of JVo Division Range Shelf Received \s&tM&<' Frontispiece. THE INDUCTORIUM, OR INDUCTION COIL; BEING & ^Popular lEiplanation OF THE ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES ON WHICH IT IS CONSTRUCTED. WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A SERIES OF BEAUTIFUL AND INSTRUCTIVE EXPERIMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE PHENOMENA OF THE INDUCED CURRENT. BY HENEY M.NOAD, PH. D., F.K.S., F.C.S., &c., LECTURER ON CHEMISTRY AT ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL. Author of "A Manual of Electricity," #c., #c. SECOND EDITION. PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BY JOHN CHURCHILL & SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, M.DCCC.LXVI. LONDON : PRINTED BT WERTHEIMER AND CO., CIRCUS PLACE, FINSBURY CIRCUS. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE object of this little book is to place in the hands of persons possessing or desiring to possess an Induction Coil (or Inductorium, as it has been called by the German Physicists) a clear and succinct account of the Electrical principles on which the instrument is constructed. Also to describe the various apparatus used, and the principal experiments to be made therewith. It has been written at the request of, and for Mr. Ladd, the well known successful manufacturer of these machines. That some such work was wanted has been fully proved by the rapid sale of the first impression. In the present Edition, ^'without materially increasing the size of the book, I have endeavoured to trace the progress of the development of this wonderful instrument, which promises to become a powerful means of research in many physical inquiries. THE Library. INDUCTOKIUI, Ofi INDUCTION COIL 1. DISCOVERY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. In the year 1820, Professor Oersted, of Copen- hagen, announced his famous discovery of the reciprocal force exerted between magnetic bars and wires uniting the opposite terminals of a voltaic battery, and thus laid the foundation of a new science that of Electro-Magnetism. The discovery of the Danish philosopher was thus simply stated : When a properly-balanced magnetic needle is placed in its natural position in the magnetic meridian, immediately under, and parallel to, a wire along which a current of voltaic electricity is passing, that end of the needle which is situated next to the negative side of the battery immediately moves to the west ; if the needle is placed parallel to and over the wire, the same pole moves to the east. When the uniting wire is situated in the same horizontal plane as that in which the needle moves, no declination takes place, but the needle is inclined, so that the pole next to the negative end of the wire is depressed when the wire is situated on the west side, and elevated when situated on the east side. To assist the memory in retaining the directions of these deviations, Ampere devised the following formula: "Let any one identify himself with the current, or let him suppose himself lying in the direction of the positive current, his head represent- ing the copper and his feet the zinc plate, and looking at the needle ; its north pole will always move towards his right hand." 2. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ROTATION. Reasoning on the fact that this action of a con- ducting wire on a magnet is not a directly attractive or a repulsive one, Faraday was led to the conclusion that if the action of the voltaic current could be con- fined to one pole of the magnet, that pole ought, under proper conditions, to rotate round the wire ; and conversely, if the magnet were fixed and the conducting wire moveable, the wire ought to rotate round the magnetic pole ; both of these phenomena he realised, and described the apparatus for exhibit- ing them in the " Quarterly Journal of Science," Yol. xii., p. 283 (January, 1822). Ampere subse- quently caused a magnet to rotate round its own axis ; and Barlow devised an ingenious apparatus for exhibiting the rotation of a conducting body round its axis. 3. THE GALVANOMETER. Shortly after the discovery of Oersted, Schweigger, a German physicist, applied it to the construction of an apparatus for indicating the direction and measuring the intensity of voltaic currents. This instrument is called the multiplier or rheometer, or more popularly the galvanometer. In its original form it consisted of a rectangular coil of silk or cotton-covered copper wire, in the centre of which was suspended, on a pivot, a magnetic needle, and a card graduated into 360 degs. ; the instrument being so placed that the needle lies parallel to the coil ; on causing a current of electricity to circulate through the latter, the needle becomes violently affected, even by very feeble currents, it being obvious, from a consideration of Oersted's funda- mental law, that the needle, being placed between the two horizontal branches of the conducting wire, will be impelled in the same direction by the current traversing the wire above and below it. A great improvement was subsequently made in the instru- ment by Gumming and Nobili, who applied the astatic needle to the multiplier, thereby greatly in- creasing its sensibility, by annulling the directive action of the earth on the needle. There appears to be scarcely any limit to the sensibility which the galvanometer may be made to attain; as far as experiment has yet gone, it increases in delicacy in proportion to the length, purity, and insulation of the copper wire composing the coil. Du Bois- Eeymond constructed, for his researches on the currents of electricity existing in animal structures, a multiplier, the length of which was 16,752 feet long, and passed round the frame 24,160 times ; the sensibility of this instrument is almost incredible. The galvanometer is an indispensable instrument to those engaged in electrical researches. 4 . ELECTRO-DYNAMICS. When two wires are traversed simultaneously by an electrical current, attractions or repulsions ensue, similar to those which take place between the poles of two magnets. If the currents are moving in the same direction in the two wires, they mutually attract; if in a contrary direction, they mutually repel. This discovery we owe to Ampere, and the discussion of the phenomena to which it gave rise constitutes the science of electro-dynamics. The analogy between wires conducting electricity and magnets is strikingly illustrated by turning the wires corkscrew fashion, making them helices. A helix has, indeed, all the properties of a magnet, but the nature of the pole at either end will depend on the direction of the turns of the helix ; a helix in which the turns are from left to right upwards is a dextrorsal helix ; a helix in which the turns are from left to right downwards is a sinistrorsal helix. In the former, the S pole is formed at the end at which the current enters ; in the latter, the N pole is formed at that extremity. The analogy extends to fracture. If a magnetic bar be broken in two, each piece is a perfect magnet, and the fractured parts have opposite poles ; so it is with a helix, which, if divided in the middle, exhibits attraction between the fractured ends. If a helix be suspended vertically and loosely, its upper end being held by a binding screw, and its lower end dipping into mercury ; and if a voltaic current be passed along- it whilst thus suspended, there will be mutual attraction manifested between the coils, and the helix will be contracted. 5. AMPEEE'S THEORY OF MAGNETISM. On the analogy which exists between helices and magnets Ampere founded his theory of magnetism. According to this theory, the phenomena of magnetism depend on voltaic currents circulating round the molecules of the magnetic bodies. In their unex- cited state these molecular currents move in all directions, and thus neutralize one another; but when the bar becomes a magnet, the currents move parallel to each other, and in the same direction, and the effect produced is that of a uniform current moving corkscrew fashion round the bar, which thus becomes in effect a helix, and the attractions and repulsions of the magnet are consequences of the actions of the currents on each other. In applying this theory to the explanation of the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, it is necessary to suppose the incessant circulation of electrical currents round the globe from east to west perpendicular to the mag- netic meridian. 6. MAGNETISM EXCITED BY ELECTRICITY. A consideration of the influence exerted by elec- trical currents on magnets, leads naturally to the conclusion that the neutral condition of bodies susceptible of magnetism would be disturbed by an electrical current, and that they would become mag- netic, and the fact is easily verified by plunging the wire uniting the opposite poles of a voltaic battery into iron filings, which attach themselves to the wire, and remain adhering to it as long as the current continues to circulate, but drop off the moment the circuit is interrupted ; filings of copper or tin exhibit no such action. The magnetizing power of electricity is also illustrated by winding a silk or cotton- covered copper wire round a glass tube enclosing an unmagnetized steel needle and connecting the ends of the helix with the terminal plates of the voltaic battery; the needle becomes magnetized to satura- tion even by a momentary passage of the current through the helix ; the magnetization of the needle also takes place if, instead of passing the current from a voltaic battery along the helix, a Leyden phial be discharged through it, an interesting experi- ment, as proving the magnetizing power of ordinary (statical) as well as of voltaic (dynamical) electricity. The sense in which the needle will be magnetized will depend on the nature of the helix ; if it be a right-handed one, as S FIG. 1. N the north pole of the needle will be formed towards the extremity at which the current enters; if the he.lix be left-handed, as FIG. 2. then the end of the needle nearest the extremity at which the current enters will be a south pole. A tube of wood may be substituted for one of glass in this experiment, but not one of copper, which, if thick, destroys entirely the effect of the current. The tube in this experiment may be altogether dis- pensed with, and the silk or cotton-covered copper wire wound round the FlG - 3 - steel bar itself, which thus becomes intensely and permanently magnetized by a very feeble current. Soft iron, treated in a similar manner, acquires a high degree of tempo- rary magnetism iron, if pure, not being able to retain the magnetic force, although if not pure, it does not wholly lose its polarity. Bars of iron thus temporarily mag- netized by the voltaic current are called electro- magnets ; they are generally made horse-shoe shape, the covered copper wire being wound several times round each arm in the same direction ; the ends of the curved bar acquire opposite magnetic polarity. A convenient arrangement of the electro-magnet is shown in Fig. 3 ; the iron cores are 10^ x 2 inches, and are each covered with 120 yards of copper wire, T ^th of an inch in diameter. It is provided with conical soft iron armatures for convenience in diamag- netic experiments. The power of the electro -magnet depends on the dimensions and purity of the iron, the intensity of the current, and on the length and thickness of the wire. It has been shown by Dub, that the power of the electro-magnet to effect a mag- netic needle and to sustain weights, is proportional to the square root of the diameter of the bar. The applications of the electro -magnet to electro-tele- graphy, to the construction of electro-magnetic and horological machines, and to the elucidation of the phenomena of diamagnetism, have received import- ant developments during the last few years. 7. YOLTA-ELECTBIC INDUCTION. On the 21st of November, 1831, the first series of Faraday's celebrated " Experimental Researches in Electricity" was read before the Royal Society. It related to the induction of electric currents. Two hundred and three feet of copper wire in one length were coiled round a large block of wood ; other two hundred and three feet of similar wire were inter- posed as a spiral between the turns of the first coil, and metallic contact everywhere prevented by twine. One of these helices was connected with a galvano- meter, and the other with a powerful voltaic battery. When contact was made, there was a sudden effect at the galvanometer, and a similar slight effect when the contact with the battery was broken ; but whilst the voltaic current was continuing to pass through the one helix, no disturbance of the galvanometer took place, nor could anything like induction upon the other helix be perceived. The force of the 10 induced current, which partook of the nature of an electrical wave, produced by the discharge of a common Leyden jar, was greater on breaking than on making contact ; the direction of the current was, on making contact, the reverse of that of the in- ducing current, but on breaking contact it was in the same directions as that of the battery current. 8. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. When the helices of copper wire were wound round a ring of soft iron, but carefully insulated from it, the effects were far greater, but they were not more permanent, the galvanometer needle speedily reas- suming its natural position while battery contact was maintained, but being again powerfully deflected in the contrary direction the instant the contact was broken. When the ends of the helices were tipped with charcoal, a spark could be obtained at the moment of making contact between the other helix and the poles of the battery. Faraday next wound a similar series of helices round a hollow cylinder of pasteboard, and connected the respective ends with the galvanometer. He then introduced into the axis of the cylinder a soft iron bar, which he made temporarily magnetic, by bringing its opposite ends into contact with the opposite poles of two powerful bar magnets ; the moment this was done, the needle was deflected ; continuing the contact, the needle became indifferent, and resumed its first position. On breaking contact it was again deflected, but in the opposite direction, and then it again became indifferent. When the magnetic contacts were re- versed, the deflections were reversed likewise. Here, then, was a distinct evolution of electricity from magnetism alone. The action of the current from the voltaic battery is called volta-electric induction; 11 that produced by the magnet is called magneto -electric induction, and the reason why the effects at the galvanometer are so much greater when the helices are arranged round an iron bar, than when they are coiled simply round a block of wood, is because, in the former case, we have volta- electric and magneto- electric induction combined, whereas, in the latter case, the effect is due to the action of volta- electric induction only. Powerful effects at the galvanometer were obtained on bringing the ends of the system of helices with an enclosed iron cylinder, between the poles of a strong magnet, and even when the coil, without the iron core, was introduced between the poles of the magnet, but without touching, so that the only metal near the magnet was copper, the needle of the galvanometer was thrown 80, 90, or more, from its natural position. Faraday was unable to obtain chemical effects by the induced current, but on repeating his experiments with an armed loadstone capable of lifting about thirty pounds, he succeeded in convulsing powerfully the limbs of a frog, and in obtaining physiological effects upon himself. An important element in magneto -electric induc- tion, which was noticed by Faraday during the prosecution of his earliest experiments, is time. Volta- electric induction is sudden and instantaneous, but magneto-induction requires sensible time, and experiment proves that an electro-magnet does not rise to its fullest intensity in an instant. Fig. 4 shows a convenient arrangement for exhibiting and illustrating magneto-electric induction. Two or three hundred feet of cotton or silk -covered copper wire are wound round a hollow pasteboard or wooden cylinder, and the ends connected with a galvanometer placed at a distance. On thrusting a tolerably powerful bar magnet into the axis of the cylinder, 12 the needle is immediately and strongly deflected; on allowing the bar to remain at rest, it soon regains its natural position, but is again deflected in an Fia. 4. opposite direction when the magnet is suddenly withdrawn ; the motions of the needle are reversed when the opposite end of the magnet is thrust into the cylinder. Faraday's great discovery of magneto- electric induction has been utilized in a variety of ways. Pixii, of Paris, was the first (in 1832) to make public a machine by which a continuous and rapid succession of sparks could be obtained from a per- manent magnet. In the following year his machine was much improved by Saxton, who exhibited in the Gallery of Practical Science, which at that time existed in Adelaide Street, Strand, an instrument by 13 which platinum and iron wires could be fused ; chemical decomposition energetically effected; soft iron magnetized ; and powerful shocks given. Im- provements continued to be made, until in 1842 a patent was secured by Mr. Woolwich, of Birming- ham, for the application of the magneto -electrical machine to the art of electro-plating. A full and illustrated account of this ingenious apparatus will be found in the "Mechanics' Magazine, "Vol. xxxvin., p. 146. In the celebrated "depositing" works of Messrs. Elkington, of Birmingham, a large magneto- electric machine is in continuous operation ; it de- posits 17 oz. of silver per hour. To Mr. Holmes is due the important application of magneto-electricity to the production of electric light. His machine must be familiar to all who visited the International Exhibition of 1862. The currents are induced by the rapid passage of coils of copper wire wound round soft iron cores between the poles of powerful horse-shoe magnets. The alter- nately inverted currents thus produced are trans- mitted by means of a commutator in one direction only, through the carbon electrodes of an electric lamp, likewise his invention, and an extremely brilliant, regular, and constant light, without flashes, is produced. A somewhat similar machine had previously been constructed by Mr. Shepard, for the purpose of producing illuminating gas by the de- composition of water. Holmes's machine and lamp has been in successful operation at Dungeness light- house since June, 1862. The applications which have been made of mag- neto-electric machines to the administration of shocks for medical purposes are very numerous ; none are more convenient, economical, or effective than the arrangement of Mr. Ladd, shown in Fig. 5. The force of the shocks is regulated simply and accurately 14 by an arrangement by which the distance of the armature from the poles of the magnet can be increased or diminished, and the noise which in the FTG. 5. earlier machines was produced by the working together of the metallic cog wheels, has been obvi- ated by the substitution of discs of vulcanized rubber. Another important application of magneto-electri- city is the explosion of mines and submarine gun- powder, or gun-cotton charges, in military or engineering operations. A very compact arrange- ment of magnets was devised for this purpose by Mr. Wheatstone, by which an extremely rapid succession of currents could be established in such a manner that the effect was almost equal to a con- tinuous current, and he has since effected further important improvements in the " magnetic exploder" whereby its size and weight have been very con- siderably diminished. A remarkably sensitive com- 15 position for the priming material used in the fuze has been discovered by Professor Abel, and if the fuzes so charged are arranged in the branches of a divided circuit, their ignition in numbers varying from two to twenty-five is certain ; the only im- portant precautions to which it is necessary to attend rigidly in order to ensure uniform access are the proper insulation throughout of the main wire and branch-wires leading from the instrument to the charges, and the thorough protection of all con- nections of wires from access of moisture. The magnetic exploder has important advantages over the application of the voltaic battery for firing charges, the principal FIG. 6. being its constant fitness for use, its por- tability, and its small liability to derange- ment. The magnet fuze is, moreover, more certain than any fuze arrangement ap- plied with voltaic bat- teries. It may be preserved for a great length of time in any climate, and will bear very rough treatment without chance of injury. The latest improvement in the construction of the magnetic exploder is shown in Fig. 6. 9. INDUCTION OF A CURRENT ON ITSELF. In his ninth series of Experimental Researches, read before the Eoyal Society, Jan. 29th, 1835, Faraday makes known a new action of the electric current, viz., an induction on itself. The inquiry 16 arose out of a fact communicated by Mr. Jenkin, which, is as follows : If an ordinary wire of short length be used as the medium of communication between the two plates of an electromotor, consisting of a single pair of metals, no management will enable the experimenter to obtain an electric shock from this wire ; but if the wire which surrounds an electro-magnet be used, a shock is felt each time the contact with the electromotor is broken, provided the ends of the wire be grasped one in each hand ; a bright spark also occurs at the place of disjunction. The same effects occur, though by no means in the same high degree, when a simple helix of copper wire is used to connect the opposite poles of the battery without any coil of iron. Thus on connect- ing one end of a helix of eighty or a hundred feet of stout copper wire with one plate of the battery, and making and breaking contact between the other end of the helix and the opposite pole of the battery, which is best done by dipping it into, and quickly withdrawing it from, a cup of mercury in good metallic connection with the battery, a distinct shock is experienced every time the wire leaves the mercury, although none can be perceived when it enters the fluid metal. If the same quantity of wire be used, not in the form of a helix, the spark is much less bright on breaking contact, nor can any, or only very feeble, physiological effects be obtained; the phe- nomenon is best observed by taking about 100 feet of copper wire and winding 50 feet into a helix, then bending it in the middle so as to form a double termination, and allowing the other 50 feet to remain extended ; on using each half of the wire alternately as the connecting wire of an electromotor, the helix will be found to give by far the brightest spark ; it even gives a brighter spark than when it is used in conjunction with one extended half of the wire. The 17 brightness of the spark with the helix is however no proof that more electricity, or electricity of higher intensity, is passing through it than through the extended wire connecting the plates of the battery. Faraday found the effect at the galvanometer and the electrolyzing power to be the same, whether he used a short wire, a long wire, a helix, or an electro- magnet ; under certain circumstances, however, proof can be obtained that there is a diminution of the battery current when a long wire is used, in conse- quence of the resistance it sets up ; thus, on solder- ing an inch or two of fine platinum wire to one end of a long wire, and also a similar length to one end of a short wire, and then using each to connect the plates of the same electromotor, Faraday found that the latter became ignited, though producing but a feeble spark, while the former remained cold, though giving a bright spark. This bright spark is due to a momentary extra current induced in the wire at the moment the primary or inducing current from the battery ceases to flow through the wire. This extra current, or wave of electricity, may be examined as to direction and intensity by a very simple expedient ; thus, by using an electro-magnet, and connecting the ends of the principal wire by a short cross-wire, the bright spark ceases to appear in the mercury cup on breaking battery contact, because the extra current which would have produced it now passes along the connecting wire. If the cross wire be divided in the middle, a spark may be obtained by rubbing the two ends together, while contact is broken and renewed between one of the principal terminal wires, and one of the mercury cups of the battery ; chemical decomposition may also be effected there, and a fine platinum wire ignited. The direc- tion of the extra-current is shown by introducing a galvanometer between the divided ends of the cross 18 wire ; whilst the current from the battery is circula- ting the helix of the electro -magnet, the galvano- meter is affected in the direction of the battery current, because the cross-wire carries one part of the electricity excited by the battery ; but, if the needle be forced back to its normal position, and secured there by pins, and if battery contact be then broken, the needle is powerfully deflected in an opposite direction, thus proving that the wave of induced electricity the extra current moves in the wire, at the moment of disruption with the battery, in a direction contrary to that of the electrical current set in motion by the battery itself. 1 . EXTKA-CTJRRENT . This extra current may be removed from the wire carrying the original current, to a neighbouring wire ; if two helices be arranged on the same hollow paste- board or wooden cylinder, in close proximity, but nowhere actually touching, and one used for making and breaking contact with a battery, the usual bright spark appears at the moment of disruption ; but if the two ends of the second helix be brought into contact, so as to form an endless wire, the spark be- comes scarcely sensible, and all the phenomena described (9) as occurring between the divided ends of the cross wire may be re-produced between the two extremities of the second helix. " The case," therefore, says Faraday, "of the bright spark shock on disjunction may now be stated thus : If a current be established in a wire, and another wire, forming a complete circuit, be placed parallel to the first, at the moment the current in the first is stopped, it induces a current in the same direction in the second, the first exhibiting then but a feeble spark ; but if the second wire be away, disjunction of the first wire induces a current in itself in the 19 same direction, producing a strong spark. The strong spark in the single long wire or helix, at the moment of disjunction, is therefore the equivalent of the current which would be produced in a neighbour- ing wire if such a second current were permitted." A brighter spark, then, is produced at the moment of disruption of a long wire joining the plates of a battery than of a short wire, because, though it carries less electricity, it induces on itself a more powerful wave current ; if wound round into a coil, the spark is still brighter, because of the mutual inductive action of the convolutions, each aiding its neighbour ; and the brightnes of the spark is exalted still higher when the coil encloses a bar of soft iron, because the bar, losing its magnetism at the moment of disruption, tends to produce an electric current in the wire around it, in conformity with that which the cessation of the current in the helix itself also tends to produce. It is not so easy to demonstrate the induction of a wave current at the moment of making contact ; by using certain expedients however Faraday succeeded in doing so ; thus, when a gal- vanometer was introduced between the ends of the cross wire, a part of the current from the battery was diverted through it ; when the needle had taken up its position it was retained there by pins, contact was then broken, but the needle was prevented from obeying the impulse which the reverse wave would have given to it by the stops; contact being now again made, the needle immediately moved onwards, showing, by a temporary excess of current in the cross communication, a temporary retardation in the helix. 11. INDUCTION OF SECONDARY CURRENTS AT A DISTANCE. On the 2nd of November, 1838, a memoir on 20 electro-magnetic induction was read at the meeting of the American Philosophical Society, by Dr. Joseph Henry, professor of natural philosophy in the College of New Jersey, Princeton. This ingenious electrician employed in his experiments flat coils of insulated copper riband, and helices and spools of fine- covered copper wire ; with electricity of low intensity, as from a single pair of plates, he obtained with a flat riband coil 93 feet long brilliant deflagrations and loud snaps from a surface of mercury, but no shocks ; but when the length of the riband was increased to 300 feet he obtained strong shocks but less brilliant sparks ; with electricity of higher intensity as from a series of pairs of plates, the action of the riband was decreased, but when the current from ten pairs was sent through a spool of wire one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter and five miles long, the induced shock was too severe to be taken through the body, though the spark was feeble ; a shock was indeed passed through twenty- six persons at once from this spool, when a battery consisting of six pieces of copper bell wire and corresponding pieces of zinc wire, only one-and-a-half inch long, was employed ; nevertheless, when a single pair of plates exposing one square foot and three-quarters of zinc surface was used, scarcely any physiological effects could be obtained. In these experiments, contact with the battery was broken and renewed by drawing one end of the riband or helix across a rasp which was kept in good metallic contact with one of the plates of the battery. When the current from a small battery was sent through a copper riband on the top of which was placed a helix containing 3,000 yards of covered copper wire 0-02 inch in diameter, a plate of glass being interposed between the riband and the helix, powerful shocks were obtained from the latter as often as the current through the former was interrupted ; when the helix 21 was removed and a copper riband sixty feet long substituted for it, very feeble shocks could be ob- tained ; but sparks were produced ; on rubbing the ends of the riband together, needles were magnetized, temporary magnetism in soft iron was developed, and water was decomposed; none of these latter effects could, however, be obtained with the helix. Intense shocks, and magnetizing, and chemical effects also were obtained from the* five-miles spool of wire, when the riband was opened so as to receive it in the centre, and an interrupted current from a single pair of plates sent through the riband. From these experiments it will be seen that the in- duced or secondary current obtained from ribands or short stout copper wire partakes of the character of what is called quantity, while that from great lengths of fine wire exhibits the qualities of what is termed intensity. When the current from an extensive series of plates was sent through a riband and intermitted, no secondary effects could be obtained in the helix, but when the same battery was used with a helix, powerful shocks were induced in a second helix, and sparks and magnetizing effects obtained with a riband; "hence," observes Henry, " an intensity current can induce one of quantity, and a quantity current can induce one of intensity." The induction of a secondary current at a distance from the primary was illustrated by Dr. Henry in a surprising manner, by coiling the wire of the five-mile spool into a ring four feet in diameter, and placing parallel to it another ring of copper riband 270 feet long; on sending an intermitting current from a single pair of plates, zinc surface 35 feet, through the latter, shocks could be obtained from the former at a distance of four feet, and at a distance of twelve inches they were too severe to be taken through the body. 22 12. INDUCED CURRENTS OF THE THIRD, FOURTH, AND FIFTH ORDER. Professor Henry was the first to show that the in- duction of electricity does not stop with the produc- tion of secondary currents, but that currents of a third, fourth, and even of a fifth order may be ob- tained. An intermittent current from a single pair of plates was sent through a copper riband, a second riband being placed over it to receive the induced secondary current. The ends of this second riband were connected with the ends of a third placed at a distance, and over this a helix of 1,660 feet of fine wire. On grasping copper handles metallically con- nected with the ends of this helix, powerful shocks were obtained ; thus the secondary current produced a new induced current in a third conductor. By a similar arrangement shocks were received from currents of a fourth and fifth order, and with a more powerful primary current and additional coils, a still greater number of successive inductions might be obtained. The arrangement of coils and helices is shown in Fig. 7, where a represents a cylindrical Fio. 7. copper and zinc single-cell battery; b, a coil of copper riband, about 100 feet long, and an inch and a half 23 wide ; c and d similar ribands, about 60 feet long ; e, a helix of 1,660 yards of copper wire, one forty- ninth of an inch in diameter ; /, a helix of about 1,200 yards of the same wire ; and the whole of the mercury is thus brought down to the lower vessel ; the lateral stop-cock c is then closed ; air is admitted into b, the mercury rises, and the air that has been drawn into a is exhausted at d. By continuing these operations, the air in the vessel to be exhausted becomes very highly attenuated. Ex. 17. De la Rive describes the following ex- periment in illustration of his theory of the Aurora Borealis: Place the pole of a powerful electro- magnet underneath the surface of mercury con- nected with the negative pole of a powerful voltaic battery; bring over and near it the positive pole armed with a charcoal point; a voltaic arc is formed, and the mercury is agitated above the magnet; luminous currents rotate round the pole, throwing out occasionally brilliant rays. This phenomenon of the rotation of electric light round a magnetic pole is exhibited in a most superb manner by the appa- ratus (Fig. 19). Into the brass cap of a large globular or egg-shaped glass receiver a soft iron bar, surrounded with a coil of covered copper wire, is fixed ; the receiver is then exhausted. On sending the induced current through the vacuous receiver, a splendid band or riband of purple light makes its appearance, which immediately commences rotating round the iron rod, when that is converted into an electro -magnet by sending the current from a small voltaic battery through its surrounding coil; on turning the commutator, so as to change the direc- tion of the induced current, the direction of the 64 rotation changes also. In this truly magnificent ex- periment electric light takes the place of the con- FIG. 19. ducting wire in Faraday's discovery, mentioned in page 4. This experiment may be made more simple with the little apparatus shown in Fig. 20, con- sisting of a small iron rod, enclosed air-tight in a small receiver which is exhausted ; the iron rod is surrounded with a glass tube, round which there passes, towards the bottom, a metallic ring attached to a wire which passes through the re- ceiver ; a wire is also sealed into the top of the glass, and through these wires the discharge is made to pass ; the riband of purple light instantly 65 makes its appearance, and begins to rotate round the iron rod, on placing the receiver on one of the poles Fid. 20. of a powerful permanent steel magnet or a small electro-magnet. Ex. 18. Exhaust a tube, such as shown in Fig. 21, which may be from two to seven feet long, and from 11 to 3 inches in diameter, having previously connected the wires at each end with the terminals of the coil. As the exhaustion proceeds, a splendid Aurora Borealis fills the tube with corruscations, and as the vacuum gets more perfect a broad crimson riband is obtained, extending throughout the entire length of the tube. Now turn the stop-cock very gradually, so as to admit a very small quantity of air, the effect of which is instantly seen by the dis- appearance of the riband and the re-appearance of the corruscations ; but these gradually die out as the air enters. A few strokes of the pump, however, bring them back again, and thus, by increasing or diminishing the density of the air, the appearance in the tube may be made to undergo corresponding variations. FIG. 21. 66 Stratifications in Electrical Dis- charges in Vacuo. The striated condition of the electrical dis- charge in vacuo under certain conditions, was first announced by Mr. Grove, in a communica- tion to the Royal Society, 7th January, 1852. The following was one of his first experiments : A small piece of perfectly dry phosphorus was placed in a pla- tinum capsule on the lower ball of the electric egg. To keep the receiver dry, a stick of caustic potash was suspended in a tube from the upper wire ; the exhaustion was then made as perfect as possible, when the crimson light became gradually furrowed with beautiful stratifi- cations through a length which maybe extended to 12 inches, and when once obtained, the experiments may be stopped, and after 20 minutes or more, re- sumed with more brilliancy than before. Mr. Grove afterwards found that the transverse dark bands could be produced in other gases when much attenuated, probably in all, and he thought the reason why they are more easily seen in phosphorus vapour is that, all the oxygen having been consumed, a better vacuum is formed. About the same time, Euhmkorff noticed similar 67 phenomena in an alcohol vacuum, and the subject engaged the attention of Massen, Quet, and Du Moncel. The following modification of Grove's fine experi- ment with phosphorus is thus described by Mr. Jerry Barrett, and forms one of the most brilliant experiments that can be made with the Induction Coil : "A glass tube not less than eighteen inches long by three inches in diameter is provided with a brass ball at the top attached to the ordinary flat brass plate and sliding wire, and at the bottom with a small metal cup half an inch in diameter attached to the nipple of the air-pump plate. This is to con- tain a piece of thoroughly dry phosphorus, about the size of half a pea; and the tube, after being rubbed inside with a warm cloth to insure the absence of moisture, is placed on the plate of the air-pump, and the top with the brass ball adjusted on it ; after getting a good vacuum, the phosphorus will begin to glow, and contact with the coil should be made in the usual way that is, the upper part of the tube should be connected by means of a fine wire with the arm of the instrument that is not provided with an ivory holder, and the other arm with the brass- work of the air-pump ; it is very necessary in this as indeed in all experiments with the Induction Coil, that the connection should be carefully secured in order that no wire should become displaced when the room is darkened and so endanger the operator: contact being thus established, and the phosphorus allowed to glow for about five minutes, the com- mutator may be turned on, the phosphorus will then, by means of the electric spark, show signs of igni- tion, and the stream of electricity will become brilliantly stratified ; then on continuing to work the extra barrel of the air-pump the light will become wider and fill the whole tube. Should the phos- 68 phorus at the commencement of the experiment have shown sufficient activity, the stream of electricity will now begin to assume a faint salmon colour, the stratification becoming still more brilliant, until the colour becomes white or silver, and the effect, to a close observer, gorgeous in the extreme. The changes of motion and form are produced by means of the screw attached to the break, by re- versing the commutator, and by varying the power of the battery, but they are by no means certain. It appears to be important for the success of this beautiful experiment that the phosphorus, after a good vacuum has been obtained, should be well ignited by the electric current; but this does not generally happen when the exhaustion has been carried too far; it is equally necessary that the vapour from the phosphorus be not too much deposited on the surface of the glass tube so as to obstruct the view, which would happen were the phosphorus too soon ignited. Sometimes the effect produced is that of a number of cones of light chasing each other from below upwards, and vice versa ; sometimes they are flat tables of light, an inch or more apart ; sometimes they are rings apparently revolving or oscillating and vanishing one into the other, and not unfrequently the whole mass assumes the form of a cloud with no motion whatever; sometimes there are two clouds, and the effect of intercepting the current for a minute or so is to bring back the stratification, which lasts but for a very short time, and the cloud remains as before, resisting all endeavours to produce strati- fication, except for two or three seconds after the current is turned on. A very common effect is the formation of one large column of little cones in rapid motion, filling the whole tube, and reminding one of the ripple of the sea by moonlight, and again 69 four or five streams of cones filling the tube from end to end all at the same time. On more than one occasion, after varying the effects for upwards of an hour, I have succeeded in obtaining from sixteen to twenty layers of stratifica- tion, each layer being composed of two colours dis- tinctly divided in the centre, the upper half green, the lower magenta, and vice versa according to the directions of the current, exhibiting an effect similar to the very beautiful experiment in vacua produced by Mr. Gassiot with his large battery. If, at the conclusion of these experiments, a small quantity of air be admitted into the tube, the effect will be extremely beautiful; it should be done as quickly as possible, and instantly checked ; unless too much air has been admitted the stratification will not be destroyed, but a brilliant stream of magenta- coloured light will gradually blend with the whole : it is not always, however, that the original silver colour can be again restored. These effects, which can be shown with still more magnificence in a larger tube, are continually varied, and this constitutes not the least of the charms of this remarkable experiment." Ex. 19. Fig. 22 is copied from the work of the last-named accomplished electrician, and very cor- rectly represents the appearance presented in alcohol, wood-spirit, or turpentine vacua. When the poles are five or six inches apart, two distinct lights are produced, differing in colour, form and position. That round the negative ball and wire is blue it envelopes it regularly ; that round the positive is fire-red it adheres to one side and stretches across towards the negative, and has for its lateral limits a surface of revolution about the axis of the receiver. On close examination this double light is seen to have a singular constitution ; it is stratified, being 70 composed of a series of brilliant bands, separated from each, other by dark bands. In a good vacuum, the appearance is that of a pile of electric light. In FIG. 22. the red light, the brilliant bands approaching nearest to the negative ball have the form of capsules, the concave part being turned towards the ball; their 71 position and figures are sensibly fixed, so that it is easy to see that there is a solution of continuity in passing from one to the other. The extreme capsule does not touch the violet light of the negative pole, being separated from it by a dark band, greater or less according to the nature and perfection of the vacuum, that with spirit of turpentine giving the greatest. It was found by M. Q,uet, that when a galvanometer was interposed at the circuit, no current was indicated as passing through the electric egg till the exhaustion was tolerably good, and the light con- tinuous; the needle then became permanently deflected. A light, though less brilliant, may be obtained from one pole only, that of the exterior wire of the secondary, which possesses electricity of the highest tension ; and if the vacuum be very good, this light may be made to bifurcate by placing the finger against the outside of the glass. If currents from two coils be made to circulate in opposite direc- tions through the receiver, the red light disappears from the positive pole, giving place to a blue light the positive and negative lights are now the same. The same occurs when a resistance is introduced into the induced circuit, as by interposing a condenser between one of the poles and one of the balls of the egg. A uniform blue light is thus obtained round both balls, which, with a good exhaustion, may be stratified. Discharge in Torricellian Vacua. The conditions necessary to enable the experimentalist to produce the phenomena of striae or band discharge, have been stated to be : 1st. That the vacuum in the receiver should be as perfect as the air-pump can make it ; 2nd. That care should be taken to absorb all trace of moisture ; 3rd. That means should be used to introduce the vapour of naphtha or phos- phorus, or other similar substances. In the baro- FIG. 23, 72 metrical vacuum, previous to the researches of Mr. Gassiot, detailed in the Bankerian Lecture (March 4, 1858), no striae had been observed, the inductive spark being white and filling the whole tube; by making these vacua, however, with great care, Mr. Gassiot has succeeded in obtaining stratifications very distinct and well defined. Ex. 20. Into the glass tube (Fig. 23) are sealed two platinum wires about eighteen inches apart ; the tube itself is twenty-eight inches long, and about five-eighths of an inch internal diameter ; it is ce- mented into a brass plate, and when carefully filled with boiled mercury is placed on the open mouth of a receiver on the air-pump, the lower part of the tube being at the same time immersed in a basin of mercury ; by this arrangement the length of the discharge could be regulated from one- sixteenth of an inch to eighteen inches, either suddenly or very gradually, by allowing the air to enter into the. receiver, or by ex- hausting it with the pump ; the vacuum is never perfect, a very minute bubble of air always remain- ing ; the stratifications are, however, very distinct when the discharge traverses the full length of eighteen inches. In this experiment a single cell of the battery may be used to excite the coil, and the condenser need not be used. If the discharge be made constantly in the same direction, the upper wire being negative, the upper portion of the tube, as far down as a line drawn even with the end of 73 the wire, becomes covered with platinum in a minute state of division ; when this deposit is examined by transmitted light it is transparent, presenting to the eye an extremely thin bluish-black film ; but by re- flected light, either on the outside or inside, it has the appearance of highly-polished silver, reflecting the light as from the finest mirror. If the upper wire be made positive, and the lower negative, as soon as the mercury ascends above the negative wire a beautiful lambent bluish-white vapour appears to rise, while a deep red stratum becomes visible on the surface of the mercury ; as the mercury ascends in the tube the stratified discharge from the positive wire collapses, giving the appearance of a compressed spiral ; on exhausting, the mercury descends in the tube, and the stratification expands as if the pressure on a spiral spring had been removed. In the course of his experiments on the inductive discharge through Torricellian vacua, Mr. Gassiot found a great want of uniformity in different tubes prepared in precisely the same manner ; in some, no stratifications at all could be obtained, the discharge being clear, bright, and white ; in others, the discharge was a wavy line unaccompanied with strise ; in others the stratifica- tion was confused and indistinct, while in others it was clear and well-defined. He therefore prepared some tubes by the non-boiling process, first proposed for filling barometer tubes by the late Mr. Welsh, of the Kew Observatory (for an account of which see Phil. Trans., Yol. 146, p. 507), and with these he obtained clear, well-defined, and distinct bands, not only with the Induction Coil, but with the ordinary electrical machine. The important feature in Mr. Welsh's method of filling barometer tubes is the perfect cleansing and drying of the tubes before the introduction of the mercury, by sponging with whiting and spirits of wine. 74 If the hammer of the contact-breaker be removed, and one of the terminals of the primary firmly fixed to a bright copper plate having a sharp edge, and the circuit completed by steadily pressing the end of the other wire on the plate, using one or two cells to excite the primary, no trace of any discharge will be perceived in the tubes ; but if a sudden break of the battery circuit be effected, by bringing the wire quickly across the sharp edge of the plate, the strati- fications immediately appear in the tube in a very distinct and beautiful manner ; the more sudden the break, the more distinct will be the effects, and by using eight or ten cells they are distinctly visible on making contact. Contact with the battery may be also made and broken by dipping the wires in mercury. That the effects on making should not be equal to those on breaking contact, will be readily understood by considering that in the Induction Coil the induc- tive effects are principally due to the electro-magnetic condition of the iron core, and that while the iron wires require a certain time to reach their maximum power, they lose their magnetism instanter when contact is broken, provided the iron be very soft, and therefore the more suddenly the contact is broken, the more intense will the discharge appear in vacuo. In experimenting with vacuous tubes, the operator should always pass the current in the same direction, as the emanation of the platinum particles, and the consequent deposit on the glass, only takes place from and around the negative wire, the positive end of the tube remaining clear and bright. When the discharges of two separate coils were passed, by means of four platinum wires, through the same tubes, Mr. Grassiot found no signs of inter- ference, the separate stratification of each coil re- maining visible, although producing a degree of confusion from their interposition ; he found also that 75 the stratifications were very powerfully affected by the magnet, when the discharge is passing from wire to wire ; if a horse-shoe magnet be passed along the tube, so as alternately to present the poles to different contiguous positions of the discharge, the latter will assume a serpentine form, in consequence of its tendency to rotate round the poles in opposite direc- tions, as the magnet in this position is moved up and down the side of the tube. Pliicker, who has greatly distinguished himself by his researches in various branches of physics, and par- ticularly in electricity, has devised amongst many others the two following experiments for illustrating the action of magnetism on electrical discharge in highly attenuated media : In Fig. 24 two aluminum rings are hermetically sealed into a glass tube, four FIG. 24. or five inches long and about one and a half inches in diameter, the air in the tube is then exhausted as perfectly as possible. On passing the discharge from the Induction Coil between the two rings, the tube becomes filled with a beautiful pale blue light. If the small ring be made negative and the tube placed between the poles of the electro-magnet (Fig. 3), the moment the latter is excited the light arranges itself in the form of a broad arc between the rings, having a very beautiful appearance. On rendering the electro-magnet passive the arc disappears, the 76 light in the tube re-assuming its diffused character ; but on re-exciting the magnet, the arc reappears. If instead of two rings the terminals in the tube are two aluminium wires, as shown in Fig. 25, the long FIG 25. wire being made positive and the short wire negative, the arc produced is very broad and brilliant. Two Distinct Forms of Stratified Electrical Discharge. Ex. 21. These are illustrated by employing the simple tube shown in Fig. 26, which is thirty-eight FIG. 26. b rf inches long, and is exhausted by Mr. Welsh's pro- cess ; the wires, a 5, are thirty-two inches apart ; CC' are moveable coatings of tinfoil, two inches long, wrapped round the tube. When the discharges from an Induction Coil are made from wire to wire, the stratifications appear as already described; and if the tube be placed in a horizontal position over the pole of a magnet, the stratifications evince a tendency to rotate as a whole in the direction of the well- known law of magnetic rotation (2) ; but when the discharge is made from coating to coating, or from one wire to one coating, an entirely new phenomenon 77 arises, the stratifications have no longer a tendency to rotate as a whole, but are divided. If the tube be now placed between the poles of a powerful electro-magnet, one set of stratifications are repelled from, and the other attracted towards, or within, the bent portion of the magnet ; when the tube is placed on the north pole the divided stratifications arrange themselves on each side of the tube, changing their respective positions when placed on the south pole, but in all cases each set of stratifications are concave in opposite directions. Mr. Grassiot, to whom this singular experiment is due, designates these dis- charges as the direct or conductive, and the recipro- cating discharge. The former is that which is visible when taken from two wires hermetically sealed in a vacuum tube. This discharge has a tendency to rotate as a whole round the poles of a magnet ; the latter is that which is visible in the same vacuum when taken from two metallic coatings attached to the outside of the tube, or from one coating and one wire. The induced charge is divisible by the magnet into two sets of stratifications, each set having a tendency to rotate round the pole of the magnet in opposite directions; the character of the electrical discharge, with relation to these two forms, can always be determined by the magnet. Discharge in Different Rarefied Media. In dry hydro- gen gas no discharge takes place from the Induction Coil, if the wires be separated in the tube beyond the striking distance in air ; but when the gas is rarefied by the air-pump, the discharge first appears as a wavy line of bluish-grey colour ; on continuing the exhaustion, and assisting the rarefaction by heating gently, the tube becomes filled with a luminous discharge to within about one inch of the negative wire ; the stratifications appear gradually increasing in width as the vacuum becomes more 78 perfect ; and if care be taken to continue the pump- ing so as to prevent air being introduced, the tube can be sealed without the stratifications showing the slightest appearance of redness. If the extremity of a vacuum tube be presented to the prime conductor of an electrical machine, or to one of the terminals of an Induction Coil, a spark can be taken, and the glass will be perforated. The perforation is extremely minute, but sufficient, under the pressure on the vacuum, to admit air or gas ; but, so slowly does the air or gas enter, that the experimentalist is en- abled to note the gradual change which takes place during the progress of the discharges of the coil. Mr. Gassiot connected the extremity of a vacuum- tube, after perforation, by means of a tight-fitting gutta-percha tubing, to a glass cylinder containing fused chloride of calcium, through which air, hydro- gen, oxygen, or nitrogen was permitted to pass into the vacuum. The result of many repeated experi- ments showed that with hydrogen and oxygen no change in the colour takes place ; with air or nftrogen the colour of the stratifications changes from bluish- grey to fawn, and ultimately to a deep red tinge ; and, during this addition of gas or air, the cloud- like stratifications gradually close, becoming narrower and narrower until they are utterly destroyed, passing to a mere luminosity filling the entire tube, and finally into the wave discharge. The writer can confirm this description of the appearance presented when atmospheric air slowly makes its entrance into a vacuous tube. The ex- periment is interesting and instructive, although somewhat costly, and not one which amateurs will be very likely to repeat. On a late occasion, whilst ex- hibiting to an audience the beautiful stratifications in a carbonic acid vacuum, in a tube such as exhibited in Fig. 16, the strise suddenly disappeared, and the 79 discharge, winch was at first nearly white, became first grey, then bluish-grey, and finally resolved itself into a riband of red light ; this continued for some time, and then died away, and the discharge ceased to pass. On examining the tube, a very minute crack was observed proceeding from one of the platinum wires, probably the negative, which had become too highly heated. Too much battery power had been employed. The accident is related as a warning to those inexperienced in those experiments to be very careful not to excite the coil too strongly whilst passing the inductive discharge through the vacuous tubes. Two cells of Grove will be found amply sufficient, and even with this power it will be well to relax somewhat the spring of the contact- breaker. Influence of Temperature. The following results were obtained by Professor Faraday and Mr. Gassiot, in Torricellian vacua, through a range of upwards of 700 deg. Fahr. A vacuum which gave good cloud- like stratifications, exhibited no change when the temperature was lowered to + 32 ; but at a temp- erature of 102, obtained in a bath of ether and solid carbonic acid, all traces of stratifications were destroyed, and in this state the red or heated appear- ance of the negative wire disappeared, the discharge filling the entire vacuum with a white luminous glow. On the temperature being raised by the application of heat to the mercury, the stratifications re-appeared. When the mercury was boiled, indicating heat of upwards of 4 600 Fahr., the stratifications were all destroyed, but in this case the discharge passed along the mercury as it condensed in the cooler part of the tube. When the mercury was frozen the stratifica- tions disappeared, and the discharge did not illuminate the entire length of the tube, but merely the terminals. In this state, when a horse-shoe magnet was brought 80 near the tube, the cloud-like stratifications immedi- ately appeared from the positive wire, very distinct and large, but not so clearly separated as when the tube was at its normal temperature. Discharge in Carbonic Acid Vacua. At the sugges- tion and with the assistance of Dr. Frankland, Mr. Grassiot prepared tubes in which the carbonic acid with which they were filled was absorbed, after ex- haustion, by a good air-pump, by caustic potash. In vacua obtained by this process, the discharge from an Induction Coil is first in a white wave line, strongly affected by the magnet, or by the hand when placed on the tube. In this state the discharge does not generally present the stratified appearance, or if present the stratifications are only near the positive terminal. After a time, however, as the carbonic acid becomes absorbed by the potash, the stratifica- tions gradually appear more clearly defined ; they assume a conical form, and, lastly, the cloud-like appearance of the best mercurial vacua. After this, under some conditions, the stratified appearance entirely ceases, the whole length of the tube being filled with faint luminosity. When in this state, if the outside of the tube be touched with the finger, pungent electrical discharges arise, and sparks one- eighth of an inch in length can be elicited. The appearance presented when the discharge was sent through a tube four inches long, the wires which FIG. 27. were one inch apart being terminated with gas -coke balls one-eighth of an inch in diameter, was as shown in Figs. 27 and 28. On the positive coke, minute 81 luminous spots were visible ; the negative coke was surrounded with a brilliant glow. At intervals, apparently by some energetic action, flashes of bright stratified light would dart through the vacuum, but by carefully adjusting the contact-breaker, the dis- charge could be made to pass, without to the eye affording any appearance of an intermittent dis- charge. A large egg-shaped glass vessel, the globular portion being eighteen inches long and seven inches in diameter, was made under Mr. Gassiot's direction ; the wires were twenty-two inches apart, and caustic potash was placed in the narrow end. It was filled with carbonic acid, and exhausted by Dr. Franldand's process. A portion of the potash being heated by a spirit-lamp, in about two months the discharge assumed, in a very marked manner, the character of large distinct clouds, most clearly and separately de- fined ; they were strongly affected by induction as the hand approached the globe, presenting a very striking appearance. There was a slight tinge of red, showing that a very minute quantity of air remained ; the cloud-like stratifications extended to the entire diameter of the vessel. Fig. 29 is another form of apparatus. The tube is FIG. 29. fourteen inches long and about one inch internal diameter ; it has a glass division in the centre, F 82 perforated with a hole about one-eighth of an inch in diameter. The striae on the negative side are here very clearly defined, while on the positive side they are indistinct. When the discharge has assumed the cloud-like appearance, the aperture in the diaphragm only affects the discharge by contracting the cloud which passes immediately through it. That the passage of the discharge depends upon the presence of matter, and the stratifications probably to pulsa- tion, or impulses of a force on highly attenuated matter, seem to be rendered probable by the fact that, in some of Mr. Gassiot's tubes, in which the absorption of the carbonic acid by caustic potash contained in one end of the tube was complete, no discharge could be made to pass ; the same was the case with other tubes containing, besides caustic potash, fused chloride of calcium, sulphur, and selenium. Luminous Discharge of Voltaic Batteries when examined in Carbonic Acid Vacua. When the discharge from a water-battery of 3,520 cells was sent through car- bonic acid vacua tubes, stratified discharges, similar in character to those of the Inductive Coil, were ob- tained, and Mr. Gassiot found that whenever the potash in any of the tubes was heated the discharge entirely ceased. From the steady deflection of the galvanometer needle placed in the circuit, the dis- charge had the appearance of being continuous, but closer examination showed them to be intermittent. From a Daniell's battery, consisting of 512 series of elements, no stratified discharge could be obtained through any of the vacuous tubes, but in one, a bril- liant glow was observed round the negative, and a trifling luminosity round the positive coke ball ter- minal. With 400 series of Grove's nitric acid bat- tery, each cell carefully insulated, the most magnifi- cent effects were obtained. The different vacuum 83 tubes used were introduced between one of the copper discs of a micrometer- electrometer and the battery, as also a galvanometer. By this arrangement the circuit could be gradually completed without any risk of disarranging the apparatus, and the spark dis- charge obtained before the copper discs of the micrometer-electrometer came into contact. Dr. Robinson thus describes an experiment which he witnessed in Mr. Gassiot's laboratory, with a tube 24 inches long and 18 in circumference, one terminal being a copper disc, 4 inches in diameter, and the other a brass wire : " On the completion of the current, the discharge of the battery passed with a display of magnificent strata of most dazzling bright- ness. On separating the discs, by means of a micro- meter screw, the luminous discharges presented the same appearance as when taken from an Induction Coil, but brighter. On the copper plate in the vessel there was a white layer, and then a dark space about an inch broad ; then a bluish atmosphere, curved like the plate, evidently three negative envelopes on a great scale ; when the plate was positive the effect was comparatively feeble." Between coke terminals a stream of light, of intolerable brightness, was presented, in which strata could be observed through a plate of green glass ; this soon changed to a sphere of light on the positive ball, which became red hot. On heating the caustic potash, the discharge again burst into a sun-like flame, subsequently subsiding in three or four large strata, of a cloud-like shape, but intensely bright. The appearances presented when the potash was heated are depicted in Figs. 30 and 31. Mr. Gassiot arranged the apparatus by attaching gold-leaf electroscopes to both terminals, and introducing the galvanometer so as to enable him to examine more carefully the action that would take place when the potassa was heated. On heating the 84 potassa, the fine negative glow was developed ; the leaves of the electroscope did not close, but as the FIG. 30. FIG. 31. negative glow increased, the needle of the galvano- meter was suddenly deflected, immediately returning to zero. As more heat was applied, a small globe of light appeared on the positive ball, and the needle was gradually deflected 40 to 50. On withdrawing the lamp, as the potash cooled, the positive glow dis- appeared, the needle of the galvanometer receded, the glow on the negative remaining more or less brilliant ; this action and reaction alternating as the heat of the lamp was applied to, or withdrawn from, the potash. When the heating of the potash was further increased, four or five cloud-like and remark- ably clear strata came out from the positive ball, (Figs. 32 and 33), and these were quickly followed by a sudden discharge of the most dazzling brightness, which remained for several seconds. The needle of the galvanometer was suddenly and violently de- flected. By these and many other equally striking experiments, Mr. Gassiot proved that the luminous and stratified appearances obtained in carbonic acid 85 vacua do not arise from any peculiar action of the Inductive Coil, whatever the real cause of the phenomena may ultimately prove to be. FIG. 32. FIG. 33. More recently (Proceedings of the Eoyal Society, Dec. llth, 1862), Mr. Gassiot has studied minutely the stratified appearance in electrical discharges, employing in his experiments a battery of 3,360 pairs of elements charged with salt and water and care- fully insulated, and an extensive series of the sulphate of mercury battery also carefully insulated. " The discharge of the battery," he observes, "is much more sensible to the slightest variation of the state of tension in the vacuum tubes, than that of the Induction Coil ; the sudden disruption in the dis- charge of the latter presenting greater obstacles to the more careful study of the phenomena than is offered by the direct discharge of the battery." The battery was arranged in three groups, each consisting of 1,520 pairs of elements, and the general practice was to place the experimental tube between either the one or the other of them the positive terminal of one battery A being attached to one wire, 86 and the negative terminal of another battery B to the other wire, the opposite poles of A and B were then connected and the circuit thus completed. In order to vary the resistance at pleasure, two tubes containing distilled water were included in the circuit. By varying the depth to which the wires attached to the terminals of the battery were plunged in one or both of the tubes the resistance could be regulated with great precision. When the discharge was passed through a tube 20 inches long and 4 inches in diameter, one terminal consisting of aluminum, cup-shaped, about 3 inches in diameter, and the other a wire of the same metal, it was, when examined by a revolving mirror, intermittent, and distinct sounds were heard when a magnet was pre- sented to the tube. With a tube about 5 inches long, the terminals being balls of aluminum, the discharge from the entire battery was of dazzling brilliancy, exhibiting twelve or fourteen striae. When the water resistance tubes were interposed, the phenomena were in the highest extraordinary. The tubes were each 1 8 inches long, and were connected with each other from the bottom by a wire. As soon as the battery wires touch the surfaces of the water, a faint luminous discharge is observed at each ball of the vacuum tube ; as one wire attached to the negative is slowly depressed, the two luminous discharges appear to travel towards or to attract each other. Depress- ing the wire very gradually, the positive discharge becomes sharply defined, the negative retaining much of its irregular termination, but each separated from the other by a dark interval of about 1 inch in length. As the wire is further depressed in the water, the brilliancy of the positive and negative glows increase ; and when about 3 inches of one wire have been immersed in the water a single clearly defined luminous disc bursts forth from the positive, remain- 87 ing steady and apparently fixed. As the wire is further depressed in the water, the luminous dis- charge at the positive slowly progresses along the tube until another bright disc appears remaining stationary like the first. When the resistance is again reduced by depressing the wire still further into the water a third luminous disc is developed, and at 18 inches depression or the entire length of one column of water a Jonrth disc is observed. In this state, while the four luminous discs are stationary, if the wire attached to the positive terminal of the battery is depressed, the luminous discs gradually closing on each other become more compressed, whefl a, fifth is developed. By continuing in this manner gradually to diminish the resistance new discs start one by one into view, until the number is increased to thirteen or fourteen. On gradually raising the wires, the discs one by one disappear. Many other beautiful phenomena are described by Mr. Grassiot in this memoir, to which we must refer our readers. In summing up his results he says : " May not the dark bands be the nodes of undulations arising from impulses proceeding from positive and negative dis- charges ? or can the luminous stratifications which we obtain in a closed circuit of the secondar3 r coil of an induction apparatus, and in the 'circuit of the voltaic battery, be the representation of pulsations which pass along the wire of the former and through the battery of the latter, impulses possibly generated by the action of the discharge along the wires ?" Geissler's Vacua Tubes. It would be quite im- possible, by any description, to do justice to the extreme beauty of the phenomena observed when the inductive discharge is passed through many of the tubes so ingeniously prepared by M. Geissler, of Bonn ; neither indeed could any description, how- ever correct, serve any useful purpose, as, in conse- 88 quence of the almost impossibility of preparing two tubes precisely alike as to form, and as to the exact condition of the attenuated media they enclose, it is very difficult to find two which present the same appearances; moreover, we are for the most part ignorant of the nature of the matter with which these tubes have been filled, so that Mr. Gassiot, in his investigations, was compelled to prepare his own tubes. " Though," he writes, " I had the opportunity of experimenting with upwards of sixty of Geissler's vacua tubes, in which many beautiful and novel results are produced, not being able to ascertain with accuracy what is the gas, which, however attenuated, must remain in each tube, and from most of them being constructed of a varied form in consequence of FIG. 34. which the discharge presents, in the several portions of the same tube, an entirely different appearance, both of colour and in form of stratification, I was 89 reluctantly compelled to lay them aside, and either to charge and exhaust each tube myself, or have them charged and exhausted in my presence." By way of reference, we have, however, figured some of the most striking of these vacua tubes, and would beg to remark that Mr. Ladd, from whom they may all be procured, is constantly receiving novel accessions from Germany. In the frontispiece the inductive discharge is represented as passing through a spiral tube, in which twenty-five bulbs have been blown. In the tube in the writer's possession, the light is white, with a pale green tinge, the effect of which is greatly exalted by placing behind it a black curtain ; after the discharge has ceased the tube remains for some seconds phosphorescent. A similar tube is shown in Fig. 34. The operator is warned in this and all the vacua experiments, not to employ more than two, or at most three, battery cells. Fig. 35 is a similar spiral tube, containing only sixteen bulbs. FIG. 35. Fig. 36 represents a very brilliant design adapted 90 for an illumination The thick parts of the letters contain the fluorescent solutions (p. 92), producing a very pleasing contrast. Fio. 36. Fig. 37. Bulbs pale green, the connecting tubes pale red, with stratifications ; phosphorescent after the discharge has ceased. FIG. 37. Fig. 38. Bulbs pale green, connecting tubes red, with stratifications ; phosphorescent. Fig. 39 and 40. These are beautiful experiments ; the bulbs in Fig. 39 vary from 5 inches to 3 in diameter ; the centre bulb, and tne two smaller ones, are filled with a pale green light, with magnificent stratifications, the connecting tubes pale red ; the bulb in connection with the negative terminal is of a FIG. 39 Fio. 40. delicate mauve colour ; that connected with the positive is red ; but by turning the commutator, these colours change places ; the stratifications are urged from the negative towards the positive terminal. In Fig. 41 the left-hand bulb is of uranium glass, FIG. 41. which gives the characteristic yellow colour; the tube connecting it with the centre bulb is of lead 92 glass, and the colour of the light is blue, and the centre bulb is pale green. Fig. 42. The bulbs are filled with a pale green light, except the terminal ones ; the negative being FIG. 42. mauve and the positive pale red; the connecting tubes are pale red and beautifully stratified ; when the discharge is suspended the bulbs remain for some seconds phosphorescent. Fig. 43. The spirals are made of uranium glass, FIG. 43. which come out of a fine green colour ; the centre bulb is pale red ; the positive bulb is red and the negative mauve ; this is a nitrogen vacuum. Fig. 44. The spirals in this tube are enclosed in two separate tubes, one of which is filled with solu- Fio. 44. tion of disulphate of quinine and the other with water, through which a few drops of infusion of horse-chesnut bark have been diffused ; the light on the spiral tube is red, surrounded on the quinine side by a beautiful blue, and on the cesculine side by a fine green. Other fluorescent liquids with which tubes of various shapes are filled are : Solution of 93 amido-phthalic acid which gives a fine uranium colour ; solution of amido-terephalic acid which gives a mag- nificent blue; and pavine from willow-bark which gives a rich brown. Tincture of the seeds of stra- monium, of turmeric, and of chlorophyll, likewise exhibit the phenomena of fluorescence. There are certain solids which, after being exposed to solar light or to the sparks from the Induction Coil, continue to emit light for a considerable time. Among these substances Cantor's phosphorus (sulphide of calcium), and Baldwin's phosphorus (fused nitrate of calcium), and Bologna stone (sulphide of barium), have long been known ; but the researches of Becquerel have shown that this property of phos- phorescence is possessed by many other compounds, amongst which may be mentioned : Sulphide of strontium, and the salts of the alkalies and alkaline earth generally ; certain varieties of diamond and of fluor spar, and most transparent objects, particularly those of an organic origin. Small boxes are fitted up with tubes filled with various phosphorescent solids, and the phenomena 'produced by exposing these tubes for a few seconds to the intense light of the induction spark and then removing them into the dark are very striking. Fig. 45. When the vacuum in this tube is pure FIG. 45. carbonic acid, the light is white ; when pure hydro- gen, the centre bulb is pale green, stratified, and the connecting tubes vivid red ; when from bi-chloride of 94 tin, the bulbs are pale blue, and the connecting tubes yellow. Fig. 46. This form, of tube is intended for medi- cal use ; it furnishes the practitioner with an excellent FIG. 46. and convenient means of examining the throat, for which purpose the tube enclosing the spiral is intro- duced at the mouth, and the inductive discharge passed through the bulbs, which have been filled with carbonic acid and well exhausted ; a brilliant white light is produced, -which illuminates the interior of the mouth and throat. Tubes of the simple shape shown in Fig. 47, are Fio. 47. well adapted for observing the nature of the dis- charge, and the stratification in different gaseous vacua. "When vacua tubes are so arranged that continuous rotatory motion can be given to them, very beautiful effects are produced. Fig. 48 shows the mode in which Mr. Ladd mounts his tubes; they may, of course, be varied ad libitum in shape and in mode of preparation. By turning the wheel with different 95 degrees of velocity, and altering the frequency of the discharge and direction of the current, various optical phenomena are brought out, which greatly FIG. 48. increase the magnificence of the display, apparatus is called Gassiot's revolving star. This 96 The following is a summary of the effects produced by the electric discharge through Torricellian vacua. (Grove). If the vacuum be equal to that generally obtained by an ordinary air-pump, no stratifications are per- ceptible ; a diffused lambent light fills the tube. In a tube in which the rarefaction is carried a step further, narrow striae are perceptible, like those ob- tained with phosphorus vapour. A step further in rarefaction increases the breadth of the bands. Next we get the conical or cup-shaped form ; and then, the rarefaction being still higher, we get a series of luminous cylinders of an inch or so in depth, with narrow divisions between them. Lastly, with the best vacua which have been obtained, there is neither discharge, light, nor conduction. The fact of non-conduction by a very good Torricellian vacuum was first noticed by Walsh, subsequently carefully experimented on by Morgan, and afterwards by Davy ; the latter did not, however, obtain an entire non-conduction, but a considerable diminution both of light and conducting power. From these experi- ments it may be concluded that in vacuo, or in media rarefied beyond a certain point, electricity will not be conducted, or, more correctly speaking, trans- mitted, an extremely important result in its bearing on the theory of electricity. The following is Mr. Grove's view of the rationale of the phenomena of stratification. When the bat- tery contact is broken, there is generated the well- known induced current in the secondary wire, in the same direction as the original battery current, to which secondary current the brilliant effects of the coil are due ; but in addition to this current in the secondary wire, there is also a secondary current in the primary wire, flowing in the same direction, the inductive spark at the moment following the disrup- 97 tion of contact, completing the circuit of the primary, and thus allowing the secondary current to pass. This secondary current in the primary wire produces, in its turn, another secondary, or what may be termed a tertiary current in the secondary wire, in an opposite direction to the secondary current. There are thus almost synchronously two currents in oppo- site directions in the secondary wire ; these, by causing a conflict or irregular action on the rarefied medium would give rise to waves or pulsations, and might well account for the stratified appearance. Mr. Grove quotes the following experiment as strongly in favour of this theory. It is obvious that the secondary must be more powerful than the tertiary current. Now, supposing an obstacle or resistance placed in the secondary circuit which the secondary current can overcome, but the tertiary cannot, we ought, by theory, io get no striae. If an interruption be made in the secondary current, in addition to that formed by the rarefied medium, and this interruption be made of the full extent which the spark will pass, there are, as a general rule, no stride in the rarefied media, while the same vacuum tube shows the striae well if there be no such break or interruption. The experiment was shown by Mr. Grove, in a lecture, at the Royal Institution (January 28, 1859), with a large vacuum cylinder (16 inches by 4) and Mr. Gassiot's micrometer- electrometer ; this tube showed numerous broad and perfectly distinct bands when the points of the micrometer were in contact ; but when they were separated, to the fullest extent that would allow sparks to pass, not the slightest symp- toms of bands or striae were perceptible, the whole cylinder being filled with an uniform lambent flame. With a spark from the prime conductor of the electrical machine, the striae do not appear in tubes which show them well with coil; occasionally, and 98 in rare instances, striae may be seen with sparks from the electrical machine, but not when the spark is un- questionably single. All this Mr. Grove thinks is in favour of his theory ; but without regarding that as conclusive, or as a proved rationale, it is clearly de- monstrated by the above experiments, that the identical vacuum tubes which show the striae, with certain modes of producing the discharge, do not show them with other modes, and that therefore the strise are not a necessary condition of the discharge itself in highly- attenuated media, but depend upon the mode of its production. Certain experiments, described by Mr. Gassiot (Phil. Trans., 1859), do not harmonize with Mr. Grove's view. He found that when a Leyden discharge was sent through a vacuum tube, stratifications, as clear and as distinct as those from an Induction Coil, may be obtained by reducing the intensity of the discharge, by the introduction into the circuit of a piece of wet string ; he hence inferred that in Mr. Grove's experiment, the absence of strise, when the circuit was interrupted, was due to the heightened intensity of the discharge. He repeated Mr. Grove's experiment with the large cylinder, and obtained a similar result ; the stratifi- cations were entirely destroyed when the secondary circuit was interrupted, but they were restored when a second interruption was made in the circuit, and this closed by a wet string ; in this case it is evident that the appearance of the strige does not depend upon the conflict of secondary and tertiary currents, but upon the manner in which the discharge passes. Mr. Gassiot found, moreover, that when, by means of an interrupted discharge, the stratifications are destroyed, they are reproduced in a carbonic acid vacuum tube when heat is applied to the caustic potash ; here the increased resistance arises from the greater density of the matter formed in the tube ; 99 and the experiment favours the view of Mr. Gassiot, viz., that the stratifications arise from the effect due to pulsation or impulses of a force acting on highly attenuated matter. Spectra in highly rarefied Gases of different kinds, during the passage of the ELtctrical Discharge. In order to observe and analyze the spectra, Professor Pllicker concentrated the luminous electrical dis- charge current in thermometer tubes whose internal diameters were nearly the same for the different gases examined, being about 0'6 millimetre. Fig. 50 shows the form of the perfect separate gas tubes, as well as the manner in which they may be con- nected on a piece of board, so that the narrow parts Fio. 50. of both (at the parts where they are bent at an angle of rather more than 90) touch one another, and have exactly the same direction. By turning the glass cock (e) the gases in the two tubes could be put into communication. The spectra were observed 100 by means of a telescope (such as that employed by Fraunhofer, in the observation of the lines of the solar spectrum) without angular measurements. This was set up at a distance of from 4 to 5 metres from the vertical line of light in the tube. The flint-glass prism, whose refractive angle was 45 degrees, was fastened immediately before the object glass, whose aperture was 1 5 Paris lines. 1. Hydrogen. Almost the whole of the light is concentrated into three bands, namely, a dazzling red, at the extremity of the spectrum ; a beautiful greenish blue ; and finally a violet of inferior bright- ness, whose distance from the greenish blue is about two-thirds of the distance of the latter from the dazzling red. In the narrow tube the electric light stream appears red. 2. Nitrogen. In the spectrum of this gas all the colours are fine, none of them being faded, as in the broad spaces lying between the bright bands of the hydrogen spectrum. In the spaces of the red, orange, and yellow, there are about fifteen narrow dark-grey lines at nearly equal distances apart ; six of these belong to the orange and yellow ; both of these colours are beautiful. The red, in the direction away from the orange, is shaded off into brown, but becomes brighter and purer towards the extremity of the spectrum, which stretches beyond the dazzling red bands of the hydrogen spectrum. A broad green space is separated from the yellow by a narrow black band. The greater part of this space appears shaded with black in the direction away from the black band. On a more careful examination, this shading is seen to consist of very fine black lines, which are at equal distances apart, but nearer together than the previously mentioned bands on the red, orange, and yellow. The rest of the green space is again subdivided. The green is bordered by 101 two beautiful bright blue bands, which are sharply separated from one another, and from the green, by narrow black bands. The blue and red violet ends of the spectrum form nine sharply-bordered violet bands, alternating with dark ones. The fourth and fifth bright bands, separated by a black band, possess the most light; the four following ones are less prominent; the last one, however, which forms a sharp boundary to the whole spectrum, is the most distinct. The light of the discharged current in the narrow tube is yellowish-red. 3. Carbonic Acid. Six bright bands sharply separate the bright portion into five spaces, of which the two first are of equal breadth ; the third, and especially the two last, are somewhat broader. The first of the six bands is situated on the extreme boundary of the red, the second is reddish-orange, the third greenish-yellow, the fourth green, the fifth blue, and the last violet. Both of the two first spaces are divided into three equally broad subdivisions by narrow black-grey bands, of which two always border upon the bright band. The first space is brown-red ; the second dirty-orange and yellow ; the third and fourth spaces are of rather faded green, and much subdivided by different degrees of shading ; the fifth space, which is very faded, is divided into two equal spaces, which are shaded off from the red side towards the violet. After the last-mentioned violet band, another dark portion of the spectrum occurs, about as wide as the red-yellow portion. In this dark portion, three spaces are separated by three prominent and well-marked violet bands, whose breadth is of the same value as that of the before- mentioned six bands. The last of the three violet bands forms the visible boundary of the spectrum. The first of these three spaces, which is contiguous with the above six bright bands, is somewhat broader 102 than the third. Both are perfectly black. The second and middle space is about as broad as the first and third together, and is of a very dark violet colour. The first band, which at Ihe moment of commencing was of an especially brilliant red, lost almost the whole of its brightness after the streams had passed through the tube for a long time. This was occasioned by the decomposition of the gas into carbonic oxide and oxygen, the latter combining with the platinum of the negative electrode, and forming oxide of platinum, which was deposited of a yellow colour upon the neighbouring internal glass surface. 4. Ammonia. On exhausting a single tube that has been filled with ammonia, and passing the current, a spectrum was produced which was evidently the result of the superposition of the two spectra for hydrogen and nitrogen ; the ammoniacal gas was immediately decomposed into its constituents, and it was not possible to obtain the spectrum of the chemically combined gases. When one of the double tubes, Fig. 50, was filled with carbonic acid, and the other with hydrogen, and then exhausted as far as possible, a greenish white light was obtained in one tube and a red light in the other. On now putting the two gases into communication, by opening the stop-cock, c, and observing the spectrum of the car- bonic acid through the telescope by the prism, a dazzling red line was at first seen merely flickering now and then at the boundary of the spectrum, and soon took up and maintained a constant position ; this was the red band of the hydrogen gas. The colour of the light in the two narrow tubes was the same the two spectra had become constant and identical in kind. 5. Oxygen. A good spectrum could not be obtained with this gas, on account of its gradual disappearance and combination with the platinum of the negative 103 electrode. Oxide of platinum, of a yellow colour, was deposited upon the neighbouring internal glass surface, showing, by reflected light, the colours of Newton's rings in a very beautiful manner. If the tube contains traces of hydrogen or nitrogen, metallic platinum is transferred to the glass surface. The colour of the electric light current in the narrow tube was at first red ; it passed through a flesh colour to a green, and then through blue to a reddish-violet, and then became extinct, proving that no current can exist in absolute vacuse. 6. Binoxide of Nitrogen. This gas was decomposed, the spectrum for nitrogen being obtained with a modification evidently attributable to pure oxygen (a bright band near the red) ; this was gradually extin- guished, and the result was the formation of the pure spectrum of nitrogen gas of a splendour which Pliicker had never before witnessed. Binoxide of nitrogen, present in so small a quantity as to be scarcely recognizable by the most sensitive balance, was thus chemically analyzed ; with nitrous acid the red band due to the oxygen was at first of great brilliancy, but it gradually disappeared ; the same was the case with protoxide of nitrogen. 7. Aqueous Vapour. The electric current in the narrow tube showed the most beautiful deep red. The spectrum was that of pure hydrogen, with its three prominent bands, in comparison with the brightness of which the rest of the luminous divisions were so insignificant that here the shading off of colour and luminous intensity was scarcely to be recognized. The aqueous vapour had separated into its simple constituents. 8. Iodine, Bromine, and Chlorine. Pure spectra have not yet been obtained with these substances, because the manner in which the tubes have hitherto been made did not admit of complete exclusion of the 104 air. That which the three spectra have in common, and by which they are distinguished, as far as present observations extend, from all other gas spectra, con- sists in lines of light, which at first are constant, but afterwards only flickering, and whose width is about the same as that of the narrow Eraunhofer's black lines. The chemical results hitherto obtained are summarized briefly by Pliicker, as follows : 1. Certain gases (oxygen, chlorine, bromine, and iodine vapour) combine more or less slowly with the platinum of the negative electrode, and the resulting compounds are deposited upon the neighbouring glass surface. When the gases are pure, we thereby gradually approach to a perfect vacuum. 2. Gases, which are composed of two simple kinds (aqueous vapour, ammonia, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, nitrous acid), immediately split up into their simple constituents, and then remain unchanged, if these latter (ammonia) do not combine with the platinum. If one of the constituents is oxygen (in water, and the different stages of oxidation of nitro- gen) this gradually disappears, and the other gas alone remains. 3. If the gases are composed of oxygen and a solid simple substance, complete decomposition by the current only takes place gradually, while the oxygen goes to the platinum of the negative elec- trode. (Sulphurous acid, carbonic oxide, carbonic acid). Carbonic acid is instantly decomposed into the gaseous lower state of oxidation, and into free oxygen, which gradually goes to the platinum. The carbonic oxide is gradually decomposed, by the oxygen leaving the carbon, and combining with the negative electrode. Fig. 5 1 shows a very convenient arrangement for experimenting upon the spectra produced by different metals, comparing them with that produced by 105 platinum. The metals, in the form of wires, are attached to screws, passing through clamps of vul- canite, which can be adjusted at any required height and angle by means of the spring tubes connecting them with the upright pillar. The wires on the left- hand clamp are permanently platinum, those on the FIG. 51. right-hand clamp may be of any other metal or metals ; they are held by pincers, so that they may readily be removed and replaced by others. The two lower screws are metallically connected. The two upper are connected with the secondary terminals of the coil, and then with the Leyden jar, as in Ex. 8, p. 53. A brilliant discharge takes place 106 simultaneously between the wires in each clamp, provided the distances be properly adjusted, and the apparatus being accurately arranged before the spectrum box, one spark is reflected through a prism, and the other is received directly through the slit ; the two spectra immediately become apparent, one over the other, so that the peculiarities in each may be at once detected. By employing the little capped glass tube, shown on the left-hand side of the figure, spectra may be obtained in various gases, the gas being passed through the tube while the discharge is taking place. The Ozone Tube. It is well known that when electric sparks are taken between two conductors in atmospheric air a peculiar odour is developed. To the substance producing this odour the name Ozone has been given. It is supposed to be oxygen in an allotropic state, in which its chemical activity is greatly increased. It may be prepared Istly by the action of clean moist phosphorus on atmospheric air ; 2ndly, by the electrolysis of water acidulated with sulphuric acid ; Srdly, by passing electrical discharges through air or oxygen. A very ingenious little apparatus for the latter purpose is shown in Fig. 5 1 . FIG. 61. It consists of a glass tube about the size of an ordinary test tube, coated with tinfoil (or still better 107 silvered), and enclosed in an outer tube lined outside with tinfoil. The two tubes are sealed together at the neck of the outer one, and so adjusted that the space between them shall be as narrow as possible. At the projecting end of the inner tube is a brass button, which is connected by a spring with one of the binding screws on the frame of the apparatus, which screw is to be connected with one of the terminals of the secondary coil of an inductorium, and the other with another binding screw in metallic connection with the coating of exterior tube. The apparatus is in fact a sort of slit Leyden phial, and air or oxygen admitted through the lateral tube seen in the figure becomes, during its passage through the apparatus, powerfully ozonized. The air may be driven through by means of a bladder or india- rubber bag, or drawn through by an aspirator. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent ; it corrodes organic matter ; it bleaches indigo ; it oxidizes the metals converting even moist metallic silver into per- oxide ; but at the same time it seems, in some cases, to act as a deoxygenant : thus it decomposes per- oxide of hydrogen and peroxide of barium with the evolution of inactive oxygen derived from both the ozone and the peroxide. Schonbein regards ozone as permanently negative oxygen, and he believes in the existence of a permanently positive oxygen or antozone ; inactive oxygen he considers to be the pro- duct of the union of ozone ~ and antozone +. New form of Thermo-Pile. The discovery of the production of electricity by heating one of the junc- tions of a metallic circuit, consisting of two metals soldered together, was made by Professor Seebeck, of Berlin, in 1821. The metals which give the greatest amount of electro -motive force are bismuth and tellurium, next comes bismuth and antimony, and this latter metal, on account of its cheapness and 108 better conducting power, is generally substituted for Tellurium. The antimony is negative and the bis- muth positive, the current going from the bismuth t'o the antimony across the junction. Numerous improvements on the original thermo-pile of Seebeck have been made by Nobili, Locke, Gumming, Dove, Van der Voort, etc. ; but the most efficient arrange- ment is that of Marcus, a representation of whose thermo-battery is shown in Fig. 52. It consists of thirty-six elements ; the negative bars, which are 6 FIG. 52. inches long, being composed of Antimony, 12 parts ; Zinc, 5 parts ; Bismuth, 1 part ; and the positive bars, which are 7 inches long, being composed of Copper, 10 parts; Zinc, 6 parts; Nickel, 6 parts. The bars are ranged on a frame in the slanting position shown in the figure, the positive bar of the first pair being metallically connected with the nega- tive bar of the second, and the two extreme bars connected with binding screws, which form the terminals of the battery. The upper ends of the bars are heated by a series of Bunsen's burners, the flames of which can be easily regulated. Thermo-electricity is characterized by very feeble tension ; it can only therefore produce feeble chemical 109 action. The battery above described will, however, though 011 so small a scale decompose water (feebly) give small sparks between iron points without the intervention of a coil ; will enable the electro- magnet, shown in Fig. 3, to sustain 2 cwt. ; and, when substituted for the voltaic battery with one of Ladd's 6-inch spark coils, will cause the produc- tion of sparks 1 inch long between the terminals of the secondary. WORKS ON CHEMISTRY. FOWNES' MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY. Edited by H. 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It is satisfactory to us, and will no doubt be so to the public, to know that no profane hands have meddled with a work which all regard as belonging to the classical literature of photography." The British Journal of PJiot ography. 8vo, cloth, 2 10s. AN EXPOSITORY LEXICON OF 50,000 SCIENTIFIC TERMS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, Including a Complete Medical and Medico-Legal Vocabulary, and presenting the Correct Pronunciation, Derivation, Definition, and Explanation of the Names, Analogues, Synonymes, and Phrases (in English, Latin, Greek, French, and German), employed in Science and connected with Medicine. By E. G. MAYXE, M.D. This Lexicon is suited to the requirements of every educated gentleman. It embraces the correct pronunciation, derivation, definition, and application of the names, analogues, synonymes, and phrases (in English, Latin, Greek, French, and German), connected with Medicine, and employed in Anatomy, Animal Pathology, Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Conchology, Crystallography, Entomology, Geology, Geography, Geometry, Ichthyology, Materia Medica, Medical Jurisprudence, Medicine, Microscopy, Mineralogy, Natural History, Natural Philosophy, Nosology, Obstetrics, Ornithology, Pathological Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacy, Phrenology, Physiology, Surgery, Trigonometry, and Zoology. In one volume of 1,400 pages, with Engravings, Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged, 28*. COOLEY'S CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS AND PROCESSES. Being a General Book of Reference for the Manufacturer, Trades- man, Amateur, and Heads of Families. From the " TIMES," Nov. 16, 1864. " A much improved edition. It has become a standard work, not only as a supplement to the pharmacopoeias, but also as u book of reference in con- nexion with the arts, manufactures, and trades." JOHN CHURCHILL AND SONS, NEW BURLINGTON-STREET. CATALOGUE OF Jllatfemafimt, and INSTRUMENTS. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK STREET, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. fHtcroscopc anti Philosophical Instrument fftanufactuter, BY APPOINTMENT TO THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN; THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOL OF MINES; THE WAR DEPARTMENT ; THE EAST INDIA GOVERNMENT; HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION; THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE BRAZILS AND NETHERLANDS; THE UNIVERSITIES OF OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON, ETC. 1866. CATALOGUE. Honourable Mention was awarded to W. LADD at the Great Exhibition of 1851, for his Improvements in Microscopes ; also Prize Medal, 1862, for Microscopes, Induction Coils, &c. MICROSCOPES. s. d. LARGE SIZE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE, of very superior workmanship and great solidity, the stage having 1-inch motion; plain and concave mirrors, fine adjustment (100 turns to the inch), secondary stage for holding achromatic condenser, spotted lens, &c., to which is applied the horizon- tal and vertical adjustments for insuring the perfect centricity of all its parts 18 18 Ditto, with binocular arrangement . , . . . 26 Apparatus for the above ; Parabolic Condenser 1 10 Achromatic Condenser . . . . . . . . 5 10 Spotted Lens 15 Condenser on Brass stand 100 Polariscope, with selenite stage . . . . . . . 250 Camera Lucida 100 Animalcule Cage 060 Extra deep eye- piece . . . . . . . . . 0150 Quarter-inch and 1 and 2-inch object-glasses of large angular aperture 770 One- eighth -inch object-glass . . . . . . . 770 Mahogany Cabinet, with box for apparatus . . . . 2 15 0' 4 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST ., REGENT-ST. LADD'S IMPROVED COMPOUND MICROSCOPES, For which the Prize Medal was awarded, 1862. LADD'S IMPROVED COMPOUND MICROSCOPE: s. With magnetic stage and two eye-pieces . . . . . PO Ditto, with mechanical stage, having rectangular movements . 100 Ditto, with Binocular arrangement 10 Quarter-inch object-glass . ....... 4 4 1 and 2-inch object-glass, combined 33 Condenser on stand 18 Spot-glass for dark ground illumination . . . . . 012 Polariscope ........... 1 15 Animalcule Cage 06 Stage Forceps 05 Mahogany Case 1 10 to 2 10 The 'above is strongly recommended in the '< The Microscope," by Dr. Carpenter, page 81; and in " The Microscope ; its History, Construction, and Application ," by Jabez Hogg, page 164. COMPOUND ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPE, with moveable stage, having | of an inch motion in rectangular directions, with sliding and revolving object -holder, two eye-pieces, double mirror, fine adjustment, diaphragms 800 -inch and 1-inch object-glasses . . . 2 15 Condenser on brass stand . . . . . 18 Animalcule Cage . . . . . . 060 Mahogany Cabinet 1 10 14 9 Ditto, with Binocular arrangement . . . . . 12 MICROSCOPE, designed by the late Geo. Jackson, Esq , in which the compound body, stage, and sub-stage are fitted in a dove-tailed slide running from top to bottom of the instru- ment, with improved magnetic stage, and eye-piece, in mahogany case 50 The above with ^ and 1-inch achromatic object-glasses, and animalcule cage and forceps . . . . . . 86 EDUCATIONAL MICROSCOPE, with sliding stage, eye- piece, achromatic object- glasses, ranging from 30 to 300 diameters, condenser, animalcule cage, forceps, and mahogany case . 55 EDUCATIONAL COMPOLND MICROSCOPE, with set of three achromatic object-glasses, eye-piece, and forceps, in mahogany case, with drawer . . . . . . 310 LADD'S AQUARIUM AND SEA-SIDE MICROSCOPE. The stage and mirror can readily be removed from the stand, so that the object-glass may be brought to bear upon the aqua- rium, and to follow an object with facility . . . . 40 PROFESSOR QUEKETT'S portable Dissecting Microscope, with drawer .... .... 2 10 Compoundbodyforditto,makingitaportableSea-sideMicroscope 10 Ladd's Dissecting Microscope, for botanical and other purposes . 15 Condenser on stand for ditto, and can be used as a Microscope . 06 Coddington Lens, of high magnifying power, very useful foropaque objects, mounted in ivory, German Silver, or silver 4s. to 5 Stanhope Lens, in various mountings . . . from 02 Cloth Microscopes or Linen Provers, to fold for the pocket, 2s. to 04 Set of three lenses, for the pocket . . from 3s. Od. to 07 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK- ST., REGENT-ST. MICROSCOPIC APPARATUS. *. Camera Lucida, for taking drawings of objects . . 15s. and 1 Neutral-tint Glass, for the same purpose ..... 7 Erecting Glass, for dissecting with the Com'pound Microscope . 015 Side Reflectors, for illuminating opaque objects . . . . 18 Apparatus for Polarisation of Light . . . 1 5s. to 25 Achromatic Condensor, for transparent objects . 2 10s. and 5 10 Condensing Lens, on brass stand .... 18s. and 1 Parabolic Condenser, for dark ground illumination 1 os. and 1 10 Spotted Lens, for low powers, by which a perfect black field is obtained 7s. 6d. to 15 Micro-Spectroscope, arranged for direct vision, and to shew two spectra at the same time, in the form of an eye -piece . 5 Compressorium 15 Extra Eye- pieces 12s. and 15 Animalcule Cage . . . . . . . 3s. to 06 Glass Micrometers, for measuring the diameter of various objects, lOOths and lOOOths 05 Micrometer, mounted in brass frame, with screw adjustment fitted to eye- piece of Microscope 10 Slips of Glass, 3 inches by 1 . . per packet of 3 dozen 2 Glass Circles for Covers per ounce 5 Ditto Squares 04 Canada Balsam, pure Glycerine, Dean's Gelatine, Asphalt, Gold Size, &c per bottle, Is. to 1 Machine for cutting Sections of Wood . . 7s. 6d. to 11 Turntable for building up cells and varnishing the edge of covers . . . 07 Brook's Double Connecter . . . .. . . . 110 Valentin's Knife, in case 16 Set of Microscopical Dissecting Instruments, in case . . . 1 10 Maltwood's Finder 07 A large assortment of Microscopic objects, sections of teeth, bone, &c 01 Insects, Infusoria, and Vegetable Structures . . Is. to 01 Anatomical Injected Preparations .... from 2 Microscopic Photographs 01 Mahogany Cabinets for holding 264 objects, and place for apparatus . 17 Mahogany Cabinets, with glass doors, for Microscope objects from 2 2s. to 5 5 Glass Trough, for fixing fish, &c 2s. 6d. to 05 Frog Plate 10 Glass Dissecting Trough ........ 4 Dr. Beale's Cabinet, for Chemical Analysis, containing the fol lowing: Platinum foil, test tubes, pipette, urinometer, graduated glass measure, spirit lamp with wire ring, watch glasses, glass slides, thin glass covers, and 8 re-agents in glass bottles, with capillary orifices 15 Injecting Syringe, with three jets and stopcock . . 12s. and 15 Improved Gas Lamp, with bath and plate for mounting objects 115 Diamond for writing on glass 5s. to 07 Ditto, for plate or window glass 18 Apparatus for cutting thin glass circles . . . . . 17 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. ACHROMATIC OBJECT-GLASSES FOR MICROSCOPES. Object Glasses. Angular Aperture. Price. Magnifj-ing Power with the various Eye-Glasses. 2-inch !* 1 1&2 1 5 degrees 20 15 25 65 95 135 150 s. d. 10 15 1 11 6 330 4 4 7 20 40 60 11 100 220 320 400 30 15 80 130 350 510 570 40 70 100 180 500 700 900 W. LAPD SUPPLIES THE FOLLOWING WORKS . Quekett's Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope . The Microscope, by Dr. Carpenter How to work with the Microscope, by Dr. Lionel Beale Half-hours with the Microscope, by Dr. Lankester . Hogg on the Microscope . . ' s. d. 1 1 12 6 5 6 2 6 060 TELESCOPES. EQUATORIAL, with 4-in. object-glass, 5 ft. focal length; 6 astronomical eye pieces ; diagonal and transit eye-pieces ; double parallel- wire Micrometer, with 4 eye-pieces ; illumin- ating apparatus; declinating and hour circles, graduated on silver, with Vernas and Microscope. Supported on stout iron pillar 110 Clock-work for the above 20 FOUR-FT. ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE, 34-inch object- glass, 5 eye-pieces, and brass tripod, with horizontal and vertical movements, packed in mahogany case . . . 31 10 3-ft. 6-in. ditto, 3 eye- pieces, 2|-in. object-glass, in mahogany case 21 3-ft. ditto, 3 eye-pieces, 2f-in. object-glass, in mahogany case 15 2-ft. 6-in. ditto, 2 eye-pieces 10 Tripod Garden Stand, suitable for either of the above 35s. to 2100 21-in. Navy Telescope 250 18-in. ditto 1 16 15-in. ditto 1 10 Day and Night Telescopes from 1 10 Pocket Telescopes of every description and of best quality. Achromatic Stereoscope from 110 Revolving Stereoscope, to hold two dozen glass slides . . 3100 A large assortment of Glass Stereoscopic Slides from 4s. 6d. to 066 Wheatstone's Reflecting Stereoscope .... from 200 Ditto Pseudoacope 1 10 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., BEGENT-ST. 7 OPERA AND RACE GLASSES, With achromatic eye-pieces, with ivory, pearl, tortoiseshell, enamelled, or leather mounts. MAGNIFYING GLASSES, For viewing prints and paintings. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES In every variety of mounting. Theodolites, Levels, Compasses, Sextants, and Quadrants. MAGIC LANTERNS, DISSOLVING-VIEW APPARATUS, ETC. s. d. Magic Lanterns from 7s. to 1 10 Phantasmagoria Lantern, with best Argand Lamp, 3 -in. conden- sers, in a deal case . . . . . . . . 300 Ditto, with 3^ -inch condensers 400 Ditto, with Microscope, 3^-inch condensers, microscopic objects and water trough, packed in case 5 10 Oxycalcium Lantern, for exhibiting 3 -inch pictures on a screen 10 feet diameter, with apparatus complete . . . . 900 Dissolving- View Apparatus, with 3^ -inch condensers, for show- ing 3-inch pictures 900 Ditto, with Oxycalcium apparatus complete . . . 15 Microscope for ditto ....... from 100 Dissolving- view Apparatus, with oxy-hydrogen lime light, 4-inch condensers, 2 gas bags, pressure boards, tubing. gas generators, purifier, and copper retort complete . 30 0- Dissolving-view Apparatus combined in one lantern, with stop- cock arrangement for producing dissolving effect, with gas bags, &c., complete 24 Improved Oxy-hydrogen Microscope, with 3 powers and maho- gany lantern 7 10 Ditto, with Oxy-hydrogen jet, gas bags, pressure boards, tripod stand, and apparatus for making gas, &c SO Apparatus to show magnetic curves 12 Clockwork movement for revolving the lime cylinders . each 250 Opaque screens, 8-feet square, on rollers Ditto 10-feet Ditto 12-feet One dozen Lime Cylinders, in sealed bottle . . . . 030 Dissolving-views, separate or in sets, to illustrate Astronomy, Geology, Natural History, &c The whole and parts of insects, sections of woods, &c., prepared specially for the Oxy-hydrogen Microscope, each, 2s., 2s. 6d. and 030 8 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. APPARATUS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, POLAR- ISATION, &c. *. Ladd's improved Electric Lamp . . . . . . 10 10 Lantern for ditto, with Condensers 6 10 Holmes' Improved Electric Lamp for Lighthouses, &c. . . 180 Parabolic Reflectors, thickly silvered . . . . . . 22 Revolving Diaphragm for Lantern 015 Rectangular ditto 110 Mahogany Box, containing Flyers, extra pair of Carbon Holders, Forceps, and 6 ft. of Carbon Points 10 Best Carbon Points per feet 1 Microscope for the Electric Light, with best Achromatic Ob- jectives 10 Improved Polariscope for above 12 10 Prisms of heavy Glass, on Stand . . . from 2 to 3 10 Ditto of Quartz from 3 to 50 Polyprisms of Six Glasses of various density, on Stand . . 310 Bottle Prisms of Bisulphide of Carbon ." . from 12s. to 18 Prism with movable sides, on Brass Stand, "with adjusting Screws 60 Adjustable Stand for Prisms .' . 07 4-inch Condenser, on Stand, for focusing image on screen . . 1 10 Bunsen's burners ..... from 4s. 6d. to 10 4 Sets of 10 Grove's Batteries for Electric Light . . * . 20 Biot's Reflecting Polariscope, with Apparatus .... 5 5 Tourmaline Polariscope, to illustrate the system of coloured rings, in crystals, &c 22 Ditto, Pincers for ditto from 1 10 Selenites of various devices ..... from 5 Specimens of unannealed Glass, of various shapes . from 3 Apparatus to shew Newton's rings ' . 1 2 Prisms to illustrate Achromatism on stand . . . . 1 10 2 Glasses ruled with fine lines to shew Iridescence . from 10 -Concave and Convex Mirrors " Spheres of Iceland Spar 20 Plates of Arragonite, Quartz, Topaz, Nitre, Calc-spar, Borax, &c., for exhibiting the coloured rings . . . from 5 Apparatus to show the polarising structure, communicated to glass by pressure .... from 7s. 6d. to 11 Rectangular Prisms of Glass for ditto Rhombs of Iceland Spar. Polished Plates of Tourmaline. Double and Single Image Prisms. Polarising bundles of Crown Glass. Polariscopes fitted to Microscopes. Selenite Plates. Gutta Perch a covered Wire, per yard, 3d. to 6d. SPECTROSCOPES AND APPARATUS. Apparatus for Spectrum Analyses with four Prisms, very superior Spectroscope with two Prisms, graduated circle, brass support &c., packed in mahogany case 15 Spectroscopes with (me Prism, Photographed Micrometer Scale,&c. . . . - 60 .WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. s. d. Ladd's Universal Spectroscope with two Prisms packed in case . 550 The above can be used in any position either with or without Microscope. Pocket Spectroscope for direct vision 330 Micro-Spectroscope arranged for direct vision, and to shew two Spectra at the same time in the form of an eye-piece - 5 Bunsen's Burners, for the above from 046 Apparatus consisting of a Brass Stand, with two Insulated Dischargers for obtaining the Spectra of Metals, by means of the Induced Spark, with tube for Gases (Fig. 51) . . 1 15 LADD'S IMPROVED INDUCTION COILS & APPARATUS. For which Prize Medal was awarded at the Exhibition, 1862. INDUCTION COIL, to give H-inch spark nfair . . . 10 10 Ditto ditto 2^-inch ditto . . . 12 12 Ditto ditto 4-inch ditto . . . 15 15 Set of 5 Grove's Batteries, with platina plates 5x2} -inch, in tray 2 15 Ditto ditto 6* X 3-inch . . 4 10 Apparatus consisting of glass tube with two platinum terminals, with brass plate and glass receiver to fit upon air-pump, for experiments with Torricellian vacuum (Fitr. 23.) . . 1 10 Gassiot's Torricellian Vacuum Tube, for broad, cloudy strati- fication (Fig. 26.) 1 10 Ditto, packed in case 1 16 Uranium Glass Tube, mounted on Stand, with stopcock 1 Is. to 220 Glass Tubes for showing the Aurora Borealis, fitted with stop- cock, and capable of being charged with various gases, from 2 to o ft. long, and I to 4 inch diameter (Fig. 21) Apparatus for showing the rotation of a spark round an electro- magnet (Fig. 19.) 3 10 Ditto ' (Fig. 20.) . . . . . . . . 1 10 Bar Electro-magnet, for experimenting with the electric spark from 18 Egg-shaped Glass, with stopcock and sliding wire (Fig. 22) . 250 GASSIOT'S CASCADE, permanently exhausted (Fig. 16) . 3 10 Gassiot's Revolving Star (Fig. 48) * . . . 3 3s. to 4 10 Geissler's Sealed Vacuum Tubes. These tubes have been charged with the various gases, and then exhausted to the utmost, and hermetically sealed. Carbonic Acid Vacuum Tube, with stick of caustic potash at one end (Fig. 29) 1 5s. and 1 10 Vacuum tubes composed of two or more distinct vacuums, showing a variety of colours according to the gases contained Double Garland Tube (Fig. 34) 200 10 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. s. d. Single Garland Tube (Fig. 35) 1 10 Ditto ditto with letters (Fig. 36) . . each 220 Vacuum Tubes (Figs. 37, 38, 40, &42) . . . .each 150 Ditto (Figs. 39,43, & 44) each 1 10 Ditto (Fig. 41) each 110 Ditto (Fig. 47) 15s. to 110 Ditto of Uranium Glass 15s. to 1 10 These tubes vary in size, and consequently in price. Vacuum Tubes, charged with various Gases for Spectrum Analysis (Fig. 45) 10 Gassiot's support for six ditto ; the tubes become successively illuminated when in front of the Spectroscope . . . 200 Vacuum Tube, for surgical purposes (Fig. 46) . . . . 110 Vacuum Coronets. Ditto, Miners' Lamps. Ditto, to show extraordinary effect when placed between the poles of a powerful electro -magnet. (Figs. 24 and 25). A variety of other Tubes always it stock. Udiometer to be used with Inductorium . . . from 050 Apparatus for producing Ozone in large quantities by aid of the Induction Coil. (Fig. 52$ 110 Uranium Glass Vessel for showing fluorescence . . . . 050 Block of Uranium Glass, in mahogany case . . from 150 Glass Tubes, containing Becquerel's Phosphorescent Powders in sets of six 15s. and 150 Revolving Colour Disc, for showing white light, also for proving that the Induction Spark is not continuous . . . 070 Spotted Jars 7s. 6d. to 220 W. Ladd has been appointed Sole Agent for Geissler's Vacuum Tubes and Chemical Apparatus. The above figures refer to " Treatise on the Induction Coil," by Dr. H. M. Noad, F.R.S., &c., with 40 illustrations, price 3s. W. Ladd, Beak St. APPARATUS FOR FRICTIONAL ELECTRICITY. 36-inch, Plate Electrical Machine, mounted upon the best prin- ciple with Electrometer attached 22 30-inch, ditto ditto 15 15 24-inch, ditto ditto 10 10 18-inch, ditto ditto ... 7 and 850 15- inch, Plate Electrical Machine 500 12-inch, ditto ditto without Electrometer . . 400 9-inch, ditto ditto ditto . . 300 Cylinder Electrical Machines made to order. Improved form of Electrometer, with Condenser (very delicate) 330- Bohnenberger's Electroscope ....... WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. 11 s. Quadrant Electrometer 07 Cnthbertson's Self-acting Electrometer 1 18 Bennet's Gold Leaf Electrometer .... 14s. to 1 10 Medical Jar 05 Henley's Universal Discharger, with Press and Table 1 5s. and 2 Electrical Cannon, with brass carriage . . . . . 18 Electrical Flask, with cap and valve ...... 6 Electrical Pistol 05 Luminous Conductor ......... 18 Electrical Sportsman . . . . . . . 15s. and 1 1 Egg-stand 07 Egg-shape Glass, with stopcock and sliding wire for showing ligtit in vacuo ......... 1 15 Hand Spiral 3s. 6d. and 5 Set of tive Spirals 18 Luminous Words, in frame ........ 10 Revolving Spiral, on stand . 08 Image Plates with brass stand Dancing figures made of pith Electrical See- saw Pith -ball Stand . Pith Balls . 8s. 6d. and 10 1 12 5 per dozen, 9d. and 1 Carved Head with hair . . . ... 3s. 6d. and 5 Diamond Jar 7s. 6d. and 0. 12 Bucket and Syphon ......... 5 Electrical Orrery . 07 Sturgeon's Apparatus for firing Gunpowder, &c. . .09 Insulated Brass or V\ 7 ood Stands Electrical Spider . . . 01 Electrical Obelisk 07 Thunder House 07 Fire House 12 Gamut of Bells 110 Set of three Bells . . . 07 Insulated Stool 12 Jointed Discharger . .... . 7s. 6d., 9s., and 10 Discharging Rods 03 Apparatus for showing the falling star . . . . . 15 Electrical Cylinders Glass Handles and Legs Brass Chain . . . . . . . . per yard Amalgam per box 1 Circular Glass Plates for Electrical Machines .... Ditto Ebonite discs for ditto Conductors Leyden Jars from 3 Brass Balls from Electrophorous from 10 Glass Jar, with movable tin coatings 10 Set of Electrical Apparatus for Educational purposes, consisting of the following articles : Plate Electrical Machine, Leyden Jar, Pith-ball Stand, Jointed Discharger, Hand Spiral, Brass Clamp, Head of Hair, Amalgam, and Chain, packed in coloured deal case, with lock and key .... 5 5 12 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK.-ST., REGENT-ST. VOLTAIC AND MAGNETIC APPARATUS- s. , WILDE'S Magneto- Electric Machine (Fig. 8). This Machine can be used for a variety of experiments, and is an excellent substitute for a Voltaic Battery 21 Medical Galvanic Coil, of improved construction, which can be regulated so as to apply it either to an infant, or to the most obstinate cases, in mahogany box .... 4 4 Improved Medical Coil, with sulphate of mercury battery, com- plete in the form of a book (Fig. 9). . . . . 44 Medical Galvanic Machine, in mahogany box .... 3 3 Ditto ditto small size 22 Improved Magneto-electric Machines, for medical purposes, in mahogany case (Fig. 5) 25 Electro- magnet from (5 Mahogany support for ditto . . . . . . . 05 Powerful Electro-magnet on stand ...... 2 Ditto, very powerful with double wires, movable coils, mahogany stand, &c., (can be used for Dia-magnetic experiments) . 10 Rheostat from 5 10 Rheochord 1 15 Wheatstone's Bridge . . . , Galvanometer from 10 Galvanometers with Astatic Needle, with levelling screws and glass shade from 1 8 Ditto (very delicate) (Fig. 4) . . . . from 3 3s. to 4 4 Barlow's Wheel 10 Sturgeon's Disc, to go with the above ... .03 Oersted's Experiment 7s. 6d. and 10 Dipping Needle, on brass stand with divided arc ... 11 Ladd's Improved Electro -motive Engine, will raise 30 Ibs., size of stand, 7 by 5 inches 70 Apparatus for showing the rotation of Electro-magnet between the poles of a soft horse-shoe 10 Richie's Electro-magnetic Apparatus, consisting of horse- shoe- magnet, on stand, with levelling screws, Armature, Ampere's Bucket, wire frame, helical coil, and two flood cups . . 2 10 Marsh's Vibrating Suspended Wire 07 Working Model of Telegraph, by which sentences may be trans- mitted . . . , Morse's Printing Telegraph, consisting of receiver, relay, and key 10 10 Apparatus for Ringing a Bell by Electro-magnetism ...11 Apparatus for Ringing a Bell, of improved construction . Double Commutater . . . 15 Commutator ( the same as used with the Induction Coil) . . 11 Decomposition Apparatus ...... 7s. 6d. to V Tube for Decomposition 07 Faraday's Voltameter 55 Melloni's Thermo-electric Battery of twenty-five pairs of Anti- mony and Bismuth Bars Ditto (very delicate), with conical reflector .... o 5 Large Thermo-Electric Battery (Fig. 53) . . ... . 88 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGEXT-ST. s. Ampere's Stand (improved form), by which the experiments relating to the mutual attraction and repulsion of electrical currents can be shown 20 Smee's Batter}' (pints) ........ Ditto (quarts) Set of six Smee's Batteries, in vulcanised cells, in mahogany trough ........... Ditto, with adjustments for raising it out of the cells ; may be arranged for either quantity or intensity .... Grove's Platinum Battery Set of eight of Grove's Batteries in tray Set of ten ditto, in tray ..... 4 sets of ditto, for electric Light .... Improved Coke Batteries, in glass or stoneware cells Brass Clamps for Batteries Glass and Porous Cells . ... Platinum Foil and Wire . . per oz. Platinised Silver ....... Amalgamating Zinc Plates per Ib. Copper Wire of all sizes, covered with silk or cotton Set of Electro -Magnetic Apparatus for Educational purposes, con- sisting of an Electro-magnetic Coil Machine, Smee's Battery, Galvanometer, Richie's Experiment, Oersted's ditto, Electro- magnet and mahogany stand, Barlow's Spur-whel and Permanent Magnet, packed in coloured deal case with lock 10 4 4 10 12 5 6 24 1 12 10 1 ABEL'S FUZES, FOR FIRING MINES AND CANNON BY MAGNETIC ELECTRICITY. W. L. is appointed sole manufacturer of these by order of the Secretary of State for War. Experimental Fuzes per doz. 2 Blasting 02 Cannon . . . . . . . . m . . . 03 Magneto- Electric Exploder, in mahogany case, with two keys 7 Ditto, very powerful 17 17 Ditto, with six keys, Fig. 6 18 18 Induction Coil, specially adapted for blasting purposes where a large number of fuzes are required to be fired simultaneously, in strong oak case . . . . . . . . 10 10 G. P. Insulating Wire, for connections . per 100 yards from 1 Ebonite Electrical Machine, or Austrian Exploder . . 13 Oak case for ditto 22 14 WILLIAM LADD, 11 & 12, BEAK-ST., REGENT-ST. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, &c. s. d. Sets of Drawing Instruments, for youths 5s. 6d., 7s. 6d. and 10 6 Ditto, in mahogany cases 110 Ditto ditto 220 Ditto ditto, German silver ...... 2 10 Ditto ditto, very superior ditto 3 10 Architect's case of ditto, for the pocket 220 Ditto ditto, best make, German silver . . . 3 10 A complete set of Mathematical Drawing Instruments, of the best construction, with proportional compasses, rule, and scales from 10 10s. to 21 Pentagraph, for copying, reducing, and enlarging plans, draw- ings, maps,