AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS ORGANIZED IN 1898 INCORPORATED IN 1902 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFO A List of Alloys PREPARED BY WILLIAM CAMPBELL FOR Committee B-2 on Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys REPRINTED BY AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, 1315 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. FROM ITS COPYRIGHTED PROCEEDINGS, VOLUME 22, PART I, 1922. A LIST OF ALLOYS. BY WILLIAM CAMPBELL. 1 In connection with the activities in the nomenclature of non- ferrous metals and alloys of Committee B-2 on Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, in order to show the difficulties which are met with when an attempt is made to formulate a logical and scientific classification of alloys, the following list of alloys has been compiled. The subject of nomenclature is one of some difficulty. Brass has been defined as an alloy of copper with zinc as the principal alloying metal, whereas bronze is a copper alloy in which tin is the chief added element, and yet it is the custom to call red brass by the name of "bronze." Again, Tobin "bronze," manganese "bronze," etc., are, properjy speaking, brasses. While this list is primarily one of non-ferrous alloys, there have been added a few examples of what are, properly speaking, iron alloys (in centra-distinction to steel) in which the properties are dependent on the added elements, as, for example, in the list of non-corrosive alloys and of the heat-resisting alloys as well as those used for resist- ance purposes. It often happens that when a new alloy is brought out its com- position is apparently new, but on referring to some of the older books on metals and alloys we find it mentioned under another name. Numerous alloys can be found in such works as Bischoff (1865), Berlin; Bolley (1869), Paris; Guettier (Fesquet); Thurston (Part 3); Law's Alloys; R. A. Wood's "The Waterbury Book of Alloys," etc. In 1911, Kaiser published a very complete list of metals and alloys in Metallurgie (1911), Vol. VIII, pp. 257, 296. In 1918, the Metal Industry of London published a small booklet entitled "Metals and Alloys" which covered Kaiser's list with some few additions. While both of these lists are useful in that they are arranged alphabetically, for our purpose an arrangement by groups is better in that it shows the wide variations in composition in many of our com- mercial alloys. In the accompanying list, therefore, this method has been followed, using Kaiser's list as a basis and adding to it such other alloys as have been found in the literature or met with in practice. 1 Professor of Metallurgy, School of Mines, Columbia University. (i) 494010 2 : A 'LIST OF ALLOYS. The arrangement of groups is as indicated below, the page number on which each group may be found being included for easy reference. PAGE Brasses 3 Bronzes Copper Nickel Alloys 12 Nickel Silver (Agiroide, Alfenide, Argentan, Arguzoid, Argyrolith, Electrum, Neusilber, Nickelin, Maillechort, Packfong, Sterlin, Tutenag, White Copper, etc.) 12 Aluminum Bronzes, etc 15 Copper-Manganese Alloys 16 Aluminum Alloys 17 Tin Base Alloys 20 Lead Base Alloys 22 Zinc Base Alloys 24 Fusible Metals 25 Gold Alloys 26 Silver Alloys 27 Platinum, etc 27 Resistance Alloys 27 Heat Resisting Alloys 29 Non-Corrosive Alloys 29 It is realized that this list is incomplete and additions or correc- tions will be very welcome. A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRASSES. Cu Admiralty, A 70 . Aitch Metal 60. Aluminum Brass 63 . Anvil Brass 62 .50 Arko 80. Augsburg 71.9 Austrian Journal Box 92.5 Bath Metal 55 . Bath Metal 83 . Battery Copper 94.00 Bell Brass 64.25 Belt Lace 62.00 Best Bronze 90.00 Binding Brass 63 .25 Birmingham Platina 46.6 Bismuth Brass \7 . Blatt Gold 77 . Block Brass 66 .50 Bobierre Metal 66 . Bobierre Metal 58 .2 Bow Wire 93 .00 Brazing Metal, F 85 . Brazing Brass 75 .00 Bright Cap Gilding 89.75 Bristol 75.7 Bristol 67 .2 Bristol 60.8 Bronze Powder 84.0 Brush Wire 64.25 Buckle Brass 65 .00 Bullet Brass 90 . Burr Brass 62 .00 Burr Metal 90 .00 Butt Brass 65 .50 Butt Brass 63 .50 Button Brass 89 .50 Button Metal 43 . Button Metal, Ludensheidt 20 . Buttons (Thurston; : Bristol Alloy 57 .9 Bristol Alloy 61 . 12 Jackson's Alloy 63 .88 Jackson's* Alloy 63 .01 "Bidery" 48.50 "Gold" 58.71 Cap Gilding 90.00 Cartridge Brass 66.67 Cartridge Brass 68 .00 Cartridge Brass 70 .00 Cartridge Gilding 93 .00 Chamet Bronze 62 . Check Brass 62 . Chrysokalk 90 .5 Chrysokalk 58 .7 Chrysorin 72 . Chrysorin 66.7 Chrysorin 63 .3 Clinching Screw Wire 69 . Clock Brass 62 .50 Collet Brass . 61.00 ZN 29. 38.2 33.3 37.50 20. 27.6 7.5 45. 17. 6.00 35.00 38.00 10.00 35.00 53.15 21. 23. 32.00 34. 41.7 2.00 15. 25.00 9.87 24.3 32.8 39.2 16.0 35. 35. 9. 38.00 10.00 33.50 35.50 10.00 57. 36.8 36.11 30.55 35.61 33.32 33.03 10.00 33.33 32.00 30.00 7.00 38. 38. 7.9 40.2 28. 33.3 36.7 29.50 35.75 36.50 SN 0.75 5.00 0.75 0.50 5.3 2.77 5.55 1.39 6.06 5.50 PB FE 1.5 OTHER ELEMENTS Al, 3.3; Si, 0.3 1.75 0.25 Ni, 30.9; Bi, 0.1 1.50 0.38 12.15 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.50 A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRASSES (Continued). Cu ZN SN PB FE OTHER ELEMENI Commercial Bronze 90.00 10.00 Commercial Brass, B-r 63. 37. Commercial Castings, B-c 62. 30. 6. 2. Common Brass 65. 35. Cuivre Poli 70. 30. Cymbal Metal 78. 22. Delatot's Metal 80. 18. Mn, 2.0 Delta Metal 55.1 43.5 0.37 1.08 P.0.1 Delta Krupp 55.94 41.61 0.72 0.87 Mn, 0.81; P, 0.013 Delta Krupp 55.8 40.07 1.82 1.28 Mn, 0.96 Delta Krupp 55.82 41.41 0.76 0.86 Mn, 1.38 Delta Krupp 54.22 42.25 1.10 0.99 Mn.1.09 Diaphragm Brass 95.00 2.00 3. Dipping Brass 66.66 33.34 .... Door Plate Brass 65. 35. Door Plate Brass 63. 35. 2.00 Doctor Metal 88. 9.50 2.50 Drawing Brass, Deep 70. 30. .... .... Drawing Brass 66.67 33.33 Drill Rod 62. 35.50 2.50 .... Durana 65. 30. 2. 1.5 Al, 1.5 Dutch Metal 76. 24. Electrical Brass Castings, B. E. . 84. 13. 3. .... English 70.3 29.3 0.17 0.26 Engravers' Brass 66. 33. 1 .00 Escutcheon Pin Brass 64.50 35.07 0.43 .... Eyelet Brass 68. 32. .... Eyelet Brass 65. 35. .... Fan Blades 61.50 37.00 1.50 .... Flush Plate 65.75 32.75 1.50 Fob Metal 87.50 12.00 0.50 Forbes Metal (Button; 46.5 53.5 Forgings 60. 40. Forgings 57. 43. Forgings, Russian 53.5 42. Mn.4.5 Fourdrinier Wire 84.63 15. 0.37 Fourdrinier Wire 80. 20. Free Cutting Bronze 88.50 10.00 1.50 Gedges Metal 60. 38.5 .... 1.5 Gold Leaf Metal 84. 16. .... Gold Leaf 66-80 34-20 Gold Leaf Jemmapes 64.6 33.7 1.4 0.2 Gold Leaf Aix 64.8 32.8 2.0 0.4 Gong Metal 78. 22. .... Grommet Brass 70. 30. Guettier's Button 56. 44. Guettier's Button 61.5 32. 6.5 Guettier's Button 61.4 28.9 9.7 Hamilton Metal 66.7 33.3 Halberland Alloy 87. 13. .... Hardware Bronze 88. 12. Hardware Bronze 88. 9.50 1.50 1 .00 .... Harlington Bronze 55.7 42.7 0.97 0.58 Harmonia Bronze 57. 40. .... 0.4 1.8 Harmonia Bronze 55.7 41.2 0.5 0.46 1.29 Al, 0.86 Helmet Bronze 70. 30. Helmet Metal 72.27 27.58 Hooker Brass 61. 37. 2.00 Iserlohn, Cast 63.7 33.5 2.5 0.3 Jewelers Metal 91.50 6.50 2.00 A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRASSES (Continued). Cu ZN SN PB FE OTHER ELEMENTS Jewelers Metal . . 90. 10. Jewelers Metal . . 83. 17. Jewelers Metal . . 88. 11.25 0.75 Jewelers Metal .. 87.50 12. 0.50 Jewelers Metal . . 91. 7.50 1.50 Kick Plate Brass .. 84. 15. .... 1.00 .... Lancashire Brass . . 73. 25. .... 2.00 .... Leaded Bronze .. 88.50 10.00 1.50 .... Low Brass .. 80.00 20.00 Machinery Brass . . 83. 16. 1 Mallet Alloy .. 25.4 74.6 Manganese Brass .. 69.5 29.5 Mn, 1.0 Manganese Brass .. 60.15 34.76 0.94 0.39 1.19 Mn, 2.34; Al, 0.2 Manganese Brass .. 55.4 39.96 1.6 Mn, 3.20; Al, 0.2 Manganese Brass .. 55.0 39.5 0.7 Mn, 4.3; Al.0.5 Manganese Brass .. 54.2 38.2 2.4 Mn, 4.4; Ni,0.5 Manganese Brass . . 85. 2.0 1.83 Mn, 10.91 Manganese Brass . . 80. 5. Mn, 15 . Manganese Brass .. 75.5 8. Mn, 16.5 Manganese Brass . . 60. 15. Mn, 25. Mn Ni Brass . . 65. 5. Mn,20.; Ni, 10. Mn Ni Brass . . 59. 20. Mn, 3; Ni, 18 Mn Ni Brass .. 63.5 28.28 1.22 0.17 1.44 Mn, 3.24; Ni, 2.14 Mn Ni Brass .. 51.15 40. 2.25 Mn,4.15; Ni,2.2; Al.0.25 Mn Ni Brass .. 53.5 39. .07 .... 2.78 Mn, 1.52; Ni, 2.35 Mn-Bronze, Rolled, Mn-r. . . . . . 59. 30.7 1 . Mn, 0.3 Mn-Bronze, Cast, Mn-c .. 58. 40. Mn, 2. Manganin .. 53.4 39. 2.66 Ni, 2.5; Mn, 1.7; Al, 0.2 Manheim Gold .. 89.4 9.92 0.62 Manheim Gold .. 83.7 9.3 7 .... 5 per cent of Phos. Tin Manheim Gold . . 88. 12. Manheim Gold . . 80. 20. Market Brass . . 65. 35. Matrix Brass . . 62. 36.50 1.50 .... Medal Metal .. 84.00 16.00 Mosaic Gold . . 63. 35. Muntz Metal . . 60. 40. Naval Brass, N-c . . 61. 38. 1. Neustadt, Drawn .. 71.5 28.5 Nickel Brass .. 54.1 43.66 0.5 Ni, 1.5 Oker, Cast .. 71.9 24.4 1.1 2.32 Oker Brass (Harz; .. 64.24 37.27 0.59 0.12 Optical Bronze . . 89.00 6.50 4.50 Oreide . . 87.25 11.50 1.25 Oreide . . 90 . 10. Oreide . . 85.5 14.5 Oreide . . 80.5 14.5 4.85 0.1 Oreide, Brunswick . . 68.21 31.52 0.48 .... .... Parson's Mn Bronze , , .. 60.15 34.76 0.94 0.39 1.19 Mn, 2.34; Al. 0.23 Pen Metal , , .. 85.00 13.00 2.00 Percussion Cap , , .. 95.00 5.00 Pewter (Thurston) : Berthier's Alloy , .. 71.9 24.9 1.2 2.0 Cast and worked .. 64.2 34.6 0.2 2.0 Cast and worked .. 61.6 35.3 0.6 2.5 Cast gilt . . 63.7 33.5 2.5 0.3 Cast gilt . . 64.5 32.4 0.2 2.9 For clock work .. 60.66 36.88 1.35 0.74 .... For clock work . . 60.06 31.46 1.43 0.88 .... Pinchbeck , . . 93.6 6.4 A LIST or ALLOYS. BRASSES (Continued). Cu ZN SN PB FE Pinchbeck . . . . 88.8 11.2 Pinchbeck 83.33 16.76 Pin Wire 61.00 39.00 Platine 43 . 57. Potinjaune 71.9 24.9 1.2 2.0 .... Primer Gilding. . . 97 00 3 00 Prince's Metal . 83. 17. Prince's Metal . . 75. 25. Prince's Metal 60.8 39.2 Reed Brass 69.00 30.00 1.00 Rich Gold Metal 90.00 10.00 Rich Low Brass 85.00 15.00 Rule Brass 62.50 35.00 .... 2.50 Rubel Metal 55. 40 Rubel Metal . 51 . 40. Russian, Cast 78 . 21. 1 . Russian, Cast 70 30 Russian, Cast . . 66 6 33 4 Screen Plates 58.00 41.00 0.75 0.25 Screw Bronze 93.50 5.00 1.00 0.50 Screw Brass 78. 16. 4.5 1.5 Screw Wire 62.00 38.00 Seamless Tubing 60.00 40. Seamless Tubing 61.50 38.50 Solder Hard 57 43 Solder Hard 50 50 Solder, White . . . . 40. 60. Solder (Thurston) : Yellow, Hard 53.30 43.10 1.30 0.30 Nearly White, Soft 44 . 49.90 3.30 1.20 .... White, Very Soft 57.44 27.98 14.58 .... .... Sheet: Stollberg 64.8 32.8 0.4 2.0 Jamappes 64.6 33.7 0.2 1.4 Rosthorn- Wiln 68.1 31.9 Okerl 69 . 29.5 .... 0.97 Oker 55 . 44.5 0.5 Iserlohn 70 1 29 9 Romilly 70.1 29.26 0.17 0.28 China 56.6 38.2 3.3 1.0 1.40 Ta-D3.ii 66.6 33.4 Hegermuhl 72.16 27.45 0.2 0.79 .... 72 27 1 Hegermuhl 62 . 37. 0.5 0.5 Hegermuhl 62 . 37. 1 Shell Head Brass 75 00 25 00 Shoe Nail Brass 63.00 37.00 .... Shoe Tip Metal 88 00 12 00 89 4 9 93 6 Similor 83.7 9.3 7.0 Similor 80. 20. .... Spring Brass 72.00 28.00 66 67 33 33 Sterro Metal 60 . 38.2 1.8 Sterro Metal 55. 42.4 0.83 1.8 Sterro Metal 55.5 42. 2.5 Sterro Metal 55.3 41.8 4.66 OTHER ELEMENTS 5 per cent of Al-Fe-Mn-Ni Alloy 5 per cent of Al-Fe-Mn-Ni Alloy and 4 per cent of Ferro Mn A LIST or ALLOYS. BRASSES (Continued). Cu ZN SN PB FE OTHER ELEMENTS Sterling . . 66.2 33.1 0.7 Stirling, Cast . . 66.2 33.11 0.02 0.66 TalmiGold .. 90. 8.92 Au, 0.91 Talmi Gold .. 86.4 12.2 1.1 .... 0.3 Thurston's .. 55. 44.5 0.5 Tissier's .. 97. 2.0 0.5 Tissier's . . 97. 2.0 As, 1.0 Tobin Bronze . . 60. 38. 2. Tobin Bronze . . 59. 39 . 2 . Tombac : Oker .. 85.3 14.7 Arcet .. 82.3 17.7 Ludenscheidt .. 82.3 17.5 Red Vienna .. 97.8 2.2 Sheet, Paris .. 92. 8 Sheet, Paris .. 88. 12. Sheet, Paris . . 84. 16. Golden .. 82. 17.5 0.5 French .. 80. 17. 3 French . . 80. 20. Cast . . 87. 13. Common .. 71.5 28.5 Tournay 's .. 82.54 17.46 Tubes, etc.: German . . 70. 30 German . . 60. 40 Russian . . 66. 34 Russian .. 59.72 38.62 0.16 0.34 1.1 English . . 65. 35 Admiralty . . 70. 29. 1.0 Turbiston's . . 55. 41. 0.84 Ni, 2; Al, 1.0; Mn, 0.16 Tungsten Brass (Ni, 0.75) .. 59.73 33.97 0.15 Al, 2.8; W, 2.; Mn, 0.7 Turbine Brass .. 75.77 24.07 Turbine Brass .. 67.35 32.02 .... 0.23 0.38 Vanadium Bronze Vn-c . . 61. 38.5 Va, 0.5 Vanadium Brass . . 70. 29.5 Va, 0.5 Washer Brass .. 62.00 38.00 Wheel Brass .. 68.00 30.00 2.00 Wire . . 70.29 29.26 0.17 0.28 Wire, English .. 70.29 29.36 0.28 0.17 Wire, Augsburg .. 71.89 27.33 0.85 Wire, Common .. 65.4 34.6 BRONZES. Cu Acid Bronze 88 .00 Acid Bronze 82 .00 Acid Bronze 84.00 Ajax Plastic 64.00 Ajax Phosphor 79 .30 Allan Red Metal 50.00 Allan Red Bronze 62 .50 Amax Metal 81 .30 Argental 85 .00 Argozoil 54 . Arsenic 79 .7 SN ZN PB P 10.00 .... 2.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 .... 9.50 6.30 0.20 5.00 30.00 .... 10.00 10.00 0.7 .... 50.00 .... 7.50 30.00 11.00 .... 7.40 0.3 10.00 2. 28.00 2. 10. OQ ..,, 9.50 .... OTHER ELEMENTS Ni, 1. S. 0.25 Co, 5.0 Ni, 14.0 As, 0.8 A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRONZES (Continued). Cu SN ZN PB OTHER ELEMENTS Bearing Bronze (Kaiser; : Locomotive 74. 10. 9. 7. Prussian 84. 15. 1. Belgian . 80. 16. 2.0 Sb, 2. French (Northern) 82. 10. 8 Russian . 77. 10.2 5.1 7.7 Railroad Cars 82. 18. Railroad Cars 84. 16. Railroad Cars . . 75. 20. 5. Rheinland 86. 12. 2. E.B.D., Breslau 88. 10. 2. 5 per cent of P Sn E.B.D., Berlin 90. 10. Automobile 88 . 8 . 3 . 1 per cent of P Sn Automobile 78. 8. 1. 12. 1 per cent of P Sn Automobile 80. 10. .... 8. .... 2 per cent of P Sn 83. 14. 2. 1. 83.7 14.2 2.1 85.5 12.8 1.7 83. 12. 5. 85. 11. 4 74.5 9.5 8.9 7.1 77. 9. 14. Various . 83.7 8.8 7.5 84 . 8 . 8 . 81. 7. 3. 9. 78. 7. 15. 70. 6.5 2. 1.5 86. 6. 5 Mn,2.7 72.4 4.7 29.9 1.5 75. 4. 21. Bearings of Engines ~79. 8. 5.0 8.0 Bearings and Valves 80. 16. 2. Sb, 0.2 Bell Metal 75-80 25-20 "Best" 78. 22 Reichenhall, 600 years 76.2 23.8 Reichenhall, 300 years 80 . 20 . Old Bell at Rouen 71. 26. 1.8 1.2 Damstadt 73.94 21.67 2.11 Fe, . 19; Ni, 2 . Damstadt 72.52 21.06 2.14 Fe, 0.05; Ni, 2.66 Musical , 84. 16. House. . 80. 20 Clock , 75. 25 Herbohn 60. 35. 5.0 Herbohn 71.43 26.4 2.7 Karakane 71.42 14.2 14.3 Karakane 70. 19. 3. 8. Karakane 65.95 17.25 3.45 10.35 Karakane 64. 24. 9. Fe, 3.0 Karakane 62.5 25. 9.4 Fe, 3 . 1 Karakane 61. 18. 6. 12. Fe,3.0 Bilgen-Bronze 97.32 1.89 0.24 Fe, 0.52 Bridge Bronze A 80. 20 0.1 Bridge Bronze B 85. 15. 0-1 Bridge Bronze C 80. 10. 10. 0.7-1 Bridge Bronze D 88. 10. 2. 0.25 Bismuth Bronze 53. 15. 20 Ni, 10.; Al, 1.; Bi, 1 Brasses , . 74.4 9.5 8.9 7.1 Brasses , . , 70. 10. 10. 10. Brasses . . . 74. 1.0 10. 15 Bushings . . 86.2 10.2 3.6 A LIST or ALLOYS. BRONZES (Continued). Cu SN ZN PB Bushings ; . 85. 11 . 4. . 70.4 4.2 10.2 14.7 . 75.4 9.7 14.5 Carriage Wheel Bearing . 84. 16. Chinese . 72.5 4.7 14.3 18.5 Chinese . 74. 1.0 10. 15. Cocks 88 10-8 2-6 Cogs and W^orms 85 11 4 Coinage . 95 4 1 . Cooper's Speculum .... . 57 8 27 3 3.6 Cornish . . . . 77 8 9 6 0.8 Damascus . 77 10 5 12.5 Damar . . 76 4 10 6 12.5 Daimler Bearing Dudley's B . 76. . 77. 3. 8. 20. 1. 15. Dudley's K . 77. 10.5 12.5 Dudley's Phosphor . 79.7 10. 9.6 0.8 Durena . 65. 2. 30. Dysoid . 62. 10. 10. 18. Edward's Speculum 63 3 32 2 Edward's Speculum 69 8 25 1 2 6 Eisen-Bronze 82 5 8 55 4 45 Eislers 94 1 5 9 Eccentric Ring 84 14 2 File Bronze 64 4 18 10. 7.6 File Metal (Genfer) . . 64 4 18 10. 7.6 File Metal (Genfer) . . 62 20 10. 8. File Metal (Vogel) ... . 73 19 8. 8. File Metal . 61 5 31. 8.5 File Metal . 51 28.5 7. 7. Flange Metal (German) 92 4 2 5 5 05 Flange Metal (French) . 94.35 5.6 0.05 Gearing 91 3 8 7 Gear Bronze 88 10 2 Gear Bronze 85 13 2 Gears 85 10 3 2 Gun Metal 90 10 French, Modern 90 1 9 9 French, Old. 89 44 8 91 1 39 16 Prussian, Modern . 90 9 9 1 English, Modern . 89 3 10 7 English, Modern. . . 91 74 8 26 Russian, Modern Russian, 1813 . 90.8 88 61 9.2 10 7 Swiss (Lucern) . 88 93 10 37 0.42 Cochin China Cochin China . 77.18 . 93 19 3.42 5.43 5.02 13.22 Chinese, Old . 71.16 27.36 Chinese, 1901 93 2 5 05 Turkish, 1464 . . . 95 2 4 31 Turkish, 1907 90 9 8 8 Gun Mount 80 3 17 Graney Bronze (Law) 75 8 9 2 15 Gurney's 75 8 9 2 15 Hercules . 85 5 10 2 High Temperature 90 7 2 7 6 3 1 3 Hydraulic 83 10 8 6 1 Instrument 82 13 5 Instrument 82 1 12 8 5 1 Johnson Locomotive Bearing. . . 87.5 7.85 5 07 OTHER ELEMENTS Fe, 0.5 As. 1.2; Pt, 10. Al, 1.5; Fe, 1.5 As, 1 .6 As, 2.4 Fe, 3.95 Fe.0.69 Fe, 1.16 Fe, 1.38 Fe, 1 .40 Fe, 1.72 Fe. 0.2 Al, 2.5 10 A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRONZES (Continued). Cu SN ZN PB P Kern's Hydraulic , , . 78. 12. 10. Kochlin's Bearing . . . . 90 10 Kuhne Phosphor Bronze , . 78. 10.6 .... 10.45 0.57 Lafond's Bronze . . 83. 15. 1.5 0.5 Lafond's Axle Bearing . . 80. 18 2 Lafond's Straps . . 84. 14. 2. Lafond's Pumps . . 88. 10. 2. Lafond's Heavy Bearing , . 83. 15. 1.5 0.5 Lafond's Malleable . . 98.04 1.96 Lowroff Phosphor Bronze . . 70. 13. 16. 1 . Lowroff Phosphor Bronze . . 90. 4. .... 5.5 0.5 Laderig's Speculum . . 69. 28.7 Medal . . 92. 8. .... Medal . . 97. 1. 2. McKechnie's . . 57. 41. 1. 0.5 Manheim Gold . . 83.7 7. 9.3 Manganese Bronze . . 82. 8. 5. 3. Manganese Bronze 83 5 8 5 3 Mudge's Speculum . ... . . 68 82 31 .18 Needle . . 84.5 8. 5.5 2. Nongran . . 87. 11 . 2. Neogen . . 58. 2. 27. Naval Gun Metal, G . . 88. 10. 2. Naval Journal, H . . 83. 13.5 3.5 Naval Journal, HX . . 83. 13.5 3.5 Naval Valve M 87 7. 6. Naval Phosphor, Cast, P-c . . 88. 8. 2.5 0.5 Naval Phosphor, Rolled, P-r . . 95. 4.5 0.5 Oil Cups . . 85. 5. 7. Oil Pump . . 83. 3. 9. 3. Ounce Metal . . 85. 5. 5. 5. Ormulu . . 58. 16.7 23.3 Ormulu, small . . 94.12 5.88 Ormulu, large . . 90.5 6.5 3.0 Perking Brass . . 76.2 23.8 Perking Brass . . 80. 19.82 0.14 Phosphor Bronze: Wire . . 98.75 1.2 0.05 - Hard . . 92.8 7. 0.2 Very Hard . . 80. 9. 1.0 Rolling .. 95.6 4.5 0.1 Charpy .. 85.7 12.2 0.4 Charpy . . 84.8 13.4 0.46 Law . . 87.6 10.8 1.0 Law . . 88.7 9.5 0.7 Bridge . . 80. 20. 1-0.2 Bridge . . 85. 15. 1. Bearings . . 83. 14. 2. 1. 1. Bushings . . 79. 10. 10. 0.7 Gears . . 88. 10. 2. 0.1 Gears . . 85. 13. 2. .... 0.1 Gears . . 78. 12. 7.5 0.1 English .. 79.2 10.2 9.6 0.97 Pennsylvania Railroad . . 79.7 10. 9.5 0.8 Pennsylvania Railroad " B " . . . . . 76.8 8. .... 15. 0.2 Pennsylvania Railroad "B". . . . . 85.55 9.85 3.77 0.62 0.05 Pennsylvania Railroad "B". . . . . 80. 8. .... 10. Russian .. 93.7 5.8 0.34 .... 0.17 Piston Rings . . 84. 2.9 8.3 4.3 Piston . . 83. 1. 16. .... . . . , OTHER ELEMENTS Ni, 0.26 Fe, 1. 5 per cent of Phos. Tin Mn, 2.0 Mn.0.5 Ni, 12.; Al, 0.5; Bi. 0.5 2 pe r cent of Phos. Tin A LIST OF ALLOYS. 11 BRONZES (Continued). Cu SN ZN PB P OTHER ELEMENTS Railroad (Hughes; : Slide Valves 84.5 10. .... 5. 0.5 Injector 84. 8.5 5. 2.5 Phosphor Bronze 88.5 10. .... 0.5 Axle Box Bearing 80. 5. .... 15. 20-Ton Wagon 60. 5. .... 20 . Railroad (Thurston) : Axle Bearings, French 82. 10. 8. Axle Bearings, Common French. . 78. 20. 2. Axle Bearings, Lafond 80. 18. 2. Axle Bearings, Hard 87.05 7.88 5.07 Eccentric Strap, Dutch 85.25 12.75 2.0 Eccentric Strap, Lafond 84. 14. 2.0 Gearing 88.8 8.5 2.7 Locomotive Bearings 89. 2.4 7.8 Fe.0.8 Locomotive, German . 81.17 15.2 14.6 .... Fe, 0.9 Locomotive, Durable 73.5 9.5 9.5 7.5 .... Fe.0.5 Pistons and Rods 74.1 3.7 22.2 .... Richardson's Speculum 65.3 30. 0.7 As, 2.0; Si, 2. Roman Bronze 90. 9. .... Ross' Alloy 68.2 31.8 Sallit's Speculum 64.6 31.3 Ni, 4.1 Sheet Bronze 90. 10. .... Sheet Phosphor 94.5 5.0 0.5 per cent of Phos. Tin Sheet Phosphor 95. 4. 1 .0 per cent of Phos. Tin Sashchain 92. 8. Sashchain 95. 5. Screw-Nut 86. 11.4 2.3 Slide Valve 88.5 2.5 9. Steam Fittings 88. 8. 2. 2. Silicon Bronze 98.55 1.45 Si, 0.05 Silicon Bronze 91. 9. Si, 0.05 Statuary Bronze: Column Vendome 89.2 10.2 0.5 0.1 Column of July, Paris 91.4 1.6 5.6 1.4 Napoleon I, Paris 75.0 3.0 20. 2.0 Henry IV, Paris 89.62 5.7 4.2 0.48 .... Touis XIV, Paris (1699) 91.4 1.7 5.53 1.37 .... The Shepherd, Potsdam 88.68 9.2 1.28 0.77 .... Bacchus, Potsdam 89.34 7.5 1.63 1.21 0.18 Germanicus, Potsdam (1820; .... 89.78 6.16 2.35 1.33 .... Ni, 0.27 Mars and Venus, Munich 94.12 4.77 0.3 0.67 .... Ni, 0.48 Bavaria, Munich 91.55 1.77 5.5 1.3 Munich 92.88 4.18 0.44 2.31 0.15 Munich 77.03 0.91 19.12 2.29 0.12 Ni, 0.43 Augsburg 89.43 8.17 .... 1.05 0.34 Ni, 0.19 Augsburg 94.74 1.64 0.54 6.24 Ni, 0.71 Grosser Kurfurst, Berlin 89.09 5.82 1.64 2.62 0.13 Frederick the Great, Berlin 88.3 1.4 9.5 0.7 Melanchton, Wittenberg 89.55 2.99 7.45 Speculum, CmSn 68.25 31.75 Speculum, English 66.6 33.4 Speculum, Chinese 80.8 10.7 Sb, 8.5 Speculum, Chinese (Eisner.) 80.8 Pb, 9 . 1 ; Sb, 8 Schmidt Locomotive Bearing 86. 14. Seraing Bearing 86. 14. Seraing Piston Rings 89. 2. 9. Stephenson, Locomotive Bearing. . . 79.5 7.5 5.0 8.0 Stephenson, Piston Rings 84. 2.9 8.3 4.3 .... Fe, 0.4 Stone's English Gear 89. 11. 12 A LIST OF ALLOYS. BRONZES (Continued). Telegraph Bronze ...... Cu 80 SN 5 Tungsten Bronze 90 Tin Bronze .... 89 1 1 Uchatius Bronze . . 92 8 Ulcony 65 Valves 85 9 Valve Bronze Valve Bronze 89 . 83 5. 4 Valve, Steam 88 10 Weights 90 8 Whistles 80 18 Whistles, Lafond 81 16 Whistles, Lafond . 80 18 Wire . 98.75 1.2 ZN 7.5 PB 7.5 35. OTHER ELEMENTS W, 10. Sb, 2.0 05 COPPER-NICKEL ALLOYS. Cu Ni Locomotive Tubes 97 . 3 . Driving Bands, Sheet 95 . 5 . Benedict Metal, Sheet, Tubes 86-84 14-16 Blanko-Blech 80 . 20 . Cupro-nickel, Sheet 81-79 19-21 Imperial Metal 80 . 20 . Turbine Material 79-81 21-19 Coinage 75 . 25 . Constantin, Resistance 60 . 40 . Constantin, Resistance 54. 45 . Ingots for Nickel Silver 50 . 50 . Monel Metal, cast 28 . 68 . Monel Metal, forged ' 28 . 68 . OTHER ELEMENT Fe, 0.75 max. Mn, 1.0 Fe, 2.; Si, 1.; Mn, 0.25 Fe,2.; Mn, 1.5; Si, 0.20 NICKEL SILVER. (Agiroide, Alfenide, Argentan, Arguzoid, Argyrolith, Electrum, Neusilberg, Nickelin, Maille- chort, Packfong, Sterlin, Tutenag, White Copper, etc.; OTHER ELEMENTS Mn. 0.50 Albatra Metal Cu 57 5 ZN 22 5 Ni 18 75 FE SN PB 1 25 Ambrac 74 5 5 o 20 Argentan: Sheet . . 40-65 17-32 15-20 Chinese .... 40 4 25 4 31 6 2 6 French 50 32 30 94 18 4 Berlin 55 5 29 1 15 5 Vienna 55 6 21 8 22 2 38 English . . 63 36 17 01 19 13 38 Russian . . 63 88 17 58 17 58 33 . .. 0.32 Castings, Berlin Castings Russian . . . . 48.32 57 52 23.8 18 94 24. h5 20 35 3.61 3 15 Solder 35 57 8 Alpakka . 63 94 19 24 14 55 4 12 0.03 Aluminum Silver American Silver, Cast American Silver, Cast . . . . 57. . . . . 49.36 . . . . 57.7 20. 20.7 24.2 20. 24.2 15.3 1.3 0.6 0.45 .... 0.69 1.5 American Silver Cast 59 11 22 66 11 22 2.9 Aphit ; . 70 5 5 20 Aphit 75 1 2.37 20.75 Arffuzoid . . 55.78 23.2 13.4 4.03 3.54 Ag, 2.02 Al.3.0 Mn.3.83; Al.0.13 Al, 1.5; P Sn, 5.0 Cd, 4.5 Cd, 1.8 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 13 NICKEL SILVER (Continued). Aterite, Cast Cu ZN 66.75 17.25 67.76 19.97 46.96 38. 57. 28. 62 . 20 . 45. 21.5 53 . 20 . 47. 21. 52. 12. 35. 57. 45 . 45 . 66. 16. 55.8 23.7 69.9 5.6 57. 18. (Silver-plated G 66.7 12.1 58. 21.5 58.66 29.33 81.3 19.1 65. 17. 51.61 22.58 56.66 28.33 60 . 26 . 56. 28. 53. 26. 55-50 31-30 55.50 39.00 62.50 31.20 50.00 18.80 69.00 30.00 46 . 34 . 55. 25. 50.00 25.00 55.60 22.20 60.00. 20.00 54. 28. 52.00 26.00 59.00 30.00 63.00 31.00 50 . 20 . 54. 22. 48 . 5 31. 50 . 29 . 56. 27. 56. 28. 62 . 24 . 56. 32. 56.5 32.5 55 . 35 . 57. 36. 50.00 31.30 50.00 30.00 58.30 25.00 56.2 23.36 51.4 22.32 46.1 18. Ni FE SN PB OTHER ELEMENTS 13.92 1.58 .... 0.18 Mn,0.23; Al.0.17 12.36 1.51 0.07 Mn,0.16 10.82 1.9 Mn, 2.24 15 Aterite, Rolled Aterite Rolled Benedict Plate Back Case Metal 18 32.5 .... 16 Bi.l. 10. 15. Bi, 1.; Al, 0.1 30.9 .... 1 Bi, 1. 30. 5. Bi, 1. 8 10 18 13.4 4. 3.5 19.8 ' Cd, 4.7 25 erman Silver) Ag, 2.0 15.2 Al, 3.; Cr,3 20. 0.5 12. 19.1 18. 25.81 15. 14. 14. 21. 19-17 5.50 : 6.30 31.20 10.00 20 20 25 00 Bismuth Bronze Bismuth Bronze Bismuth Brass Bismuth Brass Brazing Solder Brazing Solder Carbondale Casting Casting Colorado Metal Christofle Metal Chromax Bronze Cupping and Milling Drawing and Spinning English Eighteen Per Cent . Electrum Fifteen Per Cent Fourteen Per Cent ... . Fourteen Per Cent Flat Ware Stock Frick's Alloys Bluish-Yellow, Hard Pale Yellow, Ductile Fricke's Silvery Fricke's Harder German Silvers: Best Common Formula . Austrian Tableware (Gersdorf) Austrian Tableware (Gersdorf; Austrian Malleable (Gersdorfj Berlin Alloy Richest 22.20 20.00 18. 22.00 1 1 . 00 ' 6 . 00 30. '.. 24. 20.5 21 Medium Lowest Birmingham (HiornsJ : Extra White Metal White Metal Arguzoid Best Best. . . Special Firsts 17 16 First Bests Seconds 14 Thirds 12 Special Thirds 11 Fourths 10 Fifths, for Plate 7. 18.70 20.00 16.70 20.4 26.22 . 35.8 French Alloy (Arcet; French Alloy (Arcet; French Alloy CChaval; Russian Russian Russian 14 A LIST or ALLOYS. NICKEL SILVER (Continued). Cu ZN Ni FE SN PB OTHER ELEMENTS German Silvers (Continued) Sheffield: Common, Yellow . 59.30 25.90 14.80 Silver, White . 55.20 24.10 20.70 Electrum, Bluish . 51.60 22.60 25.80 Hard Alloy . 45.70 20.00 31.30 Key Stock . 60. 26. 12 2. Key Stock . 65. 22. 12 1. Knife Bolsters . 68. 16.50 15 0.5 Knife Bolsters . 56. 28. 16 Maillechort, Paris . 66.24 13.42 13.42 3.21 0.22 0.15 Maillechort, Vienna . 66.6 13.6 19.3 0.48 Maillechort . 65.4 13.4 16.8 3.4 Mangan-Neusilber . 59. 20. 18 Mn,3 Mangan-Neusilber . 65. 5. 10 Mn, 20. Mangan-Neusilber . 72.25 8.75 16.57 Mn, 2.43 Milling . 56. 31. 12. 1. Milling . 56.5 28. 15. 0.5 Milling . 56. 27.5 16 0.5 Milling , . 54. 27.5 18 0.5 Naubuc Knife Stock . 58. 16.25 25. 0.75 Neogen . 58.0 27. 12. 2. Bi, 0.5; AI, 0.5 Nickel Bronze . 60. 12. 20 . 8 . Nickel Bronze : . 47. 3. 10. PSn, 1.0 Nickel Bronze . 47. 21. 30.9 1. Bi, 0.1 Nickel Bronze . 50. 18. 12 2. 18. Nickel Bronze . 61.5 10.95 15.35 .... 1.88 10.15 Nickel Brass . 50.00 34.9 15 Al,0.1 Nickel Bearing , . 50. 25 25 Nickelin , . 55.3 13.1 31.07 0.43 0.18 Nickel Oreide , . 65.50 32.66 2. Nickel Oreide , . 64. 32. 4. Nickel Oreide , . 63.33 31.66 5. Nickel Oreide . 86.66 6.66 6.66 Nickel Oreide . 63.33 30.66 6 .... Optical Wire . . 54. 28. 18 Optical Wire .. 55. 27. 18. Packfong , . 40.4 25.4 31.6 2.6 Packfong . . 26.3 36.8 36.8 Packfong . . 43.8 15.6 40.6 Platinoid . . 54.00 20.40 24.77 0.47 0.15 Mn, 15. Platinoid . . 60. 24. 14 W, 1-2 Resistance Wire . . 56.50 25.50 18. Rheotan . . 52. 18. 25 . 5 . Rolling . . 49. 39. 12. Seawater Bronze . . 45. 5.5 32.5 .... 16 Bi, 1. Silvel, Cast . . 67 .93 15.84 6.52 2.22 0.48 Mn, 6.8; Al, 0. 13 Show-case Metal . . 58. 24. 18. Show-case Metal . . 59.50 22.50 18. Sheffield . . 57. 24. 19. Sheffield . . 63.34 17.01 19.13 Sheffield . . 62.63 26.65 10.85 0.2 Sheffield . . 54.7 37.2 17.1 Sheffield . . 57.4 26.5 13.0 3.0 Smitter-Lenian , . 72. 9.75 12.75 2. 2.25 .... Bi, 1 . Spoons, Forks, etc , . 60. 22. 18 Sterlin . . 68.52 12.84 17.88 0.76 Sterline . . 68. 13.25 18. 0.75 Suhler White Copper . 40.4 25.4 31.6 2.6 Ten Per Cent ,. 56. 34. 10 A LIST or ALLOYS. NICKEL SILVER (Continued). 15 Cu Ten Per Cent 60 . Ten Per Cent 62 . Tuc-Tur, Rod 61 .2 Tuc-Tur, Sheet 58 .6 Turbine Bushing 61 .5 Tutenag 43.8 Tutenag 45.7 Tutenag 44. Toucas 35.75 Tungsten Brass 60 . Turning 58.50 Turning 65 . Twenty Per Cent 53 .33 Twenty Per Cent 57 . Twenty Per Cent 62 . Twenty Per Cent 64. Twenty-one Per Cent 57 . Twenty-one Per Cent 59 . Thirty Per Cent 46.66 Thirty Per Cent .... Victor Metal Viennese Sheet Viennese Ornaments. Viennese Tableware . Wagner's Formula . . , Watch-case Bezels . . . Watch-case Bezels . . . Wessels Silver . . . . 54. .. 49.94 . . 60. . . 55. . . 50. .. 50.66 . . 60. . . 63. . . 51. White Copper 70. White Alloy 48.8 White Alloy 53.0 ZN Ni 30. 10. 28. 10. 20.9 17.6 28.5 12.5 10.95 15.35 40.6 15.6 36.96 17.33 16. 40. 7.14 28.56 22. 1.4. 29.00 12.00 22. 12. 26.66 20. 23. 20. 18. 20. 16. 20. 22. 21. 20. 21. 23.33 30. 16. 30. 34.27 15.4 20. 20. 25. 20. 25. 25. 19.31 13.18 24. 16. 21. 16. 17. 32. 18. 12. 24.4 24.4 23.0 22.0 FB 0.3 0.3 SN PB OTHER ELEMENTS 1.9 10.15 7.14 7.14 7.14 0-5 1. Sb, 7.13 W, 4. 0.28 Al, 0.11 2.4 2.0 ALUMINUM BRONZES, ETC. Cu AL Aluminum Brass 63 . 3.33 Aluminum Brass 67-71 1 .25-3 .5 Aluminum Bronze, Percy 90 . 10 . Aluminum Bronze, Percy 86-89 12.5-7.5 Aluminum Silver 57 . 3 . Aluminum Iron Bronze H ... 89.43 6.97 Aluminum Iron Bronze R. . . 85.16 6.6 Aluminum Iron Bronze S 85.15 9 . 43 'Aluminum Magnesium Bronze 94.5-89.5 5-10 Aluminum Manganese Bronze 89 . 1 2 9.6 Aluminum Nickel Bronze ... 85. 5-10 Aluminum Tin Bronze 85.5 2.5 Aluminum Titanium Bronze. 90-89 9-10 Ampco Bal. 7-1 1 Cowles Aluminum Bronze. . . 88.4 9.74 Cowles "A", Special A 89 . 11. Cowles A 1, 2, 3 80. 10. Cowles B 92.5 7.5 Cowles C 1 94.5 5.5 Cowles C 2, 3 95. 5. Cowles D 97 .5 2.5 Cowles E 98.75 1.25 Cupror 94.2 5.8 FE 3 .41 7.52 4.74 1.0 1-3 .43 ZN 33 .66 31 .75-25 .5 ____ ____ 20 . Ni 20 . 10-5 2 . OTHER ELEMENTS Mn, 0.5-1.5; Pb, 1-2 Mn, 0.5 Pb, 0.38; P, 0.09 Mg, 0.5 Mn, 1.2 Sn, 10. Ti, trace Si, 1 .36 16 A LIST or ALLOYS. ALUMINUM BRONZES, ETC. (Continued). Cu AL FE ZN Ni OTHER ELEMENTS Dirigold (See Oranium Bronze) French (Fe Ni Mn) 81.5 7. 4. 5.5 Mn. 2. Emperor Brass 60. 20. 20 . .... Heusler's Alloy 66.5 11.1 .... Mn, 22.4 Heusler's Alloy 68. 10. Mn, 18.; Pb, 4. Heusler's Alloy, Max 61. 13. Mn,26. Hercules Metal 85.5 2.5 2. Hercules Metal 54. 2.5 7.5 36 Immadium Bronze (Manganese Bronze with Aluminum) Metaline 30. 25. 10. Co, 35. Navy 85-87 7-9 2.5-4.5 .... Oranium Bronze S 97. 3. Oranium Bronze M 95. 5. Oranium Bronze MH 91.5 8.5 Oranium Bronze H 90. 10. Oranium Bronze HX 89. 11. Oranium Bronze HH 88.5 11.5 Rakel's Metal 87.5 10.5 1 . .... Mn, 1 . Roberts- Austen (Purple Gold) .... 21.5 .... .... Au, 78.5 Reichs Bronze 85.15 0.6 7.5 Mn.0.5 Secretan 91-95 9-5 .... Mg, 1.5; P, 0.5 Superbronze 56.8 1.2 1.3 37.5 .... Mn, 3.2 Superbronze 68.9 5.1 2.0 20.9 Mn, 3.0 Tensilite 64. 3.1 1.2 29. Mn, 2.5; Sn, 0.2 Tensilite 67. 4.4 24. Mn, 3.8 Tetmajer 86.1 10. 0.98 .... Si, 2.48 Tetmajer 89.7 7.1 0.72 .... Si, 2.72 Tetmajer 93.3 4.6 0.89 .... Si, 0.98 Typewriter Metal 57. 3. 20. 20. COPPER-MANGANESE ALLOYS. Cu MN FE ZN SN Ni OTHER ELEMENTS Cupro-Manganese 90. 10. Crotorite . 70. 30. 2. Resistance, Lunge 86.5 11.7 1.8 Resistance, Lunge 84.32 13.45 1.9 Resistance Metal . 85. 12. 3. Manganese Copper 29.2 51.65 9.68 .... Al, 6.25 Manganese Copper 56.3 40.9 1.5 .... Si, 1 . 1 Manganese Copper , 75. 25. .... .... .... Manganese Copper . 75.3 22.4 2.15 Manganese Copper . 85. 10.92 1.83 2.0 C, 0.26 Manganese Copper . 85.55 10.66 2.66 .... 0.39 .... Pb, 0.45 Manganese Copper 84.33 10.61 2.31 2.1 0.4 Pb, 0.3 Manganese Copper , 89.7 8.72 1.54 Manganese Brass 54.2 4.4 2.4 38.2 0.5 Manganese Brass 55. 4.3 0.7 39.5 .... Al.0.5 Manganese Brass . 51.15 4.15 2.25 40. 2.2 Al, 0.25 Manganese Brass 53.51 3.24 1.44. 38.28 1.22 2.14 Manganese Brass . 55.4 3.2 1.06 39.9 .... Al, 0.2 Manganese Brass 60.15 2.34 1.19 34.9 0.94 .... Al, 0.23; Pb, 0.39 Manganese Brass . 53.4 1.7 0. 39. 2.66 2.5 Al, 0.2 Manganese Brass . 53.5 1.53 2.78 39. 2.53 Manganese Brass 69.5 1.0 29.5 .... High Manganese Brass: Ponsard's . 50. 24. 16. 10. Ponsard's , . 60. 25. 15. A LIST OF ALLOYS. 17 COPPER-MANGANESE ALLOYS (Continued). Cu MN High Manganese Brass (Continued). Ponsard's 75 . 20 . Cowles...; 67.5 18. Cowles 75.5 16.5 Cowles 80. 15. Rheotan 84. 12. Manganese Bronze 82.4 0.6 Manganese Bronze 85 .75 .25 Manganese Bronze 86 .3 2.7 Manganese Nickel Silver 72.5 2.43 Manganese Nickel Silver 65. 20. Manganese Nickel Silver 60. 20. Manganin 86-84 12 . Manganin 84 . 4 . Manganese Nickel 78 .3 14.1 Manganese Nickel 82 . 12 15 .02 Manganese Nickel 73 . 24 . Manganese Nickel 70 . 25 . Manganese Nickel 65 . 30 . Manganese Nickel 51.5 31.3 Silvel 73.3 12. Silvel 67.9 6.8 Heusler's Magnetic Alloys. . 70. 30. Heusler's Magnetic Alloy, max 61 . 26. Heusler ' s M agnetic Alloy ... 66.5 22.4 Heusler's Magnetic Alloy. . . 68 . 18 . Tubes.. . 96. 4. FE 0.6 1.8 2.22 ZN SN 5. 8.75 5. 10. 12.1 15.8 Ni 16.57 10. 10. 2-4 12. 7.6 2.3 3. 5. 5. 16.2 6.5 OTHER ELEMENTS Al, 1.; Si, 0.5 Al.0.25; Pb.0.51 Al.0.13; Pb,0.48 Al, 8-14.5 Al, 13. Al, 11.1 Al. 10.; Pb, 4. ALUMINUM ALLOYS AL Cu ZN MN MG Ni FE Si OTHER ELEMENTS Acieral: Sheet Bal. 2.3 1.5 0.1 1.4 Sheet Bal. 3.7 1.0 0.2 1.3 Sheet Bal. 3.8 1.0 0.5 0.7 Cast... Bal. 6.4 0.4 0.90 0.1 0.4 Cast 91.87 5.7 0, 12 0.98 0.94 0.39 Aero Metal: Sheet Bal. 0.6 0.14 2.1 1.3 Sheet Bal. 0.2 .... 2.9 0.3 0.4 Cast Bal. 4.2 27.8 0.5 0.5 Aluminite Cast. . . Bal. 2.7 23.3 0.4 0.2 Aluminum Silver . . 95.00 Ag,5. Bell Metal.. 83.00 10. Cd, 7 . Bourbonnes 48.8 0.25 0.33 .... Sn, 50.48 Bersch Bearing. . . 93. 7. Duralumin Bal. {1:1} I ' 5 ) \0.8/ 0.5 .... Duralumin Bal. 4.2 049 0.76 .... 0.67 0.34 Durand's 66.6 33.3 Die Casting (92. \82. 8 " \ 18. / Die Casting 86.13 10.17 0.24 0.03 0.32 .... 2.81 0.3 Fletcher and Em- perer Bearing . . . 92.2 7.5 Sn.0.25 Fletcher's Alloy.. . 95.5 3. Sn, 1.; Sb, 0.5; PSn. 5 Hard Aluminum . . 77. 11.5 .... 4.5 .... 18 A LIST OF ALLOYS. ALUMINUM ALLOYS (Continued). AL Cu ZN Huron: MN Me Ni FE Si OTHER ELEMENTS Castings A-5 Bal. 6.6 0.5 1.25 Co, 0.25 and (Mn Sn Cd, 0.5) Rolled A Bal. 3.5 0.6 0.5 Cr, 0.1 Rolled B Bal. 40 0.6 0.5 Cr, 0.1 Rolled D Bal. 4.0 0.5 Cr,0.6 Ingots: Casting 11 88.85 6.6 2.3 I. 1 .25 Casting 12 92. 8. Casting 21 90. 10. Casting 22 83.7 6.3 5. Sn, 5. Casting 31 80.5 3. 16. 5. Casting 32 64. .... 36. Casting 33 81. 19. Casting 34 78. 22 . Rolling 3. 5 98.5 1.5 Rolling 5.5 94.5 2. 2. 1.5 Rolling 8.5 66.6 33.3 Krupp ( Grosmann) 87. 8. Sn,5. L-5 Bal. 2 5-3.0 12.5-14.5 .... Liberty Piston .... 76.6 1.06 21.3 0.47 .... Pb.0.33; Sn.0.12 Lynite : 146 Bal. 7 .00-8 5 122 Bal. 9. 25-10 75 109 Bal. 11.5-13 .5 Crank Case Bal. 7.8 1.5 1.25 Body Alloy Bal. 5. Piston 89. 11. 0.5 Piston 95.3 2.14 0.07 1.5 .... 0.76 0.23 Mach's Bal. 2-10 Magnalium : Cast x Bal. 1 .76 1.6 1 .16 Cast y Bal. 1.75 1.5 Sn and Pb Cast z Bal. 0.21 1.58 Sn, 3.15; Pb, 0.7 Cast 85.00 15.00 Sheet 95. 5 Bal. 1-20 1-10 Magnalite Bal. 2. .... 2. 2 Magnalite Bal. 2.5 0.5 .3 1.5 Magnalite 93.09 2 19 .54 .45 1.10 0.61 Magnalite 94.27 2.47 0.13 .17 0.65 0.69 0.59 Magnalite 93.5 2.61 .37 1.72 0.86 0.37 Sn, 0.17 Magnalite 93.9 24 .56 .19 0.47 Magnalite 93.2 2.44 .38 .25 1.35 0.37 Manhardts 83.33 6 24 0.05 .'. Sn, 10.; P, 0. 07 M aluminum Bal. 6.4 4.8 0.1 1.4 0.2 Pb, 0.15 McKinney: Cast 96. 2. 1.5 Forging, Soft . . . 96.5 2. 1.0 Forging, Hard. . 94.5 3. 2. McAdamite 3.1 12-18 0.2 , McAdams, W. A . . 68.5 7.7 23 . 1 .... 0.63 McAdams, W. A.. 60. 5. 20 . Ag, 16.5 McAdams, W. A..' 70. 3. 26. Ag, 1. McAdams, W. A.. 70. 3. 22 . Sb, 5. McAdams, W. A. . 100. 5. Ag,2. McAdams, W. A . . 80. Sn, 8.; Cd, 8 .; Ag,4. McAdams, W. A.. 82. 12. Cd, 5 . ; Ag, 1 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 19 ALUMINUM ALLOYS (Continued). AL Cu ZN MN MG Ni FE Si OTHER ELEMENTS McLure Bal. 8.2 0.2 0.9 0.3 Sn, 5-6 Metalline 25. 30. 10. Co, 35 . Meteorite Bal. 1-2 .... P, 1-4 Mock Silver 84.2 5.5 .... Sn, 10.2; P, 0.1 Murman's 92. 4.4 3.6 Murman's 72. 14.5 13.5 Navy Bal. 1.5 0.9 0.4 0.4 0.3 Partinium Bal. 0.64 .... Sb,2.4;Sn,0.16; W, 0.8 Partinium 88.5 7.4 1.7 1.3 1.1 Pistons 93.3 3.39 .... 1 .39 .... 1 .46 0.45 Pistons 93.5 2.45 0.28 1.47 1.47 0.4 0.4 Platinum Substi- tute 23.6 0.72 Bi, 3.7; Au, 0.7 Romanium Bal. 0.25 1.75 Sb,0.25; Sn.0.15; W. 0.17 Rosein 30. 40 . Sn. 20.; Ag, 10. Rosenhain and Archutt Forging 72. 3. 25. .... Sibley Alloy 67. 33. Susini Bal. 1.5 0.5 1-3 Susini Bal. 2.5 1.0 1-5 Susini Bal. 4.5 1.5 2-8 T. Metal Bal. 0.1 3.8 0.5 0.5 Tiers Argent 66. .... Ag, 33 . Verilite Bal. 2.5 .... 0.3 0.7 0.4 Wolf ramiurn 98. 0.36 0.22 .... Sb, 1.4; W, 0.05 Wolf ramium 98. 0.375 .... Sb, 1.44; Sn, 1: W, 0.04 W. 0.33 Bal. 14. .... 1. Zeppelin Alloys: Rod 94.58 4.16 .... 0.62 0.42 0.52 Braces 99.1 0.06 0.13 0.38 0.36 Channels 88.68 0.7 9.1 0.45 0.43 0.49 Sn, 0.15 . Angles 90.27 0.73 7.8 0.27 0.45 0.37 Sn, 0.11 Zimalium 93.5 2.8 3.7 Zimalium 91. 4.5 4.5 Zimalium 88.5 4.4 7.1 Zimalium 74. 14.8 11.2 Zisium . . 83. I. 15. Sn, 1 . Zisium . . . 82. 3. 15. Ziskon 60. 40. Al-Cu, Strongest . . Bal. 3.75 Al-Cu 91.66 7 16 0.85 33 Al-Cu 91.62 7.57 0.1 0.07 0.43 0.22 Al-Cu-Ni Bal. 2. 5.25 Al-Cu-Ni Bal. 4.1 1.1 Al-Cu-Zn Strong: Cast 80. 5. 15. Forged 75. 3. 22. Centrifugal Cast 80. 3. 17. Ingot 82.7 3.15 12.8 0.39 0.48 0.19 Pb, 0.19 ;Sn, 0.12 Ingot 82.8 5.52 9.9 0.18 0.81 .... Pb, 0.3; Sn, 0.27 Casting 83.55 4.87 11.1 0.06 0.19 0.27 Al-Cu-Mg Casting 93.6 3.61 .... 2.23 0.31 0.28 Al-Cu-Mg Casting 93. 3.65 2.25 0.60 0.38 Al-Cu-Mg Casting 91.9 3.37 0.55 3.5 0.38 0.29 Al-Cu-Mg Casting 95.5 4. 0.5 Al-Ni-Ti 97.6 .... .... 2.0 .... Ti.0.4 20 A LIST or ALLOYS. Al-Ni-Zn Va Alloy W Alloy Alloys Research Committee : "Y" Casting. . "A" Forging. . "E" Rolling. . AL 85. 80.2 82.1 ALUMINUM ALLOYS (Continued). Cu ZN MN MG Ni FE 5. 10. 5.01 12.32 82.5 4 77. 3. 76. 2.5 13.7 4.5 0.5 0.72 Si OTHER ELEMENTS V, 0.2 W, 1.0 0.2 0.2 TIN BASE ALLOYS. SN Algiers Metal 94.5 Algiers Metal 90 . Algiers Metal 75 . 80. 79 . . 77.8 Ashberry Metal Ashberry Metal Ashberry Metal, Brittania Ashberry Metal, Brittania Argentin Aluminum Solder Burgess Frismuth Grimm's 69 . 1 Grimm's 50 . Aluminum, Wegner and Guhr's 80 . Aluminum, Wilmotts 86 . Bal. SB 0.5 10. 25. 14. 15. 77.9 85. 85-50 76. 67. Cu 5. 2. 3. 2.8 PB 14.5 Aluminum, Various. 50. 47.5 49.5 x 85. Babbitts, Original " 89 . Babbitts, Hard 83 .3 Bearing : Navy 89 . Navy 91. Prussian 91 . Prussian 90 . Russian Railroad 90 . Automobile, American 89 . Automobile, American 89 .3 Automobile, American 88 .9 Automobile, American 87 . Heavy 85 . French Car 83 .3 German Railroad 83 . Valve Rods, etc 82 . French Railroad 82 . Piston 81 . Swiss Railroad 80. English 76 . 7 German 76 . Prussian 74 . Prussian _ 73 . Prussian ' 72 . (Kamarsch; 71.4 Valve Packing 71 . 3.43 7.3 8.3 7.3 4.5 6. 6. 8. 7. 8.9 7.4 7. 7.5 11.1 11. 10. 12. 12.5 10. 18.5 17. 15. 18. 26. 7.2 24. 3.7 8.4 3.7 4.5 3. 4. 2. 4. 1.8 3.7 6. 7.5 5.5 6. 8. 6. 6.5 10. 7.8 7. II. 9. 2 21.4 27. 28.! 25. 33.3 47.5 26.06 OTHER ELEMENTS Zn, 1. Zn, 2. Zn, 2.8 Zn, 15-50 Zn, 21.; Al, 3. Al, 3. Zn, 1.44; Ag, 0.72 Zn, 25 . Zn, 20. Bi, 14. Zn, 8-15; Al, 5-12. Zn, 66.6 Ca, 5. Zn, 20.31 Al, 10.; PSn, 5. 10.6 Zn, 0.18; Fe, 0.22 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 21 TIN BASE ALLOYS (Continued). SN SB Cu PB OTHER ELEMENTS Bearing (Continued) . German ... 70.8 15.1 4.9 9.2 (Kamarsch; ... 70.7 19.7 9.5 .... G. W. R. England . . . 67. 11. 22. .... French Railroad ... 67. 22. 11. .... English Railroad . .. 90. 7. 3. German Ludenscheidt . .. 71.8 24.3 3.85 .... Brittania: English ... . 94. 5. 1. English ... 90. 6. 2. .... Bi, 2. English ... 90 . 7. 3. English . .. 85.5 9.7 1.8 .... Zn, 3. Cast . .. 90.6 9.2 0.2 Cast . .. 85.5 10.5 1. .... Zn, 3.0 Cast Tutania . . . 91.4 0.7 7.62 Zn, 0.25 Cast Tutania . .. 92.35 4.65 2.45 0.32 Birmingham I . .. 90.57 9.38 0.03 Birmingham II . .. 85.5 10.5 1. .... Zn, 3.0 Sheet . .. 91.5 7.1 1.4 .... Sheet . .. 90.6 7.8 1.5 .... Spinning ... 93.7 3.75 2.6 .... Spoons ... 88.4 8.7 2.9 .... Spoons . .. 85.5 14.4 0.15 Spoons ... 84.7 5.0 3.7 .... Bi, 4.9; Zn, 1. Spoons ... 88.42 8.68 2.8 Spoons ... 85.42 14.42 0.15 .... Spoons . .. 84.46 5.62 3.68 .... Zn. 1.53; Bi, 4.88 Plate, Hard Spelter . .. 90.62 7.81 1.46 .... Plate, Birmingham. . .. 91.46 7.12 1.4 .... Plate, Tutania . .. 90. 2.7 6.0 Zn, 1.3 Plate, Deutsch (Ludenscheidt; . .. 71.85 24.26 3.85 .... German . . . 84. 9. 2. .... Zn, 5. German . . . 81.9 16.3 1.8 German ... 70.82 15.10 4.91 9.21 German, Various, Turn ... 93.65 3.75 2.63 German, Queen's Metal . .. 88.52 7.10 3.48 Blatt-Silver . . . 91.1 0.35 Zn, 8.25; Fe, 0.23 Bushing, Russian . .. 72.2 1.3 .... Zn, 26.5 Clichier Metal . . . 48 . 10.5 32.5 Bi, 9. Clichier Metal . .. 80. 5. Bi, 15. Deurance Metal (Locomotive; . .. 33.3 44.5 22.2 Dudley Antifriction . .. 98.13 1.6 0.25 Fahrig Antifriction . .. 90. 10. Gilding Foil . .. 97.6 2.16 .... Fe, 0.11 Hard Head . .. 90. 8. 2. Hammonia Metal . .. 64.5 3.25 .... Zn, 32.25 Hoyles Metal ... 46 . 12. .... 42. Husmann Metal . . . 73.6 11. 4. 10.6 Zn, 0.18; Fe, 22 Jacoby Metal . .. 85. 10. 5. Kamarsch Bearing . . . 85 . 5. 3.6 .... Bi, 1.6; Zn. 1.4 Minofor (Brittania; . .. 68.5 18.2 3.3 .... Zn, 10. Minofor ... 66 . 20. 4. Zn, 9. Navy Bearing . . . 89 . 7.3 3.7 Navy Bearing, Hard . .. 80 15 5 . . . . Parsons White Brass . . . 60. 5. .... Zn, 35. Parsons White Brass . , . 81. 11. 4.5 3.5 Parsons White Brass . .. 76. 6. 5. 13. Pewter . . . 80 . 20 Pewter . .. 73.5 5.5 1. 20 Pewter . .. 88.42 7.16 3.54 .... Zn, 0.88 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA A LIST OF ALLOYS. TIN BASE ALLOYS (Continued). SN SB Cu PB OTHER ELEMENTS Pewter , . 89.3 7 .6 1. 8 1.8 Pewter , . 87.2 5 .7 1. 6 11.5 Pewter . . 89.3 7 .6 1 . 8 1.8 Pewter . . 84.7 1 .7 6. 8 .... Bi, 6. Phosphor Tin , . 95. P. 5.0 Phosphor Tin . . 90. P, 10. Plastic Metal . . 80.5 8 .6 9. 5 Fe, 1 .4 Poterie d'Etain . . 90. 9 1. Prince's Metal , . 84.75 15 .25 Queen's Metal . 50.5 16 .5 16.5 Zn, 12.5 Queen's Metal . . 87. 8 .5 3. 5 Zn, 1. Queen's Metal . . 73.36 8 .88 8.8 Zn, 8.88 Queen's Metal . . 88.5 7 .1 3.5 Zn, 0.9 Queen's Metal . . 88.5 7 3. 5 Bi, 1.0 Ships Nail Alloy , . 50. 17 33. Silver Foil . . 90. Zn, 10. Silver Foil . . 97.5 2.5 Stanniol . . 96.2 1. 2.4 Ni, 0.3; Fe, 0.1 Tinfoil . . 87.5 0.5 4. 8. Tourun Leonard's Metal . . 90. , 10. Trabuk Metal . . 87.5 5 . . Ni, 5.5; Bi, 2. Tinsel . . 60.4 . 39.6 Tutania,. Cast . . 91.4 0. 7 7.62 Zn.0.25 Tutania, Cast . . 92.4 4 .6 2. 5 0.32 Fe, 0.13 Tutania, English . . 80. 16 2. 7 Zn, 1 .3 Tutania, Plate . . 90. 2. 7 6.0 Zn, 1 .3 White Metal, Hanover . . 86.8 7 .6 5. 6 .... White Metal, Dutch .. 81.5 8 .8 9.6 LEAD BASE ALLOYS. PB SN SB Cu OTHER ELEMENTS Accumulator Metal (Condenser Foil; 90. 9 .25 .75 Aluminum Solder, Frismuth 27 67 . . . . Al, 3 . Antifriction 60 20 Zn, 20. Antifriction 88 12 Antifriction 84 16 Antifriction 78 8 19 .6 Zn, I. Antifriction 77 10 12 .5 0.5 Antifriction 77 8 14 1. Battery Plates 94 . 6 Bearing 80 .5 11.6 7 .4 0.5 Bearing (Katzensteinj . 77.6 7.3 16 .8 0.4 Bearing 73 .0 8 .5 18 .0 0.4 Bearing 68 .0 9 .6 20.5 1.6 Bearing 71 7 .7 18.5 2. Bearing 62 .5 26 .2 10 1.3 Bearing 61 .0 25 .0 13 .0 1.0 Bearing 48 40 10 2. Bearing (American; 46 36 .5 16 .5 1.0 Bearing 40 42 16 2. Bearing 37 50 12 1. Bearing 25 .5 61 10 .5 2.8 Bearing 11 .8 74 9.5 4.7 Bearing 10 75 12 3. Bearing 86 1 13 Bearing 83 .3 8 .3 8 .3 8. Bearing 82 2 16 Bearing 80 10 10 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 23 LEAD BASE ALLOYS (Continued). PB SN SB Cu OTHER ELEMENTS Bearing Compagnie de 1'Est 80 . 12 . 8 Bearing 80. 5. 15 Bearing 76. 7. 17 Bearing, American Railroad 73 .5 8 . 18.5 .... Bearing, French Railroad 70. 20. 10. Bearing, Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean Railroad .... 70. 10. 20. .... Bearing, American Railroad 68 . 21 . 11. .... Bearing, Graphite Metal 68. 15. 17 Bearing 62. 27. 10 Bearing 60. 20. 20. Bearing, Chemin de fer de Test Franc 42 . 42 . 16 . Bearing 40. 45. 15 Bearing, Italian Railroad 37 . 38 . ?5 . Bearing 10. 75. 15. Capsule Metal 92. 8. Clichier Metal 46 . 33 . Cd, 21 . Clichier Metal 50. 36. Cd, 14. Clichier Metal 32.5 48. 10.5 .... Bi,9. Clichier Metal 5 . 80. Bi, 15 . Electrotype Metal 93. 3. 4 English Linotype 83 . 5 . 12 . , English Stereotype 82 .5 4.5 13 . Frary Metal 98. Ba Ca, 2. Fahlun Brilliants 40. 60. Foil-Lead (Calin) 86 .5 12.5 .... 1.0 French Auto 75. 10. 15 For Small Castings 5 . 75 . 20 Glievor Bearing 76.5 8. 14. Fe, 1.5 "Glyco" 80.5 4.5 14.5 As, 0.5 Hard Lead 80. 46. 12 . 05 Hoyle's Metal 42. 46. 12. Jacana Metal 70. 10. 20. Locomotive Bushing 65 .6 8.8 15 .4 .... Linotype Metal 85 . 3 . 12 . Mackenzie Metal 70 . 13 . 17 "Magnolia" 78. 6. 16. .... "Magnolia" 79.75 5. 15 Bi.0.25 Marine Babbitt 72 . 21 . 7 Metallic Packing 82.25 4.75 Metallic Packing, Compagnie d'Orleans 76. 14. 10. Mystic Metal 88.7 10.8 Bi.0.1 Non-pareil 78.35 4.95 16.7 Noheet 98.41 0.08 0.11 Na, 1.4 Pewter 11.5 87.2 5.7 1.6 Pewter 20. 80. Piston Packing, Compagnie de Nord 73 . 12 . 15 . Shot Lead 99.8 As, 2 Solder 60. 39. 1 Plumbers 66.6 33.3 Half and Half 50. 50 Tinman's 33.3 66.6 Stereotype Metal 82 . 6 . 12 Stereotype Metal 82 . 3.2 148 Stereotype Metal 76 . 4 . 20 . Stereotype Metal 70 . 7 . 23 Stereotype Metal 67. 17. 18 Stereotype Metal 35 . 60. 5 Tandem 77.7 5.9 16.8 Tea Lead 98 . 2 . Terne Metal.. . 88.25 18. 1.75 24 A LIST OF ALLOYS. LEAD BASE ALLOYS (Continued). PB SN SB Cu OTHER ELEMENTS Type Metal . 70. 10. 18. 2.0 English, Old . 69.2 9.1 19.5 1.7 English . 63.2 12. 24. 0.8 English . 60.5 14.5 24.2 0.8 Krupp . 59.6 12. 18. 4.7 Ni, 4.7; Bi, 1. English . 58. 15. 26. 1. English . 77.5 6.5 16. German . 75. 2. 23. German . 60. 35. 5. German . 60. 34.6 5.4 .... German . 60. 15. 25. Common v . 60. 10. 30. Common . 55.5 40. 4.5 Best . 50. 25. 25. French . 55. 22. 23. .... French . 55. 15. 30. .... Ulco . 98.5 BaCa, 1.5 White . 77. 5. 15. 2.3 White . 33. 53. 10.6 2.4 Zn. 1 White.. ; 33.9 49.1 13 6 3.3 ZINC BASE ALLOYS. ZN Cu SN SB PB OTHER ELEMENTS Aluminum Solder, Frismuth 47.5 5.5 31.5 Al, 10.5; Ag, 5.5 Aluminum Solder, Frismuth 47.4 5.3 36.8 .... .... Al, 10.5 Aluminum Solder 30. 65. .... Bi. 5. Aluminum Solder 80. 8. .... Al, 12. Aluminum Solder 57. .... Cd, 43 . Aluminum Solder, Mourey 94. 2. .... A1.4. Aluminum Solder, Mourey 80. 8. .... Al, 12 . Aluminum Solder, Bourbouse 81.82 .... Al.18.18 Aluminum Solder, Cornande and Cruiys 52. 30. .... .... Al, 17.5; Ni, 0.5 Aluminum Solder, Richards 25. 71.5 .... Al, 3.5 Battery Plates 63.4 3.2 21.3 .... 12. Babbitt Metal 69. 5. 26. 3. 5. Bearing, Hard 90. 7. 1.5 1.5 Bearing 88. 8. 2. 2. Bearing 85. 5. 10. Bearing 77. 5.5 17.5 Bearing, English 67.7 7.4 14.9 Bearing 66.5 4.2 29.3 Bearing 55. 0.55 22.7 .... A1.20.; Pb, 1.25 Biddery 90.2 6.3 0.8 2.6 Biddery Henie's 84.3 11.4 1.4 2.9 Birmingham, Platina 79.4 20.25 Fe, 0.33 Brittania, Cast 48. 3. 48. 1. 1. Button 80. 20. Cook's Alloy 31.5 68.5 (Zn,43.; Sb,57) Dunnlevic and Jones 52. 1.6 46. 0.4 Dunnlevic and Jones Antifriction 20. 20. 60. Dunnlevic and Jones Antifriction 85. 5. 10. Dunnlevic and Jones, Russian 80. 8. 10. Ehrhardt's Metal 89. 4. 4. 3. Ehrhardt's Type 89. 3. 6. 2. English White Metal 76.2 5.6 17.5 Fenton's Alloy 80. 6. 14. Fenton's Alloy 80. 8.5 .... 14.5 Glievor Bearing 73.5 4.4 6.7 9 5 Cd, 1 4 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 25 ZINC BASE ALLOYS (Continued). 93 4 3 5 1 5 3.1 47 1 38. 6. 4. Hammonia Metal 32 25 3 25 64.5 . . 77 25 1.12 21 .63 Trace Iridium . . . . . . 83 00 1 .25 15.75 Trace Kemlet . . . . 67 9 Kneiss Metal . 50. 25. 25. Kneiss Metal 40 . 3. 15. 42. Leddel Alloy 90 5 Ledebur's Bearing 85. 5. 10. Ledebur's Bearing 77 5 5 17 5 Leddel Bearing 87 5 6 25 Lumen 86 10. Lumen 85 10. " Hartzink" 91 9 0.13 2.4 Parsons White Brass 30. 5. 65. Pierrot Metal, Beugnot Propeller Bushing Pump Cocks Russian, Packing . . .... 83.3 69 . . . . . 72. 98.5 8.3 5. 7. 7.6 19. 21. 0.98 3.5 7. 3. 0.32 Russian 26.5 1.3 72.2 Salge Metal 85.5 4. 9.9 1.1 Schomberg-Bearing 59.4 0.38 39.8 0.21 Silver Leaf 8.25 91. 0.35 Silver Metal 66 5 Siemens Halske 48 5 Siemens Halske Automobile 47 5 5 Sorel's Alloy 98 1 Sorel's Alloy 88 10 Spiauter (Hard Zinc,) 90 2 8 Vaucher's Alloy 75 18 2 5 4 5 Zelco . . , 73 2 ZN Cu SN SB PB OTHER ELEMENTS Phos. Sn, 5. Al, 15. Al, 5. Al.6.25 Al, 4. Al, 5. Fe,5.3 Fe, 0.16 Fe, . 15 Ag, 33.5 Cd, 47 . Cd,47.5 Fe, 1. Fe, 10. Al, 15.0 FUSIBLE METALS. Bi SN Anatomical Alloy 53.5 19. Bismuth Solder 40. 20. Bismuth Solder 33.3 33.3 Bismuth Solder 27 .5 45 . Bismuth Solder 25 . 50. D'Arcet 50. 25. Eutectic 52.5 15.5 Eutectic 49.5 13.1 Eutectic 51.6 Eutectic 54 . 26 . Eutectic 50. Fusible Tea Spoons 44.5 16.5 Guthrie's 47 .38 19 .97 Lictenberg 50. 20. Lipowitz 50. 13.3 Newton's 50. 18.75 Onion's 50. 20. Rose's 50. 22. Rose's 35. 30. Wood's , 50, 12.5 PB 17. 40. 33.3 27.5 25. 25. 32. 27.3 40.2 32. 30. 19.36 30. 26.7 31.25 30. 28. 35. 25, OTHER TEMPERATURE CD ELEMENTS OF FUSION 10.1 8.1 20. 18. 13.29 10. 12.5 Hg, 10.5 Hg, 5-10 60 C. 96 C. 70-74 C. 91. 5 C. 103 C. 145 C. 26 A LIST OF ALLOYS. GOLD ALLOYS. Au Ac Cu OTHER ELEMENTS Standard Gold, British 91.66 8.33 Standard Gold, U. S 90. 10. 22 Carat 91.66 4.166 4.166 22 Carat Dental, Dark 91.57 4.99 3.44 22 Carat Dental, Light 91.57 8.43 20 Carat 83.33 8.33 8.33 20 Carat 83.20 10.81 5.99 18 Carat 75.0 10.4 14.6 18 Carat 75.00 12.00 13.00 18 Carat 75.00 14.6 10.4 18 Carat Dental 74.88 19.13 5.99 18 Carat Special 75.00 20.00 5.00 16 Carat 66.6 6.6 26.6 16 Carat 66.66 11.12 22.22 16 Carat 66.6 19.4 13.8 16 Carat 66.45 25.57 7.98 IS Carat 62.49 11.01 13.25 14 Carat 58.3 4.16 37.5 14 Carat Regular 58.33 13.33 28 34 14 Carat Spring 58.33 16.00 25 67 14 Carat 58.3 25. 16 6 14 Carat Special 58.33 27.77 13 90 14 Carat Dental 58.03 30.03 11 94 12 Carat 50.00 14.58 35.42 10 Carat Regular 41.66 12.34 46 00 10 Carat 41.6 16.6 41.6 10 Carat Spring 41.66 20.00 38 34- 8 Carat 33.30 20.00 46 70 Yellow Gold 53 . 25. 22. Red Gold 75. 25 Dark Red Gold 50. 50. Pale Yellow Gold 91.6 8.3 Pale Yellow Gold 91.6 .... .... Fe. 8.3 Green Gold 75. 25. Green Gold 75. 16.6 .... Cd, 8.3 Green Gold 74.6 11.4 9.7 Cd, 4.3 Green Gold 75 . 12.5 .... Cd, 12.5 Grey Gold 85.7 8.6 .... Fe, 5.7 Grey Gold 83.3 Fe, 16.6 Blue Gold 75. Fe, 25 . White Gold 90. .... .... Pd, 10 Palladium Gold 90. .... Pd, 10 White Gold 75-85 Ni,10-8;Zn,2-9 Gold Solders: 18 Carat 75. 13. 12. 18 Carat 62.5 31.25 6.25 16 Carat 75. 16.6 8.3 14 Carat 50. 33.3 16.6 12 Carat 47.8 29. 17.1 Brass, 6.1 10 Carat 41.2 37. 21 2 Brass, 06 9 Carat 25 . 50. 25. 8 Carat 40 . 36.6 23.4 Best 62.5 22.5 15. Easy Melt 54.5 31.75 13.75 Very Easy Melt U.5 54.5 28 5 n. 5.5 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 27 SILVER ALLOYS. Ac Co ZN SN OTHER ELEMENTS Sterling Silver 92 .5 7.5 Rupee 91.6 8.3 Standard 90. 10. Silver Solders: Hard 80. 13.2 6.8 Sterling 80. 2.5 17.5 Medium 75. 20. 5. Medium 70. 22.5 7.5 Enamel 66.7 33.3 Pure Silver 72 . 28 . French 66. 23.3 10. Plate 64.5 22.5 13. Common 62.5 30. 7.5 Chain 62.5 31.2 6.2 Chain 63.5 20.9 16.6 Quick 62.5 20.9 10.4 6.2 Quick 56.9 27.7 11.5 3.8 Bureau of Standards 40. 14. 6. 40. Argent Francais (Roulz) 40. 35. Ni, 25. Argent Francais (Roulz) 33. 40. Ni,27. Argent Francais (Roulz) 20. 50. Ni, 30. Argent Francais (Odessa; 33.25 42.5 15.75 .... Ni, 8.5 Argent Francais, Mousset's Silver 27.5 59.5 9.5 .... Ni, 3.5 Proplatinum 23.57 Ni,72.; Bi,3.72; Au,0.71 PLATINUM, ETC. PT Au Ac OTHER ELEMENTS Thermo-couples 90. Ir, 10. Thermo-couples 90. Rh, 10. Solder 27 . .... 73 Resistance 33.3 66.6 Platine-au-titre 17-35 83-65 Platinum-Gold: White 40. 60. Almost White 30. 70. Almost White 58.3 16.6 25. Cooper's Gold 18.75 Cu, 81.25 Cooper's Gold 29.17 Cu. 66.6; Zn, 4.15 Cooper's Pen Metal 50. 37.5 Cu, 12.5 Cooper's Pen Metal 2.5 . 25 . Cu, 50. Cooper's Mirror 9.5 Cu, 58.; Sn,27.5; Zn, 3.5; As, 1 .5 Palladium Gold 31. 19. Pd, 10.35; Cu, 39.65 Platinum Substitutes: Palau 80. .... Pd, 20. 20. Ni, 60.; Pd, 10.; V, 10. Cooper's 25 . 70 . Ni, 5 . Cooper's 70. Co, 5 . ; Pd, 25 . Electrical 7.5 67 .5 25 . Electrical 5 . 70. 25 . Electrical 70. 25 . Ni, 5 . Proplatinum 0.75 23.5 Ni, 72.; Bi, 3.75 RESISTANCE ALLOYS. Ni CR FE MN Cu ZN OTHER ELEMENTS Advance 44.3 0.5 1.15 53.9 Argentan 26. i. 56. 18. Calido 64. 8. 25. 3. 28 A LIST OF ALLOYS. RESISTANCE ALLOYS (Continued). Calorite .... Ni CR 65. 12. 65. 12. 80. 20. 85. 15. 64. 15. 24 4 FE 15. 23. MN 8. Cu ZN Calorite Chromel A Chromel B Chromel C 25. 73. 66.9 Climax 2.6 0.8 0.4 54 Comet 30.4 2.2 46 Constantin Constantiii . . . 43.9 (See Platinite) (See Manganin) 85. 14. 18. 4. Nickel steel 40 0.4 0.5 Bal. 1.34 0.5 2.2 54.15 0.3 60 Dilver Eureka Excello Fermet Ferrozoid la-la Ideal 45 0.66 1. 64. el Steel 2.4 0.45 1. 2.2 5. 12. 12. 12. 4. 15. 25. 53.4 58. 27.5 84. 86 . 84. 82 . 1 70. Ideal 40 Invar . 36 Kromax . 80. 20. 85 . 15 . 28 per cent Nick 67.9 95 Kromore . . . Kxuppin ... Lucerno . . Magno . . . < Manganese Steel Bal. Manganin 4. Manganin 2. 12. 2.3 5. 75 . 25 . 67 1 0.6 Manganin . Manganin . . . Marsh's Patent Monel ... 2.1 8. 50. 50 25 12. 10. 1.7 3. 3. 1. 4. 2. 2. 28.4 62. 20. 68 .... Nichroloy 75. 16. 40. 7. 23. 20. 60. 11. 75. 11. 66. 22. 18 Nichroloy Nichroloy Nichrome I Nichrome II Nichrome Nickelin Nickelin . 32 Nickelin 31 5 55.3 13.1 20. Ni-Cr-Cu 80. 25. 85. 20. 88. 8. 30. 70. '25 . 60. 15. 46-42 24.77 Ni-Cr-Cu .... 15. Ni-Cr-Al Non- Magnetic High Resist- ance . . Phenix. . 75. 20. 54-58 0.47 Placet ... 5. Platinite Platinoid 0.15 54. 20.4 60. 24. 86.5 85. 84. 4. 52.5 18. 67.5 13. 1.1 Platinoid 14 . . Rayo . . . 85. 15. 1.8 3. 12. 5. 11.7 12. 2. R^sistin ... .... Resistin Rheotan ^ Rheotan II 25 Silver Bronze . . 18. 1.12 3. Tarnac (See Manganin) 30.4 .... 67.3 61. 10. 26. (28 per cent Nickel Steel) Tico Tophet Vestalin . . OTHER ELEMENTS W, 0.5-1 .0; C 0.35 Al.0.66 C, 1.2 Al, 12. W, 1-2 Al, 1.25; Si, 0.25 A LIST OF ALLOYS. 29 HEAT RESISTING ALLOYS. Ni CR FE Cu Aluminum Bronze. Armstrong 12 . Bal. Calite 35 . 5.0 50 . Clebrium. 2.0 13.1 Bal. Clebrium 4.6 18.5 Bal. Cobaltcrome 13.6 79 .5 Duke's Metal 11.76 80.8 Flame Resisting 9.7 14. Bal. Ludlum 13-17 Bal. Monel Metal. Nichrome 70.3 20. 6.9 Nichrome 53.7 16.7 22.4 Nichrome 80. 13.55 4.8 Nichrome 60.2 11.1 27.2 Nichrome 61.2 9.9 26.9 Nichrome 64 . 7 13.3 Nichrome 70.3 13.2 Nichrome 67.8 11.3 Nichrome 62 . 13 . Nickel Steel 30. 1.0 Resistal 16.56 15.14 Silchrome 9.5 Silchrome Wire. . 18. 6.4 7.25 6.95 20. Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. MN OTHER ELEMENTS 2. 0.75 2.8 2 Si, 5.; C, 0.45 Al, 10.0. Mo, 3.6; Si, 1.5; C, 2.6 C, 2.0 Co, 3.7; Mo, 0.8; Si, 0.8- C, I S 2 Si, 0.6; C, 1.45; Co, 4.; W, 0. ^s 77 Si, 0.2; C, 0.23 .... Si, 1.; C, 0.4; Mo, 1. 1.9 Si, 0.5 1.4 Si, 1.0 .... Si, 1.3 .... 1.2 C, 0.3 1.0 Si, 0.3 11. 0.63 Si, 3.36; C, 0.35 3.25 0.2 Si, 3.7; Mo. 1.33 7.1 .... Si, 4.65; Ti, 0.25 5.0 1.0 Si, 4.66; C, 0.3 Si, 4.; C, 0.5 Si, 3.; C, 0.3; W, 3 . NON-CORROSIVE ALLOYS. CR Co Ni Cu FE OTHER ELEMENTS Bario (sheet; 4.25 90. W, 1.2; Si, 0.3 Bario-Metal, Soft 20. 60. W, 20. Bario- Metal, Hard 30. 30. W, 25.; Mn, 10.; Ti. 5. Borcher's 30. 35. 35. Borcher's 30. 34. 34. Ag.2. Borcher's 30. 35. 35. Mo, 0.5-5 Borcher's 36. 60. Mo, 4. Borcher's 65. 35. Brix 15-20 60-75 5. Si,4.;W, 1-4; Al, 2.; Mn,Ti3;B, 1 Cobaltcrome 13.6 3.7 79.5 Mo, 0.84; Si, 0.8; C, 1.5 Cobaltcrome 30-25 5-10 70-60 Cuf enium 22. 72. 6. Cuniloy 65. 25. Mn, 35 . ; Pb 1 . Delhi 18. Si. 1.5; C. 0.3-0.6; Mn. 0.3 Duke's Metal 40. 30. 30. Duke's Metal 11.8 4.7 89,8 W, 0.35; Si, 0.6; C, 1.45 Haynes Metal 20-30 5-25 10-75 Haynes Metal, Hard 15. 45. W, 40. Haynes Metal, Soft 10. 62. W, 28. Ilium 21. 62.5 6.5 1. Mo, 5; W, 2; Mn, 1; Al, 1. Krupp'sVIM 14.25 2.25 Bal. C, 0.1 Krupp's V2A 23. 9.5 Bal. C.0.4 McFarland and Harder 43. 46. 11. McFarland and Harder 30. 59. 11. . . . McFarland and Harder 10. 48. 43. McFarland and Harder 16. 29. 55. .... Nevastain 9.5 Bal. Si, 3. 8; C. 0.43 Non-Oxidizable, Lemarquand .... 8. 7.0 39. .... Zn, 37 .; Sn, 9 . Non-Oxidizable, Marties* 35. 17. 10. Zn, 18.; Sn, 10. Parr 15. 80. 5. Parr 18. 66.6 8.5 .... W, 3.3; Al, 2.0; Mn, 1.; Ti, 0.2; B.0.2 30 A LIST OF ALLOYS. NON-CORROSIVE ALLOYS (Continued). CR Co Ni Cu FE OTHER ELEMENTS Sea Water 1.2 .... 24 Bal. Mn, 0.6; Si, 0.35; C. 0.5 Sea Water 16.7 Mn, 5.; Si, 0.3; C, 0.7 Sideraphite 23. 5. 63. W,4.;A1, 5. Stainless (Armstrong; 12 Bal. Si, 5.; C, 0.45 Stainless (Brearleyj 13 Bal. C, 0.3; Mn, 0.3 Stellite 25 . 75 Stellite 25 . 70 W, 5 Stellite 15 . 60 W, 25 Stellite 15 . 55 W, 25; Mo, 5 . Stellite 15. 45 Mo, 40. Stellite 20-23 55. 3-5 W, 15-20; C, 1 .5-4.0 Stellite 33.6 55.6 W,9.2;C, 1.5 Stellite 26.4 34.5 10. W, 12.5; Mo, 9.5; C, 1 .8 Stellite 13.2 60.8 0.5 Mo, 24.1 Si . MN C P S Dnriron 14-14.5 0.25-35 0.2-6 0.16-0.2 0.005 Duriron 14-15 2-2.5 0.75-1.25 0.05-1 0.05-0.15 Corrosimon 1 Ironac [ Similar Elianite REFERENCES ON COMPOSITIONS OF ALLOYS. 1. Bischoff, "Das Kupfer und Seine Legirungen" (1865). 2. Bolley, " Recherches Chimiques " (1869). 3. Brannt, " The Metallic Alloys " (1908). 4. Buchanan, ' ' Practical Alloying " (1910). 5. Guillet, "Etudes Industrielle des Alliages Metalliques" (1906). 6. Guettier, " Guide Practique des Alliages " (1865). 7. Guettier, "Manufacture of Metallic Alloys" (Trans., Fesquet) (1872). 8. Herve, "Alliages Metalliques." 9. Hiorns, "Mixed Metals of Metallic Alloys" (1912). 10. Krupp, "Die Legirungen" (1890), (1906). 11. Law, "Alloys and Their Individual Applications" (1914). 12. Ledebur, "Die Metallverarbeitung auf Chemisch-physikalischen Wege." 13. Roberts- Austen, "Introduction to Metallurgy." 14. Thurston, "Brasses, Bronzes and Other Alloys (III. Materials of Engineering)" (1897). 15. Kaiser, " Zusammensetzung der Gebrauchlichen Metallegierungen," Metallurgie, VIII, pp. 257-296(1911). 16. Metals and Alloys, Metal Industry, London (1918). 17. Wood, R. A., "The Waterbury Book of Alloys." _100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 4940 Engineering Library YIL. ORNTA UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY