OF ST TH! if The Message of the Stars MAX HEINDEL AND AUGUSTA FOSS HEINDEL AN ESOTERIC EXPOSITION OF MEDICAL AND NATAL ASTROLOGY EXPLAINING THE ARTS OF PREDICTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASE THIRD EDITION Enlarged and Revised. $2.50 Postfree JRostcructan INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS MOUNT ECCLESIA, OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA LONDON : L. N. FOWLER & CO., 7 IMPERIAL ARCADE LUDGATE CIRCUS Copyright 1918 by MAX HEINDEL FELLOWSHIP PRESS Oceanside, California CHAPTER I. EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC IT IS a matter of common knowledge among: mystics that the evolutionary career of mankind is 1 indissolubly bound up with the divine hierarchies, who rule the planets and the signs of the Zodiac, and that the passage of the Sun and the planets through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, marks man's progress in time and in space. Therefore it is not to be won- dered at, that in the course of their investigations into- the spiritual development of mankind, the writers' have also encountered much that deals with the Zodiac which is the boundary of our evolutionary sphere at the present time. So much has been perceived in the memory -of nature that sheds light upon obscure passages of the Bible, and notes have been made from time to time of different points, but how to collect and collate these dissociated writings into a united whole, has been a great problem for a long time. Even now, the writers know and feel that what they have to bring forth is only a very, very weak attempt to set before the students that great body of facts which have come to them through the memory of nature. They feel, however, that this will give a new meaning and more profound to the old symbols, and 3 2029C34 4 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS that by passing on what has been found they put themselves in line to perceive more light. Concerning the future evolution of planets; the Rosicrueian Cosmo Conception teaches, on page 256, that "when the beings upon a planet have evolved to a sufficient degree, the planet becomes a Sun, the fixed center of a Solar System. When the beings there have evolved to a still greater degree, and consequently it has reached its maximum of bril- liancy, it breaks up into a Zodiac and becomes, so to speak, the womb of a new Solar System, thus the Great hosts of Divine beings who, until then, were confined upon that Sun gain freedom of action upon a great number of stars whence they can affect, in different ways, the system which grows up within their sphere of influence. The planets or man-bear- ing worlds within the Zodiac are constantly being worked upon by these forces but in various ways ac- cording to the stage they have reached in evolution. Our Sun could not have become a sun until it sent out from itself all the beings who were not sufficiently evolved to endure the high rate of vibration and the : great luminosity of the beings who were qualified for that evolution. All the beings upon the different planets would have been consumed had they re- mained in the Sun. This visible Sun, however, though it is a place of evolution for beings vastly above man, is not by any means, the Father of the other planets, as material science supposes. On the contrary, it is itself an emanation from the central EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 5 Sun, which is the invisible source of all that IS in our solar system. "Our visible Sun is but the mirror in which are reflected the Rays of energy from the Spiritual Sun, the real Sun is as invisible as the real man." From this teaching it is apparent that the great spiritual hierarchies which are now guiding our evo- lution, have had their training for this path in pre- vious schemes of manifestation, also that what they are now doing, we shall some day do for others. Already the foremost among our race are treading the path of initiation, and have thereby advanced into other stages, far beyond the general status of present humanity. It has been learned that those who have gone through the Mercurial School of the lesser Mysteries, and have graduated from the School of the Greater Mysteries are now preparing human evolution in the Jupiter Period. They have entered the planet Jupiter, by way of one of the Moons, which serves as a stepping stone. Others there are, unfortunately, who have gone the other way. We , read in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, that even as the whole population of the earth were at one time expelled from the present Sun because of their inability to keep up with the vibrations of the beings thereon, thus hindering them and being hindered themselves, so also it became necessary in the Lemur- ian Epoch, to expel a number of the stragglers upon earth. Thus the Moon was cast out into space to revolve as a Satelite around our present planet. 6 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Those unfortunates are gradually degenerating ana the time will come when they will all go to the planet Saturn, which is the door to Chaos. Thence they will be expelled to inter-planetary space to await the time when, in a new system, there will be a favorable condition for their further evolution. The Gate of Life and Death Thus the Zodiac and the planets are as a book in which we may read the history of Humanity dur- ing past ages, and it also gives a key to the future which is in store for us. In the famous Zodiac in the Temple of Denderah, Cancer is not pictured as we have it in modern days. There it is a beetle, a scarab. This was the emblem of the soul, and Can- cer has always been known in ancient times, as well as among modern mystics, to be the sphere of the soul, the gate of Life in the Zodiac whence the spirits coming into rebirth, enter our sub-lunary conditions. It is therefore aptly ruled by the Moon which is the planet 'of fecundation, and it is noteworthy that we find Capricorn, which is its opposite, ruled by Saturn the Planet of Death and Chaos, who is mystically depicted as "the reaper with his scythe and hour glass in hand." These two opposite signs are there- fore turning points in the soul's career. Cancer and Capricorn mark the highest ascent of the Sun into the Northern Hemisphere, and its lowest descent into the South. Observations show us that during the summer when the Sun is in the sphere of Cancer EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 7 and allied signs, fecundation and growth are the order of the day. But when the Sun is in the South, in Capricorn, we have winter, when nature is dead. The fruits of the summer are then consumed and assimilated by us. As a circle dance of the Sun among the twelve signs determines the seasons of the year when direct, causing the germination of myriads of seeds cast in the earth, also the mating of the fauna, which then makes the world alive with the sights and sounds of manifested life, and at an- other time leaves the world dumb, dull and drear in winter's gloom, under the sway of Saturn, so by the slower backward movement, known as the Pre- cession of the Equinox, does it produce the great changes which we know as Evolution. In fact, this processional measure of the sun marks the bii'th and death of races, nations and their religions, for the pictorial Zodiac is a symbolical presentation of our past, present and future development. Capricorn Capricorn, the goat, is not a goat at all as we know that animal, but part fish and part goat. Its Saturnine rulership, and the fact that it receives the Sun as the dawn of each New Year, naturally by analogy associates it with the beginning of pre- cessional epochs. It represents the stage in evolution covering transition from fish, through amphibia to the mammalian form. The belligerency of the goat is well known, and an apt symbol of the struggle for 8 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS existence, in which the weak perish unless able to outdistance their foes. This phase of the matter is sometime? expressed in the symbol, when drawn as part fish and part antelope. Jacob, in the thirty- third chapter of Deuteronomy, pronounces blessings upon his children, which symbolize the twelve signs. There he speaks of Naphtali as a 'Und' let loose; this a very apt symbol of Capricorn, for when the Sun is there at each winter solstice, it is starting a race through the circle of twelve signs, which it must complete in a given time a year. Sagittarius When the Sun leaves Capricorn, by precession, it enters the sign Sagittarius, and this is pictured in the symbolical Zodiac as a Centaur, part horse and part man. Thus it shows aptly, the fact that we have evolved through the animal stage into the human. The centaur is in the act of drawing his bow, showing that there is something for which the human spirit, on its pilgrimage through matter, is seeking, that it aspires to something that lies beyond it, as a lofty ideal, for the bow points upward to the stars. Scorpio The next step in human unfoldment is not so much along the physical lines as along the mental, its nature is shown by the Sun's passage through the sign Scorpio, which is pictorially represented as a serpent or scorpion, emblems of cunning and sub- EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 9 tility. It is plain from this symbol that the first fac- ulty of the mind evolved by infant humanity was cunning, and we still see that that is a characteristic trait among the lower races, the lower classes and the lower natures even among our present-day humanity. Libra But when the Sun enters the sign Libra, 'The Scales" by precession, the balance of reason gives him a new start upon the evolutionary path. Under the care of divine instructors man had at that time advanced to the point where because of this new faculty, reason, he could be made fully responsible to nature's laws, and thus reap what he sows, that he may learn the lesson of life by actual experience, be able to reason out the connection between cause and effect and in time learn to govern him,self upon the path of progress. Virgo Thus, under the guidance of the spiritual hier- archies, focused through the signs of Capricorn, Sag- ittarius, Scorpio, and Libra, were his physical, moral and mental attributes acquired, and he was equipped to commence the spiritual side of his evolution. The germ of this progress is hidden in the celestial virgin, the sign Virgo, which is the vehicle of the immacu- late conception, the heavenly mother of Christ ; not of one Christ only, but of many. This is one of the most sublime signs of the Zodiac and one of the 10 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS most mystic, so fraught with hidden meaning that its full import cannot be fully understood save when viewed by the internal light of spiritual illumina- tion. Yearly, at the Winter solstice, the immaculate Madonna is ascendant at midnight, when the new born Sun commences to rise to the task of growing the grain and grape, to save humanity from the cold and famine, which would inevitably result were he to remain in the southern declination. The Sun is therefore an apt symbol of the Savior, born to feed his flock on the spiritual bread of life. But, as we must have eyes attuned to light to see the sun, so must the Christ be born within. As Angelus Silesius says : "Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born And not within thyself, thy soul will be forlorn. The Cross on Golgotha thou lookest to in vain Unless within thyself it be set up again." Therefore, by the p recessional passage of the Sun through the sign Virgo, the germinal impulse was given towards the birth of Christ within. 'The mystic marriage' of the lower self to the higher, 'the immaculate conception,' and 'the divine motherhood' which nourishes deep in its bosom, unseen by a scof- fing world, 'the new born Christ,' is an actual expe- rience of a growing number of people. And with- out the celestial prototype, fructified by the solar precession, this would be an impossibility; neither EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 11 has this ideal been realized in such fullness during the past ages as today. The reason of this will ap- pear when we take up the joint consideration of opposite signs of the Zodiac. Leo A great future is in store for this offspring of the celestial virgin. Listen to the wonderful pro- phecy of Isaiah: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonder- ful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end." Humanity is to rise to a wonderful spiritual height and this is symbolized by the Sun's preces- pional passage through the Royal sign Leo, pictor- ially represented by the king of beasts, the lion. This is an apt allusion to the King of Creation, who will then embody the three great virtues of the Master Man, Strength, Wisdom and Beauty. It is wonderful to see how the various phases of the religions given to the Great Aryo-Semitic Race from the time they were "called out" in the later third of the Atlantean Epoch, to the end of the Aquarian Age, when a new race will have been defin- itely born. This aspect of the Zodiac will form the subject of our next article. It will shed light on many of the most obscure passages of the Bible, as only study of this Cosmic Science can. 12 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS When we consider the Zodiac in its religious as well as its evolutionary aspects, by means of the six pairs of opposite signs into which the twelve may be divided, we also commence with Cancer and Cap- ricorn, for the reason given in the previous article, namely: that these are the solstitial points where the Sun reaches its highest and lowest declination. Considered in this manner, we find that there are two sets of three pairs of signs, namely, Cancer and Capricorn, Gemini and Sagittarius, Taurus and Scorpio. In these three pairs of signs we may read the history of human evolution and religion, in the early, the middle and the latter third of the Atlan- tean Epoch. In the other three pairs of signs : Aries and Libra, Pisces and Virgo, Aquarius and Leo; we find the key to man's development during the Aryan Epoch. This is also divisible into three distinct periods, namely: the Aryan Age, from Moses to Christ, which comes under Aries-Libra; the Piscean Age, which takes in the last two thousand years un- der Pisces- Virgo Catholicism, and the two thousand years which are ahead of us, called the Aquarian Age, where the signs Aquarius and Leo are illum- inated and vivified by the solar precession, for the upliftment of the Son of Man (Aquarius), by the Christ within, the Lion of Judah (Leo), to the estate of Superman. It must not be thought, however, that the Atlan- tean Epoch only lasted while the Sun by precession went through Cancer, Gemini, and Taurus, a period EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 13 of only six thousand and a few hundred years; far from it; but there are spirals within spirals and re- capitulation takes place in the epochs and races, so that we may know what is the general destiny by looking at the Sun's passage through these signs and therewith taking this import and symbolism into con- sideration. It may also be said that the further we advance the smaller do the spirals become, the shorter the time in which a given improvement is made, be- cause of the proficiency we attained in former ages, and therefore it is extremely probable that this pres- ent is the last lap, that the coming Aquarian Age is the final preparatory school day which will fit us for the new age, the Sixth Epoch, and that will begin when the Sun by precession enters Capricorn. This, of course, would mean that the Second Advent must take place just before that time, ana though it seems to us that so many signs point that way, this is a mere surmise and may not have any truth in it at all. Thousands of people have been misled during all the ages that we know of, to think that Christ would soon be here ; it is, however, better that we are looking forward to it than if we should say with some, that it will never take place. In that case the Great Day will find us unprepared and we should find ourselves among the stragglers who are unfit to attend the wedding feast of the higher Self to the lower because lacking the "soul- body ' ' which is the ' ' wedding garment ' ' that enfolds them. 14 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Cancer-Capricorn (HE V3) The Sun's passage by precession through the sphere of Cancer with its opposite sign Capricorn, designates the early third of the Atlantean period, which was intensely watery, as the whole earth was surrounded by a dense drenching fog, and the Niebe- lung, or "Children of the Mist," lived then in the basins of the Earth. Cancer was not then repre- sented by the same symbol as today ; in ancient times, it was pictorially figured as a beetle or scarab. This was the signature of the soul, for then mankind was much less body than soul. The sign Cancer is watery in its nature, and the fish part of Capricorn in the opposite also helps to symbolize this state of life under water when the Sun went through the watery sign Cancer by precession. The Moon, the planet of fecundation, points mystic- ally to this period of germination, when mankind first commenced to exercise the Creative function at the dictates of desire inculcated by the Lucifer Spir- its. Thus they opened the Gate of physical Life through Cancer, and strayed into the terrestrial sphere, but opposite stood Saturn, the ruler of Cap- ricorn, ready to slay them with his scythe, and usher them through the Gate of Death back into the spir- itual realms where they are at home. Capricorn was the opposite of Cancer and em- bodied the ideal that as the goat climbs the moun- tains so man must leave the basin of Atlantis and come up from the mist. EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 15 Gemini-Sagittarius ( U t ) Our condition during the middle third of the Atlantean Epoch is illustrated in the Sun's passage through the sign Gemini, the twins, which aptly rep- resent infant humanity. During this age the division of soul from soul by the veil of flesh, which we call the body, became more noticeable, for the atmosphere had already cleared to a considerable extent, and the faculties of the spirit had become more focused in its physical instrument. With this delusion of the personal self, there came at once the idea of 'me' and 'thee', 'mine' and 'thine', our individual inter- ests commenced to clash with those of others, so that a tragedy such as that recorded between Cain and Abel became possible. Nor was the shedding of blood confined to human beings, for we learn from the Bible that "Nimrod was a mighty hunter". This savage ideal was expressed in the Celestial Centaur, Sagittarius, with his bow and arrow. But both of these pairs of opposites: Cancer- Capricorn and Gemini-Sagittarius, may be consid- ered pre-historic hieroglyphics of a development ac- complished in Sidereal years, long past, though none the less important on that account. Our own times, with the development prescribed for them, are sym- bolically represented in the four pairs of signs within the fixed cross: the Bull, the Lion, the Serpent and the Man. For that reason the two pairjs of opposites com- prising the fixed signs, Taurus-Scorpio, and Leo- 16 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Aquarius, are mentioned in the Bible, and we shall find that our modern systems of religion are full of allusions to the signs which lie between them, namely, the three pairs of opposites: Aries-Libra, Pisces- Virgo, and Aquarius-Leo. These three pairs of oppo- sites are, as already stated, emblematic of the devel- opment in the early third of the Aryan Epoch, the Sun by precession went through the sign Aries, the middle third of the Aryan Epoch finds the Sun in Pisces, by precession, and during the last third of this Epoch the Sun will go through the sign Aqua- rius. Then the solstitial point Capricorn will see the inauguration of a new cycle or age. The spiritual preparation for this development commenced about thirteen thousand B. C. when the Sun by precession, was in the sign Libra, the Bal- ance, the last time, and different phases of this germ- inal impregnation of the people then living were carried on during the precessional travel of the Sun through Virgo, Leo, and culminated in Cancer about eight thousand B. C. when the last of Atlantis was destroyed by water, substantially as related by the Egyptian priests to Plato, and we shall see presently how those germinal ideals, given to humanity in those far, by-gone days have grown and flowered into fac- tors of human development and spiritual Standards of the greatest importance. Taurus-Scorpio ( b Til ) In the latter third of Atlantis, Egoism had df- EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 17 veloped to a far greater degree than before, the spir- itual sight had been lost by the larger majority of the people who then lived entirely on the material plane and gloried particularly in their material pos- sessions. The Bull was very properly worshiped by them, it was an emblem of strength necessary to conquer the material world. It was, on account of its pro- digious strength, an invaluable aid in all their work. The proverb about "the flesh pots of Egypt" has remained illustrative to the present day, to show how abundantly that animal supplies their physical need of food, and the milk of the female was also an important article of diet. The possession of many cattle was therefore ardently desired by the ancient infant nations, and the worship of the Bull was in- augurated under the solar precession through Tau- rus during earlier, sidereal years, and was continued to the comparatively modern times, when the Sun by precession went through the sign of the Celestial Bull for the last time. At that point when the Sun entered the sign ot the Lamb, Aries, the Aryan religions were inaugur- ated. The Religion of the Lamb is to hold sway for the next sidereal year, while the Sun by precession passes around the twelve signs of the Zodiac, as the religion of the Bull has held dominion during the previous celestial year from the time the Sun entered Taurus, until it left the same sign on its next passage. New religions, however, are not revealed in their 18 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS fullness at the beginning; they are started and go through a period of gestation long before the religion which they are to succeed comes into material exist- ence, and similarly, an ancient religion about to be abrogated survives long after the religion which suc- ceeds it has become the official source for upliftment of humanity. The original Semites, chosen to inaug- urate the worship of the Lamb, Aries, during the Aryan Epoch, were taken from 'Egypt,' the home of the Bull 'Taurus.' Not our modern 'Egypt' however. The story of Pharaoh, who en- deavored to prevent their emigration and was drowned, has reference to Atlantis which was sub- merged thousands of years before Moses is supposed to have made his escape with the Israelites through the 'Red Sea.' The facts underlying the story are that a multitude of people left the land where the bull 'Taurus' was worshiped, (Atlantis or Egypt) whose inhabitants were drowned, to seek a 'prom- ised land' beyond the water which then engulfed an 'ungodly nation.' There they were dedicated to worship the 'Lamb' Aries. This lamb had been slain in 'Egypt' (Atlantis) ; through its blood these pio- neers had been preserved from death, and- it was thus "the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the (present) World" which we call the Aryan Epocli. Noah's escape presents another phase of the same occurrence relating that the mists which had envel- oped Atlantis condensed to rain, and flooded the basins of the earth, leaving a clear atmosphere in EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC Ifr which the Rainbow was seen for the first time at the opening of the New Age, the Aryan Epoch, where a new Covenant was made with the pioneers of the polity then ushered in. Atlantis was the home of the Bull, Taurus, and when the Sun, by precession, was leaving that sign the last time, the Religion of the Lamb Aries was definitely ushered in. Thenceforth, the worship of the Bull was abrogated and when any of the pioneer race, brought out from the ancient Atlantean dis- pensation by the blood of the Lamb, Aries, backslid and worshiped the Taurean 'Calf, they acted con- trary to the law of progress and were therefore 'Idolaters', and an abomination to the divine hier- archs whose task it was to guide them during the ages preceding the advent of Christ. On account, of repeated transgressions many were 'lost', and they are the Jews of today who still retain their Atlantean traits (see 'Cosmo Conception). Apart from the Astrological key, the Bible is: truly a closed book, but with this key, the matter is different. In the Old Testament reference is made to two classes of animals: Bulls, which were Tau- rean, and Sheep and Goats, which were Arian. These alone were used as Sacrifices. ( Turtle doves were permitted as a concession to poverty). All the prin- cipal characters of the Old dispensation were shep- herds (Arian) and Christ also announces Himself as the Great Shepherd. In the New Testament we find another animal, 20 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the Fish, attaining great prominence, and the apos- tles were called to be 'Fishers of Men,' for then the sun by precession was nearing the cusp of Pisces, the Fish, and Christ spoke of the time when the Son of Man (Aquarius) shall come. Thus our evo- lutionary journey is mapped out in the hidden astro- logical allusions of the Bible. The student now has a line on the march of events, which it is well to keep in mind. Jesus taught the multitudes in parables but ex- plained the mysteries of the Kingdom to His disci- ples. Paul gave meat to the strong, but the milk of doctrine to the multitude, for there has always been an exoteric and an esoteric side in every religion. If we take Taurus, the sign of the Bull, to symbolize the worship of that animal as practiced in Egypt, Persia and other countries at that time, then we shall find that the opposite sign, Scorpio, symbolizes the esoteric doctrine of the priesthood, which were the guardians of these ancient Atlantean Mysteries. In this connection we will note first that the sign Scorpio is represented in the pictorial Zodiac by a ;Scorpion or Serpent, and we wish to impress par- ticularly on the student's mind that the Scorpion "has its sting in the tail, while the Serpent has the venom in its teeth. This is very significant, as we shall see presently. On looking up the word "serpent" in the Bible, we shall find that there are about seven words that have thus been translated; but one of them, which EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 21 was borrowed from Egypt, is Naja. This word is found on the old tablets in the ancient temples of Egypt where Osiris, the Sun God, is hailed when arising from the primordial deep. He was then crowned with glory and has the Urasus Naja, an emblem of cosmic wisdom. The Urasus was a part of a serpent's body, with its head protruding from a point in the forehead just above the nose, where the human spirit has its seat; and Christ therefore referred to the ancient Serpent-Initiates, when He said: "Be ye wise as serpents." In ancient Egypt the King wore a crown adorned by a double serpent, Uraeus or Naja, which seems to protrude from his forehead when the crown was placed upon his head. This was to symbolize the fact that he held the double office of King and Priest by virtue of his sublime wisdom. In India, also, the guardians of the Mystery Teachings were called Nagas or Serpents. In the Icelandic 'Eddas", the Northern Vedas, Siegfried, the truth seeker, slays the serpent, tastes of its blood and then becomes wise. Nor, to elaborate on the statement made above, is it necessary to go outside our own religion for proof that the serpent is the symbol of wisdom, for the Christ Himself said: "Be ye wise as serpents." The serpent is certainly not sufficiently sagacious to warrant a literal meaning of this saying; but when we understand that when the creative fire is drawn upwards through the serpentine spinal cord it vi- brates the pituitary body and the pineal gland, con- 22 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS necting the Ego with the invisible worlds by opening up a hidden sense, the allusion is perfectly clear. There is, however, a lower phase of spiritual development, symbolized in ancient times by placing the Uraeus or serpent at the navel, to show that the mediumistic faculties in the solar plexus had been developed. Mediumship is a negative phase of spir- itual sight or hearing possessed by a person con- trolled by an outside intelligence who then prophe- sies. This undesirable phase of seership was repre- sented in the Zodiac by the symbol of the Scorpion, which has the sting in its tail. In the Serpent Initiate the Creative Cosmic Fire was drawn up- ward through the head to serve a spiritual end; in the Medium the creative energy is expressed for selfish, sensual ends through the procreative organ ruled by Scorpio. The point between the eyebrows, whence the serpent of wisdom protrudes, is the seat of life, whereas all that opens the womb is subject to the sting of death, contained in the Scorpion's tail. If we now turn w r ith this information to our Bible, we shall find that a great many things, pre- viously obscure, will become clear. As said, the Egyptian word for this Uragus or serpent is Naja and it was borrowed by the Israelites who expressed the negative faculty of mediumship by affixing the feminine ending "oth": Naioth, while those who are able to function consciously in the spiritual worlds were given the positive, male plural ending "im," EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 23 and were called Nairn. If we read the nineteenth chapter of first Samuel with this understanding we shall readily see that the incident there narrated was of a mediumistic nature. David had become afraid of Saul and he went with Samuel to "Naioth." This is supposed by Bible translators to be a place, and maybe a village was so named. But if that was the case, it was because the people who lived in that place were Naioth, or mediums. They were called prophets in the chapter before us, and it is signifi- cant that as soon as anyone came within their camp, he commenced to prophesy or speak under control. Even Saul, who came there, anxious to get David away that he might slay him, was seized by the spirits and prophesied, to the amazement of all present. In the New Testament we are told that the Chirst went to the city of Nain and there raised the Son of a Widow. In the Latin Testament, this city was not called Nain, but Nairn. And it is very sig- nificant that all three, Nairn, Naioth and Endor, where the sorceress that assisted Saul is supposed to have lived, are in the same locality by Mount Tabor. Every Free Mason knows that the brethren of that Order are called "Sons of the Widow." And it is stated in the Bdble that Hiram Abiff, the Master Builder of Solomon's Temple, was the Son of a Widow, a cunning craftsman. We cannot in the present article repeat the Masonic Legend which tells 24 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the reason why. This we have given in the books on "Free-Masonry and Catholicism" and also in our book on the Rosicrucian Philosophy. But suffice it to say that in the Bible story to which reference has been made, we have one of the Nairn, a Widow's Son or initiate of the old Serpent School, for the priests of Egypt were "pliree messen," children of light. Each had within, the ancient Serpent Wis- dom. But a new religion was being inaugurated, and it was necessary to raise the ancient Initiates to the Mysteries of the Coming Age. Therefore the Christ, the Lion of Judah, Lord of the new Kingdom, went to the Widow's Son of Nairn and raised him up by the strong grip of the Lion's paw. And we may here emphasize that the first Initiate under the new system was Hiram Abiff, the highest Initiate of the old system, who, by this new initiation given him by the Christ, became a Christian, pledged to bear the Rose and the Cross, which were the symbols of the New Mystery Teachings of the Western World and he was then given the symbolical name: Chris- tian Rosenkreuz. Thus from the time when the Sun enters the sign Aries by precession, it became a crime for the chosen people to worship the bull exoterically, or to partake of the esoteric Serpent wisdom. And for a similar reason it is Idolatry when people of the West take up the Eastern religions, Hindooism, Buddhism and kindred teachings. For in the Aryan Epochs, only the Aryan Religions, the religions of EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 25 the Lamb, have the proper effect on the human evo- lution. All previous systems are detrimental to the Western people ; and in time those also who are now in the East, the Orientals, will be forced to em- brace this religion, or be left far behind in evolution. THE ARYAN AGE Aries Libra (T ^=) The Aryan Age may be divided into three eras; but they are all served by the religion of the Lamb. The first division covers the time when the Sun, by precession, goes through the sign Aries, the Lamb. Jesus was born when the Vernal equinox was in about seven degrees of Aries; so the twenty degrees which lie on the other side belong to the Old Testa- ment period, when, as we say, the chosen people were in captivity and lost in the wilderness of the w r orld ; the new religion had not then found its place. Then the Christ came and inaugurated this new teach- ing definitely. He came not to destroy the old pro- phets and the law, but to give us something higher when they shall have been fulfilled. The sign op- posite Aries is Libra, the scales or balance of Jus- tice; and therefore we are told in the new religion that there will come a day of judgment (=a=), when Christ shall appear to give to every man according to the deeds done in the body. Pisces Virgo (^ Tlfl) Christ was the Great Shepherd (T), but He 26 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS called His disciples to be "fishers of men," for the Sun by precession was then leaving the sign of the Lamb and entering Pisces, the sign of the fishes. Therefore a new phase of the Aryan religion was opening up. The Bishop's mitre is also in the form of a fish's head. The New Testament, therefore, does not mention the Bull or the Lamb, but references to the fishes are numerous. We also find the celestial virgin (n) prominent and the wheat ear of Virgo is the Bread of Life, resultant from the immaculate purity. Thus Christ fed the multitude on fish (Pisces) and loaves (Virgo). Before the time of Christ, the new religion of the Lamb (Aries), could get no foothold. Moses, the erstwhile leader, could not bring the chosen people to the "promised land." That was reserved for Joshua, the son of Nun. Joshua is the Hebraic for "Jesus" and the Hebrew word "Nun" means "fish" (Pisces). It was thus foretold that -the re- ligion of the Lamb ( T ) would attain prominence during the precessional passage of the Sun through the sign Pisces, the fishes. This prophecy has been fulfilled, for during the two thousand years which have elapsed since the birth of Jesus, the Western religion has been taught by a celibate priesthood, worshiping an immaculate virgin, symbolized by the celestial sign Virgo, which is the opposite of Pisces. This same priesthood has also enjoined the eating of fish and forbidden the use EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 27 of flesh ( T 8 ) on certain days. When the children of Israel left the flesh pots of Egypt, where the Bull ( b ) was slain, they left it by the blood of the Lamb ( T ) . But in the Piscean dispensation no shedding of blood is enjoined and flesh eating is condemned as a sin at certain times, for man is now taught to forsake the lusts of the flesh and also lusting after the flesh. This ideal was tried under the Aryan dispensa- tion, when the chosen people were yet in the Wilder, ness, so called, but without success; they would not have the heavenly manna. Now, however, man is being weaned from the cannibalistic practice, and in the seven hundred years which remain before the Aquarian age is definitely ushered in, we will, in all probability, have made great strides, both in over- coming the lust of the flesh and the lust after the flesh. For Virgo, the immaculate celestial virgin, and the ears of wheat contained in the sign, show both these ideals as profitable to soul growth at the present time. Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and philanthropy, which rules Pisces, has been a promi- nent factor in promoting altruism during the past two milleniums. Aquarius Leo ( ? SI ) It is often said, and rightly so, that the boy is father of the man. And on the same principle we may say that the Son of Man is the Super-Man; therefore, when the Sun by precession enters the 28 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS celestial sign Aquarius, the water-bearer, we shall have a new phase of the religion of the Lamb, ex- oterically ; and the ideal to be striven for is shown in the opposite sign, Leo. The Moon, which is the habitat of the autocratic Race Ruler and Lawgiver, Jehovah, is exalted in Taurus, the sign of the Bull, and all Race religions, even the Mosaic phase of the Aryan religion of the Lamb, demanded a sacrificial victim for every trans- gression of that law. But the Sun is exalted in Aries, and when the great Sun spirit, Christ, came as High Priest of the Aryan religion, He abrogated sacrifice of others by offering up Himself as a per- petual sacrifice for sin. By looking to the mother ideal of Virgo during the Piscean Age, and following the Christ's example of sacrificial service, the immaculate conception be- comes an actual experience to each of us, and Christ, the Son of Man, Aquarius, is born within us. Thus, gradually, the third phase of the Aryan religion will be ushered in and a new ideal will be found in the Lion of Judah, Leo. Courage of conviction, strength of character and kindred virtues make man truly the King of Creation, worthy of the trust and the con- fidence of the lower orders of life as well as of the love of the Divine Hierarchs above. This, the mystic message of Man's evolution, is marked in naming characters upon the field of heaven, where he who runs may read. And when we study the revealed purpose of God, we shall in turn EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIAC 29 Icam to conform intelligently to that design, thereby hastening the day of emancipation from our present cramped environment to the perfect liberty of free Spirits, risen superior to the law of Sin and Death, through Christ, the Lord of Love and Life. It is for us to decipher this message, and solve the Riddle of the Universe. CHAPTER II. THE MEASURE OF AMENABILITY TO PLANETARY VIBRATIONS WHEN judging a horoscope it is of prime im- portance that we take into consideration the so- cial and racial standing of the individual, for configu- rations which are of great significance in the horo- scope of an educated Caucasian, may mean little or nothing in the figure of a Chinese Coolie and vice versa. Neglect of this factor would inevitably lead to false conclusions, as we shall now explain. It is a mystic maxim that the lower in the scale of evolution a being is placed the more certainly it responds to the planetary rays, and conversely the higher we ascend in the scale of attainment the more the man conquers and rules his stars, freeing himself from the leading strings of the Divine Hier- archies. This yoke was not, however, placed upon man in order to restrain him needlessly, but just as we in our ordinary life restrain a child from doing things in ignorance, which would hurt it, and maybe cripple it for life, so also are we restrained by the Divine Hierarchies through the planetary aspects in such a manner that we do not hurt ourselves be- yond recovery in the Great School of Life. 30 PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 31 But coupled with this guidance there is of course the measure of free Will, which grows as we evolve. The child in our midst has really very little free will, it is subjected not only to its parents but to the servants, if such there be in the household, and to everybody with whom it is associated, all exercise control over it for its own good. As the child grows, this measure of restraint is by degrees relaxed, in the course of years the child will learn to exercise its free will. This method has been followed by the Divine Hierarchies in the case of man. Infant Hu- manity was absolutely guided by Divine rules with- out having any Will at all, "Thus shalt thou do, or not do," were injunctions laid upon them which must be implicitly obeyed, otherwise the Divine dis- pleasure was at once shown by such strenuous mani- festations as appealed to infant humanity's mind, namely, lightning, thunder, earth-quakes and great visitations of plagues. This was for their collective guidance; for individual restraint there were strict laws, commandments and ordinances. Tribute must be paid continually to the Divine Leader and offered up on the altar as sacrifices, and for every offense against the law a certain sacrifice of material goods must be made. Fear was the dominant keynote of that dispensation: for "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of righteousness." This regime was car- ried on under the planetary conditions of Mars and the Moon. Mars being the home of the dominant Lucifer Spirits, gave to mankind the energy neces- 32 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS sary that evolution may be accomplished; this mar- tial energy was of the very greatest importance, par- ticularly of course in the earlier stages. The Moon, which is the home of the Angels, under their Divine Leader Jehovah, gave to infant humanity that child- like brain-mind which is amenable to rulership, and bends itself readily before authority. These with Saturn were the only planetary rays which affected mankind as a whole during the Le- murian epoch, and if a horoscope were erected for any of the people who lived then, it would be un- necessary to enter the places of the other planets, because they could not respond to their rays. Even today a great part of mankind has not evolved very far beyond that point, a large class, particularly among those we speak of as the lower races, and even the lower classes of our western world are dominated principally by these planetary rays. Under their impulses they act with automatic certainty in a specific manner, and it is possible to predict exactly what they will do under a certain aspect of these planets, because they live entirely in their emotions and are scarcely, if at all, responsive to the intellec- tual vibrations of Mercury. Neither can they ap- preciate such emotions as signified by Venus or its octave, Uranus; they respond solely to the lower na- ture, the animal passions. They move under the im- pulses of Mars and the Moon respecting sex and sus- tenance. Their pleasures are of the lowest and most sensual nature, they live like animals. Altogether PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 33 in the physical, their creed is eat, drink and be merry. Their desires may be expressed as "wine and women," for they have not yet awakened to the charm of song, neither has beauty had a chance to enchant the savage heart at this stage of development for that comes from the Venus rays which are be- yond such people. Woman is to the man of that stage only a beast of burden and a convenience. Meanwhile "Father Time" represented by the planet Saturn, keeps the score, and wields over them the whiplash of necessity to drive them forward on the evolutionary path, meting out to each the fruits of his labor at the harvest time between lives. When the man has cultivated the savage virtues of bravery, physical endurance, etc., he dreams in the post-mor- tem existence of new fields to conquer, he sees where he was lacking and why his desires were frus- trated because of lack of implements. Gradually the constructive martial ray and the Saturn cunning fertilize the lunar brain which he is building, so that in time he learns to make the crude implements nec- essary for the attainment of his primitive ambitims. Even today we see the same cunning traits of char- acter, the same crude crafts displayed in and by the lower races for the purpose of irrigating land, min- ing ores or milling grain. All those earliest imple- ments were the result of the planetary rays of Sat- urn, Moon and Mars, impinging on the primitive biuin of infant humanity. A little further along the path of evolution, in 34 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the Atlantean epoch, the Lords of Venus and the Lords of Mercury came to the earth for the purpose of giving a further impulse to the mental and emo- tional development. It was the task of Venus to combat the lower emotions and raise the brutish ani- mal passion of Mars to the softer and more beautiful Venus-love. She was to add beauty to strength, and to attain that ideal the Lords of Venus fostered the plastic arts, painting and sculpture, these were not taught men of the general public at that time; the ideals which are to be developed in a race are al- ways first taught to the most advanced ones in a mystery temple, and at that time initiation included no spiritual instruction, but consisted of an educa- tion in the liberal arts. Sculpture taught how the beautiful may be incorporated in physical form. It called attention to the body and idealized the softly curved lines. The result is now incorporated in our own race body, for it should be thoroughly under- stood that in a mystery school an ideal is not taught today simply to be forgotten tomorrow or the next generation, but ideals are inculcated so that in time they may become a part of the very life, soul and body of the race. Compare the race body of the Indian, the Bush-man, the Hottentots, etc., with that of the modern civilized man, and you will find that there is indeed beauty added to strength. It may be objected that we are degenerating compared with what is shown in the Hellenic Arts, but that is positively not so, it is rather that we PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 35 have not yet attained to that highest ideal. In an- cient Greece the mystery temples occupied a much more prominent position than today, the beautiful form was idolized to the detriment of the mind not- withstanding the fact that she had a Plato and a Socrates. The Lords of Mercury who had charge of the development of mind, at the time when the Lords of Venus exercised their great influence on the emotions, had not then been able to make a uni- versally strong impression on the early humanity. We are well aware even today that it hurts to think, but it is easy to follow the emotions. At the pres- ent time the middle class of the west is much fur- ther advanced than the ancient Greeks because of the influence of these two planetary rays in our lives. Woman naturally excels in the highly im- aginative Venus faculty, because of her part in th& creative function which aids in moulding the body of the race. On that account her figure has the 1 graceful curves which naturally express beauty, while man has the worldly-wise intellect fostered by the Lords of Mercury, and is the exponent of reason, the creative agency of physical progress in the world's work. We always long for, admire, and aspire to what we lack. In days of savagery when kicks and cuffs were her daily fare woman longed for a caress from her lord. The Venus ray gave her beauty and made her an adept in the feminine arts which have conquer- ed the masculine heart, so that now he plays the 36 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS role of protector on the plea that woman is not men- tally competent ; meanwhile he is becoming that which he admires in her; he is more gentle and kind, Venus is conquering Mars, but the Mercury delusion of intellectual superiority needs another in- fluence to conquer it. And this woman is now at- tracted by the aspiration. As she mastered martial brutality by Venus beauty, so also, will she free her- self from Mercurial bondage by Uraman intuition. To primitive man, driven by the whip-lash of Saturnine necessity, when not by the animal lust and passions of Mars and the Moon the World looks gloomy. Fear is the key-note of his extistence; fear of animals ; fear of other men ; fear of the naturt force.s; fear of everything around him. He must ver be watchful and on the alert, vigilance is eter- nally the price of safety. But when evolution makes him amenable to the influence of Venus and Mer- cury, they soften his emotions and brighten the men- tality; he begins to feel love and reason as factors in life. The Sun also begins to brighten his outlook upon life, and sunshine in the nature of man dur- ing this phase of his evolution partly dispels the cloud of Saturn. Thus, by degrees, as he evolves and becomes responsive to the music of the spheres, one ; string after another in the celestial harp strikes the kindred chord in the human soul and makes him amenable to its vibrations, so that as a tuning fork which is struck, awakens the music in other tuning forks of even pitch within reasonable distance, the PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 37 planets in our solar system have in evolutionary suc- cession struck various chords that have found an echo in the human heart. But the strings on the celestial Lyre of Apollo are not all in harmony, some are in actual discord, and while man responds to some he must necessarily remain, at least partially, unresponsive to others. In fact, before it is possible to respond perfectly to the rays of Venus it is necessary for man to conquer Mars to a considerable degree, and bring him under control so that certain undesirable martial traits in his nature will be kept in the background, while oth- ers, which may be valuable, are retained. The Venus love which is willing to give all for the loved ones cannot dwell side by side in the heart with the Mars ray which demands all for self. Therefore the sav- age must learn to conquer himself in a certain measure ere he may become the more civilized fam- ily man of modern times. Under the unrestrained passionate rays of Mars and the Moon, parents bring children into the world and leave them to take care of themselves almost as animals do, for they are pro- ducts of animal passion. The females are bought and sold as a horse or cow or else taken by force and car- ried away. Even so late as the mediaeval dark ages, the knight often carried away his bride by force of arms, practically in the same manner that the male animals battle for the possession of the female at mating time. Thus we see that the first step toward civiliza- 38 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tion requires that a man conquer one or more of the planets to a certain degree at least. Unbridled pas- sion such as generated by the primitive Mars rays is no more permissible under the regime of mod- ern civilization, neither is the tenet that "might is right" any longer admissible, save in wars when we return to barbarism. The Mars quality of physical prowess, that at one time made it a virtue to attack others and take away property, is no longer admir- ed in the individual. It is punished by various means, according to law, though it is still effective as far as nations are concerned, who go to war under this primitive impulse in order to secure territorial aggrandizement. However, as said, Mars has been conquered to a great degree in civil and social life in order that the Venus love might take the place of the Mars passion. As previously noted, the children of primitive man Avere left to their own resources, as soon as they had been taught to defend themselves in physical warfare. With the advent of Mercury another method is observable. The battle of life nowadays, is no longer fought with physical weapons alone. Brain, rather than brawn determines success. There- fore the period of education has been lengthened as mankind advanced, and it aims principally at men- tal accomplishments because of the Mercurial rays which accompany the Venus development of mod- ern civilization. Thus man sees nature from a more sunny side when he has learned to respond to the PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 39 Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Saturn, even if only in a very slight measure. But although these various stages of evolution have gradually brought man under the dominance of a number of planetary rays, the development has been one-sided, for it has aimed to foster interest solely in things over which he has a proprietary right: liis business, his house, Ms family, 7m cattle, farm, etc., are all vitally important, and must be taken care of. His possessions must be increased, if possible, no matter what happens to the possess- ions, family, etc., belonging to anyone else, that is not his concern. But before he can reach to a high- er stage of evolution it is necessary that this desire to appropriate the earth, and retain it for himself if possible, must give way to a desire to benefit his fellowmen. In other words, Egoism must give way to Altruism, and just as Saturn by wielding the whip lash of necessity over him in his primitive days brought him up to his present point of civilization, so also Jupiter, the planet of altruism, is destined to raise him from the state of man to superman where he will come under the Uranian ray in respect to his emotional nature, where passion generated by Mars will be replaced by Compassion, and where the childlike consciousness of Lunar origin is replaced by a Cosmic consciousness of the Neptunian ray. And therefore the advent into our lives of the Jupi- terian ray marks a very distinct advance in the hu- man development. As taught in the Rosicrucian 40 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Cosmo-Conception, we are to advance from our pres- ent Earth period into the Jupiter period, and there- fore the Jupiterian ray marks that high stage of al- truism which will then be a prominent factor in our relations, one with the other, and it will be readily understood that before we can really respond to the rays of Jupiter we must in a measure cultivate al- truism, and conquer the Egoism that comes through the Mercurial reasoning power. We have learned to conquer some of the phases of Mars and the Moon, we may have also learned to conquer some of the lower phases of Mercury and Venus; the more we have overcome these the better we shall be able to respond to the highest vibratory forces emanating from these planets; yes, if we strive earnestly we shall some day be able to overcome even the highest stage of the Venus love, that always attaches itseli to an object which is owned by us. We love our children because they are ours ; we love our husbands and wives because they belong to us; we take pride, Venusian pride, in their moral characteristics or Mercurial pride in their accomplishments, but Christ set a higher standard: "Unless a man leave his fa- ther and mother he can not be my disciple." The idea that we should neglect our fathers and mothers or that we must hate them in order to follow Him was far from His mind, of course, but father and mother are only bodies; the soul that inhabits this body of the father and mother is to be loved, not the mere physical garment. Our love should be the PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 41 same whether the person 'is old or young, ugly or beautiful. We should look for the beauty of the soul, for the universal relationship of all souls and not mind so much the relationship of the bodies. Who is my mother and my brothers, said the Christ, and pointed to his disciple.s, those who were at one with Him in that great work. They were closer to Him than anyone else could be, because of the mere phys- ical relationship. This attitude constitutes an up- ward step from the Venus love which places the em- phasis on the physical garments of the loved ones and leaves out of consideration the soul that is with- in. The Jupiterian love on the other hand takes cog- nizance only of the soul, regardless of the body it wears. The Mercurial or reasoning phase of men- tality is also changed by response to the altruistic Ju- piter. Cold calculation is out of the question. One who feels the expansive ray of Jupiter is big heart- ed, first, last and all the time, and in every respect ; big hearted where his emotions are concerned, his love; big hearted where all the things of the world are concerned. "A jovial fellow," is an apt expres- sion. He is welcomed and loved by everyone he meets because he radiates not the common selfish- ness, but a desire to benefit others that breeds in us a feeling of trust, diametrically opposed to the sense of distrust we instinctively feel when we come in contact with a Saturn-Mercury man. It is a matter of actual experience to astrolo- gers endowed with spiritual sight that every man's 42 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS planetary rays produce certain colors in his aura, in addition to the basic color which is the stamp of the race to which the man belongs. The man with the thin, sickly blues of a commingled Saturn and Mercury, is to be pitied rather than censured for the avarice and gloom which are his constant attitude of mind; he sees everything in the world through the auric mirror which he has created around himself; he feels that the world is cold, hard and selfish, that therefore it is necessary for him to be more selfish and more cold in order that he may protect himself. On the other hand, when we see the divine blue ray of Jupiter tinted with perhaps the fine gold of Uran- ia n nature we realize how differently such an exalted individual must view the world from that sordid way of seeing and judging things. Even those who have the faintest Jupiterian tinge are in a world filled with sunshine, flowers blooming, everything in nature is gay and glad. And by looking at the world through such an atmosphere they call forth from other sources a similar response, as the tuning fork previously mentioned generates in another of an even pitch. After what has been said it will not be difficult to understand that the Uranian characteristics, where love becomes compassion, give wisdom that is not dependent upon reasoning, a love that is not fixed upon one object alone, but includes all that lives and moves and has its being ; it is similar to the characteristics that are to be evolved by humanity PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 43 during the Venus period when perfect love shall have cast out all fear, when man shall have conquer- ed all the lower phases of his nature and love shall be as pure as it is universally inclusive. When these Uranian vibrations are felt by ad- vance in the higher life through aspiration, there is great danger that we may throw away the fetter of law and anticipation, before we are really ready to govern ourselves by the law of Love divine, that we may disregard the laws that are in the world, that we may not render unto Caesar that which is Ceasar's, whether in obedience or coin, that we may not be careful of avoiding the appearance of evil, that we may think that we have so far transcended the ordinary stage of humanity that we can live as super-humans, that the passion of Mars has in our case been changed to Uranian compassion, which is sexless, and under these misapprehensions, many people who endeavor to tread the path disregard the laws of marriage and enter into relationships as soul- mate and affinity. They feel the Uranian ray, but cannot quite respond to its sublime purity, there- fore they experience a counterfeit Venusian sensa- tion which usually ends in adultery and sex-perver- sion, so that instead of the natural animal passion of Mars having been transmuted to the compassion of Uranus it has as a matter of fact, degenerated into something that is far worse than the fullest sex ex- pression of the martial rays committed in a frank and proper manner. This is a danger that cannot be 44 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS too strictly guarded against and it behooves every- one who endeavors to live the higher life not to try to aspire to the Uranian rays until he at first be- come.s thoroughly imbued with the altruistic vibra- tions of Jupiter, for more misery is brought into the world by those who have aspired too high and fallen low, than by those who are not .sufficiently as- piring. Pride goes before a fall, is an ancient and very true proverb, which it behooves every one of us to take to heart. The Christ took part in the marriage at Cana. Marriage is a regular Christian institution, and must exist until abolished in the kingdom to come, because the bodies we have will not wear out and therefore there will be no need of marriage to generate new ones. Let it also be understood that although the min- ister who marries cannot mate, the finding of the mate should be done before the marriage ceremony is undertaken and not after. As we have seen in the foregoing; Mars, Venus and Uranus mark three stages in the emotional de- velopment of man. During the stage where he is only amenable to Mars, animal passion reigns su- preme and he seeks unrestricted gratification of all his lower desires in the intercourse with his fellow- man but particularly with the opposite sex; during the stage where he becomes amenable to the rays of Venus, love softens the brutality of his desires and the animal passions are somewhat held in leash; he is even, under the higher phases of this planet, ready PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 45 to sacrifice himself and his desires for the benefit and comfort of the loved ones. When he has evolved to the point where he can feel the rays of Uranus, the passion of Mars gradually turns to compassion ; there the love of Venus which is only for one particular person, becomes all inclusive so that it embraces all humankind regardless of sex or any other distinction, for it is the divine love of soul for soul which is above all material considerations of whatever nature. The mentality also evolves through three stages according to the amenability of the person to the vibrations of the Moon, Mercury and Neptune. While man is only amenable to the lunar influence, he is childlike and easily guided by the higher pow- ers, which have led him through the various stages mentioned in our previous chapters. Under the stellar ray of Mercury he gradually develops his in- tellectual powers and becomes a reasoning being. As such, he is placed under the law of cause and effect, made responsible for his own actions, so that he may reap what he has sown and learn thereby the ex- perience.s that life has to teach him under the pres- ent regime. Being inexperienced, he makes mistakes in whatever direction indicated by the afflictions to Mercury in his horoscope and consequently he suf- fers a corresponding penalty of sorrow and trouble. If he has not the mentality to reason on the connec- tion between his mistakes and the sad experiences growing from them, during his life time, the pano- rama of life, which unfolds in the post-mortem 46 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS state, makes this clear, and leaves with him an es- sence of "right feeling" which we know as "con- science. ' ' This conscience keeps him from repeating past mistakes, when the feeling generated has become suf- ficiently strong to overbalance the tendency to yield to the particular temptation which caused him suf- fering. Thus he gradually develops a spiritual con- sciousness which is above and beyond human reason, but which nevertheless is also connected with reason in such a manner that when the result has been reached, the man who has this Cosmic Consciousness knows the reason why such and such a thing is and must be, or why he ought to take a certain action. This Cosmic Consciousness is developed under the ray of Neptune and differs from that intuitional right feeling developed under the ray of Uranus in the very important fact that while the person who has developed the Uranian quality of intuition ar- rives at the truth instantaneously without the ne- cessity of thinking over the matter or reasoning, he is unable to give anything but the result ; he cannot connect the various steps of logical sequence where- by the final result was reached. The man or woman, however, who develops the Neptune faculty, also has the result of any question immediately and is able to tell the reason why that result is the proper and right one. The Faculty of intuition built up from the Mar- tial base of passion, through the Venusian stage of PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 47 love, and the Uranian ray of compassion, depends upon the ability of the person involved to feel very intensely. By love and devotion, the heart is attuned to every other heart in the universe and in this way it knows and feels all that may be known and felt by any other heart in the universe, thus it shares the divine omniscience that binds Our Father in Heaven to His children and through the direct heart to heart touch with that omniscience the per- son obtains the result of whatever problem is placed before him. The noblest men of all ages, Christian saints of the most transcendent spirituality, have attained their wonderful development through the spiritual rays of this planet because of the intense feeling of Oneness with the divine and with all that lives and breathe.8 in the universe. But there are others who are not thus consti- tuted and they are not able to walk that path. These, through the Moon, Mercury and Neptune have de- veloped their intellect and attained the same re- sults plus the Neptunian power of idealization. This is a very important point and it is only brought out in the Western Wisdom Teachings, for while it was formerly taught that the spirit involves itself in matter and thereby crystallizes itself into form which then evolves, the Western Wisdom Teachings tell us that there is in addition a third factor in universal advancement, namely: Epigene- sis; the faculty whereby the spirit may choose a 48 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS course that is altogether new and independent of what has gone before. We see the expression of this in all kingdoms relative to form, but in the hu- man kingdom, epigenesis expresses itself as genius, a creative instinct, which makes man more akin to the divine than any other of his accomplishments. This is developed under the Neptune ray when that planet is well placed in the horoscope. There is of course also such a thing as an evil genius, a des- tructive faculty developed under an afflicted Nep- tune. Only the most sensitive people in the world feel the rays of Uranus and Neptune at the present time. To feel these vibrations the connection be- tween the dense physical body and the vital body, which is made of ether, must be rather loose for where these two vehicles are firmly 'interlocked the person is always of a materialistic turn, and cannot respond to the higher and more subtle vibrations from the spiritual world. But when the stellar rays from these two planets impinge upon a person whose vital body is loosely connected with the physical, we have what is called a sensitive. The direction and qual- ity of this faculty depends upon the placement and the aspect of the two planets mentioned however. Those who are particularly under the domination of an adverse aspect of the Uranian ray, usually de- velop the more undesirable phases of clairvoyance and mediumship. They easily become the prey of entities from the invisible world who have no regard PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 49 for their victims' desire, even if in a weak manner these should protest. Such mediums are generally used in simple trance communications and in a few cases known to the writer have lived very beautiful and happy lives because of their implicit belief in the spirits that dominated them. In these cases the spirit-controls were of a better class than usually met with. But as this Uranian faculty is built up through Mars and Venus, passion is prominent in such natures and under the influence of obsessing spirits many of these people are driven into gross immorality. Vampirism and kindred disreputable practices are also engendered by the perverse use of the Uranian ray in mediums. Neptune may be said to represent the invisible worlds in more positive aspects and those who come under the evil rays of this planet are therefore brought in touch with the most undesirable occu- pants of the invisible w r orlds. Actual obsession whereby the ow r ner of a body is deprived of his vehi- cle takes place under the ray of Neptune and no materializing seance could ever be held if it were not for this stellar vibration. Magic, white or black, can never be put to practical use save under and be- cause of this Neptunian vibration. Apart from this ray it will remain theory, speculation and book learn- ing. Therefore the Initiates of every Mystery School. Spiritual Seers who have full control of their faculty, and Astrologers are amenable in varying degrees to the ray of Neptune. The Black Magician and the 4 50 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Hypnotist, who is a twin brother to him, are also de- pendent upon the power of this stellar ray for use in their nefarious practices. The highest human development at the present time, namely: the soul unfoldment which is under- taken in the mystery temples through initiation, Is directly the result of the Neptune ray, for just as evil configurations lay men liable to assault by in- visible entities, so the good configurations of Nep- tune are particularly required to enable a man to unfold by initiation his whole soul powers and be- come a conscious agent in the invisible worlds. Let us remember, however, that good or evil config- urations are not the result of chance or luck, but the horoscope shows the tendencies of the coming life; it shows what we have earned by our past living and therefore what we are entitled to in the present life. Moreover it should always be kept in mind that fhe stars impel but do not compel; because a man or woman has an evil configuration of Neptune or Ura- nus it is not unavoidable that they should go into ac- tive evil Mediumship and Black Magic and thereby make life harder for themselves in the future. Their opportunity to do so and the temptation will come at certain times when the heavenly time markers point to the right hour on the clock of destiny. Then it is time to stand firm for the good and for the right; being forewarned through a knowledge of As- trology one is also forearmed and may the easier overcome when such an aspect culminates. PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 51 Thus we have seen that man is amenable to the planetary rays in an increasing measure as he advances through evolution, but the more highly he becomes developed spiritually the less he will allow the planets to dominate him, while the younger soul is driven unresistingly along the tide of life in what- ever direction the planetary vibrations propel him. It is the mark of the advanced soul that it keeps the true course regardless of the planetary vibra- tions. Between these two extremes there are naturally all gradations, some are amenable to the rays of one planet, more to another, and the bark of life of such men and women is driven upon the rocks of sorrow and suffering, that they may learn to evolve within themselves the will power that finally frees them from all domination by the ruling stars, as Goethe,, the great mystic said : "From every power that holds the world in chains, Man liberates himself when self-control he gains."' And it may be asked, have we run the gamut of vibrations when we have learned to respond to all the seven planets which are mythically represented as the seven strings on Apollo's Lyre? In other words is Neptune the highest vibration to which we shall yet respond? The Western Wisdom Teachings tell us that there are two more planets in the uni- verse which will be known in future ages and that these will have an influence in developing qualities of so transcendent a nature that we cannot now un- 52 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS derstand. The number of Adam, man or humanity, is nine, and there are nine rungs upon the stellar ladder by which he is ascending to God; up to the present time he has climbed only five of these rungs; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and not even the vibrations of these he has by any means learned ; Uranus and Neptune are slowly coming into our lives; they will not become active in the same manner and to the same degree that for instance, the Moon and Mars are at the present time until many ages have passed. But even when we have learned to respond to them there are two more of which we shall know something later on; it is the opinion of the writers that these are probably not felt by any except those who have graduated from the Greater Mystery School and the Hierophants of that sublime institution. In conclusion of this article on the Amenability of Man to Planetary Vibrations we quote from the Eosicrucian Mysteries the article on Light, Color and Consciousness : ' ' Truly, God is One and Undivided. He enfolds within His Being all that is, as the white light em- braces all colors. But He appears three-fold in mani- festation, as the white light is refracted in three pri- :mary colors: Blue, Yellow and Red. Wherever we ;jree these colors they are emblematical of the Father, ;Son and Holy Spirit. These three primary rays of Divine Life are diffused or radiated through the Sun and produce Life, Consciousness and Form upon PLANETARY VIBRATIONS 53 each of the seven light bearers, the planets, which are called the "Seven Spirits before the Throne." Their names are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ju- piter, Saturn and Uranus. Bode's law proves that Neptune does not yet belong to our solar system and the reader is referred to "Simplified, Scientific As- trology" by the present writer, for mathematical demonstration of this condition. "Each of the seven planets receives the light of the Sun in a different measure, according to its prox- imity to the central orb and the constitution of its atmosphere, and the beings on each, according to their stage of development have affinity for some of the solar rays. They absorb the color or colors con- gruous to them, and reflect the remainder upon the other planets. This reflected ray bears with it an impulse of the nature of the beings with which it has been in contact. Thus the divine Light and Life comes to each planet, either directly from the Sun, or reflected from its six sister planets, and as the summer breeze which has been wafted over blooming fields carries upon its silent, invisible wings the blended fragrance of a^multitude of flowers, so also the subtle influences from Tlie Garden of God bring to us the commingled impulses of all the Spirits and in that vari-colored light we live and move and have our being. "The rays which come directly from the Sun are productive of spiritual illumination ; the reflected 54 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS rays from other planets make for added conscious- ness and moral development and the rays reflected by way of the Moon give physical growth. "But as each planet can only absorb a certain quantity of one or more colors according to the gene- ral stage of evolution there, so each being upon earth, mineral, plant, animal and man can only ab- sorb and thrive upon a certain quantity of the vari- ous rays projected upon the earth. The remainder do not affect it or produce sensation any more than the blind are conscious of light and color which ex- ists everywhere around them. Therefore each be- ing is differently affected by the stellar rays, and the science of Astrology, a fundamental truth in nature, is of enormous benefit in the attainment of spiritual growth. ' ' CHAPTER III. WERE You BORN UNDER A LUCKY STAR? HAVE you ever looked through a kaleidoscope at the patterns formed there by the many little pieces of varicolored glass, and noticed how the slightest disturbance of the position changes the pattern? Also, do you realize that it will be im- possible, or almost so, to duplicate any pattern, no matter how much you were to turn; there is such a variety of effect. Similarly when you look into the heavens night after night you will notice changes among the planets, in fact such is the variety of changes that occur among them that it would be im- possible to duplicate the position which they hold relatively to one another while you are reading, for almost twenty-six thousand years. Thus in the planetary kaleidoscope there is, we might say, an in- finity of patterns. When we realize that human be- ings are entering the world constantly and that each being is stamped at the first complete breath with the planetary pattern then in the sky, everyone must necessarily be different from everybody else. Nor should this statement of the stellar influence create doubt when we consider that wireless waves of dif- ferent lengths and different pitch sent out from a 55 C6 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tiny man-made contrivance can make themselves felt and register by mechanical operations involving ex- penditure of energy many thousands of miles from their source. The planetary vibrations from those great orbs in the heavens make themselves felt mil- lions of miles as surely, as easily, and with equal certainty. We know that the angle of the solar ray determines whether it is winter or summer. We also know the effect of the Moon upon the waters, and it is within the experience of all that we feel more buoyant when the atmosphere is clear and dry than when it is moist and murky. And what determines these atmospheric conditions but the planets, the circling stars? When we look up at this planetary kaleidoscope from time to time we see in the heavens various con- figurations which are pronounced lucky or unlucky according to whether they are formed between so- called benefics alone, such as Venus, Jupiter and the Sun, or planets said to be malefic such as Saturn, Mars or Uranus. When Jupiter and Venus are in close conjunction near the midheaven, it is a foregone conclusion that those who come into the world under this configuration will enjoy a measure of good fortune far above the average, and such per- sons would therefore be considered "lucky" in the extreme. On the other hand there are times when Saturn and Mars occupy the zenith position for souls that are born to suffer. But why should one suffer and another be born WERE YOU BORN UNDER A LUCKY STAR? 57 under a lucky star? Why do the stars give good fortune to one and misfortune to others, and if we are born to "luck," whether good or bad, what is the use or where is the incentive to individual effort? If there is a law of nature which is established be- yond doubt it is surely the law of Cause and Effect. Every cause must produce an adequate effect and nothing which we see as an effect can be without a pre-existent cause. Moreover, if this is a universal law it must apply to the conditions of birth as well as to subsequent life. Following up this idea the next question is: If our birth under a lucky or un- lucky star is the effect of some prior cause, what may that be, or where and how was that cause generated? To that there can be only one answer; that we must have made the causes in some previous existence which now result in our birth under a lucky or an unlucky star. Thus by induction a belief hi As- trology requires also a belief in a previous existence as well as in future lives, for while we are now reap- ing in our horoscopes the effects of our past lives we are also by our acts laying the foundations for a new horoscope which can only be worked out in a future life.. "How closely luck is linked to merit Does never to the fool occur; Had he the wise man's stone, I swear it, The stone had no philosopher," said Mephisto sarcastically in "Faust" and it is 58 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS true. If we are born under a lucky star it shows that we have earned the good fortune thereby Indicated, by forethought, kindness, and our other virtues ex- pressed in previous lives, for we cannot have friends unless we are friendly ourselves. If we happen to have Saturn and Mars instead of Yenus and Jupi- ter near the zenith, it shows that in the past we ourselves have not been kindly and friendly or we could not now express the opposite traits. But this is just the point where the study of Astrology should help us. It shows our limitations for the present and it points out the obvious remedies and how to 'build for the future. Can the leopard change its skin 1 ? No. Can the lion cease to prey? Absolutely impos- sible. Can the flower cease to bloom or the mineral to crystallize ? Certainly not ; because they are under laws which are unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. They have neither choice nor prerogative but must obey the dictates of the group spirit which guides them along their path of evolu- tion. But in this respect we differ radically from those lower kingdoms, we have both choice and pre- rogative. We may do whatsoever we ivill and that is a factor which is never shown in the horoscope, a factor that may be made to play an all important role in every life. It is not enough to be born under a lucky star to have a lucky life, for the horoscope shows only the tendencies and the person who is so well endowed will without question have an abund- ance of opportunities to make his life fortunate in WEEE YOU BORN UNDER A LUCKY STAR? 59 the very highest degree. But only insofar as he ex- erts himself to grasp opportunity on the wing, will that which is foreshadowed in his horoscope come to pass. And similarily with the person who is af- flicted by the conjunction of two malefics in the mid- heaven or anywhere else in the horoscope. By his will, and the exercise of choice, which are his divine birthrights, he may rule his stars and make of the unlucky horoscope a fruitful life from a far higher standpoint than the other. The bark that has been tossed by the tempest harbors a joy when the haven of safety is reached that is not equaled on the ship that has always sailed on smiling seas. "Who never ate his bread in sorrow, Who never passed the midnight hours Weeping, waiting for the morrow, He knows not yet ye heavenly powers." From the higher standpoint those who are liv- ing in the lap of luxury are to be pitied when their lucky stars give them all the good things of this world and cause them to forget that they are stew- ards and that the day is coming when their souls shall be required of them with an account of their stewardship. They shall then be forced to confess that they have failed to use the substance entrusted to them in the proper manner; while others un- der the strain and stress of life, expressed by the horoscopical squares and oppositions, have wrung from their unlucky stars a measure of victory. 60 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS What wonder then if the king's messengers, the cir- cling stars, take from the unfaithful steward that which he had and give to the other, changing their adversity to prosperity in later lives. Thus the pendulum of luck and loss, success and failure changes through many lives till we learn to make our own "luck" by ruling our stars. "A god can love without cessation, But under laws of alteration We mortals need, in changing measure, Our share of pain as well as pleasure." And it is this necessity for change that is ministered unto us by the circling stars which form configura- tions that we call good or evil, though they are neither from a higher standpoint, for no matter how good the horoscope ; by progression of the stars evil configurations are sure to come and no matter how evil, there are always new opportunities for good given by aspects of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter to our planets at birth. All that we have to do is to grasp the opportunity, help our stars, that our stars may help us. AMULETS, BIRTH-STONES AND PLANETARY COLORS In the windows of jewelers, and in the cheap, ready made horoscopes one may often read that it is 'lucky' for people born in a certain month to wear a particular stone or color. It means business AMULETS, BIRTHSTONES, ETC. 6i to the jeweler and the astrological prestidigitator who produces "your horoscope" by a turn of the wrist from a box when you tell him in what month you were born. Both buy their instructive (?) liter- ature at a nominal price per thousand, the principal cost being paper and printers' ink; there are no fur- rows in their foreheads from deep and earnest study of the problem. But as the counterfeit coin argues the existence of the genuine, so also the fallacious information flippantly dispensed by people who cater to the sense of mystery and wonder which is deeply im- bedded in human nature argues the existence of a genuine science of mineralogical correspondences with the stellar rays impinging upon all who inhab- it our sub-lunar sphere, and when this is rightly un- derstood and used, that which is loosely termed luck results ; but then it is not really luck in the sense understood by the majority of people, for then it is the result of accurate knowledge scientifically used, and therefore the outcome is as inevitable as that wa- ter runs down hill. The philosophy of planetary colors and miner- alogy is that each of the Creative Hierarchies which is active in evolution works with the various classes of beings from mineral to man, and is responsible for the progress made by all. In the course of this work each Hierarchy naturally imparts to the be- ings with whom it labors some of its own nature and vibration. Thus each group of minerals, each spe- 62 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS cies of plant and animal, vibrates to a certain key- note which blends the vibration of the Group Spirit, and the particular sign and planet with which he is most nearly attuned. It has been taught by the Elder Brothers in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, that: The Archangels, who were human in the Sun Period when the present animals started their evo- lution with a mineral-like existence, are now the Group Spirits of the animals. The Angels, who were human in the Moon Per- iod when the present plants commenced their evo- lution with a similar mineral constitution are now the Group Spirits of the plants. Man, who reached the human stage in the Earth Period, is now work- ing with the new life-wave which started its evo- lution on the Earth as minerals. He is not far enough advanced to assume the role of Group Spirit, that is reserved for the future. In the Jupiter Period he will give them life as plants have, in the Venus Period he will bring out their desires and emotions as animals, and in the Vulcan Period he will give them a mind and make them human. That, however, is all in the future. At pres- ent he is working with them to the best of his abil- ity, smelting them into iron bridges, ships and skel- eton skyscrapers; he is pulling them into wires which wind around the world ; he is grinding from them gems that glitter and grace the great in our social structure, and thus he is gradually establishing an AMULETS, BIRTHSTONES, ETC. 63 intimate relationship with them and preparing to take charge of their evolution as a Group Spirit at some future time. It is well known to students of Astrology that an astrological reading based upon the month in which an individual is born is worthless, for all the people born in the same month do not have the same experiences by any means, but if we consider the day, the year and the place we get a horoscope that is absolutely individual and totally different from the horoscope of anyone else in detail and this is the point which concerns us for the present argu- ment the ruler is not the lord of the sign the Sun is in, except for children born at Sunrise, when the Sun is on the Ascendant. It is ike ruler of the rising sign, THAT is the determinator with regard to our mineralogical affinity, because at the moment of conception when the seed-atom of our present physical mineral body was deposited the Moon was in that particular sign and degree, (or its opposite), and acted then as a focus of forces which have since crystallized into the vehicle we now wear. The following table shows the affinity of each of the twelve signs with certain gems, metals and colors, and in that chart there are the elements for making an effective talisman by any individual who has the knowledge of how to cast a horoscope, and blend the ingredients according to the requirements of the case. We have no scruples about telling how this is done, for it may help some to help themselves 64 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and others. The only harm it can do is if some un- scrupulous person starts to make them for coin, and even then, if he is conscientious about the work, who- ever obtains it will not be cheated, the re-action will be upon the one who prostitutes the spiritual science for material gain. BIRTH-STONES AND COLORS. Gems ruled by the signs. Sign Rulers Metals Colors. T Amethyst, Diamond o" Iron Red Moss Agate, Emerald 9 Copper Yellow n Crystal, Aqua Marine 9 Mercury Violet 05 Emerald, Black Onyx J Silver Green oQ Ruby, Diamond o Gold Orange rn? Pink Jasper, Hyacinth $ Mercury Violet -n- Diamond, Opal. 9 Copper Yellow m, Topaz, Malachite. a* Iron Red x* Carbuncle, Torquoise V Tin Blue vr White Onyx, Moonstone "? Lead Indigo w/v vw Saphire, Opal. 5 Lead Indigo H Chrysolite, Moonstone H Tin Blue To forestall a question we may say that ancient astrologers who had studied this aspect of the science have tabulated several hundred minerals of which AMULETS, BIRTHSTONES, ETC. 65 the planetary affinities had been noted, but these works have been mutilated in the course of time, and are now not available. Paracelsus also and Agrippa, made considerable study of this subject, and with very important results, but the wider view is outside the scope of this work, so the authors confine their remarks to the essentials, and indicating the way which others may follow farther if they feel so inclined. To illustrate how the mineral elements may be used to advantage let us take the following example. Suppose that in a certain horoscope we find Sagit- tarius rising with its lord Jupiter on the Ascendant. Jupiter is then the ruling planet and so, according to our chart turquoise is his birthstone, tin is the metal with which he has affinity, and blue is his color. That means that it will help him express him- self if he wears a turquoise, an amulet of tin, and dresses in blue whenever consistent with custom. That is true to a certain extent, but it is only a small part of the truth, and it is by no means the best use that may be made of this knowledge. To indicate the better way, let us suppose that this person's figure shows severe afflictions by Mars and Saturn. Mars afflicts three planets; his metal is iron. Venus is the opposite of Mars; her metal is copper, and consequently copper is an antidote for the mar- tial vibrations. Saturn afflicts one planet ; his metal is lead. 66 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Jupiter is his opposite and therefore the Jupiter metal, tin, is an antidote for the saturnian vibrations. With this in mind an amulet may be compound- ed of tin and copper; not exactly in the ratio of three to one, but with a mind on the bulk of the various planets, their density and the strength of the aspects it is desired to overcome, a matter which involves further study. The work itself should be done under auspicious planetary conditions. A Mars' amulet, designed to give energy to one with a weak figure would be most successful if made in a Mars-hour on a Tuesday when both the Sun and Moon are in martial signs as happens in April and November. The same with amulets made for other planets. (See the Tables of Planetary Hours, in our Simplified Scientific Astrology.) A gem or an amulet made on these principles is a focus for the stellar rays of the planets they represent, and infuses vibrations of their nature into our auras all the while we are wearing it, just as surely as the wireless receiver attuned to a cer- tain pitch catches the waves within its range, and we may blend the colors in the same manner to ob- tain help from them. As a matter of fact, it is the complimentary color which is seen in the desire world that produces the effect of the physical colors. If it is desired to restrain one whose Mars is too prominent, the gems, colors and metals of Saturn will help, and such a person should have as little to do with iron (tools, machinery, etc.,) as possible, BEST TIME TO BE BORN 67 but if we want to help someone who is moody and taciturn, we may use the gems, colors and metals of Mars to advantage. In the final analysis the mat- ter resolves itself into a question of judgment and common sense. With these and the knowledge 'con- cerning the essentials here given anyone may use it to advantage. WHEN is THE BEST TIME TO BE BORN? In the light of occult investigation of some of the modern methods it appears that Birth is an ad- vent we are powerless to control, when we seem to do so in a slight degree we are really the agents of Destiny to accelerate or delay till the proper mo- ment has arrived. This view is also justified by the author's experience in Horary Astrology. The philosophy of Horary Astrology is that at the time one is impelled to ask a question concerning an im- portant matter the heavens contain also the answer and a figure set for that time will contain the so- lution to the problem. But it should be particularly noted that the time to set the figure is when the in- quirer asks the question of the astrologer, when this is done in person; when it is done by mail the astrologer sets the figure for the time he reads the question in the letter. On a number of occasions we have received let- ters containing questions which bore marks of hav- ing been delayed by flood or fire, but the figure cast 68 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS for the moment of reading gave the answer, showing that the delay had a part in the plan, nor should it surprise us that the great Intelligences which are the ministers of Destiny foresee and make allowance for contingencies beyond the grasp of the human mind, and when the infinite mind bestow r s equal care when designing the anatomy of a fly, mouse and lion, may we not conclude that a similar attention to the min- utiae prevails in all departments of life and that when we seem to delay or accelerate birth we are really aiding nature to take its predetermined course as said in the opening sentence of this article. Nevertheless people often ask the astrologer when is the best time to be born ; young astrologers also frequently want to know, not that they have any idea of controlling birth but so that on seeing a horoscope or being told a person's time of birth they may make quick mental calculation to determine a good or bad horoscope. Such a judgment would, of course, be founded only on the position of the sun .by sign and approximate house, hence general in the extreme. It may be said however that other planetary positions being equal, it is better to be born when the Moon is increasing in light from the new to the full than when she is decreasing from the full to the new for the growing Moon always in- creases vitality and furthers our affairs. It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on BEST TIME TO BE BORN 69 the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of ex- istence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. It is also good to be born in May and July when the life-light of the Sun is focused through the ex- altation sign and home of the Moon, Taurus and Cancer, especially, as said, when the lesfser light is increasing for those configurations, also furnish an abundance of vitality which is such a great asset in physical life. With respect to the time of day most favorable for birth it may be said that children born about sunrise, or during the forenoon from 8 to 12 while the Sun is traversing the hou.ses of friends and social prestige are the 'luckiest' for they are helped on every hand. Children born between noon and midnight are less 'lucky' the nearer the Sun comes to Nadir, and then the 'luck' turns again for the children born in the early morning while the Daystar is ascending towards the eastern horizon. They will have to carve their own way in the world, but opportunities will be given them In abundance. We may therefore sum up our conclusions by saying that it is best to be born at Sunrise or in the forenoon, preferably in April or August when the Moon is increasing in light. Finally it should always be borne in mind that there is no 'luck,' in the commonly accepted sense, but that what we have or lack in any respect is due to our own actions in the past and that in the future we may have what we now lack by proper application. CHAPTER IV. READING THE HOROSCOPE Introductory WHEN the student of Astrology has learned to cast the horoscope correctly by the study of our "Simplified Scientific Astrology," or another reliable textbook, the next and most important part is to read its message. Astrology means "Star Logic" and we must seriously advise the student not to de- pend too much on authorities but to try to under- stand the basic nature of each planet, the influence of signs, houses and aspect/3; then by a process of reasoning to combine these and thus develop his own intuition which will serve him far better than the ability to quote like a poll parrot what some one else has said. We would also advise the younger astrologer not to bother too much with the personal descrip- tions indicated in the horoscope. It is foolish to spend hours perhaps to find out what the one for whom a horoscope is cast can see in a moment by looking in a glass. We give descriptions of the dif- ferent types, but do so for the purpose of aiding the student to determine at sight the probable sign and 70 READING THE HOROSCOPE 71 planet rising when a client comes who does not know his birth hour. There are people for instance, who have the face of a sheep just as perfect as possible. If such a one is in doubt about the birth hour we would at once look to Aries and experimentally try how that would fit with the other characteristics of that person, if we did so we should probably find our guess correct in every case. Thus also the other signs and planets in signs exhibit distinguishing charac- teristics of valuable aid to the student in the direc- tion mentioned. The student should also endeavor to cultivate perfect confidence in the science of Astrology. There is nothing empirical about character reading and diagnosis.. In those respects it is plain as A B C. Predictions may fail because the Astrologer is un- able to determine the strength of will of the person for whom he predicts, but the latent tendencies are always accurately foreshown. The writers have found that where they do not personally know the people whose characters they read, their delineations are much deeper and more accurate because then personal bias and impressions are absent and the mystic scroll of the heavens more easily read. There are three factors which bring to us the mystic message of the stars ; the houses, the signs and the planets. The houses are divisions of the earth; each house represents a department of life; the signs are divisions of the heavens which by their placement 72 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS relative to the houses indicate our basic temperament and attitude towards life, and the planets are the messengers of God which by their motion through the houses and signs bring to us the opportunities for soulgrowth which we need for our individual de- velopment. It is therefore necessary for one who wishes to learn to read a horoscope to become thor- oughly acquainted with these three factors both separately and in their various combinations. The following descriptions may help to convey this knowledge : THE HOUSES As said in the introductory remarks, "the houses are divisions of the earth," and therefore they are also called "Mundane Houses," to dif- ferentiate between them and the "Celestial Houses" composed of the twelve signs of the Zodiac ; but gen- erally they are designated as "houses" only. It is the angle of the stellar ray which de- termines its effect in our lives, those which are in the East affect our physical constitution, planets in the South near the zenith are factors for good or ill' where our social position is concerned. If a planet is setting in the West at the time of our birth its angle strikes us in such a manner as to draw us to a cer- tain type of marriage partner, and the planets un- der the earth, in the North, have an effect upon our condition in the latter part of life. Let us suppose for illustration of the point that someone is born BEADING THE HOROSCOPE 73 at sunrise on a day when the Sun and Jupiter are in conjunction. Then they strike him from the east- ern angle and give him a splendid vitality. Another born on the same day at noon when Jupiter and the Sun are in the zenith position may have a very poor and weak body if other planets in the East are adverse, but if the ray of the Sun and Jupiter falls on his birth figure from the South he will certainly attract attention in his social sphere and be the re- cipient of public favor and honor. Another born on the same day, when the Sun and Jupiter are setting in the West may be an outcast if planets in the East and South decree, but the benefic ray of the Sun and Jupiter from the Western angle will make him be- loved of his mate and successful in partnerships. These facts have been ascertained by observation and tabulation. Therefore the twelve sections of the cir- cle of observation as seen from the birthplace are truly said to rule or govern various departments of life and thus people born on the same day may have the most diverse experiences. The houses may be variously grouped according to the influence they exercise in our lives; there are ''angular," ' ' succeedent " and "cadent" houses, also personal, spiritual, material, social and mystical houses. Of the angles, the first house governs our per- sonal self, and its opposite the seventh house, rules the one who is nearest and dearest to us, namely, the marriage partner. The fourth house determines 74 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS conditions in our home and its opposite angle, the tenth house, shows our social standing in the com- munity where we live. Thus the angles show collect- ively the sphere of our activities in life. Of the succeedent houses the second shows our financial status with regard to that which we ac- quire by our own efforts and the opposite succeedent house, the eighth, shows whatever we may receive from others as legacies, etc. The other succeedent houses, the fifth and eleventh, show how our income may be spent, for the fifth house indicates the children of our body who have a legitimate claim to a share of our income, and the eleventh house shows the children of our brain, our hopes, wishes and as- pirations which also draw upon our resources. Of the two pairs of cadent houses the sixth is the house of voluntary service which we perform as our share of the world's work for an equivalent share in the world's wealth, and the twelfth house shows how we may be compelled to labor without remuneration under prison restraint if we do not work willingly. The sixth house shows also the state of our health and the twelfth tells if hospital treat- ment is necessary. The other pair of cadent houses, the third and ninth, show whether our life and work will confine us to one place or require travel and changes of residence. In this respect the third house shows short journeys and the ninth house long travels. The personal houses comprise the first, fifth and READING THE HOROSCOPE 75 ninth. The first house rules the constitution and peculiarities of the physical body. Planets and signs in that house put their stamp on it to make or mar according to the part of its self-generated destiny. Our fifth house shows the quality of the love-nature of the soul and the line of its expression if it follows the line of least resistance ; and the ninth house shows as much of the spirit as we can apprehend in our present limited state The material trinity of houses consists of the second, sixth and tenth and shows the worldly pos- sessions of man, his means of obtaining them and the enjoyment they bring him. Wealth, or its re- verse, is shown by the second house, health, without which there can be no joy in any worldly possession, is shown by the sixth house ; and the public prestige which is the chief source of gratification to the aver- age human being, is shown by the tenth house. The social houses are the third, seventh and eleventh houses and in them are shown the nature of our relations with various classes of souls we meet in life. Brothers and sisters to whom we are bound by the tie of blood are shown by the third house, the companion of our heart with whom our blood blends in another way, is shown by the seventh house, and the friends, more precious than pearls to whoever has earned friendship, are designated by the eleventh house. The fourth and last trinity of houses is com- posed of the fourth, eighth and twelfth. In them are 76 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS hidden the mysteries of the antenatal life of the spirit, with the post mortem experiences immediately following the terminus vitae. On the material plane the fourth house signifies our condition in the latter part of life, the twelfth shows the sorrow which im- presses us with the worthlessness of material things and the eighth indicates the nature of our exit from the world's stage. An illustration may further help the student to understand how the heavens influence our life through the twelve houses. Suppose we are out driving and our road follows the seacoast, but a mile or so inland. A breeze is blowing from the ocean and as it passes over the country separating us from the sea, it brings upon invisible wings messages from that land, which evoke pleasure or aversion ac- cording to their nature. In one place, an aroma of new mown hay fills us with delight; perhaps we arc nauseated by the noxious smell of jasmine on the next stretch of our journey; and later become really ill from the stench of stagnant marsh-water. But then we enter a forest, and soon its grateful pine balm restores the normal health and spirits. In our journey from the cradle to the grave we carry the twelve houses with us in the auric atmos- phere surrounding us, as the air envelops the flying earth. Each house mirrors part of the life; each holds some of our life lessons; each represents how we have worked or shirked before in a given depart- ment of life's task. At the appropriate time of life READING THE HOROSCOPE 77 we reap from each house what we have sown in past lives. That is, unless we forestall the harvest in time. Is our eleventh house afflicted, do friends be- tray and forsake us, do they leave us heartsick, or nauseate us like the scent of jasmine and stagnant marsh- water? Then let us examine the horoscope, for it reveals what is hidden in our auric atmos- phere. The friends saw us, and we them, through the eleventh angle, and something ill-smelling must be there. It may be, we long to be befriended, more than to befriend others. Let us cease to be like the sickly, debilitating jasmine, and seek to emulate the sturdy strength of the invigorating pine tree; then we shall find friends flocking around, admiring our strength. Not all have such sturdy natures, but we can attract equally by kindliness, as soothing to sorrowing hearts as perfume of new mown hay to the sense, and thus we may rid the house of friends of affliction. After the foregoing explanations, the houses may now be said to influence the affairs of life as follows : First House rules the physical body and its consti- tution and appearance ; it determines conditions in the childhood home while the person is un- der control of the parents. Second House rules the money, financial fortunes; it shows what the person acquires by individual effort and to a certain extent what use he will make of it. 78 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Third House rules brothers and sisters, neighbors, the instinctual mind, writings, short journeys and conveyances of travel. Fourth House That one of the parents who exer- cises the least influence in the person's life, con- ditions in the latter part of life, houses, lands, mines; everything pertaining to the earth. Fifth House Love, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and illegitimate attraction and inter- course between the sexes prior to wedlock, children, educational institutions, books and newspapers, sports and amusements, stocks and speculations. Sixth House Health, service to be rendered by the person and also the condition and faithfulness of those who serve him. Seventh House The marriage partner, the public in general, competitors, partners, opponents in litigation, rivals. Eigthth House Death, legacies, the marriage part- ner's finances, occult abilities or faculties latent but nearly ready for manifestation. Ninth House Religion, spiritual experiences and aspirations, dreams and visions, long travels, law. Tenth House The parent who exercises most in- fluence in the person's life, the honor and social READING THE HOROSCOPE 79 standing of the person, the government, judge or employer. Eleventh House Friends, companions and well- wishers, hopes, wishes and aspirations, generally of a material nature, also stepchildren. Twelfth House Confinement in hospitals or prison, secret enemies and plots; sorrow and self undo- ing. THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC On either side of the Sun's path there are a number of fixed stars which are so grouped that they may be conceived as forming twelve constellations, and as they have certain characteristic influences ancient sages named them for the animals which ex- press similar traits. These constellations are called the natural Zodiac and for all practical purposes it may be said that they occupy permanent positions relative to the other fixed stars of the firmament. This circle is divided into twelve sections starting at the first degree of Aries, which is occupied by -the Sun at the vernal equinox. On account of the precession of the equinox the Sun does not cross the equator at the same point each year, but it has been found that the first 30 de- grees from the point where the Sun does cross the equator at the equinox have a similar effect to that ascribed to the constellation Aries; the next thirty degrees radiate a Taurian influence and so with the 80 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS other ten sections of thirty degrees each. Therefore the twelve sections measured from the vernal equinox are used exclusively in Astrology and called signs of the Zodiac, to differentiate them from the con- stellation. (For a thorough elucidation of the sub- ject see "Simplified Scientific Astrology," under the caption "Intellectual Zodiac.") These twelve signs of the Zodiac are variously divided according to their effect on humanity into Cardinal, Fixed and Common signs, also into Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery signs. What that influence is we shall endeavor to elucidate in the following sec- tions. The Cardinal Signs Keyword "Activity." The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These signs are called Cardinal be- cause when the Sun is in them he is in one of the four corners of the heavens; at a turning-point, where he is forced to take another direction. In Aries he is as far East as he can go, Cancer is the tropical point of the North where he gives the most perpendicular ray at the Summer Solstice, and con- sequently the greatest heat. Libra is the extreme Western point of his path, where he turns awav from the Northern Hemisphere, and in midwinter, at Christmas, he is in Capricorn at the farthest point South, where his horizontal ray leaves the people of the North in winter's icy grip. The effect of the READING THE HOROSCOPE 81 angles, the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses, is similar to the effect of the cardinal signs because these houses are at the East, North, West and South points of the horoscope. The nature and effect of cardinal signs and angles may be summed up in the words "Action" and "Initiative" (though each acts differently from the other), therefore planets placed in cardinal signs and angles give zest to life accord- ing to the nature of the particular planet, sign and angle. Zodiac means circle of animals and the symbols of three of the cardinal signs are animalistic: Aries, the Ram ; Cancer, the Crab ; and Capricorn, the Goat. The fourth represents the ideal towards which this class must strive : Libra, the Scales. None need poise so much as those under the impulsive influence of the cardinal ray; therefore the Balance was set in heaven to direct their aspirations. The Fixed Signs Keyword "Stability" The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Three symbols of the fixed signs are also bestial, violent and virulent; Taurus, the Bull; Leo, the Lion; and Scorpio, the Scorpion. The human figure of Aquarius, the Waterbearer, shows us the ideal towards which this class must strive. In- stead of fighting, preying upon, or poisoning others in the struggle for existence they must learn to be- come humane, to be friends instead of foes to all. 6 82 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS The influence of the fixed signs rouses the de- sire nature, giving stamina and persistence in action. When fixed signs are on the angles (the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses), they exert a well nigh irresistible force, impelling the individual along a certain line. He may be slow and plodding, but is sure to be persistent in whatever he undertakes, and whatever talent he may possess in a certain direc- tion will be exploited to its fullest extent. Setbacks which would take the courage from a person with cardinal signs do not daunt the man with fixed signs on the angles, he knows no defeat, and therefore he usually gains his goal in the end and achieves success by Concentration upon one point, and Per- sistence in following his chosen path. On the other hand such people are conservative to the last de- gree. They may see and desire improvements in vari- ous lines, but are exceedingly slow to adopt measures to accomplish the desirable end; they never do so until thoroughly satisfied that a certain method will meet the requirements. In other words, people with fixed signs on the angles ' ' look before they leap ; ' ' they look a long time and very, very carefully, but on the other hand, when they have once been won over to a certain cause they are faithful unto death, and no more ardent advocates can be found; their zeal is almost fanatical. On the whole, people with fixed signs may be said to be the most reliable people in the world, either for good or bad. READING THE HOROSCOPE 83 The Common Signs Keyword ' ' Flexibility ' ' Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces are called common - signs, their intrinsic nature is best ex- pressed by the keyword, Flexibility. The forces working through the cardinal signs impinge upon the dense body and stir it to action. The power of the common signs is mental and spiritual, it gives purpose to action and incentive to- 1 nobility of life. Therefore people influenced by stellar forces focused principally through cardinal signs are the workers of the world, not the toilers, but executives who accomplish things industrially, and who bring into concrete existence great schemes, or small, of value in the world's work. The common signs are all double; two of them are human: Gemini, the Twins, and Virgo, the Virgin; the third, Sagittarius, the Centaur, is partly human; and only the fourth symbol, Pisces, the Fishes, is taken from the lower kingdom. None are violent, however, but intensely moral, intellectual and spiritual symbols. Unstable as reeds they are swayed hither and thither; nothing appeals to them permanently, they desire nothing as much as change. No matter how well placed, they can seldom resist the lure of an opening in another city, the farther away, the bet- ter. Therefore the old maxim: "a rolling stone gathers no moss," applies particularly to this class, 84 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS for their roving habits usually keep them poor. They spend as fast as they earn, or faster. Thus these people drift upon the sea of life propelled by the currents of circumstances. Outside conditions domi- nate them as they lack stamina to assert their own individuality. The foregoing in true of the great majority who are under the rule and influence of common signs, they respond to the lower phase simply because the higher side is too high for all but a very few at our present stage of development. Those who make a success in the world because prodded by the cardinal and fixed influences, call them indolent and good-for- nothing, but were they bereft of the cardinal or fixed energy which goads them to action, and placed under the common ray, they would soon realize the lack of pow r er and learn compassion for those who must so live all their life. What then is the lesson these people have to learn? ^Comparative Effect of Cardinal, Fixed and Common Signs on the Angles While the nature of the cardinal signs is such that their rays stir our latent forces into Action, and promote change, the most prominent quality of the fixed signs is Stability. But the student must beware of confounding stability and inertia. The action impelled by the rays of cardinal signs may be changed into other channels with considerable facility, all they want is expression; the direction in READING THE HOROSCOPE 85 which they express themselves is a secondary con- sideration. Not so with the fixed signs, when their ray impels to action in a certain direction it is next to impossible to stay the force or change it. On the other hand, if they deny expression in certain lines, the obstruction is almost insurmountable. People of the fixed class lack ability to make their inventions commercially useable, a task for which the cardinal class is eminently fitted. Thus these two classes work hand in hand and between them they have transformed the wilderness of the world to a condition of comparative comfort, their efforts of improvement are continually carried on, and in time the primitive desert will be made to bloom like a rose. As material success depends on ability to cope with material conditions, the cardinal class is par- ticularly fortunate, for it is the chief executive fac- tor in the world's work, and reaps a ready reward therefor. The fixed class is not so prominently be- fore the public, labors in laboratories and works ex- perimentally to complete the processes and perfect the models which are later used in manufacture. Therefore they also are potent powers in life, and share the material and financial success of the car- dinal class. The common class is a sharp contrast. Forces focused through common signs are mental, therefore people ruled by them are averse to strenuous physi- cal action which is the forte of the cardinal class; 86 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS they labor only when lashed by the whip of neces- sity. They are also incapable of the slow but sus- tained effort put forth by the fixed class and are easily discouraged by obstacles. Thus they are leaners and not lifters. Toilers who do the bidding of the inventive and executive classes are recruited from people ruled by common signs. There is one sphere, however, where they shine, according to their ability to think. Being averse to work they have created a vantage-ground whence they may reap the benefits of the toil of others, of their inventive facul- ties and executive skill. To do this they become pro- moters who bring inventor and manufacturer to- gether, agents who mediate between buyer and seller, peddlers, venders and all other middlemen who go between producer and consumer and live on a com- mission, also literary men who devote their talent to purposeless fiction belong to the class actuated by the lower phases of the force in the common signs. The cardinal class is active, the common is rest- less, the fixed class is rigid, the common is flexible. The Four Triplicities The effect of the "Triplicities" is most marked in the rising sign and when the majority of the planets are grouped in one of them. A fiery sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), on the ascendant, gives much vitality, but it also makes the person prone to fevers and inflammatory disorders, and when the majority of the planets are in fiery READING THE HOROSCOPE 87 signs they make it very difficult for the person to "keep cool" physically and mentally. A watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) ris- ing, gives much less stamina and predisposes to digestive, urinary and catarrhal troubles. If a per- son has many planets in watery signs his problem is to generate enough energy to keep warm, for this grouping gives a listless, indigent disposition, ex- cept Scorpio be rising or many planets are in that sign. Airy signs rising (Gemini, Libra and Aquar- ius), gives a nervous temperament and makes the person liable to disorders of the lungs, heart and kidneys. Many planets in these signs give people literary and artistic inclinations. Earthy signs rising (Taurus, Virgo and Capri- corn), give fair vitality but a secret fear of disease arrests the vital processes in the body and poisons these people so that they become victims of chronic ailments oftener than any of the other groupings. The throat, stomach and intestines are specially threatened; rheumatism and gout are also frequent- ly experienced. When a person has many planets in earthy signs it favors the acquisition of material wealth. The Sun, The Moon and The Ascendant We stated in our opening paragraph that there are Three Great Factors which convey to us the Mystic Message of the stars in general, namely, the 88 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS "houses," the "signs" and the "planets." There are also three factors which play a specially import- ant part in the individual horoscope, namely the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant, which may be said to represent the spirit, the soul and the body. Properly viewed the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are not really three separate horoscopical principles but represent two composite parts which when united constitute the human being. The "rising sign" and the "first house" together form an avenue for the fecundating influences of the Moon which there crystallize and form the etheric matrix that moulds the physical particles from the maternal body into a new vehicle, hence the astrological maxim that the ascendant at birth (or its opposite) is the Moon's place at conception. This composite body is the part of the human being which is born and dies after a relatively evanescent period of existence. The other and immortal part of composite man which consists of the Ego and its finer vehicles is rep- resented in the horoscope by the Sun and the Moon. The specific influence of these planets will be de- scribed when we have considered the rising sign. Tke Rising Sign As taught in "Simplified Scientific Astrology" it is the angle of the stellar ray which determines in what department of life it will be most prominently active, and it has been found by observation that the sign rising or ascending on the eastern horizon when READING THE HOROSCOPE 89 a child is born is the principal factor in determining the basic constitution and form of the physical body. Further investigations have shown that the reason of this fact is that at the time of conception when the seed-atom was planted in the ovum the Moon, which is the Cosmic agent of fecundation, projected its fer- tilizing ray through the sign and degree which later rises at the moment of birth, (or its opposite). For that reason the rising sign and degree continue to be the avenue of ingress of the life-forces which build the body of the babe until the severance of the umbilical cord, and the nature of the rising sign is thus indelibly stamped upon the new vehicle and re- tained all through life. In this connection it should be noted that con- ception is not necessarily coincident with tho physical union of the parents, sometimes two weeks or even more elapse ere the auspicious moment awaited by the Kecording Angels or their agents strikes. At that time cosmic conditions are such that they will form a body which will facilitate the ex- pression of the Ego seeking re-embodiment and aid it to work out its self-generated destiny. It should also be remembered by students that the moment of delivery is not the time of birth from the astrological point of view. The inhalation of the first complete breath usually accompanied by a cry, is the moment when the incoming Ego receives its stellar baptism. This renders it ever after susceptible to the influence of the particular configurations of the stars at that 90 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS moment, and therefore the stars affect each indi- vidual differently from all others, not even the horo- scopes of twins are alike. It is also strongly em- phasized that according to this explanation we do not have a certain "fate" because we were born at a certain time, but we are born at a particular time because we have a certain self -generated des- tiny to work out. That is a very important distinc- tion for it substitutes divine law for divine caprice, it eliminates the element of "luck" and inspires man to mastery of "fate" by working with the Law. If we have made our present horoscope by our past actions in a past life logically we are now preparing for future embodiment and may make it what we choose. If we strive to strengthen our body now; to overcome our faults; to cultivate new virtues; the Sun of our next life will rise under much more auspicious conditions than those under which we now live and thus we may truly rule our stars and master our fate. When the last three degrees of a sign are rising, or when the first three degrees ascend at the time of birth the person is said to be born ' ' on the cusp ' ' be- tween two signs and then the basic nature of the signs involved are blended in his or her body. Thus a person born when the three last degrees of Aries or the first degrees of Taurus were ascending would be neither purely Aries nor Taurus but a mixture of the qualities of the two signs. The nature of the rising sign is also modified by READING THE HOROSCOPE 91 the presence of planets. The Sun and Mars increase vitality if well aspected but if afflicted they incline to fever and inflammatory disorders but they also favor rapid recuperation, they make the nature alert and energetic. A well-aspected Jupiter rising also increases vitality but inclines to corpulence ; if the planet is afflicted that makes the circulation sluggish and thus gives a tendency to disorders of the blood. The foregoing remarks about Jupiter apply to Venus in a lesser degree. Saturn rising lowers the vitality and favors chronic ill-health in later life, but at the same time he gives such a tenacious hold on life that though the person may pray to be released he can- not die. Mercury, Moon, Uranus and Neptune make the body more high-strung and nervous than the average, usable specially to pioneers in music, litera- ture, higher thought, science and the electrical arts. Planets placed in the twelfth house are con- sidered as being on the ascendant if within six de- grees thereof, so are all planets in the first house no matter how far from the rising degree, but if a sign is intercepted in the first house planets placed there- in will not have as strong an influence in the life as where the sign occupies the cusp. CHAPTER V. THE INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS Aries, the Ram ARIES is mythologically represented as a ram and the symbol describes most accurately those born under its influence, a pointed and protruding sheep- like nose, wide forehead, pointed chin and the re- sultant triangular face noted in many people, are unmistakable indications of their rising sign, light brown or reddish tint of the hair is a pronounced characteristic of the Arian, the body is slender and well formed, if the first part of the sign is rising the body is shorter, and the complexion darker than given by the latter degrees. Planets in the rising sign will modify the de- scription, however, and the student must use his knowledge of the character of the planets in con- junction with the description of the Sign. The Sun and Mars make the complexion more florid, the Moon and Saturn make it paler and darker, Jupiter and Venus make the body more portly. Saturn shortens, Uranus and Mercury lengthen it. This applies to all the signs, but is especially marked when a planet rises in the sign it rules. Mars, in Aries rising would 92 INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 93 give fiery red hair and a face full of freckles. The Sun rising in Leo would give a florid complexion with flaxen hair, but if Saturn were there, instead it would shorten the body and darken the hair. Aries people are bold, selfconfident and impuls- ive; they aim to lead, dislike to follow, are always ready to take the initiative in any movement that appeals to them, but often lack persistence to carry their projects to a conclusion over serious obstacles. The Sun, and Mars the Ruler, rising in Aries would intensify the above, but as a thorough explan- ation has been given under the heading "The in- trinsic natures of the Planets," the student is re- ferred thereto. We may mention here however, as a peculiarity that Aries people live through fevers when others succumb. "We have known their hair to fall out, and the temperature to remain four de- grees above maximum for many hours, without fatal result. Taurus, the Bull Taurus is represented by a Bull in the Zodiac, and the bodies generated under this sign are usually short and stocky. They have a strong neck with the bump of amativeness well developed, large lobe of the ear, heavy jaws, full face; nose short and stubby. Dark eyes and wavy hair frequently give them considerable beauty. The eye of the Taurian may never dart bolts of fire such as those wherewith the Arian would annihilate his enemies; 94 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS it is softer, but under provocation it becomes sul- lenly expressive of the passive resistance where- with these people win their battles. It then marks the difference between the impulsive Aries and the stubborn Taurus. The inner phalange of the thumb is large and heavy, the calves well developed and the foot chubby. In walking the Taurian usually plants his heel first, and heaviest. Taurus people are pre-eminently "thorough and steadfast ' ' in everything they do : In love, in hate, in work or play, they persist in a given direction, and neither reason nor argument will turn them. They are verbose and argumentative in defense of their actions or opinions; they grasp new ideas slow- ly, with difficulty and conservatively, but once com- prehended and espoused, they always remember what they have learned and defend their opinion to the last ditch. The Sun rising in Taurus gives an unusually firm physique, and accentuates the Taurus pride in strength. The Moon, being the planet of fecundity, is exalted in this exceedingly fruitful sign; hence people with the Moon in Taurus have large families, particularly if the configuration is in the fifth house, for that designates children. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, rising in that sign, makes the form beautiful as well as strong, it also gives artistic ability and musical inspiration. INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 95 Gemini, the Twins When Gemini is rising the body generated is tall and slender ; the arms and limbs are particularly long, fingers slender, hair dark, eyes hazel. Gemini people are quick, active and alert in all their move- ments, habitual restlessness is noticeable in the ex- pression of the eyes, which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs, although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn, nevertheless, there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction, but the Gemini person has an expression which Ls much more vivid, changeable and past finding out. They have acutely enquiring minds, always want to know the reason why, but often lack persistence to follow clews to the end, and thus meet disappoint- ment. Being tactful they avoid giving offense even under provocation, and are therefore generally liked by all; though their own affections are not deep. Two distinct classes are born under this sign, one, too fond of reading, should cultivate indepen- dent thought, instead of repeating other people's ideas, or aping their manners; the other is scientific, well balanced and reserved; a model for any person. The Sun rising in Gemini brings out all the noblest traits of the sign, it makes the nature more settled and contented, gives more persistence and a particularly healthy and active body. 96 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Mercury, the ruler, rising in Gemini, sharpens perception, gives ability as a writer, or speaker, but makes the person born with that configuration ex- tremely irritable, vacillating, fond of change of scene and employment. They are best fitted for traveling salesmen. Cancer, the Crab The chief peculiarities of the crab are a clumsy body, slender limbs and powerful claws; people born with Cancer rising express them all. They have a large upper body, augmented in later years by a prominence of the abdomen acquired by over- eating. The mandible or lower jaw is powerfully hinged to the cranium, the face is therefore widest between the ears, the mouth is also large, and the whole construction similar to the crab's claw. The face is full, the hair brown, the eyes blue, com- plexion pale and sickly, for the Cancer person has the least vitality of any. The limbs are extremely slender in proportion to the large upper body, so the structure appears "top heavy," and they walk with a "rolling" gait. Cancer people are very fond of the home and its comforts, they are quiet, reserved and adapt themselves to conditions, hence they are easy to get along with, their anger is shortlived, and they hold no spite. Though lacking in physical prowess, they are no hypocrites, but always have the courage of their convictions; they voice and defend them too. INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 97 The Sun rising in Cancer brings out and accen- tuates all the good qualities mentioned above, it gives more ambition and pride; also increases the vitality, and is a particular boon to people with Cancer rising in that respect, on account of their very low life force. Cancer, with its ruler, the Moon, governs the stomach and hence alimentation ; Leo and its ruler, the Sun, have charge of the heart and circulation. If these signs and planets are well placed in the horoscope, they counteract most other afflictions and a long lease of life is assured, but if they are afflicted, much sickness results unless intel- ligent care is applied to modify the omen. The Moon, the ruler, rising in Cancer, will give much instability to the nature, and Jupiter being exalted will bring fortune and fame. Leo, the Lion The lion is the king of beasts and even in cap- tivity is an embodiment of stateliness and pride. The typical Leos of the Zodiac also express pride in every movement and a stateliness, which will not escape attention of the keen observer, the expansive chest, the massive shoulders, the strong arm and the large head contrast considerably with the more slender but still muscular under body, and as Aries has the sheep face, so the typical Leo has certain feline features. The complexion is florid, eyes large and full, blue or grayish in color, they express laughter, cheerfulness and content. The whole 98 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS frame is well knit and strong, having great endur- ance and recuperative power. It is really wonderful how the symbology of the signs is brought out in the different kinds of people born under them. People who are born under Leo always want to be noted; they are aggressive and want to attract attention everywhere they go. They aim to be leaders; never followers. Leo rules the heart, and it is a marked character- istic that people with Leo rising unafflicted, have hearts bigger than their pocketbooks; they give gen- erously of their time, money, or knowledge without thought of self. If the Sun rises in Leo, this trait becomes almost prodigality, but if Saturn is there to afflict instead, he will counteract it so that they will either circumscribe their gifts with conditions to such an extent that they retain practical control, or they will spend their means on themselves. Leos are honest and faithful; being child ren- of the day star, they -love light and truth, are above sub- terfuge and aim straight at their object. Their will is firm to attain by honorable means. They make good orators and hold their audiences by personal magnetism. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and the lower nature should be held firmly in check, otherwise serious trouble and heartache may ensue. The French, as a race, are ruled by Leo, and afford ample illustration of this point. The Sun rising in Leo, unafflicted, gives a body of wonderful strength, vitality and recuperative INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 99 power ; superior in its wiryness to the body generated by the Sun in Taurus ; but if Mars is afflicted, palpi- tation of the heart will ensue. Saturn will cause re- gurgitation unless care is taken in early years to avoid strain. Virgo, the Virgin People born when Virgo is rising are above mid- dle stature. The upper part of the head is much more developed than the lower, the weak chin, showing lack of will and the large brain indicating greatness of intellect, are therefore earmarks of the Virgo. The face is thin, the complexion sallow, the hair brown and the eyes hazel or grey. The feet are small, the toes turn inwards and give these people a peculiar labored walk. Virgo people are very quick and active in youth, they learn with facility, but do not work hard for knowledge ; they seem to breathe it in without an effort. They acquire linguistic and elocutionary powers most readily, are fluent writers but often cynical, cold and unforgiving when they have been injured. They are extreme in their food, and make hygiene a fad ; they often fancy that they have every imaginable disease, because Virgo is the sixth sign and has a certain affinity with the sixth house, de- noting health and disease. Mercury, the ruler, is also exalted here and gives pronouncement of all the good which otherwise might be expected from the Sun. Virgo people are slender in youth, but when the 100 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Sun of Life passes the Meridian and begins to throw its shadows toward the East, we find in them a ten- dency toward corpulence of body, particularly of that part ruled, by Virgo, namely, the abdomen. They neglect to take exercise, and naturally on this account a sluggish condition of the intestines may set in which retains the poisons in the body and robs life of its joys and makes one indifferent. In this fact lies the greatest danger of the Virgo people. Once they get into the rut of sickness, they actually "enjoy" poor health. They love to talk over their symptoms with other people, and they resent any thought or suggestion given to them that they are not sick, or that they can get well. The presence of Saturn in Virgo, or the sixth house, accentuates this tendency in the very highest degree, and there- fore it is an almost infallible sign that the native will have or be subject to chronic illness, the nature of this disease being denoted by the aspect, and the af- flicting planets. Jn order to deal successfully with Virgo people -w~hen they have once become subject to disease, and get them out of it at all, it is necessary to be firm almost to the verge of cruelty. But though one may seem cruel in enforcing upon them the regime that is necessary to bring them away from themselves, this is really the greatest kindness that can be shown, for once these people are in the grip of sickness they stubbornly refuse to let go ; they will resort to the most cunning, even childlike schemes to excite eym- INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 101 pathy, particularly from strangers, and they will re- sent any effort to show them that they are not help- less invalids. At the very slightest suggestion of a hopeful nature, they sometimes lose their temper in the most unwarranted manner. But when at last they are given the deaf ear by everybody, when peo- ple who are in their immediate environment can be persuaded to show them no sympathy, then they may come to themselves. They need a shock to bring them out and away from their condition. And until they get that they never can be cured. The Virgos make splendid nurses, if they can keep from taking on the conditions of the patient. The Virgo people never can bear to see blood shed or touch dead things. They feel bodily injury to others more than harm done to themselves, and are in fact splendidly described by the word chicken- hearted. Libra, the Scales Elegance may be said to express in one word the physical peculiarities of the Libran. The body is slender and graceful in youth; it becomes more plump as life advances, but even the portliness of the Libra body is pleasing. The complexion is smooth and clear, eyes are soft and blue with a kind expression; the mouth is unusually well formed and the teeth particularly fine and even. Libra people have extremely strong conjugal affection, so strong, in fact, that it overshadows all 102 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS other considerations. The. Leos love their families, but their hearts take in all the world besides ; not so the Librans, they are ready for any sacrifice to give comforts to those in their own immediate home circle, but they are also prepared to sacrifice anyone else's family for their own, if necessary. In most other traits the Librans express aptly the symbolism of their sign: a pair of scales, and their characteristics might be expressed in the word: "Changeability." They are people of "moods," be- cause Saturn is exalted here and weighs upon the mind ; the changes are sudden and extreme ; they may follow a fad with as much zest as if their life de- pended upon it, and then, without a moment's warn- ing, drop it and take up something entirely opposite ; there are no halfway measures in the swing of the scales. Being naturally given to change, they are most adaptable to circumstances, and do not fret over reverses, but set about to restore their fortunes with vim and vigor. Aries aiid Libra may be said to be the battlefields of the Sun and Saturn : Life and Death, Joy and Sorrow. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and vanquishes Saturn; hence the intrepidity of Aries people. In Libra the scales tip the other way, there Saturn is exalted, and conquers the Sun; this gives a softer tone to the Libran, whose kindly politeness contrasts markedly with the Arian's brusque address. Venus, the ruler of Libra, is not alone responsible for this trait, for Taurus people are blunt, though Venus INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 103 rules. Venus rising in Libra gives artistic ability, Saturn turns the mind in scientific directions. Librans usually have well shaped hands and feet, and are very proud of them. Scorpio, the Eagle The nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio ; it is large, heavy, and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle ; the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent charac- teristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complex- ion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickset, with a short, thick neck re- sembling that of the opposite sign : Taurus. Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, though prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is aye upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpio and they need much sympathy and forbear- ance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a dis- regard of self that amounts to foolhardiness. The 104 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family. The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits ; and gives a love of mysticism ; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign, it makes scof- fers and sceptics. Sagittarius, the Centaur People born with Sagittarius rising are even taller than those born under the opposite sign, Gemi- ni, the men in particular have large hands and feet. The size and weight of the bony frame is often too much for the ligaments of the spine to support, .and so these people develop a decided stoop in later years The face is long and well formed, the nose well pro- portioned, dark kindly eyes, with dark chestnut hair. The body is very active, but requires much rest, as the recuperative powers are below the requisite. The symbol of this sign shows that there are two widely different classes born therein. One, desig- nated by the animal body of the Centaur, is frankly in f or " a good time, ' ' they are sporty, soldiers of for- tune, of roving proclivities, fond of games of chance, and ready to risk their all on the turn of a card, the speed of a horse, or a game of ball, while Aries or Scorpio people may become pugilists, and Taurus people take up wrestling as a profession. The sports of Sagittarius have no element of cruetly in them; sometimes when afflicted they may be criminals, their INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 105 crimes are never violent, however, but rather results of their indulgence of the animal nature. The other class is the extreme opposite; symbol- ized by the human part of the sign. Here is the man rising above the animal nature, bending the bow of aspiration and aiming at limitless space, signifying the loftiest longings of that immortal spark of in- cipient divinity we call the soul. Law abiding, of the highest morals, honored pillars in the church, be- loved rulers of state, famed for integrity, benevo- lence and justice. The Sun rising in this sign is sure to bring pre- ferment even to those born in lowly and obscure cir- cumstances, and accentuate all good shown in the sign; so will Jupiter, the ruler. Sagittarius rules the thighs and therefore, naturally, configurations from this sign, if accidents are indicated, may be placed in those regions. And it is a notable fact that Sagittarians are very liable to broken bones under circumstances where people with other signs seldom meet injury. In the eighth degree of Sagittarius we have the fixed star Antares, which has a very evil effect upon the sight. Two other nebulous spots in the Zodiac have a similar influence. One is Ascelli in Leo 6, the other Pleiades in Taurus 29. The Sun, or Moon, in one of those places and adversely configurated with one of the malefics, Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Nep- tune gives trouble in the eyes, according to the na- ture of the evil aspect. Or, vice versa, if Saturn, 106 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Mars, Uranus and Neptune are in one of the nebu- lous spots adversely configurated to the Sun or Moon a similar trouble will be experienced. Should a planet like one of the last named be in retrograde mo- tion the aspect is much worse, for when the planet has ceased to retrograde and goes direct in the Zodiac again, it will pass over which ever one of these nebulous spots it is close to a second time and thereby cause an added damage. There may be, how- ever, a compensating side to this aspect, for it some- times happens that while an evil configuration to one of these nebulous spots, and Antares is the worst, deprives a person of his or her sight, a benevo- lent configuration awakens in them a second-sight which will mitigate the loss in a degree which only those who have that sight can appreciate. The Sagittarian must learn to realize his ideals within instead of seeking them without. We are in this school of experience for the purpose of overcom- ing, and it is not by running away from one place to another that we gain experience. By staying in one place, by doing our very best to attain our ideals where we are, we make our ideals come true. Capricorn, the Goaf Capricorn rising gives a short, slender, narrow- chested body with a thin neck, thin silky dark hair, a pale peaked face with small blinking weak eyes. The chin pointed and turned upwards, the nose pointed and turned downwards, an impediment in INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 107 the speech, ill formed lower limbs and an awkward walk. The vitality is very low, and these children are reared with great difficulty, but once infancy is past, they exhibit a tenacity that is truly amazing, and often become very, very old ; they seem to dry up into a mass of wrinkled skin and bone that is all but imperishable, this, on account of the Saturn ray which rules Capricorn. It is noticeable also, that all who have that planet prominent in the nativity show the before mentioned wrinkling of the skin; even though they may retain corpulence conferred by other configurations. Ambition and suspicion are ruling characteris- tics, an inordinate desire for recognition of their claims to superiority and advancement, also suspi- cion that others are trying to subvert or withhold the coveted prize, are ever with these people. It causes them much unnecessary worry, and may re- sult in habitual melancholy, particularly if Saturn is afflicted. They ought to seek amusement outdoors, read funny stories and otherwise try to cultivate a sense of the humorous from childhood, for this is one of the saddest signs, and needs all possible encour- agement. Capricorn people are successful in detective work, where secret practices are used to trap others ; and persistence is required to ferret out a mystery, for they never give up. The afflicted Capricorn is very revengeful, and if by Mars, may shed blood to satisfy a grudge. The Sun rising brings out the Jus- 108 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tice, Purity and Honor of the sign, makes Captains of Construction such as forward the great enterprises of the world. Aquarius, the Water Bearer The stateliness and pride of those born under the sign of Leo are not missing in the typical Aquarian, but while in the Leo these qualities are of a lower, more beastly nature agreeable to the sign, they are manly pride and stateliness in the true Aquarian. Libra generates a beautiful body but more effeminate as it were, whereas the Aquarian beauty is truly manly or womanly, the fearless eye is kindly and drooping eyelashes are peculiar to this sign. The forehead is square, and the well developed poise tells of intellect, the large domed head shows the spiritual side of the nature and the chin is suf- ficiently developed to give purpose to all actions. Thus the typical Aquarian is the highest grade of humanity; but therefore, also exceedingly rare, for the variants produced in each sign from the typical, by the interposition of one or more planets are so different that the type is often unrecognizable in the majority of its features. Aquarians are most loyal to friends, therefore they attract manv, keep them through life, and are much benefitted by them. Like Capricorn, this sign is ruled by Saturn, and he gives to the Aquarian the same retiring nature and tend- ency to melancholy which marks the Capricornian, but also the persistence in following a given course, INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 109 and whatever financial success comes to these people is the result of continued and patient effort ; Aquar- ians are very deliberate and longsuffering ; they never act in a hurry, and therefore seldom have cause to regret their actions, save when reason has been stilled through play upon their sympathies, for under such circumstances they are readily imposed upon. The love nature is very strong, but they are not as demonstrative as the Leo. It is note- worthy that the qualities of opposite signs are always reflected : Leo in Aquarians, reflects love ; Taurus mirrors the passion of Scorpio, the Gemini body is a reflex of the bony Sagittarius frame, etc. The Sun and Saturn bring out more prominently the good traits of Aquarius, for this sign where he rules and Libra where he is exalted, are therefore under his most benign influence. The Sun in Aqua- rius adds much hope and life to the nature, and thus counteracts the melancholy trait previously men- tioned. Pisces, the FisTies The typical Piscean is short, flabby and fleshy with a waddling gait not unlike those born under the sign Cancer, but differs from them by having a stouter body. The feet are often turned in, but larger than those born under Virgo. The body is weak and deficient in recuperative force. The com- plexion is medium, the eyes blue, watery and expres- sionless, the ncse is large and flat. 110 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS There is a strong tendency to mediumship among the Pisces people, and therein is a danger greater than any other on earth. No one should "sit for development" and degenerate into the tool of low spirits, but a Pisces person in particular is "lost" if taken control of. They cannot free them- selves, neither in this life or the next, because gener- ally inert and devoid of will power. They are timid, and even the men are tearful on the slightest provo- cation; they love leisure more than comfort, and do no work when not absolutely necessary to keep body and soul together. They love change of scene, rove about considerably, generally in an aimless manner. Being fond of good things to eat and drink, particu- larly the latter, and lacking will to curb their appe- tite when afflicted, they frequently indulge their craving to such an extent that they become habitual drunkards. The Sun rising in Pisces gives more energy and ambition, Jupiter, the ruler, strengthens the morals, and Venus exalted in this sign, gives great musical talent, but accentuates the tendency to alcoholic in- dulgence, which mars the lives of so many splendid musicians. When many planets are in Pisces, the person will have a hard life, because he or she will not want to take up their life's burden, but love to dream, they become recluses ; they seek to master the hidden arts, occultism and mysticism ; are not guided by rea- son, but rather by their likes and dislikes, and unless INFLUENCE OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 111 they can find an occupation that is otherwise isolated from the ordinary business and trend of life they will feel out of place. They are prone to incur the enmity of people with whom they come in contact in- timately; nobody seems to get along with them, and everybody, whether they show it or not, will take a dislike. There is, ho\vever, a higher side to Pisces, the person who finds himself with Pisces on the ascend- ant is at the end of one cycle of progress and at the beginning of a new. He stands, as it were, upon the threshhold of something higher. Therefore, he is usually not able to live up to the possibilities of the sign which requires self-sacrifice and non-resistance in absolutely Christlike fashion. The tendency is therefore to drift upon the sea of life and dream dreams of future greatness. This tendency must be counteracted by every effort of the will, for other- wise life will be a failure, and later the stern whip 6f necessity will be applied to goad him or her into ac- tion. CHAPTER VI. THE INTRINSIC NATURE OF THE PLANETS THE nature of gun powder which causes it to ex- plode under certain circumstances is neither good nor bad, the quality of its action is determined by the way its power is used. When it furthers the welfare of the community it is called good, and evil when used in a manner derogatory to our well being; so also with the planets, they are neither good nor evil, each has its intrinsic nature and acts in a manner consonant therewith save as modified by the circum- stances under which its powers are exerted. When we know the nature of a sign and the nature of a planet, we may combine the two, and thus obtain the correct reading of the stellar script by our own rea- soning instead of depending upon authorities. For instance, the Sun is hot, full of vital force, and exercises an influence that buoys us up in body and spirit. When its rays fall upon us with moderate strength it makes us stronger and more cheerful, for there is an atmosphere of generosity, out-going love and kindliness in the Sun. Thus if the Sun at birth is in the weak sign, Cancer, naturally the effect would be to modify the weak constitution described in the foregoing signature of the signs ; the heat of the Sun 112 INTRINSIC NATURE OF THE PLANETS 113 would give a more florid complexion to the Cancer person, the general health and recuperative powers would be materially augmented, not to speak of the changes that would be manifested in the disposition, giving more ambition, hopefulness and buoyancy to the temperament. Suppose, on the other hand, that the Sun is in Aries when that sign is rising at the birth of a person, then the fire of the Sun, added to the fire of the sign Aries, will increase the boldness and the intrepidity of the person to such a degree that it may become foolhardiness, particularly, if Mars, the ruler of Aries, is also there and increases the warlike tendencies. Those are characteristics, but the physical body will also suffer from this ex- cessive heat, the blood will race through the veins of such a person like a Niagara of liquid fire, and fevers would be a frequent experience, as the superabund- ance of vitality burns out the physical casement. Were the cold, slow and sluggish Saturn there in- stead of the Sun and Mars, he might squelch almost all of the Aries characteristics both mental and physical. If we consider Aries symbolized by a stove in which a fire is burning, it would make the same difference whether the hot Mars, or the cold Saturn, were placed there, as it makes a difference whether we pour oil or water into the stove. Simi- larly, all the other planets produce various results, according to their intrinsic natures and their various combinations. For the sake of lucidity and ready reference, let us first set down the word which de- 114 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS scribes best the most salient characteristics of each planet. The Sun Life Venus Coalition Mercury Reason The Moon Fecundation Saturn Obstruction Jupiter Idealism Mars Dynamic Energy Uranus Altruism Neptune Divinity In the foregoing, the essential natures of the planets have been given ; where they are well aspected by another planet these natural characteristics are enhanced so far as the benefic planets are concerned, but when evilly aspected, the nature of Venus, which is love and rhythm, becomes folly, licentious- ness and sloth; the philosophy, law-abidrag tenden- cies, mercy and lofty aspirations of Jupiter turn into lawlessness, disregard of others, a ad low pursuits; the lofty spirituality of the Sun will express itself as just animal spirits and physical health. In regard to the planets of the lower nature, good aspects of Mars turn the desires toward constructive objects, and well regulated activities, while evil aspects are responsible for the destructive expression of the de- sire nature. Saturn, when well aspected, gives me- chanical and executive ability capable of directing INTRINSIC NATURE OF THE PLANETS 115 the desire nature. It shows the brainy, persevering man able to cope with, and conquer, material obsta- cles; the organizer and the promoter; the scientific investigator, who follows material lines. As Jupi- ter, well aspected, denotes the high-minded philoso- pher, the worthy law-giver, the sincere and ardent priest, in fact, all who have high and lofty aspira- tions, so Saturn, when evilly aspected, denotes the evilly-minded, creed-bound sectarian, the material- ist, and enemies of society, whether church or state. As Jupiter gives the lofty, expansive and benevo- lent mind, so Saturn, evilly aspected, gives a sarcas- tic, concrete and narrow tendency. It is wonderful to contemplate how the planet- ary forces balance each other so perfectly that uni- versal equilibrium is maintained despite the disturb- ances of the 1500 millions which inhabit the earth alone, not to speak of other spheres. Every moment of time our actions, individually and collectively,, interfere with terestrial equipoise, and were not this instantly restored, the earth must leave its orbit, fly off at a tangent and destroyed. Nor are physical disturbances most potent in disturbing or restoring balance, it is a fallacy to confound solidity and rig- idity with strength, as most thoroughly explained in. our lecture No. 19 : The Coming Force. A train has no strength itself, but must be solid because it is operated upon by an invisible gas called steam. There is no force in a rigid hammer ; but when driven by a column of flexible liquid, like water, backed by 116 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS an clastic cushion of compressed air, the force stored In the air drives the powerful hydraulic ram irresist- ibly through whatever comes before it. Likewise subtle invisible stellar rays are the factors which maintain our ponderous planet in its path, and spiritual disturbances generated by mankind are naturally the most subtle force which interferes with the earth's equipoise. Therefore each planet has its opposite, and ev- ery time we radiate the quality of one planet, we call forth a counter current of corresponding force, and by the action and reaction of those forces in and upon us and our environment we learn the lessons of life. Do we vibrate to the love ray of Venus, instantly Mar.s comes to tempt, and tries to turn love to lust, but it depends upon US whether we remain steadfast in virtue or yield to vice. Do we court the ideal of Jupiter; do we aim to elevate the standards of -church or state, instantly the Saturnine forces invite .to self-aggrandizement and appeal to the passion for power. With us it lies to remain true to the ideal and reap laurels that last through eternity, or yield to the promise of present gain of worthless gold which we repay in sorrow when Saturn turns and becomes the chastiser. Each horoscope shows the tendencies in even the humblest life, and opportunity continu- ally knocks. May we all be prepared to meet it as spiritual astrologers. HOW TO TEST THE HOROSCOPE 117 How to Test the Horoscope It sometimes happens that a momentary mental aberration causes even the best of mathematicians to make a mistake in his figures and if an error occurs when casting a horoscope an immense amount of labor may be wasted before it is discovered. There is an easy method of verifying the figure in the main points by a glance at the position of the Sun which the cautious astrologer never neglects to make use of, and we would specially recommend it to beginners who are naturally more prone to miscalculate than those who have long experience. When you have calculated the place of the Sun and entered it in its proper house and sign, note at once if its position coincides with its actual place in the sky at the time of day when the child was born. If the birth occurred about sunrise, the Sun must be near the ascendant; if in the middle of the forenoon the Sun should be somewhere in the eleventh house, if near noon the Sun will be found near, the Mid- heaven in a correctly cast horoscope, and in the middle of the afternoon it is in the eighth house. A child born near sunset has its sun close to the cusp between the sixth and seventh houses, and if the birth occurs about 9 p. m., the Sun will be in or near the fifth house. When birth is at midnight the Sun is near the nadir, and a child born about 3 o'clock in the morning has the Sun in or near the second house. If you find that the Sun is in its proper position 118 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS relative to the houses, you may confidently proceed with your calculations and place the other planets. If not, you have made a mistake which must be cor- rected before you go further. When someone hands you a horoscope calculated by another astrologer and asks you to read it, look first at the time of birth and then see if the Sun is in its proper position relative to the houses, and the light sign as determined by the month, for if you start to read from an improperly cast horoscope you lay yourself liable to ridicule. Suppose Saturn were on the ascendant and you accuse that person of be- ing melancholy; when he denies the indications and you discover that Mars and Mercury should be there in Scorpio, it is not probable that he will accept your explanations; he will more likely sneer at as- trology and astrologers; nor can we deny that from his point of view such condemnation is justified. Therefore be careful to look at the Sun. Other mis- takes may occur, but that is the most serious and the most easily detected. CHAPTER VII. THE CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS The Children of Aries Born March 20th to April 21st. ARIES is the home of Mars, the planet of dyna- mic energy, and is also the exaltation sign of the life-giving Sun, hence it is a very fountain of life and vitality as manifest in the sprouting of the mil- lions of seeds which break through the earth's crust at that time and change the white winter garment to a flower-embroidered carpet of green, and make the forests a bridal bower for the mating beasts and birds. This great vital force also finds its expression in the children of Aries, they bubble over with life and energy to such an extent that it is often very difficult to curb them sufficiently to hold them with- in the bounds of safety and common sense. They are self-assertive and aggresive to a degree, always in the lead for they scorn to follow, turbulent and radical in all their thoughts, ideas and actions. They are venturesome to the verge of foolhardiness. 119 120 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS We also find that they are greedy for the fruits of their labor, they never can get enough, but no mat- ter how much they earn they are generally poor for they spend as lavishly and as thoughtlessly as they earn. They make splendid foremen and over- seers, for, being so full of vital energy and ambition themselves, they have a faculty of infusing their en- ergy into their subordinates or forcing them to work when necessary. But being too impulsive and reck- less they lack the ability to originate for themselves. They are serious and ardent in all they undertake; they cannot go into anything half-heartedly, and therefore, if they once espouse a cause, social, poli- tical or religious, they will work for that cause with all the vim and vigor of their energetic nature. But if on the other hand an Aries child becomes addicted to a vice the whole intensity of its nature is turned towards the gratification of that particular part of its lower nature. Therefore parents with Aries children have a great responsibility to set before them by precept and example the noblest and best form of conduct of which they are capable, for this is probably the most impressive sign in the zodiac, and the habits formed, the lessons learned in child- hood and youth will generally cling to the person through life and make him either very good or very bad. Be particularly careful to inculcate abstinence from alcoholic liquors, for if an Aries child becomes addicted to that vice he is beyond saving and often becomes subject to delirium. CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 121 Children of Taurus Born April 21st to May 22nd. On the 21st of April the Sun enters the zodiacal sign of the Bull, Taurus, and remains in that sign un- til the 20th of May and therefore children born be- tween those dates partake in a great measure of the characteristics of this sign. Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of love, and therefore the children of Tau- rus have a basically amicable and kind disposition, but when they once have conceived an idea they cling to it with stubbornness, they are very resentful of contradiction and very difficult to convince that they have made a mistake, but when once one has suc- ceeded in showing them that they are wrong their inherent love of justice and truth will prompt them to acknowledge their mistakes and try to rectify them. They have a very strong and determined will so that when they set up a goal for themselves or have made up their minds to do anything they keep on working with patience and persistence until they usually make a success of whatever they under- take. They also have good executive ability and are able to take leading positions where they have oth- ers under their command. Although they are ami- cable and agreeable when in the company of others they have a strong tendency to seek solitude and to become very self-centered. They seem to set up un- consciously a barrier between themselves and other people so that it is difficult to become intimately 122 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS acquainted with them. Taurus children are very keen in their desires for material possessions and they are usually very fortunate also in acquiring them for besides having good earning power them- selves they are often the recipients of inheritance. But they do not want wealth for the sake of hav- ing it as much as for the pleasure and comfort which they can get out of it ; they are mainly very fond of comforts and luxuries, art, music, drama and other refining influences of life. The children of Taurus have an abundance of vitality to start with, but they are very apt to go to excess in work or play, waste their energy and become ill as a consequence. They are particularly attracted to the pleasure^ of the table. They revel in rich foods which later give them a tendency to digestive troubles, enlargement of the liver, heart disease and congestion of the kidneys. These dis- eases are very apt to make them uncomfortable in later life, therefore parents should inculcate in them above all things the virtue of frugality, not only by precept, but by example, for these Taurus children are very quick and they will readily see that ''mo- ther and father tell me to eat little but they eat all they want themselves." They should also be taught to take plenty of exercise as a means to promote health, for the children of Taurus are rather indo- lent in their manner. However, as said before, they have a most wonderful vitality particularly if they are born at sunrise and although they may become CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 12b subject to the diseases mentioned they will have a long life and a fair measure of general good health, wealth and happiness. Children of Gemini 4 Born May 22nd to June 22nd. The children of Gemini are wonderfully quick- witted and bright; they also have the ability to ex- press themselves clearly and to the point, therefore they are always good company. Conversation never lags when they are present, in fact they are some- times given to monopolizing it entirely, but then they are often so interesting that other people are glad to listen. They acquire learning very rapidly and are very well informed on most sub- jects. They have a good memory so that what they have won is not lost, that is of course, provided the horqscope is otherwise well-aspected and configur- ated. Where it is seriously afflicted we find the faults of the Gemini pointing in the opposite direc- tion; then they may be inveterate chatterboxes, shunned by everybody who can possibly get out of their way. The great point to remember with these children is that they have the ability of expression and a great deal may be done during the days of childhood to mould the character in such a way that it expresses itself in a manner that is congenial and to the general benefit of the child and its surround- ings, and will be of help to it later in life. The children of Gemini are, generally speaking, 124 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS of a very kind and affable disposition, easy to get along with. They are able to adapt themselves to other people and to circumstances so that they be- come all things to all men and in that way they usu- ally make many friends and few enemies. They are of a roving disposition and love to travel about from one place to another and they excel in scientific or clerical activities, as agents or representatives of others where their Mercurial talents find an avenue of expression. From the moral point of view it is not good to have a flexible nature. The children of Gemini are only too easily made victims of flattery and there- fore apt to be led unconsciously into paths of wrong- doing. It should be the aim of the parents of these children to hold before them very seriously the straight and narrow path and emphasize the idea in their minds that that is never to be swerved from under any consideration. The children of Gemini are very high-strung and nervous and therefore they are easily worried and irritated, which reflects upon their actions and upon their bodily health. On that account parents with children born in this month ought to be lenient with them in their flashes of temper for they are very quick-spoken under wrath; they need a soothing an- swer rather than reproof, in order that they may be helped to overcome while they are young and to strengthen their moral constitution in that respect When the horoscope of a Gemini child is afflicted CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 125 there is very apt to be some disorder of the lungs and Gemini children will be much helped if they are taught proper breathing exercises and calisthenics. It will at least minimize the tendencies and may entirely overcome them. Gemini children usually grow very tall and straight. They are fine-looking people with a quick walk and brisk movements, but they may be either light or dark complexioned ac- cording to the placement and configuration of the other planets. The Children of Cancer Born June 22nd to July 23rd. The watery sign Cancer is one of the weakest in the zodiac so far as vitality goes and when that is upon the eastern horizon of a person's horoscope it always gives a rather weak body, but usually this does not apply to the children born during the time when the Sun is in Cancer, for the Sun is the giver of life, and these children are therefore more for- tunate with respect to vitality than those, children who have Cancer rising. The children of Cancer are usually very timid and retiring, yet they want and need friendship and sympathy; though they are very sensitive about seeking it, yet when they get well acquainted they can at times be very exacting with their friends, even autocratic in their ways of ordering them about. At the same time, it must be said they are very con- scientious in all things entrusted to them, and use 126 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS considerable discretion in whatever they do, so that one may safely trust them to keep a secret or exe- cute a commission. The sign Cancer is ruled by the restless Moon, and therefore changes of residence, po- sition, vocation, and of all matters, are quite frequent in the lives of these children. At the same time they cannot be called fickle and flippant for they are very tenacious whenever they have undertaken to do a certain work or undertaken a certain obligation; then they stay by it until it is finished. Neither do they run haphazard into anything; in fact, there are times when they are inclined to be too cautious. Es- pecially where there is danger of injury they are al- most cowards, and they are often given to anxiety and worry. The Children of Leo Born July 23rd to August 24th. The sign Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun, and it is called the royal sign of the Zodiac; therefore it confers upon the children which are born under its influence a noble, ambitious and aspiring nature. They are of the Master breed and make good leaders but poor followers. Being of a noble and lofty char- acter themselves they scorn mean and sordid things, nor will they stoop to do a low act even under great provocation or the strong urge of self-interest. The love nature is very strong and ardent. No inconven- ience or sacrifice is too great to serve those they love. They are loyal and true friends through thick and CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 127 thin. Leo is a fixed sign and gives its children considerable will power, so that they are usually able to win their way to the top despite all handicaps and obstacles. They are very fixed in their opinions and if they espouse any cause they will usu- ally stay by it and work for it in a most enthusiastic manner. They never do anything half-heartedly, for Leo being a fiery sign endows them with power, vi- tality and enthusiasm. Leo also gives its children a good memory. The foregoing tendencies are indi- cated when the Sun is fairly well aspected in the horoscope ; but if it is afflicted by Mars, or any of the malefics, the nature is changed, so that the per- son becomes bombastic, blustering and domineering, one not to be trusted in any department of life, and an unfaithful, amorous husband or wife, a disloyal friend^ one who will not hesitate to stoop to any meanness. He is then just as bad as the Leo with the well aspected Sun is good, this on the principle that the brightest light always casts the deepest shadow. The principal fault of the Leos is a quick temper, but they do not hold spite, and when shown to have been in the wrong they are always ready to apologize and make amends. They are magnanimous, even to their bitterest enemies. The 'Children of Virgo Born August 24th to September 23rd. Virgo, the Sixth sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of reason, expression and dex- 128 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS terity. It is said, and with considerable truth, that love is blind, for were one to see faults in the beloved one the master passion never would find expression. Therefore the children of Virgo who are governed so much by intellect are not sympathetic, but in- clined to be cynical, critical and skeptical of any- thing that is not scientifically demonstrable to the reason and senses. They are very quick mentally, though only too often inclined to "strain at a gnat," and though they seldom "swallow the camel," they get into a rut where they become narrow-minded and bigoted. They are rather lazy themselves and fond of taking things easy, but they like to drive others, and can be very masterful with subordinates. On that account they often cause enmities of a lasting nature, but whenever they become friendly with any one they also make very good friends and treat their friends well. The Mercurial disposition infused by this sign brings many changes of environment and therefore new associations and friendships are con- stantly being formed. They are very acquisitive and always looking out for ways and means of bettering themselves financially, socially and economically. It may also be said that they deserve promotion for they are industrious to a degree where they see that a reward may be gained thereby. They are also very ingenious and versatile, fond of the study of science, particularly chemistry, diet and hygiene, and many among them become extreme food faddists. As Virgo Is the Sixth sign these people take on Sixth house CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 129 characteristics and are therefore very sensitive to suggestions of ill health, so that if they ever become enmeshed in the tentacles of disease they frequently lack the necessary will power to extricate themselves ; with the result that they then usually become chronic invalids or perhaps rather they think themselves so, for it may be said that these people seem to resent any effort to cheer them up and get them out of the clutches of their particular illness, real or fancied. They seem in fact to enjoy bad health, and they are always looking for sympathy, though as we noted in the beginning of this reading, they are very slow to grant the same to others. If they can keep out of the clutches of disease, they often become excellent nurses and have a splendid influence upon the sick, The Children of Libra Born September 23rd to October 24th. Libra is the Seventh sign of the zodiac and the children which are born under that sign are ruled by the planet of love, Venus. The symbol of Libra in the pictorial zodiac is a pair of scales and this instrument describes graphically their principal characteristic. The children of Libra are very ardent in anything they do; they take up a vocation or an avocation with a zeal and enthusiasm which for the time being excludes all other things from their con- sideration, but after a while they may drop it just as suddenly, take up something else as a trade, a fad or a hobby, and pursue that with an equal en- 9 130 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ergy and absorbing interest. This is in fact one of their principal faults, as they find it very difficult to settle down to anything definite, and continue it with patience and persistence until they have achieved success. Libra is the sign when the Sun changes from the northern to the southern hemisphere; it crosses the equator there, and consequently the Sun is very weak at that point. It is the great life-giver going down into the dark winter months, and there- fore Saturn, the planet of darkness, is exalted in Libra. Thus we find two natures very markedly ex- pressed in children that are born under this sign ; one is of the Sun, which is cheerful and optimistic, the other is that of Saturn, which is morose and melancholy. And this expresses itself in the changeable nature of the Libra children; sometimes they are up in the seventh heaven, optimistic and enthusiastic, cheerful and happy, then as suddenly and without any seeming cause the scale swings and they seem to be down in the dumps of worry and melancholy just as if they had not a friend in the world. As a matter of fact they make many friends, for they have a basically kind disposition en- gendered by the Lady of Libra, Venus, but they al- so have a quick temper, though fortunately they do not hold spite. They are exceedingly fond of pleas- ures in general and particularly lean toward art and music. CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 131 The Children of Scorpio Born October 24th to November 23rd. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of dynamic- energy, and therefore the children born during that month when the Sun is passing through this sign are filled with a force that must have an outlet some- where or somehow. They partake of all the Martial qualities, either good or bad, according to the way the Sun is placed and aspected, and they are always ready to take up an argument or a fight, either on their own behalf or for someone else ; they are never content with half measures, either they go to one- extreme or the other, good or bad. Those who show the good side of Scorpio have splendid constructive and executive abilities. They are brusque but honest and just, indefatigable workers, and always ready to sacrifice themeslves for the good of others by re- belling against oppression or in other Ways unself- ishly working for the cause they have espoused. But those who show the bad side of Scorpio not only re- fuse to work themselves but become demagogues who incite others to anarchy and lawlessness and de- struction. These people are social fire-brands and very dangerous to the community. But there is one redeeming feature about them and that is that they are not underhanded, whatever they do is open and aboveboard. The children of Scorpio usually hare a very uncertain temper and a sarcastic tongue that bites like the sting of the scorpion, when they turn that side of their nature. Therefore the parents of 132 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS these children should take them in hand as early as possible and teach them self-control by every means within their power; also strive to soften the Mars ray and instill into them a more kindly spirit. This may be very difficult because the sign Scorpio gives a very determined nature, still, in childhood's years it is plastic to a certain extent and can be best worked upon then. They have a very strong and vivid imagination, with a clear, sharp and pene- trating mind, also a personal magnetism that makes them very attractive to those with whom they come in contact. They seem to be most contented in mili- tary life where there is sharp and strict discipline. Particular care should be taken to teach these child- ren sex hygiene, for the sign Scorpio rules the gene- rative and eliminatory organs, whose functions are stimulated by the presence of the Sun in Scorpio, so that if the person is not morally and physically clean, much trouble may be expected. These child- ren also make excellent surgeons and if they are taught to use surgery only for constructive purposes they can do a great deal of good in the world. All this depends in a considerable measure upon the early training, for there is a destructive side to the Scorpio nature which would make it very dangerous from the spiritual viewpoint for such a person to take up a vocation that offers scope for malpractice; he would then contract a very heavy debt under the law of consequence, which must be paid back in sor- row and suffering either in this or later lives. CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 133 The Children of Sagittarius Born November 23rd to December 22nd. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the great bene- fic planet, and it may be said generally that those who are born while the Sun is in this sign from No- vember 23rd to December 22nd are well liked in the society where they move. They are of a hearty and jovial disposition, princes among men, hail-fellows-well-met, and their acquaintances are generally glad to see them. There are two very dis- tinct classes born under this sign. In the pictorial zodiac, Sagittarius is represented as a centaur, half horse and half man, and one class of those who come to birth under its influence are well described by the animal part thereof, for they are of a sporty na- ture, ready to gamble on the speed of a horse at long odds or to stake their last dollar on a game of cards. They are fond of a "good time right straight through" and their moral nature is of low grade, aptly described by the animal part of the symbol, so that they have no scruples with respect to the indulgence of their appetites, passions and desires. They are lacking in respect for both the law and or- dinary morals, hence they are often found among the criminal class. But those children of Sagittarius who are symbolized by the human part of the cen- taur, aiming the bow of aspiration at the stars, are as different as day is from night, for they are ex- tremely idealistic, moral and law-abiding, noble 134 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS characters who win the respect of society in general and particularly all with whom they come into in- timate contact. Therefore they become in time the pillars of society and receive positions of honor and preferment in the State or Church as judges or di- vines. They are very orthodox and conservative in their opinions and punctilious to a fault in their observance of all customs and traditions of the times wherein they live, but they are not progressive, for they value the opinions of their contemporaries very highly and are seldom induced to espouse any pro- gressive ideas which might jeopardize the respect of the community enjoyed by them. They are firm be- lievers in the necessity of red tape. Withal, how- ever, they are charitable and benevolent, tender and sympathetic; they can always be relied upon to aid any altruistic movement, and though they are of a kindly nature and endeavor to avoid quarrels in their own behalf, they sometimes fight with great zeal and courage for others who have been in- jured and in whose behalf their sympathies have been enlisted, hence they make admirable lawyers. The Sagittarians are usually excellent conver- sationalists and they have a quick and ready wit and are fond of indulging in oratory. Their memory and interesting way of relating experiences always hold the audience. They are very proud and have great confidence in themselves. CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 135 The Children of Capricorn Born December 22nd to January 20th. .. , Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of ob- struction, therefore the vitality of these children is very low and they are difficult to raise, but once in- fancy is passed the Saturnine persistence makes it- self felt and they cling to life with an amazing ten- acity so that they often become very old. They are very much subject to colds and their principal source of danger is falls and bruises. The children of Capricorn are usually bashful and timid in the pres- ence of strangers but when they have become used to people they show their domineering nature and en- deavor to make everybody around them conform to their will. The Saturnine quality of the sign makes them jealous and suspicious of the motives of others. Therefore they are very fond of detective work. They will follow a trail with unerring instinct and unwavering perseverance that never gives up as long as there is the remotest chance of success. It is good to be friends with Capricornians and bad to make enemies of them, for they find it very hard to for- give a real or fancied offense or injury and always brood over any wrong done to them. On the other hand, if they once give their confidence or friendship they are also consistent in that direction. They are very ambitious and anxious to have their services recognized by other people and they have a splendid executive ability because of the unusual qualities of 136 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS forethought and concentration conferred by Saturn. They are born leaders and organizers but chafe un- der restrictions and dislike particularly to take or- der^ from others. When they are placed in such a subordinate position and cannot have their own way they become gloomy, taciturn, moody, pessimistic, irritable, and given to worry. The children of Cap- ricorn usually have a disinclination for marriage and are seldom at ease if they enter into that state. The union is usually childless or children are few. The Children of Aquarius Born January 20th to February 19th. The children of Aquarius are of a rather shy, retiring nature. They like to keep their own com- pany and counsel more than is good for them, for if this bent in their nature is allowed full swing it has a tendency to breed melancholy and make them recluses. They have a quiet, unassuming manner which gains many friends for them and their home life is usually ideal. They are generally affectionate and of a very sweet and kind disposition, and are al- ways ready to defer to the opinion of a loved one and ready to yield a point for the sake of harmony. Besides, Aquarius being a fixed sign they are very constant in their affection as well as in other things. Aquarius is an intellectual sign and its children usually have a good mentality, because the Saturnine rulership gives depth to the mind, and the Uranian ray gives them intuition and an inclination towards CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 137 science, literature and philosophy. They are re- markably persistent in whatever they undertake, and therefore usually succeed in the long run. As Aquarius is the llth sign it partakes also of the qualities ruled by the llth House; therefore the children of Aquarius are usually well liked among their associates and have many friends. The child- ren of Aquarius are very proud and jealous of the esteem of others. Their principal fault is that on account of Saturnine traits they are somewhat giv- en to worry. Like the Leos they are strong in their likes and dislikes ; they will do anything for those who have won their affection, but resent any attempt to drive them, and under such conditions are ex- tremely stubborn; in fact they are very set in their mental attitude, once an opinion has been formed it is not easily changed. They are so very sensitive to the mental condition around them that it affects their physical well being perhaps more than they are aware for this is one of the most sensitive signs. The Children of Pisces Born February 20th to March 20th. The children of Pisces are of a marked negative disposition, subject to varying moods, and are, like the children of Aquarius, very sensitive to the men- tal atmosphere in their environment. For that rea- son it is of the greatest importance that parents of these children should guard them during childhood against the influences of bad companions, for the old 138 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS proverb about "bad company corrupting good man- ners" applies with ten-fold strength to. these child- ren, and they will absorb good or evil with equal fa- cility. So until they have learned to choose for themselves the good things, it is especially necessary for their natural guardians to shield them. They also have a strong tendency to mediumship and if they are taken into seances there is a great danger that they may become controlled. Moreover, having such an extremely flexible nature they can never ex- ert sufficient will power to free themselves from the influence when once they have been subjected to it. and it may ruin their whole life. These children are very peaceable in disposition and suffer injury rather than fight for their rights, not because they do not care, for they are very jealous especially when born in the latter part of the sign, but the Piscean nature is always averse to exertion, and generally they do not want to take the trouble to fight for their rights. In plain English they are lazy. Therefore the parents should see that a cer- tain amount of work is allotted to them during the earliest years, for it is then that the habits are formed and the nature is the most plastic. They can learn to be diligent with much less effort at that time than during the later stages of life. But once the children of Pisces have commenced doing a piece of work it will probably be a surprise to others to watch them and see the methodical way they go at it, making ev- ery move count until the task has been completed CHILDREN OF THE TWELVE SIGNS 139 with seemingly very little effort on their part. Hon- esty is another of the virtues of the Pisces children; they are usually dependable and close-mouthed, so that they may be trusted with secrets in full confi- dence that they will not betray the trust. The children of Pisces are generally kind and sympathetic, cordial and suave in manner, qualities which will of course bring them many friends. They are notoriously fond of good things to eat, they re- vel in rich foods, but are also prone to be fond of drink. If these tendencies are allowed to work themselves out they will of course ruin the life, and besides bring on a train of disease. Therefore the parents of these children should endeavor by pre- cept and example to teach them the simple life, fru- gality and control of the appetite during the years when habits are formed, besides guarding them against too strenuous exercise which even the child- ren of Pisces will not shun in childhood when the abundance of life force impels them. Then later in life these lessons will not be without their fruit. The chances are that the child which by the help of the parent has learned in childhood to rule its stars will be both healthy and hearty, respected and loved be- cause of good habits, and in full enjoyment of life. In short, these children need a very careful bringing up to save them from the evil tendencies and bring out the good, but that is just what such souls come to parents for. Their necessity is the parents' oppor- tunity to make a great and wonderful soul growth. CHAPTER VIII. THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE THE Sun, being the center of the solar system, is recognized by all as the physical life-giver, even when they do not believe in anything superphy- sical ; it is patent to everyone from personal observa- tion that the horizontal ray of the morning sun affects us differently from the perpendicular noon ray, and that in summer the rays carry a life-force which not only brings forth the verdure upon the fields, but also affects the human temperament, and en- dows us with vital energy, courage and a hopeful spirit foreign to the dark and gloomy winter months. This gloom is permanently noticeable in the tem- perament of people living in the far north, where the absence of sunlight makes life a struggle that saps the spirit of frolic, while in countries where abundance of sunlight lessens the care of existence the temperament is correspondingly vivacious and hopeful and sunny. In the horoscope, the angle of each planetary ray at birth determines the department of life it will affect. If the child is born at the noon hour when the sun is at Zenith the daystar will appear in the 10th house of the horoscope and bring pre- ferment professionally. If the child were born at 140 THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 141 midnight when the sun is directly under the place of birth its influence would be through the Fourth House, and it would brighten the old age of the child then born. There are three unfortunate angles for the sun: Children born shortly after sunset have it in the Sixth House, which indicates sickness, and as the Sun is life-giver this position lessens the vitality and recuperative power. Birth in the middle part of the afternoon places the Sun in the Eighth House. This is the house through which the death-deal- ing forces act, and logically, the Lord of Life is out of place in the House of Death. The Second House shows what income we obtain by our own efforts, and as the Eighth House is opposite the Second it reveals the sources of revenue for which we do not personally exert ourselves, that is to say, legacies, pensions or grants of a public nature. We have known people with the Sun in the Eighth House to acquire vast sums, millions in one case, by specu- lation in municipal necessities. Such persons are often threatened by death and sometimes have many hairbreadth escapes, but even with the best of aspects to the Sun, a ripe age is seldom attained. When a child is born shortly after sunrise the Sun is in the Twelfth House, which is the avenue whence we reap our sorrows, and it has been our experience that the early life of such a person is encompassed by trouble of one kind or another. When the ascendant of a person is in doubt and 142 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the place in the Zodiac which seems to fit neares^ brings the Sun into the Twelfth House, the writer has often found that the exact ascendant may be ascertained by asking the person if his child- hood's life was clouded by poverty of the parent and consequent limitation for a number of years just after birth. This in all cases where it has been found that all other events fitted in the horoscope proved a successful method of determining the true ascendant, so that the number of degrees from the ascendant to the Sun, the latter located in the Twelfth House, would indicate the years of poverty, for the Twelfth House makes for limitation in that respect, especially when the Sun is there at birth. When the Sun by progression has passed through the Twelfth House and comes into the ascendant, things begin to brighten for the person involved, and when in time it passes through the Second House he will have a period of financial success; but as stated the Sun in the Twelfth House, just above the as- cendant, usually makes a very poor home for the child during the early days of life. If Pisces is there the cause will generally be found in slothfulness and a desire for drink on the part of the parents, which makes them thus neglect their offspring. The qualities imparted by a well placed Sun are dignity, strength of will and courage, both phys- ical and moral, a lofty pride and a keen sense of honor and responsibility which makes a person emi- nently reliable, a sterling honesty and a hatred of THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 143 anything small, underhanded or tricky. It makes him steadfast in love, staunch in friendship and gen- erous even to enemies. A dignified, exalted or well placed Sun brings friendship from people in a posi- tion to bestow substantial favors and aids the person materially in his endeavors to advance in life. When the Sun is afflicted and weak by sign and position the opposite qualities are manifested ; bom- bastic self-assurance and bluster, love of adulation and a desire to rule or ruin, but no courage to face opposition ; indulgence of the lower nature and a waste of the vital force with a consequent loss of health and strength. When the Sun is weak the person is not to be depended on; he regards his promises as pie-crusts, made to be broken, and be- cause of these traits such people always remain in obscurity. In the world at large the Sun signifies employ- ers and those in immediate authority over the per- son such as judges, and other government officers, and when the exigencies of life bring a person in contact with them he will receive at their hands Whatever treatment is merited by his Sun. The Sun being masculine is significator of the marriage partner in a woman's horoscope (and the feminine Moon serves a similar purpose in a man's figure), hence a well placed Sun is one of the indi- cations that a man will make a good husband, and an unaspected, weak or afflicted Sun gives him a tendency to neglect his hearth and home. 144 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS As general significator of health the Sun rules principally in masculine figures, (and the Moon in feminine horoscopes), but both lights and import- ant. It may be said however, that the health of a man is not so much endangered by afflictions of the Moon as by a weak Sun, and vice versa, a woman suf- fers more if her Moon is afflicted than if her Sun is evilly aspected. THE SUN IN THE TWELVE HOUSES. Ol The Sun in the First House The Sun is the source of vitality and the First House signifies our constitutional condition and the home of our childhood, hence the Sun well aspected in the First House adds to the vitality of the rising sign and augments the recuperative powers. It brightens life during the days of childhood and stabilizes the nature, making the person more cheerful and compan- ionable, ambitious to succeed in life, courageous in overcoming obstacles. The outlook on life is joyful and optimistic, hence the chances of success are increased. People with the Sun in this position love to lead and exercise authority over others; they are very jealous of the e.st eem of the community, upright and honest in their dealings. When the Sun is afflicted in the First House it lowers the vitality, makes the person timid THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 145 and vacillating, lacking in courage and ambi- tion; hence the chances of a successful life are slim unless many other good aspects modify this condition. 2 The Sun in the Second House This shows the person will find favor with peo- ple in a position to further his material pros- perity and will by their help gain a comfortable living, but it also gives a tendency to squander money on the principle that ''what comes easy goe.s easy." Unless this trait is curbed it may bring about financial stringency, for it is not so much what we earn that counts as what we spend. We shall be poor with an income of a million if we spend two. 03 The Sun in the Third House This favors travel and makes the person bright and observing, eager to investigate conditions and things, for it imparts a scientific turn to the mind. It is a good position for writers as it helps to bring them to public notice and favor. 04 The Sun in the Fourth House In one sense this is a very unfortunate position because it deprives the person of the help of the solar influence during the major portion of life, which is on that account a constant uphill struggle, but as the Fourth House rules the lat- 10 146 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ter part of life it is always a consolation to see that the declining years will be brightened by the Sun of success. That should make the bur- dens lighter to bear. O5 The Sun in the Fifth House The Fifth House rules courtship, children, pleas- ure, education and publications; when the Sun is there it favors all these except children. It makes the person a favorite with the opposite sex, gives him much enjoyment of life, also suc- cess as a teacher, publisher or editor, but strangely enough, though the Sun rules the heart whence spring our children, his position- in the Fifth House is distinctly unfavorable for their begetting. This is especially so if the fiery Fifth sign Leo is on the cusp. Then the fervent heat of passion seems to scorch the human plant ere it has time to grow. This tendency is modi- fied to some extent when a watery sign is on the cusp, but when one of the partners has the Sun in the Fifth House the offspring is never prolific. 6 The Sun in the Sixth House Seeing that the Sun is the Giver of Life it is evident that when it is confined in the Sixth House it is debilitated and the vital flow is ob- structed; therefore people who have the Sun in that position are particularly liable to disease THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE UT and slow to recuperate. On that account their diseases are frequent and long-drawn-out to an extent which often amounts to chronic inval- idism. If the person is an employee of someone else he will be efficient in his work; he will have nc difficulty in obtaining well-paid positions but he will be very touchy towards his employers and make frequent changes under the pretext that his abilities are not sufficiently appreciated. If he is an employer, this position of the Sun is good for sucess in business, but indicates trou- ble with servants who will be domineering. If other configurations in the horoscope en- able the person to shake off the grip of sickness the Sun in the Sixth House gives great ability in chemistry, preparation of health-food, and makes the person a capable nurse or healer. 07 The Sun in the Seventh House Partnerships are often unsuccessful because of the selfishness of the participants but he who has the Sun in the Seventh House will have no rea- son to complain in that respect for he will al- ways attract someone with a high sense of honor when in need of a partner, and as marriage is the most intimate of all partnerships, the Sun- in the Seventh House is a particularly fortunate configuration in that respect, for it will bring the person a mate who is absolutely 148 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS steadfast and true, one who may indeed be de- pended upon as a helpmeet in all the exigen- eie,s and vicissitudes of life till death do part. As there is no earthly treasure equal to such an enduring love this is perhaps the best of all so- lar positions. Should the person be unfortunate enough to become involved in litigation the Sun in the Seventh House insures the favor of the judge and a successful outcome. O8 The Sun in the Eighth House The Eighth House is the angle of incidence through which the death dealing forces act, and as the Sun is the giver of life it is evident that this position is extremely detrimental as far as vitality is concerned, and it often brings a promising life to an early termination. It al- so often happens that when genius has gone begging all through life and passed the portal of death in obscurity it gains belated recogni- tion, fame and immortality through this posi- tion of the Sun. As the Second House signifies the financial condition of the person and shows what he does with the money he earns, so the Eighth shows what comes to him apart from his own efforts, that is to say, inheritances, the wealth of the marriage partner, etc. Therefore the Sun in the Eighth House shows an increase of wealth THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 149 after marriage but also a tendency of the mate to be over-generous and squander the means. O 9 The Sun in the Ninth House This position brightens the mind and fills the person with high ideal/3 and lofty ambitions. It makes him generously tolerant of other peo- ple's opinions noble and kind-hearted. There is an inner urge to solve the problems of life and learn the 'whys' and 'wherefores,' hence the mind turns naturally toward philosophy, reli- gion and law. And as we always excel in the things we love, people with the Sun in the Ninth House make excellent statesmen, lawyers and ministers of God. They shine in all intellectual and scientific pursuits. Their mission often takes them into foreign lands. 10 The Sun in the Tenth House This is one of the surest signs of general suc- cess in life. The person rises by the favor of those above him in the social scale and obtains positions of responsibility and trust. He is much respected in the community and often honored by election to public office, and he may always be depended upon to justify the trust reposed in him. Gil The Sun in the Eleventh House This is a good sign that the hopes, wishes and 150 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS aspirations of the person will be realized; it at- tracts people in a position to befriend him and with an inclination to do so. G12 The Sun in tJie Twelfth House This is the signature of the lonely soul who as a recluse shuts himself off from his fellows. It brings with it a danger of conflict with the au- thorities or an inability to fit in with the family conditions and on account of the ensuing trouble the person goes into voluntary or en- forced exile, living his life henceforth a stranger among strangers. Even when such drastic con- ditions do not prevail, the first third of the life is usually wasted in vain efforts to find a bal- ance and settle down to some life work. Like the Sixth House position of the Sun. this also favors work with the sick in hospitals, chemistry and laboratory work, or work with prisoners ; it gives a love of the occult and leads to curious lines of research. THE SUN IN THE TWELVE SIGNS. G T The Sun in Aries Aries is the exaltation-sign of the Sun and hence this is the most powerful position of the central orb. There it radiates a vital force of unex- ampled strength which gives to the person a wonderful fund of energy wherewith to with- THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 151 stand the onslaughts of disease and should he be taken ill his powers of recuperation will quickly free him from the clutches of sickness. People with this configuration are principally liable to fevers on account of the fervent heat of the Sun in Aries. As Aries rules the head the excessive heat often dries up the scalp so that the hair cannot grow and the person be- comes bald. 8 The Sun in Taurus A favorable position for the financial fortunes but it also gives a tendency to extravagance, es- pecially in dress, and makes the person ex- tremely fond of the opposite sex, sometimes with detrimental results. It gives great physical strength and the person loves to show off that people may admire his prowess. Taurus rules the larynx and therefore the Sun in Taurus adds strength to the vocal organ and gives the person a strong, pleasant voice. O IE The Sun in Gemini Gemini is a Mercurial sign and third in the ga- mut, hence this position gives a blended influence of the Sun, Mercury and the Third House. This favors expression for Mercury as it is the planet which stirs the vocal chords and produces sound in the Taurian larynx; it also favors writings and travel; the mind is brightened by 152 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the Sun in Gemini and when it is necessary or expedient to travel the person gains thereby physically and mentally. It gives a pleasant, af- fable disposition which makes him generally liked among his associates. O ED The Sun in Cancer Cancer is the fourth sign and is ruled ny the Moon, innce the Sun in Cancer Is a mixture of the Sun. Moon and fourth House influence. In the radical horoscope (where Aries is in the Ascendant) this is the nadir, and vitality is at , its lowest ebb, therefore the person with the Sun in Cancer is apt to be indolent even when not sickly at all. He is harmless and avoids quarrels, hence harmonious and agreeable in the home so long as he is not asked to work too hard. This position of the Sun makes the first part of the life barren of fruits but brings success in the later years. Cancer is a psychic sign and there- fore the Sun in Cancer gives a tendency toward the occult, often with psychic experiences. O5V The Sun in Leo The Sun in Leo gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The per- son aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 153 golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defend- ers of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is the sign which rules the heart and whatever people with the Sun in Leo do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make fine friends and if one must have an enemy, a Leo will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other. The Sun in Virgo This is a combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influence. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necesarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one. The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, not surgeons but drug-doc- tors; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it. O === The Sun in Libra Libra is ruled by Venus and it is the seventh sign hence the Sun in Libra combines the influence of Venus with that of the Sun and the Seventh 154 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS house, with the result that the person loves tre marriage partner so devotedly that he ex- cludes everyone else; for of a person with that configuration it may truly be said that "the Sun rises and sets" in the marriage partner. Libra is also the exaltation sign of Saturn, and his influence is there at its best, giving a tint of construction to the art of Venus. This is brought about as ability for the architecture and the finer branches of decorative construction when the Sun is in Libra. This configuration also gives a fine, sonorous voice and vocal talent. T~he Sun in Scorpio This gives the person a very blunt and brusque manner with a tendency to ride rough shod over anybody or anything that stands in the way of his desires; an overweening egoism and a feel- ing that he knows better than anybody else; ex- tremely cruel and indifferent to the sufferings of other people or creatures. It is the sign of the vivisectionist, the surgeon, the soldier and the butcher, also sea-captains. This configuration is good for gain by mar- riage but gives a tendency to extravagant ex- penditure. The Sun in Sagittarius This gives lofty ideals and a noble aspiring dis- position aiming to rise by raising others. It THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 155 makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among his associates. He is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, nor could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This config- uration also brings success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life. OV3 Tlie Sun in Capricorn This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than he; it also shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that configuration cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers, and it gives an all-round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle of environment. O^ The Sun in Aquarius This is a combination of the Sun, Uranus and the Eleventh House influences. It gives the per- son an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a 'touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take 156 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Elec- tro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Healing, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This con- figuration gives popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions. X. The Sun in Pisces Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incurs enmity of oth- ers he will be vindicated in whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Sun in Pisces have a strong tendency towards psy- chism, mediumship and the occult in general. THE SUN IN ASPECT WITH OTHER PLANETS 9 P 6 O Venus parallel or conjunction to t~he Sun calls out the artistic side of the nature, making the person fond of music, art and poetry ; it strengthens the love nature and if the config- uration occurs in the Seventh House it is a posi tive testimony of unalloyed marital bliss. In the Second or Eighth Houses it leads to ex- travagance of the person or his mate ; in Scorpio THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 157 it is not good for the morals and in Pisces it leads to intemperance. This aspect strengthens the constitution, increases the popularity and makes smooth in social intercourse so that the person has many friends and keeps them. As the orbit of Venus is so small she never forms the sextile, trine, square or opposition to the Sun. P 6 O Mercury parallel or conjunction to the Sun. These are the only aspects ever formed and are good for the memory and mentality provided Mercury is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is 'combust' and his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to have Mercury rise before the Sun at birth for he is the Lightbearer who holds the torch of reason before the Spirit which in the horoscope is symbolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly so keen (unless other good aspects favor). D P 6 O The Moon parallel or conjunction to Sun. No matter in what sign or house the conjunc- tion of the Lights occurs the person will be so .strongly marked with the characteristics of that sign that lacking knowledge of his true Ascena- ant even the most competent astrologer is likely to be misled and judge him to be born with the sign rising in which the conjunction took place, and whatever matters are ruled by the House in 158 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS which the conjunction occurs will play a very important part in the life. In the First House he is an out and out egotist with very little love for others save in so 'far as they serve his ends;, in the Seventh, his world pivots on the mate; in the Tenth House or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations to rise in public life ; in the Twelfth House or sign it will give a strong tend- ency to intemperance which will bring trouble; in the Third and Ninth Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he will benefit ; in the Second House it will bring wealth,, especially if in good aspect with Jupiter. But if the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is closer than three degrees it has a tendency to- deplete the vitality and if the conjunction is also- a solar eclipse, and the child survives, this will be particularly noticeable, all through life. Peo- ple who have such close conjunction or eclipses become listless, disspirited and out of sorts every time there is a new Moon. It does not seem to- interfere with the good effects in other depart- ments of life. D * A O The Moon sextile or trine to the Sun. The- good aspects of the Sun and Moon make for gen- eral success in life, health, fair financial condi- tions, good home surroundings with faithful friends, and esteem in the community; they fa- vor a rise in life because of the person's innate THE SUN, GIVER OF LIFE 159 ability, which either gains for him the recogni- tion of people in a position to help him rise, or impels him to carve his own way. D n <9 O Tine Moon square or opposition to Sun makes the person vascillating and unsettled in dispo- sition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course in life, rash to plunge into something but lacking the persistence or continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life, especially in their dealing.s with women and peo- ple higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities, judges, etc. They always have difficulty in obtaining employment and keeping their positions when they obtain one, for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configura- tions also affect the health, rendering the body liable to cold and making recuperation slow when sickness has overtaken the person. V * A O Saturn sextile or trine to Sun endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organizing, ex- ecutive and diplomatic ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and ob- stacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so 160 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is so sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right, he will never swerve therefrom though heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in po- litical or judicial positions also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success is generally delayed till middle life. J? P 6 D Saturn sextile or trine with Mercury acts as a brake upon the flighty mind and gives it a seriousness, depth and concentration which is of inestimable value in life. The forethought and profound reasoning ability indicated by these aspects insure success in whatever voca- tion the person may pursue. The patient per- sistence which permits no temporary failure to stand in the way of ultimate success, the caution and diplomacy make such people invincible in the long run. Therefore they generally become prominent in connection with some serious en- terprise such as secret societies, the church or even in politics or government affairs. They are in demand for high positions in great undertak- 14 210 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ings where a steady hand is required on the helm. But they do not usually shine publicly for they are very quiet, subdued and serious in their manner and demeanor; besides they are absolutely honest and fairminded, hence they make the very finest judges obtainable. f? 6 P $ Saturn conjunction or parallel to Mer- cury gives depth to the mind, and forethought, together with all the other good qualities enu- merated as resulting from the sextile and the trine if Mercury is otherwise well aspected, but not in so full a measure, or at any rate the person does not seem to be able to externalize them as readily, hence does not meet the same assured success as given by the good aspects. He also suffers from the tendency to melancholy denoted by the square or opposition, especially if the aspect occurs in one of the common signs or in Capricorn, and if in Gemini it interferes sadly with the dexterity. Such people drop everything they take into their hands. These aspects also give an embarrassing timidity and if Mercury is afflicted the undesirable qualities enumerated as resulting from the square or op- position may be looked for. T? n <9 % Saturn square or opposition to Mercury makes the person subject to trouble and delays all through life. He is thwarted on every hand by slander and secret enemies and this condition MERCURY, THE PLANET OF REASON 211- in time makes him bitter and sarcastic with the additional result that he is shunned by all who can possibly get away from him and that in time leads him to become a recluse who shuts himself away to brood over his troubles. Such a person sometimes becomes subject to melancholia of a most piteous character. These aspects also make the person cunning and untruthful. They give the same desire to study the occult conferred by the good aspects, but there is the great differ- ence that while the good aspects of Saturn and Mercury incline him to the study of occultism from unselfish motives, the bad aspects impel him to ferret out nature's secrets for personal power or gain. 6 P * A $ Jupiter conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to Mercury is one of the finest assets in life, for it gives a cheerful, optimistic disposi- tion with the ability to always look upon the bright side of things and keep up the spirits in hours of adversity. The mind is broad, versatile and able to reason correctly and to form a re- liable judgment by careful deliberation. These people never give a hasty decision ; they require time to think over whatever is presented to them, but once they have reached a conclusion that will be found incontrovertible. They are suc- cessful in law or literature and much respected for their honesty and sincerity. These aspects 212 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS are particularly fortunate for people who travel for business or pleasure, for they will reap both benefit and enjoyment from a migratory mode of life; it will make them "healthy, wealthy and wise" beyond the average, and loved by every- body for the vital vibrations they radiate upon whoever they meet. Jupiter square or opposition to Mercury gives a vacillating and wavering disposition so that the person cannot make up his mind when more than one course of action is open, hence people with these aspects often lose their oppor- tunities through procrastination and lack of judgment, and they must therefore be classed as failures in life. They are liable to scandal and slander because of treacherous associates. They should not travel, for it will bring them loss and trouble. They should also be extremely careful in making contracts or agreements to do or deliver certain things at a specified time, for they will probably be unable to fulfill the re- quirements and thus trouble and loss will result. * A $ Mars sextile or trine to Mercury gives a keen, sharp, ingenious and resourceful men- tality. It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition which appeals to him and he has also the ability to enthuse others and impress them with his views ; an indefatigable worker in any cause which arouses his sympathies, but MERCURY, THE PLANET OF REASON 213 he is no visionary, he is interested only in con- crete matters. These people love argument or debate, and they have an inexhaustible fund of wit and good humor, sometimes blended with a vein of sarcasm which always strikes its mark, yet never viciously or maliciously. They also have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn their hands to whatever task is required and do it with a speed, facility and expedition that is astonishing, to say the least. They cannot do anything slowly or by halves; whatever they undertake must be done with a rush, and they put their whole energy into it so that they may accomplish the task and do it well, hence these aspects give success in life, in almost any line of endeavor these people may select, but prob- ably most in literature or the mechanical arts. ' $ 6 P $ Mars conjunction or parallel to Mercury gives the same mental energy, enthusiasm and dexterity as the definitely good aspects, but whether they are used for constructive and good purposes or for destructive and evil ends de- pends upon the aspects, house position and sign which they occupy. If the configuration occurs in a sign where either or both are strong and well-placed, as Mars in Aries or Capricorn or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, or if they are for- tified by good aspects from the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, Mars conjunction or parallel Mercury 214 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS will operate similarly to the sextile or trine, at> stated in the foregoing paragraph, which see. But if Mars and Mercury are in one of the watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), or if either or both are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, the conjunction or parallel of Mars and Mercury will give the same evil tendencies as the square or opposition which are defined in the next paragraph. O 8 % Mars square or opposition to Mercury makes people quickwitted, sharp and alert, quick tempered, impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at conclusions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are always getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are dangerous associates. They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of making a straight statement. It is just as natural for them to color or exaggerate their statements as it is to breathe. They are vitriolic in their wrath and their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake, hence they are either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be bound to them by environment; all who can shun them. They are bullies who are bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are, and they allow no obstacle to stand in their way which can be removed either by force or slander. They are the acme of selfishness, swagger and MERCURY, THE PLANET OF REASON 215 consummate egotism. The foregoing tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects, but if they are not, such people are a menace to society. If either Mars or Mercury are placed in the Sixth or Twelfth Houses or in any other position so that the bad aspect acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fever or insanity. # A $ Uranus sextile or trine to Mercury gives an original, independent and eccentric mind im- patient of the fetters of fashion, tradition and convention. Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in complete liberty. Therefore this is the hall-mark of the pioneer in thought and invention, the sign of genius. Their ideas and ideals are exceedingly lofty, progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the average man or woman who looks upon their actions as vagaries, the out- come of a diseased mind. Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on account of their kindly and sympathetic nature and these aspects are good for a literary or scientific pursuit, also for in- vention, particularly those which have to do with air or electricity. : d P $ Uranus conjunction or parallel Mercury. If Mercury is otherwise afflicted the conjunction and parallel are to be judged as bad aspects and read accordingly, but if Mercury is otherwise 216 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS well placed and aspected the delineation given for the sextile and trine will apply. 1$ G 8 $ Uranus square or opposition to Mercury is the hall-mark of the true crank or anarchist who has extreme ideas to tear down the social structure and undertake radical reforms. People with these configurations are given to ranting and raving in public and their language is usu- ally as cruel as the measures they advocate. Whatever ability they possess is usually turned to an erratic purpose and they are often forced to make sudden changes on that account. V? 6P# A S Neptune conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to Mercury gives a mind peculiarly adapted to the occult art, particularly if the conjunction occurs in the Third or Ninth Houses or the trines are from the watery signs Cancer and Pisces. Such people usually succeed in oc- cult science and often develop a supernormal fac- ulty. They are particularly good as magnetic healers. tp D TJi,e Moon in Cancer gives a disposition which is kind, sociable and sympathetic, but indolent and averse to effort whether physical, moral or mental. These people love to drift with the tide and only bestir themselves when under the whip- lash of necessity. They are often sensitive to THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION 227 psychic conditions, especially if the Moon is aspected by Neptune or Uranus and the nature of the aspect determines whether the influence is favorable or unfavorable. This position also gives a love of home and the comforts to be ob- tained there. It promotes the digestion and con- sequently the health if the Moon is well-aspected. If afflicted it has a tendency to give digestive troubles. I> SI The Moon in Leo. has an illuminating influence on the mind. It gives a strong, self-reliant ana aggressive disposition with ability of organiza- tion therefore people with the Moon in this posi- tion usually attain to leadership in their imme- diate circle. They are honorable in financial and social matters, fair and magnanimous in their dealings with others, and very popular with other people. D TTR The Moon in Virgo increases the mental qual- ities if she is well-aspected ; she gives a retentive memory and a love of study along scientific or occult lines and an ambition to excel. Chemis- try seems to be their favorite among the sciences and they excel as dieticians. They are rather reserved and of quiet demeanor, disliking flat- tery or ostentation, but unless they devote them- selves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or employees of others than in business for themselves. 228 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS D =^ The Moon in Libra is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agreeable, optimistic and fond of social pleas- ures. This position also gives good reasoning pow- ers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by other aspects. D TTt The Moon in Scorpio gives a courageous, in- dependent and energetic disposition. The per- son who has this configuration will not tolerate interference with his plans or submit to imposi- tion. He is often very abrupt in his manners and blunt in speech, quick-tempered and not to be coerced by threats, but singularly amenable to kindness. He has a strong and stubborn will and determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives a consid- erable attraction toward the occult sciences but if afflicted may lead to excess in gratification of the senses, trouble with women or difficulties in parturition. D / The Moon in Sagittarius gives an alert and active personality, a love of walking, riding or any other form of physical exercise, a roving disposition and love of travel in foreign coun- tries, a fondness of animals, especially horses and dogs and an inclination for the tudy of religion, law, philosophy or the science of oc- THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION 229 cultism. These people are very optimistic, good humored, jovial, and ideal companions unless the Moon is afflicted, then her position in Sagit- tarius is conducive of indolence and self-in- dulgence. D V3 The Moon in Capricorn, if well-aspected, give* abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a lia- bility to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with the Moon in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others. 3) ? The Moon in Aquarius if well-aspected gives the person a very vivid imagination and the power of calling images up before the mind's eye in such a manner that they almost seem tangible ; besides these people are not dependent upon the faculty of reason, for their intuition is also exceedingly well-developed. In disposi- 230 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tion they are sociable, kindly and courteous with the result that they attract many friends and are very popular in their environment, and they are helped by their friends according to the as- pects of the Moon. On the other hand if the Moon is afflicted this position shows one of an exceedingly erratic mind. D ^ The Moon in Pisces gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillating and faint- heartedness, fond of dreaming rather than act- ing, therefore sorrow, trouble and self-undoing beset their path in life. This position not in- frequently leads to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit- controls and love anything that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their expressions and if a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Moon is afflicted in Pisces love- affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble. If Pisces be in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus neglect their children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they reach ma- turity. THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION 231 ASPECTS OF THE MOON TO THE OTHER PLANETS O P 6 J) The Sun parallel or conjunction to the Moon. No matter in what sign or hou.sc the con- junction of the Lights occurs the person will be so strongly marked with the characteristics of that sign that, lacking knowledge of his true ascendant, even the most competent astrologer is likely to be misled and judge him to be born with the sign rising in which the conjunction took place, and whatever matters are ruled by the house in which the conjunction occurs will play a very important part in the life. In the First he is an out and out egotist with very little love for others save in so far as they serve his ends, in the Seventh his world pivots on the mate, in the Tenth House or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations to rise in public life, in the Twelfth House or sign it will give a strong tendency to intemperance which will bring trouble in the life, in the Third and Ninth Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he will benefit, in the Second House it will bring wealth, especially if in good aspect with Jupiter. O#AD The Sun sextile or trine to the Moon. If the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is closer than three degrees it has a tendency to deplete the vitality and if it is also a solar eclipse and the child survives, this will be particularly no- 232 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ticeable all through life. People who have such close conjunctions or eclipses become listless, dis- spirited and out of sorts every time there is a new Moon. It does not seem to interfere with the good effects in other departments of life. The good aspects of the Sun and Moon make for general success in life, health, fair financial for- tunes, good home conditions with faithful friends and esteem in the community; they favor a rise in life because of the person's innate ability, which either gains for him the recognition of people in a position to help him rise, or impels him to carve his own way. O D 8 5 The Sun square or opposition to the Moon makes the person vacillating and unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a, settled course in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or contin- uity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life ; their dealings with women and people higher in the social scale such as employ- ers, the authorities, judges, etc., are especially unsuccessful, they always have difficulty in ob- taining and keeping employment and keeping their positions when obtained, for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configurations also affect the health ; the body is liable to colds THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION 233 and recuperation is slow when sickness has over- taken the person. 9 P 6 * A D Venus parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to the Moon. The Moon is significator of marriage for a man and therefore the good aspects between Venus the planet of love and the Moon are good indications of a happy mar- riage when it occurs in a man's horoscope. But in a woman's horoscope these aspects operate upon the health, for the Moon is the planet of fecundity and has rule over the female functions in particular, w r hich are so large a factor in the woman's health, and this is much strengthened by them. These aspects give oratorical ability with a fruitful imagination, a love of pleasure, music and art. They give an engaging person- ality, very attractive to the opposite sex be- cause kindly, affectionate and sympathetic, and they tend to general success in life; though the finances may be fluctuating the person usually has sufficient for the day and the way. 9 n Neptune square or opposition to the Moon are also indications of soul qualities similar to those given by the good aspects, but under those configurations the person will be of a negative nature and is apt to become the prey of spirit- controls and subjected to mediumship, therefore they should not attend seances. CHAPTER X. SATURN THE PLANET OF SORROW Keynote: Obstruction A FRUITFUL method of acquiring knowledge is by comparison of similars and contrasts of oppo- sites; thus lights and sidelights are brought out, which otherwise may escape attention. Applying this method to the Sun and Saturn, we remember that the keyword of the Sun is ' ' Life, ' ' and at the vernal equinox when the Sun is in Aries, the sign of its exaltation, we may readily note the powerful effect of the crestwave of vital fluid then poured over the earth, Nature is vibrant with life, which races through the forms of all kingdoms and endues them with such abundance of vitality that they are compelled to generate in order to take care of the overflow; Life manifests a,s motion; but the keynote of Saturn is Obstruction, therefore that is the planet of decrepitude and decay, and conse- quently when the Sun is in Libra, the sign of Sat- urn's exaltation,, at the fall equinox, Nature is tired and ready for its wintry sleep. The human frame also is energized by the solar life contained in our food, which enters our system through the head and throat, governed by the exaltation signs of the Build- 244 THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION 245 ers, the Sun and Moon, and is eliminated by the activity of the liver and kidneys ruled by Saturn and his exaltation sign, Libra. In youth, when the Sun forces surge through the frame, assimilation and excretion balance, but as time goes on, "Chronos" or Saturn accumulates ob- structions in the organs of excretion, and elimina- tion is gradually restricted, the avenues of life are dammed up, and decrepitude and decay turn the scales of life (Libra) towards the realm of death. Similarly in other departments of life; where the Sun makes the social favorite, by imbuing us with optimism and a bright sunny smile, Saturn makes recluses and sours existence with frowns and pessimism; where the Sun furthers our worldly af- fairs and makes things run smooth, Saturn causes provoking delays of the most inexplicable nature; all the world seems to conspire to frustrate our plans. In the Kingdom of God all things are balanced to produce the highest ultimate good to all, and so the influence of Saturn is used to offset the exuberant life of Mars. The intrinsic nature of Saturn is obstruction; he is slow and persistent as Mars is impulsive and quick to change ; he takes no chances, but looks before he leaps, and his cold, calculating reason misses no flaws in any scheme. In the horoscope of a young soul Mars is dom- inant and the man grows along physical lines much as animals do under the law of the survival of the fittest, but gradually the thumbscrews of Saturn are 246 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS put on, squares and oppositions bring sorrow and suffering; Saturn is placed above Mars in the horo- scope, to frustrate and check him, till it seems as if every effort is futile because of the Saturnian ob- struction. Elijah could not hear the voice of guidance in the fire, the storm nor the earthquake, but when the tumult was over he heard "the still small voice" to cheer him, and likewise with us, while we yield to the unchecked Mars impulses our lives are too tur- bulent to admit of communion with the Higher Self, but when the sorrows of Saturn have chastened the unruly Mars spirit, when the night seems darkest, as in Elijah's cave, then we also may hear the voice that shall speak peace after the storm. The lash of Saturn is not pleasant ; we sometimes chafe, fret and fume while being thus held in leash, but meanwhile we ripen and are more fitted, when the obstruction is removed, to have or use that which Saturn delayed, for as we develop physical muscle by overcoming physical obstacles, so we cultivate soul power by the resistance spiritually engendered by Saturn. The teaching which he gives may be summed up in the motto: "Patient persistence in well doing." Most of us when considering Saturn in the horo- scope are inclined to look upon him as evil on ac- count of the afflictions he brings, but that is only a one-sided view, for there is nothing evil in God's Kingdom. What appears so is merely good in the making. When we remember that the destiny shown SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 247 by our horoscope is of our own making in past ex- istences then we shall understand that Saturn only marks the weak spots in our horoscope, where we are vulnerable and liable to go wrong. When the weak points have been brought out through tempta- tion, and we have yielded, the punishment follows automatically as a natural and logical sequence, for every wrong act carries in itself the seed of the pun- ishment which brings home to our consciousness the mistakes we have made. We must hold clearly before our mind's eye that though the planets incline to a certain line of action we, as evolving Egos, are supposed to discriminate between good and evil and choose only that which is good. If we fail in this respect and yield to the temptation the transgression merits a just recompense under the laws of nature and these are the things signified by Saturn. We are not punished because we are tempted but we are punished because we yielded. Supposing for instance that Saturn is in Cancer, then it is plain that in the past we have yielded to an inordinate desire for food, that in consequence our digestive organs have become impaired and that if we do not learn frugality and discrimination in the choice of our food we shall be punished by digestive disorders. We will then be tempted to indulge in dainties and perhaps we will have an aversion for the simple foods which are best for us. The temptation, however, will cause no trou- ble to the stomach except we yield and satisfy our appetite. Then the food, and not an avenging Deity, 248 Vv"J>HE MESSAGE *OF THE STARS automatically punishes us until we learn to curb our appetites Similarly in other departments of life; if Saturn 'is on* the Ascendant, in the Third or Ninth Houses" a'nd 'adversely aspected to Mercury or the Moon it causes' us to brood over our troubles ana fills our lives with gloom. It gives an obstruction there to warn Us that We should be more sociable and not turn our faces away from the sunshine of life. God is at the helm of the universe, His ministers are continually working with Us for good, there is really no reason for blues and if we cannot see it today Saturn is going to tighten his grip tomorrow and crush harder and harder until with the sheer courage of desperation we burst his bonds and jump out into the joy and sunshine of life. If it were not for the chastening, subduing in- fluence of Saturn we should be liable to run amuck and burn out the lamp of life quickly in the exuber- ance of spirits, but Saturn is well symbolized as Father Time with his hour-glass and scythe. He does not permit us to leave the school of life until the time has been run and the harvest is ripened. Further- more he gives to humanity many of its noblest quali- ties. When he lays a restraining hand upon the flighty Moon or Mercury the swift ''messenger of the gods," he deepens the mind and makes it more serious and better able to concentrate upon the prob- lems of life. He makes the mind resourceful and better able to cope with the difficulties of our exist- ence. Tact and diplomacy, method and system, pa- SATURN, THE PLANET OF' SORROW 249 tiencfe and perseverance, honor and chastity, indus- try and mechanical ability, justice and fair-minded- ness all come from Saturn when he is well-aspected and it is only when we transgress the principles for which he stands under the influences generated by his adverse aspects that he punishes us until he has brought us to our knees to pray to our Father in Heaven for forgiveness and strength to overcome our lower nature. SATURN IN THE TWELVE HOUSES T? 1 Saturn in the First House and well-aspected is a fortunate sign for no matter how a person may be handicapped in the start of life the ultimate success is assured through the patience, persist- ence, self-control and restraint of the person through a well-placed Saturn. Such people have a wonderful capacity for work. They seem never to tire and never to give up no matter what the obstacles. They have infinite confidence in them- selves and their ability to accomplish that which they undertake and therefore they eventually win. On the other hand when Saturn is weak and afflicted it makes the person timid and averse to undertake responsibility, subtile, secretive and distrustful of other people, of a gloomy dispo- sition and inclined to seek isolation. Such people are usually shunned by others and doomed to sorrow, disappointment, delay and general trou- ble through life. This is also a bad sign for 250 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS health, particularly in the earlier years. Bruises to the head, colds, and if Scorpio is rising con- stipation; in Leo poor circulation, in Cancer poor digestion, in Libra obstruction of the kid- neys, renal calculi and other urinary difficulties and so on with the other signs. T? 2 Saturn in the Second House when well-aspected and particularly in its exaltation sign Libra, brings money by inheritance and ability to in- crease it by present economy, careful, conserva- tive investments and similar methods. Some of the very wealthiest of the world 's financiers have had Saturn in this position. They obtain the money wherewith to start from ancestors indi- cated by Saturn and from the saturnine ray in this house they derive the business acumen and far-sighted methods that enable them not only to hold their own as so many do whose wealth comes through Saturn but also to increase the inherited estate. If Saturn is weak or afflicted, however, the life is sure to be passed in poverty. f? 3 Saturn in the Third House when well-aspected gives a serious, sober and thoughtful mind, capable of concentration and well able to grapple with the most profound sciences and other seri- ous subjects in life. It gives tact, diplomacy, justice, honesty and all the other saturnine vir- tues of the mind. When Saturn is afflicted in the Third House SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 251 it indicates trouble with brethren, danger when traveling, delays and disappointments in obtain- ing an education. It also fills the mind with gloomy forebodings, worry and general despond- ency. V 4 Saturn in the Fourth House, well-aspected, shows gain from inheritance, also success from invest- ments and administration of houses and land.s, agriculture or mining property under careful and economical management. The success grows better as life advances. When Saturn is afflicted in the Fourth House it signifies the early death of one of the parents, inharmony and trouble in the home, loss of property and consequent poverty. This position whether well or ill as- pected makes the person a recluse in the latter years of life. T? 5 Saturn in the Fifth House when well-aspected by the Sun and Jupiter would be good for specu- lation in the things that are ruled by Saturn: houses, lands and mines. This position and its aspects would also give the person a chance of appointment to public office, especially in mat- ters connected with education, but if Saturn is afflicted in the Fifth House it indicates trouble, disappointment and delay in courtship, particu- larly during the earlier years, or else the affec- tions are centered upon someone who is much older than the person whose horoscope is being 252 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 7 judged. It decreases the number of children and predicts death of those who are born, also that they will bring a great deal of trouble to the person. i?6 Saturn in the Sixth House, well-aspected, gives the person ability to handle employees and work- men in general in a most efficient manner, for though such a person is quiet and subdued he is at the same time firm and serious. He has a way about him which employees respect and which calls for instant obedience to his com- mands without causing the resentment called forth by a blustering, bellowing Mars. When Saturn is afflicted in the Sixth House it means a great deal of sickness in the life and if in a weak sign like Virgo the person is in danger of becoming a chronic invalid, for once he is in the grip of sickness the recuperative powers are so poor it is almost impossible for him to recover. The nature of the principal ill- ness will depend upon the sign that is on the cusp of the Sixth House or of the Twelfth, but usually with such people many complications set in after this. Thus a person with an afflicted Saturn in the Sixth House finds it almost im- possible to secure employment and it is evident that such a person has indeed a hard life, being unable to earn a living when able to be about. SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 253 J? 7 Saturn in the Seventh House when well-aspected denotes a marriage partner endowed with the saturnine virtues, chastity and discretion, tact and discrimination, prudence and economy, which will be of great help to the person in build- ing up his fortunes socially as well as financially and this is a very fortunate position save for the fact that Saturn in the Seventh House, whether well-aspected or afflicted, indicates the early death of the partner. An afflicted Saturn in the Seventh House designates a glum, gloomy, cold and disagreeable companion who is always re- straining and obstructing the person. "Don't" is the word most frequently on the tongue. It also gives trouble and loss through litigation and people with this aspect should never go to law or enter into partnerships for they will always be subject to underhanded treachery. T? 8 Saturn in the Eighth House when well-aspected or placed in its own signs, Capricorn or Libra, gives gain by marriage or inheritance with the ability to properly care for whatever wealth is acquired in that manner. It is also a sign of long life and death from natural causes, but if Saturn is afflicted in the Eighth House or weak by sign, especially in Aries or Cancer, the finan- cial prospects of the person will be decidedly worse after marriage and chronic debility may be expected. 254 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS V 9 Saturn in the Ninth House when well-aspected gives a deep, serious and thoughtful mind with ability and inclination to the study of law, science and philosophy, physics or metaphysics. It is a splendid position for a president of a cor- poration or college, a judge or a divine. Such people always make their mark in the world, the scope being naturally dependent upon the na- ture of the aspect and the line of endeavor se- lected by the person. When Saturn is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes a narrow-minded bigot, critical and sarcastic; he also gives liability to trouble and loss through law, danger on voyages and trouble in foreign lands. f? 10 Saturn in the Tenth House shows a strong self-reliant and ambitions spirit with the pa- tience and perseverance which mark a person destined to rise in life. It is the signature of the self-made man, self-made by all the sterling saturnine virtues, tact, foresight, honesty and systematic application to business. Such people are destined to become captains of industry, pres- idents of banks or hold other high positions in- volving great responsibility. When Saturn is afflicted or weak by sign he nevertheless gives the person who has him in the Tenth House ability to rise, but when he does rise it is by underhanded trickery and ques- SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 255 tionable business methods which in the end bring exposure, downfall and dishonor. It is said that Napoleon had Saturn in the Tenth House. 11 Saturn in the Eleventh House when well- aspected gives friends among the aged and wealthy who will be of benefit to the person in helping him to realize his hopes, wishes and am- bitions, but when Saturn is afflicted he should beware of seeking friends older than himself, for they will always endeavor to make use of him for personal ends and desert him when he is no longer of use to them. 12 Saturn in the Twelfth House gives a secluded life in a position or occupation where the person does not come into contact with the general pub- lic. When well-aspected it is good for success in an official capacity in public institutions, asylums, hospitals or prisons. When afflicted there is danger of being bed-ridden for many years, imprisoned, or employed in obscure posi- tions. SATURN IN THE TWELVE SIGNS. T Saturn in Aries is weak and therefore unable to express his best qualities to their full and le- gitimate extent even if well-aspected. Neverthe- less he gives a minor measure of poise, self- reliance, discretion and tact, industry, patience 256 < THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and perseverance. But when Saturn is afflicted in Aries the person is quickly angered and apt to hold spite, of a jealous, malicious and vindictive disposition. T? 8 Saturn in Taurus when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but what he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. -It .gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and may be trusted to keep their own and other people 's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, particularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties. T? n Saturn in Gemini when well-aspected gives a deep, one-pointed, orderly and scientific mind, adaptable to circumstances and able to cope with all the exigencies of life. Love of mathematics is usually pronounced and when literature is taken up as a vocation the more serious branches devoted to industrial and mechanical subjects are preferred. When Saturn is afflicted in Gem- ini, it gives trouble through brothers and sisters, literature and law, danger on short journeys. An afflicted Saturn in Gemini also gives trouble with the lungs. Such people should therefore be particularly careful not to catch cold. SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 257 Saturn in Cancer is always weak and his vir- tues therefore find it difficult to express them- selves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things when well aspected, he favors thrift, eco- nomy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the per- son being held back in life by a gloomy kill- joy partner who is always restraining every ambi- tious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappoint- ment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Saturn in Cancer indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrho?a, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetite.s they be- come the victims of chronic indigestion. Saturn in Cancer also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper' sciences. Saturn in Leo when well-aspected gives favor from people higher in the social scale and success in obtaining public appointments where the Saturnine virtues, tact, diplomacy, discretion and system, honor and executive ability are re- 258 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS quired. The constitution of these people is not overly strong but they may maintain perfect health by the conservation of energy as indicated by Saturn. When Saturn is afflicted in Leo how- ever, they are cruel and quick-tempered, jealous, and do not scruple to stoop to underhanded meth- ods to satisfy an ambition. This position also indicates heart trouble. T?TTE Saturn in Virgo gives a studious, deep, scien- tific mind fond of studying the deeper problems of life. It indicates an innate ability to manage others. It gives a thrifty, economical and frugal nature, but when Saturn is afflicted in Virgo the mind usually centers upon disease and the person becomes a confirmed hypochondriac. These peo- ple are the best customers of the patent medicine vendors for most of their ills are usually imag- inary. This position does however, carry with it a liability to intestinal diseases. T? =2= Saturn in Libra is exalted and very strong and therefore his good aspects bring out all the fine saturnine qualities and on that account secures for the person public esteem and recognition. The marriage partner is chaste and pure as gold. This position also brings good health ana long life, but when Saturn is afflicted in Libra the marriage partner is either treacherous or re- moved by an early death. If the person goes to law he will lose, become the object of public dis- SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 259 favor and he will also be subject to urinary troubles. T? 7T\. Saturn in Scorpio when well-aspected gives a rare mechanical turn to the mind, a resourceful- ness under the most difficult conditions, an indom- itable courage and a patient persistence before which even the most difficult construction prob- lems must give way. Hence such people make exceedingly able engineers and are invaluable in all pioneer undertakings, they blend the fire of Mars with the forethought of Saturn and are therefore invincible. They gain by legacy, econ- omy and thrift and their financial fortunes are much improved after marriage. Good health and a long life are also indicated, but when Sat- urn is afflicted in Scorpio the marriage partner is poor, dull, egotistical and exacting and the person is liable to worry and ill-health ; constipa- tion and piles are the basic causes which then affect the nerves and the whole system. J? J. Saturn in Sagittarius when well-aspected gives a charitable and philanthropic disposition with a desire to elevate humanity by self-help under just laws and true religious impulse. It couples all the saturnine virtues with the benevolent Jupiterian spirit of aspiration so that such peo- ple always aim to work for the public good according to their ability and station in life. Therefore they are trusted, honored, respected 260 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and in much demand for positions where these qualities are of value, in social, industrious or religious circles. When Saturn is afflicted in Sagittarius he makes the person insincere, cyn- ical and sarcastic, ambitious to fill positions of trust and honor but for selfish purposes, liable to become involved in law and lose thereby. This position also affects the lungs and the person should be very careful not to catch cold. T? VS Saturn in Capricorn when well-aspected is strong and therefore his virtues are also pro- nounced. Honesty and integrity as staunch as the Rock of Gibraltar and the determination to work toward the desired goal no matter how long it may take. Hence in spite of all handicaps and obstacles people with a well-aspected Saturn in Capricorn ultimately achieve a large measure of success and are generally esteemed by their con- temporaries. But when Saturn is afflicted in Capricorn the mind is gloomy and the person sees life from a biased point of view. There is a general sense of dissatisfaction which sometimes develops into a diseased mind. These people are cunning, underhanded and not to be trusted. T? ? Saturn in Aquarius when well-aspected gives a humane outlook upon life, a sympathetic and friendly disposition, very distinct and deliberate speech and a seriousness in all affairs of life. These people therefore make friends among the SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 261 aged, the wealthy and the intellectual who are able to help them rise in life. But when Saturn is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the disposition shrewd, cunning and alert to prey upon others by gaining their confidence and friendship and such people therefore sink to the lower levels of society. This position also carries with it a tendency to heart trouble and varicose veins. T? X Saturn in Pisces when well-aspected gives a tendency to success in some quiet peaceful line of life where the person does not come into contact with the public, such as laboratory or research work or in connection with institutions for the care of wards of the community, they are reg- ular "home-bodies" but when Saturn is afflicted in Pisces it gives danger of confinement by a chronic disease or liability to imprisonment. The person makes many enemies who will be persis- tent in their persecution of him. THE ASPECTS OF SATURN. O * A i? The Sun sextile or trine Saturn endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organ- izing ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful con- clusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the 262 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right he will never swerve therefrom though heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political or judicial po- sitions, also in connection with mining or agri- culture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success is generally delayed till middle life. O 6 P J? The Sun conjunction or parallel Saturn. This aspect has a very detrimental effect upon health, especially in the common signs where the resistance is fundamentally low; in Gemini, Sag- ittarius and Pisces it gives a tendency to tuber- culosis. It does least damage in the fixed signs where the resistance is greatest, but when sick- ness does get a grip on the person it hangs on like grim death, for this configuration lessens the power of the body to throw off disease quickly, hence recuperation is very slow. This is especially true in a man 's horoscope ; in a woman's figure it affects her husband's health. OG The Moon square or opposition to Saturn is one of the signatures of sorrow in life, for it makes the mind melancholy and full of worries so that the person is constantly carrying an at- mosphere of gloom with him and as thoughts are things this attitude of mind brings about delays and disappointments in every department of life. Such people will experience difficulties from per- sons and things signified by Saturn, probably parents, and if he has money he will lose it and have difficulty in getting more. Thus he will be SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 269 in poverty all his life. He will make more ene- mies than friends and become subject to slander and scandal, but the disfavor he meets is un- doubtedly merited for these aspects make the mind bitter and selfish and such people are un- scrupulous, avaricious and entirely unfeeling with respect to others, hence they are under the whiplash of Saturn that the sorrow and troubles which they themselves are constantly feeling may make them more mellow. If the aspect is six, five or even four degrees from being exact and if Saturn is in his exaltation sign Libra these aspects are not quite so evil in the latter part of life. They may then imply that the person has learned his lesson and as a consequence he may find himself in easier circumstances. The adverse aspects of Saturn to the Moon are very bad for the health, particularly in the woman's horoscope. There they indicate obstructions of the female functions. In the man's horoscope they either deny marriage or indicate the death of the marriage partner and their general tend- ency is to obstruct everything connected with the houses and signs wherein they are placed in the horoscope. * A ^ Jupiter sextile or trine to Saturn gives a strong character with a deep and profoundly philosophical mind, a benevolent disposition with a strong sense of justice and fair play. All the 270 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS virtues of Saturn and Jupiter are combined by these aspects and people in whose horoscope they are found will consequently gain honor and es- teem in the community where they are. They will be looked upon as the pillars of society and gain prosperity commensurate with the environ- ment in which they are placed, for these aspects give sound ^financial judgment, the ability to grasp opportunity when it is met, benevolence, devotion to duty, religion and all good objects in life. U P 6 fy Jupiter parallel or conjunction to Saturn has the same beneficent influence as the sextile or trine, though not in as great a measure and if Jupiter is weak by sign or otherwise afflicted the aspects will probably count for very little, but in that case its effect upon the arterial circu- lation will be obstructive, giving a tendency to schlerosis of the arteries the same as the oppo- sition and square. U D <9 ^ Jupiter square or opposition to Saturn gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. The.se aspects also give a tendency to arterio-schlerosis. SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 271 $ * A J? Mars sextile or trine to Saturn gives a capable, determined and energetic nature capa- ble of intense and sustained action and obtaining unusual results thereby. The execu- tive ability, dominant forcefulness and endur- ance of these people is remarkable and conse- quently they are constantly accomplishing what others cannot achieve. On account of these qual- ities they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their ability but seldom liked for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health. $ 6 PCU 8 V Mars conjunction, parallel, square or opposition to Saturn. These are thoroughly bad aspects indicating a selfish, violent, harsh and cruel nature, quick-tempered and vindictive, ab- solutely dishonest and untruthful, unscrupulous and liable to public disgrace and imprisonment, also to accident and a violent death, but if one of the planets is essentially dignified or exalted the evil influence is not so strong. It should also be remembered that such serious defects do not result from one aspect alone and if the other configurations in the horoscope are good the foregoing delineation will only apply in a very mild measure. # * A T? Uranus sextile or trine to Saturn is for- tunate for a public career in an official capacity 272 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS for it gives ambition and determination with ability to concentrate upon large problems and exercise authority, plan and systematize. It strengthens the intuition so that such people are guided by an interior insight when new and im- portant steps have to be taken, therefore they are in demand and find positions with large cor- porations where they win their way through sheer ability. The mind is both mechanical and ingenious, hence this position often denotes the successful inventor, particularly along the lines of electricity. J? 6 P T? Uranus conjunction or parallel to Saturn has an influence like the good aspects if the plan- ets are elevated, in angles, essentially dignified or exalted, as Saturn in Libra and Capricorn or Uranus in Aquarius or Scorpio, but if the con- junction occurs in signs where either of the plan- ets are weak, like Aries, Taurus, Cancer or Leo then the influence will be detrimental and should be judged the same as the square or opposition. t Uranus square or opposition to Saturn gives an unscrupulous, dishonest nature with an extremely violent temper. The outbursts are as sudden as a bolt from the blue and exhaust the person completely. These people are very ec- centric and look at everything from a peculiar angle; they are treacherous, idle, indolent and altogether dangerous to the community. These SATURN, THE PLANET OF SORROW 273 aspects also indicate chronic or incurable diseases according to the signs wherein they are placed, but as said, if the other indications in the horo- scope are good the influence of a single aspect will not bring out such evil characteristics and therefore the whole horoscope is to be carefully considered before judging the influences enu- merated for they may be materially minimized by favorable indications in the horoscope. W * A !? Neptune sextile or trine to Saturn is good for success in worldly affairs for it brings out the saturnine virtues honor, self-reliance, de- termination, etc., by which the person gains the confidence and esteem of others, but the prin- cipal effect is spiritual and therefore only felt by those who are able to re.spond because of other aspects in the horoscope. To them it gives the ability to delve deeply into occult and mys- tical subjects, also to become proficient in the art and practice of them. ^ 6 P *? Neptune conjunction or parallel to Saturn has the same effect as the good aspects when it occurs in a sign where either of the planets are strong as Neptune is in Cancer and Pisces and Saturn in Libra and Capricorn. W D Q3 & U Saturn square or opposition to Jupiter gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. These aspects also give a tendency to arterio-schlerosis. $ * A U Mars sextile or trine to Jupiter. It is the nature of Jupiter to be somewhat conservative and dignified, but when blended with the fire of Mars it gives enthusiasm and an ability to in- fluence others and imbue them with the same feelings. It makes the nature noble, sincere, honest and straightforward. This aspect is also good for the financial prosperity of the person, for both Mars and Jupiter when well-aspectea give good earning ability and favor accumula- tion. Jupiter is somewhat conservative in re- spect of expenditures, Mars is too free, but where the Martial and Jupiterian tendencies are blended by a good aspect the result is an ideal, generous nature, neither too lavish nor too con- servative, able to strike a happy medium. These people have much ingenuity and constructive ability and whatever they do they put their whole heart in it. Hence they are successful in 300 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS business, popular in society, fond of out-of-door sports and games. They love to travel and gain much pleasure by so doing. Mars rules the haemoglobin in the blood which is so important a factor in health and vitality, therefore the good aspects of Jupiter and Mars increase the red blood corpuscles with the result that people with these aspects have an abundance of health, vi- tality, power and endurance. $ P 6 U Mars parallel or conjunction to Jupiter strengthens the constitution and increases the vitality the same as the good aspects. It also indicates that the person is able to earn much money and uses it freely and generously, but the mental qualities are similar to those conferred by the bad aspects: sporty, swaggering, tricky, deceitful and untruthful, impulsive in judgment, not to be depended upon, and if the conjunction occurs in one of the watery signs, especially in Pisces, the person will probably be a drunkard, though this is not as certain as with the square and opposition. $ Q] 8 U Mars square or opposition to Jupiter is the signature of the gambler and if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces, he will be a drunkard also, a tricky, dishonest and disreputable character who always acts through impulse. With respect to health we find that these people suffer principally from blood JUPITER, PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE 301 and liver complaints, the circulation is poor and the blood is so rich that there is danger of apo- plexy. * A U Uranus sextUe or trine to Jupiter gives a broad, humane disposition and a tendency to delve into the occult arts and sciences. It favors an association with secret orders and gives prom- ise of prosperity in life. Such a person is hon- est and sincere, sociable, hospitable and likely to benefit a great deal from influential friends in an official position. This position also gives ex- ecutive ability and success in connection with institutions of learning. P 6 U Uranus parallel or conjunction to Jupiter gives similar indications to the good aspects but the influence is not quite so decided, particularly if either of the planets is weak by sign or other- wise afflicted. In that case it will be found that the tendencies conferred are more like those of the bad aspects. Uranus square or opposition to Jupiter gives an impulsive nature liable to act in a sud- den or unexpected manner to his own undoing; loss by speculation, lawsuits and impulsive ex- travagance are also indicated, many changes both of occupation and residence, loss of friends and reputation. 302 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS W * A H Neptune sextile or trine Jupiter gives an inspirational, mystical nature and success in an occupation connected with occult orders, that is to say where the character is sufficiently devel- oped so that Neptune can make his influence felt, for then this position brings out all the noblest and most spiritual strength of both planets, and occult experiences are not infrequently the re- sult. During the sleeping hours these people are quite conscious in the invisible worlds. tp P 6 U Neptune parallel or conjunction to Ju- piter gives an influence similar to that of the good aspects when Neptune and Jupiter are not afflicted, but if they are in a weak sign and as- pecting the other planets by square or opposition then the influence is similar to that of the bad < aspects of Jupiter and Neptune. Wn# ^ Neptune square or opposition to Jupiter indicates lack of control of the emotions. The person is sensitive to the low psychic influences of the borderland between the seen and the un- seen worlds but they are of an awe-inspiring and disgusting type, hence apt to cause hysterical conditions, such as involuntary trance and kin- dred disorders attendant upon negative psy- chism. From a material standpoint it gives dan- ger of fraud through speculation or large com- panies and dealing with such predatory interests should therefore be avoided. CHAPTER XIV. MARS THE PLANET OF ACTION FROM the Bible we learn that Jehovah was the Creator of mankind for we find His angels an- nouncing the birth of various notable personages. Thus the conclusion is inevitable that He and they preside over the generative function and impart the quality of fertility which at that time was looked upon as a token of the favor of God while barrenness was indi- cated as a sign of His displeasure. This is in ac- cordance with the Western Wisdom Teaching which tells us that in the earliest days when mankind was still in the making Jehovah and His angels guided them to great temples at the times of year when" planetary conditions were propitious to generation, and men born under those harmonious conditions lived for hundreds of years without sickness or dis- ease. It is noticeable that wild animals which are still entirely under the guidance of their group-spirits and mate only at certain seasons are also immune from sickness. Jehovah still retains control over the fertilization of the animals which are attuned to His lunar vibrations through their twenty-eight pairs of spinal nerves that correspond to the twenty-eight days of the lunar revolution and His vehicle the 303 304 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Moon still measures the period of gestation for men and beasts. But the Bible also tells us of Lucifer and his fallen angels who taught humanity to take the pre- rogative of creation into their own hands and in- stilled into them the passion that has caused sorrow, sin and death, because the holy function of genera- tion which was intended only for temporary purposes of propagation and which works so well under pro- pitious planetary conditions has been desecrated and made subservient to the lusts of humanity at all times regardless of the stellar rays. Yet it is a mis- take to think of the Lucifer spirits as evil, for under the sway of the angels humanity was a mass of mind- less automatons knowing neither good nor evil and having no choice or prerogative, but since through the martial Lucifer spirits we have learned to know "good and evil we are also able by the exercise of will power to shun the evil and choose the good, to flee from vice and cultivate virtue, thereby placing ourselves in harmonious co-worker-ship with God and nature and unfolding our divine possibilities so that we may become like our Father in Heaven. While Jehovah and His angels are thus working upon humanity from the Moon the Lucifer spirits who rebelled against His regime are located OR the planet Mars and from them also we have received and are receiving many valuable gifts, chief among them fire and iron. It is well known that every living body is warm, for the Ego cannot manifest in MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 305 the physical world save through heat, or perhaps it should be said that heat is generated in the mani- festation of the Ego. But without iron, which exists in the blood in the form of hsemoglobin, there could be no oxidation and consequently no heat. That was the condition previous to the fall, so-called, when man-in-the-making was mindless. But then the Lu- cifer spirits came and infused iron into the blood, which made it possible for the Ego to draw into its vehicles and from that time the Ego became an in- dwelling spirit capable of evolving individuality. Thus had it not been for the Lucifer spirits man could not have become man. It is their fire and their iron that has made the world what it is today, good and bad according to the use man has made of it. The solar force focused through the Moon imparts vitality and the faculty of growth but the rays of the Sun focused upon us by the martial Lucifer spirits give us dynamic power and are the source of all activity in the world. Power may be latent for milleniums, as exempli- fied in coalbeds, which are reservoirs of solar force ; a furnace and engine are required to transmute and make it available as dynamic energy, but, once the sleeping giant has been roused from latency to po- tency it knows no rest or peace till it has expended the last ounce of its prodigious strength. Under strict control, and carefully guided into channels of useful activity, this fiery force is the most valuable servant of mankind; the most powerful agent in the 20 306 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS world's work, an incomparable boon to humanity. But if it escapes control the servant quickly takes mastery, its inimical power of destruction and de- vastation is then as terrible a scourge as its bene- ficent use under guidance is an inestimable blessing. It is as precious as it is dangerous; eternal vigilance is the price of safety from its ravages, but without it the world would be a wilderness. Mars, as a focus for the latent solar life, trans- mutes it into desire, passion and what we may call animal spirits. It is a consuming fire, more danger- ous than all the nitroglycerine ever manufactured, but also more precious than any other blessing we can have or enjoy. The Hindoo preacher, nurtured in a land gov- erned by Saturn, the planet of obstruction, says: "Kill out desire." He dreams away his days in des- titution, but as "temper" conserves the edge of the steel that carves its way through all obstructions, so the well-directed energetic desires of the martial Anglo-Saxon have wrought a marvelous transforma- tion in the earth; they have reared a civilization be- yond all which preceded it, and though perhaps brutal in many respects, there is promise in that also, accord- ing to the proverb : ' ' The greater the sinner, the greater the saint." Parents should take a lesson from the book of nations and refrain from applying the Saturnine wet blanket to the fiery Mars spirit of children. Saturn always says don't, don't, his aim is to repress and obstruct. A clear fire under MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 307 proper control is useful, Uut death lurks in the smoke and noxious gases of a smothered fire; too many dont's smother legitimate ambition and frustrate ac- complishment ; they may drive the hapless victim into ways of evil, for the dynamic energy of Mars must and will have an outlet, so beware. The worst faults of Mars are impulsiveness and lack of persistence, but he breeds no hypocrites like an afflicted Saturn. From Mars we receive a number of our highly- prized virtues as well as some of our worst faults. When well-aspected he gives a strong constitution and physical endurance, a positive, independent and self-reliant nature, determined and proud, generous and energetic, resourceful and quick to learn, espe- cially when in Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn, but when he is weak by sign as in Taurus, Cancer, Libra or aspected by squares or oppositions he makes the person quick-tempered, obstinate and spiteful, in- clined to drunkenness and criminal acts, cruel and hard, a bully and braggart. People who have Mars prominent in their horo- scopes are eminently practical and play an important part in the world's work. They are especially pro- ficient in occupations where iron and fire are used in constructive purposes or where sharp instruments are handled. Soldiers, surgeons and butchers, machine workers and iron founders, engineers and men in kin- dred occupations are of the martial nature. They also excel in other positions where courage and intre- pidity are necessary qualities. 308 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS MARS IN THE TWELVE HOUSES $ 1 Mars in the Ascendant, or First House, when well-aspected has a most beneficial influence upon the constitution, particularly if he is in one of the fiery signs, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, or in the sign of his exaltation Capricorn, but some- times when a weak sign like Cancer is rising and the other planets are much afflicted Mars in the Ascendant may infuse sufficient energy into the body to tide it over the critical period of infancy. This position also gives energy, ambition, cour- age, self-reliance and determination which are exceedingly helpful characteristics to win the battle of life. It indicates an enterprising and practical person who will shun no effort in order to succeed. When Mars is afflicted in the First House he nevertheless strengthens the constitu- tion and gives muscular power and endurance, but he makes the person rash, impulsive, head- strong and foolhardy. Thus they neglect the ordinary precautions to guard their health and become subject to fevers and other inflammatory diseases, alsa liable to accidents and loss of blood by lesions of varying magnitude, danger from fire such as burns or scalds, according to the na- ture of the afflicting planet. In this respect the Sun is usually productive of fevers and inflam- mations. Jupiter gives liability to broken bones or accident by railroad or rolling stock, Uranus MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 309 and Saturn falls and bruise.s and Venus dis- eases caused by indulgence of the passional nature. $ 2 Mars in the Second House when well-aspected makes the nature free and generous in finan- cial dealings with others. The person has a splendid earning capacity and will make a finan- cial success in any business of a martial nature involving the use of fire, iron tools or machinery. It is also an indication of money by marriage or legacy, but although the money comes fast and easy the person will not accumulate wealth as he is very generous and fond of comfort and pleasure. When Mars is afflicted in the Seconu House money will come just as fast as under the good aspects at times, but at other times the bad aspects makes the person outrageously extrava- gant and inclined to be reckless in financial ven- tures, with the inevitable result that heavy losses are incurred and the person may find himself without a cent in the world. A competence may be made and spent several times during life. These people never give up, however, and .when they have met financial disaster they immediately start to build up anew on the ruins of the old. They are then usually successful for a time again, but they can never learn to be more care- ful and less extravagant, hence they are always liable to repeated financial shipwreck. 310 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS $3 Mars in the Third House when well-aspected makes the mind keen, bright and alert, fond of argument, quick at repartee, ingenious, inventive and resourceful, with plenty of initiative and constructive ability. But when Mars is afflicted in the Third House it gives liability to accidents on short journeys, a quarrelsome nature spe- cially liable to get into trouble with brothers, sisters and neighbors. These people are very critical towards everybody with whom they come in contact and therefore generally feared and avoided when possible. $ 4 Mars in the Fourth House when well-aspected gives a strong constitution which is maintained unimpaired even in old age ; the digestive faculty is particularly good and consequently the health and strength are rugged. It makes the native exceedingly aggressive in his efforts to ''feather his nest" and accumulate property for old age and a rainy day. There is also likelihood of a legacy from the parents. This is a very for- tunate position, especially if Mars is in Aries, Leo or Capricorn, but if Mars is weak in Cancer or Pisces and afflicted by square or opposition, digestive troubles or dissipation will undermine the vitality and the person will become more quarrelsome and disagreeable every day he lives. He will be liable to accident by fire in the home, also to fevers and inflammatory diseases. People MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 311 with Mars in this position should leave their native place as quickly as possible. This may in some measure relieve the trouble. $ 5 Mars in the Fifth House when well-aspected gives an ardent, demonstrative love-nature. It makes the person fond of athletic exercises, sports and muscular effort, a clean, masterful man much admired by the opposite sex or a woman who is a real "pal" to her male companion. These people make excellent disciplinarians and are much beloved by their pupils if placed lu positions as teachers, or better still as principals for they make much better leaders than follow- ers. But when Mars is afflicted in the Fifth House it makes the person very fickle in his af- fections. It is on with the new love even before he is through with the old, an all-around flirt and therefore likely to get into a great deal of trouble. Over-indulgence of the amorous nature is liable to sap the vitality and create dangerous physical conditions. In a woman's horoscope there is grave danger of difficulty in parturition. It also threatens danger of death to a child in the horoscope of either sex. People with Mars afflicted in the Fifth House are also liable to loss through gambling and speculation in stocks, bonds and securities. $ 6 Mars in the Sixth House when well-aspected makes a quick, energetic worker who is likely 312 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS to rise to a prominent position in the employ of someone else, therefore the larger the firm in which he seeks employment the better. But he should not attempt to start in business for him- self, for people with Mars in the Sixth House always succeed better when in the employment of someone else. This position also increases the vitality and should the person on account of other planetary configurations in the horoscope become subject to disease the dynamic energy and recuperative power of Mars will soon burn out and eliminate the poisons from the body and leave it in better health than before. But if Mars is afflicted in the Sixth House there is a liability to trouble and quarrels with other employees or employer. Should the person be in the position of employer himself he will al- ways be at variance with his employees and sub- ject to loss by theft and dishonesty through them. They will waste his goods and have no regard for his interests. An afflicted Mars in the Sixth House also gives a liability to fevers and inflammatory diseases, danger of burns, scalds and gun-shots and accidents sustained in the course of employment. $ 1 Mars in the Seventh House when well-aspected gives a capable, industrious and aggressive mar- riage partner, untiring in the promotion of the welfare of the family, a strong personality who MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 313 is bound to rule but will do so in a kindly man- ner. This applies to both sexes, for when in a man's horoscope the marriage partner is indi- cated by Mars in the Seventh House she also will be masculine and will want to take the reins of government in her own hands. However, as Mars in the Seventh House gives a tendency to an early union when the parties are both plastic they accommodate themselves to these conditions more easily than if the marriage were consum- mated at a more mature age. But if Mars is afflicted in the Seventh House it indicates an accident or sudden death to the marriage part- ner who will be of a domineering, quarrelsome nature and if one of the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces is on the cusp he will also be a drunkard and a sex fiend. This latter applies particularly if Mars is afflicted in Scorpio. Then he also brings on inflammatory diseases of the genitals or rectum. $ 8 Mars in tlie Eighth House and well-aspected brings financial benefit through the marriage partner or by legacy. In business it is also good for gain by partnerships, lawsuits or similar Eighth House matters. But when Mars is af- flicted in the Eighth House the financial condi- tions grow worse after marriage through the ex- travagance of the marriage partner. Business partnerships and litigation should also be 314 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS avoided for they are sure to bring loss. People with Mars in this position should not delay mak- ing their will for the end usually comes very sud- denly and unexpectedly. $ 9 Mars in the Ninth House well-aspected gives a liberal, broad and progressive view upon all problems of life. People with Mars in this posi- tion are likely to take up some cause having for its object the social or spiritual upliftment of mankind in general and become very enthusiastic workers in the particular cult which has aroused their sympathies. They are fond of a roving life and benefit by changing from one place to another, especially by travel in foreign lands. They have a clean, clear and alert mentality and a taking way of presenting their views to others. Therefore they make good missionaries in what- ever line of propaganda they take up. But if Mars is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes people bigoted and fanatical in their views, reg- ular ranters who disgust all whom they try to afflict with their ideas, whether they are religious or atheistic. People with Mars in this position should never travel, but remain in their native place for they will always be in danger of acci- dents on journeys and however much they may be disliked in their native place they will find a still worse reception in foreign parts. MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 315 $ 10 Mars in the Tenth House and well-aspected is one of the best signs of success in life for it gives an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with an inex- haustible fund of energy, so that no matter what obstacles are placed in his way the person is bound to rise to the top. It gives a masterful nature and good executive ability so that the per- son is well-qualified to conduct business and com- mand others. These people succeed best in mar- tial occupations where fire, iron or sharp tools are used in a skilled manner, such as engineers or machinists, tailors or surgeons, et cetera. When Mars is afflicted in the Tenth House it gives the same energy and ambition as the good aspects but the person will then lack discrimina- tion and overreach himself with the result that he will incur the enmity of other people who will accomplish his downfall and bring him into dis- repute in the community. Thus the life will be filled with strife, struggle and unhappiness until the person has learned to hold himself in leash, regard the rights of others and abandon his auto- cratic attitude and self-assertion. This position also gives liability to accident and slander. 11 Mars in the Eleventh House makes people leaders in their particular social set, enthusiastic in the pursuit of pleasure, brings friends among martial and athletic persons, energy and enthu- siasm in realizing their hopes, wishes and aspira- 316 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tions. But if Mars in the Eleventh House is afflicted it makes the person touchy and sensitive towards friends with consequent unpopularity and he is liable to overreach himself in his keen desire to realize his ambitions in life. $ 12 Mars in the Twelfth House when well-aspected may bring the person benefit from the things de- noted by this house, prisons, hospitals and chari- table institutions if employed in an official cap- acity as warden, surgeon or administrator of an estate or in detective work. But if Mars is afflicted in the Twelfth House the person is liable to trouble, sorrow and self -undoing all through life. He will incur the enemity of other people and may be confined in prison or an insane asylum. If Cancer or Pisces are on the cusp of the Twelfth House Mars will lead him to drunkenness and dissipation. If Scorpio is on the cusp the vitality will be sapped through sex or self-abuse. In any case Mars afflicted in the Twelfth House makes a social outcast unless there are other redeeming features in the figure. MARS IN THE TWELVE SIGNS. $ T Mars in Aries gives an energetic, enthusiastic nature, impulsive, aggressive and impatient of re- straint. No matter what the obstacles in his path he will attempt the seemingly impossible and often these people succeed through sheer au- MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 317 dacity. They are original, resourceful, have con- siderable mechanical ability and the more ven- turesome an undertaking appears the more it appeals to them. This position gives an abun- dance of vitality and a love of sport and muscu- lar exercise. The person is just as enthusiastic in his enjoyment of recreation and pleasure as he is in his work and on that account he gets a great deal out of life. But if Mars is afflicted in Aries it gives a violent temper and a liability to acci- dents, burns, scaldings, fevers and inflammatory complaints. The mind is also threatened. Mars in Taurus and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous dispo- sition with regard to finances, it gives an inte- rior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person w T ill always gain his ends by unflag- ging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for himself despite all ob- stacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus it gives an ex- ceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that 318 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS they are very often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble. $ n Mars in Gemini when well-aspected gives a keen, active and alert mentality. People with Mars in this position never beat about the bush. They are honest and outspoken and say just what they mean perhaps at times a little too bluntly, but at any rate they are no hypocrites. They love to measure their wits against others in de- bate and therefore this position makes for success in law or literature. They also succeed in the en- gineering professions for they are resourceful, ingenious and mechanical, apt at learning and quick to grasp a problem or proposition. But if Mars is afflicted in Gemini it gives a cynical, sneering, caustic and critical disposition and makes these people feared and shunned on ac- count of their disagreeable nature. These people are also vacillating and unable to make a decision. Thus they cannot be depended on to stand by their word or their promises and if they keep an appointment once in awhile it happens by accident. They are always in trouble with broth- ers, sisters and neighbors and liable to accidents when traveling. It also gives a predisposition to bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy and pneumonia. MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 319 $ <5> Mars in Cancer and well-asp ected gives a bold, independent and fearless nature with a tendency to rebel against restraint, a home-loving dispo- sition, very industrious and ambitious to gather and protect all things which make for comfort and luxury, so that he is a good provider for the home in every respect. But at the same time people with this aspect aim to exercise unre- stricted authority over everything and everybody within the home. They tolerate no other author- ity there. This position makes the temper rather uncertain and gives a tendency and a desire for change of occupation, so that the person never really settles down to one line of endeavor but takes up a number of vocations and drops them as suddenly. If Mars is afflicted in Cancer it brings domestic troubles, frequent and violent scenes and quarrels in the home with a tend- ency to move frequently from one place to another, inflammatory diseases of the stomach, and digestive ailments, also accidents by fire in the home through recklessness or carelessness. $ SI Mars in Leo and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest nature, fearless and inde- pendent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of honor and personal responsibility, hence emi- nently fitted to occupy a position of trust either in a public or private concern. These people are enthusiastic and energetic either in work or play, 320 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS lovers of sport and a good time generally. They are very ardent in their admiration of the oppo- site sex and woo the object of their affections with an intensity that carries all before it, over- rides all obstacles and brings the matter to a speedy consummation. These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean in a man- ner that is often extremely embarrassing in its directness. They are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that which they believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infre- quently arouse opposition on the part of those who differ with them. They are very venture- some and often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of pleasure or business. When Mars ip afflicted in Leo it gives a fiery, violent temper and a liability to fever and inflammatory dis- eases, palpitation of the heart and hallucinations, biliousness, fever and there is also danger of in- ordinate affection, trouble in courtship, loss of children and loss through speculations. An af- flicted Mars in Leo gives the same daring as when well-aspected but the danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted plan- ets becomes foolhardy and reckless. $ TT# Mars in Virgo when well-aspected gives an am- bitious nature and a quick intellect, able to gra.sp an idea and elaborate upon it. It strengthens the mental qualities and gives a scientific turn to the MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 321 mind with an ability to apply this faculty either in research work or in business. The people with this aspect are therefore energetic and enterpris- ing in many of the world's industrial affairs. There their shrewdness and quick-wittedness bring them success and preferment. This is a good position for people who are engaged in any of the industries connected with the sick, such as nurses, doctors, chemists, the science of sanita- tion and hygiene, preparation of health-foods and kindred occupations. If people with Mars in Virgo are themselves overtaken by disease this position gives them the ability to recuperate quickly and makes them less liable to become chronic invalids as so many other Virgo people are. When Mars is afflicted in Virgo it subjects the mind to worry and irritability, with a tend- ency to brood over troubles in life which are mostly illusory. No matter how or where such people are employed they are always critical to- ward their fellow-employees and the employer and dissatisfied with everything connected with their work. They are also of a dishonest nature and cannot be trusted in a position of responsi- bility. This position also makes people over- indulgent of their appetites and subject to in- testinal disorders. $ =?= Mars in Libra and well-aspected gives an ar- dent, demonstrative and loving nature which is 21 322 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS very greatly attracted to the opposite sex and therefore it inclines to an early marriage. It also gives an enthusiastic love of art and beauty in all its phases and it makes the person very popular with the public or in societies of a social or religious nature. This is an excellent position for a lawyer, as it will bring much activity in this line and it is a good indication of general health. But when Mars is afflicted in Libra it makes the person very unpopular and subject to the opposition and criticism of the community, danger of public scandal on account of unfaith- fulness in this relation, for Mars in Libra always produces a strong attraction toward the opposite sex and if he is afflicted there the nature is amor- ous and fickle with the natural result that trouble arises by playing with the affections of others. $ TTt Mars in Scorpio when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an imperviousness to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently they often make themselves disliked at first until people get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carries them over all obstacles to whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 323 and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worst side of the passional nature and makes the person an inveterate sex-fiend or ad- dicted to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturi- tion will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue. / Mars in Sagittarius and well-aspected gives an argumentative disposition and fondness of debating on subjects of a serious nature such as law, philosophy and religion. It makes the per- son candid and open in all his dealings with others, full of enthusiasm and ambition, anx- ious to appear well in the eyes of the community, although he would scorn to cater to the ideas of others where they do not coincide with his ideas of probity and justice. These people make in- teresting and ideal entertainers, especially in later life for they are fond of traveling and are keen observers, hence they always have a fund 324 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS of interesting and instructive information which they are both willing and anxious to impart to their hearers. These people are also fond of sports and out-door exercise, in which they usu- ally excel and a well-aspected Mars in Sagittarius is an ideal position for a lawyer. It makes for much success in that direction by sharpening and quickening the mental and oratorical faculties. When Mars is afflicted in Sagittarius he gives a sharp tongue and a quarrelsome dispo- sition and there is a dishonest streak in the na- ture, therefore such people are often found gen- erally disliked in the community and particu- larly in social circles, for they seem to be always at variance with the ideas and opinions of others and adopt a most supercilious attitude toward those with whom they disagree. These people are also liable to meet with accidents when they travel and to sustain a number of broken bones. ,$ V3 Mars in Capricorn when well-aspected adds much strength to the character for it gives an ambitious and enthusiastic disposition backed j by an indomitable courage and a well-nigh inex- haustible energy together with a patient per- sistence and perseverance that is bound to over- come all obstacles and in the end achieve the desired goal. Therefore people with Mars in this position are bound to rise in life, particularly if Capricorn be placed in the Tenth House. It invites the respect and esteem of the community MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 325 so that people with this configuration are often offered public appointments in addition to their private enterprises and they serve well in posts of honor for they are naturally fitted to take great responsibilities and carry on great enter- prises. The wider their scope of action the bet- ter they like it, for they are superlatively effi- cient. When Mars is afflicted in Capricorn there will be a similar ambition to do great things but the person will be rash, impulsive and head- strong so that he overreaches himself and takes upon himself more than he can carry through. He will also lack the persistence and persever- ance necessary to overcome obstacles and as the disposition will be basically dishonest, though he may rise on account of his enthusiasm and pretentious nature to some prominence he is cer- tain to be shorn of his authority before very long and become an object of scorn and derision in the community. There is nothing worse than an afflicted Mars in Capricorn. It also gives a liability to accidents affecting the limbs and its reflex action on the part of the body ruled by the opposite sign, viz., the stomach, gives a tend- ency to gastric troubles. People with this afflic- tion also have a hasty temper and a vindictive disposition. 7 Mars in Aquarius when well-aspected makes the person quick-witted and intuitive, ingenious 326 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and original, enterprising and ambitious, a hard worker for success in whatever line he chooses in life. Hence he will gain friendship from oth- ers who are able to help him realize his hopes and wishes. These people are also very mechan- ical and ingenious, particularly in things con- nected with the electrical science. They also suc- ceed well as managers, officials or workers in and for a philanthropic society or public utility corporation. When Mars is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the person too independent, bombastic and re- sentful of authority, blunt of speech and manner toward others, but resentful in the highest de- gree if he is not treated with what he considers proper respect and consideration. Hence such people are very difficult to get along with and often quarrel with everybody around them. There is a tendency to loss through gambling and speculation. An afflicted Mars in Aquarius also gives a tendency to trouble with the eyes because Aquarius governs the ethers and by re- flex action the opposite sign Leo may cause pal- pitation of the heart. $ ^ Mars in Pisces when well-aspected gives abil- ity as a detective, warden of a prison or surgeon in a hospital and kindred positions where the person does not come in direct contact with the public, but exercises authority in an obscure MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 327 manner. It also gives a tendency toward secret love affairs which the person is able to hide from the public eye. But when Mars is afflicted in Pisces the indulgence of clandestine intercourse will bring trouble into the life. There is also liability to suffer from the attacks of secret ene- mies and to become enmeshed in the net of the law and suffer imprisonment, or it may manifest as an inordinate love of strong drink which will then cause imprisonment and make the person a ward of the community. Much trouble and many misfortunes are indicated because the na- ture is untruthful. MARS IN ASPECT WITH THE OTHER PLANETS O P 6 * A $ The Sun parallel, conjunction, sex- tile or trine to Mars. The conjunction gives a tendency to fever, especially if it occurs in Aries, the sign which governs the head, but it is curious that people with that configuration seem also to be able to endure a much higher temperature than others, and come unscathed through such a siege of sickness as would have ordinarily proved fatal. With that exception these aspects all produce a superabundance of vital energy which assures their possessor of the most radiant health all through life. It strength- ens the constitution and makes the person able to endure the hardest tasks, and it gives him a 328 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS dauntless determination and courage to face the greatest odds. Given a plan to follow he may be trusted to overcome all physical obsta- cles for he has both executive and constructive ability together with an indomitable will which refuses to recognize defeat. The disposition is frank and open but blunt and often brusque; they are too intensely bent on whatever they want to do to waste time in politeness and suavity, therefore they brush the convention alities aside without compunction and are con- sequently not liked by people of too fine sensi- bilities, but they are men and women of action and the foremost factors in the world's work; but for their energy and enterprise the world would move much more slowly. O D $ The Sun square or opposition to Mars endows the person with an abundance of en- - ergy, and the faculty of leadership, but it is turned to purposes of deviltry and destruction; the courage implanted by the good aspects be- comes foolhardiness and the person has a loud, overbearing, swaggering manner and is ready to fight at the drop of a hat ; he is always in oppo- sition to the constituted authority and ready to rebel wherever he sees a chance; he has an extremely fiery temper but holds no resentment. On account of these qualities he is universally disliked by both employers and his fellow work- MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 329 ers, always in hot water and never stays long in any place for he is an agitator and trouble maker. These aspects also dispose to accidents in which the person may be maimed, to gunshot and knife-wounds, also to scalding, fevers, and inflammatory complaints, boils and erup- tions. Aspects to the Sun and Mars are" absolutely necessary to give zest to life; even adverse as- pects are better than none, for where these planets are unaspected the person is usually listless, vapid and will never amount to any- thing no matter how good the figure may be in other respects. A $ Venus sextile or trine to Mars will give an ambitious, aspiring and adventurous nature, amorous and extremely demonstrative in its af- fection, and very fond of sports and pleasures. It gives the person an abundance of energy and business acumen, consequently he has a splen- did earning capacity, but no matter how much money he makes it just filters through his fin- gers, for he loves above all things to make a great outward show and display. Being a free spender he is also very popular among his associates, and being as already said of an amorous nature he marries either very early or his marriage is a very sudden and hasty one. These aspects are also indications of money by marriage or legacy. 330 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 9 6 P $ Venus conjunction or parallel Mars does not always operate in the same manner, but they are to be classed as good or bad aspects accord- ing to circumstances and the matter to be judged. For instance, Mars conjunction Venus makes the person less blunt and domineering, more kind and polite, and is therefore good in that respect, but the conjunction also strength- ens the passional nature ; especially if it occurs in Scorpio, and in the Twelfth House it often leads to self-abuse so that in those cases it is decidedly bad. Therefore students must exercise judgment before classing these aspects. 9 D 8 $ Venus square or opposition to Mars gives a very voluptuous and sensuous disposition liable to gross exceses in the gratification of the pas- sions which will sap the vitality. It is likely to break down the health and constitution, leaving the person a wreck on the sea of life if it is al- lowed a free rein. These people are altogether too generous, especially where the opposite sex is concerned. They are very extravagant and on that account spend more than they can afford on themselves, besides what they squander on their many amours, so that no matter how much money they make, they are generally in financial difficulty, and not infrequently they figure as defendants in the debtor's court. If Mars or Venus are in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces there is MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 331 a tendency to such a dissolute and dissipated living; such a craving for low pleasures that, if indulged, it will drag the human being down below the level of animals. * A $ Mercury sextile or trine to Mars gives a keen, sharp, ingenious and resourceful mental- ity. It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition which appeals to him and he has also the ability to enthuse others and impress them with his views. He is an indefatigable worker in any cause which arouses his sympa- thies, but he is no visionary, he is interested only in concrete matters. These people love argument or debate, and they have an inexhaustible fund of wit and good humor, sometimes blended with a vein of sarcasm which always strikes its mark, yet never viciously or malicously. They also have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn their hands to whatever task is required and do it with a speed, facility and expedition that is astonishing to say the least. They cannot do anything slowly or by halves ; whatever they un- dertake must be done with a rush, and they put their whole energy into it so that they may ac- complish the task and do it well, hence tlaese aspects give success in life, in almost any line of endeavor these people may select, but prob- ably most in literature or the mechanical arts. 332 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 5 6 P $ Mercury conjunction or parallel to Mars gives the same mental energy, enthusiasm and dexterity as the definitely good aspects but whether they are used for constructive and good purposes or for destructive and evil depends upon the aspects, house position and sign which they occupy. If the configuration occurs in a sign where either or both are strong and well placed, as Mars in Aries or Capricorn, or Mer- cury in Gemini or Virgo, or if they are fortified by good aspects from the Sun, Venus and Ju- piter, Mars conjunction or parallel to Mercury will operate similarly to the sextile or trine as stated in the foregoing paragraph, wilich see; but if Mars and Mercury are in one of the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, or if either or both are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, the conjunction or parallel of Mars and Mercury will give the same evil tendencies as the square or opposition which are defined in the next para- graph. 3 n 8 $ Mercury square or opposition to Mars makes people quick-witted, sharp and alert, quick-tempered, impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at conclusions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are always getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are dangerous associates. They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of mak- ing an exact statement. It is just as natural for MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 333 them to color or exaggerate their statements as it is to breathe. They are vitriolic in their wrath and their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake, hence they are either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be bound to them by environment; all who can, shun them. They are bullies who are bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are and they allow no obstacle to stand in their way which can be removed either by force or slander. They are the acme of selfishness, swag- ger and consummate egotism. The foregoing tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects, but if they are not, such people are a menace to society. If either Mars or Mercury are placed in the Sixth or Twelfth Houses or in any other position so that the bad aspect acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fever or insanity. D * A $ The Moon sextile or trine to Mars gives a wonderful vitality and a strong physique so that the person is able to withstand almost any other testimonies of ill-health which are over- ruled by it. The power of endurance is increased and the person can survive hardships to which people ordinarily succumb. It gives a resolute, courageous, energetic and ambitious mind of a resourceful and eminently constructive turn. It makes the person quick but not precipitate in 334 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS his decisions. Thus he gains the confidence and esteem of others and earns considerable money, but the nature is extremely free and generous so that money does not stay by these people they spend it almost as fast as they get it. }) 6 P $ The Moon conjunction or parallel to Mars may be either good or bad according to the sex of the person and the department of life we are considering. It strengthens the health and the vitality, particularly in the horoscope of a woman. In the horoscope of a man it would indicate a robust marriage partner of a domi- neering nature and with respect to the mind it would make the person very impulsive, particu- larly if placed in one of the common signs or in the Third or Ninth Houses. It also gives a very bad temper but not so bad as the square or opposition. If Mars is in conjunction or par- allel to the Moon in Scorpio it gives an abnor- mal sexual desire which will not be denied, par- ticularly if Venus is there also. In watery signs it inclines to drink, and in any place it makes the person restless and unsettled, for it is like mixing fire and water. 3) D 8 $ The Moon square or opposition to Mar* gives a very quick temper and a tendency to hasty or impulsive expressions and acts that may cause the person a great deal of sorrow and trouble. They resent rules or regulations or MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 335 any other measures that tend to curb their de- sires or the gratification of their appetites in whatever direction. But if they are in authority they are very domineering and exacting in their demands for instant obedience upon the part of others, nor do they hesitate to use whatever phy- sical force may be necessary to compel obedience if they think they can do so without too great danger to themselves. Sometimes they will take desperate chances to satisfy their spite. Having an improperly balanced mind they are foolhardy in their venturesomeness and upon occasion they will attempt to do things which no one in his sane mind would try. On account of the fore- going characteristics such people make many enemies and cause a great deal of suffering to others, particularly among members of their im- mediate family who cannot very well get away from them. If these aspects occur in watery signs, particularly with Mars or the Moon in Pisces the person is also an inveterate drunkard. From the standpoint of health they give a tend- ency to accidents by fire and water, fevers and acute inflammatory diseases, wounds and gun- shot, diseases of the genitals, too copious menses, danger in parturition, and indigestion. * A $ Saturn sexttte or trine to Mars gives a determined and energetic nature capable of in- tense and sustained action and obtaining unusual 336 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS results thereby. The executive ability, dominant forcefulness and endurance of these people is remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplishing what others cannot achieve. Hence they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their abil- ity, but they are seldom liked, for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health. 6 PD 8 $ Saturn conjunction, parallel, square or opposition to Mars are thoroughly bad aspects indicating a selfish, violent, harsh and cruel na- ture, quick tempered and vindictive, absolutely dishonest and untruthful, unscrupulous and li- able to public disgrace and imprisonment, also to accident and a violent death, and if one of the planets is essentially dignified or exalted the evil influence is much enhanced. It should also be re- membered that such serious defects do not result from one aspect alone and if the other configu- rations in the horoscope are good the foregoing delineation will only apply in a mild measure. 24 * A $ Jupiter sextile or trine to Mars. It is the nature of Jupiter to be somewhat conservative and dignified, but when blended with the fire of Mars it gives an enthusiasm and an ability to influence others and imbue them with the same feelings. It makes the nature noble, sincere, hon- est and straightforward. This aspect is also MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 337 good for the financial prosperity of the person for both Mars and Jupiter when well-a.spected attract money, but they differ in regard to dis- bursement. Jupiter is somewhat conservative in that respect, but where the Martian and Jupi- terian aspects are blended by a good aspect the result is an ideal, generous nature, neither too lavish nor too conservative, but able to strike the happy medium. These people have much in- genuity and constructive ability and whatever they do they put their whole heart into it. Hence they are successful in business and popular in so- ciety. They are fond of out-door sports and games. They love to travel and gain much pleas- ure by so doing. Mars rules the haemoglobin in the blood which is so important a factor in health and vitality therefore the good aspects of Jupiter and Mars increase the red blood corpuscles with the result that these people have an abundance of health, vitality, power and endurance. U P 6 $ Jupiter parallel or conjunction to Mars strengthens the constitution and increases the vitality the same as the good aspects. It also indicates that the person is able to earn much money and uses it freely and generously, but the mental qualities are similar to those conferred by the bad aspects. The person is tricky, deceit- ful, untruthful, impulsive in judgment and not to be depended upon. If the conjunction occurs 22 338 . THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS in one of the watery signs, especially in Pisces he will probably be a drunkard though this is not as certain as with the square and opposition. These people are generally too plethoric and liable to apoplexy. U D S $ Jupiter square or opposition to Mars is the signature of the gambler and if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces he will be a drunkard also, a tricky, dishonest and disreputable character who always acts through impulse. With respect to health we find that these people suffer principally from blood and liver complaints, the circulation is poor and the blood is so rich that there is danger of apo- plexy. * A $ Uranus sextile or trine to Mars gives an energetic and ambitious disposition, an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive mind which is re- sourceful in the highest degree and able to cope with great difficulties under trying circum- stances. Therefore people with this configuration are naturally of an inventive turn of mind and successful in bringing their ideas to realization. Their inventive genius expresses itself usually along electrical lines, aviation or other unusual directions for this aspect is one of the marks oi the pioneer of the Aquarian age, where science and invention will reach out in directions that are now entirely undreamed-of even as possibil- MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION 339 ties. But while these people are dreamers of dreams they are also practical, energetic and en- terprising in a sufficient degree to make their dreams come true in the world. They have a wjde vision and a noble nature which rises over all petty distinctions of race, creed or color and recognizes in all human beings the divine spark which is the basis of universal brotherhood. They may not be exactly religious in the ortho- dox sense of the word, but their ideas are truly cosmic, hence they are often mistaken for vision- aries by those who do not understand them. 6 PHH 8 $ Uranus conjunction, parallel, sauare or opposition to Mars gives an erratic and eccen- tric disposition, a violent temper of the worst nature, an unusual resentment of even the slight- est restraint and gives the person a stubborn,, headstrong and dogged determination t go 1 ahead in any line of action upon which he has decided no matter what the outcome. He will listen to neither reason nor entreaty but follows his own course in defiance of all. People with this configuration often become anarchists of the reddest type for they do not even stop at the shedding of blood if other testimonies in the fig- ure concur. They are cruel, hard and cold with- out a spark of true love though they may be in- flamed with passion of the most burning inten- sity. This is particularly the case when Mars is 34.0 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS square Uranus and either planet is placed in Taurus or Scorpio. In a woman's horoscope Mars square Uranus usually leads to seduction no matter where placed, but if in Taurus or Scorpio escape is almost impossible. The other characteristics of these planets in either config- uration work themselves out according to the signs wherein they are placed so that their place- ment in Taurus or Scorpio work upon the sex which is governed by these signs. When one of these planets is in Scorpio if the person takes up the profession of surgery he will become very cruel and unfeeling, ready to operate for the mere pleasure of causing pain and in conse- quence or in pursuit of this passion he will prob- ably take up vivisection and develop an unusual ingenuity in torturing his victims. With Mars or Uranus in Scorpio or Pisces he will be under- handed or tricky though he may show a very different front to the pubilc. In Aries it will make a rattlebrain, in Gemini and Virgo an un- usually quick mentality but quick in seeing only how to trick others, in Sagittarius it will make the person very materialistic, atheistic or fanat- ical against the established religion or society, thus the planets blend their nature with each individual sign. ^ P 6 O 8 $ Neptune parallel, conjunction, square or opposition to Mars, see page 402. tj? * A $ Neptune sextile or trine Mars, see page 402. CHAPTER XV. PLANETARY OCTAVES BEFORE considering the effect of Uranus and Neptune in the various signs and houses it may be expedient and illuminating to study their relations to Venus and Mercury which are their lower octaves. That such a relationship exists has been .sensed by various astrological authors who by speculation and observation have learned a great deal about these two planets and what they have brought out does great credit to their sagacity, but not having had the benefit of esoteric training it is not to be wondered at that they have become confused on certain points which we shall now explain so that students of the esoteric philosophy may see how these explanations dovetail into the general philosophy of the Western Wisdom School, and thus bear out the statement that Uranus is the higher octave of Venus and Neptune the higher octave of Mercury. The Western Wisdom teaching of the Rosieru- cians states that man-in-the-making was plant-like and bi-sexual during the Hypoborean Epoch and thus able to create from himself without the necessity of having co-operation from anyone else. But at that time he was without a brain and unable to think, 341 342 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS therefore in the Lemurian Epoch the angels directed one-half of the sex force upward to the part which is now the head and used it for the formation of the brain and larynx. The process is plainly traceable in the antenatal development of the foetus which accounts for the intimate relation between the sex organs, the larynx and the brain, observable in the change of voice which takes place when the boy reaches puberty and the mental disability which follows the unre- strained abuse of the generative function. Thus it may be said that the sex function whereby new bodies are created in the physical world, and become our physical children, is closely connected with the brain and larynx which man uses to conceive the chil- dren of his brain and mind and give them vocal ex- pression by the larynx. It is a matter of common knowledge to astrologers that man is incited to per- form the generative function of the begetting of phy- sical children by the love-ray of Venus ; likewise that the ray of reason emanating from Mercury is respon- sible for the begetting of the children of mind and their vocal expression by the larynx, so that both Mercury and Venus are creative in their functions, one upon the physical plane, the other upon the men- tal plane. Mercury is usually associated with reason and intelligence ; to him is ascribed rule over the cerebro- spinal nervous system, w r hich is the medium of trans- mission between the embodied spirit and the world without. Thus as Neptune signifies the sub- and PLANETARY OCTAVES 343 superhuman intelligences who live and move in the spiritual realms of the universe, but who work with and upon us, so Mercury indicates the human intelli- gence focused upon the terrestrial, physical world wherein we live from birth to death. Therefore it may be said that Neptune is the octave of Mercury, but there is a deeper sense. Reference to a textbook of anatomy or physi- ology will show that lengthwise fissures in the spinal cord divide it into three parts which enclose a hollow tube. Each of these columns is ruled by one of the Hierarchies in closest touch with us: the lunar, mar- tial and mercurial; one or the other predominating, according to the stage in evolution of the individual. In the spinal canal the rays of Neptune kindle the spinal spirit fire whereby the human spirit is enabled to pierce the veil of flesh and contact the worlds be- yond; this vision is colored according to the column of the cord most actively excited. In the childhood days of mankind the creative force which is now turned outwards to build ships, houses, railways, telephones, etc., was used inwardly to build the organs of our body, and as the surrounding physical world is photographed upon the table of a camera obscura, so the spiritual world was reflected in the spinal canal. There man beheld the first lunar God Jehovah, whose Angels were his first tutors. Later a part of the Angels who, under the leadership of Lucifer had re- belled against Jehovah and who are now exiled on the planet Mars forced entrance to the spinal cord 344 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS of man and incited him to abuse of the generative function. The spiritual inner vision of mankind faded when "their eyes were opened and they saw they were naked," then they lost touch with the higher self; they saw only the person, and the docile creature of Jehovah was soon transformed to a sav- age and a brute under the impulses of the Lucifer Spirits, the hierarchy of Mars, but by their prompt- ings man has also learned to conquer material obsta- cles, to build outwardly and become architect of the world. To counteract the unmitigated selfishness bred by the Martian Angels, and to make mankind humane, our Elder Brothers from Mercury, human like our- selves, whose high state of evolution required the high vibration generated and prevailing in close prox- imity to the Sun, were required to invest the spinal cord of man also, and through their labors civiliza- tion has taken on a different form, mankind is again beginning to look inwards. At the present time the left cerebral hemisphere is governed by Mercury, and the pineal gland, its higher octave, is ruled by Neptune who also has do- minion over the spinal canal which is the avenue whereby one pole of the creative energy was origin- ally turned upward for the building of the brain. , The ray of Neptune carries what occultists know as the Father fire, the light and life of the Divine Spirit, which expresses itself as will. This it focuses in the voluntary nervous system of the physical body PLANETARY OCTAVES 345 governed by its lower octave Mercury which acting through the left brain galvanizes the body into speech and action, expressing the will of the indwelling spirit. By this diversion of the creative energy the hu- man being ceased, as already said, to be a physical hermaphrodite, a complete creative unit, and was then compelled to seek a mate in order to propagate the species. Therefore the Son, the Cosmic Christ, focused the love-ray of the Life Spirit upon Uranus, (ruling the pituitary body), who transmits it to the vital body where Venus, the lower octave of Uranus gives it expression in propagation and growth. Between the Divine Spirit and Life Spirit on the one hand and their counterparts, the physical and vital bodies, on the other hand, is the Human Spirit ruled by the Sun, and its counterpart, the desire body, ruled by the lesser light, the Moon. But this is debatable ground contested by Jupiter and Mercury on the one side, Saturn and Mars being on the other. The ray of Uranus is gradually forging a second spinal cord by drawing the lower love-ray of Venus upward and transmuting it to altruism, conquering for it the dominion over the sympathetic segment of the present spinal cord and the right cerebral hem- isphere now ruled by the passionate hierarchy of Mars, the Lucifer Spirits. This work has been com- pletely accomplished by the Adepts, therefore they have no need to marry for each is now a complete creative unit on both the spiritual and physical 346 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS planes, having turned the bi-polar creative force, masculine and feminine, upward through the double spinal cord, illuminated and raised in potential en- ergy by the spinal spirit fires of Neptune (Will) and Uranus (Love and Imagination). This creative en- ergy conceives in the twin hemispheres of the cere- brum, ruled by Mars and Mercury, a vehicle fit for the expression of the spirit, which is then sent out and objectified in the world by the spoken creative word. This is the secret of how the Adepts form a new body without going through the womb, and some day all humanity will attain to this standard of perfection as spiritual hermaphrodites, then we shall no longer be " a little lower than the angels ' ' who create by sim- ilar methods but we shall be higher than they are now for we shall then have the reason and intellect which they lack, in addition to the complete creative power. CHAPTER XVI. URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM THE love ray of Venus goes out to the mate and blood relations but by a good aspect of Uranus it is raised beyond the realm of sex love to cosmic pro- portions, a love such as that which Christ must have felt when he wept over Jerusalem and said that, as a hen gathers its brood under its wing, so would he have loved to gather them to his bosom. The people who have this Uranian love therefore become build- ers of society associated with every good and up- lifting movement. An adverse aspect of Uranus to Venus on the other hand, has the most degrading effect on the Venus function, for it leads to disre- gard of the laws and conventions of society and to perversion of the most sacred creative function. Love, is a much abused word, and the emotion thus miscalled is usually so tainted with desire that it is Martian passion rather than Venusian love. Coali- tion, the keyword of Venus, suggests a most intimate union, a blending of the very souls of two or more people who compose a family. But Altruism, the keyword of Uranus, hints at such an all-embracing love as our Saviour felt. Thus Uranus is the octave 347 348 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS of Venus and anyone ready to enter the path of prep- aration which leads to initiation must gradually learn to outgrow the Venus love which makes the imme- diate family all in all and begin to cutilvate the all- embracing Uranian altruism. This goal is high and those who aim so high often fall very low. When we essay to transcend the Venus love and cultivate the Uranian altruism we are thus in great danger, and the most promising lives are sometimes wrecked by the pernicious theory of soul-mates, which leads to clandestine love affairs and perversion of the creative function. But remem- ber this altruism does not require return of the love bestowed upon others, it has absolutely no con- cern with sex ; it will not lessen the love for our fam- ily, but they being nearest to us will feel the increase of our love to a greater degree than those further away, and unless our love brings forth such fruit it is not Uranian and will not further us upon the path of attainment. Seeing that that is so, we may readily understand the great majority of humanity cannot yet respond to the higher side of Uranus, and its effect upon the morals is therefore principally perversion of sex, clandestine love affairs, free love, and disregard ot conventionality. That is, of course, when aspected by squares and oppositions. Under such conditions it makes the person unconventional and erratic, re- bellious at the least restraint, very independent and brusque in manner, fond of pioneer work, and inves- URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 349 tigation of unusual things. They take to the higher mechanics, electricity, aviation, and the like, as a duck to water, and are rather proud of their attain- ments. They find prominence in literature, science, philosophy, and especially in the occult arts. It also gives a high grade of musical genius when con- figurated with Venus, and if Uranus is well fortified by position and aspects it qualifies the person for leadership in an unusual way. It may also be said that the effects of the Uranian ray are very sudden and unexpected, whether for good or ill ; it comes like a bolt out of the blue, and as we respond most easily to its evil side, these effects are generally dis- astrous in nature. When Uranus is on the Acsendant it adds length to the body, so that the true Uranians are usually very tall. URANUS IN THE TWELVE HOUSES J# 1 Uranus in the First House, even when well- aspected, makes the person very odd and eccen- tric in his habits, so that he seems to delight in doing exactly the things that are against the conventions and customs, just so that he may appear odd. He always finds an original way of doing things, different from that of all other people, and is very self-satisfied in his opinion that his methods and ideas are better than any one else's. If opposed he will defend his ideas to the last ditch, if Uranus is in any way afflicted. But when Uranus is well-aspected in the First 350 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS House there is usually a tolerance for the opin- ions of others, a spirit of give-and-take which avoids the hard feelings generated by an afflicted Uranus. Uranus on the Ascendant also makes the person very restless; there are many sudden changes in the life and it will, of course, depend upon the aspects prevailing at the time whether the changes are for good or ill, but at any rate, the call of the far fields that look so green, are constantly before the mind's eye, so that the Uranians are always ready to be the pioneers in new undertakings or a new cause, just so that it is something that has not been tried before, and so offers a chance of risk and adventure. 2 Uranus in the Second House, which governs finance, naturally indicates a restless and unset- tled state of the finances of the person. There will be many ups and downs, and even though such a person may have other good aspects that qualify him to reason accurately concerning other matters, it will be found that in the finan- cial department he is unable to protect himself against these sudden and unforeseen losses, or gains. For him there is no such thing as a staid and solid investment, for the most unlooked-for conditions are likely to turn up and either net him an altogether unlooked-for increase or else bring about an equally unaccountable loss, all with such suddenness that there is no way of URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 351 changing the matter. Therefore it is absolutely impossible to give financial advice to such people, for even if they invested in a proposition as solid as the proverbial rock of Gibraltar, it is doubt- ful if an earthquake would not unsettle it. W 3 Uranus in the Third House. The Third House governs brothers and sisters, neighbors, educa- tion, and the mental or intellectual faculties. Therefore this position strengthens the intui- tional abilities of the person, and gives a certain predisposition towards what is commonly called psychic faculties. Uranus rules the ether, hence the Third House position should make it easy for the person to cultivate spiritual sight, especially if Uranus is well-aspected with the Sun, Moon, Venus or Mercury. If Uranus is afflicted in the Third House it indicates quarrels with neighbors, brothers and sisters, probably a breaking up of the family ties, also that the education will be interfered with through the erratic, self-willed conduct of the person, and the mind will be more or less unsettled, and changeable as a weather-vane. An afflicted Uranus in the Third House also predisposes to accidents according to the nature of the afflicting planet, and particu- larly when on short journeys. These people, it may also be said, are subject to adventures and strange happenings on their journeys such as do not usually befall other people. 352 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS J#4 Uranus in the Fourth House. People who have Uranus in the Fourth House ought to leave their place of birth as soon as possible for they cannot succeed there. Both the parents and their whole neighborhood and environment will be antagonistic to them. If it so happens that the parents are wealthy they will try to disin- herit a child with Uranus in the Fourth House. Even if his Seventh and Eighth Houses be well fortified, it is very doubtful if he would win in a contest for his share of the patrimony, as the public sentiment in his birthplace, where such a suit would probably be tried, would be so much against him that he would lose in the end. It would also be disastrous for such a per- son to marry and establish a home of his own, for peace, harmony and contentment cannot exist where the spasmodic and erratic Uranus is ; that is to say, if it is afflicted. If it is well- aspected it is also doubtful if such a person would ever attempt to establish a home, for his sympathies would be too large and he would probably be identified with wider activities a home or homes on a larger and more universal scale. This position also gives a very strong at- traction towards the occult science. V 5 Uranus in the Fifth House. The Fifth House rules educational activities, publications, pleas- ures, courtship, and childbirth. The erratic URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 353 Uranus in this House will in the first place give some very unconventional ideas concerning the intercourse and relation of the sexes and usually leads to a clandestine relationship contrary to the laws of the land. A woman with this con- figuration in her horoscope is particularly prone to be taken advantage of even though she may not consciously be guilty of inviting undue ad- vances. It also makes parturition very difficult and if a child is brought to birth there is danger of loss by some sudden accident or unusual dis- ease. If other configurations in the horoscope give a leaning toward literature, a person who has Uranus in the Fifth House will be found to espouse some unconventional cause, like so- cialism, anarchism, or kindred movements, and if Uranus be afflicted by Saturn, Mars, or Nep- tune, the articles written by him, or the paper published by him or with which he is connected, will probably incite to bloodshed, conspiracy, and treachery, which will bring the person into trouble with the authorities. If on the other hand, Uranus be well-aspected from the Fifth House in a horoscope indicating literary ten- dencies, the ideas advocated on account of this Uranian influence will probably be so Utopian, idealistic, and altruistic that they are beyond the contemporaries of the person. The love na- ture will also be of such a high idealistic strain that few if any will be able to respond, and this 23 354 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS may also mitigate in a large measure the physical trouble indicated in parturition. A person with a well-aspected Uranus in the Fifth House would not gamble, and if one who has an afflicted Uranus there attempted it, he would naturally meet with loss, no matter how careful he might seem to be. With respect to the pursuit of pleasure indulged in by these people, we shall find them attracted to all new and strange things. At the present time the most of them are prob- ably longing for the day when it will be possible for them to race in the clouds and drive aero- planes more recklessly than they are now driving automobiles. 6 Uranus in the Sixth House. The Sixth House governs the employment and service, also health and disease, therefore the erratic, spasmodic Uranus in the Sixth House predisposes to oc- cupational diseases of a strange nature, asphyx- iation, mental and nervous disorders, such as epilepsy, and St. Vitus dance. Even if Uranus is well-aspected, these tendencies are not en-, tirely abrogated, at least, a person with Uranus in this position will be very nervous and high- strung under all conditions. With respect to employers and fellow-employees this position makes the person very irritable; he is brusque and abrupt to all connected with his work and therefore liable to trouble in employment or with URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM ^355 employees. This position gives a tendency to- wards mediumship and undesirable phases of psychic experiences. If Uranus is much afflicted there is also danger of obsession and insanity. Uranus in the Seventh House, indicates a. romantic, sudden, or ill-considered marriage. Sometimes a common-law or other irregular form of union is consummated under this configura- tion. Often the marriage partner is a person never thought of as a mate until the Uranian ray impels to marriage on the spur of the mo- ment. People with Uranus in the Seventh House are usually unfortunate in their marriage rela- tions, because the marriage partner has the spas- modic, inconstant, independent Uranian nature,, chafes under the limitation and cannot remain true to any one person, but becomes inveigled into clandestine relations with the result that the marriage is often dissolved in the divorce court and separation and estrangement follows; there is quite often a public scandal in connec- tion with these affairs, or it may indicate the death of the marriage partner, all according to aspects. People with Uranus in the Seventh House should never go to law, for no matter how just their cause may be they are most likely to be thwarted or checkmated by some strange, un- 356 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS foreseen or sudden circumstances whereby they are apt to lose their case. They should also avoid public office or position, for no matter how honest they may be themselves they are likely to become involved in scandal and trouble on that account. In short, this Seventh House po- sition of Uranus is bad for dealings of any kind with the public or with law or partners. J#8 Uranus in the Eighth House is a good omen, for it indicates that when life has been lived to its fullness the end will come suddenly and thus the person will be spared the long and pitiful suffering so often incident to the transition from the physical to the spiritual worlds. But know- ing this it also behooves such people to have their house in readiness and order, so that when the end comes at 30 or 90 they have their affairs in shape. This position often brings an unexpected legacy through the marriage partner when well- aspected ; but if Uranus is afflicted the person may become involved in litigation on account of or in connection with the estate of someone de- ceased. People with Uranus in the Eighth House often show great interest in occult subjects and become well versed in mystic lore. It also gives a predisposition to dreams and p.sychic experi- ence. URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 357 J# 9 Uranus in tlie Ninth House gives a progressive and independent mind, of an original and in- ventive turn, sometimes amounting to genius; the intuition is highly developed and these peo- ple indulge in constructive dreams of such a nature as transform the world in the course of time that is, provided Uranus is well-aspected. Nevertheless they are generally looked upon as cranks because their ideas are so Utopian and far in advance of our present stage that the or- dinary human beings cannot grasp them. On the other hand, if Uranus is afflicted in the Ninth House, particularly if by Mars, these people be- come red anarchists and are not even averse to shedding blood in order to attain what they be- lieve is the ideal; they become fanatical in what- ever cause they espouse. This position of Uranus also indicates trouble in travel, particularly on voyages, and danger of accidents. It is one of the signs which make the explorer and pioneer in the discovery and devel- opment of new countries. Uranus in the Tenth House indicates an orig- inal, eccentric character, with a contempt for conventions, who follows his own ideas regard- less of what other people say or think, hence these people are often looked upon as black sheep and estranged from their kindred, but this they do not seem to regard as a misfortune; they are 358 THE MESSAGE OF THE STABS ready to offer up all, even life itself, for absolute freedom. These characteristics also bring them into public discredit and disfavor. The life is full of sudden changes for better or worse ac- cording to the other planetary aspects prevail- ing. If Uranus is much afflicted these people never, make a success in life, but meet with con- tinual sorrow, trouble, disappointment and re- verses. When Uranus is well-aspected genius will come to the fore and is likely to find recogni- tion in some measure at least, probably by pio- neer work of some kind. Wll Uranus in the Eleventh House. Uranus being lord of the Eleventh Sign, Aquarius, is more at home in the Eleventh House than in any of the others, therefore he exerts a strong influence in bringing about strange and eccentric friend- ships with people of an original, creative, or in- ventive turn of mind who will be a benefit to the person if Uranus is well-aspected. This also indicates that through such friendships the wishes, hopes and aspirations will be promoted and reach a succesful culmination. If on the other hand, Uranus is afflicted in this house, friends are apt to turn traitors or at least use the person for their own selfish ends as far as possible. *$ 12 Uranus in the Twelfth House indicates loss of reputation, exile, and estrangement from one's URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 359 kin and country, much sickness at various times of life and confinement in hospitals, if Uranus is well-aspected or without configuration with any other planet. But if serious afflictions are found it indicates confinement in prison at some period of the life, or restraint in a sanitarium on ac- count of mental trouble, also much annoyance by the underhanded action of others. When well-aspected it brings success in connection with the occult arts or occult institutions, also by the invention of chemical processes which remain secret with their discoverer instead of being pro- tected by patent. These people are haunted all through life by a vague fear of impending dis- aster. URANUS IN THE TWELVE SIGNS T Uranus in Aries gives an original, independ- ent nature, full of energy and ambition, ingen- ious, resourceful and capable of coping with dif- ficulties, especially those of a mechanical or elec- trical nature. These people have a very im- pulsive, abrupt and brusque manner which often arouses resentment and opposition in others eveii though no offense may have been intended. They are seldom satisfied to remain in one place, but are fond of changes and rove about a great deal. Changes of place and position are often forced upon them because of the before-mentioned blunt way of speaking. 360 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS J# b Uranus in Taurus gives a very intuitive na- ture but stuborn and self-willed, so that when these people have made up their minds notnmg in the world will turn them, but they cling to their purpose or idea with the quiet determina- tion and persistence which neither persuasion nor threats can alter. If Uranus is afflicted they are suspicious and jealous, also subject to very sudden and unexpected reverses in financial af- fairs. But if Uranus is well-aspected the oppo- site may be judged, and comfortable financial circumstances may be looked for. IE Uranus in Gemini gives a highly original, in- tuitive and versatile nature, fond of scientific pur- suits in general, but particularly those studies which have to do with electricity, aviation, or other similar out-of-the-way subjects. These people are broad-minded and thoroughly pro- gressive, pioneers in all things new and modern. Among other things they generally have an in- clination for the study of occultism and astrol- ogy. They are well liked among brothers, sisters, and neighbors. All this providing Uranus is well-aspected ; but if Uranus is afflicted the mind becomes eccentric and full of vagaries which make the person a nuisance and a crank, disliked by everybody, particularly brothers, sisters and neighbors. This also brings trouble and liability to accident in the course of short journeys. URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 361 HE Uranus in Cancer. Cancer is a psychic sign and when Uranus is there it indicates that the person is a sensitive,, attuned to the psychic vi- brations and capable of cultivating these pow- ers, but whether for good or ill depends upon the aspects. If Uranus is afflicted there is a tend- ency to nervous indigestion for Cancer rules the stomach, and if this is not attended to serious stomach trouble may be expected. These people are liable to separation from their families, though usually much against their will, but as they are generally of a very uncertain temper, irritable and impatient, they are usually to blame for this condition and are only getting their just deserts. Uranus in Leo gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of restraint or contra- diction, with strong likes and dislikes, and an utter disregard of the conventions where the passional nature is involved. The personality is strong, forceful and self-assertive, therefore these people often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition. They are very in- constant in affairs of the heart ''on with the new love" before it is "off with the old." In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows difficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sudden, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency towards palpi- 362 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tation of the heart. When Uranus is well- aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic af- fairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius, particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for enter- tainment and amusement of the public and gain thereby. Uranus in Virgo, when well-aspected gives & keen, original, scientific and mechanical mind, a strong and well developed intuitional faculty and a keen business bent which will make for success in life, financial gain by the employ- ment of others. But if Uranus is afflicted in Virgo, the per- son is apt to become subject to strange ailments, a hypochondriac of a fractious and irritable turn of mind, a burden to himself and those who have to be around him. This position is also full of disappointment in the aims and ambitions of life, especially because of limitations in the em- ployment or in dealing with employees, which the person seems unable to overcome. = Uranus in Libra, when well-aspected gives lit- erary and artistic ability of an unusual and orig- inal nature where the person follows independ- ent lines of endeavor and expression, often in connection with occultism. This position also gives a keen intuition and an attractive person- ality, a vivid imagination. It signifies partner- URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 363 ship, union, or marriage to someone who will be of a Uranian character and of much benefit to the person. But when ill-placed or afflicted, Uranus in Libra brings sorrow, trouble, domestic difficulty and death of the marriage partner by a sudden or strange ailment or accident. Or perhaps the union may be dissolved in the divorce court, for people with the temperament described by an afflicted Uranus in Libra simply cannot remain true to one person. This position al,so indicates trouble with the public or the authorities on account of eccentric, anarchistic, or socialistic activity. \. Uranus in Scorpio, when well-aspected gives the person a forceful and determined will, bound to overcome all obstacles and achieve that which he sets out to accomplish by persistence, persever- ance and dogged determination; the mind is sharp, shrewd and secretive, capable of grasp- ing details and concentrating deeply upon what- ever problem may be in hand. There is an orig- inality and mechanical ability amounting to genius and a love for science, both occult and physical. But when ill-aspected, Uranus in Scorpio lays the person liable to accidents and even as- sassination or sudden death by explosions, elec- tricity, aeroplanes and kindred unusual methods. 364 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS It also gives a tendency to trouble with the gen- itals on account of unbridled abuse of the sacred creative function, self-abuse or perversion. *? } Uranus in Sagittarius gives a very strong in- tuitive faculty with a tendency to dreams, vis- ions, and a very vivid imagination. This posi- tion also gives a strong inclination towards an out-of-the-ordinary belief, including the theory and practice of the occult arts. When weii-as- pected this position gives a strong grasp of the religious and educational problems of the day, with a philanthropic desire to work for the up- liftment of humanity, a desire to travel for the educational advantages thereby to be obtained, and success in gaining these points under favor- able aspects. When afflicted, Uranus in Sagittarius gives a very eccentric and erratic mentality, particu- larly with respect to law and religion. There is a rebellion against the social condition which often brings trouble with the authorities, also a de.sire to force one-sided views upon the world despite all protests and at all risk, characteristics which eventually bring discredit and disfavor. J V3 Uranus in Capricorn, when well-aspected gives an ambitious and enterprising disposition, a se- rious, persevering nature, and an acute sense of responsibility ,with original ideas of business that bring success, especially if some line is se- URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 365 lected that is connected with the electrical or aerial arts. If Uranus is afflicted it gives an erratic and eccentric mind, self-willed and stubborn, bound to either rule or ruin, quarrelsome and at odds with society in general and relatives in particu- lar. Hence this position gives a great deal of sorrow and trouble in life, frequently involving sudden changes of employment and environ- ment. " Uranus in Aquarius, when well-aspected is at its very best, for he is ruler of this sign and therefore in harmony with its vibrations. Hence this position strengthens the intuition and orig- inality, and directs the energies into humani- tarian lines of endeavor, unselfish devotion to the cause of friendship, and a sincere desire to help all who are in trouble. These people make many friends and generally realize their hopes, wishes, and ambitions because they are of such an unselfish nature that they desire what is good for humanity at large rather than that which is for personal gain. This position also gives considerable mechanical ability, originality and inventive genius. But if Uranus is afflicted in the sign Aqua- rius, though the ambitions may be as strong and sometimes as good, and as pure as with a well- aspected Uranus, they will be of such an erratic 366 THE MESSAGE OF THE STAES nature that it is impossible to realize the desire, and it will bring trouble with friends, or pre- tended friends, who will seek to use the person for their own selfish ends, causing much sorrow and disappointment. Jtf X: Uranus in Pisces, when well-aspected indi- dicates a love of the occult arts and ability of development along these lines. It brings friends and associations which favor these studies. But when illaspected it leads to mediumship, obses- sion, and even insanity, if this tendency to in- tercourse with spirits is followed to its conclu- sion. This position makes the mind nighty, er- ratic, and the person will be subject to unex- pected misfortune, scandal, or suicide. All through life, even when fortune smiles and the skies are clear to all outward appearance these people are haunted by a vague fear of impending disaster. ASPECTS OF URANUS TO THE OTHER PLANETS O * A *& The Sun sextile or trine to Uranus makes the person original, inventive and independent in his manner of conduct and personal appear- ance. With respect to food and certain man- nerisms, he is what people call eccentric and con- spicuous, yet not offensively so, given to pur- suits and studies which people consider ''queer" such as occultism and astrology. But he also URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 367 loves delving into the unknown realms after nature's secrets concerning electricity and often becomes a successful inventor if other aspects give the mechanical ability to work his schemes out. Uranus rules the ether and now that we are nearing the Aquarian Age his vibrations will be felt in increasing measure to bring to our ken methods of using nature's finer forces and the people with Sun sextile or trine Uranus will be the media who attract and interpret them for us as the aerials and receivers in a wireless station collect and transcribe the messages car- ried by the ether waves to which they are at- tuned. These people often rise in life through the friendship of someone above them in the social scale. They are of a very high-strung temperament but have themselves well under control, and rarely show temper or anger. They are also out-and-out idealists. O P 6 D 8 W The Sun parallel, conjunction, square or opposition to Uranus makes the person very high-strung, nervous, of uncontrolled emotions and ready to fly into hysteria on any or no provo- cation. It predisposes to nervous disorders such as St. Vitus dance, epilep.sy and lack of co- ordination. It makes people impulsive, unrelia- ble, and lacking in regard for the convention- alities, highly impatient of any restraint upon their liberty and committed to the theory of 368 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS affinities, soul-mates and free love, hence these people are undesirable marriage partners and likely to figure in divorce proceedings or scan- dals of an even worse nature. There is also danger of trouble on account of connection with anarchistic plots where the inventive faculty may find scope in the construction of explosives and infernal machines. Unless these aspects are modified by other configurations such people are among the most dangerous to society. They are liable to accidents from lightning, electricity and all through life they meet disappointment from the most unexpected quarters. $ * A Venus sextile or trine to Uranus makes the person mentally alert, of quick intuitive per- ception and exceedingly magnetic, especially to the opposite sex ; but it also attracts hosts of friends who will be of benefit and assistance to him. These aspects give love of art, music and poetry and are a favorable indication of a happy marriage, often at a very early age or suddenly consummated. The good aspects between Venus and Uranus also sometimes bring to the subject love of a platonic nature which then acts as an inspiration in the life. $ 6 P 1 ? Venus .conjunction or parallel to Uranus. As in the case of Mars conjunction to Venus, so also in the case of Uranus conjunction to Venus, there is a doubt as to whether this aspect should URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 369 be classed as good or evil. This must be settled in the individual horoscope where it occurs, for it may work either way, depending upon the other planetary configurations and the student will therefore have to use his judgment as to how he classes them. If Venus is otherwise af- flicted in the horoscope, for instance, the con- junction or parallel will further accentuate her evil qualities and act like the square and oppo- sition, but if she is well placed or aspected Uranus will bring out the nobler side, like the sextile or trine. 9 D 8 W Venus square or opposition . to Uranus. The square or opposition always brings trouble through the sex relation quarrels, divorces, public scandals through clandestine intercourse and kindred irregularities, with loss of friends, prestige and popularity, exile from home and family and sudden financial losses through unex- pected or unforeseen happenings. There is a general lack of balance, an erratic personality. Mercury sextile or trine to Uranus gives an original, independent and eccentric mind im- patient of the fetters of fashion, tradition ana convention. Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in complete lib- erty. Therefore this is the hall-mark of the pio- neer in thought and invention, the sign of genius. Their ideas and ideals are exceedingly lofty, 24 370 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the average man or woman who look upon their actions and vagaries as the out- come of a diseased mind. Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on account of their kindly and sympathetic nature and these aspects are good for a literary or scientific pursuit, also for in- vention, particularly those which have to do with air or electricity. $ P 6 W Mercury parallel or conjunction to Uranus. If Mercury is otherwise afflicted the conjunction and parallel are to be judged as bad aspects and read accordingly, but if Mercury is otherwise well placed and aspected the delinea- tion given for the sextile and trine will apply. V D 8 # Mercury square or opposition to Uranus. Mercury in square or opposition to Uranus is the hall-mark of the true crank or anarchist with ex- treme ideas to tear down the social structure and undertake a radical reform without the ability to build up something better. People with these configurations are given to ranting and raving in public and their language is usually as cruel as the measures they advocate. Whatever ability they possess is usually turned to an erratic pur- pose and therefore they are ostracised and dis- liked wherever they go. They are often forced to make sudden changes to escape the conse- quences of their erratic conduct. URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 371 * A The Moon sextile or trine to Uranus gives great originality and independence to the mind which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its imagination, hence the person has inventive ability; he is attracted to the occult art and is endowed with hypnotic or magnetic powers, also the intuitional ability to study and practice astrology. If electricity is adopted as a vocation the person will make a success of it. These as- pects also give the person a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to 'lead to a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union. 6 P 1 ? The Moon conjunction or parallel to^ Uranus gives similar mental and psychic tend- encies as the good aspects and also the liability to irregular love-affairs as the good aspects, but these tendencies are not so pronounced and a clandestine love-affair generated under the con- junction of Uranus and the Moon may have dis- tinctly disastrous results similar to those men- tioned under the bad aspects. If the conjunc- tion occurs in Cancer it favors nervous indiges- tion; in Leo it inclines to palpitation of the heart, interferes with the rhythm of the heart- beat and gives a spasmodic action which will probably prove fatal when it has run its course; in Scorpio it inclines to perverse practices; in Sagittarius th reflex action would be felt in the lungs and similarly with the other signs. 372 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS D D 8 ^ The Moon square or opposition to Uranus makes the person erratic and touchy to a de- gree, a walking powder magazine ready to explode at any moment, overbearing, conceited and in- tolerant, shunned by all who can possibly get out of his way. If such people are employers nobody can work for them and if they are em- ployees nobody will have them. They never re- main very long in any place, but are either dis- charged or give up their position on the slightest provocation. People with these aspects are also attracted to the occult art but they never make a success at it because of their erratic mentality. Like the other aspects of Uranus and the Moon the square and opposition also indicate a clan- destine attachment either on the part of the person or the marriage partner. If it occurs in the Seventh House of a man 's horoscope it proves the wife untrue and a public scandal and divorce will eventually ensue. The bad aspects of the Sun and Uranus give similar indications in the horoscope of a woman. T? * A W Saturn sextile or trine Uranus is for- tunate for a public career in an official ca- pacity for it gives ambition and determination with ability to concentrate upon the work in hand and to exercise authority, plan and sys- tematize. It strengthens the intuition so that such people are guided by keen interior insight URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 373 when new and important steps have to be taken, therefore such people are in demand and find positions with large corporations where they win their way through sheer ability. The mind is both mechanical and ingenious, hence this posi- tion often denotes the successful inventor, par- ticularly along the lines of electricity, aerial navigation and kindred pioneer lines. T? 6 PV Saturn conjunction or parallel to Uranus has an influence like the good aspects if the planets are unafflicted, elevated, in angles, essen- tially dignified or exalted, as Saturn in Libra and Capricorn or Uranus in Aquarius or Scor- pio, but if the conjunction occurs in signs where either of the planets are weak or afflicted, like Saturn in Aries, Cancer or Leo, then the influ- ence will be detrimental and should be judged the same as the square or opposition. !? D ? * Saturn square or opposition to Uranus gives an unscrupulous nature with an extremely violent temper. The outbursts are as sudden as a bolt from the blue and exhaust the. person completely. These people are very eccentric and look at everything from a peculiar angle treacherous, idle and indolent, malicious and al- together dangerous to the community. These aspects also indicate chronic or incurable diseases according to the signs wherein they are placed, but as often said, if the other indications in the 374 .THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS horoscope are good the influence of a single as- pect will not bring out such evil characteristics and therefore the whole horoscope is to be care- fully considered before judging the influences enumerated, for they may be materially minim- ized by other favorable indications in the horo- scope. "U * A V Jupiter sextile or trine to Uranus gives < strong, independent and positive personality with an ingenious, inventive and original turn of mind. Whatever he undertakes he will carry to a conclusion or die in the attempt. This posi- tion also gives a broad, humane and benevolent disposition and a tendency to delve into the oc- cult arts and sciences. It favors association with secret orders and gives promise of prosperity in life. Such a person is honest and sincere, so- ciable, hospitable and friendly to all, hence likely to benefit a great deal from influential friends in an official position. This position also gives executive ability and success in connection with institutions of learning. 1i 6 P 1 ? Jupiter conjunction or parallel to Uranus gives similar indications to the good aspects but the influence is not quite so decided, particu- larly if either of the planets is weak by sign or otherwise afflicted. In that case it will be found that the tendencies conferred are more like those of the bad aspects. URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 375 U D 8 # Jupiter square or opposition to Uranus gives an impulsive nature liable to act in a sud- den impulsive, erratic or unexpected manner to his own undoing. Loss by speculation, lawsuits and impulsive extravagance are also indicated, many changes both of occupation and residence, loss of friends and reputation. It signifies one of an ostentatious nature given to sham and cam- ouflage and subterfuge, generally disliked for his insincerity and double dealings; a confidence man, bunko man or cheap gambler. $ * A # Mars sextile or trine to Uranus gives an energetic and ambitious disposition, an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive mind which is resource- ful in the highest degree and able to cope with great difficulties under trying circumstances. Therefore people with this configuration are nat- urally of an inventive turn of mind and success- ful in bringing their ideas to realization. Their inventive genius usually expresses itself along electrical lines, aviation, or in other unusual di- rections, for this aspect is one of the marks of the pioneer of the Aquarian Age, where science and inventions will reach out in directions that are now entirely undreamed of even as possibili- ties. But while these people are dreamers of dreams they are also practical, energetic and en- terprising in a sufficient degree to make their dreams come true in the world. They have a 376 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS wide vision and a noble nature which rises over all petty distinctions of race, creed or color and recognizes in all human beings the divine spark which is the basis of universal brotherhood. They may not be exactly religious in the orthodox sense of the word but their ideas are truly cos- mic, hence they are often mistaken for vision- aries by those who do not understand them. $ 6 PD 8 V Mars conjunction, parallel, square or opposition to Uranus gives an erratic and eccen- tric disposition, a violent temper of the worst nature, an unusual resentment of even the slight- est restraint and gives the person a stubborn, headstrong and dogged determination to go ahead in any line of action upon which he has decided no matter what the outcome. He will listen to neither reason nor entreaty but follows his own course in defiance of all. People with this con- figuration very often become anarchists of the reddest type for they do not even stop at the shedding of blood, if other testimonies in the figure concur. They are cruel, hard and cold, without a spark of true love though they may be inflamed with passion of the most burning in- tensity. This is particularly the case when Mars is square Uranus and either planet is placed in Taurus or Scorpio. In a woman's horoscope Uranus square Mars usually leads to seduction no matter where they are placed, but if in Tau- URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 377 rus or Scorpio escape is almost impossible. The other characteristics of these planets in either configuration work themselves out according to the signs wherein they are placed so that their placement in Taurus or Scorpio work upon the sex which is governed by these signs. When one of these planets is in Scorpio, if the person takes up the profession of surgery he will become very cruel and unfeeling, ready to operate for the mere pleasure of causing pain and in conse- quence or in pursuit of this passion he will prob- ably take up vivisection and develop an unusual ingenuity in torturing his victims. With Uranus or Mars in Scorpio or Pisces he will be under- handed or tricky though he may show a very different front to the public. In Aries it will make a rattlebrain, in Gemini and Virgo an unusually quick mentality but quick in seeing only how to trick others. In Sagittarius it will make the person very materialistic, atheistic, or fanatical against the established religion or so- ciety. Thus the planets blend their individ- ual natures with the sign. * A J? Neptune sextile or trine to Uranus gives inclination towards the occult or mystical side of life, and if either is placed in the Tenth House the person usually becomes a leader or authority in these lines, he wins at least local recognition and if other testimonies concur his 378 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS fame will be national or international. This position will bring direct touch with the spirit- ual world and success in dealing with inhab- itants of that place. It i,s also productive 01 dreams and visions of a prophetic and inspira- tional nature. It strengthens the healing powers and will consequently enable the person to do a great deal of good for his suffering fellow-men. These aspects give a highly developed intuition which amounts almost to mind-reading. There is a love of travel and exploration of the phy- sical world as well as of nature's finer realms. Nor are such people altogether dreamers, they have a strong will with excellent executive and organizing powers which will aid them in real- izing their hopes, wishes and ambitions to rise in life and be at the forefront of whatever pro- fession they select. ty 6 P 1 ? Neptune conjunction or parallel to Uranus are convertible aspects, if the planets are well placed by sign and otherwise well-aspected, their effect will be similar to the sextile or trine, though not so pronounced, but if they are cadent, weak by sign, and afflicted they are only a little less evil than when aspected by square or oppo- sition. W D & *& Neptune square or opposition to Uranus brings underhanded, deceptive influences into the life which aim to undermine the reputation URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM 379 and make the person suffer scandal and public disfavor, sudden and unaccountable reverses in business are met with, or trouble in social affairs. There is the same love of travel and exploration as given by the good aspects but the person can- not accomplish his aims with the same facility, or if he does it is to his disadvantage and brings added trouble. He is also drawn towards the occult or mystic side of life, but his path is beset by dangers of mediumship and obsession and all through life he is filled with premonitions of danger and a vague dread of impending disaster which he can neither account for nor dispel by will or reason, hence uncertainty overshadows the life as a cloud and robs him of peace and contentment. CHAPTER XVII. NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY AS URANUS is the octave of Venus and acts principally upon the love nature, aiming to elevate mankind in matters personal and social, so Neptune is the octave of Mercury, and altogether spiritual in its aims. As Mercury is Lightbearer of the physical Sun, so Neptune is Lightbearer for the spiritual Sun, (called Vulcan by the Western Mys- tics). Intellectuality, ruled by Mercury lifted us above the animal and made man man, the Spiritual- ity ruled by Neptune will in time raise us beyond the state of the human and make us divine. Neptune really signifies what we may call "the gods" commencing with the supernormal beings we know as Elder Brothers, and compassing the innum- erable hosts of spiritual entities, good, bad, and indiff- erent, which influence our evolution. Its position and aspects denote our relation to them; mal- efic aspects attract agencies of a nature inimical to our welfare, benefic configurations draw upon the good forces. Thus, if Neptune is placed in the Tenth House, trine to the ascendant, the person involved will have the opportunity to become a leader or promi- nent in a movement along mystical lines as denoted 380 NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 381 by the exalted position of Neptune. His body will be capable of receiving the finer vibrations, and of coming in touch with the spiritual world, as denoted by the trine of the ascendant. On the other hand, when Neptune is placed in the Twelfth House, whose nature is passive and productive of suffering, that position indicates that at some time, perhaps under a square from the midheaven, the evil forces, among whom are spirit-controls, will be drawn to that person and endeavor to obtain possession of the body. The conjunction of Neptune with the ascendant will make the body sensitive and useable for spiritual purposes, as well as the trine. Given the opportunity afforded by the first aspect mentioned, the man may become a pupil of a mystery school and a factor for great good in the uplift of mankind; placed under the affliction of the second aspect, he may become a help- less tool of spirit-controls: an irresponsible medium. But there is one factor which is never shown in the horoscope, and that is the will of man. He is bound at some time in life to meet with the experi- ences denoted by his horoscope, and the opportunities there indicated will be placed before him one by one in orderly succession, as the clock of destiny marks the appropriate time ; but how he, the free and inde- pendent spirit, meets that fated experience, no one can determine beforehand, and the man in whose horoscope the first mentioned benefic configuration occurs may not be sufficiently awake to the great op- portunity before him to catch it on the wing, it may 382 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS have flown before he realizes it was there. Yes, he may never become aware of the fact. On the other hand, the person in whose life the square* indicates the assault by spiritual forces mentioned, may develop his spiritual muscle by resisting the onslaught and become a victor instead of being vanquished. Fore- warned is forearmed. Neptune was not discovered until 1846, but we should err greatly if .we supposed the influence as- cribed to it fictitious on that account, for as the per- son born blind lacks the organs to see the sunlight and colors, so most of humanity is still lacking the sensibility which makes them amenable to the vibra- tions of Neptune. (See Chapter on that subject, also on Planetary Octaves). But we are gradually devel- oping finer feelings and becoming more able to re- spond to his influence. At first these influences are mostly felt by sensitives who become occultists when of a positive nature and mediums when negative, others gain from it the cunning common alike to the criminal and the detective, or it impels the weak- ling to take drugs which in another manner pro- duces dreams and visions similar to those obtained by the mediumistic process. Neptune strong in the figure gives a very vivid imagination and an artistic nature, poetic, musical, or literary, a fondness of ease, comfort and beautiful surroundings. The person is easily swayed by the emotions, and when Neptune is afflicted may become subject to trances, fainting, hysteria, or psychic NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 383 storms. There is a love of travel, preferably by water. When Neptune is weak by sign or afflicted it also inclines to drink or drugs, it robs the person of ambi- tion and makes him an indolent loafer or cheat, thor- oughly dishonest, or if the horoscope is otherwise good he may become the prey of other people who will rob or defraud him. People with an afflicted Neptune should particularly avoid dealings with large corporations or they may be subjected to swin- dles of the most fantastic nature. NEPTUNE IN THE TWELVE HOUSES t^l Neptune in tlie Ascendant, or First House Neptune is by nature occult, prophetic and spir- itual. The Ascendant signifies the body wherein we function and thus by combination of these ideas we find that Neptune on the Ascendant will give a particularly sensitive body capable of feeling the finer vibrations in nature, and ac- cording to the aspects which the planet receives, these will be either good, bad or indifferent. If Neptune is strong and well aspected to the Sun, Jupiter or Uranus, we may judge that there is an intensely mystical nature latent in the per- son. Whether or not it will be developed is, ol course, another question depending upon oppor- tunity and environment. On the other hand, if Neptune is afflicted, it indicates a very low men- 384 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tality, perhaps even insanity. In any case the nature is visionary, romantic and generally im- practical, at least from the worldly standard. The prophetic, inspirational and visionary facul- ties are usually highly developed when Neptune is unafflicted in the First House. There is a love of art and music, a desire for luxury and what- ever gives power and tone to life. But when Neptune is afflicted in the First House the na- ture is indolent, procrastinating and changeable ; perverted tastes and desires come to the front and impel to acts of indiscretion which may bring grave consequences. There is indication of prostitution of the spiritual faculties ; a de- ceptive, dishonest disposition, also a tendency to mediumship and spirit obsession. ty2 Neptune in the Second House and well as- pected brings gain through all things in which water plays a prominent part ; also through mys- tic and occult matters and societies. But if Nep- tune is afflicted the financial affairs of the person will always be in an uncertain, chaotic state. ^3 Neptune in the Third House, when well- aspected enhances the mental faculties to a con- siderable degree. It gives ability in the direc- tion of inspirational writing and speaking, high ideals, a devotional mind. But when Neptune is afflicted in the Third House the mind is of a low order, cunning, sometimes imbecile and NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 385 idiotic, subject to weird and uncanny feelings and perverted appetites. Neptune in the Third House also gives a tendency to many journeys, frequently by water, but whether or not they are successful depends upon the other aspects. Neptune in the Fourth House, when well- aspected, gives a spiritual atmosphere to the home with unusual conditions for soul-growth through the relationships there formed, but when afflicted it brings fraud and deception, unhap- piness and distrust, peculiar problems and many changes of residence. There is also a liability to extreme poverty at the close of life, even con- finement in a public institution of charity. Neptune in the Fifth House, strong and well- aspected, indicates a successful courtship of one of a highly advanced spiritual nature, success as a teacher of mystic matters, and gain by invest- ment in things ruled by Neptune, aquatic sports and any other business in which the watery ele- ment is strong. Neptune in the Sixth House, well-aspected, is a favorable indication of latent psychic facul- ties which may be developed with profit from the spiritual point of view . But when afflicted it predisposes to the prostitution of spiritual fac- ulties by mediumship, etc. Thus the person may become subject to spirit control and run grave 25 386 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS danger of obsession. It also indicates trouble and loss through employees and a liability to chronic wasting diseases and deformity. Usually these tendencies are then accentuated by a sen- suous nature and a self-indulgent manner of living. ^7 Neptune in the Seventh House and well- aspected indicates a marriage to one of an oc- cult, inspirational nature, generally a platonic union of the most soul-satisfying nature, a true companionship of two who are really mates. It also shows success as a public speaker on occult or mystical subjects. But when afflicted, Nep- tune in the Seventh House shows an emotional, mediumistic, unreliable marriage partner, or there may be fraud or deception in connection with the marriage, perhaps one of the partners committing bigamy. This position also indi- cates one of the parasites that prey upon the public in general, or of those who become victims of public disfavor, all according to the nature of the aspects. They show whether or not this is merited. tj?8 Neptune in the Eighth House, when well- aspected, gives gain through the marriage part- ner, but not through the ordinary channels of business; it comes in a peculiar manner. This position is also favorable for occult investiga- tion and often enables the person who has it to NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 387 obtain information at first hand. But when Nep- tune is afflicted in the Eighth House it brings loss by fraud or deception of the marriage part- ner, financial troubles with estates or corpora- tions and a strange, unusual ending to the life. Neptune in the Ninth House is very favorable for the cultivation of spiritual faculties; when, well-aspected, it brings strange visions and un- usual intuitional forebodings and presentiments, also profit and pleasure in connection with long journeys or voyages. When Neptune is afflicted in the Ninth . House it makes the mind fearful and anxious,, always on the qui vive with vague forebodings; it inclines to travel but brings trouble in that connection, also danger of legal complication and loss on that account. Neptune in the Tenth House, when well- aspected indicates one of high aspirations and inspirations, spiritually inclined, who has the ability to rise to leadership, fame and honor, in. connection with some mystical society or in scien- tific research. This position of Neptune also in- dicates an accident to one of the parents, prob- ably by water, while the person is still a child, but when the planet is well-aspected a legacy often accrues. Neptune in the Tenth House and trine to the Sun or Moon are sure signs of the ability to S88 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS cultivate the spiritual sight in' this life. A num- ber of well-known seers have this aspect. When Neptune is afflicted in the Tenth House it indicates fraud, deception and dishon- esty which in time will bring their reward of sorrow, trouble and scandal. tpll Neptune in the Eleventh House and well- aspected shows a person of high spiritual as- pirations and the ability to attract others of a similar nature who will be of help to him in realizing his desires, hopes and wishes. When Neptune is afflicted in the Eleventh House it indicates deception and treachery on the part of people who pose as friends ; this will bring loss and trouble. Therefore people with this configuration should be particularly careful who they cultivate and admit to their friendship. tpl2 Neptune in the Twelfth House, well-aspected, brings success in research work of a scientific or occult nature which is carried on in secret or far from the haunts of men. It also indicates a secret soul-satisfying or clandestine but honorable relationship with someone which will bring bene- fit to both and it not infrequently happens that this friend is in the spirit world, but the relation is much more close in such cases than it can ver be between friends who are both in the phy- sical body. When Neptune is afflicted in the Twelfth House it gives a liability to confinement NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 389 NEPTUNE IN THE TWELVE SIGNS and restraint in a public institution such as a hospital, asylum, or prison, on account of secret but powerful enemies, a chronic and noisome dis- ease or insanity due to perverted practices. T Neptune in Aries, when well-aspected fills a person with religious enthusiasm, though not al- ways of the orthodox kind, and gives him the energy and ambition to push forward to the front rank in whatever line of thought and belief he espouses. There is a desire to elevate humanity to a higher and more noble plane of life and on that account this configuration or position usu- ally brings the person forward as a public char- acter of more or less importance, according to the general aspects and tenor of the horoscope. But when afflicted, Neptune in Aries brings out the destructive tendencies. There is a sim- ilar desire to raise humanity to realms of hap- piness, but the methods are anarchistic and it incites to murder of those whom the person con- ceives to be the enemies of society, by bomb plot or assassination, and lays the person liable to imprisonment on account of conspiracy against the government or others in authority. b Neptune in Taurus gives a kindly, companion- able disposition and an inclination towards the beautiful and artistic in nature. He is fond of S90 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS music and the pleasures of life. This is also a good omen for the acquisition of land or prop- erty. But when Neptune is afflicted in Taurus it gives a sensuous and passionate nature ana a strong tendency to gourmandize which in time is bound to bring trouble and sorrow in its wake. * n Neptune in Gemini, well-aspected, is one of the best indications of unusual mental faculties, for Neptune is the octave of Mercury the planet of mind, logic and reason. Hence this position develops the occult, prophetic and inspirational faculties. It makes the person sensitive to the finer intuitional and inspirational vibration^ in nature. It is the signature of genius in one di- rection or another according to the other aspects in the horoscope. It gives the gift of oratory and unusual literary ability, and makes the per- son a fine mechanician or mathematician; in short, there is no field of endeavor where mental ingenuity is required, that the person with Nep- tune in Gemini, well-aspected, does not excel. But when Neptune is afflicted in Gemini it indicates inability to concentrate to any good purpose. The mind is restless, chaotic and wa- vering, inclined to cunning, fraud and deception, or at best it makes the person a visionary and a dreamer who is apt to become the dupe of oth- ers. There is generally trouble with brothers, NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 391 sisters and neighbors who cordially dislike the person in whose horoscope this aspect is found. ty 2E> Neptune in Cancer, when well-aspected, gives an intuitive, sympathetic and lovable nature quick to understand the sorrows and joys of others and ready to feel for them or with them. Hence these people are generally very much liked, both in the home and in their immediate circle of acquaintances. This position also brings them in touch with the finer forces of nature and enables them to cultivate such spiritual facul- ties as psychometry and a species of intuition whereby they can get in touch with whomsoever or whatsoever they wish for the help and benefit of others. They are very versatile in the spir- itual direction and may reach great heights by devotion, which is strongly expressed in them. But when Neptune is afflicted in Cancer it gives a very self-indulgent disposition which generally exerts a baneful influence in the home, perhaps more by inuendo than by direct malicious ex- pression. This position also gives peculiar tastes and appetites which are apt to cause great trou- ble to the alimentative system and there is a strong inclination for drugs or drink. ^ Si Neptune in Leo, when well-aspected, gives a generous, sympathetic and warm-hearted dispo- sition, a sociable nature, fond of pleasures and artistic pursuits. These people have consider- 392 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS able ability and success in educational pursuits because of an intimate understanding of the nature of others and the faculty of imparting to them whatever knowledge they possess them- selves. They are very conscientious in their deal- ing^ with others and successful in affairs of the heart. But when Neptune is afflicted in Leo it makes the nature super-sensual and therefore lia- ble to disappointments in love. These people are governed by impulse rather than by reason; they lack the stamina to face an issue, are cow- ardly, fickle and not to be depended upon; they incur a general dislike among their acquaint- ances. Neptune in Virgo. Mercury, the planet of mind, reason and logic is exalted in Virgo, and the occult, prophetic, inspirational, spiritual, de- votional and musical Neptune is the octave of Mercury, hence the blending of the Mercurial and Neptunian qualities produced by Neptune in Virgo give exceptionally fine mental faculties with the addition of inspiration, prophecy and devotion to the highest ideals when Neptune is well aspected, for Neptune adds gentleness and sympathy to the cold Mercury, though such peo- ple are rather odd in their ideas and inclina- tions, especially with respect to marriage, which they usually regard from the platonic standpoint. NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 393 If Neptune is afflicted in Virgo it gives hypo- chondriac tendencies and an imagination of hav- ing all the ills and ailments in the universe which makes the person's life miserable. There is also a tendency to become the plaything of spirit controls, not only with respect to mediumship but such people are liable to direct obsession and when this calamity has once occurred it is very difficult to free the body from the obsessing en- tity. = Neptune in Libra, when well-aspected, gives a musical, poetic and artistic temperament and in- dicates a union of a highly spiritual nature which will be of great comfort and satisfaction to the person. When Neptune is afflicted in Libra, there is a tendency to clandestine, uncon- ventional and illegitimate relations, either of the person himself or of the marriage partner, ac- cording to the nature of the aspects to Neptune. It indicates a weak and over-emotional nature which incurs and merits the dislike of those in its immediate environment. Neptune in Scorpio, well-aspected, gives a de- sire to delve into the secrets of nature and thus it is a good position for those who work in scien- tific or occult research work. It gives energy, enthusiasm and inspirational perception beyond the realm of reason and augurs successful ac- complishment of whatever is undertaken. But 394 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS when afflicted it gives a terrible temper, a sen- suous and passionate nature, an inordinate de- sire for drink or drugs and a tendency to drown- ing either by accident or design. ^ t Neptune in Sagittarius, when well-aspected favors the inspirational, devotional and religious tendencies in the horoscope. It brings dreams and visions, also occult experiences. There is a love of travel and a great enjoyment of the plea^s- ures thus obtained. When Neptune is afflicted in Sagittarius the subject becomes liable to tears and forebodings; dreams of danger and visions of distress prey upon the mind, making life mis- erable. Sometimes they have great desires to travel but are unable to gratify them, or if they do they have trouble or accidents to contend with. Neptune in Capricorn, when well-aspected gives a serious and contemplative nature, able to concentrate upon whatever matters come before it, hence such people are successful, keen and far-sighted business men, usually on a large scale, or if the nature of the other aspects in the horoscope draws them toward secret work they make excellent detectives capable of solving the most intricate problems, or researchers along psychic lines; in fact they excel in any occupa- tion where deep thought and concentration are the keys to success. NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 395 But when Neptune is afflicted in Capricorn it makes the nature melancholy, secretive and very often deceitful. These people are generally recluses and shun the society of their fellow-men. ? Neptune in Aquarius, when well-aspected, gives an altruistic or Utopian disposition with a desire to emancipate the whole world from what- soever social, mental, moral or physical ills the person may be able to perceive. Hence these people are usually too far in advance of their time and age to be understood. They are re- garded as dreamers and visionaries, idealists and, in a sense, dangerous to society because of their originality and independence of conventions. At the same time these people are very popular with the most progressive people in society. They easily apprehend Nature's finer forces and are therefore the pioneers in exploration of hitherto undreamed-of fields. When Neptune is afflicted in Aquarius it gives similar ideas and ideals in regard to con- ventions. But it is only too liable to bring such people and their ideas into discredit and dis- grace. Neptune in Pisces, when well-aspected gives a love of mysticism and as an investigator of the occult. Sometimes these people develop their spiritual faculties and obtain first-hand knowl- edge. They are compassionate towards others, 396 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS unobtrusive, retiring in their manner, well liked also often the recipients of aid from others, cheer- fully and willingly given. When Neptune is afflicted in Pisces the per- son is liable to suffer through mediumship, ob- session and deception of secret enemies. There is danger of imprisonment and a tendency to indulge in drink or drugs which will end in sor- row and self-undoing. NEPTUNE IN ASPECT WITH OTHER PLANETS O * A W The Sun sextile or trine to Neptune favors the possibility of developing spiritual faculties, for Neptune intensifies the higher vibrations in the aura and as some express themselves best through music these aspects make them unusu- ally sensitive to echoes from the heavenworld, which is the realm of tone. Many people with these configurations hear the harmony of the spheres and if Mercury, the lower octave of Nep- tune, gives the requisite dexterity they become musicians of a high inspirational nature. In others it breeds a love of the occult which leads them into the higher life, but they usually ap- proach it from the intellectual standpoint as psychic investigators. A few live the life and obtain first-hand knowledge. O P 6 D 8 '$ T~he Sun parallel, conjunction, square or opposition to Neptune also brings the person NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 397 in touch with the denizens of the invisible world by raising the vibrations in his aura, but these configurations attract the undesirable element such as are seen at the ordinary spiritualistic seance. In a watery sign Neptune induces the person to drink to excess and then the added acceleration of the vibratory rate frequently causes such people to perceive the ugly and gruesome forms abounding in the lower realms of the invisible world, which are real elemental entities and not figments of his fancy as believed by people who hear him tell what he sees during delirium tremens. 9 * A W Venus sextile or trine to Neptune makes an inspirational musician. It gives a fertile imagination and deep emotions, a nature that is pure and chaste, hence occasionally it leads to platonic unions and companionship of the most ecstatic nature. $ 6 PW Verius conjunction or parallel to Neptune is to be judged on the same line as indicated in the cases of Mars and Uranus. $ n 8 W Venus square or opposition to Neptune makes the person liable to sorrow, loss and trou- ble, especially through the marriage partner or anyone else in whom he trusts. People with this aspect should be particularly careful to avoid anything which has in it an element of chance 398 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS or speculation for they are sure to lose, especially in dealing with large companies or corporations. $ 6 P * A W Mercury in conjunction, parallel, sex- tile or trine to Neptune makes a man peculiarly adapted to the occult art, particularly if the con- junction occurs in the Third or Ninth Houses or the trines are from watery signs Cancer, Scor- pio or Pisces. Such people usually succeed in occult science and often develop a supernormal faculty. They are particularly good as magnetic healers. $ n & ^ Mercury square or opposition to Neptune gives a chaotic mind, liability to lack of memory, indolence and a disposition to dream the time away. There is a restless desire for fame frus- trated by inability to fit in anywhere. Such peo- ple are liable to fraud, deception and slander, also to suicide. D * A ^ The Moon sextile or trine to Neptune in- creases the faculty of imagination to a superla- tive point, especially if either of the planets is in the Ninth House. Then it favors prophetic dreams and visions which brings the person in contact with the invisible worlds. It indicates ability in the occult arts and success in their practice. It makes the nature exceedingly in- spirational and it also gives a kind and sympa- thetic disposition. The spiritual qualities men- NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 399 tioned may not be apparent even to the person himself, but then they are latent and capable of development. It is also safe to say that at some time or other during the life persons with these aspects will come in contact with the occult and be very much attracted, whether the quali- ties of the soul are developed or not. D 6 PW The Moon conjunction or parallel to Nep- tune indicates the same strong psychic faculties as the good aspects, particularly if Neptune is placed in the psychic sign Cancer. Those who have been born with the good configurations of Neptune during the fourteen years when it was in the airy scientific sign Gemini are now con- quering the air and perfecting scientific inven- tions which will make us marvel, but the children who have been born under favorable configura- tions during the fourteen years Neptune has been going through the psychic sign Cancer art* growing up around us as a band of mystics ana when they have reached mature years they will astonish us with their spiritual insight and power. Among other things they will develop the soul of music in a hitherto unprecedented manner. 3) G 8 ty The Moon square or opposition to Nep- tune is also an indication of the soul qualities similar to those given by the good aspects, but under those configurations the person will be 01 400 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS a negative nature and is apt to become the prey of spirit-controls and subjected to mediumship, therefore people with those aspects should be very careful not to attend spiritualistic seances, sitting in the silence or other methods of occult development. T? * A W Saturn sextile or trine to Neptune is good for success in worldly affairs for it brings out the saturnine virtues, forethought, honor, self-reli- ance, determination, system et cetera, by which the person gains the confidence and esteem of others, but the principal effect is spiritual and therefore only felt by those who are able to re- spond because of other aspects in the horoscope. To them it gives the ability to delve deeply into occult and mystical subjects, also to become pro- ficient in the art and practise thereof. ^ 6 P W Saturn conjunction or parallel to Neptune has the same effect as the good aspects when it occurs in a sign where either of the planets are strong as Neptune is in Cancer and Pisces and Saturn in Libra and Capricorn. T? D 8 W Saturn square or opposition to Neptune lays the person liable to loss by deception, treach- ery or fraud in worldly matters and if he should undertake to investigate or practise the occult art he is liable to become the prey of spirit-con- trols and be led into mediumship with conse- NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 401 quent danger to the health, and liability to suicide. H * A W Jupiter sextile or trine to Neptune gives an inspirational mystical nature and ability to fill a position connected with occult orders, that is to say, where the character is sufficiently de- veloped so that Neptune can make his influence felt for then this position brings out all the noblest and most spiritual strength of both plan- ets, and occult experiences are not infrequently the result. At any rate, during the sleeping hours these people are quite active and conscious in the invisible worlds and often bring exper- iences back with them as dreams or visions. 11 6 P W Jupiter conjunction or parallel to Nep- tune gives an influence similar to that of the good aspects when Neptune and Jupiter are not afflicted, but if they are in a weak sign and aspecting the other planets by square or oppo- sition then the influence is similar to that of the bad aspects of Jupiter and Neptune. y D 8 ^ Jupiter square or opposition to Neptune indicates lack of control of the emotions. The person is sensitive to the influences of the bor- derland between the seen and the unseen worlds but they are often of an awe-inspiring and dis- gusting type, hence apt to cause hysterical con- ditions, involuntary trance and kindred disor- 26 402 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ders attendant upon negative psychism, but from a material standpoint it gives danger of fraud through speculation or large companies and dealing with such predatory interests should therefore be avoided. $ * A W Mars sextile or trine to Neptune inten- sifies the emotional nature and gives a leaning toward the study and practice of occultism and mysticism. When other testimonies in the horo- scope concur, the martial energy directed toward the psychic subjects denoted by Neptune often helps the person very materially in his aim to penetrate into the invisible worlds in a conscious manner. $ 6 D P <* ^ Mars conjunction, square, parallel or opposition to Neptune makes the nature coarse and sensual, impulsive and irascible, militant and extravagant in speech and action, self-indul- gent to a degree in whatever direction his pas- sions may lead him and unable to exercise re- straint over himself in any direction. It gives a fanatical spirit which may express itself in either religion or atheism and under favorable condi- tions such people are liable to become victims of discarnate spirits who may either use them as a medium or by obsessing them. It gives a ten- dency to lawlessness and participation in anar- chistic schemes or plots. NEPTUNE, THE PLANET OF DIVINITY 403 * A W Uranus sextile or trine to Neptune gives inclination towards the occult or mystical side of life, and if either is placed in the Tenth House the person usually becomes a leader or authority in these lines, he wins at least local recognition and if other testimonies concur his fame will be national or international. This position will bring direct touch with the spiritual world and success in dealing with inhabitants of that plane. It produces dreams and visions of a prophetic and inspirational nature, strengthens the healing: powers and will consequently enable the person to do a great deal of good for his suffering: fellow-men. These aspects give a highly devel- oped intuition which amounts almost to mind- reading. There is a love of travel and explora- tion of the physical world as well as of nature's 1 finer realms. Nor are such people altogether' dreamers, they have a strong will with excellent executive and organizing powers which will aid them tn realizing their hopes, wishes and ambi- tions to rise in life and be at the forefront of whatever profession they select. 6 P W Uranus conjunction or parallel to Neptune are convertible aspects if the planets are well placed by sign and otherwise well aspected, their effect will be similar to the sextile or trine, though not so pronounced, but if they are cadent, weak by sign, and afflicted they are only a little 404 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS less evil than when aspected by square or oppo- sition. J# H3 8 ^ Uranus square or opposition to Neptune brings underhanded, deceptive influences into the life which aim to undermine the reputation and make the person suffer scandal and public disfavor, sudden and unaccountable reverses in business are met with, or trouble in social affairs. There is the same love of travel and exploration as given by the good aspects but the person can- not accomplish his aims with the same facility, or if he does ,it is to his disadvantage and brings .added trouble He is also drawn towards the oc- cult or mystic side of life, but his path is beset l>y dangers of mediumship and obsession and all through life he is filled with a vague dread of impending disaster which he can neither account for nor dispel by will or reason, hence uncer- tainty overshadows the life as a cloud and robs Jiim of peace and contentment. CHAPTER XVIII. THE DOCTRINE OF DELINEATION IN A NUTSHELL, STUDENTS of the Stellar Science will find the fol- lowing Table very useful in delineating horoscopes for though the planets confer many more character- istics than there given, as shown in the general read- ing which opens the chapter wherein the places and aspects of each planet is given, the following key- words give in a succinct manner the quintessence of the characteristics conferred by each planet accord- ing to whether it is well or ill aspected. When the student has mastered the meaning of the positions and aspects of the various planets as given in the preceding chapters he may with the greatest of ease give a good delineation of the effect of each aspect by combining the key-words in this Table and elaborating upon them. For instance, if reading a horoscope where the Sun is trine Saturn, put down the description given in the Table as fol- lows : "The vital, venturesome and authoritative Sun trine the deliberative, persevering, tactful, cautious, methodical and thoughtful Saturn" (then elaborate) will give John a tenacious hold on life and endow him with both courage and caution, so that while .he may 405 406 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS seem venturesome at times he will always carefully calculate the obstacles to be overcome and not attempt anything foolhardy, but accomplish his object once he has decided to go ahead. He will be systematic, orderly and methodical, also persevering in whatever he undertakes after due deliberation and forethought, hence his efforts will generally be brought to a suc- cessful issue. In dealing with others he will be" thoughtful and tactful, hence usually able to obtain his desires by diplomacy. On account of these quali- ties he will be generally successful in life and he will lay up a fair fortune, for Saturn is also the planet of acquisitiveness. In a similar manner students may combine the key-words of all the other planets and aspects from this Table and elaborate on them as they can. This will enable them to give a good reading of any horo- scope with a little practice. For further practical demonstration of this method students are advised to study the children's horoscopes in Rays From the Rose Cross, where the writer makes use of it every month. These horoscopes are a mine of instruction which no student desiring to perfect himself in the stellar science can afford to be without. The key- words will bring to his mind what has been said about the general nature of the planets under considera- tion ; this he may combine with the nature of the signs and houses where the planets are placed if a very full reading is desired. THE DOCTRINE OF DELINEATION 407 TABLE OF PLANETARY KEY- WORDS O * A The vital, venturesome, dignified and author- itative Sun. O D 8 The lazy, ambitionless, despotic and cowardly Sun. 9 * A The harmonious, artistic, beautiful, lovely, cheerful and suave Venus. $ n 8 The dissolute, sensual, vulgar, slothful, loud and lazy Venus. 5 * A The quick-witted, versatile, eloquent, literary, adroit and dexterous Mercury. $ n 8 The restless, shiftless, profane, gossipy, dem- agogic, dishonest, untruthful, forgetful, and clumsy Mercury. D * A The magnetic, imaginative, plastic and changeable Moon. D n 8 The negative, procrastinating, dreamy, vacil- lating, visionary, frivolous, childish and wor- risome Moon. J? * A The cautious, deliberate, methodical, perse- vering, tactful, thoughtful and thrifty Saturn. 408 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS T? n 8 The malicious, materialistic, melancholy, pes- simistic, avaricious, obstructive, secretive and worrisome Saturn. U * A The law-abiding, charitable, conservative, reverent, optimistic, opulent and benevolent Jupiter. 2f D 8 The indolent, procrastinating, bombastic, os- tentatious, prodigal, dissipated and lawless Jupiter. $ * A The gallant, enterprising, energetic, enthus- iastic and constructive Mars. $ O (9 The coarse, combative, egotistic, discordant, destructive, passionate, audacious, impulsive and hot-tempered Mars. J? * A The advanced, romantic, original, independ- ent, liberty-loving and inventive Uranus. D ve must find what planet has the most dominant in- fluence in the life and that is then the life ruler regardless of whether or not it is the ruler of the Ascendant. To find that planet, look first to the lord of the Ascendant. If he is elevated, essentially dig- nified or angular and strongly aspected, remember, it matters not whether the aspects are good or bad as long as they are close and plentiful (for if it were only the good aspects that made the ruler then there would be only good people in the world. But we know that there are people of all shades of character and there- fore it is necessary to select the ruler according to the aspects, regardless of whether they are good or bad). But above all, be sure to see that the aspects are close; if they are good the lord of the Ascendant is also the ruling planet, for he will exercise the most potent influence in the life. On the other hand if another planet is more highly elevated than the ruler of the Ascendant, if it is exalted, essentially dignified or placed in an angle and its aspects are more plentiful or closer than the aspects of the lord of the Ascendant, then judge that that planet will be the ruler of the horoscope and exercise a dominant influence in the life regardless MIND AND THE RULING PLANET 421 of the fact that it is not the ruler of the rising sign. But if there are two planets running neck-and- neck in the race for rulership, so to speak, with no strongly marked difference in favor of one or the other so that it is difficult to make a choice, do not utterly discard one and choose the other, for then they will both be very active in the life and must be classed as co-rulers. THE INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS Well Aspected O The Sun as Ruling Planet. When the vital, courageous and ambitious well-aspected Sun is ruler, it gives dignity to the whole nature, a lofty pride that would not stoop to do anything small, mean or degrading, a fine and noble courage that may show itself on oc- casion as much by disdainfully ignoring the at- tacks of an adversary whom he considers too far beneath his notice as by a fight to the death for a principle. There is an intense craving for recognition and leadership which will make it very difficult for him to occupy a subordinate position; also an intense warm-hearted, affec- tionate and demonstrative nature. $ Venus as Ruling Planet. When the refined, luxurious and musical well-aspected Venus is ruler of the horoscope 422 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS it gives a tender, loving, even amorous nature which craves love as we all desire air, for love is the very life breath of such people. They are extremely fond of children and usually have many pets which serve as avenues of their ex- pression of love. They are also pleasure-loving and fond of social intercourse, neat and artistic in their ideas and in the decoration of their home.s. They love jewelry and anything else that adds beauty to the life, but they are luxurious in all their tastes, very amiable and much be- loved by all ; their greatest fault is an inordinate love of ease and an aversion to soil their hands. % Mercury as Ruling Planet. When Mercury the planet of reason, expres- sion and dexterity is the well-aspected life ruler it gives a keen, quick-witted mind which craves knowledge as a thirsty man craves water and absorbs it as readily, a mind that solves, appar- ently without effort, the most intricate problems. Thus there is ability in the various branches of mental endeavor, science and literature, but these people are also very apt and forceful orators and have an extraordinary dexterity so that they can usually turn their hands to anything. They are fond of traveling and very successful as sales- men and agents. INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 423 The Moon as Ruling Planet. When the romantic, imaginative and restless well-aspected Moon is the life ruler, the people born under its influence are indeed rolling stone^ and far fields always look greenest to them. Therefore they have an overwhelming desire for travel and change which generally does not per- . mit them to stay in one place longer than neces- sary to earn the money which will enable them to go to the next. They have a most vivid and fanciful imagination and a romantic nature en- tirely foreign to any practical endeavor ; listless, restles.8 and unstable as the tide that comes and goes, flotsam and jetsam upon the sea of life. They are generally mediumistic, though usually unconsciously so, but are otherwise quite harm- less though utterly irresponsible and untrust- worthy where anything requiring an effort is concerned. Saturn as Ruling Planet. When the serious, sagacious and profound well-aspected Saturn is life ruler, the people born under its influence are of a profoundly thoughtful, serious nature. They have a keen sense of responsibility and are full of fore- thought, hence trustworthy and reliable advisers ; they are systematic, orderly and have good ex- ecutive ability, frugal in their tastes, thrifty and saving; just to a degree, but their justice is 424 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS cruel, hard and untempered by the slightest de- gree of mercy. They are chaste, sober and ex- emplary in their lives but they have neither mercy nor pity for those who are unable to over- come faults or habits or who otherwise become delinquent to the laws of society. They care lit- tle or nothing for pleasure or the society of oth- ers and generally keep their own counsel and company; they are highly respected, esteemed and trusted in the community but neither care for nor merit the love of their fellow men. It Jupiter as Ruling Planet. When the jovial, genial and generous well- aspected Jupiter is life ruler, the people born under his influence are ensouled by a great de- sire for honor, respect and esteem in their com- munity. Therefore they aspire to be pillars in the church, legal lights, or to fill an honored po- sition in the pulpit ; failing this they enter by preference one of the professions as lawyer or doctor. They are cordial, genial people with a jovial smile and a hearty handshake that makes one glad to meet them wherever they go, so they are always welcome. They are law-abiding and just but inclined to temper their justice with mercy; and while they themselves live lives be- yond reproach they are kind, forgiving and lenient to those of a weaker morality whose lives are smirched by sin and crime, hence they are INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 425 philanthropic and always ready to give to char- ity and benevolent work. They are not only re- spected and esteemed but beloved in the com- munity where they reside. Mars as Ruling Planet. When the enthusiastic, energetic, construct- ive and militant Mars is the well-aspected life ruler, the people born under the influence of his dynamic rays are eager for the fray and battle of life. They are ensouled with an ardent desire to conquer the world. To them it does not so much matter what they do so long as it affords an adequate outlet for the constructive energy which, figuratively speaking, threatens to burst them unless released. The bigger and more dif- ficult the undertaking, the more they exult; hence they become the pioneers and pathfinders of civilization, the engineers and contractors who build our cities and the highways and byways that connect them, who develop the resources of the world and turn them over to others to use. They are extremely impatient of restraint and will brook no interference with their plans or methods. These people govern other^ and bend them to their will by the whiplash of sheer force for they have neither tact nor diplomacy but win by the merit of might. They 'earn money easily and spend it as lavishly and foolishly. They are extremely extravagant and when re- 426 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS verses come they are down and out for the time being but they never stay down ; the indomitable inner force soon accomplishes rehabilitation and with it the old reckless ways of living reassert themselves. They are generally foolhardy to a degree, hence liable to accidents and a violent end. J? Uranus as Ruling Planet. When the original, romantic and eccentric well-aspected Uranus is life ruler the character is idealistic, unconventional and Utopian. These people are generally out of patience with the con- ventional ways of living and determined in their efforts and endeavors to break the shackles of society and live a bohemian life. They are full of fads and given to unusual beliefs, too ad- vanced for the majority. At the same time they are pioneers of a new age in which many of the ideas we now consider Utopian will be modified so that they will be held by all. These people are also the inventors of the world, in touch with the higher worlds where ideas merge from the Divine Mind to impinge upon the minds of those who^are sufficiently sensitive to grasp them and bring them to birth for the use of humanity. The Uranians are very headstrong and always ready with an argument to defend their ideas and se- cure a convert to their cults; odd in dress, in food, in ideas, they are a class apart. INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 427 tp Neptune as Ruling Planet. When the occult and mystical well-aspected Neptune is life ruler we have a person of a most peculiar power whose chief mark is a strange expression of the eye which must be seen to be appreciated. It is as if he looked right through and through whatever is before him, but it is not necessary to discuss this type for there are so few that they are very seldom encountered by the average astrologer and only an occultist can know and judge another occultist. THE INFLUENCE OF AFFLICTED RULING PLANETS When the life rulers are afflicted by the conjunc- tion, parallel, square and opposition from the other planets, especially from the malefics Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune they affect the life in an inim- ical manner which may be outlined as follows: O The Sun as Ruling Planet. When the cowardly, arrogant and ego- tistical Sun is life ruler, people born under his debilitating influence are egotistical in the ex- treme, full of swagger, self-importance and ar- rogance. If they obtain authority over anyone whom they think they can overawe they will rule such dependents with a rod of iron, tram- ple upon their tenderest feelings without a twinge of conscience or compunction, but if they 428 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS themselves come under the authority of another these spineless weaklings will then cringe, creep and cater to the slightest whim of their master though they hate him with an intense hatred that is only kept in check by their fear. They whine and wheedle at the faintest frown though ready to spring and devour him if only they dared. It is the signature of one of the most despicable characters in the gamut. $ Venus as Ruling Planet. When the slovenly, slothful and lazy af- flicted Venus is ruler of the horoscope the persons are sensual and profligate, untidy and slatternly, of depraved, perverted tastes and ut- terly disreputable in their conduct; they are social parasites. They use loud and obscene lan- guage and are fond of music of a clanging, jar- ring nature. They love revelry and debauch, their affection expresses itself in coarse lusts, un- bridled passion, free love and moral perversion. They revel in spangles and tinsel, loud, clashing colors and cheap imitations of beauty and worth. % Mercury as Ruling Planet. When the untruthful, dishonest and clumsy afflicted Mercury is life ruler the people un- der his influence are either entirely mentally unsound so that they must be confined for their own good in proper institutions, or they are so cunning that they are able to hide their mental INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 429 bias and prey upon society as thieves, pick- pockets, defaulters and criminals of similar na- ture. They are notoriously untruthful and pre- fer misleading others to telling the truth, even where it is of no benefit to them. They are either dull of comprehension or of such consummate cunning that they seem to be driven by a resi.st- less force to get the best of some unsuspecting person. They excel as confidence men, badgers and in similar unsavory occupations. They are thoroughly unreliable and dishonest in all their dealings; neurotic and perverted, scabs on so- ciety. These people are also inveterate talkers and always ready to criticise, slander or ruin the reputation of others. They are a menace to so- ciety in all their activities. The Moon as Ruling Planet. When the changeable and visionary af- flicted Moon is life ruler it makes the persons extremely restless and averse to labor of any kind, fidgety and always on the move ; if they cannot travel from one city to another, they move from one house to another and from one situation to another as often as possible and they infuse the same restlessness into whomsoever they come in contact with. If the afflictions are very severe the mind suffers and their mental phases coincide with the changes of the orb of night. 430 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS i? Saturn as Ruling Planet. When the morbid, melancholy and mali- cious afflicted Saturn is life ruler he robs life of all joy and brightness so that the people be- come recluses and melancholy misanthropes; so miserly and avaricious that they will starve themselves and forego the comforts of life even when they have ample means to satisfy them. They are cruel, hard and suspicious of the acts and motives of others and if they take up work as a detective they become human ferrets, blood- hounds who will hound their prey to death and gloat over the misery. If any one frustrates such people they will hold spite forever and aim to get even, if it takes a lifetime. But the end of these people is always bad ; sometime or other they overreach and fall into the trap they have set for others. They usually die an ignoble death and the world gives a sigh of relief when they pass out. H Jupiter as Ruling Planet. When the indolent, bombastic and ego- tistical afflicted Jupiter is the life ruler the per- son is often a parasite on the social tree, a gam- bler, confidence man and speculator, sporty, fond of display and ostentation ; he wears loud cloth- ing, paste diamonds and cheap jewelry. He is usually met with in pool rooms, on race tracks and in similar places; playing poker or playing INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 431 the ponies are among his favorite means of earn- ing a living; he is very loud and egotistical, anxious to attract attention no matter how; he often figures in court proceedings on account of shady transactions or immoral conduct or unpaid bills, for he is an adept at obtaining credit for everything he wants and never pays the price of his expensive tastes if there is any way of avoid- ing a settlement of his debts. Among the labor- ing class he usually figures as a demagogue and agitator, inciting to strikes and riots, but he is always ready to sell out a striking union to the employers. We find them among the typical Italian padrones, as keepers of sweat-shops, and in similar occupations. Mars as Ruling Planet. When the arrogant, egotistical and fool- hardy afflicted Mars is life ruler the person is an egotist of the first water, bound to attain to his wishes by force or destruction if other means fail; in fact he prefers to bulldoze others to do his will rather than to have them submit without a struggle. He is a first-rate slave driver, section boss on the railway, in a construction camp and similar places, a liar, braggart, bouncer, or pugil- ist, a daredevil willing to risk his life and the lives of others at any moment and in any under- taking. 432 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 1$ Uranus as Ruling Planet. When the stubborn, erratic and independ- ent afflicted Uranus is life ruler the men- tality is usually so obsessed in one direction or another that the person becomes a fanatic and generally also there is an excessive sensuality and perverted taste. They are always ready and anxious for an argument as a means of air- ing their ideas but they are so hypnotized by their own particular fad that they are never con- vinced and can never see when the argument goes against them. They always espouse the most radical and unconventional ideas. tp Neptune as Ruling Planet. When the mediumistic, neurotic and self- indulgent afflicted Neptune is life ruler, the person is of a dreamy, neurotic and negative nature, apt to become the medium of disem- bodied spirits or even obsessed by them. They are likely to evolve psychic powers of a low grade such as involuntary clairvoyance, crystal gazing, etc., and if they are unable to develop these fac- ulties they often stimulate mediumship and other psychic gifts for the purpose of duping or de- frauding others. They have a strong faculty of imitation and easily become adepts at deception. INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS 433 THE SIGNS AS MENTAL SIGNIFICATORS When the Cardinal Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, are on the angles, that is to say, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Fourth and Seventh Houses, it is a general indication that the person is mentally alert, quick to grasp an idea, active and enthusiastic in whatever work he undertakes; one who has organ- izing and executive ability and is capable of carrying whatever enterprise he may start to success; a bold, brave, indomitable spirit. This is especially true when many planets are in Cardinal Signs and these people may be classed as the business men of the world. When the Fixed Signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are on the angles it indicates a thoughtful but slow and plodding type of mind which requires time to come to a decision. They always look before they leap but when they have made up their minds they adhere to the course mapped out with a remark- able patience and perseverance which in the end in- sures success. They are very reliable and can be de- pended upon to keep their word and meet their obli- gations. Their principal fault is that they are too apt to get into a rut and become narrow-minded. They are very original and may be classed as the in- ventors of the world. These delineations are espe cially true when many planets are in Fixed Signs. When the Common Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagit- tarius and Pisces, are on the angles the mind is flighty 28 434 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and superficial, wavering and versatile. These people are often very quick to grasp a point and form a decision, but just as ready to forget and change their minds. They are adepts at imitation and often pre- tend to virtues or abilities entirely foreign to their nature. They are easily swayed by the winds of emotion ; one moment they may be highly elated over some small matter and the next a trifling trouble bows them down to earth. They are inconstant and unreliable in all their dealings with others because they do not know their minds two minutes in suc- cession. They constitute the agents and middlemen of the world, where they occupy a subordinate or serving position. These delineations are particularly apt when many planets are in Common Signs. MENTAL EFFECT OF THE RISING SIGN When there are no planets on the Ascendant the rising sign has considerable influence on the type of mind. T Aries rising gives an energetic, enthusiastic and ambitious type of mind, but inclined to rash and impulsive acts and a quick temper. b Taurus rising gives a stubborn, headstrong and selfish nature, envious, covetous and malicious when angered. n Gemini rising gives a quick, alert and versatile mind, easily adaptable to conditions but so fluidic MENTAL EFFECT OF RISING SIGN 435 that it lacks the ability absolutely essential to sustained effort and lasting success. S-> Cancer rising gives a negative, imaginative and receptive type of mind, sometimes of a rather morbid nature, reserved and mistrustful ; but when such a person has made up his mind to do something he is usually very tenacious in his adherence to his ideas; sympathetic, hospitable, and kind. SI Leo rising gives a frank, open, ambitious mind ; a powerful will and a proud, honorable and kind disposition but inclined to be hasty, quick-tem- pered, sensual and apt to go to extremes. TO? Virgo gives a critical, scheming and ingenious mind, able to evolve ideas galore but usually lack- ing the initiative to carry them out unless prod- ded by others. These people are very selfish,, self-centered and reserved. They do not take other people into their confidence and they sel- dom become really familiar with anyone. =2= Libra rising gives an easy-going but kindly and sympathetic type of mind which is unable to- grasp or cope with the exigencies of existence. Therefore these people drift along the stream of life, taking as much of the sweet as they can get and using every effort to avoid the bitter. They crave approbation but in return adore their friends and are usually bound up in them. 436 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 1TL Scorpio rising gives a dual type of mind. This is one of the most mystical of the twelve. Some- times it is symbolized as an eagle representing the lofty, aspiring type soaring as does the eagle into the ether. At other times it is typified as a serpent which crawls in the dust,- and again as a scorpion. There is also considerable occult significance in the fact that the serpent has the sting in its head and the scorpion has it in its tail. B'ut for the present purpose we will judge the two latter as one. The Scorpio type of mind denoted by the eagle is thoughtful, reserved and inclined to lofty ideals; dignified in demeanor, proud and with perfect control of the temper. These peo- ple are very reserved and generally keep their own counsel. The other type when Scorpio is represented by the serpent is entirely different; deceitful, shrewd and secretive; past finding out; sensual and unforgiving; jealous and passionate, with a very ,sharp tongue and fiery temper. J Sagittarius rising gives an energetic, aspiring, benevolent mind but rather lacking in ambition. These people are usually of an ardent, affection- ate disposition and sometimes very demonstra- tive. V3 Capricorn rising gives a tactful, diplomatic, deep and thoughtful type of mind but selfish, envious MENTAL EFFECT OF RISING SIGN 437 and covetous. These people are apt to get into a rut and become very narrow, and when they are crossed they hold spite and plan revenge. They are self-reliant and persistent in whatever they undertake. Aquarius rising gives a good intellect, a friendly, sympathetic and humane disposition, but these people are very original and independent; they will brook no interference with their vagaries and pursue their own course regardless of what others say or think, sometimes even against their own reason but just to assert their independence. Pisces rising gives a sentimental and romantic type of mind, inclined to worry and restlessness, apt to turn to the occult, and mystical ideas. The mind is very sensitive and often takes on the conditions of others with the effect of unsettling and troubling the person. CHAPTER XX. YOUR LUCK IN LIFE HEALTH, wealth and happiness are to most peo- ple the prime objects of life, and whoever has them is rightly considered lucky, though, as we have endeavored to show, luck is very closely linked to merit, and we have earned what we have either in this or former lives and what we lack in fortune or ability we may acquire in this or later lives by good use of our opportunities. Thus health and disease, vocational ability, so- cial and financial fortunes, marriage, etc., are shown in the horoscope as outlined in the following pages. HEALTH AND DISEASE The subject of health and disease is thoroughly elucidated in that part of the book which deals with medical astrology, but those who do not care to go into the depths of the subject will find the follow- ing general hints helpful in determining the matter for ordinary purposes: The main indicators of health and disease are the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, together with the planets in the First House or just above the Ascend- ant. The twelve signs of the Zodiac confer a vitality 438 YOUR LUCK IN LIFE 439 of differing degrees and when there are no planets near the rising sign it is of much greater importance than otherwise. The signs may be classed as follows: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius are strongly vital signs. Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius are moder- ately vital. Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces are signs of weak vitality. Both the Sun and the Moon affect health in all horoscopes, but the Sun is the particular significator of health for men and the Moon has the same func- tion in a woman's horoscope. Thus, if a boy is born at a New Moon which is a total eclipse, he will have very poor chances of surviving. The same may be said of a girl born at the Full Moon when that is eclipsed. If the Sun is strong by sign, well aspected by Mars or by the benefics, if he is in essential dignity, exaltation or elevation in a male horoscope, it indi- cates the possession of a strong vitality and presages a life blessed by good health. If the Moon is simi- larly placed in a woman's horoscope the same effect follows. On the other hand if the luminaries are in weak signs in the Sixth or Twelfth Houses or afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune, the vitality is weak and much sickness will result unless, from child- hood, care is taken to follow the laws of health and hygiene. It must be borne in mind that tike lioro- 440 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS scope shows only tendencies which work out infallibly if we drift with the tide of life. But on the other hand, it does not show the factor of the human will, which being divine may enter in and by proper ef- forts in the right direction correct, at least in a large measure, the limitations. It is a good indication of health when a strong sign rises with Jupiter or Venus close to the Ascend- ant and well aspected. But if a weak sign is on the Eastern horizon, and the life forces are further sapped by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune in the rising sign, a life of suffering is foreshown. With respect to Mars it has been found that his presence on the Ascendant strengthens the constitu- tion when he is well aspected but predisposes to feverish or inflammatory complaints when he is af- flicted. It should be understood that the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and Jupiter do not afflict save by square or opposition, whereas the conjunction and parallel of Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune are considered inimical as well as the square and oppo- sition. The afflictions from Cardinal Signs: Aries, Can- cer, Libra and Capricorn, indicate acute ailments which usually run their course and leave no particu- lar trace. The afflictions from Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, indicate organic or hereditary YOUR LUCK IN LIFE 441 tendencies which are difficult to conquer and usually become chronic. The diseases indicated by Common Signs: Gem- ini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, are convertible. They may be entirely overcome or run their course until they become chronic, according to the mental temperament of the person in whose figure these are found. The places of the malefics: Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune always indicate weak points in the anatomy and the place of Saturn is particularly sensitive, no matter whether he is afflicted or not it is always a danger point. By knowing the parts of the body which are ruled by the different signs it is easy to see where the weak links in the chain of human health are located : Aries rules the head and face. Taurus rules the neck and throat. Gemini rules the lungs, arms and shoulders. Cancer rules the breast and stomach. Leo rules the heart and dorsal region of the back. Virgo rules the abdominal parts. Libra rules the kidneys and loins. Scorpio rules the genitals and rectum. Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. Capricorn rules the knees. Aquarius rules the ankles. Pisce^ rules the feet. 442 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Thus if Saturn is placed in Leo it will indicate that the person is subject to heart trouble. If it is in Pisces it will indicate cold feet. The hot and in- flammatory Mars afflicted in Aries, the sign which rules the head, would indicate a tendency to fevers, and so on with the other planets. There are three nebular spots located in the zo- diac, namely: the Pleiades in 29 degrees of Tau- rus; the Ascelli in 6 degrees of Leo, and Antares in 8 degrees of Sagittarius. If the Sun or Moon are found in these places and afflicted by a malefic, be careful of the eyes, or if one of the malefics are in one of these places afflicting the Sun and Moon the same judgment holds good. With these general indications the ordinary stu- dent should be able to judge a horoscope with respect to health and disease and should a more thorough ex- amination be desired, a study of the matter in the part dealing with Medical Astrology will give the necessary information. THE SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL FORTUNES The vocation, financial fortune and social stand- ing, like all other matters, should be judged from the whole horoscope, but the Second, the Sixth, the Eighth and the Tenth Houses with their lords are the chief significators. Tine Second House indicates what the person earns by his own efforts. When Jupiter, Venus, the YOUR LUCK IN LIFE 443 Sun, the Moon and Mars are well-aspected and placed in the Second House or lord thereof they attract wealth commensurate with the number and closeness of their aspects and whether they are dignified, ex- alted or elevated. But if Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune are elevated and afflict the Sun and Moon it is a sure sign of financial misfortune. Jupiter in the Second House i,s moderately gen- erous but Mars makes a free spender and conse- quently the money he brings goes about as fast as it comes. Saturn in the Second House, or ruler, makes the person thrifty and saving but he will find it diffi- cult to make ends meet unless Saturn is in his ex- altation sign Libra and well-aspected with Jupiter; then fortune comes by legacy or in the latter part of life. Uranus in the Second House and in good aspect to Jupiter or the Sun and Moon is also a good indi- cation of financial fortune. The Eighth House: The planetary influences which bring financial fortune through the person's own efforts when operating through the Second House bring money through the marriage partnership or legacy when operating through the Eighth House. Thu ; s Jupiter in the Eighth House indicates money by marriage or partnership if well-aspected by the Sun, Moon, Venus or the lord of the Seventh House. But if aspected by Saturn and Uranus it shows a legacy. Mars in the Eighth House well-aspected shows a husband, wife or partner with good earning capacity but too free a spender. The other indica- 444 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tions enumerated as acting through the Second House may be similarly applied to the Eighth. VOCATION When the majority of the planets are well- aspected and above the Earth or when the Sun is in good aspect to the Moon and Mars it is generally easy for the person to obtain a situation and when the Sun is in good aspect to Jupiter it gives promise of a lucrative occupation. But when the majority of the planets are below the Earth, weak and afflicted, or when the Sun is in bad aspect to the Moon, Mars or Jupiter, it is usually difficult for the person to find employment. To find the employment in which the person will be most likely to succeed consider the nature and significance of the Houses and Signs which hold the majority of the planets. When the majority of the planets are in the Fiery Signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, it indicates as profitable the occupations in which the metals and fire play a prominent part, such as machinists, en- gineers, chauffeurs, smiths, cutlers, barbers, surgeons, soldiers and hazardous and dangerous vocations. If the majority of the planets are found in the Eartliy Signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, it indi- cates success in agriculture, horticulture, gardening, land, mines, timber, building materials and as con- tractor for buildings; houses, dealers in foodstuffs YOUR LUCK IN LIFE 445 both in the raw and cooked states, such as the grocery buisiiess, in restaurants or as grain dealers, chem- istry, etc., also dress goods and clothing; in short everything that comes out of the Earth to nourish, clothe and shelter the physical body. If the majority of the planets are in the Airy Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, it indicates suc- cess in clerical, literary, or artistic pursuits; occupa- tions principally involving brains or travel, such as accountants, bookkeepers, agents, messengers, ex- pressmen, architects, civil engineers, mechanical draughtsmen and designers, lecturers, scientists, elec- tricians, aviators, inventors, and all similar occupa- tions in which mind is a principal factor. If the majority of the planets are in the Watery Signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the person should seek occupations in which fluids are prominent, .such as sailors and fishermen, ship builders and ship own- ers, marine engineers and other occupations on ship- board ; manufacturers and dealers in liquid refresh- ments, etc. The ruling planet also has an important bearing on the life-work, and the occupations signified by the different planets may be stated as follows: G The Sun as life ruler indicates a leader it may be of a state as king or president, or of a pro- vince or city as governor or mayor, or as head of a corporation, whether large or small. Thus when the Sun is life ruler, especially if it is in 446 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS the Tenth House, it indicates a government posi- tion or employment in an executive capacity. 9 Venus as life ruler indicates employment in an artistic capacity as a musician, singer, actor, theatrical agent, manufacturer or dealer in milli- nery or fancy goods, laces, embroidery and women's clothing; candy and confections, flow- ers or ornaments, etc. $ Mercury as life ruler indicates success in litera- ture or on a lecture platform; as printers, pub- lishers, or bookkeepers; as school teachers, ex- press agents, mail carriers, commercial travelers, stenographers, secretaries, office workers and all other clerical and traveling occupations. D The Moon as life ruler signifies success as travel- ing salesmen, railroad employees, ticket agents and other positions concerned with the trans- portation of the public ; car builders, hotel keep- ers, dealers in fluidic commodities, nurses, obstet- ricians, fishermen, sailors and others employed on shipboard and in the shipping trades. >> Saturn as life ruler signifies all employments con- nected with the earth such as agriculture, gar- dening, mines, building and building materials; diplomats, judges, politicians, police, jailers, de- tectives, secret service agents and all whose work is accomplished by stealth and strategy ; night YOUR LUCK IN LIFE 447 workers and those engaged in slow, plodding, la- borious work. Jupiter as life ruler signifies success in the profes- sions, as lawyers, judges, clergymen, ambassa- dors, cabinet officers, senators, congressmen or other positions of public trust; bankers, finan- cial agents, physicians, benevolent or social workers. Mars as life ruler signifies employments in which iron and sharp instruments are prominent, such as soldiers and surgeons, smiths, machinists, bar- bers, structural iron workers, founders, molders, engineers and all dangerous employments. Uranus as life ruler signifies employments in which air, electricity, thought power and genius are chief factors, such as inventors, electricians, aviators and those interested in supernormal or super-physical subjects such as psychology, phrenology, magnetic, divine or mental healing; cooperative colonies, socialism, and advanced ideas of life and living. Neptune as life ruler indicates occupations involv- ing the occult, watery and psychic elements; also those in which fraud and deception are rampant because the genuine article is so rare. These in- clude astrologers, mediums and clairvoyants. Neptune also produces some highly inspirational musicians. CHAPTER XXL MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING THEEE was a time when man in the making was male-female and able to beget children without the assistance of another, but when one pole of the creative force was directed upward to build the brain and the larynx mankind ceased to be bisexual and thenceforth each male or female had to seek its complement to accomplish the begetting of children. Therefore marriage was instituted by the angels as a sacrament and the sacred rite of generation was per- formed under their supervision in great temples at certain times of the year when the interplanetary lines of force were propitious for propagation. The rest of the time all lived together in the paradisiacal bliss of chaste companionship. Therefore parturition was also painless and sickness and sorrow were unknown. But when, under the guidance of the fallen an- gels, the Lucifer spirits, mankind commenced to exer- cise the creative function for pleasure regardless of the stellar ray, death entered and the woman began to bring forth her children in sorrow and suffering. For though a minister may legally marry people, he, being ignorant of the stellar script, cannot see if the basic harmony necessary to truly mate two souls is 448 MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 449 present. Therefore, alas, most marriages fail to bring the happiness and satisfaction of soul which mark the companionship of true mates. Besides there is the pain of parturition incidental to mismating and the increased suffering of the ego which is building its body under inharmonious prenatal conditions. Surely, a heavy toll to pay for ignorance of the stellar science! Worse still, in the great majority of cases, where people do know astrology or where they are in- formed of its pronouncement in their case, they re- fuse to heed its warning voice when it is contrary to their desires. They often even hate the astrologer who has the temerity to tell them that sorrow is in store if they wed. Therefore it is at best a thank- less task. But this matter is so important at our present stage of evolution, it has such far-reaching conse- quences both for the individual and for society, that it is really criminal to leave to chance the choice of a mate. Fortunately we are nearing the Aquarian Age and there is no doubt that people will then study the stellar script, perhaps they will institute matrimonial bureaus maintained by the church or state, with a view to guiding the growing generation in the right direction. If children whose nativities are harmon- ious could visit at each others' homes and become playmates the attachment would undoubtedly ripen into love with the years. Then marriage would not end the romance as it unfortunately does in the ma- jority of unions consummated at the present time, but 29 450 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS it would intensify love and happiness year by year. The bond of affection would grow stronger and aid the soul growth of those under its magic spell as no other relation can. Children would not be accidents then. They would be loved into life and they would scarcely miss the heaven they had left for they would find in their homes a heaven on earth. Therefore we pray that the time may soon come when earch community will have its matrimonial bureau conducted upon the astrological basis where parents may send their child's birth data and receive in return the name and address of another child who will be harmonious as a mate. If the parents of both feel satisfied with re- speet to family connections, etc., the children could be made acquainted ; if not, other names could be sub- mitted by the bureau until one suitable according to both the social and astrological standards were found. The children could then become playmates, and there is no doubt that in time their affection would grow into a love that would satisfy the youthful sentiments of romance. Later an ideal marriage would crown their happiness. Nor should we wait for the church or state to take the initiative. If parents who believe in astrology would form associations, maintaining a central bu- reau where the horoscopes of their children could be kept on file, grouped and classified with a view to finding true mates for them, it would give such a practical demonstration of the worth of astrology MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 451 that in twenty five years enough cases could be pointed out to arrest the attention of conservative people. Harmony and Discord Man is, as Paul says, spirit, soul and body. There- fore the blending of two beings in perfect harmony- requires that they be in accord on the spiritual,, moral and physical planes, symbolized in the horo- scope by the Sun and Moon (Spirit or Ego), Mars and Venus (soul or sex) and the Ascendant govern- ing the physical body. These significators taken to- gether with the sign on the Seventh House and the planet therein show the innate agreement or discord between people so far as the matrimonial relationship* is concerned. The physical harmony is judged by comparison^ of the rising sign of the two persons involved. Fiery signs agree, so do earthy, airy or watery signs. But a person with a watery sign rising cannot success- fully mate with one who has a fiery or earthy sign on the Ascendant. It is like mixing fire and water, or heaping earth upon it. Fire will only combine with fire and air. People having a watery sign on the Ascendant may harmonize with a person having an earthy sign rising, or vice versa. But neither the earthy nor watery signs will mix with the airy trip- licity. On the moral plane the relationship is governed by Mars and Venus. If Venus in the horoscope of 452 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS one person is in the same sign and degree as Mars in the horoscope of another person, there will be love at first sight when they meet, but the attraction will l>e sexual and unless there are other powerful signs of harmony, Mars will dominate Venus, especially if Mars is situated in the Seventh House or highly ele- vated above Venus in the other person's horoscope. When the Sun in one person's horoscope is on the place of the Moon in the other person's chart liarmony is shown on the spiritual plane. The ideal marriage requires the blending of the two charts in all these particulars and the happiness will depend upon the measure of agreement as indi- cated. There are unions where people are sexually mated but have entirely different characteristics in other respects and vice versa. Therefore the two charts must be examined in their entirety to give a reliable judgment. The following will explain the indications for marriage in the individual horoscope of both sexes. Men's Marriages An early marriage is indicated in a man's horo- scope : (1) When he is born in the light of the Moon, at the time she is progressing from the new to the full, provided she is placed in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh or Twelfth House. MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 453 (2) When the Moon and Venus are strong and well aspected with a number of the other planets in the fruitful signs, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. (3) When the Moon and Venus are in the Fifth or Seventh Houses which rule courtship and mar- riage. (4) When a fruitful sign is rising with Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces in the Fifth or Seventh Houses. (5) When Venus and Mars are dignified, ele- vated, strong and well aspected. (6) When Jupiter or Venus, or both, are in the Seventh House well aspected. A late marriage is shown in a man's horoscope: (1) When he is born in the dark of the Moon; that is to say, when the Moon is going from the full to the new and she is placed in the First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses. (2) When the Moon or Venus are afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune, especially if either of these planets is placed in the Fifth or Sev- enth Houses. (3) When Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune are in the Fifth or Seventh Houses. (4) When the Moon is square or opposition to Venus or Jupiter they bring trouble in courtship and consequent delays of the marriage. 454 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Marriage is denied or accomplished with great difficulty : (1) When Saturn is in Scorpio which rules the genitals, or if the Moon is there parallel, conjunction, square, or opposition to Saturn the planet of obstruc- tion, for then there is little or no desire for sexual intercourse, hence such people generally remain bach- elors. (2) When the Moon, or Venus, the planet of love, is afflicted in the Saturnine sign Capricorn, especially if the affliction comes from Saturn, the planet of obstruction, many obstacles to marriage pre- sent themselves and it is doubtful if they can be over- come, hence it is unlikely that the person will marry. (3) When the Moon is square or opposition to the Sun it is difficult for the person to make up his mind on any subject, and if the Moon is placed in the 'First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth or Ninth Houses, this will make it particularly difficult to come to a decision regarding marriage. If at the same time there is an affliction from Saturn he will mever make up his mind, hence marriage will not be consummated. (4) When the Moon is in the last degrees of a sign she is said to be void of course, and if at the same time she makes no aspect to other planets, it shows a lack of attraction to the opposite sex, which will probably prevent the person entering the marriage relation. MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 455 Women's Marriages An early marriage is indicated in a woman's horoscope : (1) When she is born in the light of the Moon, that is to say, when the orb of night is going from the new to the full, and the Sun is placed in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Houses. (2) When the Sun and Venus are in one of the fruitful signs, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, and well aspected. (3) When the Sun, Venus, and Mars are well aspected, especially if in the Fifth or Seventh Houses, which govern courtship and marriage. (4) When a fruitful sign is rising, with Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces in the Fifth or Seventh Houses. (5) When the Sun, Mars, and Venus are digni- fied, elevated, well and strongly aspected. (6) When Jupiter or Venus is in the Seventh House well aspected. A late marriage is shown in a woman's horo- scope : (1) When she is born in the dark of the Moon, that is to say, when the Moon is going from the full to the new, and the Sun is in the First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses. 456 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS (2) When the Sun and Venus are afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune, especially if placed in the Fifth or Seventh Houses, which govern marriage and courtship. (3) When Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune are in the Fifth or Seventh Houses. (4) When the Moon is square or opposition to Venus or Jupiter, delays and trouble in courtship and marriage may be looked for. (5) When the Moon is parellel, square or oppo- sition to Uranus, the octave of Venus, that also will bring delays. Marriage is denied or accomplished only with great difficulty: (1) When Saturn is in Scorpio, the sign which rules the genitals, or when the Sun is there parallel, conjunction, square, or opposition to Saturn, the planet of obstruction, there is little or no desire for sexual intercourse, hence when this sign is found in a woman's horoscope it is safe to judge that she will remain a spinster. (2) When the Sun, or Venus the planet of love, is afflicted in the Saturnine sign Capricorn, partic- ularly if the affliction comes from Saturn, the planet of obstruction, there will be many obstacles to mar- riage and it is very doubtful if under the circum- stances a marriage will result. MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 457 (3) When the Sun and Moon are afflicting each other by square or opposition it makes the person va- cillating on any subject, and if the Sun, which is significator of marriage for a woman, is placed in the First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses, this will make it particularly difficult to come to a decision regarding marriage. Should there be at the same time an affliction between the Sun and Saturn it will effectually prevent the person from making up her mind, hence marriage will not be con- summated. (4) When the Sun by progression makes no aspect to the other planets it indicates a lack of attraction to the opposite sex, which will probably prevent her from entering the marriage relation. Happiness, Sorrow and Bereavement The masculine Sun is the particular significator of the marriage partner in a woman's horoscope, and the feminine Moon signifies the spouse in a man's chart. Hence when the Sun or Moon are in good aspect to one another, or to Venus, the planet of love, and Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, happiness and joy are assured in the married relationship, particu- larly if these planets are placed in the Seventh House. On the other hand, Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune, afflicting the Sun in a female figure, or the Moon in a man's chart, indicate sorrow and trouble through the marriage relation. If they are placed 458 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS in the Seventh House the testimony is all the more potent, and it is also foreshown that the marriage will be dissolved. In this respect, Saturn and Mars indicate death of the marriage partner; Uranus may also bring about this ending if afflicted by Saturn or Mars, but otherwi.se it points rather to a clandestine relation- ship which will probably bring about the dissolution of marriage by desertion or divorce. Second Marriages If one or more of the malefics, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, are found in the Seventh House, and the Sun or Moon are in a fruitful sign, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, or in the double-bodied signs, Gemini or Sagittarius, it is likely that the person will marry several times, and probably to his sorrow. If the Sun or Moon are aspected to a number of planets placed in double-bodied signs, Gemini, Sag- ittarius, or Pisces, especially if these signs are on the Seventh House, two or more marriages are likely to occur. When the ruler of the Ascendant is placed in the Seventh House well aspected to other planets and in a double-bodied sign, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces, it indicates a plurality of marriages. Description of the Husband or Wife In a man's horoscope the planets to which the Moon makes an aspect by progression after birth, MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 459 indicate the women to whom he will be attracted, together with their character and disposition, which is determined by the sign that the planet is in and the aspects which it makes. For illustration, let us suppose that the Moon in a certain person's horo- scope comes first to a sextile of the Sun in Leo, and that the Sun is aspected by a trine to Jupiter, then we shall find the description of the wife by looking up the disposition and character in the chapter of the Sun under the Sun in Leo and the Sun trine Jupiter. This would indicate a lady of ambitious disposition, a noble character, blonde and of florid complexion. If on the other hand, we find that the Moon after birth makes a square to Mars in Scorpio, and Mars in turn square to Venus, then it would show a woman of a very lewd, slothful and slovenly nature who would be domineering, quarrelsome, and extremely difficult to get along with. Similarly for the other planets. In a woman's horoscope the husband is described by the planets to which the Sun makes an aspect by progression, these planets to be taken in connection with the sign where they are found and the planets with which they in turn form configurations, and the method is the same as indicated in the case of the Moon in a man's horoscope. It should be re- marked, however, that when the significator of the marriage partner, aspected by the Sun or Moon, is retrograde or weak by sign, as Saturn in Aries or Jupiter in Gemini, the attraction is not strong enough 460 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS to culminate into a marriage but will probably indi- cate only a passing attraction. Therefore the stu- dent must use his judgment in these respects. Children Whether a person will have children or not can- not be judged from his or her individual horoscope with any degree of accuracy for this matter is not dependent on one only, therefore the horoscope of the prospective parents should be compared and the individual indications blended, then if both horo- scopes show a fruitful nature many children will be born, but if both are only moderately fertile, or if one is very fruitful and the other barren, the forecast must be made accordingly. The indications shown in the individual horo- scope may be interpreted as follows: The Moon is the planet of fecundation and there- fore the most important significator; next comes Venus, the planet of love and attraction ; and last, Jupiter, the planet of benevolence. If either of these planets is in the Fifth House, which indicates chil- dren, and in one of the fruitful or double-bodied signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius, it is an indication that the person has a fruitful na- ture and will have a number of children who will be of a good and pleasant disposition. A similar judg- ment may be formed if the Eleventh House is thus invested. For if we turn the horoscope upside down so that the Seventh House becomes the First, then it MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING 461 will show the marriage partner's figure, and the Eleventh House is then his Fifth House indicating children, therefore both the Fifth and Eleventh Houses should be considered in this matter. But as already said, the true state of conditions cannot be forecasted save by blending the actual figures of both parents. When the violent, turbulent Mars, or Saturn, famed in ancient mythology as a destroyer of chil- dren, or the Sun or Uranus, are in the Fifth or Elev- enth Houses, they either prevent the birth of children or destroy them during childhood. This is particu- larly true if Aries, Leo or Capricorn are on the cusps of either of these Houses. When the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius, in good aspect to Jupiter or Venus, a large family is indicated. But when the Moon is in Aries, Leo, or Capri- corn, and afflicted by one of the malefics or by the Sun, the marriage is usually barren. Saturn and Venus in the Seventh House is also a sign of a mar- riage without issue. If there is a difference in the testimonies of the Fifth and Eleventh Houses the judgment must be modified accordingly. CHAPTER XXII. PROGRESSION OF THE HOROSCOPE Fate or Freewill WHEN a chain is subjected to strain, imperfec- tions in any of its links become manifest, and the weakest link will break first. Similarly, in the case of the body, there are certain inherent weak points and these are indicated in the horoscope. Frem the moment of birth we subject the body to a constant strain, and in time the weakness of the various points become manifest as disease. The movement of the planets after birth measures the time when any par- ticular link is liable to break. This motion of the planets in the horoscope is called "Progression." Study and practice of medical Astrology requires knowledge of how to progress the planets in the horo- scope, and we shall therefore take up that subject in connection with the message of the stars relative to disease. When the Sun rises in the East the day is young and the labors allotted to each are still before us. Gradually the Sun progresses across the arched vault of the heavens, and marks the time set for the performance of our various duties, for keeping our appointments, for taking nourishment, rest and recre- 462 PROGRESSION OF THE HOROSCOPE 463 ation ; and when it has run its course through the day and has ceased to illuminate our sphere of action, its absence invites sleep until the dawn of a new day shall present opportunities for continuation of the activities left in abeyance from the previous day. If the Sun remained stationary in any certain point of the sky it would not serve as a time marker but as it is, all events of our lives are fixed by its progression. The horoscope is a chart of the heavens for the time when the mystic Sun and Life rises and awakes us from the long sleep between two lives ; then we are born in the physical world, to continue the labors of a previous life, to keep the appointment there made with friend or foe ; to reap the joy or bear the sorrow which is the fruitage of our former existence on earth, and as the progression of the Sun marks the changing time of day and year, as it ushers in season after season in orderly sequence and changes the appear- ance of the Great World, the Macrocosm, so progres- sion of the horoscope, a veritable ' Clock of Destiny, ' registers accurately when the tendencies, shown by the natal horoscope will culminate in events; it measures the periods of prosperity and adversity; it warns of impending temptation and tells from what quarter it will come, thus aiding us to escape if we will but listen to its warning. The natal horoscope shows unerringly weak points in our character or con- stitution, but the progressed horoscope indicates when previous indulgence of harmful habits is sched- uled to bring sorrow or sickness; it tells truthfully 464 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS when crises culminate ; thus it warns us to be on the alert at critical moments, and fortifies us in the dark- est hour of calamity, with hope of surcease of sorrow and sickness at a definite time, hence the importance of knowing how to progress the horoscope. But, some may say, if all is thus foreshown, it argues an inexorable destiny decreed by divine ca- price, what use is there then of striving, or knowing ; let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. If we were born into this life on earth for the first and only time, to live here for a while and then pass away from this sphere never to return, fate and favoritism, independent of justice would seem to rule. Such can- not be the case, in a world where everything else is governed by law, human existence must also be reduc- ible to a system, and we hold that a reasonable solu- tion of the mystery of life is given by the Twin Laws of Being: the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Caus- ation. That which has a beginning must have an end, and conversely, that which is without ending can never have had a beginning. If the human spirit is immortal and cannot die, neither can it be born; if it will live to all eternity, it must have lived from eternity, there is no escape from this truth ; p re-exist- ence 'must be accepted if immortality is a fact in nature. In this world there is no law more plainly observ- able than the law of alternating cycles, which decrees succession of > ebb and flow, day and night, summer PROGRESSION OF THE HOROSCOPE 465 and winter, waking and sleeping. Under the same law man's life is lived alternately in the physical world where he sows seeds of action and gains experiences according to his horoscope. These, the fruits of ex- istence here, are later assimilated as soul powers in the spiritual world, birth and death are thus nothing more than gateways from one phase of man's life to another, and the life we now live is but one of a series. The differences of character, nobility or brutality, moral strength or weakness, possession of high ideals or low instincts, etc., are certain signatures of soul power or soul poverty. Finer faculties are the glo- rious garments of gentle souls wrought through many lives in the crucible of concrete existence by trial and temptation. They shine with a luster which illu- minates the way and makes it easier for others to follow. Coarseness of calibre proclaims the young in Life's School, but repeated existences here will in due time smoothe the rough corners, mellow and make them soulful also. The horoscope shows this difference in the texture of the soul and the aspects indicate how the soul is ripened by the kaleidoscopic configurations of planets in progression, which fan the fires in the furnace of affliction to cleanse and purify the soul of blemish, or brighten the crown of virtue when victory is won, but though the planets show the tendencies most ac- curately there is one indeterminable factor which is not shown, a veritable astrological "x," the will- power of the man, and upon that rock astrological 466 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS predictions are ever liable to founder; that, at times, is the Waterloo of even the most careful and compe- tent astrologer, yet the very failure of wellfounded predictions is the blessed assurance that we are not fated to do thus and so because our horoscope shows that at a certain time the stellar rays impel us in a given direction. In the final analysis we are the arbi- ters of our destiny, and it is significant, that while it is possible to predict for the great majority of man- kind with absolute certainty that the prediction will be vindicated, because they drift along the, sea of life directed by the current of circumstance, predictions for the striving idealist fail in proportion to his spir- itual attainment of will power which rouses him to self assertion and resistance of wrong. A beautiful little poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox gives the idea in a most pleasing form : "One ship sails East and another sails West, With the selfsame winds that blow; 'Tis the set of the sail And not the gale That determines the way they go. "Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate, As we voyage along through Life; 'Tis the act of the soul That determines the goal, And not the calm or the strife." CHAPTER XXIII. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION AND THE REASON FOR THEM BESIDES the physical world in which we live, move and have our being at the present time, where sunshine and rain, storm and snow, heat and cold affect our physical being in various ways, a world of finer substance permeates the denser matter, and. the forces indigenous to that realm impinge upon our souls, as feelings, desires and emotions, because the soul is clothed in substance from that world. Mys- tics therefore call this realm in nature the Desire? World. A still more subtle substance, an ocean of Thought, pervades both the Desire World and the Physical World, and as the mind is composed of substance from that region, it senses the waves of thought generated by other spirits endowed with. mind. Here in the physical world, Time and Space are prime factors of existence, but in the Desire World distance is practically eliminated because spirits hav- ing dropped the mortal coil travel with the speed of lightning, and as spiritual sight pierces the densest substance, light there is never obscured, so there is no night, neither does heat and cold affect the squly 467 468 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS hence there is no seasonal division either, to mark time as definitely as in the physical world. But nev- ertheless, there is a certain sequence of events, and in soulflights from place to place on the globe, we .sense the nature of intervening country in spite of speed, but in the World of Thought, to think of a place, is to be there instanter, neither is there past or future, events are not separated by time, or places by space, but all is one eternal here and now. As the science of Astrology is founded in cosmic fact, there are also three stages in progression from incipient events in the World of Thought, to accom- plished facts in the Physical World, and there are two methods of horoscopic progressions pertaining to the finer realms besides the actual movement obser- vable in the Heavens. Suppose a pole billions of miles long stuck into the earth at the Equator, and at right angles to the poles, then, as the earth turns upon its axis, the end of the pole would describe a circle in the heavens ; this the Astronomers call the "Celestial Equator," and the position of a heavenly body on this line is measured in degrees and minutes of "Right Ascen- sion, ' ' from the point where the sun crosses the equa- tor at the vernal equinox. This axial rotation of the arth brings a new degree to the zenith, or Meridian about every four minutes, and by the rules of one sys- tem of progression we may calculate how many de- grees of Right Ascension come to the Meridian posi- tion from birth to the formation of a certain aspect. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 469 The intervening degrees are then converted to time at the rate of 1 degree equals 1 year. The other system of progression is founded upon the orbital revolution of the earth, but in this system, the positions of the planets are expressed in degrees of Longitude and measured on the ecliptic or Sun 'si path, from Aries degrees to Pisces 29. The measure of time is the same as in the system first mentioned : 1 degree equals 1 year, but there is this important difference, that while the earth takes only 4 minutes to turn 1 degree upon its axis, it requires 24 hours to move 1 degree in its orbit. Thus, by one system of progression all the as- pects that govern events in a life of 60 years would be formed in 60 times 4 minutes, which equals 4 hours or one-sixth part of a day. By the other system, formation of aspects for the same period of life would require 60 days, or 2 months, or one-sixth part of a year. Thus coming events cast their shadows before, but the shadow varies in length according to the ex- altation of the sphere of life whence it is cast. From the sublime height of the World of Thought, w r here all things have their inception in the eternal, the progression of events in a life are silhouetted upon the screen of Time while the infant is still upon the threshold of birth, but the shadow is so short : 1-360 part of a day being equivalent to a year, that an error of 4 minutes in the given time of birth would throw predictions out a whole year. Few 470 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS people know their birth hour to the second, therefore this system of progression is of little use and little used. Shadows of events projected from the denser Desire World are longer and more definite ; it does not require great delicacy or precision to calculate progression at the rate of 1-360 part of a year equals 1 year. By this method an error of 2 hours in the given time of birth would only cause an error of 1 month in predictions; this system therefore gives universal satisfaction, and is most commonly used. In the following pages we shall explain a simplified method of this system of prediction, whereby mathe- matical calculation of events for a whole life may l>e performed in a few minutes by any intelligent child who can add and subtract. THE ADJUSTED CALCULATION DATE When a child is born at 7 A. M., in New York, and another at 6 A. M., in Chicago, a third at 1 P. M., in Berlin, a fourth at 2 P. M., in St. Petersburg, and a fifth at 12 noon in London, the Observatory clock at Greenwich would point to noon, at the exact mo- ment when all these children were born, hence though the clocks in their several birthplaces pointed to dif- ferent hours, the Greenwich Mean Time of their births would be identical : noon. And as the planets ' places in the ephemeris are calculated for Greenwich, noon, it would be unnecessary to make corrections; DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 471 we should simply place each planet in the natal horoscopes as tabulated in the ephemeris. This would be most convenient, but the saving of calcu- lation in a natal horoscope where the G. M. T. is noon, fades into insignificance before the facility this gives in progressing the planets for years subsequent to birth, as required to predict events, for in natal horoscopes where the G. M. T. is before or after noon, the places of the planets must be calculated for each year just the same as at birth. We have evolved the following simple method of saving this calcula- tion and copying the progressed planets direct from the ephemeris into any horoscope. Theorem I. If the Greenwich Mean Time of birth was before noon, it is evident that the planets' places in the ephemeris are calculated for a later time and also that, as they progress at the rate of a day (of 24 hours) for a year, they will reach the Longitude given in the ephemeris some day within a year after birth. Theorem II. If the G. M. T. of birth was after noon, it is plainly to be seen that the planets' places in the ephemeris for the year of birth are calculated for an earlier time than birth, and that the position there given corresponds to a certain day in the twelve- month before birth. 472 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Furthermore, if we can find the date in the twelve-month before birth, or after as the case may be, when the planets were in the degree and minute of longitude registered in the ephemeris, we may use that date as a starting point of calculation instead of the birthday, and as aspects formed during the travel of the planets from the position given on any noon to the noon next following, indicate events in the cor- responding year of life, the same starting date may be used for any year. Therefore, once that adjusted calculation date has been found, no further calcu- lation is required to progress the planets in that horo- scope ; they may be simply copied from the ephemeris. It is only necessary to bear in mind that the horo- scope thus erected does not apply to the year from birthday to birthday, but from the adjusted calcu- lation date of one year to the same date of the next. There are two methods of finding this date ; the first is the most difficult and not so accurate, but it shows the philosophy of the correction better than the sec- ond method, and we therefore give examples of both. We will use the figure No. 15 (Medical Astrology Section), which is the horoscope of a lady who died of hemorrhages April, 1909, to illustrate how the adjusted calculation date is found, but defer descrip- tion of the case and its crises. The lady was born April 25th, 1872, Lat. 40 N., 80 W. Long., at 1:30 P. M. We first find the G. M. T. by adding to the local time of birth 4 minutes for each degree the birthplace is west of Greenwich. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 473 Local time of birth, April 25 1 :30 P. M. Correction for 80 degrees W. Long 5 :20 Greenwich Mean Time of birth Apr. 25 . . 6 :50 P. M. In compliance with Theorem II, we subtract from the birthdate, April 25, a correction for 6 hours and 50 minutes which the G. M. T. is after noon. The measure of time used in this system is as follows : 24 hours correspond to 12 months. 2 hours correspond to 1 month. 1 hour corresponds to 15 days. 4 minutes correspond to 1 day. According to this scale we subtract from April 25, 1872 Correction for 6 hours 3 months Correction for 50 minutes 13 days 3 months, 13 days Adjusted Calculation Date January 12th, 1872 We may, however, find the Adjusted Calculation date much more accurately and with less labor by the following fourfold rule : Rule (1) Find the interval from G. M. T. to the fol- lowing noon. 474 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS (2) To this interval add the Sidereal Time for Greenwich noon on the birthday, as given in the ephemeris. The sum of these is the Sidereal Time of the Adjusted Calculation Date. (3) When the G. M. T. at birth is A. M. count forwards in the ephemeris till you find a day having the required S. T. that is the Adjusted Calculation Date. (4) When the G. M. T. at birth is P. M. read backwards in the ephemeris till you find the day having the required S. T. which designates it as the Adjusted Calculation Date. We shall use the same example as before to dem- onstrate this method. Section 1 directs us to find the interval between G. M. T. and the following noon. Please observe this, the following noon, for all depends upon this being accurately understood. From April 26, 12 :00 Noon Subtract G. M. T April 25, 6 :50 P. M. Interval from G. M. T. to next Noon, 17 hrs. 10 min. By Section 2 of Rule : Add S. T. of birthday as given in ephemeris 2 hrs. 15 min. S. T. of Adjusted Calculation Date. . .19 hrs. 25 min. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 475 By Section 4 of Rule: As G. M. T. is P. M. we read backwards in the column of the ephemeris giving S. T., until we come to Jan. 12, 1872. On that day the S. T. is 19 hrs., 26 min., and the A. C. D. is therefore Jan. 12th, 1872. Thus, by both methods we have arrived at iden- tical results, but slight discrepancies may appear in using the proportional method because that makes no allowances for long and short months, hence the method last demonstrated is more accurate as well as easier. If this lady had been born two hours later, the Adjusted Calculation Date would have been De- cember 12, 1871, and where children are born late in the year and early in the morning, the Adjusted Calculation Date may run into January or February of the next year. It is therefore very important to state the Adjusted Calculation Date by year also, in this case January 12, 1872. Now, that we have arrived at the point where we are to make use of our A.C. D. to progress the lady's horoscope and show how accurately it marks the crises, the first application of the date to the horo- scope is a crucial point, and the student is earnestly warned to overlook no word in our description so that he may acquire understanding of the principle. Once having grasped the point, an immense amount of labor will be saved, so it will pay to follow our instructions to the letter. Write in the margin of your ephemeris for 1872 opposite the birthday (April 25), January 12, 1872. 476 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Opposite April 26 write January 12, 1873. Oppo- site April 27, write January 12, 1874, and so on, as shown below. Every day after birth corresponds to a certain year of life which starts on the day written in the margin, and the planets in line with any A, C. D. indicate the events for twelve months from that date. Jan. 12, 1872. . . .Apr. 25 Jan. 12, 1888. . . .May 11 Jan. 12, 1873 .... Apr. 26 Jan. 12, 1898 .... May 21 Jan. 12, 1874 .... Apr. 27 Jan. 12, 1908 .... May 31 Jan. 12, 1877 Apr. 30 Jan. 12, 1909 June 1 Jan. 12, 1878 May 1 Jan. 12, 1910 June 2 The motion of the Sun and planets from day to day is slow, and as we count a day for a year, we may liken their progression to the short hand on the clock of destiny : they indicate the year when a certain con- dition shown in the natal horoscope has ripened, and is ready to manifest as an event. The swift moving Moon is the long hand; it marks the months when aspects culminate in events. Therefore we divide its motion during the year commencing with any ad- justed calculation date, by 12, but for rough figur- ing we may consider the Moon's travel in the pro- gressed horoscope one degree a month. Planetary aspects alone do not operate, however; an aspect of the progressed Moon or a New Moon is required to focus the hidden forces. Therefore crises shown by the planets are sometimes retarded beyond the time when the aspect culminated and we DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 477 may think we have safely escaped, but the first aspect of the Moon which excites it will prove that ' ' though the mills of the gods grind /slowly, they grind exceed- ing fine." The finer forces lose none of their in- tensity by lying latent in Nature 's lock-box of events. Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter were in 21-22 de- grees of Declination at birth ; but the effect remained latent until the year 1902, when the Sun reached the same degree. (See ephemeris for 1872, May 25th, which corresponds to Jan. 12, 1902.) The progressed Sun was then in Gemini 4 de- grees, 31 minutes ; 31 minutes short of an exact oppo- sition to the Moon 's place at birth : Sagittarius 5 degrees, 2 minutes. But the progressed Moon on the A. C. D., Jan. 12, 1902, was in Capricorn 9 degrees, 27 minutes (see ephemeris for 1872, May 25), and traveling at the rate of one degree per month it reached the place of Saturn at birth: Capricorn 11 degrees, 15 min- utes, in March, 1902. There it excited the parallels of the Sun, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter, also the opposition of the Sun and Moon, so that the lady was taken seriously ill with the disease which ended her life seven years later. We shall next see what brought about the lady's final illness in the latter part of July, 1908, and ter- minated life in April, 1909. We copy the planets' places from the ephemeris for 1872, June 1st, into the outer ring of the natal horoscope, for the planets on that day correspond to the adjusted calculation 478 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS date, Jan. 12, 1909, but progress the Moon from the A. C. D., Jan. 12, 1908, and Jan. 12, 1909 (May 31 and June 1 in the 1872 ephemeris), to show the crisis thus marked. If we subtract the Moon's longitude on a given day from its place on the following day, the differ- ence is its motion during the 24 hours intervening, which corresponds to a year of life in progression, and division by 12 gives us its rate of monthly travel. Moon's place on A. C.D. Jan. 12, 1909. (June 1 in ephemeris for 1872) Aries 17.34 Moon's place on A. C. D. Jan. 12, 1908. (May 31 in ephemeris for 1872) Aries 4.23 Moon's travel from Jan. 1908, to Jan. 1909 18.11 Moon's monthly travel is l-12th of the above: 1 degree, 6 minutes. This we add to its place for each month as shown in the following table : 1908 Jan 12 Aries / 423 1908 Oct 12 Aries o r 14 17 Feb 12 . 5.29 Nov 12 1523 Mar 12 . . 6.35 Dec 12 1629 Apr. 12 7.41 May 12 8.47 1909 June 12 9 53 Jan. 12 . . 17.35 July 12 1059 Feb. 12 18.41 Aug 12 1205 Mar. 12 19.47 Sept. 12.. ..13.11 Apr. 12.. ..20.53 DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 479 By comparing this table with the horoscope, we note three aspects in 1908 and one in 1909, all from the House of death. (1) The Moon in Sagittarius at birth gives the "Wanderlust," but if means are lacking and health none too good (the lady also had St. Vitus dance as a child, when the Moon progressed to conjunction of Neptune and squared Uranus) and the Moon, at birth, is cooped up in the Fourth House (the home), such desires cannot easily be realized. "When the Moon progressed into the Eighth House which brings gifts and legacies also and cast a trine to its place at birth in February, 1908, it improved the health, brought a gift from a brother, and caused the lady to travel. (2) In July, 1908, the Moon squared Saturn at birth and excited his natal parallel to Uranus and Jupiter. This brought an illness as violent as it was sudden, which forced the lady to abandon further travel and return home. Had it not been for the sex- tile of the progressed Sun results must have been fatal. (3) In October, 1908, the Moon progressed to conjunction of Venus in the natal chart. This, for a time, alleviated suffering to some extent, but you will note that from the time of the first violent at- tack in July, 1908, to the end of life, April, '09, the progressed Moon squared the degrees between Sat- urn's place at birth and his progressed position for 1909, as shown in the outer ring of the horoscope. This made the beneficent action of Venus less potent. 480 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS (4) In April, 1909, the progressed Moon squared the natal positions of Jupiter and Uranus, also the progressed position of Saturn. This inimical force from the house of death, the Eighth, ended life. PROGRESSION OF THE ANGLES Besides the progression of planets which we trust has been sufficiently elucidated, we must also note a similar forward movement of the houses, but these must be calculated by the same method as when casting a natal figure, save that we use the Sidereal Time for the. day which corresponds to the year for which we wish to progress the horoscope. In relation to the lady's horoscope we have studied, the critical year is 1909, and June 1st in the ephemeris for 1872 corresponds. We bear in mind that birth occurred at 1:30 P. M., in Lat. 40 N., Long. 80 W., for these factors are used in placing the degrees on the houses just as in the natal chart, the only change is using the S. T. of the progressed birth day. S. T. at noon previous to progressed birth- H. M. S. day, 1909 (see ephemeris for 1872, June 1) 4 41 6 Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 deg. birthplace is West of Greenwich 55 Interval from previous noon to birth. ... 1 30 Correction of 10 sees, per hr. of interval . . 015 Sidereal Time of progressed birth 6 12 16 DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 481 With this S. T. we turn to the Tables of Houses for the Latitude of birth, and may erect a horoscope with twelve Houses in the usual manner, we may fur- ther insert the planets' places on the A. C. D. for .1909, then we shall have a complete separate horo- scope for the year, which we may compare with the natal chart. Some Astrologers use that method, but we advise another, which we think facilitates com- parison and judgment of aspects between the natal and progressed position of the planets in a degree unattainable by any other system; it is illustrated in the various figures used in this book. We write the natal chart in ink, as that is un- changed during life, we also draw a large circle out- side it, to contain the progressed position of the plan- ets. These, and the houses we write in their proper places, but lightly, and with pencil, so that they may be easily erased and the horoscope erected for an- other year without the necessity of rewriting the na- tal chart. But no matter how placed, two full horoscopes with 24 houses, 18 planets, a couple of dragons' heads, each with its respective 'tail,' and two parts of for- tunes, make quite a 'maze, 'and if the full galaxy of aspects, including biquintiles, sesquiquadrates and other highsounding nonsensicals are to be figured out the astrologer will surely so lose himself in the math- ematical labyrinth that he will be unable to read a syllable of the message of the stars. During the first year of his astrological study, one of the writers being 31 482 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS originally of a mathematical turn, had the habit of constructing figures, and tables of aspects, so fear- fully and wonderfully made that they beat the pro- verbial 'Chinese puzzle,' they were veritable 'Gor- dian Knots,' and the destiny of a human being was so tangled in each, that neither the writer who had concocted the abomination, nor anyone else could ever hope to disentangle the poor soul involved. May he be forgiven; he has mended his ways, and is now just as zealous to eliminate all nonessentials from the horoscope, but having been enmeshed in the maze of mathematics, his experience should serve as a warn- ing. Our minds, at best, are but feeble instruments to fathom fate and surely we shall have the greatest chance of success by applying our science to the most important factors, and these are usually the simplest. If this be granted, the question presents itself: What are the essentials and what may be eliminated with advantage to clear the progressed horoscope of u.seless, befogging elements? First, with regard to the progressed houses, only two vital points produce results when aspected: the Midheaven, which is spiritual in nature, and the Ascendant, which is a significator in material mat- ters. We shall treat that subject later; for the pres- ent we confine ourselves to the argument that it will facilitate judgment of the progressed horoscope if we leave the ten unessential cusps out, and draw two dotted lines with pencil to mark the progressed Mid- heaven and Ascendant. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 485 In the second place, the student may readily convince himself by looking through the columns of any ephemeris, that the motion of Neptune, Uranus r Saturn and Jupiter, during the two months which represent progression for a life of 60 years, is so slow that they seldom form an aspect not registered in. the natal chart. In rare cases where an important aspect is formed, the fact is easily seen, and the planet should then be entered in the outer ring' of: the progressed horoscope, but in the great majority of cases it is better to leave these planets out, and enter only the progressed positions of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury. In conclusion of our treatment of the method of Progression, two important points must be men- tioned: The Midheaven at a given Sidereal Time is the same for all Latitudes, so that two children born at the same S. T. would have the same sign and de- gree on the M. C., but if one were born in Alaska and the other in Mexico, the Asc. would vary much and change the grouping of planets in the houses very considerably, with the further result that planets which influence the First House affairs in one horo- scope affect Twelfth House matters in the other, etc.. Thus the lives of these people would be very different.. The same argument applies to the progressed horoscope of a person traveling North or South from, his birthplace. His progressed M. C. remains 'un- changed, but he receives the forces from a different ascending figure, according to the Latitude where he 484 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS lesides, and the grouping of planets relative to the progressed Ascendant varies accordingly. As exam- ples we may state that both writers have left their birthplace ; one traveled 2,000 miles West, but is close to the same Latitude as her birthplace, hence both her M. C. and Asc. are the same as if she had re- mained in her native city. The other writer was born in Latitude 56 N., .and now lives in Latitude 32. Had he remained in the far North, his progressed Ascendant would in v(1912) be Virgo 6, exactly conjunction to Mars' place at birth, but the Ascendant of his new home is Virgo degrees, and in this latitude he will not feel the effect of the Mars ray for a number of years. The other important point we had in mind is the necessity of being definite in regard to the year for which we progress. Perhaps a client tells us that a certain event occurred when he was 26, and another in his 50th year. Such statements are ambiguous, and give no safe working basis. The Astrologer may go home and do an immense amount of work to no use, because he thought the client meant that one event occurred when he, the client, was between 26 .and 27 years of age, and a later consultation reveals that he meant the year between his 25th and 26th birthdays. Pin them down to the year, 1850, 1900, or whatever it may be, but never accept a person's age as a starting point. On the same principle, never predict that an event will happen when a person is so and so old, DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 485 that also is ambiguous and gives them no satisfaction ; give the year and month ; never hedge ; never predict anything of which you are in doubt; when you are satisfied a prediction is justified, speak fearlessly, but tactfully; believe in the stars, and the stars will fully justify your faith. SOME IMPORTANT POINTS When judging the effects of directions it is of the greatest importance to bear in mind the tenor of the nativity, for even weak aspects which are in harmony with the tendencies foreshown in the natal figure will be much more active than a strong aspect which is contrary to the radical indications. Sup- posing, for instance, that there are strong testimonies of sickness and accident, as Mars in Sagittarius in the Midheaven square the Sun in Pisces in the Twelfth House and square Saturn in Virgo in the Sixth House, then the progression of Mars to square of the radical Ascendant would undoubtedly precipi- tate an accident or a fever of a serious nature, but if the Sun were trine Mars and Jupiter the effect of Mars square Ascendant would produce little if any discomfort. Similarly with all the other directions, and if the student neglects to take into consideration this all-important point, he is likely sometime to make a great mistake and wonder why a seemingly pow- erful direction produced no result in one case, while in another a very weak aspect had such a far-reaching 486 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS effect. Aspects between two .progressed planets are unimportant. Another important point to remember is that aspects of the progressed to the radical planets op- erate in proportion to the power of the radical planet in the nativity. Let us suppose, for illustration, that in a certain figure the Sun is elevated in Leo and aspected to a number of the other planets it matters not whether the aspects are good or bad so long as they are close then even a weak aspect from a pro- gressed planet to the Sun will have a marked result. On the other hand, if the Sun in that horoscope re- eeived no aspect, or only one or two weak ones, then even a; strong aspect of a progressed planet would liave little effect. It should also be noted that a good aspect from a progressed planet to a planet that is much afflicted in the nativity would produce small if any benefit. In short, and to sum up, progressed aspects operate only in the measure that they are in harmony with the trend of the nativity and the planet wherewith they are blending. The third important point to remember when judging the effects of directions is that an aspect from A progressed to a radical planet is never in itself suf- iicient to produce results; a harmonious aspect from the progressed Moon or lunation is absolutely essen- tial to bring the tendency to fruition. That is to say, if the progressed Sun comes to square of radical Sat- urn, a sextile or trine aspect of the progressed Moon DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION 487 or a lunation will pass unnoticed; no effect will be felt until either the progressed Moon or a lunation comes into conjunction, square, or opposition to Sun or Saturn, and vice- versa, if the progressed Sun comes to a trine of the radical Jupiter a square or opposition of the Moon will not affect it, it must wait for a sextile or trine. For this reason directions are sometimes delayed in their action beyond the time of their culmination, and at other times they are some- what hastened because a lunar aspect of the requisite nature occurs slightly in advance of the time when the aspects of the planets is complete. It also happens that in cases where the event in- dicated by an aspect involves two people the aspects of the planets by progression may be complete in one person's horoscope and fertilized by a harmonious aspect without producing a result, because the aspect in the other person's horoscope has not yet matured. In this connection we remember the horoscope of a lady whose Venus was placed in the Eighth House showing a late marriage. In her 45th year the pro- gressed Sun reached conjunction Venus but neither engagement nor marriage resulted ; then the Sun and Venus came into conjunction in the horoscope of a gentleman of her acquaintance bringing an engage- ment quickly followed by marriage. Thus one had waited for the other, and unless such a contingency is taken into consideration the astrologer is most liable to meet his Waterloo when forecasting events. CHAPTER XXIV. PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS WHEN the Sun forms a conjunction, sextile, square, trine or opposition to one of the planets by progression the influence begins to manifest when the Sun is l 1 /^ degrees from the exact aspect, and it is felt until the Sun is iy 2 degrees past the point of culmination. And as the Sun moves about one de- gree a day, and the time measure of directions is that one day equals a year, we may say that the influence of the solar aspects are felt for a period of three years. Their effects are particularly strong at times during this period when aspects of the progressed Moon or lunations vivify them. The parallel is different from the other aspects. In the case of the slow-moving planets it lasts for a considerable number of years so that a parallel of the Sun and Saturn may operate for ten or more years, and a parallel of the Sun and Jupiter nearly as long. It may also be noted that the conjunction and parallel act principally upon the health, while the other aspects also affect the business, social standing, etc. Thus under the parallel of the Sun and Saturn 488 PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS 489 there would be a very protracted state of ill-health, while the parallel of the Sun and Jupiter would strengthen the constitution materially. O P 6 * A 9 The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, sextUe or trine to radical Venus. If the radical Venus was well aspected this direction will bring a three-year period of un- usual pleasure and enjoyment into the life. If the person is not already married an attachment will be formed and ripen into marriage of an ideal nature. If the horoscope shows artistic ability, this will receive a great impetus during the activity of this direction, and it will bring honor and social preferment. O D 6> $ The Sun progressed square or opposition to radical Venus. If the radical Venus was afflicted, this direc- tion will bring a period of petty annoyances, so- cial disgrace, trouble and sorrow, with a tend- ency to be slovenly and to look upon the dark side of life, but it can be overcome if the person will strive to be careful of his morals and per- sonal appearance. "Where there's a will there's a way. ' ' O P 6 * % The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion or sextile radical Mercury. If Mercury was well aspected at birth this will mark a period of unusual mental activity, 490 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS so that the person will be able to further his am- bitions and succeed in business by new ventures, If the natal figure shows literary ability this is the time to make all efforts to produce something worth while. It is a good and profitable time to travel either for pleasure, in search of inspira- tion, or for the good of whatever business he may follow. Advertising will be found a most effect- ive way of promoting business success under this direction. O D ^ The Sun progressed square to radical Mer- cury. The Sun cannot reach the square of Mercury until late in life, and comparatively few lives at that, therefore its effects can only be conjectured and it has no importance. O P 6 # A D The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, sextile, or trine to radical Moon. If the Moon was well aspected at birth this direction brings a period of success and popu- larity. It increases the honor and esteem which the person enjoys in his environment, it brings favors from influential persons, employers, or the authorities, and if marriage has not already been contracted, this direction will most likely bring about a successful union. It is also an excellent time to form partnerships. PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS 491 O D ^ e $ ?m progressed square or opposition to radical Moon. If the Moon was afflicted at birth this marks a very evil period, replete with domestic unhap- piness if the person is married ; discredit among the people with whom he is associated in busi- ness or socially, perhap.s imprisonment; loss by dishonesty of the partner, financial stricture or even bankruptcy. He is also likely to suffer severely from ill health, and if either the Sun or Moon are in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces he may become a chronic drunkard. O * A ^> The Sun progressed sextile or trine to rad- ical Saturn. If Saturn is well aspected in the nativity this direction will bring a steadying and consoli- dating influence into the life so that the person will be able to discharge his duties in a most effective, systematic and tactful manner. He will have greater opportunities for advancement than before, and will be able to assume the added responsibilities with credit. Much benefit may be expected from older people who will be drawn to him with full confidence. Investments in land, mines, houses, and similar things will prove profitable when made under this direction, and in general it gives a very deep insight into all problems of life. 492 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS O P 6 D 8 ^ The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, square or opposition to radical Saturn. If Saturn was afflicted in the natal chart these directions mark a period of very evil influ- ence. This is especially true of the parallel, which lasts about ten years ; the other aspects are only active during the usual three years. Under these directions the person suffers disappoint- ments and delays in everything he undertakes. No matter how carefully he may plan, something is sure to crop up to thwart him, and this is apt to breed a spirit of worry and pessimism which makes life seem a hopeless battle, with everyone conspiring to checkmate him. Financial difficul- ties make matters harder, and he is liable to incur the opposition of employers or the authorities. To crown it all, the health suffers, especially un- der the parallel; his vitality will be very low, and the recuperative power almost nil. All will depend on whether he can look for the silver lin- ing to the cloud, and strive to learn the intended lessons, or whether he simply sinks down under the load and gives up. Forewarned is fore- armed and students of Astrology have at least the knowledge that these trials are only passing. They know when brighter days will PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS 493 O P 6 * A U The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, sextile or trine Jupiter. If Jupiter is well aspected at birth these as- pects are among the most fortunate in the whole gamut of directions, for they indicate a period of financial prosperity, where every undertaking succeeds, hence speculation, investments, and new ventures in business will bring success and gain, the person will rise in popularity and es^ teem in the community or his immediate sphere of associations; he may gain much credit in con- nection with philanthropic or charitable under- takings, and he will enjoy much social success and domestic happiness. There is a tendency to travel or changes which will bring both pleasure and profit, and ambitions that for years seemed impossible of realization are likely to be grati- fied. Under these directions lasting friendships of benefit to the person are often formed. They also strengthen the constitution and bring ra- diant health, but the exuberance of animal spirits may later, under evil directions, bring dis- ease. If this is guarded against the increased flow of vital fluid given by these directions will have a lasting beneficial effect on the health. ^^ Tlie Sun progressed square or opposition to radical Jupiter. If Jupiter is afflicted at birth these direc- tions denote a period of trouble and trials. Some- 494 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS one near and dear will pass out of the person's life, either by estrangement or death; lawsuits, financial losses and social disaster are threatened, with much opposition from other people. If he invests money or speculates each venture will prove a failure because of deception and misrep- resentation of those with whom he deals. If he makes a change of business or travels to another city he will meet with worse conditions, the health will suffer and domestic infelicity will result. O P 6 D 8 $ The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, square or opposition to radical Mars. If Mars is afflicted at birth these aspects mark an extended period of a very evil nature. There is a state of rash and reckless excitement which is apt to lead the person to do the most foolhardy things, hence a liability to squander his money, wreck his prospects in life, become crippled by an accident, or indulge in excesses which bring on fevers, boils, or inflammatory complaints. He should be particularly careful not to handle fire, hot water, explosives or fire- arms, and be guarded by insurance against loss by fire, sickness or accident. The reputation is also likely to suffer by scandal, therefore he should exert all his energy and will power to act with all the discretion possible to him and so en- deavor to rule his stars. PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS 495 O * A $ The Sun progressed sextile or trine to rad- ical Mars. If Mars is well aspected at birth these direc- tions indicate a period of adventure when the person will be imbued with a powerful spirit of activity, enterprise and industry; he will become acquainted with people of a pioneering instinct or in some way receive an impulse that will start him upon a new venture in life which will bring him success, friends, and prosperity. He is likely to travel in search of new fields and to be very restless in seeking an outlet for the energy which threatens to burst him, but he is also too prone to squander the money which seems to come so easily. If he were wise he would be a little less generous, for when this aspect passes off, it is likely that the golden days are over. G P 6 D <$> W Tlie Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, square or opposition to radical Uranus. If Uranus is afflicted at birth these aspects mark a very critical period in the life. The per- son becomes very irritable and short-tempered. He is liable to tax the patience of friends and relatives to the breaking point so that a separa- tion or estrangement occurs. He will be repel- lant to others, rash, erratic, liable to do the most strange and unexpected things. He may rush into litigation when he has not the shadow of a case or cause, just for the mere insane love of 496 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS quarreling. Thus he is likely to disgrace himself permanently in the eyes of all who know him, or. depending upon what other aspects are in force at the time, it may be someone close to him who causes the disgrace which then reflects upon him on account of the friendship or relationship. O * A # The Sun progressed sextile or trine to rad- ical Uranus. If Uranus is well aspected at birth and the person is of a sufficiently advanced type to re- spond to this influence, these aspects mark a period of great spiritual and mental accelera- tion; the originating, organizing, and inventive faculties become greatly enhanced, so that he is able to formulate ideas, perfect inventions, and organize enterprises in a most surprisingly effi- cient manner, with little or no effort. There may be sudden and unexpected gains through inven- tions, investment or speculation, and if he is not already interested in advanced thought or occult- ism he will most likely be attracted during this period and obtain a good start before the aspect wears off. O P 6 n W The Sun progressed parallel, conjunc- tion, square or opposition to radical Neptune. If Neptune is afflicted at birth these aspects mark a critical time for those who can respond to the spiritual influence. They are then hypersensi- PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS 497 tive and likely to develop an undesirable phase of involuntary spiritual sight or apt to become entranced or obsessed by spirits from the invisi- bel world who seek a medium to gratify their desires, which are usually bad. The person may also most easily become the victim of a hypnotist and get into trouble through fraud, deception and disadvantageous changes, or loss by specu- lation in large companies where the stock is' watered. O * A W The Sun progressed sextile or trine to rad- ical Neptune. If Neptune is well aspected at birth these aspects mark a period of spiritual awakening, when the person may receive an initiation which will develop his spiritual powers and open the invisible worlds to him, if he is sufficiently de- veloped. For others it may develop the faculty of inspirational music, and yet other people may experience a period of unexampled love and bliss, but the majority cannot respond to this influ- ence. O P 6 * A M.C. Tlie Sun progressed parallel, con- junction, sextile or trine to radical Midheaven. These aspects bring a period of profit, pre- ferment, honor and recognition, favors from the authorities or employers, added social prestige, and a general advancement of the worldly affairs. 32 498 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS This is a good time to make special effort for obtaining an increase of income for all endeav- ors in that direction will have a favorable stellar influence behind them and are therefore more likely to succeed than at other times. n <9 M.C. The Sun progressed square or opposition to radical Midheaven. These aspects mark a period of discredit when slander and enmity threaten the honor and social standing. It is therefore best for the per- son to be very circumspect in all he does or says, for trouble with the authorities may result in imprisonment, or if with employers it may bring loss of position. Financial fortunes are also threatened. P 6 * A Asc. The Sun progressed, parallel, con- junction, sextile or trine radical Ascendant. These aspects mark a period of general good fortune, radiant health and happiness. What- ever the person undertakes seems to prosper. OD SI The Moon afflicted in Leo gives a tendency to backache, disturbed circulation, convulsions, and heart trouble ; if in Leo 6, eye trouble. 552 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS D l\% The Moon afflicted in Virgo gives a tendency to disorders in the bowels, abdominal tumors, dysen- tery, and peritonitis. 5 =2= The Moon afflicted in Libra gives a tendency to Bright 's diseai>e, abcess of the kidneys, uraemia; by reflex action in Aries, headache or insomnia. D nx The Moon afflicted in Scorpio gives a tendency to disturbed menses, bladder troubles, hydrocele, and other genito-urinary disturbances; by reflex action in Taurus, throat troubles. D t The Moon afflicted in Sagittarius gives a tend- ency to blood affections, hip disease, and, some- times, a broken femur; by reflex action in Gem- ini, asthma. D VS The Moon afflicted in Capricorn gives a tend- ency to articular rheumatism, lack of synovial fluid, eruptions of the skin, and, by reflex action in Cancer, digestive troubles. D ? The Moon afflicted in Aquarius gives a tend- ency to varicose veins, ulcers of the leg, dropsy, and, by reflex action in Leo, hysteria, fainting, and heart trouble. D ^ The Moon afflicted in Pisces gives a tendency to drink, drug habits, tender feet, and, by reflex action in Virgo, abdominal disorders of various kinds. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURN 553 PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURN Saturn is the planet of obstruction, crystalliza- tion and atrophy. By his action the circulation or passage of bodily fluids, such as the blood, lymph, or urine, are impeded, and by this stagnation waste ma- terials are retained instead of being eliminated. Thus they form various deposits in the body, building the skeleton, which is constructive, hardening the ar- teries and articulations, which is destructive. Saturn rules the gall bladder, where he forms the painful gallstones, and by virtue of his exaltation power in Libra he crystallizes the renal stones and gravel which cause such suffering to those who have these concretions. By retention of the urea he causes the painful rheumatism and gout which often manifest in deformity of the joints that so often disfigure and disable the sufferers therefrom. He rules the pneumogastric nerve, and by his restrictive action through that medium he may at any moment slow down the heart action, stop digestion, suppress the urine and stool under the emotions of fear and worry generated by him. Thus he has the power to bring every bodily function to a standstill. Saturn also rules the teeth and the skin. By his action the teeth decay and cause malnutrition, the synovial membranes are hardened, making the spine and limbs rigid ; he makes the skin tough as the years go by. Saturn is at home in Capricorn, and by his reflex action in Cancer he interferes with the 554 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS peristaltic action which is necessary to supply the body with food ; he then causes antiperistalsis, or vomiting. His general activities in the body are de- structive and tend to end, he life, of the, organism. Saturn generally hurts by falls, bruises, and colds. He predisposes to chronic and deep-seated ail- ments, and his victims are difficult to reach because he imbues them with fear, worry, and pessimism, so that they refuse to believe in the possibility of a cure and cannot be induced to take a cheerful look on life. The presence of Saturn in any part of the horo- scope constitutes an affliction in itself, therefore we may note the following effects in the twelve signs, whether he is aspected by squares, oppositions, trines or sextiles, but naturally his effects are somewhat more inimical when in evil aspect. T? T Saturn in Aries gives a tendency to headache, colds, catarrh, deafness, and chills, cerebral anaemia, dental decay, tartar, faintings, and, by reflex action in Libra, renal disorders. T? b Saturn in Taurus gives a tendency to phlegm, diphtheria, quinsy, mumps, croup, decay of the lower teeth, choking, and by reflex action in Scor- pio, stricture, constipation and similar disorders. T? n Saturn in Gemini gives a tendency to rheum- atic pains in shoulders and arms, bronchitis, pul- monary consumption, asthma, and, by reflex ac- tion in Sagittarius, sciatica and hip diseases. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURN 555 i? z Saturn in Cancer gives a tendency to pyorrhoea, dyspepsia, gastric ulcer and cancer, nausea and belching, scurvy > jaundice, gallstones, anaemia, and stricture of the oesophagus. T? SI Saturn in Leo gives a tendency to curvature of the spine, muscular inefficiency of the heart, weak back, arterio-sclerosis, and sclerosis of the spinal cord. T ? TT# Saturn in Virgo gives a tendency to weakened peristalsis of the intestines, abated absorption of chyle, obstruction of the ileum caecum and trans- verse colon, appendicitis. T? == Saturn in Libra gives a tendency to locomotor ataxia, renal stones, gravel and sand, Bright 's disease, suppression of urine, malnutrition, and, by reflex action in Aries, headache, toothache, and other disorders of the head. T? TTL Saturn in Scorpio gives a tendency to sterility, suppression of the menses, stricture, constipa- tion, haemorrhoids and, by reflex action in Tau- rus, nasal catarrh, hoarseness, phlegm, and other throat affections. T? t Saturn in Sagittarius gives a tendency to con- tusions of the hips and thighs, sciatica, gout, and hip disease; by reflex action in Gemini, bron- chitis, tuberculosis, and other Gemini affections. 556 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS !? VS Saturn in Capricorn gives a tendency to articu- lar rheumatism, eczema, erysipelas, and other diseases of the skin; by reflex action in Cancer, jaundice, gallstones, and dyspepsia. > ? Saturn in Aquarius gives a tendency to weak ankles, easily sprained, and, by reflex action in Leo, curvature of the spine, sclerosis and other affections of the heart, back and arteries. T ? X. Saturn in Pisces gives a tendency to cold feet, rheumatism and bunions, also tuberculosis due to cold and wet feet, and, by reflex action in Virgo, dropsy. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF JUPITER The liver is the great center of the Jupiterian activity ; there he forms glycogen from the waste products of the portal blood-stream. The great cen- tral vortex of the desire body is also in the liver, and when an extra effort is to be made, Mars draws upon the glycogen storehouse of Jupiter for fuel. Saturn too is active in the liver, forming the gall, urea, and uric acid. It is somewhat difficult for the average student to segregate and combine the varied functions of this organ, but if we bear in mind that Cancer is the ex- altation sign of Jupiter and the opposite sign Cap- ricorn is the home of Saturn and the exaltation sign of Mars, we shall more readily understand that the PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF JUPITER 557 great benefic, Jupiter, endeavors to store in the liver the glycogen so necessary to the bodily activity. This, Mars, the opposing exaltation ruler, recklessly scat- ters by expenditure of muscular energy, and he is aided and abetted in his destructive activities by Sat- urn, who produces gall and urea which he deposits during the muscular work as uric acid in the various parts of the body where it manifests as gout and rheumatism. Saturn also makes the liver torpid and causes constipation. Jupiter rules the adrenals and arterial circula- tion, hence his afflictions cause formation of adipose tissue, fatty degeneration of muscles, tumors, and morbid growths, enlargement of organs, waste of sugar and albumen as in diabetes and kindred dis- eases. Blood-poisoning, hyperaemia and apoplexy are due to afflictions of Jupiter. The following effects may be noted when Jupiter is afflicted in the twelve signs: U T Jupiter afflicted in Aries gives a tendency to dizziness, cerebral congestion, sleepiness, throm- bus, fainting, ulcerated gums of upper jaw, and, by reflex action in Libra, diabetes and depres- sion due to lack of adrenal secretion. 11 b Jupiter afflicted in Taurus gives a tendency to gourmandize, hence plethora and apoplexy, ring- worm and carbuncles follow ; also ulcerated gums of mandible ; by reflex action in Scorpio, catarrh of the nose and nose-bleed. 558 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS If n Jupiter afflicted in Gemini gives a tendency to pleurisy, blood affections, congestion of the lungs, pulmonary apoplexy; by reflex action in Sagittarius, broken bones, gout and rheumatism in hips and thighs. H o Jupiter afflicted in Cancer gives a tendency to gourmandize, causing dilation of the stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaints, jaundice, and drop.sy ; by reflex action in Capricorn, which rules the skin, pimples and similar eruptions. if Si Jupiter afflicted in Leo gives a tendency to apo- plexy and fatty degeneration of the heart, the valve action is weakened, the circulation sluggish at times and at other times there is palpitation and feverish conditions; by reflex action in Aquarius, swollen ankles. UTf% Jupiter afflicted in Virgo gives a tendency to enlarged liver, often ulcerated, jaundice. if === Jupiter afflicted in Libra gives a tendency to melancholy due to diminished adrenal secretion, renal abcess, diabetes, skin eruptions due to slug- gish action of kidneys; by reflex action in Aries* congestion of brain, coma and vertigo. ifl\ Jupiter afflicted in Scorpio gives a tendency to enlarged prostate gland, uterine tumors, urethral abcess, dropsy, hydrgemia, excess of urates and strangury; by reflex action in Taurus, apoplexy and nose-bleed. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF JUPITER 559 U J: Jupiter afflicted in Sagittarius gives a tend- ency to rheumatism and gout ; by reflex action in Gemini, pulmonary apoplexy and corrupt blood UV3 Jupiter afflicted in Capricorn gives a tendency to various skin diseases, and, by reflex action in Cancer > digestive ailments, dropsy, jaundice, and fatty degeneration of the liver. U? Jupiter afflicted in Aquarius gives a tendency to milk-leg, swollen ankles, and, by reflex action in Leo, apoplexy and palpitation. U X. Jupiter afflicted in Pisces gives a tendency to swollen, perspiring feet, and, by reflex action in Virgo, enlarged liver, abdominal tumors, jaun- dice, and diseased intestines. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF MARS The ancient Egyptian sages called Cancer the sphere of the soul, and when the mystic Sun of life goes through this moist, fruitful lunar sign the seed- atom of the ego.'s physical body is planted. While the embryonic body grows unconsciously as a plant grows, the mystic Sun of life passes through Leo, Virgo, and Libra. In the fourth month of gestation it passes through the second of the watery signs, Scorpio. Then the spirit dies to its heavenly home and is immured in its earthly prisonhouse by Mars, who chains it with the silver cord and thus brings 560 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS about the quickening. Then the Sun of life proceeds through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and when after the nine months have been completed it has passed through the last of the watery signs, Pisces, the floodgates of the womb are opened and the ego launched upon the sea of life under the auspices of the martial sign Aries, where the giver of life, the Sun, is exalted. During the gestatory period Mars has given to the body iron, especially in the form of haemoglobin, and with the first breath oxidation of this substance commences to produce the heat so necessary to life and consciousness. This operation is continued all through life, and thus to the Martian ray falls the important task of supplementing the Sun in the maintenance of the vital spark until the mystic Sun of life has completed its circle and reached the sign where the quickening took place. Then Scorpio gives the body its death-sting, Mars and his friend Saturn cut the silver cord, and the freed soul soars as an eagle into the empyrean seeking the celestial spheres which are its true home. Therefore Scorpio is sym- bolized both by a scorpion and an eagle. On account of his mission as aide to the Sun in the maintenance of life, Mars ever aims to cleanse the body of filth and waste accumulation so that the fire's of life may burn brightly, hence, when the gour- mandizing habits of Jupiter and Venus have clogged the system, or the obstructive tendencies of Saturn have poisoned the body by stoppage of elimination, PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF MARS 561 Mars lights the fire of fever and inflammation to burn out the refuse and give the system a new lease of life and energy. Thus many of the pathogenic effects of Mars aim at a constructive end. But Mars not only aids the vital process of the life-giving Sun, who is exaltation ruler of Aries; he is himself exaltation ruler of Capricorn, where Sat- urn, the planet of death, holds sway, and between those two thieves the Sun, the Lord of Life, is cru- cified, suffers and dies, while they part his physical garment. The role of Saturn in this process has been described in the appropriate chapter, and of Mars it may be said that by his recklessness he predisposes to accidents by burning, scalding, wounds, or gun- shot. He rules the genitals through Scorpio, and de- pletes the vitality and causes genital disorders by passional excesses, haemorrhage, rupture of blood ves- sels. Excessive menses and haemorrhoids show his activities in the blood ; hernia and contagious diseases are also manifestations of the martian ray. As Mars is a malefic, his presence in any sign or house con- stitutes an affliction in itself, regardless of his aspects, but naturally his pathogenic effects are worse when he is aspected by square or opposition than when he is fortified by sextile or trine. His effects in the twelve signs may be more spe- cifically stated as follows: $ T Mars in Aries gives a tendency to sunstroke, cerebral haemorrhages or congestion, inflamma- 36 562 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tion of the brain, brain fever and delirium, shoot- ing pains in the head, insomnia, and wounds in the head ; by reflex action in Libra, inflammation of the kidneys, renal haemorrhage and renal cal- culi. $ 8 Mars in Taurus gives a tendency to mumps, en- larged or inflamed tonsils, suffocation, adenoids, diphtheria, polypus and nose-bleed, goitre, in- flammation of the larynx; by reflex action in Scorpio, excessive menstrual flow, scalding urine, venereal ulcers, enlargement of the prostate gland and strangury. $ n Mars in Gemini gives a tendency to haemorrhage of the lungs, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, wounds or fractures of hands, arms, and collar- bone; by reflex action in Sagittarius, fractured femur, and sciatica. $ E Mars in Cancer gives a tendency to milk-fever, inflammation, ulceratlon and haemorrhage of the stomach, dyspepsia. $ Si Mars in Leo gives a tendency to muscular rheumatism in the back, overheating of the blood, enlargement of the heart and palpitation, pain in the heart, suffocation and fainting (angina pectoris), inflammation of the pericardium. $ irg Mars in Virgo gives a tendency to typhoid, in- flammation of the bowels, peritonitis, worms, PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF MARS 565- diarrhoea, cholera, and ventral hernia, appen- dicitis. $ =0= Mars in Libra gives a tendency to inflammation of the kidneys, excess of urine, hasmorrhage of the kidneys and renal stones; by reflex action in Aries, brain-fever, sunstroke, pains in the head. $ n\. Mars in Scorpio gives a tendency to excessive menses, scalding urine, gravel, pand, and renal stones, inflammation and ulceration of the ovaries and uterus, also of the vagina and ure- thra, varicocele, enlargement of the prostate gland, stricture and strangury, venereal ulcers and haemorrhoids ; by reflex action in Taurus, inflamed tonsils or larynx and nose-bleed. $ t Mars in Sagittarius gives a tendency to fracture or dislocation of the femur, sciatica, and ulcers of the thighs; by reflex action in Gemini, pneu- monia, bronchitis and cough. $ V3 Mars in Capricorn gives a tendency to carbun- cles, erysipelas, smallpox, chickenpox, measles, pimples, itch and other eruptive or inflammatory skin diseases; by reflex action in Cancer, dys- pepsia and ulcerated stomach. $ ? Mars in Aquarius gives a tendency to varicose veins, fracture of the leg and blood-poisoning; by reflex action in Leo, heartstroke, overheated blood, fainting and palpitation. 564 THE MESSAGE OF THE STABS X Mars in Pisces gives a tendency to deformities of the feet, or accidents to them, corns, bunions and perspiring feet; by reflex action in Virgo, ventral hernia, inflammation of the bowels and diarrhoea. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF URANUS Uranus rules the ether which is the medium by \vhieh the light rays are transmitted, hence he has considerable influence over the eyes and is responsi- ble, when afflicting the Sun or Moon, for various diseases of the eyes, or even blindness. This is es- pecially the case when the Sun or Moon is placed in the Pleiades (Taurus 29), or the Ascelli (Leo 6) or Antares (Sagittarius 8). Modern astrologers have not yet had time to tab- ulate the full effects of Uranus in all the signs, and as for the pathogenic effects still less is known, Lut he is said to be exalted in Scorpio and our own experience seems to indicate that Uranus has a very marked evil influence on the sex which is ruled by this sign, producing most deep-seated venereal dis- eases. By reflex action or affliction to planets in Taurus (ruled by Venus) where the organ of co- ordinated action is located, he produces erratic move- ments, as seen in St. Vitus dance, contortions, spasms, tetanus, cramps, hiccough and hysteria. As ruler of the ether and gases he is responsible for injury and shock by electricity which travels PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF URANUS 565 through the ether. Nitrogen, a gas, is the base of a number of compounds whose characteristic Uranian. instability makes them highly explosive, and Uranus is thus responsible for such deaths and injuries as occur on that account, especially if placed in the Eighth House. J# 8 Uranus in Taurus gives a tendency to dimin- ished pituitary secretion and consequent abnor- mal growth. *& n Uranus in Gemini gives a tendency to spas- modic asthma, colds, and a dry, hard cough. J# 5> Uranus in Cancer gives a tendency to hiccough, produced by the erratic action of the diaphragm, also a hard, dry stomach cough and cramp of the stomach, gas and flatulence. V SI Uranus in Leo gives a tendency to palpitation, spasmodic heart action, spinal meningitis and infantile paralysis ; by reflex action from Aqua- rius similar effects are now observable. Uranus in Virgo gives a tendency to flatulence, and abdominal cramps. Uranus in Libra gives a tendency to intermit- tent action of the kidneys and venereal eruptions, of the skin ; by reflex action in Aries, sudden and violent headaches, shooting pains in the head, and hallucinations. 566 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS J# n\ Uranus in Scorpio gives a tendency to miscar- riages, abortions, and venereal diseases, and in the Fifth House he causes painful and difficult parturition, generally involving the use of in- struments and often the infant is severely or fatally injured or stillborn. ^ V3 Uranus in Capricorn usually works by reflex action in Cancer, but as the children with this configuration are still young (this is written in 1918) the full effects are as yet unknown. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF NEPTUNE Neptune, the octave of Mercury, works princi- pally upon the nervous system (ruled by Mercury) and at times produces frenzy where the person is beside himself on account of religious or other ex- citement. At other times he produces lethargy, coma, catalepsy, trance or mediumship, where the bodily energies are in abeyance while the psychic powers .are in a state of hyperactivity. He rules the spinal canal, which is filled with ether during life. (It is true that surgeons tap it and draw out a fluid, but they may also draw water from a steam boiler be- cause the steam condenses to water). This luminous gas is called tlie spinal spirit fire by occultists, and t>y vibrating the pineal gland, also ruled by Neptune, spiritual sight is produced, but it depends upon the rate and pitch of these vibrations what the person sees. By prayer, concentration and meditation, a PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF NEPTUNE 567 state of religious ecstacy may be produced where he sees the celestial hosts, or if a lower rate of super- normal vibration is produced by drink or drugs he sees demoniac shapes as related by sufferers of de- lirium, which is due to Neptune, especially in the watery sign Pisces. The pathogenic influence of Nep- tune is most evil in the Sixth House (or the sixth sign, Virgo) indicating disease, or in the Twelfth House (or the twelfth sign, Pisces) which governs sorrow, trouble and self-undoing. If these two houses are occupied by Taurus and Scorpio, the signs ruling the throat and genitals, there is an abnormal and perverted passional desire which gives a tend- ency to self-abuse and perversion of a still worse nature. The mind, ruled by Mercury, the lower oc- tave of Neptune, is morbid in its brooding upon un- savory subjects, and parents with children having Neptune in the Sixth or Twelfth Houses will do well to watch them carefully, especially if Neptune is in opposition to Uranus and Saturn in orb: that covers a number of those who are now, in 1918, reaching puberty, for Neptune has been going through the psychic sign Cancer while Uranus was in the opposite sign Capricorn. We have found that Neptune square Saturn and Jupiter brought incurable insanity; Neptune con- junction Mars in Aries, square Uranus and the Moon in Cancer caused temporary insanity of a periodic nature; Neptune conjunction Moon square Uranus caused spirit control. We have also seen many other 568 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS indications, but the full effects of Neptune have not yet been systematically observed. We are working to that end, however, and hope in future years to be able to present a fairly full tabulation. THF DUCTLESS GLANDS Their Role and Riders It is well known to the esoteric astrologer that the human body has an immense period of evolu- tion behind it and that this splendid organism is the result of a slow process of gradual upbuilding which is still continuing and will make each generation bet- ter than the previous until in some far distant future it shall have reached a stage of completion of which we cannot even dream. It is also understood by the deeper students that in addition to the physical body man has finer vehicles which are not yet seen by the great majority of human beings, though all have within them latent a sixth sense whereby they will in time cognize these finer sheaths of the soul. The occultist speaks of these finer vehicles as the vital body, made of ether, and the desire body, made of desire stuff, the material whence we draw our feel- ings and emotions, and with the addition of the sheath of mind and the physical body these complete what may be termed the personality which is the evanescent part distinct from the immortal spirt that uses these vehicles for its expression. These finer vehicles interpenetrate the dense physical body as air THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 569 permeates water and have particular dominion over certain parts thereof, because the physical body itself is a crystallization of these finer vehicles in the same manner and upon the same principle that the soft fluids of a snail's body gradually crystallize into the hard and flinty shell which it carries upon iljs back. For the purpose of this dissertation we may say broadly that the softer parts of our bodies which we commonly call flesh may be divided into two kinds, glands and muscles. The vital body was statted in the Sun Period. Crystallization from this time on in that vehicle has developed what we now call glands and to this day they and the blood are the special manifestations of the vital body within the physical vehicle, and therefore the glands as a whole may be said to be under the rule of the life-giving Sun and the great benefic, Jupiter. For it is the function of the vital body to build and restore the tone of the muscles when tense and tired by the work imposed upon them by the restless desire body which was started in the Moon Period, and the muscles are there- fore ruled by the wandering Moon, which is the pres- ent vantage point of the angels, the humanity of the Moon Period, and the impulsive and turbulent Mars, where the so-called 'Fallen Angels,' the Lucifer spir- its, dwell. That is to say as a whole, for the student must carefully note that individual glands and par- ticular groups of muscles are under the rulership of other planets as well. It is as r when we say that all who live within the United States of America are 570 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS citizens of that country, but some are subject to the laws of California, others to those of Maine. We know the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below," which gives the master key to all mysteries, and as there are upon the earth, the maerocosm, a great many undiscovered places, so also in the micro- cosm of the body do we find unknown countries that are a closed book to the scientific explorers. Chief among them has been a small group of the so-called "ductless glands/ seven in number, namely: The Pituitary Body, ruled by Uranus. Q The Pineal Gland, ruled by Neptune. The Thyroid Gland, ruled by Mercury. The Thymus Gland, ruled by Venus. The Spleen, ruled by the Sun. The two Adrenals, ruled by Jupiter. They have a great and particular interest for occultists, and they may be termed in a certain sense 'the seven roses' upon the Cross of the body, for they are intimately connected with the occult devel- opment of humanity. Four of them, the Thymus Gland, the Spleen and the two Adrenals, are con- nected with the personality. The Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland are particularly correlated with the spiritual side of our nature and the Thyroid Gland forms the link between. The astrological rule over these seven glands is as follows: The Spleen is the entrance gate of the solar forces specialized by each human being and circu- THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 571 lated through the body as the vital fluid, without which no being can live. This organ is therefore gov- erned by the Sun. The two Adrenals are under the rulership of Jupiter, the great benefic, and exert a calming, quieting and soothing effect when the emo- tional activities of the Moon and Mars or Saturn has destroyed the poise. When the obstructive hand of Saturn has awakened the melancholy emotions and laid its restraint upon the heart, the Adrenals' secre- tions are carried by the blood to the heart and acts as a powerful stimulant in its effort to keep up the circulation, while the Jovial optimism struggles against the Saturnine worries or against the impulse of Mars, which stir the desire body into turbulent emotions of anger, rendering the muscles tense and trembling with rage, dissipating the energy of the system ; then the secretion of the Adrenals comes to the rescue, releasing the glycogen of the liver in a more abundant measure than usual to cope with the emergency until the equipoise has been again at- tained, and similarly during whatever other stress or strain. It was the knowledge of this occult fact that prompted the ancient astrologers to place the kidneys under the rulership of Libra, the Balance, and in order to avoid confusion of ideas we may say the kidneys themselves play an important part in the nutrition of the body, which is under the rulership of Venus, the Lady of Libra, but Jupiter governs the Adrenals, with which we are now particularly en- gaged. 572 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Both Venus and her higher octave, Uranus, gov- ern the functions of nutrition and growth, but in dif- ferent ways and for different purposes. Therefore Venus rules the Thymus Gland, which is the link between the parents and the child until the latter has reached puberty. This gland is located immediately behind the sternum or breast bone ; it is largest in ante-natal life and through childhood while growth is excessive and rapid. During that time the vital body of the child does its most effective work, for the child is not then subject to the passions and emotions generated by the desire body after that comes to birth at or about the fourteenth year. But during the years of growth the child cannot manufacture the red blood corpuscles as does the adult, for the unborn, unor- ganized desire body does not then act as an avenue for the martian forces which assimilate the iron from the food and transmute it into haemoglobin. To com- pensate for this lack there is stored in the Thymus Gland a spiritual esence drawn from the parents, who are symbolized by Venus, the ruler, and with this essence provided by the love of the parents the child is able to accomplish the alchemistry of blood temporarily until its desire body becomes dynamic- ally active. Then the Thymus Gland atrophies and it draws from its own desire body the necessary mar- tian force. From that time, under normal conditions, Uranus, the octave of Venus, and ruler of the Pitui- tary Body, takes charge of the function of growth and assimilation in the following manner : THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 573 It i,s well known that all things, our food included, radiate from themselves continuously small particles which give an index of the thing whence they eman- ate, its quality included. Thus when we lift the food to our mouth a number of these invisible particles enter the nose and by excitation of the olfactory tract convey to us a knowledge of whether the food we are about to take is suitable for this purpose or not, the sense of smell warning us to discard such foods as have a noxious odor, etc. But besides those particles which attract or repel us from food by their action up*on the alfactory tract through the sense of smell, there are others which penetrate the sphenoid bone, impinge upon the Pituitary Body and start the Ura- nian alchemistry by which a secretion is formed and injected into the blood. It also furthers assimilation through the chemical ether, thus affecting the normal growth and well-being of the body through life. Some- times this Uranian influence of the Pituitary Body is eccentric and therefore responsible for strange and abnormal growths which produce the unfortunate freaks of nature we occasionally meet. But besides being responsible for the spiritual impulses which generate the before-mentioned phy- sical manifestations of growth, Uranus, working through the Pituitary Body, is also responsible for the spiritual phases of growth which aid awakened man in his efforts to penetrate the veil into the Invisible Worlds. In this work it is, however, asso- ciated with Neptune, the ruler of the Pineal Gland. 574 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and it will therefore be necessary, in order to properly elucidate, that we study the functions of the Thyroid Gland, ruled by Mercury, and of the Pineal Gland which is under the domination of his higher octave, Neptune, simultaneously. That the Thyroid Gland is under the rule of Mer- cury, the planet of reason, is readily realized when we understand the effect which the degeneration of this gland has upon the mind, as shown in the dis- eases of Cretinism and Myxedema. The secretions of this gland are as necessary to the proper function of mental activity as ether is to the transmission of electricity, that is to say, upon the physical plane of existence where the brain transmutes thought into action. Contact with and expression in the invisible worlds depends upon the functional ability of the Pineal Gland, which is altogether spiritual, and is therefore ruled by the octave of Mercury, Neptune, the planet of spirituality. But Neptune operates in conjunction with the Pituitary Body ruled by Uranus, the planet of wisdom, as has already been stated. Scientists have wasted much time in speculation upon the nature and function of these two little bodies, the Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland, but without avail, and principally because, as Mephisto- pheles says so sarcasticaly to the young man who wants to study science under Faust : THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 575 "Who e'er would know and treat of aught alive Seeks first the living spirit thence to drive; Then are the lifeless fragments in his hand; He lacks, alas! the vital spirit band." No one can really and truly observe the physio- logical functions of any organ under such conditions as exist in the laboratory on the operating table, in the dissestion or vivisection chamber. To arrive at an adequate understanding one must necessarily see these organs exercising their physiological functions in the living body, and that can only be done by means of the spiritual sight. There are a number of organs which are either atrophying or developing; the for- mer show the path we have already traveled during our past evolution, the latter are finger-posts, indi- cating our future development .But there is still an- other class of organs which are neither degenerating nor evolving ; they are simply dormant at the present time. Physiologists believe that the Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland are atrophying because they find these organs more developed in some of the low- est classes of life, such as worms, but as a matter of fact they are wrong in their ideas; these organs are only dormant. Some have also suspected that the Pineal Gland is in some way connected with the mind, because it contains certain crystals after death, and the quantity was much less in those who were mentally defective than in people of normal mentality. This conclusion is right, but the Seer knows that the spinal canal of the living is 576 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS not filled with fluid; that the blood is not liquid, and that these organs have no crystals in them when the body is alive; these assertions are made with full knowledge of the fact that the blood and the spinal essence are liquid when drawn out of the physical body, living or dead, and the contents of the Pitui- tary Gland and the Pineal Gland appear crystalline when the brain is dissected, but the reason is similar to that which causes steam drawn from a steam boiler to condense immediately upon contact with the at- mosphere, and molten metal drawn from a smelter's furnace to crystallize immediately upon withdrawal therefrom. All these substances are purely spiritual essences when inside the body ; they are then ethereal and the substance in the Pineal Gland, when seen by the spir- itual sight, appears as light. Furthermore, when one Seer looks upon the Pineal Gland of another who is then also exercising his spiritual faculties, this light is of a most intense brilliancy and of an irridescence similar to but transcending in beauty the most won- derful play of the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, ever witnessed by the writer, and he has seen .them many times. It may also be said that the function of this organ seems to have changed in the course of human evolution. During the earlier epochs of our present stay upon the earth, when man's body was a large, baggy thing into which the spirit had not yet entered, but was there only as an overshadow- ing presence, there was an opening in the top and THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 577 the Pineal Gland was within it ; it was then an organ of orientation, giving a sense of direction. As the human body condensed, it became less and less able to endure the intense heat which prevailed during that time and the Pineal Gland gave warning when the body was brought too near one of the many cra- ters and active volcanoes which were then erupting the thin earth crust, thus enabling the spirit to guide it away from these dangerous places. It was an organ of direction which operated by feeling, but feeling has since been distributed over the whole skin of the body and this is an indication to the occultist that some day the senses of hearing and sight will also be similarly distributed so that we shall both see and hear with our whole body and thus become still more sensitive in those respects than we are now. Since then the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary. Body have become temporarily dormant to make man oblivious to the invisible world while he learns the lessons afforded by the material world, but the Pitui- tary Body has manifested the Uranian influence sporadically in abnormal physical growth, producing freaks and monstrosities of various kinds, while Nep- tune, working also abnormally through the Pineal Gland, has been responsible for the abnormal spir- itual growth of medicine men, witches and mediums of spirit controls. When they are awakened to nor- mal activities these two ductless glands will open the door to the inner worlds in a sane and safe manner, but in the meantime the Thyroid Gland, ruled by 578 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Mercury, the planet of reason, holds the secretion necessary to give the brain balance. In the future the ductless glands are destined to play a prominent role, their development will accel- erate evolution greatly, for their effects are mainly mental and spiritual. We are now nearing the Aqua- rian Age, the Sun is therefore beginning to transmit the highly intellectual vibrations of this sign which accounts for the intuitions, premonitions and tele- pathic transmission now so prevalent. In the final analysis these phenomena are due to the awakening of the pituitary body, ruled by Uranus, the lord of Aquarius, and every passing year will make them more manifest. CHAPTER XXX. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES IN ORDER to further aid the student of the stellar science we present a number of horoscopes of peo- ple who have come to us for help in their trouble. We therefore know these cases to be authentic and trust that our delineation of their various ailments by means of astro-diagnosis may prove a true guide. We have made an attempt at classification of these horoscopes, but as there are generally symp- toms of several diseases in each horoscope it has been impossible to draw hard and fast lines in the group- ing, and the student will therefore have to rely mainly on the headlines for indications of what the figure shows. The first 22 horoscopes are found on pp. 624-634, The last 14 figures are attached to their respect- ive readings. SEX AS A FACTOR IN DISEASE It is our earnest conviction, that the less we dwell upon sex, the less we read about it and think about it, the purer we shall be mentally, and also less liable to danger of morbid habits, for these are often formed by overstudy of the sex question, 579 580 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and persons having a tendency in that direction should be discouraged in attempts to discuss the matter at all. In planning this chapter we had at one time thought it possible to escape mention of the subject, but more mature thought based upon much study of health and disease from the mystical standpoint has convinced us that we must go back to the allegorical Garden of Eden for the starting- point of pain and sorrow, as fully explained in our literature. The effects of continued transgression are with us today as a matter of actual fact, abuse of sex is in the most literal sense the primal source of sorrow, disease and degeneracy under which the world is groaning, and in a work of this nature it is obligatory to show the causes so that the remedy may be found and applied. Therefore we shall -attempt to show the prenatal influences revealed by the horoscope as a warning to parents that mar- riage is a sacrament, and not a license to sex abuse, and that "the sins of the fathers are indeed visited upon the children." At the same time, of course, an innocent child is not born with the tendency to a certain disease, its former living has made it liable to a specific weakness, and for that reason it is drawn by the Law of Association to parents from whom it may obtain a body subject to that particular ailment, Thus parents are only instruments in fulfilling the selfmade destiny of the child. If we thoroughly real- ize that fact, and can be persuaded to live pure and wholesome lives, so that we may draw to ourselves THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 581 souls of a kindred virtuous nature, how much better for all the world. To drive this point home, the writers undertake to paint the loathsome picture of degeneracy, that the picture of purity may be the more attractive by contrast. In this connection we present first figure No. 1, which is that of a boy, in 1912 about 16 years of age. The Fourth and Tenth Houses, the planets in them and their rulers show the parents. The parent who most influences the life is shown by the Tenth House configurations, and the Fourth House indi- cates the one least concerned in the child's destiny. In this figure Gemini is on the Midheaven, and Mercury, its ruler, is square the Moon from cardinal signs. Neptune is conjunction Mars in the Tenth Houes and square the Sun in the mercurial sign Virgo. This establishes well the morbid, neurotic na- ture of the father, his instrumentality in depriving the boy of the faculty of speech and of coordination of muscular movements ; the boy cannot walk, but staggers. The mother's part is described by Sagittarius on the Fourth House. Jupiter, the ruler is in Leo in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail, (the Moon's Western Node), which has an influence similar to Saturn. It is also square to Saturn and Uranus ; the latter being in conjunction in Scorpio. This describes her as being a lewd woman ; degenerate, committed to the dreadful theory of soulmates, affinities, free love and all kindred abuses. These lew r d tendencies she 582 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS imparted to the boy. The affliction to Leo affects the heart, and as Saturn is the embodiment of ob- struction, restraint and suppression, we may know that the heart action is very weak, (had the affliction come from Mars his dynamic energy would have caused palpitation). Scorpio has rule over the sex organ, Uranus and Saturn there give tendency to self abuse, and on the well known principle that mu- tilation of that organ affects the voice, we have in this configuration an added reason of the poor boy's inability to speak. The affliction coming from fixed signs shows the deep rooted constitutional nature of the evil, and what may come of conception during a drunken debauch. The Guardian of the Threshold Horoscope No. 2 shows one of the most remark- able psychic conditions we have ever come across. Its portents in some respects are plain to any astrol- oger, but investigation by one of the writers into this person's past life adds sidelights and gives depth to the meaning of configurations not otherwise ob- tainable, also to the writer, who made the spiritual in- vestigation two years before the horoscope was cast, it was a revelation to note how the mystic facts he remembered so well, were inscribed in this little wheel of life. To enable the student to properly appreciate the remarkable case we relate the story of how we came into connection with the person, what we at- tempted to do, and what actually happened. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 583 In the fall of 1910, a friend told us the sad case of a young boy confined to his bed, lying upon his stomach and elbows, persistently gazing at a certain spot in a corner of the room, as if fascinated, his whole frame continually shaking with sobs and moans. At request of the friend we visited the un- fortunate boy, and found that the object which drew his gaze, with a power similar to that whereby the snake charms a bird into its fangs, was an elemental of the most horrible type we have ever seen. Stand- ing by the bedside we directed a stream of force to- wards the base of the poor victim's brain, and thus drew him towards us in an endeavor to break the spell, but -the fiend held the consciousness charmed to such a degree that there was evident danger of rup- ture of body and soul. We therefore desisted, and, with the fearlessness born of inexperience, decided to fight the elemental upon his own plane of being. But the Elder Brother who is our Mentor sought us that evening, he advised caution, and investigation of the genesis of the monster before we took action. Kesearch of the memory of nature developed the fact that in its last life the spirit embodied in the youth had been an initiate of the Order or Jesus, a Jesuit, and a zealot of the most ardent type, cruel and unfeeling in the highest degree, yet perfectly im- personal, with no other aim in life save to further the interests of his Holy Order. The health, wealth, reputation or life of others he sacrificed without qualm of conscience, so that the order was benentted ; 584 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS he would have offered himself up as freely, for he was sincere to the core. Love was as foreign to his nature as hate, but sex was rampant, it tore his strong soul to shreds; yet it never mastered him, he was too proud to show his passion even to one who could have gratified it, and so he developed the secret habit. It must not be supposed that he became an abject slave in that respect; he, the immortal spirit, fought his lower nature by prayer, castigations, fastings and every other conceivable means, sometimes he thought he had conquered, but when he least expected it the beast in him rallied, and the war waged as fiercely as ever. Many times he was tempted to mutilate himself, but he scorned such a course as unworthy a man, es- pecially when that man had taken the vows of priest- hood. At last he succumbed to the strain; vigorous manhood was succeeded by a middle age of delicate health, constant pain increased his mental anguish and sympathy was born of suffering, he was no longer indifferent to the tortures of victims of the Holy Office. Being by nature a zealot and enthusiast in whatever direction his energies were exerted, the pen- dulum soon swung to the other extreme, Paul-like, he fought to protect whom he had previously persecuted, he incurred the enmity of the Holy Office, and finally, broken in body, but dauntless of spirit he fell a vic- tim to the torture to which he had subjected so many. By the sincerity of his nature, and his later life, he earned the right of admission to a Mystery School and prepared for the privilege of working as an In- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 585 visible Helper in future lives. The Law of Associa- tion drew him to birth in an American family who were former friends, and from them he received a nervous organization tuned to the high pitch re- quired for his experience. Saturn opposes the lifegiving Sun, suppresses the nervous energy of Mercury, and obstructs the Venus (venous) circulation, by hindering secretion of urine and elimination of poisonous matter through the kidneys which are ruled by Libra, the sign of Sat- urn 's exaltation where he is placed in this natal fig- ure. As the planets which he opposes are placed in Aries, ruler of the head, his disordering influence manifests through the brain and mind, as well as the genito-urinary system. The morbid condition of these parts caused by Saturn's repressive influence on the kidneys is further accentuated by Uranus con- junction the Moon in the Sixth House which indi- cates the health, under the sign ruling the generative organs, Scorpio. As the horoscope shows tendencies resulting from our actions in past lives, it is evident that the self abuse of this person must bring him to birth under a stellar ray affecting the health in that particular manner, for when the soul has been over- come by any particular besetting sin in any life, death does not pay all any more than removal to another city pays our debts in our present abode. When we return, temptation will again confront us until we conquer our weakness. It is the task of this poor soul to extract the phoenix of virtue and chas- 586 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS tity from the burning embers of passion and secret vice. May God help him and strengthen his arm in the terrible combat. Only Astrology, the Master Key of Compassion, can adequately reveal to us the strug- gle and anguish of the soul, and save us from the crime of despising one in conditions of depravity. The before-mentioned aspects were from Cardinal and Fixed signs, which indicate that which is almost unalterable destiny. But Neptune on the Ascendant, in a Common sign, Gemini, points to a condition in the making. He is trine to Saturn, the afflictor of the mind, and supported by the dynamic energy of Mars. Neptune indicates the invisible spiritual hier- archies which work with and upon us, and when placed in the Twelfth House it is evident that sorrow and distress may be expected from them. This posi- tion renders the person liable to be preyed upon by spirit controls, but the trine to Saturn and the sextile to the Sun, Venus and Mercury protect him against influence from outside sources. Thus he became a prey to the demoniac embodiment of his former ac- tions, the terrible creature known to mystics as "Guardian of the Threshold," which the neophyte must pass ere he can enter conscionsly into the Invis- ible World. This dreadful shape had drawn its be- ing from acts of cruelty committed by the man in his bygone life ; it had fed upon the curses of his tor- tured victims, and gorged itself upon the odor of their blood and perspiration, as is the wont of elemen- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 587 tals; it was a monster in every sense of the word. Death of its progenitor rendered it latent, but in the new birth figure time was marked for retribution up- on the clock of destiny. When the Moon by progres- sion reached Mars' natal place in the Twelfth House, his dynamic energy galvanized the monster into new life, and the troubles of the poor lad had commenced. The hate, anger and malice stored in the monster radiated back upon him pang for pang and his nega- tive Gemini nature crumpled under the onslaughts of the demon. When we saw the thing it appeared as a shapeless jellylike mass with many large green- ish eyes imbedded at different parts of its body. Every few seconds a sharp pointed, swordlike pro- jection shot out from the most unexpected places in its body and pierced the poor lad who lay cringing upon his bed. Then, although the monster had no mouth, wherewith to laugh, it seemed convulsed with fiendish glee at the fear and pain it had given. At other times, one or another of the eyes seemed to dart from the monster,projected upon what resembled an elephant's trunk and it would halt within an inch of the victim 's eyes ; gazing into them with a compelling power of awesome intensity. There being so many good aspects to help him, it is not likely that he will succumb, and when the Sun reaches conjunction of Jupiter's place in the na- tal figure and the Moon has passed the square to the Sun's natal place, a distinct turn for the better may be looked for. In the meanwhile the poor soul must 588 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS struggle alone with its self made demon. Had not the secret habit sapped vitality in the former life, birth under a stronger sign would have given greater power of physical endurance and rendered victory more certain. Disease of the Eyes This malady is due to rays from certain nebu- lous parts of the Zodiac; the Pleiades in Taurus 29, the Ascelli in Leo 6, and Antares in Sagittarius 8. When the Sun or Moon is in orb of one of these places, and afflicted by Saturn, Mars or Uranus, or vice versa, when Saturn, Uranus or Mars are in these neb- ulous parts afflicting the Sun or Moon, trouble is in- dicated, but if care is taken in the case of children having this tendency to disease it may be greatly modified or entirely avoided. The light in school- rooms calls for attention on general principles, but where a child has incipient eye trouble the parent ought to request proper placement of the child in a modified light, reading by lamplight or in the dusk should not be permitted, and windowshades in the home ought to be of a soothing color, With civiliza- tion and life in cities the eyes have become habituated to short focus and cannot quickly adjust themselves to variation of range as the sailors and plainsmen. When a child's horoscope indicates tendency to weak eyes, residence in a rural district, if possible, may be of immense value in preserving the vision, for exer- cise of the eye muscles by frequent adjustment of THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 589 focus from short to long range, and vice versa, will materially aid to strengthen the eyes. It is a fact, that much eye strain is due to congestion of the cili- ary muscle, which adjusts the lens to range of objects, and the sphincter muscle which contracts the iris. Each time that fails to act quickly too much light is admitted and the retina is hurt. Life in the open while the child 's muscles are still limber will do won- ders towards correcting such defects, and even grown persons may derive vast benefit from outdoor life pro- vided the eyes are properly shaded at first. Careful osteopathic treatment of the eyes has also a most ben- eficial effect of stimulating circulation and limbering the muscles. Subtile Indications of Spiritual Sight It is a well known scientific fact, that sensation depends on ability to feel and interpret vibration in air and ether, according to the sense involved Ancient seers devised the Staff of Mercury as a sym- bol of its effects, and among other spiritual secrets embodied in the undulating forms of the twin ser- pents, is also this, that Mercury is the originator of all vibratory movement. Hence he is a prime fac- tor in production of sensation and mental processes arising in the consciousness as a result. An elevated, well aspected Mercury therefore makes our senses acute and the mind keen; an afflicted Mercury either dulls the senses, or makes the person hypersensitive, in either case an abnormal state of the brain mind is 590 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS produced which causes suffering according to house, sign and affliction ; even the good aspects of a so-called evil planet, though it brings out the virtue of that planet, also carries with it a touch of the darker side because even the best of us have something in our inner natures which vibrates to that phase of the planet's nature. But, besides this roundabout way of acquiring knowledge through vibrations in the air and ether inaugurated by Mercury and interpreted by slow processes in the brain mind where spirit and matter meet, there is a direct path to knowledge symbolized by the staff around which the serpents twine. This is the ray of Neptune, the octave of Mercury, which puts us in touch with the spiritual worlds. But, ob- serve this, the staff and the serpents are not separate, the staff goes through the winding forms of the ser- pents, and thus we learn that in our present condition spiritual knowledge is dependent on the brain mind for concrete expression, and through the brain mind the latter is colored according to the aspects of Nep- tune. Experience has proved that the afflicted stellar ray from certain parts of the Zodiac already men- tioned, interferes with the etheric vibration sensed by the retina of the eye, and thus impairs the physical sight. If, in the same figure, Neptune is focused through one of these places, the so-called 'yellow spot,' which is blind because unresponsive to the etheric mercurial vibrations is sensitized by the spir- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 591 itual ray of Neptune, and thus it may be that a per- son physically near sighted, or even blind, may view the spiritual worlds hidden from people whose sight is focused by mercurial vibrations. The aspect of Neptune determines the grade and nature of the spir- itual sight evolved, as illustrated in various horo- scopes herewith. These were picked to demonstrate other points, but it occurred to us that the phase just mentioned is worthy of notice. It may be well, how- ever, to warn students against absurd conclusions, we do not say that everyone afflicted with eye trouble by Antares, Ascelli or the Pleiades is gifted in return with spiritual sight. The lady in horoscope No. 5 is much afflicted physically, but Neptune is out of orb, and she derives no vision from his ray. Spir- itual vision may also be undeveloped in many who have the aspect well defined, but in those cases it is in process of unfoldment, and will yield easily to proper exercises. Where this aspect is a square or opposition it is wise, however, to refrain from any attempt to seek illumination, for in those aspects lurk great danger from spirit controls, elementals, etc., which is amply illustrated in horoscope No. 2, where the opposition of Neptune to Antares is re- sponsible for the awful vision of the Guardian of the Threshold. There the physical sight is not impaired, but in horoscope No. 3, defective eyesight is shown by affliction from the Ascelli and like trouble comes from Antares in No. 4. In one the trine from Nep- tune produces voluntary vision of the super physical 592 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS realms, and in the other his focus is square, hence the spiritual sight obtained is intermittent and not under control. We have spoken of Mercury as originator of all sense vibrations, auditory, olfactory, visual, etc., and of Neptune as its octave ; to forestall questions we may say that in the spiritual world separateness ceases, sensations merge, so that sound and sight, voice and vision are one. The Neptune ray carries both, but undeveloped seers suffering from the in- voluntary faculty, 'see' or 'hear' as it suits the entities which obtain admission to them through the ray of Neptune. Horoscope No. 3 shows the inimical influence of the nebulous spot in Leo 6, the Ascelli, on the sight. This dangerous degree was rising at birth with the Moon in close conjunction, and the Sun also in orb. Saturn in 24 degrees of Libra is just within orb of a square to the Sun in Leo degrees, and as a result of these various afflictions the person is compelled to use bifocal glasses. There is a compensating advan- tage however, Neptune in elevation and trine to the Ascelli (with Sun, Moon and Ascendant in orb), has endowed him with spiritual sight over which he has perfect control, as the student may readily see by examination of Mercury, the best fortified planet in the horoscope. Saturn, by sextile, from the sign of his exaltation,gives steadiness, persistence and con- centration ;' Jupiter by trine from the house he rules, expands the mind, makes it religiously inclined and THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 593 benevolent ; Venus, by sextile, adds kindliness and love of beauty. Thus it is evident that in this horo- scope the relation of Mercury and its octave, Nep- tune, to physical and spiritual expression of mind, is well illustrated. Neptune is most highly elevated and Mercury is most strongly aspectel. Neither is afflicted, therefore he is not liable to hallucinations, but weighs his experiences in the scale of logic. Com- pare this horoscope with that of the poor young man afflicted by the Guardian of the Threshold (No. 2), where Neptune is in the Twelfth House in conjunc- tion with Mars, and where Mercury is afflicted by the opposition of Saturn, all from Cardinal signs; con- trast of the two figures will bring out some fine points. In horoscope No. 5 we see the Moon in the Sixth House, about three degrees from Antares, and Saturn is in the Twelfth House within 4 degrees of an oppo- sition to Antares, about 7 degrees from exact opposi- tion to the Moon ; thus his natal influence was mini- mized. Had the opposition been close or exact, blind- ness from birth would have been inevitable, but for- tunately it was a weak aspect and the vision was not seriously affected until the Sun by progression en- tered the Twelfth House, passed the opposition to the Moon, then opposition to Antares and arrived at conjunction with Saturn. These points of contact in the horoscope marked crises in the disease of her eyes. Saturn being the afflictor, and Mercury also squaring the ascendant, the nerves and muscles crystallized until sight of one eye was lost and the 594 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS other eye is almost blind. In November, 1912, the Moon had progressed to the square of the Sun's place at birth. That was the final crisis which viv- ified the before-mentioned aspects. Neptune makes no aspect to the points of the Zodiac mentioned, hence the spiritual sight is deeply dormant. Horoscope No. 4 is the most afflicted of all, the Dragon's Tail, the Sun and Antares are in conjunc- tion. That alone is sufficiently severe; the condition is further aggravated, however, by a close square of Neptune and Mars,and then the mea.sure of affliction to the eyes is helped by a conjunction of Saturn to the Pleiades which occurs in the Twelfth House. Thus this horoscope shows the person then born to have very weak eyes, and as a matter of fact she can scarcely read even when holding book or paper a few inches from the eyes and using a magnifying glass; but the square of Neptune to Antares has opened her spiritual senses to a certain extent so that she hears spirit voices and at times has visions. These mani- festations, being uncontrolled by her, are very un- satisfactory of course, but prove the effect of Neptune aspecting these points in the Zodiac. The Dragon's 'Head' and 'Tail' (& U) As it has often been a sore puzzle to students what are the 'Dragon's Head' and 'Tail' (called the Moon's nodes in the ephemeris), and why one is supposed to be good and to further all that comes under its benefic ray, while the other is considered THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 595 extremely evil, it may be well to show the reasonable- ness of the philosophy. First, let us say for the information of students not versed in astronomical terms, that 'nodes' are points where a planet, traveling in its orbit, crosses the Sun's path; as for instance, the earth does at the equinoxes. This is explained from both the astro- nomical and mystic sides in our Simplified Scientific Astrology, and also the revolution of the Moon's Nodes. Speaking from the convenient geocentric view- point,the Sun crosses its eastern node each year at the vernal equinox, 50 seconds of space in advance of the point where it crossed the previous year; as the Sun travels 15 degrees per hour, 50 seconds of space are traversed in about 3 seconds of time. The Moon rises about 50 minutes later each night, applying the same measure, 50 minutes of time correspond to about 3 minutes of space, and the Moon's nodes recede just that much every day. Thus the Sun travels around the circle of the Zodiac in one year, but requires 27 times as many thousands (27,000 years), to complete the precessional circle of its nodes, the equinoctial points. The swift moving Moon circles the Zodiac in 27 days and its nodes make a full revolution in 1000 weeks or 19 years. (These figures are only approximate.) In the case of the Sun the place where it crosses the earth's equator in the east is always regarded as the first point in Aries, no matter where in the con- 596 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS stellations it falls because of precession. This pro- cedure is perfectly justified because the life giving qualities ascribed to the Sun in Aries are observable as soon as it has crossed the equator; then the seeds sprout, the mating season commences and the whole creation seems stirred by the solar ray to bring forth. Therefore astrologers say that the Sun is exalted in Aries, and Aries is understood to be the first 30 de- grees from the equinoctial point, the eastern node of the Sun, where he crosses the equator at the vernal equinox. On the same principle the western node of the Sun, the point where he leaves the northern hemi- sphere for the winter months, is called the first point of Libra, and Saturn, the planet of obstruction and suppression is here exalted ; he is the reaper with his .scythe, he mows down the fruits of the solar ray, he suppresses life and joy, the gladsome voices of our feathered friends are hushed in his presence, and the .earth goes down to its wintry grave under his wither- jng influence. As the Moon gathers and reflects the solar light upon earth, this borrowed light is similar to the di- rect ray in certain repects, no matter where its east- ern node (called the Dragon's Head), falls in the signs, the effect upon affairs wherewith it is con- nected by conjunction is like that of the Sun in Aries, which makes nature sing with joy; it furthers and accelerates personal matters in a most benevolent manner, it so to speak, oils the wheels of life in the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 597 particular department where it is conjoined with a planet. On the other hand, the Moon's western node, (called the Dragon's Tail), corresponds to Libra where Saturn is exalted and if in conjunction with a planet it exerts an influence of suppression 'and ob- struction similar in effect to the chill blasts of winter ushered in by the saturnine exaltation. Horoscope No. 6 shows its part in breaking the femur (hipbone) of a lady. Its position in the Twelfth House indicates confinement, the square of the Sun from the Midheaven is a further natal afflic- tion. In December, 1908, the full Moon was in exact conjunction, and Jupiter, ruler of the Sixth House (which shows sickness), was in exact square to the Dragon's Tail, also in exact opposition to her Sun. Thus indications of trouble were many. Sagittarius, which has dominion over the hips and thighs, occu- pies the Sixth House, so the femur was broken when the lady slipped on an icy pavement just outside her house. No. 4 shows the Dragon's Tail in conjunction with the Sun near the fixed star Antares which has an inimical influence on the sight, and the poor lady who is thus afflicted is in great danger of blindness. The Moan's nodes are tabulated in our Simpli- fied Scientific Ephemeris, the position being given for every day; its place at birth is 'found by simple proportion, and the diagram herewith w-ill explain that these points- are called the 'Dragon^s Head' and the 'Dragon's Tail' because therpaths of Sun and 598 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 599 planets appear serpentine when drawn upon a plane surface. Disease of the Ears The Twelfth House indicates the confining in- fluences in life. Mercury there in conjunction with the Sun limits the spirit, and deafness hampers its search after knowledge. The same happens if Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune afflict, also when the mer- curial signs, Gemini and Virgo, are on the twelfth cusp and Mercury is afflicted, (no matter where in the figure it is placed). We append horoscopes of people who are suffering from this malady ;No. 7 is the horo- scope of a lady who is gradually losing her hearing. Mercury, Venus and the Sun are in close conjunction in Pisces, the twelfth sign, which is in the Twelfth House. Blood, lymph, and the invisible vital fluid, called 'nerve force' by science, are the builders of our bodies; each planet, except Uranus and Neptune, has dominion over one of their constituent parts. Mercury rules the nerves, particularly the cerebro- spinal system, and the invisible rose colored vi- tal fluid which flows in the visible nerve sheath. D The Moon also rules the nerves in a general way, but has special dominion over the nerve sheaths of the body, the sympathetic system and the lymph. U Jupiter governs the arterial circulation. 600 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS 9 Venus rules the venous blood. $ Mars rules the iron in the blood. O The Sun rules the oxygen. T? Saturn has dominion over the mineral deposits carried by the blood, which causes the arteries and other parts of the body to harden. When a planet is in very close conjunction to the Sun, three degrees or less, it is said to be combust; its ray is, so to speak, burned up in the terrific heat of the Sun, and thus the afflicted planet is unable to properly exercise its function in the life of persons barn under that configuration. It is also evident that as the weakest link of a chain is the first to give, so the disability would show itself in a part of the body otherwise afflicted. Horoscope No. 7 has both Venus and Mercury combust in the Twelfth House; we may therefore con- clude that there is a lack of nerve force or vital fluid, and that the venous circulation of the ear is ob- structed. Thus congestion is inevitable, and the hear- ing becomes less and less acute. Osteopathy is ex- cellently equipped to deal successfully with a case like this; were the configuration in a fixed sign we might not feel optimistic, but flexibility is the salient characteristic of the Common signs, so we see no leason why with patience and perseverance a cure may not be consummated. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 601 As said, Saturn rules the earthly mineral matter carried by our blood; from this concretions are formed in the softer tissues, also the bony structure. Therefore the skeleton is also under the dominion of Saturn. In horoscope No. 8, the auditory disability comes through the fixed signs Leo and Scorpio, this makes it more difficult to remedy, particularly as Saturn is the afflictor and throws his malefic ray upon Mercury from an angle. Science thought at one time that the tympanum was the only, or at least the main factor in hearing, but realizes now that as much or more, depends upon the bony structure. It is the nature of Saturn to obstruct and as Scorpio rules the organs of excretion, we may easily see that this important function is impaired, and that waste products have difficulty in passing kidneys and colon. The whole system becomes clogged in consequence, and as Mer- cury in the Twelfth House marks the ears as weak, it is only natural that the auditory nerve becomes clogged and the bony parts of the ear grow denser in the course of time. Sour milk or buttermilk has a particularly whole- some influence in clearing up a clogged system. Many people rebel against the use of milk in quantity because of an idea that it aggravate.s constipation ; that is true in the beginning, but after a short time the system will accommodate itself to the diet, which will be then found superlatively cleansing, whole- some and nutritious. Greens and fruits will also aid 602 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS a person afflicted as horoscope No. 8 to eliminate the waste and effect a cure in time. Disease of the Vocal Organ Among the subjects germane ^o thorough know- ledge of Astrology are the similar effects of intrin- sically opposite factors; Saturn is called evil, and Jupiter good, but when Saturn is well fortified in a horoscope it has an exceedingly desirable effect, and an afflicted Jupiter is the very reverse of beneficial. Thus there is a good side to each so-called ,'evil 1 planet, and every 'good' planet has also an undesir- able phase. The signs of the Zodiac are said to rule certain parts of the body, but each sign has also sub- sidiary dominion over the part ruled by its opposite sign; affliction of Gemini may cause bronchitis, or weaken the arms and shoulders, but sciatica, a Sag- ittarius disease, may also result. Taurus rules the throat, it has great sympathy with Scorpio, the sign that rules the generative organs, hence we note the change of voice in boys at the time of puberty; also woman, when she forsakes the path of chastity and lives a life of debauch acquires a coarser voice. Tau- rus rules the larynx, but Mercury governs the air which stirs the vocal cords to vibration; thus organic affliction is indicated by affliction of Taurus and Scor- pio, but functional disability by the position and as- pect of Mercury. There is a similar relation between Taurus (ruling the vocal organs) and Mercury (rul- ing the air which passes through the larynx) as be- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 603 tween instrument and player. If Taurus (and Scor- pio) are unafflicted the vocal organ is in good con- dition, but an afflicted Mercury may nevertheless cause a functional disorder of the speech. The re- verse may also happen, namely, that a well fortified Mercury partially overrides the effect of a Taurus affliction. This is well exemplified in horoscope No. 9 ; Saturn, Neptune and the Sun conjoined in Taurus cause a throat affection, but Mercury is in a sign of voice, Gemini, (Libra and Aquarius are the other signs of voice) and in conjunction with Jupiter. The lady suffers constantly from throat trouble, but as a good musician draws melody from a dilapidated in- strument, so, by the aid of her well placed Mercury, this lady is able to express herself better than many whose vocal organs are sound; in fact, she teaches elocution. Horoscope No. 3 has a singularly well fortified Mercury, there is no affliction to Taurus or Scorpio, and the gentleman has a powerful voice capable' of filling the largest halls without effort, yet not too loud for the smallest, but Mercury in Leo, a beastial sign, and Saturn in Libra, a sign of voice, are obstructive of perfect vocalization, therefore the gentleman has at times a certain halt or hesitancy of speech. It follows as a matter of course that disabilities of speech are more easily remedied than those that are organic; patience, practice of vocal and breath- ing exercises such as teachers of voice culture give, (these are entirely different from the dangerous 604 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Hindu breathing exercises) are almost sure to re- store normal conditions. Horoscopes Nos. 9, 10 and 11 have Saturn and Neptune conjoined in Taurus ; as a consequence all have throat trouble, and also disorder of the genital organs. Nos. 10 and 11 have both undergone opera- tions for removal of certain parts, and Mercury in Scorpio centers the thoughts of No. 10 upon sex, caus- ing intense torture, as it is impossible to gratify the craving. Saturn in a fixed sign is certainly a sore afflictor, the reaper of fruits from a past life, and if there is to be any solace it must come through knowl- edge of the cause, prayer, and the patience engen- dered thereby. Disorders of tlie Mind Before closing discussion of maladies peculiar to the head, mention must be made of insanity, though the underlying causes can only be hinted at in a work of this kind, but the student is referred to The Rosi- crucian Cosmo-Conception for a thorough explana- tion of the cosmic agencies concerned in building the brain, and a key to the astrological correspondences. Here we only give the essential facts. The brain and larynx were first built by the angelic host from the Moon (Luna), who used part of the sex force for that purpose, hence the intimate connection between these organs. 'Lunacy' is often induced by misuse of the sex force, and 'lunatics' frequently have a flaw in the speech. When boys THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 605 reach puberty the voice changes, the speech of a fast woman becomes coarse, and degenerate men acquire effeminate voices. In Italy 'singers anxious to culti- vate a high tenor voice have become eunuchs to achieve their purpose. Into the system thus built by the lunar host un- der Jehovah, rebel Angels led by Lucifer, the Spirit of Mars, insinuated themselves, they inculcated pas- sion, sex abuse and rebellion against the rulership of the Angels of Jehovah. To offset their influence our Elder Brothers from Mercury were commissioned to foster reason that man may in time learn to guide himself. All the great Hierarchies work in our bodies constantly, but the three mentioned have particular dominion over sex and sense, each invests one of the three segments of the spinal cord. The sublimely spiritual hierarchy of Neptune works in the spinal canal and cerebral ventricles to awaken spiritual senses which, when evolved, enable the imprisoned spirit to pierce the veil of flesh and contact superphy- sical realms. The Lucifer Spirits dominate the left cerebral hemisphere which now is our principal organ of thought. The Mercurians have dominion over the right hemisphere, which will come into activity in the future and elevate mankind to a higher, nobler plane of life, give us the power over the lower nature and make us Christlike. The lunar Angels hold sway in the cerebellum which is the instrument of coordina- tion. In this veritable 'Tree of Knowledge' the fight is fought between forces which make for the emanci- 606 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS pation of man and agencies which aim to keep him dependent, as explained in Rosicrucian Christianity Series, Lecture No. 14, "Lucifer, Tempter or Bene- factor ? ' ' Such are the teachings which explain the deep reason back of astrological dicta, and any qualified seer may easily perceive the various agencies at work in the human body, such are few, however, and the student of Astrology has reason to thank God day by day for the blessed science which is of greater benefit than any measure of spiritual sight. Though the writ- ers are firm believers in the law of compensation which gives to each exactly what he has earned, nei- ther more nor less, we cannot free ourselves from the feeling that our measure of spiritual faculties has been heaped and shaken down. We feel very, very grateful for the privilege and added usefulness in service which this gives us. Nevertheless, were the alternative placed before us involving choice be- tween loss of spiritual faculties and loss of our know- ledge of Astrology, we should not hesitate one mo- ment, but decide at once in favor of our beloved science, neither ought this surprise anyone who will give the matter a moment's thought. It is true that spiritual sight, even in its rudimentary form enables us to see the condition of the human body to the mi- nutest detail, and thus affords a much easier means of diagnosis than Astrology, but though it penetrates to the innermost core of the bone, mere clairvoyance is superficial compared to Astrology for it shows only THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 607 present conditions of the body. To find the causes which led up to that state and judge of future ten- dencies, it is necessary to consult the memory of na- ture. We should have to do that personally, and this time would not permit, as we are handling hundreds of cases, but a simple astrological figure,which we may commission one of our students to cast, reveals as much at a glance. There are delineated the causes of mental, moral and physical disorders, it shows ac- curately the stages that have been passed and the cri- ses yet to come. It also indicates the direction in which a remedy may be looked for and the most fa- vorable time for administering the same. It helps people Here and Now, and the astrologer who lives up to his privilege has a mission so high and so holy that the office of priest, (in the esoteric sense of the term), pales into insignificance. Let the aspirant to this great knowledge remember that he stands upon holier ground than Moses before the burning bush, when he looks at a horoscope. Through that circle- .symbol of infinity an immortal soul is laid bare, and woe to him who dares to look with profane eyes, for no matter how that soul may have been smirched in its pilgrimage through matter, it is essentially divine and as dear to the Father, yes, perhaps even more precious, than the righteous who do not need mercy and compassion. This has been somewhat of a digres- sion, but we have no apologies to offer, for we preach Astrology as a religion and feel the necessity of em- phasizing this phase in season and out, if by any 608 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS means we may inculcate in others the reverence which we ourselves feel for this divine science. Returning to the astrological consideration of in- sanity, and in view of what has been said we may note, that the horoscope shows how, in the spinal canal, rays of the various hierarchies blend, and Astrology tabulates the resultant mental conditions as follows: People not congenitally affected, with cardinal signs rising, particularly if cardinal or fixed signs also invest the Midheaven and Nadir, rarely become insane. The active nature forbids morbid tendencies and blues, disappointment is quickly thrown off and hope springs eternal in the cardinal breast urging to renewed struggle with conditions. It is said that the exception proves the rule, and when Capricorn rises the saturnine rulership gives a tendency to melan- choly which under certain aggravating circumstances may provoke suicide, particularly when the ruler is cooped up in the Eighth House, as we see in horoscope No. 12. Virgo, a common sign, devoid of stamina, holds the Sun, Saturn, Venus and the Moon in this, the house of death; it robs the person of joy in life and impels him to end it under stress of sorrow. Knowledge on the part of an astrologer friend has so far forestalled the calamity, and it is hoped, may save the poor man from committing so grave a crime. When a Fixed sign rises at birth of a normal child, chances of insanity in later life are so exceed ingly remote as to be almost negligible, especially if a Fixed or Cardinal sign is also on the Midheaven. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 609 In our extended practice, we know of no exception, the rigid, set and inflexible nature of the Fixed signs seems to protect the mind under all exigencies of stress. It therefore follows, that the mentally unbal- anced come principally from those born with Com- mon signs on the angles. The intrinsic nature of these signs is Flexibility; as a reed in the wind they are swayed hither and thither under stress of circum- stances; they have no stamina or stability, and take reverses much to heart, while they last. Sorrow seems to overwhelm them and balance is easily lost. It is a distinctive feature of the Rosicrucian teachings that pupils in the Western world must be given a reason for every dictum, so as to forestall criticism, as much as possible, for it retards develop- ment every time it is indulged. The Rosicrucian teachings therefore aim to forestall questions at every point by giving reasons for every dictum, so that the critical mind may be weaned away from this attitude. We are ardently looking for the day and reign of Christ, the Friend of man, we do not know when He will come, no man knows, but Paul said that when He comes we shall be like Him. Adverse criticism and skepticism were not traits of His character and any- thing that will aid to eradicate these undesirable characteristics hastens the glad day of Universal Friendship. The reason has been given in Simplified Scien- tific Astrology, why the Ascendant rules the body as 39 610 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS a whole : it is the place occupied by the Moon at con- ception. In the Bible angels are often mentioned as heralds of birth and their lunar home is the focus whence the spirits enter our terrestrial sphere on their return to physical life. They fashion the etheric mould for our present instrument, and direct the growth of the foetus. Therefore the Ascendant and the Moon show the organic disabilities which lead to mental disorder. The congenital idiocy resulting from lack of proper adjustment between the vital body and the physical vehicle has been thoroughly described in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, to- gether with causes producing the same during pre- natal life. Astrologically this condition is produced by an affliction of the Ascendant, that is to say, the Moon's place at conception, which throws the angle of the stellar ray out of parallax to the mother 's body, and the physical vehicle is built in such a manner that the head of the vital body is several inches above the skull. Thus the nerve centers are askew, prevent- ing the ego from properly controlling its instrument. This is one of the configurations which produce idiocy and St. Vitus' dance. Uranus and Neptune are espe- cially concerned in producing this latter phenomenon. Saturn is the cause of melancholy and depres- sion. Mars and Uranus produce the muscular and violent forms of insanity. Horoscopes 13 and 14 illus- trate these peculiarities. No. 13 also shows the con- nection between puberty and the mental state. Gem- ini is rising, with Taurus and Mars intercepted in the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 611 Sixth and Twelfth Houses, from whence come disease and confinement. The Moon is in Taurus, which rules the larynx, she is in conjunction with Neptune, square to Mercury, and Mars is in Scorpio, which rules the generative organs. There we have at once the tendencies to a disease, which is further accent- uated by the fact that Neptune in Taurus squares the Sun in Leo, and Leo has rule over the heart, and is the prime factor in circulation upon which the life of the body depends; thus the threatened illness may be set down to trouble with the blood, produced by a ner- vous affection. Puberty occurs at the time when the Moon is in the opposite quarter from its place at birth. She entered Scorpio, the opposite of Taurus which held her at birth, at the time when the child was nearly twelve years of age. Up to that time the little girl had been bright, but the conjunction with Mars in Scorpio precipitated the period and robbed the growing child of vitality sorely needed at that time. The initial periods were few, but left her de- pleted of strength to withstand the square to Mercury and the opposition of the Moon to its radical place. (The radical place of a planet is its position at birth.) This affliction of Mercury, the ruler, by the Moon at birth, was thus excited and insanity showed itself in consequence. As the affliction comes from fixed signs, we may judge it will be impossible to overcome, and the best that can be done for the poor soul is to pray for the day of its release, that it may have a better chance in a future embodiment. 612 THE MESSAGE OF THE STAKS No. 14 is the horoscope of a young man. The common sign, Gemini is rising, the ruler, Mercury, is in the Eighth House, the house of death, Uranus and the Moon are in opposition. This configuration, which is similar to that of horoscope No. 12, has the same sig- nificance, it presages suicidal tendencies under ner- vous strain, and this augur is all the more dangerous as it comes from fixed signs. Mars and Neptune in Taurus give a desire for drink and the Sun in a watery sign accentuates the tendency. Under such circumstances the man has several times tried to end his life in a most extraordinary manner. Jupiter in Sagittarius, square to Saturn in Pisces, increases the looseness of his morals and makes him dishonest, He will forge and steal in order to satisfy his passion and craving for drink and questionable society. Leo on the Second Hou?e with Uranus and the Moon in close conjunction, shows that he spends what he gets in dissolute living. There is one redeeming feature in the horoscope ; Tenus in the Midheaven sextile to his ruler, and trine to the Moon. He has energy and artistic ability which, it is hoped, may in time rouse the better qual- ities and make him a man. But again we reiterate that with the affliction from fixed signs the obstacle is almost insurmountable. In conclusion the student's attention is directed to the Third and the Ninth Houses, which will also have an influence on the mind. Planets therein act THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 613 according to the intrinsic nature expressed in the key word of each. Pulmonary Diseases When we studied progression, horoscope No. 15 was used as an illustration to show the various crises which eventually led up to the death of the native. But in order to keep the student's mind closely cen- tered upon the mathematical side, we refrained from delineating the nature of the disease which caused her demise, promising to elucidate that point in the proper place. Virgo is rising and Mercury, the ruler, is trine at birth, but unfortunately he is combust, a term which has been previously explained as meaning that the heat of the Sun burns up the ray of any planet placed too close thereto. The disease was not congenital however, although the Moon was square to the Ascen- dant. But Virgo people, we have seen, are extremely fond of being sick. When once they have had a little pain, they magnify and nuree it and are loath to let it go. The square of Neptune in Aries to Uranus caused St. Vitus' dance at about the age of five years, when the Moon passed the opposition to Uranus. This was the beginning of her illness. She afterwards re- garded herself as an invalid and nursed sickness. At the time of puberty the Moon was in Gemini in oppo- sition to its place at birth. This excited the above mentioned square between the radical Moon and the Ascendant, it also caused the periods to be irregular 614 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS and troublesome. The blood must have an outlet and the square of Neptune to Jupiter in Cancer, which rules the stomach, caused haemorrhages when the Moon came into conjunction with the Dragon's Tail in Sag- ittarius (the opposite sign to Gemini), and the radical square of the Ascendant and the Moon were again excited. Then also the lungs became affected and the crises enumerated in the chapter on Progression ended the life. As we feel that this cannot be reiterated too often, we repeat our injunction to students never to let a patient know that there is any danger or that there is a crisis ahead. Particularly, please remem- ber particularly, if it is a Virgo, for they have no chance at all if they know what is coming. Horoscope No. 16 shows the natal configuration of an actress. Sagittarius is rising, Jupiter and the Moon are in close conjunction in Gemini, a mercurial sign, they are supported by a trine of the Sun; thus she had a most healthy constitution at birth, so far as the lung power is concerned. Mars and Mercury are also in an airy sign, giving energy to respiration and it thus seems as though this person were singularly well fortified against pulmonary trouble. But Sat- urn, Neptune and the Dragon's Tail in Taurus in the Sixth House, gives a tendency to colds and con- traction of the throat. Uranus in Virgo produces con- vulsive movements of the diaphragm and abdominal region ; he is square to Saturn in Taurus, and thus we see how graphically the stellar script pictures the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 615 tendency to convulsive coughing and haemorrhages which nearly brought the young lady to an early grave, when Mars by progression, came into conjunc- tion with the radical Sun and vivified the square to Saturn. \Ve rejoice to say that the good aspects first mentioned enabled the young lady to w r eather the storm; but close attention to diet, regular living and above all absolute continence are required to regain full physical strength, for there is much evidence to show that license played an important part in reduc- ing the life forces and robbing her of the needed strength at the critical period. Diseases of the Stomach Horoscope No. 17 presents a number of diseases, but all have their root in an insatiable appetite fos- tered by the fact that the person is a professional chef. Venus in Taurus gives good taste in food, and the sextile to Mercury in Cancer causes the mind to run in the direction of preparations wherewith to tickle the palate. But the Moon being ruler of Can- cer, the rising sign which has dominion over the stom- ach, shows that this over indulgence of the appetite will result disastrously. The distended stomach presses upon the heart, of which the Sun, our life giver, is ruler. This planet is in Gemini, the sign which has dominion over the lungs, and square to Mars in Pisces. Mars rules the iron in the blood and the Sun gives us oxygen, thus this square shows that the blood will lack in that life giving element. The 616 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS conjunction of the Sun with Uranus in Gemini pro- duces spasmodic motion of the lungs and labored in- spiration to obtain sufficient oxygen wherewith to nourish the system, thus we have the condition called asthma. Saturn and Jupiter are in Virgo which rules the abdomen, square to the Sun and Uranus in Gemini, showing lack of circulation and a tendency to ulcerous growths, and there is a general lack of nu- trition in the whole system because of the great en- ergy required to eliminate waste from the enormous quantities of food which this person consumes. Sad to say, however, persons in that occupation protest that they cannot help tasting, and that in spite of all ills they must eat to excess. It were wiser of course, to seek another profession and train the system to moderation. In horoscope No. 18 we have the natal configura- tions of another chef, they are similar to those de- lineated in No. 17. Cancer, the sign of the stomach, is rising, with Mars and the Sun close to the Ascen- dant, thus the forces of this individual will be di- rected principally toward the stomach, and the opposition of the Moon shows disastrous results which eventually resulted from gratifying his ravenous appetite. The Sun is life and motion, Mars is dy- namic energy, and the excessive activity centered in the stomach to take care of digestion causes this organ to be inflamed. Nature is not a jerry builder, she builds substantially and well, or our bodies could never stand the abuse we give them as well as they do, THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 617 but even the healthiest organism must give way in time under such dreadful strain. As indicated by the Sun and Mars, an ulcer developed from the heat, it ate through the stomach and relieved the poor soul from its misused body. Neptune in Taurus, the sign of the palate, was of course also a contributing factor. It is not to be supposed however, that anyone who has Cancer rising or many planets in Cancer, is nec- essarily going to die of the disease to which that name has been given, but it would be the part of wisdom to train children with such afflictions to abstain from over eating, for it is a truism that more people die from over eating than from starvation. Diseases of the Heart As the heart is the seat of physical life, its nat- ural ruler is the Sun and the solar sign is Leo. But it is a mistake to think that palpitation of the heart is necessarily shown by an affliction to the sign Leo. Indeed, there are many cases where over indulgence of the appetite indicated by the sign Cancer distends the stomach, which presses upon the heart producing what the person then believes to be heart trouble. This was the case in horoscopes Nos. 17 and 18, both believed their heart trouble to be the primal cause of the illness under which they were suffering, while in reality it was only one of the effects. But No. 3 shows a case of organic weakness of the heart. The Sun is at home in the fixed sign Leo and receives a square from Saturn the reaper; thus 618 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS it is evident that the heart was a weak link in the con- stitution and would cause trouble in time, unless care was taken. Unfortunately of course, parents knew less about Astrology a generation ago than to- day, when the science is coming to the fore. The en- ergy of which this horoscope is full, was allowed to spend itself unrestrained with no thought given to coming disaster. Venus and Jupiter, the planets ruling the venous and arterial circulation, are in opposition. Venus is in Gemini the sign of the lungs, and when the Sun progressed to the square of Venus' radical place, and Uranus transited the Sixth House illness began, breathing became labored as indicated by the square of the life giver to the lungs. Uranus in opposition to his natal place in Cancer produced the convulsive movement known as the stomach cough, and thus for years this illness robbed the man of vital energy, but these afflictions passed and because of attention to right living the system has been left none the worse for the experience. Moreover, the suffering of the soul has resulted in growth that he might not other- wise have obtained. Horoscope No. 19 shows another case of heart disease. The Sun and Neptune are conjunct in the Eighth House, in opposition to Mars. As this con- junction is in the sign Gemini and in the house of death, it is easy to see the portent. The dynamic energy of Mars which tears everything to pieces, ac- celerates motion, causes palpitation etc. The Sun THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 619 and Neptune in Gemini show a likelihood of a haem- orrhage of the lungs, resulting from over activity of that vital organ. The Moon and Saturn in Leo show the obstructed passage of the blood, for the keynote of Saturn is obstruction and retardation ; thus the valves of the heart become leaky and the backward flow of the blood called regurgitation takes place. Leo also rules the spinal cord and malefic config- urations there may produce hunchbacks and kindred disabilities. Horoscope No. 20 is the figure of a beautiful boy, well formed and healthy who became afflicted with curvature of the spine. Here we find the Moon in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail in the Twelfth House, square to Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio. At five and one half years of age the Moon had pro- gressed to the square of its own place, this and the conjunction with Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio, brought on his affliction. After enduring eight years of torture he died, having been taken from one free dispensary to another and used by the doctors to prac. tice on. Each doctor tried a new cure. He was in plaster casts for years but to no purpose. The mother is represented by Uranus in conjunction with Mars, careless and of dissolute habits, she was glad of the opportunity to place the boy anywhere in order to shirk the responsibility of caring for him. The boy died when the Moon had progressed to an opposition of its own place, it was also then in square to Uranus and Saturn. 620 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Diseases of the Kidneys The kidneys are ruled by Libra and Scorpio both. That is to say, the functional activity of secretion of urine comes from Libra, but the bladder and urethra through which elimination takes place are ruled by Scorpio. Renal stones and gravel would result from an affliction to Libra, for they are formed in the pe- duncle of the kidneys. Diseases of the ureters are also under Libra. Horoscopes Nos. 3 and 21 are examples of how the stars indicate diseases of the kidneys. In both cases Saturn is in an angle and square to the Sun, he is in his sign of exaltation. Libra which rules the kidneys, is also elevated. This latter point may not be apparent to beginners who look at No. 3 and find Saturn, as they would say, down in the Fourth House, but the nadir of the birth place is Midheaven or Zenith of an opposite point on the earth, and plan- ets in either of these points are found to have a greater power. In the two examples mentioned, Saturn, the planet of obstruction, prevents secretion of urine but does not interfere with elimination ol that which has been secreted. But in horoscope No. 8 where he is posited in the sign Scorpio square to Mercury, we have a case where the formation of gravel and renal stones is shown at birth. A person with such a configura- tion ought to be extremely careful not to drink hard water, for this may cause a painful ailment. Only THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 621 filtered water should be used for purposes of cooking and drinking. Sour milk, buttermilk and grape juice are great solvents. We may further say that boiling water will not soften it, and the fur which gathers in a tea kettle, where hard water has been boiled is no evidence to the contrary, for that scaly formation was obtained from the water which evaporated, what remains in the kettle for use is as hard as ever. In horoscope No. 7 we find Saturn in Scorpio square to Mars. Saturn produces the obstruction of the blood known as haemorrhoids, and the dynamic energy of Mars causes rupture of the congested places ; thus we have the painful bleeding well known to so many sufferers. As a secondary result consti- pation adds to the malady, because persons afflicted with the first named disease shrink from the added pain of the stool, and do not respond to nature's call. A prolonged rest seems to be the only physical means which is really effective. Nature however, will be very much aided by proper osteopathic manipula- tions, and a diet consisting principally of milk. Hip Disease Sagittarius rising, or in the Sixth or Twelfth Houses, is responsible for broken bones and accidents. Under the chapter on the Dragon's Tail we saw how the person described in horoscope No. 6 fell upon the ice and broke her hip. No. 21 has even stronger in- dications of accidents and probably the life will end in an untoward manner. Sagittarius is rising, Sat- 622 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS urn is exalted in the Midheaven exactly square to the Sun, and Neptune is elevated at the nadir also squar- ing the Moon ; thus both luminaries are afflicted. As the Sun is lord of the house of death these auguries presage an untimely end. The only hope lies in the sextile of Jupiter to the Sun which gives hair breadth escapes. This gentleman's life has been jeopardized many times in railroad wrecks, automobile accidents etc.,but although he has thus been near the gate of death many times, the benefic ray of Jupiter has so far preserved his life and no bones have yet been broken. The lady described in horoscope No. 22 has not been so fortunate, her arms and limbs have been accidentally broken several times, for Mars and the Moon are in Sagittarius in the Twelfth House, also in opposition to Jupiter. The Sun and Mercury are in the Eighth House in opposition to Neptune and these planets are square the first mentioned positions. Saturn, her ruler, is square to Venus so that she at- tracts accidents and never escapes being hurt. Diseases of tine Limbs In horoscope No. 7 we find Mars in Aquarius square to Saturn, and from this affliction it is evident that there is an obstruction of the blood in the lower limbs, usually known as varicose veins. Horoscope No. 17 shows Mars in the sign Pisces in opposition to Saturn and Jupiter. It is the nature of Saturn to obstruct, and his conjunction with Jupiter shows that the circulation is poor. Mars in Pisces produces heat, THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 623 inflammation and swelling of the feet, because of the stagnated blood. We have already seen that the per- son there described is gluttonously inclined, and therefore it is no wonder that stagnation of the blood produces such painful afflictions as indicated by these configurations. The remedy of course, is self-evident, it is moderation. 624 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 625 40 626 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 627 628 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 629 630 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 631 632 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 633 634 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 635 No. 23. INSANITY AND SPIRIT CONTROL In judging this horoscope we look first to the mentality, as this is always the most important factor in the treatment of a patient. Mercury and the Moon are the two principal factors in determining this point, though, of course, all the planets have their bearing on that as well as on any other subject. Here we find that Mercury is combust and that it is with the Sun in the Common sign, Pisces. That in itself is not a very good augur; we further find that the Moon is in conjunction with Neptune in Aries, that 636 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS it is square to both Saturn and Jupiter, and that therefore the mind must be of a weak and unstable nature. Mars, the Moon and Neptune in Aries would-- in itself make an erratic person, but when we find, as here, that Luna is square to Jupiter, the planet of religion, also to Saturn, the planet of obstruction and negation, it naturally causes a very evil condi- tion. The opposition of Jupiter arid Saturn show that whatever desire for religion Jupiter might engender, would always be opposed by the influence of Saturn, who would council "Don't, don't," causing the per- son to deride what he or she really wants to believe. It is a common experience that that which we cannot understand, appears chaotic and erratic to our minds. Neptune is the planet of fear and chaos to us, for the human race has not learned to live up to its high vibrations, and the Moon together with Uranus makes that chaotic mental state which we find in this circle. To offset this influence there is the trine of Jupiter, the planet of religion, to both the Sun and Mercury; but even this powerful influence will not be able to break the condition entirely, though there is no doubt this great redeeming power has had an effect in stav- ing off the evil day when the mind \vill break down entirely. As usual, the marching orbs in their cir- cling dance come to a point where the string of each aspect is touched which then produces the tone of either harmony or discord that impels us to actions which we call good or evil ; so also in this case. The time marked on the clock of destiny by the hand of THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 637 God was April, 1913 ; then the lunation fell into con- junction with the Moon in Aries. This naturally excited the radical square to Saturn and Jupiter, also their opposition, and thus the climax was precipi- tated ; the person became violently insane. We may look for the immediate cause that pre- cipitated that calamity to the radical position of Nep- tune and Uranus. These, the octaves of Mercury and Venus, in a square position will always bring the person in contact with spirits who have left the body, or who have never inhabited a body such as we have at the present time. During aspects like the above, they would have a powerful chance to use this poor person a.s a tool for their nefarious practices, for naturally those spir- its which come under a square are not what we would call good in any respect ; they have no benevolent designs of helping their victim, no matter what they may profess in that direction. The question then comes: What can we do for a person in that condition? We have a good aspect to the Moon and Neptune, which is the sextile of Venus. Neptune rules music classical string music in particular and Venus in Aquarius gives the per- son a love of just that kind of music, which will soothe the mind. This configuration also gives a love of bright colors and sunshine which will help to tone the system. She should not be allowed books, but should have a complete rest from all mental effort, the brightest conversation possible, and a vegetarian 638 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS diet. With these there is a probability that the evil configuration may be overcome and the person re- stored to mental health, though that will never be robust, No. 24. HEART TROUBLE, INSUFFICIENT OXYGENATION, EYE TROUBLE, DEATH Good Aspects: Mars trine the Moon, sextile Sat- urn; Uranus trine Neptune; Jupiter sextile Neptune and Uranus. Bad Aspects: The Moon conjunction Antares. opposition Saturn and Venus; the Sun conjunction THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 639 Dragon's Tail, square Jupiter; Mercury square Mars. The Moon on the Ascendant in Sagittarius makes the patient restless and unstable, but not shift- less, because the Moon is also trine to Mars. This gives her much more energy than usually possessed by Sagittarians. Even the opposition of the Moon to Saturn and Venus, which robs life of its joys and makes her melancholy, is, in a certain sense, a help ; it gives her a persistence and resistance that will not allow her to give in to disease. Mercury square Mars shows that she has a very quick temper, and as Mer- cury is in Taurus, the sign of voice, the unfortunate characteristic will find expression in an unbridled tongue. This will hurt her most seriously from a physical standpoint (not to speak of the even more deplorable spiritual injuries) , for Mars is in Leo, the sigh of the heart, and that always predisposes to pal- pitation. He is sextile to Saturn, but even good as- pects to Saturn are physically inimical, and the Sun, which is ruler of the heart, is in conjunction with the saturnine Dragon's Tail. The nerves also are af- fected by the square of Mars to Mercury, hence the heart is far from normally balanced, and -the out- bursts of 'temper which this person is apt to indulge in on the slightest provocation may cause heart fail- ure at some time, by putting an undue strain on this organ and interfering with the already sluggish cir- culation, which is shown by the square of Jupiter to the Sun and the Dragon's 'Tail, also the conjunc- tion of Venus to Saturn, and its opposition to the 640 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Moon, Jupiter and Venus being governors respect- ively of the arterial and venous circulation. The head is particularly congested because the Sun conjunction the saturnine Dragon's Tail occurs in Aries, the sign of the head, and Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is in Gemini, the sign of the lungs, in conjunction with Venus. This shows interference with the circulation of the venous blood in the lungs. The Moon, which governs the tidal air, is in oppo- sition, showing that an insufficient amount of air is inspired into the lungs to cleanse the blood of its poisonous carbon dioxide, and the presence of Saturn shows a hardening of the tissues, which is apt to develop into tuberculosis. You will also notice that Jupiter, the ruler of the Ascendant, is in the Eighth House square to the Sun and the saturnine Dragon's Tail in the Fourth House, and all are in Cardinal signs. This is a strong testimony of an accidental death, and Mars in the Eighth House, in the sign Leo, which rules the heart, shows that hemorrhages may be the cause which ends the physical life. If this person had been taken hold of in time and taught self-control, this serious condition could probably have been avoided; even now a frank state- ment concerning the great danger that undue excite- ment may cause, should help her to govern her tem- per, and thus lengthen life. The Moon conjunction Antares, and opposition to Saturn shows that the eyes are in danger also, and Saturn in Gemini, which is a mercurial sign, shows THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 641 nervous affection, and the conjunction of Venus would suggest a congestion of the muscles of the eyes, which may be greatly relieved by osteopathic treat- ment. A healer with Leo rising, and Saturn not in Gemini, would be best able to handle the case. No. 25. HEART TROUBLE, TUBERCULOSIS, KIDNEYS We judge first the mental calibre of our patient. Four Common signs are on the angles, and this at once describes the nature as weak and vacillating. Mercury square the Moon further accentuates this 41 642 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS wavering and flightiness of her mind, and Saturn conjunction Venus and Jupiter in the Twelfth House robs life of its joy, making the person subject to mel- ancholy and morbid fear. This characteristic is some- what ameliorated by the sextile of the Sun to Uranus, which fosters altruism, and the trine of Mercury to Neptune, which gives spiritual perception, thus aid- ing to dispel gloom by directing the mind from sor- rows which are but fleeting, to the eternal verities. To sum up, she is prone to be either "down in the dumps," or "up in the air," and it is necessary to strive to cure her of both depression and elation, which are alike harmful. Equipoise must be culti- vated to aid in attaining and maintaining health. Were Fixed signs on the angles this would be next to impossible, but with Common signs there she is more adaptable and reachable. Regarding the ailments to which this lady is sub ject, we note first Uranus in high elevation, conjunc- tion the Dragon's Tail, whose influence is saturnine, that is to say, obstructive and crystallizing, harden ing. . Both are in the airy sign Gemini, which gov- erns the lungs, and square to Saturn in the Twelfth House, which denotes confinement in prison, hos- pitals or upon a sickbed. This gives us at once the key to the trouble. Sometimes the tidal air is almost stopped by the Dragon's Tail, and the square of Sat- urn, Uranus prevents asphyxiation by the convulsive movement of the lungs known as cough, which clears THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 643 away the obstruction and enables the heart to again, circulate the blood. The blood is unable to throw off its poisonous" carbonic acid because of the obstructive power of the Dragon's Tail in Gemini, and the square of Saturn to Uranus in the sign of the lungs. The arterial and venous circulation are also impeded by the conjunc- tion of Jupiter and Venus with Saturn, hence, mal- nutrition and carbonic acid poisoning are in evi- dence. The hardening of the lungs and consequent cough, label the case as tuberculosis. Elimination of urine is retarded by the square of Mercury to the Moon, which is in the latter part of Libra, the sign of the kidneys. Mercury governs the sensory nerves, while Mars rules the motor nerves and muscles. He is in good aspect, showing that the mechanical apparatus is in good condition, but that the trouble is nervous. This may be alleviated by manipulations, and so may the sluggishness of the bowels indicated by Saturn in Virgo. The Mars hour would be the best time, the Sun hour next. Outside this treatment dry rubs with coarse gloves will stim- ulate the skin and aid in eliminating carbonic acid from the system. Whole wheat bread toasted, plenty of fresh milk given while still warm (for then it con- tains the maximum quantity of the ether which is so necessary to restore the vital body), and as much green uncooked food as the patient can take should be given, for that also contains a maximum of ether. Onions are particularly valuable nerve-builders. 644 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS A person with Taurus rising, whose Saturn is not in the degrees included within the patient's First or Sixth House, Virgo or Pisces, will make the best healer for this patient. No. 26. TUBERCULOSIS Good Aspects: Uranus trine Mercury and Nep- tune; Moon sextile Venus; Saturn sextile Mars. Bad Aspects: Moon conjunction Dragon's Tail; Moon square Jupiter; Sun square Mars; Uranus square Venus. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 645 This is the horoscope of our friend, James Casey, who wrote such helpful articles in the 'Rays.' He passed into the invisible worlds in June, 1918, and as he has no relatives connected with our society who might read this diagnosis and feel bad on that account, he gave us permission to use it for the benefit of his fellows. He was born on April 24, 1884, 2:00 P.M., in Harlem, Iowa, and became af- flicted with tuberculosis while living in Denver, Colo., the Mecca for all who are afflicted with this disease. You will notice that Saturn, the planet of crys- tallization and obstruction, is placed in Gemini, the sign which rules the lungs, and although Saturn is the highest elevated planet in the horoscope, besides being unafflicted, there is always a weak spot in the anatomy where he is found. The hot, inflammatory and disruptive Mars is in Leo, the sign which governs the heart; square to the Sun, which is ruler of Leo, in the sign Taurus, which governs the throat and all the passages there. This is a configuration which usually produces fevers, inflammation, wounds and haemorrhages. Thus there was a tendency in the sys- tem toward tuberculosis, and you will furthermore notice that there are four Common, flexible signs on the angles, the Sixth House sign, Virgo, being on the Ascendant with the spasmodic Uranus afflicting Venus, the ruler of the venous circulation, which is placed in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs. Uranus gives a tendency to coughs and spasms, so you see that the condition is very well outlined in the horo- 646 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS scope, and the four Common signs show that when he became subject to illness the Virgo nature was too weak to throw it off and he simply made up his mind that he was going to die from it, hence there was no help. If he had been able to throw off the feeling of impending death and struggle against the sickness there is no doubt that with this horoscope he could have overcome. But now let us see how this worked out with the help of the progressed planets. He was born on the -24th of April in 1884 at 2:00 P.M. The adjusted calculation date shows that the planets in the ephem- eris correspond to December 19th, 1883, so we may say that this is practically the 1st of January, 1884. Counting forward in the ephemeris from that date, we find that the Sun by progression in June, 1918, had reached eight degrees of Gemini, thus being in orb of the radical Saturn in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs. The previous New Moon fell on June 8th, also in Gemini and between the radical Venus and the progressed Saturn. Thus it increased the sat- urnine congestion of the lungs and excited the square of Uranus to Venus, which brought on a particularly severe cough and spasms ending the life of the body a few days later. No. 27. ADENOIDS AND CONSTIPATION In this figure the planets are grouped in four groups: Neptune is in conjunction with Mars, Sat- urn in conjunction with Uranus, Mercury in conjunc- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 647 tion with the Sun, and Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon. The last two groups are also squaring each other. Venus is alone and forms a trine to Ju- piter. Note also that the Sun is parallel to Neptune and Mercury, and Venus is parallel to Mars. This is a horoscope of a young lady born Novem- ber 27th, 1896, 2 :15 P. M., Tacoma, Washington. We note first that there are Cardinal signs on the angles, showing her to be active in nature. But she acts more from impulse than from reason. This characteristic is shown by the fact that the Moon is square to Mer- 648 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS cury and the Sun. Naturally as both the Moon and Mercury are significators of mind, any inharmonious aspects between them is detrimental. Add to this the further fact that Mercury is combust or burned up by its close proximity to the Sun, and it is very evi- dent that we may expect to do very little with this person by reason. This does not mean that she is of an evil mental disposition ; she is quite the reverse, as shown by the conjunction of the Moon with the planet of benevolence, Jupiter, and the trine between this last named planet and Venus, the planet of love and pleasure. The trouble for which this young lady has con- sulted us is adenoids, which cause extreme difficulty in breathing. The condition is very clearly shown in the horoscope. When we remember that afflictions in one sign always give a reflex action in the opposite, we shall readily understand that Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in conjunction with Uranus, the planet of spasmodic action in the sign Scorpio, is certain to interfere with the rhythmic breath through the Tau- rus region comprising the throat and lower part of the head. Furthermore, Scorpio also governs the nose, as you will realize when you remember that the most prominent feature of the true Scorpio person is an aquiline nose of generou/s dimensions. Thus an afflicted Saturn located in Scorpio, which causes an obstructed rectal region and constipation, also at the same time gives a tendency to throat trouble and ob- struction of the nasal passages. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 649 In the case of this patient we find the condition aggravated by the square of the Sun and Mercury with the Moon and Jupiter. The Sun and Mercury being placed in Sagittarius are therefore active in the opposite sign Gemini, which governs the lungs, and as the Moon governs the tidal air in the lungs the square of these planets will naturally affect the breathing. Now for the remedy ; it seems far-fetched to at- tempt to rectify an obstruction in the throat by work- ing on the anus. Nevertheless, Saturn, the planet of obstruction, conjoined with Uranus, the planet of spasmodic action in Scorpio, shows that at certain times the sphincter muscles of the anus are so tightly closed that it is impossible for the diaphragm to move. Under ordinary conditions there is an in- breathing through the anus which regulates the air pressure in the bowels, a fact that is not generally known, but when the sphincter muscles are congested by a configuration of so severe a nature as this one, this automatic regulation stops and the diaphragm is then unable to work with the necessary freedom; therefore the lungs are deprived of the necessary tidal flow of air. So, to relieve this condition an ad- justable mechanical dilator should be used. It should be noted that there are two sphincter muscles to oper- ate upon, the inside one being located just a little way inside the anus. After a few treatments of this kind the bowels ; should be kept open by the use of the proper laxative 650 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS foods such as prunes, figs and not forgetting coarse whole wheat bread. There is no doubt that this person has resorted to mouth breathing, which has aggravated the throat trouble, but by consistent continuance of the treat- ment here outlined she will soon experience less diffi- culty in breathing and it will then be an easy matter to learn to breathe through the proper channels, the nostrils. A healer having Leo on the Ascendant and whose Saturn is not in Virgo would probably be the best one to help this patient. No. 28. ACCIDENTS TO HEAD, POOR OXYGENATION Good Aspects: Saturn sextile Jupiter, trine Mars and Uranus. Bad Aspects: Jupiter opposition Mars and Ura- nus; Moon opposition Venus; Sun and Mercury square Uranus, Mars and Jupiter. This is the horoscope of a man born on March 16, 1865, at 3 P. M., in England, and it affords a good example of how accidents and also crises are shown in the horoscope. The main affliction comes from the fact that the Sun and Mercury are in close conjunc- tion in the Eighth House, occupied by Pisces. This itself is unfortunate for the reasoning faculty. They are both square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, which also has a strong influence upon the mind. But worst of all, they are square to Mars, the planet of dynamic THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 651 energy, impulse, etc., and Uranus, the planet of light- ning-like action, which precludes forethought. When action is dictated by this intuition generated under good aspects, all is well and the person is better off than when he is forced to use the comparatively slow reason. But when it is generated under the adverse aspects of the square and opposition, it results in such rattle-brained foolhardiness and absolute lack of thought and intelligence that the person is generally mentally incompetent. So we see at the very first glance that we have here before us a person who on 652 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS account of weak mentality is apt to get into trouble and accident*. But the injuries which he has received in consequence of his lack of forethought were all to the head and as the horoscope does not show any serious affliction to Aries, which rules the head, ex- cept that Mars and Mercury, which rule the two hemispheres of the cerebrum, are square, what then caused these accidents, we may ask. and the answer is found in the progression of the Sun, which corre- sponds with the time when this person was injured, the Moon also bearing its part in bringing about these accidents. In 1876. when he was eleven years of age, the Sun and Moon were both in conjunction with Neptune in the sign Aries and at that time he met with an accident which caused the first injury to his head. In 1896 the progressed Sun was in opposition to Saturn from Aries; you will notice that Saturn is retrograde so that although he is in the last degrees of Libra his influence is thrown backward into that sign and works as an opposition between Libra and Aries, affecting the head. The Sun was also parallel to Saturn and this is one of the most inimical influ- ences in the whele gamut, for it destroys all vitality of the person who is under its sway for a number of years. (One of the writers can testify to this from personal experience, having felt it for ten or twelve yean.) At the same time the Moon was in opposition to Mars and Uranus and square to the Sun and Mer- cury at birth, thus there were very severe afflictions THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 653 at that time and the poor man suffered a considerable injury. The third accident came in 1908. at the age of forty-three. At that time the Sun was in opposition to the Moon's radical place and the progressed Moon was in conjunction with Uranus and Mai?s, square to the Sun and Mercury, radix. The opposition of the Sun and Moon occurred from Taurus, which governs the lower part of the head, where he was hurt. In consequence of these various accidents the man is now suffering from chronic headaches and he is on the verge of insanity. Various doctors have been called on for advice but no one is able to put his finger on the seat of the trouble. Consulting our ephemeris we find that during the man's lifetime Sat- urn will continue to retrograde further back into Libra, and that his influence in Aries is becoming stronger with every year. Saturn always causes bruises and depression ; we are therefore satisfied that there must be a depression of the skull and an exam- ination should be made to find this and have it re- moved. But the square of the Sun and Mercury to Mars and Uranus in Gemini, which rules the lungs, shows also that there is something the matter with the oxygenation of the system, and Saturn in Libra in- dicates that there is a scarcity of urine. These defects can be remedied by breathing exercises and through regulating the diet. When that is done there will be at least a large measure of relief. 654 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS A healer with Aries rising, whose Saturn is not in Aquarius, will be best able to look after this patient. No. 29. GOITRE As the hour of birth of the person in this horo- scope is not known, we place Aries in the First House, Taurus in the second, etc. Mercury and the Moon are significators of the mind, and we find them in opposition. This in itself is not a good sign of mentality. We further find that Jupiter in the mercurial sign Gemini is square to THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 655 Uranus 16-20 and Mars in the other mercurial sign Virgo ; thus all the significators point to a weak, and even an erratic mentality. In the last few years Mer- cury has, moreover, progressed past the natal places of Uranus and Mars, thus accentuating the trouble. A person may, however, have a weak mind and yet it may not become entirely unbalanced, provided there are no other malefic aspects in the natal planets or the progressed positions. The person may be con- stitutionally below the stature of the normal mind, and still retain unto the last sufficient hold upon him- self or herself so that it does not become an actual disease . When we look for the signs of disability in a horoscope like the present, we turn to the aspects for our information. Saturn, it appears, is in con- junction with the Dragon's Tail, and this adds to his malefic influence ; he is further in conjunction with Neptune in 18 degrees of Taurus, and also with the fixed star Aldebaran in 29 degrees of Taurus. As Sat- urn is the planet of obstruction and Taurus rules the throat we naturally look for some obstruction in that region, and we find that a concretion has taken place, a growth, a crystallization known as Goitre, a disease which also further bears out the indications in the former aspects which we have discussed. Were it not for good aspects which we have not hitherto mentioned, namely, the sextile of Saturn to Mercury and its trine to the Moon, this person would certainly have become an inmate of an insane 656 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS asylum, but this is one of the few cases where Saturn really helps, in a material sense, for even his good aspects will obstruct when coming to the other plan- ets, but when this obstruction is applied to the Moon, the flightiest planet of all, and to Mercury, the one next to her in swiftness and instability, both of them significators of mind, Saturn does really help to hold the flighty mind in check, and such a weak mental condition as the one found here will be vastly bene- fited by that aspect, whereas if there are no evil aspects the sextile of Mercury and Saturn will strengthen the mind in a wonderful degree. As Saturn in Taurus always affects the functions of the opposite sign Scorpio, namely elimination, it is of great importance to see that both kidneys and bowels act freely with a person like this. Nothing but distilled water should be taken into the system on any account. As the muscles of the neck are al- ways strained in hill and stair climbing, a person with this disease should be housed on a level and on the lower floor of the house. A vegetarian diet con- sisting of uncooked food is preferable to any other, and it is particularly necessary to get the vegetable salts which may tone the body and bring the standard of general health as high as possible; lettuce is the best single vegetable for this purpose. THIETY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 657 No. 30. WEAK BACK AND LIMBS, EYE TROUBLE, DEAFNESS Good Aspects: The Moon sextile to Uranus and Jupiter; the Sun sextile to Mars. Bad Aspects: Saturn opposition to Neptune; the Sun and Mercury square to Jupiter and Uranus. This is the horoscope of a young man born on September 6, 1900, at 6 :00 A M., and the disability complained of is a weakness in the back and limbs, which prevents him from moving about normally. 42 658 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Astrologically we find that this is due to several causes. In the first place, there are four Common signs on the angles, the Sixth House sign, Virgo, be- ing on the Ascendant which governs the condition of the body. It is a vital point in that respect. This in itself shows his somewhat indolent nature and a tend- ency to give up very easily. We also find Mercury, the ruler of the Ascendant, in the Twelfth House, denoting hospitals and chronic illness ; he is square to Jupiter and Uranus, which are placed in Sagittarius, the sign which governs the hips and the great sciatic nerve. The Sun, the giver of life, is also square to Uranus, the planet of irregularity, which is conjoined with Jupiter in Sagittarius. And finally, Saturn, the ruler of the bony structure and its articulations, is placed in Sagittarius in opposition to Neptune, in Gemini. All these configurations naturally tend to bring about the conditions complained of if nothing is done to prevent, and in this case, with four Com- mon, flexible signs on the angles, with the life-giving Sun sextile to Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, and with the Moon' sextile to Jupiter, the planet gov- erning the arterial blood, it is quite possible to obtain relief by means of exercises which will remove the sluggish conditions. But we also find other weaknesses of a serious nature latent in this horoscope. Uranus is in con- junction with the nebulous star Antares in Sagit- tarius 8, square to the Sun and Mercury. This im- plies a grave danger to the sight and also to the hear- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 659 ing because of Mercury being in the Twelfth House. These conditions can certainly be overcome if the ounce of prevention is applied. We take it that be- cause the man is not able to otherwise occupy himself he is an inveterate reader and this will bring trouble if persisted in. Massage of the head in the region of the eyes and ears, and exercise of the limbs and body will aid in restoring this young man to health, and a healer with Taurus on the Ascendant whose Saturn is not in the patient's Sixth House will probably have the most persistence in the performance of this work. No. 31. EYE AND EAR TROUBLE, POOR CIRCULATION *Mercury, the significator of mind, rises before the Sun and is in the Twelfth House, conjunction Neptune, its higher octave. This shows that the mind is naturally inclined toward the higher and more spir- itual things of life, though Jupiter square Mercury from the house of mind indicates that under severe afflictions she may at times feel inclined to follow the example of Job and reason with God concerning the hard fate she has to bear. The Moon, which is the other significator of mind, square Venus, shows us that considerable sorrow may be expected in this life ; but the parallel of Venus, the Moon and Sun to Mars gives her the energy and fortitude to bear up under all afflictions; and though, as said, she may feel like murmuring at times, there is no danger of a general despondency. She will always look upon life from a 660 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS much more hopeful angle than even people who are not at all afflicted (in comparison with her), and the strength of her hope is bound to help her in a degree beyond human measure; for even as the person who gives way to worry and melancholy is thereby made more unhappy OT unhealthy, so also the per.son who constantly keeps an optimistic spirit is bound to gain thereby correspondingly in health and happiness. The Sun on the Ascendant, even though it is afflicted by a square of Uranus, is nevertheless a valuable asset in recuperation. The Sun sextile Saturn will give her THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 661 a persistence, a tenacity of life, that will not let go despite all discouragements. This lady has been deaf since she was five years of age and this disability is indicated by the position of Mercury in the Twelfth House, by his conjunction to Neptune and his square to Jupiter. This latter aspect indicates that it is sluggish circu- lation of the blood which is responsible for the dis- ability. These aspects of Mercury also make her dumb, particularly because Mercury is in Taurus, which governs the vocal organs. She has nevertheless learned to talk, showing that there is no organic dis- ability but only a functional weakness. But these are not all of the poor lady's afflictions. You will notice that the Sun is in Taurus 29. In other words, it is in conjunction with the Pleiades, a nebular spot in the Zodiac. It is also square to Uranus and parallel to Mars. Therefore the eyes are sorely afflicted; one is almost blind, the other not much better, so that there is danger that she may lose her sight entirely. On account of her afflictions and the position in which she has been placed, this lady has been unable to get an education. Nevertheless, by persistence, in- dicated by Saturn sextile the Sun, she has accom- plished much. She writes a really beautiful letter which tells how she was in comfortable circumstances up to 1906, when the earthquake in San Francisco deprived her of her all, and still she has not given up hope. Her mental attitude, inspired by her Sun 662 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS parallel Mars and sextile Saturn, is justified in quite a large measure. The trouble comes from Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in Aries, the sign which governs the head, and the squar.e of Jupiter, the planet which governs circulation, to Mercury in Tau- rus, the sign which governs the throat, There are also signs of malnutrition, indicated by the presence of Mars in Cancer, the sign which governs the stomach, square Venus, which governs circulation. If the sys- tem could be given the proper amount and kind of food and the head and neck massaged with special attention to manipulations of the ears and eyes, con- ditions may be considerably relieved and further pro- gress of deterioration stopped. An Aquarian whose Saturn is not in Libra would have a most beneficial effect in this case. NO. 32. H/EMORRHOIDS, BLIND, LATENT SPIRITUAL SIGHT In the case before us we have not the hour of birth, and will therefore insert the signs in their re- spective Houses, commencing with Aries in the First, Taurus in the Second, etc. This person was born November 27, 1867. Good Aspects: Sun and Mars trine Neptune. Bad Aspects: The Sun and Mars conjunction to Antares ; Saturn square Jupiter ; Mars conjunction the Moon and Venus; Saturn conjunction Mercury. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 663 Regarding the mentality of this person, we find that the con junction of Saturn and Mercury, par- ticularly in the Eighth House sign, Scorpio, clouds the mind with gloom. The Moon, which is the other significator of mind, conjunction to Mars in the Ninth House sign, Sagittarius, would have the tendency to make the patient rebellious against misfortune. This tendency is somewhat softened and toned down by the presence of Venus in conjunction with these plan- ets, and we may therefore conclude that this person is apt to be very much depressed in mind whenever 664 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS misfortune overtakes him ; that he rebels, at least in- wardly, very strongly against the blows of fate, though Venus may prevent him from expressing his disappointments. With regard to the ailments to which this person is subject, we find in the first place that Jupiter square to Mercury and Saturn, the latter being in Scorpio, which rules the rectum, gives a tendency to constipation and haemorrhoids. This configuration also interferes with the circulation of the arterial blood. His disability is further enhanced by the square of Jupiter to the Sun, the latter planet being ruler of the organ which circulates the vital fluid. But there is a great misfortune in this life, com- pared with which the troubles previously mentioned pale into insignificance. The Sun and Mars are in conjunction with the fixed star Antares in eight de- grees of Sagittarius, and this configuration always brings trouble to the eyes, though it may not result in blindness from birth. In the present case the crisis came when the Sun had progressed to the opposition of Uranus, at the same time striking the square to Neptune. In that year the Moon also was in conjunc- tion to Neptune in the sign Aries, which rules the head. This kindled the double fire of Mars and the Sun at birth, with the result that inflammation of the eyes made the man blind beyond hope of recovery. It may seem strange that the writers selected this horoscope for analysis, as the patient is beyond help, but it offers certain points which it will be well for THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 665 the student to impress upon his mind. You will no- tice that Mars is trine to Neptune, and that the Sun is only seven degrees from the exact trine to the same planet. The culmination will be reached before even the vital body is brought to birth. This is a very favorable indication that the spiritual sight may be awakened in this person and that it will compensate, or more than compensate, for the loss of the physical faculty. There is, however, as you will also note, the square of Neptune and Uranus which makes for mediumship ; on that account it would be advis- able for this person to be very closely on his guard during the time when the spiritual faculty is being developed, and until he is perfectly safe and balanced in the other world, and it would be a great privilege for a healer receiving such a case to aid a person stricken by the misfortune of blindness to cultivate the latent faculty shown by the horoscope. No. 33. HEART TROUBLE, DROPSY Good Aspects: Jupiter trine Mercury; Saturn trine Mars. Bad Aspects: Saturn square the Sun, Moon and Venus ; the Moon opposition to the Sun and Venus ; Mercury square Neptune; Mars conjunction Uranus. We consider first the mind of this lady, to obtain the key to her condition, for the mind is the most important factor in bringing about disease and cur- ing it. You may call that Christian Science or what- 666 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS ever you please, the fact remains and has been made use of by all successful healers, either consciously or unconsciously, no matter to what school they belong. And there is more healing in a cheery word from the physician in whom the patient has faith, than in all his medicines. Conversely, when he gives up hope and makes a long face, the patient dies, unless he 'gets mad,' or 'spunky,' as once happened to the writer when he was broken down from overwork. He went to a hospital to get nursing and quiet, and had to engage a regular doctor to comply with the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 667 rules. He knew that his condition would not change till the Moon did, but lay patiently waiting, though the case was approaching a crisis, for his mind was too lethargic to set to work; he expected the Moon to do it all at the proper time. But on the day of the New Moon his doctor came in with another, and both had faces a yard long. They did not think he had another hour to live, and he laughed, but it made him 'mad,' and he commenced to work on himself with the result that the dropsical swelling which had al- most reached the heart, was gone in a few hours and he was out in the sunshine getting a dose of new life. Before a month had elapsed he had not only left the hospital behind, but had written The Rosicrucian Philosoplnj. There is no doubt that the fluid could not have been eliminated before the change of the Moon, but the co-operation of his mental attitude was necessary to help the lunar forces, and combined with proper action it brought results. Similarly in every case, the right attitude of the mind must be cultivated or cure is impossible. This figure shows an unfortunate person, for the mind is in a bad state. Saturn is square to the Sun, Moon and Venus. The Moon, which signifies the in- stinctual mind, is in opposition to the Sun and Venus, robbing life of all joy, making her pessimistic and prone to look only on the dark side. Mercury, the planet of reason, is square to Neptune, the planet of spiritual perception, all testimonies which tell us that nothing we may say is likely to make her cheer up. 668 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Such a poor person is a burden to herself and her associates all through life, so they shun her while she is able to take care of herself, that is to say, while the body is in comparative health, but the af- flictions which make her mentally miserable also have their effect on the body, for as we mould the lines of our face to an exact expression of our habitual mode of thought, so are also our other organs shaped and built by this force, and the evil effects show them- selves as disease. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in the Eighth House indicates that when sickness comes she is going to let it takes its course, she will make no effort to fight for life. The nature of her sickness is seen to be heart trouble, from the fact that the Sun is on the cusp of Leo, which governs the heart; in conjunction with Venus, which., governs the venous circulation, and opposed by the Moon, which rules the liquids of the body. The Sun, Venus and the Moon are squared by Saturn, the planet of obstruction, and thus we see that there was a natal tendency to poor heart action and faulty elimination of liquids. In 1913 the Sun progressed to the conjunction of Uranus and Mars, and the aspects of the Sun are always effective for three years, one and one-half years before the aspect is exact, and a like period after. Therefore it was still active in 1914, when the Moon progressed to the conjunction of Saturn and thus enlivened this square to the Sun, Moon and Venus. Neptune, the watery planet, also reached the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 669 natal Sun by transit, and the poor soul was released by the total obstruction of the liquids ; in other words, the dropsical condition stopped the heart. The main effort in .such cases should be to get the person to fight. If she could have been made to see that it was her gloomy outlook on life that was responsible for her sickness and that if she does not fight here and now, she will have a harder fate to face next time, it might have helped. No person who is naturally pessimistic can change over night, but they can do a whole lot to cultivate optimism if given years, and we should strive to inculcate this attitude of mind in all, besides trying to be cheerful ourselves, for that is a healer's greatest asset. No. 34. SEX, EYE AND THROAT TROUBLE The type of mind is denoted particularly here by the square of Saturn to the Sun. This occurs from Cardinal signs, Saturn being essentially digni- fied and therefore very powerful, while the Sun is in Libra, the sign of its debility and greatest weakness. Life and joy come from the Sun, while Saturn gives gloom and death. Therefore we readily see that this person must be subject to gloom and melancholy. The sextile of Uranus to Mercury, the significator of mind, tells that the person is endowed with an almost uncanny lightning-like intuition, and the square of Uranus to the Moon and Venus shows that she is indiscreet and too weak for her own good. You 670 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS will notice that this square occurs from the Fixed signs, Leo and Scorpio, and it is therefore a condition which would be very difficult to overcome. Leo gov- erns the heart, and Scorpio the generative organs, and thus her secret is told in the horoscope in unmis- takable terms. When such secrets of the soul are revealed by this sacred science, it shows us also the hidden springs which are causes of the acts we are only too prone to condemn, and it teaches us that we should pity rather than censure a soul impelled by such an almost irresistible force as here revealed. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 671 The act itself should, of course, never be condoned, but the tenderest kindness and the greatest effort to succor should be given to the one who is thus afflicted. The horoscope is, as you know, the clock of des- tiny, and the position taken by the planets at birth give certain tendencies for life. From that natal position the planets move on to different positions with every year that passes, as the hands of a clock move around its face; thus they bring to pass events foreshown at birth. Now you will notice that the Sun is in eleven degrees of Libra in this horoscope, so at nineteen years of age the Sun entered the sign Scor- pio. At twenty-two it reached the conjunction with the Moon and Venus and a couple of years later the square with Uranus was reached. During this period the unfortunate tendency spoken of developed and the seeds of disease w r ere sown which resulted in a number of operations, both in the lower regions and in the throat, for you must remember that the oppo- site is always afflicted. The generative organ can never be hurt without in some measure its counter- part, the larynx and throat, also being affected. Dur- ing the years which have intervened between that time and 1914 the Sun had pursued its path through Scorpio, and reached the affliction of Jupiter, which occurs from the sign Leo in 23 degrees. This square was also augmented by the fact that the Moon in its circle around the horoscope had been going through Taurus, so that was an opposition of the progressed Sun and Moon, both of them squaring the planet 672 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS Jupiter at the same time. The Sun's square to Jupiter will for a few years be an affliction to this poor person. Uranus at birth was also on the Aseelli in Leo, the nebulous spot that is so dangerous to the eyes, and from there it squares the Moon. This, also, is another danger which faces this person, for, as you know, eye trouble is very often the accompaniment of indiscretion. Now comes the question, what can be done for thi^ poor person, and, as we have often stated, the first effort should be toward instilling hope into the mind. Persons suffering with melancholy are always centering their thoughts upon self, always seeing their own desperate position which appears to them more hopeless than that of any other. If their in- terest can be diverted from self then the battle is more than half won; that should be the first consid- eration of the healer. A simple diet should be prescribed and no highly seasoned dishes permitted a person of this nature. The sextile of Uranus to the Sun and Mercury and the trine of Neptune to Jupiter shows that an appeal along the higher lines, an appeal to the better and nobler nature will not meet with a rebuff and it is possible on account of these positions to elevate this person's ideas and ideals so that she may become a servant of humanity instead of driftwood upon the ocean of life. You will note that all the planets are in Cardinal and Fixed signs, that the Common signs are void of planets, therefore there is a great deal of THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 673 hope. There is energy in this person, and when this energy has been turned in the right direction, when she has become thoroughly aroused, then the great sinner may become the great saint, and a blessing to humanity. No. 35. SOLITARY VICE, TUBERCULOSIS Good Aspects: Neptune trine Uranus; Uranus sextile the Moon. Bad Aspects: Mars conjunction Venus; Sun conjunction Saturn; Uranus square Mercury; Nep- tune opposition the Moon. 674 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS This is the horoscope of a lady born May 21, 1883, at 5 A.M., Longitude 88 West, Latitude 44 North, and the student will at once note that five of the nine planets are placed in the Twelfth House, which governs sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing. This has been a characteristic feature in the life. We may also call attention in passing to the placement of Jupiter in the Second House. Jupiter is the planet of opulence and here he is strong in his exaltation sign Cancer, but he is entirely unaspected. The lady is a competent worker in her vocation, stenography and bookkeeping, but has, nevertheless, found herself unable to obtain employment at various times and has been at those times on the verge of starvation. With respect to the mental qualities we find that Mercury is square to Uranus, and the Moon in oppo- sition to Neptune. This makes her skeptical, critical, very peculiar and spasmodic in her mental processes, with an extremely morbid imagination. Uranus is placed in the Fifth House, governing courtship and the relation among the sexes prior to marriage, and therefore, squared to Mercury, it indicates an uncon- ventional turn of the mind, with a tendency to pro- miscuous relations, involving public criticism and slancfer. That in itself is an extremely unfortunate configuration and condition in a life, but it is only one of a number of afflictions which point in the same direction, for in the Twelfth House, the house of sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing, we find Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, conjoined with Venus, the THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 675 planet of love, in the fiery sign Aries, another in- flammatory sex condition; and last, but not least, we note Neptune in Taurus, opposition to the Moon in Scorpio, which governs the generative organs. This latter is the worst of all for it makes the mind almost insane upon this subject, conjuring up before the imagination morbid pictures, and where the config- uration occurs from the Sixth and Twelfth Houses it is a certain indication of inveterate self-abuse. Naturally such practices in time undermine the health and disease shows itself in the weakest parts of the body according to the indications of the horoscope. In the present case we find Saturn on the cusp of Gemini in conjunction with the Sun. Gemini is the sign which rules the lungs, and the conjunction as. we see is almost exact, wanting only 26 minutes. Thus the cold, crystallizing saturnine forces are harden- ing the lungs and producing the disease we know as tuberculosis, which is slowly sapping her vitality and carrying her toward an early grave. It may be noted in passing that the lady 's mother succumbed to tuber- culosis at the very moment when she gave birth to this child and Mars by progression has now arrived close to the place of Neptune at birth. This will un- fortunately in all probability accentuate the morbid craving indicated by Neptune opposition to the Moon, so that if left to herself the end will not be very far off. Tuberculosis though serious is not, however, nec- essarily fatal if she can be put under restraint so 76 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS that it becomes impossible for her to gratify her pas- sion that saps her vitality by solitary vice. Thus the spells of gloom which are also resultant from the conjunction of Saturn and the Sun in the Twelfth House can be overcome if she can be given a brighter outlook upon life. Then the usual measures employed against tuberculosis may probably also save her. She has an intense attraction for the occult, indicated by the exact trine of Neptune and Uranus, also by Ura- nus sextile to the Moon. By playing upon those strings and giving her a new interest in life it may be possible to win her away from her present morbid channels of thought. At any rate salvation from the evil configurations should always be sought through the good aspects and substituting the higher for the lower may help this poor soul out of her condition. Very little can be done physically until the mental condition is changed. A healer with either Libra or Aquarius rising and whose Saturn is not in Scorpio would be beneficial, but much firmness is needed here and therefore probably the Fixed sign would be preferable. No. 36. HORNY, VENEREAL GROWTHS AND KIDNEY TROUBLE Good Aspects: Mercury sextile Jupiter. Bad Aspects: The Sun conjunction Uranus; Mars conjunction Venus; Neptune square to Sat- THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 677 The Moon is unaspected. This is the horoscope of a young man born in Boynton, Missouri, October 11, 1889, at 6:00 P.M. It is a strange case which has puzzled all the doctors who have been consulted. About five years ago all the joints in arms, limbs and neck commenced to grow stiff, so that by degrees he became unable to move. At the same time there appeared, instead of the nails, a strange horny growth on fingers and toes ; this grows to a certain length or stage of development and then it begins to suppurate. This facilitates the 678 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS removal of the growth and when that has been com- pleted the suppuration ceases, but immediately a new growth begins to form. Lately the jaws have also commenced to grow stiff, so that now the young man can no longer eat with comfort. The very first glance at the horoscope shows us Uranus, the planet of spasmodic action, in conjunc- tion with the Sun, and being in the sign Libra, which rules the kidneys. We also note that Uranus is par- allel with Mars, the planet of dynamic energy; this shows at once that the action of the kidneys is spas- modic and irregular so that instead of the poisons being eliminated from the body by these organs they are retained and naturally contaminate the whole sys- tem. B.ut we also find that this patient is poisoned to a greater extent than ordinarily by a venereal dis- ease contracted about seven or eight years ago ; this is shown as a tendency in the natal horoscope by the conjunction of Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, with Venus, the planet of love, in the Fifth House, which governs courtship and the relations of the sexes before marriage. Saturn is also there with his obstructive hand and square to Neptune, the planet which governs strange and unusual conditions. He is in the sign Gemini, which rules the hands and fin- gers. About seven years ago, when the Moon was in Pisces by progression, the sign which governs the toes, it was in opposition to Venus, Mars and Saturn and square to Neptune. We base our judgment that the disease was contracted at that time 011 the fact THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 679 that the afflicting planets are in Common or flexible signs and it could have been avoided without much effort. As it is, the most drastic measures for puri- fication of the blood must be adopted; the patient should be brought to California, treated with daily sunbaths to facilitate copious perspiration, and given nothing but water and fruit juices until the system has been cleansed. PLANETARY HOURS Measures for the alleviation of pain and disease cannot always be deferred to a propitious time, but where that is possible the student will find that reme- dial treatments given under the propitious planetary rays are much more efficient and successful than when applied haphazard. Therefore the following hints may be found valuable. Surgeons who have watched and tabulated these matters inform us that the operations performed while the Moon is increasing in light (see p. 521) are generally more successful, less liable to cause compli- cations and more quickly healed than operations per- formed when the Moon is decreasing in light. When a surgical operation seems unavoidable consult the ephemeris and if the Moon is going through the sign which rules that part of the body where the operation is to be performed defer it for a day or two till the Moon gets well into the next sign. This will minimize the danger of complications, and 680 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS not infrequently the symptoms change so that opera- tion is avoided. Always look to the benefics and the good aspects in a horoscope for directions concerning how, and when to treat. Suppose the Sun, the giver of life, is square to Saturn, the planet of stagnation and death. The tendency is to rob the person of vitality and if he is taken ill recuperation will be very slow. Then, to give the most effective and energizing treatment ap- ply the principle of the day and hour rulers as given in our Simplified Scientific Astrology, choose the Sun's day (Sunday) and the hours ruled by the Sun on any day. Treatments on Mars' day (Tuesday) and the hours ruled by Mars on any day, will also build up wonderfully. Similarly with the other plan- ets, their virtue and power is greatest during the days ruled by them. But the so-called malefics also have their virtues. Poultices intended to draw suppuration from a wound, or bring a boil to a head are most efficacious on the hot and inflammatory Mars' day (Tuesday), or in the hours of Mars on any day, but applications made to disperse a swelling are most successful when applied on the day of Saturn, the planet of suppres- sion, or in his hours on any day. Treatments received on the day and in the hours of the planets which are well aspected in the patient's horoscope are always more powerful and beneficial than they would be if given in the hours and on the days ruled by planets afflicted when he was born. THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPES 681 Six tables of Planetary Hours covering the twelve months, usable for both North and South Latitude, will be found in Simplified Scientific Astrology. CONCLUSION We have now given an exposition of the methods we use in diagnosis of disease. This we trust will enable the student to work out the subject for himself or herself in greater detail. And as he or she uses it unselfishly to aid suffering human beings, the spir- itual qualities will be developed in each so that The Message of the Stars revealed in each horo.scope will be as an open book. Thus used, this wonderful science will aid him or her to lay up treasures in heaven, as nothing else in the world can do. And we pray God that this book may be the means of foster- ing soul growth in all who aspire to follow the dual commandment of Christ: "Preacli the Gospel and heal the sick." IMPORTANT NOTICE Despite all we can say, many people write en- closing money for horoscopes, forcing us to spend valuable time writing letters of refusal and giving us the trouble of returning their money. Please do not thus annoy us, it will avail you nothing. We use Astrology only for healing purposes and if you are sick we will gladly help you, but we do not advise people in worldly affairs either gratis or for pay. INDEX CHAPTER I. Evolution as Shown in the Zodiac 3 Early Atlantean Epoch ( f V5) 14 Middle Atlantean Epoch ( n / ) 15 Later Atlantean Epoch ( y -m_ ) 16 Aryan Epoch ( T =^= ) 25 Piscean Age ( ^ rrg) 25 Aquarian Age (?$l) * 27 CHAPTER II. The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibra- tions 30 Mystery of Light, Color and Consciousness 52 CHAPTER III. Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? 55 Amulets, Birthstones and Planetary Colors 60 When Is the Best Time to Be Born? 67 CHAPTER IV. Reading the Horoscope. Introductory 70 Mundane Houses 72 Signs of the Zodiac 79 Cardinal Signs 80 Fixed Signs 81 Common Signs 83 Comparative Effect of Cardinal, Fixed and Com- mon Signs on the Angles 84 Triplicities 86 Sun, Moon and Ascendant 87 The Rising Sign 88 682 INDEX CHAPTER V. Influence of the Twelve Signs. 92 CHAPTER VI. Intrinsic Nature of the Planets. . 112 CHAPTCR VII. Children, of the Twelve Signs 119 CHAPTER VIII. Sun, the Giver of Life 140 Sun in the Twelve Houses 144 Sun in the Twelve Signs 150 Sun in Aspect with Other Planets 156 CHAPTER IX. Venus, the Planet of Love 169 Venus in the Twelve Houses 171 Venus in the Twelve Signs 177 Venus in Aspect with Other Planets 185 CHAPTER X. Mercury, the Planet of Reason 192 Mercury in the Twelve Houses 195 Mercury in the Twelve Signs 201 Mercury in Aspect with Other Planets 207 CHAPTER XI. Moon, the Planet of Fecundation 217 Moon in the Twelve Houses 220 Moon in the Twelve Signs 225 Moon in Aspect with Other Planets 231 CHAPTER XII. Saturn, the Planet of Sorrow 244 Saturn in the Twelve Houses 249 Saturn in the Twelve Signs 255 Saturn in Aspect with Other Planets 261 684 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS CHAPTER XIII. Jupiter, the Planet of Benevolence 274 Jupiter in the Twelve Houses 278 Jupiter in the Twelve Signs 285 Jupiter in Aspect to Other Planets 292 CHAPTER XIV. Mars, the Planet of Action 303 Mars in the Twelve Houses 308 Mars in the Twelve Signs 316 Mars in Aspect with Other Planets 327 CHAPTER XV. Planetary Octaves : tjr - $ and J# - $ 341 CHAPTER XVI. Uranus, the Planet of Altruism 347 Uranus in the Twelve Houses 349 Uranus in the Twelve Signs 359 Uranus in Aspect with Other Planets 366 CHAPTER XVII. Neptune, the Planet of Divinity 380 Neptune in the Twelve Houses 383 Neptune in the Twelve Signs 389 Neptune in Aspect with Other Planets 396 CHAPTER XVIII. Doctrine of Delineation in a Nutshell 405 Table of Planetary Keywords 407 Elevation, Exaltation and Critical Degrees 409 Mercury Before or After the Sun 412 Are You Helping Your Stars? 413 CHAPTER XIX. Mind and the Ruling Planet 419 Influence of Ruling Planets, Well Aspected 421 Influence of Ruling Planets, Afflicted 427 Mental Effects of Rising Sign 433 INDEX 685 CHAPTER XX. Your Luck in Life 438 Health and Disease 438 Social and Financial Fortunes 442 Vocation 444 CHAPTER XXI. Marriage and Offspring 448 Harmony and Discord 451 Men's Marriages 452 Women's Marriages 455 Happiness, Sorrow and Bereavement 457 Second Marriages 458 Description of the Husband or Wife 458 Children 460 CHAPTER XXII. Progression of the Horoscope Fate and Freewill 462 CHAPTER XXIII. Different Methods of Progression 467 Adjusted Calculation Date 470 Progression of the Angles 480 Some Important Points 485 CHAPTER XXIV. Progressed Solar Directions 488 CHAPTER XXV. Progressed Lunar Directions 499 CHAPTER XXVI. Mutual Aspects of the Planets 512 CHAPTER XXVII. Transits 521 The Moon Increasing or Decreasing 521 686 THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS PART II. MEDICAL ASTROLOGY CHAPTER XXVIII. Astro-Diagnosis of Disease 528 An Important Warning 52 j) Planetary Polarities 532 CHAPTER XXIX. Law of Correspondences 540 Signs, Pathogenic Effects of 541 Sun, Pathogenic Effects of 544 Mercury, Pathogenic Effects of 549 Moon, Pathogenic Effects of. 551 Saturn, Pathogenic Effects of 553 Jupiter, Pathogenic Effects of 556 Mars, Pathogenic Effects of 559 Uranus, Pathogenic Effects of 564 Neptune, Pathogenic Effects of 566 The Ductless Glands 568 CHAPTER XXX. Thirty-six Example Horoscopes 579 No. 1. Conception in a drunken Debauch 579 No. 2. Elemental Possession 582 No. 3. Heart and Eye Trouble, Spiritual Sight 588 No. 4. Eye Trouble 591-594 No. 5. Eye Trouble 593 Dragon's Head and Tail ( gj y ) 594 No. 6. Broken Femur 597 No. 7. Ear Disease 599 No. 8. Ear Disease, Kidney Trouble, Consti- pation 601 No. 9. i No. 10. [ Throat and Genitals 602, 603, 604 No. 11. ' Disorders of the Mind.. ,.604 INDEX 687 No. 12. Melancholy Suicidal Tendency 608 No. 13. St. Vitus Dance and Adolescence 610 No. 14. Suicide and Alcoholism 611 No. 15. St. Vitus Dance and Tuberculosis 613 No. 16. Tuberculosis 614 No. 17. Digestive Disorder and Asthma 615 No. 18. Digestive Disorder 616 No. 19. Heart Trouble 618 No. 20. Curvature of the Spine 619 No. 21. Kidney Trouble, Accidents 620 No. 22. Accidental Fractures 622 No. 23. Insanity and Spirit Control 635 No. 24. Heart Failure, Spasms 638 No. 25. Heart, Lung and Kidney Trouble 641 No. 26. Tuberculosis 644 No. 27. Adenoids and Constipation 647 No. 28. Accidents to Head 651 No. 29. Goitre 654 No. 30. Eye and Ear Trouble, Weak Back 657 No. 31. Eye and Ear Trouble, Poor Circulation 660 No. 32. Blindness, Haemorrhoids 663 No. 33. Heart Trouble, Dropsy 666 No. 34. Diseased Throat and Genitals 670 No. 35. Solitary Vice, Tuberculosis 673 No. 36. Horny Venereal Growths 677 Planetary Hours 679 The Rosicrucian Fellowship 688 There was a time, even as late as Greece, when Religion, Art and Science were taught unitedly in the Mystery -temples. But it was necessary to the better de- velopment of each that they should separate for a time. Religion held sole sway in the so-called 'dark ages.' During that time it bound Science and Art hand and foot. Then came the period of the Renaissance and Art came to the fore in all its branches. Religion was strong as yet, however, and Art was only too often prostituted in the service of Religion. Last came the wave of mod- ern Science, and with iron hand it has subjugated Religion. It was a detriment to the world when Religion shackled Science. Ignorance and Superstition caused untold woe, nevertheless man cherished a lofty spiritual ideal then ; he hoped for a higher and better life. It is infinitely more disastrous that Science is killing Reli- gion, for now even Hope, the only gift of the gods left in Pandora's box, may vanish before Materialism and Agnosticism. Such a state cannot continue. Reaction must set in. If it does not, anarchy will rend the cosmos. To avert a calamity Religion, Science and Art must reunite in a higher expression of the Good, the True and the Beau- tiful than obtained before the separation. A spiritual religion, however, cannot blend with a materialistic science any more than oil can mix with water. Therefore steps were taken to spiritualize Science and make Religion scientific. In the thirteenth century a high spiritual teacher r 688 689 having the symbolical name, Christian Rosenkreuz Christian : Rose : Cross appeared in Europe to com- mence that work. He founded the mysterious Order of Rosicrucians with the object of throwing occult light upon the misunderstood Christian religion and to ex- plain the mystery of life and being from the scientific standpoint in harmony with religion. In the past centuries the Rosicrucians have worked in secret, but now the time has come for giving out a definite, logical and sequential teaching concerning the origin, evolution and future development of the world and man, showing both the spiritual and scientific as- pect ; a teaching which makes no statements that are not supported by reason and logic. Such is the teaching promulgated by the Rosicrucian Fellowship. It satisfies the mind by giving clear explanations and neither begs nor evades questions. It holds out a reasonable solution to all mysteries but, and this is a very important "But," it does not regard the intellectual understanding of God and the Universe as an end in itself. Far from it. The greater the intellect, the greater the danger of its misuse. Therefore the scientific teaching is only given in order that man may believe and start to live the re- ligious life which alone can bring true fellowship. Jjeahquariera of the Rosicrucian Fellowship Having formed the Rosicrucian Fellowship for the purpose of promulgating the Rosicrucian teachings and aiding aspirants on the path of progression, it became necessary to find a permanent home and facilities re- quisite for doing this work. To this end a tract of land was purchased in the little town of Oceanside, Califor- 44 690 nia, ninety miles south of Los Angeles and forty miles north of San Diego, the southwesternmost city of the United States. Southern California offers exceptional opportuni- ties for spiritual growth on account of the etheric at- mosphere being denser than in any other part of the world, and Mount Ecclesia, as the Rosicrucian Fellow- ship headquarters are called, has been particularly fa- vored in this respect. The work was started in the end of 1911. Since then there has been built : A Sanctuary, wherein the Rosicrucian temple ser- vices are held. A two-story Administration Building, containing on the second floor the offices of the various executive officers, a large general office, the publishing and edi- torial departments. On the first floor is a large, well- equipped modern printing plant and bindery, including a linotype for setting type, cylinder and platen presses, folding machine, power cutter, book sewing machines, etc. There is a modern fireproof Dining Hall with a capacity to accommodate one hundred and twenty at one sitting. In it a wholesome and nutritious meatless diet is served to workers and visitors. There is also a Ladies' Dormitory with a commo- dious Class Room and Social Hall, a number of Cottages and a Tent City to take care of the overflow during the vacation season when a specially large number of mem- bers visit Mount Ecclesia. The 'grounds are growing more beautiful year by year; hundreds of palms and a profusion of flowers, such as are seen only in California, add to the inspira- tion and make this place a paradise in the truest sense- of the word. 's ^largest The Rosicrucian Fellowship is the largest and most complete Astrological Publishing House in the world. We publish everything needed by the Astrologer Textbooks, Ephemerides, and Tables of Houses. We are perfectly self-contained and fully equipped for making and marketing astrological and occult books, from writ- ing the manuscript of the book in embryo to the affixion of stamps prior to mailing the finished product to the purchaser. All the work of calculating and writing, linotyping, printing, binding, publishing and shipping is done in our own plant under one roof. Our "Simplified Scientific" Textbooks are the best on the market, and the lowest in price. THE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL In addition to the publications of the Rosicrucian Fellowship advertised in the back of this book, there are two correspondence courses which furnish instruction to students who are desirous of growth and enlighten- ment by study of the Rosicrucian Mysteries and the Science of Astrology. Anyone who is not professionally commercializing the spiritual sciences may apply for admission to either or both. There are no fixed fees, but students are expected to contribute to the upkeep of the work for their own good as much as because such support is needed. It is good to remember that "a closed hand that does not give cannot receive, either." 692 from A MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF MYSTIC LIGHT. Subscription in the United States and Canada, $1.50 a year. Single copies, 15c. Back numbers, 20c each. England, 6s 3d a year. General Contents. The Mystic Light Department is devoted to articles on Oc- cultism, Mystic Masonry, Esoteric Christianity and sim- ilar Spiritual Subjects. The Question Department is designed to give further light upon the various subjects dealt with in the different de- partments, where queries from students and other sub- scribers make this necessary. The Astral Ray Department gives Cosmic Light on Life's Problems. So far as space permits horoscopes of sub- scribers' children are read each month. These readings show the hidden faults and talents to help parents bring out the best in their charges. Vocational Readings for young men and women art given to show them the sphere in the world's work foi which they are best fitted. Students will find these readings of great value as practical lessons in Astrology. Studies in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. Our Or- igin, Evolution and ultimate Destiny is religiously, rea- sonably and scientifically explained 'in this department Nutrition and Health. Our body is "A Living Temple,' we build it without "sound or hammer," by our food. Ir this department articles on diet teach how to build wiselj and well. The Rose Cross Healing Circle. Its meetings and then results. Echoes from Mount Ecclesia. News and Notes frorr Headquarters. tfteh jictettitfc I860 TO DATE. PRICE, 25c. EACH The increasing difficulty experienced by Astrologers in obtaining Ephemerides has induced us to enter the field and produce A Better Ephemeris AT HALF THE PRICE NOW CHARGED BY OTHERS A glance at this publication will at once show the Astrologer a number of advantages in our ar- rangement. The times and places of New Moons, Full Moons and Eclipses are plainly marked, dec- linations of the planets are given for every day, so i? the Moon's Node. Tables of Logarithms are given for 24 hours. The type is as large as used in this book, the print is clear and beautiful. It will save eye strain. 694 jicbnttfc MAX HEINDEL THIRD EDITION 15c Postfree This book needs no introduction. Its unparalleled mer- its as a Complete Text-book of the art of casting a horoscope have been amply attested by many thousands of enthusi- astic students who have bought the first two editions, but THE PHILOSOPHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA With PLANETARY HOUR TABLES FOR ALL LATITUDES Added to the THIRD EDITION fills a long felt want of both beginners and advanced stu- dents for information concerning the underlying reasons of astrological dicta. It is a mine of knowledge arranged in such a manner as to be instantly accessible; no student can afford to be without it; 112 pp. Printed on a fine grade of paper with a heavy durable cover in two colors. SIMPLIFIED CALCULATION FORMS Many good Astrologers are lost to the world because people gifted with the intuitional ability to read a horo- scope are usually poor mathematicians. When our Simpli- fied Calculation Forms are used, there is no mental strain; the student has only to fill in figures in blank spaces povid- ed, and before he realises it the horoscope is cast. 15c each, four for 50c. 695 j^ctatttftr No. 2 With Longitudes and Latitudes of about FIFTEEN HUNDRED CITIES OF THE WORLD 50c Postfree These Tables of Houses are printed in size and style uniform with our Simplified Scientific Ephemeris, large type, clear print and fine paper. A 12-page list (double column) gives the latitudes and longitudes of most cities of fair size in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America, also American cities of ten thousand and over. By our original simplified system we have constructed these Tables so that with them a figure is constructed for South latitude by the same method and with the same ease as a figure is cast for North latitude. These Tables cover the two most densely populated belts of the world, including the greater part of the United States and continental Europe, South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Before the beginning of 1919 we will have Tables of Houses for Latitudes 24 to 36 degrees and 49 to 60 degrees, ready for distribution, at the same price 50c each. 696 Rosicrucian Interpretation of Christianity ANCIENT TRUTHS IN MODERN DRESS Price lOc Each, Postfree No. 1. "THE RIDDLE OF LIFE AND DEATH." Presenting a solution which is both scientific and religious. No. 2. "WHERE ARE THE DEAD?" No. 3. "SPIRITUAL SIGHT AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLDS." Showing that we have a latent "sixth sense," and what it opens up to us when cultivated. No. 4. "SLEEP, DREAMS, TRANCE, HYPNOTISM, MEDIUMSHIP AND INSANITY." No. 5. "DEATH AND LIFE IN PURGATORY." Describing the method of death and purgation, also how immutable law and not an avenging Deity transmutes the evil acts of life to everlasting good. No. 6. "LIFE AND ACTIVITY IN HEAVEN." Showing how the Human Spirit assimilates the Good of its past life and creates its environment for a future rebirth; also how it prepares a new body. No. 7. "BiRTH A FOURFOLD EVENT." Describing the ante- natal preparations for birth, and the spiritual changes which inaugurate the period of excessive physical growth in the 7th year, the cause of puberty at 14 and maturity at 21. This knowledge is absolutely essential to the right care of a child. N. 8. "THE SCIENCE OF NUTRITION, HEALTH AND PRO- TRACTED YOUTH." Showing the material cause of early death and the obvious prophylactic. No. 9. "THE ASTRONOMICAL ALLEGORIES OF THE BIBLE." 697 No. 10. "ASTROLOGY; ITS SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS." Show- ing the spiritual side of Astrology, how it enables those who study it to help themselves and others. No. 11. "SPIRITUAL SIGHT AND INSIGHT." Its culture, con- trol and legitimate use, giving a definite and safe method of attainment. No. 12. "PARSIFAL." Wagner's famous Mystic Music Drama, a mine of inspiration to spiritual effort. No. 13. "THE ANGELS AS FACTORS IN EVOLUTION." Show- ing just what part the Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc., play in the Drama of Life. No. 14. "LUCIFER, TEMPTOR OR BENEFACTOR?" Showing the origin and the mission of pain and sorrow. No. 15. "THE MYSTERY OF GOLGOTHA AND THE CLEANSING BLOOD." A rational explanation which satisfies head and heart alike. No. 16. "THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM ; A MYSTIC FACT." No. 17. "THE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY GRAIL." The way to attainment. No. 18. "THE LORD'S PRAYER." Showing the esoteric side, and how it applies to the seven-fold constitution of man. No. 19. "THE COMING FORCE; VRIL OR WHAT?" No. 20. "FELLOWSHIP AND THE COMING RACE." Showing why the Bible contains both the Jewish and Christian Religions, and why both combined are peculiarly adapted to the spiritual needs of the Western World and why Jesus was born a Jew. These lectures are fine for beginners. Read consecu- tively, they give a comprehensive outline of our philosophy. THEY FIT THE POCKET and allow a busy man to utilize time on cars en route to or from business. GIVE ONE TO A FRIEND It is an inexpensive and a helpful gift. 698 AN ELEMENTARY EXPOSITION 200 pp. cloth. $1.00 postfree. ' is % Jbok far lite Jhtsu Jfom who is seeking a solution to the Great Mystery called Life, but lacks leisure to wade through volumes of metaphysical speculations. The lucid and logical explanations carry con- viction they bear THE STAMP OF TRUTH Nevertheless, the language is so simple, clear and devoid of technicalities that a child can understand its message. It is therefore specially suited to beginners, but advanced students will find THE MYSTERY OF LIGHT, COLOR AND CONSCIOUSNESS, and similar subjects of vital interest. or 30c Postfree. The idea that India is the main repository of occult knowledge is held by many who have forsaken the Chris- tian Religion to embrace Hinduism. "Christ or Buddha?" shows most clearly that THE WESTERN WISDOM TEACHINGS throw a light upon the problems of life which is much more intense, far-reaching and soul satisfying in every re- spect. A partial list of contents will indicate its scope. Involution, Evolution and Epiger.csis. Trance. Dreamless sleep. Dreams. The Waking State. The Mystery of Blood. The Mystery of Sex. The Mystery of Death. The Christ of the East. The Christ of the West. IN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Price $1.50, Postfree. A book of ready reference upon all mystic matters, which ought to be in the library of every occult student. It covers 432 pages; has a considerable number of illum- inating diagrams, is printed on fine paper in clear type, reinforced binding of cloth with the beautiful Rosicrucian Symbols stamped upon the cover in red, black and gold; the three edges are also gold. PARTIAL LIST OF SUBJECTS Section I. Life on Earth. Social Conditions, Marriage, Children, Sleep and Dreams, Health and Disease. Section II. Life After Death. Cremation, Purgatory, The First Heaven, The Second Heaven, The Third Heaven, Guardian Angels. Section III. Rebirth. The Law of Rebirth, The Law of Causation, Transmigration. Section IV. The Bible Teachings. The Creation, The Fall, The Immaculate Conception, Sayings of Christ. Section V. Spiritualistic Phenomena. Mediumship, Ob- session, Materialisation. Section VI. Clairvoyance. Dangers of Psychism, True Spiritual Unfoldment, Initiation. Section VIII. Animals. Their Life Here and Hereafter. It is truly AN OCCULT INFORMATION BUREAU! By Max Heindel, 15c Postfree. The title indicates sufficiently the scope of the book. It is direct and to the point like all the writings of this author. 700 Jxnstmtnau Cusmcr-Cmiceptum Sixth Edition 602 Pages. Price $1.50 This remarkable book by Max Heindel marks an entirely new departure in mystic literature. For the first time in history, the Western Wisdom Teaching concerning Life and Being which the Rosicrucians have guarded for centuries, is here given by an authorized messenger, for it is held that the world is ready to receive this advanced science of the soul, the religious philosophy of the Aquarian Age, now at hand. The existing soul-hunger and the satisfying nature of the Rosicrucian teachings are equally well attested by the phenomenal sale of this great book, and many thousands of letters received by the author from grateful students located all over the world, who testify that they there found what they have long sought elsewhere in vain. We give herewith some headings of chapters and sub- divisions as a slight indication of what is contained in this mine of mystc light and knowledge. Part I. The Visible and Invisible Worlds, The Four Kingdoms, Man and the Method of Evolution. Spirit, Soul and Body; Thought, Memory and Soul-growth. The Conscious, Subcon- scious and Superconscious Mind. The science of death, the beneficence of purgatory, life in heaven. Re-birth and the Law of Consequence. Part II. The Scheme of Evolution. The Path of Evolution. The Work of Evolution. Genesis and Evolution of our Solar System. Chaos the seed ground of Cosmos, Birth of the Planets, Planetary Spirits. Evolution of the Earth. The Moon, the eighth sphere of retrogression. Occult Analysis of Genesis. The Nebular Theorv. Part III. Christ and His Mission. The "Star of Bethlehem, the Mys- tery of Golgotha and the cleansing blood. Future Devel- opment and Initiation. Alchemy and Soul-growth. The Method of Acquiring First-hand Knowledge. Western Meth- ods for Western People. Esoteric Training. Christian Ro- senkreuz and the Order of Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian Initiation. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 3019)8 REC'D LD-URL Form L9-Series 4939 A 000024139 8 P PLEA-E DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD-. University Research Library