the surface of the electrode. This is precisely what takes place in Grove's gas battery. FARADAY'S SECOND LAW. 245 254. SUCCESSIVE CHEMICAL ACTIONS OF THE CURRENT. FARADAY'S SECOND LAW. Let us suppose that several Grove's cells and voltameters are arranged in series in one and the same circuit. Let n be the number of cells, ri the number of voltameters, R the total resistance of the circuit, and I the strength of the current which flows through it. In each unit of time the work done by the whole of the cells is n]apl' } that expended by the voltameters is ri]ap\. Lastly, a quantity of work RI 2 is converted into heat in accordance with Joule's law. If there is neither positive nor negative external work, the sum of the positive works must be equal to the sum of the negative works, which gives from which The product IR is necessarily positive ; the current can only exist therefore provided that n>n'. The numbers n and n' are whole numbers if the polarization is a maximum in all the cells ; if the polarization was incomplete in one of them, the corresponding electromotive force would only be a fraction of H, and n should then be considered as a fractional number. In all cases, the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the current is that n shall be greater than *ri. When the permanent state has been attained, the polarization being supposed complete in the cells as well as in the volta- meters, the same work is done during the same time, positive in the one, and negative in the others. In other words, for each unit of electricity which traverses the system, the same quantity of water is found in the couples, and is decomposed in the voltameters. 255. Faraday's second law holds even when the polarization is not complete at all points of the circuit in question. Suppose, for instance, that in one of the couples the thickness of the layer of gas has fallen below its limiting value, and that at a given moment the electromotive force has only the value H', which is less than H ; the transport of a unit of electricity no longer represents the same work as in the others, but the relation H' = ]a'p is still satisfied, if by ct we represent the heat of formation of unit weight of water with 246 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. the oxygen and hydrogen in that state of partial combination in which they exist on the platinum, and the couple thus altered gives rise to the same quantity of water as all the others. The law, moreover, is general ; the weight of elements combined or decomposed in any electrolyte is proportional to the quantity of electricity which passes ; and this whether the operation is positive or negative ; whether it takes place with polarization of the electrodes, as in the decomposition of water, or of cupric sulphate with platinum electrodes ; or whether the polarization can be neglected, as in the electrolysis of cupric sulphate by two copper electrodes. This statement includes as a necessary consequence that the electro- lyte never acts as a mere conductor, and never allows any fraction of the current to pass without correlative decomposition. In the electrolysis of cupric sulphate by two copper plates, if the two plates are really in the same condition, the electromotive force of contact of the metal with the liquid is the same on both sides, and since just as much copper is dissolved at the positive electrode as is deposited at the negative electrode, the heat produced must be equal to the heat expended. On the other hand, any difference in the state of the two plates would be shown by thermal work. 256. We may, however, state here an important restriction in the principle of the equivalence between chemical energy and electrical work. It is assumed that, at the place where the chemical action takes place, no external work, and no change of temperature is produced independently of the resistances. If this is not so, we must take into account all the physical or chemical secondary work to which the electrolysis may give rise. In the decomposition of water, for instance, the energy of the current first brings about the separation of hydrogen and oxygen, and then does the work required by the gases in occupying a certain volume at the external pressure. When the current arises from a Grove's battery, each element performs the same work. So long as Mariotte's law holds, the external work is always the same for the same weight of water decomposed, and therefore for the same expenditure of electricity. Within these limits the condition of equilibrium of the cells and of the electrolytes is independent of the pressure. Mariotte's law is far from holding at very high pressures ; the heat of combination of oxygen and hydrogen is thus modified, and it is known that decomposition by the battery requires the employment of far greater electromotive forces. The heat of formation of water is, moreover, a function of the temperature, and the condition of ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. 247 equilibrium in a circuit may be modified, if the cells and the electrolytes are at the same temperature. It may happen, on the other hand, that certain of the elements decomposed, experience secondary reactions which are independent of the action of the current, and give rise to an absorption or a disengagement of heat. The final result of the electrolysis would no longer be in a simple ratio with the electromotive force, and this latter could no longer be calculated from the heat of com- bination of the elements, taken in the condition in which they appear after the electrical operation. 257. ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. Let A, A', A", . . . be various electrolytes, /, /', /", . . . the weight of each decomposed by unit electricity. These numbers are called the electrochemical equivalents of the various bodies, and experiment shows that they are proportional to their ordinary chemical equivalents. If a, a', a", . . . are the heats of combination for unit weight of each of the compounds, the elements of the combination being in the condition due to the passage of the current (that is to say, without taking into account the secondary reactions), the products ap, a'p', a"p", . . . will be the heats of combination of the equivalents. By analogous reasoning to that in the case of water, we see that the electromotive forces relative to these various electrolytes are deter- mined by the ratio H =Jaf, H' -* which give H H' H" ap dp 1 d'p" It follows from this that the electromotive force of an electrolyte is equal to the mechanical equivalent of the heat of combination of its electrochemical equivalent. 258. E. BECQUEREL'S LAW. The application of this law of Faraday presents no ambiguity in the case of analogous chemical compounds. If, by one and the same current, we effect the electro- lysis of water, and of a series of neutral sulphates of the protoxides, for instance, the electrochemical equivalent of each metal is the weight which is deposited for the disengagement of a gramme of hydrogen ; but there may be some doubt when the compounds have not the same formula. With two neutral sulphates, one of the pro- toxide, and the other of the sesquioxide of iron, decomposed by the 248 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. same current, it may be asked whether it is the same weight of metal, or the same weight of oxygen, which is liberated in the two electro- lytes. M. E. Becquerel showed that the metalloid determines the law -, consequently the weights of iron for the two electrolytes will be in the ratio of 3 : 2. This is also the case with the salts of other acids, the chlorides, sulphurets, etc. 259. ELECTRICAL COUPLES. Let us now consider a compound circuit made up of various electrolytes, one set giving rise to positive actions and the other to negative actions. If a denotes the heat of combination for unit weight of those of the first kind, and b for those of the second, R the total resistance, and I the strength of the current, we shall have or The product IR, which corresponds to the heat liberated in the circuit owing to the resistances, being essentially positive, the current could only exist provided that If this condition is not fulfilled, and all the electrolytes are at first in the natural state, the current is established the moment the circuit is closed. An incomplete decomposition polarizes the elec- trodes, and the current ceases as soon as the sum of the electro- motive forces of polarization attains the value ^ap ; the system remains then in equilibrium. This is the case with a circuit formed of a DanielFs cell (263) and a voltameter; the replacement of copper by zinc in Dani ell's cells gives 24-2 thermal units, while the decomposition of water requires 34*5. 260. DEPOLARIZATION BY DIFFUSION. It may, however, happen that an extremely feeble current is then observed. This current is due to the following cause : the polarization of the electrodes of the voltameter is gradually dissipated in consequence of the diffusion of the gas ; it can be seen that this diffusion will be more or less rapid according to the conditions of the experiment, but especially according to the value of the polarization itself, and its deviation in reference to the maximum polarization. The current observed in these circumstances will be that necessary to re-establish the losses due to diffusion, and to maintain the state of equilibrium which VOLTA'S COUPLE. 249 corresponds to the maximum of polarization for the conditions of the experiment In this way are explained the various peculiarities to which the phenomena of polarization give rise. When we connect, with a voltameter, a source of electromotive force insufficient to produce a continuous disengagement of gas, experiment shows that the electromotive force of polarization in- creases with the strength of the permanent current in question, but less rapidly ; that for a given value of this current, the electromotive force diminishes when the surface of the electrodes is increased ; and finally, that the electromotive force is constant if the current, and the surface of the electrodes, increase in the same ratio. 261. VOLTA'S COUPLE. A few words only are now needed to complete the theory of the battery. Volta's couple, in the strict sense of the word, consists of a plate of zinc and a plate of copper placed in water, to which a small quantity of sulphuric acid, or of any salt has been added, to make it conduct ; the plate of copper being soldered to a plate of zinc which forms part of the next couple. Thus, between two terminals of the same kind there are three contacts, zinc-copper, copper-water, and water-zinc. The electro- motive force may be expressed by the ordinary symbols E = Zn|Cu + Cu|Aq + Aq|Zn. Volta assumed that water only played the part of a conductor, and thus we shall have Cu|Aq + Aq|Zn = 0, and therefore E = Zn|Cu. On this point of view, the electromotive force of a Voltaic couple only depends on the contact zinc-copper, and these two metals joined by a layer of water are at the same potential. The alteration of the surface of the metal when in contact with the liquid or the gas, makes it very difficult to establish Volta's hypothesis in a rigorous manner. However this may be, this alteration is so rapid, and produces such changes in the electromotive force, that the electromotive force of Volta's couple must practically be considered as depending, to a considerable extent, on the medium which forms the third element. When the couple is closed by a conductor whose resistance is R, a current is produced the strength of which is given by the ratio 4 250 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. but the water is soon decomposed, oxygen goes against the current and oxidizes the zinc plate, while hydrogen goes along with the current and polarizes the copper plate ; from this follows an inverse electromotive force. When the stationary condition is established, the electromotive force of polarization is E', and the strength V satisfies the ratio (E-E')r = r 2 R, or R If the couple is allowed to rest, the polarization disappears slowly, owing to diffusion. When it is again closed after the lapse of some time, the current at first reappears with its original strength I (if the influence of the layer of zinc oxide may be neglected), to regain the intensity I' after a lapse of time which is usually very short, but which may be very long if the surfaces of the electrodes are very large and the resistance of the circuit is considerable. As long as the couple is open, the difference of potential of the extremities is equal to E. In a closed circuit the available electromotive force is E E'. In each couple, oxide of zinc and hydrogen are produced at the expense of the zinc and of the water. As we may assume that the oxygen has passed through the gaseous state in going from the water to the zinc, it will be seen that the disposable energy of the couple, corresponds to the excess of the heat of formation of the oxide of zinc over that of the formation of water for the same weight of oxygen. If the water is acidulated, the difference corresponds to the substitution of zinc for hydrogen in sulphuric acid: this difference is about 177 thermal units. The layer of hydrogen which covers the copper has also the effect of greatly increasing the resistance of the couple, which is a fresh cause for the enfeeblement of the current. 262. UNPOLARIZABLE CELLS. Mechanical means, such as the agitation of the liquid, or rubbing the copper plate with a foreign body, greatly diminish the resistance, and even the polarization, by getting rid of the greater part of the gas ; the layer of gas may be completely removed by chemical action, and thus non-polarizable couples or cells be obtained. A liquid which merely dissolved the hydrogen without calorific action, would increase the electromotive force by the whole amount of the work which the gas performs in filling a given volume at the external pressure ; but if the hydrogen enters into a new chemical UNPOLARIZABLE CELLS. 251 combination, or even if we allow for the heat of solution, the electromotive force is equal to the algebraical sum of the energies produced at the two electrodes, or at the two poles of the cells. Such, for instance, is the couple employed by Joule, in which the copper plate is covered by a layer of oxide, which the hydrogen gradually reduces. The electromotive force is equal to the difference between the heats of oxidation of the copper and of the zinc for the same weight of oxygen. In other cases, a salt of the metal which forms the positive electrode is dissolved in the liquid ; for instance, a solution of cadmium sulphate, in which is placed a plate of zinc and a plate of cadmium. The dissolved sulphate undergoes electrolysis when the circuit is closed, and a weight of cadmium is deposited on the cadmium plate which is equivalent to the zinc dissolved. The electromotive force corresponds to the heat of substitution of zinc for cadmium in the sulphate that isj about 8-3 thermal units. This condition lasts as long as the weight of zinc dissolved is not so great that the salt itself takes part in the electrolysis. From this time the polarization of the cell is again produced. The electromotive force of this cell may be expressed, in terms of the electromotive forces of contact, by the following symbols : E = Zn|Cd + Cd|CdO.SO 3 + CdO.SO 3 |Zn. 263. CELLS WITH Two LIQUIDS. In DanielPs cell two liquids are used : a concentrated solution of copper sulphate surrounding the copper plate, and a solution of zinc sulphate in which is the plate of zinc. The two liquids are separated by a membrane, such as bladder, or a vessel of porous porcelain, so as to hinder the liquids from mixing, without destroying the conductivity. The electromotive force is ,SO 3 + CuO,SO 3 |ZnO,SO 3 + ZnO,S0 3 |Zn. While the zinc plate dissolves, the copper arising from the elec- trolysis of copper sulphate is deposited on the copper plate. The electromotive force corresponds to the difference between the heats of formation of the zinc sulphate and of the copper sulphate that is to say, to the heat of substitution of the zinc for the copper in the sulphate, or 24*2 thermal units. This cell is remarkably constant, and is one of those which undergo least change from variations of temperature. In Grove's cell the copper is replaced by platinum : the hydrogen 252 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. is absorbed by nitric acid, and forms nitro-compoimds of a lower degree of oxidation. The zinc is placed in a solution of sulphuric acid or of zinc sulphate. By substituting carbon for platinum, we get Bunsen's element. The energy available in Grove's and Bunsen's cells represents a quantity of heat of about 47 thermal units; they have therefore almost twice as great an electromotive force as that of DanielPs cell ; the liquids have, moreover, a far smaller resistance. Accordingly they are usually employed whenever very powerful currents are wanted ; but the liquids change rapidly, the resistance increases, the electromotive force diminishes, and the strength of the current is soon lessened. 264. ELECTROSTATIC PHENOMENA IN PILES OR BATTERIES.* The name of pile, frequently given to the association of several couples in connection with each other, arises from the form originally devised by Volta. Volta's pile consists of a series of double plates of zinc and copper arranged one upon the other in the same order, and separated from each other by discs of moistened cloth. A couple consists of the whole of the bodies which exist between two zincs that is to say, zinc, copper, water, zinc. It may be sup- posed that each of the zinc plates is the half of two successive couples. If the battery commences at the bottom by a copper and ends at the top in a zinc, it will be seen that the first copper plate does not come into play. The difference of potential being equal to e for each couple, the potential will go on increasing from the bottom upwards ; and if there are n couples, the electromotive force of the battery is E = en. 265. UNINSULATED BATTERY. If the bottom of the battery is connected with the earth by conductors whose influence may be neglected, the top disc A has a potential V a = E = ne which is propor- tional to the number of couples. This is easily verified, either by means of an electrometer, or by measuring charges given to a condenser. 266. INSULATED BATTERY. If the battery, which we will suppose is formed of identical and equidistant couples, has not been connected with the ground, or at any rate after such a length of time that it has attained equilibrium, its total charge will be zero, and the distribution of potentials will be symmetrical in reference to the middle. We * The term battery is more generally used in this country and will be here adopted. TRANS. INSULATED BATTERY. 253 shall have therefore for the ends A and B, or the two poles, and accordingly V.-V. Suppose that we give an extra charge M' to the battery; this charge will distribute itself as it would on an ordinary conductor of the same shape, and will produce a constant potential V in the interior, such that if P is the capacity of the battery, The potential V being added everywhere to the original potential will not affect the law of contacts. Hence, at the top A we shall have and, on the mth couple from the bottom, V Let us now suppose that we connect the mih couple of an insulated battery, whose total charge is zero, with a conductor whose capacity is C. This will take a charge M ; there will be a fall of potential V in every point of the battery, so that if V m is the new potential of the couple in question, we shall have from which we get v =_ v __ -- a 2 "~2 P 2 P We have, moreover, 254 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. Eliminating the intermediate potential V m from these two equa- tions, we get P n If the mth couple is connected with the earth, we clearly have The distribution of potentials on any given battery, symmetrical or not, would be determined in the same way. In the latter case, the neutral point of the insulated and uncharged battery is no longer in the middle. 267. REPRESENTATION OF POTENTIALS IN THE INTERIOR OF THE BATTERY. Let us represent the battery by a straight line such that each portion of the length is proportional to the resistance of the part which it represents, and at each point draw an ordinate proportional to the potential at this point. Let us suppose the case to be that of a battery of Volta's couples, the potential increases by a constant quantity at each zinc-copper contact ; the curve will show then at the corresponding points a sudden change of the ordinate, which is always the same. If the battery is open, the potential is constant in the battery from one contact to the following; the curve representing the potentials will be formed of a series of equidistant steps like those of a ladder. The line of zero potential passes through the middle, if the battery is insulated, or it passes through any given point which is connected with a conductor of some capacity or with the ground. Three cases may present themselves in the case of a closed battery : i. The interpolar conductor has a resistance which may be neglected in comparison with that of the battery. The two poles are sensibly at the same potential, and each contact produces the same variation of potential ; but from one contact to the following there is a progressive fall of precisely equal amount. If n is the number of couples, and r the resistance of each of them, Ohm's law gives the current is the same as with a single couple. BATTERY PLACED IN A CONDUCTING MEDIUM. 255 2. The' resistance of the battery may be neglected in comparison with that of the interpolar conductor. The variation of potentials in the interior of the battery is almost exactly the same as if it were open. On the outside the fall of potential is continuous; and if R is the resistance of the interpolar conductor, the current is it is then proportional to the number of couples. 3. Finally, if the resistance of the interpolar is of the same order as that of the battery, the potential rises by a constant quantity at each contact, and sinks continuously, but to a less extent, from one contact to the next ; the difference of potentials has a finite value, less than in the case of an insulated battery, but which is greater the greater the resistance of the interpolar, and by Ohm's law, the current is 268. BATTERY PLACED IN A CONDUCTING MEDIUM. We have hitherto supposed that there is no loss of electricity by the lateral surface of the battery. Imagine that a battery, of Volta's original construction, made up with infinitely thin plates, is placed in a conducting medium, and that electricity flows both from the sides and from the ends ; this would be the case of a battery immersed in water, if the effects of polarization are neglected. Let < be the electromotive force of the battery for unit length, p the internal and p the external resistance for unit length (220). The flow of electricity is still parallel to the generating surfaces for the greater extent of each normal section of the battery, and part escapes at each point, so that the equipotential surfaces are plane and agree with the lateral surface, as in Fig. 55. Between the infinitely near points P and P', whose potentials are V and V, the strength I of the current in the interior satisfies the equation The current at each point is therefore given by the equation '-*-) 256 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. Let us assume that the permanent state has been attained, and consider two successive layers. The flow of electricity which traverses the first is equal to the sum of the flow I' which traverses the second, and of the flow / which escapes by the lateral surface, that is or /=!_!'= -dl. As we have ._ i _Vdx ?L p> dx it follows from equation (i) that Making /3 2 = , this equation becomes the same as for the permanent state of a wire when there is an escape at the surface (220). To determine the constants of the integral let us suppose that the lengths are calculated from the middle of the battery, and that, the whole being symmetrical, the potential is zero when x = ; it follows that V- A (<*-*-*). If Vi is the potential at the ends of the battery and / its length, we have BATTERY PLACED IN A CONDUCTING MEDIUM. 257 269. The expressions for the current in the battery, and that for the lateral current /, are (3) V t-^ ">] e-e In order to determine the potential V l of the ends, we must estimate the current which flows through each of them. We have then, if R x is the resistance of the medium measured from the ends, v, ir M- ? -fn ''-sh; -- s-^' +e i e* -e * which gives I (5) If the external medium is an insulator, />' = oo and /3 = 0. The second term of the current appears then in an indeterminate form, but we get finally the ordinary expression, i= The total resistance of the battery, and of the medium, s 258 ENERGY OF CURRENTS. measuring from the point P, is given (222) by the expression R- We can determine the constant Cj by the condition that this resistance becomes equal to R x , for x = - , which gives 270. ELECTROCAPILLARY PHENOMENA. The preceding experi- ments have shown that any modification of the surface of contact of two bodies brings with it a variation in the electromotive force. This may be considered as a general law, and we must assume a priori that there is a relation between the electromotive forces of contact of two bodies, and any other property dependent on the state of the surfaces. If, for instance, we use a surface of mercury as negative electrode to decompose water, the mercury becomes polarized that is to say that the difference of potential at the contact of the two liquids increases with the external electromotive force until the disengage- ment of bubbles of gas begins. The capillary properties of mercury (that is to say its surface tension), depend simply on the state of the surface, and must therefore change with the polarization. M. Lippman's experiments have shown that this is the case. The capillary tension of mercury in contact with acidulated water, increases at first with the electromotive force of polarization until this reaches 0.9 of the electromotive force of a Daniell's cell, and then diminishes in proportion as the polarization increases. Reasoning and experiment alike show that the converse of this is true. If by any mechanical process whatever, the surface of the mercury is deformed, and therefore the surface tension of contact of the two liquids is made to vary, the difference of potential changes at the same time ; during the deformation the potential varies in such a way that the surface tension which corresponds to it tends to oppose the motion produced. SEEBECK'S DISCOVERY. 259 CHAPTER IV. THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. 271. SEEBECK'S DISCOVERY. We have seen that a closed circuit consisting of several metals at the same temperature, cannot give rise to a current ; but this law no longer holds if the different parts of the circuit, and particularly the solderings of the metals, are not at the same temperature. The circuit is then traversed by what is called a thermoelectrical current. This important discovery was made by Seebeck in 1821. In a circuit formed of a bar of bismuth, the ends of which are joined by a strip of copper, the current goes from the bismuth to the copper through the heated soldering ; the copper is then said to be negative to the bismuth. With a couple antimony-copper, the current is reversed it goes from copper to antimony through the heated junction; the antimony is accordingly negative in reference to copper. It is natural to suppose that the metals could be classed in a regular series based on this new property, and that antimony, which is negative to copper, is much more negative to bismuth. This, in fact, is what experiment shows, and the electromotive force for the same temperature at the junctions, is greater with the couple bismuth-antimony, than with either of the two couples bismuth- copper or copper-antimony. The electromotive force of a thermoelectrical couple may be obtained by breaking the circuit at a point outside the junctions, and determining the difference of potential at the two ends. In a circuit consisting of a single homogeneous metal, it is impossible to set up an electrical current by variations of tempera- ture, whatever may be the shape and section of the conductors near the heated points. Currents might, however, be produced if the s 2 260 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. metal has either a temporary or permanent dissymmetry in its physical properties, on either side of the heated part. 272. LAWS OF THERMOELECTRICAL CURRENTS. Without dis- cussing the experiments which demonstrate these special points, and which have served to establish the laws of the phenomenon, we shall confine ourselves to giving the laws themselves. I. LAW OF VOLTA. There is never a current in any metallic circuit all of whose points are at the same temperature. For the algebraical sum of all the electromotive forces of con- tact is necessarily zero since the metals obey the law of successive contacts (189). II. LAW OF MAGNUS. In any homogeneous circuit there is never a permanent current, whatever may be the shape of the conductor, and whatever the variations of temperature which exist between the different points of the circuit. This law leads to the conclusion, either that the variation of temperature from one point to another determines no difference of potential between these two points, or that this difference, if it exists, only depends on the temperatures themselves, and not at all on the law of variation. From the hottest part of the circuit to the coldest, we find, in fact, by two different paths, the same fall of temperature, but with variations entirely independent on either side. If there are variations of potential in the circuit, the sum of these variations is null; hence between the two temperatures t and /', the total variation of the potential must be the same on each side. It follows from the law of Magnus that the electromotive force only depends on the temperature of the two junctions, and not at all on the distribution of temperatures in the conductors which separate them. We shall represent by Ef(AB) the electromotive force of the two metals A and B when the junctions are at the temperatures / and /', the current going from A to B across the hottest junction at the temperature /'. This electromotive force is a function of the two temperatures t and /'. III. LAW OF SUCCESSIVE TEMPERATURES (BECQUEREL). For a given couple the electromotive force corresponding to any two tempera- tures t and t' of the two junctions, is equal to the sum of the electro- motive forces, which correspond to the temperatures t and on the one hand, and B and t' on the other, being a temperature between the two former. LAW OF INTERMEDIATE METALS. 261 This law may be expressed as follows : We have already learnt that the electromotive force only depends on the temperature of the two junctions ; this latter law shows that the electromotive force may be expressed by the difference of two terms, one of which only contains the temperature t and the other /', these two terms being the values of the same function of the tem- perature. We may then write IV. LAW OF INTERMEDIATE METALS (BECQUEREL). If two metals A and B are separated in a circuit by one or more inter- mediate metals, with all intermediate junctions kept at the same temperature /, the electromotive force is the same as if the metals were directly connected, and the junction raised to the same tem- perature t. The law of intermediate metals may be expressed by the equation For if two metals A and B are connected at the hot junction by an intermediate metal C, from the law of Magnus we may suppose that a point P of this third metal is at the lower temperature /, and interpose, in like manner, at the cold junction, a piece of the metal C kept at the temperature of this junction. We have then the two couples AC and CB in the circuit between the same limits of tem- perature; the electromotive force is that which would be directly produced between the metals A and B. This law is of great practical importance; it shows that the soldering at the junction of two metals has no influence on the phenomena to which they give rise. V. PHENOMENA OF INVERSION. In the case of some thermo- electric couples, the strength of the current increases continuously as the temperature of the heated junction is raised, that of the cold junction remaining unchanged. The couple is said to work uni- formly when the electromotive force is proportional to the difference of the temperatures of the two junctions. In most cases, on the contrary, the electromotive force of the couple, after having passed through a maximum, becomes null, and then changes its sign. 262 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. Hence, at a certain temperature, there is an inversion of the current, and the strength then increases continuously without showing a fresh inflection. This phenomenon was discovered by Gumming in 1823. Gaugain found that the temperature of inversion depends on that of the cold junction, and that for a given couple the mean of the temperatures of the two junctions at the moment of inversion is constant and always equal to the temperature of the maximum strength. 273. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE PHENOMENA. Gaugain, in a remarkable research on thermoelectrical phenomena, represents their course by a graphical method by which the pre- ceding laws may be readily verified. Taking for the abscissa the difference t - / of the temperatures of the two junctions (the cold one having a constant temperature of 20), he erects at each point an ordinate proportional to the corresponding electromotive force. o p x p The following properties are observed in these curves (Fig. 63) : i. They are symmetrical in reference to the maximum ordinate, which verifies the law relative to the temperature of inversion ; for if t m is the temperature of the maximum, and t { that of inversion, 'o + 'i These curves are calculated by Gaugain to be branches of hyper- bolas with a vertical axis, but they may be replaced by parabolas ; the difference of the ordinates calculated for the two curves are of the same order as experimental errors ; both represent equally CONCLUSIONS FROM VOLTA's LAW. 263 well the results of experiment. Theory indicates, as we shall see later, that the curve which represents electromotive forces as a function of temperature must, in effect, be a parabola. 2. If a horizontal line is drawn through a point M 1? which corresponds to the temperature / 15 the ordinates, counted from this straight line, will represent electromotive forces relative to the tem- perature /j for the cold junction. The law of successive temperatures is thus found to be verified, for we have that is to say, The temperature of inversion corresponds to the point where the new line of the abscissa meets the curve. If OP represents the temperature of the cold junction, OP' will be that of inversion ; it will be seen that it depends on the temperature of the cold junction. 3. If the curves AB and AC represent electromotive forces for couples formed of a metal A associated respectively with two metals B and C, the difference MN of the ordinates of the two curves represents the electromotive force of the couple formed by the two metals B and C. The relation MP = PN + NM is therefore equivalent to the equation E(AB) = E(AC) + E(CB), which expresses the law of intermediate metals. 274. CONCLUSIONS FROM VOLTA'S LAW. Disregarding the principle of inversion, we may look upon the preceding laws as consequences of the principle of Volta that is to say, that there is an electromotive force at the contact of two metals^ and that this elec- tromotive force is a function of the temperature. On this view, the electromotive force of a couple is the algebraical sum of the two electromotive forces in contrary directions which exist at the two junctions. Let us agree to represent by the symbol the electromotive force H of contact of two metals A and B, at the temperature /, we shall have 264 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. Let I be the current which traverses the circuit whose total resistance is R. In unit time, the work withdrawn from the heated junction is IH 2 , and the work expended at the cold junction is IHj ; the difference of these two works is transformed into thermal energy, which is disengaged in the circuit in accordance with Joule's law, and we have whence T _H 2 -H 1 R The system may therefore be looked upon as a heat engine, the boiler of which yields a quantity of heat Q 2 given by the equation JQ 2 = IH 2 , while the condenser absorbs a smaller quantity of heat Qj, defined in like manner by the equation JQ 1 = IH 1 , the difference of these two quantities being employed to heat the circuit, from which it follows that The law of Magnus is contained in the hypothesis that there is no electromotive force at the junctions. The law of successive temperatures follows from the identity B|A Lastly, the law of intermediate metals is also evident, for, by definition, we have On the other hand, Volta's law of tensions gives, for any given temperature, B|C C|A_B|A ~~ " ~> the preceding equation thus becomes CONSEQUENCES OF INVERSION. 265 275. CONSEQUENCES OF INVERSION. The principle of Volta, restricted to the contact of bodies of different kinds, is not sufficient to explain the phenomena of inversion. Let us consider, in fact, a circuit consisting of two metals A and B. In order to account for inversion as a mere effect of contact, we must assume that the difference of potential of the junction at first increases with the temperature, passes through a maximum, then diminishes, and, at the temperature of inversion, becomes equal to the difference of potential at the cold junction. The value of H 2 would then continue to decrease; and next, the current having changed its sign, the play of the electrical forces would produce a disengagement of heat at the hot junction, and an absorption at the cold one, besides the heating of the circuit in virtue of Joule's law. We may imagine that the causes of the cooling of the circuit are so diminished that it is possible to dispense with the source of heat, and that the mere passage of the current would be sufficient not merely to keep up the temperature of the hot junction, but even to increase it, and to diminish that of the cold one, the effect of which would be to intensify the current. In this way we should have realised a metallic circuit possessing the remarkable property of transferring heat from the colder to the hotter parts without any expenditure of energy. And although such a result is not so obviously im- possible as that of the impossibility of perpetual motion, it is incompatible with the general course of thermal phenomena ; it is, moreover, in direct contradiction with Carnot's principle. If, on the other hand, thermoelectrical currents were merely due to the electromotive forces at the junctions, Carnot's principle would necessitate that all couples had a uniform course. Let us imagine, for example, that a thermoelectrical couple working between the temperatures / x and / 2 is connected with an electrolyte whose electromotive force of decomposition is E; we shall have the ratio or If the current I is very small, and the resistance R moderate, the term I 2 R may be neglected, the opposing electromotive force E is very little less than H 2 - Hj , and the excess of heat furnished by the hot source is employed in performing the external work IE. Let us suppose that, by any means, E is made to increase to the 266 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. value E', which is little more than H 2 -H 15 the direction of the current would change ; if the absolute value of the strength remains the same, the same quantities of heat would be put in play at each junction, but in opposite directions, and the electrolyte would produce heat instead of absorbing it. In the case of a very feeble current, the thermoelectrical pile would behave as a re- versible calorific engine, and we may apply the principle of Carnot. If T x and T 2 are the absolute temperatures of the two junctions, the quantities of heat Q 1 and Q 2 , absorbed or furnished by the two sources according to the working of the machine, must be proportional to the absolute temperatures T l and T 2 , and we should have 0,0, > or, A being a constant, T T 1 2 1 l From this would follow 1 - = = A, T 2 -T X TJ-T! and therefore Hence the electromotive force of all couples should be pro- portional to the difference in temperature of the two junctions ; all couples would have a" uniform course, and the phenomena of in- version could never be met with. 276. SIR W. THOMSON'S THEORY. Volta's principle is therefore incapable of giving a complete explanation of thermoelectrical phe- nomena ; we must accordingly assume the existence of electromotive forces other than those of contact, and capable, like them, of pro- ducing reversible thermal phenomena. The least changes in the physical condition of metals, such as tempering, torsion, or traction, etc., modify their electrical proper- ties ; it is accordingly natural to assume that the contact of two parts of the same metal at different temperatures also gives rise to a difference of potential. SIR w. THOMSON'S THEORY. 267 The electromotive force resulting from variations of temperature is null in a homogeneous wire (law of Magnus), for the total fall of potential on either side of the maximum is of the same value ; but this compensation no longer holds on each side of the junction of two different metals, and we must take into account the continual change of potential which variations of temperature determine along conductors. To give greater definiteness to these conceptions, let us consider a copper-iron pair, for example, working between the temperatures /! and / 2 , and let Hj and H 2 (Fig. 64) be the electromotive forces of contact at these two temperatures; suppose, further, that the potential has increased along the copper C M , in consequence of a rise of temperature from ^ to / 2 , by a quantity c independent of the strength of the current ; and that conversely there is a fall of potential !H2 1 Fig. 64. fj on the iron Y e for the same excess of temperature ; the potential near the hot junction will be higher by a quantity f+c=h, and the electromotive force of the couple will now be We have implicitly assumed that the temperature / 2 is lower than the temperature of inversion. The current goes from copper to iron through the hot junction; the thermal energy absorbed at the hot junction, as well as on the adjacent points, is equal to (H 2 + ^)I, and that which is expended at the cold junction H 1 I. The lower temperature / x being fixed, the electromotive force of the couple will increase as long as H 2 + h increases that is, so long as dh dt dt 268 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. and the maximum will take place at the temperature / m , which is evidently independent of f lt and is denned by the condition H 2 dh A - + =0, dt dt We shall see that at this instant the value of H 2 is zero, and that it then becomes negative. The difference of potential near the junction is then simply due to the variations of temperature on the two metals (Fig. 65). Cu Fig. 65. As the temperature continues to rise, H 2 changes its sign ; the iron which was positive to the copper becomes negative; the Fig. 66. distribution of potential is represented by Fig. 66, and heat is disengaged at the two junctions. Inversion takes place at the moment at which The electromotive force changes its sign at a higher temperature at the heated junction, and we have THOMSON EFFECT. 269 In this case, which is represented by Fig. 67, the current absorbs thermal energy at the two junctions, IH 2 at the hot one, IH 1 at the cold one, and a quantity \h is liberated at those points where the temperature varies. Such is a general idea of Sir W. Thomson's theory, the mathematical consequences of which we shall proceed to develop. We shall apply the term Thomson effect to the difference of potential due to the differences of temperature which form the basis of this theory. ; 1 F Cu Fc Fig. 67. 277. THERMOELECTRICAL POWERS. We have seen that, by the law of successive temperatures, the electromotive force of a couple is the difference of the values of one and the same function for the temperatures of the two junctions. If these temperatures / and t + dt are infinitely near, the electromotive force is infinitely small, and is expressed by = dt; dt we may therefore write dt Sir W. Thomson calls the function (t) the thermoelectrical power of the two metals at the temperature t. This function is nothing but the angular coefficient of the tangent to Gaugain's curves. We can deduce from it the electromotive force of the couple for the temperatures ^ and / 2 of the two junctions by the formula 278. This function possesses a remarkable property, in virtue of which thermoelectrical phenomena may be very simply expressed. 270 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. The thermoelectrical power of two metals A and B at a temperature t is equal to the difference of the thermoelectrical powers of the same metals A and B in reference to any third metal C. For the law of intermediate metals gives the equation E(AC) = E(AB) + E(BC). From which we deduce ^E(BC) dt dt dt or and, therefore, (2) If, then, we know the thermoelectrical power of different metals in reference to a standard metal X, it will be easy to deduce from this the thermoelectrical power of any two metals by the formula = (AX)- as a function of / for the two metals A and X, and BX the analogous curve for the two metals B and X ; from equation (2) we shall have THERMOELECTRIC POWER. 271 279. The expression for the electromotive force of the couple AB between the temperatures / and f 19 is E! (AB) = f (/) the electromotive force becomes negative and inversion takes place. Hence the temperature of inversion depends on the tem- perature of the cold junction. 280. The previous results become very simple when the curves AX and BX are straight lines. The figure M^NN^ is then a trapezium, the surface of which has the value We have further 2 = const. = #, and, therefore, 272 THERMOELECTRIC CURRENTS. This expression is in conformity with the laws of Gaugain (272). If the straight lines AX and BX were parallel, we should have and the couple would have a uniform course. 281. SPECIFIC HEAT OF ELECTRICITY. Suppose now that the variations of potential, to which electromotive force is due, are of two kinds; sudden variations, resulting from Volta's principle, and continuous variations connected with variations of temperature, and, like the former, capable of producing reversible calorific phenomena. It is clear that, if we designate the variations of the former kind by H, and the sum of the continuous variations which exist between the two points A and B of a conductor by I dh t the value of the whole electromotive force will be E = The variations of the second kind between two points M and M' of the same metal, according to the law of Magnus, only depend on the temperatures / and /', and not at all on the intermediate resistance. We may then put If the current is so small that the heating of the circuit on Joule's law may be neglected, the quantity of heat absorbed or developed in unit time in that portion of the circuit in which is produced the heat in question, by the passage of a current I, will clearly be expressed by Idh = If(t)dt=I and the equation becomes (5) -+cr'- being a coefficient which depends on the choice of unit mass. In order that this coefficient may be unity, we must take as unit mass that of a pole, which, acting on an identical pole at unit distance, exerts a repulsion equal to unit force. We have then mm ' f = ~j?~ and the action is repulsive or attractive according as the poles are of the same or of opposite kinds. If two poles of masses m and m', are connected with each other, the action of the system thus formed on a third pole M placed at distance d, which is very great in comparison with that of the two poles, is equal to m'M it is proportional to the sum m + m of the two masses if the poles are of the same kind, and to the difference m-m' if they are different Magnetic masses can be added like algebraical quantities, and we may affix to them the signs + and - as we can to electrical PRELIMINARY. masses ; we shall agree to give the sign + to the magnetic mass of a north pole, and the sign - to that of a south pole. The action of two poles, expressed by the formula /= - , will be positive in the case of repulsion, the masses being of the same sign, and negative in the case of an attraction. The law of elementary actions being the same as that for elec- trical phenomena, we may apply all the theorems relative to electrical potential, at any rate as regards fixed masses, and disregard, for the present, phenomena relative to conductors. The consideration relative to lines of force, to tubes and flows of force, are more particularly directly applicable to magnetism. 294. MAGNETIC FIELD.- A magnetic field is a space in which magnetic phenomena are produced. The direction and strength of the field at a point, are the direction and intensity of the force which would act on a positive magnetic mass equal to unity placed at this point. 295. DEFINITION OF POLES. MAGNETIC Axis OF A MAGNET. We have assumed in the foregoing remarks, that the actions of a magnet reduce to that of two magnetic centres situate at the ends; this is the case, but then only approximately, when we are dealing with long cylindrical magnets, at a very great distance in reference to their transverse dimensions. Magnetic properties are really perceptible throughout the whole extent of the magnet, and only exhibit a very marked maximum near the ends. This is readily seen from the manner in which filings attach themselves to the magnet. We must admit, therefore, that in the magnet there is a series of magnetic masses, some positive and others negative, which are distributed according to a certain law, and the whole of which constitutes the total magnetic mass. This being assumed, we may define more precisely what are called the poles of a magnet. Let us suppose the magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field. The actions exerted by the field on the different points of the magnet are parallel to each other, and for each volume-element are proportional to the mass present there. All those which act on the positive masses are in the same direction : they have a resultant equal to their sum, and parallel to their direction, which is applied at the centre of mass, or the centre of gravity of the positive masses. The same is the case for negative masses, on which the field pro- duces actions parallel to the preceding, but in the opposite direction. The magnet is submitted to the action of two parallel and opposite MAGNETIC MOMENTS. 285 forces, one applied at the centre of gravity of positive masses, and the other at the centre of gravity of negative masses. These two points of application are the poles of the magnet; the magnetic axis of the magnet is the line joining the two poles, and the direction of the magnetic axis is reckoned from the negative pole towards the positive one. The magnet is evidently in stable equilibrium when its magnetic axis is parallel to the direction of the field, and pointing in the same way ; equilibrium is unstable if these two directions are parallel but in contrary directions. 296. THE MAGNETIC MASS OF A MAGNET is ZERO. The vicinity of the Earth may be considered as a uniform magnetic field. Experiment shows, in fact, that throughout a region whose extent is considerable in reference to the dimensions of the magnet, but small compared with the radius of the Earth, all magnets, when under the influence of the Earth alone, tend to assume the same direction. Coulomb showed, moreover, that the action of the terrestrial field on any magnetised bar is purely directive that it has neither vertical nor horizontal component ; it has no vertical component, for the weight of a bar of steel is exactly the same before and after magnetisation ; the horizontal component is also zero, for any magnet which can move in a horizontal plane has no tendency towards a motion of translation. The two forces of opposite directions applied at the two poles are therefore equal, and constitute a couple. From this follows this important conclusion that in any magnet the sum of the positive masses is equal to the sum of the negative masses ; in other words, the total sum of the magnetic masses is zero. We have then always ^m = 0. From this point of view the state of a magnet is comparable with that which a dielectric, or an insulated conductor, acquires by induction. 297. MAGNETIC MOMENTS. Let m be the absolute value of the mass of each pole, and / the distance of the two poles ; the product ml, of the mass by this distance, is called the magnetic moment M of the magnet. This magnet may be represented by a straight line OA (Fig. 71) having for direction, the magnetic axis, and for length the numerical value of the magnetic moment M. This mode of representation amounts to supposing that all the poles are identical, that their mass is equal to unity, for instance, 286 PRELIMINARY. and to their being placed on the magnetic axis at a distance pro- portional to the magnetic moment of the magnet in question. When a system formed of several magnets connected with each other is placed in a uniform field, the action of the magnet is reduced to a couple; accordingly, in order to estimate the total action, we may move all the magnets parallel to themselves, for in- stance, in such a manner that all the negative poles are superposed. Consider two magnets represented by the right lines OA and OA' (Fig. 71), and let G be the middle of the line AA' that is to say, the centre of gravity of two masses equal to unity, placed at A and A'. The system is equivalent to a single magnet whose length is equal to OG and the masses equal to 2, or to a magnet of double length OB with masses equal to i. The resultant magnet is thus represented by the diagonal of the parallelograms constructed on the right lines OA and OA'. Magnetic moments of magnets may therefore be compounded as can forces. For any given system of magnets connected with each other, the resultant moment is represented by the straight line which closes the polygon constructed by adding, end to end, the moments of all the magnets. The projection of this line on any given axis being equal to the sum of the projections of all the others, we see that the magnetic axis of any given system, is the right line on which the sum of the projections of the separate moments of the magnets constituting the system is a maximum. In like manner, a magnet may be replaced by any given number of magnets, the resultant magnetic moment of which is equal to the moment of the proposed magnet for instance, by the three pro- jections of this magnetic moment on three rectangular axes. When two magnetic systems are very distant from each other, their reciprocal action is equal to that of the resultant magnets, for each of the systems may be regarded as being situated in a uniform field produced by the other magnet. ASTATIC SYSTEMS. 287 298. ACTION OF A UNIFORM FIELD ON A MAGNET. If we con- sider a magnet whose moment M equals ml, situated in a uniform field whose strength F makes the angle 6 with the axis of the magnet, the moment of the couple produced by the action of the field is equal to Yml sin 6 or FM sin 6. This is the moment of the couple which would tend to turn the magnet about a straight line perpen- dicular to the magnetic axis and to the force of the field. If the magnet is movable about a given axis, the couple of rotation only depends on the projections M x and F x of the magnetic moment and of the strength of the field, on a plane perpendicular to the axis, for the projections on the axis are without influence. If B 1 is the angle of the directions of M x and of F 1? the moment of the couple is equal to FjMj sin # r Let, generally, #, , c and a, /?, y denote respectively the cosines of the angles which the directions of F and M make with three rectangular axes, and let us replace these magnitudes by their pro- jections on the three axes. The moment of the couple which tends to turn the magnet about the axis of z is Z = F. Ma -F We shall have, similarly, for the other axes, The product FM is sometimes called the moment of the action of the field upon the magnet ; it is the moment of the couple which would be produced if the magnet were perpendicular to the direction of the field. As a particular case, if T is the intensity of the terrestrial field, the product TM will be the moment of the terrestrial action on the magnet. 299. ASTATIC SYSTEMS. Take the particular case of two mag- nets (Fig. 72) whose magnetic moments are OA and OA', the Fig. 72. resultant moment is the diagonal OB of the parallelogram drawn on OA and OA'. If the moments OA and OA' are equal and exactly 288 PRELIMINARY. opposite, the resultant moment is null, and the equilibrium is neutral in any position whatever in a uniform field ; such a system is said to be astatic. If the moments OA and OA' are almost equal and make an angle nearly equal to 180, the resultant OB is very small and is directed sensibly in the direction of the line bisecting the angle AOA'; it is therefore perpendicular to each of the needles. Thus, when two magnetised needles, forming a quasi astatic system, are in a uniform magnetic field, they are in stable equilibrium in a direction at right angles to the force of the field. This is exactly the case of magnetic needles used for certain galvanometers. The system is so much the more nearly astatic the more nearly the direction of the free needles is to being perpen- dicular to the magnetic meridian. 300. MAGNETIC POLARITY. RUPTURE OF A MAGNET. When a magnetic needle is broken, each of the portions becomes a com- plete magnet having two equal poles of opposite kinds, and the phenomenon can be repeated indefinitely as far as we can carry the division by mechanical means. This is a fact of prime importance in the theory of magnetism : it proves in the first place that it is impossible to get an independent mass of negative or positive magnetism which is not associated with an equal mass of the opposite kind ; and further that magnetism is an essentially molecular phenomenon. We are led to admit that magnetism is due to a kind of polarization of ponderable molecules, each of which is a small magnet with its two poles exactly on the terminal faces. 301. INDUCED MAGNETISATION. The tufts of iron filings which remain adhering to a magnet prove that each particle of filing has itself become converted into a small magnet. The number of grains in direct contact with the magnet is relatively very small ; the others, attached in succession to each other and to the first, form chains where the particles are united by their poles of contrary names. The magnetisation acquired by these filings is transient; as soon as they are detached from the magnet, they resume their original neutrality. In like manner, a bar of soft iron is magnetised when placed in the prolongation of a magnet, and acquires two poles similarly placed to those of the magnet that is to say, the two adjacent ends of the magnet and the soft iron have magnetisms of opposite signs. This magnetised soft iron may in turn act similarly on a second piece, and so on. As soon as the original magnet is removed-, the magnetisation of the first bar of soft iron and of all those which follow it disappears more or less, and all the COERCIVE FORCE. 289 actions, which they exert on each other, disappear at the same time. More generally, when any magnetic body is placed in a mag- netic field, it becomes itself a magnet. This is a magnetisation by influence or induced magnetisation. The axis of magnetisation at each point is parallel to the direction of the resultant force. This resultant arises from the action of the field and of that which is produced by the induced magnetism itself. If the body in question is infinitely small, the magnetisation is exactly parallel to the force of the field at the point in question. This conclusion also follows, that the action of a magnet is null on a neutral body, and that any action exerted by magnets on magnetic bodies, is preceded by a magnetic induction on the latter. Here again we see the analogy of this phenomenon with that of electrostatic induction, and particularly the induction in dielectrics. The magnetism thus induced does not depend merely on the strength of the field, but also on the nature of the substance in question; magnetisation, which is very powerful with pure iron and nickel, is far feebler with all other magnetic substances. 302. SOFT IRON. COERCIVE FORCE. Iron is said to be abso- lutely soft if, after having been placed in a very powerful magnetic field, it loses its magnetisation when it is withdrawn from it. Soft iron, in the magnetic sense, is also soft in the ordinary meaning of the word ; it may be easily bent, worked, and it has but little elasticity. Conversely, ordinary iron is not soft in the magnetic sense of the word ; when it is impure, or has undergone mechanical changes, it remains more or less magnetised, and this property is designated by the somewhat barbarous term coercive force. A speci- men of iron has so much the greater coercive force the greater is its quantity of residual magnetism; at the same time, this kind of iron is more readily magnetised by induction. Coercive force is therefore a property analogous to friction. Within certain limits it opposes the changes which external forces tend to produce in mag- netisation, and hinders any one single state of equilibrium from corresponding to given external conditions. The coercive force in steel is very great ; it becomes magnetised by induction with more difficulty than soft iron, but it retains the magnetisation, once acquired, so much the better. The magnetic qualities of steel vary with the composition of the metal and with its mode of preparation ; they depend greatly on the manner in which the tempering has been effected, as well as on the degree of annealing 2QO PRELIMINARY. to which the bar has been afterwards subjected. The harder the steel, and the more brittle the temper, the greater is the coercive force. We have hitherto implicitly assumed that the magnetisation of a magnet is invariable, and is independent of the forces to which the magnet is subjected ; but this kind of magnetic rigidity is a limiting case which is never realised with perfect completeness. When a magnet placed in a strong magnetic field is in its normal position of equilibrium, its magnetisation slightly increases ; it diminishes on the contrary if it is in the opposite direction. The variations thus pro- duced are generally feeble, and usually transient like those of soft iron in the same circumstances ; these variations may ordinarily be neglected in the case of powerfully magnetised steel bars placed in a magnetic field of no great strength like that of the earth, for instance. 303. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE. Heat acts also on the magnetism of magnets. A moderate increase of temperature diminishes the magnetisation, but only temporarily, and the magnet resumes its original magnetisation with its original temperature. Within the ordinary variations of the surrounding temperature, the effects produced are sensibly proportional to these variations, so that if M and M t are the magrietic moments of a magnet at the tempera- ture of zero, and of / degrees, we have the ratio the coefficient a depending on the nature of the steel. A greater degree of heating, above 100 for instance, produces a definite enfeeblement of the magnetisation, and a bar of steel heated to bright redness has usually lost all traces of magnetisation when it returns to the ordinary temperature. A rise of temperature produces analogous effects on the magnetic properties of soft iron. At the ordinary temperature the magnetisa- tion induced in iron by a given field, changes but little with variation of temperature, but beyond 100 the diminution of induced mag- netism becomes very rapid. At a temperature beyond red heat, iron no longer possesses the power of being attracted by magnets ; at that temperature it is not even magnetic. 304. ON MAGNETIC FLUIDS. The physicists of last century, more especially yEpinus and Coulomb, attempted to explain magnetic phenomena by a hypothesis analogous to that of electrical fluids. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC ELEMENTS. 2QI From this point of view we must attribute to the fluids, to the magnets, and to magnetic substances, a certain number of properties by which all the experiments may be explained. We assume, then, the existence of two imponderable magnetic fluids, consisting, like the electrical fluids, of molecules which act by repulsion on the molecules of the same fluid, and by attraction on molecules of a different kind, these reciprocal actions being inversely as the square of the distance. The combination of these two fluids in equal quantities has no action on external bodies, and constitutes what may be called the neutral fluid. In virtue of the phenomena of induced magnetisation, we must assume that the neutral fluid exists in almost unlimited quantity in magnetic bodies, and is divided into two distinct fluids under the influence of the magnet. Since permanent or temporary magnets are always complete, whatever may be their dimensions, we must assume also that the fluids present in an element of volume never quit it to pass to an adjacent element, so that the separation of these fluids is confined to the extent of each molecule. Finally, no internal force opposed to the directive actions of the magnetic fluids, hinders their separation or their reunion in soft iron. In cast iron and in steel, on the contrary, there is a special resistance (a kind of friction called coercive force), which restricts the magnetisa- tion by induction, and then hinders the recombination of the fluids when the external force has disappeared. It is not surprising that the theory of fluids, with all the acces- sories which are only arbitrarily connected with it, can explain the phenomena ; in these conditions the agreement of experiment with theory affords no argument in favour of the exactitude of the hypothesis ; and we shall make no further use of it. 305. DEFINITION OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC ELEMENTS. The magnetic field which surrounds the earth, and which may be called the terrestrial field, is sensibly uniform throughout a space of small dimensions as compared with that of the terrestrial radius ; but the direction and the intensity of the force vary from one point to another. In fact the force in any one place changes in magnitude and direction in the course of time ; we shall disregard for the moment these variations which are feeble, and shall suppose we are considering the magnetic state of the globe at a definite time. The magnetic axis of a magnet suspended freely by its centre of gravity, and withdrawn from any other action than that of the terrestrial magnetic field, would, when in equilibrium, assume the u 2 PRELIMINARY. direction of the terrestrial forces. In our country this direction is almost north and south, and it makes a considerable angle with the horizontal line, the north pole pointing downwards. The magnetic meridian in any place is the vertical plane passing through the direction of the earth's magnetic force. The declination is the angle which the magnetic meridian makes with the astronomical meridian ; the declination is said to be west when the north pole of a free magnet turns to the west of the magnetic meridian which passes through its centre ; it is east if this north pole is to the east of the meridian. The inclination is the angle which the earth's force makes with its projection on a horizontal plane. Let D be the declination, I the inclination, T the strength of the earth's field, H the horizontal component = T cos I, Z the vertical component = T sin I. A magnetised needle, movable about a vertical axis, will only obey the horizontal component of the earth's force, and will place itself so that its axis of magnetisation is in the magnetic meridian. If we move it out by an angle 8, the moment of the couple which tends to bring it back, has the value HMsinS; M being the magnetic moment of the needle. It is proportional to the sine of the angle of deviation. This result has been verified by the very accurate experiments of Coulomb by means of his torsion balance. If the needle is suspended freely by its centre of gravity, or is movable about a horizontal axis passing through this point, and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, the direction of the mag- netic axis, when the needle is in equilibrium, is the direction of the earth's force itself; the angle which its magnetic axis then makes with the horizontal measures the inclination. Let us now suppose that the horizontal axis of rotation makes an angle a with the perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. We may replace the horizontal component H by its two projections, the one H sin a parallel to the axis of rotation, and other H cos a per- pendicular to this axis. The needle only obeys the two forces Z and TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 293 Hcosa situate in the plane which it describes; the value of the resultant of these two forces is and the needle, in its position of equilibrium, makes with the hori- zontal an angle /, defined by the equation Hcosa cot i = - = cotlcosa. The angle * is the apparent inclination in the vertical plane which is at an angle a with the magnetic meridian. If we have a = - , it 7T 2 follows that /=- and the needle is vertical. If the angle a changes by - , we have cos ( a- J = +sina, and the value of the new in- clination is cot** = + cot I sin a. From these two equations we have, COt 2 / + COt 2 /' = COt 2 !, a formula frequently used in determining the inclination. If the needle is loaded with an accessory weight, or, what is the same thing, if the axis of rotation does not pass through the centre of gravity, the direction of the equilibrium is modified. Suppose, as a particular case, that a weight /, at a distance d from the axis of rotation, keeps the needle horizontal in a certain plane ; the moment of the magnetic couple is reduced then to the moment of the vertical component, and the condition of equilibrium is This condition is independent of the azimuth of the vertical plane in which the needle moves ; the counterpoise which makes the needle horizontal in one plane, would make it horizontal in all planes. Hence, placing a needle on a vertical pivot, we may counterpoise it so that it is always horizontal ; but the weight of the counterpoise depends on the vertical component, and this ought to be modified if we wish to use the needle in other latitudes. 2Q4 PRELIMINARY. 306. DISTRIBUTION OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. The ele- ments of terrestrial magnetism, strength, declination, and inclination are not the same at the different points of the earth. These elements vary as a function of the geographical co-ordinates according to very complicated laws ; but if we are content with a first approximation, the variations may be formulated in a very simple manner. The magnetic meridian at any one place cuts the surface of the globe along a great circle; all points of this great circle have the same plane for magnetic meridian. All magnetic meridians intersect along the same diameter ; this diameter is the magnetic axis of the earth ; the points where it cuts the surface have been named, though incorrectly, magnetic poles. The magnetic axis makes an angle of about 15 with the axis of rotation of the earth. It is evident that the declination varies from one point to another on the same magnetic meridian. The only exception is the meridian which, passing both through the magnetic axis and the terrestrial axis, is identical with the geographical meridian ; for all corresponding points the declination is null. On one side of this great circle, the north pole turns to the west and the declination is west; on the other, it turns to the east and the declination is east. The great circle perpendicular to the magnetic axis is called the magnetic equator. In all points of the magnetic equator, the earth's force is horizontal and the inclination zero. On either side the inclination increases to the magnetic poles where it is 90: in the northern hemisphere, the north pole dips downwards ; and in the southern hemisphere, the south pole. 307. HYPOTHESIS OF A TERRESTRIAL MAGNET. Biot tried if it were possible to represent the magnetic condition of the globe, and the variation of the magnetic elements on its surface, by the hypothesis of a central magnet in the direction of the magnetic axis ; he found that the results of calculation agreed the better with the observations the smaller was the distance of the poles of this imaginary magnet. If we thus replace the earth by a magnet which is infinitely small as compared with the radius that is to say, by two equal masses of opposite signs which are very near each other, we know (153) that at the latitude A, counting from the magnetic equator, the inclination is given by the equation tan 1 = 2 tan A. HYPOTHESIS OF A TERRESTRIAL MAGNET. 295 The intensity of the force T at any point of the surface may be expressed as a function of the force at the equator T e by the formula At the magnetic pole the intensity is it is therefore twice as great as at the equator. These two formulae are at any rate approximately in agreement with observations made at a given moment over the whole surface of the earth. The absolute magnetic moment of the earth rs may be obtained simply by means of the equation TR 3 in which R represents the earth's radius. The hypothesis of a terrestrial magnet was introduced into science by Gilbert. The pole in the southern hemisphere received the name of austral pole, and is evidently of the same kind as the north pole of magnets ; the pole situated in the northern hemisphere is of the same kind as the south pole of magnets. This conception of a terrestrial magnet has also led to the designation of austral pole being applied to that pole of the needle which turns towards the north, and of boreal pole to that which turns towards the south; in the theory of fluids, in spite of the contradiction, we may say that a north pole contains austral fluid and a south pole boreal fluid. But it is better to abandon the expressions austral and boreal, which may give rise to misconcep- tions, and to call, as we have done, positive magnetism that which corresponds to the north pole of magnets, and negative magnetism that of the south pole. 308. The hypothesis of an infinitely small central magnet is only one of the forms under which the earth's magnetism may be represented ; it is even that which is least probable, seeing that the undoubtedly very high temperature of the centre of the earth is incompatible with the existence of bodies strongly magnetised. We know, for instance, that two superficial hemispherical layers equal and of opposite signs, distributed so as to produce a constant 296 PRELIMINARY. force at any point in the interior, and which we have called layers of gliding (157), will produce on the exterior the same effects as two infinitely near masses. The values of the densities of these layers at the poles will be and, at a point of the magnetic latitude A, o- = cr sinA. From this point of view, the earth must be considered as covered with two magnetic layers, the one negative in the northern hemi- sphere and the other positive in the southern one, the density at each point being proportional to the sine of the magnetic latitude. The total mass of each of the layers is expressed by it may therefore be easily calculated if we know the absolute value of the force at the equator. We shall see, in the sequel, that there are other modes of repre- senting terrestrial magnetism; the infinitely small central magnet, which of itself is inadmissible, is really the very simple mathematical expression of several equivalent states, which are quite compatible with the known properties of magnetic substances. 309. VARIATIONS OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. The elements of the earth's magnetism also undergo changes with the time ; one kind are purely accidental, while others have a well-marked periodical character. The variations of long periods, which are called secular variations, may be represented, as a first approximation, by a rotation of the magnetic axis about the earth's axis, a rotation in virtue of which the magnetic axis should describe from east to west a cir- cular cone of about 30. As the earth's magnetic pole, which at present is in New South Wales in 100 W. longitude, was in 1660 near the North Cape in 20 E. longitude, we see that the period of complete revolution is about 800 years. The declination at Paris, which at first was east, was null in 1666; since this time it has been west, and went on in- creasing until 1824; it is now decreasing and will be null in 2050, VARIATIONS OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 297 if the phenomenon continues to follow the same course ; the mag- netic pole will then be on the other side of the north pole in reference to us. Since 1666 the inclination in Paris has been continually decreasing : it will attain a minimum when the declination is null. The variations with a short period seem to be connected with the apparent motion of the sun, of the moon, etc., and are governed by laws which at present are not well known. The mean values of the declination, for instance, have in one and the same place a well-marked daily oscillation with two maxima and two minima. The amplitude of the excursion of the magnet is far greater during the day than during the night, and the time of the extreme variations is very different according to the positions of the stations. Thus, while the average maximum westerly deviation over a whole year is at 9 a.m. at Hobart Town (Tasmania), Batavia, the Cape, and St. Helena, this time corresponds to the maximum easterly variations in the northern hemisphere. The maximum westerly excursion is at i p.m. at Toronto (Canada), London, and Paris; at 2 o'clock at St. Petersburg; at 3 at Nertchinsk and Pekin. The hours of these maxima and minima vary, moreover, with the seasons. The other magnetic elements, inclination and components of the force, present analogous oscillations. By eliminating the mean daily variation from observations rela- tive to the various magnetic elements, we may refer them to the lunar day, and we thus find a regular variation in the residual effects. There is, further, an annual periodical variation. Finally, the accidental variations themselves, which seem to be produced simultaneously over a great extent, if not over the whole surface of the globe, and which are ordinarily known as perturbations or magnetic storms, appear also to occur in certain annual or secular periods as regards their main effects/ These perturbations are directly related to the phenomenon of the aurora borealis, and are accompanied by accidental currents in telegraph wires. 298 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. CHAPTER II. CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. 310. MAGNETIC FILAMENTS. The experiment of breaking a magnetised bar demonstrates this central fact that any volume element of a magnet is itself a complete magnet, having in its then state a magnetic axis and a definite moment. We say in its then state, for it is clear that if the volume element instead of being conceived as separated from the surrounding medium, were really detached, it would no longer retain the same state as when it formed part of the general mass. Let us consider two molecules placed end to end, and only touching with their opposite poles ; if they are equally magnetised, the action for any external point would reduce itself to that of its two free ends. In like manner, if a series of molecules equally magnetised are placed end to end, all the magnetic axes being arranged on the same line, the external action of the linear magnet thus constructed still reduces to that of its two ends, each intermediate point giving rise to equal and contrary actions which neutralise each other. Such a system of magnetised particles constitutes a uniform magnetic filament. 311." FREE MAGNETISM. But if the magnetisation in this line of molecules is variable, at each point there will be a certain quantity of apparent or free magnetism, equal to the differences of the mag- netic masses of two adjacent molecules in contact. If we suppose, for instance, that the magnetisation diminishes from the middle of the filament to the end, we see that on one of the halves of the linear magnet, there will be an excess of positive magnetism distri- buted according to a certain law, and on the other half an equal excess of negative magnetism. The magnetic filament thus con- structed is no longer uniform, but it is evident that we can regard it as the resultant of the juxtaposition of uniform filaments of different lengths. POTENTIAL OF A MAGNET. 299 312. UNIFORM MAGNET. A magnet of finite dimensions, which is formed of identical filaments placed parallel to each other, might be called a uniform magnet; the poles of the elementary filaments being placed at the ends, on the surface of the body, it will be seen that the action of the whole magnet would reduce to that of two magnetic layers, distributed on the surface according to a simple law. 313. ANY GIVEN MAGNET. At a point P within any given magnet the magnetic axis has a determinate direction, and this direction varies continuously; hence, inside a magnet we may draw lines tangential at every point to the magnetic axis, and we may imagine magnetic filaments directed along these lines of magnetisation. The magnet would thus be subdivided either into non-uniform magnetic filaments closed or terminating at the surface, or into uniform filaments, some closed, and others terminating on the surface, and others, lastly, terminating in the interior. So long as no hypothesis is made as to the form of the filaments, this con- ception is a pure and simple translation of facts, and has nothing hypothetical. It leads to considering any given magnet as formed of a magnetic layer distributed on the surface, and of magnetic masses disseminated throughout the interior. We may accordingly consider a surface density of magnetisation and a volume density. The density of the free magnetism at a point is the limit of the ratio of the magnetic mass contained in a volume element taken about this point to the volume itself; the surface density is the quotient of the quantity of magnetism which exists on an element of surface about this point, by the area of the element 314. POTENTIAL OF A MAGNET. This being admitted, it is clear that the value of the potential of the magnet at any external point P will be (i) V =/>/' In the first integral, which will extend to the entire surface of the magnet, o- denotes the surface density on the surface element which is very great compared with the dimensions of the particles, but infinitely small in reference to the dimensions of the magnet, all the particles which it contains will have their magnetic axes sensibly parallel, and the magnetic moment of the volume element will be the sum of the moments of the particles. Calling ^, as we have already done (167), the ratio of the space occupied by the particles to the total volume dv, the total volume of the particles contained in this element is proportional to hdv> and its magnetic moment will be hqdv. This element will act on any point at a finite distance like 302 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. an infinitely small magnet, or like the system of two infinitely near, equal, and contrary masses (151). The magnetic moment of the magnet for unit volume is equal to hq. The value of the ratio h varies with different magnetic bodies, and for the same body the value of q at each point depends on the degree of magnetisation ; external actions increase or diminish with the product hq. In bodies which have no coercive force, nothing prevents the movement of fluids in the interior of a magnetic particle ; equilibrium can only exist when the resultant of all the forces, internal as well as external, is zero for every point of the molecule ; on the contrary, in a body endowed with a certain coercive force, which acts like friction, it is sufficient if this resultant be less than the value given for the coercive force. Poisson's theory is not bound up with the hypothesis of two fluids, but it is more difficult to free it from this particular concep- tion of the structure of magnetic media. 317. SIR W. THOMSON'S THEORY. We shall prefer to explain the theory of magnetism in the form given to it by Sir W. Thomson. This theory agrees with that of Poisson in its essential results, but it has the advantage of being independent of the idea of fluid, and of any hypothesis on the constitution of the medium, so that it seems to be in closer agreement with experimental facts. The fundamental notion is to consider any given portion of a magnet as being a complete magnet, defined by the direction of the axis and by its magnetic moment that is to say, as an infinitely small magnet having masses + m and - m at its ends, a length <&, and therefore a magnetic moment equal to mds. 318. INTENSITY OF MAGNETISATION. That being admitted, the term intensity of magnetisation I at a point, is the quotient of the magnetic moment of a volume element by the volume itself in other words, the value of the moment for unit of volume. We shall have thus mds This intensity of magnetisation I, represents the product hq in Poisson's theory. The intensity of magnetisation is a geometrical magnitude defined, like a force, by its direction, which is the magnetic axis of the volume element, and by its numerical value ; it will therefore be represented at every point by a straight line of given direction and magnitude. EXPRESSION FOR POTENTIAL. 303 All magnetic phenomena may be expressed as a function of this quantity alone. 319. EXPRESSION FOR POTENTIAL. Let I be the intensity of magnetisation at a point M of the magnet whose co-ordinates are x, y, and z. If the intensity of magnetisation makes, with the axes, angles whose cosines are A, ^ v, its components A, B, C, along the axes will be expressed by A-U, The magnetic moment of a volume element is mds = Idv. Its potential at a point P at a distance r along a right line, making an angle B with the direction of the magnetic axis (that is to say, with the direction of the strength of magnetisation), is equal to (151) This potential may be regarded as the sum of the potentials dVtf dV b , dV c , due to the three components A, B, C, of the magnetisation. If we denote by 8 the angle which the right line MP makes with the axis of x, and by f, yu, , the co-ordinates of the point P, we have, On the other hand, the equation gives and, therefore, _ I > > * ~ -x i^r r From these we deduce 304 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. In like manner we shall have c Of The potential of the entire magnet will be obtained by extending these expressions to the whole volume, which gives The potential at the point P is thus expressed as a function of the distance r of this point from the different elements of volume of the magnet, and of the intensity of the magnetisation. Each of the terms of which the second member of the equation (3) is composed contains a factor which is an exact differential, and may be integrated by parts ; we then obtain the former integral should be extended to the whole surface, and tfce second to the volume of the magnet. Let I be the intensity of magnetisation at a point of the surface S (Fig. 73), and the angle which its direction makes with the perpendicular ; a, /?, y, the cosines of the angles of the perpendicular Fig. 73- with the axes; lastly dS, an element of surface at the point in question, we have L/S cos = L/S (a A + /?/* + yv) = U. cw/S + . J&/S + Iv. UNIFORM MAGNETS. 305 The products ly, I/*, Iv are the components of the magnetisation, and adS, /3dS, ydS, the projections of the element of surface on the co-ordinate planes. We have then Ids cos 6 = Kdydz + Edzdx + Cdxdy, and the expression for the potential becomes i/DA 3B 3C\ (4) V= -V .A , x , Z/= . ox oy 02 The expression magnetic force > or resultant force at a point of the magnetised mass, is more especially assigned to the force thus denned. 324. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. If the cavity is a very flattened cylinder, or an infinitely thin slit perpendicular to the lines of mag- netisation, the components of the true force F x have the values (7) The force F x plays an important part in the study of magnetisation by influence ; it is called magnetic induction. The sum of the three partial differentials of the function F x gives the equation r +-r- + ^ ox oy oz = 47T/0 4?T/3 = . Hence magnetic induction satisfies Laplace's equations both for points inside and outside the magnetised media. It is, moreover, identical with the magnetic force for all external points, since the magnetisation I, and its components A, B, and C, are then equal to zero. Magnetic induction has therefore the same properties as electrostatic induction (116). 310 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. A line of induction is a line to which the force of induction is tangential at every point ; a tube of induction is a channel bounded laterally by lines of induction ; lastly, flow of induction across an element of surface is the product of the surface of the element by the perpendicular component of induction. Since induction satis- fies Laplace's equation for all internal and external points, it follows that the flow of induction is a constant quantity throughout the whole extent of a tube of induction. 325. DIFFERENT KINDS OF MAGNETS. We may divide mag- nets into distinct categories, according to the manner in which the intensity of magnetisation varies. 326. MAGNETIC SOLENOIDS. A simple solenoid is a magnet in the form of a filament with an infinitely small constant section, at each point of which the intensity of magnetisation is itself constant and tangential to the direction of the filament. The magnetic density is zero throughout the whole mass of the filament and on its lateral surface (310) ; at the ends only are two equal and opposite magnetic masses ; if I is the strength of mag- netisation and a the section of the filament, the absolute value of these two masses is This product a\ maybe called the magnetic power vt the solenoid. If, while the section of the filament, and the intensity of the magnetisation are variable, the product a\ remains constant, the system will still form a simple magnetic solenoid. A simple solenoid acts on all external points as would a magnet whose poles were exactly at the ends. The potential at a point P (Fig. 74), at a distance r z from the positive pole A 2 , and at a distance r from the magnetic pole A 15 is thus expressed, MAGNETIC SOLENOIDS. 311 If such^ a solenoid is closed, the potential is everywhere zero on the outside ; the force is therefore zero, and we can only discover the magnetism in the system by breaking it at a point and separating the ends. 327. A magnetic filament with a constant or variable section tangential at every point to the direction of magnetisation, and in which the magnetic power is not constant, constitutes a complex solenoid. Such a system may be regarded as several simple sole- noids of unequal lengths united to form one bundle. Fig. 75- The potential P at an external point of an element of length ds (Fig. 75), whose magnetic power m = a\ is mds dr dr dN = - cos = -m = - a I . r z r i r i The potential at P of the whole filament is ' A * mdr V = Integrating the second member by parts, and calling -m^ and 2 the masses of th.e extremities Aj_ and A 2 , we get 'A, rdS The potential is the same as if the linear density at each point of 312 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. the filament were defined by the ratio dm _ d(al] ~~~~ ~ and we may write y ^S*p* 'i. J / 328. SOLENOIDAL MAGNETS. A magnet is said to be solenoidal when it may be divided into simple solenoids terminating at the surface or closed upon themselves. There is no free magnetisation in the interior of the magnet ; the distribution is entirely superficial. The volume density p being zero, we have (8) + + = 0. Conversely, if the condition (8) is satisfied, the density is zero at any point in the interior, and the magnet is solenoidal. 329. MAGNETIC SHELLS. A simple magnetic shell is a magnet formed of two infinitely near equidistant surfaces, charged with equal and opposite uniform magnetic layers ; or is a magnet formed of two infinitely near but not equidistant layers, always equal and of opposite signs, and such that the density at each point is inversely as their distance. If h be the thickness of the shell at a point, and o- the density of the layer, the product Jvr must be constant ; it is called the magnetic power of the shell. We may also define a simple magnetic shell as being an infinitely thin plate, the magnetisation of which is perpendicular at every point to the surface, and its intensity inversely proportional to the thickness. If < be the magnetic power of the shell we have That portion of the shell which corresponds to an element dS, may be regarded as an infinitely small magnet, the moment of which is MAGNETIC SHELLS. 313 The potential at the point P (Fig. 76) of this element of the shell is expressed by cos0 6 being the angle formed by the perpendicular N drawn externally to the positive surface, with the right line r, which joins the point P to the element ^S. Fig. 76. The solid angle du, under which the element d is seen from the point P, is given by the equation d$ cos = rVw or du> = . From this it follows that As the factor <> is constant, the potential of the shell at P is expressed by (9) V = $a>. It is important to define with precision the significance of the solid angle o>. The potential dV is positive or negative according as the point P views the positive or the negative surface of the element d$ of the shell that is to say, according as the angle is acute or obtuse. The angle is equal to 477, the potential is therefore constant and equal to 4^ ; it is of the same sign as the internal surface. The value of this potential being constant both inside and outside, the action of the closed shell on any given point is zero. 330. If two equally strong magnetic shells S and S' (Fig. 77) have the same contour, and if their surfaces which face each other are of opposite signs, their potentials are equal for all points outside the space which they comprise ; these potentials differ, on the con- trary, by 47r ( i > for all points between the two surfaces. For the potential of one of the shells S is positive and equal to 3>w, that of the other shell S' is -'; the difference is therefore In like manner, for two infinitely near points situate on each side of a magnetic shell at a finite distance from the contour, the difference of potentials is equal to 4^, for it is 3>(o for the one and < (4?r co) for the other. Hence, when the point in question traverses a shell in the direction of the magnetisation that is to say, from the negative to the positive face the potential suddenly increases by MAGNETIC SHELLS. 315 If, while the point was fixed, the shell altered its shape so as to pass from the position S' to the position S (Fig. 77), the potential at P would undergo the same increase of Fig. 77- As a matter of fact, the change of potential does not take place suddenly on a geometrical surface, since the shell has necessarily a finite thickness, and it is easy to see that the potential at P varies continuously while the point traverses the magnetised layer. For, let the shell SS' (Fig. 78) be divided into two parallel layers Fig. 78. of thicknesses x and h - x, and of power ^ and $ 2 , and consider the point P at the surface of separation of these two shells. The value of the potential at P is V = o>3> 2 - (477 - co)*! We have further and, consequently, x x V = (0< - 47T^> - = <( CO- 47T - 1. h n The perpendicular action of the shell at the point P is This expression, as might have been foreseen, is the perpen- dicular component of the induction at the point P. For we have 316 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. implicitly assumed that we placed the point P in an infinitely thin slit perpendicular to the lines of magnetisation : the term 473-! is the force which must be added to the external actions in order to have the value of the true force in the interior of the cavity. We may further observe that if the intensity of magnetisation is finite, the magnetic power ^> of the shell is an infinitely small quantity ; for any external point at a finite distance from the contour of the shell the value of the force is infinitely small, while in the interior of the shell the force has a finite value 473-!, directed along the perpendicular and in an opposite direction to that of the mag- netisation. 331. LAMELLAR MAGNETS. A magnet is said to be lamellar when it may be divided into simple closed magnetic shells or into open shells with their edges on the surface of the magnet. Let < be the sum of the magnetic powers of the shells which we meet in going from a given point to a point whose co-ordinates are x,y, z, along a line of force drawn in the interior of the magnet. This quantity 3? is a function of the co-ordinates independent of the line joining the two points ; it has a constant value on the whole surface of a shell, but varies from one shell to another. The lines of magnetisation are, by definition, at right angles to the surfaces of the elementary shells, and the strength of the mag- netisation at each point is inversely as the perpendicular distance dn of two consecutive shells. We have then 332. POTENTIAL OF MAGNETISATION. The function < has therefore, taking into account the sign, the same properties in reference to magnetisation as the potential in reference to external forces. Hence, by analogy, we may call the function -& the potential of magnetisation. The components of magnetisation along the axes of the co-ordinates, are respectively equal to the corre- sponding partial differentials of the function < : From this we deduce (i i) MX + >dy + Cdz = POTENTIAL OF MAGNETISATION. 317 _ V _ _ The first member of this equation is thus an exact differential. Conversely, if the expression Adx + 'Bdy + Cdz is the exact dif- ferential of a function of the co-ordinates, the components of magnetisation are respectively equal to the partial differentials of this function, and the magnetisation is lamellar. The condition of lamellar magnetisation may be expressed by equations in which the function < does not appear. We have, in fact, which gives the three equations 3A SB N -\ ' dy ox (12) as ac _ .-, __ _ y ? oz oy 333. A magnetic shell is said to be complex when, the mag- netisation being always perpendicular at each point, the magnetic strength is not constant throughout the whole extent of the shell. The potential at the point P of the element d of the shell is still and the potential of the entire shell the integral being extended to the whole surface of the shell. When a magnet can be divided into complex magnetic shells, the strength of magnetisation is no longer inversely as the distance of two infinitely near shells, but the lines of magnetisation are still orthogonal to the surfaces of these shells, which gives the condition A_JB __(:_ (13) ~~* 318 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. In this case, the expression A.dx + >dy + Cdz is no longer an exact differential. We may again eliminate the function 3> between these equations, and we get This is the condition which must be satisfied to have a complex lamellar magnetisation. Conversely, if equation (14) is satisfied, the magnet is formed of complex magnetic shells, for the lines of magnetisation are orthogonal to a system of surfaces ; unless each of the expressions in the parenthesis is separately zero, in which case the magnetisation would be lamellar, from equations (12). 334. POTENTIAL OF A SOLENOIDAL MAGNET. The general value of the potential of a magnet is ' P -dv. If the magnet is solenoidal, the density p is everywhere zero, and the potential is reduced to The potential of a solenoidal magnet at any internal or external point only depends then on the surface density, or on the per- pendicular component of the strength of magnetisation at every point of the surface. This potential is independent of the manner in which the internal magnetisation varies, or in other words, on the internal form of the solenoidal filaments which terminate at the surface, as well as of the existence of closed filaments. We may suppose, for instance, that the magnetism of the earth is produced by solenoidal filaments, maintained in the surface rocks at a low temperature, and terminating on the surface in such a way as to produce a distribution equivalent to that of a uniform magnetisation. 335. POTENTIAL OF A LAMELLAR MAGNET. If the magnet is lamellar, it consists of closed magnetic shells, and of open shells with their contour on the surface. The force outside only depends then POTENTIAL OF A LAMELLAR MAGNET. 319 on the form and position of the edge of the open shells that is to say, of the infinitely thin zones cut on the surface by two adjacent shells, and not at all on the form of the shells. For a point in the interior, the force in a slit between two shells, or the magnetic induction, will be obtained by combining the action determined by these successive zones, with a force in the opposite direction to the magnetisation at the point in question, and equal to 4 TT I. The potentials by means of which these forces may be expressed, are directly obtained from the following considerations. Let us first of all disregard the closed shells, and suppose that after having removed all the open shells which the magnet contains, we replace them by shells respectively of the same power terminated by the same edge, but applied on the surface itself; this operation would be realised physically if each of the shells were formed of Fig. 79. an elastic membrane, fixed by its edge, which could be stretched so as to be applied on the surface of the magnet without modifying its magnetic strength. Let us assume, for instance, that in Fig. 79 all these shells have their positive faces turned upwards, and that they are made to cover the point A of the surface of the magnet where the function <& has its maximum value. The entire surface will then be occupied by a series of shells, the superposition of which forms a complex shell, and produces at every point outside, the same potential as the magnet itself. Let us now consider a point P in the interior. The potential has not changed by the fact of the transformation of those shells which passed between A and P ; but for each of the other shells which have been traversed by the point P, the potential is less by Let then-^p be the potential of magnetisation at P, and 320 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. - $0 the value of this potential at the point O of the surface where the function * is a minimum ; during the transformation the potential at P will have diminished by the product of 477 by the sum of the magnetic powers of all the shells between the points P and O that is by 4 Tr^p- <>()), and this quantity must be added to the new potential at the point P to give it the value which it originally had. At any point M of the resultant superficial shell thus formed, the magnetic strength is equal to the sum / d& of that of the shells which have been superposed there ; it is therefore equal to * - $ , calling - < the value at this point of the original potential of magnetisation. Consequently, the potential of all the layers on the point P is equal to If the point P is not surrounded by closed shells, the potential at this point has diminished by 4?r (& p - <1> ) during the transformation the original value of this potential was therefore Let us now suppose that there are closed shells ; only those which comprise the point P need to be taken into account. Let $ x be the value of 3> on the largest of them. The sum of the magnetic powers of the open shells from the point O to the point P is 3^ 3> ; that of the closed shells which comprise the point P, and which have not been displaced by the preceding transformation, is equal to & p - $ r The potential at the point P is then or It will be seen that the closed shells do not modify the expression of the internal potential. The external potential is not changed by the transfer of the shells to the surface ; it is expressed by (16) POTENTIAL OF A LAMELLAR MAGNET. 321 The two formulae (15) and (16) may be simplified if we observe that the integral I d& is equal to zero for external points, and to -47T for internal points. We get then (15)' (16)' Denoting by 12 a function defined by the ratio (17) we might put the potential in the form (15)" V. = fl + 4T($-$ )- (16)" V, = fi. 336. It is easy to show that, notwithstanding the difference in form of the expressions for V e and V\, the potential varies in a continuous manner when the surface of the magnet is traversed. For consider two infinitely near points M. e and M i? one without and the other within the surface S. In passing from M e to M^ the function fi diminishes by Hence, on both sides of the surface, we have (18) fl t = fi i + 4 ,r(*-* ). The magnetic potentials at M e and M^ are the two values are therefore equal. Y 322 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. 337. POTENTIAL OF INDUCTION. The function plays, in reference to the induction F 15 the same part as the function V in reference to the magnetic resultant F. For the values of the com- ponents of the force F 1 are (326) 3V Xl =-- ay Yl =-- ** We know, on the other hand, that we have (332) , 13 ~, Lx . ox oy 02 From the equation we deduce W c)fi ^ ^0 ---= __ 47r __= - - 4?rA, d^ ojc o^: ox "SV M ^ ttt -^ = - -47T~-= - -47TB, oy oy oy oy _ = _ -47T = - T -- OZ 02 02 02 and, therefore, an The components of the induction Fj are therefore equal and of opposite sign to the partial differentials of the function ft. POTENTIAL ENERGY OF MAGNETS. 323 On the other hand, the functions V and tt are identical for all points external to the magnetised media points for which the induc- tion and the magnetic force are themselves identical. Hence the function = f($_ may be considered as the potential of magnetic induction of a lamellar magnet. 338. POTENTIAL ENERGY OF MAGNETS. The general expression for the energy of a permanent magnet in a magnetic field produced by an invariable system, where m is the magnetic mass situate at the point where the potential of the field is V, is or again, as a function of the surface density and of the volume density of the magnetism, = / This energy is the work which must be expended to bring the magnet in question from an infinite distance to the position which it occupies, or conversely the work done in moving it to an infinite distance. In order to express the energy as a function of the intensity of magnetisation, we must replace the densities by their known values ; but it is simpler to consider the problem directly. A volume element dv, the magnetic moment of which is Idv, is equivalent to a small magnet of mass m, and length ds y parallel to the direction of magnetisation. If V and V are the potentials of the field at the points at which are the masses -m and +;;z, the energy of this element of volume is dW = m(V - V) = mds^-^-=ldv . ds & If 8 be the angle which the direction of magnetisation makes with the direction of the field, and dn the perpendicular distances of the two equipotential surfaces V and V at the point in question, we have dV dV y- = cos 8= -Fcos 8= - Y 2 324 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. X, Y and Z being the components of the force of the field, A, //, and v the direction cosines of the directions of magnetisation. The expression for the elementary energy is therefore and hence the energy of the whole magnet is (20) W= - If the field is uniform, the components X, Y and Z are constant. If a, ft and 7 are the cosines of the angles of the force F with the axes, we get W= - If K be the magnetic moment of the magnet, /, m and n the cosines of the angles which the magnetic axis makes with the axes of the co-ordinates, we have (MV = K/, 'Rdv = Km , cdv = Kn , and the energy becomes (21) W= -FK(al+ftm + yn)= - FK cos 8, 8 being the angle which the magnetic axis makes with the direction of the field. This result may be written directly. The energy is a minimum and equal to - FK, and therefore the equilibrium is stable when the angle 8 is zero that is to say, when the magnetic axis is parallel to the direction of the field. The equilibrium is unstable if these two directions are opposite ; the energy is then a maximum and equal to FK. The energy, lastly, is zero if the two directions are at right angles. 339. ENERGY OF A MAGNETIC SHELL. If the system is a simple magnetic shell S, the magnetic moment of a surface-element of the shell is 'M. 326 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. The energy of the second shell in the field of the first has the same value, and is expressed in the same way, as a function of the flow of force which proceeding from the first would traverse the second ; from it we infer (24) M = M'. Thus when two magnetic shells of equal strengths are in presence of each other, the flow of force which starts from one and traverses the other, entering by the negative face, is the same for both. It will be observed how analogous this property is with the theorem demonstrated above (63) relative to the electrostatic in- duction between two conductors. 342. Equation (22) shows that the energy of a shell in a mag- netic field only depends on the flow of force which crosses the surface bounded by the contour of the shell, and that it is inde- pendent of the form of this surface. This energy, and therefore the force exerted on the shell, may be expressed then as a function of the curve of the edge. In like manner the reciprocal energy of two shells given by equation (23) only depends on the two edges; this energy and the reciprocal force may then be expressed as a function of the two curves which bound the shells. 343. ACTION OF A FIELD ON A SHELL. Consider a shell S (Fig. 80) placed in any given magnetic field. When the shell ex- periences an infinitely small displacement, the increase of the potential energy is ACTION OF A FIELD ON A MAGNETIC SHELL. 327 j* z z x = 3> f_ d r\ J r Jr \J __ c|) I *_ = . = ^) I "^_ J r a d * y 347. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF Two SHELLS. We may now de- termine the reciprocal action of two shells S and S'. The action of S on S' may be considered as the resultant of actions, determined by the previous rule, which the shell S would exert on each of the elements ds' of the contour C' of the second shell. Fig. 82. Let us suppose that one of these elements ds is at O (Fig. 82) and is directed along the axis of x. The action d$ which is exerted on this, element is equal to &Fds' sin a, and is situated in the plane of zy ; the components of this force are ^' = ' Fds' sin a' . cos /5 = ' ^' = - $>'F<&' sin a' . sin )8 = - RECIPROCAL ACTION OF TWO SHELLS. 33* which, expressing the forces Z and Y as a function of the co-ordinates x, y and z of the point M where the element ds is situate, gives (27) >' ds'( Ix-xdy zdx - xdz We may also consider the action of the edge C on the element ds' t as the resultant of the direct actions which each of the ele- ments ds would exert on the element ds'. The only condition imposed on this elementary action is, that the integral of the partial components extended to the edge C shall reproduce the preceding expressions. 348. In accordance with this, the simplest solution for the action of ds on ds' is a force/, the components of which parallel to the axes f-x>fy>fz are > representing by a the product (28) xdy-yd X= _ ( ,y_ r 6 r 3 \x xdz - zdx j / = -ad ( - 349. To each of the components of the elementary action an exact differential of the co-ordinates x, y, and z may be added, since the integrals extended to the contour C will give values of zero for these terms. There is therefore an infinite number of expressions by which the actions of the elements of two magnetic shells may be expressed. Let X, Y, and Z be functions of the co-ordinates x, y, and z ; the problem will be satisfied if we take as components of the action (29) 332 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. 350. Let us, for instance, impose the condition on this force, that it shall be directed along the right line which joins the elements, so that we have x y z it follows that or Q " \ I ' X X In order that the second members of these two latter equations shall be exact differentials of a function of the co-ordinates, we must have and, therefore, - r 3 x r 3 / ' The components of the elementary force will then be (30) The force itself may be determined by the ratio which gives r ./x-\ 2a\ . 3-^rl 2a\"6x $xl>r~\ f=a-d( \= \ dx---dr\^ \ - ---- \ x \^ 3 / ^ 2 L 2 r r L 2 r J ds . RECIPROCAL ACTION OF TWO SHELLS. 333 If 6 and 6' are the angles which the elements ds and ds' make respectively with the right line OM which joins them, and e the angle of these two elements, we have - = cos<9', and we get r = I cos - - cos cos 0' I ds 2 If we consider the action of ds upon ds' and take the distance r as positive in the direction MO, we must change the sign of the force and replace the angles and 0' by TT - 6 and TT - B' t which does not change the sign of the product of the cosines. Let us represent by d^ the action of ds upon ds' , which is an infinitely small quantity of the second order, and consider this force to be repulsive ; we shall have finally 351. We may give another form to this expression, which is more convenient for estimating the work. Fig. 83. Let C and C' (Fig. 83) be the edges of two shells, ds and ds' the elements at P and P', and let us count the arcs s and s' respec- tively from the fixed points O and O'. 334 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. From the figure we have co.*--* From the extremities P' and P" of the elements ds' let perpen- diculars P'A and P"A' be drawn to the tangent to the curve ; we get PA =rcos<9, from which we deduce OS On the other hand, the distance AA' is the projection of the element ds' on the tangent at P to the curve j, which gives A , jt AA =- v ^ , ds = ds cos e , OS and, therefore, M r~ COS = , V ^f 05 The elementary action may then be written ~&,r 3 '^y^y'F <) 2 ^ i ^r ^r * ?>s~ds' 2^s^)s' We have further ayr _ _^ ^ _ i g^gr __ ^_ r ' 2 N /rt)j()j / ^r^r^s^s' 2r^r^ RECIPROCAL ACTION OF TWO SHELLS. 335 which gives finally (32 ) 352. To determine the relative energy of the system, let us suppose that the shell S' moves away, and that during the time dt the distance r of two elements varies by dtor 2>Jr--dt. The Ql Of corresponding elementary work of the force d^ is equal to d^ dt t so that the total work ^ 2 T relative to the element ds for the time dt is Integrating by parts, we have rv^^v? rv^v^i _ ryray; d , } It ^to' ^ [_ to to J J to to'to The first term of the second member is zero for the closed surface C', which gives to The elementary work relative to the actions of the two circuits in the time dt is therefore to This work being symmetrical in reference to the edges C and C', we have also to 336 CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. From which follows, taking the half sum of these expressions to or The relative potential energy W of the two shells is equal to the work which the forces can perform when one of the shells C moves to an infinite distance. We have then (33) 353. This expression for the energy may be put under several different forms. We have, in fact, 3-' W/>__!**;_ _ cosecosff = _:* ' os os ^rosos ^r 405 os We may then write 'o- 117 ,^'f f COS(9cOS(9 '^,7> AA'ff * r r jJ' W = ' - ^y = $$ r -^-, ^f^f ' JJ r JJ ^^ Integrating this latter expression by parts, we have NEUMANN'S FORMULA. 337 The first term of the second member is null, being extended to the closed contour C ; we have then f4V>= - fi-\**- f?LV J ^s V J r W J r and therefore ( 34 ) This remarkable formula is due to F. E. Neumann. We deduce from it for the value of the coefficient M (341), which expresses the flow of force common to the two sheets, each supposed equal to unity, (35) 33$ PARTICULAR CASES. CHAPTER III. PARTICULAR CASES. 354. POTENTIAL OF A UNIFORM MAGNET. The magnetic action of a body uniformly magnetised being equivalent to that of two layers of gliding (320), the potential V may be readily deduced from that of a homogeneous mass which would fill the volume. Let P be the value of this potential at a point M, when the density of the mass is equal to unity, its value will be pP if the density is p. The potential of the system of the two layers is evidently the sum of the potential /oP of the positive mass, and of the potential - pP' of an identical negative mass which has been displaced in the opposite direction to that of the magnetisation, by an infinitely small quantity dx = 8. The potential pP' is that of the positive mass at the point M', whose co-ordinates are the same as that of the point M, except the abscissa parallel to the magnetisation, which has increased by dx. We thus obtain ,, ,--,(,***).-, Consequently the potential of a uniform magnet is equal, and of opposite sign, to the product of the intensity of magnetisation by the partial differential, referred to the direction of the magnetisation, of the potential, which a uniform mass, of density equal to unity occupying the whole volume of the body, would have at the point in question. The components X, Y, and Z of the magnetic force are equal, and of opposite sign, to the partial differential of the potential, which gives SPHERE. 339 355. SPHERE. For a sphere of volume , for instance, the value of P at an external point at a distance r from the centre, is P--- ~ r' from which follows and therefore ux r 3 as we have previously seen (157). In the interior of the sphere the action of a mass of unit density will be equal to - irr (44), which, if a is the radius of the sphere, O gives for the potential from which we get and consequently DP 4 = --TTX ^x 3 4 T Y-0 7T1, 1 U, that is to say, that the internal action of a uniformly magnetised sphere is constant, parallel, and in a contrary direction to the direc- tion of magnetisation, a result which has already been established directly (157). The magnetic induction in the interior of the sphere is constant and equal (324) to 4 8 ~3* ~3^ ' Z 2 34 PARTICULAR CASES. so that the total flow of induction which traverses the great circle, perpendicular to the magnetisation, is expressed by 356. ELLIPSOID. Consider a homogeneous ellipsoid, the axes of which 2#, 2$, zc, are taken as axes of the co-ordinates. Denoting by L, M, N, known functions of the axes, the potential of this ellipsoid at a point in the interior, the co-ordinates of which are x, y, z, is P = - - (L* 2 + M/ + N* 2 ) + const. s If the ellipsoid is uniformly magnetised in a direction which makes, with the axes, angles whose cosines are /, m, , the com- ponents of the magnetisations are A_B_C 1 } / m n and the state of the ellipsoid may be considered as being produced by the superposition of these three magnetisations, respectively parallel to the axes. The potential in the interior is and the values of the components of the force parallel to the axes are X=-AL, Y=-BM, Z=-CN. The interior magnetic force of a uniformly magnetised ellipsoid, is therefore constant in magnitude and direction, and makes, with the axes, angles whose cosines are respectively proportional to AL, BM, and CN. The components of the induction parallel to the axes are ELLIPSOID. 341 Induction is therefore a constant force, which makes, with the axes, angles whose cosines are respectively proportional to ( 4 7T- L) A, (477- M) B, and (471-- N) C. Lastly, the values of 'the flows of induction across the three principal sections are respectively irbc (477 - L) A, irca (477 - M) B, and nab (477 - N) C. 357. If the magnetisation is parallel to one of the axes the axis a, for instance we have simply -IL. From the manner in which the layer is formed, the quantity of magnetism M a , distributed on each of the halves of the ellipsoid, is equal to the total charge which would exist on the principal section, parallel to the two other axes, if the density were uniform and equal to I ; we have then The magnetic moment S7 a of the magnet thus formed, is equal to the product of the volume by the intensity, which gives 4 4 n = - irabc\ = irabc . 3 3 L The poles of the magnet, or the centres of gravity of each of the two layers, are at a distance a' from the centre determined by the equation which gives , ICT 2 a = --=-a. 2M 3 Thus the pole of an ellipsoid uniformly magnetised in a direction parallel to one of the axes, is at a distance from the centre equal to 2 - of the length of the corresponding half-axis. 342 PARTICULAR CASES. The density at a point of the surface is given by the equation -. o y* g* a* t / being the perpendicular let fall from the centre, on the tangent plane at the point whose co-ordinates are x, y, and z. The total charge of a zone determined by two planes perpendicular to the axis a and at a distance dx, is equal to the product of the intensity I by the difference dS of the sections of the ellipsoid corres- ponding to these two planes. At a distance x the section is bounded by the ellipse the surface of which is \ we have then and, consequently, the charge of the zone is 2Trbcl = xax. The ratio ^ of the charge of the zone to its height, which may be defined as the linear density, in reference to the axis of magneti- sation, is therefore proportional to the distance of this zone from the centre of the ellipsoid. 358. When the axes of the ellipsoid are unequal, the coefficients L, M, N are given by the partial differentials of a definite elliptic integral; for the complete calculation we must refer to special treatises, and must limit ourselves to giving the results relative to ellipsoids of revolution. In this case, in fact, the problem is more simple, and the coefficients are expressed by means of the ordinary functions. ELLIPSOID. 343 If the ellipsoid is one of revolution about the minor axis c, we have, if e is the eccentricity of the meridional ellipse, ^^ i-* 2 ~| --- , sin e e* J For an ellipsoid of revolution about the major axis, i->p s i+, -i = 47T -/. I e* \2e i-e Making * = in these formulas, we find again the results already obtained for the sphere ; that is to say, M = N = - *J V 4 T F= -- TT!. For a very flat ellipsoid, in which the eccentricity e is near unity, we have, at the limit, If the ellipsoid is very elongated, we have approximately M = N = 27T, and the coefficient L tends towards zero, when the eccentricity tends towards unity. 344 PARTICULAR CASES. For a very flattened ellipsoid, which at the limit might be con- founded with a very thin disc, the force in the interior is given by the equations F=-47rI, or F= -Tr 2 ^/! -e? 2 I, according as the magnetisation is perpendicular or parallel to the plane of the disc. For a very elongated ellipsoid we have, in like manner, F-- 3 rf, or F-v*- t (/.^-i I, a A \ o according as the magnetisation is perpendicular or parallel to the major axis. 359. CYLINDER MAGNETISED TRANSVERSELY. The case of a cylinder might be deduced from that of an ellipsoid, but it can be easily treated directly. If we consider an unlimited circular cylinder of radius #, and density equal to unity, the mass of unit length will be X = ira\ The external action of this cylinder, at a distance r from the axis, \ 2 is equal (132) to - , which gives for the potential p = - 27T# 2 /. r + const. If the cylinder has a uniform transverse magnetisation, and if we take the axis of #, parallel to the magnetisation, the external potential will then be V= -I = 1 - = 1- ox r ox r 2 - On a point in the interior, the action of a homogeneous circular cylinder reduces to that of a cylindrical core passing through the point. This can be easily seen by reasoning analogous to that which has been applied to the sphere (42). The action of a cylinder on 271"?^ a point in the interior is therefore equal to - = 27rr, and the potential becomes P= -7rr 2 + const. POTENTIAL OF MAGNETIC SHELLS. 345 The potential of the uniformly magnetised cylinder is then \ <)P ~br V = I = \2irr = \2Trx. ox ox Consequently the force in the interior is constant and equal to - 2?rl ; its direction is opposite that of the magnetisation. The induction is also constant and has the value F! = 477! - 2?rl = 27rl. 360. POTENTIAL OF MAGNETIC SHELLS. We have seen that the potential of a uniform magnetic shell is equal to the product of its magnetic strength < by its apparent surface o> at the point in question. If the shell is not uniform the expression for the potential is By a method like that of the preceding, the calculation of the potential may be reduced to the potential of a magnetic layer, so as to avoid the determination of solid angles. The potential at a point M, of an element of the shell d, is equal to that of two magnetic layers o*/S, equal and of opposite signs, the perpendicular distance of which satisfies the condition vdn = <. Let us denote by n the distance of the element from a fixed point on the perpendicular, on the same side as the negative face, the potential of the layer P, and expressions (4) and (5) become > "- 362. Let us consider, for instance, a shell bounded by a plane surface ; this may be replaced by a plane shell of the same strength, bounded by the same surface. Let us place this shell in the plane of yz, the positive face on the side of the #-axis. The abscissa of the point M being x, we have evidently dx = - dn, and therefore (7) POTENTIAL OF MAGNETIC SHELLS. 347 If the shell is uniform we have v * * an expression which might have been obtained by the consideration of layers of gliding (354). 363. For a shell on a sphere of radius a, the point M being at the outside, on the positive face of the shell, we have, in like manner, (8) V = - and, if the shell is uniform, (8') V = * On the contrary, if the face turned away from the side of the point M is negative, we must take the expressions <> 364. In the case of a sphere, the potential p is a homogeneous function of the degree - i of the radius 0, and of the distance r from the point M at the centre, which gives the condition or 348 PARTICULAR CASES. from which follows The distances r and being constant during the integration, we may write (9) 365. POTENTIAL OF A CIRCULAR LAYER. The potential of a uniform shell with a circular edge may be calculated from the potential of a plane circular layer, or of any given layer spherical, for instance bounded by the same edge. Consider, in the first case generally, a layer of revolution about the axis of x. For a point M the abscissa of which is x 9 and which is at a distance /> from the axis, the potential P is a function of x and of p. If this potential be developed in increasing powers of p or of - , the series, from symmetry, will only contain even powers of P the variable. We may therefore write - I + the coefficients A , A 2 ..... , B , B 2 ..... being functions of x. When x and p are taken as independent variables, Laplace's equation AV = becomes V~2 -^~ T = - ox 2 p op Op z This condition gives for the first series, a new series developed in increasing powers of p, in which the coefficients of all the terms must be separately null, from which follows the general condition POTENTIAL OF A CIRCULAR LAYER. 349 We have thus successively A i . ______ 4 ~~ ~ A*' 7W2 ~ "'"/- / ,\2 < "7wT' (2.4) A , , . 6 2 ' ()^ 2 (2 . 4 . 6)2 ' ^ 2n ~ 2 _ _j_ If we know the first coefficient A , all the others can be deduced. This coefficient A is given by the expression of the potential on the axis, which depends on the form of the layer and on the law of distribution. The potential outside the axis is thus (2. 4 ) 2 ' (to* (2.4.6) 2 For the second series, Laplace's equation would have given the general condition which does not enable us to determine the successive coefficients in the same way. 366. In the case of a homogeneous circular layer of radius a and of density equal to unity, the value of the potential P on the axis, taking the centre as origin of the abscissae, is P Putting u = v /fl 2 + x 2 , which gives 350 PARTICULAR CASES. we have thus, for the first development of the potential as a function of powers of /a, A =2Tr(u-x), <>A flu \ (* \ = 27T( - I )=27r( I ), ^ V x J \ u "^ = 2Ir w ' etc ' The potential at P outside the axis is = 2 The successive differentials would be easily calculated. 367. When the layer is circular, it is often more advantageous to carry out the development in another manner. Let a be the radius of the circle which bounds the layer, r the distance of the point M from the centre of the circle, and 6 the angle which the direction of this right line makes with the axis. We may express the potential by one of two series V <$/ according as r is smaller or larger than a that is to say, that the point M is inside or outside the sphere of radius a. The coefficients are functions of the angle 0, and as the two expressions should have the same value on the sphere, they satisfy the condition AO+AJ+ ..... = B O + B I + ...... The potential being considered as a function of r and of 6, Laplace's equation becomes OT DP W VP r 2 -+ 2 r + cotan 6 4 = . or 2 or ov o# 2 POTENTIAL OF A CIRCULAR LAYER. 351 We find thus that the coefficients A and B satisfy the general con- ditions If we develop the potential on the axis as a function of increasing powers of - or - , we obtain the two series - TT f _* I / :r \ 2 _lli/^\ 4 i i 3 /-A 6 2\a) 2.4\aj 2.4.6\aJ (14) In order to have the expression for the potential outside the axis as a function of the ratio - or of - , we need only remark that if the a r density of a spherical layer is symmetrical in reference to a diameter taken about the axis of x, the potential of this layer at a point M only depends on the distance r of this point from the centre O of the sphere, and of the angle which the right line OM makes with the axis. From a well-known theorem of Legendre, this potential may be expressed by the general formulas />\ 2 - \ 352 PARTICULAR CASES. in which A , A] . . . B , Bj . . . are constants, and X 1? X 2 . . . functions of the angles known as Legendre's polynomials, and which are denned by the series - 2x cos e + x *\ = all these functions become equal to unity when the angle is equal to zero. As we know the development of the potential of a homogeneous circular layer for a point of the axis that is to say, when is zero and r equal to x, the coefficients are known. It follows that the potential P for a point outside the axis is expressed by [r i />\* i i /r\ 4 i i -\ /A 6 "1 I -x l -+-xJ-}- x 4 (-}+- -|x 6 (-) -.. , 1 a 2 2 \aJ 2.2 *\aj 2.4.6 *\a J A 7 - ) + . . r J P P = 27T<2 ---- 2 2.4 r 2.4.6 r 368. POTENTIAL OF A UNIFORM CIRCULAR SHELL. The potential of a uniform circular shell may now be obtained by the expression We thus find, with the first form (12), The first terms of the development are then (16) V = and the series is convergent whenever p< u. POTENTIAL OF A SPHERICAL LAYER. 353 Taking the expression the second form of the development will give _j_ T -3 i a \ % T '3*5 f a \ x 4... 369. POTENTIAL OP A SPHERICAL LAYER. Let us finally con- sider any given spherical layer of radius a. The potential at an external point M, at a distance r from the centre, may still be expressed by the series (18) in which the coefficients depend on the law of distribution and on the direction of the right line r. Let u be the angle of the right line r with the axis of z, / the angle of the plane rz with the plane of yz ; the co-ordinates of the point M are then z = r cos u , (19) y = rsin u cos /, x = r sin u sin /. Taking r, u and / as independent variables, Laplace's equation gives 3*(rV) W "SV i -&V r + - + coten u - + --. - = 0; A A 354 PARTICULAR CASES. from which follows the general condition for the coefficients n(n + i)A n + -^ + cotan u ^ + -^- . -2 = 0. ' n 2 2 The general integral of this equation was given by Laplace ; if we put _f n-m (n-m}(n-m-i} n-^-2 L 2( 2 -i) Isin^ (\ / \ 2H I/ (271 2) the coefficient A n , expressed by means of the new symbols A w . m , consists of 2 + 1 terms developed according to the sines and cosines of multiples of the angles /, and its value is The factors denoted by g, h> with the different indices, are numerical coefficients which must be determined in each special case. 370. If we consider a sphere magnetised in any given way, its external action is equal to that of two layers of equal mass and contrary signs, distributed on the surface according to a certain law. The coefficient A of the first term is null. For, in fact, at a great distance, the potential simply becomes equal to the quotient of the total -mass by the distance. The product A # 2 which forms the numerator of the first term represents in this case the total mass and we know that in every magnet the total mass is null. The value of the coefficient A x of the next term is or, taking equations (19) into account, SOLENOIDAL MAGNETS. 355 This term becomes predominant at a great distance, and the potential reduces then to it follows from this (151) that the three products represent respectively the magnetic moments of the sphere in refer- ence to the axes of x, of jy, and of z. Denoting by 3 K the resultant magnetic moment, and by a, /? and y the cosines of the angles which its direction makes with the axes, we have K = ^ = 371. SOLENOIDAL MAGNETS. The potential of a solenoidal magnet (330) only depends on the surfaces formed by the ends of the elementary solenoids which constitute it. If all the solenoids are closed, the potential of the magnet is everywhere null, and the magnetic force null. In this case the induction is reduced at each point to 477!, and it is parallel to the magnetisation. 372. Suppose that a solenoidal magnet is bounded by a channel surface, the magnetisation being everywhere normal to the perpen- dicular section of the channel. The flow of induction across an element dS of the right section is equal to 47rL/S, and the value of the flow of induction is Each of the solenoidal filaments forms a closed curve of length /, perpendicular at every point to the right section of the channel. If the structure of the magnet is such that the product of the strength of magnetisation I of a filament, by its length /, is a constant quantity, examples of which we shall see afterwards, the flow of induction could be expressed by the formula (20) '/ A A 2 356 PARTICULAR CASES. If the magnet is a ring of revolution, and x is the radius of an elementary solenoid, we shall have A (Vs A (Vs Q = 4?rA = 2 A . J 2TTX J X Consider a torus or anchor ring, for instance. Let a be the radius of the section and R the distance of its centre from the axis of rotation taken as axis of z; we have then and the value of the total flow of induction is () Q 373. CYLINDER. A cylinder uniformly magnetised and termi- nated by right sections, is equivalent to two equal and opposite magnetic layers 1, which cover the two bases A and B. The potential of any such magnet at a given point is equal to the sum of the potentials V a and V & , of the two terminal layers. If the right section of the cylinder is circular, the potentials V a and V 6 may be expressed by the formulae found previously (365 and 366). The expression for the magnetic force on a point M of the axis on the outside and on the side of the positive face A, is F=27rl(i -COS a)- 27rl(i - COS fi) = 27rl(cos ft - COS a), a and /? being the angles under which the radii of the two bases are seen from the point M, and it is in the same direction as that of the magnetisation. For a point in the interior, the actions of the two bases are of the same sign, which gives a force F = 4?rl - 2?rl (cos a + cos ft), in the opposite direction of that of the magnetisation. CYLINDER. 357 Lastly, the induction on the axis in the interior is Fj = 47rl - F = 27J-I (cos a + COS ft) it is parallel to the magnetisation and varies very slowly so long as the point in question is at a considerable distance from the bases. If / is the length of the cylinder and a its radius, the value of the induction F at the centre of the cylinder is = 27rl. v= When the length of the cylinder is very great as compared with its diameter, we may take the approximate expression F = 4 Tl| i-- The induction is then sensibly the same throughout the whole extent of the median section, and the expression for the total flow of induc- tion Q which traverses it is If the cylinder is so long that the quantity in brackets does not sensibly differ from unity, the flow of induction in the median section is equal to (2Tra) 2 I. This flow is proportional therefore to the square of the contour ; it has sensibly the same value in any given section sufficiently distant from the ends. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. CHAPTER IV. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 374. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAGNETIC INDUCTION. There is probably no substance which, when placed in a magnetic field, does not experience the effect of induction that is to say, does not itself become a magnet, at any rate temporarily. When the body is isotropic, the axis of induced magnetisation coincides everywhere with the direction of the magnetic force. In certain bodies the induced magnetisation is in the same direction as the force ; these are the bodies which we have called paramagnetic or simply magnetic. In others the direction of the magnetisation is opposite that of the force; these bodies are diamagnetic. In the presence of a pole of a magnet, the nearest part of bodies of the first class acquires polarity of the opposite kind ; bodies of the second class acquire a pole of the same kind. We shall assume that at every point of an isotropic body sub- mitted to magnetic induction, the magnetisation is proportional to the resultant of all the magnetic forces which are exerted at this point. These forces depend not only on the original field, but also on the magnetism developed by induction on the body itself. If F is the resultant force, to which the name magnetising force is some- times given, I the intensity of magnetisation, we may write (i) I = F. The factor k, which expresses the ratio of the magnetisation to the magnetising force, is called the coefficient of induced magnetisation ; this coefficient is positive or negative, according as the body is mag- netic (in the ordinary sense of the word) or is diamagnetic. The hypothesis of the proportionality of the magnetisation to the magnetising force is verified with close approximation whenever k INDUCED MAGNETISATION. 359 has a very small value. This is the case with most magnetic sub- stances, with the exception of iron, nickel, and cobalt. In the case of iron or nickel, for which the coefficient k reaches very high values, such as 30 or 40, proportionality exists as long as the force F does not exceed a certain limit ; when the bodies are magnetised by the earth, for example. This is also the case with ordinary iron, twisted iron, cast iron, and steel more or less tempered, the co- efficient of magnetisation of which is considerably weaker. The coefficient k is always very small for diamagnetic bodies j it scarcely amounts to for bismuth, which is the most active body 400,000 of this second class. If the proportionality between the magnetisation and the mag- netic force does not exist, we may consider the coefficient k as being itself a function of magnetisation. We shall first investigate the case in which this coefficient is constant and the same in all directions that is to say, in which the body is isotropic and the induced mag- netisation somewhat feeble. 375. INDUCED MAGNETISATION is PROPORTIONAL TO THE MAGNETISING FORCE. Consider any given body in the magnetic field. Let V be the potential of the field and 12 that which is pro- duced by induced masses, the value of the actual potential U will be u=v+a At any given point the components of the magnetising force parallel to the axis are X- V- W 7- W ~' "" L ~~- The expression for the force itself is dn> its direction is that of the perpendicular , to the equipotential surface which passes through the point in question. 360 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. The intensity of magnetisation I, and its components A, B, and C parallel to the axes then become Adding these last equations after having multiplied them by <&?, ^, *-* ">T~ > * T~ It follows from this (332) that the magnetisation is lamellar. 376. THE INDUCED MAGNETISATION is SUPERFICIAL. On the other hand the general expression for magnetic density c)B here reduces to , /yu ^ 2 u yu\ = -* ++ = ~ Since, from Poisson's equation, we have AU = 4?r/o, we get = 0, or /> = 0; that is to say that the magnetic density is zero throughout the whole extent of the body. The magnetisation is then also solenoidal, and there is no free magnetism except on the bounding surface of the body. SUPERFICIAL INDUCED MAGNETISATION. 361 This conclusion presupposes that the parenthesis i + 4^ is not zero ; but this latter case never occurs, the absolute value of k for diamagnetic bodies being far from attaining . 4?r 377. The surface density a- of the induced layer is cr = l COS0, 6 being the angle of the magnetisation with the perpendicular to the surface (Fig 84). Fig. 84. Let this perpendicular be called n when it is drawn inwards, and n' when it is drawn outwards, and let a be the perpendicular to the surface for which the function 3> has a constant value, we have o- = I cos 6 = ; = - . on un 378. The value of the potential due to the induced masses that is to say, to the surface layer is -//=? The function 12 is finite and continuous, and satisfies Laplace's 362 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. equation, both inside and outside the surface. If we denote by 12' its value on the outside, for two infinitely near points on opposite sides of the surface, we shall have the condition 379. EQUATION OF CONTINUITY. COEFFICIENT OF INDUCTION. The principle of the conservation of the flow of induction (323) enables us to establish in a very simple manner the conditions of continuity V, U, and 12, at the surface of the magnetised body. Consider two infinitely near points on the perpendicular on each side of the surface ; let F : be the value of the induction at the point n the interior, F\ the value of the magnetic force at the external point. If (F 1 ) n and F n denote the normal components of these two forces calculated in the same direction, then in virtue of the theorem of the conservation of flow, we have the condition The magnetisation being parallel to the magnetising force, the induction in the present case becomes it is proportional to the magnetising force. If we put we have and the equation relative to the surface becomes then () fF.-F.. or M-l* Thus, for two infinitely near points on either side of the surface, the ratio of the perpendicular components of the magnetic force is constant. This is a fundamental deduction from Poisson's theory, which we have already used (111) in defining dielectrics. The coefficient /* COEFFICIENT OF INDUCTION. 363 represented the specific inductive capacity of electricity; we shall here call it the coefficient of magnetic induction. It must not be confounded with the coefficient of induced magnetism which has been represented by k. 380. Expressing equation (2) as a function of the potentials, we get or To determine the magnetisation of a body placed in a magnetic field, and bounded by a surface S, we must find two conditions 12 and 12' which satisfy the following conditions i st The function is finite and continuous in the interior of the surface, and satisfies Laplace's equation A12 = 0. 2nd. The function 12' is finite and continuous on the exterior, zero at an infinite distance, and also satisfies Laplace's equation. 3rd. The functions 12 and 12' are equal to each other on the surface, and their differentials satisfy the equation of continuity (3). These functions represent the potential of a magnetic layer distributed on the surface of the body. The density of this layer at every point is determined by the variation of the normal components, which gives from which is deduced 381. CASE OF Two DIFFERENT MAGNETIC MEDIA. RELATIVE MAGNETISATION. Let us suppose that the body A, bounded by the surface S, is situated in a magnetic medium whose coefficient of induction is //; the theorem of the conservation of the flow of induction gives still 364 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. that is to say or The functions 12 and ft' which determine the surface layer are defined by the same conditions as the preceding, with this single difference, that the equation of continuity (4) contains the co- efficients of induction of the two media. The surface density is still given by the perpendicular components If we put that is to say 4717* the expression for the density becomes 47TO- = F n (/x 1 - i), or o- = kf n . It is this surface layer which determines the motion of the body A in the medium. It is the same as if the external medium were suppressed, or more exactly replaced by air, and the coefficient of induction of the body replaced by another value /*j, or the coefficient of magnetisation k by a different value k v The apparent magnetisation I v of the body would thus have for its perpendicular projection 382. The discussion of this problem gives rise to some con- clusions analogous to those which are deduced from the principle of Archimedes for bodies immersed in liquids. RELATIVE MAGNETISATION. 365 We may, in fact, consider k^ as the relative coefficient of magneti- sation of a body, in reference to the medium which surrounds it, k and /', being coefficients of the two media in respect of air. If the coefficient k of the body is greater than the coefficient K of the medium, the value of k^ is positive, and the apparent magnetisation of the body is positive. If, on the contrary, k - F on the interior, 9 I B B 2 372 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. and, if k is very great, The external potential at P, of the layers M x and M 2 , at a distance r from the centre, and on a radius which makes the angle to with the force of the field, is cos q> (ji- i) (i +p) (i - /3) , cos (o putting from which is deduced, for the action of the induced magnetism in two points at a distance r on the line OA and on the line OB, that is at the pole and at the equator, v a/I- y\.p ^ I 390. For a solid sphere we have /? = 0, and therefore The ratio of the actions excited at the same point by a hollow sphere, and by a solid one of the same external diameter, is then A A~o BARLOW'S PROBLEM. 373 Applying this formula to iron, and taking ^ = 500, we get A i 112 i- By giving different values to /?, we find that, as long as the thickness of the spherical layer is greater than a fifth of the radius, the magnetic action on the exterior does not differ by o.oi of that which a solid sphere of the same diameter would produce. The older experiments of Barlow are in conformity with the results of this calculation. With spheres of 10 inches external diameter, Barlow found no appreciable difference between the actions of two different spheres, one solid and the other hollow, the thickness of the latter being equal to - of the radius. 2 On the other hand, the action of the hollow sphere was only - that of the solid one, when the thickness was reduced to about the of an inch. Taking the value of ft at 500, calculation would 30 j give about - for the ratio of the two actions. 391. We have seen (386) that the total action in the vicinity of a solid sphere is near the pole, and ear the equator. Still taking //, = 500, as for soft iron, we get nearly. 374 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. The force is sensibly zero at the equator, and at the pole its value is three times that of the force of the field. If the coefficient p- is near unity, and we put we get in like manner 3 In the interior of a hollow sphere, the force is 9/x If the coefficient /* is very great, we may write i If the coefficient /* is very near unity, and we again put /A = i + a, we have I -- E -- :I _ 2 _ a2(l _ /8) . * 9 A small magnetised needle introduced into the sphere would determine there a new induced layer, which would be superposed on the first, and the distribution of which can be easily calculated, for the external action of such a needle is equal to that of a uniformly magnetised sphere ; but the action of this new layer will always be parallel to the magnetic axis of the needle, and will not influence its direction. The oscillations of this needle depend then only on the resultant actions of the external field, and on the layers induced by the field itself. ANISOTRpPIC BODIES. 375 392. ANISOTROPIC BODIES. Consider an anisotropic body in a uniform field. Let , ', k" be the three principal coefficients of magnetisation, and A, A', A" the cosines of the angles of the strength of the field with the axes ; the coefficients of magnetisation being supposed to be very small, the values of the intensities of the three partial magnetisations will be and the corresponding magnetic moments =ul = u< 1 =ul' =uk'\', From this we deduce, for the resultant magnetic moment, M 2 = The resultant magnetic axis of the sphere makes with the axes of the co-ordinates, angles whose cosines a, a', a" are defined by the equations and this axis makes, with the direction of the field, an angle 6 defined by the equation COS C/ = aA-faA+aA = H Denoting by M' the moment of the couple produced by the action of the field on the sphere, we have 376 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. or, replacing M and by their values, M' 2 = < 2 M 2 (i - cos 2 0) = *A 4 [H 2 - (k\ + k'X" 2 + /T 2 A" 2 ) 2 ] = i? ATT 2 For a very small displacement, the variation of energy is " If the body is magnetic the coefficient k is positive, the energy diminishes when the body approaches points where the absolute 37^ MAGNETIC INDUCTION. value of the force is a maximum. A very small magnetic body in a variable field tends then to move towards points where the force is a maximum. As there is no absolute maximum of force outside acting masses (180), it follows that, if the body is left to itself, it will end by touching the surface of the magnets ; it is therefore attracted by the magnets. For diamagnetic substances the coefficient k is negative. A small diamagnetic body approaches points where the force is a minimum ; it tends to move more and more away from the centres of force it is repelled by magnets. As the field may contain points where the force is null, and which are then absolute minima for the value of 2 , we see that there may be stable equilibrium for a diamagnetic body in a variable field outside acting masses. Faraday had already announced as a result of experiment this law, that magnetic bodies move towards points where the force is a maximum, and diamagnetic bodies towards points where the force is a minimum. It is to Sir W. Thomson that we owe the true interpretation of the phenomenon. In a uniform field the energy of a small isotropic, magnetic, or diamagnetic body is constant, and therefore the force null. 396. For an anisotropic magnetic body the total energy is the sum of the energies corresponding to the magnetic moments u$>k\, u<}>k'X', &<>"A", due to the components A" of the force parallel to the three axes ; we have then W = - u (ktf + k'X'* + k" A" 2 ) . If the body is compelled to turn about its centre of gravity, stable equilibrium corresponds to the case in which the energy is a minimum that is to say, where the expression comprised between the brackets is a maximum. As it is necessary, for equilibrium, that two of the cosines A, A' and A" are zero, this maximum will take place when the quantity in brackets is reduced to the term corresponding to the greatest of the coefficients k, k' and k". The axis of greatest magnetisation is then parallel to the force of the field. If a body passes from a position in which the force and the direction of the field are defined by < 1? A 19 A\, A" 3 , to another DISPLACEMENT OF BODIES IN A MAGNETIC FIELD. 379 position in which the values of the same quantities are 2 , A 2 , A' 2 , A", the change of energy is W, - W, = - lt-SAj + k'\'\ + k"X'\[ - $*A| + k'X'\ + k"X" J] . This variation is negative, and the displacement tends to take place under the influence of magnetic forces alone, when the quantity in brackets is positive. If the body is compelled to move parallel to itself, the preceding expression becomes W 2 - W, = - - [ktf + 'A' 2 + " A" We thus see that the body tends in all cases to move towards points in which the force is a minimum. This tendency will be the more marked, the greater is the second factor; it is a maximum when the principal axis of the greatest magnetisation, is parallel to the field, and a minimum when it is perpendicular to it. 397. If the body is diamagnetic, the values of , k', k" are negative, and the conclusions are just the opposite of the preceding. Stable equilibrium in a uniform field takes place when the axis of feeblest magnetisation is parallel to the direction of the field. In a variable field the body tends to move in a direction in which the force decreases, and the action is a maximum when the axis of the feeblest magnetisation is parallel to the lines of force. These two causes may act in opposite directions, and produce opposite effects according as one or the other predominates. In this way may be explained many experiments which have long appeared contradictory or paradoxical. The results would be still more complicated for bodies whose three principal coefficients of magnetisation are not all of the same sign. Such bodies would be magnetic in certain conditions and diamagnetic in others. None such are known ; but the case might be realised artificially by placing in a non-uniform field, a crystallized magnetic sphere surrounded by an equally magnetic liquid, whose coefficient of magnetisation would be intermediate between the coefficients of the greatest and the smallest magnetisation of the sphere. The sphere would be magnetic along the axis of the 380 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. greatest, and diamagnetic along the axis of the feeblest magneti- sation ; it would turn in the direction of increasing forces, when the first of these axes was parallel to the field, and in the opposite direction when it is the second. These actions, however, would be so feeble that it would be difficult to make them evident. 398. EQUILIBRIUM OF LONG BODIES IN A UNIFORM FIELD. We have seen in electrostatics (185) that an elongated conductor placed in a uniform field is in equilibrium when the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular or parallel to the force of the field, and that the equilibrium is unstable in the first case, and stable in the second. This must also be the case with a long iron cylinder placed in a uniform magnetic field, for the magnetisation of a soft iron sphere is a fraction very near unity, h = - , of the electrification which this sphere would acquire in a uniform electrical field in which the forces had the same absolute values. It has been known in fact, since Gilbert's time, that a soft iron needle movable about a vertical axis sets in the magnetic meridian, and that if it were movable about its centre of gravity it would take up the direction of the dipping needle. Nevertheless, in order to explain this experiment it is not suffi- cient to say that the magnet is everywhere magnetised parallel to the force of the field, for in that case the needle should be in equilibrium in all positions ; hence the magnetisation of the mass cannot be uniform. The couple which acts on the needle when it is oblique to the forces of the field, is due to the fact that the reactions of the various particles have modified the magnetisation ; the direction parallel to the field is that therefore which, in consequence of these reactions, corresponds to the maximum of magnetisation. 399. Consider, in fact, a series of balls of soft iron B, B', B" fixed on a non-magnetic axis, and placed in a uniform field ; let a be the angle of the axis with the direction of the field. If the balls are so far apart as not to act on each other, the magnetisation is parallel to the field, and the resultant is null. But if the distance of the balls is not very great compared with their dimensions, it is clear that the magnetisation of each of them is increased by their mutual action, and that it takes place along directions which make, with the axis, angles o>, c/ . . . smaller than a, and changing from one sphere to another. Each sphere is no longer in equilibrium ; it is under the action of a couple, and the whole of EQUILIBRIUM OF A DIAMAGNETIC BODY. 381 the couples tends to bring the common axis into the direction of the field. In this position the magnetisation is a maximum. If, on the contrary, the axis is perpendicular to the direction of the field, the reciprocal actions tend to diminish the magnetisation of each of the insulated balls ; the equilibrium is unstable, and the magnetisation of the system of the spheres is minimum. Thus the existence of a position of stable equilibrium for a magnetic needle in a uniform field, implies the existence of inter- actions between the different magnetic elements which constitute it, and in contradiction with Poisson's hypothesis on the constitution of magnetic bodies, which presupposes that such actions do not take place. 400. The conclusions would be almost the same for the equi- librium of a diamagnetic body, although the actions are in the opposite direction. For the induced magnetisation is then in the opposite direction to the magnetising force. A series of balls B, B', B", . . ., arranged on a straight line perpendicular to the field, becomes magnetised in a direction opposite to that of the field ; the reactions increase then the magnetising force on each of the balls. This direction corre- sponds thence to a maximum of magnetisation and to a state of equilibrium. Let us now suppose that the line of the balls forms an angle a with the direction of the field ; since the direction of magnetisation is inverse, and each pole tends to develop a pole of the same kind in the nearest part of another ball, the reactions diminish the magnetis- ing force, and modify its direction; the effect is further the more marked the smaller the angle a. The couples which act on the spheres tend to set the axis in a direction parallel to the field. The magnetisation is then a minimum. Hence a diamagnetic needle should also take up a direction parallel to that of the field to be in stable equilibrium. Nevertheless the coefficient of magnetisation for diamagnetic bodies is so feeble, that the reactions of the particles may be neglected and their effect escape all means of observation. For a diamagnetic needle, provided it is not crystalised, is in mobile equilibrium in a uniform magnetic field ; in all experiments in which there seem to be phenomena of direction, the effect is due to the magneto-crystalline properties (397) of the body in question. 401. EQUILIBRIUM OF BODIES IN A VARIABLE FIELD. In a variable field the phenomena are more complicated. Diamagnetic bodies simply follow the law of Faraday that is to 382 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. say, that each of the volume-elements tends to move towards points where the force is a minimum, and the movement of the whole of the system is determined by this tendency of each element. Consider, for instance, the field produced by the opposite poles of two identical magnets, or by the two poles of a horse-shoe magnet, or more simply the field of two equal masses of opposite signs (Fig. 34). In the centre of the figure O, at an equal distance from the two magnets, the value of the force is a minimum in reference to the diametrical line AA', and a maximum in reference to a direction Oy perpendicular to the former. A small isotropic magnetic sphere, which can only move along the right line O^, moves towards the point O when it is in stable equilibrium; a diamagnetic sphere in the same conditions would be in unstable equilibrium at the point O, and would tend to move away to an indefinite distance. Even if this sphere were absolutely free, and situate on the right line Ojy, at a small distance from O, it would move away from this point along the line Oy (that is, perpendicularly to the lines of force) , for that is the direction in which the force varies most rapidly. 402. A long magnetic needle, movable about the point O, would set parallel to the line of the poles AA' in stable equilibrium ; each of the volume-elements would tend towards points where the force is a maximum. A diamagnetic needle, on the contrary, would be in stable equi- librium in a direction perpendicular to the line of the poles. The needles set then parallel, or transversely to the line joining two opposite poles, according as the coefficient of magnetisation is positive or negative. Hence the names paramagnetic, or diamagnetic, given by Faraday to bodies belonging to the first or second class. 403. We have seen that even in a uniform field, a magnetic needle places itself parallel to the lines of force, and on the other hand the different elements tend towards points where the force is a maximum. When the two kinds of actions are concordant, as in the pre- ceding case, the position of equilibrium can be easily determined ; but it may happen that the tendency of each element to move towards the maxima of force may have the result of bringing the system into a direction which is not parallel to the lines of force. The position of equilibrium depends, in that case, on the conditions of experi- ment. Suppose, for instance, a series of identical soft iron needles arranged perpendicularly, and at equal distances from each other, on a non- magnetic rod, and let this system be placed between the OSCILLATIONS OF AN INFINITELY SMALL NEEDLE. 383 opposite poles of two magnets. If the needles are at considerable distances each of them will tend to put itself parallel to the lines of force, and the entire system will be in equilibrium when perpen- dicular to the line of the poles. If, on the contrary, the needles are gradually shortened, or if they are multiplied so that they are almost in contact, a moment will arrive in which the tendency of each to move towards points of maximum force will predominate, and the whole system will now set parallel to the lines of force that is, to the line of the poles. It will be seen that all intermediate cases may present themselves, and even that for a given magnetic system the direction of parallel or transverse equilibrium depends on the law of variation of the field in which it is placed. 404, OSCILLATIONS OF AN INFINITELY SMALL ISOTROPIC NEEDLE. The problem is identical with that which has already been treated for dielectrics (183, 184). As a particular case, if the field is symmetrical in reference to the centre of the needle, the time of the oscillations is given by the formula KA + B' it is independent of the length of the needle. This latter fact had been found experimentally by Matteucci for non-crystalline bismuth needles ; the explanation was given by Sir W. Thomson. In the present case, the coefficient K*-i- reduces sensibly to a constant for great 'values of k, and becomes equal to k for small ones. The method of oscillations could not then be employed to determine the coefficient of magnetisation of highly magnetic bodies such as iron ; it serves very well on the contrary for feebly magnetic or for diamagnetic bodies. If the field varies in any way, the method of oscillations would with difficulty give good determinations of the value of k even for bodies with a very feeble coefficient. The position of equilibrium of the needle depends then, as we have seen, on the law of the variation of the field, and on the length of the needle ; this is also the case with the duration of the oscillations. 384 MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 405. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE. Temperature has a pro- nounced influence on the value of the coefficient k; there is nevertheless considerable uncertainty as to the law of the variation. The fact longest known, and best marked, is that soft iron loses almost all magnetic properties at a red heat. This is also the case with nickel at a temperature of 300 degrees ; but with cobalt it only occurs near the temperature at which copper melts. If we only take into account temperatures between - 20 and 150 degrees, we find that the inducing power of iron is virtually constant, although there is reason to think that it increases at first and passes through a maximum; that that of nickel decreases continuously; and lastly, that that of cobalt constantly increases. In the case of this latter metal there is certainly a maximum towards a red heat. Heat acts also on crystalised magnetic or diamagnetic bodies in such a way as not only to diminish the coefficients, but also to diminish the magneto-crystalline properties which are closely con- nected with the difference of these coefficients. In the case of bismuth the difference of the coefficients diminishes by one-half between 30 and 140 degrees ; and for iron carbonate by two-thirds between the same limits of temperature. MAGNETISATION. 385 CHAPTER V. ON MAGNETS. 406. MAGNETISATION. In order to magnetise a body endowed with coercive force a steel bar, for instance it may be placed in a constant magnetic field, or its various parts may be successively submitted to the action of a variable field, like that produced by rubbing it with a magnet. This latter method is the oldest, and is that most frequently employed. Each point takes at every moment a magnetisation depending on that already obtained, on the actual resultant force, and, to some extent, on the time during which it acts. Whatever method may be employed, part of the magnetism developed is temporary, and disappears with the external forces. Another part is permanent or residual, and all experiments show that these two kinds of magnetisation have a maximum limit. The temporary magnetisation is greater, and the residual magneti- sation less, with iron than with steel; but both have a maximum which depends only on the quality of the substance. In the case of very feeble forces magnetisation seems to be altogether temporary both for steel and for iron. The general problem of magnetisation would consist in determining what would be the temporary magnetisation at each point of a body of given shape, and nature, subjected to known forces ; and what, when these forces are suppressed, would be the residual magneti- sation. This problem has only been solved theoretically in a very small number of cases. 407. INDUCTION OF A MAGNET ON ITSELF. DEMAGNETISING FORCE. The total magnetism of a magnet must be considered as made up of two parts, the one due to magnetic masses kept fixed by the coercive force, and which may be called rigid magnetism, the other resulting from the induction of the first on the magnetic body, and which constitutes induced magnetism. The internal action of induced magnetism is clearly in the opposite c c 386 ON MAGNETS. direction to the force which produces it ; it follows that the induction of a magnet on itself always tends to diminish the magnetisation, and acts like a demagnetising force. The apparent magnetism, or that whose effects we can observe, arises from the superposition of these two magnetisms. Hence the determination of the intensity, and of the distribution of the apparent magnetism, generally presents great difficulties. The problem is simplified when the demagnetising force is proportional at each point to the rigid magnetism at this point ; the law of distribution is then the same as if this secondary effect of induction did not take place. In particular, when the rigid magnetism is uniform, the apparent magnetism will itself be uniform, if the secondary inductive action is constant in the interior of the magnet. This condition is realised, as we have seen above, for a uniformly magnetised sphere ; and also for an ellipsoid with a uniform magneti- sation parallel to one of the axes, and for a straight unlimited circular cylinder, magnetised perpendicularly to the axis. 408. Let us first consider a sphere. Let I be the rigid, I' the induced, and \ the apparent magnetisation ; the demagnetising force is then (355) equal to - irl v and we have From which we deduce i r-i For an ellipsoid magnetised parallel to one of the axes, the demagnetising action has the value IjL, I 1 M, or I 1 N, according to the axis along which it acts (356). It is 471-^, or Try i - e 2 I x for a disc, according as it is magnetised transversely or parallel to a diameter (357). For an elongated ellipsoid of revolution, it is 2i?\ b*/2a V if the magnetisation is transverse, and 4^11 ^ ( * -r i ) if the mag- netisation is longitudinal (357). ' ^ This latter expression tends towards zero as the ratio - gradually diminishes. The demagnetising force would be still smaller for a long cylinder (373). PARTICULAR CASES OF MAGNETISATION. 387 Hence the shape of thin plates, or of very long cylinders, is that best fitted for obtaining permanent magnets, for the de- magnetising force is then the least possible. These are, in fact, the shapes which have been adopted in practice. Experiment shows, moreover, that the influence of temper is then far less than in the case of short and thick magnets. Coulomb had already observed that tempering has but a very slight influence on the magnetic rigidity of a steel wire. 409. PARTICULAR CASES OF MAGNETISATION. Sphere. It follows from the preceding discussion that a solid homogeneous and isotropic steel sphere, placed in a uniform magnetic field, will acquire a uniform temporary magnetisation, and will then retain a uniform residual magnetisation. The expression for the temporary magnetisation will be of the form I- k F w 4 : ' I+-7JV& in which the coefficient k must be regarded, not as a constant quantity, but as a function of the intensity F of the true field ; the fraction by which the force F must be multiplied to get the magneti- sation I, tends in fact to become inversely as F that is to say, equal to -=!, as F increases, since the magnetisation tends towards a maximum I . In like manner, the residual magnetisation is a fraction of the temporary magnetisation ; a variable fraction, and one which tends towards a limiting value , since the residual magnetisation has a maximum, and is then , a fraction of the maximum temporary , , m magnetisation. In all cases the law of distribution is the same ; the density at every point is equal to the perpendicular projection of the magneti- sation that is to say, proportional to the abscissa of the point measured from the centre along the diameter, parallel to the magnetisation. The linear density measured along the same axis is also proportional to the abscissa. The moment of the sphefre is ul lt the total mass of each of the layers -, the distance of the poles is 4a .2 4 * , and each pole is - of the radius from the centre. 3 3 C C 2 388 ON MAGNETS. 410. Ellipsoid. This is also the case with a homogeneous and isotropic ellipsoid, one of whose axes coincided with the direction of the uniform field during magnetisation ; it is merely necessary to replace the factor -TT by a coefficient L which depends on the form of the ellipsoid (357). The maximum magnetisation I , and the fraction which deter- m mines the maximum residual magnetisation, have values which are connected with those which correspond to the sphere by ratios depending on the form of the ellipsoid. The law of distribution is still known, and the poles are at a distance from the centre equal to - of the semi-axis parallel to the magnetisation. We might in like manner obtain a uniform magnet with a circular disc magnetised perpendicularly to a plane, or parallel to a diameter (357). 411. Anchor Ring. A simple case, which can be easily realised experimentally, is that of a body bounded by a closed tube a torus or anchor ring, for instance in which the magnetisation would be everywhere parallel to the axis. The magnet may then be regarded as formed of simple solenoids closed on themselves (371). The external action of the system is always exactly null. 412. Cylinder. To the preceding examples, all of which repre- sent finite volumes, which can be exactly realised, we may add that of a homogeneous and isotropic unlimited circular cylinder placed in a uniform field perpendicular to the axis ; the magnetisation is then represented by the expression 1 = Z F. I + 2TTK These cases seem to be the only ones in which the distribution of magnetism can be theoretically determined, at least when the coefficient k is not independent of the magnetising force. 413. ANY GIVEN MAGNETS. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. The problem of magnetisation for a body of any given form can only be attacked experimentally by the study of its external actions ; we have already had occasion to remark that our knowledge of the external field of a magnet can teach us nothing about the internal distribution of magnetism ; it only enables us to determine the distribution of the fictive layer, equivalent to the real magnetisation. METHOD OF OSCILLATIONS. 389 We shall mention here the principal experimental methods used, in order to define their theoretical meaning. 414. Oscillations. This method, which was used by Coulomb, consists in making a very small horizontal needle oscillate in front of several points of a bar placed vertically in the meridian plane of the needle. If n and N are the number of oscillations made by the needle under the sole action of the earth, and under the combined action of the earth and of the bar, the action of the bar on the needle (the magnetism of which is supposed unchanged) is propor- tional to the difference N 2 - 2 of the squares of the two numbers. We measure thus the perpendicular component of the magnetic force at the point in question. Coulomb assumed that this perpen- dicular component was proportional to the density of the superficial fictive layer at the nearest point of the needle, except quite close to the end ; in this case he determined the density either by a graphical method, or by doubling the value obtained for the oscillations of the needle. It cannot be concealed that this mode of correction is somewhat arbitrary ; it is, moreover, quite inexact, as we shall afterwards see (419) that the perpendicular component at a point is proportional to the density of the corresponding fictive layer, and that it may directly give the distribution of magnetism. 415. Torsion Balance. A second method, also due to Coulomb, consists in measuring the repulsion exerted by every point of the magnet, at a constant and very small distance, on the pole of a long needle movable in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the bar. If we regard the pole of the needle as unchanged, the torsion imparted to the wire by which it is suspended to keep the needle in the desired position, measures the perpendicular component of the magnetic force with a certain degree of approximation. 416. Use of Soft Iron. In the two preceding cases it is assumed that the magnetism of the auxiliary magnet is invariable, so that the action which it experiences is simply proportional to the strength of the field. If the oscillating needle is of soft iron, and the magnetisation of this needle is proportional to the strength of the field, the action which it undergoes will be proportional to the square of the perpendicular component. We may, in like manner, place a piece of soft iron (M. Jamin's test nail} in different parts of the magnet, and determine the force necessary to detach it ; this force of tearing away is still within certain limits proportional to the square of the normal component. In these two methods, however, we do not take into consideration either the variation of the coefficient k with the strength of the 390 ON MAGNETS. magnetic force, nor of the modifications produced by the presence of soft iron in the magnetic state of the bar exactly in the region we are exploring. The results furnished by the use of soft iron do not then seem to be so definite as those obtained with magnets. 417. Measurement of the Flow by Induction Currents. This method is the only one which gives exact results ; the theory will be given subsequently. It is sufficient here to remark, that by means of induction currents we may determine the flow of force, or the flow of magnetic induction across a closed circuit. If the bar is anywhere surrounded by a ring formed of one or many turns and connected with a galvanometer, and if by any method we suddenly suppress the magnetisation, the momentary current produced in the ring measures the total flow of induction which traverses the plane bounded by the ring at the point in question ; if the ring clasps the bar tightly, the flow of induction which traverses the ring is that which exists in the section of the bar itself. The ring being placed in the same point it is caused to glide along the axis of the bar to a distance which may be regarded as infinite ; the current, in this case, measures the total flow of force emanating from the magnet, measured from the point of departure. Experiment shows, as indeed is evident from the theorem of the conservation of the flow of induction, that the current is the same as in the preceding case. By measuring in either way the flow corresponding to different points, we may construct a curve which represents the magnetic condition of the bar. The curve has a maximum ordinate which corresponds to the neutral line ; it sinks on each side and becomes an asymptote to the axis of the bar, which we suppose to be pro- longed indefinitely. This may be called with Gaugain the curve of demagnetisation. If, while the ring is at a point, the abscissa of which is x, it is displaced by a quantity dx, the current measures the external flow corresponding to this length dx, or, what is the same thing, the variation in the internal flow of induction. By successively displac- ing the ring by equal amounts, we may construct the curve whose ordinates represent the external flow, and therefore the perpendicular component at the various points. The ordinates of this curve are the differentials of the ordinates of the curve of demagnetisation. This method furnishes then, like the preceding, but in an exact manner, the values of the perpendicular component at every point of the bar. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FICTIVE LAYER. 39 1 418. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FICTIVE LAYER. The fictive layer is not a layer of equilibrium, but we know that its density at each point (39) satisfies the ratio in which F w and F' n denote for two infinitely near points on each side of the surface, the first outside and the second inside, the per- pendicular components of the actions exerted by the external masses, and by the layer. The preceding methods give the component F n , but the component F' n is in general unknown ; hence they only enable us to determine the density of the fictive layer in certain special cases. It may happen, in fact, that the fictive layer may replace magnetic masses which really exist in the magnet not only for external, but also for internal points ; and this is what takes place in the phe- nomena of magnetic induction, when the coefficient k is constant. There is then a constant ratio /* between the external and internal perpendicular components, and the expression for the density is 47T fJ. In this case the distribution is completely known when we know the external perpendicular component at every point. This is not the case if the coefficient k is variable, and still less if there is rigid magnetism. The ordinary methods do not give directly the distribution of the fictive layer in a magnetised bar; it is incorrect, in par- ticular, to consider the abscissa of the centre of gravity of the curve of the perpendicular components as giving the position of the pole. This is readily seen, if we examine the case of a cylinder magnetised uniformly in a direction parallel to the axis. We have seen (373) that its action may be represented by that of two layers, one negative and the other positive, distributed uniformly on each of the bases. It is easy to see that the flow of force for the lateral surface is not zero, although the density is zero. The centre of gravity of the curve representing the flow across the lateral surface is in the interior of the magnet, while this pole is exactly situate on the terminal surface. 39 2 ON MAGNETS. We may observe that if the perpendicular components do not give the distribution, they enable us to calculate the total mass of magnetism by Green's theorem. This mass is obviously null for the whole magnet; but the total flow of force on either side of the neutral line is equal to 477 by the mass of the fictive layer corre- sponding to this side. This total mass is represented by the area of the curve obtained by taking as ordinates the values found for the perpendicular component at all points of the axis of the magnet, imagined to be indefinitely prolonged, or more simply by the maximum ordinate of the curve of demagnetisation. 419. CYLINDRICAL MAGNETS. Coulomb determined experi- mentally, and by means of the methods mentioned above, what he calls the distribution of magnetism in cylindrical needles. He first found that for short magnets those, that is to say, whose length is less than fifty times the diameter the perpendicular force at each point (which he confounded with the density) is pro- portional to the distance from the middle. The linear density would then be the same as for a sphere or an ellipsoid uniformly magnetised. The curve of distribution is then figured by a right line OB (Fig. 86), making a certain angle a with the axis OA of the bar. Fig. 86. A straight line OB', forming the prolongation of the former, would represent the negative magnetism on the other half of the bar. The centre of gravity of the surface is projected, as for a sphere, at a third of the semi-length of the bar measured from the ends. This law ought to represent the true distribution of magnetisation with tolerable approximation, for Coulomb proved that, other things being equal, the magnetic moment of short bars is proportional to the cube of the length. If the bar is long that is to say, if the length is more than fifty times the diameter d the magnetism is imperceptible for a certain length on either side of the centre, and may still be represented by a CYLINDRICAL MAGNETS. 393 triangle CAA' (Fig. 87), the base of which is equal to twenty-five times the diameter. The angle a of the right line which represents the densities is constant for bars which only differ in length. The quantity of magnetism is then constant, and is the same as in a limited magnet, for which we should have L = 50^; this quantity may then be represented by a (50^) 2 and the moment by Coulomb, however, only considered these results as a first approximation. He observed that if we take equidistant parts from the end A of a magnet, the successive tangents to corresponding points of the curve make with each other equal angles. The curve which satisfies this condition is given by the equation e~^ = cos fix, which for small values of x merges into an arc of a parabola CB (Fig. 87) tangential to the axis at a point C, at a distance /, from the end ; the quantity of magnetism is then proportional to / 3 , that is / 3 , and the pole is at a distance from the end equal to -. The magnetic / A 4 moment has the value ( L \ bl z . Fig. 87. It will be seen that the magnetic moment for a very long cylinder tends to become proportional to the length, as in the case of induced magnetisation. 420. EMPIRICAL FORMULAE. These two portions of a parabola do not represent the distribution of magnetism by a continuous function. Biot found that Coulomb's experiments are represented very exactly by the exponential formula (3) in which y is the magnetism at a point at a distance x from one end, a and /* are constants. 394 ON MAGNETS. Biot arrived at this formula by comparing the magnet to a Volta's pile, which he considered as being itself a series of plates in which the electricities of the terminal plates A and B dissimulate quantities of electricity of opposite signs which vary in geometrical progression with the number of plates. If N be the total number of plates, the positive electricity of A dissimulates in the n th plate a quantity of negative electricity expressed by #a n , and the negative electricity of B dissimulates, in the same element, a quantity of positive electricity tfa N - n , so that the quantity of free electricity in this element, sup- posing the terminal charges to be equal, is We may get the previous formula from this by putting N = 2/^, and therefore n = xp, p being the number of pairs for unit length, and taking p = a*, It seems difficult to discuss a mode of reasoning which has for its basis only the vague notion of dissimulated electricity. It may be observed that if we take the origin of the co-ordinates in the centre of the bar, instead of at one end, equation (3) may be written 421. Green, starting from a particular conception of the coercive force, found that, for a circular cylinder placed in a uniform field parallel to the axis, the linear density at a distance x from the middle of a bar whose length is 2/, and radius a, might be expressed by the formula (4) \ ~ +e a or putting - = EMPIRICAL FORMULAE. 395 in which F represents the strength of the field, and q a constant given by the equation Green assumes that the coefficient of magnetisation /, is constant throughout the whole extent of the body ; in this case the linear density is proportional to the perpendicular component of the magnetic force at every point of the surface. Maxwell gives the following table of the corresponding values of q and of k: k q k q oo 0.00 11.80 0.07 336.4 0.01 9.13 0.08 62.02 0.02 7.52 0.09 48.41 0.03 6.32 0.10 29.47 0.04 0.143 1.00 20.18 0.05 0.0002 10.00 14.79 0.06 0.0000 oo For negative values of k, q becomes imaginary ; the formula does not seem then to apply to diamagnetic bodies. Green's formula seems to represent very exactly the distribution of temporary magnetism in soft iron as well as that of permanent magnetism in cylindrical bars. Green showed that the value of the moment which is deduced for a needle of this form, '\ (5) agrees remarkably with determinations made by Coulomb with needles which only differed in length. The agreement ceases, how- ever, to be very close when the length of the needle is less than twenty-five times the diameter. The expression for the area of the curve corresponding to Green's formula is, for each half of the bar, it represents the total value of the flow of lateral force. For a very 396 ON MAGNETS. long cylinder it reduces sensibly to ira^k ; the flow from the ends may then be neglected. If we assume that the abscissa of the centre of gravity of this area determines the position of the pole, we shall obtain the distance 2d of the two poles by dividing the moment m by the mass S ; we shall thus obtain (6) for very long needles, this expression reduces to 2U-J =2U- that is to say, that the poles are at a distance - from the ends. q 422. M. Jamin obtained an analogous expression. If y is the tension at each point, or the density, / and s the perimeter and section of the bar, and A and c two constants, M. Jamin, in comparing the phenomenon to the propagation of heat, finds, by Fourier's laws, the following formula, which agrees with the results of his experiments: If the section of the bar is circular and of radius a, we have * /- = A /-> and putting ^ = 1$, the formula becomes /= V" it becomes identical with that of Green if we put q 27T#F ^ = cinCi JTi. = - = M. JAMIN'S FORMULAE. 397 For long bars, this latter condition reduces to A = 27T0/&F and shows that the constant A is proportional to the perimeter. 423. Green's formula corresponds to the case of a cylinder placed in a uniform field parallel to the axis, and for which the coefficient of magnetisation is constant Professor Rowland has pointed out .the analogy of this formula with that which expresses the lateral flow from a pile of the same form placed in a conducting medium (268). Let us suppose that the flow of magnetic induction is propagated like the flow of electricity; if we retain the same meanings for the quantities /o, /a', and R x , and if we replace the quantity by the force F of the field, and if we call Q the flow of magnetic induction across a section of the bar at the distance x from the centre, we have, for the flow in the interior, (8) i - and, for the lateral flow, These formulae also apply to the case in which the magnet is solenoidal, bounded by a channel surface closed upon itself, and the magnetisation of which is everywhere perpendicular to the right p section. We have, in that case, Rj0, Q = , and the flow of P lateral induction is zero. If F 1 is the magnetic induction, s the section of the bar, and /* the coefficient of permeability, we have, further, and therefore /* = . ps 424. All experiments go to prove that magnetisation tends 398 ON MAGNETS. towards a maximum when the magnetising force increases without limit. If the values of this force be taken as abscissae, and the values of the magnetisation as ordinates, we obtain a curve like OBL (Fig. 90), having an asymptote parallel to the axis of the abscissa, and with a point of inflexion near the origin. Professor Rowland represents the phenomena in a different way. Taking the values of induction F 1? as given directly by experiment, as abscissae, and the values of yu as ordinates, he finds that his experiments are represented very closely by the formula (9) in which #, , c, and d are constants depending on the nature and quality of the metal. The curve represented by this equation has the general form of a parabola with a diameter conjugate with the axis of the abscissae ; it cuts this axis in two points, and the inclination of the diameter depends on the constant b. The position of the points of intersection with the axis depends on the values of- c and d. The constant a evidently represents the maximum value of /*. Professor Rowland's experiments give for this maximum at the ordinary temperatures numbers between 3000 and 5000 in the case of iron, and 300 in that of nickel. The curve assumes another form when the temperature changes, and the deformation appears to be far greater for nickel than for iron. 425. HYPOTHESIS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF MAGNETS. According to Poisson's theory the magnetisation of a medium is produced by the separation of the magnetic fluids in the interior of each particle, and as no limit can be assigned to the quantity of neutral fluid which can exist in a definite volume, the magnetisation itself might increase without a limit. We shall afterwards see how Ampere, starting from the magnetic properties of electrical currents, was led to assume that each particle of a magnetic substance is surrounded in the natural state by an infinitely small electrical current, and constitutes an elementary magnet. In a magnetic body withdrawn from all external force, these elementary magnets are only subjected to their mutual actions, and are turned indifferently in all directions. If the body is sub- mitted to the action of a magnetic field the axes of the different magnetised particles tend to take the direction of the field at each WEBER'S THEORY. 399 point, and the magnetisation which results therefrom is the stronger, the more these particles are deviated from their original direction. If the axes of all these particles were parallel the magnetisation would have reached its maximum value. But this position can never be attained, owing to the reciprocal reactions of the molecules. Wilhelm Weber has shown how these reactions may be allowed for. 426. WEBER'S THEORY. Let us assume with Weber that each unit of volume contains n magnetic molecules, and that the moment of each of them is equal to m. If all these molecules were parallel, the magnetic moment of unit volume would be M = nm> and the magnetisation of the medium would be at its maximum. When the medium is in the natural state, the molecules are turned indifferently in all directions. To express this property let us draw through the centre of the sphere a radius parallel to each of the axes of the n molecules ; the extremities of these radii will be arranged on the sphere in a uniform manner. The number of molecules the axes of which make, with a determinate direction, which we take for the axis of x, an angle smaller than a is - (i - cos a) ; and the number of molecules whose angles with the axis of x are between a and a + da is equal to sin ada. 2 Let us now suppose this medium to be in a uniform field whose intensity X is parallel to the axis of #, and consider the action which it exerts on a molecule whose magnetic axis makes an angle a with the direction of the field. If this molecule were free it would set parallel to the force of the field, and, all the other molecules undergoing an analogous rotation, the medium would attain the maximum magnetisation under the influence of any external force however feeble. As this is not the case, it must be assumed that each molecule is impelled to resume its original direction by an antagonistic force, which arises either from the constitution of the medium itself, or by the reactions which the magnetised molecules exert upon each other. The simplest hypothesis is to suppose that this antagonistic force D is constant, and acts in the original direction of the axis of each molecule. The new direction of the axis of a molecule in its position of equilibrium is then given by that of the resultant of the forces DandX. 400 ON MAGNETS. 427. To get the direction of the molecule let us draw a sphere whose radius is equal to the reaction of the medium, and take a length OS from the centre, equal and opposite to the strength of the field (Fig. 88). - HOO "I '0 Fig. 88. A molecule, the axis of which was originally directed along the line OP, is subject to two forces SO and OP, the resultant of which is SP. If- the resultant S is in the interior of the sphere that is, if the reaction of the medium is greater than the strength of the field the axes of the deviated molecules will be still in any direction whatever, but no longer uniformly. If the force of the field is greater than the reaction of the medium, the point S is beyond the sphere (Fig. 89), and the axes of the deviated molecules are all comprised within the cone TST tangential to the sphere. Fig. 89. Let a be the original inclination of the axis of a molecule to the axis x, 9 the final inclination, /3 the deflection a - 6, R the resultant of the magnetising force X, and of the reaction D of the field. WEBER'S THEORY. 401 The condition of equilibrium is mX sin = mD sin ft = mD sin (a - 6) from which we deduce D sin a (n) tan X + Dcosa' 428. The structure of the medium being symmetrical in reference to the axis of x, the strength of magnetisation is given by the sum of the projections of the magnetic moments of all the molecules on the axis of x. The projection of the moment of a molecule is expressed by mcosd; the number of those which originally made the angle a with the axis of x, is - sin a da. : the resultant is then 2 cos0sinaD, the limits of the integration are R 2 = X + D and R x = X - D. All reductions being made, we get then : When XD, X=oo, = M. iD 2 "] ~3^J ; According to this theory, the magnetisation is at first propor- tional to the magnetic force until it is equal to the reaction of the medium, in which case the magnetisation attains two-thirds of its maximum value. When the magnetic force has become greater, the magnetisation increases less rapidly, and tends towards a finite limit. The curve OL (Fig.. 90), which represents the magnetisation as a function of magnetic force, consists then of a rectilinear part OA which is prolonged by the curve AL, the asymptote to a horizontal straight line CD. to Fig. 90. 429. Weber's own experiments agree satisfactorily with this law. More recent researches, however, have shown that the value of k cannot be considered constant even for small forces. This coefficient at first increases regularly up to a maximum, and then diminishes. MAXWELL'S THEORY. 403 The magnetisation of iron, as a function of the field, must therefore be represented by a curve such as OBA (Fig. 90), having a point of inflexion; this first part of the curve has often been confounded with the tangent passing through the origin, and which gives the maximum value for k. Weber's theory does not account for this variation of the coefficient of magnetisation for small forces; nor, on the other hand, does it throw any light on the nature of residual magnetisation. 430. MAXWELL'S THEORY. In order to complete this last link, while still adhering to the general theory, Maxwell supposed that the medium had a kind of imperfect elasticity. He assumes that the axis of the magnetic molecules revert to their original position, after the suppression of the magnetising force, so long as the rotation which they experience is below a certain value, but that their axes retain a permanent deviation ft - /3 Q , when the rotation /3 has been greater than the limiting value /3 . This deviation ft - /3 Q characterises the permanent condition of the molecule. This hypothesis undoubtedly dbes not represent the exact state of the phenomena, but it may furnish an approximate idea, and enable us to submit the problem to calculation. According to Maxwell, we may deduce the temporary magneti- sation I and the permanent magnetisation I' by a calculation analogous to the preceding. Putting we get thus : When X D, Lastly, for X = oo, Fig. 91 represents the course of the phenomenon for particular values: M = iooo, L = 3, D = 5. The magnetising forces are taken as abscissae ; the ordinates of the curve OAB represent the temporary magnetism, and that of the curve O'A' the residual magnetism, The former consists at first of a rectilinear portion corresponding to the values of X comprised between and 3 ; it then rises suddenly, and rapidly approaches its asymptote. The curve of residual magnetism JAMIN'S OBSERVATIONS. 405 only commences when X = L; the maximum M' towards which it tend?, and which is figured by the right line C'D', is equal to 0'8i M. It may be remarked that the residual magnetism thus calculated, corresponds to the case in which the magnetisation of the body itself produces only an inappreciable demagnetising force ; these results correspond then only to the case of a very long body magnetised longitudinally. It is difficult to admit that a discontinuous curve like that which represents the temporary magnetism can be an exact expression of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, this theory leads to curious con- sequences relative to the successive action of magnetising forces of opposite signs, and which have been verified experimentally. Let us suppose that a piece of iron after having been submitted to the action of a force X , has acquired a permanent magnetisation. A new force - X 2 of the same direction is without effect as long as it is less than X , and if it is greater than X the residual magnetism is the same as if the original force had not acted. If the new force - X 2 is in the opposite direction, it produces a permanent effect long before it reaches X ; the residual magnetism seems to be destroyed for a certain value of this force, but the metal is not in the neutral state, for it is insensible to the action of a force - X, so long as X is less than X 2 , while a feebler positive force produces a permanent magnetisation in the original direction. 431. JAMIN'S OBSERVATIONS. Jamin gives a different expla- nation of these phenomena. He assumes that the action of the field on a bar extends to a greater or less depth according to its strength. When the apparent magnetisation has become zero, the magnetism is not destroyed ; it was merely a case of the super- position of two opposite magnetisations. An inverse field of less strength than X 2 has no action on the superficial layer, but a direct field of less strength forms a new superficial magnetisation, the action of which is added to that which was previously there. M. Jamin verified these theoretical ideas by removing the super- ficial layer of inverse magnetisation, and exposing the subjacent layer of direct magnetisation. He succeeded in doing this either mechanically, by grinding or filing away the outer surface of the magnet, or chemically by dissolving it with acid. It must, however, be observed that this predominance of the surface layers is perhaps an accidental phenomenon peculiar to steel, and simply dependent on the constitution 'of this metal. For, in the case of highly tempered bars, such as those which are sought for the construction of magnets, the tempering is necessarily very 406 ON MAGNETS. unequal; it is more particularly produced near the surface, where the cooling is very rapid, so that the maximum action of the coercive force is in the superficial layers. The inductive action and the demagnetising force, manifest themselves then in conditions quite different from those met with in homogeneous bodies. 432. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE. The magnetism induced by the action of a magnet on itself, is perhaps the simplest way of explaining the influence of temperature. It is natural to assume that rigid magnetism is not altered by small changes of temperature, for the magnetisation resumes its original value when the magnet regains its original temperature ; it is difficult to suppose that rigid magnetism can repair its losses, for all the internal actions tend to diminish it. On these considerations, the temporary enfeeblement of magnetism will be simply due to an increase in the induced magnetism, and therefore the coefficient of magnetisation must at first increase with the temperature. For higher temperatures, above 100 for instance, magnetism undergoes a distinct diminution ; the rigid magnetism itself has therefore changed. In these conditions we cannot say whether the coefficient of magnetism continues to increase with the temperature, for the enfeeblement is due to a double cause. As iron and steel at a red heat are no longer attracted by a magnet, we must assume that the coefficient of magnetisation then becomes null, or at any rate is extremely small. It appears then that for iron and steel the coefficient of magnetisation must at first increase with the temperature and then diminish to zero, passing through a maximum at a definite temperature. If this is the case, a bar magnetised at a lower temperature than the maximum must lose magnetism when it is heated, and the converse must take place with a bar magnetised at a lower temperature than that of the maximum. Experiment shows that this is the case with cobalt. For iron and steel the facts hitherto known agree partially with this mode of view; but there are too few experiments made under well defined conditions, to enable us to judge how far it agrees with the truth. Everything seems to indicate that the true phenomena are more complex. MAGNETIC PARALLELS. 407 CHAPTER VI. MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. 433. GAUSS' METHOD. The representation of terrestrial mag- netism by the hypothesis of a central magnet, or by equivalent hypotheses, only constitutes a somewhat rough first approximation ; the problem is really far less simple. Gauss treated it in a com- pletely general manner, on the hypothesis that the effects observed on the surface of the Earth are due solely to the action of magnetic masses. Whatever may be the distribution of these masses, whether they are in the inside or on the surface of the globe, the elementary actions are exerted inversely as the square of the distance, and the force at each point is still determined by a potential. The space surrounding the earth forms the magnetic field of the system, and we may suppose it divided into layers by equipotential surfaces, corre- sponding to equidistant values of the potential. The surface, which corresponds to a given value V, may be formed of one or more sheets ; but we know that two surfaces of different potentials do not intersect, and that the force perpendicular at each point is inversely as the distance of two consecutive surfaces. 434. MAGNETIC PARALLELS. A certain number of these sur- faces cut the terrestrial globe : magnetic parallels are the lines of intersection corresponding with the surface of the Earth ; these lines are level lines. As they belong both to the surface of the Earth, which we suppose is spherical, and to the equipotential surface, they are perpendicular at each point to the vertical and to the magnetic force; they are therefore perpendicular to the magnetic meridian passing through these two lines, and therefore to the intersection of this meridian with the surface of the Earth that is, to the mag- netic meridian. The magnetic parallels form, therefore, on the surface of the terrestrial sphere, a system orthogonal to the mag- netic meridians. 408 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. Let us consider the parallels corresponding to two infinitely near equipotential surfaces V l and V 2 (Fig. 92) ; let ds be the arc of the Fig. 92. meridian comprised between them, and dn the perpendicular distance of the two surfaces at the same point. If F be the magnetic force and I the inclination, we have evidently dn ds cos I from which is deduced (i) 3V The horizontal component, perpendicular at every point to the magnetic parallel, is therefore inversely as the distance of two con- secutive parallels ; but the total force and the horizontal component are not necessarily constant along a magnetic parallel, as is the case on Biot's theory. 435. MAGNETIC EQUATOR. The sum of the magnetic masses being null for the whole system, and also separately for each of the magnetised bodies, there is a level surface for which V = ; this surface cuts the terrestrial globe along its neutral line if it is the only magnetic body, or in the vicinity if the other magnetic bodies are sufficiently distant. The magnetic parallel where the potential is zero is called the magnetic equator; along this equator the force is not constant, nor is it necessarily horizontal. On Biot's theory the equator was a line of which the inclination was null. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC POLES. 409 The magnetic equator separates those points on the earth for which the potential is positive, from those where it is negative. On either side of the equator the absolute value of the potential de- creases continuously. 436. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC POLES. The term terrestrial magnetic poles, is ordinarily applied to those points of the surface where the potential is a maximum or minimum. A pole is a point where the level surface becomes a tangent to the surface of the Earth; the force there is evidently vertical. The number of poles is at least two, for there are at least two points at which the level surfaces are tangents to the surface of the sphere; but there may be a far greater number. Suppose, for instance, that there are two poles P and P' (Fig. 93) situate in the Fig. 93 positive region that is to say, on the southern hemisphere. These poles might belong to the same level surface which had two points of contact with the surface of the sphere ; but more generally we shall consider them as belonging to two different surfaces of poten- tials V m and V' m , V^ being greater than V' m . Since the points P and P' are points of maximum, the potential decreases in all directions around each of them, and we may always choose a value Vj of potential lower than V' m , such that the inter- section of the surface V 1 with the sphere, gives two closed curves S and S', insulated from each other, and each of which surrounds one of the points ; we may then take a value V 2 so small that the same curve of intersection comprises the two points. 410 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. By making the potential vary continuously from V l to V 2 , we shall find a value V for which the two curves, previously separated, come in contact, and merge into a single one S ; the junction may take place either by a single point of intersection, as in Fig. 93, or by a greater number of points of intersection or of contact. Let O be one of these points. It is first of all clear that the horizontal component there is null, and that therefore the point corresponds to the ordinary definition of poles ; it is, however, to be observed that as we move in certain directions we get increasing, and in other directions decreasing, potentials ; for the former directions the point O would act like a south pole, and for the second as a north pole. This is what we may call a false pole. There cannot thus be two distinct poles in the same hemisphere without there being at the same time at least one false pole. But observations give nothing of this kind, and it is only an inexact interpretation of phenomena which has sometimes led to the con- clusion, that observations indicate the existence of two poles in the northern hemisphere. Near a pole, in fact, the magnetic parallels have an elliptical shape ; their perpendiculars that is to say, the magnetic meridians do not coincide in the same point, but the points of convergence, 1 which they show more or less clearly, are the centres of curvature, and have clearly no relation with the poles. . Observation leads then to this consequence, that, apart from purely accidental and local circumstances, there are only two mag- netic poles on the surface of the Earth a negative pole in the northern and a positive pole in the southern hemisphere. It is important to add, also, that terrestrial magnetic poles, such as we have defined them, have nothing in common with magnetic poles, properly so called, considered as centres of gravity of positive and negative magnetic masses. The magnetic axis of the Earth is the right line along which the sum of the projections of the mag- netic moments of the various elements is a maximum (297). 437. PROPERTIES OF A CLOSED POLYGON. We know that if we move a magnetic mass equal to unity from a point Pj where the potential is V 15 to a point P 2 where it is V 2 , and if we denote by F the force, by ds the element of the path described by the mass, and by e the angle of the force with the element, the magnetic work is expressed by the equation Yds cos e. PROPERTIES OF A CLOSED POLYGON. 411 This work is independent of the path traversed, and is zero whenever we return to the original level surface by making the mass describe any given closed curve. Suppose that the two points P l and P 2 are situate on the surface of the Earth, and that the mass is displaced along this surface; the work of the vertical component is zero at each instant, the expression for the work only depends on the horizontal component H, and reduces to (2) v. fp. -v 2 = J*l cose, the integral of the second member being zero whenever the mass is made to describe a closed circuit. That being admitted, let us consider a polygon formed of great circles passing through the points P , P I} P 2 (Fig. 94). Trace Fig. 94. at these various points the geographical meridians P M , P 1 M 1 , P 9 M 2 , and the magnetic meridians P D , P^, P 2 D 2 . . . Let ^o ^i> V-- be the declinations reckoned positively from north to west; 0.1 the azimuth of the arc P P 1 at the point P , this azimuth being counted positively from north to east; 1.0 the azimuth of the arc PQ?! at the point P x counted posi- tively in the same direction ; c o-u i-o tf 16 values of the angles e at these various points. 412 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. We have At the point P , e Q ^ = ^ + . 1 ; *!. 2 = ^ + 1. 2; ' 2 1 = 2 ~^~ * ' 1 ' 2>3 = 8 a + 2.3; etc. On the side PoPj the horizontal component H is not constant either in magnitude or in direction ; nevertheless, if this side is very small compared with the dimensions of the terrestrial globe, we may assume that the value of H is constant, equal to the mean of the values which it has at the points P and P 1? and put H cose = -(H cos^.j + Hj cose 1<0 ). The theorem expressed by equation (2) gives then We shall have then, for the closed polygon, cos + O.l + cos + 2 [ Hl cos (S, + 1 . 2) + H 2 cos-(5 2 + 2 . 1)] + ? [H n cos (8 n + n . 0) + H cos (8 + . )]. Applying this equation to the triangle formed by the stations at Paris, Gottingen, and Milan, and taking as unknown the value H at Paris, Gauss found by calculation the value H = 0.5i7, while observation gave 0.518. GEOGRAPHICAL CO-ORDINATES. 413 438. INTRODUCTION OF GEOGRAPHICAL CO-ORDINATES. Let us consider any given point P at a distance r from the centre of the Earth ; let u (Fig. 95) be the complement P'D of the latitude and / Fig. 95- the longitude CQ counted towards the east. We shall decompose the magnetic force F at the point P into three rectangular forces, one Z along the vertical and measured positively towards the zenith, the other X in the meridian and directed towards the north, the third directed towards the west. Taking into account the ratios dx = rdU) dyr sin udl^ dz = dr, the components of the force become (4) r sn u *.--*. Tr' 414 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. We have, moreover, When the point P is at the surface of the Earth at P', we must take r=a, and equations (4) give 3V sin u = - . ol Since, further, we have we get <)X 3 (Y sin?/) 1)7 ~ ~~^u and, therefore, For u = that is to say, at the north pole we have Y sin u = 0, and therefore/ (/) = 0. We get then, finally, (6) We are thus led to the remarkable theorem of Gauss : If for all points of the surface of the earth we know the horizontal component directed towards the north, that is sufficient to give us the horizontal component- turned towards the west, and therefore the total horizontal component. EXPRESSION OF POTENTIAL. 415 439. EXPRESSION OF POTENTIAL. Whatever may be the mag- netisation of the Earth, the external potential may be represented, as we have seen (369), by the expression which, for a point on the surface, reduces to We deduce from this, as the components of the Earth's magnetism, 1 3V JA SA K . . . a ou uu ou =-i_^=-!-r '+^2+ i a sin ull sin u [_ W <>/ " J ' The coefficients A 15 A 2 , A 8 , are functions of the two angles / and u. A n is expressed (368) by 2n+i terms in sines and co- sines. Hence, if we wish to represent the condition of the Earth by a series of this form, we must determine three numerical coefficients for A 1? five for A 2 , seven for A 3 , etc. Gauss found that, in the then existing condition of magnetic determinations, it was useless to push the development beyond the fourth term, so that there are still twenty-four numerical coefficients to calculate. Every point of the surface gives three equations by the values of the components X, Y, Z ; hence, if we know these three elements at any eight places in the earth, we have a complete solution of the problem. In order to avoid errors arising from neglected terms, and from inexact observations, Gauss applied the method of least squares to the data for eighty-four points, taken on twelve equidistant meri- dians, and seven parallels. The results thus obtained were then applied to ninety-nine other points. 41 6 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. The formulas calculated by Gauss assign to the two poles the following positions for the year 1838 : North Pole latitude 73 35' longitude 95 39' W, South Pole 72 35' 152 30' E ; they are, as will be seen, far from corresponding to the ends of the same diameter. The true magnetic axis, determined by the condition that the sum of the projections of the moments is a maximum, is parallel to the terrestrial diameter which corresponds to that point in the northern hemisphere the latitude of which is 77 50', and the longi- tude 63 31' W. Its direction does not coincide exactly with the line of the poles. This direction is that for which the coefficient A 1 has its maxi- mum value (370). The magnetic moment of the Earth is equal to # 3 K. Comparing this moment with that of a magnetised steel bar, which weighed about 500 grammes, and had been used in the absolute determination of the Earth's magnetism, Gauss found that it was about 8.io 21 times as great. If we suppose the Earth to be uniformly magnetised, it follows from this number that the magnetic moment of each cube metre of the terrestrial globe is the same as that of eight of the magnets used by Gauss. Assuming that the magnetisation of the bar was also uniform, the intensity of its magnetisation would be about 2200 times that of the terrestrial globe. 440. Is THE MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH IN THE INTERIOR ONLY ? It may be observed that if the acting masses were in part in the interior and part outside, the potential might be expressed by the sum of two series /a\ +i 1 +A t the former relative to the internal masses, and the second to the external masses. Denoting by V n the general term of the develop- ment, we should have then V = INFLUENCE OF THE SUN AND MOON. 417 from which is deduced , + ~~ dr r n \rj a r4 \a For a point on the surface we have simply (8) dV n+i n The vertical component dr has for its general term (9) Z^ This equation, combined with the preceding one (8), gives and we may thus easily separate the effect due to internal masses from those produced by external masses. The calculations of Gauss having shewn that the observations are satisfied by means of the single coefficients A, it follows that the coefficients B are virtually null ; hence no sensible part of the terrestrial action is due to external magnetic masses. 441. INFLUENCE OF THE SUN AND MOON. There are, how- ever, certain periodical variations in the elements of terrestrial magnetism, which appear to be connected with the apparent motions of the Sun and Moon, or at any rate to depend on certain accessory phenomena such as the spots of the Sun. The influence of these bodies can scarcely be doubted ; everything leads, however, to the belief that they do not act directly as magnetic bodies, but that their influence is indirect, and only modifies the magnetic condition of the terrestrial globe. E E 41 8 MAGNETIC CONDITION OF THE GLOBE. A star, whatever may be the distribution of its magnetism, is, in fact, equivalent for very distant points to an infinitely small magnet, or to a sphere magnetised uniformly. Let us denote by : I the mean intensity of the Earth's magnetisation ; R its radius ; I' the mean intensity of the magnetisation of a star ; R ; its radius ; 7' its magnetic moment ; D its distance from the Earth. The value of the action of the Earth at the equator, where it is a minimum, is (153) If we suppose that the line of the poles of the star in question is 'directed towards the Earth, which is the most favourable case, the force F^, which it will exert on the Earth, will be (153) The ratio of the polar action of the star in question, to the equatorial action of the Earth, is D The ratio is therefore proportional to the magnetisation of the star and to the cube of its apparent diameter. The apparant diameter of the Sun, and that of the Moon, are about 30' that is to say, less than o.oi so that we have FP 1 1' _ 6 INFLUENCE OF THE SUN AND MOON. 419 If these stars are magnetised like the Earth, the greatest variation which they could produce at the equator, on the declination, is less lo- 6 i" therefore than or , that is to say, absolutely inappreciable. 4 20 To have variations of 10', such as are frequently met with, the intensity of the magnetisation of the Sun and of the Moon, must be 12,000 times as great as that of the Earth. Now the most powerfully magnetised steel has not 10,000 times the intensity of the Earth; hence, to produce a deviation of 10', the Sun and Moon should be more powerfully magnetised than the best steel magnets. The same conclusions result from supposing that the Moon, for instance, is magnetised by the Earth. If the Moon is at the equator, the action which it experiences from the Earth is and the value of the intensity of the magnetisation is From this is deduced r t*v m i w (*: \D) 5 W Whatever value we assume for the coefficient k if even we compare the Moon with the very softest iron the ratio of the magnetisations will be always very small, and the reaction of the Moon upon the Earth may be completely neglected. Still more must this be the case with the Sun. E E 2 420 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. PART IV. ELECTROMAGNETISM. CHAPTER I. CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. 442. OERSTED'S EXPERIMENT. Older experiments on electrical discharges had already shewn that the passage of a current in a conducting wire could modify the magnetism of a steel needle. These phenomena, to which only small importance was attached, were a first indication of the relations which existed between elec- tricity and magnetism. It is only since 1820, in consequence of (Ersted's experiment, that the existence of these relations has been made completely evident by the immortal researches of Ampere. When a straight conductor traversed by a current is brought near a magnetised needle, the needle is, in general, deflected from its position. In order to explain in all cases the somewhat complicated effects which are observed according to the relative positions of the magnet and the current, Ampere gave a very simple rule : Suppose an observer placed in the wire in such a manner that the current enters at his feet and emerges at. his head ; the observer, turning his face to the needle, always sees the North pole turn towards his left, which for the future we shall call the left of the current If the needle were freed from the action of the Earth, and of any other action than that of the current, it would set at right angles with the current. 443. MAGNETIC FIELD OF A CURRENT. The fundamental fact which results from (Ersted's experiment, is that an electrical current of any given form creates about itself a true magnetic field. This field possesses all the properties observed in an ordinary magnetic field, for the actions which it exerts at any point on equal magnetic masses of opposite signs are equal and directly MAGNETIC FIELD OF A CURRENT. 421 opposite. The force, moreover, is proportional to the magnetic mass in question, for if we put near the current a small needle, which at the same time is under the action of the Earth, the direction which it takes is independent of its magnetic moment ; the resultant of the two forces which arise from the terrestrial field, and from the field created by the current, has thus itself a fixed direction, and therefore the two forces maintain a constant ratio. The action of the current also changes its sign, without changing its magnitude, when the direction of the current is simply reversed; thus, when the conducting wire is bent upon itself, the two portions close to each other, which are traversed by equal currents in opposite directions, have no action on the pole of a magnetised needle. The existence of the field produced by the current may be rendered evident by the ordinary method of magnetic images. Thus, if iron filings are scattered on a sheet of paper traversed at right angles in its centre by a rectilinear current, the filings are seen to arrange themselves in concentric circles about the path of the current. We conclude from this that the lines of force are circumferences whose centre is the axis of the current. The force, therefore, is perpendicular at each point to the plane passing through this point and the current ; it is, moreover, turned to the left of the observer in Ampere's rule. The successive equipotential surfaces obtained about a rectilinear current are thus formed by a series of planes passing through the axis of the wire, and making equal angles with each other. The same is the case near any given current, so that the equipotential surfaces are formed about each portion of the wire, making equal angles with each other. 444, ACTION OF A RECTILINEAR CURRENT ON A POLE. EXPERIMENTS OF BIOT AND SAVART. Biot and Savart determined experimentally the magnitude of the force at each point. They examined the action of a vertical current on a small horizontal magnetic needle placed at various distances on a right line passing through the current, and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. In these conditions the resultant force is the sum of the horizontal component H of the Earth's field, and of the force < of the current. The needle is first caused to oscillate under the influence of the Earth alone, then at distances a and a' from the wire under the combined influence of the Earth and of the current. If #, N, and 422 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. N' are the numbers of oscillations of the needle in a given time / in the three experiments, then if K is a constant depending on the magnetisation of the needle and on its moment of inertia, we have From which is deduced But experiment showed that by employing the method of alter- nate distances to eliminate the effect of variations in the strength of the current, the following ratio was always obtained : It follows from this that <$>a = <$>&', that is to say, that the action of the current on a point is inversely as the distance. On the other hand, experiments made on the discharge of batteries those of Colladon and of Faraday particularly and the more accurate measurements made with the voltameter, have shown that 'the magnetic action of a current is proportional to the quantity of electricity which flows during unit time that is to say, to the intensity / of the current. The action exerted by a rectilinear current on a magnetic mass m at a distance #, may then be represented by the expression ' \ to in which k is a coefficient to be determined. The action observed in this experiment, as well as in that of CErsted, is always the action of a closed current ; but it is easy to see that if the rectilinear portion is sufficiently great, and the rest of the current sufficiently distant, the action of this latter part is inappre- ciable, and the effect observed only depends on the nearest part. The action of the rectilinear portion may then be considered as POTENTIAL OF AN UNLIMITED RECTILINEAR CURRENT. 423 equal to that of an unlimited rectilinear current. Hence we arrive at the following law of Biot and Savart : The action of an unlimited rectilinear current on a pole is perpen- dicular to the plane passing through the current and the pole, is directed towards the left of the current, and is inversely as the distance of the current from the pole. A simpler experiment, at any rate in theory, leads to the same result. Suppose that a portion of the circuit is vertical, and a magnet placed in any given way, upon an apparatus movable about an axis which coincides with that of the current. It will be seen that the movable system is at rest for all positions of the magnet, whatever be the direction and strength of the current. It follows hence that the sum of the moments, in reference to the axis, of the actions exerted on the different masses of the magnet, is null. If m is the magnetic mass at a distance a from the axis, we shall have If we suppose the magnet reduced to two masses m equal and of contrary signs, at the distances a and a' from the current, the equation reduces to m(a (f> f a') = Q, or <$>a = const., that is to say, to Biot and Savart's law. The experiment carries with it its own verification, for if we cease to make the axis of rotation coincide with the axis of the current, the system is displaced, and tends to turn in one or the other direction to obtain its position of equilibrium. 445. POTENTIAL OF AN UNLIMITED RECTILINEAR CURRENT. We shall proceed to show that the magnetic field of a current is defined by a potential that is to say, by a function whose partial differentials, in reference to the axis of the co-ordinates, represent the respective components of the force taken with contrary signs. In the case of a rectilinear current, the equipotential surfaces are planes passing through the current. Let us take the current for the 2-axis, and a plane perpendicular to the current passing through the point P (Fig. 96) for the plane xy. If we suppose that the current goes behind the figure, the force at a point P of the plane, from Ampere's rule, is perpendicular to PO, and would tend to turn this 424 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. point about the current in the direction of the hands of a watch. Let a denote the angle PO/. For a very small displacement PP' in the direction of the force, the work on a positive mass equal to unity will be dT = < x PP' = <$>ada = kida. Fig. 96. As the angle /5, which the right line PO makes with a parallel P#' to the axis, is complementary to a, we may write of the spindle, which the dihedron cuts through a sphere of unit radius with its centre at P ; we may accordingly write ki V = w + const. 2 The surface o> is evidently the solid angle under which the plane of xz is seen from the point P, unlimited in one direction, and bounded in the other by the current that is to say, the apparent surface of this plane. POTENTIAL OF AN UNLIMITED CURRENT. 425 We conclude from this that the potential of an unlimited recti- linear current at a point is, within a constant, proportional to the product of the strength by the apparent surface of a plane, unlimited in one direction, and bounded in the other by the current In order to determine the sign of this apparent surface, we must remember that, in practice, the unlimited rectilinear current neces- sarily forms part of a closed circuit, and that if the non-rectilinear portion is very distant from the point P, the angle under which the whole circuit is seen, which we may suppose plane, only differs by an inappreciable quantity from the unlimited plane of which it forms part. We shall call that face of the current, which is on the left of the observer placed in the current, and who is looking inwards, the positive face ; the negative face being that on his right ; and we shall take the angle w positive or negative, according as the positive or the negative face is seen from the point P. 446. THE POTENTIAL OF AN UNLIMITED CURRENT is NOT A SIMPLE FUNCTION OF THE CO-ORDINATES. At a given point, the angle w only gives the value of the potential of an unlimited current to within a constant. It is easy to see what is the significance of this constant. Suppose that a unit positive mass taken at the point P (Fig. 96) describes a circumference about the point O, in the direction of the force, and reverts to its original position. The angle o> has resumed the same value, but the force has performed a ki work <27T# that is to say, 2irki or 477 , and this mass has traversed 2 the plane of the current by the negative face. For n turns of the ki mass, the work would be equal to 471-72 , and the potential would 2 ki have varied by the same quantity - 471-72 . ki On the other hand, the expression w is the work which must be expended against magnetic forces, in order to bring this mass from infinity to the point P, without traversing the plane of the current. If then, by analogy with the properties of magnetic shells, we call the potential at a point, the work necessary to bring a positive magnetic mass equal to unity from an infinite distance, this potential is expressed by / \ TT / N (2) V = (0-47772 = (to -47772). 426 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. The magnetic potential of the current at a point is not, therefore, a simple function of the co-ordinates, but a function having an infinity of values, which differ from each other by a multiple of ki 477 ; that is to say, of the work which would be represented by the complete rotation about the current of a magnetic mass equal to unity. This property may be easily generalised. 447. POTENTIAL OF AN ANGULAR CURRENT. Let us consider two unlimited currents AA' and BB' (Fig. 97) of the same strength, situated in the same plane, and moving in the directions indicated by the arrows. Let Q be the projection of the pole P on this plane. The potential at P of the current AA' is proportional to the apparent surface of the plane AA'X; that of BB' is proportional to the apparent surface of the plane BB'X. With the actual direction of the current, and assuming that their planes extend indefinitely on the right, these two apparent surfaces must be taken with contrary signs, and the resultant potential is equal to their difference. But the part in common, AOBX, dis- appears; the potential is therefore proportional to the apparent surface of the angle BOA', diminished by the apparent surface of the angle AOB'. On the other hand, the system of two unlimited currents is identical with that of two angular currents BOA' and AOB', the first of which turns its positive face to the front, and the second its negative face. We may accordingly assert that the potential at a point P of an angular current, such as BOA', is proportional to its apparent surface, POTENTIAL OF A TRIANGULAR CURRENT. 427 within a function of the co-ordinates of the apex of the angle ; a function whose sign depends on the sign of the surface turned towards the point, and which, moreover, would disappear in applications. 448. POTENTIAL OF A TRIANGULAR CURRENT. Let us suppose further that in the same plane there is a third current CC' (Fig. 98), identical with the former, and forming with it a triangle abc. Fig. 98. The potential at P of the two former is proportional to the apparent surface of the angle BrA', less that of the angle ArB'. The potential of the current CC' is proportional to the apparent surface of the plane CC'X taken with the - sign. If we add together the effects of the three currents, the part in common BtfM.' disappears, and finally there remain, in the expression of the potential, the apparent surface of the triangle abc^ and that of the external angles A^rB', C&A', and B#C', these latter being all taken negatively. Let us add to the system three angular currents of the same strength represented by bent arrows; they will introduce into the potential the apparent surfaces of these same angles taken positively this time, so that only the apparent surface of the triangle will remain. Of all the currents only that circulating round the angle will remain, for each of the external lines is traversed by equa currents of opposite signs. 428 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. Thus the potential at a point P of a closed triangular current is proportional, ivithin a constant, to the apparent surface of the triangle which the current encloses, or to the solid angle under which the triangle is seen from the point P. If this angle be called w, we have ki V = to + const. 2 , The theorem clearly applies to any given quadrilateral; for we may alwayt divide the quadrilateral into two triangles, and suppose that along the diagonal are two equal currents in opposite directions. By this addition nothing is changed in the electrical system, and the given current is transformed into two triangular currents with their positive faces on the same side. The potential is the sum of the two apparent angles of the triangle, or the apparent angle of the quadrilateral. . 449. POTENTIAL OF ANY CLOSED CIRCUIT. We can draw any surface through the outline of a closed current, and suppose this surface divided by two systems of lines, into any number of quadri- laterals, and of infinitely small triangles with rectilinear sides. If we suppose the contours of each of these elementary figures to be traversed by currents of the same strength, and the same direction as the principal current, we should obtain a system of closed currents which will be equivalent to the given current, since each of the interior lines is traversed by two equal currents in contrary directions, and the only effective portions are those, the whole system of which forms the given current. As all the elementary currents have their faces turned in the same direction, the potential of the system is proportional to the sum of the apparent surfaces of the elementary currents that is to say, to the apparent surface of the proposed current. Hence the potential at any point P of any closed current is given, to within a constant, by the solid angle under which the contour of the current is seen from the point P. 450. EQUIVALENCE OF A CLOSED CURRENT AND OF A MAG- NETIC SHELL. AMPERE'S THEOREM. Let w be the value of the solid angle under which the contour of the current is seen from the point P, then from the preceding theorem (3) V = the solid angle under which the negative face of the current is seen. The product - mlu is the work which would be expended in bringing a magnetic mass equal to m, from an infinite distance to this point, without traversing a continuous surface bounded by the current. The potential energy of the mass m at the point P is then, within a constant, equal to mliD. If this mass has passed the surface of the current n times ,by the positive face to arrive at the point P, the work ml^ir must each time have been expended; the total work is then ml (^irn a>). Conversely, if the mass is left to itself, it tends to turn in- definitely around the current, and at each turn expends an amount of energy equal to m^I. This continuity of motion is not possible with two magnetic systems, for the potential is then a determinate function of the co-ordinates ; it would, moreover, be inconsistent with the principle of the conservation of energy. With currents the movement may RELATIVE ENERGY OF A MAGNETIC SYSTEM. 431 be continuous, for an extraneous energy necessarily comes into play in the phenomena, such as that of the chemical actions which take place in batteries. If Q be the flow of force of the magnetic system, which traverses the surface of the current, entering by the negative face, the relative energy of the two systems is expressed, to within a constant, by (5) W=-IQ. When the magnetic system is left to itself, the work ^T of the magnetic forces, for any infinitely small displacement, is equal and of opposite sign to the change in the energy, and we have or The motion of the system takes place in such a way that the value of Q tends towards a maximum. For two successive positions characterized by the indices i and 2, the work, to within a constant, will be It is important to remark that in a general way the difference Q 2 Qj depends not only on the final and initial positions of the magnetic system, but also on the path pursued by each mass; for the product ;#47rl should be added to the work of all those which should have surrounded one of the branches of the current. If a long and flexible uniform magnet, for instance, were placed near a current, the positive pole would turn in one direction indefinitely about the current, and the negative pole in the contrary direction. Nevertheless, if the contour of the current is rigid, as well as the magnetic system, all the masses which constitute the magnet will necessarily make the same number of turns, and in the same time, and the corresponding work is equal to n^irl^m. As the total mass of a magnet is always zero, the work of any given displacement only depends on the initial and final position of the system, and not of the path traversed ; in this case the work is null when the magnet reverts to its original position. It is therefore impossible to obtain the continuous motion of a magnet by a current which traverses a rigid system ; the reciprocal 432 CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. action of the two systems is then identical with that of two magnets. The maximum and minimum values of the flow of force Q correspond to positions of relative equilibrium, stable in the former case and unstable in the latter. The motion may be continuous, on the contrary, if the circuit can be deformed ; if it contains, for instance, liquid portions, sliding contacts, or if it can be broken in certain parts while the magnet is being displaced. ' 453. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF Two CLOSED CURRENTS. It may be asked whether a closed current and a shell, which are equivalent with respect to any magnetic system, are so towards another current? Thus the current Cj and the shell Sj of the same contour, are equivalent in their action upon the magnetic system M 2 ; suppose that this magnetic system is a shell S 2 ; the reciprocal action which is exerted between S T and S 2 is identical with that which is exerted between S x and the current C 2 , which is equivalent to S 2 ; but is this latter action the same as that which would be exerted between the two currents C} and C 2 ? The affirmative seems probable ; but this is only an induction, and it would be easy to find examples, for which the same mode of reasoning would lead to conclusions which are manifestly erroneous. Thus, under conditions suitably chosen, it might happen that the actions exerted upon a magnet by a magnet and by a piece of soft iron are the same ; we could not conclude from this that the soft iron and the magnet would be equivalent towards another piece of soft iron. It is therefore as an experimental result, and not as a necessary deduction from theory, that we shall assume the following theorem of Ampere : The reciprocal action of two closed currents is identical with that of two magnetic shells respectively equivalent to each of them. 454. RELATIVE ENERGY OF Two CURRENTS. The value of the potential energy of two magnetic shells (341) is W= -**'M. From Ampere's theorem, that of two closed currents will be ex- pressed, to within a constant, by the formula (6) W=-II'M, in which I and I' are the strength of the two currents, and M the flow of force which, starting from one of the circuits, traverses the other by its negative face, the strength in each of them being equal to unity. ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTATION. 433 The work al of the magnetic force corresponding to an infinitely small displacement will be given by the equation (7) = 43$ CURRENTS AND MAGNETIC SHELLS. The action is therefore inversely as the square of the distance of the pole from the element; it is applied to the element, and is perpendicular to the plane passing through the element and the pole. Y i > .y \ A Fig. 103. 459. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF Two ELEMENTS OF A CURRENT. We have seen (347) that the action of two shells may be expressed as a function of the two contours. The action of the two currents may then be considered as the resultant of the actions exerted between the elements of the current which constitute it. This elementary action d 2 (f> is not determinate, but if we assume that it takes place along the right line which joins the two elements, it is expressed by Jr tofc' If 6 and & are the angles of the two elements with the right line joining them, and e the angle which the two elements make with each other, we have (10) d*ip = + cos - - cos cosO' I dsds'. The formulae (9) and (10) represent the elementary laws dis- covered by Ampere. The method adopted by Ampere to arrive at this result was entirely different ; it will form the object of the following chapter. 460. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTENSITY OF A CURRENT. We have hitherto defined the intensity of the current by the quantity of elec- tricity which passes through a section of the circuit in every unit of time. The strength thus defined is called the electrostatic intensity; it may be determined by measurements of capacities and potentials, or by electrochemical phenomena. The electromagnetic intensity introduced above (450) is defined by the condition of being ex- ELECTROMAGNETIC UNITS. 439 pressed by the same number as the magnetic power of the equivalent shell of the same contour. We deduce from it k We shall see later what is the significance of this factor - . 2 With the new expression for the intensity, the action of an un- limited rectilinear current at the distance a becomes (12) Consequently, the electromagnetic intensity equal to unity is that of the unlimited rectilinear current which at unit distance exerts a magnetic force equal to 2. 461. ELECTROMAGNETIC UNITS. The change in the expression for the strength necessarily leads to corresponding modifications in estimating other electrical quantities. If it is desired that the in- tensity shall always represent the quantity of electricity which traverses a section of a conductor in unit time, the equation will define Q, and therefore the unit of electricity. If the current produces no other work than that of heating the circuit, Joule's law will define the expression of the resistance, and therefore the unit of resistance, by the ratio W = PR/, in which W represents the thermal energy produced during the time /. The electromotive force, lastly, is given by the equation W-EI/. The units thus defined, and which we shall call electromagnetic units, are those used in the following chapters. We shall subse- quently establish the relations between them and the electrostatic units. 44 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. CHAPTER II. ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. 462. AMPERE'S METHOD. The course we have followed is, so to say, the inverse of that which led Ampere to the law of ele- mentary actions. The importance of the subject, and the interest which Ampere's experiments and reasonings present, will justify the fresh statement of the question which we shall make, based on the ideas of this illustrious philosopher. Ampere considered the actions exerted by currents, on magnets or on currents, as the resultant of the actions of each of the elements of length, into which the current may be decomposed, and he endea- voured to deduce from experiment the law of these elementary actions. If we inquire to what extent an elementary law thus defined is directly accessible to experiment, it will be seen that in strictness it is possible to study the action of a single pole on a current element by working with a solenoidal magnet so long that the action of the other pole may be neglected, and with a portion of the current as small as we like, which is made movable ; this, however, is not the case when we consider the action of a current element on a pole, or the interaction of two current elements. Only the entire circuit of the current, or in all cases a closed current, can be made to act on a movable current element as on a pole. The investigation of a mathematical law, in the way in which Ampere views the problem, corresponds then at least in the second case to a purely mathematical conception ; but the method is none the less legitimate so long as we merely propose to determine the resultant action of the whole circuit, the elementary law being then restricted only by the condition that the integral relative to a closed circuit gives a result which agrees with experiment. But it is clear, also, that the problem thus stated is not completely determinate, and that there may be several elementary laws which satisfy this funda- mental condition. ACTION OF A POLE ON A CURRENT ELEMENT. 441 463. ACTION OF A POLE ON A CURRENT ELEMENT. FUNDA- MENTAL PRINCIPLES. We will start from the following principles, some of which may be regarded as evident axioms, and others as experimental facts : I. Equality of action and reaction. The action of a magnet on a current is equal and directly opposite to the action of the current on the magnet. This general law of Nature is experimentally verified in the present case ; for if the magnet and the current are connected, the system if made free does not move. II. The action changes its sign with the sign of the pole and with the direction of the current. This fact is a result of experi- ment. The action remains the same when the sign of the pole and the direction of the current are simultaneously changed. III. Principle of sinuous currents. The action of a sinuous current on a magnet is identical with that of a rectilinear current which has the same terminals. In order to verify this principle, Ampere showed that two con- ducting wires terminating at the same ends, one straight and the other sinuous, have no action on any magnet when they are tra- versed by the same current in opposite directions. Some limitations are here necessary; the sinuous current must be of the same order of magnitude as the rectilinear current, and be but little distant from it; nor must it turn about the rectilinear current This principle, moreover, will only be used to replace an element by its three projections. IV. The action of any given magnet, and therefore of a pole, on a current element, is perpendicular to the element. Ampere established this principle in the following manner. A metallic arc of a circle, movable about an axis passing through its centre, and perpendicular to its plane, can glide on two drops of mercury by which the current traversing it enters and leaves. Any given magnet placed in the vicinity leaves the arc at rest. The action of the magnet is then in the plane which passes through the axis of rotation, and is therefore perpendicular to the movable current. The arc, moreover, begins to move when the axis no longer passes through the centre. V. The action of a magnet on an element of current is applied to the element. This results from the following experiment, due to M. Liouville. Part of the rectilinear current is made movable about its axis ; with this object, its ends dip in two small mercury cups by which the current enters. The rectilinear element does not rotate at all, in whatever manner the magnet is presented to it. 442 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. VI. Principle of symmetry. The application of the principle of symmetry will determine the direction of the force. We see at first that : i st. The action of a pole on an element of current perpendicular to the right line which joins it to the pole, is perpendicular to the ds p Fig. 104. ds Fig. 105. Fig. 106. : plane passing through the pole and the element. Let us join the pole P to the centre of the element ds (Fig. 104). We already know that the action is perpendicular to the element. It is also perpendicular to the right line PO, for if the figure is turned through 1 80 about the right line, the force must change its sign without changing direction (II). 2nd. The action of a pole on a current element, the prolongation of which passes through the pole, is zero. This action must be perpendicular to the element ds (Fig. 105); on the other hand, it should not change in direction when the element is made to turn by any quantity about the right line PO ; it is therefore null. Let there now be an element ds (Fig. 106) which makes an angle a with the right line joining it to the pole; the element of current ds may be replaced by its two projections ds cos a and ds sin a, the one along the right line PO, the other in a perpendicular direction. The action of the pole on the former is null ; there only then remains the action of the pole on ds sin a. This latter is propor- tional, as we have seen, to the mass m of the pole, to the intensity i of the current ; it is also proportional to the length ds sin a of the element, and lastly to a certain function of the distance f (r). Hence, if d<}> is this force, and k a coefficient to be determined by experiment, d = mkids sin of (r) . LAW OF BIOT AND SAVART. 443 The force is moreover applied to the element, and is per- pendicular to the plane Pds. Its direction is on the right of the current that is, on the right of an observer placed in the element, and looking at the pole, for the action of the element on the pole is in the opposite direction. VII. Law of Biot and Savart. The experiments of Biot and Savart (444) demonstrate that the magnetic action of a rectilinear current on a pole, is inversely as the distance of the current from the pole. According to a remark of Laplace, this law is satisfied if we assume that the action of a pole on an element of current is inversely as the square of the distance that is to say, if we have /(?) = We may conversely prove that the law of the square is the only one which satisfies Biot and Savart's experiments. Fig. 107. Consider, in fact, two parallel rectilinear currents, unlimited and of the same strength AS and A'S', at distances a and a' from the pole P (Fig. 107). For two elements ds and ds\ comprised between the same two radius vectors drawn through the point P, and the distances of which from this point are r and r', we have ds _ r a ds' r a ' and therefore rds' = r'ds 444 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. The ratio of the actions d$ and d<$ of the pole on the elements ds and ds' becomes then ds sin a d( r'" r .r ds r a i r . rds' r a ds sin a The actions of the corresponding elements being inversely as the distances a and ', this will also be the case with the resultants. This is the law resulting from experiment. The action of a pole on an element of current is then expressed by dssina d

= r'd$, the point of application of the partial resultant is the pole P. This is also the case for the general resultant. The action of the whole circuit is sensibly equal to that of the rectilinear part. If the intensity is expressed by means of the electromagnetic unit (460), the action of the unlimited current on the pole m, placed at the distance a, is expressed by m , and the elementary formula a becomes mlds sin a (i) d$ = - or, noting that is the magnetic action F of the mass m at the point occupied by the element of current, (2) d dA denoting the surface of the parallelogram constructed on the element and on the force F. The action exerted on the current Ids, situate in a magnetic field, only depends on the intensity of the field at this point, whatever be the system from which the force proceeds (458) : The action exerted on an element of current placed in a magnetic field is equal to the product of the intensity of the current by the area of the parallelogram constructed on the element of current, and on the intensity of the field. This force is perpendicular to the plane of the parallelogram, and directed to the left of the observer placed in the current who is looking in the direction of the field. The plane of the parallelogram to which the magnetic force is perpendicular, was called by Ampere the directive plane. 446 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. Although we have given the name elementary to the force which we have defined, it cannot so be considered in the strict sense of the word ; thus, as Ampere observes, " we cannot apply the term elementary either to a force which is manifested between two elements which are not of the same kind, or to a force which does not act along the straight line joining the two points between which it is exerted." 464. RECIPROCAL ACTION OF A POLE AND OF A CURRENT. Starting from this elementary law we shall prove as above (346) that the components of the action of a unit pole, placed at the origin of the co-ordinates, on a current element ds situated at a point whose co-ordinates are x, y, and #, are ^ = -^ (3) dri = It may be observed that the moment dM. z of this force, in reference to the z axis, is ^M z = xdv) -yd% = \z (xdx +ydy) - (x 2 +/) dz . The equation gives xdx +ydy + zdz = rdr. It follows that --\z rdr zdz - r* *' dz\ =- zc 2 ~r*[_ Z r r* ZL - Id ( - ) r But - is the cosine of the angle, which the right line r makes with the z axis; we have then */M z = - \d cos y, RECIPROCAL ACTION OF A POLE AND A CURRENT. 447 so that the moment M 2 of the actions exerted by the pole on any arc AB has the value (4) M^ = I(cosy a -cosy & ). If the circuit is closed, this moment is null, and as the direction of the z axis has been arbitrarily chosen, we see that the action of a pole on a closed current passes through the pole. Conversely, the action of a closed current on a pole also passes through the pole. 465. Instead of following the course taken, and of proving that Biot and Savart's law is satisfied by an action which is inversely as the square of the distance, we might have pursued a perhaps more rigorous course, and have admitted as an experimental fact that the action of a closed current on a pole passes through the pole. The moment of the action of a pole on the element ds in reference to the z axis will then be and the moment relative to an arc AB /B fA M,= -I ry(r) Cydz zdy (8) c)co Czdx xdz *y~ "J ^ <)a> Cxdy -ydx ^T J ^ 468. ACTION OF Two ELEMENTS OF A CURRENT. The action of two elements of a current may be established by an analogous method by the aid of some principles and of facts taken from experiment. I. Equality of action and reaction. This principle does not allow of experimental verification in the case of two elements of currents. It must be regarded as a fundamental hypothesis ; it carries with it the necessary consequence that the action of two elements is along the right line which joins them. On the other hand, the reciprocal action of two elements of current is obviously G G 45 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. proportional to the length of each element, to the intensity of the current in each of them, and to a function, which remains to be determined, of the distance of the elements as well as of their relative distances. II. The action changes its direction when the direction of one of the currents is changed ; it remains unaltered when the direction of the two currents is simultaneously changed. This is a general property of electrical currents. III. Principle of symmetry. It follows from this principle of symmetry that the reciprocal action of two elements a and b (Fig. 1 08), one of which a is in the plane perpendicular to the other in its middle, is null. X* Fig. 108. For consider a system a'V symmetrical with the first in reference to a plane P parallel with the element a, and with the right line OC joining the centres of the elements. The actions of a on , and of a' on b' are respectively along OC and O'C, and in the same direction from symmetry. But the second is none other than the first, in which the direction of the current has been changed in the element b; the force should have changed its direction owing to this inversion, hence it is null. The force in particular is null, if the element a is perpendicular to the right line OC, which joins the centres of the two elements, or directed along this right line. These are two cases which will have to be made use of. IV. Principle of sinuous currents. The principle of sinuous currents may be applied as above (463) and with the same limi- tations ; we can always replace a current element by its projections on three rectangular axes. PRINCIPLE OF SINUOUS CURRENTS. 45 1 Let us consider two elements a and b (Fig. 109) in any position ; let ds and ds' be their lengths, i and t' the intensities of the two currents referred to a given unit, 6 and & the angles of their directions with the right line OO' joining their centres, r the distance OO', lastly co the angle of the planes drawn through the right line OO' and the two elements. Fig. 109. Let us take the plane which passes through the element ds and the right line OO' as plane of the figure, and replace each of these elements by its projections on three rectangular axes ; one of these axes is the right line OO', the other a right line in the plane of the figure, and the third a perpendicular to this plane. The element a has only two projections a' = ds cos 0, a" = ds sin B ; the three projections of the element b are b" ds' sin & cos w , b'" = ds' cos 0' sin w. The total action consists of the actions of each of these elements a' and a" on each of the elements b', b"> and b'". Of these six actions, four are null from the principle of symmetry, that of a' on b" and b'" t and that of a" on b' and b'". There only remains to be examined the action of a' on &', and that of a" on b". The former is exerted between two elements directed along the same right line; it might be represented by ii'dsds cos cos 0'F(r). G G 2 45 2 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. The second is exerted between two elements parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the right line joining their centres ; we might represent it by ii'dsds' sin sin 0' cos wf(r) , the two functions of the distance being different since the conditions are not the same. The action d^ will then be expressed by the formula ( 9 ) d^ = ii'dsds' [cos cos & F (r) + sin 9 sin & cos (o/(r)] . If e be the angle of the two elements, we have cos e = cos cos & + sin sin & cos w, and we may write (i o) d*$ = ii'ds ds' [cos 6 cos & [F (r) -f(r)] + cos e/(r)] . 469. DETERMINATION OF THE FUNCTIONS F(r) and /(/). To determine the functions F(r) and f(r\ we must have recourse to experiment, and may employ very different methods, according to the phenomenon to which we apply ourselves. We shall adopt the following course, which is not perhaps the most rigorous from the mathematical point of view, but which leads most rapidly to the final formula. We start from the two following experiments devised by Ampere. V. When the homologous dimensions of three similar currents of the same intensity are in geometrical progression that is to say, as i, m, ;/z 2 , and are moreover similarly placed the actions of the extreme currents on the intermediate current are equal and of opposite sign. If this latter is movable along a line passing through its centre of similitude, and if it is disturbed from its position of equilibrium, it returns to it of itself that is to say, that the equilibrium is stable. Ampere made this experiment with three circular currents situate in the same plane, the intermediate circuit being movable about an axis perpendicular to this plane. DETERMINATION OF THE FUNCTIONS F(r) AND/(r). 453 VI. The action of a closed current on an element of current is perpendicular to the element. The arrangement of this latter experi- ment is the same as that for the action of magnets on currents (463, IV.) Consider the three similar currents of the first experiment (V.) For the position of equilibrium, the distances to the centre of Fig. no. similitude of the three homologous points, A, B, C (Fig. no) of the circles, satisfy the ratio OA OB OC from which is deduced and therefore OB - OC = B C = OA m (i - m), AB For three homologous elements of current #, b, and c, the lengths will be ds t mdS) and m z ds ; the distance of the two former being r, that of the second to the third will be mr. If we assume that each intermediate element such as b is in equilibrium between the two others a and c, which correspond to it, the entire current S' will be in equilibrium between the two similarly placed currents S and S". It does not seem that this condition is always necessary, but it is evidently sufficient, and it enables us to determine the form of the two functions ~F(r) and/(r). 454 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. It follows, in fact, that the action exerted on the element b ought not to change when a is replaced by c that is to say, ds by m*ds t and r by mr; we get then, from equation (9), suppressing the common factor ii'ds ds', and observing that the angles 6 and 6' are equal, and the angle w is zero, cos 2 F (r) + sin 2 Of(r) = m* [cos 2 6 F (mr) + sin 2 Of(mr)~\. This condition should be satisfied, whatever be the particular values of m, 0, and r; we must have separately m*f(mr)=f(r). Making r=i, and m = r, we get r 2 F(r) = const = /*, , r' 88 const M and, consequently, Thus the functions F(r) and /(r) are both inversely as the square of the distance. The expression for the elementary action then becomes (u) d^= U * S -\ k cos# cos^' + sin^ sin 0' cos w , or (I2 ) J m >d ^ S> \(k - i) cos cos & + cos el . 470. DETERMINATION OF THE RATIO OF THE Two CON- STANTS. The last experiment (VI.) enables us to determine the ratio k of the two constants. DETERMINATION OF THE RATIO OF THE CONSTANTS. 455 Let us place the origin of the co-ordinates at the centre of the movable element ds', and the x axis in the direction of the element itself. The action of an element ds of a closed circuit in which the intensity is i is expressed, as we have seen, by = m * S (k-i) cos cos 0' + cos e . The co-ordinates of the element ds being x, y, z, and its distance from the origin r, we have -, dr -, dx COS = - . ds The elementary action may then be written in the form hii 'dsds ' f x dr dx~\ = - (_!) + r 2 \_ rds ds\ and the projection of this force on the x axis is d*$ cos 6' = d^- = hii 'ds 1 \(k - i) + 1 r [_ r 4 r B J The component parallel to the x axis of the action of the closed circuit on the element ds' is expressed by Integration by parts gives 456 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. For a closed circuit, the first term of the second member is null ; we get then ~ hii'ds' , Since from experiment this component must be null, we get 0, or k= . 2 With this value of , the elementary action becomes (i3) or ii'ds'ds I 3 cos e - - cos 6 cos | , 7.--'7,r^ 3'awfrl ^hu 'ds'\ -T---T . [_r 2 2 r 3 J 471. DETERMINATION OF THE CONSTANT A The components of the action of the current parallel to the other axes are then ydx $xydr r* 2 r* zdx 3 xzdr ~^~~2~^ di)'= \d^ = hu'ds'\ d= \d^ Z - = hu'ds'{ Integration by parts gives xydr / i xy\ i Cxdy +ydx " = V~3^/ 3J ^~ The former term of the second member being null for a closed circuit, we have lastly hii'ds' C - J: ydx - xdy hii'ds' Czdx-xdz DETERMINATION OF THE CONSTANT k. 457 The value of the action F, of the current on unit magnetic mass placed at the origin, and therefore the intensity of the field which this current produces at the point where is the element, is expressed by IG, where I is the electromagnetic intensity of the current (466), and its components are z=-ic "'^-^ -I The three components d%, dtj, d, of the action d$ of the circuit on the element ds' may then be written Mi'ds 1 from which is deduced It follows from this that the two forces F and d$ are perpendicular to each other. As the x axis is the only one which is defined, we may choose the two others in such a way that the magnetic action F of the current is in the plane xz\ we have then- Y = 0, B = 0, X = Fcosa, A = Gcosa, Z=Fsina, C=Gsina, a being the angle which the force F on the straight line G makes with the x axis. 458 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. It follows from this that hii'ds' . hii'ds' . dn -- G sm a = -- - Jb sin a = afVi, we get In this case the currents are parallel, of unit length, perpen- dicular to the line which joins their centres, and at unit distance j the strength of the current, which is equal for each of them, and is taken at unity, is such that the reciprocal action is equal to the unit of force. Supposing the currents equal, equation (14) will give, The electrodynamic intensity of a current is equal to its electro- magnetic intensity multiplied by \/2. In virtue of the ratio which connects the numerical expression of a magnitude into the unit which serves to measure it, we see that the electrodynamic unit of current is equal to the electromagnetic unit divided by \/2. 474. The identity between the mutual action of currents and that of the correlated magnetic systems has been confirmed in all experiments as long, at least, as a steady condition has been estab- lished in the circuits. We may cite, for instance, the experiments of Weber on the reciprocal action of the cylindrical coils with circular bases. This action is proportional to the strength of the two currents ; it varies with the relative distance and direction of the coils according to the same law as that of two magnets whose axes are respectively parallel to the axes of the coils. 460 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. 475. FORMULA EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF AMPERE. We have seen (349) that the action of two elements of the contour of two magnetic shells, which is equivalent to the elementary electro- dynamic action, may be expressed in an infinity of different ways, with this condition that the resultant of the actions of a closed circuit on an element has a determinate value. 476. (i.) Formula of M. Reynard. The first form which we have met (348) for the action of ds upon ds' is, by supposing the element ds' at the origin of co-ordinates and directed along the x axis, a force whose components are x r* y The factor a in these equations represents the product Il'^y', and x, y, z are the co-ordinates of the element ds. The force itself is expressed by the formula ll'ds'ds . /= sin 6 cos IM, in which is the angle of the element ds with the right line ?*, and p! the angle of the element ds' with the plane rds. If d$ is the angle under which the element ds is seen from the element ds', an angle which is equal to - - , this formula may still be written /= which is the formula of M. Reynard. In order to determine the direction of this elementary force, we observe, in the first place, that it is perpendicular to the element ds' since/,. = 0. It is in the plane rds. The equation of this plane, of which X, Y, and Z are the co-ordinates, is X (ydz - zdy) + Y (zdx -ydz) + Z (xdy -ydx) = 0. FORMULAE EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF AMPERE. 461 The intersection with the yz plane is Y (zdx - xdz) + Z (xdy -ydx) = ; from which follows Y_Z We have further r 2 ds 2 sin 2 = (ydz - zdyf + (zdx - xdz? + (xdy -ydx)* which gives _ a W sin 2 r (ydz - r L Now, the expression - : - is the cosine of the angle which rds sin the perpendicular to the plane rds makes with the x axis : hence the quantity in brackets is the square of the sine of this angle, or the square of the cosine of the angle /*' which the plane makes with the x axis that is to say, with the element ds', and we have ads sin cos M' \Vdsds' . / = - smtfcos/*. Thus the action of ds upon ds l is in the plane rds t perpendicular to the element ds', proportional to the sine of the angle which the element ds makes with the distance r, and to the cosine of the angle which the element ds' makes with the plane rds, and lastly inversely as the square of the distance. Let us take the plane rds as that of xz, and in this plane the line OO', which joins the two elements, as the x axis. The force acting on the element ds' placed at the origin of the co-ordinates is in the xz plane and is perpendicular to ds'. To obtain its direction, we must project trie element ds' on the xz plane ; a straight line in this plane, perpendicular to the projection, will be the direction in ques- tion ; it is perpendicular to the projecting plane, and therefore to the element which passes through its foot in this plane. 462 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. The components of this force parallel to the axes are II'dssmB, ll'dzdz' f x =fcos/3 = ds cos/* cos/3 = 2 , A = 0> > , .' ll'dssmO , . ll'dzdx' f z =/sm p = ds cos fi! sin p = . OC 00 If we still denote by & the angle which the right line r makes with the element ds', and by w the angle of the two planes rds and rds' , we have dz' = ds' sin 0' cos w, <&' = <&' cos 0', which gives f x = sin 6 sin & cos o> dsds' , f z = ^ sinO cos O'dsds'. The action of two elements of consecutive currents is evidently null. In fine, we have not here an equal and opposite action and reaction, but there is a different action on each of the two elements, directed perpendicularly to this element, and in the plane determined by the other element. The existence of a force perpendicular to the element is incom- patible with the idea of an action at a distance; but if, on the contrary, we view electrodynamic forces as resulting from a modifi- cation in the elastic properties of the medium, we can easily see that the reaction of this medium on an element of current may be perpendicular. 477. (n.) General Formula. We may add an exact differential of the co-ordinates to each of the components f x ,f y , and/ 2 without the action of the closed circuit on the element ds' being modified. We may then take as components of the elementary action the following general expressions in which X, Y, and Z, are any given functions of the co-ordinates : GRASSMANN'S FORMULA. 463 478. (in.) Amplre's Formula. If we impose on the elementary force the condition of being directed along the right line joining the two elements, we get Ampere's formula ; this formula is the only one which satisfies the general principle of action and reaction, and consequently the essential conditions of a true elementary force. For any other solution, the action of the element ds on the element ds', will not be equal and directly opposite that of the element ds' on the element ds. 479. (iv.) Grassmanris Formula. Let us replace the arbitrary functions X, Y, and Z, respectively by xf t yf, and zf, f denoting a function of the distance r. The components of the elementary force will then be This operation is the same as adding to the force given by M. Reynard's formula, another force d 2 ^ the components of which are The force itself is given by the equation [XViP = a*[f*ds* + r*(df)* + 2frd(fdr}}, or, taking into account the relation dr = ds cos 0, ~ 2 Wi) 2 = [flr + rdfj This force makes with the straight line r an angle, the cosine of which is xd (xf) +yd (yf) + zd (zf) _ frdr + r*df_ d(rf) ' 464 ELEMENTARY ACTIONS. Finally, the angle 8 which it makes with the element ds is or If we impose on this force the condition of being perpendicular to the right line which joins the two elements we have then '( an< ^ tne force given by M. Reynard's formula is also null, the action of the two elements is null. On this hypothesis, which is that of Grassmann, the true force d^ will be the resultant of a force which is inversely as the square of the distance, and of a force ^Vi which is inversely as the distance, is perpendicular to the right line joining the elements, and whose direction makes with the element ds an angle equal to - + 6. Several other conditions might be imagined equally compatible with experiment; but these few examples will suffice to show the indeterminateness of the problem, and to point out the principal solutions. ACTION OF TWO PARALLEL CURRENTS. 465 CHAPTER III. PARTICULAR CASES. 480. ACTION OF Two PARALLEL CURRENTS. According to Ampere's formula, two elements of currents parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the right line which joins their centres, will attract or repel according as the currents are in the same, or in opposite directions. This result is usually verified by bringing a rectilinear current, which we may suppose unlimited, near a portion of a rectilinear current movable parallel to itself. The experiment is really more complicated, for each of the currents in question forms part of a closed circuit. In whatever manner we may suppose the planes of the two currents placed in reference to each other, bringing the two rectilinear portions near each other will increase, for each of them, the flow of force which it will receive from the other by its negative surface, and will diminish the relative energy if the currents are in the same direction ; the converse takes place when they are in opposite directions. Let I be the intensity of the unlimited current, I' that of the finite current, which is parallel to it, and b its length. If we vary the distance a of the two currents (which we suppose in the same direction) by da, the variation in the flow of force which enters the circuit from the movable current is = -bda = -2lb ; a a the force exerted upon the movable part of the circuit is expressed by I'- = 211'-, it is therefore inversely as the distance a. da a 481. ANGULAR CURRENTS. Two rectilinear currents placed near each other tend to set parallel. This result is usually enunciated H H 466 PARTICULAR CASES. by saying, that two currents which form an angle with each other attract if they both approach, or both recede from the apex of the angle or the common perpendicular, and that in the contrary case they repel. The experiment is made by bringing an unlimited rectilinear current near the bottom of a movable rectangular frame traversed by the current. The movable frame turns so as to receive, on its negative face, the maximum flow of force which proceeds from the rectilinear current. There is no simple expression for the work of any given displacement ; but the total work corresponding to the displacement of the frame, from the position in which its plane is perpendicular to the current, to that in which it becomes parallel, is proportional to the flow of force which traverses the frame in the second case. If a Q and 1 are the distances from the unlimited current of the two sides of the frame parallel to it, and b the length of one of these sides, we have and the electromagnetic work is equal to 2 1 !'/. . O-Q These movements are easily accounted for by supposing the currents replaced by equivalent magnetic shells, and considering the actions of these shells. We may arrive at the same object on Faraday's plan, by con- sidering the lines of force and their distribution in the field. The figured lines of force of the field resulting from the various systems near each other, are closer in certain regions than in others. If we represent these lines of force (105) as elastic threads exposed to a strain in the direction of their length, and to a repulsion in the direction perpendicular to this, we shall have a very definite idea of the relative motion which they tend to produce. 482. APPARENT REPULSION OF Two CONSECUTIVE ELEMENTS OF CURRENT. This important experiment of Ampere consists in putting the two poles of a battery in connection with two rectangular troughs containing mercury, and separated by an insulating division. A copper wire is bent so as to form two horizontal legs floating on the mercury, and a cross piece (in the form of a bridge) which connects the two former. When the battery circuit is closed, the wire is seen to glide along the surface of the mercury, and to recede from the points by which the current enters. ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTATION 7 ". 467 Ampere thought this a proof that the two elements of current directed along the same right line, and in the same direction, repel each other, as the elementary formula indicates; but it is easy to see that the interpretation of the phenomena does not entail this conse- quence. In this experiment the current traverses a circuit, one of whose portions is movable, and the surface of which tends to become a maximum (455). This result may moreover be arrived at directly by replacing the current by a flexible shell bent upon itself, as shown in Fig. in. The three shells superposed in the space ABB'A' do not give rise to any force among them parallel to the plane of the current ; but their external action is equivalent to that of a simple shell. The portion aDC& tends to recede, and the shell extends so as to occupy the greatest surface. Fig. in. 483. ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTATION. ist. Barlow's Wheel A toothed metal wheel, movable about a horizontal axis, is arranged so that one or more teeth plunge with their lower ends in a cup containing mercury. If the system is traversed by a current which enters by the axis and leaves by the mercury, the only action of the current on itself will tend to move the bottom teeth in a direction which displaces them from the rest of the circuit so as to increase the total surface; but this action is generally too weak to overcome friction. A stronger effect is ob- tained by putting the trough between the limbs of a horseshpe magnet arranged horizontally. The lines of magnetic force then traverse the plane of the wheel ; if they are directed from back to front that is, with the north pole in front the rotation will be in the opposite direction of the hands of a watch. In order to get a phenomenon easy to calculate, replace the magnet by a uniform magnetic field of intensity F, parallel to the axis of the rotation. Let a be the radius of the wheel, 6 the angle of H H 2 4 68 PARTICULAR CASES. two consecutive teeth, and suppose the surface of the mercury placed so that one of the teeth touches the liquid at the moment the preceding one quits it. The flow of force through the triangle formed by the radius, which corresponds to these two teeth, is F , or sensibly F ; that is to say, the product of the force 2 aW by the surface of the sector, and the corresponding work is IF . For an entire turn the work is IFS that is to say, proportional to the whole surface S of the wheel. 484. 2nd. Ampere's Experiment. This experiment, in which the rotation of a magnet is produced by a current, is the converse of that, the theory of which has been given above (456). The apparatus is arranged so that only one of the poles of the magnet can traverse the current ; a continuous rotation is obtained in this way. The magnet (Fig. 112), loaded by a counterpoise of platinum, floats on the mercury, and can rotate about itself on its own axis ; the current is brought to the surface of the liquid, traverses the projecting part of the magnet, and emerges by a fixed conductor Fig. 112. which dips in a drop of mercury in the top N. If we suppose that the current goes rigorously along the axis of the magnet, the work at each turn for a magnetic mass outside the axis is 47r;;/I, and gives rise to a couple the moment of which is 2ml. The phenomenon is really more complicated, because the current traverses the whole section of the magnet. Faraday repeated the experiment by placing the magnet outside the circuit. The magnet is brought to the centre of the vessel by a metal rod, and the magnet floats in an eccentric position. In both cases, if the current ascends by the axis, and the top of ROTATION OF LIQUIDS. 469 the magnet is a north pole, the rotation is opposite to the motion of the hands of a watch. Faraday's arrangement gives greater friction, and the rotation is less rapid. 485. ROTATION OF LIQUIDS. When the current traverses a liquid, the liquid filaments, which coincide with the lines of electrical flow, may be considered as movable circuits, capable of obeying electromagnetic actions, and experiment shows that the liquid is moved along with the current which it carries. i st. Davy's Experiment. Two platinum electrodes just pro- ject a very little below the top of the mercury. If the N pole of a magnet is placed over one of them the negative electrode, for example a depression of the mercury is observed ; and, at the same time, a rotation in the same direction as the hands of a watch. 2nd. M. Jamiris Experiment. The two electrodes of a volta- meter are placed in the same vertical line, and on the axis of the poles of a horseshoe magnet. If the liquid molecules in a filament of the current formed a rigid thread, we should be in the same condition as in Faraday's experiment, in which rotation is impossible. The electromagnetic forces really act inde- pendently, and in the same manner as in Davy's experiment, on the portions of the filaments which diverge as they start from each of the electrodes. The liquid divides them into two super- posed layers which rotate in contrary directions, and the rotation is made visible by the bubbles of gas which result from the decomposition of water. 3rd. M. Bertiris Experiment. In M. Bertin's experiments the movement of the liquid is made visible by small pieces of cork which float on the surface. The liquid is in an annular dish containing two rings of metal, one inside the other. If these circles are electrodes, a series ot either centripetal or centrifrigal radiating currents is obtained in the liquid. When a magnet is placed in the axis of the current, the liquid acquires a rotation in a definite direction in agreement with theory. The direction of the rotation is not altered, if the central magnet is replaced by a magnetised tube encircling the dish. For if the north pole is at the top in the two cases, the flow of magnetic force is diverted downwards, both inside and outside the hollow magnet. This is not the case when the magnet is replaced by a coil : the rotation of the liquid changes its direction according as the coil is inside or outside the dish, and each of the lines of force constitutes a closed circuit. 47 PARTICULAR CASES. 486. ELECTRODYNAMIC ROTATION. Consider an unlimited rectilinear current X'X of strength I (Fig. 113), and a finite recti- linear current of length a, and strength I, perpendicular to the first A a. Fig. 113- and in the same plane. If we give the current a a displacement doc parallel to the current I, then if r Q is the distance BC, the corresponding work will be f r o \.'dx\ J''o 1 a = r The force which acts on the movable current is perpendicular to its direction, parallel to the unlimited current, and its value is 2117. ( i + ). This current will be carried parallel to itself by a \ r o/ constant force, and will ascend or descend the unlimited current according as it is ascending or descending in reference to this latter. The experiment is ordinarily made by causing a circular current to act on a portion of a current movable about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre. The movable current then rotates in the opposite direction to the principal current. If the movable current is closed, or if its ends are on the axis, there is evidently no movement, for then each line of force meets the edge twice. 487. ACTION OF A UNIFORM FIELD. Consider first two un- limited rectilinear conductors AA', BB' (Fig. 114) parallel to each other at the distance b, and let us suppose that, while the two ends are in communication with the poles of a battery, the circuit is closed by a cross bar CC', movable parallel to itself along the conductors A A' and BB'. Let Z be the component of the intensity of the field perpen- dicular to the plane of the conductors ; for a displacement dx of ACTION OF A UNIFORM FIELD. 471 the movable bar, the variation in the flow of magnetic force in the circuit is bUx. In the case of the terrestrial field, and if the rails are horizontal, the component Z is directed downwards in our hemi- sphere, and with the direction of the current shown by the arrows, the movable bridge CC' will recede from AB under the influence of electromagnetic forces ; it will approach, if the current is in the opposite direction. In Ampere's experiment (482) the action of the current on itself tends to increase the surface, and to repel the movable bridge. This action and that of the Earth will add themselves or oppose according to the direction of the current ; the motion of the wire is more or less easy according to the case. A" y i Fig. 114. 488. Suppose now that the movable conductor forms a closed circuit ; let S be the surface of this circuit, if it is plane, or the maximum projection of its surface on a plane, which we will call the plane of the current. When such a circuit is movable in a uniform magnetic field, like that of the earth, stable equilibrium corresponds to the case in which the flow of force across the negative face of the circuit is a maximum ; the plane of the circuit tends then to set at right angles to the force. Under the influence of the earth this plane will be perpendicular to the dipping needle ; the current will move from east to west in the lower part. If F is the strength of the field, I that of the current, the potential energy of the current in the position of equilibrium is Wj = - ISF ; when the face of the current is turned upside down, it becomes W mF o JLO J7 472 PARTICULAR CASES. The work done against electromagnetic forces in this operation is then If the current is made to turn about a vertical axis we need only consider the horizontal component H of the field. The work of the rotation of 180 about the axis from the position of equilibrium is then W'-alSH. If the current turns about a horizontal axis parallel to the magnetic meridian, the vertical component Z of the field alone comes into play. For a rotation of 180 from the position of equilibrium the work is still W" = 2 ISZ. The ratio of the works in the two latter cases, W" Z is equal to the tangent of the Inclination. Hence, if we could measure these works, we could determine the elements of terrestrial magnetism without having recourse to magnets. If the axis of rotation is in the magnetic meridian, the total work is null, when the current, which at first was in this plane, comes back to it after having been turned through 180; the works, which correspond to the two halves of the rotation, are therefore equal and of contrary signs. Lastly, the work would be null for any given rotation if the axis of rotation were parallel to the direction of the field. 489. ASTATIC CIRCUITS. The work of any given displacement is still null when the circuit comprises two closed curves, such that their projections on any plane give two equal surfaces S and S', surrounded by currents moving' in opposite directions. This is the condition which movable currents must satisfy, which are arranged so as not to be under the action of the earth ; what are called astatic ASTATIC CIRCUITS. 473 currents. Figures 115, 116, and 117 give examples of currents which realise these conditions. If the two surfaces S and S' were not equal, the action of the field would be proportional to their difference S - S'. H- S' Fig. 115- B Fig. 1 1 6. Fig. 117. 490. ROTATION OF A CURRENT UNDER THE ACTION OF THE EARTH. A portion of a current not closed, and movable about an axis, takes in general a continuous rotatory motion under the influence of terrestrial magnetism. We observe, in the first place, that in a uniform magnetic field, like the terrestrial field, we may always replace a current by its projection on three rectangular planes ; this amounts, in fact, to replacing the strength of the field by its three rectangular components. Consider any given current movable about an axis and determine its projections on three planes, one perpendicular to its axis of rotation, the two others passing through this axis, and such that one of them is parallel to the direction of the field ; let S, S', and S" be these three projections. The projection S" perpendicular to the field will not produce any action. The action on the projection S' will be purely directive ; the circuit of the current will be carried along in such a manner that the surface S" is a maximum, and presents its negative face to the force ; in our hemisphere the current must be descending in the part turned towards the east. There remains to be considered the projection S on the plane perpendicular to the axis. If it is closed, and of a fixed shape, it undergoes no action ; if part of it is movable, the component of the field parallel to the axis will have a constant moment relatively to this axis, and will produce a continuous rotation. 474 PARTICULAR CASES. 491. For instance, let the system be formed of a current OP of length a (Fig. 118) movable about a vertical axis, one of whose ends is on the axis of rotation and the other dips in a mercury cup. The current enters the mercury at A, traverses the two parts ABP and ACP in opposite directions, and regains the axis by the movable part PO. Let I be the total strength of the current, x the strength in the arc B, y in the arc C ; the current will evidently be equal to 1 in the movable portion PO, Fig. i i 8. The surface comprised by the horizontal projection S consists of two parts, one ABPO presenting its negative face to the com- ponent Z of the terrestrial action; the other, ACPO, its positive face. The former tends to increase, the second to diminish, and for an angular displacement of the radius PO, the total work is -a*(x + y)ZO = - 2 2 This work is independent of the position of the conductor OP; the force then is constant. The work corresponding to an entire turn will be If the current has a vertical projection S', the motion of rotation will be modified by the directive action corresponding to this projection. It is easy to see that according to the ratio of the two surfaces S and S', the initial velocity, and the value of friction, the moment of the directive action might preponderate over the moment of rotation, ACTION OF TWO RECTANGULAR CIRCUITS. 475 and keep the apparatus in equilibrium in a position perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. In the apparatus used for this experiment, we take a movable current symmetrical in reference to the axis of rotation. The projection S' is then null, and the couple of rotation, which would impart to the system a uniformly accelerated rotation if there were no friction, ultimately makes it rotate uniformly. 492. ACTION OF Two RECTANGULAR CIRCUITS. We may cal- culate the action of two rectangular frames AC and A'C', the sides of which are parallel. Suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that the frames are equal (Fig. 119), and their corresponding summits Fig. 119. A and A' on a perpendicular to their plane. The mutual energy of the two circuits, with currents equal to unity, is expressed on Neumann's formula (352) by W= 1 I -dsds'. flf The value of cos e is equal to unity for two parallel sides, and null for two perpendicular sides such as AB and B'C'. The energy thus becomes This expression only contains terms relating to parallel wires. Consider, in the first place, the two sides AB and A'B', of length a, and at the distance //. Let ds and ds' be two elements, placed respectively at M and M' and r their distance ; lastly, suppose that we measure the lengths s and s f from the points A and A'. From the ratio 47^ PARTICULAR CASES. we get for the first integration, in which the distance s is taken constant, or / The second integration relative to ds is easily effected, for we have in general l>(-u + ^WT^ 2 )du = ul\-u + ^W^ 2 we get then p *-*W(^g+g Jo -*+^ 2 +^ 2 Changing the sign of this expression and replacing /$ by the distance # of the sides AB and CD', we get in like manner the term relating to this last side. If the rectangle is a square, h' = ,Ja 2 + h 2 , and the two terms of the energy corresponding to the side AB give The total energy is then _ + , W J I n-f , o TTi 7 When the distance of the frame is altered by dh, the variation of the energy ^W, is equal to the work -Mfc of the force F, PROPERTIES OF CIRCULAR CURRENTS. 477 considered as attractive, which is exerted between the two circuits, and we have dh ' We thus obtain, all reductions being made, If the strengths of the currents in the two frames are respectively I and I', the expression for the mutual action is where P is the sum of the terms in the brackets. 493. PROPERTIES OF CIRCULAR CURRENTS. The potential of a circular current is equal, within a constant, to that of a shell of the same strength and the same contour. We have given above (368) the expression of this potential for any given point. If the point is on an axis at a distance x from the centre, it is sufficient in equation (16) to make p = 0; replacing < by I, we get V=27Tl from which is deduced a 2 IS denoting by S the surface of the circle. For a point on the axis the force is inversely as the cube of the distance to the contour. This force is a maximum at the centre of the circle ; we have then IS I IL L being the length of the circumference. 47$ PARTICULAR CASES. This latter result would follow directly from a consideration of the equivalent shell. Let 2h be the thickness of the shell supposed to be plane, then denoting by l a the intensity of magnetisation, The value of the action of the two terminal layers on a point at the centre is (322) and the magnetic induction is We may now reject the shell outside the point in question, without changing the value of the force (451). 494. ELECTROMAGNETIC SOLENOID. Ampere gave the name solenoid to a system of equal circular currents, infinitely near, and infinitely close, equidistant and perpendicular to any given curve passing through their centre, which is called the directrix. Let dS be the common surface of the elementary currents, h their distance, and I the strength of the current. Each elementary current may be replaced by a magnetic shell of the same magnitude, of thickness h, and surface density a-, such that we have As the surfaces in contact of all these shells have equal and opposite charges, they neutralise each other except at the ends, and the system is identical with that of a solenoidal filament The external action reduces then to that of two magnetic masses M placed at the ends. If / be the length of the solenoid, n the total number of elementary currents, and n : the number of these currents in unit length, we have 495. CYLINDRICAL COIL. Let us suppose that a cylinder is covered with equidistant currents perpendicular to the axis. The system of these currents forms a kind of cylindrical solenoid, of CYLINDRICAL COIL. 479 finite transversal dimensions ; it is approximately realised by winding a wire in the form of a helix on the surface of the cylinder. Each element of the helix may be replaced by its projections on the axis and on a plane perpendicular to the axis. If the section of the cylinder is small, we sensibly destroy the effect of the former by bending the wire back in a contrary direction parallel to the axis. Whatever be the diameter, if the individual turns are sufficiently near, and the coil consists of an equal number of layers in which the inclination of the windings is alternately in opposite directions, the effect of the projections on the axis is still sensibly zero, and the external action differs very little from that of the perpendicular projections. The system of the currents perpendicular to the axis is equivalent to a solenoidal magnet of the same form ; we may, in fact, replace each of them by a shell, and decompose the system into an infinity of parallel solenoids, each of which is equivalent to a solenoidal filament. The action of the system on points outside the cylinder, reduces then to that of two equal and opposite layers spread uniformly on the bases, and the density cr of which is n-J.. For internal points the force is equal to the induction of the equivalent magnetic system. If the cylinder is so long that the action of the ends may be neglected in part of its extent, the lines of force are parallel to the axis of the cylinder ; the field is uniform and its strength is The flow of induction across the section of the cylinder is this flow is in the opposite direction to the internal flow from the bases of the equivalent magnet. It is, moreover, evident that a coil is not equivalent to a hollow magnet ; in the hollow magnet all the lines of force, both internal and external, start from the positive surface, and are absorbed at the negative surface ; in coils, on the contrary, the internal lines of force are the continuation of the external lines of force, and form closed curves which never terminate at magnetic masses. 496. ANNULAR COIL. Suppose a ring to be covered by equal currents equidistant from each other, and each situate in a plane passing through the axis ; the system may be decomposed into a series of solenoids, and it is equivalent to a solenoidal magnet of the same form (411). 480 PARTICULAR CASES. All the elementary solenoids comprise then the same number of currents with the same intensity I, but of different lengths. If n^ is the number of windings comprised between two meridian planes which make with each other an angle equal to unity, and if x is the radius of an elementary solenoid, the distance of the successive turns will be ; the intensity of magnetisation of the equivalent magnetic filament is then 2L , and the induction, or the magnetic force, ^ HI . x x The value of the flow of induction across a surface S, taken in the / 7Q meridional section of the ring, is 473-^1 . J x In the case in which the ring is a circular torus (372), we have --WR x The total flow across the section is then 497. CASE OF ANY GIVEN SURFACE. Let us now consider the general case in which any surface J5f is covered by plane currents of the same strength, parallel to each other, and at such a distance that these are n^ in unit length. These currents may be replaced by a series of parallel solenoids terminating in the surface, and these solenoids themselves by equivalent magnetic filaments ; in this way a uniform magnet will be formed, the intensity of magnetisation of which is n^, and the density at each point of the surface, has the value n-J. cos 0, where 6 is the angle which the perpendicular to the surface, at the point in question, makes with a perpendicular to the plane of the currents. The internal action of these currents is equal to the induction of the equivalent magnetic system. In the case of the sphere (355) it o is constant and equal to -irn-^L ; the value of the flow of induction across the great circle perpendicular to the line of- the poles on the common axis of the currents is where L is the circumference of the great circle. AMPERE'S THEORY OF MAGNETISM. 481 The internal field would also be uniform in the case of an ellipsoid (356). From this we arrive at a new way of regarding terrestrial magnetism ; the magnetic action of the earth is equivalent to that of a series of circular currents situate in equidistant planes perpen- dicular to the magnetic axis, these currents circulating from east to west. 498. AMPERE'S THEORY OF MAGNETISM. We see that it is possible, by means of currents situate in parallel planes, to realise a system equivalent to a uniform magnet, which has the same external surface ; the two systems are equivalent for all external points, and produce the same induction in the interior. Any given magnet may, in like manner, be replaced by a system of superficial currents, in so far, at least, as the external action is concerned. This action, in fact (315), is equivalent to that of a layer of total mass null, distributed on the surface. If o- be the density of the layer at a point, F H and ' n the perpendicular components, measured from the surface, of the actions which it exerts outwards as well as inwards, we have (38) Let us consider the internal potential V of the layer, and the equipotential surfaces to which the force F' is perpendicular, and suppose that on each of these surfaces we place equal and opposite magnetic layers, the density of which, at each point, is determined by the condition The external action of this system of surfaces is null. We observe now that the product cr'dri = -- dV is constant between 4 7T two equipotential surfaces. If then we connect the negative layer of the surface Jjf, where the potential is V, with the positive layer of the following surface ^ 5 at the potential V + dV, we form a shell, the magnetic power of which, o-'dn', is constant. A current, of the same strength, which followed on the surface, the curve formed by the in- tersection of the shell, would have the same action on the outside ; we could proceed in the same way with all other shells. But in i i 482 PARTICULAR CASES. forming this shell a negative corona has been left corresponding to the difference 2? - J5f' of the two surfaces, and the sum of the external actions of these corona is equal and of opposite sign to that of the superficial currents. If d^> and dS are the two corresponding elements of this corona, and of the surface of the magnet deter- mined by a tube of force, we have which gives = -- *,!, ^ ] If the sphere is placed in a cylindrical coil which is so long that the effect of the ends may be neglected, it will also acquire a uniform magnetisation. This would also be the case with an ellipsoid, and also with a sufficient approximation for a cylinder, the axis of which would coincide with that of the coil. 501. In the case of a cylindrical coil of great length (495), the strength of the field in the interior is 47^! ; the value of the intensity of magnetisation of a long cylinder parallel to the field would be k$ (292) or 47rvfc# 1 I, and the internal induction F l will be 47n<, or I 6w 2 # 1 I. If S is the section of the bar, the flow of magnetic induction across it is F 1 S = 1 67^18, and the total flow, including in it the induction 471-^18 of the current, has the value Q = 471-;^ (i + 47r/) IS. This value can be experimentally investigated, and we might deduce from it the coefficient of magnetisation k. 502. The determination of this coefficient is still more accurate by means of a piece of soft iron in the form of a torus, which is surrounded by equidistant currents (496). In this case the 1 strength of the field produced by the currents is - - at each DETERMINATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF MAGNETISATION. 485 point. This being the only effective force, the value of the intensity of magnetisation at the point in question is The induction is equal to ^-rrkfa so that the total flow of induction across the section S of the soft iron, comprising still that which arises from the currents, is Q = /d S *' If the soft iron does not occupy the whole of the space bounded by the currents, but merely a portion S' of the section S, the total flow of induction, across the surface of the currents, is T f (VS , (VS'1 = 4 7r 1 I J + 4**J Suppose, for instance, that the section of the iron is a circle of radius a! concentric with the circular section of a torus ; the total flow of induction in the torus will be Q' = 4*^1 [~R ~ -* + If the section of the coil were a rectangle of height b parallel to the axis of revolution, and of the thickness 20, the mean radius being R, we should have x R-a IR-a The iron ring, in like manner, might have a rectangular section of height b\ of thickness 20', and of mean radius R'; the total flow of induction would then be We shall see further on (559) the use which can be made of these various formulae. 486 PARTICULAR CASES. 503. MEASUREMENT OF CURRENTS. GALVANOMETERS. The strength of currents is usually measured by the electromagnetic or electrodynamic actions which they exert, and the instruments which are used for this purpose are called galvanometers, or electrodyna- mometers, according as they depend on one or the other of the two actions. A galvanometer consists of a magnetised needle, or of any magnetic system on which a conductor traversed by a current is made to act; the effect produced is measured by means of an antagonistic force, such as the torsion of a metal wire, or of a bifilar suspension, or by the action of an external magnetic field. Let us consider the simple case of a horizontal magnetic needle suspended by a wire without appreciable torsion, and placed in the centre of a frame on which is coiled a wire forming a series of parallel turns. If the turns are parallel to the magnetic meridian, and they are traversed by a current, they produce a magnetic field, the strength of which is proportional to the strength of the current, and which may be represented by GI. The horizontal component of the terrestrial field at this point being H, the horizontal component of the field is ^/G' 2 ! 2 + H 2 , and its direction makes an angle 8 with the C*T magnetic meridian, the tangent of which is equal to . An infinitely small needle placed at this point, and which at first was in equilibrium in the plane of the needle, will be deflected through an angle <5, and from it we may deduce the strength of the current by the expression TT This formula is only exact provided the magnetic field is uniform throughout the whole space which the needle occupies. When the needle has a length which is considerable in reference to the dimensions of the frame, the intensity of the field is not constant, and the formula for the deflection is less simple. In that case, by an empirical graduation, we could determine the ratio which exists between the strength of the current and the deflection produced. The magnetic moment of the needle has no influence on its position of equilibrium ; it has no other effect than that of modifying the strength of the forces, and therefore the duration of the oscillations of the needle. TANGENT GALVANOMETER. 487 In order to increase the sensitiveness of the galvanometer that is, the deflection 8 for a given current we must increase the value of G, and diminish that of H. The value of G is increased by increasing the number of turns by Schweigger's method, and by placing them as near the needle as possible. In order to diminish H, a magnet is placed at a certain distance, which produces at the centre of the frame a magnetic field parallel, and in the opposite direction to, that of the Earth. Use is sometimes made of a quasi-astatic system of two needles (299), one of which is inside the frame and the other is outside ; the action of the Earth on the movable system is then far feebler without there being any appreciable modification in the action of the current, which is exerted more particularly on the inner needle. We may also use two frames, each having one of its needles in the centre, and pass the current in opposite directions, so that the actions exerted on the two needles are concordant. 504. TANGENT GALVANOMETER. In order to determine the absolute value of the strength of a current, besides knowing the component H of the terrestrial magnetism, we must also know the constant G of the galvanometer. The name tangent galvanometer \s> given to a galvanometer, the wire of which has been coiled in such a manner that this coefficient may be calculated from the dimensions of the wire and the shape of the frame. If on the frame a wire L is coiled on a circle of radius a in such a manner as to make n turns, and if the needle, which is supposed to be infinitely small, is placed at a point of the axis at a distance u from the circumference, we shall have (493) 2TTa 2 La A7T 2 ? G = n = = - u* fc 3 L which gives I = --r- tan 8 = / - } tan 8 . La The distance u is equal to a, when the needle is at the centre of the circle. If the length is to be taken into account, we must estimate the strength of the field outside the axis of the currents by the formulas of (368). The formula of the tangent galvanometer would be exact and independent of the length of the needle if the field of the current were uniform. This would be the case, for instance, with a 488 PARTICULAR CASES. cylindrical coil (495) or a spherical coil with equidistant currents (497). If n^ is the number of turns for unit length, we have o G = 47r^j in the first case, and in the second G = - Tm v O 505. ELECTRODYNAMOMETERS. In an electrodynamometer we measure directly the action exerted between two circuits, one fixed and the other movable, traversed by the same or by different currents. Suppose, for instance, that the magnet of a tangent galvanometer is replaced by a small coil, through which a current could be passed by a bifilar suspension, and which is in equilibrium when the axis of the coil is in the magnetic meridian. If a current I is passed through the wire on the frame of the galvanometer and a current I' in the coil, the latter is displaced, and by a suitable torsion a of the suspension, it is restored to its original position. The magnetic moment of the movable coil is proportional to I', and may be represented by S* ; the couple produced by the action of the frame is then GSII'. As the couple of torsion of the bifilar is proportional to the sine of the angle, if T is the moment of the couple which corresponds to an angle of torsion equal to , GSII' = Tsina. If the two wires are traversed by the same current I, the expression becomes GS Hence we might determine the strength of the current in absolute measure if we knew the constants T, S, and G, or we might leave these constants undetermined, and use the apparatus as an instrument of comparison. This is the principle of Weber's experiments. If we suppose that the current traverses the parallel rectangular frames (492), as in Cabin's experiments, the intensity might be deduced from the attractive or repulsive action exerted between the two circuits. 506. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGES. When the duration of the current is so short that the needle has no time to undergo an appreciable displacement before the current stops, it has nevertheleless received an impulse or throw, and acquired a certain velocity; it is impelled from its position of equilibrium, and returns to it after a series of oscillations. This is the case, MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGES. 489 for instance, of the discharge of a condenser through a conducting wire in which is a galvanometer; the total quantity of electricity may be deduced from the angle of throw imparted to the needle. The strength of a permanent current in the galvanometer in question* is given by an expression of the form in which f (B) reduces to the angle 8 when the deflections are very small. If p, be the magnetic moment of the needle, the action of the current on the needle produces a couple, the moment of which is /xGI. We know, on the other hand, that when a body is movable about an axis, the product of the moment of inertia K, by the angular velocity is equal to the moment of the resultant couple in reference to the axis of rotation. Hence, since the deflection during the discharge is so small, that the action of the Earth can be neglected, we have for the needle in question, v d{ * <-T K =/xGI. dt If dm is the quantity of electricity which flows in unit time dt, this equation becomes da) dm K = MG __ dt dt From which, if w o is the initial angular velocity, and m the total discharge, we get Kw o = /xGw. The needle, once impelled with this velocity co o , has a vis K.CO*, viva equal to - L and it stops at an angle 0, when it has done work of the same value against the action of the terrestial field. We have then TT- a f\ = H/x(i - cos 6) = 2H/x sin 2 - , or n 2 -, i /HK m = L \ 2 sm - . G \ /A 2 49 PARTICULAR CASES. If the deflections are small enough, we may simply take i /HK H /~K~ = cV^ eW^' = It appears thus that the angle of throw 6 is proportional to the quantity of electricity which flows during the discharge, and this law of proportionality will be sufficient for all comparative experiments. To determine m in absolute value we must know the constant G of the galvanometer, and the quantities which come under the root. It may be observed that if the needle is left to itself under the influence of terrestrial magnetism, the time T of infinitely small oscillations is from which follows HT m = - . g 7T As a matter of fact, the true angle of throw is diminished by the resistance of the medium, and by the induction currents which the motion of the needle produces in the wire. But if the oscillations do not diminish very rapidly, this effect is allowed for by adding to the angle 0, a quarter of the excess of this deflection over the deflection produced on the same side by the succeeding oscillation. We shall have, finally, m = FARADAY'S DISCOVERY. 491 CHAPTER IV. INDUCTION. 507. FARADAY'S DISCOVERY. The electromagnetic actions studied in the preceding chapters are purely mechanical ; they are exerted on conductors traversed by currents, and correspond to a permanent condition of currents, and of the magnets near them. In all cases in which the systems experienced relative displacements, we have implicitly assumed that those displacements had no influence on the electric condition of the conductors. Faraday discovered in 1831 a class of phenomena of a totally different kind which corresponds to the variable condition of the system ; these phenomena, which he comprised under the term induction^ are of an electrical character, and are manifested by the production of temporary currents in conductors. The currents which are formed are called induced currents ; the induced circuit is that submitted to induction ; the term inductor is applied to the current, the variation in which has been the cause of the induced current. 508. The phenomena discovered by Faraday may be classed under several heads : i st. A closed circuit becomes the seat of a temporary current whenever a magnet is displaced near it ; or if the magnetisation is varied ; or still more generally when the magnetic field is modified in which the circuit is placed. This is magnetoelectrical induction. 2nd. Analogous effects are obtained by substituting a system of currents for the magnetic system. The circuit in question is traversed by an induced current whenever the distance, strength, or form of the external current is altered. The effect is the same as that which would produce the corresponding modification of the equivalent magnetic system or the current. This is electro dynamic or voltaic induction. 3rd. The change of form or of relative position of a closed 49 2 INDUCTION. circuit, in reference to the magnetic field of a system of magnets or of currents, is ordinarily sufficient to give rise to an induced current in this circuit, which comes under one of the preceding heads. 4th. Finally, the mere fact of altering in any way the strength of the current in a circuit, even when it is withdrawn from any external action, produces an induction current in this circuit which adds itself to the principal current, and always tends to counteract the change of strength which it experiences ; it is a current of self-induction or an extra-current. 509. Experiment has established the following general facts in reference to induction currents : i st. Whatever be the kind of variation which gives rise to an induction current, two equal variations in opposite directions always give rise to equal and opposite currents. 2nd. The duration of the induced current is equal to that of the variation of the inducing system. 3rd. The quantity of electricity set in motion in the induced current by any operation is independent of the duration of the variation, and therefore of that of the induced current itself. 4th. Lastly, the nature of the conductor in which the induction currents are transmitted is only of importance in so far as it affects the resistance which it brings into the circuit. 510. Examining the various circumstances in which induction currents are produced, it is easily seen that their common charac- teristic is that of corresponding to a variation in the flow of magnetic force which traverses the induced circuit. This is evident for all the phenomena of the relative displacement of currents or of magnets; experiment shows, moreover, that any displacement, or any deformation of the induced circuit which does not modify the value of the flow which traverses it, never produces induced currents. This is also the case with the extra current. For a current gives rise to a magnetic field, and therefore to a flow of force in the surface of the circuit which it traverses. It is easily seen that any change of intensity, or of shape, which modifies this flow, may produce an effect analogous to that which would be produced by the displacement of an external magnet, giving rise to the same variation. We are thus led to define the phenomena of induction in the following manner : When the flow of magnetic force which traverses a closed circuit is in any way modified, this circuit becomes the seat of a temporary current, the duration of which is equal to that of the variation of the flow. LENZ'S LAW. 493 This enunciation defines the conditions in which induced currents are produced. It remains for us to establish the direc- tion and the magnitude. 511. LENZ'S LAW. A short time after Faraday's discovery, Lenz enunciated the following law, which establishes a connection between the induction produced by the displacement of the inducing system, and the electromagnetic work as defined by Ampere's formula : Any displacement of the relative positions of a dosed circuit, and of a current or magnet, develops an induced current, the direction of which is such as would tend to oppose the motion. 512. NEUMANN'S THEOREM. Lenz's law, which is of great practical utility, merely gives the direction of the induced current, but not the intensity. Assuming, as an experimental fact, that the induction produced in a very short time is proportional to the velocity with which the conductor moves, Neumann has given a complete theory of the induction currents produced in a movable linear conductor in the presence of any magnetic system. He has thus demonstrated this theorem, which we shall afterwards meet with under a more general form : The electromotive force of induction is equal to the work which would be done in unit time by the magnetic system, if the intensity of the current in the induced circuit was equal to unity. 513. THEORY OF HELMHOLTZ AND THOMSON. The existence of phenomena of induction may be considered as a necessary consequence of the conservation of energy combined with the electromagnetic law of Ampere and the law of Joule. This proposition was first put forth in 1847 by Prof. Helmholtz in his celebrated memoir on the Conservation of force. Sir W. Thomson arrived independently at the same conclusions. Consider an invariable magnetic system, in the vicinity of a fixed conductor S, in communication with a battery. If the magnet is stationary, the strength I of the permanent current is determined by Ohm's law, and if E is the electromotive force of the battery and R the resistance of the circuit, (1) E-I.R. Multiplying both sides by I <#, we get (2) EI <#= 494 INDUCTION. This equation expresses that during the time *#, the energy due to the chemical actions is equal to the thermal energy expended in the circuit on Joule's law. Suppose now that instead of being stationary, the magnetic system moves in accordance with electromagnetic actions. The external work resulting from this displacement, can only be borrowed from the sole source of energy in the system (that is, the chemical action), and the preceding equation must be in default. On the other hand, there is no reason for supposing that the laws of Faraday and Joule cease to hold ; in other words, the weights of the bodies combined in the different couples must still be proportional to the strength of the current, and the thermal energy disengaged in the circuit is equal to the product of the resistance into the square of the strength. Hence, the strength of the current could not retain its original value. 514. Suppose now that the magnet is displaced in such a way that the new value of the strength remains constant. So long as this condition is fulfilled, the excess of chemical work over the thermal energy expended in the circuit in the time dt, serves to produce the external work dT corresponding to the electromagnetic forces. Hence, if I is the strength of the current, (3) EL#=I 2 R, gives (12) (E Suppose that while the magnetic power <3> is constant, the shell is brought from an infinite distance to a determinate position in presence of the induced circuit which we suppose fixed ; we have then ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 499 If both sides of this equation are multiplied by I, and we integrate from /=0 to the time t when the shell takes up its final position, we get ft ft / , \ t (13) The first member of this equation represents the excess of the chemical energy, furnished by the battery during the time /, over the energy which appears as heat in the circuit during the same time. The first term of the second member is the total work of the electromagnetic actions ; this work depends on the law of the motion. We may imagine, for instance, that the shell may have been approached very slowly, so that the induction is very feeble, and the principal current differs very little from its initial value I ; in this case, if M is the flow of force corresponding to the final position of the shell, the electromagnetic work will be equal to 3>MI . This latter term represents the change in the potential energy of the current ; it is zero if the two limiting values of the current are the same that is, if the magnetic shell is in a state of rest in its final position. 521. If the power of the magnetic shell, while still at rest, was variable, the equation would be quite analogous : (El - RI 2 X/= M I - dt+ ( L and would lead to the same conclusions. 522. The most general case is that in which the three functions M, < and L vary simultaneously that is to say, when the magnetic shell changes its strength, its form, and relative position, and that the circuit itself is deformed. Equation (12) gives therefore the electromotive force of induction LI) d& ,dU dl d"L (14) e = --^ = M + $--- + L-- + I . at at at dt dt If the induced circuit contains no electromotive force inde- pendent of induction, we need only make E = in the preceding equations. K K 2 500 INDUCTION. 523. ELECTRODYNAMIC INDUCTION. If the inducing system were a constant current, we might replace it by the equivalent magnetic shell, and thus bring it within the preceding case ; but in consequence of reactions, the inducing circuit itself will be under induction, and the strength of the current will no longer be constant. If R' and L' are the resistance and the coefficient of self-induction of the inducing circuit, and E' the electromotive force which it contains, the strength of the current in the two circuits will be determined at each instant by two simultaneous equations OiLi/CQRY. (E +LT). The complete solution of these equations generally presents great difficulties, and in the next chapter we shall investigate the simplest cases in which it can be obtained; but the differential equations already suggest some important remarks. If we add these equations, after having multiplied the first by I and the second by I', we get (16) (El + ET - RI 2 - RT 2 )<# = L/(MI' + LI) + IV(MI + LT). The left hand side represents the excess of the energy furnished by the sources in the two circuits over the thermal energy expended in the conductor. The right hand side may be written as follows : (17) - m' denoting a magnetic mass of suitable magnitude, and h and /' lengths. We shall have then As the three first fractions are abstract numbers, it will be seen that the resistance expressed in electromagnetic units is equal to the quotient of a length by a time that is to say, a quantity of the same order as a velocity. We may, indeed, easily discover in the experiment itself, a physical representation of this velocity. Suppose, in fact, that the cross-bar moved uniformly with a velocity u, and that the intensity I of the current is measured by the action which it exerts on a needle placed in the centre of a tangent galvanometer (504) ; we shall have On the other hand, MR = HS, or it follows from this that tan 8 = - CLOSED CIRCUIT IN A UNIFORM FIELD. 505 If the velocity u is so great that the action of the current is equal to that of the Earth that is, that the deflection of the needle in the galvanometer is 45 we shall have and if we take fl 2 = L, R = #. Hence the resistance of the circuit in question is equal to the velocity with which the bridge must be uniformly moved under the given conditions, in order that the action of the current induced in a galvanometer of suitable dimensions may produce a deflection of 45. 527. The following experiment, suggested by Faraday, may be considered as an application of the same problem. Suppose that two electrodes, A and B, are immersed in water on the opposite edges of a river, of a canal, or of a current in the sea, and are connected by a metal conductor. If u is the velocity of the current, and a the distance of the electrodes, under the influence of the Earth's magnetism, an electromotive force equal to iSLa will be established between them, which, in a circuit of resistance R, will develop a current of intensity - . R The experiment is not impracticable; but, unless we could work with very great values of u and a, the polarization of the electrodes would no doubt make it very difficult to verify the conclusion. 528. CLOSED CIRCUIT IN A UNIFORM FIELD. Consider a closed circuit, which may be supposed plane (487), and let S be its surface. Let us suppose it placed in a uniform field of in- tensity F the terrestrial field, for instance and perpendicular to the direction of the field. If the frame be made to turn through an angle a, the variation of the flow of magnetic force is equal to FS (i-cosa), and the quantity M of electricity put in motion in the circuit, which we suppose has the resistance R, is given by the ratio FS(i -cos a) - If the frame turns through 180, face for face, we have 506 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. This quantity of electricity may be measured in absolute value (506) by the throw of the needle of the galvanometer, which would enable us to determine the intensity of the magnetic field. The direction of the current on Lenz's law, is that which ought to traverse the current in its original position, in order that it may be in stable equilibrium. 529. DETERMINATION OF THE INCLINATION BY INDUCTION CURRENTS. We have seen (487) that the tangent of the magnetic inclination is equal to the ratio of the works which for the same strength of current correspond to a rotation of 180 of the circuit, starting from a position at right angles to the magnetic meridian : ist, about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the meridian; 2nd, about a vertical axis. This ratio is that of the electromotive forces of induction for the same displacements, and therefore that of the corresponding quantities of induced electricity (506) ; a measurement of this latter ratio will therefore give the inclination. 530. FARADAY'S Disc. A metal disc, movable in a uniform field about an axis parallel to the direction of the field, forms part of a circuit which communicates on the one hand with the axis of rotation, and on the other with a spring which presses on a point of the circumference. When the disc is put in uniform rotation, a uniform current is also produced in the circuit. It will be seen that the arrangement of this experiment is, as it were, the inverse of that of Barlow (483). -If the plane of the disc is vertical, and the force of the field F traverses it from front to back, and if the direction of the rotation is that of the hands of a watch, the induced current traverses the disc from the centre to the edge. If a is the radius of the disc, and w the angular velocity, the electromotive force is ,-^-- 2 F ~ dt 2 An analogous result is obtained, though with a less simple calculation, by placing the disc between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet or between the armatures of two electromagnets. In this latter form, M. Le Roux obtained currents so strong that bright sparks passed between the disc and the spring. Moreover, all the experiments, particularly those which were examined in Chap. III., in which the motion of a conductor is produced by electromagnetic or electrodynamic actions, would pro- duce an inverse induction current if the motion was kept up by an extraneous cause. TERRESTRIAL CURRENTS. 507 531. TERRESTRIAL CURRENTS. Let us consider, for example, a sphere magnetised uniformly. Let us suppose that a conducting arc, resting with one end at the pole and the other on the equator, turns about the axis with a uniform motion; this arc will cut the same flow of force as if it were applied on the sur- face along a meridian. An element ds, the velocity of which is v, cuts in each unit of time, a flow of force equal to Zvds, Z being the perpendicular component of the magnetic force on the corresponding parallel. If V be the velocity at the equator, F^ the magnetic force at the pole, a the radius of the sphere, and A the latitude of the element ds, we have z> = VcosA, Z = FpsinA, ds = ad\. The flow of force cut in each unit of time by the whole arc is equal to the electromotive force of induction *?, which gives e VFtf sin A cos \d\ - F v Va. Jo 2 If the arc is insulated, this value of e represents the difference of potentials at the two ends. If the ends of the arc were connected to two bodies of the same capacity C, these bodies would acquire, after a longer or shorter time, equal and opposite statical charges, the absolute value of which would be -Ce. 2 Finally, if the arc were closed by a fixed conductor on the inside or outside of the sphere, the circuit would be traversed by a continuous uniform current, from the equator to the pole or conversely. As the Earth may be compared to a sphere magnetised uni- formly, it will be seen that an external arc, which does not share the rotatory motion, should be traversed by an induction current from the equator to the pole, for the direction and magnitude of the induced currents only depend on the relative motion of the arc and of the magnetic system. It is probable that this induction plays an important part in certain natural phenomena, such as the aurora borealis (which seem to be electrical discharges in the upper regions of the atmosphere), the currents observed on the surface of the Earth in telegraphic wires, and the perturbations of the magnetic elements. 508 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. 532. VARIABLE STATE OF A CURRENT. The establishment of a current in a circuit represents a certain amount of work which is the potential energy of the current; this energy is absorbed at the starting of the current, and is restored when the electromotive forces disappear. In all cases, the effects of self-induction, which are the consequence, determine the law of intensity during the variable period, whether at the closing or opening of the circuit. Consider a single circuit. Let R be the total resistance, L its coefficient of self-induction, and E the electromotive force which it contains. We have the equation dt If we suppose L constant as well as E, the strength at each moment is given by the formula (2) l-^ + ^-l^-r, I being the initial value and I x that which corresponds to the permanent state. The total quantity of electricity which passes in time /, is f' -d g-) J' l ^ If the time / is sufficiently great, we have simply C \ L \o) i \ JR. Jo We have also, for a sufficiently long time, this expression is proportional to the calorific energy expended in the circuit. VARIABLE STATE OF A CURRENT. 509 It may be observed that these values of the two integrals are the same as if there had been a current of strength - during T the time - , which had been succeeded by a current of the R normal intensity I v during the rest of the time. Suppose that the electromotive force is constant, and that we measure the time from the closing of the circuit ; we have then i.-o, and therefore '- 533. The expression ^T represents the strength of the extra R current obtained after the moment /. It will be seen that the current only attains its normal strength after an infinitely long time ; but if -p the ratio - is very great, which it is in most cases, the exponential J_/ tends rapidly towards zero, and after a very short time, the real strength only differs from the final strength, by a quantity which may be neglected. In order to calculate after what time this difference would be below a given quantity, - for instance, we may put from which we deduce The total quantity of electricity which corresponds to the extra current is (6) R 2 it is the same as if the current had had half the intensity of the 11 lE - 2L normal value - -- m the time . 2 R R 510 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. 534. EXTRA CURRENT ON OPENING. Suppose that the per- manent regime being established, we suddenly introduce a resistance r in the circuit ; we shall have at the two limits IO ~R' E E and the strength at any instant is given by the equation (7) I " The value of the total quantity of electricity which corresponds to the extra current is (8) ' EL This case has some analogy with that in which the circuit is broken in air, the resistance r being that of the layer of gas traversed by the spark on breaking; but in reality this resistance is far from being constant 'while the phenomenon lasts. Suppose that instead of breaking the circuit we had separated it from the battery, by replacing the latter by a wire of the same resistance, so that the total resistance of the circuit is still repre- sented by R, which simply amounts to suppressing the electromotive force. Equation (i) reduces to (9) L Determining the constant by the conditions that for /=0 we p have I = , it follows that R E _R (10) ! = -* L. In this case the law of the extra current of opening is the same as that of the current of closing (533), and the quantities of electricity put in motion are the same. VARIABLE ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 511 535. VARIABLE ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. Suppose that the electromotive force, instead of being constant as with ordinary batteries, undergoes periodical variations, and is represented by an expression of the form (n) E = E sin 27T . When the steady condition is obtained, the intensity of the current evidently follows the same period, and may be represented by the expression (12) / -- (j>\ Substituting this value in equation (i), and determining the constants A and , by the condition that it shall be satisfied for any given time, we find (13) ^2 and 277-L (14) tan 27Td> = . TR It will be seen from this that the effect of the coefficient of self-induction is to increase the apparent resistance of the circuit. T The strength of the current is zero whenever /- is - , that is to say, that the difference of phase is equal to -. The maximum retardation of the induced current 4 is therefore equal to a quarter of the whole period, or to half the semi-period. 512 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. During a semi-period, the quantity of electricity which passes through the circuit is [~$ f AT (15) Q = A " sin27r-^= , Jo 7T and the corresponding calorific work (16) W = RA 2 f 2 sin 2 27r- gives the equation C~ ~dt Observing that I = , this may be written in the form dt (19) dt* -Ldt CL OSCILLATING DISCHARGES. 513 The general integral of this equation is (20) Q = A^ + Ay ;/ , p and p' being the roots of the quadratic equation, which gives = - + / R2 _L "~~ According as L^ -- , these roots are real or imaginary. 4 The constants A and A' are determined by the condition that for /=0, we have Q = Q , and 1 = 0, which gives Q = Ap + A'p. If the roots of the equation (21) are real, then representing the radical Q = Q ^ 2L (22) /"R* ~ ical^/- , I R\ a, /x R\ -a,"] -+ r ) e + ( --- r ) e h 2 4 aLy \2 4 aLy at -at\ '-' ) When the roots are imaginary, we may still take the integral in the same form, and replace the constants by their imaginary V~i R2~ --- , we get then r R i cosaV + sinaV (2$ O - ^fLC e ' L L 514 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. We get from these equations, in the two cases, L//=Q , f J These results were evident a priori, for the discharge is com- plete, and the work it produces is reduced to a disengagement of /e heat ; the calorific work RIV/ should be equal to the electrical energy (89) which the conductor had before the discharge, that iQ is to say, - . 537. The nature of the discharge is very different according as the solution is given by equations (22) or equations (23). In the first case the discharge is continuous. The strength of the current begins by being zero, passes through a maximum, and then decreases to zero. The maximum is at the time deter- dl mined by the condition -r = ^t r R \ 2a* R a ) e = 1-a, 2 L J 2 L which gives 538. In the second case, the values of Q and of I are given by the periodic functions; the conductor takes alternately charges in contrary directions, and the wire is the seat of alternating currents. The times of maxima and minima of charge correspond to 1 = 0, that is to say, to sin a'/=0, or a!t = nir. OSCILLATING DISCHARGES. 515 The oscillations of the discharge are regular, therefore, and the value of the complete period T is 27T The values of the alternate maxima are + Qo> RTT -Qo* 2La/ > 2R7T + Qo* 2La ', _3Rir -Qo' 2L *', etc.; they decrease, therefore, like terms of a geometrical progression, RTF the ratio of which is e ^LT'. The maxima of the intensity of the current in the two directions d\ correspond to = 0, which gives 2La' tana/= - , R or sina7= a'x/CL; 7T T they are still equidistant, separated by a semi-period = - , and a 2 succeed the periods at which the current is zero, by the time 0, defined by the smallest angle which satisfies the condition The values of the maxima of intensity are successively 2R:r 2a'L, etc.; they also decrease in geometrical progression. L L 2 516 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. Disregarding the sign, the total quantity of electricity put in motion is _Rir / __ R JL _2R!T \ !+<> sL7' (2 5 ) Q (l + 2* 2La' +2 , 3La' + \ = Q Q _ _. \ / -**. i-e 2La' RTT This total mass is the greater the nearer the quantity e zLa? is to unity, that is, the greater the factor - , or the greater is R . L mtl 539. We pass to the case of a continuous current by making Q Q o = oo, C = oo, and = 1&. The roots of equation (21) are then real, and the discharge is continuous ; we arrive thus at the formula already found (532) E i e If we suppose the coefficient L of self-induction to be very small, we always fall into the case of real roots ; the coefficient a then R / 2 L\ R i becomes equal to ( i-^r^s ) or -z---^ t an d the equations 2Li \ CK. 4 / 2JL CR (22) become The current accordingly starts at once with its maximum value, and then diminishes indefinitely. It must, however, be remarked that all the preceding discussion rests on the implied hypothesis that electricity does not possess inertia, and that the intensity is the same throughout the whole extent of the wire. These hypotheses appear justified in all cases of permanent currents, or of slow variations, but we can no longer assume them in the case of sudden discharges ; the results at which we have arrived can only then be considered as a first approximation. CASE OF TWO CIRCUITS. 517 540. CASE OF Two CIRCUITS. Let us consider two adjacent circuits C and C', whose relative position is fixed, and which contain electromotive forces ; we shall represent by E, R, and L the electro- motive force, the resistance, and the coefficient of self-induction of the first circuit ; by the same quantities accentuated, the analogous quantities of the second ; and by M the coefficient of mutual induction. All the coefficients being supposed constant, we shall have the two simultaneous equations M + L + RI-E = 0, dt dt (27) dl dl , M + L' + RT-E' = 0, dt dt the solution of which is of the form RI -E= ' The coefficients A, B, A', B' are constants to be determined from the conditions in respect to the limits. Expressing the condition that these values of the strength satisfy the differential equations (27), whatever be the time, we find that the exponents p and p are roots of the equation of the second degree. / M 2 \ /R R'\ RR' (29) ( i -- U2 + / _ + _ \p+ -- = o. \ LL'/ \L L'/^ LL' These roots are always real ; again they must be negative, seeing that, under no circumstances, can the strength increase indefinitely with the time. Hence we must have LL/>M 2 , which moreover is evident (519); we could only have LL' = M 2 if the two circuits coincided. It follows also from this condition that if the coefficient of self- induction L of a wire is very small, the coefficient of mutual induction M of this wire with any other wire is also very small. 541. Consider the case in which E' = 0, that is to say in which the second circuit contains no electromotive force. If we only wish to determine the quantities of electricity m and m' which traverse the two circuits in time /, we may calculate the 518 PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. integrals \dt and I'dt by equations (27). If I and I' are the intensities of the two currents at the beginning of the time in question, we shall have Suppose that we close the circuit, and that we consider the phenomenon after a sufficiently long time, we shall have i =o, i;=o, i-f, r-oi and therefore, (-D-K'-i)- <"> M EM V m : = 1= . R' RR' If, on the contrary, we open the circuit C, after the steady con- dition has been attained, we shall have at the two limits, i =0, r = o. The quantities of electricity induced in the two circuits are then equal, and of opposite signs to those of the preceding case which was evident, for the variation of the flow of force was the same in both cases. It is to be observed that the extra current of C is independent of C', and, on the other hand, that the induction on the circuit C' only depends on its resistance R', on the coefficient of mutual induction of the two currents, and on the strength I of the permanent current in the circuit C. The direct consideration of the flow of force still enables us to foresee these results. If we wish to know the strength of the currents at each instant, the solution of the problem must be completed by determining the constants. CURRENT ON OPENING. 519 542. CURRENT ON OPENING. Let us first consider the case in which, having closed the current in the principal circuit C, con- nection with the battery is broken by leaving the circuit open; an induced current is formed in the secondary circuit C', but the principal current is entirely broken. The first of the equations (27) no longer holds, and the second reduces to L' dt it is identical with equation (9), and therefore the law of the extra current will be the same in both cases. In like manner, on the hypothesis that the opening of the circuit C was instantaneous, and that the current is not prolonged with a variable resistance, as in the case in which a spark is produced, we may determine the initial value of the current pro- duced in C'. Let us integrate the second of these equations (27), taking E' = 0, from /=0, to a time T which is infinitely small in comparison with the duration of the induction current in C' ; denoting by l\ the intensity of the current induced at the time r, we shall have the equation _M-+L'I;+R' f T r<#=o. R Jo If we make T diminish towards zero, the last term tends itself to zero, seeing that T has an infinitely small value, and that the intensity I' of the current retains a finate value ; we have then, in the limit, ME M (33) ' 1 " Thus the initial intensity of the induced current is to the intensity of the inducing current I in the ratio of the coefficients M and L'. Hence, at any given instant, we shall have, by equation (10), ME _RL< (34) 1' = --'. 52O PARTICULAR CASES OF INDUCTION. From this is deduced, for the quantity of electricity put in motion, L'RR' RR'' and, for the calorific work expended in the circuit, 543. CURRENT ON CLOSING. The moment the inducing current is closed, the two circuits react on each other, and we must take into account the two simultaneous equations (27). If we put 2 R' (35) the roots of the equation are / + R / L)-2RMa 2(LL'-M 2 ) 2(LL'-M 2 ) The coefficients will be determined by the aid of equations (27) and (28) by the condition that, for /=0, we have 1 = and I' = 0, which gives M L Jx JK M L' - (A P + Ep) + ( A> + B >') = , K. K. We get then _ E( if/ R'L-RL'\ ft / R'L-RIA P 't~] ! =