LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class GENERAL INDEX TO THE FOUR VOLUMES OF Ore Dressing BY ROBERT H. RICHARDS, S.B., LL.D. i \ Professor of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. 1909 McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK INDEX. A GENERAL GUIDE TO ALL FOUR VOLUMES. Pages 1-643, Vol. I: 644-1197, Vol. II; 1199-1610, Vol. Ill; 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Aachen, wash trommel at 331 Aaron, C. H., gold amalgamation 788 gravity stamps 226 leaching gold and silver xix losses in gold milling .. 1180 on amalgamated plates 752 leaching 1167 testing gold ores by chlorination 1173 Abadie, E. R., gravity stamps 224 North Star gold stamp mill at Grass Valley, California 1175 on mortars 165 plates at the North Star mill 787 A Bartlett mill xxvii Abbe Engineering Company. Abbe spiral feed .... 1323 tube mill 1280, 1298 at Guanajuato, capacity of 1291 sizing test of feed and discharge 1290 mills 1291, 1626, 1677 Abbott, J. W., running a stamp mill 229 Absorption of amalgam by plates 765 mercury by amalgamating plates 1514 Accelerated jig 507, 510, 515, 519, 610 details of stroke 638 mechanism, air pressure and gravity 537 cam and gravity in Stutz coal jig 537 cam and spring 537 disc motion 536 for jigs 533 hammer and spring on Collom jigs 536 motion Harz jigs at Mill 125 1701, 1702, 1703 on Wilfley table 673 Accessory apparatus 842, 1570 Accounting, mine 1923 Accounts and reports 1 122 bibliography for 1173 Accuracy of machine sampling 1575 Acids, action of on mercury 730 for cleaning mercury 786 Acids used in settling tests 1147 on amalgamated plates 751 Acid water, cause of base bullion 783 effect of 906 in amalgamation 751 on amalgamated plates 750 jig tanks 523 plates 749 screens 173 neutralized 173 Acme concentrator. L. H. L. Huddart 2023 E. Walker 2023 guide for gravity stamps 154, 155 ore feeders at Mill 100 1624 table 1506 Across the San Juan Mountains. T. A. Rickard . . 1923 Action of air jig 822 belt tables 698 breakers compared 55 buddies 704 bumping belt tables 669 tables 682 centrifugal force 827 classifiers 387 crushing machines 300 Gates breaker 39 gravity stamps 144 jaw breakers 36 Action of jaw and spindle breakers 52 Rittinger table 668 rolls 62 steam stamps 113 trommels 373 vanners 644, 646, 656 Actions in crushing 8 Adair-Usher cyanide process on the Rand 1644 Adalbert Works, hand picking at 492 Adams, J. M., amalgamating pans 290, 291 amalgam at the Owyhee silver mill 787 dimension of Black Hill traps 773 end and side-shake vanners 655, 656 form of riffles in mercury traps 772 gravity stamps 223, 226, 230 impurities in amalgam 251 life of retorts 783 pointed boxes 477 slope of plates 746 splash plates 736 Adams, W. J., amalgamated plates 739, 746 amalgamation 787, 1173 amalgamation and gold mills xix mercury traps 772 vanners 655, 656, 727 Adelaide mil] 1794 Adhesion 839 in dry concentration 826 of minerals, effect of 4 separation by 831 Adjustment of Blake breakers 16, 22, 23 Card concentrator 1483 classifier 430 Comet breaker 43 Frue vanner for testing 1 153 Gates breaker 39 gravity stamps 219 gyratory breakers 1218 Hooper air jig 822, 823 jigs 552, 598 machines 1115 Mechernich magnetic separators at Mill 135 ... 1736 throw on jigs 531, 594, 595 travel, slope, and water on vanners 660 spindle breakers 47 vanners 653, 663, 658, 659 Wilfley table head motion 1466 Advantages and disadvantages of various crushing machines 313 accelerated mechanism on jigs 535 accounts H23 action of jaw breaker 55 action of spindle breaker 55 air versus water concentration 825 arrastra 238 Collom jig 514 concentration over smelting 1 electric power 1091 Elmore oil process 832 filter-pressing plants as against decantation plants 1646, 1647 flat mill site 1086 gravity stamps 222 hand breaking 12 hand jigs 892 hand picking 480, 487 hehcoid conveyor over older types 1582 high-speed rolls 88 large breakers 49 194228 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Advantages of 1-arge motors 1092 machine feeding 1115 magnetic concentration 1053 mercury wells 771 Muntz metal plates 750 Parsons & Fisher jig 518 picking in the mine 481 pipe and plug jig spigot 527 removing dust before washing coal 817 riffle tables 679 rock breaker at mine 1109 rolls of large diameter 83 sectional mills 1108 separate treatment of mine fines 1111 side hill site for mills 1085 silver combination mills 1040 silver-plated amalgamated plates 748 skimming jigs 577 sliding block mechanism 535 A-frames for gravity stamps 157, 158 Africa, milling at the Simmer & Jack, G. O. Swart 2035 stamp mill practice in, F. C. Roberts 2044 Agassiz, A. viii Aggregation affecting separation 889 of minerals, effect of 3 Agitation . . 892, 1611 after sizing or sorting 891 in kieves 726 ratio on vanners 665 use made of, in mills 890 Agitator for bottle tests ^ 1157 Agitators for amalgamation 780 lor clay 1076 Ahun Colliery, Carr disintegrator at 284 Aikinite, specific gravity of 1188 Air blast, continuous 816 dry blanket 825 panning 825 for emery 1079 graphite 1075 Hochstedt apparatus 816 on horizontal belt 818 bubbles affecting separation 890 effect of 4 on free settling 464 classifier at Engis 817 concentration, bibliography for 837 by 815 concentrators, classification of 816 using centrifugal force 818 continuous blast 816 gaps, ampere turns required for 795 hoists, Pilling 1608 jigs 640, 816, 820 Hooper-Paddock 820 Krom 824 pressure and gravity jig mechanism 537 separator, Clarkson-Stanfield 820, 828 Mumford & Moodie 818 Pape-Henneberg 818, 828 settling, use made of, in mills 889 suction used in asbestos dressing 817 versus water for concentration 825 Aitken, R. M., stamp mill construction 2048 Akens & Evans slimer, the 1500, 2022 Akins Si Evans concentrator 2023 Akron Chili mill 1307 table of sizes, capacities, speeds, weights, etc. . . 1308 Aktien Company, new mill of 1924 Alabama graphite mills 1075 hematite, cost of concentrating 1135 ores roasted for magnetism 814 iron ore concentration 1176 magnetic concentration of 833, 835, 836 washing in 1 180 Alaska, cost of producing gold in 1975, 1976, 1977 dredging in 1009 stamp mill practice at Douglas Island 2039 Treadwell Gold Mining Co 1181 amalgam squeezer used by 781 mill 1127, 1133, 2037, 2042 costs and output at the 2048 descriptions of, R. A. Kinzie . . ; 2033 heavy stamps '. 220 H. Watson 2043 mortar blocks 148 Albany compound for greasing guides 156 grease 1098 Albertite, specific gravity of 1188 Albite, specific gravity of 1188 Alburtis, Pennsylvania, mill at 1055 Alden breaker 59, 61 Alexandria Coal Co., washing plant 1178 Alice mill 1134 Alignment of rolls 71 Alkali to prevent sickening of mercury 751 Allard coal washing methods 2018 Alleghany Iron Co 809 Allegheny Ore and Iron Company, McLanahan and Stone single-roll crusher at 1241 Allen, Robert, West Australia metallurgical practice 1323 Allevard, calcining for friability 9 hand picking at 492 magnetic separation at 834 mill at 1178 picking at 487 roasting for friability at 58 magnetism at 814 sizes of ore hand picked at 487 Allis, E. P., Co., amalgamating pan . . 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 clean-up pan 251 edge runner mill 270 mechanical batea 683 on design of cams 197 stamp tappets 189 patent cams 194 stamp mortar 228 Allis, E. P., on shoe shanks ' 181 stamp bosses 187 stems 187 rolls 76, 111 at Mill 136 . . . 1737, 1738 Allis-Chalmers Company, an improved trommel annular picking table .... Ayton thick-pulp extractor ball mills, regards work, cost, etc. Challenge feeder clean-up pans at Mill 100 corrugated rolls costs of breaking ore 1360 1435 1408 2016 1577 1625 1242 1222 Frue vanners at Mill 127 1711, 1712 Mill 170 1868 Gates ore breakers 1222 rock and ore breakers 1222 tube and ball mills . 1323 mill 1296 Hancock jig 1440, 1459 improved Wolf -Tongue classifier 1387 Lamb automatic tailings sampler 1574, 1809 Richards' shallow-pocket hindered-settling clas- sifier 1384 rolls 1137, 1244 at mills 1707, 1724, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1854, 1866, 1867, 1877, 1878, 1885, 1898, 1913 simple steam stamp at Mill 182 1909 single-cylinder steam stamp 1256 stamps at Mill 100 1624 steam stamp 201 1 suspended frame vanner 1503 testing screens 1 138 toothed rolls . 1242 vanners at Mill 136 1739 Allis Corliss engine 994, 997, 1000 pump 994, 997, 1000, 1003 reliance rolls 82 steam stamp 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 131, 133, 142 valve motion 124 Allison Rand mine 2044 Allouez Copper mine, hand picking at 492 mill 1089, 1107, 1109, 1174 cost of stamping 142 steam stamps 120 Alma Emmons sludge mill xxv, 902 Alpha DeLaval separator 827 ' Alsing Company, the J. R. driers 1597, 1609 tube mills 1323 cylinder 234, 266 bibliography of 294 tube mill 1280, 1294 table of sizes, power, etc 1296 Altenberg classifier 416, 475, 478 mine, wash trommel at 331 Saxony, calcining ore for friability at 9 mill at 1086, 1173 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Alternate polarity in magnetic separation 798 Alternating current in magnetic separation 835 Althans, E., Ball stamp 143 Blake, Marsden and Alden breakers 61 buddies, slime, and percussion tables 729 Dingey mill 293 German and California stamps 230 Krom jig 839 Krom's rolls and coal rolls 112 on breakers 61 ore dressing 1 186 Phoenix and Sholl pneumatic stamps 143 Aluminum amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 bronze cloth screen 174 plate screens 174 specific gravity of 1188 Alum used in settling kaolin 1149 tests 1147 Amador City, California, mill at 1032, 1037 County, California, mills in 1180 cost of milling 1134 mill, screens 174 mills, plates in 788 stamp mills 226 mill, stamps in 228 Amalgam absorbed by plates 765 amount gf bullion in 761 bullion contents of 783 cleaning of 250, 780 distribution of, from plates 764 fineness of 764 general discussion of, Leon de Mortillet 2025 gold 731 and silver in hard 762 in 767 kettle 758 nature of 208, 1512 plain copper plates coated with 747 presses 1517, 1518, 1519 produced by fine gold, hard, A. L. Collins .... 2024 proportions of gold and silver in 762 recovered by sweating plates 759 remedy for hard. E. Woakes 2024 removal of impurities 251 retorting 781 right consistency on plates 756 scoop 758 silver 731 sodium 730 specific gravity of 1 188 squeezer at the Alaska-Treadwell, hydraulic . . 2024 power 1519 squeezing of 781, 1517 strainer 781 treatment and retorting of 2024 used on copper plates 747 Amalgams 730 Amalgamated copper surface on Gilpin County tables 681 Amalgamated plates 731 1014, 1512 See also Plates. absorption of mercury by 1514 amount of drop 743 at Mill 98 622 at Mill 96, details of 1618 clean up 203 details of in the mills 737 distributors and collectors used on 743 dressing of. W. H. Kritzer 2024 for testing 1 156 heavily silver plated. F. W. Cindel 2024 inside 178 material for 1514 Muntz metal for 1512 on Wilfley table 1656 quality of copper for 747 silver plated 1512 slope of 744 speed of waves and thickness of films 746 suggestion is made that pulp flow across. J. R. Sears 2024 Amalgamating device, a laboratory. H. S. Guess . . 2024 mills, bibliography for 1173 for silver ores 1039 pan 232, 239, 777 bibliography for 290 Boss type 242, 244, 245, 246, 247 circulation of pulp 241 cost of . 250 Amalgamating pan dies ........... . 245 E. P. Allis Co ........... 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 for testing ......................... .... 1 157 pan, frame, bottom, and central cone ....... 241 Fraser & Chalmers ...... 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 in Lyon mill .................. 241, 243, 244, 246 loss of mercury in ....................... 250 method of working ...................... 248 power, wear, losses of iron and mercury .... 249 Risdon Iron Works ...... 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 shafts and gears ......................... 248 sides, flanges, ring, lining, covers .......... 244 size of stuff treated by ................... 248 spider, driver, cap, lubrication, and grind- ing .................................... 247 steam pipe and^steam jacket .............. 244 tank and Boss systems ................... 248 temperature of ................... 248 Union Iron Works ____ 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 weight of spider and driving cone in ....... 247 wings, muller, shoes, and pulp current ..... 245 tables, back deflectors for ................... 1514 Krupp ................................. 788 shaking ................................ 1513 Amalgamation ........................ 730, 892, 1512 agitators for .............................. 780 an improved process for. A. C. Beatty ...... 2024 apparatus for ............................. 731 at mills ........................ 1516, 1638, 1663 bibliography for ........................... 787 bottle amalgamation for testing ............. 1996 combination process of .................... 248 description of a new machine for ............. 2025 effect of arsenic on ..................... ... 1654 solutions of salts ...................... '. . . 767 temperature on ....................... 766, 1516 J. J. MacDowell .......... ..2024 C. W. Merrill ......................... 1520 followed by agitation ....................... 89 1 concentration ....................... 1616, 1652 and lixiviation of concentrates ...... 1616, 1620 and tailings .... 1616, 1617 of tailings ...................... 1616, 1623 lixiviation .......................... 1616, 1634 and concentration ................. 1616, 1631 in New Zealand. J. Park ................. 2024 the Southern Urals. C. T. Nissen ........ 2024 inside of batteries at Mill 112 ............... 1658 the mortar. C. DeKalb ................... 2024 loss of gold in ............................. 786 of auriferous pyrites ....................... 2024 gold ores. T. T. Read .................. 1520 new plates .............................. 752 pan amalgamation ......................... 1517 plates, an article on. N. S. Keith ........... 2024 of Muntz metal ......................... 2024 preparation of pulp for ..................... 1514 principle of .............................. 4, 2024 Reese River process of ..................... 248 settlers for ................................ 777 side shake ................................ 2025 sizing before .............................. 1514 temperature at Mill 106 .................... 1640 tests ................................. 1156, 1167 J. R. Cooper ........................... 2024 use made of, in mills ....................... 890 of copper plates for. E. Halse ............ 2024 versus concentration in Gilpin County ........ 1047 Washoe process of ......................... 248 Amalgamator, Bazin's ......................... 787 Eureka rubber ............................ 776 Gowan's .................................. 789 Hewitt's .................................. 788 King gold ................................ 777 Lagarrigue Sutil ........................... 2024 Lancaster gold. J. H. Lancaster ........... 1530 new type of .............................. 2024 Pierce ............................... 1520. 1517 Amalgamators ............................. 775, 1517 amalgamating pans ........................ 777 American ball pulverizer ........................ 234 bibliography for ............ -.-. ......... ^95 Blower Company fans for furnishing air to pneu- matic tables at Mill 151 .................. 1804 Concentrator Company, Knowles New Century magnetic separator ................ 1541, 1568 g mechanism .......................... 537 ew Century Blake breaker ............... 1222 jigs .............................. 1459 jig Ne Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II American Developing and Mining Company mill xxvii, 1028 filter press at Mill 102 1630 gauge 1194 gold stamp mills 1178 improvements in ore dressing 1 175 Process Company driers 1597, 1609 rock breaker 59 screen gauge 172 Smelters Securities Company, Tecolotes mill . . 1748 steam stamp 201 1 Steel Mfrs. Association on screen gauges 173 wire gauges 227 Zinc Extraction Co., international separators at . . 1535 Lead & Smelting Co., Huff electrostatic sepa- rator 1552 Americus Zinc and Lead Mining Company, separa- tion of zinc blende and barytes 1565 Amicus mill, milling cost at 1640 Ammeberg, heating ore for friability 9 Heberli mills at 259 jig at 641 bed at 574 mill at 911, 1086, 1121, 1176 picking at 492 removal of slimes by classifier 373 screening at : 373 separation of pyrite and blende at 829 sieve scale at 367 Utsch jig at 520 Ammonia used on amalgamated plates 753 Amortization of capital 1128 Amount and temperature of water for gravity stamps 221 of mercury fed to stamps 208 throw of jigs 594 Amperes. See also Power. Ampere turns for magnets 794 Amphibole, specific gravity of 1188 A. M. W. mill, Leadville, milling at the. A. W. Warwick 2043 Amygdaloid ore, mills for 990 Anaconda classifier 395, 396, 476 coal washer 2018 concentration at. M. Schwerin 2037 concentrator. D. E. Woodbridge 2040 Copper Mining Co 1836 Huntington mill screens at . 1317 in 1905. L. S. Austin 1922 mill xxvi, 984, 1181, 1182 plant of .. 2037 H. O. Hofman 1922 rolls at mills 1822, 1824, 1828, 1829 Analcite, specific gravity of 1188 Analyses of Cammett table products 678 of canvas table products 701, 702 crude ore and concentrates at Mill 167. . 1858, 1859 Luhrig table products 670 mill products. See individual mills in Chap- ter XX products at Mill 162 1847 of Anchor mill ore 815 Ball-Norton magnet 798 Golden gate table 682 Hallett table 676 magnetic separation . 802, 803, 804, 809, 810, 813 Parsons table 669 pneumatic belt concentrator 818 Richards annular classifier 406 roasting for magnetism 815 slime table 1172 roasted products 814 vanner products 650, 664 Wilfley table products 674 Analysis by specific gravity tests 1159 for minerals 1 162 of Butte ore 135 Morison's curves of velocity of stamps 215 products of disintegration and screening .... 830 of dry separation 820" Krom air jig 824 magnetic separation 802 oil process 832 Paddock air jig 823 separated by decrepitation 829 See Assaying. Anchor mill, roasting and magnetic tests on ore ... 814 speed of jigs at 593 Andalusite, specific gravity of 1188 Anderson's concentrating mill 1184 Andesine, specific gravity of 1188 Andesite, weight of 1190 1177 869 228 490 1435 1437 406 755 1188 834 Andree, Th. Dressing of graphite in Austria and Ba- varia Andrews dredging pump , Angels, California stamps at Camp, California, arrastra at 1039 mills at 1024, 1033, 1034, 1038 shoes and dies at 183 stamps at 224 Angle irons in launders 872 of friction 1244 in trommels 374 of nip, formula 93 gyratory breakers 1218 how affected 94 of rolls 89, 109, 110, 1226 affected by speed 94 slide of ore 337 Anglesite, specific gravity of 1 188 Angleur, double discharge on jigs at 584 Anhydrite, specific gravity of 1188 Animal oils 1098 Ankerite, specific gravity of 1188 Anna mill 1177 wire rope in 1096 stamp mill, spitzlutten at 423 Works, hand picking at 492 Annealing copper plate 747 graphite crucibles 784 iron for permeability 792 Annular picking table Allis-Chalmers type Krupp type vortex classifier Anodes used in electroplating copper plates Anorthite, specific gravity of Anthony, W. A. Edison, Buchanan, and Wetherill separators Anthracite, angle of nip required to crush 94 hindered settling test on 617, 622 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1188 Antidote for mercury 730 Antimony amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 hindered settling test on 614, 617 ore concentrated by Hooper air jig 823 separated by oil 831 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1188 Antioquia, Colombia, amalgamated plates at . Anvil blocks for Nordberg steam stamp Anzin Company, air blast for coal dust using air blast Apatite, mill for specific gravity of 1 188 used in making phosphate 815 Apophyllite, specific gravity of 1188 Apparatus, accessory 842 used for amalgamation 731 Appendix 1187, 1999 bibliography for 1173 Appleby, C. J 229 Appliances for elevating ore and water 859 Application of magnets 7 790 riffles 723 Apron distributors 857 for feeding slime tables 689 jigs 549 plates ...^ ; 740 Aragonite, specific gravity of 1 188 Arcadian mill 131 Archer breaker 57, 58, 60 Archimedean screw for jig tailings 588 Archimedes screw dredge 1009 Arc lamp at Mill 152 1931 lights 1100 Area of amalgamated plates 744 discharge for stamps 209 steam stamps 129 sorting column 403 Argall, Philip. Capacity for rolls 1226 cylindrical driers 1599 driers 880, 1600 and drying of ore 1609 dry crushing 2010 economic range of gravity stamps 1276 feeding tube mills " 1288, 1323 four-tube drier at Bessie mill 1600 Metallic plant 1600 grinding pans versus tube mills 1282 749 1247 .817 1059 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Argall, Philip, ideas on a modern fine crushing plant . . 2018 jig 639 journal pressure in rolls 97 limit of economical sizing 1366 modern crushing and grinding machinery 1278 multi-tubular drier at Mill 143 1770 on Gilpin County mills 1047 rules for sampling 848 screens . oso ore dressing in British Columbia 2042 question of hole vs. mesh 1366 rolls 1230 for dry crushing ' 1224 sampling and dry crushing in Colorado 1244 of orel . 1609 screens, kind, speeds, and cost of screening . . . 1365 settlement of slimes 1417 settling of roasted slimes 1419 speed for rolls and speed curves 1224 standardization of screens 2020 use of Vezin sampler 1572 Argentite, specific gravity of 1188 Argon, atomic weight of 1188 Arithmetical ratio for sieve scale 367 Arizona and Sonora. D. E. Woodbridge 1923 concentration at Humboldt. A. H. Hamilton . 2038 in. F. H. Probert 2037 of copper in. F. H. Probert 2033, 2041 concentrators in. A. Morison 2042 Copper Company. D. E. Woodbridge 1923 Limited 1868 mill of. A. Morison 2041 use of lime for slime settling 1416 districts. Cost of producing copper in 1953, 1954, 1955 gasoline engines in 1184 milling at Mowry 2042 milling practice in. D. E. Woodbridge 2038 mills in 1005, 2043 slime treatment in 1411 stamp mill 1175 type of settling tanks at Morenci 1413 Arminius Chemical Company 1913 mill 1913 Armitage, H. E., adjustments of jigs 640 double-cone classifier 426 on making bed material for jigs 574 spilzlutte. Hopper -shaped unwaterer 476 Arrangement of holes in screens 168 trommels 384 machinery in a modern mill. A. Harvey 2048 machines 891 mills 1086, 1107 plates 737, 742 screen holes 369 trommels 364 Arrastra 232, 237 bibliography of 289 description of the. A. Lakes 2013 discussion of construction. E. L. Ballou 2016 mill 1039 value of the. M. F. Leech 2014 Arrastras, number used 231 Arsenic amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 in amalgam 767 specific gravity of 1188 Arsenolite, specific gravity of 1 188 Arsenopyrite, hindered settling test on 616, 617 roasted for porosity 829 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1 188 Artesian well for water 1105 Asbestos board used in retorting 781 covering for steam pipes 1091 dressing 817, 838, 1079, 1178, 1182 in Quebec 1916 R. Stokes 2046 methods of treating. E. B. Wilson 2041 milling of. F. Cirkel 1568 E. S. Regelman 2036 in Canada. F. Cirkel 2034 Ascending-current cones or cylinders 1402 Ashes used in preparing amalgamated plates 756 retorts 781 Ashio mill, Japan 2047 Aspen, Colorado, electric power at 1091 hammers used 10 mill at 933, 1004 Aspen, Colorado, rock house at 485 Asphalt floors in mills 1088 Asphaltum, specific gravity of 1188 Asphalt varnish used in electroplating 754 Assaying tests 1163 Assay office 1160 for mill 1088 of tailings at Mill 48 13Q Assays and sizing test of feed and products of Hunt- ington mills 1317 of jig tailings 607 mill products Mill 142 1767 minerals 1162 products at Mill 129 1718 of Paddock air jig 823 stamp pulp 211 tailings 213 zinc mill products 1169 See also Analyses. Atacama, Chili, mill at 1182 mill, Taltal, Chili. S. H. Loram 2033 Atacamite separated by screening 830 specific gravity of 1188 Athabasca mine, British Columbia, milling' at the. E. N. Fell 2034 Atkinson, A. S. Lake Superior milling practice . . . 1419 Atlantic mill 1175, 1180, 1183 cost of breaking at 51 crushing at 57 mining and milling 1131 steam stamping 142 details of cylinders of steam stamps 126 Evans classifier in 395 launders at 873 screen for stamp 121 slime tables at : 697 steam stamps 120, 135 Mining Co 1181 Atlas engine 902 Atlin district, B. C., dredging in the 2037 Atmosphere, weight of . . . 1188 Atmospheric discharge for jigs 583 stamp 140 Atomic weights, table of 1188 Attaching jig screens 539 Attachment of jig plunger to connecting rods 529 screens in trommels 355 Attendance required by American Process Company driers 1599 Blake breaker at Mill 186 1917 Gates breaker at Mill 159 1828 Pierce amalgamator at Mill 114 1663 rotary drier at Mill 186 1917 steam stamps at Mill 182 1912 Wetherill magnetic separators 1525 Wilfley roasting furnace 1548 Attraction of various substances by magnets 796 Attrition causing slimes 1121 Atwood amalgamator 775 Atwpod, M. Microscopic examination of pulp 228 Augite, strength of 301 Aultman balanced shaking screen 2018 jaw breaker 2009 Auriferous antimony ore, concentration of an 2030 Aurora mill, jigs at 641 pointed boxes at 477 Austin gyratory breaker 1210, 2009 Austin, L. S., Anaconda Copper Company in 1905 1922 Deister concentrator at the Baltic mill 2023 Washoe Plant of the Anaconda Copper Com- pany 2033, 2043 Austin Manufacturing Company. Cost of breaking ore 1222 Austin gyratory breakers 1222 Austin, W. L. amalgamating pan, Boss system 291 at the Harshaw mill 290 Boss tubular classifier at Harshaw mill 478 gravity stamps 224 grizzlies in the Harshaw mill 385 milling at Harshaw and Charleston mills, Ari- zona 1174 on impurities in amalgam 251 settlers and retorts at the Harshaw mill 787 wear of amalgamating pans 249 Austinville, Virginia, mill at 1065 New Century jig at 1446 zinc ore from 809 Australasian practice 1713 Australia, amalgamated plates in 737, 742, 745 concentration in 2033 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Australia, details of stamps 226 dredging in 1009 dry concentration in 837, 838 panning in 825 Hancock jig in 504 mercury wells and riflles in 769, 770 metallurgical practice in West. R. Allen 1323 mill practice in. W. T. Saunders 2039 Western. R. Stokes 2046 plates in 788 stamp mills in 1 180 stamps in 226, 227, 229 treatment of lead zinc ores in. V. F. S. Low . . 2034 low-grade copper ore in. J. J. Muir 2039 ore at the Lucknow gold field. A. R. Canning 2040 water used in stamp mills 222 Australian gold mills 1110, 1119 Metal Company's mill, Ullrich magnetic separ- ators at 1535 practice, grinding pans in 1283 Austria, chromite mill in 1073 graphite dressing in 1177 mills in 1075 Austrian graphite mill, kieves in 727 Author's tests on jigging mixed sizes 630 suction 627 Automatic discharges on jigs 553, 576, 577, 583, 584 stay box for 584 feeders 853, 854, 855, 856 ore feeders 1578 samplers Vezin-type at Mill 167 1857, 1858 at Mill 172 1873, 1874 tripper at Mill 174 1883 A very automatic scales at Mill 105 1635 Avpirdupoi? weights, equivalents of 1 187 Axinite, specific gravity of '. 1189 Ayton intermittent pulp thickener 2020 thick pulp extractor 1419 at El Bote mill 1408 Azurite, specific gravity of 1 189 B Babbitting rolls 73 Babbitt metal for bearings 1098 effect on mercury 751 Babcock & Wilcox boiler 910, 1090 Back plates, disadvantages of 178 Bacon, Earl C viii rolls at Mill 152 1807 Bad-Ems, Prussia, mill at 1177 Badoureau, A. Free settling in water 477 Baffle board in mercury wells 768 settling tank 459 plates in distributors 857 driers 882 to settle dust 1099 Bag room for dust 883 Bailey, G. E. Gold stamp mills 1183 Baize for tables 703 tables on dredges 1012 Baker, G. W. Blake breaker 58 on breakers 58 Krom jig 838, 839 Krom's improvements on Cornish rolls 110 Balanced rolls, Sturtevant 1232 Balancing of shaking screens 342 Balch magnetic separator 834 Baliol mill 1184 Ballarat, amalgamated plates at 745 plates at 788 single discharge at 209 stamps at 226 Victoria, mills at 1180 Ball, C. M. Ball-Norton separator 833, 1175 Cummings mill 292 equations for concentration 1176 on power used for crushing 309 Ball mills 233, 260, 1285 Allis-Chalmers 1323 amalgamation 1 156 an article on the 2014 as re-grinding machines 1332, 1333 at mills 1828, 1829, 1830, 1914 best size of feed for. H. J. Brooke 1323 bibliography for 293 continuous, dry, sieveless 2017 discussion of 2015 Ferraris 1280, 1299, 1323 Ball mills, Ferraris, capacities of 1300 table of sizes, power, weights, etc 1300 fine grinding 2015 for clays 2013 Gates 1280, 1300 table of sizes, capacities, power, weights, etc 1300 general notes on 1301 Humboldt Engineering Works Company 1315 in Australia, capacity, speed of 2028 Krupp 1231 number used 340 operation of. H. Fischer 1302 sizing test of ball mill pulp 1315 on 2017 using rollers. E. Poetgens 1830 versus rolls at Mill 159 1916 stamps as slime makers at Mill 185 1303 wear of steel balls in 2017 wet 2016 with dust separator 2017 a fines separator 2028 Ball-Norton magnetic separators . . . .797, 1527, 1568, 1527 at Mill 158 1826 belt-type at Mill 158 .... 1822, 1824, 1825, 1822 drum-type at Mill 158 1821, 2028 results at Port Henry on a 2028 type 'M' at Mill 158 .... 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826 Ballou, E. L. Stamping and concentration on sulphide gold ore 1 184 Ball's revolving knife buddle 328, 334 Ball steam stamps 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 142, valve motion 123 Bally balanced cam 226 cam 228 Baltic mill, Redridge, Michigan. E. D. McDermott 2040 W. McDermott 2041 Baltic mill, Redridge, Michigan , 2044 Mining Company 1895 copper hand book 1925 Banking in stamp mortar 215 prevention 218 Banks on vanners 652, 656, 662 Bank, thickness of, in trommels 378, 380 Banner mine, concrete mortar block 148 Barber, G. M. Griison ball mill at Atacama, Chili . 1182 Barbour, T. J. Dredging in California 1182 Bardwell, E. S. Free-settling velocities 1421 sorting tube for testing 1988 Barge with log washers 326 Barite, angle of nip to crush 94 decrepitation of 829 dressing at Long Island. E. K. Judd 2027 methods used in dressing. E. Higgins, Jr. ... 2026 specific gravity of 1 189 washing 1173 in Tennessee. E. K. Judd 2027 Barium, atomic weight of 1188 Barlor, J, C. Sampling of concentrating tables . . . 2032 Barnaby, G. A. Free-settling velocities 1421 Barnhardtite, specific gravity of 1 189 Barnhart, G. A., on Griffin mill 284 Barrel for clean-up 234, 264 Barrels for shipping concentrates 1112, 1113 Barren Springs, Virginia, iron ore from 809 Bar riffles 721, 724 screens 336 Barry tube mill lining 2014 Bars for supporting jig sieves 539 Barth, C. Krom's rolls vs. stamps 1 12 stamps and rolls 229 Barth, K. Ball, Leavitt, and Allis stamps 142 Blake and Krom breakers 60 on breakers 60 Bartle pulverizer 233 bibliography for 294 Bartlett 1004, 1119 and Snow Company, driers 1609 the C. O., drag or disc conveyors 1583 friction clutches 1067 Grill four-compartment driers 1597 fine crushing mill 1004, 1005 Bartlett, F. L. Concentrating blende 1183 jerking table 492 milling 1181 Bartlett, J. C. Pneumatic concentration 837 picking table 489 Simplex concentrator 1487 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Bartlet, J. C, table 678, 680, 1153, 2022 in Germany 2023 used as jigs at Mill 142 1767 Bartola pan 1036 Bartsch breaker 61 bumping circular table 691 rotary percussion tables at Mill 150 1800 rotary percussion table, the 1497 round table 2022 Barus, C. Settling in liquids 1186 settling of very fine particles in liquids 477, 479 tests on clay particles 474 Barytes and zinc blende, separation of by decrepita- tion 1565 Basalt, strength of 301 Base metals, effect on mercury 751 in bullion 785 Basin Reduction Company 1848 washers for clay 333, 335, 1076 Batea 1152 belt for vanners 657 mechanical 683 Bath for silver plating 755 Batopilas, amalgamating pans at 291 Mexico, Silver Mill at 1174 Battens for mills 1088 Battery, Boss standard 1267 cloth, brass and iron 171 construction 2012 frame, cantilever. I. C. Boss 1278 M. P. Boss 2012 description of a 2012 screens at Mill 96 1618 Foote screen 1270 gun-metal at Mill 185 1915 standard ten-stamp 1267 water, the temperature of the 2012 Baugh's mill of cone type 292 Baum jig 519, 643 coal jig 523 advantages of 519 air pressure and gravity 537 disadvantages '. . . 519 discharge 581 mechanism 537 washing- plant. Barnsley, Eng 2051 Herne coal washing jig 2021 Bauschinger, J. Strength of stone 316 Bauxite, specific gravity of 1189 Bavaria, graphite dressing in 1 177 Baxter breaker 56, 58, 60, 61 Bayliss, R. T. Amalgam on plates 787 on Blanton cams 194 Bay State Mining Company mill xxvii, 1023 Bazin's amalgamator 787 Beach Glen iron ore concentrated by magnets .... 802, 803 Beakers for settling tests 1146 Bearings for cam shaft 190, 191 rolls 72 Beason, L. H. Boston Con. Mg. Co. mill, Garfield, Utah 2038 the mill of the Utah Copper Co., Garfield, Utah . . 2045 Beatty, A. C. An improved amalgamation process 2024 Beaumont, W., on breakers 59 Cole's stone breaker 59 Becker Foundry & Machine Co 30 Becker, G. F. and S. F. Emmons. Amalgamating pans 291 amalgamation 789 arrastra 290 edge runners 295 Becket Foundry & Machine Co., rolls 76 Beckett and McDowell geared rolls at Mill 183 1913 Bedding for jigs 1458 Harz jigs at Mill 183 1913 Bed of hand jig 894 of jigs 495, 552 effect of 1463 material for 573 size of grains for 575 tests on 630 on concentrators, depth of 1510 on vanners, thickness of proper condition of, on jigs thickness of, on fine concentrators Beguelin mine, Blake breaker at .... Belgium, jigs in mills in phosphate dressing in Bell discharge for jigs 595 644 1621 641 1176, 1185 582 Bellom, M 1135 breakers 57, 60, 61 capacity and water for classifier 432 drum separator at Friedrichssegen 833 finest size jigged 606 hand and machine breaking. Schranz breaker. 57 Jigs 641 on number of sieves for jigs 590 ore dressing in Saxony, The Harz, and Rhenish Prussia H76 pneumatic machine at Himmelfurst mine 837 pointed boxes at Friedrichssegen. Meinecke hydraulic classifier, Meinecke spitzlutte .... 477 Schranz breaker 60 Schranz mill . . 290 Stein belt table and Linkenbach slime table ... 728 trommels. Schmidt spiral sieve 385 value of hand picking 492 Bellevue coal washer, Scranton, Penn. G. W. Harris 2051 Bell, R. Concentration in British Columbia 2034 dredging on the Snake River, Idaho 2036 Grasshopper Creek 2041 Bell, Robert N. Note on Triplex rolls 1244 Belpair boilers 992 Belt and pulley for trommels . 356 batea 657 Blasdel 647 canvas used in Mill 41 650 concentrator, air 818 conveyors 859 861 at mills 1631, 1670, 1690, 1691, 1706, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1735, 1750, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1768, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1828, 1851, 185~3, 1868, 1869, 1876, 1913 for dredges 1012 picking on ' 489 rubber 859 driven pumps 871 elevators 862 film tables 697 Brunton table 698 Castelnau table 698 Ferraris table 698 Uren table 698 for vanners 647, 655, 657 Loring 647 percussion table 1496 rope and plate conveyors for hand picking . . . 489 screens 1357 Callow screen 1358 Dunlap perfect clay screen 1357 tables ..... 669 bibliography for 728 travel on vanners 658, 660 Woodbury , 197 Belted rolls 75- Belting used on amalgamated plates 760 Belts 1176- and pulleys 197 conveying 1585 proper speed for belts in Wetherill magnetic separator 1523 corrugated 647 corrugated -versus plain 650 1 cost of for vanners 663 "crack-proof" vanner belt 1503 for gravity stamps 197 for hand picking, speed and capacity of 143& for mills . . 1093 link 860 magnetic separators with 804 of vanners, details of 648 or tables for hand picking 1435 picking and sorting belts at Mill 137 1438 Robins conveying and picking 1438, 2021 sizes of, for rolls 97 Spadone concentrator belt 1503 take-off, in Wetherill magnetic separator, width thickness, and proper speed for 1524 Bendigo, amalgamated plates at 745, 762 Australia, mills at 1180 milling practice at. H. C. Boydell 2044 gold milling practice in. H. C. Boydell 2034 iron stamp frames in 160 plates in 788 shoes and dies at 183 stamps at 226 Benedict, W. de L. Log washer in South Carolina 1180 washing plant 335 on wash trommels 333-. Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Benson mines, magnetic separation at Berdan's amalgamating pan Berenger and Stingls slime tank Berlin, tests on strength of stone at Berrigan centrifugal separator Bertha Zinc Co., mill Works Berthelet inclined screen Berthierite, specific gravity of Bertrand mill, rolls at Beryl, specific gravity of Bessemer steel for shoes and dies Bessie mill, Argall 4-tube drier at Bethune Mining Co., France, surface equipment for coal washing at the Bettel, W. Definition of slimes Beuthen, mill at 1177, Upper Silesia, mill at Bevel gears Bibliography for adhesion amalgamation appendix breakers and hammers centrifugal separation classifiers and laws of classifying decrepitation disintegrating and screening dust chambers and bag houses elevators and conveyors feeders and distributors gravity stamps hand picking jigs and laws of jigging , kieves launders ." laws of classifying by free settling in water . crushing jigging magnetic concentration and roasting for mag- netism mills and general milling pneumatic concentration preliminary crushing washers pulverizers pumps riffles roasting for friability roasting for porosity rolls sampling screening steam, pneumatic, and spring stamps vanners, tables, riffles, and kieves weathering Bigelow patent breaker Bilharz cobbing magnet at Mill 126 O. and E. W. Neubert. Dressing at Freiberg, Saxony Bilharz, O Altenberg classifier and Rittinger spitzlutte .... Ball stamps Bilharz belt-table hydraulic classifier, siphon separator, Altenberg classifier, Bilharz spitzlutte Jig -:: movable sieve jigs table, Frue vanner, slime table, and buddle .... versus Rittinger spitzlutte Blake, Kley, Gates, and McCully breakers .... Carnal! and Crickboom wash trommels Carr disintegrator Dingey mill edge runners general milling gravity stamps Griffin roller mill grizzlies, riddles, and trommels Griison ball mill Heberli mill Heberwasche, Harz jig, Bilharz jig Himmelfahrt mill at Freiberg, Saxony . . Huntingdon mill milling in Missouri Pape-Henneberg separator and Krom jig dry concentration picking houses Rittinger's principles Schwarzmann's rolls . 1182, 798 Bilharz , O. spitzlutte 423 291 test of jaw and Blake breakers 54 1407 wash trommels 332 301 Wenstrom, Lovett-Finney, Chase separators . . 832 2023 Bilharz circular jig 518 1180 sieve power jig 504 1105 classifier 475 2018 improved Rittinger spitzlutte 478 1189 oblong movable sieve power jig 503 110 spitzlutte 477 1189 table 669 185 capacity of 504 1600 at mills 1659, 1789, 1790, 1791 Billek, J. Concentration on galena-blende-pyrite at 2051 Maiern 1185 1397 picking in mine and mill at Maiern, Austria 493 1186 separation plant at Maiern; Siemens and Halske 1087 separators 836 1096 Bin and feed chute for steam stamps 129 839 Bingham, Utah, mill at 913 787 milling the ores of. W. R. Ingalls 2039 1173 Binkley, George E. Settling system 1409 57 Bins . . ... 842, 1027, 1570 839 at mills ....1742, 1743, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1857 475 concentrate drying 1570 839 discharge chute in 843 839 drier, at Mill 100 1625 885 filter 1570 884 for concentrates 1112 884 of the Wolverine mine, drawings of the ore . . . 2032 223 sizes and capacities. See individual mills in 492 Chapter XX. 639 stamp 128 727 with steam pipe for drying products at Mill 125 . . 1705 885 Biotite, separation from molybdenite by magnet . . . 1568 475 specific gravity of 1189 315 Birkinbine, J., and T. A. Edison. Blake system . . 57 639 Buchanan, Wenstrom, Conkling, Monarch and Edison separators 833 832 breakers 57 1 173 concentrating iron 1175 837 Conkling separator 833 55 cost of breaking at Atlantic mill 51 334 crushing at Atlantic mill 57 289 magnetic concentration 1175 885 milling at Atlantic mill, Lake Superior 1175 727 Lake Superior 1175 839 Birmingham gauge 1194 839 Iron foundry 76 109 screen gauge 172 884 Bismuth amalgam 730 384 atomic weight of 1188 142 Bjsmuthinite, specific gravity of 1189 727 Bismuth removed from mercury 786 839 specific gravity of 1189 2009 Bituminous coal, specific gravity of 1189 1532 Blackhawk breaker of Dodge type 31 1532 Colorado, mill at ". 1035, 1048 Black Hills, breakers at 57 1174 cost of g9ld milling in 1132 xix crushing in cyanide solution in the. C. H. Fulton 2033 478 district, South Dakota, cost of producing gold in 142 1977, 1978 729 grizzlies in 385 mercury trap 773 475 mills in 1175, 1176, 1181, 1182 641 plates in 787 643 stamps in 224,227 727 steam stamps in 135 476 wet crushing cyanide mill in the. E. B. Sawyer. 2044 55 Black Pine, Montana, mill at 1175 334 Black sands 1008, 1013, 1017 298 by U. S. G. S., investigation of 2042 293 Caribou riffle for treating 1509 295 concentration by the U. S. G. S. K. Thomas . 2046 1173 of 2038 223 D. T. Day, R. H. Richards 2047 297 device for saving. W. Brazenall 2038 384 Leighton separator for 1528 293 method of recovering gold from 1654 292 problem of the. F.Powell 1511 639 tests on at Dawson 2034 1185 treatment of 2028 296 J. A. Edman 2025 2034 California 2027 837 Blacksmith shop for mill 1087 837 Blades in centrifugal pumps 869 492 Blaisdell aerators at Mill 109 1650 1 175 centrifugal sand distributor ; 1602 109 Company. Blaisdell mechanical ore machinery 1609 10 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Blaisdell distributor 1600 excavator 1600 at mills 1670, 1868 mechanical mixer 1603 sand distributor 1670 slime agitator 1602 system of mechanical ore handling 1600 Blake breakers 13, 55-61, 1223 at mills .... 1617, 1618, 1621, 1624, 1724, 1737, 1742, 1749, 1769, 1792, 1802, 1821, 1823, 1824, 1837, 1842, 1853, 1882, 1883, 1917 author's tests on samples crushed in 311 Carterville Foundry & Machine Works 1201 Case laboratory breaker of the Denver Fire Clay Company 1204 comparative wear of metals in jaws 48 compared with Dodge Gates 52 Denver Engineering Works Company 1203 design of 1201 details of from the mills 23 sizes 16 Eli Whitney 13 Farrel Foundry and Machine Company 34 for testing 1137 Gates Iron Works 34 horse-power required 17 Humboldt Engineering Company 1205 information on 18, 1223 Krupprock ; 1202 lead ore crushed in 274 lever type 21 life of wearing parts of at Mill 139 1221 National Drill and Manufacturing Company's . 1203 New Century Blake 1203 operation of 16 Sturtevant roll-jaw 1205 toggles used for pounding blocks 489 Von Reytt's tests 305 wear of 25, 48 Blake challenge breaker 20, 59 Blake-Denison continuous weighers 1603 Weigher Company. Blake-Denison Weighing machine 1609 at mills 1832, 1860 Blake double jaw breaker at Mill 158 1824 Blake, L. I. Blake-Morscher separators 2027 electrostatic separation 1550 magnetic separator 833 Blake-Marsden fine breaker 56, 58 breaker at Mill 185 1915 Blake-Morscher electrostatic separator. A.H.Plomb 2026 ore separator 1550, 1611 at Montana Zinc Company's mill 1551 separator, description of the. L. I. Blake . 2027 separator. W. McA. Johnson 2026 at Mill 140 1551 treatment of milling at Mill 131 1551 Blake multiple jaw breaker 28 pump 1008 T. A., and S. R. Krom. Improvements by Krom 59 Blake breaker 57 of Chateaugay Ore and Iron Co 59 multiple jaw breaker 57 svstem 60 breakers 57, 59, 60 edge runners 295 edge stone mills 269 Haile Gold mine, North Carolina, and Chateau- gay Ore and Iron Company, N. Y 1175 rock breaker 20 wearing parts for breakers 48 W. P. Amalgamation 789 Blake magnetic separator 833 breakers 57 Rowland's stamp battery stamp mills in Cali- fornia, Australia, and Brazil. German over- flow battery, Rittinger stay battery 229 Huet & Geyler's settling cylinder, Hundt's sett- ling tub and Rittinger 's setzrad 478 jigs 640 pivoting of jaw 57 reverberatory furnace designed by 829 separating blende and pyrite 829 separating pyrite 833 separation processes 839 silver milling at Butte, Montana 1175 two-stamp steam battery 143 Wimmer's, Rittinger's, Harz, and Huet and Geyler's jigs 643 Blanding, L. Amalgamation 789 Blandy, J. F. Ball stamp 142 pneumatic stamp 143 Blanket concentrating tables at Mill 118 1677 for mortar blocks 148 tables 703, 749, 1464, 1507 tables on dredges 1012 under amalgamated plates 735 used dry for concentrating 825 in sweating plates 759 Blanks for accounts 1124 Blanton cams 193, 225, 228, 229 Blasdel vanner belt 647 Blasting in the mine : 9 Bleaching powder 1167 Bleiberg, Rittinger tables at 668 Bleichert aerial tramway at mills 1719, 1769 wire tramway 937, 1016 Bleischarley mill, Silesia, dry concentration at the . . 2039 mine, mill at 1186 Blende and pyrite separated by disintegration 830 roasting and magnetism 814 separation 839, 900 siderite separated by roasting and magnets . . 799 crushed by rolls 62 jigs in Missouri, capacity of 602 mill for 902, 907, 908 ore, roasting of 57 test on 1168 weight of 1190 separated by decrepitation 829 from pyrite 829 quartz 720 separation at Ammeberg 9 weight of 1190 Bleyberg, double discharge on jigs at 584 sieve scale at 367 Blinding of screens 175, 373 Blisters on amalgamated plates 760 Block corundum 1078 system of selecting ore 481 Block 10 mine 1713 Blomeke, C. Advantages of the Wetherill separator 2030 apparatus in German mills 1177 ball mills 293 Bartsch, Schranz, Luhrig, and Linkenbach tables 728 Bilharz and Schranz jigs 641 Braun jig and Harz eccentric jig 641 capacity of jigs 697 of trommels 360 coarse and fine crushing 2010 complete discussion of tube and ball mills 2016 concentrating at the Perm mine, Westphalia ... 1177 zinc and lead 1177 Dornberg and Aurora concentrating plant at Ramsbeck, Westphalia 1177 German mills 2034 Groppel concentrator 2023 hand picking at Ramsbeck, Westphalia. Cobb- ing table 492 Himmelfahrt ore dressing plant at Freiberg, Saxony 1177 jigs at Lintorf 641 in Aurora and Dornberg mills in Westphalia . . 641 Kavan-Rittinger, vs. Luhrig, Stein vs. Bartsch tables 728 laborforjigs 604 magnetic separation /U/o in Hungary 2040 separators 834 new jig screen 2021 ore dressing at Bad-Ems 1177 Beuthen, Silesia 1177 Clausthal H77 Lintorf H77 Silberau, Laurenburg, and Clausthal .... 1177 Pape-Henneberg apparatus concentrator pneumatic concentration pointed boxes in Dornberg and Aurora mill riddles, trommels, and spiral sieves for coal . Schmidt spiral sieve Schranz mill 296 separation 836 side plunger eccentric jigs 641 slimes at the Himmelfurst-Fund mine at Przi- bram 1177 slime tables 728 Stein, Schranz, and Rittinger tables 728 837 837 477 385 385 11 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II, Blomeke, C. Stroke of jigs 594 trommels at Bad-Ems 385 use of wash trommels 2018 Wetherill magnetic separator 834 Blower for Krom jig 824 Blow of gravity stamps, effectiveness of 218 Blue Bell mine, British Columbia, proposed method of treatment at the 2042 Bird mill, sizing test of stamped ore 222 ground 1080 treated in South Africa 333 weathered at Kimberley 830 weight of 1191 Blue, F. K. Experiments with launders 1594 Boards, covered with amalgam 747 for mill building 1088 to catch gold on dredges 1012 Bobtail mill, mortars 164, 165 rate of crushing in 165 weight of stamps and mortars 164 Bodie, amalgamated plates at 766 plates at 788 stamps at 227, 228 Bogardus eccentric mill 233, 259 mill 232 bibliography for 292 Boggs and Clark centrifugal pumps at Mill 141 ... 1761 Bohemia, a mill in. O. Eypert 2047 graphite dressing in 1 177 mill in 1075 Bohme. Strength of stone 316 Boilers 1090 in mills see Individual Mills in Chapter XX. . Boiler tubes for launders 873 Boiling of jig beds 600 point of mercury 730 Bolivia, tin concentration in. J. D. Minchin 2038 dressing in 1084, 1183 M. Frochot . . 2033 .148, 2040 1854 60 60 150 882 236 299 459 221 1309 57 640 1175 862 60 60 784 837 W. McDermott Bolthoff rolls at Mill 166 Bolton, R., on breakers Lancaster breaker Bolts for stamp mortars removal of Bolzenmuhle bibliography for Bonanza Co., use of lime for settling mill, details of stamps Bonita Mining Company, Lane slow-speed mill at Bonne Terre, Missouri, breakers at jigs at mill at 924 Boot for elevators Booth breaker combination breaker Borax for melting Borchers, W. Concentration plant of the Sterling Zinc and Iron Co Bordeaux, A. Costs of concentrating lead zinc ores 2049 Borgmann and Emde revolving grizzly bars 386 screen 386 Bornite, specific gravity of 1 189 Boron, atomic weight of 1188 Borotungstate of cadmium 1156 Bosco drainage boxes at Mill 113 1660 settling launders at Mill 113 1660 sizers at Mill 142 1767 Bosqui, F. L. Cyaniding at the Homestake mills . . 1925 definition of slimes 1398 Montana Tonapah mill 2038 treatment at the Combination mill, Goldfield, Nevada 2045 Boss amalgamating pan 242, 243, 244 Bosses, sockets in 187 table of details of 186 Boss, I. C. Cantilever battery frame 1278 M. P viii, 244, 426 amalgamating pan 239, 244, 245, 246, 247 battery at Mill 102 1630 cam key 1273 cantilever stamp-frame at Tonopah Mining, Milling, and Development Company 1272 cone classifier 425 definition of slimes 1399 individual mortars 1265 lever-operated latch finger for gravity stamps . . . 1273 muller and shoes made by . . . 246 on slimes 1420 the Chili mill . . 1323 Boss, M. P., roller mill 1313 shoe and die channels in amalgamating pan of. 247 stamp head 1271 standard battery 1267 steel stamp battery frame 2012 wedge-grip tappet for gravity stamps 1272 Boss or stamp head 185 pans 241,291 steam jackets in 244 system 290, 291 of pan amalgamation 248, 779 tubular classifier 478 Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company mill xxvi, 1841 Boston Consolidated Copper Company 1850, 1852 and Mining Company mill, Garfield, Utah. L. H. Beason 2038 Nissen stamps at 1278 -Richardson Mining Company 1620 Bottle agitator 1157 amalgamation 1 157 for testing 1996 Bottom bed in jigs, size of grains of 575 thickness of 575 material for 573 on Faust jig 548 jigs, denned 495 for amalgamating pan 241 ore bins 842 Boulder County, Colorado, cost of mining and milling tungsten ores 1987 dry separation in 820 Boulders in dredging 1011 Bourdais disintegrators 899 Bournonite, specific gravity of 1189 Bower's rolls Ill Bowie, A. J., Jr 1197 Blake breaker at Father de Smet mill 57 Eureka rubber and traps in the Father de Smet mill 787 Father de Smet gold stamp mill 1 174 gravity stamps 224 grizzlies in the Father de Smet Mill 385 hydraulic giants 334 hydraulicking 1006 hydraulic mining xix 1173 mortars 164, 165 on grade of a sluice 723 riffles 721 timber riffle blocks 721 Box classifiers 432 surface current 433 whole current 443 distributors 857 feed for Wilfley table 1468 traps, Krupp type 1516 for mercury 773 Boxes for jig concentrates 586- cam shafts 190 rolls 72 in launders 875 Boys for picking 481 Braden Copper Company mill, Chile. W. Braden . 2039 Bradford eccentric jig 500 jig 334, 639 washer 330 Bradley, F. W viii Brass battery cloth, Tyler double-crimped 171 for jig screens 545 plate for jig screens at Mill 141 1760 screens 174 Versus steel for jig screens 547 wire jig screens at mills .... 1686, 1714, 1743, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1867, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1902, 1903, 1904 Braun, Company, F. W. Sample grinders 1323 jig 641 double discharge on . . sample grinder solution Bray coal screen Brazil, mining in. W. Maude stamps in Brazing of amalgamated plates Breakage of stamp stems .... Breakers, action of Alden type Allis-Chalmers, Gates type American rock . 584 . . . 1279, 1284 1156 2018 2035 ....227, 229 735 188 55 59, 61 1222 59 12 Archer type 57, 58, 60 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Breakers, at Mill 144 1771 attendance in Ontario mill 57 Austin gyratory breaker 1210 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1210 Bartsch type 61 Baxter type 56, 58, 60, 61 between feeder and stamps 2009 bibliography for 55 Blake and Gates compared 52 challenge type 20, 59 design of * 1201 Kley, Gates, McCully 55 multiple jaw 57 type 13, 20 Brennan and Young Colorado Iron Works duplex breaker Friedrich Krupp Grusonwerk Fulton Iron Works Gates Iron Works Giant Rock Hercules rock breaker, Hendy Machine Works 22 Krom's sectional breakers 21 lever pattern 21 Minnesota Iron mine 23 Monarch breaker 20 Risdon Iron Works 22 sectional cushioned crusher 20 Union Iron Works breaker 21 Walburn and Swenson 23 Booth type 60 breaking point for 49 Brennan and Young 21, 59 Brinje type 58 Brodie type 60 Brown's 56, 58, 59 Buchanan type 59, 61 granulator 59 universal type 59 Camroux type 58, 61 capacity of 54 powers, etc 56 Carterville Foundry & Machine Works Blake breaker 1201 Case laboratory breaker of the Denver Fire Clay Company 1204 champion type 58 classification of preliminary 1200 Codman type 58, 61 Cole type 59, 61 Comet 41 table of details of 41 comparison of 57 between different types of . A.B.Paul 2018 of jaw and spindle types 51 compound 57 cost of crushing by 49 running 54 Denver Engineering Works Company. Blake . 1203 Company. Blake. Table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1204 different makes of 2009 Dodge type 28 double acting Dragon type duplex Dyckhoff type effect of corrugations on . essentials of excelsior type Farrel- Blake. Table of sizes capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1200 fine crushing by 54 Fprster type 25, 57, 60 friction of 55 Fulton Iron Works 22 Gardiner type 57 Gates 36 action of 39 cast-iron head center for gyratory 1220 gunlock manganese-steel mantles for gyratory 1220 Gates Iron Works . . ; 23 style "K" 1207 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1208 table of details of 38 with short head and concaves 1208 table of sizes and capacities 1209 Breakers, general consideration about 47 Giant Rock 22 Griffith type ', 59 Gyratory, range of adjustment of 1218 Hall type 56, 57, 58 Hathaway, C. L. Gyratory 1215 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1217 Hercules rock, Hendy Machine Works 22 Hoagland 57 Hope type 61 Humbpldt-Dodge type 1206 Engineering Company. Blake breakers 1205 in coal plant, requirements of 2009 jaw type f 13, 25 general remarks on 33 Kennedy gyratory 1213 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1214 Krom, movement on in Mill 22 34 type 56 Krupp gyratory 1215 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds weights, etc 1215 rock breaker 1202 wearing parts for jaw 1221 Lancaster 59, 60 large versus small 49 Lester type 56 life of wearing parts of Farrel-Blake at Mill 139 1221 McCully gyratory breaker at Mill 139 .... 1222 Lowry national 45 type 58, 59, 60 McCully gyratory 44, 1210 at Mill 139 1213 manganese-steel, self -tightening mantle for. 1213 table of sizes of 44 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1212 Marsden fine breaker 56 type 56, 58, 60 Minnesota Iron mine 23 Monarch (Blake type) 20 Motte's type 58 movements of jaw 23 multiple jaw type 28 National Drill and Manufacturing Company's Blake breaker 1203 New Century Blake 1203 number used 51 Phelps type 59 power, cost, capacity, and weight 52 quality of crushing by 47 Risdon Iron Works 22 rock 13 Royal type 58 run by hydraulic power 60 Rutter 45 Samson breaker 1202 at Dives-Pelican mine, 1203 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds, weights, etc 1203 Schranz 31, 57, 60 sectional Krom's 21 section of Krom's standard 31 size and shape of mouth 54 of crushed product 1218 Monarch 21 speed, capacity, and power 53 spindle having largest movement on largest lump 1215 or gyratory type 36 table of comparative tests of 45 details of 46 Sturtevant-Dodge type breakers 1205 table of sizes, capacities, power, speeds weights, etc 1205 roll jaw breaker 32, 1205 breaker 1205 Taft type 61 taper of 52 Taylor hand 59 tests of 59 Thomas type 57 Union Iron Works 21 water used 49 wearing parts for 48 wear of Dodge 31 Western Wheeled Scraper Company 25 Wolf's 66, 58 13 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Breaking before stamping in California 1619 by hammers 9 with or without hand picking 9 cost of 50 at Mill 162 1222 crushing, comminuting 8 details of cost 51 for hand picking 1435 general considerations about 47 hand and machine compared 12, 56 pieces for breakers 2009 Breast water wheels 1090 Breccia, andesitic, crushed at Florence, Colorado . . . 103 Breckenridge, Colorado, ore crushed in Griffin mill . 284 Breinigerberg mill, jigs in 597 mine, jig eccentrics at 532 Brennan and Young 1055 breaker 59 Blake type 21 Brewer, W. M. Log washer plant in Alabama ... 1180 settling in liquids 1183 spray pipe for trommel 385 Brewster, New York, mill at 1180 Briart bar screen 346, 384, 385 movable grizzly bars 386 Brick and stone for mills 1088 Bridgman, H. L. Bridgman mechanical samplers . . 884 sampler 2032 Bring, G. G. Action of sands in classifiers and jigs . 2020 investigations of suction in jigging 1461 study of jigs 1463 Brinje's breaker 58 Brink & Hiibner disintegrator 236, 284 bibliography for 298 capacity of, at Mannheim 286 Brinsmade, R. B. Concentration in Southwest Mis- souri 2041 description of marble working machinery 2027 pyrite milling in New York 2037 the Combination Mountain mill, Montana 2042 mill of the North American Lead Company, Missouri 2042 Union mill, Gratz, Kentucky 2038 Briquetting iron concentrates 1054 ore . . 1057 Britannia Beach. Hancock jig at 1441 Copper Company, B. C., R. Stokes the mill of the, 2046 United mill, acid water 173 amalgamated plates in 745 amalgamation in 768 British Columbia, concentration at. R. Bell 2034 concentration in the Kootenay district. E. R. Woakes '. 2034 dredging in 1009 history of mining in. H. M. Lamb 2035 hydraulic minings in 2033 jigging five minerals in 591 milling at Roseberry. A. W. Dyer 2035 mills 2034 notes on. L. Jordan 2033 milling at the Slocan district. S. S. Fowler ... 2034 ore dressing in the Slocan district. P. Argall 2042 British imperial wire gauge 1195 Brittain, D. Milling the sheet ore at Joplin 2039 Brittleness of minerals, effect of 2 under crushing force 1611 use of made, in mills 891 Brodie breaker 60 Broken Hill, Collom jig at 515 concentration at. D. Clark 1568 at. T. J. Greenway 2040 concentration of lead ore at. V. F. S. Low. 2037, 2038 cost of producing lead and silver at 1964, 1965 DeBavay flotation process at 1562 Hancock jig at 504 jigs at 643 metallurgy at 1568 milling practice. G. Delprat 2038 R. Stokes 2046 milling practice 2039, 2047 mills at 1136, 1182 ore dressing at. G. D. Delprat 1923 Potter and Delprat flotation processes at 1561 Proprietary Company, report of the 2048 separation of galena-sphalerite ores at 1611 stamps at 227 steam stamps at 1 42 water used at 1 104 Broken ore, weight of 1190 Bromilow magnetic separator 836, 2027 Bromine, atomic weight of 1 188 Bromly, A. H. Weight of ore crushed for cyaniding. 1 181 Bromyrite, specific gravity of 1189 Bronze for jig screens 545 screens 355 screens 174 Brooke, feeding Ball mills 1302 Brooke, H. J . Best size of feed for ball mill 1323 Brookfield Mining Co 1166 Brookite, specific gravity of 1189 Brooklyn Chrome Steel Works 183 Broom for amalgamated plates 758, 760 buddies 705, 707 canvas tables 701, 702 German sweeping table 704 Brough, B. H. Concentration at Svarto, Sweden. . . 1185 magnetic concentration plants in Sweden .... Wenstrom separator and plant at Svarto, Sweden Broughton Asbestos Company magnet, the Brown & Sharpe gauge screen gauge breaker . 1179 834 1532 1195 1194 172 45 1189 1323 1587 coal, specific gravity of F., Importance of fine grinding R. G. Details regarding Frenier sand pumps plates and traps at Bodie, California 788 pumps for handling pulp 1610 stamps at Bodie, California 227 spindle breaker 56, 58, 59 Browne hydrometric conical sizer 409 sizing of products of 410 Brownell Frue vanner 2023 vanner belt 647 Browning crane hoist at Mill 165 1852 F. D. Plates in Providence mill 789 stamps at Providence mill, Nevada City, Cali- fornia 230 Brucite, specific gravity of 1189 Bruckner ball mill 233, 260 bibliography for 293 Brunswick mill, wear of amalgamating pans 249 Brunton belt table 698 man elevator 2032 revolving furnace 1082 Brunton, D. W. concentration by free settling 475 principles of sampling 1575 rock house 485 roll shims 74 sampler 847, 1572, 2032 requisites to accuracy when using 1575 sampling 850, 884 Brush for dressing amalgamated plates 756, 760 Brussels carpet in sluices 1008, 1012 for tables 703 on tables 750 Bruyn slime separator 2020 Bryan mills at Mill 173 1879, 1928, 1929, 1930 bibliography for 295 data on. D. W. C. Nelson 2013 in Cananea for re-grinding 2016 number used 231 sizing tests on. F. P. Probert 1323 product 1310 pulp from 1317 tailings 273 versus high-speed rolls 1309 Huntington mill 273 rolls. F. P. Probert 1323 stamps 273 Bryan roller mill 234, 271 quartz mill, dimensions of 272 Bryant, W. G. Discussion of design of Blake breakers 1201 Buchal, L. Pointed boxes at Przibram 478 rope driver for stamps at Przibram 229 stamps at Przibram 229 Buchanan breaker 59, 61 at mills 1818, 1891, 1913 table of movements of old 23 1178 59 803,2028 23 23 72 ....1819, 1891 59 Buckbee, A., on silver milling 1040 C. G. Magnetic concentration granulator magnetic separator rock breaker of Blake type rolls rolls at mills universal breaker 14 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Bucket conveyor 290 dredge 1008, 1011 elevators 862 sample 845 Buckets, elevator, materials for 864 for elevators 864 Buckeye engine 910, 920, 941 Bucking board 1137 King's 1285, 1323 samples 1578 Buckskin for squeezing amalgam 781 Buckstaves for gravity stamps 154 Bucyrus dredge 1011, 1653 close-connected type 1654 Buddie jig 518 Buddies 8 685, 704 bilbiography for 727 building 1464, 1507 convex Cornish, at Mill 185 1916 Dodd 1481 rectangular 706 round concave 706 convex 704 tye 707 Buffalo Hump Mining Co., mill 954 Tiger and Poorman Branch mill xxvi Buffer for feeding gravity stamps 199 Bugbee, E. E. School laboratory work, a free mill- ing gold ore 2048 Buhrstone mill 232, 252 bibliography for 291 versus Griffin mill 297 Building buddies 1464, 1507 tables 685, 704 Buildings, construction of 1088 for mills 1086, 1087 Bulkley condenser 1027 Bullfrog cyanide mill. E. R. Avres 2038 Bullion Beck and Champion Mining Company mill. xxvi, 926 Bullion contents of amalgam 783 fineness of 763, 785 Bull jigs at Mill 121 1685 Bumping ore feeder 854 tables 667, 1464, 1497 amalgamated plate on 740 Bartsch . . . .' 691 compared 682 depth of bed 1510 details of in the mills 682 end-bump tables 680 Hendy concentrator 683 principle of 644 Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill . . . .937, 1183, 1680, 2041 Mining and Concentrating Company mill . . xxvi Burdon, J. A., Brunton belt concentrator 728 Burgan classifier, The A. L 1371 Burke, Idaho, mill at 954 Burlap filter 879 for filtering dust 883 tables on dredges 1012 Burlingame, E. E., figures on sampling 852 rules for sampling 848 Burnett and Newbegin coal washer 2018 Burt, E., definition of slime 1397 fine grinding at El Oro 2013 milling at El Oro 2046 Burt filter presses at Mill 118 1678 Burthe, P. L. Gravity stamps 224 silver milling in the United States 1176 Varney pan 291 Buss patent L.uhrig slimer 1496 slime table. E. Walker 2022 tables at Mill 185 1915 Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Companies . 1836 mill, cost of die, etc., at 121 Huntington mill in 281 Mining Company, mill xxvi, 976 Reduction Works, test on ore at 674 Butte, Montana, concentration at. C. W. Goodale 2035 cost of milling at 1130 hammers used 10 improvements in concentration at. A. H. Wethey 2036 jig losses at 640 launders at 875 mills at 976, 978, 982, 987, 1119, 1175, 1176 ore dressing at. C. W. Goodale 1419 ores, concentration of. C. W. Goodale 2042 crushed by rolls 110 by steam stamps 135 15 Butte, Montana, ores, sizing tests on 180 Reduction Works 1849 mills xxvii, 987 Wilfley table at 674 Butters' and Mein pulp distributor at Mill 117 1670 distributors at Mill 106 1641 Butters centrifugal pumps at mills. .1671, 1672, 1674, 1677 Butters, Chas. Coagulation, concentration, and set- tling of slimes 1184 cyaniding at El Oro 1924, 2040 figures on sampling 852 re-grinding tests on sands 2014 rules for sampling 849 valuable tube mill experiences in El Oro 2016 filter boxes at Mill 101 1627 pan, bibliography of . . . . '. 293 patent amalgamating pan 233 vacuum filter boxes at Mill 102 1630 Biittgenbach, P. Glass jig llgl on testing jigs 1151 Buttgenbach's classifier 479 pointed boxes 478 hydraulic classifiers 476 separator (classifier) 447 Byron Jackson centrifugal pumps at Mill 103. . 1632, 1633, 1662, 1673 Cabarceno, Spain, mill at 1182 wash trommel at 330 Cactus mill, Newhouse, Utah 1924 L. A. Palmer 2041 Cadmium amalgan 730 atomic weight of 1188 specific gravity of 1189 Caesium, atomic weight of 1188 Caetani and Burt. Treatment of gold ores in dry districts 1419 Caetani, G. Comparison of stamps and Hunting- ton mills 1262 definition of slime 1397 test of classifier jig at Mill 120 1452 Calamine mill 1739 specific gravity of 1 189 Calcining for friability 9 Ammeberg, Sweden 9 in North Carolina 9 with or without quenching with water 9 for magnetism 1544 Calcite, angle of nip required to crush 94 decrepitation of 829 specific gravity of 1 189 Calcium, atomic weight of 1188 chloride, a heavy solution for testing 1993 sulphate, removal of by heat 816 Calculation for pebble charge in tube mills, formula for. G. P. Scholl 2015 of classifier 401, 429 magnets 793 middlings into finished products 1164 settling tanks 454 Caldecott, W. A. and S. H. Pearce 1292 crushing efficiency of tube mills 1323 colloidal silicic acid in slimes 1619 costs of fine grinding 2015 definition of slimes 1398, 1399 discussion of fine grinding 2014 lime in settling slimes in South Africa 1178 tube milling grinding in South Africa 2014 use of lime in slime settling 1416 Caldwell, H. W. & Son Company. Drag or disc conveyors 1583 helicoid conveyor 1582 screw conveyor 1582 Caledonia mill 183 amalgam in 783 comparison of Gates' and Blake breakers in. . 54 details of screen in 170 dies used in _ 180 dimensions of mortars in 165 fineness of bullion in 785 loss in melting at 784 mortar 228 mouth 167 mortars 164, 165 rate of crushing in 165 running cost in 54 screen frame 177 weight of stamps and mortars 164 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Calico, California, amalgamating pan at 290 California, chromite mill in 1074 concentration of auriferious sulphides in 2043 cost of gold milling in 1131 producing gold in 1977 dredging in 1009 gold milling in Nevada county. H. F. Brown. . 2043 gold mills in 1177, 1178, 1181 gold mills, modern practice in 1619 gravity stamps 138 milling practice at Hedges 2044 mill, number and height of drops in 214 mills in 1182 number of pulverizers in 231 silver mill, Nevada 1174 stamp mill 144, 2043 stamps 225, 230 in 226, 229 origin of 2012 versus Colorado and steam stamps 134 Colorado stamp mills 215, 220, 1030 suggestion for milling of gold ores. N. H. Storms 2034 system .224, 227 of stamp milling 1030 Caliper, Snyder micrometer 1362, 1366 Gallon, J. Comparison of different crushing machines 315 Engis machine and Krom jig 837 Engis, Thirion, and Dorr hydraulic classifiers. Siphon separator 475 gravity stamps 223 hammers and breakers 55 jaw breaker 55 lectures on mining xix mill schemes 1173 movable sieve hand and machine jigs, Harz jigs . 639 percussion tables, buddies, slime tables, and kieves 727 rolls and stamps 109 sieve scale, trommels 384 value of hand picking 492 Callow cones 1402 at mills 1632, 1660, 1687 computation for 1404 on Cceur d'Alene galena slimes 1404 test on Butte copper slimes 1404 J. M. Callow traveling belt screen 2018 flow sheet of mill using Callow machines . . . 2020 pulp-thickening and settling tanks at Mill 114. . 1662 screens at mills. . .1661, 1662, 1684, 1687, 1689 1725, 1726, 1738, 1760, 1794, 1795, 1833 capacity of to various meshes 1360 water in feed to 1360 settling tanks at mills 1689, 1711, 1712 slime and water cones 1367 sloughing-off tanks at mills 1662, 1687, 1689 system of ore concentration. J. M. Callow . . . 2045 tanks 1420, 2020 at mills.. 1683, 1684, 1846, 1848, 1851, 1852, 1867, 1868 saving effected at Mill 163 1848 traveling belt screen 1358 J. M. Callow T 2015 Calumet and Hecla, jigs at. (See also Mill 177.) 1440, 1446 mill 142, 990, 1184 Huntington mill in 281 Krause stamp 141 mortar housing lining for stamp 120 steam stamps 120 Mining Company 141, 1891 copper handbook 1925 3 pper J nil . . xxvn sizing tests in 259 sand wheel 867 type Chili mills at Mill 177 1893, 1894 classifier 391 at Mill 166 1855 Michigan, mill at 990 mill 1892 or Richards-Coggin classifier 1367 tables at Mill 177 1894 Cam and gravity for jig mechanism 506, 537 in Stutz jigs 537 and spring jig mechanism 507, 537 shaft for gravity stamps 190 Krupp 1272 spring and bumping post for tables 680 mechanism 667 stick 200 template 193 "Camel Brand" elevator belting at Mill 175 1889 Cameron pump 872 898 Cammett table 676 680 2022 2023 Campbell coal washing table. C. R. Claghorn 2023 washer 2023 Camp Bird mill 1623 Ouray, Colo. S. L. Goodale 2037 T. H. Woods, G. D. Doveton 2033 Camroux breaker 58, 61 Cams 191, 1272 Bally balanced 226 Blanton and other self-tightening 193 Boss cam key 1273 Canda cams for gravity stamps 1273 design of 196 for gravity stamps 191 friction and lubrication of 194 inscribing circles and clearances 196 lateral thrust of 195 right and left hand 195 self-tightening 193 stamp mill cam 201 1 table of details of 192 Canada, chromite mill in 1074 Corundum Co., mill 1078, 1183 Cananea, C9ncentration at. D. E. Woodbridge 1923 Consolidated Copper Company 1875 power tests at 1927 Sonora, Mexico, mill of the. O. P. Finley 2045 ore dressing at. D. E. Woodbridge 1419 type Blake breaker at Mill 151 1802 Canby dust separator at Mill 151 1803 R. C., separation of mixed sulphides 1923 Sutton-Steele dielectric separators 2027 process 1568 Canda cams 1273 at Mill 143 1769 stamp mill cam 2012 steel jaw-plates for Blake breakers at Mill 139 . . 1749 at Mill 166 1853 Canisteo district, Minnesota, washing iron ores in'. . 1815 Cannon ball mills, number used 231 Canon, Arizona, gasoline engines at 1091 Cantilever crane at Mill 171 for removing tailings . . 1870 Canton flannel tables on dredges 1012 Malleable Iron Company, iron balls for jig beds 1458 Canvas belt tables 698 belts 1094 conveyor belt, Leviathan 1585 elevator belt at Mill 125 1700 for squeezing amalgam ' 781 plant. . . 1017, 1021, 1029, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1101, 1110 at Garnet, Montana. P. S. Mussigbrod 2036 cost of 1 126 failure of 1029 results at Mill 101 1628 test 1165 shield for stamps 177 surface for slime tables 695 sweeps for buddies 705, 706 tables 700, 1037, 1464, 1507 at mills 1696, 1755, 1779 bibliography for 729 details of, in mills 703 for testing 1155 new Dimmick patent slime table 1507 on dredges 1012 vanner belt 650 versus rubber for vanner belts 650 Capacities and speeds of picking tables and belts 1438 of Abbe tube mills at Mill 101 1626 air classifiers at Engis 818 Akron Chili mills, table of 1308 Allis-Chalmers rolls at Mill 179 1898 suspended frame vanners 1503 toothed and corrugated rolls, table of 1243 Alsing cylinders 267 amalgamating pans ; 243 American Process Company's driers 1598 Argall driers 881, 1600 arrastras 238, 239 Atwood amalgamators 776 Austin gyratory breakers, table of 1210 ball mills 261 at Mill 159 1828 Ball-Norton belt type separator at Mill 158 . . 1824 magnetic separators '. 1528 magnets 798 Bartlett picking tables 489 simplex concentrators 1487 16 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Capacities of Bartsch rotary percussion table 1497 belt conveyors at mills. . . 1667, 1670, 1681, 1690, 1691, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1771, 1772, 1828 percussion table 1496 Bilharz jigs 504, 518 tables 504 Blake breaker at mills.... 16 18, 1621, 1742, 1749, 1769, 1792, 1802, 1853 breakers 17, 21, 24 Blake-Morscher electrical ore separator 1551 blanket concentrating tables at Mill 118 1677 blende jigs of Southwest Missouri 602 Bogardus mills 260 Boggs and Clark centrifugal pump at Mill 141 1761 boilers 1091 box classifiers 433 breakers 53, 56 at Mill 144 1771 in Caledonia mill 54 Brink and Hiibner disintegrators 286 Browne hydrometric conical sizers 410 Browning crane hoist at Mill 165 1852 Bryan mills 272, 273 at Mill 173 1879 Buchanan magnetic separators 803 bucket conveyors 861 elevators 864 Bucyrus dredge 1654 buhrstone mills 253 Butters' centrifugal pump at mills 1671, 1672, 1674, 1678 Biittgenbach's separator 447 Byron Jackson centrifugal pumps at mills. . . . 1662, 1673 calcining furnace at Friedrichssegen 1546 Callow conical tanks at Mill 122 1687 screens at mills 1661, 1662, 1687, 1795 to various sizes 1360 sloughing-off tanks at Mill 122 1687 Calumet and Hecla type Chili mills at Mill 177 1893 classifiers 401 canvas, blanket and carpet tables 703 tables 701, 702 at mills 1627, 1779 Carr disintegrators 285 Castelnau belt tables 700 centrifugal pumps 869 at mills.. 1688, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1721, 1880, 1890, 1904, 1905 challenge feeders at Mill 174 1883 Chili mills 269, 270 at Mill 179 1898 chip screens at Mill 173 1879 clarifying reservoirs 460 tanks at Mill 138 1743, 1744 Clarkson-Stanfield centrifugal separators 820 classifiers 403, 405, 432 at mills 1878, 1879, 1880, 1902, 1903 clay washers 1076 Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separators 1542 cobbing magnets at Mill 164 1850 Comet breakers 41, 46 compound steam stamp at Mill 181 1906 cone mills 256 conical trommels at Mill 180 1902 Conkling jigs 503 convex buddies 705 conveying and picking belt at Mill 139 1749 conveying belts at various mills 1585 crushing machinery 2010 Cummings granulating mills 255 Cyclone beaters at Mill 186 1917, 1918 Cyclone dust settlers at Mill 105 1637 pulverizers 289 decrepitating furnaces 829 Dellvik-Grondal magnetic separators 804 Denver Engineering Works Company's Blake breakers, table of ' 1204 dewatering wheel at mills . . . 1772, 1773, 1878, 1879 Dings magnetic separator 1541 at Mill 140 1759 distributor at Mill 126 .. . 1707 Dodd tables at Mill 96 1618 Dodge breakers 30 pulverizers 262 double cone classifiers 427 drag or disc conveyors 1584 dredges 1007, 1008. 1011 driers 880, 882 drying floors versus mechanical driers 1596 INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Capacities of Edison driers 882, 1600 magnetic separators 813 elevator at mills 1661, 1663, 1667, 1685, 1690, 1707, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1749, 1750, 1752 1753 1755, "1771, 1772, 1774, 1829, 1842, 1843 1844 1845, 1846, 1847, 1853, 1854, 1877, 1880, 1898 Ellenbecker bumping tables 681 Elmore vacuum oil process 1558 Eureka rubbers 777 Evans classifiers .' 395 slime tables at Mill 177 1893 Parrel Blake breakers, table of 1200 Faust jigs 548 Ferraris ball mill 1300 belt tables 698 classifiers 401 patent tables, table of 1490 fixed screens 341 flotation vats at Mill 129 1718 Forsgen's electromagnetic separator 1539 Forster breakers 28 Frayer centrifugal pump at Mill 159 1829 Frenier spiral sand pump 871 Frisbee Lucop mills 267 Frue vanners at mills. 1662, 1694, 1695, 1711, 1712 1755, 1880 furnaces roasting for magnetism 814, 815 Gates and McCully breakers 45 ball mills, table of 1301 Gates breaker on "choke crushing" 48 breakers 38 46 at mills 1635, 1661, 1706, 1710, 1727, 1728, 1853 breaker with short head and concaves, table of 1209 style "K " breaker, table of 1208 Gebruder Sulzer centrifugal pumps at Mill 1 18 1678 German sweeping tables 703 Geyer slime settlers 460 G. G. Gates classifier 418 Gilpin county bumping tables 681 Golden Gate tables 681 Gould centrifugal pump at Mill 139 1757 gravity stamp 148 Griffin centrifugal stamp mills 269 mills at Mill 105 1636 roller mill 284 Grill four-compartment driers 1596 ginding pans at Mill 105 1638 rondal magnetic separators 1537 Hadfield gyratory breakers at Mill 130 1719 Hallett table 676 Hancock jigs 505, 1441 at Mill 127 1710 on Montana copper ores 1442 hand jigs 499 Hardinge tube mills 1296 Harz jigs at mills .... 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1877, 1878, 1879 Hathaway gyratory breakers, table of 1217 Heberli magnetic separators 799 mills 257, 259 wet magnetic separators 810 Heberwasche 520 Hendy concentrators 683 Hochstedt apparatus 817 Hodge and Cleaves sand pumps at Mill 182. . 1910, 1911 jigs at Mill 180 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 Hooper air jigs 822 vanning jigs 505 Huntington mills 280, 281 at mills.. 1669, 1686, 1687, 1694, 1701, 1711, 1753, 1869, 1897 with various screens 1314 Husband pneumatic stamps 141 Imperial screens, table of 1350 International magnetic separator 1535 James slimer 1492 Jeffrey swing hammer pulverizers, table of . . . 1322 jigs 507, 596, 597, 599 affecting number of sieves 589 at mills. . 1685, 1686, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1707, 1708, 1909 Johnston vanners 1502 at Mill 117 1669 Kennedy gyratory breakers, table of 1214 Kent roller mills 1304 King screens 1357 Knowles duplex vacuum pumps at Mill 117. . 1673 New Century magnetic separators, table of 1542 triplex pump at Mill 114 1674 17 Pages 1-643, Vol. I, ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Capacities of Krause pneumatic stamps . . Krom air jigs Krupp gyratory breakers, table of ""ilfle 141 824 1215 1991 390 274 1510 1779 laboratory Wilfley tables. Lake Superior hog trough classifiers Langley's dry crushers La Point flour gold separators, table of ... Latta and Martin pumps at Mill 144 launders 875, 878 Linkenbach pointed boxes 412, 441 V-box classifiers 421 log washers 321, 324 Macquisten tubes 1565 magnetic separators at Monteponi 810 Przibram 812 Mathey roasting furnaces at Mill 148 1793 May Brothers' jigs at mills 1714, 1720 McCully breakers 44 at Mill 139 1749 diagram of 1212 gyratory breakers, table of 1212 Meinecke spitzlutten 425 men in cobbing 480 spalling 11 mill bins 842 mills xxv, 1100 in reserve 1109 See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. Monadnock Chili mills at Mill 144 1775 Morris centrifugal pump at Mill 139 1757 Mumford & Moodie dry separators 818 Narod pulverizers 282 Newaygo separators with various sizes of Screens 1351 New Humboldt concentrator 1494 New Standard concentrator 1479 Nissen stamps at Mill 165 1264 Nordberg stamp at Mill 179 1897 steam stamps 997 steeple compound steam stamp at mills 1894, 1895, 1901 Overstrom tables at mills 1711, 1730 Oxland furnace at Mill 137 1549 Pape-Henneberg dry separators 820 Parsons & Fisher jigs 518 tables 669 Payne magnetic separators 800 Perserverance furnaces at Mill 105 1637 Phoenix atmospheric stamps 141 Pierce amalgamator 1517 Pilling air hoists, table of 1609 pulp thickeners at Mill 173 1880 pulverizers 232, 326 pumps 872 rectangular buddies 707 revolving knife buddies 329 Riblet aerial tramway at Mill 124 1696 Richards' annular classifiers 406 at Mill 127 1710 -Coggin classifiers 392, 393 at Mill 173 1878, 1879 hydraulic classifier at Mill 159 1829 pulsator classifier, table of 1390 jig, table of 1455 vortex classifiers at mills. . 1692, 1693, 1694, 1774, 1776, 1778 Richardson automatic scales at Mill 132 1727 rigid rolls at Mill 181 1906 Rittinger Spitzkasten 440 tables 668 roasting furnace at Mill 138 1747 Robins belt conveyors at mills . ,.1636, 1750, 1876 conveying and picking belts at Mill 132 ... 1727 rock emery mills 255 rolls , 64, 100, 1226 at mills. . 1667, 1686, 1714, 1727, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1792, 1793, 1829, 1854, 1877, 1879 diagram of 1228 rotary driers at Mill 186 1917 round tables at mills 1904, 1905, 1908 runs 448 Samson breakers, table of 1203 sand wheels 865, 866 at mills 1668, 1669, 1894 formula for 1586 Sautter magnetic separators 798 Schmidt spiral screens 363 Schrans jigs 503 mills 275, 276 Capacities of Scoby sampler at Mill 173 1880 scraping conveyor at Mill 114 1662 screw conveyors, table of 1583 settlers 778 settling tanks 455 shaking feeders at Mill 124 1691 grizzly at Mill 124 1690 screens 342, 345 Sherman re-grinders at Mill 132 1728, 1729 Siemens and Halske magnetic separators 799 separators 804 simple steam stamps at Mill 182 1909, 1912 slime tables 697 sluices 723 Spitzkasten at Mill 173 1878, 1879 stamps 174, 221, 1014 at mills. . 1620, 1621, 1624, 1632, 1640, 1661, 1668, 1677, 1769, 1915 in California 1619 increasing the 2012 on different size of feed 2012 steam hammer 12 steam stamps 126, 130, 133, 1004 on ore of Mill 48, table of 130 Stedman disintegrators 286 Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 Stroud mills, tables of 1320, 1321 Sturtevant, Dodge type, breakers, table of ... 1205 emery mill at Mill 186 1918 fan at Mill 105 1637 mills 288 roll jaw breakers 33 rotary breakers at Mill 186 1917 Sutton, Steele & Steele dry table 1555 pneumatic separators at Mill 151 1803 Tamarack classifiers 397, 398 Traylor centrifugal pumps 1588 at Mill 114 1662 jigs at Mill 169 1864 Trego roasting furnace 1548 Tremain steam stamp 138 trommels 359, 377 at mills. . 1681, 1682, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774. 1876, 1877 trough washers 319 tube mills -1291 at mills 1632, 1770, 1922 Tustin's mill 262 Ullrich magnetic separator 1 535 vanners 648, 658, 659, 662, 1110 and slime tables compared 691 at mills 1687, 1778 washing pans 333 wash trommels 330, 332 Wengler & Lowe's classifier 413 Wenstrom magnetic separator 801, 802 Wetherill magnetic separators. . 805, 807, 808, 1522, 1523 -Rowand magnetic separators at Mill 141. . 1763 Whelpley & Storer pulverizer 289 Wild roller mills, table of 1304 Wilfley roasting furnace 1 548 at Mill 140 1759 slimer 1505, 1506 table 674, 675, 1469 at mills.. 1633, 1661, 1662, 1669, 1687, 1694, 1695, 1715, 1729, 1744, 1745, 1776, 1777, 1829, 1830, 1880, 1894, 1904, 1908 Woodbury-Benedict jigs at Mill 177 .... 1892, 1893 Woodbury jig compared with that of Collom and Evans jigs 1448 tables 676, 1496 at Mill 117 1669 Worthington centrifugal pump at Mill 138 . . 1745 pump at Mill 175 1890 on the Rand, by addition of tube mills, increase of 2015 large increase of _ 2013 treated by Catermole process, or minerals sep- aration process 1560, 156! See also each machine. Capacity, effect on cost 1 127 Cape Colony, tin mining in. H. D. Griffiths 2035 Capel mine 905 Capelton, Canada, mill at 905 Capital Mining and Tunnel Company, mill of 1659 Caps in amalgamating pan 247 Captain Harris atmospheric discharge 583 John Richards discharge 580 Carat . . 1080 18 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Carbon added to roast at Mill 137 1549 atomic weight of 1188 effect of, in roasting for magnetism 1544 Carbonate mine, Paddock jig at 822 Carcanagues. Cornish buddies, frames, and kieves 728 tin dressing in Cornwall 1176 Card concentrator 1481, 2023 of jig work 632 vanners 657 tables at mills 1660, 1769, 1770, 1777, 1830 Care of belts 1093 journals 1097 mercury 785 mills 1114 Carey mill, bibliography for 292 pulverizing mill 232 Caribou rifle 1509 for black sands. F. Powell 2027 Carinthia, mill in 1185 Carkeek classifier 395 James, classifier 416 hydraulic classifier 416, 476, 477 jig beds 595 slope of launders 874, 875 Carlisle stamp mill 1180 Carnall wash trommel 334 Carn Dochan mill, dry concentration at 838 mine, dry separation at 820 Carpenter shop for mill 1087 Carpet tables 703, 750, 1035, 1464, 1507 Carr disintegrator 236, 284 bibliography for 298 table of details of 285 Carr, M., Carr disintegrator 298 T., Carr disintegrator for flour 298 Carrick, J. T 1178 Carrier for conveyor belt, self -oiling 1585 Carroll, Montana, mill at 984 Carrying conveyors 1585 current in jigs 494 power of water current 477 Cars 843 for concentrates 1112 weighing of 1160 Carter auto-magnetic separator 2029 F. L., amalgam in the Transvaal 789 Carterville Foundry & Machine Works, The. Blake breaker 1201 life of wearing parts 1223 Casapalca, Peru, mill at 1180 Case laboratory breaker 1223 of the Denver Fire Clay Company 1204 Casings for elevators, etc 1099 Cassiles Mine, Australia, milling at the. F. B. Stephens 2041 Cassiterite, hindered -settling test on 615, 617 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1189 Castelnau table 698 Cast gears 1096 Cast-iron head center for Gates gyratory breakers . . 1220 mortar blocks 148 specific gravity of 1 189 Castor oil 1097 Cataract sand pump 868 Catermole flotation process 1555 the minerals separation process 1560 Catherine (Australia) mill, wear of shoes and dies in ; . . 183 Caucasus Copper Company, Limited 1860 mill I860 Caustic potash, use of on amalgamating plates in California 1619 soda for settling slimes 1148 Cave Springs, Georgia, manganese ore from 809 Cazin, F., advantages of water over air 838 Cazin's jig 641 F. M. F., Cazin's circular jig 640 theory of settling 476 Cazin's circular jig 640 jig ; 641, 642, 643 Celestite, specific gravity of 1189 Cement for surface of slime tables 689 Gravel Drift Mining Company 211 gravel mill 1017 stamped '211 grinders 2016 grinding 2017 screening of 345 surface for slime tables . 695 Cement surface on Linkenbach slime table 690 Center discharge for jigs 532 Centimeter, equivalents of \ H87 Central City, screens 172 cone of amalgamating pans 241 Lead Company mill xxy 917 Mill of North Star Mines Company .'.' ' 1617 the Twelve Apostles 1657 , mine 1719, 1735 Centrifugal concentrator, Peck 828 dust collector ' 883 separator 828 force 1611 m drum magnets 793 799 dry separation 818 Hendy concentrator 683 Huntington mill 278 Narod pulverizer 282 sand wheels 866 trommels 347, 350, 373 separation by . 827 use made of in mills hydro-extractor for oil process machine for separating oil from concentrates in Elmore vacuum oil process pumps at mills.. 1688, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1711,1712 890 832 1558 868 1721, 1756, 1757, 1856, 1880, 1881, 1890, 1899, 1904, for hydraulicking 1006 sand and water, used for elevating mill pulp 870 rolls 74 Sturtevant 1237 Traylor 1588 sand distribution 1602 pumps 1588 separation 839 separator a dry. T. Henrotte Clarkson-Stanfield theory of separation on the. versus plunger pumps Centripact screens at Mill 169 Traylor Cerargyrite, concentration of specific gravity of Kleritz 19 827 2025 820 2020 868 1360 1865 1352 1016 1189 Cerium, atomic weight of 1188 Cerro de Pasco, Chili mill at 295 Prieto mill, Sonora, Mexico 2042 Cerrusite, specific gravity of 1189 Chabazite, specific gravity of 1189 Chain and sprocket 1096 magnetic separator 811 Chainman mill, Ely, Nevada 2036 Chain plate conveyor, picking on 489 scraper for removal of jig tailings 588 Chalcocite, hindered-settling test on 617 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1189 Chalcopyrite, crushing by rolls 62 free settling velocity 471 separation from quartz 720 sizing test on 99 specific gravity of 1 189 Chalk used in retorts 781 Challenge feed clutch 657 feeder 853, 1578 feeders at Mill 174 1883 rock breaker 20 Chalmers and Williams Frue vanners 1499 at Mill 124 1694, 1695 Huntington mills at Mill 171 1869 Kennedy gyratory breaker 1213, 1223 power amalgam squeezer 1519 rolls at Mill 171 1868 vanners at Mill 122 1687 Chalmers, estimate of cost of hand picking on the Rand J. A. and F. H. Hatch, gold stamp mills in So. Africa Chalon, P. F., crushing machines stamps Chamber mill Chambers for dust Chamois leather used on amalgamated plates skin for dressing plates 759 squeezing amalgam 781 Champion breaker 58 Copper Company. Copper handbook 1925 487 1173 316 227 294 883 752 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Champion rolls mill 1900 stamp mill 1897 Chance, H. M., gold milling 1179 spiked rolls for coal 112 Change house 1102 of magnetism by heat 4 porosity by heat 4 Channeling for sampling 884 Channels in amalgamating pans 245, 246 Channing, T. Parke,. graded crushing at Lake Supe- rior 2018 Charcoal for melting 784 purifying mercury 785 Charge for amalgamating pan 243 Charleston, Arizona, feeding gravity stamps 208 Charleston mill 1174 stamps 224 Charleton, A. G., accounts and reports 1179 amalgamation 789 arrastra 290 breakers 60 breakers versus hand breaking 60 costs 1124, 1127 cost sheet forms xix, 1173 dressing of nickel 1185 tin ore at Altenberg, Saxony 1173 gold stamp mills 1 184 Huntington mill 297 labyrinth pointed boxes 476 methods of accounts 1 182 milling for gold ores at Pestarena, Italy, and amalgamation at Francfort 1182 revolving tables 492 roasting for friability 56 rolls versus Sturtevant mill and stamps Ill Schranz mill 296 stamps in various parts of the world 229 Sturtevant mill 298 tin xix mining 56 Charleton classifier 478 ore concentrator (classifier) 428 Chase, H. S., cost of milling 1135 Cranberry magnetic ores 833 magnetite in North Carolina 1176 Chase magnetic separator 832, 833, 835 Chatard, T. M 1149 and Cabell Whitehead, settling of slimes at Re- public gold mine, Washington 1176 on settling slimes 1 148 Chateaugay iron ore concentrated by magnets 803 Ore & Iron Co., breakers at 59 mill 1175 ore separated by magnets 798 Chats 894, 900 Chaumeis and Simonnet, American gold stamp mill- ing 1178 Cheese-scoop sampler 844 Chemicals for slime settling, relative values of 1414 use of 1413 in amalgamating pan 249 used on amalgamated plates 756 Chester, Massachusetts, mill at 1078, 1079 Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, graphite mill at .... 1075 Chicago & Aurora Smelting Co., speed of rolls and angle of nip 95 cost of mill at 1126 Iron Works rolls 76 Chihuahua, Mexico, concentration in. W. S. Hutch- inson 2038 Dolores mill, the. J. B. Parish 2038 Granadena mill, the. J. T. Shaw 2039 milling practice at. T. H. Oxnam 2037 mining in western. W. S. Hutchinson 1923 Chili mill, development of the. C. C. Lane 2015 triple deck 2017 underdriven, an 2017 with two sets of rollers 2017 mills 234, 269 1115, 1305, 2017 Akron 1280, 1307 as a re-grinder 1332, 1333 at mills.. 1767, 1775, 1833, 1859, 1865, 1873, 1886, 1893, 1894, 1898 bibliography for 295 Boss,M. P., on 1323 different methods of attaching rollers to 2014 Garfield 1280, 1305 Lane slow-speed mill 1308 Mantey offset for 1305 push feeder for 1581 Chili mills, table of sizes, capacities, speeds, weights, etc., of Akron Chili mills 1308 used in the clay industry, different forms of. . 2017 versus rolls for clay 2010 wet 2017 Chilled cast-iron for toothed rolls 1244 Chilled-iron balls for Harz jig bedding at Mill 183 . 1913 cost of, for Bryan mills 272 for amalgamating pan dies 245 wearing parts of rolls 1243 roll shells 68 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 jaw plates at Mill 161, life of 1837 See Wearing Parts. Chinese stamp mill 224 Chip screen at mills 1726, 1879 Chisel used in scraping plates 760 Chism, R. E., arrastra at San Dimas, Mexico 290 Chlorination, bibliography for 1173 cost of 1020 process at Mill 98 1622 rolls for Ill tests 1167 Chlorine, atomic weight of 1188 Choctaw Coal & Railway Co 1 180 Choice of crushing machines 313 process 1161 screens 174, 371 Choke crushing by breakers 48 rolls 98 feed for rolls. Comparison between free and choke feed 1229 to rolls at Mill 130 1720 Chondrodite, specific gravity of 1189 Christensen concentrator 1484 Chrome iron ore in Quebec, concentration of. W. H. Edwards 2038 ore in Quebec, concentration of. W. H. Ed- wards 2034 steel for breaker jaws 2010 jaw plates for Blake breakers at Mill 100 . . 1624 roll shells at Mill 158 1822 shoes and dies at Mills 1618, 1622, 1668 works 68 patent cams 194 Chromite concentrated by free settling 475 milling of 1073 mill, in Newfoundland 475 Newfoundland, sizing tests on 99 specific gravity of 1189 Chromium amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1 188 specific gravity of 1 189 Chrysoberyl, specific gravity of 1189 Chrysocolla, specific gravity of 1 189 Chrysolite, specific gravity of 1189 Chuck blocks 177 Chuquicamata, Chile, separation by screening at .... 830 Church, J. A., amalgamating pans 291 pans at Tombstone 290 amalgamation of gold 788 mill at Tombstone 1175 Paddock's pneumatic jig 837 stamp and concentration mill at Tombstone, Arizona 1180 Chutes for hand picking 489 ore bins 843 in the mills 874 Cinnabar in California, concentration of 2044 ore dressing plant 1919 speci&c gravity of 1189 Circular jigs 518 movable sieve power jig 503 slime tables, operation of 692 Circulating cyanide solution, advantages of 1 647 Cirkel, F., asbestos milling in Canada 2034, 2048 magnetic separation at Port Henry, N. Y. ... 2034 milling of asbestos 1568 mica 2025 City & Suburban mill, details of stamps 221 Clack on jigs at Mill 128 1714 Clamps for belts 1093 Clam shell dredge 1009 Clarifying reservoirs 460 tanks 1409 at mills 1642, 1743, 1744 Van Ryn gold mines estates 1410 Binkley settling system 1409 depth of discharge 1409 Merrill cylindrical clarifying tanks 1406 20 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Clarifying tanks, Scpbey system as used in Arizona . 1411 Tays' clarifying tank with skimming launder 1410 Clark, A. J., plate amalgam 788 silver plating copper plates at the Homestake mill 789 Clark, D. K., manual xix for Mech. Eng 1173 strength of stone 315 Clark, D., Potter and Delprat processes vs. magnetic separation 1568 Clark, Ellis, Jr., Blake breaker at Przibram 57 dressing works at Przibram 1174 gravity stamps 224 hand picking and picking tables at the Anna and Adalbert works, Przibram 492 Harz jigs at Przibram 640 magnetic separator at Przibram 833 on length and number of strokes in jigs 594 on power in jigs Przibram 603 pointed boxes and Rittinger spitzlutte at Przi- bram 476 Rittinger and Salzburg tables at Przibram . . . 728 roasting for magnetism 815 stroke of jigs 594 trommels at Przibram, Bohemia 385 table 689 tube mill 2014, 2016 Clarkson sampler 884 Thomas, Clarkson sampler 884 Clarkson-Stanfield centrifugal separator 820, 828 dry separator .890, 891 Classification by free settling 475 of breakers 13 classifiers 1370 conveyors 1582 crushing machines 316 driers 1595 feed for slime tables 720 finely crushed ores. J. M. Callow 1420 fine sand and slime concentrators 1464 grinders 1279 jigs 551 magnetic separators 796, 1521 preliminary breakers 1200 washers 1341 pulp thickeners 1401 pulverizers 231 revolving screens 1353 riddles 1346 rolls 62 screens 1345 slime table feed 693 stamps 113, 1246 tube mills 1285 vanners 645, 1498 Wilfley table group 1465 Classified feed for Wilfley table 1473 products, proper treatment of 1478 used for film sizing tests 707 versus sized feeds for the Wilfley table 1478 Classifier jigs 1447 at mills 1447, 1452 new laboratory. H. S. Munroe 2020 spigots 388 diameter of 404 Classifiers 387, 1367 adjustment of 430 Altenberg 416, 475 Anaconda 395, 1367 hydraulic, details of in mills 396 article on 2020 ascending-current cones or cylinders 1402 at Ammeberg 1121 Engis using air 817 mills 1878, 1879, 1880, 1902, 1903 Vaucron mill 416 before vanners 658 Berenger and Stingls slime tank 1407 bibliography for 475 Bilharz 475 spitzlutte 423 Boss cone 425 box 432 Browne hydrometric conical 409 Biittgenbach's separator 447 calculation of 401 Callow cone 1402 slime and water cones 1367 Calumet 391 or Richards-Coggin 1367 Classifiers, Charleton ore concentrator 428 classification of 1370 Colorado Iron Works Company slime tanks . . 1407 computation of 429 Richards' pocket vortex classifier 1374 cone 410 constant head of water for 387 Dalton 398 deep double trough 416 deep-pocket classifier 1371 free-settling classifiers 1371 hydraulic 409 definition 387 of sorting column 387 De Kalb's perforated board classifier 1402 design of 1432 Dimmick 1417, 1420 distributing tanks 449 Dodge sizing box 416 Dorr. J. V. N. Dorr 1344 mechanical 1343 double cone 426 Dow 475, 476, 477 Engis 475, 477 Evans 393, 1367 extent of classification 1433 feed for 389 sole for 434 Ferraris 400 for coal 476, 479 jig tailings 587 steam stamp 1003 testing 1144 Fraser & Chalmers 416 gates and dams 406 G. G. Gates segregator 418 gooseneck spigot. heberwasche. . . 421 helical current in 401 hog-trough 1367 hopper bottom 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 hopper-shaped shallow pocket 400 Huet & Geylers 478 Hundt's 478 hydraulic 387 Burgan, A. L 1371 deep-pocket hindered-settling 1387 difficulties attending classification 1368 direct pulsator classifier 1391 double-cone hydraulic classifier 1381 Evans 1369 Ferraris 1369 Fraser and Chalmers 416 Gates classifier 1369 hindered-settling, improved Wolf-Tongue 1387 history of 1367 Krupp Spitzlutten 1382 limitations of 1368 Longdale, at Mill 155 1369 means for overcoming adverse tendencies . . . 1369 Merrill small cone classifiers 1371 New Standard 1369, 1373 principle of action of 387 Richards' annular vortex classifier 1382 pocket vortex classifier 1373 pulsator classifier 1388 shallow-pocket hindered-settling classifier . . 1384 undercurrent 1386 vortex, at Mill 124 1692, 1693, 1694 single-spigot vortex classifier 1377 sizes of feed to 389 sorting column in 387 spigots in 388 Swain classifier 1371 table of sizes, capacities, etc., of Richards' pulsator classifier 1390 tank vortex classifier 1379 trough or shallow-pocket 389 tubular free-settling classifiers 1381 Wengler classifier 1367 Wolf-Tongue classifier 1369 imperfections of deep-pocket form 409 inclined one-current 1146 in stamp mills 658 investigation of currents 434 James Carkeek 416 kinds of 387 labyrinths and runs 447 Lake Superior hog-trough 390 products of in Mill 45 391 21 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Classifiers, Lake Superior, hog trough, products of in Mill 46 391 launders for 440 Linkenbach pointed boxes 412, 416 V-box 421 Lockhart's automatic gem separator 430 tubular 476 Meinecke 430 spitzlutte 425 Merrill cylindrical clarifying tank 1406 hydraulic classifiers 1367 large cones 1406 at Mill 106 1640 small cone at Mill 106 1641 New Standard 1419 perforated board in 437 pointed box, in the mills 442 position of 1108 principles of action 387, 1368 products, sizing tests on 1141, 1144 purpose and essentials of 389 purposes of 1367 quality of work of 461 Ramsey sludge tank 446 results of 405 Richards' annular vortex 40b -Coggin or Calumet 391 pulsator 1419 shallow-pocket 401 tubular 428 Rittinger pointed boxes 411 Robinson coal washer 478 Schone tubular 476 screen for 433, 443 settling tanks 450 Sherman system of settling tanks 1404 sizing tests on 406 slope of sides 440 spigots for 433 spitzlutte 421 strainer for 388 suited for testing 1989 surface-current box 433, 1401 in the mills 441 Swain 1420 Tamarack 397 testing of 1 170 Thirion 475 trough or shallow-pocket 389 tubular 421 classifier, spitzlutte 1371 for hindered-settling tests 611 investigating free settling 469 unwatering boxes 450 used for mercury trap 774 use of hydraulic water 433 U-shaped iron pipe 424 V-box design 419 in the mills 442 versus screens 368 vortex 403 water. See Water. Wengler & Lowe's 413 whole-current box 443, 1402 Wunderlich coal washer 477 Yeatman 399 Classifying by free settling in water, bibliography for laws of 475 laws of 464 Claudet, A. C 1182 gold stamp mills at Mesquital, Mexico 1182 Clausthal, Germany, breaker at 57 central ore dressing plant at 2039 classifiers at 476, 477 concentrating plant 1795 details of stamps at 223 finest size jigged at 606 hand picking at 492 improvements at 1924 jig discharge at 582 feeder at 549 mechanism at 530 spigot at 528 jigs at 640, 643 versus tables at 606 life of screens at 354 mill at . .965, 1086, 1102, 1116, 1121, 1174, 1177, 1186 sieve scale at 367 picking at 487 plunger rods of jigs at 531 Clausthal, power at 1089 pointed boxes used at 476, 477 removal of slimes by classifiers at 373 rolls at 109 screening at 373 sieve scale at 367 sizes of ore hand picked at 487 slope of jig sieves at 548 stamps at 225, 230 stroke of jigs at 594 trommels at 385 truing rolls at 110 unwatering sieve at 586 Clay and kaolin washing, capacity of Stedman disin- tegrator for 286 crucibles for melting 784 crushed in rolls 112 crushing machine for 2017 description of a breaker used for 2010 effect on mercury 751 elimination of 895, 897 ground by edge runner mills 270 moved by water 878 preparation of. G. Benfey 2026 quartz, weight of 1190 removal of impurities from. F. Lehman 2026 settling of 1149 rate of 474 used in retorts 781 washing 333, 1075, 1173, 1178, 1183, 1185, 1186 C. F. Binns 2025 Dummler 2030 H. Ries 2028 J. W. Schamberger 2030 in Ohio. A. M. Fish 2026 weight of 1190 Clayey ores on vanners 660 Clayton, J. E., on amalgamated plates 743 Cleaned-ore plane 1465 Cleaner jigs at Mill 148 1793 Cleaning amalgam 780 amalgamating plates 756, 757 at Mill 100 1624 Mill 101 1626 in California 1619 jig 894 concentrates 587 screens at Mill 148 1792 sieve 576 machines for concentrates 320 method for rolls 2011 of copper plate before amalgamating 752 plane, definition of 1465 on vanners 646 up dredge products 101J mercury traps 774 sands from roller mills. H. S. Kenney 2017 Clean-up apparatus 1020 barrel 234, 264 at Mill 111 1656 bibliography for 294 for testing 1156 details of, in mills 265 devices 1519 of gravity stamps 201 mercury traps 774 riffles 725 stamps in mechanical batea 683 steam stamps 134 pans 232, 250 and barrels 202 bibliography for 291 tables of details of in mills 252 room 266 trolley for a gold mill 2031 See Individual Gold Mills in Chapter XX. Clearance in steam stamp cylinder 123 of gravity stamps 195 jig plunger 529, 530 Cleats, cast rubber riffle cleats for Bartlett Simplex concentrators _ 1487 copper riffle cleats for concentrating tables .... 1481 for Deister concentrators 1488 Overstrom tables I486 height of riffle cleats for Wilfley table 1468 riffle for Wilfley tables 1467 "tacking on" versus "grooving" 1498 Cleavage, effect of in minerals . . : 3 Clemens Jones J Clerc, G., history of stamps ^0 22 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Clerc, G., methods of jigging separation Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separator at Mill 148 1792, Clifford, H. E Clinochlore, specific gravity of Clinometer Clinton fossil ores treated on Wetherill magnetic sep- arator Clitters mines, treatment at the 1924, Clogging of screens Close sizing for jigging Cloth for dust prevention screens compared with punched plate details of from the mills Clunes, amalgamation at double discharge at mercury wells at shoes and dies at stamps at Victoria, mills at Clutches for gravity stamps . friction 1096, Coagulation of fine slimes Coahiula coal washer Coal. See also Fuel. as fuel in Wilfley roasting furnace breaker, a new. W. S. Ayres at Alden, Pennsylvania. M. S. Hochita Bankhead, Alberta. L. Stockett and B. R. Warden Stockett, Montana. L. Stockett briquetting system burned in mills. See Individual Mills in Chap- ter XX. roasting for magnetism capacity for, of Stedman disintegrator centrifugal machine for classifier combined disintegrator and screen for. M. A. Sattiaux consumed in roasting for magnetism consumption in driers 880 crushing of dressing, changes in anthracite jigs. R. A. Henry dust, air blast for removal of removed by air blast from handling machinery for C. Piez in Pennsylvania, breaking of anthracite jigs . .520, 523, 548, 549, 574, 588, 639, 640, 641 magnetic treatment of. E. Post method of separating dust from mine to develop electric power mining in India, cheap. H. M. Cadell picking in Cainsdprf preparation machinery. R. V. Morris Ramsey sludge tank for required per horse-power hour at Mill 172 .... screening and washing of. T. H. Aldrich by the by-pass system of S. A. Everett papers on plant of the Clifton colliery, a new 3000 tons capacity screens for separation of dust from. A. Wiedl slate pickers for 489, 492, -testing device. Delameter used in roasting for magnetism washeries, anthracite. G. W. Harris 2049, different Pennsylvania, bituminous. W. G. Wilkins. . . washer y at St. Beram. M. Benotte . , INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. washing 1106, advances made in an article on. S. Diescher, Sr and screening. T. H. Aldridge .... at Saint Eloy colliery the Baam colliery Cadeby colliery Reynolds culm bank. A. D. W. Smith. . bibliography. S. S. Wyer bituminous. G. R. Delamater 641 Coal vvashing, discussion of. H. L. Siordet 2051 1177 improvements in 2050 in a Belgium colliery 2050 1793 Alabama. E. Ramsay, C. E. Bowron 2050 via W. B. Phillips 2049, 2050 1189 W. R. Crane 2051 1159 America. G.W.Harris 2050 Belgium. E. Discry 2052 808 Colorado, anthracite. R. M. Hosea 2050 2041 bituminous 2051 373 England. M. Baldauf ' 2052 606 France 2050 1099 results of 2050 170 Indiana. G. H. Ashley , . . 2051 New South Wales 2050, 2052 170 machines, control of. P. Charvet 2052 788 plant, at the St. Louis Exposition. J. D. Wick 2052 description of a. D. F. Cameron 2051 768 preliminary investigation of. L. A. Harding 2051 183 principles of . 2050 226 results of 2050 some references to 2051 198 Coarse concentrates on jigs, defined 494 1606 removal of in jigs 576 concentration without sizing. S. W. Taylor . . . 2043 2051 limit of screening 368 mine ore, treatment of 1111 1548 Coarsest size treated by jigs 605 2049 Coates tubes at Mill 149 1795 2051 Macquisten's flotation process 1563 Cobalt amalgam 730 2050 atomic weight of 1188 2049 concentration at 2034 2050 specific gravity of 1189 Cobaltite, specific gravity of 1189 Cobbing 480 815 at Mill 186 1916 286 devices 1439 820 for asbestos 1079 479 hammers 11, 55, 56 at Mill 186 1917 2018 houses 492 814 magnets 1531 , 882 at Mill 138 1742, 1806, 1807, 1818 284 Bilharz 1532 2052 Broughton Asbestos Company magnet 1532 2051 Cranberry 1530 839 Eastwood 1532 2050 Manhattan Asbestos Company magnet 1531 837 (Wethey) at Mill 164 1849, 1850 817 plant at Mill 158 1821 2051 Cocheno, settling tank at 459 2052 Cochiti mill 1092 2051 Cochiti, New Mexico, gold mining at,W. C. Wynkoop . 2036 , 642 Cocoa matting for tables 702 2052 on dredges 722, 1007, 1008, 1012 2050 tables at Mill 111 1655 1092 efficiency of 1657 2050 Codman breaker 58, 61 2051 Cceur d'Alene district, Idaho, concentration in the. 2050 A. Locke 2041 446 cost of producing lead and silver in 1960, 1961, 1962, 1874 1963, 1964 365 hammers used 10 2052 mill in 1183 2050 milling at 2045 345 milling practice in the. J. R. Finlay 2037 2050 mining. J. R. Finlay 1922 2018 Coffee mill 255 2051 Coggin, F. G., Ball and Leavitt stamps 142 2052 Evans and Linkenbach slime tables . . . ! 728 342 on area of discharge of steam stamps 129 2051 efficiency of steam stamps 133, 134 493 power for steam stamps 131 1993 slime tables 697 steam stamps 142 2050 Cohesion of mercury, effect of temperature 767 2050 Cohn's ball mill 293 2051 Coignet, F., amalgamation 788 2050 M. F., California stamp battery 225 1178 Coils for heating 1098 2050 Coke breaker, a new. G. Kroupa 2010 2051 used in roasting for magnetism 815 2049 Cole, David, power tests by 1927 2050 shovel-wheel at Mill 124 1693 2050 Cole's breaker 59, 61 2050 Collar for cam shafts '. 190 2050 grit 1098 2049 Collectors for amalgamated plates 743 2051 Collett, water softening 1419 23 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Collins, A. L., amalgam 789 cause of hard amalgam 2024 H. F., Clarkson sampler 884 metallurgy of lead and silver xix J. H., definition of slimes 1397, 1419 Colloids, effect of heat on 1414 Collom, Evans, and Woodbury jigs, capacities com- pared 1448 jig 510, 1440, 1446 advantages of 514 construction of 524, 525 height of tailboard 551 hydraulic water in 537 life of 604 mechanism on grizzly 345 modifications of 515 size of sieve and plunger 529 slope of sieves in 548 speed of 593 sampler 847 versus Harz jig 515 Colombia, S. America, milling in. Juan de la C. Posada 2039 quartz milling in. F. F. Sharpless 2038 Colorado, concentration of zinc ores in 2043 concentrator, cost of crushing by rolls 104 cost of milling in 1129, 1133 producing gold in 1974, 1975 lead and silver in 1965 tungsten mining and milling in 1987 dredging in 1009 general milling practice in Gilpin County 2045 Iron Works 1407 Akens and Evans slimer 1500 Blake breaker 23 breakers at Mill 144 1771 Challenge-type feeder 1580 continuous grinding pans 1323 Dodge breaker 31 double-cone hydraulic classifier 1381 grinding pan, continuous 1282 Humphrey rolls 1244 impact screen 1351 at Mill 151 1803 octagonal trommel 1360 on rolls 71 Perfect ore feeder 1609 power for rolls 97 rolls 76, 84 at mills 1690, 1691, 1749 roll speeds 87 roll springs 74 single cone classifier of 477 slime tanks 1407 and classifiers 1419 vanner 652 jig connecting rod in 530 mill in 1120 milling in 1177 mill, number and height of drop of stamps .... 214 practice in different camps 2043 present milling practice in. H. C. Parmalee . . 2035 Smelting and Mining Company 1836 mill xxvi, 978 Huntington mill in 281 stamps versus California and steam 134 system of stamp milling 224, 227 versus California stamp mills 213, 224, 1030 Zinc Company 1758 Color affecting separation 889 and luster of minerals, effect of 3 of minerals in artificial light 481 Columbia mill, Browne hydrometric sizer in 410 vanners in 658 Columbian mines, amalgamated plates at 749 pulsating screen 343 separator, Jeffrey 2018 Columbite, specific gravity of 1189 Columbium, atomic weight of 1188 Combination cone and horizontal ball mill 2017 crushing, amalgamating, and cyanide machine. M. Dekeyser 2033 mill, Goldfield, Nevada, treatment at the. F. L. Bosqui 2045 M. R. Lamb 2038 Granite County, Montana. R. B. Brins- made 2042 of the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Com- pany 1626 mills 1039, 1046, 1060, 1101 24 Combination of principles of separation 891, 1611 pan 239 process of amalgamation 248 silver mills 1103 Comet breaker 41, 57-60, 2009 adjustment for wear 43 amount of throw 43 table of details of 41 dimensions of 44 Commans, R. E., breakers 60 buddies, percussion tables, vanners, slime tables 729 capacity of jigs 597 Clarkson-Stanfield, Mumford & Moodie, Pape- Henneberg separator 838 grizzlies, riddles, and trommels 385 hand picking and picking tables 492 jigs 643 Richards-Coggin classifier, Buttgenbach's pointed boxes, Bilharz, Rittinger, spitzlutte Osterspey siphon separator used at Mecher- nich 478 Schranz breaker 60 separation 1182 separators 835 slope of jig sieves 548 stroke of jigs 594 Commercial limit of concentration 1118 Comminuting 8 Commonwealth mill, Pearce, Arizona, milling at the 2044 Mining and Milling Co., ball mill 261 Compania de Huanchaca de Bolivia, stamp frames 160 Minera del Tiro General 1802 Comparative sizing test of tailings and concentrates from stamps and Lane Chili mill 1309 tests of spindle and jaw-breakers 53 table of 45 wear of metals for jaw plates of Blake breakers 48 work of gravity stamps and Huntington mills . . 1262 Comparison between single-cylinder and compound steam stamps 1254 of Blake and Dodge type of breakers 33 California and Colorado systems of stamp milling 1030 canvas and rubber vanner belts 650 capacities of Woodbury, Evans, and Collom jigs.... t 1448 concentration and amalgamation 1047 convex and concave buddies 706 slime tables 692 crushing machines 313 flat and sloping mill sites 1085 Gates and McCully breakers 45 geared and belted rolls 83 Harz and Collom jigs 515 jaw and spindle breakers 51 jigs and tables 606 large and small breakers 49 materials for jig screens 545 wearing parts for breakers 48 methods of running jigs 571, 572 mine and mill work 1 123 picking tables 491 plain copper and silver plated plates 748 pulverizers 231 punched plate and wire cloth 354 riffle tables 679 Rittinger and Wilfley tables 679 rolls and Sturtevant mills 110 round hole and slotted screens 169 sampling methods 848 screens 175, 345, 369 side-bump and end-bump tables 682 side-shake and end-shake vanners 655 single and double discharge for stamps 209 smooth and corrugated vanner belts 650 spindle breakers 46 steam and gravity stamps 134 trommels 362, 377, 378, 379 and riddles 365 Utah Copper and Boston Consolidated mills . 2012 vanners with convex slime tables 691 water used by Evans and Hancock jigs .... 1442 wire and plate screens 171 Compensating weights for gravity stamp at mills.. 1645, 1651, 1668 Complex jigging mills at Lake Superior 990 in Colorado and Utah 925 Idaho and Europe 936 Montana , . 973 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Complex jigging mills in southeastern Missouri 916 for blende or pyrite 906 Compound and single cylinder steam stamps, com- parison between 1254 breaker 57 edgestone mill 235 bibliography for 296 engines 1091 steam stamp at Mill 181 1906 Compressed air for pumps 1106 jig ... 519 Compressive strength of stone 300 Computation of Callow cone 1404 classifier 401, 429 grain sizes for free-settling tests 465 Richards' annular vortex classifier, for coarse grains 1382 fine grains 1383 pocket vortex classifiers 1374 single-spigot vortex classifier 1377 tank vortex classifier 1380 work for crushing 312 Computed horse-power for trommels 357 Computing tests 1161 Comstock, amalgamating pans at 291 lode, Nevada, mills on 1175, 1184 mills, wear of amalgamating pans 249 stamp mills 230 Concave buddle 706 slime tables 692 versus convex slime tables 692 Concaves and short head, Gates breaker with 1208 for spindle breakers 47 Concentrate drying bins 1570 at mills 1570, 1669 Concentrated, list of ores that can be 2049 Concentrates bins 843 cleaned by trunking machine 321 cleaning of 320 coarse, definition of 494 drying of 880 moisture in 1 107 of jigs, removal of 586 percentage of, affecting capacity of jigs 601 purity affecting extraction 1118 sampling of 845 sizes of, in mills 1116 storing and shipping 1112 tank for vanners 647 Concentrating plane on vanners 646 slope of in vanners 659 Concentration. See also Milling and Ore Dressing. advances in the art of. F. Cirkel 2048 amount of 1118 by free settling 475 compared with smelting 1 followed by lixiviation 1616, 1665 history of. A. W. Warwick 2049 limit of 1118 magnetic 790, 1521 mill 1117 molybdenite dressing 1567 of copper ore. F. H. Probert 1997 galena ore. F. H. Mason 2046 pneumatic 815 progress in. V. Horel 2049 of ; 2049 ratio of. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. relation of physical properties of minerals to ... 2 separation by crushing and screening 1566 decrepitation and screening 1565 tendencies in 2048 versus amalgamation 1047 wet. C.Taylor 2043 works at Monteppni, Sardinia 1066 Concentrators, air, using a continuous blast of air . . 816 using force other than air blast 818 amalgam traps for 1516 Bartlett Simplex 1487 Bartsch rotary percussion table 1497 belt percussion table 1496 Card 1481 Charleton ore 427 Christensen 1484 Deister 1488 depth of bed in 644, 1510 different types 2022 electrostatic separators 1549 Ellis .... .657 Embrey 653 Concentrators, Ferraris table 1490 fine sand and slime 644 for fine sands and slimes, belt film-tables 697 bumping tables 667 film-sizing tables 685 intermittent surface tables 700 kieves 726 riffles 720 general comments on rectilinear tables '.'. 1498 Gilpin County 680 Golden Gate 681 Hendy 683 Hooper pneumatic 820 James slimer 1491 table 1490 Johnston 652 Luhrig-Buss table 1492 Luhrig slimer 1495 magnetic separators 1521 McLeod 1492 New Humboldt 1493 New Standard 1478 Norbom 652 Pinder 1479 pneumatic belt 18 slimers 1594 Triumph . 652 Tulloch 652 vanners 1498 Wilfley group 1465 table 1465 Woodbury table 1494 Concentric conical trommels at mills 1818, 1854 cylindrical trommels at mills 1655, 1793 grinders 313 trommels 362 at Mill 154 -.1815, 1816 Concheno mill 1665 Concrete bins at mills 1756, 1834, 1858 foundation for mills 1088 mine, stamping of ore from 220 mortar blocks 148 C. D. Kaeding 2013 settling tanks at Mill 171 1870 stamp mill foundations. G. P. Scholl 2011 Condensation of steam 1091 Condenser for retorts 781 Conductors for electrostatic separation, list of good and poor 1550 Cone classifier 410, 426, 476 for amalgamating pan 241 mill 232, 255, 2017 bibliography for 292 pulleys for Bradford jig 501 jigs 533 sampler 846 settlers at Mill 166 1855 Cones, pyramids and prisms 361 Conglomerate ore, mills for 990 weight of 1191 Coniagas mill, Cobalt, Ontario. R. Stokes 2046 mines, Limited 1679 Conical trommels 361 at mills.. 17 14, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1815, 1854, 1898, 1902 tube mill, Hardinge 1296 Coning and quartering in sampling 1577 sampling by 844 Conkling dry magnetic separator 809, 810 jig 503 movable sieve jig 640 Connecting rods for jigs 530 Conrey Placer Mining Co 2036 Consistency of pulp for Wilfley table work and van- ners 1848 vanner feed at Mill 173 1878 Wilfley table feed at Mill 173 1878 Consolidated Main Reef, sand wheel at 1587 Stanley mill, Cammett table at 677 Virginia mill, cross sills in 153 mud sills in 153 Constant speed for machines 1092 Construction and operation of stamp mills. R. M. Aitken 2048 expenses 1 123 method at Mill 174 1887 of jigs 524 mill buildings 1088 rolls 63 slime tables . 684 25 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Construction of stamp mills. J. J. Deming J. Roskelly trommels on the Rand, mill Consumption of cast-iron per ton rock crushed at Mill 180 coal in American Process Company's driers . . . Argall drier Edison drier per horse- power in gas system at Mill 172 fuel in Wilfley roasting furnace oil in Elmore vacuum oil process pebbles by Abbe tube mills at Mill 101 Krupp tube mills at Mill 118 tube mills at Mill 103 steel by Bryan mills at Mill 173 rolls at Mill 173.... in shoes and dies at Mill 117 sulphuric acid by flotation process at Mill 130. . trommel screen steel at Mill 173 1876, water at mills 1413, 1640, 1648, 1664, 1730 the Rand Washington Arizona plant by Ferraris patent tables, table of Hancock jig working on Montana copper ores Johnston vanners suspended frame vanners Wilfley slimer Continuity of running, effect on costs Continuous grinding pan, Colorado Iron Works .... pans kieve movable sieve power jigs or Boss system of working amalgamating pans . surface round tables tables fixed, circular, convex slime tables . . . revolving, circular, concave slime tables versus intermittent action on breakers .... Convex and concave rolls buddle Cornish buddies at Mill 185 slime tables comparison with vanners versus concave slime tables . . .' Conveying and draining belt at Mill 130 picking belt at Mill 139 belts at mills.. 1585, 1631, 1667, 1670, 1681, 1706, 1709, 1771, 1772, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1819, 1831, 1859, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1882, New Kleinfontein Company plant on magnetic separators Conveyor. Aultman coal belts, layer of coarse ore to protect belt at Mill 158. cold ore to protect belt Leviathan . . method of cleaning of Wetherill magnetic separator, proper speeds portable at Mill' 167' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' '. '. '. '. self-oiling carrier for tripper at Mill 124 for discharging use of with Blaisdell excavator at Mill 117. .. notes on a 75-foot Conveyors 859, See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. at Mill 135 bibliography for bucket Caldwell helicoid conveyor carrying conveyors classification of different types of. W. R. Ingalls disc, at Mill 124 drag or disc Edison distributing endless belt for jig tailings handlirj ing concentrates at Mill 173 hoe Kreiss jerking pan or plate picking on push 2049 2048 350 2049 1902 1599 1600 1600 1874 1548 1560 1626 1677 1632 1879 1877 1668 1722 1877 1731 1410 1411 1490 1441 1442 1502 1503 1506 1127 1282 1282 727 499 248 1506 686 689 692 55 111 704 1916 686 691 692 1720 1749 1585 1708, 1809, 1860, 1883 1586 804 2031 1826 1807 1585 2031 1523 1857 1585 1691 1586 1670 2031 1582 1735 884 860 1582 1585 1582 1609 1695 1583 1582 861 861 588 1881 1582 884 Conveyors, Robins belt 1610 rubber belt 859 scraping 860 screw 861, 1582 Cook, R. A., magnetic plant at Dannemora, Sweden. 1175 Wenstrom separator at Dannemora mine, Sweden 833 Cooley, G. T., dressing zinc ore in Missouri . . . Jig ......... ; number of sieves shafts for tank width of sieve jigs for blende Cooling ore from galena roaster Cooper-Hewitt lamp 1180 643 590 532 522 591 643 1548 1931 Cooper, J. R., on amalgamated plates 749 Copake Iron Works, wash trommel at 330 Coppee coal washer 2018 Copper, action of gravity stamps on 314 amalgam 730 amalgamated plates 747 amalgamating plates, difficulties in use of 1515 and silver-plated plates 764 atomic weight of 1188 boxes for jig products 586 breaking in Mine 44 54 clean-up of in stamp mills 134 comparison of breaking by hand and by machine 13 concentrated by free settling 475 cost of producing 1948 crushed by Calumet & Hecla Company in Mill 44 259 for jig screens 545 riffle cleats on concentrating tables 1481,' 1486 screens 354 handbook, Lake Superior copper mines 1925 hindered-settling tests on 611, 617 in tailings of Mill 48 130 Lake Superior, adaptability of Steam stamps for crushing 314 mills 114,475 masses cleaned by steam hammer 12 native, specific gravity of 1189 ore, hand picked 482 leaching 1167 method for treating low grade. N. S. Keith 2039 mill for. .893, 904, 905, 915, 958, 961, 965, 973, 984, 990, 1005, 1022 separated by oil 831 screening size used for 830 340 1584 of grizzly stamps suited for 134 treated at Moonta mines, Australia 505 by Collom jigs 515 in Mills 44, 46, 47, 48 486 percentage of in tailings of Mill 46 131 picking of 894 plate, annealing of 747 preparation of 747 screens 174 plates 179 absorption of amalgam by 765 preparation of 752 stains on 751 precipitated by scrap iron 1082 pure, specific gravity of 1189 Range Consolidated Company, Champion stamp mill .. 1897,1900 Mfg. Co., rock houses, Michigan 2045 removal of 251 results of tubular classifier tests on 613 riffle cleats for Deister concentrators 1488 rock, cost of crushing at Atlantic mill 51 crushing by rolls 62 stamped at Phoenix Mine 140 settling velocity of 466, 469 silver in 766 ores tested by Collom jigs in Mill 42 515 specific gravity of 3 versus silver-plated plates 748 wire cloth for jig sieves at mills .... 1707, 1708, 1869 Cordier, E., Vapart disintegrator 299 Core for magnets 794 Cores of rolls 65 Corliss engines . . . .906, 958, 973, 982, 986, 987, 1057, 1091 Cornacchino Mine, Tuscany, mill at 1074 Corning, Frederick G., Corning belt concentrator. . . 729 table . 669 Cornish convex buddies at Mill 185 1916 feeder . 856 26 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Cornish frames 704 jigs 506 pump 994 rolls 109,112 at mills : 1714, 1868 stamp mill for tin ores 2012 stamps 230 tin concentration works, roasting for porosity at 829 dressing. E. Walker 2038 mills 1119 ore, crushed by Husband stamps 141 practice 1915 works 704 vanning shovel ; . 1152 Cornwall, England, Acme table for treating tin slimes 1506 cost of crushing by rolls in _ 104 Elmore vacuum oil process in 1559 jigging in 609 kaolin washing in 1077 kieves in 727 labyrinths in 448 milling in 1173 mills in 1176, 1180, 1185 rolls in Ill runs in, on tin ore 478 stamps in 228 system of tin dressing. C. M. Myrick 2044 tin dressing in 1081 E. Skewes 2037 E. Walker 2038 use of rag frames in 1507 Corrosion of jig screens 545, 547 screens 354 Corrugated belts for vanners 647, 650 Frue vanners at mills 1703, 1868, 1870 Johnston vanners at Mill 167 1858, 1859 versus smooth belts for vanners 650 iron for mill buildings 1088 rolls . . 106, 110, 111, 2010 at Mill 152 1806 description of Allis-Chalmers type 1242 table of 107 sizes, capacities, and power 1243 stamp screens 226 Corundum, broken by heating and quenching 9 dressing 1176, 1181, 1183, 2029, 2030 Hill, North Carolina 57 mill at 1078, 1079, 1176, 1184 milling. H. E. T. Haultain 2025 in Canada. D. G. Kerr 2025 ore, mill for 1078, 1184 specific gravity of 1189 washing 333 pan for 335 Cost accounts 1 122 and extraction 1939 bibliography for 1173 details of for breaking 50 of blanket tables 703 blowing dust from coal 817 board at mills 1100 breaking 51, 57 ore 1222, 1223 in Gates breakers 1222 buckets for conveyor 861 calcining at Mill 137 1549 changing heads and concaves, Comet breaker . 47 chemicals for pan amalgamation 250 coal 1092 cobbing at Mill 186 1917 concentrating lead zinc ores. A. Bordeaux . . 2049 concentration 2 at Butte. C. W. Goodale 2048 copper refining at Mill 173 1881 crushing 60, 1222 at mills 1222,1883 by breakers 49 Huntington mills 281, 1318 jaw breakers, table of 60 Minnesota Iron Co 51 rolls 104 spindle breakers, table of 50 stamps 205 for interest, taxes, insurance and depre- ciation 205 steam stamps 134 road material 51 cyaniding 1028 at Mill 106 1642 decantation slimes plant, Mill 108 1647 Cost of direct smelting 1 dredge and equipment 1654 dredges 1013 dredging 1654 drying 1598, 1599 duck for canvas tables at Mill 103 1633 dust chamber and fans 817 electroplating 755 erecting a complete decantation slime plant in South Africa 1940 large Montana copper-sulphide mill .... 1939 roasting and magnetic separation plant . 1940 20-stamp mill. F. C. Roberts 2049 zinc-lead concentrator 1940 mills .... 1124, 1618, 1731, 1770, 1875, 1939, 1940 filter pressing plant, Mill 108 1647 fine grinding. W. A. Caldecott 2015 freight 1126 fuel for rotary drier at Mill 186 1917 gold dredging 1009, 1013 milling in Venezuela 1127 grinding at Mill 130 1724 by arrastra 238 tube mills 1291 hand jigging 1129 jigs 499 picking 487, 489, 492, 1438 galena 488 handling material by conveyor belts 1585 ores by Blaisdell system 1603 Heberli mill wear .' 258 jaw and spindle breakers 52 plates on Blake breaker 48 jigging in Missouri 609 jigs 604 jig screens 547 labor and supplies .- 1941 at Mill 174 1887 for breakers 51 Huntington mill 281 pan amalgamation 250 stamps 206 in mills 1100 power, supplies, board, etc. See Individ- ual kills in Chapter XX. lumber 1126 machines 1 125 magnetic separation 810 of iron ore .* 802 McDougall roasting furnaces 1546 mercury for stamps 206 milling at mills 1619, 1639, 1640, 1643, 1645, 1731, 1793, 1905, 1906, 1916, 1919 in Colorado 1129 Missouri 1129 Nova Scotia. W. L. Libbey 2049 South Africa 2049 J. H. Pitchford 2048 various mills 1 126 on the Rand. J. R. Williams : . 2049 mining 1126, 1940, 2048 and treatment at Cripple Creek, Colorado. . 1616 effect of attitude of orebody on 1942 economy and speed on 1948 external factors on 1941 internal factors on 1942 size of orebody on 1942 stamping, dressing, etc., at Mill 180 1905 mortar lining 166 oil for separation 831 operating 1940 all-sliming filter- press system 1648 Argall four-tube drier 1600 at Mill 186 1919 flotation processes 1562 Minerals Separation Company, flotation process 1561 Finder concentrators 1481 Trego roasting furnace 1548 with Cleveland -Knowles magnetic separators 1542 pan amalgamation 250 plant for electroplating 755 power at Mill 105 1639 by gasoline engines 1091 for stamps 205 producing copper at mills 1894, 1956, 1957 general considerations with regard to.. 1958, 1959, 1960 in Arizona districts 1953, 1954, 1955 Bisbee or Warren district 1954, 1955 27 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Cost of producing copper in Clifton-Morenci dis- trict.... 1953, 1954 Globe district 1953 Lake Superior district 1948, 1949, 1950 Montana district 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953 Mount Lyell, Tasmania 1957, 1958 Utah district 1955, 1956 various districts 1958 diamonds at Mill 188 1922 gold 1974 at Douglas Island, Alaska . . . 1975, 1976, 1977 in Black Hills district, South Dakota 1977, 1978 Cripple Creek district, Colorado. . 1974, 1975 El Oro district, Mexico 1980, 1981 Grass Valley district, California 1977 Kolar district, India 1981, 1982, 1983 San Juan district, Colorado . 1978, 1979, 1980 Witwatersrand, South Africa .... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 iron ore concentrates in eastern United States 1986, 1987 lead and silver in Broken Hill district 1964, 1965 Cceur d'Alene district 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 Colorado district 1965 Utah district 1966, 1967, 1968 lead and zinc 1968 in Missouri district 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 lead, general considerations regarding . . . 1974 in Flat River district 1971 tungsten ore concentrates in Boulder County, Colorado 1987 zinc in Joplin district 1972 pumping at Mill 180 1906 with Latta & Martin pump 1590 quarrying 51 refining at Mill 106 1643 repairs on rolls 104 vanners 663 Wetherill magnetic separators 1525 retreatment at Mill 130 1724 rock emery millstones 254 roll shells 66, 68, 69 running breakers 54 log washer 324 screening 360 screens 169, 170, 174 for Bryan mills 273 jigs 547 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 slime table 691 smelting versus chlorination 1020 stamping 221 stamp cams 192 milling 2048 screens 173 stem 187 tappets 189 steam power 1 134 tramming at Mill 133 1731 treatment at mills 1649, 1920 trommel screens 352, 361 tube mill lining in New Zealand 2016 vanner 691 belts 650 water at Mill 179 1899 for stamps 206 wearing parts for stamps 206 of Blake breakers 26 Dodge breakers 31 Forster breaker 28 spindle breakers 46, 47 wear of stamps and Bryan mill 274 on Bryan mills 272 Costs. See also each machine. at Mill 97 1621 effect of altitude on 1941 climate on 1941 homogeneity of ore on 1943 losses on 1944 marketing the products on 1942 population on 1941 temperature on 1942 transportation on 1942 underground conditions on 1941 general principles governing 1940 high-grade versus low-grade mines 1948 on the Rand and in California 2048 Cosumnes River, California, mill at 1023 Cotton cloth for filtering dust 883 duck for tables 700 Cottonseed oil 1097 Coupling of machines 1110 Cover for amalgamating pan 244 for oil holes 1098 Cover jigs 537, 571 work of stamps, cleaning up 320 Covers for mortars 167 Cowenhoven Tunnel Co., rock house 485 Coxe automatic slate picker 492 gyrating screen 345 Coxe, Eckley B., corrugated rolls for coal 110 Coxe's finger bar grizzly and gyrating screen . . . 385 Luhrig coal jig at Drifton, Pa 640 Coxe's screen 2019 Coxheath ore crushed by rolls, sizing test 99 Cox, William J., manager of Mill 100 1275 Crab for gravity stamps 200 " Crack-proof" vanner belt, the 1503 Cradle 723 Craig coal washer. W. Scott 2051 washing machine. W. Scott 2039 Cranberry coal breaker 205 1 magnet 1530 at Mill 156 1531, 1818 magnetite ore, cost of concentrating 1135 mill for 1180 tests on 1176 mill 1817 ore, magnetic separation of 835 separated by magnets 833 Crane at Mill 171 for removing tailings 1870 log washer at Mill 95 1617 Crank arm mechanism for jigs 535 Crawford mill 234 bibliography of 295 Cream separator 827 Creede, Colorado, milling at 1925 milling at. A. Lakes 2041 United Mines, Humphrey mill 1766 Cremer, R., Baum and Sheppard jigs for coal 643 Carr disintegrator for coal 298 coal screening 385 Hochstedt apparatus 838 Cresson, George V., breaker of Blake type 23 Co., rolls 72 Crickboom log washer at Mill 147 1787 wash trommel 330, 334 Cripple Creek, Colorado, concentration at 2044 cost of mining and treatment at 1616 producing gold in 1974, 1975 mill at 1038 milling practice at 1925 rock house 485 treatment of ores. G. E. Walcott 2042 Crocker's patent stamps 229 Crocoite, specific gravity of 1189 Crookes, Sir Wm., diamonds 1185 the washing pan 2020 Cross compound steam stamps 1250 mill, Colorado, gold and silver in amalgam in 762 hydraulic classifier in 774 mercury trap at 774 wells in 769 plates 741 ratio of gold to silver on plates in 763 mine, Blake breaker at 1621 sills for gravity stamps 153 Crossley pebble mill 2014 Croton iron mines, cost at 1 135 mill at 1175, 1180 ore concentrated by magnets 798, 803 Sturtevant mill at , 298 Crown dry concentrating system, description of .... 2026 ore sizer 2019 gold dry concentrating plant, Tintic, Utah 2044 mill, Georgia. H. V. Maxwell 2036 Point, mill at 901 mines 1174 Reef Gold Mining Company, use of milk of lime for slime settling at 1416 mill, details of stamps 221 tailings, treatment of 2048 Crucible for melting 784 Crusher in a stamp mill, description of a fine 2014 stamp mill, fine 2016 Magic 299 McLanahan and Stone single-roll 1241 sectional cushioned 20 28 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Crusher, Sturtevant Crushers for testing Crushing. See Breaking. Crushing and jigging department at Mill 146 screening, separation by of molybdenite by article on. L. H. Sturtevant at Black Hills, S. Dakota. C. H. Fulton Lake Superior, graded. J. P. Charming the Simmer and Jack mine bibliography for laws of choice of breaker for choke by breakers comparisons between wet and dry. F. Merrick concentrates cost of at Mill 162 by breakers gravity stamps Huntington mills jaw breakers, table rolls spindle breakers, table of steam stamps cylinders department at mills 1690, 1709, dry. P. Argall rolls for extent desired final for cyanide, comparison between wet and dry . . free graded by rolls in sampling laws of 300, machines, advance in compared discussion of fine. R. Allen for cement kinds of sizing tests of means of computing efficiency. Pearce & Cal- decott mechanics of. C. De Kalb methods of mill, description of a wet of Lake Superior iron ore. R. C. Newhouse. . . middlings plant at Kalgoorlie, dry. H. J. Brooke mills 1748, 1828, 1831, 1871, ideas on a modern fine. P. Argall power for. E. A. Hersam preliminary principle of roll crushing quality of, by rolls relative merits of wet and dry crushing. P. Danckwardt ribbons rolls rules for power used single stage tests of Gates and McCully breakers tabulated results of. J. B. Porter theory of. E. A. Hersam with stamps, coarse work required for Cryolite, specific gravity of Crystallization affecting separation effect on mill scheme of stamp stems Cubic foot of broken ore, weight of ,1160, measures, equivalents of Culm banks, methods of washing. B. T. Berthelot classifiers at Mill 134 Cumberland Ely Copper Company 1865, Cummer drier Cummings mill, bibliography for . ore granulating mill mill Cumulative direct plot logarithmic plot plot of sizing tests 1139, Cunnack's pulverizer bibliography for Cuprite, specific gravity of Currents in box classifiers settling tanks velocity of in settling tanks <<>> OF THE UNIVERSITY INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Current water wheels 1Q90 1137 wheel dredges 1013 Curtis, A. H., ball mills 293 Berdan's pan 29 1 1783 Blake, Gates, Comet, Dodge, Marsden breakers 59 1566 Bryan mill 295 Crawford mill * . . . " 295 2009 crushing machines 2033 Cyclone pulverizer . . 29Q Cyclops mill 1 ."'.'. "'.'.'.!'. 2010 Harvey's stamp, Hope's compound battery. . . . '. 227 315 Howland pulverizer 297 Hunt'ngton mill -vs. stamps 297 98 Husband pneumatic stamps 143 48 Krom's rolls ..*... 2018 Lamberton mill 295 1113 Leviathan pulverizer ..... 299 49 Morel and Hall's mill 295 1222 Niagara crusher . 294 on breakers 59 205 pneumatic pulverizer 299 1318 Schranz mill 296 50 stamp mills, Krom rolls, Huntington mills 1182 104 Curve of cams 196 50 Curves of film sizing tests 708 134 jig work 632 65 settling velocities 467 473 sizing tests 1139, 1144 stamp velocities 216 1224 Cushman and Hubbard Prevost, decomposition of 303 feldspars 1418 62 A. S., decomposition of the feldspars 1400 2017 effect of water on rock powders 1418 98 Custom milling 482 103 mills 915, 978, 1029, 1035, 1157 849 bins for 842 1325 plates in . 748 2018 sampler of Mill 102 1629 313 Cut gears 1096 2014 Cutten, W. H., gold dredging in New Zealand . 1179, 1184 2014 Cutter, G. A., tests on strength of granite 302 H. C., testing plant at the University of Minnesota 1179 315 Cutting down in sampling 849 Cuyahoga steam stamp.. 114, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 2017 127, 128, 133 1340 Cyanide, amount used on plates 757 effect of on plates 757 2017 for cleaning mercury 786 2009 preparing amalgamating plates 752 1119 machinery 1600 2035 of silver used for electroplating . 755 1882 plant for gold mill tailings 1017,1028, 1114 2018 Robinson riffle in 721 1340 the Windsor in the West Rand 478 9 practice in S. Dakota. J. Gross 1419 1224 process, rolls for Ill 50 sand-treatment at Mill 117 1670 slimes plant, Mill 106 1642 2018 -treatment at Mill 117 1671 101 tests 1166 62 used on amalgamating plates 751, 760 1619 309 Cyaniding at El Oro, Mexico. C. Butters 1942 103 C. Butters, E. Hamilton 2040 45 Goldfield, Nevada. M. R. Lamb 1922 2017 the Homestake. C. W. Merrill 1419 2018 bibliography for 1173 2015 in New Zealand. J. Park 2024 304 of gold and silver ores. Julian and Smart 1323 1189 with and without concentration 2047 890 Cyanite, specific gravity of 1189 1120 Cycle of gravity stamps 216 188 Cyclone beater at Mill 186 1917, 1918 1190 disintegrator and pulverizer 1319 1187 dust collector at mills 1637, 1803, 1863 2050 pulverizer 236, 288, 297, 817 1733 bibliography for 298 1866 table of details of 289 880 Cyclops mill 234 292 bibliography for 294 255 Cylinder, Alsing 266 232 crushing 65 1140 steam 122 1140 Cylindrical driers 880, 1596 1144 Alsing Company, J. R 1597 232 American Process Company 1597 293 Argall 1599 1189 retorts 781 434 roasting furnaces at Mill 148 1793 451 trommels 348 454 wash trommel 335 29 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. D Daggett, E., on lixiviation 1167 Russell leaching process 1175 Dahlonega district light stamps 221 mortar block 148, 150 mortars 152 Daily amalgam, gold and silver in 762 Dalhousie University, the ore dressing apparatus at the. F. H. Sexton 2048 Dalton classifier 398 hydraulic classifier 398 Daly-Judge mill 1724 Park City, Utah 1923, 2038 P. A. Gow, A. M. Hobart, G. S. Kruger, F. H. Parsons 2035 mine and mill ' 2042 Daly-West mill. W. I. Spencer 2035 Park City, Utah 1923, 2038, 2042 Mining Company 1726 slime plant, Park City, Utah 2042 Dam, Belgium, Rittinger tables at 668 Dams for classifiers 406 Dana, E. S 2, 3 mineralogy xix minerals 1173 system of mineralogy 1188 table of hardness 2 Dana's tube mill 2017 Daniels, C. H., on settling kaolin 1149 Dannemora, Sweden, magnetic concentration at .... 833 separation of iron ore 801 mill at 1175 Darlington, J., on breakers 60 rolls Ill trommels 385 Darrow, W. E., testing of gold mill tailings . . .- 2049 Dash pot for steam stamps 127 of Nordberg steam stamp 1247 Data from the mills concerning settling tanks 458 of rolls, table of 64 Datolite, specific gravity of 1189 Davey, Paxman and Company 282 Davidsen, formula for calculating amount of pebbles for charging tube mill 1288 power required by tube mills 1289 speed of revolution of tube mills 1337 tube mill 1280, 1297 cost of grinding by 1292 Davies, D. C., Blake breaker 56 free-settling velocities 476 gra^ ity stamps 223 Husband and Sholl pneumatic stamps, Patter- son spring stamp 143 hydraulic mining 1173 Marsden breaker 56 metalliferous minerals and mining xix movable sieve and Harz jigs 639 E. H., amalgamation 787 Blake-Marsden, Dodge, Gates breakers 56 breakers 56 buddies, slime tables, vanners, kieves, Hendy concentrator 727 Clarkson-Stanfield process 837 Crickboom wash trommel 334 free-settling velocities, hydraulic classifier, pointed boxes 476 gravity stamps 223 grizzlies and trommels 384 Griison ball mill 293 Huntington mill 296 jig bed 574 Krom's rolls 109 Lion mill 294 machinery for metalliferous mines xix material of bottom bed 574 mill schemes 1 173 Monarch magnetic separator 832 movable sieve, Harz, Bilharz jigs 639 on limit of sizes jigged 605, 606 roll speeds 87 Davis Colby shaft furnace for roasting 814 filter press at Mill 102 1630 Davis, F. M., Iron Works Co., Ferraris ball mill 1323 patent cams 194 roll speeds 87 M. C., on Tremain stamp 139 rolls Ill at Mill 144 1771, 1772, 1773 Davy No. 3 Mill, Joplin, Missouri 2042 30 Day, D. T., concentration of black sands 2047 Dayton, Nevada, amalgamating pan 241 mill at 1184 Dead plate on trommels 356 sea water, weight of 1 188 Deadwood, Terra mill, amalgam in 783 order of drop 215 De Bavay flotation process . . . 1555, 1562, 1568, 2030 2038 at Broken Hill 1562 De Beers Co., diamond dressing 831 Consolidated mines 1080 Ltd 1923 Mining Company 1922 Debris, control by government of 2045 Deck cover, linoleum for 1467 for Wilfley slimer . 1504 table 1467 of New Standard concentrator, linoleum for ... 1479 round tables, material for, at Mill 162 1846 Decomposition of feldspars, A. S. Cushman and Pre- vost Hubbard 1418 DeCourteney, H. W 225 gravity stamps 225 Decrepitation 1611 and screening 839 at Mill 137 1741 heating for 829 of minerals 5 separation by 1565 use made of, in mills 890 Deep double trough classifiers 416 pocket hydraulic classifiers 409 free-settling classifiers 1371 hindered -settling classifier 1387 Deetken, G. F., Atwood amalgamator, Eureka rubber 789 concentration in California stamp mills 1181 kieve 729 stamp battery 229 Definition of free settling and hindered settling 464 of hindered settling 484 Definitions for jigs 494 Deflection of wire rope 1095 Deflectors for spitzkasten 440 in settling tanks 458 with plates 742 De Gournay and Suisse, Mathet, Hochstrate appara- tus 837 Deister concentrator 2022 at the Baltic mill. L. S. Austin 2023 concentrators 1488 at mills 1489, 1680, 1896, 1900 De Kalb, Courtenay, adjustment of the stamp mill 2011 amalgamation inside the mortar 2024 definition of slimes 1398 De Kalb classifier 2020 discussion of conditions under which crushing is effected 1326 graphic records of screening tests 1340 mechanics of ore crushing 1340 on settling tank 459 slimes 1419 sizing test on sample grinder 257 stamp mill practice 2048 standardization of screens for testing 2019 tests on corundum 1184 De Kalb's perforated-board classifier 1402 De Lamar, J. R., on Griffin mill 284 mill 1134 Delameter coal-testing device 1993 De Laval centrifugal pumps at Mill 124 1695 separator 827 Delesse on magnetic attraction 796 Dellvik-Grondal magnetic separator 804 Del Mar, A., advantages of stamps 2013 discussion of plate amalgamation 2024 dredging, cost of 2036 stamp mill experiences 2049 milling in California 2045 Deloro, Ontario, milling at, an auriferous mispickel at. P. Kirkegaard 2034 Delprat, G. D., Broken Hill milling practice 2038 concentration at Broken Hill 1568 flotation process 1555, 1561 at Mill 129 1561, 1718 testing for 1993 ore dressing at Broken Hill 1923 process of flotation. D. Clark 1568 Demaret, L., Bartle pulverizer 294 breakers 61 Cornish stamps 230 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. jig -She Demaret, L., Husband pneumatic stamp ........... 143 mechanical versus hand crushing ............ 61 Nicholas pulverizer ........................ 292 stamps and other pulverizers ................. 316 tin ores in Cornwall ....................... 1 185 Tregoning pulverizer ....................... 297 Demond, C. D ................................. viii on electrolytic dissociation of slimes .......... 1414 Denny, G. A., and H. S. Rand metallurgical prac- tice ......................................... 1923 Rand mill equipment .................... 2041 design and working of gold mill equipment . . 1261 equipment of stamp mills ................. 2012 hydraulic stamp ........................ 1257 mill of the Van Ryn gold mines estate ..... 2041 on hand picking .......................... 2021 sectional guide blocks ..................... 1269 H. S., discussion of grading analysis .......... 2048 sizing tests on slimes and sands ........... 2019 slime treatment on the Rand .............. 1419 Density of liquids affecting concentration ......... 3 effect on free settling . . . . ^ .............. 465 pulp for slime tables ...................... 695 Denton, F. W., crushing ......................... 57 plant at Minnesota Iron mine ............. 57 rolls versus steam stamps at Mill 179 ........ 1900 Denver, cost of mill at ... ....................... 1126 Engineering Works Company, Blake breaker . . 1203 gravity stamps ......................... 1278 grinding machinery ..................... 1323 revolving grizzly ............... ........ 1353 Richards' pulsator classifier ............. 1388 jig ..................... 1 ......... 1459 pard spitzkasten ................... 1401 and Richards' pulsating classifier ..... 1419 rigid rolls ............................. 1235 at Mill 181 ......................... 1906 scoop feed for tube mills ................ 1287 tube mill ......................... 1280, 1296 at Mill 143 .......................... 1770 Fire Clay Company, Case laboratory breaker 1204, 1223 Depreciation expenses ........................... 1 123 Depth of bank in trommels ...................... 380 bed on concentrators ........................ 1510 Harz jigs at mills . . 1750, 1751, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1929 Hodge jigs at Mill 180 .... 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 Derrick, W. H., tin ore in the Malay Peninsula .... 1182 Derr, Louis .................................... viii Derry, W., Husband stamp ..................... 143 Description of Blake breaker ..................... 13 Desert mill, Tonapah, Nevada. A. R. Parsons ____ 2045 Power and Mill Company ................... 1666 life of shoes and dies at ................. 1277 Designation of holes in stamp screens ............ 172 Design of Blake breakers ....................... 1201 cams .................................... 196 classifiers .................................. 1432 electro-magnets ............................ 790 machines .................................. 1096 milling plants. S. A. Worcester ............. 2049 mills ..................................... .1126 mining machinery. S. H. Pearce ............. 2048 A. C. McCallum ..................... ..... 2048 rolls ...................................... 78 settling tanks ............................... 454 sulphide mill, 150 ton. A. Harvey .......... 2041 two small mills. S. I. Hallett ................ 2043 Desloge, J. M., Blake breakers ................... 57 Desloge mill for lead in Missouri .......... 1175 mill .................. . .............. 1175, 1185 disposal of concentrates in ............... 57 trunking machine in ..................... 587 De Soto mine ore, Krom air jig on ............... 824 Dessauer, H. A. von, temperature of water for amal- gamation .................................... 789 Details of Blake type of breakers from the mills ---- 23 cams, table of .............................. 192 clean-up of gravity stamps .................. 202 Comet breaker ............................. 41 cost of crushing by breakers .................. 49 crushing by rolls .......................... 104 steam stamps .......................... 135 dies ..................................... 180 Dodge breaker from mills ................... 30 dressing and cleaning plates ................. 757 inside plates ............................... 178 jig screens ............................ . ---- 540 McCully gyratory breaker ............ ....... 44 rings from mills, table of .................... 122 Details of screens 168, 170 for stamps, table of 121 spindle breakers in the mills 46 stamp bosses 186 cams 192 shaft, table of 128 stem 187 tappets 189 staves from mills, table of 123 steam stamps 12& Sturtevant roll jaw breaker 33 trommels 347 valve action 127 whole current box classifiers Detroit Copper Mining Company of Arizona . . milling practice of the sizing test of Bryan mill product at . . Development, effect on mining cost Devices for safety on steam stamps used on convex slime tables Devonshire, kaolin washing in Dewaterers at Mill 138 Dewaterer, shovel Dewatering device at Mill 141 screens 444, 446 . .. 1874 . . . 2041 . .. 1310 . .. 1128 . . . 127 . . . 689 . .. 1077 ... 1745 . .. 2032 . .. 1760 1591 at mills 1858, 1867 Fitzgerald 2032 Rogers' dewatering screen 1591 shaking launder at Mill 172 1872 wheels 1590 at mills 1591, 1725, 1772, 1773, 1878, 1879 Fleming 1590, 1609, 2031 Dewey, C. E., Blake breaker versus Dodge 57 on breakers 57 sizing tests of jig products 642 Diagram of sizing tests of products of Tustin -mill and stamps 309 Dial cocks . 858- for classifiers 387, 388 gravity stamps 199 on jigs 538 Diamagnetic substances 796 Diameter of classifier spigots 404 iron pipe 405 rolls 83 shafts in jigs 533 slime tables 696 trommels 349 effect of 379 wire for screens 371 Diameters and velocities of quartz grains 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 areas of circles 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 of stamp shoes and dies 181 Diametral ratio between quartz and galena hindered settling 1460 Diamond dressing in S. Africa. A. F. Williams 2040 fields of South Africa, washing pans used in ... 333 pans 335 specific gravity of 1189 washing 839, 1080, 1178, 1179, 1185 at Mill 188 1921 in Africa. R. Stokes 2046 W. H. Mungall 2034 Brazil. H. W. Furniss 2038 South Africa 333, 2033, 2040, 2042 G.F.Williams 2043 tube mills for 2014 Diamondiferous earth, washing pan for 335 Diamonds recovered by greased plate 831 separated by weathering 830 Diaspore, specific gravity of 1189 Diepenlinchen, jigging four minerals at 590 Luhrig tables at 670 mill, jigs in 597 Die rings and roller shells in Huntington mills 280 for Huntington mill 280 Dies 174 and shoes for grinding pans, wear of 1289- at Mill 117 1668 fdr amalgamating pans 245 gravity stamps, life of 1277 steam stamp 120 weight, life, etc 122 life of 184 table of details of 180 Diescher coal jig 520, 640 connecting rod for 530 Differential-motion jig, Hodge jig 1444 New Century jig 1445 31 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Differential motion, Woodbury jig 1447 variable-crank mechanism for jigs 1457 Difficulties in concentration 892 of dredging 1009 screening 372 Dillon concentrator 2022, 2023 Iron Works, Perfection ore feeder 1578, 1609 Dillsboro, North Carolina, kaolin washing at 1149 Dilution of fine slimes 1121 Dimensions of Abbe" tube mills at Mill 101 1626 Comet breaker 44 Ding's magnetic separators 1541 jig sieves 59 1 Linkenbach pointed boxes 441 Richards' pulsator jig, table of 1455 shoes and dies 181 stamp dies 180 mortars 165 Sturtevant balanced rolls, table of 1234 tappets 189 tube mills at Mill 103 1632 Wetherill magnetic separators, table of 1522 Dimmick classifier 1417, 1420, 2020 J. O., on classification 2020 sizing before amalgamation 1514, 1520 & Son, distributing launder 1417 patent slime table 1507 Ding Electromagnetic Separator Company, the Ding separator 1540, 1568, 2029 at mills 1541, 1663, 1737, 1739, 1759 description of the 2027 table of weights, dimensions, and power for. . 1541 roasting furnace 1548 at Tripoli mine 1548 Dingey mill 233 bibliography for 293 Diorite, strength of 301 Dipper dredge 1007, 1011 sample 845 Direction of rotation for tube mills 1289 Direct pumps 871 smelting, cost of 1 Dirt 900 Disadvantages of gravity stamps as compared with rolls and grinders 222 Krom jig 825 springs on jigs 517 Disc conveyors 1583 at mills 1583, 1695 motion for accelerated jigs 536 Discharge, bell, for jig concentrates 506 for jig 510, 518, 553, 576, 577 concentrates 500 in Krupp Harz jig 1446 New Century jig 1445 Woodbury jig 1448 Leavitt steam stamp 993 steam stamps 129, 1003 Krause mortar and mortar jig 1256 tube mills 1287 into the hutch in jigs 586 of belt conveyors 860 elevators 862 jig concentrates by rakes 502 ore bins 842 products on Hooper air jig 821 settling tanks 458 stamps, area of 209 height of 212 roll for vanner concentrates 647 with unwatering sieves 586 Discussion of design of Blake breakers, by W. G. Bryant 1201 sorting tube results 467 Disintegrating and screening 839 Disintegration and screening for graphite ore 1074 followed by screening 830 settling 830 Disintegrators 236 and pulverizers 1319 bibliography for 299 Bourdais 899 Brink and Hiibner 284 Carr 284 Stedman 284 Vapart's 289 Dispersion of magnetic lines 791 Displacement pumps 1589 Disposal of concentrates 586 tailings 1113 Dissemination of mineral affecting crushing limit . . . 304 Distances between rolls for various angles, in author's tests 311 Distillation of mercury 782 Distilled water, effect of in settling 474 Distl-Susky screw grate screen 386 Distributing conveyor 861 at Mill 143 1769 devices 1417 or sizing launder 1417 tanks 449, 1115 Distribution of amalgam from plates 764 gold recovered in mill 749 pulp in settling tanks 451 Distributors 857 at Mill 126 1707, 1708 bibliography for 884 Blaisdell 1600 centrifugal sand distributor 1602 Butters & Mein at Mill 106 1641 for amalgamated plates 743 buddies 704, 706 canvas tables 700, 701 feed on Roberts' slime tables 691 slime table feed and water 688 stamp mills 772 vanners 646 machine 857 mill 857 revolving distributor or divider 1418 Ditches for water 1 105 Dives-Pelican Mine, Samson breaker at 1203 Robert, advantages of hand picking 493 Dividend gold saver 2030 Division of concentrating 318 mills for different ores 1111 Dodd buddle. G. Attwood 2022 buddle at Mill 96 1481 disc water wheel 1022 table 675 tables at Mill 96 1618 water wheels 1024, 1089, 1090 W. G viii on amalgamating pan 248 Dodge breaker 28, 56, 60 at Mill 183 1913 compared with Blake 33 Humboldttype 1206 improvements on in Mill 26 35 movements on, made by Gates Iron Works 34 Parke and Lacy Company 34 perspective of 29 section of 30 sizes of 30 Sturtevant-D'odge type breaker 1205 table of details 30 used in stamp mills 1014 wear of 31 M. B 28 jaw breaker 28 mill, bibliography for 294 pulverizers 231, 233, 262 number used 231 sizing box 416, 478 Dolbear, Clinton E., electrostatic separation 1550 Dolcoath mill 1082 Cornwall, concentration at the. R. A. Thomas 2040 strips 1082 tin mill 1183 Dolgelly, Wales, mill at 1072 Dolomite, with disseminated galena, crushed in Mill 25..... 47, 98 ore, weight of 1190 specific gravity of 1189 Domeykite, specific gravity of 1189 Donahue, P. J., oiling device for amalgamating pan 247 Donald, J. T., Cylcone fibreizer 298 Dornberg and Aurora mill 1177 classifiers at 477 sieve scale at 367 and Aurora works, sizes of ore hand picked at . . 487 mill, jigs at 641 Dorotheer mill 973 Dorr classifier at Mill 103 1632 of Lundberg, Dorr, and Wilson, Black Hills, South Dakota 1344 Dorr John V. N., Dorr mechanical classifier. .475, 476, 477, 1343 Double-cone classifiers 426 32 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Double-cone classifiers at Mill 117 1668, hydraulic classifier table of sizes 4 tubular classifiers Double crimped wire screens screens ... INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. discharge for jigs ylor mortar, Traylor .......................... on stamps ............................... eccentrics for jigs .......................... iron frame for jig sieves .................... issue in stamps ............................. -Rittinger sieve scale ....................... trough classifiers ............................ Douglas Island, Alaska, cost of producing gold in ... mill at .................................. mortar blocks on ......................... Douglas, James. Blake, Dodge, Forster, Comet, and Gates breakers ............................... breakers ................................ gravity stamps ........................... Harz jigs ................................ ore dressing .......... '. ........... ....... principles and operations of crushing and grinding machinery ..................... J. Jr., Ball stamps ... ...................... on cost of crushing by steam stamps ....... Drag conveyors ............................ 1582, Dragon breaker ............................... Dragstone mill .......................... ". ...... Drained ore, moisture in ........................ Drake, F. M., gold stamp mill of Wentworth Com- pany at Lucknow, New South Wales ........... plates in Wentworth mill, Lucknow, Australia. shoes and dies ............................ Wentworth Goldfields, Proprietary Co., stamps at, New South Wales ................... W. F., amalgamation ........................ on temperature of amalgamation ........... Draper's dry concentrator in Australia ........... Dredge ....................................... at Ruby, Montana ......................... bucket in New Zealand ...................... current motor ............................. for phosphate .............................. limit for Stewart River district, Alaska. A. W. Robinson ................................ New Zealand gold. J. P. Smith ............. yield of a California ....................... Dredges and equipment, cost of .................. at Ruby, Montana, electrical ............ Bucyrus ................................... comparison of American and European. F. C. Perkins .................................. old and modern style .................... construction and operation of. D. K. Blair . . . detailed comparison of. R. L. Montague ..... different types of. B. Cunningham .......... electrical equipment of gold. C. W. Whitney . . history of. J. P. Hutchins ................. hydraulic power for ......................... improvements in gold. G. E. Walsh ......... revolving versus shaking screen in . . ......... riffles for .................................. Risdon .................................... Dredging ...................................... P. G. Morgan ............................ amalgamated plates and riffles in gold. J. M. Sweeney ................................ article on gold. R. H. Postlewaite ........... at Boise, Idaho ............................. Golden, Colorado. K. Thomas ........... Nome, Alaska. J. P. Hutchins ............ gold, G. P. Grimsley .................... Oroville, California .................. 2037, N. B. Knox ............................ Ruby, Montana, gold. J. P. Hutchins ...... by the Oroville Dredging Co., California ...... water power. J. M. Gowan .............. cost data on. Alex. Del Mar ............... cost of . ................................... gold ................................... discussion on. L. J. Hahl ................... for gold .......................... 1007, 1181, tables for .............................. g A. W. Robinson .' .' .' ." .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' 2035, T. F. VanWagenen .................... W. S. Russell . . ....................... 1669 1381 1381 476 370 354 583 1266 209 531 540 167 1361 416 1975, 1977 1133 148 57 55 224 640 1175 2017 142 134 1583 58 237 1107 1181 788 181 227 789 767 2029 898 2043 2037 2044 897 2037 2046 2037 1654 204t 1654 2042 2044 2034 2034 2035 2041 2037 2036 2037 1653 722 1654 1652 2036 2041 2041 2043 2046 2039 2036 2044 2040 2039 2044 2046 2036 1654 2046 2037 1182 703 2046 2041 2043 2041 Dredging gold, how to make it pay. saving tables used in. C. 33 A.W.Robinson.. 2035 saving tables used in. C. W. Purington 2041 ground, testing of, R. M. Downie . . 2043 in Alaska. O. Halla '. 2045 gold. C. A. Tupper 2041 Borneo, gold . 2036 Brazil. F. C. Nicholas 2046 British Columbia. R. L. Watson 2041 California 2042 A. G. Hillen 2046 L. E. Aubury 1924 costs of 2045 details of. G. P. Grimsley 2036 notes on. L. J. Hohl , . . 2044 Colorado, cost of. W. E. Thorne, E. J. Moore 2045 Europe. L. St. Rainier . . 2047 Grasshopper Creek. R. W. Bell 2041 Guiana, S. America. O. Rehwagen 2039 Hungary and Transylvania 2040 Idaho. F. Powell 2036 New South Wales 2034 failure of gold. D. K. Blair 2034 successful tin 2034 unsuccessful 2034 New Zealand 2043 J. W. Gray 2043 F. W. Payne 2039 D. B. Sellars 2043 gold 2036 A. C. Perkins . . 2041 1906, gold. J. P. Hutchins 2038 Oregon 2043 Russia 2043 Siberia. C. W. Purington and J. R. Land- field, Jr -. .-. 2035 Tierra del Fuego 2039 J. D. Roberts 2040 Venezuela. F. Owen 2036 modern gold. H. G. Clark 2046 on the Feather River, California 2043 Klondike. J. P. Hutchins 2038 Saskatchewan. I. Cowie 2034 Snake River, Idaho. R. Bell 2036 operation, returns from 2046 plants 1006 pneumatic tube in 2044 power plants for 2036 prospecting and operation. R. H. Postlewaite . 2040 river. C. C. Longridge 2036 sluice extension versus elevator in 2045 sluices and riffles in. D. H. Stovall 2045 tin 2040 tables for 703 with a Hammond dredge 2036 Dressing of belts 1093 of plates 756 plates at Mill 114 1663 tin ore 1081 Driers 879, 880, 1595, 1609 American Process Company driers 1597 and drying of ore. P. Argall 1609 Argall cylindrical driers 1599 at mills 1762, 1807, 1813, 1822, 1860, 1917 capacity of drying floors versus mechanical driers 1596 classification of 1595 cylindrical driers 1596 drying floors 1596 Edison tower drier 1600 Grill four-compartment direct heat driers 1596 J. R. Alsing Company driers 1597 ore. C. O. Bartlett 2031 revolving, at Mill 138 1746 cylindrical drier at Mill 135 1735 shaft, at Mill 151 1803 Drifting tool for stamp cams 193 Drifton, Luhrig jig at 640 rolls at HO Drill points in mills 1115 Driver in amalgamating pan 247 Driving mechanism for cam shafts 197 clutches 198 gearing 198 gravity stamps 197 rolls 75 tightener 198 trommels 356 table of 76 Drop between jig sieves 524, 549 plates 743 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Drop hammers 12 limits of speed and height of, due to mortar . . 218 maintaining height of in gravity stamps 200 of gravity stamps, order of 1274 on amalgamated plates 737 order of. C. S. Richardson 1278 for stamps 214 Drops in amalgamated plates 733 number of in gravity stamps 214 of stamps, number and height of 215 Tremain stamp, number of 138 Drumlummon mine ore 1027, 1040 Drum magnetic separators 797 Dry blanket method of concentration 825 blowing in prospecting for gold ores 2029 concentration 815 at Manhattan, Nevada. C. T. Rice 2027 Roseberry 2047 Round Mt., Nevada. G. A. Packard .... 2038 bibliography for 837 in Australia. B. Dunstan 2027 Australia, comparison of 2030 on the Cammett table 2022 crusher, Langley's improved 274 crushing and cyaniding at the Luipardsvlei mine. F. White, G. H. Furnee 2047 by Edison process 2010 stamps 226 in Colorado 1244 rolls for 1224 house for men 1 102 magnetic separator, Conkling 809 -ore sizer, Keedy 1555 pan, for clay 1075 panning and blowing 825 placer machine 838, 839 screening versus wet 1139 separation 890, 891 separator used in Germany 2029 silver mill 1039 milling 1176 stamping 221 at Ontario mill 210 table, Sutton, Steele & Steele 1554 vanner 838 Dryers. See Driers. Drying bin at mills 1625, 1669, 1705, 1912 for concentrates 1570 floors 880, 1596 at Mill 143 1770 in kilns 899 iron ore 1054 kaolin 1077 necessary for air concentration 826 of clay 1077 of ores. W. R. Ingalls 1610 slimes at Mill 129 1717 use of hot fines for drying coarse ore at Mill 158 . . 1826 Dubuat, M., Hydraulique et Pyrodynamique xix launders 885 on transporting power of water 878 Duck for canvas tables 700, 701 at mills 1696, 1755, 1779 Dudley, A. P., spring for Collom jig 517 W. L., amalgams 787 Dufferin mill 1099 Duffield, P. W 1181 and W. McDermott, amalgamated shaking plates 787 gold amalgamation 1173 hand jig 1182 on amalgamated plates 741 testing jigs 1151 Dummler, K., crushing and washing clays 1173 Handbuch xix Dump at Mine La Motte, Missouri, treating the old 2045 for tailings 1113 of the Bellevue Colliery, method of working. G. W. Harris 2041 Dunham's spring stamp 141, 143 Dunlap Manufacturing Company, perfect clay screen 1357 Dunnellon, Florida, mill at 899 Phosphate Co., mill xxv, 899 Duplex breaker 60 of Blake type 21 Callow screens at Mill 123 1689 vacuum-pumps at Mill 117 1673 Dupont, O., and Ch. Quehant, dressing lead and zinc in Belgmm 1185 Durango, sectional iron stamp frame for 161 Dust blown from coal 817 Dust chambers 885 difficulty of concentrating 820 fans and chambers 883 in dry concentration 825 prevention 1099 removed by air blast 816 remover at Mill 141 1762, 1763 separator 828 at Mill 151 1803 settler at Mill 135 1736 settling apparatus. T. White 2032 device 2032 system at Mill 141 1764 Dusting chambers, Edison 816 Duty or capacity of trommels 359 Dyckhoff breaker 57 Dynamo for lighting 1100 Eagle Foundry Co., rolls 76 West Va., Stedman disintegrator at 285 Eames, W. H 289 Earnschleugh dredge No. 2 1179 dredge, tables on 703 Earth in bank, weight of 1190 Ease of separation affecting capacity of jigs 601 extraction 1117 number of jig sieves 589 Eastern United States, cost of producing iron ore concentrates in 1986, 1987 Eastman, G. W., analysis of work on free-settling velocities 1423 Eastwood improved lifting magnet 1532 at MiU 164 1532 Eccentric for jigs 510, 531 gears for steam stamp valve motion 123 grinders 313 jig, the Bradford 400 mill. James Bogardus 259 Eckart rolls Ill Economic minerals in mills xxv Economy of hand picking 487 large engines 1092 picking out rich ore 481 Eddies in riffles 721 Eddy current in classifiers 437 Electric Mfg. Co., dynamos 1062 Edge runners 234, 269, 1305 bibliography for 295 Bryan roller quartz 271 compound 296 Langley's improved dry crusher 274 Edgestone mills 235, 269, 1075 for graphite ores 1075 Edison concentrating plant 834 corrugated rolls 106 at Mill 152 1806 distributing conveyor 861 distributor 858 dry gold separation process. C. M. Chapman . 2027 drying kiln 881, 1600 dusting chambers 816 giant rolls 105 magnetic concentration mill 1056 concentrating plant, New Jersey and Pennsyl- vania Concentrating Company mill xxix mill 1183, 1184 plant 1179 separator for fine materials 810 method of preventing blinding of screens 373 New Jersey, mill at 1056 on life of belts 864 opinion on shape of hole in screens 369 process of crushing 2010 screens 341 separator 812 smooth rolls at Mill 152 1806 special forms of rolls 110, 111 sprocket drive 860 stationary screens 341 three-high rolls 107, 2010 T. A., on belts 1094 and J. Birkinbine, Blake system 57 Buchanan, Wenstrom, Conkling, Mon- arch and Edison separators 833 on blinding of screens 373 breakers '57 lubrication 1098 magnetic concentration 1058 34 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Edison, T. A. on power for crushing .... mills trajectory in screening tower screen at Mill 152 Edman, J. A., arrastra .... 310 .... 1093 .... 369 .... 1809 .... 290 Edwards, G. E., Woodbury jigging system 2022 *., & Co., on centrifugal pumps 869, 870 J. H., on Griffin mill R. M W. M., Helena and Frisco mill, Idaho Effectiveness of blow of gravity stamps Effect of acid water on screens air currents on mechanical sampling carbon in roasting for magnetism centrifugal force in trommels dissolved substances in settling fine slimes . explosives length and slope of trommel on capacity. . . slope of trommel on capacity . . . 284 viii 1178 218 173 1576 1544 373 1147 9 378 377 speed on capacity of a trommel ............ 379 strength and specific gravity of rocks on power used ................................ 373 temperature on amalgamation .............. 766 at Mill 106 weathering on flotation process results at Mill 1640 1724 130 ... on capacity of trommels of varying the diameter 379 Efficiency of classifier jig at Mill 120 1452 cocoa matting tables at Mill 111 1657 gravity stamps Hancock jig, quality of work . . . labor, effect on costs pumps rolls. . . 219 1441 1127 868 109 1095 1587 rope transmission sand wheel steam stamps 131, 133 and gravity stamps compared 134 tube mill 1292 water wheels 1089, 1090 Egleston, T., Allouez and Atlantic mines 1174 amalgamating pans 290, 291 amalgamation , 787 arrastra 289 ball mills 293 Ball stamp 142 Blake breaker 57, 58 edge runners 295 estimate by, of wear of iron in pans 249 Gates breaker 56 gravity stamps 223, 224, 225 hand picking at the Allouez Copper Mine, Lake Superior 492 Huntington mill 296 hydraulicking 1173 jigs at Tombstone stamp mill 639 Krom rolls 109, 110 Lowe's mill 294 metallurgy xix non-amalgamation 1174 on breakers 56, 57, 58 mortars 164, 165 silver amalgamation 1039 stamp frames 153 wear of amalgamating pans 249 stamping and washing at the Allouez mine ... 142 Tustin mill 294 Ehmke's ball mill 293 Eich, L., on impurities in amalgam 251 Eissler, M., amalgamating pans 290 silver 1173 amalgamation 787 Blake breaker 56 Dodge and Krom breakers 56 breakers 56 Cyclops mill 294 definition of slimes 1398 Gates and Krom rolls 109 breaker 56 gold stamp milling 1173 gravity stamp clutches 198 stamps 223 Green's movable sieve jig 639 Griison ball mill 293 Harz and Collom jigs 639 Huntington mill 297 Krom jig 837 metallurgy of gold xix silver xix mortar linings 166 INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Eissler, M., pointed boxes, spitzlutte, cone classifier . . 476 silver amalgamation 1039 stamp frames 153 El Bote mill, Zacatecas, Mexico 1408 El Callao mill, cost of milling at 1127 Electrical driving of stamp batteries 2012 Electric Controller & Supply Company 1532 cobbing magnet at Mill 164 1850 current. See also Power. for electroplating copper plates 755 on amalgamated plates 740 752 lights *noo for hand picking 481 power in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter for mills 1089, 1091 plant at Mill 177 1895 separator, discussion of various 2026 Electricity versus steam as a motive power 1927 Electro-conductivity 1611 Electrolytes for slime settling, relative values of .... 1414 Electrolytic action on amalgamated plates 749 Electromagnet, hand 812 Electromagnetic and electrostatic separators, general discussions of. W. M. Johnson 2025 separator, Ball-Norton 1568 Ding 1568 Eriksson's 1529 Forsgren's 1538 Electromagnets, design of 790 Electroplating copper plates 754 Electrostatic and electromagnetic separators, general discussion of. W. M. Johnson 2025 separation 2030 article on 2026 at Mill 151 1804 of copper ore, discussion of. W. G. Swart . . 2026 various zinc blendes 1550 principles of 1199, 1549 separator 1549 Blake-Morscher electrical ore separator 1550 description of a generator for 2027 discussion of principle of. J. M. McClave . 2026 Huff 1551 lists of good and poor conducting minerals . . 1550 Sutton-Steele 1568 Electrum, specific gravity of 1189 Elevating conveyor 861 wheels 864 Elevator boot as unwatering box 450 Elevators 862, 1586 For position see Individual Mills in Chapter XX at mills.. 1661, 1663, 1667, 1681, 1685, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1693, 1700, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1710, 1711, 1715, 1725, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1756, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1792, 1793, 1804, 1818, 1819, 1829, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1877, 1880, 1883, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1898, 1910, 1928, 1929, 1930 bibliography for 884 bucket 862 centrifugal sand pump 1588 details regarding running of. E. S. Wiard 2032 displacement pumps 1589 for dredges 1012 tailings 1113 in mills, use of 1086 John A. Traylor centrifugal pumps 1588 Lancaster rotary pumps 1589 or raff wheel for Wilfley table 1468 platform 864 sand pumps 1587 wheels 1586 wheel agitator used for 780 Wilfley 2031 Elkton mine, ore washing at 1616 Ellenbecker spring stamp 141 table 681 Elliott coal washer and Hardy dust extractor. E. Greaves 2051 Elliptical gear for jigs 536 mechanism for bumping tables 681 Ellis concentrator 1499 vanner 657 Elmore, A. S., flotation process 1555, 2028, 2035 oil concentration mill 1070, 1072, 1117 process 831, 1183, 2026 advantages of the 2026 35 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Elmore, oil process in Cornwall. M. Baldauf 2047 Ore Concentrating Company 1993 plant, London, England 2035 process 1 155 at Dolcoath. E. Walker 2039 the Tywarnhaile copper mine, Cornwall, England 2038 C. M. Rolker 2025 E. Walker 1569 failure of 2029 for Slocan ores 2025 in diamond washing 2026 Rossland, failure of 2025 saves 93 percent, of values 2029 statement on the. F. H. Claudet 2025 testing for 1993 tests on, at Glasdir mine, Wales 832 results of 2049 vacuum notation process, description of the. A. S. Elmore 1569, 2027 E. Walker 2027 oil process 1556, 2026, 2030 at Cornwall, England 1559 Mill 141 1765 consumption of oil 1560 description of the. F. H. Prentiss 2027 in Sweden 1560 El Oro cast-iron ribbed liners for tube mills at Mill 118 1677 district, Mexico, cost of producing gold in 1980, 1981 lining for tube mills 1340 Mining and Railway Company 1676 tube mill lining 2014, 2015, 2016 El Paso Foundry rolls at Mill 151 1803 smelter, sampling at 884 El Potrerito mill 1665 El Silencio mill, fineness of amalgam in 763 Elspass mill 1280, 1323 Elutriation 830, 1611 for emery 1079 use made of, in mills 889 Embrey varmer 653 testing 1171 Emery mill at Mill 186 1918 ore, mill for 1079 separated by magnets 790 washing 333 wheel for truing roll shells 70, 1243 Emmons, S. F., gold stamp mills in Maryland 1175 and G. F. Becker, amalgamating pans 291 amalgamation 789 arrastra 290 edge runners 295 Empire mill xxvii, 1020 Plattesville, Wisconsin 2038 stamp mill 1184 Zinc Company 1759 mill 907 Ems 1102 Linkenbach V-box classifier at 421 mill at 1087, 1135 number of sieves on jigs at 590 sieve scale at 367 Enargite, specific gravity of 1189 End-bump group of tables 1497 tables 667, 680, 1464 comparison with side-bump 682 Ellenbecker table 681 Gilpin County concentrator 683 Golden Gate concentrator 681 Imlay 681 Endless belt 1094 conveyors 859 chain conveyor 860 End-shake vanners 652, 1165, 1500 Akens and Evans slimer 1500 Embrey concentrator 653 for testing 1153 Triumph concentrator 652 versus side-shake 655 vibration in 658 Woodbury 655 Energy of gravity stamps 219 steam stamps 133 Engelmann, H., air versus water jigging, Utsch side plunger jig 640 Engines used in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. in mills... 1091 Engis, air classifier at classifier . . 817 475, 477 English standard gauge 1194 steel for shoes and dies 185 system of jigging 1463 Enterprise mill, Plattesville, Wisconsin 2038 E. P. Allis Company ..72, 76, 111, 181, 187, 189, 194, 197, 228, 243, 245 batea made by 683 dies made by 245 edge runner made by 270 inside plates 178 muller and shoes made by 246 power for 5-foot pans estimated by 249 shoe and die channels in amalgamating pans by , 247 weights of spider and driving cone made by . 247 Epidote, hindered-settling test on 617, 621 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1 189 Equipment of gold mills. G. A. Denny 2012 Equivalents of weights and measures 1187 Erbium, atomic weight of 1188 Erecting mills, costs of 1124, 1939 Eriksson's electromagnetic separator 1529 Ernst, C. von, separator at Monteponi 836 Errors of small tests 1168 Erythrite, specific gravity of 1189 Eschka, A., separation at Przibram 836 Espiritu Santo mill at Cana, Darien. E. R. Woakes 2033 plates in 788 Essential qualities of classifiers 389 Essentials of a good breaker 49 Esser concentrator 2023 Estimates on cost of hand picking 487 Eureka Hill mill xxviii, 228, 1041, 1 184 W. McDermott 2039 stamps 228 wear of amalgamating pans 249 rubber 770, 776 Utah, mill at 926, 1041 Europe, hand picking in 486 milling in 1173 mills in 937, 1088 Eustis, Canada, hammers used 10 mill at 904 Mining Company 1888 mill xxv, 904 W. E. C. and H. M. Howe, magnetic process for nickel 833 Evans classifier 393, 476 at mills 1838, 1839, 1844, 1845 Collom, and Woodbury jigs, capacities com- pared 1448 G. H., hydraulicking 1006 hydraulic mining xix, 1173 hydraulic classifier, details of in mills 395 ideas on jigging 2022 jig .. 517,524 at mills 1837, 1843, 1844, 1845 size of sieve and plunger 529 water used by, compared with that used by Hancock jig 1442 round tables at Mill 162 1846 short stroke jig at Great Falls 2021 slime tables at Milt 177 1893 table 689 used in mills 696 Waddell Chili mills at Mill 160 1833 W. J., slope of launder in mill of Atlantic Copper Mining Company 873 Evrard, M., coal jigs 641 mechanical discharge for jig tailings 588 Evrard's coal jig 642 jig 643 Examination for minerals 1162 Excavating expenses 1123 Excavator, the Blaisdell 1600 Excelsior breaker 60 Exhaust fans 1099 steam for heating 1098 Expanded metal riffles 703, 722, 1007, 1008, 1012 Expanding cone wash trommel 334 Expense accounts 1122 Experimental plant at Mill 182 1911 study 1120 Experiments on film sizing 707 with launders, Blue's 1594 Overstrom's 5921 Explosives, effect of on rock 9 36 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Extent of crushing desired 303 Extraction at Meyer & Charlton mill, South Africa . . 1647 average, percentage made in various districts, table of 1612 in mills.. 1618, 1622, 1626, 1639, 1648, 1649, 1657, 1659, 1660, 1675, 1678, 1696, 1705, 1718, 1721, 1723, 1724, 1726, 1730, 1745, 1767, 1771, 1780, 1782, 1791, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1820, 1826, 1827, 1830, 1834, 1849, 1856, 1865, 1870, 1871, 1881, 1887, 1891, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1920, 1922 of metals and minerals by Elmore process .... 1559 percentage of. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. percentage of 1115 Extractions and costs 1939 in S. Africa increased by fine grinding 2014 western Chihuahua 1665 percentage of in various mills 1932 Faber du Faure furnaces at Mill 117 1674 E., washing of graphite for lead pencils 1176 Face of rolls '. 83 Fairbanks, Morse Company, Elspass mill 1323 Nissen stamps 1278 False bottoms 180 for stamps 180 Falun, Sweden, mill at 1136, 1177 stamps at 225 Fan for air blast 816 shaped apron for distributing 857 Fans at Mill 186 1917, 1918 for dust 883 Farbaky, Stefan, comparison between Wetherill sep- arator and wet jigs 836, 2030 Fargo guide for gravity stamps 154, 155 Farrel-Bacon breaker at Mill 175 1888, 1889 -Blake breaker at mills . 1221, 1690, 1749, 1769, 1868 life of wearing parts at Mill 139 1221 duplex breaker, table of sizes of 21 Foundry and Machine Company 52, 59 Blake breaker 14, 21 jaw movements 34 breakers 59 cost of breaking ore 1223 information on Blake breakers 1223 roll speeds 87 Fastening plates to table 735 Father de Smet gold stamp mill 1 108 mill breaker in Eureka rubber in .... false bottoms in mortar grizzlies in mortar liners . . . mortars plates in shoes in stamp screens . . . stamps in wear of shoes and dies in Faults and features of rolls Faust, H., on jig capacity jig, slope of sieves on width of sieve Fawcett, W., testing of black sands Fawns, S., milling at Mt. Bischof, Tasmania Feather River, California, dredging on Federal Lead Company Mining and Smelting Company Morning mill . . 1174 ... 57 , . . 777 . . 180 .. 385 .. 166 164, 165 .. 787 .. 181 224 183 1229 602 548 591 2048 2037 ..1008, 1184 1690 1685 1687 shaking screen at Mill 124 1694 Feed arrangements on slime tables 688 box for jigs 549 Wilfley table 673, 1468 classified, for Wilfley table 1473 cone for trommels 358 for canvas tables 700, 701 classifiers 389, 442, 444 Freid dry-process separator 1554 Gil pin County bumping table 681 gravity stamps 207 Huff electrostatic separators 1552, 1553 M S 52 kieves riffle tables rolls slime tables stamps 679 1224 720 1224 Feed for stamps, quarter inch trommels vanners and slime tables compared 2012 352 658 691,692 W7^f )per Consistency of 1404 Wilfley tables, proper consistency of 1404 free and choke feed for rolls compared 1229 maximum size for Wetherill magnetic separator 1525 natural, on Wilfley table 1471 opening in mortars ] 166 openings for tube mills 1287 sized, for Wilfley table 1473 versus classified feed for Wilfley table 1478 size of feed to Ball-Norton magnetic separators. . 1528 in gravity stamps 207 treated by De Bavay process 1562 Ferraris magnetic separator 1525 sole for classifiers 434 spitzlutte 423 suited for Wilfley slimer 1505 to rolls 63 Wilfley table ;.... 674 water for New Standard concentrator 1479 Feeders. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. Feeders 853, 1578 at Mill 125 1700 bibliography for 884 Challenge feeder 1578 type 1580 for Argall driers 1600 clayey ore 71 gravity stamps 199 Huntington mill 278 movable sieve jigs 500 rolls 71 small steam stamps ... 137 tube mills 1287 special. F. J. Nagel 2016 Woodbury vanners 655 Hoscur ore 2032 improved swing ore. P. J. Johnson 2032 in the mills 856 Musterschutz 884 Pepler ore. D. J. Pepler 2032 Perfection ore 1578, 1609 Perfect ore 1609 push feeder at Mill 113 1581 shaking, at Mill 124 1691 Simplex ore feeder 1578 Feeding affecting capacity of jigs 601 arrangements of stamps 128 by machine 1115 gravity stamps 207 Huntington mills 1314 jigs 548 magnetic separator 802 of slime tables 684, 689 trommels 357 ore bins 843 tube mills 1288 Feldspars, decomposition of. A. S. Cushman and P. Hubbard 1418 for beds on coal jigs 574 Feldtmann, W., definition of slimes 1398 Fenner, C. M., on gold and silver in amalgam .... 763 Ferguson, H. T., Dingey mill 293 Husband pneumatic stamps 143 rolls in Cornwall Ill runs in Cornwall for tin 478 tin dressing in Cornwall 1182 Ferrand, P., amalgamating pans at Ouro Preto, Bra zil...... . 291 amalgamation at Ouro Preto, Brazil 1173 California versus Brazilian stamps at Ouro Preto, Brazil 227 gold mill at Ouro Preto, Brazil 1182 L'Or a Minas Geraes xix riffle sluice 727 Ferraris adjustable eccentric for jigs 532 ball mill 1280, 1299, 1323 at Mill 137 1300 capacities of 1300 table of sizes, power, weights, etc 1300 W. R. Ingalls ". 2014 belt table 698 classifier 400, 478, 1369 E., calamine plant at Monteponi 2040 capacity of jigs 597 concentration at Monteponi 1185 dressing zinc ores at Monteponi 1185 37 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Ferraris, E., Ferraris adjustable eccentric belt tables . . ..'. . 643 .... 729 classifier 478 magnetic separator at Monteponi 836 shaking screen 386 Harz jigs at Monteponi 643 magnetic separation at Monteponi 2046 mechanical preparation of ore in Sardinia . . . 1568 riddle 385 separation at Monteponi 1 185 separator at Monteponi 836 velocity of particles falling in water 477 hand screen 1360 intermediate jig 539, 540, 584 jig 522 magnetic separator 799, 1525 at mills 1525, 1741 description of the 2027 drum type 1528 method of removing tailings 587 shaking screen 342, 386, 1347 at Mill 137 1347 stay box for jig discharges 585 tables .' 1154, 1490 at mills . . . . 1659, 1740, 1741, 1782, 1785, 1786, 1914 tables of sizes, capacities, speeds, power, weights and water consumption 1490 versus jigs. M. Lenicque 2021 waving screen. C. W. Wright 2019 at Mill 137 1739, 1740, 1741 wet ball mill at Mill 137 1740 Ferreira mill, details of stamps 221 mine, saving by hand picking 487 weight of ore at 1160, 1191 Ferro-aluminum for roll shells 68 shoes and dies 184 Ferrous sulphate used in dressing plates 757 Fiber asbestos 1080 Fiberizer at Mill 186 1917 Film gauge 1159 on a circular slime table, thickness of 695 sizers 1464 sizing, results of tests 719 tables 685, 1506 Acme table 1506 bibliography for 727 buddies 704 building tables 704 continuous surface tables 686 depth of bed 1510 intermittent surface tables 700 investigation of 707 principle of 644 revolving circular convex slime tables 686 surface tables 685 use made of, in mills 889 thickness of on amalgamated plates 746 on slime tables 695, 697 Films on canvas tables, thickness of 702 Filter 879 bins 1570 at Mill 171 1870 boxes for jig concentrates 586 in cyanide plants 1 107 press at mills 1628, 1630, 1641, 1642, 1678 Filtering mercury 786 slimes 1160 Filters in settling tanks 458 Final conclusions on crushing 62 hindered settling and suction 631 separators 480 Financial standing 1124 Findley, O. P 1408 mill of the Cananea Con. Copper Co., Mex- ico 2045 Fine concentrates, definition of 495 objections to 1053 concentration test 1165 crushing by breakers 54 department at Mill 152 1806 gravity stamps Used for 314 mills 1004 grains investigation on rate of settling 473 grinding. A. W. Warwick 1340 importance of. F. C. Brown 1323 in the tube mill. A. W. Warwick 2015 limit of screening 369 sand and slime concentrators 644, 700 classification of 1464 kieves 726 Fine sand and slime concentrators, riffles 720 concentrators, Wilfley table 1465 slimes, effect of 892 Fineness of bullion 749, 763, 785 crushing desired 303 gold and silver in amalgam 762 retort residue 783 Fines for miners 1 1 15 in product from Wilfley roasting furnace sink in water 1547 Finest size jigged 606 to which middlings are re-crushed in the mills 1119 Finger bars for gravity stamps 199 lever-operated, for gravity stamps 1273 geared rolls 77, 78 Finish angles in film sizing tests 715 Finishing machines 318 Finland, magnetic separation in 804 Finlay, J. R., milling in the Cceur d'Alene . . . .2033, 2037 mining in Cceur d'Alene, Idaho 1922 on costs 1927 Fire and water for breaking rock 9 assay of gold ore 1166 tube boilers 1090 water for 1106 Fischer, formula for speed of revolution of tube mills : 1337 George K., Robinson riffle 729 Herman, operations of tube and ball mills 1340 Fisher's steam stamp 142 Fitzgerald shaking screen-launders at Mill 142 1767 Fixed circular convex slime tables 689 Linkenbach fixed conical table 689 Roberts table 691 sieve hand jigs 519 jigs 494, 507, 1444 classifier jigs 1447 Hodge 1446 Krupp Harz jig 1446 New Century 1444 Richards' pulsator jig 1453 Woodbury jig 1447 Flange, Brownell 647 for amalgamating pan 244 Flanged rolls 110 at Mill 130 1720 Flash point of oils 1098 Flat grains, action of 892 on slime tables . . 694 in middlings 1121 River district, cost of producing lead in 1971 Lead Company, disc conveyor at Mill 1 of ... 1583 mill xxvi, 920 Missouri, mill at 917, 920, 1089 site for mills 1085 Fleming dewatering wheel 1609 at mills 1590, 1725 J. D., Fleming dewatering wheel 1590 Flint pebbles for grinding 267 Flints for tube mills 1288 Floors for draining concentrates 1112 drying 880, 882 hand picking 485, 486 mills 1088 receiving ore 842 sampling 844 steam stamps 128 weathering 830 diamond ground 1080 slope of 1089 Florence, Colo., rolls at Ill Florida, phosphate mills in 895 Flotation at Golconda, Nevada, water. W. A. Root 2046 of clay 1075 process 1555 at Broken Hills 2038 acid 2035 F. H. Jackson 2045 Mill 130 1719, 1721 data on. C. Blomeke ! 2030 De Bavay 1555, 1562, 1568 Delprat 1555, 1561, 1568 at Mill 129 1718 description of different 2026 economic side of the. W. G. Swart 2029 Elmore 1555, 2029 E. Walker 1569 vacuum-oil process 1556 history of the. C. Gopner 2028 list of minerals floated by 1555 38 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Flotation process, Macquisten 1555 Macquisten's Coates tubes 5638 magnetic separation versus. D. Clark 1561 Minerals Separation Company 1560 or Catermole 1555 Potter 1555, 1561, 1568 principle of 1 199 salt cake. Pittman . 2028 theory of the G. Hoagland used at Broken Hill, acid Van Meter testing apparatus vats at mills versus magnetic process for zinc ores. ton " Flouring'' of mercury Flow in launders 1555 2027 2037 1992 ...1718, 1722 E. Laugh- 2029 751 . 876 of sand and water in launders water in launders Flues in boilers Flume for water Fluorine, atomic weight of . 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595 884 1091 1105 . 1188 Fluorite, specific gravity of 1189 Fluorspar, decrepitation of 829 separated by Hooper air jig 822 Fluxes for melting 784 F. M. Davis Iron Works Company 72, 87, 194 Folsom dredge of 140,000 cubic yards capacity .... 2044 Fonseca on impurities in amalgam 251 Foot, equivalents of 1187 A. D., battery screen 1270 North Star mill 2045 Mines Company 1925 Foote, A. E., glass classifier 1146 Foot-pounds, equivalents of 1188 Force required on rolls 74 Forces, table of value of, acting at different angles in rolls 94 Foreign mills, sites of 1086 Forged-steel roll shells at Mill 141 1760, 1761, 1762 Forms of frames for gravity stamps 156 launders 876 riffles 721 Formula for centrifugal force 827 in trommels 374 free settling 471, 473 magnetic lines of force 793 magnets 794 path of particle in trommel 375 settling tanks 455 Formulae, Blue's formulae for flow of sand and water in launders 1594 Forsgren electromagnetic separator 1538, 1815, 2038 Forster breaker 57, 60 of jaw type 25 plan of 28 table of wear, in Mill 67 28 Fort Scott Foundry & Machine Co., rolls 76 Machine Works, rolls Ill Fortuna mill, amalgamated plates in 745, 762 breakage of stamp stems 188 order of drop 215 wear of shoes and dies in 183 weight of stamps in 190 Foss, rohrmiihle 293 Foster, C. Le N 1173 Ball & Leavitt stamps 142 belt tables, Cornish frames, buddies, percus- sion tables, kieves 727 Blake, Baxter, Marsden, Hall, Lester, Dodge breakers : 56 Carr disintegrator 298 Chase, Conkling, Edison, Hoffman, Kessler, Lovett-Finney, Ball-Norton, Buchanan, Friedrichssegen, King's, Wenstrom mag netic separators concentration of miscellaneous materials. 832 1069 109 Cornish rolls, Krom rolls Cyclone pulverizer , . . 298 double-cone classifiers 427 edge runners 295 Gates breaker gravity stamps Griison ball mill hammers and breakers for breaking hand breaking and picking, picking tables Harz jig, Heberwasche Huntington mill Husband and Patterson stamps 56 223 293 56 11 492 639 297 143 Foster, C. Le N., Jordan's centrifugal grinder 295 Krom jig, Clarkson-Stanfield, Pape-Henne- berg machines 837 limit of sizes jigged 605, 606 pointed boxes, cone classifier, Lockhart's classifier, siphon separator 476 settling tube 621 Sturtevant mill 298 text-book, ore and stone mining xix Vapart disintegrator 299 washing pits, pans, and trommels 334 Foster-Coolidge automatic sampler 2032 W., on concentrating tin ore 288 Foundation for arrastra 238 Eavity stamps 145 nkenbach slime table 690 mills 1088 Wilfley table 1465 frame for amalgamating pan 241 Foundations and mortar beds for stamps, table of . . 118 at Grass Valley, mortar 2012 for Huntington mills : 1313 mills . H25 Nordberg steam stamp stamp batteries 1247 2011 mills, concrete 2013 steam stamps 114 tube mills 1286 in stamp mill, masonry 2012 mortar. W. H. Washburn 2012 stamp mill. A. W. Warwick 2044 Foundry for mill 1088 Four mineral separation on jigs 590 Fowle, J. C., Buchanan and Wenstrom separators at Lake Superior 833 magnetic plant at Michigamme mine, Lake Su- perior 1175 Fractional selection for sampling ; 844 Fracture affecting separation 889 effect of, in dressing ores 3 Fraenkel, A . 476 Frame, Boss cantilever frame for gravity stamps . . . for slime table steam stamps Wilfley table tilting frame Frames Cornish for amalgamated plates. . . Frue vanner .... 1464, 39 1272 687 118 1467 1507 704 733 645 gravity stamps 152, 156 jigs 507,522 screens 176 tin ores 1083 vanners 653 Wilfley tables 671 new Dimmick patent slime table 1507 of iron for stamps 158 rolls 63 ' rag 1507 Framing of mills 1088 France, mills in 1179 Francfort, Italy, mill at 1182 Francou jig 519, 643 Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, Edison drier at 1600 mill at 1060, 1181 Wetherill magnetic separators and operating attendance required at 1525 J., Huntington mill, Idaho mine, Alabama .... 1174 shaking plates and blankets at the Idaho mine, Alabama 787 Mining Co 1181 mill xxvii, 993, 1017 New Jersey, magnetic separation at 835 Franklinite, magnetic separation of 805, 807, 808 separated by magnets 790 specific gravity of 1189 Fraser and Chalmers 16, 41, 79, 172, 280 agitators made by 780 amalgamating pan. .240, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 classifier 416 Corliss engine 987, 1044, 1046 deep pocket classifier 477 details of cylinder water used, and capacity. . 126 dial cocks for gravity stamps 199 dies made by 245 estimate of power for 5-foot pans 249 gauges 1194 geared rolls 78 Heberli mill 257, 258 Huntington mill 280 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Fraser and Chalmers on amalgamators 780 attaching screens to trommels 356 capacity of rolls 102 classifying vanner feed 658 design of cams 196 mortar bolts 150 power for jigs 603 stamps 204 steam stamps 131 punched screens 170 screen gauge 173 shoe shanks 181 stamp bosses 187 clearance 195 stems 187 tappets 189 thickness of screen plate 372 vanner adjustments 659 vanners 655, 662, 663 wearing parts of breakers 48 power for rolls 97 settlers 779 trommels 357 rolls 76 at Mill 136 1737, 1738 Mill 175 1890 roll speeds 87 sample grinder 257 sand wheel 1587 settlers 777 spindle breaker wearing parts , 47 stamp frames 153 standard rolls 2010 cam 197 steam stamp ..114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133 two-stamp mill 209 weights of spider and driving cone made by. . 247 Prayer centrifugal water-lined pump at Mill 159 . . . 1829 Frecheville, R. J., Cornish tin dressing 1183 Free and choke feed for rolls, comparison of 1229 crushing 98, 313 milling test 1166 settling affected by natural properties of min- erals 464 and hindered settling denned 464 classification by 474 classifiers, tubular 1381 concentration by 475 deep-pocket classifiers 1376 defined 464, 1421 formula 471, 473 general principles 464 investigated by tubular classifier 469 ratio free to hindered settling 1430 ratios 469, 471, 1426 of quartz and galena 1426 table of 1426 sorting by 489 tube investigation 465 use made of, in mills 889 velocities 476 of mineral particles 1421 versus hindered settling 1431 Freezing of stone, effect on strength 301 point of mercury 730 Freiberg, Bilharz jig at 503 oblong movable sieve power jig used at 503 classifier at 413 hand picking at 486, 492 mill at 1087, 1099, 1102, 1135 bibliography for 297 Saxony, mill at 958, 1174, 1177, 1179, 1183 screens at 364, 365 sieve scale at 367 skimming jigs at 576 Stein, Bilharz and Luhrig tables at 670 water used on bumping tables at 670 Freid Engineering Company, gravity dry-process sep- arator 1553, 1554, 2027 size of feed for 1554 Freight, cost of 1126 French Rand Mining Company mill. T. Dupont . . 2039 Frenier, J. H., & Son, spiral sand pump 870 sand pumps 1588 at mills.. 1630, 1708, 1755, 1756, 1761, 1769, 1779, 1811, 1812, 1830, 1886, 1886 Friability of minerals, affected by calcining 9 separation by 830 under a blow 1611 Friability, use made of, in mills 891 Friction 1Q97 angle in trommels 374 clutches . . 1096, 1606 for gravity stamps 198 the H. W. Caldwell and Son Company friction clutch 1606 in jigs 602 launders 876 roll journals 95 rolls, how reduced 96 losses 1098 of breakers 54 cams 194 gravity stamps 219 process of concentration. O. Witt 2030 ore dressing 2028 Friedeberg mill 235 Friedensville, jigs at 642 movable sieve jig at 506 Pennsylvania, mill at 903, 1178 Zinc Co., mill xxv , 903 Friedrich Krupp Grusonwerk 260 amalgam press 1518 amalgamating tables 1514 box-traps 1516 ball mill 260 breaker jaws 23 Erikssons' electromagnetic separator 1529 Forsgren magnetic separator 1539 Krupp Harz jig 1446 high speed rolls 1244 mill for five mineral separation 591 picking tables 1435 spitzlutten 1382 wash trommel 1341 Friedrichssegen, calcining furnace at 1546 classifiers at 477, 479 distributing tanks at 450 Heberli magnetic separator 799 magnetic separator at 799, 833, 834 mines, Sautter magnet at 798 picking at 481, 487 roasting for magnetism at 815 sieve scale at 367 Frisbee Lucop mill 234, 267 mill, bibliography for 294 Frisco mill, Utah, Paddock jigs at 822 Mining Company 1737 Utah, mill at 1015 Paddock jig at 839 Fritsch rolls 2010 Frobel's grinding mill 232 mill, bibliography for 291 Froding separator 2028 in Sweden, data on 2030 Froitzheim's spring stamp 143 Frongoch mine, double cone classifier at 427 Frue vanners. See also Vanners. vanners 645, 1499 at mills.. 1625, 1627, 1662, 1689, 1694, 1695, 1703, 1704, 1711, 1712, 1755, 1844, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1880, 1881, 1884, 1929, 1930 capacity of 662 description of 645 for testing 1153 in Cornwall. R. A. Thomas 2022 modification of 651 testing 1171 vibrations of 658 water used in 659 without previous classification, use of 2023 Fuel. See also Wood and Coal. burned in driers 880 consumption by Wilfley roasting furnace 1548 required by roasting furnace at Mill 138 1747 rotary drier at Mill 186 1917 Fuller mines, gasoline engines at .... 109 1 Full teeter velocities of quartz and galena, table of. . 1430, 1431 Fulton, C. H., cyaniding in the Black Hills 2033 the history of the Homestake mills 2041 Engineering Works, clean-up barrel 264 Iron Works, breaker of Blake type 22 distributor at Mill 126 1707 mechanical batea 683 rolls 76 Furman, H. van F., amalgam 788 amalgamated plates 735 amalgamating pan 291 40 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Furman, H. van F., amalgamation and concentration for gold and silver and S. R. Krom, pneumatic concentration . . arrastra Blake, Dodge, Comet, Schranz breakers .... breakers Bryan mill . . . capacity of jigs . clean-up pan . . Crawford mill . cyaniding Cyclops mill edge runners gold amalgamation gravity stamps .... Griffin roller mill . Huntington mill . . . Jigs material for jig screens Morning mill, Mv lullan, Idaho, and Hecla mill, Glendale, Montana 1179 Paddock jig at Frisco, Utah 839 practical assaying xix Roger's rolls 110 sample grinder 292 spitzkasten, Frazer & Chalmers deep pocket classifier, cone classifier, made by Colorado Iron Works, Carkeek classifier 477 testing of gold ores 2048 Furnace for drying 880 heating for decrepitation 829 melting 784 roasting at mills 1747, 1862 for magnetism 814, 815 Furnaces, roasting 1545 Future of ore dressing 1119 Gaetzschmann, M. F., amalgamating pans 290 amalgamators 787 arrastra 289 Aufbereitung xix Ball and Wilson stamps 142 ball mills 293 Bogardus mill 292 Carr disintegrator 298 classifiers 476 cone mill 292 crushing machines 315 edge runners 295 fixed and movable sieve jigs 639 general milling 1173 gravity stamps 223 grist mill or buhrstone mill 291 hammers, breakers, roasting for friability 56 for breaking 11 hand picking 492 Hughes pneumatic stamp 143 Nicholas pulverizer 292 pneumatic concentration 837 riddles and trommels 384 roll speeds 87 schleudermiihle 299 sledging, spalling, and cobbing hammers .... 56 slime tables, bumping tables, buddies 727 trough washers and wash trommels 334 various obsolete breakers 56 Whelpley & Storer pulverizer 299 Gagnon ore, sizing test on jig tailings 607 Gahnite, specific gravity of 1189 Galena and quartz, jig tests on 620 used for film sizing tests 707 blende ore, Missouri, sizing tests on 303 treated at Diepenlinchen 670 crushed by rolls 62 cost of hand picking of 488 extraction plant at Mill 130 1720 free-settling velocity 471 hindered -settling tests on 612, 617 in dolomite, crushed in Mill 25 47, 98 in Missouri, treatment of. O. M. Bilharz .... 2034 Iron Works, Blake breaker at Mill 148 1792 Kansas, mill at 901, 902, 1179 ore, weight of 1 190 pulsipn jig test on 624 roasting furnace 1548 separation from quartz 720 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1189 Galena-sphalerite ores at Broken Hill, separation of. 1611 1173 with limestone, crushed by rolls 69 838 Galland coal breaker 2009 290 Gallium, atomic weight of 1188 58 Gallon H87 58 equivalents of 1 187 295 of water 1187 597 Galvanic couple used on amalgamated plates 752 291 Galvanized iron classifiers 1144 295 Gandy belting for elevators 862 1167 canvas belts 1094 294 elevator belt at Mill 114 1663 295 Gangue minerals in mills. See Individual Mills in 1179 Chapter XX. 225 Gantry clam shells for loading concentrates at Mill 297 167 1858 297 Garde, A. G., New Century magnetic separator . . 1542 642 Gardiner breaker 57 545 Garfield Chili mill 1305 at Mill 167 1305, 1858 screen analysis of product 1307 Smelting Company, Silver Lake mill 1771 Garland wire-rope disc conveyor at Mill 124 1695 Garnet rock, weathering of 831 separated by magnets 790 specific gravity of 1 189 treated on Hooper air jig 505, 824 Garn, M 297 Gartrell, H. W., effect of varying speed on percent. of undersize in crushing 2017 Gas engines 1091 power plant at Mill 172 1874 Gasoline engines 109 1 Gassaway, A. D., plates, riffles, and sluice plates at the Magalia drift mine 789 Gate and dam discharges, center discharges 582 for jigs 577 height of dam 579 gate :. . . 578 on jigs 553 ratio of height of gate to size of feed . . . 578 side discharge 580 tail discharges 581 Gates 138, 139 all iron frame revolving screen 1353 ball mill 1280, 1300, 2014, 2017 table of sizes, capacities, power, weights, etc. 1301 breakers 55-60 action of 39 at mills . . 1635, 1661, 1706, 1710, 1713, 1716, 1727. 1768, 1817, 1818, 1821, 1828, 1853, 1857 compared with McCully 45 description 36 details of 38 on "choke crushing" 48 with short head and concaves 1208 at Mill 165 1851 canvas plant 1017, 1184 of the Kennedy Mining and Milling Com- pany mill xxviii, 1037 cast-iron head center for gyrating breakers 1220 classifier 1369 economic rolls 81 feeder 136, 854 for rolls 71 for classifiers 406 ore bins 843 G. G 1369 classifier 418 end shake vanner 653 patent vanner belt 650 gunlock manganese-steel mantles for gyratory breakers 1220 hydraulic classifier 477 Iron Works, beveled rolls 71 Blake breaker 23 breaker 23 jaw movements capacity of jigs 597 comparative tests of jaw and spindle breakers 53 estimate of cost of crushing 51 Lowry National breaker 45 on design of cams 196 friction in rolls 97 wearing parts of breakers 48 power for jigs 603 rolls ...... 73 roll speeds 87 springs 74 41 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Gates Iron Works, Tremain steam stamp 136 vanner 651 in mercury traps 773 wells 768 on Tremain stamp 139 P. W viii rolls 109, 111 at mills 1707, 1710 rule for power used in crushing 309 tube mill 1280, 1296 vanner 658 Gauges 223, 1097, 1174 for brass and iron wire 1999 screens 171, 172 water films 1159 wire and plate 1194 Gayet, argentiferous galena at Villefort, France 1178 Castelnau belt table 728 Geared rolls 75 at Mill 183 1913 Gearing 1096 for gravity stamps 198 Gears for amalgamating pans 248 trommels 356 sand wheels 865 Gebriider Sulzer centrifugal pump at Mill 118 1678 Geddes & Bertrand mill, sizing test on crushed ore 100 Geissler's sampler 2031, 2033 Geldenhuis Deep mine, saving by hand picking .... 487 mill, details of stamps 221 Gem mill 940, 941, 942 of the Milwaukee Mining Company xxvi separator, Lockhart's automatic 430 General considerations about breakers and breaking. 47 of jigs 522 regarding costs of producing lead 1974 construction of rolls 63 expenses 1123 ideas on milling 1035 milling ideas, bibliography for 1173 practice in the Witwatersrand, South Africa . . 1Q43 principles 1 governing costs 1940 of ore dressing 1 199 pulsion 1460 suction 1461 remarks upon jaw breakers 33 table of roll data from the mills 64 Genesee-Vanderbilt mill xxv, 893 Gentle Annie mill xxviii, 1035 Geometrical ratio for sieve scale 367 Georgetown, Colorado, Krom jigs at 838 George V. Cresson Company 23, 72 Georgia stamp mill, an old time. W. S. Yates 2036 gold milling in. H. V. Croll 2043 Germanium, atomic weight of 1188 German mills. C. Blomeke 2034 mills 1177 arrangement of 1 107 cost of milling 1135 labor in 1102 overflow battery 229 stamps 230 sweeping table 703 tests on strength of stone 301 Gernet, A. von, definition of slimes 1398 Gersdorffite, specific gjravity of 1189 Geyer, R., concentrating lead and silver at Silberau. 1177 roll 70,111 slime settling apparatus 477, 478 settler 460 G. G. Gates' hydraulic classifier 418 Giant rock breaker 22 rolls, Edison's 105 Gibbonsville, Idaho, mill at 1028, 1181 stamps at 227 Gibbsite, specific gravity of 1189 Gibs for stamp tappets 188 Gilchrist, J., Carr disintegrator 298 Peter S., test of American Process Company's drier 1599 Gillon, A., Cyclone pulverizer 299 on breakers 61 Gilpin County bumping table 680, 682 with screens attached 342 Colorado, milling system 1030 mills in 1180, 1181 milling in 1047 mills, acid water 173 screens used in 169 mortars of wood and iron 164 Gilpin County shoes and dies 183 stamp mill 152 practice 215 stamps 226 in 229 Girard water turbine 973 Girders for Nordberg steam stamp 1247 Giroux Consolidated Mines Company 1864 mill, Ely, Nevada. W. R. Ingalls Gladolinium, atomic weight of 1188 Glasdir mine, Wales, mill at 1072, 1183 oil process at 832 Glass classifier 611, 1144, 1146 jig 623,627 launder linings at Mill 166 1856 table for film sizing tests 707 testing 1154 Glendale, jigs at 642 Montana, mill at 1179 Glenn, Wm., sampling 884 Glidden, J. T., Woodbury jig 2022 Globe battery stem guide 2012 guides for stamps 155 iron stamp guide . 229 Glucinum, atomic weight of 1188 Glycerine for respirators 1100 Gmehling, A., Lohnert's ball mill 293 Lord & Banfield, Wood machines 839 Gmelinite, specific gravity of 1189 Gneiss, weight of 1190 Goddard, S. H 1179 Edison's concentrating plant 834 rolls 110 Golconda, Nevada, Macquisten flotation process at 1555, 1565, 1611 Gold, action of gravity stamps on 314 amalgam 730, 1512 used in preparing copper plates 752 amalgamated plates used in milling 178 and silver in amalgam, proportions of 762 proportions of, caught on plates 763 retained by amalgamated plates 759 apparatus used for amalgamation 731 assay for in Mill 55 304 Mill 68 303 atomic weight of 1188 Bluff Mining Company, plant of 1654 Coins Mines Co 1133 combination mills 1046 concentration of fine . N. J. Fleck 2036 condition of 1013 cost of producing 1974 dredges, metal riffles used on 722 dredging 1179 in general 1009 plant 1007 tables for 703 fineness in bullion 785 hydraulicking and dredging 1006 in amalgam 767 sluices, distribution of 2044 Snake River, Idaho, recovery of fine. R. N. Bell ! 2046 strained mercury 781 tailings, a trap to save coarse. P J. Johnson . 2024 King amalgamator 777, 1033 mill, Gladstone, Colorado. G. P. Scholl .... 2042 left in retorted mercury 783 loss of 786 by use of cyanide. B. C. Wilson 2024 milling. W. R. Ingalls 2040 books on v cost of 1131, 1132 details on modern. G. P. Scholl 2035 in Bendigo. H. C. Bogdell 2034 Mexico, cheap. H. L. Collins 2033 1908. A. James 2048 notes on modern 2045, 2047 small steam stamps used for 136 mill test 1166 mill with gravity stamp and canvas table 1038 plates and no vanners 1017 mills, design and equipment of. G. A. Denny. 1261 size of grizzly used in 340 using plates, vanners, and canvas or blanket tables 1029 with gravity stamps 1013 no amalgamated plates 1014 plates and vanners 1018 miners' pan 1152 42 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Gold obtained on canvas tables * 701 ores crushed by arrastra 238 Bryan mill 272 rolls 62 steam stamps 135 Gunnison, products of stamping 139 improvements in the mechanical treatment of. W. J. Adams 2045 mills for . . 1013, 1014, 1017, 1018, 1029, 1038, 1046 process of separating by clean-up pan 250 proportion of gold and silver on successive' plates 763 in daily and hard amalgam 762 screening test on, at Mammoth 284 testing 1167 percentages recovered in different parts of the mill . 749 Prince mill 1768 Animas Forks, Colorado. G. P. Scholl and R. L. Herrick 2042 Silverton, Colorado. H. J. Barm 2043 mine and mill, Colorado. G. P. Scholl and R. L. Herrick 1924 quartz mills, distribution of machines in 231 ratio of, to silver in plate amalgam 764 recovered by mercury traps 771 from ashes 177 waste 482, 702, 784 on cocoa matting 702 cradle 723 plates 749 riffles in Mill 56 725 retained by copper plates 765 plates 762 saved on Wilfley tables in western Chihuahua . 1665 saving fine, on Snake River, Idaho. W. H. Washburn 2044 separation from quartz by amalgamated copper plate 4 specific gravity of native 1189 pure 1189 stamping 224 advantage of using mercury in 208 stamp mills 1101, 1103 clean-up barrel in 264 suggestions for saving flour. R. P. Hall 2024 treated on outside amalgamated plates 733 value of recovered by sweating 759 Golden concentrating plant, plain transverse troughs or riffles in 772 mill 1183 Gate table 681 Star mill, mercury trap in 772 mortar 165 order of drop 215 screens in 175 stamp clean-up 201 Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company. Combi- nation mill of 1626 Goldrinnen 702 Goodale, C. W viii, 100 Anaconda classifier 396 Chili mill 269 cleaning base amalgam 251 concentration at Butte 1176, 2035 of Butte ores 2042 cost of concentration at Butte 2048 crushing by rolls 104 steam stamps 134 milling 1130 Huntington mill 278 versus rolls 297 jig tailings at Butte 640 ore dressing at Butte 1419 power consumed in crushing 313 rolls and Huntington mills 110 silver mill at Black Pine, Montana 1175 sizing test of Butte crushed ore 100 jig tailings 607 showing losses from hydraulic classifiers 476 steam stamps versus rolls 142 vanners and slime tables 728 variation of power with hardness of rock 316 water consumption at Butte 1420, 1997 Goodwin, E. G., field of electrostatic separators 1553 Goose neck discharge of jig hutches 504 spigot 433 for classifiers 388 Gordon, H. A., modern stamps 225 Goslich, Griffin roller mill 279 43 Gothite, specific gravity of 1189 mill 1 177 jigs at 597, 641 stroke of jigs in 594 Gould centrifugal pump at Mill 139 . 1757 Mill 175 ; ; : isoo Goupilliere, Haton de la, angle of friction 1244 blast machines and Kronvjig 837 Carr disintegrator 298 Cours d'exploitation des mines xix crushing 315 gravity stamps 223 grizzlies and trommels, Briart bar screen 384 hammers and breakers 56 for breaking H hand picking 492 jaw breaker 56 movable and fixed sieve jigs 639 rolls 109 schemes of dressing 1173 siphon separator, Dor and Buttgenbach hy- draulic classifiers 476 spalling and cobbing hammers 56 Vapart disintegrator 299 Gouverneur rotary rock breaker for talc 2009 Gouyard, G. M., magnetic concentration 834 on roasting and magnetism 815 Cover mill, amalgamated plates in. . 746 chuck block 178 cost for water used in 206 plates in 742 screens in 175 water trough in 746 Gowan's amalgamator 789 Grab sample 845 Grade of sluices 723 Graded crushing and separation 5 by rolls 103 sizing and jigging 1120 Grading analysis, discussion of. H. S. Denny 2048 Graeter, A. E., dredge 1013 Grain, equivalents of 1187 Grains, measurement of 1138 Gram, equivalents of 1187 Granberry, J. H., magnetite deposits at Mineville, N. Y 1568 Granby Consolidated, cost of producing copper at . 1957 hand jig xxv mill 893 Mining & Smelting Co., mill xxv, 908 Missouri, mill at 908 Grand Victory Mining Co., mill xxvii, 1022 Granite, strength of 301, 302, 303 weight of 1190 Graphical representation of free settling 475 hindered settling 623 sizing tests 1139 Graphite and molybdenite dressing by oil process. J. F. Latimer 2029 angle of nip required to crush 94 crucible for melting 784 dressing 1177, 1183, 1186 in Canada. H. P. H. Brumell 2025 effect on mercury 751 for lubricating 1097 stamp cams 194 milling 1074 at Calumet Graphite Co 2026 paddle in melting 784 separated by oil 831 specific gravity of 1 189 treated on Hooper air jig 824 used in retorts 781 washing 1176 Grapple automatic feeder. C. Blomeke 2031 Grass Valley, amalgamator at 776 California, cost of producing gold in 1977 mill at . . 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1175, 1176, 1180, 1182, 1184 Eureka rubber used at 777 mercury trap 774 plates at 787, 788 riffles 771 shoes and dies at 183 stamps at 224, 226, 228 Gratings for jig screens 545 Graupner centrifugal roller mill 2016 Gravel mill 1017 mining in Alaska, cost of. C. W. Purington. . . 2037 moved by water 878 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Gravel screens 339 stamp mill for cement 2012 washing 1006 Graves, F. L., dredge 1013 Gravity muller, Stanwood 1285 -screen at Mill 138 1746 specific, effect of 3 stamps 144, 1246 adjustments of 206 advantages of for fine crushing 314 analysis of Morison's curves of the velocity of 215 area of discharge 209 belt tightener 198 bibliography 223 blankets and rubber sheets for mortar blocks 148 blow, efficiency of 219 Boss cam key for 1273 cantilever frame for 1272 head for 1271 latch finger 1273 or head 185 wedge-grip tappet for 1272 buckstaves 154 California versus Colorado practice 215 cam shaft 190 cams 191 for 1272 Canda cams for 1273 chuck blocks 177 clean-up 201 clearance 195, 196 clutches 198 collars and bearings 190 comparative work of stamps and Huntington mills 1262 compared with Huntington mill 278 compensating weights for 1645, 1651 cost of crushing 205 Crocker's patent 229 cross sills 153 details 223, 224, 225 of screens 169, 170 dies 179 disadvantages of 222 driving mechanism 197 economic range of 1276 effect of variation in ore 207 efficiency of, compared with steam 134 false bottoms 180 feeders 199 finger bar, cam sticks, and crab 199 Foote screen for 1270 foundation 145 frames 152 gauges for screens 172 gearing 198 gibs and keys for tappets 188 Gilpin County 152 guide blocks for 1267 timbers 155 guides 154, 155 Harvey's patent 227 heavy stamps at Mill 107 1645 height of discharge 212 drop 200 Hope's patent 227 Rowland's patent 225 Huntington patent 227 in South African practice 1643 iron stamp frames 158 Krupp cam shaft for 1272 life of shoes and dies 184, 185, 1277 limits of drop 216 lip apron 178 location of main shaft 197 Luckling's mortar 227 made by the Denver Engineering Works Com- pany ; 1278 maintaining height of drop in 200 materials for wearing parts of 1277 mercury required 208 setting up . . . 200 mortar blocks 145 bolts . . 148, 150 covers 167 165 feed opening . 166 linings 166 Gravity stamps, mouth or feed openings in 166 mud sills 152 Newton mortar 163 Nissen stamp 1263 North Star mill 149 mortar 161, 162 number and height of drop 215- used 231 Oldham mortar 162 old wooden type 225- order of drop for 214, 1274 overflow battery 214 Pachuca 1272 parts of 181 placing screen in 170 platforms 156 posts 153 power 204, 1274 principle and purpose of 113, 1262 principles of action 144 proportions between weights of parts 189, 1272 pulley for belt transmission 197 pulp, weight of 1191 putting on new shoes 200 ratio of power required to overcome gravity . . 205 right and left hand cams 195 round and slotted hole screens 169 running of 206 screen area 209 frames 176 openings 167 screens 167 designation of 172 material and cost 173 sectional guides for 1268 mortar 163, 164 setting up 200 shield and splash board 177 shoe 181 and dies, size, life, cost, etc 182, 183, 184 fastened to head 186 single and double discharge mortars 167 size of feed 207 screen holes 210 sizing tests 210 sockets in bosses 187 South African practice 221 splash boards in 177 versus swash 218 stamp stem 187 staves for shoe shanks 186* stay battery 214 stem 187 table of weights of parts 190 tappets 188 triple discharge two-stamp mills 209 types of frames 156 used in California 231 velocity cards 216> versus rolls and grinders 222 steam stamps Walker's patent water pipes required wear of shoes and dies weight and blow of drop, capacity, etc power, etc of mortars 134 227 198 221 182 218 221 219 164 170 wire screens stamp mills, arrangement of 1108 Gray copper and barite separated by decrepitation . 829 J. W., New Zealand gold dredges 1184 rock ore, sizing test on jig tailings 607 Grease, effect on mercury 751 Greased plate 1611 used made of, in mills 890 surface action for diamonds . . . tables at Mill 188 for diamonds . . . Greases Greasiness of minerals 4 839 1921 831 1097 4 mortars 160, 161, 1263 Greasy notation 1121, 1611 use made of, in mills 890 Great Boulder Perseverance mine 1635 plant. R. Allen 1925 Falls, Montana, mill at 974 Fingall mine, stamp milling at the. G. E. Brown 2040 Salt Lake water, weight of 1188 44 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Greece, ancient milling in. L. De Launay 2033 Greene Cananea, Mexico, concentration at. R. B. Brinsmade 2042 Consolidated Copper Company, copper hand- book .... ...... 1925 mill, Cananea, Mexico. D. E. Wood- bridge 2038 Greensburg, Pennsylvania, coal washing at 1178 Greenside mill, Potterdale. W. H. Borlase 2039 Green's movable sieve jig 639 Greenstone, weight of 1190 Greenway, T. T., May and Hancock jigs at Broken Hill 643 Green well's conveying grate and picking table 385 Greenwood, California 1021 Gregory Bobtail mill, acid water 173 T., Ferraris hydraulic classifier 479 Grey, jig at Karwin 642 Griffin centrifugal stamp mill 234, 268 mills 2016 at Mill 105 1636 capacity of 1636 power required for 1636 in Australia 2013 life of wearing parts in Mill 105 1636 motion of the roller. H. A. Siordet 2017 number used 231 versus buhrstone mills 297 stamps 284 pulverizer 236 bibliography for 299 roller mill 235, 282, 1032 bibliography for 297 Griffith's rock breaker 59 Grill four-compartment direct heat drier 1596 Grimsley, C. P., gold dredging 1182 Grinders, Braun sample grinder 1284 capacity of. E. Rusager 2017 classification of 1279 comparison of stamps, tube mills, and pans as fine 2015 details of 232 in the stamp mill 2016 McKenna laboratory ore grinder 1285 Nevada sample 1284 purpose of 1279 sample 256, 1284 Sturtevant sample 1284 versus gravity stamps 222 Grinding action of centrifugal pumps 870 amalgam 780 discussion of fine. W. A. Caldecott 2014 fine. A. W. Warwick 1340 in amalgamating pans 247 at Mill 105 1638 machinery 1323, 1628 machines compared with pressure 313 pans r 1279 at Mill 130 1720 Australian practice 1283 Colorado Iron Works continuous pan 1282 continuous 1282 sizing tests of pulp from 1284 wear of shoes and dies 1284 versus tube mills. R. Clark 2014 Grip for stamps 200 Grist mill 232, 252 bibliography for 291 Grizzlies 336, 384 and riddles, vibrating 1346 at Mill 170 1866 mills ..1660, 1661, 1737, 1759, 1792, 1805, 1821, 1828, 1831, 1853, 1860, 1888, 1892, 1909, 1913 Denver Engineering Works Company's revolv- ing 1353 for dredges 1012 Karlik oscillating 385, 386 life of e 340 picking on 491 purpose of 340 shaking, at Mill 124 1690 vibrating 345 Grizzly bars, forms of 337 Groke's ball mill 293 Gromier, G.. 58, 492, 834, 1178 hand picking spathic iron ore at Allevard, France 492 on roasting for friability 58 roasting iron ore at Allevard, France 58 spathic iron ore at Allevard, France 1178 45 Grondal ball mill for iron ores. G. Grondal 2016 versus Heberli mill 2013 G., Grondal magnetic separators 1537 magnetic separators at Mill 59 1828, 1829 Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 1537 process for iron ore treatment 2029 in Norway. H. V. Hansell 2039 iron separation by the. P. McBennie 1568 separation of iron ores by 2026 Grooves for wire rope 1095 riffle, of Card concentrators, shape of 1483 Groppel concentrator. C. Blomeke 2023 Gross, John, cyanide practice in S. Dakota 1419 Golden concentrating plant, Colorado 1183 Grothe, A., gold dredging in the United States 1183 Grouping of machines 891 Gruson ball mill , 233, 260, 1182 bibliography for 293 table of details of 261 Guanajuato Reduction and Mines Company mill C. W. Van Law 2038 T. A. Rickard 2045 Guanaxuato, arrastra at 238 290 Chili mill at 269, 295 Guard in concentration 1123 Guarding work of machines 1111 Guess, H. A., laboratory amalgamator, versus actual milling H78 Guide blocks for gravity stamps 1267 boltless stamp 2012 rollers for belt conveyors 860 timbers for gravity stamps 155 Guides for gravity stamps 154, 155 sectional 1268 types of 155 stamp stems, iron 2012 steam stamps 128 materials of 155, 156 stamp, material, life, lubrication 156 Guiding the belt on Frue vanners 645 Gun-metal screens on batteries at Mill 185 1915 Gunnison ore crushed in Tremain stamp 139 Guston, Colorado, mill at 893 rock house 485 Gute Hoffnung mill 1102, 1136 Gutta Percha Rubber and Manufacturing Company, Spadone concentrator belt 1503 Gypsum, crushing of 2017 milling in Kansas. W. R. Crane 2027 specific gravity of 1 189 treatment in Montana. J. P. Rowe 2028 Gyrating amalgamated plates 741 breakers, McCully 44 motion on mechanical batea 683 or spindle breakers 1206 screens 342 for coal 2019 vanners 657 Gyratory breakers 36 Austin 1210 C. L. Hathaway 1215 Gates' cast-iron head center for 1220 gunlock manganese steel mantles for 1220 style " K" 1207 with short -head and concaves 1208 Hadfield breakers at Mill 130 1719 Kennedy 1213 Krupp 1215 McCully 1210 at Mill 139. Life of wearing parts 1222 range of adjustment of 1218 size of crushed product : . . . 1218 mill, Hathaway 1310 H Habermann, J., Brink and Hubner disintegrator . . . 298 conical roll shells at Przibram Ill Dingey mill 292, 293 double rolls at Przibram Ill fine crushing at Przibram 1185 fine jigs and Salzburg tables 641 graded crushing 1177 gravity stamps 224, 225 Heberli mill 292 sieve attachment 292 iron -versus wooden stamps 229 jig eccentrics 532 Neuerberg trommel 385 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Habermann, J., ore dressing at Raibl 1177 pistons 641 power for jigs 603 proposed concentration mill at Przibram .... 1177 crushing plant at Przibram 1176 rolls and grinders 110 at Przibram 110 Schwarzmann's rolls, Neuerberg's rolls, for crushing coal 110 for graded crushing 110 in a lead mill 110 shells in two sections 110 versus stamps 110 Salzburg table 728, 1185 Schranz mill 296 separator at Przibram 836 stamps at Przibram 229 Stefan mill at Przibram 1177 trommels and jigs at the Anna mill, Przibram 1177 screens 385 zinc ores at Raibl 1185 Habets, A., Baum jig for coal 642 Hadfield, R. A., manganese steel for jaw and cheek plates 57 on breakers 57, 59, 60 ordinary versus manganese steel for jaw plates 60 Blake breaker at Mill 134 1733 breaker 2009 gyratory breakers at Mill 130 1719 rigid rolls 2010 rolls at Mill 134 1733 Haile gold mine, Chili, mill at 269, 295 North Carolina, mill at 1175 plates at 735, 787 purifying mercury at 785 Mining Company 1621 Halk breaker 2009 Hall breaker 56, 57, 58 R. G., sizing test of roll product 99 stamp mill in Dahlonega district 150 Hallett, S. I viii Hallett's hand jig 1180 on extent of crushing desired 304 fine crushing 1004 form of launders 873 power used for crushing 309 roll speeds 88 screens in concentrating 1114 screen versus hydraulic sizing 2020 testing jigs 1151 table 675, 680, 1153, 1172, 2022 three mineral separation in Mill 49 676 Hallett's hand testing jig 1180 Hallidie's corrugated stamp screens 226 Halse, E., amalgamated plates 749, 755 copper plates versus silver plates for amalga- mation 2024 tests on loss of gold with plain copper plates 749, 750 Hamboic classifier 2020 Hammer and spring mechanism for jigs 536 drop for cleaning mass copper 12 for breaking 9 cobbing 11, 480 at Mill 186 1917 kieves 726 scaling plates 760 sledging 10 and spalling 480 spalling, and cobbing 56 spalling 11 and cobbing 55 steam for cleaning copper rock 12 used in hand picking 1435 Hammerswasche mill 1177 jigs at 597, 641 stroke of jigs in 594 Hammond, J. H 286 amalgamated plates 735, 757 cost of gold milling 1134 plating copper plates 755 gold stamp milling 1178 gravity stamps 225, 229 mercury used in stamping 206 milling in the Transvaal 2033 plates and traps 788 riffles 721 steam stamp 166 tables for supporting plates 735 breaker, descriptions of the new 2051 46 Hammond cylinder feeder for gravity stamps 199 dredge at Nome Beach 2036 Mfg. Co., two-stamp mill 209, 210 roller feeder 854 Hancock, H. R., inventor of Hancock jigs 1440 jigs 504, 643, 1440, 1459, 2021 at mills. . . .1710, 1711, 1846, 1847, 1869, 1870, 1871 Mine La Motte 2021 for dredges 2043 punchings as bed for 1459 versus Evans jigs at Mill 162 1846 water used by compared with that used by Evans jigs 1442 Michigan, mill at 993, 998 Hanctin's mill 235 bibliography for 296 Hand breaker for testing 1 137 breaking 56, 57 advantages of 12 and picking 492 electromagnet 812 feeding 223, 1115 for gravity stamps 199 jig mills 892 jigs 495, 519 cost of 1126 for testing 1150 operation of 497, 894 skimming of 497 speed, labor, and capacity 499 pan 1152 with flange 1184 picking. See also Picking. picking 480, 492, 889, 1435, 1611, 2021 advantages of 480, 2021 after breaking by hammers 9 an equation for 2021 assisted by layers on belt conveyor at Mill 145. 1781 trommels and belt conveyor at Mill 145. . 1781 at Clausthal 965 Cripple Creek, Colo 2021 Mill 176! 1891 belt, rope and plate conveyors for 489 bibliography for 492 breaking for 1435 combined with screening on grizzlies 340 comparison of picking tables 491 cost of 487, 1438 definition of 480 general considerations on 481 in mills 485 use made of 889 mine 481 rock house 482 South Africa 482, 2021 S. African gold mines. A. C. Key 2021 light for 481 limits of 486 mathematical discussion of 2021 of low-grade ore at Leadville, Colo 2021 nugget copper in Mine 44 54 on steam stamps 129 picking chutes 489 revolving circular tables 490 shaking tables 489 speed of revolving table used in 491 stationary tables 488 tables for 488 tests 1163 sampler for slime table 1172 sampling 844, 1570 dipper or bucket sample 845 grab sample 845 moisture samples 846 pipe sampler 845 screens 1137 sledges 10 kinds 10 sorting tests at Mill 162 1842 washers for placer work 723 washing 319 Handles for hammers 11 Handling concentrates at Mill 173 1881 Hanna, M. & M. Company mill, Capitol City, Colo- rado 2043 Hansell, N. V., study of water jigs 1463 Hanson, P., on Tremain stamp 139 Hard amalgam 750 causes of 761, 767 on plates 760 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Hard amalgam, proportions of gold and silver in. ... 762 banks in jig beds ........................... GOO Hardinge, H. W., Hardinge conical tube mill . . 1280, 1296, 2014, 2016 conical tube mill, capacity .................... 1296 power required by .................... 1296 Hardman, J. E ......................... viii, 196, 1184 absorption of amalgam by copper plates ..... 765 amalgamated plates ____ 735, 748, 751, 752, 762, 765 amalgamation blow of stamps breakers 788 220 60 false bottoms in mortar ................... 180 Forster breaker ........................... 60 foundation for gravity stamps .............. 145 gravity stamps ........................... 225 keeping accounts ......................... 1178 keys for stamp cams ...................... 192 mortars ................................. 165 Oldham and Waverley mills ............... 228 gold stamp mill ........................ 1 184 plates and traps in the Oldham mill ........ 789 stamp stems ............................. 187 Hardness of minerals .... ........................ 2 Hard rock phosphate ............................ 895 Hardwick, F. W., Baum jig ...................... 642 Harmotome, specific gravity of ................... 1189 Harney Peak tin mines, mill ..................... 1 180 Harrietville mill, amalgamated plates in ......... 745, 748 mortar and screens . ...................... 226 shoes and dies at ........................... 183 Harrington and King, clear punched slotted screens 169 material for screens ...................... 355 screens, table of dimensions ............... 168 stamp screens ......................... 168, 169 standard plate screens ................. 369, 370 trommel at Mill 144 . ..................... 1771 Harris atmospheric discharge for jigs ............. 583 Corliss engine ............................. 925 Harron, Rickard, and McCone, the new improved Huntington mill .............................. 1313 Harshaw mill .................................. 1174 amalgamating pans at .................... 290 amalgam in ............................. 783 Boss classifier at .......................... 478 cone classifier at ......................... 425 fuel for retorting amalgam ................ 782 grizzlies in .............................. 385 high stamp capacity ...................... 207 settlers in ............................... 787 stamps .................................. 224 wear of amalgamating pan ................. 249 Hartman mine, power jig used at ................. 506 movable sieve jig at ....................... 506 Hartzell Concentrating Company mill ........ xxix, 1055 Harvey's stamp ................................ 227 Harz, bull jigs at Mill 162 ....................... 1843 jigs ....................................... 507 at mills.. 1692, 1693, 1694, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1725, 1728, 1729, 1743, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1767, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1829, 1837, 1843, 1854, 1855, 1869, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1898, 1913 construction of ..................... 524, 525, 527 iron balls for bedding ..................... 1458 Krupp jig ............................... 1446 tailboard in ............................. 551 using one shaft and eccentric for plungers . . . 530 versus Collom jigs ........................ 515 mills in the ................................. 1176 round rotating cement buddies at Mill 150. . 1800, 1801 slime tables in ............................. 697 use of Linkenbach pointed boxes in ........... 441 Haskell's log washer ......................... . . 327 Hassell Iron Works Company, King's bucking board 1323 Stanwood gravity muller or King's bucking board ............................... 1285 Hatch & Chalmers cost of hand picking ........... 487 hand picking on the Rand ............... 492 F. H. and J. A. Chalmers, gold mines of the Rand ................................... xix gold stamp mills in S. Africa ............. 1173 Hathaway, C. L., Hathaway gyratory mill . . . .1281, 1310, 1323 gyratory breaker ....................... 1215, 1223 Rock Crusher Company, .................... 1223 Hauer, J. von, Blanton cam ..................... 229 Pape Henneberg Machine .................. 838 Hauraki Peninsula, New Zealand, cyanide mills in ....................................... 1181 Haurez, P., Carr disintegrator for coal ............ 298 Haussner, A., curves for lifting cams 229 Haverstraw sandstone, compressive strength of 300 Hayden, Ralph, free-settling velocities 1421 Head center, Gates cast-iron, for gyratory breakers . 1220 for gravity stamps 185 spindle breakers 46, 47 turbine water wheels 1090 motion of Card concentrator 1483 New Standard concentrator 1478 Overstrom table 1485 Wilfley slimer 1504 table 1466 plunger jig 518 Heard, John, Jr 288 concentrating antimony on Paddock jig 838 Krom jig 825 and Paddock jigs 838 Paddock air jig 823 Sturtevant mill 298 Heat and quenching for breaking rock 9 effect of on amalgamation 750, 766 settling 474 slimy water 1414 strength of stone 302 to change porosity 4 used for settling fine slimes 1147 in straining amalgam 781 Heating for decrepitation < 829 friability 56 in magnets 795 the mill 1098 to change magnetism 4 form magnetic oxides of iron 813 Heavy solutions 1 174 testing by 1156, 1993 Heberle, E., Heberli mill 292 limit of screening 369 ore dressing at Falun, Sweden 1177 discharge for jigs 581 stamps at Falun, Sweden '. . . 225 Heberle O, magnetic separation at Friedrichssegen . . 834 Heberli and Grondal mills compared 2013 magnetic separator 799 mills 141, 232, 257 bibliography for 292 compared with Schranz mills 292 power required for 260 tests on work required by 305 versus rolls 258 system of trommels 364 wet magnetic separator 810 Heberwasche 421, 478, 520, 610 used at Mechernich 477 Hecla mill 1179, 1892 jigs in 642 Mining Company 1688 Heclon breaker 2009 Hector mill 1184 Mining Company mill xxvii, 1014 Hedburg, E., hand jigs and Cooley jigs in southwest Missouri 643 jig 2022 magnetic separator. R. T. Clegg 2030 Height of chuck blocks 177 discharge in stamps 212 of steam stamps 129 stamps at mills.. 1621, 1624, 1632, 1640, 1661, 1668, 1677 in California 1619 drop of stamps 200, 215 in mills . . . 1618, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1626, 1632, 1640, 1658, 1661, 1668, 1677, 1769, 1915 gate and dam in jigs 578 riffle cleats for Wilfley table 1468 Finder concentrator ; 1481 tailboard affecting jig capacity 601 on jigs 550 Heinstein's ball mill 294 Helena & Frisco mill 1178 Gem, Idaho, tree of the. W. M. Edwards 2034 Mining Company 943 mill xxvi, 942 zinc concentrator, the new 2047 Helical current in classifiers 401 Helicoid conveyor 1582 Helium, atomic weight of 1 188 Hell upon Earth mill xxv, 893 Helmhacker, R 225 hand picking of quicksilver at Idria, Austria . . . 493 quicksilver concentrator at Idria, Austria 1183 47 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Hematite, See also Iron. concentration of ............................ 1054 crushed by Minnesota Iron Company ......... 51 method of washing at Iron Mountain, Missouri 334 mill for ...................................... 897 ores, magnetic separation of ................. 809 weight of ................................ 1190 preparation for paint ....................... 839 separated by magnets ...................... 790 1 189 500 21 1095 specific gravity of treated by jig at Iron Mountain, Missouri ... Vermillion, action of Monarch breaker on ... Hemp ropes ................................ . Hendrick Manufacturing Company's screen at Mill 157 ......................................... 1820 steel plates for tower screens at Mill 158. .. 1822, 1824 Hendrie & Bolthoff, double-cone classifier ........ 427 portable stamp mill ...................... 226 Mfg. and Supply Company, King screen .... 1360 Hendryx cyanide method at Nelson, British Colum- bia ......................................... 2035 Hendy and Meyer, rolls ......................... 76 Challenge feeder used in Huntington mill ...... 278 feeder .................... ............. 853 concentrator ............................... 683 feeder .................................... 136 for gravity stamps ........................ 199 rolls .................................. 71 gold hand pan ............................. 1184 Machine Works, Blake breaker .............. 22 mechanical batea ....................... 683 on design of cams ..................... 196 two-stamp mill ...................... 209, 229 Henninger's limonite washer .................. xxv, 895 Henrich, C., blende dressing at Webb City, Missouri 1175 Henry, A., breakers ............................ 57 capacity of jigs ....... ; ...... . ........... 597 dressing lead and zinc in Belgium and the Rhenish provinces ...................... 1176 gravity stamps ........................... 224 hand breaking and jaw breakers in Belgium 57 Harz eccentric jigs at Przibram ............ 641 jigging in Belgium ....................... 641 labyrinths, pointed boxes, Engis trough class- ifiers, Dor classifier, and siphon separator used at Mechernich .................... 477 magnetic separation at Przibram ........... 833 ore dressing at Przibram .................. 1176 Rittinger spitzlutte at Przibram ............ 477 table ................................. 728 rolls .................................... 110 stroke of jigs ........................... 594 wash trommel ........................... 335 Henry Faust jigs, slope of sieves in ............... 548 width of sieves in .................... 591 Faust mill ............................... xxv, 901 Nourse Gold Mining Co., sand wheel ........ 865 tailings wheel at ................... 884 Hensburg, great screening tower at ............... 2018 Hercules mill, Burke, Idaho. S. Turner ......... 2045 rock breaker of Blake type .................. 22 Bering, R. and J. C. Trautwine, Jr., formula for the uniform flow of water ...................... xix, 877 launders .............................. 885 C., tables of equivalents ................ xix, 1187 Herrang, Sweden, Grdndal magnetic separators at . 1537 Herreshoff roasters at Mill 168 .................. 1862 Hersam, E. A., power required for crushing ....... 1334 power in crushing ........................ 1340 size of opening in screens ................. 2019 sources of lost power in crushing ........... 1325 theory of crushing ........................ 2018 Hessite, specific gravity of ....................... 1189 Heusschen furnace for decrepitation ............. 829, 839 Hewitt's amalgamator .......................... 788 Hexagonal trommels ............................ 362 at Mill 183 ......... . .................... 1913 Hibernia magnetic concentrating plant ............ 835 mill ................................... 1135, 1183 magnetic separation at .................... 803 New Jersey, mill at ...... t_ ................. 1058 Hick revolving grizzly bars ...................... 385 Hicks, J., slimes in dressing tin .................. 1183 tin ores in Cornwall ...................... 1180 Hidden Treasure mill ...................... xxviii, 1035 acid water . . mortar plates in High- power magnetic separators speed machines 173 165 788 805 1097 High-speed rolls, advantage of 88 Humboldt 1241 Krupp 1238 versus Bryan mills 1309 Hill, R. T., Mexican placers 2036 Hille, F., Bilharz spitzlutte 477 concentrating galena and zinc blende . . .1178, 1181 gravity stamps 225 Krupp amalgamating table and Laszlo amal- gamator 788 losses in gold stamp mills 1178 material for jigs 643 Himmelfahrt-Fund mine, classifier at 413 mill ..936, 958, 1087, 1099, 1102, 1116, 1127, 1135 1177, 1182 sieve scale in 367 Himmelfiirst-Fund mill 1177 mine, air concentrator at 818 dry concentrator at 837 Hindered settling 1460 and suction, final conclusions on 631 classifiers, deep-pocket 1387 shallow-pocket 1384 defined 464, 1421 full-tube velocities of quartz and galena 1430 general principles 610 in kieves 727 pan concentrator 683 on jigs 494 ratio, theoretical value of 1427 free to hindered settling 1430 ratios 617, 625 results of tubular classifier tests on 613 tests 610, 1428 in pulsion jig 623 use made of, in mills 889 versus free settling 1431 washer 520 Hinged hammer pulverizer, Jeffrey 1321 Williams 1322 stone breaker 2014 History of hydraulic classifiers 1337 Hoagland, M., Sons Co., rolls 77 breaker 57 rolls at Mill 157 1820 Hobson, J. B., and E. A. Wiltsee, arrastra at Smarts- ville and Mooney Flat 290 gravity stamps 225 Hochstedt air blast apparatus 816, 839 Hochstrate air blast apparatus 838 dust apparatus 837 Hochstrate apparatus at Rheinpreussen colliery. 839 tubular classifier for coal 479 Hodge, C. J., Collom jig 510 disc motion for jigs 536 jigs 517, 522 and Cleaves sand pumps at Mill 182 1910, 1911 classifier 476 jigs 1440, 1446 at mills . . 1896, 1898, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1909, 1910, 1911 differential motion for 1457 Hodges, A. D., amalgamating pans 291 Comstock lode 291 hand sampling 884 Jr., impurities in amalgam 251 silver milling on Comstock lode 1175 Hoe conveyors 1582 at Mill 141 1762 for skimming jigs 576 Hoffman 288 magnetic separator 832, 835 mill 1706 291 cone mill 292 W. H., concentration at the Croton mines 1175 cost of milling 1135 magnetic concentration at the Croton iron mines 1180 Sturtevant mill 288 at Croton iron mines 298 Hofman, H. 1175 Anaconda Copper Company 1922 Blake and Gates breakers in the Black Hills 57 gravity stamps in the Black Hills 224 grizzlies in the Black Hills 385 hand sampling and various samplers 884 Homestake and Caledonia mortars 228 Lewis and Bartlett bag process 885 metallurgy of lead xix 48 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Hofman, H. O., mortars 164, 165 mortar linings 166 plates and traps in the Black Hills 787 roasting a blende-marcasite concentrate for magnetism 2025 Hog trough classifier 390, 476, 1367 Hoists 1608 for gravity stamps 200 Filling's pneumatic 1608, 1610 Holes, arrangements of in screens 168 in screens relation of ;thickness of plates and wires to diameters of, as found in the mills . . . 372 size of, in sieves 546 Holibaugh, J. R., hand jigs in Missouri 643 zinc ore in Missouri 1181 Holloway, G. T., disadvantage of the mesh designa- tion 2019 Holman Brothers' Ltd. Acme table 1506 Holmes & Blanchard, buhrstone mill 252 Holtoff, H. C viii Homberg, Hochstedt apparatus at 816 Home Run mill, Prescott, Arizona, Nissen stamps at 1264 Homestake mill, cam shafts 190 cyaniding at. F. L. Bosqui 1925 dies used in 163 dimensions of tappets in 189 fineness of amalgam 764 guides in 155 history of the. C. H. Fulton 2041 life of cam shafts in 190 shoes and dies 184 mortar mouth 166 mortars 164, 165 plates in : 789 rate of crushing in 165 screen frame 177 screens used in 175 shoes in 181 stamps 224 tappets 188 treatment at the. C. W. Merrill 2044 Mining Company 1133 mill xxviii, 1025, 1181, 1639 mortar 160, 228 at Mill 106 1640 modern 1267 ore, metallurgy of. C. W. Merrill 1419 slime plant. M. Ehle, Jr 1925 stamp compared with steam stamp 136 Hood, O. P., test of Nordberg stamp at Mill 181. .. 1250 Hoop tighteners for trommels 355 Hooper, E. H., suspension of solids in a horizontal cur- rent of water 477 air jig 820 Hooper's vanning jig 505 Hoover, C. H., economy and speed of operating mine 1948 Hope breaker 61 Hope's stamp 227 Hopkins, T. C., washing kaolin 1183 Hoppe, O., action of jigs 499 jig bed 641 settling in water 1186 suction in a jig bed 643 tests on jigging 630 water separation 1 186 Hopper bottomed classifiers 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 shaped shallow-pocket classifiers 400 unwaterer 476 Hoppers for rolls 83 Horel, V., progress in concentration 2049 Horizontal log washer 328 mills 255 plunger for jigs 517 shafts of amalgamating pans 248 washers for clay 1076 Horn amalgamating pan 291 Horn rotary slime concentrator, the 1499 Hornsilver Mining Co 1181 mill xxvii, 1015 Horn spoon 1 153 Horse-power. See Power also under each machine. equivalents of 1188 of Blake breakers 17, 21, 24 Comet breaker 41, 46 Dodge breaker 30 Forster breaker 28 Gates and McCully breakers 45 breaker 38, 46 McCully breaker 44 rolls .. 64 Horse-power, rule for breakers 53 steam stamps 131 Sturtevant roll jaw breaker , 33 Hoscur ore feeder 2032 Hot air heating 1099 sand for sweating plates 759 water for sweating plates 759 Hotop, oscillating ram for rolls 1 12 washing of clays '/.'. 1135 Houghton County, Michigan, mill in 994, 1000 Housing for elevators, etc 862, 1099 rolls 83 trommels ' 353 Howe, H. M '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 188 and W. E. C. Eustis, magnetic process for nickel 833 Howell J. and M. B. Jamieson, Collom jigs at Broken Hill 643 concentrating silver ores at Broken Hill, New South Wales 1182 stamps at Broken Hill, New South Wales 227 steam stamps at Broken Hill, New South Wales 142 Howell-White roasting furnace 1545 furnaces at Mill 148 1792, 1793 Howland mill No. 1 235 No. 2 232 bibliography for 290 patent stamp battery 229 pulverizer No. 1, bibliography for 297 riffles 722 rotary stamp mill 225 Huanchaca Mining Co., size of stamp feed 207 Hubbard, Prevost, decomposition of the feldspars . . . 1400 and Cushman, A. S., decomposition of feld- spars 1418 Hubner, Bartsch and Linkenbach tables 729 testing slimes at Tarnowitz 1186 Huet & Geyler's jig '. . 641, 643 settling cylinder 478 Huff, Charles H., electrostatic separation 1551 electrostatic separator 1551, 1611 principle of action of 1552 sizes treated by 1552, 1553 Hughes Davipt, electromagnet 812 penumatic stamp 143 Huile gold mill. A. Lakes 2041 Hull, Florida, mill at 897 Humboldt coal breaking machine. M. J. Julin . . . 2050 crushing rolls 1244 Engineering Works Company 1493 ball mill 1301 Bartsch rotary percussion table 1497 belt percussion table 1496 Blake breakers 1205 Dodge-type breakers 1206 high-speed rolls 1241 Humboldt crushing rolls 1244 magnetic separators 1530 picking table 1437 sand wheels 1586 tables at Mill 150 1800, 1801 high-speed rolls. C. Blomeke 2016 "Perfect Table" 2023 riffle concentrator. C. Blomeke 2023 Humphrey, R. K., roll crushing 2010 mill . 1766 Creede, Colorado 2044 new rolls 2010 quartz mill 2015 rolls 1234, 1244 table of sizes, power, speeds, weights, etc. . . . 1235 Hundt's settling tub 478 Hungarian mercury wells 770 mill 787 riffles 725, 770 Hungary, stamp mills in. J. Bauer 2034 U-shaped classifier 424 Hunt, R., arrastra 290 Ball's revolving knife buddle 334 breakers 56 British mining xix buddle jig 518 buhrstone mill 253 Carr disintegrator 298 cost of crushing by rolls 104 Cunnack's pulverizer 293 edge runners 295 English, German, and French types of rolls . . 109 49 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Hunt, R., general milling ideas 1 173 gravity stamps 223 grist mill or buhrstone mill 291 Harz, Argalls, Collom, circular slime jigs . . . 639 Husband and Sholl pneumatic stamps, Patter- son spring stamp 143 Jordan's pulverizer 299 Marsden breakers 56 Michell and Tregoning pulverizer 294 Nicholas pulverizer 292 pointed boxes, cone classifier, Hodge's class- ifier 476 Wilson's small stamp 142 Huntington amalgamating pan 291 centrifugal roller mill 235 mills 110, 228, 276, 1182, 1311 as regrinding machines 1332-1333 at Butte, Montana 2014 mills.. 1625, 1668, 1684, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1694, 1701, 1711, 1738, 1753, 1839, 1845, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1897 bibliography for 296 Boss, M. P 1281 roller mill 1313 capacities of 281 with various screens 1314 centrifugal force in 278 comparative work of stamps and Huntington mills 1262 cost of crushing by 281, 1318 costs, life of, wearing parts in the. C. E. Parsons 2014 die rings and roller shells 280 dimensions and weights 280 feeding 1314 foundations for 1313 Fraser and Chalmers figures on 280 Harron, Rickard & McCone 1281 improved 1311 in Australia. A. G. Charleton 2014 El Oro, cost of running 2014 general 1313 southern Rhodesia. C. Parsons 1323 life of screens 1317 wearing parts 1317 new improved 1313 number used 231 Power & Mining Machine Co 1281 purpose, power and capacity 280 quality of work done by 1317 screens for 281, 1314 screen sizing test of feed and product of Hun- tington mill 1316 Sherman 1281, 1313 sizing test of pulp from 1317 table of sizes, power, speeds, and weights of improved 1312 used in California 231 Mill 21 413 near Tremnitz, Hungary 282 valuable paper on. C. E. Parsons 2016 versus Bryan mills 273 stamps 228 oscillating stamp 227 patent stamp mill 229 theory of flotation processes 1556 Huntoon, L. D., separation by crushing and screen- ing 1566 Hurdy Gurdy water wheels 1023, 1089 Hurst, George H., methods of washing 1173 painters' colors, oils, and varnishes xx Hiirter, C. S , wave action on amalgamating plates. . 1619 Husband and Sholl penumatic stamp 143 pneumatic stamps 141, 1082 Hutch, discharges into the 586 for jigs, slope of 523 product, definition of 495 on jigs, defined 495 Hutches for jigs 523 Hutchins, J. P., dredging in Montana 2039 the Klondike 2038 gold dredging in 1906 2038 history of dredging 2037 flutchinson, W. S viii Gates canvas plant 729 plant at Grass Valley 1184 milling in Chihuahua, Mexico 2038 mining in western Chihuahua 1923 sieve scales 1361 standardization of laboratory screens 1366 Hutchinson, W. S., standardization of screens 2019 Huxley, E. C., breakers 57 Hoagland breaker 57 Hyams, G. M viii Hydraulic classifier. See Classifiers. classifier 387 Bilharz 475 Dalton 398 deep double trough 416 pocket 409 double cone 426 extent of classification 1433 Ferraris 400 Fraser and Chalmers 416 G. G. Gates' 418 hopper-shaped shallow-pocket 400 measures of a four-spigot, with sorting columns of a 3-inch pipe 403 purpose and essential qualities of 389 Richards' shallow-pocket 401 sizes of feed to 389 trough or shallow- pocket 389 Yeatman 399 discharge for steam stamp at Mill 179 1897 giants 55, 333 for phosphate 898 Monitor 333 gold mining. G. H. Evans 2041 jigs, compared with air jigs 825 mean depth in launders 876 methods, discussion of. R. H. Grider 2026 mining. See under Placer. at British Guiana. F. W. Luick 2033 by elevator. C. W. Wright 2044 cost of. W. H. Radford 2033 in British Columbia 2033 California 2037 W. H. Radford 2033 Colorado. W. E. Thorne 2033 K. Thomas 2046 riffles for 721, 770 mortar discharge at Mill 182 1909, 1912 pneumatic, and spring stamps 1246 separators at Kalgoorlie mill 2034 stamps 1257 the Denny 1257 tables 1187 water for jigs 537 quantity 598 table of 596, 597 in classifiers 387 Hydraulicking 897, 1006 bibliography for 1173 in Oregon. A. P. Dittmar 2045 of low-grade gravels. P. Bouery 2044 plants 1006 under artificial pressure. J. A. Yeatman 2044 See also Placer. Hydrochloric acid in settling tests 1147 used on plates 752 Hydrogen, atomic weight of 1 188 amalgamator 787 Hyposulphite leaching ^ 1167 I Ice, specific gravity of 1 189 Ichon, separation process 839 Idaho, cost of mining and milling in 1130 milling in 1134 dredging in 1009 mill in 1178 mine, Alabama, mill at 1 174 amalgamation at 787 Springs, Colorado, Cammett table at 677 mills at 915, 1029, 1047 pan concentrator 683 shaking screens at 342 Idlers for belts 1094 Idlewild Gold Mining Co., mill 1021 Idria, Austria, hand picking at 493 mill for quicksilver ore 1074 picking of waste at 481 quicksilver dressing at 1183 I Know mill xxv, 901 Emenite, specific gravity of 1 189 Imlay table 681 I. M. M. standard laboratory sieve scale 1362 Impact screen 1348, 1351 at Mill 151 1803 50 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Imperfections of deep- pocket classifiers 409 Imperial magnetic separator 2209 . 2019 . 1350 . 1311 . 1312 ore screen table of sizes and capacities of the Improved Huntingdon mill table of sizes, power, speeds, and weights Impulse water wheels .......................... 1089 Impurities in amalgam, removal ................ 251 Inch, equivalents of ............................ 1187 Included grains ............................. 318, 1121 action of ................................ 892 Indian metallic red paint mine ................... 839 Indicator bell on steam stamps .................. 129 cards of steam stamps ............. 130, 131, 132, 133 vanners .................... . .......... 657 diagrams of Nordberg single-cyclinder steam stamp ............................... 1250, 1251 steeple-compound stamp ............... 1254 for jig .................................... 632 Individual mortar .............................. 2012 mortars at Mill 165 ........................ 1852 Merrill's mortar .......................... 1264 M. P. Boss mortar ....................... 1265 Nissen mortar ........................... 1263 Rapid Economy .......................... 1266 Induction motor, increased use of in milling ....... 1927 Ingalls, W. R., conveyors ....................... 1609 Ferraris ball mill ..................... 1323, 2014 Giroux mill, Ely, Nevada .................. 2039 gold dredging in the United States ......... 1183 milling ................................ 2040 Macquisten process ...................... 1569 mill of the Steptoe Valley S. & M. Co., Ely, Nevada ' ........................ . ..... 2039 milling the ore of Bingham, Utah .......... 2039 ore drying ............................... 1610 power required for screw conveyors ........ 1583 Inman, A. L., multiple jaw breaker plant .......... 57 on breakers .............................. 57 Inscribing circles for cams ....................... 196 gravity stamps ......................... 216 Inside amalgamated plates ...................... 178 amalgamation ............................ 223 Inspection of jig bed ........................... 1171 Instalment plan of mills ........................ 1118 Institution of mining and metallurgy on sieve scales 1362 Instructions for mounting Blake breaker .......... 18 Interest and depreciation on breakers ............. 49 Intermediary jig ............................... 571 Intermediate bins .............................. 843 Intermittent automatic discharge for jigs ......... 584 bumping tables ............................ 682 movable sieve power jigs .................... 506 or tank system of working amalgamating pan . 248 surface tables .............................. 700 blanket tables ......................... 703 carpet tables ........................... 703 cocoa matting ......................... 702 Cornish "frames" ...................... 704 German sweeping tables ................ 703 International committee of atomic weights ........ 1188 Emery & Corundum Co., mill .......... 1078, 1079 magnetic separator .......................... 1533 separators at mills ......... 1535, 1746, 1747, 1748 Phosphate Company, McLanahan and Stone sin- gle-roll crusher at ...................... 1241 Interstitial currents, tests on .................... 626 factor on jigs .............................. 575 ratios on jigs ........................ 627, 630, 631 Investigation of box classifiers ................... 434 feed, slope, and water for film sizing tables . . 707 pulsion and suction in mill jigs ............. 632 settling of fine grains ...................... 473 Wilfley table wo-k ........................ 1469 classified feed ...................... 1473 conclusions ........................ 1477 discussion of results ................ 1474 natural feed ........................ 1471 practical applications of results ...... 1477 sized feed .......................... 1473 Iodide of methyl .............................. 1156 potassium and mercury Iodine, atomic weight of lodvrite, specific gravity of Indium, atomic weight of 1 156 1188 1189 1188 1189 1189 Irish Creek, tin ore at ........................... 288 Iron-aluminum, alloy for jig beds ................. 575 Iron amalgam .............................. 730, 751 specific gravity of rHosmine, specific gravity of Iron, atomic weight of Hgg balls for jig beds at Mill 183 1458 City mill, effect of slow drop stamps 220 cloth screens 173 concentrates, disadvantage of 1053 crushing QQ for jig screens 545 mill buildings 1088 surface of Gilpin County table 681 frames for jigs 522 vanners 651 Gate, Virginia, iron ore from 809 guides for stamps 155 Jig 510 life of 604 tanks 522 lining for ore bins 842 lost in pan amalgamation 249 magnetic oxides of 813 manufacture in Alaska. W. B. Phillips 2025 Mountain, Bradford jig at 500 hydraulic nozzle at 334 mill at 895, 897, 1185 plate screens in 173 sampling at 845 sizing tests of trommel products at 383 ore by Edison process, preparation of 2010 concentrated by magnets 798 concentration of 2018 bibliography for 1173 Lake Superior. L. H. Hardenburgh .... 2036 R. Nordensten 2040 cost of milling 1 135 producing concentrates in eastern United States 1986, 1987 in Quebec, milling of chrome. W. H. Ed- wards 2043 jig for 518 magnetized by heat 799, 800 mills for 895, 1053, 1065, 1066 of Coleraine, Minn 1924 separated by magnets 790 treated by hydraulic nozzle 334 in log washer 324 by wash trommel 330 washing. W. Kellett 2018 ores in Birmingham, Alabama, washing soft. W. R. Crane 2041 magnetic separation of. H. Wedding 2030 roasted for magnetism 814 to magnetic oxides 813 washing of Mesabi 2040 permeability of 792 pipe 1106 sizes 405 punchings for jig bed 574 riffles 722 riffle tables on dredges 1008 sieve frames for jigs 539 specific gravity of 1189 cast 1189 wrought 1 189 stamp frames 158 strip for fastening amalgamated plates 735 table for amalgamated plates 735 wear and loss of, in amalgamating pans 249 Irons on launders 872 Irregularity of feeding 1115 Isbells improved hydraulic sizer 2020 Isel Corundum Co., mill 1183 Ivanhoe mill 1731 Tack .......................................... 900 Jacket shaft for gravity stamps .................. 199 steam for amalgamating pan ................ 243 Jackling conveyor belts at Mill 167 .............. 1859 Jackson, California, mill at ............ 1031, 1034, 1037 vanner at ............................. 653 concentrator, Idaho Springs, Colorado. C. M. Rath and R. L. Grider .................... 2042 roll speeds ................................ 7 James, Alfred, definition of slimes ................ 1398 discussions of the tube mill ................ 2015 milling practice on the Rand .............. 2014 tube mill installation ..................... 2014 automatic ore feeder ........................ 2032 51 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. James Bogardus eccentric mill 259 Carkeek classifier 416 concentrator 1490 slimer 1491 Jamieson, M. B. and J. Howell, Collom jigs at Broken Hill .. : 643 concentrating silver ores at Broken Hill, New South Wales 1182 stamps at Broken Hill, New South Wales . 227 steam stamps at Broken Hill, New South Wales 142 Janin, L. Jr viii adjustments of a stamp battery 227 amalgamated plates 743, 748, 750 amalgamating pans 291 arrastra 290 impurities in amalgam 251 plates and traps 789 purifying mercury 785 rolls for cyanide process Ill straining amalgam 781 Jaquet, J. B., hydraulicking in New South Wales . . 1178 Jar, affecting settling of slimes 1149 effect of, on plates 735, 761 Jars for settling tests 1146 Jarvis, R. P., determination of the hindered-settling ratio between quartz and galena 1460 investigation on jigging 1463 suction in jigging 1462 Jaw breakers 55-57 action of 36 capacity of 52 classified 13 compared with spindle breakers 51, 53 cost of 52 distribution of crushing in mill 54 fine crushing in 54 friction 54 general remarks 33 having equal motion on coarse and fine lumps 25 greatest movement on largest lump ... .28, 1205 smallest lump 13, 1200 intermittent action of 55 Krupp's wearing parts for 1221 necessity for simplicity of action in 36 number used 51 of Dodge type 28 Western Wheeled Scraper Co 25 power of 52 principle of action 52 running cost 54 size and shape of mouth 54 sizing tests of product 53 table of cost of crushing of 50 taper 52 tests on work required for 307 weight of 52 breaker plates, comparative wear of metals for, in Blake breakers 48 movements on breakers 34 Jeffrey belt conveyor 859 conveyors at Mill 183 1913 Century conveyor belt 2032 coke crusher 2013 Columbian separator 2019 double beaded flight conveyor at Mill 126 1706 Manufacturing Co., bucket elevators 864 Columbian pulsating screen 343 drag or disc conveyors 1583 friction clutches 1607 pulverizer and shredder 1321, 1323 table of sizes, capacities, power, etc 1322 steel link-chain scraper-conveyor at Mill 126 ... 1709 swing hammer crusher 1281 capacity of 2015 trippers at Mill 183 1913 Jenlsch ball mill 233, 261 Jenkins, C. V., keeping accounts 1184 Jenks, C. N., dressing corundum 1183 washing pan for corundum 335 Jerking tables 667 Bartlett 492 for testing 1153, 1171 principle of 644 trough conveyors 861 Jets on slime tables 688, 689 Jet washer 334 J. H. Frenier and Son, spiral sand pump made by . 870 Jig and table departments at mills 1691, 1811 bedding 1458 52 Jig bed inspection 1 171 beds, boils, and hard banks 600 box 495 concentrates, removal of 586 department at Mill 161 1841 discharges . 510 at Mill 137 1458 Krupp Harz 1446 New Century jig 1445 Woodbury 1447 frames 507, 522 Hancock 1459 hutches 523 indicator 632 linings 527 mechanism 519 mechanisms. See the Individual Jigs. New Century 1459 Richards' pulsating 1459 screens and screen frames 510, 538 cost of 547 cross bars on 504, 574 details of 540 length of 592 materials for 545 percentage of opening 546 slope of 548 supports for 539 spigots 527 tailings, definition of 494 removal of 587 tanks, materials for 522 testing 1161 Jigging, an investigation on. R. P. Jarvis 1463 comparison of English and continental system of. H. S. Munroe 1463 effect of suction 628 English system of 1463 general principles of pulsion in 1460 suction in 1461 laws of 610 lever on hand jigs 496 mills 1101, 1103 power used in 602 using hand jigs 802 new developments in 2022 pulsion velocity in 1460 sizing before 1463 suction and pulsion in 1460 tank 495 tests 1165 on mixed sizes 630 theory of 631 suction in jigging 1462 without sizing 609 Jigs 494, 1150 See also Air Jigs, Hand Jigs, Harz Jigs. accelerated 507, 510, 515, 519 mechanisms for 533 action of 494 adjustments of 595 pulsion and suction 598 throw 531 air 640,820 bibliography for 837 versus water 826 and vanners versus oil concentration 832 results compared with Elmore process .... 832 Argall's 639 at mills.. 1448, 1449, 1685, 1686, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1708, 1714, 1720, 1725, 1728, 1729, 1737, 1738, 1743, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1767, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1788, 1789, 1792, 1793, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1812, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1837, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1849, 1854 1855, 1858, 1864, 1867, 1869, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1885, 1892, 1893, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1930 automatic discharges for 576, 577 Baum 519 bibliography of 639 Bilharz circular % 504, 518 oblong movable sieve 503 bottom bed of, products of 495 Bradford 500 Braun . 641 buddle 518 cam and gravity in Stutz coal jigs 537 spring mechanism for 507 capacity of 599 power and water 596, 597 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Jigs, Cazin's 640, 641, 642, 643 center discharge in 582 changes in the Harz 2022 circular 518 classes of 551 classification of 551 classifier 1447 at Mill 120 1452 cleaning sieves of 576 clearance of plunger 529, 530 coarse concentrates of 494 Collom 510, 1440, 1446 compartments in 507 compressed air 519 Conkling 503 connecting rods for 530 construction of 524, 527 continuous movable sieve power 499 Cooley 522,643 cost of 604, 1126 cover 537 dead box on 510 depth of longitudinal partition 524 details of 552 Diescher coal 520 difference in specific gravity of minerals for ... 609 different types of 2021 differential-motion, variable-crank mechanism of 1457 disc motion in 536 discharges into the hutch 586 with unwatering sieves 586 disposal of concentrates in 585 double discharge in 583 with one shaft 530 drop between sieves 549 eccentric for 510, 531 effect of bedding 1463 slimy water 599 elliptical gear in 536 Evans 517 Evrard's 642, 643 experimental data on. G. C. Bring 2022 feed aprons for 549 box for 549 Ferraris intermediate 539, 540, 584 fine concentrates of 495 fixed sieve 507, 1444 for testing 1150, 1174, 1989 three mineral separation 590 two mineral separation 589 four mineral separation on 590 Francou 519, 643 gate and dam discharges 577 general considerations 522 Green's movable sieve 639 Hancock 504, 643, 1440 hand 495, 519 practice in the mills 498 Harz compared with Collom 515 -eccentric bedded sand jig at Mill 125 1703 type 507 head plunger form 518 Heberwasche 520 height of gate and dam 578 tailboard 550 hinged connecting rod for 530 Hodge 1440, 1446 Hooper's vanning 505 Huet & Geyler's , 641, 643 hutch spigot 507 hydraulic water quantity in 537, 598 indicator cards of 632 intermittent automatic discharge 584 movable sieve 506 interstitial factor 575 iron 510 balls for bedding 1458 sieve frames 539 kinds of 525 Krom's penumatic 824 Krupp Harz 1446 labor for 604 Lamarche and Schwarz 641 Lemiere's 643 length of stroke 594 life of 604 limits of sizes treated by 604 longitudinal partition. . . '. 524 Luhrig 538 53 Jigs, McLanahan's 518, 538 making coarse concentrates and tailings 570 hutch and tailings 571 hutch and tailings 572 material of bottom bed 573 materials for tanks 522 May's 643 mechanism for 517 method of running 551 methods of feeding 543 movable sieve hand 495 AT testing ;;; 62 7 JNew Century 1444 drop motion 537 number of compartments '. 588 strokes 592 operation of 506 Osterspey 538, 642 Parsons & Fisher 517 pipe discharge in 583 Plumb circular 641 plunger 528 attachment to connecting rods 529 plungers for 510, 517 on 510 position of 1 108 power used by 602 principle and advantages of 2022 purpose, and definitions 494 products of 494 pulsion 518, 538 and suction investigated 632 type 520 purpose and adjustments 552 range of sizes fed to 606 relation of sieve to plunger 528 removal of coarse concentrates 576 tailings in 587 repairs on 604 Rexroth '. . 641 Richards' pulsator jig 1453 table of sizes, capacities, and dimensions . 1455 Rittinger's 643 Robinson 504 Rogers 642 Schranz 503, 641 screen saving device for 2022 shaft and pulleys for 532 Sheppard 538, 642 side discharge in 580 plunger 529 sieve wires and prices 547 sieves 641 size of grains of bottom bed 575 sieve hole 573 sizing before jigging 1463 skimming of 576 slime 518 slope of hutches in 523 sieves 548 slow return 533 speed of 592 Spilsbury 527 spring and bell crank mechanism for 511 Stapff 642, 643 stay box for 551 boxes for discharges 584 steam driven 519 Stroh's 642 study of water. N. V. Hansell 1463 G. G. Bring 1463 Stutz 538 coal 523 tailboards for 510 testing of 1170 tests on suction in 627 thickness of bottom bed 575 top layer of, products of 495 under-piston type 520 unwatering boxes 588 Utsch 519, 640, 641 versus Ferraris tables. M. Lenicque 2021 magnets 836 tables 606, '641 Vezin 1150 water for 537, 598 Wendt 530, 640 whole bed of, products of 495 width of sieves 591 Wimmers 643 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Jigs with movable sieves - Woodbury 1440 ' working of Johannesborg, Sweden, mill at mill South Africa, mill at Johnson figures on sampling filter press at Mill 117 F. M., on Griffin mill : ; ; G. and A. Treloar, magnetic separation of tin and wolfram -.-. ; G. R., log washer at Longdale, Virginia log washing plant at Longdale, Va J. E., Jr., automatic shoveler ........... reservoirs for tailings of the Longdale Iron Co 1440 > 477 mechanical sand shoveler 46 1, 899 at Mill 155 *}' ore mill. J. Johnson z "i? Paul, Cornish sampling at El Paso smelter rules for sampling < steel for wearing parts of breakers . . .^ - . . ^ ^jg 1834, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1858 . 1620 Johnston vanner . . vanners at mills . . 1502, 844 > . - - - 1971, 1972, Karwin, jigs at Kas, A., Distl-Susky screw grate 668 728 1182 997 1555 in California practice John Taylor and Company Joints for belts . : Jones, Clemens, costs of concentrating iron ore magnetic separation of iron magnetizing hematite sampler .-. Joplin district, cost of milling .... producing zinc in hand jigging practice * mill in the *? milling in the. E. Hedburg 2041 milling the sheet ore of. D. Bnttam ....... 2039 reverberatory furnace for magnetic separation 1545 Foundry Company, roll shells at Mill 148 1792 Jack table, a magnetic separator ^025 Missouri, mill at '1709 practice at Mill 148 . - I 792 Separating Company, Cleveland-Knowles sepa- Jordan? centrifugal 'grinder and amalgamator . . . bibliography for * pulverizer 2 qq bibliography for ^2 Joseph Wharton mill 1053, 1054, 1117 Mining Co., mill : 1 58 Joshua Hendy Iron Works Company, Finder Con- centrator l < Machine Works. See Hendy, J. Machine Works I 96 , 209, 229 breaker used ** vanner ^%Z Journal lubrication ^|j" Journals, care of ^L for rolls qe friction in - ^": Jubilee & Salisbury mill, details of stamps 2^1 Tudd E. K., concentration at Virgilina. . . 2UdS ' ultra-violet rays for detection of willemite .... 204 Julian and Smart, cyanidings of gold and silver ores IMA Jumpers Deep mill ||Y mine, weight of ore at liyi Kalb, Courtenay de ......... .................... 25 7 Kalgoorlie, ball mill practice in .................. 1302 dry crushing at ............................ *" Kamfersdam mill ....... - ................... 100 Kanawha freestone, strength of ................... " Kansas, hand jigging in ........................ o mill ...................................... 1 1 AQ Kaolin Mfg. Co., settling apparatus ............... ii settling of ................................. l \*l rate of .................................. |ij use of alum for settling .................. *g washing ............................... 1075, 1183 T. C. Hopkins ....................... 2 026, 2028 Kaolimte, specific gravity of ................... 4 Karlik oscillating grizzly ...................... MR ' Kavan, Rittinger table Kavicic, J., Rittinger table Kayser, H. W. F. and Richard Pro vis, tin dressing at Bischoff, Tasmania Kearsarge mine Keedy dry-ore sizer Keewatin, Ontario, mill at ll>/ vanners at "J?J Kegelmvihle 232 255 Keith, N. S., amalgamating plates 7 * 7 'J2P> 789 Kellogg, Idaho, mill at - - - 937, 951 Kelly mill, Socorro, New Mexico. W. M Johnson 2046 Kemp J. F., Desloge mill for galena in Missouri. . . 11S5 ore deposits of U. S. and Canada 1924 Kennedy gyratory breakers .- ]*M Mining and Milling Company mill . .xxviu, 1031, 1037 spindle breaker ::A | 2 f3 Kennicutt system of softening water 141b, 1419 Kensington, F. R., washing iron ore at Cabarceno, Spain 1182 Frederick', wash trommel 335 Kent, centrifugal force ias* 206* 250 cost of power *, 20b, 2t>U gauges ! journal pressure in rolls " lubricants *' mill 128 . 1303 mill similar to the *"|' pulverizing mill 7 onl roller mill, table of details of the 1304 screen gauge water pipes William .. engineers' pocket book ** strength of stone j|Y Kessler magnetic separator Kettle for amalgam 'g Key, A. Cooper, hand picking on the Rand ' to mill numbers ^ the outline of mills 1614, 1615 Keys for stamp cams iyi > | stamp tappets \? Keystone Consolidated Mining Company mill . -^^^j mill, mortars 1 Jjjj Kia Ora dredge ; i - Gold Dredging Company mill xxyu .-.lor.*- lUUo ...726,1464, 1510 858 .50, 93, 104, 1097, 1173 bibliography for continuous coupled with slime tables depth of bed details of in mills for cleaning jig concentrates iples of ' pnnci pica UL - -trim used in gold dredging 1013 Kiln for drying *i Kilo of water **' or kilogram, equivalents of iiaa per square centimeter *|' Kilogram-meters, equivalents of *|<* Knometer, equivalents of ||' Kilowatts, equivalents of |^ Kimberley, diamond washing at dy, luou mines, weight of ore 1 i?i weathering blue ground at Kimberlite 1081 ., Karlik and Klein moving grizzlies Kimberly Wilfley mill, Kokomo, Colorado 2046 Kinds of crushing actions ** ore for gravity stamps - surface on slime tables King Brothers mines, mill bucking board Clarence, amalgamating pans g" gravity stamps r,^ settlers and agitators '' silver amalgamation ; : -.^ 1 United States Geological explorations of 4 parallel Washoe and Reese River processes magnetic separator revolving screen advantages of the KingST'FoSndry" and Machine Company cent- rifugal pump at Mill 127 Kingston School of Mines, testing laboratory of the G J. McKay 204{ '1079, 1117 .1279, 1285 1173 832 2018 2019 1356, 1360 54 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Kinkead ball mill 234 bibliography for ... mill at Goldfield, Nevada bibliography for . . . 295 ....235,276, 1184,2014 , use of the. C. T. Rice. 2038 . 296 number used Kirby E B jigs 231 . . . 643 systems of ore dressi mr . .. 1184 weight of broken ore 1 190 weights of ores 1179 K'rschner, L., breaking 56 Gates and Blake breakers 56 gold mills in Europe 1173 gravity stamps 223 Grundriss der Erzauf bereitung xx Kavan-Rittinger and Luhrig tables 729 Laszlo's amalgamator 787 magnetic separation 832 movable sieve hand jig, Harz and Bilharz jigs 639 Pape-Henneberg concentrator 839 picking tables 492 pointed boxes, spitzlutte 476 Schranz mill 296 slime tables 727 three types of rolls 109 Kirsten and Labram, greased table 831 Klein classifier. F. H. Regel 2020 principle of 2020 jig, description of the 2021 L. A., dressing asbestos 1182 moving grizzly bars 386 Klein's solution 1156 Kley breaker 55 Knee-frames for gravity stamps 157, 158 Knife for scraping plates 762 Knight water wheel 1033, 1035, 1089, 1090 Knobs, rolls with 104-106 Knochenhauer, B., amalgam 788 arrastra 290 California stamps 225 figures on California gold mills 1177 Knop turbine 973 Knott dredge 1011 Knowles' duplex vacuum pumps at Mill 117 1673 New Century magnetic separator 1541, 1568 table of sizes, capacities, speeds, power, weights, etc., of 1542 pump 872, 914, 922 triplex pump at Mill 117 1674 Knox amalgamating pan 776 Koch, E., amalgamating pans on Comstock lode 291 capacity of jigs 597 Gottesgabe and Hammerwasche mills in West- phalia 1177 jigs at Gottesgabe and Hammerwasche mills at Westphalia 641 stamps in Comstock mills 230 stroke of jigs 594 H., ore dressing at Tarnowitz, Silesia 1186 Kohinoor mill 907 Empire Zinc Company xxv Kohler on jigs 643 Kolar District, India, cost of producing gold in . . 1981, 1982, 1983 Kolshorn & Streckers grinder 232 bibliography for 292 Kominor mill 2017 Konus breaker 2010 Kootenay Ore Company, B. C., the custom mill of the 2045 Koppel shoes and dies at Mill 97 1620 Kosmann, Freideberg mill 297 Propfe mill 297 Kossmann, B., Nicholas pulverizer 292 Krause mortar discharge for steam stamps . . 997, 1003, 1256 at Mill 179 1897 pneumatic stamp 141 Kreiss jerking conyeyor 884 Kretschmer, Franz, graphite dressing in Moravia . . . 1183 Krogh centrifugal pump at mills . . 1626, 1627, 1633, 1929, 1930 Krom air jig 824 belted rolls 82 breaker 56 movement of jaws 34 of Dodge type 31 cushioned rolls 2010 pneumatic jig 824 products from, on De Soto mine ore 824 results on Seminole ore 821 Krom rolling toggle breaker 2010 rolls 109, 110, 112, 224, 1182 sectional breaker of Blake type 21 S. R 30,31,45 advantages of air over water 838 and H .Van F . Furman, pneumatic concentration 838 T. A. Blake, improvements by Krom 59 boxes for rolls 73 breakers 57, 59, 60 Cornish rolls versus Krom rolls .... 110 stamps ;; 112 Krom breaker 57 Krom's pneumatic jig ; 839 maker of Rutter breaker 45 roll speeds .87, 88 tires 65 rolls 72, 77, 111 sizing test of roll product 100 stamps and rolls 316 versus rolls 230 Sturtevant mill versus rolls 110, 298 Krupp amalgamating table ' 788 ball mill 260, 1280, 2011, 2017 at Mill 128 1714 cams 1272 cam shaft 1272 concentrating table 2022 gyratory breakers 1215 high-speed rolls 1238 description of 1244 magnetic separator 2025 mining administration, magnetic plant of 1814 picking tables 1435 rock breaker 1202 roll shell turning device 1243 sectional guides for gravity stamps 1270 spitzlutten, the 1382 tables at Mill 128 1715 tube mills at Mill 118 1677 discharge of 1288 Krupp's wearing parts for jaw breakers 1221 Krypton, atomic weight of 1188 Kubale, Sheppard coal jig 643 Kunhardt, W. B. and G. W. Maynard, dressing of iron ores 1 185 jigging tests 643 W. B., breaker and mill separate 56 breakers 56 Brink and Hiibner disintegrator 298 buddies, slime tables, percussion tables, and kieves 727 capacity of jigs 597 corrosion of screens 354 crushing concentrates 1113 Dingey mill 293 drop between jig sieves 550 extent of crushing desirable 315 general milling 1173 gravity stamps 223 hand breaking and picking 492 Harz jigs 639 intermittent discharge 584 jig bed 576 discharges 583 plunger clearance 530 jigging unsized material 609 length of jig sieves 592 life of jigs 604 limit of jigging 605, 606 Nicholas pulverizer 292 ore dressing in Europe xx, 1185 pneumatic stamps 143 removal of jig tailings 588 roll shells 109 speeds 87 running jigs 572 Schranz mill 276, 296 settling tests 1146 Siemens and Friedrichssegen magnetic separ- ators 832 siphon separator, pointed boxes, spitzlutte . . . 476 slime tables 696 slope of jig sieves 548 slime tables 694 stay boxes for jig discharges 551, 585 stroke of jigs 594 thickness of jig bed 575 trommels and riddles 384 wear of jig screens 547 width of jig sieves 591 55 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Kutscher, E., jigs at Clausthal 643 ore dressing at Clausthal 1186 Kutter formula for flow of water 885 Labor cost of .................................. 1130 for breakers ............................ 51 breaking ............................. 50 efficiency, effect on costs ..................... 1 127 for arrastras ............................... 239 canvas tables ............................. 701 cleaning plates ........................ 758, 760 Conkling jig ............................. 503 dredge .................................. 898 hand jigs ................................ 499 Hooper air jig ............................ 824 jigs .................................. 507,604 mills .................................... 1101 pan amalgamation ....................... 250 trommels ................................ 361 settling tanks ............................ 459 stamps .................................. 206 washing pans ............................ 333 in the mills ................................ 1931 required at crushing plant of Mill 174 ........ 1883 mills . . 1619, 1621, 1622, 1628, 1633, 1639, 1656, 1664, 1676, 1678, 1685, 1688, 1698, 1705, 1709, 1712, 1730, 1739, 1745, 1757, 1759, 1761, 1764, 1768, 1786, 1791, 1793, 1801, 1816, 1817, 1820, 1827, 1830, 1835, 1841, 1848, 1852, 1856, 1871, 1881, 1887, 1890, 1918, 1920 by sampling department at Mill 174 ........ 1884 wage scales at mills.. 1619, 1621, 1622, 1626, 1629, 1633, 1657, 1664, 1676, 1678, 1680, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1690, 1698, 1705, 1712, 1730, 1745, 1757, 1762, 1764, 1794, 1804, 1816, 1820, 1830, 1841, 1848, 1852, 1859, 1865, 1881, 1919 Laboratory breaker, Case ........................ 1204 ore grinder. McKenna ................. 1285, 1323 slime table. H. S. Munroe ................. 2023 tools for testing ............................ 1 137 Labradorite, specific gravity of ................... 1189 Labyrinths ........... ....................... 447, 476 La Cananea, concentration at. M. Schwerin ...... 2037 mining camp. D. E. Woodbridge ......... 1923 Lacing for belts ................................ 1093 Ladder for dredges ............................. 1008 Lady Barkly mill, weight of stamps in ............ 190 La France Copper Company .................... 1836 Lagging for belts ............................... 1093 Lagrange colliery, air blast at ................... 837 Lake City, Colorado, mill at .................... 935 Harold stamp mill ......................... 1178 Superior, center discharge at ................ 582 Collom jigs at ........................... 515 concentration methods. R. R. Robert ...... 2040 copper mills ..114, 475, 1085, 1093, 1098, 1108, 1109, 1113 disposal of concentrates in ............ 586 mortar blocks in ...................... 148 T. A. Rickard ....................... 1419 mines, copper handbook ................. 1925 rock, settling slimes from ............... 458 size of grizzly used for ................ 340 cost of die, etc., at ........................ 121 milling at ....................... 1130, 1131 district, cost of producing copper in ____ 1948, 1949, 1950 hammers used ............................ 10 hog-trough classifier .................... 390, 476 hydraulic classifier, products of in Mill 46 ... 391 Mill 45 ....................... 391 iron ores ................................ 1054 works spindle breaker wearing parts ...... 47 517 fe of Collom jigs at ..................... 604 magnetic concentration at ................. 833 method of feeding jigs at .................. 549 milling practice. A. S. Atkinson ........... 2041 mills. T. A. Rickard .................... 1997 mills at.. 1089, 1102, 1174, 1175, 1184, 1183, 1186, 1997 automatic discharge in .................. 577 native copper mills ....................... 1 103 disposal of concentrates in ........ 587 size of grains in .................... 693 ore dressing, improvements in ............. 2037 region, drop hammers used in ............. 12 steam hammers used in ................. 12 jigs life Lake Superior, rock houses 485 slime tables at 697 stamp mill, power used at 310 Lake View mill, Australia. A. G. Charleton 2035 Lakes, Arthur, American pebbles for tube mills .... 2015 arrastra 2013 H. E. Woods testing plant 2048 Standard mill, Idaho 1183 Lamar, J. R. de 284 Lamarche and Schwarz coal jig 641 Lamb automatic tailings sampler . . . 1573, 1609 H. M., mining in British Columbia 2035 M. R., cyaniding at Goldfield, Nevada 1922 the Combination mill, Goldfield, Nevada 2038 Lamberton mill 234 bibliography for 295 Lamprecht, R., breakers 56 Brown's spindle breaker, Wolf's jaw breaker 56 Carr disintegrator 298 classifiers for coal 476 coal jigs 574 coarse and fine jigs for coal 639 cone mill 292 Die Kohlenaufbereitung xx grizzlies, riddles, and trommels 384 revolving and belt tables 492 rolls for crushing coal 109 Lancaster breaker 59, 60 Company, James H., Lancaster rotary pumps 1589 T. H., the Lancaster gold amalgamator 1520 pebble phosphate 895 Co., mill xxv, 897 Landis, H. K., blende mills in Missouri 1179 hand jigs and Harz jigs 642 jigs at Friedensville, Pa 642 Yeatman hydraulic classifier 477 zinc ore dressing at Friedensville, Pennsylvania 1 178 Landolt and Bornstein xx tables 1188 Lane Chili mills 2014 milling practice with the 2016 J. A. Stewart 2015 slow-speed mill 1280, 1308 at Bonita Mining Co.'s property 1309 Langerfeld, A., new coal picker 2021 Langguth, E., history of magnetic separation 2031 magnetic properties of minerals 837 Langley's crusher, bibliography for 296 dry crusher 274 improved dry crusher 234 Lannisdorf , centrifugal machine at 820 Lanthanum, atomic weight of 1188 La Point Flour Gold Separating Company, the C. A., suspended riffles 1509 gold separators, table of sizes, capacities, and weights 1510 Lard 1097 Largest size of concentrates saved in the mills 1119 tailings in the mills 1119 Laschinger's formula for average grain 1293 Last Chance mill xxvi, 945 Laszlo amalgamator 777 Lateral thrust, right and left hand cams 195 Latrobe steel die rings and roller shells, life of in mills 1728, 1749, 1771, 1773 wearing parts of Huntington mills, life of at Mill 139 1753 Latta & Martin Pump Company, displacement pump 1589, 1610 at Mill 144 1590, 1779 Lattes, O., ore dressing at Przibram 1177 Laumontite, specific gravity of 1189 Launders 872, 1592 at Mill 152 1812 bibliography for 885 Blue's experiments with 1594 distributing or sizing 1417 description of pipe. C. W. Van Law 1609 design and flow of sands. F. K. Blue 2032 flow of sand in. F. K. Blue 1609 for amalgamated plates 743 canvas tables 700, 701, 702 shunting 1109 spitzkasten 440 hydraulic mean depth 876 in the mills 874 linings for 1595 mean velocities of water in 877 on Linkenbach slime table 69 1 Overstrom's experiments with 1592 56 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Launders, pipe launders at Guanajuato 1595 plate glass launder linings at Mill 173 1595 quantities of water in 878 rectangular 877 skimming as applied to clarifying tanks 1409 speed of water current necessary to carry sand . 878 theory of flow in 876 wetted perimeter 876 Laurenburg, Prussia, hand picking at 492 jigging at 609 mill at ; 961, 1086, 1116, 1177 sieve' scale at 367 picking at 487 running jigs at 572 Schranz mill at 276 Laurium, Greece, magnetic separation at 812 Lautenthal, classifier at 479 hand picking at 492 jigging at 609 jigs at 643 mill at 1086 picking at 487 range of sizes at 609 sieve scale in mill 367 Lawrence, H. L., dressing zinc blende and magnetite at new Pierrefitte mines, France 1182 Machine Co., centrifugal pumps 869 Laws of classifying '. 464 bibliography for 475 crushing 300, 1325 bibliography for 315 conditions under which crushing is effected 1326 fineness of the desired product 1325 nature of material crushed 1325 power required for crushing 1334 relative efficiency of regrinding machines. . 1331 sources of lost power 1325 free-settling particles, method of investigation of, in surface current box classifiers . . 434 results of investigation of, in surface cur- rent box classifier 434 jigging 610, 1460 bibliography for 639 L. C. Trent and Company 270 Leach, A. H., picking belt of steel wire screen 492 Leaching, bibliography for 1173 copper ores 1 167 for wolframite 829 in tin ores 1081 silver ores with hyposulphite 1167 Lead amalgam 730 separated by hot straining 781 and silver ore, crushed by Blake breaker and Chili mill 271 atomic weight of 1188 bullets for jig bed 1081 City, South Dakota, mill at 1025 cost of producing 1960, 1968 ores, mill for ... 893, 900, 908, 909, 910, 911, 913, 915, 916, 926, 928, 935, 958, 961, 965, 1004, 1005, 1015, 1065, 1066 size of grizzly used for 340 treated at Mills 24, 25 69 by revolving knife buddle 329 removal of 251 shot for jig beds 574 tests on velocity of 626 -silver ores, mills for 925, 936 specific gravity of 1189 -zinc mill, outline of a. W. R. Crane 2041 ores, mills for 1120 Leadville, Colorado, filter bins at 1570 mill at 909, 910, 1069, 1179 mining district. T. Tonge 2035 roasting for magnetism at 814 Gold and Silver Extraction Company mill, .xxix, 1070 Leakage of magnets 793 Leather belts 1093 Leavitt, E. D.. Jr viii pump designed by 872 steam stamp . .114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 142 at Mill 177 1892 mortar jig 993 valve motion 124 Lebanon plant of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. . 1828 Le Chatelier, decomposition of siderite 1544 Ledoux, A. R., figures on sampling 852 rules for sampling 849 Leffel turbine wheel 916, 939, 1024, 1052, 1053, 1089 57 Le France Copper Company, copper handbook .... 1925 Leggett, Thomas H., diamond washing in South Africa 1178 pans 335 weathering at Kimberley, South Africa 839 Lehigh Mountain ore, magnetic separation of 810 Zinc & Iron Company, cost of screens 361 Lehman, F., washing of clays at Chicago 1178 Leighton, George, dressing phosphate in South Caro- lina 1183 magnetic separators 1528 Lemieres coal jig 643 Length and slope of trommels 378 of amalgamated plates 740, 744 jig sieves 592, 599 stroke of Card tables at mills 1660 1830 Evans jigs at mills 1837, 1838, 1843, 1844, 1845 feeder at Mill 125 1700 Frue vanners at mills . . 1625, 1627, 1662, 1711, 1712, 1755, 1844, 1865 greased tables at Mill 188 1921 Hancock jigs at mills 1710, 1846, 1869 Harz jigs at mills 1692, 1693, 1694, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1725, 1728, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1829, 1837, 1843, 1854, 1855, 1869, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1885 Hodge jigs at mills .... 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1909, 1910, 1911 jigs 594 at mills. . . 1685, 1686, 1707, 1708, 1858, 1929 Johnston vanners at Mill 167 1858 mortar jigs at Mill 177 1892 Overstrom tables at mills 1711, 1712, 1730 plunger feeders at mills. . 1749, 1750, 1751, 1857 shaking feeders at mills 1691, 1868 grizzly at Mill 124 1690 launders at mills 1693, 1694, 1761 simple steam stamp at Mill 182 ......... 1909 Sutton, Steele, and Steele dry table at Mill 151 1803 Triumph vanners at Mill 101 1627 vanners at Mill 122 1687 Wilfley tables at mills . . 1625, 1633, 1661, 1662, 1669, 1689, 1729, 1738, 1739, 1744, 1745, 1754, 1829, 1830, 1844, 1855, 1858, 1894 Woodbury-Benedict jigs at Mill 177 1893 concentrators at Mill 117 1669 trommels 349 units of 1187 Lenicque, M., testing of ores 2048 Lepidolite, specific gravity of 1 1 89 Lester breaker 56 Leupold spitzlutte . .' 2020 Leuschner magnetic table separator 2031 Levant mill for tin ore 1082 Levelling mortar blocks 147 up Wilfley tables 1468 Lever stamps 1246, 1261 Rapid Economy 1261 type of Blake breaker 22 Leviathan conveyor belt 1585 pulverizer . . . .- 236 bibliography of 299 Lewis and Bartlett bag houses 885 J. V., cleaning corundum at Sapphire and Corun- dum Hill, N. C 1184 corundum at Corundum Hill, North Carolina 1176 heating and quenching 57 Libbey, W. L., amalgamated plates 765 cost of milling in Nova Scotia 2049 sodium amalgam 753 Liberty Bell Gold Mining Company 1631 mill, Telluride, Colo. A. Winslow 2033 Libra scales 1605 Lidner, P. G 1175 hand picking at Ammeberg, Sweden 492 jigs in Sweden 640 ore dressing in Sweden 1 175 roasting a blende ore 57 for friability 57 separation processes 839 stroke of jigs 594 Liebig condenser for retorts 781 Life of amalgamated plate 741 battery screens at mills 1618, 1624, 1632 belt conveyor at mills 1585, 1631, 1667, 1670, 1710, 1853 belts and buckets on elevators 863, 864 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Life of blanket tables 703 brass-wire jig sieves at Mill 173 . . 1877, 1878, 1879 bucket conveyor 861 buckets in sand wheels at Mill 117 1668, 1669 Callow screens at mills 1661, 1662, 1687, 1760 cam shaft 190 canvas, blanket, and carpet tables 703 tables 700, 702 centrifugal pumps / 870 chilled-iron javy plates at Mill 161 1837 crushing machinery, long 2009 dewatering wheels at Mill 173 1878 dies at Mill 103 1632 distributors at Mill 126 1707 duck for canvas tables at Mill 103 1633 elevator belts at mills 1632, 1633, 1661, 1667, 1725 buckets at mills 1632, 1633, 1661, 1667, 1725 parts at Mill 182 1910 El Oro tube mill lining 1677 Frenier special sand pump at Mill 126 1708 Frue vanner belts at Mill 127 1711, 1712 grizzlies 340 Hancock jig sieves at Mill 127 1710 Huntington mill parts 280 screens at mills 1625, 1686, 1711 jaw plates for Blake breakers at Mill 100 ... 1624 jigs . 604 jig screens 546 sieves at mills 1687, 1707, 1708, 1909, 1910, 1911 Koppel shoes and dies at Mill 97 1620 linoleum top and riffles of Overstrom table at Mill 127 1711 Midvale steel roll shells at mills. . . 1727, 1866, 1867, - 1877 open-hearth crucible-steel screens at Mill 178 1896 punched plate trommel screens at mills. . 1707, 1876, 1877, 1902 retorts 782 Robins belt conveyors at mills.. 1661, 1824, 1825, 1876 conveying and picking belts at Mill 132 ... 1727 roll shells 66 at mills 1688, 1689, 1720, 1724 sand wheels 866 screens 174 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184, 2011 at mills 1622, 1632, 1668 for gravity stamps 1277 sieves on Hancock jigs 1441 stamp cams 192 guides 156, screens 169, 170 stem 187, 188 tappets 189 trommel screens 352, 362 at mills .... 1710, 1727, 1728, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752 tube mill linings at Mill 103 1632 vanner belts 648, 650 wash trommel 332 wearing parts of Allis-Chalmers rolls at Mill 179 1898 ball mills at Mill 159 1828 Blake breakers 27 at mills 1621, 1724, 1749, 1853 breakers 1221 Bryan mills at Mill 173 1879 Buchanan jaw breakers at Mill 157 1818 Butler's centrifugal pumps at Mill 11 7.. 1671, 1672, 1674 Byron- Jackson pump at mills 1662, 1673 centrifugal pump at mills 1632, 1633, 1711, 1712, 1856, 1899, 1904, 1905 Chili mills 1898 Cyclone beater at Mill 186 1917, 1918 dewatering screen at Mill 126 1708 Dodge breakers 31 drag or disc conveyors 1583 elevators at mills. . 1707, 1710, 1711, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1749, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1756, 1818, 1819, 1829, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1877, 1880, 1898 Forster breaker 28 Prayer centrifugal pump at Mill 159 ... 1829 Gates breaker at mills. .1661, 1706, 1716, 1727, 1828, 1853 Griffin mills at Mill 105 1636 grinding pans at Mill 105 1638 Life of wearing parts of Hodge and Cleaves sand jigs at Mill 182 1910, 1911 jigs at Mill 180 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 Huntington mills 1317 at mills 1669, 1687, 1689, 1711, 1753 Knowles duplex vacuum pump at Mill 117 1673, 1674 Krogh pumps at mills 1626, 1633 McCully breakers at Mill 139 1222, 1749 Monadnock Chili mills at Mill 144 1775 Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamps at Mill 180 1901, 1902 rolls at mills 1244, 1685, 1686, 1707, 1710, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1854 scraper convey9r at Mill 126 1709 Sherman Huntington mills at Mill 132 . . 1728 spindle^breakers 46, 47 stamps at Mill 118 1677 Traylor centrifugal pumps at Mill 114 .. 1662 trommels at Mill 166 1853, 1854, 1855 Waddell Chili mills at Mill 174 1886 Wetherill magnetic separators 1525 Wilfley tables at Mill 126 1708 wire rope 1095 Lifting magnets, Eastwood improved 1532 Lift of elevators 863 Light for hand picking 481 Lighting 1100 mills 1931 Lightner mill 235 bibliography for 296 Lignite as fuel for roasting furnace 1549 Lime. See also Quicklime. as a precipitant for slimes 1416 crust on plates 767 for acid water 1 105 coagulating slimes at Mill 185. 1915 settling 458, 459 slimes 1026 at Mill 106 1416, 1641 Caldecott on 1416 in Arizona copper mills 1416 used in amalgamation 751 investigating classifier currents 434 settling tests 1147 slimes 1149 to remedy acidity in stamp mill 749 Limestone, Missouri, jaw plates used in crushing . . 48 Limestone to remedy acid water 751 strength of 301, 302 weight of 1190 Limit of concentration 1118 crushing 303 hand picking tests 1164 screen sizing 1361 settling 455 sizes treated by jigs 604 Limits of drop in stamps 216 sieve scale 368 to number and height of drop of stamps 218 Limitations of the hydraulic classifiers 1368 Limonite. See also Iron. concentrated by Bradford jig 502 concentration of 1054 magnetic separation of 809 results of classifying in Mill 5 405 separated by magnets 790 specific gravity of 1189 washer xxv, 895, 896 weight of 1190 Lincoln mill, dies used in 180 Linder, S. E. and H. Pictou, action of arsenic sul- phide solution on electrodes 1178 powers of metallic salts on arsenious sul- phide ^ 1178 Lindgren, W, amalgamating pans, Boss system at Calico, California 290 placer mining 2041 Liners, El Oro tube mill 1286, 1291, 1340 cost of 1287 Lines of force, magnetic 791 Lining, discussion of iron tube mill 2016 for Abbg tube mills at Mill 101 1626 amalgamating pan 244 cars 1113 centrifugal pumps 869 gravity stamp mortars 166 jigs 527 launders 872 58 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Lining for ore bins 842 steam stamps 120 tube mills. A. E. Drucker 2016 at Bodie, Calif. W. W. Bradley 2016 Mill 103 1632 Link belt conveyors 860 Company elevator at Mill 125 1702 elevators 862 Linkenbach, C xx, 332 Blake breakers 56 breakers and hammers 56 bumping tables and slime tables 727 capacity of trommels 359 classifier feed 389 spigot 388 cobbing 480 concave slime tables 692 density of pulp for slime tables 695 drop between jig sieves 550 figures on limits of sieve scale 369 spiral screen 363 gravity stamps 223 hammers for breaking 11 hand breaking and picking 492 Heberli mill 259, 292 jig discharges 583 plungers 529 jigs for two mineral separation 589 labor for jigs 604 life of jig screens 547 limit of screening 369 sizes jigged 605, 606 Linkenbach slime table 728 magnetic separators * 832 mill schemes 1 173 number of sieves for jigs 590 pointed boxes 412, 416, 441, 476 power for crushing 315 ratio of sieve hole to jig feed 573 rolls 109 roll speeds 87 Schmidt spiral screen 363 sieve scale, grizzlies, trommels, and spiral screens 384 sizes treated by slime tables 693 skimming jigs 576 slime tables 697 slope of jig sieves 548 slime tables 694 spalling and cobbing hammers 11, 56 stroke of jigs 594 use of box classifiers 433 V-box classifier 421 velocity of current in classifiers 434 wash trommel 334 fixed conical tables 689 slime table 690 tables at Mill 146 1785 Mill 147 1790 Linnaeite, specific gravity of 1189 Linoleum cover for deck of New Standard concen- trator 1479 table decks 1467 Wilfley table 672 Linton's level 1159 Lintorf, Prussia, disintegration and screening at .... 830 jigs at 641, 642 limit of sizes jigged at 605 mill at 1177, 1179 stroke of jigs at 594 Vapart disintegrator at 289 Lion mill 234 bibliography for 294 Lip apron for stamps 178 plates 739 Liquation in bullion 785 Lisburne mines, Wales 329 List of minerals floated by flotation processes 1555 List of good and poor conducting minerals for electro- static separation 1550 Liter, equivalents of 1187 Lithium, atomic weight of 1188 Little Giant quartz mill 1281, 1310 Lixiviation 1616, 1676 bibliography for 1175 Loam, M., Husband stamp 143 Location of amalgamated plates 737 machines in mills 1 109 main shaft for stamps 197 mills xxv, 1085 Lock, A. G., amalgamating pans 290 amalgamation 787 breakers 56 Dunham's and Patterson's spring stamps, Shell's penumatic stamp 143 Fisher's stamp mill 142 Frisbee Lucop mill 294 gold xx from sands and from vein rock 1173 gravity stamps 223 Harz and Bradford jigs 639 Rowland pulverizer 297 Jordan's pulverizer 299 placer gold concentration 837 pointed boxes, spitzlutte ... . ' 476 several breakers 56 Thompson's pulverizer . 294 C. G. W., gold milling xx milling in Black Hills, South Dakota 1182 pan amalgamator 789 stamping, amalgamating, and concentrating gold 1173 Locke, C. E viii, 477 Lockhart's automatic gem separator (classifier) 430 tubular classifier 476 Loevy, J., definition of slimes 1398 Logarithmic plot of sizing tests 1139, 1144 Log washers 55, 320, 1065 at mills 895, 1617, 1815 bibliography for 334 Crickboom, at Mill 147 1787 horizontal logs 328 Thomas 324, 335 Turbo 1341 versus wash trommels 333 washing plant 335 at Longdale, Virginia 335 Lohnert's ball mill 293 Longdale, Virginia, limonite washer at 896 log washers at 335 mill at 1175 classifier at Mill 155 1369 Iron Co., clarifying reservoir 461 mill 1816 reservoirs for tailing 477 log washer 322 Longfellow concentrator, water required at 1931 Longitudinal partition for jigs 524 Longridge, C. C., gold dredging in rivers 1179 hydraulic mining xx, 1006, 1173 probable development of stamps 229 river dredging 2036 Long ton 883 equivalents of 1 187 Loram, S. H., amalgamating pans 788 Lord & Banfield, dry placer machine 839 dry separator 2030 Loring, recovery of waste in stamp mill 266 vanner belt 647 W. J., amalgam at the Utica mills 788 amalgamated plates 757 gravity stamps 224 life of steel shoes 184 mercury led to stamps 208 mortar linings 166 stamp mills at the Utica stamp mills, Cali- fornia 1176 stamp mill practice in California 2033 shoes 181 Loss in friction 1098 melting 784 steam transmission 1091 weight in retorting 783 wire rope transmission 1095 of gold 786 mercury. See Individual Gold mills in Chap- ter XX. mercury 786 at Mill 114 1663 in amalgamating pans 250 oil in separation '. 831 Losses in concentration 892 dry concentration 825 fines 1H9 magnetic concentration 1054 milling 1945 plate amalgamation 749 slimes 1121 stamping pyrite ores 1047 tailings 1171, 1172 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Losses of iron and mercury in pan amalgamation. . . 249 on amalgamated plates 747 slime tables 693 vanners 656 Louis, H 142, 167, 200, 839 amalgamated plates 735, 747, 750, 753 amalgamation 787 amalgams 731 arrastra 238, 290 Blake, Dodge, and Gates breakers 56 Chinese stamping machine 224 connecting table with mortar 735 crushing machines 316 design of cams 197 economy of stamp blow 220 efficiency of stamps 219 gold milling xx gravity stamps 223, 224, 226 grizzlies 384 hammers for breaking 11 Huntington mill 297 Krom rolls 109 mercury wells 768 nature of amalgam 208 pointed boxes 476 power for stamps 204, 205 retorting 781 size of stamp feed 207 spring and pneumatic stamps 143 stamp frames 153 mortars 164 stems 187 tappets 188 stamping, amalgamating, and concentrating for gold 1173 tables for supporting plates 733 use of sulphuric acid on plates 752 water used in stamp mills 222 weight of stamps 219 Lovett-Finney magnetic separators 832, 833, 835 Lowe, F. A., amalgamating pans at Batopilas, Mex- ico 291 concentration of silver lead ores 1922 stamp mill at Silver Islet mill, Lake Supe- rior 226, 1179 Lowe's mill 233 bibliography for 294 Lowry breaker 58, 59, 60 National breaker 45 Lubrication 1097 and care of journals 1930 of amalgamating pan 247 cams 194 cam shafts 191 stamp guides 1 56 wire rope 1095 Lucknow, New South Wales, mill at 1 181 plates at 788 Lucop & Cook mill 294 Ludlow, E., report used by Choctaw Coal and Rail- way Company 1 180 Ludlow-Saylor Wire Company, wire cloth screens . . 1366 Ludwigseck mine, magnetic concentration at 837 Luhrig and Coppee coal washing plant 2051 Buss concentrating table 1492 jig 538, 640 scraper for removing tailings 588 picking table. C. Blomeke 2021 slimer 1496 table 670 1734 1717 295 1645 1125 capacity of at Diepenlinchen, Prussia type tables at Mill 134 vanners at mills , Luhrmann, F. W., Pfeiffer's mill Luipaards Vlei Estate, ore reduction plant of Lumber for mills, cost of Luquer, L. M., minerals in rock sections xx separation of minerals by solutions 1173 Lurmann, separation processes 836 Luster affecting separation 889 of minerals, effect of 3 Luting retorts 781 Luttermann, rolls at Clausthal 110 Lye, use of on amalgamating plates in California . . 1619 used in amalgamation 751 Lyon mill, amalgamating pan 241, 243, 244, 246 heat used in amalgamating in 248 wings of amalgamating pans in 245 Mountain, Conkling jig at 503 mill at 901, 1175, 1185, 2035, 2039 methods at the . . 2046 M Mace mill 1685 Machine breakers 13 breaking 55 distributors 857 oil 1098 shop for mill 1Q87 Machinery at Paris Exposition, exhibition of 2009 Reichenberg Exposition, exhibition of 2010 cost of 1 123 crushing and grinding. Philip Argall 1278 principle and operation of crushing and grinding. James Douglas 2017 Machines, arrangement of 1107 design of 1096 guarding work of nil in series and in parallel 1110 Macquisten, A. P. S., notation process 1555 1563 flotation process. W. R. Ingalls 1569, 2027 at Golconda, Nevada 1555, 1565, 1611 Mill 149 1564 Coates tubes 1563 water flotation process. F. C. Nicholas 2046 Mactear, J. A., penumatic concentration 838 Madison mill 1024 of the Utica Company xxvii Madrid, New Mexico, electric power 1092 Magalia drift mill, plates in 789 riffles in 770 Magic crusher 236 bibliography for 299 Magnesite, specific gravity of 1189 Magnesium, atomic weight of 1188 Magnet for testing 1 156 Magnetic combination mills 1060 concentrating mills 1053 concentration 790 at Broken Hill 1569 Canon City, Colorado. P. Barker 2043 Monteponi, Italy. E. Ferraris 2046 cost of 1135 principles of magnetic separators 1521 roasting before 1544 the Hibernia mill, New Jersey 2040 field 791 attractability of substances in 796 mill at Lyon Mt 2035 Monteponi 1068 ore, Port Henry, products of crushing 100 separation. See also Roasting for Magnetism. at Broken Hill, Australia 2034 D. Clark 1568 Creede, Colorado 2044 mills 1663, 1735, 1741, 1793, 1810 Mineville, N. Y 2040, 2047 Port Henry, N. Y. F. Cirkel 2034 the Joplin Separating Company mill 2038 Krupp mining administration 1814 London mill, Australia 2045 bibliography for 832 H. Lunto 2030 H. Smits 2026 history of. Witter 2031 F. T. Snyder 1568 in Cornwall. E. Skewes 1037 Finland. G. Grondel 2047 Hungary, dry and wet. C. Blomeke 2040 Sweden 2047 K. G. Brunnberg 2040 of hematite and magnetite. Dr. Weiskopf . . . 2047 iron ores in Sweden. G. W. Peterson 2047 tin oxide and wolfram 2027 and copper ores in Cornwall 2040 and wolfram. E. Treloar and G. John- son 2028 zinc iron sulphides. G. H. Elmore 2042 ores in Wisconsin. H. A. Wheeler 2042 references to 2028 review of. H. Wedding 2028 roasting zinc ores for 2030 versus notation process for zinc ores. E. Laughton 2029 with Wetherill's 804 separators at London mill, Queensland, Australia 2042 mills. . . . 1741, 1763, 1765, 1808, 1810, 1815, 1862, 1863, 1891, 1916 Monteponi. E. Ferraris 2028 Balch 834 Ball-Norton 1527, 1923 or Monarch 797 60 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Magnetic separators, Blake 833 Bromilow 836 Buchanan 803 C. Blomeke 2026 Chase 832, 833, 835 classification of 796, 1521 Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separator 1542 at Mill 148 1792, 1793 cobbing magnets 1531 comparison of. W. A. Anthony 2026 Conkling 809, 810 construction of 2030 Cranberry magnet 1530 Dellvik Grondal 804 description of different types of. C. Bugge . . 2030 Dr. Weiskopf 2030 H. C. McNeill 2026 M. Lenicque 2026 O. Simmerback 2030 S. W. Osgood 2027 Dings 1540 Edison 810, 812 Eriksson's electromagnetic separator 1529 F. Schiff..... 2028 Ferraris 799, 1525 drum-type 1528 for black sands. C. C. Longridge 2028 Forsgren's electromagnetic separator 1538 full description of different types of 2028 Grondal Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 1537 Heberli 799 wet 810 Hoffman 832, 835 Hughes Daviot 812 Humboldt 1530 in a lead zinc plant 2047 Cornwall 2028 International 1533 Kessler 811 Knowles' New Century 1541, 1568 Leighton 1528 Lovett-Finney 832, 833, 835 Mechernich 1535 Payne 799 primary-magnet type 1521 principles of 1521 Rowand 807 secondary or induction magnet type 1521 Siemens 803, 834 & Halske 798 suited for testing 1993 theory and conditions of. E. Langguth 2031 Trustedt 835 Ullrich 1535 used at Przibram 812 Monteponi 810 using drums 797 Vial 835 Waring at Mill 148 1792 Wenstrom 800 wet 804, 810 Wetherill 804, 1521 with conveying belts 804 no moving parts. O. A. P. Srufeldt 2026 ore falling in front of magnets 812 treatment of a high phosphorus iron ore 2047 blende and barite. C. Blomeke 2025 iron ore in Sweden. G. W. Peterson 2038 by the Grondal process. P. McBennie . . . 2025 Magnetism 891, 1053, 1611 calcining for 1544 change of by heat 4 effect of 4 carbon in roasting for 1544 on free settling 465 roasting for 813, 890, 1544 a blende-marcasite concentrate for. H. O. Hofman 2027 F. H. Trego 1568, 2027 N. S. Keith 2027 W. B. Phillips 2027 unit of 791 use made of, in mills 890 Magnetite, concentrated on Conkling jig 503 deposits of New York 1923 for jig bed 574 hindered-settling test on 617, 618 mill for 1055, 1058, 1059 ores, mills for 901 separated by magnets 790 Magnetite, separation of in Finland 804 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1 189 Magnetomotive force 792 Magnets. See also Electromagnets. Bilharz cobbing magnet 1532 Broughton Asbestos Company magnet 1532 cobbing 1439, 1531 Eastwood improved litfing magnet 1532 heating of 795 leakage of 793 Manhattan Asbestos Company magnet 1531 of Wetherill separator, proper distance apart for 1524 relative attraction of various substances 796 when applicable 790 Mahanoy City, shaking screens for coal 342 Maiern, Austria, hand picking at 487, 493 magnetic separator at 798, 836 mill at 1 185 roasting for magnetism at 815 Main, Wm. Jr., gravity stamps 226 stamps 229 shaft for gravity stamps 197 location of 197 Maintaining height of drop in gravity stamps 200 plates of the right consistency 756 Malachite, specific gravity of 1189 Malay Peninsula, tin dressing in 1084, 1182 Malleable iron elevator buckets at Mill 136 .... 1737, 1738 Mallet for settling concentrates 1113 Mammoth, Arizona, screening tests on gold ore at . 284 shoes and dies at 183 mill, screens in 175 Mining Co., mill xxviii, 1045 Utah, mill at 1045 Management 1947 effect on costs 1128 Manganese, amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 ore, the dressing of. E. K. Judd '. 2027 specific gravity of 1 189 steel. See Wearing Parts. ball mill linings at Mill 159 1828 for breakers 1213 drag conveyor flights 1583 roll shells 68 toothed rolls 1244 wearing parts of rolls 1243 Gates' gunlock mantles for gyratory breakers. 1220 jaw plates at mills 1749, 1818, 1888, 1889 self-tightening mantles for McCully gyratory breakers 1213 trommel screen at Mill 117 1667 Mill 174 1882 wearing parts of Blake breakers at Mill 98 . . 1621 Buchanan breakers at Mill 183 1913 Gates breakers at Mill 114 1661 Manganite, specific gravity of 1189 Manhattan Asbestos Company, magnet 1531 mill, Krom jigs at 838 Mannheim, Brink & Hubner disintegrator at 286 Mantey offset for Chili mills 1305 Mantles for McCully gyratory breakers, self-tighten- ing, manganese steel 1213 Gates' gunlock manganese steel for gyratory breakers 1220 Marcasite, roasting for magnetism 1544 specific gravity of 1189 Mardin, E. M., amalgam 789 Marsaut, J. B., jigging plants 641 separation by jigs 643 Marsden breaker 56, 58, 59, 60 Marshall Basin, Colorado, Browne hydrometnc sizer at 410 vanners at 658 Creek 1015 Martin Iron Works breaker 2009 Martin's buddle 1090 Maryland, mills in 1175 Mining Company mill xxvii, 1019 Marysville, Montana, Blanton cams at 194 mill at 1027, 1040, 1181 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, testing ma- chines at 1137, 1156 tests on distribution of amalgam 764 effect of temperature on amalgamation . . 767 Materials for amalgamating plates 747, 1514 drag or disc conveyor flights 1583 gravity stamp guide blocks 1267 grizzly bars 339 Harz jig bedding at Mill 183 1913 61 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Materials for Huntington mill parts 280 jig tanks 522 screens 574 mortar linings 166 riffle cleats 1467 roll shells 66, 68 at mills 1716, 1720, 1913 round table decks at Mill 162 1846 screens 354 and cost 173 in trommels 350 shafts 351 stamp batteries 1^77 guides parts at Mill 143 . . 155, 156 . 225 1769 tappets 188 surface of Rittinger table 668 of slime tables 688, 695 tube mill linings 1287 wearing parts of Blake breakers 26 at Mill 166 1853 breakers 48, 1220 centrifugal pumps at Mill 103 . . . 1632, 1633 Cyclone beaters at Mill 186 1917, 1918 Dodge breakers 31 at Mill 183 1913 elevators at mills.. 1822, 1824, 1825, 1853, 1854, 1855 fans at Mill 186 1917, 1918 Gates breakers at Mill 166 1853 Hodge and Cleaves sand pumps at Mill 182 1910, 1911 Huntington mills at Mill 161 1839 McCully breakers at Mill 139 1749 Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamps at Mill 180 1901, 1902 rolls 1243 at Mills.... 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1843, 1844, 1854 screens at Mill 158 1824 spindle breakers 46, 47 steam stamps 121 trommels at Mill 165 1851 Waddell Chili mills at Mill 174 1886 of belts for gravity stamps 197 bottom bed on "jigs 573 bucket elevators 863 cam shaft 191 dies 180 jig screens 545 mortar blocks 145 screens 169, 170 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 stamp cams 192 screens 173 stem 187 tappets 189 Mathet, De Gournay and Suisse, Hochstrate appa- ratus ' 837 Mathey roasting furnaces at Mill 148 1792 Mathez, A., on drop of stamps 220 Mathines Creek, Huntington mill at 281 Maurice, P. E., jigs 642 motion of solid particles in a liquid 477 centrifugal coal washer, results from 2050 Maximum profit in concentration 1118 size of feed to rolls 63 ore treated by Wetherill magnetic separator . 1525 Maxwell's law of magnetic field 791 May Brothers' jigs at mills 1714, 1717, 1720 W. J., close sizing before jigging 2022 concentrating iron ores 1179 Mayflower drift mill, mercury wells in 789 riffles at 770 mill, amalgamated plates in 740, 752 pan concentrator at 683 shaking screen in 342 unwatering box in 450 Maynard, G. W. and W. B. Kunhardt, dressing of iron ores 1185 jigging tests 643 May's jig 643 McCabe & Company, New Standard classifier 1373, 1419 McCallum, A. C., design of mining machinery 2048 rolls, crushers and mortars 1178 strength of machines 1096 McClave, J. M., an electrostatic separator 2028 the Wilfley roaster 1569 McCormick, E., Calumet and Hecla mill scheme . . 1184 S. G., gold ores at Ouro Preto mine, Brazil. . . . 1182 McCully breaker 55-59, 2010 compared with Gates 45 gyratory breaker 44, 1210 at mills 1222, 1749, 1805, 1831, 1866 life of wearing parts at Mill 139 1222 manganese steel self -tightening mantle for . 1213 McDermott, W 1362 amalgamated plates 741 and P. W. Duffield, amalgamated shaking plates 787 gold amalgamation xx, 1 173 Baltic mill, Michigan 2041 capacity of Calumet classifier 401 concentration and amalgamation of silver . . 1175 Eureka Hill mill 2029 hand concentration test 2049 standardization of screens 2019 tin dressing in Bolivia 2040 McDonald, B., Browne hydrometric sizer 410 double discharge 209 gold stamp mill at Gibbonsville, Idaho . . . . 1181 mining report xx screens 175 size of stamp feed 207 stamps at Gibbonsville, Idaho 227 weights of ore 1190 before and after crushing 1174 McDougall type roasting furnace 1546 McDowell, F. H., concentration at the Tilly Foster mine . . : 833 Conkling separator at the Tilly Foster mine 833 Tilly Foster magnetic plant 1175 McFarlane & Co., design of cams 196 Manufacturing Company, parallel rolls 1244 mortar bolts 150 parallel rolls, description of 1232 rolls 72, 76 at Mill 142 1766, 1767 stamp frames 153 McKenna Brass Company, laboratory ore grinder . . 1285 laboratory ore grinder 1279, 1285, 1323 McLanahan and Stone Company, iron ore and phos- phate washing 1244 log washer 324 single-roll crusher at Alleghany Ore and Iron Company 1241 International Phosphate Company . . 1241 description of 1241 table of sizes, power and weights 1241 jig 518, 538, 640 McLeod concentrator 1492 table, tests at Mill 162 1493 McNeill, H. C., magnetic separators and plants in Sweden 835 Means of getting a whole current in settling tanks. . . 451 Measure, miners' inch 1 197 Measurement of mineral particles 1996 ore grains 470 screen openings . 1362 Measures of a four-spigot hydraulic classifier with sorting column of 3-inch pipe 403 tables of 1187 Measuring 1 160 Mechanical batea 683 cobbing devices 1439 efficiency of sand wheels 1587 ore handling Blaisdell system 1600 samplers 1571 Brunton 1572 oscillating 1575 Lamb automatic tailings sampler 1573 Snyder 1572 Vezin 1572 sampling 846 Brunton sampler 847 cleaning mill between tests 1577 Collom sampler 847 comparison of machines 848 difficulties attending 1575 limit of 1577 moisture samples 1575 principles of 1574 requisites to accuracy in 1575 size of samples 1575, 1576 winnowing effect of air currents 1576 shovel for removal of jig tailings 588 squeezer for amalgam 781 stirring 320 62 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Mechanical trippers for discharging conveyor belts . . 1586 unwatering 879 Mechanism, accelerated, in jigs 533 crank arm 535 for Bartlett table 678 bumping tables 680 Cammett table 677 jigs 510, 511, 517, 519, 534 vanners 646, 651, 652, 655, 657 Wilfley table 672 sliding block 533 Mechernich, classifier at 477 Heberwasche at 421, 478, 520 Jigs at. 642 magnetic separator WM at Mill 135 1536,1736 1176 2030 .. 2031 . 367 Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. mill at process in the Harz separator, results from the . sieve scale at stroke of jigs at Megraw, H. A., slimes Meier, E. D., Osterspey jig . . J. W., automatic feeders at Dingey mill Heberlimill Przibram .... 1419 642 293 292 670 1180 492 Luhrig table ore dressing at Przibram revolving picking table and picking belt Rittinger and Salzburg tables and buddies at Przibram, Stein belt concentrator 729 Schranz mill 296 wash trommel 335 Meihe's pulverizer 236 bibliography of 299 Meinecke classifier 430, 477, 478 work of 461 pointed box at Clausthal 477 spitzlutte 425, 477 stamps at Clausthal 225 Melones Mining Co. mill, Melones, California. W. W. Bradley 2044 Melting bullion 784 Men. See also Labor. Mercadel, magnetic separation at 835 Merced amalgamated plates at 767 Mercury, absorption of by amalgamating plates .... 1514 action of 4 amount required to amalgamate copper plate . . 753 antidote for 730 atomic weight of 1188 bibliography for 787 care and purification of 785 effect of heat on cohesion 767 fed to gravity stamps 208 mortars at mills 1620, 1640 for stamps 206 gold in, after retorting 783 after straining 781 in amalgamating pan 249 riffle boxes 724 riffles 770 loss of. See Individual Gold Mills in Chapter XX. loss of 786 lost in pan amalgamation 249 ore, separated by oil 831 mill for 1074 properties of 730 retained in retort residue 786 sickening and flouring 751 sink for clean-up 266 specific gravity of 1 189 sprinkler for 760 traps 768, 771, 1516 Black Hill trap 773 box traps 773 cleaning up 774 Grass Valley trap 774 lined with plate * 741 plain transverse troughs or riffles 772 position of 737 transverse with gates 772-773 use and care of 2024 used on dredges 1012 weight of column 1188 wells 768 versus plates 771 Meronitz, Bohemia, weathering garnet rock at.. 831, 839 Merrall, individual mortar 1264 Mill Company, Men-all's stamp mill 1278 Merrall mill 234 bibliography for 296 Merrill, C. W. . 1408 cyaniding at the Homestake mine 1419 tailings of Montana Mining Company, Marysville, Montana 1181 effect of temperature on amalgamation 1520 metallurgy of the Homestake ore 1419 treatment at the Homestake mills 2044 cone classifiers at Mill 104 1634 cones at Mill 106 1371 cylindrical clarifying tanks 1406 at Mill 106 1642 definition of slimes 1399 filter press at mills' 1635, 1642 large cone classifiers . . 1406 at Mill 106 1640 slime cones, finishing cones, and water cylinders 1367 small cone classifiers 1371 at Mill 106 1641 Merrill's mill 1310 Mesabi iron ores, washing plant for 1815 ores, concentration of. H. H. Stock 1344 Meshes in screens, values of 1196 Mesquital, Mexico, mills at 1182 Metal riffles, expanded 772 Metallic Extraction Company, capacity of rolls 103 plant, Argall four-tube drier at 1600 Metallurgical tests 1167 treatment, problems involved in 1943 Metallurgy, defined v Metals, specific gravities of 1188 Meter, equivalents of 1187 Methods of crushing 8 dressing and cleaning plates 757 feeding gravity stamps 207 jigs 548 preliminary crushing 9 running five-foot pans in combination mills . . . 249 jigs '. . . . 551 studying mills 1613 testing 1137 working amalgamating pan 248 Metric system of weights and measures 1187 ton 883 Mexican crushing and milling plant, a primitive. F. H. Probert 2038 Mexico, cheap gold milling in. H. T. Collins 2033 cost of producing gold in 1980. 1981 mill in 1180 milling at El Oro. E. Burt 2046 in 2046 ore dressing at Santa Fe. H. T. Collins 2040 silver mill in 1184 Meyer & Charlton, gold extraction at 1647 Gold Mining Company Ltd., mill of 1646 mill details of stamps 221 M. Hoagland Sons and Company 77 Miargyrite, specific gravity of 1189 Mica dressing, general article on. G. W. Colles 2027 grinding of scrap 2017 milling of. F. Cirkel 2025 Micas for washing kaolin 1077 Michell & Tregoning pulverizer 233 bibliography of 294 Michigamme iron mine 1135 magnetic separation at 802 mill at 1175 Michigan, cost of milling in 1135 mill, a recently completed 2039 milling copper ore in. C. F. Jackson 2047 mills in : 1181, 1182 Micrometer caliper, Snyder 1362, 1366 gauge 1159 for measuring grains 1138 microscope 1363, 1996 Microscope 1 160 micrometer for measuring grains 470, 1146 the Ultra 1419 for the study of slimes 1401 Middlings, crushing of 1119 defined 318 disposition of 1 108 division with concentrates and tailings 1164 on machines 1112 product 892 size of recrushing 1116 treatment of 1121 Midland coal breaker, West Virginia. F. W. Parsons 2051 Mid vale Co., steel for shoes and dies 185 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Midvale steel ring dies at mills, life of 1728, 1775 roll shell at mills.. 1701, 1727, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1803, 1837, 1838, 1854 1866, 1867, 1877 trunnion tires at Mill 144, life of 1775 Milburn's crushing rolls Ill Mile, equivalents of 1187 Miles, William A., wash trommel 335 Milk of lime, use of at Crown Reef Gold Mining Company's mill 1416 Mill 1 339, 486, 498, 499, 892, 893, 1113, 1116, 1119 2.. 10, 319, 339, 486, 498, 499, 522, 892, 893, 1100, 1101, 1112, 1116, 1119 3. .24, 64, 66, 87, 498, 499, 892, 902, 1091, 1100, 1101, 1116, 1119, 1129 4 321, 362, 486, 491, 502, 895, 1116 5... 322, 339, 347, 350-352, 358, 405, 480, 486, 491, 873, 879, 895, 896, 1098, 1114, 1116 6.. 341, 870, 895, 897 7 327, 334, 341, 872, 895, 897, 1116 8 895, 899, 1116 9. .524, 528, 533, 548, 550, 552, 571, 574, 575, 587, 590, 592, 593, 606, 609, 900-902, 1116, 1126 10.. 24, 26, 64 66, 72, 76, 90, 91, 101, 347, 350, 352, 358 359 361 366, 524, 528, 537, 540, 545, 547, 550,' 552| 571, 575, 587, 590, 592, 593, 596, 599, 601 603-606, 609, 863, 900-902, 908, 917, 1091, 1100, 1105, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1126, 1129 11... ...362, 366, 706, 707, 900, 902, 1116 12. .24, 64, 66, 76, 90, 319, 339, 347, 350, 352, 486, 488, 491, 506, 524, 528, 540, 550-552, 577, 604, 865, 900 903, 1091, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1111, 1116 13.. 10-12, 24, 26, 47, 339-341, 362, 366, 480, 485, 488, 491, 498, 499, 515, 523, 524, 528, 529, 540, 547 548, 551, 552, 572, 574, 576, 589, 592-594, 605,875,900,904,1091,1099,1100,1114,1116,1119 14. . 10, 339, 480, 485, 488, 491, 524, 530, 536, 540, 548, 550-552, 572, 574, 592, 593, 596, 605, 900, 905, 1091, 1116, 1119 15. .24, 26, 64, 66, 76, 87, 90, 91, 101, 347, 350, 352, 358, 359, 366, 399, 442-444, 485, 522-524, 528, 530, 533, 537, 538, 540, 550, 552, 572, 586, 590, 592, 593, 604, 605, 684, 689, 696, 863, 874, 875, 900, 906, 907, 1091, 1100, 1116, 1129, 1163 16. .24 26, 64, 66, 69, 73, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 101, 347, 350, 352, 354, 358, 366, 524, 528, 534, 540, 545, 546, 549, 550, 552, 570-572, 579, 592, 593, 604, 605, 863, 893, 906, 908, 1091, 1105, 1111, 1116 17. . 12, 24, 26, 64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 90, 91, 97, 101, 347, 350, 352, 354, 358, 366, 400, 480, 486, 524, 528, 534, 540, 547, 550, 552, 584, 590, 592, 593, 596, 599, 605, 863, 893, 906, 908, 1091, 1105, 1111, 1116 18. .24, 26, 64, 66, 76, 90, 101, 347, 350, 352, 358, 366, 369, 373, 410, 444, 522-525, 528, 530, 533, 537, 538, 540, 550, 552, 590, 592, 593, 604, 648, 863, 906, 909, 911, 1090, 1091, 1100, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1121, 1129 19. .24, 64, 66, 76, 347, 350, 352, 358, 427, 444, 456, 486, 489, 491, 524, 552, 590, 648, 906, 910, 1114, 1116, 1121 20. .24, 26, 64, 66, 69, 70, 72, 76, 83, 90, 91, 95, 101, 347, 350, 352, 354, 355, 357, 358, 361, 366, 421, 524, 528, 537, 540, 541, 550, 551, 554, 572, 574- 576, 592, 593, 604, 605, 638, 648, 663, 857, 863, 872, 873, 875, 906, 913, 1091, 1100, 1103-1105, 1112, 1116, 1129 21.. 24, 26, 64, 66, 72, 76, 87, 90, 97, 101, 280, 281, 347, 350, 352, 358, 359, 361, 366, 369, 413, 451, 525, 528, 537, 538, 541, 546, 547, 550, 554, 573, 577, 592, 593, 596, 601, 603, 605, 684, 691, 696, 697, 863, 875, 906, 915, 1089, 1100, 1105, 1112, 1116, 1122 22.. 30, 31 34, 64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 87, 90, 91, 95, 97, 101, 320, 338, 339, 347, 350-352, 356, 358, 359, 361, 366, 381, 383, 399, 442, 456, 462, 523-525, 528, 533, 534, 537, 538, 541, 550, 554, 572, 573, 579, 584, 587, 592, 593, 599, 604, 605, 684, 688, 693, 697, 856, 857, 870, 872, 874, 875, 916, 917, 1100, 1102, 1103, 1105, 1112, 1116, 1122, 1129, 1140, 1141 23. .24, 64, 66, 71, 76, 87, 90, 91, 347, 349, 350, 352, 358, 359, 366, 442, 525, 528, 541, 554, 571, 592, 605, 684, 882, 916, 917, 920, 1116, 1122 24. .24, 26, 50, 51, 64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 90, 91, 101, 347, 350, 352, 355, 358, 359, 361, 366, 414, 444, 446, 456, 517, 525, 528, 529, 535, 537, 538, 541, 546, 547, 549, 550, 554, 577, 579, 584, 589, 592, 593, 604, 605, 648, 663, 664, 684, 692, 863, 870, 916, 917, 921, 1091, 1092, 1100, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1122, 1129 Mill 25.. 11, 24, 26, 47, 64, 66, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 98, 101, 321, 347, 350, 352, 358, 359, 366, 442, 444, 451, 456, 460, 517, 525, 528, 529, 537- 539, 541, 546, 547, 549, 550, 556, 571, 577, 587, 592 593, 596, 599, 605, 607, 608, 682, 857, 863, 869, 870, 872, 874, 875, 916, 924, 1086, 1088, 1091, 1096, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1119, 1130 26. .30, 31, 35, 42, 46-48, 50, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72, 76, 87, 90 96 97, 101, 272, 273, 347, 350, 352, 357-359, 361, 366, 392, 393, 456, 460, 525, 528, 537, 540, 541, 546, 550, 556, 572, 574, 592, 593, 596, 604, 605 648, 655, 663, 664, 843, 856, 861, 863, 872, 925, 926, 1091, 1100, 1103-1106, 1112, 27.. 24, 26, 64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 90, 94, 101, 156, 158, 164, 166, 167, 170, 177, 178, 180, 182, 185-187, 189-192, 195-199, 201, 205, 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 280, 281, 347, 350, 352, 355, 356, 358, 366, 368, 432, 444, 451, 456, 480, 486, 489, 491, 525, 528, 533, 535-538, 541, 546, 550, 556, 585, 587, 592, 593, 604-606, 638, 648, 684, 692, 768, 856, 863, 864, 872, 874, 875, 879, 880, 883, 925, 928, 1090, 1091, 1096, 1100, 1105, 1107, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1119, 1171 28.. 10, 24, 26, 30, 31, 64, 67, 69, 72, 76, 90, 91, 97, 101, 104, 280, 281, 339, 340, 345, 347, 350, 353, 358, 359, 366, 381, 383, 388, 425, 432, 442, 444, 456, 461, 462, 525, 528, 535-538, 541, 546, 549, 550, 556, 574, 583, 585, 586, 592, 593, 596, 599, 604-606, 638, 684, 692, 694, 856, 864, 871, 875, 925, 933, 1004, 1091, 1100, 1103-1105, 1116, 1141 29. .24, 26, 64, 76, 87, 90, 347, 350, 353, 359, 366, 525, 541, 556, 592, 593, 598, 602, 605, 684, 863, 880, 925, 926, 935, 1089, 1100, 1105, 1116, 1122 30.. 10, 24, 26, 46, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 98, 101, 339, 347, 350, 353, 358, 359, 366, 382, 383, 419, 444, 446, 449, 456, 463, 481, 486, 489, 491, 522, 523, 525, 527, 528, 530, 532, 533, 537-539, 541, 546, 547, 549, 550, 556, 572, 573, 577, 579- 581, 586, 587, 592, 593, 604, 605, 638, 648, 658, 661, 684, 688, 692, 693, 695, 696, 855, 861, 863, 872, 875, 936, 937, 1089, 1100, 1105, 1109, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1141, 1164 31. .24, 26, 63, 64, 67, 69, 72, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 101, 104, 347, 350, 353, 358, 362, 366, 442, 444, 456, 481, 489, 491, 525, 528, 534, 535, 537, 542, 550, 558, 572, 577, 582, 587, 592, 593, 596, 604, 605, 648, 684, 692, 697, 857, 863, 872, 875, 936, 940, 1091, 1100, 1105, 1116 32. .24, 26, 64, 67, 69, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 101, 102, 339, 347, 351, 353, 354, 359, 366, 393, 444, 525, 528, 542, 550, 558, 572, 587, 592, 593, 604, 605, 648, 684, 697, 856, 857, 863, 875, 936, 942, 1100, 1101, 1105, 1112, 1116, 1119 33. .24, 26, 67, 76, 91, 347, 351, 353, 359, 366, 396, 442, 525, 542, 558, 572, 584, 592, 593, 605, 684, 697, 857, 936, 945, 1116 34. .46, 64, 67, 76, 87, 339, 347, 353, 359, 366, 367, 449, 456, 486, 525, 542, 545, 558, 587, 592, 593, 604, 605, 648, 684, 856, 863, 875, 936, 946, 1089, 1100, 1105, 1112, 1116 35. .46, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72, 76, 87, 90, 91, 97, 101, 337, 339, 347, 350, 351, 353, 358, 359, 361, 366, 393, 444, 458, 515, 525, 542, 546, 547, 550, 551, 558, 572, 587, 592-594, 604, 605, 648, 661-663, 684, 692, 694, 697, 856, 857, 863, 936, 947, 1089, 1100, 1105, 1116, 1122 36. .24, 64, 76, 347, 351, 353, 366, 396, 442, 525, 526, 542, 558, 572, 592, 605, 648, 684, 692, 936, 951, 1110, 1116 37.. 24, 64, 67, 76, 347, 351, 353, 358, 366, 398, 486, 507, 522-524, 526, 528, 530, 531, 533, 534, 537, 538, 550, 580, 592, 648, 684, 687, 692, 694, 697, 842, 856, 863, 936, 954, 1089, 1091, 1116 38. .24, 26, 64, 67, 76, 91, 121, 126, 134, 280, 281, 339, 347, 351, 353, 354, 358, 359, 366, 382, 383, 393, 395, 444, 456, 458, 463, 517, 524, 526, 529, 542, 546, 547, 550, 558, 572, 575, 579, 587, 592, 593, 605, 638, 648, 661, 662, 684, (593, 696, 697, 843, 848, 857, 863, 872, 875, 879, 973, 974, 1085, 1087, 1089, 1095, 1098, 1102, 1105-1108, 1112, 1116, 1141 39. .24, 26, 64, 67, 69, 76, 91, 280, 281, 347, 351, 353, 358, 359, 366, 396, 403, 404, 415, 416, 444, 526, 527, 535, 537, 542, 545, 550, 562, 572, 575, 582, 592, 593, 602, 605, 607, 638, 648, 661, 662, 857, 863, 875, 973, 976, 1091, 1103-1105, 1112, 1116 64 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Mill 40 41 42 43 44 45. 47 48. 56. 57. 58. .. 10, 24, 26, 48, 64, 67-69, 72, 76, 87, 90, 91, 101. 313, 339, 347, 351, 353, 356, 361, 366, 373, 395, 403, 404, 416, 444, 446, 456, 482, 483, 485, 526, 528, 543, 546, 547, 550, 562, 579, 587, 592, 593, 604, 605, 607, 638, 647, 648, 656, 663, 863, 872. 875, 879, 973, 978, 1086, 1089, 1091, 1099, 1100, 1103-1107, 1112-1114, 1116 .. 24, 26, 48, 64, 87, 347, 351, 353, 358, 366, 396, 424, 444, 451, 456, 482, 526, 543, 546, 550, 562, 572, 592, 593, 605, 647, 648, 650, 661, 663, 973, 982, 1103, 1105, 1112, 1116, 1121 . .64, 67, 72, 76, 91, 97, 101, 118, 120-123, 126-128 134, 258, 339, 340, 345, 347, 351, 353, 366, 396, 403, 404, 444, 456, 458, 481, 486, 491, 515, 519, 526, 528, 529, 543, 551, 564, 572, 587, 592, 605, 638, 684, 696, 697, 863, 875, 984, 1085, 1098, 1102, 1105, 1112, 1116, 1121, 1130 . .64, 67, 69, 72, 76, 91, 101, 118, 120-123, 126-128, 133, 134, 339, 347, 351, 353, 358, 366, 396, 403, 404, 444, 451, 456, 517, 526, 543, 546, 547, 551, 564, 572, 587, 592, 593, 596, 604, 605, 648, 684, 689, 692, 695-697, 843, 861, 863, 872, 875, 984, 987, 1091, 1100, 1112, 1113, 1115, 1116, 1121 .. 18, 24, 27, 54, 118, 120-123, 126-129, 131, 133- 135, 257, 259, 280, 337, 339, 392, 393, 404, 449, 481, 485, 486, 489, 491, 515, 522, 526, 529, 537, 543, 564, 571, 577, 580, 582, 583, 586-589, 592- 594, 596, 601, 605, 638, 681, 684, 688, 694, 695, 697, 843, 857, 861, 865, 866, 870-872, 874-876, 990, 995, 1000, 1091, 1092, 1095, 1103, 1105. 1108, 1109, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1120, 1149, 1191 .121-123, 126, 128, 133-135, 320, 390, 391, 448, 515, 526, 529, 537, 586, 587, 589, 592, 684 696 805,870,990,993, 1091, 1103, 1105, 1110,1116,1130 . 12, 24, 27, 118, 120-123, 126-128, 131, 133-135. 320, 337-339, 390, 391, 396-398, 403, 449, 456, 480-482, 485, 486, 489, 491, 515, 526, 537, 543, 544, 547, 566, 571, 577, 583, 586, 587, 592-594 605, 684, 689, 696, 697, 726, 727, 843, 870, 872, 875 990, 994, 1088, 1091, 1103, 1105, 1110, 1116, 1131 . 12, 24, 27, 118, 121-123, 126-128, 133-135 280 332, 337-339, 397, 403, 449, 456, 480, 482,. 485, 486, 489, 491, 515, 522, 526, 529, 537, 544, 566 571, 572, 586, 587, 589, 592-594, 605, 684, 697, 707, 726, 727, 843, 857, 870, 872, 875, 990, 998, 1091, 1103, 1105, 1110, 1116, 1120, 1131 . 10, 12, 24, 27, 118, 120-123, 126-131, 133-135, 320, 337-339, 397, 398, 400, 404, 449, 456, 480- 482, 485, 486, 489, 491, 515, 522, 526, 529, 537, 538, 544, 547, 550, 568, 571, 572, 577, 586-588, 592-594, 596, 599, 601, 605, 684, 689, 695-697 843, 870, 872, 875, 990, 997, 1000, 1091, 1103 1105, 1113. 1116, 1131 270, 676, 1004, 1116, 1172 1004, 1005, 1073, 1116, 1126 1006, 1007, 1009, 1116 1006, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1013, 1116 .30, 31, 167, 170, 199, 202, 205, 207, 208, 212, 219. 648, 655, 659, 663, 1014, 1089, 1091, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1116 .27, 46, 170, 199, 205, 207, 208, 212, 219, 339, 482. 648, 663, 1014, 1015, 1110, 1116, 1131 .24, 145, 148, 156, 158, 164-167, 170, 177, 178, 180, 182, 186, 187, 189-192, 196-199, 201 202 205, 207-209, 211, 212, 219, 222, 304, 482, 485 491, 648, 665, 701, 768, 1014, 1016, 1030, 1091, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1116 . 145, 156, 158, 164, 165-167, 170, 174, 177, 178, ' 180, 182, 186, 187, 189-192, 196-199, 201, 202 205-209, 212, 214, 219-222, 265, 724, 737, 740, 744, 745, 748, 756, 768, 770, 783, 785, 1017, 1089, 1093, 1103, 1105, 1116, 1119, 1131 24, 27, 145, 153, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 174, 177, 179-182, 186, 187, 189-192, 196-199, 201, 202. 204, 205, 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 252, 265, 339, 340, 647, 648, 650, 655, 659, 661, 663, 664, 735, 737, 740, 742, 744, 745, 748, 756, 759, 765 768, 772, 774, 783, 1018, 1089, 1092, 1100, 1105, 1116, 1131, 1191 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 170, 172, 178, 180, 182, 186, 187, 189-W> 195-199, 201, 202, 205, 207- 209, 212, 214, 2i -, 222, 239, 252, 456, 648, 650. 655, 661, 663, 73'. 744, 745, 748, 756, 772, 774, 1018, 101.', 1089, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1116 24, 27, 145, 156, 1 3, 166, 167, 169, 174, 177-180 182, 186, 187, 189 192, 196-199, 201, 202, 205- 209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 339, 340, 482, 647, 648, 655, 659, 663, 664, 737, 744, 745, 748, 756, 759, 765, 772,i785, 1018, 1020, 1088, 1089, 1100, 1103, 1104, 1109, 1116, 1132 65 INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Mill 60.. 38, 46, 145, 156, 167, 169, 180, 182 189 199 201, 205, 207, 208, 212, 214, 219, 222 648*. 650| 661, 737, 740, 742, 744, 748, 1018, 1021, 1089) 61.. 38, 46, 145, 156, 158, 164-167, 169, 174 175 l \lf 179, 180, 182, 185-187, 189-192, 196-199,' 20l', 202, 205, 207-209, 212-214, 219, 222, 266, 338- 340, 648, 659, 661, 663, 664, 737, 740, 746 748 756, 765, 768, 783, 785, 848, 858 860 861 875* 1018, 1021, 1030, 1089, 1090, 1100, 1103, 'llOS', 62.. 24, 27, 48, 145, 155, 156, 158, 165-167, 169 177- 182, 185-187, 189-192, 197-199, 201, 202 205 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 265, 339 340 648* 659, 661, 703, 733, 737 741 742 748', 750 756 757, 765, 768, 772, 783, 1018, 1022, 1089, lloS; 63. .24, 167, 170, 177, 178, 182, 190, IQ^lQ^m 205 6 207, 208, 212, 214, 219, 648, 737, 756, 772, 1018 1023, 1089 1116 64.. 24, 27, 48, 145, 153, 155, 156, 158, 164-167, 169 174, 176, 177-180, 182, 185-192, 196-199 20l' 202, 205-209, 212-214, 219 222, 339, 340 648* 659, 663, 733, 737, 740, 742, 745, 756, 768*. 772 773, 864, 1018, 1023, 1089, 1100, 1103 1105* 1116, 1132* 65. .24, 156, 158, 166, 169, 174, 177, 178, 180-182, 185, 187, 189-191, 196-199, 201, 202, 207-209 212. 214, 219, 222, 238, 265, 338, 339, 482, 491, 647 648, 659, 661, 733, 735, 737, 738, 740 741 743 744, 746-748, 750, 754, 756, 772, 773, 783, 1018, 1024, 1039, 1089, 1092, 1103, 1104, 1116, 1132 1168 66. .46, 47, 156, 166, 167, 169, 177, 180-182, 186, 187, 189-192, 197-200, 202, 205, 207, 212, 214 219 222, 252, 682, 735, 738, 741, 744, 745, 747, 753 756, 760, 768, 773, 775, 781, 785, 1018, 1025 1088, 1091, 1098, 1100, 1102, 1105, 1116, 1132 67.. 28, 145, 152, 153, 156, 158, 166, 167; 169/174 175, 177-182, 184-187, 189-192, 194-199, 20l| 202, 204, 205, 207-210, 212, 214, 219, 222, 482 733, 735, 738, 740-742, 744, 746, 747, 752 756 759, 765, 768, 771, 773-775, 783, 785, 872, 1018,' 1026, 1030, 1091, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1106, 1116 1133 68. .24, 27, 145, 156, 158, 164, 166, 167, 170, 174, 177. 178, 180, 182, 185-187, 189-192, 196-199 201 202, 205-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 252, 303, 339, 340, 482, 648, 659, 661, 664, 733, 735, 738, 741. 744-746, 748, 755, 756, 783, 785, 1018, 1027, 1028 1040, 1091, 1100, 1103, 1104, 1111, 1114, 1116, 1133, 1134 69.. 158, 173, 175, 184, 212, 214, 648, 735, 745, 762, 783, 785, 1018, 1028-1030, 1089, 1091, 1100, 1105, 1116, 1133 70.. 167, 169, 178, 179, 182, 199, 202, 205, 207, 208, 219, 586, 682, 738, 742, 744, 773, 1018, 1029, 1047, 1089, 1116 71. . 145, 156, 167, 170, 174, 177, 178, 182, 187, 189-191, 196-199, 201, 205, 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 265, 418, 648, 660-662, 665-667, 738, 740, 743- 745, 748, 772, 773, 780, 1029-1031, 1037, 1089, 1092, 1116 72.. 24, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 174, 178, 179, 182, 187, 189, 191, 192, 196-199, 201, 202, 205-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 265, 320, 339, 448, 456, 648, 661, 676, 683, 738, 741, 743, 744, 747, 756, 772, 773, 777, 783, 856, 1030, 1032, 1037, 1038, 1089, 1100, 1116, 1133 73.. 24, 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 173, 174, 176- 182, 184-187, 189-192, 196-203, 205, 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 238, 265, 338, 339, 456, 482, 485, 491, 647, 648, 659, 733, 735, 738, 740, 741, 743, 744, 746-748, 750, 754, 756-758, 765, 772, 773, 775, 781, 783, 1024, 1030, 1033, 1034, 1038, 1089, 1092, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1116, 1132, 1168 74.. 24, 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 174, 177-182, 185, 187, 189-191, 196-199, 201, 202, 205, 207- 209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 238, 265, 338, 339, 482, 485, 491, 647, 648, 650, 652, 659, 661, 733, 735, 738-741, 743, 744, 746-748, 750, 754, 756, 783, 1024, 1030, 1034, 1038, 1089, 1092, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1117, 1132, 1168 75.. 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 170, 178, 182, 186, 187, 189-192, 196-199, 201, 202, 205, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214, 219, 222, 339, 648, 659, 663, 664, 700, 701, 703, 738, 744, 756, 772, 870, 1030, 1034, 1089, 1090, 1103, 1105, 1117 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. MiU 76.. 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 177, 179, 180, 182, 186, 187, 189, 190-192, 196, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 207-209, 212, 214, 219, 265, 648, 664, 703, 738, 740, 743, 750, 765, 772, 879, 1030, 1035, 1089, 1105, 1117 77.. 10, 145, 148, 156, 158, 164, 166, 167, 169, 174, 177-182, 185-187, 189-192, 195-199, 201, 202, 204-209, 211, 212, 214, 219, 220, 222, 342, 482, 680-682, 703, 739, 741, 747, 753, 756, 757, 761- 763, 765, 766, 768, 774, 842, 1030, 1035, 1046, 1047, 1089, 1091, 1100, 1105, 1117, 1133 78.. 418, 444, 446, 648, 653, 655, 658, 660, 661, 665- 667, 700, 702, 703, 857, 874, 1017, 1029-1031, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1089, 1090, 1100, 1101, 1117, 1126 79.. 456, 648, 655, 658, 700, 701, 703, 723, 875, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1037, 1038, 1100, 1117 80.. 456, 700-703, 875, 1029, 1030, 1033, 1038, 1039, 1100, 1101, 1117 81 ........ 238, 1030, 1038, 1039, 1089, 1100, 1117 82. .24, 27, 145, 156, 158, 164, 166, 167, 170, 174, 178, 180, 182, 185-187, 189-192, 196-199, 201, 202, 205-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 244, 248-250, 252, 339, 456, 458, 480, 486, 491, 648, 659, 661, 663, 664, 723, 733, 735, 739, 748, 755, 756, 760, 761, 763, 765, 766, 768, 777, 780, 785, 863, 1027, 1028, 1039, 1040, 1091, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1104, 1111, 1114, 1117, 1134 83. .46, 47, 145, 156, 167, 170, 174, 178, 183, 185-187, 189-192, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 205-208, 212, 214, 219, 244, 246, 248, 249, 252, 456, 458, 460, 482, 648, 663, 777, 778, 780, 783, 1039-1041, 1091, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1103-1106, 1110, 1117 84.. 24, 27, 42, 46, 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 170, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185-187, 189-192, 196- 199, 201, 202, 205-209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 244, 246, 248, 249, 252, 339, 347, 351, 353, 354, 356, 359, 366, 456, 458, 460, 648, 663, 739, 742, 743, 748, 756, 768, 772, 777, 780, 783, 785, 860, 861, 875, 1039, 1040, 1045, 1085, 1089, 1091, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1103-1106, 1109, 1110, 1117, 1134 85.. 24, 65, 67, 76, 167, 169, 178, 179, 199, 202, 205, 207, 208, 219, 220, 351, 353, 411, 442, 451, 526, 528, 568, 586, 592, 682, 739, 742, 773, 1029, 1046, 1047, 1089, 1117 86.. 24, 27, 65, 67, 72, 76, 87, 90, 101, 168, 169, 174, 280, 281, 342, 347, 351, 353, 354, 366, 410, 419, 526, 528, 544, 545, 550, 568, 572, 587, 588, 592, 593, 604, 605, 648, 682, 684, 696-698, 703, 735, 737, 739, 748, 756, 774, 785, 848, 857, 863, 872, 879, 883, 1046-1048, 1091, 1100, 1105, 1117, 1122 .24, 27, 49, 65, 67, 72, 76, 87, 90, 101, 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 170, 178, 180, 183, 185-187, 189, 191, 192, 196, 199, 202, 205, 207-209, 212, 219, 347, 351, 353, 358, 359, 413, 427, 450, 451, 526, 528, 537, 544, 568, 586, 592, 593, 648, 739, 742, 768, 93. 94. 95 96 97 98 99 848, 856, 863, 872, 1046, 1050, 1089, 1092, 1112, 1117 .24, 27, 65, 67, 76, 87, 90, 101, 145, 156, 158, 166, 167, 169, 178, 180, 183, 189, 191, 192, 197-199, 201, 205, 207, 208, 212, 214, 219, 347, 351, 353, 358, 359, 414, 450, 451, 526-528, 537, 544, 550, 568, 592, 593, 605. 648, 682, 739, 742, 773, 872, 1030, 1046, 1052, 1089, 1105, 1112, 1117 .21, 24, 27, 45, 46, 65, 67, 77, 87, 90, 91, 101, 347, 351, 353, 362, 366, 790, 798, 863, 880, 883, 1053, 1055, 1117 .23, 24. 27, 30, 31, 65, 67, 77, 87, 90, 101, 302, 347, 351, 353, 803, 861, 863, 1053, 1055, 1091, 1100, 111? . 65, 101, 106, 107, 310, 340, 790, 810, 813, 816, 843, 856, 858, 861, 863, 864, 881, 882, 883, 1053, 1054, 1056, 1091-1094, 1096, 1098, 1100, 1108, 1112, 1114, 1117, 1135 . 24, 27, 65, 67, 77, 90, 101, 304, 338, 339, 341, 347, 351, 353, 366, 451, 486, 489, 491, 522, 527, 528, 544, 550, 570, 592, 593, 605, 790, 805, 807, 814, 843, 860, 862-864, 880, 882, 883, 891, 1060, 1063, 1088, 1091, 1094, 1112, 1113, 1117, 1135 .24, 27, 65, 67, 69, 87, 90, 347, 351, 353, 354, 366, 790, 800, 814, 895, 1060, 1065, 1117 . 96, 103, 104, 309, 346, 848, 856, 861, 880, 882, 883, 1070, 1091, 1094, 1096, 1190 1616, 1934 1481, 1617, 1934, 1940 1620, 1934 1620, 1621, 1932, 1934 1620, 1622, 1934 MiU 100 1275, 1570, 1614, 1623, 1934 101 1489, 1623, 1626, 1934 102 1623, 1629, 1934 103 1291, 1292, 1517, 1631, 1934 104 1634, 1934 105 1634, 1635, 1934 106 1371, 1406, 1416, 1516, 1634, 1639, 1934 107 1634, 1645, 1934 108 1634, 1646, 1931, 1934 109 1634, 1648, 1934 110 1634, 1651, 1934 111 1652, 1654, 1934 112 1652, 1657, 1934 113 1581, 1652, 1659, 1934 114 1541, 1652, 1660, 1934 115 1652, 1665, 1934 116 1665, 1934 117 1665, 1666, 1934 118 1286, 1291, 1294, 1676, 1934 119 1679, 1934 120 1361, 1452, 1614, 1620, 1934 121 1361, 1680, 1685, 1934 122 .. 1680, 1687, 1934 123 1361, 1680, 1688, 1934 124 1361, 1680, 1690, 1935 125 1356, 1361, 1680, 1700, 1932, 1935 126 1361, 1532, 1706, 1932, 1935 127 1361, 1458, 1487, 1706, 1709, 1932, 1935 128 1713, 1932, 1935 129 1561, 1713, 1715, 1935 130 1560, 1713, 1719, 1935 131 1361, 1551, 1590, 1713, 1724, 1935 132 1361, 1404, 1406, 1713, 1726, 1932, 1935 133 1713, 1731, 1935, 1940 134 1713, 1732, 1935 135 1536, 1713, 1735, 1935 136 1361, 1713, 1737, 1935 137 1300, 1347, 1438, 1458, 1548, 1713, 1739, 1935 138 1535, 1713, 1742, 1935 139 1244, 1365, 1535, 1748, 1932, 1935 140 1546, 1548, 1551, 1748, 1758, 1935 141 1345, 1361, 1525, 1591, 1748, 1759, 1935 142 1361, 1748, 1766, 1935 143 1768, 1935 144 .... 1361, 1365, 1590, 1592, 1768, 1771, 1932, 1935 145 1780, 1935 146 1783, 1936 147 1783, 1786, 1936 148 1361, 1783, 1792, 1936 149 1564, 1794, 1936 150 1794, 1795, 1936 151 1794, 1802, 1936 152 1345, 1361, 1585, 1804, 1931, 1936 153 1814, 1936 154 1341, 1815, 1932, 1936 155 1368, 1369, 1815, 1816, 1932, 1936 156 1361, 1530, 1531, 1815, 1817, 1936 157 1815, 1818, 1936 158 1361, 1527, 1585, 1815, 1820, 1936 159 1361, 1828, 1936 160 1831, 1936 161 1361, 1836, 1932, 1936 162 ..1328, 1329, 1361, 1391, 1449, 1493, 1615, 1836, 1841, 1932, 1936 163 .. 1836, 1848, 1936 164 .... 1346, 1361, 1532, 1607, 1836, 1849, 1936 165 1264, 1836, 1850, 1936 166 .. . . 1361, 1836, 1932, 1936 167 1305, 1502, 1503, 1585, 1836, 1932, 1936 168 .. 1836, 1860, 1937 169 1361, 1836, 1864, 1932, 1937 170 1361, 1836, 1865, 1937 171 1361, 1836, 1868, 1931, 1937 172 1317, 1361, 1836, 1871, 1931, 1932, 1937 173 . . .1408, 1413, 1585, 1595, 1836, 1875, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1937, 1940 174 1361, 1478, 1585, 1836, 1882, 1932, 1937 175 .. 1888, 1937 176 .. ..1361, 1891, 1937 177 1256, 1448, 1587, 1891, 1931, 1937 178 .. .... 1256, 1489, 1891, 1895, 1937 179 1256, 1361, 1891, 1897, 1937 180 .. 1256, 1891, 1901, 1937 181 1250, 1254, 1256, 1361, 1891, 1906, 1937 182 1254, 1256, 1891, 1908, 1931, 1937 183 .. 1458, 1913, 1937 184 .. 1913, 1914, 1937 185 1915, 1937 186 1916, 1937 187 1919, 1937 66 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Mill 188 1921, arrastra . . at Monteponi, Sardinia buildings, construction of Clausthal constants for the engineer, importance of. F. T. Snyder construction. See under Construction. saving of mill height at Mill 158 data on spindle breakers distributors for asbestos clay and kaolin Elmore oil process graphite mercury ores tin ores heating of Himmelfahrt Iron Mountain Joseph Wharton Laurenburg Mons phosphate Monteponi numbers, key to plant practice in California, gold. E. B. Preston .... processes and management sampling at Mill 182 1996, sites Sulphur Mines & Railroad Co testing sieve for tests treatment, schemes of Vieille Montagne Co with stamps and canvas tables Witherbee Sherman work compared with small tests Miller pump Robert, Hick revolving grizzly Millerite, specific gravity of Milligram, equivalents of Millimeter, equivalents of Milling. See under Ore Dressing and Concentration accounts at Gundling No. 5. Joplin Missouri. D. Brit- tain costs of at mills 1126, 1639, 1640, 1643, expenses experiences. R. D. O. Johnson improvements in 1904 in in Western Chihuahua losses of chromite plants for small mines. F. L. Bartlett practice in the Witwatersrand, South Africa .... Mills, arrangement of 1086, bibliography for California versus Colorado canvas plants care of choice of complex jigging, at Lake Superior in Colorado and Utah Idaho and Europe Montana southeastern Missouri construction of costs of erecting divisions of for different ores for corundum and emery gold combination key to numbers location, capacity, etc of magnetic combination method of studying Mining and Reduction Company name, location, minerals and capacity order of outlines of principles in pulverizing saving copper and sulphur values 1616, gold and copper values 1616, silver and copper values 1616, lead and copper values 1616, zinc values 1616, 1937 1039 1066 1088 965 2048 1826 46 857 1079 1075 1072 1074 1074 1081 1098 958 897 1058 961 899 1066 XXV 1087 1278 888 1912 1365 1085 905 1168 1997 1164 1613 911 1038 1059 381 1168 927 385 1189 1187 1187 '1122 2046 1793 1123 2048 2047 1664 1945 1073 2036 1643 1107 1173 1030 1029 1114 1161 990 925 937 973 916 1088 1124 1111 1078 1046 XXV XXV 1085 1060 1613 1792 XXV 1616 889 889 232 1888 1831 1836 1786 1748 Mills saving iron and copper values 1616, 1828 manganese values 1616, 1814 lead and zinc values 1616, 1780 zinc and copper .1616, 1794 iron values 1616, 1783 only asbestos copper values .............. , diamonds iron values lead values mercury values pyrite silver values silver and lead.yalues lead, and zinc values tin and tungsten values zinc and manganese values sectional ... ...... . . sieve scales in American, table of silver combination 67 1616, 1916 .1616, 1891 .1616, 1921 1616, 1815 1616, 1706 ,1616, 1919 1616, 1913 1616, 1679 .1616, 1680 1616, 1713 .1616, 1915 1616, 1804 1108 1361 1039 1039 simple jigging 900 using hand jigs 892 stamp 1013 with plates and vanners 1018 no vanners f 1017 without amalgamated plates 1014 steam stamp in Montana 984 using fine crushing and riffle tables 1004 hydraulicking or dredging 1006 magnetism 1053 with jigs, vanners and tables 1103 log washers 895 Millstones, discussion of 2033 Milwaukee Mining Co., mill 940 Mimetite, specific gravity of 1189 Minas Geraes, Brazil, strakes at 725 Tecolotes y Anexas mill. G. A. Burr 2037 Mine 1 482 12 481, 482 24 '.. 481, 482 25 482 26 481, 482 30 481, 482 31 481, 482 35 481, 482 38 481 39 482 42 481 44 12 46 12, 843 47 12 54 481 57 482 59 482 67 482 77 482 83 481 87 481, 482 93 > 481 and Smelter Supply Company, cone classifiers at Mill 141 1761 blasting in 9 fines, treatment of 1111 La Motte mill xxvi, 921 picking in 481 water used 1105 Mineral Resources of the United States, pan amalga- mation 1520 aggregate 1 163 examination 1162 oils 1097 Minerals, adhesion of 4 aggregation of 3 changed by heat 4 color and luster of decrepitation of 5 effect of greasiness of 4 magnetism of 4 momentum of 4 settling power 4 specific gravity of 3 floated by flotation processes, list of 1555 Flotation Company, flotation processes 1560 hardness of 2 list of good and poor conductors for electro- static separation 1550 magnetism of 790 separated in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. Separation Company, flotation process 1555 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Minerals Separation process at Mill 130 . . 1560, 1719, 1721, 1723 specific gravities of 1188 structure and fracture of 3 tenacity and brittleness 2 which become magnetic on roasting 1995 Miners' inch measure for water 1197 ton 883 Mines de Pierrefitte 1780 Mineville, New York, mill at 1059 Minimum difference in specific gravity for jigging . . 609 Mining, cost of 1126 costs, statement of 1947 wire cloth screens, sizes of 1 196 Minnesota iron mine, Blake breaker at 23 cost of crushing at 60 crushing at 57 Iron Co., cost of breaking ore 51 Silver Company, Ltd 1731 Minnie & A. Y. mill xxv, 909 Minor processes of separation 839 Miscellaneous apparatus 882 machines using agitation 682 plates 741 processes of separation 790 Missouri, capacity of jigs in 602 concentration in southwest. R. B. Brinsmade . 2401 cost of mill in 1126 milling in 1129 producing lead and zinc in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 drop between jig sieves 550 hand jigging in 893 jigs in 495 jig plunger clearance in 530 jigs in 507, 522, 642, 643 -Kansas district, milling in the. O. Ruhl 2045 concentration in the. H. A. Titcombe . . . 2036 lead and zinc mills, methods of jigging in 571 mills in 916 zinc ore, sizing test on 303 limestone, jaw plates used in crushing 48 mills in. .900, 1120, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1185 milling in O. M. Bilharz '... 2034 southwest. O. Ruhl 2043 number of sieves on jigs in 590 Robinson jig in 504 typical milling practice in Toplin. C. L. Wat- son 2042 R. L. Herrick 2042 Zinc and Lead Company mill 2036 jigs in 609 mills, general scheme of. R.H.Richards.. 2040 ores, improvements in milling. W. E. Ford . . 2039 Mixed sizes, tests on jigging 630 Mixer. Blaisdell mechanical mixer 1603 for oil separation 831 Mixing box at Mill 162 1843 pans at Mill 188 1921 vats at Mill 130 1722 Moctezuma Copper Company 1831 Modern practice in California gold mills 1619 Modifications of Collom jig 515 Evans jig 517 Frue vanner 651 Moisture in concentrates 880 drained ore 1106 removed in driers 881 samples 846, 1575 Molasses spigot for jigs 528 Molybdenite, concentration of. J. Ohly 2029 dressing 1567 separated by oil 831 specific gravity of 1 189 Molybdenum 1569 atomic weight of 1188 Momentum and trajectory 1611 of minerals 4 use made of, in mills 889 used in dry separation 819 Monadnock Chili mills at mills 1775, 1850 Monarch breaker, cost of crushing by 51 of Blake type 20 table of sizes of 21 magnetic separator 797 Monazite dressing in the Carolinas 2030 sands, concentration of. F. Katzer 2030 sand washing in the Carolinas 2028 C. R. Bohm 2027 separated by magnets 790 Monitor and Ajax fraction 1732 hydraulic giant 333 mill 1732 Mons, Belgium, phosphate dressing at 1179 plant for phosphate 895 Montana & Denver Reduction Company mill. F. D. Smith 2036 Coal and Coke Company, coal washing at the. J. V. Schaefer 2051 copper mills in 973 sulphide mills 1103 cost of mill in 1 126 milling in 1 134 district, cost of producing copper in. . 1950, 1951, 1952 1953 dredging in 1009 Iron Works, rolls 76 mills in 1136, 1181, 1182 Mining Co., Limited, mill xxviii, 1027, 1040, 1181 sapphire washing 1081 Tonapah mill. F. L. Bosqui 2038 Zinc Company. Blake-Morscher separator at ... 1551 Monte Cristo mill, Huntington mill at 281 Monteponi, calamine plant at. E. Ferraris 2040 cost of mill at 1126 Ferraris belt table at 698 classifier at 400 drum-type magnetic separator at 1529 jig at 584 magnetic separator at 1525 screen at 343 jig discharge at 579 jigs at 523, 597, 642, 643 removal of tailings 587 magnetic mill at 1060, 1117 separation at 834, 836 separator at 799, 810 roasting for magnetism at 815 Sardinia, costs at 1136 mill at 1066, 1179, 1181, 1185 stay boxes used at 588 zinc mill at 1117 Montezuma Lead Company mill. G. A. Burr .... 2037 Moonta, Australia, concentration at 2033 mines, Hancock jig at 505 Moore filter-press system at Mill 103 1633 Moravia, graphite dressing in 1183 mill in 1075 Morel & Hall's mill, bibliography for 295 ball mill 234 Morenci, Arizona, type of settling tank used at 1413 Morey & Sperry pulverizer 234 bibliography for 295 Morgan, P. G., gold dredging in New Zealand .... 1181 Morison, D. B 215, 229 efficiency of stamps 219 limits of drop in stamps 216 Morison's pneumatic stamp 143 stamp battery 229 Morison's curves of velocity of stamps 215 experiments on stamp efficiency 224 high-speed stamp 141, 2012 Morning mill, Mullan, Idaho, .xxvi, 946, 1179, 1687, 2042 stamp mortar 228 Star cement gravel mine 211 Morris centrifugal pump at Mill 139 1756 at Mill 175 1890 Theodore W. & Co., plate glass for launder lin- 1595 213 2036 1550 Morro Velho mine, height of discharge of stamps . . . stamp mine, Brazil Morscher, Lawrence N., electrostatic separation . . . Morse Bros. Machinery & Supply Company, the Wild mill 1304 F. B., corrugated vanner belt 647 Tustin mill 294 W. S., an Arizona gold stamp mill 1175 gravity stamps 224, 225 Mortar beds for steam stamps 114 of Nordberg steam stamps 1247 blocks for gravity stamps 145 marshy ground 148 of concrete 148 cast iron 148 2012 2011 167 . 1906 box, Bremner's Morison open front . covers discharge at Mill 181. . Mortar discharge for Leavitt stamp for grinding amalgam 780 68 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. I Mortar hand, for testing housing for steam stamps jig discharge for steam stamps jigs at Mill 177 linings at Mill 117 Mortars at Mill 117 Boss individual mortars standard battery mortar Dahlonega for gravity stamps gravity stamp INDEX Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. 1137 119, 120 1256 . 1892 166 1668 . 1668 . 1265 1267 152 160, 161 1263 Homestake type ............................ 1267 introducing water into ....................... 2011 Men-all's individual mortar .................. 1264 Nordberg steam stamp ...................... 1003 Rapid Economy individual ................... 1266 Schorr stay-overflow, the ..................... 1266 single and double discharge ................. 167 standard ten-stamp battery .................. 1267 steam stamps .............................. 119 table of dimensions of ...................... 165 weights of ............................... 164 Traylor double-discharge .................... 1266 sectional mortars ......................... 1267 Mosler, C., Ball stamp ........................... 143 Collom jig .............................. 643 copper dressing at Lake Supperior ......... 1186 Phoenix pneumatic stamp ................. 143 stamps in Quincy mill .................... 230 Mosser, W. F. & Co., rolls ..................... 76 Motion of a solid through a liquid. H.S.Allen... 1433 Poynting and Thomson ......... 1433 Motors, increased use of induction motors in milling 1927 Motte's breaker ....... : ............... . ........ 58 Mouchet, C., Harz jigs in the Vaucron mill ........ 641 pointed boxes at the Vaucron mill .......... 477 rolls at Vaucron mill ..................... 110 stroke of jigs ............................ 594 Vaucron, Var, France, mill for galena blende 1178 Mould for melting ............................. 784 Mount Bischoff, costs and results at .............. 2046 mill. D. Clark .......................... 2034 stamps at ............................... 225 Tasmania, tin mill at ................ ; ---- 1182 tin dressing at. S. Fawns ................. 2042 mill ................................... 1083 Hope mine, ore, magnetic separation of ......... 810 Lyell Tasmania, costs of producing copper in . 1957, 1958 Shasta, California, mill at ..................... 1047 Mounting a Blake breaker ...................... 18 of jig sieves ............................... 540 Moustier centripetal breaker ..................... 2010 Mouth of spindle and jaw breaker ............... 54 feed openings of gravity stamps ........... 166 Movable sieve power jigs, Bilharz oblong .......... 503 Bradford eccentric ..................... 500 Conkling ............................. 503 Hancock vanning ...................... 504 Hooper vanning ............... . ........ 505 intermittent ........................... 506 Robinson ............................. 504 Schranz .............................. 503 sieve continuous power jigs .................. 499 hand jigs ................................ 495 method of working ..................... 497 table of practice in the mills ............. 498 jigs .................................. 494, 1440 Hancock jig ........................... 1440 testing jig ............................... 627 tables for amalgamated plates ............... 733 Movements, head motion for Card concentrator .... 1483 New Standard concentrator ............ 1478 Overstrom table ..................... 1485 Wilfley slimer ........................ 1504 tables ............................. 1466 of breaker jaws ..................... , ...... 23, 34 Moving power of water ......................... 878 Moxham, E. C., concentration plant of the Bertha Zinc Company, Virginia ....................... 1180 Mover mill.'. ................................ xxv, 910 mine, cost of hand picking at ................ 1439 Mud in water ................................. 1105 sills for gravity stamps ...................... 152 Mules, cost of ................................. 1126 Mullan, Idaho, mil! at ....................... 946, 1179 Muller ........................................ 1137 grinding mills .............................. 1310 Hathaway .............................. 1310 Little Giant quartz mill, Oregon Muller quartz mill or Merrill's mill ............ 1310 Muller, in amalgamating pans 245 mortar for cleaning amalgam 204 grinding amalgam 780 process for corundum 1078 Stanwood gravity 1285 Multiple jaw breaker 28 Mumford & Moodie dry separator 818 Mundic 900 Mundt ifig Mundt's screens 168 Munich, tests on strength of stone at 301 Munroe, H. S. . . v iii Blake breakers at Bonne Terre 57 breakers 57 comparison of the English and Continental system of 'jigging 1463 density of pulp on slime tables 695 Evans classifier 496 table at Lake Superior 728 figures on practice with Lake Superior hydrau- lic classifiers 390 formula for pulsion velocity in jigging 1460 E'ty stamps 226 ig copper at Lake Superior 640 atory slime table 1 155, 2023 Lake Superior hog-trough classifier 40 1, 476 milling at Lake Superior 1174 new laboratory classifier 2020 Parson's jigs at Bonne Terre, Collom jigs at Lake Superior 640 Rittinger table 728 separation by jigs 640 sizing tests of jig products 607 of tailings in Mill 25 . 608 slime tables 697 steam, pneumatic, and gravity stamps 224 St. Joseph Lead Company's mill 1175 tests on hindered settling 626 Munroe's laboratory slime table 1 1 55 Muntz metal amalgamating plates 747, 750, 1515 for amalgamation plates 1512, 2024 plates, preparation of 754 Murphys, California, Tustin mill at 1014 Muscovite, specific gravity of 1189 Musterschutz feeder 884 Mysore, India, cost of producing gold in 1981 N Nacosari, Mexico, the new concentrator at. H. B. Layton 2036 Nagel, M. L., free-settling velocities 1421 Nagle's formula for belt transmission 97 Naphtha, specific gravity of 1189 Narod pulverizer 235, 282 bibliography for 297 National Concentration Company, description of the Woodbury system 1459 Drill and Manufacturing Company, Blake breaker 1203 Native amalgam 731 copper ores, mills for 990 Natural feed on Wilfley table 1471 Navaho mill 1092 Nederland mill, wear of amalgamating pans 249 Needle wire gauge 1 195 Needles for screens, sizes of 172 Negaunee, Michigan, mill at 1185 Neill, J. W., on roasting and magnetism 814 Neodymium, atomic weight of 1 188 Neon, atomic weight of 1 188 Nernst lamp in Mill 171 1871, 1931 Net yield 1123 Neubert, E. W., analysis of products of hand picking at Freiberg, Saxony 492 and O. Bilharz xx dressing at Freiberg, Saxony 1174 Neue Helene mill 1087 mine Hohenlohe Werke 1783 Neuerberg's mill, bibliography for 293 rolls 110 Neuerberg system of trommels 364 trommel 385 wet mill 233 Neuhof mill 1186 Nevada City, stamps at 230 Consolidated Copper Company 1866 Engineering Works, sample grinder 1284 Goldfield Reduction Company 1629 mills in 1174 sample grinder 1284 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Newaygo Portland Cement Company, Newaygo sep- arator 1360 screen, data on the 2018 separator 1350, 1360 table of capacities with various sizes of screens 1351 New Blanton cam 194 Bulfontein Diamond Co 839, 1081 Caledonia, chromite mill in 1074 central mill of the Aktien Company 1786 ore dressing plant, Clausthal 1795 Century Blake breaker 1203, 1222 differential motion jig at mills . . . 1760, 1765, 1812 disintegrating screen 2018 drop motion jig 537, 2022 jig 1444, 1459 magnetic separator, Knowles 1541 Chum Consolidated mill, amalgamated plates in 745 Comet mill, details of stamps 221 Newcum, W. A., 228 Elkhorn mill 1134 Newell & Newell, plates in Penn and Iron City mills, Colorado 789 stamps at the Penn mill, Gilpin County, Col- orado 229 S. V., on drop of stamps 220 Newfoundland chromite concentrated by free settling 475 crushed by rolls, sizing test 99 sized in Richards' classifier 407 New Himmelfahrt mill 958 Newhouse mine and mill 2037 Mines and Smelter Company 1923 New Humboldt concentrator 1493 improved Huntington mill 1313 Jersey & Pennsylvania Concentrating Co., mill 1056 bluestone rock, treated in Frisbee Lucop mill 267 costs of milling in 1135 Iron Mining Company, mill xxix, 1055 mill in 1179, 1183 , Zinc Company 1804 Kleinfontein Company, conveying belt at plant of 1585 mill, S. Africa, E. G.' Wary 2039 Mexico, mill in 1180 stamps in 226 plate error 747 Primrose mill, detail of stamps 221 Smuggler concentrator xxvii mill 1004 South Wales, stamps in 227 hydraulicking in 1006, 1179 Standard classifies 1369, 1373 concentrator 1478 W. G. Weatherby 2023 Newton gold mill xxviii, 1029 jigging mill xxviii mill 227, 1047 mortar 165 rate of crushing in 165 shoes and dies 181 mortar 163, 227 slope of screens 176 Sir Isaac, law of eddying resistance 1425 New Woodbury concentrator 1494 York mill, acid water 173 Zealand, dredging in 1009, 1179, 1181 dredges in 1184 gold yield for April, 1899 2049 plates in 788 stamps in 226, 227 water used in stamp mills 222 N. Henninger's limonite washer 895 Niagara crusher and pulverizer 233 bibliography for 294 Falls, power at 1090 pulverizer, sizing test on 315 Niccolite, specific gravity of 1189 Nicholas pulverizer 233 bibliography for 292 F. C., the Elmore flotation process 2030 H. S., slime settling 1414 Nichols Chemical Co., mill xxv, 905 slime table at Mill 174 1478 Nicholson, Frank, blende in the Joplin district 1183 concentrating blende in Missouri 1183 Nichter spiral slate picker 2021 Nickel amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 in steel roll-shells at Mill 128 1714 magnetic separation of 833 ore, dressing of 1 185 specific gravity of 1 189 Nip, angle of 89 for gyratory breakers 1218 rolls 1226 Nissen, Peter, tests at Boston Consolidated mill 2013 individual stamp mortar 1263 stamps at Boston Consolidated 1278 Home Run Mill, Prescott, Arizona 1264 Mill 165 1850, 1851, 1852 capacity of 201 1 at Mill 165 1264 description of 2012 Niter for melting ; 784 Nitric acid used on amalgamated plates 752 Nitrogen, atomic weight of 1188 Nitzo, H. B. C., and H. A. J Wilkens, gravity stamps 224 magnetic separation 835 plates at the Haile gold mine 787 Wetherill magnetic separators 833 Norbom vanner 652 North Brookfield, Nova Scotia, ore from 1147 Nordberg Corliss engines 987 Manufacturing Company, tests on Nordberg steam stamps 1261 1911 pump rolls at Mill 182 single-cylinder steam stamp at Mill 179 1897 indicator diagrams of 1250, 1251 test at Mill 181 1250 steam stamp 997, 1004, 1247, 2011 comparison between single cylinder and com- pound 1254 foundations, anvil blocks, mortar beds, sills, and girders 1247 piston, piston rod, dash pot, flange, revolv- ing pulley, stamp stem, stamp shoe of ... 1247 single cylinder 1249 steam cylinders, valves, and valve gears of 1249 tandem compound at Osceola and Tama- rack 1254 steeple-compound steam stamp at mills . . . 1894, 1895, 1901 North American Lead Company, Missouri, mill of the. R. B. Brinsmade 2042 Brookfield, Nova Scotia, plates at 765 Butte Mining Company 1836 Carolina, amalgamator 788 mills in 1180 separation of corundum in 9 Northey pump 1027 North Star mill 1175, 1182 California, A. D. Foote 2045 dies used in 180 Grass Valley, California, milling practice at the. G. E. Alexander 2043 mortar 165 plates in 787 stamps 224 foundation 145 wear of shoes and dies 183 Mines Company. A. D. Foote 1925 central mil) of 1617 mill xxvii, 1018 mortar 161, 162 mouth 167 on Sultan mill 1050 Siiverton Mining Company xxix stamp mill 149 Nova Scotia, cost of nulling in 1133 gold milling in 1174 ore, tests on 1117 mill in 1184 new mining plant at Salmon River. B. Mc- Donald 2034 stamp milling. E. P. Brown 2034 mill practice *. 2043 Nozzles for water wheels 1090 Number of compartments on jigs 507 drops of stamps 215 Tremain stamp 138 jaw compared with spindle brenkers 51 mills, key to xxv sieves in jigs 524, 588 strokes on jigs 553, 592 See also " ' Oakum for caulking 735 Oberegger coal jig. V. Waltl 2022 gyratiag screen 386 70 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Oberegger jig for coal washing 2021 Occasional expenses 1 123 Ocean water, specific gravity of 3 Ochre washing 1 173 Octagonal revolving screens 1353 trommels 362 Octave mill. W. A. Root 2046 stamp mill, Weaver, Arizona. D. E. Bigelow . 2043 Odell rolls Ill Odling magnetic separator 2028 Office for mill 1088 Ogle, J. P., breaking 59 fine jaw breaker 59 Oil, attraction of minerals for residuum. J. F. Hamilton 2025 concentration at Santa Barbara, Van Meter pro- cess 1993 in America, history of 2029 increasing efficiency of. A. Schwartz 2027 mill 1072 of a siliceous ore. C. M. Fassett 2029 ores. W. McDermott 2027 tests at Mill 172 1874 consumed in driers 880 cost of for breakers 49 engines 1091 for belts 1094 lubrication 1097 smoking moulds 784 process of separation 831 required for breakers 50 suited for use in Elm ore process 1558 testing by 1 155 Olcott, E. E., on cost of gold milling 1134 Old Bed magnetic concentrating mill . 1059 Buchanan breaker, table of movements of 23 Clitters mine 1915 Dominion Copper Mining and Smelting Com- pany 1882 copper handbook 1925 Globe, Arizona, concentration at. H. J. Baron 2043 English gauge 1195, 1999 screen gauge 173 wire gauge 1364 Oldham mill 732, 1133 amalgam from 765 blow of stamps 220 breaker in 60 chuck blocks in 177, 178 dies used in 180 Golden Gate table in 681 mortar 165 plates in 789 rate of crushing in 165 shoes in 181 stamp bosses 1 87 screens 169 stems 187 stamps in 228 wear of stamp shoes and dies 183 mortar 162 stamp mill 1184 Old Hundred mill, Howardsville, Colorado 2042 Jordan & Galena Mining Co., mill xxv, 913 Star of the East mill, Australia, mercury wells in ". 769 gold caught in wells in 771 Union mill, Breckenridge, Colo., practice at the. D. H. Laurence 2045 Summit County, Colorado, flow sheet of the. D. H. Laurence 2046 Oligoclase, specific gravity of 1189 Oliver Iron Mining Company, washing plant for iron ores 1815 Olsen testing machine for strength of rock 311 One-current classifier 1144 Ontario, copper sulphide mill in. H. J. C. Williams. 2034 corundum dressing in 1181 custom mill at Keewatin. F. H. Probert 2040 dry stamping mill, sizing tests 210 mill 1134 amalgamating pans at 290 breaker in 57 silver mill 1174, 1179 Opal, specific gravity of 1189 Open-hearth high-carbon punched plate at Mill 180, life of 1902 Opening, discussion of the designations of size of. E. A. Hersam 2019 Opening for ventilation 1099 in wire screens, sizes of 1196 measurement of screen 1362 percentage of, in jig screens 546 Operating costs 1940 with all slime filter-pressing system 1648 American Process Company's driers 1599 Argall 4-tube drier 1600 Blaisdell system 1603 flotation processes 1562 minerals separation process 1561 Oxland roasting furnace 1549 Trego roasting furnace 1548 Operation of Blake breaker 16 canvas tables. 700, 701, 702 circular slime tables 692 Gates breaker 1222 hand jigs 497 settlers 778 slime tables 684 vanners 657 Wilfley roasting furnace, attendance required for 1548 Ophir Con. Mines Co., Colorado, the mill of the . . 2044 Oppermann,| M., Harz jig at Ammeberg, Sweden, Utsch jig 641 zinc dressing at Ammeberg, Sweden 1176 Orange peel dredge 1009 Order of drop of gravity stamps 1274 at Mill 100 1275, 1624 stamps 194, 214 at Mill 114 1661 Mill 117 1668 mills 1616 Ordinary direct plot 1142 Ore bins 842 breakers, Gates type 1222 concentrator, the Charleton 427 deposits of U. S. and Canada. J. F. Kemp . . . 1924 dressing compared with smelting 1 divisions ; 5 principles, summary of 1611 granulating mill, Cummings 255 handling, Blaisdell system 1600 kind of, in gravity stamps 207 sorting in S. African gold mine. Webb and Yeatman 2021 testing 1136 washing at Elkton mine 1616 weighing of 883 weight of, before and after breaking 1190 Oregon, dredging in 1009 muller quartz mill 1310 Organization of labor in mill 1101 Oriental mill, amalgamated plates in 745 life of guides 155 mercury wells in 769, 771 Orion, Co., stamp mill 225, 1179 Oro Fina mill, heavy stamps 220 Plata mine, sizing tests of ore from 309 Oroville, California, dredging at 1008, 1012 concrete mortar block at 148, 229 Oroya-Brownhill mines, Australia, the reduction works of the. R. Allen 2045 Orpiment, specific gravity of 1189 Orthoclase, specific gravity of 1189 Osceola Consolidated Mining Co 1181, 1906 copper handbook 1925 mill xxvii, 131, 995, 1182, 1906 Burgan classifier at 1371 Lake Superior, Michigan. L. Fraser 2039 Nordberg tandem, compound stamps at 1254 slime tables in 697 Osmium, atomic weight of 1 188 Osterspey, classifier invented by 421 discharge for jigs 582 jig 538,642 siphon separator 478 Otago, dredge at 703 New Zealand, mills at 1180 plates at 788 stamps at 226 Ottawa Gold Mining Co 1157 plates used by 741 vanners used by 657 Otto Abeling jig mechanism 641, 643 Ounce, equivalents of 1 187 Ouray, Colorado, mill at 928 Ouro Preto, Brazil, amalgamating pan at 291 mill at .. .. 1182 71 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Ouro Preto, Brazil, milling at 1173 stamps at 227 Outlines of mills 889 Outside amalgamated plates 731 fastening the plates to the tables 775 position of in the mills 733 principle of action 731 tables for supporting 733 total areas in mills 744 Ovens district, amalgamated plates in 745, 748 mercury wells in 769 plates in 788 stamps at 226 Victoria, mills in 1180 Overflow battery for gravity stamps 214 Overhead crab 199 Overlapping error on amalgamated plates 748, 757 Overshot water wheel 1036, 1089 Overstrom, G. A., experiments with launders 1592 concentrator 2023 sampler 2032 table 679, 1479, 1485 at mills ..1487, 1711, 1712, 1730, 1886, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1901 test at Mill 162 1493 Owen, F., gold stamp mills in the Remedies district 1182 tin placers in Perak, Malay Peninsula 1182 Owyhee mill, banking in stamp mortar 218 breakage of stamp stems 188 details of stamps 223 silver mill, amalgamation at 787 Oxidizing roast for magnetism 1995 Oxland furnace at Mill 137 1548, 1741 Oxygen, atomic weight of 1 188 effect of in copper plates 750 Ozocerite, specific gravity of 1189 Pachuca cams at Mill 101 1626 stamp battery 1272 at Tonopah Mining, Milling, and Develop- ment Company 1272 Packard, G. A., dry concentration at Round Mt., Nevada 2038 Packing for jig screens 539 Paddock air jig 820 assay of products of 823 Pahang corporation, tin mill 1084 Pails for concentrates 1113 for moisture samples 846 Paint for mills 1089 table tops 1483 Palladium, atomic weight of 1188 specific gravity of 1189 Pallausch, A., graphite dressing in Bohemia 1177 Pan amalgamation 1167, 1517 cost of milling 1134 for silver, cost of 250 mills 1039 notes on 1520 settling tanks for 459 test 1157 bottom of amalgamating pans 241 conveyors 860 sampler 846 Pandora mill 1016 mill of Smuggler-Union Mining Company .... xxvii Panning at clean-up 203, 266 gold ore, dry Pans, amalgamating and clean-up Colorado Iron Works grinding pan continuous grinding for amalgamating clean-up / diamond washing hand panning mixing at Mill 188 washing corundum and emery grinding, Colorado Iron Works Company Australian practice sizing tests of pulp from wear of shoes and dies Hendy versus tube mills in Australia, efficiency of grinding water for 825 232 1282 1282 >, 777 250 1081 1152 1921 333 333 1323 1283 1284 1284 683 1282 2014 1105 Paper for lining cars used in retorts Parabolic formula, Rittinger's . . . for free settling Parallel arrangement of machines . rolls 1113 781 471 ...472, 473 1110 1244 McFarlane 1232 Parallelism of rolls 71 Paramagnetic substances 796 Parent, pneumatic concentration at the Rheinpreus- sen, the Zollverein collieries, at St. Louis and Lagrange 837 Lucien, Karlik grizzly bars, trommels 385 Park City, speed of jigs at 593 Utah, mill at 1 179 Parke and Lacy Company 30-34 Blake breaker jaw movements 34 Dodge breaker < . . . 28 sizing box 416 Giant rock breaker 22 Parker, R. A., false shoe 229 Parkhurst & Whipple on Griffin mill 284 Parkin, C., pneumatic stamps in Cornwall 143 Parkyn, T., tin dressing at St. Dennis, Cornwall . 1184 Parlow, P. G., on weight of stamps 220 Parnall-Krause stamp mill mortar 2011 Parrot mill, Wilfley table at 675 Silver and Copper Mining Company 1836 mill xxvi, 982 Parsons & Fisher jig 517 advantages of 518 construction of disadvantages of Cyril, Huntington mills in southern Rhodesia Huntington mills life of screens in Huntington mill wearing parts of Huntington mills Parsons' distributor 525 518 1323 2016 1317 1317 857 640 529 537 ,682 973 574 Pape-Henneberg dry separator 818, 828, 890, 891 72 size of sieve and plunger water for table Partial turbine Partitions across jig sieves Pasley, C. S., tin dressing in Bolivia 1183 Passau, Bavaria, Germany, mill at 1074 Path of grains in trommel 376, 377 settling particle 453 Patterson Elephant stamp 141, 143 Patton amalgamating pan 291 Paul, A. B., California and Colorado systems 228 milling 1184 Paul's arrastra 290 ball mill 293 Paving blocks, strength of 303 Paxman mill 282, 297 Payne, C. Q viii magnetic separator 799 mine, British Columbia, New Century magnetic separator at 1542 Peace River Phosphate Company 897 mill xxv, 897 Peak Hill mine, amalgamated plates in 751 retort residue at 783 Pearce, Arizona, ball mill at 261 S. H 884 and Caldecott, W. A 1292 crushing efficiency of tube mills 1323 data on sampling 851 design of mining machinery 2048 discussion of H. A. White's results 1340 rules for sampling 849 sampler for tailings 884 tube mill grinding in S. Africa 2014 Pearl (Australia) mill, wear of shoes and dies in ... 183 amalgamated plates in 745 (Idaho) camp, milling in the 2043 Pearline for boiler scale 1027 Pebble, Florida, mill at 897 Pebbles, for tube mills, American. A. Lakes 2015 amount charged, formula for 1288 at mill 143 1770 C. C. Schnatterbeck 2016 consumption of 1291 for tube mills 1288 Peck's centrifugal elevator 2031 separator 828, 839 Montana, concentrating mill. G. W. Winter . . 2036 Pein, A. von, rolls with tension rods 112 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Pelton water wheels 931, 935, 939, 945, 947, 951, 1015, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1029, 1032, 1034, 1089, 1090 at Mill 96 1619 for dredges 1013 Penalties on Joplin zinc ores 1939 products at Mill 148 1793 Penn and Iron City mills, plates in 789 mill, stamps in 229 effect of rapid drop of stamps 220 Pennsylvania, driving mechanism for trommels .... 357 mill, Grass Valley, Calif 2036 Steel Company, Lebanon, plant of 1828 Pepler ore feeder. " D. J. Pepler 2032 Pepler's operative device for the Challenge feeder. D. J. Pepler 2031 Perak, Malay Peninsula, tin washing at 1182 tin dressing at 1084 Percentage of extraction in mills 1115, 1932 moisture in ore 1 106 opening in jig screens 546 screens 168, 369 Percy, C. M., picking belt of steel plates 492 reduction in rolls, diagrams of 1227 shaking riddles 385 Percussion tables, bibliography for 727 Bartsch rotary 1497 belt 1496 Perfection laboratory breaker 2009 ore feeder 1578 Perforated board for riffles 724 in classifiers 437 plate and wire cloth screens, for medium and fine work 340 plates in settling tanks 453 Peridotite weathering of 830 Periods of clean-up in steam stamps 134 Peripheral discharge tube mills of the Davidsen type 1297 overflow, depth of discharge versus velocity of discharge 1413 for slime tanks, use of lead strip for maintain- ing level 1406 wood strip for maintaining level . . 1407 Periphery speed of rolls Perm mine, mill works, double discharge on jigs at Permeability for magnetic lines 792 of iron 792 Pernolet 101 A., Carr disintegrator 298 Rexroth, Lamarche and Schwarz coal jigs . . . 641 ribbon theory of roll capacity 101 V., pneumatic concentration 641, 837 velocity of particles falling in water and air . 477 Perseverance furnaces at Mill 105 1637 Pestarena, Italy, mill at 1182 Peter McFarlane Sons Iron Works Company, Horn rotary slime concentrator 1499 Peters, hammers for breaking 11 spalling 11 E. D., Blake breaker at Sudbury, Canada .... 57 breakers 56, 57, 59 copper smelting xx 1177 584 cost of breaking dust chambers hand versus machine breaking rolls .. 51 885 59 109 1569 295 234 295 1180 295 728 Peterson, G. W., magnetic separation in Sweden Pfeiffer, J., Pfeiffer's mill Pfeiffer's horizontal ball mill mill, bibliography for Pfordte, O. F., concentration at Casapalca, Peru edge runners Frue vanners Pheby, F. S., battery frames 158, 228 Phelps breaker 58 Philadelphia & Reading Coal Co., shaking screens 342 Graphite Co., mill 1075 Phillips 1035 dry gold concentrator. F. B. Allen 2025 J. A., amalgamation 787 for silver 1174 amalgamating pans 290 arrastra 290 gravity stamps 223 Krom's rolls 109 metallurgy xx on height of discharge 213 silver amalgamation 1039 separation processes 839 2027 73 Phillips, W. B. and A. Thies, stamp mill at Hailegold mine, North Carolina 1175 concentration in Alabama 833 of Cranberry ore in North Carolina 1180 cost of milling 1135 magnetic concentration in Alabama 833 of Cranberry ore in North Carolina . . 835 roasting and magnetic separation of iron . . . 1176 for magnetism 814 Wetherill separator in Alabama 835 Phlogopite, specific gravity of 1189 Phcenix atmospheric stamp 149 mill 143 false bottoms in mortar 180 inside plates \\\ 178 mortar 165 rate of crushing in 165 screens in \\\ 175 mine, stamp at 140 Phonolite and andesitic breccia crushed in Florence, Colorado 103 Phosphate dressing 1179, 1183 in Belgium 899 Phosphates in Tennessee, milling of. R. D. O. Johnson mill for of the Pyrenees treated by hydraulic nozzle 334 in log washer 327 washing 1 180 Phosphor bronze cloth screens 174 plate screens 174 Phosphorus, atomic weight of 1188 Physical properties of minerals 2 adhesion 4 change of magnetism by heat 4 porosity by heat 4 color and luster 3 decrepitation 5 greasiness 4 hardness 2 magnetism 4 mineral aggregation 3 specific gravity 3 structure and fracture 3 tenacity and brittleness 2 Picker for slate 489 Picking. See also Hand Picking. belts 1435 at mills . . . 1438, 1617, 1737, 1749, 1806, 1815, 1842, 1871, 1875, 1882, 1889 detailed information on. E. H. Messiter . . 2021 of wire at Mill 137 1740 Robins conveying 1438 speed and capacity of 1438 chutes 489 cost of hand picking 1438 hand 480 houses 492 in the mine 481 block system 481 of rich ore for economy 481 on conveyors 489 shaking table 489 summary of, in the mills 491 tables 485, 486, 488, 492, 1435 annular Allis-Chalmers types 1435 at mills. . . . 1783, 1786, 1787, 1792, 1795, 1805, 1920 circular revolving 490 compared 491 Humboldt 1437 intermittent motion of 491 Krupp type 1435 speed and capacity of 1438 of 491 stationary 488 Pickling copper plates 748, 754 Pick points, removal of 882 Pictou, H. and S. E. Linder, action of arsenic sul- phide solution on electrodes 1178 powers of metallic salts on arsenious sul- phide 1178 Pierce amalgamators 1517, 1520, 2024 at mills 1517, 1660, 1661 Mill 114, saving effected 1663 W. I., gold milling in Nova Scotia 1174 Pierrefitte mines, France, mill at 1182 Sautter magnet at 798 Pike Hill mines 1891 copper handbook 1925 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Pilling Air Engine Company, pneumatic hoists. 1608, 1610 table of sizes, capacities, speeds, weights, etc. of 1609 Pillow blocks for rolls 71, 80 Finder concentrator 1479, 2022, 2023 Pine board for amalgamation 750 for riffles 721 Hill coal washing, Pennsylvania 2051 Finite, specific gravity of 1189 Pipe and plug jig spigot 527 conveyor 861 covering 1091 discharge for jigs 583 at Mill 137 1458 distributors 857 launders at Guanajuato 1595 sampler , 845 sizes of 405 steam for amalgamating pans 243 Pipes for gravity stamps 199 launders 873 water 1106 Pirchl, J., Meinecke classifier and spitz utte 478 Piston in jig discharge 580 of Nordberg steam stamp 1247 Pitch angle in trommels 376 for smoking moulds 784 Pitkaranta, Finland, magnetic separation at 804, 836 plant at. E. Promosigh 2047 Pittsburg and Montana Copper Company 1836 coal jig 2022 washer, drawings of 2051 Pittsburg Foundry and Machine Co., rolls 76 Monarch breaker at 21 Silver Peak Gold Mining Company 1634 Placer County, California, sizing tests of stamp pulp 211 deposits, testing of. R. Nye 2036 fields of northwest America. T. Tonge 2040 gold. A McDougall 2043 burlap processs for saving. D. Macquire . . . 2041 recovered by dry panning 816, 825 ground, working of. J. W. Finder 2036 machines, dry 838, 839 Tierra Seca 838 material in sluices, mathematical discussion of the action of. L. St. Rainier 2030 mines, cost of operation of. C. W. Purington. . 2047 mining. See under Hydraulicking. ancient stream gravel in. W. Lindgren .... 2041 history of. J. M. Maclaren 2039 in Alaska. C. W. Purington .... 2042, 2045, 2047 costs of. C. W. Purington 2041 British Columbia 2040 California. G. L. Holmes 2046 Columbia, S. America. F. F. Sharpless . . 2037 Guiana. H. Tweddle 2036 Siberia 2046 the Philippines. G. D. Rice 2036 on the Yukon. J. M. Bell 2047 history of 2035 plants 1006 of La Cienaga, Sonora, Mexico. R. T. Hill ... 2036 Alaska. L. M. Prindle . , 2047 the Seward Peninsula. F. H. Moffit 2047 tin plants 1084 washing 702, 723 Placerville, California, mill at 1017, 1022, 1035 Placing of screens 170, 373 the mortar in stamp mills 148 Plain copper plates coated with amalgam 747 quicksilver 747 comparison of, with silver plated plates 748 transverse troughs or riffles 772 Plaminek, A., air blast for coal 838 Hochstrate apparatus at the Rheinpreussen colliery 837 Planet mill, bibliography for 234, 294 Plant for mill 1087 Plaque for vanning 1152 Plate amalgam ratio of gold to silver in 764 amalgamation 1611 use made of, in mills 890 annealing of, before amalgamating 747 conveyors 860 picking on 489 gauges 1194 glass launder linings 1595 screens, cost of 361 for gravity stamps 167 Plate screens, stationary 340 table of details of 169 thickness of 371 Plates, absorption of amalgam 765 mercury by amalgamating plates 1514 acid water on 751 amalgamation 1512 apron 740 arrangement of 737, 742 bibliography for 787 buckling to remove hard amalgam 760 cleaning 757 coated with amalgam 747 quicksilver 747 connection to mortar 735 copper and silver-plated 764 versus silver-plated 748 details of dressing and cleaning 757 dimensions, area, and thickness 744 distribution of amalgam from 764 distributors and collectors 743 dressing and cleaning 756 drops between 733, 743 due to cyanide, loss on. B. C. Wilson . , 2024 effect of warm water 750 for amalgamation, plain copper versus silver- plated. E. Halse 2024 from battery, author advocates separating. P. Morgan 2024 graphite coating on 751 grease on 751 gyrating 741 how fastened to table 735 inside amalgamated 178 lip 739 loss of gold on 749 maintaining of right consistency 756 materials for amalgamated 747, 1514 method of electroplating 754 miscellaneous 741 Muntz metal, coated with mercury 750 new scheme at Mill 66 1026 of pure silver coated with amalgam 750 on mortar lip splash board vanners and bumping tables outside amalgamated position of preparation of new . . principle of action . . , proportions of gold and silver caught on. 74 739 739 740 731 737 752 731 763 removal of amalgam from 757 spots and stains 762 rubber for 754 shaking 740 sickening and flouring of mercury on 751 slope of 744 sluice 740 sodium amalgam on 752 speed of waves and thickness of film on 746 stains on 750 sulphuric acid used on 752 sweating with hot water 759 swinging 741 tables for 733 treatment of 750 use of galvanic couple and electric current on . 752 versus mercury wells 771 wire cloth for testing screens 1138 with electric current 740 yield of hard amalgam 761 Platform elevators 864 for gravity stamps 156 scales 883 Plating copper plates with silver 754 Platiniridium, specific gravity of 1189 Platinum amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 deposits of the Urals. C. W. Purington 2033 in dredging, the saving of 2040 scrap, recovery of 1 146 specific gravity of native 1189 pure 1189 washing in Russia 2029 Platt mine ore, magnetic separation of 810 Ploermel, France, mill at 1177 Plomb, A. M., results from the Blake-Morscher sep- arator 2028 Plots of sizing tests 1139, 1144 Plotting sizing tests 1139 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Plug spigot for jigs 598 Plumb circular jig 641 Plunger clearance on jigs 529, 530 feeders at mills 1749, 1750, 1751, 1853, 1857, 1864 on jigs 510, 511, 517, 528 throw on jigs 553 versus centrifugal pumps 868 Plungers and sieves, sizes of in mills 529 attachment of to the connecting rods 529 connecting rods for in jigs 530 Plush for tables 703 tables on dredges 1012 Pneumatic and spring stamps 113 belt concentrator 818 products of 818 concentration 815 See also Air. bibliography for 837 concentrator, Hooper 820 hydraulic, and spring stamps 1246 jigs, Krom 824 pulverizer 236 bibliography for 299 separation at Mill 151 1804 separators 1553 Freid gravity dry-process separator 1553 Sutton, Steele & Steele dry table 1479, 1554 stamps 139, 224, 1257 bibliography for 143 Hughes' 143 Krause's 141 Pocket in launders 873 Poech, F. J., Siemens and Friedrichssegen separators. 833 Pointed boxes 412-416, 439, 475-477 at Friedrichssegen 450 details of 441 Rittinger type 411 tube classifier 421 Pole pieces for magnets 794 Poles of magnets 791 Polybasite. specific gravity of 1189 Pomeroy dredge 1013 Ponds for water 1105 Pontoon in hydraulicking 1006 Poor ore treated separately 1111 Porcelain lining for Alsing cylinder 267 Porosity changed by heating 4 roasting for 828, 890 Porphyry, strength of 301, 302 weight of 1190 Portable belt conveyor at Mill 135 1735 conveyors at Mill 167 1857 stamp mill 226 Portage Lake foundry 1446 Porter-Allen engine 1071 Dwight viii electrolytic dissociation of slimes 1414 J. A., gold stamp mill at the Smuggler Union mine, Telluride, Colorado J. B., tabulated results of crushing tests . . . S. R., Baliol mill, Sutters Creek, California. Port Henry iron ore concentrated by magnets . . magnetite crushed by Sturtevant mill sizing test on . 1176 2017 1184 802 288 100 ore, magnetic separation of 798, 810 Portland mill, Colorado City, Colorado 2044 Cripple Creek, Colorado, practice at the 2042 Port Oram, New Jersey, mill at 1055 Position of amalgamated plates 737 Postlethwaite, R. H., dredging 2041 Kia Ora dredge, Feather River, California. . 1184 Posts for gravity stamps 153 Potash for cleaning mercury 786 Potassium, atomic weight of 1188 amalgam 730 Pot distributor 858 retorts 781 Potter notation process 1555, 1561 D. Clark 1568 testing for 1993 Pound, equivalents of 1187 of water 1187 per square inch 1188 troy 1187 Powell, F., gold dredges on Snake River, Idaho ... 1181 the black sand problem 1511 Power. See Horse-power. amalgam squeezer 1519 and efficiency of stamps 131 75 Power and Mining Machinery Co., improved Hunt- ington mill 1311 range of adjustment of gyratory breakers 1218 rolls 1244 at Mill 166 1856 size of crushed products from breakers . 1218 surface measurements in stone crushing by Von , Reytt 306 applied to belt conveyors 860 computed for concentrator No. 1, Mill 173 1929 r r , 1930 ' cost of for breakers 50 crushing 315 in pan amalgamation 250 data in regard to 1927 effect of strength and specific gravity on 313 for Alsing cylinder 267 amalgamating pan 249 arrastra 238, 239 ball mill 261 Ball-Norton magnet 798 bucket conveyor 861 buhrstone mill 253 breakers 56 Brink & Hiibner disintegrator 286 Bryan mill 272, 273 Cammett table 677 centrifugal pumps 869 clean-up pans 252 cone mill 256 Cylcone pulverizer 289 Delvik-Grondal magnetic separator 804 Dodge pulverizer 262 Edison magnetic separators 813 electroplating copper plates 755 Ferraris magnetic separator 799 Fraser and Chalmers rolls 97 Frisbee Lucop mill 267 gravity stamps 204 Griffin centrifugal stamp mill : 269 roller mill 283 Hancock jig 505 hand electromagnet 812 Heberli mill 258, 259 magnetic separator 799 Hooper air jig 822 Huntington mill 280, 281 jigs 596, 597 Krom air jig 824 Langley's dry crusher 274 magnetic separator used at Monteponi 810 mechanical batea 683 mills 1089 See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. movable sieve jig at Przibram 500 Narod pulverizer 282 Pape-Henneberg dry separator 820 picking table 490 rolls 97, 112 Salzburg table 683 sample grinder 257 Sautter magnetic separator 798 Schmidt spiral screen 363 Schranz mill 275, 276 settlers . 779 shaking screen 345 stamps, calculation of. A. W. Warwick 2044 steam stamps, table of 131 Stedman disintegrator 286 Sturtevant mill 288 trommels 357 Tustin's mill 262 vanners 663 and slime tables compared 692 wash trommel 330, 3o2 Wenstrom magnetic separator 802 Wetherill magnetic separator 805, 807, 808 Whelpley & Storer pulverizer 289 house for mill 1087 in crushing. E. A. Hersam 1340 jigs, Bilharz circular sieve 504 continuous movable sieve 499 Hooper vanning 505 intermittent movable sieve 506 Robinson movable sieve 504 Schranz 503 measures of 1188 of Blake and Dodge breakers compared 35 Cummings granulating mill 255 gravity stamps 219 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Power of Husband stamp ........................ 141 rock emery mills ......................... 255 rolls ................................... 108 plant at mills.. 1639, 1675, 1680, 1698, 1709, 1712, 1723, 1730, 1757, 1768, 1794, 1802, 1827, 1830, 1835, 1856, 1859, 1863, 1871, 1874, 1887, 1895, 1899, 1906, 1912, 1913, 1914 required by agitators at Mill 103 ............. 1634 Allis-Chalmers suspended frame vanners . . 1503 toothed and corrugated rolls, table of . 1243 Alsing tube mills, table ................. 1296 American Process Company driers ....... 1599 Austin gyratory breakers, table of ........ 1210 automatic tripper at Mill 174 ............ 1883 ball mills at mills .................. 1830, 1914 Ball-Norton, belt-type magnetic separator at Mill 158 .......................... 1825 drum-type magnetic separator at Mill 158 1822 type "M" magnetic separators ........ 1825 Bartlett Simplex concentrators ........... 1487 Bartsch rotary percussion table .......... 1497 belt conveyors at mills. . . . 1634, 1667, 1690, 1691, 1707, 1709, 1768, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1853, 1882, 1883 percussion table ...................... 1496 Blake breakers at mills.. 1618, 1634, 1742, 1749, 1821, 1882, 1883 Blake-Morscher electrostatic separator .... 1551 Bleichert aerial tramway at Mill 130 ...... 1723 breakers at Mill 144 .................... 1771 Bryan mills at Mill 173. .. 1879, 1928, 1929, 1930 Butters centrifugal agitating pump at Mill Card tables" .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' '.'.'.'. '. '. '.'.'.'. '. '.'.'.'.'.'. 1484 at mills ....................... 1769, 1777 centrifugal pumps at mills. . 1634, 1688, 1694,1695, 1696, 1711 Chalmers & Williams vanners at Mill 122. . 1687, 1688 cleaner jigs at Mill 148 .................. 1793 Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separators . . . 1542 cobbing magnet at Mill 164 .............. 1849 Cole shovel wheel at Mill 124 ........... 1693 conveying and picking belt at Mill 139 ... 1749 crushing .............................. 1334 plant at Mill 174 ..................... 1883 Davis rolls at Mill 144 ........ 1771, 1773, 1774 Denver Engineering Works Company's Blake breakers, table of ............... 1204 Ding's magnetic separators .............. 1541 at Mill 140 ........................ 1759 disc conveyor .......................... 1583 dredges ................................ 1654 elevators at mills. . . . 1690, 1691, 1693, 1707, 1715, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1743, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1830, 1853, 1854, 1883, 1928, 1929, 1930 Elmore vacuum oil process ......... ..... 1558 Evans jigs at Mill 162 .................. 1930 Farrel-Blake breakers at Mill 124 ........ 1690 table of ......................... 1200 Ferraris ball mills, table of .............. 1300 magnetic separators ............. 1525, 1527 table at Mill 146 .................... 1786 tables of .......................... 1490 Forsgren magnetic separator ............. 1539 Prayer pump at Mill 159 ..... .......... 1830 Frenier spiral sand pump at Mill 126 ..... 1708 Frue vanners at mills ____ 1694, 1695, 1929, 1930 Galena roaster ......................... 1548 Garland disc conveyors at Mill 124 ...... 1695 Gates ball mills, table of ................ 1301 breakers at mills ....... 1635, 1706, 1713, 1727, 1768, 1830 style "K" breakers table of ............ 1208 Gebriider Sulzer centrifugal pumps at Mill 118 ................................. 1678 gravity stamps ......................... 1274 Griffin mills at Mill 105 ................ 1636 Grill 4-compartment driers .............. 1596 grinding pans at mills ............. 1638, 1723 Grondal magnetic separators ............ 1537 at mill 159 ...................... 1828, 1830 Hadfield breakers at Mill 130 ........... 1719 gyratory breakers at Mill 130 .......... 1723 Hancock jigs .......................... 1441 at Mill 162 .......................... 1930 1296 erey conveyor a ............. swing hammer pulverizers, table of ..... jigs at mills ............ 1707, 1708, 1929, Kennedy gyratory breakers, table of ...... Hardinge tube mills Harz jigs at mills.. 1692, 1693, 1694, 1728, 1729, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1877, 1878, 1879 Hathaway gyratory breakers, table of ....... 1217 Power required by Horn rotary slime concentrator . . 1500 Humphrey rolls, table of ................ 1235 Huntington mills at mills. . 1669, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1753 improved Huntington mills, table of ...... 1312 individual machines at Mill 139 .......... 1757 Mill 154 ........................ 1816 International magnetic separators ........ 1535 at Mill 138 ................ 1746, 1747, 1748 James table ........................... 1491 Jeffrey conveyor at Mill 126 ............. 1706 1322 1930 ey gyratory reaers, tae o ...... 1214 Kent roller mill ........................ 1304 Knowles' New Century magnetic separators, table of ............................. 1542 Krogh pumps at mills ........ 1634, 1929, 1930 Krupp ball mills at Mill 128 ............ 1714 gyratory breakers, table of ............ 1215 Linkenbach table at Mill 146 ............ 1786 magnetic separators at Mill 152 .......... 1814 May Brothers' jigs at mills ......... 1714, 1723 McCully gyratory breakers, table of ...... 1212 breakers at Mill 139 .................. 1749 McLanahan and Stone single-roll crushers, table of ............................. 1241 Mill 97 ............................... 1621 101 ................................. 1629 105 ................................. 1639 111 ................................. 1656 114 ................................. 1664 117 ................................. 1676 118 ................................. 1679 120 ................................. 1685 123 ................................. 1690 126 ................................. 1709 128 ................................. 1715 130 ................................. 1723 132 ................................. 1730 138 ............................ 1745, 1746 141 ....................... 1759, 1760, 1762 142 ............................... . . 1768 145 ............................ 1782, 1783 146 ................................. 1786 147 ................................. 1792 150 ................................. 1802 151 ................................. 1804 153 ................................. 1815 154 ................................. 1816 155 ................................. 1817 157 ................................. 1820 158 ................................. 1823 159 ................................. 1830 161 ................................. 1840 162 ............................ 1847, 1930 165 ................................. 1852 166 ................................. 1856 169 ................................. 1865 171 ................................. 1871 174 ................................. 1887 175 ................................. 1891 177 ................................. 1894 178 ................................. 1897 179 .. .................. 1899 180 ................................. 1906 183 ................................. 1914 184 ................................. 1914 186 ................................. 1918 Monadnock Chili mills at Mill 144 ....... 1775 Morris centrifugal pumps at Mill 139 ..... 1757 New Standard concentrator .............. 1479 Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamp at Mill 180 ............................ 1901 Overstrom tables at Mill 132 ............ 1730 at Mill 162 ..................... 1930 picking belts at Mill 174 ................ 1882 raff wheels at Mill 128 .................. 1715 revolving driers at Mill 161 ............. 1762 Riblet aerial tramway at Mill 124 ........ 1696 rigid rolls at Mill 181 ................... 1906 Robins belt conveyors at mills. . 1636, 1637, 1750, 1830, 1876 Robins conveying and picking belt at Mill 132 .. ....................... 1727 rolls at mills. .1690, 1691, 1693, 1707, 1711, 1714, 1727, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1830, 1877, 1883, 1928, 1929, 193Q sampling department at mills ....... 1667, 1884 Samson breakers, table of ............... 1203 76 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Power required by sand wheels at Mill 117. . 1668, 1669, scraper conveyor at Mill 126 screw conveyors at Mill 105 shaking feeders at Mill 124 grizzly at Mill 124 launders at Mill 124 1693, Sherman regrinders at Mill 132 1728, simple steam stamp at Mill 182 stamps at mills 1618, 1624, 1634, 1668, Stroud mills, table of 1320, Sturtevant balanced rolls, table of Dodge type breakers, table of emery mill at Mill 186 rotary breakers at Mill 186 testing plant at Mill 141 trommels at mills. .1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1707, 1714, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1830, 1928, 1929, tube mills at mills 1634, Turbo log washer at Mill 154 Ullrich magnetic separator vanner at mills 1634, 1778, various groups of machines at mills . . 1706, 1835, Vezin samplers at mills 1691, Wetherill magnetic separators Rowand magnetic separators at Mill 141 Wharton magnetic cobber at Mill 157 .... Wild roller mills, table of Wilfley slimers at Mill 132 , tables at mills . . 1625, 1634, 1669, 1687, 1694, 1695, 1708, 1715, 1729, 1744, 1777, 1929, Woodbury concentrators at Mill 117 Worthington centrifugal pump at Mill 138 at Mill 175 rule for sources of losses in crushing summary for Mill 124 tests at Mill 173 transmission by rope transmitted by belts used by breakers rolls steam stamps for breaking friction of piston on water on jig walls inertia of starting lifting sand mechanical friction oscillatory action work of drawing the returning water down in crushing jigging Practical limits of settling in settling tanks Practice, roasting practice in Wisconsin Praseodymium, atomic weight of Pratt ore sizer A. H. Wethey at Mill 164 1346, -Wethey screen Precipitating agents for slimes Precipitation of gold solutions at Mill 117 Prehnite, specific gravity of Preliminary breakers, classification of crushing bibliography for blasting in the mine breaking by hammers calcining for friability with or without quench- ing by water machines methods of washers 319, bibliography for purpose and classification Premier diamond mine mill, plates in Premium for picking rich ore Prentiss, G. W screen gauge F. H., the Elmore notation process . . Preparation of new amalgamated plates . INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. 173, 1894 1709 1583 1637 1691 1690 1694 1729 1909 1679, 1769 1321 1234 1205 1918 1917 1766 1706, 1752, 1930 1289 1770 1816 1535 1930 1780, 1836 1750 1525 1763 1819 1304 1506 1729 1688, 1745, 1930, 1496 1669 1745 1890 1092 1325 1698 1927 1174 1094 1093 53 97 310 50 603 602 455 1548 1188 1345 1360 1850 2018 1416 1673 1189 1200 9 55 318 9 1341 334 1341 1922 788 481 1195 1194 1569 752 Preparation of pulp previous to amalgamation 1514 Preservation of belts 1094 tailings 1114 Preserving timber for mortar blocks 147 Press for graphite 1075 Presses for amalgam, Chalmers and Williams power press 1519 Krupp press 1518 Pressure box in classifiers 419 exerted by rolls 311 machines compared with grinding 313 measures of 1 188 of rolls 108 springs on rolls 73 Preston, E. B., amalgam 788 amalgamated plates 733, 735, 745 arrastra 290 Blake and Gates breakers 58 breakers 58 Bryan mill 295 California gold stamp mills 1 179 gold mill practice 1278 clean-up barrel 294 pan 291 Gates hydraulic classifier 477 gravity stamps 228 Griffin roller mill 297 Huntington mill 297 mercury traps 774 order of drop of gravity stamps 1274 shaking plates 741 stamping 225 vanners 663 stone breaker 2009 Prichard, W. A., definitions of slime 1398, 1419 Primosigh, E., separator at Pitkaranta, Finland 836 Principles and purposes of gravity stamps 1262 rolls 2 governing costs 1940 of action of breakers compared 52 classifiers 387, 1368 Wilfley table group 1465 amalgamated plates 731 crushing machines 300 deep-pocket classifiers 409 electrostatic separation 1199, 1549 flotation processes 1199, 1555 gravity stamps 144 hindered settling 610 jigs 494 magnetic separators 1521 mechanical sampling 1574 operation of Wilfley slimer 1504 order of drop of stamps 215 ore dressing, general 1 199 1611 139 1460 231 1224 summary of pneumatic and spring stamps pulsion, general pulverizers , roll crushing sampling 843, 849 screen sizing 366 bibliography for 384 separation, combined 891, 1611 stamps 113, 1246 suction 1461 vanner separation 665 Wilfley table 670 supplementary 5 used in mills 889 Prinz and Rau dust collector at Mill 141 1765 Prism form of trommels 361 Prister, A., slime settling 1178 Prize mill, acid water 173 Probert, F. P., comparison between Bryan mills and rolls for crushing jig tailings 1323 sizing tests on Bryan mills 1323 F. H., concentration of copper ore 1419, 1997 in Arizona 2033, 2037, 2041 custom mill in Ontario 2040 primitive Mexican mill 2038 Process, testing for 1161 Processes, flotation, principles of 1199 of separation, miscellaneous 790 Product of Blake and Dodge breakers compared ... 36 breakers, size of crushed 1218 table of sizing tests of 45 Hancock jig 505 hand jigs 498 picking 486 77 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Product of jigs 553, 590 spindle and jaw breakers ; 53 Wihley roasting furnace, fines sink in water . 1547 treated by rolls 63 Profit in concentration 1118 tailings piles 1114 maximum 1117 Progress Mining Company, Mexico, jigging at the mill of the. A. C. Mahl 2045 of ore dressing 1119 Progressive pulverizer .' 236 bibliography for i Properties of mercury 730 Propfe mill 235 bibliography for 297 Proportions between parts of stamps 189 of gold and silver on successive plates 763 stamps 190 Proprietary mine 1715 Proustite, specific gravity of 1189 Providence mill, Webb City, Missouri. D. T. Board- man ! 2039 plates in 789 shoes in 181 stamps in 230 wear of shoes and dies in 183 Provis, Richard and H. W. F. Kayser, tin dressing at Bischoff, Tasmania _ 1182 Prus, G., magnetic concentration 1182 plant at Mercadel, Kessler and Vial separators 835 Prussian mine, air separation at 820 Przibram, Bohemia, mill at 1180 breaker at 57 center discharge at 582 classifiers at 476, 477, 478 feeders at 884 hand picking at 492 Heberli mill at 259 jig connecting rods at 530 feeder at 549 screens at 540 jigs at 597, 640, 641 magnetic separator at 812 magnets at . . 833, 836 mill at 1096, 1174, 1176, 1177, 1185 moisture in ore 1107 movable sieve jig at 499 ore, sizing test of breaker product of _ 47 work necessary for crushing one kilo of differ- ent sizes of 308 power at 1089 for jigs at 603 trommels at 357 picking at 487 removal of jig tailings at 588 roasting for magnetism at 815 rolls at 110, 111 Salzburg table at 683 slope of jig sieves at 548 spitzlutten at 423 stamps at 224, 225, 229 stroke of jigs at 594 tables at 728, 729 tests on work required for crushing ore at 305 trommels at 385 Psilomelane, specific gravity of 1189 Pulley for gravity stamps 197 jigs 532 steam stamps 128 in gravity stamps 128 Pulp bed on vanners 661 consistency for Wilfley tables and vanners 1848 current in amalgamating pans 245 density for slime tables 695 for vanner feed - 660 in amalgamating pans 246 thickeners 1394 amount of tank room required per ton of mate- rial treated. Mill 173 1413 at mills 1413, 1880, 1885 Ayton intermittent thick pulp extractor .... 1408 Berenger and Stingls slime tank 1407 Callow cone 1402 classification of 1401 Colorado Iron Works, slime tanks 1407 De Kalb's perforated -board classifier 1402 Merrill cylindrical clarifying tanks 1406 large cones 1406 Richards-Shepard spitzkasten 1401 Sherman tanks 1404 Pulp thickeners used at Mill 173 ................. Pulsating screens ........................... 342, Centripact screen ......................... impact screen ............................ Imperial ore screen ....................... in the mills .............................. Newaygo separator ....................... Vibracone separator ....................... Pulsator classifier at Mill 175 .................... direct form .............................. Richards' ............................... use with jigs and tables ................... house for diamonds ........................ jig, Richards' .............................. table of sizes, capacities, and dimensions . . Pulsion and suction in jigging ................... investigated in the mills ................. on air jigs ............................. hand jigs ............................ jigs , ................................ adjustment of ...................... tests on ............................... general principles of ........................ in jigs .................................... jigs ........................... 518, 520, 538 definition of .............................. for hindered-settling tests ................. velocity in jigging .......................... Pulsometer pump .............................. Pulverizers, Bartle ............................. bibliography for ............................ Cunnack's ................................. Cyclone ................................... bibliography for .......................... detailsof . ... .............................. Dodge improved ............................ Griffin . . ................................. Rowland No. 1, bibliography for ............. Jordan's .................................. Leviathan ................................. Meihe's ................................... Men-all's, bibliography for ................... Michell and Tregoning ..................... 1408 1348 1352 1351 1348 1346 1350 1352 1890 1391 1388 1478 1081 1453 1455 1460 632 826 499 533 598 628 1460 494 , 610 558 623 1460 871 294 289 293 288 298 232 262 299 297 299 299 299 296 292 78 . Nicholas, bibliography for ................... 292 other than gravity stamps ................... 231 penumatic, bibliography for ................. 299 principles of ............................... 231 purpose ol ................................ ff Thompson's, bibliography for ................ 294 Tregoning ................................. 297 Walker . ................................. 299 Whelpley and Storer ...................... 289, 299 Pulverizing mill, Tustin's rotating ................ 2b2 Pumice used in cleaning copper plates ............ 754 Pumping costs at Mill 180 ...................... 1906 plant at mills ..... 1709, 1757, 1859, 1881, 1895, 1899, water ..................................... ' H05 Pumps, bibliography for ........................ 884 centrifugal ................................ }10 sand .................................... 1588 displacement .............................. 1 ( for handling pulp, centrifugal and Frenier ..... 1610 sand and water ........................... 868 water supply ............................ 871 in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. Oregon, five step ......................... 2033 Lancaster rotary ............................ l^ 9 sand ...................................... 1587 versus sand wheels in Witwatersrand ...... . . . 1645 Punched plate jig screens at mills ........... 1792, 1869 screens .................................. 38a compared with wire cloth .............. 171, 35 Punching screens ............................... 223 Punchings for jig beds at Mill 127 ................ 1459 Purification of mercury ......................... 785 Purington, C. W., dredging in Siberia ............ 2035 platinum in the Urals ..................... 2033 Purity of concentrates ........................... 11 18 Purpose of classifiers ........................ 389, 1367 jigs ................................... 494, 552 affecting number of sieves ............... 589 preliminary washers ....................... 1341 pulverizers .............................. 231 rolls .................................... 62 stamps .............................. 113, 1246 power and capacity of Huntington mill ....... 280 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Purtscher, E ................................... Push conveyors ............................ 1582, at Mill 105 .............................. feeders at mills ....................... 1581, Pushing block feeder ........................... Putting on new shoes ........................... Putty knife for scraping plates ................... Pyramid form of trommels ...................... Pyrargyrite, specific gravity of .................... Pyrite and blende separation ..................... angle of nip required to crush ................ concentration in New York .................. crushed in Mill 13 .......................... dressing in Massachusetts. J. J. Rutledge ---- plant of the Verein Chemischer Fabriken . . . for jig beds ................................ in New York , concentration of . R. Brinsmade . mill for ................. 904, 905, 958, 961, milling in New York ........................ ore, mill for ................. 900, 909, 910, 913 test on .................................. weight of ................................ rendered magnetic by heat ................... roasted for magnetism ...................... porosity ............................... specific gravity of .......................... with quartz and porphyry crushing in Mill 20. .. Pyrolusite, specific gravity of .... ................ Pyrometer for regulating temperature in Wilfley fur- nace ................. ....................... Pyromorphite, specific gravity of ................. Pyroxene, specific gravity of ..................... Pyrrhotite, hindered -settling test on ............. 617 settling velocity of ........................ 466 specific gravity of INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. 1185 1584 1637 1636 855 201 762 361 1189 900 94 2038 47 2038 1914 574 2037 965 2047 , 915 1165 1190 814 1544 828 1189 95 1189 1548 1189 1189 , 619 , 469 1189 Quaker mine, Huntington mill at 281 Quality of copper for plates 747 crushing by breakers 47 rolls ... 98 feed for vanners 658 product of Blake and Dodge breakers com- pared 36 work of classifiers 461 trommels 380 Quantity crushed by rolls ' of hydraulic water in jigs 598 water for stamps 221 in rectangular launders 878 on circular slime tables 694 vanners 659 Quart, equivalents of 1187 Quartering, coning and 1577 for sampling 844 Quartz and galena, jig tests on 629 used for film-sizing tests 707 sphalerite, jig tests on 628 angle of nip required to crush 94 film-sizing tests on 707 free-settling velocity 471 grinding of 2017 hindered-settling test on 617, 622 in Banner mine 148 mill, Bryan roller 271 ore, capacity of Tremain stamp for 138 pulsion jig test on 624, 625 pyrite ore, treated by Summit Mining and Smelt- ing Company 674 separating chalcopyrite or blende from 720 separation from gold by amalgamated copper plate settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 1 189 treated by Dodge improved pulverizer 262 in Mill 4... .... 502 weight of 1160, 1190 Quartzite, picked from gold in rock houses in the Rand, South Africa 482 strength of 301 Quebec asbestos dressing practice 1916 Queen & Co 1159 Mary colliery, centrifugal apparatus at 820, 838 Quehant, Ch. and O. Dupont, dressing lead and zinc in Belgium 1185 Quenching for breaking rock after heating 9 Quicklime in retorting mercury 785 Quicksilver. See Mercury. ' mill for 1177, 1183 Quicksilver ore, dressed at Idria, Austria _ ores the dressing of, Quincy granite, result of crushing mill, stamps in , Hubbell, Michigan practice of the. C. K. Hitchcock, Jr. 481 1074 33 230 2041 _,._. 2037,2047 Mining Co 1181, 1908 copper handbook 1925 mill xxvii, 998 R Rabprg, W. A., separating graphite from gangue. . . Radiators for heating Radium, atomic weight of Radius of slime tables Raff wheels 864, at Mill 128 for new Humboldt concentrator Wilfley table Rag frames 1083, Raglan Township, Ontario, mill at Raibl, mill at 1177, rolls at Salzburg tables at Railway Master Mechanics Association on screen gauges Rain to settle dust Rainy River district, Ontario, mill in Rakes for discharging jig concentrates Ramsbeck, hand picking at Luhrig table at mill at 1086, 1102, 1121, picking at sieve scale at Ramsey sludge tank Rand, cost of hand picking on the district, circular tables in sampling in tailings wheels in weight of quartz hand picking on the metallurgical practice G. A. and H. S. Denny mill equipment. G. A. and H. S. Denny milling practice mills on the ores, slimes from slime treatment on the Randolph, J. C. F., amalgamation plant at Batopilas Chihuahua, Blake breaker at Clausthal breakers dressing at Clausthal gravity stamps Harz jigs at Clausthal pointed boxes at Clausthal rolls at Clausthal stroke of jigs trommels at Clausthal mill, acid water Range of sizes fed to jigs Rapid City chlorinatlon works, trommels at Economy individual mortar stamp 1261, a camless stamp : Mill Company, Rapid Economy spring stamp 1261, Rasch, ball mill of Siller and Dubois Rate of travel of ore in trommels ........ Ratio between quartz and galena, hindered settling . total horse-power and that to overcome gravity in gravity stamps for currents in testing classifiers free to hindered settling hindered settling from experiment theoretical value for . of concentration. See Individual Mills in Chap- ter XX. feed to space between rolls gold to silver caught on successive plates .... reduction for rolls gyratory breakers sieve hole to jig feed Ratios for free settling hindered settling sieve scale free settling of quartz and galena 469 1186 1099 1188 697 1609 1715 1494 1468 1507 1078 1185 110 1115 173 1099 1178 502 492 670 1177 487 367 446 487 491 849 865 1160 492 1419 1923 2041 2013 1185 1121 1410 1174 57 57 1174 223 640 476 109 594 385 173 606 354 1266 1278 2012 1278 293 375 1460 205 1146 1430 617 1428 1427 763 1226 1218 573 471 625 367 1426 79 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Ratios free to hindered settling, application to classi- fier design 1432 interstitial, for jigs 627, 630, 631 of settling, definition of 4 weights of stamps and mortars 164 table of free settling 1426 Rauft, T., gravity stamps 225 Huntington mill 297 Ray Copper Company, the mines of the. A. Hill . . . 2036 Raymond automatic pulverizer 236 George P., separation by decrepitation and screening roller mill 2014, R. W amalgamating pans Balch's magnetic separator breakers Crocker's stamps double-cone classifier .... gravity stamps plal 1565 2017 884 291 834 57 229 426 223 57 230 jaw mortars sampling in testing mills 1175 weathering at Meronitz, Bohemia 839 Reaction wheel for sampling 848 Read, Thomas T., absorption of mercury by amalga- mating plates 1515 amalgamation of gold ores 1520 effect of temperature on amalgamation 1516 Realgar, specific gravity of 1189 Reardon, Ph., Colorado gold stamp mills 1184 construction of jigs 643 Receipts 1123 Receiving cone for trommels 358 floors 842 Recovery of brass from chips 2025 gold from ashes 177, 702 from waste 482 gold in different parts of mill 749 metals from skimmings 2025 in refuse 2025 waste in stamp mill 266 Rectangluar buddle 706 Red Metal Mining Company 1836 River, Cornwall, tin washing 1182 tin works 1082 Reducing roast for magnetism 1995 Reduction, amount of, in rolls 92 of iron ore to magnetic oxide 813 ratio of, for gyratory breakers 1218 with rolls, diagram of percentage 1227 Reed dry placer machine 838 S. A., sampling 884 Reese River process of amalgamation 248, 1039, 1173 Refining at Mill 117 1674 cost at Mill 106 1643 plant of Mill 106 1643 Reflectoscope for measuring mineral grains 1996 Re-grinding machines 2014 M. Schwerin 1340 relative efficiency of 1331 Regularity in feeding 1114 Regular mill testing 1168 Regulation of height of discharge in stamps 212 temperature in Wilfley roasting furnace with pyrometer 1548 Regulators for water 858 Reichenecker, A., amalgam 788 dressing gold ores in Colorado 1177 gravity stamps 224, 229 Reifsnyder, Shimer and, sampling 884 Reinforced concrete bins at Mill 160 1834 Relation of angle of nip of rolls to feed and space 92 rolls to angle of nip 94 speed of current to size of grain in settling tanks 452 surface to diameter of ore particle 305 weight to surface of crushed product 310 Relative proportion of gold and silver in daily amal- gam as compared with hard amalgam 762 on successive plates 763 Reliance rolls 82,111 at mills 1750, 1751, 1752, 1822, 1825 self -tightening cam 229 Reluctance in magnetic field 792 Remedies for sickening of mercury 751 Remedies district, Colombia, mill in 1182 Removal of amalgam from plates 757 coarse concentrates in jigs 576 concentrates on jigs 586 Removal of jig tailings ........................... 587 products of slime tables .................... 689 stains on plates .......................... 751 sticks, bolts, pick points, etc ................ 882 wood at Mill 164 ......................... 1607 from ore previous to crushing at Mill 164. . 1849 Repairs. See also each machine. cost of for breakers ......................... 50 in vanners ............................. 663 in mills, cost of ............................. 1129 on Blake breakers .......................... 24 jigs .................................... 604 rolls, cost of ............................... 104 Wetherill magnetic separators, cost of ........ 1525 Reports ...................................... 1122 Republic gold mine ..... . ....................... 1 176 Repumping water .............................. 1 104 Reserve capacity in mills ...................... . . 1109 Reservoirs, clarifying ........................... 460 for water. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. Resetting tappets .............................. 201 Residue after retorting .......................... 783 Residuum oil for separation ...................... 831 for oil testing .............................. 1 155 Resin for belts ................................. 1094 smoking moulds .......................... 784 Respirators ................................... 1 100 Results at Mill 187 ............................. 1920 of classifying limonite ore ................... 405 film-sizing tests .......................... 719 free-settling tests ......................... 466 the tubular classifier tests ................. 613 Von Reytt's power and surface measurements. 306 Retorting amalgam ............................. 781 loss in .................................... 783 Retorts ....................................... 1519 for amalgam .............................. 781 sealing of ................................. 1519 Re-treatment plant (proposed) at Mill 152 .......... 1814 Revenue tunnel mill ............................ 931 Mines Co., mill .................... xxvi, 928 Reverberatory furnaces for roasting ............... 814 for porosity ......................... 829 previous to magnetic separation ........ 1544 Revere Rubber Company, conveyor belt at mills. . . . 1706, 1709, 1819 " Silverton Brand," elevator belting at Mill 126 .............................. 1707 Revolutions. See speed. and periphery speed of rolls .................. 87 of rolls ... .. . ........................... 88 slime tables ............................. 696 steam stamps ............................ 128 trommels ............................... 349 Revolver for bottle tests ......................... 1157 Revolving circular concave slime tables ............ 692 convex slime tables ....................... 686 convex slime table, Clark table ............ 689 devices used on ...................... 689 Evans table ......................... 689 Schranz table ....................... 689 picking table ............................ 490 cylindrical furnace (Oxland) at Mill 137 ....... 1741 distributor ................................ 1418 driers .................................... 880 at mills ............................ 1746 1762 346 328 334 1353 1353 80 knife buddle Ball's screens classification of cones, pyramids, prisms .................. 361 Gates all-iron frame ...................... 1353 King screen ............................. 1356 octagonal ............................... 1353 revolving grizzly of the Denver Engineering Works Company ...................... 1353 sectional ................................ 1353 submerged trommel ...................... 1355 strakes ................................... 725 Rexroth coal jig ............................... 641 Reynolds boilers ............................... 997 Corliss engine ............................. 1003 Edwin .................................... viii mill, fineness of amalgam ................... 764 Oscar, sealing amalgam retorts .............. 1519 Reytt, K. von .......................... 60, 110, 1185 apparatus for classifying .................. 477 crushing machines at Przibram ............. 316 gravity stamps .... ....................... 229 jaw breaker ............................. 60 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Reytt, K. von, Karlik gyrating screen 386 screen and jig at Przibram 1185 Linkenbach tables 729 mill machines 1 177 moisture in drained ore 1185 rolls versus other crushing machines 112 Schranz mill 296 Rheinpreussen colliery, air blast at 837, 838 Hochstedt apparatus at 816 Rhenish provinces, mills in 1176 Prussia, picking in 481 Rhodesia, S. Africa, milling practice at. F. C. Rob- erts 2044 Rhodium, atomic weight of 1188 Rhodochrosite, specific gravity of 1189 Rhodonite, specific gravity of 1189 Rhyolite, weight of 1190 Ribbon theory of roll capacity 101 Ribtet aerial tramway at Mill 124 1696 Rice, C. T., Kinkead mill at Goldfield, Nevada .... 2038 milling at Virginia City, Nevada 2038 Richards annular vortex classifier .406, 1382 at mills- - . . 1692, 1693, 1694, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1743, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1778, 1816, 1867 classifiers at mills. 1829, 1885, 1886 Coggin hydraulic classifier 391, 1367 at mills 1878, 1879, 1896, 1898 details of in mills 393 J.. centrifugal pumps 884 jig discharge 580 stamps versus other crushers 229 pocket vortex classifier 1373 pulsator classifier 1388, 1419 direct form 1391 fourteen -day test at Mill 162 1391 nine-day test at Mill 162 1394 table of sizes, capacities etc., of 1390 iig.. 1453, 1459 depth of bed 1456 operation of 1455 size of feed for 1456 table of sizes, capacities and dimensions . . 1455 test on 1456 Rapid Economy stamp 2012 R. H. and Locke, C. E., dressing of tin ores . . 1924 tests on a surface current box classifier . 477 A. E. Woodward, curves for free-settling particles from Rittinger's formula 476 concentration of black sands 2047 edge runners 295 experiments to determine laws of jigging 640 glass classifier and slime table 1 176 gravity stamps 223 Richards-Coggin classifier 476 school laboratory work a free milling gold ore . 2048 sieves, classifiers, and jigs 1175 silver amalgam 787 slime tables 728 spitzlutte . 476 study of the Wilfley table 1511 on different feeds 2022 testing a jig 1176 for a mill process 1183 jig 1174 typical methods of milling in Missouri 2040 undercurrent for saving black sands 1419, 2020 velocity of galena and quartz falling in water 1433. 2020 particles falling in water 476 shallow pocket classifier 401 hindered -settling classifier 1384 hydraulic classifier, estimated capacities of with different sizes of sorting columns . . 405 sizing test of products of 406 Shepard spitzkasten 1401, 1419 tests of power required in crushing by rolls 311 tubular classifier 428 undercurrent 1386 Richardson automatic weighing scales 1872 at Mill 132 1727 C. S 1276 order of drop of stamps 1278 Rich ore picked out for economy 481 treated separately 1111 Rickard, T. A., across the San Juan mountains 1923 adaptation of gold stamp mills 1181 amalgamated plates 735, 737, 745, 747, 750, 762, 768, 787 amalgamating pans 290 Rickard, T. A., amalgamation 787 at Ballarat, Australia 788 dunes, Australia 788 Hidden Treasure mill, Colorado 788 Premier mill, Otago, New Zealand . . . . 788 in the Thames district, New Zealand . . . . 788 breakers 55 canvas and blanket tables; vanners and bump- ing tables 728 Colorado system versus California system . .227, 1175 copper mills of Lake Superior 1419 Gilpin County, Colorado, and California methods of gold stamp milling 1181 gold milling in Australia 1180 stamp mills at Bendigo, Australia 1180 Clunes, Victoria 1180 Grass Valley, California 1180 Otago, New Zealand 1180 Thames, New Zealand 1180 in Amador County, California 1180 Gilpin County, Colorado 1180 the Black Hills, South Dakota 1181 the Ovens district, Victoria 1180 gravity stamps 223, 224, 226, 228 mill of the Guanajuata Reduction & Mines Company, Mexico 2045 milling in Lake Superior 1997 mills at Bendigo, Australia 788 mortars 164, 165 narrow sluice plates 788 order of drop of stamps 215 plates and traps in the Black Hills 788 and at Grass Valley 787 at Grass Valley, California 788 in Amador County mills, California 788 the Ovens district, Victoria 788 pneumatic concentration 837 removal of sulphurets from mercury 770 rock breakers 56 shoes and dies 181, 183 size of plates 788 sluice plates 740 stamp milling 1030, 1174 of gold ores xx in United States, Australia, and New Zealand 227 mills at Ballarat, Victoria 226 Clunes, Victoria 226 Otago, New Zealand 226 Thames, New Zealand 226 in the Black Hills .... .227 and at Grass Valley 1176 Gilpin County, Colorado 226 stamps for different purposes 227 steam stamps for gold in Black Hills 142 water used in stamp mills 222 1875 1927 341,384 . 1346 Ricketts, L. D. power tests by Riddles and vibrating grizzlies comparison of versus trommels 365 Ries, Heinrich, basin washers and wash trommels . . 335 washing clays 1183, 1186 Riffle bars on revolving strakes 725 blocks 721 boxes, with mercury 724 cleats, arrangement in Deister concentrators . . . 1488, 1489 cast-rubber for 1487 copper I486 for 1481 Deister concentrators 1488 for New Standard concentrator 1479 Wilfley tables 1467 height of 1468 material for 1467 "tacking on" versus "grooving" 1498 grooves of Card concentrator, shape of 1483 tables 670, 1120 mills 1004 on dredges 1007, 1008, 1012 Riffles . 720, 1507 application of 723 bar 721 bibliography for 727 Caribou riffle 1509 cocoa matting, expanded metal and iron mesh in dredges 1653 containing mercury 768, 770 81 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Riffles containing mercury, advantages and disad- vantages 771 depth of bed 1511 expanded metal 722 for gold dredging 703 mercury traps 772 sampling 844, 1570 forms of 721 used in sluices 723 Grass Valley 770 Rowland 722 Hungarian 725 La Point suspended riffles 1509 on dredges 1012 tables 675-679 advantages of 679 Wilfley table 672 plain transverse 722 principle of 644 revolving strakes 725 Robinson 721 rock 721 sluice 1464 timber riffle blocks 721 undercurrents 726 use upon slimers 1498 Rigid rolls 112, 2010 at mills 1237, 1865, 1893, 1901, 1906 Denver Engineering Works Company, descrip- tion of 1235 Right and left hand cams 195 Ring and cone for sampling 844 for amalgamating pan 244 stamp cams 192 head 185 steam stamps 120 Rings, details of, from mills 122 Rinsing cylinder 335 table for hand picking 488 Risdon Iron Works viii.1859 amalgamating pan . . .243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 Blake breaker 22 Bryan mills at Mill 173 1928 clean-up pan 251 crack-proof vanner belt 1503 dredge 1653 open-connected type 1654 vanner 651, 652 weight of spider and driving cone made by. 247 Rirtinger, beveled rolls 71 capacity of jigs 597 coarsest size jigged 605 concave buddle 706 double trough classifier 416 duck tables 702 feeding rolls 71 figures on hand jig 49 formula for amount of throw of jigs 595 free settling 471, 1421 hammers for breaking 11 hand jigs 497, 499 643 537 530 592 507 -. 471 411,439 tables of sizes of 440 power for jigs 603 required for crushing 313 principles of ore dressing 1175 P. R. von 330, 334, 342, 434, 1038, 1059, 1104 amalgamation 787 Blake breaker 56 breakers, hammers, and roasting for friability 56 buddies, percussion tables, slime tables .... 728 Carr disintegrator 298 cone mill 292 crushing machines 316 details of hand picking 492 edge runners 295 elevators, sand wheels, and conveyors .... 884 fluted rolls 109 gravity stamps 223 grist mill or buhrstone mill 291 Harz jigs movable sieve jig 639 Lehrbuch xx magnetic separators 832 mathematical discussion Cornish rolls 109 mill schemes .... . 1174 mechanism plunger clearance length of jig sieves movable sieve power jig . . parabolic formula pointed boxes. 82 Rittinger, P. R. von, movable and fixed sieve jigs, setzpumpe 639 pointed boxes, spitzlutt , runs 479 schleudermiihle 299 separation by centrifugal force 839 settlers 787 setzpumpe and Harz jig 639 sieve scale, screens, riddles and trommels . 385 spalling and cobbing hammers 56 trough washers 334 rectangular buddle 706 roll speeds 87 round convex buddle 704 rule for middlings 1086 runs 448 separation by centrifugal force 827 setzrad 478 sieve scale 366, 1144 double 1361 for testing screens 1138 skimming sieves 577 slope of jig sieves 548 tables 667 spalling 11 specific gravity test 1159 sptizkasten 433, 1367 principle 409 spitzlutte 422, 424, 477, 773 stay battery 229 and overflow battery 214 stroke of jigs 594 sweeping table 703 table 667 compared with Wilfley 679 theory of advantage of jig over free settling .... 625 crushing 304 jigs 533 thickness of screen plate 372 under-piston jig 520 velocity of stroke of jigs 595 wash trommels 329 width of jig sieves 591 River dredging for gold 1009 pebble phosphate 895 Roasted blende and pyrite, jigging of 640 Roasting and magnetism 900 arsenopyrite for magnetism at Mill 185 1916 for friability 56, 57, 58, 839 leaching * 1168 magnetism. . . . 790, 799, 800, 813, 1543, 1544, 1611 at Mill 148 1793 bibliography for 832 effect of carbon in 1544 experiments in roasting pyrite 1544 in testing 1995 minerals which become magnetic on roast- ing 1995 use made of, in mills 890 porosity 828, 839, 890, 1611 wolframite in tin ores 1081 furnaces 1545 at Friedrichssegen, Germany 1546 mills 1663, 1747, 1759, 1765, 1862 Dings 1548 Galena 1548 Howell-White .* 1545 at mill 148 1792, 1793 Mathey, at Mill 148 1793 McDougall type 1546 Oxland furnace 1548 Trego 1548 at Mill 148 , 1792 Wilfley furnace 1546 iron ore 58 ore, effect on power required for crushing 313 practice, Wisconsin 1548 silver ores 1039 tin ores 1082 to remove calcium sulphate 816 Robbins, A. C., amalgamation and concentration at Dayton, Nevada 1184 Robert, F. C , Carr disintegrator 298 cost of constructing a 20-stamp mill 2049 Huet and Geyler's jig 641 North Star stamp mill at Grass Valley 1182 Roberts, slime table 691 Robillard mine mill 1183 Robins belt conveyor 805, 859, 1585, 1610, 2031, 2033 at mills. 1636, 1637, 1661, 1727, 1750, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1821. 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1828, 1876, 1913 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Robins belt conveyor in Blaisdell system 1602 stamp mills 2031 picking belt 1438 at the West Aurora mill 2021 Thomas, Jr., Robins belt, rollers, etc 884 Robinson coal washer (classiiier) 478 Deep Gold Mining Co., Ltd., mill of 1648 Diamond Mining Co 839 gold mine, mill at 1184 jig 504 mill, details of stamps 221 riffle 721 washer for coal 447 Roche-la-Moliere colliery, coal washing at 2050 Rochelt, F., automatic slate picker for coal 493 Rocheux, double discharge on jigs at 584 Rock breakers. See Breakers, Jaw Breakers, Spin- dle Breakers. breakers 13 Roll shells, truing with emery wheel 1243 wear of 69 _j Rolls Gates' style "K" 1207 Hathaway gyratory 1215 in reserve 1 109 kinds of 13 Krupp 1202 gyratory 1215 location of 1109 McCully gyratory 1210 method of operating 13 separate motor for 1092 emery mill 232, 253 bibliography for 291 horizontal 255 vertical 255 house, picking in 482 houses 483, 485, 991, 995, 998, 1000, 1109 powders, effect of water on. A. S. Cushman . . 1419 riffles 721 Rocker 723 Rocking stone mill 1084 table 320, 1032 Rocky Mountain mill xxix, 1048 Rodda, J. T., new form of stamp 228 Roebling 1195 Roebling's gauge 1194 screen gauge 173 Rogers, A. N 787 Colorado versus California system of milling . 1174 data concerning slime tanks 1408 gravity stamps 224, 226 Rogers' dewatering screen 1591 at Mill 144 1592 jig 642 Rohrmiihle 293 Rolker, C. M., Allouez mill, Lake Superior 1174 Ball stamp 142 Collom jig at Lake Superior '640 concentration at Glasdir, Wales 1183 cross pieces on jigs 551 Evans slime table and kieve 728 hog-trough classifier 476 mill capacity 1109 milling in Utah 1174 Rolled saw plates at Mill 180, life of 1902 steel for wearing parts of rolls 1243 Roller feeder 854 mills 1303 Griffin 282 Huntington centrifugal 276 Kent mill 1303 number used 231 table of details of Kent mill 1304 Wild mill 1304 table of sizes, capacities, power, weight, etc 1304 quartz mills, Bryan 271 shells for Huntington mill 280 Rollers for belt conveyors 859 on vanners 646 Roll jaw breaker, Sturtevant 32 Blake breakers, Sturtevant 1205 crushing. R. K. Humphrey 2010 L. H. Sturtevant 2010 shells 66 at Mill 129 1716 cost of 69 flanges on 70 materials for 68 of chilled steel 2011 truing of 69 device, Sturtevant 1243 s ' 62 action of on ores 62 Allis-Chalmers . . 1244 82 an article on 2010 angle of nip for ... . 89 109 110 1226 Argall rolls . . . 1230 as regrinding machine 1332, 1333 at mills 1244, 1667, 1685, 1686, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1693, 1701, 1707, 1710, 1716, 1720, 1724, 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1766, 1767, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1792, 1793, 1803, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1819, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838, 1843, 1844, 1853, 1854, 1857, 1859, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1877, 1878* 1883, 1890, 1910, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1930 auxiliary spring 80 babbitting 73 Becket Foundry & Machine Co 76 belted 75 and geared 79 beveled 71 bibliography for 109 Birmingham Iron Foundry 76 Bowers Ill boxes or bearings for 72 Buchanan 72 capacity of 64, 100, 106, 1226, 2010 speed, power, wear, etc. . .' 109 Chicago Iron Works 76 choke and free crushing by 98 classification of 62 coarse and fine. C. Blomeke 2010 Colorado Iron Works 76 compared with stamps 109 Sturtevant mills 110 comparison between free and choke fed rolls . . 1229 convex and concave Ill core of 65 corrugated 106, 110 rolls and rolls with inserted teeth 1242 table of sizes, capacities, and power 1243 cost of crushing by 104 repairs on .'. . 104 Davis Ill diagram of percentage reduction in 122 diameter of 83 different types of 2010 discussion of 2010 driving mechanism 75 Eagle Foundry Co 76 Eckart Ill Edison's 110, 111 corrugated giant three high effect of ores on angle of nip efficiency of E. P. Affls Co features and faults of feed to feeders for 106 105 107 109 72,76 1229 63, 1224 71 feeding of 70 fines produced by 308 finger geared 77, 78 F. M. Davis Iron Works Co 72 formula for angle of nip 93 for removal of vanner concentrates 647 vanners 652, 653 Fort Scott Foundry & Machine Co 76, 111 frames of 63 Fraser & Chalmers 76 geared 78 Fulton Iron Works 76 Gates Economic 81 Iron Works 73, 79 geared 75 and belted compared general construction 63 Gever 70, 111 graded crushing by 103 G. V. Cresson Co 72 Hendy & Meyer 76 hexagonal cores 109 high-speed 88 sizing test of pulp from 1317 83 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Rolls, high-speed versus Bryan mills 1309 hoppers and housing 83 horse-power of 64 Humboldt high-speed rolls 1241 Humphrey rolls 1234 table of sizes, power, speeds, weights, etc. . 1235 in stamp mill 1017 journal friction 95 J. W. Jackson's 72, 76, 111 kept true 70 Krom belted 82 Gates, and other makes 109, 110, 111, 112 Krupp high speed 1238 lever and weight 73 made by Power and Mining Machinery Com- pany 1245 material for wearing parts of 1243 materials cost, wear, etc 66 McFarlane 72 76, 1232 McLanahan and Stone single-roll crusher 1241 method of cleaning 2011 M. Hoagland Sons Co 77 Milburn's crusher Ill Montana Iron Works 76 Neuerbergs 110 Odell's Ill on native copper ore 990 periphery speed and revolu ions 88 pillow blocks and alignment 71 for 80 Pitts burg Foundry & Machine Co 76 power and wear 108 for 95, 106 pressure exerted by 311 of 108 on 73 principle and purpose of 62 of roll crushing 1224 products crushed by 63 proper amount of reduction 92 quality of crushing by 98 ram for 112 ratio of feed to space 90 reduction 1226 relation of diameter, feed, space, and angle of nip 92 speed to angle of nip 94 trommel hole to roll space 95 Reliance Ill ribbon theory of capacity 101 rigid 112, 1235 Roger's 74, 110, 111 running at different speeds 88 Schellenbach Sons 76 Schwarzmann's 109, 110 scrapers for 75 sectional 81 shaft, journal speed, etc 76 shafts 65 shims for 74 side adjustment 71 size of feed 90 speed, capacity, etc 107 sizes of 64 speeds, etc 72 treated by 63 weights, and speeds 79 sizing tests on 99, 315 test on pulp of coarse and fine rolls at Mill * 162 1328, 1329 spaces between 64, 89 special forms 104 speed of 64,86 rolls and speed curves 1224 spring pressures on 72 affecting friction 96 springs or weights for 73 S. R. Krom's 72, 77 Sturtevant balanced rolls 1232 table of sizes, power, weight, dimensions, etc 1234 centrifugal rolls 74, 1237 Superior crushing rolls 1231 table of data from the mills 64 value of forces acting at different angles 94 tests on work required for rolls 306 Thum's compound 110 toothed 1243, 2010 table of sizes, capacities, and power 1243 Triplex rolls 1239 Rolls, Tuttle Manufacturing & Supply Co 76 types of 75 Union Iron Works 72, 111 use of for brittle ores 314 used in brick manufacture 2011 velocity of approach in 314 versus ball mills at Mill 159 1830 Chili mills for clays 2010 disintegrators 298 gravity stamps 222 grinders 110 Heberli mill 258 Huntington mills 1 10 stamps 224, 314 steam stamps 110 at Mill 179 1900 Sturtevant mill Ill Vezin, made by Colorado Iron Works 84 Walburn-Swenson Co 76 Wall's corrugated finger gear Ill W. F. Mosser & Co 76 width of 83 Wilds 72 with flanges 110 fluted surfaces 109 knobs 106 teeth 111,112 sluggers and knobs 104 without springs 74 Rompf jig screen. C. Blomeke 2021 Roofs for mills 1088 Root rotary pump 982, 989 W. A., the Macquisten flotation process 2030 Rope convevors, picking on 489 drive for sand wheels 866 tramway 937 transmission 1094 Ropes, L. S., mill of Isel Corundum Company, Georgia 1183 Resales, Henry, auriferous quartz in Victoria 1176 gravity stamps 224 Rose, T. K 787 amalgamating pans 290 amalgamators 787 arrastra 290 Blake and Schranz breakers, Dodge and Gates breakers 56 clean-up pan 29 1 Crawford mill 295 Cyclops mill 294 gold from placer and vein rock 1174 gravity stamps 223 Harz jigs 639 Huntington mills 297 Husband pneumatic and Patterson elephant spring stamps 143 Jordan's centrifugal grinder 295 Krom jig and Clarkson-Stanfield machine . . . 837 rolls - 109 large steam stamps 142 lime for slime settling 1419 metallurgy of gold xx pointed boxes 476 retorts 783 riddles versus trommels 385 size of stamp feed 207 Roseberry, B. C., concentration at. A. W. Dyer . . 2043 Rosenlecher, R., dressing quicksilver in Tuscany . . . 1177 Roskelly, I., stamp mill construction 2048 Ross. J., Jr., Wildman and Hector gold stamp mills 1184 Rossland district, B. C., milling in the. R. Hookes 2046 Rotary breaker at Mill 186 : 1917 drier at Mill 186 1917 percussion table, Bartsch 1497 pumps 87 1 Rotation of gravity stamps 194 Rothwell, John E., belt elevators 884 rolls for chlorination process Ill R. P., Blake breaker 57 in Ontario mill 57 Linkenbach tables 728 Ontario, Silver Reef, and California silver mines in Nevada 1174 Rotter, Max viii Rough -crushing department at Mill 152 1805 Roughing jig 894 jigs at Mill 148 1792 plane, definition of 1465 Roughness, effect of, in launders 877 Rough, unplaned pine board surfaces used as plates 750 84 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Roulette ball mill. C. Blomeke 2016 Round convex buddies 704, 706 holes compared with slotted holes in screens ... 169 tables, adjustments of 2023 at mills 1846, 1904, 1905, 1908 continuous surface 1506 Routine of managing heads and concaves on spindle breakers 47 Rowand incline screen 1345 at mills 1345, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1805, 1806, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811 magnetic separator 807 at mills 1763, 1808, 1810 tower drier at Mill 152 1807, 1813 type gravity screen at Mill 138 1746 vertical drier at Mill 141 1765 Royal breaker 58 Con. Mines Co., California, the mill of the. H. F. Brown 2044 Rubber belt conveyors 859 for elevators 862 vanners 647 belting in launders 873 belts 1094 tables 698 cushion for steam stamps. 116, 127 for amalgamated plates 754, 758, 760 riffle cleats 1487 roll springs 73 sheet for mortar blocks 148 surface for slime tables 695 table deck of Woodbury table 1495 versus canvas for vanner belts 650 Rubidium, atomic weight of 1188 Ruby coal breaker, Colo., practice at the. R. M. Hosea 2051 washing 2025 Rudorf, theory of flotation processes 1555, 1556 Rul, M., arrastra at Guanaxuato, Mexico 290 edge runners 295 Rules for belting 1093 jigging 631 mechanical sampler 846 power consumed in mills 1093 used in crushing 309 sampling 848, 849, 850 Running cost of spindle and jaw breakers 54 jigs, labor for 604 methods of 551 sample 843, 845 stamps 206, 223, 224 Runs 447, 476, 1082 Russell process 1175 Russia iron for jig screens 545 screen gauge 173, 1195 Rusty gold 786, 1014 catching of 776 in dredging 1012 Ruthenium, atomic weight of 1188 Rutile separated by magnets 790 specific gravity of 1189 Rutter breaker 45 Ruttman, F. S 1175 Blake multiple jaw plant 57 breakers 57 Conkling jig 640 Ryerson pulverizer 236 bibliography for 299 S Sachs, C., Neuhof mills at Beuthen 1186 Sacks for concentrates 1112, 1113 Safety devices for steam stamps 127 Sahlin, A., Alsing cylinder 294 breakers 57 breaking point for jaw breakers 49 buhrstone mill 253 Conkling, Buchanan, Edison, Wenstrom, Ball -Norton, Hoffman, Lovett-Finney, and Chase separators 835 Cyclone pulverizer 298 Griffin roller mill 297 grist mill or buhrstone mill 291 Lovett-Finney separator at Weldon, New Jer- sey 835 machines in Gouverneur district, New York . 57 magnetic concentrates 1180 roll speeds 87 rolls versus Sturtevant mills for iron ore 110 Sahlin, A. Sturtevant mill 288 mills -versus rolls 298 sizing test on roll product 100 Saint Andreasburg, sieve scale at 367 David's Gold mine, New South Wales, milling at the. L. H. L. Huddart 2046 Dennis, Cornwall, tin dressing at 1184 Eugene mill, B. C., milling at the. R. Stokes 2040 Goar on the Rhine, mill at 1102, 1135 Johns River, Florida, pumps on ' 870 Joseph Lead Company mill xxv i, 924 1175 Hoffmann mill 1796 Just, Penzance, mill at 1082 Laurent-le-Minier, mill at 1179 Louis colliery, air blast at 837 exposition, the concentration plant of the . . . 2047 floor of the Anzin Co., air blast at 817 Smelting and Refining Company 1709 85 Symphorien, Belgium, phosphate plant at 899 Sala, stroke of jigs at 594 Salamander crucibles for melting 784 Sal ammoniac used on amalgamated plates 749 Salberget, concentration plant at. G. Fagerberg . . . 2040 Salivation by mercury 730 Salkinson, A., use of steam for settling slimes 2020 Salt used in plate amalgamaton 752 settling test 1 147 water 1106 effect of in concentration 3 Salts, effect on amalgamation 767 Salzburg tables 682, 1115, 1185 versus jigs 641 Samarium, atomic weight of 1188 Sample, dipper or bucket 845 grab '. 845 grinders 232, 257, 292, 1284 bibliography for " . 292 F. W. Braun Company 1284, 1323 Nevada 1284 Sturtevant 1284 Samplers 843, 1570 are inaccurate, pipe and single split 2032 at mills 1691, 1750, 1868, 1873, 1874 Keewatin, Ontario. F. T. Snyder 2031 Smuggler Union mill, an automatic. S. I. Hallett 2032 Bridgman 884 Brunton 847, 1527 oscillating mechanical 1575 Byrne automatic pulp 2031 cheese-scoop 844 Clarkson 884 Collom 847 different types 2032 essentials of 846 for tailings at Mill 160 1834 hand sampling 1570 inaccuracies of the old Brunton 2032 in the mills 848 Johnson 2031 Lamb automatic tailings sampler 1573 mechanical 1571 pipe 845 Snyder 846, 1572 Taylor and Brunton horizontal riffle sampler . . . 1577 riffle 1578 Vezin 846, 1572 weaknesses of the Bridgman 2032 Samples moisture 846 storing samples 1578 weight of samples taken in mechanical sampling. . 1575, 1576 Sampling 843 a jig bed 1171 and analyzing of slimes. L. Ehrmann 2032 at mills 1730, 1734, 1912 Park City, Utah 2032 bibliography for 884 bucking the sample 1578 by coning and quartering 1577 fractional selection 1570 hand 844, 1570 Jones sampler 1570 machines, principles of 1574 mechanical means 1570 riffles 1570 shovel 1570 split-shovel 1570 cabinet used at the Sweeny mill 1570 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Sampling, cleaning mill between lots 1577 cutting down crushed ore from sample rolls 1577 ground pulp 1578 department at mills 1667, 1691, 1742, 1884 difficulties attending mechanical 1575 general article on 2033 high-grade telluride gold ores with Vezin sam- pler 1573 in Colorado 1244 limit of error in 1575 mechanical sampling 1577 mechanical 846 methods at Broken Hill. H. W. Moss 2031 mill 1051, 1069 S. H. Pearce 2032 minimizing effect of air currents 1576 moisture samples 1575 notes on 2032 of bullion 784 concentrating and slime tables, j . C. Bailor 2032 mill work 1168 ores. P. Argall 1609 plant of mills 1629, 1831, 1872 precautions in 845 principles of 849 requisites to accuracy 1575 rules for 848 S, H. Pearce 2031 size of samples 1575, 1576 tower at Mill 120 1681 trough for slime table 1172 Sampson mine, sieve scale at 367 Samson breakers 1202, 1223 at Dives-Pelican mine 1203 Mill 113 1659 Manufacturing Company. Samson breaker 1223 San Antonio de Yguana mill 1180 Sanborn, J'. A., amalgam 767 temperature of water for amalgamation 789 Sand and slime concentrators 644 concentrators 1464 1465 1078 1602 873 180 759 1609 2031 Wilfley table corundum distributor, Blaisdell centrifugal .... flow of, in launders for bedding false bottoms in mortar heated for sweating plates in launders, flow of. F. K. Blue movement of coarse. T. T. Read Sandpaper used in scouring copper plates 753 Sand, preparation of moulding. J. Kraus 2030 pumps 868, 1587 at Mill 182 1910, 1911 Standard Consolidated mine 1588 Frenier 871 and Le Blanc 2031 ratio to water in pumping 869 Sands in classifiers and jigs, action of. G. G. Bring 2020 mechanical settling and filtering of 2021 moisture in 1 107 transported by water 878 treatment at Mill 117 1670 used for scouring copper plates 753 washing in New Jersey, glass 2029 weight of 1190 wheels 864, 1586 at mills. . . 1587, 1668, 1669, 1677, 1715, 1893, 1894 Calumet and Hecla 2032 details of 866 in the Transvaal 2031 mechanical efficiency of 1587 on the Rand 1644 versus pumps in Witwatersrand 1645 Wilfley middlings elevator 1468 San Dimas, arrastras at 238, 290 Sandstone, angle of nip required to crush 94 compressive strength of 300 weight of 1190 Sandycroft standard cams 215 San Francisco, cost of mill at 1126 Juan District, Colorado, cost of producing gold in 1978, 1979, 1980 wage-scale 1980 at Mill 100 1626 Martin mill, Chihuahua, Mexico. K.Thomas. 2046 Sanna modified Ferraris screen 343 Santa Barbara, oil-concentration plant, Van Meter process at 1993 Eduwiges mill 1184 Sapphire, North Carolina, corundum dressing at 1184 Sapphire washing 1081 Sardinia, ore dressing in. N. Pellati 2035 Satelin, J . de, Hughes Daviot electromagnet 834 Saucon mine, movable sieve jig at 506 Sauer- Mayer riddle 342 Sautter magnetic separator 798 Sauvage, E., Plumb jig 641 Saving by canvas plant 1017 new scheme in Mill 66 1026 from scrap 1 1 15 in mills 1114 gold mills 1110 use of electricity 1091 of water 1104 Savings, average extractions in various districts, table of 1612 Saw blade for scraping plates 759 Sawyer canvas elevator belt at Mill 125 1700 Saxon mill, mercury traps in 774 wells in 770 shoes and dies 181 Saxony, cobbing in 480 mills in 1176 Scaife trough washer 320, 335 Scales for weighing ore 883 sieve 1361 in American mills, table of 1361 . weighing devices 1603 Scandium, atomic weight of 1188 Schaefer, J. V., coal washing at Alexandria Coal Company's plant, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 1178 Schamberger, J. W., clay washing 1186 Schedules for calculating the value of zinc ores .... 1932 Joplin zinc ores 1939 western zinc ores 1933 zinc ores, foreign 1933 Scheelite, specific gravity of 1189 Schellenbach Sons 76 rolls 76 Schemes of mill treatment 892, 1613 Schemnitz, Hungary, settling tests at 1 146 U-shaped classifier 424 Schiff, F., magnetic separators 835 Schleudermiihle 236 bibliography for 299 Schleuderseparator, description of the. L. Kleritz and O. Bilharz 2025 Schmidlieing Chili mill 2017 Schmidt, F., belt tables 728 -Manderbach, Adolph, spiral sieves 385 spiral screen 363, 364, 385 Schnabel, Carl, bag rooms for zinc white 885 Handbuch xx Huntington mill 282, 297 separation processes 839 silver amalgamation 1039 by Washoe and Reese River processes . . 1174 Scholl, G. P., modern gold milling 2035 Schone tubular classifier 476 School laboratory work, a free milling gold ore. R. H. Richards and E. E. Bugbee 2048 Schorr battery, R. Schorr on the 1278 stay-overflow mortar 1266 Schranz breaker 56, 57, 60, 61 of Dodge type 31 section of 32 jig 503, 641 mill 235, 274, 292 bibliography for 296 products of, crushing Przibram ore 309 tests on work required for 306 table 689, 728 Schubersatz 214 Schulenburg, hand picking at 492 picking at 487 sieve scale at 367 Schulz. Dr. and Herr Zeuner, settling tanks at Tar- nowitz 479 W., Huntington mill 297 Schiirmann, W. R., rolls Ill Schuttelherd, New Humboldt concentrator 1493 Schwarzmann's rolls 109, 110 Schwerin, Martin, re-grinding machines 1340 relative efficiency of re-grinding machines 1331 Scobey, J. C.. economy in mill water 1419 sampler at Mill 173 1880 system of slime settling in Arizona 1411 Scoops for sampler 846 Scouring copper plate 752 Scow for dredging 1007, 1011 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Scrap iron recovered by magnets ................. 790 use of ................................... 1 1 15 Scraper conveyors at Mill 114 ................... 1662 Mill 126 ............................... 1709 for belt conveyors .......................... 860 hard amalgam on plates ................. 757, 758 plates ................................... 762 rolls .................................... 75 slime tables ............................ 689, 696 Scraping conveyors ............................. 860 Screen analysis of Garfield Chili mill product ...... 1307 and lamp chimney for sampling jig bed ....... 1171 area on stamps ............................ 209 for dredges ................................ 1012 unwatering .............................. 724 frames ........................... '. ........ 176 for jig .................................. 510 steam tamps .......................... 120 in gravity stamps ......................... 176 gauges .................................. 171, 172 meshes, tables of .......................... 1196 of hand jig ................................ 894 openings ................................... 167 measurements of ......................... 1362 plate, cost of .............................. 361 sizing limit of ............................. 1361 principles of ...................... 365, 366, 1361 Screening after decrepitation ...................... 829 at the Witkowitz colliery .................... 2050 by trommels system of ...................... 364 cost of .................................... 360 difficu ties of .............................. 372 economic limit of. P. Argall ................ 1366 following disintegration ..................... 830 hot and cold ore ............... . ............ 385 separation by crushing and screening ......... 1566 decrepitation and ...................... 1565 tests ...................................... 1138 graphic records of. C. De Kalb .......... 1340 wet ..................................... 1138 trommel .................................. 335 wet versus dry ............................. 1 139 Screens ....................................... 336 See Trommels and Sieves. action of .................................. 2019 aluminum bronze cloth ...................... 174 plate .................................. 174 analysis arrangement of holes at Mill 158 . Monteponi, hand Truesdale coal washery, shaking the Waihi mill, New Zealand, size of attachment of in trommels balancing of shaking bar 2019 168 1824 2018 2018 2019 355 342 336 belt type .................................. 1357 bibliography for ............................ 384 blinding of ................................. 175 Borgmann & Emde ........................ 386 brass cloth ........... ..................... 174 Briart bar ................................. 346 Callow belt screen .......................... 1358 canvas shield for ........ ................... 177 capacity of ................................. 341 Centripact ................................. 1360 choice of ................................ 174, 371 classified .................................. 336 cloth ..................................... 170 coal. F. W. Parsons ....................... 2019 Columbian pulsating ....................... 343 comparison of ............................. 345 shaking and cylindrical ................. 2019 copper plate ........................ . ...... 174 corrosion of ............................... 354 cost of per ton of ore crushed ............... 174 Denver Engineering Works Company revolving grizzly ................................ 1353 designation of holes ........................ 172 dewatering ................................ 1591 different types of ............................ 2018 Distl-Susky screw grate ...................... 386 Dunlap perfect clay screen ................... 1357 Edison stationary .......................... 341 effect of acid water ......................... 173 size of holes in stamping ................ 210 elongated punched holes .................... 370 Ferraris hand .............................. 1360 shaking ............................. 342, 1347 for box classifiers ......................... 433, 443 87 Screens for gravity stamps 1270 Hancock jigs, wear and tear of 1441 Huntington mills 281, 1315 at Mill 162 1845 jigs 496, 510, 552 cost of 547 removing sticks, bolts, pick points, etc 882 settling tanks 458 stamps, size of 221 table of details of 121 steam stamps 119 material, size, life, etc 121 testing 1137 Tremain stamp 136 trommels, life, cost, etc 352, 354 unwatering 879 jig tailings 587 Gates all-iron frame revolving 1353 gravel 339 grizzlies 336 gyrating 342 Harrington & King's standard plate 369, 370 Hicks revolving grizzly 385 Impact screen 1351 Imperial screen 1348 in gravity stamps 167 size of holes in 210 mills, use made of 889 iron cloth 173 plate 173 jig, details of 540 Karop 386 King screen 1356, 1360 Klein moving grizzly 386 life on jigs 546 limits of 368 Linkenbach's figures on 547 material, cost, life, etc 173, 174 for 354,384 jig 545 means of designation. P. Argall 1366 meshes of 172 mill 1365 amount of screening surface for given output 1365 cost of maintenance of 1365 needle gauge 172 proper peripheral speed for 1365 Newaygo separator 1350 numbers 172 Oberegger gyrating 386 octagonal trommels 1353 of corrugated type 226 gun-metal at Mill 185 1915 plate or wire clcth 340 on a fixed shaft, rotary 2018 opening in mortars 167 percentage of opening in 369, 546 with hole in 60- and 90 rows 168 phosphor bronze cloth 174 plate 174 placing of 170 plate, for gravity stamps 167 Pratt ore sizer 1345 prevention of blinding 373 pulsating 342 relation of thickness of plates and wires to diam- eter of holes, in the mills 372 to diameter of holes in punched screens as quoted 372 revolving 346, 1353 riddles, and vibrating grizzlies ( round and square holes 369 versus slotted holes 169 Rowand incline screen 1345 Schmidt spiral 363 sectional trommels 1353 shaking 342 shape and arrangement of holes sieve scale for 366 sizes of needles for 172 sizing 336, 1345 slope of 176 speed of shaking 342, 345 splash board 177 standardization of 1361 laboratory. W. S. Hutchinson 1366, 2019 stationary 336, 1345 of wire cloth or plate 340 steel cloth 173 plate 173 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Screens suited for testing 1988 submerged trommel at Mill 125 1356 table of clear punched slotted 169 thickness of 341, 371 tin bronze plate 174 plate 173 Traylor Centripact 1352 trommel, life, cost, and details of 352 Tyler 171 double crimped 354 mining wire cloth 1364 used for free-settling tests 465 in trommels 350 variations in the percentage of opening of, in the mills 371 versus classifiers 368 Vibracone separators 1352 Vibromotor 385 wear of 169, 170, 356 screening surface 1365 wire cloth, of copper, brass, phosphor-bronze, galvanized and tinned 1365 wire, for gravity stamps 170 versus plate 171 with round holes laid out in equilateral triangles 168 squares 168 W. S. Tyler Co., double crimped 370 Screw conveyors 861, 1582 at Mill 105 1636, 1637 for removing jig tailings 588 table of sizes, capacities, and speeds of 1583 tappets for stamps 188, 225 Scrubber for cleaning copper plates 752 Scrubbing of amalgamated plates 758 Seager, J. B viii Sealing of retorts 1519 Sea water, use of 1106 used in concentration 1182 weight of 118S Second hand machinery, experiments with 2012 Sectional Blake breaker 20, 21 breaker of Blake type 22 guides for gravity stamps 154, 155, 1268 the Denny 1269 mortars, Traylor 1267 for gravity stamps 163 rolls 81 stamp cams 192 mill 227 trommels 1353 Denver Engineering Works Company revolv- ing grizzly 1353 Sections in mills 1108 Seeman, L., centrifugal pumps 870, 885 classifier with helical current 478 sizing, jigging, and wet stamping 1182 Stein table 729 Segregator (classifier), G. G. Gates 418 Seitz coal loading and screening machine 2018 Selenide silver mill 1622 Selenium, atomic weight of 1188 silver ores, concentration of 1925 Self -tightening cams 193 manganese-steel mantles for McCully gyratory breakers 1213 Sell, L., ball mills 293 Sellers, William & Co., steam hammer 12 Seminole mine ore, Krom air jig on 825 Separating ^ 5 concentrating or washing 318 Separation by adhesion 831 centrifugal force 827 crushing and screening 1566 decrepitation 830 and screening ; 1565 disintegration and screening 830 heavy solution 1156 magnetic concentration 790 oil 831 weathering 830 combinations of principles of 891, 1611 ease of 1117 electrostatic 1199 Huntoon's experiments on telluride gold ores . . . 1566 in vanners, principle of 665 miscellaneous process of 790 of fluorspar, lead, and zinc. F. Julius 2028 galena-sphalerite ores at Broken Hill 1611 grease from diamond at Mill 188 1921 mixed sulphides. R. C. Canby 1923 Separation of molybdenite 1567 three minerals on jigs 590 principles used in 889 Separators at the Kalgoorlie mines, hydraulic 2034 Ball -Nor ton magnetic separator 1527 Buchanan magnetic 803 Clarkson-Stanfield centrifugal 820 classification of magnetic separators 1521 Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separator 1542 cobbing magnets 1531 Conkling dry magnetic 809 Cranberry magnet 1530 Dellvik-Grondal 804 Ding's magnetic 1540 Edison magnetic 812 electrostatic 1549 Eriksson's electromagnetic 1529 Ferraris magnetic 799, 1525 separator, drum-type 1528 final 480 for fine materials 810 steam 1091 Forsgren's electromagnetic separator 1538 Grondal Nos. 2. 3, 4, and 5 magnetic 1537 Heberli magnetic 799 wet 810 Hughes Daviot electromagnet 812 Humboldt magnetic 1530 International magnetic 1533 Kessler magnetic 811 Knowles' New Century magnetic 1541 Leighton magnetic 1528 magnetic with conveying belts 804 Mechernich magnetic separator 1535 Mumford and Moodie's 818 Newaygo 1360 of the primary-magnet type 1521 secondary or induced-magnet type 1533 Pape-Henneberg , 818 Payne magnetic 799 Peck centrifugal 828 pneumatic 1553 Sutton, Steele & Steele dry table 1479 principles of magnetic separators 1521 Rowand magnetic 807 Siemens magnetic 803 Ullrich magnetic 1535 Vibracone 1352, 1360 Wenstrom magnetic 800 Wetherill magnetic 804, 1521 with the ore falling in front of magnets 812 Series arrangement of machines 1110 Serpentine, specific gravity of 1189 strength of 301 Setting up a stamp 200 Wilfley tables 1468 Settlers 777 Settling, bibliography for 475 beakers or jars 1146 box for Johnston vanner concentrates 1502 concentrates in barrels 1113 definition of free and hindered 464, 1421 dust 1099 fine slimes 1147, 1185, 1186 hindered 610, 1460 limit of 455 of fine grains 473 pits for tin ores 1083 pond in the Harz, a concrete 2020 power of minerals, effect of 64 rates in different mediums 826 ratio, defined 4 ratios 469, 471 reservoirs for 460 slimes 1160, 1178, 1184 use of chemicals for 1413 tanks 450, 1109 and pits for clay 1076 at mills 1408, 1776, 1777, 1779 Morenci, Arizona 1413 baffle board 459 Berenger and Stingls slime tank : . . 1407 Binkley settling system 1409 calculation of 454 Callow cone 1402 capacities of, 15 feet square 455 Colorado Iron Works Company 1407 data from the mills concerning 458 details of, in the mills 458 dimensions of 453 88 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Settling tanks for graphite ores 1075 jig concentrates 586 ore dressing, a 2020 kaolin 1077, 1149 vanner concentrates 647 Merrill cylindrical clarifying tanks 1406 large cones 1406 practical limits of settling in 455 relations of length and width to the settling . . 452 speed of current to size of grain 452 Scobey system in Arizona 1411 Sherman system 1404 slime 1419 table of details of in the mills 456 tests 1146 on fine slimes 1176 theory 476 tube 621 use made of in mills 889 of lime and alum for 458, 459 velocities, curves of 467, 473 water 1104 Setzpumpe 520, 595, 639 Setzrad 478 Severing minerals, methods of 8 or detaching 5 Sexton, F. H., the ore dressing apparatus at Dal- housie University, Halifax 2048 Seyss dynamometer for work of crushing 305 Shackelford's patent box-cleaning device 1503 Shaft drier at mills 1803, 1822 furnaces for drying 880 roasting furnace at mills 1663, 1759, 1765 Shafts, boxes or bearings for 72 for amalgamating pan 248 jigs.. . 532 diameters of 533 rolls 65 steam stamps 128 Tremain stamp 138 trommels 351 Shafting in mills 1108 Shaking amalgamating tables at mills 1645, 1650, 1651 in South Africa 1513 feeders at mills 1691, 1837, 1868, 1869 frame for Frue vanners 645 grizzly at mills 1690, 1866 launders at mills 1693, 1694, 1761, 1811 mercury trap 774 plates 740 screens 341 at mills 1694, 1889 for dredges 1012 testing 1137 new spring for 2018 table for picking 489 Shallow-pocket hindered -settling classifiers 1384 hydraulic classifiers 389 the Richards 401 Shanks and butts of stamp shoes 181 Shannon concentrator 1931 Copper Company, the use of lime for slime settling at 1416 Shape of grains, effect of, on slime tables 694 particles, effect on free settling 464 screen holes 369 Sharpless, F. F 121,126 amalgamated plates 750, 767 Atlantic mill, Lake Superior 1183 Ball, Leavitt, and Allis stamps 142 stamp keys 188 steel ends of tappet keys 227 temperature of water for amalgamation ..... 789 Sharpneck steam stamp 136, 142 Sharwood, W. J., definition of slimes 1398, 1419 Shaw mine, Huntington mill at 281 Sheaves for ropes 1095 Shells for rolls 66 net cost of 69 Shepard, F. E., tube mills at the Gold King mill, Col- orado 2014 Sheppard coal jig 642, 538, 586, 643 Sherman, F. W., centrifugal roller mill 1313 classifiers at Mill 132 1729 Huntington mill 1313 improved Huntington mill at Mill 132 . . 1728, 1729 re-grinders at Mill 132 1728, 1729 separating and distributing tanks at Mill 132. 1728 settling tanks at Mill 132 1404, 1729, 1730 slimer 1506 89 Sherman, F. W., system of settling tanks 1404 slime treatment at Mill 132 1729 wet concentration by the Sherman system. ... 1419 slime concentrator 2023 Shield for grease from stamp cams 194 of canvas for stamps 177 Shinier and Reifsnyder sampling 884 Shims for rolls 74 Shipping concentrates 1112 expenses H23 Shoe and die channels in amalgamating pans 246 Shoes and dies for grinding pans, wear of 1 284 life of 184, 185, 2011 of stamps, table of, wear of 182 wear in amalgamating pans 249 at mill 117 1668 false, for stamps 229 for amalgamating pans 245 gravity stamps 181 life of 1277 settlers 777 steam stamp 120 life, etc 122 of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 put on gravity stamps 201 shanks and butts 181 Sholl pneumatic stamp 141, 143 Short head and concaves, Gates' breaker with 1208 Shot for jig beds 574 Shovel for sampling 1570 vanning 1152 Shoveler, mechanical 885, 879 Shoveling, sampling by 844 Siberia, dredging in 1009 gold milling in. L. Tovey 2038 Sickening of mercury 750, 751 Side adjustment of rolls 71 bump tables comparison with end-bump 682 plane surfaces 667 Rittinger table 667 Stein, Corning, Bilharz, and Luhrig 669 with plane surfaces 667 discharge for jigs 580 hill site for mills 1085 jerk tables, comparison of Wilfley and Rittinger 679 Bartlett table 678 Cammett tables 676 Dodd table 675 Hallett table 675 Overstrom table 679 Wilfley table 670 with riffled surfaces 670 Woodbury table 676 of amalgamating pan 244 plunger jigs 529 shake vanners 645, 1499 Frue vanner 1499 Horn rotary slime concentrator 1499 Johnston concentrator 652 Norbom concentrator 652 Tulloch concentrator 652 versus end-shake 655 Siderite. See also Iron. angle of nip required to crush 94 calcining for magnetism 1544 separated by decrepitation 829 by magnets 790 specific gravity of 1189 Siemens & Halske magnetic separator 798 rolls 2010 magnetic separator 803, 834 Sierra Buttes mill, amalgamated plates in 748 Sieve box for jigs 524 for mill testing 1996, 1997 frames, double iron 540 for jigs 538 iron 539 hole on jigs, size of 573 scale 366, 1361 at mills 1361 for jigging 606 testing screens 1138 I. M. M. standard laboratory sieve scale 1362 scales 365, 384 in American mills, table of 1361 mills 366, 367 limits of 368 surface affecting capacity of jigs 600 wires and prices 547 Siever coal jig 641 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Sieves See also Screens. and plungers, sizes of, in mills 528-529 brass wire on jigs at Mill 121 1686 drop between, on jigs 549 for hand jigs 499 three-mineral separation 590 two-mineral separation 589 length of in jigs 592 life of in jigs 546 number of, on jigs 588 skimming in jigs 576 slope of, in jigs 548 width of, in jigs 591 Sifting and decrepitation 5 Silberau mill 1087, 1136 mill at 1176, 1177 Ems 11C2, 1135 sieve scale in 367 Silesia, mill in 1186 Silex liners for tube mills at Mill 143 1770 Silica crushed in Blue Bird mill 222 for melting 784 Silicon, atomic weight of 1188 Siller & Dubois ball mill 293 Sills and girders for steam stamps 114 for Nordberg steam stamps 1247 Silver Age mill xxv, 915 amalgam 730, 731, 747, 1512 preparation of 754 amalgamated plates 747 apparatus used for amalgamation 731 assay for in Mill 55 304 Mill 68 303 atomic weight of 1188 combination mills 1039 -copper ores, mills for 973, 984 cost of producing 1960 Cup, British Columbia, handling of ore at the. G. Attwood 2039 fineness in bullion 785 horn, crushed in Harshaw mill 207 in Lake Superior copper 766 Islet mill 1179 stamps 226 King mill, Fleming dewatering wheel at 1590 Park City, Utah 2038 H. L. J. Warren 2036 J. H. Steele 2044 Lake mill 1046, 1092, 1771 dewatering screen at Mill 139 1751 -lead ores, crushed by Blake breaker and Chili mill 271 ores, mills for 925, 936 treated at Broken Hill by Collom jigs 515 mills 1039 settlers in 777 milling, bibliography for 1173 cost of 1134 ore, amalgamation of 1167 crushed at Geddes and Bertrand mill 100 by arrastras 238 leaching and amalgamating 1167 loss of , 1117 mills for 925, 1015, 1016, 1035 pan for testing 1157 separated by oil 831 treated in amalgamating pans 348 plated amalgamated plates 179, 747 at Mill 143 1769 copper plates, coated with mercury 747 comparison of with plain copper 748 plating as a preservative for copper plates 1512 discussion of. A. Clark 2024 effect on fineness of amalgam 763 method of 754 plates coated with amalgam 750 Plume, Colorado, description of two mills at ... 2043 products of stamping 139 proportion of gold and silver on successive plates 763 in daily and hard amalgam 764 Reef mill 1174 removed by picking 486 specific gravity of native 1189 treated in mills 44. 46, 47, 48 486 used on copper plates 748 per square foot of copper plate 754 wet and dry crushing 224 "Silverton Brand" elevator belting at Mill 126 1707 Colorado, electric power at 1092 336 Silverton, Colorado, hammers used at 10 mill at 1046, 1050, 1052 typical mill of. W. G. Swart 2042 Mining Co., mill 1050 Simmer and Jack mill, details of stamps 221 notes on. G. O. Swart 2035 Deep Ltd. ore reduction plant of 1651 Simonds, E. H., place and value of small ore tests. . 2049 Simonnet and Chaumeis, American gold stamp mill- ing 1178 Simple-cylinder steam stamp at Mill 179 1897 jigging mills 892 using power jigs 900 steam stamp at Mill 182 1909, 1912 Simplex ore feeder 1578 Simplicity in machines 1097 mills 1004 Simpson pulverizer 2014 Single cylinder and compound steam stamps, com- parison between 1254 issue 167 roll crusher, McLanahan and Stone 1241 table of sizes, power, and weights 1241 spigot hydraulic classifier at Mill 180 1902 stage crushing ; 103 stamp battery, the disadvantages of the 2013 versus double discharge on stamps 209 Sintering slimes at Mill 129 1717 Siphon separator 520 at Mechernich 421, 475, 477, 478 Sites for mills 1085, 1124 Size and shape of mouth of breakers 54 of amalgamated plates 737 feed to hydraulic classifiers 389 grains affecting capacity of jigs 600 for film sizing 707 jig bed 575 holes in screens 210 stamp screens, methods of designating .... 172 jig sieves and plungers 528 material for roasting for magnetism 814, 815 treated by amalgamating pans 248 needles for screens 172 sieve hole on jigs 573 slime tables 684, 696 Sized feed for Wilfley tables 1473 versus classified feeds for the Wilfley table 1478 Sizers Browne hydrometric conical 409 Keedy dry-ore sizer 1555 Sizes and weights of ore for sampling 851, 852 fed to jigs, range of 606 vanners 658 Wilfley table 674 of Akron Chili mills, table of 1308 Allis-Chalmers toothed and corrugated rolls, table of 1243 Alsing tube mills, table of 1296 American Process Company driers 1598 Argall driers ! 1600 Austin gyratory breakers, table of 1210 Blake breakers 17, 21, 24 boxes for rolls 72 cam shafts 191 Comet breaker 41, 45, 46 crushed product from breakers 1218 diagram of 1219 Denver Engineering Works Company's Blake breakers, table of 1204 Dodge breaker 30, 31 double-cone hydraulic classifiers, table of 1381 Farrel Blake breakers, table of 1200 feed for gravity stamps 207 Ferraris ball mills, table of 1300 patent tables, table of 1490 Gates ball mills, table of 1301 breakers 38, 46 style "K" breakers, table of 1208 with short head and concaves, table of . . 1209 grizzlies 339, 340 Hathaway gyratory breakers, table of 1217 Humphrey rolls, table of 1235 Imperial screens, table of 1350 improved Huntington mills, table of 1312 iron pipe 405 Jeffrey swing hammer pulverizers, table of . . . 1322 Kennedy gyratory breakers, table of 1214 Kent roller mill 1304 Knowles New Century magnetic separators, table of 1542 Krupp gyratory breakers, table of 1215 90 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Sizes of La Point flour gold separators, table of 1510 McCully breakers 44 table of 1212 McLanahan and Stone single-roll crushers, table of 1241 mortar blocks 145 new Humboldt concentrator 1494 ore hand picked 487 particles, effect on free settling 464 Pilling air hoists, table of 1609 products of mills 1116 Richards' pulsator classifier, table of 1390 jig, table of 1455 rolls 64 samples 1575, 1576 Samson breakers, table of 1203 screens 168, 169, 170 for free-settling tests 465 screw conveyors, table of 1583 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 Stroud mills, tables of 1320, 1321 Sturtevant balanced rolls, table of 1234 Sturtevant-Dodge type breakers, table of 1205 trommel screens 352 Wild roller mills, table of 1304 Wilfley roasting furnace 1548 treated by jigs 605 kieves 726 rolls 63 slime tables 693 vanners 648 Wenstrom magnets 801 Sizing 384, 892 amount necessary for Hancock jig 1441 and assaying tests 1163 before amalgamation 1514 J. O. Dimmick 1520 dry jigging 822 jigging 629, 631, 1463 close ....2022 sorting 891 box, the Dodge 416 by a water film on a surface 1611 screens 1611 comparison between screen and hydraulic 2019 followed by agitation 891 magnetism and by sorting 891 in mills, use made of 889 limit of screen sizing 1361 of emery 1079 principles of screen 1361 screen versus hydraulic. S. I. Hallett 2020 screens 336, 1345 bibliography for 384 testing of 1170 test and assays of feed and products of Hunting- ton mills 1317 on ball mill pulp 1302 Browne hydrometric sizer 410 Bryan mill product 1310 Chili mill product 269, 271 cyanide tailings 1107 Dodge pulverizer product 262 feed and discharge of Abbe tube mill 1290 and products of Drake cone classifiers ... 1668 of Huntington mills 1316 tube mills 1290 to flotation plant at Mill 130 1721, 1724 Harz jigs at Mill 144 1772, 1773, 1774 Woodbury slime classifier at Mill 162 . 1449 Griffin mill product 284 at Mill 105 1636 Hancock jig feed and middlings 1443 Heberli mill product 259 Huntington mill product 281, 1669 mill feed at mills 1750, 1772 ore broken by hand and machine 13 product of De Kalb's classifier 1402 fine grinding system at Mill 105 1638 settling tanks at Mill 144 1776, 1777, 1779 Sherman settling tanks at Mill 132 1406 spitzkasten at Mill 144 1777, 1778 Sturlevant breaker 33 pulp from Bryan mill, high-speed rolls, and Huntington mill 1317 coarse and fine rolls at Mill 162. . 1328, 1329 grinding pans 1284 at Mill 130 1720, 1724 sand treatment at Mill 117 1671 sample grinder product 257 Sizing test on Schranz mill product 276 spigot products of Richards' vortex classifiers at Mill 144 1775, 1776, 1778 stamp mortar product at Mill 180 1905 Sturtevant mill product 288 tailings and concentrates from stamps and Lane Chili mill, comparative 1309 tailings and feed of classifier jig at Mill 120 1453 of Mill 174 -. 1887 Tustin mill product 264 Woodbury jig tailings at Mill 162. . 1449, 1450, 1451 tests, film, on quartz and galena 707 from Mill 78 667 graphical representation of 1139 on breaker products 47 Bryan mills. F. P. Probert 1323 classifier products 461 crushed ore 303 products 307, 312 crushing machines 315 gravity stamps 210 hindered-settling products 612 jaw and spindle breakers 53 jig products 607, 608 products of Gates and McCully breakers . . 45 Richards' hydraulic classifier 406 quartz and galena, results of 719 Richards' classifier products 406 roll products 98 slimes and sands. A. S. Denny 2019 stamp and Bryan mill products 273 stamped ore 222 steam stamps 135 Tremain steam stamps 139 trommel and classifier products 1140, 1144 products 381, 382 Tustin mills and stamps 309 vanner products 664, 666 to show grinding by centrifugal pumps 870 Skewes, E., washing tin slimes from Red River, Corn- wall 1182 Skidmore, W. A., breakers 60 Dooge breaker 60 two-stamp steam battery 143 Skimming launders, in Binkley settling system 1409 of hand jig 497 jigs 506, 576 versus automatic discharge on jigs 584 Skinner, H. R., elevators and conveyors on the Rand 884 Skips for ore 1057 Skirt boards for belt conveyors 859 Skylights 1100 Slag formed in melting 784 Slate picker 489 a mechanical. A. H. Roberts 2021 strength of 301, 302 weight of 1190 Sledging 480 by hand 10 hammers 56 Sliding block mechanism for jigs 533 ore feeder 855 jig, construction of 525 mechanism 534 Slime agitators, Blaisdell 1602 classifiers, classifier jig 1447 Woodbury slime classifier 1447 concentration of gold mill. W. E. Darrow .... 2045 concentrators 644 classification of 1464 Dimmick slime table 1507 Horn 1499 Geyer 460 vanners 1499 definition of, W. A. Prichard 1419 T. H. Collins 1419 M. P. Boss 1420 jig 518,639 ponds, the use of a dredge for excavating. Dr. Kosmann 2039 pressed and dried 1075 settling. H. S. Nichols on 1414 E. A. H. Tays 1419 by aid of milk of lime. T. K. Rose 1419 the Sherman system 1419 H. S. Nichols 1420 M. D. Stackpole 1419 relative efficiency of heat and electrolytes 1415 tanks .. 1419 91 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Slime settling tanks with steam coils at Mill 144. . . . 1779 theory 1149 use of chemical to promote 1413 heat to promote 1695, 1696 tables 1114 at Clausthal 606 Mill 177 1893 bibliography for 727 capacity of 697 circular, quantity of water on 694 specific gravity of feed 693 classification of pulp for 693 slimes for 720 compared 692 with belt film tables 698 comparison of different circular 2023 construction and operation 684 convex versus vanners 691 cost of 691 coupled with kieve 1110 vanner 1 1 10 Wilfley table 1110 density of pulp on 695 diameter and working radius of 697 fixed circular convex 689 for testing 1154 unwaterer 880 investigation on 707 operation of 692 revolving circular concave 692 convex 686 scrapers on 696 size of grains treated 693 slope of 694, 719, 720 speed of 696 step form 689 surface for 695 testing 1172 thickness of water film on 695 velocity of water current 719 water films on 718 for 695 work, effect of shape of grains on 694 tanks, Berenger and Stingls 1407 Colorado Iron Works Company 1407 use of steam pipes in 1695, 1696 treatment at mills 1642, 1671 in Arizona, Scobey 1411 on the Rand 1410 use of steam for settling. A. Salkinson 2020 what constitutes a. W. J. Sharwood 1419 aimers 884, 1504 Akens and Evans 1500 Bartsch rotary percussion table 1497 belt percussion table 1496 comparison of Woodbury and Evans slimers at Mill 162 1451 James 1491 Luhrig 1496 Sherman 1506 use of riffles on 1498 Wilfley 1504 table as 1478 Slimes and sand separation at Mill 106 1040 at Tarnowitz, control of 2047 A. W Warwick, on finely ground 1420 chemicals for settling. W. R. Whitney 1419 colloidal silicic acid in. W. A. Caldecott 1419 theory of Whitney and Ober 1419 definitions of 1394, 1397 De Kalb on 1419 department at Mill 163 1848 effect of heat in settling slimy water 1414 H. A. Megraw on 1419 in Cceur d'Alene, the saving of. W. C. Clark 2041 investigation of slimes by the United States De- partment of Agriculture 1400 moisture in 1107 plant at Mill 162 1846 question 1120 settling of 1147 roasted. P. Argall 1419 steel bar riffles for gold 2026 ultra microscope for the study of 1401 what constitutes. A. W. Warwick 2020 Slimy water affecting jig work 599 Slip 1149 or slime kaolin 1077 Slipping of belts 1094 Slocan, British Columbia, treatment of ores by flota- tion processes 1526 Slope and length of trommels 378 angles, measurement of 1159 table of 1191 effect of in trommels 377 of amalgamated plates 737, 745 amalgamating plates at mills 1622, 1624, 1627 in California 1619 Argall drier 881 belt conveyor at mills 1667, 1681, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1828, 1831, 1851, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1868, 1869, 1882, 1883 tables 698, 700 bin apron at Mill 154 1815 at mills . . 1624, 1631, 1633, 1661, 1663, 1709, 1727, 1743, 1756, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1802, 1803, 1805, 1831, 1833, 1897 canvas, blanket and carpet tables 703 tables 700,701 at mills 1627, 1696, 1755, 1779 chutes 843 concentric trommel at Mill 154 1816 cylindrical drier at Mill 135 1735 dewatering screens at Mill 167 1858 elevators at mills 1715, 1818 Evans classifiers at Mill 161 1838, 1839 slime tables at Mill 177 1893 feed chute at Mill 179 1897 sole for classifiers 437 spitzlutte 423 film sizing tables 707 floors in mills 1089 Mill 161 1841 German sweeping table 703 grizzlies 339 at mills . . . . 1624, 1631, 1635, 1655, 1660, 1661, 1737, 1759, 1792, 1805, 1821, 1828, 1831, 1853, 1860, 1888, 1892, 1909, 1913 Hallett table 676 Hooper air jig 822 Impact screens at Mill 151 1803 jig hutches 523 screens 548 launders 873, 874, 877 at Mill 152 1812 Linkenbach slime table 691 ore bin bottoms 842 picking belts at mills 1806, 1882 Pierce amalgamators 1517 plates 179 revolving driers at Mill 138 1746 Roberts slime table 691 Robins belt conveyors at mills .... 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1821, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1876 rotary driers at Mill 186 1917 round tables at Mill 180 1904, 1905 Salzburg table 683 scraping conveyors at mills 1662, 1709 screens 176 at Mill 158 1824 shaking feeders at mills 1837, 1868, 1869 grizzlies at Mill 170 1866 launders at Mill 152 1811 screens at Mill 111 1655 sides of spitzkasten 440 slime tables 684, 694, 719 sluices 723 splash plates 739 Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 tables in film sizing tests 707, 718, 719 on dredges 1012 tower screen plates at Mill 158. ... 1822, 1824, 1825 trays on Sherman slimer 1506 trommel conveyors at Mill 125 1700 trommels 347, 349 at mills . . 1655,1681, 162'8 1685, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1710, 1714, 1724, 1725, 1737, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1792, 1818, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1837, 1838, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1869, 1876, 1877, 1882, 1888, 1898, 1913 undercurrents 726 vanners 648, 653, 654, 659, 660 table of, in degrees and inches 1191 Wilfley slimer trays 1506 Slotted holes compared with round holes in screens 169 Sludge 901 92 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Sludge from hand jigs 498 mill 902 practice of Missouri -Kansas district 2043 tank, Ramsey 446 Sluggers, rolls with 104 Sluice, new Australian shaking 2029 plates 740 article on 2012 riffles 1464 Sluices, Bowie's figures on sizes and carrying power of 723 for corundum ore 1078 riffles 723 on dredges 1007, 1008, 1012 undercurrents 726 Small steam stamps 136 Smaltite, specific gravity of 1189 Smarts ville and Mooney Flat, arrastra at 238, 290 Smelting compared with concentration 1 Smith, F. C., stamping, amalgamating, and concen- trating telluride ore 1175 O., gravity stamps 223 gauges for wire and plate 1174 R. G., settling fine slimes 1185 Vaile filter press at Mill 101 1628 Smithsonite and limonite separated by roasting and magnetism 814 specific gravity of 1189 Smittem 894, 901 Smooth belts for Frue vanners at mills . . . 1704, 1868, 1870 Johnston vanners at Mill 167 1858, 1859 Smuggler Mining Company 1700 mill xxvi, 933 Union mill, Telluride, Colorado 1176, 2043 Mining Co., mill 1016 Smyth mill, stamps at 228 Smyth's formula 1944 Snake River, Caribou riffle on 1509 dredges on 1009 Idaho, dredging on 1013, 1181 hydraulicking on 1006 use of C. A. La Point gold separator on . . . 1510 Snyder, F. T., amalgamating plates 741 discussion of costs, micrometer gauge for ore grains 1178 gyrating amalgamated plates 788 vanner 728, 2022 importance of mill constants for the engineer 2048 magnetic separation 1568 measurement of screen openings 1362 metallurgical standards 2019 micrometer gauge 1138 mortar at Newton mill, Colorado 227 sampler 884 shoes and dies 181 Snyder micrometer caliper 1362, 1366 magnetic separator. F. T. Snyder 2027 sampler 846, 1572 at mills 1667, 1832 vanner 657 Soap for belts 1094 Soapstone for lubricating 1097 Societe Miniere du Card, Ferraris ball mill at 1300 Sockets in stamp bosses 187 Soda for melting 784 Sodium amalgam 730, 1156 for brightening mercury 785 used in stamp mills 752 atomic weight of phosphate for brightening mercury. . Soft rock phosphate Solution for silver plating Sondericker, J Sorted products obtained by air Sorting before sizing belts at Mill 137 Robins sorting belt by free settling hand breaking for picking tables or belts for hindered settling settling in air columns, area of defined for Richards' classifier. cost of hand sorting followed by agitation . . . suction 1188 785 895 755 viii 819 1438 1438 1611 1435 1435 1435 1611 1611 403 387 429 1438 Sorting in small mills, hand. A. W. Warwick 2032 tables, Allis-Chalmers annular picking or sorting table 1435 and belts, speed and capacity of 1438 at mills 1617, 1892 Humboldt picking table 1437 Krupp picking tables 1435 tube, Bardwell 1988 investigation of free settling 465 discussion of results of 467 results, fastest grains 466 slowest grains 466 specific gravities of minerals used for tests 465 use made of in mills 889 Source of water 1105 South Africa, diamond washing in 333 1178 gold mills 1149 hand picking in 482 jig beds in 574 mills in 1173, 1179, 1186 picking tables in 491 screen meshes 172 stamp practice 221 stamps in 225 use of lime for settling 459 weight of quartz in 1185 Carolina, phosphate dressing in 1183 washing in 1180 Clunes, false bottoms in mortar 180 stamp dies 179 United mill, mercury wells in 768, 769 plates in 744 splash board 177 Spring Hill mine, false bottoms in mortars 180 Southwest Missouri, clearance of plunger in blende jigs in 530 connecting rods in blende jigs in 530 shafts in Cooley jig in 532 Space between rolls 64, 89 cost of 1126 308 1503 1176 480 Spaced rolls, product of, crushing Przibram ore . . . Spadone concentrator belt, the Spain, iron ore dressing in Spalling, definition of 11 55,56 hammers Span of wire rope 1095 Sparre circular oscillating table 691 J. von xx criticism of Rittinger's theory 476, 639 slime tables 728 surface sizing 729 Spathic iron ore roasted for magnetism 814, 815 separation at Allevard 9, 492 Special forms of rolls 104 Specific gravity affecting momentum 4 separation 889 changed by roasting 828 definition of 3 difference in for jigging 609 effect on cost of milling 1128 free settling 464 slime tables 693 of copper 3 jig beds 574 mercury 730 minerals and metals 1188 effect of 3 ocean water 3 oils 1098 quartz rock affecting power consumption 313 sea water 1106 settling power 4 test 1159 Specimen stamp 1111 Speed. See also each machine. and capacity of picking tables and belts 1438 height of drop, limits of, due to mortar 218 power 215 kept constant 1092 of Abb5 tube mills at mills 1626, 1677 Akron Chili mills, table of 1308 Allis-Chalmers rolls at Mill 179 1898 suspended frame vanner 1503 vanners at Mill 136 1739 Alsing cylinder 267 amalgamating pan 243, 249 American Blower Company fans at Mill 151 . . 1804 Argall drier 881 arrastra 238, 239 93 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Speed of Atwood amalgamator Austin gyratory breakers, table of ball mill at Mill 159 Ball-Norton magnet Bartlett shaking picking table 776 1210 260 1828 798 489 belt conveyors at mills ...... 1667, 1670, 1690, 1691, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1771, 1772, 1819, 1828, 1831, 1853, 1868, 1869, 1882, 1883, 1913 of Wetherill magnetic separator ........... 1523 percussion tables ....................... 1496 tables .............................. 698, 700 belts ................................. ... 1093 of Frue vanners at Mill 127 .......... 1711, 1712 Bilharz jig ............................. 504, 518 Blake breakers ........................ 17, 21, 24 at Mill 139 .......................... 1749 Bogardus mill ........................... 260 Bradford jig ............................. 503 Brink & Hiibner disintegrator .............. 286 Bryan mill .............................. 272 mills at Mill 173 ................... 1879, 1928 Buchanan magnetic separator .............. 803 bucket conveyor . ........................ 861 buckets on dredge ........................ 1008 Butters' centrifugal pumps at mills ...... 1671, 1672, 1674, 1677 Byron Jackson centrifugal pumps at mills .... 1662, 1673 Callow screens at mills ........... 1661, 1662, 1687 Card tables at mills .............. 1660, 1770, 1830 centrifugal pumps ...................... 869, 870 at mills .... 1694, 1695, 1711, 1712, 1890, 1899, 1904, 1903 Chalmers & Williams vanners at Mill 122 ____ 1687 Chili mill .............................. 269,270 mills at mills ................ 1767, 1893, 1898 cleaner jigs at Mill 148 .................... 1793 clean-up barrels .......................... 265 at Mill 111 .......................... 1656 pans .................................. 252 Cole shovel-wheel at Mill 124 ....... ...... 1693 Comet breaker ........................... 41, 46 concentric trommels at Mill 154 ........... 1816 cone mill ................................ 256 Conkling jig ............................. 503 conveying and draining belts at Mill 130 ---- 1721 picking belts at Mill 139 .............. 1749 conveyors ............................... 861 Crane log washer at Mill 95 ............... 1617 Crickbpom wash trommel ................. 331 Cummings granulating mill ................ 255 Cyclone pulverizer ....................... 288 cylindrical driers .......................... 880 De Laval cream separator ................. 827 Denver Engineering Works Company's Blake breakers, table of ...................... 1204 dewatering wheels at Mill 144 .......... 1772, 1773 disc conveyors ............................ 1583 Dodge breaker ........................... 30 pulverizer .............................. 262 dredges .................................. 1009 elevators .............................. 862, 863 at mills ...... 1667, 1681, 1685, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1693, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1710, 1711, 1725, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1792, 1793, 1804, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1829, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1877, 1880, 1883, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1898, 1910, 192$ Ellenbecker table ........................ 681 Evans jigs at mills ____ 1837, 1838, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1936 round tables at Mill 162 ................. 1846 slime tables at Mill 177 ................. 1893 Fans at Mill 186 ..................... 1917, 1918 Parrel Blake breakers, table of ............ 1200 feeders at Mill 125 ....................... 1700 Ferraris magnetic separator ............... 799 Prayer centrifugal pumps at Mill 159 ...... 1829 Frenier sand pumps at mills ...... 1708, 1769, 1812 spiral sand pump ...................... 871 Frue vanners at mills ...... 1625, 1627, 1662, 1689, 1694, 1695, 1711, 1712, 1844, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1029 Garland disc conveyors at Mill 124 ........ 1695 Gates breaker ........................... 38, 46 Speed of Gates breakers at mills 1706, 1821 style " K " breakers, table of 1208 Gebriider Sulzer centrifugal pump at Mill 118 1678 Gilpin County bumping table 681, 682 Golden Gate table 681 Gould centrifugal pumps at Mill 139 1757 grease tables at Mill 188 1921 Griffin centrifugal stamp mill 269 mills at Mill 105 1636 grinding pans at Mill 130 1720 Grondal magnetic separators at Mill 159 ... 1828 Hallett table 676 Hancock jigs at mills 1710, 1846, 1869, 1930 hand jigs 499 Har? jigs at mills 1692, 1693, 1694, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1725, 1728, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1767, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1829, 1837, 1854, 1855, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1885, 1913 Hathaway gyratory breakers, table of 1217 Heberlimill 257 Hendy concentrator 683 Hodge and Cleaves sand pumps at Mill 182. . 1910, 1911 jigs at mills. . . 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1909, 1910, 1911 Hooper air jig 822 Humphrey rolls, table of 1235 Huntington mill 278, 279 at mills .... 1669, 1684, 1686, 1689, 1694, 1701, 1711, 1738, 1753, 1839, 1845, 1867, 1869 Imlay table 681 Impact screens at Mill 151 1803 improved Huntington mills, table of 1312 International separators at Mill 138 1746, 1747. 174$ Jeffrey conveyors at Mill 126 1706 jigs 518, 532, 553, 592 at mills. . 1685, 1686, 1707, 1708, 1737, 1738, 1832, 1833, 1858, 192$ Johnston vanners 1503 at Mill 167 1858 Kennedy gyratory breakers, table of 1214 Kent roller mill 1304 Knowles duplex vacuum pumps at Mill 117. . 1673 New Century magnetic separators, table of 1542 triplex pump at Mill 117 1674 Krogh centrifugal pumps at Mill 173 1929 Krom air jig 824 Krupp ball mills at Mill 128 1714 gyratory breakers, table of 1215 Linkenbach slime table 691 log washer 327 washers at Mill 154 1815 machines 1097 McCully breaker 44 gyratory breakers, table of 1212 McFarlane rolls at Mill 142 1766, 1767 magnetic separator used at Monteponi 810 May Brothers' jigs at Mill 128 1714 mechanical batea 683 Monadnock Chili mills at Mill 144 1775 mortar jigs at Mill 177 1892 movable sieve jig 500 Narod pulverizer 282 New Century jigs at Mill 141 1760 New Humboldt concentrators 1494 Overstrom tables at mills 1711, 1730, 1930 Pape-Henneberg dry separator 819 Peck centrifugal separator 828 picking belts at mills. . 1737, 1806, 1815, 1842, 1882, conveyor 490 tables 491 at Mill 152 1805 Pilling air hoists, table of 1609 plunger feeders at mills 1749, 1750, 1857 pneumatic belt concentrator 818 pumps 872 push conveyors at Mill 105 1637 revolving driers at mills 1746, 1762 Riblet aerial tramway at Mill 124 1696 Rittinger table ' 668 Robins belt conveyors at mills 1750, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1876 conveying and picking belts at Mill 132 ... 1727 Robinson jig 504 Rock Emery mills 255 rolls 64, 86 94 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Speed of rolls and angle of nip 94 speed curves 1224 at mills. . 1667, 1685, 1688, 1690, 1691, 1693, 1701, 1707, 1710, 1714, 1716, 1720, 1724, 1727, 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1771, 1773, 1792, 1803, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1819, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838, 1843, 1844, 1851, 1857, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1883, 1890, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1928 rotary driers at Mill 186 1917 rotation for tube mills 1289 round tables at Mill 180 1904, 1905 Salzburg table 683 sample grinder 257 samplers 848 Samson breakers, table of 1203 sand wheels 865, 866 at mills 1668, 1669, 1677, 1715 Sautter magnetic separator 798 scraping conveyor at mills 1662, 1709 screw conveyors at Mill 105 1636, 1637 table of 1583 settlers 777 shaking feeders at mills 1691, 1868, 1869 grizzlies at mills 1690, 1866 launders at mills 1693, 1694, 1761 plates 741 screens 342, 345 at Mill 175 1889 Sherman re-grinders at Mill 132 1728, 1729 Siemens and Halske magnetic separator 798 magnetic separator 804 simple steam stamp at Mill 182 1909 slime tables 684, 696 sorting tables at Mill 177 1892 stamps at mills. .1618, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1626, 1632, 1640, 1658, 1661, 1668, 1677, 1769, 1915 in California 1619 steam stamps 126 Stedman disintegrator 286 Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 Sturtevant -Dodge type breakers, table of 1205 emery mill at Mill 186 1918 mill 288 roll jaw breaker 33 rotary breakers at Mill 186 1917 Sutton, Steele, and Steele dry tables at Mill 151 1803 take-off belts of Wetherill magnetic separators 1524 Traylor centrifugal pump at Mill 114 1662 jigs at Mill 170 1867 Tremain stamp 138 Triumph vanners at Mill 101 1627 trommel conveyor at Mill 125 1700 trommels 347, 349, 362 at mills 1617, 1655, 1667, 1681, 1682, 1685, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1710, 1714, 1724, 1725, 1727, 1728, 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1760, 1766, 1767, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1792, 1803, 1818, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1837, 1838, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1864, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1876, 1877, 1882, 1890, 1898, 1913, 1928, 1930 effect of 519 tube mills at mills 1632, 1770 Tustin's mill 262 vanner belts 648 vanners 648, 653, 654, 655, 657, 658, 659 at mills 1686, 1687, 1778, 1780, 1930 Vapart disintegrator 830 Vezin samplers at mills 1691, 1701, 1742, 1748, 1750, 1772 vibration of Sutton, Steele, & Steele dry table 1555 Wilfley table deck 1465 Waddell Chili mills at Mill 174 1886 wash trommels 329, 332 pans 333 water current to move sand and gravel 878 waves and thickness of films on amalgamated plates 746 Wenstrom magnetic separator 802 Wetherill magnetic separator 805 Wharton magnetic cobbers at Mill 157 1819 wheel agitator 780 Wilfley slimers 1505-1506 at Mill 132 1729 tables 673, 675, 1469 at mills .... 1625, 1633, 1656, 1661, 1662, 1669, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1694, 1695, 1703, 1704, INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Speed of Wifley tables at mills 1708, 1715 1729, 1738, 1739, 1744, 1745, 1754, 1761, 1776, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1829, 1830, 1839, 1844, 1851, 1855, 1858, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1894, 1929, 1940 Woodbury-Benedict jigs at Mill 177 1893 concentrators 1 496 at Mill 117 1669 Worthington pump at Mill 175 1890 proper speeds for sand wheels of various diam- eters 1587 Traylor centrifugal pumps 1589 Sperm oil 1097 Sperry - 138 E. A., amalgamated plates 745, 762, 763 plates for Tremain steam stamps 787 mercury traps 774 Sperry vanning buddle 2022 Tremain stamp 136, 139, 142 trap in Cross mill 774 use of lye on plates . . 751 Sphalerite and quartz, jig tests on 628 extraction plant at Mill 130 1721 hindered-settling test on 617, 620 pulsion jig test on 625 settling velocity of 466, 469 specific gravity of 118 Spider in amalgamating pan 247 Spiders for trommels 350, 352 Spigots for classifiers 388, 404, 433, 442, 444 jigs 507, 527 spitzkasten 440 Spilsbury, E. G., breakers 60 Dodge breaker 60 Engis machine 838 jig ,. .. 527 riddles versus trommels 385 Spindle and jaw breakers, table of products of 53 breakers : 36 capacity of 52 compared 45, 46 comparison with jaw 51 continuous action of 55 cost of 52 details in the mills 46 distribution of crushing in the mill 54 fine crushing in 54 friction 54 having greatest movement on smallest lump 36, 1207 heads and concaves 47 mill data on 46 number used 51 power of 52 principle of action 52 running cost 54 size and shape of mouth 54 table of comparative tests of 45 cost of crushing by 50 details of 46 sizing tests of product from 45 taper ; 52 wear for '. 46 weight of .,. 52 with equal movement on large and small lumps 45 greatest movement on largest lump 45 or gyrating breakers 1206 versus jaw breakers at Mill 156 1818 Spinel, specific gravity of 1 li Spiral screen 384 the Schmidt 362 sand pump 70 washing pipe for slime tables 689 Spitzgerinne 441 Spitzkasten. See Pointed Boxes. Spitzkasten 439 at mills' .' .' .' 1777, 1778, 1878, 1879 Richards-Shepard 1401, 1419 Rittinger 433 slope, spigots, deflectors, etc. 440 Spitzlutte. See Tubular Classifier. Spitzlutte 476, 773, 1382 Rittinger 422, 424 Splash board . '. 739 for stamps 177 plates 739 Splice for belt 1094 Split shovel 1570 for sampling _ 44 Spodumene, specific gravity of 11; Spokes for sand wheels < 95 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Spots on amalgamated plates 762 Spray pipe for trommels 358 pipes on slime tables 688 vanners 647 Spring board for hand jig 496, 894 hydraulic, and pneumatic stamps 1246 pressure on rolls 72 at Mill 167 1857 stamps 139, 141 bibliography for 143 Froitzheim's 143 timbers for hand jigs 497 steam stamps 114, 118 Valley coal dressing plant. L. Gluck 2051 Springs for Bradford jig 501 rolls 73 on Collom jig 515 Sprinkler for mercury 760 Sprocket and chain 1096 for trommels 356 Square Deal mine, Wisconsin, cost of hand picking at 1439 measures, equivalents of 1187 Squeezer, power amalgam 1519 Squeezing amalgam 781, 1517 Stacker for dredges 1008, 1012 Stackpole, M. D., slime precipitating agents 1416 settlings 1419 Stack roasting furnace at Mill 138 1747 Stage crushing. J. A. Wauchope 2015 Stahl, A. W., power by wire ropes xx, 1174 Stains on amalgamated plates 750, 762 See also Tarnish. Stamp battery, definition of 145 foundation of 145 mortar block of 145 bosses, weight and dimensions 186 Dunham's spring 141 for crushing coal an electrically driven . . . frames in the mills 152 158 Fraser and Chalmers 114 head 185 Boss 1271 Husband 141 Krause's pneumatic 141 mill, adjustments of the. C. De Kalb 2011 appliances, some accessory. G. A. Swart . . . 2031 bolts for holding down mortar in 150 California 144 experiences. A. Del Mar 2049 experiments 2011 for testing 1137 practice. C. De Kalb 2048 notes on 2035 in South Africa 221 pulp, sizing test and analyses of 303 records. E. P. Brown 2048 tests 1165 waste, recovery of 266 with gravity stamp and canvas table 1038 wooden 2011, 2012 milling, California versus Colorado 1030 discussion of. D. Harmon 2012 in California, cost of. A. Del Mar 2045 of free gold ores. D. Harmenn 2047 some suggestions on 2046 mills 1013 bibliography for 1173 classifiers in 658 cost of milling 1131, 1132 cross sills in 153 description of two new 2036 feeding of water to. B. McDonald 2044 gravity, forms of frames for 156 guides in 155 timbers 155 improvements in. C. C. Christensen 2011 mud sills for 152 platforms for 156 posts for 153 using plates, vanners, and canvas or blanket tables 1029 with plates and vanners 1018 without amalgamated plates 1014 Morison's high speed 141 Patterson Elephant 141 Phoenix atmospheric 140 portable prospectors 2011 pulp consistency of 413 Rapid Economy 1261, 1278 96 Stamp shaft, pulley, and guides 128 shoes and dies 182 Sholl 141 stems 187 for grizzly bars 338 table of details of 187 tapers of 187 Stamping, high speed 2011 in cyanide solutions at Mill 102 1630 mills 1645, 1651, 1668, 1679 S. Africa, coarse 2012 Stamps. See Steam, Gravity, Pneumatic, Spring. advantages of. A. Del Mar 2013 and mortars, table of weights of 164 arrangement of 1 108 at the Simmer Deep, heavy 2013 capacity of 130 comparative work of gravity stamps and Hunt- ington mills 1262 Nordberg single cylinder and compound steam stamps 1254 comparison of 134, 2012 Denny hydraulic 1257 details of steam cylinders, water used and capac- ity 126 die, ring, staves, and shoes for 120 discharge 129 duty of 2013 efficiency of steam and gravity compared 134 feed for 1224 floors, bins, and feeding arrangements 128 for crushing lime at Mill 106 1416 foundation, mortar beds, and sills and girders. . 114 frame of 118 gravity. See Gravity Stamps. gravity 113, 144, 1246 at mills 1640, 1658, 1769, 1915 Boss cam key for 1273 cantilever frame for 1272 head for 1271 lever-operated finger, for 1273 wedge-grip tappet for 1272 cams for 1272 Canda cams for 1273 economic range of 1276 Foote screen for 1270 guide blocks for 1267 heavy stamps at Mill 107 1645 in South African practice 1643 Krupp cam shaft for 1272 life of shoes and dies 1277 materials for wearing parts of 1277 mortars 1263 order of drop for 1274 Pachuca stamp battery 1272 power for 1274 principle of 113 and purpose of 1262 proportions between weights of parts 1272 sectional guides for 1268 heavy 2013 at Simmer Deep 2011 hydraulic 1257 pneumatic, and spring 1246 Krause pneumatic 141 lever 1246, 1261 Rapid Economy 1261 mortar and screens for 119 Nissen, at Boston Consolidated 1278 Home Run mill 1264 Mill 165 1851 gravity 1263 Nordberg single-cylinder steam stamp .... 1247, 1249 stamp single-cylinder, indicator diagram. 1250, 1251 tandem-compound steam stamp at Tamarack and Osceola mills 1254 on the Rand, heavy 2012 piston, piston rod, dash pot, flange, revolving pulley, stamp stem, stamp shoe of Nordberg steam stamp 1247 pneumatic 1257 and spring 113, 139 principle of 113 See Pneumatic and Spring stamps. steam, and gravity 224 power and efficiency of 131 principle, purpose and classification 113 ring 120 safety devices 127 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Stamps, screen for 120 shaft, pulley, and guides 128 shoes 120 sizing tests on 315 small steam 136 spring 141 staves 120 steam. See Steam Stamps. steam 113 cross-compound 1250 discharges for 1256 foundations, anvil blocks, mortar beds, sills, and girders of Nordberg steam stamp 1247 indicator diagrams of tandem or steeple-com- pound 1255 Krause mortar discharge for 1256 mortar jig discharge for 1256 Nordberg steeple-compound at Mill 181 .... 1254 pneumatic and spring 113 principles of action 1246 single-cylinder at Mill 182 1254 sizing test on Butte ore crushed by 135 steam cylinder, valves, and valve gears of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 table of efficiency of 133 tandem or steeple-compound 1250 use of and quality of work of 134 table of details for screens 121 of valve action 127 foundations and mortar beds 118 sills and girders for 118 tests on work required for 306 their principle, purpose, and classification. . . 113, 1246 Traylor gravity 1278 velocity of fall in 315 versus ball mills, as slime makers at Mill 185 . . 1916 Bryan mill 273 Griffin mill 284 rolls 224, 314 weight of and effectiveness of blow 218 weights and duty of 2013 Wellman, Seaver, Morgan gravity 1278 Stand pipes 1106 for Tamarack classifier 397 Standard Consolidated mill 228 amalgamated plates in 766 mine, Frenier sand pumps at 1588 Iron Works, Lane slow-speed mill 1308 machines 1097 mill 1183 Idaho, milling at the. J. R. Finlay 2033 mine, tube mill lining at the Bodie, Cal., slope of launder at 1549 Mining Co., mill 947 ten-stamp battery 1267 Standardization of laboratory screens. W. S. Hutch- ioson 1366 screens 1361 A. Whitby 2019 report of committee on 2019 Standards, metallurgical. F. T. Snyder 2019 Stanford, C. P 228 Stanwood gravity muller 1279, 1285 Stapff, F. M., Stapff jig 642, 643 Star Canon, Nevada, Krom jig at 824 of the East mill, amalgamated plates in 745 Ballarat, acid water 173 mercury wells in 769, 771 Starch, settling of, 880 Starr, G. W. Empire gold stamp mill at Grass Val- ley ... 1184 Stationary picking tables 488 screens 336, 1345 for dredges 1012 Staurolite, specific gravity of 1189 Stausatz 214 Staves, details of, from mills 123 for steam stamps 120 Stay battery 224 for stamps 214 box for jigs 551 boxes for jig discharges 584 overflow mortar, Schorr 1266 Steam cylinder for steam stamps 122 of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 for heating 1098 power 1091 hammers 12 jacket for amalgamating pan 243 jig 519 Steam pipe for amalgamating pan 243 pipes for drying 882 power in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. power for mills 1089 pressure in mills 1090 on steam stamps 126 Pumps 871 separator 1091 stamp, Allis..ll4, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133 area of discharge 129 Ball. . 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 126 127 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Cuyahoga.,114, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 133 Fisher's 142 Fraser & Chalmers. . 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133 indicator bell 129 laboratory 2011 Leavitt.,114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134 linings 120 mills in Montana 984 at Lake Superior 990 mortar discharges 993 Nordberg 997, 1247 foundations, anvil blocks, mortar beds, sills, and girders 1247 single-cylinder stamp 1249 steeple-compound at Mill 181 1254 tandem compound at Tamarack and Osce- ola mills 1254 prospector's 2011 screens, material, size, life, etc 121 shaft, pulley, and guides 128 Sharpneck 136 Tremain 136 Union Iron Works.. 11 4, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128 Wilson's 142, 143 Wood 136 stamps 224 action of 113 at mills. . . . 1892, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1906, 1909 bibliography for 142 capacity of 130 cards of 131 clean-up 134 comparative performance of Nordberg single- cylinder and compound stamps 1254 cost of crushing by 134 cross-compound 1250 cylinder clearance 123 dash pot on 127 die, ring, staves, and shoes 120 different makes of 2011 discharge of 129, 1256 efficiency of 131 energy, momentum, and efficiency 133 floors, bins, and feeding 128 foundation, mortar beds, sills, and girders ... 114 frame 118 history of 2011 indicator diagrams of single-cylinder Nord- berg 1250, 1251 tandem or steeple-compound 1255 Krause discharge 1003, 1256 Leavitt differential cylinder 124 mortar and screens 119 housing 119, 120 jig discharge for 1256 on gold ores 135 piston, stroke, speed, water, capacity 126 piston rod, dash pot, flange, revolving pulley, stamp stem, stamp shoe 1247 power for 131 principle of 113 action 1246 rubber cushion for 116, 127 safety devices 127 screen frame 120 single-cylinder at Mill 182 1254 sizing tests 135 small 136 spring timbers for 114, 118 steam cylinder, valve, and valve motion 122 tandem or steeple-compound 1250 tests on 1261 at Mill 182... . 1909 97 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Steam stamps, types of 114 used for malleable minerals 314 uses and sizing tests 134 valve and valve gears of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 versus gravity stamps 134 rolls at Mill 179 1900 water used 129 wearing parts 121 weights, life, etc., of shoes, dies, rings, staves 122 used for heating water for amalgamation 768 versus electricity as a motive power 1927 Steams-Roger Manufacturing Company, hoe con- veyor at Mill 141 1762 Mill 152 1807 roll speeds 87 scraping conveyor 1662 Wetherill magnetic separator 1521 Stedman's disintegrator 236, 284 bibliography for 298 capacity for clay 286 fertilizers 286 of, at Eagle, West Virginia 285 Steel cloth screens .__ 173 consumption of shoes and dies at Mill 117 1668 for jig screens 545 roll shells 68 springs 73 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 steam stamp wearing parts 122 frame for mills 1088 log washer 325 McLanahan's 325 plate screens 173 receiving bins at Mill 174 1882 scraper for amalgamated plates 758, 762 specific gravity of 1189 versus brass for jig screens 547 Steep end-shake vanner 1165 Steeple-compound or tandem steam stamps 1250 indicator diagrams 1255 steam stamp at mills 1254, 1895, 1899, 1901 Stefan, H., Bryan mill 296 mill 1177 Stein table 669, 698 Steinenbruck, mill at 1176 Rittinger tables at 668 Stem for gravity stamps 187 guides at Mill 96 1618 Stem Winder Mill xxvi, 951 Stems, fatigue of stamp 2012 of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 removal of broken stamp 2011 Stephanite, specific gravity of . . 1189 Stephen Lavagnino's arrastras xxviii, 1039 Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company, belt conveyors at Mill 171 1868, 1869 elevator buckets at Mill 126 1707 self-oiling carrier for conveyor belt 1585 tripper for discharging conveyor belts . . 1586 Vibracone separator 1352, 1360 Step roller crusher mill 2017 Steps on slime tables 689 Steptoe Valley Smelting and Mining Company . .1852, 1865 Mill Ely, Nevada. W. R. Ingalls . . 2039 Sterling Iron & Zinc Co., mill 1060 magnetic separation 837 Sterrett, D. B., monazite sand dressing in the Caro- linas 2030 Stetefeldt, C. A., gravity crushers 229 stamps 226 versus Krom rolls 110, 112, 224 leaching silver with hyposulphite 1174 lixiviation 1167 of silver ores xx rolls 109, 111 Stewart jig in coal washing 2022 system of coal washing. D. T. Blakey 2051 Stewart's mill, wear of amalgamating pans 249 Stibnite, specific gravity of 1189 Stickles mill of the Utica Company xxviii, 1034 Sticks, removal of 882 Stilbite, specific gravity of 1189 Stiles pulverizer 228 Stirling boilers 994 Stirring arms in trough washers 320 in settling fine slimes 1148 Stirrup feeder 854 Stock house for ore 843, 1108 Stock, H. H., concentration of Mesabi ores 1344 Stokes, G. G., law of viscous resistance 1423 Stokes, G. G., velocity of a sphere falling through a viscous liquid 1433 R., asbestos milling in Canada 2046 Britannia Copper Co. mill, B. C 20 4 6 Coniagas mill, Cobalt, Ontario 2046 diamond washing in Africa 2046 milling at Broken Hill 2046 Rossland district, B. C 2046 St. Eugene mill, B. C 2046 mill practice in Australia 2046 tin industry of Tasmania 2046 washing in the Malays 2048 tube milling in New Zealand 2014 Stolberg, jig eccentrics at 532 Stone, compressive strength of 300 effect of heat on strength 302 riffles 721 tests on at Watertown arsenal 300 Stoppages in mills 1115 Storage bins 843 tanks for water 1106 Storehouse for mill 1088 Storing concentrates 1112 Storms, W. H., California gold mills 1179 canvas tables 729 gold stamp mills in California 1181 Story in mill building 1086 Stoves for heating 1099 Stowlinski, F. de, concentrating mill, San Antonio de Yguana, Mexico 1180 Strainer for classifiers 388 water 858 Strakes 725 Strainer for amalgam 781 Strands in wire rope 1095 Strength of cubes and prisms, tested at Berlin 302 machines 1096 rock, effect of, on power used 313 stone 300, 315 before and after heating, tested at Berlin 302 parallel and perpendicular to bedding planes 302 Stresses in machines 1099 Stretch of belt 1094 Strips 1082 Stroh's jig 642 Stroke of jigs 553, 594 movable sieve jig 500 steam stamps 126 on Wilfley table 673, 675 See also Throw. Strokes, number of, in jigs 592 Strontianite, specific gravity of 1189 Strontium, atomic weight of 1188 Stroud, E. H. and Company, disintegrator and pul- verizer 1319 mill 1281, 1319 tables of sizes, capacities, power, etc., of the 1320, 1321 Structure and fracture of minerals 3 Stubbs wire gauge H9< screen gauge 172 Studying mills, method of 1613 Stuff treated by pans, table of size of 248 Stuhl, L., Mumford and Moodie machine 839 Stupakoff, S. H., on wire gauges 2019 Sturm, Friedrich, separation processes 839 Sturtevant, bag houses 883 balanced rolls, description of 1232 table of sizes, power, weights, dimensions, etc 1234 B. F., Co., heating apparatus 1099 breaker 1223 diagram of for testing 1137 centrifugal rolls 2010 description of 1237 Dodge-type breaker 1205 fan at Mill 105 1636 horizontal emery mill at Mill 186 1913 Mill Company, rolls 1245 rock emery mill 253 sample grinders 1 284 Sturtevant breaker 1223 mill 110,236,286 bibliography for 298 details of 388 versus rolls roll jaw breaker 32, 36, 2009 data of sizes 33 98 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Sturtevant roll jaw Blake breakers 1205 rolls 2010 at Mill 178 1896 182 1910 roll shell turning device, the 1243 rotary breaker at Mill 186 1917 sample grinder 1279, 1284 toggle separator 2018 Stutz coal jig 523 mechanism 537 improvements on coal jigs 640 jig 538 ribbon theory of roll capacity 101 S., link belt elevators and conveyors 884 rolls for coal 109 water separation 640 Style " K," Gates' breakers 1207 Submerged trommels at mills 1356, 1703, 1726 Suckling's double discharge mortar 227 Suction 889-891, 1611 and pulsion in jigging 1460 after sorting 891 firing's tests on suction jig 1461 cleaners at Mill 186 1918 dredge 1009 effect of 628 fans, for dust 883 final conclusions on 631 general principles of 627, 1461 how avoided in jigs 538 in jigs 494, 627 Hoppe's tests 630 investigated in the mills 632 theory of 1462 use made of, in mills 889 Sudbury, breakers at 57 Suisse, Mathet, De Gournay and Hochstrate appa- ratus 837 Sulphide Corporation at Mill 130 1719 separated by oil 831 Sulphides, effect of, on amalgamated plates 749 Sulphur, atomic weight of 1188 from coal by crushing, removal of. C. C. Up- ham 2049 Mines Company mill 900, 905 Mines and Railroad Company 1116 mill 905 Virginia, mill at 905 ore, mill for 904, 905 specific gravity of 1 189 Sulphurets treatment of 781 Sulphuric acid for leaching 1167 in settling tests 1147 used on plates 751, 752 Summary of devices used on revolving convex tables 689 grizzlies and gravel screens 339 principles 889 of ore dressing 161 1 Summerhayes vanner belt 647 Summit County ore, Colorado, concentration of. D. H. Laurence 2043 Mining Co., results with Wilfley table 674 Superior crushing rolls, description of 1231 rolls at Mill 167 1232, 1857 Supplementary principles in concentration 5 Surface current box classifiers 433, 477, 1401 details of in the mills 442 in the mills 440 method of investigating laws of free settling particles in 434 expenses 1123 for slime tables 684, 695 of slime tables 688 produced in crushing 310 relation of to diameter of ore particle 305 sizi ng on, used in mills 889 tables 685 continuous 686 intermittent 700 tension, relation to slime question 1414 theory of crushing work 305 units of 1187 Suspended frame vanners, Allis-Chalmers 1503 Johnston 1501 sowing or picking table, Krupp-type 1436 Sutter Creek, California, mill at 1023, 1184 Sutton, Steele and Steele, dialectric separator 1766 at Mill 151 1804 electrostatk separator 1611 pneumatic dry tables 1479, 1554 Sutton, Steele and Steele pneumatic dry tables at mills 1765, 1803, 1804 vibrometer ore sizer at Mill 151 1803, 1804 Sutton-Steele dry table, description of the. R. C. Canby 2027 electrostatic separator, description of the 2027 process. R. C. Canby 1568 Svarto, Sweden, magnetic concentration at 835, 836 separation at 834 mill at 1185 phosphate made at 815 Swain hydraulic classifier, the 1371, 1420 Swart, W. G., a good article on electrostatic separa- tion 2027 Sweating plates for amalgam 759 Sweden, Elmore vacuum oil process in 1560 jigs in 640 magnetic concentration in 835 mills in 911, 1175, 1179 Wenstrom magnets in 801 Sweeney, J. M., riffles 721, 729 Sweeny mill, sampling cabinet used at 1570 Sweeping table 703 Sweeps for buddies 705, 706 Sweetser, R. H viii Swinburne, theory of flotation processes 1555, 1556 Swinging conveyors at Mill 168 1862 plates 742 Switches in launders 873 Syenite, weight of 1190 Sylvanite, specific gravity of 1189 System, continuous or Boss, of working amalgama- ting pans 248 intermittent or tank of working amalgamating pans 248 of screening, the Heberli 364 Neuerberg 364 Systems of trommels 364 Table, automatic blanket. T. White 2022 Bartlett 678 Bartsch circular bumping 691 Brunton belt 698 Cammett 676 Castelnau 698 Clark 689 department at mills 1785, 1841 Dodd 675 Ellenbecker 681 Evans 689 Ferraris belt 698 for settling starch 880 testing 1153, 1154, 1155 German sweeping 703 Gilpin County bumping 680 glass, for film-sizing tests 707 Golden Gate 681 Hallett 675 Hendy concentrator 683 Imlay 681 Linkenbach slime 689 of diameters and areas of circles 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 velocities of quartz grains. . . . 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 effect of distance hauled upon settlement in wagon 2007 voids in crushed limestone 2006 Overstrom 679 Parsons 668 revolving circular concave slime 692 Rittinger 667 Roberts slime 691 rocking 320, 1032 Salzburg 682 Schranz 689, 728 Sparre circular oscillating 691 top, paint for 1483 Uren belt 698 with riffles 770 Wilfley 670 Woodbury 676 Tables. See also Buddies, Table, and Slime Tables. Allis-Chalmers annular picking table 1435 and belts for hand picking 1435 speed and capacity of 1438 belt 669, 697 bibliography for 727 99 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1 197, Vol.11. Tables, blanket 703, 1464, 1507 building type 704 bumping 1497 and jerking 667 canvas 700, 1035, 1464, 1507 carpet and blanket 703 carpet 703, 1035, 1464, 1507 classification of Wilfley group 1465 cocoa matting ' 702 concentrating, Bartlett Simplex concentrator 1487 Bartsch rotary percussion table 1497 belt-percussion table 1496 capacity of Wilfley table 1469 Card concentrator 1481 Christensen concentrator 1484 cleaned-ore plane in 1465 cleaning plane in 1465 deck of Wilfley 1467 Deister concentrators 1488 Dodd buddle 1481 elevator or raff wheel for Wilfley table 1468 feed box for Wilfley table 1468 Ferraris 1490 foundation for Wilfley table 1465 general comments on 1498 head motion for Wilfley table 1466 height of riffle cleats for Wilfley table 1468 investigation of Wilfley table work 1469 James table 1490 slimer 1491 linoleum for deck cover 1467 Luhrig-Buss concentrating table 1492 slimer 1496 McLeod concentrating table 1492 new Humboldt concentrator 1493 new Standard concentrator 1478 operating conditions for Wilfley table 1469 Overstrom table 1479, 1485 Finder concentrator 1479 riffle cleats for Wilfley tables 1467 roughing plane in 1465 "setting up" and "leveling up" Wilfley tables 1468 sized versus classified feed for 1478 speeds for Wilfley table 1469 Sutton, Steele & Steele dry table 1479, 1544 tilting-frame for Wilfley table 1457 wash water for Wilfley table 1469 Wilfley 1465 table as a slimer 1478 Woodbury table '. 1494 continuous -surf ace round tables 1506 Cornish frames 704 end-bump 680, 1464 film-sizing 685, 1506 fixed circular convex slime 689 for amalgamated plates 733 dredges 1012 picking 488 greased 831 Humboldt picking 1437 intermittent surface type 700 investigation of film sizing 707 of equivalents 1 187 principle of 644 concentrating. C. W. Comstock 2023 principles of action of Wilfley group 1465 revolving circular convex slime 686 strakes 725 Salzburg 1115 shaking amalgamating tables in South Africa . . 1513 side-bump 667 slime 684 Stein, Corning, Bilharz, and Luhrig 669 tye 707 versus jigs 606, 641 Wilfley group 1464 Taft breaker 61 Tailboard for jigs 510, 525, 550 height of 550 Tail-discharges for jigs 581 Tailings and sludge mills of Joplin, Missouri 2042 Tailings at Broken Hill, disposal of 2032 Kalgoorlie, disposal of 2032 the Arizona Copper Co., disposal of 2032 definition of 494 disposal of 1113 for future use, storage of. H. F. Durant 2032 handled by mechanical shoveler 879 launders 873 of vanners, testing of 1 171 Tailings plant at Kellogg, Idaho 2043 for tin ores 1082 of Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Michigan . . 2046 Mill 177 1894 preservation of 1114 removal of, from jigs 587 reservoirs 460 re-treatment plant at Mill 130 1723 sampler 848 sampling of 845 sand and slimes in the Witwatersrand, handling of. H. R. Skinner 2047 sizes of, in mills 1116 treatment of 1110, 2048 at Tintic, Utah, 2036 used for filling 925 value of 1114 weight of 1191 wheels 864 data on. Julian & Smart 1610 mechanical efficiency of 1609 spokeless. L. H. Lavenstein 2032 versus pumps in Witwatersrand 1645 Take-off belts of Wetherill separator, width, thickness, and proper speed 1524 Talc, angle of nip required to crush 94 effect on mercury 751 grinding mill. J. N. Nevins 2014 ground in buhrstone mill 253 specific gravity of 1 189 Tallow 1097 for belts 1093 Tamarack clasifier 397 mill, Burgan classifier at 1371 Nordberg tandem-compound stamps at 1254 rigid rolls at 1237 Mining Company mill xxvii, 1000, 1181 Tandem-compound steam stamps 1250 at Tamarack and Osceola mills 1254 indicator diagrams 1255 trommels 362 Tank for constant head 858 washing with hand picking 488 house at Mill 161 1840 system of working amalgamating pans 248 Tanks, Callow 2020 distributing 449 for water 1106 settling 450 Tantalum, atomic weight of 1188 Taper of breakers 52 stamp stems 187, 188 Tappan pump 1046 Tappets for gravity stamps 188 the Boss wedge-grip 1272 resetting 201 screw type 189 table of dimensions of 189 Tarasca Gold Mining Company, Finder concen- trators at 1481 Tarnishing of amalgamated plates 749 Tarnowitz, Biittgenbach's separator at 447 Heberli mill at 292 settling reservoir at 461 tanks at 479 Silesia, mill at 1186 specific gravity test at 1159 stamps at 230 Tasmania, costs of producing copper at 1957, 1958 mill in 1183 tallow for guides in 156 tin milling in 1083 mines, stamps 225 Tatum, L. W., amalgamating pans 291 Taylor and Brunton horizontal riffle sampler 1577 riffle for cutting down ground pulp 1578 F. W., belts 1093, 1094, 1176 hand breaker 59, 1137 Iron & Steel Co., manganese steel 68 J. & Co., stamp mill ^ 1137 mine of Idlewild Gold Mining Company, mill . . xxvii mine, mill at 1021 pipe sampler used by 845 portable stamp mill 2012 Richard, revolving knife buddle 335 W. W., sampling 884, 885 Tays, E. A. H., Bryan mill 273 comments on Binkley slime-settling system. 141Q slime settlings 1419 Teague on kieves 72? 100 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. 1170, .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.' 11 36, Tecolotes mill Telluride, Colorado, mill at 1014, 1016, milling practice at gold ore, cost of producing gold from tests on Tellurium, atomic weight of Temperature, effect of on amalgamation. .766, 1516, at Homestake. T. J. Grier settling slimes 1149, straining amalgam of heating for decrepitation oil separation pan amalgamation roasting for magnetism regulated by pyrometer in Wilfley roasting fur- nace Template for stamp cams Templates Templeton roller feeder for gravity stamps Tenacity, affecting separation and brittleness, effect of in dressing ores Tendency of ore dressing Tennessee Copper Company, cost of producing cop- per at 1956, Tenorite, specific gravity of Tension in belts Tenth U. S. Census, order of drop of stamps Tephroite, specific gravity of Terbium, atomic weight of Terraced mill site Terry, G., pigments, paint and painting washing china clay Test, directions for carrying out a concentration. J. P. Porter in Platteville, Wisconsin, results of a mill. B. Hodge jigging of gold ore lubricants mill machines specific gravity Testing a Frue vanner Bardwell sorting tube . bibliography for by bottle amalgamation heavy solutions 1 156, oil classifiers suited for for a process 1161, flotation Delprat and Potter processes Elmore process Van Meter process 1991, 1992, Jigs .. suited for magnetic separators suited for magnets, double-pole Wetherill separators of black sand. W. Fawcett gold mill tailings. W. E. Darrow ores. H. Van F. Furman mill ore from mine ores. M. Lenicque plant at Denver. G. R. Delamater T. Tonge Mill 141 of H. E. Woods. A. Lakes the California Ore Testing Company roasting for magnetic separation screens suited for under water wire versus plate tools for Wilfley table suited for Tests, amalgamation at the Homestake mill in 1897. A. J. Clark . . firing's test on suction jig by Elmore vacuum oil process 1559, hand picking compared with mill work fourteen-day test of Richards' pulsator classifier at Mill 162 hand concentration. W. McDermott sorting, at Mill 162 metallurgical 1748 Tests of American Process Company drier . . . 1599 1176 breakers 59 1925 Callow cone on Butte copper slimes 1404 1014 classifier jig at Mill 120 1452 1974 Deister concentrator at Mill 101 1489 1175 feed and discharge of Abbe tube mill 1290 1188 finished products of tube mill . 1290 1640 Gates and McCully breakers 45 2024 grains in free settling '. 465 1848 Grill drier at plant of Empire Portland Cement 781 Company 1597 829 Hancock jig on Montana sulphide copper ore 1442 831 hindered settling 1428 248 by pulsion jig 623 814 McLeod, Wilfley and Overstrom tables at Mill 162 1493 1548 mill work 35 193 oil concentration at Mill 172 1874 1097 ores on Wetherill magnetic separators 808 854 power at Mill 173 1927 199 Richards' pulsator jig 1456 891 roasting pyrite for magnetism 1544 2 simple Allis-Chalmers type steam stamp at 1119 Mill 182 ... 1909 single-cylinder steam stamp at Mill 182 1254 1957 steeple compound steam stamp at Mill 181 . . 1254 1189 Sutton Steele & Steele dry table 1555 1093 telluride gold ores separation by crushing and 215 screening 1566, 1567 1189 trommel products at Iron Mountain, Missouri 384 1188 Woodbury jig at Mill 162 1449, 1450, 1451 1085 work of classifiers 461 xx on absorption of gold by plates 765 1174 British Columbia ores, flotation 2048 compressive strength of stone !...-.... 300 2048 film sizing 707 Haverstraw sandstone at Watertown Arsenal. . 300 2048 hindered settling 610 1165 insterstitial currents 626 1166 jigging mixed sizes 630 1098 Nordberg steam stamps 1261 1171 sands, regrinding. C. Butters 2014 1159 smooth and corrugated vanners 650 1988 stone at Berlin 301 1171 Munich 301 1988 strength of rock . 311 1173 suction in jigs 627, 630 1996 vanners 664, 666 1993 place and value of small ore. E. H. Simonds . . 2049 1155 screen sizing test and assays on feed and 1144 products of Huntington mills 1317 on classifier jig feed and tailings at Mill 120 1453 1996 feed and products of double-cone clas- 1562 sifiers 1668 1993 Huntington mills 1316 1993 feed to flotation plant at Mill 130. . 1721, 1724 1993 Hancock jig, also on middlings . . . 1443 1150 Harz jigs at Mill 144 . . 1772, 1773, 1774 1989 Woodbury slime classifier at Mill 162 1449 1993 material conveyed in pipe launder at 1994 Guanajuato 1595 2048 mill feed at Mill 139 1750 2049 Mill 144 1772 2048 products from ball mills 1302 1168 Bryan mills 1310 482 Bryan mills, high-speed rolls and 2048 Huntington mills 1317 1997 coarse and fine rolls at Mill 162 2049 1328, 1329 1764 De Kalb's classifier 1402 2048 fine grinding system, Mill 105 .... 1638 2049 Griffin mill 1636 1995 grinding pans 1284 1988 at Mill 130 1720, 1724 1139 Huntington mill at Mill 117 1669 1137 Richards' vortex classifier at Mill 1137 144 1775, 1776, 1778 1990 sand treatment at Mill 117 1671 1156 settling tanks at Mill 144. ... 1776, 1777, 2047 1779 1461 Sherman settling tanks at Mill 132. 1406 1560 spitzkasten at Mill 144 1777, 1778 1163 stamp mortar at Mill 180 1905 1168 tailings and concentrates from stamps and Lane Chili mill, comparative . 1309 1391 from Mill 174 1887 2049 Woodbury jig at Mill 162 ... 1449, 1450, 1842 1451 i!67 sizing and assaying 1163 101 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Tests to show relative efficiency of regrinding machines 1331 See Sizing Tests. Tetradymite, specific gravity of 1189 Tetrahedrite, specific gravity of 1189 Thallium, atomic weight of 1188 Thames district, amalgamated plates in 750 mills in 1111 plates in 788 New Zealand, mills at 1180 shoes and dies at 183 stamps at 226 Thatcher, Arthur viii Thayer portable one-stamp mill 1137 stamp mill 1181 Theoretical and actual crushing ribbons of rolls .... 101 capacity of trommels 377 value for hindered -settling ratio '427 of free-settling velocities 1421 Theory of crushing 303 electromagnets 790 flotation processes 1555 flow in launders 876 of sand and water in launders. . 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595 slime settling 1149 suction 1462 tube mill action 1336 work required for crushing 304 Thermo-electric couple with pyrometer in Wilfley roasting furnace 1548 Thetford, Quebec, asbestos dressing at 817, 838, 1178 mill at 1079 Thickness of amalgamated plates 737, 744 bank in trommels 378 bed on fine concentrators 644 on vanners 660 bottom bed on jigs 575 film in film-sizing tests 716, 718 on slime tables 695, 697 canvas tables 702 hard amalgam on plates 761 ore on belts of magnetic separators 807 stamp die 207 plate or wire 371 screens 341 screens, effect on percentage of opening 369 water film on amalgamated plates 746 Thick pulp extractor, Ayton 1419 Thies, A., and W. B. Phillips, stamp mill at Haile gold mine, North Carolina 1175 method of chlcrination at Mill 98 1622 Thire, A., gravity stamps 224, 225 Thirion classifier 475 Thomas breaker 57 J 228 log washer 324, 335 R. A., Dolcoath tin mill, Cornwall 1183 slag, mill for 1177 Thompson, experiments on magnet 794 H. N 1178 dressing asbestos at Thetford, Quebec 1178 pneumatic concentration at Thetford, Quebec 838 pulverizer 234 bibliography for 294 S. P., electromagnets xx, 833 on magnets 794, 795 Thomson-Houston dynamo 1055 Thorium, atomic weight of 1188 Thoulet, J., experiments on very fine kaolin 477 on settling rates of fine grains 474 settling in water 1176 velocity of spheres of different density and size 477 Thoulet's solution 1156 Three-high rolls 107 -mineral separation 906, 911 on jigs 590 riffle tables 680 Throw of Comet breaker 43 Gilpin County bumping table 681 Hooper vanning jig 506 jigs 514, 518, 553, 594 Johnston vanner 1503 Rittinger tables 668 Salzburg table 683 shaking plates 741 Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 vanners 653, 654, 655, 658 Thrust of gravity stamps 195 Thulium, atomic weight of 1 188 Thum's compound rolls 110 Thyng, W. S., details of a hand jig 2021 Ticonderoga, New York, graphite mill at 1075 Tierra Seca gold separator 835 Tiger & Poorman mill 954 Tight and loose pulleys for jigs 532 Tightener on belt conveyors 860 Tighteners for belts 1094 stamp belts 198 Tilly Foster mill 1175 magnetic concentration at 810, 833 mine, costs at 1 135 Tilting frame for Wilfley table 1467 Timber for mortar blocks 145 riffle blocks 721 Time of cleaning plates 757 required by cyanide operations at Mill 117 .... 1672 for magnetic roast 1544 retorting 783 roast in galena roaster 1548 Tin amalgam 730 atomic weight of 1188 bronze plate screens 174 concentration in the Carolinas 2046, 2047 dredging in New South Wales 2034 dressing 1081, 1184 at Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania. S. Fawns .2037, 2040 at the old Glitters mine 1915 bibliography for 1173 in Bolivia. D. H. Bradley, Jr 2041 Cornwall, England. W. R. Lewis 2037 Tasmania. R. Stokes 2046 the Malay Peninsula. W. H. Derrick 2039 industry of Tasmania. R. Stokes 2046 mining in Indo-China 2037 ore concentration. J. B. Hill, D. A. MacAlister 2046 Cornish, crushed by Husband stamp 141 frames for 704 crushed by Sturtevant mill 228 dressing of. R. H. Richards and C. E. Locke 1924 roasted for porosity 829, 839 roasting of 56 runs in Cornwall on 478 separation of, at Altenberg 9 worked at Irish Creek, Virginia 288 pellets, recovery of. M. Baldauf 2030 plate screens 173 specific gravity of 1 189 washing. J. H. D. James 2035 in Cornwall 2047 the Malays. R. Stokes 2046 Tintic district, Utah, mills in 1040, 1041, 1045 Tires of rolls 65, 66 Titanite, specific gravity of 1189 Titanium, atomic weight of 1188 Toggles, for Frue vanners 645 Toldt, F., chilled iron shells Ill Tomboy Gold Mines Company 1923 Limited. "The 60 Mill" 1660 Tombstone, amalgamating pans at 290 Arizona, mill at 1175, 1180 silver milling at 1016 mill, jigs in 639 Ton, definition of vi, 883 equivalents of 1 187 of water 1187 Tonge, Thomas, concentration from dumps at Lead- ville, Colorado 1179 ore testing plants 2049 Tonopah Mining Company's mill. S. A. Worcester 2037 Milling, and Development Company, Boss cantilever stamp-frame at 1272 Pachuca stamp battery at 1272 Tools for testing 1137 truing roll shells 70 Toothed rolls Ill, 112, 1080 description of AllSs -Chalmers type 1242 table of sizes, capacities, and power 1243 Topaz, specific gravity of 1189 Top layer on jigs, denned 495 Total cost 1123 dimensions, area, and thickness of plates 744 Totten & Hogg, makers of Forster breaker 25 Toughness of minerals, effect of 2 Tourmaline, specific gravity of 1189 Tower driers 1600 at mills 1807, 1813, 1860 screens at mills .... 1809, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1861, 1863 Trachyte, strength of 301 weight of 1 190 Trajectory of particles 4, 838 102 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Trajectory, use made of, in mills 889 Tramming, hoisting, pumping, etc., expenses 1123 Tramway at mills 1696, 1719, 1769 Transporting power of water 878 Transvaal, milling in the. J. H. Hammond 2033 milling in the 2041 stamps in 225 Transverse traps with gates 772-773 Transylvania, Laszlo amalgamator in 777 Trap rock, weight of 1190 Traps, bibliography for 787 box 773 for mercury 768, 771, 1516 transverse with gates 772-773 Trautwine, figures on discharge from launders 877 flow of water 858 Hering and, launders 885 J. C., Jr 1197 civil engineers' pocket-book xx, 1174 coefficient of efflux 404 strength of stone 316 Travel of belt vanners 648 on Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 vanners 659, 660 vanner belts 653, 657 Traylor all iron jig 2021 & Company, J. A. centrifugal pumps 1610 sand pumps 1588 centrifugal pumps at Mill 114 1662 capacities of 1588 proper speeds for at various lifts 1589 Centripact screen 1352 classifiers at Mill 169 1865 concentrator 2023 double-discharge mortar 1266 Engineering Company, Centripact screen 1360 Giroux mill 1864 Traylor gravity stamps 1278 high-speed rolls at Mill 158 1825 Imperial screen 1348 jigs at mills 1864, 1867 rolls at Mill 169 . .- 1864 sectional mortar 1267 Trays for Wilfley slimer 1504 in retorts 781 Treatment charge on zinc ores 1933 of middlings 1121 plates 750 general considerations 750 slimes 1121 schemes of mill 1613 Trego, T. J., roasting for magnetism 1568 roasting furnace 1548 at Mill 148 1792 Tregoning pulverizer 235 bibliography for 297 Tremain steam stamp 136, 142, 2011 details of 139 number of drops of 138 Tremnitz, Huntington mill at 282 Trent Chili mill, sizing tests of 271 Engineering & Machinery Company, Monad- nock Chili mills at Mill 144 1775 L. C. & Company, on Chili mill 270 Trenton Iron Company 1 195 gauge 1194 screen gauge 173 Mining and Development Company 1836 Trevarns (Camborn), tin mill 1083 Triangular gate spigot for jigs 528 Tributer's mill 1039 Trimountain Mining Company 1901 copper handbook 1925 Triple discharge two-stamp mills 209 expansion engines 1091 pumping engine 872 Triplex pump at Mill 117 1674 rolls ; . 1244 description of 1239 Tripoli mine, Ding's roasting furnace at 1548 Tripolite, settling rate of 474 Trippel, A., Krom jigs at the Manhattan mill 838 Georgetown, Colorado 838 Tripper for belt conveyors 860 discharging conveyor belts 1586 at mills 1691, 1883 Triumph vanner 652, 659, 1499 at Mill 101 1627 Trommel, an improved 1360 conveyor at Mill 125 1700 Trommel hole, relation to space between rolls 95 screens, cost of in mills 361 life, cost, and details of 352 used for jig screens 546 washing plates 488 shafts 351 Trommels 346, 384 See also Screens. action of 373 arrangement of 364 at mills.. 1667, 1681, 1682, 1685, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1706, 1707, 1710 1714 1724 1725, 1727, 1728, 1737, 1738, 1742, 1743, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1760, 1766, 1767, 1771, 1772, 1773. 1774, 1792, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1815, 1818. 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1837, 1838, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1851, 1857, 1864, 1866, 1867, 1876, 1877, 1882, 1884, 1889, 1890, 1898, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1930 attachment of 355 capacity of 377 speed, etc 359 cones, pyramids, and prisms 361 connected with log washer 323 construction of in mills 350 cylindrical : 348 Denver Engineering Works, revolving grizzly . . 1353 depth of bank and quality of work 380 details of trommel screens at Mill 125 1705 diameter of 349 dimensions and operation of 347 driving mechanism 356 effect of centrifugal force in 373 diameter of 379 length and slope 378 slope in 377 speed of 379 feeding of 357 for dredges 1007, 1008, 1012 friction angle in 374 Gates all-iron frame revolving screen 1353, 1360 in stamp mills 1017 kinds of, in mills 348 length of 349 life, speed, slope, etc 362 Neuerberg 385 octagonal 1353, 1360 path of grains in 377 pitch angle in 376 position of 1108 power for 357 principle of 346 purpose of 346 rate of travel of ore in 374 receiving cones for 358 Schmidt spiral screen 363, 364 sectional 1353 sizing tests on. .381, 382, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144 slope and length 380 slope of 349 speed of 349 speeds, pitch angle, etc 376 spiders for 352 submerged trommels at Mill 125 1356 systems of 364 tandem and concentric 362 tests of work of in mills 381 thickness of bank in 378 use of wash. C. Blomeke 2018 versus Rowand incline screens at Mill 141 1764 riddles 365 wash 55, 329 water for 358 wear of screens 356 without internal shafts 351 Trough classifiers 389 double 416 or shallow-pocket classifier 1371 washers 319 bibliography for 334 washing for corundum 1078 Troughs. See also Launders. for mercury traps 772 jerking 861 Troy weights, equivalents of 1187 Truesdale coal breaker 2050 Truing roll shells 69 Sturtevant roll shell turning device 1243 with an emery wheel 1243 Trunking machine 321 table 320 103 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Trunking table for cleaning jig concentrates ....... 587 Trustedt magnetic separator ..................... 835 Tube mill, a double ............................ 2017 action, theory of. H. A. White ............ 1323 crushing efficiency of. W. A. Caldecott and S. H. Pearce .......................... 1323 experiences in El Oro, valuable. C. Butters 2016 feeder, a special. W. H. Fox ............. 2014 E. G. Banks ..................... 2013 grinding in New Zealand .................. 2013 on the Rand ........................... 2017 installations, design of. A. James .......... 2014 liners, wear, cost. S. D. McNicken ........ 2016 lining at the Standard mine. W. W. Bradley 2013 patents ................................. 2017 practice in S. Africa .................. 2015, 2016 New Zealand .................... 2014, 2015 S. Africa. K. L. Graham ........ 2013, 2014 W. R. Bowling ......................... 2013 results in S. Africa. H. Leupold ........... 2016 mills .............................. 233, 1285 Abbe ............................... 1280, 1298 mill at Guanajuato ..................... 1290 capacity of ....................... 1291 at Mill 103 .......................... 1271 Alsing ......................... 1280, 1294, 1323 Allis-Chalmers ........................... 1323 an article on. A. H. Bromley ............. 2013 at El Oro. E. Burt ...................... 2013 Guanajuato, Mexico. C. W. Van Law ... 2014 mills ........................ 1532, 1770, 1922 the Gold King mill, Colorado. F. E. Shep- ard ............................... 2014 the Waihi mines. R. Stokes ............. 2014 bibliography for .......................... 293 capacity of ............................... 1291 classification of .......................... 1285 consumption of pebbles and liners .......... 1291 at Mill 118 ................... . 1291 cost of grinding by ........................ 1291 Davidsen ........................... 1280 1297 Denver Engineering Works Company's mill 1280, 1296 direction of rotation for ................... 1289 discharge of .............................. 1287 discussion of the. A. James .............. 2015 A. W. Warwick ...................... 2015 efficiency of ............................. 1292 El Oro lining for ......................... 1340 feeding of ................................ 1288 P. Argall ............................ 1323 feed opening for ......................... 1287 for cement grinding ...................... 2017 fine grinding. Davidsen ................ 2015 foundations for .......................... 1286 Gates .............................. 1280, 1296 general notes ............................ 1294 Hardinge conical .................... 1280, 1296 in S. Africa, work of. S. H. Pearce and W. A. Caldecott ........................... 2013 liners for ................................ 1286 linings for, discussion by H. A. White. . 1339, 1340 management of .......................... 1290 on the Rand, advantages of ............... 1644 complete account of ................. 2015 operation of. H. Fischer ................. 1340 pebbles or flints for ...................... 1288 power required to operate ................. 1289 quality of work done by tube mills ......... 1290 sizes best suited for feed to ................ 1288 speed of rotation for ................. 1289, 1337 theory of tube-mill action .................. 1336 versus grinding pans ...................... 1282 R. C. Clark in Australia with central end discharge work of Tubular classifier investigation of free settling on fine grains Richards' 2014, 2016 2014 1294 2013 421 469 473 428 tests on hindered settling .................. 610 results of .............................. 613 driers, cylindrical driers ...................... 1596 free-settling classifiers ....................... 1381 Tucker, W. A .................................. viii Tuff, machine best suited for crushing ............ 2010 Tullock concentrators, water used in .............. 659 feeder ................................... 136, 854 for gravity stamps ........................ 199 Tullock feeder for jigs rolls trommels used in Bryan mills Huntington mill 549 71 358 272 278 vanner . Tumbler on dredges .652, 656, 659 1008 1188 ten, atomic weight of i Colorado, concentration of. H. R. Van Wagenen 2035" mills cf Colorado, ideas on the 2046 ore concentrates, cost of producing in Colorado 1987* ores in Colorado, concentration of. H. R. Van Wagenen 2041 * treatment of. W. Greenawalt 2038 of Colorado, mills that treat the 2042 treatment of 2047- Turbine water wheels 1089 Turbo log washer 1341 at Mill 154 1341, 1816 power required for 1816 Turgite, specific gravity of 1 189 Tuscany, mills in 1177 mill for quicksilver ores 1074 Tustin mill 316, 1014, 1047 bibliography for 294 number used 231 power needed for 311 sizing tests of products of, in Oro Plata, and Utica mines 309 theory of crushing by 310 Tustin's pulverizing mill 233, 262 Tuttle, E. G., double discharge on the tail of a jig 640 tail discharges on a Harz jig 640 Manufacturing & Supply Company, rolls 76 slime table 687 Tutty, E. J., on capacity of jigs 602 Twelve Apostles mill, amalgam in 767, 783 Two-current classifier 1 144 -stamp mills ' -mineral separation on jigs 589 Tye 707, 727 Tyler Company, W. S., wire cloth screens 1366 double-crimped screens 354 mining wire cloth 1364 screen cloth used at Mill 101 1626 gauge 173 screens 1 < * used on Waddell Chili mills at Mill 174 .... 1886 trommel screens at Mill 142 1766, 1767 W. S. Co., cost of screens 548 double-crimped wire screens 370 mining wire cloth 1364 table of screen meshes l: testing screens H3j on material for screens 355 Wire Works Company 1194 Types of rolls 75 steam stamps 114 U Ullrich magnetic separator 1535 at Australian Metals Company's mill 1535 Ultra-microscope 1419 the, for the study of slimes 1401 -violet rays for the detection of willemite. E. K. Judd 2048 Ulzer, F. and A. Fraenkel, chemical-technical anal- ysis xx Schone's tubular classifier 476 Uncle Sam Consolidated Mining Company, Callow cones at 1404 Undercurrent 726 classifier, Richards' 1386 for saving black sands. R. H. Richards 2020 Under-piston jigs 520 Undershot water wheels 1090 Undersize by different speeds of crushing, variation in the per cent. of. A. W. Gartrell 2017 Unfinished grains 318 Union Bay, Vancouver Island, coal washer at 1106 Iron Works 1184 amalgamating pan 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249 Blake breaker Dodd tables at Mill 96 .... grizzlies iron battery frame 21 1618 337 . 228 104 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. Union Iron Works iron frame vanner 651 mortar bolts 150 mortars at Mill 117 1668 on classifying vanner feed 658 design of cams 196 stamp clearance 195 vanners 655 rolls 72, 111 stamp details of cylinder, water used and capacity 126 frames 153 stamps at Mill 96 1618 steam stamp.. . .114, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128 mUl 947 of the Standard Mining Company xxvi Gratz, Kentucky. R. B. Brinsmade 2038 Mining Company, Finder concentrators at .... 1481 Unit of magnetic force 79 1 pole of magnetism ' 791 Units of measurements 1 187 United Iron Works Company, Cleveland-Knowles magnetic separator - - 1542 States Metal Reduction Co. The Leighton mag- netic separator -. 1528 Standard gauge. 1195 screen gauge 173 University of Minnesota, testing plant 1176, 1179 Unlocking of mineral by crushing 303 Unwaterers 879 Unwatering wheel at Mill 141 1591 boxes 450 for jig concentrates 586 tailings 588 mechanical 879 screens 724, 879 sieves for jig discharges 586 tailings 587 table of details of in mills 451 tailings 587 wheels 1590 Unwin, W. C., development and transmission of power . xx rope transmission 1095 transmission of power 1174 Upper Silesia, mill in 1177 Urals, placer mining in the. C. Tappan 2036 Uranium, atomic weight of 1188 Uren belt table 698 Urie dredge 1011 Use of steam in settling slimes at Mill 144 1779 Useless apparatus 1 109 Uses and method of working of amalgamating pans 248 of pulverizers 232, 236 steam stamps 134 supplementary principles 5 water in breakers 49 trommels 358 Utah Copper Company 1852 Bingham, Utah, milling the ores of. P. Bar- ker 2043 mill, Bingham, Utah 2038 mill, Garneld, Utah, the mill of the. L. H. Beason 2045 cost of milling in 1129, 1134 producing copper in 1955, 1956 district, cost of producing lead and silver in 1966, 1967, 1968 mill, flow sheet of the University of 2046 mill in 1085, 1174, 1184 Ute & Ulay mill xxvi, 935 Utica, California, milling practice at. W. J. Loring 2043 Utica cam stick 200 Company mills 1024, 1033, 1034 mine, sizing tests on ore from 309 mill 1033 California, stamp practice at the. W. J. Lor- ing 2033 of the Utica Company xxviii stamps 224 mills., 1176 plates in '. 788 -Stickles canvas plant 1038 mill xxviii Utsch jig 519, 640, 641, 837 INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Vale, W. H., gravity stamps 224 amalgamating plates 788 Valentinite, specific gravity of 1189 Value of ore affecting extraction 1117 precious metal contents of zinc ores 1939 Valve for steam stamps 122 gears of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 motion for steam stamps 122, 127 of Tremain stamp ' 133 Valves for pulsion jig 520, 538 of Nordberg steam stamps 1249 on engines 1Q91 Vanadium, atomic weight of 1188 Van Law, C. W., discussion of tube mills at Guana- juato, Mexico 2016 Meter Boss oil concentrators 2044 J. W., system of oil-concentration 1992 oil-concentration process at Santa Barbara . . 1993 Process 1997 testing apparatus 1991, 1992, 1993 Ryn Gold Mines Estate mill. G. A. Denny . . . 2041 slime treatment at ". . . . 1410 Wagenen, H. R., concentration of Colorado tungsten ores 2041 tungsten milling in Colorado 2035 Vanners 1464, 1498 action of 644, 646 adjustment, feed, capacity, etc 648 of travel, slope, and water 660 agitation ratio 665 Akens and Evans slimer 1500 Allis-Chalmers suspended frame 1503 arrangement of 1110 at mills 1686, 1687, 1739, 1778, 1780, 1868, 1870, 1929, 1930 banks on 652, 656, 662 bed of pulp on belt in 660 belt 647, 657 Woodbury 655 belts, corrugated versus smooth at Mill 167 1859 "crack-proof" vanner belt 1503 details of 648 Spadone concentrator belt 1503 bibliography for 727 box-cleaning device used at Mill 167 1503 capacity of 662 cards of 657 classification of 645, 1499 classifiers for 658 Colorado Iron Works 652 concentrating and cleaning planes 646 consistency of pulp for, Mill 163 1848 cost of . 691 Vacuum dredge 1009 oil-process, Elmore 1556 repairs 663 coupled with slime table 1110 " crack -proof " vanner belt 1503 depth of bed 1510 dry 83& Ellis 657 concentrator 1499 Embrey 653 end-shake 652, 1153, 1165 feed, proper consistency for 1404 feeder 655 fcr testing 1153 Frue 645, 1153, 1499 G. Gates, end shake 653 Gates Iron Works 651 gyrating 657 in the plane of the belt 1501 F. T. Snyder 2022 Horn rotary slime concentrator 1499 in reserve 1 109 Johnston 652, 1499, 1501 Joshua Hendy machine works 652 losses on 656 modifications of Frue 651 Norbom 652 operation of 657 plates on 740 power for 663 principle of 644 separation by 665 quality of feed 658 quantities of water in 659 removal of concentrates 647 repairs on 663 results at Mill 101 1628 Risdon Iron Works 651, 652 side-shake 645, 1499 105 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. Vanners, side-shake versus end-shake 655 slope in degrees and inches 1191 Snyder 657 Spadone concentrator belt 1503 speed, travel, slope, water, etc 658, 659, 660 steep end-shake 1165 testing 1171 tests on 664, 666 thickness of bed on 660 Triumph 652, 1499 Tulloch 652, 656 concentrator 652 Union Iron Works, iron frame 651 versus convex slime tables 691 with tipping or undulating motion 1501 Johnston vanner 1501 suspended frame vanner 1503 Woodbury 654 Vanning shovel 1152 tests 1170 plaque 1152 Vapart disintegrator 236, 289, 891 at Lintorf , Prussia 830 bibliography for 299 Varney amalgamating pan 291 Vats for electroplating copper plates 755 silver plating 755 Vaucron mill 1 178 classifiers at 416, 477 jigs in 641 number of sieves for jigs 590 rolls at 110 sieve scale at 367 stroke of jigs at 594 V-box classifiers 419 Vein quartz, weight of 1190 Veitch, Alexander, on Hancock jig 1441 Velardena Mining and Smelting Company 1742 Velocities, application of free settling to classified de- sign 1432 ratio free to hindered settling to classifier design 1433 full-teeter velocities of quartz and galena 1430 free settling 471 of currents in classifier 429 fall of minerals in water 621 settling curves of 467, 473 particles falling in water and in air 837 water in film sizing tests 716, 719 Velocity card of steam stamp 132 curves of gravity stamps 216 of a sphere falling through a viscous body. Sir G. C. Stokes 1433 current in settling tanks 454 fall of lead shot 626 flow in launders 877 galena and quartz falling in water. R. H. Richards 1433 pulsion in jigging 1460 rolls and stamps 314 settling, effect of 4 of fine grains 473 grains 466 under free-settling conditions 1421 vibrations of Wilfley table deck 1466 water on jigs 595 waves on amalgamated plates 746 Venezuela, mill in 1127 Ventilation 1099 Verdigris on amalgamated plates 750, 762 Verein Chemischer Fabriken 1914 Vermilion hematite, action of Monarch breaker on . . 28 Vertical and horizontal shafts of amalgamating pans 241 mills 255 Vezin feeder for rolls 71 H. A., viii effect of strength and specific gravity on crush- ing power 316 on belts 1094 cost of mills. 1126 dust prevention 1099 heating mills 1099 intermediary jigs 642, 1179 jig plunger clearance 530 samplers versus hand sampling 884 sampling 850 stroke of jigs 594 testing jig 1151 weight of broken ore 1190 wet screening 1139 ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Vezin jig 1150 journal pressure in rolls 96 rolls 84 sampler 846, 1572, 2032 for sampling high-grade telluride gold ores .... 1573 requisites to accuracy when using 1575. samples at mills. . . 1691, 1701, 1737, 1742, 1748, 1750, 1772 springs for rolls 90 Vial magnetic separator 835 Vibracone separator, the 1352, 1360 Vibrating grizzlies 341, 345 and riddles 1346 Vibrations in vanners 658 Vibrometer screen. W. W. Beaumont 2018 Vibromotor screen 385 Vickers-Maxim steel roll shells at Mill 128 1714 Victor turbine wheel 1089 Victoria mill xxix, 1052 mills in 1180 New Zealand, weight of ore 1191 milling in 1 176 stamps hi 224, 226 Vieille mill 906 Montagne Company 1116 heating ore for friability 9 mill 911 separation of pyrite and blende 829 new Central mill 1786 Vigeon, E. C., wear of steel balls 1303 Villefort, Lozere, France, belt tables at 700 mill at 1178 Virgilina, concentration at. E. K. Judd 2038 Virginia City, Nevada, milling practice at. C. T. Rice ' ... 2038 mill, amalgamated plates hi 767 pyrite mills. R. H. Painter 2037 zinc ore, concentration of. T. L. Watson 2042 Viscosity of liquid, effect on free settling 465 Vivianite, specific gravity of 1 189 Vogt, G 1186 Vogt, G., testing of clays 1185 Volts. See also Power. Volume of broken ore 1190 units of 1187 Von Dessauer, H. A 789 on amalgamated plates 767 Hauer, J 838 Reytt, K 308, 316, 1107 breaking 60 moisture in ore 1 106 power and surface measurements, table of results of 306 for stamps 205 used by rolls 98 sizing test of breaker product 47 tests on work required for crushing 305 Vortex classifiers, Richards' annular vortex classifiers 1382 at mill 124 1692, 1693, 1694 Richards' pocket vortex classifier 1373 single-spigot 1377 tank vortex classifier 1379 for classifier 403 W Wad, specific gravity of 1189 Waddell Chili mill at Mill 174 1886 Wagemann, C., tin concentration at Ploermel, France 1177 Wage scale at mills.. 1619, 1621, 1622, 1626, 1629, 1633, 1657, 1664, 1676, 1678, 1680, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1690, 1698, 1705, 1712, 1730, 1745, 1757, 1794, 1804, 1816, 1820, 1830, 1841, 1848, 1852, 1859, 1865, 1881, 1919 in the San Juan district of Colorado 1980 Wages of labor 1100 Wagner mica-plate static machine used with Blake- Morscher electrical ore separator 1551 Wagoner, L 262 formula for free settling 472 free settling in water 477 theory of power required in crushing 310 Tustin mill. . . . . !? 264, 294, 316 velocity of particles falling in water 478 Wagons for concentrates 1112 Walburn and Swensen Company 77 rolls 76 breaker of Blake type 23 Waldeyer on riffles 721 Wales, dry separation in 820 Wales, gold milling in. W. H. Booth 2035 106 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Wales, milling of lead and zinc in northern. E. Walker 2039 Walker, E., the Elmore flotation process 1569 pulverizer 236 bibliography for 299 Walker's patent stamp 227 Wall finger gear rolls Ill jig 2021 Wallace, Idaho, mill at 947 steel breaker 2010 Wall's mill, Bingham Canyon, Utah 2038 Waltl, V., Oberegger gyrating screens 386 Wunderlich trough classifier for coal 478 Warm, E. E., discusses fine grinding 2016 Wappler, A. F., Frobel's mill 291 Ward, W. P., Hundt's settling tub, Rittinger's setzrad, Rittinger's pointed boxes 478 Stapff and Cazin jigs 643 Wardner, Idaho, mill at 945, 1183 Waring magnetic separator 1182 separators at Mill 148 1792 pulyerator 234 bibliography for 294 system of magnetic separations, description of the 2026 Warp and woof on canvas tables 700 Warren, A. Sidney, free-settling velocities 1421 belt vanners at Mill 128 1715 Warwick, A. W., definition of slime 1399 discussion of the tube mill 2015 fine grinding 1340 in the tube mill 2015 finely ground slimes 1420 hand sorting in small mills 2032 history of concentration 2049 on slimes 2020 power for stamp mills 2044 stamp mill foundations 2044 the A. M. W. mill at Leadville, Colo 2043 Wascott, stamps in Gilpin County, Colorado 229 Washburn & Moen 171, 1196 Washburn & Moen screen gauge 173 wire gauge 1194, 1364, 1999 Washers. See Log Washers. Dorr mechanical classifier 1343 for clay 1076 log 55, 320 preliminary 319, 1341 trough 319 using rotating stirrers 1341 Washing before hand picking 481 box before hand picking 488 canvas tables 701 ,702 clay and kaolin 1075 cocoa matting 703 devices on slime tables 689 diamonds 1080 drum at Mill 95 1617 followed by hand picking and sizing 1616 machinery 1244 ore at Elkton Mine 1616 pans 333 bibliography for 334 for corundum 335, 1078 diamondiferous earth 335 pits 335 placer gravel 723 preliminary, bibliography for 334 tank with hand picking 488 Washington, gold mill at Republic 2036 Washoe concentrator 1836, 2042, 2045 Copper Company 1836 district ,, 1105 plant of the Anaconda Copper Co. L. S. Aus- tin 2033,2043 process 1039, 1173 of amalgamation . . . smelter Montana Wash trommels bibliography f or . . . Bradford Carnall 248 2042 1924 ...55,329, 1341 334 330 334 compared with log washers 333 Crickboom 330-334 cylindrical, used at Cabarceno, Spain 330 for disintegrating clay 335 Krupp 1341 versus log washers 333 water distributor for vanners 646, 654 Wilfley table 674 Wash water for trommels 358 on slime tables 684, 695 pipes on slime table 688 required by canvas tables at Mill 139 1755 Chalmers & Williams vanners at Mill 122 1687 Frue vanners at mills. . . 1662, 1694, 1695, 1706, 1755, 1880 Harz jigs at mills 1744, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1877, 1878, 1879 James slimer 1492 table 1491 New Standard concentrator 1479 picking belt at Mill 154 1816 Richards' -Coggin classifier at Mill 173 . . 1878 Richards' vortex classifiers at mills. . 1692, 1693, 1694, 1743, 1744, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1775, 1776, 1778 rolls at Mill 173 1877 round tables at Mill 180 1904, 1905 single-spigot classifier at Mill 180. .. 1902, 1903 trommels at mills 1691, 1692, 1693, 1743, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1816, 1876, 1877 Wilfley tables 1469 at mills . . 1661, 1662, 1687, 1706, 1744, 1745, 1754, 1880 Wasp No. 2 mill, Kirk, S. Dakota 2044 Waste picked out in mine for stowing 481 Water, acid, effect of on screens 173 column, weight of 1188 consumption 2048 at Arizona mills 1931 Butte. C. W. Goodale 1420, 1997 Cananea. O. P. Findley 1419 Eureka Hill. G. W. Riter 2036 Longfellow concentrator 1931 mills . . . 1413, 1622, 1640, 1648, 1664, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1706, 1709, 1712, 1715, 1730, 1731, 1746, 1757, 1762, 1786, 1794, 1802, 1816, 1817, 1840, 1848, 1853, 1856, 1859, 1865, 1875, 1882, 1887, 1891, 1894, 1897, 1912, 1932 Montana copper-sulphide mills 1931 Northern Mexico mills 1931 Shannon concentrator 1931 Washington, Arizona, plant 1411 in Arizona. D. E. Woodbridge 1997 Australasian practice 1713 on the Rand 1410 current in launders, speed necessary to carry sand 878 economy in mill. J. C. Scobey 1419 stamp milling. A.W.Warwick 2011 effect of temperature on amalgamation 766 flow of 885 for Atwood amalgamator 776 breaking rock after heating 9 classifier 403, 432 calculation of 429 Conkling jig 503 dredging 1013 Ferraris belt table 698 classifier 401 German sweeping table 703 gravity stamps, amount and temperature .... 221 Hallett table 676 Heberwasche 522 jigs 510, 519, 537, 598 Lake Superior hog trough classifier 390 log washer 324 mills 1102 Parsons table 669 & Fisher jig 518 Richards-Coggin classifier 392 Rittinger table 668 Salzburg table 683 Schmidt spiral screen 363 Schranz jig 503 sluices 723 spitzlutte 424 stamps 206 Stein, Bilharz, and Luhrig tables 670 Tamarack classifier 398 Tremain steam stamp 139 trommels 358 wash trommels 330, 331, 332 in coal washing, recovery. F. W. Parsons 2020 gravity stamps, amount and temperature of 221 launders, mean velocities of 877 stamp pulp 413 jet for disintegration 1007 measurement of 1161 107 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Water on amalgamated plates pipes for gravity stamps jigs 773 199 538 power 1174 effect on cost 1128 for mills 1089 pumps 868, 871 quantities of, in rectangular launders 878 quantity for film sizing 707 slime tables 720 recovered by settling 460 recovery. G. E. Binckley 1419 at Goldfield, Nevada 2020 regulators 858 required by canvas tables at Mill 144 1779 Card tables at Mill 144 1777 classifiers at Mill 165 1852 Evans and Hancock jigs compared 1442 Ferraris patent tables, table of 1490 Frue vanners at Mill 100 1625 Hancock jigs 1441 working on Montana copper ores .... 1442 Harz jigs at mills. . . 1692, 1693, 1694, 1772, 1773. 1774, 1775^ Hodge jigs at Mill 180. ... 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 Huntington mills at mills 1687, 1706, 1753 individual machines at mills . . . 1698, 1699, 1700, 1780, 1816 at Mill 126 1707, 1708 iton vanners 1502 at Mill 165 1852 log washers at Mill 154 1816 New Humboldt concentrator 1494 Nissen stamps at Mill 165 1852 Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamp at Mill 180 1901 stamps at mills 1621, 1624 suspended frame vanner 1503 turbo at Mill 154 1816 vanners at Mill 144 1778 water jackets of Wilfley roaster at Mill 140. 1759 Wilfley slimer 1506 tables at mills. . . . 1625, 1694, 1695, 1708, 1776, 1777, 1852, 1904 Woodbury table 1496 separation. W. J. May 2021 softening of 1027 Collett 1319 spray pipe on Hallett table 676 supply at Mill 158 1827 pumps for 871 table of weights and measurements of 1187 tanks 1106 tube boilers 1090 used by Brink & Hubner's disintegrator 286 Heberlimill 259 Huntington mill 280 Schranz mill 275 trommels 360 in Blake breakers, table of 26 breakers 49 Bryan mill 272 Forster breaker in Mill 67 28 mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. steam stamps 126-129 on amalgamated plates 745 jigs 596,597 slime tables 694 steam stamps 129 vanners 659, 660 value of miner's inch 1197 versus air for concentration 825 weights and volumes of 1187 wheel for arrastra 238, 239 wheels 1089 in mills. See Individual Mills in Chapter XX. with classifier pulp 418 Waters, Theodore, Edison's plant in New Jersey ... 1183 Watertown Arsenal, tests on stone 316 strength of stone 300 .. 2015 Wauchope, T. A., stage crushing Waugh and Bignell, dry concentration process. D. D. Wolff 2026 dry vanner 838 Waverly mill, breaker in 60 stamps in 228 Nova Scotia, mill at 1026 Waves in film-sizing tests 717 on amalgamated plates 746 canvas tables ... 702 Waves on slime tables 695 Wear of Alsing cylinder 267 amalgamating pan 249 ball mill 261 belt conveyors 860 Blake breakers 25 breakers 56 Bryan mills 272 buhrstone mill 253 Chili mill 269 centrifugal pumps 870 Cyclone pulverizer 289 Dodge breakers 31 Forster breaker 28 Griffin roller mill 282 grizzlies 340 Heberli mill 259 Huntington mill 280 jigs 604 jig screens 547 log washer 324 pebbles in Alsing cylinder 267 punched steel screens at Mill 144 1365 rolls 108 roll shells 66 at mills 1877, 1906 Schranz mill 276 screens 169, 170, 343 at Mill 139 1365 effect of moisture on 341 in trommels 356 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 in grinding pans 1284 steel ball in ball mills 1303 Sturtevant mill 288 Whelpley & Storer pulverizer 289 Wearing parts. See also each machine. for jaw breakers, Krupp's 1221 stamp batteries, materials for 1277 steam stamps 121 life of 1222, 1223 materials for 1220 of Allis-Chalmers rolls at Mill 179 1898 ball mills at Mill 159 1828 Blake breakers at mills. . . . 1221, 1621, 1749, 1853 breakers 48, 56 life of 1221 Bryan mills at Mill 173 1879 Buchanan jaw breakers at Mill 157 1818 Butters' centrifugal pumps at Mill 117 1671, 1672, 1674 Byron-Jackson pump at Mill 114 1662 centrifugal pumps at mills 1711, 1712, 1856, 1904, 1908 drag or disc conveyors 1583 elevators at mills . . . 1707, 1710, 1711, 1818, 1819, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1877, 1880, 1898 Gates breakers at mills. . . 1706, 1716, 1727, 1828, 1853 Griffin mills at Mill 105 1636 grinding pans, life of 1638 Hancock jigs 1443 Hodge and Cleaves sand pumps at Mill 182 1910, 1911 jigs at Mill 180 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 Huntington mills at mills. . 1317, 1669, 1687, 1711, 1753 Knowles duplex vacuum pumps at Mill 114 1673 triplex pumps at Mill 117 1674 Krogh pumps at Mill 100 1626 life of 1633 McCully breakers at Mill 139 1222, 1749 Monadnock Chili mills at Mill 144 1775 Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamp at Mill 180 1901, 1902 rolls at mills . . 1244, 1685, 1686, 1710, 1714, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1854 materials for 1243 Sherman Huntington mills at Mill 132 1728 spindle breakers 46, 47 stamps at Mill 118 1677 Traylor centrifugal pumps at Mill 114 .... 1662 Waddell Chili mills at Mill 174 1886 Wetherill magnetic separators 1525 Wilfley roastine; furnace 1547 tables at Mill 126 1708 Weathering diamond ore 1080 for separation . . 830, 839 garnets at Meronitz 831 of clay 1075 108 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Weathering process at Mill 188 1921 Webb City, Missouri, mills at 1175 Webb, H. H., and Pope Yeatman, hand picking in South Africa 483, 492 stamp mills in South Africa 225 Webber, W. O., centrifugal and reciprocating pumps 885 on pumps. Wedding, H xx concentrating Thomas slag 1177 magnetic iron oxides 813 separation of iron ore 2036 separators 833, 2030 Mumford & Moodie's separator 837 processes of separation 835 Wetherill process 836 Wedgewood mortar for amalgam 780, 1025 Weighing 1160 conveyor, Richardson automatic 2032 devices 1603 Avery automatic scales at Mill 105 1635 Blake-Denison continuous weighers 1603 Libra scales 1605 machines, the Blake-Denison 1609 ore 883 Weight and power of steam stamps 133 of Akron Chili mills, table of 1308 amalgamating pan 243 arrastra 237, 238 Austin gyratory breakers, table of 1210 Bartlett Simplex concentrator 1487 Blake breakers at Mill 158 1821, 1823, 1824 bosses at Mill 117 1668 broken ore 1160, 1190 quartz 1185 cobbing hammers at Mill 186 1917 Colorado Iron Works continuous grinding pans 1282 Comet breaker 41, 46 Denver Engineering Works Company's Blake breakers, table of '. 1204 dies in amalgamating pans 245 Ding's magnetic separators 1541 Dodge breaker 30 Farrel Blake breakers, table of 1200 Ferraris ball mills, table of 1300 patent tables, table of 1490 Gates ball mills, table of 1301 style " K " breakers, table of 1208 Gilpin County bumping table 681 gravity stamps 218 stamp mortars 164 hammers for breaking 11 Hathaway gyratory breakers, table of 1217 Humphrey rolls, table of 1235 improved Huntington mills, table of 1312 International magnetic separators 1535 Kennedy gyratory breakers, table of 1214 Kent roller mills 1304 Knowles' New Century magnetic separators, table of 1542 Krupp gyratory breakers, table of 1215 La Point flour gold separators, table of 1510 log washer 324 machines 1096 McCully breaker 44 gyratory breakers, table of 1212 McLanahan and Stone single-roll crushers, table of 1241 mills 1126 moving parts of Nordberg steeple-compound steam stamp at Mill 180 1901 muller and shoes for amalgamating pan 246 new and old jaw plates for Blake breakers at Mill 100 1624 Nev Standard concentrators 1479 Nissen stamps at Mill 165 1851 ore for sampling 851, 852 parts of stamp 189 Pilling hoists, table of 1609 roll shells 66 samples in mechanical sampling 1575, 1576 Samson breakers, table of 1203 shoes and dies 182, 183, 184 at Mill 117 1668 stamp parts 190 at Mill 118 1677 stem 187 stems at Mill 117 1668 stamps 209, 221 and effectiveness of blow, in gravity stamps 218 109 Weight of stamps at mills . . . 1618, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1626, 1630 1632, 1634, 1640, 1645, 1649, 1651, 1658, 1661 1665, 1666, 1668, 1677, 1679, 1769, 19 1 in California 1619 Witwatersrand 1643 Sturtevant balanced rolls, table of 1234 Dodge-type breakers, table of 1205 tappets at Mill 117 1668 wearing parts, Blake breakers 26 Dodge breaker 31 Forster breaker 28 Wetherill magnetic separators, table of ... , . 1522 Wild roller mills, table of 1304 table of measurements of 1 187 units of 1 187 Weights for rolls 73 Weisbach, hydraulic power 239 P. J., manual xx water motors 1174 Weiss, picking at 487 sieve scale at 367 Weldon, New Jersey, Lovett-Finney magnetic sep- arator at 835 mill at 1180 Welkenraedt, double discharge on jigs at 584 mill at 1176 Rittinger tables at 668 Weller pulp thickener 2019 Wellman-Seaver-Morgan, Company, Akron Chili mill 1307 Garfield Chili mill 1305 gravity stamps 1278 sectional guides for gravity stamps 1270 Wells, J. W., molybdenite dressing 1567 mercury 768 Wendt, A. F., Wendt jig ' 640 crushing and jigging at Crown Point mines, New York 1174 jig 640,901 connecting rods on , 530 construction of 524 elliptical gear on 536 Wengler & Lowe's classifier 413, 478 hydraulic classifier 1367 Wenstrom magnetic separator 800 data on the 2025 products of 802 Wentworth Company, mill 1181 Goldfields Company, shoe and die used in mill of 181 stamps 227 mill, plates in 788 Wessinger, H. J., on breaking 60 crushing hematite at Minnesota Iron Mine . . 60 West Argentine Co., iron stamp frame 225 Western Chemical Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo., milling at the mill of the. R. B. Hosker 2045 Chihuahua, milling in 1664 Wheeled Scraper Co., jaw breaker 25 Westphalia, jigs in 641 mill in 1121, 1177 West Rand, slime settling at 478 West Waverly Gold Mining Company Limited, mill xxviii, 1026 Yankee concentrator of Detroit Copper Co., Bryan mills at 1309 effort to clarify water at 1416 Wet concentration -versus oil process 832 magnetic separator, Conkling 810 screening tests 1138 silver mill 1039 water for 1105 versus dry concentration, bibliography for 837 Wetherill horizontal magnetic separator 805 inclined magnetic separator 807 J. P., magnetic concentrating plant 1054 cost of screens 361 magnetic separators 804, 891, 1156 results of tests of 808 Wetherill plant at Franklin, New Jersey. .835, 1181 magnet 1 156 treatment by the 2028 magnetic concentrating plant, Sterling Iron and Zinc Company mill xxix mill 1060 separator 804, 1521, 2025 A. Smits 2026 at mills . . 1525, 1810, 1826, 1862, 1863, 1891, 1916 attendance required 1525 capacity of 1522, 1523 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Wetherill magnetic separator, electrical and mechanical energy required by 1525 for separating molybdenite and biotite. 1568 Humboldt Engineering Works Com- pany 1530 maximum size treated 1525 proper distance apart for the magnets of 1524 results from 2026 table of dimensions and weights 1522 wear and tear on 1525 width, thickness, and proper conveyor- belt speed for 1523 take-off belt speed for 1524 parallel magnetic separator 804 plant at Lohmannsfeld 2035 -Rowand magnetic separator at Mill 141. . . 1763, 1765 separator in Arizona 2029 Germany 2029 ores suited for the 2029 types of separators. F. Essen 2031 Wethey, A. H., Chili mill 271, 1115 improvements in concentration at Butte 2036 Pratt ore sizer 1360, 2018 removal of wood 1609 Wilfley table 729 lifting magnet at Mill 164 1532 Wetted perimeter in launders 876 W. F. Mosser and Company 76 Wharton magnetic cobbers at Mill 157 1819, 1820 Steel Company, concentrating plant of 1818 Wheal Grenville tin dressing 1082 Wheel agitator 780 Wheeler amalgamating pan 291 H. A., on sizing tests of trommel products .... 383 pans 1282 fine grinding in. W. Broadbridge 2015 Zenas, tappet gib 188 Wheels, dewatering 1590 raff, for New Humboldt concentrator 1494 Wilfley middlings return 1468 sand wheels 864, 1586 Whelpley & Storer pulverizer 236, 289 bibliography for 299 whirling table 236 Whisk broom for plates 758, 760 White, F., fine crushing machines 316 H. A., formula for speed of revolution of ball mills 1337 theory of tube-mill action 1323 tube-mill experiments 1336 T., gravity stamps 224 Whitehead, Cabell and T. M. Chatard, settling of slimes at Republic gold mine, Washington 1176 C., settling slimes 1148 Whitney and Ober, colloidal theory of slimes 1419 effect of surface tension in preventing settling of slime . ; ..... 1414 slime precipitating agents 1416 W. R., chemicals for settling slimes 1419 Whole bed on jigs, defined 495 current box classifiers 443, 1402 labyrinths and runs 447 table of details of 444 means of getting 451 Wickes boilers 1000 Width of amalgamated plates 737, 740 belt elevators 863 jig sieves 591 rolls 83 Wilbraham rotary pump 925 Wild mill 1280, 1304 regrinding mill 2015, 2016 roller mill, table of sizes, capacities, power, weights, etc 1304 rolls 72 Wildman Gold Mining Company xxvii mill 1023, 1184 Wiley, H. W., agricultural analysis xx settling in water 1174 Wilfley, A. R., Wilfley's slimer 2023 group 1464 Bartlett Simplex concentrator 1487 Card concentrator 1481 Christensen concentrator 1484 classification of 1465 cleaned-ore plane in 1465 cleaning plane in 1465 Deister concentrators 1488 depth of bed in 1510 Doddbuddle... . 1481 Wilfley group, Ferraris patent table 1490 James slimer 1491 table 1490 Luhrig-Buss table 1492 McLeod concentrator 1492 New Humboldt concentrator 1493 New Standard concentrator 1478 Overstrom table 1479, 1485 Finder concentrator 1481 principles of action of 1465 roughing plane in 1465 Sutton, Steele & Steele dry table 1479 Woodbury table 1494 head-motion on shaking feeders at Mill 171 . 1868, 1869 launders at Mill 141 1761 Impact screen. J. H. Collins 2018 roasting furnace 1546, 1569, 1923 at mills 1546, 1548, 1663, 1759, 1765 attendance required to operate 1548 capacity of 1548 consumption of fuel in 1548 fines in product sink in water 1547 pyrometer for regulating temperature in ... 1548 size of 1548 wearing parts of 1547 shaft roaster 2029 slimers 1504 A. R. Wilfley 2023 at mills 1628, 1729, 1730, 1855, 1856 feed best suited for 1505 head motion 1504 on natural feed 1505 operation of 1505 principle of operation of 1504 shaking frame for 1504 sub-frame for 1504 trays or decks for 1504 table 670, 1119 as a slimer 1478 coupled with slime table 11 10 effect of appearance vii feed, proper consistency for 1404 for testing 1 153 raff wheel on 864 riffles on 721 testing 1171 test 1165 tests of, at Parrott mill 675 tables at mills . . . 1620, 1621, 1622, 1625, 1633, 1656 1657, 1661, 1663, 1669, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1694, 1695 1703, 1704, 1708, 1709, 1715, 1729, 1738, 1739, 1744 1745, 1754, 1761, 1776, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1811, 1812 1829, 1830, 1833, 1839, 1840, 1844, 1848. 1850, 1851 1852 1855, 1858, 1867, 1870, 1880, 1885, 1886, 1893 1894, 1896, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1929, 1930 capacity of 1469 consistency of pulp for 1848 deck for 1467 description of 1465 elevator or raff wheel for 1468 feed box for 1468 for reworking dumps. T. Tonge 2022 testing 1471, 1990 foundation for 1465 gold saved by in western Chihuahua 1665 head motion for 1466 height of riffle cleats for 1468 in California practice 1619 Canadian mills 2022 investigation of work of 1469 on different feeds, a study of the. R. H. Richards 2022 operating conditions for 1469 riffle cleats for 1467 "setting up" and "leveling up" 1468 sized versus classified feeds for the 1478 speeds of vibrations of deck 1465, 1469 study of the. R. H. Richards 1511 tests on at Mill 162 1493 tilting frame of 1467 velocity of vibrations of deck 1466 versus Card tables at Mill 159 1830 other riffle tables 679 wash water required for 1469 Wilkens, H. A. J 224 and H. B. C. Nitze, plates at the Haile gold mine 787 Wetherill magnetic separators 833 Wilkes, T. A., gold stamp mill 1178 Willemite, detection of. E. K. Judd 1997 110 Pages 1199-1610, Vol. III. INDEX. Pages 1611-2052, Vol. IV. Willemite, phosphorescence of ................... 1931 specific gravity of .......................... 1189 Williams, Albert, Jr., bottom discharge tanks for settling slimes ....................... 476 on settling tanks ........................ 459 G. W., metallurgy at Broken Hill ............. 1568 hinged hammer pulverizer .............. 1281, 1322 J. R., burnt lime for settling slimes .......... 477 cost of milling on the Rand ............... 2049 definition of slimes ........................ 1399 slime precipitating agents .................. 1416 Patent Crusher Company, hinged hammer pul- verizer .................................. 1322 pulverizer .................................. 2015 Wills, J. L., Frisbee Lucop mill .................. 294 Wilson, E. B., stamps for different processes ...... 227 steam stamp ............................ 142, 143 steel for shoes and dies ..................... 185 Wiltsee, E. A. and J. B. Hobson, arrastra at Smarts- ville and Mooney Flat ......................... 290 Wimmer's jig .................................. 643 Windows ...................................... 1100 Windsor cyanide plant, slime settling at ........... 478 Wine Harbor, Whelpley & Storer pulverizer at .... 289 Wings in amalgamating pans ..................... 245 Winnowing ore dry ............................. 825 Winslow, W. H., Ryerson pulverizer .............. 299 Winter, George W., Peck separator .............. 839 Wire cloth, brass ............................... 1364 copper .................................. 1364 galvanized ............................... 1365 iron .................................... 1364 Manufacturers' Association standards ....... 1364 phosphor bronze .......................... 1364 screens, cost of .......................... 361 stationary .............................. 340 Tyler double-crimped ................... 370 steel .................................... 1364 tinned .................................. 1365 Tyler double-crimped mining wire cloth .... 1364 versus plate for testing screens ............. 1138 punched plate for screens ............... 354 for jig screens .............................. 546 gauges .................................... 1194 S. H. Stupakoff .......................... 2019 in screens, use cf bronze ..................... 2019 netting for riffles on dredges ................. 1012 picking belt at Mill 137 ................. 1438, 1740 rope elevators .............................. 862 ropes ...................................... 1095 Wisconsin, concentration in ..................... 1568 southwest. G. S. Brooks ................ 2038 Huff electrostatic separators in ............... 1552 Iowa, and Illinois, milling the lead ores of ____ 2038 Lead & Zinc Co., separation of blende and pyrite 829 practice at Mill 148 ........................ 1792 roasting practice ........................... 1548 zinc milling in .............................. 2038 Wiswall pulsatory concentrator. W. S. Zehring . . . 2023 Wiswell electric ore pulverizer ................... 235 pulverizer, bibliography for .................. 296 Witherbee, Sherman and Company mill. . 1053, 1054, 1059, 1117, 1820 products of WenstrSm separator at ..... 802 Witherite, specific gravity of ..................... 1189 Witkowitz coal washery. H. Fillunger ........... 2052 Witter, magnetic concentration .................. 836 Witwatersrand, cost of producing gold in. 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 general milling practice in ................... 1643 hydraulic stamp used in .................... 1257 mill equipment on the ....................... 2012 milling on the, H. H. Webb & P. Yeatman ____ 2035 practice on the. E. D. Chester ............ 2035 Woakes, E. R., amalgam ....................... 789 at the Espiritu Santo mill at Cana in the Darien .............................. 788 amalgamated plates ...................... 759 concentration in the Koctenay district, B. C. . 2034 Espiritu Santo mill, Cana, Darien ........... 2033 remedy for hard amalgam ................. 2024 Wolf breaker ................................... 56, 58 Wolff, D. D., Waugh & Bignell concentrator ...... 838 Wolframite, hindered-settling test on ............ 613, 617 separated from tin ores ..................... 829 settling velocity of ................. ....... 466, 469 specific gravity of ifie Wolverine mine, cost of mining and milling 1131 Mining Co 1181 Wood and Laschinger, mechanical efficiency of sand wheel 1587 burned to recover gold 177 for launders 872 mill buildings , . 1088 riffles 721 slime table surface 688 stamp guides 155 frames for jigs 522 grizzlies 333 Henry E., amalgam trap for concentrating tables 1516 jig tanks 522 picked out by hand 482 pipes for acid water 1 106 removal of. A. H. Wethey 1609 from ore , . 1607 at Mill 164 1849 removed by hand picking 480 removing device. A. H. Wethey 2031 required for drying 899 retorting 782 sieve frames for jigs 538 steam stamp 136, 201 1 surface for slime tables 695 Woodbridge, D. E., Anaconda concentrator 2040 Arizona Copper Company 1923 and Sonora 1923 concentration at Cananea, Mexico 1923, 2038 in Arizona 2038 La Cananea mining camp 1923 ore dressing at Cananea 1419 water consumption in Arizona 1925 Woodbury-Benedict jigs at Mill 177 1892, 1893 bull jigs 1449 at Mill 164 1849 clean-up jig 1448 concentrators 1494 at Mill 117 1669 distributor 858 end shake vanner 701 Evans, and Collom jigs, capacities compared. . . 1448 Imperial concentrator 2023 jig systems 1440 J. T. Glidden 2022 jigs 1447 at mills 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1900 differential motion for 1457 middlings jig 1448 slime classifiers 1447 at Mill 164 1850 system of ore concentration 1459 table 676, 680 vanner 654, 656, 659 belt 647 Wooden jigs, life of 604 Woods dry placer machine 838, 839 Wood's mill 235 bibliography for 296 Woodward, A. E 476 Woolen blanket tables 703 Worcester, S. A., design of milling plants 2049 Work. See Power. done in crushing by rolls 312 of Blake and Dodge breakers compared 35 classifiers, quality of 461 steam stamps, quality of 134 required for crushing 304 ore 308 Your Own Diggings mill 1021 Working of amalgamating pan 248 Worthington centrifugal pumps at mills. . 1696, 1745, 1881 pump 920 at Mill 175 1890 Wrightson's coal-picking table 2021 Wrought iron, specific gravity of 1189 W. S. Tyler Company 354-355, 370, 1138, 1196 figures on cost of screens 548 Wulfenite, specific gravity of 1189 Wunderlich coal washer (classifier) 477 trough classifier 478 Wynkoop, N. C., mining in New Mexico 2036 W. Y. O. D. mill xxvii, 1021 Wythe Lead & Zinc Co 809 Mine Company, mill xxix, 1065 Wolf-tongue classifier ........................... 1369 improved classifier ....................... 1387 Wolhuter mill, details of stamps ................. 221 Xenon, atomic weight of 1188 111 Pages 1-643, Vol. I. ORE DRESSING. Pages 644-1197, Vol. II. Yagle Foundry and Machine Company, Blake rock 1223 789 229 291 breaker . Yale, C. G., amalgamators Huntington oscillating stamp mill Huntington pan Tustin mill 294 Yeatman classifier 399, 477 Pope and H. H. Webb, hand picking on the Rand 492 milling on the Witwatersrand 2035 on mill tests 1168 stamp mills in South Africa 225 Yellow Aster mill, Randsburg, California 2043 Dog mill, Missouri. R. L. Herrick 2042 ground 1080 Yield of small tests 1168 Ymir stamp mill. S. S. Fowler 2034 Yoke for magnets 794 Young's gold dredge 2043 Yreka, California, dredging at 1007 Ytterbium, atomic weight of 1188 Yttrium, atomic weight of 1188 Yuba River, dredging on 1013 Zacatecas, arrastras at 238 Zaratite, specific gravity of 1189 Zeile Mining Company mill xxviii, 1034 Zenner 479 Zinc amalgam 730 for brightening mercury 785 atomic weight of 1188 Zinc blende and barytes, separation by decrepitation and screening 1565 chloride, a heavy solution for testing 1993 cost of producing 1968 ore, magnetic separation of 809 mill for 893, 903, 909, 910, 911, 958, 961, 965, 1004, 1005 See also Blende. ores, foreign schedules 1933 impurities affecting value of 1932, 1933 Joplin zinc ore penalties 1939 ore prices 1939 marketing 1997 mills for 892, 900, 908, 1060, 1065, 1066 roasted for porosity 829 schedules for calculating value of 1932 separated by roasting and magnetism 814, 815 treatment charge on 1933 value of precious metal values 1939 western zinc ore prices 1933, 1938 plant at mills 1718, 1746 required in precipitating boxes at mills .... 1628, 1632, 1641, 1673, 1678 specific gravity of 1 189 sulphate solution 1156 Zincite, specific gravity of 1189 Zircon, specific gravity of 1 189 Zirconium, atomic weight of 1188 Zirkler, H xx German mill schemes 1174 gravity stamps 223 rolls in Germany 109 slime tables in the Harz mountains 728 Zollverein colliery, air blast at 837 mine, air blast at 839 112 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO* 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month foans may be renewed by catling 642-3405 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing the books to the Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW RECCIPAUG 51384 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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