A.D. 1900. THE or THE Cripple Greek District COLO/^ADO. U.S.A. •=ie>^?»*' PUBLISHED BY FRED HILLS, E.M. (^()/or-■ ALL RIBhTS RESER\/ED. THE PUBLISHER. HAVING COMPLIED WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COPYRIGHT LAW, HEREBY NOTIFIES THE PUBLIC THAT ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED AND ANY INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE VIGOROUSLY PROSECUTED. INTRODUCTION I June, J 9 00. N submitting: this, the first volume of the Official Manual of the Cripple Creek District, the publisher desires to thank the officers of the various r^ companies and others who have assisted him in its compilation, and to state that it has entailed eight months of arduous labor and min- ute research to attain the results now presented. It has been his aim to not only- make the work correct and complete, but also the best publication ever issued of the greatest mining camp in the world — which Cripple Creek justly de- serves this being evidenced by the typographical part produced by The Smith-Brooks Printing Company, and the etchings and half tones by The Williamson-Haffner Engraving Company, both of Denver. All those who appreciate these efforts are particularly requested to forward data relative to any changes in the companies represented herein, and to submit, for the next volume, all information regarding new corpora- tions. The observance of this request will greatly facilitate the compilation and correctness of subsequent issues. FRED HILLS, cMining Engineer. "PUBLISHER, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, U. S. A. ^MISCELLANEOUS INDEX, PAGE Title 3 Copyright Notice 4 Introduction 5 Index to Companies 7-13 Notice of Colored Map 14 Article on the Cripple Creek District by T. A. Rickard, State Geologist 15-28 Article on Statistics of Cripple Creek 29-31 Geological Map of District 32 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. City of Cripple Creek Frontispiece Town of Goldfield 79 City of Victor 101 The Portland Mine 167 Bull Cliffs 235 Stratton's Independence Mine 273 Town of Altman 347 Raven Hill 415 Town of Anaconda 453 INDEX TO COMPANIES. PAGE Abdallah Gold Mining Company 33 Acacia Cold Mining Company 34 Acme Consolidatod Gold Mining Company 33 Acorn Gold Mining Company 35 Adams Express (!old Mining Company 36 Addie C Mining Company 37 Addie E Mining and Milling Company 38 Ader Hell Mining and Tunnel Com])any 39 Advance Gold Mining. Honding and Leasing Company 40 Ajax Gold Mining Company 41 Alamo Mining Company 42 Albemarle Gold Mining and Milling Company 43 Alcyone Gold Mining Company 44 Alert Gold Mining Company 45 Alice Gray Gold Mining Company 46 Alice M. Mining Company 47 Alpha Gold Mining Company 48 Altamont Gold Mining Company 456 Alton Gold Mining Company 49 Amarillo (Jold Mining Company 50 Amazon Mining Company 51 American Consolidated Mining and Milling Company 52 American Eagles 53 American Gold Mining and Milling Company 53 Anaconda Extension Gold Mining Company 441 Anaconda Gold Mining Company 54-55 Anchor Gold Mining and Milling Company 57 Anchoria-Leland Mining and Milling Company 55-56 Anna May (Jold Mining Company 58 Annie Gold Mining Company 58 Antelope flold Mining Company 59 Antlers Gold Mining Company 60 Aola Gold Mining Company 60 Apothecaries Gold Mining Company 61 Arapahoe Gold Mining Company 62 Arcadia (Consolidated Mining Company 63 Arequa Gold Mining Company 63 Argon Gold Mining and Milling Company 64 Arrow Gold Mining Company 64 Arvilla 'runnel and Mining Company 65 Astor Gold Mining Com|)any 66 Atlanta, Cripple Creek and Creede Mining Company 67 Atlantic and Pacific Gold Mining and Milling Company 68 Atlantis Mines Corijoration 69 Atlas Consolidated Gold Mining (Company 69 Autumn Hell Gold Mining Company 71 Avalon Gold Mining Company 70 Avondale (!old Mining Company 71 Bankers Gold Mining and Milling Company 72 Banner Gold Mining Company 73 Battle Mountain Consolidated Gold Mines Comi)any 74-75 Beacon Hill-Ajax Gold Mining Company 76 Beacon Mill (Sold Mining Company 76 Beacon Light Gold Mining ('(uniiany 77 Beatrice C.old Mining and Milling Company 78 Beaver Hell Gold Mining Company 78 Bedford Gold Mining Company 80 Ben Ilur Mining and Milling Comi)any 80-81 Benny and Hefoiin Gold Mining Company 82 Big Dick Mining Company 82 Big Four Golil Mining Company 83 Black Helle Gold Mining ('oiu|)any 84 Blackstone Gold Mining Company 85 PAGE Black Wonder Gold Mining Company 86 Blanche Gold Mining Company S6 Blue Bell Mining. Milling and Prospecting Company 87 Blue Bird Gold Mining and Milling Company 88 Bob Lee Gold Mining Company 89 Bonanza King Gold Mining and Milling Company 90 Bonanza Queen Mining Company 129 Bonnie Nell Gold Mining Company 91 Bourse Mining Company 92 B. P. O. E. Gold Mining Company 93 Bradford Gold Mining Company 93 Broken Hill Gold Mining Company 94 Buckeye Gold Mining Company 95 Buck Horn Gold Mining Company 96 Buffalo and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company 94 Bull Hill Gold Mining Company 268 Bull Hill Gold Mining and Tunnel Company 97 Cable Consolidated Mining Company 98 Cadillac Gold Mining Company 99 Caledonia Gold Mining Company 100 Calumet Mining and Milling Company 34 Cameron Mines. Land and Tunnel Company 102-103 Cannon Ball Gold Mining Company 104 Carbonate Hill Gold Mining and Milling Company 105 Carrie S. Gold Mining Company 106 Catherine H. Gold Mining Company 107 Cedar Hill Gold Mining Company 108 Celestine Gold Mining Company 108 Central Consolidated Mines Corporation 109 Central Gold Mining Company 110 Champion Consolidated Mining Company Ill Chieolo Gold Mining Company 112 Chimborazoo Mining Company 287 C. K. and N. Mining Company 113 Clyde Gold Mining Company 113 C. O. D. Gold Mining Company 114 Colfax Mining Company 115 Colomokas Gold Mining Company 116-117 Colomont Gold Mining Company 118 Colonial Dames Gold Mining Company 119 Colorado City and Manitou Prospecting and Mining Company 120-121 Colorado Springs Gold Mining Company 122 Columbia and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company 122-123 Columbine Gold Mining Company 125 Columbine-Victor Deep Mining and Tunnel Company 124-125 Comanche Plume Mining Company 126 Combination Gold Mining Company 126 Commercial Men's Gold Mining and Milling Company 127 Comnion-\\'ealth Mining and Milling Company 127-128 Compromise Gold Mining Company 465 Consolidated Gold Mines Company 129 Consolidated Night-Hawk and Nightingale Company 130 Constantine Consolidated Mining Company 130 Constitution Gold Mining Company 131 Contact Gold Mining and Tunnel Company 131 Copper Mountain Gold Mountain Company 132 Copper-Signal Gold Mining Company 133 Coriolanus Gold Mining Company 134 Cortland Gold Mining and Tunnel Company 135 Cosmos Gold Mining Company 135 Creede and Cripple Creek Mining and Milling Company 136 Cresson Consolidated Gold Mining and Milling Company 137 Cripple Creek Bullion Gold Mining Company 138 Cripple Creek-Columbia Mining Company 139 Cripple Creek Consolidated Mining Company 140-141 Cripple Creek Free Gold Mining and Milling Company 142 Cripple Creek and Georgetown Gold Mining Company 143 Cripple Creek Gold Exploration Company 144-145 Cripple Creek Imperial Mining Company 146 Cripple Creek Madonna Mining Company 146 Croesus Gold Mining and Tunnel Company 147 Currency Mining Company 148-149 Damon Gold Mining Company 150 Dante Gold Mining Company 151 Dead Shot Gold Mining Company 152 PAGE De Beers Gold Mining Company 153 Defender Gold Mining Company 154 Del Coronado Gold Mining Company 154 Delmont Gold Mining Company 155 Des Moines Gold Mining Company 156 Dexter Gold Mining Company 157 Dictator Gold Mining Company 158 Dillon Gold Mining Company 159 Dold Mining and Milling Company 159 Door Key Gold Mining Company 160 Dnchess Mining Company 161 Easter Bell Gold Mining and Milling Company 162 Eclipse Consolidated Gold Mines Company 163 Eclipse Mining and Milling Company 164 E. F. C. Mining and Milling Company 165 El Dorado Gold Mining and Milling Company 166 Elkton Consolidated Mining and Milling Company 168 El Paso Gold Mining and Milling Company 169 Emma-Aimee Gold Mining Company 170 Empire State Gold Mining Company 170 Enola Mining and Milling Company 171 Enterprise Mining and Land Company 172 Erie Gold Jlining Company 173 Ernestine Gold Mining Company 174 Esperanza Gold Mining Company 174 Estella Gold Mining Company 175 Estelline Gold Jlining Company 175 Eudora Mining and Jlilling Company 176 Eureka Gold Mining Company 176 Fauntleroy Gold Mining Company 177 Favorite Gold Mining Company 178 Figaro Gold Mining Company 179 Findley Gold Mining Company 179 Flower of the West Gold Mining Company 180 Forepaugh Gold Mining Company 181 Fort Wilcox Gold Mining Company 182 Franklin Gold Mining Company 183 Franklin-Roby Gold Mining Company 443 Free Coinage Gold Mining Company 183 Free Gold Mining Company 184 Freeport & Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company 185 Fulton-Marguerite Mining Company 186 Galesburg Gold Mining Company 187 Garfield Consolidated Mining Company 187 Geneva Gold Mining and Milling Company 188 George Washington Gold Mining Company 189 German American Gold Mining Company 190 Gilpin and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company 191 Gilt Edge Gold Mining, Milling and Prospecting Company 192 Gladys A. Mining Company 193 Glasgow Gold Mining and Milling Company 194 Globe Hill Gold Mining Company 195 Golconda Gobi Mining and Tunnel Company 195 Gold Band Mining t^ompany 196 Gold Belt ConsoliibitPd Mining Company 197 Gold Bullion Mining and Milling Company 198 Gold liutlon Mining and Milling Company 199 (Jold Coin Mining and Koasing Company 200 (Sold Crater Mining Conipany 201 Gold Deposit Mining Company 200 Gold Dust Mining Company 202 Golden Age Gold Mining ('ompany 203 Golden Clipper Mining ('(unpany 203 Golden Crescent Water and Mght Company 204-205 Golden Cycle Mining Company 206 Golden Dale Mining and Milling Company 207 Golden l-laijlc Mining and Milling Company 208 Golden I, ink Mining, Leasing and lionding Company 209 Golden 'l'r('iis\ire Mining and 'Puniud Company 210 Goldlield Mining and Leasing Company 211 le Creek make its mark; two years before, tlie name had begun to be mentioned in milling circles, liut the Mt. Pisgah excitement had discredited the district, and the contemporaneous discoveries of large silver lodes at Creede, at I lie head waters of the liio (;ran » ' ■ „;«««.,«/,,■■► * ^ , . t t /(\tl * t I f ♦ -.\-.-\-;«p: -i BASALT. GRANITE. pT^ GRANITE. ORE. excellent illustration of simple dyke structure. The dyke in this case is composed of basalt; it is from nine to fifteen inches in width, and can be easily traced as an irreg- ular dark band traversing the coarse-grained pink granite. The dyke is very well de- fined, exhibiting clear-cut lines of demarcation from the enclosing granite, and it is evident from the contour of the walls that it occupies a fault-flssure. The outline of the east wall corresponds exactly to that of the western one, the movement of the latter having been upward, causing a displacement equal to about fourteen inches. It is a clean-cut fissure in the granite, filled with foreign material, a basic volcanic rock, which probably welled upward in a mobile condition, filling the fissure as it was formed, so as at no time to permit of a vacuity. Compare this with Fig. 4, which is a sketch of a gold-bearing vein, situated at a distance of a few yards from the dyke illustrated in Fig. 3. The country is the same, viz.. granite, but in this instance the vein-filling is not foreign matter, but essentially rock in place; it is granite, altered indeed, but easily recognizable, in spite of the kaolinization of the feldspar and the partial removal of the mica. There are no clearly-defined boundaries between the decomposed vein-matter and the enclosing country, nor is there any evidence of fault- ing. The lines of fracture shown in the granite are the joints of that rock, and those which are observable in the vein itself are not continuous, but rather a closely-knit series of little breaks, which have afforded a passage for a liquid more subtle than the basalt. The vein occupies a line of maximum porosity along which water, more search- ing than any molten lava, has found a way, decomposing the soluble ingredients of the rock, and depositing a minute quantity of gold, insufficient to make the decomposed 22 granite of tlie vein differ essentially from the outer country, but rendering one gold- bearing ore. and leaving the other barren rock. Here we have a dyke compared with a vein and volcanic agencies brought into strong contrast with aqueous action. The faulting along the lissure followed by the dyke is easily seen, but no evidences of such movement can be discerned along the seam of altered granite, which forms the gold vein. Nevertheless there must have been some movement, however slight, because a crack or break, not made evident, can be considered as only latent, until the two faces of it are caused, by that very shifting, so to disagree as to produce the irregularities which, when linked together, form the visible line of fracture. Even the joints in the solid granite require such an explana- tion, and however insignificant the shifting may be, it marks the adjustment of the rock to the effects of stresses, traceable in this case, probably, to the volcanic energies wliii h extruded the large masses of breccia forming the characteristic feature of the geology of Cripple Creek. Permit me to repeat, however insignificant this shifting may have been, it made the rocks pervious to underground mineral-bearing solutions, and where it occurred it developed a series of united passages, which afforded a line of maximum porosity, permitting the circulation of gold-bearing waters. The mines afford illustrations of a great diversity of lode-structure. This di- versity is traceable to the complexity of the enclosing rocks. The variations in ore- occurrence due to this fact explain the vicissitudes which marlied the early history of the district, and the recognition of them should contribute toward the success of future exploratory work. Many of the lodes are essentially dykes which have undergone fracturing, thereby affording an opportunity for their impregnation with gold through the agency of circu- lating solutions. The Moose vein will exemplify this type. The accompanying sketch. Fig. 5, was made at the :!.')0-foot level. From D to F is the width of the dyke, which is Fig 5 Fig 6 / ^o\ ANDESITE •'fed BRECCIA pyriNEPHtllNE BASALT. VEIN MATTER. ORE ALONG SHEETED ZONE. composed of nc|)bolino basalt. It traverses the andcsitc laeccia. wbicli is indicated ai .V.V. The pay-ore extends from \i to P, with a width of ten inches, and is distinguished ifom the remaining and comparatively barren portion of the dyke. ED, a dark bluish grey rock, by being iron-stained and seamed with brown threads in which free gold and tellurides occur. The multiple fracturing, parallel to (ho walls of the dyke. Is a characteristic feature of Ibis and similar lodes, experience having also shown that there is reason to expect the lode to consist of rich ore when it becomes threaded with minute seams fol- lowing these lines of fracture. This feature can be described as a sheeting of the rock; it is a very imporlanl f.iclor iu ore deposition. 23 An example of the latter is exhibited in Fig. 6, which represents a lode in the Moon- Anchor mine. This type of ore occurrence is thoroughly characteristic of the mines in that part of the district known as Gold Hill. The breccia is fine-grained. The partings are about a quarter of an inch apart. They are followed by minute seams of red, gritty clay in which the tellurides can be distinguished. The individual seams are united by transverse impregnations which collectively make a pocket or small body of ore, in which it is not unusual to encounter patches consisting of an almost solid aggregate of crystal- line sylvanite. The sheeted structure dies out into the enclosing country by the process of a gradual widening of the space intervening between each successive parting. The occurrence represented in Fig. 7 is a peculiarly p. rn suggestive illustration of the manner in which a gold-vein '^ J-3- ^ may be formed. It exhibits the Independence lode in the Washington claim, which is a portion of Stratton's Inde- pendence property. The lode, which further north traverses the breccia and is closely associated with a phonolite dyke, is seen here as a band of decomposed granite sub-divided equally by a central thread of quartz. The ore is essentially granite. The enclosing rock is also granite. The portion AC, DF is four feet wide and carries a little over three ounces of gold per ton. The width of four feet which car- ries gold, and is therefore ore, has no parting or wall sepa- rating it from the outer rock which carries none, and is therefore regarded as waste, but it is distinguished from the latter in many ways. The outer granite is fresh and unal- tered, exhibiting its constituent minerals, white quartz, black biotite mica and pink orthoclase feldspar, with great clearness. The inner gold-bearing rock is much altered by decomposition and replacement; the orthoclase alone ap- pears to have survived the general metamorphism; the mica has been removed and, in its stead, chlorite can be seen in green patches; the original crystalline quartz is largely gone and the presence of purple fluorite suggests that hydrofluoric acid may have been a primary agent in that removal; sec- ondary hydrous quartz fills many of the interstices between the crystalline constituents of the rock; in iron-stained cav- ities free gold can be seen by the aid of a pocket lens and the gold is observed to have the dark, lusterless appearance which characterizes it when derived from the oxidation of tellurides. The entire width of this gold-bearing, decom- posed granite is heavily iron-stained by the oxides resulting from the disintegration of the small crystals of iron pyrites which can be seen in an unaltered condition dissem- inated throughout the same lode at lower levels. In the centre of the band of ore there is a distinct parting, BE, which is separated from a persistent thread of white quartz, only about a quarter of an inch in width, by a slight selvage of red clay. At a distance the lode appears as a distinct broad band of iron-stained granite, and it is only by closer ex- amination that the boundaries of it are seen to consist, not of "walls" or of any such evi- dent demarcation, but merely of a transition from decomposed into undecomposed granite. The lodes which have been described will exemplify the extraordinary variety of structure to be observed in the district. Much evidence has been accumulated in support of the most recent theories of ore deposition which are based upon a study of the under- ground water-circulation. An idea has been voiced by those not having authority, such as the scribes of the daily press, that Cripple Creek, both in its earlier stages and now, has set at naught the accepted teachings of geological science. It is a fantasy, born of the necessity of filling newspaper space. On the contrary, it has always been insisted, by the writer among others, that no mining region yields so much corroborative evidence in support of those views on ore deposition which have won general acceptation, namely: that the formation of ore is due to the precipitation of the matter carried in solution by underground waters which have circulated in obedience to the conditions created by the structural relations of the rocks. * 1- SIMPLE LODE IN GRANITE. ndependence Vein in the Washington Claim. GRANITE", f QUARTZ SEAM and SELVAGE OXIDATION. cuAniNr, MARKS WIDTH SHADING OF THE gp^^ V. THE ORES AND MINERALS. The gold, the search for which is the basis of all the mining activity, occurs cither in a native condition or as a telluride. It is found distributed among the interstices of 24 the rock, lining tlie fractures or penetrating the substances of it in threads of varying minuteness. In lodes traversing the granite, the gold, or the tellurides containing it, will be scattered amid the porous cavities due to the removal of certain more soluble por- tions of the rock; in phonolite, the values will be found more frequently along fractures than in the heart of it. 'Ihis renders the last mentioned class of ore very difficult of esti- mation. In the andesite breccia, the component fragments of which are so heterogeneous, the physical character of the rock varies considerably, and the gold values will partake of an irregular sporadic distribution. In the early days of the district many blunders were caused by the fact that the ores are, for the most part, essentially altered rock, in place, impregnated with gold-bear- ing minerals to a slight extent as regards percentage, but to a notable degree in respect of commercial value. The comparative scarcity of quartz and other minerals usually characteristic of gold veins puzzled the early prospectors, and remains to this day a feat- ure of peculiar interest. In 1S93, when \V. S. Stratton, the owner of the Independence, sent several carloads of rich ore from his mine to one of the Denver smelters, the officials at the works thought a blunder had been made, and that loads of ballast had been inad- vertently consigned to them. The ore was obviously granite and it required a trained eye, such as that of Dr. Richard Pearee, manager of the Boston and Colorado Smelting Company, to detect the fact that the mica of the granite had been largely removed, leav- ing small, iron-stained spots amid which were disseminated dull yellow specks of gold. The ore found in the breccia would also deceive the unwary. A glance into the ore bins of the chlorination establishments will exhibit a mixture of broken rock, which looks more like the spoil of a liarren cross-cut than the yield of a rich stope. The petrographer, in looking over this material, would easily label the rock, but if not initiated, he would wonder whether it could be gold-bearing. On being assured that it was valuable as such, he would take a few pieces and break them open so as to examine a fresh surface, and it would not be long before he would see, on the planes of fracture, evidences of richness. The occurrence of tellurides characterizes the district. Whatever free gold Is found in the oxidized ores near the surface has invariably that peculiar appearance which char- acterizes the precious metal when it has originated from the disintegration of tellurides. It is dull-looking and brown, resembling gold which has been precipitated from solution, and is often found in splashes that look like reddish-lirown clay, but, on being burnished, by scratching, exhibit the unmistakable glint of gold. Tellurides are compounds which tellurium forms with the metals, in a manner similar to the combinations formed by sulphur and selenium. The first determination of this interesting mineral species is due to Klaproth, who, in 1802, recognized them in the ores of Zalathna. in Transylvania. Tellurium is a non-metallic element with a metal- lic lustre. In its chemical combinations it acts in a manner analogous to sulphur, which, it appears, at times, to replace. Native tellurium is a tin-white brittle substance with a bright metallic lustre. Its commercial valiie is $3.50 per ounce, but the demand for it in the arts Is very slight and a few shipments demoralize the market, as is the case with most of the rare earths. It is extremely uncommon at Cripple Creek, but in Boulder county it is frequently encountered. A mass, twenty-five pounds in weight, was found, in 1S77, in the John Jay mine, near Jimtown. In Gunnison county, in southern Colorado, it has lately been found in the Vulcan mine, in mica schist, associated with a lode of gold- bearing iron-pyrites, which, in the oxidized zone, includes masses of native sulphur. Telluride ores have become an important source of gold during the past five years on account of the discoveries made in Colorado and West Australia. They have been treated as something quite new and phenomenal. As the result of the success of the two new districts there has grown up an idea that this mode of gold occurrence indicates ore bodies of an especially persistent nature, a fallacy akin to the older one which assumes an enrichment with depth as a general characteristic of gold veins. Tellurides have been mined in Transylvania for a century; they have been known in Colorado, as iniporlant ores of gold and silver, since 1872, two districts, the La Plata mountains and Boulder county, yielding them in commercial quantities. In none of those regions have they been characterized by any especial continuity in depth. Quite the contrary. Until Cripple Creek, and then Kalgoorlie, commenced to make a record, it was generally held, among those who wore aware of the facts, that telluride ores were erratic in behavior and difficult to treat. The former is not more true of them now than of gold deposits in general, while the latter has been largely overcome by the advance of metallurgical practice. The following is a simple test for tellurides: Remove a small bit of the suspected mineral with the point of an old knife, and put it in a porcelain dish or a white saucer. Add three or four drops of strong sulphuric acid, and heat over a lamp. Should tellurium enter into the composition of Ihe suspected mineral, a beautiful pur|)lc will suffuse the 25 colorless acid. The miner's time-honored test is to put the ore in the fire of a blacksmith's forge and roast it. Tellurium fuses at a comparatively low temperature, and becomes volatalized, passing off in white fumes of telluric oxide. If the telluride mineral contains gold, the latter will remain iu the form of globules. Even the precious telluride hidden in the seams of the piece of ore will be exuded as a yellow perspiration. The miner calls this process "sweating," and the reason for it becomes obvious when the results are ob- served. The principal telluride minerals found in the Cripple Creek ores are sylvanite, cal- averite, and petzite. Sylvanite, named after the place of Its discovery, the historic gold field of Transylvania, is the most characteristic of Cripple Creek ores. It is a double telluride, containing gold and silver, an avei'age composition being 28 per cent, gold, 16 per cent, silver, and 56 per cent, tellurium. Sylvanite is a brilliant silvery-white mineral, having a characteristic crystalline habit, to which it owes its other name, "graphic tellu- rium," the arrangement of the crystals resembling Arabic lettering. On account of the absence of silver in the composition of the richest ores of Cripple Creek, it has been concluded that the gold occurs, for the most part, combined with tellu- rium alone, in the form of the mineral calaverite. Calaverite is the simple telluride of gold; pure specimens contain 44.5 per cent, gold and 55.5 per cent, tellurium. It is named after the county of Calaveras, in California, where it was first found, at the Stanislaus mine. It usually carries from 2 to 3 per cent, of silver, which then must be considered as an impurity. The purest varieties have a bronze-yellow color. It is the characteristic mineral of the rich ores of Kalgoorlie, in 'West Australia. Calaverite is rather difHcult to distinguish from iron pyrites; the difference in color is slight, but the former is easily cut by a knife, while the latter will not permit it. The cubic crystalline habit of py- rites will usually help to make it known, because calaverite rarely occurs in any other than a massive form, and has a distinctly conchoidal fracture. Petzite, named after the German chemist Petz, is, like sylvanite, a double telluride of gold and silver, its average composition being 25 per cent, gold, 42 per cent, silver, and 33 per cent, tellurium. It is much darker than sylvanite, being steel-gray to iron-black; it is also slightly harder and more brittle. All these tellurides are distinguished from the baser minerals, with which they may be occasionally confounded, by their peculiarly rich lustre. The lodes of Cripple Creek are further characterized by the presence of fiuorite or fluorspar (the fluoride of calcium), a beautiful purple mineral which is so notably associated with the ores of the district as to have led to the idea that it could he ac- cepted as an Indication of the richness of the veins in which it was found. But, like similar attempts at short cuts to knowledge of this kind, the generalization has proved fallacious. There are several large lodes of very low-grade ore in the district which are purple with fluorite, and there are some very rich ones almost devoid of it. The asso- ciation of the gold and the fluorspar points to a similarity, and possibly a contempo- raneity, of origin; but this fact does not, and could not. predicate whether the quantity of gold present will give the ore an average value of ?2 or of $200 per ton. As a matter of science, both kinds of ore may be considered gold-bearing; as a matter of busi- ness, one spells losses and the other dividends. Below the depth, which ranges from 100 to 400 feet, reached by surface waters, the unaltered tellurides appear in all their untarnished beauty. At a further depth, from 500 to 700 feet, the ores become more complex, because of the increasing per- centage of baser minerals, chiefly iron pyrites, but including also galena ( the sulphide of lead) and stibnite (the sulphide of antimony). This change is important chiefly from a metallurgical standpoint, because the increase of sulphur renders the roasting of the ores more expensive. The general question of the probable changes to be en- countered as the mines become deeper will be discussed under another heading at the close of this description of the district. VI. THE FUTURE OF THE DISTRICT. In spite of the proverbial dlfliculty of attempts to prophesy the future, one can not consider the condition of a mining district so productive, as that of which Cripple Creek is the center, without a glance at the possibilities created by the vigorous de- velopment which is now in progress. In the ninth year of its existence Cripple Creek produced an amount of gold valued at $15,500,000, of which 24 per cent, was distributed in the form of profits upon the operations of the mines. Is this to be the height of achievement? 26 The present boundaries of the productive portion of the district have already overlapped the area occupied hy the breeiia, which, not long ago, was supposed to limit the territory open to successful mining. The central mass of andesite-breccia covers about eight square miles. It is undoubtedly the proper territory for further explora- tion. Recent developments have proved that uo part of it affords greater promise of affording large masses of ore than that which lies along the border separating the breccia from the surrounding granite. However, an important feature of the active exploratory work of the past two years has been the discovery of pay ore outside the breccia, away from the contact referred to, and far out in the body of the granite which, like the sea around an island, encloses the central volcanic area of Cripple Creek. It was surmised by the wriiei', many years ago, that such discoveries would be made, because of the known fact that the phonolite dykes pass out of the breccia into the granite, both in depth and in strike; and wherever the dykes extend, there also the facilities for the circulation of mineral-bearing solutions must in all probability have been afforded sufficiently to permit of the deposition of gold ores. The feature which characterizes the occurrence of ore in the Cripple Creek dis- trict is the comparative absence of any dependence upon a particular rock encasement. Rich ore bodies have been discovered in both the granite and the breccia, and also as impregnations in syenite, phonolite and basalt. Wherever passageways have been af- forded by the fracturing of the rocks, there the ore-bearing solutions appear to have circulated and precipitated their golden freight. Such passageways have varied in their nature according to the physical condition of the rocks they traversed, so that a line of linked breaks in a rock of fragmentary composition, like breccia, has become a depos- itory of ore fully as much as the cleaner-cut fissuring in a homogeneous crystalline rock, such as the granite and syenite. The direction of the fractures followed by the ore has" been determined by the lines of weakness previously developed through the forma- tion of dykes and other bodies of eruptive rock. As a consequence the lodes have a course which is generally sympathetic to the structural relations of their geological environment, although they do not slavishly follow the exact lines of the dykes. The latter are often tortuous in their strike and dip, while the lodes, tor the formation of which they afforded the necessary facilities, tend to maintain a straighter line, which may be seen, as, for example, on Battle Mountain, to cut across bends and irregular sinuosities of the especial dyke with which any particular lode is associated. The results, as expressed on a map, may be likened to a road which follows a river, the windings of which it generally, but not particularly, follows. The map published by the United States Geological Survey marks the existence of several dykes and cores of phonolite outside the central area. Mining explorations have uncovered many others, unknown at the time the government geologists were investigating the district. Pay ore — that is, material which under existing conditions yields a profit — has been discovered in several directions outside the boundaries formerly supposed to limit the gold-bearing territory. The principal finds have been made to the northeast, on the slopes rising from both sides of the valley known as Grassy; to the southwest, on Beacon Hill; and to the south, at Victor. The last is in many respects the most important, because a very large ore body has been opened up in ground which is fully 2,000 feet south of the contact, and therefore far out in I ho granite. This is an event of great importance to the future of the district. l<\irther favorable eviilence is afforded by the extension of the Independence vein, which carries ore in the breccia, at the breccia-granite contact, and for several humlred feet south- ward into the granite along a line which keeps in touch with a dyke of phonolite. The occurrence of very rich, although restricted, ore bodies in the flat sheets of phonolite which traverse the granite of Beacon Hill, is another discovery, made during recent years, of much suggestiveness. The ore-bearing area has been thus satisfactory extended in siriUo, Next comes the question, what of the deep? Has increasing depth coincided with any evidente of impoverishment? No. At least to no greater extent than in oilier ^;old- mining regions. That is. some mines have got out of ore in depth, some ]\:\\v pene- trated into better ore, others appear to be just holding their own. It Is undoubtedly true that a few years ago there was a good deal of limidity regarding the fuluro of the mines when they should become deeper. It was Uiiowii ilial the lodes wniilij cMiuually penelrate into the underlying granite, and it was obvious that those near the edges of the depression occupied by the breccia would be the first to do so. The workings of the Portland and Independence were among the earliest (o pass Into the granite which dips under them on the south and west. Other mines on the adja had a 27 similar experience. But the discouraging results anticipated by the timorous have not supervened. The ore bodies have been found to continue their course amid this changed geological environment, and they are as rich as they were in the breccia. On the other hand, one or two of the deepest shafts have been unsuccessful in developing productive mines, but in these instances the upper ground gave no particular promise of any betterment in depth. Mines, like men, must be exhausted at last; some men lose their vigor long before old age, many die as infants. It is so with mines. Every mine must have a horizon at which it is at its maximum productiveness. What that horizon is depends upon the particular conditions which obtain in each instance. Some ore bodies are like new-born infants and die out as soon as they are chronicled. Many last long enough to enrich one owner and then to delude his successor. Others persist with masterful strength to a great depth and threaten to test the utmost limits of human ingenuity in the pursuit of them underground. The last year has seen a notable introduction of capital from the outside. There is an evident increase of interest in the opportunities, for both speculation and invest- ment, offered by the mines. The sale of several properties has not led to the retirement of their previous owners, but to a revival of activity on their part in new directions. The mining men of Colorado have been bred in an atmosphere of gold-seeking, and the acquirement of riches due to a successful operation only leads to the inauguration of fresh enterprises. The result of these transfers of property will cause an increase of energy in prospecting, and in the wake of such new explorations there will come dis- coveries, one or more of which may prove far-reaching. Whatever development is un- dertaken is likely to be better directed than formerly; an increased knowledge of the local geological conditions and the introduction of a larger measure of technical skill in the underground prospecting will doubtless become evident, both in the lessened costs of operation and in a diminution of merely haphazard explorations. The continued improvement in economic conditions tends to increase the tonnage of ore capable of yielding a profit. The two existing railroads will probably be supple- mented by others in the immediate future, and the further competition thus incited must decrease the rates of transport to the mills and smelters. The latter are in the valley, nor is there any reason to believe that it will at any time be found advantageous to erect reduction plants at the mines. Lack of fuel, a restricted water supply, and the high price of labor all operate heavily against such a plan. Meanwhile the mills of Florence and Colorado City are increasing in capacity and in number, the demand for ores keeping pace with the growth of the ore supply. Although the rates of treat- ment do, at rare intervals, rise to a level which the mine owners consider extortionate, yet in the long run the producer of ore is on the side of the big battalions, because the addition to the number of mills always tends to catch up with the supply of ore and then to exceed it. All the economic factors favor a gradual decrease in the cost of realizing the value of the gold, and this renders available a larger amount of lower grade ore each year, giving an enhanced value to mines which not long ago could not meet the working charges. All the signs are favorable; the brilliant discoveries of the early days and the successful development of the present promise a future which should long maintain Cripple Creek in the proud position which it now occupies, namely, that of the largest and richest gold mining district on the American continent. 28 CRIPPLE CREEK FROM THE STAND- POINT OF STATISTICS my GEORGE REX BUCKMAN WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR THE OFFICIAL MANUAL Mr. Rickard, in his comprehensive, luminous and exceedingly valuable article, has related the story, in most interesting detail, of the conversion in less than a decade of a mountain wilderness into one of the greatest of the world's gold-bearing districts. He has told the whole story; nothing remains for the writer except to present a few figures which in tabular form may serve to further impress the fact of Cripple Creek's rapid growth, as well as conduce to a better understanding of the pages which follow. The spring of 1891 marks the real beginning of mining, though in a small and crude way, in what later came to be known as the Cripple Creek district. The production for this year is a very uncertain quantity, but it surely did not exceed $200,000, and may have been very much less. During the following year comparatively little progress was made in actual mining, prospectors being busy with the location of the available ground in what was believed to be the mineral zone; and the gold product barely reached $600,000. In 1S93 a new impetus to gold mining was given by the tremendous fall in the price of silver; many experienced miners from other parts of the state turned to the new gold fields; Cripple Creek underwent rapid development, and production rose to about $2,000,- 000. The great labor strike of 1894 gave the district a temporary setback, the principal mines being closed down for several months, and as a consequence the ratio of increase was considerably reduced, the production amounting to but $3,250,000. But from that time until the present, development has gone forward by leaps and bounds, until in 1899 the production reached the magnificent total of $19..'>00,000. The following table shows the production of the Cripple Creek district for the nine years of its history: COLD PRODUCTION OF CRIPPLE CREEK, BY YEARS. 1891 % 200,000 1892 5S7.;no 1893 2,010,400 1894 3,250,000 1895 6,100,000 1896 8,750,000 1897 12,000,000 1898 15.000.000 1899 19,500,000 According to the estimate of the Director of the Mint, the gold production of the United States for 1899 was $70,500,000, and of Colorado, $20,000,000. Cripple Creek's pro- duction will (loulitlcss 1)0 i)Iared l)y this authority at about $17,500,000, these ligures being based on returns from smelters, reduction plants, refining works, and on mint receipts, no account being taken of ore mined and unshipped, in transit, or at reduction works, the amount of which was at the close of 1899 far greater than at any previous time. From these figures, which may fairly be compared, it will be seen that during the past year Cripple Crook furnishod over two-thirds of the gold production of Colorado, ;uid nearly one-fourth of the entire production of the United States. Assuming that the world production for the same period was not far from $300.- 000,000. it is further soon that Cripple CreoU, during 1,S99, contributed about onoelghtccnth of the tremendous total. These figures are sufflclently surprising; but. unless the promise of the future should prove illusory. Cripple Creek is destined to play an even more iironi- 29 inent and commanding part in the production of the world's gold. On this point I quote from a statement made by United States Mint Director Roberts, whose expectations of the future of Cripple Creek's gold production are certainly fully justified; "The world does not depend on the Transvaal for its stock of gold. Colorado will produce more gold in 1900 than all North America yielded ten years ago, and this con- tinent will yield more next year than the whole world did ten years ago. Cripple Creek is up to the I'ecord of the Transvaal five years ago, and Cripple Creek, with Alaska and the Klondike, will next year exceed the Transvaal production of 1897." The profits of Cripple Creek mining, as shown by the dividends paid by the com- panies operating in the district, are found to have fully kept pace with the increase in production, as will be seen from the following table: CRIPPLE CREEK DIVIDENDS, BY YEARS. 1893 $ S&,940.00 1894 853,450.21 1895 1,231,000.00 1896 1,176,744.37 1897 1,269,395.00 1898 2,596,145.00 1899 4,354,402.85 Total 111,570,077.43 These totals do not by any means represent the profits of the several years or dur- ing the camp's productive life. Though nearly all the mining property in the district is owned by companies, a portion is in the hands of lessees, while a further portion is owned by companies whose stocks are closely held, and of whose operations the public is not in- formed. In addition, a number of properties included among the profitable producers are owned privately. Has the climax of Cripple Creek's achievement been reached? The answer by those whose opinions are of the greatest value is an unqualified negative. Marvelous as has been the development during recent years, there are no signs of the limit of production being neared; on the contrary, each succeeding year seems to project this point further into the future. But a fraction of the assured gold-bearing area has been as yet exploited even on the surface. There are scarcely a half dozen shafts in the district that have reached a depth of 1,000 feet; the workings of a considerable proportion of the foremost mines are still above the 500-ft. level. Development is still in its beginnings, even within the limits of the producing area, while the outlying districts which compass this central zone offer magnificent possibilities. For a decade, at least. Cripple Creek promises to in- crease. Whether it will finally distance its great South African rival can only be con- jectured, but the expectation is a reasonable one that within a few years its output will equal that of the United States at the present time. Cripple Creek is unique among the great gold-producing districts of the world in that it has been developed almost w'holly out of itself. It was discovered and pros- pected by poor men, who located the claims and determined the course of the great dykes and mineral-bearing veins; the foundations of practically all the great mining companies were laid by men whose only capital was their muscle. The shafts and tunnels which penetrate the golden hills, and the great plants of machinery which dot their slopes have, in the great majority of cases, been paid for with the gold obtained from the identical ground. Few of the companies which are to-day furnishing the bulk of the district's output originally possessed any cash working capital. The leasing system was naturally evolved from the necessities of the case, and through its opera- tions practically all the great producing properties of the district received their initial development. These conditions have favored the multiplication of companies; so that, when properly understood, the fact that but a small fraction of the five hundred prop- erties shown in this volume are developed mines, does not argue against the general success of mining in the district. A great majority of these are owned by companies without working capital, which must depend for at least the beginnings of development on the desultory operations of lessees. But as time goes on the list of "mines" gradually lengthens, as the result of the successful labors of these lessees, while the "prospects" are in turn recruited as the debatable borderland of the district is pushed still farther away. Accumulated royalties from leases enable the companies on their expiration to prose- ciitp systematic development. This is the manner in which the average Cripple Creek 30 mine is evolved; aiul while the jn-oeess generally reiiuires time, and is attended with many uncertainties, it is perhaps, on the whole, the most satisfactory that could be devised. A history of the development of Cripple Creek would be incomplete that did not include a reference to the growth of the mining stock business of Colorado Springs. Since it was Colorado Springs men who discovered and developed the new gold fields — but twenty-five miles distant, as the bird flies — it was but natural that the business of trading in the shares of the companies organized to operate therein should center in that city. It very soon became evident that an exchange was necessary to systematize the business and to afford protection to both broker and client. Of the several ex- changes which have been organized, the original as well as the most important is The Colorado Springs Mining Stock Association, established in May, 1894. During the six years of its existence it has grown steadily in importance and in the confidence and respect of the investing public, until to-day it is recognized as the leading institution of its kind in the United States. It is safe to say that it occupies a unique place among the exchanges of the country. It was organized by the foremost business men of Colo- rado Springs — bankers, merchants and capitalists; and according to its constitution these non-board members must compose the majority upon its governing and principal committees. These men, among whom are the presidents of the four banks of Colorado Springs, had seen the incalculable injury which has been inflicted upon the business interests of many other cities through the questionable practice of their mining ex- changes; and hence they lend their names and give their time and the benefit of their experience to the direction of this most important business interest of the city. It is not surprising, therefore, that as a consequence of these exceptional conditions of its organization and management, the Colorado Springs Mining Stock Exchange has from the beginning been accorded the I'espect and confidence of the public; and it is largely because of the reputation made by this exchange that Colorado Springs, though a com- paratively small city, has become the foremost mining stock market in the United States, upon which business is daily transacted not only throughout this country, but with most of the European capitals. The growth of this business has been very rapid, particularly during the last three years, as is shown by the following table: SALES ON THE COLORADO SPRINGS MINING STOCK EXCHANGE: Shares. Cash Value. 1897 49,723,857 $ 7,573,629.00 1898 66,575,999 10,253,146.00 1899 : 236,165,443 34,446,956.54 The piice of seats on this exchange has also ailvanced rapidly ami is now over $3,000. Its quarters, which were considered ambitious three years ago. are now en- tii'ely inadequate, and a proposal has just been accepteer cent, in the past six years. 31 LEGE^D. viqhL WOO, by Fred SMs. CRIPPLE CREEK MINING DISTRICT. TELLER COUNTY.COLO. Prepared for THE OFFICLU MANUAL B V Chas. J. Moore. E. M. -■ ^ CRIPPLE CREEK. COLO. 32 The Abdallah Gold Mining Company. IiKorporated April 18, 1896. h. \. llci/.c-r President ^''■^'^'"s Si,li;<-.v i;. I'.jirtlctt Vicc-Pi-.-siflfM( t '. Iv I li'i/.iT S('ci-('(jn\\ .M;iiii oriicr N(p. li; X. Xc\;i(l;i iivcnue, ( "(iliii-;iilii S|)i-iiiL;s, ( '()l(ii';i(l(). l..")!!!!, (1(1(1 sli;llcs. I';!!- \;ili:c. Sl.Od. Capitalization lu tiT'asiiry .Jaiiuaiv 1, I'JOO, llKi.oOO sliaics. Owns tlie Mima S., adjoiiiinu llic May !'>.. Property iif till' \\'ii()(ls InvcsliiKMil ( 'c(in]>aii y, and llio ('liiiiax Nil. I ol' ilic l.iiilc I'lick ('oiiipany. 'I'lic .Mima S. lias cond-aclcd iii;lils t(» foil(tw and mine its veins tlu-ouiili and aci-oss tlie Mux B. and I lie M. K. & T. claims, thus fiivliif>' it altonl "SO IVcr additional vein i-iulds. This |)roi)erty contains 1.23 acres, ami is loraicd in section 30, on 8(|ua\\ nionnlain. Tills ])ro]K'rty lias a main shafi :.'(»(» feet deep, and :5(tfl feet of dii ft insi. Development -V steam Iioist lias Ix'cii ordered and the |)r(i|)eit\' is lieinji develojied by lessees. Gross iu'ddnciion hi .(ainiai-y I. Iltdd. :i5l2,O0O.O0. Production The Acme Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incurpoiati'd necember, 1S95. Copyrigni, SOO. byFndHUls .1. K. \'anal(a. ..I'res. and T n -a snrer Directors A\'. K. -Icwctt A'ic(>- {'resident -M. <'. .Mccj^ Secretary 11. ('. iluliistrr. Waller Scott. .Main < )llirr li; X. Nevada ave- mil', ('(ildiadn S|iiinjiS. Colo. l,2r)(»,(l()(l siiares. I'ar \alin', .$1.00. Capitalization in li-casnry -lannai-y I. I!MI(I, S.").- (1(10 shares. ( >\\ lis (he riinler I'xiy and l.i I tie Property .Mice, eoiisistinji' of 20.1(1") a<-res, in the S. \\'. (pnirter section (I on the east side of i;ii\oliie iiioiinlaiii; pal enled : ilainis sideline w i i h e.nli olliej-, iiiakinii all liroiind in a liody. There is a l(((l foot sliafi on one Dovflopmenl claim and a li.") Toot shall on i Iii> oilier. No ore li;is lieell sllip|ied: company is now considerinii leasini!: its property. liiiiliest price for siocl, diiiiin: ISOII, 1 cent ; lowest price for slock dni-iiiL; iSDii. I cent. 33 The Acacia Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Development Production History Incorporated 1895. John E. Hundley President W. J. riinniliers Vice-President 1'. ('. Dockstiuer Secretary Bi-^Ietallio Baulv Treasnrer F. E. rtobinson. I*. K. McArtlinr. A. P.. Sliillin;:. :Maiu Office — I'.anlc hlock, Colo- rado Sjiriniis. Transfer Office — - International Trust Coiiiiiany, Colo- rado Springs. 1,500.000 sliares. I'ar value. fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 8(i.- 900 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900. .f 10,000.00 cash. Owns the Purns and the iMorninii Star claims, both patented and con- taininji- 20 2-3 acres, situated in sec- tions 17 and 20 on Hull hill; tlu- property heinii' formerly owned by the Calumet Jl. and M. Co. ( >n the main works of tlie I'.urns is a shaft house, 40x85 feet, and a tliree- drill compressor and steam hoist. Two lessees, operatiuc,- on the north end of the Purns. are equijijied witli steam hoist and power drills. The main shaft is 350 feet deep, with a 400-foot incline fr(uu the 350-foot level. There is also about 1,000 feet of levels and cross-cuts. On this <-laim there are two lAWv shafts, one on the north enil, 400 feet dee]), with 300 feet of drifting, the other, 200 feet dee]), with 100 feet of driftinii. The ^lorniu!.; Star has a shaft 350 feet deep and 200 feet of levels, and has a compressor plant (3 drills) and steam lioist. Cross production from July, 1899, to March 15, 1900, .fSl.OOO; net roy- alties to the company durinii 1899, 113,000.00. In 1895 the Acacia Company ali- sorbed the Calumet Company. Hisih- est price for stock during 1899, 54 cents; lowest price for stock durinp; 1899, 4 cents. -Sf€^iO: Copyright. 1900. by FredHUh 34 The Acorn Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 28, 1895. < !. ( ". I Iciiifiiw ;iy rrcsick'iit L. E. Iliiwldiis N'icL'I'i't'sideiit S. K. Uiiitlrtl Secret iii-_\' and 'I'l-i-asurer (". E. ^laclaii. A. \V. Siuger. Main Ofliee — (14 I'nstntlice Iniihliin:, < 'nlorado Springs, Colorado. I Copyright,l900.tyFredHUls. Directors l,2r>0,n0() sliares. l»ar valu.-, SI. 0(1. In Ireasniy .la una i\ 1. lilOd. L'.".().(Ht(l sliares. Capitalization Owns ilie Lasi Clianre N'ns. 1 ann, fl 1.2.1 pei- Ihonsand; lowest price for slock dniing 1S!)<), |5.00. 37 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Addie E. Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated April, 1892. E. J. Eaton Presideut J. E. Rockwell Secretai-y and Treasurer C. PI. Mallou. E. S. Woolley. Main (^)ffiee — The El Paso County Al)stract Company, No. 113 East Kiowa street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1000. 250.000 shares. Owns the Hill Top, the Biii Chief and the Little Chief, a total of 29.13 acres, situated in the S. E. j of Sec. 28, on Big Bull Hill. All patented. There is a 200-foot shaft on the property. Greater part of the de- velopment work has been done on the Hill Top. Highest price for stock during 1899, $7.50 per M. Lowest price for stock during 1899, |3.50 per M. 38 The Ader Bell Mining and Tunnel Company. liu-orporatr-il November 25, If^ito. O. If. 1*. IJ;l\t('l-. Directors Pi'fsiflciit. L. 1{. Kliiicli. \'i(L'-l'i-('sidL'iir. M. K. Brio-lit. Sec. iiiid Troas. Mil ill Office— Tllcliln, ( "(ilnratlii. Briincli offict^ — Cdloradi) S])riugs, ( 'oldradii. 2.(»()(»,()()ll sliaivs. I'ai- capitaUiaUon value. 11.00. Ill ti-casuiy -lanuarv 1, moo, L'OO.OOo' sliares; in treasury -Tainiavv 1, I'.MIO. $100.00' cash. Owns the Gold Coin, property 2 1-2 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 19, on (Jold hill; the Hazel Kirk, 5.S4 acres, in the X. E. 1-4 of section 32, on Big Bull hill; the Todos Santos, 7.77 acres, in I he Vj. 1-2 of scctiou :'>2, nil l.illlc r.ull hill; Ihe Hi Ki, 4.()1 acres, in the \\ . 1-2 of section 33, on LJKh Knll hill; and the Ivlna Alice, l.'.M) acres, in Ihe X. 10. 11 of serlinii ."i, township Hi south, raiiiic (lit wi'st. Also a 2(lyeai- lease on lot Xo. 4!), in school section 3G, Gi'ouse iiioiintain. 10 acres. Ail he alioxc claiiiis are jiat- ented. ( 'misideralile de\ cliiiniieiil \\iirk lias I n dune nn all the ilaiiiis Development )\\ neil li\ I his mill |ia II \ . 'I'lie ( l( lid ( 'di 11 has liecii leased t'dP I w d _\ eai'S. Highest iirii-e for sluck diii-ing is'.t'.i. stock (iiiriiiii ISII'.I. 1 i-eiil. 2 cents; Idwesl price foi' 39 The Advance Gold Mining, Bonding and Leasing Company. Incorporated December 13. 1896. Directors A. B. Mclntyre President and Treasurer Josiab Winchester Vicc-rresidiMit A. C. Labrie Secretary A. B. Atwater. AA'. L. Quigley. Main Office— P. O. box No. 681, Vvi\v ple Creek, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, .f 1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 11,000.00 cash. S£C. 1 14. T-I55;R70IV. l/tt/e Violet Copyright, 1900 byFredHULs. Property Owns the Mary Jane, 1-2 acre, in the S. 1-2 section 19, on Eaven liill ; the Bohemian, 6 1-4 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 14, on Gold Quartz bill ; the Golden Wedge, 4 1-2 acres (owns 7-16 interest only), in the S. 1-2 section 19, on Raven hill ; also the Gold Bell, in tlie S. W. 1-4 section 28, on Big Bull hill. The Mary Jane, Golden Wedge and Bohemian lodes are patented. The Gold Bell (not shown on plat) is in process. The company also holds, by lease, the Julia E., located on Kaven hill, adjoining shaft No. 1 of the Advance G. M. B. & L. Co. Development ^^^ Mary Jane shaft No. 1 is down 110 feet, with drift of 145 feet from the 100-foot level. This shaft is being worked with whim. A suit- able shaft house has been erected over this shaft. Shaft No. 2 is down 475 feet; stations at the 200, 300, 350, 400 and 440-foot levels. About Decem- ber 1, 1899, the vein was cut at the 440-foot level. Machinery of this shaft includes a 15-horse power electric hoist, and suitable buildings, including ore house of 30 tons capacity. On the Golden AVedge there is a good shaft house. The shaft on this claim has been sunk 400 feet. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Mary Jane lode. Production Gross production to January 1, 1900, 127 tons. Highest price for stock during 1899, 10 3-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 3-4 cents. 40 The Ajax Gold Mining Company. Iiicorijorated 18'J4. E. A. ("dIIiuim I'rosidcnt Directors J. E. .AlclJiiv Vi(('-l'i-csi(lriil ('. II. DiuUev Secretary ami 'I'icasiiici- .1. (". il.'liii. .Main Ollicc — 14 X. Ncvjida avtnnc, Colorado Springs, Colo. 100,000 shares. I';ir value, fl.OO. Capitaiizaticn Owns the A]>cx, .Monarch, .M;niiiii(illi I'carl, Chaniijion, .Tniie I'lizzard property and a conlrollin.ii inlei'cst in IlalJcll i.^ Ilainlnirg (i. .M. Co.; all patented Copyright. 1900. by FredHiUs T.I5S. R.69 W. e\c(|il .luiic r.liy,y,;ii(l iiiiil I lie < )i pliii Nell (receiver's receipt I ; nlinut 2S acres in all, in llie S. W. 1-4 section 2!», on T.attle monntaln, ne:ir the Dead I'ine. Tlie lliilh'll \ jhiinhnii: iuid llie Orplni Xell ;ire ;i l;ile imiclnise ;inil coniiu-isc llie linldinLis ot I he Ihdlell \ ll.-inihnri;- C. .M. ( 'o. iletei- |(. lal Ici- tor ]ilai. 'I'lieie is on ihc |iio|ieil\ :i slial'l iionse, eniiine lionse, lilacksniit li >liol) and ore lionse coniliined ; I wo 100 liorse jiowcr hoilers; two Nor\\;ilk eoiii|iiessois ; one donlile I'eel (ii'st motion hoist iind a ti-i|)I<' compartnHMil shall. The ma in sjiati is (1(10 feel dee|i, with a I ion I 5,000 feet of di'ifls ami cross-cnts, also a few small shafts. The projicrly has been woi-ked liv the company nH>s11y since ISO.". The ((nnpany is now addini; one of tiie largest hoislini: iilanis in I lie disi i-i<'t. ( )w ing to this heini; a \ei'v close coi-porat ion. it is impossilile to nscer- lain liu' jirodnction, which has iieen considerahle in fact wvy large. Development 41 Directors Capitalization The Alamo Mining Company. Incorporated 1892. John W. Pi'ondfit President C. Tl. liryan Secietiiiy and Treasurer K. P. Rnl.Mtr. J. J. ITn.iihes. J. .AlcK. Ferriday. Main Office — 10 Ilajicvnian Imildinu, rolovadi) Si>rinjis, Colorado. 1.000.000 shares. Par value, ."^LOO. In ricasurv .Tannarv 1. I'.lOO. .s.-,(),000 casli. Copyright !900 byFredHdls Property Owns Little llncklcberry and parts of White Elephant, Happy Day and Fraction No. 1, in tlic X. W. 1-1 section ID, on Gold hill, near the Mary McKinney, Anaconda, Lexington and Auolioria-Lelaud properties. All the property is patented. In 181)9 the northern ]>ortion of the original holdings of this company's property was sold to the Rittenhonse G. M. Co. Development A shaft has been sunk 200 feet deep and 50 feet of drifting on the Happy Day claim. Highest priie tor stock during 1899, 12 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 4 3-4 cents. 42 l"Ul( The Albemarle Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated Novemljer l!t, IMty. W. II, Mclz Prosidcnl. r>. I'. Anderson Vice-l^ivsidcnl A. ('. Iliirl Sccrclaiy I. S. I lariis Tiviisuier J. K. Vaiiatta. .Main (Ulice- -Xu. 112 Ea.si ('niliarras sircci, Colorado Spriiij;s, (_'ol ). 1. (Kill. (1(1(1 shares. I'm- valne si. 00. In treasiiiv -lannarv 1. r.XIO, C'.I.OOO slinres. Directors Capitalization Copyri^M 1900. by Fred fiills Owns llie T'llaek Waliiiil, 10 \-'.\ acres, in tlie \. W. 1-4 section <>. on property Kliyolite nionntain; tlie Amazon, ahnut S 11.' aci-es, in tlie \. W. 1-4 section (■>, on Klivolite nionntain; and ilie ('lo\ci- Leaf, !i. J.") acrt's, iu tlie \. 10. I-I section Hi, fo\vnslii|) I 1 sonili, lan^e CII wesi, on .Xspen inoiiii- tain. .Ml palenled. Tlie ( 'lovei- Leaf, heinj; outside llie Clilijile Creek disi i-icl, is net ^liow n on plat. ( >ne loi; caliiii. 'I'lici-e aic several slial'ls, none ol' lliein o\i'i' 1(1(1 feel d('e|i; also one Innnel of KlO feel. .\(li\e de\ elo|iiiienl worU has ceased for the present. Development The company discontinneil wdrk when fnnds were exhaiisled, al History Ihoiiiih the indications wci'e \ei'y fax (iralilc. The company has had sev- eral o|iporl n nil ies to lease, reliisin;^ llK'in hecanse Imnd was reipiired. The jiropei'lN shows strong nn iiei-ali/,ed leads aiel has fnnnslied some hi^h assavs. the best hein.ii >?;'>- 1. (10. 43 Directors The Alcyone Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 1, 1896. R. W. Griswold Viie-President Spencer Penrose Secretary C. M. MacNeill Treasurer Geo. F. Fry. Main Office — Room No. 11, El Paso Bank buildiuji, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization Property Development Copyryht ISOOty Fred Hills 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Tn treasury January 1, 1900, 112,700 shares. Owns the Dome City, about 2 acres, in the N. E. 1-1 section 17; the Bull King, about 3 1-2 acres, adjoining the Dome City, not shown on map; the Mollie Gibson No. 2, 9.24 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 7; the Toga, Alcyone and Atlas, about 27 acres, on the east slope of Big Bull mountain, not shown on map; the Inez ]\I., about 3 1-2 acres, on the west slope of Squaw mountain, not shown on map. The Mollie Gibson No. 2 is patented. Dome City and Bull King in process. Remainder held by location. The Inez M. is in litigation. Work sufficient to obtain a patent has been done on all the claims. The Inez M. has a shaft 150 feet deep. The greater part of the develop- ment work is being done on the Inez M. and the Mollie Gibson No. 2. 44 The Alert Gold Mining Company. Irnorporatcd .Jannar> 14. 1896. Wm. il. Ki'\ iiulds rpcsideiit W. S. Harwood Vicc-l'icsident J. V\'. D. Stovell Secretary O. W. Pitcher Treasurer .I..I111 II. Wliyte. Main Office — Eoouis 21 and L'2. rnslotticc hhirk, ( "oloradd Spriniu'S, <'nl(irad(i. 1, not), (»()() shares. Par value, ^\MK In treasnrv January 1. r.t(MI, ,">(», 000 shares; in treasuiy .laniuny 1, l!t(»(l, ahnut .s.-),'oO0.00 cash. Directors Capitalization ( )\\ lis I lie KalaniaziKi and IJl I le -loe. (■(uilaininL; lit ."j-S acres, sil iialed ill tlie X. W. 1-4 of section 20, on Hull hill ; the Co/.ad No. 2, conlainiiiii' about '■> 1-2 acres, in the \. W. II of section 21, on Siiiiial hill, which is not show 11 on |iial ; also owns lease on a ]iortion of tin' l)iaiiioiid and Hardwood claims of llie haiiion coiiiiiany, to run 14 iiionlhs Iroin dali', or until AI;i.v 1, IIIOI. Kalamazoo and Little Joe are iialenled; tlie ( "ozad No. 2 in ])rocess. .'{0 II. r. electric hoist, 1.") II. 1*. steam hoist, I drill air compressor, SO II. I'. Iioiler on tlie 1 >iimon lease; a laryc shaft house on llii' Kalama/.oo. The Kalama/.oo has a sliafl .^(lO led deep and fiom 1.0(10 to 1,200 feel of cross-cut I inii. ( >n ihis claim and on the lalile doe (here are sexcral sli;tfls of from 20 to (irt feel. (Jreater jiart of Ihe dexciopmeni work has lieell done on llie Ka la liia/.oo. where lliere w eie several \eins cul in cross- i-nlliiiL;. 'I'lie work mi lliis propeiiv was done lictiuc llii' com|paii\ owned il. (Jioss iH'uduclinii Id .laiiiiarx I. IllOll 1 oil leasei, alioiil ."< r_'."i,(IO(l. Slock sellilli: lor ;!0 ceul.s ill .\|i|-il, I'.IIIO. Property \^ -vflitpniont Piodurlion 45 Directors The Alice Gray Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November. 1895.- E. T. Fahey President Joseph Parnell ^'i(■e-l•l■es!(l('ut John Bridge Secretary and Treasurer I. S. Harris. J. 1>. (lavitt. Main OMce — The Out AVest Printing and Stationery Company, ( "ok)- rado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Parvahie, fl.OO. Property Development Owns tlie Alice Gray, tlie Qneeii Tsaliclle, the Helen E., the Ben Bolt and the Sam ftale. ahont 28 acres in all. sitnated in the X. E. 1-4 of section 0. townshiji Id sniitli, range (111 ^\■est. In one grou]! on Straiili iiiouiilaiii. All patented. On Alice Gray a ?,0-fo, 1'. ( ». IniildiiiL;, Culuradu Si»riii;j,.s, Colurudo. I,2o0,(l(»0 shares. I'ai- value, !?1.00. In treasurv JaiinaiN 1. l!l(l(», iL'.OOd sliares. Capitalization ()\\ns ilie .Mice .M., siliialed ill llie N. E. 1-4 of sedicin 7, (diilaiii-Propcrty iiii; S acres; also the Sinui;,ulei-, in llie X. \\'. II iif sedinii 8, coulaiii- ini: 7 acres. ISnlli claims paleiited. 'I'licse piupcri ics are Incaicd on the iiurlli and easi sk)i)e of Tendurl'uul hill. The .Mice y\ . claim has a !U1 foul shall and ihe Snill;^L:ler one of Development (iO reel. Ili^liesi price lor stock dniiii.ii lS!l!t, 1 I 1' cents; lowest price for stock dniiiiL; IS'.I'.I. .s:!.(lil per ihonsand. 47 Directors The Alpha Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December, 1S95. A. Keyuolds President E. P. 5?hove Secretary Sherwood Aldrich. (_'. A. Steyu. S. S. :M(irris. Capitalization Main Office — 9 S. Tejoii street, ('(pluradu Springs, ( '(iloiailn. 1,000,000 shares. I'ar value, §1.00. In treasury JaniiarA 1. lilOO. 37.';.000 sliares. Copyriahi. 1900,by Fred HiUs Property Owus the Alplia, conlaiiiinu S.(;77 acres, situated in tlie S. W. 1-4 of section 31, townsiiip 15, sontli of range <>!> west; also the Noonday, t-on- taining 4.717 acres, same location, both on S(iiiaw mountain. P>oth claims are patented. ()n the Alpha is a shaft 160 feet deep. The Noonday has a shaft 100 Development j^^^,(- (]ggp rpjj^^ greater ]nirt of the development work is being done on the Alpha. 48 The Alton Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 5, 1S'.I5. Thos. ( ioiieli l'rL'si. low ii>lii|i I tl si.ii I li ul' ran.iic 7(t uesi ; the Ilia 'I'a.Nlnr. (nniainiiiu I \'2 aeres, (Ui (iuld hill. 'I'liis laller is iiol show II nil mail. Unili in iirncess of jialeiil iiiu. 1 liuliesi ]iriic for slock diii'iii.i; ISOO. ."*."». 00 )ier ilioiisami ; lowcsi |irice for slock diiriii- 1S!»!», fll.dd |icr llioiisaiid. Properly 49 Directors The Amarillo Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September 23, 1895. •John Leuiiox Presideut \\'. W. Brvaii Vice-Presidcut K. .MiicMillau t^ecretai-j- F. D. Fox. ^laiii Ollicc — \o. 24 ^Midland block. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,(»00,()00 shares. Par value, si. (id. In treasury .January 1. 1900, IOC. 000 sliares. Property Uwiis the Amarillo, Dinky, Texas, containing respectively 10.331 acres, 7.511 acres, 7.313 acres, situated ou Iron mountain, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 10, township 15 south, range 70 west, and in the N. AV. 1-4 of section 11, township 15 south, range 70 west; also the Annls K., ti.400 acres, in the N. AV. 1-4 of section 8, on Tenderfoot hill. The Amarillo is patented; receiver's receipts held for the other claims. Development On this iirojterty there is a shaft and tunnel workings of about 300 teet. The greater part of the \\ork is being done on the Amarillo, which is leased for eighteen months from September 25, 1899. 50 The Amazon Mining Company. Incorporated. James F. liiiiiis President Wni. Lennox \'i(('-I*resi, I'.ldd. .\s llie Ollicia] .Manual i^ocs lo press. Max, I'.tdd, il is I'eporleil llial llic I'rov idcnce . Linch, president ; S. I'\ Keilh, vice-])resi(lent ; Thas. Directors ' II. I'elers, secretary; l'\ .\. I'.ailey, treasnrei-; 11. S. Shaw. Main OHice — 307 Mininj; Exchimj;e Imihlin;;, henver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par \alue, .i|;l.OO. In licasnry -laniiary Capitalization 1, l!t(K), JOO.OOO shares. ( >\\ tis I he Yankee .lim, sitnated in Ihe \. E. 1- 1 of section Property \ .'{2. containini; 7 1-2 acres, on the son th slope of I'lattli' monn- tain: also the (Jnlil .Magnet, coiit^nninjj: !l acres, on Ihc north sl()|ie of Tenderfoot hill, ami t he \\'al(lorf, sil iialcd son I liw est of ('i-i|(ple ('reek. The last two aie iKit shown on phit. The '^'ankee .lim is patented. The Waldorf and (lold .Mai^rid in process. The conip.iiiy also owns the .\merican and \orlli .\merican on (iMiincll hill, ('mlral ('ity, paleiiled. ann llie \arioiis claims alioni .*7.(l(MI of dc\ cl(i|imcnl work has liccn Development done II 1 1 In date. Ore has hccn sliipiicd lidiii I he ( 'ent ral < 'ily projiei'ty. IliL^hest price for slock diirini: ISI(!I, I .'l I cents; lowesi price foi' stoi'l; duriii'' ISHII, I cnil. 53 The Anaconda Gold Mining Company. Copyright, 1900, by Fred Hills- 54 The Anaconda Gold Mining Company. I iieorpoiated June 21, 181)2. 1). 11. .M..ll;il I'lcsi.lclil Directors David Ituliid.nc Nice I'lcsidciii K. ]J. Kcid SLMictan U. E. Hoss-Lcw ill 'riiMsuicr Elicii Siiiiili. 'riius. Kc'clv. 1). L. Wcl.li. .Main ()lli(( — S'27 iv\iliaiiu<' Imiidiiii;, Drimr, ( 'niiHiuUt. 1,000,000 sharc-s. i'ar value .^5.00. Capitalization 111 treasury Jauuaiv 1, 1!(00, ir),(Ml() sliaics; in ircasniv .laiiuaiv 1, 1900, 1505.30 cash. Owns tlie I.one Star, Lone Star No. 2, l.oiie Star No. :}, Kiisller,^''"^"''' I'litt'er, .Vuacoiida, l,l.s;! feet of tunnels, drills and w iii/.es; in its last i-eporl it claJMis ore sales diirini; IS'.i'.i of !),:)125.5S Ions i>{ mill on- nf averaji'e net value u\' ."S7..'!5 |ici- imi. inakinii ."«;5S,5!).'S. .'!.'!, and l!l..'t7 ions smelter ore, a\crai;<' \alur slll!.J«>, inakint;- SlMll.OO, or total of sTl.010.24. rrodnninii lu .lamiai-y 1. I illdl, .vl .dill . 17(i.S2. Production lliiihest priee for slock dniinu is'.l'.i, 51t ceiils; hiwcsl price lor stock diirin- is'.li), 13 cents. In .Ma\', I'.tOO, an (dforL was made i\ .Mr. .1. T. .Millikcn and associalcs. who lia\"e assnnicil Ihc liahililics. The Anchoria-Leland Mining and Milling Company. Incoriioratcd Miiy IH. lS;i2. Irvinn llowhert I'resident Directors ( '. W. How hell X'ice I'resideni I', i I. ( lay Secretary .;. ( '. IMumli Treasurer S. X. Xye. I'Mi^ar i Inw heii. .John i'uller. Tl p. I laiiis. m. W. r. .\iidersiin. Main OHice 22 first Xalinnal I'.aid, lihuk. < 'iilmadu Sprinirs, Colorado. (rONTISfKI) OS TAUK Trfl.) 55 Capitalization Property Development The Anchoria-Lcland Mining and Milling Company— continued. 60U,U0U shaiL's. Pur value, .?1.U0. Owus Aiie-liur, Auchor Is'o. 2, Cuuuudniui, Midlaiid, Lilliau Lelaud, Chauoe, City \'ie\v aud Cottuutail. I'l-opei-ty is located iu X. \\'. 1-4 of sectiou ly, ^'. E. 1-4 of section 24 and the !S. E. 1-4 of section i;J, Gold Mil, Cripple Creek district, Colorado. All property patented. Parts of Conundrum, Anchor and Chance are leased. Surface improvements consist of shaft iiouse, machinery , assay luiild- ini; and oftice building; boiler house and water tank. Machinery com- prises two KlO-hiu'se power boilers, one eight-drill air compressor, one four-drill air compressor, aud hoist good for l,(l(IO-foot sliafl. all on the Chance claim. On the Lillian Leland, shaft house aud small plant of machinery. The Chance claim has shaft '.)'>() fc't deep aud over (;,(»(>(» feet iu drifts. The Lillian Lelaud shaft is 20(1 feet deep and a suiall amount Copyryht,1900, by Fred Hills. of drifts. On the Conundrum, Anclior, Anchor No. 2, Midland aud City View, surface ijrospectiug only has been done, most of the development work having been done on the Anchor and Chance claims. This company being a close corporation, nearly all of the stock is held by the directors and their j)ersonal friends, there being only about lb, 000 shares for gen- eral sale. The company has been very successful in its operations. Some time ago the workings of this company were somewhat retarded by the heavy flow of water, but the various tunnels that are working under Gold hill have now drained the luiue so that a much heavier (int]Mit is expected. Production to January 1. U»00, over .fl, 000,000.00. Dividends up to January 1. 1900, 1198,000.00. Last dividend i.aid was A])ril !.">, L'<99, |is,ooo'.oo. Highest ]irice for stock during 1899, 9.") cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, (iO cents. Production 56 ^^-^ The Anchor Gold Mining and Mill- ing Company. Incorporated May, 1894. j^,^| T.. ('. Wcy.inc] I 'resident Directors StC 7. -'^'- '^^ "<'i''iii^ X'ice-l'res I K. .M. I'm-. \\ i-v:llid. I>. I'. Callirart. .Main ( Ulicc — F r e e ni a ii liiiildini.;', ("olofado Sjiriiijis, 1,250,000 sjiai-i's. P a r Capitalization valne, 81.00. In treasnrv Jannary 1, litOO, 21!t.l.'.".(l shares: in tVeas my .laiiuaiy 1. liMKI, .sl,l(l(i rasll. Copynght. BOO. byFnd Hills. Owns the AIafi;])i«', 7 acres, in llie S. W. 11 df seciinn 7. 'rendi-iloDl Property liill ; Black Jack, lOan-es, S. W. 1- 1 of seci idu L'.">, nn iSeadui hill: I'dverly, 7 acres, in Die N. W. 1 I nf seri ictn 2."). on lleacnn hill, and i he ( »rn, ;'. aeres, in the N. \\. 11 nf seelicm 1 1. rmiLie 70 west, on .Mineral hill. .\ll pal cntcd. On .Vjiril 27, I'.MM), ihis ruin|iany |Mirrliased, I'nr .>tt feel of drifts; one shaft 10(1 feet and one SO feet. On the Coniprouiise ihere is a shaft 10(1 feel dee|i. wiili IdO feet of cross-cut tin:;. This is a new coni|pany, \\iih -oml prosiiects for mineral on accounl of its jiroximity to ]>ayinii mines. Ilii:licsl |ii-ice for slock durini; isii'.i. | I l' cimiIs; IowcsI price for stock dni-iuL; 1S0!>. L' I L' cents. 69 The Antlers Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Development Incorporated 1896. B. B. (i rover President W. K. Siuton Vice-President E. B. Taylor .... 8ee. and Treas. Bohcrt Hale. J. K. Brunner. Main Uffice — No. 25 .Midland blocii, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Par valne, .fl.OO. In trc^asnry January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares.' Owns the Uufiis, containing 10.091) acres, situated in the S. AV. 1-4 section (!, township 15 sontli, range GO west, on Tenderfoot hill ; also the Leonard and the Cumber- land claims, containing about 1 acres, situated in the N. E. 1-1 .section 21. The Cumberland and the IkUfus are patented. The Leounrd is in process of patent- ing. On (he Iiufus there is a tun- nel from 00 to 75 feet long. The Leonard has a shaft about 40 feet deep, and also some drifting. These two claims are receiving the greater part of the develop- ment work. Highest price for stock during during 1899, |2.00 per M. SEC.6 SEC.7. T.I5S Capynqht. 1900, by Frtd HtU 1899, 3 cents; lowest price for stock Directors Capitalization Property Development The Aola Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S93. D. Weyand I'resident 'L V. Wandell. .Secretarv and Treasurer F. W. Laurie. W. O. McFarlan. Main Office— No. 112 East Pike's Peak avenue. Colorado S])riugs, Colo. 1.000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 15,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .'if225.00 cash. Owns the Cold Cup and Something (Jood, 6 acres in all, situated in the W. 1-2 of section 19, on the north slope of Kaven hill. All patented. There is a small shaft house and a horse whim, owned liy (he lessees. A shaft has been sunk 240 feet. Greater part of development work has been done on Gold Cup. Highest price for stock during 1899, 7 1-4 cents stock during 1899, 4 cents. lowest price for 60 Capitalization The Apothecaries Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 14, 1895. S. Ben Siuitli, president; J. 1). Allaire, viee-prejsident ; Ilni-icc Ciiiui Directors licld, secretary; Adolpli i'elirinjier, treasurer; J. K. ^Jiller, 1!. 11. drDVcr. .M. 1».. 1*. A. I'riinean. .Main Uttice — Colorado S])iin;;s, Colorado. Transfer Offices — IJoom No. 1, IJ. & M. tiinik. DciiNcr, Colorado; suite A and B, St. I'au! l.uildinii, New York City, li,!'.-)!*,!!!)!! shares. Tar value. .'^^l.iM). In treasury January 1, 1!I0(), alioul I(t(l,(IO0 shares. Owns the Chicaiio, '■\.7)(i2 acres, in the S. 1-2 of property _^^,tf" section 2, on Bed mountain; the Silent Friend, Hid- den Treasure, Monarch and Bonanza Kin;Li, contain- inji 2r).i)42 aci-es, in the S. 1-2 of section 2, on IJed mountain; the Bonita, 7.771 acres, in the S. 1-2 of section 2 and N. 1-2 of section 11 ; the Ci-and Bei)ulilic, I'renchnian and Don l*edi-o, conlaiii ins '^•••^O'i acres, in sections 11 and 12, on the north slope of ^lineral hill and on Sju-iuii creek; the .Mammoth, :i.l(;2 aci-es, in tin- X. W". 1-1 of section 12, on the north sloi)e of Mineral Jiili; and the Ecce Ovo, (-(mtaininii ahoni 7 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 scclion 12 and S. W. 1-4 section 1. The total inddin^s of this company coni- l)i-ise .18 acres. The Chicaiio is jia tented. Beceiver's receipts are held for the following: Silent Friend. Hidden Ti-eas- urc, .Monarch and Maiiiinol li. .\]| I lie others are in process of patcntiiii!,'. The Crand Bepulilic has a cross-cut tunnel \~>?\ feci in h-niilh. \ alues assay from $12 to .if;}tl. The Chicasii) has a ")(!■ foot tnnucl. .\ssays fi-om |10 to >i;22. .Monarch has a shaft ii( CS feel aiKl dl-ift of 12 feet. .\s- sa\s a\er;i^e fniin .'^2(1 to .'it;2r). The Silent Friend has two shafts, (lUe of :!.") feel, one of ■"II feel. 1)(UI I'edro has a .".O fool shaft ; also li-eiu-hes. ( )n Ihe Hidden 'i"i-easuve is a welltini- liered shafl, alioul 70 feel deep. Bonila has a sliafl .'«(( feei deep ; I'renciimaM a shall of tiO feel dei)tli. Assays rauiic from f22 to .'^:'..". .Mauiniotli 1ms a .">()- fool shafl. .\ssays from SS lo .$;!!). ()n the nmnerons ri;iinis Iheic are also \-arious older prospeci Iiil; shafts. .Micady lielween .'^ 1 .">.(!( II) and s235 and upwards have been obtained. 62 The Arequa Gold Mining Company. r.l55.R.59>V. Copyright. iSOO.by FredHills. Incorporated January 3, 1896. Wm. A. Otis I'rcsldent E. AV. C.iildiii.iis, Ji- \'i((' ri-csi(l(Mi1 C. S. Wilson Secretary and 'i'rcasnrci- — <\ ]v 'I'ilus. . .Asst. Secretai-y and 'ri-cas;ircr N .1. ('. ('nnnor. Geo. 10. Lindlcv. .Main ( Hiicc Win. A. Otis c^ Co., (lid- diii;;s liuildinu, <'iiioi;Hlo Splines, ('olorado. 1.250,0(10 sliarcs. I'ai- value -sl.Od. In trcasnry January 1, I'JOU, 2G5,li,t.J ^ sliarcs. Owns lots llo, Idoclc :So. (J ; lots 7-10. 3841. in Mock Xo. 3; lots 3-10, 13-30, in block No. 4; also the lloiiicslcad claim, in the N. E. 1-4 section 31. The c(»ni])any also own \eiu rights ou block No. 5. All the property, an estimated 9 1-2 acres, is pat- ented. Directors Capitalization Property One shall (IT teel dec|i. with .~)0 feet of di-il'ls, on block (i, on the same dyke as the .Mabel .M. Shaft 27 feet dee|i on block 4, on a large dyke, running northwest towards the Chicken Hawk. Shaft lion.se on this claim. These two (l\kes intersect near the conlai-l, or granite rim. Lessees are cniiiem])laling spending .*10,000 in de\clo]inienl woik on the crossing of ihe i wo dykes menlioni'd ;ind Innc incor](oraled a leasing company to begin Ibis ■work al once, under Ihe nai f Ihe jlig five Leasing ( "oiiipan\'. Development The above lots were piii-chased at dilfereiit times fi-om ^Fessi-s. T?(mi- nel I iV .Meyers, and the llomeslead lode was located by Mr. Leaxcnworth. The dyke lode, in- \('in, i-unning northwest on (Jiiyot hill, is o\fr 100 feet in width: and llie other, running norllieasi from r.e.-icon hill, extends in widlh from ihe llomestead west lo the Si. Thomas lode, crossing boih blocks No. .") and No. (i. History The Arcadia Consolidated Mining Company. Incnrporatoil. Owns a jiart of llie Lone Star No. I ;iiid a |iai1 of ihe .\lic Lincoln, conlaiiiiiig about .I ncres, in the S. Iv 1-1 section 11!. This propei't\' is owned b\ .Mr. W. S. Strallmi. of < 'olorado S|)i-ings, ami map of same can be seen iiy I'cferring to "St rat ton's gi-oni>" under "S." Property 63 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Argon Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated January. 1896. Clias. E. Cheri'iniiton I'resident Juf). F. Bishn]i Vice-PresidenI Wm. Barl)er Sec. and Treasure;- Aiiiiiistine P^roimii. W. K. Dudley. 'Slain Office — 23.") N. Union avenue-, Pueblo, Colorado. 1.200,000 shares. Par value, |!1.00. In treasury January 1, 1!)00, 270,000 shares. Owns tlie Cripple and Little l-'lnr- ence claims, situated iu the N. ^\'. 1-4 of section 12. containinii- 7 acres, on Mineral hill. Ileceiver's receipt for both. Deepest shaft, 65 feet. Highest price for stock dnrini; ISlttt. 1 cent per share; lowest price for stock during 1899, itfS.OO per thousand. Copyrigfa, !900, tyFredHills. The Arrow Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Incorporated July 20, 1899. Chas. rarns\v(u-th Presidi'iit Franklin E. Brooks. . . .Yice-Pres Amos S. Andersnii Secretary T^. P. Davie Treasurer II. L. Shepherd. Main Office — 50 Bank building. Colorado Springs. Transfer Office — International Trust Company, Colorado Springs. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. In treasurv Januarv 150.000 shares. Owns a portion of the Ida Bell Nos. 1 and 2; also a portion <>f the Orphan Nos. 1 and 2. containing 7.0 acres. Patented. These claims ad- join the Buena Vista lode of the Isabella companv, in the N. E. 1-4 sec- tion 20, on Bull Hill. The property is being developed by lessees. On the property is a hoist, horizontal boiler and air compressor. Between July 1, lSl)!t, and January 1, 1900. .f 15,000. 00 has been expended in development work. The present outlook seems very favorable. Prior to the organization of this company this jn-operty, together with th<' property of the Orphan Gold [Mining Com])auy, belonged to the Orphan Bell ^I. & ;\[. Company. The latter shipped considerable ore under lease. 1 1900 Ccpyrtght.tSOO.byJred.Hillsi Highest price for stock during 1S99, 9 1-4 cents; loAvcst price stock during 1899, 7 1-2 cents. for 64 The Arvilla Tunnel and Mining Company. Incorporated October, 1892. W. F. Kciidrick President Directors C D. A\'(t(i(l Vire-I'iTsident C. B. Lowtlicr Secretary P. ^r. Kcndiick Treasurer .M. J5. Cariicnlcr. Earl B. Coe. James A. .Mr( 'hirji'. I ). I.. Webb. W. R. Owen. .M. J. .McNaniara. Main Office — No. 720 Jliniug Exchange, Denver, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Capitalization Present iiidcbtedin'ss of the company, about |10,0()(I.OO. Copyright. 1900. by fred Hills. ()\\ IIS I lie Li II Ir Klhi. .M iiinic, l.cc. ( 'ari us ami I lie < 'liniiiaii. cniilain- ing in all 2(; acres, in (lie N. \\ . II seel ion 21. Snivcy Nn. S, 107. All italciilcd, and adjoiniiii; llic iMn|icrt ics (if llic Nicior (inld Mining ('(iiii|ian\ and llic Isalicila ank liuildiuii'. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Copyright, ISOO, tiy FreJ Hdh Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1000, 140,000 shares. Property Owns the Astor, (Jrand View, Ida and the C. C. P., all in a group on the southeast slope of Copper nuiuutain, in the t^. E. 1-1: section 1, containing about 10 acres. Peceiver's receii>t held for (lie Asior. (Jrand "N'iew and the Ida. (". < ". K. in process of patenting. Development Suifioient w\\ IIS I he I'lal 'rn|) anil : lir i.i ll Ir Susie, cniilaillini; II a|ici- iiiuiiniain. r»>ili ilaiiiis air pai- ciilcd. J'lant of iiiarliinci-,\ ; aii- diills. TIhtc is a shall S(l feci deep on ilie Development LitUe Susie; al.so three other sliafts fi-oiii U'd lo ;;(» IimM deep .ind soiin- trenchinu'. The .ureater part id' the (h-velopmeni wink is liein^ ilone on tlie Flat Top, which is leased lo Noveiiilxr, I'.IOJ. This claiiii has a shall 80 feet deep and ;'.0(t I'eel of ei-oss-cnts and di-ifiiiii;. It has also a Iminel 400 feel in leiiiilh. Wdi-k on this Iniim-I is luo^icssinii al Ihe rale of \'17\ feel pel- iiionlh. 'IMiis is lieiiiii' dri\cii li- ilie souili cud of ihc elaini to the norl h. The lease coin pels I he lessees to eont iniie d li\ i n;^ I lie 1 n liliel dnrinii life of lease, nnlil the noiih end line is reaelud. Tlie property has lieen worked hv xaiious lessees, ('lood assays lunc „. been obtained. 'I'h is ](i-o perl \- side lines w ii ji i In- I'liiorine of the Moni n a! Coiniiany, which has |ii-odnced SI .Ml. (Kill. 'I'licre is no indelpiediiess. Ilifrhcst price loi- slock d mi ul: IS!I'.I. ."> :! I ccuis; low cnI price for sioik duriiiL;- ISHit, 81.00 per M. 67 Directors The Atlantic and Pacific Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated November 1, 1895. H. G. Laiug President Frank Gotten Secretary and Treasurer Walter Burlew. W. J. Rice. E. D. Lowe. Main Office — No. 23 1-2 North Tejon street, Colorado ^^prings, Colo- rado. Copyright. 1300. Oy frtd Hills Capitalization Property Development 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Owns Lilly, Little Prince and Surprise, located in the S. AY. 1-4 sec- tion 27, Rig Bull liill. About Iti acres in all. Lilly claim, containing ahout 10 acres, is patented, and receiver's receipt is held for Surprise and Little Prince claims. This property is being developed mostly on the Lillj- claim by lessees, and driving is being continued on a tunnel, which is about 200 feet long. No shipment has been made. Highest price for stock during 1899, $15.00 per 1,000 shares; lowest price for stock during 1899, |3.50 per 1,000 shares. 68 The Atlantis Mines Corporation. Incorporated 1899. A. B. Ileatli IM-csidont E. V. Coiiiiiil \'i(('-l'rfsi(k'iit C. F. I'nilcr. . . .Scc'v and 'Pii-asiirer .Main ( )t1i((>-— No. (il'.» Eruest & CrauuR'i- luiildiiiy, Denver, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Tar value, fl.OO. lu treasury April 1, l'.»00, 250,- Owns the Hillside, 2 acres, iu the S. E. 1-4 section 21), in I lie lowu of Goldfield. The company iUso holds lease and bond for .sl00,000 ex- piring October 1, 1901, oii the Santa liita, from wliicli about .1;TO,000 worth of ore had been shipped prior to the lease. The company has expended |20,000 on the Santa Kita. A main working shaft has been sunlc to a depth of 500 feet, where a large and valuable body of ore has been opened up, from which shipments are being made. The officers of the company state that the bond will be taken up. No stock has ever been placed on the market, an otter being made and refused on April 1 last for 20,000 shares of treasury stock at 40 cents. The Atlas Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. D. N. Ileizer President C. E. Ileizer Secretary Main Office — No. Hi North Ne- vada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo- i-ado. l,2.")0,(tU(l shares. Par value, 11.00. In treasni-\' .TaTinary 1, HHX), \ 1,.')00 shares. Owns the lliiuicr, S.Ttll acres, in the N. \V. 1-4 .section 1, on Copper mountain; and the Mary L., 5.214 acres, in the N. 1-2 section 11, on Hed mountain. The Ilonu-r is ]iatented. Kecci\('i's receipt held for I lie .Mary L. The lloinei' is leased nn L^inded royailies. Snb-leases :ife alsci in o](eralion. Tile gi-eatiM- part of llie de\'elo|Hlient Work has lieell (lone oil Ibis claim. Lessees on (be llonier chiiiii lia\e opened up a \ein of ore which assays from .'*S.2n to ^\'M a toll. Iliuliesi prii'c for sloiic during IS'.I'.I, I .". I rellls: lowest plire I'of Slock diii-iii- )S!i>.t, .si'.dii per M. Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property Development 69 The Avalon Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 16, 1895. Directors D. N. Heizer, president; J. C. Helm, vice-president; C. E. Heizer, secretary; E. J. Eaton, treasurer. Main Office — No. 16 North Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 2,000,000 shares. Par value, #1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares. SEC.I.T.iBS.R.70*. Copyright, ISOO. by FrrdBdls. Property DeTelopment Owns the Allie J. claim, in the S. 1-2 of section 7, containing 6.031 acres, on Tenderfoot hill, adjoining the Forlorn Hope claim of the Chicolo company, and the Plard Carbonate claim of the Hard Car- bonate company; the K. C. K., Blanche and Little Dutf claims, in the E. 1-2 of section 1, township 16 south, range 70 west, containing in all 24.907 acres, on the northwest slope of Straub mountain; the Lucky Dick, Geemina and the Jolly Tar claims, in the E. 1-2 of section 1, township 16 south, range 70 west, containing 22.23 acres, on Straub mountain; and the Gold Dollar Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 31, township 14 south, range 69 west, containing in all 37.301 acres, on the N. E. slope of Rhyolite mountain. The company o^^■ns a total acreage of 90.469 acres. All patented. The Lucky Dick is leased for three years on a graded royalty. The stock is listed on the Board of Brokers* Association of Colorado Springs, but is largely held as an iqvestment on the growth of the prop- erty. 70 The Autumn Bell Gold Mining Company. Inoorporateil January, 1895. Capitalization Property Id, colli; llic iiIIk TIk work liii Pyfliias Hi.- (liniini 1 iiiiii I- l\\ An S 1)( siiii licsl SIt!», CCfij/ryll/ ISM iy rm/ H,„, J. \\. Kins, president; (Jeo. L. Keener, Directors vice-president and treasurer; I'^rank Heron, secretary; M. S. Herring. jSI. E. King. :\Inin Office — Koom 9, Barnes block, Colo- rado S|)riiiys, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 10r),000 sliares. Owns tlie Autumn I'.ell, in the center of section 31, containing 2 acres, on Squaw mountain; tlie Hest I'^riend, in (lie E. 1-2 of section 11, containing 5 acres, on .Mineral liill, and (he I'ylhias, in the E. 1-2 of secttion 11^. 12 acres, on Cow mountain. The Pythias is jtatenled; o in jirocess. Iimiii ndj, on whicii (he greater i)art of tlie development '•■" <' ■, I'iis a (JO-foot shah. On tlie Best Friend and the l>ly enough work has been done to patent. price for stock during 1S99, 1 cenl ; lowest price for stock , S2.50 pel- .M. Development The Avondale Gold Mining Company. InroriKirated January 12, 1896. M. A. Leddy, vice-president; W. H. Clotwortliy, secretary; 11. II. (;raf(on, treasurer; J. Fischal. -Main ( Ulice — Strang's Cigar' Slore, 119 N. Tejon s(ree(, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .Ij: 1.00. In treasury ■ Inn nary 1, 1900, I2."),000 shares. In (reasiirv Januarv I. I!M)0, .«;|,000.(I0 cjish. Owns the .Manhattan, c(mlaiiiing 2 12 acres, in I he .\. W. 1-4 of section 21, on Bull hill, adjoining (he X'iclor mine. Paleuted. The jn'opei'ly is honded am! leased for two years from I'elnnary 15, 1900. A simft has been sunk 90 feet deep and .some drifting ha.s been prose- d. Highest ])rice for stock dnrin- IS99, 2 1-2 .•euts; lowest price for stock ; ilic Sil\ci- Klnj,' and tiic Vera ^ . | I'.eynier, containiiii; is i;! acres, in llic S. 1-2 scctiim 2."), ou IJeacon liill; tlic I'.iil Nvc. .loim 11. Walt, .\iiniistinc and the Bonnie Jean, coiilaiiiiuL; in all II I :! acres, in the center- of seetimi 2; are recei\ing tlie greater jiart of tiie de\(l(i|iiiHiil woik. I'.oili ihe Sil\ci- Kini;' and the Fountain Valley shafts are limliei cd. Highest i>rice foi' stock during ISllit, r» 7S cents; lowest price for stock during 18'J'J, 1 3-4 ceuts. 73 The Battle Mountain Consolidated Gold Mines Company. Copyright. !900. by Fred HUh 74 The Battle Mountain Consolidated Gold Mines Company. Inoorporatod Kebrunry 14, 1896. Warren Woods President Directors II. E. Woods Vice-President F. M. ^Voods [Secretary and Treasurer J. yi. Allen. C. L. Arzeno. Main Office — (Jiddiujus building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Branch Office — Victor, Colorado. 2,500,0UU shares. Par value, ."j^l.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1900, 250,000 shares. Owns the Viola, 1 1-4 acres; Ilex, Regina, Duchess and the Hig Property Theatre, 5.6 acres; the Junietta, 6 acres; ITypatia, Conejos and the lOldo- rado placer, 4.234 acres; and undivided interests in the Justice, Kodak, May and the Babey June ; the company also controls the property of the IJcquii ( !i(l(l ;ind Silver Mining and Milling Company. The Uinta TumikI. Mining and Transportation Company has been absorbed by them. They also own the Uinta Tunnel No. 1, 2.5 acres; the Pitkin, 0.95 acre; a three- foui'ths interest in the Blue Stocking, 4 acres; the Black Jasper, the Scor- pion, 4.0 acres; the Trail, the Big Banta, Old Ironsides and Lo.st Fraction, 27.G acres, in sections 20, 29, 30 and 32. On tlic Trail iiio'i]' 'here are ten shafts, aggregating 1,200 feel, iiiid Development four Lunncls having a total length of 2,500 feet, together with vaiioiis stopes, levels, drifts and cross-cuts. 'IMiere are 2,300 feet of lateral wdik till I he liiila luiiiicl, and 900 feet of drifts, stopes, cross-cuts, etc. Thrrc are 400 IVri of slmfis and 30(1 IVd of diifls on llic N'iola. Tiic l?ig Theatre lias :i '.',~r>-\\ti>\ I iimicl. lliiilicsl |)ricc for sidcl^ (lining 1 S99, 42 cents. Lowest price for stock (lining 1899, 22 cents. 75 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property Beacon Hill-Ajax Gold Mining Company. InooTporated October 18, 1899. J. 1\. McKiuuie, presideut; W. P. Wagy, vice-pres- ident; K. P. Davie, secretary; J. T. Burlcliolder, treas- urer; J. W. Graham. Main Office — 25 East Pilce's Peak avenue, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, over $1,000. Owns Ajax, 8 acres, situated on the N. W. 1-i section 30, south slope of Beacon hill. Cripple Creek district. All the property is patented. This property is surrounded by several paying mines. The indica- tions for pay ore are favorable. The company has sunk a shaft of about 150 feet. Two sets of lessees are at work, each to sink a shaft of at least 15 feet per month. Shaft 4x7. Highest price paid for stock during 1899, -1 3-4 cents ; lowest price paid for stock during 1899, 3 7-8 cents. The Beacon Hill Gold Mining Company. lucorporaterl November, 1894. W. H. Anderson, president; F. W. Ford, vice-president; A. A. Ford, secretary; M. E. Anderson, treasurer; A. Ford. Main Office — Nos. 1 and 2, Safe Deposit building. Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |1 .00. Development Production fiistory January 1, 1900, In treasury 12,000.00 casli. Owns the Little ^lay lode in the S. E. 1-1 section 25, on the west slope of Beacon hill, in process of patenting. Full claim adversed by the Hiawatha for ground in conflict. Adverse claim still pending. One shaft has been sunk 250 feet; three other shafts are from 50 to 100 feet deep. A large amount of drifting and cross-cutting has been done; over 1,000 feet of work in all. The main shaft has one plant of steam machinery. Gross production to January 1, 1900. about .135,000.00. Net profit on ore mined during 1899, about |.500.00. The property has been in litigation for three years. The company have won out in all matters in the lower courts, and final heai-iiig in the Sujji'emc Court will be had about April, 19(10. The suit grows out of the claim of Burris et al. to try to enforce forfeited contract to purchase at f 75,000.00. The stock is not listed, all being held hy a few individuals. Ccpfn^H 1900 tif Irii Hills. 76 The Beacon Light Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. E. -I. Eaton i'resiik'Ill Directors A. .M. Ripley Vice-President W. 1\. Barnes Secretary and Treasurer A. V. Woodward. E. F. AVright. ^fain Office — The El Paso ("ounty Abstract ("miipaiiy. No. 113 East Kiowa strtx-t, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury .Taiinary 1, 1!»00, 250,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1000, S25.0() cash. (ipfCKJIII 1900 tif hm Hilli Owns Falkiici's I'olly, 0.070 acres, in ilic X. ^^■. 1-4 section 12, Property tf>wnship 15 south, raniic 70 wcsl ; tiic llajipy .la0. .Ml palcnlnl. 'I'lilal liuhlin-s of this company comprise 15.030 acres. On the .1. lloi-acc 1*. thci-c is a shaft 175 feel deep. The llapjiy Jack Development has a shaft of I.Ml fed ijr|ilh. Falicncr's Folly lias one 50 feet (Iceji. At present no wdii^ nf ini]ioilancc is hcinii done on this com]»auy's |»rop- erty. llii;hest price for stock dnrinii 1800, 1 cent; lowest pi-ice foe slock (Iniini,- 1809, 1-2 cent. 77 Directors The Beatrice Gold Miningand Milling Company. Incorporated 1896. ;M. S. Herring, president; C. J. Watson, vice-president and treasurer; J. T. Sanderson, secretary; D. (\ Sanderson. Main Office^ — No. 1 East Huerfano street, Colorado Sjirings, Colorado. Lopynghl 1900 by Fred Hilh Capitalization Property Dsvelopment Directors 5 W. V. Capitalization Property Development 1,000.000 shares. Par value. $1.00. In treasnry Januarv 1, lilOII. 32.000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900. nominal amount of cash. Owns the Ed. Dundon iind the Ironstone, containing 20 1-2 acres, in the center of section li, townshi]) 1.") south, range 00 west, on the south slope of Cow mountain. Patented. Only i»ateiit work has been ])rosecuted. The pi'osiiccts for this be- coming a sliippiug mine seem favorable. The greater pa.it of the develop- ment work is being done on the Ironstone, which is held by lease. Tlie stock is closely held. The Beaver Bell Gold Mining Company. Incorporated March, 1896. G. P. Kobinson. ju-esident; L. C. Xicker- son, vice-president; A. O. Downs, secretary and treasurer; W. R. Latta, W. C. Oratton. :Main (tflice — 129 North Tejon street, Colorado Springs. Colorado. 1.000.000 shares. Par value. §1.(10. In tt'castiry January 1. 1900, 117,000 shares. Owns the Belle S. claim, 10 acres, in the S. W. 1-1 section 25. on the west slope of Beacon hill, adjoining the Texas (4irl Com- pany, and is near Banner Gold Com- pany's properties. About 2 acres of the Co- lumbia claim acquii-cd in settlement with the ^lerriniac Gold Mining Company, and lying next to the Belle S. claim ; 20 acres of min- ing land, patented, in Woodland Park dis- trict, is also owned by the company. Just sufficient work has been done to patent the claim. The Belle S. was patented by the company; the two acres from the Columbia claim are to be deeded when the owners of said claim secure patent. Highest price for stock during 1S99, -SO.OO per 1,000; lowest i)rice for stock during 1899, -P.OO per 1,000. 78 Cc;^nghl till ir fni HiCl O " ^ z i y Q o tU o — z O ' O „ o Z >- ^° « •- . bl - 1 ^ t- :; 79 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property Development The Bedford Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. James P. Merriden President Clias. ^r. Thayer. .Secretary and Treasurer Joseph ilasse. Henrj A. Eideoiit. E. J. Moxley. F. H. Dunnington. Frank Baergalupo. Main Office — No. 7 Exchange Place, kr^^t Boston, IMass. ^^^^M^M,- - 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. ^^^^P^^ ' ^^ In treasury January 1, 1900. 500,000 shares. Owns the Minnie, the Minnie No. 2 and the Maggie A., comprising 28 acres, sit- uated in the N. E. 1-4 section 11, township 15 south, range 69 west, on Cow mountain. sec.li. All the property is patented. t.j5s.r.69iv. The company have sunk three shafts of from 30 to 50 feet, also a tunnel of 150 feet. Work on the proj^erty is being pushed vigorously, assays running from fG.OO to |5-1.00 per ton. The Ben Hur Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated June 9. 1892. F. H. Pettlngell President Theoph. Harrison Vice-President L. A. Civill Secretary F. F. Schreiber Treasurer J. M. Eoseberry. W. O. Wirt. J. McK. Ferriday. Main Office — No. 11 Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 900,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, about flOO.OO cash. Present indebted- ness of the company, .fSOO.OO. Owns the Little King and Queen, 10.39 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 24, on Gold hill ; the Optimus, 3.14 acres, in the N. 1-2 section 19, on Gold hill; the Minnie H. and the Moss Back, in the center of section 18, con- taining 3.45 acres, on Globe hill ; the Bon Ton, 7.289 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 31, on SquaAV mountain, and the Tejon, 8.28 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 31, on Squaw mountain. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Little King and Queen and the Optimus. Highest price for stock during 1899, 9 1-2 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 7-8 cents. 80 The Ben Hur Mining and Milling Company. Cipyriijhi. 1900, by fritt Hilli 81 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property History The Benny and Reform Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. Jas. Doyle I'resideiit Scott Aslitoii Vice rresideiit Clias. AValdon Secretary A. A. RoUestone Treasurer J. B. ('iinniiigliaiii. ^lain Oflicc — Victor, Colorado. (i(»0,000 shares. Par values SI. 0(1. In treasurY JamiarT 1, 1!I00. lOO.OOO shares. Uwus the l>eiiuy aud Keforia, contain- ing 3 acres, situated in the ]N'. 1-2 of section 29, in the Crii>i)le Creek mininii district. Property Asill soon be patented. This coiii- pany also owns the Shoshone aud Florence claims, adjoining the cele- brated Caribou mine in Boulder county, ^vhicll property is not shown on plat in this 3Ianual. The Benny and Keforni are situated between the Last Dollar and the Los Angeles; they have been in litigation for some time ])ast, but everything has been settled np aud the patent will soon be received. On the Benny and Eefoi-m is a fine shaft and an excellent plant of machinei-y, ore house, etc. Shaft ;>30 feet deep; 300 feet of drifting; large bodies of low grade ore in sight. On the Shoshone aud Florence, a plant of machinery, shaft house, shaft 150 feet deep; two tons of ore shipped just before shutting doAMi that will run fSl.OO in gold. The stock of the company is all owned by James Doyle, Chas. NVal- den, J. B. Cunningham and Scott Asliton. No stock has ever been sold or offered for sale, the stockholders x^fiying for the development of the properties, in proportion to their sto<-l Capynghi ■k, as needed. The Big Dick Mining Company. Incorporated September 21. 1899. J. T. Milliken President A. P. Mackey Mce-President Wm. A. Otis Secretary aud Treasurer C. E. Titus Assistant Secretary F. TL :\[orley. J. C Connor. IMain Office — Wm. A. Olis & Co., (iiddings block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .*1.00. In treasury January 1, WOO, 200,000 shares. Owns the Big Dick, containing S acres, situated in the N. W. 1-4 section 17, survey No. 7,109, on Ten- derfoot hill. The property is patented. The property is leased. As the compauA- has only recently been organized, there has been no production thus far. Highest price for stock during 1899, 5 cents; low- est price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents. CJ Ccpfnght 1900 b/ Trrd Hilh 82 Directors The Big Four Gold Mining Company. Incorporated Decemljer 23, lH'Jit. T. B. Jiiiilirid-c i'lcsideiil Chas. X. Milli'i- N'ici'-l'resident B. F. X. IMaci-oric Scciciniy and 'I'lcasniTr A. a. Youiif;. J. E. 11 Mil I CI-. ilaiu Office — 271 I'ciiiictt avcinic. ("ri]iiilc ("reck, < 'ulurado. 1,000,000 sliares. Tar value, >fl.OO. Capitalization 111 treasurv .January 1, I'.tOO, L'iMliO shares; in ticasiiiy .lanuaiy 1, 1900, 113.00 cash. Sec 20 N W '/• Sec ?9 Copyright 1900 bf Frtd Owns llie rdlle Chiiiie, I :!■ I ;ir|-es, ill llie S. W. II serliuii IS, in Property ]'()vei-ly onjcli; l.unely, 1-:^ anc, in llie S. W. I I se.l ion lid. nii Itiill liill, and llie i.illle Diamond, 'l 1-4 aci'es, in llie N. W . II seel ion 20, on 1 tat lie nionnlain. Tiic X('jiro])ontns elaini, a liac lion, in ilie X. NN'. 11 seciion 20. Tlie Jjllle Dlannnid is patented, while ilie l,oiiel\. Ne-in|ioni us and nine ( 'hi llie :i re held liy local i oil. The Ne^i-o|ionl IIS does iiol show on mail. .Miolll .'lOO feel of devclopllienl W oik done oil \aiious properlies; Development Ihedeepesl shall lieiny alioiil iL'll leei on llie Lonely. There are tliri'e sets of lessees Avorkiiiji-, and I hey are nil lalkini: of jMittinii- n]i a steam hoist. The present otiirers and slocklioldeis only aecpdreil ilieir hol>;.",,ll()(l.ll(l. Production lliiihesl, price for slock diirini; ISOO, I ceiiis; lowesi pri( e for slock during' 18!»0, 2 M cenls. 83 Directors Capitalization The Black Belle Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 1896. D. B. Fairley President G. M. Carter Vioe-Presiileiit J. T. Bui'kliolder Secretary C. W. Fairley Treasurer J. A. Himebaugh. ^V. H. Gandy. J. B. Carries. Maiu Office — Fairley Bros., No. 23 South Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 250,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 10(10. 16,000 cash. Ciil\' (MKHiiili (Icvcliipnicnt wnrl; to ohtaiii patrnt lias liccn done. Higlu'st price lor slock duiinu 1899, |8.(Ml per M ; lowcsi piice for stock during 1S90, .'5!2.r>0 jier ISf. Property Development 85 The Black Wonder Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 2G, 1894. Directors J- ^'. Kimzev President C. J. ('over Vice-President J. Ii. Talpey Secretary and Treasurer D. P. Catlicart. J. K. Briinuer. ^[ain orlicc — 8 Banlv block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization ."OO.OOO shares. Par vahus -fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 11*00, -foO.OO cash. Property Owns the Plack Wonder and the il. C. lode claims, containing 11 acres, situated in the S. \A'. 1-4 of section 21, on the southwest slope of Bull hill. Property is patented. Development There are two shafts on the property, each of about 200 feet depth; also about 100 feet of drifting. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Black Wonder lode. No stock has been sold, as it is closely held. The Blanche Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October, 1899. \ Ctmr'i'" IW Hf ''*" I'll' Directors A. E. Caillou Presuleul \ ^s. Frank Gilpin Vice-President F. G. Whipj) Secretary ^^ ^- E. C. Newcomb Treasurer ^*^V '%> I ^^'l E. G. Withers. /\Xv''"^ / F^ Main Oftice — Cripple Creek, Colorado. / ^» \/^S^ '.'■'""'"g '^ ^ Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. w.../\ W In treasury January 1, 1900, 150,000 ~~^^is^\i. "^ X ,A shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |10,000 '^^^-li cash. / s,*i'^ Property Owns Cncle Sam, 2 1-2 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 17. on ISull iiill. Patented. Development There is a plant of machinery on the Uncle Sam, valued at |5,000.00. One main working shaft 125 feet deep, and a i»rospect shaft 90 feet deep. Production Product ion to January 1, 1900, |30,000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899, 21 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 10 cents. 86 The Blue Bell Mining, Milling and Prospecting Company. CapyngU. 1900. bf Fni Hilh 25 Sec30; ^ Incorporated 1892. AVill. A. Otis Prcsidcut Directors Wm. Barber Vice-Presidont Wm. P. Sarscant. . . .Bee. aud Treas Chas. Waldeii. John McConagliY, .Manager. j\rain Office— Will. A. Otis & Co., Giddinj^s bloclc, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .f1 .00. capitalization In treasury January 1, 1000, 200,- 000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 1500.00 cash. Owns the Blanche, the Blue Bell, property the Blue Bell Mill Site, eontainin;: in all 25 acres, on line between sec- tion 24 and section 19 ; also owns the Robt. E. Lee, containing 7 acres, sit- uated in the N. W. 1-4 of section 10. All on Gold hill. .Ml patented. T1ie company also owns 318,325 sliares of the capital stock of the Katinka (i. M. Co., for Avhich 30 cents ])er sliare is bid. The P.lanclie, Blue I?ell and the nortli 1-2 of the Kolil. i:. l.<'e. also the Blue Bell .Mill Siie, are leased. Tliere is an SO-fonI slial'l on the Development Kobl. !•:. Li'e. Tliron-li llie r.lainlie is a tuiiiiel at a (le|>lli of Ciilf IVei now being worked. nighest price for sto<'k during 1S90, K; :M cents; lowest price for slock lini-inij, IS'.tlt. 1 12 cenls. 87 Directors Capitalization Property The Blue Bird Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated December 26, 1S95. E. S. Johnson President and Treasurer n W. S. Jackson Vice-President A. T. Gunnell Secretary Delia A. Johnson. Luther Lee Johnson. :\Iain Office— P. O. Springs, Colorado. building, Colorado LOnO.OOO shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1000, |5,000.00 cash. Owns the Blue Bird, in the S. W. l-l of sec- tion 20, containing 10 1-3 acres, on Bull hill ; pat- ented. The company also have bond and lease on the Whippoorwill, running two years, area 3 acres. This property adjoins the Blue Bird and is patented. T 15 5 R69W. Jjptrighi liOO t>i freil Hills Development Four-story shaft and ore house. Electric hoist suitable for working 1,000 feet. Equipped with air plant and air drills. Also an electric hoist for sinking purposes. A 4 1-2x9 shaft has been sunk to a depth of 500 feet, timbered with square sets 8x8. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Blue Bird. Production Gross production to January 1, 1900, |300,000.00. This is a close corporation. Stock not listed. 88 rado The Bob Lee Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 9, 1S9-1. E. D. Marr I'lesitk'nt P. AV. Middagh N'iee-President Jas. W. Avery t^ecretaiy and Treasurer F. J. Brown. J. L. Middagh. ^laiu Office — 34, 35 and 3(i P. O. bnildiug, Colorado Springs, Colo- 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 3,000 shares. Directors Capitalization Cipfti^hl imtf fnd Hilh Owns the Solitaire, Bob Lee, Little Joe, ^Minnie Lueina and Lucky Diamond, consislini; of 21 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 .section 7, on TenderfoDt liill. All i»aleiilc(l. Property 'i'hci-c is ;i slial't un (he Lilili- -Idc chiiiii (id IVci deep, wiili alionl ."tO feet of diill iiiii. 'I'lic ]>rop('i-l.\' is hcini; wnriccd iiy lessees, imhI adjuins the Iloosicr nl' llic (Ii-nriiui ( 'niii|i;Miy, wliicli liiis prodiucd jiImhii .'^1.")0,- 000.00 woilh (if (ire, and I he lessees ai-e wnrkinu on a ijlmiiolile dyke wliirli ((lines liMnii I he Iloosier, anont $4,000.00 casli. Jam Oale. Owns llii' I'ido. ("uslcr, Itoiinie Mcll, Mary Ann, coTilainiim in all property 12 acres, in llic N. W. 1-4 section 30, on Raven hill; also llic iOnlerprisc, a jiarl of the Alice Gray and a j»ai-t of the J. ^^■. Wells, ennlainin- S acres, in llie E. 1-2 secti()n (5, township Hi soiitli, ran;L;c <'.!l wesi. mi Siianli nionntiiin. All itafented. Two good steam hoists; one electric hoist. The Ronnie Nell has a Development shaft 125 feet deep; the Custer one of 1.50 feel. There is also anollier shaft 120 feet deep, on the north end of the Monnie Nell. Tlie great«'r part of the (le\cl()pnient work lias been done <>ii lliis rhiiiii. nighest price for stnrU during 1899, 9 cents; lowest |iiice for stock dnrinu lSlt9, 5 cents. 91 Directors Capitalization The Bourse Mining Company. Incorporated 1S96. Joseph Milner Presideut J. L. Browu Vice-President F. C. Matthews 8eeretaiy aud Treasurer J. C. Freeman. C. R. Lawrence. Main Office — 92 State street, Boston, ilassachusetts. 1,250,000 sliares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, $2,000 cash. rus Stci2l UpitigH laO. tf frid Hills Prop^'^'y Owns the La Fama aud the Two Xyniphs, containing 0.461 acre, in the N. W. 1-4 section 21, on Bull hill; the ITappy Jack, 8.108 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 11, township 15 south, range G9 west, on Cow mountain; also the Fitzsimmons,in Poverty gulch,a location, and, as such, not shown on plat. All patented except the Fitzsinimons. Development The La Fama has a shaft 55 feet deep, and the ore at this depth assays fO.OO per ton. The greater part of the development work is being done on this claim. Both the La Fama aud the Two Nymphs are surrounded by such heavy producers as the Victor, Isabella, Lillie, etc. 92 Directors The B. P. 0. E. Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. A. P. ^lackey I'resideut Phil. Starr X'ice-President W. J. Matthews Secretary II. M. JIasou Assistant Secretary Geo. \V. Lloyd. IMaiii Office — No. 53 De Gratf buildliiji-, Tolorado Sjiriims, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1900, 250,000 shares. Copyright 1900 by Fnd Hilh U\yns the Britta and the Onuiha No. 1 and No. 2, containing about Property .-ni 26 acres, situated in the W. 1-2 section 34, township 14 south, range 70 Development west, west of Cojijier mountain. Receiyor's recei])t for the Omaha No. 1. The Omalia No. 2 and the Britta in process of patenting. Only sufficient development \york to obtain a patent has been done. Highest ])riee for stock during 1899, fll.OO per M; lowest price for stock (lining 1899, |2.50 i)er 31. " The Bradford Gold Mining Company. Incorporated ISDC. J. (\ .Manchester President Directors ('. A. McLaiii. . .V-PresandTreas K. (i. Miller Secretary W. II. Spurgeon. Lncinda Mamhester. Main Olli(( — 719 N. Nevada ave- nue, Colorado Springs, ("oloi-ado. 1.(1(10,000 shares. Par value, Caoitalization fl.OO. Ill (reasui'v .Taiiii.ir\- 1, 1!>00, Ccpyrykl 1900 by Fnd Hill: ,f0^-Tii^f^7On. 12.".. 000 sliares; in deiil .laiiiiai-y 1. 190(», .fLOOO cas Owns the IJustler No. 2. coiitaiiiing 7 1-2 acres, and IlieOld .\ be, con- Property taining 1 I-2aci-es, holh siliialed in (lie N. \V. 1-4 of seclion 2, on « "opper iiioiinlain. it\\ lis I he .Mciliaw k and Mule in 1 he < i luinid, in I he S. 1 ;. II (if sei lion 17. nil ihe nniih shipe (if r.nll hill; ihe Wesl \ie\\. in ihe S. 1]. 1-4 seclion l.s, iin llu' wesl shipe of rilohe hill; ihe lOnicrald and linml. in seciion 7, on Tendei-rool hill; also fhc Iliilden 'I'reasnre, in ihe X. 1-2 seclinn L'd, i.n llnll liill. The lotal acreaj;e of this c(inii»any is 12 acres. .\11 paleiiied except ilie Midden 'I'reasnre, which is in process. ^ ' , ' , . , . , ' , Development Shall licpiise and si earn plan I, sinkiiiL; sinili I I LnS in Ihe clear, liniliered wilh s(piare sets S.\S In a de|iili nl' ."idd Ici'i. Ii\ conli'act as ipiickly as IJii-ee sliifis i\^ lliri'i' men each can iieircnin ihe \\orl(. This work is heinii (li'iie n nder lease on I he smi i h |ia ri of 1 1 iddeii 'rreasiire. Miuhcsl pi-ice I'or slock diirinL; ISH'.'. I.") cenis; lowesi price lor slock diirini: ISUll. 10 cents. 95 The Buck Horn Gold Mining Company. Incorporated July 19, 1S92. Sec. 16. bffrtiHiUs Directors Capitalization Property Development Henry M. Blackmer, President; N. S. Gaudy, Vice-rresideut; Asa T. Jones, l^^ecretary and Treas- urer; Geo. E. Lindley, F. E. Robinson. ^lain Offict^ — Colorado Springs, Colo. l,2r.0,00(l shares. I'ar value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, .«3,492.00 cash. Owns the Whippoorwill, comprising 2 1-4 acres in the S. 1-2 of section 20; the Last Chance and Chey- enne, 19 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 21 ; the Com- bination No. 2 and the Jeanette and !Mule, 25 acres, in the X. 1-2 of section 21, on Bull hill; also the Grass, 9 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 21. The company now owns only the mineral rights of the "Grass," the surface ground being in controyersy at the present time. Tf) this they expect yery shortly to secure title. The Whippoorwill, bonded for .y20,000.00 and leased, is worked with machine drills at the present time. TTighest price for stock during 1899, 6 3-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-8 cents. SAV.Sec^. beino; 96 The Bull Hill Gold Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporated November, 1895. T. A. Sloaue Prt'siflciit J. M. HarcU'ii Vicc-l'n'sidi'ni 1\ P. Davis ScHi-t'tar\ Johu Pedeisoii Tieasurci- Jacob liisholl'. .Main Office — ("olorado Spriin;s, ( 'nloiadd. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasurv Jaiuiarv 1, UIOO. l.'O.OOO sliares. Directors Capitalization Owii.s llic (ireaL Wcsl, 7 i-L' aires, willi 1' l-l acres mineral li-ilds, p^^p^^jy niakinii; a total of !) 3-4 acres, in the soul li 1 l' seci ion 22; the Shakespeare, 4 1-2 acres, in tlie S. 1-2 section 22; Ihe .M. i:., the ("oxey and (he Sadtlle .Monidain Tunnel Site. Tlie.se last three, lieini; Idcatiims. are not shown on the map. Receiver's receijil hel(» fool shall on I lie Sliakesi)eare, a r)0-l'ool shall on I lie ppye,pp„jjnt Great West, a 30-foot shaft on ihe M. !•:., a lUI-foot sliafl on ihe Coxey, and 30 feet of work has been done on the tunnel on the Saihile monntaiu site. The Shakes])eare and tin- (ireat \Nest claims lie to Ihe east of the Isabella mine and have line showings, assays rnnninu as hiuh as .f210 to (be ton. IliLihest ]irice for stock dnrin;:- IS!i!l, IS cents: lowesi prire foi- stock durin;.; 1899, 14 3-4 cents. 97 Directors Capitalization Property Development History The Cable Consolidated Mining Company. Incorporated February 7, 1900. F. E. Brooks President W. F. Crosby Vice-President W. H. Leonard Secretary and Treasurer J. W. Wright Assistant Secretary and Treasurer O. B. Willcox. Guy Phelps Dodge. Max Straus. Main Oiflce — No. 63 Hagerraan building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury March 10, 1900, 300,000 shares. Owns the Posey and Cable lodes, containing 4.02 acres, survey No. 10,923; the St. Peter lode, containing 0.413 acres, survey No. 9,110; the Aztec, containing 3.204 acres, survey No. 10,170; also a part of the Black Hawk, containing 3.904 acres, survey No. 8,157; all the above property being situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 25, on Beacon hill. Total acreage is 18.201 acres. All patented. The property of this com- pany adjoins the Prince Albert and the Are(|ua townsite on Beacon hill. There is a shaft house and horse whim on the Aztec and St. Peter. Machinery will be installed in the main working shaft in the center of the group. The Aztec and the St. Peter have a shaft 185 feet deep and a drift of 60 feet. A vein from three to four feet wide has been dis- closed, some ore running as high as $185. In developing these claims about .$6,000 have l)een expended. About .|3,00(l have also been ex- pended on the Posey and Cable lodes. These have a tunnel of 200 feet, a shaft of 35 feet, open cuts, etc. A network of veins has been exposed, some showing values. In the center of this group of claims a main shaft is being sunk. The present ownership is the result of a consolidation, some of the properties having been long in litigation, which prevented their de- velopment. By purchase of all conflicting interests this company has been able to secure perfect title to its large area, and, with the de- velopment which the company is prepared to prosecute, it is expected the group will soon enter the list of its neighboring Beacon hill pro- ducers. Highest price paid for this stock to date, 5 cents. 98 The Cadillac Gold Mining Company. Directors Incorporated December 24, 1895. J. A. Sill rmsidcut Arthur Cornfortli X'ice-President II. J. English Scdciiiiv inid Ti-casurci- F. H. Dunniugtou Assistant Secretary Main Office — 2 Xorth Xcvadii nvciiuc Culorado SprlTijis, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par \alue, .>:i;l.OO. In treasury January 1, 1000, 100,000 shares; in ireasiiiy .laimaiy 1, Capitalization 1000, .flOO.OO cash. S/i/e John N<'2 '^'fr'-f^'- '**"• h '"'«' * ( >\\ IIS llic lOlcclric claiiii, '.\>'.\ acres, in ilic S. 1-L' sniinn Is, s. IliiiliesI ])i-ice I'oi' slock dmiiin ISlill, I cenis; lowcsl |iiice I'or slock diil-iii" 1S!I!I, J 1-4 cenls. Property Development 99 Directors The Caledonia Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S94. A. J. Gillis Presldeut Augiis Gillis VicL'-l'resideut A. J. Noouan Secretary 8. P. Diokeus Treasurer Ward Barber. Con St-hott. Main Office — No. 38 Hagerman building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,0()0,0()0 sliares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury Januarv 1, 1 !)()(). l.'iO.OOO sliares. Copyric/fyr r900, by /''Vlf Mills Property Development ()\\iis the Madam Gumni, comprising 10 acres in the S. 1-2 of sec- tion 6, township 16 south, rauge 69 west, on Straub mountain; also the Edwin .41 vert and Joint, 14 3-4 acres, in the E. 1-2 of section 10, town- ship 15 south, rauge 70 west, on Iron mountain. The Madam Gunim is patented. Keceiver's receipt licld for the otlicr claims. A 110-foot shaft has been sunk on the Madam Gumm, also .50 feet of drift. The shaft is timbered. Ou the Edwin Alvert and Joint 100 feet of work has been done. Highest price for stoclc during 1899, 1 3-4 cents. 100 0) 00 " iZ ° z Li * I " tlJ u -" z ~ o 3 I- » :; Ul c * 1 O o 0) u o ;; > u 101 <0 Q. E o "5) c: c 3 c (0 c c o E o 102 The Cameron Mines, Land and Tunnel Company. Incorporated September 3. 1S97. C. F. Rickey President Directors C. L. Arzeiio Vice-President F. M. Woods Secretary H. E. Woods Treasurer Jolin McCouaghy. (ieo. II. Lee. A. T. Voll. Main OflSce — Colorado Spriugs, Colorado. Branch Offices — Victor and Cameron, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. CapitaUzation In treasury January 1, lUOO, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 15,000.00 cash. Owns the Cameron townsite, foiiuerly Grassy, and the N'icloria property No. 1, in all 184 acres, in section IT; also the Pinnacle Park, in section 17; the company also owns extensive holdings in Fremont and Chaffee counties, comprising over 750 acres. These latter, licing outside the Cripple Creek district, are not shown on plat. The Cameron (Grassy i townsite has graded streets and sidewalks, Development residences and store huildings, constructed and owned liy tiie company. lias six shafts ranging in dei)th from (50 to 150 feet, about :'.00 feet of cross-cutting, 200 feet i>\' (liil'iiug, and oIIiim- iiiiiioi- wm-kings. Tiic Wliitehoru townsite has some streets, sidewalks and buihliugs. con- structed by the company, and liuildiugs owned liy it. Tlie Cameron tunnel is in 490 feet ; the Ciiiciuiml IIS liinuel, 2HI feel; llie .Mesa tiiuuel, 85 feet; the Fardown liiniiel, K'.d I'eel ; llie I'.nll (^)iiait/, liiniiel. 12:? feet; the Corinne tunnel, 2S9 feet; tlie Little Kose shaft, NO feci deep; ami numerous other shafts ranging in depth from 10 to 75 feel. Shaft Xo. 2, Cameron (Grassy i, just jtroducing. The roriniie lias production produced about 200 tons. Little IJose has pay ore, but none shipped as yet. Highest jirice for stock during IS'.l'.i, (iO cents; lowcsi price for stock during 1899, 20 cents. 103 Directors Capitalization The Cannon Bail Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 20, 1894. L. E. Kimball President II. A. Mclntyre Vite-President D. Le Due Secretary C. W. Buck Treasurer E. H. Buck. D. C. Beauiau. Col. Beu. A. Block. ^[aiu Office — Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value. ."II.OO. In treasury January ], 1900, 235,000 shares. Property Owns the Lizzie M. and the Cannon Ball, ((lulaining 15.8 acres, situated in the E. 1-2 section 32, on P>ig Bull hill. Both patented. A small fraction of the Hidden Treasure is also held by location. Development 'J-'tie company have sunk a shaft about 150 feet deep. From this assays as hif^h as |90 have been received. The average assays on the vein, from 4 to 6 feet Avide, are from -fC to $12. Highest price for stock during 1S99, |6 per M ; lowest price for stock during 1899, S^2 per M. 104 The Carbonate Hill Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated December 3, 1895. W. A. I);ivis President \\\\\. Clark Vice-President 8. .1. 1 )avis Secretary Mrs. A. X. Fro wine Treasurer J. O. Hardwick. F. D. Fox. Robert Price. Main Office — 55 Bank l)nil(lin.i;, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Directors yr-ght,i900 ty frtd Hills Sec. I. l,()()(),(l()i» shares. Par value. -51.(10. Capitalization In treasury .laiinaiy 1, I'.tOU, 12, (100 shares; in ircasiirv January 1, 1900, 125.00 cash. Owns llic New Veai- ami ihc llusder lodes, i (lulaiiiiui; 12 acres, in Property the S. E. II ;iiiiiiii,n I'icsidciit Franklin E. Hrooks Sccrt'lary E. C. I'ML'tclii'i-. T. 11. Itcviii.-. C. S. Thomas. Main Office — 56 Bank Imildiuii, '"olorado Spiinys, Cnlorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par valnc, .'jfl.OO. In troasnrv Jannarv 1. liiOO, 132,000 shares. Directors Capitalization Sec.\l9, ( )\\ lis I lie ( ii-iMl Wdndcr, 2 acrrs. in I lie N. W. I - 1 sni imi ;',ll ; ( Hd .Mic, Property ()..")!• acre, in tlii' S. W. 1-1 srdioii lit, holli on Ituvcii hill ;inil |i;iI(miI(iI. Also ('allu'i-ini' II., S 1-2 a(r<'s, in the N. 1"'. 1-4 scclioii s. i>n (lalciia hill. |ialcntci sliow ii nn plat. One sliaK ."(O I'eel deep on Ihe (Ileal \\'oii(h'I-; one .'id I'eel deep on Hcvelopmcnt Old .Mie, Mild one (10 feel deeii, w i I h (I rills an f ^900 by fred Hi ll()llS( and shop Directors Capitalization Property Development There is a small shaft property; 190 feet of sinking; contract out to sink lOO-foot double com- partment shaft on Home lode; sub-lessees also sinking on Home lode, y^essees are also sinking on Cedar Hill lode. The property has been idle owing to conflicting ideas of the sevei-al owners. The entire ])rop- erty has now changed hands and the present management intend to do their best to develop it, as their ownings comprise some of the best prospe\\iis ilii' Ilajiiiy ^'car and llic .lnsc]iliiiic. idiiiliiiicil area hciug S.(1T acres, in llie N. V.. 11 ot scciiou 19, ou Kaveu hill; iIm' I ticxiiccied aud the .Mnuutaiii Tiiicr, coniliiiicd area 7 acr(>s, iu llic N. W . 1 I cd' scdinu 120. on Pull hill; also the \ciii riglits through the K.iiic llnllis and ilic Amanda claims, 3.82 acres. .Ml imlcnli'il. 'Phi' nnrih end id' 1 ' ni'\|i('clcd claim is leased fiii' IS nionllis Irimi Maich, IIHKI. •_'(• pei- ceui. royally. Property There are se\('ral shal'ls ahoul ."id I'eei dei'|i and a Innni'l on llie llajipy \i-\\v aud dosephiiie claims. The innnel has a leu^^lh (d' ahoul Slid feet aud a de])tli of I'.-id feel. The ^leaier pail of Ihe dexclopmeut work has been done on ihe lhi|)py ^■eal■ and ihe .losejihine claims. Development IlighesI luice tor slock duiaug 1S99, 9 ceiiis; lowest juacc tor stock duiiug 1899, 1 1-4 cents. 109 Directors The Central Gold Mining Company. Incorporated May 13, 1896. J. M. Hawkins . President J. H. Ryau ^'ire-President n. M. Mason Secretary and Treasurer L. Ct. Camj)beil. Geo. Saunders. Main Office — De Graff building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. ^tt .{.{.: Capyfiaht /SOO.by ^rit/ HiHi Capitalization Property 1,250,000 shares. Par value. §1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 40,000 shares. Owns the Little Maud, the Little Purl, tlie Inviuciltle and the Invincible No. 2, containing about 37 acres in all, situated in S. E. 1-4 of section 22, on Big Bull hill. All the property is patented. There is a shaft on each of tlu-sc claims. The stock is not on the mai'ket. 110 The Champion Consolidated Mining Company. Incoijiorated September 8. 1896. Frank G. Pe. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Janiiai-v 1, I'.KKl, KiS.OdO sjiares. Capitalization Copyright.lSOO by fr^t/ MitL Owns ( 'liaiii|)i(in. ( iulcniiilii ami Iniii Itiikc. almiii I i :!- 1 aires in all. ami iialcnlnl. Siliialrd in ilir .\. Iv 1-4 scrlinii •".n. dii Kavcii hill. The soiiili I'liil III' llii' < 'liaiiii>ii)ii riaiiii lias hn-n Irascil \k\v iwu yrars III UrrkiM' iV ('ii.. Ill' l>cii\('r, will! ai-c iimlci- rmiiiai i In sink a I'llO-l'onl 3-<-(iiiiiiarl iiiciil shaft. \'iT\ lilllr ilr\ i'lii|imi'lll lias linai iliiMi' nil llir |i|-i )|irrl \ , lull lalrl\' Sli'|is lia\r lii'Cll laki'll In |inisrr\l Ir llic Wiilk \ iili H'l Ulsl \ mi airnlllll nl J^ikkI dl'i' lia\illi; liri'll ilisriiV iTi'il nil cXrl'V siilr nl' I lie uriili]!. llijilicsl jii-irc I'ni- slink iliii-iii;^ ls:i'.). lit 11 cents. Property 111 Directors Capitalization Property The Chicolo Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 7, 18?5. 1). N. Heizer, president; W. (}. rm-dy. vice-piesideiit ; C. E. Heizer, secretary; E. A. Colburn, treasurer. ('. II. Dudley. W. H. Truesdale. Maiu Office — 16 N. Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, T.lOO, 1G,GC3 shares. Owns the Forlorn Hope, 10 acres, in the S. E. 1-1 of section 7, on Ten- derfoot hill. Patented. Allegany, 7.150 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 32, on Straub mountain, just south of Lawrence. Patented. Gold Bug, S.E.Sec, Development Shamrock, Cyclone and Midland, 15 acres, in the S. ^^ . 1-4 of section 32, on Straul) mountain. Receiver's receipt. The company also owns the Blue Bonnet, Emma B., Lone Boy and ^Mascot, 37.740 acres, in the E. 1-2 of section 30, on the northeast slope of IJhyolite mountain, which can not be shown on i)lat. Patented. The Forlorn Hope has a shaft 100 feet deep, with some drifting, while on the ether property patent work only has been done. There is a lease on the Forlorn Hope running two years at a royalty of 20 per cent. Highest price for stock during 1899, 4 3-4 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent. 112 The C. K. & N. Mining Company. Incorporated March, 18114. II. niitcliiiisoii ri'i'sident .1. i;. llmitcr ^'i(•(• rrcsident Jiio. L. 8emmes. .Sec. ;iih1 'ricasiircr K. Mncdcniiiil I >. 11. Inili'i-. :\!iiiii Office — 2-1 and 25 Exchaiiiic Rank Iniilding. Toloi^ado S]ii-iiigs. Colorado. 1.2r>(),nn0 slian-s. Tai- value SI. 00. Owns the Kaaler, consist iiiu of 5.2 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 25. on the west slope of Beacon hill. Directors N.E.Sec.29 The ])ropertj is heiim de\('lopc(l hv lessees and is nnder lease for a term of three yeava from November ;>Oth, 1899, to Horace ( iiantleld, who has the means to prosecute development work. As it adjoins the Orizaba of the El Paso G. M. Co., the prospects are good to mak(> a pi'odncei-. Hiiihest price for stock dui'lnLj- 1899, 2 3-4 cents; Iciwcsl jirici' for stock during 1899, 2 cents. The Clyde Gold Mining Company. Incorporated Marc'li t!. 1900. Frank C. Andrews. .President and Treasurer Frank If. Pettingell .... N'ice-Presldent and (ieniM-al .Manager Fred B. Oshorn Secret aiy y\. V. I'.rahh. Chas. .\. I'.iace. .Main Office — 11 Bank hlock, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,0I»II,(I(M) sliai-es. i'ai- value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, r.)()0, L'Od.OOO shaies: in treasury Jaiinary 1. 1900. s7.i»(IO cash. Owns the rjyde, alioul 7 aeres, in llie N. E. 1-4 of section 29, Survey No. S9S."'>. situated on Fiatlle mountain. Property is patented. One shaft, l.x.^ in the rhai-. liOU feet deep, with almut :?00 feet (if drifting; one drift niHili, one east and erne west; also nne 200 fool sliafi :{ l-2.\7, with !:;."> Icet drifting from Ixiltom. .MmhiI 20 other sliafis have i)een snid<, varying from 10 to 7S fei't. Sevei-al open cuts and ticm hes. The greater part of the work has iieen done near the middle of the west side line; 12x14 steam hoist; lOO-lioise jiower boiler; large shaft house of abnul 7.">xl?5 feet; blacksmith simp: |iow(ler magazine; office and store house. One l.M) gallun puni|i ai .'idO I'odt sta- tion, one sinker ])nmii below the .^OO foot siaiioii. and li\c machine drills. As this is a pri\'ate coi-iioralion (here has beci slock offered for sale. Capitalization Property Development Directors Cofifriglrt.i900. byrrtif Hills Capitalization Property Development 113 Directors The C. 0. D. Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1892. P. K. C. Burke President Chas. L. Tiitt Vice-President Chas. E. Howard Secretary and Treasurer H. A. Watson. 0. J. Cover, iiaiu Ofifioe — No. 269 Bennett avenue, Cripple Creek, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Til treasury .Taimary 1, 1900, 100,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900. .fl,000 cash. . Sec.|5ec " 20. , 21. i TI55 R69W Copyr^^ht/gOO £y Frfdh'ills Property Owus a part of Vindicator and C. O. D. No. 2, situated in S. AV. 1-4 of section 21, on the south slope of Bull hill; also owus 9.8 acres of the Rosario, Mollie Xoble and the Lulu .^1., in the same location. The total acreajje owned by this couipauy is about 15.3 acres. All patented. The ownership of the tracts A. and B. is in controversy between this com- pany and the Keystone Mining and Milling Company, and this ground is shown in dotted lines. Development There are several shafts ranging from 30 feet to 12.5 feet deep. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Lulu M. and the C. O. D. At present the property is being worked by lessees. No stock is being offered for sale in public. 114 The Colfax Mining Company. Incorporated March 5, 1892. F. H. Pettingell President A. P. ^lackey Vice-President L. A. Civill Secretary J. Jl. McKinnie Treasurer A. B. Noxon. .Maiu Ullice — No. 11, Bank block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Directors 1,()()(),0()0 sliarcs. Par valiir, .'^I.OI). In treasui-v .laiin.iiv 1. r.Mio. :!0,7.S-4 shares. Capitalization (twiis llii- Maiiinini li, siir\i'\ NO. S,lir>l. iiinl.iiiiiiiL; i.eer, Jolin \l. Wad, Harry < hvcii and llii- l^lk. sni'vey No. !t,r)7l!, conlainiiiii in all l."i..~)1l() acres, all in ilic N. W. II srclicin 12. Tlic .Maniinnlli is |);il('nlr(l. IJrrciMM-'s rccci|ii hrlil I'm- ilii' I'einaindi'i-. Properly 115 The Colomokas Gold Mining Company. 116 The Colomokas Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 9. 189G. E. 8. Walters, president ; .1. \V. Shcjildi-, vice-president; l\ W. Kors- Directors meyer, secretary; A. M. K'oismej'er, treasurer; J. AV. Adv, E. L. Sumner, H. F. Gourley. Main Ollicc — Kooni No. 11', Exchange i'.iink liuiidiim, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 5,000,000 .sliare.s. I'ar valiu", •'#1.011. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1000, 2,400,000 shares; in treasuiy January 1, 1900, 1100.0(1 < asli. Owns the Annie Esther, in the N. E. 1-4 section 22, on Cow niouii- Pfoperty tain; the ilarniony, in the N. W. 1-4 section 2;{. on Cow luoniitnin; ilic BuHalo, I'rairie Dog and Old Maid, in the X. W. 1-4 section 2(i; Ihe Signet, Famous, Juiuiata, Shamrock, Pf)wderly, Annex, Ida C, Sheba, Wiiite S\van. Swanhilde, Franklin and I lie Inyincihlc, all in (he S. 1-2 section 22, and in I lie X. 1-2 s( ci i(ni '.'7. nil on I nvincililc hill, a halt mile east (if I lie \'ictni- mine. Total .-ici-cagc of this (omiiany is 150 acres. The Annie Esther, llarmou.y. Signet, Famous, Sliamrock, Jniniatn, Old Maid, Prairie Dug and liutTalo are jiatcntod. The remaindn- in ](ioccss of patenting. Ilorsc wliim, lilai-ksiiutli shop, slalilc rTidci'Liroinid niadiinci-w 1(1(1 Development feet Ii-;irk and l\\, 2 1-2 cents. 117 Directors Capitalization The Colomont Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August, 1899. F. H. Stickney President F. W. Isham Vice-President C. L. Hyde Secretary and Treasurer J. M. Kirby Assistant Secretary M. E. Stickney. G. H. Thorne. Main Office — 24 Bank block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury' January 1, 1900, 53.5,000 shares. Property Development Owns the Antelope, in the S. E. 1-i of section 7, containing 7 acres, and the Jenny Lynd, in the X. E. 1-4 of section 12, containing 10 acres. Both patented. On the -Vntelope is a shaft house and horse whim. Three shafts, ranging in depth from 25 to 50 feet, have been sunk on the Antelope and contract let for 100 feet. A 4-foot vein disclosed, ^^'ill run a general average of .f 1(3.80 at ten feet deep. Tiie .lenny T-ynd has a 50-foot shaft. Mill returns on a 10-ton shipment, caught on plates, Beaver Park mill, 1895, gave flO.SO per ton. Greater part of the development work has been done on the Antelope. On .\pril 24, at a depth of 75 feet, a valuable vein of ore two feet wide, averaging -130 per ton, was opened up. Highest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents. 118 The Colonial Dames Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August, 1896. C. II. Emerson. President. Walter A. Stebbins, Vice-President. Win. (J. Liese, Secretary. Ben A. .Metealf, Treasurer. Carl .lolmson. (Jen. Ilniiiiiier. .Main Oltice — ("olo- radu S|n-ini:s, ('niorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, ^^.()^). In Irensnry Jaiuiary 1. I'.MM). Capitalization 100,(100 shares, in treasury .January J, liMIO, .fHOO.OO cash. Owns (lie Ciiace Darliiii;, <(in(ainin.ii nearly 2 acres, in section 17, i>n "^"^^ ^ the north slope of Hiili hill; the hames iiroiip, conlaiMini; the Ida l,ee, 'I'alisniaM, Sihcr Lake, Koc's Nest, Ida .Max and Talesnian. '27 acres in all, situate(l ]iar(ly in s<'ction 17 and |>ai'lly in section S; ilic 1 tun No. 2. (■(•ntaiiMM;:; ni'arlx one aivt'. in scciion '■'><), nn Kaxi-n hill ; :ind llic Spcclcr, containiiiii' iieai-ly .'> aci-es, in seclion ."{i;, on the sonili sIo|m' of I'.attle mountain. Tin' (!race Dai'liiij;, lU feel deeit. The Silver Lake has a shaft (d' :{.") feet ; the Koc's NesI oii<' of ."')0 feel. The ^fealcr |i.ll-| of I he ili'\ ciniiniciil work has been done on the < irace harliiii;. lliiihi'st price for slock durinj; ISit'.l, .', cents; lowest price fur slock dnrin- 1S!I!», 2 \-2 cents. 119 Development The Colorado City and Manitou Prospecting and Mining Company. Copyright I9O0 iy Fmd H.IU 120 The Colorado City and Manitou Prospecting and Mining Company. Inoorporated 1895. A. Z. Sheldon President pj^^^^^^^ T. J. Dalzell Vice-l'rcsidcTit ;iiii\\ oi-e seem favoi-ablc. The north end of llicsc daiiiis is leased to lessees, who are sinking 20 feet per month. Lessees are working with a steam \>\:\]\i on the Genoa and Frank Lee, and also on the Jennette and the Liiile .Maggie. On the latter property the shaft is down 2S0 feet and a large amount of cross-cutting lias liccn done The Progress G. ]M. < 'o. has a lioiid and lease on the INI. W. S. claini. lln^ b(nid licing foi- 135,000, expiring .\ngnst 1, 1900. This bond will prolcilily lie lakni np by I In- Progress Company, and the money so oblaincd will lie used by I he company to dc\clo]i some of their other judpi rlics. The policy of ihe romi)any is to get all Iheii- ])roi(erties leased to good p.-irlies. who will llioronghly develoii llu'm. Highest y)rice for stock duiin;^ ISlllt, 21 cents; lowest price foi- stock dnring IS!» acre; the Zitella, 1.3 acres; the K. P. O. A., 4.2 acres; two-thirds of the Little Maggie; the May B. and the M. K. & T., 18.G acres; the Deadwood, 4 acres; one- eighth of the Canuck, S acres; one-eighth of ilic Loitie .May, :5-4 acre; the Ethel, 13-4 acres; the Clemnia E., 2 acres; one-half of the Santa Christo, 3-4 acre; one-sixth of the Mary Schroeder, 1-2 acre; the Honanza, 4 acres; all situated in sections 29 and 30. This company also controls the |iropci-ly of llic ( 'ol niiiliiiic (iold Mining ( 'oiiipanx'. Tlic Culiiiiiliine- Victor liinncl cxicnds 3,740 feet thi'ougli Sipiaw Development mountain. In coniicdiun willi lliis inniicl llici-c lias also licen done 1,700 feet of drifting. On t]i<- M. K. .S: '1'. I here is a shaft 2(KI feet deep, and 500 feet of (li'ifling. The K. P. (>. A. lias a tnnni'] of 200 feet. In addition to tlic alin\i' d('\('loi)ment wmk there arc l\\y slock duiiuL: in; I! I, 12 cents. 125 The Comanche Plume Mining Company. Incorporated March. 1900. Directors w. V. Pettit President C. II. Bryan Secretary ilain Office — 10 Hagerman bnildiug, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, 1 cent. In treasury ?ilarcli 1, 1900, 250,000 shares ; in treasury March 1, 1900, §1 0.000 cash. Property Owus the ^Mountain Goat, INTagda- lene, Little Edith and Stella Girl, 7 1-2 acres in all, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 29, on Baf lie niounlain ; also owns 2 1-2 acres ' additifiiial \cin rights. All the ]iin]u'rty is patented Development One tunuel of 150 feet. Stock selling at 7 cents, ^ilav, 1900. Directors Capitalization The Combination Gold Mining Company. Incorporated Feliruary 10, 1900. H. L. Shepherd President R. W. Griswold Vice-President J. E. Jones Secretary and Treasxirer Main office — 267 Bennett avenue, Cripi)le Creek, Colorado. 100,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Cc^r/^^ffSOO by Frtd S.E.Sec.17. Property Owus the Eoyal Age lode claim, consisting of 2 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 17, on Bull hill, adjoining the Pinnacle's property on the northwest. Development There is a 90-foot surface tunnel and a 50-foot shaft on the prop- erty. No stock having changed hands, there were no prices quoted. 126 The Commercial Men's Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated February 12, 1896. Jas. .M. SI usher, I'rcsitlcMit ; L. X. Knllllililll, Mcc-i'rt'sidL'ut ; A. B. Olson, ir^ecretary ; D. E. Ilomk, Treasurer; E. D. lloopes, W. J. Duuifiaii, J. Q. Vau ()rs(lol. Main Office — No. 234 Bennett avenue, rri])i)le Creek, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. Directors Capitalization Ccpyrifht 1900. iy fftd Hills Owns the Lottie E., containing 2 acres, in the S. W . J-4 section t!, township 15 south, range GO west; the (!old Crown, contaiMliifi -l.OOS ^"^"P^'y acres, in the S. \\' . 1-4 section 0, townshij) 15 soutli, raiige 00 west; the Gold .Monitor, containing S.Olo acres, in the 8. AN'. 1-4 section 0, town- ship 15 south, range (J9 west; and the Jupiter, containing 1.72() acres, in the N. E. 1-4 seclion 17, (owiisliip 15 soiilh, range 00 west. Total acreage is 1(1 aci-es. lleceiver's receipls held Uw the aliosc ]ir(i|)ei-ty. The Gold Jlonitor has a shatl 75 I'eei (h'i'p; the Lottie E. has a „ , shaft 50 feet dee), and drift of 25 IVet. Development Highest jtri^'c for stock during ISOO, 2 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock dui-ing 1899, 1-2 cent. The Common-Wealth Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated Decenil)er 20, 1899. Spencei' Penrose, ])resident ; C. .M. .MacXeill, vice-i>residenl ; J. ^IcK. Ferriday. sei retai-y; (Jeo. V. I'ry, (reasurei-; \\. W. Criswold. .Main <)l1ice K'ooiii II, 101 Paso Bank hlock, ('olorado S|iiiiigs, ("olo- rado. 1.5(10,001) shares. V:\y \aliie. .^l.ttO. Directors In t reasiiiy .lanua ry 1900, II (1,000. 00 cash. I'.KIII. I(i(t. (100 shares; in ire,-isiii-\ .l:iniiar\ I. Capitalization (CONTINUEO ON I'AdK 12S.) 127 Property Development The Common-Wealth Mining and Milling Company — continued. Owns the Deadwood claim, -1.056 acres, in tlie X. E. 1-4 sectioa 17, on Squaw mountain; the San Francisco, 6.639 acres, and the J. T., 6.685 S.E.Sec.30. Copyright, tsoO, ty Frtd Hi[!s acres, in tlie N. E. 1-4 section 17, on Galena hill ; also Home, J. J. L., lots 14 to 20 inclusive, block 6, and lots 38, 39 and 40, block 14, town of Arequa; 6.170 acres, E. 1-2 section 30, on Beacon hill. All patented, with the exception of that portion surrounded by a dotted line on the J. T., the company having the mineral rights, however, for the whole length of claim. There is an electric hoist and shaft house on the Home claim. The total present development consists of 525 feet of tunnels, 405 feet of shafts and 175 feet of drifts. The policy of the company will be to use its money judiciously to open up the J. J. L. and Deadwood. The J. J. L. shaft will be sunk to 460 feet, at an approximate cost of .fO.OOO.OO, and a shaft will be sunk on the Deadwood with the idea of opening up the Squaw mountain tunnel No. 4 vein, at an approximate cost of .?2, 500.00, which will leave a balance in the treasury of |4,500.00 for future use and for such contingent expenses as may occur. No salaries will be paid officers of the company at the present time. 128 The Consolidated Gold Mines Company. Incorporated September 23, 1898. WariCIl Woods Plesidfllt Directors H. E. Woods Vice-President F. .M. ^^'(((^ds Secretary and Treasurer Main Office — Victor, Colorado. Branch Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 sliares. Par value, .fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1!M)0, 5,000 shares; in treasury Jainiary 1, 1000. .«:2r.,000.00 cash. Copyright iSOO Oy f^td HilH Owns Ihe Wild Horse, 2.4(; acres; tlie property {•"rceport, 3 acres; the T. F. T. and I ho I'.ciiha, ir» aci-cs; the E. B., one a( i<'; also <(mtrols the property of the TjiHc i'cdro .Miniiii; <"i>., which corporation ow iis a llii-cc- sixtcciillis iulcrest in the .Terry .luinison \(is. 1 and 2, and a two-ninths interest in Ihe Aiapalmc ami tin- .M. E. P. The company alsn (MiTiiinIs the jnnpcity (if I lie llouauza Queen Minini>' Company, tin' New Zealand .Miniiiu ("(>ni|iany, and lias varions otlier liuldiuiiS. No. 1 Shalt on (he Wild Horse is 348 feet dc^'i'- ^^'Hi -••"'"" •'''<'* ^'^ Development underground \\()rkings, aside fKini slo](es. The Gleason slial'l. a three- conii)artinenl slialt on the A\'ild lloi-se. is iiOO feet deep. On the Wild Horse, the T. V. T. and liu' ilerllia there are 10 cdher shafts, ranging in depth from 30 to 100 feet. (Jood buildings, complete plant and eciuip ment on lioili liic Wild lloise slial'ls. Gross piodnelion hi -lannaiy I, 1000, .$500,000.00; di\iilcnds to Production .lannaiy I. 1000, iifJOO.OOd.dd ; lasl dividend Ainil 25, $10,000.00. ""^ Dividend Hii^liesl prire for slock (lining ISO'.t, .'jfl.25 per share; lowcsl price for stock dining ISOO, CO cenis |iei- share. 129 Capitalization Property Directors Capitalization Property Development The Consolidated Night Hawk and Nightingale Company. Main Office — Colorado Springs, Col- orado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Owns the Night-Hawk and the Night- ingale, containing abont IS acres, in section 20, on Bull Hill. This property has produced about f 20,000.00, and in March, 1000, IMr. W. S. Stratton bought the whole of the stock for 20 cents per share. Unable to state Mr. Stratton's future policy. The Constantine Consol- idated Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. L. R. Ehrich President J. R. McKiunie Vice-President N. S. (landy Secretary W. C. Stark Treasurer Geo. E. Hasey. Main Office — Hagerman building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, about 400,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 11100, about i?600.00 cash. Owns the Constantine and Julia E., containing 10 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 19, on Raven hill. Patented. The company will develoj) their property through lessees, and the ground is all leased at the present time. There is a shaft and drifts amounting to probably n 300 feet on each claim. The Julia E. adjoins the Jack Pot and Doctor, and was located and patented with the Doc- tor, which adjoins the Jennie Sample of the Gould Company and the Elizabeth Cooper of the Nugget Company. The Constantine lies between the Raven Company's property and the Joe Dandy mine. Highest price paid dnring 1S99, about 10 cents; lowest price paid during 1899, about 10 cents. Sec_I9. sjv/4 T (5 S R 69 W 130 <#' The Constitution Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February, 1896. \l. A. Ilautly I'lcsident J. W. Xicliolns. .Vice-President C. E. Tyler. .Sec. and Treasurer Wm. ITiiih. iNlaiu Oltice — 17 X. Tcjoii street, (^olorado Sprinj^s, Colo- rado. Directors Copyright I900 by Fn^ Hills l.L'.~)0,(l(l(» shares. Tar value, „ ., ,. ,. ' Capitalization fl.OO. In treasury -Taiuiai-v 1, 1!M)(I, al)()ut 1.50,000 shares. ' Owns the Denver No. <> and the St. Joseph Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4; all full claims, situated in section 34, on Biii Hull uu>un- tain. Property is held by loca- tion. Property Four years' assessment work has been done on each claim. No stock sold on market. The Contact Gold Mining and Tunnel Company. 6ec.30. n[ Incorporated. I'rank Timmis President and Manager Directors L. F. Stephens Secretary :Main Office — Room 2 Safety Deposit building, Crijiple Creek, Coloi-ado. 1,."')00,()(I0 shares. Par value, .'Jl.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1900, 255,000 shares; in Ircasuiy .I.iiinaiy I, I'.KtO, 14,500.00 cash. Owns the hon lode, in fhe N. E. 1-4 of section 20, Property conlaiiiiuji about, .'>■ I of an acre, patented; the Chi- cago Nos. 2, 3 and I, coiilaining 27 acres, on tlie south- west slo])e of (ironsc nitiuutaiu. in jjrocess of jtatcut- ing. This ])I-()|m'|I \ docs noi show on the map. Tiic (•om])any also owns the Pull ("lilf Trans. Draiuage TuuucI ami Tnund Site, located on the northeast sio| f r.iiii iiiii. 'I'hc Don lode has a shaft 225 U^^'X dccii and contract is let to sink it Development an additional 200 feci. The Pull ('lilV (unnd is in IJIO f(>et, partly doubl(> track. Gross product ion lo dale. jllO Ions low i^radc ori' from llic |)oii lode. Production Highest ]u-ice for slock durini; IS'.l'.l, 1(1 ccnis; lowcsl |nicc loi- slock duiiuii 1S00, 5 cents. Copyright 1900 by fred H'l 131 Directors Capitalization The Copper Mountain Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. M. Kinney President D. J. Duncan Vi<-e-Pn'sideut C. M. Miller Secretary Frank G. Peck Treasurer Main Office — Exchange Bank block. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |L00. In treasury January 1, 1900, -f 100.00 cash; present indebtedness of the company about .fl,500.00. Property Development Production O^ri^ht i90C ty Fr^d Hi liVJe Bo^aifta I Owns the Arctic, Bill Nj'e, Anna C, Lost Lillie and the Minnesota, containing, in all, 42.467 acres, situated in the S. W. 1-4 of section 1, on Copper mountain. All the above claims are patented. Two small shaft houses and one tool house. The Anna C. has an in- cline of 200 feet and a perpendicular shaft of 80 feet depth. The Lost Lillie has a shaft 200 feet deep and about 500 feet of drifting. On the Bill Nye there is a shaft 100 feet deep. Gross production to January 1, 1900, about 40 tons of about one- ounce ore. Highest price for stock during 1899, 14 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 132 Directors The Copper-Signal Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September, 1899. James F. Hadley, pi-csident; II. I.. Slicplici-d, vice-presidt-nt ; Win. .M." Brojles, secretary and treasurer. !'. -1. I.yiich. P. E. C. Bui'ke. Main Odice — Safe Deposit hiiildini;, ('ii]ii)le ('reel<, ( "olor-aiid. 1,250,000 sliares. I'ar value, si. 00. In treasury .January 1, moo^CapitaUzation 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1!)00, fSOO.OO'easli. I Owns tlie J. :\r. Harden, 2.1(1 a. res, in the N. E. 14 of section 10, on P^op^ty I?aven hill; llie Daisy liCe, 5.S21 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section S, on (lalena hill; the Overland, r».iMIS acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 1, on Copper mountain; the Safe Deposit, .".4(12 acres, in the 1'^.. 1-2 of section 23, on Si.tinal hill. A total of I'.l.ljl acres. The J. .M. Harden and the Ovei'land ai-e patented. K'ecei\cr"s receipt held for the Dais\- I.ee and the Safe 1 )ei»osit. Only patent work lias Imcii doi n tin- Safe Deposit and the Daisy '**'*'''*P'°"' Lee. The OvcM'land, w liicli is leased, has a shaft 7.") feet deei>. 'Phi' i;reater })ai't, of the de\clopinent work is lieinii done on the liaiileii. On this elaiiii (here is (piite an amount of shallow work, hut systematic work has only just hcfiun. Tlie lessees ai'e just down to (he vein at a de]>th of 2.") feet. They will iinniediately |iiil in inachinery and ])i-ohahly erect an oi-e house. This chiiiii lies ahoul (•."•O fee( nordieasi of the .MiM-niiii; Stai', of the lOntcrprise ('ompany. and has o|iened their \ein. The (»\-erland is heinjj develoiied to catch the Xickle I'lale \eiii, Inil has a iiood vein in the west end, cariyiiiii ^2S |ier ton; not down lielow 20 feet. The Daisy Lee, which has made a L;()od showin;;', will soon he leased. II iiihest ])rice for slock lat. The Midget lode has a tunnel. There is a tini- Development bered shaft 50 or 60 feet deep on the F. H. & R. claim. These claims have shown good leads of low grade ore. The Cosmos Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 189li. H. J. Hagerman President Directors R. C. Thayer Secretary and Treasurer K. R."^ Babbitt. Sam Strong. 31ain Ottice — 5 Giddings bnilding; transfer, Internatit)nal Trust Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, ."fLOO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, litdO, 75,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 1300.00 cash. 25. Copyri^r.1900, tt/ rrtd Hilti. Owns the TS'essie l>ox, 10 \-'^ acres, in the \. Vj. 1-1 section 20, town- Property sliip 15 sou 111. range 70 west, pa leu ted, just west id' .Mound Cily ; also ihe Christopher Columbus Nos. 1, 2, ."! and 1, containing aixuit 40 acres, p.it entcd. north of Khyolite motintain. .\s these last-nienliiuied claiins are onlside of (he .Manual lei-i-ilory I lie.\ ran not besiiown llieieo;i. Tliere is alioni '.\~^\ feci ul incline on llic Nessie P.ox. and 5(1(1 feet of ( u nneli ng and slia 11 s on I lie ( 'lirislo|)lier ( 'olnnilnis ^roii |i. Iliglicsl |iiice of sloik diii-ing IS9'.t, .'ij;9..50 per .M . 135 Directors Capitalization Property The Creede and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. JaiiiL'H F. Uiu'us I'resideut Frank G. Peck Secretary and Treasurer John Harnan. L. F. Curtis. ir. Kinney. yiahi Oflioe — No. G8 First National Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 800,000 shares. Tar value, •'t^l.OO. In treasury January 1, 11)00, .f223.48 cash; in treasury January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares of the Union Bell Cold :\Iiuing Company. Owns the Hillside, survey No. 9,348, containing 3 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 10, on Cold hill; the Little Mary and the Ocean Wave, survey No. 8,192, both situated in the N. W. 1-4 section 29, on Battle mountain, containing in all 9 acres. All patented. Copyr,yht iSOO by Frtd Hills. Development Shaft house on tlie Hillside. The Hillside has a shaft 210 feet deep and 1,000 feet of cross-cuts and drifts. On the Little Mary there are several shafts less than 100 feet deep, and about 800 feet of cross-cuts and drifts. These two latter claims are traversed by the Uinta tunnel. All tlie claims are leased. Production Gross production to January 1, 1900, about .fl.^.OOO. Net value of royalties for 1899, |135.72. Highest jjrice for stock during 1899, 13 1-4 cents; lowest price for stock dui-ing 1899, 5c. 136 The Cresson Consolidated Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1895. ]■'. 11. \\ hiiiicy, iti'csidciit ; K. 1;. I'.ahhilt, vice-president; K. A. Rea, secretary; J. II. Harbeck, treasurer. 1). Ostrander. Eugene Ilaibeck. J. 11. Wattles. Main Office — 205 La Salle street, Chicago, Illinois. Directors Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. Owns the Mary L., Sadie Bell, Draper, Robin Hood and i'liai- Tuck, "P^'^y 29.GS acres in all, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 20, and in the N. W. 1-4 of section 29. All patented. These claims are all in one group on Raven and Bull hills. ■ 15 s. r:69 W. Copyright 1900 by ^'td Hi. There are four j.lanis nf niarliinery. Seven leases aic lieing operated. Development IM()pei-ty is not lionded. Abunl 2,000 feet of developuunl work has lieen done, willi im [larlicnlar regai-d to claim bonndaries. Tin' iMapi r claim is being woikcci I he most acti\ciy. Tlie prescnl 'ease on llieceiilial block of ihe .Mar\ !,. am! I>ra|ie!' claims calls for a (i(l(l tool shafl. The pid|icrly was operalc'l li\ llic coin|iaii\ diiriiiL; IS'.l."! iSIMi. In 1S!I() it was leased for a shoii lime. I'lom .lanuar.\', IS'.tT, to September, lISOS, the properl \ laid idle ( )iic lease bega u opera! ions Seplendier, ISitS. The jireseni le:ises, sexcn in nniidici-, were given ()ciolicr ami Noxcm- lier. IS'.I'.I. Sloci^ is not on ihc niai'kcl, being chxcly held. 137 Directors Copyn^M; f900 dy f>td Hills. 4a^Pi'.9.__ Capitalization The Cripple Creek Bullion Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S95. George W. Baxter. . ..President J. (". Mitcliell . ..Vice-President J. 1). Xiederlitz. .Sec and Treas .Main Office — Equitable bldg, Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. In treasnrv January 1. 1900, 250,000 shares; in treas- ury January 1, 1900, about .^l.OOO.OO cash. Property Owns the Udrtliern portion of the Venus and the western por- tion (if the Toll Iioad placer, over 5 acres patented and about 2 acres not patented, on Squaw mountain, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 31. The Kansas City, 1 1-4: acres, patented, on Wo- mack hill, in the N. W. 1-1 of section IS, near the Gold King Coni])any. The Hub, J. C. and Panorama, about 5 acres, receiver's receipt, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 7, located on the west slope of Carbonate hill. The S. M. P., about 1 acre, adjoining the Hub and J. C. The Kansas City No. 2, about 2 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 18, adjoining the Kansas City; in process of patenting; 41 acres, patented, on Xipjde mountain, and about 8 acres in process. A part of the ]iro]ierty is leased and more will be leased later. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 7-8 cents; stock during 1S99, 2 1-2 cents. iwest ])rice for 138 The Cripple Creek-Columbia Mining Company. Incorporated August 29, 1899. C. C. Hamlin IM-Osirlfllt Directors C. n. Dudle.v Xicc-l'msident O. H. Shoup Hotrc'tar.v ;ind Treasurer H. H. Barbco. K. .]. Eat(.n. ^laiu Office — First ^satioiiai Kaiilc bloclc, witli llccd ^Vc llainlin lu- vestment Company, Colorado Hpriiiys, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. Capitalization lu treasury Jauuarv 1, I'.KIO, 200, (MH( shares; iu treasury .Jaiiuai-.\ 1, 1900, 12,100.00 cash. Copyright /900 b^ rrtd M:IIS 1 0\\us I lie ('(iliiiiibia No. 1, eonlaiiiiiiL; about 1 aci-cs, sit iialeil iu sec- Property tion 25, on Beacon bill. Patented. This j)r()perty was iin-orpiiralcd late last year and lias liei-n sys- eve opmen tematically developed uncb'r IJic Icasiim system, it lias .i shall alinni 285 feet deep, and b.is a n;ood slial'l Iicmisc and steam linist nn tlir pni|M'riy. Beacon hill has \ci'_\- lew (lcc|i shal'ls, Inil I'foiii llic ih'\ i'l(i|iiiiiMit llial lias been dnni- llic indications air niosl excellent, li will he Ihe policy of the COinjiany Id conlilille acli\e de\ elopllielil work lllliler llie leasilu; syslelll. llif:'best ]irice lor stock dnriiiji ISOO, i."! 1-2 ceiils; lowcsl price lor stock diiiani; ISH'.I, li IS ceiils. 139 The Cripple Creek Consolidated IVIining Company Sec. 18, 140 The Cripple Creek Consolidated Mining Company. Incorpnratetl December 15, 1S91. Jos. 1'. Iluinplncy President Directors Joliii (I. SliicUls Viee-lMesidi'iit Geo. .M. Irwiii Secretary 1 ). J. ( 'liiishiiilici- Treasuici- Irviiii: W. 1 low Ix'ii. J. A. Hayes. ;Maiii oriice — :!() llagcniian liiiildiiiii, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,(MI(i.(l(l(l shares. I'ar value, fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1900, 17,!)2S shares; in treasury January 1, HMM), |40,0()0.0(». also 1.000 sluires of the ^Vi]son Oeek Consolidated y\. & M. Co. stock. Owns I he I'lorence claim, sit ua led in I he N. E. 1-4 of section 29, Sur- Property vey No. 9224, containing 0.874 acres, on Battle mountain ; tiie C is leased. .\ Development pari nt Ihc !)ca(l llursc is also leased. The company is now working on the <'oloi-ado Boss No. ."!. ( )n ihc I'loicncc lode (he comiiaiiy will sink a shaft .lOd feel deeji. On March 21, HHKI, a dividend oC S cenls per share (S100,(I(MI| was Dividend paid the slock holders froni 1 he sale of 1 lie .May (^>ueen and ( !ene\ a claims. Ilighesl price lor slock during 1S9'.I, 19 3-8 ceids; lowesi luice for stock during 1S99, S cents. 141 Directors Capitalization Property Development Production History The Cripple Creek Free Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated November. 1894. W. H. Anderson Presidi'ut F. W. Ford . Vice-President and Treasurer M. E. Anderson Secretary A. A. Ford. A. Ford. Sarali W. Ford. Bertha E. Ford. Main Offict^Nos. 1 and 2, Safe De- posit building, Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900. 57,004 shares; in treasury January 1, 1000, $500.00 cash. Owns the Australia lode claim, con- taining 10 1-3 acres, situated in the E. 1-2 section 25, between the l'"'anny B., Orizabas and the Kimberly Company's property on the one side, and the Black Bell on the other. The patent has been delayed owing to an adverse decision against the Little May, included in the same group. The property is divided into five blocks, and there are shafts of from 50 to 250 feet on each. The main workings at the north end are 250 feet deep. There are several drifts and cross-cuts. A tunnel from outside ground cuts the vein near the center of the claim. Some drifting and stoping has been done. There are three other shafts of from 50 to 100 feet deep, which have cut the vein. Gross production to January 1, 1900. alxuit fO.OOO.OO. Net profit on ore mined during 1890, about '{flOO.OO. This company is at present involved in litigation with Hurris et al., in which they seek to ]iur(liase it at iif7,500.00. The company has en- forced forfeiture of contract, and a final decision in its favor is ex- pected within a very short time. The stock is not listed, all being held bv a few individuals. Copynahf tOOOby Tr^d H<^ 142 The Cripple Creek and Georgetown Gold Mining Company. Organized 1899. Ikicliard J. Bolles, president; (Jeo. C. Hewett, vi(e]H'esi(lent : ('has. Directors Capitalization ^^. Wil.son, secretary; James K. Lane, trcasnror. Main Office — No. 9 De Graft' block, Colorado Springs, Coliuado. ],2.~n.nnO shares. Par valne, |1.00. Owns tiie Lucky No. 2 and tlie Oasis No. 2, on TcncU'rlodl hill; the Property Algiers Nos. 1 and 2, and the llosmer, on I>incoin hill and IJhyolite nuiuntain, containing in all ahont 22 acres, in jirocess of patenting. The coinjiany also (twns a group, containing about S 1-2 acres, in the < Iririil h mining disi rill, ( Seorgelow u, ( 'nioradn, w hirh has prod uri'd aluiui f20,(MM) from surface workings, having ihe same vein and adJniiMug ihc ("enteninai nune, wincli has sinp|ied .tj;:)()U,(IOO and is slill producing. Tiie Lucky No. 2 has a siiali ."U) feet deep, and Id Icfl oT diifiing Development fi'om holtom. The (»asis \n. 2 has a I'O-fool sliafl. ()n Ihc llosmer 2.") feet of trenching and other \\i>rk has liccn dniic. Tlic .\lgiers Nos. 1 and 2 have 20 feet nf wnris and ircmiiing. Tiicsc pnipiil ics arc im iiimii olite ami i|uart/, lodes and arc well located, li<'ing lictwccn the llonsicr property on Tenderfoot iiill and the .Montreal and Lost Lillie cm ('op])cr mountain, ani-;iii(li OiTice — ('oldi-.-idii Springs, Colorado. 1,800,000 sliares. I'ill- \;dllc, .^1.00. Capitalization In treasurj January 1, 1900, |17,500.00 cash. Owns 11i(> [.awrence lownsite, coulaining 160 acres, siiunted in sec- Property tion '.V2. raiciited. On llic .Ma_\ r>cll. .") aci'es, wliicii is leased and liondcd, aic Inur Development shafts i-auiiiiiii' in di'|illi Irnin ."id In ."),")0 I'ecl. \'er_\' rii-li assays lia\c been taken riom this tenilorx, on wliidi a( li\c deveiojniienl wmU is no\\' l)eiiii; prdscciilcd 'I'lic siiT-fare nC lliis |)i()[(erl_\', wliirh is adjaiciil In the town (if \'iriiir, will Ininu in -'i M'vy lai-L;(' li-easnT'y snrplns li-uni llir sair ol" tlic IcilS. ]lii;licsl |iiice Ini' stock dni'ini; lN!)!t, 17 3-4 cents; lowest prii'e for stock dm in- lS!t<), :V8 cents. 145 Directors Capitalization Property Directors Capitalization Property Development The Cripple Creek Imperial Mining Company. lucorporated November 21, 1895. L. C. De Morse, president; J. M. ralkins, vice-president; I). Le Due, seoi'etary and treasurer; IX C. Beaman, Frank Earle. Main Office — Mining Excliange, Denver, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO per share. In treasury Jan- uary 1, 1900, 50,000 sliares". Owns the Maggie V., the Alice il., the Julia .V. and the Virginia !>., containing about 27 acres, sit- uated in the N. E. 1-4 section it. and in the 1?». W. l-i section o. on Trachyte mountain. All patented. The property was developed by tunnel. Highest price for stock during 1899, -f 7.00 per M ; lowest price for stock during 1899, |8.00 per :M The Cripple Creek Madonna Mining Company. Incorporated November, 1895. Itamsay C. Bogy, president; D. D. ^luir, vice- president; J. D. Niederlitz, secretary and treasurer. ^lain Office — Equitable building, Denver, Colo- rado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, o75,000 shares; in treasury Janu- ary 1, lltOO, sduie cash. Owns the Madonna anil the Madonna Extension, 10 acres each, located in the N. 1-2 of section 1, township K; south, range 70 west, on south slope of Grouse inoun- tain. All patented. About 300 feet of development work has been done ou tiie Madonna and about 150 feet on the Ma- d o u u a Extension. About two-thirds of the Madonna and one-third of the IMa- donna Extension is leased. Work is not being prosecuted at present. CopyrtyM. /900, by frtd HUtS. 146 The Croesus Gold Milling and Tunnel Company. Incorporated 1S95. J. Arthur Counell, pirsideut and Ircasurcr; ( U-o. Kcx Biickmau, Directors vice-president; D. D. Lord, secretary; \\ in. V. Bouhright. Main Otiice — GT-OS P. < >. iMiildini;, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Transfer Ot3Qce — International 'i'lnst Cduipany, Colorado Springs. 2,000,(100 shares. Par value, sl.OO. Capitalization In treasury January 1, 1900, alioul 700,000 shares; in treasury Jan nary 1, I'JOO, about .$800. Owns the Sunset, Little Ciiicr. ( lirystal Spring and Lone Pine, in Property all about 17 acres, in (he X. W. II of scclion 25. and in llic N. E. II of secdon 21, on S(]uu\v mountain; the Four Brotiiers, 3 acres, in the N. W. 1-1 of sec- tion 30, on Beacon hill ; the Modoc, 1 acre, in the N. W. 1-4 of section :!0; llie ]?entoii and a |pail of the Catalpa. 2 acres, in the S. Iv 1-4 of section ]S, on Cilohe hill ; I lie I'l-inler, in the 10. l-li of section 7, and I he Amity, !• acres, in the S. W. 1-4 of section :'>!'. .\11 the ahoxc jiroperly is |»at- eiited. The greater |iaTt of the de\clo]>liienl woik has been done on ihe .\i\\y Development claim. This pio|ici-|.\ li.is llircc slial'ls, .-((10 feel deep, and about Sdd feet of tlriftiiig. The .\nuly also has some shafts and drifts. The ]>olicy of the conii)any is to develop its projierlies by leasing, \\hicli is now being- done, three leases iia\ ing recently been granted. Highest ])rice for slock during ISO!*, S 3-S cents; lowest price foi- stock during ISOO, 1 cents. 149 Directors The Damon Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S94. Warren \Voods President H. E. Woods Vice President and Treasurer F. M. Woods Secretary and General Manager J. M. Hawkins. J. M. Allen. Main Office — Victor, Colorado. Capitalization 2,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1. lUOO, 141,139 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 17,188.02 cash. Property Owns the Diamond, jiatented; the I'atti Rosa, the ]Maud S. and the Hardwood, the last three of which are held by receiver's receipts; in all about 20 1-4 acres, situated on Bull hill, in the S. W. 1-4 section 17. The northern portion shown in dotted lines in plat has mineral rights thereunder belonging to this comjiany, but not the surface. Development The northeast portion of this property, containing 2 3-4 acres, was leased to the Alert Gold Mining Company in December, 1S98, and the lease will continue until ^Iny, 1901. These lessees have .opened up a fine body of ore and have shipped about |145,000 worth. They are now operating in a vertical shaft 4 1-2x10 feet in the clear, at a depth of 275 feet. They have also o]iened up about 1,500 feet of drifts and cross-cuts. There are several other leases being operated on the property, but none have found ore in paying quantities. On another page will be found descrijition of the Alert (-iold Alining Company. Highest price for stock during 1899, 29 3-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 14 7-8 cents. 150 The Dante Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September 20, 1895. L. L. Aitken, president; W. Arthur Perkins, vice-president; O. II. Directors Slioiip, secretary and treasurer. C. C. Hamlin. P. D. .lohnson. •Main Office — First National T'ank block, with IJecd ^^ Ilanilin In- vestment Company, Colorado Spriiius. Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .*1.0(). Capitalization Copyrighe.1900. by Fred Hills. Owns tile Dante claim, rnnlniniiiL; ncarJv 10 acres, located in section 20, on I'.ull liill. I'alcnlcd. A .iiood shall house, ore hins ;ind plant ol' mmiiinery is on the prop- erty, which helouj^s to the company. The main shaft is 450 feet deep, witii .several other shafts fi'om 150 to 250 feet dee]). The entire claim is under lease, there iicinii eij;ht sets at work, with royalties ranuiiiii from 10 per cent, upward. No dividends have ever lucn ilc( hired hy I he com- pany. The principal work is heiufr done on tiie fourth and sixiii levcl.^. On the fourth le\('l there is a very j^ood stojie df ore aiiout 120 fe(>t in lenjith. The Dante is a well-known projx'i-ty and the liiii dyke which rtms through P.idl hill from south to m)rtli and whirh aii]ie;irs to he a f ler of the great mines, runs throuiih the pro]ieily, I'lndiiction lo .l.-iiiuary 1, I'tOO. .fOO.IMMMKI. Ilifjhest price for stock (Inline; 1S!(!(. 2:! 12 cenis; hiwesi price for stock dnriii- ISO!). C 1-2 <-ents. Property Development Production 151 The Dead Shot Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November, 1S99. Directors >\illiam Slifuiwell President E. J. Eatou Vice-President A. V. AVoodward Secretary Joliu M. Pring Treasurer E. J. (iwillim. Main OHice — El Paso Abstract Office, 113 East Kiowa street, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado. Copyright 1900 by Fred Hills Capitalization Property Development 1,250,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasuiy Jauuary 1, iUOO, 11G,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, -IfSOO.OO cash. Owns the Dead Shot, containing 0.40 acres, and the I'hjinis Chief, oontainiug 4 acres, both situated in tlie N. E. 1-1 of section 25. Patented. There is one 400-foot shaft and drift and one whim on property. The greater part of the development work has been done on the Dead Sliot. The company is at present sinking and cross-cutting for a vein to the depth of 100 feet. nighest price for stock during 1890, 5 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 cents. 152 The De Beers Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 27, 1S95. C. L. Arzeuo Pj-csidont Directors H. E. Woods Vico-rrusidL'iit aud Treasurer F. M. Woods Secretary' J. il. Allen Assistant Secretary ilain Utiice — Giddings buildiiiii, (Juloratlo Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury JaTiuaiv 1, 1000, 40S>-~> sliares. tf frtd Hilly Owns llic liiiie IJooster, the ila]>|n Toni and ilic .Mnrniug Star. Property situated in llic N. 1-2 of section 2S, on I>ig Itiill Miniinlnin, and con- taining alinul l."> aci-es. Tills ](ro|pci-t \' licing situated iicai- the (lold Kimli tcnilorv nial<('s Development it \alualilc, and wllli dcvciciiinicnt goi;d icsnils nia.\' lie rxpccted. 153 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property Development S.W.Sec.9. The Defender Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1.S95. Edwin Arkell, president; II. Harding Loper, vice- president; Jos. P. Walsh, secretary and treasurer; E. C. Stoddard, AV. B. McArtliur. Main Office — 37 Postoffice building, Colorado Springs, CV)lorad(). 2,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury March 1, 1900, 250,000 shares; in treasurv IMarch i. 1000, 1200.00 cash. Owns the Broadiuore, Mandolin and part of the Defender, 16 3-4 acres in all, patented, in the S. W. 1-4 section 9, on Galena hill. The company also own the John Hancock, Casco, Puritan and Ashmont lodes, 31 acres, in process, on the north side of Copper mountain, which are not shown on map. 300 feet of shafting, tunnels, etc., on the Broad- more group. Work enough done to patent the John Hancock group. The Broadmore claim is being de- veloped by lessees. The Defender group was pur- chased from Homer Hart of Cripple Creek. The company made application for patent and four ad- verses were filed and serious litigation was encoun- tei"ed; debts were contracted; finally an agreement was reached where the Defender Company gave up one-half of its territory in order to get patent. This being accomplished, the company sent out notice to stock- holders for an increase of the capital to pay up debts and buy additional property and place sufficient stock in the treasurv to further develop the property; this has been done and the company is once more on good footing. Highest price for stock during 1899, 15-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, $6.00 per 1,000. The Del Coronado Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 11, 1895. G. B. Bish President Geo. 1". llarbaugh Vice-Pres Taylor J. Downer. .Sec and Treas Alexander Koehler. Geo. Peyser. ]Main Office— 104 1-2 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 900,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Januarv 1, 1900, 5,000 shares." Owns the Rock Island and Lulu lodes, containing 17 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 27, on Big Bull mountain. Patented. One shnft on the pr()]ierty 65 feet deep. A good vein ]i;is been opened up, assays on which ran from -113.00 to f 20.00 per ton, and the prospects for the future are encouraging. Highest price for stock during 1899," 115.00 per 1,000 : lowest price for .stock dining 189!», .f7.50 per 1,000 154 Copyright. 1900. dy /"red Hills. The Delmont Gold Mining Company. lucoi-porated February, 1896. S. C. Sluut Presiik-ni A. J. McAlroy Vicc-Piesideut G. W. Mussel- Secretary E. P. McAlroy Treasurer E. A. Smith. J. P. Watson. G. W. McAlroy. Male Office — 16 North Xevaila avenue, ("olorado Springs, Colorado. Directors Cspffffrr DOS if frtif Hills 1,250,000 shares. T'iir value, fl.OO. Capitalization In treasury .lainiaiy 1, I'.lOd, ;'.S(i.."')(»0 sluncs; in (ronsury .laiiuary 1, 1900, $000.00 cash. Owns the Little .Mnu fVet dee]), with some drift ini;-. The company has not Development done luucli woi'k as yd in iIk' way of dc\ rlo|(iiicnt ; inimeuse and iici'Icct veins are found, and enough lias liccn seen liy way of assays ami develo]i- niciit to (IciiionsI la Ic llial llic |pi-os|if(ls ari' cMrllcnl. Tlic |ii-o|ici-ly will he d('\chi|)ed (lii-onuli lessees. 155 Directors The Des Moines Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. 31. S. llerriuj; President J. K. Brunner Secretary aud Treasurer A. L. Holbrook. Eoltert Gale. B. B. Grover. Frank Heron. ^y. IT. Maclntyre. 31. L. Dorr. Main OflBce — (5 P. O. bnildinii, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 7r)U,U00 shares. I'ar value, .$1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 151,335 shares. Sec.19,1^ Terror Copyright I9SC, if frtd Hills, Property Owns the 3Iud Hen and the Bob Tail lode elainis, containing 18 acres, situated in the N. E. 1-1 of section 19, on the north slope of Raven hill. All patented. Development One shaft on Bob Tail 1G2 feet deep, from which assays as high as fSOO.OO per ton have been obtained, but these values have been from "pockets'' in the vein. One shaft 100 feet deep on the Mud Hen, on a vein showing values, but no pay ore encountered in quantities sufficient to ship. One tunnel 100 feet long. The company has vein rights which are not shown on map. Highest price for stock during 1899, 7 3-1 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents. 156 The Dexter Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Penny tCopynghr 1900 by Fred fiills Incorporated March, 1896. 1 ». M iniiiii, I'lt'sidont. J. II. Morse, Vice-President. E. O. Fletcher, Secretary and 'ri-casuvcr. E. S. Bach. Fred Gihhon. :Main Office— Xo. 54 V. (). building, Colorado Spi-ings, Colorado. I,.'">00,n00 shares. I'ar value, |i.OO. In treasuiy January 1, 1900, 140,000 shares. In treasury January 1, i;>00. 11,500.00 cash. Owns the Dexter, (he Acci- Property dent, the Hill Top, the Freeze Out, the LuJa B. and the Lucky Gnss, containinji in all about 47 acres, situated in section 21, on I he cast slope of {{nil hill. All pat- ented. The Lucky (iuss has a shaft 200 feet deep; the DexttM', one of 00 feet: Development the Hill Top, one of 75 feet; the Lula B., (uie of 50 feet, with about 50 feet <)r drifts. The Lucky (iuss is receivin;; tlie greater part of the develop- ment work. At a depth of l.'.d feel Ihc iiiaiii shall on the Lucky (iuss cncoun- History tered a nan-ow seam fi-oin which \alucs a\('ragini; .*'1,700 were obtained. Continuing down 50 feel, the sanu; streak \\as again encountered in a cross-cut from the bottom of the shaft, the values ranging the .same as at the 150-foot point. Owing to a How of water which the fa<'ilities of the conijiany wen' unable to liiiiidlc iiudci ground work was abandnncd until adci|ii;ite iiiachincfN cimld lie placed oxer the shaft. ('outaU fi'ct, an air-compi-cssoi', and ('\('r\ tliini: thai goes to niaUc up a first-class mining plant. Underground mai liimry. ihrcc air drills. The development of this property did not commence until in IS'.t'.i. The greatoi' jiart of the develo](mont \\'ork is now being done on the Killon. Gross production to January 1, 1900, .|20,000.00. Production Highest price for stock during 1899, 40 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 40 cents. Albert L The Dold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1894. J. L. Middagh President Directors E. D. Marr Vice President C. B. Gunn Secretary P. W. Middagh. J. J. O'Connor. Main Office— Eoom 35, P. O. building, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, capitalization fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 50,000 shai'cs; in treasury January 1, 1900, .fC.O.OO cash. Owns (lie Great Eastein. Mount Property Forest and S|iring < ! iildi, situated in (he N. E. 1-4 of section 12, con- taining 28 acres, on Cai-bonate liill. All patent('t deep, 50 feel of cross-cut- ting, and 10 Iccl ofdrining. The Great Eastern has a shaft 50 feet deeji and 10 fed of drifting. The Spring (liilili lias two shafts, one III led deep, ihc oilier .Ml feel dee|i. Highest price for stock during IS'.i'.i. 1 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, .fl.OO per M. Development 159 Directors The Door Key Gold Mining Company. Incorporated April 12, 1900. A. F. Woodward riesident J. W. Finkbiner Vice-President W. W. Williamson Secretary O. L. Godfrey Treasurer E. C. Bale. Main Office — 25 1-2 N. Tejon street, Colorado Spriuos, Colorado. Capitalization Property (ipfnqhi. im. b) frid Hills 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In lreasnr^ May 1, 1900, 365,000 shares. Owns the JlcCumber, ^Morninp: Star and Door Key, Survey No. 110-41, containing 22.929 acres, patented, in the X. 1-2 of section S, on Tenderfoot hill ; the ^lalta, Survey No. 10942, containing 4.558 acres, on Galena hill, for which receiver's receipt is held. A part of the Door Key, which is still in litigation, is omitted from the above. In case the com- pany wins, they will have more ground than the above shows. These are simply prospects, only sufficient work having been done for patents. 160 The Duchess Mining Company. Incorporated February. 1896. Henry P. Stoolo, i)r('sident ; Win. ( '. Hanks, vice-president; Geo. E. Directors Green, secret a i-.\ anil iicasni-cr. 1 ■" red E. Gates. .lolm II. .Maiiin. liruce F. Jolllisnii. SEC. 27.1 26 Capitalization .Main < )l1ice — 1581 .Market street, Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 s li a r e s. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, IflOO, 220,000 shai'cs; in treasury January 1, 1!»00, SL'dO.OO casli. Owns the Mary Ann, Sur- Property ^ vey No. 1)102, containiuji' .'?.} t acres, situated in the S. E. 1-1 of section 13, on Gold hill ; also the ri<;;ht to follow and work all veins discovered on the .Mary Ann, in that ])art (if llii' i.ililc .\iina Honey wliicli cros.ses the Mary Ann, said ground cousistiu.u of 2.15 acres. TJic coui[)auy also owns I lie Leontine, contain- iuii 1 <•.•>•> 1 acres, situated in the N. i;. 11 of section 27, on 24, 19 I?i,n' P>ull liiii. -Ml ilic above /copyngh! moby Frtd Hdis P^'perty is JiatcnhMJ. Gu tlic Leontine inei-cly enoujih woi'k to secure ])atent has heen done, eve opment The |iriiicipal wdil'; on llic .Mar\' .\nii consists of a wcll-tiinlicrc'd slial'l. 185 feet deej), and driris of alioui hid Iri'i. 'i'lii' roni|iaiiy lias I. mi o|ii'ral inff with a wliiiii on llic .Mai-y Ann. licii'arici- ii will hr i he policy of tlic conijiany to dc\'('lop its jirojiei't \' liy leasing. I'l onii mm I'^islei'U capi- talists lia\c already scciwcd a lease, willioiil lionil. mi ilie .M.arv .\nii. and it is ilieir inieiii imi lo inslall a jilaiil of iiiarliiiierv ami lieL;in arli\i' operations al ome. The ilelil llial roriiieily eiiiliarrassed llie company has now heen lii|iiiilaieil. .\ll iimperlies owned liy llii' coiiipaiiy are Tree and clear of an\ ami all imunilirances. The majority of this stock is helil liv lew people, very lii i le of ii lieinu 'I's'i'ry scattei'cd alioiit. Sales have heen li\ piixale siiliscri|>t ion. The Mary -\iiii ailjiiiiis liiiih (he M mill .\ le'lior ami ihe Temoiiij pinperi ies ami seems lo L;i\e promise of makiiiL: a Lioml mine. 161 The Easter Bell Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1900. Directors J- ^- ^weeucy President J. li. Mrlviiiuie Vi( c riesident K. P. Davie Secretary and Treasurer W. S. Montgomery. .Tolin Ilarnan. S. E. Bartlett. Main Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 3,000.000 shares. Par value, ^ne lessee is shipping and the ])rospecis for the future are Haltering. This i)roperty was one of the lirst pro- ducers in the Cripple Ci'eek dislricl, and shi])i(e(l al lliai lime very rich ore. Little \\'ork has been done for some _\-ears jiasl, hiii wiih ihis newly organized comiianx' acli\'e o|ii'ralinns are lieiiiL; imslicd, .-ind pi'ospects for an earl\ renewal of slnpiiii'ms are good. llighesl Jirice \iW sinck dlll'illg ISM".), 1112 eenls; Iciwi-sl prire I'dl' stock during IS!l!t, S eenls. 163 The Eclipse Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated February 7. 1S93. Directors E. N. Bemeut President Samuel P. Beall Vice-President C. C. Luut Secretary and Treasurer L. C. De Morse. M. G. Ilawley. Main Office — 200 Mining Excliange building, Denver, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .^Jl-OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 17,514 shares. ^Sffi — ^~"hc-^5. Cop^nghl, me if frid Hilh Property Development Owns the Mabel L^'ude, 7 1-2 acres, and the Bertha (\, !> 1-2 acres, in the X. E. 1-1 section 6, on (he west slope of Lincoln liill. Receiver's receipt. About $2,500 expended on the pro]ierty in the way of development work. The coniiKiny owes about $100.00 on account of patenting; this is in the form of a note given liy the officers of the company. Highest price for stock during 1800, .|;5.00 per 1,000; lowest price for stock during 1899, fl.OO per 1,000. 164 The E. F. C. Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1893. I'\ .M. \\'<)<)ds, prosidont; F. O. (Jansoii, vic('-i)r(>si(l(iii : < '. I.. Aiv.euo, r,. , ' ' ' ' Directors secretary; II. E. Woods, treasurer; S. II. luiicrsoli. .Main Oflice — Cameron, Touraine 1'. ()., Colorado. 1, (((1(1,(1(1(1 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury .lanuary 1. I'.MMI. SO.OIKI shares. Owns the K. V. ('.. Alva, Kittenhouse, W. 10. S. and Dark Cloud. Property survey No. l(),4r)(>; liie .Mexican, 4-11-44 and the Jdlewiid. siii'\-ey No. 13,197, in section S, low nsliiii 1.") south, rani;e (!9 west, conlainiiiLi 14.(il".l acres; and I he Annie Panics, suivey No. 13,S27. lJeri'i\ci-"s recciiits are Capitalization held for all This ctunpany (1., ( ilcnnie \\ r>., on w liich I worU has heei claims, which ai-e not shown on |iiai, jiatent w(ii-l< is now in proiii-ess. The !■:. I". C. has Ihree slialls, one lid feel deep, one S.") le.'t deep, Dgyg,opn,ent and (inr LT) feet: deej). The Itit tenhonsc has a shall 1:^.") feel i\r,'\i. On the W. 10. S. there is a shaft 2.") feel in di'pdi and some Irendiin-. Tlu' Alva has a shaft L'.") Iiii deep; also some trenchiui;. Tiic Oark Clond is develojH'd liy a tunncM;.") I'e<'l in Icnulhand !'(( feet of cross i\ils. Tlic fdlewild has two sliafis of 7.". an fed ilci'p. wiih 2(t feet of driftino; also ihree oihcr shafts ran^inii in depih from \'2 lo IS feet. On the .\nine l>anks is a Inniicl :!.") U-i-\ in lcnt;lh and a shafi oO feet deep. 165 Directors Capitalization Property The El Dorado Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated June, 1S92. C. B. Seldomridge President C. II. Dudley Yice-Presideut W. H. ilclutyre Secretarj- and Treasurer E. :M. De La Vergne. J. F. Maybery. i\Iain Office — 44 Ilagerman building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 11)00, 149,000 sliai'es. Owns the El Dorado claim, 10.331 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 18, north and west of the El Paso, on Womaok hill, patented; also the Cripple Creek placer, below junction of Cripjile Creek and Arequa gulch, about 9 acres, in the S. AY. 1-4 section 25, for which receiver's receipt has lieen issued. Development There is a shaft about (50 feet deep and surface prospecting on the El Dorado claim, while trenching and ditching work has been done on the Cripple Creek placer. The El Dorado claim and the Cripple Creek placer were among tJie tirst Ideations made in the district. The stock is closely held by the original owners. It is likely an etfort will be made to either have the properties worked under lease or by the com- pany themselves. Highest price for stdck during 1899, 5 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 cents. 166 > z 4 0. E O o u z z S o o a z < t- K O 0. bl X I- u z 3 m 4 s 167 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Elkton Consolidated Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1892. Geo. Bernard, president; Win. S. Jackson, vice-president; J. H. Avery, secretary and treasurer; Daniel Tliatoher, assistant secre- tary and assistant treasurer; S. S. Bernard; liiclmrd Cloujib ; Wm. Slieniwell ; J. W. Graham. ^laiii ottice — Booms l.~, Ifi and 17 El Paso Bank buildinj;, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado. l,2r)0,(l(l(l shares. Par value, fl.OO. Shares in treasury Janu- ary 1, 1!M)0, 1125,(1(10. Owns the Walter, Katherine, Elkton, Kentucky Bill, Apple El- leu No. 2, and Thomjison, located in the X. E. 1-1 section 30. on Ra- ven hill. l'i-(i]ierTy is all jiateuted. In April, 1000, a consolidalion of this company with the Raven G. ]\r. Co. and tlie Tornado G. M. Co. was jji-actically effected, under the name of the Elkton Consolidated Gold Alining Company, with a capitalization of 3,000.(100 siiai<'s of a ])ar value of !?1.00 per share. All tliat is needed to perfect this consolidation is the ratification of the stockholders. By the terms of the deal the property of the Raven company is sold to the I'^lkton com])any for 025,000 shares of the consolidated stock, and the Tornado for 500.000 shares of the new stock. The old Elkton ccun- pany gets 1,375,000 shares of the new stock, which will he issued to the stockholders in the form of a stock dividend amounting to about 22 per cent. Iui]>rovements consist of two shaft houses, boiler rooms, compressor room, oi-e house, magazine, office and assay office Ijuildings; six boilers of ()25-liorse power, one 80-horse power hoist, two six-drill Xt)rwalk com- pressors, one SO-light dynamo jilant, one Gates crusher and engine, assay furnaces complete, etc.; two (iOO-gallon Knowles triple expansion station ]ium]is; one 400-gallon Snow dujilex staticui pum]); two No. 9 Cameron sinkers; one 15-horse jiower hoist; one 1,000-gallou tri])le ex- pansion Prescott station pump. Development on the Elkton, Kentucky Bill and Walter consists of a 735-foot shaft, 11,500 feet of drifting, 1,000 feet of cross-cutting. On the Thoini>son there is a 48.5-foot shaft, 700 feet of drifting and 4(10 feet of cross-cutting. On the Apple Ellen No. 2 is a 300-foot .shaft and 600 feet of drifting. The Katherine has a 500-foot shaft, with 300 feet of cross-cutting. Originally the Elkt(ui company (CONTINUED ON PAGE 169.1 Copyright.1900, by Fred HiUs\ 168 The Elkton Consolidated Mining and Milling Co. — continued. »l:iiiiic(l ()wiici-slii|) hy l(i<;iti(iii tn llic I'lklon, Walter .iiiil Ivciilucky I'ill claiins, and was caiiitalizod lor .'lOOJIOO sliaics, par value sl.OO. Tlie Walter claim was in eonflict with the Snide and Tornado claims, owned by J. W. (Jraham and .lob A. Cooper. To prevent litiiiation the Walter comi)any was oriianized, cajiitalized for .">((( (.0(1(1 shares, of wliiili the Elkton coin|>any icceix'ed 2r)(»,00(l shares. .\fier\\ards ilie I'Jicton com- pany increast'd its capital slock to 1,2."')U,()UU shares, jdacin;; 12.")(),()II0 shares in the treasury, and purchased tlie Walter claim. The Elkton was one of the first i)rodncers in tin; district and has been the most regular shipjier in the camp, as is shown by the j^ross output. Prodnction to January 1, 1900, f2,418,5ti!t.ir); dividends to .lanuary 1, 1900, $720,710.57. Last'dividend was paid March 20. I'.IOI), !s;:',:',,7r.0.0(). Hifihest price for stock dnrinn 1S99, i^\Mi per share; lowest i)rice for stock durini; ISili), 70 cents jier share. Production and Dividend The El Paso Gold Mining and Milling Company. Inc'orporatod 1S94. (Jeo. Iternai-d, president; -I. W. ^fahoney, vice-president ; S. S. I?er- nard, secretar\' and ti-easni'cr; d. M. .I()r(h-iTi. assistant secretary and treasui-ei-. J. A\'. (Iraham. Alain Ullice — 115 East I'ike's i'eak avcnne, Colorado Sprinj^s, Colo- I'ado. 900,000 slia res. I'ai' \alue, -Sl .tlO. In I icasnry dannai y I. 1900,89,- 750 shares; in Ireasui-y I'ebruary 12, 1900, |l:2,()]5.s:! rasli. < )\\ lis the Orizaba Xos. 1 and 2. the Fannie B., the \nlcan and the liryan i'raction, con- tainin;.;, in all. about 25 acres, all ]>atenled, situ- ated in section 25. on Beacon hill. Directors Capitalization Property There is a steam i)]ant on the propert \' ca|iaiile of niininn' 500 feet deeji ; also oi-e house, shaft lionsi', blacksmith shop, i'\c. The main slial'l on the Ori/.aba .No. 2 is :{:{0 feel dee]., with :{,000 feet of d li I'l i n;;'. I'l'ioi- I n No- \endiel-. IS9S, ihe prop- el'ly was \\(irke(l e\clnsi\'ely iiy lessees; since wliicli lime llie rumpauy has been act i\ I'ly eniia;^i'd in openi ul; up I lie mi ne. w i i h Liial i i\ inn succ<'ss. Development Copyritfht, 7900, by FfedJiais. Cross |ii'(idu(lion to .lanuaiy 1. 191)0, .|;;{75,000.(lll ; dividiMids up to Januai-y I, I'.'IKI, .810,795.00; las! dividend, for .'^5.000, was paid D.^ceni- ber 10, 1S97. llijihest jiriee for slock dniiiii; I S99, 50 eeiils; lowest price I'lU- slock diirinu ls!t9, 9 12 cents. Production and Dividend 169 The Emma-Aimee Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Development Production Directors Capitalization Property Cupifrqh' 1900 b,freJ H'lts Incorporated. K. H. Maiiee, vioe-pivsideiit ; Will J. .Ma- thews, seeretary; Gordou Bish, treasurer ; E. W. Case. Main Ottiee— Rooms Nos. 10 and 11, Ex- eliange National Bank building, Colorado Sjirings, Colorado. 1^250,000 shares. Par value, SI .00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 30!l.000 shares; in treasury January 1, lltOO, |121.3U cash. Owns the Emma-Aiinee claim, in the N. 1]. 1-1 of section 19, containing 7 3-1 acre*, on Iron- clad hill. Patented. There are two tunnels, one of 1G5 feet, and one of 55 feet. Three shafts have been sunk, one of 10 feet, with drift of 35 feet, one of 60 feet, in the main tunnel, with a drift of 60 feet, and one of 37 feet. Gross production to January 1, 1900, 20 tons. Ko ore mined during 1899. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 3-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, |1.50 per :M. The Empire State Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 31, 1S95. J. E. Phillips, president ; L. A. Ciyill, vice-president; F. 11. Pettingell, secretary and treasurer. Ce^rightim. bf frtdHilh Main Ottict^ — 11 Bank buildinii', Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .?1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 180,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 160.00 cash. Owns the Adonis, Aphrodite, Circe, Ate and I^eda, 33.929 acres, in sections 27, 28, 33 and 31, on Big Bull mountain. Patented. 170 The Enola Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated. "SA". S. Dexter President G. L. PiUe Secretary Maiu OfTice — Colorado Springs, ('oloradi>. Directors 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .«il.OO. Capitalization Owns the Silver Tip, containiui; !) acres, in the \. W. 1-4 section 20. Property on livili iiill;also tlieJohii Adams and the l!uid() I la.ucniiiin liuililini;, ('olmadu Springs, Colo- rado. Copffighl, I9D0 bf frid l.L'no.OOO sliarcs. Pai- vain.'. %\.m. In Irea.siiry Janiiaiy 1, 1!»UU, :i2(J,()U() sliares. Capitalization Owns llie .Mice, (lie l-'eai-less and (lie Small Holies, <'onlainin,ii 2 sliares. I'ar value, .«;l.0(). In treasury January 1, 1900, 175,000 shares; in treasury January 1, I'KHI, ' .^1,200.00 Csniiju mo i,;iid Hills ' \ "rl^\ cash. Owns the John R. and the Ida ^fay, containing IG acres, in I he NN . 1-2 of section 1, on Copper niouulaiii. Itolli patented. Steam hoist. The John R. iuis a l'2.j foot shall. Some develoi)Uieiil Development work has been done on the Ida ^May. The Estelline Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 24, 189?.. George W . Ci'auier. president; D. C. Dodge, Directors vice-president; J. J!. A ndiews, secretary and treasurer. Main Office — ;{l.'l Ivinilalile hnildini;. I ten A('i% Colorado. 200,000 sliar<'S. i'ai- \alne. .^1.00. Intreas- Capitalization ury January 1, 1000, a uoiniiial amount of cash. Owns the Estelline claim, contaiuing 8 ;M Property acres, in E. 1-2 of section 32, on l'ros]>ect hill, ad- joining on the south the A\'ashingtou and .Ma,\ Raymond claims of Stratton"s Independence group. Two small sized shafts have been sunk on Development the claim, oiu- 40 feet deep, the otiiei- some 250 feet deep; aside from this bni lil Me w mk has been done on the claim an, seci-('ta]"_v; E. C. Sheldon, treasurer. H. M. Stnrdeyvaiit. Main <.)tiiee — 4 Board uf Ilrukers" building, Colorado springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,200.(1(10 shares. Par value. .>?1.00. In treasury Januarv 1, lUOO, 11,000 shares; in treasury Januarv 1, 1900, flOO.OO easb. Property Directors Capitalization Property Copyrighted. 1900 by Fred Hills Owns the Xapoliau and the l\oeky Mountain P>ee. containinii 12 acres, situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 1 and the S. ^^'. 1-4 of section 6, on C(>]i])('i' mountain. All patented. Highest i)rice for stock during 1S99, 1 1-2 cents. The Eureka Gold Mining Company. Incorporated March 10, 1S94. Geo. M. Carter, president ; C, C. Smith, vice- president; H. A. Young, secretary and treasurer; P. L. Delany, A. L. Hunter, F. B.Vjladding. V. A. Hunter. Main Office — Eoom No. 5, Mining Exchange buildinu, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 7r>(l,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 22,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .|32.30 cash. Owns the Xorthwesteru claim, 10 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 3, township 15 south, range 70 west; also the Pest Friend, the Little Giant and the Early Bird, containing in all (j acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 12. AH patented. The Northwestern not shown on plat. Only enough development work to obtain a patent has been done. Highest price for stock during 1S90, 2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent. 13. T.lbS.R.70W. ^ / Capfright 1900. tf frm Hills 176 The Fauntleroy Gold Mining Company. Ini'or|)or;ite'l October 21. 1899. Venici- Z. TU'cd President C. (". lljiiiiliii Vlco-Presidcnt O. il. Slioui) Seerelary aud Treasurer F.J. Cninplicll. A. T. Gunnell. Main ()llir(' — I'.aiik lilcul;, ( 'uldi-ado S]ii-iii;;s, Cdlorndo. 1,250,(»0(» sliares. Par value, fl.OO. lu Ireasui-v .Tnuuaiv 1. IHOn, 2r.n.onn sliares. Directors Capitalization Owns the Little I'aiinllcrny, in tlic S. W. 1-4 of scrlidii I'.i, ((Hil.iiniiiu; 6 acres on Gold hill ; part of the (iarlicld. ill the S. W. 1-4 of section 12, containinii' n1-2 acres, on IMineral hill; llie .Mai'j D., in the N. E. l-l of seclioii .""), ii)\\ iislii|) IC) soiilli. i-ani;(' (I!t wcsi, containinn' 10 acres, soulli of (lie Inwii III' \i(lu|-. .\ll llir alioM' |ilopc|-| \' is |ialclltcd. 'I'lici-c is a licpjsl and shaft house on the Lil I Ic fan ii I Icroy, ;iiid a shaft is now lii'inii sunk li> rncnnnicT ore The izn'alci- |iai'l nl' ihc di'\ rhiiuni'iit Wdi-k is hciiiL; (hnic on ihc l.iiMr faniiHiTny. The sjial'i mi ihis claini is now a ho III I'OO IVrl del 'I I. a nd dri II iiiL; will licLiin a I niicc. .\ few shipinfiils have hccii made. Highest |iiirc I'lPi- slock dniinji' If^IM), II (■ciiis; lowest price for slock 69H Copyright. 1900, bf Fred Hills Owned the Favorite, S acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 20, on Bull hill, which was sold in March, 1900, to Mr. W. S. Stratton, of Colorado Springs, for the sum of |90,0(»0. This property is shown on folding map under "Stratton's Favorite." The company also owns the Gold Leaf, 2 acres, in the S. W. 1-1 section 8, on Galena hill, in process of patenting; the Nugget, 0.723 acre, adjoin- ing the Portland, on Battle mountain, in section 29, patented, for which 18,500.00 cash was paid ; also the Olive Branch and Gold Bug, 18 acres, on Bull hill, in sections 21 and 22, for which |18,000.00 ca.sh was paid. "While this company owned the Favorite it produced, up to the time of the .sale, about .i^T.j.OOO.OO worth of ore. After the sale, as above re- cited, a dividend of 1 cents per share was declared, payable April 20, 1900, which left a handsome balance in the treasury. The policy of the company will be to develop the property under its own supervision and also to grant liberal leases. Flighest price for stock during 1899, 7 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 1-2 cents. 178 The Figaro Gold Mining Company. $ /n *0 - SEC. 7. T.I5S. R.691V. / ^ i 1 i^^ -o ci^ '^ Ctpyrif/tt, 1900, by Ired Hilh Incorporated 1896. .1. W. .Millci- Presideut W. C. Youiifi Vice rrcsident J. K. ^nili'j-. . . . Scciciiiiy and Treiisurer -Main (Jllue — Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In trcasnry Jannary 1. T.KK), 1. "id, 0(10 shares. Owns a two-thirds interest iu the Mas- cot, containinsi 8 acres, on Tenderfoot liill. Tlie jiroperty is patented. 'IMic i»r()perty is leased and bonded for 1:0,665; bond expires July 1. 1000. Directors Capitalization Property Directors Ofp^Vi The Findley Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 18, 1895. Geo. ri l,iii(liiy President Cico. i;. liiickinaii Vice-President Asa T. Jones Secretary and Treasurer Ih'iiiy ;\r. Plackiner. Win. A. Otis. Sherwood Aldiirli. E. A. Kichards. Main Oilicc — First National Itank Iniiiding. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, §1.00. Capitalization In treasni-y Jannary 1, 1000, l.'{2,500 shares. Owns I lie l'indl(\v lode claiiii. cnnlaininii' Property 7.5 acics. in the S. 10. 11 section 20, (ui Hull liill. All patented. One steam hoist inii' jilant and machine drills. Development Two shafts lia\'e been sunk to (le|i|lis nf OOO feet ami 1 1 ."• feel i-es|)eil i\ cIn , and several drifts have lieeu run oil I lie \ciiis. The jireatei' portion of the |iiii|icrly is heini; (h'\('lo]ted under one lease. In IMareli, JiMlO, a \alii.ilile sliike was made on the Sleelsmii h lease (ui this pr(luivleT President. Geo. Rex Bnckman, Vice-President. N. S. Gandy, Secretary and Ticjtsnrer. ^lort Parsons. P. A. McCurdv. Main Office Bank hnildinsi', Springs, Colorado. Exchange Coloiad 1,500,000 shares. Par valiu-. -Sl.oo. In treasury Jannarv 1, 1900, 80,000 shares; in treasury January 1, inOO, a nominal sum in rasli. Owns a portion of the Tipton, coutainin.ti 1 1-2 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 30; also the Flower of the West, containing 3 1-2 acres, all on Stpiaw mountain; also the mineral rights in contiict with the Alhambra, in the S. W. 1-4 section 30 ; the DoUie V., containing 10 acres, in the center of section 24, on Gold hill; and the ^lary ( !old, containing 3 acres, in the E. 1-2 section 18, on Globe hill. All tlic above proi)erty is i)atented. Several shafts of fi-om 2.5 to l.jO feet deep have been sunk. The Tipton claim, Flower of the West and the Dollie V. are leased for 15 months at a 20 per cent, royalty. Sevnient. Tills company inini; so I'cceiitlN iin-oiporaled no stock has changed hands, hence no juices (juoted. 181 Directors Capitalization Property Development History The Fort Wilcox Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 24, 1893. W. F. Eock President M. W. Levy Vice-President W. A. Delany Secretary and Treasurer D. K. McArtliur. E. J. Amann. Main Office — No. 365 Bennett avenue, Cripple Creeli, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .$1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 209,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, about 1500.00 cash. Owns the Fort Wilcox lode mining' claim, patent No. 10,180, con- taining 8 1-2 acres, on Copper mountain, in the S. W. 1-4 section 1, town- ship 15 south, range 70 west. Patented. Copyn^M 1900 bi Fred Hills. Three air-drill compressor with an SO-horse power boiler; shaft house; necessary water tanks and blacksmith shop. The Fort Wilcox claim has a tunnel of 500 feet, and several shafts, the deepest of which is 70 feet. Also a number of cross-cuts and drifts. This property is under lease to a leasing company, backed by the Standard Oil company. The lessee is driving a tunnel and will cut the Fort Wilcox claim at a depth of about 350 feet. The lease calls for 100 feet of work on this tunnel jier month. The Fort Wilcox claim was discovered on February 13, 1893, by John Wilson and Fortis Wilcox. United States patent was issued to same parties March 2, 1808. There is a porphyry dyke that runs the full length of the claim, and another that crosses the east end. All the ore the Fluorine claim shipped was taken from a small triangular piece of ground at the X. E. end line of the Fort Wilcox claim, tlmt it lost in going to patent. The Fluorine stoped up to the Wilcox line. The Fort Wilcox claim has 350 feet of the dyke that produced the ore on the Fluorine claim of the [Montreal Gold Mining company. The Fort Wilcox claim has shipped ore. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 5-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 182 The Franklin Gold Mining Company. Incorporated April 12, 1S94. W. L. Cook, president; S. B. Dickens, secre- Directors tai-y; E. K. Clark, tveasun-r; Kussell Prentice; WW. Grafton; P. Pedersen. Main Office — 25 North Tejon street, Colo- rado t^prings, Colorado. 1,000,(100 shares. Par value, .$1.00. capitalization In treasury January 1, I'JOO, over 50,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, over .flOO. Owns the Franklin lode, on Bull hill,G 02-100 Property acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 17. Patented. One shaft has been sunk 115 feet, one 50 feet, Development one 40 feet, one 20 feet, also 175 feet of drifting; has also a whim and shaft-house. The showing has been good. The property has been worked by the com- pany and lessees. Owing to lack of funds the lessees have just stopped work. Highest price paid for stock during 1890, 5 cents; lowest price paid for stock during 1899, 2 cents. The Free Coinage Gold Mining Company. Incorporated May, 1S92. Sam Strong, presi- Directors dent, general manager and treasurer; Chas. Caveudcr, vice-presi- dent; J. B. Neville, secretary. :Main Office— Alt- man, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Capitalization Par value, $1.00. in treasurv Janu- ary 1, lilOO, 2,050 21 sliarcs; also a large working capilal. Owns the Pinto, the Property Ikising Sun, the Wil- son, the Bison No. 2 ;ili(l Die Pueblo, all silualcil in the N. E. 1-4 section 20. in a group i)U I'.uli hill. \\\ patcnicil. Capynqhi mo by Frtd Hill: I 'S^\ ' The maiu working Development shaft is 5.-J0 Ic't deep, will, about 5.000 feet of drifts and .ross-.uts. There isa complete plant of nmchiuery, including (•..uipressor. .Ml woiU is being d(me bv the ,<.inpaiiy excepting a few leases on (lie NVilson During 1899 Ih.-re was about ;{,000 tons of good ore sh.i.ped, and ProducUon ,,„. .,'. 'ertv is now producing to the full capacity of the machinery, and D.v.dend This comi.a'nv is not a nuirketable stock proposition, but it is developing its i.roiierty in sm h a way as to make i( a dividend payer. It is a close corporation. 183 Directors rado. The Free Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1892. Wm. \\ha\eii President i\J. 8. U'Koiii'ke Vice-Presideut Phil S. Delany Secretary T. ( '. Delany Treasurer \^ in. Boliauna. Main Office — 35 and 37 Hagerniau building, Colorado Springs, Colo- Capitalization 1,(10(1,(1(1(1 sliares. Par value, -Ifl.OO. Ill treasury January 1, lUOO, 70,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .fSO.OO cash. S.E.Sec. 3C Property Owns Northeastern, containing 7 3-4 acres, in tlie S. E. 1-4 section 30, on Sifuaw mountain, and the Brooklyn, containing 9 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 13, on Mineral liill. All patented. Development There are several shafts on tiie property, the deepest being about 100 feet. On the Northeastern the company owns the mineral rights, but not the surface between the northern and southern tracts, which arc shaded on plats. Highest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent; lowest price for stock •during 1899, 1 cent. 184 The Freeport and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. Dimiel \. Fit'i'iiiaii rrf.sidcut W. B. Boardiiiaii N' ice-President J. V. Tlioiiipsnn Secrelary Henry Sachs Treasurer W. E. Xickcrson. C. A. ]5. lialvorson. Main Office — No. 220 DeA'onshire street, Boston, ]\Iass. 1,2:)(),0U0 sluucs. far \alue, .*;L.on. In treasury January 1, 1900, 123,500 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 11,436.62 cash. Directors Capitalization SEC.22. T.I55.B.70tV. Cap f right IMO ty fi'd Hills Owns four claiuis of ',( acres each, l;no\\u as ICIeclrii- Nos. I, 2, ;'> and property 4, in the E. 1-2 of section 22. to\vnslii]i \~> soiitli, raii.ue TO wcsi. on Kay- iiioiid hill. Tolal acreaui' owned liy t!ie comiiany is :!() acres. .\11 |ial- ented. 'i'lie company alsn holds hy h-ase ilie r.nnan/.a Kinu claim on Cold hill, and Ihe rnni'lh ilroliiei's i laini on lleacon hill. Tiiere is one sleani lioist and one electric hoist, and all necessary Development hnildiuf^s. The I'dedric \o. 2 has a shafi ITjd IVci deep and a cross cnl of 40 feet. TlnM-e are oilier snrl'ace shalls and cnls. \\ preseni the greater part of ih" de\ clupmeni woik is heinu piosecnicd on ilie four Brothers and Ihi llonan/.a Kini;. and Irom this lallei- the cdinpany coiii- menced shippinii ore dannary lo, I'.KKI. Iligliesl |)rice lor sloi k dniiiit; IS'.lll, 10 ceids; lowest |irier levels and dump are leased. History Up to August 5, 1899, the lessee paid over .f20,000 royalty. Since that time the company has worked the {iropertv. About .f 10,000 worth of ore has been found. In developing the property about .f20,000 has been spent. A consolidation between this company and the Bankers com- pany is rumored, but no definite iid'ormation can be o1)tained. Dividend Dividends up to January 1, 1900, .'f 12,000.00. Highest price for stoclc during 1899, 23 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 12 cents. The Geneva Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated November 12, 1895. Directors L. (\ Hall, president; R. Hillhouse, vice-president; P. Wollesen, sec- retary and treasurer; J. (\ Manchester. F. P. Davis, ^lain Ofhct^ — Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization l..")00,000 shares. Par valued -1*1.00. In tj-easury January 1, 1900, 22,000 shares. CoiJf right, 1900 by frtd Hills Property Development History Owns the Victor View Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the .\nna No. 3 and a part of Anna No. 2, containing an area of 43 acres, all patented, on the E. line of school section No. 10, on Calf mountain. There is a shaft 50 feet deep on each claim. The Victor View Nos. 1 and 2 are leased to November 15, 1901, and bonded for .f25,000. On these leased claims 40 feet of develo])ment work has l)eeu done, in addi- tion to the 50-foot shaft. These claims are receiving the greater part of the develoi>ment work. The company formed owned a total of 08.84 acres, but in settling adverse claims deeded away about 25 acres. Highest price for stock during 1809, .fO.OO per ^\.\ lowest price for stock during 1899, |5.00 per if. 188 Directors The George Washington Gold Mining Company. IncorporatPd January 13, 1S96. Geo. M. .MilclK'll rresidi-nt Win. Voiiiii^' Vice ricsidciil ;iii(l Treasurer Chas. II. Peters Secretary W. D. Merrill. Clias. A. Wliitescarver. A. B. McUill. ]Maiii OfTice — Xo. :'>()S .Miniiiii Excliantic Deiivei', Tolorailo. 1,250,000 sliares. l'n\- \aliic, .^1.00. hi treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 26,500 shares; in treasury .lanuaiy 1, \'M){). a uoniiiial sum in casli. T.I6S.R.69W. Copfriqht 1900. bi frid Hills Uwns the Liiiciilu, the l.nlii I'.cll ami llic "\'," conlaiuiuL; in all 21.50 Property acres, in tlie S. ^V. 1-4 seclimi 5, im the sdiilliwcst slope of Shanli moun- tain. Tile l/im-oin and llie Lnin l>cll, coTiliiininL; lt>.15(i acres, arc |)al- culcd. 'riie"\'" is lii'ld liy loralion and is nol shown on ma|i, 'I'lii'i-c ai-c sc\cral sh.-ills. ilic di'('|iesl IicJiil; 100 feci; also some Development I rcnull hill. All patented except the Iiadical. Development The Jubilee has a shaft 200 feet deep; the Sag one of 100 feet. On the Radical there are three shafts ranging in depth from 20 to 50 feet. 190 The Gilpin and Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February, 1898. Jolm S. Gould, presideut; F. E. lUggins, vice-president; Geo. W. Directors iferrill, secretary; Erving J. Kniglit, treasurer; IJainsay ('. Bogy. Main Office — Cripple Creek, Cdlorado. Ihaiidi Offict; — Providence, R. I. 1,000,000 siiares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury .January 1. lOOO, capitalization 100,000 shares; in treasurv January 1, 1900, i|2,000.0(» casli. Cipf right, 1)10. by frtd HilH Owns tlie Atlanta and tlie Itoanna, containing 9.250 acres, in the property S. E. 1-4 section 20, townsiiip \~y .soutli, range 69 west, on the south slo])e of Bull hill, and adjoining the Deadwood, Hull City placer, Findley, etc. The company also owns the Montgomery, in Gilpin county, 10 acres. All patented. Tiic coin])any is sui)i>lied with all the niaciiinery and ollu'r I'acililies Development necessary for deveh)|)ing their iirojierlies. The Atlanta has a shaft ;U!0 feet deep and drifts of TtM) fid. The Montgomery has a shaft ;>70 feet dee]) and di'lfls of 1,0(10 feet. Gross production to -lanuary 1, 1900, .^0,000.00. TTighest price for slock during ISOO. ."il cents; lowest jirii-e for slock during 1S99, 2r> cents. Production 191 Directors Capitalization The Gilt Edge Gold Mining, Milling and Prospecting Company. Incorporated January 1, 1896. L. A. Keys President D. McNeill Vice- President and Treasurer E. M. Purdy Secretary Frauk Vau Duyue. A. Loberge. Main Office — IJoom No. 7, Freeman liuildinu-, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250.000 shares. Par valne, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 1(;5,000 sliares. In treasury Janunrv 1, 1900, Sl^.'.OO cash. Iria Hills Property Owns the Ormstown, S acics, in the S. E. 1-1 section 28, on Big Bull hill ; the Lookout and the Bon Ton, 3 acres, in the center of section 12, on Mineral hill. The Ormstown is patented. Tlic Bon Ton and the Lookout are held bv location. Development The Ormstown has two shafts, one SO feet deep and one fio feet deep, with 50 feet of cross-cutting. The Lookout and the P>ou Ton liave three shafts, ranging from 40 to (iO feet deep. 192 The Gladys A. Mining Company. Incorpoi-atfd July, 1892. T. ]i. Hurtiridge President Directors < "lias. X. .Miller Secretary' and Treasurer J. L. Kinna. W. W. Kirby. J. E. Hunter. J. JI. Harden. Alain Office — No. 233 Bennett avenue, Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1. 1000. Capitalization 51,700 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .f 409.00 cash. Owns the JMontana, 3 3-4 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 31, on Squaw Property mountain; the None Such, 3 acres, in tlie S. 1-2 section 24, on (lold hill. The None Siicli is patented. The None Such has a shaft about 65 feet deep. The sluift on tin- Development Monlaiia isahcHii .")(» feci (lcc|». The greater part of I he (IcNclupuu'iil woi-k is beiui^' done on liic None Sinii, which is leased. In Deceiuber, ISO."), the capilal stock was increased In.ni 500,000 history shares to 1,000,(100, some of the new cajtital stock beiiij; utilized for pay- ment of outstanding' debts and for the ac(|uisition of the Montana and None Such claims, lioth the None Smh and (he .Montana have been leased at ceiiain (leriiids, but no pay nre has as yet been discovered. Till' other claims at (ine time owned by the comiiany ha\-e becMi allowed to lap.se. inchest ]irice for stock' dnrini; ISOO, I 11 cents: lowcsi jirice for stock dnriiiii' ISOO, .fl.OO per .M. 193 Directors Capitalization The Glasgow Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1893. F. E. liobinsou, pivsideiit; J. Ai'tliiir ruiiiu'll, viccprosideut ; D. D. Lord, secretary aud treasurer; William P. Bonbrisiht, Chas. L. Zobrist. ^rain Office — Iiomn tiS, V. O. buildini;, Colorado Sjiriuns. Colorado; transfer office, luieniatioiial Trust Coiiipaiiv, Colorado Spriui^s, Colo- rado. 1,(100.000 shares. Par value, -fl.OO. In treasury -Tauuary 1, 11)00, about 90,000 shares; in treasury January 1, I'.IOO, .'JJlob.OO cash." T 155 R 70W /a^y Loce/ia lopfn(jh' ml t>1 f"^ *"' Property Owns tlie (iuy Fawkes, (iunjiowdcr I'lot, and Annie B., comprising about 22 acres in the N. E. 1-A of section 10, township 15 south, range 70 west, on Iron mountain; and the .Tim Blaine, of about 6 acres, in the X. W. 1-1 of section 12. on Mineral hill. All the lu-ojierty is patented. This company now owns all interests formerly held l>y tlie Lottie Gibson Alining aud ^Milling Com]iany. Iliiihesi ](i-ice for stock during 1809, 1 cent; lowest price for stock during 1899, |7.00 per :\r. 194 Capitalization Property SEC. 1 18. T.15S.^R.6yW. Ccpyrighr, 1900. by Fred Hilli The Globe Hill Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1897. Geo. J. ninkclcy, presi- Directors deut ; J. II. l^sijilintoU. sec- retary; W. < '. <':illi(>uu, treasurer; 11. WCiiilierji, as- sistant secretary. .Main Ollicc - X(i. ."17 .Miiiiui; E.vcliaiiye Itiiild- iug, Denver, Colorado. l.nOO.OOO sliares. I'ar value •'l1i(( — 1 12 East I'ikc's I'cak avenue, ( 'oloradn S|irin.i;s, ( "(>l(),, t((\vnship I ."i sdiilli, ran.ii'e 7(1 west, one mile west of .Moiiml ('ilv ; ill |ii'ocess of ]>a(- entinii'. It has one sliat( Si! ree( deep on (lie |iro|ierlv. I>eli(s, .$125.00. Highest jiriee lor stock ihirin^ IS'.lli, .'<7.(MI pei- 1.(1(10; lowest price for stock (Inrin- IS!t!l, .SI. .".(I per I. ()()(>. 195 Sec. 26. Copin^hl 1900, bf frtJ Hllli Directors Capitalization Property Development The Gold Band Mining Company. Incorporated 1S95. r. L. Sigel President Chas. F. Potter Vite-Presideut Frank J. Campbell. . . .Seeretarv and (Jcnci-al .Manager Adolpli J. Zang Treasurer ■Main Office — Denver, Colorado. 1,000.000 shares. Par value, §1.00. In treasury April 1, 1900, 384,000 shares; in treasury April 1, 11)00, about $4,400 easli. The company is leasing blocks 11, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28 and 2!>, in section 10 of state school lands, lying east of the town of Cameron and N. E. of the Pinnacle properties. Cop^n^ht, >im. if Fred Hilb \ I The pro])erty is now being actively developed by the cmn])any. Sev- eral good veins and dykes have been cut, but no pay mineral yet encoun- tered. About |7,000 worth of development work has Ijeen done on the property and contracts have just been let for 200 feet of sinking and drifting. As soon as the new working shaft reaches a depth of 100 feet, a plant of machinery will be installed. The properties are held under the most favoi-able contracts, made by the State Land Board, and leases have from 14 to 10 years yet to run. This corporation has the same offi- cers and directors as the Vindicator Company, and is practically owned and controlled by this latter company. No stock on the market except treasury stock, which is being sold readily at 10 cents per share for development purposes. 196 The Gold Belt Consolidated Mining Company. Iiicuriioniti'd M;uvli. 1S!I-1. T. V. ]{()\\ uuiii, pit'sidt'ut ; AV. ]'. Stanley, vicc-pri'sidcul ; ('has. K. Directors Bell, secTctary; James T. Stewart, treasurer; James Monvlian. :\raiii Office— No. G02 McPhee block, Denver, Colorado. ], (100,(1(10 .shares. I'ar value, si. 00. In treasury January 1. I'.ioo. CapitaUzation 50,()5;! shares; in treasury January 1, ]!)0(», fHOO.OO cash. Owns the (ieneva, the Sumatra, the Hindoo, the Lady \Vashini:lc(ii, Property Athens, Cluca,i>o, (Jeorgia and the Blue Kidge, containiuii a total 00,(IOl» shares; In treasury, February 7, P.tOO, |3S3.89 easli. Owns the Flag of Truth, 10 acres; the Property iMollie Mc< iuire, 10 1-3 acres, and the Ameri- can I'hii;. •") acres, located on I lie S. W. slojpe of Sheeii .Mouiilaiu. rniiniii^ down lo Oil creek, alioiil three iniies I'roui I he lown of Gillett. ProjM'ily is crossed bv the .Midland Term ilia I Kailroad. In processor iiatent inu:. Total acreage owned by this coiiipany is 2.") l-3ai-res. P>einii- otitside of the territory cov- ered by the colored maji, this i»i(ii>eity is not shown I iiereou. One loLi house, I Ixlli, and tools. The Development I'Tag of Trnlh has a well tiiiiliei-ed tunnel of 17.") feel, also drifts, w here the greali'st devel- oi>nient has been done. The .Mollie Mc(iuire has 7lt feet (d" shafts and some c>|ien cnls. The .\mei-icaii Flag has a shaft :;.") feel deeii. and some oiieii cuts. The property has not yet become a i(fodn<-er. .\ssays ha\c lieen ol>- lained fi'om •'<1C'S dow ii to a trace of gold. lese properties were located at a time when (he Locators had the History 1,1 in this part «d' the district. Oil cic-k, a bold monnlain stream, runs within a few feel of t he nnnit li of t lie i nnnel and w ill fnniisli .'iiiipic water p.iwer lor mill. There is an almndance <^\ timlier on the proipcrly. Highest in-ice for stock dining IS!l'.l. Ill cents; Inwcst pi-ice foi- slock diiriuL; IS'.l!!. :', cents. l)ick of t lie groiMK 199 The Gold Coin Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated November 19, 1895. Directors Copynqht 1901! if fred Hilh Capitalization Property Development Production and Dividend H. E. Woods Presideiit Warren A\'oods . .V ice-Presideut F. M. Woods Secretary and Treasurer J. M. Allen "! .W. D. Hatton Main Office — Giddings Build- ing, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado; branch office, Victor, Col- orado. 3,000,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. Owns the (J old Coin, G.2 acres; the Little Montana, 5.7 acres; the Golden Discovery, 1.4 acres; the Surprise, A acre — all situated on Battle mountain, in sections 20 and 32 ; also the Last Chance and the Pine Knot, con- taining about 5 acres, situated on Squaw mountain, in section 31 ; also the (jolden Dawn Nos. 1, 2 and 3, containing 31 acres, located in Fremont county. As this last mentioned property is outside the Cripple Creek dis- trict, the plat thereof is not shown. The company also controls the property of the Gold De- posit Mining Company, and has other interests, including a con- trolling interest in the Mt. Ivosa M. & L. Co. This companj- started with a lease and bond on the Gold Coin claim at the foot of Battle mountain, i)ractically in the town of Victor, early in ISO.j. After spending a large amount of money in development work an ore shoot was finally discovered in 189G, and the liond paid off in September of that year. Since then a heavy production has been made. Dividends were commenced in 1897, and have been continued at the rate of 1 cent \H'Y share monthly until January, 1000, when 2 cents per share was started and has continued numthly since that time. The shaft house and ore buildings were destroyed by fire in September, 1899, and new buildings are now being erected of steel and brick, which will be the most commodious in the district, containing the largest compressor and lioist plant in Cripple Creek. Total dividends to May 1. iOOO, .^IIO.OOO.OO. Highest price for stock during 1899, .$2.00; lowest' price for stock during 1899, 11.70; on Mav 1, 1900, price was $4.25. 200 The Gold Crater Mining Company. Incnrijorated. This coiiiiianN' is owiu'd ;ui(l coutvollt'd liv Mi-. W. S. Sti-a(taiif(ird. .lolm \\'. \\ray. (". A. IJicliardsoii. E. B. Harrol'd. ^lain Office — Cripple Creek, Colorado. Capitalization !.»,."■)( !(».( 1(1(1 shares. Par value, si. (Ml. Ill treasury January 1, 1900, 900,(100 shares. 'fti^hr Ijei If frllt H.lls Property UwDs the Idlewild, the Idiewild Xos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 aud 8, contain- ing in all about 70 acres, situated in the N. W. 1-4 section 23, the N. E. 1-4 section 22, and the S. E. 1-4 section 1.5, on IJayiuond and Gold Quartz liills. Above property held by location. About |4,500 has been expended in develoiuiicnt work on this group of claims, and they are all in jirocess of patenting. 202 The Golden Age Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. H. E. lusley, jn-csidoiit ; E. ('. Shel- Directors dcu, viec-i»i'('si(l('iit ; 11. II. Dorsey, seore- tai'v; J. A. Sill, i icasmri-; (". I*. Bently. Main Office — First Natiounl IJaiik Buiidinii', i-ooiii No. .").■>. ( "olnriKlo Spriugs, ('(piiii'adii. 1.(10(1, 000 shares. Par value, $1.00. Capitalization In trcasiiiy .1 an nary 1, 1000, ."> 1,000 shares; in treasury Jannary 1, 1900, about 1100.00 \\lis the <'harley IJoss, Phelps, I'elerson. Property and I lie .1. II. Morris, a total of '1T^ acres, sit na led in seel ion :!, low nship I li sunt li. range 09 west, on I lie soul h slope oT l.ii I le Hull limn III a in. .Ml pat- ellh'il. Simply |ialenl work has heen done in de \'elopnienl . Highest i.rice for .stock during 1S99. ."jilO.OO ])er 1,000; lowcsi pi'ire for siiirk dni-ing 1S99, :;>:!. 00 per l.ooo. 203 The Golden Crescent Water and Light Company. Nancy E. The Golden Crescent Water and Light Company. Incorporated. WancM W'nod- Presideut _. , Directors ]1. I]. Woods Vice-President F. .M. WiMids Secretary mid Treasurer .Main Office — (liddinns block, Colorado Springs, Coloi'ado. Brancli Offices — C.illcii and \iclor, Colorado. r)00,000 shares. Par \aliie, .fl.OO. Also floO.OOO of (5 per cent, ten ^ ., ,. .. ' " » 1 1 Capitalization year yold linixls. Owns I he Cillett Electric iaiilil Works, the ( Jillet I Water Winks, 1 lie „ Property townsite of < iilld I, 11(1 acres; also franchise lor water, li^iil and sewerage at ( 'anienm, < 'ohn-ado. 205 Directors Capitalization The Golden Cycle Mining Company. Incorporated December 6, 1S95. D. H. Moffat President El)cii Smith Vice-President 11. 11. l\eid yecretarv and Treasurer SyI. T. Suiitli. L. E. Campbell. Main Office — 827 Exclianjie Imildins', Denver, Colorado. 200,000 shares. Par vahie. S5.00. Tu treasury January 1, 1900, 15,000.00 casli. (apirij'" 1911 it Fill Hilli Property Development Production and Dividend Owns the La Bella, Lei>al Tender, Harrison and part of the Anna J., Pinkerton, Propolite and Ranuer, 25 acres, in the X. E. 14 section 29 and the X. W. l-i section 2S, on tlie south slope of Bull hill. Patented. There is a complete equipment of machinery on the property for hoisting 200 tons of ore per day. There are five veins on the property and all are being worked by the company. Production to January 1, 1900, .'S!l,512,909.8S; dividends up to Jan- uary 1, 1900, 1198,300.00, last bein"- October 10, 1899, |5,000.00. This being a close corporation the stock is not on the market, hence no prices are given. 206 The Golden Dale Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated January IS, 1893., V. II. I'cllin-i'll IM-('si(l('lit Directors II. i:. (iill \'i((' rix'.si.li'iit J^. A. < 'i\ ill Secret;! I- \ iiiid Treii surer A. .Mr( ■ni'iiinck. I>. lOllioil. K. Creeii. Walter Seott. 11. (". I'isli. A. R. Moulder. .Main ( Mil re- 11 I'.ank luiildiiii:, ('nloradii S|ii-iiiL',s. ( '(iloi-ado. 3,()(H»,(MI(I shares. I'ar \alue. S.\.iH). In ircasnrv .lannarv 1, 1!)00, Capitalization I42.«;r)0 sliiires; in treasnrv .lannarv 1, I'.KKl. .f2-t2.()(l easli. Ctpjtiijiii im if f„d Hiiii N.E.Sec.20. Owns llie .\lsa K.. cinilainin- .■).(IS2 acres, in ilic S. W. 11 .section 20, '''^<'P"'>' on l.'avcn liill, and ihe Sliand.\, 1 acre, in llie \. 11. II section 20, un r.nll hill. The Alsti li. claim is patented and tiie Shandy lidd by location. There is a .".O-foot shall on (he Shandy, witli 12 feet of driftin,-i, and J^«^ei''P'"^'"i aliont ."^dd feet of shafts, tunnels and win/.eson the .\lsa \\. In IS!t;>. or near tiiat lime, the company was, a hopeless \\ i-eck. The present manajie- mcni fedecmcd the projierty Irom a sherill's sale, m.idi' uood an o\cr- issiie of nearly one-half million shares (tf slock made li\' pi'cdecessors, by an increase of capital, paid several Ihoiisand dollais debt, and iiateuted the .Visa Iv., which was nearly lost lhi-oiiL;h neiilect. I'rodiHlion lo ,ianiiar.\ 1. I'.MIO, aboiil .>;',, 000. (Ml. Ilitdu'st price for* stock during IS'.IO, .'? 7-S cents; lowest price foi- stock diirini: ISO!), .*?2.00 jier 1,(100. Production and Dividend 207 Directors The Golden Eagle Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1892. Herbert Gardner President E. R. Whitmarsh Secretary and Treasurer W. D. Shemwell. II. A. Young. Louis Sheer. N. Leipheimer. Main Office — No. 25 East Pilce's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Caprriflll HOC tf frtd Hilli Property Owns the Comstook, containing 7 acres, with vein rights, situated in the N. E. 1-4: section 30, on Kaven hill, east of the Kaven and north of the Elkton mines. Patented. Development There are four shafts; two have been sunk to a depth of 45 feet each, one is 60 feet deep, and one 90 feet deep. In the fiO-foot sliaft 50 feet of drifting and some surface trenching has lieen done. Highest price for stock during 1899, 10 cents; lowest urice for stock during 1899, #5.00 per M. 208 The Golden Link Mining, Leasing and Bonding Company. Incorporated July C. 1895. A. L. Lawton rrcsiilciit Directors A. J. I.awton Vioe-rrcsidciit J. 11. Thedinna Secretary and Treasurer J. H. Kleiiie. A. J. Rroege. Main Office — No. 17 East Pike's Teak a\('inie, Colorado S|iriiigs, Colorado. 1,000,000 Slia res. I'ar value, f 1.00. Capitalization Owns the .\llcii 'riiiiniiaii and llie Crystal Hill, oontaininf; in all 11 Property acres, in tlie N. ^^'. 1-4 .scciion (i, on Kiiyolile mountain; also (lie ( icam, containint; 8 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 10, on Cow mountain. All paten led. < )ii I he A lien 'I'll II 111 la II and I lie < 'I'vslal 1 lill is a slial't of 1.") IciM di'|ii h. Development willi !!•") feel nl" di-iliiiiL;. < Mi ilic ('renin is an o|icn cut of ;;(l IVcl and a tunned of '27t feet. Tlu; _i;i'ealer part of Ilie di'\ i'lo|nncnl work is liiinu done on tlie Allen 'riini-nian and tlie ( "rystal 11 ill. Tli(! comiiany lias had considerahle difliculty in securinii jiiilcnls on History tlie IJliyolite nionnlain |nii]ici-l ics, Inil alter two years' lii^iitini; the secie tary id' the inleiinr lias reveised ilie decision of ilie land otlice and j;i\i'n this eoiniiany palenls on ilie ;ilio\-e elainis. Stock not on Ilie niaikel. It is now offered at J cents per share. 209 The Golden Treasure Mining and Tunnel Company. Incoiporated January. 1895. Directors Frauk I'ciTis rresicU'ut ^y. IT. Sutherland Vice-President C. P. Bentlv Secretary K. C. Day . ". Treasurer L. B. Spinney. ^lain (^ftice — Xo. 53 First National Hank huildin.ii', Colorado Spriniis, Colorado. Capitalization 2,0(H),000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 59,500 shares. ''opfrig/lt, /tSO by frttf Hills Humboldt Property Owns Uie Chica-^o and Clipper, 11 1-4 acres, in the S. W. 1-1 section 33, township 15 south, range (>9 west, on Howell hill ; the Little Clayton, 9 1-1 acres, in the E. 1-2 section 21, on the east slope of Bull hill ; a frac- tion of the [Mineral Palace, (1.117 acre, survey No. 10,307, in the N. E. 1-1 section 19, on Ironclad hill. Receiver's ]-('ceii)t held for all the above property. Development Sutticient Work, for patent only, has been ilone. Highest price for stock during 1899, fS.OO per M.; lowest price for stock during 1899, |5.50 per M. 210 The Goldfield Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated April, 1895. " B. p. Anderson President F. E. Kobinsnii Vit-e-Prcsidcnt L. E. Ehricli Secretary and Treasurer H. II. Melville. F. A. Perkins. Main Office — No. (14 liaiicrninn Imildiiii:, < 'olmndn S|n-in;is, ( 'oloi'ado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasuiy .laniiarv 1, I'.IDO, 100,000 shares; in treasury .January 1. I'.MM), .f5,000.0() cash. Directors Capitalization n Cop^riijhl IMS, dl hid Hills "'er S.E.Sec.28. Owns llie Lucky I'riday, on I!nll hill, adjniuiii^ the l.illie mine; and the Zonojihon, (Ui Itiu Hull hill, S aci'cs in all. Patented. I'loiierty is situatcci in sedions I'l and 28. On III!' Lucky I'riday llic lii-ealer ])ai'I of the dc\clu|(nicnl worl^ is hcinu done, and I lie ciini|iany is \iiLi()i'onsl\ sinking and di-il'l Iul;, w il Ii i;. mi Miiicial hill. .Ml |ialciiii'd. Tlie (dd^' (lc\ clii|iiiicnl s on the i)fo|iert\' are a few slial'ls of from 10 to 50 feet dei'ii. 213 The Gold and Globe Hill Mining Company. Incorporated iS91. Directors J. E. MoKinnic President G. S. Wilson Vice-President L. L. Aitlven Secretary H. W. Patterson Treasnrer \\\\\. II. (lowdy. Main Office — Xo. 25 East I'ike's Pealv avenue, Colorado Sjn-iniiS. Colorado. Capitalization 750,000 sliares. Par valne, fl.OO. In treasnrv Jannarv 1, 1900, ,1500.00 casli. Property Production and Dividend Owns tlie Iron King, 10 acres, in the X. E. 1-4 section 10, on Ii-onclad hill ; the Contact, 5.S acres, in the S. 1-2 section 11, west of ('ripple Creek; (i\Mis 200,000 shares of the t^avaiie Cold and Copper ^Mining Company's stock, and 225,000 shares of the Moon Anchor Gold Mining Company. All the above property is patented. Total dividends to Jannary 1, 1000, .Sll.OOO.dO. Highest i)rice for stock dnring isOO, 7 1-1 cents; lowest price for stock dnring 1899, 1 1-1 cents. 214 The Gold Hill Bonanza Mining Company. Incorijorated. Irvinjr HowliiMt Prt'sideut James F. Bums \'iee-Pi'esident Frank G. Peck Secretary •J. A. Hayes Treasurer W. S. Nichols. ('has. L. Tutt. S[ieii(i'i- reinose. ^Fnin Oltice — (JS P>aiik hnililinu, Colorado Spriniis. ("(>h)rn(hi. 1,00(),(HI(I .shares. I'ar value, si. (|0. Directors Capitalization Copyright 1900 by Fred Hills. Owns tlie rxiiianza Kiiii; and pari nl' llie .Viiclmr and .Vnclmr No. "J, Property ](l acres, in I he N. W. 1-1 seel inn I'.i and N. 1>. I- 1 seci ion il 1, on i Inid jiill. TahMiIed. One L'.")0 fdol shall and I lirec SO-foot shafts, willl l.UOO feet of drifls Development and cross-cnts. The siork is niif Uiv sale on Ilie ^enei'al marki-l. hence no prices can he "i\cn. 215 The Gold Hill Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February 10, 1896. Directors J. M. Dowuinsi- President Wm. T. Gauss Vice-President A. B. Moulder Secretary G. S. Cheesman Treasurer Main Office — Equitable Building, Denver, Colorado; branch office, 2 iind 4 Bank Building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, ."fLOO. In treasury January 1, 1900, lTr),000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, f 750. 00 cash. N I Sec. 13. _ lopjrght, 1900, ^fred Hills. Property Owns Irene and Ajax claims, containing 17.97 acres, situated in the S. E. 1-4 section 13, in Poverty gulch. Patented. Development The property is developed by lessees. There is a 105-foot double-com- partment shaft on the Ajax claim, and a 130-foot shaft on the Irene 00, Capitalization G3,150 shares. Copyright, 1900, by Fred Mills . Owns the El I'aso, S1..1. Short, IJosella, Tiian-le, Sund.nvn, E. C._ L. Property .^ v., l..)(.k(,ut and iiait of Jim I'-laine, about 40 acres, in the W. 1-2 section 18, in Poverty gtildi. .Ml |iateuted. Surface iini.n.vmients .unsisl of shaft house, ore house, l.la.ksnnth Development slioi. aiKl boiler bouse, two boib-rs. two .■omi.ressors. one IO.kU hoist and double conii)artnienl sliafi ; tb<. main sl.afi TOb f.^et dc,'. with ...ObO leet of drifts and levels. Dividends up lo .lanna.v 1, IbUU. .Yr_'.-..(lb(l.bO : h.sl dividrnd i^iid Production January 20, l!)Oo!r.O,000.00.' and D.v.dend Ili.uhest price for stock durin- is;>!>. .^1.01; lowest prbe for stock duriuii 1S!)!», S;? 1-2 cenls. 217 The Gold Knob Mining and Townsite Company. Copyrifitt, two bf fred Hdls 218 The Gold Knob Mining and Townsite Company. Incorporated January 24. 1900. James F. Bm-ns rresidcnt Directors F. ^I. Woods \'iccl'icsi(l(»iit iiiid (Jciicral Miiiiaucr I. W. Boiihiioiil Scci-ctarv and Tii-asurer ]i-\iiii: llowlicrt. 10. A. ('ollnini. J. K. .McKiiiiiic. I'raiik (i. I'cck. Syl. T. Sinitli. ^[aiii Office — Coloiadu Siiiin^s, Coloiadn. :'.,(I()(I.()(M) shares. I'ar value, .'jfl.OO. lii treasury .Taimary 1. 1900, Capitalization :{00,UU() shares. Owns the Almiiimim lode mining' elaim, survey No. 0,141 ; the Andes, Property sur\('y No. 9,1(J(;; the Alta, survey No. 9, Kit!; the Anna, survey No. 9,221 ; the Hanner, survey No. iS.941 ; the Itrowu I'ear, survey No. 9,221; the Clara, survey No. 9,187; the ("ut Diamoml, survey No. 9,157; tlie Emma, survey No. 9,221; the Extension, survey No. 8,941; the Fedora, survey No. 9,141; the Fraction, survey No. 9,187; the (Jrass, survey No. 8,(171; the (iold Kcserve, survey No. lOjoMt; the Ide, survey No. 9,2Ui; the Last Dollar, survey No. 9,187; the Lone t>tar, surA^ey No. 9,141; ilic Lucky I'^riday, survey No. 9,194; the ^lary Mack, survey No. 9.1(ili; the .Mary .Vnnc, survey No. 9,21<); the Old .\l)e, survey No. 9,221 ; the Oro, survey No. 9,058; the Perhaps, survey No. 9,187; the Peru, survey No. ;t.ls7; llic Plomo, sui-vey No. 8,941; the IJough and !{eady, survey No. ".MiKi; the Kiiili 1).. sui-vey No. 9,221; the Sihcr, survey No. 8,941; the Spring. sur\cy No. 9,lt((i; the Tonuile, survey No. 9,21(>; tlie Texas .lack, survey No. 9.:>S5 ; the X'enus .M., survey No. 9,(158; the War I'onnel. sur\-ey No. 9,l(p)i; tlie \\'ieiie\\ urst. survey No. 9,21(>; the ^^'ils(>n, sur\'ev No. 9,;{85 ; also an uudlxided oue-liiird (1-.'>1 inlerest in (lie surface of the Home- slake lode mining claim, survey No. 8,700; a total of 150 acres, and in addition 50 aci-es in wliicli Die coiii|iany o\\ us surfa<-e rights oidy. TIms i-eceully iucoi-poiulcd cumpauy owns a large area of ground History lying on and al the liase of Ituil liili aud at the base of I'.atlle mouiilaiii aud I!ig ISnIi liill, ((luiiu-ising ]iiac( ically the cut ii-e tow ii site (d' ( Soldi i eld. .\s a treasury asset IJie lonipuny ow us alioul (iOO lots iu (his (own, wortii a( least •'ii;200,000, v hicli will he sold as funds are rcipiired foi- the \ igorous develo]iiueid to which the i>ro|ier(\' is lieing suhjecled. .V OOO-foot shaft has lieen sunk on the pro]ierly al a |)oinl east of the siuitliern poiiiou of (he Thei-esa <-laim ; Ihis will lie oue of the lU'inciiial workiug shafts, and iu aildilion a shafi is liciug siiuk ou I he Aluiuiuuiii daiui. in Ilie cMreuie nor I hw eslern poi-( ion of (he ]uo]iei-( \'. I ( is know u I hat a uuudier cd' \cius li-a\crse the ground from which a heav\ production is olilaiued iu ad- joining and neighhoring propeil ies : and il seems scarcely wiiliiu ilic pos- sihilities (hal developuu'id in (!old Knoh territus aud aggressive jiolicy; and since this uianagemenl ciuuprises, to a \ei\ iKUalile exieul, the eleuiculs of liiiaucial streiigdi aud uianagerial aliiliiy which have hecu ciiiispicu(His iu ("riiiple (■re<'k"s de\-eloiUiieid, resulls (d' great im|iortance hot h to I he cnuipau\ aud in ihc district a( large may with coididence be e.vpected. 219 The Gold Magnet Mining, Leasing and Milling Company. Incorporated February, 1S9C. Cripple Creek Townsite Monarch if frtd flil'i Directors I I | E. II. ;MacL)(jniu)tt, presi- dent; J. Walter Bergen, vice- president ; ;M. S. ^rat'Dermott, secretary and treasnri'r; ^V. K. GriflSth; Eojier ^lacUermott ; Wesley Gonrley; N. E. Giiyot. Main Office — Colorado Spriusis, Colorado; branch office, New York City, N. Y. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .'Jl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 350,000 shares. Owns the Little Eva, survev No. 11,285, coutaiuinc,- 7 1-2 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 21, on Gold hill, 300 feet south of the town of Cripple Creek and adjoining the Volcano mine; the Indian lode claim, 5 acres, in the N. 1-2 section 23, adjoining the California ; the Lambertou lode claim, 9 acres, in the N. 1-2 section 23, on Gold Magnet hill; a 20 years' lease on lot No. 10. section 30, township 11 south, range 70 west, on Copper mountain; owns a oue-lialf interest in one-half of the licslie Ray claim, 7 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 35, and is negotiating for the purchase of the remaining interests. The Leslie Kay is patented. Little Eva, Indian and Lamberton in process of patenting. Development The Little Eva has a brick yard and buildings, which are leased. Five hundred dollars has been expended on this claim in shafts and fl.OOO on other labor; .|500 has been expended in shafts on the Indian (continued on page 2i\.) Capitalization Property 220 The Gold Magnet Mining, Milling and Leasing Company — Continued. lode claini; ."if")!)!) has Iil-cii cxiumhIimI in shafts mi llic I.aiiilit'iloii chiiiii. The Leslie JJay lias several lO-tnot prospect iiig shafts. Uovalty has Iteen paid ou lot No. 10 up to July, 11)00, aud oue or two shafts have lieeii sunk for prospect! nji'. The jireater part of the development work is hcin;: done ou the Little Eva, which is leased to Mr. (Jeo. H. Deters, until .\ui;ust, 1900. lli,uhest ijrice for stock duriiij; 18'J1I, L! ceuts; lowest price foi- stock durinull hill: iIm- Lena I'.. O acres, in I lie N. Iv 1-4 section Hi. on Cow iiiomitain; and ihc iloise Shoe, O.tilS acres, in tiie K. 1-2 seclion 20. on P.nck mountain. The lona. Iron Knst and Lena I*, are patented. lie ceivcr's receipt for Horse Slme, (»n each claim there is a shall alioiil ~>i) feel deeii. The i^icaler pai i Development of I he development work is lieiii^' done on i lie lona. lliuliesi lu-ice for slock (liiriiiL; ISO'.I. I reiil ; lowest prill' lor slock diirinii ISOO, 12 cent. 221 Directors Capitalization The Gold Rock Mining Company. Incorporated October, 1894. William Clark President Fred r\ Horn Secretary and Treasurer Main Office — No. 23 East Kiowa street, Colorado lr>prings, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, !?1.0U. Property Owns the Charm, the I'l-ee Cold and the Free Coinage, containing in all 27.808 acres, situated in tlic S. 1-2 section 9, on Galena hill. Property all patented. Development There are two To-foot shafts, with 20 feet of drifting. The greater part of the development work has licen done on the ( 'harm. This claim was for a short time (some toui- months) under hond and lease,, lint at the present timi' work has ceased. Higliest price for stock during 1899, .$17.50 per ^NI. ; lowest price for stock during 1899, |2.50 per M. 222 Directors The Gold Sovereign Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporatcii Xovember 13, 1895. A. K. ("ailtoii Pi'L'sidcnt and 'ri-ciisiircr A. 1'. Markcy Vice-President \\'. I'. Itoik .' Secrotary ]■]. .M. Sliarj) .Maiiai!,('r W'illi.iTii A. (Mis. 10. ( '. New iiinilic. Aluaiii iiapp. Main OtHcc — 305 Bt'iiiictt avciiiic, ("ripidc Creek, ('nlmadn. 'rransfer Office — Intcniatiimal Trust < 'uiii]iaiiy, Colui-add S])rini;s. <"iii(iiadn. 2,(l(l(l,(»00 sliarcs. Par value. -Sl.Od. In Ireasmy .laniiarv 1. I'.KIO. capitalization 215,lM2 shares; in treasury Jainiai-y 1. P.IOO, .'jSKI.dOO.Od casli. Owns the Oold Sovereii;n lode, llie -I. (J. IMaine lode and (Jold Property Sovereijin tniniel site, the surface of whicli aniouuls in r,.21 acres. All jiati'nted. Situated in section 2(1, on Pull liill. SW.liSecZO T.I5S..R69W. Copyright. WO. bf fred Hilh: 'i'liere is an clcciric- hoist on I he wiii/.e ot the ( iold So\-ereii:n innnel, 12(10 feel (Iceji Ironi tunnel le\'el, whicli is nndei- eiuilrael Tor IMKI feel more de|illi, and raised lo the surlace 10(1 feel, niakinii I his when conijileled tlie main workinji shafi of liie |uo|iciiy, located on a |ili>:nolyie and basalt dyki' rnnniiiii' jiarailel willi each ol hei- the full leni:lli of I he pi-o])erty. There is also anollier shaft ^'T.") feet de<'|), known as the \\'his|ici- shaft: also a shaft :'>(!0 feet deep known as t he Pawscui shaft ; also a shaft I'll 1 "J feet deep known as the l.ovctt shaft; also a shaft Hi." feet deep IvUnwii as (he Jackson shaft; also shaft lod feci deep, known as the Pari'ack shafl. toii<'lli<'r with le\els, drifis and winzes, ni.-ikin;; a total of ahont 2.000 feet of woik. Tniiucl (hi\cn CIO feet under Hull hill. New anil \alnalile ore hodies are lieinu opened at de|ith in se\eral of the work- ings, and the properly is in excellent condition. Thi' company ]u-oposes to Moi'k Ihe entire )(ropeity after Ihe e.\i>iration of the present leases. I'r.idnclion lo.laiinai-y 1, IHOO. .IflOSjaOO.OO. lli;;liesl price foi- slock duriui; ISIIO. 20 cents; lowest pi-ici' for sio<-k durinu isit'.i, 1 cenls. Development Production 223 The Goldstone Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated. Directors L- C. Ilall President L. Srite Vice-President and Treasurer C. P. Bentl J Secretary J. S. Hall. Setb Baker. ^laiu Office — No. 53 First National bank, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 392,000 shares. Property Owus the Baby, 7 1-2 acres, in the center of section 21, on Bull hill; tlie (xuess, 2 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 17, on Ironclad hill; the Dalphna, 3 1-2 acres, in the N. 1-2 section IS, in Poverty gulch. All pat- ented. Development The Baby has 175 feet of shafts and drifts. This claim is leased for three years from March 2G, 1900. The (Uiess has two shafts, each 80 feet deep. This claim is leased for two years from October 21, 1899. The Dalphna has IGO feet of shafts. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 3-8 cents; lowest jjrice for stock during 1899, I cent. 224 The Good Hope Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1898. A. S. Tope rresident Directors F. II. Pettingell ^'i(•('■I*l•(•si(l(■Il1 L. A. Civill Sc(icl;ir.\ iiiid 'I'lciisuin- A\'. B. r>ii;ir(liiuiii. .Main Oflicc — No. 11 I'.auk IniililiiiLi, Colorado Sjn'ings, Colorado. J,()()(I.(I(M) sliaii'S. I'ar value. $1.()U. In ti'wisury January 1, litOO, .Capitalization pSOO.OO casli. ■ I 111 \t ■^ ' CopiiigU 19110 if frid Hilts ( >\\ ns llir Codd llo|ic, S 1-L' acics; I lie Coincl Nets. 1 and 'J, I lie Louisa. Property anil llic .las|ici- innnci silr. L'7 acres, in srdions 7 and IS. lownship l(i soul li, ra nuc (i'.t wcsl . 'i'lic ( lnod I lo|ic is palcnlcil. Kcniaiiidi-r in in-ocess. Ili.nlicsl luicc I'or slock dniiui; iSltil, .sii..")!* jicr l,(l(t(l; iowcsl price foi- stock dniin- 1899, fu.lMI per 1,0110. 225 The Good Will Tunnel and Mining Company. [ofif right 1900 if frtd Hilli 226 The Good Will Tunnel and Mining Company. Incorporated. J. A. Hayes I'lesideut Directors Will. p. P>(nil)ri,L;lil Vici'-Presidont F. W. Stelu- SLHi-crary ^[;iiii Office — Witli ^^'ln. P. I'liiiln'i.iiht & Co., ( "oloiailo S]iriii^s. Tolo- rado. 2,n00,00n shares. Par value, -SI. 00. In treasiii-y January 1, 1900, Capitalization 125,611. UU cash. Owns the south 500 feet of the 8uniiyside claim, on (iold hill ; tunnel Property will be 3,000 feet in len,ntii when completed to the Lexiu,nton mine. On April 4, 1000, the tunnel was in 1,860 feet. The company owns a power jijaiil wnrlli aliiiiit -Si 1,0(10. Tlic Snim.Nsidc Indc is patcnicd. One SOdiorse power lioilcr; nnc lieatcr, (iO.\:',0; one compressor, l<)xl2; Development one air receiver, 40x12; and all iiccessaiy fittings; two Kand iiLnliinc drills; two Ini;ersoll-Sariient nuKhine drills; ])owder magazine; com- jires.sor and boiler room, :j4x24 and 20x24. Tbc tunnel company has a lease on the follmsinii' projx'rties throuiili wliirb it passes: The .Vnchoria- Leland claim, llii' l.illiaii-Lclaiid, tlie .Missouri ("omitaiiy, llie Trogress Company, the Tom eranduni and the IJhinoceros, containinsi' 11 1-2 acres, in tlie S. E. 1-4 section !!•, on the nortliwest slope of Ifaven liill; the Jennie Sample, containing about 7 1-3 acres, in the B. 1-2 section ll»; the Kittie Lane, Sitting Bull and Sitting Bull No. 2 lodes, containing 19 acres, in the E. 1-2 section 30, south of and adjoining the Elkton, on. Raven hill; the (iold Dollar, containing 2 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 31 ; also owns the Tip Top, containing 3.5 a (res in the N. E. 1-4 section 12, on Tenderfoot hill. All the above is i)atented with the exce])tion of the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 229.) 228 The Gould Mining and Milling Company— continued. Gold Dollar and the Tip Top, wliicli are in iiroccss. 'i'lic coniiianv also t'lainis l)v deed a strip (d' tiic Tlionipson lode, as sliow n nn iln- iiia|> h_\' dotted hues. Tins is in conti'over.sv willi tlic lOlkion Cuniiiany. The Sitting I'ull Nos. 1 and '2 wci-c ]uii-(lias('(l in .Mai( li, r.Mlli, hy this com- pany, for .'fT.'i.OIHt ( asli. There is a steam Jioist and ore liouse on tiie Kittie i.ane. winch has a two-compartment shaft ;{()U feet deep, and 1(11) feet of drifting;. Tiie -Jennie Sample has a .'j(»(l-foot shaft, with (Kd) feet of driftini;-. The Nil I)es])ei'andnm and tlie Kliinocei'os lunc a KHI-fdot Innncl, witli alidut :!(! I feet of cross-cutting. The jifeater ])arl (d' the devehipmenl \\<)rl' done on the Jennie Sample. IIira(h> Spi-ings, Tol- (ii'ado. 1,2(M>,0()() siiares. Par value, p, ■,,,•„,;„„ ' ' Capitalization .*1.()<». in treasury -lannary 1, ilXlO. |1,(M((».(I0 cash; in treasury -lannary 1, T.Ki;), I'L-i.ttOO shares. Owns tiie (iiace and Sjiecial, aliout t! acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section property ;!(!. on i;a\cn hill; lOxlia, 7> acres, in (he X. 10. 1-4 seclion ;!1, south of S(|uaw uiounlain; also llie I'olar Star. 10 acres, in the S. 10. 1-4 secliou ^i."), on (irouse niounlnin. .Ml |)alented. .\ fi-ame shall linusc, lioilei' room and sicani hoist, wliicli cosi alioiil Development .'jf."),()(t(l.()(), is on I lie Sjiccinl i4aini, wliirh has a shafi liOO feel deep, willi '2~>i\ fe<'( of di-iftiriii. T hi' company was incoT|ioi-a(ed in 181(1. I ml no w oik of any amouni ever done on (heproper(y un(il Xoxcmlier, 18!l!(. (dnsiil ei"iltle low lifade ore is in siuhl. IliiihesI |M'ice for sio(4< diirinii is'.lt). 7 I li cents; lowest piici' for slock iliii-ini;- ISit!). J cents. 229 Directors Capitalizati«i Property Development CiPfrigh/.Wl i/ Frid Hilli Production and Dividend The Grafton Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 3, 1896. Ediiuiml J. A. Rogers, president; David Knliridi;!', vico-presideut aud treasurer; Win. P. Ilcaddcn. secretary; O. W. Pitcher; P. II. Rogers. ^lain Office — Xo. 1529 Lawrence street, Denver, Colorado. 1,()0(),0(JO shares. Par valne, .fl.OO. In treasury Jnnnary 1, 1900, fo.OOO.OO casli. <)\vns tlie lloosier, containing about 9 acres, situated in S. E. 1-4 section 7 and N. E. 1-1 section 18, on Tenderfoot Ilill. The above property is lield by patent, witli tlie exception of .05(1 of an acre, wliicli the present company acquired by deed. Sliaft house, ore liouse, and other machin- ery. Tlie main shaft is 300 feet deep, and there is "about 300 feet of drifting; 200 feet to the north of the main shaft is one G2 feet deep in process of sinking. The property is leased for three years from (October 15, 1S9S. dross production to Januarv 1, 1900, §80.500.00; net royalty on ore mined during 1899, |15,213.00:'last dividend was for .?10,b00.00. paid October 15. 1899. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 35 cents; lowest price for stock durin- 1899. 10 cents. The Granite Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Development Production 1900, Sec. 29. T 15 S. R.69 W. 'i f"1 mis Incorporated November 13, 1896. W. II. Prevoort, president; Eben Smith, vice-president; R. II. Reid, secretary and treas- urer; W. D. Reid, D. L. Webb. ;Main Oliice — Equitable Building, Denver, Colorado. 1.000,000 shares. Par value, .Ifl.OO. Owns the Granite claim, survey No. 7,801, containing 10 acres, and the Baby ]Mine claim, survey Xo. 9,523, containing a fraction of an acre, both situated in the S. W. 1-1 section 29 on Bat- tle mountain. Patented. The company has a complete equipment for hoisting 300 tons of ore per day The main shaft is 750 feet deep, with 5,132 feet of levels, drifts and cross-cuts. There is also an incline shaft of 155 feet. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Granite claim. Gross producti(m to January 1, 1900, .flOO,- 000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899. fl.OO; lowest price for stock during 1899, $3.00. 230 The Granite Hill Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated May. 1IS'.I2. .1. I*. .M;i(l(li'ii, picsidcnl ; Jos. 11. IkViiii, \i(('-prcsiilciit ; W. II. (Inwdv. Directors S('linllld lie ralilied nr IKil. .\\ llie lasl iiieeiino', on .May 11, 11)00. .-)'.l().000 sliari's were in I'aNor ol the same. 'riic (Iranile Mill has a shall :;00 I'ei'l deep. ( »n Ihis claim i he Development f^Tealer part ol' i he de\elnpmeiii wmk is hein;; done. 'The pruperlv is leased. The .Mid^el claim is leased and lioude. Xii-dci-- Directors litz, secret a rv ami irea.'^iirer; I,. \'. r><).u.\', 10. •). Seelv. ^laiii Offiei' — E(iuital)le lniildiiin-, Denver, Colorado. 1,0(1(1,(100 shares. I'ai- value, §1.(10. In (reasnrv .Taiiuary 1. I'.lOO, Capitalization 45,000 shares; in licasni-y .Tannarv 1, IDOO, si'veral lnindreele\\are, cnntaininn aliont (> acres, patented, situated in Property the IS. E. 1-4: section ;{, townshi}) 15 south, range 70 west; also about one acre of the J. A. G., adjoiniiiii- (lie Deleware, all on Ii"'roiii tiie ( a n. II cnry .\l . I Jlacj^ nici'. Main ( >Hicc ( 'dloradn Spriniis. ( "(iloradn. I,L'.-,0.(MI(I shares. i'ar sainc, .si. 0(1. Capitaliiation. ( >w IIS ( he ( ira\' I lorse lode, 2 I I acns, in the Property S. Iv II section IT. I'alenteil. IliidULih dcvi'loji niciil work niily lias lieeii dune tii secure the (lat cut. 237 S^t.l7l 16. T IS s I R e» " Ctpfiijlil, IW if f'ld Hilli: Directors Capitalization Property Development Production .and Dividend Bistory Directors Capitalization The Hallett and Hamburg Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S94. E. A. Colburu, president; C. 11. Dndlev, secretary aud treasurer; J. L. Hallett. Main Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,0(IU,U0() shares. Par value, 11.00. Owns the ITallett and the Haiii- burj; claims, i 1-2 acres, patented, situated in S. W. 1-1 section 20, on Battle mountain. Shaft house, steam lioist and oi-e bins. The company had a shaft 400 feet deep, with 100 feet of drifting and cross-cuts, when tlie ])roperty jiassed under the control of the Ajax Company. Gross production to January 1, 1000, .$50,000.00. Total amount of dividends to January 1, 1900, alniut .1f8,000. The control of the stock of this company was purchased lately by the Ajax Cold Mining Company, as it adjoins their ground. It is noAV being delevoped by the latter company. The stock has not been placed on the market. The Hanover Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 7, 1899. Chas. L. Tutt, president; K. 1{. Babbitt, vice-president; J. McK. Ferriday, secretary; Spencer Penrose, treasurer; John llarnan. :\lain Offii-e— ^Koom 11, El Paso Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. '^hrjgoob S.W.Seo.20, Copy>t^^t.i900 by Tred Hills 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Januarj 1, 1900, 250,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .f 100.00 cash. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 239.) 238 The Hanover Gold Mining Company, continued. Owns ilic I liiiKivcr, 3.11 iicrcs, in tlu' S. W. 1-4 section 20. mi Hull Property Iiill; Sisster Dolly and Tootic, ;iiinnl 13 acres, on Copper nioiintain, in the N. A\'. 1-4 scciion 2, townsliip 1.") south, i-inj.ii' "'• west, i'atcnted. Also the .Take 'I'uiner, adjoininj.; (lie Sister J >oily, in process, conse(|neiitly not shaded nil plat. There are tliree sets of lessees workinif on the Hanover claim, and Development as they are all responsilile and conipetent miners, it would seem that the prosi)ects were most Uatteriiii;'. Highest price I'or stock dnriii!^ 18!)y, 5 ci'iits; lowest price for stock dnring l.SOl), 3 cents. The Hard Carbonate Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1895. .Joseph II. Smith, jiresidenl ; Directors J. ('. Mitchell, vice-president; L. G. Campbell, secretary; E. P. .\rtliur. treasurer; ,J. C. .Tohn- son;.J. J>. Hill; W. S. TTarwood, general manager. 1,0(10,000 shares. I'ar value. Capitalization .fi.OO. In treasury .lauuaiy I. litOi), :!.-);i,(l(lO shares; iu treas- ury .lanuaiy 1, 1!)l)(), .«;100.(I0 cash. Owns the ilard (■ailionate Property and t he .Vpex, 9 acres, in all. sit- uated on 'reuilerfoet hill, ill the S. W. 1-4 section 7; als(t \'ein rights of ahont l,ti2.") feet |iassiiig ihroiigli the Doctor and llii' Last ('li,-iiice claims and the .Magjiie claim. .Ml the at)o\-e proiieiiy is patented. 'I'lic llai-d Cailionale claim lias a shaft IT.", feel deep, with 2.'")() feel Development of le\cls and cross-cuts, and a shaft Jionse and w him. The gi-eater pa it of the di'\elopment \\'orl< is heing done on this claim. The Ajtex has some shallow workings. .\ new |ilanl of machinery is shoiily to be erected, and. when the mine is in bet ler woiking order, more valuable shipments of ore are expected. The slock is close]\- held. 239 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Hart Gold Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated January 27, 1S99. J. R. McKiDiiie, presi- dent; J. ^^^ Graham, vice- presideut; JoIid E. Phil- lips, secretary; L. L. Ait- ken, treasurer ; Josluia Grozier. Main Offict^No. 25 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colo- rado Spriniis, Colo. 1,000,(100 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, |G,000.00 cash. Owns the llart, the Fres- no, tlie Jessie G., and the Brooklyn, containing in all 30.247 acres, situated in the S. 1-2 section 17, on the north slope of Bull Hill. All the above claims are patented. Shaft house and electric power plant capable of sinking to a depth of 600 feet. A double compartment shaft is now down 325 feet. Size of the sluift, 4 1-2x9 1-2, timbered with square sets. Cross-cutting is being done to the east and west of this shaft. Considerable prospecting has been done to the north and east by the company and by lessees. A number of veins are known to cross this property. Iliglicst price for stock during 1899, about 25 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 10 cents. S£cJ7 Sic.26. Copy^'^ht, iSOO. by fntf Hills. 240 The Hartford Gold Mining Company. Incorporaled DecembcM' 19. 1895. \\ .1. r.akci- President Directors .[. ( ". Sjiiccr A'ice-Presidciil II. A. Sell IT See Id a ly and Treasnicr ^^'Ill. Laws ('. (J. Carlin. Main Olliic L'O Soiilli 'rcjoii strccl. ("nloiado Sjn-iiiiiS, f'oloiado. l,r)00,()(10 sliarcs. I'ai- value, Sl.(l(t. In Ireasury .Iannai-.v 1, IDdd Capitalization 541.0(0 shares: in tiiasiirv Jaiinaiv 1, I'.KKI. ^K'.O.Od cash. Copyr>^hr /AV bf ^nd H< f/s. Owns (lie riray Ilmse lode, 7 1-2 aeres, in tlie S. W. 1-4 section 27, Property to^\'nsllip l."> soiidi, raiiiic (i'.i \\cs(, mi IJi^- I'.nil inonnlaiii. The comiJaTiy also ()\\ ns (lie Lillle l^'red Icnle, !l(l(l feel wcsl of liie I'^iiiuy ilawliiiiis mine, in Leadviile, and Ihe I lai( Inrd, on l>liie nininilain, west of I<"'lorissaiit. These iailci- |iiii|icilics lieini; uiilside llie <'i-i](|ile ('reek dislricl are nut shitw n nil |ilal. 1(1(1 I'ccl (if sinkiiii; and drill inudii liic |iri>|n'rly. .\ssessiiienl winic Development was rnni|ileled on ihc < 1 ray llorse in Isii'.l, and assessineiil work in shall and sonii' drilling; on iln' Lillle Lrcd. lli-hcsi price lor slock diiriii',^ IS!»9, fS.OO |ier 1, (»(»(); lowcsi price lor slock dnriii- ISOO, .f.'.IKl p.M- 1,000. 241 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property Development The Hawkeye Gold Min- ing Company. incorporated June 17, 1S9S. Josei>h St. Martin rresidont l\. Theroux Yice-Presidtnit Horace (iraiirteld. Secretary and Treasurer J. C. McCurinaek. P. A. Primeau. ^laiu Office — Colorado Springs, Colo- rado; branch office, St. Paul Ruildinu, New York City, X. Y. ; branch office, room 1, B. & M. Block, Denver, Colorado. 1,. 500,00(1 shares. Par value, -Ifl.OO. In treasury January 1, I'JOO, 240,000 shares; in treasury, January 1, 1900, |5,- 000 cash. Owns the Spriugton and tlie Yalley, about Ifi acres in all, situated in the X. E. 1-4: of secti(ui 4, township 10 soutli, range 09 west, about 1 3-4 miles soutlieast of the town of A'ictor. Property is all patented. There is a shaft house on the Spring- ton mine, with a steam hoisting plant, dwelling house, etc., and a shaft, 4x8 in the clear, 125 feet deep. Sec. 3. TI6S.R69tY. i Copyf-,^hf .-SOO, hy freti Hn .'J The Hayden Gold Mining Company. Incorporated Xovember IS. 1S95. Chas. L. Tutt President Spencer Penrose Vice-President H. L. Shepherd Secretary and Treasurer George East. .Main Office — No. 267 Bennett avenue, Crippie ("reek, Colorado. Transfer Office — International Trust Company, (Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. .-.,000,000 shares. Par value, .<;1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 400,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .ij!2,o72.95 cash. Owns the Eoyal Arch and Louisa, 4 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 .section 30, on Guyot hill; the Eobert II., 2.5 acres, in tlie N. E. 1-4 section 25; Chance of "94, 1 acre, in the N. W. 1-4 section 30, on Beacon hill; Ked Jacket Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, south of Crijiple Creek. 31 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 25. All patented. Also owns the Flora Fountain, Jose])hine, April I'ool, Diamond Joe, Coxey No. 2, liobert Emmet and Luella S., south of Yictoi-, in process of patenting; also 125 acres, patented mineral rights, under the llayden placer and 2(14 lots in Cri])Y)le Creek, in all about 250 acres. The Diamond Joe and ilir Luella S. are not shown on plat. Several snudl jilants. belonging to lessees. SeA'eu sets of lessees arc working the property. About 1,500 feet of shaft work and 400 feet of tun- nel work has been done. The greater part of the develoj.ment work h: being done on the Louisa and the llayden placer. Hiiihest price for stock during 1899, 3 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, !?7.00 per M. 242 The Hayden Gold Mining Company. Three Kimjs \ LJL OAUNA i-nr-i \~r"\ Vl^, iJLiJ T"1 "in fnn rin ["in nn r ; ifi m m^i i^:^^^'H.CW^;Lj LjU l..Jl.J U'.^' U'^ Copyright. WOO. by Frtd Hills. 243 Directors rado Capitalization The Henrietta Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S95. -J. K. Miller President S. N. Nye Vioe-President Phil S. Delauy Secretary and Treasurer J. W. Miller. C. E. Titus. Wm. A. Delany. F. W. Isliam. Main Office — 35 and 37 Ilageruiau Iniildinji, Cdlorado Springs, Colo- 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Copyright. 1300. 6y rrgJ^/Z/t Property Owns the B. H. Bryant, Midland and llagcnnan claims, 23 acres, in the N. 1-2 section 5, on the north extension of Tenderfoot lull, 15.5 acres |iat(Mited and 8 acres licld liv deed. Development A shaft house and gallows frame; one shaft aliout 05 feet deep, and two or three from 40 to (iO feet. Highest price paid foi- stock during 1899, 2 cents; lowest price paid for stock during 1899, -fO.OO per M. 244 Directors The Hercules Gold Mining and Milling Company. Iiicoriiorated 1S93. S. S. Ilailicld President U. IT. ilagee Vice-President I'. M. KciMli S(Mic(iU-.v and Treasurer J. J. (irier. T. C. Tlcin. .Main Ottu-e — 1!) I'ostofiice bnildiu-. Colmadu Spriufis, Coloiado. 500,000 shares. I'ai- value, .*1.00. Id treasury .laiiuaiy 1, r.lUO, Capitalization 60,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1!)00, |24.78 cash. N.E.^Sec.30. Owns the dank and ("rank Xc 2, cdnlaininu 1(1 acn-s, in ilic N. !>. Property 1-4 seeti(ni ."'.O and S. !•;. l-l scctinn V.l, on llic sonlli side uT Kavrn hill. Iiclwccn liic l']ll^l()n aiid .Moose mines. One lidod shall house, one doulile eoni pari iiieni shal'l :!(HI IVel di'ep. Development Iwo shal'ls CO I'eel ea( li, I il UTiel I L'.". I'eel. alioul lL'r)reel oT eross-cn 11 i n- i u the deepesi slian. I'alenI snr\cy No. S.i;'..") is anion.!.; the lirsl |ialenls on Hie hill and is in no daiii^er of any liliLialion; slork ainiosi all hehl liV llie dirertois. I'loperly well loraleil and rniisidered a L'ood l)|-osi)e(l. Ili^hesl prire loi' stock durinu' IS'.I'.I. ('» ceiils; lowest prii-e joi' slock (lurin\vns the "!)3, in the S. E. 1-4 section 31, containing about 4 1-2 acres, on Sijuaw mountain, adjoining the Tom Bigbee; also the vein rights through the Tom Bigbee and the Tejou; the Hermosa, in the N. E. 1-4 section 31, adjoining the property of the ]>ittle Puck Gompany; the First Chance, in the N. "\V. 1-4 section 13, containing about ."> acres; the Lone Pine and the Success, in the N. AV. 1-4 section 12, containing about ir> aci'es. l»et\veen ^lineral hill and T'opper nu)untain. Total acreage owned liy this company is about 28 acres. The '03, Hermosa and the I'irst Chance are patented. Receiver's receijtt held for the Lone Pine and the ^>uccess. The First Chance is leased and bonded for .'j!2o,000 to the ^letropol- itan Vl. &. Af. Co.; the Hermosa is leased and bonded for .^15,000 to the same com]tany; terms of both. IS months, 15 feet per month, 20 per cent, royalty. This company has recently passed into new hands, and it will be their policy to piisli active developments. Highest price for stock during 1800, 4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents. 246 The Hillsdale Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February 3. isyi;. -Toliii E. Lniidsl iMiiii, incsidciit ; liciiiiiald II. I'ai-sons, set idaiv and Directors treasurer; (\ 1". Scliiieider, I'red Wi-chci-, l.miis A\'. Oake.s. .Main Oflfioi^ — Colorado SprinjiS, ("nlorado. 1,250,000 shares. I'ar value, sl.Od. In treasury January 1, 1!)00 Capitalization 280.000 shares. Sec. 36. SEC.6. T.I6S.B.69IV. Cop^ri^ht 1900 by frwtf Hilli. ( )\\ us Ihi' 'I'ea Ivcl lie. i;. llT. acics, in IlieX. IC. 1 - 1 seel ion 0. Iiiwnsliiii Property 1(! south, ranye (>!> west, on Straiih niotiiilain; liic St. I.,ouis, 10.;{27 acres, in the \. 10. 1-4 seclinn 1, lownship 1(> south, raui^i' 70 west, on Straub iMdunlaiii ; the i.asi < liaiK c, ().<(.")(; acres, in the .\. 1-2 section 1, townsliip 1(1 south, raiiiiC 70 west, on (irouse mountain; and llie lOifel Tower, 4.507 acres, in the N. 10. 1-4 section 1, townslii]! 1(! soulh. i-aniic 70 west, on Straub mounlain. Receiver's receijils liavc been rcccivid Uw all the ab(i\(' |u-(ip('rlies. 'riicrr arc ^cdd tunnels and shafts on all the pi-i)perl ies. On llie Development lOilel Tower, at the bottom of the shaft, a iiood \'ein is disclosed. fr(Mn wliiili s20 assiiys ha\c been oblaiueil. ( )ii the SI. bonis ihc lunnel has nol \cl ri'ac]ic(1 the \eiu. In a new shall on ihe Tea Keiile some tine lookini; ore has been disco\ci'ed. The I. as! ('li;iuce lunnel has llol yel come lo a ny ore, Im I Ihe i ni Ilea I ions lor doiui: so a re uood. The slock is not on the markel. 247 The Hobart Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February 17, 189fi. Directors R. Hillhouse President J. C. ]\[ancliestei' Vice-Presideut E. B. Simmons Secretary and Treasurer E. W. Faltz. J." W. Coffey. Jlain Ollice — 121 East l'ikc"s Peak ayennc. Colorado Sprini;s, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,. -,00,000 slinres. Pal' yaliie. .ffl.OO. Tn treasury January 1, 1900, lOllJlOO sliarcs. ^^■'■l"^:'- ^'Wn Copyright. 1900 by rreefH/tlS. Property Owns tile Last Dollar, it.Oo acres, on Trachyte mountain, in the AY. 1-2 section 3; Nancj Hanks, 8.900 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 9, on Galena hill, hoth patented: also the AVild Cat, 10.311 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 4, on lancoln liill, in process of patenting. On April 30, 1900, this company ])urchased the Alice E. claim, 10 acres, adjoining the Wild f^at, on Lincoln hill, from the Siher State Consolidated Gold IMiniuj.'- Company. l"lls. Owns the liouieslake, 10 acres; llie Onld (^hieen, S 1-2 acres; llie Last, 10 acres; Ihe jtryau, alioul 2 1-2 acres; all in llie X. 1-2 seclion 17, near Cameron; a lolai of 2S acres. All |i:iicni(' cents; hiwest iHJce for sinck , during ISOO, 4 cents. 249 The Hoosier Boy Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporated December 17, 1893. Directors C. ^V. Kiu'ie President Matthew Kenuedy A' ice- President T. A. Sloaue Secretary C. II. AVhite Treasurer ITuiili K. Steele. A. :\r. T;ii)ley. M. W. Kiirie. Main Office — No. 9 Nortli Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, sl.Oi). In treasury Jauuai'v 1, 1900, 100,000 shares; in treasury -Tanuary 1*, 1900, al.out -f 1,100.00 cash. Cr^rt ght, tSM), ty Tree/ HiUS Property Owus the Iloosier Roy claim, 3 acres, the Iloosier Hoy tunnel and tunnel site, in the S. E. 1-1 section 25, on Beacon hill; the Wolyerine Nos. 1 and 2, 15 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 5, township 15 south, range 09 west, on Tenderfoot hill. All the ahoye property is patented. Development The Hoosier Boy has a tuunel and shafts, tiie total deyeiopment work on this claim costing oyer .'if7,000.00. The Wolyerine Nos. 1 and 2 have about .f2,000 worth of deyeloiiuieut work. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 3 3-1 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 250 The Humboldt Gold and Silver Mining and Milling Company. IncorponitPti July 15. 1892. W. i;. IMilliii riM'sidcnt W. li. Foley N'icc-l'rcsidcnl ;inil 'ricasiircr i^. J. ^lattoeUs Scci-i'iJiiy AN', li. Snyder. William I'.ai-hci-. .Main Ollicc — 104 ICast I'ikc's Peak avenue, ("olmadu Sprinos, Colo- Directors rado. l.Odd.dOU sshares. Tar value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1!M)(», Capitalization 400,000 shares; iu treasury January 1, 1900, .f.jOO.OO cash. Sec. I8.il7 . Sec. 19.; 20. (>\\ns (irouse and 1 1 nniliuldi, coTilainiiu; S acres, patented, localed Property in tiie N. 10. 1-4 section I'.i, un ironclad lull. A steam linist and iMiiler room are on Ihe jinnierly, lojiclliei' with Development consideralile imiirovements. A shall 200 Icei deep has heen sunk mi the Ilnmholdt and will he oontiuued to a depth of 2~)0 feet, from wliich |Hiini a main drill w ill he stalled. The properly lies elose to and adjoins some of the lie.si |ii'u|ieil ii's ; has lieeii wiirked h\- lessees at dilTerenl limes and a lidod deal Iay, the Mountain (iirl, 25 acres in all, situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section H», on Kaven hill. All patented. The property is leased. One shaft house, 40x100 feet; one 25-horse power hoister; one 25diorse power hoiler; whim on 70-foot shaft of the Little Clara. The Little Clara has live shafts, one (d' (JO fwt with an incline of 70 fin^t, and 110 feet of driftini;; one of 85 feet, with 40 feet of driftinti'; one of 70 feet, one of 40 feet and one of 45 feet, with 20 feet of driftin--. The Ida IMay has three shafts, one 375 feet deep with 800 feet of driftin<;, one 200 feet deep, with 300 feet of driftiui;-; one 125 feet deep, with IGO feet of drifting; also three other shafts each fiO feet deep. The Mountain Girl has three shafts, one 00 feet deep with 80 feet of drifting, one 45 feet dee]i with 50 feet of drifting, and one 30 feet deep with 10 feet of drifting. Gross production to January 1, 1900, over flO.OOO. Highest price for stock during 1899, 25 7-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 24 cents. 252 The Idlewild Gold Mining Company. IiK-<)ri)()nite'J, tow iisliip 1 \ soiitli, ranf^c (ilt west ; ilie Idlewilil, coniaininL;' S acres, siltnited in liie N. \\. 11 section 82; ;ilso liohl Ity loeation the .Maji.uie May, containiiii; HI ;i( res. .\11 tliree claims ;ii-e on Lincoln hill. This last named claim does not ;i|i|ie;ir on maji. Tiie American is patented. I'ateiit of tlie iiHewiid ajiplied toi-. Tlie .\meric;in ii;is ;i I iinni'l of I 10 leet. 'l"\\o shiiimenis of oi-e liiuc Development heen made, l>nl when I lie snielteis passed a law rei'nsimi to recei\e low ijrade ore, slii|pnienls were sto|i|(ed. as llw ore ran only alioni •'^IT.tH). The Ljreali'i- part of I he de\ elopment work is lieinu done on I he American. ilii;liesl |irice lor slock dnrin;^ iSlt'.t, H cents; lowest piice for stock \\ 1 "^ t 1 \ \^' ^ ■^ I ^ ^ '■y> ^ /^ % -y r\ \_ '■ I \ ^ \lV \ /^^^ '\ \i ^ \ / ^^ft^' _=v r'-lrSEG. -6. y^yy^y \ I\.I5S R69W %yx/i^/^ \1 \ ^y .- X -r -Htx / |V 7 II \ Property Owns the Pay Eock, 10 1-3 acres; the Pearl, about 3 acres; the Lena, about 2 acres; and the Prince, about 7 acres; all in one group, in the N. W. 1-4 section 6, on the east side of Uhyolite mountain. The Pay Rock and the Lena are patented. The Pearl is held hy location and does not show on map. Development On the Pay Eock there is a shaft house, 21x62; blacksmith shop, stable, frame dwelling house. The above claim has a shaft 200 feet deep, with 300 feet of cross-cuts. This claim, Avhich is leased, is receiving the greater part of the development work. On the other claims only assess- ment work has been done. Highest price for stock during 1809, 2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent. 254 The Independence Town and Mining Company. Ini-iii'ii(ii"it('il < li-t()l)ci' :f(), I.SI)4. Directors W. S. .M(HitL!,<)iiu'ry, president; U. I'. Da- vie, vice - president ; ■Tames E. (Jregj^;-, sec- i-etary ; A. D. Craigue, Ireasurei-; .Tames V. liiiriis; -James !•'. Siiiitli. Main (Klice — Gid- diuj^s lilock, Colorado Springs, Colorado. l,2,"i(l.00() shares. CapitaUzation I'ar value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, litOO, s'cM.OOn.OO (-asli. 'I'lic i)r((perty o\\ ncd In I lie coiiipany consists of the Hull ("ity jilaeer. ^"^^ ^ rnnlaining 88.894 acres, and tJui Ixeindeer lode, containing 0.184 acre in liie S. T']. 1-4 of section 20, near the Independence townsite. T'nited States patent is lield for the Hull City placer i)roperty. Tlie early ]>(.licy of the coniiiany 'was to dcvcldi) its ground llirongli Development lessees. iMn'ing the year TSUS nMU-e than .1700,000 was extracted by les- sees, tJic company receiving iicaily -ii;200,000 in royalties. In .Tannary, IS'lO, the producing leases were Ici-minaled, since whicli time the com- l)any has been operaling the propci-ty. A lliree-comparlnu-nt shaft, "> feet hy 14 U'ct, has been sunk to a dciiiii of 750 feet, and stations cut at .300 feet, 400 feel, 47.5 feet, .5.~>(t feel, (l.'.O feet and 750 feet. During I he- year ending 1 )ecend)er 81, 18!t'.(, 2.240 feet of levels were run, 188,847 cubic feet of sloping done, ]U'oducing about 0,000 tons of ore. During Ihe year two new iirincipal xciiis were discovei-ed, one to the east, and the other to the west of llic old \cin known as the "Fox" vein, and lioili of llicse \('ins have been extensively dexcloiied, ]ii-oving fully as strong and as riih as the old vein. The average value of the ores from all three \-eins is about •'{j!G5.00 per Ion. 'I'lie pnidnciion is now IVom 50 to 100 tons per day. <,!uile a i-evenne is also oblainecl I'l'oni surface i-entals of this pro|)- erty. iMii-iTig Ihe past seven years litigation has been pending tiefore the interior department at AN'aslnngton, and also in the ci\il courts of Colo- rado, atl'ecting the title of this ]iroperly. Tn I'elirnary last a suit was li'ied al ('ripjile ('reck, wlicrcin llie Wilson ( 'I'cck ( 'niisolidaled Mining and .MilliuL; ('omiian\, as plaintilf, had instituted a suit on behalf of the ".Minnie llclle" lode mining claim, which suit in\ol\-ed all llu' (|Uestions affecting Ihc lille to the |)ropctIy. .Imlgmenl was rendered in I'avdr ol The Independence Town ami .Mining ('ompany. .\n appeal has been taken b\' The A\'ilson ('reek <'ompan\, which is m>w iiemling in Ihe Siiprcmc ( 'onri of ( 'oloimlo. The ollicers of The Independence ( "(uiiiiany tCoNIlNl KI> 1>N r.\OK LTill.) 255 Production and Dividend Directors Capitalization Property Development Production and Dividend The Independence Town and Mining Company. — continued. are coutident that the judgnieiit of the District Court will be sustained aud that all litigation materially affecting tlieir title to the property is practically disposed of. Production to December 1, 1899, ^900,193.00. Dividend No. 1, paid March 1, 1900, |12,500.00; diviileud No. 2, paid A])ril 2, 1900. f 12.500.00; dividend No. 3, paid :Mav 1, 1900. .'?12,.j00.00 ; dividend No. 4, paid Juue 1, 1900, -112,500.00. Highest price for stock during 1899. ()5 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 47 1-2 cents. The Ingham Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Limited. Incorporated October 15, 189"). liaron \\illiam del Marmol, president; Wm. P. Bonbright, vice-presi- dent; F. Schefller, secretary; 1'. AV. Stehr, treasurer; Theodor Posno, Godefroid Victor Meer, Irving W. Bonbright. Main Office — Coloi'ado Spi-ings. Colorado. Branch Office — Brussels, Belgium. 1,500,000 shares. I'ar value, 50 cents. In treasury January 1, 1900, 140,331 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |11,035.67 cash. / / Copyright. 1900. by Fred Hilis Owns the Ingham, Survey No. 8,410; the Mattie 1>, Survey No. 7,758, and portions of the Jack G, Survey No. 7,866 ; the Little Nellie, Survey No. 7,860, and the Wellington, Survey No. 7,866. about 15 acres in all. All in the S. E. 1-4 of secti"^^)n 19. on Kaveii hill. All patented. Otlice. assay office, ore houses, blacksmith nnd carpenter slii>]>; all at the mouth of the Mattie D. tunnel. There are also several other shaft houses on the Mattie D. and the Ingham claims. Several sets of lessees are working on the Ingham claim. Three sets of lessees are working the Mattie 1 ). claim. On these two claims the greater part of the development work is being done. Gross ])roduction to -Tainiary 1, 1900, about .f 250, 000.00. Net profit to company on oi'C mined during 1899, .^9,479.52. Highest price for stock dining 1899, 15 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 7 1-2 cents. 256 The Inverness Gold Mining Company. lucorporated 1893. Angus Gillis President Directors A. J. Gillis Vice-President and Treasurer Con Schott Secretary ^fain Office — Exchange place, Colorado Springs, Coloi*ado. 300,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. Capitalization Owns the Xenia, comprising 3 34 acres, patented, in the N. 1-2 of Property section 18. The property is in Poverty gulch, adjoining Gold King. The C()iiii);iny have on lln' in-npcrly a steam hoist, 500 feet of shaft- Development ing and 200 Icct of drifts. On llicsc siiafls and drifts |(;,000 liavc hcen expended. The directors considiT the indicntions for a ])ayiii,Li iniiic lo be good. Lessees arc now piisliinn di'\cl(>|piii('nts, iiiid, as tlicii- success means :iii inlcrcsl in llic cnniiiany, llicy arc doing Ilicir nlinnsi In IKv- wiifd till' \\iirl<. Close c<>r|i(u-ali(>M. iliulicsl |)ri(c I'lir slock (lining 1S'.)1), 15 cents. 257 Directors Capitalization The Iowa-Colorado Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated Under the Laws of Iowa in Colorado. March, 1900. Cliiiton S. FletcliL'i' Tresident aiid Treasurer H. J. Fletcher Yioe-Presideut M. W. Tilney Secretary D. S. Grain. E. L. Ernhout. Main Office — No. 3G2 lieuuett avenue. Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury March 31, 1900, 1,077,796 shares; in treasury March 31, 1900, .f 400.00 cash. Property byFredHUJs. Owns a three-eighths interest in the Little Violet lode, in the S. 1-2 section 14, containing 7.147 acres; a one-half interest in the Second Strike, 9.61 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 2, on Ked mountain; a one- third interest in the Weaver lode, 7.3 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 10, on (continued on page 2")9.) 258 The Iowa-Colorado Mining and Milling Company.— continued. Iron mountain; a one Inurili inicietsi in tlic Clara B., 7.62 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 7, on 'rciidcrlool liill ; tlic whole of the south one-third of the Empire No. 2 lode, 1.7 acres, in the t>. E. 1-4 section lio, on ( Jrouse mountain; a one-half interest in the Home Eun lode, 7.5 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 23, township 14 south, range 09 west. All the above property is patented. The Home liun lode, being outside the Cripple Creek district, is not shown on map. The (•oMii)any also has leases on school lots Nos. 20, 21, 25, 20, 27, 28 and 37, in section 10, township 10 south, range 09 west, a total of 70 acres; also interests in several locations in Park and ChalTee counties. Sufficient A\ork to ohiaiii a patent has been done. The Clara B. is History leased but not bonded. The policy of the company is to develop these properties by leasing and to use the proceeds of the sale of treasury stock to secure other jiroperty while it can be had at present prices. The Ironclad Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated. Joseph H. Smith President Directors Walter C. Frost Vice-President J. Matthews Secretary and Treasurer James Blood. Charles D. Hoyt. Main Offic(^ — Coloi-ado Springs, Colorado. 1,000.000 sliiiirs. Par value,"81.(IO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization about .«;500.00 cash. SkTi^: 20. TlbS.R.69»V. Capf right I90C if fred Hilli Owns the Iron <'lad. I'ard and While Lead. 12 1-2 acres, situated in Property S. E. 1-4 of section IS, on Ii'onclad hill; the i'.ig Thing, 5 1-2 acres, in N. E. 1-4 section 19, on south slope of (Jlobe hill. I mu Clad and Pard are patented. White Load and Big Tiling in process of patenting. The Iron Clad claim is Iciised. On this property (he greater part of (he develoj)ment \\()i-k is being done. Highest price foi- stock dnring 1S99, S cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 cents. 259 Directors Capitalization The Iron Mask Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 19, 1895. :M. ]). Swisher, president; B. Whitehead, viee-presideut; J. M. Har- den, seoretarj- and treasurer; E. B. Sprague. R. C. Harden. :\rain Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1.500.000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In ti'easury January 1, 1900, 350,000 shares. Property Development Owns the Iron Dollar, 10 1-3 acres; Iron Mask, 5 acres, and the Red Jacket, 10 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 23, townsliip 15 south, range 70 west; also the Touawanda, 7 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 35. The Iron Mask, Iron Dollar and Red Jacket are located one mile southwest of Cripple Creek, while the Touawanda is on the south slope of Beacon hill. The Iron Dollar and Iron Mask are held by location ; balance in process. 70 feet of shaft work on the Touawanda, 50 feet on Iron Dollar, 50 feet on Iron Mask, and 40 feet on the Red Jacket. As stated, the Tona- wanda is on the south slope of Beacon hill and adjoins the Spider and Trinidad. The deepest shaft is 43 feet and shows a vein 7 feet wide that gives an average assay for the 7 feet of .fll.OO to the ton. 260 The Iron Mountain Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated February, 1893. W. J. :^^ul•l•;^y President Directors Jiio. V. Swill Vioe-President E. N. Bemeut Secretary and Treasurer H. H. Clark. F. Warlaumont. Main Ottice — Cripple Creek, Culoradn. Branch Office — 1420 Logan avenue, Denver, Coloradn. 700,000 shares. Par value, .^1.00. Capitalization Copyii^hf /900 by riT<^ »,/IS. Owns iIh' (iak'iia and (Jortez, containinj;' altoiit, IT..")!! acres, in Ihe Property S. W. 1-4 of section 2, townsliip 15 south, range 70 west, on I\ed mountain; the Ilifhlen Ti^ensiire and the .Monitor, on Iron iiioiinlain ; Ihe IJl tie ^^dn- der, on iJtIle lied ni(Mintain. The Cialeiia and I he ( 'orte/, are palented. Remainder held by location and arr not show n in jilat. The Galena, on which the i;r<':ilcr jiart of the development work is Development heini;- done, has a shaft 155 feet dee|), a lunnel of about 1,200 feet, and fioiii :!(l(l lo .loo feet of cross-cuts. On this claiiii there is an eiijiine house and ore house. TIu* Corlez has two shafts, each 50 feet deep. Tln' Mon itor has thrcii lO-fool shafis and a 20-l'(iol o|)('ii cut. The Hidden I'reasure has a 40-foot tunnel and a :'>Ofool sliafl. The l.illlc Woiid»>r has two shafts, one :{0 feel deep, ;md one 20 led (lcc]i. Cross itrodnctioii lo .ranuary 1, 1000, about .fO.OOO.OO. .\^■erafxe Production assays of ore mined diiritiii Ihe past year ran from 2 lo S ounces j;old per Ion. No (piolations on slock'. 261 GL E o c o -5 262 The Isabella Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1892. Nelson B. Williams, president; F. H. Morley, vice-president; J. F. Directors Sanger, secretary; W. T. Doubt, treasurer; Geo. 1). Kiltioi'ii, .L A. Hayes, W. S. Jackson. Main Office — P. (). Iniildini;, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,250,000 shares. Par value. -SI. 0(1. In trcasui-y January 1, 1000, Capitalization $47(>,796.0() cash. Owns the Buena Vista, l.ee, Smuggler, Cheyenne No. 1, Cheyenne Property No. 2, Bully, Tom Tliumh, Snow Bird.\\spen, Jack Babbit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Hope No. 2, Itouiiccr, Old Hickory, Valeria, Two J's, Hobo and Comet, about 100 acres in all, situated on Bull hill, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 20, and the N. W. 1-4 of section 21. All ]iatented. A few small fractions held by location. Some leases under operation all the time. The operations of this (•onii)any are confined to the Lee shaft; all Development other shafts have been abandoned with a view to the erection, at once, of a shaft house at the north end of the block simihir to that at the south end, the Lee shaft ln'ing situated a( Ihc soiitlicrn cml of tlie pro])ei-ty. This latter shaft house is wry coiiiniodious and is equipped to do IS, 000 feet of development work per annum, which is three times the capacity of the plant it superseded. During the last year there has l)een added to the property a large engine room, ;>.~)x3(l; large addition to the compressor room ; assay office 15x34 ; ore house with 16 screens complete and another cage placed in the Lee shaft, be- sides the following machinery: 20x:'>2 hoisting engine, 22x24 Norwalk air compressor, 100-light electT-ic ])i;uit, two 10(1 lioise powci- boilers, two 150-horse power boilers. During the same period the Lee sliaft has been sunk 200 feet; drifts have been driven 6,110 feet; cross-cuts 1,759 feet; raises 1,233 feet. During the year 1S90 the following machinery was placed underground on tlie pro])erty: A 15x2.", and a 30x10x21 Du](lex Triple Expansion and condensing pumping engine ca]iacily 1,000 gal- lons per minute, with 1,000 feet head. This company was incorporated in 1892 by the cnnsolidai ion of sev- History eral companies owning A'arious tracts of land, and as that year was the 400th anniversary of the visit of Christopher Columbus to these shores, the new company was nanu'd ''IsalK-Ha" in honor of the 00, amounted (o .'>^(;7.5O0.O0. Total dividends to dale. S(;o7.500.O0. Production and Dividend Highest price for stock duiing 1899, |1.5 for stock dnrini: 1899, 38 1-S cen(s. per shari' ; lowest price 263 The Jack Pot Mining Company. Ccpyr-^hf 19C0 ty f^d »>I/S 264 The Jack Pot Mining Company. Incorporated April 30, 1892. II. E. W'ni.ds I'rcsidriil Directors J. P.. ( 'iiimiiigliaiu Vice-Presidt'iil Louis i;. Ehi-icb Secretary F. M. Woods rrcasurer Samuel (i. i'ttrter. J. ^^'. I lavcnport. Main Offiee — Xo. 04 Hasiernian lniildiiifi, Colorado Sprinjjs, Colorado. I,2o0,0()0 sliares. Par value, JSI.OO. In treasury .Tatiuary 1. I'.IOO. Capitalization 155,000.00 casli. Owns (lie -lack Pot, eoiitaining 10 acres; the (leltysluiri:, (•oiitaiinn5; Property 7 acres, both situated in the S. W. 1-4 of section 111; the Ironniasler, con- taining 5 acres, situated in the X. \V. 1-1 of seel ion I'.l; llie Providence, containing 5 acres, situated in the S. \\'. 1-1 of section I'.t; (lie Mary \\'yiinc nud tlic Sil\(M' Pell, 11 acres in all, situated in the S. 10. 1-1 of section 1^1. All patented and situated on (iold and Kavcn hills. There are iwo engine houses, two ore houses aiul several plants of Development machinery on the Jack Pot. .\ iiund)er of leases are in operation. The greatei' ])ait of work has heen done on the .lack j'ol. Total dividends annuint to .fl50,000.0(l, aniouiiting to 12 cents per Production and Dividend share. Last dividend, paid Decendier 23, ISUtI, one of ti cents, was for 175,000.00. Highest pi-ire foi- stock during 18!t!), 71 cents; lowest pi-iee foi- stock du r-ini;- IS'.ili, '.',7 i-S cents. 265 The Jefferson Mining Company. Incorporated May, 1892. J^irectors George McLeaii Presideut William Barth Vice-President W. J. ("liambcilain .Secretary and Treasurer R. 8. Morrison Attorney W. N. Gourlay. Fred Walsen. (tCo. L. Gouldiug. Herbert Gardner. Main Office — No. 114 Boston building, Denver, Colorado. Capitalization 1,100,000 sliares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Jauuaiy 1, 1900, 112,500.00 cash. V Anchor /I'Z \\ Copyr-^httMO, b^ />r\ virtue of apex rigiils, and liligalion is now jicudiug in the District Court of Teller county to determine tlie ownership of said ore bodies. These ore bodies were readied by following the vein down from the Jerry Johnson territory. This litigation relates only to the apex rights claiiiu'd by virtue of the Jerry Johnson No. 1 xcin, and alfects only tlu> ore Ixtdics under the iliii-ilwdod and Diamond claims, lying to the west of the Jerry Jolinson \o. 1 |iro|)erty. The Arapahoe lode, Jerry Johnson No. 2 lode and Little I'edro lode claims are not in any manner affected by this litigiition. 'I'iie Jerry Johnson No. 1 xcin, as well a.s sevi'ral other known \'eins, intlciiii and Alrcda, 17 acres, in the W. 1-2 of sectinn 1, nn Property <"()|)|iei' nionnlain, near llic AnTia ( '. of llic C()j)j)er Mountain ("i>ni|)any. Palciilcil. 'i'lici-c arc several slial'ls on tlic property, the deepest l)iMng S.~) fed deep, w iili i:(tl» feel of drifting; in all, over 500 feet of shafts and 27.") feel of diifiing, costing about .fJj.^OO.OO. Several veins have been fonnd and .s_\sienialically developed, but no value above $8.00 has ever been ilis- covered. iiigliest ])rice for stock during ISltO, .5 rents jier sbare; lowest ])rice for stock during J SOD, .|8.00 per thou.sand. 269 Directors Capitalization rado. The Kaffirs Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1895. T. C. Delany President H. A. Yoimg Vice-President Pliil. S. Delany Secretary and Treasurer Main Oifice — 35 and 37 Hagerman building, Colorado Springs, Colo- ). 1,250,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 70,000 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, |300.00 cash. 5ec.'31. Copyr>ght, /900 try Frv^ Hills Property Development Owns White & Blue, May Brewiu, St. Louis and Katie B., containing 12 1-2 acres, all patented, situated in section 30, on Squaw mountain. On March 17, 1900, this company purchased the New Turn claim, a frac- tion on Squaw mountain, adjoining the May Brewin, for $2,250. The company have expended about |5,000.00 in tlie development of the property on various shafts, and the work will be pushed vigorously. Highest price for stock during 1899, 6 1-1 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, |7.00 per thousand. 270 The Katinka Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August 27, 1896. Williinii I.ciiiinx Prosident E. W. (iitldiii^s, .li- ^'i(•o-Presi(l(■llt nnd Ticasurer N. II. raitiidge Secretary J. S. Jones. ^A■. 1'. ^ariieant. :\Iaiu Office — 10, 11 and 12 Giddings block, Colorado Springs, Colo- Directors rado. 1,1'5U,()UU shares. Par value, §1.00. la trcastny .March 15, 1900, Capitalization 220,000 shares; in treasury March 15, 1900, $0,000.00 cash. Owns liic Kaliiika. Aii.i;nst i'lowcr, Cliickcii Hawk and Iloho, iu the Property N. W. 1-1 of section .".0, alimil 2(i acres, on hj u. 0. ° hJ z Q * - i Z o 273 The Keystone Mining and Milling Company. Copyright /900 by Fr^d h 274 The Keystone Mining and Milling Company. Incori)oratefl 1S94. -T. W. Graliam Presicleiit Directors D. i'. Callicart Vite-rresideiit J. R. Talpey Sei^retary aud Treasurer Robert Davis. H. L. Voss. Muiu Uliii-e — Room Xo. S, JJaiik buildiuj;, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 sliarcs. Tnr vnliic. .Ifl.OO. In treasury .Tanuary 1, 1900, Capitalization 21,000 sliares. Owns the Sitting Bull, the Cripple Creek and the Pannicli, containing Property in all 18 acres, situated in the N. E. 1-4 section 29, on Bull hill ; the Vic- toria Xo. 2 and the Nancy Hanks, containing 6 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 21, on Bull hill ; the Alfalfie and the Penny, in the N. E. 1-4 section 28, containing 16 1-2 acres, on the saddle, southeast of the Victor mine ; also the Big Snow and the Gladstone, in the S. 1-2 section 28, containing about 9 acres, on Big Bull mountain. All the above property is patented. The ownership of the tracts A. and B. is in controversy between this company and the C. O. D. Mining Company; this ground is shown in dotted lines. Tract C. is also in controversy between this company and the Vindicator Cons. G. M. Co. On the Sitting Bull is a doul)lo compartment shaft, 200 feet deep, Development with buildings and machinery. This is under lease. This shaft has al- ready produced about |13,000.00. The Victoria No. 2 has a shaft about 125 feet deep. The Victoria No. 2 aud the Nancy Hanks arc siiuatcd beside the Vindicator and ilic Lillic mines, t\\(t ol' llic liig iiroduccis of the caiii|); coiisiMiiicnlly fliis ]iuiiinn of llicir holdings is considered very valuable. Highest i)ri((' for stock during ISIMI, L'l ccnls; iowcsi priic for slock (luring 1899, 10 cents. 275 Directors The Key West Gold Mining Company. Incorporated July 10, 1S99. J. i;. ]\[cKiLiiiii' President E. D. Man Vice-President R. P. Davie Secretary and Treasurer J. L. Lindsay. Theo. P. Day. Main Oflice — 25 East Pikes Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 100,000 shares. Property Owns the Key AVest, 7 1-2 acres, in the S. E. l-i section 13, on Gold hill ; also the May Queen and a fi'action of the Fairview, 3 1-2 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section IS, on the southwest slope of Globe hill. All the above property is patented. In April, 1900, the east end of the Key West claim, containing 1.52 acres, and adjoining the Abe Lincoln, was sold to Mr. W. S. Stratton, of Colorado Si:)riugs. This portion can be seen by referring under "S" to "Stratton's Group." Just as this Manual goes to press the company has purchased the Nest Egg and the Consolidat^^d Virgina claims, in the N. E. 1-4 section 13. on :\Iinera] hill, for .f 11, 250 cash, from the Southern Boy Gold Mining Company. (See Southern Boy.) The greater part of the property is being worked under lease. It is surrounded by good producing mines, whose directors seem to think Key West stock a good investment. Highest price for stock during 1899, 6 1-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 1-2 cents. 276 Directors The Kimberly Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1895. Phil. S. Di'hiny Pi-esideiit Wm. A. DehiuA' Vice-Presideut T. C. Delany Sci rctiii-v and Treasurer Win. Wliiiloii. J. Seligmaii. .Main Office — 35 to 37 Hagernian Imilding, Colorado Springs, Colo- I'ado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1!)00, Capitalization 15,495 shares; in treasury January 1, 1!)0(), .^500. 00 cash. CopyriyhtllOO ly rrtd Hills. Owns I.onacdninii, Old IlicUory and ('nhnnbns, conlaining about Property 7 1-2 acT'cs, all iialcnicd, in scclion 2."), low ns]ii]i l." soutli, langc TO west, on the west slope of Beacon hill. 'IMiis property is being developed liy lessees, of wiiicli tliei-e are four Development sets. It has tlirei' hoisting jilants, in<-lnding four shaft and ore lionscs. .Miont 130,00(1.(1(1 has l)een expiMKhd in shafts, drifts, elc.. and llie gross production from (he nnne to January 1, 1000, is aliout .s.'id, (1(10.(10. The less(M'S have p.-iid 2."( ]ier cent, i-oyaity after deducting freight and treatment charges. Production to .lannary I, 1000, |52,1 1 1.27. liigliest price foi- stock dniing IS'.i!!, l."i II cents; lowest price for stock dining 1S1I0, 2 12 cents. 277 The King Gold Mining Company. Incorporated March, 1S96. Directors H. A. Clapp President Jas. A. Howze Vice-President A. C. Labrie Secretary and Treasurer A. H. Eex. J. k. Lotliridge. Main OiHce — Cripple Creeli, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900. 382,500 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |200.00"cash. Copyright /900 tif Frsi^ HHiJ. Property Owns the Charles Thomas lode, 1.9 acres, Survey No. 13,487, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 25, on Raven hill ; the Crown Point, 4 acres, Survey No. 0,167, iu the W. 1-2 of section 12, on Mineral hill ; also owns the Ala- meen and Jock O'Dreauis, Survey No. 13,538 ; the Magnes and Good Hope, Survey No. 13,566; the Eex No. 1, the Kid, and the Anything lodes; these latter comprise in all about 14 acres, on Tenderfoot hill. The Crown Point is patented. Remainder is held by location, and is not shown on plat. Development The Charles Thomas has a shaft 50 feet deep. The Magnes and Good Hope, haA e two shafts, 45 and 50 feet, respectively. On the Alameen is a tunnel of 30 feet and a 20-foot shaft. On the other claims only assess- ment work has been done. The company is now doing development work on the Magnes and the Alameen at the junction of two veins. Here they expect to sink a new shaft and place a plant of machinery by June 1, 1900. The greater part of the development work is now being done on the Magnes and the Charles Thomas. Highest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 278 The King Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated October 26, 1899. Chas. A. Johnson Pi-esident Directors II. King: Johnson Vice-President Iloward M. Joiinson Secretavy J. S. Dansci- Treasurer E. J. Scott. ^lain Office — Iloom No. 16, De Graff building-. Colorado Rprinsjs, Colorado. 1,:)()(),UUU shares. I'ar value, fl.UO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 500,000 shares. Owns the Devil's Dream, ihe Last Chance, Hap-Hazard and Morn- Property ini;- Glory, for which receiver's receipts are held, and the Norris Mayhugh mining claim, in process of patenting; all situated in the N. E. 1-4 of section 2 and containing about 31 acres, all in one group on the north- west side of Copper mountain, running from the saddle at the top over the norths est slope. 0/erland fJC/. Copyfi^r. 1900. ty frtdHilli. Development There is a blacksmith sliop on the jiroi»erty. Al)out 500 feet of shaft- ing and drifting have been done. The company will commence work on their own account in April, 1900, with a plant of machinery, and will sink a shaft 200 feet deep and also connect \\i(h tunnel. The greater part of the work already done is on the Devil's Dream, the Last Chance and the LIap-Hazarts are now held. The property is located about 900 feet northwest of t lie cele- brated I'Muorine claim, from whicli, in 1S97, about ."^l.^O.OOO was laken from near the surface within six months. Highest price for stock during 1^99, 7 cents; lowest price for slock during 1899, 7 cents. 279 The Kittie Wells Gold Mining Company. Incoi'ijorated December 7, IS'J'J. Directors C. S. Wilsoii, president; J. C. Johnston, vice-president; W. P. Sar- geant, secretary; Wm. A. Otis & Company, treasurer; C. E. Titus, assist- ant secretary; S. M. Diltz, AY. A. Thompson. Main Office — Colorado Springs, Coloi'ado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 250.000 shares. Property Owns the Kittie Wells No. 2, 2 acres ; the Libbey Dell, 1 acre ; the Car- bonate King, 3 acres ; and the Alameda, 5 acres ; a total of 11 acres, sit- uated in the S. W. 1-1 of section 7, on Tenderfoot hill. Receiver's receipt held for the above property. Only sufficient development has been done to secure patent. 280 The Kitty Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September 8, 1899. E. S. Bacli, iircsidciit ; \\\n. Sliciiiwcll, vicrpi-t'sideiit ; A. J. I'ciidle, secretary; U. V. Davie, treasurer; Joliu M. llaruaii, J. A. llimebauyh. Main Office — 25 E. Pike's Pealc avenue, Colorado Sprinp:s, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. I»ar value, SI .00. In treasury January 1, 1!IOO, 100,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1000, about |1,500 i-ash." Owns the Katie liollis and the ^lissourla placer, containinu- 12 acres, situated in the N. W. 1-4 of section 20, on Bull and Kaven hills, be- tween the KanioTui and Ironclad and adjoinint;- the Hheriir and Centi-al Consolidated Mines Company. Missouria placer is paten1c(l. Kalic liol- lis in process. Directors Capitalization Property Bogart. Cofyriyhf 1906. 6u /rre/ Hills. On Uie Katie liollis are shatts o! (J.J I'cel, 1.5 feet, ;;00 feel and 15 Development feet, respectively. One tunnel of 90 feet. Drifts of 130 feet fmni the N. Y. tunnel. AN'inzes of 25 feet. Cross-cul fi-oiii shaft of 15 fed ; drills from shaft of 10 feel. The greater part of the deNclopnii'iii work lias been done on this claini. On the oilier |prnpeily lliei-e has been bni sn|per- tieial surface work done. The Katie Mollis lode was located in .lannary, IS!»2. Tin' oiher History jiroperly has been i-eeently ac(|uire(l. Since location develoimienl work has been siiasnuxlic. There are ^ood indications in the way of lloat and by panniufj:, the surface shows jjood values. As.says ranfje from ."?2.(')0 to fOSO pel" ton, but no oi-e in ijuantity has been fouiul. 1 iiiihest j)rice stock durin" ISOO, IcH' stock rlur' I cents. 11}; ISOO, ;{ 5-S cents; lowesi pr for 281 Directors Capitalization Property Development Directors Capitalization Property The La Cota Gold Mining Company. Incorporiited 1S95. AVm. Muuro, presi- dent; Geo. K. Beutly, vice-president; P. S. De- lanj, secretary and treasurer. Main Office — 35 and 37 Hagerman Building, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. In treas- ury Januarv 1, 1900, 250,000 shares. Owns Mary Mack, containing about (i acres, located in N. W. 1-4 section 28, on Big Bull mountain, near Goldtield towusite. . There is a OO-foot shaft on this property, and the ground will all be leased and develojuuent continued. The surface ground owned by the company is shown on plat by shaded lines. The company also owns the mineral rights under the west end of the Jlary Mack, except that portion where the Etessa crosses it. Highest price for stock during 1899, 1 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, |5.00 per 1,000. The Ladessa Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1S94. H. S. Sommers President E. S. Cohen Secretary and Treasurer INIain Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. I'ar value, $1.00. R-69W. S.tf.ljSEC.I CoptnqhI. 1900. ii frtd Hills Owns the Butcher Boy, comijrising 10 1-3 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 11, township 15 south, range 69 west, on Cow mountain ; also the Nameless, comprising 1.907 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 21, on Bull hill. Both claims are patented. Highest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent; lowest price for stock during 1899, |4.00 per 1,000. 282 The Lady Campbell Gold Mining Company. Iiicoi'porMted Ai)ril, 1S97. J. .Miiuiicc linn, ]iirsi(lcni ; A. ]5()nr([iiiu, \ ice-president ; li. ('. I5;il>- Directors bitt, secret;irv iuid iicasnicr; A. 1'.. W'liitmore, (5. ('. Hlakey. .Main Office — <'ii|i]ilc Ticck, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. I'ai- valnr, slAH). in iicasnrv .lainiarv 1. 1000, Capitalization r.0,000 shares. Ccpin^ht. 1901. if frid Hills Owns llic l.ady Caini.licll. in the N. K. 1-1 of section IT, conlainin-' P^-oP^ty 5 1-2 acres, on tialcna liill; (lie Jorado, in Ihe i<. AV. 1-4 seclion S, con- taining 5 acres, on ( iaicna liiil, t lie i;ronn(i of (lie lal ler beinji deeded ii-oni the iMary L. and the ixongli and Keadj; also the Kniina Abbott, in tlie N. W. 1-4 of section 18, containinj;' 1 acre, on Woniack liill; and Jack the Ripper, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 12, conlainini; 2 1-2 acres, on Mineral hill. The Jorado is jiatenled. Receiver's receipt lield foi- all the re- mainder. On the l.ady Canipl.cll there is a KIO loot sliati, 17.1 IVet of drills Development and a tunnel. Jack the Kipper has a 100-fo()t shall. <>n ibc ICnuna Abliolf there is a 12.1 foot sliafl. On Hie dorado one of 0.") feel. The Lady ('anipbell is leased. On this claim the <;realer jiart of (he develop- ment work has been done. IIi<;hest prici' lor slocU dniim; IS09, 5 cents. 283 Directors Capitalization Property The Lake Shore Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 28, 1S96. A. F. Seymour. .President and Treasurer John H. Mortimer Vice-President W. S. Heath Secretary Owen Millay. James C. Duncan. Main Office — P. O. block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1000, 88,000 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, f 100.00 cash. Owns the Maceo claim, containing 10 acres, situated in the E. 1-2 section 3, on Bed mountain. Patented. A shaft, 80 feet deep, comprises the development. Highest price for stock during 1899, fl.OO per 1,000; lowest price for stock during 1899, .f2.00 per 1,000. bflrid Mil. Directors Capitalization Property Development The Lamertine Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. John AV. Proudfit President K. C. Thayer Vice-President C. H. Bryan Secretary and Treasurer S. t! Miller. E.'w. Adams. Main Office — No. 10 llagerman building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, .si. 00. In treasurv March 1, 1900, 250,000 shares. In treasurv :March 1, 1900, |10,000 cash. .Sec.2.SeCh^ -- / ^7^ C^y^^ T.I5S. iRZOK. ^ / ^spfnghf mo bf frid Hilts i^ <(!fey N.E.^4SEC.I9. Owns the Lamertine, comprising 8 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 1, on Copper mountain ; also the Josie S., containing 8 1-2 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 19, on IJaven hill ; both patented. On the Josie S. a shaft 50 feet deep has been sunk and the work is steadily progressing. The greater part of the development work is being done on this claim. Highest price for stock during 1899, 4 1-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 4 cents. 284 The Lasca Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1897. J. K. Vanatta, president and treasurer; .1. II. K'.vini, vice-president; Directors M. C. Meelv, secretnrv. II. .1. Xcwiiimii, W. -1. Huike, \V. (J. Newman. Main Office — No. 16 North Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Pai' value. ^I.Oi). In tieasni'.v Jaiiuarv 1, 1900, Capitalization 88,000 shares. Benn/e Copfnghl. 1900 bf Frtd Hills Owns the Hand .Made, conii)risinmeiit work is heing done on Ihe Hand .Made hy the company. The company is now ci-oss-cntting at a deplii nj' 1 !."> feet to cut a largi' ]>hono- lite dyke, which |ienetrates the claim I'lcmi liie (lold Hill i(i'((|)ei'ly. .V 15 months' lease at a '-!t l per cc nl . royally has lice mi ui'anled mi I iir .\ nnie E. IlighesI price \uY sinck during IS!i!», I cmls; Inwcst [irice for stock during 1809, 2 1 l' dids. 285 Directors Capitalization Property Development Production and Dividend Directors Capitalization Property The Last Dollar Gold Mining Company. Incorporated April, 1896. K. P. Louusbei'v, president aud treasurer ; A. Ellers, vice-president; H. llaniugtou, Jr., seoretarj'; Willard P. Ward; Henry Seligman; B. Y. Frost; F. E. Brooks; Henry Pv. Wolcott. Main Oflice — 204 Boston Building, Den- ver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, |40,00(l.0(l cash. Owns the Last Dollar aud Combination, consisting of IS acres, in the S. 1-2 section 20, on Bull hill. Patented. There is a large and very complete shaft . house on this property. Two 12"xoU" Cylinder First Motion engines, 150 H. P. with a 4-foot drum; blacksmith shop, store house, large and complete ore house, dwelling houses, office and assay office. All of the above on D shaft; also small engine and shaft house on B shaft; thor- oughly equipped with electric lights and elec- tric drills. There are two shafts on the Last Dollar, 750 feet deep, with a distance of about 800 feet between them, with about 0,000 feet of work- ings. Combination claim is comparatively un- developed. The property Avas originally worked under lease and bond, Avhich was subsequently taken up. Production to January 1. 1900, -f 700.000.00; dividends up to January 1, 1900, $00,000.00 ; last dividend, February 1, 1900, $30,000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899, |1.03 per share; lowest price for stock during 1899, 89 cents. The Legal Mining and Milling Company. Copfrtqhf. mi if Frtil H,lli Incorporated November 25, 1895. F. A. Vorhees, pres- ident; Fred A. Young, vice-president ; Hor- ace H. Mitchell, secre- tary and treasurer. Main Office — No. 45 Bank Building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasnrv January 1, 1900, 52,000 shares. Owns the Saturdav, M.W. Sec. 8. Copf right, Ism hi frti Hill! 3 3-8 acres, on IJosebud hill, in section 25, township 15 south, range 70 west. Patented. Also owns the Coniago, 5 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 8, on North Tenderfoot; receiver's receipt. The Saturday claim is being developed by lessees. The policy of the company will be to develop its property by the leasing system. 286 Directors The Leiand Stanford Mining Company. Incorporated Jlay, 1899. Chas. I'. I'ottcr President Johu J. O'DoMiicll N'icc-Prosident A. O. Downs Scci-ciai y ami Tn-asiu-tT Main Office — 129 >.'ortli Tejon street, rolorndo Springs, Colorado. 350,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury -la unary 1, 1!)()0, Capitalization 3G,r>00 shares; in treasury .Tauuary 1, 1900, |30.00 cash. CAMERON Tonwsrrs. Copfri(jhr, 1900 by Fred Hills Owns tlie Leiand Stanford, Caliloruia, Ellis and Wliisilcr claiuis, property containing ahout 9 acres, in the S. 1-2 section 17. on the uorlli slope of Bull hill, adjoining the Acacia and Piniuiclc |iro|Mitics. The Leiand Stanford and iOilis claims arc palcnted; hahincc held li_\ location. Onedialf of Ihc Leiand Sliiufnrd and Ihe Kllis are lieim;- woikcd hy Development lessees. The Leiand Slauford ( laim lias one shall l.'U) feci deep and one 60 feet deep, Itoih limlieicd, wiiii .-)0 feet of diifis. The W'liisiler claim has one shaft 45 feet de<'p, willi a diill of !."> I'eel. and one slial'i ."id feet deep. The Kllis claim has one shaft ."ill feel deeji, with 10 feel of fr(flitW3,bt rrii Hills Property Owns tlie Lenora claim, in the N. W . 1-1 section 25, containing 8 acres. Patented. This is a close corporation and consequently no quotations on stock, as it is mostly held by the offiters of the company. 288 The Lexington Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 2, 1895. J. Stanley Jones President Directors C. C. Butler VioePi-esident N. n. Partridge Secretary and Treasui-er E. C. Fletcher. W. B. Storer. ^l.iiii Office — 10, 11 and 12 (ilddings block, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 284,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |20,000.0() cash. Ccpfri^M im 6r frtd Htlli Owns the Clara D., 4.500 acres; Nellie V., .041 acre; Cotton Tail, Property .711 acic; Evelyne, .S;U acre, and Jeff Davis Nos. 1 and 2, 5.808 acres, making a total of 12.58 acres, situated in the X. \\'. 1-4 scclimi 19. on Gold hill. I'alcnted. There aie shaft houses, ore bins, trestle and machinery on the prop- Development erty. Lease on the south JJOO feet of the Clara 1)., also lease on the JcIT Davis Nos. 1 and 2, and juirtions of lOvelyne and Nellie V. l'i-o(liic(i(iii to .I:iini;if\ I, 1 9(1(1, .'^ItT.OIMI. (10. Production Highest price for stock diiiiim 1S99, :{2 cents; lowest pi'icc for stock during 1S99, (1 cents. 289 The Liberty Bell Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 17, 1896. Directors '^^'^^^ ^*^1' President "\Vm. Viuevai'd Mce-President W. J. HeD(lriai(] .\\>v\\ I, IIMIO, S»\ l,:'.(iT.l!l. Stork is closeU lield. 291 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Lipton Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 16, 1899. F. F. Deuuis President n. IS. Somiuei's Vice-Presideut C. 1'. Beutly . . . See'y and Treasurer Jnlni K. Newby. Geo. Neuer. Main Oltice — No. 53 Bank block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. l,0(m,000 sliares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury -January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares. Owns the M. J. lode and the Lura May lode, coutaininp; in all about 8 aeres, located in the S. 1-2 section 1, on the east slope of Copper moun- tain. The M. J. is patented. Re- ceiver's receipt held for the Lura May. Enoui;h work has been done to ob- tain a patent. The greater part of the development work is at present being done on The stock is not on the market. tlie :\i. .1. The Little Alice Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated January, 1896. Directors John J. drier, president; T. F. ilcCarthy, vice-presi- dent and treasurer; J. .Alaurice Finn, secretary; J. M. Paiker, J. L. Lind- say. JIain Office — Cripple Creek, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, •If 1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 40,000 shares; in treasury Jan- uary 1. 1900, .¥190.00 cash. Indebtedness January 1, 1900, 11,000.00. Property Owns the Little Alice, Alise ^Ic. Keystone, Good Luck, Vindicator and Good Hope, a total of 31.4 acres, in the S. 1-2 section 32, township 14 south, range 69 west. Property held by receiver's receipt. Sufficient development work for iiatcnt only has been done. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 2 1-2 cents. if hed Hills SEC. 32. T.WS. R.69W, 292 The Little Bessie Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 19, 1899. J. E. Hundk'.V rrcsidcilt Directors C. C. Ilamlin Vice-Presideut O. H. Shoiip Secretary and Treasurer J. W. :\Iillcr. E. P. Shove. .Mail! Office — Witli the Reed X- ll.inilin Investment ('iiniimiiy. liank hh)ck, Cohjrado Sprinj^s, Coldradn. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .'{fl.Od. Tn treasury .I;iiniarv 1, 1!»00, Capitalization 9!J,995 shares; in treasury .Taiiuaiy 1, I'.IOO. about $4,()0(l.0(l cash. Stc25,^0 Owns the Bessie. cinitnininL: nliont S aci-es, located in scclioii 2.", (Hi Property I'.ciicnii liiU. Pnfcnicd. 'I'his liciii;^ ;i newly incorpoiiilcd ((Hiipany, there .-ni' no smrarc ini- Development proveinents and very little develt)piiiciil has hceii ddnc n|i in .hiiiimry 1, 1900, except suHicient to patent the chiini. 'I'hr company expects to de- velop its pr(»])cfty hy les.sees. The show in;; on the < 'olnnilii;i, jidjoininji this company's rhiini. is such ;is to w.in-.inl I lie company exiieciini: an extension of ilie d\kes passinu ilinini:li llie ei;nni. Ilii;liesl |irice lor slocU dniinu 1N9'.), ;{ ;> 1 icnts; lowest juice for stock dni-iim IS'.t'.t. :'> cents. 293 The Little Corporal Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 4, 1895. Directors Qqq E Liiidley President J. E. Phillips VipfrifMimi)/re^/iilii Uwus the Apex and the Little Kosa, situated between sections 20 Property and 21, containing 15.044 acres, on Bull hill. All patented. Also owns the vein rights ])assiug through the Apex, Smuggler, Lee and Wacu Weta claims. The property is leased. The greater part of the development work has been done on the Little Kosa. Highest jH'ice for stock during 1899, 12 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, G cents. 296 The Little May Mining Company. Sec. 21 ■ TI5S.R69W. Incorporated November 14, 1892. Josiah ITnij;hes, prcsidciil ; E. J. See- ley, vice-iiirt^ick'iit; H. J. English, sec-re- larv; II. W. Englisli, treasurer; F. G. M'hite, K. J. Coleuiau. Directors -51 Jacolisori liuiliiiiu Cip^riijht 1101. tf frtJ Klin. Tli( made to pav with a mill sink the shaft decju'r. Highest price for stock durin during 1S99, 10 cents. Main Offlct Denver, Colorado. ],5()0,(>()0 shares. Par value, .'Jl.OO. In treasury February 10, 1900, |S,000.00. Owns Little May No. 1 lode, and (1-10 of Little Blanche No. 1 lode, containing i:'. l-o acres, in the !^. W. 1-4 section 21, on 15ull hill, Cripple Creek district, adjoin- ing the Victor mine. All patented. Improvements consist of shaft house and plant of machinery. On the Little May there is one incline shaft 275 feet deep. Shaft on Little Blanche (i."i feet deep. The Victor vein has been develo])ed to the northeast corner of Little Blanche. The shaft on the Little ,AIay is sunk on the continuation of this vein, but nuire depth seems necessary to find tiie ore shoot. (Quantities of low grade ore exist in the jiresent workings and |)robal)ly could be coiiipany will iinmcdiatclv commence to Capitalization Property Development 1899, 10 cents; lowest price for stock The Little Nell Gold Mining Company. lucorijonileil .hiuuary, lUUO. •Julius A. ifvers, president; Kam- „. r. ,,. /I i> „ • " • 1 i 1 J Directors say ( . Bogy, vice-president and treas- urer; Hiram E. Hilts, secretary; E. V. Ilaughwout, E. E. (^ueutin. -Main OHice (Transfei-) Interna- lional Trust Comi)any, Cobtrado S|. rings, Colorado. 1,. -.00,000 shares. Bar value, .'*1 .00. ^ .... .. I . , ■■ ..« ,,... . .. Capitalization In li-easury \y\-\\ 2.?. 1900. I..0,()00 shares; in treasiii\ Apiii •_':;. I'.ioo, 10,000.00 cash. . . Owns over 1.". iinvs in Ww l.iwn of p™,„.„ .\le,|iiii, in the S. W. 1-1 of section :!0, on Kaven hill. Patented. 'fopeny Three or four hundred feet of work on the properly. Tlicrc arc four xi^^^xo ment sets of lessees working and olheis will cumnience soon. The coniiianv is ^^' "P"^" also working. < "(unpaiiy oi'gaiiizcd I'ccently and stock lloalcd at .". cents. It is listed on I he Cuioi-ido Springs lOxchange. The conip.iny has for its neighbors sn.li well known jia.N ing mines as t he l':iklon, Kalinka. ( Ion!.!. K'aveii, .lack I'lit and .Moiinrch, mid Ijn'refoi-e iis prospects ;ire liood. Highest piice lor slock in I'.MKI, (I I 2 reals ; lowest price for stock in 1900. 5 ceil Is. Cepf'i^ht, 19m, ii fud Mil' 297 Directors rado. The Little Puck Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 11, 1896. E. A. Colburn. i)resideut; D. N. Heizer, secretary. Main Office — No. IG Xortli Nevada aveune, Colorado Springs, Colo- Capitalization 2,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 17,168 shares. 5ec 3!2 risj 'low Property Owns the Ocean Wave, 9.142 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 30, on Squaw mountain ; holds contract giving the company the right to follow its vein across the Santa Eita; owns an undivided two-thirds interest in the Climax Nos. 1 and 2, 15.97 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 30 and the N. E. 1-4 section 31, on Squaw mountain ; an undivided one-half interest in the St. Thomas, 5.031 acres, and bond on the other one-half ft)r |40,000, situated in the N. W. 1-4 section 30; tlic T.itlle ^laud, 5.5(! acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 31, on Grouse mountain ; the Crystal group, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 46.706 acres, in the W. 1-2 section 2, on Red mountain ; the Little Josie, JIcKinley, Billy Sherman and Robert "\V.. 36.894 acres, in (CONTINDED ON PAGE 299 ) 298 The Little Puck Gold Mining Company — continued. section 20, township li .sduili. inni^i' 7(1 wcsl. f right im tf ritdHitls Owns the Ked Cloud, coulaining aiiout acres, situated on Kiiyoliti> Property mountain, in the N. W. 1-4 section (J, townshiii 15 soutii, range (»9 west, and llic S. AA'. 1-1 of sci-liou :'.I, townsliip II sonlli, I'angc (>9 wcsl. In process of patenting. xVll work necessary lo olitain a imlcnl lias been dom'. Tlic jn'operty is leased for 18 months at a 15 pci- ccnl. royiiKy. Stock not on tiie markel. 299 The Longfellow Gold Mining Company. Directors Property Incorporated. W. S. Stratton. . . .President W. A. Kamsay. .. .Secretary Owns the Longfellow and tlie Longfellow No. 2, about 18 acres, patented, in section 20, on Bull hill. This company is owned and controlled by Mr. W. S. Stratton, of Colorado Springs. No information ob- tainable. Directors Capitalization Property The Loraine Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 6, 1895. E d ^^• i n Arkell, president ; Chas. A. Brooker, secretary and treasurer; Jos. P. AN'alsli, assistant secretary; Nathan Oakes. Main Office — No. 37 Postoffice build- ing, C o 1 o r a d o Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Janu- ary 1, 1900," 175,000 shares. Owns the Bally- clare, the Bally- more, the Alaba- ma, the Atlanta, the Elba, the Pen- sacola, the Tuscum- bia, the Vendetta, in all about 78 acres, situated in the E. 1-2 of section 11, township 16 south, range 70 west, on Little Pisgah Peak; in process of patenting. Merely the amount of work required to secure a patent has been done in the way of development. Highest price for stock during 1S09, |7.50 per thousand; lowest price for stock during 1899, |2.50 ])er thousand. 300 The Los Angeles Gold Mines Company. Incorporated December 31, 1895. Earl B. Coe President Directors T. J. ^foynaliau Vi< c rrcsidcnt W. N. .Mcl'.ird.Secretary and Treasurer Clias. W. I'.abeock. De i'utron (lliddon. M. B. Carpenter. .Main omet^— Snite No. 811-814 Er- nest & Craumer Building, I>cn\('r, Col- orado. 1,500,000 shares. I'ar \ alnc, si.OO. Capitalization lu treasury January 1. I'.KIO, .-)ll.(l()0 shares. Owns the Los Angeles lode elaiin, Property 5 acres, on the line between sections 20 and 2il, in the saddle between Bull hill and Battle mountain, adjolninii the ^ ci,„n9f".mi»fridH,iis Portland property on t lu' uoiM li. Pn.])- erty is patented and leased to P.. Clark Wheeler for 3 years I'loui Pcliru- ary, 1000. Boyalties 10 per rent, to 40 per cent. There is a shaft house, blarksniith shop, assay oflice, as well as _u;en- Development eral offices, ore hotise, ore bins, etc., on the property. A sliatl has been sunk to a depth of 560 feet, with about 900 feet of levels. (Iross i)roduction to January 1, 1900, about .|100,000.00. Production llijihest price for stock during 1899, 20 cents; lowest price for stock durinu- 1899, 7 1-2 cents. The Lucky Guss Gold Mine, Limited. W. p. Henderson, chairman, Copthall House, London, England. This company is an English corporation and it has been impossible Description to sccui-c parlicnlars in regai'd to the same. As this book goes to press, May, 1900, it is icported that the property has been sold for .«;:',00.0()0.(I0, Copinghl. 1900. if frid Hilh to Mr. ^^■. S. Stratton, of Colorailo Sjjrings. The laicky Cuss Coini)any bought tlic ]iroi)erty from the Wilson Creek (i. M. Company some I hire ycai's ago ami it lias ])roduced over (),000 tons of ore of a \alualion of about .*;'.27,(H)0.(m. No sloik lias been sold. 301 Directors Capitalization Property Development Production The Mabel M. Consolidated Mining Company. Incorporated 1893. Horace W. Benoett President Julius A. Myers Vice-President F. M. Woods Secretary H. E. Woods Treasurer ^Varren Woods. Dr. J. A. Wliitiug. Thomas ^lurray. Main Office — Giddings block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares. ■ghlim, bf Fred Hill! Owns a portion of the Arequa townsite, containing IS acres of pat- ented ground, in the W. 1-2 of section 30, adjoining the Gold Dollar and the Prince Albert groups, which are big producers of high grade ore. There is a main double-corapartment shaft, 255 feet deep and 500 feet of drifting. There are also 21 other shafts ranging in depth from 35 to 175 feet. The property is leased, three leases being in operation at a 25 per cent, royalty. Gross production to January 1, 1900, over $100,000, and a steady output is now being made by the company. The stock is not being offered on the market. 302 The Madison Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August 29. 1899. J. I\. McKiunie rresidcnt Directors U. P. Davie Scci-ctarv aiul Treasurer A. J. IJcJiclle. -I. L. Lindsay. T. V. Day. Main Office — 2so. 25 Pike's Peak avenue, Cdloiadu Spiini;s. Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, fGOO.OO cash. SeC.1'8 Ctpfnghl. 1900 bi frtd Hills Owns (he ( 'ary .M. Stanley, ((Mitaiinnii- 5 1-4 acres, and the I luiiirane, Property containing 5 acres — lioth siiualed in the ceidre of section IS, on (ilolte liill. P>o(li patented. Tunnel house on the ( 'ary .M. Slanley. Shall house on the Dunirano. Development The <'ai-y .M. Stanley lias also l.'iU I'eel oT uiideiuiound li'ack, eai's, elc. A tunnel has been driven for 200 feet on tlie Stanley. Shafts and drifts on the Hurricane. On this claim the greater part of the develojinient work has been done. Just as this .Aianual goes to press (May, 1000), the proj)- erty of the above company was sold, for f.SH.OOO cash, to ('. AV. Kurie, trustee. A 3-cen( di\i(leiHl will he paid and ilie halanee in the treasury will he used by the company to pnirhase more property and develop it. Highest price for stock during \i<'i)'d, 4 cents; lowesi prire foi- slock during 1899, 3 1-2 cents. 303 The Maggie Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. Directors J- M. Beaty, president; L. E. Sherman, vice-president; W. W. Wil- liamson, secTetary; John A. Thatcher, treasurer; W. G. McLean; W. A. MacA^'horter. Main Office — No. 25 1-2 N. Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 225,000 sliares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |773.00 cash. Ccp^ri^hr IICO li f'ti Hillt , Property Owns the Maggie, Yum Yum, Stone Ezel, a total of S.737 acres; also a 1-2 conflict between the Maggie and the Nightingale, 0.737 acre, and the vein rights underground in conflict between the Stone Ezel and the Han- over, containing 1.168 acres; situated in the S. W. 1-4 section 20. Also owns all vein rights under the Gold Sovereign dump. All patented. Leased until January 1, 1902. Development Shaft house. Several shafts have been sunk and a number of drifts worked. About $15,000 worth of work has beeu done and a number of veins disclosed bearing low grade ore. Gross production to January 1, 1900, about |1, 500. 00. 304 Directors The Magna Charta Mining and Milling Company. Intorporated. C. B. Sekloinridge President T.. A^^ Kiilston Vice-President A. ,1. Siaitli Secretary M. F. Stark Treasurer I'. .M. Woods. Main Office — No. 3 E. Hiierfano street, Colorado Springs, Colorado; transfer office, No. 7 Bnnies Iniildiiiii, ('oloi-ado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 sliarcs. Par vahie, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, T.tOd, CapitaUzation 103,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |2,500.00 cash. Owns Hie ^Magna ( 'iiaila, <^»iiailziic. and .\iiiicx, 22.53 acres, in (lie S. Property E. 1-4: section IN, on lidinlad liill ; I lie NOrili Star placer, and llu- -1. I*.. S. lode, alio\il 10 ,11 res, on Miiicial hill. All [laliMilcd exci'pt (lie J. I?. S. lode, w liicli is held liy IitiiI ion. The (,»narl/,ili' lias ;i shall KJO feel (lcc|i, ;ind a liinncl of alioiil I .'() Development feel. 'I'lic .\nnc\ has I \\ o sliafis, one KMI IVci dci'ii, ami oni' ."iDO feci (lcc|(. 'i'lie gn-alcr |iail of llic (lc\ lo]iiiirTil Wdfk is liring done on llir (^hia rl /.ilc. 1 Ugliest ])rii'e for sloik dniing ls;t;i, i; 7 s (•cuts ; lowest luicr lor stock dui-inu IS'.IO, '_' .".-S cents. 305 The Magnet Rock Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 29. 1S95. Directors Clarence Edsall President Geo. R. Buckmau Vice-President Bertram N. Beal Secretary and Treasurer John J. Key. Wm. E. Jones. ^Main Office — Hagermau l)uilding, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .'jJl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 6,000 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, flOO.OO cash. b^ fred Hills- Property Owns tile Lucky Corner, 2 1-2 acres, on north slope of Eaven hill, in the center of section 19 ; the IMonte Christo, 2 1-2 acres, on Beacon hill, in the N. W. 1-1 of section 30 ; tlie Hillside, 1 acres, in the X. E. 1-1 of section 24, and a two-thirds interest in the Sherman, 4 1-2 acres, on Gold hill, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 24. All patented. The greater part of the development work has been done on the Sherman, which is leased for two years. Highest price for stock during 1899. 5 3-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 3-4 cents. 306 The Magnolia Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. S. K. Bartlett, presideut; Warreu ^Voods, vice-president; F. M. Directors Woods, secretary and general manager; H. E. Woods, treasurer; J. M. Allen. Main Office — Tiie Woods Investment Company, Giddings Imilding, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 sliares. Par value, §1.00. In treasurv Jaiiuarv 1, 1900, Capitalization 150,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, -f 10,000.00 cash. 5.E.^ SEC. 31, Cspfr/fhi 1900 ir frid Hill Owns the O. K., New Zealand, a portion of the I'avorite and the Property Mollie McGuire, containing, in all, 7.154 acres, on Bull hill, in N. E. 1-4 of section 20; also the Little ^Magnolia, containing 2.94 acres, on Guyot hill, in S. E. 1-4 of section 21, and the Toll Koad jtlacer, conlaining ."> 1-4 acres, on Stranh mountain, in S. E. 1-4 of section 31, near the Lawrence townsite. All patented. Shaft house and lioisi on the New /ealand. Twn small sliafl houses on the (>. K., besides several cabins and a blacksmilli shop. The New Zealand has a shaft .~)00 feet deep and a small amount of drifting. The O. K. has a shaft 200 feet deep, one 30 feet deep, and several minor shafts. The Magnolia has a tunnel 2S." feet in length. Winze in lunnel on this ]U-opei-l y. The gi-ealei- |iiM-( of (he deve!o])menl woi'k is i)eing done on the O. K. anird, 4 acres, in the S. AN'. It section 18, on Mineral hill ; tlir Slarliuht, 6 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section .'52. south of "NMctoi. .\11 the aliove jn-operty is patented. In Ajiril. I'.KIO, a cash oiler of .'?.■">( »,()( 10 was made lor the May Be-So claim, which oiler was refused by the comi)any. A good shaft honsi- and steam jilant of machinci-y is (ni (he proiK iiy ; Development also one shaft 22r> IVci deep has been sunk and some driftin;^;. The fjT'eater j)ai-( of the de\cl(i|imi'iit work has hrci: |iroseciilrd on tlic May lie- So claim. Tlijihest jd'ice fur stock dnrini; iS'.Mt, Ci IS cents; lowest pi'ice fur stock dniin.ii IS!I!I. I 7 S cents. 311 Directors Capitalization The Maria A. Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December, 1S95. J. R. McKinnie President B. C. Joy Vice-President O. H. Slioiip Secretary and Treasurer Verner Z. Keed. Frauli G. Peck. W. S. JacliSon. Main Office — Banlc block. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 249,500 shares. Property Development Owns the Maria A., containing 7.89 acres, in the S. W. 14 section 20, on Eaven hill. Patented. The conipaiiy lias always pursued an active leasing system of their territory, and for the past year three sets have been actively engaged in development of the claim. As yet no shipments have been made, but the indications are very favorable for tlie property to become a mine if devel- opment is properly done. Highest price for stock during 1899, 6 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 1-8 cents. Property The Marinette Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. Owns a part of the Abe Lincoln, containing about 1 3-4 acres, in section 13, in Poverty gulch. This property is now owned l»y ^fr. AV. S. Stratton, of Colorado Springs, and can be seen by referring to "Stratton's Group" in this .Manual. 312 The Mariposa Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporated January 17, 1896. W. I\. Foley, president; W. M. Duttou, vice-presideul ; S. J. .MiiiUH-ks, Directors secretary and treasurer; C. H. Mattocks; D. Weyand. Jfain Ottice — 104 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado S](rini;s, Coioi-ado. ],r>(i(l,0()0 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, I'JOU, Capitaiizatio 350,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .|;7,000.00 cash. Owns the Yellow Bird and Cotlon Tail claims, confainins ahout 14 Property acres; all jiatented. Situated in N. 1-2 of section 24, on (iold hill. Also Cripple Creek claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1 1-4 miles S. AV. of Cri])ple Creek, containinii' about 00 acre.s situated in section 22. Imiirovciiicnts consist of gallows frames over two shafts on the Development Yellow I'.ird claim, each 150 feet deej). The north 200 feet of the Yellow Bird claim is leased for two years. Tlie property side lines with the Bed I'.ird claim of the Nadonal Miniuii, Tunnel and Land Company, and tlic com|)any have a woi-kiii,i;conlracl to wurk the properly lhroii<;h the shafi of the National Company. Th(> Yellow liird and Cot- Ion Tail claims lia\c lieen in litiiialion for live year.s, and I lie same has just been .s('ltleod liody of oi-e opened up in the second level, and also ore o|)ene(l u\\ in the I hi id le\ i!. It is the intention to open up the ])ropeily from Die X.ilioiial sliafi. which is now down 100 feel. Production to .l.inuary 1, l!IOO, .1: 1 0,000.(11 1 ; hii^hest price for stock iVoduction diiriiin' ISl)!t, S cents ; Inwcsl iirice for stock (iui'ini;- lS!t!», S cents. 313 Directors Capitalization The Maroon Tunnel and Mining Company. Incorporated November 25, 18S9. A. L. Lawton President J. A. Leech Vice-President T. G. Horn Secretary J. H. Thedinga Treasurer D. H. Rice. Main Office — No. 30 S. Tejou street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000.000 shares. Par value, -f 1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 27, 000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .flTo.OO cash. Cspynqht, IW. i/ frtd Hills Property Owns the Wacu Weta, 1 ;:?-4 acres, in the N. W. 1-1 section 21, on Bull hill ; and the Spriugtield;, 9 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 31, on the east slope of Big Bull hill. All patented. The company also own the Voice and the Expectation, each containing 10 acres, in the Aspen district. Pat- ented. The latter can not be shown on plat. Development The Wacu Weta, which is leased, has a shaft 185 feet deep, and 100 feet of drifting. A steam hoist is on this claim. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Wacu Weta claim. The shaft on this claim will he sunk 200 feet deeper under the present lease. This prop- erty lies near the Isabella and other producing properties, hence the own- ers consider it very valuable property. There is an SO-foot tunnel on the Aspen property. Highest price for stock during 1899, 5 cents; lowest price for stock durinsi 1899, 2 cents. 314 The Marquette Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September, 1899. John M. Ilariiaii Presideiit Directors Win. H. rowt'll Viee-Piesidt'ut Geo. A. Powell Secretary and Treasurer L. L. Aitkeu. p]d\v. S. Kelley. Main Office — 4 .Mining' Exchange, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasuiy January 1, 1 !)()(>, Capitalization 250,000 shares. Ccptni/ht. im h frill Hills Owns the Silver Wave, 9.83 acres, in Hh- S. W. 1-4 section ^.l. on P^perty Beacon liill. ralcnlcd. One sli;ift lOS IVcl dec]), one 10 IVct dci'p, wilh liniiicl I'lO t'cci and aboni 100 reel of diiriinii'. 315 Copyright, 1900, iy Fred Hills The Mars Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incoriiorated. Directors C. S. WilsOU, prm- dent ; J. C. Staats, vice- president; E. A. Mere- ditli, secretarj-; Win. A. Otis, treasurer. Main Olltice — G i d - dings Euilding, Colo- rado Springs, Colo. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Property Owiis the Steuben, Pulaski, Henry, Mars and part of the Lone Star IS'o. 1, 13 acres in Poverty Gulch, S. E. 1-4 section 13. Development There is a 120-foot shaft on tlie TIenry, with 300 feet of drifts and levels. There are seven shafts on the Steuben, Pulaski and Lone Star No. 1, varying in depth from 40 to 80 feet, as also numerous shallow cuts and trenches. There is also a G5-foot shaft on the north end of the Pulaski, which is now being worked on a good vein. History 'f lie largest portion of this property has been leased to F. O. Woods of Colorado Springs. As this Manual goes to press there is an impression that ^fr. W. S. Stratton has bouglit control of this company, but it is im- possil)le to state accurately that this is a fact. The Mary Ann Mining Company. Incorporated January 10, 189S. Directors ]\j Kennedy President C. F. Bryant Vice-President Win. A. Otis Secretary and Treasurer J. C. Connor. G. Kissell. :Main Ottice— Wm. A. Otis & Co., Gid- dings Block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares. Property Owns the JIary Ann, containing 7 acres, situated in the S. E. 1-4 section 19. on Baven hill. The claim is patented. On the property there is an electric hoist, and surface plant. The company have leased the claim. The stock has been very inactive and \\as i-elling at about cents in ^lay, 1900. R 69W tl frea Hills 316 The Mary Cashen Mining Company. Incorporated November, 1899. J. P. Pomeroy, president; B. P. Waggeuer, vice-president; Clarence Directors Edsall, secretary and tronsnrcr; J. P. Sweeney, second vice-president; W. T. Bland, B. N. Beal. Main Office — Hagernian liuilding, Colorado Springs, Ciihuailo. 1,500,000 shares. I'ai- value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 150,000 shares; in treasnry .laniiaiy 1, 11)00, |7,000.00 cash. Owns the mincial rights to all that jiortion of the Spicer claiiu nortli Property of Victor avenue, containing about 3 acres, and a portion of ilic uurth- east part of the ]Mt. Rosa placer, including (he Spicer Extension claim. in the town of Victor, in section 20, containing about 7 acres. The com- pany also owns the surface of lots Nos. 5, G, 7, S, 9 and a portion of No. 4 of block 7. in said town of \'ic(ni-. Tills jiioperty had formerly been worked under bond and lease for Development 1100,000 from the :Mt. Bosa :\r. & M. Co., for two years, when it was pur- chased l)y this company. The former lessees had been cross-cutting to the west, but failed in lind p;iy ore; in ci'oss-cutting to the east, however, this comjiany has opened up a large fissure vein, varying from 8 to \'2 feet ^\•ide, and containing several oi-e chutes. This has been opened u]i at the 350-f()ot and lliH-foot levels. liesides thi'ee oi-e houses, (he cnui]>auy has a coMiiiKKliniis liiiililiiiu, cfuilaiuiiig a 30-horse ])ower eleclric lioist and ((Uiipressor and fixe air drills, the :iir being supplied by I he I, a Itella Mill, Water and Power ('(uniiany. The mine is now |ii'(i(lul;nil. 'riicrc are numerous sliafts froui 100 l.i 1,000 feet (l('c|). 'I'lie shaft on r.iiirk N(i. 1, nipw 835 feet (lcc|i. is being suul< li> a (!e|itli of 1,000 feel. Tlii" siiafl on Block No. 5 is 1 1,"» fectdee]). The Gold i'assshafl is 110 feel deej). .V large auiciuut of rross- eudiiig, shilling and di-ifling has lieen ddiie nn lliese shal'ls. The Half Mdiin is rei-ei\ing llie grealel' |i;ir( {)[' llie de\-el(i|imen1 Wdl'k. Gross iirddncliou lo .launaiy I, 1000, .SO'-Ti, 17 (. IS. ( >ne di\ idend has Production been l)aid (Decendiei- 24, ISOS) ,,{' .s^."!, 000. 00. and Dividend Highest pi-ice f(ir sidck dniing 1899, 52 ceuls; lnwesl price div sidi-k dui'iim- IS!)!), L'7 cenls. 319 Directors Capitalization The Matt France Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1893. J. K. Miller President W. W. Williamson Secretary and Treasurer Matt France (Deceased). S. Davidson. N. H. West. A. Ilemenway. E. G. Davis. ^lain Office — No. 25 1-2 N. Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 900,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 59,- 850 shares; in treasury January 1. 1900, .1?2.50.00 cash. Ccpjnqht, IHll, bf frill Hills Property Owns a part of the Black Hawk (4.73G acres), and the vein rights under the rest of the Black Hawk (3.964 acres), in conflict with the Posey and Cahle. Property is situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 25, on the north slope of Grouse mountain. The company also holds, under a 20-year lease, lots 50 and 63 in section 36, south of the Black Hawk on Grouse mountain. Xot shown on plat. Highest price for stock during 1899, |S.50 per 1,000 ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 14.00 per 1,000. 320 The Mayflower Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 8, 1894. Directors U. 1'. Lillibi'idgo,prc's- ident; E. F. Smith, vice- president, and treasurer ; W. S. l\eynolds, secre- tary; S. B. Stewart; W. M. Lillibridge. Main Office— No. 51 and 52 Hagcrman build- ing, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,(100 shares. Par Capitalization value, $1.00. In treas- ury January 15,000 shares. 1, 1900, Ctpffi^f" W il f'"> filli Owns the .May Flower, Property Highland Chief, Ute, Alva, Beaver Springs Placer Nos. 1 and 2, con- taining in all 57.248 acres, all patented ex- cept the Alva — which is ill iiiocess. All property jocalcd in sertion 8, on Galena liill. There are numerous Development shafts on the property from 25 to 130 feet in depth; also one tmiiicl 50 feel long. Highest price for slock during 1S'.»!», 10 cents; lowest jirice for stock (luring 1S!»1), 3 cents. 321 The Memphis Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S95. Directors S. J. Buri'is President W. S. Scxtoii Vice-President Wm. Barber Secretary and Treasurer C. E. :\Ii!ler. ('has. !<]. (Mierrinjiton. Main Office — No. 235 N. Union avenue, Pueblo, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,(100 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury -laiiuary 1, 1900, 75,- 000 shares; in treasury April 1, 1900, f 150.00 cash. Copfrighl. lioa. tiy fred Hdls Property Owns the ^lemphis Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, containing 30 acres, situated on Cow mountain, in tlie S. W. 1-4 section 11, township 15 south, range 69 west: tlie Pierce, survey No. 10,924, containing; 2 1-2 acres, on Copper mountain, in the S. W. 1-4 section 1; tlie Cricket, survey No. 9,712, con- taining 0.528 acres, situated on Tronclail liill in the S. W. 1-4 section 17. All the above property is patented. The Memphis group is leased until April 1, 1902. The stock is not quoted. 322 The Merrimac Consolidated Mines Company. Incorporated January 30, 1900. Jv K. Alliiniii- President Directors JaiiH's :\I. Dnwniiii: N'ice-President Jos. A. Michel S(( ictary and Treasurer Charles M. Suiiiiicr. A. E. Thomas. Main Office — 519 E(|uiialili' Ijiiililin;:, l>riivcr, < "nl\\ IIS I lie W'uudiiia II a III! ( 'nl iiiiiliia ludcs. run I ai iii ml; alu ml ll'. 1 arrcs. Property loralcd ill srciiciii l'.'(. Iii\\iislii|i 1 ."i soiilh, i-aiiL:i' TO wcsl. on llcacnii liill. l{ecei\i-i-"s rcicipi is lirld Ini- iliis |iin|M-i( y. 'i'lie soul li ."■>0(l IVri n\ I lie W Iiiiaii is leased I'nr (•ii:lilr. Imildinii', Coloiadn Spnnijs, ( 'nloi-ado. l,r,U(l,(l()(l sliaics. I'ai- value, $1.00. in In-asmy .laniiaiy 1, I'.IOO, Capitalization 175,000 sliaies. llpr"Q>il ISOO. b) Irid Hilll Owns llir Mai-lha. l>iy i'inc l.illlc Ciis. ilahy, Xm-way and Anna, ProP^ty a total (if iTi acres, in llie N. W. II of serii0 ]iei- Ihniisand: lowest price for slock dni-iiiu 1 SOH. .*2.r.() |iei- ihons.ind. 327 The Missouri Mining Company. Incorporated 1S99. Directors George Bernard President J. E. Hundley Vice-President J. W. Miller Secretary and Treasurer S. S. Bernard. Win. Sheiinvell. jMain Office — Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 192,995 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, |1,000.00 cash. Capfnqht_ 1911 by Fnd Hilll. Property Owns the iloonlight, containing 9.5 acres, in the ^'. W. 1-4 of sec- tion 19, on Gold hill. Patented. Development There are several shafts on the property and it is being worked by lessees. On March IT, 1900, a lease on the north one-half of the Moon- light claim was granted to the Creston Leasing Company for 18 months, at royalties of 20 per cent., lessees to sink a three-compartment shaft to a depth of 250 feet. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 7 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 4 cents. 328 Directors The M. J. T. Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August 26, 1S99. JO. 1 ). .\l aiT President F. E. Brooks Vice-President A. J. Bendle Secretarv I!. P. I ):ivit' 'I'l-casiircr C. M. ^ratNeill. Main Office — 25 East Pike's Peak avennc, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,250,000 sliares. Par value, -'jfl.OO. In Ircasiii'v .Tannarv 1, UIOO, Capitalization 98,495 sliares; in treasury January 1. PJOO, |7,502.00 cash. CRIPPLE CREEK Owns llic M. J. T. :in(l (lni\ci' ( "Icvdand, idnlainiiiii IS aci-cs, in l1ic Property S. E. 1-4 section 13, on (iold liill. adjoinini; (he Oriole and Key West l>rn|)crli('s. in tlic town of Cripiilc ('i-ccK-. Palciitcd. Tlic coniitaiiy cxpecls soon lo |miI in a Liood phnil of niaclii iiciy and (lioroiiL;lily d('\ci(i|i llic jirojicrly. Ilii^licsi |iiiri- foi- sloci; diiiiiii; IS'.I'.I, 7 ccnls; lowcsl jirirr for shicl; dniin^ 1S99, 'A IS cents. 329 The Mobile Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February 3. 1S96. Directors E. S. Bach, presidt'iit ; J. M. Maisli, vi(e-i»resident ; F. B. Wliite, sec- retary and treasurer; B. II. Bryant. Edwin At-UcII, E. W. Yonnt;-, V. J. Parkinson. .Main Office — 28 1-2 North Tejon stret4, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. I'ar value, fl.OO. In treasnrv January 1, I'JOO, 145,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1000, .$150 cash. Property Owus the Last Chance, 9.33 acres, in the >;. 1-2 section 19, on Gold hill, adjoininsi' the Lone Star and Hub nf the Anaconda rt(dd Mining Company, also near the Dolly ^'arden of the Enterprise (Jold Mining Company. Property is patented. Sec, 19. UpfngM, liOO b) frid Hills Development Altout 485 feet, with 300 feet of drifting, has been done. There are three shafts on the property, varying in depth from 40 to 300 feet deep. The main Avorking shaft is 300 feet deep. At the present time work is being done on a drift at the 159-foot level. Electric hoist on property. The north 700 feet is leased to the Colorado Springs Mining and Leasing Company. History On the development of this property about $17,000 has been ex- pended. Assays have been secured that run from flO to |>360 to the ton. As yet no i>aying ore in shipping quantities has been found. Production to January 1, 1900, about |200. Highest price for stock during 1899, 9 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 1-2 cents. 330 The Modoc Mining and Milling Company. Incorporatpci June, 1893. I'. II. riaiikeuljL'rj;', Sr., prc^sideut ; llciiiv I Icnuan, vict'iircsidL'Ut; Directors ('lias. II. rienusineyer, secretary; W. F. Greer, treasurer; Geo. E. Brag- don. Main Office — Kooiii Xn. 11. .Mcclianics' hlnck. I'lu-hlo, (Viloratlo. 500,000 shares. l*ar ^aliie, si. 00. In iicasury Jauiiarv 1, 1000, Capitalization .f30,000 cash. \^ Clpfrijhf. 1900 bf frid Owns the Ocean ^'ie\v, in Ihe N. E. 1-4 of section 2!>, coiitaininii' 10 Property aci-es. in the saddle of Rattle nionntaiu and liull hill ; the K. I'. Ivxicnsion Soiiili, ill I lie S. K. 1-4 of section 1, containin f(>et deep, with eleven le^■els and drifts \ar,vinji' fi-om nO to (iOO feet. This claim has re- ceived the j;reater amount of development worlc. The wuiU on i he oliiers has been merely sufficient foi- patent. The Ocean A'ii-w claim was \Mirked nndei- dill'ei'cnl leases np to History Oclohei- 1, 1S!I7. The tirst shiiniient, I4,4ri(l pounds, with a \alne |)er Inn of .SOI. 21, was made liy llardten and llenshaw, lessees, Aiiril .""> or <>, ISOI). Since ()clolier II, tsOT. the com])any has lieen working ilie prop- erty and has practically jiaid dixidends constantly excr since, the hiuliesi beingoneof I jiei- cent., in -Inly, ISitS. Gross prodiiciion lo .laimaiy 1, l!tOO. lll.l 1 I ,Ts.s 1-2 ponnds. Net Production earnings on ore dm-iii- 1S!I!I, .si;.-,.o:! l.!ll. JHvidends of :i?l.~)0.000 paid ''"'^ I^'^'^<^"<1 np to .laiiii:ir\ 1 .">, 1111)11. l.asi dixidciid paid .Mardi I."., 1 0(11). of .•«:.-,. 1)00. IliLihesI price foi- stock diii-iii!,^ ISOO, .•ifl .(It) ; lowesi ]ii-iie I'm- shirk diiiiiii: isOO, 70 eenls. 331 The Molly Dwyre Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalizaticn Property Development Incorporated 1S99. J. A. Sill, presi- dent; John C. Mitch- ell, vice-president; A. W. Chaniberliu, secre- tary and treasurer; F. n. Dunnington, as- sistant secretary ; J. A. Paine. :\rain Offic( N. Nevada Colorado Colo. ^No. 2 avenue. Springs, 1.500,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1!IOO, 11,500.00 cash. Owns the New Dis- covery claim, 7.239 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 31, on tlie S. E. slope of Beacon hill, and the [Molly Dwyre, 7.132 acres, in sectidus 19 antl 24 on * iold hill. All patent- ed. There are five 50- foot shafts on the I>roperty, and a new shaft being sunk on the ^lolly Dwyre. A good vein has been encountered, but no ore in paying quantities. The New Discovery lode is not very promising. The Molly Dwyre claim is in a very good location, and the indications point to an ore body not very far from the present workings. Highest price for stock during 1899, 4 3-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 7-8 cents. 332 Capitalization The Monarch Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated May 8, 1S94. Sam ^ti-oii,::, president; C. / 'f^>v a. / a Directors A. McLaiii, vice-in-csidciit; F. M. Young, .secret a ly aud treasurer; H. 11. Barbee. :\Iain Office— No. 14 El Paso Bank block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,(M)0.0(I() .shares. Par value, $1.UU. In treasury January 1, I'JOO, 82,(M»0 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .POO.OO' cash. Owns the :\linnehaha, con- '^ **'°^^.'W ^ L r / T Property taining about U acre.s, in the N. AV. 1-4 section 30, on Ba- ven hill, west of the Elkton mines. Property is patented. A shaft has been sunk 150 feet, and some surface prospecting is going Development on. AVork is being actively ])i-osecuted. The south half of this property is leased. This company formerly owned the North Star, Brown Leg- gings, Silver State and .Monarch claims, about 30 acres, on (Jlobe hill, which was .sold in March, PJOO, for .|14(),000. A 12-cent dividend was paid and -110,000 put in the company's treasury to be u.sed in developing the N. 1-2 of the ^linnehaha claim, the S. 1-2 being leased (o fhe Creston Mining and Leasing Comjiany. Highest price for sidck dui-ing 180!), 12 cenls; lo\\-est price foi- stock durini; IS'.io, 5 cents. Ccpyriilhf, I9M ir frrd Hills. The Monroe Doctrine Gold Mining, Leasing and Bonding Company. Incorporated. .F. II. Theding;!. IMM'sidelit ; 11. I. BeiiiK'tL secretary and treasurer; A. L. Lawton;(ieo. II. Madin; Peler Cris- inaii. .Main Ojlice Coloradi) Springs, Colo. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fLOO. Tn treasury .lannniy I. I'.KIII, :'.52,000 shai'es. 0\\ ns Wild Cat and Wild Cat No. 1 lodes, t(..") arres in llie S. Iv 1-L section ft, to\\nslii|( Iti sunlli, range (iO west, on Sliiiub niouiilaiu. iJeceiver's receipt. A forty-foot shaft on Wild Cat. No slock sold dni'ing l.'^!*9. Directors Capitalization Propcrt y ipiiiilH. lUI tj fni HiHi 333 The Monrovia Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporated February, 1896. Directors Capitalization Property Development History F. A. Slosson, president ; Frank Cotton, vioe-presideut and treasurer; C. L. McKesson, secretary; G. S. Wil- son; F. W. ]\obinson. Main Office— Rooms No. 21 and 22 Giddintis block, Colorado Springs, Col- orado. 1,000,000 shares. Tar value, |1 .00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 315,000 shares. Owns the Friday, 9.948 acres, pat- ented, survey No. 11,209 ; the Deer lode, 9 acres, in process; the John W.. 10 acres in process, the latter not being shown on plat; also a portion of the Little Tom No. 2, containing- about 1 1-2 acres, for which a bond for a deed is held. All the above property is situ- ated in the E. 1-2 section 12 and the W. 1-2 section 11, township 15 south, range 69 west, on Cow mountain. Tlie Dandy and Little Tom No. 2 claims, as sliown on map, are not owned by this company, except the small conflicts of the same with the Deer and Friday claims. Shaft house on the Friday. The Friday has an incline sliaft of about 120 feet, witli several drifts, cross-cuts, etc.; also a well timbered straiglit shaft, 90 feet deep, and several other shallow shafts. This claim Is re- ceiving the greater part of the develop- ment work. On the Deer lode are several shafts about 10 feet deep and a 55-foot tunnel. A large amount of develoi»mont work was done on the I'riday in the latter jiart of 1895 and in 189(5 with ('ucouiagiiig results, liut tlie company ^^•as not able to reach a paying basis. Work was discontinued for lack of funds. At present there is a large amount of development work being done in the immediate vicinity of the company's i)roi(erty and indications seem good for realizing in the near future, from the sale of treasury stock, sufficient money for development purposes. Highest price for stock during 1899, -15.20 per thousand; lowest price for stock during 1899, §5.20 per thousand. Copfrignr, I$tl0 bf frid Hills 334 The Montivedo Mining and Milling Company. IiK'orporated April 4, 1894. Jollll PimIci-scm I'icsidciit Directors r. < Utciiliciiiicr Nice l'i-c'si(k'iil II. ( '. .McAiiliiir Scnciiny :iii(l 'rreasurer I-'. N. Stroiiii. .\. I". Wciudwaiil. MaJTi ( H'licc — Kddiii ."id. I'. ( >. liiiililinu. < 'oiniacin S[iiiiiL;s. < 'dlonKln. l,:i.-)(l,(((l() sluircs. I'ar value, si. (Id. . Capitalization ■'t rM.itfridHilll. Owns the Cliailcy I'liav. llic .Mmilivcdo, liic Cliaih-x .Miidicll. tlie ProP^ty Jiiii ('iii-licll. Mil- .Miilcy, and Ihc Lilllc Ilri-ihic all sitiiati'd in ihr X. 1-2 of scciion I'l! ; a hilal of .")."> acres. Uereixcr's reeeipl held Ini- all llie above ])i-oi)erty. Onh' u'ovf'7'Tinient assessment woi'k has heen done. Development 'I'iie lii-st four sinli linnks, conlainin.ii sinhs in rerlilirales issned History from No. I Id 1,0(11 inelnsi\c. were destroyed hy lire in IS'.IS, ami the books had mil been |icisled simi' .lannary, IS'.Mi. Thei-e is, I herefnie. no means of lellini; how miirli sinek is I-iee fnl' sInek dlirini: \S\\\\, .Vj.dd |irr ihniisand: InWCSl prife fni- sinck dnrinii l.s.'.l!l, .sl.dd per ihcnisand. 335 Directors Capitalization The Montreal Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated November 19, 1895. James F. Burns, pri'sideut ; Irving Ilowbert, vice-president; L. F. Curtis, secretary; Frauk (t. Peclc, treasurer; F. M. Woods, Tlieophilus Harrison. :Main Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |l-00. Property Development Production and Dividend 5>tC.^l<- ~ '" ' ' "^ Copyright, im, by fred Hil/s Owns the Fluorine, in the W. 1-2 of section 1, Survey No. 9,800, containing 9.(11 acres; the Spring Valley, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 7, Survey No. 10,187, containing ~^A~\~^ acres; the Carbonate placer, in the S. 1-2 of section 1, containing 9.975 acres ; the Little Mary, 2 1-2 acres, and the Engineer's Luck, 2 1-4 acres, both situated in the N. W. 1-4 of section 12; also a one-half interest in the [Minneapolis tunnel site. Total acreage owned by this c(uniiany is 84.540 acres. All patented except the Engineer's Luck and the Little iNIary, which are in process. Two thousand feet of work has been done on the Fluorine, on which claim the greater part of the develoiuuent work has been done. Surface improvements and machinery are insigniflcant. Net profit on ore mined during the year, $376.45. Gross production to January 1, 1900, about 1100,000. Dividend of 17,500 was i)aid Xovemb(>r 12, 1898. Highest i)rice for stock during 1899, 10 cents (about) ; low(>st price for stock during 1899, G cents. 336 The Montrose Gold Mining Company. f^AMfJIio^ TomrsiTB. Incorporated September 29, ISbi). Dr. C. V. Elder, president; Directors Warren \V()()(ls, vice-presi- dent; V. -M. Woods, secre- tary; IF. E. Woods, treas- urer; W. S. Tinl.cll; ('. M. Clinton; J. M. Allen. .Main O f f i c e — Colorado Springs, Colorado; branch offices, Denver nii<), 01-2 cents. The Monument Gold Mining Company. Incorporated Noveml)pr 23, 1S9S. Ira Williams President Directors Verner Z. Keed Vicc-Presi cents. 337 The Moon-Anchor Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited. Incorporated December 19, 1898. Directors Eiir/1is-]i BnanJ — W. W. Ldwo, Esq., chaiiiiiaii ; (ico. D. Nichol ; 1-^rorl- ei'ick \A'. IJakrr; llcni-v Kicliards, siMi-etary. American liodnl — Vornei* Z. liccd, iiianajiiiiii director; J. 11. McKiu- uie, maiiajiC'i- ; O. II. li^houp, local si'cretai'y. English Orticc' — No. 3 rrimes street, Loiidou, E. C; local office, Bank block, Colorado >^])riniis, Colorado. Capitalization 400,000 shares. Tar \alue, £1. I Copfnil^-'. :iOC, br fr/d HiUs Property Development Owns the New Moon, jiart of Anchor and Anchor No. 2, and the Little Anna Koney, coiitaininni alKiut 10 acres, in sections 13, 18, 19 and 24. Located on (iold hill. All the above piupcrty is patented. The jiropcrty is fully eipiipped with pumps, hoist and all necessary machinery to work the property to a depth of 1,000 feet or more. The company has always jiursned an active development policy. Early in 1890 the British comjiany took possession of the property and fully eipiiitped the mine with ]ium])S and machinery for deep mining. The shaft is now beinji; sunk for the eii;hth level. The seventh level is about TOO feet from the surface. Production Total dividends up to January 1, 1900, .1201,000.00; last dividend and Dividend paid November, 1899, -was .115,000.00. These dividends were paid to the stockholders of the iloon-Anchor G. M. Co. before the sale to the Eni^lish company. 338 The Moon-Anchor Gold Mining Company. Iiu-orporated. .J. i;. .M.Kiiuiic IM-i'sidcnt "Stonier Z. Krcd N'icc-I'rcsidciil jiimI 'rrrasmcr (). II. Slioiip Secretary W. S. Strath. II. L. L. Aitkcii. ^laiii Officii — Itaiik hloik, ('oiniailn Sjniiigs, Coloraiht. C.OO.OOO sliares. Tar value. .-^l.OO. S.W.kSec.29 Directors Capitalization Caprr.yhr /Xl, iy fnd HiUs ()\\ IIS I lie /cdlilc. I'.liMiiniiiiiloii ami Surplus I'ractioii, altoiil l." acres, ropery in III!' N. v.. 1-1 sccliuii l2!l, mi Baltic iiiunnlain. I'alciitcd. The company also own a laii^c iiilcresi in llie Moiiii Anclior Cniisolidatcd (lold Mini's, Tjld., wliirli lalici- ruinpany is i'lilly dcsci-ilnMl in anollier jianc oi lliis .Manual. Dividends to January 1. I'.IOO, .>n the tentli and eleventh levels. On the .Moose the main shaft is 890 feet deep, and several thousand feet of drifting. There is another shaft 200 feet deeji iin tliis claim. The r>en Hairison has heen develojied by several small shafts and tunnels. Tlic Trilhy has a shaft aliout 300 feet deep, witli a plant of machinery and electric lioist. Gross production to .Tanuary 1, 1900, over 1500,000.00; total divi- dends to January 1, 1900, .f 11.").0(I0.00. This property was one of the first shippers in the district. As it is a close corporation, there are no stock transactions. 340 The Morgan Gold Mining Company. Incori)oratP(l i;hi(i. .Tiiliii W. ri-oiidlil I'lcsiilciit H. K. Devt'ix'iix Vife-I'i-csidcnt Tt. C. Tliavci- Secri'tjiiv iiiid Ticasurcr Directors ^lain Ollici — Ilaucrinaii hiiildiii!^-, Colorado Springs, ('(tloiado. 1,500,000 sliai-cs. I'ar value, 10 cents. In treasury ^fay 1, 1900. Capitalization 300,000 sliai-es. Csptnghtim. if frid Hi/Ij Owns tlic .Mdiiiaii ilaiiii, 10 1-3 aci'es, sihialed on I'eacnn liill. in Property section 25. ^'e^\■ liltle dc\ (•loiniietil \\(ii-l; lias Ijcen done and llic |nei-l y is now History Iicini; dc\('lo|i('d liy lessees. .\s I his is a new ly iM'uaniy.ed eoniitanv, and this data was only reieived Jnsl as ihe .Mannal was L;oin'4 lo pi-ess, this IH'operly is not shown in color on ihi' folding niaii lieicwilh. 341 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Morning Glory Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated January 19, 1900. Warren A\\)ods, president; II. E. Woods, vice-president and treasu- ler; V. M. ^^'oods, secretary and gen- eral manager; J. ^I. Allen; W. D. Ilatton. Main (Jttiee — Giddings huild- iiig, Colorado Springs, Colnrado; branch office, Victor, Colorado. 1,250,0(10 shares. Par valne, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 35,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, ijSGO.OOO.OO cash. Owns the Aileen, containing 1.001 acres; the Little Giant and the l^antishie, 3 acres; the P. W~ C., 3.71 acres; all situated on Eaven hill in section 19. Besides the above claims, this company has a lease for three years on the Morning Glory, the ^lorning Glory No. 2, and the Ida B. claims of the Work G. M. Co., and also a lease on the Rose Maud claim of the Rose Maud G. M. Co. ( See plats of last mentioned companies. ) On the Morning Glory claim there is a three-compartment shaft, 585 feet deep, for the development of the entire territory. At the 515-foot level of this shaft is 400 feet of drift- ing, aside from the old workings on the leased territory. The Aileen has a shaft 250 feet deep and 100 feet of drifting. The Little Giant has three shafts of 50, 80 and 175 feet, respectively; also 125 feet of drifting. On the ^lorning Glory shaft is a first-class lioisling and compressor plant. Highest i)rice for stock duiing 1899, 40 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 25 cents. 342 The Morning Star Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September 8, 1899. AV. B. Storer I'rrsi.lcnt Directors S. 11. r.iirtlctt Viccl'irsidciit N. II. I'arlridge Scci-ciaiy and 'I'lrasuicr A. L. nonck. 11. M. r.lacknici-. Main office — Nos. 1(1, 11 and ll'. Ciddiniis lilock, Cnlni-adu Sjiriniis, Colorado. 1,250,0(M» siiaios. Par valnc. .^jJl.dO. In li-casnr.v .laniiaiv 1, I'.tOO, Capitalization 250,000 shares; iu treasury Jannaiy 1. 1900, foOO.OO cash. Upyrifht, /m, if Frtd Hills. Owns llic I'lciMUiji, li acres, in the .N. W. i-1 section 20, on iiull hill; Property and the .Murninu Star, G acres, in the N. E. 1-4 section 25, on IJciicou hill. All patenled. There is some surlace de\flii|inient and shallow shalls and t nnnels. Tlij^liest price f'oi- slock dniiiiL; ISilfl. ."( II cents; lowest price for stock (liirinL; ISII'.I, I 12 cenls. 343 Directors Capitalization The Mound City Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 23, 1896. Frank A. Waters, president and treasurer; W. E. Frenaye, vice- president; J. C. Kimsev, secretary; D. D. Findlev, M. i^. Herring. :\[ain Office — No. 64 P. O. bnildinji', Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .^l.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 30,000 shares. Capirighl liOO bl 'rea Hilh Property Development Owns the Oro Grande, the Odd Star, the Del Oro, the Madison, the ]\Iorning Star, the Pasadena, the Dnnlile Standard, the Little Ella, the Sunday and the Neosho, containing in all .10 a<-res, in the N. W. 1-4 section 25, on Signal hill. The .Morning Star is patented. Remainder in process. The Little Ella lies parallel to and east of the Sunday lode; the name was omitted in plat. There are several shafts of from .")0 to 100 feet deep. No wcu'k except tliat necessary for a patent has been done on the property, but in doing tliis the company has disclosed four veins running the length of the ])roperty, anil two ])]ion()lite dykes. Assays from these have run from %'l to $38 per ton. There is also a tunnel site, with a tunnel now in 250 feet. No stock is being offered. 344 The Mount Rhyollte Gold Mining Company. Incorporateil January, 1S96. W. n. O'Brien Presidout Directors G. W. Eaili' Vice-President A. H. Whitiiker Spcretary R. C. AVebster Treasnrer E. P. Leech. IT. J. Dencker. INfain ()fti< c — Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par valne, 11.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 200,107 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 1250.00 cash. Ccpirifhl, HOC. If fiiJ Hills Owns 45 acres, iKileiited, situated in tlie N. E. 1-4 section 1, on Property liliynlite nionntniu. On lode No. 3 a sliaft has lieeii sunk ."() fed. Tlie coniiiiniy intends siii1. Talpcy (deceased). 11. S. 1 lawks. Directors Main ( XVice — No. '2'.\ Simlli Tejun si reel. ( 'nleiadu SniiiiLis. ( 'nloi-ado. TOO.OOO sliai-es. I'ai- value, >>1.(MI. In li-easni-.v Jannaiy 1. 206,525 sliarcs. 1 '.)()(), Capitalization */ 5ec 30 .^y R 69 W Ctpf right, 1900, bf frtti Mills Owns llie New 1 )is((.vei-.v and llie .Mineral Mill, in ihe S. l",. II sec- Property lion IL'. enni,-ii iiinu III aires, mi .Mineral hill; llie 1 nde|iendenee. in llie eastern pari u\ seclinn "Jl. cimlainini: •> 1 '1 acres. (Ui (Inld hill: and llie M(dlie < iilisen. in llie N. \N . 1 I seel inn ;!(l. ciniiainini; ;'. acres, dii ( In vnt hill. Keceivcr's ri'cei|il held fur Ihe .\liillie < lihsnn. The New I >isc()\-ery, llie 1 nde|iendeiice and the .Mineral Mill are [laieiiled. The iii'ealer |iai-l ul' the de\ chiiMiieni wurk is lieiiiL; dime mi ihe New DisciiN'erV and llie I lidependence. Iliiiliest ]irice I'nr stuck diiriii;: l.^'.i'.i. I.". 1 I cents; Inwest price for slock dnrinii IS'.)'), 4 cents. 351 The National Mining, Tunnel and Land Company. Incorporated September 7, 1895. Directors W. I\. Folej, pi'csiik'iit ; A^'. 'SI. Duttoii, vice-president ; S. J. Mat- tocks, secretai'T and treasurer; D. ^iudlinger. W. H. Snyder. Main Office — 104 East Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 13,400.00 casii. Sec. SEC. 6. Property Owus the Ked Bird, 10 acres, in the N. E. 1-1 section 24, on Gold hill; one-third interest in the Little Emma S., 1-2 acres, in the N. 1-2 of section S, on Tenderfoot hill ; hotli patented. Also owns a one-half interest in the Sacramento, 1 acre, in the X. E. 1-4 section 30, near the (continued on P.iGE 3.'>3.) 352 The National Mining, Tunnel and Land Company, continued. Elktoii ; and tlic Venus, 9 acres, in the E. 1-2 of section '.i~> ; patented. The company has also a lease on block 8, school section 3G, and on blocks 22, 2;{ and ~AK in school section JO, I'remont county. The three latter blocks can not be sho^vn on plat. There is a large plant of machinery on the Red Bird ( laini, including air drills, ]ilant, machinery and linildings, \\liich cost .f^lO.OOO.tK). A 400-loot shaft on the Ked Bird claim, with GOO feet of levels. The com- pany commenced development work in April, 1899, and has sunk a shaft 300 feet and run about GOO feet of levels and drifts during- the year; have opened up rich ore chute from which some very hi.gh assays have been had. The ore is increasing in \\iro|>erty i)roduced something like .'if!8(l,0(f(l.()(» wdi'th of very high grade m-e. N'alucs lan as high as .'is:',00,(l(l(MMI lo Ihc Ion, and nothing less than -If IC.O.OO. There was one car shipjied whicli was (lividcd into liiree gi-ades ; the high grade ran fl,- 150.00, medium .1t!.5.50.t)0, and Ihc low grade -iiil 90.00. Al llial lime there was an offer of .'j|;300,000.()(l cash made for tlii' proitcrly and same was re- fused. There is an abundance of low grade which will in' shipped at a piolil. The jM-operty is being worked by lessees at pi-esenl. Imii will soon lie worked 1)\ Ihe (•om])any. There is a very good j)i-os]iecl of opening u]) foi'iner ore chule. I'rodnelion lo -lanuary 1. IIHIU. .'f. '90O, b^ ^rtd Hint Directors Capitalization Property Development Production The New Haven Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 30, 1S95. Directors Geo. E. LiudlcY President Geo. E. Bucknian Vice-l'residcnt Asa T. Jones Secretary a nd Treasurer Henry M. Blackmer. Theophilus Harrison. E. A. Kichards. Dr. S. L. Caldwell. Main Office — First National Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,500,000 sliares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 235,000 shares. Cof^rt^htlSOO.b^ Fred H'113. *^ \ Property Owus the Eclipse No. 1, situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 19, con- taining about 7 1-2 acres, on Baven bill. I'atented. Development One steaui hoisting plant. An inclined shaft has been sunk 185 feet deep and another 150 feet; some drifting has been done. The property is being worked bj' one lessee. Production Gross production up to January 1, 1900, about .*:l,000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899, 7 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. S54 The New Zealand Mining Company. Incorporated April 7, 1892. H. E. Woods, president; K. E. Latta, vice-president; V. .M. Wudds. Directors secretary and treasurer; J. A. Small, assistant secretary and assistant treasure]-; Tiruce (iliddcii, J. M. Allen. Main Office — Denver, (.'olorado. Branch Office — Fremont, Colorado. 600,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, capitalization 1,300 shares. Owns the New /rnliiiMl, :> jincs; the Pauper and the Deadwood, 14.4 property acres, situated in section 20. Tlivs coinpany also owns 40 \h'v cent, of the Coni])roiiiis(' (Jold ^Sliniiit-' ("(iiiii>iiiiy, controls ihc Miinimli.i ( "nnii)any iuid owns l.S2,0()0 sluircs of IMmmclc stocU. There are thi'ce sluift houses and (wo ])]inils of niiitliiiieiy. Tlie Development property is beinj; worked under lease. Tlie Soutii Deadwood shaft is 450 feet deeji. witli l.'.lOO I'eet of workiiii;s. The North Deadwood shaft is iV.\'> feet (lee[), with IMtO feet of iiuderiirouiid work. The sliiift on the New Zenliiiid is ."(M» feet deep, with .")(»() feet of driftinu,-. Slii|mients iiave Ik'cii made from all llie aliove shiifls. Gross production to .lanuaiy 1, lOOO, 1175,000.00. TIii;hest ]ii-ice for stock dniin^ IS'.I'.I, 7>'2 cents; hiwesi price for slock dni'inir ISilil, K; cents. Production 355 The Niagara Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November, 1S95. Directors W. G. Fraser President T. H. Devine Vice-President N. D. Hinsdale Secretary D. E. Greene Treasurer W. A. Baldwin. E. :\I. Jackson. F. E. Sage. \Y. R. Grace. Main Office — 243 N. Union avenue, Pueblo, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, $9,000.00 cash. COfiyr' ijfif '900. iy ^rtd M Property Owus the Blanche and Maggie, containing ahout S acres, patented, in the E. 1-2 of section 32, 1,400 feet south of Stratton's Independence, on extension of Battle mountain. Development Shaft house, engine and hoisting machinery. One shaft 160 feet deep with cross-cuts and drifting of 200 feet. The company has recently let contract for sinking of the shaft 200 feet more. 356 The North American Gold Mining and Development Company. Incorporated November 18, 1898. Aubert L. Eskridge President Directors Frank J. Gross Vice-President Howard R. Burk Secretary and Treasurer J. V. AiuhM'son. Dr. N. F. Brown. Henry R. Swartley. Chester R. Lawrence. J. P. Reyniond. Steward B. Bontems. Main Office — GOG-OOT Kittredge building, Denver, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 327,695 shares; in treasury elanuary 1, 1900, $2,407.41 cash. CopyriyhttacOi^frr^ MUfs. The coinpnny holds, by lease, all that portion nf the Itiizi iii-oup Property lying soulli of the south side line of the Anierican Star, on I'.atth' moun- tain, adjoining the Poi'tland. Tliis lease runs until March 1, 1902. Their entire attention is now Ix'iug (h'Mitcd to the (Icxclopnicnt ol I his ]iro])- ei'ty. Tiu' ((Uiipauy also owns the Douglas lode mining claim, situated within 70t) feet of the famous r'ariliou mine, in Uouhlci' county, ( "oloiado. Three shafts have been suiiU. The nuiln shaft. No. 2, is 500 feet deep. Development The company ai-e now negotiating to ci'oss-cut (he ground to the west of this shaft from I he .".(id In.it level. Shaft No. :{ is V.\:^ feet deep. I'Mrst shipment of ore, .\pril 2:'., 19(10, was 2(t tons, avei-aging over Production .flOO.OO per ton. Highest price foi- sto.. containing 3.9 acres, situated in the N. W. 1-4 section 1, township IG south, range 70 west, on Grouse moun- tain. Patented. SEC.i. T.I6S.R.70llf. There is a 6x8 hoist on the Elizabeth Cooper and a 30 H. P. boiler. There is also a 9x10 Fairbanks hoist and 80 II. P. boiler with good shaft houses, etc. The Elizabetli Cooper has a double-compartment shaft 375 feet deep, with 400 feet of drifting. There is also a 325-foot shaft on the south end of the proi)erty with about the same amount of drifting. A lease has been granted on the Elizabeth Cooper, to Franc O. Wood, which pays 25 per cent, royalty. The company formerly owned the Katherine, which was a producer and paid dividends. This claim was sold to the Elktou company. The Elizabeth Cooper lies between the Jack Pot and Dixtor mines. There lias been some litigation between this company and that of the Doctor, the Doctor lying on the Apex of the Jack Pot vein, and this litigation is still pending. In a cross-cut, in what is known as the Smith and Riley shaft, a iiody of ore has been encountered, there being 12 inches of ver^- high grade ore and 3 inches low grade. Highest price for stock during 1899, 25 cents; lowest, 9 1-2 cents. 358 The Oasis Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 5, lS9t). A. P. .Mackey I'lesident C. S. A\'ilsoii Vice-President .r. C. Connor Secretary Wni. A. Otis Treasurer C. E. Titus Assistant Secretary W. II. Tliompson. W. B. Milliken. .Main Office^ — Colorado Springs, Colorado. Directors 2,000,000 shares, i'ar value, ^iAA). In treasury January 1, lltOO, 500,000 shares. Owns tiie .Mnsca, llic < )asis, Ihc ('(usair, ihr .\in(iiiaul, the Ivy, and pari (if the Idlewild, all siliialcd in llic N. \]. II st'cliun 7. ciiMtainini; a total estimated acreaiic 111' 1.") acres. Kcceivi'i''s rei-eipl held lor llie aliove. Capitalization Property 359 Directors Capitalization The 0. K. Gold Mining Company. Incorporated I'ebruary 27, 1896. J. E. Mclntyre President Clarence Edsall Vice-President ^y. C. Frost Secretary and Treasurer E. D. Mnnson. A. B. Whitmore. Main Office — C> X. Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value. -fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 150,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, f4,500-.00 cash. 5ecI8 Property Owns the O. K. and .Minnie Lew claims, containing 9 acres. Pat- ented. Located in S. W. l-l section 17, on top of Iron Clad hill. Development This property is being developed by lessees, there being four sets ac- tively at work on the same. The company consider the prospects very flat- tering indeed. The ore chutes of the Damon and Jerry Johnson properties are thought to extend through the O. K. grounds. Highest price for stock during 1899, G cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 4 cents. 360 The Old Gold Mining Company. Iiicorporated December 30, 1895. James M. Downing ri-csidcnt Directors S. T. Rush ^'i(•e-Pl•^•sident Warwick M. I )()\vi)in.n Secretary n. K. Cliittcndcn Treasurer Oweu Owen. E. T. Joues. J. E. Schiff. Chas. M. Sumner. Main Office — No. 519 Equitable building, Denvci-, Culurado; branch oflfice, room 2 First National Hank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,800,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasure' January 1, 1900, 30,- Capitalization 000 shares. Copyr.yhf /9oe, ty FfV{f HiNi. Owns ilic Old (!ul(l, the Buckeye, and the (icncvcvc, sidiatcd in the property N. E. 1-4 section 25, township 15 south, range 70 west, containing 1.147 acres, on the west slope of Beacon hill ; also a small portion of the Lona- coning lode of the Kimberley company, and also the northern 400 feet of the Raaler lode belonging to the C. K. & N. Co., i. e., the north 400 feet of that part of that claim lying between the Columbia No. 1 and the Bessie lodes; also 1-2 of the Old Oold tunnel, .'').^)0 feel in Beacon hill; also the .Maytiowci-, I'urilan and America lodes, unpatented, on Stimuli mountain. All the IJracoii hill jirojicrly is patented, 'i'lie Sti-aiili ni<>nni;iin i>ioperty is held by local! on and not sliow ii on j il.it. On the Buckeye ther(^ is a slial'l 70 U'v\ dccji, wliirli has disiloscd a Development phonolite dyke 12 feet wide and indicating ricli mineral. High assays have been taken but no pay ore. The Ituckeye has also about 100 feel of drifting. The<>l(|(lohl Inntiei has iieen drixcn easi ward .~>.~)(M'eei Ihi-ongh Beacon hill, start ing near the llnrkcyc shafl. This I nnnel li;is ;i \ ;iliil I nn- nel site Incalion. Several good \eins liiive been I'miinl bill no |i:iy ori". Highest i)rice for stock diiiing 1S99, 2 IS cents; lowest pi-iee foi' stock during 1S99, 1 IS cents. 361 Directors The Olive Branch Gold Mining Company. Incorporated March 4, 1896. Henry M. Blackmer President Sherwood Aldrieli Vice-President Asa T. Jones Secretary and Treasurer Geo. E. Lindley. E. A. Kichards. E. A. Meredith. Henry McAllister, Jr. Main Office — First National Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 90,000 shares. Property Owns the Olive Branch, Opossum and Tenderfoot claims, lying in a group, containing about 8 acres; the March and Goldbug claims, lying together, containing about 8 1-2 acres ; all on Ironclad hill. All this property is patented and is being worked by five sets of lessees. Highest price for stock during 1899, 10 7-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 1-2 cents. 362 The Olympian Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 1896. Sec. 52. E. N. Bcnieut, president; IT. H. Clark, secretary; O. I'\ ^hattuck; ^V. A. Jfoorp; r. W. Ilawvcr. Main Office — Cripple Creek, Colo- rado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares. Owns a fraction of tlie Forsaken and the North West, in the S.W.1-4 sec- tion 20, containing 1-2 acre, on Hull hill; also owns a 1-2 interest in the Score lode, in the N. E. 1-4 section (J, tdwiislii]) It) south, ranii'c OO west, con- taining 9.03 acres, on the uoith cud of Straub niouutaiu. The Score lode is patented. For- saken and Xoiiii ^^'cs( it: process of )>nteutiu<;'. There is a H).~) tool sh.ili on ihc Xorlii West, iiiiii ;i .")."■> -fool shaft on lii<' I'orsaken. Directors Capitalization Property Development 363 Directors Capitalization Property The Ontario Gold Mining and Milling Company Incorporated August, 1895. W. H. Maclntyre President M. S. Herring Vice-President Horace H. Mitchell Secretary and Treasurer L. E. Sherman. Geo. W. Logan. jMain Office — No. 45 Bank hnilding, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury Januai-y 1, 1900, 5,000 shares. Copyright /9C0 by Frtd Hilfs Owns the Sarrah Rozetta and the Fordham, containing about 16 1-1 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 section 9 and the N. E. 1-4 section 17, on Grassy mountain. Receiver's receipt has been obtained for both. The policy of the company will be to develop the property by a liberal leasing system^ Highest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, $1.20 per M. 364 The Ophir Mining and Milling Company. Incoriiorated March 7. 1892. J. K. Fical Pl't'Sideut Directors John Maclean Vice-President D. Chisholm Secretary and Treasurer C. AY. Waterman. B. AY. Fit-al. Main Office— Koom 17, llagernian block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 700,000 shares. Par valne, $1.00. Capitalization Owns the Dead Pine and the Carbunate C^ueen, luntainiuy in all Property about 20 acres, situated in the S. W. 1-4 section 29, on Battle mountain. Patented. S.W. ^4 560.29 Copyr/^fyf 1900, ty frft^ Hills Then; are two shall Ihmiscs ami Iwn ciniiplclc iioisting pianis, with Development ore bins, on I he pi-opertj'. This |>ropcrly has Ixvii largely developed by lessees, and, as the eompany is a close corporation, it is impossiltle to state the gi'oss proilnci ion. The mini- is hring consl.-inl l\' worked. Highest price lor slock (hiring ISitit, 7.~> ccnis; lowcsl itricc I'm- slock dnriiii; 1S!(!I, I.") cents. 365 The Ore or No Go Gold Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated December 23, 1S95. Directors W. H. Sutherlaud President Samuel P. Duff • Vice-President J. H. Tliedinga Secretary and Treasurer W. E. Mason. L. M. Peclv. J. R. Friedline. Main Office — No. 17 East Pil^e's Pealv avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1.000.000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 140,000 shares; in treasury January 1. 1000. ^981.95 cash. Property Owns tlie Louisiana, containing 6 acres, located in the N. E. 1-1 section 30, on Eaven hill. Patented. Development There is one shaft on the property 142 feet deep ; one level running westerly 75 feet, and one level running northeasterly 90 feet; one drift on tunnel 30 feet, with winze 85 feet. A new working shaft 4x8 is now being sunk by the company. The contract for the first 50 feet was let January 1. 1900. Highest pi'ice for stock during 1899, 31-2 cents; bnvest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 366 The Oriole Gold Mining Company. Incorporatod Noveniher 12, 1895. Clarence Edsall I'rc^idi'Ilt Directors Duncan Cliisliolni First Vice-President John .Mairlicw t^ccond \'icc- President Joliu J. Key Secretarj- and Treasurer B. N. Beal Assistant Secretary and Treasurer .Ti.liu ^^. Hunt. W. E. .Ti.iies. Main Office — Hagerman building, Coloi-ado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 11)00, Capitalization 140,000 shaii's; in treasury January 1, 1900, .f 150.00 cash. Owns tlie I )aisey, Cajiilol llili. AUejiaiiy, ( Miole and Pearl Cecil, Property conlaining 25 acres, in the \. K. 1-4 section 24, on (iold hill. Patented. Also nw IIS llie Oriole tow nsite on surface of above. There is a ])lan( of niachiner}- on the Oriole, and this claim is being Development worked by lessees. Highest jirii-e fur slock 90O by Fr^d Hil/s Gross production to January 1, 1!)00, about §300,000.00. Total amount of dividends to January l,'l900, |215,000.00. This company formerly owned the Orphan No. 1 and the Orphan No. 2, the Ida Belle and the Ida BelUe No. 2 claims, and produced a large amount of ore; but in 1899 these claims \\ere sold to two companies, namely, the Orphan Gold Alining Company and the Arrow Gold ^Mining Company, as will 1)e seen in another portion of this book. The company is going into liquidation as soon as some lawsuits now pending are set- tled. Highest price for stock during 1899, 11 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 1-2 cents. Directors Capitalization Property Development The Orphan Gold Mining Company. Incorporated July 20, 1899. H. M. Blackmer, president; C. E. Titus, secretary ; Wm. A. Otis, treasurer and vice- president; W. P. Sargeant; P. B. Stewart. Main Office— Wm. A. Otis & Co., Giddings Block, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 111,995 "shares; in treasuiy January 1, 1900, $900.00 cash. N.E.'^Sec20 T.I5S.R,69W. Copyr'^M.iaCO. by rrtd Htt/S <^' Owns the Ida Belle, Nos. 1 and 2; and the Orphan, Nos. 1 and 2, containing in all 12 acres, situated in the N. E. 1-4 section 20, on Bull hill. All patented. There has been done between 10,000 and 15,000 feet of work in shafts, drifts, etc. The Ida Belle No. 1 and the Orphan No. 2 are leased. Highest price for stock during 1899, 23 cents ; lowest price f(n' stock during 1899, 18 cents. 368 The Palace Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August 2.'), 1899. F. L. Ballard President Directors S. G. Tucker Vice-President and Secretary H. L. Shepherd Treasurer J. E. Jones. A. L. Ilouck. Main Office — 109 East Pike's Peak avcinic, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 99,995 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |950.00 cash. Copv^'S^'. '^^^. ^^ ^^^^ ^''^' Owns the Palace claim, 7.377 acies, and the Homeward, :!.."> acres, Property near the Palace, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 30, on Squaw mouiiiain. Pat- ented. On (lie Palace claim there is one slialt 1)0 feet deep, one SO feet deep, Development one 60 feet deep, one 12 feet deep and one 40 feet deep. The north 400 feel of llic I'alacc is leased for IS monllis at 25 ])er cent, royalty. .Vliout |S,000.00 has Ix-en exjieiMled on llie |iio|ieily ami assays from .'J30.00 lo |70.(t() olilaiiied ri-om llie I'alare, ami as lii,i;h as .SlIKI.Od from Hie llome- wai'd, and llie Itro.sperls are exrelleiit. Highest ]irice for slork iliiiiiii; IS'.tlt. 15 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 7S cents. 369 The Pappoose Gold Mining Company. Directors : :.:^r:ii s. is&-i. :z i. 1S9S. John F. Hardr. president: A. L. Hardv, secretarr and rreasurer; Walter C. Frost, assistant secretarr : L. O. Bvrer. A. M. Hardy. Main Office — X. Xerada avenue. Colorado Springs. Colorado. ^^ Capitaiiiation 2.250.000 shares. Par value. ?1.00. In treasury .January 1. 1900, 50.000 shares; in treasury January 1. 1900. f600.00 cash. Property Owns the lode claims Eay. Petrel. Cuckoo and Guess, containing 21 acres, situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 30. on the southwest slope of Squaw mountain, a short distance from the Gold Coin. Portland. Mary Cashen and other prominent shippers. 370 Development Production The Pappoose Gold Mining Company, -continued. Tlio prupci'ty is beiiii: worked liy lessees and it is cstiiiiated that it has already produced a gross valuation of about §GO,OUO.UO. The vein out of which tills ore has been shipped is now being opened up below the 300-foot level, and the owners of a large portion of the stock are confident that the pi-operty \\ill make a dividend jiayer. Gross ])r()ducti<)ii to January 1. IIKKI. sC.it.lKlO.OO. Highest price for stock (luiinu is'.l'.i, 17 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 cents. The Park View Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1893. .J. G. Medley, president ; J. M. Erectors Dorr, vice-president; 11. B. ^las- sey, secretary; il. L. Dorr, treasu- rer; R. C. Hart. :\Iaiii Otlice— X(.. .52 P. O. building, Colorado Sjiriugs, Colo- rado. l.OOO.nnO shares. Par value, capitalization $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares. Cop^r^M isan Of Fred Hills pirk K'f"' Development Owns the Park View, 8 1-3 acres; the Horse Shoe, 10 acres; the property Grover Cleveland, 10 acres, and the Admiral Duncan, 10 acres, all sit- uated in the N. W. 1-4 of section 6, on Khyolite mounlain. The Park View, Horse Shoe and the Grover Cleveland are patented. The .\dmiral Duncan is held by location. Log cabin and shaft house. The Park ^'i(\v has a shaft 11.") feet deep and 200 feet of drifting. The Horse SIkk' has a 70-foot shaft. The (iro\'ei- <"leveland has a shaft .">."» feet deej). Tlie .\dmiial Duncan has a shaft O.J feet deep and 25 feet open cut. The greater iiarl of tlie devclo])- nient work is being df)ne on the Park View claim. Ore has assayed from %2, to .550 \wv ton. The I'ark \'iew showed History good assays at a depth of 00 feet. On the summit of Khyolite mountain a phonolite dyke was cut, but the <|uantity of water encountered pro- hibited further extension. .\l the bottom of the 04-foot shaft on the .\d- inii-al Duncan ai-e two distinct veins lietwc^en i»ori(liyi'v and ]thonoIite walls, assaying from •'i?S to •*:!(!. In an ojien cut at a (jejith of 12 feci .^24 assays have been obtained, 'i'he Horse Shoe ami tjic (ItDxcr ('lc\clan(l are covered with some very fine timber. Highest ))i-ice for stock during IS!)!). 2 3-4 cents; lowest ])rice for stock during 18«)0. 1 1-4 cents. 371 Directors Capitalization The Pay Car Gold Mining and Leasing Company. Incorporated February 1, 1896. C. W. McReynolds, prosideut ; A. H. Garuett, vice-president; Chas. M. Kirk, Hecretary ; John Killen, treassiirer ; J. L. Scmmes, assistant secre- tary ; Frank H. Kirk. Main Office — INos. 24 and 25 Exchange Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. lioOO.OOO t^hares. Tar value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 40,- 000 shares. lopiri^ht lies, if Fred Hills Property Development Owns the Bertie George, 10.159 acres, in the W. 1-2 section 10; the Bay Car No. 2, 7 1-4 acres, in the S. W. 1-4 si-clion 3; the Last Kesort, 6 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 section 3 — all in township 15 south, range G9 west, on Trachyte mountain. The Bertie George and the Bay Car No. 2 are pat- ented. The Last Resort is in process of patenting. Bay Car No. 2 has a shaft house. Bertie George has shaft house, blacksmith shop, whim, tracks, car, etc., and about 160 feet of shafts and 500 feet of drifts. The Bay Car No. 2 has about 80 feet of shafts, and 100 feet of drifts. On the Last Resort there are 40 feet of shafts, and (iO feet of drifting. Large bodies of ore have been discovered but of too low grade to pay for treatment. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Bertie George. This claim is being developed by six of the largest stockholders of the company, with the understand- ing that they will be reimlnii'sed for expenses, when paying ore is discov- ered. I'p to January 1, 1900, about S4,500 has been expended and work is still being prosecuted. Highest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-2 cents. 372 Directors The Pelican Gold Mining Company. Incorporated August 9, 1899. W. B. Stoicr President C. Edsall Vice-President N. H. Partridge Secretary and Treasurer E. C. Fletcher. J. J. Key. Main Office — 10, 11 and 12 Cliddiugs block, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury .January 1, 1900, Capitaiizaticn 175,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |500.00 cash. Copiriqhr ISM bt fnd Hilh Owns the Sunnuit, 4 acres, in the S. ^^^ 1-4 section 17, patented. Also Property the Little May, S acres, in tlie N. E. 1-4 seel ion 19. Keceiver's receipt. .Ml on Ironclad hill. Some surface development oti I lie projterty with shallow shafts less than 100 feet deep. Higlicst price Uw sinck during 1S99, 5 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during ISilO, 2 1-2 cenls. 373 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Pennsylvania Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November, 1895. Stephen W. Keene, president; A. L. Steinmeyer, vice-president; H. L. Beard, secretary and treasurer; F. I. Smith, assistant secretary; 11. E. Stewart, J. B. Meyers. Main Office — P. O. building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 220,000 shares. Owns the Pennsylvania Gold Tunnel and tunnel site, located on the north slope of Tenderfoot hill near the northwest corner of the S. E. 14 of section 7, and extending in a southeasterly direction 3,000 feet from that point through Tenderfoot and Ironclad hills. The tunnel, size 6x7, has been driven 300 feet; timbered, tracked and drained. Blacksmith's shop, tools and cars. History and Object The tunnel was located September 3, 1S95, and the company formed for the purpose of working, mining and developing lodes, leads and veins, and locating the same under the laws governing tunnels and tunnel sites, and to do and perform all other acts and duties incidental to conducting and carrying on a general mining business; for the discovery of mines, lodes and leads and deposits of valuable mineral, and develop the same by excavating, running cross-cuts or such other workings as may be necessary for drainage and transportation purposes, through property owned b.^- the comi>any or other corporations or individuals, for the purpose of draining such property and transporting water, ores, rock and waste from said mines, or carrying men and supplies to said mines or raining claims, and when such transportation is done for other cor])orations or individuals by this company, to demand and receive ((unpensation therefor. The company has contracts for the purposes above named with the oAvners of the following named properties through which the tunnel will pass: Tlie Pole Star, the Little Kitten, the Ocean King, the Charles Xealy, and the Forlorn Hope; also has leases on the ground of the first four named claims. Stock not listed. All sales privately negotiated at 10 cents. The People's Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated July 14, 1S'J2. John P. Brookway, president; Geo. .M. Mitchell, secretary; 11. 1 Bristol, treasurer. Main Office — Ko. 308 ^fininii Exchange, Denver, rolorado. noOjOOO shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, ^57.40 cash. > Directors Capitalization Owns the Bogart, 4.78 acres, and the Gold Leaf, 5 acres, both on ^^P^'^ Raven hill, on a line l)et\\een sections 10 and 20. A ]>;iil nilding, Colorado Si(rin>,^s, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, -fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 671,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, ijilOO.OO cash. Sec (o/lfrialil Hill tf hid Hilh Owns Die Pike's i'enk No. '1 :iii(l llie Aspen, ahout I acres, in llieeast Property 1-2 of section S, on < ;:ileii:i liill. IJeceiver's receipt. On (lie I'ike's i'eilk No. 2 I here is ;i sliiill .■"•(• IVel deeii, and illso on Development the Aspen there is a slmll llie s;iine depl li. Nn siiles (if stock are repoi'ted. 377 Capitalization Property The Pilgrim Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 1896. Directors H. M. Blackmer, president ; J. P. Curtis, vice- president; Sherwood Aldrich, secretary; E. P. Shove, treasurer; W. R. Barnes; W. H. Gumni. Main Office— Xo. 9 S. Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treas- ury January 1, 1900, 180,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |900.00 casii. Owns the Maud Helena, containing 7.53 acres, and the ^laud Helena No. 2, containing 4.992 acres, both situated on Bull hill in the E. 1-2 section 20. Patented. Development 0"e electric hoisting plant. The Maud Helena has a shaft 200 feet deep, with 100 feet of drifting ; also several other shafts (probably six), ranging from 40 feet to 90 feet deep. On the Maud Helena No. 2 are a number of shafts ranging from 40 feet to 100 feet deep, a considerable amount of surface trenching and two tunnels, each of about 150 feet. All the property is leased. Three leases now being operated. Production Gross production to January 1, 1900, about |5,000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899, 12 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 cents. 378 The Pilgrim Gold Mining Company. I iicor]] orated January 28, 1896. F. B. Davis rresideut C. A. Tlii)iHi)S()ii Vice-President Clias. 11. I'cters Sccrctar.y F. A. Bailey Treasurer J. Weather bee. Van E. Kent. E. \Y. Smith. Main Office — 307 Mining Exchange, Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1. 1900, 150,000 sliares; in treasury January 1, 1900, f 100.00 casli. Directors Capitalization TI5S.R.6! SEC. 3, T.I6S Clpifijhl mi bt Irid Mil Owns the .Mtiiiny, S 1-4 acres, in the S. W. 11 of section 31; the Andrew Exlensidu, 7 1-2 acres, in tlie S. W. 1-1 (if section 31, on the soutlieast slope of Cirouse mountain; tlie .Malisia, 10 acres, in the \. W. 1-4 of section 11, township 15 south, range 70 west, and the snuili one- half of tlic Old .\be, 4 1-2 acj-es, in llic renter of seclion 2, on ("ojtper inonnlnin. All patented. ^Vliout .f3,500 worth of develojmient woi-k has heeii done to date. The company has no delits. The Malisia rlaini is leased. Highest ])rice for stock during ISH'.I, 1 ;! 1 cents; lowest ]iiice for stock during 1899, 3-4 of a cent. Property 379 The Pinnacle Gold Mining Company. litm Bonanza Pl^'c^^ Copinghi I9se tf fred Hills 380 The Pinnacle Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December, 1895. CluLS. Fai-usworth Presideut aud Treasurer Directors Fraukliu E. Brooks Vice-President Samuel L. Caldwell Secretary F. M. ^\'(iods. I'rcdciick l-'arnsworth. Main Oi3Qce — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, I'.tOO, Capitalization 4,000 shares. Owns the Mitchell, the McCluer, the Lansing, the Bonanza, the Property Girard, the Black Tail, tiie Brlndsmaid, the Horse Shoe, the 01ynii)ia, the Mollie W. and a one-half interest in tlie Sarah Ann McDonald and the Flying Cloud, situated in the S. E. 1-4 section 17, on the northeast slope of Bull liill. Exclusive of the last two named, the total acreage of these claims is about 30 acres. Also the Overlooked, the Dolly K. and the White Elephant, containing in all about 4 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 sec- tion 19, on Gold hill, and the Gen. N. A. Miles claim, containing about 8 acres, situated between sections 1 and 12, on Mineral hill. All the above property is patented with the exception of the Horse Shoe, Olympia and Mollie W., which are in process. Shaft house, gallows frame and ore house on the Lansing. Two Development gallows frames and shaft houses on the ^litchell. On the Lansing the main shaft is 250 feet deep, an inclined shaft of 96 feet, and about 800 feet of drifting. The Mitchell has a shaft 80 feet deep, a drift of 100 feet at the 56-foot level, iiinl a w inzc CtO feet deep below said level. The greater part of the developiuent wmk has been done (ui tlie Lansiiii; and the McCluer. The gross ]ii(>(lu(l ion of these claims up lo .Tannary L 1900, has been Production not less than |200,000. About .«|!30,000 in royalties has been ivcciwd by th(^ company. Tlie |)i'('sent cniiiiiaiiy, al the lime of ils tniinal ion, o\\ nc(l Ihc lollow- History ing claims : Tlic I »olly 1 1., ( )\('i-look('(l, While i!lc|ihaiil, ( icn. N. .\. .M ilcs, Mitciieil, .M(( 'liKP and i -a using. The iciiiaiiKlcr lia\(' since been ari|nired. Higliest pi ice for slock dm-ing lS!l!t, '.\U eenis; lowcsl |iiire lor slock 0,00n shares. Par value, .fl.nn. Tn treas- ury January 1, 11)00, 250,000 shares; iu treasury January 1, 11)00, $2,000.00 cash. Owns the Pointer and Shark cliunis, in the E. 1-2 section 24, contaiuinji 3 1-2 aci-es, on Gold hill ; the Emma Francis, in the W. 1-2 section S, containiufi; 10 acres, on Tenderfoot hill; and the Little Widow, in the W. 1-2 section 12, containing 10 acres, on Mineral liill. Property is all patented. On the Pointer chniii fhci'c is a full ]iliiut of Development machinery; a good suhstaulial sliaft Jiousc and boiler room. The improvements cost alxtut .f5,- 000.00. There is a shaft 2.")0 feet deejt. and ."^OO feet of drifting on the I'ointer claim. The greater part of the development work is being done on this claim. The Emma Francis has a shaft 100 feet deep. .\b()ut .".on Ions of ore, at .f20 a Ion. were shipi»'(l t'niiii the I'ointer claim about three years ago. I'roni I iiis cjaini some \ci-y liigli assays have been ol)tained. On the Pointer riaim tbei'e is good sliipping ore in siglil at llicprescnl lime, and (lc\clopment woi'k is liciiig \ig()i'onsly jiuslicd. The i-ock is bigliiy niinrrali/.rd. lliglicsl price fur slock during ISil'.l, ."> ccnis: lowest price foi- slock during IS!)!), 4 12 cents. Production 383 The Portland Gold Mining Company. Copy right, 1900, by Fred HiUs- 38 i The Portland Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1894. James F. Biiius ri-esiik'ut Irving- Ilowhert Vicc-l'i-i'sidciit I'laiik (J. I't'ck Secretary ami Trcasuicr Clias. J. Moure < 'oiisiiltini; Kii.uiiicci- A. T. Guuuell (ieneral ("(luuscl W. S. Strattou. John Hai-nan. ]\l;iin Office — First National I'.ank block, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. :j,(M)U,000 shares. I'ar value, $\.m. In treasury January 1, llttlO, $602,(J72.10 cash. Owns the Portland, Bobtail No. 2, Doubtful, Anna Lee, White House, Hidden Treasure, Vanadium, Cajitain, Queen of the Hills, Siran- ton, Baby Kuth, National Belle, Bobtail No. 8, Four (Queens, King S(do- mon placer, Success, Fair Play, Cyclone, Lowell, Kosario, Black Diamond, 'ri(hd A\'ave, ]>ost Anna, ^lilton. Little Harry, Devil's Own, and a one- fourtii interest in the Blue Stocking, in all, about 1S3 acres, situated in section 29, on Battle mountain. In April, 1900, the comj)any also purchased 52 1-2 per cent, of the Total Wreck, which property is shown in the center of the plat on the opposite page. All of the above i)roperty is covered by United States patent^ excepting the Fair Play claim, con- taining al)out one-twentieth of an acre, which is held by location. The surface improvements and machinery consist of a dwelling house for officers of the company, dwelling house for general nuinager, mine office, surveyor's office, with tire-proof vault; assay office, sixtj'-ton railroad scale and ten-ton wagon scale; also the following shaft houses: The Bui-ns, tlie T>ob(ail No. 2, tlie Scranton and the Lowell. Oiu' pump station on the King Solomon jjlacer, witli a puniji of 300 gallons ca])acity, boiler, and a 5r>,()0() and two (>0,000-galion reservoirs, used for tire purjtoses as well. The main working shaft house on the Burns is 40x130, with wing for boiler, 30x75, also drying room, 11x30, with wing for dynamo and cai'penter shop. Lai'ge blacksmith shoji, with (ive forges. A (JdO horse power hoisting engine, which is the largest in the camp. The IJurns shaft is a three-compartment shaft and the cages are double deckers. There is an immense coni])i-essoi- i)laiil for supplying drills. Three couiiu-essors, one (lri\ing eight drills, one (lri\ing 1(> drills, and one drixing 24 drills. I'oui' boilers. There are also I wo niidergi-ound hoists, three large pumps; one of 800 gallons (•a])acity al a depth of 900 feet; one of 1.000 gallons capacity at 1,000 feet; one of 1,2(1(1 galbms cai)acity nl 1.00(1 feel lift, 'i'he pi-incipal (le\('lo|niienl \\(irk has been done on the old portion of th<' .\niia I.ee iind Doublful cLiims. Shaft No. 2 is now being sunk on the ( 'aplain liiile, nnd No. 3 on I he I'.uckeye. The Poi'tlaml (iold .Mining Com- l)aiiy slands alone in the fact thai none of its treasury slock has excr been olTei-ed for- sale; it has ail been used in the purcliase of new prop- ei-l y. .\ii iiligiilion lias now lieen practically settled ;i iid liie mine stamls as liie largest producer in Ilie disfi-ict. The lolal ]U-oduclion nl' (Uc rnmi .\pril I, ISOI, In -lannniv I, l!t(MI. is 1 1S,I39.!M; Inns, nf a value (it .'i!;s,:!7s,732.SS. The amouni paid in divi- dends from llie ((ininieiirenienl niilil .lannai-y 1, 1900, .'ii;2,557.(tS().(IO. .\ regular (liviiieiii! was jiaid in -lannary, I'.KMI. consisling of 2 i-enis jter share and 1 ceni exi ra, anionni ing lo .S'.MI. (1(1(1. 00. The lasl regular divi deiid up to Ihe lime Ibis Manual wcnl In press was paid .\]M-il 15, I'.IOO, .«(;0,0(l(». Tnlal dividends In .\piil 15. 1 900. .'«;2,S27,0SO. TlielnwesI piice nn rernril Inr rnrllaud stock is 2(1 1 -2 cents ; highesi pri( e (ill- sinrk during IS!>!I, .'<2., lilOO, Capitalization 283,4(50 sliares. Owns the Standard and Athens, coutaininji- <> 1-2 aeres, in the N. K. Property 1-4 section 25, on (iuyot liill; the Kirby Fraction, 3-4 acre, and the Hill Side, 1 3-4 acres, in Ihe S. W. 1-4 section 18, on Gold liill ; Ihe ( lolcnnd;!, 8 acres, in llie X. K. 1-4 section 7, on Tenderfoot hill; the Finns, 10 acres, in the S. ^^'. 1-4 section S, luwnship 15 simtli, i-aniic 70 west ; ilie iiavilali. 10 acres, in the W. 1-2 section 32 ,towushlp 14 south, range 70 west ; the Snow- Flake, Yukas Xos. 1 and 2, Defender, Fenrl, and North Star, containini: in all about 50 acres; the AVinsi Tinsi, containing a fi-action of an awv, in the S. W. 1-4 section IS; tlie Lafayette, containing 3 acres, in tlie S. E. 1-4 section 20. on F>nll liill. The coiii]iany also holds bond and lease on Ihe IJubie claim, coiilaining (> acres, and ad joining (he Lal'ayel (e. Total acre- age owned by I he com]pan\' is o\ci- 0(1 acres. The i.afayelte, liill Side. De- fender, Linns, and ilie ilavilah are palented. I{emainder in process or held b\ receiv ei"s i-eceipt. Tanns, lla\ilah and the Snow Flake et al. group are outside properties and are not shown on plat. Two hoisting plants, with engine house and ore house on the K'nbie Development and the Lafayette. The Lafayette has a shaft 040 feet deep, wiili lewis of about 50 feet. The Knl)ie has a shaft 025 feet deep w iili levels of lidiii 50 to 100 feet; also di-ifts of fi'oni 50 to 100 feet. The grealei- pail of llie w ork has been done on I he l-afayel le a nd I he Knbie. iiighi'st iirice for slock during iNl)'.), 50 cents; lowest |irice for sioik during 1899, 10 cents. 389 Directors Capitalization The Princess Gold Mining Company. Incorporated May 16, 1S92. Veruer Z. Eeed, president; A. S. llolbrook, vice-president; U. II. Slioup, secretary and treasurer; Sam Strong, W. H. Sutherland, W. A. Perkins, C. C. Hamlin. Main Office — Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado, with the Reed & Hamlin Investment Co. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, $1,500.00 cash. No stock in treasury. Sec 25 30. Property Development Owns Mollie Bell, consisting of 10 1-3 acres, located in section 30, on Raven hill ; also the Gray Eagle and Little Mildred, containing 2 and 10 acres, respectively, located on Beacon hill, in section 25. All patented. No considerable amount of development Avork has been done on any one claim, in addition to patent work, except Mollie Bell has one shaft 159 feet deep and a cross-cut 500 feet long. The location of the ^lollie Bell claim is most excellent, and adjoins such in-operties as the Elkton, Tor- nado and Gould companies. The Beacon hill properties are excellent prospective claims. A lease is in operation on the Gray Eagle and looks favorable. Hisihest price for stock during 1899, 6 1-2 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 5 1-2 cents. 390 The Progress Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S99. Max tSti-uu.s, pretsideut; ^^'. 1". Crosby, vice-piT!sidi-ul ; J.. 11. Eliiich, Directors secretary and treasurer ; W. H. Spiirgeon. ^lain Ofl8ce — No. 64 Hagermau buildiug, Colorado Si^rings, Colo- rado. 1,500,000 sliares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 300,000 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, .|8,000.00 cash. Owns tlie (lold Kiiiti', containing 4 acres, on Gold hill, in the S. W. 1-4 section 19; the Gold Cup and the Tin Cup, containing 19.729 acres, on Ehyolite mountain, in the S. W. 1-4 section 31, township 14 south, range 69 west; the Becky Sharp and the Dauntless, containing about 2 acres, on Kaveu liill, in the .S. W. 1-4 section 20; the Spider and the Trinidad, containing 8.628 acres, on Beacon hill, in the S. E. 1-4 section 26, town- ship 15 south, range 70 \\est. Projierty is all patented. Capitalization Property The greater part oi (lie dcvclopuient woi'lc is being done on the Gobi King. Tlie company is also leasing the M. W. S., on Bull bill, belonging to the Colorado City and :\lanil(.ii 1'. & ^\. Co. The com- pany has also a bond for .'?o(),000 on this property. Highest ])rico for stock during 1S99, 10 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 8 cents. 391 Development The Proposition Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. Directors W. H. Clotwoitliv rresident T>. IT. Rowley Vice-rresident and Treasurer C. P. Bentlv Assistant Secretary K. McMillan. J. A. Bill. :Main Ofifiee — No. 53 First National T'ank linilding-, Colorado Springs. Colorado. Capitalization 1.250,000 shares. Par value, SI. 00. In treasury January 1. 1000, 83,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |321.00 cash. Property Owns the Elk Run, the Elk Run Extension No. 1 and No. 2, contain- ing 26 1-2 acres, on Sijinal hill, in N. W. 1-4 section 20, township 15 south, laniie 70 west. All patented. 392 The Protection Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. riiil. Slniln'l President Directors ( 'liiis. E. Leibold Ad iiiii Secretary ]\Iain Office — 12 Sdulli Tcjoii street, Colorado Spriugs, Colorado. 1,0UU,()(IU sliare.s. Par value, |1.00. Capitalization Capfr/qM WN. bt fred Mills Owns llic W'csl A'iri;iiiia claiiii. 10 aires, in liie \. \\'. 1-1 seeiion 1(1. property lownsliip l.") soulli. iani;e TO wcsl, on Iron nionnlain. ralenled. 1 >e\clo|inienl work only has lieen done on llie pi'oj»erl_\' lo ohiain patent. 'I'lie company is in debt al.ont .'if40().0(». iiigjiesl piice for stock dnrini; IS!)'.), .'if4.00 ]ier 1,0((0; Iowes( ]irice for stock during IWti), .'if2.50 per 1,000. 393 The Provident Gold Mining Company. Incorporated September 6, 1S94. Directors E. A. Colbiiiii Presideut C. B. Seldomridge Vice-Presideut Horace H. Mitchell Secretary and Treasurer Main Office — 45 Bank building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 sliarcs. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury -Tanuarv 1, 1900, about 150,000 shares. Property Owns the Jay Gould, Tall Pine, Pueblo, Kentucky, Bushwhacker, Grub Stake, Texas Star, Unknown, Hurricane. Forest and Home Stake, 8fi 1-2 acres, in the S. W. 1-1 section 28, on the S. W. slope of Big Bull hill, adjoining Goldfield and Stratton's Independence Company's property. All patented. Very little work has l)eeu done up to the present time. The policy of the company will be to develop the property by the leasing system. No stock has been offered in public. 394 The Puritan Gold Mining Company. Copi/ri^U 1900 if fnd Mis \ TI55 - - Capitalization Incorporated January 10, 1896. Erastus \V. iSiiiitli, President; F. Directors B. Davis, Vice-President; Clias. II. Peters, Secretary'; F. A. Bailey, Treas- urer; C. A. Tliomijson, Van K. Bent, F. C. Vickers. Main Offict^No. 307 ^Fining Ex- change building, Denver, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, ()5,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, about 1100.00 casli." Owns the Maggie Lynch, in the Property S. W. 1-4 of section 21 and the N. W. 1-4 of section 25, containing fi 1-2 acres; also the Holy Terror, on Bull hill, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 19 and N. W. 1-4 of section 20, containing 2 acres. All patented. On these properties al)out |3,500 of development work has been done. The Holy Terror is leased for two years from November 14, 1899. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 1-8 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent. The Pythias Gold Mining Company. Incorporated P^ebruary 7, 1899. Jas. F. Burns, President; Frank Smith, Directors Vice-President; K. P. Davie, Secretary; C. ^r. MacNeill, Treasurer; A. T. Gunncll. Main Office— 25 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In Capitalization treasury January 1, 1900, 90,000 shares. Owns the Last Chance, 9.0 acres, ami the Property Cornucopia, 5.3 acres, on Bull hill, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 17. j'ropcrly all patented. Steam and clcclric hoists. Property is Development being develu])(Ml by shafts. I'"'ive lessees. The property is ail near or adjacent to large pro- ducers. Highest price p;iiv slock dmiiig 1S99, 10 cents; lowest price paid fur sI(m k during 1S99, 1 1-2 cents. 395 Directors Capitalization The Quartette Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 13, 1S95. T. C. Harbison President E. S. Joslyn Vice-President P. Wollesen Secretary and Treasurer A. V. Broege. R. C. Dav. ^laiii Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. I'ar value, §1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 9,500 sliares. Copyr'ohf /9CV y frtd HitlS. Property ( h\ Ms the (^lai'tette, containing 0.028 acres, situated on Mineral hill, in the N. W. l-l of section 11. township 15 south, range 70 west. I*atented. There is a oOfoot sliaft on the ]iropertr. luit at present no work is being done. Highest price for stock during ISOO, .f2.50 per 1,000; lowest ju-ice for stock during 1S!)<1, .f;2.00. 396 The Queen of the Cripples Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 189o. •Iiiliii :MacMilliiii President ( i('(i. I >. Jiiliiisloue S('(i-('f;ii-v and 'I'l-easiirei- .Main Office — Equitable building, Denver, Colorado. 100,000 shares. Par valne, .fl.OO. Directors Capitalization SEC: 32^ 'T6S.R69W. Uwn.s llie (Jueen of (be West, :'. l-;i am-s, anrouiul in coninion iyetween the .Maty .lane and r>ci-ke\" lodes, ronlaininy alxiul 1 --'■' acres; all in seclion '.\'2. lownsliip !."• sonlli. rani;e no\vy Kauge, 2.05U acres; the Maid of Erin, 2.12 acres; the Raven Tunnel, 0.04G acri' — all in the S. E. 1-4 section 10, on Raven hill ; also the Mill Site, acres,and the Rainbow Placer, adjoining, 24 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 sectiou 10, township 15 south, range G9 west. In April, 1000, the consoli- dation of this company and the Tornado with the Elkton was agreed upon, as Avill be seen by referring to the Elkton Cons. il. & M. Co., on another page. On the iir()]K^rty are three ore houses, one shaft house, one engine house, two hoists, one six-drill compressor, one mile of track, two blacksmith shops, one office build- ing, one powder house. Develoimieuts con- sist of 20.000 feet of tunnels, shafts, drifts, upraises, and winzes. The Raven Tlill property was located in May and -lune, 1802. The production has been steadily turned back into development until a pay mine was made of the property. There are some small short-dated leases on unimportant portions of the Raven Hill propertv. No boyds. Gross production to Januarv 1, 1000, about $750,000.00. Total amount of dividends to April 20, 1000, $90,500, the last being |10,000.00, on April 20, 1000. Highest price for stock during 1809, about 90 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, about 40 cents. Copyright, 1900, by Fred Hills. ^cH-W Cofyyri^Jrt i90O dy /red HilSs 400 The Rebecca Gold Mining Company, Limited. Incorporateti May 24, 1S95. Earl B. Coo Pi-esidciit Directors W. N. McBii-d S('( rclnin- jiiid 'rrciisiircr Geo. AV. Afaylicw. Ilciii-.v lliujiins. 31aiii Office — Siiile ZS'o. t>ll-S14 Ernest & Ci-ainiici- l)uil(liii.u, Hi'iiver, Colorado. 200,000 shaies. i'ar value >r.J.U(). CapitaUzation Owns the ilebecca, survey No. S,7iJ0, and the C. O. 1>., survey No. ProP^'y 7,523 — in all 14 acre.s in W. 1-2 section 18, Poverty j>:ulcli. .Ml patented except that fraction in ((lullicl lid ween the IJebecca and I lie ( '. < ). I)., winch is licint;- set tied at ]piTsiMit. Thci-c arc two shiil'l houses, one lar^c und one suuiii, ;i lijarksniith Development sh(i|i, ii r;ir|)('nl('r shop, ore house and l)ius, cuiiinc and boiler iioiisc, ollice liuildiui; ;ind iod^inii ]il;ice. In undei'tiround niachinci'v there is a Snow Irilile expunsicpu pump, cilpurily i>\' 1,I(U(I i;;ilbilis. III :l depth nf 1,(1(1(1 feel. Three sinliori pinups, sinkers, i'\r. A sliul'l (it .'I coinpartiueuls bus lieeii suid< ;dioul 7(10 feel, and there is about 2,(M)() feel nf di'ifl Iul;. Tlie L;re:ilei' j)arl of the develoiunent work has been done im I he < '. ( >. I ). r.ioss i)rodncti()n to Jannurv 1, lltdP, about .S:'.(MI,(IO(l. Dividends to Production and Dividend .laniiary 1, I'.KId, about .'{Sir)! 1,(10(1. Last dividend of 2 ceids was paid Keb- ruiwy. 1890. 401 Directors The Red Umbrella Mining Company. Incorporated October 8, 1894. II. P. Lillibridjie President E. F. Smith Vice-President and Treasurer W. S. Eevuolds Secretary Louis E. Ehricb. Chas. L. Smith. Main Office — 51 and 52 Hagermau building, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Ce^yri^hf t900 Ay Fred HitfS Property Development Owns that portion of the Bertha B. and Frank S. conflict known as the Bed Umbrella, containing two acres, in section 20, on Haven bill. Patented. There is a steam hoist and commodious shaft house located at the Murray shaft. There are three shafts, of which the deepest is 235 feet, with drifts and cross-cuts. Production Production to January 1, 1900, |4,994.67. Highest price for stock during 1899, 10 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 1-2 cents. 402 The Reno Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated April 13, 1892. W. E. Foley I'resideut Directors S. J. Mattocks Secretary and Treasurer A. L. Hoiuk Vice-President D. C. Sindlinger. W. :\r. Diitton. Main Oitice — 104 East Pike's Peak avemie, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. Increased April 10, lUOO, to Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Copyr,^ht fSOO. by frsd Hi//s Owns the Keno, Hon Ton, T. E. Merit and I'et claims, containing Property nearly 10 acres, located in section 18, in Poverty gulch. There is no machinery' on the property as yet. A siiaft lias been sunk Development 100 feet and a tunnel run about 500 feet. The property adjoins the Gold King and is siiirnuiHlcd liy sliipiiiii^ niiiics; there is an 8-foot vein opened iiji on I lie property and at a (h'i)th of 50 feet shows an average of about $12.00 per ton. Tlie directors expect to have the property leased soon and developnicnl will be ]iush('d as fast as possible. Highest price for stock during 1899, 6 3-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 3 cents. 4U3 Directors The Republic Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. J. R. McKiuuiL' President H. S. Ilawkes Vice-President M. F. Starlc iSeoretaiy and Treasurer C. F. Potter. D. G. C. :Ma(Neill. Main OHioe — Kooni Xo. 8, Barnes building, (Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,2.50.000 shares. Pnr value, -|1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, |7.")0.00 (.•ash. Property JLL ''i_Sec. 29. < h\ns the J. I. (".. cnntaininii .") 1-4 acres, on P>attle niounlain, in tlie N. E. 1-4 section 2'.l; Sweepstalve, containing 1-2 acre, on liattle mountain, in the N. E. 1-4 section 29; the Janet W., the Laura M.. and the Lester AV., on Beacon hill, in the S. 1-2 section 2~<. containing about 9 acres. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 9 1-S cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 404 The Requa Savage Gold Mining Company. Incorporated May, 1S94. I'liiiik I'iiiciiai! rrcsidcnt _,• ■ Directors Will. 0, iiol sJiow n on map. Ail on Itcacon liill. 'I'he Savage and the 1'onian aie |ialenled. 'j'lie j)ro]iert\' of iliis coinpaiiy adjoins llii' M.iliel -M., llie Si. Thomas, the ("ommouweallh an('t of shaft work on the property. Highest price for stock during 1899, f4.50 jui- (lious:iiid ; lowest price for stock durini^ 1S99, .?1.50 jicr thousnud. 407 The Rigi Group Gold Mining Company, Limited. Incorporated. Directors The Earl of Essex. rresident and Chairman (ieo. II. Saunders Sciirtarv ^y. H. Culleu. W. Keen. W. T. E. lM.sI)('ry. ilain Uttioe — 3 ("upthall Imildiniis, London, E. ('., England. Capitalization 130,000 shares. Par value, one pound sterling. Property Owns the Rigi, Lizzie May, Yucatan and the Lulu, containing, in all, IG acres, all patented, in the X. E. 1-4 of section 29, on Battle moun- tain, adjoining tlie Poi'tland ])ro]ierty on the east. Capyr,^M igoo. by rrrd Hills Development Aliout 4 acres of tlie property containing the main workings are un- der lease. There are two shaft houses and ore hins, two blacksmith shojjs, three hoisting frames, two (ixN double hoisting engines. There are live shafts, as follows: One, !»xl 1-2 feet, 500 feet deep; one, 8x4, 143 feet deep; one, Gx3, lOG feet deep; one, 7x3 1-2, 112 feet deep; one, 9x4 1-2, GO feet deep ; five levels from the main shaft aggregating 1,350 feet; cross-cuts aggregating 940 feet; stoping 100 feet from second shaft levels, aggregating GIO feet; cross-cuts 230 feet; from third shaft, cross- cuts 125 feet long; numercnis surface trenches, etc. This ]iroperty is leased by the North Amei-ican TJold Alining and Develo^tment roni]iany until MarcJi 1, 1902. No dividends lia\-e been ])aid, as all money received on ore shipments has been ]>ut into ]iermanent imjiroxc^ments and devel- opments. 408 The Rio Grande Gold Mining Company. Incorporated March 20, 1896. A. L. Lawtoii, I'icsidciit ; .M. A. I.cddy, Vice-President; J. 11. Directors Thediuga, Seci-etarv and Treasiirci-; ('lias. Dickens, F. !•'. llinii. Main Office — IT 10. Piice's I'eak axciinc, ('iildiadu S|M-iiii;s, ( 'olorado. l.nOO.OOO sliaifs. Par value, .-fl.OO. In ti-easin-y .lainiaiy I, r.KM), Capitalization 400,(MI() sliai-es; in lieasui-y Jfuniaiy 1, UMKI, >r2r.().0() .'asii. I i N i Copyrioht 1900 by f Owns the Texas Siftinp:s, eontaiuinji 4.042 acres, located in E. 1-2 Property of section 24, on (Jold liill. ]'a(eiited. There is one shaft on the prop- erty which has heen snnk to a dejtth of 85 feet. Iliuhest price for stock diiriiif; 189!), 11-2 cents; lowest price for stock dnrino- 1899, 1 cent. The Rittenhouse Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. Silas W. Pcitil, President; W. V. Peltit, Vice-Picsident ; (". 11. Directors Bryan, Secretary and Treasnrer. IMain Office — No. 10 IIap;ernian hnildinj;', Colorado Si)rin,!is, ('olorado. l,2r)(»,((()() shares. I'ar valne, ^\.m. in treasnrv Januarv 1, 1900, Capitalization 250,000 shares. CopY^'^frf, f9(30 by frrd Hilts Owns the iijiiici' jiorlions of Wliitc i;icp!iant, liai)|iy Day, and l"r;ic Property lion No. 1 claims, II :i(ics in tin' N. \\ . II section 19, sil iialcd mi ( hiM 1:111. .\1 1 I lie |ii(i|icily is |iat('nlcd. Two shads lia\c liccil snnk, one 4Sec.29 Incorporated September 30. 1899. Yerner Z. Reed, President; Clarence Edsall, Directors Vice-President; O. H. Shoup, Secretary and Treas- urer; Duncan Chisholm, W. B. Jenkins. Main Oflic(^-With the Reed & Hamlin Invest- ment Company, Bank Block, Colorado Springs, '" 1,5(10,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Inlreas- Capitalization urv January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |25,000. Owns the Rose and (he Gurley claims, lo- Property rated in the X. W. 1-4 of section 29, on Battle mountain and Bull liill. Both the claims are pat- There is a steam hoist on the property, and Development (lie company is at present engaged in sinking a sliafl and in working through tunnel. Tills company was inc(u-pora(ed laic last yeai-. and as its side li'iu- is a side line of a portiim of llie I'orllaud company's i)r(>i)erty, its location is re- markably good. Woi'k is steadily progressing and Die company intends to use its cash in llie treasury for tlie systematic devel(>l>ment of Hie property, l^roni the surface indicalions, there is every reason lo supi.ose that with siillicient develoiiment work, the Rose Nicol terrilniy has all (he indications of a good mine. .\ shaft has now been sunk S(l feel in dc^ilh. Keceid assays have been \'\>nu •'^12 (" >^15 ]iel' (nil. lliL;!ies( |irice for sdick during IS'.i'-'. 1 I cents: low.'si pi-ice f.u- stock dm-iiig IS'.IO, 11 1 I cents. 413 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Royal Oak Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 23, 1S95. J. Maurice Finu President W. P. Dimham Vice-President K. H. Eeid Secretary and Treasurer G. E. Ross-Lewin. Elsie B. Finn. Main Office — 827 Equitable building, Denver, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .'Jl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 150,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |1,000.00 cash. CoznTiQ^f f900 tv rrvd H^NS Owns the Finu lode, 5 acres. Survey No. 9,037, in section 17, on Ironclad hill, west of Grassy; the Eaton Extension lode, 5 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 11, Survey No. 10,911 ; also an undivided one-half in- terest in the Eaton lode, 3 acres, Survey No. 10,911, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 14. All patented. Large double compartment shaft on the Finn lode, over 200 feet deep, a square set shaft, 4 1-2x9 in the clear. The Eaton properties have each received |500 worth of assessment work. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Finn lode. Outside of location work, the first permanent work done on the property was when the sink- ing of the main shaft was begun in November, 1899. Highest price for stock during 1899, 7 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 7 cents. 414 ^ z X *» o Z J, u « > o < 3 K ° 52 bJ X 415 Directors Capitalization Property Development Production The Rubicon Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S94. O. C. Townsend President E. S. WooUey Mce-President II. V. Wandell Secretary and Treasurer W. P. Wight (deceased). J. M. Harden. Main Offic^-No. 112 1-2 East Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, .?1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 80,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, |150.00 cash. Sec. 20. o Copyright /SOO by Tred Hilis- '=■ Owns the Eubie, containing about 1 acres, situated on Bull hill, iu the S. 1-2 section 20. Patented. Shaft house, GO-horse power boiler and hoist, ore bins, screens, etc., uuderground machinery, air pipes and machine drills. A shaft has been sunk 850 feet, and there are drifts at intervals of from 50 to 100 feet. This work has all been done on the Last Dollar vein. At the present time nothing but development work is lieing done. The Kubie is bonded to the Princess Alice Company. Gross production to January 1, 1900. about .f 50,000.00. The stock is closelv held. None is changing hands. 416 Directors The Ruth D. Mining Company. Incorporated 1894. D. G. C. MacNeill President J. W. Gathi-iylit Vice-President E. A. Dana Secretary and Treasurer L. C. Dana. Main Office — No. 4 and 5 Hagermau block, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 100,0()() shares. I'ar value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, I'JUO, Capitalization 23,186 shares. N Copyright I90O ty frvd H'lls. Owns the Yankee Jack, containinii- 7.24!) acres, hicafcd in llie N. E. Property 1-4 section ;'2, on i'.attle niounlain. Patented. Also owns liie Great Honanza and an undivided one-fourth interest in the llussey Fraction, iMtth located in seclioTi 30, on TJaven iiill. containinin in all 2.(5.")2 acres. Kecei\('r"s i-eceiiit for the (!i-cal Ponan/.a. 'i"hc llusscy I'l-action is pat- ented. About .'ifr),r>()0.()0 lia\c liccn cxiicndcd on I lie >aiikcc .)acl; ( laiiii in Development development work, and .*."()(). (Ml on the (ileal i!onan/,a. ()wini; lo sonic litifiation in rchilion lo the lith-, lliis coniiiany has done very lilllr de- \"clo]pnicnl work, Iml recently evcryliiiii!.; lias I n sellled and work will <-oiiinieiice almost immediali-ly. Iliiihest price for slock diirini; isllll. Id cents hid ; none sold. •417 The Sacremento Gold IVIining Company. Incorporated April 24, 1S93. Directors 8herwood Aldrioh President E. P. Shove Vice-President and Treasurer C. G. White Secretary John Harnan. F. G. Peck. Main Office — No. 9 South Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, (5,000 shares ; in treasury January 1, 1900, flOO.OO cash. Property Owns the Sacremento and the Midnight, situated on Bull hill, in section 20, and containing about 7.050 acres. All patented. Development Electric hoist and shaft house on the Midnight, and a shaft house on the Sacremento. There are three shafts, one of 140 feet, one of 165 feet, and one of 250 feet. There are 750 feet of drifting on these shafts, and numerous other trenches and cuts. History Since the formation of the company the property has been worked entirely by lessees, save during the first six months. Production Gross production to January 1, 1900, about flO,000. Net value to the company of ore mined during the year 1899, |!7,000.00. Highest price for stock during 1899, 1-4 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 2 cents. 418 The Safety Gold Mining Company. Incorporated April 9, 1894. Geo. B. Sherwood President Directors Charles F. Potter Secretary and Treasurer A. Danford. Main Office — No. 619 Ernest & Cranmer building, Denver, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization about $2,500.00 cash. Owns (lie Little Hatchet lode, the Sherwood lode, the Tom Green Property lode and the I'otter lode, all in one gi'oup, containing in all 31.433 aci'es, on Big Bull mountain, in section 28, township 15 south, range 69 west. All the above property is patented. Shaft house, 8-horse power hoist, plant of machinery. One sliaft Development has been sunk 150 feet. In shafts and levels about 1,000 feet of dcvclo]! ment work has been done. The greater portion of tlie developincut work has been done on the Little Hatchet lode. 'I'lic jiroperty is now being worked by the company. The slock is clnscly lu'ld In eight stoiklinldcrs, who own uinc-tcutlis of the cjiiiiliilizaticui. 419 Directors The Santa Fe Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1892. H. S. Hawks rresident Phil. S. Delauy Vice-Prcsick'nt T. C. Delany Secretary aud Treasurer Wm. Banning. Main Office — 35 aud 37 Hagernuiu Iniilding, Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Copyr^^ht 1900 by fnd HI I IS Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Tar value, .f 1.00. Property Owns the E. A. U., 10 acres, in the K. W. 1-1 section 33, on Big Bull mountain. Patented. Also the Paul Revere, Midace, Everetts aud Gold Medal placer, 20 acres in all, in the N. W. 1-1 section 33, one-half mile east of Victor, ready for i)atenling. No adverses. Development |1,000.00 has heeu expended in development in the way of shafts and trenches. Price for stock during 1899, 1-2 cent. 420 The Santa Rita Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1895. James Doyle IM-csident Directors Frank Caley N'icc President E. Conant Secret ai-y C. S. Cleaveland Treasurer J. B. Cunniniuihani. Scott Ashioii. Main Office — Victor, Colorado. I,000,n00 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, l!M»(t, Capitalization over 12,000.00 cash. Ccpyri^htiaoc ty rred H1II3 0\v7is the Santa IJita, about 10 acres, in (lie N. IC. II of section rjl, Property oM S(iuaw niouiitain. Patented. Iiiipi'ovenieuts consist of a shaft house, hoist and ore liiiis. There Development is one shaft HOO feel deep, with 450 feet of drifliiiu. 'I'lic i)rn|iciiy is bonded and leased 1o the Atlantis :Mines ('or|)(.ialion for .^l()(t, (1(1(1. 00. Lease expires October, litOl. This property has always iiccn worked un- der lease. (!i-oss prndiMli.Mi lo -hiiiiiary 1, I'.IOO, ahoiil .^((1.(100.(10. 'I'lic stocl; is held liy llie parlies who i iicni']iornl ed the (■(Hiipaiiy. :ni. Tlic (!. A. ( "(icklillPIl I'li'siddil Directors Julius ( iiiMip \'ic('-l'rcsi(l('ul "W. -1. I Icndricksou t^ecretary ami Trcasurci- (\ 1'. Beutly Assistaut Secretary n. H. ]\rit(li<'ll. John J. Key. Maiu Office — No. 53 First National Bauk liuildiu^Li, ( "ojoiado Sju'lugs, Colorado. S.E.Sec.24./ i? 1,750,000 shares. Par value, ifl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 132,000 sliarcs; in treasury January 1, 1900. $1,(;(I0.(»() casli. Owns llie .Vinerican Iteauly claiiii, nuilaiinuL; 7 \-'2 aires, sidialed on Property the S. W. slope of Cold hill, in S. !•:. I- 1 seclinn L'l. Pa I cut ed. There are 2.~>0 leel ot drills and sliatls. Tin' ])ro|)erly is leased. Ilii;hest jirire I'ni- slnek during iSitO, 2 IS cenls ; lowest ju-iee I'oi' slock durinu iSDit, 1 7-S cents. 425 The Shasta Mining, Milling and Prospecting Company. Incorporated 1892. Directors W. ^\'. ^^'illiamso^ Presideut and Treasurer A. F. Woodward Secretary R. D. Miinson. H. T. Cooper. D. C. Davis. Maiu Office — 25 1-2 N. Tejou street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, §1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 56,921 shares. Present indebtedness of the company, $2,000.00. Property Owns the Mary Anderson, Asliby, and the Donna, containing 25.31 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 section 35, on the S. W. slope of Grouse mountain. Patented. The company also owns the Joe Johnson, in sections 9 and 10, township 15 south, range TO west, containing 9.72 acres. Plat of this last- named property does not show on map. Development The Joe Johnson claim has a 70-foot incline, with true fissure vein of low grade ore. The work on the property has heretofore been limited, there practically being only enough done to secure patent. nighest price for stock during 1899, |8.00 per 1,000 ; lowest price for stock during 1899, |2.00 per 1,000. 426 The Sheriff Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December 24, 1895. Matt France (deceased) President Directors E. A. Colburn Vice-President Jlort Parsons Secretary Leonard Jackson Treasnrcr Francis Wright. Win. B. Jenkins. Main Office — No. 34 Giddings Iniilding, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, capitalization 250,000 shares; in treasury Januajv 1, 1900, .|150.00 cash. Copyright, 1900,hy Frec^mUs Owns the ShcrilT lode, survey No. 7,50S, conlainiiig 10 iicr('s,i)atented, Property ill the F. 1-2 section 20, on the saddle between Kaven and Bull hills. One st-eani jilaiit on the Jenkins and Wright lease. Tlie dcn^pest work- ing shaft on the Jenkins aii«/ M //J Owns the Silver Panic, 9.592 acres, in the X. 1-2 section 21, on the northeast slope of Bull hill, about 1,500 feet from the Isal)ella group. Patented. There are several shafts on the property. Highest price for stock during 18!)!t, 3 cents per share; lowest price for stock during 1899, |4.00 per 1,000. 428 The Silver State Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated .March 3, 1898. Joliu J. Key President Directors Clareuie Edsall Vice-Presideut F. P. Titrauy Serrctary B. N. Peal Treasurer S. P. Peal. Main Offiee — Nos. 10 and 12, (iiddi'ngs Iniildiug, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1.2.";0,()n0 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. lu treasury Januai-y 1, 1900, Capitalization 87,00(1 shares; in treasury January 1, litOO, •'JlOO easli.' Owns llic ^fonday, ooni]irisinii 7 '.\-i acres, on Tenderfoot hill, sit- Property uated in ihc N. ]■]. 1-4 of seclion IS; the Modock, 8 aci-es, on Calena hill, in the S. E. 1-4 of section S; llic .Mice PI, 10 acres, on 'I'larlix ic iiKinnlain. in the \. \\ . 1-4 <)f section 11; and the Kduiance, 7 acres, im Khyolite nH)unlaiii. in ilie S. 1'^. 1-1 of seclinn 1. K'ecei\er"s receipt lichl for the Alice E. iiiiil I lie 1 Inn la lire. .Mniiday and .Miidnci. |iaicnicil. ( )n .\|nil :iO, 1000, I lie .Mice 10. cl;iini w ;is snid Id I lie I liiliart ( iold .M ini nu < 'diniiany. Willi I he cxccpi inn i>\' Ihe .Monday linl lillle wmk has licen done on Developmont these cjainis. The Mondny has a Innnel of 2(10 feel, one shaft of 7.") feet, and several shafls of from 20 lo Id feet. Iligliest jirice for slock diiriuL; IS!i!(, ;{ ;'.- 1 cents; lowest price for stock dnrinir ^S'^'.). I ccTil. 429 Directors Capitalization The Sitting Bull Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 1S9S. E. C. Glenn President W. E. Hughes Vire-President A. Riesenecker Secretary T. G. McCarthy Treasurer Geo. K. Kirchner. Main Office— Rooms Nos. 220-221, Central block, Pueblo, Colorado. 750 shares. Par value, flOO.OO each. In treasury January 1, 1900, 9~> 1-4 shares. Property Owns the Sitting Bull, containing about 8 acres, on Copper mountain, in the W. 1-2 section 1 and the E. 1-2 section 2, township 15 south, range 70 west. The property is patented. Development Two small shaft houses. Three shafts have been sunk, ranging in depth from 60 to 80 feet each. The property was located by ^Ir. W. J. JIcGee, on March 17, 1892. It was patented in December, 1898. Highest price for stock during 1899, |25.00 ; lowest price for stock during 1899, f!20.00. 430 Directors The Six Points Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1896. J. A. Cumraiugs President Robert Hillhouse Vice-President C. H. Dudley Secretary and Treasurer E. A. Colburn. A. E. Carlton. Main Office — 14 North Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 250,000 shares. N SEC. 29 Copyrty/itl900 tyFttdHilla. Owns the Six Points, S acres, in tlic S. W. 1-1 section 20, on P.nll hill. Property Patented. There is a shaft on llic noilli end 170 feet dc^p, with IVoni 10(1 to '_>()() Development feet of drifting, and one on the south end 210 feet deep, widi from ;{00 to 400 feet of drifting. The pi-opcrty has been woj'lccd iKn'ctoforc hy lessees. It is a close corporation. No stock changes hands. 431 The Slim Jim Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1S96. Directors Phil. Sti'ubel Presideut A. F. Woodward Vice-President Chas. E. Leibold Secretary Main Office — No. 12 South Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1<»00, about 300,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, about flo.OO cash. Copyright 19O0 ty frtd Hills Property Owns the Slim Jim and the I'^lyini; Dutchman No. 1, containing 5 acres, situated in the N. 1*1 1-4 section 10, township 15 south, range 70 west, on Iron mountain. Receiver's receipt for the Slim Jim. The Flying Dutchman is in jirocess of patenting. Development Sufficient work has been done to obtain a patent. Good veins of low grade <)r(> have been disccivered in l)oth shafts. Highest price for stock during 1899, fl.OO per JI ; lowest price for stock during 1S99, .fl.OO ]icr :\1. 432 The Sliver Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November 23, 1895. Cliircnoe Edisall IM-csidcnt Juliii -T. Key ^'i(•('-I•^('sid('Ilt Bi'itraiu X. Iti'ul Scciciary and Trcasiu-cr J. McK. Ferriday. (ioo. 11. Buckmaii. ilain Office — IlajiTiMiian l)uildiiii;, Cnloi-ado Sjjriiifis, Colorado. Directors Ccfyright 1900 ty frtd Hilts. l,00(),()()(l .shales. I'ai- valiK', .'jfl.OO. In treasury -laimary 1, 1!MM>, capitalization 2fi,()()0 sliares. Owns llic Sli\cr, \ acres, ami llic ( iold .Miiir, (i aci'cs, in llic N. 1-2 Property of section '51 ; also tiic (iold I'icld, 7 acres, in I he X. Iv II oT seel inn :'. 1, all ini .^(|na\\ inonnlain. I'alenled. The in-operty is iieini; descloped by lessees. IliiihesI piiee Ini- stock dnrini; iS'.t'.l, '1 \ '1 cents; lowest jjrice for stock (inrinii- 1S'.)!I, 1 cent. 433 Directors The Solitaire Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 16, 1900. W. A. B. MacDonald, president; T. C. MacDonald, vice-president; H. H. Barbee, secretary ; J. F. De Berry, treasurer ; A. B. Risk. Main Office — Postoffice block, Colorado Springs, Colorado. / / /■^ VO 1 I / i; / ^~~fe-. /■^ / '•^ 4-J 5-, \ ii > ^ ^ Jec.li 18. T15'S.R70W. R69W. Copyight 1900 byrredHiUs. Capitalization Property ■ Sec. 30.' 29. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 200,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .|10,000.00 cash. Owns the Solitaire, about 5 acres, in the K. E. 14 of section 30, on Raven hill and Battle mountain ; the Roudebush, the Hayward, the Eld- redge, the Pinto, about 30 acres in all. situated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 12, about 1,000 feet from the Gold King mine, on Carbonate hill. The (CONTINUED ON PAGE 435.) 434 The Solitaire Gold Mining Company continued. company also owns the Elkliorn, adjoiuiug the above property, on Car- bonate bill, and a three-fourths interest in the Comstock, 10 acres, on Raven bill. All the above property is patented. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Elk- born claim, which has a shaft 450 feet deep and considerable drifting and stoping. The company holds, by lease, the Columbia, owned by the Crip- ple Creek Columbia G. M. Company. The Elkhorn is a shipping mine and has produced some very rich ore, running from 5 to 20 ounces. There are now a number of applica- tions for leases which are under consideration and will soon be granted. The Elkhorn promises to be a good mine. The stock was not on the market in 1899. Since then has been placed at 10 cents. The Southern Boy Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. R. P. Davie, president; II. L. Shepherd, vice-president; A. J. Bendle, secretary and treasurer; Newton S. Gaudy, Henry M. Blackmer. Main Office — 25 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,250,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 550,000 shares. Owns the Southern Poy. 1 acres, adjoining the Oriole and ^f. J. T. property, on Gold hill, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 18. Patented. Also owns (he Consolid;i(ed Vii'giiiiu ;ind the Nest lOgg, a total of fi acres, on Jlineral hill, in the N. E. 1-4 of section I'.i, adjoining the ITayden placer townsite on the northeast. -Tiisl ;is this ^l;iini;il goes to jii-ess, AFny. 1900, (lie coiii]i;iny li;is sold the Nest lOgg nnd ("oiisoiidjilcd X'ii'giiiiii cliiiiiis, for •'SIl.L'nO c.-isli, to the Key West Gold Mining Com])iiny. On the folding map iTi pocket on b;i(k cover of this hnolc (liis bittei' ]>ro])er(y is shown as Key ^Yest ground. Development History Directors Capitalization Property 435 The Specimen Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated March, 1S97. Directors Clarence Edsall President D. Chisholm Vice-President John J. Key [Secretary and Treasurer Ward Hunt. Jolin Mattliew. Main Office — No. 19 and 20 ITa-iennan Mock. Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. Capitalization 1,200,000 shares. Par value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, IKOO, 84,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .1?1,200 cash. Property Owus the Specimen, situated on Toill liill. in S. 1-2 section 20, and containin"- 10 acres. Patented. Copyright. 1900. by Fred .'Jiils. Development History Production and Dividend Tliere are several electric and steam hoists owned by the lessees. The coiu])aiiy owns one 30 H. P. engine and boiler. There are also two fair- sized ore houses and shaft houses. Four sliafts have been sunk, ranging in depth from 200 to 450 feet deep. .Vliout l,.jOO feet of cross-cutting and leads have been followed. The property is all leased. The claim was first worked in 1892. Since then work by the comitany and by lessees has been nearly continuous. Some very rich ore has btn-n discovered, but the shafts have not been sunk sufficiently d(^p to encoun- tci- permanent ore bodies. In ^lay, 1900, this ]iroperty was sold to J. A. Sill for ."|j!l5G,000 cash, which will be distributed in dividends. Gross production to January 1, 1900, |125,000 ; ffi.OOO in royalties ]iaid the company during the past year. Higliest ]irice for stock dui-iug 1899, lo cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 7 1-2 cents. 436 Directors The Spicer Mining and Milling Company. Incorporiitod April 30, 1894. (). \V. Sjiicci- I'i(jsi\'. W. ^layhurv Vii-e-Presidcnl 1\. H. AtcIiisKii S(*cicliir\' and 'I'rcasiirci- .1. ('. l^picci-. Tlios. Spicer. Main Ollicc— Colorado Springs, Colorado; hrancii ollicc, N'ictoi', Colo- rado. 300,000 sliarc'S. i'ar value, sl.OO. In treasury .lanuary 1,1900,^2,- Capitalization 000.00 ( ash. Copyritfht 1900 i>y Fr^d H/J/s. Owns the Si)i(er hide miuiiii; ciaini, sui\cy No. S.CiSj, couiaiiiinii 7 Property acres, in tlie N. W. 1-4 section 32, at liie base of Uallle niounlain. I'al oiited. The Siiicei- Sliall No. LI is an incline shall 10(1 feel dceji. and I lie Development Spicer Siiaf't No. •">. where \\cu-k is lieiniidoue al jiresenLisa \crliial shaft 200 I'eel deeji. 'I'liree wcl 1 -delliKMl mineral \eins run ihinui^li lliis enlire pro|iei'l \'. .\ poridiyry dyke and |ilionolile dyke iimiss Ihi'se veins on ihe property. The urealer ]iarl of the de\clo|Miient worlv has liei'u doi n the nortli end. or Spicer Shall Xo. 2. The pi-operly is uiidei- lease and is being \\'orlyht fsoe ^ f>r^Hillm Development The surface improvements consist of building containing boiler, air drills, tools and supplies; blacksmith's shop; office; boarding house. Seven hundred dollars have been expended on the St. Louis lode claim for labor and to secure patent. The principal work has been done in driving the tunnel 425 feet. Course of tunnel is north 77° 38' east 3,000 feet. Size of the tunnel is 7 feet wide by 8 feet high. Drainage tracks and timbering. History The tunnel was located November 16, 1895, for the discovery of mines and Object and development of lodes, leads, and deposits of valuable mineral, and the company organized to work, operate and develop the same; to excavate and run cross-cuts or such other workings as may be necessary for drain- age and transportation purposes, through property owned by the corpora- tion, or other corporations or individuals, for the purpose of draining such property and transporting water, ores, rock and waste from said mines or carrying men and supplies to said mines or mining claims, and when such transportation is done for other corporations or individuals by this com- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4.39.) 438 The Spring Creek Deep Mining and Drainage Tunnel Company continued. pany, to demand and receive compensation therefor. The company has contracts for the purposes above named with the owners of the following properties through which the tunnel will pass: Tlu; Kittie MacLeod, Oasis, Huuky Dory, Clara B., the Nettie G., and the Kamey lode mining claims, at prices ranging from 50 cents to f 1.00 per ton on pay ore, and 25 cents per car on waste, rock, etc. Drainage to be settled according to quantity of flow. These contracts secure to the company a reveniie inde- pendent from their own properties. The stock has not been listed and all sales have been privately nego- tiated at 10 cents per share. The Squaw Mountain Mining Company. Incorporated 1893. J. E. McKinnie President Directors A. May Vice-President L. L. Aitken Secretary and Treasurer A. D. Aitken. E. C. Sharer. Main Office — 25 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury Januarv 1, 1900, Capitalization 250,000 shares. Owns the April I'\)ol lode mining claim, containing about \\ acres, Property situated between sections 20 and oO, iicai' the Nellie '\".. on S(]na\v moun- tain. Patented. The in(.i>ei-|y is iMiiided .iiid leased for .f30,000, expii-in^- ,Iulv IH, Development 1000. T^oyalty of 20per cent. Highest price for sinck dui-ing 1800, 1 ccMit: lowest pT'ice U)V sinck during 1890, fl.OO per tliousand. 439 Directors The St. Paul Gold Mining and Tunnel Company. Incorporated 1S95. J. E. Hankev President J. O. Ilardwitk Vice-President E. E. McMalian Secretary L. E. Sherman Treasurer A. G. Lewis. ilain Office — 52 P. O. Iniildinsi-, Colorado Springs, Colorado. i I srci2. TISi R TOW Copyright 1900 by rrtd Hills. Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value, 7,000 sliares. L.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Property Development Owns tlie ^faggie Trimble, containing 2 acres, in the X. W. 1-4 of section 12, the ilidnight, containing 3 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 12, and the St. Paul tunnel. All ahove ju-opcrty situated on north slope of Mineral hill and is patented. There is a cabin 15x30 feet. About 000 feet of development work has been done, a tunnel of about 400 feet and several small shafts. The larger part of the work has been done on the Maggie Triml)le and the St. Paul tunnel. 440 The Starr King Gold Mining Company. (Formerly the Anaconda Extension Gold Mining Company.) Incorporated .J\Uy. 1892. P. 8. Baily President Directors F. 11. Pettingell Vice-President Peter ilcCourt ii^eoretary and Treasurer Jos. ilonnig. AY. F. De Groot. Main Office — 813 Seventeenth street, nciivcr, Colorado. 1,000,0y lessees. 441 Stratton's Group. 442 Stratton's Group. Consisting of — The Arcadia Consolidated Mining Companj-. Companies The Frankliii-Roby Gold ^Mining Company. The Marinette Gold Mining Company. The Mars Consolidated Gold Mining Company. And two claims formerly owned by the Cripple Creek Consoli- dated Gold Mining Company. The Mars Consolidated: This company, it is reported, has sold its Property controlling interest to Mr. W. S. Stratton. The Franklin-Roby sold its belongings, consisting of the Lillie claim, to Mr. W. S. Stratton. The Marinette Company is also owned by Mr. Stratton. The Arcadia Company is owned and controlled by Mr. Stratton. The Key West Company sold the eastern portion of the Key West claim to Mr. Stratton. The ]\ray Qneen and Geneva lodes, as shown, formerly belonged to the Cripple Creek Consolidated G. M. Com])any and were sold to Mr. Stratton. The Temomj Mining and ^lilling Company control was recently pnr- chased by Mr. Stratton. This comprises the following claims: TiMnomj, Home Fraction, Kaby McKce and the Clayton E., wliidi clainis ;iii' more fully described and shown iiiKhr ilie "Temomj Mining and Milling Com- pany." 443 Stratton's Independence, Limited. Com/right. 1900, bvfredffiUs 444 Stratton's Independence, Limited. Incorporated in England, 1899. W. F. Orriss (Chairman I London Directors The Earl of Clu>sterfi(>l(l London F. W. Baker \Viinl)h^don, Enj;. W. S. Stratton Colurjidu S|niinis, Colorado T. A. Kickard, ('Dnsiilliiii; ICnuiiicci-. . Denver, Colorado ^Liin Office — Xo. 3 Princes street, London, E. C. Local Office — McPliee building, Denver, ('(dorado. 1,100,000 shares. Far value, £1. In licasury January 1, 1900, 100,- Capitalization 000 shares set aside for \\orkinii cai)ital. Owns 14 niininii clainis, consolidated into a compact group covering Property 112 acres, on the south slope of Battle niounlain. All jjalcntcd. The mine is well ciiniiiiicd. 'Die steam ])lant consists of tliree Ilciiic Surface water tube boilers, each of ;JOO-h()rse i)ower. The machinery consists of a imp^^'enients 225diorse po^\■er hoisting engine, caiiahle of woi'king the mine to a dc])!!) of 1,500 feet; one Ingei-soll-Sargent air compressor, equal to three drills, and two Norwalk compressors, equal to twelve drills. Till' pumi)ing i)Iant consists of l\\ii compound Snow i)umps, each of underground a capacity of 1,000 gallons per jninute. These are stationed at the 900- Machinery foot level. The workings consist of two shafts, known as llic No. 1 and the \o, l2. Development respectively. The No. 1 is 920 feet deep ; No. 2 is 025 feet deep. The work- ings have a total aggi-egale length of 3,", 000 feet, or a length s.(IO() tons, lia\ lug a value of, ai)|)i'oNimaf ely, ,1f7,00(t,00().00, yiehling a |ii-olit of $4,50t),Ut)t).00. I'roduction for April, 190(1, .f:{l 0,000.00, IMiis mine was disco\ci-ed liy Mr. W . S. Sirallon on tlie I'ourtli of History ■July, 1S91 , lie liei ng one of (lie lies I pi'ospecl ors w li!) \isiled the cam] I, and, as he slaked oul llie lirsl iwo claitiis on thai day, lie named llieiii llie Independeuce and the Washington. This nnue has been one of llie greatest jiroducers in the district, and the amount of ori' blocked oui is a guarantee llial il will remain so lor iiiaii\ yeai-s to come. Since llie iu coi'poral ion of the new coiiip.-iiiy lniii- ipiarlerly dividends lia\e lieeii de- clared, e(|ual lo .'< ISS, (1(1(1. (Ml for eai li dixideiid, llie lasl lieiiiLi payable on the 14th of June, i9(X». 445 Directors Capitalization Property The Strong Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1S92. Wm. Lennox President N. B. Scott Vice-President E. A. Colburn Secretary E. W. Giddiugs, Jr Treasurer Main OflSce — Giddings building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, large cash surplus. Owns the Strong claim, containing 7 1-2 acres, situated in the S. 1-2 section 29, on Battle mountain. All patented. Copyr/^ht 1900, tiy frfd H/IIS Development Production and Dividend One of the most commodious plants, consisting of a large shaft house, ore houses, blacksmith shop, engine and boiler house. There is a double- compartment shaft, 800 feet deep ; a two-compressor plant, with six ma- chine drills. Underground machinery: Large duplex pump, with a ca- pacity of 500 gallons per minute, at a depth of 1,000 feet. There are about 10,000 feet of drifts and cross-cuts. In dividends considerably over $500,000 have been paid. The mine is now producing 1,000 tons of ore per month. This is a very close corpora- tion and information is hard to obtain. The stock is held entirelv bv the directorate. 446 The Sumpter Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 29, 1S96. ^?. R. Carrinnton, president; Saiinicl Lindsey, vice-president; Clias. Directors E. Snider, secretary; Thos. F. Creijihlon, treasurer; Robert Schwartz. Main Of3fice — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1.500,000 shares. Par value, §1.00. In treasury January 1, 1!)00, Capitalization 138,500 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, .f 150.00 cash. Owns the Sumpter and Stuart claims, comprising nearly 9 acres, in Property the E. 1-2 of section 7, on the north end of Tenderfoot hill, in the vicinity of Deadwoods Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and north of the I-'orlorn Hope and Antelope claims; also the Jfountain l\at claim, comprising 3 1-2 acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 3, townshi]) 15 soulh, range 70 west, on Red moun- tain, northwest of Crip])le Ci'eek. IMounlain Kat is patented. Receiver's receipts are held foi' Iialnnce of property. There are three shnl'ls on the S\iin])ter mid Stuart ects arc nci y ;;ood. Ilifi'lK'st pi'ice for slock diiriiii; ISOll, I 12 cents; lowest jirice for stock 7, in I he N. V.. 1-4 section 12, township 1(1 soiilh, range 70 west on the S. W. slope of Straiih iiioinilain, contiiiniiig 10 acres. .\ll |i;ileiitc(l. 451 Directors Capitalization Property Development The T. Bone Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. Chas. N. :\[iller, President; S. M. Per- ry, Vice - Presideut; W. L. Clark, Secre- tary aud Treasurer. ^[ain Office — Crip- ple Creek, Colorado. 2,000,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury Jauuaj-y 1, 1900, 20.000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, 1565.00 cash. Owns the E. J., con- taining 10 1-3 acres, patented ; the Thel- ma, the Chrystal. the Mayflower, and the T. Bone, containing in all 20 acres, all in process of patenting. These claims are sit- uated in the S. E. 1-4 of section 11, and in the N. E. 1-4 of sec- tion 14, on the south- west slope of Mineral hill. Shaft house 16x20 feet. The Thelnia has a shaft 175 feet deep and 250 feet bottom drifting, with 100 feet of drifting at the first level. The Chrystal has two shafts, one of 80 feet depth and one of GO feet depth, with 70 feet of drifting. On the E. J. are two shafts, one of 125 feet depth with 30 feet of drifting, and one of 75 feet depth with 50 feet of drifting. There are also 5 other shafts, 40, 20, 35, 60, and 20 feet deep, respectively. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Thelma. Highest price for stock during 1899, 1 1-2 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, |5.00 per 1,000. ^ i ■*■ f^ s N ^ f 1 i«*t— 452 >- ui o E <^ £: I; a " z f < J Q o o < z < z S o 453 The Tejon Mining Company. 1^ i'l'iiii'i V <^A }i' a" PrideofDefiyer lA ^l\i* SEC. 2. til" T.I6S.R70W. Mockinq^Bird 454 The Tejon Mining Company. Incorporated under the title of The Grouse Mt. Mining and Milling Company, July 12, 1S92. Changed to present title, December 2, 1897. 'riicopli. llaiTison, president; J. C. I'liinib, vice-president; 1*. ('. Directors Docksiiidci-, seci-etai-y and treasurer; E. Barnett, Tiios. J. i'islicr, .\I. V. Audre. ^[ain Oflice — JIank IJnildinii, ('liloiadu S](rini;s, ('oioiado. 1,0(H),0()() sliares. Par valne, ."ifl.Od. In ti-easury January 1, liM)(), Capitalization 08,000 sliares. Owns tlie Kai-1, Orva May, iSIajigie C, Elk.s, and the Antlers, em- Property braciufj in all between 47 and 4S acres, situated on (irouse mountain in the N. E. 1-4 section 2, to\vnshi]i l(i south, ranj^e 70 west, and in the 8. E. 1-4 of section 85, township 1.") soulh, i-an.iic 70 west, survey Xn the Alta Mout group there is one shaft ]00 feet deep. The com- pany are now prospecting this territory to determine the location of a new shaft. The Deadwood has a shaft 200 feet deep and from 200 to 300 feet of drifting. A deep shaft is now being sunk on the Deadwood No. 3 and already, at a depth of 100 feet, shows a strong phonolite dyke over 10 feet wide. The greater part of the development work is being done on this claim. On March 1, 1900, the market price of this stock was 15 cents. 456 The Tenderfoot Hill Consolidated Mining Company. Cofyr.^fit^ I90O ly rrrd HMl 457 Directors Capitalization The Teutonic Consolidated Gold Mines Company. Incorporated 1S99. M. E. O'Bryau, president; A. G. Young, vice-president; Clias. N. Miller, secretary and treasurer; H. E. Hoyt, Zeno Felder. Main Office — 271 Bennett avenue. Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1.2r)0.onn shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 126,7(;0 sliares. Property Owns the Teutonic, in the S. AV. 1-4 of section 17, containinji- i 1-2 acres, on Bull hill, adjoining the Damon; the Triangle, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 24, on Gold hill, adjoining the El Beno, and containing 4 acres ; the Conflict, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 24, containing 7 acres, on (iold hill, adjoining the El Bcuo; and the El Ca].itaii, in the W. 1-2 of section 1, on Copper mountain, and near the I'luorine, containing 8 acres. The Conflict is not shown on plat. Triangle and El Capitan are pat- ented; Teutonic held by receiver's receipt; Conflict by purchase. Development On the Teutonic is a shaft house with whim. This claim has three shafts, the main one l)eing 110 feet deep, the others 50 feet and 40 feet dee]), resjKM'tively. The Triangle has a shaft about 50 feet deep. El Cajutan is developed by tunnel. The T(>utonic has received the greater portion of the development work. History The present company is an organization of 1800 and tlie directors, in view of their Avell located pro])erties, consider that a shipping mine ought to be opened up on any one of the above claims. Highest price for stock during 1899, 7 3-4 cents; lowest price for stoik during 1899, 5 cents. 458 The Texas Girl Gold Mining Company. incorporated October 10, 1S99. J. M. Auld I'resident Directors L. L. Aitken Vice-President E. C. Sharer t^ecretary and Treasurer J. K. :*rcKinnie. W. \V. Williamson. Main Office — 25 E. Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 share's. I'ar value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, I'JOO, Capitalization $6,500 cash. 5[C 26.'2'5 ^^ Co/If nyht 1900 ty rrtd Mill3 7357567 ( >\\ IIS 1 111- Texas ( iii-1, (') acres ; I lie < idldcii l",;iL;le, (i 111 acres ; I lie M us- Property tang, 4 acres, ami llie lii-niiclm, ('> li! aiics, a Intnl. in all, acres, sit- uated! ii I lie S. W. 1- I (if scclioii ■_'.■), (Ill I'.eaccili liill. I'aleiiled. Ninety t'eel of Innnel wnik lias lieeii (June nii llie 'i'l'xas (!irl. (Mlier Development claims in tlie griiii|i have localioii work only. The iiru|ieiiy is imw heing o|iene(l ii|i I'l-iiiii a jdiiil slial'l llial is iinw heiiiL; Slink liy llie Texas (!irl ami llie IJaniiei- (!n|il ('niiii>anies ami is dnwii I 10 I'eei. Iligliesl price fur slock iliii-iiiu ISO".!, 2 7-S cenis: Inwcsi price fui- stock (Ini-ini; IS'.I'.I, j ."^-S cciils. 459 Directors Capitalization The Theresa Gold Mining Company. Incoriiorated 1895. E. A. ('ollmrii, prcsideut ; 31. B. Irvine, vicc-presiclent ; C 11. Dudley, secretary and treasurer; W. I\. Bai-nes, Frank Cotten. ]Main Office — 14 N. Nevada avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1.250,000 shares. Par value, i^lM. In treasury January 1, 1900, 155,000 shares. Property Development CcYJyriyht 1900 by /"rfd Hil/S Owns the Theresa and ])art of (iold Knol), in the N. W. 1-4 section 28, and S. E. 1-4 section 20, and tlie Pocahontas, in the S. W. 1-4 section 21, all on P>ull hill. Patented. Aliout 15 acres near the Legal Tender mine. One blacksmith shoi) ; luie 100 H. P. boiler ; one compressor ; one 10x12 hoist and double-corn] lartiiient sliaft with cage. The main shaft is 400 feet deep; there is also a shaft 150 feet deep, one 100 feet deep, and one 50 feet deep. The company has been shipping more or less for five years past; closed down January 1, 1000. Part of Ihc pidjicrly has been leased. Highest price for stock during 1809, 9 1-4 cents; lowest jirice for stock during 1800, 7 3-4 cents. 460 The Three H. Gold Mines Company. Incorporated January, 1896. Denuis Murto, president; S. A. Oslioru, vicc-prt'siik'iit ; A. W. \'an(l(> Directors man, secretary and treasnrer; E. L. Shannon, II. L. Kittei-. ^lain Office — No. 007 l^rncsl i^ Crannier huildinii', Denver. Colorado. 2,00(»,()()() shares. Tar value, $1.00. In treasury January 1, 11)00, Capitalization 120,000 shares. Cony^'i^hf COO by ^rer/ M//j ()\\ US (he liessie K. and I lie IJichard .M. lodes, containiiii; l."> arres, sit- Property uated on Mineral liill in I lie N. 10. 1-4 seetion 14; also (he Sundown lode, coiitaiiiiiiL; two acres, sitiialed on Haven liill, in the \. ^^'. 1-1 seilioii :>(). .Ml palenled. ( )n I he SiMMJiiw n I liere is a slial'l l!(in lee I deep, and drill ini; lias been Di-vDlopmcnt coninienced. ()n this claim, which is leased lo the Sundown I >e\ clopnienl ronipany, the ni-ealei' \\\w\ of the development work is heiiiii done. The Hessie K. and Hie Kichaid M. lodes, lieinii' within (he coiporate limits of t'i'ipple Creek, (he snrlace of sjime has lieen plaKed into town lots, from which the company e\|iecis lo realize .fKt.OOO oi- nn>i'e. all ndneral riijhts lieiiiii reserved when lots are sold. lliuhesi price foi- slock durin;; Jsltli, 2 IS cenis; lowest jtrice for slock diii-inu IS'.I'.I. I .IS cents. 461 The Titan Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Directors Capitalization Property Incorporated July 15, 1896. H. V. Wandell, president ; C. E. Minier, vice-president; James Eareugey, secretary aud treasurer. Main Ottioe — No. 64 . Ilager- man Building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1.500,001) sliares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1000, 400,000 shares. Owns the Amethyst, Mamie, Sunnyside, Great Western, Great Western Xo. 2, Bolivar, and the Eclipse, in all 4().S0T acres, in llic W. 1-2 section 7, township 1(> smith, range 09 west, in Pot gulch. Keceiver"s receipt held for all the above property. Sufficient development work to obtain a ])atent has been done. Copyr,^fJ900 i^ frtd Hills. 462 The Tornado Gold Mining Company. Incorporated April 1, 1S95. J. W. Griiliiuii, T'rt'sidcut ; SlicrwDod Aldricli, Vi<('-President ; E. P. Shove, Scoictary and Treasurer; C. J. Cooper. ^lain Oftice — No. !) S. Tejoii street, Colorado Sprinjis, Colorado. l,2r>0,()0(» shares. Par value, |1.0(l. In treasury Januai-y 1, IDOO. 100,000 shares; in treasury January 1, T.)00, S;JO,000.00 cash. Directors Capitalization +«• CopyrigH.mO.tyFredHVJU. Owns ]iai-ls of llie Toinado. Sui(h', Pet. Gi-c^ory, Jack (!., Little Nel- lie, and the AX'ellington claiins, ail situated in sections :?0 and 1!>, nn Kaven liill. The total aoi'eajie is about 14 acres. .\11 patented. In A])iil, 1!)00, the consoli(lati(ni (it this (■uin])any and the Haven witli the ICIkton was agreed u])on. as will he seen hy velerrin.^ to the lOlkton Cons. M. ^^ .M. Co., on another iiayc. 'i'liere is a lari:e shall iioiise with eniiines and hoistiiii; ]ihuil. i;ood for 1 .."(OO feel, a Xorwalk ai [••coni]ii'essoi- for six di-ills, ore hins, an_\' the company to a de]ith of o\cr 500 feet. It showed scattered oi'e bodies of jjood ijrade, ami but a small ex- tent below that depth, ore bodies of liberal size and very hiuh irrade were <'ncoiintei-e(l. Slii|iments, a\erauinii over •'i?irii) jier Ion, beiian Se|iieMd)ei-. fS'Jl*. Gross i)ro(liiilion lo .l;iiin:ny I, 1000, .^To.OOO.OO ; net \aliie of oii' mined diirini; IMtO, SOIIJMin.ltll ; imi protits on oi-e mined dinini,' IS'.I!!, .s;{|»^- 01)0.00. lliuhesi price foi- slock dnriiiL; ISO!), ."d cents; lowcsi jpiice for slock duriuii' ISOO. HI) cents. 463 Property Development History Production ;in(i Dividend Directors The Touraine Gold Mining Company. Incorporated 1899. Irving W. Bonbright President G. D. B. Boubright Vice-President F. M. Woods Secretary H. E. Woods Treasurer ^^'arreu Woods. Main Office — Care Wm. P. Boubright & Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado. AlcIA J 15 S R Copyf-,^ht_J90O, by Fred //.IIS Capitalization History 1,250,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Up to March of this present year this company owned the group of property shown herewith, in section 18, but at that time sold all its hold- ings to C. W. Kurie, trustee, and is distributing the net proceeds in divi- dends among the stockholders. 464 The Trachyte Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated August 10, 1893. Warren Woods President Directors F. E. Brooks Vice-President F. 51. Woods SecrotaiY iind (ieneral Manager II. E. Woods Treasurer W. C. Frost Assistant Secretary Main Office — fJiddinus i)iiildiii.<2:, Toloi'ado Sprint;s, Colorado. 1,500,000 sliai-es. Par value, ¥1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization $852.89 cash. N.E.Sec.20 Copyr'^hf/900 by f't^HiJ/S. Owns the 'I'racliylc, on Hull hill, in Ihc N. Iv 1-4 of scclinii 20. con- Property taining 5 acres, ]ialciiic(l. 'I'lic <(iiiipaii\ alsn owns (I(t per ccnl. of (he stock of the Compromise U. M. Company, wliicli latter coni]>any was foi-mcd on flic liasis of tlic settlement of conflict inii' claims hi-lwcm tlie Ti-acliyfc and llie >«'c\\ /caland (iold .Mininj; Comjianics. The Trachyte property is beinii worked eni irely hy lessees and is sni-- Development rounded by Jiiinins comitanies wliicli aie iiroilnrini; ore. Ci'eat expecfa- tions are held llial it will soon iiccome a produi'cr. niro\\ n, J. C. Connor. ^laiu Office — W ni. A. Otis tV: Company, (Jiddings block, Coloiadit Springs, Colorado. l,r)00,00(» sliares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury .Tauuarv 1, I'.lUd, capitalization 200,000 shares. Copynyht,l900 iy /ftd Hif/t ( )\\ IIS llic Twill Sislci- Nos. 1 ami ll, ami llir Sciiliiii'l, (■(nilaiiiiiit!; S property acres in all, silnalcd on iinll hill, in the S. W. 1-1 of scclioii 1.M), Survey No. 7,'J17. This includes the loliowinii' iirojieily, aciinired hy ih'cd from the respective coiniiaiiies: .S83 acre of llie I\eii(U(ky r.cllc. .I'OT acre of the RlierilT. ..">'.•;! aci-e of llie ^Mai'ia A., and llic \riii ritilils from llie Seihel and llic Ulne Flag. I'rojierty is all patenled. There are two shafts on the Twin Sisters, one of (!0 feet. ai\d one of Development 65 f(H't ; also !.")() feel of di-ifl iiig. \\ jireseni, drill iiii; is Icing done on a vein from 2 to ."? feet wide, reeenlly sirnck. .\ssays a\'erage from 2 to (> ounces. The mine gives indications of .soon being a i-egnlar shi]ii>cr. Gross l>l-odil(l inn In M;iy 1. lltOO, IS Inns, of;! \;ili f .'<2,2.'.n.0(l. Highest lU'ice for slork lo .May 1, IlKMI, '.• ceiils; lowest piiir for stock lo :\Iav 1, 1!Ht(l, C, cents. Production 467 The Tycoon Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January, 1896. Directors Capitalization Property Development E. P. Shove, president ; Sherwood Al drieh, vice-president and treasurer; C. A Ralston, secretary; H. B. Ives; A. C. Fos ter. street. opyf^yM, /900 dy /?^d Hihi , Main OfTfice— No. S. Te. Colorado Sjirings, Colorado 1,500,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 500,000 shares. Owns the Gussie E., containing 10.- i \« i ^^ 330 acres betweeu sections 31 and 32, township 14 south, range 09 west; the Ocean Wave, containing 9.7(U acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 31, town- ship 14 south, range (19 west; the Jack of Diamonds, containing 10.331 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 31, township 14 south, range 09 west, and the Puzzler, containing 5.105 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 31, town- shi]> 14 south, range .00 cash. Owns the Lilth' Leola and (he Alta, containini^ ir).7r>0 acres, sit- P'operty iiated on Bull hill, in the X. W. 1-4 of section 21, (ownship 15 south, raTii^e Ciil west, also the Priscilla, con(ai])inii' S.500 acres iu the N. \V. 1-4 of section 5, (ownship 15 south, range 0!) west, on T.incoln hill. All ])aten(e(l. One 12-llorsc power ■■•as- Development oline hoist, enjiinc house and blacksmith shoj», gal- lows frame and all iieces- sai-\' tools for worhing the projierty. hrifdng was lirst done from the .\lta shaft to a distance of 40 feet. On a cross-cut a run was strucic and SO feet more of drifting was done. The shaf( on (his ( laiiii is down It!.") i'fri and aclive work is now being done to slide i( to a de]i(h of 200 fee(. Tlie Lillle Lco(a shaf( is 1(10 fee( dec|. and is being suidc deeix'r. On tin's claim (here is about 2."'(0 fee( of cross-cutting. Tliesc; two (laiins are re- cei\ing (he greater jiail of (lie de\elii|)iiieiil WiU'k. ^^'!leu (he sinking of (he- slialls of hiiih claims is comjtieted (lie coiiipaiiy is confident (he mine will pi'oduce good shipping ore. Iliglie.s( |iiice I'di- sidck during ISltO. 7 12 rr\\\^: l( iw es( pi'ice Ciir slock dnr iim isii'.i, ;! cenls. 469 Directors The Union Belle Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 2, 1S'j6. Fi-auk G. Feck Presideut Wm. A. Otis Vice-Presideut aud Treasurer F. E. Brooks Secretary James F. Biirus. Capitalization Property 'Slain Office — Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, |1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 27,854 shares. Owns the National Belle, the Union Spy and the Lucky Corner, 9 acres in all, situated between sections 19 and 24, on Gold hill. All the above property is patented. No stock has been placed on the market. 470 The Union Gold Mining Company. Incorporated June 16, 1892. J. A. Sill, ])n'si(l(Mil ; A. S. Ilolhrook, vicc-prosident; C. II. ;M()rs(>, Directors secretary and trciisurei'; doliii Deni, E. K. Stark, C. 11. White, J. F. Burus, R. ('1(hi;l:]i. Main Office — Coldiado Springs, Colorado. l,25(),()()(l sliaics. I'ar value, .Ifl.OU. In treasury Jaiuiary 1, lUOO, Capitalization 112,000.00 casli. No stock in treasury. Copyright. l900,byFni.HUls. Owns Orplia .May NOs. 1 mikI 2. 1 (elinonicd. Tike's Teak. Solid Mul- ProP^ty doon, I'orgotten, and Adoi)ted, ((inlaining 34 1-2 acres in all. luniiril in section 20, south slojic of P>nll iiill. .Ml i)aten(ed exceid Solid .Muldnon, l''oi'i;(>l ten, and .Xdojiicd. In Ajiril, I'.IOO, the control of this company was sold lo.Folin l»<'iii of .Mrniii-, riiili, lor 1350,000. The main woikin^s of (»rpli;i .May ai-c ('(luippcd willi a T.". II. 1'. hoist, also with aii- drills, and liiihicd hy electricity. t)n the east end of the l'ik(('s I'eak there is a 25 11. I*. ])lanl, and on tln^ west end of this proit erty there is another jilant of th(- same ca]iacily. The workings on i he cast end of the (»i-plia .May No. 2 an- cipiiiipcd with a IM) 11. 1'. electric lioisl. ()r|iha .May No. 2 lias'onc shaft IMIO feet : l'iki'"s I'eak shaft, 100 feel ; I'or- cnpiiie shall, :'.(MI licl ; Seiiliorn sli;ill, 125 feel; I >el iiionico. 15(1 U-i-\ . Tliei-e are several oilier shafts on the ]ii'o|)erly, I'auiiinLi from 50 lo 150 feel, also several Ihousand feet of di-ifliuii and cross-cut I iim. Development Production lo January 1, IHOO. .«1 .000.000.00 ; dividends io .Tannnry 1, 1!I00, .'i{;s2,7l 1.00; lasl dividend paid .lnMe25. I S'.m;. .cr day. Development Several \cins li;i\c Uccn disclosed: ;ill arc hcinii worked. Gross |iiodnci iiiii l, (MHI. 11(1 ; lasl .li\idenccendier 1, l.s'.tS. was for .^100,000.00. 473 Directors Capitalization The Victor Mines and Land Company. Incorporated. Warren Woods President H. E. Woods Vice-President F. M. Woods Secretary and Treasurer C. L. Arzeno. J. M. Allen. Main Office — Victor, Colorado. 000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 15,000.00 cash. ". T 15 5 R 69 W ^--~^/IM(PO/l/ TOWNSITt dfyi-i^ 1900 ty FredHiUa. Property Owns a l-i interest in the Xew Port, and a 'i-\ interest in the Monona ; also owns the Long John, and a 2-5 interest in the Eva L. All situated in tlie S. 1-2 section 17. Development The Menoiia has u luunel 400 feet hmg. On tlie Long John is a shaft 50 feet deep and an incline of 40 feet from the bottom. There has been small production of ore by the lessees. Highest price for stock during 1899, 20 cents ; lowest price for stock during 1899, 12 1-2 cents. 474 The Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated December, 1896. F. L. Sigel, president; G. S. Wood, vice-president; F. J. (^iniphell, secretary and peneral nianajier; A. J. Zanu', treasurer; P. J. I'ricdciicli. Main Ottice — 1424 Sixteenth street, Denver, Coloradn. 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl. 00. In treasury Jan uarv 1, I'.IOO, 435,000 shares; in treasury .lanuaiy 1. 1!K)0, ,fSG,957.42 cash. Directors Capitalization Owns the west (;<.t2 feet of the Vindicator and the C. O. D. No. 2; the west fraction of the Ciold Knoh: llie \\'allace. Ti-ntter, Onionde; the west 450 feet of the Christmas; and ;ill llial pari of ilie Piidverton, T'i-()])olite and .\niia -T. north of the iioiili end line nf liie Harrison claim, in sections 20 and 2S, on Hull liill ; all pateiiled except tiie .Vnna .1., Pinkerton and Proi)oiite, for which i-eceiver"s receipt is lield. Total acreage is about 28 acres. Ti-act "("'" is in conti-ovci-sy with tlie Kevslone Minini;' and .Millint;' ('om]»an_\-. The imprO'N'eilienIs cmisisl of shall \n. 1, SlM) feel deep, ;iiid shaft No. 2, 407 feet deep, iiesides several olhers w oi-ked li.v lessees. The |irop- erty is e(|nipped witli comidele ]ilants coslinu .s75,0(IO. One I;{x2r) and 7x24 com])ound condeiisinji .Ian('s\ille station pninp, {geared sinkiuii hoist (■(xH, and siidl-liorse powci- P.alicock and Wilcox boiler has lieen added, and an oidei' has been placed foi- a 20xlS Corliss hoistinjj euftine. The com]iany has als and the W'luit Property Is It, all in one uToup, on Ciold hill, in N. 1-2 of section 24, a total of 1") acres. Recei\('r"s rcceipl issued for Volcano and the AN'hal Is 11 claims. Mound Ixock and lied .hnkct in process of patentinj;'. Full ]ihinl of iiiacliiiicry, sfeani lioist, good huildin2,s, air drills. Development Machinery cost al)oul -ss.dOO.OO. Fiuleriii-ound work operated by air ■drills. The Volcano has a shaft 200 feet dee]). The o-roater i)art of the developmeid work is heinji' done on this claim. Tlie main shaft shows good values al Ihe lirsl h'\cl ;il n depth of 100 f(>e(. 'i'lie \-ciu uniforudy assays from !*;.")0 to ^~~t, and varies in width from S inches to ;{ feet. Tlic same vein ojieued up in the second level, shows slightly hetlcr \alucs. Tlie \('in is hciiiu drilled upon and improves in value as 00.00 rasli. C(>pyr,yht/900 by fnd Hilts. ^ \§ Owns the May Flower, Survey No. 10;TSS, conlaining 9 1-2 arres, sit- property uated ill the X. W. 11 of section 17; Uic Pride of (Jras.sy, coiilaiiiiii<;- "> acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 17, liotli on llic ikh-IIi sIhiic of Ironclad hill; the Black Crow, conlainin.i;' 5 1-2 acres, in the N. E. 1-t nf scrlion S, Survey No. 1 1 ..".''.O, on (ialeiia hill. ^la.v Flower and Pi-idc of (liassy are patented. 'I'lie Jilaclc ('row is in process of patentini;. The May Flowci- has two siiafts, one of 75 feet depth and one of 50 Development feel depth, with alimii 100 feet of di-iftinii. There are thi-ee shafls on the I'ride of (Ji'assy, one of 10 feet (h'|illi, oi f 50 feet and one of 100 feet, with 95 feet of cross-cuttiiifi'. The Black Cmw has loin- shafts of '_•(», (10, 75 and K'.O feet, i-cspcct i\cl\ , with 75 IVii Ks'i rross-cnt I ini;'. Two iilocks of the Ma\- i'Muwcr and t wn hinrks nf i he I'ridc of ( irassy arc Irascd for IS months, at a 2.5 jiei' cent, royalty. 1'his stock is nol listed. 479 Directors Capitalization Property Development The Waverly Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated January 31, 1896. S. M. Witz President Max Straus Vice-President Newark L. Burton Secretary Isaac Schiff Treasurer F. J. Bailey. Main Office — 252 Equitable building^ Denver, Colorado. 1,500.000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, about 200,000 shares. SEC. 32. T.I45.R.69*. Owns the Peg Leg, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 25, containing 2 1-5 acres, on Gold hill, and the Snow Flake No. 3, in the S. W. 1-4 of section 32, township 14 south, range 69 west, containing fi acres, on Lincoln hill. All patented. Also holds school lease on Rhyolite mountain. Shaft houses and whims on the Peg Leg. There is an 80-foot shaft on Peg Leg and a shaft about 50 feet deep on the Snow Flake No. 3. Up to date about .f2,000 worth of development work has been done in all. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Peg Leg^ which is leased. Highest price for stock during 1899, 3 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 5-8 cents. 480 The Wells Gold Mining Company. Incorporated February 12, 1896. James A. Orr, president; B. A. ITuglies, vice-president; C. L. McKes- Directors son, seiretary and treasurer; F. J. Webber, S. P. Newman. Main Office — 21 and 22 Giddinjis bloclv, Colorado Springs, Colorado. l.noo.oon shares. Par value. .?l.nO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization 224,000 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, f20.00 casli. feet Development deep. The Johannasberg has a shaft 00 feet deep and a 340-fool lunn(>l. The Kimberly of Diamonds has a 40-foot shaft. Considerable dexclop ment has also been dom; on tlu' Pitlcin county pro|)erty. The greater part of the development work is being done on the Joliannasberg, the Ida May and the IJuby No. 4. Cross production to -lanuary 1, 1900, |140(; from llie Kul)y No. 4. Production Nel pi-otit on ore for 1899, flfiO, 3 1-2 tons. The Wells (iold Mining Comjiany passed undei- a new manageiiuMit History in Se|)tember, 1899, since which date all the properties now owned by the company liave been acquired. Highest ])rice foi- stock during 1899, 3 cents; lowest ]irice for stock during 1899, 1 cent. 16 481 The Western Gold Mining Company. f lii R row Copijnght igoo, dy Frvd Hitia Incorporated March, 1S96. Directors W. II. Leffingwell, pres- ident; J. A. Whiting-, vice- president; H. D. Tliomp- sou, secretary; James A. Howze, treasnrer. Main Office — Mining Exchange, ("ripple Creelc, L'ulurado. Capitalization 1,250,000 shares. Par value, 11.00. In treasury March 1, 1900, 350,- 0(10 shares; in treasury March 1, 1000, -f 1.700.00 cash. Property Owns the Neptune, the Gibraltar, the Wedge, containing, in all, 4.50 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 30 ; the Robert E. Lee, containing 10.331 acres, on Squaw mountain, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 31 ; the Pearl, Claude J., Robbie J., Luella and the Blacksmith, containing 21.50 acres, in the center of section 5, township 15 south, range 69 west; the Sun Rise, La Salle, Jumbo, Green, Beauty, Claude S., Mabel S., Carlo and the Lucky Jack, containing 60 acres, in the N. W. 1-4 of section 9 ; the Pino Blanco ard the Lucky Boy, containing S acres, in the X. W. 1-4 of section 1. All patented except the Lucky Boy and Pino Blanco. Development The Keptuue has a 140-foot shaft, the (Jibraltar a 145-f()ot shaft, the Wedge a 135-foot shaft, the Lee a shaft GO feet deep and an equal amount of drifting. On the other claims sufficient work to obtain a patent has been done. The greater ])ai't of the development work is being done on the Neptune, (Jibraltar, A\'edge and the Lee. These claims are leased. History In October of 1809 the com]iany was revived and reorganized. At the present time it does not owe any debts and is prepared to push devel- opment work vigorously. This company is conservatively and carefully managed and the directors feel confident that these claims will show great results in the future. Highest price for stock during 1S99, 5 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 4 cents. 482 The Western Union Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. S. 11. Iijiiiliil. iH-csidciil ; I'. Ciljiiii. vice-president; Win. A. Otis iS; Directors Compauy, st-ci-ctiiry and trcasiirci-; ('. E. Titus, assistant secretin y : 1.. ('. TIall, V. II. I'raiikciilK'ru-. Main ot'licc — A\'m. A. Otis & Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2,000,000 sliares. Par \ahie, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, Capitalization ()()r),000 sliares. Copyriohf f900 £y frta liiitS- Owns llic I'olcston. I'.TfiS acres; the Hamilton, 4.104 acres; tlie Property Helena, l.i:!;> aci-es, and llie Feroo, 5.331 acres, on llic norlli slupc nl Carbonate hill, in llic .N. lO. 1-4 of section 12; the Lillle Killm. :^.\\{\ acres; the Ocean Kiuii, 7.340 acres; Die Tole Star, 8.GT2 acres; the ( 'harles Nealy, 2.024 acres, on 'rcndcrlnni hill in llie center of section 7. and ihr K. !'., 10.21 1 ari-es, on the snnlli slnpc nf ('n|iiicr iiionnlain, in ilir S. V,. 1-4 of seel ion 1 , low nslii|i l."> soni li, ianu(' 70 west. Tail nl' I his iiro|ici-1 y is ])aleiilcd, ihc lialancc held liy receiver's recei]its. All work necessary lo ..I.Iain a |.alenl has lieen done. Development 483 Directors Capitalization Property Development The West Virginia Gold Mining and Mil Company. Incorporated November, 1892. T. W. Fleming President C. B. Fleming Secretary A. H. Fleming. John Sweeney. J. M. Harden. Main Office — Fairmont, West Virginia. ling 1,000,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. nry January 1, 1900, 50,000 shares. In tvoas- S.W.Sec.21 "-^ X ^ -^ — \- ^ § nde\ S«^ '\ .§ %r \ ^ tQ ^- ^ 1 1 ^ Poc Cooytaht /900 by ^rea H,lls Owns tlie Omonde, 3-1 of an acre, and 1 1-2 acres mineral rights, patented, in the S. W. 1-1 of section 21, on Bull liill, near the Hull City. Also the Little Lulu and Gnadaloup, near Marigold City, 1G.2S acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 9, townslnp IG south, range 70 west. Patented. Not shown on plat. There is a shaft house on each of these claims. The Omonde claim has a shaft 200 feet deep; the Gnadaloup a shaft 100 feet deep and the Little Lulu a shaft 50 feet deep. The ()monde is a fractional claim with end lines 1,500 feet apart, adjoining the Vindicator. The Guadaloup and Little Lulu lay together; $5,000.00 has been expended on develop- ment work, with a good vein assaying •'?20.00 to .|1 40.00 to the ton. The Wheel of Fortune Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated October 6, 1896. Directors Wm. Clark President Win. Helm Vice-President E. S. Cohen Secretary and Treasurer R. Hillhouse. C.*A. McLain. John Pedersen. Chas. E. Liebold. Main Office — 3 N. Tejon street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. Property Owns the Wheel of Fortune, 5.93 acres; the Green Top and Ed. Woleott, 12.778 acres, all in N. 1-2 of section 5; the Voumoltree, 8.703 acres, on Rhyolite mountain, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 6 ; the B. & M. and the Missouri Boy, 14.38t! acres, in the S. E. 1-4 of section 6; the Bob and Big 400, 10.884 acres, in the S. 1-2 of section 35, township 15 south, range 70 west, and the X. 1-2 of section 2, township 10 south, range 70 west; the Gold Charm, 2.867 acres, on Tenderfoot hill, in the S. W. 1-4 of sec- tion 8; tlie Falcon, 4.835 acres, and the Yankee, 8.71 acres, on Rhyolite mountain, in S. 1-2 of section G. United States patents and receiver's receipts on all the above except the Bob and the Big 400, wliicli are in process of patenting. Highest price for stock during 1899, 2 1-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, |2.50 per thousand. 484 The Wheel of Fortune Consolidated Gold Mining Company. 485 Directors The Wide Awake Gold Mining Company. Incorporated November. 1S99. Walter F. Crosby President M. I. Appel Vice-President Louis I\. Ehricli Secretary and Treasurer J. AV. Wrigiit. G. Warrh. .Mfiin Oflice — (U liaiivrnian hiiilding, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Capitalization Property l,r)00,000 shares. Par value, .fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 300,000 siiares. Owns the Wide Awake, 5 acres, in the K. E. 1-4 of section 30, on Karen hill; the IMountain Poy, 7.(i acres, in the E. 1-2 of section 31, on the south slope of Squaw mountain, and the Irish ]\Iolly (held under bond and lease), 7 acres, in the N. E. 1-4 of section 24, on Gold hill. All patented. This ])roperty will be vigorously developed by lessees. Gross production to January 1, 1900, about 1^30,000.00. 486 The Wilson Creek Consolidated Gold Mining Company. Incorporated. W. r. Duilliaill PresiHi(r--SL'7 ]Oi|nital)k' building, Denver, Colorado. 1,o.jU,UUU .sliare.s. i'ar value, $1.00. Capitalization Copyright mo. by Fred Hills Owns tlie Miiiiiic I'.cli, I, it lie lOmc, Little Dessie, Little Ciant. and P'operty (lie Lilllc Oi-iiliaii liny, situated in IIk'S. E. 1-4 of section 20 ; al.so north one-liaif conllirl wiili (leltysliiir^ and of ilie Aland Helena No. '1, eontain- inii', in all, alioni scmmi acres. As is known. Iliis company lias lieen in litiL^alion since .Inly, ISItO. 's ory with Hie independence 'I'ow n and .Mining Company. Tlie llieory ujion which tile \arious suits were instiliited was that tlie lode claims wci-e \alid sniisist inii' lode locations at the date of the apjiiication for the jilacer jialenl ami as sndi did iioi pass to Hie patentees under Hie placer palenl. LIHualioii was sHIl iieiidiini in .lime, 1!)()0. Ilifihesl |n-ii-e Cor slock diirinu ISII'.I, L' I ceiils; lowesi price for stock diirini;' iSiMI, I T cents. 487 The Wire Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated. Directors F. B. Davis, president; Chas. H. Peters, secretary; F. A. Bailey, treasurer ; H. S. Shaw, O. L. Linch. Main Office — No. 307 Mining Excliange building, Denver, Colorado. Capitalization 1,500,000 shares. Par value, fl.OO. In treasury January 1, 1900, 525,000 shares. Property Copyright. 1900 ty Fred Hi Owns the Hallie E., situated on Oalena hill, in the S. E. 1-4 section 8, containing 4.32 acres ; the Toledo Blade, containing 7.935 acres, survey No. 10,291, in the S. 1-2 section 2, township 15 south, range 70 west, on Copper mountain ; the Bell Key, containing 3.801 acres, survey No. 11.241, in the S. W. 1-4 section 7, township 15 south, range 69 west, on Tender- foot hill. The Toledo Blade and the Bell Key are patented. Receiver's receipt held for the ITallie E. Tlie company also owns the Wire Gold, the Yankee Hill, the Mamie L., the Badge and the Plainview, all patented, in Gilpin county. The company also expects to purchase in the near future about 17 acres situated on Copper mountain. Active development work is in progress. Highest price for stock during 1899, 13-4 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 1 cent. 488 The Woman's Gold Mining Company. Incorporated May, 1S93. Jacob Bishoff President Heury ^McAllister, Jr Secretary and Treasurer W. J. Ncsbit. A. Huyser. J. H. Avery. Main Office — 33 Giddings building, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Directors 'qcy g*>f 1000 t-y ^r^il H'ttS 800,000 sliares. Par vulue, .'^l.OO. Capitalization Owns the She lode, 7.5 acres, in tlic N. \\'. 1-1 section ol, on S(|Uii\v Property mountain, and the World's Desire (or 'I'oiii .Moore), 1.47 acres, in tlie S. E. 1-4 section 29, on Batllc mountain. All pntiMited. About 1500.00 worth of work has been done on each ol the claims. Development Highest jji'ice for stock during 1S!>n, 2 cents; lowcsl \n-\vv foi- slock during lS!t!), uiidei' 1 cent. 489 The Worcester Gold Mining Company. Incorporated January 6, 1S96. Directors 1 >• W. Walsli President and Treasurer S.vhiau Levy. . . .Vice-President and General Manager Tlios. A. Hart Secretary W. W. Smith. AVm. II. Clallaglier. Main Office — 1325 Lincoln aveune, P. O. box SGI, Colorado Springs, Colorado. i^j:^^^^^^^^^^^j%r^^^^^^^^'^^ Anna N° Z TIS 5 n69W Sec. 15. Anna N'?3. Copyr.^hf 1900 by rred Mills Capitalization l,.~iOO,000 sliares. Pai' value. !*1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 312,000 sliares. Property Owns the Anna Xos. 1, 1, 5 and part of 2, containing 25 acres in all, in the N. W. 1-1 section 15, on Calf mountain. Patented. Also the Mingo claim, 10 acres, in process, in the N. W. 1-1 section 15. Development A tunnel on property extending 180 feet and shaft 05 feet, with a 35-f(>(it drift, and several other shafts from 20 to 10 feet deep. No lessees working at ]>resent, but the company is negotiating for two sets to com- mence work soon. The stock being ]n'in<-i]ial1y lu^ld by the directors, there have been no quotations. 490 The Work Mining and Milling Company. Incorporated 1892. Irviiit; ^\■. lt. Lmil. secretary; George Uex IJiu-kman. Main Office — (!8 I'oslollicc building, Colorado Springs. Colmndo. l.r.OO.dOO sliarcs. Par value, .|l.(l(). In treasury .laniiary I, IIKIO. Capitalization about $10,()UU.0(I cash. Copyright. 1900, by Fred Hills. Owns Ihc Mui iiiiig (llory, 1().:?;51 acres; ^Morning Glory No. 2, 2 acres; Property Morning Glory No. 4, !t acres; roorinan, 5.5") acres, and Ida 1?., 2 acres — all in Ihc S. W. 1-4 section 1!», on Haven hill, and the I.itlle Clara. 9.4 aci'cs, in Ihc X. IC. 1-4 section 1!», Gold hill. -Ml patented. Several shaft houses on ])ro|ici-ty, hut no niachinciy. Tlic runnnaii. Development Ida B., Jlorning (iloiy, and .Moi-ning < ilory Xns. L' and I arc being worked under a (wo-ycai-s lease by the .Moi'uing ut 100 feet, and wJien down 150 development feet a station will be inad(! and cross-cutting coininenced to tap a basalt dyke which traverses the property in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction. On the S. end of \'oil^ln\\ n ilicrc arc some leases to ])arties who are now dow n so feel, on a conlact bet ween seliist ami bl-eeeia. Highest price foi- stock (luring IS'.t'.t. 7 rents; lowest piiee lor slock during 1899, 5 cents. 493 The Zenobia Gold Mining Company. Incorporated July 31, 1893. Directors Edgar II. Breniiau Pi'esideut D. H. Rice Vice-Presideut Walter II. Baldwin Ser-retary and Tveasiiier Maiu Office — 119 Pike's Peak aveuue, Colorado lSpi-iu<>s, Colorado. Capitalization 1,000,000 .shares. Par value, §1.00. In treasury January 1, 1900, 10(!,525 shares; in treasury January 1, 1900, $1,583.41 cash. Property Development Production and Dividend Copyright 1900, by rrtdMtirs Owns the Zenobia, containing ."> 1-2 acres, in the X. E. 1-1 of section 20, on Bull hill. Patented. The company also owns the Christopher Columbus No. 5, in section 31, township 14 south, range 09 west. This latter property, being outside the limits of the district shown on map, is not placed thereon. There is a shaft house, ore house and steam hoist on the Zenobia claim. There are two shafts, one being 500 and the other 000 feet deep. Production to January 1, 1900, .1140,803.00. Dividends to January 1, 1900, iJlO.SOO.OO, which were paid in 1893. On 3Iay 10. 1900, the con- trol of this stock, comprising 670,000 shares, was sold for $143,000 cash. Highest price for stock during 1899, 23 cents; lowest price for stock during 1899, 10 1-4 cents. 494 The Zeus Gold Mining and Milling Company. Incoi-poruled Fcliniary G, 1S96. Jolm -MilliT President Fred Seegcr ( dcLx-ased I Vic(^Pl•('sid^'m Wm. F. Dieter Secretary J. 0. Heinz Treasurer John Rollandet. ^Vu\. Ilaelvler. Main Office — P. O. box No. 123, Denver, Colorado. 1,000,000 sliares. Pai- value, fl.OO. Directors Capitalization Si. \ Ccpynyht /SOO. i/ f>cd «'"* . Owns tlie Hog Baek claiin and tlie J.onis IJ. claim, both in one body. Property patent No. 9,000, containin.n 12.905 acres, in section 31, township 1.") xdulh. range G9 wi'st, on the east slope of Grouse mountain. P>otl\ pat- ented*. Tlie machinery owned i, willi 30 feel of d'oss-ciils and di'll'ts and a working sJiafl l.'d feet deep, with 175 feel of cross-cuts and drifts. The I.ouis W. has a shaft of 50 feet depth and ."O fei-t of cross-cutting and drifting. Thus far no ore has been shipped. Work was being prosnuled in the main working shaft when the History proceeds of the sale of treasury stock was exhausted, making it impos- sible for this company to carry on the development work. Hence, although there seemed promise of pay ore not far dist^uil, work ceased. Highest price for s(ocl< during 1S99, 5 cents; lowest i>i'ice for slock •