University Southern Library AT LOS a::gz:: • • •• • ITALIAN POCKET DICTIONARY: IN TWO PARTS: I. ITALIAN AND ENGLISH :— II. ENGLISH AND ITALIAN. PRECEDED BV AN ITALIAN GRAMMAR. BY C. GRAGLTA. FROM THE FOURTEENTH LONDON EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. % BOSTON : BILLIARD, GRAY AND COMPANY. 1839. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit: District Clerk^s Office. Be it remembered, That on the twenty-ninth day of December, A. D. 1828, in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkin?, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof tliey claim as proprietors, in the words following, to tcit « " Italian Pocket Dictionary : in two parts : I. Italian and English : — II. English - and Italian ; preceded by an Italian Grammar. By C. Graglia. First American, from the Fourteenth London Edition, with Corrections and Additions." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein nion tioned ;" and also to an act, entitled, " An Act supplementary to an act, entitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching, historical and other prints." JNO. W DAVIS, Clerk of the District of JUassachusetts Stereotyped at tnt Boston Type and Stereotijpe Foundry PREFACE The general approbation with which this valuable little Dictionary has been received ; the rapidity with wliich/owr- teen editions have been exhausted in England ; and its uni- versal adoption by instructers in this country, are a sufficient recommendation of the work. Many errors of accentuation, orthography, &c. had, however, found their way into the text, which has been carefully revised, and compared with those of Alberti, Barberi, &c. In a Pocket Dictionary of so copious a language as the Italian, a complete vocabulary is not to be expected. In or- der to make the additions to this part of the work more use^ fui, the texts of the classics most commonly read by beginners \^ sre examined, and such words and idioms inserted from them, as were not contained in the former editions.* The - Thpoft ?idditions amount to about three thousand articles. 4C733I) 4 PREFACE. works used for this jiurpose were the Scelta from Goldoni, J^otti Romane, Gerusalemme Liberata, the Tì'agedie of Monti, Prose Ballane, and Poesie Italiane, compiled for the use of Harvard University, &c. The Grammar, which is quite a useful compend, has been enlarged by some additions respecting articles, gender, num- ber, &c. Boston, Dec. 11, 1828. ACCIDENCE OF THE ITALIAN TONGUE. Br J. OUISEAU, A.M. CHAPTER I. X HE Italian tongue has twenty-two letters. Letters. Sounds in English. Italian Example* A ah Casa B bay Becco C tchay, before e, t Cencio C hay, before a, o,u Bocca D day Dedito E a Bene F / Filosofo G djay, before e, t Gente G gay, before a,o,u Garbo H atea, is only a si.^n, ivilhoiU any ssiaid Hanno I ee Diritto J e«, long Tempj L i Latino M m , Manno N n Nano O Botta P pay Padre Q coo and hew Quaglia R air Parlare S es» Sartore T tay Tetto U «tor 00 Futuro V vay Vena Z ts Carozze Z di Zelo K Slid w are only used in foreign names. C ce .-—Xerxes, Serse ; Alexander, jllessandrOf fnppiies h, and w is changed into u before a vowel, cellent, eccellente. jjid V before a consonant. Ph becomes/;— Philosopher, filotofo. ^ is commonly changed into t, ss, and sometimes ACCIDENCE OF THE OBSERVATIONS On the lettera a, e, i, and j ; o, u, and v ; c, g, h, s, t, z, m, and n. N. B. For the sake of simplicity and brevity, the translation of the Italian words has been dispensed ■unth, wherever it was fudged not to be absolutely wanted. Should any nuaning become necessary to the reader, the Dictionary is at hand. Ch sounds k : — chiodo^ chioma, chimico, che, ch%, read kiodo, kioina, kirnico, &c. G before a, o, u, sounds as in English : — gamba, gobbo, gusto. G before e and f has the sound of rfj, as found in the soft g of the English words gender, giant : — genio, gtsto, giro. Già, gio, giù, are pronounced dgia, dgio, dgiu, in one syllable, and the » his a faint sound : — Giac- do, giostra, giubba, Gna, gjie, gni, gito, gnu, cannot be represented by English sounds ; they are pronounced like the French words Espagne, migruni. lorgner : — Cam- pagna, agnello, incognito, igmido. G before li has a liquid sound, which the Eng- lish language has not, except, perhaps, in the won! million. It is nearer the French words j^ie, bouU- Icn, famille : — Figlio, migliori, medaglia. But it keeps the Endish sound in the words Anglicano, negligere, lugligente, negligenza, negletto, and its other derivatives. GG. When two gg come together before e or t, the tirst g has the soft sound of d, as in the English word edge : — oggetto, oggi. The letter h between g and e, i, strengthens the sound, «hich becomes then as the English words get, gift : — Ghiaccio, ghigno, botteghe, gheppio. Hence it appears that the letter h, although it has no sound of itself, contributes to alter the sounds of other letters, namely, c and g. For thus, c/u, chi, and ghe, ghi, by the interposition of an h, lose the sounds of ce, d,'ge, gi. It also serves to distinguish some words alike in sound, though ditferent in meanin»; : as han-no, they have, and anno, year ; ha, he lias, and the preposition a, to ; hai, thou hast, anil ai, to the. — ^Many persons write now these words and some othera without the h ; thus, ò, at, à, nmw, instead of ho, hai, ha, hanrw. S. This letter has two sounds, one strong, with some hissing, and the other soft, somewhat like 2. It is pronounced strong in the beginning of words, as in English, safety, srunuy : — sapere, santo, senno, subilo. It is commonly soft beU^•een two vowels ; as in caso, guisa, tesoro, rosa. Likewise before d, g, I, m. n, r, V ; as sdegno, sguardo, svelare, dis- viare. Yet it sounds harsh in così, thus ; *i, yes; and roso, rosa, from the verb rcdere, to gnaw. Sc before a, 0, u, sounds sia, sho, sku ; thus, scabro, scolare, scusa. A is always sounded broad, like a in alarm, father ; thus, padre, madre, amare. But a with an accent at the end of words has a quick, sharp sound ; thus the a in calamità, calamity, is sharper than it is in calamita, a loadstone. E has generally a close soimd, as in the English 'Words pen, fen ; ibvis, maledire, credo. But some- times it is open, as in there; thus, bella, bene, cielo. No sure rule can be given on this point. / sounds like double ec in sleep : — diritto, clmité- rio. J is always a vowel in the Italian, and sounds like i, but somewhat longer, as y in the English word yield. Its chief use is to form the plural of nouns in io short, that is, pronounced in one syllable ; as tempio, temple, tempj ; principio, beginning, prin- cipi ; which otherwise would be confounded with tempi, from tempo, time ; and principi from prin- cipe, prince. It is also employed by some gram- marians in the tenses of verbs where 'two ti should meet ; but this ought to be done only when the two « form but one syllable, as cA' iostudj, che tu stvAj, &C. but not to seiitj, io udj, in which words the let- ters ri form two distinct syllables. O sounds sometimes open, as in the English word not :— pòvero, pópulo, tòlto : — Sometimes close, as in English note: — tamamc7ito, volere. Practice alone can teach the difference. Ì7has always the sound of u, as in the English word ruU, or of 00 in moon : — unico, pubblico, nudrire, U before 0, in the same sjllable, is pronoimced faintly : — buono, ftwco, t'.omini. Except in duo, tuo, suo, virtuoso, in which the u has its full sotmd, because then the u and the o form two distinct syllables. In any other case, vowels combined to- gether form but one sound, as in miei, tuoi, stun. y, which is a real consonant, is pronounced as the English v : — verso, tavola, vélo. C before a, 0, u, sounds like h; as in casa, collo, cura. C before e, i, sounds like ch in the English words child, check : — dcerone, cencio, cervice. In this case, when two cc meet, the first takes the sound of a sift * ; thus, accento, accidente, read atchcnto, atchi- dente. When after ct follows another vowel, as riot, rie, cto, du, they must be pronounced in one syllable, and the t has a faint sotmd : — darwia, delo, docca, ciurm». ITALIAN TONGUE. 7 Se before e, t, sounds like «A, in the English word in anza, eiiza, onza; and in those words, which, tìume •.—scena, Santo. in Latin, and in Enslish words derived from the The sounds scia, scie, scio, sciu, fonn one syllable Latin, are written with a 2, a c, or a t, pronounced only, and the t has a faint sound : — sciatica, scien- like a soft t. Thus, for costanza, prudenza, jtla- za,.scioUo. gonza, Lazaro, azzvro, zodiaco, read costandsa, T is pronounced as in English. It was anciently prvderndsa, &c. used in some words derived from Latin, as luUione, No certain rule can be given to distinguish when gratia ; but the present orthography is 2. the 2 is soft, and when bi^:sh ; for, although most Z and ZZ. This letter, as well single as double, words written with a double zz have a sr^ng sound, has two sounds ; one strong, like ts in benefits, and many of them, however, have a soft sound ; such the other soft, like ds in Windsor. The strong are rezzo, mezzo, &c. sound is the most general : thus, for iwzze, fazzo- The double consonants must be distinctly pro- kilo, beUezza, zana, zio, zucca, read noise, fatso- nounced. Thus in reading inimenso, innocente^ ietto. &c - addio, reld'e, attentare, rea,l im-^men-so, inrnocen- The sound is generally soft in the words ending te, ad-dio, relel-le, at-tentare. PRACTICAL I'ABLE. a A'nima casa danza mtlsica paróla à Cecità felicità darà sarà parlerà e, close Mésso male pedóne maledire córrere «, open Bène ieri téma erba rèndo i Mirifico inimico chiavistèllo cfbo ripièno j S'udj tempj open Pòvero pópulo tòlto òggi amò close Tomaménto volére móndo ógni u before . . . . Buòno fuòco uòmini^— duo tuo suo io", lU)i Miei tuoi suoi t> Avéna move vo^emisventóra viatóre ITU Avventuróso misavvenlre avviso avvertènza co Castèllo cattivo cavalcare incanto mancare co Còllo coperto accorto giocondézza fico cu Cùcùlo ctipola accurato curvatura ctiria ce Cervèllo cento infelice facèto cèce et Ciceróne pacifico cicalatrice dieci cibo ce before e,i ... Accénto cappuccino accecare accigliare ce before a, o,u, . . Accanto accóncio accordare accusa eia Ciancia ciarlatano ciascheduno mancia eie Cielo ciecamente do Ciòcca cioccolata cioncatóre lùccio ciu Ciurma ciurmàglia ciùschero ciurmare cJi Chiòdo chiòma duchéssa chi che ga Gamba garbato gareggiante ragazza go Gobbo gótlb pèrgola règola pago gu Gusto gustoso aguzzare egualmente gè Gèmma germano degenerato agévole gi Girasóle girèlla agitatóre digito legióne già Giaciménto cei-vògia giardino giallo gip Giostrare giovanézza regióne prigióne giù Giunchiglia giumèlla giudèo digiunare gna Campagna pugnare ragnaléb cagna gne Agnèlle degnévole magnètico jiignere gni Dignilà incognito ingégni régni É7M) Ràgno'o indégno ignoranza ségno gnu Bagnuólo ignudo ognuno ignudare gli Figlia figlio mèglio medàglia quàglia gg ...... . Oggetto òggi protèggere leggerézza ACCIDE^XE OF THE ght, ghi Fatlshe IvH^hi ghiàccio sberófano » strong Sapere santo studio stono senso * soft Sdesno sguardo guisa usuriére tea Scabro scacciàre'riscaldare invescato Jt» Scolare scoglio mescolato discolpa »eu Scusato scudo scucito scuòla •M . Scéna scégliere discépolo scematóre tei Scilócco disciplina scinto fàccia Kia Sciatica lasciato anibasciadóre sciagura tde ...... Sciènza scierpellone scientifico cosciél tdo Scioccamente ùscio iHsciolto fàscio ««I» Asciuno sciugàto presciiitto sciugàre 22, 2, like U . . . . Kózze fazzoléno zucca zio zz, z, hke di ... Zodiaco azzuro mézzo prudenza m, mm, n, mi, or any other doubled le ter, as bb, ddU ff. fcc Bambino fimbria immènso sómma dónde danno ina^nno dabbène addoppio diifùso ermellino ferro gattone làppola latte matto addolorato a&cendato a^uagfiànza baccante hallAndn favèlla gemiaio lippitùdine mott^gio. CHAPTER n. ACXEXTS, APOSTROPHE, .ANT) ELISION. THERE are two accents in Italian, the grave C) and the acute ('). Gract acceiit. — 1. It ii put on nouns in tà and ii, which have the singular and plural alike ; as. leU/i, bontà, virtù, giotxntù. Such nouns ended former- ly in ade and ate, udeand lUe, and ihey are still used in poetry. 2. On the third person singular of the preterper- feet tense of verbs, of which the iirst per.on ends in two vowels ; ih'is. ainò, credi, from amai, credei. But write without the grave accent viiise, prese, from vinsi, presi. 3. On the first ani third person singular of everv verb in the future tense ; thus, ama-o, amerà, cré- derò, crederà, sentiri, ieiitirà. 4. To make a distinction between words alike in onhogT^hy, but diiferent in siznification ; as. In, lì, there, la, the and her, li, the and they ; da, he sives, da. from; dì, day, di, of; «, yes and so. «".'one's self; £, he is, e, and ; però, therefore, pero, a pear- tree, &C. &c. Some other wonls are also wrirten wi^h the arava accent, such as più, more, giù. below, casti ar J ces- ta, there, cosi, thus, rio, already, cic: that n hich ; with many others, which practice will teach. 5. When a word, having the errave accent, is joined to another word, the consonant of the latter word must be doubled, and the accent be taken off; thus dì and dà, joined to nU, become dimmi, tell me, dammi, give me ; farò and to are made farai- io, I will do it ; più and tosto become jnuttotto, sooner, kc &c. .iciue accaU. — This accent is used only on the t of words ending in io and ia, whenever io and ta are pronounced'tn two distinct syllables ; as, pazzia, desio, saUtrui, addio. Some writers use it likewise on words which have a double signification ; as, tenére, to hold, t'nere, tender ; ancóra, again, àncora, an anchor ; n'-'ttare, nectar, nettirt, to cleanse, ic but this nice- t\- is cot strictly observed now, unless the sentence should ofifer an' ambiguous meaning. Apostrophe and Elitioii. — The ^xistrophe is a mark to show that one or more letters are cnt off; and the elision is the cuniag off of those letters, Thev are used in the following cases : 1. 'After the articles lo, la, li. gli, fe, and their oblique cases, before words that begin with a vowel, or when they are abbreviate-i : as, l'anima, Vonort, di' libri, a' padri, &c with the exceptions noticed in the following chapter. Yet, in poetrv, several licenses are taken, and we find to amore.' lo eccesso, lo impa-adcire, lo ingius- to ; and even Id'rniusto, Icrnìperadore, The f of the article il is cut off after a word end- ing wi'h a vowel, but not the vowel of that word ; as,'rMlto 'Z poise ; mi dica -l rtto nome, •2. Mi. ti, ci. vi, ne, si, di, receive the apostrophe before a vowel ; as, voi m'intendtie, egU I'mterufe, s'iusairaerà, &c However, ci suffas oo ab^«i ITALIAN TONGUE. viation before a and u, in order to avoid a harsh proDUDciation. 3. The words which have the grave accent, as, dirò, farò, felicità, &c. are never abbreviated, ex- cept che, with its compounds, perchè, balchi, sicché, &c. percV era, bench' arulasse, &c. 4. These six words, uno, bello, grande, santo, quello, buono, liefore masculine nouos Ihat be^in with a consonant, are abridged thus; un, bel, gr?n, tan, ipul, buon ; — and btfoie vowels; — un, belV, grand', sanV, quelV, buon' ; as, un libro, un bel libro, gran cavallo. San Pietro, quel soldato, buon fane, — un amico, beli' uomo, grand' ingegno, SaìW Antcrnio, quell' amore, bium' oratore. But none of these words are aibridged, by correct writers, before feminine nouns, except grande ; as, gran barca. grojuC armata. Observe also, that neither these words, nor any others, should be abridged before an s impure, that ii, an » followed by a ainsonant ; as, specchio, stu- dio, &c ; therefore write btllo specchio, quelle stu- dio, &c Contrary examples are to be met w'th^. but they are incorrect. 5. All words in the singular number, which haw one of the liquid consonants, /, m, n, r, before their final vowel, may lose their final vowel, imles* be- fore words that begin with * followed by a conso- nant. — Vowels are seldom lost in the plural nam* ber. — The vowels after 2 and r are ofterier lost than those after m and n : except in verbs, for then tha vowe! after m is very often cut off: as, attendiam, andiam, fi/igiarn, &c. for attendiamo, kc. 6. Infinitives, joined to mi, ti, ci, vi, si, ne, lo, la, le. gli, or any other word to which they are united, drop their final e ; thus, per vederlo, sentirsi, pentirci, &c. instead of per vedere lo, sentire ti, pentire ci. As to minute exceptions concerning the apostro- phe and elision, they must be left to practice, or to larger treatises. This was thought enough for our present plan with yoimg students. CHAPTER m. NOUNS : Oender ; JVumber. I. GENDER. 1. Of nouci in e, some are masculine, and some are feminine. 2. Nouns in o are masculine ; except la rtuino, the hand. 3. Nouns in 3 are feminine : except a few Greek nouns ; as t7 tema, the theme. 4. Nouns in i are feminine ; except di, day ; its compounds, lunedì, &c. and a few others. 5. Nouns in u are feminine. U. NUMBER. 1. General Rules. Masculine nouns make their plural in i. Feminine nouns in a form it in t Nouns in J or e forni it in i. Nouns ending with an accented vowel, or with i, or with te, are invariable ; except moglie, mogli. 2. Particular Rules, Masculine nouns change Sing. Plur. a into t dramma drammi e " i padre padri M sculine nouns change Sing. into t chio ' glio e'o fratèllo tempio natio òcchio àgio portinàio duca cuòco luògo Plur. fratelli periglio perigli bàcio bacì «1 aio " ai ca " chi co " chi go " ghi Many polysyllables in co and go, have ci and'gt in the plural. Feminine nouns change Sing. gia gta madre mano fàccia bràgia bugia verga parca pbrtinàj duchi cuòchi luòghi after a vowe^ Plur. case madri mani facce brage bugie verghe parche 10 ACCIDENCE OF THE Invariable Terminations. Sing, if Plur. à bontà è « pie t crisi il, virtù te specie 3. Exceptions. Plur. Dei uòmini buoi Sing. Plur. miglio miglia migliàio migliaia centinaio centinaia mille mila uovo uova legno legni, legne, legna gesto gesti, geste, gesU ossi, osse, ossa vestigio vestigi, vestige, vestigia Many nouns in o make the plural in a and ( anello anelli, anella The form in a in these nouns is feminine. CHAPTER IV. ARTICLES. ; have three definite articles, t7, lo, la. nominative Ctenitive Dative Accusative ottative Knminative Genitive Dative Accusative Singular. Masculine. Feminine, il lo dello allo lo dallo la della alla la dalla Plural. i gli le dei or de' degli delle ai or a' asfi alle i gl'i le dai o)- da' dagli dalle the of the to the the from the the oftlie to the the from the I. The definite article il is used before masculine noims which begin with a consonant. — Book, libra. Singular. N. il libro G. del libro D. al libro A. il libro Ab. dal libro Plural. i libri dei or de' libri ai or a' libri i libri dai or da' libri II. The definite article lo is used before mascu- .ine nouns which begin with an s followed by a consonant, ?.nd sometimes before nouns beginning with 2. — S.udy, stiidio. Zeal, zdo. Singular. N. lo studio G. dello studio X>. alio studio A. lo studio Ab. dallo studio Plural. gli s'udj degli studj agli studj gii stu.Ij dagli stuclj in. The definite article la is used before femimna nouns which begin with a consonant. — House, ca»(u Singular. Plural. N. la casa le case G. della casa delle case D. alla casa alle case A. la casa le case Ab. dalla casa dalle case rv. The article to before a vowel. — Friend, amico. Singtdar. Plural, JV. l'amico gli amici G. dell' amico degli amici Z). all' amico agli amici A. l'amico gli amici Ab. dall' amico dagli amici V. The article la before a vowel.— Soul, ànima. Singular. Plural. N. l'anima le anime G. dell' anima delle anime D. all'anima alle anime A. l'anima le anime Ab. dall' anima dalle anime VI. Noims are also declined with the indefinite article uno, un, for the singular masculine, and una for the feminine:,m. and alcune, f. for the plural. The prepositions dl, a, and da, are used in the in- direct cases. Dt is made d' before a vorrei, and a is made ad in the same circumstance ; da suffers no change. ITALIAN TONGUE. 11 Vn. Uno is used before masculine nouns, be^n- ling with *, followed by another consonant. Singuiar. N. uno scolare G. d'uLO scolare D. ad uno colare JL uno scolare JU>. da uno scolare PlnroL alcuni scolari d'alc'jni scolari ad alcuni scolari alcuni scolari da alcuni scolari Vili. Un is used before other masculine nouns. Singular. N. un libro G. d'un libro I), ad un libro jì. un libro M. da un libro ne Una, feminine. Singular. N. una donna a. d'una donna D. ad una donna A. una donna M. da una donna Plural. aldini libri d'alcuni libri ad alcuni libri alcuni libri da alcuni libri Plìtral. alc'ine donne d'alcune donne ad alcune donne alcune donne da alcune donne X. Nouns without an article are thus declined : Beginning toitfi a cxmsfyiiatit. N. Roma G. di R^ma D. a Roma A. Roma Ab. da Roma Beginning xttith a vmcel. N. Avignone G. d'Avignone D. ad A vinone A. Avignone Ab. da Avignone Rcmarht.—X. The aride lo is never abridged in the plural, unless :he f^>lio-.ving noun begin with an i. Therefore «rie gV ingegni, gV injtru- menti, but gli amori, gli onori. 2. TI* article la is never abridged in the plural, unless the followin» word begin with an e, as l'elo- quenze ; but write le arnl/re, le anime, le inven- zioni. Sec However, some noims beginning wiih e, which end alike in the singular and the plural, re- ceive the article le without an apostrophe. Thus write le effigie, the im-ijes, to distin^ish it from its singular, IVjffigie, the image. 3. Wheuevcr the prepositions con, in, tu, per, in the sense of with, in, up n, for, or l/y. meet with the defini'e articles ti, lo, la, they are altered, as will be seen in :he following table : — iiel for in il ; nello for in lo, &c The Italian words printed in Italics have beconie obsolete. Singular. J> tl, nello ; nella, Col, collo ; colla, Su], tulio ; sulla, Pel,pe/Zo,- pena, Plural, C nei or ne*, n^li ; nelle, \ in the \ coi or co', con gli or co- } gli ; colle, vHih the \ su'" or sui, tugli ; sulle, \ upon the \peUi. pei or pe', per gli; X pelle, for the As, nd giardino, nello spirito, nella camera, Tif' giardini, ttcgli spiriti, nelle camere, S:c. 4. When the prepositions in, per and crn, and also the particle nrm, meet with a word bejicning with an * followe ! by a consonant, an i b ad led to the word, for the sók- of pronuncia'ion. There- fore, instead of in strada, con spauento, non stare, you will find in istrada, con ispavento, nan istart CHAPTER V. ADJECTIVES.— COMPARATIVES.— SUPEI L,ATIVES.— AUG MENTA- TI VES.—DIMINUTIVES. Adjectiva. — AH the Italian adjectives end either in o or in e. The adjectives in o form their feminine singular in o, their masculine plural in i, and their feminine plural in e. The adjectives ending in e, in the singular, form their pluraJ in t, and they have the masculine and feminine alike in both numbers ; as. Dotto, ms. dotta, fs. dotti, mp. dotte, fp. learned. Cortese, m. and t, sing, cortesi, m. aiid t. plur. dvil. Adiec'ives always a^ree in gender and number with their substantives ; as. Un signore dotto e cortese — una donna dotta « cortese. Signori detti e cortesi — donne dotte e cortesi. Un prato verde ; una gonna verde ; i prat* verdi; le sonne verdi ; niealow. gown. Comparati es. — Ad'ec'ivs-s become comparatÌTes with the assisance of pi\, more, and maw, less ; thus, caro, dear; più caro, dearer; meno caro, lea» 12 ACCIDEJNCE OF THE The particles via or me; assai, molto, in the sense of much, a great deal; a e often adifed to comparatives, to increase '.heir enerjj- ; as, Caare è Halo via piU, or ossa i j>iù , or nniltò più . fcliie di Pompào ; Csesar was njiìch more fortvinaie ilian Pompey. La Krella I vie meno, or assai meno, or molto meno ostinata dd fratello ; the sister is far less ob- sdoate than the bi-o'her. The word than after comparatives, followed by an article, or a prououn possessive, is espressed in Italian by del, (LUo, della. de\ degli delle, suitable to the gender and number of the noun ; ms, L'.3jna è yià popolata deli' Eiavpa ; Asia is more populous than Europe. Questo giardino è ìneno largo deW vosfro ; this garden is not so large as yours. The word thayi not followed by an article, or be- fore proper names, is rendered by di ; as. Cicerone era più eUxpiaite di 'Hurtetisio ; Cicero was more elofjuent than Hortensius. So» JO meno ricco di voi ; I am not so rich as you. When the comparison is made between aJjec- tives, adverbs, verbs, or substantives, without arti- cles, than is rendered by ohe; as, The following adjectives are irregular in the formation of their comparatives and superlatives PositiiX. Comparative. Superlative. Siiono, good, migliare^ better, òttimo, the best. Cattivo, bad, peggióre, worse, p Grande, great, ììiaggiort, greater, Piccolo, little, minore, less. One may likewise say, più grande, più cattivo, più piccolo.' Mia sorella è più gentile die Iella ; my sister ì» more graceful than prett)-. Questo nìi darà più fatica che profitto ; this will give me more trouble thai profit. Egli parlava più dottamente che garbatamente; he sfoke more learnedly than politely. Superlatives. — The superlatives are formed by changing the last vowel of the adjective into issimó. with the variation of other adjectives in gender and number; as, Dctt-o, learned ; dottissimo, dottissima, dottissi- mi, dottissime, most learned. But if the article the be joined to most, then the superlative is expressed by il più, la più, i più, le pia ; as, ti più felice, la più felice, i più felici, le più felici ; the happiest, or the most happy. Sometimes the repetition of the positive' is enough to form a superlaive ; as, II tempo è freddo freddo; the weather is very cold. Sofia è la bella delle belle ; Sophia is the finest woman in the world. Questo mi santra tedioso tedioso; I think this most tiresome. Observe that meglio and peggio, in the sense of in a better, in a uxjrse manner, are adverbs, and cannot be joined to substantives. Therefore say, tin migliort libro, a better book ; tui peggiore tem- perino, a worse penknife ; and not megl-o. jfggio. But say, farà meglio, farà peggio, he^will dò let- ter, worse. Adverbs of the superlative degree are formed by changing the last lener of the adjectives into issimd- mejite ; as from dotto, learned, is formed dcttissi- mamejitt, most learnedly ; from salito, holy, seat- tissirnamerJe, most holi'ly. S:c but this manner of expressing one's self must be used cautiously ; and. 0. the worst 0, the greatest. minimo, the least, instead of such long words, it is better to empby sutistantives. Thus, {oreloqueiitissimamaite, irri- prudentissimamente ; say, ra her, con massima eloquaiza ; am grandissima imprudenza. .àiigmentatives and Dimàmttvcs. — The signifV- cation of many nouis, both subsantives and adjec- tives, may be either increased or diminished, by the addition of certain syllables to their termination. 1. The augmentatives, reducible to rules, are formed in one. m. cna, f. otto, ui. otta, f. to signify biniess and stoutness, in a good sense. "Likewise in accio, m. accia, f. to signify some- thing of a disgusting or contemptible bulk. The aildition ame expresses a great abxmdance of any thing. EXAMPLES. Libro, book ; librone, a very large liook. Kagazza. f. a girl ; ragazzma. a stout, jolly girl. Caia, a house"; casotto, casotta, a gocà, roomy bouse. Sala, a parlour ; salotto, a sood sitting room. Cavallo, a horse ; aivallcuxio. a great u?ly horse. Casa, a house ; casoicia, an uily, larse house. Gente, people ; gentame. a great 'crowd of people. Observe tlat many nouns have a naliral endic i in accia, accie, and amie, wiihout beinj augmentatives. Observe, also, that the augmentatives masculine often come from feminine nouns, as casone, m. from casa, f. 2. The diminutives, reducible to rules, are formed in ino. elio. etto, vri'h the variations incident to ad- jectives and substantives in o ; as. Carino, ms. caritia, fs. carini, mp. extrinc, fp dear, pretty little creature, or creatures. P(yverelio, poverella, poverelli, poverelle, poor, lit- tle creature, or creatures. ITALIAN TONGUE. 13 Libretto, a pretty little book, acquetta, a clear, Hna.ll stream. — Such Jiminutives denote, generally, aidearmeiii, and sniaUness. Other diminutives, ending chiefly in uccio, uccia, and uzzo, uzza, iuiicate somelbing small or con- temptible ; as. Cosuccia, a small, mean-looking house. Vomuzzo, a puny little fellow. Yet all these rules are liable to exceptions, Trhich nothing but practice caji teach ; for, besides the ter- minations which we have just given foraugmenta- tives and diminutives, nany other are freely used in feimiiiar conversation, and in books on light sub- jects. Thus, from dwina, a w omaa ; casa, a house ; lUn-o, a book ; may be formed the following aug- mentatives and diminutives : Doniume, a tall, stout, masculine woman. Donnoita, a tall, strong, healthful woman. IkmnacMi, an impudent, shameless virago. Datitietta, a pretty, little, prattling woman. Dotmicciuàla, a mean-looking little woman. Donniciiia, a pretty little wouian. Donnàccia, a vulgir woman. Domnacciàru, a bol.t. impudent, stout woman. Ca-icme, a very larse house, a ii^ansion. Caadccui, a large, >ll-coDtrived house. Catamejito, a well-built, roomy boose. Ca-iaUme and ceuo^re, a lirge, ruinous boose. Casolaraccia, a large, rfof.ess, decayed bouse. CanicciiMO, a small, w retched bouse. Casipola and cajrùjjola, a small, despicaliUs house. Castle, a poor, thatched cottage. Casella, a small, low-built house. Calotta, a snug, comfortable house. Casetta, a snug house, aito a neat kennel. Casdlùia, a vtiy little, but genteel house. CasMiru), m. ciueltirio, f. a neai, pretty cot. Casiiia, a very small bouse. Casino, a small, neat summer-house. Liirone, a bulky, hea\7 book. Lilraccio, an ujly, large book. Lil/ritolo and libèrcolo, a small, contemptible pamphlet. Lil/retto, a pretty, neat, lit'le bo'ik. Librettino, a very- little and pretty book. Libriccino, a very small pampble't. And so on, with lhou5,-uids of other words, in all the ranze of humour and whims; but few ausiucnt- atives and diminutives are admitted in a style strict- ly correct, beyond those in cmt, arru, aaio, for in creas^sg, and tliose in i/to, etto, eHo, for diminishing CHAPTER VI. PRONOUNS Personal ; Potsessive ; Relative ; Demonstrative ; Indeterminate. PBONOUNS PERSONAL. We present here together the pronouns personal, both conjunctive and disjunctive ; upon which some i ttaiks will be made in the course of tliis chapter. First Person, Singular. Io. I IH me, of ine A me, mi, to me Me, mi. Pie fju me, from me Second Person, Singular. 7V, thou Di te. of thee A te. ti. to thee Te, ti, thee Da tc, from thee Third Person, Masculine, Singular. £Wt, ei. e\ esso, he, it Di lui, of him A lui, eli, li, to him Lui, lo, il, him, it Da lui, from him Plural, Koi, we Di noi, of ta A 7ieri, ci, ite, to us Xci, ci, ne, us Da noi, from us Plural. Voi, you Di tJCt, of you A voi, m, to you Voi, vi, vou Da voi, from you Plural. E'^liru), ei, e', essi, they Di loro, of them A Inro, loro, to them Loro, gli, li, them Da loro, from them 14 ACCIDEx\CE OF THE Third Person Feminine Singular. Ella, essa, she, it J)i lei, of her A lei, It, to her Lei, la, her, it Da lei, from her There are several other forms of this pronoun, chiefly poetical. Thus, elio, elii, el, 'I for egli ; elli riural. E'llcno, esse, they Di Uro, of them A laro, loro, to them Loro, le, them Da loro, from them and filmo for eglino ; la for dia ; die for elleno; tOo for lui ; dli for Unro ; dia for lei ; and eUe for lóro, t The reflected pronoun se, one's self, is of all genders and numbers : Di se, of one's self, himself, herself, itself, themselves A se, si, to one's self, hiin elf, herself, &c. Sc, si, one's self, himself, herself, ttc. Da sc, from one's self, himself, herself, &c. In effecting this union, mi, ti, ci, siand vi, change the t into e, and become me, te, &c ; gli is changed into glie ; and loro remains the same ; as, iitoie darà, he will give me some. Ttiie darà, he will give thee some. Sene procurerà, he will get some. Glieiie darò, I will give him or her some. Cene darà^ he will give us some. Vene darò, I will give you some. Ne prwìutto Uno, I promise some to them. The place of laro, in the sense of to them, is alwa>9 after the verb. In reading the following lines, you have only to suppose melo, mela, &c. to be in the place oi the asterisks.— Thus : melo darà, telo darà, &c he will give it to me, &c. This pronoun acf(uires still more strength and elegance by the addition of stesso, stissa. stessi, stesse, whirh are also often joined to the other personal pronouns : — per se stesso, per se stessa, per se stessi, per se stesse, by himself, herself, &c. Lo farò da me itesso, 1 will do it myself. With me, with thee, xjoith himsff, herself, &c. take the Latin turn, and are expressed by meco, te- so, seco. Esso is sometimes placed with the preposition con and a pronoun persoail, and it is masculine and feminine, as is its piural essi; thus, con esso lui, with him; ccm esso lei, with herj con essi loro, v/ith them, men or women. UNION of the conjunctive pronouns mi, ti, si, gli, d, vi. Uro, with the pronouns lo, la, li, te, and Tie, in the sense of some, a part of, of it, &c Melo mela meli mele * da-à,he will give it to me, them to me, &c Tdo tela teli tele * manderà, he will send it to thee, &c. Glielo glida glieli gliele * darò, I will give it to him, &c. Selo sda sdi sde * procurerà, he will procure it to himsdf, &c Cdo cela celi cde * dirà, he will tell it to us, &c. Velo vda veli vele * procurerò, I will procure it to you, &c. The ancients used glide for glielo, gliela, glidi; and sometimes gliene for glielo, gliela, glidi, aad glitk. PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE. The articles show sufficiently the gender and number. Singular. Plural. nmio la mia i mid II tw la tua i tuoi II nw la sua isUM II nostro la nostra i ìimtri Il vostro la vostra i vostri Il Uro la loro iloro Before nouns of relation, or quality, in the singu- lar number, the definite article is not wanted, but it must be used with the plural number ; as, Mia sordla, di mia sorella, my sister. Vostro fratello, di vostro fratello, your brother. le mie, my, mine. k tue, thy, thine. U sue, his, her, its. le nostre, our, ours. U vostre, your, yours, le loro, their, theirs. / nostri libn, our books. Le ruistre case, our houses. But say, le mie sorelle, i vostri fratdli. The pronoun "may, however, be transposed, and then the article is used ; as, il fratello mio, la tortOa mia. ITALIAN TONGUE. 15 Observe also, that all possessive pronouns a;rea in Englisti with the pnssasor of a thing, but in Italian, always with the trims possessed ; as, mio fratello ama sua moglie t U sue sorelle, my brother loves his wife and his sisters. Mia sorella ama suo marito, ed i suoi fratelli, my sister loves her luu'- baud and her brothers. PRONOUNS RELATIVE. All pronouns have a relative sisnificalion, but the following ones are peculiarly so called. Sin^lar and Plural ; Masculine and Feminine. La dama la di cui madre, or la cui madre, or la nuiàre di cui avete veduta, the lady whose mother you saw. / soldati al di cui capitano, or al cui capitano, or al capitaiu) di cui parlammo, the soldiers to the captain of w boni we spoke. Vt, or la quale, sing, t, or le quali, pi., who, which, is applied to persons or things. In interrogative phrases, cAt, who? is applied to persons, che, what? to things, and qwalt to either. Che; ai che, di chi, or di cui ; a che, a eli. or a cui; da che, or da chi ; that, wlio, «hich ; of whom, whose, of which, &c. ; as, la donina che ve- dete, the lady whom, that, you see. // sigiwrc che vi parlava, the gentleman who, that, was speaking to you. / lil/ri che comprò, the books that, which, he bought. Le case che sono larghe, the houses that, which, are large. Di cui, after a ncun, is susceptible of an elegant transposition ; as, II signore il di cui padre, or il Oli padre, or il padre di ad coruisctte, the getìtle- man whose father you know. PROXOUNS DEMONSTRATRTE. Questo, ms. questa, fs. questi, mp. queste, fp. this, these. Quello, m. quella, f. qudli, m. quelle, f. that, those. Costui, m, costei, f. costoro, m. and f. this, these; he, she, they, Colui, m. colei, f. coloro, m. and f. that, those ; he, she, they, Quello is made qiul before a consonant ; and qiuUli is often contracted into quei. — Quegli, in the sense of quello, quelli, is singular and plural. Qui and-tó are sometimes added to give more ftrength to the pronouns ; as-, questo qui, this one here ; quello là, that one there. Questi and quegli are often used in the singular iber ; as, questi fu felice, quegli sfortunato ; this man was happy, and that unfortunate. Cotesto, cotcsta, colati, coleste, in the sense of this, these, are still in use; but cotestui, this man, and cotestwo, these or those, have become obsolete. Codesto, codesta, &c. is a corruption of cotesto. PRONOUNS INDETERMNATE OR INDEFINITE. Ogni, m. and f. sing, each, every. — TVtto, futta, tutti, tutte, signifies all, every one, a totality. Cicucheduno, ciascheduna, ciatcheduni, ciasche- dune ; and ciascuno, ciascuna, ciascuni, ciasciuu, wery one, every body. Qualche, m. and f. sing, some ; and in the plural, alcuni, m. alarne, f. some. AlcuiU}, alcuna, alami, alcmic ; and qualcuno, qualcuna, qualcuni, qualcune, somebody, some one. Veruno, veruna, veruni, verune, none, not one. Nessurw, 7ussuna, nessuni, nessune ; and ninno, niuna, niuni, ninne, nobody, no one. Certo, certa, certi, certe, some, some one ; a cer- tain one, certain ones. Tale, m. and f. sing, tali, m. and f. plural, such, such another, such others. Chiunque, m. and f. sing, whosoever, whoever. Qualu7iqut, m. and f. sing, whatever. Qualsivoglia, m. and f. sing, whatsoever, any. A^e, some, of it, of them. .3!tro, altra, altri, altre, other, others; which makes altrui, in its oblique cases ; as, d'altrui, ad altrui ; of other and others, to other and others. ,^ltri is often used in the singular instead of altro; altri ride, altri piange, one laughs and the other cries. 6'i, one, people, men, they ; as, it dice, one ays, people say, it is said. Detached Observations on the Prorwuru, 1. Ci and vi, which signify t«, to us ; you, to you, when they are personal pronouns, are likewiae adverbs, in the sense cf here and there, 2. Ne, without any accent, is sometimes a pef»- sonai pronoun which'signifies us, to us; sometime» an indeterminate pronoun, in the sense of some, any, of it, of them, fee. But né, with the erav» accent, signifies ?wt, nor, neither ; and ne', wi'th an apostrophe, is an abbreviation of nei, in the; n/ campi, in the fields. 16 ACCIDENCE OF THE 3. Si, an indeterminate pronoun, in (he sense of as \rill appear by the following examples.— Si Ja ane,people, men, they, is of extensive use in Italian, written se, when it meets with ne. Si dicono incredibili co Si sono prese molte nav Non si pallidi pace, Se ne sajirà qualctie CJS Vi si domanda del pane. With many other turns which w passive verbs. Essmtial remark. — When the Italians wish to «how a particular regard, they make use of the tliird person of the verb, instead of the second ; that is, the third person singular, when they address one pei-son only, and the third person plural, if they speak to tnanv people. In such a case, cVla, lei, or sometimes x>ossig7wria takes the place of voi; and sua of vostra, for the singular, applied to men and women. Lor signori, masculine and feniinine, supjjly the second pei^on plural. Vossignoria is an abbrevia- tion of vostra signoria, and lor signori, of le signo- rie loro ; but ella or lei are now more fashionable than vossipioria. This manner of speaking will become quite fa- miliar, if we accustom ourselves tc the idea that we are speaking of a. person, instead of spe-akin-r to her, as will appear in the transposition of the following pronoun. Singular, Masculine and Feminine. Ella or lei, she — you, sir, or madam. Di lei, of her — of you, sir, or madam. •S Ui, le, to her — to vom, sir, or madam. La, her — you, sir, or madam. Da lei, from her — you, sir, or madam. Plural, Masculine and Feminine. Lor signori, they — you, gentlemen and ladies. IH lor signori, of them — of you, geutlenien and la- dies. A lor signori, to them — ^to you, gentlemen and ladies. Lor signori, le, them — you, gentlemen and ladies. Da lor sipuxri, from them — from you, gentlemen and ladies. The following examples will render these obser- vatious plainer ; — tiicy say nicrcdille things, they have taken many ships. t/iey say nothing of peace. VX will hear something of it. tlicy (ut you bread. have occasion to notice more at krge Ir our observations on Non può far meglio, vossignoria, per distrar- si dagl' impacci, che viaggiar !' Italia. Se ella entierà da Venezia, vedrà una città unica al mondo, per la sua situa- zione ; ma non sarà questa 1' unica cosa che la sorprenderà. Ferrara le farà vedere una bella e vasta soli- tudine. Bologna presenterà a suoi occhi un altro bel prospetto. Non si scordi di Mo- come sta ella stamatti- na ? Buon giorno, signora, come sta ella? Benissimo per servir- la, la ringrazio. Signore, favorisca di bedersi, la pr^o. Le sarò sempre inti- mo suo amico. Tou cannot do better, sir, to divc-rl yourselj from affairs, than to travel through Italy, Should you alter it to» the side of Venice, you ■will see a town, the only one in the world for its sitaation; hut this is not the only thing which will surprise you Ferrara will offer to you a beautifvdand vast solitude. £olog7ia will present to your eyes another fi.iu prospeit. Do not forget Modena, as being the native plaxe of the illustrious Murar tori. Good day, sir, how do you do thi» morn- ing? Good day, madam, }iow do you do ? Very well, at your ser- vice, I thank you. Pray, sir, do me tht favour to be seated. J shall always be your mcst devoted friend. Strange as this phraseology may sound to an Eng» lish ear, it is indispensable to the Italian tongue, in speaking to one's superiors, and chiefly to women above the common rank. CHAPTER VII. VERBS: Auxiliary; Regular; and Irregular. Ob. 1. The personal pronouns to, tu, &c. are placed above the tenses of the verbs, in the fnllnw- iDg pages, to distinguish the persons j but it will be better to conjugate the verbs without them, except in the three persons singular of the present of the subjunctive, and the first and second persons of tbe ITALIAN TONGUE. 17 preterite tense of the same mood, on account of a similarity in the endings. 2. As the persons who apply to the Italian tongue have commonly b^un already to learn either the French, the Latin, or their own language by rules, we suppose them able to conjugate an English verb ; Uierefore we have inserted the first person sinzular only, for the sake of brevity, and the neatness of the tables. Sing-. 1. va* 3. For the same reason we give the first peimi singular only of the compound tenses, as they are merely the repetition of the verbs avere or enoc, with the participle past of any verb. Thus, when we have ho avuto, it is easy to add hai avuto, ha avuto, abbiamo avuto, avete avuto, hanno amtto, &c. &c 4. There are four tenses in all verbs, whether reg- ular or irre^lar, which have the same termination. The Imperfect of the Indicative. PI. 1. van» Future of the Indicative. rà remo rete Imperfect Conditional. rebbe remmo reste Sometimes, — chiefly in poetry : — ria riamo riate rebbero rianno & rebbono Preterite of the Subjunctive. The verb essere i the indicative. is the only verb which does not follow this scheme, and that only in the imperfect of Conjugation of the Autiliary Verb avere, to have. Present, ierund. Participle past. Avere, to have, to possess. Avendo, con avere, coll' avere, Avuto, 7ns. avuta, fs. avuti, ni. in avere, nell' avere, having, in having. pLiYÙle, INDICATIVE. t^esent Tense. Written sometimes, / have. Io, ttt. Ho, hai, ò, ài. ti- not, abbiamo, abbiamo. Campou7id Tense, I have had. voi, eglino. avete, lianno.— ho avuto, &c. avete, anno. Imperfect. Ihad. Aveva, avevi, aveva ; avevamo. —Ihad had. avevate, avevano.— aveva avu'o. Preterite. Ihad. Ebbi, avesti. ebbe; avemmo. -Ihad had. aveste, ebbero.— ebbi avuto. Fuhai. I shall OT will have. Avrò, avrai, avrà ; avremo, — / shall or will have had. avrete, avranno.— avrò avuto. Conditional. / wotild, could, Avrti, a^Tésti should have. i, avrebbe ; avremmo, —r would have had. avreste, avrebbero.— avTéi a\-u(o. • We likewise say, va, vi, va ; and perhaps vo should be preferred to va, as it distinguishes the fu-A person from the third ; but custom has prevailed, and va is now conmionly used instead of vo. 18 ACCIDEJs^CE OF THE SDBJCNCTn-E, OR POTENTIAL. che noi, abbiamo, che voi, abbiate, — that I may have had. eh' eglino. abbiano.— abbia avuto. avessimo, aveste, —that I ìnigìU have had. avessero.— avessi avuto. :rativk. Preterii. That I may have. eh' io, che tu, eh' egli Abbia, abbia & abbi, abbia ; Preterite. That I might have. Avessi, avessi, avesse Abbi or abbia tu, have thou ; abbia egli, let hini have ; abbiamo noi, let us have ; abbiate voi, have ye ; àbbiauo e^iiuo, let tliem, have. Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verb èssere, to be IXFLMTIVE. Pretent. Essere, to be, to exist. Qerund. Essendo, con èssere, coll' èssere, in èssere, nell' èssere, leing, in being. Part. past. Stato, ms. stata, fs. stati, m. pL state, /. pi. been. Presciit Tense. lam. INDICATIVE. Compound Tofìse. I have been. Io, tu, egn ; noi, voi. eglÌ7io. Séno, sci. è; siamo, siete, sono. —sono stato, &.c. stati, &c. Iwas. -I had been. "*^2Sf' èri, èra; eravamo, eravate, erano. —era stato. Preterite. Iwas. -I had been. Fui, fosti, fu; fummo, foste, furono, —fui stato. Future. IfhaUoT toiZZie. —IshaU or vrillhave been. Sarò, sarai. sarà ; saremo, sarete, saràiino. — sarò stato. Conditional. I could, would, shmM he. —7 would have been Sarei, saresti, sai^bbe ; saremmo, sareste, sarebbero.— sarei stato. SDBJUNCTIVE, OR POTEXTLàl. PraerUTmse. Thatlmaube. — that I may have been. Ch'io, che tu, ch'egli; che noi, che voi, eh' eglino. Sia, sia & sii , sia; siamo, siate, siano. —sia stato. Preterite. That Im xght be. —that I might have beei^ Fòssi, fòssi. fòsse; fossimo, foste. fossero, —fòssi stato. , & sia tu, IMFERATn-E. : thou; sia egli, Id him be ; siàma noi. Ut us be; siate voi, be ye; siano ègliuo, let them be. The reader must have observed, that the com- pound tenses of the verb essere are not formed as in English, by the help of avere, to have, but of essere. to 6e. So that, instead of saying. I have been, I had been, &c, the Italians sav, / am been, I was been, tc. Observe, also, tliat in conjugating the compound tenses of essere, the participle agrees always ni'h the nominative ; so Oiat a man must say, scrno stato, knd a woman, soiw stata ; for men, siamo stati, and I6r women, siamo state, &c. The verbs venire, to come, andare, to go, stare, to remain, are often used in the sense of es$ert ; as, Egli vien riputato per un uomo dabbene, he is looked upon as a very honest man. Ciò Vìi vien detto da molti. I am told so by many people. Io vo facendo qualche cosa pet vostro vantaggio, 1 am doing somethinj to your advantage, .indrà tosto rovinato, he will be soon ruined. La cesa sta come vi dico, the thing is as I tell you Stavanw leggendo quaivdo vostro fratello entrò nella camera, we were reading when your brother entered the room. ITALIAN TONGUE. J9 Regular Conjugation.'^ ere and ire. There are three regular conjugations in Italian, distinguished by the termination of the infinltife. First, in are, aio, ss, amare, amato, to love. Second, iu ere, utv, as, crulerc, creduto, to believe. Third, in tre, ito, as, seyilire, scutUo, to hear. Of the rerbs in are, some have the e long, as, dolnrc, ved re, tenfre ; and the others have it short, scrivere, perdere ; but their manner of being conjugated is noi ail'ected by that. , legem, General Paradigm. iNFiNiTm:. GERUND. PARTICIPLE PAST. I Am-hre andò àto, mi. àta,/6'. àti, mp. àte,/p. 2. C red-era éudo aio uta ÙU ùte 3. Sent-lre éndo ito INDICATIVE ita Iti ite SUnguUir. PluraL (Am-o, 1, *) iamo, àte. ano Praent. ; Cred.0, i, ej iàmo, éte ODO ^SentHi, i. e; iàmo, ite, ono (Am-àva, .^vi. ava; av.imo. avàte, àvano Imperfect. .Credeva, évi, èva; ev.imo. evale, évano Sent-iva, ivi. ivaj ivamo, ivate, ivano , Ani-ai, SCred*^ àsti. ò; ànimo, aste,' àrono Prti.ente. ésti, è ' émmo, éste érono > éttero J ) étti. ésti, ét'te : émmo, éste. ^ Sent-ii, Isti.' \; Immo, iste, in^no (Am-erò, erài. era; eremo, eréte, eninno Future. ^ Cred-ero, erai, era; eremo, eréte, erànno i Sent-irò, irai, irà; iremo, irete. iranno f Am-eréi. xl. ^ Cred-erei, erésti, erébbc; erémmo, eréste. crébbero imditian erésti. erébbe ; eréamio, eréste, crébbero (Sent-iréi, iresti. irebbe; iremmo, ireste, irebbero SUBJU>XTI\E, OR POTENTIAL, (Am-i, J. Cred-a, ( ient-a. i. i; iàmo. iàte, ino Prmtit. a, 3-i i;iJiio, iàte. ano a. ^j iàmo. iàte, ano r Am-assi. assi. asse; àssimo, aste àssero P.cteritc. ^ Cred^éssi, é;.si. esse; éssimo, éste,' éssero (Sent-issi, Issi, Isse; Issano, iste. isserò IMPERATIVE. (Air.-a. i; iàmn, àie, ino Present. ^ Cred-i, 3» limo, éte, ano i Senti, a; JAmo, Ite, ano I. Regalar Conjugation in are, àto, through all its Moods, Tenses, and Persom INFINITIVE. Present. Amare, to love, to like. Gerund. Amando, eon aniire. coll' am.^e, in amare, nelp amare, loving, in loving. Part. yast. Amato, amata, amati, amate, loved. so ACCIDENCE OF THE Prtsent. Jynperfect. Preterite. Fviitre. Condit. Jo, Amo, Ania-va, Am-àj, Ame-rò, Ame-rei, rèma, rémuio, eglino, 6uiai.-o, Have, I did lovt, I loved. I shall lovt. I would Umc CVto, PnteTit. Ami, Preterite, Amà-ssi, SLBJUNCTIVE, OR FOT E NITAL. che tu, M e^h die mt, aniiànio, ssiii.o. cJìe voi, amiate, ste, cA' eglmc, air. ina, fniaylove. ssero, / might /Ci'e. IMPERAirVE. uuuo 1 let lis love ; amate voi, leve ye ; amino eglino. Ama tn. love thou ; ami egli, lei h ii l let them love. All the verbs ii, are are conjugated iike amare, except andare, to go, /are, to do, rfare, to give, and Hare. to remain, with me verbs ending in care and fare, as, peccare, to sin, pagare, to pay, which will be noticed in their proper place. II. Regular Cirnjugatioa in ere, ixto. INFINITIVE. Present. Credere, to believe, to think. GennuL Credendo, con credere, col credere, in credere, nel credere, bcliemtg in, Wieoiii^, Part. past. Creduto, creduta, creduti, credute, believed. Imperfect. Preterite. Future. Condit. Prtsent. Preterite. Io, Cr«do, Crede-va, 5 Cred-ei, \ Cred-etti, Crede-rò, Crede-rei, CA' 10, Cred-a, Crede^ssi, INDICATIVE. tu, credi, creile ; nei, crediamo. voi, cmlete, eehnv. credono vi. va; vaili'', vate. vano esti, è; euiiKO, estc. crono esti. eniii.o. este. ettero rai. resti, rébbe ; reniO, rete, res-.e, ranno SrBJtnSXTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. ■Mtu, di csh ; che r.LÌ, che VOI, eh' eslino. a. a ; ianio. ia-e. ano ssi, sse; ssimo, ste, ssero C»ieli 'u, believe thou ; creda egli, I eglino, let them believe. IMPERATrVE. ' hiìn idieve: crediamo noi, US bcliece ; credete voi, Idieve ye ; in. Regular Conjugation in ire, ito. INFINITIVE, ""•«rtt. Sentire, to hear, fed, perceive. Gerti7id Sentendo, con sentin», col sentire, in sentire, nel sentire, hearing, in hearing, t'ali post. Sentilo, sentita, sentiti, sentite, heard. ITALIAN TONGUE. SI Prtsent. Sento, Imperfect. Senti-va, Preterite. Sent-ii, Future. Senti-rò, Cotidit. Senti-rei, Ch'io, Sent-i, _ Seiiti-ssi, INDIC ;ATrvE, tu. egli; not, twt, senti. sente; sentiamo, sentite, }\ va; vamo, vate. isti, "'; Lmmo, iste, raj, ra; remo, rete, resti rebbe remmo, reste. SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. tu. esh; not, voi. a. 3 ; iamo, late, ssi. sse; ssimo, Bte, IMPERATIVE, Senti tu, hear thmi; senta e^i, lei him hear ; sentiamo noi. Ut fxa hear ; sentite voi, hear \ eglino, W therii kear. Conjugation of Verbs in isco. Amon^ the verts of the fiiird conjusation, ending in irr^ many are irregular in the present of tSe iiM^ie» tive au.l subjunctive, and likewise in the impentiv-é. All their' other tenses are lik£ taairt; ajid lijeat wi pr-^nt here by their first person singular oniy. INFINITIVE. Blandire, blandendo, blandito, to cares*. INDICATIVE. Premmt. Plandiseo, blandisci, blandisce; bund iàmo, blandite, blandiscono. hnperfed, fyc Blandiva; blandii; blandirò; blandirei. SUBJUNCTFV'E, OR POTENTIAL. Present. Bland'sOL, blandisca, blandisca ; blandiamo, blandiate, blandiscano. PreXtrite. Blandissi, blandirsi, blandisse, &c IMPERATIVE. Blandisci tu, blandisca e?!i ; blandiamo noi, blandite voi, blandiscano eglino. Many of the verbs in ire. «co, end likewise in are, o; as, colorare and colorire, to colour ; indurare aod indurire, &c to harden. — Pnets do r.n'. a!/. a5rs nb^crv»- th.; irre?ulanty in isco, and they write equally offro, and offerisco, mu^ge and nuiggisce, laiigiu and languisce, fere and Jerisce, &c. Conjugation of a Reflected and Reciprocal Verb, Reflected and reciprocal vert's are conjuzated alike in Italian. St, joined to the infinitive, uswen to on«'« telf ; and the persons in the other moods are expressed as follows : Sinj. mi, ti. si; myself, thyself, himself, herself. Plural, d, vi, si ; ourselves, yourselves, themselves. They seldom have the addition of the pronouns io, tu, egli, noi, voi, eglino, INFLMTIVE. Divertirsi, to amuse ove's self. Divertendosi, anaising, or in amusmg on^stelf. Divertitosi, having amused one^t self. INDICATrVE, Present. I amuse myself, &c. Sing, mi diverto, ti diverti, si diverte. PI. ci divertiamo, v" divertite, si divertono. Andtoonwith the other tenses— mi iiveriiva; mi divertii; mi divertirò; mi divertirei; ch'io mi difOta; eji'io mi divertissi, &c. 22 ACCIDENCE OF THE DIPERATI\-E. Divertih, amuse thysdf; divertasi, Ut him amuse himtdf ; divertiaiuoci, iet us amuse oursdvea, divertitevi, amuse yourselves ; diverlansi, let them amuse themselves. The compound tenses are conjugated with the verb essere : I have amused myself, &c. Siiig. mi sono divertito ; ti sei divertito; s' è divertito. Phir. ci siamo divertiti, vi siete divertiti, si sono divertiti.— .i/uf jo /or the other tenses : m'era divertito ; mi fui divertito ; mi sarò divertito, &c. — For the feminine : mi sono divertita ; ci siamo divertite. Remarks on here is, there is, 8fc. The English adverbs here and there are expressed in Italian by ci and vi. Ci is commonly used when ■we speak of a place in which we are, and vi of a place in which we are not, as will appear in the follow- ing scheme : C è, ci sono, there is, there are ; her* is, hart are. C era, c' erano, there was, there were. Vi fu, vi furono, there has teen, there hace been. Vi sarà, vi saranno, there will be, siuj. and pi. C era stato, c" erano stati, there had teen. V era stato, v' erano stati, there had been. C'è? ci sono ? is there ? are there ? C era ? c- erano ? was there ? were there ? C era stato ? c' erann stati ? had there been ? V è ? vi sono ? is there ? are there ? V era ? v' erano ? was there ? were there ? V era stato ? v' erano stati ? ìiad there teen ? Non e' è, non ci sono, there is net. there are not. Non e' era, non e' erano, there was net, there were not. Non e' era stato, non e* erano slati, there had not been^ Non v' è, non vi sono, there is not, there art not. Non v' era, non v' erano, thire was mt, there were not. Non v' era stato, non v' erano sta:;, there had not been. Non c' è ? non ci sono ? is not there ? are not there ? Non v' era ? non v' erano ? was net there ? were not there ? Non vi fu ? non vi furono ? has not there been ? have not there beai ? Non v' era stato ? &c. &c. had not there beai ? &c. &c. _ The tone of the voice marks the difference between a simple affirmation or a negation, and an interroga- tion. Thus: — C è del pane, there is some bread. C e del pane? is there any bread ? ^fon v'erano molte donne nel giardino, there were not manv ladies in the garden. iVon u' frano molte donne nel giar- dàìo ? were there not many ladies ia the garden ? Remarks on the verb bisognare, in the sense o/must and ought. The verb bisognare is an impersonal verb of estensive use in Italian ; and its correspondent English verbs, must and ou^ht, not being impersonal, beginners fall into constant mistakes. To avoid this, let the Eng- lish phraseology, / must go, ycu must go, he must go, &c. be turned into it must that I go, it must thai ymi go, it must ihat he goes, &c. and then the following exapiples will be readily imderstood and applied. Bisogna eh' io di parli, 7 must speak to him. Bisogna eh' impariate questo, yiyu must ìearn this. Bisognerebbe eh' io Io facessi, I should do it. Ci bisogna morire, vx must die. Vi bisognava vederlo, you ought to have seen him. Bisognerà eh' egli mi paghi, he must pay me. We see by these examples, that che, after this impersonal verb, requires the subjunctive. ITALIAN TONGUE. 23 Detached Remarks on Verbs. 1. The Italians use frequently the infinitives of verbs, instead of nouns subsiaiitives, for the mascu- line bingular ; as, U sun parlai e m'annoia, his con- versation tires nie ; alio spuntar del gitn-no, at the break of day ; il piangere nasce souciUe dui ridae, tears often spring from laugliter. 2. The infinitive is frequently used instead of the imperative, in negative phrases, chiefly in speaking to inferiors, or in poetry ; as, nan dir qtitsto alia moglie, do not tell this to your wife ; nun cMvdae il seno alla pietà, do not shut your breast to awn- passion ; nun ti lasciar vincere dall' ira, do not let yourself be conquered by auger. 3. The participle passive, conjugated wi'h essere agrees always with its nominative ; as, la virtù e lodata, ma il vizio è tenuto a vile, virtue is praised, but vice is despised. The participle conjugated vrith avere agrees generally with its accusative, when it is placed after that accusative^ but it remains in the masculine singular, when it precedes its accusative ; as, ho ri- O">uto la vostra lettera, I have received your letter; la lettera die iu} ricevuta, the letter which I have received. Avevano fatto gran cose, they had done great things ; le gran cose che avevano fatte, the great things which Ihey had done. The participles present having and being, joined in English to a participle past, are elegantly omitted in Italian ; as, detto questo, tutt dalla co/- mera, having said that, he went out of the room ; finita la predica, vsdmino dalla chiesa. Ihe ser- mon being over, we left the church ; vedutolo, hav- ing seen him. Likewise, when, as soon as, or such like ex- pressions, are not expressed in Ilaliau, when tliey meet in English with the verb to have, or to be, joined to a participle past ; as, fatto eh' ebbe, as soon as he had done ; praitzato ch' avemmo, « hen we had d ined ; venuti di£ furono, as soon as they were come. 4. The pronoun they, when used in the indeter- minate sense of one, we, people, men, it is, it xoas. &c., is rendered in Italian by si ; but by se, when it meets with ne; and the veib is put in a reflected form, ftitLer singular or plural, as happens to be the noun to which it relates. — Sometimes the Italians employ a passive turn, peculiar to liieir Language, with the lielp of the verb essere, whicli is often sup- plied by venire. — Let the following examples be caiefully observed : Si dice cosi ; Si dicono molte cose ; Si dirà, or dirassi che l'avete insult.ito ; Si loda l'uomo modes- to ; Si lodano gli uomini modesti ; Anuasi, or si ama d'es- s«e onorato ; Sieguansi i grandi esem- Mi si domanda uno scu- do; Mi si domandano tre ghinee ; Che si dirà di voi se fate ciò ? Si direbbe, or direbbesi che siete uno spende- Se Non se ne parla ; Cene sarà pailato ; Mi vien detto da molti ; Vene verrà scritto; Siete domandato ; Mi fii dato un libro ; Ci fìi scritta una lettera; Vi saranno mandate molle lettere ; many It ts said so. People report things. Tlicy will say that you insulted him. One praises a modest Modest men are praised. One likes to be : saprà qualche co- Let us follow great ex- ampia. They ask me five shO- lings. They' ask me thru guin- What will be said of you if yrru do so ? Or.i wojdd say that you are a spendthrift. We shall hear some- thing of it. People say ncthing of it. Tliey will speak of it to us. I was told so by many people. They will write it te you. Somehody asks for you. J receiven a book. They wrote a letter to M». You vnU receive many letters. IRREGULAR VERBS. The following observa'ions will ^ea'ly facilitate the general system of the Italian irregular verbs. 1. When a verb is irregular in the present of the indicative, it is always so in the present of the sub- junctive, and in the imperative. 2. Verbs are irregular chiefly in the present of the indicative, the preterite of the same mood, and the participle past. 3. Some verbs in n-Ve, i-Ve, long, and in nire, and likewise some in nere and cere short, contracted in orre and urre, form thcii future and conditional in rrò and rrei ; as, tenére, terrò, terrei • volére, vor- rò, varrei ; venire, verrò, verrei ; porre, porrò, por- ni ; condurre, condurrò, condurrei, &c. &c. — Fare, dare, stare, takt- arj, arti, instead of ero, era, in their future and conditional ; farò, farei, &c. 4. Most of the verbs endins in l-'re and nr're Ion?, and in lire, and iiire, take a g in their present tenses and in the imperative; as, tenure, to hold, tengo, tenga; d.jVre, to grieve, dolgo, doga; sa- lire, to leap, salgo, salga ; venire, to come, vengo, venga. 5. Some verbs in rrrc and rtrc d rop the letter r in their present tenses and in the imperative; as, 24 ACCIDENCE OF THE parére, paio, to appear ; morire, moio, and muoio, Thus, when you have erescOy moco, andassi, fee, to die. you have only to obsene their proper tenses in the Caution. — In the tenses wherein will be found paradigm, and you will readily form cresco, cresci, the first person singular only, the others may be cresce, &c. &c. formed easily by the General" Paradigm (page 19.) I. Irregular Verbs in are, care, gare. Andare, dare, fare, stare, and the verbs ending in care and gare, are the only irregular of the first con jiigation. Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. 1, Andare, andando, andato, to go, Ind, Vado or vo, vai, va ; andiamo, andate, vanno. Andava. Andai. Andrò or anderb. Andrei or anderei. Sub, Ch' io vada, vada, vada ; andiamo, andiate, vadano and vadìno. Andassi. Imp. Va, vada j and iamo, andate, vadano. 2. Dare, dando, dato, to give. Ind. Do, dai, da ; diamo, date, danno. Dava. Died» or detti, desti, diede or dette or die ; demmo, deste, diedero or dettero or dierono. Darò. Darei. Sub. Ch' io dia, dia or dii, dia ; diamo, diate, diano or diino. Dessi. Imp. Da, dia ; diamo, date, diano. 3. Fare, facendo, fatto, to do. Ind, Fo, fai, fa; facciamo, fate, fanno. Faceva. Feci, facesti, fece; facemmo, faceste, fecero. Farò. Farei. Sub. Ch' io faccia. Facessi. Imp. Fa, faccia ; facciamo, fate, facciano. 4. Stare, stando, stato, to be, to live, to stop Ind. Sto, stai, sta ; stiamo, state, stanno. Stava. Stetti, stesti, stette ; stenmio, steste, stettero. Starò Starei. Sub. Ch' io stia. Stessi. Imp. Sta, stia ; stiamo, slate, stiano. The verbs in care and gare take an h in the tenses where the e or g: should otherwise meet before e or u Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. Peccare, peccando, peccato, to tin. Fregare, pregando, pregato, to pray. Pecco, pecc/ii, pecca; pecc/iiamo, peccate, peccano. Prego, pregAi, prega ; prer'iiamo, presrate. pregano. PeccAtrò, pecc/ierei. preg/ierò, prèg/ierei, lVc. &e. II. Irregular Verbs in ère long. Ob. There are but four vpibs in -re long, which are irrefular in their participles; namely, parért, parso; persuadere, persuaso; riinan-'re, rimaso; solére, sotto. Ali the others make their pai'ticiple in nto. N. B. Let this remar\ be attenti'jdy ccnsU^er-yì. — The third person singular and the third person plttra »f the preterite tense of the indicative, are f nncd f:oui the fijst ptrscni singular of that same tense j but ITALIAN TONGUE. 25 the leaxnd person nin^ular, and the first and seamd perions plural, are commonly fonned from the in- finitive ; as, from doWre, giacere, conoscere, &c. &c., are formed, Bolsi, dolesti, dolse ; dolemmo, doleste, dnUcro. Giacqui, giacesti, giacque ; giacemmo, giaceste, giaajxtero. CunobH, conoscesti, conobbe; conoscemino, conosceste, conohhero. Infinitive, Gerund. Participle. 1. Cadére, cadendo, caduto, to fall. fnd. Cado or caglio, cadi, cade ; cadiamo or caggiamo, cadete, cadono or cagiono. Cadeva. Cadd-1, esti, e ; emmo, este, erono. Caderò. Caderei. Sub. Ch' io cada nr caggia. Cadessi. Imp. Cadi, cada or caggia ; cadiamo, cadete, cadano. 2. Dolersi, dolendosi, dolutosi, to complain, to ache. Ind. Mi dolgo or doglio, ti duoli, si duole ; ci dogliamo, vi dolete, si dogliono or dolgono. Doleva. Dol- si, dolesti, *tc. Dorrò. Dorrei. Sub. Ch' io mi dolga or dozlia. Dolessi. Imp. Duóliti, dolgasi ; dogiiàmoci, doletevi, dólgansi. 3. Dovére, dovendo, dovuto, to owe. Ind. Devo or debbo or deggio, devi, deve ; dobbiamo, dovete, debbono or deggiono or deono. Doveva. Dovei or dovetti, dovesti, &c. Dovrò. Dovrei. Sub. Ch' io debba. Dovessi. Imp. Devi, debba ; dobbiamo, dovete, debbano. 4. Giacere, giacendo, giaciuto, to lie down. Ina. Giaccio, giaci, giace ; giacciamo, giacete, giacciono. Giaceva. Giacqui, giacesti, &c. Giicerik Giacerei. Sub. Ch' io giaccia. Giacessi. Imp. Giaci, giaccia ; giacciamo, giacete, giacciano. 5. Tacére, tacendo, taciuto, to be silent. Taccio. Taceva. Tacqui, tacesti, &c., like giacere. 6. Piacére, piacendo, piaciuto, to please. Piaccio. Piaceva. Piacqui, piacesti, &c. like giacere. 7. Sapere, sapendo, saputo, to know. Ind. So, sai, sa ; sappiamo, sapete, sanno. Sa|)eva. Seppi, sapesti, &c. Saprò. Saprei. Sub. Ch' io sappia. Sapessi. Imp. Sappi, sapjjia ; sappiamo, sapete, sappiano. 8. Potére, potendo, potuto, to be able. Ind. Posso, puoi, può ; possiamo, po'ete, possono. Poteva. Potei and potetti, potesti, potè, &c Potric Potrei. Sub. Ch' io possa. Potessi. — (No imperative.) — Poterò and poterci are the future and conditional of tha verb potare, to prune vines. 9. Volére, volendo, voluto, to be willing, to wish. Ind. Voglio, vuoi, vuole ; vogliamo, volete, vogliono. Voleva. Volli, volesti, &c. Vorrò. Vorrei. Sub. Ch' io vojlia. Volessi. — (No imperative.) — Folcrd and volerei are the future and conditional of tin verb Vilare, to fly 26 ACCIDE^XE OF THE 10. Persuadére, persuadendo, persuaso, to persuade. Tnd. PeT^uad-o. i, e ; iamo, ete. ono. Persuadeva. Persuasi, persuadesti, &c. Persuaderò. Persuaderei Sub, Ch' io persuada. Persuadessi. Imp. Persuadi, persuada ; peiiuad-iamo, ete, ano. 11. Tenére, tenendo, tenuto, to hold. Ind. Tengo, tieni, tiene ; teniairo, tenete, tengono. Teneva. Tenni, tenesti, &c. Terrò. TerreL Sub, Ch' io tenga, tenja. teuja ; teniamo, leniate, tendano. Tenessi. Imp. Tieni, tenga, j teuiamo, tene e, tengano. 12. Rimanére, rimanendo, rimaso, and rimasto, to stay. Itld. Rimango, rimani, rimane ; rimaniamo, rimanete, rimangono. Rimaneva. Rinmsi, rimanesti, &c RimaiTÒ. Rimarrei. Sui. Ch' io riniang-a. a, a ; rimaniamo, rimaniate, rimangano. Rimanessi. Imp. Rimani, rimanga ; rimaniamo, rimanete, rimangano'. 13. Parére, parendo, parso, to appear. Ind. Paio and paro, pari, pare : paiamo, parete, paiono. Pareva- Parvi, paresti, &c Parrò. rarreL Sub. Ch' io paia, paia, .te Paressi. Imp. Pari, paia ; paiamo, parete, paiano. This verb is often taken impersonally ; as, m» part, or mt par, gh pare, ci pare, vi part, pare loro, &c. It seems to you, to me, to him, &c 14. Solére, solendo, solito, to be lu^ed. IhcL Soglio, snoli, suole ; sogliamo, solete, sogliono. Soleva or era solito, eri solito, &:c— and so of ali the other tenses n hich are compounded of the verb esserr and the participle solito, m. scdita, f. thta sarò solito J sarei solito ; eh' io sia solito ; eh" io fossi solito, &c. 15. Valére, valendo, valuto, to be worth. hid. Vaglio, vali, vale ; vagliamo, valete, vagliono. Valeva. Valsi, valesti, &c Varrò. Varrei. Sub. Ch' io vaglia. Valessi. Imp. Vali, vaglia ; vagliamo, valete, vagliano. - 16. Vedére, vedendo, veduto, and visto, to see. Ind. Vedo and veggio, vedi, vede ; vediamo, vedete, vedono and vedono. Vedeva. Vidi arid viddi, vedes'i, ircT Vedrò. Vedrei. Sui. Ch' io vedi and vessa. Vedessi. Imp. Vedi, veda ; vediamo, vedete, vedano. The compound verte follow the conjuration of their simple ; as, npcd-re, like vedere, &c III. Chief Irregular Verbs in ere, short. AH the irreguUr verbs in are short are reducible to one of the following terminations in their infinitive . qui ; participle to, uto. Participle. cotto to cook (xcanting) — shiru, conosciuto — know cresciuto — grow nato — i>e bom 1. Ceri ! ; preterite ssi, si, Infinitive. Preterite. Cuocere Rilucere Conoscere Crescere Nascere cossi rilussi conobbi crebbi nacqui TALIAN TONGUE. 27 Infinitive Prttmìe. Panicif^ Nuocere nocqui DOriuto to hurt Torcere torsi torto — luixt Vincere vinsi Vili',0 — COiufltO Urre, and sometimes ur onlj-, contracted from cere ; as, addurre, and addur, from addìuere ; preterite s.-'i, future, rrò, paiiiciple Uo. Fulurt. Addurre aWussi Condurre e^dusà Dedurre dfciusi Indurre indussi Intro-durre — dusi Produrre produssi Eicond-urre — ussi Ridurre ridusa Sedurre sei ussi Tradurre tn'ussi a.-Uurrò condurlo dedunò indurrò — dunò pro-turrò — urro ridu"^ Participle. addotto condotto dedvtio inJotio — dotto prodotto —otto ridotto sedotto tradotto to Iring — ocuduct — uifer — illdiUX — Uad in — yrixtxux — Uai Oack, — reduce — teJuce — tratuiate 3. Jjere : preterite 4^', .sìi ; participle so, sso, to. AUuderc Appliudere Ardere Assidera Chiedere Chiudere Decidere Deludere Deridere Dividere Escludere Incidere Includere Mordere Perdere Radere Ridere Uccidere Conceiere Succedere Prctanle. allusi applausi arsi assisi chiesi chiusi decisi delusi derisi dirisi esclusi incisi inclusi morsi perà Participle. alluso applauso arso assiso cbies'.o chiuso deciso deluso deriso diviso escluso inciso incluso morso perso and perduto raso riso roso The Terb cedere, to yield, b regular. tcnlhiiU — applaud — lÀim — bcnege — aik — tfnU up — deride — aa — include — biU ■ lau^h kia grant 4. Kdere ; preterite si ; participle eso, uso, osto, vio, to. Infinitive. Prttente. Pan'icìpU. Accendere accesi acceso to li^ht Appendere appesi appeso -hing Arrendere arresi arreso — turrender Ascendere ascesi asceso =r^"'c Ascondere ascosi ascoso an^ asoosto Attendere attesi arteso — attend Confondere confusi confuso — oart found Contendere conresi con'eso — dupitte -defend Difendere difesi difeso Dipendere dipesi and dipendei dipeso artd di pendute --depend 28 ACCIDE^XE OF THE Infinitive. Preterite. PaTtiàpU. Discendere discesi disceso to descena Distendere distesi distesi — stretch Fondere fusi fuso and fonduto — mett Impcndere impesi impeso I and impendnto — hang on Intendere intesi inteso — hear, learn Nascondere nascosi nascose 1 OTuf nascosto — conceal Offendere ofiesi offeso -offend Prendere presi preso — take Pretendere pretesi preteso — prttaid Rendere resi reso and renduto Rispondere risposi risposto — answer Scendere sc^ sceso — comedcnon Scindere scinsi scinto — separate Sorprendere sorprei sorpreso — surprise Sospendere sospesi sospeso -suspend Spandere spansi spanso and spanto — spiU, scatter Spendere Tendere spesi speso -spaid^empm tesi te»j — stretch, lead to Tondere tosi and tondei fonduto -shear Fendart, to cleave, and pendere, to hang, are regular. 5. Gere and g^ere ; preterite si ■, ssi ; ] participle so, to, tto. Infinitive. Prfsent. PntfTiU. Participle, Cingere C^ngo cinà cin»o to gird Costringere costringo costrinsi costretto -campa Dipignere dipingo dipinsi dipinto -describe Ereere ergo ersi erto oTid eretto -lift up Fi^re fii^ finsi finto -feign Gingnere giungo giunsi giunto — come to Mer^ere mergo mersi nierso -plunge Piansere piango piansi pianto — weep Fingere pingo pinsi pinto — paint Porgere porgo porsi porto -present Sorgere sorgo sorsi sorto — sprtns out Spaiare spargo sparsi sfiarso and sparto — fjvtaH Spingere spingo spinsi spinto — thrust f^pT spoi^ sparsi sporto — stretch oirf volgo volsi volto -turn Ungere ungo unsi unto — anoint Cofreg'tTe corrugo corressi corretto — correct f^r. &sro fissi fitto -fix,seaart friggo frissi fritto -fry Le^ leggo lessi leto -rÀd Proteggere proteggo protessi protetto — protect Reggere reggo ressi retto — rule Struggere struggo strussi strutto -uxor out The letter g is often transposed in many verbs of this class ; as, piagnere, pignere, dgnere, spignert, ftw piangere, pingcre, cingere, spingere, fcc 6. Gliere ; preterite Isi ; participle Ito. Vert» of this class contract often gliere into rre, and even into r alone ; as, corre, cor, for cogliere ; thee the future ends in rrj, and the conditional in rrei ; as, Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Cogliere, corre, and cor ; coUi, colto, to gather Ind. CogHo and colgo, cogli, coglie ; coglianM), cogliete, cc^liono and colgono. Coglieva. Colà, cogl- iesti, k.c Corrò Correi. ITALIAN TONGUE. Suh. Ch' io, co'Iia, and colga. Cn^liessi. Imp. Cogli, coglia, aiìd colga ; cogliamo, cogliete', cogliano. 29 So are conjugated Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Accogliere, accorrp, accor accolsi accolto towelcome Distoglifc-ie, distorre, distor distolsi distolto — remove Raccosliere, raccorre. raccor raccolsi raccolto — gather Scr-ffliere, scerre , scer scelsi scelto — duxM Sciojliere, aciorre. scior sciolsi sciolto — U7Uie Stogliere, storre, stor stolsi stolto — take off -layhM Togliere, torre, tor tolsi tolto 7. Guere ; preterite nsi; participle iito. Infinitive. Present. PrUerite. Participle Distili icuere di-tinguo distinsi distinto to nrite F«tÌDguere estiiigiii) eb tinsi estinto — piuout 8. Lere; preterite Isi; participle to, so. Infiìiitive. Present. Preterite. Participle. Avellere av^-llo avelsi avulso and avello te roa end Colere colo colsi colto — nverrìitt Disvsllere disvello disvelsi disvcUo — jrull out Espellere esigilo espul>i espulso — expel SveUere svello svelsi svelto — pluck up 9. Mere ; preterite ssi, si ; ; participle sso, to. Infinitive. Prtterite. Participle. Comprimere compressi compresso to keep undo Esprimere espressi espresso — cXf^ress Imprimere impressi impresso — irrn,r(3S Opprimere oppressi oppresso — ojfprcsa Reprimere repressi represso — restrain Assiumere assunsi assunto — take up Consumere consunsi consunto — consuine Presumere presunsi presunto — pirsume Redimere redensi redento — rtdean The verb premere, to press, Ls regular : pretno ; premei, premetti, and pressi ; premuto. 10. A''ere contracted into orre ; preterite si ; participle sto. Verbs of this class contract nere into orre, ani even into or alone j as, porre, por, instead ofprmer». The future ends in rrò, and the conditional in rrei ; as, Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Ponere, porre, and por PrUerite. posi posto Ind. Pongo, poni, pone ; poniamo arid ponghiamo, ponete, pongono Porrò. Porrei. Sub. Ch' io ponga. Ponessi. Imp. Poni, ponga ; poniamo, ponete, pongano. Infinitive. Comporre Disporre Riporre to put Poneva. Posi, ponesti, So are conjugated Present. Preterite. Future. Participle. compongo dispongo ripongo composi disposi riposi comporrò disporrò riporrò composto disposto riposto to Ct'nflp09é -dispose -replace 30 ACCIDENCE OF THE Infinitive, Fraporre Opporre Posporre Infinittvt. Rompere Corrompere Interrompere Prorompere Infinitive. Correre Acrarrere Coiicoriere Diseorreie Prcsenf. frapongo oppongo pospongo Preterite, fraposi opposi posposi Future. fra porrò opporrò posporrò Participle, fraposto 11. Pere; preterite pi; participle tto. Present. Pretaite. Participle. rompo corrompo iuteiTompo prorompo ruppi corruppi inteiTuppi proruppi corrotto interrotto prorotto 12. Rere ; preterite si ; participle so. Present, Preterite. Participle, COITO accorro concorro discorro corso accoi-so concoreo discorso to interpon — oppose — delay — spoil — disturb — Tvsh out to run — run to — run togetha 13. Tere ; preterite si, ssi ; participle to, so, and Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Assistere assisti and assistei assistito to assist Avertere aversi and avertei avei-so and avertito — turn off Connettere connessi connesso — unite Consistere consisti and consìstei consistito — consist Discutere discussi discusso -examine Genuflettere genuflessi genuflesso — kneel Insistere insistei and insisti insistito — insist Mettere misi messo -put Percuotere percossi percosso — strike Promettere promisi promesso — promise Resistere resistei and resisti resistito — resist Riflettere riflessi riflesso — reflect Riscuotere riscossi riscosso — receive Scuotere scossi scosso — shake off. 14. Vere ; preterite ssi, si ■ ; participle to, tto. SSO. Infinitive. Prcteritz. Participle. Asciolvere asciolsi asciolto to take a luncheon Ascrivere ascrissi ascritto — impute Assolvere assolsi assoluto and assolto — absolve Dissolvere dissolsi dissolto — dissolve Movere or muovere mossi mosso — move Risolvere risolsi risoluto — resolve Piovere (imp. rei •tj piove and piovve piovuto — rain Scrivere scrissi scritto — write Solvere sMvei and solsi soluto - untie Soscrivere soscrissi soscritto -subscribe Vivere vissi vissuto and vivuto -live 15. Bere. — The verb bevcre, to drink, is a regular verb, conjugated like cre- dere ; but it is often contracted in the following manner : — Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. Bere beendo bevuto, to drink. Ind. Beo, bei, bee; beviamo, beete, beono. Beeva. Bevvi, beestij bevve; teemmo, beeste, bevvero. Bero. Berei. ITALIAN TONGUE. 31 Sub. Ch' io bea, beva, and bevva. Bevvessi, aiid bessi. Imp. Bei, bea ; beviamo, beete, beano. This contraction has something uncouth, and is not adopted by correct writers ; tlie regular form is by far jireferable. Assorbere, pret. assorsi ; part, assorto, to suck up, to al/sorb, is otherwise conjusated like crccUre; assorbo, assorbeva, assorberò, &c. 16. ^rre ; contracted (torn verbs in ere. Verbs of this kind take commonly a drjiible gg in the present of the indicative and subjunctive, and in the imperative ; the preterite is made ui, the participle tto, the future rrv, and the conditional nei. Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Trarre and traere trassi tratto, to draw Iiid. Trao OTZti trajgo, trai, trae; traiamo and tn^f^b'ainiì, traete, traono a-,id traggono. Traeva. Trassi, tra-.:s'i, &c. Trarrò. Trarrei. .Sub. Ch' io tracia. Traessi. Imp. 'J rai, tra??^ ; traianio and tragghiamo, traete, traano and tragulo. So are conjugated its compounds : Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Attrarre attrassi attratto to attract Contrarre contrxssi conti-atto — contract Distrane disti-assi distratto — take off Ritrarre ritrassi riiratto — draw out Sottrane sottrassi sottratto —mbtract IV. Iiresular Verbs in ire. Infin. Gerund. Prct. Part. l Dire, dicendo, dissi, detto, to^ffl?/ or l offerii 5 Influire intiu-si Offerire Participle. offerto offe» ■ influenct Apparire {^^t^^H'^'S^l- appear CHAPTER Vili. LICENSES AXD EXPLETIVES. Grammariaiis gire the name of licenses to soms peculiar chanres which writers have Diaile ia ihe formation of certain words, eiiher by leus heiiingor shonening them, or by altering tiieir u>ual orih -g- 1. The third person plural of the preterite tense of the indicative, eniing in arcrno. is ofjcn c-iiirrac-- ed into aro ; as, anmrS. legaro, andcm.; for ama- rono, legaroTW, andarono. 2. The letter v is frequently left out in some tenses, but chiefly in the ii.:p^rféctof the in iicative ; as, avea, potea, 'finia, scriviamr; dee, demw. bts, bea, &c, for iioeva,pUeva,fi3UL-lin;:o, adfrnato chi- nato, dentato, osato, we find colnio, adc/mc, chino, domo, c«o. 4. The letter e is often found added, in ancient poetry, to the third person singular of the preterite tense of the indicative, and ti S'irne o'.her words ; as, amoe, ^arloe, canizie, fue, prue, glue, fee for amò, parlo, cantò, fit-, più, giù. kc — ^Sometimes o is adiled to verbs endi/is in tre ; as, rap'w, finic, empio, uscio, for rapì, fini, empi, us A. 5. Sometanes g and gs are used ìnsea;! •>{ other letters ; as, seggio, veggio, caggio, reggendo, cheg- glio. speglio, Scc', icsteil of sjtUk vedo, cado, chiedo, vecchio, spejcchio, ice. 6. Wé find e instead of a and t in the second and ttird person singular of the indicative ; as, cele for cela, celi ; serie for serba, serbi, te. 7. The articles deVo. rieJla. degli, f'e:', cfc7.\ are often written by the poets, de lo, c^ la. de gli, de li, dele. Besides these licenses, the Italian poets employ many words seldom used in pmsa, by v.bich 'hey f&nn a lans\ia=-e peculiar to themselves ; such are the following ones : Aer /or aria the air. Braiidi for spada, a swcrd. Carme far verso, verse or poem. È-ca. for cibo, food. Legno for vascello, ship. Lumi for occhi, eye». Palma for mano. AoJid, Squilla /or campa- nella, beU. Unqua, unquaoche, imquanco, for uuu, ever. Vate for poeta, a poet. Viri for uomini mm, heroes. &c- — Chieflv Latin words, of which thousands will be found in reading the poets, Expletiits. — These are cer*^n words which, in some particiJar locutiics, ceaac to have any rea meauing, and are employed only for the saie of greater eniphasis, or more elegance and harmony Tlie Italians give to ihose expktivts the name of ripieno, whicli literally signifies fill up. — The fol lowing words are those which are more frequeuily used as expletives : Pure, tnai, poi, già. così, mica, rum, via, egli dia, ISSO, mi. ti. ci, vi. si, LitepMr quel che volete ; say whatever ycu please:. E fvare arJite negarlo ? and do you dare to deny il? Ora sono pur disposti a venire ; they art runa daposed to arme. 'loma mai sempre a dire di nuovo ristesse cose ; he is always repeating the same things. Non è poi vero quanto mi diceste ? is not what you told Tiu true ? Non vorrei già eh' egli partisse ; I would riOt ut glad that he should go away. Non credo già che ve n' avrete a male ; / do not bdxece t.\at you vMl le hurt try it. Con esso lei, con esso loro ; with her, with them, la. dottrina è di più gran prezzo che 7icn le ij- cbezze ; karrUng is cf greater value than riches. E" più dotto eh' io non credeva ; he is mon learned than I thought. It m: sin gio\-iretta ; I am ycung. 1 1 mi credo che non è vero; I believe that it is net true. I giova!)! sono via pin inclinati a' piaceri che non allo studio ; youns people art more inclined to pleasure than to study, &c. &C. The limits of this short grammar do not permit me to be more diffuse ; but I earnestly recommend to Ihe learners to peruse all the idiomatical sen- tences inserted in the Dictionary, as this will greali forward their progress ia ihe Italian language. AN ITALIAIV AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. PART I. «I. masculine; /. feminine; ad. adverb; a. adjective; prep. preposition; pron. pronoun; part, participle; conj. conjunction j inter j. interjection. ABB A prep, to, in, by. ^vith, at ; J why, towards, as, be- tween; a che piangi? why do you cry ? a tramontana, towards the north ; dolente a morte, grieved to death ; a nome del rè, in the name of the kins? ; a crédito, upon trust ; v' aspètto a casa, 1 shall stay for you at home ; da qui a tre giorni, in three days ; a forza di braccia, by strength of arms Ababbóccio, ad. inconsiderately, confusedly Abadéssa, /. an abbess Abantlco, ad. anciently Abate, m. an abbot Abadla, /. (badia) an abbey Abbacare, to be confused ; to search for Abbacchiare, to beat down with a pole Abbachlsta, m. an arithmetician Abbacinaménto, m. dazzling Abbacinare, to dazzle, dim, cloud Abbacinato, a. dazzled ; ària ab- bacinata, a foggy air A'bbaeo, m. arithmetic ABB Abbadire, (badare,) to mind, take care ; abbaia a te, take care cf yourself Abbadéssa, /. an abbess Abbadia, /. an albey [ness Abbagliaménto, m. dazzling, rash- Abbagliante, a. dazzling Abbagliare, to dazzle, delude Abbagliato, o. dazzled Abbàglio, m. dazzling Abbaiaménto, m. a barking Abbaiante, a. barking, baying Abbaiare, to bark, talk raslJy, to boast, to disclose Abbaiato, a. barked, bayed. Abbaiatóre, m. a barter, a slan- derer Abbaino, m. sky-light Abballare, to pick up Abballatóre, m. a packer Abbalordire, to stun Abbandonaménto, m. abandoning, dejection Abbandonare, to forsake, quit, give 3ver; abbandonarsi, to de- spond, to give one's self over; abbandonarsi alle passióni, to give up to passion 33 ABB Abbandonatamente, ad. vehement- ly, violently Abbandonato, a. forsaken ; ab- bandonato da' mèdici, given over by physicians Abbandonatóre, ni. deserter Abbandóno, m. leaving, forsak- ing; lasciare in abbandóno, to leave at random Abbarbayliare, to dazzle Abbarbagliato, a. dazzled, con- founded Abbarbicarsi, to take root Abbarbicato, a. rooted, inveterate Abbarcare, to pile up AbbanVire, to fasten with a bar Abbarutfaménto, m. a scuffle; quarrel Abbamftàre, to disorder; abba* ruttarsi, to dispute Abbassaménto, m. fall, diminu- tion Abbassare, to pull, or bring down ; abbassar gli occhi, to cast down the eyes ; to abate ; to diminish ; abbassarsi, to humble one's self Abbassato, part, diminished, de- clined ABB Abbasso, ad. below, down Abbas'iinza, ad. enoo^ Abbàie, m. abbot Abbàttere, to tbrow down; lo abate ; abbatter la vela, to strike the sai! ; abbàt-erbi. to meet with ; s'abbatte di dire, he hap- pened to say AbbattiméDto, m. weakness, faint- uess ; abbattiniéuto deiia mente, dejection of mind Abbattuta,/, destruc-ion Abbattuto, part, oppre^ed Abbatuffolare, to mix promisoo- ously Abbellire, to please, beau'ify Ablielliménto, ni. an ornament Abbellbe, to paint, adorn Abbellito, o. painted, adorned Abbenche, ad. alihouzh, notwith- standing Abbendàre, to bind, to crown Abbeverare, to wa»er Abbeverato, a. watered Abbeveratóio, m. a watering place Abbiadare, to give oars Abbicare, to heap up Abbiccì, m. the alphabet Abbiente, a. rich, capable Abbiettaménte. ad. meanly Abbiettare. to disgrace Abbiettézza, /. abasement Abbiètto, a. vile, abject, coctempt- ibk Abbiezióne, /. atjeclion. Abbigliaménto, m, fiiaery, dress Abbigliare, lo-adoiii, faniish Abbisrliàto, part, fumishtd, trim- màì up Abbindolare, to deceive Abbioccare, to cluck Oike hens) Abbiosciàre, to fall; abbiosciarsi, to be dejected Abbisoeuire. to want, to be indi- gent; abbisogna eh" io vada, I must go Abbisognóso, a. indigent Abbisso, m. an abyss, a bottomless gulf, or pit Abbituniire, to ceacent Abbiurare, to abjure Abbiurazione,/. abjuration Abboccaménto, m, an interview, conference Abboccare, to fill up ; abboccarsi. to confer ; abboccarsi con qual- cheduno, to have an interview Abboccato, m. a glutton Abbocconàre, to cut very small Abbolire, to abolish Abbolizióne,/. abolishment Abbomiaabile, o. execrable ABB detfs*, ha^ part. detested. Abbominnre, Abbominalo, hated AtbominaziÓEe, /. detestation Abbominévole, a, abom'Lable Abbominevolmaate. ad. abomina- bly Abbominóso, a. detestable Abbonaccìaiiiénto, m. a calm Abbonacciare, to pacify : abbonac- ciarsi, to grow calm ; il mar s'abbonAccia, the sea grovss calm Abbonaccialo, part, calmad Abbonaménto, jn. agreement Abbonare, to mend ; abbonarsi, to grow better Abboudaménio, m. abundance Abbondante, a. aboundins. plen- tiful Abbondantemente, ad. plentifuDy Abbondaiiza. /. plenty Abbondaaziere, m. a victualing ! comnjssioner ! Abbondare, to abound Abl>ondévole, a. plentiful Abbondevolézia. /. abundance Abbondevolménte, ad. plenti- fully Abbnndosaménte, ad. copiously Aht shiver I Abbronzaménto, m. crisping, or I sun-burring Abbronzare, to tan, scorch, blast 'Abbroslire, and Abbrestólire, to I roast, or toast I Abbruciaruénto, m. burning, or smart Abbruciente, a. burning Abbruciare, to bum Abbrunamento, in. a darkeninr Abbrunire, to make brown Abbrunire, to tarnish ; to become bro«Ti Abbrustiare, to singe Abbrustolare, to crisp Abbrustolire-, to tocast, scorch Abbuiarsi, to grow dark Abbm^ttare, to bolt, or sift Abburattórt, m. a bolter Abdicare, to resign Abdicato, part, al^iicated Abdicazióne,/, abdication Abecedario, m. the A, B, C Abetaia,/, a frr-grove Abéte, m, a fir-tree Abile, a. skilful Abilità. Abilitàde, and Abilitate, /. ability, address, art ; eli fece abilità al pagare, he gave him time to pay Abilitare, to enable Abii ita to. part, enabled Abilmente, ad. cleverly Abissare, to precipitate Abisso, m. abyss, obscurity, hdl Abitàbile, a. habitable Abitante, m. an inhabitant Abitare, to inhabit, to dwell m Abitato, part, inhabited .abitatóre, m. who inhabits Abitazioncélla, /. a small house Abitazióne, /. a haliitation Abitévole, o, convenient A'bito. m. dress, use, custom Abituale, a. habitual Abiiualménte, ad. habitually Abituare, to accustom ; abituarsi, to accustom one's self Abinóto, o. accustomed Abitùdine, /. a hahit Abitiiro, m. habitation ACC Abiatìvo, m. ablative case Abolire, to abolùb, annul, repeal, asnitulate Abolito, a. abolished Abolizióne,/, abolishment Abominàbile, a. see Abbomina- bile Aborrévole, a. abominable Aborrire, to abhor Abortare, Abortire, and Abortirsi, to miscarry Abortito, a. miscarried, abortive Abòrto, m. a miscarriage Abrogare, to annul Abrogazióne,/, abrogation Absénte, ALssnzia, set Assènte, &c. Abusare, to abuse, misuse ; abusarsi della paziènza, to put out of pa- tience Abusivamente, ad, abusively Abusivo, a. abusive Abuso, m. an abuse, disuse Acanino, a. cruel Acanto, rn. bear's-foot Acaro, m. a hand worm Acca, /. the letter H : non vale un acca, not worth a pin Accademia,/, an academy Accademicamente, ad. academi- cally Accadèmico, ni. an acsdemist Accadere, to happen, come to pais ; come tal volta accade, as it some- times happens ; nou accaie che voi mi diciate il contràrio, you need not tell me the contrary Accaduto, part, hapjiened Accaft are, to snap, to s.iatch Accagionamento, m. imputation Accagionare, to impute Accalappure, to eiisuare, to entrap Accalorare, to heat Accalorato, part, heated Accampaménto, ni. eccampment Accampare, to encamp ; accam- parsi, to pitch one's camp Accanare, Accaneiziire. aiid Ac- canire, to uncouple, (chase term) Accanato, a. {uri^us Accani'ajiièn'e, ad. furiously Accannelbie, to wind Accanto, ad. aside, near Accapezzare, to finish Accapigliaménto, m. plucking by the hair Accapigliare, to fall togetiitr by the ears Accapitol^re, to make head-bands for books Accappatoio, m. a kind of cloak Accappiale, to tie with a running knot ACC Accnppiatura,/. slip-knot Accappoi^e, to make capons Accapricciàre, and Accapricciàrsi, to be struck with fear, or horror Accarezzaiuèuto, ni. caresses, al- lurtmenti Accarezzare, to flatter, wheedle, caress Accarezzato, part, flattered Accarezzèvole, a. flattering, wheed- ling Accp.mire, and Accamire, to fall foul on one Accisamento, m. wedding Acca-^re, 10 begin house-keeping; accasarsi, to marry Accasato, a. marri&i, settled Accascare, to happen [weakness Accasciaménto, ni. dejection anJ Accasciare, and Accasciarsi, to be debilitated and dejected Accalarraménto, ni. a cold Accatarrare, to take cold Accatarralo, part, who has got a cold Accatastare, to heap up Accattabrighe, m. a litigiousfellow Accattaniéato, m. beggary Accattapane, ni. beggar Accattare, to borrow ; to beg Accattato, o. borrowed Acca latóre, m. a mendicant, or a boi rower Accattatòzzi, m. a beggar Accatto, m. Accattaiira, ajid Ac- carterla, /. a loan ; (also) begging or borrowing ; fare un buon ac- catto, to make a good bargain Accattone, m. a beggar Accavalciare, to ride astraddle Accavalciato, part, seated astraddle Accavallare, to heap upon Accecaménto, m. blindness, mis- take Accecare, to blind ; l'amóre acceca l'uòmo, love blinds a man Accèdere, to approach Accefl".'ire, to snatch with the teeth Accèggia, /. a woodcock Acceleraménto, m. ojid Acceleinn- za, /. hurry, haste Accelerare, to make speed Acccleratamente. ad. in a hurry Accelerato, part, hastened Accendere, to light ; to kindle ; to excite Accendèvole, and Accendibile, a. combustible Accendimécto, m. burning ; in- citemtn', incentive Accen litóio, m. a match Accennaménto, m. a noJ or sign to ACC Accennare, to nod, beckon ; to pre- tend J m' é stato accennato* 1 ^'^ a bint Accennatiira, /. a sign Accensibile, a. conibustible Accensióne, J. a conflagration Accènto, m. accent ;" pronuncia- tion, tone Accentuare, to accent Accentuato, part, accented Accerchiare, to surround, to go around AccerchieUare, to hoop Accertaménto, rn. confirmation Accertare, to assure, assert ; to war- rant ; v' accerto che lo farò, 1 promise to do it Accertazióne, /. assurance Accertèllo, ni. a keetrel (a bird of prey) Accesamente, ad. eagerly Accéso. ?/art. kindled'; accèso d'ira, in a iiassion ; accèso d'amóre, in- flamed with love Accessibile, a. accessible Accessióne,/, accession Accésao, ni. access, admittance Accessoriamente, ad. accesso- rily Accessorio, a. accessory ; il prin- cipale e l'accesiiório, the princi- pal and the accessory Accétta, /. an axe Accettabile, a. acceptable Accettare, to accept ; accattare una lèttera di càmbio, to accept a bill of exchange Accettato, part, accepted Accettaiòre, m. an accepter, a par- tial jud»e Accetàzione- /. acceptance Accettévole, a. acceptable Accettevolménte, ad. willingly Accètto, a. srateful ; far òpere accétte a Dio, to do things ac- cep'able to God Acchetare, to quiet, hush ; to ap- pease Acchetato, part, appeased Acchiappare, to ca'ch, to cheat Acchiappato, jmrt. caught Acchiocciolarsi, to sit squat A'ccia,/. thread ; an axe Accialattare, to cobble Acciabattato, part, cobbled Acciaccare, to squeeze ; to pound Acciacco, m, affront, wrong, in- disposition Acciàio, m. steel Acciainolo, m. a s'eel to strike fire Acciappinàre. to do hastily Acciaituo, ni, a steel ACC Acciaro, m. (see Acciaio) poetìcal- \y, a. sword Accidentale, a. accidenti!, casual Accidenialménte, adv. accideutally Accidente, m. accident, chance j per accidente, by chance Accidia, /. laziness, sloth Accidiosamente, ad. lazily Accidióso, a. slothful, idle, slug- gish ; un accidióso, a siuggard Aa:iecaménto. m. blindness Accigliarsi, to frowu Acclgnersi, aiid Accingersi, to pre- pare one's self Accigniioénto, m. preparation Accinto, a. ready 'icció, CO the end Acciottolare, to pave Acciuffare, to take by the hair Acciuga,/, anchovy ' Accivlre, to provide, supply Acclamare, to esciairù, to applaud Acclamazióne,/. acc!ama;ion Acclive, li inclined Acclività,/, an .-i£cent Accoixare, to notch : accoccarla ad uno, to put a trick upon one Accoccolarsi, to stoop down Accodarsi, to follow close Accogliènza, /. reception : fare ac- ot^liénza, to make one welcome ; lièta accogliènza, a fciiid recep- tion Accògliere, to receive, entertain; to assemble Accoglimentaccio, m. cool recep- tion Aca^iménto, m. reception Aca^litóre, m receiver AccoRlo, m. acolye Accollare, to embrace ; accollarsi un débito, to take upon one's self another's debt Accnlpire, to accuse Accollato, a. criminal Accòlta./, an assembly Accoltellare, to strike with a knife Accoltellata, /, a thrust with a knife Accòlto, a. received ; gathered Acoomandagione, /. protection Accomandare, to recommend ; ac- comandarsi, to recommend one's self Accnmmia'are, tD dismiss ; to dis- band soldiers ; accommiatarsi da' suoi amici, to take leave of one's friends Accommiatato, part, discharsed Accomodàbile, a. that mav be accommodated ACC Accomodamento, ni. an agree- ment ; far l'accomodaménto d' una querela, to make up a dilfer- ence Accomodare, to amend, to agree ; accomodarsi, to sit down, "or to be reconciled Accomodatamente, ad. suitably Accomodato, a. suitable Accomodatrice.^. head-dresser Accomodevolménte, ad. suita- bly Accompagnaménto, 7n, a train, a retinue ; an accompaniment Accompagnare, to accompany ; ac- osmpagtarsi, to be a comjanion. partner. Accompagnato, part, accompanied Accompagnatore, m. companion, or one" who accompauies (in music) Accomunaménto, m. community Accomunare, to put, or live 'in conimon Acconcézza, /. ornament, con- veniency, opportunity Acconciaménie, ad, conveniently, politely Acconciaménto, m, an adjustment, a repairing Acconciare, to fit ; to niend ; to make ready ; acconciare il capo, to dress the head ; acconciaisi, to dress one's hair; to be rec- onciled Acconciatamérte, ad. properly, conveniently Acconciatóre, m. a mender ; hair- dresser Acconciatrice, /. a milliner Acconciatura, /. the ornament of a woman's head ; pèrder l'accon- ciatura, to miss one's aim Accóncio, m. advant3:re Accóncio, a. mended.' dressed, ad- dicted Acconsentimécto, m. consent Acconsentire, to assent ; chi face, accocsén'.e, silence gives consent Accoppare, to knr>ck tkjmi Accoppiaménto, ni. imìon, con- juiìciion Accoppiare, to ma'ch ; accoppiar- si, to couple one's self Accoppiato, part, coupled Accoppiatóre, m. one who joins together Accoppiati) ra, /. conjunction Accoraménto, 'm. hèirt-grief Accorare, to grieve at heart Accorato, part, grieved, vexed Accoratolo, m. disaster 36 ACC AccoraziÓDe, /. tee AccoTzméato Accorciaménto, m. a shortening Acc-jrciare. to shorten, to diminisli Acccrciataménte, ad. summarily Accorciato, pari. shortened,abridg ed Accorciatnre, m. abbreviator Accorciatura./, decreasing Acconianiènto, m. and Accordan za, /. agreement in tune (in m'l sic)also conformity in sentimects Accordare, to tune,' to agree; ;o grant AccoHarsi, to conform one's self ; to play in unison Accordatamente, ad. unanimous ly Accordato, m, the keeping in a picture Accordato, o. tuned, agreed AccoTualorc, m. mediator Accordatrice, /. media'jii Accordatura,/, ta Accnrdamajto Accordèvoìe^ a. th« may be agreed, tuned, proportioned I Accòrdo, TO. agreement, harmony, consent ; métter d'accordo, to make friends Accórgtre, to make sensible ; ac cnrgersi, to perceive ; accòrger- si del suo errore, to own one's error AccoTgévole, a. crafty Accorgiménto, m. foresight, ca- pacity Accoxre, see Accògliere Accórrere, to run lo, to hasten ; to pursue Accorruómo, inierj. help ! Accórso, part, rail to Accoriamente, ad. needfully Acconamenlo, nu shortening Accon.'ire, to shorten Accortézza,/, circumspection Accòrto, a. wise, prudent, crafty; sia'e accòrto a quel che fate, oo'n- sider w hat you do ; far accòrto, to forewarn ; accòrtosene, he per- ceiving it AccTsciire, to squat down AccfHtaménto, nu approach Accostante, a. supple, pliant ; vino accostante, pectoral wine Accostare, to approach ; accostar- si, to come neaj Accostalo ra./. connexion Accostévole, a. accessible si, to inure one's self Accostumauuaénte, ad. customa rily ACE Accostumato, a. accustomed, good, honest, virtuo'is Accotonare, to nap cloth Accotonatore, m. he who naps cloth Accovacciarsi, to lie squat Accovonale, to n-ake U() in sheaves Accoezaménto, m. striking one against another Accozzare, to butt at, to meet Accreditare, to give credit j ac- creditarsi, to get a name Accreditato, a. responsible, cred- itable Accréscere, to increase, to educate Accresciménto, m. improvement, additi>n Accresciuto, a. increased Accudire, to despatch, to take caie of Accumuiare, to treasure up Accumulataménle, ad. atun- dantly Accumulato, part, heaped together Accumulazióne,/. Accumulamén- to, m. ard Accumulanza, /. ac- cumulation, heap, collection Accuntaménte, ad. diligentlv ex- actly Accuratézza,/, care, diligence Accurato, a. careful, diligent Accusa,/, accusation, charge Accusaménto, rn. imputaiion Accusante, m. accuser Accusare, to accuse, impeach ; ac- cusarsi, to confess, to own A(^u3ativo, ri\. the accusative case Accusato, part, accused Aceusa'óre, m. accuser, informer Accusazióne, /. a complaint Acerbamén.e, ad. obstinately ; bitterly, cruelly, too soon Acerb.are. to exaspeiate Acerbézza,/, sourness, shyness Acerbità, Acerbitade, aiid Acerbi- tàte,/. asperity, shyness Acerbo, a. unripe, green, bitter, sad ; uva acért)», sour grapes ; under age; morte acerba, un- timely dea'h A' cero, m., a maple Acerrimo, a. very cruel Acèrvo, m. heap Acetàbolo, and Acetabulo, m. a cruet Acetato, a. sour, soaked in vine- gar Acetlre. to grow sour Acéto, m. vinegar Acetósa,/, scrrel (an herb) Acetosella, /. pretty salad, wild jorrel ACR Acetosità, Acetositàde, and Acetos- ilate,/. acidity Acidézza, and Acidità, /. sour- ness acidity A'cido, a. sharp, sour A'cino, m. the kernel of a grape Aconito, m. wolf's-bane A'cqua, /. water ; acqua sorgente, spring water ; acqua morta, still water Acquacchiare, to grow weak Acquacela, /. muddy water Acquafòrte,/, aquafortis Acquàio, TO, sirJc Acqi;aiuólo, a. aquatic; m. a watenr;an Acqua morta, /. standing water Acquare, 'o water (plants, &c.) Acqua rósa, or rosa'a, /. rose-water Acqiiartierai-i, to take a lodging Acqurirzéute,/. brandy Acquatico, a. that lives in water Acquato, a. vino acquato, wine and wa'er Acquattarsi, to lie, to squat Acquavite, /. branny Acqua vi va,/, spring water Acquazzóne, m. a great shower Acqueréccia, /. ewer Acquerellare, to paint in water- colours Acquerèllo, m. water-colour Acquedótto, see Acquidótto Acquetare, stt Acquietare Acquétta, /. wiue mixed with wa er Acquicela, /. rain Acquicèlla,/, rivulet Acquidóso, n. wa'ery, moist Acquedotto, TO. aqueduct Acquietare, to appease, pacify Acquisito, rn. acquisition Acquisi'o, o. acquired Acquisizióne, /. aitd Acqubtameu to, ra. acquisition Acquisire, to acquire, get, gain Acquistilo, a. acquired, obtainisd Acquistatóre, ra. acquirer Aeqiiistévole, a. acquirable Acquisto, TO. acquisition Acquitrino, m. a marsh Acquitrinóso, a. marshy Acquosità, /. humidity Acquóso, a. watery A'cre, a. sharp Acremente, ad. sfiarply, severely Acrimonia,/, sharpness, acrimony Acrimónico, a. corrosive Acrità, see, Agrézza A'cro, a. sour ; fierce Acròstico, TO. acrostic [cles Acrotério, m. acroters, or pinna- 37 ADD Acuiti^/, acuteneas Acùleo, m. sting Acume, TO. point, quick wit Acutamente, ad. smartly j risp6a- dere acutamente, to answer wit- tily Acu'ézza, /. see Acume Acuto, a. sliarp; pointed; i» gogno aci'i'o, shrewd wit; vóce acuta, shrill voice ; febbre acuta, violent fever ; accénto acfito, acute accent Ad, (a,) prep, to; ad Antonio, to Antony ; ad imo ad uno, one at a time Adacquaménto, to. watering any thing Adacquare, «o water Adacquato, part, watered Adanàre, to acconumodate ; adap giarsi, to b: slow, to take ooet conveniency Adagiato, a. rich Adagio, to. adage Aiiàgio, ad. leisurely, slowly Adamante, to. a diamond Ariamanlno, a. adamantine Adasprire, to provoke Adastiare, to envy Adattabile, a. that can be adapted Adattamente, ad. aptly Adattaménto, m. and Adattàn2a,j . application, adapting, aptness Adaitanie, a. one who adapts Adattare, to adapt, to fit ; adattirt see. Aiccomod/irsi Adat àto, part, adapted Alitarsi, to apply to Addebolire, to weaken Aldeboliménto, to. weaknesi Addecimare, to lay, or gather tbe tithe AdJecs'ire, to condense Addentare, to seize with &• teeth Addentato, part, bit, bitten Addentellare, to leave toothing s'oues Addentellato, m, a toothing Addéntro, ad, within Addestare, to awake Addestraménto, to. instruction Addestrare, to instruct, educate aldes'ràrsì, to exercise, practise Addestratóre, m, a gentleman usher Addi, ad. on the day Addiacénte, o. ad'acent Addiètro, ad. behind; per 1' ad diètro, formerly; lasciare addiè- tro, to leave off; méttere addiè- tro, to neglect M.: ADD Addiettivo, a. adjective Addimijida, /. demand Addiniandare, to demand, ask ; addìmandàre una grazia, to be^ a favour: addimandarsi, to be called Addimandatrire, m. he who inter- rogates Addimesticare, to tame ; addimes- ticarsi, to grow familiar Addio, adieu, farewell. Addirsi, to be proper Addirimpefto. prep, facing Addirizzaménto, ni. direction, con- duct Addirizzare, to make straight ; to put in the right way ; to instruct, train ; to ménd ; addirizzarsi, to take the road to Addirizzato, part, directed Additaménto, m. indication Additare, to point out, to show Additato, part, pointed out Addilatore, m. he who indicates Addivenire, to happen AddoblKunénto, rn. embellishment Addobbare to set off; ad^m, em- bellish ; addobbare una casa, to furnish a house Addobbato, part, adorned Addòbbo. 771. fin°ry ; dress ; ad- dòbbi di casa, household goods Addolciménto, 771. mitigation, calm Addolcire, to sweeten, soften, alle- viate ; to rule, to restrain Addolcitivo, a. lenitive Addolcito, part, sweetened Addolorare, to grieve ; addolorarsi. to be afflicted Addolorato, part, afflicted Addomandàre, to send for Addomesticaménto, »7i. familiarify Addwnesticare, to tame ; addomes- ticarsi, to be familiar Addomesticatóre, tti. he who tames Addómine. 771. the abdomen Addoppàrsi, to hide one"s self be- hind Addoppiamento, m, redoubling Addoppiare, to double Addoppiato, part, doubled Addoppia'tira,/. redoubling Addoppio, ad. doubly Addormentaménto, tti. sltimber Addormentare, to lull to sleep, to decoy, amuse ; addormentarsi, to fall asleep ; lasciarsi addormen- tare dalle lusinghe, to suffer one's self to be d&^ived Addormentato, a. sleepy, dmwsy Addonnire, set Addormentare Addossaménto, m. trouble, toil ADI lay upon one's back : addossare la 'colpa ad uno, to lay the blame on another ; ad- dr/ssarsi la cura d'un negòzio, to take upon one's self the" care of an affair Addossa, ad. upon one's back ; upon, towards; l'abito che ho addosso, the clothes I have on ; métter le ùnghie addòsso, to lay hold ; métter l'occhio addosso, to cast an eye ; non ho dauàri addòsso, I have no money about me ; tené.ie addòsso alcuna cosa, any thing at one's own expense Addotto, part, induced Addottorare, to lake the highest or doctor's degree Addottorato, part, having taken a degree AddoitriBare, to instruct Addot'riualaménte. adv. learnedly Addottriaito, pari, instructed Addri:to, a. active, skilful Addurre, to bring, convev, allege, cite Adeguaménto, tti. equality Ade^are, to make equal, even, to compare, to balance an account Adegua'amén'e, ad. equally Adempibile, a. feasible Adémpiere, to accompb'sh. fim'sh Adempiménto, 771. accomplishment Adempire, to fulfil, to execute Adempitòre. 77J. whr» executes Adempiuto, part, fulfilled Adéntro, ad. inwardly, within ; tròppo adéntro, too far in Adeqnài~e, see Adeguare Ade^ua'amén'e. ad, exactly equal ; rispóndere adequaui- mén'e, to give a right answer Adequa'o. a. proportioned Adequazióne,/, equality Aderbare, to feed wi h grass Aderén'e, a. adherinj, "favouring Aderènza, /. and Aderiménto, m. adherence: clients Aderire, to scdhere Adescaménto, m. bait, enticement Adescare, to en*ice ; i sensufJi si lasciano facilménte a-tescare, sensual men are ea^ilv allured Adescito. pari, allured' Adesca'óre, 771, aiid Adescatrice, /. a w~heedler Adesióne./, aihesion Adèsso, erf. now, at this instant ; adéss' adèsso, by and by Adéstra, aà. on the right' hand Adétto, 771. an adept Adiacènte, a. adjacent, bordering ADO Adiacenza,/, an adjacent place Adianto, in. maiden hair (a plant) Adimare, to bend ; adimàrsi, to descend A dio, ad. adieu, farewell ; dire a dio, to take leave A'dipe, 771, fat Adiposo, a. full of fat Adiraménto, rru anger Adirare, to anger, provoke; adi- rarsi, to be angry Adiratamente, ad. angrily Adirato, a. angry Adire, to accept an inheritance (law term) A dirimpetto, ad. facing, ovei apinsl A diritto, ad. straightly A dismisiira, ad. beyond meas- ure, immoderately A dispéco, prep, in spite of A'dito, 771. (accesso) access; se avrò mai 1' àdito di servirla, la servirò, if ever I have the op- portunity to serve yon, I will dc it Adiunziòne,/. addition Adiutore, 771. helper, protector Adizione, /. accession (law term) Adocchiaménto, rn. a look, ogle Adocchiare, to gaze, to stare Adolescènte, 771. a young man Adolescenza./, youth Adombraménto,' m. shade Adombrare, (ofluscare) to over- shadow, to shade, to fancy, to sketch : adombrarsi, to «tart back for fear Adombrato, part, shaded AdoD-braziòne,/. a shade Adonare, to over.hrow, subdue Ad ònti, adL (a dispétto) in spite Adontare, to insuh Adoperaménto, tii. usage Adoperare, to use, employ; ado- perarsi, to interest one's self; voglio adoperarmi per voi, I wilì speak in your behalf Adnperatóre, tti. who employs Adoperaziòne,/. use Adop;~iaménto, 771. drowsiness Adoppiare, to give opium Adoppiato, ra. an infusion of op'nim Adorabile, a. adorable Adorare, to adore, worship Adorat/ire, tti. and Adoratrice, /. adorer Adoratório, tti. a tesante Adorazióne, /. and Adoramóito T7?. adoration Adonlinaisi, to get ready ADU Adornamente, ad. elegantly Adornaménlo, m. ornament, finery Adornare, to adorn Adomataniénte, ad. neatly, ele- gantly Adornato, ornato, part, adorned Adomatóre, m. aiid Adornatrlce, /. one who adorns Adomatijra, aiid Adomezza, /. decking, trimming, ele^nce Adórno, m. ornament Adórno, a. adorned, embellished Adottaménto, m. adoption Adottare, to adopt Adottativo, a. adopted Adottatóre, m. aitd Adottatrice, /. one who adopts AdoltAto, o. chosen, adopted Adottazione, /. ailoption [lion Adottivo, a. belonging to adop- A'dro, a. black, dismal A due a due, arf. two and two Aduggiameuto, m, a hurtful shade Aduggiare, to hurt plants by shade Adulante, a. flattering AdulAre, to flatter, lo fawn Adulato, part, flattered Adulatóre, m. aiid Adulatrlce, /. flatterer Adulatòrio, a. flattering Adulazióne, /. flatterj-, adulation Adotterà, /. adulteress Adulterare, to counterfeit, forge, adulterate iated Idultt-ratn, part, mingled, adulter- Adulteratóre, m. adulterer Adblteratrice, /. adulteress Adulterazióne,/, corruption AduTério, r?i. aduliery Adùltero, m. aiulterer Adulto, a. at full age ; età adftlts, maiTiageable Adrjiànza, /. and Adunamén'n, m. assembly, congregation, meet- ing [adunarsi, to meet Adunare, to assemble together} Adunata,/, see Adunanza Adunalóre, in. and Adunatrlce, /. one who collects Adunazióne, /. se£ Adunamento Aduncàre, to bend, crook; adun- càrsi, to grow crooked Adunco, a. hooked, crooked Adunghiare, to take in the claws Adunque, conj. then, therefore Adusare, to accustom; adusarsi, to be accustomed Aduslàre, to bum. and crisp Adustézza, and Adustióne, /.aridi- ty, dryness Adustivamen'e, ad. dryly Adustivo, a. drying, scorching AFF Adusto, a. dry, scorch&i A'ere, in. aiid f. (aria) the element of the air Aèreo, a. airy, ethereal Acriniànte, m. he who divines by the air Aerimanzia. /. aeromancy Aeróso, a. of easy nianners Aescàre, see Adescài-e Afàto, 0, wi hered Afatiiccio, a. sickly and thin Art'nbile, a. atfacie, courte,ius Atlaliilità, Adabili ade, and Affa- bilitite,/. courtesy AtJal il ménte, ad. courteously, kindly Aflacceudàrsi, to be busy Aliaccendato, a. busy [wise Afiaccettàre, to facet, to cut facet- Ad'acchinare, to do porter's work Attaccinre^ to make even Adacciarsi, to look out, to encoun- ter Atl'acciato, a. impudent .ili'aldire, to fold, plait Attalsire, to falsify, to counterfeit Airaniare, to famish, starve ; to be hungry Aftamato, a. hungry, starved Aiianiire, to be hungry Altan»;ire, to grow muddy Ad'aniiaménto, m. anxie'y Atiann.inte, and Art'annevole, a. grieving, troublesome Afl'annare, to molest, perplex, trouble ; la vostra disgràzia mol- to m' affanna, I am very sorry for your misfortune ; afi'annarsi, to fret, strain, endeavour, at- tempt Afl-uiiiàto, a. grieved, distressed All'Anno, ?n. trouble, vexation Ailannoiie, m. a busy-body Adaimonerla,/. eagerness Ad'annosaménte, ad. restlessly Ati'annóso, a. grieving, disagree- able Atlardellire, to pack up Affare, m. business, affair, em- ploy ; questo è un' affare d' im- port-^nza, 'tis a ma'ter of conse- quence ; i miei affftri vanno male, I thrive not in my busi- ness; uòmo d'alto affare, a man of importance Affarsi, to suit, become All'asciare, to make into fagots, bind Affascinaménto, m. fascination AffascinAre, to bewitch, o charm Affascinatóre, m. bewifcher Ailascinatrlce, /. witch, sorceress AFF Affastellare, to confuse ; to do any thing awkwardly Afl'aslidlre, to vex, to disturb Arta'icaménto, m. fatigue, toil Atl'atiKinte, a. indefatigable Allalicare, to fatigue, tire; affati- carsi, to work hard, to endeav- our; cosi va'l mondo, chi s'af- fatica per una cosa, chi per un' altra, so goes the world, some strive for one thing, some for another; m'affaticherò di so- disfarvi, I'll endeavour to con- tent you Att'aticato, a. tired, harassed AffaticatórCj m. and Afl'aticatrice, /. a laborious person Aff'atichévole, and Affaticóso. a, laljorious Aft'atto, ad. quite, entirely ; sono aft';i tto guai-lto, I am perfectly re- covered Affatturare, to bewitch, charm Ailatturatóre, m. a magician All'atturatrlce, /. a sorceress Allatturazióne,/. enchantment Aft'azzonaménto, m. ornament Artazzon.are, to adorn Aff]è, ad. faith, upon my faith Ati'ermaménto, m. affirmation Affermare, to affirm, assert ; affer- m.irsi, to establish one's self, to stop Afferma' ivamente, ad. positively Affermativo, a. affirmative Afl'ermatóre, m. he who afSrms, asser;or Affermazióne, /. assertion Afferrare, to hold fast, catch Affettare, to cut to pieces ; to hunrer after; affetl.are il parlar ■Poscàno, to ailiect to speak Tus- can Affettatamente, ad. with affecta- tion, eagerly Affettato, a. affected, studied Affettazióne,/, affecta'lon Affètto, m. love, affection Affètto, a. inclined Affettnosaméute, ad. affectionately Affettuòso, a. affectionate, oblig- ing, kind Aff'tzionàre, to enamour ; affezio- n'irsi, to take a liking to Affezionatamente, ad. with affec- tion Affezióne,/, love, benevolence Afiìbbiàglio, m. a buckle AflibbiSre, to button, to fasten to- se' her Affibbilo, a. fas'ened together Affibbia'jjio, m. a button-bole AFF AfEbbiatùra,/. su Affibbiàglio Affidare, to encourage, to trust, commit ; atTidàrsi, to think one's self safe ; io ti vódio affidare ima credènza, I will intrust you with a secret Affievolire, to weaken, to debilitate Affievolito, a. weakened Afflgere, to bx, set [stop Affiggere, to gaze ; affiggersi, to Affiguraménto, m. and Affigura- zióne,/. recollecting Affigurlre, to know again j affigu- ràrsi, to imagine Affilare, to range, put in order ; to whet,' or sharpen Affilato, a. whetted, sharpened ; naso affilato, handsome nose ; volto affilato, a sharp face Affilatura, /. an edge Affinaménto, m. "perfection, re- fining Aifinarej to refine, whet, sharpen Affinatolo, m. a crucible Aifinatóre, m. refiner Affinchè, amj. to the end that Afline, a. a cnusin, a kinsman Affinila,^, affinity, alliance Affiocaménto, m.' and Affiocatura, /. hoarseness Affiocare, to grow hoarse, to grow weik Affiocato, part, hoarse, languish- . staring Affis.^re, aiid Affisare, to stare at; to stick Affisso, o. fastened, fixed Affittaiuólo. m. farmer Affittare, to let, to hire, to take a farm Affittato, a. let out Affittatóre, m. he who lets out a farm Affitto, m. rent ; cavMlo d'affitto, hacknej- horse ; pigliar ad aff'illo, to rent Affllgere, to aiSiict; affligersi, to be afflicted Afflittivo, o. afflictin" Afflitto, a. afflicted, distressed Afflizioncella,/. a little affliction Afflizióne. /. sorrow, grief Affluènte, a. abundant Affluentemente, ad. abundantly Affluènza, /. abundance, plenty Affocare, to set on fire [in? Affogiggine,/. stoppage of breath- Affogaménto, m. and Affogatura, /. suffocation, strangling Anbgare, to strangle, to chnke ; af- fogar nell' acqua, to disown AFR Affogato, a. strangled, stifled Aflbllare^ to crowd AUbllàrsi, to rush upon Anoltamcnto, m. precipitation Afibltàre, affollarsi, to speak raj^jd- ly, to stammer, to nish upon Affondaménto, m. sinking, break- ing open Affondare, to sink ; to be drowned ; to overliow [into Aff-'Udatiira, /. sinking, digging Alibndo, a. deep, hollow Affóndo, ad. to the bottom Afforcare, to hang Affor'ificamènto, m. fortification Alìòrtilicàre, to fortify Afforzamènto, m. fortification Afforzare, to fortify; aiìbrzàrsi, to endeavour Affossare, to moat round Affralire, to weaken Afirancare, to make free; affran- carsi, to take courage Affrancato, part, freed Affràngere, to break Affranto, a. weakened, weary Affi atei laménlOj m. Ail'rateUanza, /. intimacy, familiarity AffratellarsiJ to live like brothers Alfreddare, to make cold, to grow colder; affreddàrsi, to catch cold AffreddatOjpart. grown cool Affrenaméuto, m. resrrainin» Affrenare, to restrain Affrettaménto, m. haste, hurry Affrettare, to hasten, make speed Affrettatamente, ad. hastily, quick- ly, speedily Affrettato, a. hastened A'Srica^f. Africa Aifricano, m. an African A'ffi-ico, ASricano, m. south-west wind. Affrittellare, to fry Atìroataménto, m. aiid Affrontata, /. an attack Affrontare, to ens^je in front, to attack, provoke, or challenre Affrontato, a. attacked, al&onted, abused Affrontatóre, m. who attacks or affronts Affrónto, m. affront, abase, a ren- counter Affiimicamènto, m. and Affiimi- cata,/. fumigation Afi'umicare, to smoke Affumicato, a. smoked AHuocire, see Aflbc^re Afltto, see Affitto [tion Aforismo, m. aphorism, proposi- Afretto, a. sourish AGO Afrezza, /. sharpness A 'fro, a. sharp Afronltro, m. saltpetre Agàrico, m. agaric A'gata,/. (piètra preziósa) agate AgiX3.,f. a needle-full Agènte, m. agent, factor Aeente, a. active Agenzia, /. agency Agevolaménto, m. (acilitatioi) Asevolàre, to facilitate Agévole, a. easy to be done, swift, nimble Agevolézza,/, facility, courtesy Agevolmente, ad. easily, quickly Aggavignàre, to clasp Aggelare, to make freeze Ao-gelazióne,/. freezing Aggentilire, to adorn, embellish Aggettivo, in. a noun adjective Agghiacciaménto, m. frost A^hiacciare, to freeze, congeal, quake ; agghiacciarsi, to be fro- zen ; mi s' agghiacciò il sangue- per la paura, fear chilled my blood A^hiacciàto, o. frozen Agghiàccio, m. a close (for sheep; Ag'hiadaménto, m. benumbing Agghiadare, arid Agghiadi re, to be benumbed [cold, wounded Agghiadato, part, benumbed with Aggiacenza,/. places adjacent Aggiacére, to be convenient ATginocchiarsi, to kneel down A'ggio, m. agio, premium Asgiogare, to yoke Asziogàto, a. yoked Aggiornaménto, m. adjournment Aggiornare, to appfiint a time • to summon ; to adjourn ; to be daylight Aggiornato, part, appointed Aggiraménto, m. and Aggirata, /i 'turning, going round, evasion Aggirare, to go about, to surround, to deceive ; aggirarsi, to wander, to lose one's way Aggiratóre, tm. an'rf Aggiratrf ce, /. cheat, deceiver [tence Aggiudicare, to adjudge, give sen» Ag^udic^to, a. adjudged Agjindicazióne,/. adjudication Agsingnere, and Aggiungere, to add, to join, to reach ; la vosfra fama aggitigne per tutto, your fame reaches every where Aggiùnta,/, increase, addition Aggiùnto, part, joined Aggiuntochè, ad. besides that Agjiunzióne, /. ajid Aggivign» mento, ITU addition AGG A^pustaménto, m. agreement, ad- justment Aggiustare, to fit, to compound; reconcile ; aggiustare i conti, to settle accounts Aggiustatamente, arf. in good order Aggiustatézza, /. exactness Aggiustato, part, adjusted Aggomitolare, to wind round, to make into a clue Aggomitolato, part, wound up Aggottare, to pump out a ship Aggradévole, a. acceptable A^radiniénio, m. consent, appro- bation Aggradire, to accept, to receive kindly ; questa casa m' aggra- disce, this house pleases me Aggradito, j/art. accepted Aggi-aflire, and AggraiEare, to clasp Aggranàre, to produce seed Aggranchiare, to benumb Aggranchiiio, part, benumbed with cold Aggranclre, to catch Aggrandimén'o, m. preferment, aidvaiicenient Aggrandito, part, elevated Ag.p:ippainénto, rn. taking, catch- ing Aggrappare, to grapple, gripe; aggrapparsi, to climb Aggratare, to please Aggraticciirsi, to wind, twist AggratiiUire, to chain, fetter Aggravamento, m. and Aggra- vazione, /. burden, load Aggravante, a. agi. aid, assistance ; aiuto, aiuto, murder, murder ; il vostro libro m' é stà'o d' aiuto, your book has been useful to me Aiutrlce,/. she who helps Aizzaménto, 771. enticement, stir- ring [voke Aizzare, to set dogs to fight, to pro- Aizzatóre, 771. Àizzalrice, /. in- stigator, one who provokes Al, to the; al re, to the king A'ia, /. wing, protection ; ala d' armata, the wing of ar army ; ala di remo, the blade of an oar ; ala d' una chiesa, the aisle of a church ; tenérsi su 1' ali, to stand upon one's guard ; far ala. to make room ; star su 1' ala, to be just going Alabarda,/, a halberd Alabardière, tti. a halberdier Alabastrino, o. made of alabas- ter Alabastro, tti. alabaster AJacrilà, /. alacrity ALC Alamanna, /. a kind of muscat grape [tout Alamanno, 77J. a German, a sur- Alano, 771. a mastiff Alare, m. an andiron Aiare, to fas en on wings Alatèrno, m. privet (a tree) Ala o, a. winged A Iba,/. the dawn of day Albagia, /. ostentation, pride Albagioso, a. proud Albana,/, a white grape Albèdine,/, whiteness Albeggiaiiento, tti. lustre Albeggiante, a. wliitish Albeggiare, to dawn Alberare, to set up ; alberare un àlben» di vascèllo, to set up a mast ; to plan: trees Albera'o, part, set up AJbercòcca,/. and Albercòcco, 771. *6e Albicocca, and Albicòcco Alberélla,/. aspen-tree Alberello, jt». a li tie vase Alberése,/. limestone Alberétto, 771. a shrub Albergaménto, jru see Albergo Albergare, to lodge, o dwell Alber»atiice. /. landlady Albergatr., part, lod^'ed Albt-rga'òre, tti. ho^t. inn-keeper Albèrgo, 7Ti. inn, lodgings ; mouth of a river Alberino, tti. a snrub A'lbero, rn. a tree ; àlbero di vas- cèllo, the mast of a ship; al primo colpo non cade 1- àlbero, the tree will not fall at the first stroke : and.xr sm per le cime detfli àlberi, to pretend to more than one ought Albicante, and Albiccio, a. whitish Albicòcca,/, apricot Albicòcco, 771. apricot-tree Albiligiistre, a. as white as a privet flower Alb'uo, a. whitish A' bo, a. white Albore, 7)1. the dawn of day A'lbore, 771. (albero) a tree AlboitStto, 771. rumour, commotion Albiin-e, m. the while of an egg Alb'imo, 771. a white hazel-tree Alcaldo, m. alcaid Alcanzo, 771. a courier A'lce, 771. an elk Alchimia, /. the art of alchvmv, Cln^, trick [cliyn'iv Alchiniico, o. belonging to' al- Alchimista. tti. alchymist Alchimizzare, to j)ràctise alchymy 42 ALI Alcióne, m. halcyon (an aqaatie bird) Alcorano, tti. the alcoran Alcovo, 7n. an alcove Alcunamente, ad. by no means Alcuna vola, ad. sometimes Alcuno, a. somebody, some A'le,/. wing Aleggiare, to spread one's wings Aléna,/, breath Alenaménto, 771, breath, breathing Alenare, to give or take breath Aleiiàrdo, m. leopard Alétta, /. a little wing; alétte de» pe^i, fins [last Alfa ed omèga, the first and the Alfabeticamente, ad. alphabet- ically Alfabètico, a. alphabetical Alfabèto, 771. alphabet Altana, /. a niare (so called by Bemi) [standard-bearer Alfière, and Alfiéro, 771. ensign,. Alfine, ad. at last A'lsra, aììd A'liga,/. sea-weed Algebra,/ algebra Algelirls'a, m. algebraist Alsénte, a^ cold, freezing A'lgere, to freeze Algore, 771. hard frost, cold Algóso, a. full of sea-weed A lia,/. wing of a building A'lice,/. anchovy Alidamente, ad. dryly A' lido, a. dry Alidore, 771. nee Aridità Alienàbile, a. alienable Alienamènto, m, separation, dis- traction Alienate, to part with; alienarsi, to wirhdraw, to part from Al ienataménte, ad. distractedly Alienato, a. alienated, wander- ing, strayed Alienazióne, /. separation, distrac- tion, alienation (cession of one's property) Alièno, a. foreign ; roba alièna, ano' her man's goods; weree; Alimentaménto, tti. food Alimentare, to nourish, feed Alimentàrio, 771. alimony Alimentato, part, kept, maintain- ed _ [nance Aliménto, ttj. nourishment, suste- Alimentcso, a. nourishing Aliósso, 771. a cockle Alipede, a. with winged fee Aliquòto, a. an aliquot part Alitante, a. panting ALL Alitire, to pant [ing Alitare, m. pan'ins, short breith-l A'Uto, m. breach ^ far buon àlito, 1 to sweeten ihef breath j vapour, I fume, s eajn I Aliveloce, a. s^v■i^t-^vinsed | A'lla, /. a public place; an ell (measure) Alia, to the; alia casa, to the bouse; alia buona, ad. in^nu- onsly; alia Francese, after the French fashi^u Allaccevole. a. entansling Allacciamènto, m. the art of in- snarin» Allaccip.r«, to insnare Allacciarice,/. an allurin? woman Allacciatun,/. binding, bufonin? Alla»aniéntc, m. and Alla^a^one, anrf Allagazióne,/. ìnuodation Allagare, lo overflow Allagato, part, overtloweo Allampanare, to ra^e with hun- Allampanato, a. thin Allai^gaménto, m. extension, a widening Allar5are, to enlarge, ami)!ify ; allargare la njino, to use libe- rality ;^àr il fréno alle pas- sióni, to gratify the passions Allargato, a. enlarged, ampli- fied Allargatóre, m. enlvger Allarmare, to alarm Allaniie, m. alarm AllAto, ad. near, ab-'ut; severe allato, to sit by; all'ito, allato, hard by ; è hulla all.'ito alL- ob- bligazioni che vi prefisso, it is a trifle to what I owe yiu. Allaf aménto, m. the sucking of a child Allattónte,/. a nurse (who suckl -s) Allattare, to suckle ; poppare, to suck Alleanza, /. confederacy Alleato, a. confederate, allied Alleficarsi, to strike root Allegagióne, /. Allegaménto, m. tee Allegazióne Allegare, "to allege, quote, pro- duce ; to form a confederacy ; to set on ed je Allegato, a. allied, confederate Allegatóre, m. Allegatrice, /. alleger All^azióne, /. quotation [fort All^geriménto, rru relief, com- Allesgerire, to ease, to appease ; alli^gerire 11 dolóre, to allay the ALL Alle^gi-^re, to lighten AI!f-goiia./. allegory Alleg I icaaiénte, ad. allegoricaJy Allegorico, a. allegorical Allrgori-» a, m. an'allegorist Allegorizzare, to allegorize AH. granié:,te, ad. joyfully; star a!l:g aji.énte, to be merry Alleg^àn'e, a. cheerful AJlegr^je, oTid Allt^rarei, to re- joice AUe^ntivo, a. recreative Alle^Tiizza, /. joy; giorno d' alle- grezzi, rej icinz day jiliegria./. joy, gladness Allégro, a. nieny Allsnaniénto, m.' delay Allenare, to decay, to assuage, to evercise Allei;irf, to soften, mitigate Allei.lto, a. s.fteiied Alleutaniénto, m. unbending, loos- ening ; slowness, njtigatioa Allen are, to lorsen, to- retard ; allen'àr la briglia al cavallo, to let loose the reiiis to a horse ; allentar la voce, to slop one^s voice Allentatura,/, a rupture Ailenzare, to bind AUissaniento, m. boiling Allessare, to boil Allèsso, m. boili^J meat Allèsso, a. boiled Allentare, and Allestire, to pre- pare ; alles Irei, to prepare one's self Allestito, a. prefMired, got ready AlleanLire, lo dung Alletaménto, wu illurement, en- ticement Alle'tAn'e, a. alluring Allettare, to allure, cnMce, charm ; allet àisi, to 'ake one's lodginss AUettaiva. f. and AUetta.lvo, m. see Allettaménto Alle"àto, a. enticed, alltrred Allettatóre, m. and Allcttatrice, /. enticer Aile'tévole, a. alluring Alleva nién'o, m, o/ui Allevatóra, /. education Allevare, to bring up, train up, to rear, to foster; to instruct, to teach [ed Allrv/ito, a, broustht up, instruct- Allevalice, /. nurse Alleviaménto, ni. relief, comfort Allevi.ire. to relieve, alleviate; allev.are il dolóre, to assuage a pain Alleviato, o. eased, appeased 43 ALL Allevia'óre, m. comforter Alliarza,/. a alliance Allibblre, to luru pale, to be a» toni>hed Allibràrcj to record Alliev.'irsi, to grow up Allièvo, m. schilar, pupil Allignare, to 'ake root Allindare, and AlUndire, to adoni, embellish ; alliudan-i, to adom one's self Allinda óre, m. an embellisher AUiiiguàlo, a. prattling, chatter- ing ;^^antl blue) Allividiraénto, m. lividi y (Mack Allividire, to grow black aijad blue, or pale Alio, Alii, Agli, Alla, Alle, art. to t he, at he AUoccàr., to lie in wait Alloccheiia,/. the owl's holes Allòcco. 171. au owl, bo by AllodiMe. a. all-^dial (free) Allalialila,/. all-idiality Aliólin, m. allodial (any thing free) Alloi-b,/. alarfc Allogaginne, /. and Allogaménto, in. alease Allognre, to le% to farm ; allogarsi, to settle, se' up Aliga óre. m. landlord Allogri m é.i o. m. inn. lodging; levar .di a:iig;iarr.énti, to march off; allogii-uiiéjto di soldati, snldie^V quar ers Allogziante, a. a lodger Alhsgià'e, o lodge ; 'o dwell All'-gjiatore, m. h'>st, inn-keeper AIIÓÌ2T., m. *fe AllTggi-iménto AllTgliato, a. s'upid Allon'aiiamèii'o, m. and Allonta- n.iuza. /. disUnce, remoteness Allon'anare, to ,iemove, to drive away ; all-'n'arArsi, to go firom ; allontanarsi dalla, virtii, to for- sake virue; allon'anirsi dalla s'rida. to lose one's way ; allon- tanarsi dalla patria, to fly from one's coun'ry ; allon'anirsi dal suo soggètto, to ramble from the subjec" Allontanato, a. removed Alhppiire, to put to sleep Allóra, ad. then, at that time; d'allóra in qua, since; allora allora, at the ver)- time Alloro, m. he laurel tree AUorini, a. «-^f laurel Allóta, see Allora AllucciAre, to eye Allacignolare, to twist ALT AllucinArsi, to mistake Alluda,/, sheep's leather Alludcuie, a. alluding Allùdere, to allude to~ Allumare, to set fire to Allime, «1. alum AUumiLare, see Illuminare AllumiuazióDe,/. su lilumi nazióne Allun^aOiénto, m, !en|f :hening, dis- tance, interval, remoteuess Aliunde, to leuzthen ; allungarsi, to remove from Aliunsàto. a. ienrhened Alluuaaiiira, /. prolongation Allupare, to s'ajre niUi hunger Allusi neire, to flatter Allusione, /. allusion, reference Allusivo, a. allusive Alluvióne. /. alluvion A'ima,/. ihe soul (in poetry) AlmaxAccare, to tuild casUes in the air [dar Almanacco, m. almanac, calen- Almàaco, and Alméno, ad. at leas! [mini's ship Almirante, m. an admiral, the ad- A'lmo. a. famous, excellent Aloè, m. aloes (a kind of herb) aloes (a shrub) Alopecia, aiid Alopezia, /. the fox's evil, the felling of the hair Alpe,/ the Alps Alpésrre, a. wild, mountainous, rocky ; parole alpèstri, rough words Alpisno, a. who inhabits the Alps. Alpine Alqu-.nto, ad. somewhat, a little ; alquinto meglio, somewhai bet- ter Alquanto, a. some, not many; ajquaniiino, somebody Alaléria. /. a svins for children Altalenare, to swinj Altaleno. 171. a swing jate Altamente, ad. on high ; deeply ; ad a!'a voce. 1 - ud ; nobly, geu- ernusly. splendidly Aliana. /. a tenace Aliare, m. alar Altea, /. a sort of mallows Al'eribile, a. alterable, changea- ble Alteramente, gee Al.ieraménte Al'erajnénto, m. see Alterazióne Alterare, to alter, change; alte- rarsi, to erow anjry Alteratamente, ad. furiously Alterato, a. changed, angry Alterazióne,/, alteration, change Altercare, to wrangle, chide, scold ALT I Altercazióne, /. chiding, alterca- »-.oa Al.erézza, A]tieréz2a, and Alte- ri ria, /. osteniation, pride, in- solence, arrogacce AI cinaniénte, ad. by turns Alternare, to turn, to vary ' AJtenaiiva,/. alternative '. Alieiuativaméute, ad. by turns I Altema'ivo, a. by luras i Alternazione,/, alternation Altèro, and Al!emso, a. proud, scornful, disdainful Altézza, /. height, loftiness : una svaiua dièci piedi d'allézTa. a siatue ten feet high ; dcpih ; power; sullimi'y I Altézza, /. highness ; S. A. R, or I Sua Altézza Reale, " his royal hishness 1 Alticcio, a. tipsy [lently Altieraméme, ad. proudly, ins.> Altièro, a. proud, haughty ; come va altièro nelle sue infa- mie ! how he prides himself in his infamy : splendid, magnifi- cent, noble J io vo altièro "delle grazie che ho rice^nite da voi, I think myself very much honour- ed with your favours Altifrondóso, a. nith a tufted top Altisonante, a. loud, sonorous Altissimamente, ad. very highly, most deeply Altissimo, m. God Almighty Al ti niiiine.f. height Aitivolinte," a. that flies high Alto, a. high, tall ; piii alto di me, taller than I; alto mare, high sea ; voce alta, loud voice : di'alto, from above; uòmo d- alto sapere, a Uian of great learning; dangerous, hazardous; panno alto, broadcloth ; mirare in al'o, to look above ; far alto, to halt ; far alto e tasso, to do as one pleases ; alro, (in music,) treble [halt A'lto, od. on hi;h ; fare alto, to Alrramente, ad. otherwise Altresì, ad. also, too, likewise ; io ho altresì ricevuto una lét- tei-a da lui, I likewise received a letter from hitn Altrettale, a. such another, the same thing Altrettanto, ad. as much, as much more ; così foss' io al"ret. tanto ricco che voi, I wish I was as rich as you Altri, jjcn. other Alirichè, ad. see Altroché A.AIA Altrièri, ad. the day before yes- terday Altrimenti, ad. otherwise, else; non altiimèuti, just so, exactly A'Itro, pron. rei. other, another ; 1' uno, e ì' altro, btiih ; né 1' uno. né I' altro, neither ; non volete altro? will you have any thing else ? alerò è dire, altro e fare una cosa, to say and do are two things ; per altro, how- ever ; non dite altro, speak no more ; senz' altro, without oil Altroché, ad. except, unless Altronde, ad. from elsewhere Alirotàle, a. quite alike, sncb another All love, ad. somewhere else Altrji, proti, others; 1' altrùi other people's goods Altura,/, height Alifcàre, ajid Al veàrio, m. bee- hive [river A'I'.eo, m. a canal, the bed of a Alvino, a. from the lielìy Alunno, m. and Alunna, /. a pupil Alvo, m. the belly, the womb Alzàia, /. a cable" Alzaménto, m. elevation Alzare, to raise, to lift up ; alzar le véle, to hoist the sail ; alzar uno a qualche dignità, to ad- vance to some honours; alzàj le coma, to estol himself; alzar la voce, to lift up one's voice; alzar le carte, to cut the cards; alzAr I' ingégno, to contrive; alzar il gnigno, tó pout ; alzarsi, to rise up Alzato, yorf. risen A!za*ijra,/. lif ingup Amàbile, a. affectionate, obliging Amat:l:*à,/. affability, mildness Amabilménte,astrn AmMgama.w, amalgam, (in chyin Amalganiare, to amalgamate Amante, m. a lover Amantemente, ad. lovingly, ten. deriy Amanuènse, m. a copier Amaraccio, o. disasreeable, bitter Aniaraménte, ad. bitterly, giiev- ously Amaranto, m, amaranth Amare, to love; amSr mèglio, to choose; amo mèglio lo stùdio che i piacéri, I prefer study to pleasure A n'.aregeiaménto, m. bitterness Amar^giiire to imbitter, to af- flict AME Aj-.arézza, /. and Amaróre, rru bitterness, afflicion Aajarezzàre, Amaricare, tee Ama- reggiate [tent Amaritiidine, /. bitterness, disccn- Amaro, a. grievous, unhappy j cruel, bitter Amarognolo, a. slightly bitter Amalista,/. amethj-st AmaMvo, a. lovely AmAto, part, beloved Amatore, m. a lover Amatòrio, a. loving, amoroos Aniatrlce, /. a mistress Amazzone, /. amazou, a warlike woman Ambage, /. circumlocution Ambasceria, /. embassy Ambàscia, /. shortness of breath, Ambasciidore, m. ambassador Anibasciidoruzzo, m. a deputy Ambasciadrlce, /. ambassaJress Ambasciare, to pant Ambasciata, /. embassy, menage Ambasciatóre,rn. see Anibasciaióre Ambascióao, o. full of grief and sorrow A'mbe, Ambi, Ambo, pron, both; anibe le mani, b'lth hands Ambedue, Ambedùi, Ambedùo, pron. b^th Ambiànre, a. ambling Ambiare, to amble Ambidèstro, a. ambidexter, (who uses both hands alike) Ambidùe, Ambìdùi, Ambidùo, prnn. both [bieut air Anibieiite, m. circumference, am- Anibigiianiénfe, ad, ambijuiuslv Ambìgui'?),/, double meaning Ambiguo, o. ambiguous d'tubf- ful ; iinmo ambiguo, an irreso- lute man A'mbio, m. amble Ambire, to aspire to A'mbilo, m. cabal Ambizióne,/, ambition Ambizi'-'saménte, ad. ambitiously Ambizióso, a. ambitious Ambo, prcn. see Ambe Ambodue, Ambodùo, pnrn. both A'mbra,/. amber [amberJTÌ> Ambracanàto, a. perfumed with Ambracice, m. amber^n-is Ambrare, to perfume wi;h amber- gris Ambrétta,/, arabret (a flower) Ambrosia,/, ambrosy, ambrosia Ambrosiano, o. ambrosian Ambulatòrio, a. ambulatory , ad. agreeably AMM Amendue, Amendùni, Amendùne, prcrn. Loth Ameni, a, Amenitade, and Ameni- tate, /. pleasantnes, Uelightul- ness [sweet An.éM, a. pleasant, delightful, Amf iliio, a. aiuphibious [tos Amianto, m. aniianthus, or asbes- Amicibile. a. amiable, atiàble Auiicàrsi, to reconcile, To get ac- quainleJ with [ly Amichévole, a. amicable, frieud- Amicjievolménte, ad, amicably, friendly ; vi parlo amichevo'l- meate, I fpeak to you as a friend Amicizia, /. friendship, amity Amico, m. friead ; amico strétto, an intii:iatt, a gallant j anuci, mistress Amico, a, favourable A'miJo, m. s'aich Amis'à, An'.istade, and Amistate, /. friendship, aiiiaace Ammaccaménto, m. a contiision, bniise Ammaccare, to crush, beat Ammacca'iira^/. bruise, contusion Ammacchiarsi, to hide one's self behiud a bush Ammaesli-amcnte, ad. learnedly Aiumaes'raménlo, m. Amnlae- sMii^za,/. iiistruction, education Ammaesti-i.-^ to instruct, teach Ammaeitrativo, a. ir.s-ructive Ammaes*rato, a. instructed, taught Aminaestralóre, m. a «ulor Amniaestratrlce, /. a governess Aminaestratùra, and Ammaestra- zióat, /. see Ammaestraménto Ammaestrévole, a. tractable Ammaestrevolménte, ad. with do- cility, sltilf,.ily [grow thin Ammagràre, and Ammagrire, to Ammaiarsi, to deck one'sself with leaves Amniai.ato, part, covered or deck- ed wiih green bougbs, or flowers Ammainare, to strike, or lower the sail Ammalare, to grow sick AuimaJa'iccio, a. sickly Ammalato, a. sick, ill ; un am- malato, a sick person Ammaliaménto, m. enchantment, bewitching Ammaliare, to bewitch, charm Ammaliato, a. bewitched Ammaliatòre, m. a sorcerer Ammaliatrice,/, a witch Ammaliatura, /. see Ammalia- Ammaliziàto, a. grown malicious AMM A mm anettare, to marjutle a prison- er, to dress one"b self Ammanettato, a. fettered [axe Ammannai:irc, to behead with an Ammannaiato, a. bcheaJeJ Am ma nnare, and Ammaanire, to prepare Ammansire, to soften, to tame An;m.-uitare, to cover, to cloak and hide any thing Ammantato, a. covered, defended Ammantatiiia, /. a covering with a cloak Ammantellarsi, see Ammantare Anmianto, m. cloak, mantle Ammarciménto, m. putrefaction Ammarcire, to rot AmmarginJrsi, to cicatrize Ammartellàre, to torment, to give jealousy Ammassaménto, m. accumulatine Anmiabsare, ((are massa,) to treas- ure up ; (radunàrsi,j to get to- gether Ammassato, a. heaped np; 4ere ammassato, dense air Ammassatore, m. accumulator Ammasso, m. a heap Ammatassare, to n.ake into a skein Ammattire, to grow disiractei ; Jar divenir matto, to make na.f Ammanito, a. distracted, mad Ammattonamcnto, m. a paving with squai-e marble tiles Ammattonire, to pave with square brick;^, tiles, &c Ammattonato, a. paved with square bricks, &c AmmaUoiiAto, m. pavement Ammazzaménto, m. slaughter, mas&icre, carnage Ammazzare, to mi-rder; ammaz- zarsi, to kill one's self [H.« oi Anmiazz-asétte, m. a vapouring Ajiiniazzatòre, m. and Aninjizza trice, /. a murderer [?ea Aiimiazzeràre, to throw into tin; An^mazzerato, a. dried hard Ani mazzolare, to make msestays AiimielmAre, arid Ammemnia e, to sink in a mire ; ammenrnipr- si, to en'iaugle one's self in a had afiàir [in an instant Ajnmén, m, amen ; in un anm:cn, Ammènda, /. rtccmpens», com- pensation, fine, penalty ; con- dannar all' ammènda, io fine j incórrere 1' amnicr.di. t-i forfeit Ammend'ibile, a. orriiible Ammendare, to correct, reclaim, to indemnify ; a.-riiierdire il danno, to make gjod tlie loss ; ainmen AMM dirsi dal bere, to refrain from drinking AiiiRienilazióne,/. and Ammendo, 711. reforma'.ioD, correction Ammésso, part, admitted Amméttere, to admit, receive; amméttere le giustificazioni di qualcl'.edùno, to give one a fair hearing Ammezzaménto, m. division, half Ammezzare, to cut in two Ammezzalóre, m. one who divides in two Ammezzire, to be overripe Ammiccare, to wink Ammiccatnre, m. who winks Amminicolire, to prop, assist Amminlcolo, ni. support, help Amniinistrare, to idniinister, man- age, govern ; to supply, orallord amministrato, part, supplied Amministratóre, m, administrator, manager Amministratrice, /. administratrix Amministrazióne, /. administra- tion, government Ammiuutare, to cut small, to mince Anmiiràbile, a. wonderful, rare, excellent A'iimirabiliìà,/. the marvellous Ammirabilmente, ad. Avonderfully Ammiragliato, m. office of admi- ral, admiialty Ammiràglio, in. admiral Ammirare, to admire, wonder at ; to be amazed Ammirativo, a. admiring Ammiróto, part, admired, won- deied at [admirer Ammiratóre, m. Anmiiratrlce, /. Armiiirazióne,/. admiration Ammissibile, a. admissible Ammissióne,/, admission Amniisurare, to measure Ammisuràto, a. temperate, sober Ammodernare, to make a thing fashionable Animogliaménto, m. marriage Ammogliare, to marry AmmoTlinto, a. married Ammoglia!óre, m. a match-maker Ammoi Ilare, to caress Ainmollare, to moisten, to be moist; to mollify, soften ; to let go, to let loose Ammollatlvo, a. moistening Ammollato, jiar<./»'or}i Ammollire Ammolliènte, a. emollient Ammollire, to open ; gli spinftci ammolliscono il ventre, spinage is loosening ; (ammollare,) to move, or affect AMO Ammollito, a. loosened, softened, moistened Ammoniménto, m. admonition Ammonire, to admonish, warn, ad- vise, reprimand Ammonito, part, admonished Ammonitole, in. admonisher Ammonizioncélla, /. paternal ad- monition Ammonizióne, /. admonition Anunontàre, to heaj) up Ammoutic^re, to heap up, to amass Anmionticchi'ire, to heap Ammonticchialo, part, heaped, piled up Annnorbare, to infect, taint Ammorbidaménto, m. gentleness, mildness Anmiorbidàre, and Ammorbidire, to soften, loosen ; ammorbidirsi, to grow effeminate Anmiorsellàto, »7i. ahash Ammortaménto, m. extinction Ammorti'ire, to extinguish Ammor'lre, to extinguish, to cool Ammortito, part, extinguished Ammorzare, to quench, to repress ; mitigate; ammorzarla supèrbia, to humble pride Ammoscire, to languish Ammostare, to press grapes Ammostatóio, m. a wiae-press Aiiimozzicàre, to cut in pieces Ammozzicàto, a. cut in pieces Ammucchiaménto, m. a heap Ammucchiare, to heap, amass Ammuffato, a. mouldy [face Ammusare, to pout, to'meet face to Ammutare, to gi-ow mute Ammutinaménto, in. mutiny, com- motion Ammutinarsi, to mu'iny Aiumutinato, a. raised in mutiny Annnutinatóre, m. a rebel Ammuilre, see Anniiutare Anmmtolire, and Ammutolire, to be dumb, mute Animutolato, and Ammutolito, a. speechless, mute Amnistia,/, a general pardon A mo, 171. hook, a fish-hook Amómo, m. an aromatic plant Amorazzo, m. an amour Amóre, m. love, affection ; amor pròprio, self-love ; portar amóre, to love Amoreggiaménto, m. wooing Amoreggiare, to make love Amorétto, m. a little love Amorévole, a. kind Amorevoleggiàre, to cajole, to caress 46 ANA Amorevolézza, /. friendship, love, amorevolezzlna, kmd words Amorevolménte,ad.loving,friendly Amorino, m. a little love Amorosamente, ad. amorously. friendly [lovely, genteel Amoroséilo, or Amorosétto, a. Amoróso, a. amorous Amoroso, m. lover, gallant ; amo- rosa,/, mistress, sweetheart Amoinito, 771. rising love Amovibili?, a. removable Ampiamente, ad. amply, full Ampiare, to enlarge Ampiézza,/, and A'mpio, m. ex- tent, amplitude A'mpio, a. large, wide, spacious; àmpie promesse, great promises Ampiogiovante, a. fit for many things [over a great empire Ampioregnante, a. one who reigns Amplèsso, m. embrace Ampliare, to extend, enlarge Ampliato, part, enlarged Ampliazióne,/. ampliation, (a law term) Amplificare, to amplify, to extol Amplificato, a. amplified Ajuplificatóre, m. amplifier Amplificazióne, and Ampliazióne /. amplification Amplissimamente, ad. at large Amplitùdine, /. amplitude A'mpio, see A'mpio Amijólla,/. bottle, flagon, phial Ampollina, /. a bubble Ampollosaménte,ad. bombastically Ampollosità,/, bombast Ampollóso, a. bombastic Anabattis!^^ m. anabaptist Anacoreta, m. anchorite, hermit Anacoretizzare, to live like a her- mit Anacreóntica, /. Anacreontic ode Anacreóntico, a. Anacreontic Anacronismo, m. anachronism Anagnóste, m. a lecturer Anagogia, /. anagogy, mystery, elevation Anagogicamente, ad. mystically Ana.iramma, m. anagram Anagrammatizzare, to make ana grams Anàlisi,/, analysis Analitico, a. analytical Analizzare, to analyze Analogia,/, analogy, resemblance Analògico, and Anàlogo, a. analo gous, alike Ananas, m. pine-apple Anarchia,/, anarchy Anarchico, a, anarchical AND m. curse of excommu- nication Anatemizzare, to excommunicate Anatomia, /. anatomy Anatomicamente, ad. anatomically Anatòmico, a. aaatomical Anatòmico, and Ani.omisTa, m. an anatomiàt, a professor of anatomy Anatomm'izzàre. to anatomize A'natra,/. a duck A'ncu /. haunch, hip Ancella,/, maid, damsel Anche, ad. also, too, likewise; per anche, yel, as yet ; né an- che, nei'her, not; quanJ' anche, though, although ; vi sono sUto anche, I have been there also ; avrti fatto, quanJo anche fisse stato presènte, I would have done It, though he had been there Ancheggiare, to wag one's legs Ancidere, to kill Anelila, /. a maid Ancipite, a. amphibious, doubtful A'nco, ad. also, yet, still A'ncor»,/. an anchor [nion; Ancóra, adi also, likewise, agam. Ancoraché, Ancorché, and An- coruiuindo, anij. though, al- though Ancoralo, m. anchorage Ancorare, to anchor Ancùdine,/, anvil Andalijzzo, m. Andalusian horse Andaménto, m. gait, deportmen', a public walk Andimte, a. going Andantemén'e, ai(i Annottarsi, to grow dark Annov'-le, a. annual Annoveraménto, m. enumeration Annoverante, a. enumerating Annoverare, to reckon, to rank Annoverato, a. reckoned Annoveratnre, m. who computes Annoverevole, a. that may be computed Annovero, m, computation Annuale, a. yearly Annu.ile, m. (tutto il corso dell' anno) the vear Annualmente, ad. annually Annuàrio, a. annual Anruro'Are, to grow cloudy Annuiol'i'o. part, clouied AmHillagióue, /. and Annulla- ménto, ni. abolishing, suppres- Annull'ire. to suppress, abolish Annullato, a. repealed, abrogated Annuliatóre, m. suppressor, de- stroyer Annullazióne, /. abolishing, sup- pression Annumerare, to enumerate ANT Annunziaménto, m, prediction, prophecy Annunziare, to foretell ; to declare Annunziato, part, declared Annunziatóre, m. foreteller, proph- et [tion Annunziazióne, /. the annuncia- Annùnzio, m. message, news A'nnuo, a. annual Annuvolare, to overcast Annuvolato, a. cloudy A'no, m. the fundament Anodino, o. anodyne Anòmalo, a. irregular Anonimo, a. nameless Anotomia,/. dissection Anotomlsta, m. anatomist Ansaménto, m. panting, short breath Ansante, a. ont of breath Ansare, to pant A'nsiaj /. perplexity Ansietà,/, sorrow A'nsio, a. sad, sorrowful Ansiosamente, ad. anxiously Ansióso, a. restless, grieved, tor- mented, anxious Antagonista, m. antagonist Antartico, a. antarctic, southem Antecedènte, a. foregoing Antecedentemente, ad. previously Antecedènza,/, precedency Antecèdere, to precede Antecessóre, m. p.edecessor Antelucano, a. before daylight Antemurale, m. defence Antenato, m. progenitor, ancestor ; antenati, ancestors, forefathers Antenna, /. sail-yard, lance, pole Antepenùltimo, a. before the last but one Antepórre, to prefer, to es'eem Anteposizióne, f. preference Antepósto, part, preferred Anterióre, a. foremost Anteriorità,/, priority Anteriormente, ad. before Antescritto, a. above-written Anteserràglio, m, a field gate, a fore close Antesignano, and Antessignano, m. standard-bearer Anticàglia, /. antiquity, monu- ments of antiquity Anticamente, arf. anciently, of old Anticàmera,/, antechamber Anticàto, a. used Antichètto, a. rather ancient Antichi'à, Antichitade, and Asiti- chitàte,/. antiquity Anticipare, to anticipate, to foretell Anticipatamente, ad, beforehand ANT Anticipato, a. anticipated Anticipazióne, /. amicipatiou Antico, a. ancient ; all' antica, in the oU fashion Anticlii, m. ancestors Anticr.juizióne, and Anticonoscen- za,/. foresight Anticonóscere, to foresee Anticousisli^re, m. preserver of privileges Anticorrere, to run before Anticorriére, m.- forerunner Anticórte, /. a fore court Antichristiàuo, a. antichristian Antichristo, m. Antichrist Anti cursóre, m. see Anticorriére Antidata, f. antedate Antiditto, a. foretold Antidire, to foretell [son Antidoto, m. antidote, counter-poi- Autlfona, f. anthem Antifonario, m. an anthem-singer ; a bonk of anthems Antifrasi,/, aiitiphnsis An-igiudicare, to prejudge Antiguai-dare, lo foresee Antiguàrdia,/, vanguard Antiméttere, to prefer, to esteem Antimònio, m. antimony Antimurare, to make a parapet Anlinniro, m. outmost wall Antinóme, m. a pronoun Antipipa, m. aiti pope Antipasto, m. dishes first served Antipatia,/, natural aversion An'ipatico, a. averse [to Antipatizzire, to bear an aversion Aniipaizzato, poW. hatefl Antipensire, to premeditate Antipensàto, o. premeditated Antipodi, m. antipodes Antipórre, to prefer, es*eem Antipòrta, /. and Antipòrto, m. a vestibule, entry-door, gate Antiprén iere, to take beiForehand Antiquario, m. an antiquary Anti'iuito, a. obsolete, old Antlijuo, see Antico Antisapére, to foresee [seen Antisapévole. a. that may be fore- Antisapijla,/. foresight Antiscorbutico, a. antiscorbutic Antiserràglio, m. a kind of fore court, or fore close Antlste, m. a prelate, a bishop Antitesi, /. a figure in rhetoric Antivedére, to foresee, to foreknow Antivedére, and Antivediménto, m. foresight Antivedi tore, m. who foresees Antivedutaménte, ad. with fore- sight 4 APO Antiveduto, o. foreseen Antivegnénte, a. preventing, pre- ceding Antivenire, to precede Antivenuto, part, preceded Antivigilia,/, the evenhig before Antologia,/ anthology Antrace, and Antracia, /. a car- buncle (precious stone) A ntro, m. den, cave, grotto AntropóÉLgo, m. can^iibal Anulare, and Anulàrio, a. per- taining to a ring ; dito anulare, the ring finger A'nzi, ad. rather, on the contrary, even, also ; non è solamente lib- erale, anzi pròdigo, he is not on- ly liberal, but even prodigal A'nzij prep, before ; anzi eh' io, moia, before I die ; andate via anzi che venga, go away before he comes Anzi, ronj. nay Anzianità, Auzianitàde, and An- zianitate,/. antiquity, seniority Anziano, m. senior Anziano, a. old, ancient Anziché, ad. sooner, before that j anzi p'.:re, rather than not Anzi che no, cui. rather, sooner Anzinato, a. first born, eldest Aoncinare, to make crooked AonestAre, to colour, cloak Aorcàre, to strangle, choke Aorcàto, part, strangled Aonnàre, (chase term,) to quest A òtta, ad. often ; a òtta a òtta, now and then Ap'irle, ad. aside Apatia,/, insensibility /pitlsta, in. indolent A'p::f. a bee Apeliota, m. east wind Apennino, ni. Apennine Moun- tains in Italy Aperire, to open [retic Aperitivo, and Aper'ivo, a. diu- Apérta, /. see Apertura Apprt.iménte, ad. openly, frankly Aperto, a. open, plain, bold ; un fióre apèrto, a blown flower ; risver uno a braccia afjérte, to receive one with open arms Apertóre, tn. who opens Apertftra, (i?id Aperzióne,/. hole, means, opportunity A'pice, m. top, height Aplcolo, m. a little height Apocalisse, and Apocalissi, /. Apocalypse Apòcrifo, a. apocryphal ; libri Apòcrifi, the Apocrypha APP Apogèo, m. apogeon, or apogee Apollineo, (di Apollo,) a. of Apollo Apologetico, o. apologetic Apologia, /. apology, defence Apologista, TTi. an apologist Apòlogo, m. apologue, fable Apoplessia,/, apoplexy Apoplélico, a. apoplectic Apostasia, /. apostasy Apostata, rn. apostate, renegado Apostatare, to apostatize Apostèma, / an imposthume Apostemàre, to suppurate, to ma- ture Apostemato, a. impostl.umated Apostolato, m. apostolate, apoetle- ship Apostòlico, a. apostolical Apòstolo, m. apostle Apostrofare, to put an apostrophe Apostrofataménte, ad. with an apostrophe Apostrolat'ira, ond Apostrofazióne, /. the art of putting apostrophes Apòstrofe, m. an apostrophe (in rhetoric) [grammar) Apòstrofo, m. an apostrophe (in Ajiostumo, a. posthumous Apotégma, /. apophthegm, (a short and pithy sentence) A]X)teòsi, f. apotheosis (the deify- ing of a man) Appaciamento, m. pacifying AppacLire, to pacify, .issuage AppadiglionAre, to encamp Appadìglionàto, a. encamped Appagabile, a. that may be satisfied Appagamento, aiid Appago, m. satisfaction and content •ire, to satisfy, to please j altro non m- appago che della solitùdine, solitude is my sole delight Appagato, a. satisfied Appaiare, to pair, to match j ap- paiarsi, to join one's self Appaiato, a. matched Appales.óre, to discover, todeclare : ajipalesirsi, to make one's self known Appale&'ito, part, discovered, re- vealed Apjialtàre, to let, to farm Appaltatóre, m. farmer App.Mto, m. farm, monopoly Appaltòne, m. intriguing, that puts himself forward Appannfiggin, m. appanase Appannaménto, m. a>id Appanna- ton, /. dimness Appannale, to darken, to cloud; ^'n APP to tarnish, dtdlj to fell into a snare Appannato, part, caught in a snare, massive [dazzles Appannatoio, ni. what dims, or Apparare, to )eani, to prepare Apparato, a. learned Apparato, m. preparation; con apparato, sumptuously Apparecchiamènto, m. prepara- tion, furniture ApparPcchiàre,lo prepare, to treat ; apparecchiare la tàvola, to lay the cloth ; apparecchiarsi, to get one's sei ' ready ; to furnish one's self witu Apparecchiato, part, prepared Apparecchiatore, m. preparer, «alter Apparecchiatura, /. and Apparéc- chio, m. preparation Appareggiare, to put in competi- tion, to match Apparentare, to match, to make one's felf familiar Apparentato, a. related to Apparente, a. plain, evident, seeming Apparentemente, ad. apparently Apparènza, /. outside show, prob- ability Apparcre, to appear Appariménto,ni. apparition, vision Apparire, to appear, to shovr one's self Appariscènte, a. handsome Appariscènza,/, a noble presence, a fine carriage Apparita, Apparizióne, and Ap- parsione, see Appariiiiéuto Appari lo, port, appeared Apparitore, m. a bailifF Apparizióne, /. apparition Apparso, part, appeared Appartaménto,, m. apartment, lodgings Appartare, to sever, to put asunder ; appartarsi, to withdraw Appai latamente, ad. asunder, se- cretly [set aside Appartato, pari, separated, chosen. Appartenènte, and Appirtegnènte, a. belonging, appertaining, suit- abk Appartenènza,/, appurteriance Appartenére, to belong, to regard, to concern, become Appassire, to wither, to decay Appassionaménto, m. pj^sion,' love Appassionare, to make one sufter, endure ; appassionarsi, to have a strong passion for any lliin^ APP Appa-sionataménte, ad. passion- ately [afleciiouate Appassionato, a. endureJ, suft'ered, Appa sire, and Appassirsi, to grow dull, dry Appastare, to stick, as paste Appellàbile, a. that may be ap- pealed [lant Appellante, m. appealer, appel- Ap]iellàre, to name, call, accuse, impeach^ to appeal to a higher court [peal Appellativo, a. susceptible of ap- Appellazióne, and Appellagióne, /. appeal to a higher couri, chal- lenge Appèllo, m. an appeal, a challenge Appéna, ad. hardly, scarce Appenare, to sutler, to De distressed, to vex Appèndere, to hang, to hang up Appendice, /, appendix, supple- n.ent Appennecchiare, to fill a distaff Appensare, to design, to propose A{)pensatamènte, ad. maturely, seriously Appèso, part, hanged, hung on A])pestàre, to infect, to corrupt Appestato, a. infec'ed Appetente, a. desirous, longing Appetènza, /. appetite, desire, af- fection Appetibile, a. desirable Appetire, to desire, to covet Appetitivo, a. that provokes ap- petite Appetito, m. appe'ite, desire Appetitóso, a. that provokes the stomach [wish Appetizióne, /. appetite, desire. Appettare, to have at heart, to in- terest one's self Appètto, ad. in comparison ; (for dirimpètto.) over against, facing j combàttere appètto appètto, to fight a duel Appiacevolire, to appease, to tame Appianare, to remove or surmount difficulties AppÌ3nàTf>, a. levelled Appiastrare, to cleave to ; appias- trare un dianimte, to set a dia- mond ; appiastrarsi, to stick Appiastrato, part, daubed with any thing viscous [tion Appi'asti-icciamènto, m. conglulina- Appiastricciàre, ajirf Appiastricci- care, to stick [cealing A pp lattaménto, m. the act of con- Appiattàre, to conceal ; appiattarsi, lo hide one's self 50 APP Appiattatamente, ad. by stealtI^ secretly Appiattato, part, concealed Appiccàgnolo, m. a hook, tenter Appiccamènto, m. hanging, or fastening to Appiccante, a. viscous, glutinous Ajjpiccàre, to tie, to fasten ; appic- carsi, to keep close, to stick, h> catch, to thrive, to slander; ap- piccarla ad uno, to play one a trick ; appiccar la zuli'a,'la bat- tàglia, to give battle Appiccaticcio, a. clammy, sticky ; male appiccaticcio, a contagious Appiccaticcio, m. a troublesome fellow Appiccatlvo, a. contagious Appiccato, (1. fast, sticking Appiccatura,/, the ironwork of a window or door Appicciare, and Appiccicare, fc. stick fast to [lessen Appiccinire, to make smaller, to Appicco, ?«. connexion, union Appircolamènto, m. lessening, shortening Appiccolàie, and Appicciolàre, to diminish, to retrench ; to lessen, shorten [the foot Appiè, and Appiéde, ad. down, at Appièno, ad. fully, entirely Appigionaménto, ni. rent of a house, or lodging Appigionare, to let, to hire Appigiónasi, m. a bill ujwn a door Appigliamènto, m. junction Appigliare, to follow ; appigliarsi, to confonr ''^; m' appiglio al vostro consiglio, I wili follow your advice Appigrirsi, to grow idle Appiilotàrsi, to trifle away ooe^ time A'ppio, m. parsley Appiuóla, mela ap'piuóla, /. golden pippin Appiuólo, m. the tree that bean the golden pippin Applaudente, a. who applauds Applàudere, and Applaudire, to applaud, to approve Applaudirsi, to have a proud gait Applaudito, part, applauded Applàuso, ni. applause Applausóre, ni. who applauds Applicaménto, ni. application Applicàbile, a. ajiplicable Applicare, to assign, to appoint; applicarsi, to set'about Applicatamente, ad. attentively APP Applicato, part, appliett Applicatóre, tu. who applies Applicazióne, /. application, dili- gence Appo, prep, with, by, near Appoco appòco, ad. by little and little Apposgiamento, ni. an el bow-place Appoggiare, to support, to protect, to lean upon Appoggiato, a. propped Appoggiata, /. Appoggiatóio, and Appoggio, m. prop, support, defence Appollaiire, to roost Appomiciare, to rub with pounce Appónersi, to gues», to conjecture Apponiménto, »n. and Apponi- zióne,/. addition, appendix Appórre, to join, to add, to im- pute, to oppose; appórsi, tu guess ; a voi s' apiJÓne la sua disgràzia, they impute all his misfortunes to you ; che potete appórre a questo ? what have you to say to this? Apportante, a. that brings AppOi-tare, to convey, to procure, to cause, to relate Apportatóre, m. Apportatrice, /. a messenger Appositiccio, a. added Appositivo, a. that ma;^ be joined Apposizióne, /. application, ad- dition Appósta, ad. on purpose Appostaménto, m. ambush, snare Appostare, to spy, to watch, to appoint ApposUtamJiite, ad. designedly Appostato, a. iilaced Appostatóre, m. insnarer Apposticelo, a. added Appóito, part, added Appostolàto, m. apostolato Apposlolicaménte, ad. after the manner of the apostles Appos*oMco, a. apostolical Appostólico, m. (for papa) the ■pope Appóstolo, m. apostle Appremere, to press, to oppress Apprendente, a. that learns Apprèndere, to learn, to conceive, to teach, to apprehend ; appi'én- dersi, to adhere to ; appréndei-si d' amóre, to fall in love Apprendévole, a. comprehensible Appren(liméri'o,7n. learning, skill, apprehension Apprenditóre, m. scholar I Apprensibile, a, to be conceived I APP Apprensióne, f. jealousy, fear Apprensiva,/, comprehension Apprensivo, a. fearful apt to learn Appresentare, to show, to repre- sent another [ened Appreso, a. comprehended, thick- Apprcssaménto, m. approach, neiglibourhood [proach Appressare, to draw near, to ap- Apprésso, prep, near, by, after, next to Apprèsso, ad. after, afterwards; apprèsso a poco, almost, near Appressochè, ad. since, aininst Apprestaménto, aiid Appresto, m. preparation [ready Apprestare, to prepare, to make Appresiato, a. prepared Apprerziibile, a. valuable Apprez7aménto, m. valuation, estima' ion Apprezzare, to esteem, to appraise, to rale Apprczzatlvo, a. estimable Apprezzato, a. appraised, esteemed Apprezzatóre, m. an eateemer, later Apprezzazióne, /. appraisement Approbare, to approve, to like Appr jbafo, a. approved App obazione, /. approbation, consent Approcciare, to approach Appròccio, m. approach Approcciato, a. approached Approdare, to arrive, to be profita- ble, to become valiant Approfittare, a«t/ Approfittarsi, to profit, to draw advantage from Approfondire, and Approfondire, to di^, to make deeper Approntire, to prepare Apiiropinquarsi, see Appressare, and its compounds Approptisito, ad. apropos, exactly Appropriarsi, to appropriate ; ap- pr ipiiare, to attribute, to affirm, to imitate Appropriato, part, appropriated, suitable Appropriazióne,/, appropriation Approssimante, a. near, something like Approssimare, to come nijh Approssimato, o. a] Apiirovàbile, a. lau- Approvagióne,/. approbation Approvare, to approve, to confirm Approvatamé.ite, ad. in an ap- provatale manner Approvato, a. approved AliA Approvatóre, m. and Approw trice,/, approver, allower Approvazione, /. approbation Approvecciàrsi, to get some profit Aijpulcrare, to embellish Appuntaménte, ad. precisely Appuntaménto, m. agreement ; restare in appuntaménto, ta agree Appuntare, to sew, to blame, to sharpen, to set down, to find fault, to fix, appoint Appuntatamente, ad. exactly, dili- gently [upon Appuntato, m. an account agreed Appuntato, a. stitched, sharpened, artected Appuntatóre, m. critic, reformer, Appuntatura, /. mark Appuntell.ire, tosupport, to bear up Appuntellato, a. stayed, or prop- ped up Appuntino, ad. precisely, just Appunto, ad. precisely ; per 1' ap- punto, exactly ; méttersi in ap- punto, to get ready ; stava per partire per l' appunto quando lei venne, I wss going away the moment you came Appurare, to purify, to write fair Appuzzamento, m. stench Appuzzare, attd Appuzzolàre, to bestiuk Aprico, a. sunny Aprile, m. April Aprimento, m. the act of opening Apriporta, m. a door-keeper Aprire, to open, to cleave ; aprirsi, to chop, to gauje, crack Apriiivo, a. aperitive Apritóre, rw. he that opens ; ajwi- tore di case, house breaker Aquario, m. Aquarius, a sign of the zodiac Aquàtico, a. aquatic, watery Aqueità, Aqueilade, /. see Ac- quosità A'queo, a. watery Aquidòtto, m. an aqueduct A'quila,/. eagle Aquilino, a. hawked Aquilonare, a. northern wind Aquilóne, tti, the north, the north Aquo-it.à. / see Acquosità Aquóso, a. see Acquóso A'ra,/. altar Arab-SCO, a. Arabic Ar'ibile, a. arable Arico, m. amck Aràgua,/. and Ariguo, m. a spider ARC Araldo, m. a herald Araniéuto, m. tilla^-e, ploughing AraDcia,/. aa orange Aranciata, /. a kind of cooling liqU3r Aranciato, a. orange colour Aranciato, nt. orange-house, or garden Arancino, m. a China orange Aràncio, m. an oranije, au orange- tree Arante, a. ploughing Arare, to plough Arato, a nd Aratolo, m. a plough Aratóre, in. husbandman Aratro, m. plough Aratura,/, tillage, ploughing Arazzeiia, /. tapestry, manufac- tory, hangings Arazzière, ni. tapestry maker Arizzo, m. tapes ry Arbi triglia, /. arliilratìon Arbitràjite, rru that ajbit rates Arbitrare, to adjudge, regulate j to judge, value Arbitrariamente, ad. arbitrarily, despotiailly Arhilririo. a. arbilmry Arbitrato, part, arbitrated Arbitrato, ni. arbiiraLion Arbi'.ratóre, m. arbiter Arbitrio, m. will, power; libero arbitrio, free will A'rhitro, -m. aiid A'rbitra, /. unspire, arbiter A'rbore, m. tree Arboreo, a. full of trees Arboréto, m. a place planted with trees Arboróso, a. woody Arboscèllo, Aibuscóllo, Arbùsco, Arbùsc'ilo, m. ArbuscJlla, Ar- bijscula, /. a shrub, or little tiee Ai-busllna, /. renrf Arbusti no, m. a vine that climbs up trees Arbusto, m. shrub, sprout A'rca, /. chLst, cofler ; area di Noè, the ark of Noah Arcacela, /. an old trunk A'rcade, dnd Arcàdico, a. Arca- dian [er, knave Area-lore, m. a bowman, a deceiv- Arcile, m. ar-^h, centre Arcarne, m. skeleton Arcaiviménle, ad. secretly, pri- vately Arcangelo, ni. archangel Arc'ino. m. secret, mystery Arcano, a. secre',, mysterious Arcare, to btnd, to arch, to cheat, deceive ARC ArcAta, /. bow-shot; tirar un arcata, to pump one ; tiiar in areata, to j udge at random Arcato, a. arched, bent Arcatore, m. archer, bowman Arcàvola, /. great great grand- mother [fa' her Arcàvolo, ni. great great gnmd- Archeggiare, to beud like au arch Archeggiato, a. like a bow, or arch [pattern Aiche ipo, m. first example, or Archetlino, ?n. a bow (to play oa the violin, &c.) Aichét'.o, m. fiddle-stick Aichibugiàre, aiid Archibusare, to shoot Archibugiàta, and Archibusata, /. arquebiisade Archibugière, and Aichibusiere, chibiiso, m. a hana-gun Archimandrita, ni. leader, prelate, prior Archipenzolàre, to lake the level Archipéi.zolo, m. a plummet Architettare, to build Architétto, m. arciii.ect Aichitettoniconiéate, ad. architec- tunUly, skilfully Architt-ttòre, m. and Architet- trlce,/. architect Architettònico, o. of architecture Archile tura,/, architecture Archiviare, to record Archivio, m. archives Aichiv'sta, m. the keeper of the records Arci, a Greek w;rd, which is used out of emj.hisis, or in joke, as, ArolbL-ili, a. very haiidoome Aicibeniisimo, ad. eiciedinglv well [drei Arcibriccóne, in. an aiTaiit scoun- Arcicónsolo, m. first consul Arcidiaconilo, -n. a'ciideaconship Arcidiàcono, m. archdeacon Arciduca, ni. arcndiika Arciducato, r)i. an atch'ukadom Arciduchéssa,/, archdutches"; Arcicl'.iiuemlssimo, a. most elo- quent Arciepiscopile, a. belonging to the archbishop [bowman Arcière, and Arciero, ni. arch.-i-, Arcifàr.faiia. /. and Arcifànfano, m. a h.abliler Arc fanfanare, to boast Arcifondatòre, m. first founder ArcigiuUaie, m. i juggler, a face- tious fellow 52 ARD Arcigi amcnte, ad. sharply Arcignezza,/. sharpness Arcigno, a. grim, sullen; ^ visa arcigno, to frown Arcimaestoso, a. most majestic Arcimaèstro, m. au excellent Arcimistro, wj. fii-st master A ciuientire, to tell a most impu dent lie Arcione, m. saddle-bow Arci[)elago, m. archipelago Aicipoeta, m. the first of poets Arcipohroiie, m. very idle, cow aid Arcipresbiterji.lo, and Arcipretàto, 7J1. the dignity, office, and juris- prudence of an aicb-priest Aj-ci^jrele, »n. arch-priest Aiciricchissinio, a. veiy opulent Arcisqui'lto, a. very exquisite Al ci véro. a. most true Arcivescovado, m. a: chbishopric Arcivescovile, a. archicpiscopaJ Arcivèi.covo, 771. archili hoj) A'rco, 771. a bow ; arco, an arch, in aichilecture ; star coll' arco téso, to look about every way: arco trionfale, a triumphaì arch ; arco celèste, rainbow Arcnbalcno, ?n. raiii!)ovv Arcobiigio, see Archibùgio Arcolàio, 771. a reel Arcoiàj, 7j>. pi. castles in the air, whims Arcuato, o. crooked, arched Arcùccia, /. a sw e-ating cradle ArJèute, a. hot, burning, violent, amorous, desirous Ardeuteniéiite, ad. vehemently Ardènza,/, a grea heat A'rlcre, to burn, 'o be vehemently iu love, to s.'iiue, to be bright Ardiglione, tti. the tongue of a buckle [dom, courage Ardiménto, ni, inipud,;nce, fret- Ard:mentoso, a. bold, courageous Ardire, lo dare Ardire, 771. boldness, confidence, .isaurance [stoutly Arditamente, ad. courageously, Arditèllo, a. rather bold, pert Ardito, a. courageous, daring, in- solent, barefaced Ardóre, 771. heat, love, passion, zeal, longing Arduamente, ad. arduously Anluilà, ArduiLide, and ArduitAte, /. great difficulty ; steepness of a mountain A'rduo, a. difficult, perilous Ard'jra, /. ardour, heat ARI Arem, /. sand, jravel. arena Areoaio, m. ^laiiaior Arenosità, Artnfjsil? le. and Are- nositàle,/. saiidy matier Arenoso, a. saudy, iiavcUy Areopa^ita, m. Areiparite Areopai^iticn, a. bcluc^ÌD^ to an Areopagite Areopàp, m. Areopagus Arfasatto, aiid Arfasa'iéllo, m. a mean, base, pitiful fi Uoiv, a pal- try fellow A'rgano, m. windlass, crane, iron crow AJi;entaio, m. sold or silver-smith Argentale, o. silver-coloured Aj^enfirio, 7/1. silver-suiiih A'^entàto, a. silvered over Ai^u!alore, m one who silvers Ardènte), a. colour of silver Argenteria,/, plate, s.l ver plate ArjeiiMera,/ sliver niine Ai^entiere, m. silver-smith Allentino, o. =ilver-col'iured ; suo- no argentino, cliar sound ArgéDto,m. silver ; arménto battO'o, coined silver ; arménto filato, silver wire ; nr^éato sf.Iimiilo, or ar»éu'o vivo, quicksilver Ar;lrlia, and Argilla, /. white ciay, potter's earth Ar^)»li6so, arid Argillóso, a. clay- ish [banks, mnlr^ k'c Anciiiaméntn, m. the making of Ardnare, to fortify, to raise ram- pa r.s Ar^nAto, a. birked A'rgine. m. trench to resist inun- dation, larvier Ai^innso, o. full of hanks Argnone, m. a kidney Argomentare, to reason, to dis- course Argomeo'à'o. part, argued Ai^gomen'a'ore, -m. a reasoner Argomentazione,/, argumentation Argoménto, m. rea-on, argument Argnmentoso. a. expert, convincing Arguire, to argue, to reprimand, to conclude, to infer Argunientaate, m. opponent, dis- putant Argumen'-ire, *Be Argomentare, and its deriva' ives Argutamente, ail. cunninziy Argutézza,/, a quibble, puu, witty conceit ArgiVo, a. subtle, witt)-, brisk Argùzia,/, smartness, repartee ^'ria,/. air, wind; mien, figure; in iris, in vain ; si dà dell'arie, be gives himself airs ; ària, air, ARxM tune ; far castella in ària, to build castles in the air Ariuaméuie, ad. drjly Aridiià, Aridiiàde, 'alid Ariditate, /. dryness [dry A' rido, a. barren, poor, wretched, Arie^giire, to look like Arienio, m. see Argènto Arietàre, to batter with a ram (a niachine of war) Ariete, m. Aries, one of the celes- tial signs ; battering ram Arid ta,/. a short air, crsong Arie'tiria, /. a little syng, or tune Ariiumética, /. arithmetic Arimnietico, a. arithmetical Aringa,/, discourse, speech; her- ring Aringamento, m. discourse Aringàre, to harangue Aringato, a. haranirued Aringatoie, m. speaker Aringhiéra,/. ctiair, pulpit, bar; lists [pulpit, bar Aringo, and Arringo, m, lists, Arlolo, in. diviner Arioso, a. lightsome, airy; pretty, 'raceful Arista, /. chine of pork Aristarco, m. a severe critic Ai-istocratico, a. aristncratical Arist'crazl.!,/. aristocracy Aristolóchia, and Arisiológia, /. aristolochy, (hartwort) Aristotelico,' o. belonging to Aris- totle Aritmètica,/, arithmetic Arifniètico, m. arithmetician Aritnié'ico, a. arithmetical Arlecchino, m. harlequin Arlecchioàtta./. show nf harlequin Arlòtto, m. glutton, devourer A'rma, /. arms, (in tixe ancient fioets, "instea-i of alma) Arm.acf>lli, ad. cross-wise, (as a bandolier) Armàdio, see Armario Armadùra,/. coat of mail, arms, prop, 'rt-.-sel Armaduretta,/. a lirht armour Armaiuolo, and Annàio, m. ar- mourer, cun-niaker AmiainentArio. m. armourer Arnian.ènto, m. armour, armament ship ; armarsi, to take up arms Amiàri ), and Armàdio, m. press, chest Armà'a, /. navy, fleet Annatamènte, ad. with arras ArDiàto, a. armed, harnessed ARP Arma'óre, m. captain of a privateer Ai-ma;ùra,y. armour A'rme, aitJ A'rma, /. arms, ar mour, harness; muover l'armi, to declare war; far d'arme, to fight; far il viso delle arme, to look angry ; sospension d'arme, cessation of arms A'rnie, (in heraldry,) coats of arms Armezgieria, Armeggiata, /. Ar- meggio, ajtd Armeggiaménto, m. justing, tilting, or tourna- ment Armeggiare, to just, to run a tilt ; armeggiare \m vascèllo, to moor a ship Armeatgia'óre, m. a juster,gIadiator Armeggio, m. fighting in play ArmtUino, m. ermine Armentano, nu a cattle-keeper Armentàrio, a. belonging to cattle Arménto, m. herd, drove of cattle Armeria,/, aniiory Annetremèndo, a. dreadful in anni Armigero, a. martial ArmUla,/. a bracelet Armillare, a. like a hollow sphere Armipotènte, a. powerful in arms Aruiistlzio, m. short truce Aniionia, f. harmony Armnniaco, m. sal ammoniac Arn.ónie), and Armonióso, a. melodious [I7 Armoniosamente, ad. harmonious- ArmonÌ77'ire, to make harmony Al niohizzàto, a. set in order or ar- ray Arm'oraccio, m. horse-radish Ain/^«s, m. implements, furniture, harness, ornament ; fortress ; ar- mcur ; esser bene in arnése, to be in good order; èsser male in anie-*, to be in a disorderly con- dition A'rnia,/. bee-hive Arnióne, m. a kidney Aroma'irio, m. druggist Ar oma'irhézza, Aromaticità, Aro- ina'icitàde, and Aromaticitate, /. aromatic, odoriferous quality of plants, &c Aroma ico, a. odoriferous, spicy, dirticult, whimsical Anmutico, m. a mirtuie of all sweet-smelling spices Arimalizzàre, to embalm, perfume A!nniatn, and Aromo. m. spicet A'rpa. anil A'rpe,/. harp lento, m. harping Arpegtxiare, to play upon the baip Arpia,/, a harpy ARR Arpicare, to climb «p ; arpicar col cervèllo, to reflect Arpicordo, m. a. harpsichord Arpione, t71. a bin^e, hook, tenter A'rra,/. earnest Arrabattarsi, to endeavour Arrabbiaménto, m. rarins madness Arrabbiare, to rage, to "go mad ; arrabbiarsi, to grow veryangT)- ; arrabbiar della fame, to starve ■wi:h hunger Arrabbiatamente, ad. outrageously Arrabbiatéllo, a. enraged, mad, furious Arrabbiato, a. mad, fierce, cruel Anafl&re, arui Arratftire, to snatch, to each, to tear witu hooks Arraffiito, a. vnrested, catched Arramacciare, to drive one in a sledge Arrampicare, to dimb Arrancare, to go lame, to limp along [rowing Arrancato, a. voga arrancata, hard Arrandellàre, to bind tight, to hurl Arrandellataménte, ad. tigh'ly Arrangolare, to fly in a passim, to be impatient Arraiitolato, a. hoarse Arrapinato, a. peevish, morose Arrappire, to wtìu?, to wrest Arrappato, a. suaTched, wrested Arrappatóre, m. a ravisher, robber Arràta,/. earnest Arrecare, to brinar, to convey; to induce ; arrecarsi, to make it up. to consent ; clie novelle m' ar- rechi ? what Dews do you bring me ? ciò m'arreca meraviglia, that surprises me Arrecato, poit. brought Arreca'óre, rtu and Arrecatrice,/. one who brings, carries, &c. Arredare, to prepare, to equip Arrèdo, m. furniture, implements ; arredo di nave, rigginsr of a ship Arrenare, to run agrounS, to desist Arrendaménto, ni. a lease Arrendatóre, m. renter Arrendersi, to surrender, to stretch ; (speaking of plants.) to bend Airendévoie, a. tractable, easy Arrendevolézza, /. fleiibilitv, do- cility Arren^evolménte,£ui. submissively ArrenJebiliti, /. see Arrendevo- lézza ArrenJiménto. m. a surrender Arreso, part, surrendered Arrestaménto, m. the act of arrest- ing Arrestare, to arrest, to detain ; ar- ARR restarsi, to stay, to tarry ; arres- tar la lincia, to couch the lance Arrtitatore, m. one who arresa Arrèsto, vi. arrest, delay, decree Arretrarsi, to go back Arrezzare, to shade, to shadow Arricchimento, m. enriching Arricchire, to enrich, to adorn ,; arricchirsi, to grow rich Arricchito, part, enriched Arricci.imento, m. horror, dread Arricciare, to stand on end, to curl ; arricciar il muso, to disdain Amcciàto, a. curled [a wall Arricciatiira, /. the rough cast of Arridere, to smile, to favour; la fortuna arriJe alle nostre im- prése, fortune sadles on us Arriiì'àre, to plav at sweep-stakes Arringante, a. one who harangues Arringare, see Aringare, and its de- rivaiives Arripare, to land Arriscbiaménto, ni, risk, danger Arrischiante, a. bold, hardy Arrischiare, to venture, to expose ; arristhiàrsi, to be bold Arriscbia'améate, ad. hazardously Arrischiato, a. perilous Arrischievole, a. bold, hardy Arrisicare, «ee Arrischiare, and its derivatives Arriso, part, faronred [rei Arriss'ire, arid Arrissarsi, to quar- Arrivàre, to arrive at, to overtake, to reach ; arrivar bene, to succeed Arrivaménto, in. and Arrivata,/. arrival Arrivato, part, arrived Arrivo, 771, arrival, coming Arrizzare, to raise, to set uprigbt Arrecare, to gi'ow hoai"se Arroca'o, a. hoarse Arroccare, to fill a distaff; to castle, (at chess) Arrocchiare, to cut in pieces ; to cobble, to bungle [fellow Amgactaccio, nu a very insolent Am)gante, a. proud, h?uzhty Arrogantemente, ad, arrogantly Arrogantóne, a. very arrogant Arrojan2a, /. arrogance, pride, self-sufncicncT [gate, to claim Arrogare, and Arrogarsi, to arro- 1 Arrogato, part, arrogated, claiir.ed Arrogere, to add, to give to boot Arrogiménto, m. addition Arrotare, to enlist; arrolàrsi, to enrol one's self Arrómpere, to break ; arrón-persi, to retire, to burst out Arroncàre, to weed 54 ARS Arroncigliare, to hook, to twKt Arrosare, to bedew, to sprinkle Arrossiménto, m. reddening,blu^ Arrossire, to blush Arrostirsi, to simple Arrostiménto, m. and Arrostitura, /. roasting Arrostire, to roast, to parch Arrostito, a. roasted; pane arro6ti> to, toast Arròsto, m. roast meat Arrotamènto, m. sharpening any cutting tool Arrotante, a. one who grinds Arrotare, to polish, to sharpen ; ar^ rotarsi, to be restless Arrotato, a. sharper^ed, smoothed Arrotatóre, and Arrotino, m. a grinder Arroto, a. added Arrotolare, to make np into a ball Arrovellare, to be aniy, to make one mad with anger Arrovellataménte, ad. furiously Arrovellato, a. mad, furious Arroventainénto, m. making red bat Arroventare, to heat red hot, to make furious Arroventire, to become red hot Arrovesciaménto, r/i. arai Arro- VKciatùra,/, overthrow, ruin Arrovesciare, to ovenhrow, to confound, to destroy Arrovesciato, part, overthrown Arrnvéscio, ad. against the hair, the wrong way Arrozzire, to make rough, harsh, rufged : arrozzirsi, "to grow rough; il freddo arrozzisce le mani, eold makes the bands rjujh ArruS'5re, to entangle, or ravel ; arruflTirsi, to take' one another by lh2 hair Arruflato, o, entangled, uncombe* Arruftàtóre, m. he 'hat entangles Armffianare, to pimp Arrugginire, to grow rusty Arruiiarìàre, to bedew Arruotaforbici, m, a grinder Arrnoiare. see Arrotare Arruotol.'ire, see Arrotolare ArruTidare, to grow rourh Arruvidato, a. rough, hard) Arsclla./. a muscle, fish Alenale, m. a dock, arsenal Arsènico, m. arsenic Arsibile, a. combustible Arsicciare, to dry by the sua ArsSccio, a. half '.. u'rae»! ART Anióne, /. conflagration, exces- sive heat, thirst Jl'tsq, a. burnt, poor Arsura, /. burning heat, drought, extreme misery Artataménte, ad. artfully, inge- uiously A'rte, f. art, slyness ; fare arte d' una cosa, to fullow a business ; per arte, con arte, ad arte, on purp';fe, maliciously, designedly, a. ar.ificial Artéfice, m. workman, artificer Arteticóllo, Arteticiuolo, and Arie- ficiilzzo, wt. an unskilful work- Artemisia,/, mugwort Arteria, /. artery Arteriale, a. arterial Arteriologla, /. arieriology Arterioso, a. arlerious Arterio ouiia, /. the opening of an arterj-, bleed! n» Arteriózza,/. a little artery Artética,/. the gout Artético, a. gou y Articélia, /. a business of a little pr' iht Articina, /. industry [pole A'rtico, a. the arctic or northern Articnl.ire, to pronounce distinctly Articolare, a. articular Articolatamente, ad. distinctly Articolao, a. articulate Ariicolazióne,/. articulation Arriolo, in. article, head, point, clause Artificiale, and Arteficiato, a. arlificial, ar'.ful Artificialmente, ad. artfully Artificiazione, /. (iu jiaiuting) care, art Artificio, m. industry, skill, in- strument, engine, implement Artificiosamente, ad. workman- like, craf ily Artificiosità, Artificiosi'ade, and Ar'ificio-.i';Ve, /. art, skill Artificioso, a. skilful, subtle, crafty Artigiano, m. tradesman, artisiv Artigiano, a. of an artificer Artigliare, to >eize, or scratch wi h he claws Artiglière, aiid Artigliéro, m. giinne"-, matross Artiglieria,/, ar'.illery, ordnance Arti »1 io, m. claw, talnn ArtigUóso, o. armed wiish ; lin£\:a aspra, a sa- tirical ton?ue A«afétida,/. asafcetiJa [ins Assa?maménto, m. the act of tast- Asa^iiare, to try, to taste j asag- jlàr l'oro, to assay sold Asag;i.\to, part. 'asTed Aaa^iStóre, m. taster, a ^ine-con- ner ; an assayer Assassiatùra, /. and Assa^o, it». proof, trial, essay Assii, m. pL many Assai, ad. enouib ; assai bene, pretty well ; assai piii, much more ; assai per, several times : assai per tempo, very early ; d' assai, ad assii, by a iWat deal Assaisinjo, ad. very much Assaissimo, a. very much, very many Assalimento, m. aitd Assalita, /. assault, a-'acfc Assalire, to as=arit Assali;'"!, part, assarje-l A'salitóré, m. aiid Assnli'rice,/. assaiilter. ajzressnr. robber Assallan'e. a. assiilant Assaltare, to attack, assault ASS Assalto, TTi. onset, attack; dar l'assalto ad una piazza, io storm a place Assannire, to bite, squeeze AssànBO, m. biting Assapére, to let know [ins Assaporaménto, t.i. the act of tast- Asaporare, to taste, to prove, to approve Assassinaménto, m, and Assassi- nattsra, /. assassinarion Assassinare, to murder privately, to rob Assassinato, part, assassinated Assa^uio, »7i. a*ai6Ìnation Assassino, m. an assassin, ruffian Asaziare, to satiate, to satisiy A'ae, /. plank, beard ; iLe axis (in mathematics) A^econdare, to second Assecuràre, see Assicurare Assedére, to sit by cr with one; assedérsi, to sit down Assediaménto, m. tee Assèdio Asediante, a. besieging ; gli asse- diane, the besiegers A^ediire, to besiege, to beset AsseoId Attenta o, part, attempted Attentalo, m. enterprise, a crime Arentatorio, a, unlavvful (law term) Attén'o, a, attentive, mindftd Attenuare, to make thin, lessen, ez- teuuate Arte, ua-n, part, weakened, wasted Attenuazione, /. dinjuishing (in law) the estenua' ion of a crime Attenzinxe. /. a/.rf A'tendiménto, m, atention. dilizecce Attergare, to ium the back upon Atierramèn'o, m. and Atterrazi- cine, /. casting, or cutting down Arerrare, to pull down, debase, humble, to ^ubmi^; atterrar gli occhi. TO look down : atterrirsi, to prosra'e one's self, to fear A*terrato, a. pulled down, overset Af erra'nre, rii. a des'royer Atterriménto, m. terror Atterrire, to a/Iriiht Atterri o. a. astoni>hed,discouraged A'erzire, to reduce to a third Attesaroérite, ad. attentively A'tésn. a. artentive. considered Attesoché, amj. because, whereas Afes'ire, to bear witness, attest ; attestarsi, to fLfht. dispire Attes'i'o. m. Attestazione, /. cer- tificate A**e>!atóre. nu a witness A'fi. m. pi, ac'», or deeds At'iccia'o, a. ?tronz, well-liml>ed A' a. Attic Actignere, to draw, reach, arrive; ; 58 ATT attignere l'intendiménto d'on au» tore, to penetrate into the meaif ing of an author Attigniménto, m. draught Attignitoio, m. a bucket, scoop, pump Attiguo, a. contiguous Attillarsi, to adorn one's self fool- ishly [ly Attillatamente, ad, finely, spruce- Attilli'o, a, nice, elegantly dressed Anillatiira, and Attillatézza, / neatness, spruceness A'ttimo, 771. a moment, an instant, point ■ Attingere, to touch, to reach Attirire, to attract; attirarsi, to deserve [ture Attitùdine, /. aptness, fitness, pos- Attivamente, ad. actively Attività, /. activity, diligence attivo, a. quick, nimble, brisk Attizzaménto, rji. stirring the fire provoking, incensin» [tats Attizzare, to stir the fire ; to irri Attizzato, part, stirred, provoked A'no, 77U act, action, deed ; star in atto di partire, to be ready to go métter in atto, to pot in execu tion ; roaimer, gesture, sign, nod stava in atto come se volesse par lirmi, he looked as if he woul speak to jae A'tto. a. fit, suitable, agreeabk AtioUere, to raise Attònito, a. astoui^hed Attopato. a. full of ra's Attòrcere, aiid Attorcigliare, to tkvist, to tirine, wring" Attóre. 771, maker, doer^a piaintifi^ an actor Attorta, /. conduct, government Attomiajnénto, 771. compass, circuit Attorniare, to encompass, to en- close ; attomiire altrùi con beni- f ici, to load with kùidness Anórno, prep, atwut ; andar attór- no, or qua e I2, to go roand about AttoT+islJare, to wrap, roll, tv»-ist Attortigliato, a. twined Attero, a. wTUDj, twisted Attoscare, to poison Attoio. a. wanton, wagsish Attossicaménto, 771. the act of poi- soning Attossicare, to poison Attossicato, part, poisoned Attraente, a, attrac'in». engaging Attraiménto. jtj. attrac'ion Attrappire, to catch, to overreacli Attrappito, j>arf. seized, surprised Attrapperia, /. deceit, firaud ATT Attrarre, to allure, to wheedle Attrattiva,/, power of charming Attratilvo, a. atiraclive Attratto, part, attracted ; crippled Attravers/ire, to traverse, to thwart Attraversato, part, crossed, tiav- er=ed Attraversatóre, m. one that crosses or thwai'.s Attraversi, ad. across Attrazione, /. attraction, contrac- tion of nerves Attrazzare, to rig a ship Attiazzatore, m. a rigour Attrézzo, and Aitràzzo, m. in- strument, engine, tool Attriluiiiiinto, ni. accusation Attribuire, to ascril^e, to iiupute ; attril/uli-si, 10 as-:ume, arrogate Attril'Ul o, part, attributed Attributo, m. an attribute or prop- erty Attrice, /. actress Attns amino, m. and A'tris'a- zione, /. melancholy, grief Attri L'mte, a. vexatious, troi. bla- soni e Attris are, to trouble, to grieve ; at'ris;.irii, to fret, lo vex AttrislA'o, a. vextd, grieved Attristire, to grow worse and worse [grievtrl Attri-itn, a. grown worse, vexed, Attri'Are, to mince; to defeat, to over'hrjw Attriiito. fail, minced, defeated Attrito, ni. an attrition Attrizione,/, at ri'ion Attrupiìàti, part, gathered together Attuale, a. ac'ual, real Atluali'.i,/. whit is ac'ual Attualmente, ad. actually, really Attunre, to do, perform Attuario, m. register, notary Attuàt-', part, effecled, performed Attùccii, m. a puerile ac'ion AttuftHmento, m. a plunging Attiiftare, to plunge : .ittutfarsi, to dive ; a'tuffarsi, ne' vizj, ne' dilètti, &e., lo give one's self up to vices, in pleasures Atttiff'ito, part, plunged, dived Atluft'atiira, aiid Attuffazione, /. AttuffJvoIe, a. apt to dive, con- venient for diving Attuóso, a. active, stirring AtturAre, to stop, to shut up Attut.'ire, to soften, mitigate; at- tutarsi, to grow calm, quiet Attutatóre, and Attutitore, m. a pacifier, an appeaser AUR Attutire, to impose silence Audjce, a. audacious, presumptu- ous, courazeous Audacemente, ad. boldly, auda- ciously Audi'icia,/. audacity, daringness Audijnza, a7ul Audiéuzia, /. au- dii uce Audire, to hear jiuditorato, m. an auditorship AuJilore, m. iufeiior judge Audi orio, m. a court, session- hnuse A ufo, a. gratis, for nothing ; vi- vere a ufo, to live a! free crjst A'ugr,/. grandeur, prosperity Au;ella ore, m. a bii-d-caxher Augdllé to, and Augellino, m. a Ir 1 bird Auiùllo, m. a bird Aug/ióre, t'. shade, cover AuguiiiériUre, to increase Aucuiiiiuta'o, part, augmented Auguiiientazione, /. augmentation Auiunijnto, m. increase Augur'le, a. of an au^r Au^ur^re, to conjecture, lo foretell : to wish [told Auju'àto, part, conjectured, fore- Augua óre, A'u^uru, A'ugure, m. ami Auguratrlce, /. soo.hsayer, auiur [tinn Au_'ùrio, m. guess, omen, divina- Augu:nso, a. supers iti us. scrupu- lous, iood-omened, ill-omened Augiis o. a. sacred, imperial ; au- fiiito in volto, a countenance full of majesty A'uh./. a r-yal palace A'ulico. a. I elonging to the court ; il coriil^lio àulico, the aulic council of the emperor AumenlJn'e. a. increasing Ai.meu'àre, to increise, improve Aumenta Ivo, a. increasing Aumenta óre. m. an improver Aumentazióne, /. increase, im- provement Auniénto, m. growth, addition AunAre, to assemble Auncicore, to 'ake away, ravish Auncinàrsi, to bow, bend A'ura, /. gale, breeze ; àura popò- lire, popuhr applause Aurato, a. goldlike, gilt A'ufeo, a. golden Auretta, f. a »entle breeze AuriC'lAre, a. auricular; la con- fessione auricoLIre, auricular c nfession [ing gold Aurifero, a. producing, or conlain- Auriga, m. charioteer 59 AVA Aurispicio, m. divination A' uro, m. (poe*.) gold Aurora, /. break of the day, dawB Ausare, to accustom Ausiliare, a. auxiliary Ausiliàrio, a. auxiliary troops Ausiliatore, m. helper, protector Ausilio, m. aid Ausonia,/. Italy (by poets) Auionico, a. Italian (by Bocc.) A'uspic-, m. director of the wed- ding (among the Romans) Auspicio, m. pi^esage, men, pro- tec' ion, guidance [ly Austeraiiien'-e. ad. aus'erely, stncl- AuseriUi,/. sharjmess, severity Aus èro, a. grave, reserved, sour Australe, and Auslrino, a. south- ern, southward Austro, r/i. sou b v/i d Au'euticaménte, ad. authentically Au eulicare, to authentica'e Aufen'icazione,/. au'henticafion Au én ic->, a. au-beriiic, original; per autèntico, io an authentic manner Au ógrafo, a. autographical Au ornato, m. autoii.aton Autore, rji. author, inventor, cause Autorévole, a. eredita:, le, imperi- ous Au orevolméii'e, ari. imperiously Autori'à,/. authority, power Autorizzire. to au h'lrize Au 0'Ì7i'A-o, a. au h uized Autrici',/, a' tliore^s Au una'ile. a. au u.oinal Au unno, m. au'unm Auzzarnénto, m. making sharp Auzzire, to sharpe.!, irritate, pro voke Auzzato, a. irrita'ei AÙZZO, a. keen, acu'e, smart Ava, /. grandmo'her Avaccio, m. speed, promptitude Avnccio, ad. speeli'y Aville, ad. downwards Avanru-'trdia,/. van;uard Avanla./. wrrtn;. in.'ury Avnnnótto, m. a simpleton Avanti, and Avàn'e, prep, before ; poco avàn'i, just now Avanti, ad. forward ; più avanti, fat-'her, deeper; av'mti che, ad before ; av.Anti, ra'her Avanzaménto, m. advancement, progress Avanzante, a. surpassing, abound- in», overflowing Avanzare, to set, to increase, im- prove, to remain ; avanzAr tem- po, to gain time ; avanzàni, to AW take coura^j voi m'avanzéte di molti anni, you are many years older than 1 AvajizaJcci^, m. a cast off A\-anzato, a. in years Avanzo, m. remainder, residue, profit, gain Araraccio, a. stingy Avaramente, ad. nigjardly Avarétto, m. a little miser Avaria,/, avci-a^e (sta. term) Avarizia, /. avarice, greediness Avarizzàre, to be tfi^^ardly Avaro, m. a miser Avaro, a. avaricious, sparing Avaronàccio, and Avarone, m. wretched miser Ave. (Latin) God save you Avellana,/, filbert Avellano, m, filbert-tree Avèllere, to pull up Avello, nt. grave, tomb, sepulchre Avéna, /. reed, pipe ; oats Avente, a. baviu» Avere, to have ; aver a caro, to be glad; che avete? what is the matter ? far avere, to procure ; aver a sderno, to detest ; aver in ira, to haie ; aver in balia, in one's power ; aver per buono, | to take in good part ; aver ajio, to be at lei ure ; avérla con uno, to be an^' ; aver al sole, to have an estate ; a-er in costume, to be used to ; aver in grado, to accept ; aver in prègio, to value, to esteem : aver pentinién'o. to repent ; avc-r vóce, to speak ; si ha voce, 'tis whispered ; aver vòglia, to have a mind ; aver ragióne, to be riiht Avere, m. esti'e, liches Avéj-no, ni. hell Aversióne, /. aversion Avertere, to titm away, avert Avidamente, a/i. greedily, eagerly Avidità, Aviditade, Aviditate, and Avidézza, /. greediness, eager- ness A'vido, a, jreedy, covetous Avito, a. heredi ary Avocare, to carry a law-suit be- fore a c'.Ujt A' vola,/, ffran^mother A vnlo, ayid A vo. m. grandfather Avoltoio, aììd Avcltóre, in. vulture Avorio, m. jvory Avvallaménto, m. a cavity Avvallare, to let down, to descend Avvaloraménto, m. valour, power Avvalorare, to encourage ; avva- lorarsi, to take courage AW Avvampaménto, 771, burning, blaz- ing [ing Avvampàn'e, a. burning, inflam- Awampàre, to singe, to consume ; avva^upar d' amore, to bum with love ; avvampar d' impa- ziènza, to be impatient Avvantaggiare, lo have the advan- tage Avvantaggiato, o. advantageous A'vaiitàigio, m. benefit, interest; servirsi dell avvantaggio, to im- prove the advantage ; dair dell' awantàoiish, an a«kward fellow Babbumo, 771. monkoy, baboon ; babbuino, a monkcy-lace^l booby Bacalare, »7i. a great man, a great wit (ironical) Bacaleria,/. braggin», vaunting Bac'ire, to b'eed .voniis Bacato, and Bacalicelo, o. sickly Bieca,/, a bt-rry Baccalà, a7id Baccalare, m. stock- fish [a bacchanal Baccan.ile, »7i. a tumuliuous crov.-d, Baccaiiije, a. bacchanalian Baccanella,/. a rout, mob Baccano, m. noise, uproar Bncr.nnte,/. a priestess of Bacchus Baccelleria,/. degree of bnchtlor Baccelliere, aiid Baccelliéro, ni bachelor of arts Baccèllo, m. hu»k [dunce Baccellóne, m. shell, blockhead, E.acché;ia,/. a rod, mace ; conian- dare a bacchétta, to command imperiously; bacchétte, gantlet, a mili'ary punishment ; pass.artK;r le bacchétte, to run the gantlet ; bacchétta da vino, a tavern sign Bacchettita, /. blmv with a rod Bacclietlonclno, a. little hjTpocri'e BaccliéMone, m. and Bicchettoiia, /. a hyiwcrite Bacchettoneria, f. and Bacchetto- nisnn, m. hypnciisy Bacchi.ire, to cnUel B-acchiiita, f. a blow with a slick Bàcchico, . to ;alk nthly Bacco, 771. Bacchus BAG Bachèca, m. z fine fellow, a block. head, a glass case Bacherozzolo, m. a worm, ?ruU Baciamano, nu a complmient Baciaménto, ?n. kissmg Badante, o. k' BAI Bagaglióne, m. a soUier's boy, blackguard Baja'liiime, wi. bag and ba?n?e Baiadiuóle,/. pi. tattered clothes Bagàscia, /. harlot Bagascióne, w. strumpet's man BAL Badante, o. kissin? .. „„ „ Ba-atella, f. trifle, toy ; baga-.elle. Baciapile, aicd_ Baoapolvere, "i- 1 **^f ^^"^tive expression) no such bi^ot, hypocrite . . ,. a thin', not at all aciare, to kiss ; baciarsi, to ki^ T^Aitèiif^re, m. aju-der one another ; baciar la scopa, to j H^^^^^'^^^^ ayid Bagatellùzza. ì a verv trifle, a tov Ba^attin-.; m. the smallest piece of money . - i?£réo, ni. a simpleton ^iiaiiccio, m. a great block- Bassianàta, /. foolishly said, cr Bal'iàne, /. pi- enticements, fair "'^=, ■ ,' L/i),. f,i=«. nmmises have patience Baciare, m. kissinz, kiss Baciato, part, kissed Baciatóre, m. a kisser Baciatrlce, /. a kissing woman Bacile, m. abasia Bacinella,/, a till Bacinétto, m. a helmet Bacino, w. basin . Bado, m. a kiss ; un bacio di l^w ^_ o.ocuc. da, a treacherous ki^ „or*h ! Ba-iolare, to support, to prop """"'^ • „iotr>n B->'llvo.m. a bailiff Baciocco, m. a simpleton RVÒrialuolo m. ba'h-keeper _ . 1 or kfnd words, false promises lBai?iàno,m. blockhead, fool eive mauv kisses Baciucchio, m. a slight kiss Baco. 171. a worm, masgot, mite, Baròcolm^apricot (by the Siennese) Bacolino, m. a niargot Bicolo, m. a stick Bacucco, Jii. a hood, a cowl Bacùccola. /. a filbert Bada, used as an adverb ; tenere a bida, to keep at bay: star a hi Ba^^^'ie', o. moistening, washing, bSS'o wet, to wash; bagnar. ìi. to ba*he, or wash one's self iBainato,o. wet, washed Baeaa'órc, m. a bather B^gna^ùra. /. see Bagnamento Bamo, .11. a bath, bagnio, ci^tera, ba-hing-tnl>: bagno d acqua fred- da, the cold bath Èmmmm^:::^ Badàegio, m. an amorous look Badal'occare, to trifle, to dally ÌBa";^«óK"mr a- little bath »is-s;v!ri"£ -^^£u^.;j -ass; R,*H^xca'6re m. an idler to play ffiùcS, m.' skirmish, play, di IBa |r., tpbark^ vereion Baét^ f- estamine (a French Badaménto, m. delav ,.,„J ,„fr^-^ Badare, ^f^^^^XVof ■;ke care Biilo; m. a sort of magistrate tr fling, take notice of. vake care, «a lo, t chestnut-colour to covet, to lor.k amorously upon Baio. «. tay o^^^ Badérla,/. a silly woman LJ^-'co «i a piece of money Badéssa,/, abbess l^Tout'fh^ farthings value _ SJ:t'^lu^^ B^l^do, m. an impertinent ItS'X^^^éa^-^^rr/. P^- and Irc^^Vn/Bliùcola, /. very ^È^sÌii--.tì^b.c^°*es I frivolous thuig^ I Baiulo, TO. porter Balanino, a. of a whale Balaùstra, /. the flower of (he pomegranate-tree Balaustrata,/, balustrade, rails Balaùstro, m. a rail, a baluster Balbettante, a. stuttering Balbettare, and Balbutire, to stajn- nier, stutter . ,^ Balbo, and Balbuziente, a. tongue- tied, that tammers Balbuzie, /. stammering, shittenng Balbuzzare, and Balbuzzire, to stammer Balcóne, m. balcony Baldacchino, to. canopy; spet- tare il baldacchino, to look for homage Baldamente, ad. boldly Baldanza,/, presumption; courage Baldanzeggiare, to I'je memly Baldanzosamente, ad. boldly, vai BaHalizosétto, a. bold, hardy, rash Baldanzóso, a. stout, valiant Bildo, a. daring, courageous Baldòria, /. flame, bonfire; far li.ilcìória, lo not, feast BaHràcca, /. harlot, drab Baléna,/, a whale; pigliare una baléna a secco, to raistaKe Balenaménto, m. l»?l>tning Balenante, a. shining, hnght Balenare, to lighten, to stagger Baléno, TO. lightning ; in un Me- no, in an instant ; far lo scoppio e'l baléno, to do a thing at once; arco baléno, TO. the rainbow Baléstra, /. crc«s-bow ; caricar la baléstra, to fill one's belly Balestralo, TO. a maker of l>ows Balestrare, to shoot, dart, hurt ; to vex, disquiet Balestrata, /. a bow-shot Balestrerla,/. a troop of cross-bow BaTesh-iéra, /. a loop-hole in a wall (to shoot through) Balestrière, to. a bow-man, a shooter , .„„„ Balestro, TO. a cross-bow, or stone- bow ; andare su' balestri, to have spindle shanks ltl;t|:;"^r,authority;tenérin balla, to keep one in awe ; darsi in balia, to addict one's self; darsi in balla ai piaceri, to fol- low pleasures BaliAggio, TO. bailiwick Baliàtico, TO. the nurse's pay I Ballato, TO. power, authority BAL Bàlio, ni. a tutor, a nurse's hus- band Balioso, a slron;, lasty, robust Balire, to brin^ up, to govern Balista,/, warlike enfine Balivo, m. a niajisrate Balla, /. a baie of ^cx>i, a BarLary horse Barbitia,/. a litUe beard Barbicaii,émo, ni. the act of taking root Bai bic're, to :ake root Birbicà'o-, a. rooted Barbicélia. arid Barbicina, /. a li- 'le root Barbijra, /. a barber's wife Barbière, m, a bai ber Barbieria, and Bai berla,/, a bar- ber's shop Bàrbio, ni. a barbel Barbogio, e. old and sil!y Barbone, m, a long beard, an old dotard, a shaggy dog Barbu^liaiaeuto, m. confused speech Barbugliare, to stammer Barbj'a, m. a helmet Barbuto, a. bearded, full of beard Barca, /. a barge, a boat ; far an- dar uno in Ijarca, to make one angry ; far una barca ad imo, to play "a trick upon ooe Bai ciccia, /. an old barge or boat Barcaiuolo, Barcarolo, àt^d Barca- ruolo, 111, bargeman, watermau Baicaa, /. a barge-full Baichctia, and Barchettina, /. a Utile boat Bàrco. m, a park [ing Baixollaniento, m, nodding, totter- Barcollante, a. nodding, wavering, ftajful, dubious, timorois Barcollare, to wave, reel, s'agger Barcellone, axL andar barcollóne, to stagger Barcóue, m. a ship Barda,/, a sort of saddle Bardamenrire, to caparison Bardato, a. caparisoned Bardatura,/, trappings for a horse Bardella, /. a pack-sjiddle A bardòsso, ad. without a saddle Bardòtto, ni. the wagouer's horse ; passar per bardòtto, to be scot- free [saltwort Barèlla, /. a hand-barrow, kali. Barellare, to carry in a barrow Bargagnare, to bargain, to cavil, or wrangle ; star in bargàgno, not to abate Barsèllo, m. a sheriff; dar nel barcélln, to meet with a bad accident BAS Bargigli, m. pi. a cock's wattles Bariglione,»/», a cask, powdering- rub Barile, ni. a pip -, a hogshead, barrel ; baii ie da ruota, iiie -lock of a wlieel Bariletto, and Borilorto, m. a liule cask Bar^iontj. in. a musical term Barlettàjo, ni. a c KOj^er Barlètto, m. a hol^-fast, flask B;«.rl'jaie, m. dudi, a hiut ; no lion ; la vidi solamente al bar- luu.e, I had oi.iy a glimpse of her ; ne ho un liiilume, 1 know simcthiug 01 it Biro, aiid BariO, nu knave, cheat Baroccio, m. a cart Barocco, ai id Barticcolo, m. sharking, sponging Baroiue.iTj, in. barometer Barona, /. a baroness Bar-.«accio, m. rogue, rascal Barou;iggio, ni. baixiny Baj-oiiare, to beg, to sponge Baronata,/. roguei7 Baroucclh, m. vagabond, rambler; 3 little baron Baroncio, m. an idle, slovenly boy Barone, m. a bason, a vagabond ; barone di caaipo fiore, a pick- pocket ; baione di Frància, one that the pox Baronéssa,/, baroness Baronètto, ni. a barunet, or knight and baronet Baronia,/, barony Barra, /. bar, Darricado Barrare, to bar ; barrare la strada, to stt;p the way Barrato, a. enclosed, beset BaiTeria, /. a cheating in gaining BorricatJi, /. ban icado, intrench- ment Barrièra, /. bar, partition, bar- riers, (a martial spori) Birro, m. a chta' at gaming Barjfl'a, /. and Baruffo, m. fray, diijiute Barullire, to buy and sell as re- tailers Banillo, m. a retailer, a forestaller B,arze!lè''a,/. a jest, a banter Barzellettare, to jest Basalisco, m. a basilisk . Basa, and Base, /. base, bottom, I ground [lar , Ba- aménto, m. the patten of a pil- I Bascii, m, a bashaw I Basette, /. pL whiskers 1 Basettòne, m. one who has long I and fine whiskers 61 BAS B.asllica, /. ca'hedral church, roj-al niansiou, a court of justice Basilico, in. sweet btisil Ba^illsohio, and Baoiiisco, rn. a basilisk Ba-iuicnlo, m. fainting Eaiiuientiiccio, in. a s.voon Basile, to be at the point of death, to be in agony Basi o, a. expired, dead Basoso, a. stupid, dull Eai.^araèilte, ad. barely, meanly BassamJnU), m. a fall, diminution, misery Baciare, to b. ing down, to lower ; bassar gli occhi, to look down- wards;'bassir la testa, to stoop Bassa o, part, brought down, let dovvn Bassétti, /. the game of basset Bassétto, m. counter-tenor B.assé'to, a. smiewhat low Bassézza, /. meanness, lowliness; fare ima bassézza, to debase one^ self Bassilica, /. the basilic vein Basso, a. low, shallow, base^ mean ; marèa bassa, low water paesi bassi, the low countries la gente bassa, the common peo- ple, the vulgar; il sole e già basso, the suu is going to set ; di bassa nascita, of a mean extrac- tion ; uòmo di tiàsso ingegno, a low-witted man ; basso discorso, a fiat discourse ; panno basso, narrow cloth Basso, m. bottom ; il basso d'ima montagna, the foot of a hill ; basso, the bass in music Basso, ad. basely Bassotti, m. pL a mess of maccaroni Bassotto, e. stout and short, strong- limbed B.'sta, ad. enough Bàs'a,/. a long "stitch Bastàbile, o. lasting Bastàio,'?/!, a saJdler Bastalèua, (a) ad. witb ali one's might Bastante, a. sufBcienf. able Baene'Jizione ad una cosa, I» have no band in a thing Benefattóre, to. benefactor Benefattrice,/, benefactres? Beneficante, o. beneficial, liberal, kind [person Beneficare, to do good, to benefit a Beneficato, part, benefited Beneficatore, m. benefactor Beneficènte, a. kind, obliging Beneficènza, /. beneficence Beneficiale, o. of a benefice, beae ficial Beneficiare, to benefit Beneficiato, part, beneficed Beneficio, to. kindness, advantage, benefice Beneficióne, m. a church-living Benèfico, a. liberal, kmd Benefizio, to, sec Beneficio Benemerenza,/, desert, merit Benemèrito, a. deserving well Beneplacito, w, good-will ; leave ; io fo a mio beneplacito, I do ai I please Bene spésso, ad. very of^en Benestante, a. rich, wealthy Benevivere, to live happy Benevogliènte, i benevolent Benevolentenieuie, ad. kindlv Benevolènza, and Benevogliénza, /. good-will, love, kindness Benevolmente, ad. kindly Benevolo, a. kind, affectionate Benfatto, o. well-shaped, well- made Ben eli sta, he deserves it Bmificanza. /. beneficence Beniflcio, *« Beneficio [kindly Benignamén'e, ad. wurteously, Benigni'à, /. tenderness, goodness Benigno, a. courteous, loving Benino, ad. tolerably well Ben' insième, rru the whole of Benissimo, ad. very well Benivojliènza,/. bénevoknce Eenivolénte, cu friendly, h'imano Benivolo, a. affectionae, kini Benlavoràto, a. well done Benmontàto, a. well mounted Bennato, o. well bom, lucky BER Eens&i, ad. certainly | Benservito, m. a servant's char- acter Bensì, ad. certainly Bentenùto, a. well kept Bentornato, o. siate il bentornato, you are w elcome Benvolentièri, ad. very willins^ly Benvolére, m. favour, kindness Benvolére, to love ; si fa benvolére da tutti, he is beloved by all Benvoluto, a. well beloved Beone, m. a toss-pot, a toper Bercilócchio, m. a squint-eyed Bére, to drink ; bere un uòvo, to swallow an e^ ; mi convién berla, I must submit ; dar a bere, to persuade one to believe ; bersi una cosa, to tOce for grant- ed ; ber con gli occhi, !o devour with the eyes'; here o affogare, to be obliged to do a thing/ ber bianco, to be disappointed Bére, m. drink Bergamotto, r?i. the bergamof-free Bergolinire, to pun, to quibble Bergolo, m. a sort of ba^et Bergolo, a. fickle, simple Berillo, m. a precious stone Berlina, /. the pillory ; a coach Berlingaccio, to. Shrove Tuesday Berlingaménto, m. chit-chat Berlingare, to driuk freely; to talk at random Berlinga'óre, m. a jolly fellow Berlinzhiére, m. a gre«ly-?ut Berlinzhiéro,/, a talking jossip Berlingòzzo, m. a French brick, a small loaf (of bread) Bernésco, a. burlesque Bimia,/. a riding-hor4 Bernòccolo, m. a swelling kcob ; a hard kernel Bernoccoluto, a. knobby Berrétta, /. flat cap. or bonnet ; trarsi la berrétta, far di berrétta, to salute with the hat ; avere il cervèllo sopra la berrétta, to proceed rashly in an affair Berrettaio, m, a' cap-maker Berrettino, m. a small cap Berrettino, a. artful Berretti'iccia, /. a little cap Berriuóla, /. a night-cap Berroviére, m. a highwavnian, a ruffian, a verger, a bead (e Bersagliato, a. injured, ruined B-^riàglio, m. a mark to shoot at, a lauzhing stock ; io sono il ber- sàglio della fortijna, I am the sport of fortune Bèrta, /. a trifle, gewgaw, fop- BEV pery ; dar la berta, to joke, to banter ; berta, a magpie, a gos- siping woman; a rammer; a pavier's beetle Berteggiaménto, 771. a laughing at, a mocking [ter Berteggiare, to ridicule, jeer, ban- Bertejgiatóre, m. a mocker, jeerer Bertolótto, in. a sponger ; scrit-free Bertóne, m. one who keeps a mis- tress, a cropped horse Bertovèllo, m. a net made of twigs Bertuccia, /. aiid Bcrtticcio, wi.'a monkey, an ape Bertuccione, m. a baboon Berùzzo, m. a clown's breakfast Bérza,/. the shin-bone of the leg BerzAdio, see Bersàglio Bessàgine, and Besbcrla, /. fool- ishness, simplicity Bésso, a. simple, foolish, dull Bésso, m. one who stammers, or lisp Bestémmia./, blasphemy, cursing, bad language [giiage Bestemmianiénto, 771. impious lan- Bestemmi,ire, to blaspheme, curse Bestemmiato, part, blasphemed Bestemmiatoriccio, m. a great blasphemer Bestemmiatore, m. a blasphemer Béstia, /. a beast, a brute ; andar in bestia, to fall into a paision Bestiaccia, /. a nasty beast; a fool, a blockhead Bestiale, a. beastly, heavy, lump- ish Bestialità,/, bestiali'y. brutality Bestialmente, ad. beastly, nastily Bestifuiie, m. cattle Besticciuòla, aiid Bestiòla, /. a little living creature BestionnAccio, and Bestióne, m. a great beast, a brutish fellow Bestiuòla, /. a little creature; a blockhead Béttola, /. a cook's shop, a tippling- house Bettolétta, /. a low public house Bettoliére, 771. keeper of a cook's shop Bettónica,/. betony. speed-well Bé'ula, and Betulla, /. a birch- tree Beuta, and Bevtita, /. drinkin» bout ; ad ogni bevuta, at every glasi Béva, /. drink Bevanda. /. drink, potion Beveràggio, 77». drink, beverage, drinkinj-money [ing Beveratóio, m. a vessel for drink- 67 BIB Bèvere, to drink Beveria,/, drunkennea Bévero, ttu a beaver Beveronaccio, 771. a horse-berenge Beveróne, tti. a drink, a Urencta Bevibile, a. drinkable Beviménto, 771. drinking Bevitóre, m. and Bevitrlce, /. toper, tippler Bevitura,/. drinking Bezzicare, to peck, to scold, dispute Bezzicalo, part, pecked Bezzicatijra,/. a pecking Bezzi, 771. pL money ; non bo bezzi, I have no money Bi.icca, /. white lead Biada,/, com, oa's Bialaiuólo, 771. cim- Bibliotecario, m. k librarian Bica, /. a rick of com or hay. a heap ; montar su la bica, to' fly in a pa>sion [blower Bicchieràio, ni. a glass-maker or Bicchière, m, a sìass Eiccidjherx, /. a restless beast Bicipite, a. two-headed Bicòcca, /. a little cas'le. a village Bicórnia,/. a rising- anvil Bicòrne, Bicòrno, and Bicornuto, a. double-homeil Bidello, m. a bcadle Bidènte, m. a pitchfork Eidétto, ni. a little pony Biecamente, ad. squiutiniìy Bièco, (I. grim, stern, sour ; occhi bièchi, squinting eyes; rimirar con òcchio bièco, io look with an envious eye ; atto bièco, a bad action Biènnio, ir two years Biéta, orBiè'ola.y. beet Bietolone, m. a simpleton, a booby Biétta,/, a weke Bifójlio, m. double leaf Bifólca. /. an acre of land Bifolcheria, f. hi;sbandry, tillage, the charme of a farm Bifolco, m. a plr-u^hnian Biforcamènlo. m. separation Biforcato, and Biforcino, a. fork- ed, cloven ; piede biforctito, a cloven foot Biforco, m. a fork, apitchfork Bifórme, a. of two forms Bifròn'e, a. d'iuble-faced Bija,/. a cart, a chariot Bigamia,/, biiramy Elsamo, m. a man who has two wives Bigètto, m. a silk-worm Bigattolo, m. a worm that spoils com Birero^nuólo, a. srayi-ih Bizhellóne, m. a boot y, a simple- ton [andrew Bishernio, m. a jester, a njerry- Bigherato, a. adorned with thread lace B1?hero, m, thread lace Bigiccio, o. grayish BIO Bigio, a. russet, eray, brown Biglia,/, the biifiarxi-tall Bi^liardo, m. billiards Bigliétto, m. a billet, a note Bijconcia, /. a sort of great tub ; a pulpit Bilancétta, arid Bilancia,/, a bal- ance, a pair of scales ; ii?T il tracòllo alla bilancia, to turn the scale; èsser in bilancia, io be irresolu-e, in suspense ; bilancia, a hocp-net, the splinter bar of a coach Bilancialo, ?n, a scale-maker Bilanciaménto, m. examiiution Bilanciare, to balance, to exan.- ine, poiiJer, to waver ; bilan- ciarsi In aria, to hover in the air Bilanciato, part, balanced Bilancière, m. the laiance of a clock or watch Bilancino, m. small scales Bilàncio, m, comparison, parallel "le, /. choler, anger, passi in; non mi fate montar la bile, don'i provoke me Bilènco, a. crooked Bilia, /. a p.acker's stick BiliSrio, a. bilious care, to set in equilibrium, to ponder Bilicato, part, poised, levelled Bilico, nu balancin?, poising; s'ar in bilico, to be near falling Bi!in?uo, a. dc-cei;ful Bilióso, a. passionate Eil-ott.ito, a, spotted Biilen,/. a jest Bilis're, a. often years Bimbo, m. a suckin; babe Bimèstre, a. two month' Bimmòlle, m. a mus.ical term Biuire, to twin Binàrio, a. binary Binascéi!2a,/.thédcliverj- of twins Binato, m. a twin Binato, o. of two natures Bind^'lla,/. a ribbon Bindoleria,/, artfulness Bindolo, r>ì. a swin; Binocolo, m. a telescope of two sights Biòccolo, m. a lock of wool ; lana in biòccoli, a fleece Biografia, /. bio- : a wanderer, a sharper; bifter la birba, to mump about ; a phaeton Birtiante, atid Birbone, m. a beggar Birbonàccio, m. a rascal Birbonata, and Birboneria, /. a bad action, a fraud Birboneggiare, to he^ Bircio, a. near-sighted Biribisso, T7i. a hazard game Birilli, m. pi. nine-pins Biroccio, m. a cart Bii-occino, >n. a one-horse chaise Birra,/, beer Birracchio, m. a year old calf Eii-rèsco, o. wicked, impudent Bfrro, and Birrovlère, ni. a bailiff Bisàccia,/, a bag with two pouch- es; èsser alla bisàccia, to be re duced, to be very ooor Bisànte, and Bisantino, m, a span- gle [mother Bisarcavola, /. great great grand- Bisarcavolo, m. great great grand- father [grandmothe. Bisàva, and Bisàvola, /. greaf Eisavo, and Bisàvolo, m, ,-i great grandfather [lici'.iy Bisbeticamente, ad. oddly, fania» Bi~bè'ico, o. whimsical Bisbigliaménto, m. whispering Bisbigliare, to whisper, mutter Bisbijiia'òre, m. a whisperer Eisbigliafòrio, m. a. parlour graie (in convents) Bisbiglio, m. whisper, nunour Bibid Bitorzoluto, a. full of bumps, knotty, uneven (of wood) Bifime, m. bitumen bituminóso, a. bituminous BiiJl;i,/. thick plaster Bivio, m. the highway Bizza,/, anger Bizzaramènle, ad. oddly, smartly Bizzarria, /. conceiteduess, brisk- ness, whim, pasiion Bizzarro, a. whimsical, smart, passionate Bizzóca, /. a woman that lives like a nun Biz^co, rn. a rustic, a puritan, a hypocri'e, a bigot Bizzocòne, m. a clown Blaii liniénto, to. allurement, blan- dishment Blandire, to flatter, decoy, cajole Blandizia,/, caressing Blindo, a. kind, flattering RI«ifèmo, a. blasphemous Blasonare, to blaznn a coat of arms Blasóne, ni. heraldry Bloccare, to block up Bloccato, part, blocked up Bloccatura,/, a blockade Blòcco, ni. blockade Bo.ito, TO. bellowing Boattiére, to, a grazier Bobólca. /. a herdsman's, a plough- man's wife Bócca, /. the mouth, the taste; dire a h-icca, by word of mouth ; piacévole alla bócca, pleasant to the palate ; bócca, people ; ho più di dièci bócche a mantenére, I bave ten m"uths to feed ; stare a bócca apèrta, to hearken at- tentively; métter di bócca, to add, invent ;'parl.ira bócca apèrta, t-i speak too much ; esser largì di bócca, to talk inconsiderately ; io non ci vo' por bócca, I wo'n'l meddle with it ; esser di buòna bócca, to be a greedy eater ; bócca a bócca, face to face ; las- ci'ire a bócca ilnlce, to entertain one with fair hopes; la hócca d'un fisime, the mouth of a river ; la bócca delh stomaco, the pit of the stomach ; bócca di fuòco, fire arms Boccuccévole, a. Boccaccevol- niénte, ad. in the style of Boc- caccio Boccaccia, /. an ugly mouth Boccile, TO. a mug ; egli è scritto pe' boreali, he is known by eve- ry body Boccata,/, a mouthful, a box nn the ear ; non ne saper boccata, to know nothing of the matter 60 BOL Boccétta, /. a button, bud of a flower, a phial [P'ng Boccheggiaménto, m. panting, ga- Boccbeggiare, to agonize Bocchétta,/. Bocchino, m. a small mouth Bócchi ; far bocchi, to make mouths Bòccia,/, bud, a bottle, a pimple B'iCciuolo, TO. a bud I Bocconcéllo, aììd Bocconcino, m. I a little bit Boccone, ad. groveling Boccóne, rn. a mouthful ; buoni boccóni, dainty bits; tagliare a boccóni, to cut" to pieces ; dar il boi-cónc, tu bribe Bocconghiotto, TO. a tit bit Boccuccia,/, a little mouth Bociire, to divulge, publish Bofonchiare, to grumble Bof>nchino. a. grumbling Bòria, /. first appearaace of the itch Borliènte, a. boiling, burning hot Boia, TO. an e.veculioner Boi ' rdo, 7/1. a boyard Bilcióiie. m. a battering-ram Boi Jroije, 7n. wool, blanket, cover- let Bòlgia,/, bnlget, bar, portman- teiu : a hole in the ground ; far bòlgia, to make provision; bol- ria, a horrible daik place Bólla. /. bubble, blister, pimple; bólli acquaiuola, a watery blis- ter ; boll?, a stamp, a seal, a fiope's bull [factor Bollare, to stamp, t') brand a male- Boli^to, a. sealed, bnuided Boll ;nte, a. boiling Boil -fa, /'. passport BMIr-ttino, »n. a hill, a note Bolliménto, m.a boiling, the swell- ing of the sea Bollire, to boil, bubble up, fer- ment ; mille cose mi bollono ne!l' aiiimo, I have a thousand things in my mind ; tutta la cit- tà bolle, every body gnimbles; bnlllre a ricorsolo, to boil fast Bollito, a. boiled [tion Bollitura,/, boiling liquor, decoc- BoUizióne,/. a boiling; bollizióne di sangue, hot blood Bóllo, TO. a seal, a stamp Bollóre, TO, bubbling, spouting; bollóre d'animo, passion, anger Bòlo, TO, a pill Bólso, a. short-winded Bolzonire, to shoot at Bolzoaàta, /. a shot with an arrow BOR BolzonAto, part, struck -with an arrow Bolzóne, m. aba'tering-ram,or dart Bómba, /. a mai k, a bomb ; tornare a bomba, to return to one's pur- pose ; èssere a bomba, to live at ease Bombànza,/. feasting-, mirth, joy Bombarda,/, a mortar-piece Bombardaménto, m. bombardment Bombardare, to bombard Bombardièra, /. the place where the bomb is mouutal Bombardière, m. a bombardier Bombettàre, to sip Bómbice, m. silk-worm Bómbola, /. a pitcher Bonàccia, /. a calm at sea ; happi- ness, tranquillity Bonacciare, to grow caJm Bonaccióso, a. still, quiet Bonariamente, ad. graciously, kindly Bonarietà,/, kindness Bonario, c. good, meek, kind Boncinèllo, m. the staple of a lock Boneggiare, to arrogate Bonifacimeuto, m. betterirg Bonificaménto, m. and Bonifica- zióne,/, a bettering, an improve- ment Bonificare, to amend, improve ; bonificarsi, to grow better Bonificato, a. mended, improved Bonfssimo, a. very good Bontà, /. goodness, excellence ; per bona, ior the sake of, upon account of [ing BerbogJiamento, m. noise, mutter- Borbogliare, to mutter, to grumble Borboglio, TO. a rumbling noise, uproar, quarrel [grumbling Borbottaménto, m. a muttering, a Borbottare, to grumble, to mutter Borbottato, part, muttered Borbottatóre, and Boi bottóne, to. mutterer, grumbler Bòrchia, /. a' stud Bordàglia,/, the mob, rabble Bordire, to beat, to board, to moor Bordata, /. a broadside Bordeggiare, to tack Bordellare, to frequent brothels ; andar bordellando, to wench Bordelliere, 771. ahnnter of brothels Bordelloj TO. a brothel, stews ; an- dare in bordello, go and be hanged ; fare il bordello, to ban- ter, to be vociferously merry Bórdo, TO. ship-board, the sides of a ttip ; andare a bórdo, to go BOT aboard j bórdo, border, hem, brim Bordóne, to. a pilgrim's stafTj bor- done, the stumps of feathers in young birds J bordóne, a prop of a building Bòrea, /. the north-wind Boreale, and Bóreo, a. northern, northerly Borgata, /. a borough, a village Borghése, and Borgése, to. a bur- gess of a town Borghesia,/, the state of a citizen Borghétto, m. a hamlet Borghigiano, m. see Borghése Bórgo, m. a suburb, borough, town Borgomastro, to. a burgomaster Bci ia, /. haughtiness, self-conceit ; aver bòria, to boast Boriàre, aiid Boriarsi, to be prond Boriosila,/. vanity, self-conceit Borióso, a. putfed'up, proud Bòrnio, a. one-eyed, short-sighted Bornióla,/. mbtake, blunder Bórra,/, hair to stuflf sstddles j su- perfluous words Borraccia, /. bad stuff; a vessel for wine in travelling Bórro, and Borróne, m. a gully made by a water-flood ; a gi-eat water-flood Bórsa, /. a purse, pocket ; tener bórsa strétta, to be stingy; far bórsa, to hoard money ; bórsa, a portmanteau ; bórsa da' mer- ciin*i, the Exchange Bors'iio, m. a purse-maker Borsaiuòlo, m. a cut-puree Borsellino, to. the fob-pocket Borzacchino, m. the buskin Boscàglia,/, woods, forests, groves Biscaglióso, a. woody Boscaiuòlo, to. a woodman Boscata, /. a grove Boscato, a. woody Boscaréccio, and Boscheréccio, a. rjral, savage ; ninfe boscherécce; wood-nymphs Boschettino, arid Boschétto, to. a grove, a thicket ; a tree limed to ca'ch birds Boschigno, a. see Boscheréccio B-ÓSCO, TO. a wood, forest ; èsser da bosco e da rivièra, to be fit for any thing Bo^ciso, a. woody Bosforo, TO. straits Bòsso, m. the box-tree Bossolaio, TO. a box-maker B^issolo, TO. a boi, a dice-bos ; box-tree Botàmca, /. botany 70 BRA Botànico, a. botanical Botànico, m. botanist, herbalist Botare, to vow, or promise ; botAr- si a Dio, to devote one's self ta God Boto, m. a yow Botola, /. a trap-door Bòtta, /. a toad, a blow, a stroke; armatura di tutta botta, armour musket-proof ; botta rispósta, a repartee ; botta, a pass in fenc- ing ; una tella botta, a fine stroke Bottaccino, m. a flask Bottàccio, m. a flask Bottaglie,/. boots Bottàio, m. a cooper Bótte, /. a cask, a vessel ; boots Bottéga. /. a shop BotlegTiia, /. and Bottegaio m. a shopkeeper [little shop Botteghetta, /. Botteghino, m. a Bottegóne, tri. a great shop Botticella, /. a small t^ad j a small barrel, a small bk)w Bottiglia, f. a bottle Bottiglière, to. a butJer Bottiglieria,/, a butler's room Bottino, TO. boot)', plunder; aoét- tere a bottino, to pillage Bòtto, TO. stroke, blow ; botto di campana, the toll of a bell. Di botto, ad. suddenly [suit Bottonatùra, /. the buttons of a Bottóne, m. a button ; bud of plants ; sputar bottoni, taunt ; dar o gittar un bottóne, to gi:>e a hint Bottonièra,/, a button hole Bottiime, TO. casks Bòve, m. an ox, shackles Bòve, /. pi. fetters Bovicida, TO. an ox-killer Bovile, TO. an ox-stable Bovina, /. cow's dung Bovino, a. of the oxen breed Bózza, /. a swelling; the rough draught in sculpture, or painting Bozzacchiùto, a. deformed, ili- shaped Bo7z'ire, to sketch roughly Bozzétto, in. a bud. rough sketdl Bòzzo, ni. a cuckold, a block Bozzolàre, to pick up, to taste BozzoléUo, TO. a little swelling, a pimple Bózzolro, TO. a swelling, tumour, the cod of a silk worm ; that measure which the miller claims for grinding ; a stone cut pyra midally ; a throng of people Bozzolóso, a. full of tumours Braccare, to quest (in the chaae> BRA Braccheggiare, to haui.t, find out Bracché^.^io, m. quest Braccherla,/. houiids Bracchétto, m. a sctiin^-dn^ Bracchiere, m, a do^-kci'iier Bracci'ile, m. a bracelet Braccialétto, m. a little bracelet Bracci Ita, /. an armful Bracciate, a. fat, lusty Bracciérc, nu a lady's usher Bràccio, m. an arm, a cubit ; star colle braccia in cróce, to stand with one's arms across, to be idle ; a fjrza di liràccia, with main strength; far alle briccia, to wres ie ; il bràccio sccollre, the temporal power Braccinlluo, m. a little arm Braccinne, nu a s^reat arm Bracciolo, m. a lus'y arm Bracciuolo, m. the am of a chair ; sédii a brace uoli, an arm-chair Bracco, m. a setting-dog; bracco da qu^iglia, a spaniel ; bracco di manigóldo, a bailitt', a catch- pole ; bròcco da séi;uitn, a blood- hound ; bracco da fermo, a set- ting-dog ; bracco da leva, a ques'in'i-dog Brace, /. burning coal Brache, Brachésse, a/uiBraghésse, /. pi. b'-eeches Brachieraio, m. a truss-maker Brachière, m. a truss Bricii, see Biàce Bracière, rn. a coil-pan Braci nòia, /. a sttak Bracone, m. breeches ; a coward Brado, a. young, (of cattle) Bradùme, m. bulls and calves Brage, and Bragia, /. sei: Brace Brago, m. slime, mud, clay Brama, /. desire, fondness, greedi- ness Bramante, a. wishing Bramire, to desire, to long for Bramato, a. wished for, coveted Bramito, m. the 017 of beasts, hissing ' [ly Bramo aménto, ad. greedily, fonj- Bramosia, /. a longing Bramóso, à. desirnas ; eager ; fond Branca, /. the fang, claw, pa"', gripe; a branch ; capitar nt-lle branche, to fall in'o one's hands Brancàre, to gripe, to seize BrancA'a,/. a handful Brancicare, to handle, to feel Brancica'óre, m. who handles Brancicóne, ad, groping in the dark, cravi'ling Br&nco, m. a herd, a drove, &c. BRI Brancolare, to grope, to fumble Brancolone, aiid Brauconi, ad. groping along Branda,/, hammock Brandiniénto, ni. shaking Brandire, to brandish ; to tremble Brindo, rn. a sword Brandóne, m. piece, bit Brano, m. a piece, a part, a bit ; fii lacerato brano a brino, he was torn to pieces Brasca, /. a cabbage Brajsaia,/. a fa horn Bravàccio, a. a bully, a swafgerer Bravamente, ad. bravely, stoutly Bravate, to brave, aUrout Brava'a, /■. a biavado Brava'orio, a. threatening Braveggiare, to bi-ave it Braveria, /. valour, courage Bravo, a. valiant, courageous BrJvo, rn. a bully, a swaggerer Bi-àvo, interj. very well ! bravo! Braviira,/. spirit, courage Bréccia, /. a breach ; questo non mi fa bréccia, this thing does not affect nie at all Brétto, a. stei ile, barren Brève, aìtJ Brieve, nu a brief, a church-calendar Breve, a. sh r!, brief Breve, ad. sliortly; in breve, in a short time Brevemente, and Brievemente, ad. briefly, shortly, in short, in a word Brevi'irio, m. breviary Brevità,/, shortness, brevity B éz7a, /. cold breeze Brez7olóne, m. a coM wind Briachézza, /. drunkenness Bri'ico, a. diunk Briacfme, m. a drunkard Briareo, m. Briareus, a giant Bricca,/, a s'eep, sliaggy jilace Bricco, 111. an ass BricconSccio, m. a great rascal Briccon'ita,/. knavery Bricconcélla, /. a jade Briccóne, m. a knave, a cheat Bricconeggiare, to lead a rogue's life Bricconeria, /. knavish trick Bifcia, aiid Brici"la, /. a small broken part ; a little crumb Briciolét'a,/. a morsel Brieve, .see Breve Brija, /. trouble, disquiet ; dar briga, to be troublesome ; briga, debate, variance, dispute ; com- prar le brighe a dan'iri cont?mti, to pick quarrels ; non voglio 71 BRO fante brighe. Til have nothing to do with it Brigadière, m. a brigadier Brii^inte, a. intriguing, cunning seditious Brigantino, rn. a small pinnace that can both row and sai! Brigr'ire, to strive, to ehift, to be busy ; brigire una cirica, to niakfc interi-st for a place BrigJta, /. company, troop, crew, a brigade ; bris-Vta di starne, a brood of partridges ; andar di briyita, to go together Brigalélla,/. a select company Brisaiére, rn. a lirigadier Biiglia, /. a bridle ; córrere a tutta brlglijL, to run full speed ; a briglia sciòlta, headlon?, rash- ly ; tirar la briglia, to keep one under ; tener in briglia, to bri- dle, to keep in, to curb Brigliaio, in. a saddler Brigóso, o. li'iiious, quarrebome Brillamente, m. brightness Brill'inte, a. shining, ?;parkling Brillnnte, rn. a brilliant Brilirire, to sparkle, glitter, to leap for joy, to husk Brillato, a. cleansed Brillatóio, m. a sieve Brillo, m. jcy, gladness Brillo, a. tipsy Brina, and Brinata,/ white frost Bri n'ito, a. hoary, speckled, spot- ted Brindisi, m. far brindisi, to drink somebody's health Brinóso, a. frosty Brio, rn. mefle, fire, life Brióso, a. lively, mef.lesome Brisciaménto, m. a chilness, or shaking [ing Brivido, m. piercing cold, shiver Bròcca,/, pitcher, water-pot Rroct.'ire, to spur Broc'/i'a,/. a blow, rencounter Brocc'i'o, m. a brocade, lists Brocchière, m. a small buckler BrocciLire, to prick, to spur Bròcco, m. a peg, a shoot; dar nel bròcco, to hit the mark Bròccolo, m. sprou's. broccoli Broccoluto, a. full of sprouts Broccóso, a. ftill of knots; sea broccósa, knotty silk Bròda, /. swill, broth, mire; ver- s>r la bròda, to lay the blame Brodaiuòlo, a. loving broth, slo^ enly Brodettato, a. done in broth Brodétto, m. thin soup, broth; BRU andar in brodétto, to feel great pleasure Brodo, »n. broth; kmentirsi del bròdo grasso, to complain of ease Brodolóso, a. slovenly, nastv Bingliare, to embroil', to intrigue Bròglio, m. tumult, noise BróUoj a. stripped, naked Bróncio, m. passion, vexrition ; fare il bróncio, to attack Bronco, m. trunk of a tree ; con- ger-eel Broncóne, m, a branch, a vine-prop Brontolare, to grumble, to mutter Bronzino, a. sun-burnt Bronzista, m. a founder Brónzo, m. cast copper, or brass Brucare, to strip oif leaves, to go away BmcLire, to itch, smart, bum Bruciata,/, roasted chestnuts Bruciatàio, m. a seller of roasted chestnuts Bruciato, a, burned BruciolatQ, o. v^orm-eaten Briiciolo, m. a worm, shavings of wood Brucióre, m. burning, smarting Brucio, and Bruco, ni. a grub, a caterpillar Bruire, to bustle, to rumble Brulicare, to stir up Brulichio, nu motion, stirring, buzzing Brullamente, ad. poorly Brullo, a. naked, destitute BruUotto, m. a fire-ship Bruma. /. ihe winter BrumAle, a. winiety Bruna zzo, and Bmnétto, a. brown- ish, swarthy Brunezza,/. s"tvar*hines3 Brunire, to polish, burnish Brunito, a. poli hed, burnished Brunitóio, m. a burnishing stick Bramtóre, m. a burnisher Brunitura, /. act of burnishing Bruno, m, mourning; ponar il bruno, to wear mourning Bruno, a. brown, dark; una bru- na, a brown woman ; un bruno, a brown man ; briiuo, overcast ; àer bruno, gloomy air ; vista bruna, a melancb-^ly look ; co- lór bruno, a dull colour ; il reg- no bruno, hell Brunózzo, a. tawny Brusca, /. a brush Bruscamente, ad. bluntly, roughly Bruschétto, a. sourish Bruschézza, /. sourness, sharpness BUC BUL Bniscc, a. sour, tart ; vin brusco, ] per la città, they whisper aboo rough wine ; brusco, harsh, ill- the town ' [bow-net narored | Bùcine, /. Bucinétto, m. a net or Brusco, ad. sourly ; perchè mi [ Buco, m. a hole, a key-hole parlate cosi brusco ? why do you ! Bucolino, m a little hole speak so roughly to me ? I Budellame, nu the bowels or a> Bniscolo, m. a mote, a straw trails Brustolare, to scorch, or toast Budello, m. the gnt Brutile, a. fierce ; un brutale, a , Budrière, in. the belt brutish man, a clown Brutalità./, brutality, rashness Bnitalméùie, ad. brutally Bruto, m. a bru'e, a beast Bruttamente, ad. dirtily, dishon- estly Bnittaménfo, rru a defilement BruiUre. to soil, spot, stain: brut- tarsi le mani nel singue di qual- chedùno, to imbrue ones hands in blood ; bruttare 1' onore di qualcb'^ùno, to stain another's reputaiion BruttAto. a. soiled, spotted, stained Bruttézza, /. ugliness, -jas'ineis Brutto, a. deformed, filthy, base ; brutto costume, a shameful cus- tom BrutTÙra./. nastiness, obscenity Bruzzàglia, /. the pxir, the rabble Bruzzo, m. the twilight Buàccio, m. a dolt Buajgine,/. dnlness Bubtxìlàre, to steal, to deceive, to tremble Bubbolato, a. deceived Bùbbole,/, pi. idle stories Bsbbolone, m. a pra'iag fellow Biie, m. an ox : bue salvirico, a wild bull , lingua di bue, a neat's tongue ; bue, a blockhead Buéssa, /. acow Bufera, /. a sonn, a whirlwind Bufta, /. trifle, trick, cheat ; lare una bufia. to play a Tick ; prèn- dere una buffa, to take in jest Buffire, to trifle, joke, to play the fool Buffétto, m. a fillip ; pan buffétto, a French roll ; bufletio, a sort of cupboard Buffo, in. a whiS; a puff j Bùli'o, a. comic Buffonare, and BuSoneggiire, to play the buffoon Butibncino, m. a buffoon Buffóne, m. a buffoon Buffoneria, /. pleasantry, buffoone- ry, raillery Buffonescamente, ad. pleasantly Buffonésco, a. droll, jestinj ! Bufol''ccio, m. a clumsy, ignorant fellow Bùfolo, and Bùfalo, m. a bufialo, I a wild ex ; pelle di bùfolo, buff- skin [ble Bubùlca, or Bubulcàta, /. an acre ! Bufonchiare, to mutter, to grum- (of land) [he trave Bugia. /. a lie, a hand candlestick Buca, /. a hole ; buca sepolcrik, j Bnglardamén'e, ad. feJsely Bucrre, to pierce, to make holes Bugiardo, to. a liar, a lyiug man Bucato, a. bored, pierced Bugiardo, a. false Bucato, m. washing vrith lie Bugiardòne, m. a great liar Bùccia, /. ricd. bark, shell, skin ; , Bugiare, to lie. to bore, to pierce tutti d' una bùccia, all of the ; Bullétta, /. a fib same cask Borio, m. a bole B'lccina, /. a trumpet ! Bugione, m, a great lie Buccinare, to sound a trumpet ; si ' Biiglóssa,/. borate bùccina, they «ay Bùccio, ni. tee Bùccia Buccióso, a. barky Buccòlica,/, pastoni verses Buccòlico, o. pastoral B'ìgno, rru a bee-hive Bùgnola, /. and Bùgnolo, m. a sTaw basket Buiétto, a. darkish [cow o. belonging to the ox, or iBucentóro, m. the doge's great ship at Venice I Bucherarne, to. buckram I r.uchei-ire, to s'and a candidate I Bucherato, a. full of holes, pitted I Bucicare, to move, stir, jog Bucinaraénto, ttu muttering, a buzzing, hemming I Bucinare, to whisper ; si bucina . Bulicame, ni. a spring, a scwxw Bùio, TO. daikness ; far le cose al bùio, to act in the dark Bùio, a. dark, gloomy, difficult, obscure Buiore, m. darkness, gloominess Bulbo, TO, scallion, or bulbous root BuIlySso, a. bulbous Buldriana, /. a harlot, a whore BUR Bulicare, to bubble Bùliina, /. a e o .vd Bólimo, m. bulimy (cauine ap- petite) Bulino, ni. a gravin; tool Balletta, /. a ticket, a warrant, a Bullcttino, m. a bill, a schedule Buonamente, ad. truly, inJeed Buonavòglia, m. a volunteer Buondì, TTi. good day Buono, a. good, wholesome, fit ; buon' aria, healthy air j buon mercato, a cheap bargain ; darsi buon tempo, to live well ; buòne paróle, fair words; far buon viso ad alcuno, to receive one kind- ly ; andate alia buon' ora, God bless you ; èsser in buon senso, to be in one's senses ; di buòna fede, sincerely ; di buóu volére, unanimously; di buòna voglia, willingly ; colle buone, fi. with good words ; tra'tir colle buone, to use one kindly Buòno, m. a I vantage; benefit; bi buòno, to make good, to grant; buon per me, well for me Burattéllo, ami Buratto, rn. a bolter, a bol'ing clo'h for meal Burattin'ta./. puppet-show Burattino, m. (fant^ccino) a puppet Eurban2a, /. os*en;a*ion, vaunting Burbanzare, to brag, to boast, to glory [haughtily Biu-banzosamén'e, ad. proudly, Burbanyós-', and Burbanzisco, a. arrogant, presumptuous Bùrbera, /. a crane Burbero, a. (lus'ero) rude, rough, crabbtfd ; guarl' calcination, reduction to powde/ Càlcio, ni. a kick ; dar de" calci, to kick ; the foot ^ dar calci alla richézze, to despise riches ; dar calci al vènto, to kick the air, to be hanged Calcitrare, to kick, to resist Calcitrazióne,/. kicking Calcitrós»!, a. kicking C^lco, m. chalking (a design or print) Calcolaiuolo, m. a weaver Calcolare, to con.pu'e, calculate Calcolilo, fart, reckoned, com- pu'ed Calcolatore, m. an accountant Calcnle, /. pi. a weaver's treadle Càlcolo, and Calculo, m. compu- lation, account [der Càlcolo, m. the stone in the blad- Calcoló50, a. troubled with gravel Calculire, to calculate Calculazióne,/. calculation Calda, /. the act of heaMng ; pig- li 're una calda, to ca'ch cold Caldàia, /. and Caldàio, or Cai- diro, m. caldron, kettle, pot Caldamène, ad. ardently, eagerly, furiously ; pregar caldamente, to entreat earnestly Caldina,/, a cold ; mid-day heat Caldano, m. a stove Caldegjiire, to pro'ect Calderaio, m. a brazier, or tinker Calderino, rru the goldfinch Calderóne, m. a great kettle Calderotto, m. a pot Caldemóla,/ 3 skillet Caldétio, a. milk-warm Caldézza, /. warmth, earnestness Caldità,/. heat Caldo, m. heat, protection, vig» our GAL Caldo, a. hot, wann, kind, hearty, proud. Caldo cai lo, ad. io a moment, immeJiately Caldiiccio, m. a sninll heat Caldura,/, sul'ry heat Calefalire, to caìk ships Calendària, m. an almanack Calénde, /. pU calends, the first day of 'he month Colente, a. non calJnte, careless Calepino, m. a calepiu (a dictiona- C^ nere, to care, to be concerned for; il vostro onore mi cale, I am jealous of your honour; méttere in non calére, or cale, to neglect ; ho nie.sso in non calére o;ni pensiero di vendétta, I think no more of revenge Calésso, m. a cala^^h Caléstro, 771. san 1y, sterile ground Calla./, a jo, no;hin» Calibe, m. steel [onlnance) Calibrlre, to dispart, (a piece of Calibro, m. the s'amp, parts, tc. of a person ; the bore f a sun Càlice, m. chalice, commumon cup Calidi'À,/. heat, warmth Calido, o. hot, warm Califfo, m. a cnliph Caliarire, to grow dark, dim Caligine, /. mist, blindness, igno- rance Caliginóso, a. dark, mis'y, obscure Calla, aiid CalLkia, /. entrance, passare Callaiuola, /. a net, or snare Calle, tn. pa h, road, s'reet, pa:sa5e Callidi à,/. c'tift, cunning Càllido, a. craf y Calligrafia, /. the art of writing well Calligrafo, m. a writin?-master Callo, m. a com, a lia-rl skin Callorla,/. dunginr fields Callosità,/, hardness of flesh Callóso, a. callous, hard Calma, /. a calm Calmire, to quiet, pacify Calmato, a calmed, appex-Jcd Calo, m. decay, diminuMnn, fall (of monpy, &c.) ; descen*. stream Calóre, ».-..'hea% warmth, love Caloria, /. fierce heat Calorifico, a. waroiin». heating Calorosamén'e, ad. arden'ly Caloróso, a. hot, of warm temper Calòscio, a. 'ender, d.-lica'e Calpestaménto, m. tramr'liii? upon Calpestare, to trample, slii^ht, scorn CAM Calpestita,/. high road Calpestato, a. trod, trampled Calpestatóre, m. a trauipler Calpestio, m. stamping, clattering with the feet Callisto, a. trodden [off Calterire, to gall, to rub the skin Calterito, o. sore, galled, iiupure ; consci inza calterita, foul con- Cal'e it'jra, /. scratch, encoriation Calugine, and CalOgàne, /. the down Calumare, to veer the cable Cai inuia,/. slander [tract Calurniire, to slander, asperse, de- C'alunni.óto, a. calumniated, ac- cused falsely Caluiinia'óre, m. slaivierer Caluuniosamén'e, ad. fal-*ly Calunnióso, a. calumnious, false Caluria,/. manuring Calvare,' to nake bald; calv.arsi, to bec'tme bald Calvézza, Calvizie, /. and Cai- vizio, m. baldness Calvinismo, m. Calvinism Calvinista, m. a Calviuist Calvo, a. bald [head C'Ivo, m. the bald part of the Cil?a, /. stockings, a strainer, a clyster-pipe Calzacela,/, old stockings Calzaiuòlo, m. a hosier [in?s Calzamcnto, m. shoes and stock- Calzante, a. easy to rome on Calz'ire, ti put on shoes and stock- ings Cai 7 -re. m. shoe, buskin Calzarittd, m. half-boot Calzarino, m. buskin Calz'ito. a. having shoes and stock- ings on Cal-atóia, /. a shoe-hom Calz^r-a./. stocking Calzettaio, m. a hosier C'bo, m. shoes and s'ockings Calzol'iio, m. a shoe-maker Calzoleria, /. a shoe-makers shop Calzóni, m. pi. breeches Cabuólo, m. the chape of a scab- bard Cam' glio, m. a coat of mail Camaleóne, /. the thistle Camale'in'e, m. a reptile chamelion Can anillla, and Camomilla, /. camomile Camangiire, m. greens, dishes Camarlingato, m. chamberlain- ship Camarlingo, m. chamberlain Carnato, m. a stick 75 CAM CamAuro, m. the pope'» triple crown Cambellotto, m. camlet Canibiibile, a. chanreable Cambiadore, m. a ba:.ker Cambiale, /. a bill of exchange; cambiilt pa;;il)ile al latóre, a bill payable to bearer Cainbiamcn'o, m. aiid Cambiatu- ra,/, change, vicissitude Canibilre, to turn, cLanie, alter'; to exi-hange, to truck ; canibi.arsf, to ':hii;^fc colour ; cambiarsi in male, to derenerate Can.biito, a. aiterei, transformed ; é tutto can- b: to, lie is much al'enid, qui-e ano'hcr thing Cajnbia'ire, m. e.\chai) ;er ; banker Cambia'i'ira, /. change, fresh horses; andar per cambiatura, to ri.le po .; C.imbio, m. chaage, exchange ; in c'mbio, insteal ; collier in cam- bio, to be mistaken ; lèttera di C'mbio, abili of e\(:iange; cam bio secco, exchange witliout al- lowajic^ , rénler ',' cambio, to requite, to be even with one; dare a ca.iibio, to lend at interest C'ambis'a, Jii. a banker Cambri.a,/. lawn, cunbric Camera, /. chamber, room ; càme- ra bc'inla, furnished lodgings c'>me;n Ji letto, beiiort-hole Camioniére, m. a junner Cannóso, a. full of reeds Cannuccia, f. a small reed Càno, a. grav I Canòa,/, and Canoe, m. a canoa CAN Cànone, m. a canon, or church- law [canons live Canonica, /. the place where Canonicale, a. canonical Canonicamente, ad. canonically Canouicito, m. a canon's place n a cathedral Canonichessa, /. a canoness Canonico, a. canonical Canònico, m. a canon Canonista, m. a cano-jist Canonizzire, to canonize Canonizzazióne, /. canonization, saintin; Canopè, m. a canopy bed Canòro, a~ harmonious Cànova, /. a cellar, a buttery Canovàio, m. a butler, a store- keeper Cansàre, to remove, to escape ; carisar di pericolo, to secure, save from Causato, a. taken away ; escaped Cat labile, a. proper to sing Cantacchiare, to sing badly, chirp, cackle Can'iafavola, m. idle story, tale Cantambinco, m. a mountebank Cantaniénto, m. a son», singing Cant'inte, a. singing, gay Cantare, to sin;, to crow, praise ; cant'xr il vespro a qualchediino, to rattle, scold Cantaro, m. a stone weieht, a ton Cantata,/, a poem set to'music Cantato, a. messa cantata, high mass Can'atóre, m. a sinsei Cantatrlce,/. a female singer Can'erell.ire, see Cantacchiire Canterèlle, /. pi. canthariJes, Spanish flies Canterina, /. arid Canterino, m. a chanter, songster Càntero, t/i. a close-stool pan Cantertjto, a. angular Càntica, f. the Song of Solomon Canticchiare, to sing low ; to hum Càrtico, m. a spiritual son? Cantilena, f. a song, a ballad Cantilenàccia, /. bad singing Cantilenare, to sing Cantimplòra, /. a great botile, to put in an ice-pail Cantina, f. a cave, a cellar Cautinetta, /. a little cellar, an ice- pail [butler Cantin'ére, 07id Cantiniere, m. a Cantino, m. the smaller string of a musical instrument Canto, m. a song; canto, side; ID e sempre a cauto, he is al .vays CAP near me ; canto (angolo), comer ; mettetelo in un canto, put i^ in a corner. A canto, ad. by, part, side Canton'ita,/. comer, angle Can'oncéllo, aìid Cantonclno, m. a little corner, ur angle Cantóne, ni. a comer ; a cor- ner stone ; i treciici cantóni de- gli Svizzeri, the thir.een cantons of the Switzers [tiiutc Cantoniera, /. a stmmpet, a pros- Cantonijto, a. cornered Cantóre, m. a singer Cantucciàio, m. a pastry cook ; biscuit-niaker Cantticcio, m. a biscuit Canutamente, ad. prudently, cau- tiously [;ijajl.ess Canutézza,/, hoariness, whiteness, Canutiglia,/, tinsel Canuto, a. gray, hoary ; età canu- ta, old age Canzona, and Ca. zone, /. song, canzonet ; dar canzone, to gi-e fair « ords ; méttere in canzóne, to laush at ; èssere in canzóne, to be laughed at Cauzotiàre,~to tell idle stories; to sc)ff. banter Canzonatura,/, mockery Canz.inclna, arul Canzonétta, /. a short sfing Canzoniere, iti. lyric poems Càos, m. confusion, chaos Capaccio, a. obstinate, stubborn Capnce, a. capable, skilful, large, sufTicient Capacità, Capaci'àde, and Capa- citate,/, ability, skilfulness Cajjaci'Are, to enai)le, to convince ; capacit/irsi, to be persuaxIeJ Capacitate, a. convinced, sensible of [amis) Capav'iito, a. pointed, sharp (of Capanna, Capannèllo, Capannuóla, aivl Capanné'ta, /. a cof age ; capanna del cammino, a mantel- tree [cottage Capanno, m. a tha'ched h^use, Capannója, /. an .assembly, club Capannriccia, /. a cradle Capaiinuccio, m. a bonfire Caparbieria, and Caparbietà, /. obs'inacy, wilfulness Capàrbio, a. f-owa''d, wilful, stub- bom ; spirito capàrbio, fierce, brutish Caparra, /. and Caparraménto, m. earnest money Caparrare, to bespeak, to give ear- nest T7 CAP Caparróne, a. foolish, stupid Capassóne, a. silly, fr^jlish, dull C3|)àta,/. a blow ivjih the bead Capecchio, m. trash, or fiock Capélli,/, a kid Capellaménto, m. Capella*1ira, and Capellièra,/, head of hair, periwig, false hair, a hat box Capéllo, m. hair Capelluto, o. hairy Capel-.enere, aiid Capelvénero, rtu the herb maiden-hair Capere, to contain, to understand, to take Capestreria, /. elej^Jice, grace Capestro, m.- a rof;, baiter; a wicked fellow Capestn'izzo, m. a rascal, a rogue CajxJtto, m. a little head Cajievole, a. caparle; Cajiezzale, m. a b:ud; a bolster; èsser al capezzale, to be at the p'liiit of death Capézzolo, m. the nipple Capicório, m. a vestrj-keeper Capifuòco, m. an andiron Capillare, a. like hair, hairv-, capillary Capillito.'o. hairy Capillizio, m. a h>:-ad of hair Capiménto, m. tapaciousness Capina'céc:e, ni, a live-hair wi» Capipàrte, and Capi[)ópoIo, m. the head of a party Capire, to comprehend, understand, hold ; Don capire in se stésso, to be overjoyei Capisól !o, m. bounty, gratuity Capitale, m. capital.' wealth, stock, esteem ; far capitale d'uno, to depend on ; facria capitale di me in tutto, dispose of me as yoo pi ea« Capitale, a. capi'al, principal Capi'alménte, ad. capitally ; fti punito capitalmente, hesutfeied dea'h Capitana,/, the admiral's ship Capi'an'inza, and Capitaneria, /. the command of an amiy Capitanare, to moke commanders Capitaaato, part, commanded, heailed Capitanato, m. captaincy Capitanejgiàre, 'o command troops Capitano, m. captain, commander, governor; minis er of justice Capitare, to arrive at, to complete ; capitare male, to fall into mi»- fonune; capi'àr nelle mani, to fall into one's hands ; far capitar, to cause to be delivered ; gli farò CAP capitare la vostra lettera, I'll send him your letter Capitato, part, arrived Capitazióne, /. poll-money Capitèllo, m. the head nf" a pillar, the head-ban>l of a bock Capitolante, m. a member of a chapter Capitolare, to capitulate, to treat ; to divide into chaptri-s Capitolato, pcirt. capitulated Capitolazione, /. covenant, agree- ment [capiioline Jupiter Capitolino, a. Giove capitolino. Capitolo, m, a chapter; chapter, err assembly ; a chapter-house ; the head -baud of a book Capitoli, m. pi. accord, convention Capitombolare, to fai! headlong Capitómbolo, m. a tumble Capitóne, m. coarse silk Capitóso, a. obslinate C^po, m. head, beginning w end ; cause. Da capo, aa. ajain j da capo a piedi, from top to toe ; capo per capo, minutely; capo, chief, leader, captain ; s' è messo in capo d'ésScT il lìrimo poèta di Roma, he fancies himself to be the best poet in Rome ; métter nel capo, to make one believe. Capo, end ; in capo del mese, at the month's end ; venir a capo, to come to an end. Capo, a cape, cr promontory ; métter capo, to disburden ; riuianer col capo rotto, to have the worst ; far ca- po da uno, to apply to one ; far capo, to oppose, resist ; non aver altro in capo, to think of notliing else ; capr d'anno, new year's day ; capo di contrada, alder- man of a ward Capobandito, m. chief of banditti, of highwaymen Capobombanlière. m. a command er of bombardiers Capocaccia, m. a prince's chief huntsman Capòcchia, /. the head of a stick Capòcchio, a. silly, foolish ; un ca- pòcchio, a blockhead Capocénso, m. poll-money Capocróce, ni. a crcss-wav, m street " [en Capocuòco, m. a clerk of the kitch- CapogàttOjVn. the staggers Capogirlo, m. giddiness Capogiro, m. a frolic, crotchet. whir.. Capolavoro, m. a masterpiece Capolétto, m. the bed's head CAP Capolevare, to fall the head fore- ] most Capolino, m. a little head ; far ca- polino, to spy through a hole Capolo, ni. handle I Capomaestro, m. a master-builder, I a chief, superintendent | Caponàggiue, aìxd Caponeria, /. obstimicy Caponamènte, ad. obstinately Capóne, a. obstinate Capóne, m. a stubborn man Capopiède, m. a folly, error Capopiède, ad. head over heels Capopòpolo, m. leader, ring-leader Caporale, m. a corporal, captain Caporale, a. principal Caporióne, rtì. a commander Caposóldo, m. a bounty Caposquadra, in. a commodore Capoverso, m. the beginning of a verse Capovòlgere, and Capovoltare, to turn upside doun [changed Capovólio, part, upside dovi n. Cappa, f. a cloak, the scallop fish, a churchman's cape Cappare, to pick; choose Cappato, part, picked, culled Cappèlla, /. a chapel, a piivate chapel ; musicians of a chapel ; maestro di cappèlla, a master of music Cappellficcio, m. a large, bad hat Cappellàio, m. a hatter Cappellani!,/, a church-living Cappellano, m. a chaplain Cappellétta. and Cappellina, /. a small chapel Cappellétto, and Cappellino, m. a smart hat Cappellièra,/, a hat box Cappellin&io, m. a rack (to hang thinjs on) Cappèllo, m. a hat, a cardinal's hat ; cappél di fungo, the top cf a mushroom Cappellóne, m. a large hat Cappellijccio, m. an old hat Cappelluto, part, tufed, crested Càpperi ! intaj. see Cappita Càppero, m. capers Capperóne, in. a capuch, a cap Capperuccio, m. a camail, capuch Cappiètto, m. a sliding knot Càppio, m, a runnins; knot Cappita ! interj. heyday ! Capponàia, /. a mew, or coop, (to keep fowls in) Capponare, to capon Capponato, part, caponed Capponcéllo, m. a youag capon 78 CAR Cappóne, m. capon Capponiera, /. a sort of trench with loop-holes to fire out at Cappotto, m. a sort of cloak ; fcir uno cappotto, to capot at piquet Cappuccino, m. a capuchin friar Cappiiccio, nt. a cowl, a hood; cabbage-lettuce Capra, /. a goat ; salvar la capra e i càvoli, do good to one with- out hurting another [herd Capraio, and Capràro, m. a goat- Capres'eria, /. a frolic Caprétta, aitd Caprettina,/. a she- kid [kid Caprétto, and Caprettino, m. a Capiibarbicornlpede, a. goat-foot- ed Capricciàre, to quake, to tremble Capriccio, m. shaking in a fever; freak, whim, fancy ; aver ca- prlcciod'una cosa, to long for any thing Capricciosamente, ad. capricioi'sly Ca|)ricciosità, /. extravagance Cap- icciós'), a. humorsome Capricorno, in. Capricorn Caprifico, m. a wild fig-tree Caprifoglio, and Caprifólioj m. honeysuckle, or shrub trefoil Caprijno, and Caprino, a. goatish Caprio, atid Capriuolo, m. a wild goat, a roe-buck Capriòla, and Capri uóla,/. a wild she-goat; capriòla, a caper ia dancing Capriolare, to cut capers Capriolétto, m. a fawn Caprone, m. a he-goat, a cuckold Capòccio, TO. a little head Capzióso, a. captious Carabàttole,/, pi. rags, trifles Caràbe, m. a sort of amber Carabina,/, a carabine Carabinière, m. a carabineer Caracollare, to wheel about Caracòllo, to. wheeling about Caraffa,/, a flagon, a bottle Carati ina,/, a small flagon CaraiTóne, to. a large tlagon Caramente, ad. dearly, tenderly ; vi prego caramente, I entreat you ; me la pagherai caramente, you shall pay dear Caramógio, m. a dwarf Carapignàrsi, to quirk, to cavil Cara'àre, to consider, to deliberate Caratato, part, considered, pork- dered Caratèllo, to. a keg for liquor Carato, to. a carat ; uno sciòcco di ventiquattro carati, a great fool CAR Caràttere, m. character, mark, print ; hand ; letter , dignity, quality Caratteristica,/, a characteiistic Caratteristico, a. characteristic Caratterizzare, to cliaiacterize, de- scribe Caravèlla./, a small ship Carbonàia, /. a coal -pi ; ; a ditch, a dungeon, prison ; a coal- woman Carbonàio, m. a coal-man Carboncello. and Carbonchio, m. a carbuncle, a little coal Carbonchióso, a. burn', overdone Carbóne, »n. coal ; a niisùi'a di carbóne, plentifully Carcame, m. a carcass ; a carca- net (a chain of precious stones, &c.) Carcàre, to load Carcassa,/, a kind of bomb Carcàsso, m. a quiver for arrows Carcàto, a. loaded Carceramcnto, m. imprisonment Carcerare, to imprison Carcerato, a. imprisoned Carceratóre, m. he who imprisons Carcerazióne, /. imprisonment Carcere, m. or/, a prisoa Carcerière,»»!, a jailer Carciófano, Carciotalo, and Car- ciófo, m. ar ichoka Carco, m. charj;e, burden, load Carco, a. loaded ; t;\iesta nostra vita è carca di guài, this life is full of troubles Cardare, to card wool, to slander Cardato, part, carded Cardatóre, m. a carder, a slanderer Cardatura, /. airdin? Cardeggiàre, to card, to slander Cardeggiàto, part, car led, vilified Cardellétto, and Cardellino, 7»i. a finch, a linnet Cardinalato, m. cardinalsbip Cardinale, »»i. a cardinal, a hinge Cardinalésco, and Carlinallzio, a. belonging to a car linai Cardinali, a. pi. principal ; le virtu cardinali, principal vir- tues: punti cardm.'ili, cardinal points; nùmeri cardinali, cardi- nal numbers Càrdine, m. the hinge of a gate ; i càrdini de! mondo, the poles of the earth Cardo, m. a thistle ; a card for wool Cardosànto, »»i. a holy thistle Careggiare, to coax, flatter, whee- dle ; careggiare, to esteem, value Careggiato, part, coaxed, caressed Carèllo, m. a cushioa CAR Carèna, /. the keel of a ship ; dar carèna, to careen Carenàgj;io, m. careening, or a careening place Carenare, to careen Carènte, a. needy, defective Carestia,/, dearth, scarcity Carézza, /. flattery; far carézze, to caress, fawn [tery Carezzamento, »»i. caressing, flat- Carezzàre, to caress, cajole Carezzato, part, caressed Carezzèvole, a. caressing, flatter- ing, alluring Carezzevolmente, ad. kindly Carezzina,/. allurement Carezzóccia, /. clownish caresses Càrica,/, burden, load ; the charge of a gun ; io ho la càrica di questo, I have charge of this ; dar la càrica al nemico, to at- tack the enemy Caricaménto, m. burden Caricante, a. charged Caricare, to load, burden; cari- care un archibùso, to charge a gun, to charge with a crime ; caricar la memòria, to clog the memory ; caricar uno di basto- nàte, to beat one severely ; cari- carla ad uno, to play tricks with one ; caricarsi, to take upon one's self Carica'aménte, ad. aggravatingly Caricato, part, loadtxi Caricatóre, »»i. and Caricatrice,/. he or she that loads Caricatura,/, a caricature Càrico, »n. burden, load, care, blame ; nave da càrico, a mer- chant ship ; dar il càrico di qualche cosa ad uno, to intrust a person Càrico, a. loaded ; càrico di vino, drunk Cài le, /. rottenness Carina, and Carino, my dear Carióso, a. rotten, wormeaten Carisma, /. a grace, favour Carità, Carifc'ide, and Caritàte, /. charity; far la carità, to give alms ; carità pelósa, selfish charity Caritatévole, and Caritévole, a. charitable Caritatevolmente, and Caritativa- mente, ud. charitably Caritativo, a. merciful, charitable Carlóna, /. alla carlóna, ad. coarsely, clownishly, cordially, openly Caline, m. a poem CAR CarmeliLóno, »>i. a Carmelite friar Carminare, to card wool Carminalo, part, carded Caniiluio, m. carmine (fine red col lur) Carnàccia,/. carrion Carnaccio.o, a. full nf flesh Carnàggio, »Ji. flesh meat C;arnagióne, /. the complexion , una carnagione bianca e vivace, a fair, lively e mplexion Cam Ho, m. a. charnel-house Cari;àle, a. akin, carnal, sensual, humane, kind ; fratèllo carnale, an own brother Carnalità,/, sensuality, lust Carnalmente, ad. sensually Carname, m. carrion, carcass Carnascialare, to give up to unlaw- ful pleasure, gluttony Carnasciale, »»i. the three last days of the carnival Carnascialésco, a. of carnival C irne,/, flesh, meat, pulp of fruit ; èsser in came, to be fat ; far carne, to slaughter ; métter trop- pa carne a fuoco, to undertake too much ; carne grtissa, butch- er's meat ; tagliar fin alia came viva, to cut to. the quick Carnéfice, »»i. a hangnian ; execu- tioner ; a bloody-minded man Càrneo, a. fleshy Caniesalata, /. salt pork Cam sécca, /. salt meat Carnière, »7i. budget, pouch Carnificina, /. murder ; slaughter ; the place of execution Carnivoro, o. voraciou?, flesh-de- Caruosétto, and Carnóso, a, fleshy, plump Carnosià, /. fleshiness, canKsity, (a disease) Carnovale, m. carnival C.imovalésco, a. of the carnival Camuto, a. sec Carnóso Cfiro, »»i. dearness, scarcity Caro, a. dear, cosUy ; welcome, giateful, beloved ; mi sarebbe t'irò di vedérlo, I should be glad to see him ; tener caro, to value, esteem ; m' è più caro d' èsser in città eh' in campagna, I love better to be in town than in the country Carógna,/, carrion, carcass Carognàccia, /. an old prostitute Caròla,/, dance, country dance Carolare, to dance count'ry dances Caròta, /. a carrot, a fib ; cacciar caio te, to lie; a me non fioche- CAR réte questa ciró:a, you shall not make me believe so Carolacela,/, a rotten carrot, a no- torious lie [seller Carotàio, m. Sbber, liar, canot- Carotare, to tell a lie Carovana,/, a caravan ; a compa- ny of ships Carpare, to snatch f r^in ; 'o creep aloni, to walk upon all f jurs Carpentiere, m. ,. cartwright, a coach-maker, a carpenter " Carpicelo, m. a great quantity ; dare un buon carplccio, lo banj, thrash one soundly Càrpine, m. a linie-tree Carpione, m, a carp Carpire, to snatch Càrix), m. wrist [balsam-tree Carp'ibàlsamo, m. the fruit of a Carpone, ad. crawling : andar car- pone, til go crawling ; star car- pone, to sit squarting Carri:a, /. a cart-load Carritello, m. a kind of barrel Carreggiare, to drive a-eait Carrwrgiata, /. high-way, road ; uscir della carreggiata, to be mistaken Carreggia'.òre, m.,a carman Carreggio, nu cans, carriage, bag- gage Can-é'.ta, /. a kind of cart Carrettàio, nu .carman, carter Carrettata. /. car;-load Carretricra, /. driver, guide Carrettière, m. the carier Carrétto. JTU a wheelbarrow Carrettone, m, a wagon Carnàjgio, m. equipage, bagsage Carrièra. /. career, course, race" Carriuola. /. a truckle-bed Carro, m. a cart, a cart-load ; un carro di tìéno, a load of hay : carro trionfile, a triumphal car; carro, the great bear, a consiel- la'ion ; far il carro colla vela, to shift the sail Carròzza, /. a coach CajTozz-ibile, a. a place where a coach may go Carrozzài'». Vn. a coach-maker Carrozzare, to ride Carrozzala,/, a coach-full Carrozzière, m. a C'>achman Carrozzino, m. a small carriage Carruba, /. a sort of bean Carniccio, m. a zn-cart Carrùcola, /. a pulley Carrucolare, to insnare. overreach Carrucoletta, /. a small pulley Carta, /. paper j carte, cards ; CAS giuocare alle carte, to play at cards; carte da giuoco, playing cards; dar le carte alla scoperta, to sp«ak ones mind ; far le carte, to deal the cards ; eira, a niip ; calta da navig ire, a sea chairt ; cirta, a page of a btxik ; Cir a amarezz-iia, marble parer Cartàccia,/, bad {aper Cartanonnàa., /. virgin parchment Car.apècora, /. parchment, vellum Car apèsta,/. macerated paper Car astracela,/, bio ting-paper Cai" asugànte,/. sinking paper Carta'a,'/. a page Carteggiare, to sail according to the compass; to keep a correspond- ence Cartéggio, m. correspondence Cartèlla, /. a book cover, inscrip- tion Cartellare, to challenge by letter, to write scandalous bocks Carèllo, m. a manifeso; a libel, a lampoon, a challenge Cartièra^ /. a paper-mill Cartilàgine,/, cartilage, gristle Cartilaginóso, a, cartilaginous Cartoccino, and Cartoccio, m. papers used by grocers Cartolàio, m. a slationer Cartolare, to page a book Cartóne, m. pasteboand. a cartoon Cartùccia, /. a bit of paper Casa, /. house, home, habia'ion, paren'age, family ; ove state di càa. wbere do you live ? star c^n l'occhio a casa, to mind one's business; aprir casa, to take a house ; èsser di casa, to be inti- mate ; casa m.aladètta, hell ; an- date a casa maladélta, go to the devil Casicca,/, a coat : a great coat, a surtout ; voltar casacca, to be a turn-coat Casiccia, /, an old, ruinous house Casàccio, m. a strange accident Cassie, m. a hamlet," village Casalingo, a. domestic ; donna ca- salinsra. a housewife Casamatta, /. a sc^rt of fortification ; a jail for soldiers [farm-house Casaménto, ni. a large house, Gasare, to raarrj- Casata,/, and 'Casato, m. a fami- ly, a family name Cascagrine,/. a drowsiness Cascaménto, nu a fall Cascamòrto, m. far il cascamòrto, to be swee* uprn a woman Cascante, o. hanzingdown, fainting 80 CAS Cascare, to tumble, fall down cascar ammalato, to fiU sick; cascar nell' aninio, to bethink ones self; cascare, to fall into sin ; i denti mi cascano, I lose my teeth Cascata, /. a cascade Cascaticcio, o. frail, ruinous, de- cayed ; casa cascaticcia, a bouse rea ly to fall Casca oio, a, one who easily falls in love Casch^tto, m, a head-piece Cascina,/, a place to keep cows Casèlla, /. a su .all house, a cottage ; a break, a blank space Casereccio, o. belonging to a house ; pan casereccio, house- hold bread Casèrma, /. a barrack Casièra^ /. a house-keeper ; a ser vant-maid Casière, m. the keeper of a house, prison, &c. [house Casina, /. and CaslLD, m. a small Casipola, /, a hovel Casista, m. a casuist Càso, m. chance, accident ; a caso, by chance ; dato il caso, put the case, suppose ; caso, business, case ; non fu caso, 'tis no mat- ter ; Èict ; caso di consciènza, a CP-se of conscience ; far cas.-i di qualche còsa, to make much of any thing ; caso che, in case that; uomo a caso, a careless man ; questo e il caso, this is the point Casolare, m. a paltry house Casóne, m. a great house Casóso, a. anxious, pensive, care- ful [house Casótta, /. and Casòtto, to. a snug Cassa, /. chest, trunk, cask ; cassa da morto, a cofBn ; cà=sa d'arti- glieria, a carriage for ordnance ; cassa di lètto, a bedstead ; cassa, a bee-hive, a shrine ; cassa d'oc- chiali, the case for a pair of spectacles Cassacela./, an old chest Cassare, ti blot out, cancel, raze Cassato, part, crossed out, can- ceUed Cassazióne, /, anrulling, abro- gating, discharging Cassero, nu the breast ; an out- ward wall, the upper deck Casserola, /. a copper pan Cassétta, /. a box for cash, a church box for alms Cassetlàio, nu a box-maker CAS Cassctrtna,/. casket C^asselllno, ni. a box, a drawer Cassrti'one, ra. a great box Cavsc. 'ùccia,/, a paltry box Cuisia, /. the drug cassia Cassioi.;, m. a cashier, a cash- keeper / Casso, m. the breast Casso, o. empty, void, vain, use- less, dismissed Cassóne, m. a larsre chest Castagna, f. chestnut Cas'aanficcio, in. chestnut bread Casta«;né'o, m. a plantation of ches'nut-trees Castanietta, /. castanet Castagnino, aruJ Castagno, a. bay, or chestnut-coloured Casti/iio, m. a ches!nut-tree Casta?inir.Io, a. chestnu'-colnured CastaluKrla, /. bailiifship, stew- ardship [s'eward, a farmer Castaldo, m. bailiffof a man-ir, a Castamente, ad. chastely, boues'ly Castellani!, /. government of a castle Jastella no, m. governor of a castle ; lord of a manor; a townsman Castellano, a. belonging to a casile Castellare, m. an old castle Castellétto, and Castèllo, m. little town, or castle; castèllo della nave, the forecastle of a ship Castellót'o, m. a large borough Castelluccio, m. a litile castle Castiganiento, ra. punishment, ed- ucation ['each Ca;i'iy';re, to reprimand, admonish, Cas*izn7!one, /. and Castigo, m. piini.hment Cas'ità,/. chastity, purity C^to, a. chas'e, pure Castóne, m. that part of the ring wherein the s'nne is set Castorio, m. castor Cas'óro, and Castore, m. a beaver, a castor; un castòro, a beaver hat Castrametazióne, /. pitching a camp [a frclder Castrapórci, ami Castraporcelli, m. Castrare, to castrate, cut ; castrare un libro, to curtail a book Castrato, rn. a wether, an eunuch Castrato, part, castrated Castratvira, /. the part cur'ailed Castrènse, a. pertaining to a camp Castro, m. a castle, a fortress Castron.^ccio. and Castróne, m. a castrated lamb ; a blockhead, a booby ; a name of contempt for the soprano CAT Castroneria,/, dulness Casuale, a. accidental ; una cosa casuale, an accident Casualità,/, casualty Casualmente, ad. accidentally, by chance Casiiccia, and Casùpola,/, a small house, a cotta<;e Casuista, m. a casuist CaSLiro, a. falling Casùzza,/. a poor little house Catacómba, /. a vault where mar- tyrs were buried Catafalco, m. a scafibld Catafratta,/, a coat of mail Catalètto, m. a bier, a cofiin Catalogo, m. a catalogue Catapécchia,/, a desert Ca'aplasma, m. poultice, cataplasm Catapulta, /. a warlike engine to shoot darts, &c. Catarrale, a. catarrhous Catarro, and Catarróne, m. a rlKtum, a cold Catarrosamente, ad. cafarrhously Ca'anyiso, a. which causes a cold, tliat has a cold Catasta, /. a pile of wood, &c., a funeral pile ; a certain measure whereby wood is sold Calast.ire, to tax Catasto, Ml. a tax, a fax-book Catàstrofe, f. catastrophe, fetal conclusion Catechismo, m. the catechism Catechis'a, m. one who catechises Catechistico, a. instnictive Catechizzare, to catechise Catecùmeno, m, one newly con- verted Categoria, /. ca'egory in logic t'ateg'iiicamènie, ad. categorically Cate;:órico, a. categorical Ca'ellii-.o, and Catèllo, tti. a little do?, a whelp Catellón ca'ellóne, ad. step by step ; andar catellón catellóne, to go softly Caténa, /. a chain, a necklace ; uscir di caténa, to get loose ; caténa d! monti, a long ridge of mountains Catenàccio, m. a bolt CateiiAre, to chain Catenato, part, chained Catenella, /. and Cateatizza, /. a little chain Cateratta, /. a flood-gate, a sluice. a portcullis at a city gate, a fall of water, a cataract, disease of the eyes so called Catén'a,/. a multitude ' ai CAU Catinaio, m. a potter Catinèlla, /. and Catino, m. an earthen basin Catóne, m. a stoic Catoniano, a. stoical Catorcio, m. a bolt Catrafósso, m. a precipice CatrJine, m. far Callabriga, m. a litigious fellovr ^ Cattano, in. a lord of a manor Cattare, to get, obtain; cattar la limosina, to beg C'lttedra, /. a public chair; a pulpit ; the papal see Cattedrale,/, a cathedral Cattedrante, m. a* master in a sci- ence [professor Cattedratico, rn. a lecturer, or Cativaccio, a. wicked, lewd, knavish ; un cattivacelo, m. a cheat, a bravo Cattivamente, ad. unjustly, treach- erously Cattivanzuóla,/. knavery, wieked- Cattivarv', to enslave, to master: to induce; cattivarsi 1' ànimo di qualchedùno, to win one's heart Cattivalo, part, captivated Cafiveggiare, to lead a bad life ; to grieve Ca*tivèllo, a. wretched ; contemp- tible ; egli è uu cattivèllo, he is a crafty rogue Catlivell ùccio, a. lean, weak Cattivézza^/, knavery, roguery "L'tività, / s- laiiv. mischief slavery, distress ; vil- Cattivo, o. captive, wicked; un cattivo, a slave, a rascal Cattolicamente, ad. as a caihoUc Cattolicità,/. Catholicism Cattòlico, a. catholic, holy, re- ligious Cat!6!ico, m. a Roman catholic Cattura,/, catch, seizure Catturare, to seize, arrest Caudatàrio, m, a train-bearer Càusa, /. cause, motive, subject ; a c'lusa di, o del, for, on account of ; a causa che, because ; per che càusa ? on what account ? Causare, to occasion Cau-a'o, part, caused Cau=atóre, ni. an author, producer Causidico, m. a barrister, lawyer Càustico, m. a caustic Ciustico, re. caustic Cautamente, ad. heed fully Cautèla, /. caution ; wariness ; 9e> ciirity, bail ; assòlvere a cautèla, to dismiss upon bail CAV Cautelare, to cau'.ion, warn ; cau- telarsi, to take a provident care Cautelilo, a. cautious, wary Cautèrio, m. a cautery Cauterizzare, to cauterize, bum Cautissimamente, ad. very cau- tiously Càuto, a. wary, heedful Cauzióne, /. bail ; surety j dar cauzióne, to give bail Cava, /. a hole, a cave, a vault, a mine; a hiding-place, a din; cava di metalli, a quarry, a mine ; ca\-a del marmo, a marble quarry Cavadènti, m. dentist, tooth-drawer Cavalcante, o. riding Cavalcare, to ride on horseback; cavalcar il paese, to take a view- on horseback; to rule, direct; cavalcare a bisdòsso, to ride with- out a saddle Cavalc'ila,/. a troop, cavalcade Cavalcatolo, m. a mounting-block Cavalcatóre, m. a horseman Cavalcatura, /. any bea^t for the saddle Cavaleiare, to sit astride Cavalcione, mid Cavalcioni, ad. astride C«vale?5iére, m. a li^ht-horse Cavalisra,/. a knight's lady Cavalieraio, ki. knighthood Cavalière, m. a trooper ; a knight ; a gentleman, a platform ; cava- lière, a nobleman ; c^vaIiér servènte, a lady's gentleman- usher; cavalier d' indùstria, a sharper, fortmie-hun'er ; èssere a cavalière, to have the advan- tage Cavai ierótto, m. a gentleman, an esquire Cavalla, f. a mare Cavallaccio, m.ajade; abad horse Cavallaro, m. a carrier, a courier Cavallenjccio, a. fit to be carried by a horse; bara cavalleréccia, a horse litter Gavallerescaménte, ad. nobly, gal- lantly, genteelly Cavalleresco, a. gallant, free, noble ; dignità cavalleresca, esquireship, knighthood ; menar vita cavalleresca, to live like a gentleman Cavalleria, /. knizhthood ; caval- leria, cavalry, horse Cavallerizza, f, manege, riding- school Cavallerizzo, m. a master of the horse CAV Cavallétta, /. a locust, grasshop- per ; far una cavallétta ad uno, to cheat Cavaliétto, and Cavallino, m. a little horse ; cavaliétto, a hobby- horse Cavallina,/, a colt, licentiousness Cavalline, a. belonging to a horse ; mosca ca.alilna.'a horse-fiy Cavallo, 111. a horse ; auil;ir a ca vallo, to ride ; cavallo di razza, a stallion ; cavallo intiero, a stone-horse; cavallo maiino, a sea-horse ; dar un cavallo, to whip, to lash; far una cosa a cavallo, to act in a hurr)'; la- sciarsi levar a cavallo, to submit to imi)osiiion ; cavallo d'ailitto, a tiackney-horse ; ossir a cavillo, neither to lose nor win Cavallóne, m. a wave, surge, bil- low ; a gr^at horse Cavali jccio, m. apx)r little horse ; a cavallùccio, astraddle Cavalmarino, m. the sea-horse Cavalòcchio, nu an exciseman; pettifogger; wa=p Cavamacchie. m. a scourer Cavaménto, m. digging, undermin- ing, trenching Cavare, to draw, wrest, take away ; to dig ; cavrii« una for-sa, to dig a grave ; cavar di bócca un segréto, to get a secret ; ca- var uno del fingo, to assist, to raise from the dirt ; cavar uno di cervèllo, to tease to death ; cavarsi la vòglia, to satisfy one's de"iire; cavarsi la sete, to quench thirst; cavar acqua, to draw wa'er ; cavir sangue, to let blood ; cavir gli occhi, to pull out the eyes ; cavir le màcchie, to take out stains Cavasughero, m. a cork-screw Cavata, /. a discing, a trench; ca- vata di sacgus, a bleeding Cavato, part, dug Cavato, m. a h-ile. a pit Cavatóre, m. a di^'er, a miner; cavatór di dén'i. a teeth operator Cava ùra, /. a hole, a cave Cavélle, /. pi. simething; tu hai cavélle, some*hiug ails you Cavèrna. /. a den, a cave Cavernétta, /. a small cave Cavem'isita, /. depth, concavity Cavernóso, a. full of hole; Cavézza,/, a hal'er for criminals ; levar la cavézza, to set a' liber- ty ; romper la ca-ézza, to addict one's self to debauchery 82 CED Cavezzina,/. a bridle Cavezzóne, m. a sort of muzzle for a horse [fish pickled Caviale, m. the roe of a certain Cavicchia, /. and Cavicchio, m. a wooden pin Caviglia, /. a pin, a peg, the peg of an ins'rumeut ; caviglia dei piede, the aiikle-bone Cavillare, to cavil, to wrangle Cavillatóre, m. a caviller CavilLazióne,/. aiid Cavillo, m. a wrangle, cavil, quirk Caviliosamente, ad. captiously Cavilióso, a. carping, captious Cavità,/. hoUowntss Cavo, a. concave ; luògo cavo, a deep place ; occhi cavi, hollow eyes Cavo, ni. a mould to cast in; a cable ; a cape Cavolfiore, m. cauliflower Cavolino, and Càvolo, m. cab- bage; cavolo cappùccio, cole- wort Cavrétto, m. a kid Cavriola, /. a caper ; far cavrióle, to cut capers Cavriolètta,/. a little caper Cavriuola,/ a she-goat Cavriuòlo, m. a he-goat Cazióso, a. captious Cazza,/, a ladle Cazzare, to draw ; cazzar la scót- ta, to draw ihe rope Cazzavéla,/. a bird, (so called) Cazzottare, to strike hard Cazzotto, m. a blow ; far a ca» zótti, to box to firht with fists Cazzuòla,/. 9 r-'vel Ce, ffrmi. dot. and ace. plur. to us ; us ; ce ne mandò, he sent to us some ; qui ce la godiamo, we enjoy ourselves here. Ce, axL here, there ; non ce ne sono, here are none Cecaggine,/ blindness, error Cecàrè, to blind, to darken ; le passióni cécano i cattivi, pas- sions blind the wicked Cecato, part, blirded, darkened Cèce, ni. vetches ; non può tener cece, he cannot keep a secret ; insemàre ródere cece, to show one his faults Cechézza, Cecità, Cecitàde, and Cecitàte,/. blindness Cecino, 771. a wild swan Cedente, a. yielding Cedènza,/, pliancy Cèdere, to submit, to resign ; non vi cedo in nulla, I do not yield GEL to you; cénere a chicchessia, to comply with any body's will; to renounce ; to grant Cedévole, a. flexible', pliant Cedevolézza, /. suppleness Cédola,/, a note, a schedule Cedrare, to season with lemon Cedra'o, m. citron-tree Cedrino, a. made of cedar ; tàvola cedrina, a cedar table Cedriuolo, m. cucumber Cedro, m. a citron, or cedar-tree ; di cedro, of cedar-wood Cedróne, a. ceJar-colonr Cedronèlla,/, a certain herb Cefàlica,/, a cephalic vein Cefàlico, a. cephalic, good for tlie head Cèfalo, m. the mullet-fish Ceffata,/, a box on the ear Ceffatélla,/. a slap on the face Ceflkatto, TO. a sot, blockhead Cétfo, m. the snout of a doj ; an ugly face ; o che bel cett'o ! a pretty figure indeed i far ceffo, to dislike a thin; Ceffóne, m. a cuff en the ear Ceffùto, a. broad-faced Celamén'o, m.. a hiJin», conceal- ing; celameuto di cow rubate, concealment of stolen thin^ Celare, to secrete, dissemoie Celata,/. ca«ket, helmet Celaamente, ad. secretly Celato, part. hiJ, or hidden, con- cealed ; vi prego di tenérmi ce- lato, pray conceal me. In cela- to, ad, secretly, in secret Celatone, m. a large helmet CelebéiTÌmo, a. very much re- nowned Celebràbile, o. laudable Celebraménto, m. celebration, ce- lebrity, reputation Celebrante, a. celebrating ; il cele- brante, the priest that celibrates Celebrare, to celebrale, comjnend Celebrato, o. solemnized, eminent Celebratóre, to. he that celebrates Celebrazióne, /. celebration, so- lemnity Célèbre, a. renowned, famous Celebrévo'.e, a. worthy to be cele- brated I Celebriti, Celebritàde, and Cele- britàte,/. solemnity; festival Celere, a. quick, swift ( Celerilà,/, speed, haste I Celeste, o. htaivenly ; celeste, sky- 1 blue Celestiale, a. heavenly, divine Celestialmente, ad. celestially CEN Celestino, a. blue, sky-colour Celia,/, ajokf;, a jest Celiare, to be cheerful, in jest Ce ilàto, m. a single life Celibatàrio, to. friar, a priest Cèlibe, a. unmarried ; viver cèlibe, to live in celibacy Celi Iònia,/, celandine Célia, /. a cave, cellar, a cell Ceil'iio, Cellàrio, and Cellière, to butler)', cellar Celléràii, /. and Celleràio, TO. a cellarist (in a monasten') Cellétta, and Celluzza, /. a little Cell, or room Celonàio, to. a carpet-maker Ceìóne, to. a carpet Celiitfiiine, /. highness, excellency Ceni: alo, aiid Cémbolo, m. cnn- bal ; figura di cèmbali, an ugly figure Cembanélla,/. au Cennamella Céna,/, supper Cenàcolo, ni. a supper-room Cenare, lo eat supper Cenato, part, supped Cenceréllo, to. a small rag Cenceria, /. a heap of rags Cenciàia. /. rags Cenciaiuólo, to. a deaJer in rags Cencinquànta,TO. (centocinquanta) a Hundred and fifty Cèncio, ni. a rag, a tatter ; non avéi- ciucio di che che sia, to be des itute ; mn posso trovar chi mi desse fuoco a cèncio, I have no help in the world Cencióso, a. rai?ed Cenerata,/, lie-ashes Céne-e, m. atidf. ashes ; il giórno delle céneri. Ash Wednesday; ri- durre in cénere, to destroy by fire Cenerèlla,/. a slender supper Cenericcio, a. ash-coloured Cenerino, a. grayish, ash-coloured Ceneróso, a. full of a^hjs Cenétta, /. a small supper Cennamèlla, /. a pipe, a flute Cénnamo, and Cinuamo, to. cin- namon Cennàto, a. indicated, designated Cènno, m. a sign ; a nod ; com- mand ; èrgiti "a cenni suoi, get up at her command : cenno, tin?, the tingling of a bell ; dare o far cenno d' una cosa, to mention a thing [ninety Cennovanta, a. a hundred and Cenobio, TO. a monaster}-, convent Cenobita, m. a monk Cenquarànla, a. a hundred and forty 63 CER Censessanta, a. a hundred aitd sixty Censettànta, a. a hundred and seventy [mortgage Censo, TO. tax; subsidy, reward; Censoràre, to censure Censore, to. a censor, critic; r^ former, comptroller Censoria,/, censorship Censuario, a. tributary Censura,/, reproof, criticism, judg- ment Censurare, to censure, chide, rep- rehend [buked Censurato, part, censured ; re- Cen:àuro, to. the centaur Cenfellàre, to sip Centellino, and Centéllo, TO. a sip, a small draught Centesimo, a. the hundredth Centina,/, a hundred, a frame Centinaio, to. a huiidred Centinàre, to bend ; make an arch, or vault Cento, a. hundred; mi par cento anni di vedérlo, I long to si^ him [Ur Centogambe, m. a sort of caferpil- Centomila, a. a hundred thousand Centone, m. patched-work, a po- em of borrowed verses Centrale, o. central Cèntro, to. the centre, the depth Centumviri, m. pi. the centumviri Centuplicato, and Centuplo, m. a hundred fold Centura,/, a girdle Centùria, /. a band of a hundred men ; a hundred years Centurino, m. a waist-belt Centurióne, to. a centurion ; the captain of a hundred men Ceniizza, /. a poor supper Ceppala. /. the root of a tree Ceppatèllo, and Cepperèllo, wi. a small stump Céppo, TO. the trunk, or sturap of a tree, a lo^, block ; stocks ; fetters; origin ; ceppo d'incti- dine, the stock of an anvil ; cep- po di case, a block of houses Céra,/, wax, wax -candle; torches, taper ; céra, (volto.) face, mien, countenance ; far buona cera, t» make one welcome; di buòna, cera, merrily Ceraiuòlo, to, a wax-chandler Ceralacca./, sealing-wax Ceramèlla,/, a pipe, a bag-pipe Céràsa, /. a cherry Cerasta. /. a serpent supposed to hai e boms CER Cerbàia, /. a plantation of green oaks Cèrbero, m. Cerberus, the dog of hell Cerbio, m. a hart, a s'a^ Cérca, /. search, inquii-y ; andar alla ce'ca, to go a bs»^ing Gercante, a. searcher, a beggar Cercare, ' to seek, search,' stroll, ranible ; cercar del pane, to work for bread ; cercar il nodo nel giunco, to lònk out for diffi- culties : cercar uu partito, to look for a good bar^in ; cercar ro- gna, to seek trouble Cercata./, inquiry, search Cercato, part, searched, sought for l>rcat05*, m. a seeker Cercati'n-a,/. reseaich. requisition Cerchiaio, ?>i. a c ) per CerchiaiLc-nto, rn. act of hofping Cerchiiiit:, to hjop ; cerchiai-e una sécchia, to hoop a pailj cerchi- are, to «nrroujd Cerchilo, pari, surr-'unded Cercbiatijra, /. act of encircling, hoopiiis Cerchiétto, m. a STnall hoop Cérchio, m. a hoop, circle ; cérchio di ruòta, the circle of a wheel Cércine, m, a roll, a porter's knot Cérco, m. circle. ci:TU3 Cercóne, tti. sour wine Cerebro, m. the brain CeremorJa. f. ceremony Cereni'ini'ile, m. a ritual Cerennniale, a. ceremnnial Cereria, f. chan Uer's sh-p Cerfoglio, in. the heib chervil Ceifiiglinne, m. dishevelled hair; complinienis Cerimònia,/, ceremony, rite Cerireiouiére, and C'eremoniére, ni. m.Tster of ceremonies Cerimoniosamente, and Ceremoni- t^saniéule, ad. courteously Cerimonioso, a. cerepiouious Céi-na, /. the refuse, choice Cernere, to sever, sift, pickj to distinguish Cernuto, part, separated Céro, m. a wax taper, a statue Ceróna, /. a large face Ceroso, a. wax\' Cerottino, m. a' little vras taper, a plaster of wax, &c Ceròtto, m, a wax taper ; a cere- cloth Cerpellóne, in. an error, fault, blunder Cerretano, m. a juggler, a quack Cerreto, m. a wood of green oaks CER Cerro, m. a green oak j a fi-inge ; a tuft of hair Cernito, a. full of green oaks Certame, in. fight, c mbat Certamente, ad. certainly Cenare, to combat Certézza, /. certainty, asurancs Cer'.ificaméuto, m. assurance, con- firmatioa Cenificàre, to certify, ascertain Certiticato, a, assured Certificato, m. and Certificazione, /. a certificate Certissimamente, and Certissimo, ad. most certainly Certissimo, o. most certain Certitudine,/. certainty Cèrto, pran. some, some one CértOj a. certain, sure ; certa co- sa e, 'tis certaia. Di cero, al certo, per certo, ad, certainly Cèrto, ad. certainly Certóa,/. a Carti.usian monastery Cer osino, m. a Carthusian monk Ceniiao, a. a certain Cerùleo, o. sky -coloured Cerusico, m, a sur;eon Cerussa,/, white lead Cerva, /. a hind Cervellàccio, m. hair-brained, stubborn, conceited ; a poor mind Cervellà^ne, /. whim, maggot Cervellata,/, a kind of sausage Cerveliétto, and Cervellino, m. brair.less, bair-brained Cerve! liéra,/. a light helmet Cervellinaggine, / «vaciiy, blun- der Cervellino, a, gid-'y Cervèllo, nu the brain; s'ar in cervéno, to take care; stilbrsi il cervèllo, to puzzle cnc'sbrains: métter il cervèllo a par ito ad uno, to maka auo'hcr doub'ful ; uomo di cervéìln, a wisr man Cervellóne, ni. aa extravagaixt. or silly man ; one who has power of inind Cervétto, m. a young stag Cèrvia, see Cerva Cerviatlo, m. a fawn Cervice, f. the back of the neck ; uomo di dura cervice, a stubborn man Cervière, m. a lynx Cervièro, o. qui'cksighted j òcchio cer\'iéro, a lynx's eyes Ccrviétto, m. young slag Cèrvio, nu a stag, hart Cèrvo, m, a staj, hait Cervògia,/, beei- 84 CHE Cesare, m. Csesar Cesàreo, a. imperiai ; operazióne Cesàrea, the Caesarean operation CeselLire, to work with a cjiisel Cesèllo, m, a chisel Cèsio, a. that has Hue eyes Cesóie,/, pi. a pair of scissors Cèspite, and Cespo, m. turf, sod, buih Cespùglio, rn. bush Cespuglióso, ayid Cespugliato, a. bushy, thick Cessagione, /, intermption, cea-a- tion, departure, distance Cess.ame, m. scum of the people Cessamento, m. cessation Cessante, a. ceasing, negligent Cessare, to cease ; to avoid, escap?, dispel, mitigate ; la piòggia ce - serr», tosto, the rain will be cvor presently ; i rimèdj cessano il dolóre, remedies a-suate pain ; non può cessar dal bere, hi cannot forbear drinking Cessato, part, ceased C«s3zio;;e,/. cessation Cessione, /. cession, resignation , far cessióne di beni, to resign one's property Cèsso, tn. cessation, removal ; a necessary h^^use Cé.=sD, pari, riven up Cèsta, jf. basket, chest CestJccia,/. au old basket Cestàio, m. a basket-maker Cestèlla, /. and Cestèllo, m, ». li tie liasket Cestire, to sprout [bushy Cestito, aìid Cestùto, a. ihicX Césto, TO. a eauntlet ; a bush ; il césto di Vènere, Venus's girdle Cestóne, m. a large basket" Cesura,/, a syllable in Latin verses Céren,/. a giiitar Cetera. &c. "e^ ce-era, and so forth Ceterare, and Ceter^giàre, . to play 03 the gi'.itar CetersRòre, and Ceterista, m. a performer on the guitar Cetirizzare, to sing to the guitar Cèto, m. a whale; rank, dignity; an assemb'y Cétra, /. a cithern Cetrina, /. bahn, balm-gentle Cetriuóio, m. cucumber Che, that, which, whom, what, how, because, why, until, afler, when, as soon as, whatsoever, otherwise, than ; m'ha scritlo che non poteva venire, he wKte to me that he could not come ; il libro che m' avete mandato, CHE tìie bock which you sent me : noa so che fere, I know no' what to do ; che volete ? what do you want ? dltd'li che venga da me, tell him to come to me j non ha che un cavallo, he has only one horse; che piccoli che grandi, both small and great ; che Iutiè- ri che Italiani, some English and some Italians ; che bella donna è ques'a ? whaX fine woman is this ? che sarei felice d' èssere in campagna : how happy should I be in tlie country ! datenii tem- po che poisa risiwndérgli, give me time that I may answer him ; che se non veni e ogd, anJerò via, because, if you don't come to day, I shall depart ; che non parli? why do you not speak? aspettate eh' io venga, stay till I corne; finita che avrò questa ;ét:era, anderò, as soan as 1 have written this letter, 1 ohall go; sia che che =ia, whatsoever it iKiV be ; un bel che per andare in còllera, a fine subject indeed fir anger ; a questo me rispóndi, •> che mi parto, answer to this, otherwise I go ; è piii ricco che dótto, he is' rather rich thin learned ; che ce ? what is the matter? Che, (as a substai.tive,) thing, matter, subject Ch' e eh' è. ad. often, now and then Chéute, pron. what, of what soil, how great, whatever Chérco, /or Chérico Chérere, to demand, to wish Cbérica,/. a priest's shaved crown Chericale, a. belonging to a priest Chericalménte, ad. in a clerical way Cbericato, m. clerkship, clergy, function of the clergy Chérico, m. clerk, clergyman, a learned man Chericóne, m. a fat parson Chericùzzo, m. a poor clergyman Chermes, m. cochi ileal Chermisi m. crimstu ; furbo, mat- to, ignorante in chermisi, a knave, fool, ignorant in srain Chermisini, a. crimson, chéto, ad. softly Chi, prun. who, w hoin, whoever, some, any one; sociù è, I know who he is ; a chi avete farlàto ? whom did you speak to ? chi di voi ha detto questo ? who of you said so? chi osserva i comac- daménti di Dio sarà salvo, who- ever obser\es the conunandments of God shall be avt,Chi^ssjtto,and Chias- so, »/(. a narrow saeel, lane, ChiiJ-.uob, m. a street {or lane that ha> no wav out) [boat ^ Chiài--. f. a kir.d of flat-bottomed I Chiav.ircia. /. a large kej* j Chiavàccio, tn. a tolt I Cbiav:iio, and Chìavaiuólo, m. a I ti.rakay, a locksmith Chiavare', to drive in, to nail, to ! l ck [locked Chinato, part, pierced, nailed, Cliiivatura, f. a fas'cning Chiave,/, a kty, authority, power, iiiP.uauce ; le chiavi, the keys, cr;he pope's authority ; chiave, a f i';tier town; chiave di vite, a ^ciew key ; Ìo tengo le chiavi rie! cuor di costui, I dispose of that man as I please Chiavrllàre, to nail Chiavellàta, /. a wound from a nail Chiavèllo, m. a nail Cniaverina./. javelin Chiavefa, f. a'li'.tle key CliiiviM,/. a common sewer Chiavichr:lTa,/. a sink Chìaviséllo, 771. a bolt for a door Chiazza,/, a scab Chiazzato, a. speckled, spotted Chicchera,/, a tea or coffee cnp Chicchessia, proTi. whosoever, any body CHI Chicchirillàre, to cluck, to prate Chicchirillo, m. nonsense Cbichè, pron. whosoever Chichinata, /. crowing Chiedente, a. requesting, or de- manding Chièdere, to ask, beg, sue for; che chiedete ? what do you Wint ? chièdere in prèstito, to borrow Chiediménto, m. request, petition Chieditórc, m. a petitioner Chiérica, /. see Chérica, and its derivations Chiesa, /. a chnrch Chiesastra,/. a devotee Chiesétta,Cliiesicciuola, and Chie- slna,/. a little church Chiesettina, /. a chapel Chiesolastico, and Chiesolastro, o. a frequenter of chun;h Chièsta, /. a request Chièsto, fart, requested Chilificare, to digest Chilitìcazióne,/. digestion Chilindro, m, a water-snake Chilo, in. the chyle Chilóso, a. of the nature of chyle Chimera,/, chimera, fancy Chimèrico, a. imaginary Chimerizzóre, to dream, to fancy Chimica. /. chjTnistry Chimican:én'e,' ad. ch>TiiicaUy Chimico, m. a chymist Chimico, a. chymical China, /. declivity ; lasciar andar l' acqua alla china, to let things ^0 as they will Chin,achlna,/. Jesuit's bark Chinare, to bend, to bow ; chinare il viso, to liok down ; chinar gli occhi, to cast down the eyes ; chinar la tes'a, to consent, 'sub- mit ; chinar la testa ad uno, to tiow ; chin.^rsi, to stoop Chinata,/, a descent Chinatamente, ad. privately Chinato, a. crooked, bent; colle ginocchia chinate, with bended kne^ China'ijra,/. a de-cent Chincaglia, and Chincaglieria, /. hardware Ghinèa, /. an ambling nag ; chinéa Inglése, a gelding Chinévole, a. pliant, flexible Chino, ni. declivi'y, steepness Chino, a. inclined ; bended ; ca- minir cil capo chino, to walk with one's head down Chino, a. low, deep Chioccare, to beat, to strike Chiòccia,/, a brood hen CI Chiocciare, to cluck, to begin to be ill [to be faintish Chioccio, a. hoarse ; star chioccio. Chiocciola, /. a snail, the shell, a screw; a chiòcciola, screw -like; scala a chiocciola, a winding staircase Chiucciùlètta, and Chiocciolina, /. a small screw, or shell Chiodaiuolo, m. a nail-maker Chiodare, to nail Chiodétto, m. a small nail Chiòdo, m. a nail ; aver fisso il chiòdo, to be resolved Chiòma, /. hair, head of hair, fo- liage ; trarre la chioma alla ròc- ca, to spin [tion Chiòsa, /. gloss, comment, esposi- Chiosare, to comment Chiosato, port, interpreted Cliiosatòre, ni. a commentator Chiostra./, an abode Chióstroj m. a cloister, a monas- tery ; chiòstro virgitt'ile, the neck of the womb, or matrix Chiòtto, a. quiet, siili Chiovàre, to nail up ; chiovàre l'artiglieria, to nail up cannon Chiovato, part, nailed Chiovatura, /. a nail-hurt in a horse's hoof Chiòvo, 771. a nail Chir;':gra,/. gout in the hand Chirégricò, a. gouty Chirògrafo, m. a bond ucJer one's own hand [palmistr\- Chiromante, m. one skilled in Chiromanzia, /. palmistry Chirurgia,/, surgery t Chirurgo, m. a surgeon I Chiseiare, to rake, weed op ) Chilare, to quit, forsake Chitarra, /. a guitar Chhicchiurlàia,/. a buzzing noise Chiudènda,/, a palisado, pales Chiudere, to shut, contain, to bar, hide, conceal ; chiùdere il pugno, to clinch the fist ; il dolóre mi chiùde il cuòre, grief presses my heart; chiùdere gli occhi, toclose the eyes in death Chiudiinénto, m. enclosure Chiunque, jwora. whoever Chiùsa, /. an ecclosnre. orchard Chiusamente, ad. secretly, private- ly Chii'tso, m. enclosme [in j Chiùso, a. closed, covered, locked I Chiusura,/, enclosure, a lock Ci, there, here ; ci sono stato sta- mattina, I was there this morp- I ing : ci, to us : ci disse, he told 86 CIA us; non so quel che ci feréao, I know not what we shall do ; ci, ourselves; quando meniamo una vita sregolata, è segno che non ci amiamo, when we lead a dis- orderly life, 'lis a sign that we love not ourselves ; noi ci amia- mo come fratèlli, we love one another like brothers Ciabatta,/, an old shoe Ciabatte, /.pZ. old rags Ciabattàio, and Ciabattino, m. a cobbler Ciacciamellare, to chat idly Ciacco, m. a hog, a swine, a sponger, freebooter Ciaccóna, /. a chacoone, (a Span- ish dance) Cialda,/, a wafer Cialdonàio, m. a wafer-seller Cialtróne, m. a rogue, a villain Ciamtiélla,/. a certain cake Ciambellàio, m. a seller of cakes Ciambellano, m. a lord chamber- lain [a small cake Cian.bellétta. and Ciambelllna, f Cìanibellòtto', m. camlet Ciampicnre, to stumble Ciancerèlla, anrfCiancètta,/. trifle, toy, story, silliness, impertinence Ciancia,/, foppery, jfst, chit-chat C lanciaménto, m. a joke, prattling Cianciare, to plav the fool, toy, prate, chat, pratfle Ciancia óre, ni. a wag, a babbler Cianciatrice,/. a prating woman Ciancicare, to prate, to babble Cianciéro, a. prating Cianciolina, /. impertinence Ciancióne, m. idle talk, a prattler Cianciosaménte, ad. pra'ingly Cìancìóso, a. playful, wanton, chatty, pretty Cianfrusaglia,/, trash, riflraflF Cianghelllno, a. naughty, wicked Ciantellino, ni. a sip in drinkiagj bere a ciantellini. to sip Ciaramèlla, r/i. aiid f. a bagpipe, a babbler Ciaramellare, to prate Ciarla,/, prating Ciarlante, a. talkative Ciarlare, to prate [t^* Ciarlataneria,/, quackery, loquaci- Ciarlatano, m. a quack Ciarlatóre, m. a talkative man Cian^latrice,/. a gossip Ciarleria,/, talkativeness, chat Ciarliero, ni. a chatterer Ciarlóne, m. a tattler, a romance» Ciirpa,/. a sash, a scarf Ciarpe,/, pi. rags, tatte» CIE Ciarpame, m. oU clothes, rags Ciarpàre, to cobble, to babble Ciaipiira, /. a bad woman, a drab, a slut Ciarpiére, and Ciarpóne, ni. a bad workman, a bungler, a shab- by fellow Ciascheduno, and CiascOno, prun. every one, each Cibàccio, m. bad, or coarse food Cibale, a. nutritive, nourishing Cibaménto, rn. nourishment Cibare, to feed ; cibar di speranza, to feed wi h hopes ; cibarsi, to live, (IT feed upon ; to please one's self; cibarci di frutte, to live upon fruit Cibazióne,/. food Cibo, m. food, victuals Cibòrio, ni. the pix, in which the host is kept Cibóso, a. frui'ful, plentiful Cibrèo, M. a made dish Cica, ad. not the least, none at all Cicada, and Cicala, /. a cerlaiu chii-piiii? in-ect Cicalàccia,/. idle talker Cica'amento, m. and Cicaleria, /. cha'ferin? Cicalare, to chatter, to tattle Cical'i'n, /. and Cicaléccio, m. babbliiis, pi-atin? Cicala óre, m. a ?rea' talker Cicala'orio, a. chattering Cicala'rice, a?id Cicalicra, /. a prat'lin? f;ossip Cicalio, m. idle talk Cicalonaccio, m. a sreat talker Cicalóne, in. talkative person Cicatrice,/, a scar, a trick CicatrizzJire, to heal Ciccan'one, in, a mountebank Ciccióne, m. a felon, or tumour Cicérbi a, /. sov.'-thistle Cicérchia,/, chick-peas Ciceróne, m. a S'li'le, pica Cichini, m. a very little, a jot Cicisbea./, a coquet Cicisbeare, to dangle about women Cicisbe'ito. m. a7id Cicisbe.atùra, /. coquetry, gallantry Cicisbèo, ni. a. gallant; a sword- knot Ciclo, m. cycle Ciclome'ria,/. cyclometry Cicógna, /. a s'ork Cicognino, m. a young stork Cicórea. /. wild endive Cicurftre, to tame Cicù'a, f. heml 'ck. henbane Ciecamèiite. ad. blindly, rashly Ciecire, to blind CIM Ciechità,/. blindness Cièco, a. blind, inconsiderate, con- cealed ; dark, gloomy ; cièca vita, an abject lifej lantèrna cièca, a dark lantern ; bastonate da cièco, hard bloNvs; in terra di cièchi beà'o è chi ha un òc- chio, in a land of blind men, hapijy he who has one eye ; un cièco, a blind nuin ; cièco d'un occhio, one-eyed ; alla cièca, blindly Cielo, m. the heaven, paradise, air, sky, coun'ry, clima'e, the top, Ihe ceilin?; il cielo de! let'o, the tester of a bed ; il cielo d'un fórno, the 'op of an oven ; gli uccèlli del cielo, the birds of the air; cièl seréno, a serene sky. A cielo, ad. exremely Cièra, /. loik, countenance ; voi non avete buòna cièra, you do not look well Cifera, and Cifra. /. a cipher Ciferlsta, m. a writer in ciphers Ciglio, m. the eye-brow, the eye- lid, sight, look, ridge; voi mi fà!e incarcàr le cirlia, you sur- prise me; .aguzzar le ciglia, fo look steadfastly ; avere una cosa intra le ciglia, to have somelhing in view Ciglióne, nu a ridge (of land be- tween two fulTOVS) Cigliuto, a. that has thick eye- brows [to he weak Cigna. /. a girth ; s'iir sulle eigne, Cignalaccio, m. a large wild boar Cign.'ile, m. a wild boar Clgnere. to gird, to girdle, to hug, embrace, sun-ound ; clgner la spada, to gird on the sword Cijno, m. a swan Cignóne, m. a large girth Ci^-lnniónto, ni. creaking fi./-l're, to creak _ ( i,"iiio. ni. a creaking noise til s'rini, a. s-ky-col^ur Cilès'ro. n. blue ; cilèsti-o azzurro, skv-Mue Ciliccio. and Cilicio, m. hair-cloth ('ili, -'il./, a che'ry (ili^j-ii. m. chrry-tree Ciliiiióina,/. cereinony (in joke) Ciiln Irico. a. cylindrical Cilindra, m. a cylinder Cln.a, /. to]i. suinmit ; excellence, eminence ; cima d'uòmo, an eminent man; cima di ribaldo, an arch ro^ue Cim'ire, to shear cloth, to cut ofT the head CIN Cimasa,/, see Cimàzio Cimato, part, shorn Cimatóre, m. a clo h-shearer Cima'Ora,/. shearing Cimàzio, m. a wave, an ogee Cimila,/, a batk Clnibalo, ni. a labour, cymbal Cinibérli, ad. èsser in ci'mljérli, to be gay Cinibolto, m. a fall, a tumble Cimbottolare, to fall Cimbóttolo, ni. see Cimbòtto Cimentare, and Cimentarsi, to attempt, venture ; cinien:àre la propria ripu'aziòne, fo e.xpo5e one's reputation ; cimeutarsi, to engage Cimentato, part, attempted Ciménto, ni. experiment; essay; métter a ciménto, to exixise, en- dan;er ; venir a cin.ènto, to come to a trial Cimentóso, o. hazardous [bug Cimice, /. and Cimiciòne, m. a Cimiére, Cimièri, and Cimièro, «1. the c rest of a helmet Cimino, m. cumin Cimi'ério, and Cimitèro, m. a churchyard Cimmèrio, a. Cimmerian, dark Cimurro, m. Ihe gl.anders; avere il cimurro, to be angry Cinabro, ni. cinnabar" Circi»! io, ni. a belt Cincigliòne. m. a laige belt Cincinno, m. a hair curl CincinnAto, a. curled CincLschiàre, io cut, hack; to hesi'a'e, stammer Cincischi.ato. part, hacked Cincischio, ni. a cut n.ade with a tool Cinerizio, a. ash-coloured Cingere, see Clgnere Cinghia,/, a girth for a horse Cinghiala, /. a vein in i horse, near 'he girthing place Cinshi.ile, ni. a wild boar CimrhjAre, to encompass, surround Ciniiì'ìMn.part. gi'ded, environed Cinzhintiìra, /. the girthing part of a horse Cinghio, m. circuit, a circle Cinrolo. ni. a jirdle, s,a-h Cinguet'amcnto, m. chit-chat, s'ammering, li=ping Cingue";!'^, to stammer, to lisp, 'o warble Cingue»'a'nre. m. a pra'er Cinguet'ièra,/. a rra'ini woman Cinicamente, ad. cynically, with asperity CIO Cinico, a. cynical Cinico, m. a cynic philosopher Cinismo, m. the sect of the cynics Ciunamo, and Cinnamòmo, m. cinnamrn Cino, m. a wild plum Cinoglòssa,/, hountl's-tonswe Cinquanta, and Cinquantina, /. fifty Cinquantesimo, a. fiftieth Cinque, m. and a. five Cinquecentésimo, a. the five hun- dredth Cinquecènto, a. fiva hundred Cinquefòglie, /. cinqueloil, (an herb) Cinquemila, a. five thousand Cinquènnio, m. five years Cinquina, /. five ; datemi una cin- quina d'uova, give me five eggs Cinta, /. and Cinto, m. compass, circuniference ; a girdle, a sash ; cinta di spada, a waist belt ; cinte di ferro, iron bars that bind a wheel Cinto, a. girdel Cintola, /. the waist ; tenérsi le mani a cln'ola, to stand idle; strétto in cintola, covetous, nig- gardly ; largo di cintola, liberal, free Cintolino, m. a small girdle Cintole, /. pi. garters Cintura, /. Cintolo, and Cinturi- ne, m. a girdle Ciò, proti, that, this ; ciò mi piace, tliat pleases me ; fa^e ciò che vi piAce, do wha' you please; con tutto ciò, never'heltss Ciòcca,/, a bunch ; ciòcca di fióri, a nosegay ; ciòcca di cajxilli, a lock of hair Ciocché, pron. v/hat Circeo, r/i. log, stump Cioccolata, /. and Cioccolato, m. chocolate Cinccolatticra, /. a chocolate-pot Cioè, ad. that is to say Ciomperia, /. rudeness Ciómpo, m. carder, a clown, a rude person Cioncare, to drink, carouse ; to cut, to fell. maim, n ansie Cioncato, part, cut down, intoxi- cated Cioncatóre, m. a tippler Ciónco, a. drunken, cut, maimerl, lame; rim/isp ciónco d'un brac- cio, he lost an arm Ciondolaménto, and Cióndolo, m. dan^lin'? Ciondolare, to hang (Wangling CIR Ciondolino, m. an ear-ring Ciondolo, TO. any thing that floats, shakes, &c. Ciondolone, ad. danglingly; èsser per ària ciondolone, to hang dangling in the air Ciónta,/. a bastinado Cióppa,/. an under-petticoat Ciòtola,/, a cup, a basin Ciotolóne, m. a large cup, a bowl dottare, to whip Ciòtto, a. lame Ciòtto, and Ciòttolo, m. a flint, a pebble [pave Ciottolare, to stone to death ; to Ciottolata./, a blow with a stone; dar delle ciottolate, to throw stones [paved Ciottolato, part, stoned to death, Ciottolato, ni. a paved way Ciottolóne, m. a large fiint Cipigliare, o look askew Cipiglio, m. sourness, sullenness; guardare con cipiglio, to frown upon Cipiilióso, a. passionate, has*y Cipòlla, /. onion ; egli è più dóp- pio d'una cipolla, he is a treach- erous fellow; cipolla squilla, sea squill, a physical heib ; ta- gliar la cipòlla ad uno, to cut oft' one's head Cipollata, /. silliness, imperti- nence; non fa che delle cipol- late, he always acts like a fool CipoUitta,/. a'scallion, chives Cipollina,/, a shallot Ci{>ónT), m. blunder Ci|>résselo, m. cypress-wood Ciprèsso, m. 'he cypress-tree Ciprigna,/. Venus Circa, ad. about ; sono circa dièci anni, 'tis about ten years ago. Circa, prep, touching, concern- ing ; non --o che dirvi circa questo particolare, I know not wha» to say to you cncernin? this affair Circain'elleziòne./. a perfect com- prehension Circo, m. a circus Circolare, to circulate, to dispute Circolare, ft. round : moto circo- lale, a circular motion Circolarmente, ad. circlewise, roun'My Circnl;''o, a. round, circular Circolazióne,/, circnh'i-n Circole'tn. 7R. a small circle Cirrnlo. m. circle, circuit Circoncidere, 'o circumcise Circncidimf'n'o. m. circumcising Circoucignere, to s-^rround CIR Circoncinto, part, snrronnded Cii concisióne, /. circunxision Circonciso, a. circumcised Cii-cnndaménto, m. and Circon» dazione,/, the act of conipassing Circondante, a. surrounding Circondare, to environ, encom- pass; circondarsi, to dress one'» self Circondijrre, to lead round Circotferènza,/. circuniference Circonflessióne, /. the act of turn- ing round Circonflèsso, a. circnmfles, bent Circonflèttere, to bend, bow Circonfulgere, to shii.e around Circonfuso, a. spread around Circonlocuzióne, /. circumlocution Circonscrlt'o, part, circuu.scriled Circonscrivere, to limit, to sur- round Circonscriziòne,/. bound, limit Circonspétto, a. circunispect, cau- tious Circonspezióne,/. cautiousness Circonstaute, a. present, around Circons ?nza, /. circumslance ; neighbourhood Circonvallare, to trench around Circonvallazione, /. circumvalla- tion [seduce, abuse Circonvenire, to circumven', to Circonvenzióne, /. cheaing, de- ceit, fraud, circumven ion Circonvicino, a. neighbouring, near Circoscritto, part, tee Circonscritto Circospèt'o, a. see Ci'conspétto Circospe7Ìóne, see Circonspezióne Circrs nne, to. a by-stander Circostanza,/, circumstance Circos'anzi.ire, to circumstantiate Circos'àre, to stand round Circuinienfo, to. a going about Circuire, to encompass ; to ramble about; circuire cogli occhi, to take a view Circuito, part, surrounded Circuito, TO. circumference ; cir» cul'o di panile, circun. locution Circuizióne,/, circuit, surrounding Circuliir . see CircolSre Ci cunclngere, to surround Cireséto, to. a cherry orchard Cirié;ia,/. the cherry Ciriégio, TO. a cherry-tree Cirimònia, Cerimònia, and Cer». mónia, /. ceremony Cirindóné, m. a new year's ^ift, r resent Ciruship Coadiuvare, to help, assist Coadiuvato, part, assisted Cnadun'ire, to assemble Coaduriazióne,/. assemblage (Jloagul.ire. lo congeal Coaiulaniénto, m. coagulation C'~a?ula'lvo, a. coagulating Coarula7Ìòne,/. coagulation Coimilo, m. culli, rennet C'^artire, to limit Coar'aziòne, /. a s'raitenmg Coattivo, o. coercive Coazióne,/, coercion, constraint Cocca, /. the notch of an arrow, shaft ; a cock-boat; the tip of a spindle ; cocca del capo, the crown f)f the head Coctire, 'o put the bowstring into the notch of an arrow ; to ridi- cule, mock, scotf; cocc&rla ad un^ to trick Cocchétta, /. a notch Cocchia'»,/ a serenade in a coach Cocchière, m. a coachman Cocchijlia./. shell offish Cocchio, m. a coach, or coach- box Cocchiume, m. a bunsr, a bung- hole Còccia, /. a pimple ; coccia d'uóvo, the shell of an ex? Cocciniglia, /. cochineal COF Còcco, m. cocoa ; 1' àlbero del cocco, a cocoa-tree Coccodrillo, m. a crocodile ; la- grime di coccodrillo, treacher- ous te? rs Còccola, /. a berry Coccollna,/. a little berry Coccolone, and Cocco'loni, ad. star coccolóni, to sit squat Coccovés^ia,/. an owl Coccoveggiare, to more like owls Cocènte, a. violent, burning; do- lore cocente, snianiuz pain Coccutisiinio. a. niost ardent, hot Cócere, ste Cuoce re Cochidia, /. cock!e-fish Cociménto, m. heat, smart Coclto, m. a river in hell, Cocytus Cocitura, /. arjì Cocin én!o,'m. boilin?, baking, roasting, dress- ina:, scalding C-ocler'ria,/. scurvy-grass Cocólla. /. a cowl Coconia./. a tea-kettle, (or boiler) C^coDieriio, nx. a water-melon ground, or seller Cocomerello, m. a small water- melon Cocòmero, m. a water-melon Cociizzo, and Cocùzzolo, m. pate, noddle, top Coda. /. tail, train; coda dì ca- vàlio, a horse's tail ; coda di pavóne, a peacock's train ; guar- dar colla coda dell' ncchio, to leer upon ; lisciar la coda, to flatter; nella coda sta il veléno, the venom is in the tail Codardamente, ad. conardly Codardia,/, cowardice Codardo, o. cowardly, timid ; un codardo, a j, ltron,"a coward Codazzo, m. rcticue Codétta, a little tail Codiare, to wa'ch, fo spy Codiatcre, m. an inquisitive man, a spy Còdice, m. code Codicillo. 771, a codicil Codimózzo, a. wi'bouf a tail Cediòne. and Codrióne, m, a nimp Coduto. a. that has a tail Coegunle. a. coequal Coerède, o. cheir Coerente, a. coherent, agreeing Coerenza,/, coherence Coesióne,/, cohesion CoetToeo, o. otemporary Coetémo, a. coetemal Coèvo, a. coeva! Cofàccìa,/. cake, bun COL Cofani^ io, nu a trjnk, or basket- maker [basket Cofenctto, m, a small tnink, or Cofano, ni. a basket, chest Cogitabondo, a. pensive, sad Cogitare, to think, to reflect Cogitativo, a. thoughtful, musing Cògliere, to gather ; coglier il frutto delle sue fatiche, to reap the fruit of cue's labour; co- gliere il suo tempo, to take time : cògliere in iscambio, to take one thing for another; cògliere, to catch, to over.ake; còglier all" iniprovviso, to surprise in the feci ; mi colse in testa ccn un bastone, he hit me on the head with the stick ; il vostro pittóre v' ha colio molto bene nel vo- stro ritratto, your painter has made your picture a great like- ness Coglitóre, m. a gatherer Cognata,/, sister-in-law Cign-'ito, m. brother-in-law Cngn.'ito, a, related, connected Cognazióne. /. kindred Cògnito, pari, known Cognizióne,/, knowledge Cognóme, m. a surname Co^nominftre, to surname Coguouiinito, part, suraair.ed Cogi'.oscere, to know, (in law) to take cognizance of Cognosciuza, /. knowledge, ac- quaintance Cognosclbile, a. that can be known CoenosciutSssimo, a. most noted Coiaio, and Coiaro, m. a tanner, a lea'Jier-seller Coi'ime, TJi. leather, hides Coincidere, to coincide Còito, in. copulation Col, prcf. and art. with, the Coli. ad. yonder, there ; vedi colà quell' uòmo, see there that man ; coli un poco dopo, a short time after ; colà di state, in summer time Colaggi-'i, and Colaggi uso, ad. be- low, down Colajióne,/. runn'ng through Colaménto, ni. a straining Colare, to strain, melt," liquefy ; di occhi ?li còlano, his eyes drop ; colftr a fondo, to sink Colascióne, m. a sort of guitar Colassìi. ad. there, above, yonder Cola'lvo, a. sTained, liquefiaLle Col.'.to, part, strained Cola'óio. m. a strainer, cullender, meltiai-pot 90 COL Colazióne,/, breakfast Colcare, and Colcarsi, to lie down Colèi, previ, rd. f. she; questa è colèi ch'in odio hai tanto, this is she that you hate so much Colendissimo, m. your worship Colere, to honour, revere Colezione,/. breakfast Colica,/, the colic Colico, a. colic Còlla, prip. and art. with, the colla vostra sorella, with your sister Colla,/, glue Collina, /. a necklace ; c:Uaiia di perle, a pearl necklace Collare, to glue, to paste togethe to let dow'n a rr pe, to hoist ; torture, rack, rive the strappai Collare, and Collarino, m. a ce lai, a band Collarettàio, m. a collar-maker Collaterale, a. collateral Collaterale, m. a paj-masterj judge, delegate, c^mniissary Collatore, m a patron (that'bas living in his gift) Collattaneo, m. a fos'er-brolher Collaudare, to praise Collazionare, to confront, to com pare [tion Collazióne, /. conference, colla Còlle, ni. a hill Colléga, ni. a colleasue [ion Collegaménto, m. union, conues- Colleganza, /. confederacy Collegare, to make an alliance, to connect, to join Collegato, part, allied, united Collegato, m. ally, confederate Collesatóre, tji. a plenipotentiary Collegaziónc,/. alliance, league CoUerialmécte, ad. wi'h consent of the college, in common Collegiare, to''cnnsult. confer Coll^.^ta,/. a cfillegiate church Colle^iSto, a. colle-na'e Collègio, rru a collere ; far colle- gio, to consult, to discourse upon CoUeppolire, to leap for joy Còllera, /. anger, wrath j èsser in collera, to be angry Collericamente, a^. angrily Collèrico, a. pas^i^nale, hasty Collètta, /. a collection ; collètta, a cillect, prayer CoUet'ivamente. ad. collectively Collettivo, a. collective CoUef-zio, ojid Colletto, a. cdk- lected COL Collétto, m. a hill ; collétto di cuo- io, a jerkin Collettóre, ni. a collector Collettoria,/, office of collector, a tax, levyin» Collezione, /. collection, compila- tion Collibéto, m. a collection Collic'irsi, to lie Collicéllo, m. a hillock Collidere, to dash together Colli^i'no, in. a mountaineer, hi^hlander Collimare, to aim at Collina,/, a hill Colline,/, pi. 3. row of hills Colline'ta,/. alit l.'hill C->lliquire, to liquefy Collirio, m. an eye-silve Colliii^ne, /. c-ill'ision, striking one a^ins: am'her Còllo, m. the nt'ck. shouldti icick ; portìr un bainliim in colh, to cam- a chil I iipin one's back ; fiir àllun5:'tre il colio ad uno, tj make one «ait Collocamén'o. m. (Tisposing of thin^ in order Collncire, to f)hce,se*fle ; coibcìr una f i:;lia. to nnTya daughter Collocìto. part, placed, se'tied Collocazime, /. placin», disposinr Collocuzione, /. communica'ion. conference Colloqiiin'ida,/. a certain fruit Collòquio, m. a dialogue, conver- sa'! -tn Cóllora, /. an^r Colloróio, a. choleric, bilious, passionale Collotór'o, m. hypocrite , Collòttola./, nape of the neck Coll'idere, to be ?iiil'y of cnlhision Collusióne./, collusion, deoei' Collusivamen'e. a'l. collii ively Collusivo, a. done l>y collusion Colliivie,/. amul i-ude Colmare, to heap, to overflow ; colmar alcOno di beni, to load wih riches Colmata,/, fulness Colma'Cira, /. over-miwnire Cfilmo, m. sunin i'. hei rh'. fulnes» Cólmo, a. filled, haled. Al col- mo, a/f. full, full measure Col-f'inia. f. hard rosin Colómba. /. a dove, a pisf on Colomb'ccio, m. a ring-dove, a woore, 'o blame, to sin, to fall Colpeggiare, to «itrike 91 COL I Colpetto, m, a lit le blow Co.pévole, a. faulty, guilty Colpevolmén'e, ad. criminally Colpire, to strike; to succeed ; ha colpito in quel che dejiderava, he succeeded in his hope CoVito.jL'art. sliUCK, .lucceeded Colpo, ill. a blow, a sJnikc ; colpo di f.rtuna, a lucky hi ; colpo, (azione) act, dee»!, attempt ; avJie fal'o un bel colpo, you have d me a tine tbiu;; ; un col- po da niaJb t i, a masterly stroke : render il col|>o, to rafuitc; di colpo, a un colpo, a; ouce ; col- po di tìglio, a cutting blow ; colpo mortile, a moral vound ; colpo di mare, a billow, surge, or a mighty sua , coI(K) di dis- grizia, a niisfonune ; colpo di dispei-azione, a dcsficra'eattempt Olita, /. gahering, levying of a tax ; far c Ir.a, to strike, wound C iltclla, /. a kuife ; a colter (pi lu ^bshare) Col ellccio, nx. a hanger, chopper Col ell.i a, /. a bl o.v, a cut ; far a cluir.le, to licht wi'h s.vorxU Col elli^ra, /. a shea'h, a ca^e of knives Coltcllin'iio, m. a cuiIer C-'ltel ino, m. a sniall knife, a pen- knife CoK^lli, m. a kuife; coltèllo da ciccia, a wood-k ife, h-anger C'hcllone, Tìì. a grca' knife Col'ivamsnto, m. husbandry, til- lage; worship Col ivii-e. to till, nianure, improve; col iv.'ir le arti e le scienze, to pronio'e arts and sciences ; colti- var la meuioria, to exercise the memory CjiI'ìviio,<. cultivated Col'ivaóre, m. a ploughman, a hu^ban (man, an encourager Col iva-.ra./. Iilla;e C'l ivazioce, / hiisbamtry, culture Col ivo, a. cui ivat d. ploughed Collo, m. ploughed land, worship^ honour Còl o, a. cul'ivated Colto, o. sa hered, cdlected ; chea'ed ; sur|>ri ed ; ij mi vién C'Ito, if I hive an "pporunity ; fii col o all' in provviso, he was 'aken unawares Col ore, m. a bubandman Col'r^re. to pi u'h wi'h a colter C"lre. /. a quii', counterpane a pall. rod. or p rch Col.rice./. a feather-bed COM Coltrice, /. a woman employed in husbandry Coltricina,/. a little feather-bed Cóltro, m. a colter Coltrone, m. a counterpane Coltura, /. culture, tillage Colubriua, /. a culverin' Colubrinctta,/. a sniall culverin Colubro, m. an aider, a «cake Colili, proti, je, or that ; chi è collii che vi parlava ? who is he that spoke to you ? Colóro, m. colu're Coma, /. a head of hair Comandaménìo, m. command, or- der, precept Comand.\n-e, and Comandatore, m. a conuiiander, commaiidant Comanlrre, to command Comand'ta, /. the kinr's command Comandato, part, commanded CoDianda'órc-, m, cojijuacder Comandi ia,/. recommeRdatJon Connnio, in. order, cimmand Comare. /. a godmother, a gftssip, midwife Coniato, a, hairy Conibaci'iDte, a. fitting into Combaciare, to fit Cominci T^i, to kiss one another Combattènte, m, a cnmba'ant Comliittere, to fi?ht, a tack, be- siese, to ari'ate, disquiet, opp-'se ; combitterie le sue pnprie passió- ni, t'l resist one's inclination ComVatiman'o, m. fijht, conflict Comli'll'óre^rn- a combaan: Combat'uto, part. combated, tou;ht. harassed Conibiat.ire. to dismiss Combi''o, m. dismissal Combinribile, a. that can be com- bined Combiuaménto, m. combination Combin l'è, to combine, to pl-)t Combinatóre, m. he who combines Combirazinne./. combination Combriccola. /. conventicle Combus'ibile, o. comfaus-ible Cojnbiis'ióne./. confiagra'ion Conib'iso, a. burnt, consumed Cóme. ad. as. like, how ; because, when. fee. ; come ! non volete venire ■" how ! will you mt come ? vive come se avesse mille lire all' a:ino, he li res as if he Lad a th'^usand per ann. : di»enii il come, tell me how : so ben io il cnme, I kno-v what wav ; COM see him, &c ; come prima, as j soon 3s Coniecctiè, and Comechè, conj. alfh'iusjh, because Coni; dar commiato ai piacéri, to bid adieu to pleasure Commilitone, m, fellow-soldiers Comminóre, to threaten, to firbid Comminatòria, m. conm ination Comminazióne,/. Ihrea'enin? Commi^:hiaménto, m. a mixture Commischi'ire, to mix. to jumble C"mmiscbiito, pari, mingled Cnmmiserabilmcnte. ad. lamentar bly Commiseraie, to take pity COM COM Commiserazióne, /. pity, com- ; Còmodo, m. advantage, gain, passion [cd i prolit, benetit, interest , a vostro Commiserévole, a. piteous, v?retch- 1 còmodo, at your leisure Comiiiissirio, m. a commissary Commissinniirio, m. a commission- er [order Commissióne, /. a commission, Commisto, paTt. mixed, jumbled Commisurare, to measure, to ad- just [derivatives Cómmodo, in. see Còmodo, and its Comiiiorante, a. resiJin? Cominftóso, a. vexed, tumultuous ; ànimo cimmósso, a disturbed inind ; pòpolo commòsso, a riot- ous people Commotivo, a. touching, moving Commoto, a. excited, irritated Commoviménto, m. disturbance, agitation Conimovitóre, m. a disturber Commovitiira, Commovizióne.ojid Commozióne, /. commotion, dis- quiet, disturbance C'immunire, to strengthen Còmodo, a. conmiodious, profita- ble, good, rich, wealihy; èssere comodo, to be in easy circum- stances [command Compairòne, m. a partner in the Coiup'igiia, /. a companion Compagnévole, o. sociable, com- plaisant, of good company Compagnia, /. company, corpora- tion, society, club, co'ngregatijn, confraternity ; compagnia di soldati, a company of soldiers (di cavalleria,/ a troop of horse; andar in coBipagiiia, to go to- gether Compfigno, m. a companion, fel- low, mate, partner, equal Compagnone, m. (uòmo gioviile,) a good companion, a merry fel- low, a jovial man Companàtico, m. food, meat, any thing that is eaten with bread Commuovere, to move, stir, vex, ! Comparàbile, a. comparable, like, disturb, anger, provoke ; to | that may be compared frij;lit ; co.rimuóverai, to be agi- ! Comparagióne, /. comparison tatsd, moved Comparire, to compare, set to- Commuìaménto, m. change, alter- ation, commutation Commutante, a. changing, altering Commutare, to change, exchange, barter, truck, chaiTer Commutativo, a. changeable, in- . constant, uncertain gctner, conUT ; compararsi, to compare one's self with; to vie w ith one Comparttico, m. the state of being a god-parent, spiritual alliance Comparativamente, ad. compara- ively Commutazióne,/, exchange, alter- 1 Comparativo, m. comparative, a alion, (turbolènza,) commotion, | term in grammar [ed disturbance, uproar, tumult ; ; Comparito^ part, compared, liken- commuiazione di pena, commu- ] Comparazióne, /. comparison, talion of punishment parallel ; sènza compavazioue, Comn'ianiénte, ad. conveniently, without, beyond comparison; a easily, wi'h ease | comparazióne, in proportion C^imod'ire, (accomodare,) to fit, to | Compare, m. a god-father, a man- make fi', set up, dress, train | gosiiip Comodataménte, ad. conveniently, Comparigióne, /. appearance haudsomely, well I Comparire, to appear in public. Comodato, part, (accomodato^ fit- j go out, to appear before the ted, furnished, dressed judje, to malte a show, cut a Comodato, m. a loan (a law term) | figure [appearance ComodatÓ!-e, ni. a lender j Compariscenza, /. beauty, figure, Comodevnlménte,ad. commodious-; Comparita,/, appearing ly, comfortably ; Comparizióne, /.ic€ Comparigióne Comodézza, ana Comodità,/, con-' Comp'irsa, /. appearance, ouiside- venienc -, convenience, ease, op- 1 show ; far comparsa, to make a portunity; la comodità fa l'uó-1 figure, crshow; a summons (to mo ladro, oppor'unity makes a I appear in court;) an attendant, thief; la comodità d' una casa, j or dumb figure, in plays, operas, accommodations, conveniences &c. of a house ; (bèni, richèzze) .id- Comparso, part, appeared vantage, riches; far le sue corno- Compartecipare, aiid Compartici- diti, to void I pare, to partake with COM Compartécipe, o. sharer Conipartiménto, m. partition, di- vision, compartment Compartire, to partake, divide, share, impart, communicate Compartito, part, shared, divided, imparted Compiscuo, m. a common Compassare, to measure with com- passes ; to ponder, consider Compassito, part, measured by the compass, pondered, consider- ed ! Compassionaménto, m. compassion ' Compassionare, to pity Compassioualòre, ni. a compa£sìoii- ate m,an Compassióne,/, pity Comj^assionévole, a>id Ccmpassi- vo, a. movin», pitiful CoD.passionevoIniénte, ad. pitifullj Compi'usso, m. a pair of compasses Compatiménto, m. conijiassion Compatibile, a. pardonable, com- patible, agreeing Compatibilità, /. compatibility Compatimento, m. compassion, paiiencp, indulgence Compatire, to comtiiiserate, to par- don ; mi compatisca se non s^u venti'o prima, excuse me that 1 did no; come sooner Compatito, part, pitied, excused Compa'riótto, and Compatriot'a, m. he who is of the same country Compjtto, a. compact, solid Compazientemente, ai. pa'iently Compendiare, to abridge, to con- tract Compendiato, yar<. abri'I^ed Compendio, m. compendium, abridgment [slior ly Compendiosamente, a'i. briefly. Compendioso, a. compcndims, short [pen.-a'ed Compens.ibiIe, a. that can 1;,^ com- Comjiensaménto, m. and Comper.- sagióne,/. recompense, amends Conipens'i re, to make amends Compensi to, pari. rewardt;d Compensatóre, m. who compen- sates [pense Compensazione,/, amends, recom- Compénso, ni. eipeditnt, remedy Compera, Comperazione, /. ai'ii Comperaménto, m. purchaie, bargain, buying Comperare, to buv, purchase Compenito, part, bought, pu». ch.Tsed Comperatóre, m. purchaser Competente, a. convenient, fit, suitable ; ora competente, a sea- sonable hour Competentemente, ad. comforta- bly j ho da vivere competente- mente, I have enough to live competenlly Competenza, /. debate, quarrel, competency, conveniency Compe ere, to be comi)etent, con- venient ; to quarrel ; non vódio competere con voi, I will have no competition with you Competitore, m. a rival Compiaciinte, a. complaisant Compiacenza,/, satisfaction, com- plaisance, condescension Compiacere, to humour, comply ; si compiaccia, be pleased, be so good [charming Compiacévole, a. an, com- pany, Eociet)-, C'j.j.iiiuuity Comunàre, io make cnr..iuoa Comune, m. the comiaons, com- monwealth Comune, a. cnmmnn, universal, usuai, trivial, vuliar Comtmella,/. a conipnon woman Comime-nénle, od. comniocly, vul^rfy [rj't.nicable Com'ir.iiJihr.c, a, aociab'e, «xim- Comi:;ti."airfnto. tu. ci>nimur.ica- tion, ;3ii>i:'iiif, intcrcr)une, a-i.-i Comunicatore, m. a ommnnic- ot Comunicare, t» inir.municate, im- port, róveal, converse ; comuni- carsi, te receive the oimmunion Comunicativa, /. facility in mak- in5 o Ltrs coinpivhcnd Comunica, ivo, a <:o;;iniunieative pari, imparted Comunitn Concubina, /.'a enne./ i^e Concubinario, and Concubino, m. a concubine keeper Concubinato, m. concubinage Concubinésco, o. belonging to a concubine Concùbito, 771. coming together Conculcaménto, m. and Concul- cazióne, /. trampling CON Conculcare, to tread on, to Conculcatóre, m. an oppressor Concuncere, to concoct, ('.igest Concupire, to covet, to desire Concupiscènza, arul Concupiscén- zia, /. conci.piscence Concupiscévole, and Concupisci- bile, a. concupiscible, desirable Coccupiscivo, a. concupiscible Concupiscibilità, /. unlawful de- sire, sensuality CoECuss;'(ie, to shake Concussatóre, tn. he that shakes Concussionario, m. a concussionary (law term) Concussióne, /. concussion, com- motion, extortion Concussi vo, a. shaking Condanna, /. "X)ndemnation, sen- tence C- iidannfbile, a. condemnable Ccndinnaménto, m. condemnation Coi:('aiiu''re, to condemn Condannato, part, cast at law, condemned Ccndannatóre. m. a condemner Condannazióne, and Condaana- gióne,/. condemnation Condannivole, o. guilty, con- demned Condecènte, and Condecevole, a. decent, becoming Condecenleménte, ad. decently Condegnamente, od. worthily, deservedly Condemiia, /. desert, merit ConJésnio, a. worthy Condti.i^ire, see Condaimare, and its derivatives Co'idensaménto, m. condensation Condensare, to condense, thicken Condenso, a. thick, condensed Condescendsnte, a. complaisant Condescendénza, /. end Conde- scendimén'o, m. condescension Condescéudere, to condescend Condescensióne, /. crndescendenee Condescensivo, a. easy to conde- scend Condescéso, a. condescended Condiménto, ni. sauce, pickle Condire, to salt, to preser\e, to supply, to provide Condiscendere, see Condescéndere, and its derivatives Condiscépolo, -m. fellow-student Condito, a. built, founded Condito, part, seasoned Conditóre, m. a founder, author Conditura./, sauce, seasoning Condizionile, a. conditional, lim- ited CON Condizionalmente, and Condizio- natamente, ad. conài;ionally Condiz.ianàre, to prepare, dispose, bargain Condizionato, part, qualified Condizióne, /. rank, condition, terms. A condizióne, ad. lipon condition Condoglienza,/. condolence Condolérsi, to con:plain, to coi> dole with Condoluto, part, condoled Condonàbile, a. pardonable Condontire, to forgive Condonato, pai-t. pardoned Condonatr'.re, m. he wiso pardons Condoaazióne,/. forgiveness Condótta, /. conduct, command prudence, wisdatr., carriage Condottiére, ni. captain, carrier a conduit, cansl Condótto, part, eonducted Condótto, m. conduit, pipe Conducente, a. conductjng Condùcere, see Condurre [in Conducévole, a. conducting, lead Conduclbiie, a. fit, proper Conuuciménto, m. conduct, man ajement, behaviour, deportiiient way Conduplica.7Ìóne, /. repetition Condurre, to co-jjjct, lead, guiJs Conduttóre, a>ié Condacitóre, m. a leader Conduttura, /. a journey, wainage Con, prep, with; con esso lui, with him ; con esso meco, with me ; con esso seco, with him ; con esso teco, with thee Couestabile, m. a colonel ; a con- stable Conestabileria, J. the liigh coi> stable's jurisdi'-tion Confabulare, to talk together Confabulatório, a. colfoquial Confabulazióne, /. confabulation Cocfacénte, a. convenient Confa'-enz-a, /. agree-\bleness Confacévole, a. suitable Confare, to become, to be snits- bie; il vino non n;ì omtVi, vfine is not good for me; conff-nsi, to answer, to agree ; questo dis- córso non si confà ad un par suo, this way of talking doe» not become such a man as you Confederarsi, to confederate Confederato, m. a confederate Confederazióne,/, and Coufedera- mento, m. confederacy, alliance Conferènza, /. and ConJferiménto. m. conference, meeting COiN Conferire, to confer, impart Conférma, ajid Confermagióne, /. confirmation Confenimre, and Confirmire, to confirm, establish, ratify Confermativo, r;i. a confirmer Confermato, part, confirmed Coufenr.atóre, m. a warranter, vouctier Confermazióne, /. confirmation Confénno, a. confii-med Confessaméuto, m. confession Confessare, to confess ; confessarsi, to confess to a pritst Confe&satóre, ni. a confessor Confessionale, caid Confessionàrio, m. confessional chair Confess one, /. confession Confésso, aruL Confessato, a. con- fessed [confessor Confessóre, and Confessòro, m. a Confettare, to preserve ; far stima, to cheri h ; confe:àre uno, to be civil to one Confettato, part, preserved Confetta'ore, and Confettiere, m. a confectioner Confetiira,/. a box for sweetmeats Confètto, a. preserved Confètto, ni. Confettura, and Con- fezióne,/, preserves, sweetmeats, conifi's Conficcaménto, ni. a fiiin^ Confic&'ire, to nail, fasten, to con- vict, convince Conficcato, part, nailed, fastened, convinced Conficcatura,/, a fas'eninj Conficere, to consecrate Confidanza, /. trust, confidence, hope; abbi confidanza, despair not Confidare, to trus*, confide ; confi- darsi, to depend upon one Confidato, pari, trusted, confided Confidènte, m. confidant Confidentemente, ad. confidently, confidin'sly Confidén?^ /. confidence, bold- ness, intimacy Confl?ere, see Conficcare Confisiménto, ni. a nailin; Confijurafo, part, resembling, fashioned Confijiirazióne, /. configuration Confinrinte, a. bordering Confin.ire, to border, to limit, to confine ; (esiliare.) to banish Confinato, part, confined Confine, and Confino, m. limits, Imunds Oonfirmàre, to confirm CON Confiscabile, a. confiscable Confiscare, to seize upon Confiscato, part, confiscated Confiscazibue, /. forfeiture Confitto, part, shot throtJgh, pierced Conflagrare, to set on fire Conflagrazióne,/, conflagration Conflato, part, joined together Conflitto, m. conflict, combat Confluente, ni. conflux Confóndere, to confound, to de- stroy, to waste ; confondersi, to be confused Confondiménto, m. confusion Confonditóre, ni. who confuses Conformare, to conform ; confor- marsi, to conform one's self Conformativo, a. conformable Conformato, and Conforme, a. fashioned, shaped ConfoiTiiazióne,/. conformation Confórme, a. conformable, similar Confórme, ad. according, as Coiifomieménte, ad. pursuant to Conformévoie, a. suitable, agreea- ble Conformista, ni, a conform is* Conformità, f. conformity. In con- formità, ad. conformably Confortagióne, /. and Conforta- ménto, m. see Confor'azióue Confortante, a. comforting Confortare, to comfort, advise, en- couraje Confortativo, Confortatòrio, and Confortévole, a. comfortable Confortatóre, m. and Conforta- trice, f. a comforter Confortazióne,/. aìid Confòrto, m. comfort, advice, corrobora'ion Ccnforfinàio, m. gingerbread- baker Confortino, m. ginserbread Confòrto, m. see Confortazióne ConfrAte, and Confiutéllo, ni. brother Confraternita,/, fraternity Confricazióne,/, friction Confrontare, to confront Confrontato, part, confronted Confrontazióne, /. confronting Confrrmto, m. confronting, con- ferring. A confrónto, ad. in comparison Confusamente, ad. confusedly Confusióne, /. disorder, shame, crowd Confuso, a. confounded Confutàbile, c. confutable Confutaménlo, m. confutation Confutare, to confute »7 CON Confutatóre, m, a refuter Confutazióne,/, confutation Congedare, to give leave, to dil- miss ; congedarsi, to take leave Congedo, ni. leave, permission; d^r congedo, to dismiss | non posso dar quel che non e mio senza congèdo, I cannot give what is not mine without leave Congegnaménto, m. aiid Conge- gnatOra,/. assemblage, unite Congegnare, to connect, join Congegnato, part, connected Congelaménto, m. freezing Congelarsi, to congeal, freeze Congelato, part, congealed, frozen Congelazióne,/, congelation Congèrie, /. heap, hoard Consettùra, aìicl Conghiett&ra, /. guess Congetturale, a. conjectural Congetturalmente, ad. by guess, or conjecture Conzetturare, to conjecture Conghietturàle, a. conjectural Conghietturato, part, guessed Conshiet'uratóre, 7n. a conjecturer Congiugale, o. conjugal Consflugare, see Coniugare Congiugazióne,/. conjugation Congiùsnere, and Congiijngere, to join close ; congiùgnersi, to app'roach Coneiuznimento, and Congiungi- nn-nto, m. conjunction Coniiugnilóre, m. he who joins Conziiiynitura,/. joint, seam Congiùnta,/, a wife Conziuntaménte, ad. jointly Conziuntlvo, ni. the conjunctive mood [joined Congiuntivo, and Congiùnto, a. Congitmlo, ni. kindred Conziuntura,/. conjuncture, union, joint Còni^iuiiziòne, /. conjunction Conziiira, Congiurazióne. /. and Conziuraméuto, m. plot, con- spinicy Conziurnnte, m. a conspirator Conziuràre, to conjure, conspire, plot Congiunto, parf. conspired Coneiura'óre, m. conspirator Crmzl bazióne,/. congloba'ion Conzlnmerato, part, heaped ti^ eether Conzlu'inSre, to glue, knit, join Conzhi'inatlvo. o. viscous Conglutinazióne. /. arid Conglnti- naménto, ni. conglii'ination Congratularsi, to congratulate CON Congratulato, part, congratulated Congratulatóre, m. who congratu- lates Congratulatòrio, a. congratulatory Congratulazióne, /. congratulation Congrega, and Osngregazione, /. a congregation Congrejaniénto, m. an assembly Congregare, to assemble Congregato, part, assembled Congrèsso, m. congress, meeting Cóngi aa, /. a sufficient income Congruaménte, ad. congruously Congruén'e, a. suitable Congruènza, /. congruence, con- formity Congruo, a. congruous, proper Conguagli ai-e, to equal Conguaglio, tn. a levelling Coniare, to coin, to bind Coniato, part, coined Coniatóre, ni. a coiner Coniettóra, /. see Consetttira Conietturare, see Congetturare, and its derivatives Conigliera, and Coniglieria, /. a warren Coniglio, m. a rabbit Conio, TO. a wedge, a stamp for coining; (monéta) money Coniugale, a. conjugal Coniugare, to join, to conju-^te Coniugato, part, conjugated, mar- ried Coniugazióne, /. conjugation Coniuge, m. andf. consort Coniùgio, m. marriage Coniuntlvo, a. conjunctive [lar Connaturale, a. connatural, sinii- Connaturàre, to sympathize Connazionale, o. national Connessióne, /. connexion Connessila,/, affinity Connèsso, a. connected, joined Connestàbile, m. a constable Connèttere, to connect, join ; non connèttere, to speak nonsense Connivènza, /. connivance Connùbio, rru marriage Connumerare, to enumerate Connumeralo, part, enumerated Còno, m. a cone Conòcchia,/, distaff Conoscènte, a, knowing, thankful, acquainted Conoscentemente, ad. knowingly Conoscènza,/, acquaintance Conóscere, to know ; dar-i a co- nóscere, to make one's self known ; to acknowledse ; far conóscere, to prove ; conóscei-sì, to understand CON Conoscibile, a. cognizable, intelli- gible Conosciménto, m. and Conosci- tijra, /. sense, wit, judgment, experience Conoscitóre, to. a skilful man, a connoisseur Conosciu'améute, ad. judiciously Conosciu'.issinio, a. much known, skilful Connscii'ito, pari, known, noted Conquassamenio, in. splitting to pieces Conquassare, to destroy Conquassato, part, destroyed Conquassaziòne, /. and Conquasso, m. havoc, destruction ; in conquasso, to go to niin Conquidere, to afflict, to conquer Conquiso, part, vexed, conquered Conquista, /. conquest Conquistare, to conquer Conquistato, part, subdued Conquistatóre, nt. a conqueror Conquisto, m. conquest Consacrare, and Consagrare, to consecrate [dedicated Consacrato, and Cons-agrito, part. Consacrazióne, o?w/ Consagrazióne, /. consecration Consanguineo, a. related, akm Consanguinita, /. relationsliip Consapévole, a. conscious ; far consapévole, to impart Consapevolézza, /. notice ; knowl- edge [flection Consapevolmente, ad. with re- Consciénza, /. see Coscienza Cònscio, a. knowing of. conscious Conscrltto, part, enrolled, regis- tered, written [register Conscrivere, to write, to pen, to Consecrare, see Consacrare Consecutivamente, ad. one after another Consecutivo, a. successive Consecuzióne,/, acquisition Consegnare, to deposit, consign, intrust, to deliver Consegnato, part, consigned, de- livered, described [livery Consegnazìóne, /. deposition, de- Cousesuén'e, part, consequent, ensuinz. following Conseguente, ad. afterwards; per conseguente, consequently Consezuenteménte, ad. by conse- quence, in course Conseiuénza. f. consequence, in- ference, conclusion, sequel ; mo- ment, weijltt ; (termine in logi- ca,) consequence 98 CON Conseguiménto, m. adoption, gettfng Conseguire, to obtain, get, gain, succeed in the pursuit of a thing ; (succèdere) to succeed, follow come next Conseguitare, to follow ; to acquire Consegui latóre, m. who obtains Consènso, and Consentiménto, m. consent, approbation Consen aneo, a. agreeable, conso- nant, convenient Consentire, to consent Consentito, part, consented Consentitóre, '.n. who consents Consequénte, n. see Conseguènte, and all its derivatives Consertare, see Concerf.are Consèrto, m. concert, harmony Consèrto, a. joined together Consèr%'a, /. store-house, pantry, preserves ; far consèrva, to make provision ; consèrva d'acqua, a water-house ; andar di conserva, (sea term) to keep company tosether Conservabile, a. preservable Conservadore,,preservef Conservaménto, m. preservation Conservare, to preserve, defend ; conservarsi, to take care of one's self Conservativo, a. preservative; m. a keeper, protector [saved Consenà'o, part, preserved, kept, Conservatóio, m. a reservoir Conservatóre, m. and Conservsk- I trice, /. preserver I Conservatòrio, m. a workhouse, a i nunnery Conservazióne, and Conserva- gióne./. preservation Consèrvo, to. a fellow-servant Consès-o, ni. assembly Consideràbile, a. considerable, re- markable [biy Onsiderabilmente, ad. considera- i Considerante, a. considering j Considerare, to think, to meditate, I to observe [ly Consideratamente, ad. considerate- Consideràto, part, considered Considera'óre, in. who considers Considerazióne,/, and Considera- ménto, m. consideration Consizliante, a. advising Consigliare, to advise ; consigliai si, to consult with ; lasciatevi considiSrdame. take my advica Consigliatamente, ad. .advisedly Consiglia'ivo, a. fit to advise Consigliato, part, advised CON Consigliatóre, nu adviser Consiglière, m. counsellor, an un- der pi lot Consiglio, m. advice, resolution ; council ; prender consiglio, to resolve ; star a consiglio, to talk secretly ; consiglio di stAto, a council board ; consiglio di Rusr- ra, a court-martial [temi) Consigiióre, m. a joint-lord, (law Consimìgliàre, to resemble Conslmile, a. reteinbling Consistén'e, a. consistent Consistènza, /. consistence ; 1' età della consistènza, the middle agt Consistere, to consist, to s and to- gether Cousislòrio, m. a consistorjr Consito, a. plan'eJ, grown over Consobri no, m. a oiusin-german Consociazióne, /. association, alli- ance Consodàle, m. a companion Consolaménto, m. comfort Consolante, a. comforting Consolare, to comfort, console ; si consola facilménte di questa pèr- dita, he is not much troubled for this loss Consolare, a. consular ; dignità consolare, consular dignity Consolarmente, ad. consul-like Consolatamente, and Consolatoria- mente, ad. cmfortably Consoiativo, a. comforting Consolalo, m. consulship Consolato, a. comforted ; questa piòggia vien consolata, this rajn is comfortable Consolatore, m. and Consolatrice. /. comforter Consolatòrio, part, comforting Consolazióne, /. comfort Console, aiid Consolo, m, a consul Consolidaménto, m. closing up, solderiui Consolidare, to enrisolldate. to con- fìnn, corrob irate ; consolidare l' amicizia, to strengthen friend- ship Coasolidatlvo, a. consolidating Consolidato, a. consniidated Consolidazióne,/, consolidation Cnnsomigliare, to conform Consoii.'inte. n. harmonious Consonante. /. a consonant Corisonanteménte, ad. conforma- bly Consonanza, /. harmony; vivere in consonanza con qualchediino, to live in good understanding with somebody CON ConsonAre, to agree, to sing toieth- er; ciò non consona Col mio in- teresse, this is not suitable to my interest Cònsono, a. concordant, agreeable Consòrte, m. anrlf. husband, wife ; ambo consórti, husband and wife Consorteria, /. a society, company Consórto, m. a companion Consòrzio,)/». fellowsliip,company, familiarity Couspirgere', to sprinkle Conspicere, to discern Consplcuo, sei Cospicuo Consjiirare, to plo!, coaspire CoiispirVto, part, conspired, united Conspiratòre, m. a conspirator Couspirazióne,/. conspiracy CoiL'^tàre, to appear ; to consist of; consta a tutti, every body knows Coustemazióne, /. consternation Constipàto, o. close, costive Constilulre, to constitute, appoint; constitulre alcuno in dignità, to prefer to honours Constitulto, part, constituted Constitulòre, m. he who constitutes Consfituzióne,/. constitution Constrétto, part, unstrained Constri^nere, aiud Costringere, to constrain, force Constrigniménto, and Costringi- ménto, m. compulsion Construlre, to build, to construe words Construito, part, construed Coastnit^o, part, iuilt Constnitto, m. profit, gain ; non so che sarà il constrùtto di quest' aliare, I do rot know what will be the result of that affair Constnizióne, /. construction, framing Consuetamente, ad. as usual Consuèto, a, usual, accustomed ; queste sono cose consuete, these thin>^ usually happen Consuetudinario, a. usual, ordinary Consueifidine,/. custom, use Consulta,/, consultation Consultare, to consult, take advice C.onsult.'ito, part, consul'ed Consultazióne,/, consultation Consultivo, a. fit to consult Consultóre, m. counsellor Consumabile, a. consumable Consumaméiito, m. and Consuma, /. consumption Consumante, o. wasting, consum- ing, accomplishing Consumare, to waste, destroy, to | 99 CON accomplish ; waste away ConsumallTO, a. consuming Consumato, part, consumed ; sa- piènza consumata, perfccl wis dom ; un uomo consumato, a man of experience Consumato, m. jelly [suiaer Consumatóre, rn. waster, con- Consumazióne, /. consumption Consumo, m. waste, decay Consuntivo, a. consuming Consunto, a, consumed Consunzióne,/, consumption ; con- sunzióne de' sècoli, the end of the world Consuonare, ite Consonare Consustanziabilìta, /. coDsobstan- tiality Consustanzi.^le, a. consubstantial Cousustan-rialménte, ad. consub- siantially [tiation Consustanziazióne, /. consubslan- Contalina, /. a country woman Contadinèlla,/. a country lass Contadinèllo, m. a country lad Contadinésco, and Contadino, o, rustie, rude Contadino, m. a countryman Contado, m. fields, shire, country; the vicinity of a town Contàgio, 7»i. and Contagióne, /. infection, plague Contagióso, a. cnntagious, catching Contamente, ad. properly, hand somely Contamènto. m. an account Contaminabile, a. what may be contaminated Contaminamènto, m. pollution, defiling [feet Contaminare, to contaminate, in Contaminallssimo. a. quite polluted Contaminato, a. infected, defiled Contaminatóre, m. who pollutes Contaminazione,/, contamination Contante, a. reckoning; danaro contante, ready money Contare, to count; to settle; to value ; to relate Contato, part, reckoned, told Contatóre, m. a computisi Contatto, TO. touch, contact Contazióne, /. an account Cónte, m. earl, count Contèa,/, county Conteggiare, to compute Contégna,/. a grave, proud coun- tenance Contégno, m. contents ; appear- ance; caminar in contèso, to walk with gravity CON Contegnóso, a. sober, grave Cootemperànza, J. j.roportion, suitableness Ck)uteniperóre, to adapt Coutemptrito, part, proportioned Contempsrazioiie,/. temper Conteaiplauiénto, m. e :utempla- tion Contemplante, a. coiitensplatin; Contempl:ire, to conlenip'.afe, view Coii'emplativo, a. couttmplative Conttmpla'òre, ni. a coiremplator Contenjplazitiiie, /. contemplation Oontemporaneaméule, ad. con- temporanc-otisly Contemporàneo, a. cnntt mporary Contemplare, to temper, moderate Contendinte, a. conieoding Contendé.iza, /. a cjntcu'ion Contendere, to quanti, debate, fight, to strive Contendevolniente, ad. liiigiously Contendiuiénto, m. c-jntention, strife Contenditóre, m. a qnarreller Contenènte, ad. directly Contenente, a. containing; conti- nent Contenènza, /. continence, capa- ciousness, gravity Contenére, to contain, comprise, refrain; contenérsi, to contain one's self [mien Conteniménto, m. moderation ; Contennèndo, a. despicable Conténnere, to despise Conten'aniente, ad. contentedly Contentaménto, m. content, de- lisrht Content/ire. to content, please, sat- isfy; contentare le sue vódie, to gratify the inclination ; conten- tarsi, to be contented Contentato, a. satisfied, pleased Contentatiira, /. content Conteutévole, a. pleasin? Ciontenté?za, /. content, pleasure Contentlbile, a. contemptible, mean Contènto, a. contented, pleased; non mi terrò mai cmténto se non lo vedo, I shall never be easy if I do not see him Contènto, m. contentment ; the contents Contenuto, part, contained Contenuto, m. the contents ; vi dirò tutto il contenti to, I shall tell you the ^tirv- Contenzióne, /[. debate, dispute Contenziosaiuénte, ad. coutentious- CON Contenzióso, o. quarrelsome Conterla, /. jet [contiguous Contermmale, and Contermino, a. Conterminare, to border upon Contésa, /. striving, struggling, quaiTelling Contéso, part, hindered Contéssa, /. countess Contèssere, to join, warp Contessina, /. young countess Contestàbile, in. C')nstable ; gran contestàbile, (in the order of St. Stephen,) the grand prior Contestare una lite, to brin.; an ac- tion at law [tent ion Contestazióne, /. pleadings, con- Contisto, a. woven Contèsto, T)i. con'ext Contézza, /. information, news; non posso dàrvene maggior con- tézza, I cannot tell you more about it Conticino, m. a small bill Contigia, /. ornament Contigiàto, a. adorned Contiguità, /. neighbourhood, con- tiguousness, nearness Contiguo, a. contiguous Continènte, a. containing; conti- nent, chaste Continènte, m. a con'inMt Continentemente, ad. chastely Continènza, /. circumference, con- tinence, firmness Contingente, o. accidental Contingeutcménte, ad. cnsually Contingènza,/, contingency, casu- altj- Conti ngere. to happen Contingibile, a. tasiinj Contingibiliià,/. cisu.aUy Contino, m. a youn'^r cuuV^t Continovare, see Continuare, and its derivatives Con'inuamèn*e, ad. continually Continuaménto, m. Continua, 'aitd Con'inuazióne,/. continuation Continunnte, a. assiduous Continuare, to continue, to last Continuatamente, ad. peipetually Continuato, part, continued Continuatóre, m. a continuator Continuazióne,/, continuation ContinuitA,/. continuity Continuo, m. a close body Continuo, a. continual ; febbre continua, a continual fever. Del, or Al continuo, ad. incessantly Cónto, m. account, reckoning, esteem; métter a cónto, to dis- count ; far cónto d' una persóna, to esteem : non fa cónto di nes- 100 CON si'mo, he values nobody ; nn no- mo di cón'o, a great man ; in cónto alcuno, by no means; a buon conto, cheap ; per che con- to, for what reason f far i conti, to settle ace unts; conti cbiàii, amici cari, even reckonings make long friends ; voi me ne renderete conto, you shall be ac- coua:able to me for it; non mi torna a conto, 1 do not find n^y account in it Cónto, a. known Contòrcere, to twist, wring, writhe; contorcersi, to make wry faces Contorciménto, m. contortion Coutonii'ire, to sketch the contour Contornarsi, to have recourse Contornato, part, sketched Contorno, m. precinc:, circuit ; contórni, the contours of a pic- ture Contorsióne,/, a convulsion, fit Contòrto, a. twisted, crooked Contra, prep, (cóntro.) against Contrabbandière, m. smuggler Contrabbando, m. prohibitel goods ; far il contrabbando, lo smugfle Contrabbasso, m. bass in music Contrabbatteria, /. counter-battery Contrabbilanciare, to counterbaf- auce Contraccambiire, to recompense, reward, to ti uck ContraccAmbio, m. mutual ex- change ; rèndere il con'raccar- bio, to be even with a person Contra cchiàve, /. a tal e key Conti-accifra, and Contraccifer.i, /. a key for deciphering Contraccuóre, •>?i. pain, grief; a conlraccuóre, aiainst one's will Contra chiglia,/, the keel of a ship Contrada,'/, country, provine*, stree' CoafraddAnza, /. country dance Conti-addétto, m. contmdiction ; sènza contraddetto, without di»- pu'e Contraddicènte, a. contradicting Contraddicilóre, m. he who ccD- tradicfs Contraldlre, to contradict, oppose ; contraddirsi, to falter Contraddirllto, m. fine, penalty Contraddistinguere, to distinguish, to signalize one's self Conti-additóre, ni. antasonist I Contraddittorio, a. contradictory Contraddittoriamente, ad, conlja- I dictorily CON Contraddiviéto, m. prohibited goods Contraddizióne,/, arid Contraddi- ciménto, m. coutradiciijn Contraddòte,/. jointure vjontradiàre, see Contrariare, and ali its derivatives Contradire, see Conti-addlre, and ali its derivatives Coutràere, see Contrarre Coutratlaciniénto, m. counterfeit- ing Coutrai&citóre, and Contraffatóre, m. Cdunterffiter, imitator Contrafl'ire, to counterfeit, mimic ; contraffarsi, to disgiUse one's self Contrail atto, ntrasliàniocon'ro il nostro d-s Ino, in vain we strive against our dfstiny Con'rastatóré, m, opposer Contrasto, m. and Contrastànza, /. debate, quarrel ; contrast Contràta,/. c mntry. (in poetr>') Con'rattamJnfOj'.n. and Contratta- gióne,/. dealing, trading Contrattare, to contract, bargain Contrattempo, m. mischance. Di contrattempo, ad. unseasonably ; fare una cosa a contrattèmpo, 'to do a thing unseasonably Contratto, rn. deed, instrument, agreement ; contratto di do.^a- zióne, a dee;! of gift Contratto, part, contracted ; Urne Contrattura,/, contract ion, shrink- Ccu'raurt.ire. to run against I Contravvallazióne, /. cou'ravalla- I tion [wi'h an evil eye Contravvedére, to look at one Contravveléno, m. counterpoison, antido'e Con'ravvenire, to infringe a law, custom, Stc. Contravventóre, m. offender 101 CON Contravvenzióne, /. transigrenon Contravversità,/, contrariety Contrazione,/, conti action Contribuire, to contribute Contributo, m. contribution Contrihutore, m. who contributes Contribuzione,/, contribution Contr'impannAta, arid Contr'io- vetriala, /. a counteiframe (tor a n indow) Contrirsi, to he contrite Contris'aménte, ad. with contrition Contristaniéuto, m. and Contrista- zióne,/. afflicti^'n, grief Contristare, to afflict ; contristirsi, to be afflicted Contrlstatlvo, a. afflicting Contristato, a. afflicted Contristatore, m. one who afflicts Contritamente, ad. with contrition Coutritkre, to mince Contrito, a. minced ; contrite. penitent Contrizione,/, sorrow for sin Cóntro, prep, against, contrary j dài-si contro, to falter Con'r ordine, m. a counterorder Contros'ómaco, ad. unwillingly Controv.'ire, to invent, feign Con'rovàto, pait. invented, de- visL'd Controvèrsia,/, debate, dispute Controversista, m. a controvertist Controvèrso, o. controversial Controvèrtere, to debate Controvertibile, a. doubtful, di»» pu nble Con umàcs, a. stubborn, rebellioua C^^n umacemén'e. ad. s'ubbomly Coniuiircia, /. and Contumace, «1. wilfulness, s'ubbomness Con'iimClia,/. aifront, abuse CoiiUimelioéaménte, ad. ontra^- ou-ty Contuiiie'ìó<«, a. affrontive Conlurbaniènto, m. Conturbsigióne, and Conturbazione, /. disturb- ance Con'iirb'ire. to disturb, vex, to thn)W into a confusion Conturbato, a. disturbed, vexed ("intusióne,/. contusion, bruise ConlMS'>. a. bruised Coiitutt'-ché, cerili, al'hough ( octu'tociò, cojij. however, yet Convalescènte, a. recovering; ésBef convalescènte, to recover Convalescènza, /. recovery Convalidare, to confirm, strengtb* en ; convalidarsi, to get strength Convalidato, part, corroborated CoDvàlle,/. a valley CON COP Convenénte, m, deed, a^reemest ,: j ConTei-titóre, m. a converter osservare il convenéme, lo keep a promise [lation Convenénza, /. agreement, capitu- Convenévole, a. convenient ; con- venévol cosa è, it is rtasonable Convenévole, m, propriety ; fare i convenévoli, to make compli- ments; stare su i convenévoli, to stand upon ceremonies Convenevolézza, /. conveniency Convenevolissimamente, ad. most comfortably Convenevolménte.and Convenien- teméute, ad. commodiously, conveniently [is jrist Conveniènte, "m. a decency, what Conveniente, a. proper, suitable Conveniènza,/, decency Conveniménto, nu agreement, con- vention Convenire, to agree, to meet, as- semble ; to be necessary ; ci con- viene partire, we must part Conventire, to make one a doctor Conventazione, /. coronation (of poets) Conventicola, /. and Conventicolo, in. private meeting Convènto, m. an assembly; con- vent, monastery, house ; bar- gain, an agreement Conventuale^ a. frate conventuale, a conventual friar Convenuto, part, agreed Convenzionale, a. conventioBal Convenzionarsi, to agree Convenzióne, /. covenant, con- tract Convèrsa, /. a lay sister Conversabile, a. 'sociable [r>- Conversamente, ad. on the contra- Conversante, a. conversant Conversare, to converse Conversativo, a. sociable, aSahie Convenatc, part, frequented Converafóre, m. who converses Conversazióne, /. and Conversa- ménto, m. discourse, assembly Conversévole, a. sociable Conversióne, /. conversion, trans- mutation Convérso.parf. converted, changed. Per convèrso, ad. on the contrary Convèrso, m a lay brother Convèrtere, to change, to turn Convertibile, a. transformable Convertire, to convert, change ; to apply, to turn ; convertire" a se, to appropriate to one's use ; con- vertirsi, to be converted Convertito, part, converted Convessità,/, convexity Convesso, ìtu convexity Convèsso, a. convex' Conviare, to convoy, guard Conviito, part, convoyed, attended Convicino, a. neighl/ouring Convincènte, a. convincing, clear Convincentemente, ad. eviJently Convincere, to convict, convince Convinto, part, convicted, con- vinced Convinzióne,/, conviction Convitare, to invite, to keep an open house Convitato, part, invited Convitato, m. a guest Convitatore, m. an inviter Convito, ITU banquet, feast Convitto, »n. intercourse Ccnviva, m. guest Convivare, to feast together Convivènte, a. living with others Convivere, to live together Conviviale, a. belonging to a feast Convivio, m. a feast Comdziare, to insult Convizio, m. insult Convocare, to call together Convocato, part, convoked, assem- bled Convocatóre, m. who convokes Convocazione. /. and Convoca- mento, m. convocation Convogliare, to convoy, attend Convòglio, m. a convoy Convofare, to marry again Convólgere, to wallow, tomble, roll Convólto, a. dirty, tumbled Con\-uIsioncèlla,'/. a slight convul- sion Convulsions,/, convulsion Convulsivo, and Convulso, a. con- vulsive Cooperaménto, ni. cooperatl.-in Cooperante, a. working together Cooperante, m. co-operator Cooperare, to co-operate Cooperatóre, m. a fellovr-worker Cooperazióne, /. co-opera'aon Coordinare, to arrange Coordinato, a. set in good order Coordinazióne,/, order Coortare. to encouraje Coòrte,/, cohort of soldiers Coperchiare, to cover [trick Coperchièlla, /. a cunning shift. Coperchio, m. a cover ; a lid ; il soperchio rompe il coperchio, too much of any thing is good for nothing va. COR Copèrta, /. a cover ; coperta d» lètto, a coverlet ; copèrta di lana, a blanket ; copèrta d'una casa, the roof of a house ; copèrta di vascèllo, the deck ; sotto copèrta, under pretence Copertamente, ad. secretly, closely Copertina,/, coverlet Copèrto, a. covered, dark, obscure ; parlar copèrto,ambiguous words, discourse; méttersi al copèrto, to shelter one's self Copèrto, m. a shelter Copertóio, m. a cover, roof; a double net Copertiira,/. cover, pretence Còpia, /. plenty, copiousness ; far copia di se, {prostitution ; còpia (esemplare,) a^copy, transcript, extract ; questo ci darà gran cò- pia di ragionare, this will afibrd US great matter for discourse Copiare, to copy, transcribe Copiatóre, and Copista, m. a copyist Copiosamente, ad. copiously Copiosissimo, a. most plentiful Copiosità,/, abundance Copioso, a. abundant, froitful Copistaccio, m. a scrawler Ojppa, /. the nape of the head ; a cup ; servir di còppa, to be a cup-beirer Copparòsa, /. copperas, or vitriol Coppelli. /. a coppel ; argènto di coppèlla, fine silver ; méttere alla coppèlla, to put to a trial Coppellare, to try gjld or silver by liie coppel Còppe,/, phrr. cups, a suit of cer- tain cards, used in Italy. &c Coppétta,/, a cupping-glass Còppia, /. a couple, a pair Coppière, ra, a cup-bearer Còppo, m. pitcher, a cup Copponi, rru pi. chips Coprente, a. covering Ccpriménto. m. a cover: non ita copriménto adósso, he is quite ■poor Coprire, to cover, hide, dissemble ; si copra, put ou your hat Copritóre, m. a coverer, a tiler, thatcher Copritura,/, a covering Còpula, /. couplins, conjunction (>)pulàre, to couple Copulativamente, ad. copulative!? Copulativo, a. copulative Coràgiio, in. couraie, valour Coraggiosamente, ad. valiantly Coi-a^óeo, a. stout, brave, bold COR Carallino, a. coral coloured Corallo, m. coral Coralmente, ad. cordially Corame, n». dressed lea' her Coranijxjpolo, ad. iu public, open- 'y Coramvóbis, m. a lusty fellow Corata,/, the pluck Coratèlla,/, the liver of aa animal Coratelllua,y. the entrails Corazza,/, a breas'.-plate, a cuirass Còrba, /. a basket; curbs, a dis- ease in horses' Ie?s ; corbe d'una nave, ribs of a ship Corbacchino, m, a silly fellow Corbàccio, m. a sort of raven Corbare, to pulf with pride Corbellare, to make a jest of Corbel la;óre,*m. he that jeots Corbellatura,/, scoffin? Corbelleria,/, idle Mutf Corbello, nx. a basket Corbézzola,/, the arbutus CorbézzoI >, m. arbulus-tree Corbicii;o, m. a young crow Còrbo, m. a crow ; aspettar il corbo, to wait in vaia Corboi.!,/. a purse Corcare, o go lo bed Còrda, /. a cord, line ; a match ; corda del collo, the tendons Cordame, m. cordage, the rigging of a ship Cordej^iaie, to be in a line Corùélla, /. tape, riband, small cord Corderia, /. a rope-yard Cordiale, a. sincere, affectionate ; nemico cordiale, a declared enemy Cordi:ile, m. a cordial Cordiali à. /. coidiali'y Cordialniéiiie, ad. hsartily Cordicèlla, and Cordicìna, /. a small cord Cordién, m. a rope-maker Cordigliero, m. a cordelier, (a Franciscan f' iar) Cordigli", 171. a band, lie, string CorJogliàre, to grieve, be afflict- ed Cordòglio, m. erief, sorrow ; si è faUo gran cordòglio della sua morte, his death has been greatiy lamented Cordojliosamente, wi. sorrowfully Cordoglióso, a. sorrowful Cordoncino, m. a small string Cordóne, m. a siring Cord^vauiére, m. a tanner, a shoe- maker Cordovano, rn. Cordovan leather; COR tirar il cordovano, to use shifts, to play fast and loose Core, nu heart (in poetry) Coreggia, and Coreggina, /. a strap ; tirare una coréggia, to break wind Coreaji'àio, m. a strap-maker Coreg.'iato, ra. a flail Cong^inne, m. a large strap Coregrafla,/. chorosraphy Coriandolo, and Conàndro, m. coriander Coricare, and Coricarsi, to lie dow n, sloop down, slay Coricato, a. lying Corifèo, 771. the chief, principal man Córjlo, ra. hazel-tree Corimbo, nx. ivy berries Corintio, tn. Corinthian order Corio, nx. the skin; (out of joke) Corista, 771. a chorister Corizza, /. a rheum stopping the nose Corna, /. fi. of Como, horns Corn.tcchia,/. a rook, a babbler Cornacchianiéuto, 77i. prating, clii'-chat Corna cchi.lre, to prate, chafer Coniaccliino, m. a young crow Comacchinne, m. x pra"ler Cornaménto, m. a tingling, or noise in one's fars Cornamusa, /. a barp'pe Cornamusare, to play on the bag- pipe Corn.'ire, to soimd a horn Cornata. /. a blow of a horn Còrnea,/, a ponion of the eye Conieggi.are, to toss about the honis; \? luna corneggia, the moon is in its increase Còrneo, a. horny, whitish Cornétta,/, a musical instrument ; a s'andard, a troop of horse CoTié to, 77U a small horn Cornice, /. a cornice, a frame ; a Cornicióne, m. a larje fnme Cornicolito, part, honied Cornlfero, a. having hnrns Corniola,/, berry, hedge-fruit Coniiola,/. a cornelian Corniolo, nx. the cornel-tree Còrno, rn. horn : far le còma ad uno, to cuckold ; còrno, a cor- ner ; c^rno d'un esercito, (he wing of an army ; ficc'ir le coma ad uno, to reluce pride ; non vale un corno, not worth a pin 103 COR Cornucòpia, /. plenty Corntito, a. homed; >/i. a cuckold Coro, 77J. chorus, choir; noitb- wcst wiud Corografia,/, choroeraphy Corografico, a. chorographical Corollàrio, 771. inference Corona, /. a crown, kingdom, chaplel ; tirsi corona d'una cosa, to take the advantage of any thing Coron-'iio, rrx. a chaplet-maker CorottUe, a. o( a crown Coronaménto, m. coronation C^ronAre, to crown Coronato, part, crowned, rewardea Coronazione,/, coronation Corpacciata, /. a belly-full ; far una corpacciata, to stuff one's self Corpaccio, m. a bulky body CorpacciOto, a. corpulent Corpétto, 771. a doublet Corpicéllo, and Corpiclno, m. a weak body Còqjo, TTi. body, shape; socieity; bello di corpo, well->haped; egli ha il diavolo iu corpo, the devil IS in him ; combàttere corpo a corpo, to figlil ; aodAr del corpo, to void ; nascere ad un corpo, to be born at the same time; son nati ad un corpo, they are twins Corporale, a. corpora], mortal Corporal it;t, and Corporeità, / coi-porality Corporalmente, ad. corporally Coi-poratura, and Corpulènza, /. bulk, size, plight Corporeo, a. bont Cor|iulènza,/. corpulency Coi-))ijscolo, ni. a corpuscle Corpusdòmini, tti. a certain festi- val, called Corpus-Christ i-day Corpiito, a. bulky, big-bellied Corpiizzo, nx. a corpuscle Córre, see Cògliere Corred.lre, to equip, furnish, adorn Corredato, parf. equipped Corrèdo. 7». provision, feast ; cor- rèdo di nave, riggine, tacklmg Correggente, part, correcting Corrèggere, to correct, to mend C'>rre?sé-ile, a. corrigible Correggimento, 771. correction Corregei'òre, 771. reformer Correggiuòlo, 771. a crucible Corregn^-re, to reign together Correlativo, a. mutually relaledi correlative COR Correlazióne, /. a mutuai relation Corrènte, m. and f. a stream, a current, a courser, a dance Corrènte, ad. fluently Corrènte, a. running, swift; dis- posed ; monéta coi rente, current coin ; prezzo corrènte, market- price Correnteménte, ad. currently Correntia,/, impetuosity Correnzia,/. the current, stream Còrrèo, m. an accomplice, (law fenu) Córrere, to run ; córrer la pósta, to jide post; córrer al fine, to be dyinsr; córrer nella memò- ria, to remember ; corre voce, they say ; £ir córrer voce, to spread news ; correr diètro ad imo, to entreat one ; córrer addòsso altrùi, to fall on, assault one Correria,/, incursion, excursion Correspettivauiénte, ad. respec- tively Correspettivilà,/. relation, affinity Correspet'ivo, a. equivalent, cor- responding Correfaniéi;te, ad. correctly CoiTer;1vo, a. corrective Corretto, part, anien'led Correttóre, rn, and Correttrlce, /. corrector Correttoria, /. a correctorship Correzióne, /. correc'inn, punish- men», repro'^f; correyióne degli abusi, reforiiiatir.n of abuses Corridoio, in. a spllery Corridóre, m. coverei way, scouts, a horse Corrière, m. a courier, an express Corriménto, m. a race ; corriménto di vènto, blowin; of th? wind Corrispondente, a. agreem» Corrispondènte, m. a correspon- dent Corrispondentemente, ad. aptly, fitly Corrispondènza,/, correspondence ; proporinn, conne.\ion Corrispóndere, to airee with, to match, to deal Corrispósto, pa- (. an we"^ Corritóio, m. a kind of ;;allery Corritóre, ni. a scou' Corrivo, m. a silly f-llovY Corroborin'e. aiìd Cormbora<1vo, part, corroborated, or coirobo- ra'ir.2; Corroboriire, to sVenj'hen. confirm Corroborazione, f. c>niìm:a'ion Corródere, to eat into, fret, vex ; COR corrodersi il cuòre, to fret one's self Corrodiménto, m. a gnawing Corronjpere, to depiave, debauch, spoil, bribe, pervert Corrompèvole, a. corruptible CorroDipiméuto, ni. corruption, rottenness Corronipitòre, m. a corrupter, falsilier, forger Corrosione, f. corrosion, gnawing Corrosivo, à. cnm.ding Curroso, a. corroded Corrottamente, ad. corruptly Corrottibile, a. corrupiible Corrotio, part, corrupted, bribed ; corrotta fede, broken faith ; te- stiniODJ corrótti, suborned, or bribed wimesses Corrotto, m. weeping, mourning Cornicciarsi, to be in a passion Corrucciato, a. provoked, angry Corrùccio, in. anger, passion Corrccciosaniènte, and Corruccia- taniènte, ad. angrily, peevishly Corniccióso, a. passionale Corrugare, to bend, contract one's brow, to wrinkle CoiTuscà'e, to glitter, to gleam Corruscazióne, /. gleaming, light- ning Corrusco, a. sparkling Corruttèla, and Corruzióne, /. corruption, spot, blemish Corrunibile, a. corruptible Comitiibili'.H./. corruptibility Corruttore, ni. corrupter Corruzióne. /. corruption Córsa, /. race ; corsa di cavalli, a horee-race [pirate Coris^le, and Corsare, m. corsair, Corsalétto, ni. (cràzza) a cuirass Cor;e^"ririre, to r^b at 3ea Corsegjiàto, a. piratical Corsia, /. a current, s-ream ! CorsiéT-e, m. a courser, a s'eed Cor-iv.aménte, wi. running full speed ; pa-sar corsivamente una cosa, to take no notice of a ^hing Corsivo, o. running ; versi corsivi, flowing verses; stile corsivo, a smooth style ; carà'.teri corsivi, italic tvpes Córso, ni. course, stream, current, progress, career ; andar in corso, te pìra'e ; far il corso degli s'6dj,ton!ake a course of studies Córso,' part, pass»! ; run ; l'anno córso, last year Córso, a. native of C-orsica Corsóio, n. nmnin': ; cappio corsóio, a runiìin; kno'. a noose COS Cortàldo, m. a cropped horse; a bob ail Cortamente, ad. shortly, briefly Corte,/, a court ; uòmo di córte, a pleasant man; tener córte, to feast Corteare, to accompany a bride Cortéccia, /. bark, crust Cortecciuola,/. a small bark Corteggiare, to attend, court Corteggiatore, m. one that coiuis Cortéggio, and Corteggiaménto, m. a train, or retinue Cortegianèsco, o. of a courtier Cortegiania, /. coun-intrigue Cortèo, m. a train, or retinue Cortése, a. courteous, aliable Coriese^eiamènto, m. generosity living at a high rate Corteseggiare, to speud high, live nobly Cortesemente, ad. courteously Cortesia,/, courtesy ; mi fàccia la cortesia, be so kind Cortézza, /. brevity Còrticc, m. bark Corticélla,/. a small yard Cortigiana, /. a comnaon woman ; a court lady Cortigianamente, ad. courtier-like Cortigiane) la,/, su Cortegiania Cortigianésco, a. belonging to a courtier; ceremónie, ccmpli- mènti coitigianéschi, fair empty wonls Cortigiania, /. courtier's trick Cortigiano, ni. a courtier, a maffis- trate [court Cortigiano, a. of, or belonging to a Cortile, m. court-yard Cortiletto, arid Cortilùzzo, m. a little yard Cortina,/, a bed-curtain, veil Cortinàrio, m. betl-curtains Cortinato, part, curtained Córto, m. shortness Corto, a. short; córto di vista, short-sighted. Di córto, ad. shortly; tener córto, to keep in; leg;'r córto, to deal hardly Córto, ad. shortly Coruscire, «ce Corruscire, ano derivatives Corvétta,/, cunet Corvettare, to prance [vets Cor» etìatóre, m. a borse that cur- Córvo, m. a crow, or raven Crsa, /, a thing ; cose, things, business, af.àir, matter ; la rósa andò così, the affair went so; còse rSre, curióse, curiosities ; còse di cons^uénza, a serioas COS matter ; cose da nulla, baubles, trifles Cosacchi, m. pi. Cossacks Cosacela,/, a bad thing Coscéndere, see Condescendere Còscia, /. a thigh ; còscia di pónte, the foot of a IJridge ; còscia di castrato, a leg of mutton ; còscia di manzo, a leg of beef Cosciale, m. cuisses (an armour of the thigh) Coscienza, /. conscience ; far coscienza, to make conscience, or scniple of any thing Coscienziato, a. conscientious Coscienziosamente, acL conscien- tiously Coscienzióso, a. conscientious Coscinetto, m. a bag Coscritto, a. con cript, enrolled Coselllna, Coserella, and Cosetta, /. trifle Così, ad. so, thus, after this man- ner; egli mi disse cosi, he told me so; cosi, 1 wish; così, così, so, so ; così fa to, such like ; non ho detto così fatte cose, I did not say so ; ditegli così e così, tell him so and so. Così come, ad. just as. Cos! fatta- ménte, ad. in this manner Cosmetico, o. cosmetic (beautify- ing) Cosmografia,/, cosmography Cosmografico, a. cosmoiraphical Cosmògrafo, m. a cosmogi-apher Cosmolabio, m. an instrument like | Cós'n, m. charge, expense ; sènza the astrolabe còsto, wilhou» any expense Cosmol-^gta, /. cosmolo'^ I Costola. /. a rib Cosmolog'j), a. cosmnio cjcal I C)stnht|ira,/. all the ribs COS Costaggiù, ad. here, below, yonder Cosante, a. constant, steadfast ; per costante, for certain Costantemente, ad. assiduously Costanza,/, constancy Costare, to cost ; caro mi còsta, I pay dear ; costare, to be plain ; far costare, to make evident ; còsta a tutti, every body knows Costassù, ad. there, above Costato, m. side, ribs Costato, part, cost Costeggiare, to coast along Costei, prcrn. /. she, or this Costellazióne,/, constellation Costerélla,/. abili Costernare, to lose courage; co- sterr.\rsi, to be affrighted Costernazióne,/, conster'aation Costì, ad. there, in that place Costiera, /. a shore, coast Costiere, in. a. coas'ing pilot Costinci, ad. thence ; uscite co- stinci, go from thence Costipare, to constipate, thicken Costipato, o. bound, costive Costipazióne,/, costiveness Costituire, to constitute, appoint, to raise, prefer [lished Costifui'o, fart, appointed, es'ab- Costi'uitòre, and Costitutóre, m. a constitutor Costituivo, a. constitu'ive Costituto, m. examination Costituzióne, /. institution, consti- tu'ii/n, decree, law Cosmopoira, and Coi>mop'>li'4n'>. m. a cosni'ipolite (an inhabitant ofthe worll) Còso, m. a ninny, silly ft;ll;>w Cospàrso, Cospìrto, and Cospé-so, part, screwed, wa'ered. scat- tered [disperse, sprinkle Cospèrgere, and Cospàrgere, to Cospètto, m. presence Cospètto, interj. zookers ! Cospettòne, m. a vap'mrin:; hector Cospicuo, a. clear, manifest Cospirare, to cinipire Cospirato, part, cin^pired, plotted Cospiratòr -, ni. c^nspin'or Cospirazióne, /. pb', combination Costruire, to build, to construe Còsso, m. a wart, hunch | Costrófo, in. profit, gain, in'cr- Cósta, /. a lib, 'iide. acclivity ; a cs's. con'ents, bottom; voglio coast ; andar cós'a còs'a, to coast sapere il cos'rùtto, I will know along 'he bnttom Cwta, ad. there, thither; via di 1 Cnstnitt-, far(. bull '. made coolÀ, get youhence i Cjstrutti'ira,/. buiHing, structure 105 C'>s'oliére, m. a wood-knife, a hanzer CostoKna./. a small rib Costóro, pimi. m. pi. these, those Costrettlvo, a. as'ringent Cos'ré'to, part, constrained, forced Costrignere, an^i Conslrlngare. tn cons'rain, oblije; la necessità mi cwrlrne a fSre quel che non vorrei, necessity forces me to do wha' I would not Costri»n' n#iito, and Costringi- men'o, m. compulsion, violence Cosrizjone. /. constriction, con- cov Costruzióne,/, a building Costui, pron. m. this man ; this Costuma, and Costumanza,/. CU»- toni, usage, civility, intercourse Costumare, to be accustomed ; costumare alla córte, to frequent court ; costumare un cavallo, to manage a horse Costumatamente, ad. civilly Costuma !éz7ji,/. good manners Costumatissimo, a. most civil, courteous Costumato, part, used, accustom- ed ; di buoni costumi, weU- bred Costumazióne, /. instruction Costume, m. custom, manners Costura,/, a seam Cosuccia, and Cosùzza, /. a trifle, trash Cotài, and Colali, pron. pL such Cotale, pron. such ; in cotàl modo, in such manner Cotale, m. a dunce Colale, ad. so, thus Cotanto, a. and ad. so much, so long, thus much ; perchè siéto stato cotanto a venire? why were you so long a ciiiiing ? Còte,/, a whet.«tone (in poetry) Coténna, and Cótica, /. the skin of the head Cotesti, prcn. this, this man Cotesto, a. this, that [these Cotestiii, pri/n. this ; pi. Cotestóro, Colidianaménte, ad. daily Colidiàno, a. daily Co'óima,/. a quince Cotngnà'.o, m. njarmalade Cotógno, m. quince-tree Cotóne, 771. cotton Cotomice, and Coturnice, /. » quail, a partridge Cótta,/, a coat, a su-rlice Cottlccio, a. half-baked Còtto. 771. cooked meat Còtto, o. cocked, drunk Cot'ùra,/. dressinj meat Coturno, 771. a buskin Cova. /. a hole ; a «ortoise-shell Covacelo, 07id Covàcciolo, m, den , Covlnte, a. ha'chii.g Covare, to ha'ch. brood ; covare il fuòco, to sit close to the fire Covala, /. eggs for a brood Covatura, a^ul Covazióne, /. ha'ching Coverchiàre, to cover Covèrchio, 771. a covclet Coverti ua, /. a housing, a hon» cloth GRE Coverta, /. a cover, pretence Ck)vertamónte, ad. secretly Covertàre, to hide, conceal Covertalo, part, concealed Covertina,/. a horse-cloth Coverto, part, covered Covlglio, m. a hive Covile, m. a den, a cave Cóvo, aìid Cóvolo, m. a den, hole, lurking-hole, the form of a hare Covóne, m. a sheaf of com Covrire, (in poetry) see Coprire and its derivatives Cozióne,/. boiling-, dressing Cozzare, to butt, as rams; to strike, to contend Cozzata, /. a7ìd Cozzo, m. a blow with a horn ; che giova nelle fata dar di cozzo ? what signifies striving again;.! fate? Cozzóne, »i. a horse-dealer Crànio, m. the skuU Crapula, /. drunkenness, debauch- ery [cess Crapulare, to eat and drink to ex- Crapulóne, m. a glutton Crapulosità, /. gluttony Crassézza, /. filth, grease Crasso, a. fat, greasy; ignoranza crassa, a gross ignorance Crastino, o.' of to-morrow Cratéra, /. a bowl Cratère, m. a crater Cravatta, /. a cravat, a stock Creante, a. crea'ing Creanza, /. civility ; non sarebbe buòna creanza se voi faceste questo, it would not be civil you to do such a thing Creanzato, a. polite, well-bred Creare, to create Creativo, a. creative Creato, m. a minion, a creature Creato, a. created : mal creato, ill-bred Creatóre, m. arid Creatrice, /. creatcfr ; ingégno creatóre, an original genius Creatura, /. creature Creaturina, aìid Creaturélla, /. little creature Creazióne,/, creation Crebro, a. (in poetry) thick, fre- quent Credente, a. believing; i credenti, the faithful Credènza,/, faith, belief, credit; pèrder credenza, to lose credit ; far credènza, to trust ; dire a credènza, to sell on credit ; pigliare a credènza, to buy on credit * CRI Credenziéra, /. a cupboard, a bult'et Credenzière, m. a butler, confidant Crédere, to believe, trust Credibile, a. credible Credévole, a. credulous Credibilmente, ad. credibly Crédito, m. credit, trust, name, esteem, interest ; èssere in ere- 1 dito, to be in vogue ; métter in crédito, to put in esteem Creditóre, m. creditor Ciedo,m. the creed Creduli:.!, /. credulity Crèdulo, a. credulous, easy Creduto, part, believed, supposed Crèma, /. ci earn Crèmisi, m. crimson Cremisino, a. crimson coloured Creolo, a. Cieolian Crepacciato, a. cracked, gaping Crepàccio, 771. crevice, gap Crepacuòre, rn. grief, sorrow Crepare, to burst, ch?p ; crepar di sete, to be thirsty Crepato, part, burst Crepatura, /. crevice, chink, rupture Crepiiare, to crackle Crepolare, to burst Crepùscolo, in. twilight Crescènte, a. growing Crescènza,/, growth, increase Créscere, to grow, increase, en- large, nourish, multiply Crescévole, a. disposed to grow Crescimento. m. increase, growing Crescióne, m. water-cresses Crescitóre, m. increaser, approver Cresciuto, part, grown Crèsima,/, consecrated oil Cresimare, to confirm Cresimatore, m. he that confirms Créspa,/, wrinkle, curl Crespaménto, m. arid Crespézza, /. wrinklin? Crespare, to crisp, or plait Crespino, m. a kind of fritter; far crespèlli delle ciglia, to contract one's brows Créspo, arid Crespóso, a. wrin- kled ; capellatiira créspa, curled hair; viso créspo, a v.iinkled face Crésta,/, crest, top, height; crésta di gallo, a cock's comb Crestàia,/, a n-.illiner Crestóso, and Crestùto, a. crested Créta, /. chalk Cretóso, a. chalky Criare, see Creare, and its de- rivatives Cribrare, to sift, to bolt 106 CRI Cribrazióne,/. sifting Cribro, m. a sieve ; portar l'acqua col cribro, ;o lose one's time Cricca, /. a game at cards; a rout, a company Cricchi, m. crick, creak Cricchio, m. whim, caprice Crime, m. a crin.e Crimenlése, m. high-treason Criminale, aiid Criminóso, a. criminal, vicious; un crimioàle, a malefactor Criminalista, m. a lawyer in crimiiial causes Criminalmente, ad. criminally Criminàre, to prosecute, to blame Crimiiiazione,/. accusation Crimine, m. crime, sin, fault Criminóso, a. criminal Crinale, m. an ornament for th hair Crine, m. hair Crii.iéra,/. a horse's mane Crinito, and Crini'ito, a. hairy Criócca, /. a jovial crew Crise, and Crisi, /. crisis of isea>;e Crisolito, m. a chrysolite Crisnpnsso, m. a ciirysoprasus Cristallino, a. bright, crystalline Cris alio. m. crystal ; il mormora de' liquidi rr)'=tàlli, the murmur ing of the clear stream Crislàto, a. created Cristfo, and Cris'ére, m. a clyster Cristianàccio, m. a bad Christian a good plain man Cristianamente, ad. Christian-lik Cristiane! la,/, a silly woman Cristianéilo. and Cn.-t:inóne, m. dandy, a mean, silly man Cristianésimo, m. and Cristianità /. Christianity, Christianism Cristiano, m. a'Christian Cristiano, a. Christian Cristianissimo, a. most Christian Cristiére, arid Cristièro, m, a. clyster Cristo, ni. Christ Ci'ilério, m. good sense Critica, aìid Criticazióne, /. criticism Criticamente, ad. cri'ically Criticare, to criticise, find fault Criticato, part, criticised Criticafóre, m. a criic, censurer Cri^ichétto, m. an ignorant critic Crl'ico, m. a critic Critico, a. criticai Crivellare, to sift, to bolt, to find fault with Crivellato, yart. sifted CRO Crivella, -m. a sieve Croccare, to snap, crack, chart jr Crocchiare, to, iafle Cròcchio, m. p aiiii, cha'ting Crocclrióne, m. pratler, blab Cròccia,/, a crutch Crocciare, to cluck Cróce,/, a cross; tormen*, punish- ment; afflizióne, affliction j a òcchio e cròcd, at ranJom Cròceo, a. satt'ion-col >ured Crocesi^io, a~ marked with a cross Crocetta,/, a small cross Crocevia,/, cross- way, or street Crociaménto, m. alflic ion Crociare, to tormaiit. afflict Crociata,/. crusaJs, holy war Crociato, 'pari. crosseJ, afflic ed Crociato, m. tormen', su.fering Croclcchii, m. a erosi «a-. Crocidare, a»td Croci are, \:, croak Crocif Igje-^ to cruc'fy Crocifiriinien'o, m. aivi Crocifis- sióne^/, crucifixion Crocifisso, a. crucified Crocifisso, m. a crucifix Crocifissóre, m. 'h'^ crucifier Crocione, m. a lar?e cross Cròco, m. crocus, sa.fron Crogiolarsi, to drKS,or boil nicely ; to c^ck=^, paniper, or make much '-•f one's self Croffiuób, m. a crucible Cròio, o. hard, rou^h Crollamen'o, m. tossi n», jogging Croll'n'e, a. shaking, jolting Crollare, to shake, jolt, jo» Cròllo, m. a shake, toss, jerk Cròma, /. crotchet, quaver Cromàtico, a. canto cromàtico. chroma'ic music Crònaca, ami Crònica, f. chronicle Cronicaccia. f. a bad chronicle Cronista, and Chronichista, m. a historian Crònico, a. chronic, teiious Cronolosrta. /. chronolfi;y Cronològico, a. chronoh'zical Cronol-izlsta, m. chronobjist Cronólo^, m, chronoIn:rist Crosciare, to pour, to rain hard, to flinj, throw, s rike, to boil Cròscio, m. a bubblinr. squashin» ; cròscio d'acqua, a shower, tem- pest Crtsta./. crus*, scurf, scab; cròsta Francése, the French disease ; non intendere che la cròsta d'una cosa, to have but a superficial knowledge of a thin» Crostata, /. a kind of pastry cue Crostatùra, /. pavement, incrusta- tion Cros ino, m. toast eil bread Crostóso, and Crostuto, a. crusty Crostclliuo, m. a small crist Cruccévole, o. passionate Cruccevolu'jJDte, Crucciatamente, and Crucciosamente, ed, pas- sionately Cruccia,/, a mattock Crucci'ire, to a .g^r, provoke ; crucciarsi, to be angry Crucciato, arid Crucciòso,u. angry, provoked [guish Crùccio, m. passion, anger, an- Cruciaménto, aikd Cruciato, n». torment Cruciare, to torment Cruciato, •part, tormented Crucialo, ni. torment Crucif iggere, S'Jt Crocifiggere Cri:'iaméu!e, a/l. bitterly, cruelly, blun ly, rashly Cru lel.iccio, a. cruel Crudèle, a. inhuman, fierce, bar- barous ; un crudele, a cruel man [e!ly Crudelissimaiiiéute, ad. most cru- Cruielisiimo, a. most cruel Crudelmente, ad. cruelly Crudeltà, /. cruelty, inhumanity, barbarity Crudétto, a. almost raw Crudezza, and Cruiità,/. crudity, rawne^. indigesfon Crudo, a. raw, unripe, cruel Cruent'ire, to make liloody Cruén'o. a. Dloody, horrible, fri-hful Cruna, /. and Crino, m. the eye of a needle Crusca, /. bran ; the Florentine aca-lemy Cruscante, m. one who aims at exactness in the Tuscan law guaie Cm ca'a,/. nonsense Cruschèllo, in. fine bi^n Cruscòne, t». coarse bran Cruscóso, a. full of bran Cubare, to lie CubAttolo, m. snare to catch birds- Cùbico, a. cubic, m cubical C'jhito, m. the elbow, a cubit Ciibo, m. cube, a solid body Cuccagna,/, an ideal country Cucchiaia, /. a charger, (for great guns.) a sliovel Cucchiaia'a,/. a spoonful CucchiaiJra,/. a spoon-case Cucchiaio, m. a spoon Cucchiaióne, m. a soup-spoon I CUM Cucchiira, /. a trowel ; a cha/ger for gicil guns CiJccia, /. a couch Cucciare, to lie down Ci ccioliuo, m. a young whelp Cucciolo, aìid Ciiccio, m. a pupp]} a lap-dog Clicco, (/or uòvo.) »/i. an eg^, a favourite boy, a minion Cuccii, arid Cùcùlo, rru a cuckoo Cucina, /. a kitchen ; di buòna cucina, good for cooking Cucin-'ire, to cojk Cucinato, ■part, dressed, cooked Cucinicra, /. aiid Cucinière, m. a cook Cucino, m. a cushion, pillow Cucire, to sew, or -titch Cucito, pari, sewe-i, switched Cucitore, m. he that sews Cucitrice, /. a seuibtress Cucitura, /. 0/«d, m. a seam [ter Cuculiare, to lauih at, scofi^ ban- Cucu'ia ùra./. raillery Cuculia,/, a cowl, a hood Cuculiato, a. hoo.led, cowled Cùcùlo, >«. a cuckoo Cucwrbi'a,/. a distilling vessel Cuc'izza,/. a gourd Cucuzzolo, m, th top of the heaa Cuffia, /. a cap; cliflia da notte, a ni»hl-cap Cuffiàre, to eat immoderately Cugina,/, attd Cugino, ni. cousm Crii, yrtrn. whose, of which, of wh im ; di cui la bellézza, whose beauty ; a cui risposi, to whom I answered ; voi, cui fortuna tanto favorisce, you, whom foi^ tune favours so much ; da cui ebbi una favorévol rispósta, from whom I had a favourable answer CuL-itta, /. aivi Culo, m. the breech, bum ; culatta, the bot- tom of a church lamp ; culatta d'un cannóne, the breech of a gun [Rome, the Coliseum Culiséo, m. an amohitheatre at Culla, /a cradle Cull.'ire, to rock the cradle Ciilmine, m. sunamit, height Ciilm's m. stem CuliivSre, tee. Coltivare, and iti derivatives Cullo, m. worship Cumino, m. the h^rb cumin Cumulare, to heap, h^ard CumuJa'amènte, ad. abundantly Cumula' ivaménte, a" latively Cumulativo, o. accumulative CUR Cumulato, part, heaped, hoarded Cumulatole, m, whr) accunuilates Cumulazione, /. and Cùmulo, m. accumulation, a heap Cuna,/, a cradle Cùneo, m. a weJje Cuniculo, m. a mine ; farcunlculi, to undermine ; a rabbit Cuòca,/, a cook Cuòcere, to dress meat ; to vex, fret; me ne cuòce il cuòre, my heart bleeds ; to concoct, digest Cuòcersi, to get drunk Cuociòre, m. smart Cuocitiira, /. CTikin^;, baking, &c. Cuòco, m. a man-c lok Cuoiaio, m. a lea h=r-dresser Cuòio, m. leather, skin, parchment ; tirar lecimia, to die Cuòre, m. hear', life, mind, soul ; pòrsi in cuore, to resolve ; hr cuòre, to cheer up ; far cuo' diiro, ti be (jb.tira'e ; predir di cuòre, to ent -tat ; aver a cuòre, to esteem ; crepar il cuore, to break one's heart. Con gi-an cuòre, a/i. coum; ously. A mal cuòre, ad. uiiwilliu^Iy. Di buon cuòre, ad. heir ily Clipere, to desire •Cupézza../, dep'h Cupidajnén e, ad. gla'ly, fondly Cupidigia, /. cove ousness, lus', greediness Cupldine, m. (in poe'ry) Cupid Cupidissimo, a. most desirus Cupidit.ì,/. fon.lre-s, covetousness Cupido, ni. Cupi 1, love Ctipido, a. de irous, bn^.er CtJpo, o. dc-ep ; uòmo c'ipo, a cun- ning man ; nel cupo del mare, in the dep'lis '-f Uie sea Cupo, m. d"p'h Cijpola,/. a cupola Cuprésso, m. see Cipr.is50 Cura, /. care, diligence; d5rsi cura, to nrind. Cura, parish ; cura d' ànime, cure of s'-uls ; cure amoróse, amorous torments Curàbile, a. curable Curagióne,/. cu '-e, curing Curaiidaio, m. bleacher Curante, part, caring, minding Curanza, /. care Curare, to value, es'eem ; non curo di voi, l es'eem you no' ; medi- ciré, to cure, attend, protect, de- fend Curat.i. f. the pluck Curatélla,/. the liver Curativo, a. medicinal Curato, m, a cuiale, a parson DA Curalo, part, cured Curatóre, m. and Curatrice, /. keeper, a guardian, a trustee; phpician CurazioLj, /. cure Cùria,/, a court of justice Curiale, a. of he court, or council- house Curialità,/. kindness, civility C urlandolo, m. coriander Curiosamene, ai., curiously Curiosétto, a. ra her curious Curiosità,/, curiosity Curioso, a. curious, inquisitive, rare ; un curioso, a curious man ; (dilettante di cose rare) a virtuoso, Curro, rn. a chariot Cursóre, m. a courser, a kind of messenger in the court of Rome Curùle,/. a curale ch.iir Curv.'ire, to curve, beud Curvato, part, curved, bent Curvatura, Curvezza, add Curvità, /. curve, crookedness Curvilineo, a. curvilinear Curvipedo, a. cloven-footed C'irvi, a. arched, bent Cuscinétto, m. a small pillow Cuscino, m. a cushiou, a pillow Cùspide,/, poin Custòde, ni. a k-eper, a guardian Cusódia, /. cus'ody ; dar in cu- s'ndia,'o commit to one's keeping Custodire, to keep g-'a^d Cu todi amén'e, wl. saf.-ly (Tustollto, part. kept, secured Custoditole, m. a keeper Cù»e,/. skin, bark Cuticola,/, cuticle, skin Cuvidós3, a. greedy [Russia) Czar, 171. the czar (emperor of Czarina, /. the czarina D DA, prep, from ; da, about ; era- no da venti, they "ere about twenty. Da meno, of less wor h ; da più, of more ; da, to, for to ; buòno da mangiare, good to eat ; da, [with me, te, se, 1 irò.) alone ; io farò da me, TU do it by my- self ; da me, da te, at my house, at your house ; da, like as ; mi tn'tò da principe, he trea'ed me as a prince ; da, ti* ; donna da marito, a woman fit to be mar- ried ; da, to ; ques'e ne n sono cose da fare, things not fit to 108 DAN do. Da che voi volete così, since you will have it so; da banda, aside ; da l'èffe, in jest ; da indi inninzi, henceforward ; da indi addiètro, thence back- ward ; da indi in giù, thence downward ; da indi in poi,sincB that time ; da iudi in qua, hith- erto ; da indi in su, thence up- ward [thou. Dà, (from dare,) he gives, or give Dabb.-uaggine, /. simplicity, good- ness Dabbène, a. good, honest ; da uò- mo dabbène, as an honest man Daccapo, ad. anew Dachè, coti/. sinc« Daddovèro, ad. io earnest Dado, 771. a die Dàja, /. a dajger D.iino, m. a deer ; Dàina, /. a doe Dallato, ad. aside, near D' .allóra innJnzi, from that time,' d 'allora in poi, since ; d' allóra in qua, hitherto Da lungi, al a distance, far off Dama,/, a lady ; queen at chess; (donna amàt?,) a mistress; fa la dama, she assumes the fine lady Damaschino, a. of daniask Daineg.?i'ire, to cour the ladies Damerino, tti. a beau, a spark Damigèlla,/, a young lady Daniigéllo, tti. a page Damlna,/. a young lady D.'Ujima,/. a doe (in poetry) Danimàsco, sa Doinmàsco D-mo, 771. a beau, a lover DamOzZA, /. a low woman Da mólto, a. of worth, of merit Danaio, ajirf Danaro, m. pence, firthings : non ho dariari, I have no money [moneyed Danaióso, and Danaróso, a neh, Dinarésco, a. ready (of money) Danaro, m, money ; dauaari con- t-lnti, ready money Danar-'izzo, tti. small money Da nìén'e, a. wor hiess ; un uòmo da nién'e, an insiniificant man Dannàbile, a. damnable, blameable Dannabilmente, ad, damnably dangerously DannSre, to' condemn, to damn, to blame ; to erase. Dannare la ragióne to cancel a debt Dann.irsi, to damn one's self Dannato,^ art. damned, condemned j Dannati, pi. m. the damned Daima'óre, in. a condemner Dannazióne, /. damnation, con- I demualion DAR Dannesgiaménto, m. damale Danneggiare, to damage, to hurt, to iost; Dannei'iàto, part. dama^eJ, hurt Dannerjia'ore, ni. he ihat docs hurt Dannévole, a. shameful, infamous, prejudicial [damnably Dannevolménte, ad. injuriously, Danniticare, to damage, hurt Daouificito, port, damaged Dinno, nu cost, hurt, damage ; a mio danno, to my cost Dannosamente, ad. hurifuUy DanuOiO, a. hurtful Dinte, a. giving ; tniT dante, e'l ricevt-nte, between giver and re- ceiver Dante, ni, a kind of leather Donteirsi/ire, to imitate Dante Dantésco, o. in the manner of Dau'e, the foet Da nulla, a. good for nothing D.in7a./. a dance ; èsser in dinza, to te alked of ; entrar in danza, to do ai o'hers do Dan7arf, to dance Danzatoli, m. and Danzatrice, /. a dancer Dariyéfa, /. a short ''ance Da ó;gi innanzi, ad. for the fu- ture ; da parte, asid -, secretly ; da jiarte a par'e, through ; da per -e, by himself; da per tutto, everj-.vh'cre Dapperti 'o, ad. everj'where Dappiè, ad. from the foot Dappociggine, atid Dappochézza, /. ignorance, idleness Dappoco, a. idle, cowardly DapiKii, ofL since, af'er, afterwards Dappoiché, canj. since that Dappresso, prep, near, just by Da prima, ad. at first Da qua innanzi, ad. for the future Dardeggiare, to dart, cart, shoot Dardiéro, m. a bowman Dardo, m. a dart Dare, to rive ; to strike, beat ; dar addòsso ad uno, to fall upon ; dar conipimén'o, to finish ; dar ban- do, fo banish ; dar da dormire, to lodge ; dar f-^ndo, to casi an- chor ; dar il buon viiziio, to wish a good journey ; dar in uno, to meet one ; dar la baia, to iest ; dar la corda, to zive the strappa- do ; dar la mam. to consent ; dar a crédere, to make one be- lieve ; darsi ad un^, (parlando d'una d"nna,) to pr^i'ute her- self; darsi pace, to quiet one's ■elf; darsi buon tempo, to live a DEB merry life ; darla a gambe, to run aivay ; dar che dire, to give occasion to talk ; dar le carte, to deal a" cards ; dar (aver qualcne somiglianza) to incline to ; que- so panno dà nel rosso, this cloth inclines to red, or is reddish ; noa si dà a tutti d'entrare, ii is not permitted to every body to go in D.^i-sena, /. (U parte piii interna del por o,) a wet dock Da schérzo, ad. in jest Da sénno, ad. in earnest D'assai, a. (sufficiènte) sufficient very able ; tenérsi d'as&ii, to think one's self very capable DasiJzzo, ad. lastly Diux, /. a da e Da:arl;t, aiui Dateria, /. the data- ry's offic; (at Rrecapitazicne,/. beheading Decennile, a. ten years old Decennàrio, a, of ten Decènne, a. dacennial, long Decènnio, m. ten years Decènte, a. decent D-jcenteménle, ad. decently Dccenviràto, m. decemvirate Decenviri, m. pi. decemviri Decènza, /. decency Decévole, and Dicevole, a. decent, becoming Decevolézza, /. decency DechinAre, tee Dichinàre, and compounds Decidere, to cut off. to decide Decifen'ire, to decipher D-cif rato, parr, deciphered Dècima, /. and Dècimo, m. tlie ti he, tenth Derim-bile, o. tithahle (law ferm) Decimile, a. decimal ; aritmètica decim'ile, decimal arithmetic Decimare, to decimate, to gather, or lay ti'hes Decimatóre, m. a tithin Dècimo, nu a tenth part Dècimo, a. tenth, foolish Decina,/, ten Decisióne, /. decision Decisivamente, ad. peremptorily Derisivo, a. decisive Deciso, a. determined Decisore, m. who decides Declamare, to declaim, inveigh DED DEI DEM Declamatóre, m. a declaimer Declamarorio. o. declamatory Declamazione. /. declamation Declara'orio. a. declaraiory Decliiv-bile, a. declinal'le Declinaménto, in. declination Declinare, to decline, decay ; to descend; abbassare to humble, depress , il tempo declina verso 1 freddo, the weather grow» cold : la bellézza declina coU" eia, beau- ty decays with a^re Declinazione, /. decime, decay, declension Declino, m. decline, descent Declive, and DecUvo, a. bendmg down, descending Declività, /. and Declivio, m. de- clivity, descent Decollale, to behead Decollazióne,/, beheadmg Decorare, to adorn, embellish Decorazióne,/, decoration Decòro. 77J, srace, decorum Decòro^ a. decent, decorous Decorosamente, ai hoDOurably Decoroso, a. decirous. decent Decórso, m. a course, th^ end Decórro' a- parsed ; la campagna decórsa, the la-sr campaign Decòtto, nu a decocuon, a tranfe- rupt [cy (m law) Decozióne./ decoction, bankrupt- DecreroénTo. m. a decrease Decrepità, aiìd Decrepitezza, /. old age . Decrepito, a. decrepit decayed Decréscere, to decrease ; le acque decrescono, the waters ebb: 1 giórni decréscono, the days grow shorter ^ . I Decresciménto, m. ice Decremento Decretale, m. decretals; decree, order Decretalista. nu a canonist Decretalmente, ad. decisively Decretare, to decree, enact Decretato, part, decreed Decréto, m. decree, order Decréto, o. decreed Dècuplo, a. ten times as much Decurióne, m. captain over ten Dèdalo, a. skilful Dedicare, to dedicate, consecrate dedicarci, to devote one's self Dedicatória, and Dedica, /. dedi- cation Dedicazióne, /. consecration Dèdito, a. addicted Dedizióne,/, a surrender Dedóno. part, deducted, led out. planted Dedurre, .0 deduce, reduce; ^e- Deif.«to, ^^. dei^^ ^ J[o^ dùrsi, to resolve Deduzióne,/, inference Defalcamento, m. deduction Defalcare, to aba'e, deduct DefatijAre, to fatigue Defenire, ni. a defender Deferenza,/, deference Defenre, to defer, to delay, I Deificazione,/, deification (apoihb- Deilico, a. divine Deiforme, a. godlike l.eismo, m. deism ' Deista, m. a deist I Deià./. divinity; deity 1 Del. art. ». m. of the Delatóre, ni. an informer, spy ri^v-^k^^foryou '|g^i^^^4^-P^epu^-=' Defe^«. part, wear^ tired B ^gre^ Ta^delegate Deficiente, a. deficient Me-azione, / deleation Deficiènza. /. deficiency MetTbUe, (L delegable Definire, to denne Det'wnto, m, delight, plea.-rire Definizione. *. «€ Di!nnizn.uc, ^ , ^ ,_ „^'r>;ionèT<= and iti de- and its de Detioràre, *o deflower Deflorazione, /. defloration, or de- flowering Deflusso, tn. flovrinj, illapse Deformare, to disfijure Deformazióne. /. deformity Deforme, a. deformed Deformemente, ad. defom.edly Deformità./, deformity Defraudare, to defraud Definto, a. deceased Definto, m. a dead man Deienerante, a. degenerating Degenerare, to degenerate De?enerato, part, degenerated Deèenerazióne./. degeneracy Degènere, a. that degenerates Degnamente, ad. worthily Degnare, aiid Decnarsi, to vouch- ee, tj value : se degnerete Delet'are, «1; Dilettare, and iU de- rivatives De'étto, m. a choice Delfino, nu the dauphin; a do^ phin (a fish) Deliberare, to deliberate Deliberativo, a. deliberative Deliberazióne,/, deliberation Delica:au.ente, ad. delicately Delicatézza,/, delicacy Delicao, a. delicate, weak Delminré, to corrode Delinsire, to draw, delineate Delineaménto, vi. delineation Delineilo, part, delineated, drawn Delineatóre, m. a designer, or drawer Delinquènte, m. an offender Delinquere, to transgress Deliquio, »7t- a feintii^ fit Delirante, o. deUrious Dfclirrire, to rave sate, IJ value ; sc ^^^i.-.----- favorirmi, if vou condescend to 1 ^"'V;^ ;- j;)':"-:™. fàvonr me : con degno U vostra | ^ "f' "•" °^""'™' compagnia, I do not value your , g^ -^ - -^^ „ff,„ee company I - - ' • Degnazione, /. Cf-mplaisance Deenévole, c. senile. aiJktle Degnevoboécte, 'od. worthili (Ironically) Descificare, to make worthy Desnità./. dimi*y Dégno, a. wonhy. deserving, con venient, fit. suitable Degradire, to degrade, deprive Desradato. f-art. degraded Desradazione. f. degradation Deh 1 tTiIeri. alas ! Dei ! interj. gods ; Dei. C/ordevi.l I uelirto, m. crmic,*. Delizia. /.delijht. pleasure; aver» in deliaa, to doat on [merry Deliziare, and Deliziarsi, to make Deliziosaménie, ad. delicicudy Delizióso, a. delicious Del pari. ad. even, equally Del tutto, ad. entirely, quite Delubro, m. temple Delucidazióne, /. clearing up Delùdere, to delude, mock, de- Deludìménto, m. and Delusióne, /. delusion, chat thou muk.^ Dei, ar.p. m. of \^^^^^^:-;^^''' J--KA «. ^HAr\Hc I Dementare, to infuriate, to craie DEP Demèrito, m. dement, punish- ment Democratico, a. popular Democrazia, /. democracy Demolire, to demolish Demolizione,/, a cieniolishing Demone, m. demon Demoniaco, a. furious, mad, pos- sessed of a devil Demonio, in. devil, i^emon Denàio, and Deo^MX), m. tee Danàio Denigrare, to darken, obscure Denigrazione,/, slandering Denodire, to un: le DenominAre, to name Denominativo, a. denominative Denomina'ord, in. a denominaior Denomina/ iòr;3,/. denomination Denotante, a. si;^ifyins Denotare, to denote, remark Denotazione,/, signification Densàre, see Condensare Densato, and Denso, a. thick, compact Densità,/, density, thickness Dent.'iccio, m. a Lad tooth Dentile, m. [Oouihshare Dentale, a. denial Deatame, m. and Dentatura,/, a set of tee h Dentare, to tee'h Dentato, a. toothed Dènte, m. tooth ; tener l'animo co' den'i, to be almost dead ; mostrare i denti, to look fierce ; pigliar il morso co' denti, to be obstinate; stare a den: i secchi, to be idle ; to be very poor Dentellato, jpart. denied, in iented Dentello, tik lace -lenling, notching Déntro, prep, within Denudare, to strip naked, expose, discover Denudato, a. aiked Denunzia,/, a declara'ion Denunzi.ire, to inform a'winst Denunziatóre, m. an informer Denunziazióne, f. and Denunzia- mento, m. den^inciation Deortazióne, /. di-sua-sion Dependénte, a. dependent Depcndenteménfe, ad. dependently Dependénza, /. dependency Depéndere, to depend ; farò tutto quel che depénde da me, I will do whatever lies in my power Depenn'ire, to erase Depilatòrio, m. ointment for hair Deploràbile, a. lamentable Deplorabilmente, ad. deplorably Deplorando, a. deplorable DER Deplori re, to deplore, bewail Deplorilo, part, deplored Deplorazione,/, laiiieniation Deponènte, a. deposing Deponènte, m. a verb deponent (in grammar) Deponiménto, m. deposition, evi- dence [leave Depórre, to depose, deprive, quit, Depositare, to dep'sit Depositàrio, m. trustee, confidant Depositeria, /. the depository Depòsito, in. trust, charge Deposizióne, /. a deposi, ion, degia- dation, evidence Depósto, part, deposed, put out of place : depósto ogni timóre, lay- ing aside all fear Depósto, m. attesta' ion, testimony Depravare, to corrupt, vitiate Depravato, a. depraved, spoiled Depravatóre, m. a corrupter Depravazióne,/, depravation Deprecativo, o. suppliant Deprecazióne,/, entreaty Depredare, to prey »\>^n Depredatóre, ni. a' robber Depredazióne, /. and Depreda- ménto, m. depredation Depressióne, /. depresion Deprèsso, a. depressed, low Deprimere, to depress, debase Depurare, to pur;;e, cleanse Depurato, part, cleaned, purified Depurazióne, /. depuration Deputare, to depute, .appoint ; a questa sorta d'Alberi bisógna de- putare un terréno grosso, we must choose fat ground for that sort of trees Depu'ato, part, deputed, sent Deput.azióne,/. deputation Derelitto, a. forsaken Derelizióne,/. forsaking Deretino, a. hind, last Deridere, to deride, scorn Derisibile, a. con'emptible Derisione, f. derision Derisivamente, ad. contemptibly Deriso, part, derided, laughed at Derisóre, Deriditóre, aiid Diri- sóre, m. derider, jeerer Derisorio, a. derisory Derivante, n. deriving Derivare, to derive; tutti i vizj derivano dall' òzio, idleness is the root of all vices Derivativo, a. derivative Derivato, part, derived Derivazióne, /. derivation ; deri- vazióne di voci, etymology of word» 111 DES Derogàbile, o. disparageable Derogare, to derc^te, lessen Dero^'.orio, a. derogatory Derogazione,/, derogation Derrata, /. w are ; questo è a buóm derrata, 'his is very cheap Descendènte, a. descending Dcscendènza. /. tee Discendènza Descèndere, ace Discéndere Descènso, m. a descent Deschétto, ni. a footstool Désco, ni. a table ; stall Descrittibile, a. descrbable Descrittivo, o. describing Descritto, pari, described I Descrittóre, m. a describer I Descrivere, to describe Descrivibile, o, that can be d»- scribed Descrizióne, /. description Desertiie, to v^-aste, spoil, destrOT Deserto, m. a wilderness Defèrto, part, abandoned Desertórc, in. a deserter Deserzióne, /. desertion Desiare, to desire (in poetry) Dssiito, part, (in poetry) desired Desideriibile, Desiderativo, ana De?iderévole, a. desirable Desiderabilmente, ad. desirably Desiderante, a. desiring Desiderare, to desire Desideratissimo, a. most desirable Desidera'ivo, a. desirable Desideratóre, ni. a desirer Desidèrio, rn. desire ; desidèrio di vendétta, resentment Desiderosamente, ad. eagerly Desideróso, a. desirous Desidia,/, idleness Designare, to design, assign Designazióne,/, design Desinare, to dine DesiiiJre, ni. and Desinata, /. » dinner Desinènza,/, termination Desio, m. -'esire, lust Desiosamente, ad. ardently Desióso, a. desirous Desiràre, to desire, wish Desiro, jii. desire Desistere, to forbear Desolare, to desolate Desolato, a. desolated, mined Desolatòre, m. a desolator Desolazióne, /. desolation, min Desperazióne, /. despair Despétto, a. despised Despétto, m. spite, malice Dèspota, m. tyrant Despoticaménte, ad. despoticaBy Despótico, a. tee Dispòtico DET Dèspota, m. a despot Ddssa, yrmi. f. she herself Désao, ;.roii. m, be hiiriself ; fjuésto è desso, Ibis is he; questo non mi jar désso, I do noi ihink this is the sajiie Bestsoiiéuto, ni. awakening Destare, to a" ake, revive Destàio, o, awalied Deviatoio, m. ai arni-clock, waker Destaiore, m. auaker Desteri'à,/. dexterity Destinire, to design Destinato, part, destined Desinatanjénte, ad. fatally Destinazione, /. appointment Destino, 7?i. destiny, fete Destinilo, a. desiltute, deprived, aliandoned Désto, a. avvaked, sprightly Destra,/, the righi hand Destiaix.éDte, ad. dexterously Deslregpàre, lo inanage dexter- ously Destrézza,/, dexterity, craftiness Destriere, and Destriero, m. a borse ; destriéra, /. a mare Dèstro, m. opportunity ; tbe neces- sary-house. Lo faro sùbito che mi vedrò il destro, I will do il as soon as 1 have an opportunity Dèstro, a. dexterous, propitious Desmlg^re, set Distrug^^ere Destruzione, /. see Distruzióne Desùmere, to infer, lo conjecture Desviare, to draw away, deprave Detenére, to detain Detentore, m. one that keeps wrongfully another man's estate Detenzione, /. a detention (law term) Detergènte, o. detergent Detèrgere, to scour, rub off Deterioraménto, m. aiui Deterio- razione./, depravation Deteriorare, to grow, or make worse [bounds Determinare, to determine, to set Detemriinataménte, OÀ. resolutely Determinativo, a. definitive Determinilo, part, de'ermined Determinazióne./, rf ''■■'ion Detersivo, a. cleansiii. Detèrso, part, clean*' \ Detestabile, a. detesTs.i'!e Detestabilmente, ad. detestably Detes'àndo, a. de'estable Detest.ire, to abominate, abhor Detestazióne,/, abhorrence Detrarre, to detract, slander Detratto, fiori, slandered Detrattóre, m. slanderer DIA Detrazióne./, detraction Detrin.ènto, m. loss, damage Detriuientoso, a. hur.ful Detronizzare, lo dethrone Detriidere, to push do'.\ nwards Détta, /. a debt ; tagliar la detta, to come to an agreement Dettame, j?i, dictates, precepts Dettare, to diciate, to teach Detta'o, 771. diction, style Detla'o. fort. dictated Dettatore, in. the dictator Dettatura, /. dictation Détto, m. word Détto, pari, spoken, called ; détto fatto, said and done Deturpare, to disfigure Devas"améuto, m. devastation, destruction Devastare, to waste, destroy Devastazióne, /. laying waste Deviaménto, in. deviation Deviare, to deviate, go from ; senza deviare dal nretro'discorso, with- out losing the thread of our dis- course Devialo, part, deviated DevoW'o, part, devolved Devoluzióne,/, devolution Devotamente, ad. devoutly Devólo, a. devout, atfectionate Devozióne,/, devotion Di, prep, of; with, than, from, to ; più ricco di me, richer than I ; di giórno in giórno, from day to day : godo di vedérla, I am glaa to see you Di, m. day:" di dì, day time; a' gran dì, in the summer ; il di fra dì, the afternoon ; di dì in di, from day to day DI, {f.ortx dire)' di arditamente, spc^k boldlv Di.ibolicaménte, ad, diabolically Diabòlico, a. devilish, wicked Diaconato, m. deacnn^hip Diaconéssa./, a deac^nes? Di.acono, in. a deacon Diadèma, m. diadem, crown Diafanità,/, transparency Diafano, a, transparent Diastiaile, a. diagon..l Diagonalmente, ad. diagonally Dialèttica,/, logie Dialetticamente, ad, like a lo- gician Dialèttico, a. dialectical Dialénico, m. a logician Dialètto. 771. dialect Dialoghélto, 771. short dialogt:e Dialogista. 771. a dialogue-writer Diàlogo, m. a dialr-sue 112 DIB Diamantiiccio, 771. a bad diamoDd DJan.àEle, 771. a diamond Dian.annno, a. adaii^autine Diaiiierr' le, o. diau.eti ical Diamelraluiènte^ ad. dian^tricallj Diàmetro, 771. a diaiiiCter Dianjne : iuterj. lite deuce ! Diana,/, the nioming star Dianzi, ed. before Diàrio, 771. journal, diary Diarrèa, ajjd Diarria, /. theloos»- ness Di-scolo ! interj. the deuce! Diaspro, 771. jasper Diàsiole./. 'he heart's dilatation Diàvola, Diavolàccia, aiid Diavo- lésa, /. a leniiagant. she-devil un buon diavolàccio, a good natured fellow Diavoleria./, a devilish affair Diavolétto, m. a young devil Diàvolo, 7?i. devil, evil spirit; bl il diàvolo, to play Ihe devi] diàvolo scatenato, a devil incai^ nate ; sapere dove il diàvol tièn la cida, lo he cunning diàvolo di mare, the sea-cor morant Diavolóne. 771. a great devil Di balzo, ad. at once Di bando, ari. gra'is, for nothing Dibarbicàre, to' root up Di bassa léga, di bassa mino, a. base, low, mean Dib^saménto, 771. blì, abasement Dibasàre, to debase Dibassato, part, debased Dibas are, to unsaddle Dibastàto, part, unsaddled Diliàttere, to sh.ake. to beat, to de bale ; dibàttersi, to struggle Dibattiménto, and Dibàttito, m. collision, striking Dibattitóre, m. who debates Dibàtto, 771. a deba'e Diba'tuto. part, afflicted, dejected Di bel nuòvo, ad. arain Di bisógno, ad. necessarily Ditionarietà,/. afifàbility Diboscamento, 771. felling of trees Dib-oscnre, to cut down trees Dilxiscàto. part, cleared of tree» Dibótio, ad. immediately Dibrancàre, to dilate, spread Di brigata, ad. all tojether Dibrucare, and Dibruscàre, to prune, lop Dibruscato, part, pruned Dibucciàre. to peel bark Dibucciàto, part, peeled, barked Di tuón' ària. ad. cheerfully Di buon' ària, a. jovial, mexTj DID Ri bu6n mattino, ad. betimes Dicàce, a. ^rrulous Dicco, ni. banlj, causeway Dicèmbre, m. December Uicéiite, a. saying Diceria,/, ilihcourse, speech; tener diceria d'uua cosa, lo talli mucb of a lliin^ Di cèrto, ad. certainly DicervellJrsi, to think intensely Dicervellà'.o, a. hair-brained Dicévole, a. decent, handsome Dicevoièzza, /. convenience, de- cency Dicevolmente, ad. decently Dichiarare, to declare, publish Dichiaratamente, ad. plainly Dichiarativo, a. declaratory (law term) IMchiar.Hn, part, declared Dichiaratóre, vi. a declarer Tichiarazinne, f. and Dichiara- mènto, in. cleclaration, inter- preta' inn Dichiarlre, to clear up Dichinaménto, m. stooping down, descent, decline Dichinàre, to decline, decay, stoop down Dichlno, m. decline, decay ; non bisógna molto per mètfeie un uòmo in dichino, the least thing disorders a man Diciannove, m. and a. nineteen Diciannovèsimo, a. the nineteenth Piciassélte, a. and vi. seventeen Dicibile, a. that can be said Dicilerare, to decipher DicifeiAtn, part, deciphered Diciferatore, vi. decipherer Dicioccare, to break off fruits, or flowers Diciótto, m. and a. eighteen Dicitóre, m. speaker, orator Dicitiira, /. mode of speaking ; avere una bèlla dicitdra, to have a good delivery Di cólpo, ad. suddenly, at once — còlla, ad. out of hand — concordia, ad. unanimously — consér\'a, ad. together — con'inuo, ad. continually — córto, ad. shortly — córso, ad. in running — còsta, ad. close by Dicóro, ?n. decency, propriety Dicótto, part, withered, dried Dicréscere, to decrease, wane Dicuócere, to make a decoction, to dry in the sun Di cuòre, ad. heartily Didascilico, a. didactic DIF Di déntro, prep, within Didiacciare, to thaw Didiaccialo, part, thawed Ui diètro, prep, behind Die, seem Dièce, and Dieci, m. and a. ten Dièsis, in. a musical tone Diè:a,/. diet, a diet (assembly) DiétrOj prep, behind, after; farsi in diètro, to draw back ; tirar in diètro un affare, to put off an affair ; tirarsi diètro qualche disgràzia, to bring some misfor- tune upon one's self DietroguArdia./. the rearguard Di fatto, i. a degrading, degradation (in painting) DigraJàre, to shorten, to descend by degrees, to degrade Dlgradalameate, aS. gradually Digradato, ^ar<. degraded Digradazióne, /. see Digradaménto Di grado in grido, ad. by degrees Di gran lunga, ad. by far, "much rather Digrassare, to take off fat Di grazia, ad. pray, prithee Digredire, to digress, swene Digressióne,/, digression Digressivo, a. digressing Digrésso, a. wandering Digrignare, io grin, to snarl Digrignante, «."grinning Digrign.ito. part, grinned, snarled Di^ossaménto, in. forming, sketch- Digrossire, to form, fashion Digrossato, part, fashioned Digrumare, to chew, ruminate, ponder, consider Digrum.ato, part, ruminated Digruminare, to ruminate, con- sider [ing Diguazzaménto, «i. motion, shak- Diguazzare, to shake, to stir Diguazzato, part, shaken, stirred Digusciare, to shpll Digusciato, part, shelled Di là, prtp. and ad. beyond, from thence; secóndo il costume di là, accon^ing to the custom of that country Di qua, di là, ad. here and there Dilaccare, to tear to pieces Dilacciàre, to unlace, untie Dilaceraméntn, jn. laceration Dilacerare, to rend, tear, mangle Dilacer.ito. vart. rent, torn Dilagare, to overflow Dilagatamente, ad. impetuously Dilagato, part, overflowed Dilancio, ad. direcily, at once Dilaniare, to lacerate, to mangle Bilapidare, to waste, squander DIL Dilargare^ to thin, rarefy Dilata,/, delay DjLataraénto, m. widening Dilatante, and Dilatativo, a. di- lated Dilatare, to dilate, spread Dilatazione,/, extension Dilatorio, a. dilatory Dilavaménto, m. washing Dilavare, to wash away Dilavato, part, washed away Dilazioacdlla,/. short delay Dilazióne,/, delay, stop Dileiàre, to untie' Dileggiaménto, m. and Dil^óne, /. niockerv, scorn Dileguare, to deride, scoflF Dilegjiatézza, /. edrontery DilegiTiato, part, bantered Dileggiatóre, m. jester, banterer Di leggieri, ad. easily, probably Dileggino, m. a spaik, a fop Dilégfne, a. weak, soft Dileguare, to avert, to run away j dileguarsi, to go off; si dileguo come da corda cocca, he ran away as sw iff as an arrow Diléguo, m. disappearance Dilemma, in. dilemma Dileticare, to divert, flatter Dilelicaio, yori. ticklc-d, pleased Dilético, m. a tickling Dileticóso. a. ticklish Dilettàbile, a. (lelishtful l)ilet?alili!3,/. delight Dilet'abilnjente. ad. delightfully Dilettamento, nu delight Dilettante, m. a lover of any art Dilettare, to delight ; dilettarsi, to take a delight io any thing Dilettatóre, rh. he that delights Dilettazióne,/, delec'ation Dilettévole, a. delightful Dilettevolm.'n'e, arid Dilettosa- niénte, ad. delightfully Diletto, m. delight, pleasure ; andar a diletto, to go a walking ; prèndere a diletto, to laugh at Dilefo, part, beloved A dilètto, ad. on purpose Dilettosaménte. ad. agreeably Dilettóso, a. delectable Dilezióne, /. Lenevolence Diliberaménto, m. deliverance Diliberare, to set at liljerty; to deliberate^ resolve, purpose Diliberataménte, ad. considerately Diliberativo, a. deliberative DiliberJto, ;:u/f. determined Dilitierazione. /. determination Dilibràrsi, to tumble, trip Dilicataménte, ad. delicately 114 DIM Dilicatézza, /. delicateness, toIi^ tuousness Dilicàto, a. soft, delicate, weak Diligènte, a. diligent Diligentemente, ad. carefully Diligenza,/, diligence, care Diliquidare, to melt Diliquidato, a. explained Diliscare, to bone (tish) Diliticare, to tickle awa. Diloggi.ire, to remove, to stea. Diloggiato, part, removed Dilombarsi, to break the back Dilombato, part, broken-backed Di lontano, acL at a distance DilucidaDiénte, ad. plainly Dilucidare, to clear, explain Dilucidativo, a. illustrative Dilucidazióne, /. explanation Dilungaménto, m. distance, absencf Dilungare, to stretch, extend ("ilungarsi, to ranible, to lengthep Dilungato, part, removed ; mi son molto dilungato dal mio pro- l^-sito, I have made a long di- gression from my subject Di lungi, ad. far' .fi". Di lungo, ad. continually Dilusióne,/. delusion Diluvtóre, to rain hard ; to over flow, to devour Diluviatóre, m. a glutton Dilùvio, tru deluge, grea.t rain, voraciousness Diluvióne, ni. a glutton Dimagrare, to make lean, dimin- ish, lessen Dimagrazióre, /. the growing lean Dimanda,/, demand, request Dimandagione,/. a demand Dimandante, m. petitioner Dimandare, to demand, to request, to inquire Dimin da sera, and DLmandasséra, ad. to-morrow nisht Dimandatóre, ni. who demands Dim.ane, aiid Dimani, ad. to- morrow [to-morrow Diman 1' altro, ad. the day after Di maniera che, and Dimaniera- chè, conj. so that Di mano in mano, ad. successively Diraembrare, to dismember Dimembrito, part, dismembered Dimenaménto, m. agitation Dimenare, to shake, agitate Dimeno, ad. without, otherwise : con posso &r dimeno dì non ridere, I cannot help laughing Dimensióne,/, dimension Dimentare, to make, to be- witch DIN Dimenticanza, and Dimenticàg- gine,/. forge:fulness Dimeaticàrc, to forget Dimenticato, part, forgotten Uimeuticalóio, m. oblivion; la- sciare nel dimenticatcio, to put in oblivion Dimentichévole, and Diméntico, a. forgetful Dimentire, to give the lie, to belie Dimessione, /. resignation Dimésso, poìt. left, laid aside, cast down, humbled Dimesticaménte, ad. familiarly Dimesticaménto, m. intimacy Dimesticare, to tame ; dimesticarsi, to familiai'ize Dimesticalo, a?id Dimèstico, a. tamed, familiar; sono dimèstico alla fatica, I am inured to labour Dimestichézza, /. familiarity, a taming [tinue, to cast down Diméttere, to pardon, to discon- Diniezzire, to divide Dimezzato, part, divided Dimidiare, to divide Diminulménto, m. decrease Diminuire, to diminish Diminuito, a. dimiuished Diminuitivo, a. diminutive Diminuzióne,/, diminution Dimissoria, a. f. dimissory ; lettera dimiswria, dimissory letter Di mòdo che, ad. so that Di mólto, ad. very much Dimónio, m. demon Dimòra, /. delay, abode Dimorare, to dwell, reside Dimorazióue,/. Dimoro, m. dwell- ing-place ; delay ; senza dimoro, without delay Dimoraménto, m. residence Uimor'mte, part, living, dwelling Dimoranza,/. delay, abode Dimorsire, to breaJc with one's teeth DimosT'ibile, a. demonstrable Dimnslraméntn, m. demonstration, proof Di mostri nza,/. demonstration Dimostrrire, to show, testify Dimostra'! vaménte, ad. demon- strati ve-ly Dimostrativo, a. demonstrative Dimostrato, part, demonstrated Dimostratóre, m. a demonstrator Dimostrazióne,/, demonstration Dininzi, prep, before ; il verno dinanzi, the precedmg winter ; come dissi dinanzi, as I said be- fore ; dinànri che venga, before becomes DIP Dinasito, o. wi'hout a nose I Di nascóso, ad. secretly I Dinegare, to d>-ny, refuse ; Dinegazióne,/, denial ! Dinervare, to weaken Diniego, m. denial [stain I Dinigrare, to blacken, defame, Dinoccire, to break the head I Dinoccolarsi, to break one's neck I Dinodare, to untie a knot ' Diuorainire, to name, mention : Dinominato, part, named, called I Dinominizióné,/. denominaiion Dinotare, to indicate, to examine I Di nòtte, ad. by night, nightly ' Dintomamento, rn. drawing, con- I tours, limits Dintomire, to delineata Dintomato, part, delineated J Dintórno, ni. adjacent places ; the contoure (in drawing) D' intórno, d' intórno^ ad. rouad j about ; d' intórno a dièci anni, I about ten years ago j Dinudare, to strip naked, to display Dinumerare, to number Dinun-^razióne,/. enumeration I Diniinzia,/. declaration I Dinùnziàre, to charge, accuse I Dinunziativo, a. denouncing I Dinunziatóre, m. an accuser Dini-nziazióne,/. denunciation i Di nuòvo, ad. again, once more I DIO, m. GOD Dio, a. divine Diocesano, a. diocesan ; véscovo I diocesano, a. diocesan bishop [ Diòcesi./, diocess Dipanare, to reel, to wind Dì p'lri, ad. alike, e.'ito. m. a preci- Dinifo, part, dem'ilisht-d Disabelllre, to make uily, or grow usly Disàlnlità,/. incap.acity DisabitAre, to dep'->piih'e Disabitato, pari, deserted Disaccéso, a. s-xXinpiUhed DisacconciaDiénte,'ad. uncivilly nicci ■•, a. disonlerly, olicene l^ccordàre, to be out oV tune rino^ntro, prep. I Disai^erbàre, to assuage, a Disacerbato, part, assuagi DisacquistAre, to loose, free Disadattatine, /. impropriety Disadittamente, ad. foolishly l)i«ad;'ilto, a. unapt, unfit Disidórtio, a. careless, undressed Disatfaficàrsi, to rest one's self Disatfezionire, to alienate Disagévole, a. difficult, hard Disagevolézza,/, difficulty Disagevolmente, ad. with trouble DisaggradSre, to displease Disaggradévole, a. unpl'^nsant DisagSMa'£ll.ii)7i. f. iiif-rj(i;ility Disagila! ■-! ' ■ ; r [ly Disa^L'uij , • '. different- nisae^'u,,,;, .. „K :... r.ce Disagi.'.iv, to ii.iuM-, iii-urb Disaia'aniénie,ani care ; disoccHpirsi, to free one's self from business Disoccup'ito. a. at leisure, free Disoccupazione,/, leisure ; retiring from business Disolaménto, ni. desolation DisoHre, to ruin, lav waste DisoHto, jiart. de-^olated Disolati'ira, /. the cutting off the sfle of the shoe Disolaziòne, /. devastation Di-ones'à, f. dishonesty, obscenity Disonestamente, ad. dishonestly 119 DIS Disonest'.re, to di^honnor Disonestirsi, to ha dishonest DisoneslAto, a. (listioiiouratjle Disrinesto, a. lewd, dishouest Disonnarsi, to awake Disonoraménto, m. dishonouring Disonorare, to dishonour Disonorato, a. dishoi-oured 1 disonore, m. and Disonoranza,^ di-honour Disouorévf le, a. dishonourable Disonorevolmente, and Disonora taménte, ad. disgracefully Di sojiéichio, ad. superliuoudy much Di soppiatto, ad. secretly Diioppil'ire, to loosen the belly Di sopra, or Disopra, prep. abov- over Di s «prappiii, ad. over and above Disorbitante, a. exorbitant, es- travazaut [gantly Disorbitanteménte, ad. exlrava- Disorbilànza, /. exorbitance Disoriinànza, /. disorder, confusion Disordinare, to dis^rde^; disordi- nare nel niaugiàre, to eat im- modei-ately Disordinatamente, ad. disorderly Disordinato, a. saucy, insolent, delwuched Disonline, wj. confusion Di»irganirzà'o, a. that has the oriaas disordered Disorrévole, a. dishonourable Disorrevolménte, ad. disgracefully Di sórta che, conj. so that Disossare, to take out the bones Disotterare, to unbury Disotteràto, part, unburied Di sótto, prep, under Di sovèrchio, ad. too much Disovolàto, a. dislocated DispacGire, to cut asunder Dis^iacciàre, to despa'ch Disfk'iccio, m. despatch Dispai.'ire, to unmatch Di^par^ire, to forget Dispartito, f ari. forgotten, varioas, dirt'f-rent Dispaix-cchi, pron. pi. several Di>.parecchiire, to clear the table Disparénza,/. disappearing Disparére, m. variance, conteet Disparére, to disappear Uisparévole, a. transitory Dispergere, to disperse, scatter Dispargiménto, m. dispersing Disparì, a. unlike, uneven ; nù- mero dispari, an odd number ; nni siSmo disp'iri d'eli, we are not of the same age DIS Dispariménte, ad. unequally Disparire, aiìk Disparére, to disap- pear [ured Dispariscénte, a. unsightly, di'Sg- Disparità, /. inequality; disparità d'opinioni, contrariety of opin- ions Disparito, a. altered, pale Disparménte, ad. unequally Dispartaménte, ad. bere and there, dispersed ly Disparte, ad. aside, apart Dispartire, to part, separate Dispart itaménts, ad. asunder Dispartito, part, parted- divided Dispartitóre, m. who uivides Disparutézza, f. slendemess Disparùto, a. thin, stende. Dispassionaniénto, m. apathy Dispastoiare, to take ofl' the fetters from a horse's le? Dispéznere, to extinguish Dispendere, to expend Dispèndio, m. expense, cost Dispendiosamente, adi costly Dispendióso, a. chargeable Dispennato, a. feaheiless Dispensa. /. distri bu'ion, dispensa- tion, a pantrj', a larder Dispensàbile, a. dispensable Dispeniire, to distribute, divide, tn administer [power Dispensati va, /. the dispensati ve Dispensato, part, distributed Dispensatóre, m. d'sjx-nser Dispensazione, /. and Disf«nsa- ménto. m. dispensa'ion. license Dispensiéro, aicd Disi>ensiére, in. butler, stewai-d Dispénto, part, extinmished Disper'ibile, a. despaired of Disperare, to despair; deh! perchè mi fate disperare? why do you tease me so ? Disperatamente, ad. desperately ; alla disperata, rashly Disperato, e despai rwì of, despe- rate [m. despair Disperazióne,/. a7)(/DisDeraménto, Dispèrdere, lo consume" Disperdime'nto, m. dispersion Dispergere, to scatter, to squander, disperse Dispergiménto, m. scattering, ruin. rout, defeat Dispergitóre, m. a destroyer Disperse, nd. separately Dispersióne, f. dispersion Dispérso, part, dispersed Dìspéso. part, spent Dispettàbile, a. despicable Dispettàre, to despise DIS I Dispettito, part, vexed, slighted I Dispetìévole, and Dispétto, a. despicable, contemptible Dispetlivaniéute, ad. disdainfully Dispétto, ni. an afl'ront, spite ; avere in or a dispétto, to despise. In dispétto, ad. in spite of Dispettosamente, ad. spitefully Dispettoso, a. reproachful Di-piacénte, a. displeasing Dispiacenza./. a7wi Dispiacére, m, displeasure, sorrow ; pigliar di- spiatsnza d'una cosa, "to take s-jmething ill Dispiacére, to displease; mi dis- piace non poténi servire, I am sorry that I cannot oblige you Dispiacévole, a. unpleasant Dispiacevclménte, ad. grievously Dispiacevolézza, /. arid Dispiaci- ménto, rn. discontent Dispiaciuto, part, displeased Dispianare, to explain, to level ; dispianaisi, to lay one's self down Dispianato, a. plain, explained Dispiccare, to pull up Dispicciare, to despatch Dispiegare, to display, set forth; dirpiegàrsi, to stretch one's self Dispietaiaménte, ad. cruelly Dispietato, a. unmerciful Dispiito, m. an aifront, contempt Dispodes'are, to piit out of power ; dispodestarsi, to resign one's power, authority Dispogliare, foundress Dispogliato, part, undressed Disponiménto, m. disposition, or- der Disponi'óre, m. who disposes Dispopolatóre, m. a destroyer Dispórre, to dispose, prepare Disfiosare, to marry Dispisitore, m. a disposer Disposizióne, /. disposition, ar- rangement Dispostamente, arf. orderly Dispostézza,/. arility. grace Dispósto, part, disposed Dispoticamente, ad. despotically Dispòtico, a. arbitrary Dispotismo, m. despotism Dispregévole, a. despicable Dispregevolroénte, ad. scornfully Dispregiaménto, 771. con'empt Dispregi:xre, to despise, scorn Dispregiito, part. con'en,ned Dispregiatore, arid Disprezzatóre, rru despiser Disp-'^io, and Disprezzaménto, m. contempt, scorn 120 DIS Disprezzàbile, a. despicable Dispiezzante, a. disdaiuiul Disprezzautejriénte, ad. proudly Disprezzare, lo despise, slight Disprezzativo, a. contemptuoiB Disprezzato, part, contemned Disprezzévole, a. contemptible Disprezzevoiménte, ad. soomfully disdainfully Disprèzzo, 771. contempt, scorn Disprigionare, to free from prison Disproporzionare, to disproportioa Disproporzionato, part, dispropor- tioned Disproporzióne,/, inequality Disprovvedutamécte, ad. unaware» Disprovveduio, part, unprovided, unfurnished Disprunàre, to cut thorns Dispulzellare, to deflower Dispumato, a. frothy Disputa,/, dipute, debate Disputàbile, a. disputable Disputaménto, t71. a?^d Dispat» zdone, /. disputation Disputante, a. disputant Disputare, to dispute, debate Disputativo, a. disputable Disputato, part, disputed Disputatóre, t71. a disputant Disquisizione, /. disquisition Disradicare, to root up Disramire, to prune Disredare, to disinherit Disredato, part, disinherited Disregolatamènte, ad. disorderly Disrómpere, to burst asunder Disnividire, to quicken Dissagrare, to pro&ne Dissagrato, part, polluted Dissalare, to unsalt Dissaporito, o. insipid Dissavoróso, a. insipid Dissecazióne, /. dissection Disseccare, to dry up Disseccativo, a. apt to dry Disseminare, to sow, spread Disseminatóre, 771. a dogmatize Dissennare, to make mad Dissennato, a. senseless Dissensióne,/, dissension Dissenteria,/, bloody flux Disien'èrico, o. troubled with tha bloorfy flux Dissentire, to dissent Disseparare, to separate Disserrare, to open, unlock Disserrato, part, unlocked Dissertazióne,/, dissertation Disservtre, to injure Dissestare, to disorder Dissetare, atid Dissetarsi, to que&ck tr ^^;^ DIS Dissezióne, /. dissection Dissidio, m. dissension Dissigillare, to break a seal Dissillabo, m. dissyllable Dissimigliàn'e, a. unlike Dissimigli:'iuza,yi diflerence Dissimigliàre, to differ Dissimile, a. unlike Dissimilili'idine,/. unlikeness Dissimulare, to dissimible ; dissi- mulò la nionéta, he debased llie coin Dissimulatamén'e, ad. covertly Dissimulato, yart. dissembled Dissimula nr«, m. a dissembler Di^simulazione, /. hypocrisv, dis- guise [zione,y. dissfpation Dissipamen'o, ni. and Dissipa- Dissipare, to scatter ; la nébbia si dissipa, the foi; disperses Dissipatlvo, a. wasteful [ed Dissipalo, Tpart. dissipated, dispers- Dissipatore, rn. a waster Dissipazióne, /. a squandering Dissipii.), a. insipid Dissodare, to grub up, fo plough Dissolùbile, a. dissolvable Dissolutamente, ad. dissolutely DissolutézyjL, /. excess, licentious- ness Dissolutivo, a. dissolving Dissoluto, ■part, dijstroyed, debauch- ed, riotous Dissoluzióne,/, dissolution Dissolvènte, a. dissolvent Dissolvere, to dissolve Dissomigliinie, a. unlike Dissomigl i:'i nz-i, /. unlikeness Dissomigliare, to diH'er, vary Dissomigliate, a. unlike Dissomi;;liévole. a. did'erent Dissoa'inte, a,, disagreeing Dissonànya, /. jar in» Dissonn.'irsi, to awake Dissovvenire, to have forgotten Dissuadere, to dissuade Dissuasiónr,/. dissuasion Dissu.'isr), pari, dissuaded Dissuasòrio, a. dissuasive Dissuetùdine,/, disuse Dissuggellare, lo breik a seal Dissuggellato, a. unsealed Dissùria, /. difTiculty in making wa'er Distaccamento, w. a pulling away, a detachment (in war) Distaccare, to dnw by force; di- staccirsi, to part ; non posso dist.accftrmi da questo luó^o, I cannot leave 'his place DistagliAre, to cut in pieces, to divide DIS Distagliatùra, /. separation, in- cision Dist.'inte, a. distant Uist'inza, and Distanzia, /. dis- tance, space Dis Are, to be distant Di st'ite, ad. iu summer time Dislemperaménto, m. djsiemper Distemperàiiza, aiid Distempera- tezza,/. intemperance Distemper6re, to dissolve Dis'emperalaménte, ad. exces- sively [position Dis'en.peratùra, /. disorder, indis- Dis'eiriperàlo, a. intempeiate Dis'éndere, to stretch, spread, ex- tend Dis'endimento, m. and Distendi- lùra,/. extension, stretching Distenebrare, to clear up Distenére, to restrain Distensione,/, extension Disterminire, to exterminate, ex- lirp.ate Dis*és.a, /. a stretching. Alia distésa, ad.sX large Dis'esaménte, ad. extensively Distéso, a. extensive, large, long; tutto dis'éso, sprawling Dis'ico. m. a disicli Dis'ilhménto, m. disillation Distill' n*c, a. distilling Disiillire, to dis'il ; distillarsi il cervèllo sopra qualche cosa, to puzzle one's braias about some- thing Dis'i1lito,p(rr<. distilled nis'illatólo, ■m. as'ill Dis'illa'oie, m. a distiller Dis' illazióne, /. dis illa'ion DistiniTuere, tn distinniish ; distin- guersi, to S'gtialize orif's self Dislin'amén'e, ad. (ìistinc'ly Dis in'lva, f. and Distintivo, m. mark, sign, token Disti'Vn, pari, distinguished l)is'in7Ì"ne, /. dislinc'ion nis'ó;rliere, lo divert from Distojliniento, m. the act of di- vertinff Diston^re, to go out of tune Distoreere, to twist, wreah Dis'ornaménto, m. hindevance Dis ornlre, to diver!, Iiipder D's'^rre, to dissuade, remove Dis'ortn. a. cruke-l, bent Dis'r^ere, and Distr'irre, to avert from; quamio mio invecchia in un vtzio, ditlicilni-n'e sene dis- tr/ic, an old sinner seldom re- _ pen's ifóro, ai' 121 DIS Distratto, a. absent Distrazióne,/, distraction Distrérta,/. distress Distrettamente, ad. rigorously Dislreltézza,/. severity Distrétto, a. presseif. crowded amico distrétto, intimate friend , parénti distrétti, near relation» Distrétto, m. districi Dìstribuiménto, m. distribution Dis'ributre, to divide, share Distribuito, yart. dìsribu'ed Dislribuitóre, m. distributer Distrib.itivaménle, ad. distinctly Disiiibutlvo, a. distributive Distributóre, m. divider Distribuzióne,/, distribution Distrigare, to diseuUngle ; to un- fold ; distrigarsi, to disentangle one's self Distrlgnere, to tie ; bind ; èssere distiéVodi p.afira, to be in a fright Distrignimènto, m. binding, tying Distrùggere, to destroy: distrùg- gersi, to melt Di.=trugginiénto, ni. and Distra- zióne, /. destruction, overllirow Distrugfitivo, a. destructive Distruggitore, m. a destroyer Distruttivo, a. destructive Distrtjtto, fart, destroyed Distruttóre, ni. a destroyer Dis'iirAre, to unstop Dis'iirbanién'o, m. and Distar- b.'in/a,/. disorder, confusion Disturbnre, to disturb Disturbato, fart, disturbed, disoi^ dcred Disturbatóre, m. a disturber Disturbo. 771. distuib-ince Di sit. prip. above, upon Disiililiidiénte, a. disobedient l'isulibidientemènte, ad, disobedi- ently Disubbidiènza, /. disobedience Disubbidire, to disobey Di-ul.bidltd, part, disobeyed Di sùbito, oa. immediately Di'Uggelbre, to unseal Disngjell.'ito, part, unsealed DisusuaL'li'inza, and Disugualiti, /. inequality DisiiguMe. «.'unequal Disunialn-énte, ad. une<)ually Distmianftre, fo make inhuman ; disnman'irsi, 'o became inhuman Disunian.Mo, and Disumano, a. inhuman, cruel DÌM;nlbile, a. divisible Disunióne, /. a disunion Di-unlre, to disiini'e, divido. Perchè, crudo destino, ne disu- DIS ntsci tu, s'amór ne stnnge? why, ciTic! destiny, do you j*irt us, since love uniies us ? Disunì taiiiéute, ad. st-jiarately Disumo, a. lean Disu^'iuza, /. disuse ; aver disu- sanza dun luo^o, lo be a stran- ger to a place Disusare, io disuse Disusatamente, ad. unusually Disusato, a. unusual Disuso, nu disuse Di suso, di sii, }.rep. above, upon Disùlil-^, a. useless Disutilità,/, useleisness Disutiliuénie, ad. uiiprofitably Disvalére, to pie.iudire Disvalóre, m. weakness Disvantàggio, di. disadva;it.Tge Disvarianicuto. tu. variatior- Disvariàre, to ditìér Disvariàto. a. dllicrent Disvario. j;i. dirii;reiice. Controver- sy, a niist\ke ; ve gran dii^vari" fra questo e quello, theit ìs a great diiìèrence between this and that Disvejiire, to awake [veiling Disvelaii.ciito. m. discovering, un- Disvel.ire, to unveil Disvel.ito, fart, discovered Disvel.itore. m. a discoverer Disvéllere, to pluck, to pull up, wrii g, get out Disveulre, to faint, waste, decay Disventiira./. n.i-fortune, mishap Disventuraaménte, ad. unfortu- nately Disvenfiir'ito, a. unlucky Disversinare. to deflour Disvérre, to roo up Disvestire, to undress DisverzAre, to disuse Disve?zrilo, part, disused Disvianiéntn. ni. a wandering Disviare, to draw ou' nf 'he way, to degeneiate ; disviarsi, to wander DÌBviataménte, ad. wandcingly Disviatézza, /. a s'raying Disnàto, a. wanderliu Disviatiire. m. ajirf Disviatrice,/. a wan'ferer, debaucber Disviluppare, to disentangle, ex- plain Disvisceràre, to disembowel Disvischiàrsi, to get rid of a scurvy business I Disviticchiare, to disembarrass I Disviziàre, to correct, reclaim ; ] purify ; disviziàrsi, to leave off : vice I DIV Disvolére, to refuse L)Ì5volto, a. unembarrassed, fi«e Ditàglio, ad. with the edge 1)1 a,/. j-Jl. the fingers Ditale, 771. a thin.Cle Di tàuto in tanto, ad. now and then Ditello, 771. the armpit Ditenére. to de;a;n Dilerminàre, to determineà'o, a. determinate Diierminazione,/. resolution Uitesla^ione. /. deteslatiou Oito, ill. the linger, the toej il dito gròsso della mano, the thunib"j dito, an inch, a finger's breadth ; niostrài-e alcuno a dito, to point at one ; aver qualche cosa su la Jiuiita delle diia, to hai e a thing at one's lingers' ends Di tono, a. of two parts in music Ditrappfire, to ^teaJ Ditrài re, to usurp, to deprive of Di tratto, orf. suddenly [then Di tratto in tratto, ad. now ai:d nitrazione, /. detraction Diirinciàre, lo cut in IJitt.amo, ni. di tauy DittAre, to dicLa'e Di t' !o, ni. a dicta'e, a precept Ui'ta óre, 771. a dictator Dit a'onn, a. (^iclatnry liit'a'iira,/. dic'a'orsìiip Di 'óni^o, m. a diphthong Pi'uii^nre, to di^fi-.ure DÌMn->iri, 771. pi. duumvirs Diuré'ico, a. diuretic Diurno, o. d^ily Diu'uniaménte, ad. diumally niu'uniiti,/. Imi? continuance I)mT!irno, a. lasnng Diva, /. (in poetry) a goddess, a n.i*'ress Pivazaménto, m. a wardering Divai:'ii-e, fo wander, mve Divalhménlo, 771. a descending Divallare, to desc- nd Divampare, to fl.Tsh, flame Divano, 771. the divan (in Turkey) Divaii'àzgio, ad. mire Divariare, to vary, differ Divà'-io, rn. difference, variance ; è grande il divàrio, the difference is great I Divas'aménto, 771. ajid Divasta- 7Ìói;e./. devastation | Divecchiaménto, m. growing | youns I Di'vecchlSre. to grow young Divedére, to show, convince ; dare ] a divellere, to convince : vi darò I 122 DIV a divedére eh' avete torto, I wil, convince you that you are in the v\Tong Divèllere, and Diverre, to pluck up, root up Divelliménio, in. plucking Divello, part, plucked out Divenire, to bcconic ; to befall ; il numero divenne più grande, the number grew greater; che diverrò? what will become of me? Diventare, to become ; diventar mille colóri, to change colour Diverbio, 7Ji. a dialogue Diventato, part, become Di véro, ad. tiuly, in truth Diversamente, nei. diversely Diversàre, to diltér Diversificaménto, m. difference Diveisiticare, to diversify, to vary Diversificato, jjart. diversified Diversificazióne,/, variation Diversifico, a. dilterent Diversione,/, diversion Diversi- à,/. \ariety, cmelty Divèrso, a. diverse, unlike, barba rous Divèrsi, pron. pi. divers, many Di vèrso, prep, towards Diver-orio, 77J. inn, tavern Divértere, to divert Diverticolo, 771. a diirression Divertiménto, m. act of diverting diversion Divertire, to divert, interrupt ; di verllrsi, to take one's pleasure Divestlre, to undress Dive't:ire, to beat the wool Divettino, 7)1. beater of the wool Divezzare, to wean Divézzo, part, unaccustomed D' ivi, ad. from thence Diviare, tee Deviare Divia'aniénle, ad. nimbly, quickly, readily Diviato, a. quick Dividèndo, »ji. a dividend Dividente, a. dividing Dividere, to divide f dividersi, to separate, m. a sharer Divietamento, rji. prohibition Diviet.àre, to forbid Divietato, part, prohibited Divietazione. /. and Divièto, m. prohibition Divimàre, to set free [lentlv Divinamente, ad. divinely, excel Divinaménto, m. divination Divin'ire, to divine. ?iiess at Divinatòre, nu conjurer DIV Divinaménto, m. and Divinazióne, /. conjuraiioa Divincolaiiiciiio, m. and Divinco- lazinaB,/. con;oilion Divincolare, lo wrest Divinila, J. dei;y, a god, a goddess DivinÌ7z.ire, to make divine Divinizzato, a. niade divine Divinizzazióne, y; a deifying Divino, a, divine [of arms Divisa, /". rlivision, a livpiy, a coat Divisaniiin'e. ad. separaely DivÌ!ianién;o,m.sei)aralion,thought, project Divi&ire, to think, imagine, to de- scribe, divide; share, detenuiue, diversify nivisatanién'e, ad. distinctly Divisato, part, s riped, diitigured, altere*! ; è lutto divisate, he is quite another man Divisibile, a. divisible, /. divisibility l)iv->iriiir:, f. division, disuiiion, discord Divisivo, a. separable Diviso, parf. diviJ-4 Diviso, m. design, project Divisóre, ni. a divid,;r Di vista, ad. by si ;ht Divizia,/, plenty, arlluence; i frutti quest' anno sono in ^an divizia, fruit is this year very plentiful Divizióso, a. plentiful Divo, a. {in poetry) divine, excel- lent, heavenly Divo, m. adeily DivolMniénto, m. divul^in; Divol:?are, to divulge, (lublish Divolrarizzare, to translate into vulvar ianiua^e DivoUrito. part, divulged Divol^nzioiie,/. divulgation Divól^c-re, to wrap Divoracil.a, and Divoragióne, /. eluttony Divoramento, m. preeo'iness, abvss Divoramnnii, m. hector, quarrel- some fellow Divor-inte, a. devouring Divorare, to devour Divoratlvo, a. devouring Divorato, part, devoured Divoratura, and Divorazióne, /. devouring Divòrzio, m. divorce, departure Divolaménte, ad. devoutly Divóto, a. pious, godly Divozióne, /. devotion Divulgare, to divulge, publish Divulgato, part, divulged Divelto, and Divulse, o. torn up DOL I Dizionario, jn. a dicticnary Dizione,^, a word, diclion,domÌD- Doàna, /. set Dogana Dóbla, /. aìid Doblóne, rru a pistole Doccia,/, an earihen conduit Uocci.ue, lo drop Docci:\t;ira, /. the act of pouring Doccio, aiid Doccióne, in, an earthen conduit-iiipe Dòcile, a. tractable Docilità,/, tractableness Documénto, rn. instruction D;>d,a-simo, a. the tweif.h Dodici, a. twelve Dodnui'e, 7n. ihree parts of four Dóga,/. s:aves Dogli le. a. ducil D)gàna,/, custoin-house, custom Dosaiiiéie, OT. cus'om-house officer Do_';ir:t, 10 gird about, to put, or inni I I he stav.;S Dri^'-, /)). df)ge, captain-general 1)' nr;i in doln^ni, ad. every day DoJii. and Doglianza, /. grief, piiii, c'lHiplaiiit J>).;lie, /. pi. labour, travail (in cb M-bir:h) Doglióiite, a. grieving Doiclio. rn. a tun. ca/(. fraud iJolorato, o. aiflirted, vexed Dolore rn. pain ; i dolori del pirtO) langs in child-birih Doloriiico, a. painful Dolorosa.oien'e, ad. grievously, sorrowfully Doloroso, a. painful, sorrowful, unhappy, «vjckcl D'ilosaménie. ad. deceitfully Doloso, o. deceitful Dol'i'o, part, complained Dom bile, a. lamt-able Dom.'iii'la,/. ite Diui.^nda Domanliie, lo deu.and, request j inquire; il vostro padirine vi dnniMvix, your master wants you ; ve lo doniAndo in grazia, I entreat you ; domandar d'uno, to inquire af er one Doniauda sera, r,r Domandasséra. ad. to-morrow night DomandMo, part, remanded, a^ked Domanda'ore,7n. adeii;a:ider, dun, pelilinner [tion, suit Domandazióne, /. a request, ques- D om'ine. ni. see Dimine Dom.'m I'ahro, m. the day after to- morrow Domare, to tame, huinbU-, conquer Dom'to. part. suMut'd I) iiiia ore, m. cmqueror D r.iiatina, m. to-morrow morning n.i,..i,.|Iio, ui. (Dio) God ])■;:■ ;. :, '. -M:l.iy I) I I ,./ iiominicMe, a. i ^i: II lay ; l'orazióne -■ u. - 1,!. I , ilir Lord's prayer D niu i.icino. ,;i. a while friar Domesticire, see DimesticAre Domestichézza,/, familiarity, kind- ness, love Doniés'ico, 771. a senant I) niés'ico, a. familiar, tame Domév.ole, a. tameable, decile Domicilio, 771. h.abitation Domiinn'e, a. reiifning Domin^ire, to domineer; un monte che domina la città, a hill com- manding the town n oiiiinaióre. 77i. ruler, lord Dominazione /. and Dominio, ni. dominion, power, auhorily Dòmine, ?/«. sir. lord Dòmine ! i»ito ;/. the deuce 5 Domiiiic.Me, a. dominical Dònima. m. a dogn.a [coloured Domma'ch'no, a. of d.aniask, TOM DommWo, 771. daninsk Doinmùtìco, a. dognii'ic DOP Dòmo, part, subdue-i ; worn Donajinue,/. aiid Donaménto, vi. a gift, present Donante, o. giving Donare, to give Donatàrio, m. a donee (law term) Donativo, 771, a?ia Donazióne, /. gift, present, donation Donato, y art. sriven Donatóre, m. à giver Dónde ? ad. whence ? dónde, pron. Td. whereof, which, of whom Dondechè, a/i. wheresoever Dondolare, to swing, loiter Dóndolo, m. the thing swinging; volére il dóndolo, toìove a joke Dondolóna, /. a? endows Dota2Ìòne, /. sranting a dowiy Dòte, and Dota,/, portion, dowry, talent Dótta, f. an hour, a favourable op- portunity ; fear ; tenére in dotta, to keep In suspense Dottamente, ad. Icame- lic) 125 ECC E ed, wnj. and ; questi e quello, J this and that E\, is; egli e, he is; cosi è, so it it E' (egli) he, it Ebanista, m a worker in ebony Ebano, m. ebony Ebbene, interj. well ! Ebbrézza, Ebbrietà, and Ebbria chizza,/. drui.kenness Ebbriaco, a. drur.k, ilruiAard E'bbro, and Ebbriòso, a. foolish ; ébLro d'amore, passionately iu love Ebdomadàrio, m. head of the coo- vent for the week E'bere, to grow weak E'be'e, a. weak Ebolliménto, in. and Ebollizióne, /. boiling; ebollizióne di sangue, heat of blood Ebràico, a. Jewish Ebraismo, m. Hebraism Ebrèo, a. Hebrew, Jew Ebriirsi, to get drunk Ebriàto, a. drur.k, fuddled Ebrézza, and Ebrietà, /. drunkeu- nes3 E 'bro, and Ebrióso, o. drunken E'bure, m. ivory Eti'irno, and Ebùrneo, o. of ivory, white as ivory Eoatonbe, arid Ecatòmbe, /. a heca'omb (a sacrifice of a hun- dred cattle) Ecceiéute. a. exceeding Eccedentemente, ad. exceedingly Eccedènza, /. excess Eccedere, to surj^ass, excel Eccellènte, a. excellent Eccellentemente, ad. excellently Eccellènza, a»irf Eccellénzia, /. excellency. Per eccellènza, orf. excellently Eccèllere, to excel Eccel:-an:énte, ad. kipily Eccelsi'ùdine, /. highness (title of a prince) Eccèlso, a. hiih, lofty Eccentricamente, ad. eccentri- cally Eccentricità. /. eccentricity, de» via'ion from the centre Eccèntrico, a. eccentric Eccessivamente, ad. excessively Eccessivo, a. excessive Eccésso, m. superiority, excea* EDI Eccetera. /. (note of abbrevia- tion,) ic. Eccètto, and Eccettochè, conj. but, except [cept Eccettuare, and Eccettàre, to ex- Eccettuàtn, a. excepted Eccettuazione, and Eccezióne, /. exception, diijèrence Eccheggiàre, lo ech's to resound Eccidio, 771. ruin, slaughter Eccitaménio, m. incitation Eccitare, to instigate Eccitativo, a. excitine, provoking Eccitato, part, instigated Eccitatore, in. encourager Eccitazióne,/, sie Eccitaménto Ecclèsia,/, the church Ecclesiaste, or Ecclesiaste^, m. Eccìesiastes (a book of the Old Testament) Ecclesiasticamente, ad. ecclesias- tically Ecclesiastico, a. ecclesiastical Ecclesiàstico, m. a clergjTiian E eco, ad. behold ; ecco '1 vostro libro, here's your biok ; éccob li, there he is ; ecc i, then ; eccomi pronto, here I am ready ; eccoci arrivati, here we are ar- rived E'cco, m. echo Echeggiante, a. resounding Echeggiare, to echo, resound E'chió, m. hart"s -ongue (an herb) Eclissare, lo eclipse Eclisàto, part, eclipsed Eclisse, aitd Edi si, m. an eclipse Eclittica,/, ecliptic line E'co, /. the echo Economato, rn, stewardship Economia, /. econon-y Economicamente, nri. economically Econòmico, a. sparing, saving Ecònomo, m. an economist Ecònoma,/, a good h-usewife E convèrso, ad. on the contrary Ecùleo, m. an ins'rument of tor- ture shaped as a hoRe Ecumènico, a. general Edace, a. voracious Edacits,/. greediness E'dera,/. ivy Ederóso, and Ederàceo, o. full of ivy [fying Edificaménto, nu a buildinz, edi- Edifitóre. to build, edify Edificato, part, bui!', ediSed Edificatóre, m. a builder Edifica'órin, o. edifying [ing Edificazióne, /. edification, build- Edificio, and Edifizio, m. edifice Edile, m. a sort of magistrate EGR Edilità,/, the office of edile Editore, m. editor Edito, m. edict, decree Edizione,/, edition Educare, to educate Educato, part, educated Educazione,/, education Edulo, a. esculent Efie,/. the letter F Eilèméride, /. ephemeris Efi'emiuaméuto, m. etiéminacy Elt'eminàre, to effeminate Ettéminaiaménie, ad. efiéminately Effeminatézza, and Elfeminaiàg- gine./. etìeniinacy Efifeminato, a. effeminate Efferatnniénte, ad. cruelly Eiferatézza,/. cruelty EtfcrSto, a. fierce, cruel Etftritp,/. fierceness Etlervescénza,/. heat, vigour, force Efiettivan.énte, ad. effectively Edettiviti, f. efficacy Efieflvo, d. eifective Effetto, nu eftect. success In efietto, ad. in fact ; l"ho fatto a quest' efietto, I did it with this intent; in effètto è come voi dite, really it is as you say Eiféttóre, m. a maker, a worker Eflfettuale, a, effectual Effettualmente, ad. effectually Effetruare, to accon.plish Elfezióne, /. execution, or efiect- ing Efficiice, a. efficacious Efficacemente, ad. ei5'ectually Efficàcia,/, efficacy Elìiciénte, a. efficient Effigiare, to diaw, to paint Effigiato, part, drawn, painted Effigie,/, image, picture Efflùvio, ni. an evaporation Effóndere, to pour out Effrenataméste, ad. excessively, rashly Effreaato, a. immoderate, unruly Effusióne, /. and Effondiménto, m. effusion Efimera, /. a one-day fever; an animal which lives but one day Egénte, a. needy E sride, f. .Sgis, shield of Jupiter E'sli, prcn. he, him. it, they E'2lino. pron. pL thty Edi stes-so, pron. himself E'gloga,/. pastoral poem E^raniénte, ad. grievously Egregiamente, ad. egregiously, excellently Esrègio, a. illustrious, egregious E'gro, a. sick, grieved, vexed m ELI Eguaglianza,/, equality Eguagliare, (Uguagliare) to equa] Egujle, a. equal, inpartial Egualità,/ equality Esualn;énte, ad. alike, equally Eh. interj. alas ! eh vattene via, pr'yihee begone E'ia, interj. come, come Eimè, (oiniè,) interj. ah ! ?las ! Eiulazióne./. lamentation Elaborare, to take pains Eialjorato, a. tlaborate Elargire, to bestow Elàstico, a. elastic Elasticità,/, elasticity EUto, a. proud, elated Elazione,/. haughtiness E'lce,/. the holm-oak Elef.inte, ni. an elephant Elefantino, a. belonging to an elephant Elefarzia, /. a kind of leprosy Elegante, a. elegant, fine Elegantemén'e, ad. elegantly Eleganza./, elegance Elèggere, to elect, choose Elegia,/, an elegy Elegiaco, o. elegiac Elegiaco, m. a writer of elegies Elementàle, and Elementare, a. element.ary [ments Elementare, to compose of eie Elementàlo, part, composed of elements Eleménto, m. the element Elemosina,/, alms, charity Elemosinàrio, and Elemosinière a. almsgiver Elènco, m. cat-Jogue, index Elettivo, a. elective Elètto, part, elected, chosen, fine ElettorpJe, a, electoral Elettorato, TO. electorate Elettóre, to. an elector, title of* prince Elettrice,/, an electoress Elèttrico, a. electrical Elèttro, TO, amber Elettuàrio, m. an electuary Elevaménto, m. elevation Elevare, to raise, exalt, be prond Elevatézza, /. elevation Elevazióne,/, exaltation Elezióne,/, election Elicere, to extract Elicònio, o. Heliconian Elidere, to retrench Eligénte, m. elector Eligibile, a. fit to be cbosea Elisio, TO. Elysium Elisio, a. Elysian Elislre, TO. elixir, quintessencs EMI Elìtrópia, / a precious s'one, of a green cohur, wiih red ^l0^s Kitrópio, m. the herb tunisol E'Ua, prrói. she, it ; \-uoi ella venir meco ? will you come with me, sir, or madam ? Elleboro, in. hellebore E'ilera,/. ivy E'Ui, (e»(i,) praiL. he Ellisse,/, ellipsis Ellittico, a. ovai Elmétto, and E 'Imo, ni. helmet Elocuzione, /. elocution El(S»io, ni. eulo^, praise Eloquènte, a. eloquent Eloquen'emsnte, ad. eloquently Eloquènza, and Eloquéuzia, /. eloquence [handle E'isa, /. and E'iso, m. a hilt, or Eluciiiiirio, a. explaining ElucubnH''efuHy wrought Elucubrdizióne, /. composing in the night-time Elùdere, to elude Emaciare, 'o make lean EmaeLito, part, emaciated Emaciaziòne,/. leanness Emaculito, a. p-"*, spo»'ess Emanare, to proce..-J from Emancip-ire, to set at liberty Ema.ncipMo, part, emancipated Emancipazióne, /. vmancipalion Emati'a,/. a bl'iod-stone Emblèma, m. emblem Emblemàtico, a. emblematic E'mbrice,/. tile; trifle Embrióne, m. an en.bryo Embróccare, to make an embroca- tion Emenda, /. emendation Emendabile, a. easy to be correct- ed Emendire, to correct, mend Emendato, part, corrected, amend- ed, improved Emendatóre, m. a corrector Emendazióne. /. and Emenda- ménto, Emendo, m. correction, reparation Emergén'e, a. emereenf ; necessità emergènte, a pressing necessity Emergènza, /. and Emergente, m. emergency, accident Emergere, to emerge, swim Emèrso, part, risen, come out Emésso, o. emitteil, published Emetico, a. and m. emetical, emetic Emicrania, and Emigrania, /. head-ache Emigrare, to emisrate [ing Eminènte, a. eminent, approach- ENF Eminsnteménte, ad. ccnspicuously E.-ainènza,/. eminence Eiiiisfcrio, and Ei/a>f<;ro, m. hemisphere [lion, spy Eni issano, m. an emissii y, a slal- Emj:>sióne, /. emission, vent, bl.&iing Emitriteo, m. a semitcrtian fever, or ague Emme,/, the letter M E'molo, m. rival Emoluménto, m. emolument Emorroidale, o. of, or belonging to the piles Eniomoide,/. the piles Empet'.igine, /. a ring-worm, or tetter [ly Empiamente, ad. cruelly, wickcd- Empiastràre, to plaster Empiastràto, a. plastered Empiastro, m. a plaster Empiima, m. ga'hsring of matter Empiente, a. tilling E'nif iere, and Empire, to satisfy, fill, acconiplish Empiala, /. impiety Empidzza. /. impiety : an accom- plishing, performance Empiménto, m. a filling, stuffing E'mpio. a. cruel, impious Empireo, a. empyreal ; cielo em- pireo, the highest heaven Ernpireumatico, o. smelling of fire Empirico, m. a quack E'mpito, m. imi>etuosity Empito, a. lillai [niture EmpitTira, /. filling, stuffing, fur- Empiuto, a. full Empói-io, m. a market-place Emulare, to vie with, to strive Emulatóre, m. emulator Emulazione,/, emulation E'mulo, 771, a rival Emulsióne./, an emulsion ] Encomiare, to praise I Encomialo, part, praised I Encòmio, m. encomium I Ei;deoaslllabo,a. of eleven syllables E'ndica, /. a purchasing of mer- chandise E'ndice,/. mark, token Endivia./, endive E'neo, a. brazen Energia, /. energy, force Energicamente, e rquinoc- tial line [division Equazióne, /. equai'^i-.. an equal Equestre, a. equestriin. belonging to a horseman, or kuirht Equiàngolo, a. equiangular Equicrure, m. isosceles Equidjs'-Anle, a. equidistant Equidistantemente, ad, equidis- tant ly Equidistanza,/, an equal distance ERE Equil.^'ero, m. equilateral Equilibrare, to equiponderate Equilibrio, r>i. equilibrium ; mét- tere in equilibrio, to poise ; tener 1' equilibrio, ;o k ep the balance Equinoziale, a. equinoctial Equino, a. of a hoi-se Equinozio, m. equinox £miipàn. grass, pa ture Erbaiuòlo, m. an herbalist Erbàio, a. era'sy [words Erba trastulla, /. ribaldry, idle Erbétta,/, fine rass Erbolaio. r?i. an herb.alisf Erbos^, a. gra'sy, full of herbs Erbicce,/. pi. small herbs, parsley Erède, m. andf. heir, heiress Eredit^jgio, m. and Eredità, /. inheritance Ereditire. and Eredàre, to inherit Eredi'àrio, a. heredirary Eremita, ni. a hf-rmit Eremitàggio, and E'remo, m. hermi'age Eremitico, a. solitary Eremitòrio, and Eremitóro, m. solitude, hermi'aje 128' ERU Eresia, /. heresy Eresiarca, m. chief of a heresy Ereticale, and Erètico, a. heretical Erelicanièn e, ad. herelically Erètico, Tji. a heretic Erètto, jjart. erec'ed, raised Erezione, /. erec ion Ergastolo, m. a prison Ergere, and Erigere, to erect, build, raise Erine, or E inni,/. j/L erinnys (the infernal furies) Erisamo, m. wild-cresses, hedge» nius;ard Eni.afrodlto, m. hermaphrodite Ermellino, m. emnne Ermo, a. (in poetry) desert, eoli tary E'rnia, /. a rupture Erniària,/, a kind of plant Ernioso, a. ruptured Eròe, m. a hero Eroé^sa, /. a heroine Erogato, a. disbursed Ei-oicaniénte, ad. heroically Eroico, a. heroic, noble j vei eròico, heroic verse Eroicòmico, a burlesque Eroina, /. a heroine Erómpere, to burst out Eroico, a. amorous Erpicare, to harrow Erpicato, part, harrowed E'rpice,/. a harrow Errabóndi, a. fugitive Errante, and Enàtico, a. wander ing Errki-e, to err, mistake ; errare cammino, to lose one's way Errata,/, portion, share Errato, a. confu^d, mistaken Erre, /. the letter R E'rro, m. a hook, brace Erroneamente, ad. erroneously Erròneo, a. erroneous Erróre, m. error, fault, sin Errortjccio. m. a small fault E'rta, and Ertézza, /. declivity ; stare all' erta, to stand on one's guard E'rto. a. steep, upridit ; ^ l'erto e piano era un sentièro sghembo, between the hill and the plain there was an oblique path Erubescenza, /. bashfulness Eruca, /. the herb rocket, a cater- pillar Erudiménto, m. learning Erudire, to teach, instruct Erodilaménte, ad. learnedly Erudito, a. learned, skilful Erudizione,/, learning ESC Eruttare, to throw up, to belch Erutta'ore, m. a lieUher Eruttazióne,^, belctiing Eruzione,/, eruption Esacerbare, to provoke Esaceibito, pai1. irritated Esi;,'eriiite, o. exasperating Esa^eiare, to aiuplil'y Esai^eriiti, part, exaggerated Esaierazioue, /. amplilication Esòdio, ni. the sLxth part of an ounce Esa^itire, to agitate Esaj^itazirtne,/. agitation Esai-.nàle, arid Esaj^ono, a. six- sidei (having six sides) Esàgono, m. hexagon Esalare, to exhale, steam, recre- ate; esalare gli ùltimi spiriti, to breathe one's last Esalato, part, exhaled Esalazióne, /. Esàio, and Esala- ménto, m. exlulation Esaltaménto, m. preferment Esaltare, to exalt, extol Esaltato, part, exalted Esal atóre, m. he that pralseth Esalazióne,/, advancement Esame, m. an exanjination ; a swarm of bees Esàmetro, m. hexameter verse Esamina,/, examination Esaminare, to examine, search, prove Esaminato, part, examined Esaminatóre, to. examiner Esaniinazióne, /. e.xamination Esàngue, a. pale, wan, dead Esanimare, to deprive of life Esànime, and Es'tnimo, a. lifeless Esasperare, tn irritate, incense Esasperato, part, irritated Esasperazióne, /. iiritalion Esattamente, ad. exactly Esattézza,/, punctuality Esatto, a. exact, strict, careful Esattóre, m. a collector Esaudévole, a. placable Esaudiménto, TO. and Esaudizióne, /. a hearing Esaudire, to grant Esaudito, part, granted Esauditóre, m. he thit grants Esaurire, to exhaust Esàusto, a. empty, exhausted Esazióne, /. exaction E'sca, /. food, bait, allurement; avvicinar 1' esca aJ fuòco, to ex- pose to danger Escandescènza,/, anger, \vrath E'scara,/. the scab of a wound Escaròtico, a. bringing a scab 9 ESE Escalo, m. a trap snare Eschievlno, m. municipal officer, sheiift- E'òchio, TO. the beech-tree Esciàme, m. a swarm of bees Esciménto, m. a going out, sally, success, end, issue Esci re, to go out Escita,/, a w.ay out Esclamare, to cry out, exclaim Esclamativo, a. exclaiming Esclamazióne,/, exclamation Esclùdere, to exclude, reject Esclusione, and Esclusiva, /. ex- clusion Esclùso, part, excluded Escogitare, to think, imagine Escolpzióne,/. justification Escomunicare, to excommunicate Escoriazióne,/. ajjrfEscoriaménto, TO. excoriation, a flaying Escrementale, and Escrementizio, a. feculent, dreggy Escreménto, m. excrement, dregs Escrementnso, a. excrtmentitious Escrescenza,/, excrescence Escursióne, /. excursion Escusàbile, a. excusable Escusàre, to escuse, justify Escusato, part, excused Escusazióne, /. an excuse Esecrabile, and Eseci-àndo, o. execrable Esecrare, to curse, detest Esecrato, part, execrated, cursed Esecratòrio, to. a sort of oath Esecrazióne,/, execration, curse Esecutivo, a. executive Esecutóre, and Eseguitóre, ni. executor Esecuzióne, /. execution Eseguiménto, to. execution, pun- ishment E'^e^uire, to execute E^cnjpigrjzia, ad. for exaruple Esémpio, TO. example, mod?l, copy Esemplare, to imitate, copy Esemj)làre, m. a copy, model, copy-book Esemplare, a. exemplary Esemphrit.\, /. equity, justice, in- nocence, integrity Esemplarmente, and Esemplati- vaménte, ad. exemplarily Esemplati vo, a. exemplary Esemplato, part, drawn, copied Esemp!ific'ire, to exemplify Esemplificato, part, exemplified Esemplificazióne, /. exemplificv tion rexemplar, copy Esemplo, m. ana Esémpio, m. 129 ESO Esentare, to exempt, discharge Eóeatito, part, exempted, freed Esènte, a. exempt, free Esenzionàre, to present one with a freedom Esenzióne, /. exemption Esequiàle, o. funeral Esequiàre, to perform obsequies Esequiàto, a. buried Esequie, /. pi. funeral obsequiea, funeral Esi-rcitAnte, a. exercising Esercitaménto, ni. exercise, prac- tice [cise, practise Esercitare, and Esercere, to exer- Esercitatlvo, and Esercitato, a. exercised Esercitatore, to. exerciser Esercito, m. an army, a number of people Esercizio, m. and EscrcitaziÓDe, /. exercise Esereditare, to disinherit Esibire, to offer, present; m'esi- bisco di ser\irla, I olfer my ser- vices to you Esibita, /.'presentation (law term) Esibilóre, m. he that otters Esibizióne,/, offer, proffer Esigenza, /. exigency Esigere, to exact, reuuire Esile, a. 'hin, slender Esiliare, to banish Esiliato, part, banished Esilio, or Eslglio, m. banishment Esimere, to exempt, free Esimio, a. chosen, singular Esistente, a. existent Esistenza,/, existence Esistere, to exist EsistiniAre, to esteem Esitare, to sell, to hesitate Esitazióne, /. hesitation E'sitn, TO. issue, end, event, sale métter qualche cosa nel libro dell' èsito, to give a thing for lost Esiziale, a. destructive Esizio, TO. destruction E'sodo, TO. Exodus Esòfago, TO. the throat Esorbitante, a. exorlitant Esorbitanza,/, extravagancy Esorcismo, to. exorcism, conjura- tion Esorcista, to. exorcist, conjurer Esorcizzare, to exorcise Esòrdio, to. preface, preamble Esortare, to exhort, persuade Esortativo, and Esortatòrio, 0. ESP £sóso, a. odious, hateful Esotico, a. exotic, foreign Espansióne,/, expansion Espediènte, a. expedient Espediente, m. means, expedient Espedii e, to despatch Espedito, a. expedited, ready Espedizione,/, expedition Espellere, to expel Esperientemente, ad. experiment- ally Esperiènza, and Esperiénzia, /. experience Esperiméntale, a. experimental Esperin.entàre, to experience, to make experiment Esperinientito, a. experienced Esperi nieiitatore, m. a niaker of experiments Esperiménto, m. experience, ex- periment, trial, proof Espèrio, a. western, Hesperian E spero, m. the evening star Espertamente, ad. expertly Esperto, a. expert, skilful Espeiibile, a. desirable Espe t/inte, o. expecting Espettare, to expec', wait for Espettatlva, and Espettazione, /. expectation Espiare, to expiate, atone Espiazióne,/, expiation Espirare, to die, expire Espirazióne, /. expiration Esplicàbile, a. explicable Esplicare, to explain Esplica ore, m. commentator Esplicazióne,/, explication Esplicitamente, ad. explicitly Esplicit-^, o. explicit Esplòdere, to explode Esplorare, to explore, search Esploratóre, m. sccmt, spy Esplorazióne, /. an exploring, spying Esponente, m. expounder Espórre, to expound, explain ; espórre l'ambasciata, to open an emba-ssy ; espórre i fancitjUi, to expose' children ; espórre alle fiere, to expose to wild beasts Espositivo, a. explaining Esp-^itóre, m. expositor, inter- preter Esposizióne,/, interpre'ation Espósto, fari expounded Espressamente, and E^préfso, ad. expre'sly, clearly, evidently Espre'isióne, /. expression, signifi- cancy Espressiva,/, an expression Espressivo, a. expressive EST Espresso, a. plain, manifest, posi- tive Esprimente, a. expressing Esprimere, to express, utter Esprobare, to reproach Esprobazione,/. reproach Espugnàbile, aìid Espugnato, o. taken by force, or that may be, &c. Espugiiare, to conquer, force Espugnatóre, ra. a conq eror Espugnazióne,/, a cnnquering Espulsione,/, expulsion Espulsivo, o. forcing out Espulso, pari, expelled Espurgare, to purge, cleanse, scour Esquisita ménte, ad. exquisitely Esquisitézza,/, exquisiteness Esquislin, a. exquisite Esquisitóre, m. observer, searcher Esse,/, the letters E ssec razione,/, execration Essémpio, ra. an example Essènza, and Esséuzia,/. essence, substance Esseuzi Jle, a. essential, necessary Essenzia!n\énte, ad. essentially E'ssere, to be, to exist, to become ; può essere, perhaps, it niay be ; che sarà di lui ? what will be- come of him ? sarò da voi do- mani, I will come to your house to-morrow E'ssere, 771. being, state, condition ; di grand' èssere, of great quality ; le cose sono in buon essere, things are in a good way ; non conviene all' èsser mio, not suit- able to me [to dry Essiccante, a?id Essiccativo, o. ap't Essiccazióne, /. a drying Esso, proìì. he, it; con esso voi, along w ith you Essuto, part, been Est, m. east E'stasi, /. ecstasy, rapture Estate, and Està,'/, sumnier Estàtico, a. ecstatic Estemporàneo, a. extemporary Estèndere, to extend, stretch, en- large ; non m'estendo a dir più sopra questo soggètto, I will not dwell any longer on this subject Es'ensióne, /. ex'ension, extent Estensivo, and Esténso, a. ex- tensive Estenuare, to extenuate Est«-i.uailvo, a. 'hat can lessen Estenuato, a. lessened, emaciated ; estenuato di forze, exhaus'ed Estenuazióne, /. extenuation, lean- ness 130 EST Esterióre, o. external Esteriorità,/, the outside Esteriormente, ed. outwardly Esteimin.àre, to ex-terminate Esterniinàto, part, destroyed, e» censivo Esterminatòre, ni. a destroyer Esterminazione,/, destruction Estemilnio, m. ruin, destruction Estemamèute, ad. extertally Estèrno, a. external, of yesterday E stero, a. foreign Estersi vo, a. detersive, cleansing Estesamente, ad. exteusively Estéso, a extended Estin.are, to es'eem, value, to ex- amine, appraise Estin;a:iva, f. discernmer» Estimato, jaTt. estimated, valued Estimatóre, m. valuer, rate- Esljmazione, /. esteem, judfanent Eslimèvole, a. estimable E'simo, m. Ln.*. an im- pos'or, forger Falseggiare, to falsify [sic) Falsétto, m. a false'titble (inmu- Falsidico, a. deceitful Falsificaménto, m. a falsity Falsificare, to falsify, counterfeit, forge, adulterate, ènibezzle Falsificato, part, falsified Falsificatóre, m. a falsifier Falsificazióne, /. falsification Falsità,/, falsehood, lie Falso, a. false ; méttere il piede in falso, to make a wrong step Fàlta,/. want. Éiult F«ltàre, to want ; be deficient FAN Fama, /. fame, report Fame,/, hunger, scarcity j want Famelico, a. hungry Famigerato, a. famous famiglia,/, famày, retinus Famigliire. aivi Familiare, m. and a. servant, follower, a bal- lili; intimate [familiarity Famigliarità, and Familiarità./. F.aniigliarmente, aiut Familiar- mente, ad. fi-eely Famiglio, m. a senant, thief-'aker Famigliuóla,/. a small family Famosajiiénle, ad. publicly Famosi ;à,/. fame, report Famoso, a. famous, kno\vTj Faoiùccia. /. a small appetite Fanale, m. a lantern Fanatico, a. fanatic FauatisiMO, m. fanaticism Fauciuilaggine, /. ciiildishness, youth Fa'nci'jl'.a,/. a girl Fanciullaia,/. many boys Fanci'jlleria,/. childishness Fanciuilesciméii*e, ad. chiHishly Fanciullé?co, and Fanciullo, a. childish Fai:ciullétta, /. and Fanciulletto, m. a little girl, or boy Fanciullézza,/, childhood, infancy Fanciullo, and FanciuUùz^o, m. a child, a iKiy Fandonia,/, a lie Fanèllo, to. a linnet Fanfàlla,/. jeeFarfilla Fanfaluca, /. ?iiark, whim, fancy, gewgaws, ^rifles Faufano, m. a romancer Fanferina, /. jestinj, mocking Fangacc:o,"»i. and Fanghiglia, /. mire, puddle Fango, 771. dirt, clay; 6r delle sue parole fango, to break one's word Fangóso, a. dirty, sniry Fantaccia,/. a bad servant-girl Fantaccino, m. foot soldier Fantaio, m. a lover of waiting- women Fantasia,/, fancy, imagination Fantàsima, njirf Fantasma, ni. and f. (in poetry) phantom, virion, spirit Fan'asticaggine, and Fantastiche- ria, /. whim, caprice i antasticamén'e, ad. fantastically Fan'as'icare, to devise, invent Fan'asticatóie, m. a capricious man Fantàstico, a. fantastical Fante, to. and f. man-serrant, maid-servant; foot-soldier 1 132 IAS Fantepiare, to perform domesti* aliairs Fanteria, /. infantry, foot Fan ésca,/, maid-servant Fanticélla,/. a servant -girl Fantino, rn. infant Fanticeria,/. malice Fantocceiia,/. childishness Fantòccio, m. a doll, a sksple- ton Faraone, to. a game of hazard Farchétola, /. a"teal (a bird) Farcialiòne, m. a sort of teal Fàrdà,/. spittle Fardaggio, m. ba^age Fardèllo, to. iruà, "bundle ; far fardèllo, to pack off Fare, to do, make; farsi, to ap- proach ; f itevi a me, come near roe ; farsi alla finestra, to con-c to the window ; tre mesi fa, three months ago ; al far dt-l giorno, break of day ; al for della notte, in the dusk of even- ing ; far-i tardi, to grow la'e ; fai- senjbiàctd, to dissemble '; far motto, to mention ; far aiuto, to assist Farei, /. a sort of serpent Faretra,/, a quiver Faretrato, a. armed with a quivei Farfall.a,/. butterfly Farfallóne, to. a la'e, a fib ; far un farfallóne, lo blunder Fàrfaro, m. footstool, coltsfx)t (.i plant) Farina,/, meal, flocr ; qi;esto n-^^n fe farina, this is useless ; tu non sei farina da cialde, you are a cunning fellow Farinàccio, m. a die marked but on one side [mealy Farliwaceo. and Farinacciolo, a. Farinaiuòlo, m. a meal-seller Farin.Sta,/. broth, porridge Farinèllo, ni. an assassin Fariseo, to. Pharisee Fai-maoia,/. pharmacy Fàrmaco, to. a drug, remedy Farneticare, to rave Fametichézza. /. dotage, madness Farnètico, a. delirious Faro, TO. watch-tower, strait Farragine, /. mixture of grain, mixture of words Farricello, to. spelt, a kind of cora Farro, to. corn, wheat Farsa, f. a farce Farsettàccio, to. a jacket, a doublet Farsettaio, to. a jacket maker Farsétto, to. a doublet Fascétte, m. a little bundle FAT Fàscia, /. a band, fillet; bambln tènero in fàsce, an infant in swaddling clothes Fasci:'ire, to bind, to tie lasciata,/, liga'ure Fasciatello, m. a packet Fasciato, part, swaddled j bo-jn:!, surrounded Faciatiija, /. a bandage, truss Fascina,/, a fa^nt Fascinàie, to faiot wood Fascinata,/, a ftnce Fascinatore, m. a wizard Fascinizioiie, /. and Fàscino, m. bewitchin; Fàscio, m. a bundle; a sheaf; fascis ; andare iu fàscio, to go to ruin Fasci:ime, m. a heap of rubbish Fabciuola, /. a little band Fase,/, phisis Faiteiliccio, m. a lar^e bundle ill Diade Fastclh, TO. fasrot, sheaf Fasti, m. pi. annals Fast idi ire, to mole:,t, disturb, vex, to disdain, som Fastidiato, part, molested, trou- bled, scorned Fastidio, TO. and Fas'idiosagpne, /. weariness, molesta- ion ; èsser in fastidio, to be tnubleiorie Fas'idiosanién e, ad. tediously Fastidiose ti, a. iniportum'e Fas'i!iós^, a. tedinus, loa lisnnie, dis liinful, monse Fas"i lire, to de'est, abhor, to wea'v, tire, l^atl-e Fasti 11 to, part, loahed, tired Fastidliinie, to. a peck of 'roubles Fasttj^io, to. hei'ht, elevation Fasto, TO. pride, pomp Fastosamente. aJ. vainly, proudly Fastóso, o. proud, haughtv Fó'a./. fairy Fatale, a. fa'al, '!es'.ined Fatalilf)./. fa'ali'y Fatalmente, ad. fa'ally Fa'àppio, nu a sort of bird Fati re, to destine Fata'amén'e, ad. lee Fatalmente Fata'ùra, f. a charm, sorcery Fatica, f. fati;?ue, toil ; mia fatica, my work, wa^es, reward ; le mie fa'iche, my waies Fatic'bile, a. laborious Fatic'-ccia, f. labour Fatirire, to tire, fa'ijue ; afati- c'lrsi, to labour Fa'ic''lo, o. weary, tired Fatichévle, a. lal)ori-i«s Fatjcosantónte, ad. laboriously FAV Faticóso, a. laborious Fatidico, TO. a conjurer Filo, TO. fa'e, des iny Fatta,/, sort, kind, fashion Fa"tanién1e, ad. ellectively ; si fattamente, in such a manner Fatterello, m. a trifle Fatézza,/. feature, sliape, fashion, manner Fa'tibJIIo, »n. paint [ble Fattibile, and Fattévole, o. feasi- Faillccio, a. ficti:ious; vino fat- ticcio, adulterated wine Fattivo, a. active Fattizio, a. artificial Fatto, part, rione, made ; tanto fatto, so lar;::e ; un pomo Fatto, TO. fact, deed, ac ion; and pa' fatti suoi, to ^ about one business ; ho intéso parlare niolto nialede' fatti vnstii, I heard you very il! spoken of. Di fato, W. really so Fattoi;'ino, m. one that works at an oil presi ; a busybody Fa- :óio, TO. an oil press Fa'irtre, to. a doer, maker, fac'or, apprentice [ship Fatloria, /. fac'orship, steward. Fattorino, m. a sh )p4j"y Fa'to s'k. ad. there's thè point Fa'tucchiOn,/. a wi'ch Fatucchieria,/. wi chc-aft Fattoi ra, /. fashion, make, witch craf', charm Fa'ur'ito, fart, bewitched; vino fafurato. adidterated wine Fatuitci,/. stupidity F'l'uo, a. stupid Fàuci, /. ri. throat, gullet, a riv- er's riiou'h F'uiio, TO. faun, god Fàusto, a. for'iina'e Fail 'óre, to. a favourer Fà\a,/. a bean, a vote, pride, pre- simiption ; piilire due colómbe ad una fava, to kill two birds wi'h one stone Favagello, to. 'he herb celandine Favata, /. a ra'^'^ut made with l)eans, foolish p'ide Favellire, m. orirf Favella, /. speech, discoui-se, laniuare Favellamento, ni. a word, dis- course Favellre, to speak, discourse favell'r con le mani, to stiike Favella óre. to. a 'alkT Favellio. TO. cai'din r. chat Favilla,/, a spark of lire 133 FEC Favillare, to sparkle Favillùzza,/. a little spark Favo, m. honey-conib Fàvola,/, a fable; èsser fàvola al rapido, to be the common Ulk Favol'.rc. and Favoleggiare, te tell stories, banter [riet Fav'de^iialore, ni. a teller of sto- Fa\ olisco, and Favoloso, a. fic- ti;i..iis, fabulous Fav'Ltia,/. a short story Favolone, to. a ron.ancer Favolosamente, ad. romantically Favoloso, a. fabulous Favoiiio, to. west wind Favore, in. favour, benefit, be- nevolence FavoreggiSnfe, a. favouring Favorei il f-'ilio bi'uco, to give one full p'l-ver Fo7l=óso. riìiff Fogli'Vo, a. full of,, rr c-'vere' wi'h Kavts Fó^a./. a c-mmon sewer Fognare, to in.oke sewers, or con- FON duits ; fognare le misure, to cheat in mea^ure Foguato, part, dug, dived into Foia,/, lust Fola, /. a story, a tale, a crowd, a Ihrrjog Folaga, /. a coot, a moor-hen Folài;i, /. a flight ot birds, a puff of wind Folcire, to prop [fui F Igorànte, o. thundering, dread- Folg-irire, to thunder, to shine Folgorato, o. thundering Folgore, or Fiilgure, m. and f, thunder, lightning Fol^re, m. brightness Fol^ irt^giàn e, a. thundering Fol^reggiàre, to thunder Folia,/, crowd, multitude Folle, a. mad, foolish Foljejgiànle, a. playing the fool Folleggianicuto, m. folly, extravap arance Follegiiàre, to play the fool F' negoziatore, m. a fool, madman Fdlen:èi.te, ad. foolishly F Nètto, m. hobgoblin Follia, f. folly [husk, soeQ Folllcnla, /. arid Follicolo, m. Follone, m. a fuller, a dyer Fo| a,/, a con.pany, crowd Fo| amèn'c, ad. crowdin^ly Folio, a. hick; folte tenebre, a grea' darkness Fon.enfre, to foment, soak F- nienLàto. tart, f-imeulel Fomen'a'nre, m. a fomenter Fomen'azione./. fomen a'ion Fonièn o, rn. a poul ice. a plaster Foi; i'e, ni. an incentive, tinder matches Fonda,/, a purse, funds Foil 'aciio, m. a wanhouse-keepe» Fond'ccio, m. and Fondala, /. lees, dregs Fnn'hchè-*o, a small warehouse F''n''achière, m. a draper Fondaco, m. a warehouse, a shop FordTmen'Ic, fl. fundan.eiial Fon.ianicn rJmène, a?irf Fondata- n.en'e. nd. fundamentally, Itan^ edty. s"urdly Fondarne ''o. rn. foundation, basis, principle, bejinninr Fon^'re. lo lay f"uiida'ion FondS o. part, f'-unded : discórso fondà'o. a Iranird disci uise, verno fondato, the middle of win'er F rla'-^rp, m. founder F'^n^a^ióne. f. f-'u da'ion Fondèllo, m. a buttou-hule FOR Fóndere, to melt, to waste Fondei la, /. a foundery Fondigliuólo, m. lees, dregs of liquor Fonditóre, in. a metal founder; speudlhrift, prodigal Fóndo, m. deptli, bottom, funds Fóndo, o. deep Fondato, yort. melted Fontima, /. fountain Fontanella,/, a little fountain FonLineo, and Fontaniéro, a. waterish, of a spring, or fountain Fónte, nu andf. fountain, aprine; font ; levare al foule un bambino, to stand godfather or godmother Fora, far Sarebbe (poetfcal; Foracchiare, to pierce through Foracchiato, a. pierced Foraggiare, to forage Foraggiere, m. a forager I'oraggio, m. fodder, forage Forame, m. a hole Foraneo, a. of a bar, court Forare, to penetrate Forasièpe, m. a sort of little bird ; a poor man Forata,/, a hole Foraterra,/, a dibble Forato, part, bored Foratóio, ni, an auger, piercer Foratóre, m. one that niakes holes Fòrbice, and Fórhicia, /. scissors Forticétte,/. ■pi, small scissors Fòrbici, /. pi. scissors ; the claws of a crab, or scorpion ; avért- uno nelle fòrbici, to have one imder one's th'imb Forbiciata,/, a cut, a snip Forbire, to furbish; foibfrsi gli òcchi, to rub one's eyes , forbirsi le lagrime, to wij* away tears Forbito, part, furbished, cleaned, polished Forbitolo, m. a fmbishing tool Forbottare, to beat asain Forbottalo, part, beaten Fórca, /. a pitchfork, a prong ; the gallows Forcata,/, a fork-full, the opening of the legs Forcato, part, forked Forcatura, /. the parting of the thiihs Forrélla,/. a little fork Forcellùto, a. forked Foirhetta, and Forcina, /. a fork to eat with ; favellare in punta di forchétta, to speak with aiftc- tation Forchettièra./, a sheath for a fork Forchiùdere, to exclude FOR Fórci, /. pi. scissors Forcone, m. an iron fork Forcutamente, ad. like a fork Forcuto, part, forked Forellino, m. a litUe hole Foréuse, a. of the bar Forése, m. arui f. a rustic, coun- trjuian Foresozzo, m. a country lad Forèsta. /. a forest Forestieramente, ad. stranger-like Forestière, a. sliange, foreign Forejtieria. /. a quantity of stran- gers ; an inn to receive stran- gers Forestièro, m. a stranger, guest Forèsto, a. savage, wild Forfartijra,/. cheat, imposition Forfecchia, /. a sort of worm with a forked '.ail Fòrfice, /. shears, scissors ; essere tra le forfici, lo be in danger Forficètte, and Forficlne, /. pi. little scissors Forficiata, /. a cut with the scissors Forfora, cììd Forforàggine, /. scurf, dandruff of the head Forière, m. forerunner Forièro, a. preceding Fórma, /. form, shape, figure Formàbile, a. which may be formed Formàggio, m. cheese Formale, a. formal Fom.alitfi./. ceremony Formalmente, ad. formally Fomiamèn'o, m. the creation of the world Formante, a. forming Fonuare, to form, make Foi-ma:aménte, ad. formally Formativo, a. forming Formato, part, formed, shaped ; uomo fomiàto, a grown man Forma;òre, m. fom:er, framer Formazióne,/, forming, formation Foni.èlla,/. a furrow, ditch Formentire, to ferment Fomientato, part, leavened Forménto, m. com, ferment Formica, and Formicola, /. an ant Formicaio, ant-hill, a throng, a crowd ; stuzzicare il formicaio, to run into mischief Fcmiicare, to be numerous Formicolàio, m. a swarm of ants Formicolamento, m. a prickling in the txxly like the stinging of ants Formicòne, m. a large ant Formidàbile, a. terrible Formidine, /. fear las FOR Formisùra, ad. excessively Formola, ar'd Fòrmula,/, fona Formosità,/. l>eauty Formoso, o. beautiful Fornace, /, kiln, furnace Ffrnacèlla, ani Fomacétta, /. furnace, a kiln Fornaciàio, m. a kiln-man Fornàia, /. a baker's wife Fornàio, m. a baker Fornèllo, m. a sniall oven, a stori Fornicare, to commit fornication Fornicatóre, and Fomicatoréllo^ m. fornicator Fornicatrice,/, a harlot Fornicazióne,/, fornication Forniménto, m. supply ; fomi- mèiito d'un àbito, trinunicg of clothes; fornimento di sèlla, tht harness ; da camera, furniture Fornire, to finish, to furnish, to adorn [adorned Fornito, part, furnished, endowed. Fornitura,/, ornaments Forno, m. an oven, a baker's shop non è in forno, ora è in su la pala, he is almost ruined Fomuòlo, ni. a lantern to hun birds by eight Foro, ?n. a "court of justice, market-place, a hole, a crack Forosètta, /. and Forosétto, nu little rustic Fòn-a, /. a defile, a pass For;*, ad. pei hap-, why; forse di sì, n.ay bt so ; forse di no, may be not ; forse non bello ? why nor handsome ? Forsechc, ad. perhaps that Forsennàre, to rave, to dote Forsennatàggine, and Forsenna^ tèzza,/. (blly, madness Forsenna'amèute, ait. madly Forsennato, a. mad. extravagant Forte, a. strong, sturdy ; desidero for'e di vedérlo, I àm very de- sirous to see him ; fa forte "tem- po, it is very bad wea'her Forte, m. Cower, strength, nerve, fortress [ously Fortemente, arid Forte, ad. vigor» Forterùzzo, a. ra'her strong, sour Fortézza, /. steadiness, fortitude; a forress; fortézza d' ànimo, constancy Fr^r'ificàre, to fortify Foriificalóre, m. a fortifier Fortificazióne. /. jrid Fortifica- ménto, m. fortifica' ion Fortino, m. a .small f'rt For'itOdine,/. forti «de Fortóre, m. force, sharpness FRA Fortuitamente, ad. casually Fortùito, o. accidenul ; caso for- tùito, chance Fortume, and Fortóre, m. things stroiijjly tasted Fortuna,/, fortune Fortunale, a. casual Fortun.ire, lo make fortunate, to try one's luck Fortunataménle, ad. luckily FortuiTito, o. fortunate Fortunegjiàre, to make hapj)y Fortunosamente, ad. by cliance Fortunóso, and Koriunsvole, o. fortui'ous, hazardous, fortunate Forvóglia, ad. against one's will Fòrza, /. force, power ; a foi-za, ad. by force ; far forza, to com- pel [violence Forzaménto, m. force, cmstnint, Forzare, to force ; fnrz'irsi, tdstrive Forza' amante, ad. bv foice FnrzAto, part, forced Forzato, m. a galley slave Forzatore, m, he that compels Forzerinàio, m. a trunk-niaker Forzévole, a. forcible Forzevolménte, ad. violently Forzière, m., chest, trunk Forzosamente, ad. forcibly Forzuto, aiìd Forzóso, a. strong Fescamente, ad. obscurely Fésco, a. brown, tawny, dark, gloomy Fosfòrico, a. phosphoric Fòsforo, m. the morning star Fòssa,/, ditch, trench, grave ; chi vién dalla fossa sa che cosa è'I mono, experience makes us wi^e Fossàccia./. a ditch Fossato, m. a little torrent Fossétta,/, a lit'le dich, or grave Fòssile, a. any thing dug up ; sal fòssile, mineral salt Fòsso, m. a ditch Fottivénti, m. a kestrel Fra, prep, (tra,) between, amongst, ÌD ; fra me, to myself ; fra quan- to ? in what time ? Fra, m. (for Frate,) brother. monk ; lazy rozue Fracassaménto, m. clutter, havoc Fracassare, to destroy, break Fracassato, part, broken Fracassio, m. crash, ruin Fracasso, m. crash, ruin, havoc, noise FracidAre, to rot, putrefy Fraci lizza,/, rottenness Fracidiccio, a. rotting Fricido, tt. putrefied : lingua frici da, venomous tongue FRA Fracidiime, and Fracidiccio, m. i roiteiiness, puirefaction Fradici , a. wet, roilen ! Fra-r!l;irc, tee Flagellare, and its derivatives j Friuilr, a. brittle, frail Fi-aiiiizza, and Fragilità, /. brit- Fra^ilniénte, ad. weakly, feebly Fragnóie, to breiik Fragola,/, stra.vberrj' Fragore, m. noise; fragrancy Fragóso, a. noisy Fi-agrànte, a. fragrant IVagrànza, /. fnrri cy Frtle. a. weak, feeble Fi-al^j/za,/. *ue Fradiézza Fralmén'e, ad. weakly, leebly Framménto, m. fra.;iiiént Fraiiime-colàre, to mix, mingle Frammésso, m. a thing inserted Fiammésso, part, jiut betwein Fi'imme téTi' puling between ; in. a iT'j-ljet A e;n Frammé ti"e, to put among ; fram- nic'tersi, t i intermeddle Franmiischi.'ire, 'o mix with Frammisto, a. mixed Francamén'e, ad. freely, openly Francamin o, in. a safety, delivery Francjire, to free, release Franoescamési'e, ad. Fr.-nch-like FranresDim, m. a Franciscan Francesco, o. French Francese, a. French Francheggiftre, to cuntenance Franchézza, /. bddness, integrity, freedom, liberty Franchigia,/, franchise, privilege Franco, m. a fnnc Franco, a. free, bold, sincere, open Francolino, m. a heath-c^ck Frangènte, m. misfortune, misery, a wave Fràngere, to break, spli' ; franger- si, to be filled with pity Frangia, f. frinje Franilliile. a. brittle, fragile Frangibilitn,/. frailly Frairiiménto, in. a breakini. trembling ; frangimenti, frag- ments Frannónnolo, m. an old fool Franlendere, to understand coutra- rily FrAn'o, part, broken Fraiizé'e, a. French Franzeslsmo. m. Gall'cism Frappa, / lajipet FRA Frappilt >, part. ja4.;e I, cheated Frappatore. m. a >liafpci, b-aitcar Frapp.-ggiàre, io pain' rss, jest. Frasche l.a, /. a small branch, a l'Iundcrer iprrson Frasche'iluo, m. a hin^-bralned Fra->chiére, m. an ine 'usant, giddy pe-son Frascoii.aia, y birliuz, fiwling Frasconi, m. pi. dead bnuches to bum ; silly 'bin; or fugge 1'' ànimo di \edério, I have not the courage to see hini Fu?gi a,/, flight Fu.'gitlccio, 'and Fuggitivo, a. fugitive Fuggito, part, fled away Fi'5:gi'6re, m. a runaway Fiifo, a. ob cure, dars Fulcire, to underprop Fulgén*e, a. shining, bright F:ilzere, to shine Fulgidézza, and Folgiditi, /. ful- eency Fùlgido, a. shining, bright Fulgorato, o. brilliant Fulgóre, ni. splendour Fuliggine,/, soot Fuligginóso, a. smoky Fulmininte, a. thundering Fulmiaire, to thunder, rage, to sentence, to be in a passion Fulminato, part, fulminated Fulminazióne,/, fulminatioa Fulmine, m. thunder-bilt Fulmineo, a. thunder-like Fulvo, o. yellow, ruddy Fumàcchio, m. fumidition, a coal which smokes much Fumaiuòlo, m. a smoky coal, the chimney-top Fwnale, a. smoky Fumante, a. smoking Fumare, to smoke 141 FUR Fumiti /. a smoke made (or a signal Fumèa,/, smoke Fumicante, a. smoking Fumicare, to smoke, to perfome Fiimido, a. smoky Fuinjca2Ìone, Fumigazióne,/, and Funiigio, m. fumigaiion Fummàre, see Fimiare, and all its derivatives Fiimo, m. smoke, fune: conver- tirsi in fumo, to vanish, fume, vapour ; aver funio, to be proud Fumosità,/, fume, steam Fumóso, a. fumy, hausbty Fum'^stérno, rn. tuuiiiory'(a plant) Futiaiolo, m. a rope-maker FuiiAme, m. cordage Funata, /. many "people tied to- gether ; fare u:.a funata, to make many prisoners Futiditore, m. aslinger Fiine, m. and f. a. rope, rack, torture ; tenére uno in sulla firn-, to keep one in suspense Funebre, and Funèreo, a. funereal Fuceiàle, m. funeral FunesLire, to sadden Funés'o, a. fatal, unlucky Fùngo, m. mushroom ; fùngo ma rli'o, sea sponge Funjòso, a. fungnns Funicèlla./, a little cord Funicolo, m. a small cord Funzione,/, duty, function Fuòco, m. fire,' passion, discori, love ; ne metterei le maci .al fuòco, I could take my oath on it ; méttere troppa carne al fuòco, to undertake too many things at once Fuóra, and Fuòri, ad. anipnp. out. abroad, from home ; fuor d: mano, out of reach ; fuor di mi- sura, very much Fuorché, prep, except, only Fuorchitidere, ict Forchiiid'ere Fuormisiira. ad. excessively Fuoi^olamcnte. ad. except Fuoruscito, m. an exile Furace, arid Furante, o. thit' ìdje Furare, to steal Furato, part, stolen Furatóre, m. a thief Furbaccio, m. -ozue, knave Furbamente, ad. cunningly Furberia, /. a cheat Furbescamente, ad. n^nishly Furbésco, a. dec^'itful Furbétto, rn. a knavish man Furbo, m. a knave, a rogue Fùre, 771. thief GAB Furènte, a. razing Furétto, m. a ferret Furfaniàccio, m. a scoundrel Furfantare, to live the life of a scoundrel Furfante, m. a rogue, rascal Furfenlélli, a;id Furfantino, m. a little ro^e Furfanteria,/, wickedness, wicked action [lain Furfen'óne, m. a ereat rosrue, vil- Fi'iria, /. fury ; psission ; a fùria, ad. furiously Furialménte, ad. furi'^usly Furibondài-e, and Furiare, to raje like a madman Furibondo, and Furiato, a. full of madness Ftiritire, m. harbinger Furinsaménte, ad. maliy Furióso, a. fierce, mad FurlAna, /. a dance Ftiro, o. thievish ; m. a thief Furóre, m. madness Furtivaniénte, ad. secretly Furtivo, a. stolen ; furtivo desio, unlawful desire [privately Ffirto, m. robbery ; di furto, ad. Fusa^iTÌne, /. the spitdle-tree Fusaio, m. spindle-maker FusaiuólOjTJi. a whirl for a spindle Fuscèllo, m. Straw ; meal, mill- dust Fusco, a. dark, brown Fusione, /. fusion, melting, thaw- ing [lar Ftiso, m. a spindle, shaft of a pil- Fuso, part, melted Fusóne, ni. a sort of sta^j a fusóne, ruì. plentifully Fùsta,/. a sort of light galley Fustagno, m. fustian Ftjsto, m. s'alk, stem, shank, trunk of a tree, shaft of a column Ftitile, a. trifling Futufamente, ad. for the future Futuro, a. future G G ABB ADE '0. m. a hypocrite Gabbamenfo, m. a cheat, trick Gabbamóndo, m. a cheat, quack Gabbanèlla, /. ridinghood, or surtout Gabbano, m. a felt cloak Gabbare, to deceive, jest: gab- bò rsi, to mis'ake Gabbato, fart, deceived GAL Gabbatóre, m. deceiver G-'bLia./. a cage, a jail Gabbiàio, m. a cage-niaker Gabbiano, m. a sea-new, cob, gull Gabbiano, a. clownish, unpolite Gabbiata, /. a full cage Gabbière, and Gabbiero, m. an eniploymeut at sea Gabbjoliia,/. a sn.all cage Gabbionata,/, a bulwark Gabbióne, m. a lar^e cage ; mét- tere nel gabbione," to allure by flat!eries Gabbo, m. jeering ; prender a gal bo. banter Gabèlla./, -oil, duty, tax Gabeilóre, to pay duty; non ga- bello quel che dite, I do not be- lie\ e a word of what you say Ckilt'lli^re, m. cusiom-bouse officer Gabirè to. m. closet Ga;gii, /. tbe scuttle of a ship Cia.-r-ia,/. acacia (a tree) Gaa-io, ?7i. hostage, fledge Gailiar-ianién'e. ad. briskly, boldly Gagliardezza, and Gazliardla, /. s^reiiicth, couraee, prowess Gagliardo, a. stout, s'rong j fej del gadi'irdo, lo brave it Gaglio, m. rennet, that turns milk Gaglioifccin. and Gagliófìo, m. rascal, rosrue, knave, coward GaglioiRjine, f. rogurry GagliofFauièntè, ad. roguishly Ga^liofferia. /. knavery Gaglioso, a. ciammy. glui=h Gailiuólo, m. cod. husk, shell Gfismo, in. a stable, sheepfold ; a in.-i7e. sr.are GaiTuolamèn'o» '"i^ Gagnolio, m. the howling of a dog " Gagnolare, to howl, roar Gaiamente, ad. merrily, pleas- antly, gayly Gaiétb,' a. cheerful, gay Gaiézza,/, gaye'y. cheerfulness Ginn. a. gay. joyful Gaioso, a. jay Gala. /. ornament, finery, dress star sulle gale, to follow the fashion [plant) Gal.inga, /. galàngal, (an aromatic Galnnte, a. accomplished, brave Galantemente, ad. genteelly Galanteria,/, civility, bravery Galan'ino. a. pretty, delicate; \ palantlnoj a beau, a spruce fellow Galantuòmo, m. a gallant mai Gal'ppio, m. a trap 1 GaLàssia,/. the milky way 142 GAN Galblkno, m. the gum i Galèa, and Galèra, /. a galley Galeazza,/, a double gallery Galeóne, m. a galleon Galeo'ta,/. a small galley Galeottaccio, m. a vile fellow Galeotto, m. a galley-slave Galèra, /. see Galèa Galla./ a gall nut, an acorn : luck ; èssere a gaila, to get the beN ter of Gallare, and Galleggiare, to swim, to esult, to tread like a cock Galleggiante, a. swimming Gallerra,/. a gallery Gallétto, ni. a'young cock Gallicicio, m. cock-crowing time of the night Gallina,/, a hen Gall inaccia, /. a useless hen Gallinaccio, a. of a hen Gallinàccio, ni. a kind of mosh room ; a turkey-cock Gallinàio, m. a poulerer Gallinèlla, /. a chicken Gallo, m. a cock ; gallo d'I'ndia, tu- key Gallonato, a. adorned with lace Gallóne, m. galloon, lace Gallòria, /. transport of joy; & gallòria, to make a holyday Gallòzza, and Gallozzola, /. nut-gall ; bubbles formed by raia in water Galiczzàre, to be merry, to laugh Galoppire, to gallop Galoppatóre, m. a galloper Galójipo, m. a gallop Galiippo, m. a poor object Gamba, /. leg ; dolersi di gamba sana, to complain without rea son ; darla a ^mbe. to run away Gambale, m. a stem of flowers Gambaruólo, and Gamberuòlo, m. see Gambièra Gambata, /. a gambol, a kick Gamberàccia, /. a sore leg Gambero, m. craw-Csh ; far come il gambero, to go backwards Gambétta, /. a wooden leg Gambettare, to play with one^ legs Gambétto, m. a trip up ; dare il gambétto ad uno, to trip one up Gambièra, /. armour for the leg» Gambo, m stem, stalk Garnbuccia,/. a small leg Gambuto, a. high-stalked Gàna. /. fare di gana, to do wil. lingly, with a good heart 1 Gan' scia, /. the jaw I Gàncio, m. a hook GAR Gangherare, to set on hinges Gangherato, a. on hini;es Gànghero, m. a hinsce,' pivot; dare ne' gàngheri, to lake tieed ; uscir da' gàngheri, to blunder Gara, /. strife, contention ; (are a gara, to be rivals Garabullàre, to cheat Garbare, to smile upon, please ; to have a genteel air Garbatamente, ad. jracefully Garbatézza, /. gracefulness Garbato, a. polite ; un uòmo gar- bato, a man of addrew Garbo, m. garb, carriage ; con bel gàrbu, civilly Garliiiglio, m. tumult j confusion ; méttere in garbùglio, to i)ut iu disorder Gareggiaménto, m. see Gara Gareggiinte, a. strivin^ Gareggiare, to a utend ; gareggia- re nello s'.lidio, to study with emulation Gareggiatóre, m. a rival Garegi;ióso, a. a litigiDus person GanJtto, m. the lhii?h, the ham Gargagliare, to murmur Garga;;liàta,/. a paddlinj, dabbling Gargautiglia,/. a necklace Gargarismo, in. gavgle Gargarizz-are, to gargle Gargozza, /. mid Gargozzùle, m. windpipe, throat Gariandro, m. a sort of precious stone Caribo, m. dance, ball Garofanare, to spice Garofanito, j>nrl. spiced Garòfano, m. clove, gillyflower Garontolare, to beat with one's fists Garosello, and Garóso, a. litigious, quarrelsome, stubborn Garpa,/. spavins Garrevole, o. scolding Garriménto, aiid Garrito, m. a chiding Garrire, to chide, blame, sctOd, to chirp, warble, sing, cliatter Giarrito, vi. warbling Garritóre, m. a scolding man Garrulare, to pra'e [railing Garrulità, /. babbling, chattering. Gàrrulo, a. prattling, chat'ering Garza,/, a jay, a sort of magpie GarzonAccio, m. a stout lad Garzoncèllo, mid Garzoncino, m. a young lad Garzóne, m. a boy, a lad, servant Garzonézza, /. childho d Qaizonile, a. boyish, childish GEL Garzonntto, m. a young nian Garzuòlo, m. the heart of herbs, &c. cabbage, lettuce, &c. ; a sort of hemp-seed Gastigaiinne,/, and Gastigaménto, rn, punishment, chastisement ; educatiun Gasiiginte, a. chastising Gas iifire, lo chastise, to teach Ciastiga'òre, m, punisher, censor Gas (go, m. Gastigat'jra, and Ga- stigazione,/. cbasti^-ement Gattaiuòla, /. a cat's hole Gatto, m. anrf Gàtla, /. a he-cat, a she-cat ; a warlike engine ; ven- der la gatta in sacco, to sell a pig in a poke ; far la gatta mor- ta, to dissemble ; voler la gatta, to be in earnest ; chiamar la g'tta, to speak plain Galiuo, m. a kitten Gattomammóne, m. a kind of ape Gattòne, vi. a large catj faj-e il gattóne, to connive at Gattozil>é'to, m. a civet cat Gaudentemente, ad. joyfully G'ludio, m. joy, mirth Gaudióso, a. joyful, glad Gav.izjro,/. Gavazzo, and Gavazza- ménto, 171. shout fjr joy Gavazzare, 'o rejoice much Gavazziére, m. he that rejoices with much noise Gavei-'zi ire, to regard Gavei^gino, m. a fop Gavétta, /. a bunch of music strings [throat Givi-nc, /. ph kernels in the Cavillare, see. Cavillare, and its de- rivatives Gavine. /.pi. the kmg's evil Gavòcciolo, m. a bile, a tumour Cavòncliio, m. a sort of eel Gavólta,/. a soit of fish Gazofilàcio. ni. trea-ury GAzza, and Cazzerà, /. a jay, a nia?i)ie Gazzétta,/, gazette [noise Gazziirro, m. noi-e, thundering Gelaménto, m. and Celata, /. frost Gelare, to freeze, to be tr zen with cold ; gela, it freezes Gelataiciénte, ad. coldly, chilly, fearfully Gelatina, 'aM Geleria. /. jelly Gelnto, and Gèlido, a. frozen, ter- rified Géldra,/. rabble, mob of people Gelicidio, m. frosty weather Gelidézza,/, cooling, freshness Gèlo, m. ice, frast, cold 143 GEN Gelosaccio, a. very jealous GelosariiéLle, ad. jealously Gelosia, /. jealousy ; a lattice, or grate Gelóso, a. jealous ; negòzio gelóao, a nice point Gèlsa, /. a mulberry Gèlso, m. a mulberry-tree Gelsomino, m. a ja^ine, or jetsa- mine Gemèlli, m. pL the celestial sign Gemini Gemèllo, m. a twin Gemente, a. groaning Gémese, and Cernire, to groan; to drop, trickle Geminare, to double GeminAto, a. doubled Geminazióne, /. doubling, redit- plication Gèmino, a. double Gèmito, m. groan, lamenbng, complaint; spring, dropping of water Gèmma,/, a jewel, a bud Gemmare, to bud, to shoot Gemmato, part, covered witi? gems Genealogia, /. genealogy Generàbile, a.'bejotten Cenerabilità, /. the power of e>' gendering Generalato, m. generalship Generale, o, general Generale, rn. a general Generalissimo, m. and a. the su- preme commander, very gene- ral, common Generalità;/, generality Generalmente, ad. generally ; gen- eralmente parlando, commonly speaking Gener.'inle, a. bejetting Generare, to beget, bring forth Generativo, a. generative Generato, part, begotten Generatóre, m. progenitor, &ther Generazióne,'/, arid Generaménto, m. generation, progeny Gènere, m. genus, species, sort, way, manner; gender; un gè- nere di vita, manner of life Genericamente, ad. see General ménte Genèrico, a. generical, common Gènero, m. a son-in-law Generosamente, ad. generously I Generosità, /. generosity I Generóso, a. generous, fniitful I Gènesi, m. and f. Genesis (tb> I first book of Moses) I Cengia, and Gengiva, /. the puu GER Gfengiovo, TTi. ginger Geniale, a. agrceal.le ; letto genia- le, genial bed Genio, HI. genius ; a familiar spirit; wit, tai;n!s, jarts; an- dare a genio, to please Genitale, "o. genital Genitivo, m. the genitive case (in grauiniar) Gtni'o. a. be^otren GenJ:ore, m. fa' her Goni rice, /. mother Geni 'ira,/, binh; la prima geni- tura, blrthriiht; semen, casting one's nativity Gennaio, m. January GenL'iccia, Gen ail ia, /. and Gen- taaie, m. rabble, mob Gente, /. nation, men. people, cn-.vti. kindred, faii.ily ; la genie del re. the king's soldiers ; gen e a cavi'JIo, horsemen ; buona gén'e. g-x)d people ; di bassa géuv, of a mean extraction Genterèlla,/, common people Gentil ;óuua,/. a gen'lewnian Gentile, and Genfilj-to. a. gente*"!, noble, nice ; gentili, gentiles, pagans Gentilesco, a. handsome, genteel Gentilésimo, m. hea-henisni Gentilézza. /. gentility, courtesy, kindness Genlilire. to make coble Gentilità,/, hea henism, nobility Gentilizio, a. common to a coun- try, or family Gentilmente, ad. courteously, rich- ly, splendidly Gentilfitto, m. a nobleman Gentiluòmo, 771. a gentleman Gentiiccia. /. rabble, mob GenuflessióiiC, /. genuflexion Genuflèsso, a. kneeling Genuflettere, to kueel Genuino, a. natural, genuine Genziana./, gentian, felwort Geografia, /, geography Geografo, m.'geograptìer Geominte, m.^jeoniancer Geomanzia,/. a kind of divination Geòmetra, m. geometrician Geometria,/, geome'ry [ly Geometricamente, ad. geometritaf- Geometrico. a. je^raetrical Georgica./. agricultural poetry Geòrgico, a. ajrictiltara! Gerirca, m. ? hiih-priest Gerarchla, /. hierarchy, church government, embarra^ment Geràrchico, o. of heaven, heaven- ly GHI I Gergo, atìd Gergóne, m. slang, I cant I Gèrla,/, a dorser 1 Germana, /. sis er I Germànico, a. German [man I Germano, ni. brother, cousin-ger- ' Germano, a. right, proper, true Germe, m. a bud, a shoot Germinare, -o bui, >hTol Germinire, m. a budding, shoot- ing forth Geraiinarivo, a. fit to engender Germogliajiiènto, m. a budding, a bud, or sprout Gemiogli^.n e, a. budding Germogliare, to bud, blos-^m Gemioglio, m. shoot, bud, bltKSom Geroglificare, to make hiert^lyph- ics" Geroiclifico, in. biertelyphic Geroglifico, a. hieroglyphical, ob- scure Gerrctiéra, C order of the garter Gèrsa,/ a sort of paiut Gerfiudio, m. a gerund (in gram- mar) Gessi to, and Gessoso, a. chalky Gess'T, m. chalk, plas'er Gèsta,/, pi. acts, exploits Geste^iiare, and Gestire, to use too much gesture Gèsto,- m. ac'ion, gesture, exploit Gesuita, m. a Jesuit Gefare, to throw, stioot, hurt ; gettar sospiri, to fetch sidis ; gettar via. to throw away : get- tar mot^o, to mention; gettare, to bud, bloom ; gettar la sorte. to cast Id's; gettar a male, to consume ; gettar i! tempo, to spend time ; settóre, to cast in a mould : settirsi ad una cosa, to apply one's self to a thing Gettata,/, a cast, a throw Cenato, a. thron-n, cast, melted Gettatore, m. caster, fo'inder Gètto, TJi. throw, cast ; cannóne di gètto, a brass cannon ; ad un getto di pietra, at a stone's throw Gheppio, Tìu kestrel ; tar ghéppio, to die GherbSno, m. the sou-!i-west wind Gherminèlla,/, iugg'inr tricks Ghermire, to snatch, seize Ghermito, part, sna'ched. seized GheróÉin", m. a gillyflower, or clove, pink Gherone, rtì. a piece, gusset Ghetto, m. an abode for Jews Ghazzo, TO. a moor, a negro Ghiacciaia,/, an ice-house Ghiacciare, to freeze 144 GHI Ghiacciilo, a. frozen Ghiaccio, m. ice Ghiaccioso, a. of ise Ghiacc.uolo, «j. icicle Ghiacinio. m. a >l'-iie so called Ghiado, in. extreme coll ; a ghiir do, with a sword-cut Ghiaigiuolo, 77». corn-flower swojd--ce Ginocchiétto, m. a small knee Ginòcchio, vu a kree Ginocchióne, ad. kneelingly Giocare, to play Giochétto, m. a petty game Giochévole. a. merry, jocose Giochevolménte, ad. merrily Giòco, m. SKt Giuoco Giocofòrza, /. necessity, force (Giocolare, a. jocular, merry Giocolare, to juggle, or plaj leger- demain Gìocolarménte, ad. merrily Giocolatóre, m. aiugzler Giocolo, m. game, sport Giocondamente, orf. joyfully Giocondire, to rejoice ' Giocondato, a. contented, joyfi;l Giocondévole, a. joyful, aareeable Gi"condéz7A, and Giocondità, /. mirth, jollity Giocóndo, a. merry, gay Giocosamente, ad.'mtrtWy Giocóso, a. gamesome, sportful Giozaia, /. the dewlap of an ox ; ridie of hills [darnel Giojiiato, o. mixed with tares, or , Gióglic, T71. darnel ! 115 GIO I Giógo, m. a yoke, slavery, boa- I dage; top of a mountain Giogosa, a. moun ainou» Gioia,/, jewel, joy, mirth Gioiin'e, a. cheerful Gioiellato, a. set with jewels Gioiellière, m. a jeweller Gioièllo, m. a jewel Gioiosamente, ad. joyfully Gioióso, a. merry, cheerful Gioire, to rejoice, to ch-er, enjoy Giomélla, /. measure of two han^' full Giorgeria, /. valour, courage Giornale, m. journal, diary Giornale, and Giornalièro, a. daily Giornalménte, ad. daily Giornata, /. a day ; a day's march ; a day's work; a gran gismàte, with speed. Alia giornata, ad, daily, now-a-days Giónio, m. day, 'day-light ; buon giórno, good morrow ; P aspètto di giórno in giórno, I e-^^/td him every day [combat Giòstra, /. justing, tilting, fight. Giostrante, m. a jusler, tilter Giostrare, to just Giostratóre, m. a juster Giovaménto, nu good, hene&t Giovanàccio, m, an unexperienced youth [young people GiovanSglia, /. youth, quantity d Gióvane, m. andf. a young persoB Gióvane, a. young, tender Giovaiiésco, a. of a youpg uaa, childish Giovanetto, o, very young Giovanézza,/, youth Giovanile, a. youthful Giovanilmente, ad. youthfully Giovanòtto, m. a fine young aian Giovare, to help, aid, profit, please, or deli°rhl ; il vino noo mi giova. wine does me no good ; a che giova ? to what purpose .' Giovatjvo, a. profitable, usefiil Giovatòre, m. an aider, helper Giove, m. Jupiter Giovedì, m. Thursday Giovènca,/, a heifer Giovenco, m. abuUx-k, I'.eer Giovenile, a. juvenile Gioventù./, youth Gioveréccio, a. agreeable, clean Giovévole, a. useful, profitable, available Gìovevolézza,/. profit, utility Giovevolmente, ad. usefully Gioviale, o. jovial, plean GiuUeria,/. buffoonery Giumella,/, two handfuls Giuménta, /. a breeding mare Giumentiére, m. a driver Giuménto, m. a 1 ibouring beast 146 GIU Giuncàia, /. and Giunchéto, wj. a place full of rushes Giuncare, to strew flowers Giuncata,/, cream cheese Giuncalo, a. covered with rushes Giunchiglia,/, jonquille Giunco, m. rush, bulrush Giuncóso, a. full of rushes Giùngere, see Giùgnere Giùnta, /. arrival, addition, in- crease,overplus. A prima giùnta, ad. immediately Giuntare, to join, to deceive Giuntatóre, 7Ji. a cheat, deceiver Giunteria, /. fraud, deceit Giùnto, part, arrived, joined, de- ceived ; a che son giùnto ? what am I come to ? a man giùnte, joined hands Giuntura,/, joint, seam GìuTcacchiàre, to play for trifles Giuocare, to sport, to 'play Giuocatóre. 771. a gamester Giuf>co, m. game, play, sport ; voglio vedére a che è'I giuoco I will see the end of this bus' ness [sity Giuocof-Vrza, f. unavoidable neces- Giuocolare, to play, toy Giuocolatóre, tji. a toyer, wanton Giuraménto, ni. an oath Giuranfeménfe, ad. with an oath Giurare, lo swear Giui-atam^nte, ad. upon oath Giurato, part, swnrn ; fratèlli giu- rati, sworn brothers Giuratòre, m. a swearer Giuratòrio, o. swearing j or to be sworn (law term) Giure, 771. law, jurisprudence Giureconsulto, »n. a lawyer Giuridicamente, ad. legally Giuridico, a. lawful Giuridizionile, a. belonging to a judge, or judgment Giuridizióne,/. jurisdiction Giurisperito, and Giurisprudénte, 771. a la^vyer, jurist Giurisprudènza. /. science of law Giurista, 7». a lawyer Giusarma, /. a sort of hatchet use! among the anciea»s G iùso, ad. down, below Giusta, prep, according to Giiutaméntp, ad. justly, agreeably Giustezza, /. exactness, justice Giustificante, o. justifying Giustificare, to justify'; giustificS* si. to clear one's self Giustificafaménte, ad. justly, just> - fiably GiusliJicativo, a. justifiable GOB Giustificato, part, justified Giustificatóre, nu a justifier Giustificazióne, /. j ustification Giustizia,/, justice; chiamar in giustizia, to sue at law Giustiziare, to execute malefac- tors, to tonuen', vex Giustizière, ni. an executioner Giusto, a. just, ri^ht ; questo àbito è troppo giusto, this coat is too tieht GiCsto, m. an honest man ; justice Giusto, ad. justly, precisely Giuvénca, /. a heifer GWba, /. a young plant, or slip Glaciale, o.' of ice Gladia'óre, nu gladiator, sword player Glàdio, m. a sword Gianduia,/, kernel, gland Glandulòso, a. ^laiidulous Glauco, a. azure Glèba,/, glebe, clod of earth Gli, art. the ; gli scnlàri, the scholars ; ?li, prrm. to him ; gli dissi, I told him; gli pailil, I spoke to him Glòbo, m. a globe Globosità,/, roundness Globóso, a. globular Gloria, /. glory, honour ; aspettare a gloria, to wait with impa- tience Glori'inte, a. boasting Glori;'re, to praise, extol, to boast, praise one's self Gloriato, a. glorious; and Glo- rióso, famous Gloriazióne, /. ostentation Glorificare, jee GioriSre Glorificatóre, ni. glorifier Glorificazióne,/, glorification Gloriosamente, ad. glorìonslj, with honour Glorioso, a. glorious, vain Glósa, f. commentary G'.osSre, to conmienf, expound Glosafo, pari, commented upon dosatóre, m. commentator Glossario, m. a glossary Glùtine./, glue Glutinóso, a. glutinous Gnaffe ! intarj. faith ! ' Gnatóne, m. a parasite Gnaulare, to mew as a cat Gnène, prnn. (Gliene) Gnòcco, m. dunce, blockhead, a dumpling [dial Gnomone, ni, a gnomon of the sun- Gnórri, a. ignorant Gòbba./, hump Gobbétio, a. bumped GON Gòbbo, m. a bump, a hump-back- ed ; a Spanish this'le Gobbo, a. hunch-backed Goccia, aiul f jòcciola, /. a drop, a cnck in the wall, where the water enters [by drops Gocciare, and Gocciolare, to fall Gocciolaménto, m. a droppmg Gocciolante, a. dropping Gocciolato, part, dropped, speckled Gocciolatoio, m. gutter, drain Gocciolino,/, a small drop Gocciolo, m, a drop, a bit Gocciolóne, m. a dunce, a block- head Gocciolóso, a. dropping Go.iènte, o. rejoicing; m, order of knighthood God-re, to enjoy, rejoice ; del pre- sènte mi godo, e mèglio aspètto, I enjoy what I have, and hope fT better times Godereccio, o. agreeable Cedévole, a. plea-»i. a warbler Gorghètto, in. a current of water Gorgièra,/, a neck-piece, ruff Gorgiine, m. a drunkard Górso, m. a depth of water, a whirlpool Gorgo di aménto, m. a ;argling Gorgogliante, o. that grumbles !n the bowels [rattte Gorgogliare, to gargle, bubble, boil, Gorgogliato, a. gnawed by weevils, or mites Gorgóglio, m. a wartlinr, purling Gorgosrlióne, m. a weevil, mite Gorgò, /. and Gorgozzule, wu ffullet, windpipe, throat Góta, /. cheek, side Gotàta./ a slap, cuff, blow Gótta, f. gout Gòtto, m. a gla."*», a cup Gottóso, a. gouty GovemAle, ni. helm, rudder Govemaménto, m. government conduct Governante, a, governing Goveni.'ire, to goverr.. nile Governato, part, governed GRA GRA Governatóre, m. governor i Gramatico, m. tee Grammitico Governatrice,/. governess ' Gramézza,/, misery Govcruazione, /. govenuaent j Giamigna, and Giamisnuóla, /. Goveruiii>e, m. duu^ ' dog-^-ass [weeJs Govèrno, »n. re»imen, care, con- Grauiijnato, fart, overgrown with duct, govemuieni ; helm; senza Gramigno, m. a sort of olive-tree govèrno, a! raninni ; lar mal Gramignóso, a. full of dog-grass govèrno, to spoil a ihii.g Grammàtica,/, grammar Gozziia, /. a wen • Grammaticale, a. grammatical Gózzo, TO. crop of a bird, a flask , Grammalicaloiéute, ad. grammat- GozzovlgUa, /. pleasure. mir;h ; ically far gozzoviglia, to mate merry Grammatico, m. grammariaa Goz20vigliire,tobe merry toge'her Grimo, a. wretched, poor Gozzovigliala, /. mirth, gowl liv- Gràmola, m. a brake (for flai) ing, revels Gramolare, to bruise flax Gozzuto, a. wide-'hroat':l Gramolalo, part, mashed Gracchia,/, a rook : m. a babbler Gr';m| a,/, the paw of a beast Gracchi.ire, to croak, prate, gab- Grana. /. grain, cochineal ble; lascia gracchiar gli uómiiii. Gran'iic, a. of cora, wheat let t!ie world laik ' Gran' jo, ?7i. granary Gracchiatóre, arid Gracchióne, tu. Granaiuolo, ni. cornchandler a prattler i Granare, to grain Griccub, m. a jackdaw, jay I Gran-iro, a. of wheat Gracid.irp, to croak I Gsan-ita, /. a broom, a granado Giacidatóre, m. a babhler, chat- ' GrilkiIo, m, pomegranate ' Giuijàlo, part, graiiie-i, vigorous ; Grana*. i zza,/, a little broom Granbéstia. /. a certain beast, an I eik I Grinchio, rn. a lobs'er. crab, craw- ; fish ; Cancer, one of the twelve I signs of the zodiac; pigliar il ■ ■ ■ . ~. _„. j^ sranciii voglion mòrder le baléne, they give •hemselves airs terer Gracile, a. sm.ill, thin Gracilità, /. thinness Gradare, to go s'ep by step Gradf.sso, in. a blaster Graia'aménte, ad. by degrees Grada7ióne, /. gradation Gradella,/, a grate, hurdle Gradévole, a. grateful Gradevolmén'e, ad. lovingly Gradiménto, m. favour, kiudness Gradino, m. s!eps I Gnincia,/. career in the ntouth Gradire, to accept, approve, to Gr'ncio, ae Grinchio mount up [ure, approved ' Giancip/'rro, m. a sort of sea-crab : Gradito, pnr<. accepted wi:h pleas- I pigliJre un granciporro, to mis- Grado, m. step, d^ree., dignity ; , take cio mi viene a grado," that Grancire. to sn-i'ch. to sxub plea'^s me; mio mal grado, Grancltn. part, hoiked in, snatched ajainst my «ill Grand.iccio, a. very gre^.t Gradu^'le, a. jradnal ! Grande, m. a n'-bleman, loid Graduaìménte, ad. sradual'v i G acde, a. great, la'-ge. tall, high Graduare, to distinguish "by de- ' Grandeggiare, to play the great grees. (o confer degress man Gradua*aménte, ad. gradually Grandemente, aJ. greatly Graduato, m. a gradinate I Grandut'o, a. somewhat big, or tall Graduazióne,/, gradation Grandcz/a, /. larrenes^ Graduare, to promote i Grandicciuolo, and Grandicèllo, Graffianién'o, m. and GraflSatùra, ! o. pretty big /. a sora'ch Graffiinte, a. scratching Graffi.^re. to scra'ch Graffanti, m. a hypocrite Graffiato, part, scratched Gràffio. TO. a ho^k Gra-jnunla, /. hail, drizzlin» GramAglia,/. mo-jrnini GramàrCf to Oiake unhappy Grandigia^ /. grandeur, greatness, j vani'y I Grandinare, to hail I Grandina'a,/. a hail-storm ] Gràndine,/, hail, calamity I Grandinóso, a. temfie>tuous i Grandiósi, a. great. Irxughty ] Grandire, to auinient. to prefer ■ Grandito, part, augmented 148 GRA I Granduca, m. a grand duke j Granducato, to. a grand dutchy I Granduchéssa,/, a grand Jutcht-si Granèllo, to. grain,' corn, berry Granelloso, a. full of grains Granfatto, ad. so much, certainly IGninlia,/. a paw I Gi-anigione, and Granitura, /. j seeding, pounding seed I Granimènto, m. ' Granire, to seed Granito, part, grained Granito, to. grauite Granitóso, a. granitic G.-anmaè, to. grand-mastei, m learned nian Gramnerce, ad. I give thanks Grano, to. wheat, grain Gianosf), a. tuli of grain Grappa,/, the stem of fruit Grappare, to grapple, seize Gripiifi, TO. giappling Grappolino, aiùt Grappolo, in. a su.all bu.'icb of grapes, a cluster ; nuòvo grappolo, a blockhead Grascia, /. provision ; a court ot .lus'ice ; a Roman edile Grascino. in. a commissary of t>» provisions Grassan lènte, ad. with fatness Grassatore, to. hijhwaynian Grassèlli?, to. -a little piece of fa' a sort of very fine lime Gtassatto, a. somewhat fat Graiwjzza. /. fa ness Grasso, a. fat, fertile, fruitfu: , questo fu un pat'o gr' sso per voi, this was a good bargain for you Gn>sso, m. fat ; s'are sul grasso, IO be in easy circomstances Grassoccio, o. fat, in good con- dition Graisóne, to. a very fat man Grassotto, a. prefy'fat G.-ass'ime, to. fat things Grata, /. a gra'e Gra'aniénte. ad. jratefu'ly Gratèlla, and Graicola, /. grid- iron, gra'e, huidle Graiiccia./. a bow-net, or wee! Graticcio, to. a hurdle, grate, iaJ- tice-work Gra'ificire, to gratify Gratificazióne,/, gratuity Gratis, ad. for co'hing Grati Udine,/, gratitude Grato, a. gratefiil. agreeable Grato. 771. will, desire, pleasure Grato, ad. volun"a-ily Grattac^jyi, m. itchin: of 'he head Gra"j*ménto, m. a scraVhing Grattare, to «cratch, claw, GRE «crape ; grattar gli orécchi, in flatter Grattato, pari, scratched, rubbed C/rattatùra, /. a scar Oratùgia, /. a .rater Grattugiare, (o ^rae GrattugiJto, part, grated Gratuitamente, ad. freely, for nothing Gratùito, a. gra'i'itaus Gratulàote, a. oarratulating Gratulre, to congratulate Gratula òro. o. of c^llgratulation Gratula/ione,/, congni Liation Gravacelo, a. dull, h^sivy Gravame, ni. weiirf> you mi dica -!i grazia, pray 'ell me far gnzia, to forgive ; le grazie, the ■Traces Graziire, to favour Graziato, a. loa-led with kindness, gratified, srracious GrazioMmente, ad. gracefully, for nothing Graziosi'a./. «racefulnesG Grazioso, a. graceful, agreeable Grecamén'e, ad. after the Grecian GRI Greco, a. Grecian ; vento Greco, north-east wind [east Grecolevinte, it». ih3 east, north- Greririo. a. of the ficck, common Grtzre. m. fl'ck. herd, drove Gr:amén*e, ad. clownishly, se- verely, rigidly, in a ?rea' quantity Grossefsi.ire, to b;- pomj/Ous Grosseria,/, dulness Grosse to, a. ra her la-re Grosé/Zi, /. aitd Grossi'ime, m, bi^i'ess, thickness, | rrgnancy Grossiéro, a. ilidl. s'upid Grós.-,o. m. the bi.'gi-st part; il giTisso (klla !jnml)a, iheralfofa leg: il gròsso d"iin e-ércl'o, the body of an aruiv ; véndere in gròsso, to sell by wholesale ; n;erc''nte in gi<>sso, wh'lcsale merchant; ve Io dirò al grosso, I will tell il you in general Gròsso, a. erea*, hu^e. coarse; il dito srósso, the thumb ; uònio di gròs n insésno. a s'upid man Grossolanamente, ad. clowniehly, Coars<"ly C.Tissorino, a. C-arse, thick Grót'a. /. grotto, cave ; a «tecp place Gni'tisca,/. ETo'esoue work Grotiicélla,/. a hollow, cavity Gròtto, m. a bi'tern (bi^j) Grot'óso, a. like a grotto. boUoir, cavernous Groviilióla, f. twistinr, winding Grii,/. the crane, a bird GUA Grùccia, /. a stick, crutch Grufolare, to grunt, to grub Grugnire, to grunt, to growl Grugnito, m. grunting of swine Grugno, m. snout ; lar il gnigno, to scowl [benumbed Grullo, a. lulled asleep, drowsy, Gnjma,/. crust, tart Grumàto, m. a sort of mushroom Grumo, m. clotted blood Grumolo, m. a cabbage lettuce, the hejid of greens Grumóso, jmrt. clotted, thickened Gruògo, m. saliron Gruppétto, 771. a knot, lump Gruppo, m. a group, knot Grùzzo, and Grùzzolo, m. a heap, quantity, a heap of money, a hoard Guadagnnbile, a. to be attained Guadagnare, to get, gain, deserve Guadagnato, part, gotten, gained Guadagnalòre, m. a gainer Guadagno, and Guadagnaménto, m. gain, profit ; méttersi a guadagno, to prostitute one's self Guadagnoso, a. profitable, lucrative Guadare, to ford, wade Guade, /. a sort of fishing net Guado, ni. a ford ; rompere il guado, to undertake a thing be- fore any body else Guadóso,'ct. fordable Guaime, m. after-grass ; blast Guài ! interj. wo ! alas ! guii a me ! wo to me ! Guaina, /. a sheath Guainàio, m. one that makes cr sells sheaths Guàio, m. misfortune Gualre, Guaiolare, and Guaiolire, to howl like a dog ; to bewail, to bark (as a dog) [pre«s Gualchièra, /. a calender, cloth- Gualcire, to rumple, crush, squash Gualcito, part, rumpled, crushed Gualdàna, /. an army, troop Gualdo, m. a defect, wound, sore Gualdrappa, /. a horse-cloth Guancia, /. cheek ; bàttersi la guància, to repent of something Guanciale, m. a pillow Guancialétto, m. a little pillow Guanciata, /. a box on the ear Guancióne, m. a sound slap Guantàio, m. a glover Guantiera, /. a silver basin, waiter, dish Guanto, rn. glove ; amor passa il guanto, among friends no cere- mony Guardi,/, a guard, er parry GUA Guardacòrpo, m. a body-guard GuEjdadonna, /. a nurse Guardamacchie, m. the guard of a gun Guardaménto, m. a look, glsnce Guardanàppo, m. a napkin Guardanidio, m. a nest-egg Guardare, to look, to behold ; to keep guard, defend ; guardate a' fatti vostri, mind your own business Guardaròba, /. wardrobe Guardaròba, m. a yeoman of the wardrobe ' [guard Guardatòre, m. a keeper, inspector. Guardatura,/, regard, a guard Guàrdia, /. guard ; prènder guàr- dia, to have a care Guardianeria,/. ofBce of a guardian Guardiano, m. keeper, guardian Guardinfante, m. a hoop-petticoat Guardi:;gaménte. ad. cautiously Guardingo, a. ciicumspect Guardingo, m. a cas'Ie, fortress Guard iòlo, m. a guard, guardian Guardo, m. a glance, lock Guarentigia, and Guarentia, /. guarantee, safety, defence Guarentire, to warrant, defend Guari, ad much, long, manv ; guari di tempo, a great while ; non è guari, not long since ; questo libro non è guari più bello <;. I mio, this book \; not much !'..->i.!l:;o;ì:er than n;ine Guarigióne, /. cure, recovery Guarire, to cure, to hesl, to re- cover ; guarirsi, to be cured Guarito, part, cured, recovered Guamàccia, /. night-gown Giiamellétto, m. a thin veil, or summer's garment Guaméllo. m. fustian Guarnigióne,/, garri-on Guarniménto, m. furniture, oma- men', fortification Guam>re, ice Guemire Guarni'ura, and Guarnizióne, /. trimming for clothes Guiscippa, /. a sort of ancient dress Guascherino, a. young, little (as birds in a nest) [Gascon Guasco, and Guascóne, m. a Guastàd-»,/. a decanter Guaslafsste. m. a disturber Guastaminto, m. ruin, w aste Guastames'iéri, m. one who un- dertakes what he knows little of Guastare, to spoil, mar, deprave, debauch ; to rot, squander, de- stroy ; guastarsi, to hurt one's self 150 GUF Guastato, a. spoiled Guastatóre, m. a squanderer j a pioneer Guaslatùra, /. and Guasto, m. spoil, desolation ; dare 11 guasto, to lay waste Guasto, a. spoiled Guatanriénto, m. and Guatatùra, /. a gazing, wa'ching Guatare, to look, watch, peep ; guatarsi, to behold one another with astonishment Guatatùra, /. look, eye, counte- nance Guato, m. snare, ambush Guittero, aiid Guatteraccio, rn. a scullion Guazza, /. dew Guazzabùglio, m. mixture ; medley Guazzare, to shake, toss ; to wade, ford ; to rejoice Guazzato, part, shaken, waded Guazzatóio, m. a watering-place Guazzeróne,m. a fragment, a piece Guazzétto, m. mince meat, a hash Guazzo, m. a ford ; passar un fiume a guazzo, to ford a river Guazzóso, a. dewy, fenny Gubemàculo, m. helm Guèlfi, m. pi. Guelfe (a faction against the emperor) Guercio, a. squinting, one-eyed Guerigióue, /. and Gueriménto, m. cure Guerire, set Guarire Gueniigióne,/. a garrison Guemiméuto, m. a garrison, trim- ming of clothes, defence, fortifi- cation Guerclre, to store with ammuni- tion ; to adorn Guemito, part, stored, adorned Guemizióne, and Guemittira, / ornament, furniture Guèrra. /. war. strife, enmity; uòmo di guèrra, a soldier ; odiare uno a sruérra finita, to hate one mortally Guerreg^-évole, and Guerreggìóso, a. warlike, threatening, terrible Guerreggevolniente, ad. terribly Guerrezgiaménto, m. a battle, combat Guerreesiànte, a. figliting Guerregdnre, to make war, quar- rel, dispute [war Guerreggiatóre, m. ore that make» Guerricciuóla,/. a slight skirmish Guerrière, m. a warrior Guerrièro, and Guerrésco, o. war- like, brave Gufare, to mock H Gùb, m. aa owl Guglia,/, an oljelisk, a needle Gugliata,/, a oeedlcful Guida,/, guide [the flock Gu^Jaiuola, /. the leaiing of Guidalesco, m. a fraction Guidaméuto, m. conduct Guidante, a. guiding Guidare, to guide, govern Guidato, part, conducted Guidatóre, m. aiid Guidatrlce, /. a guide, director, governor, gov- erness, conductress GuidcrdonaniéDto, m. reward Guiderdonare, arid Guidardonire, lo reward, gratify Guiderdonato, part, rewarded Guiderdóne, and Guidardone, m. re want Guidóne, m. a rogue, cheat, knave Guidoneria,/. roiuery Guindolo, m. a reel, spindle Guinzàglio, m. a can^-knot, a hat- band Guirminélla,/. a trick Guisa,/, way, manner, fashion ; in guisa, ad. like, so j in nissuna guba, by no means u!t;o, a. foul, sordid Guizz,inte, a. gliding, sliding Guizzare, lo slide along Guizzo, m. the sliding of a fish in water, or of a snake on land Guizzo, a. filed, withered Giimiua, /. a cable Gijrge, Tre. anlf Gùscio, m. bai k, scale, shell Gus'abile, a., that may be tasteJ Gustacelo, t^ a depraved taste Gustaniéuto, m. a tasting, the taste Gus'are, to taste, relish Gus'.ttd, part, tasted Gustatóre, m. a tas'er Gustévo'e, a. pita ant Gusto, m. taste ; ho gran gCisto di vedérvi, I am jlad to see you Gustosamente, ad. pleasantly Gustóso, a. relishing Gutto, m. a cruet for oil GutturUe, o. guttural H THE letter h formerly claimed its place in the Italian as «ell ac other languages. Modern writers, however, discard it as afCbrding no increase of sound to IDI the vowels, and therefore For instance, hiwmo is pro- nounced uomo. The same rule is observed in all woi-ds ban- ning with this letter ; but, by putting it with the le ters c and g, aiid ihe vowels e, i, the h, be- tw een r, or g, has the sa.-ne sound as when the said two consonants are joined wi h o, o, u ; as, chi- tw, cht-to, gharàtie, ghiro, which must be pronounced thus, kino, heto, kc. It should, however, be used in the beginning of some worJs, as in ho, I have ; hoi, thou liasi ; ha, he ha.s ; hanno, tliey have; in order to distin- guish iheiii, more to Ihe eye than to the ear, from o, or; a, to; oi, to the ; also, anna, year. T THE ; i libri, the books ••■J Iacinto, m. a hyacinth laculatório, a. short and fervent Iàculo, m. a spear lade,/. pZ. the Hyades lànibico, a. ia.Tibic (said of a kind of verse) làmbo, m. iambus laro, 771. the herb wake-robin Iàspide, 771. (diaspro,) jasper, a precious stone Lito, 771. (apertura,) hiatus, an opening Iattanza, /. jactation, vain-glory iattSre, to yelp, squeak latt'jra,/. less, niisfortime Iberno, a. of winter Iconoclasta, tti. iconoclast Iconomaco, o. averse to images, iconoclast Iditide,/. a bubble, or blister Iddio, TO. (Dio,) G->d ; Iddio non vòglia. G id forbid Idea. /. i'lea Ideale, a. ideal ; of, cr belonging to an idea Ideare, to imagine, form ideas Ideato, part, imagined Idéntico, a. (he same Identità. /. identity, the sameness of a thing [month I'di, 771. ides, certain days in the Idiòma, iJi. idiom Idiòta, a. idiot, silly, foolish; un idiot?, an idiot, a fool, a ninny Idiotàggine,/, foolishness 151 IGN Idiotismo, 771. idiotisiB, thjcu sjjeech, expression Idiotizzare, to speak incorrectlj Idolatra, tti. tee IdolaTo lilolairaménto, tti. idolatry Idolatrare, to idolatrize Idolatria./, idolatry Idolàtrio, a. of, or belonging to an idol Idolatro, Tre. idolater 1 df>lo, m. idol, image, or statue of (Jse deities; an object that one is fond of Idoneamente, ad. sufficiently, con- ve ieutiy, aptly Ido:ieità, /. fitness, aptness Idòneo, a. fit, proper I'dra,/. hydra, a fabulous serpent Idrtleo, 771. a sort of medicament I'dria,/. a sort of pitcher I'dro, m. a water-snake Idromànte, m. a conjurer Uromanzia, /. hydromancy, divi- nation Idromèle, m. hydromel, a decoctioa of honey and water Idropico, a. hydropical Idropisia,/, dropsy Idrostàtica,/, hydrostatics lenuole, a. winterly, hyemal léra, /. a sort of medicinal con&a lion lerarchia,/. hierarchy leratte,/. a precious stoce Ieri, ad. yes'erday lerlaliro, ad. the day before yes- terday lermattina, ad. yesterday morning lemòtte, ad. yesternight, the night before [short hand lero^lifico, Tn. cipher, a kind of lersera, ad. last night Ignaro, a. ignorant Igiiaióne, tti. a great eater, a man of no worth Isaàvia,/. ignorance, cowaxxlice I'?ne, Tn. fire I'gneo, a. igneous, fiery Imico'io, »ii. a spark of fire Ignito, a. flamin?, burning, shining IjTióbile. a. of mean birth Ignobilmente, ad. basely Ignobiltà, and Ign .biliii, /. mean birth Ignominia,/, ignominy Ignominiosaménte, ad. infamously Ignominioso, a. i^ominious Ignorantàgsine,/. folly, ignorance Ignorante, n. ignorant' Imoranteménte, ad. ijnorantly I;norantóne, -.ti. a coxcomb Ignoranza,/, ignorance IMA .piorire, to be ignorant of; igno- ro la cagióne di ciò, I do not kn )w the reason of it Ignorato, a. unknown, hid Ignotamente, ad. unknowingly Ignoto, a, unkmwu, private Ignudare, to strip Ignudato, a?ìd Ignudo, a. naked, bare Iguana, /. a water-liza d 11, art. the ; projj. hini ; il caval- lo, the horse ; il conosco, I know lim; il cui, (il di cui,) whose ; si sa il perchè ? do they say upon what accoun* ? I'lare', a. merry, joyful Ilarità,/, mirth n di che, ad. wherefore Illacciare, to tie, enibarrass, en- tangle, to be entangled Illanguidire, to languish, to be sick, or faint Illanguidito, a, lanniid, faint Illaqueare, to ensnare Illazione,/, inference niécebic, '.pi. allu'-emcnt, charms lUeci'anién'e. ad. unlawfully Illécit'i, a. uiila vful nieglttinio, a. ilieiitimate Illésb, pert, unhurt Illibato, pari, i nsp.otted Illibatézza, f. puri:y lUibe'àlc, a. illiberal, covetous niicitaniente^ ad. unlawfully Ullcito, m. a crime, wickedness lllimi'à'o, a. b''i;ndless lUlquiiire. t ■ liqi;efy Illucén'e, a. brilliant Illùdere, t'l illude ; delude, jeer llluniinaméu'o, >n. an illumination niumininte. a. enlijhteuing niuminire, 'o ilhiminate Illu^lina*iv^, a. illumina'ive niuminatn, part, enlir^h'ened niumi a'óre, m. enliihener Illuminazione, f. illumination niiisione,/. illusion, cheat Illùso, part, m'^fkr-'l, railed at Illusòre, m. a deceiver lllustramént'j, in. an illustratioa IllustrAn'e, a. mostrare, 'n illn-fae Dlus'ra'o, part. irii'.*'a»ed IlUistra">re, m. one hi' illustrates IllustTai''i:'>ne. f. explana inn Illustre, a. illu-'ri 'us niustremen'e ad. rminently nius'rézz-». /. illusra'iou Illustris imo. a. mns" illHs*nop5 11 perché, n/f. why. wherefore hnkse. arid liiiA'b. f. (ir p-^e^) an image, figure, resemblance 1MB Imagine, /. see Immàgine, and all its derivatives Imbaccolito, a. bearing a pack Imbacuccare, to disguise, to mask ; to drcss, cover [ed Imbaccucà lo, part, disguised, mask- Imba^ato, a. wet, sagacious, cun- ning " [a rosej Imbalconato, a. purple (said of Imbaldanzire, to imbilden ImbalJanzito, part, imboldened Imbillare, to pack Imbalordire, to stun Imbalordito, part, stunned Imbalsamiire, to en>balm Imbalsamalo, part, embalmed Imbalsimire, lo become balsam Imbambagiato, part, wrapped in cotton Imbambolare, to be affec'ed Imbambolato, part, aliec'ed, hav- inj tears in one's eyes ImbanJiménto, m. and Imbandi- gione,/, a dish, or mess Imbandire, to get dinner ready Inibandito. part, dressed, prepared In.barazzàre, 'o perplex ; inibaraz- z-arsi, to en'.ansle "ne's self Imbarazza, »i. confusion ; embar- ras ment, intricacy Iniba-berire, to grow barbarous Inibarl«rito, o, cruel Imliarbi^re, to grow childish 'h rough are Imbarb-)ttìto, a. made like a hark IniDarcaniénto, m. embarcatiin Imbarcare, to embark ; inibarcar- si, to ensije ; iii.Karcarsi sen"a biscotto, hand over head Imbarcitn. part, embarked iDibarcatore, m. a s-a captain In.brci. m. embarcjtion Imbaidire, t > barb a hirse Iniba darsi, to become very amo- ro\is Imbardare, to allure, captivate, procure a friendship Inibarntre, to bnr ; imbarrare la strada, to s'op 'he way Imbarr'to, ptrt. barred In'Iasaniénto. m. a b.a.sÌ5 Imbs ci. ani.bassalor ln'.^^-ci^■a, f. embassy Iniba c'a'rlce, /. an ambassadress Iniba-taHtr-", to dey^neni'e In ba •ardi'», a. d reiiera'ed Iiiitns'nre, to pack- aldle Imbas'imén'o, m. and Imin'tiUin, f. a bxs'in? on a piece of cloth. sewing on slightly 1MB Imbastire, to baste, or sew wifli long stitches, to lay a table, b» gin an altdr Imbasto, m. a pack-saddle Imbattersi, to meet » ith Imbatto, m. an obstacle, hinderanos Imbavagliare, to cover a person'i face, blindfold a person Imbavagliato, part, having the tace covered IniL.avàre, to slabber Imbeccare, to bill as birds, to bit a horse, to give one his own In.beccita, /. a bill-full ; pigliar r imbectìta, to be bribed, to swallow the bait [deceived Imbeccato, part, fed with a bill, Imbecherare, to suborn, corrupt Imbecille, a. weak Imbecillità,/, feeblene^ Imbelle, a. cowardly, fearful Imbelletare, to paint Imbellettato, part, painted Imbellire, to embellish Inibendare. !o bind, put a band Imberbe, a. beartiless Imberciare, to hit, stick luiberretóto, a. wi'h a cap on Imbertescare, to fortify with panr pe's Imbertonarsi, to fall in love Imbestialire, tT become a beast mad, or cruel, brutish Imbestiali'o, a. like a beast Imbestiàrsi, to be like a beast Imbére, a7id Imbevere, to imbibe, inf'jse, to inspire, lo drink up Imbevuto, part, imbibed, &c. Imbiaccaniénto, m. a painting Inibiac^re, to paint with white Imbiadato, pari. s'i%m with com Imbiancaménto, m. a white-wash- Imbiancare, and Imbianchire, t* wash, whiten, to grow gray, to suborn, seJuce Imbianciito, port, whitened Imbiancatore, m. a whitener, washer-man Imbiancitura,/. washing Imbietolire, to be atfected, toswo«» Imbiettare, to put in the wedsre Imbiondire, and Imbiondire, to grow fair Imbisacciare, to put in a ba? Imbizzarriménto. m. waspishnes» Imbizzarrire, to fell in'o passion Imbizzarito. a. very aijgry Imboccare, to feed, cram ; to i» charge, disembojue, lo instruct Imboccato, port, fed, dischar^A, instructed 1MB Bnboccatóra, /. a horse-bit, the entrance of a street, mouth of a river Imbolare, to rob, steal Imbolatore, m. a robber, thief Imboli icaménto, m. blister Imbollicare, to break out into blisters [brea'h Imbolsiménto, m. straitness of Imbolsire, to be short-winded; to grow pursy Imbolsl'o, a. pursy [p Imbonire, and Imtmonire, to ap- Imborsare, lo pocket Imborsi to, part, pursed Imborsatóra, aitd Imborsazióne. /. a laying up in a purse ImboscAre, to lie hid Imboscata, /. and Imboscaménto, m. ambush Imboscato, a. in ambush Imboschire, 'o gnw will Imboschito, a. grown wo-vly Imbossolare, to lay the beams of a house Imbottare, to put in a cask Imbottatóio, m. a funnel Imbottire, to quilt Imbottito, ^art. quii 'ed Imbotti lira,/, a quil'ing Imbozzimare, to s'arch Imbozzimilo, part. s:arched Imbracciare, to embrace, to put in one's arms Imbracciatura,/, a handle Imbranci-e, to flock tijether Imbrandire, lo han Ile a sword, *c. Imbra'tamnndi, m. a spoil-trade ; a busybody [soil, to stain ImbrattAre, ' and Imbruttire, to Imbn'tàto, part, soiled Imbra'tatóre, m. a dauber Imbrat'alùra, f. and Imbratta- ménto, m. fil'hiness Imbrfitto, m. dirtiness, food for fowls, hoi's wash Imbriacarsi, to tjet drunk Imbriartto, part, fu idlel Imbria;-a*'ira, Imbriachéz7A, /. and Imbriacaménto, m. drunk- enness Iinbriacóne, jn. a drurkird Imbricc^n'rf, to grow knavish Imbri?amén'o. m. perplexity Imbri.rfi'-e, to perplex Imbrig.'irsi, to shift, "ndeavour : non t' imb'-i^ir ("e' fi'ti miei, do not trouble yourself abou' my affairs [de'r Imbri'l'Sre, to bn''|p, to keep un- Imbrigli.ito, part, bridled Imbroccare, to aim at, to oppose IMM Imbroccato, part, opposed Imbrodolare, lo toil, daub Imbrodolalo, part, daubed luibrogli-ire, to perplex Imbrogliato, part, perplered Imbro^lietto, m. slight dilHculty Imbròglio, and IiLbrogliamento, Til. trouble, confusion, encum- brance Imbroglione, m. a trifler, cheat InibrogliCiccio, ni. a l>ad atiair Imbronci ■ re, to be an^ry Imbronciato, a. angry Imbrunire, and Imbrunare, to grow brown, black, da;k; sull imbrunire, about du^k ; il tempo comincia al imbrunirsi, ti wea'her begins to gt->w cloudy Imbrusrhlre, to grow sharp Imbruschito, a. shar)), 'art Imbriit Ire, to grow uzly Imbucare, to put, or crt-ep in a hole Inibucit.ire, to wash wih lie Imbufonchiire, to grumble Imbuire, to become ignorant Imbullettare, lo stud Inibiillettàlo, part, that has a bill upon [g'eat stort Imbuondito, arf.abundan ly, mai y, Iniburchi/ire, to dic'a'e Imbusto, m. body, breast, bulk, s'ays Imbrt'o, m. a funnel ; coll' imblito, to swallow Imeneo, m. nup'ials [ble Imitibile, and Imitativo, a. imila- Imi'.in'e, a. imi'ating Imitire, to iniita'e Imitativo, a. imil-ible Imitatóre, m. and Imitatrice, /. imi'a'or Imitazióne, /. imi'a'ion Imniacchi.ire, to hide behind a bu'^h Imma'-ulito, a. unspotted Iiimragin.'ibile, a. imaiindde Imma .'inaménto, m. imajina'ion Imma n'nàre. 'o ima.^ne ; imnn 'i- nirsi. to believe [rilv Immajinariamén'e, a^. imagina- Imma in.irio, a. imaTimry Immaiinativa,/. ima»inaion Immaginativo, a. imarinative Immazin.ito, a. ima-ini-d Imma 'inazióne./, fancy Imni.'igine./. imaje. pic'iire Inima'intvile, a. inven'ive Immajim-volménte, ad. in imagi- na'i'^n Immatinoso, a. fanciful ImmSgo./. fin poe'r\',) an image Immagrlre, to grow lean 133 IMM Immalsanlre, to weaken, enfedil* Imniancabilmcnlc, ad. iotalliblj Immane, a. outi I mmanifciiio, a. secret, privata IiiJOiaiii'.à,^. cruel y Immansuct'^, a. cruel ImniHntiu.nte, ad. immediatelT, n>w Immarcescibile, a. incorruptible Imma ciré, lo pine away, io fret Imniar^iaa;o, a. joined I.nmaschertrsi, lo mask luioiaiicherito, a. disguised, d» ^enlbl^d Immastricci'ire, to plaster Immateri'ile, a. imiiialerial Immalerialménte,cui. iinn.a'erìallf lii.nia u'amén e, ad. unliri.ely Imii.a uro. a. unri| e lmmcediménto, m. binderance, bag- gage Impedire, to hinder Impeditivo, a. hindering Impedito, pert, hindered Im-peditóre, tji. one that hinders Impegnare, to pawn : impegnarsi, to engage ; impegnar la ede, to give one's word ; m' impégno di ferlo, I promise you I will do it Impegnato, a. engaged, promised, pledged [ness Inipégno, TTi. engagement, firm. Impegolare, to pitch ' Impegolato, j;art. pi'ched Impelagare, to embarrass, to be hindered [embroiled Impelagato, part, embarrassed, Impelnre. to pu. out hairs Impellere, to impel, force, shoot Impellicciare, to put oa a garment m.ade of skins Impéndere, to hang Impeadén'e, a. dubious Impenetritile, a, impenetrable ImpeneTabili'a,/. impenetrability Impenitente, 'a. impenitent Impenitenza./, impenitence Imjieimacchiàto, a. plumed Impennare, to be fledged, to prance Im.penn.ita, /. a penful of ink Impennato, part. Ced^ed. pranced Impennatura,/, fir^e, condemnation Impeimellàre, to give a strote with a pencil Impensatamente, nd. suddenly Imjiensàto, o. sudden, unforéeen Impensierire, a. pensive, thongfat- ful. puzzled Impcpare, to pepper Impelato, part, peppered Imperadore, and Imperatóre, m. an emperor Imperadrlce, and Imperatrice, /. an empress, queen, mistress Imperare, to comm.and Imperativo, a imperative Imperatorio, a. imperial Irr-p-ercettibile, a. imperceptible Impercettibilità,/, imperceptibility Imperché, m. the reason why Imperché, ad. because LMP Imperciò, ad. therefore Imperciocché, ad. whereas, be- cause Imperdonàbile, o. unpardonable Imperfe'taniénle, a/l. imperfectly Imperfetto, a. imperfect Imperfezione,/, imperfection Imperiale, a. imperiai, eminent Imperialmente, ad. imperiously Impericoloàlre, to be iu danier Impericolosito, part, hazarded Impero, and Inipéi'io, ni. empire, monarchy. Con imperio, ad. imperi-iusly Imperiosità,/, pride, arroj^ince Imperiosamente, ad. imperiously Imperioso, and Imperante, a. im- perious, rulin» Imperitamente, ad. i;norantly Imperito, o. unskilful Imperizia,/, unskilfulnesj Imperlaqualcósa, ad. v.herefore Imperlare, to embellish with pearls, to ornament Impennisto, a. unmixed ImpermuiAbile, a. unchangeable, constant Impermutabilità,/, immutability Impemare, to weigh, poise Impernato, part, poised, weighed Impèro, m. see Imperio Imperò, ad. therefore Imperocché, ad. because Imperscriltibile, a. that cannot be prescribed Imperscrutàbile, o. inconceivable Impersevcranza,/. incons;ancy Imperseverare, to be inconstant, fickle Imperson.'ile, a. impersonal Impersonilo, a. corpulent, fat, well made Impersuasìbile, a. not to be per- suaded Impertanto, ad. however Impertinènte, a. impertinent Impertinentemente, ad. imperti- nently Impertinènza,/, impertinence Imperturbàbile, o. that camiot be disturbed [ness Imperturbabilità, /. unconcemed- Imperver^ànte, a. raging, in a passion, disturbed Imperversi re, to ra»e, rave Imperversato, o. exasperated Impervertito, o. possessed, cruel, furious Imperver'tre, to pervert Impéso, part, hung, suspended Impestare, to infect, c-irrupt Impetigine,/, a tetter, ring- worm KIP I Impetiginóso, a. having tetters, I ritig-worms I I'mpeto, m. vehemence, fury I Imperaij'one, /. an obtaining . luipetrare, to obtain j to be petri- fied I Impetratlvo, a. obtainable ^Impetrnto, part, obti'ned, petrified Impetraiore, m. sujiplicator Impetrazione,/, entreaty Impetricato, a. hard like a stone, , s'ony Umpetiito, o. straight, upright, erect I Im|)etuosaniènte, ad. iiiipetuously Impetuosità,/, impetuosity I Impetuósi, a. imi>etuous Impiacevnlire, to make, render agreeable Impiagare, to wound, hurt Im[ ia^'ito, part, wounded Impiaia'ùra, /. a wounding Impiallacciare, to speckle, inlay Impiallacciatura,/, inlaid work ImiiianelUre, to ^ve with square tiles Impiantarsi, to place one's self, lake a stand Impiastragióne,/. ingrafting Inipiastramécto,m. unctioD,anoint- Impiastrare, to plaster, pacify Impiastrato, paii. pla-tered, paci- fied [ing a plaster Impiastrazióne, /. unction, apply- Impiasfricciare, to apply a plaster, to daub Impiastricciato, and Impiastricci- ci to, part, daubeil, perplexed Impiastro, m. a plas'er, compact Impiccare, to hang ; impiccarsi, to ban» one's self Impiocatélli, m. a little villain Impiccitn, part, hanged : ognuno ha '1 suo impiccato all' ùscio, every body has his fault Impiccatolo,' a. old enough for the callows Impiccavira, /. .act of hanging Impicciare, and Impicciarsi, to intermedine Impiccio, m. encumbrance Impiccolire, to become little, to diminish [have lice Impid.Tcchire, to breed lice, to Impidocchito, a. lousy Impiegire, to employ; impiegar male, to misuse Impièro, 771. employ, place Impietà, /. impie'y' Impietosire, to assuaie Impietrire, and Impietrare, to petrify 155 LMP Impietrito, and Impietrito, a. petrified Impigliare, to stop, take, to em- broil, to bustle, put ontr's sell forward [tinbroiled Impigliato, part, taken, arrested, Impigl latóre, tti. one that arrests, or embroils, a busybody Impiglio, rri. trouble, care Impignere, to push, imi>el, to posh one's self, to be against Impigrire, to grow idle Impisrito, part, grown idle Injpigro, a. active Imiiillaccheràre, to fill with mtid ; to soil Impinguare, to fatten Irnpinto, part, forced, impelled Impinzare, to fill over; impinz&i^ si, to be filled I'mpio, a. cruel, wicked Impiombare, to colour with lead, to lead Impiombato, o. leaded Implreo, m. the hiihest heaven Implacibile, a. implacable Implacabilmente, ad. implacably Implicare, to entangle, ptri'lex _ Implicato, part, embarrassed, ia- volved Implicatóre. 771. an entangler Implicazióne, ttj. implication Implicilamèn'e, ad. implicitly Implicito, a. implicit Implorare, to implore, beseech Impoetirsi, to become a poet Impolitico, a. im|)oliiic Iiiifxilminàto, a', pale, yellow Impolpàre, to zrow fat, strong ImpnI'mnire, to grow lazy Impoltronito, o. la/j-, idle Impolverare, to powder, to dost one's self Impolverato, part, powdered Impimiciire, to rub with a pumice stone [lays on Imponitóre, 771. he that imposes, Imporcare, to furrow Imporporato, a. in purple Imporrare, to mould, grow faint, weary Imporre, to impo<.e a tax. to order Impnrtibile, and Iinportevole, a. hard, insupportable Importante, a. important Importanza,/, consequence Imixirtàre, to import, denote, mean; to amount to ; questo importa a me, tha' coircems me ; non im- porta, no ma-'er; il tutto im- porta dièci scudi, the whole comes to ten crowns IMP Importunanién'e, and ImpnrtAina- taniéutr, ad. inipor'uua.cly ImportunAr , o lUiportune Impor una o. part, iuiiwrtuned Importunila./. in.()ortiini:y Imporijui, a. imublcsouie lujpositore, m. an ordcier, com- mauder, imposer Imposizione,/, imposition Imposse-s.arc, lo take a possession iDiposiibile, a. inipossiLle Impossiliili n, f. inipos&iLility Imposiibilitare, to render impossi- ble Inipossibilmén'e, ad. impo^ibiy Imposta, /. iuipos", tax, duty ; a window, or dxir post Impos'are, to fix a doir, or window Imposti o, a. placed to one's liking linpostat'ira,/. p'sts, door-case Impos'euiire, to impo*thunia'e Imi:iós'o.;p(ir<. orJcred.coninianded Inipos'òre, m. an impostor Inipos'iir-i,/. iniposure Impotènte, a. impotent Inipo'enya,/. impoiency Impoveiire, to grow poor, to im- poverish Impoverì 'o, a. reduced to poverty liiipra'ic'il.'Ie, a. iniprac'icable Impratichito, a. conversant, accus- tom el Imprecare, to curse Imprecaivo. j:art. cnrsin» Imprecizione./. iuipreci ion Impregmiiiin o, m. aiid Impre- gna lira,/. pregna: cy Impreniare, to iinjreihi'e Imprejn'lo, jiart. imprema'ed • Irnprendin'c, m. a scholar, one who learns Imprenlere. »oleam, undertake Iiriprendjménto, ni. undcrtakio?, eulerpriie Imprenditore, m. he that be^ns Inij-ré-a, f. undertaking. ei,ter- rrisc, attempt, dtsi;;n, an em- blem, a device Imprèso, a. undertaken Imprèssion'ire, to insinuate, pre- possess Impressionitn, part, prejudiced Impressione, f. impression Impresso, a printed Impre^-Sre, to lend lmpfe=;'i'o. m. a loan Impretendènte, a. in JifTerpnt Imprezz' bile, swallow up, devour Incannata, /. a s'ring of cherries ; intrigue, eniba: rassn.ent lucannucciàre, to cover wi'h Tctds Incannucciata,/, a sort of bandajre liicaniiucciàto, part, closed, kLut up wi'h reeds Incantaménto, m. a>id Incantv gioni,/. enchantmen: Incantare, to enchant, diami Incan:àto, part, enchanted Incantatóre, m. a sorcerer Incantésimo, aìid Itcàiilo, m. so enchantment, cbari.i, auction ; guastar l'iucàmo, to frustrai.: anoher'sdesigiis; andarvi come la biscia all' int'inm, to do a thing against one's will Incantucciare, to hide one's self lu a corner Incanu'iménto, m. gray hair». old age Incanutire, to grow gray Incanuti'o, ;;ar(. h/aiy, gray Incap:''Ce, a. incai'a)>le Incapacità,/, incapaci'y Incaparbire, to be cb-jti'Late Incaparbl'o, a. ob^'ina'e Incaparsi, lo be obs'ina'e IncapaiT.Ire, to give earnest, to en- sure a bargain Incapestrare, io snare, catch, to halter IncapestrSto, part, baltererl Incapestratura, /. U'aiiner of pu»- tingon a muzzle; a mark oi a muzzle or halter Incapocchi re, to become stupid Iiicaponire, to pci-sist, to be obsti- na'e Incappare, to stumble, to fa" into a snare, to be ca*che(l Incappato, part, ca ched, si t I Incappellare, to put on one"» la., lo cover [hat Incappellato, part, covered wiili a Incapperucclàre, to be disguised, masked Incappiare, to entangle, to tie, to fas-en Incappiato, part, entanfrled Incappo, ni. stumble, (all INC Incappucdàre, to put on a hood, to cover, to vrmp Incappucciato, part, hooded Incapriccirsi, to fall in love Incaiare, to make dearer, to grow- dearer IncarboEchiare, to take the colour of a carbuncle Incarcàre, to load, to chaise Incarcerare, to imprison Incarcerato, part, imprisoned Incarcera2Ìóne, and lucarcera- giòne^/. imprisonment Incirco, m. (in poetrv,) charge, load Incarica./, a load Incaricare, to charge with, to trust, to command, to rail at Incaricato, part, charged Incàrico, nu charge, load, tax, affront, ofi'ence ; non voglio préndemiepe rincarico, I will not meddle wi'h it Incarnare, to stab in the flesh, to represent to the life ; incarnarsi, to aioume humin nature Incan.atino, tn. fiesh-coloured lucama'ivo. a. incarnative Incarnato, part, made flesh, flesh- colourtd Incarnazióne,/, assuming the flesh Incarognire, to become carrion Incarrucolire, to get out of the pulleys Incartare, to wrap in paper Incartesgiare, to set down, to write Incartato, part, wrapped in paper Incartocciare, to twist paper libe a horn, to roll up Incas>4re, to case up Incassato, part, packed up Incas'agnare. to furnish, adorn with wood ; to amuse or de- ceive hy fair words Incastelliriiénto. ni. a scafibld Inoastellire, to fortify Incastellato, part, fortified, shut up in a castle Incasto, a. unchaste Incastonare, to enchase Incastonato, part, enchased Incastonatura, /. enchasing, joint, juncture Incastrare, to enchase Incastrato, part, enchased Incastratura,/, enchasing Incastro, m. buttress Incatarrire. to catch cold Incatenacciare, to £asten a door with a bolt Incatenare, to chain Incatenato, part, chained INC INC Incatenatura, /. chaining, joining together Incatorzolimento, m, a moulder- ing of fruits Incatorzolire, to wither away Incatorzolito, part, faded, dried, withered Incatramato, part, tarred Iccani\Sre. to grr.w wicked Incattivito, a. wicked Incautamente, ad. unwarily Incàuto, a. negli«nl Incavalcare, to place upon Incavalcato, part, laid upon Incavalcatura, /. a laying one thing over another Incavallàre, to provide one's self with horses, to mount a horse Incarare, to dig Incavato, cu dug. hollow Incav attira,/, hollowing Incavernato, part, laid in a cave Incavicchiàlo, part, joined, set in Incavigliare, to peg, or pin Incavigliato, part, pinned, tied, joined together Incavo, m. cave, hole, di'ch Incèndere, to bum, to inflame Incendévole, a. easy to be burnt, combusible Incendiare, to turn Incendiario, m. an incendiary Incèndio, and Incendiméntó, tn. conflagration, burning Incendentivo, a, kindling, setting on fire Incenditóre, m. an incendiary Incenerire, a7ìd Incenerare, to bum to ashes Incensaménto, m. and Incensata, /. a perfuming with frankincense Incensare, to offer incense, praise, commend [pan Incensière, m. a ceriser. perfuming Incensivo, a. indiming Incènso, m. incense ; dar I' in- cènso, to flatter Incènso, part, kindled Incensuràbile, a. Di:bl3jneable Incentivo, m. an incentive Incentrarsi, to meet in a centre Inceppare, to ch^in Incerare, to was Incerato, part, wased Incerato, m. oil-cloth Inccrconire, to grow sour (as wine does) Incertézza, Incertitùdine, /. and Incèrto, m. uncertainty Incèrto, a. tincertain Incèso, part, kindled, burnt Incespàre, to entangle, to grow, increase, to line or cover with turf Incessàbile, a. continual lucessabil ménte, aiìd Incessante- mente, ad. incessantly Incessànte, a. continual Incessànza, /. a7id Incessabilézza, /. continuance Incestare, to lay in a basket Incèsto, m. incest Incestuosamente, ad. incestuonsly Incesuóso, a. incestuous Incètta, /. a purchase Incettare, to buy (to sell again) Incettatóre, m. an engrosser, dealer Inchiavare, to lock Inchiavisrellàre, to bolt Inchièdere, to ask Inchièsta, /. inquiry Inchinaménto, m. proneness Inchinare, to humble, to submit, to affirm with a nod Inchinata,/, humiliation, a bow Inchinato, part, humbled Inchinazióne, /. humiliation Inchinévole, a. inclinable Inchino, m. a courlcby Inchino, a. inclined, bent Inchinuccio, »n. a slight reverence Inchi' dire, to nail ; inchiodare un cannóne, to nail up a piece of ordnance Inchiodato, part, nailed, spiked Inchiodatura, /. a prick in ^ horse's foot Inchiostrare, to slur with ink Inchiostro, m. ink ; scrivere ad uno di buon inchiostro, to write sharply ; il tuo inchiostro ison tigne, your credit is not good Inchiùdere, to enclose, contain Inchiùso, part, incliided Incialdarsi, to dress one's self in white [stumble Inciampare, OTid Inciampicare, to Inciampo, m, stun.bling, risk Incidènte, a. incident Incidènte, m. incident, event Incidentemente, ad. accidentally Incidènza, /. digression Incidere, to make an incision, to grave, to cut Incielare, to place in heaven Inciferato, and Incifràio, part made or written in ciphers Incignere, to impregnate Incinto, a. pregnant Incioccàre, to knock, or ran against Incipriare, to powder Incipriato, part, powdered Inciprignire, to exasperate, to fly in a passion INC In circa, prep: about Incirconclso, part, iincircumcised Incircnnscrlito, a. boundless Iiicischìàre, to mince Incisione, /. incision, engraving Inciso, part, cut Incisóre, m. a carver Incisùra./. incision, a cut Incitaménto, ni. aiid Incitazióne, /. a stirring, provolting Incitare, to incite Incitatlvo, a. inciting Incivile, a. uncivil Incivilire, to grniv poli'e Incivilmente, ad. uncivilly Inciviltà,/. ruJeness Incleméu'e, a. merciless, cold Inclemenza,/, severity ; inclemèn- za dell'? ria, del vento, &c., in- clemency of theair, ihe wind,&c. Inclinabile, a. inclinable Inclinaménto, m. inclining, dec- lination Inclin'm'e, o. inclining Inclinare, to incline, bend Inclinato, part. ben% dis|X)sed Inclinazióne,/, iiiclina'ion Inclinévole, a. inclinable, prone l'nclito, cu famous, noble Inelùdere, to include IncKisa,/. the enclosed letter Inclusivairiénte,"arf. inclusively IncKiso, part, enclose! Incoccare, to notch, st,\mmer Incocciarsi, to be obstinate Incodardire, ti despond Incoerente, a. discordant Incoerenza,/, disproportion Incogilabile, a. inconceivable Incògliere, to ca ch, surprise, to happen, befall Incognitamente, od, incognito, un- known Incògnito, a. unknown I'ncola, m. an inhabitant Incollare, to arlue Incollato, part, glued Incollerire, to be aniry Incollerito, a. anjr)- Incolor.'ire, to colour, dye Incolp-ibile, a. blameless Incolp.'ire, to blame ; incolpare un altro, to lay the fault upon Incolpilo, part, blamed Incoi patore, m. an accuser Incolpévole, a. unblameable Incoltamente, ad. carelessly Incólto, a. uncultivated ; undressed, untrimmed Incólto, part, happened Incombattibile, o. incontestable Incombènza,/, a commiKÌon INC Incombustibile, a. incombustible lucomincianiènto, m. aiid Inco- minciauza,/. a beginning Incominciunie, m. beginner Incominciare, to begin Incominciato, part, begun Incomincia'ore, m. a beginner IncosnmeosurJbile, a. incommen- surable [surability lucomniensurabiliti, /. inconm.eii- Incómm' do, m, tu Incòmodo, and its derivatives Incommutàbile, a. constant Incommu-abilità,/. constancy Incomodamente, ad. incommodi- ously Incomodare, to incommode Incomodici,/, iuconveuiency Incòmodo, m. trouble, disadvan- tage Incòmodo, a. inconvenient Incompar'ibite. a. incomparable Incomparabilnéute, ad. incompar- ably Incompatibile, a. disagreeing Incompalibilit.i, /. inconsistency Iiicomj>ens;'ibile, a. cot to be re- warded Incompetènte, a. incompetent Incompcteuteménte, ad. incompe- tently Incompetènza, /. iasufficiency Incompiuto, a. imj-erfect Incomplèsso, a. wi'hout mixture Incomport.'ibile. and Incomporté- vóle, a. intolerable Incomportabilraènte, ad. intolera- bly Iiicompósto, a. disordered ; simple Incomprensibile, a, incomprehen- sible [sibility Incomprensibilità,/, incomprehen- In comftne, ad. in common Incomunicabile, a. incommunici- ble Inconcepibile, a. mcouceivable Inconcepibilità, /. incomprehensi- bleness Inconciliabile, a. irreconcilable Inconcludènte, and Inconcliiso, a. inconclusive In conclusióne, ad. finally Inconciisso, part, unshaken Inconfusamènte, ad. confusedly Incongiimgibile, a. that cannot be joined Incongiùnto, part, divided Incongruènte, a. incongruous Incongruentemente, ad. improper- 'y Incongruenza,/. Incongruity Incongruità,/, disproportion 159 INC Incòngruo, o. incongnioos Inc')nocchi:'ire, to wu-.i a di Inconosciùlo, a. unknovn Inconcjuais. bile, cart, ui InconseguètUEa, f. inconsequence Inconsiderabile, a. inconsiderable Inconsidera'.aménle, ad. iucoosid- era ely Inconsiderato, a. rash InC'.nsiderazione, and Inconsidera- tézza,/, inconsideration Inconsistènte, a. inconsistent Inconsolàbile, a. inconsolable Inconsolabilmente, ad. inconsolv bly Inconstante, a. inconstant Inconstinza,/. inconstancy Inconsuèto, a. unusual [ly Inconsultamente, ad. inconsiderate IiiC msùito, a. inconsiderate Iiiconlamin'ibile, a. incorruptible Incontaminatézza,/, purity Incontaminato, part, uude'filed Incontanènte, incontinènte, ad, presently IncontenV'tbSe, a. insatiable Incontentabilità,/, insatiableneas Inontestibile, a. indisputable Incontinènte, o. unchaste Incontinènza,/, incoutinency Incònto, part, unadorned Incontra, prep, azainst Inconiramènto, m. a conference, a. meeting Incontrare, and Inconlràni, to meet, to hai)pen IncontrasLibile, a. indisputable Incontrast.àto, part, incontested Incóntro, m. a rencounter, acci- dent, chance ; andar all' incón- tro, to meet j farsi in cóntro, to advance Incóntro, prep, against, towards Incontrover Ibile, a. not to be questioned Inconveniènte, and Inconvenévole, a. inconvenient Inconvenientcménte, ad. incon- veniently [disturbance Inconveniénza, /. inconveniency, Incoraggiaménto, m. encourage- ment [encourage Incoraggiare, and Incora^re, to Incoraggiato, part, animate Incorare, to [lersuade, encouiagCi to take in one's head Incordare, to be benumbed Incordato, part, herwimhed Incordatura,/, a stiff neck Incomiciii'e, to frame Incoroaire, to crown Incoronalo, pari, crowned INC Incoronazióne, /. corona'ion Incorporil -, a. incorporeal Incorporali n, f. incorporeity Incorporaiiiéiito, m. iucorpjration Incorpiruc, to incorporae Incorporalo, part, incorpoia'ed Inc^rpDraziooe,/. ine rporation Incoi póreo, a. incorporeal Incorre, to surprise Incórrere, lo iucur ; incórrere in ejrori, to commit faults Incorre to, a. incorrect Incorri^'bile, aiid incorreggibile, a. incorri iible Inco-ri^ibìliià, /. obstinacy, stul)- bomness Incormt'n, a. incorrupt Incorrntiliile, a. incorruptible Incorrut'iLili à.y. incori uptiiiliy Incorru:'.ib;lniénte, ad. incorrup i- bly Incorruzione,/, incorruption Incorso, m. meeting, encounter Incoi s^, p(i~t. incurred Incoriin' re, to set cur'ains round Incortinato, pari, surrouuded In c^scirfnza, ad. in conscience Iiicos ante, a. inconstant Incos aneménte, ad. incons'antly Incns''nza, and Incostanzia, f. fickleness Incolto, part, bciled, baked ; in- cotto dal sole, sun burnt Increanza,/, incivility Increnlo. a. not crea'éi Incredibile, a. incredible IncreHibilmérite, ad. incredibly Increduli'à,/. unbelief Incredulo, a. incredulous Increnién'o, m. increase lucrepazione, /. a reprimand Incré-cere, to' be tired ; to com- misera'e, to be sorry ; quan'o m' incrésce la sua conversazione ' how tired I am of his conversa- tion ! Increscévole, a. tedious Increscevolménte, ad. 'ediously Iccrescimén o, m. weariness Increspanoént'^, m. and Increspa- tura,/, a curl, or curling Increspare, to curl, to shrink ; in- crespare la fronte, to contract one's eye-brows Increspato, -part, cnrled, shrunk Incretnj^, to daub with clay Incrinare, to crack Incr^ciaménto, m. a crossing, in- tert« inin? Incroci'ire, /. cruise (a sea term) Incroci'''o, part, laid across Incrocicchiare, to croa IND Incrocicchiito, o. crossed, across Iiicroanre, to incrust IiiCrtólàto, part, crusted, rough- cait Ii.c;usfa*'ira,/. a crusting Inciiidelire. to grow cruel liicru elito, jjart. become cruel Incru lire, to make harsh, rough Inc^ uént , a. no- bloody liic'iscAie, to fill with biun I'm ubo, in. niarhtmare Ii:c-..le./. anvil Incii fine,/, an anvil Irci.Ic.ire, to inculcate Incr'ca amen'e, ojd. earnestly Inruidi n^part. inculcated Inc'il o.part. uncultivated ItcumbcKZa, /. charge: assumersi I' incumbemuL, to take upon one's self [to scald Incuòcere, to b^il or bake a little, Ii;cuor'ire, to ;ake in one's hiad Incuràbile, a. incurable Incur'i'o, a. uiicured Ii.ciria./. lieiligence Incursi'^ue,/. incursion Incurvare, to bow, bend : incur- vai rsi, to prostrate one's self Incu-Tafo, part, bent, crooked Incurva"'Cira, anrf Incurvazióne,/. incur\'ation. cr bending Incirvo, a. ben', crooked Incus're, to accuse, blame Incustodito, a. not guaided Incìdere, to thrust wi'h violence I'b laco, rr>. indijo (blue colour) Indai rr, to search into Indasazióne, and Indagine, /. a careful search IndSrn'^, ad. in vain Inlebil'rf. to grow weak Irdel iaménfe', ad. unduly Inrlebii're. to run in debt Ind hi''ito, part, indebted Indébito, a. undue ; ora indébita, an unseasonable hour Indebolire, to srow weak Inileb^llto, part, weakened Indecènte, n. indecent Indecentemente, ad. indecently Indecènza,/, indecencv' Indecisi, part, undetermined Indeclin'hile, a. indeclinable Indecoraménte, ad. shamefully Indéccre, a. (in poetry,) uabe'com- ins: Indecoro, a. indecent Indefe<=saménte, ad. indefatigably Indefèsso, a. unwearied Indeficién'e. a. not deficient Indfficientenien'e, nd. continually Indeficienza,/, abundance 160 IND Indefinitamente, ad. undetermi na'elv Indefinito, a. indefinite Indegcan.en'e, ad. unworthily Indegnarsi, to be angry ludeguazióne,/. indignation Indegni'à, Indegniiade, aiid Inde- gnitate,/. indigrii'y Indégno, a. unworthy Indelèbile, a. that cannot be cau- celltd, or blotted out IndeLbilmente, ad. indelibly Indemoniato, part, possessed with a devil Indènne, a, unhurt, safe Indennità, and Indennitàde, /. in- demnify [term) Indennizz-'ire, to indemnif)" (law Ind^nnizzazione,/. indet-mification (law term) Indéntro, prep, within, inward Independènte, a. independent Independenteménte, ad. independ ently Indepèndénza, /. independency Indeterminatamente, ad. indeter- miria'ively Inde'.erminAto, a. undecided, wa- verins, doubtful [tir.n Indeterminazióne, /. indetermioa- Indettare, to agree, resolve Indevoto, a. ungodly Iiidevozióne,/. ungodliness I'ndi, ad. from thence; after, af- terwards ; indi a poco, a little after; indi a pochi di, a few days after fmonds IndiamantAre, to counterfeit dia- Indinna, a. Indian stuff, printed cotton Indiato, part, de'fied Indiavolare, to fall into a ] Indiavolato, o. mad, furious Indicare, to show, indicite Indicativo, m. the indicative mood (in granmiar) Indicativo, a. dem'instrative Indicato, part, iudica'ed Indicazióne, /. ajid Indicamento, m. indication [finser I'i:-^ice, m. index, contents, fore- Indicere, to imitate Indicibile, and Indicevole, a. in etfable, unutteratle Indicibilmente, ad. inexpressibly Indicio, TO. sizTi I'ndicn, a. Indian, of India Indietro, ad. backwards ; volgersi indiètro, to look back; córrer indiètro, lo run after Indiféso, a. defenceless flar Indifferènte, o. indiflèrent, simi- IND Indifferentemente, ad. indifferently Indiaérénza, /. indifference Indigeno, a. native Indigente, tu inJiscent Indigènza, /■. indigence Indigesllbile, a. indigestible Indigestióne, /. indigestion Indigesto, part, indigested Indiguntn, part, provoked Indignazióne, f. indignation Indigróssf), ad. one with another ; comprare, or véndere indigrósso, to buy or sell wholesale Indimostràbile, a. not demonstra- ble Indire, to announce, tell Indirettamente, ad. indirectly Indiretto, a. indirect Indirizzire, to direct ; indirizzarsi, to set out Indirizzato, pari, directed Indirizzo, and Indirizzamento, m. directim Indiscernibile, a. imperceptible Indisciplinàbile, a. undisciplina- ble, indocile Indisciplinato, a. unruly Indiscretamente, ad. indiscreetly Ir.discr«'o. a. indiscreet Indiscrezióne, aìid Indiscretézza, /. indiscretion Indispàrte, ad. apart, aside Iiidis|)ensAbile, a. indispensable Indisjiensabilita, /. an indispensa- ble necessity [sably Indispensabilmente, ad. indispen- Iiidispettito, a. offended Indisjiosizione, /. indisposition Indispósto, part, indisposed Indisj)utSt)i!e, a. incontestable Indissoli'ibile, a. indissoluble Indissolubilità,/, indissolubility Indissolubilmente, ad. indissoliibly Indistintaménte, ad. confusedly Indistinto, a. indistinct Indìstinzióne,/. confusion Indivia,/, endive Individuale, a, individual Individualmente, ad. individually Individuare, to specify Individuazióne, /. a specifying Individuo, a. inseparable ; un in- dividuo, an individual Indivisamente, ad. inseparably Indivisibile, a. indivisible Indivisibilità,/, indivisibility Indivisibilmente, ad. indivisibly Indiviso, a. undivided Indi vóto, a. irreligious Indivozióne,/. irreligion Indiziare, to give suspicion Indizio, m. sign, token, notice TND Indizióne, /. Indication ; mutare indizione, to change condition I'ndo, a. Indian, from India Indocile, a. indocile, dull Indocilita,/, indocility Indolcire, Indolcire, and Indol- ciàre, to sweeten, assuage, allay Indolcito, part, sweetened rndole,/. inclination Indolènte, o. indolent Indolenza, /. indolence Indomàbile, a. untameable Indomito, a. fierce, unruly Indonn rsi, to seize upon Indoppiàre, to double ; l'Inghil- terra s' indóppia colla Scòzia, England and Scotland are con tiguous ; la vostra bellézza va indoppiàndo, you grow more beautiful every day Indorare, to gild Indn.-àto, part, gilt Indoratura, /. and Indoraménto, m. gilding IndormentAto, a. sleepy Indomientiménto, m. numbness Indcrmentlre, to stupify Indormire, to care very little Indnrmito, a. drowsy Indosso, ad. upon the back Indotato, a. without dowry Indótta,/, inducement Indottamente, ad. unleamedly Indottivo, a. persuasive Indótto, a. ignorant, induced, or produced Indottrinare, to instnict Indovina,/, prophetess Indovinare, to divine, foretell Indovinatóre, m, a diviner, con- jecturer Indovin.ìzióne, /. and Indovina- ménto, m. divination, divining, guess Indovinéllo.m. an enigma, a riddle Indovino, in, a conjurer, a guesser Indovino, a. prophetical Indovutamente, ad. unduly Indovuto, a. undue, unlawful Indizzaméuto, in. sorcery, sickness Indozzare, to bewitch, to' fall away Indi-agare, and Indracàre, to grow furious, to rage Indraconlto, a. furious, mad Indrappàre, to make cloth Indrappell.\re, to draw up an army in battle Indrieto, prep, behind IndrÌ7Z.irsi, see IiidirizzArsi Indnidtre, to grow amorous Indubi'àbile, o. indubit.ib'.e Indubitabilità, f. certainty 161 INE Indubitabilmente, ad. undoubtedly Indubitatamente, ad. undoubtedly Inlubìt4to. a. undoubted Indurente, o, inducing Indùcere, tee Indurre Induciménto, m. inducement Inducitore, m. an enticer Indugévole, a. slow, late Indugiare, te delay, binder Indugiato, part, delayed Indugiatóre, m. a delayer Indugia, /. Indugio, and Indugia- ménto, m, a delay, hinderance ; senza indijgio, without delay Indulgente, a. indulgent Indulgènza, /. indulgence, forgive- ness, pardon Indùlgere, to indulge, grant Indtjlto, m. pardon Induménto, m. a dress fhard Induràbile, a. that grows easily Induraaiénto, m. hardness Indurare, and Indurire, to harden ; indurarsi, to grow hard-hearted Indurato, part, hardened Indurito, a. obdurate Indiirre, to induce ; indurre a tu multo, to stir up a rebellion ; in- diirre per forza, to force Indiistre, o. industrious Indùstria,/, industry Industriarsi, to do for the best Industriosamente, ad industrioiirìy Industrióso, and Industrio, o. in- dustrious Induttivo, a. inducing Induttóre, m. an enticer Induzióne,/, induction Inctiri'ire, m. su Imbriacire and its derivatives Inecl issato, part, eclipsed Inèdia,/, a diet, abstinence Inèdito, a. unprinted Ineffabile, a. ineflàbie, unutterable Ineffabilità,/, unutterableness Inettibilménte, ad, ineffably Intflficice, a. ineffectual Ineffic-icia, /. inefficaciousness Inesnagli-^nza, and Inegualità, / inequality Ineguale, a. unequal Inelegante, a. inelegant Ineligibile, a. inelirible Ineluttàbile, a. unavoidable Inemendàbile, o. incorrigible Inenarràbile, a. not to be related, told Inentro, ad within Inequàle, a. see Ineguale, rod iti derivatives Inequivalènte, a. not equivalent Inerbare, to cover with gras Inerente, a. inherent Inerènza, /. inherence Inèrme, a. unarmed Inerpicare, tc clin.b Inerte, a. slussish Intrudilo, a. ignorant Inèrzia,/, slotli Inesauribile, a. inexhaustible Inesaustibile, a. inexhaustible Inesausto, a. unexhausted Inescajuén'o, m. qllurenient Inescare, to ensice Inescato, part, allured, enticed Inescogitato, fort. ucfhoujht of InescusJbile, a. inexcusable Inescusabilniénte, ad. inexcusably Ineseguibile, a. not to be execued Inesercitabile, a. not to be exert- ed ; mon'e ineseici'abile, an im- practicable moun'ain Ineson'rbile, a. icesnrable Inesorabilniénte, ad. inexorably Inesperienza,/, inexperience Inesperto, a. inexperienced Inespi'sbile, a. inexpiable Inesplébile, a. insatiable InesplicSbile, a. inexplicable Inesprimibile, a. inexpressible Inespugnabile, a. imprc'Dable Inessiccàbile, a. inexhaustible Inestin.abile, a. inestimable Inestimabilmente, ad. inestimath- Inestinguibile, a. inextinsuish.ible Inestricàbile, aìid Inestrigàbile, a. inextricable [loss Ines'ricàto, part, entangled, at a Inetémo, ad. for ever iBettair.énte, ad. foolishly Inettitijdine, /. incapacity- Inetto, a. inept, foolish Inevit.ibile, a. inevitable Inevitabilmente, ad. ir.evitally Inèzia, /. folly Infaccendato, o, very busy Infeceto, o. in=ipid, cold ; uòmo infaceto, a sorry jester Infallibile, a. infallible, certain Infallibilità, aiul InMibilézza,/. infallibility IntiUibilmènte, ad. infallibly In fallo, ad. in rain ; tutti i colpi cadevano in fallo, all his strokes fell upon the around Infamare, to defame Infamato, part, defamed Infamalono, a. defamat^r^,' Infamazióne. /. and Infamaménto, TTi. defamation Infame, a. infamous Inf.imia. and Infamità,/, infamy disgrace Infindo, o. frightful INF Infanglre, to dirt, mire | Infangato, part, dirtied, full of dirt ' Infantastichire, to grow fantastical Infante, m. au infant, a child j Iuf6nte, a. infanto, title of the children of the kings of Spain and Portugal j Infanteria,/, loot-soldiers | Infantile, a. childish j Intinzix, aiid Infantilità, /. in- , fancy I Infarcire, to st\iff j liifard.ire, to besn;ear, foul I Infard:;'o, a. foul, dirty I Infaretrito, part', armed with a I quiver ' Infarinare, to powder with meal | Infarinate, pa^t. whiiened with D.eal ; superficial Infarinanira, /. small knowledge Irfastidimento, m. weariness Infastidire, and Infasiidiàre, to trouble, vex Infastidl'o, part, nauseated Infaticabile, and Infatigàtile, a. indefatigable [bly Infaticabilmente, ad. indefatiga- In fatti, ad. in fact Infatuare, to become s'upid Infatu.^to, part, infatuated, be- witched Infaustamente, ad. inauspiciousiy Infausto, a. unlucky, ominous Infecondità, /. barrenness InfetoLdo, a. barren Infetlele, a. infidel Infedelmente, ad. unfaithfully Infedera, and Infedelità, /. infi- delity Infedei^ire, to put on a pillow-case Infelice, a. unhappy Infelicen'.éate, ad. unhappily Infelicità, /. misfortune Infellonire, to grow ciuel Infellonito, a. cruel Infemminire, to be eiTeminate Infemminito, a. efl'eminate Inferióre, a. inferior Inferiorità,/, inferiority Inferire, to infer Infermamente, ad. weakly Infermare, and Infemiai-si, to fail sick Infermato, pari, infirm, feeble Infermeria, /. mfirmary, a conta- gion, or sickness Infermiccio, and Infermùccio, a. infirm, sickly [tirmary Infermière, m. overseer of an in- Infermità, /. infirmity Inférmo, o. sirk Infernale, a. hellish IK INF Inferno, m. hell Inferno, a. infernal, hellish Inferocire, to grow fierce I'nfero, a. infernal [cloak Inferraiuolàto, a. wrapped in a Inferrire, and Inferriai e, to chain Inferrato, a. and Inferriata, /. iron bars Inferrato, part, chained Infertile, a. barren Infervoiare, avid Infervorire, to animate Infervorato, a. fervent Infestaménto, m. and Infestagióne, /. molestation, trouble Infestamente, ad. importunately Infestare, to infest, annoy Infes'.à.o, part, infested Infestatore, m. a disturber, vexer Infestazione,/, molesiaiion Infèsto, and Infestévoie, a. trouble- some, noisome [horses Infeslùto, TO. the foundering of Infettare, to infect, taint Infettalo, and Infètto, part, at fected, tainted Infettatóre, to. a corrupter Infettivo, a. infectious Infeudare, to enfeoff (law term) Infeudazions, /. enfeolfinent (law term) Infezióne,/, infection Infiacchiménto, to. a weakening Infiacchire, to become weak Infiammàbile, a. combustible Infiamn.agiói.e. a7id Infiammv mento, TO. inflammation Infiammare, to set oc fiie, to in- flame, incite, incense, illimi>- nate Infiam.mataménte. ad, ardently InfianìUiatlvo, a. infiammative Infian.màto. part. infJamed InfiaB mazióne, /. inflammation Infiasiàre, to bottle Infiasc'to, part, put in bottles, bottled Infialo, a. ptiffed up Inflcere, to infect Infidan;énte, ad. unfaithfully Infìdelità,/. see Infi^eltà Infido, ft. faithless Inficiare, to make bitter with gall Infierire, see Inferire Infievolin:ènto, m. weakening Infievolire, and Infiebolire, to weaken Irfievoilto, part, weakened Infiggere, to nail, or drive Inf ignere, to feign ; infignersi, to disguise one's self; s' infinse di non saper otilla di queste coae, INF he pretended to know nothing of the matter [bled Iniignévole, o. feigned, dissem- Infigniménto, and "intÌDgiinénto, m. dissimulation Infignitore, aitd Infingi tore, m. a dissembler Infilare, and Infilzare, to thread, string: inlilzar un discórso, to tell a ions stor)- ; infila, e le p^c- tole, to fail ; infilzanti da se, to fall into the snare Infilzata,/, a ribl.le-:ow Infilzato, and Infilato, part, thread- ed Infimamente, ad. basely I'nfimo, a. lowest, extreme, vilest Infinattanto, and Infinat'antocbè, ad, until, until that Infinchè, and Infinechè, ad. since, until Infin da ora, ad. henceforwards Inline, ad. in short Infin^rdas^ine, and Iiifingarderia, /. liziness Infingardire, to zrow idle Infingardito, and Infingardo, a. lazy, idle Infingere, to feign Infingiménto, m. and Infingi tù- dine, /. dissimulation Infinità,/, infinilv Infinitamente, aa. infinitely Infinito, and Infinitivo, m. the in- finitive mood (in grammar; Infinito, a. infinite. In infinito, ad. infinitely, endless Infino, prep, till, until ; infino dal principio, from the beginning ; infino ad ora, till now, from that moment; infino allora, until then ; infino a qu.iudo, until, when, how lonr ; aniò meco infino alla citii, he v.-ent with me as far as '.he city In fino a qui, ad. hitherto Infijioat!aDtf>chè, ad. until that Infin-xchiare. to impose Infinocchiatura,/, deceit Infinochè, ad. until Infinlaménte. ad. deceitfully Infinta ntn, and Infin'antocbè, ad. till, until Infinta, /. and Infinto, m. duplici- ty, dissimulation, disguise Infinto, part, feigned Infinzióne, /. simulation Infiorare, to blossom, to adom with flovrere In fiorire, to bloom, or blow Infirmiti,/, infirmity Infirmo, a. infirm INF Infi=d)re, to confiscate Infisso, part, fixed into Infistolire, to turn into a fistula Inflazione,/, swelling lcfles»Sbilfc, a. indexible Inflessibilmente, ad. otjstinately Inflessióne,/, inflection Inflèsso, part, bent Inflettere, to bead, curb nflitto, jca<. inflicted Influenza,/, influence lufluire, and Infiijere, to influence Influsso, part, influenced Influsso, and Infiuvio, to. influ- ence, flux Infocamento, Infuocamento, m. and Infocazione, /. coiiflagra- tion, heat, fervour Infocare, to heat, make red hot Infocato, a. on fire Infocazione, and Infuocazióne, f, heat, ardour I'nfola, and I'ufula,/. fillet Infóndere, to infuse, influence, overflow Infondiménto, m. infusion Inforcare, to fork, hang Inforcato, o. caught with a pitch- fork [full Infrjrcattira, /. a body cleft ; a fork- Informàre, to inform; informarsi, fo .nquire Informato, part, informed Informatóre, m. informer Informazióne, /. information, edu- cation, insti-uction Infórme, a. formless Infornapane, m. a Inker's shovel Infom.ire, to put in the oven luf'jrnàta,/. an oven-full ItifornMo, part, baked Inf'Trsare, to put in doubt In forse, ad. in doubt, in danger; lasciare una cosa in forse, to leave a thing a' random ; io era in forse se dovessi farlo o no, I did not know whether I should do it or not [sour Infortire, to strengthen, to grow Infortunàre, to be shiinvrecked Infortunaménte, ad. unfortunately Infortunito, a. unfortunate Infortunio, m. misfortune Inforzare, to strengthen ; to grow strong Inforzato, a. strong Infoscato, part, darkened Infossare, to bury Infossato, part, laid in the grave I'nfra, prtp. between, among, amidst, in, about ; iufra il mez- ■0 giórno, about noon ; infra me, INF within myself; infra, on this side Infraci'lamento, and Infradicia- mento, m. corruption Infracidare, and Infradiciiire, to putrefy; infracii' uno, to im- portupe, or weary one Infracidato, and Infridiciato, vart. corrupted Infracidatiira, and Infradiciattra, /. rotteuucss, putreficion Infràgnere, aitd Infràngere, to break, crush Infragnitnento, m. and Infragni- lùra,/. a breaking Infragrànti, ad. in the fact Infraìiménlo, m. fain'.ness, or de- jection Infralire, to srow weak Inframessa, /. and Inframésso, nt. interposition [meddle Inframéttere, to insert, tr inter- Infranciosato, part, diseased Infrangere, to brt-ak Infrànto, part, broken Infrantolo, m. an oil-mill, or pre« Lifrantura,/. tec Infni-nimento Infrascaméuto, nu a stripping of leaves Infrascare, to cover with branches, to entangle, involve Infrascritto, part, underwritten, subscribed Infrascrivere, to subscribe Infrazione, /. rupture, fraction ; a breach, violation Infreddire, to take cold InfreddaMvo, a. giving cold Infreddato, part, bavin? got cold Infreddatura, and Infreddagióne, /. a cold Infremere, to shudder Infrenare, to bridle, curb ; to keep under, or in Infrenesire, to grow frantic Infrequènte, a. rare Infrequenza,/, unfrequency Infrescamento, m. refreshment Infrétta, ad. in haste Infri^d.iute, a. cooling Infrigiri.ire, and Infrigidire, to cool, to grow cool, frigid Infrlmo, part, wrinkled Infrlngere, to infrinffe Infrondarsi, to shoot frirth leaves In fròtta, ad. in a company Infruscare, to confuse InlTusciito, a. dark, ambiguous, ob- scure Infruttifero, a. unfruitful Infruttuosamente, ad. unprofitably Infruttuóso, a, unfruitful ING Infnróie, to tie with ropes Infuni'iira, /. a bin ling with ropes Infundibulo, m. a funnel Infuocire, ste Infocai e, and all its Qerivaives Infurfantire, to grow knavish Infuriare, aiid Infuriirsi, to be mad Infuriatamente, ad. furiously Infrriato, a. furious Infusajnénte, ad. confusedly Infusióne,/, infusion Infuso, part, infused Infuturarsi, to grow old, or to be prolonged Ingabbiare, to put in a c-ige lagafi-giare, to en^^e ; inga^iare a usiira, to pawn Ingaggiito, part. en^aTe.d Ingagliaidia,/. weaki.ess Ingagliardire, to grow strong Ingagliardito, a. brisk, stroiig Ingalappiare, to catch in a trap Ingalluzzirsi, to be proud Ingalluziàto, a. proud IngambJre, to run away Ingangherare, to put, or hang on the hinges Ingannàbile, a. decei fui Ingannare, to cheat ; ingannarsi, to mis'ake ; s'io non m' inganno, if I mistake not Ingancato, part, cheated Ingannatóre, m. a cheat lugannsvole, 07wi Ingannabile, a. deceitful Ingannevolmente, ad. decei'fully Inganno, aiid Ingannaménto, m. cheat, trick ; Irar d' inganno, to undeceive IngarabulLare, and Ingarbugliare, to deceive, perplex Ingarbire, to adorn Ingastigito, part, unpunished IngastigazióneT/. impunity Ingegnamento, m. craft, cunning : industry Ingegnarsi, to endeavour ; cias- cheduno s'insegna, every body does what he can Ingegnere, and Ingegnéro, m. an engineer Ingégno, m. genius, wit, craft Ingegn'saménte, ad. ingeniously Ingejnóso, a. ingenious, witty Ingeguuolo. m. malice, craft Ingelosire, to grow jealnus*o, a become jealous Ingeinmaménto, in. an adorning with jewels Ingemm'ire, to deck with jewels Ingemmato, a. idomed with jew- els ING In generale, ad. generally Ingenerare, to engen ter Ingenerazióne, /. aiid Ingenera- ménto, m. generation Ingènito, o. inna'e Ingentilire, to become noble, to tame Ingentilito, o. ennobled Ingenuamente, ad. sincerely Ingenuità,/, sincerity Ingènuo, a. ingenuoiis. freebom Ingerirsi, to in'ermeddle Ingermatura, /. a sheath, covering, pro'ection Ingessare, to chalk Ingessato, part, chalked bigessatijra,/. a chalking Iv^ii'D, a. inserted In;{hio timénto. m. a swallowing; pool, pit, abyss Inghiottire, to' swallow, abso-'b ; iughiotiire altrrii, to surpass one ; inghiottire un' ingiùria, to put uj- with an affront Inghiottito, a. swallowed up Inghiottitóio, m. the th'oat Inghirlandaménto, m. a crowning with a snrland Inghirlandare, to crown with gar- lands; fuor di qual mar chs; la terra inghirlinda, out of that sea which encompasses the earth Ingiac.'ire, to put on the cuirass Ingiallire, aiid Ingiallare, to dye or grow yellow Inginocchi.arsi, to kneel lujinocchiàtn, a. kneeling Inginocchi.itoio, m. a stool to kneel on Inginocchiatura,/, a bending Inginocchia^ióne./. a geiiufiesion Inginocchione, and Inginoccliioni. ad. kneeling upon one's knees Ingiocnndo, a. displeasing Ingioiellare, to adorn with jewels Ingiovanire, to grow young Ingiii, ad. downward Ingiiigncre, to charge, command Ingiuncare, to strew rushes Ingiitnto. a. enioined Infi'Jria,/. injury Ingiuriare, to injure, abuse Ingiuriato, a. injured Ingiuria'ó"^, m."an injurer In?iuriosaménte, ad. injuriously Ingiuriósi, a. injurious Ingiustaminte, /id. unjustly Inriustizia,/. injustice Ingiuste, a. unjust Injloriósn, o. inglorious Injl'ivie,/. gluttony Ingobbire, to grow hump-backed 164 ING Ingòffo, m. a fisticuff; bribery Ingoiare, to engulf, to swallow Ingolfare, to encounter the main ocean ; ingolfarsi, to gratify one's self Ingolfato, a, addicted, engulfed Ingollare, to swallow Ingollato, part, swallowed Ingombra-Tiénto, m. encumbrance Ingombrare, to hinder, stop, to oc- cupy Ingombrato, a. hindered Ingnoibi-o, a7id Ingonibrio, m. im- pediment Ingómbro, a. encumbered Iiigorbiare, to put a ferrule cm a cane Ingordamente, ad. greedily Ingortligia, and Ingoi-dia, /. greedi- ness Ingórdo, a. greedy, eaier ; prezzo ingordo, an exorbi.ant price ; struménto ingórdo, a sharp in- strument Ingorgaménto, m. gorging Ingorgare, to gorge ; fiiime che s' ingorga, a swelling river Ingorrfto, a. gorged Ingorgi^re, to "swallow down Ingozzale, 'o gorge, cram, swallo'v Ingrandiménto, m. advancement use Ingrandire, to increase, enlarge, advance, to agjrandize Ingrandito, a. eclarged, advanced Icgrau.iitóre, m. an amplifier Ingrassaménto, m. a fattening Ingrassare, to fatten ; ingi'assàr campi, to manure Ingra-satlvo, a. fiittening Ingrassato, o. fat'ened Ingra'amenle, ad. ungratefully Ingraticolare, to enclose, to rail Ingraticol.ilo, a, railed Ingratitudine, and Ingratezza, /. ingratitude Ingrato, n, ungrateful Inzravidaménto, m. ingtavidation In»Tavid.xre, to impregnate, to breed Insrrazinrs-, to ingratiate Ingrediènte, m. ingredient Ingrèsso, m. ingress, access Ingroppare, to add, to carry on one's hack Ingrossaménto, m. an increasing, swelling, thickness Ing.rossàre, to make big, increase, to get with child Ingrossato, a. gmwn bigger Ingrósso.oo. by the whole ; vénder all' ingròsso, to sell by wholesale INN Ingnignire, or Ingrognare, to be angry Ingrugnato, or Ingromato, a. angry Inguantarsi, to put on one's gloves Inguantato, a. tliat has gloves on I'nguine, m. grt)in In guisa, ad. like as Inibire, to forbid Inibita,/, iuliibition (law term) Inibitòrio, a. that prohibits Inibizióne, /. prohibition Iniezióne,/, iujeciiun InimicAre, to use like an enemy j ininiic'irsi, to make an enemy Inimic/ito, a. used like an enemy Inimichevolméute, od. like an enemy Inimioizia, /. enmity Inimico, >n. an ertemy Inimicrj, a. unfriendly Inimitabile, a. inimitable In infinito, ad. infiniiely Inintelligibile, a. obscure Iniquamente, ad. perfidiously Iniquità,/, iniquity ; inequality Iniquilosn, o. wicked Iniquo, a. unjust Inijria,/. injury Iniuslizia, /. ii.jusiice Iniziale, o. initial Iniziare, to initiate Inizià'o, a. instructed Iniziatóre, m. a beginner Inizio, in. be.'inning InlacciSre, to fall into snares lulaccialo, a. in^yiared Inlanspjiiire, to become languid Inlaque'ire, to entangle Inlaudàbile, a. unworthy of praise Inleci'aménte. nd. imlawfully Inlécito, a. unlawful Inleggiadrilo, a. embellished Inlegittimità, /. illeiri'imacy Inlegittimo, a. ille^'i'imate Inletteril'o, a. unK-arned InlibrSre, to balance Inlividire, to bruise InlCinga, Inlungo, ad. mandar in lun^a, to procrastinate ; in lungo and.ire, in process of time Inmalincnnire, Inmalinconichire, and Iimialinconicàre, to be melancholy Inmarclre, to rot, putrf fy Innabiss.'ire, to be swallowed up, ruin, raze Innacerblre, to grow acid Innacquamento, m. a watering Innacqu.'ire, to water, soak, sprin- kle ; innacqu&re il vino, to mix wine with water lUDacqu&to, a. watered INN Innaffiare, to water Innaffiato, part, watered lunafBatóio, m. a watering pan Inna^restire, to grow sjur Innafberàre, to get up a tree Innalzaménto, m. and Innalza- tura,/. exaltation Im.alzare, to exalt, raise, advance, prefer Innamid.nre, to s'arch Innanioracchi'irsi, to fall in love lunamoramjnto, aiuì Inu.-uiiorazza- niénto, 7)1. courtship Innamorare, to fall in love ; in- namor'irsi al primo ùscio, to fall in love at first sight Innamorala, /. a mistress Innamoratamente, ad. lovingly Innamorato, m. a lover Innamonito, part, enamoured lanamorazzare, to be in love Innanellare, to curl, to give the nuptial ring Iniianellalo, a. curled [animate Inninim.'ire, and Innaniniire, to Innanimàto, part, heartened Innante, and lun'in i, prep, (in poetry,) sec Inniinzi Innantichè, ad. before Innanzi, m. a model, original Innanzi, prtfp. before Innanzi, ad. rather, better, after- wards; andare innanzi, to grow ; venire inninzi, to present one's self ; piii iniiAnzi, farther; mét- tere innanzi, to pr0[)O-ie ; non andate pia inn.'inzi, ^ay no more Inn'inw tratto, ad. fiisl of all Innaridire, to grow dry Innarr;ibile, a. not to be told Innai^icciaio, m. a burning Inna'icnndere, to hide Innascoso, a. hid. concealed Innasp.^re, to wiiid ya'^n Innasprire, lo make' hard Innato, a. innate, natural Iniiatur;ile, a. unnatural Inn(;bbiàrsi, to grow dark Innebbri'ire, to make drunk Innegabile, o. incontestable Innestare, to ingi-afi Innestato, a. ingrafted Inne tallirà. Innes'p.sióne. /. and Innestaménto, rn. a graft, a scion grafted Innèsto, m. a graft I'nno, m. a hymn Innobilita, /. i»nobili!y Innocènte, a. innocent Innocentemente, ad. innocently Innocènza, and Innocéuzia, /. in- nocence 165 INO Innoltrirsi, to advance, < Innominòio, a. nanielesà Innondare, tu Inondare Innóssio, a. harmless Innostràre, to cover with scarlet clo.h Inncvòre, to innovate Innovatóre, m. an innovator Innova-'ióne, /. cliange Inncvell'ire, to renew Inniiii:enibile, a. innumerable, nuiiibtrless Innumerevole, a, innumerable Innuzzw In'àtto, part, unlourhed Intavohre, to wairscot. or rail in ; to make a drawn eanie at chess, draughts, tc, to set in notes, to pla«* t)oards ; in'avnlire un ne- gn^io, to propound an al^r Intavolato, vart. wainscoted Intavolatura,/, wainscn'. rule, in- strucMon, a tablaMre (music termi Intesràle, aiirf Intesrante, a. inte gral ; p rti in'esràli, the part» which make up the whole INT Integralmente, ad. completely Integramente, ad. honestly, exactly Integrare, to make entire Integrato, part, made entire Integrila, /. integiity, perfection, sincerity [.just Integro, a. whole, entire, honest. Intelaiare, to put upon the loom Intelaiatura, /. the skeleton of a building, &c. Intellettiva, /. and Intelletto, m. understanding, intellect, capacity Intellettivo, o. iutelleclual, rational Intellettuale, a. intellectual Intellettualità,/, intellectual facul- ty Intellezióne,/, intelligence Intelligènte, o. intelligent, well- knowing, skilletl, leai-ned Intelligenza, /. knowledge, corre- spondence, learning ; intelligen- za secreta, a collusion, deceit Intellijere, to understand Intellii^ibile, a. plain, easy IntelUgibiliiiénte, ad. intelligibly Intemerata, /. perplexity, conspira- cy Intemerato, a. undefiled, pure Intemperante, a. intemperate lutemi.eranza, and Inteniperatùra, /. excess, inteuijierance Intemperàrsi, to grow temperate Intemperato, a. immoderate, ex- cessive Intempèrie,/, intemperature Intempestivo, a. unseasonable In tempo, ad. in time Intendènte, m. an attendant, a con- noisseur [knowing Intendènte, a. intelligent, skilled, Intendènza,/, understanding Intèndere, to understand, to design, intend, to agree together; intèn- der gli òcchi, to fix one's eyes latendèvole, a. in'.ellisible lutendevolménte, ad, learnedly, carefully ^ Litendimènto, m. unlerstandin», intention, meanins; èssere d'in- tendiménto, to understand one another, to play booty Intenditóre, ni. an understanding man; a buon inlenditrtr poche paróle, a word to the wise Intenebraménto, m. a darkening Intenebrare, and Intentbrlre, to darken [plesed Intenebrilo, part, obscured, per- Intenerlre, to mollify, s'lflen; in- tenerirsi, to he aBftc'ed Intenerito, part, mollified. softened Intensamente, ad. intensely INT Intensivo, and Intènso, a. intense, excessive Intentamente, ad. attentively Intentare, to attempt Intentato, a. attempted ; not tempt- ed Intentazióne, /. attempting Intènto, m. design, intention Intènto, a. ateutive, ready, dis- posed IntenzionAle, a. intentional [ly Intenzionalmente, ad. intentioiol- Intenzióne,/, intention Intepidire, to grow lukewarm Interame, rn. the entrails Interamente, ad. entirely Intercalire, to add, to insert Intercalare, m. intercalai- or odd day Intercédere, to intercede Intercessione, /. intercession Interces<)re, tji. a mc-diator Interce'l'ire, to intercc-pt Intercétt'», pari, intercepted Intercezióne,/, intercepting interchii'idere, to enclose lu'eicldere, to divide in two, to hinder [columns Intercolònnio, m. space between Interdétto, m. interdiction, suspen- sion, prohibition Interdè'to, part, forbidden Interdire, and Intei-dicere, to pro- hibit, forbid Interdizióne,/, and Interdieimén- to, m. a suspension Interessante, a. interesting Interessare, to interest Interessalo, /iHÌ. inierested, con- cern&l Interèsse, and Interesso, m. inter- est, profit ; loss, prejudice ; ba- dare a suoi interèssi, to mind one's nwn business Interézza,/. ec'irei:ess In'eriez one, aiid Interehiezlóne, /. interjection (a sudden ex- dama'ion) I'nl'^iini, ad. meanwhile Interiora, /. pi. and Interiori, m. pi. en'rails Interiore, m. mind, heart Interiore, a. internal, interior Inferiormente, ad. internally Inferito, m. dea'h Iiitr-rlineTre, to inferirne In'erlineAre, a. between line and line In'erlineAto. part, interlined Interlocutore, m. a speaker, acfor Interlocutòrio, a. inteilncu'ory Iutennèamssment Intralciire, to embarn«. involve Inti-ilriatrira, /. intricacy, entan- element Inirftmbo, OTld Intramendtie, o. both, both tosether Intraménto, tti. en'rance INT Intraméasa, /. interposition, media* tion Intramésso, part, interposed Intraméltere, to put between ; ut- traméttersi, to intermeddle Intramischiinza,/. a mixture Intramischiàto, a. mixed together Intramissiór.e, /. mediation Inframmezzare, to interpose Intransitivo, o. intransitive Intrinte, a. iusinuatiog latrapórre, to interpose Intraprèndere, to intercept, to un- dertake Intraprcndimento, tti. enterprise, undertaking Intraprenditore, a7id Intraprensóre, 771. an undertaker [prise Intraprèsa, /. undertaking, enter- Intrapréso, a. under'uiken Intrare, to en'er Intrarómpere, to interrupt Intratéssere, to intermix Intrattàbile, a. intractable Inlrattinto, ad. in the mean while Intrattenére, to entertain Intratteniménto, 771. delay, stop Inlravenire, to happen, l»efall Intraversare, to cross, to lead astray, go astray, to oppose Intraversitc, a. lai! across, crossed IntraversatCira, /. opposition, cross- Intrecciire, to weave, twist Intrecciil.i, part, woven, twisted Intrecciatolo, r7t. ornament for the head [knot Intrecciatura, /. a ire's, grsriand. Intréccio, a7id Intrecciaméuto, m. mixture, tress, twist Intrementlio, a. shaking for fear Intremire, to shnke for fear Intrepidamente, ad. in'repidlf Intrepidézza,/, intrepidity Intrèpido, a. intrepid Intrescire, to involve. Intricate Intric'ire, see In'rigire Intridere, to temper, dilute, allay, soil, dirty, stain Inlrisimen'o, t71. intrigue, per- plexity, diificultv Intrigire, and Intrici re. to embroil, confound, mingle, perylex Intrija'aménte, ad. intricately IntriiT^to, a. intr cate Intriritore, m. a shufBiug fellow In'rigo, m. intriiue Intrinsìcaméute, ad. intrinsically Intrinsicare, to grow intimate with one In'r'.isicàto, part, intimate, famil- iar INU Intrins}chézza./. familiarity,friend- ship, intiuiacy Intriosico, a>id Intrluseco, o. inti- matt Intrlnsico, and Intrinseco, m. an intimate friend Intriso, ni. dough Intriso, part, kneaded, tempered Intristire, to grow wicked Intristire, to dry away, not lo grow Intrócque, ad. (by Dante) at the same time Introdotto, part, introduce Intrcduciniénto, m. an introduc- tion Introducitóre, m. an introducer Introdurre, to introduce Introduttóre, m. introducer Introduzióne,/, introduction Intròito, ni. entrance Intromessióne, /. introducing Intromesso, m. dainty dishes Intromésso, part, introduced Introméttere, to let in; intromét- tersi, to intermeddle Intronare, aiid Intruonare, to stun Intror-ato, part, stunned Intronatiira, /. arid Intronaménto, tn. stunning Intronfiare, to put one's self in a passion Intronizzare, to enthrone Intrudere, to intrude, thn;st in Intruppare, to enlist Intrusióne,/, intrusion Intruso, pari, intruded Intuitivamente, ad. intuitively Intuitivo, a. intuitive Intuito, m. a locking upon In tutto, ad. quite, entirely Ihtnzzire, to blunt, abate, repel Inubbidiénza, /. disobedience Inubbriacare, to make, or get drunk Inudlto, a. unheard of Inuggiolire, to set one a longing Inùgnere, to anoint Innguale, o. unequal Inulto, a. unrevenjed Inumanamente, ad. cruelly, inhu- manly Inumanità,/, inhumanity Inum-ano, a. barbarous Inam.ito, a. unburied Inumidire, to mois'en Inumidito, part, moistened Inurbanità,/. incivili:y Inurbano, a. uncivil, discourteous Inusato, and Inusitato, a. not in use Inusiiaménte, ad. uncommonly Inùtile, a. useless Inutilmente, ad. in vain lire, tee Inugjiolire INV luvadere, to attack Invagarsi, to be charmed with Invaghicchiire, to be a little amo- rous Invaghiménto, m. desire, love Invaghire, to inflame with desire ; invagirsi, aiid invaghirsi, to fall in love Invaghito, a. in love Invaiare, artd Invaiolare, to grow black Invalidamente, ad. vainly Invalidare, to annul Invalidità,/, invalidity Invàlido, a. weak, invalid, of no force Invalorlre, to smw strong Invalso, a. estaolished Invanire, to grow proud, to baffle In vano, ad. vainly Invarcibile, a. impassable Invaribile, a. invariable Invariabilmente, ad. constantly Invasare, to invade, a'tack, possess, to be surprised, dip, plunge ; in- vasarsi qualche cosa nella me- mòria, to iniprint a thing on one's mind Invasato, parf. possessed, amazed, stupid ; invasato nel giuoco, ad- dicted to gaming Invasazióne, /. possession, be- witching Invasellare, to put into a vessel Invasióue,/. invasion Invàso, part, invaded [en Invecchiare, to grow old, to weak- Invecchiato, part, grown old Invecchiuzzàre, to waste, decay In véce, prep, instead Invedovito, a. widowed Inveire, to inveiih against, censure Invelenire, to in-i;ate Invelenito, part, exasperated Invendicato, part, unrevenged InvenenAto, a. poisoned Invénia, /. humiliation, worship, superfluous words and actions Invenire, to find Inventare, to invent, desire Inventariare, to maie an invento- T Inventàrio, m. an inven'ory Inventato, part, invented • Inventiva,/, ingenuity, fancy Inventóre, aìid Inventatóre, m. in- ven'or Invenzióne,/, inven'ion Invér. prep, towards Inverdire, to grow green Inverecóndia./, inipudence Inverecóndo, a. iiiur.cdest 170 INV Inverislmile, a. improbable Inverisimilitùdine,/. unlikelihood Invermigliare, to redden, to make red Inverminaménto, m, corruption, breeding of worms Inverminàre, to breed worms Inverminato, part, corrupted Invernare, to winter Invernata, /. a winter Inverniciare, to varnish Inverniciato, part, varnished Invemiciattjra, /. a varnishing Inverno, m. winter In véro, ad. in tiaith Invèrso, prep, towards, against Invertere, to invert, to overturn, to bend Inverzicare, to flourish, wax green Invescare, and InvescbiàrCj to in- snare, to daub with birdlime Invescato, part, entangled Inveschiatrlce,/. who captivates Investigàbile, a. not to be traced Investigaménto, m. an investiga- tion Investigare, to investigate Investigato, part, investigated Investigatóre, 771. a searcher Investigazióne, /. investigation, tracing Investire, to invest ; investire un vascèllo, to board a ship Investimento, ni. Inves'igióne, and Investitura, /. investiture Invetpiar*^, to ^vr old Inveterato, a. inveterate Invetràre, and Invetriare, to re- duce to glass Invetriata,/, a glass window Invetriato, part, glazed Invettiva,/, invective, railing Invertivo, a. railing ; paròle in- vettive, abusive words Inveziòne, /. invective, exclama- tion Inviaménto, m. a way, or means to Inviare, to send ; inviarsi, to set out Inviato, part, sent Inviato, ni. an envoy Invidia,/, envy Invidiàbile, a. enviable Invidiaste, a. envious Invidiare, to envy Invidiato, part, envied Invidiosamente, ad. enviously Invidiatòre, m. an envious man Invidióso, and I'nvido, a. (inpo e'ry,) invidious Invietàre, to grow rank, or obsolete Invigilare, to watch INV Invigorire, to stren^hen Invigorito, part, strengthened Invilire, lo Jiicoura^e Invilito, part, aifri^hted laviluppaméato, m. confusion Inviluppare, to wrap up Inviluppilo, part, wr.ipped up Inviluppo, m. tuiidle, parcel ; confusion, disorder Inviucibile, a. unconqujrable Invincidire, to sofien, to grow soft, flabby Invio, m. direction, address InvioUbi e, a. inviolable Inviolabilineute, ai- inviolably Inviai to, a. inviola'e laviolJnto, a. mild, gentle Inviperire, and Inviperire, to ra^, to be fierce, cruel, to swa^er Inviperito, part, enraged Inviàcàre, to insuare [els Inviscer re, to penetrate the bow- InviiChiire, to daub with birdlime Invisibile, a. invisible Invisibilità./, invisibility Invisibilmente, ad. invi:>:b1y Invitaménto, m. an invita:ion Invitare, to invite, allure, entice; iiivitarsi. to invite one's self I-vit-ita,/. invita ion loviiato, part, invited Invitatóre, m. an inviter Invitatòrio, a, in-.i:.atiry Invitévole, a. invitin' Invito, a. a^inst one's will Invito, m. Invitata, and Invitazió- ne,/. invitation Invitto, a. iiuineible Inviziare, to corrupt, spoil, alter Invizzire, to wither, decay Invocare, to call upon Invocato, part, invoked Invocatóre, m. he that invokes Invocazione,/, invocation Invoglia,/, a wrapper Invogli ire, to give a desire; invo- gliar 1' appetito, to whet the ap- petite Invogliato, a. with longing, desi- rous ; wrapped up Invòglio, m. bundle, parcel Involare, to rob, steid; involarsi, to disappear Involito, a. stolen Invola'óre, m. a thief Involjere, to wrap up, to cover InvoUinien'-o, m. a beating about the bush Involio, m. theft Idvò'.o, ni. theft [rilr Involontariamente, ad. involunta- IPO Involontàrio, m. an involuntary deed. Involontàrio, a. involuntary Iavol|)are, lo be bliihted Involpire, to griw cunnin; la vol a, ad. ab jut, here and there; an lar iu volia, to go ab;;ut ; njct- tere in volta, to nut to flight Involtare, to w.-ap ip Involto, m. a Ixile Involto, piirt. wrapped, involved Involterà, /. a rounJ-about dis- oui-se Involuto, part, involved luvòlvere, to wrap up Involviniciito, m. and Involuzion -, /. a wrappi:;g up, craft, diceii ; involvimeu'o di lingua, aa idle story Imulnerabile, a. invulnerable Inzaccherare, to cover with dirt Inzaccherito, a. dirty Iuzi;nponable Irragiouevolmcuie, ad. unreason ably Irra^lionabilità,/. unrtasonableDiSi Inaziouabilméntc, ad. unreasona- bly Irreconci I libile, o, irreconcilable Irrecuiieribile, a. irt ec «vcrable Irrcfragibile, a, uuJcuiable Irregolare, a. irregular Irregolari it, /. irregularity IrregolataiiiJn'e, ad. irreguLarly Inregol -t •, part, disorlcrcd Irreinediibile, a. renielilew! Irreiiiiislliilv-, a. uupanlonable Irremissibilmente, ad. uupaidosa- biy [ed Irremuner'bile.a. not to be reward- Irreniuuerato, a. int rewanied Il re^n/abile, a. irreparable Irreparaljilménte, art. irreparably Irre.ircnsibilc, a. faul'less Ir-eaminrtso, a. made like pla'e^; of Limmia, /. a witch, a sorceress, a fairy, a nymph I^ampa, /. a liiht L^pada, and L'impade,/.a lamp Làmpana, /. a lamp Lampanàio, m. a lamp-maker Lampante, a. brilliant, shining Lampare, to shine, to blaze Lampeggiaménto, m. a lustre, tbiaÌDS LAP Lampeggiare, to shine, blaze, flash Lampeggio, and Linipo, m. a flash, blaze, lightning Lam|)óne, m. ra'^pberiy Lamprèda,/, a lamprey, eel Lana,/, wool, fleece Lanaiuolo, m. a clothier Lanàto, a. wo jlly Liince,/. a balance taiicèlta,/. a lancet, alitile lance; the gnomon of a dial, hand of a watch Lància, /. a lance, a spear Lanciare, to hurl, dart, throw, sli'>ot, to strike, or wound with a lance [a lance Lanciita,/. a darting, a blow with Lanciito, part, huikd, darted Lanciato' e, m. a lancer Lincio, m. a jump, rousing a deer, stalling a hare, unkenneling a fox ; di prinio làncio, at -hu first s roke [dart or javelin Lancioniérc, ni. a thrower of a Lanciot Are, to wound with a dart Lai'.ciottà'.a, /. a wound of a dart Lanciòtto, in. a dart, or javelin ; a lancet L'mli,/. a plain, common field Linfa,/, orange- water [rous Lmgudnle, a. faint, feeble, amo- Languidézza,/, faintness, weakness Languido, a. languislring Languire, to lan^iii-.b. pine, droop L-iijguóiL-, in. v.ri\kw^\ feebleness l,ini;'it(i, pa t. mangk- 1, torn Liiiiatrire, in. he that Duinglea, or tears to pieces Lanière, m. a lanner, a starhawk Lai'lfero, a. employe I in the wool- len business, laniferous Linificio, m. wofdleu manufacture Lanifico, a. woolly Lanigero, a. pipduring wool l.inlno, m. a worker of wool Lanista, ni. gladin:or I/'ino, a. male nf wool I«anós.i, a. woolly Laiitènia, /. a lantern ; mostrar altrui liiccioie per lantèrne, to make one believe any thing Lanternaio, m. a lantern-maker Lanternuto, a. )hin, lantern-jawed Lanùgine,/, down, wool, cotton Lanuginóso, a. downy Lanuto, a. woolly L'inzo, m. a German foot-soldier I.aonde, ad. whereupon, therefore La ove, ad. there, where I-ap^zio, rji. sorrel Lapida, /. a stone, tombstone, tomb 173 LAS Lapidare, to stone, pelt with stone» Lapidàrio, m. a lapidary, a jewel- ler Lapidato, part, stoned Lapidatóre, m. one 'hat stones Lapidazinne, /. lapidation, stoning to death [precious stone Làpide, m. a stone, a tombstone, a Lapideo, a. stony, hard Lapidoso, a. stoi:y, full of stones Lapillàre, to cut into small stones, 10 crystalize Lapillàto, a. cut into small stones Lapillo, m. small stone, flint, a crystal Lapislàzzalo, Lapi Iiizzari, I^pi»- lizznli, and LapislJzzuli, m. lapis lazuli, a sky-coloured stone LàpfKila, /. burdock, bur Laque^to, part. p. led, boarded Lard'ire, to lard Larìa'iìra,/. a larding Lardellare, and Lardare, to lard, grease Lardèllo, m. a piece of lard L'lnio, 771. lard Lanlone, m. bacon [f""y Largamente, ad. largely, freely, Larg'.re, to enlarge Largato, part, enlarged Lari'heiiiare, to give leave, to deal bf)uniifully Largheggiatóre, rn. a spendtbrifl I.arghèt'o, a. wide Larzhèzza, /. bread 'h, widpness , liberality, bounty, abundance, liberty, leave Largimènto, m. lib.Tali'y Largire, to give, to lavish LareÌ7,ióne, /. gift Largo, c. broad, wide, large. Al largo, ad. larsely ; parl.r largo d'una cosa, to sptak al large upon a thing I-àrgo, m. breadth, space, lati- tule; farsi far largo, to ro.ake one's self to be respected L'irgo, ad. largely, abundantly ; andar l'irgo da che che si sia,' to avoid all difficulties I^rgtira./. wideness. extcn' Lari, m. pi. lares, househol i ,'xls L'lrice, m. the larrh-tiee Laricino, a. of the larch-»re-j Laringe,/, the lar\nx, or thro it Lim, rn. a sea gull Lirva, /. a ehost, phantom, a viz ard, a mask Lasagna,/, a kind of paste Lasajnàìo, m. one that makes thin paste [lit-ad Lasagoóne, m. a coxcomb, a block- LAT I.àsca, /. a mullet Lasciamento, m. a leaving Lasciare, to leave, to forsake, to aban loD ; la;cià!einelo vedére, let rue st-e it ; lasciate stare, lei thai al )ne Lasciato, part, left, abandoned L^cio, m. a legacy, will Làscito, ill. a léiacy Lascivamente, cud. wantonly Lascivétto, a. wanton Lascivia./, wantonness lasciviintc, a. lustful, lascivious Lasci vlre, to grow wanton Lascivo, cu lascivious ; paróle la- scive, obscene words lasa,/. a collar for hunting dogs lassa, i7ittri. alas : Lassare, to vvea y, tire ; to allow Lassativo, a. laxative Lassato, part, wearied Lassézza,/, lassitude Lasso ! inter j. alas ! Lasso, a. wearied, tired, fatigued, unhappy, miserable La.=sii, mid Lassiiso, ad. (in poe- try,) there, above Lastra, /. a flat, bioad stone ; porre uno in su le lastre, to kill one upon the spot Las'raiuólo, m. a pavier Laslrato, part, taken in a snare Lastricare, to pave, to prepare Lastric.ilo, part, paved LastricTto, m. pavement Lastrico, in. the pavement : con- dursi al làstrico, to come to be»- gaiT Lastri'catùra, /. a paving lastróne, m. a large stone (to pave • with) latebra. /. obscur.ity, lurking-place Lalénte, a. secret, hidden Laten'eménte. ad. privately Laterale, a. side-way Lateralmente, ad. on the sides Latere, to hide Laterizio, a. of brick laterlna,/. a sirk, privy Latinaraente, ad. largely, comfort- ably, like the Latins Latinità./, the Latin tongue Latinizzare, and I,atinare, to speak or write Latin, to play the pólant Latino, m. the Latin "tonjue, lan- guage, speech ; I.atino di cucina, low Latin ; cantavano gli augelli ciasciino in suo Latino, the birds sang every one in 'heir way Latino, o. 'Latin, plain, intelligi- ble ; spacious, lai^e ; vela latina, the mizzen-sail LAU Latino, ad. in Latin La itire, to hlJe oue"s self Latitùdine, /. latitude ; largeness, breadth Lato, m. side ; lasciare da lato, to leave aside. A lato, aiid Allato, ad. by, near Latóre, m. beai-erj latóre di leggi, legislator LUra, see Ladra Latraménto, m. barking Latrare, to bark, to cry Latrato, m. a barking Latrato, pari, barked, bayed Latratóre, m. a barker Latria, /. worship (due only to Go.1) Latrina, /. a dunghill, a privy Latro, »(i. robber Latrocinio, m. theft, robbery Latrocino, a. detestable Latta,/, tinned iron, tin Lattaiuolo, in. young tooth Lattante, a. sucking ; nutrice Lat- tante, a wet nurse Lattare, to give suck Lattata, /. orgeat Lattato, part, suckled I^ttatrice,/. a nurse Latte, in, milk; latte rappréso, curdled milk ; vitella di latte, a sucking calf; fratèllo di latte, a foster brother ; Utte di galli- na, the best; la bocca gli puzza di latte, he is very young Latteggiinte, a. miìky Latteo, a. lacteous, Uiilky Latterunlo, m. curdled milk Latticinio, m. milk food Latliciuóso, aiid Lanifero, o. milky (speaking of plants) Lattime, m. scuif Lattimóso, a. scurfy Lattónzo. and Lattónzolo, m. suck- ing calf Lattovàro, LattuArio, and Latfua- ro, m. an elrctuary Lattuga,/, lettuce Lauda, /, a hymn, praise Laudàbile, o,' laudable Laiadàre, see Lodare, and its de- rivatives Laudato, part, praised Laudevole, a. laudable Laudevolniénte, ad. laudably Làurea, /. crown of laurel Laureato, a. laureate ; poèta lau- reato, poet laureate Laureo, a. of lauiel Laureola, /. spurge-laurel Lauréto, m. a laurel grove Làuro, m. laurel LEB I Lautamente, ad. gallantly I Lautézza, /. gallantry, magnifi- i cence ' L^uto, a. fine, stately Lauzzino, m. he Uiat lashes the I galley-slaves I Lavacapo, m. a rebuke ' Lavaceci, ni. a blockhead Lavicro, m. a bath, bagnio, font Lavagna, /. a slate Lavam'ine, m. wash-hand-stand Lavaménfo, m. a washing Lavanda,/, lavender (herb) Lavandaia, and Lavaudara, /. ' a washer-woman Lavare, to wash ; lavar la testa ad uno, to speak ill of one ; lavar la testa all' àsino, to lose one's labour Lavascodélle, m. a scullion Lavativo, m. a clyster Lavato, part, washed Lavatóio, m. a laundry Lavatiira,/. a washing, lathing Laveggio, m. a kettle, or pot LavénSola,/. lavender (herb) Lavoracchiare, to work slowly Lavoràccio, m, cluffisy work Lavon'mte, m. workman Lavnrare, to work, labour: lavo- rar a giornate, to woik by the day ; lavorare di sotto, to work underhand Lavorativo, a. arable ; giórno la- vorativo, a work day Lavor'ito, pari, tilled, ploughed, worked [bandman I>avora'óre, m. worknian, hus- Lavorerla, a»jJLavoriéra,/. a cul- tivated land Lavóro, and Lavorio, m. work, workmanship Lazzeretto, in. a pest-house Lazzero, nu a leper, a bejjar Lazzeruóla. /. a small medlar Lazzeruólo, m. a medlar-tree LazEtto, a. sourish Lazzézza, and Laizzìù,/. sourness, tartness L'-zzo. a. sour, tart Lazzo, m. drollery, jest ; tenére il lazzo, to comply with Le, art. /. the ; le donne, the wo men. Le,pron, to her, them ; le conósco, I know them ; parla tele, speak to her Leale, o. loyal, honest Lealmente, a -f. lovallv Lealtà,/, fidelity, 'loyalty Leardo, a. dapple Lébbra, and Lebbrosla, /. leproqr (a dry scab) LEG Lebbróso, o. leprous Lebéte, m. a. caldrca Leccaménto, m. the act of licking Leccapiatti, m. a parasite Leccarda, /. dripping-pau Leccarde, a. greedy Leccare, to iicfc, lick up Leccalamécte, ad. ad'ectedly Leccato, part, licked, pedantic Leccatóre, m. a sponger, or greedy- gut Leccatura,/, a scratch Leccéte, m. intricacy, maze laccio, m. holm-tree Lécco, m. gluttony, lechery Leccóne, m. a glution Lecconerla, and Leccornia, /. gluttony, daintiness Lecctjme, m. a dainty, or titbit j an excitement Lecere, imp. it is permitted Lecitamente, ad. lawfully Lécito, a. lawful Léga, ayid Leginza,/. league, alli- ance, alloy, a league (three miles) Legacela,/, a garter Legaccio, m. a strin». band, garter Legale, a. le^, lawful Legalità,/, legality Legalniéute, ad. legally Legame, m. liga'.urt-, connexion Legamén'o, m. and Legatura, /. binding, union Legjre, to tie, bind, constrain ; le- garci, to nake a league ; far le- gati, te bequeath ; legar 1' àsino, to sleep veiy sound Legatàrio, m. legatee (law term) Legato, m. the pope's legate; a legacy Legato, part, tied, bound Legatóre, m. a binder ; legatóre di libri, a book-binder Legatura,/. ligature, fillet Legazióne,/, legation Légge, /. a law Leggènda,/, legend, a silly story Leggendàrio, m. legendary Lèggere, to read ; ti leggo in fronte iltuo diségno, I know your de- sign ; mandare i vestiti a lèggere, to pawn one's clothes L^erézza, arid Leggi erézza, /. nimbleness Leggermente, ad. lightly, swiftly Leggiadramente, ad. beautifully, charmingly, sharply L^giadrétto, a. genteel, agreeable L^iadrla,/. beauty Leggiadro, a. handsome Le^iàdro, w. a lover LEN Leggibile, a. legible Leggicraménte, ad. lightly LegiiOre, nd. very easily Lezgiero, Leggieri, ajid Leggiere, a. light, (^liy, little, slight, swifl. Alia le.^^iéra, ad. rashly. Di leggieri, ad. easily Lesgierménte, aiid Leggeramente, ad. lightly Leggio, m. a vvriting-desk Leggitóre, ni. a lecturer, reader Legióne, /. a legion Legislaivo, a. legislative Legislatore, m. a lawgiver Legislatura,/, legislative authority Legislazione,/, legislature Legista, »n. a lawyer Lejittlma,/. portiou by law Legittimamente, ad. lawfully Legittimare, to legitiniate Legitiimàto, part, legiiini.ited I.egittimazióue,/. legitimation Legittimità,/, ".egitimacy Legittimo, o. lawful Legna, aììd Légne, f. pi. firewood Legnàggio, m. family, race, pedi- gree [tirpenter Legnaiuòlo, and Legnauiàro, rn. a Legniinie, m. timber Legnare, to cut wood Legnata,/, a blow with a stick Légno, m. wood, a ship Legnóso, a. wotjdy Legirizia,/. liquorice [&c.) Legume, m. pulse (as peas, beans, Lei, proni, pers. f. her Leliare, to dally, to linger Lémbo, m. hen'i, edge, holder Lemme-leniHie, ad. gently Léna,/, strength, vigour, breath Lendine, m. à nit Lendinóso, a. full of nits Léne, a. kind, humane (in poetry) Leniénte, o. softening Ixtnificaménto, r?i, sopness Lenificare, to ease, assuage, miti- eate Lenificativo, a. lenitive Leniménto, m. a softening^ Lenire, to soften Lenità, and Lenitàde, /. lenity Lenitive, a. lenitive [ant Léne, a. faint, weak, flexible, pli- Lenocinie, m. pimping, charm Lenóne, m. a pimp Lentamente, ad. slowly Lentàrsi, to slacken Lènte, and Lenta, /. lentils, a lens Lenteménte, ad. slowly Lènte palustre,/, water-lentil Lentézza, /. slowness Lenticchia,/, a small lentil 175 LET Lentiggine,/, a freckle, pimp)* Lcuiii:;inoso, a. ircckled Lentischio, m. the lentisk-tre« Lenti, ad. slowly Lènto, a. slow, idle, gentle Lentnre, m. heavines^s Lènza,/, an angling-line Lenzuolo, m. a sheet Leoncèllo, and Leoncino, m. a young or little lioa Liaone, m. a lion Leonine, a. leonine, of a lion Leopardo, m. a leopard Lepidanjénte, ad. pleasantly Lepidézza,/, facet iousness Lèpido, a. pleasant, jocose Leporaio, a7id Leperàrio, m. park for hares, a warren Lepóre, m. gracefulness Leppare, to rob, steal Lepràtto, m. leveret, or young hare Lèpre, /. a hare; far lepre vèc- chia, to be cautious ; uno leva la lepre, e unalire la piglia, one has the trouble, and another the profit Leproncèllo, and Leprotic, m. a young hare, a leveret Lerciàre, to soil, sully Lèrcio, a. dirty, foul Lesènte, a. injuring [nes« Lésina, /. an awl, thrift, sparing- I-esióne, /. wrong, hurt Lése, part, wronged Lessare, to boil Lessato, part, boiled Lessatura,/, a boiling Lèssico, m. lexicon (a dictionary) Lessicògrafo, m. a lexicographer Lésso, m. a boiling ; lx>iled meat Lésso, a. boiled Lestamente, ad. nimbly Lestézza, /. nimbleness ; cunning^ craft Lés'o, a. nimble, quick Letale, a. mortal, deadly letamàio, m. adunghili Letamare, and Letaminàre, to dung, manure Letamato, part, manured Letame, m. dung, muck, marl Letaminamènto, m. Letaminatiira, and Letaminazióne,/. a manur- ing, marling [manure Letami nóso, part, covered with Letanie, arid Lelàne,/. pL litany Letàrgico, o. lethargic Letargo, nu and Letargia, jt lethargy Lelicóso, a. litigious Letificante, a. trejoicing Letificare, to make glad LEZ Letificato, a. joyful Lv tizia,/, niinh, joy Lèttera, ;. a letter ; lèttera di càiii- bio, a bill of exchange Letterale, a. litetal Letteralmente, ad. literally Letter'irio, a. literary Letterato, a. learned Letterato, in. a learned man Let'era'ùra,/. leamin; Letticciuolo, m. a little bed Lettièra,/, a bedstead [in?-pan Lettiga, /. a horse-litter, a waim- Létto, jjart. read Lètto, m. a bed Lettóre, tjj. a reader, a lecturer Letteria, /. a lectureship Lettucciuo, atid Lettùccio, m. a couch, a couch bed Lettura, /. reading, a lecture Leiito, m. a Iute Lèva, /. a lever ; leva da milizia, raising soldiers; méttere o dare a leva, to lift up with a lever ; far leva di soldati, to enlist sol- Levàbile, a. moveable [temi) Levadóre, ni. a tax-gatherer (law Levaldina, /. a thcfi, i obbery Levaménto, m. a raising Levante, m. the east ; andare a levante, to turn highwayman Levante, a. rising Levantino, a. one born in the east Levare, to lift, heave, to takeaway ; levar il bollóre, to boil ; lev.^r soldati, IO raise soldiers ; levar il cappèllo, to take ofFthe hat ; le- varsi, to get up ; levar le cirte, to cut at cards ; levar la piànta, to take a draught ; levare il capo to be puffed up with pride Levata,/, a raising up; levata del sole, the sun-rising ; un uòmo di gran levata, a man of conse- quence Levato, part, drawn, copied ; stóre a orécchie levate, to be attentive Levatóio, m. a drawbridge Levatóre, m. a puffer Levatrice,/, a midwife Levazióne, /. a lifting up Lève, a. light Levistico, m. the herb lovage Levità,/, levity Levitare, to ferment Levrière, m. t sreyhound Lèzia, /. and Lezio, m. endear- ments, caresses Lezióne,/, lecture, lesson Leziosaggine, /. softness, effemi- nacy Lie Lezióso, a. wanton, effeminate Lezz'ire, to stink Lézzo, m. stink Lezzós •, a. stinking Li. art. the ; 11 turni, the rivers. Li, pron. to him ; li ho détto, I told him; Ij, them Li, ad. there ; eccolo lì, there it is Llb-izione,/. and Libameuto, ni. a libation Libamiua,/. pi. perfumes Libare, to taste, to sip Libbra./, a pound weight ; a livre, a pound sterling Libecciata,/, a gale of south-west wind Libéccio, m. the south wind Libèllo, m. libel Libénte, a. willing Lilen'Ie, a. liberal ; parolctta lib- en'ile, a licenious word ; arti liberali, the liberal arts Liberalità,/. liberality Liberalmente, ad. liberally Liberamente, ad. fteely, absolutely Liberaniénto, m. delivery Liberare, to free, release Liberato, part, freed, released Liberatóre, m. a deliverer Liberatrice,/, liberatrix Liberazióne, and Liberagióne, /. deliverance Libèrcolo, m. pamphlet Libero, a. free, frank Libei-tà,/. liberty Libertinàggio, and Libertinismo, m. debauchery [man Libertino, m. the son of a freed Libér'o, m. one made free Libidine,/, lust, sensuality Libidinosamente, ad. lustfully LibidÌDÓso, a. wanton, sensual Libito, in. pleasure [ac) Libra, /. Libra (a sign of the zodi- Libràio, m. a bookseller Libraménto, nt. a weighing ; libra- ménto della luna, the libration of the moon Librare, to weigh, consider; li- brarsi, to balance cr poise one's self Librato, part, weijhed Librazióne,/, libration Libreria, /. a libi-ary ; the book- selling business Lib''icciuóIo, m. little book Librétto, and Librettino, m. a lit- tle book Librone, m. a large book Libro, m. a book Licènza, and Licenzia, /. license, leave ; licentiousness 176 LIM Licenziaménto, m. a dismission Licenziare, to disn.iss, disband licenziaisi, to lake leave of Licenziato, part, dismissed ; nn li- cenziato, a licentiate Liceuziatura,/. license Licenziosamcn'e, ad. licentiously Licenzióso, a. licentious, loose Licere, itnp. to be law fui ; non mi lice sperir ciò, I cannot hops that ; Se mi lice dirlo, if 1 may say SO Lichene, m. lichen Liei, ad. here Licilaménte, ad. lawfully Liei ézza, " Licito, a. ' Licóre, 171. {in poetry,) a liquor Lido, ni. bank, shore Lienteria,/. lientery (a disease) Lietamente, ad. gladly, merrily Lietézza,/, joy, mirth' Lièto, a. merry, cheerful Liéva,/. a levér [way Lièva liéva, ad. stand out of the Liève, and Lève, a. Wsjit Lievemente, ad. swifily, easily Lievézza, and Lieviti»,/, lightness Lievitare, to ferment Lievitato, part, fennented Lièvito, m. leaven Ligfime, m. a tie, binding Liganiénto, m. a Iiìiiiére, and Limosiniéro, m. alms-giver Limosità,/, muddiness Limóso, a. muddy, miry Umpiduzza, /. clearness, bright- Limpido, a. transparent Lince, m. a lynx Linceo, o. of a lynx, keen-sighted Lindamt'ote, ad. fluently Lindézii, and Lindùra, /. neatness Lindo, a. neat, spruce, fine Linea. /. a line, lineaze Lineal ménte, and Linearmente, ad. in a direct line [lure Lineaménto, tn. lineament, a fea- Lin&ire, to draw Lineario, a. linear Lineito, part, delineated, /. delineation Linfa, /. wa;er fin poetry) Linfàtico, a. full of water Lingeria,/. linen Ungua, /. tongue ; pigliSr Ilngia, to inquire; avere il cervèllo l:ella lingua, to say Well and do ill ; egli ha messo la lingua in molle, his tongue runs upon wheels IJngua buòna,/, bugloss (herb) Linguaccia, /. a bad tongue Linguacciuto, m. a prater Lingitóggio, m. language Lingua serpentina, /. the herb ad- der's tongue Lingueggiare, to chatter Linguélla, /. a strainer Linguettire, to stammer Lingurtso, a. chattering Liniménto, m. a liniment, or thin ointment [linen Lino, ni. line, flax ; pamio Uno, Linséme, m. linseed Liocòrno, ni. a unicorn LiofAnte, arid Lionfinte, m. ele- phant Lione, ni. a lion Lionessa,/. a lioness Liopirdo, m. a leopard Lippitùdine, /. blear-eyedness Lippo, a. blear-eyed Liquefare, lo liquefy Liquefitto, port, liquefied 12 LIT Liquefazióne,/, a liquefying Liquidamente, ad. clearly, easily Liquidare, to liquefy Liquidazióne, f. liquidation, set- tling accounts Liquidine, to become liquid Liquidità,/, liquidity Liquido, a. liquid, fluid, clear, plain Liquido, m. a liquid Liquirizia,/, licorice Liquóre, ni. liquor Liquorétto, m. a light liquor Lira, /. a lyre, a harp Lirico, a. lyric; poèta lirico, a lyric poet Lisca, /. fish-bone ; a triflft ; the coarse herds of flax or hemp Liscezza^ /. smoothness Liscia,/, a sleek stone Lisciamente, ad. fluently Lisciaménto, m. smoothing Lisciare, to smooth, polish, flatter, wheedle Lisci-lrsi, to paint Lisciato, part, smoothed Lisciatóre, m. a polisher Lisciatura,/, polishing, printing Liscio, ni. paint Liscio, o. polished, smoothed Lisirvite, j^ a cordial Lista, /. list, band, fillet, stripe, roll, catalogue Listare, to strip, to lace Listella,/. a small square Liiame, m. dung Litargia, /. lethargy LitArgico, a. lethargic Litargirio, Li'argiro, and Litar- gUio, m. litharge ; silver gilt Lite, /. strife ; variance ; a suit at law" ; muòver lite alia sanità, to take physic when one is well Litigamento, »)i. contest, dispute Litigante, m. a pleader Litigare, and Liticare, to litigate J^itigAto, part, contended Litigatóre, ni. a pleader, a liti- gious wrangler Litigio, m. strife, debate Litigióso, a. quarrelsome LI to, m. a shore Litologia,/, liihology Litorale, and Littorie, a. belong- ing to a shore Litteràle, a. literal Litteralménte, ad. literally Litteràrio, a. literary Litteratura, /. literature Littóre, m. a Roman lictor Lituo, ni. augur's stafi" Litura, /. a blotting off LOG Liturgia,/, liturgy Liuto, and Leùto, m. a lute (mu sicaJ instrument) Livèlla,/, a level Livellàre, to level, to make levd Livellano, m. a tenart, or oopr- holder Livellato, part, levelled Livellatóre, m. a leveller, a lord of the manor Livello, m. tribute-money, a level Lividézza,/, envy, spite, ìividity Livido, a. livid, black and blue« Lividóre, m. and Lividura, /. livi'Jity, en\-y Liviritta, ad. just here I Livóre, m, envy, rancour; a Ìivid- ity (black aod blue spots) Livorosamente, ad. maiignaatly Livoróso, a. envious Livrèa,/, livery Livràre, to deliver, to finish, to wear out [P^les Lizza, /. list, career ; a rampart, Lo, art. in. the ; lo stùdio, the study ; pron. him, it ; lo vedo, I see him, or it LocAle, a. lo3datóre, m. a praiser Loiiito, part, praised, commended Lode,/, praise, commendation Lodévole, a. laudable, commenia- ble Lodevolmente, ad. laudably Lodo, TO. opinion, sentence lySdola, /. a lark (a bird) Loggia, /. a lodge, an open galle» ry, a high terrace Lògica. /. loeic Logicale, o. logical, of logic LUB Logricare, to subtilize Logtco, m. a logician Logico, o. logical Loglio, »)i. lure, darnel, cockle- weed Loglioso, a. full of cockle-weeds Logorare, to « ear, waste Logorato, part, worn Logorizia,/. licorice Lógoro, »n. a lure (a hawk's lure) Lógoro, a. ragged, worn out Lola,/. dirlinKS, dirt Lóica, /. see Lògica, and its de- rivatives Lòlla,/, chaff LolUgine,/. cuttle-fish, VI. loin, haunch, flank Lombrico, ni. an earth-wonn Lome, ste Lume Longauimilà,/. patience Longevo, a. long-lived Longinquità, /. ice Lontatunza Longiuquo. a. distsmt Longitudinale, a. longitudinal Longitùdine, /. longi ude Lontaciméme, ad. far, afar off Lontananza, /. diitaiice Lonaiiare, to send away, to endure Lontano, a. tar distant. Da lon- tano, ad. at a distance Lóntra, /. an otter Lónza, /. a panther Lonzo, a. enervated Lòppa, /. chaff, the husk of com Loquace, o. loquacious Loquacità,/, talkativeaess Loquèla, /. speech Lordamente, ad. nastily Lordare, to foul, dirty ' Lordézza,/, nastiness Lórdo, a. nasiy, filthy I/OrdJra, /. a7id Lordiin-.e, m. nastiness Lorica, /. a ccat of mail Lóro, fron. to them, 'hose ; dissi loro, I told them; il loro libro, their book ; il loro, their prop- erty [dull, blunt Lósco, a. purblind, short-sighted, LotAre, to plaster with earth Lóto, m. mud. dirt, mire Lotolénto. Lotolénte, and Lotóso, o. muddy, diry [bate Lòtta, /. a wrestling, dispute, de- Lottare. aiid Lotteggiàre, to wrestle Lottatóre, m. a wrestler Lotto, rru lottery, lot, chance Lóva./. a she- wolf; a prostitute Lubricare, to loosen Lubricativo, o. loosening Lubricità, caid Lubrìchézza, /. lewdnea LUM Lùbrico, m. a slippery place Lùbrico, o. slippery, fallacious, deceitful, loose in the belly Lucchétto, ni. a padlock Lucciante, m. an eye (jocosely) Luccicante, a. shining Luccicare, to shine Lùccio, m. a pike Lùcciola,/, a glow-worm Luccioljto, ni. a kind of glow- worm [at Florence) LÙCCO, m. a gown, a robe (worn Luce, /. light, brightness ; the eyes ; méfere alia luct, to pub- lish a work; venire in luce, to ajipear Lucènte, a. shining, bright Lucere, to sbiue, to be bright Lucèrna, /. a lamp Lucemàta,/. a lamp full of oil Lucèrtola, and Lucèrta, /. a lizard Luchera,/. mien, look Lucidamente, ad. brightly [plain Lucidare, to elucidate, unfold, ex- Lucidato, part, illustrated Lucidézza, and Lucidità,/, light Lùcido, a. bright, lucid Lucifero, m. the morning star, Lucifer Lucificare, to shine Lucignolo, m. the wick of a can- dle' or lamp : a distafl-fuU Liico, ni. u grove Lucrativo, a. lucrative Lucro, m. gain, profit Lucrosamente, ad. gainfully Lucróso, a. profitable Lt'iderp, to play, six)rt Ludibrio, ni. a mockery Ludificare, to deceive, cr jeer Ludificazióne, /. a mocking, or deceiving Ludimagistro, ni. a school-master Ludo, ni. play, game Lue, /. plague, pestilence ; lue venerea, the venereal disea^ Lùffo, m. a bundle Lùgere, to mourn Lùglio, ni. the month of July Lugubre, a. mournful Lui, m. a wren, (a lit'le bird ;) tirerebbe a un lui, he is a sharp, ftinjy man Lui, jir'cnn. he, him ; di lui, of him Lulssimo, himself Lumaca, /. a snail ; scala a lu- maca, a winding s'air-case Lumacóne, m. a large snail, a sneaking fellow Lume, ni. light, brightness, knowl- edge ; eyes ; far lume ad uno, to . light one pagare il lume e i 178 LUP dadi, to make an end of as affair Lumepiàr», to illuminate Lumièra, /. a torch, or light; a lustre, a chandelier Luminare, m, luminary Lumjnazioce,/. illumination Lumiuèllo. ni. socket of a lamp Luminosità, a7ìd Lumiuositàde,/. brightness, splendour Luminóso, a. luminous Luna,/, the moon, a month ; luna nuòva, the new moon ; luna crescènte, a half moon ; luna scema, the wane of the moon Lunare, a. lunar Lunare, ni. the lunar course Lunaria,/, lucary (an herb) Lunàrio, tn. an almanac ; far do lunàrj, to be emlarrassed Lunarista, m. an almanac maker Luratico, a. lunatic, whimsical Luriàto, a. like a half moon Lunazióne, /. and Lunaménto, m. lunation (the course of the mon) Lunedì, m. Monday Lùnsa, ad. long ; .olla lunga, at lor§ run; andar "in lunga, to linger ; n;an'd* in lunga, to put off Lungagnola, and Lunghiéra, / a kind of net, a tedious speech Lungamente, ad. long while LÙDge, ad. far, a great way off (in poetry) Lunghésso, ad. along, near Lunghézza, and Lungheria, /. length, duration Lungi, ad. far, distant, near by Lungi, prcji. along ; lungi la riva, neai-, along the shore Lungo, o. long ; bnxlo, cr ginlebbe lungo, broth, weak julep Li'ingo, ad. a long time Lungo, prep, along, near Luògo, ni. placeiroom ; cèdere iJ lu^go, to gifTthe preference; avere il luògo, to have the pre- cedency ; non ho luògo di créder altriménte, I bave no reason to believe o'herwise ; non trovar luògo, to have no shelter Luogotenènte, m. lieutenant Luogotenènza,/, lieutenancy Lupa, /. a she-wolf, a prostitute Lupanare, m. a brothel Lupattino, and Lupidno, m. a young wolf Lupésco, Lupigno, and Lupino, (L belonging to a wolf, of the na- ture of a wolf Lupino, m. lupine (» sort of pulse) Lupo, m. a wolf; chi ha U MAC lupo per compare, porti il can «otto il nuotéllo, never trust a rogue L'jpo cervière, m. a IjTix Luppolo, m. hops (an herb) Liìrco, m. glutton LùriJo, o. black and blue, or pale Lusignuólo, m. a nightingale LÙ5C0, a. purblind L'iiiuga, Liiaingherla, /. and Lu- singaménto, m. flattery Lusingare, to flatter, ci^ax Lusìn^to,par<. flattered Lusii gatóre, m. a fla'terer Lusinghévole, a. flatterin; Lusinghevolmente, ad. flatteringly Lusiugbiéro, OTìd Lusingliicre, a. Jlaitering J uu lusinghièro, a flatterer [out of jointj Lus Azióne, /. a luxation ';the i>eing Liiss), in. luxury Lussureggiare, lo be wanton Lus,iirià,/. sensuality Lussuriàrt-, lo be sensual, to be over-fertile Lussurióso, a. wanton Lustra,/, den, cave Lustrale, a. lustrai, purifying Lustrante, a. shining, bright Lustrare, to illustrale, polish, bur- nish Lustratóre, m. he who calenders Lustratura, and LustrazioaCj /. a fiolishing, lustration (a sacrifice) Lustre,/. jjL siiiib, evasions Lubtri:io, m. lustring, a cloth ; spangles Lustro, a7UÌ Lu«tróre, ni. lustre, splendour ; the space of five years (in poetrv) Listro, a. bright, polished Lu.àre, to lute, or cover with clay Lutiranismo, m. Lutheranism Lu if:golo, m. a potter Luto, m. dirt, mud Lutoso, a. muddy [bat Lù'L^/. w resiling, a debate, com- Luttire, to lament, mouia Lutto, in. mourning i,utiuosamén:e, ad. mournfully Luttuoso, and I^utlóso, o. sorro'.v- ful. sad Lutuléuto, a. muddy M MA, conj. but, nay ; ma che prò ? to what purpose ? M&cca,/. plenty, store MAC Miccatélla,/. a defect, flaw Maccheria, /. a calm, stillness Maccheióni, m. jjI. a sort of paste ; un niacclieroue, a blockhead M'lcchia, /. spot, s'ain ; a note of infamy ; a bush, or bushy place ; monéta alla macchia, bad mone)- Macchiare, to stain, spot blur Macchia'o, part, stained Màcchina,/, n^achine, plot Macchin;'ile, a. mechanical Macchiiiamcn'o, m. a macbioation Macchinare, lo contrive .Macchinato, yort. plored Macchinatóre, m. plotter Macchinazióne,/, plot, device Macchinista, m. a machinist Macchiòne, m. a thick bush iLicchióso, a. spot ed Macciangher), a. strong-limbed, dull, stupid >Iicco. rn. beans boiled to a mash. A macco, ad. plentifully Mice, /. the middle husk of a nut- meg [bu"chcr Macellaio, and Macellirrj, m. a Macellire, to butcher, kill, waste Macèllo, m. shamble, si lUghter house ; massacre Macer'ire, to steep, or soak, to weaken Macerato, part, macerated Àiacerazióne, /. infusion, mortifi- cation, macera' ion MJcero, a. mactrated, soaked Macerooe, ni. a kind of parsley Ma chf i ad. but what ? machè, except Micia, /. a heap of stones, a lurk- inj-hole, a secret place Macigno, m. a kind of stone; pijtra macigna, a very hard s-one [Oiin. pale Macilènte, and Macilènto, a. lean, Macilenz.a, /. leanness Macinaménto, tn. MacÌDat!andrll(o, to. a slap Manducare, to eat (Latin word) Mane,/, morning Mai:< /viabile, and Maneggévole, a. iiaclable Maneggiamen'o, m. manasement Mai-eggii'ire, to govern, direct, to feel, touch ; manejgi'ir un ca- vMlo, to manage a horse; ma- neisiàrsi, to stir about Maneiiiàto, part, handled Maiiei^xiatóre, to. a manager Ma!:é»/io, rn. a riding-house ; a luzoijalion, management; ma- néirio occiilto, a plot Mam-ila,/. asheaf Manére, to remain, stay Manescalco, to. ice Maniscalco Manescamente, orf. with one"! bands - Manésco, a. handy, oflf ban*, pas- sionate, an?rv Manétte, /. pi. "handcufTi Manfanile, TO. the ban lie of a flail Manganare, to calemler Man?inélla, /. a cross-bow Manganèlle, /. pi. benches (io choirs) Manganèllo, to. a cross-bow MAN Màngano, m. calender, mangle ilangereccio, a. eatable Mangeria,/, extortion Mangiàbile, a. eatable ilangiaférro, m, a cut-throat, a. bravo Mangiaménto, m. an eating Mangiapane, m. one good for noth- ing but to eat, an idler Mangiapélo, m. a moth, tiny (a worm) [food, victuals Mangiare, m. the act of eating, Mandare, to eat, waste Mangiata, /. bellyful! Mangiativo, a. fit to eat Mangiato, part, eaten Mangiatóia, /. a manger, a fable Mangiatóre, m. an ea'.er Mangióne, m. a great eater Mania,/, madness Maniaco, a. mad, furious Mànica, /. a sleeve, the handle of a knife, &c. j questo è altro paro di màniche, it is quite another thing Manicaménto, m. an eating, a cor- roding, cfT corrosion Manicare, to eat, (low word ;) ma- nicarsi, to detest one another Manicarétto, vi. a ragout Manicheito, m. a small handle Manichino, m. a ruffle, a muff, a small handle Mànico, m. a handle ; mànico d' un violino, the neck of a fiddle ; uscir del mànico, to be extrava- gant Manicòtto, m. a muif Manicóttolo, m. a hanging sleeve Manicristo, m. a kind of confec- tion [haviour Manièra,/, manner, way, sort, le- Manieràre, to adorn Manière, and Maniero, m. a pleasant and noble hou=e Manièro, a. tame, tractable Manieróna, /. a noble manner Manieriso, a. mannerly; lender manieroso, to civilize Manifattóre, m. workman Maoifa"ii.-a, /. workmanship, manufnctory, aflairs, business, art, skill Manifestamente, ad. plainly Manifestaménto, m. manifestation >Ianifestare, to manifest Manifestato, part, manifested Manifestazióne,/, manifes'ation Manifesto, a. plain, evident Manifesto, m. a proclamafinn. proposals [bracelet Maniglie, m. and Maniglia, /. a MAN Manigóldo, m. executioner ; knave Jlanimésso, a. cut Manina, /. and Manino, 771. a little hand Maninconla, /. see Malinconia, and its derivatives [hands Manipolare, to work with the Manipolare, a. soldato manipolare, a common soldier Manipolazióne, /. composition Manipolo, m. a handful ; a mani- ple (used by popish priests) Maniscalco, ni. fanier, smith Manna, /. manna, an exquisite food ; a sheaf of corn Mannàia, /. an axe, a hatchet Mannaro, a. lupo mannaro, a man of the wood, or satyr Mannerino, m. a lan'ibkin Mano, /. hand, hand-writing ; aid, assistance ; porter la mano, to favour ; cader per mano, to happen ; menar le mftni, to beat ; menar per mano, to lead ; tener mono, to assist ; fuor di mano, out of the way ; ligner le mani, to bribe ; uscir di mano, to escape ; venire alle mani, to come to blows; alzar le mani, to beat ; avere iu mano, to have in one's pnner; métter tra le mani, to inti-ust with one N. B. For a more copious collec- tion of idiomatica! phrases, com- pounded with Mino, see Al- berti's or Baretti's Diet. Manométtere, lo make the first cut ; to set free ; to destroy Manòpola, /. a gauntlet; 3 half sleeve Manoscritto, m. a maruscript Manóso, a. soft, Irac'abie Manotenénza, /. see Manutenzióne Manovalderia, /. tuili m Manovaldo, ni. a tutor, or guar- dian of women Manovale, and Manoóle, m. a manual, a bricklayer's labourer Manovèlla,/, a lever Manòvra, /. the tackling, or the working of a ship Manro\ éscio, and Àlarrovéscio, m. a back stroke Mansàre, to tame Mansionàrio, m. a chaplain Mansióne,/, abode; baiting Mnnso, a. mild, tame Mansuefare, to tame, appease Mansuefatto, par<. tamed Mansuéscere, to grow tame Mansuetamente, ad. meekly Mansuèto, a. mild, tractable 182 MAR Mansuetùdine, /. meelmess Mantacare, to blow Màntaco, m. bellows; the longs Jlantéca,/. pomatum MantelUre, to cloak ; manteliars^ to cloak one's self Mantellètta,/. a rochet Mantelllno, m. a veil, a cnrtain Mantèllo, m. a cloak ; sotto man» téllo, under colour; coat a colour of a horse Mantenente, ad. just now Mantenére, to keep, maintain, sup- port ; mantenérsi, to subsist, live Manteniménto, m. maintenance; manteniménto in possésso, a pos- session adjudged upon a full trial Man tenitóre, m. a preserver Mantenuto, part, maintained Mantice, m. bellows Mantiglia,/, a woman's cloak Mantigtióne, m. a large cloak Manille, m. a towel Manto, m. a cloak, a mask, pr^ tence, a woman's cloak Mantóre, ad oftentimes Mantrugiare, to rumple, to handle Manuale, a. manual ; m. brick- layer's labourer Manualmente, ad. manually Manùbrio, ni. a handle, lever Manucàre, to eat Manumissióne, /. manumissjon, (law term) Manuscritto, m. a manuscript Manutenzióne, /. a possession ad- judged upon a fuU trial Manzo, m, an ox Manzofta,/. a heifer Maomettano, nu a Blahometan Mappamóndo, m. a map Marachèlla,/, a spy ; a deceit Maragnuóla,/. a hay-stack Marànie, m. refuse, parings ; abundance of every thing Marangóne, m. a joiner, diver, a bird; one who dives Maràsmo,m. marasnius (a disease) Maraviglia, /. wonder. A mara- viglia, ad. wonderfully Maravigliabile, and Maraviglié- vole, a. wonderful, astonishing Miravigliamènto, m. admiration Maraviiiliarsi, to wonder Maravigliosamente, ad. wondei»- fiiUy Maraviglióso, o. marvellous Marca,/, token, sign ; a country Marcare, and Marchiare, to mark, to border upon [ral) MarcassSia, /. marcasite (a mine- MAR Marcito, part, marked Marcbé^a, and Marchesaim, /. a marchioness Marchesato, m. a marquisate Marchése, m. marquis Marchio, atid Majrco, tre. mark, sign Màrcia, /. and Marciume, m. cor- ruption, pus, thick matter Marciapiede, m. causeway, foot- path Marciare, to march, rot, putrefj- Marcido, and M\rcio, a. rotten ; a tuo marcio dispétto, in spite of you Marci^lióne, /. corruption Marcióso, part, corrupted, rofien Marcire, to be rotten &Iarciùme, m. rottenness, mean ness Marcorélla, /. mercury (an herb) M4re, ni. the sea; mar grosso, a rough sea Marèa, and Mareggiata, /. the tide, tìax and refiux ; marea missiina, spring tides ; aita marèa, high water Mareggiare, to float npon the sea ; mareggiarsi, to be sea-sick Maréggio, m. the billowing of the waves Marémma,/, near the shore Maremmino, a. maritime, marshy Maresciallo, m. a marslul Marésco, a. marine Marése, tn. a niarsh. pond Marezzare, to marble, vein Marézzo, nt. a riiarbling Màrga,/. marl {a sort of manure) Margarita, and Margherita, /. pearl Mar,'heritina./. a daisy (a flower) Alargine, m. a scar ; margin, edje, border, or brim [try) Màrgo, TTu margin, bank (in poe- Margolalo, m. and Margòtta, /. a layer (of any riant) Mai^otfire, to se: layers Margutto, a. u?ly and malicious Maricéllo, m. a bay. sulf Marina, /. the sea coa>-f. Marina marina, ad. alon? the sea coa^t Marinaio, Marinaro, Mariniére, aiid Mariniéro, m. a mariner Marin/ire, to pickle Marineria,/, a naval army >IarinéiC0, 'Marinarésco, and Ma- rino, a. belonging to the sea; vento marino, the west wind MariolSre, to cheat, trick Marioleria, /. a cheat Mariòlo, m. a rogue, cheat MAR Mariscàlco, m. marshal Maritàggio, m. marriage Maritale, a. marital, of a husband Maritamen'o, m. matrimony Maritare, to marry Maritato, part, married Marito, >/i. husband, spouse Marittimo, a. maritime Mariuolcria, /. a knavish trick Miriuolo, nu a knave, cheat Marmàglia, /. the mob .Marmo, m. marble MarmorAria,/. sculpture, carving Marmoràrio, m, a stone-cuKer Marmoiato, m. incrustation of pieces of marble Marmorito, a. marbled Marmòreo, a. like marble Marmòtta, /. and Marmotto, m. a marmot Maroso, m. a wave, billow ; a marsh, a bog;jy place ; perturba- tion of the mind Marra,/, pick-axe, mattock ; ferro di due marre, (he anchor of a ship ; ferro di quattro marre, the anchor of a galley Marraiuòlo, m. a piineer,a del ver Marrano, m. a traitor Marrétto, m. a mattock Manltta,/. the right hand Marritto, a. riiiif-handed Marritto, m. a slap Marrobbio, m. horebound (a sort of herb) Marricchlno, m. ^Toroco Marróne, m. a nia'tock ; chestnuts; far un marróne, to lil under Marroniito, m. an orchard of chest- nut-trees Marr;)vé-cio, m. a back -stroke Marie, m. Mars (a planet) >rarte !1, m. Tuesday Martellare, to hammer ; tease, pla'ue, to bea*, or pant Martellata, /. a blow with a ham- mer Jfartello, m. a hammer Marinéilo, wi. a craue (an engine) MartirAre, to torment Manlre, m. vexation, pang M'irlire, m. martyr Martirio, and Martiro, m. marlyr- d^m, pain, torment Martirizzaménto, m. martyrdom Martirizzare, to mar»yr ; niarti- ri7zArsi, 10 torment one's self Mart irizr^to, part, m-artyred Martirològio, m. martyrólosry Màrtora,/, mar'en (an animal) Mirlore. m. a martyr ; a clown Martoréllo, m. a poor fellow MAS I Martoriaménto, m. the rack Martoriare, Martirjre, and Mario» rezzàre, to rack, to torment Martorio, ajid Martòro, m. to^ I ment MArza, /. a graft, or graiT I Marzaco to, m. a kind of ointment, cr paint j Abrzapàne, m. marchpane Marziale, a. martial, warlike Marzo, jn. March Marzocco, m. a fool, a cast or I painted lion Marzolino, and Marzuólo, o. b«- longing to, or growiu» in the month of March Mascigno, a. cunning, crafty Mascalcia, /. a farrier's art Mascilrone, m. a ruflSan, a soldier Mascèlla,/, jaw, cheek Mascell.are, m. side teeth Mascherilo, m. seller of masks Mà:.chera, /. a ma-k ; cavarsi la màschera, lo sfitak '••ne's mind frtely ; mandar in màschera, to steal'a thing Mascherare, to mask Maschrrita,/. a ma-querade Mascherati, part, masked Mascherizzo, m. a livid mark JIascherone, nu a sculptured Of paiute i head Maschiamente, ai. manly Maschiéiza./. virili y, manhood Maghile, o, manly Mischio, m. the male MSschio, a. masculine, manly ; maschi pensièri, noble thoughts Maco!ÌDÌ;à,/. the being a male Mascolino, and Masculine, a. ma-culine Màscolo, a. manly Masnada, /. a troop of soldiers, a £amily, a company Masnadière, m, a soldier, robber, ruffian Màss-a, /. heao ; la massa del sanrue, the Mood ; far massa, to hoard up Massàia, /. housewife Massi io, m. as'eward Masseria, /. a farm-house, a quan- tity of goods ^tass'eri7ia./. fumi'ure.sparingnes» Jtassicciaménle, ad. solidly, mai sily Massiccio, a. massy, strong Màssima,/, maiini, rule MassimanWn'e, ad. especially Màssime, od. Ma-simo, a. sunreme, very great Masso, ni. a rock, a large stone MAT Mastello, m. a bucket, pail Masticare, mid Masticacchiare, to deliberale upon, to chew ; ma- sticar pateruóstri, to play the hypocrite Masticato, part, chevred Mastica ura,/. aiid Masticaménto, m. chewed meat Masticazióne,/, mastication Mastice, m. mastic, (a gum ;) lip- glue Mastiettare, to thrust in a hook for a hinge [a door Mastiettatùra, /. the iron work of Mastiétto, m. a hook for a hinge Mastiso, m. a mastiti' dog Màstio, m. the male Mastra, /. mistress Mastro, m. master Mastro, a. principal Mastrusciére, m. a door-keeper Matassa,/, skein, heap, parcel Iklatassata, /. several skeins ; em- barrassment [nation Matem?.tica^ /. mathematics, divi- Matemàtico, m. a mathematician, a conjurer Matematico, a. mathematical Materassàio, m. a mattress-maker Materasso, m. aiid Materassa, /. quilt, mattress Materia, and Matéra, /. matter, subject, cause Materiale, a. material Materiali, ni. pi. materials Materialità,/, the substance of mat- ter [coarsely Materialmente, ad. materially, Materuale, a. ma'ernal, mo'herly Maternamente, ad. motherly Maternità, /. maternity, mother- hood Matèrno, a. maternal Matita, /. pencil, or crayon Matitatóio, m. a pencil-case Matraccio, ni. a retort (a glass ves- sel) Matre, /. a mother Matricàle, m. mother-wort (herb) Matrice,/, womb, monld Matricida, m. murderer of a moth- er, matricide Matricidio, m. matricide, murder of a mother Matricola, /. matricular, book, money paid at setting up iu any trade Matricol.'ire, to matriculate Matrisna,/. mother-in-law, a roush mother ; far viso di matrigna, to pout Matrignàre, aiid Matrigneggiàre, MAZ to use roughly, like a mother-in- law Matrimoniale, a. matrimonial Matrimònio, in. matrimony Matrina,/, midwife Matrialvia,/. clary (a sort of herb) Matròna, /. a matron Matronale, a. matrou-like Mattaccinata,/, a wanton trick Mattaccio, m. a droll, fool Mattaccino, m. a pantomimica! dancer Mattamente, ad. madly Mattare, to mate (at chess) Mattegriàre, to play the fool Alattematica, / see Matemàtica, and its derivatives Matterèllo, m. a wanton fool ; a roller (to .thin dough with) Mattéz7à, aiid ^Matteria,/, foolish- ness Mattia, /. follv Mattina,/, morning Mattinare, to sing under one's mis- tress's window at sun-rising Mattinata,/, a serenade, a morning Mattino, 771. the morning Matto, a. mad, foolish, large Mattonare, to pave with square tiles Mattonato, part, paved Mattonato, in. a pavement Mattóne, m. brick, an arrant fool Mattoniéro, 771. a brick-maker Mattutinàle, a. matutinal Matntfno, m. morning-prayer; matins ; morning Mattutino, a. of the morning Maturamente, ad. maturely Mahiraménto, 771. maturation Maturare, to ripen, to tinish Maturùto,part. ripened, old Alaturazione, Maturèzza, and Ma- turità, /. ' maturity, ripeness ; wisdom', moderation Maturo, a. ripe ; età matiira, ad- vanced age ; uòmo matijro, a dis- creet man ; consiglio maturo, mature judgment Mausoleo, iti. a sepulchral edifice, mausoleum Mazza, /. a club, a mace ; menar la m.'izza tonda, to sjjare nobody ; mazza da pado, a malie! ; con- durre alla mazza, to betray Mazzacavallo, 771. an engine to draw water Mazzafrasta, /. ballast Mazzamarróne, tti. a blockhead Mazzamiirro, 7)7. the crumbs of sea-biscuit [mallet Mazzapicchiare, to strike with a 184 MED Mazzapicchio, 771. a mallet Mazzasétte, 771. a bravo Mazzata,/, a blow with a sticS Mazzeranga, /. a rammer Mazzerangàre, to ram Màzzero, m. a knotty stick Mazzétta,/, a mallet Mazzétto, 771. a small bundle Mazzicare, to ben*, bang Mazziculàre, see Tombolare Mazzière, 771. a mace-bearer Mazao, 771. a bundle ; mazzo di carte, a pack of cards ; mazzo di fióri, a nosegay ; alzar i mazzi, to run away Maz-zocchiaia, /. a woman that dresses hair ; the whole hair of a woman's head, a large bundle of any thing Mazzòcchio, tti. a kind of corn j the sprouts of succory ; tuft of hair, a band, crowd, troop MazzocchiCito, a. knotty, crabbed Mazzolino, »7i. a nosegay Mazzuòla,/, a small stick Mazzuòlo, 771. a little bundle, or nosegay ; a pick, a kind of ham- mer Me', ad. (far meglio,) better, or {for mézzo,) middle (in poetry.) Per me', ad. through the middile. Me, pro7t. me Meandro, 771. windings Me\re, to pass Meato, 777. a pore of the body Meccanicamente, ad. mechanically Meccànico, o. mechanical, vile mean, low Meccanico, m. a mechanic Meccanismo, 771. mechanism Meccére, 771. master (jocosely) Meco, pron. and prep, with me Medàglia,/, medal Medaglióne, m. a medallion Medairlista, 771. medallist Medemo, a. (see Medésimo,) same Sledeimamènte, and Medésimo, ad. likewise, also Medesimézza, and Medesimità, /. identity, sameness Medésimo, o. same, self; io me- désimo, myself Medésmo, see Medé^imo Mediante, prep, by one's help, by means, throuih, amidst, between Mediare, to intervene Mediataménte, OTirf Mediante, ad. mediately, by means Mediato, a. interposed; cocmto» dious, tit Mediatóre, 771. mediator MEL Mediazióne,/, mediation Medica,/, luceru (herb) Medicàbile, a. curable Medicaménto, aìid Medicarne, m. Medicante, ni. a physician Medicare, to heal, cure Medicastro, Medica-stróne, and Medicastrónzolo, m. a medicas- ter, a quack Medicàio, part, medicated Medicatóre, m. a physician Medicazione, /■. a remedy Medichessa,/ a Temale physician Medichévole, o. susceptible of cure Medicina,/, physic, medicine, the art of physic Medici 11.1 le, a. medicinal ; m. remedy Medicinalmente, ad. physically Mèdico, ni. a physician ; medico d' acqua c^tla, a quack Medico, a. medicinal Medio, ni. the middle finger Mèdio, o. of the middle Mediocre, a. modera'e Mediocrenicnte, ad. indifferently Mediocrità,/. mediocri;y Meditare, to meditate Meditatamente, ad. designedly Meditativo, a. given up to medita- tion Meditilo, part, medi'a'ed Meditazióne, / ojid Meditaménto, m. medita'ion Mediterr.'ineo, a. Mediterranean ; Mare Medi'err.'ineo, the Medi- terranean Sea Meglio, Of', bet'er, best, rsther more ; and:'ir di bene in mèglio, to grow better and better; alia méjlio, fir the best Megliorire, see Migliorare, and all its derivatives Mèla, / apple Melacchi m, o. very sweet (of wine) Melacitola, f. balni-f ntle Melacotn^na, /. a quince Meladdolcitu, a. sweetened with honey [pnme.Tauate Mela^na, and Melairan'ila, /. MelagrAno, m. pomegranate-; ree Melanconia,/. moUi.chily Melanconico, a. niclmchnly Melans:ig,'iiie, aiid Melens'm^ine, /. folly [orange Melanincia, and MelSns'^h,/. an Melaràncio, and Meling lo, m. an oranje-tree Melàrio, m. a lice-hive Melassa,/, treacle (lees of sugar) MEN Melata, /. the August dew ; an apple-marmalade Melato, a. honeyed, sweet as honey Mèle, m. honey ; mèle, /. })l. appi. Melèns eliso, a. silly, foolish lèto, r/j. au Melichlno, m. Mèlico, a. melodious Mellfcro, a. fruitful in honey Mèliga, /. Turkey corn Melii-sa,/. balm-gentle Mellificare, to produce honey Melllfliin, a. mellifluous, sweet, agreeable [blockhead Mellóne, m. a water-melon; a Melma,/, mud, dirt Melmóso, a. mu Idy Ml), rn. an apple-tree JMelnc^ ó,'no, ni. a quince-tree Mclolia, and Melòde,/, melody Melodiosamente, ad. melodiously Melodióso, and Melòdico, o. me- lodious Melogranàto, rji. pomegranate-tree Membrana, /. membrane, skin Membranóso, a. membranous Meiiibrare, to remember Mèmbro, m. limb, member Membruto, a. strong-limbid Mèninia, f. mud, dirt Memon'diile, a. memorable Memor-'inilo, and Memorévole, a. celebra'ed MenioMre, to call to mind Memorativa, /. the memorative faculty Miiiioralivo, a. memorative Mrmorito. part, mentioned Mèmore, a. mindful, recollecting Memòria, /. memory, remem- brance ; memoir ; impanire a memòria, to learn by heart Memoriale, m. memorial, memo- randum Mi nioriòso, a. memorable Meni'iriiiccia,/. a short memory Ména, /. negnliation, state, con- dition, quality I Menajeiia, f. a'mcnajrery (a yard) Menale, f. the chord of an engine Menamén o, m. behaviour, a con- 1 ducting; agitation, motion I Menale, to lead, to bring, to loos- 1 en. to produce, to beget; men'ir un pfigno, to beat, to strike ; ' men'.r Ijuòno, to irran! ; men^r , per la lunga, to delay; menAr! le m'ini, to beat, strike ; menar I móglie, to marry ; men'ir via, to take away; mcn.1ir i giórni, to i spend one's days ; menar a capo, I 1S5 MEN ; to accomplish ; menar in serrà^ I gio, to eiibla\u Menarróiio, m. a jack ' Men.'ita, /. a handful ; a leading ' Menilo, yaiY. conducted I Menatole, m. a conductor Menatijra, /. a joint, motion, agi- tation Méncio, a. thin, tender; lank Mènda, /. amendment, penalty, forfeit ; defect, vice Mendace, o. lying Mendacemente, ad. deceitfully Mendàcio, rn. a falsehood Mendire, to amend Mendicante, a. begging ; un men- diciinle, in. a beggar ; frate mendicante, a begging friar Mendicare, to beg Mendicalo, a. begged Mcndicalóre, ni. a beggar Mendicazióne,/. a begging Mendicit.!, Mendiciiàde, and Mendicagióne,y. beggary Mendico, a. poor, begging Mendico, m. a beggar Mèndo, »(i. reparation, fault Mendóso, a. faulty Mènno, a. beardless, defective, vvaii'ing. vain Meno, ad. \ss, ; il meno, the least ; non jiósso far di n:eno, I cannot forbear ; non si può far di meno, one cannot do otherwise ; a meno, unless; esser da meno, to be inferior ; venir meno, to faint away Menomaménto, m. a decreasin» Menoni:'in7a, /. fault, want, dimi> nutiin. depression Menomi re, and Menomenire, to diminish Menomalo, pnrt. lessened Menomo, and Mèuimo, a. less, least Mènsa./, a table; app '- ter in forse, to doubt ; niéttiMe in novèlle, lo rail at; métter in punto, to get ready ; méttere nella via, lo show oiie the way ; méttere in òpera, to accomplish, to mike use of ; métter in serbo, to put by Mettilòro, m. a gilder Mezzaiuòlo, m. a farmer Mezz-^na, /. the inizzen-sails, a square brick ; a procuress Mezzanamente, eul. to so ft ion Mezzanità, /. mediocrity ; media- MIG Mezzano, m. a mediator, interces- Mezzàno, o. middle, middling Mezzare, to grow flag y Mezzina,/, a pitcher Mézzo, a. ovt-rripe Mézzo, ni. the middle, half; nel mózzo del caimnim, hilf-way ; in quésto nic/Z(, in the mean while ; produrre in mézzo, to alliba; torre a mézzo, to lake in common ; mézzo ubriAco, half drunk ; means, aid, media- tion ; an lArne di mézz/), to be a victim to ; star di mézzo, to be neuter Mézzo, a. middling Mezzobusto, in. a bust, or half bust Mezzocérchio, m. a semicircle Mezzocolore, m. a weak colour Mezzodì, Mezzodie, and Mezzo- giorno, m. noon, noon- lay ; the southern parts of the world ; the south, south wind Mezzoriliévo, ni. basso-relievo Mi, prmi. me ; to me ; mi piace, it pleases me [ /. mewing Miagolamén'o, m. aiul Miagolata, Miagolare, to mew Mica, ad. not, not at all ; non vorrei mica che voi er&léste, I would not have you believe; mica di pine, crumb of bread M'c'iute, a. shining, bright Miccia,/, match Miccino, OT. a litMe [a she-ass Miccio, ))j. ami .Miccia, /. an ass, Micidi.\le, and Micida, ni. mur- derer [derin; Micidiàrio, and Micidiale, a. mur- Micio, m. a (at Microsc'ipio, 7)1. microscope Midólla,/, marrow, pi'h, crumb Midóllo, ni. marrow", subs'ante,the bes' ; p. m. a blockhead 'I. ! - . /. full of marrow M. I , I// Mile, m. honey Miètere, to reap, mow, crop, gather Mietitóre, m. a reaper Mie'itijra,/. harvest, crop Mietuto, part, mowed, reaped Miifa, ad. no! at all Migliàccio, m. a mille* pudding Migliàio, ni. a thousand ; a miglia- ia, by thou-^an Is .Midiaròla,/. sh >•, hail-shot Miglio, m. a mile ; mille», birse Mizlioraménto, m. aTiendment Migliorare, to mend, grow bettor Migliorilo, part, grown better 187 MIN Migliore, a. better, best Mignatta,/, a leech Mignéllo, m. a miser Mignolare, to blni as the oliv» tree Mignolo, m. the little finger Mignoiie, m, darling Migrare, lo migrate Mila, pi. of Mille. ihoii«uiÌB Milensiggine, /. fooli-hness Mil nso, a. silly, f >olish Milióne, m. a million Militante, a. niili'ant; la chièsa militante, the church militant Mili'àre, to bear arms, to militate Militare, a. mili'ary ; òl-diuemlli- tire, knighrhood Militatore, m. a warrior Milite, m. a soldier, a knight Milizia./, militia, the art of war; milizie, troops [to boast Millanlàre,to amplify ; millantarsi, Millanta'òre, m, a vaunter Millanteria, /. nnd Millanto, m, boasting, bragging, ostentation Mille, m. dTid n. thousand ; a mille a mille, by h'usands; star in sul mille, to loi-d it Millèsimo, a. tlioiiandih Millé.iiiir?, m. a thousand years, the da'e of coins, <:c. MilUfo:;lie, m. milfoil (.an herb) Milza,/, the spleen Mimico, a. mimic Mimo, m. a mimic, a buffoon Mina,/, half a bushel, a mine Min.acctivolt;, aiui Minaccióso, a. nidiaci ng [threat Min.ccia, and Minacciatijra, /. Minarci ire, to thrt-ateti Minacciato, /larr. menaced IVlin/iccio, m. hnaf .Alinaccifiso, a. full of threats Min'icc, a. threatening Mini re, to mine Minatóre, in. a miner Minatorio, a. threatening Minchi inire, toiest, to banter Minchionatóre, ni. a railer Minchiona'ura,/. Ini'ter, raillery Minchioneria, /. folly, foppery, joke, ies', error, fault Minchi"ne, m. a tdnckhead Minerale, a. mineral Miner'de, ni. minerals Minestra,/, pottage, soup Minest'^re, to serve up soup Minestrina./, a li.'ht soup Minsherlino, a. thin, lean Miniare, to paint in miniature; miniirsi, to paint Miniatóre, m. a miniature painter MIR Miniatóri,/, miniature >Iiniéra./. mineral, a mine MinieràJe, o. mineral ; acqua mi- nieràle, mineral water Minimamento, ni. diminution Minimire, to diminish Minimo, a. least Minio, m. vermilion, painting Ministèro, aiìd Ministério, ni. ministry Ministrare, to officiate, administer iDnlstra, and Ministratrice, /. disposer Ministro, m. a minister Minoranza,/, minority Minorare, to lessen Minorativo, a. diminutive Minóre, a. less, least; m. a minor (in lojic) Minorità,/, minori iy .Minuàle, a. of a Idw descent Minùgia, /. pL and Minùgio, m. a gut, intestine 5Iinuire, to diminish Minuscolo, a, least Minuta,/, a minute [fully Minutamente, ad. minutely, care- Minutézza, and Minuteria, /. a trifle, smallness Minuto, m. a minute : ad. precise- ly, very small ; véndere a minuto, to sell bv retail Minuto, a. thin, exact, particular: popolo minuto, the common people Minuzia. /. a small thing Minuzzame, m. a great many bits Minuzzare, to consider, to mince Minuzzilo, part, minced Minùzzolo, m. a morsel Mio, pron. my. mine Mira, /. aim", intent; pigliar di mira alcùm. to prosecute one Miràbile, a. admirable Mirabilia./, wonders Mirabilmente, ad. wonderfully Miracolo, m. miracle, wonder Miracolóne, ra. a grea' prodigy Miracoloio, o. miraculous Miriglio, m. a looking-glass Mirando, a. wonderful Mirare, to behold, to aim at Mirato, pari, beheld, viewed Miratore, m. a spectator Mirifico, a. wonderful Miro, o. surprising (in poetry) Mirra, /. myrrh Mirteo,' and Mirtino, a. of myrtle, or made of myrtle Mirtéto, m. a niyrfle-jmve Mirtillo, TO- a niyrtle-berry Mirto, ni. myrtlé-tree MIS Misilla,/. pickled pork Misaltare, to pickle pork Misantropo, m. a man-bater Misavvenimento, m. misfortune -Misavvenire, and Miscadére, to mishappen >Iisavventùra, /. mischance Miscea,/. old stuffe, trilies Miscellàneo, a. miscellaneous Mischia,/, riot, frav, dispute :Mischiànza, Mischiiti, /. a,id Mis- chiamenlo, ni. mixture, medley >iischiàre, to mix, blend; mis- chiarsi, to Lnternieddle Mischiataménte. ad. confiisedlv Mischiato, m. aiid Mischiatura,/. a mixture, medley Mischiato, o. mixed Mischio, 771. mixture Misconoscènte, a. ingrate Misconóscere, and ]VIÌ5C(^nóscere, to despise, not t" care for Misconténto, a. dissatisfied Miscredènte, a, miscreant Miscredènza,/, increlullty Miscrédere, to misbelieve Miscùglio, J7U a mixture, adultera- tion Misdlre, to slander, to contradict ìliseràbile, and Miserevole, cu miserable Miserabilità,/, calamity [rably Miserabilmente, ad. poorly, mise- ^liseraccio. a. poor, wretched Miseramente, ad. miserably Miserando, a. wretched Miserazióne,/. compassion MiseréUo, a. wretched ^liserè'?, have pity Miseria, ; wretchedness, avarice Misericòrdia,/, mercy [fuHv Misericordiosamente, ad. merci- Misericordióso, and Misericorde- vole, a. merciful Misero, o. sid. wretched, covetous Miseria, /. stinsiness, miser\-, pov- erty " '[vene Misfire, to do wrong, to contra- Misf'.lto. m. misdeed " >risfattóre, m. a malefactor Afisleàle, a. disloyal Mislealtà,/, disloyalty Miso, part, put Missionario, 771. a missionary Missióne,/, mission Mis'amente, ad. mixedly Mistério, and Misiéro,"m. myste- ry, secret Misteriosamente, a7id Misterial- ménte. ad. mysteriously Misterióso, ajuf Mistico, 'a, mysti- cal, obscure MOD Misticamente, ad. mysticany Mistichità,/. mystery Mistione, /. mixture Misto, 771. a mixture Misto, part, mingled Mistura, /. mixture Misvenire, to feint away, to mis- carry Misventura,/. a misfortune Misura, /. measure, rule, order ; romper la misura, to baffle. Fuor di misura, ad. excessively ; a misura che, according as Misuraménto, tti. measuring Misurare, to measure Misura'aménte, ad. moderately Misuratézza, /. moderation Misurato, part, measured Misuratóre. 771. a land surveyor Misurazióne. /. ^ee Misuramento Misurévole, a. measurable Misusàre, to abuse Misuso, 771. abuse Mite, a. gentle, mild Mitemente, ad. mildly Mitera- f. a paper cap Mitenno, a. rogubh Mitigaménto, m. mitigatioc Mitigare, to pacify Mitigativo, a. lenitive Mitigato, part, allayed, eased Mitigazióne,/, mitisation Mitologia,/, mythology Mitologo, hi. a mvthoìogist Mitra, a7UÌ Mitrià,/. a mitre Mitrire, atid Mitriare, to make a bishop Mitrato, o. mitred Mitridato, m. a mithridate Mo, ad. now. even Mobilàre, to furnish I ifóbile, 771. movements, movea- I bles I Mobile, a. lisht. moveable ' Mobilità,/, mobility, inconstanc>- ; Mi-^-céca, ni. and /. a blockhead ; idleness cr fr^ìlishnes Moccicare, to be full in the nose Moccichino, ni. handkerchief Moccicóne, ni. a dunce M-ìcciconwia, /. foolishness Moccicóso, and Moccioso, a. snotty Móccio, m. snot Moccollia,/. a mugàllico,Tn,'he French disease Morbóso, o. disirased Mòrchia, /. dregs of oil Mordace, a. sliarp, biting Mordacemente, ad, aitirically, sharply Mordacità, /. sharpness, mordacity Mordente, m. a whiting (a colour) Mordente, a. sharp, tart Mòrdere, to bite, to censure ; tene laro mòrdere le braccia, I will make you repent it MOR Mordicamento, and Mordiménto, ni. a bite Mordicire, to corrode, fret Mordicativo, a. sharp, biting Mordicazione,/. mordacity Mordi ore, nu a biter, detracter Mordi-'jra,/. a bite Morèlla, /. morel, or garden night- shade Morello, a. black Morènte, a. dying Moresca, /. a Moorish dance Morésco, o. Moorish fiorétto, a. tav.ny Morfèa, /. the morphew (a lep- rosy) Mòrtìa,/. the mouth (jocosely) Morflre. to devour Mc ria, /. plague, contagion Moribondo, a. dying : 'esser mori- bondo, to be ar the point of death Moriccia,/. ruins Morice, ajidMorici,/.yZ. the piles M'iriénte, a. dying M'lrigerare, to insect [ty Morigeratézza,/, obedience, civili- Morigeràto, a. civil, dutiful Morione, ni. morion (head-piece) Morire, to die, expire ; morir di fame, to stane : morir di vò- glia, to long .or ; ' morir di chec- chessia, to be passionately fond of any thing Mormoracchiare, to speak ill Mormoramén'.o, m. a murmur Mormorf.rte, a. murmuring Morrno.nre, to murmur, mutter, whisper, ''uzz; slander Mormoratore, «i. a detracter Mormorazióne,/, detraction Mormoreggiare, to warble Mormorio, m. mnrmtu-, buzzing, detrac'ion [tree Mòro, ni. a Moor ; a mulberry- Moròide, /. fi. see Morice Moroso, a, slow, tardy Mòrsa,/, toothing; a'comer stone. or brick left for more building ; a vice (an iron press; Morsellétta, m. a pill Morsèllo, m. a bit. a mouthful Jlorsicàre, and Morsecchiàre, to bite Morsicattira, and Morsecchiattira, /. a bite Mòrso, m. a bite; dardi mòrso, to bite ; the bit for a horse ; a mouthful, a morsel Mòrso, part, bitten Morsiira./. a biting Mortadella, /. Bologna sausages MOS Mortàio, m. a mortar j pestar V acqua nel mortaio, to labour in vain Mortale, a. mortal Mortalità./, mortality \iortalmeute, ad. mortally lilòrte, /. death. A morte, ad. mortally Mortèlla, /. myrtle Morticelo, 0. half dead j color morticelo, pale colour Monifero. o. mortal Mortificaménto, m. see Mortifica- zióne Mortificare, to mortify; to check; mortificar le passióni, to con- quer the passions Mortificativo, a. mortifying Mortificato, part, mortified Mortificazióne,/, abstinence Mortine, and Mortina, /. set Mortèlla Mòrto, m. a corpse Mòrto, a. dead, pale ; acqua mòrta, standing water Mortòrio, and Mortòro, m. funersl Morvidaménto, m. sec Morbida- ménto [the measles Mcrvigliòne, and Motliglióne, ni. Mosca, /. a fly ; ncn si può aver il mele senza mosche, there no rose without thorns ; p.-gll'r le mosche per ària, to be easily angry Moscado, m. musk ; noce moscàda a nutmeg Moicaio, m. a swarm of flies >;oscaiuò!a, /. a ssfe Moscardino, and Moscardo, m. sparrow-hawk, a tassel Moscatèllo, rn. muscadel wine Moscato, ni. daj pie-gray ?Ir>schéa,/. a mosque >toscherlno, ni. a gnat Moschettare, to wound with a musket Moschettata, /. musket-shot Moscherteria, /. a vollev of mns- ket-shot Moschettière, m. a musketeer Moschétto, m. a musket Móscio, a. flabby, soft Moscióne, ni. a gnat, (a little fly ;) a great drinker Moscóne, ni. a hornet Mòssa, /. the first motion ; mossa d'armi, a march; mosse,/, p/. the starting-place ; dar le mosse, to give the signal Mòsso, part, moved Mostàcchio, m. whiskers Mostacciàccìo, m. a frightful bee MOZ Mostacciita, /. a7id Mostaccióne, TO. a box ou the tar Mostàccio, m. face Mostarda, /. mustard Mósto, m. must, new wine Móstra, /. a show, an appearance ; muster, review; far la uios:ra, to pass muster; a mark, si;^n, token [demous'iation Mostranientn, m. a show, showing, Mostrare, to show, denionsliute, discover ; to fci^n Mostrato, part, shewed Most razióne,/, a show Móstro, Tit. a monster Móstro, part, showed Mostruosamente, ad. monstrously Mostruosità,/', monstrous.ess Mostruóso, a. monstrous Mòta,/, mire, mud Motivare, to men'ion, propose Motivato, part, mentioned Motivo, m. motive, cause Motivo, a. fit to move Mòto, m. motion, impulse Motóre, m. mover Motóso, a. dirty, muddy Mòtta,/, a clod Motteggiar»!, to jeer, laugh Motteggiato, part, jeered Motteggiatóre, m. a banterer, a jester Motteggievole, and Motteggióso, a. facetious, merry Mottéggio, TO. a jest, joke, banter Mottétto, rn. a jeer, joke Motto, m. motto, w device ; a word, a jest ; gittàre un motto, to mention ; non ne fate mólto, say nothing of it ; far mo to ad alcuno, to salute one ; motto di rimando, a witty answer Movènte, a. moving Movere, to move, stir Movibile, and Movevole, a. move- able Moviménto, to. Movitiva, and Mozióne, /. motion ; fare una cosa di suo pròprio moviménto, to do a thing of one's own head Movitivo, a. affecting; m. origin, cause Movitóre, m. a mover Mozzaménto, to. mutilation, maim- ing, a cutting otf Mozzare, to cut off Mozzato, part, cut off Mozzétta,/. the episcopal dress Mozzicóne, to. a stump Mózzo, o. cut off Mózzo, TO. bit, fragment ; mózzo di stMla, a stable-boy ; mózzo di MUL nave, a ship-boy; mózzo della ruma, the nave vr stock of a wheel ; mozzo di càmera, a drudge MozzoiÌBcchi, m. pettifogger Mf.cchio, TO. heap, mass, pile Muccllàggiiie, /. mucilage (a vis- cous extjaction) Mucella/ pinoso, a. mucilaginous Mucia, aiui Muscia, /. a puss, a cat [effeminate Mùcido, a. musty, mouldy; soft, Mucil:ii:;ine,/. jiiucilage Mucila,r4;ino50, a. mucilaginous Mucino, TO. a kitten Muosiia,/. sliminess Mucóso, o. mucous, slimy Muda,/, a mew, or mewing Miula, f. a change, tuin ; a muda, by tu;ns .Muil.rc, to mew (to cast feathers) MuiKi, /. nr'ulJiuess Mulf'fe, to grow musty Murliiio, and Mijdb, o. musty, ni'.iilc'y Muretto,' m. a beau, ^park Mug -H.i^riue./. see Mucella'gine Mug^hia-iiénto, m. a bellowing Mugghiare, to bellow, or roar Mùgghio, TO. bellowiug, roaring (of ihe liou) ; a groaning noise Muggire, to bellow, r.iar .Mi;«rito, til. bellowing M114I1 -t'.n, tn. a lily of the valley Mu.'ii.'tio, rn. a miller j\l j.'iieie, to milk Miii. nature NaturaUzza,/. nature, way, custom Naturalista, tti. natuialist Naturalità,/, naturality Naturalizzato, part, na'mralized Naturalmé te, ad. n.aturally Naturarsi, to become natural, or customary Naturato, a. natural, innate Naufi-agire, to suffer shipwreck Naufragato, and Nàuti ago, o. ship- wrecked Naufràgio, m. a shipwreck Naufragóso, a. tempestuous, dan Nauseaménto, tti. Nausa, and Nausea,/, loathing Nauseante, a. loathing Nauseare, to naussate" Nauseato, part, nauseated Nauseóso, a. nauseous, na^ty Nauta, TTI. a sailor, a pilot Nautica,/, art of sailing Nàutico, a. nautical Navale, ttj. a dock-yard Navale, a. naval Navata,/, a ship's freight Nave, /. a ship, boat ; la nave c"una chièsa, the nave or body of a chureh Navét'a,/. a small ship Navicare, su Navigare, and all itg derivatives Navicèlla,/, a boat, a barge Navicellàio, tti. a watemian Navicella ta,/. a boa'ful Navigàbile, a. navigable Navigante, tti. sailor, mariner Navigare, to sail Navigato, part, sailed Navigatóre, 771. a sailor Navigazióne,/, navigation Naviglio, Navllio, Navile, and Navlgio, TTI. a fleet, a ship Navile, o. naval Navóne, tti. a turnip, a loggerhead Nazionale, a, national Nazióne,/, nation, people, extrae- tion Né, coTij. nor, neither ; ne l'ho caro né l'amo, I neither esteem, nor love you ; né l'uno né l'altri!^ neither Ne, pron. of it, of them ; ne bo, I NEM have some; non ne ho, I have none Nébbia, /. mist, cloud ; imbottir nébbia, to lose one's time Nebbiélta,/^. a litjht mist Nebbionàcoio, aìid Nebbióne, m, a very thick mist, or fog Nebbióso, a. misty, cloudy Nebula, /. a fog, mist Nebulóso, a. cloudy Néce, /. death Necessariauiénte, ad. necessarily Necessario, a. necessary Necessario, m. necessaries ; privy Necessità, /. necessity Necessitare, to force NecessilAto, part, necessitated Necessitóso, a. necessitous Ne&.ndé7za, Nefandlgia, and Ne- fanditi,/. wickedness Nefando, and Nefàrio, a. wicked, heinous Nefasto, o. unlucky Negabile, a. deniable Negaménto, m. negation Negare, to deny Negativa,/, nt^tion, a denial N<^tlvaménte, ad. negatively Negativo, a. negative Nega2ióne,/. negation Negghiénza, /. lazmess Neghittosamente, ad. negligently Neghittóso, a. lazy, idle Neglètto, part, n^lected, despised, disregarded [neglect Negli jenLire, and Negligere, to Negligente, a. negligent careless Negligentemente, and Negletta- mente, ad. negligently Negligènza, arui Neglezióne, /. neglect [negotiator Negoziante, m. dealer, merchant, NegoziAre, to trade, negotiate, transact Negoziato, part, negotiated Negoziato, TO. a trea'y Negoziatóre, to. negotiator, trader Negoziazióne, /. negotiation Negòzio, TO. trade Negozióso, a. careful Negreggi.'ire, to be blackish Negrétto, a. blackish Negrezza, /. and Negrórc, m, blackness swarthiness Négro, a. black Ne^raminte, to. magician Negromàntico, a. necromantic Negromanzia,/, a conjuration Némbo, TO. a sudden storm Nembóso, a. stormy Nemica,/, enemy Nemichévole, a. unfriendly 13 NEU Nemico, m. an enemy Nemico, a. adverse, cross Nemistà, /. enmity Nemméno, ad. not at all, not even Néo, TO. a mole, a patch Neólito, TO. a convert Nepitella, /. the herb catmint Né più ne meno, ad. neither more nor less Neppure, ad. not even Nepóte, TO. andf. nephev?, niece Nepùta,/. mint (an herb) Nequitóso, o. wicked, vicious Nequizia, and Nequità, /. wick- edness [sinew Nèrbo, TO, (nervo) a nervt, a Nerboruto, and Nerbtito, a. ner- vous, stout [a. nervous Nerbóso, Nérveo, and Nerl)oróso, Nereggiaménto, TO. blackening Nereggiante, o. blackish Nereggiare, to grow or incline to black [a. blackish Nerétto, Nericcio, and Nericante, Nerézza,/, swarthiness Néro, a. black, wicked Nèrvo, TO. nerve, sinew, vigour, strength ; un buon nervo di gente armata, a number of arm- ed men ; èssere di Luón nèrvo, to be robust Nervosità,/, strength, vigour Nervóso, and Nervdto, a. nervous Nesciènza, /. ignorance Néscio, and Nesciènte, a. ignorant Nèspola, /. a medlar; nèspolo, TO. a medlar-tree Nessuno, a. nobody ; nessuna cosa, nothing at all Nestaiuóla,/. a nursery-ground Nésto, TO. a graff, cion Nettamente, ad. neatly, mannerly, honestly Netlapànni, to, a scourer NettAre, to clean, scour, to make a sudden flight Nettare, to. nectar Nettatlvo, a. cleansing Nettato, part, cleajised Nettatóio, TO. a broom, a brush Nettatura, /. aiìd Nettaménto, to. a cleaning, a cleansing Nettézza,/, cleanliness, neatness Nètto, a. clean, neat ; cosciènza cèlta, a clear conscience ; portar via di nétto, to carry ofTat once ; feria nètto, tn do it cUverly ; ho guadagnato dièci dóppie aì net- to, I have cleared ten jxiunds. Giuocàr nètto, to proceed cau- tiously Neutrale, and Neutro, n. neutral NIT Neutralità, /, neutrality, indifla» enee Neutralmente, ad. neutrally Nevàio, Nevàzjo, i, food Nodrire, to nourish Nod ri to. part, nourished, kept. mainTained [ment Nodritura, /. education, nourish- Noi, pron. we, ns Nòia, /. vexation, sorrow ; ill words; venire a noia, to dis- please NOT Noiàre, to weary, to tire Noiàto, part, tired, wearied Noievole, and Noióso, a. tedious, tiresome Noiosamente, ad. tediously Noleg^are, to freight Nòlopojid Noléggio, m. freight; fare Nomare, to name (call) Nome, rru name; renown Nomenclatóre, m. nomenclator Nomenclatura, /. nonjenclalure Nòmina, /. nomination Nominanza,/, name, fame Nominare, to name ; call ; to pre- sent to a living Nominatamente," ad. one by one Nominativo, m, the nominative case [famous Nominato, part, named, called, Nominatore, ni. a patron Nominazióne, /. nomination, pre- sentation Nomlsnia, m. a medal Non, ad. no, not Nona, /. a none, one of the canon- ica hours [years old Nonagenàrio, a. fourscore and ten Noncorrispondenza, /. dispropor- tion Noncurante, a. supine Noncuranza,/, carelessness Nondiméno, atid Nondimanco, ad. nevertheless, alihough Nondormire, in. want of sleep None, /. pi. Roman nones Nonesercizio, m, want of exercise Non meno, ad. not less, not only Norma, /. grandmother Nocnannome, a. anonymous Nonnalurale, a. unnatural Nònno, m. grandfather Nonnulla, /.nothing Nòno. a. ninth Non ostante, conj. notwithstanding Non per ciò. and Non per ciò di meno, see Nondiméno Non so che, I know not what ; xm non so che. a something Nònna,/, a rule, model Nòrte, TJi. the north Nòsco, ad. (in poetry) with ns Nostrale, a. of our town, or country Nòstro, prcn. our, our own Nòta, /. a note of infamy ; mark, sign [tniiuent Notàbile, n, notable. rerr.arkable. Notabilmente, ad. notably Notàio, m. a notary Notamente, m. swimming Notando, a. remarkable 194 NOV Notire, to note, sign ; to remaik ; to follow the notes ; to swim Notarla, and Noteria, /. proC» sion of a notary Notàro, m. a notary Notato, part, signed, marked Notatòre, ni. a swimmer Nolatiira./. a swinmiing Noieria, /. a notary's profession Notévole, a. notable Notevolmente, ad. notably Notificare, to notify Notificato, part, notified Notificazione, /. artd Notificamén- to, m, notification Notizia, /. knowledge, notice Nòto, part, known, noted Nòto, m. the south wind Notcmia, /. anatomy Notomlsta, m. anatomist Notomizzare, to anatomize Notomizzàto, part, anatomized Notoriamente, ad. notoriously Notcrietà,/. notoriousness Notòrio, a. notorious Noióso, part, stained, spotted Nettare, to grow dark Nottata,/, a whole night None, /. night Nntteténifo. and Nottetémpore, ad. in the eight time i Nó:tola,/. a tat, a wooden latch Notlolàta,/. a whole night Nottole, m. a bat I Nottolóne, m. one who is active I in the night Notturno, a. nightly Novaniéate, ad. newly Novanta, a. ninety Novantèsimo, a. ninetieth Novatore, m. an innovator Nòve, a. nine Novella, /. a story, fable, tale, novel : news Novellare, to relate tales, to prat- tle ; novellarsi, to renew itself Novellata, /. a tale, story Novellatóre, m. a relator Novellista, m. a news-monger Novellizia, /. the first fruits of tha year Novello, a, new, modem Novellnzza,/. a facetious tale Novèmbre, m. November Novèna, /. nine days Noverare, to number \ Noverazióne, /. a numbering I Novèrca./, a mother-in-law j Nòvero, m, a numoer I Novésimo, a. ninth : Novilunio, m. new moon I Novissimo, a. very new NUN Novità,/, novelty ; che novità son queste ? what is ali this ? Novizia, /. a novice Noviziato, m. probation-time ; a place where imvices are kept Novizio, m. a new mauk [fui Novizii), a. uneiperiencéii, unskil- Novizinne, ni. an idea, notion Novo, a. new Nozione, /. notion, idea Nozze, /. pL i)iarria;re Nozzeré80>, lU nuptial Nube,/, a cloud (in poetry) Nubile, a. marriaseable Nubilita,/. cloudiness N'jbilo, atid Nubiloso, «. cloudy, gloomy, dark Naca, /. nape of the neck Nudamente, ad. nake-ily Nudare, to strip naked ; to de- prive, to baffle NulAto, a. naked, deprived Nudi'À,/. a^kedness Nodo, a, naked, uncovered ; un paese nudo d'acqua, a country without water Nudri mento, m. nourishment Nudrire, to r.ou'ish, feed Nudrito, part, nourished Nudritóre, m. a tutor Nudritiira,/. nourishment Nutazione,/, a trifle Niì;ola, /. tee Nùvola, and Its derivatives Nugnlositi,/. cloudiness Nuvoloso, a. cloudy Nulla, m. nothinjr ; non ne so nul- la, I know noihin» of il ; vuoi tu nulla ? do you want any thin?? per nulla altra ragióne, for no other rea&^u Nullalimt-nri, ad. however NuUi'à,/. mithlnmecs Nullo, a. null, void Nume, aìid Nùmine, m. Deity Numerftliile, a. numerable Numerile, a. numeral Numerire, to number, count Numeràrio, a. numerary (of coin only) Nuniérativo, a. numerical Numerato, f>art. numbered Numeratore, m. numerator Numerazióne,/, numeration Numerico, a. numerical Nùmero, m. number, a quantity Numerosamente, ad. numerously Numerosità,/, aliundance Numeróso, a. numerous Nummo, rn. money Nunciànte, a. aiid m ambassador OBB Nunciare, and Nunziare, to an- nounce, tell Nuncupativo, a. nuncupative, (ver- bal ;) lestaniénio nuncupativo, nuncupative w ill Nunziàio, m. and Nunziatura,/, the ofiice of a nuncio Nunziàio, part, announced Nùnzio, m. the pope's dor ; a messenger Nuòcere, to hurt, prejudice Nuora,/, daughter-in-law Nuotare, to swim _ Nuòto, m. a swimming ; passar un fìùme a nuoto, to sw im across Nuotatóre, m. a swimmer Nuòva,/, news, notice Nuovamente, ad. newly Nuovo, a. new, inexperienced ; moslràrsi nuòvo, to diii-iemble; io son nuòvo, I want exj^rience Nùro,/. daughter-in-iaw Nulribile, a. nourishing Nutricaménto, m.' nourishment Nutricare, and Nutrire, to nour- ish ; nutricarsi, to feed upon ?jutricato, part, nourished N '.trice, y. a nurse Nutriménto, m. Nutrilùra, Nu- trizióne, ani Nutrica2Ìone, /. nourishment, nurture Nutritivo, Nutrimentòso, Nutri- chévole, and NutrimentAle, a nutritive [brought up Nutrito, pari, nourished, fed, NuvolSto, m. a creai many clouds Nùvolo, m. and yùvdl^ Jf. cloud ; nùvolo di pécchie, a s warm of bees ; nùvola di buriana, fog NuvoKsità,/. cloudiness Nuvoloso, o. cloudy Nuziale, a. nuptial Nuzialmente, ad. wedding-like ; vestito nuzialmente, in a wed- ding-dress Obbl o OÌ7iterj. ; oh : conj. or, ) either Obbediente, and Obediénte, a. obedient Obbedienteménte. aa. obediently Olibed lènza, /. submission Obbedire, and Obedire, lo obey Obliedlto, part, obeyed Obblelt.'ire, and Obiettare, lo ob- ject, oppoae 195 occ Obbictto, cmd Obiètto, m. in ob ject, motive Obbiétto, part, opposel Obbiezione. /. objection Obblatore, m. an olferer Obblaziòne, /. olfering Obbliamealri, m. and Obbliànza, forgetfulness, oblivion bliare, to forget Obbliàto, part, forgotten Obbllco, a. obliane Obbligante, a, ouliging Obblitràre, lo oblige, lo engage ; obbligarsi, to be bound ObbligAÌo, part, obliged, bound Obbligatòrio, a, binding Obbligazione,/, and Obbl igaménto, m. obligation, tie, engagement ; fare un obbligazione, lo give bond I O'bbligo, m. obligation, duty I Obblio, m. oblivion Obblióso, a. lorgeiiul Obbliquamente, ad. indirectly, obliquely Obbliquità,/. crookedness Obbliquo, a. oblique, crooked Obblito, part, forgot'en Obbliviónr, ajid ObliviÓDe, /. oblivion Obbrobrio, m. infamy, disgrace Ot'brobriosaiiiérte, aid. infamously Obbrobrioso, a. opprobrious, ig- nominious Obbumbrare, to overshadow Obbumbrazióne, /. anovershadow- ObeUsco, m. an obelisk Obiettóre, tee Obbiettare, and its derivatives Obióso, a. suspicious Oblato, m. a lay friar Oblatóre, m. a bidder at a sale Oblatratòre, m. a slanderer Obliare, see Obbliire, and its de- rivatives Obliterare, to erase Oblòngo, o. oblong O'bolo, m. a small coin Obtrertazióne, /. detraction Obtùndere, to blunt O'ca,/.agoose; a simpleton I Occàre, to harrow, to grub I Occasionale, a. occasional j Occasionare, lo occasion Occasionilo, part, caused Occasione,/, occasion, ri^'enee I Occaso, m. (occidente,) the west, j fine, end, death Occhi.iccio, m. a larre eye ; ftire r»c- 1 cbiàcci, to look with'ac evil e)e occ Occhiàia,/, the hollow of the eye Occhialàio, m. a spectacle-maker Occhiàie, j/i. spectacles, teles- copes; dènte occhiàie, an eye- toolh ; occhiali di conserva, pre- servers Occhiare, to eye Occhiata, /. a look, glance, cast ; an ogle, a shee]}'s eye ; dar un' occhiata ad una cosa, to cast one's eyes upon any thing Occhiato, a. full of eyes Occhiazziirro, a. blue-eyed Occliiesr^iàre, to ogle, to look to Occhiellatura,/, button-holes Occhièllo, 7?i. a button-hole echio, m. an eye, sight, a bud ; an oval, (chiefly in churches ;) occhio mio, my dear, my pre- cious ; esser I' òcchio d' alcuno, to be one's favourite ; l' òcchio vuol la parte sua, we must please our ejes ; far d'occhio, to wink ; guardar sott' òcchio, to ogle ; a chiùsi òcchi, to walk wiihout fear ; in su gli òcchi, or negli òcchi, before one's face; piagnere à cald" òcchi, to weep bitterly ; gettar 1' òcchio, to cast an eye upon : guardare con mal òcchio, to look askew ; in un bitter d' rccliio, in the twin- kling of an eye Occhiuto, a. full of eyes, or buds Occidentale, a. westerly Occidente, m. west [rivatives Occldere, see Uccidere, and its de- Occiplzio, m. the nape of the neck Occoltàre, to conceal (in poetry) Occorrènte, a. happening Occorrenza, /. occurrence, want Occórrere, to happen, occur ; to come to pass ; to meet ; to pre- sent one's self, to want, to be needful ; con occórre che mi scriviate, you need not write to me ; v' occórre niènte ? do you want any.thing ? Occorriménto. m. a meeting, a remembering Occórso, m. a meeting, want Occórso, po^f. ha Occultainènto, m. and Occulta- zióne,/, a hiding, concealing Occultare, to conceal Occultato, part, concealed Occultezza, /. secrecy, a hiding Occfilto, a. occult, secret Occupare, to poss, m. a potter Orcipóggia, /. larboard sheet Orciuólo, m. a jug, a pitcher Oreo, TO. a hobgoblin, (a spirit ;) Pluto, hell Ordigno, and Ordegno, m. an en- gine, tool, machine Ordinale, a. ordinary, usual Ordinalménte, ad. orclerly Ordinanza, /. and Ordinaménto, m. ordmance, decree, law, or- der, array Ordinare, to order, range, dispose ; to ordain (to confer holy orders) Ordinariamente, ad. usually, gen- erally Ordinàrio, a. common, usual. All' ordinàrio, ad. at the usual rate, as formerly Ordinàrio, m. the ordinary : the fifist (a courier) (tinctly Ordina'amente. ad. orderly, dis- Ordia-itivo, o. ordinal I Ordinato, part, ordered ' Onlmatóre, rn, a disposer, con- ' tri ver ■ Ordinazióne, /. ordination, order, I decree O'rdine, m. order, disposition, j files ; a religi'ius order ; all' ór- } dine, re.idy ;'és^er 1 ene in órdine, I to be weil-dressed ; mal in ór- 19S ORI dine, ill-dressed. In órdine, ad. with regard to Ordire, tp w-up, to plot Ordito, part, weaved, projected, contrived Ordito, m. a weaver's warp Orditóio, »n. a loom Orditóre, to. a weaver Orditura, /. a warping, or weaving Orecchiare, to listen Orecchino, m. an ear-ring, a pen dant Orécchia, /. and Orécchio, m. an ear ; parlar all' orécchio, to whisper ; dar oréechio, to heark- en ; star colle orécchie levate, to hearken attentively ; far orécchie di mercante, to 'give no ear ; tirar gli orécchi, to reprimand ; cantar a orécchio, to sing by ear ; venire alle orécchie, to have no- tice Orecchióne, to. a large ear; an orillon, in fortification ; orec- chioni, rn. pi. a swelling about the ear Orecchiuto, a. lar^e-eared Oréfice, to. a goldsmith Oreficeria, /. a goldsmith's trade, or \>are Oreiia,/. gold-plate Grezza,/, and Orézzo, TO. a zephyr, a gentle gale Orezzaménto, to. a fresh gale O'rfana,/. orphan Orfanézza, and Orfanità,/. orphan- Ì5m (the slate of an orphan) O'rfano, and Orfanello, m. an or phan Organale, o. organical Oi^'mico, a. or;anic Orsanista, to. an organist Organizzare, and Organare, to or- ganize Organizzato, a. organized ; voce organizzata, a melodious voice Oi-ganizz,izióne,/. an organizing O'igano, TO, an organ Orgoglio, TO. pride, arrogance Orgodiosaménte, ad. haughtily OrgoTlióso, o. proud, lofty" Oriafiamma,/. ori flam e Oricalco, TO. brass, yellow brass Oricàrmo, to. a bottle for sweet wa- ter [with) Oricéllo, m. orcel (a mineral to dye OricWcco, and Orichlco, m. a gum Oriciinlto, a. that has golden hair Orientale, a. oriental, eastern Oriente, m. orient, east Orificeria, /. tee Oreficeria ORP Orìfido, «nrf Orifizio, m. orifice, entry, brim [plant) Origano, m. wild nurjoram (a Originale, m. the original Originale, aiid Originàrio, a. origi- nal Original naénte, ad. originally Originare, to give, or "lake, 'begin- ning, to originale Origine, Originaziòne, /. and Ori- Origliere, m. a pillow Orina,/, urine Orinile, m. urinal, cliamber-pot Orinare, to urine, to make water Oriolàio, and Oriunlaio, m. a clock or watch-maker Oriolo, and Oriuoio, m. a clock, or watch ; oriuoio a polvere, an hour-glass Orióndo, a. descended from another country, or province Orióne, m. Orion (a constellation) Orire, to rise, spring from Orissimn, a. of very fine gold Orizzontale, a. horiz/infal Onzzon'alniente. ad. horizontally Orizzónte, m. horizon Orlare, to hem Orlato, part, hemmed, selvaged Orlati! ra,/. hemminr Orllccio, Til. the kissing-crust ; a brim, hem Orlicci;izzn, m. a little crust O'rlo, m. hem, selvage, e-jge O'rma,/. tract, trace, foois'e[) Ormài, ad. now (in poeiry) ue Oramai, and Ornai Ormare, to trace Ormeggiarsi, to moor acr~* Ornamentale, a. ominieiml Ornaménto, m. ornament, dress Ornare, to adorn Ornatamente, ad. eleeauily Ornato, part, ad'mied Ornato, and Ornaménto, in. or- nament Omatiira,/. an adorning O'mo, m. the wild ash O'ro, TJi. gold ; ciò che luce non è sempre oro, ali is not gild that glitters; star nell' oro, to live well ; oro sodo, solid gold ; oro potàbile, potable gold Oròbànche, m. strangle weed Crobo, m. a kind of tares Orologio, m. clock, or watch Oròscopo, m. horoscope Orpelli re, to conceal, cloak, dinsem- ble, to adorn with tinsel OrpeiUta, part covered, disguiseJ ose lOrpéllo, m. tinsel Orpiménto, m. orplment Orrinza, /. tee Onoranza Orreni'aménte, ad. cruelly Orrendo, a. horrible Orrettizio, a. nbrcp'iiious Orrévole, a. honourable Orrevr.lménte, ad. honourably Orrezince, /. obreption (law term) Orribile, a. horrible Orribilméo'e, orf. horribly Orridézza, Orribiliia, and Orridità, /. horror O'rrido, a. horrid, hideous Orróre, m. horror Orsa,/, a she-bear Orbila,/, complaints, gibberish Orsitio, rn. bear's cub Orsino, a. of a bear O'rso, m. a bear : a shovel ; pigliar 1' orso, to get druij£ Orsù, iiita-j. come I away ! oiur- ai/erj. ser Jrsò Orvietano, m. Orvielan Onira. f. gold-plate Or/a:iinlo, m. a stv (a sore in the eye-lil) Orzi re, lo bring the ship to wind Orzri'a, /. a barley dccoctioii Or70, r7i. barley Ose re, to dare Os' ério, m. a cnira.'S 0-cenaniéii(e. ad. obscenely Oscenità,/, obscenity <)ipitalméute, ad. hospitably Ospite, m. guest, «ranger, boM, inn-keeper, landlord Ospiziàre, to lodge, to entertain Ospizio, m. an hospital fjr mucks ; a dwelling-place Oss.'ilida,/. sorrel (an herb) Ossame, m. a heap of b^nss Ossatura,/, disposition of the bona Ossecrare, to supplicate (ysseo, o. bony Ossequiare, to be obsequious (Jsiéquio, m. obsequiousse» Ossequióso, and O^sequéi.te, a. submissive Osservàbile, a. observable Oss'Tvamenio, m. and Osser\-a- gione, /. observation Oservànte, o. respec'ful Osservàn7A, /. observance, remark Osservare, to observe, revere Oss;rva'ivo, a. remarkable Osserva to, part, observed Osserva'óre. m. observer Osservatòrio, m. an observatory Osservazióne, /. observation t)ssésso, a. possessed Ossidióne. /. siege O'sso, m. bone OsMito, and Ossóso, n. bony Osticolo, m. obstacle Ostaggio, ni. hiTS'age Ostónte, a. opposing. NoBOstArite. COTij. notwiihstamiiog Ostare, to oppose Ostalóre, rn. who opposes O'ste, m. and f. an inn-keeper, guest ; a hos', an army ; far il cònio senza 1' oste, to reckon without the host : venir all' oste, to engage in ba'tle Osicggiamento, m. an encampment Osteigiare, to eoramp, to anack 0>tei;Aggio, m. an inn Ostcllàno, in. an inn-keeper Ostelliere, and Ostèllo, m. an inn, abode, or lodging Ostélo, m. stalk, blade, stem, cr shank of a plant Ostensibile, o. demonstrable Ostentare, to boast Ostentatore, m. bnas'er Ostentazione,/, and (X; en laménto, m. ostentation Ostento, m. prodigy Osteria. /. tavern, iim Ostés:sa, /. hostess Ostetrice,/. a midwife OTT O'stia, /. the consecrated wafer, the host, a victbn ; a wafer Ostiario, »n. a door-keeper Ostico, a. morose, surly Ostière, aìui Ostiéro, m. a lodging, or an inn ; an inn-keeper Ostile, a. hostile Ostilità,/, hostility Ostilmente, ad. inimicaily Ostinarsi, to be stubborn Ostinato, o. obstinate Ostinazióne,/, obstinacy Ostracismo, m. ostracism O'strica, /. oyster stro, m. scarlet ; the south-west wind Ostruire, to obstruct Ostruttivo, a. obstructive Ostruzióne, /, obstruction, bin- derance Ostupefare, to astound Otriaca, /. treacle (a sort of medi- cine) O'tro, and O'tre, m. a leather bag, to put oil or wine in Otta, /. an hour, or time. A otta a otta, ad. every time Otta per vicènda, ad. from time to time Ottagésimo, a. the eightieth Ottagonale, a. octangular Ottalmia,/. blear-eyedness Oftàlmico, a. blear-eyed Ottangolare, and Ottangulare, o. octangular Ottlngolo, m. octagon Ottanta, a. eighty Ottantèsimo, a. the eightieth Ottanzétte. o. eighty-seven Oltarda,/. a buzzard (a bird of prey) Ottàre, to wish Ottativo, m. the optative mood (in grammar) Ottava, /. eight days ; a stanza of eight verses, octave in mus-c ; ottava di Pasqua, first Sunday after Easter Ottavo, 771. the eighth part Ottavo, a. eighth Ottempei-are, to obey (Latin word) Ottenebrare, to darken Ottenebrazione, /. darkness Ottenére, to obtain, get Otteniménto, m. acquisition Ottenuto, part, obtained O'ttica,/. optics O'ttico, a. optic, optica! Ottimamente, ad. perfectly well Ottimate, m. the chief man in a state O'ttimo, a. perfectly good O'tto, a. eight PAC Ottóbre, m. October Ottomano, o. Ottoman Ottonàio, 771. a brazier, tinker Ottóne, rji. brass Ottuagenàrio, aTid Ottogenàrio, a. eighty years old I Otturare, to slop j Ottusità, a7id Ottusézza, /. blunt- ness, stupidity Ottùso, a. obtuse, blunt Ouest, 771. west Ovàia,/, ovary, or roe Ovale, and Ovato, a. oval Ovazióne, /. ovation (a triumph at Rome) I O've, od. where; provided that; óve siete ? where are you ? Ovechè, ad. wherever Ovéro, a7ìd Ovvéro, C07y. or Ovile, m. sheepfold ; dwelling- place O'vo, see Uòvo O'vra,/. work (in poetry) Ovveraménte, conj. or, else Ovviare, to obviate Owiazióne,/. a hinderance O'vvio, a. common, trifling Ovunque, ad. wherever O'zio, 771. a7id Oziosaggine, /. idleness Oziosamente, ad. idly Oziosità,/, idleness Ozioso, a. idle, lazy Ozzimato, a. full of sweet basil Ozzimo, 7Ji. sweet basil PACATO, a. easy, calm A Pacca, /. a blow, wound, (vulgar) Pacchiare, to eat greedily ; to eat together (vulgar> Pacchióne, tti. a glutton PacciótfaL, /. gluttony [filth Facciume, and Pacciame, 771. dust. Pace, /. peace; con buòna pace, with leave; porre in pace, to pacify, calm Paceficarc, see Pacificare, aad its derivatives Pnciare, to pacify Paciaro, ii. a peace-maker Paciénza,/. patience Pacière, 7>i. mediator, peace-maker Pacifero, a. bearing peace Pacificibile, tt. placable Pacitìcaménte, ad. peacefully Pacificaménto, 771. act of pacifying PAG Pacificare, to pacify; paaficarei, to be reconciled Pacificato, part, pacified Pacificatóre, rn. a pacificator Pacifico, a. pacific Padèlla,/, a frying-pan; the whirl bone of the knee ; a bed-pan Padellalo, and Padellaro, m. a maker or seller of frying-pans Padellata, /. a panful Padiglióne, in. a pavilion Padre, 771. father; padri, ances- tors, fathers; (of the church, of a state, &c.) Padreggiare, to be like one's father Padróna,/, a mistress Padron.iggio, and Padronato, m. protection, patronage Padronanza,/, superiority Padronàta, m. patronage, pro tection Padroncina, /. young mistress Padróne, 771. master, lord ; patron ; protector; padrone di casa, 3 landlord ; padrone di cause, a lawyer ; padróne di vascèllo, captain of a ship ; ella è pa- dróne, do as you please Padroneggiare, to command, to patronise, protect, defend Padroneria,/. ste Pad iinato Padronéssa, /. a mistress Padiile, m. a marsh, a bog Padulòso, o. marshy Paesano, 7». peasant Paesano, a. of the same country Paese, m. country, land, region ; tutto '1 mondo e paese, one may live any where; scoprir paese, to view', observe Paesétto, m. a landscape Pailùto, a. plump, fat Paga, /. pay, salary ; egli è nna cattiva paga, he is a bad pay- master Pagabile, a. payable Pagaménto, tjì. payment Paganamente, ad. pagan-like Paganèsimi-», m. pasanism Pagànico, aad Pagano, a. pagan, heathenish Paganizzare, to live like a pagan Pagano, ra. a pagan Pagare, to pay ; pagarsi di ragióni, to be reasonable ; pagar d' in- gratittidine. to be ungrateful j pagar il fio, lo be punished ; pagar di contanti, to pay ready cash Pagato, pari, payed Paratóre, m. pay-master Pasatoréllo, m. a bad pay-znastw PAL Psggino, m. little page Pàggio, 171. page, servant Pagina,/, a page of a leaf Pàglia, /. straw, chalf ; col tempo e colla pàglia si niatùran le nè- spole, time brings about every thing; fuòco di pàglia, a blaze; uòmo di pàglia, a mean, pitiful fellow Pagliàccio, and Pagliericcio, m. small straw, a straw bed Pagliàio, m. a rick of stravr, a rick of reaped com Pagliolàia, /. dewlap (of an ox, cow, &c.) Paglióne, in. chopped straw Paglióso, a. full of straw ; vicious, dehled Pagliaccia, /. a bit of straw Pagliuóla,/ spangle Pagliuólo, m. chafi; small straw Pagliuzza,/, a bit of straw Pagnòtta,/, a small loaf Pago, a. contented (in poetry) Pago, m. payment [pie Pagimàzzo, and Paonazzo, a. pur- 1 agóne, m. a peacock Pavoneggiarsi, to admire one's self Pàio, m. a pair ; pàio di carte, a pack of cards Paiolata, /. a kettleful Paiuólo, m. a kettle, pot Pila, /. shovel, spade ; the ladles of a water-mill wheel Paladino, m. a hero, paladin Palafitta, /. a fence of pales Palafittare, to drive in piles Palafittata,/, a pile-work Palaf leniere, m. groom of the sta- ble Palafréno, m. palfrey, a state horse Palàgio, m. palace Palamita, /. a pilchard (a kind of tunny) Palanca,/, board, lath, palisade Palancato, m. a boarled fence Palàndra,/. a bomb ship Palandrano, m. and Palandrana, /. a great coat [&c. Palare, to pale, fence, to prop trees. Palata,/, palisade ; a shovel-full Falatinàto, m. palatinate Palatino, m. palatine Palatino, a. of the palate Palato, m. the palate ; taste Palato, part, paled, propped Palazzo, m. a palace Palchétto, m. a scaliald ; palchétti d' un tefitro, boxes [hovel Palchistuólo, m. a penthouse, or Palco, m. a fioor, stage, scaffold ; the b^rns of a deer FAL Palèo, m. a whipping-top Palesaméuto, m. a declaration, re- vealing Palesare, to declare ; pales.àre a tutti, to proclaim Palesato, part, declared Palesatòre, m. a revealer Palése, a. public, manifest Palesemente, ad. openly [place Paléstra, /. wrestling, a wrestling- Pal-strita, m. a wrestler Palétta,/, afire-shovel Palétto, m. a hasp (fora casement) Palettóne, m. a shoveller (a bird) Palicciàta,/. a palisade Pàlido, a. pale Palificare, to palisade Palificata,/, a palisade Palificato, part, palisaded Palinodia,/, a recantation Pàlio, m. a pall, mantle, canopy ; a prize ; córrere il ]>àlio, to run a race Paliótto, m. an altar-piece Paliscalmo, and Palischcono, m. a skill; canoe, or sbip-boat Palizzata, /. and Palizzàto, m. palisade Palla,/, a ball, bowl, bullet ; aver la palla in mano, to have in one's power ; prender la palla al bal- zo, to seize an opiHjrtunity ; la palla balza in sul tuo tetto, for- tune smiles upon you Pallaccórda,/. a tennis-court Pallàdio, a. of fallas Pallafreniére, m. a groom of the stable Pallilo, m. a marker(at tennis,&c.) Pallamàglio, m. game of ball Palleggiare, to play at tennis, to brandish Pallènte, a. pale (in poetry) Pallerlno, m. a player at tennis Palliaménto, m. palliation Palli.'ire, to palliate; palli.'ire una malattia, to patch up a d istempcr Palliativo, a. rimèdio palliativo, a palliative remedy Palliato, part, palliated Pallidèzza,Pallidità,/. ond Pallóre, m. paleness Pallidiccio, a. palish Pàllido, a. pale, wan Pallidóre, m. p.aleness Pallini, m. pi. shot Pàllio, tn. mantle, pall ; palliation, disguise Pallóne, m. a balloon (a foo!-ball) Pallòttola,/ a hard ball PaUottolièra, /. a notch in a cross- bow 201 PAN Palma, /. a palm tree ; pri» ; palm ^tbe inner part of the band) Palmata,/, a blow with the band ; dare la palniàta, to bribe a magistrate, victory Palménto, m. a mill; a winepress; macinare a due (ólmèuti, to get two ends at once Palméto, m. a palm-grove Palmière, m. a pilgrim Pàlmite, m. branch of a vine Palmizio, m. a palm-tree Palmo, m. a span Palmóne, m. a bough Palo, m. a pale, a slake, a lever Palombaro, m. a diver Palomblna, /. a sort of gr^pe Palònibo, m. a wild pigeon; a, kind of dog-fish Palpàbile, a. palpable, plain Pallore, and Palpeggiare, to feel, touch, flatter, coax Palpatóre, m. a flatterer Palpebra, /. the eye-lids Palpeggiare, to handle, feel Palpeggiatiiia,/. a gentle touch Palpilaménto, m. a panting Palpitante, o. panting Palpitare, to pant, throb Palpitazióne,/, palpitation Pallonàio, a. beggarly Paltóne, m. a vagabond Paltuneggiare, to beg about Paltoneria, /. beggary, dissoluto- ness Paltoniere, m. a wandering beggar, a debauched fellow Paludàle,a7u2Paludàno, a. marshy, boggy Paludaménto, m. apaludament, (a coat of armour among the Ro mans) Pallide,/, andm. a marsh, bog Paludóso, and Palustre, o. marshy fenny, moorish Palustre, a. fenny, boegy Palvesàta, /. a pavoisaide, a target fence [arm Palvése, m. a shield, a defensive Panipanàta, /. a burning uf vine- leaves in wine-vessels P.àmpano, m. vine-leaves Panipanóso, and Pamplneo, a. full of vine-leaves Pampinlfem, a. bearing vine-leaves Pàmpino, m. a vine-leaf Pampinóso, o. covered with vin* leaves Pana,/, pitch Panacela, /. a confection to pr»- serve wine Panàce, m. and Panacea,/, wound- PAN wort, or panacea (a universal remely) Panàgjio, m. a provision of bread Panata,/, a paoado (a soupj Panattiira, /. a pantry, a shep- herd's scrip, a breai-'basket Patuttiéra, m. a baker, pantler Panca,/, a l)encb, a stool Pancàccia, i. a bench ia public places where people meet to chatter Pancacci uo'.o, th. a corn-flower Pancale, m. a bench-carpet Pancata,/, a full bench Pància, /. paunch, belly Rnciéra./. a cuirass Panciolle, oà. stare a panciòlle, to wan' for nothin; Panciuto, a. bi^-bellied PanconceUà;o, ■part, covered with laths Ll^ bs Pancnncellatura, /. covering with Panconcilb, m. a lath Pancóne, m. a plank, a board, a bench for a joiner Panaftto, m. a panaJo Pandere, to publish (Latin word) Pandette, /. ■pi. pxndect! Pane, m. breaJ ; render pan per focàccia, to hi revensed ; pan di zùcchero, a susar-loaf; pan di céra, a caks of wax ; pane àzzi- mo, uuleaven»^ bread ; pan fré- Bco. new bread : pan sécco, stale breai Panario, m. panesvric Rnesnrisa, m. a panegyrist Buiéllo, m. bonfire Panétto, m. a li-le loaf Pània, /. birdlime ; panie amo- róse, amiroiis snares; la pània non tenne, the thin» did not suc- ceed Panicela, /. paste Panichina, /. a strumpet Pànico, m. panic, millet (a grain) I^ico, a. i)anic Paniera,/, a baket Panieràio, to. a basket-maker Paniere, m. a ba ket J^nificarsi. to become bread Paniòns, m. a lime-twi» Paniuzza, Pani izzoìa, /. and Pa- niózzo, m. a small lime-twi» Fumaiuòlo. ariA Panniére, in. a woollen-dr.iper Pannat'jra. {. and Panne^iaménto. m. dnpery (a term in painting) Panneg^àre,'lo p^int drapery Pannèllo, m. a oi^ce of cloth Pannicèllo, and Pannicolo, m. a little cloth; diaphragm, midri£f FAR Pannina,/. wooDen cloth Fànn •, m. cloth ; panni, clothes ; starsi ne" suoi paimi, to be con- tented with what one has Pannòcchia, /. the ear of Indian wheat Pannolino, m. linen-cloth Pantalóne, m. pantaloon (a mask) Pantano, m. a marsh, fen, l)05 Pantanoso, a. marshy, miry Panttone, m. pantheon Pantèra, /. panther ; a draw-net Panterino, a. of a panther Pantòfola, /. a slipper [-itory Pantràccola, /. an old woman's Pantofola,/, a slipper Panza,/. paimch, belly Fanzine, /. pL nonsense Panzièra, /. a cuiras Paolino, jn. a bird, a fool Pàolo, m. a silver coin [pie P 'onazzo, a. violet coloured, pur- Paóne, m. a peacock Paone^jiàre, to s rut Paonèsa, /. a peahen Papa, m. the pipe Pap'de, a. paj'al [ties Papàiso, m. a priest of fajsedivini- Papato, m. papacv, the pope's di;- nity Papàvero, m, poppy ; pipivero erriMco, a wild poppy Paperéllo, and Papcriftj, m. a gos- ling (young zoo'^) Paperino, a.'of a goose, papal Pàpero, m, and Pàpera, /. a green eo«e Papésco, a. papal, popish Papi I iòne, m. butterfly Papilla./, the nipple Papiro, m. papyrus, (a plant ;) a sheet of paper Papista, m, a papist Pappa,/, pap (an infant's food) Pappacchióne, m. a glutton, block- head Pappafico, m. a hr^4 Pappajnllo, ni. a parrot Pappalardo, m. hvTXxrite, a glutton Pappalécco, m. a dainty bit Pappare, to sormatidlze Pappatóre, m. a ?reen, a fly-flap Parapètto, m. breas'-work .'Parapiglia,/, coufiis ion ; crowd : I disfirder iParAre, to adorn, dress, deck, to parry, keep ofi'; pilar un colpo, to parry a blow ; par'in^i dinan- zi ad alcuno, to present one's self. Parasóle, m. a parasol Paiassiiico, a. para=iilical Parassito, m. pa asite, «punger Pai-asitóne, tn. a barefaced para- site Parata, /. rampart, a parade ParaTin, m. a partition Parato. 771. tee Paraménto j Fari'o. part, adonied, decked, pr»- I j.areil, realy Pa'^atiira, /. aloming Paravènto, m. a screen Parca, f. death, destiny ; le parche, the fa-es Parcamente, ad. sparingly Farcere, to forgive, to spare (Latin word) Farcita,/, raodera'ion Farro, a. parsimonious, saving, sober, moderate Parco, m. park PAR Pardo, m. a leopard Pare, set Pari Parécchi, and Parécchie, o. pU several Pareggiàbile, a. comparable Pareggiaménto, m. equality Pare;i;iàre, to equal, coiii|>are Pare^fiatdra,/. equuli y Paréglio, 071(1 Parèlio, m. parheli- on, mock-sun Parentado, m. jrarentage, kindrel, eitraclion, birth ; fare un paren- tado, to make a match ; róuiperc un parentado, to bi-eak a match Parentale, a. parental Parénte, a. akin, related ; un pa- rénte, a kinsman [rentage Paren'ela, and Parenteria, /. pa- Pareiilésco, a. paternal f. parenthesi ile, a. parental, cordial, artecinna'e Parentório, a. (set. Perentòrio,) sud- den Parére, to seem, appear ; to think, jud?e ; mi par osi, so it ap- pears lo me ; che ve ne pare •■ what think y^u of it ? parérsi, to show one's' self Parére, m. opinion, judgment, esteem, ihniisht ; al mio parére, in my opinion Paretàio, m. place where the net is spread [ wal I Paréte, and Pariéfe, /. a partition Pargoleggiare, to grow boyish Pargolétto, o. and s. childish, young; an infant Pairgolézza, /. infancy Pàrgolo, m. an infant Pari, m. a peer (a title) Pari, a. equal, alike ; pari p^ri, very equal ; pari, an even num- ber; cosi si tratta co' pSri miei ? is it thus you deal wi'h men of my rank ? posso farlo al par di voi, I can do it as well as you Pari, ad. equally Parieiiria, a7u/' Paritària, /. pelli- tory of the wall [mento Parificaménto, m. see Pareggia- Parigino, m. bean, a fop Pariglia, /. a double point (at dice) Pariménte, ad. likewise Parità,/, equality Parladore, m. a speaker Parladfiia, /. a speech ParlamenlAre, to confer in parlia- ment, to corne to a parley Parlamentàrio, a. parliamentary Parlaménto, m. parliameat ; a speech, discourse PAR Palante, a. speaking; un mal parlante, an ill tongue Parlantina, /. talkativeness; a reprimand Parlauiioo, a. talkative Parlare, to speak, talk ; parlar alla mu'a, to speak by signs ; parlar fuor de' denti, lo spe:ik plain ; parlar all' ària, to speak at ran- dom [ley Parlare, m. a 'alk, discourse, par- Parlasia,/. palsy Parlata, /. a speech Parlalo, part, spoken Parlatore, m. speaker, orator Parlatòrio, m. parlour Paila'iira,/. a disourse Parlético, a. paralytic Parlévole, a. e.v[iréi>sible, talking Parlottare, to mutter Pirma,/. buckler Parnàsso, m. mount Parnassus Paro, m. a pair, couple Piroco, m. a rector of a parish Parodia,/; parody l'aròla, f. word ; pèrder la paróla, to lose one's speech ; romper le parole in bócca, to interrupt ; venir a pamie, to come to hard words ; far paròla, to mention ; masticar le parole, to think be- fore one speaks; anmiazz,ir le paróle, to clip ons's words ; chièdere la paròla, to ak leave ; non far paròla, to be silent Parolaccia,/, lewd language Parolàio, m. a tattler Parolétta, /. caress Parolina,/, a sw<«t woH Parolona, /. and Parolone, m. an emphatic word Parolozza, /. a rough word Paroslsmo, ?n. paroxysm Parotide,/, parotis (a swelling) Parpaglióne, m. a butterfly Parricida, m. a parricide, mur- derer Parricidio, m. pari'icide Parròcchia./, parish Parrocchiale, a. parochial ; chièsa parrocchiale, parish church Parrocchiano, m. the parish priest ; panncchiini, parishioners Pàrroco, m. a parish priest Parrucca, /. peruke [parrot Parrucchetto, m. a paroquet, a Parsimònia,/, thrifliness Parso, part, seemed, appeared Parte, /. part, share ; parly, fac- tion ; in ogni parte, every where ; in qualùnque parte, wherever : da parte a p'lrte, througb ana 203 PAR through; da parte di tutti, re the name of all ; ditegli da parte luia, tell him from me ; «tar da parte, to withdraw ; da parte in pane, throughout; dar parte, to impart. A pirte, ad. aiide, apart ; [Arte |)er parte, separately ; io son parte in que- sto ne^zio, I am concerned in thisafiair; in nissOna parte, no where Partechè, ad. meanwhile Partecipante, a. participalmt', sharing Partecipare, atid PartiripSre, to participate, to impart, acquaint Partecipe, and Parlèfice, jti, part- ner, sharer [viiion Parteggiaménlo, m. partition, di- Parteggiàre, to follow party Partenére, to appertain, belong 'o Parvènza,/, departure Partlbile, arid Partèvole, a. sepa- rable Par;icélla, f. particle Participatore, m. a sharer Farticipaziòne, /. participation Participio, m. participle Particola,/, a jiarticle Particolare, a. particular, pecL»- liar ; un particolare, a private min Paricolareggiàre, lo de'ail Particolarità,/, particularity Particolarizzire, to gi ve a particu- lar account of, to particularize Particolarmente, a/t. particularly, Particulire, o. (see Particolare, and its derivatives;) particular Partigiana, /. a Iarli^an (halbfrd) Partigi'ino, m. a partisan, a fa- vourer Partiménto, m. (j«/i Partigiòne,/. partition, departure Partire, to share, divide; partirsi, to depart, set out Partlt.i, /. a departure; (parte) a porliin ; (divisa) devise, colour ; partita, a match, a set ; fare ui-» partita, to play a game; l'ultima parlila, death [tentively Partilamènte, ad. distinc'ly, at- Partllo, m. way, means, manner, bargain ; condition, resolution ; danger, hazard ; non vòilio mé^ tere a partito, I will not endan- ger ; a mal partito, to an ei- tremi'y ; mèt'ere il cervèllo a partilo, lo puz^.le ; prènder par- ttto, to enlist ; ingannarsi a par- PAS tlto, to be mistaken ; donna di partito, a strunipet Partito, part, divided, departed Partitóre, m, a divider, a firebrand of sedition Partizióne, /. partition Parto, m. child-birth, child-bed; child, infant ; èssere a mal di parto, to be in labour ; donna di parto, a lying-in woman; d'un parto, at one birth ; parto (effet- to) questo è parto, this is the effect; parto del suo ingégno, the product of wit Partoriènte, and Partoritrice, /. a woman that lies in ; a woman in the straw Partorire, to be delivered, to be brought to bed, to produce Partorito, part, brought to bed, produced Parturire, see Partorire, and all its derivatives Parùtzi,/. appearance Paruto, part, appeared, seemed Parvente, a. visible, plain Parvenza, /. appearance, smallness Parvificàre, to diminish Parvifico, a. niggardlv, stingy Parvipéndere, to despTse Parvità,/, smallness Parvo, a. little, small Parvolétto, arid Parvolino, m. an infant, a little child Parvolo, 771. a child Parziale, a. partial Parziale, m. a partisan Parzialeggiare, to be partial Parzialità,/, partiality Parzialmente, ad, partially Pàscere, to feed ; graze ; to sup- port, nourish; pàscersi, to feed upon Pascibiétola, 77i. a dunce, a fool Pasciménto, 7TI. a psisturing Pascióna, /. a pasture-ground, abundance Pascitóre, m. a grazier Pasciuto, part, fed, grazed Pasco, 771. a pasture (in poetry) Pascolare, to sraze Pàscolo, 771. pasture, feeding Pàsqua, /. Easter; dar la mala pasqua, to afflict ; Pàsqua rosa, Whitsunday Pasquale, a, paschal Pasquinata, /. and P.asquillo, m. a pasquinade, or libel Passàbile, a. tolerable Passàggio, 771. passage ; esser di passàggio, to be a passenger Passamano, m. lace, livery PAS 1. a passage, or passmg Passante, o. and s. passing, or a leather band Passaporto, 771. a pass, pas port Passiire, to pass, go through, or go by ; passar il comando, to trans- gress ; come vela passate ? how goes it ? pas^r di sapere, to suipass ; passar di vita, to die ; | passare, to be reputed ; passarsi, to be contented ; passar agli ; ordini, to be admitted to orders ; \ passar una sùpplica, to grant a request ; passar la serata, to spend the evening ; passar una I strada, un fiume, «e. to cross over a street, a ri ver ; passar da banda a banda, to run through ; 1 passarsi d' una cosa, to be con- 1 tented with a thing ; passar a | nuoto, to swim over Passata, /. a passage ; dar passata, to omit Passatèmpo, tti. sport, pastime Passato, a. past; passati, tti. pi. ancestors Passatóio, m. a stone to cross over Passatóio, a. easy to be got over Passatóre, m. a passenger Passavogare, to row amain Passavotànte, tti. a pass-volant, a fagot in the mustering of soldiers ; a piece of ordnance Passeggiaménto, tti. a walk Passegffiàre, to walk Passeggiata, /. a walk Passeggiare, a7id Passeggiéro, tti. a passenger, or a toll-gatherer Passeggiéro, a. fit to transport; transitory Passéggio, m. walking-place Pàssera, /. and Pàssere, tti. a spar- row ; pàssere di Canària, a Ca- nary bird Passeràio, tti. confused chattering Passerino, 771. a great needle Passétto, a. a little musty ; bràccio passétto, an ell yard Passibile, a. suffering Passibilità,/, passibility Passino, TTI. the length'of the loom Passionare, to torment, suffer greatly Passionato, a. affectionate, fond Passióne, /. passion, affliction, love ; la passióne di nostro Sig- nóre, the suffering of our Saviour Passivamente, ad. passively Psissivo, a. passive Passo, TTI. pace, step, passage ; per- der i pàssi, to lose our labour: 204 PAS uccello di pà^o, a bird of pas- sage ; uscir di passo, to mend one's pace. Passo passo, ad. softly, gently ; a passo a passo, one thing after another; il più duro passo è quel della sòglia, the beginning of every thing is always the hardest Passo, part, dried, withered ; that has suffered ; uve passe, raisins Pàssolo, a. uva passola, raisins Passonata, /. a pile (a wooden stake) Passuro, a. that is to suffer Pasta, /. paste; uòmo di grossa pasta, a dunce ; uòmo di buòna pasta, a good-natured fellow ; métter mano in pasta, to be meddling Pastàccio, 771. silly fellow Pasteggiare, to feast, to eat together Pastelliére, rn. a pastry-cook Fastèllo, 771. a pie, a pastil, or crayon ; a little feast [enge) Pasticca, /. a pastil (a kind of loz- Pasticceria, /. a pastr)- cook's shop Pasticciame, tti. pastry Pasticcière, tti. a pastry-cook Pasticcio, T7J. a pie Pastlcco, 771. pastil Pastiglia,/, a pastil Pastinaca,/, a parsnep Pastinare, to hoe the earth Pastinazióne, /. a digging up Pastino, TT». hoed land Pasto, TTI. food, meat, a feast, or meal ; far pasto, to feast ; man- giar a pasto, to eat at an ordina- ry ; tre pasti al giórno, three meals a day Pasto, a. fed (in poetry) Pastòcchia, /. a flam, or fib Pastocchiàta,/. nonsense Pastofório, ttu the archives of a church Pastóia, /. a pastern, a shackle of a horse, a hinderance Pastóne, tti. lump of dough Pastorale, tti. a crosier, (a bishop's staff;) a pastoral (a sort of poem) Pastorale, a. pastoral Pastoralmente, ad. like a pastor, or shepherd Pastoràre, see Pasturare Pastóre, 771. shepherd, pastor Pastoréccio, o. pastoral Pastorella,/, a young shepherdess Pastorèllo, tti. a young shepherd Pastosità, /. softness Pastóso, o. plump, fat ; vin pa- stóso, sound wine ; pane pastóso, doughy bread PAT Pastricciano, m. caraway ; a dunce, simpleton Pastume, m. pastry Pastura./, pasture, meat PasturAIe, m. the pastern ; a crr)- sier (a bishop's start') Pasturare, to pasture cattle, to le.TÌ cattle a grazing, to feeJ upon ; to have the charge of souls Pasturevole, o. of a pasture Pa tócca,/, a groat Patino, a. plain, manifest Patella, /. the whirl-bone of the knee Patema, m. affection, sentiment Pa'éna,/. the palen of a chalice Patente, a. evident, plain ; lèttera latènte, letters pa'ent Patent-; ménte, ad. openly Patera,/, a goblet Pateréccio, jra. a whitlow (a sore) Pateinnle, a. paternal Paiernaménte, ad. paternally PaternilA,/. paternity Paterno, a. paternal Pa'emóstro, rn. the Lord's praver Pa eticiménte, ad. pathetically Patètico, a. pathetic I'atibolo, m. a gibbet Patiménto, m. trouble, grief Pàtina, /. a plate Patire, to suffer, endure ; patir d'una cosa, to want ; non patisco di niènte, I w.ant for nothing; non jjosso pa'frlo, I hate him Patito, part, suffered Patilóre, m. a suftèrer Patològico, O. pa'hological Patologia, /. pathology (a part of physic) P.itre, m. father (in poetry) Pàtria,/, native rnim^7 Patriarca, m. patriarch Patriara'ile, a. patriarchal Patriarcato, m. patriarchate (title, dignity of, &c.) Palriarc'hla, /. the residence of a patriarch Patricida, m. murderer nf a father Pitricldio, m. patricide; murder Pairisno, m. a father-in-law Patrimoniale, o. patrimonial Patrimònio, m. an inheritance Patrino, m. a godfather ; a second in a duel Pàtrio, o. native, paternal Patriottismo, m. patriotism Patriòtlo, m. a patriot Patriziato, m. patriciate (a patri- cian's dignity) Patrizio, a. patrician Patrizio, m. a patrician PAZ Patrizzare, to be like one's father Patrocinante, a. protecting J'atrocinare, to patronise Patrocinatóre, m. a protector, pa- tron Patrocinio, m. patronage Pattare, to make even Patteggiaménto, m. an agreement Pattegi^iàre, to bargain I'atleg^jiato, a. agreed on, bargain- ed Pattino, m. a skate Patto, m. compact, agreement. Con patto che, ad. on condition that ; per alciju patto, by no means Pattuire, to bargain, to agree ratiiiglia,/. partrole Pattume, m. sweepings, dirt ; graving (sea tenn) Patulo, a. open, large Paijra, f. fear, dread ; far paura, to fright.'^n Paurf«aniénte. ad. timorously Pauróso, a. timorous, suspicious; terible Piusa,/. pause, rest, stop Paux'ire, to rest, iKiiise Pavef'ttto, part. teiTified Pa venti re, to fear l'avenfàto, part, feared, or fearful Paveiitévole, a. frigli'ful Pav(;nto, m. fright^ fear Paventóso, a. afraid, timorous ; horridj-terrible Pavèra, v. def. 3d pas. sing, pave, he or she fcars Pavése, m. a large shield Pavido, a. fearful, timorous Pavimenfire, to pave Paviménto, m. a pavement, cause- way Pavoniz70, a. purple Pavoncèlla,/, a lapwini (a bird) Pavoncelle, m. a young peacock Pavóne, m. peacock Pavoneggiarsi, to strut Pavonès-a, /. a peahen Paziènte, in. a patient (a sick per- son) Paziènte, a. patient Pazientemente, ad. patiently Paziènza,/, patience Pazz.iccia,/. a great fool Pazziccio, m. an arrant fool Pazz-aménte, ad. foolishly Pazzaréllo, m. little f>ol Pazzeggiare, to dote, or rave Pazzarésco, a. mad, fiK)lish Pazzerla,/. folly, marlness Pazzerrtne, m. a madman Pazzescamente, ad. foolishly 205 PED Pazzésco, a. foolish, mad Pazzia,/, folly, madneta Pazziàre, to [ilay the fool Pazziuóla,/. a foolish thing Pazzo, a. mad ; whimsical ; uD pazzo da caténa, a madman Pècca,/, vice, fault, defect Peccabile, a. apt to sin Peccafllilio, m. a peccadillo (a venial sin) Pecea-uinóso, a. sinful Peccante, a. faulty Peccare, to sin, transgress, err, fail Peccato, m. sin, oiffnce, harm, fault ; è peccato, 'I is a pity Peccatóre, m. a sinner Peccatrice,/, a pros'itute Peccherò, m. a sort of drinking glass Pécchia,/, a bee Pecchiàre, to suck, to drink hard Pèccia, /. belly Péce, /. tar, pitch ; pece greca rosin; macchiati d' una pece, all in the same fault Pecióso, a. pitchy Pècora, /. a shi-ep ; è una pècora, he is a hamdess fellow Pecoràggine,/. f'>o|jshnes8 Pecoiaio, -m. a shepherd Pecoréccio, rn. confusion Pecorèlla,/, a sheep, cr a ewe Pecorile, m. a sheep-fold Pecorino, a. of a ?heep Pecorino, m. a lamb ; sheep's dung Pecoróne, and Pecorino, m. a dunce Peculato, m. peculation (the rob- bing of the |)ub)ic treasury) Peculiare, a. peculiar Peculiarmente, ad. peculiarly Pecùlio, m. a sum, stock, effect ; cattle, a herd Pecunia,/, n-adv money Pecuniale, aiid Pecuuiatlvo. a. pecuniary Pecunialmente, ad. with money Pecuniario, a. pecuniary Ped.'i^'io, m. toll, custom Pe.l.isière, m. a toll-gatherer Peiagnuólo, a. cut, pulled from the tnmk of a tree Pedasogia,/. instruction Pedagó;ico, a. pedantic [er) Peda.'ógo, m. pe !a,'ogue (a te,->cb- PeaiÌL-y-susar Pennoncéllo, m. a streamer, a crest Pennóne, m. a fla^, banner Pennoniere, m. an ensign Pennuto, part, feathered ' Penosamente, ad. painfully Penoso, o. troublesome, painful ; la settimana penosa, the holy week Pensaménto, m. and Pensagióne, /. thoui;hi, thinking Pensante, o. thinking Pensare, to think, intend, mind Pensata,/, thought Peii3alaiiié..te. ad. purposely Pensatóre, m. a thinker Penserò, set Pensièro Pensicràto, a. thoughtful Pensièro, a;jd Pensière, m. tliought, meaning, notion ; non è questo il mio pensièro, this is not my meaning ; quando fate pensièro di partire ? when do you intend to go? Pensieróso, Pensivo, and Pensóso, a. pensive, thoughtful Pénsile, a. pendent [sioner Pensionarlo, m. a boarder, a pen- Pensióne,/. pension, allowance Pensóso, a. thoughtf jl, gloomy Peutacoio, m. a talisnian Pentafilo, m. cinqiiefoil (an herb) Pentàgono, and Peniàngulo, m. a pentagon (a ligure of five sides) Pentecòste,/. Whitsuntide Pentiménto, m. repentance Pentire, and Pentirsi, to repent, to be sorry Pentito, part, repented Péntola, /. a pot ; saper quel che bolle in péntola, to know what one is doing Peutoliio, aiid Pentol.'iro, m. a potter Pentolata,/, a po' fui Pentolino, m. small pot Pentiito, a. repenting, or repented Penùltimo, a. the last but oae ; la |)enùltìma sillaba, the penultima Penùria,/, penury Penuriàre, to be ih want Penurióso, a. penurious Penzigliàre, to dangle Penzolare, to hang, to dangle Penzolo, a. hanging down Penzolo, m. grapes, or bunches of grapes Penzolóne, a. and ad. hanging, dangling Peònia,/, piony, or peony (an herb) Pepaiuóla,/. a pepper-box PER PepAto, part, spiced ; pane pepato, gingerbread Pépe, m. pepper Pèplo, m. purslain,(an herb;) a veil Per, prtp. by, through, in ; per qu-ndi, this way ; per quinci, thai way ; per tutto, every where ; una cosa per un' altra, one thing for another; per bella che sia, though she is handsome ; per uno, each of us ; per parte, in the name ; per mc, for my part ; da per se, by himself ; per modo, in manner ; per niènte, for nothing ; mandar per uno, to send for a person ; star per ca- d<=rc, ready to fall; è per morire, he is dying; peraltro, however; son per dire, 1 dare say ; per IVi- diètrn, heretofore ; per inn.'inzi, hereafter ; per appunto, exactly ; per lo meno, at least ; per lo più, at most ; per mintilo, by retail. IVr ora, ad, now ; per tèmpo, early ; per travèrso, cross-way Pèi-a, /. a pear PeragrAto, part, passed over I'ercrttlbile, a. perceivable Percezione,/, comprehension Perché, ud. why ? because,though ; il perchè, the cause ; si sa il per- che? is it known why ? mi mal- trttia senza dargliene il perchè, he abuses rne without any man- ner of reason Pérchio, m. a padlock Perciò, ad. however, yet, therefore Perciocché, cmij. and ad. since, for, in order to Perolpore, to conceive Percórrere, to say in a few words ; percórreie un libro, to run over a book Percòssa,/, stroke, blow Percosso, a. stricken, beaten Percnssùra. Percossióne,^. and Per- cotiménto, m. a striking, a blow Percotitòre, and Percussore, m. a striker Percotilùra,/. a blow Percuòtere, to beat, strike Percussióne,/, a blow Pel dènte, m. a loser Pèrdere, to lose, to waste ; perflere il processo, to be cast; pèrdersi d' ànimo, to be discouraged ; to despond ; jiérdere la vergógna, to become impudent or dishonest Perdice,/. a partridge Perdigióne,/. ruin, perdition Perdigiorn.^ta, m. an idle fellow Ferdiméuto, m. loss, perdition 2(n PER Pèrdita,/, loss Perditore, m. loser Perdizióne, /. perdition, lion, destruction, ruin Perdon'itile, a. pardonable PerdonAnza, /. indulgence PerJoaire, to forgive, to pardon ; la morte i on la penlòna a nessu- no, death spares nobody Perdonato, jjart. pardoned, foi^ given Perdono, m. p,anlon Perdùcere, to conduct Perduiàbile, o. durable, lashng PcrdurabiliUi,/. duration, obstiiiaoy Perdurare, to last Peixlurre, to guide Perdurèvole, o. lasting Perdutamente, ad. dissolutely Perduto, part, lost ; èssere perdtito, to be lost Peregri naggio, m. pilgrimage Peregrin ire, to go in pilgrimage Peregrinatóre, m. a pilgrim Peregrinazióne, /. a pilgrimage Peregrino, m. a pilgrim Peregrino, o. foreign Perènne, a. durable, lasting Pereiinemènle, ad. incessantly Perennit-i, /. perpetuity Perentòrio, in. peremiitory Peréto, m. a pear-oicnard Perfecitóre, m. a finisher Perfettamente, ad. perfectly Perfètto, T»i. perfection IVrfétto, a. perfect, complete Perfezionaménto, jn. perfection Perfezionare, and Perficere, to perfect Perftzionattvo, a. fit to perfect Perfezion.'i'o, a. perfect Perfezióne, /. perfection Perfidamente, ad. treacherously Perfidia,/, treachery, obstinacy Perfidiare, to be olislinate Perfidiosamente, ad. perfidiously Perfidióso, and Krtido, a. perfidi- ous, base Perfigunire, to imagine Perforaménto, m. perforation Perfornre, to bore, pierce Perforazióne,/, perforation Perfrequentàré, to frequent Pergamèna, /. parchment ; a lin- tem Pergamo, m. pulpit Pergiurare, to forswear iVrgiùro, m. perjury Pergola, /. vine arbour ; winter grapes Pcr»pl,'ito, and Pergolétto, m. a vine-arbour PER Pergolése, /. a sort of grapes Periclitàre, to be in peril Pericolaménto, in. danger, peril Pericolante, aiid Pericolóso, a. dangerous Pericolare, to be in peril; to be ruined ; to risk Pericolo, 771. danger, peril Pericolosamente, ad. dangerously Pericolóso, cu dangerous ~ Pericranio, m. pericranium Perifrasare, to paraphrase Perifrasi,/, paiaphrase Periejéo, m. perigee Perigliare, to risk, endanrer Periglio, 771. peril (in poetry) Perigliosaménte, ad. dangerously Periglioso, a. dangerous ~ Perimetro, vi. perime'er Periodico, a. periodical Periodo, 771. a period, a close Peripizia, /. accident, uiirxpected event Perire, to perish ; to be ruined ; cast away ; to die Peristilio, rru peristyle Peritamente, ad. skilfully Peritanza,/, modesty, bashfulness Peritarsi, io be bashful Perito, a. erpert, skilful ; perished, dead Peritóso, a. bas;:tul Perituro, a. transitory, fickle Periurio, tti. a peijury Periuro, 771. a perjurer Perizia,/, skill, experience Perla. /. a pearl Periato, a. pearl-coloured Perlismaltato, part, enamelled with pearls Perlóue, a. idle, lazy Perlongare, to prolong Permalóso, a. morose, sullen Permanente, Permanévole, and Permansivo, a. lasting, durable Permanènza, /. duration Permanére, to preserve Permésso, a. permitted, lawful Permésso, tti. aiid Permessióne, /. permis.sicn Permettente, a. permitting Perméttere, to permit, s-jffer ; mi permétta eh' io le dica da amico, let me teli you as a friend Permischiaménto, tti. a mixture ; an insurrection Permischiàre, to mix Permissióne./, permission Permissivamènte.aerpetra;e Perpetuamente, ad. perpetually Perpetuare, to perpetuate Perj-.eluazione, atìd Perpetuagióne, /. perpetuity, perpetuation Perpetuità, ànd Perpetualità, /. perpetuity Perpètuo, a. perpetuai Perplessità,/, perplexity Perplèsso, a. perplexed' Perquisizione,/, perrpiisition Perrùcca, /. a periwig Pèrsa,/, marjoram (an herb) Persecutóre. 771. a persecutor Persecuziòne,/, persecution Perseguire, to persecute ; to prose- cute : to go on Persegli itaménto, 77». see Persecu- ziòne [sue Perseguitare, to persecute, to pur- Perseguitàto, part, persecuted Persezuitatóre, 771. a persecutor, a keeper, a follower Persegui 'azióne, /. see Peniecuzióne Perseguito, 771. persecution Perseguito, fart, pursued, perse- cuted Perseguitóre. m, persecutor Perseo, m. Perseus (a constellation) Perseverante, a. persevering Perseveranza, ajid Perseverazióne, /. perseverance Perseverare, and Perse vrare, to persevere, c/^ntinue Persiana, /. a blind Pèrsica,/, a peach Persicaria, /. culerage (an herb) Persicata./, a conserve of peaciip? Pèrsico, TTI. a peach-tree PER Persistere, to persevere Pèrso, a. lost ; bluish gray Persona, /. a person ; any body ; somebody ; in persóna d'alcuno, instead of anybody; vedete se e* è persóna, see if any body is there ; è ben fatto di persóna, be is well made Personaggio, tti. a personage Personale, a. personal Personale, tti. income out of one'-s own exertions Personalità,/, pcisonality Personalmente, ad. personally Perspettiva,/. perspective Perspicace, a, quick-witted Perspicacità, and Perspicàcia, / quickness of wit, perspicacity Perspirazióne, /. perspiration Persuadére, to persuade Persuadèvole, a. persu.xsive Persuasione,/, persuasion Persuasiva,/, the persuasive faculty Persuasivo, a. persuasive Persuaso, part, persuaded Persuasóre, tti. a persuader Pertanto, ad. therefore, yet Pertenére, to belong 10 Pèrtica,/, a pole, a perch Perticare, to strike with a pole Pertinace, a. obstinate Pertinacemente, ad. obstinately Peninacia, /. stublmmness Pertinènte, a. belonging to Pertinènza, and Pertinènzia, /. appurtenance, depen ^ency Pertrattàre, to treat, manage Pertugiare, to bore Pertugiato, part, bored Pertùgio, TTI. a hole Perturbaménto, tti. perturbation Perturbare, to disturb Perturbato, part, disturbed Perturbatóre, 771. a dismrber Perturbazióne. /. perturbation Pertiiso, m. a hole, a chink Pertùtto, ad. every where Pertggine, tti. a wild pear-tree Pel veniménio. tti. an attaining Pervenire, to reach, come, arrive , to attain; pervenire al suo in- tènto, to obtain one's aim Pervenuto, part, arrived, attained Perversamente, ad. perversely Pervertire, to scold, chide, b'lustej Perversióne,/, penerseness Perversità,/, perversity Perverso, o. perverse Pervertire, to pervert, confound Pcrvic.'ice, a. s'ubbom Pervicicia,/. obstinacy Pervinca,/, periwinkle (an herb) PES Pèrvio, o. open Pesaménto, m. a weighing Pesamóndi, m. a boaster Pes'inte, a. heavy, weighty Pesanteinenie, aii. heavily_ Pesantézza, and I'esiiiza, j. weight, sorrow, heaviness Pesare, to weigh, examine ; mi pesa moltodi non potérla servire, I am Sony that I cannot oblige yoii Pesatamente, ad, cautiously Pesalo, part, weighed Pesatóre, ni. a weigher Pé ,ca, f. a peach ; a black eye, a lividi ly (party Pésca, and Pescagióne,/, a fishing Pescaia,/, a sluice, a fldodgale Pescare, to fish Pescata,/, a netful Pescato, part, fished Pescatóre, m. a fisherman Pésce, m. fish ; Pisces "esceduóva, and Pescedunvo, m. an omelet, an e%z pancake Pescheréccio, a. fishing Peschrrla, /. a fish-market, fishery Peschièra, /. a fish-pind Pesciaiuolo, r»i. a fishmonger Pesciaréllo, m. fry Pescina, /. a fish-pond Péscio, m. a fish Pescioso, a. full of fish Pescivéndolo, m. a fishmonger Pèsco, nu a peach-tree Pescóso, o. fishy, full offish Péso, m. weight, load, care, mi- portance ; un uòmo di gran pé^, a man of consequence Pesolo, aìid Pesolóne, ad. dan- gling, hanging down Pcssirio, m. pessary (a sort of remedy) Pessimamente, ad. wretchedly Pessimità,/. extreme wickedness Pèssimo, o. most wicked, wretched Pessundàre, to trample Pésta, /. crowd, throng ; track, footstep ; seguitAr alia pésta, to trace ; lasciAr nelle péste, to leave in the lurch Pestaménto, m. a pounding Pestapépe, m. a blockhead Pestare, to pound, bruise, trample upon Pestata,/, pounding, bruising Pestato, and Pésto, part, beaten, bruised Pestatóio, and Pestèllo, m. a pestle Péste,/, pia rue. pestilence Pestifero, and Pestilènte, a. pesti- lential, hurtful, mortal 14 PEV Pestilènza, and Pestilénzia,/. pes- tilence, plague ; stink, infection Pestilenziale, and Pestilenzioso, a. pestilential Pestio, m. a trampling upon Pestóne, m. a pestle Petacchlna, /. a slipper Peìacciuóla, /. plantain (an herb) PetAnio, m. a petard Petécchia, nt. a niggardly fellow Pelecchiile, a. spotted ; febbre petecchiale, spotted fever Petécchie, /. jpl. red spots Peteréccio, ni. a whitlow Petitóre, m. denjander, seeker Pelilório, a. petitioning Petizióne,/, petition Péto, m. a fart ; wind Petràia,/. a quarry Petrélla,/. a little stone Petiélle,/. pi. a mould Petriére, m. a little cannon Petrificazióne,/. petrification I'etrlfico, a, petrifying Petrigno, Petrino, and Petróso, a. stony, hard as a stone Petronciina, /. and Petronciano, m. a poinpion, or pumpkin Petrosémolo, m. parsley Petnizza,/. a pebble Pelfabólta,/. a br .ast-piece Pett;ita,/. a shock on the breast Pet'égola, /. a strumpet Pettier!,/, a poitrel Petlin'ignolo, m. a comb-maker Pettinfire. to comb, scratch l'etti nAto, part, combed, carded Pettinatóre, m. a carder Pettinatura, /. a combing, or card- ing Pé'tine, m. a comb ; a stay Pettiiiélla,/. a long spear Peltiniéra,/. a ajmb-case Pettirósso, m. a robin red-breast Petto, m. a breast; mind, heart ; uòmo di petto, a man of courage ; prènder or aver a petto, to take or have at lieart ; aver a p»-tn. a mouldinj piane Piamente, ad. piously Piana. /. a planfe, a board Pianamente, ad. sof ly, frugally Pianare, to make even, smooth Pianèlla,/, slippers; slates; tiles Pianellàio, m. a shoe-maker Pianéta, m. andf. a planet Pianéta, /. a priest-s cope> a vest- ment Pianétto, ad. fair and softly Pianézza,/, a plain- smoothness Piàngere, to weep Piangévole, a. deplorable; pian- gévoli onde, tears (in poetry) Piangevolmente, ad. sorrowfully Pian^iménto, m. crying, tears Piangitore, ni. a weeper PiangTilire, to cry a little Piano, m. a plain, or floor, story of a house ; il piano d'una casa, the floor of a house ; al primo piano, the first floor Piino, a. plain, smooth, flat, clear ; affable, meek Piano, ad. softly, gently, low ; parlar piano, speak low. Pian piano, ad. feir and softly ; di piano, easily, freely Pianoforte, rri. piano^forte Piànta, /. a plant ; the sole of the foot ; plan, draught, model ; far di piànta, to do over again Piantàggine,/, plantain (an herb) Piantaìnénto, m, a planting Piantare, to plant ; piantar la ban- dièra, to set up the standard ; to forsake, leave; mi piantò, he left me ; piantarsi, to settle in Piantata, /. a plantation, a row of trees Piantato, part, planted Piantatóre, m. a planter Piantazióne, /. a plantation Piànto, m. a weeping, tears Piantóne, m. a shoot, sprig; off- spring, descent Pianiira,/. a plain, or even ground Piare, to chirp, to warble Piastra, /. a thin plate of metal ; a dollar ; a dry scab Piastrella. /. tiles, or a quoit (to play with) [spread plasters Piastrello, rru a piece of cloth to Piastrlccio, m. a hodge-podge Piastróne, m. a plastron (an arm) Piatire, to plead, to sue at law; to contest, contend PIC Piatitóre, m. a pleader, a quarrel- some fellow Piato, m. plea, suit in law ; a dis- pute, debate, an atiair ; work Piana,/, aflat boat Piattaforma, /. a platform Piattèllo, riu a dish Piatteria,/, a set of dishes Piatto, 771. dish, course, service Piatto, a. squat, hidden, flat. Di piatto, ad. secretly Piàttola, /. a crab-louse ; egli è una piàttola, he is a miserly feUow Fiattolóso, a. loasy Piattonare, to strike with the flat of a sword Piattonata,/, a blow with a sword Piazza, /. a square, a fortress ; market; place, room; che fa la piazza ? how goes market ? far il bello in piazza, to be idle; piazza d'arme, a fortilied town Piazzata, /. fare una piazzata, to expose Pica, /, a magpie Picca, /, apike, spear; pique, dispute Piccante, a. sharp Piccare, to prick, sting ; to offend : piccarsi, to pretend to ; si picca d'essere un galantuòmo, he pre- tends to be an honest man Ficcaro, m. a beggar Piccata, /. a hit with a pike Piccatljlio, m. hash-meat Picchettato, part, spotted Picchétto, m. game at piquet Picchiaménto, ni. a knocking Picchiànte. a. knocking Picchiapètto, m. a h>TX)Crite Picchiare, to knock; to beat; pic- chiarsi, to fight Picchiata,/, a blow Picchiato, a. stricken, struck Picchière, m. a soldier armed with a pike Picchiettare, to speckle Picchiettatura,/, spots Picchio, m. a blow, a stroke; a woodpecker (a bird) Piccia, /. several Inav^ together Piccano, a. little, small Picciolétto, a. very small Picciolézza, ana Piccolézza, /, littleness Picciolo, m. a farthing Picciolo, a. little, small Piccioncino, m. a young pigeon Piccióne, m. a pigeon Picciuòlo, m. the stem of fruit Picco, and Piccato, o. stung 210 PIE Picco, m. peak Piccolamente, ad. meanly Piccolctw, a. very small Piccolézza, /. smallness Piccolo, a. little ; da piccolo, from infancy Piccóne, m. pickaxe : fl capitan de' piccóni, the governor of the pickaxe (jocosely) Picconière, m. a digger, a pioneer Piccoso, a. easily angry Piccozza, /. a hatchet Picea,/, the pitch-tree Pidocchieria, /. stinginess ; jJle stuff; trifle Pidocchio, rru a louse ; a miser ; scorticare il pidòcchio, to be stingy Pidocchióso, a. lousy Piede, and Pie. m. a foot; the stump, tne stem of a tree ; sup- port, basis, ground ; levarsi in piedi, to get up ; sono restato in piedi, I sat up; su due piedi, immediately ; questo va co' snói piedi, that'goes in course; of- ficiale in piedi, an nflìcer in.full pay ; èssere in piede, to exi*t ; pigliar piede, to grow strong. A piede, or appiè, ad. on foot PiedestAllo, and PiedestUo, m. a pedestal Piédica, /. snare (to catch birds) Piedistallo, m. a pedestal PÌMa,/. plait, or fold ; habit, cus- tom ; avere una cosa in pièga, to have a thing at one's com- mand ; dar pièga, to resist Piegare, to fold, to bend, bow ; to persuade ; piegarsi, to submit Piegato, part, bent, inclined Piegatura,/, fold, plait Pieghévole, a. pliant, pliable, easy, docile Pieghevolézza,/, flexibility Pieghevolmente, ad. pliably Pieggieria, /. a bail, security Piego, m. packet of letters Pièna, /. a flood ; pièna di pòpolo, a throns Pienamente, ad. fully, completely Pienézza, and Plenitùdine, /. pleni- tude, fulness Pièno, m. plenitude ; due : nel pieno della notte, in the middle of the night ; nel pièno dell' inverno, in the depth of winter Pièno, a. satisfied, full ; luna pièna, hiU moon ; in pièno con- siglio, before the whole of th« council Pienòtto, a. pretty foli, plump, &t PIG Pietà, /. sorrow, pang (in poetry) Pietà, OTid Pleiade, /. pity, com- Pietanza,/, a small portion Pietica, /. a horse (a wooden horse) Pietosaniénle, ad. piteously Pietosétto, a. softened Pietóso, a. piteous, pious, ^odly Piètra, /. stone ; piètra viva, fiint stone; pietra focàia, a flint; piètra filosofile, the philoso- pher's stone ; piètra di paragóne, a touchstone; piètra molila, a grinding stone; tirar la piètra, e nascónder la mano, to do mis- chief, and to deny it Pietràia,/, a blow with a stone Pietrificare, to petrify Pietroso, a. stony Piève,/, a parish-church I'lfaiiia, f. Eiiipliany Plfara, /. a tife Plllen, m. afife PiH'erètto, m. a small fife Itganio, m. wild rue I i^ffioramento, m. ic« Pe^giora- niènto, and its derivatives Pigi 'ire, to ti-ample upon I'i^i:itóre, m. a trampler Pigiatura,/, a trampling Pigionale, and Pigionante, m. a housekeeper Pigióne, /. house-rent ; stare a pigióne, to live in lodgings Pigliaménto, m. seizure, prize Pigliare, to take, seize, catch ; re- ceive; acce^jt; cheat; pigliar ànimo, to take courage ; pigliar partito, to determine, deliberate ; pigliar a vetttjra, to hire ; pigliar ad imprestito, to borrow; pigliar di mira, to aim at ; pigliar pa- róla, to get intelligence; pisliAr querela, to quarrel ; pigliar terra, to land ; pizliArse la cou uno, to resent ; pif^liàrla per uno, to take one's part ; pigliar prova, to experience; pigliar pòrto, to come to a harbour ; pigliir fiato, to breathe ; pigliar a male, to take amiss; pigliar consiglio, to take advice Pigliato, part, taken Pigliatóre, m. a taker Pigliévole, a. that may t* taken Piglio, TO. hold ; lo-.k, counte- nance ; dar di piglio, to take hold; dar di piglio alla spada, to draw the sword Pigmèo, m. a pygmy, dwarf PIN Pignatta,/, and Piznàtto, m. a pot Pignere, to Ihmw, push ; to paint ; pignersi. to advance ; pignere 1' ùscio ad uno, to shut the door ag.iJnst one Pigliela, /. a wood of pines Pignone, m. a wharf, a dike Pignoraménto, m. a seizure Pignorare, to give, or take as a pledge [do) PisoJ'ire, to pip (as little birds, &c. Pigolóne, m. brawler Pigramente, ad. idly, slowly PiCTlrsi, to grow idle Pigrizia, and Pigrézza, /. idle- ness, laziness Pigro, a. lazy, idle Pila, /. pillar, a stone cistern ; pila battesimale, baptismal font Pilastrata,/, pilasters Pilastro, TO. a pilaster, pillar Pllatro, TO. St. John's grass Plleo, m. liberty cap Pilière, TO. a pillar, pilaster Pillacchera,/, dirt, splashing Pill.ire, to pound Pilliciiio. TO. a furrier Pillo, TO. a pestle Pillola, awiPillora,/. a pill Pillotta, /. a ball ; a kind of tennis PillotL'ire, to lard Pilo, TO. a javelin Pilone, TO. a pilaster Pilòrcio, a. niggardly Pilóso, a. hairy, full'of hair Piloto, and Pilòta, m. a pilot Piluctire, to pluck grapes, to de- vour Piluccóne, m. a pilferer Pini?iccio, »n. a bolster Pininiéo. TO. a pygmy, a dwarf Pinifiiiiélla,/. pi'mpe'mel (an herb) Pina,/, a pine-ajiple Pinacolo, TO. pinnacle Pinrèma, m. a' cup-bearer (Latin word) Pincióne, m. a chaffinch ; mèglio è pincióne in mano, che tordo in frasca, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Pincóne, to. blnckhcid, fool PindarKggiàre, to speak afl'ectedly Pinlaresco, and Pindarico, a. Pin- daric, after the style of Pindar Pineale, a. glinduUpineale, pineal gland Piriéio, TO. a pine-grove Plnsere, to paint ; plngersi, to ad- Pingue, a. fat, plump Pinguèdine,/, fatness Pinguedinóso, o. greasy 211 PIO Pinièra, /. a galleir Pinna,/, the fin of a fish Pinnàcolo, TO. a pinnacle Pino, TO. a pine-trje; a ship (la poetry) Pinocchio, TO. fine-seed Pinta,/, a thnist, push, an impulse Pinto, part, painted ; pushed, in- clined Pintóre, m. a painter Pintório, o. picturesque, painter- like Pintura, /. painting Piuzàcchio, TO. a mite, or weevil Pinzétte, /. pi. pincers Pinzo, o. very full Pinzòchera,/, a Beguin (a sort of nuns) Pinzóchero, to. hypocrite Piiizocheróne, to. a great hypocrite Pio, a. pious, merciful, godly Piòggia,/, ram Pioggióso, a. rainy Pionnbàggine,/. black lead Piombare, to be perpendicular, to fall down plump ; piombarsi, to lay heavy uiKin Piombarla,/, lead and silver ore Piombala, /. a leaden bullet Piombilo, a. leaden, heavy, livid PiombinAre, to level; to empty* privy Piombino, to. a plummet, a pluml^ line; a bi;ckel to empty with; a crayon, a pencil Piombino, a. of the colour of lead Piómbo, TO. lead, or a level. Apióml», ad. perpendicularly; fa che abbi sempre il piómbo' a' piedi, be always cautious in your undertakings; andar cc4 del piómbo, to act wisely Piombóso, a. heavy as lead Piòppo, TO. a Piòta, /. the sole of the foot; a green turf Piòva,/, rain (in poetry) Piovanàto, to. a curacy, or charge of a parson Piovanèllo. TO. a poor curate Piovano, TO. a parson, a curate Piovano, a. acqua piovana, rain- water Piòvere, to rain ; piòvere a bigónce, to shower down Piovévole, a. raining, rainy Piovifero, a. rainy Piovigeinàre, arid Piovegginàre, to mizzle, or drizzle Piovigginóso, and Piovóso, a. rainy, damp Piovuto, part, rained, or bllen PIT pipa,/, a pipe Pipare, to smoke a pipe Pipistrello, in. a bat Pipila, /. a flaw, or raising skin about the nails ; pip, a disease in fowls Pippiona, /. a sort of common Spanish wine PippionAccio, m. a blockhead Pippiouàta, /. nonsense Pippione. m. a ycuns pigeon Pira, /. a funeral pile ; a perfum- iu»-pot Piramidalmente, ad. conically PiramidAJe, and Piramidàtó, a, pyramidal, of a pyramid Piràmide, /. the fusee of a watch : a pyramid Pirate'ia,/. piracy Pin'xtico, a. piratical Piràto. ni. a pirate Pir-ietta,/. a whirlisnj Pimn.anzla, /. divination by fire Pirometro, r/i. a p)Tometer Piróne, m. a lever Pirnpo, m. a carbuncle Piscatòrio, a. of a fisher Rscia./. tirine, water Pisciacane, m. choke-weed, or stransle-weed Pisciacchera. /. and Piscialetto, 171, a piss-a-bed Pisciare, to mine, make water Pisciarello. in, thin wine, a sort of claret Pisciatoio, m, a chamV^r-pot Piscina,/, a bti.h, a fish-pond Piscio, m. and Piscia, /. urine ; foul watei- Piscioso. a. full of nrice Piscoso. a. full of fish Piseli'^, VI. pt-ise Pispizliii-e.'tii mutter Pisplslin, 771. a mutierin; Pispino, 7Ji. a water-work Pispisstre, to buzz Pissi pissi, m. a buzzins: noise Pisside, /. a pyi ; a" hollow, a cavi-y Pistacchio, m. pistachionnt, or tree Pistizna, /. flap of a pocket, or collar of a coat Pbtilenza, /. tee Pestilenza, and its deri\-atives Pistola. ;'. an epistle, a letter Pistòla, /. a pistol Pistoiése, TTi. a hanser Pistolé5>T./. an ill-written letter Pistolettata,/, a pistnl-shot Pistore, m. a baker (Latin word) Pitàffio, m. an epitaph PLA Pitale, 771, the pan of a close-stool I Pitocco, m. a besgar ; a bigot | Pittima,/, a cordial medicine Pitto, part, painted (in poetry) Pittóre, T71, a painter, a linmer } pittore da sgabèlli, a dauber | Pittorescamente, ad. jainter-like Pittorésco, a. picturesque Piltiira,/. picture, art of painting Pitturacela,/, a daubing Pitturare, lo paint Pituita,/, phìfgm Fituitòso, a. phlegmatic Più, ad. more ; il piti, the most ; assai più, much more ; più tosto. rather ; per lo più, for the njost part ; più d"un aimo, above a year ; e più ricco di me, he is richer than I; esser di più, to exceeii ; i;i son da piti di lui, I am above him ; più anni, jnanv years ; più presto, faster ; più che più, much more ; più fa. lonsr while aso ; più volte, seve- ral times Pi'itr.a, /. down ; a fealher-bed. hair, a tuft of feathers Piuniàccio, m. a bolster Piumacciuólo, m. little bolster ; a pledget, or compress Pium.ìta,y. dovrn. feathers, broom Piumato, a. downy Piumino. 771. a tufi of feathers Piumóso, o. full of feathers Piuolo, m. a peg ; scali a piuóli, a ladder Più presto, and Piuttòsto, ad. sooner, rather Piva, /. pipe, baj-pipe Piviale, T71. a pricsfs cr>pe Piviere, m. precinct of a parish ; a plover (a bird) Pivo, m. a spark, a t^ean Pizza, /. a sort of cake Pizzicagnolo, m. cheesemonger, pork-shop Piizicaquistióni, tti. a litisions feUow Pizzicare, to pinch, peck, itch, smart ; il pepe pizzica. pep]->er l bites ; egli pizzica, he has a smattering of, Ac. Pizzicatolo,' and Pizzicaruólo. rru see Pizzici'ijnolo | Pizzico, and Pizzicòtto, m, a ] pinch, or pinching Pizzicore. 771. i:ching, tickling Placabile, a. pl.icable Placabilménte, ad. peacefully i Placaménto. t7i, an appeasing, an | atonement ~ i Placare, to pacify, calm 212 POC Placato, part, appeased, pleased; mare placito, calm sea Placazione,/. an appeasing Placidamente, ad. quietly, pa- tiently Placidézza,/, mildness Placidità,/. gentleness Plàcido, a, pleasant, gentle, kind, quiet Plàcito, m. will, pleasure Plaga,/, a climate, or coast Plagiàrio, m. a plagiary Plàgio, r7j. pLigiaiism Plantàrio, t7i,"" feu- piantano, to plant Plasma. /. a sort of green stone j an earthen figure Piasti cai-e, to a ake clay-work Plàtano, 771, a plane-tree Platea, /. plan, model, a gronnd' work ; the pit in theatres Platònico, a. Plat.mic Platonismo, tji, Platonism Flaudecte, in, applauding Plausibile, a. plai->ible Plausibilmente, ad. plausibly Plattsn, 77J. applause PBuslro, 771. cart, chariot Plebàglia, aiui Plèbe, /. the moli, P'pulace Pkbt-iauicnte, ad. vnlgarly Hebèo, and Fletéio," a. vulgar. n.ean Plebiscito, 771. decree of the people Plenarian^énte, ad. felly Flea^rio, a. full rieniltìnio, 771, full moon PletiiMtènza,/. full power F ienipotenziàle, a. plenipotentiary Plenipofeìiziàrio, t71. plenipottD- tiary Plenitudine,/, fulness Plèttro, 771. a b,^w. fiddle-stick pieurisla, ajid Fleuritide, /. a pleurisy (an iniiammation In the pleum) PI*Cf), 771. a packet of letters Plinto, 771. plinth (the square toot of a pillar) Ploia, /. shower Fiorire, to weep (latin word) Plun.beo, a. leaden Plurale, a. plural Pluralità,/, plurality Pluralmente, ad, in the plural number Pluviale, Plùvio, and Pluvióso, a. rainv (Latin words) Po', «ti Poco Poàna,/. a buzzard Pocinza. /, sniallness Pocciàre, to suck the breast POL Poccióso, o. large, fat Pochette, m. Uii pocheto, a little Fochettlno, m. a very little Pochézza,/, scarcity Pochino, ni. a liiile Poco, a. and ad. little, few: poco inniaizi, a little while ago ; poco stante, a little after Pòco, in. a little Pocofiia,/. a silly woman Póculo, m. drink Pod/i?ra,/. the sout Poda»ròaO, a. ^fiu'.y Podàre, to prune trees Podére, m. power, authority ; a manor, e-tate, farm Poderosamente, ad. powerfully Poderoso, a. powerful PoJestà,ni. a governor, a potentate ; Jiower, dominion Podesteria, f. the power or juris- diction of a governor, &c. Podice, m. the anus Poèma, m. a poem Poemetto, m. a short poem Poesia,/, poetry, (the art ;) a po- em, a piece of poetry Poèta, m. a poet Poefi'iccin, m. a paltry poet Poetante, »n. a rhymer Poetare, to make verses ; tc rhyn';e ; poetarsi, to be crowned a paet Poetastro, m. a paltry poet Poeteg'iiire, and Poetezzàre, to poetize Pofctàico, a. poetical Poetesa,/. poetess Poètica, /. the art of poetry Poeticamente, ad. poetically Poeticheria,/, a poetical turn Poètico, a. poetical Poetino, m. a little poet Poetizzàre, to make verses Poetljzzo, 171. a paltiy poet Portare, interj. gofni'God ! Poggeréllo, aiid Poggètlo, m. a hil- lock, a little hill Pòggia, /. starboard Poggiare, to steer, sail, point ; to ascend, mount ; poggi.'irsi, to lean upon [cended Poggiato, part, steered, sailed, ap- pòggio, m. hill, clitf, ascent Pòi, ad. then. aPer; da ogd in pòi, eicepl this day ; po' pòi, in fine, in short, Jtc. ; pòi a pochi giórni, a few days after Poiché, ad. when, since; poiché vi piace cosi, since you insist on it Polare, o. polar (of the poles) folédro, rn. a colt POL Foléggio, m. penny-royal (an herb) Polèmico, o. polei'iiical Polena,/, the beak, or beak end of a ship Polénda, arid Polènta, /. pudding of chestiiut-tìower Poliarchia,/, city government Poligamia,/, polvgamy Poligamo, ni. pofvsamist Poliglotta, /. a p-iyglot, a Bible in several languages Poligono, m. è not-grass; a polygon (in mathenaiics) Poligrafo, rn. a polygrapher Polio, m. polium (an herb) Polipo, m. jKjlypus vs[iougy flesh) Polipòdio, m. pol)-pody (an herb) Polire, (»ce Pulire, and its deriva- tives,) to polish Politeismo, 1IU polytheism Politica,/, politics' Politicamente, ad. politically Politico, a. politicai ; crafty, shy Politico, m. a politician Polizza, /. a note, bill, receipt ; polizza di lotto, a lottery-ticket ; polizza di càrico, a bill cf lading Pólla,/, a spring of water Pollàio, m. a heu-roost, coop PoUaiuólo, m. a poulterer P.)lbme, m. p'^ul ry Poll.\nca, f. a youiig lurkey rollare, to puUuli'e PoILisira./. a pullet Pollastriére, m. a pimp (jocosely) Prll.'istro. m. puUet, chicken Pfillcbbro, ni. a nirmy, a fool Polleria,/, a poulterer's shop Pollézzola,/. shoot, a sprout Pòllice, m. the thumb Pollina,/, hen's dung Pollina, m. a poulterer Pollino, ni. a lien-louse Pollo, m. a fo« 1 ; a chicken ; pol- lo d'India, a tuikey ; portar pol- li, to pimp Pollóne, m. a bud, sprig, sprout Polli'ito, part, polluted Polluzióne, /. jKillution Polmnn-lria, /. lung-wort (an herb) Polmóne, m. the lunzs Polo, m. jKile ; pòli, the points of a sea-compass Poloi;raf la, /. pilyjraphy Pólpa, /. the fleshy part ; pólpa della gimlja, the calf of the leg Polpacciuto, a. fat, fleshy Polpe'ta,/. minced-meat ball Pólpo, m. many feet, a fish Polpóso, aiid PolpCito, a. fleshy Polsétto, m. a bracelet Pólso, m. pulse, wrist, vigour, PON power; senza bàtter póls^, im- mediately Pólla,/, pap, or a hasty pudding Polilglia,/ mud, mire Poltiglioso, a. muddy, miry Pollracchicllo, m. a young colt Poltràcchio, m. a colt Poltrire, to sleep: to loiter, to b< idle Pol'róne, m. coward, poltron, ai idle fellow Poltroneggiare, to be idle Poltroneria,/, laziness, cnwardice Poltronescamente, ad. idly Poltronésco, a. idle, lazy Poltroniére, m. an idle fellow Pólve, /. dust (in^poetry) Polveràccio, rru sheep's dung Pólvere,/, dust, powder Polverièra,/, a gunpowder mill Polverina,/, an outside garment Polverino, m. a powder-box, prim ing powder, a cloud of dust Polvertsta, m. a gunpowder makei Polverizzaménto, m. a pulverizinf Polverizzare, to pulverize Polverizzato, part, pulverized Polverizzazióne,/, pulverization Pol verizzévole,(i7u/ Polverizzàbile a. that can be pulverized Polveróso, a. dusty «^ Poniirio, rru an apple orchard Pomiia,/. pomatum Pomato, a. full ol apple-trees Póme, m. an apple ; mezzo pome a kind of wrestling formerly used in Florence Pomellato, o. dapple-gray Pomelo, m, an orchard of apple trees Pomfólige, /. tutty (a substance ii brazen furnaces) Pómice,/, a pumice-stone Pomiciare, to rub with a pumice stone Pomiére, and Pomidro, m. an or chard, or any place planted will apple-trees Pomifero, a. fruitful Pómo, m. an apple, fruit ; póme salvàtico, a crab ; pómo cotógno a quince ; pomo granato, a pome- granate J \)omo della spada, tb« pommel of a hilt Pómpa, /. pomp, state Pompeggiare, to boast, vaunt Pomposamente, ad. pompously Pomposità,/, pomp, grandeur Pompòso, a. pompous Ponderare, to ponder, wei^, 00» sider Ponderatamente, ad. maturely POP PondeTazióne,/. ponderosity Ponderóso, a. weighty Póndi, m. bloody flux Póndo, m. a weight, load ; im- portance (in poetry) Ponènte, m. the west ; vento di po- nénie, west wind ; ponènte gar- bino, "iouth-west wind ; ponènte libéccio, the wfst and by south ; ponènte maèstro, north-west Pónere, to put, set Poniménto, m. a putting Ponitóre, m. a planter Pontàre, to push, thrust, to shove ; ponfare i piedi al muro, to be obstinate | Pónte, Tti. a bridge ; pónte levatóio, < a draw-bridge ; tenére in pónte, to keep one in suspense Pontéfice, m. the pope Ponticèllo, m. a small bridge PonticitA,/. sharpness Póntico, a. sharp, sour Pontificale, a. pontifical ; m. a book of pontifical rites Pontificato, m. popedom Pontificio, a. pontifical Pònto, m. the sea (in poetry) Pònto, a. pricked, stung tone, m. a ponton (a bridge of Mts) tura, su Puntura ^aménto, m. a struggle Ponzare, to strain, or struggle Popolaccio, m. the populace Popolano, mìd Popolare, a. popu- lar, common, mean, low Popolano, m. inhabitant ; pa- rishioner Popolare, to people Popolarescamente, ad. popularly Popolarésco, a. popular Popolarità,/, popciarity Popolarmente, ad. popularly Popolato, part, peopled Popolazióne, /. population, peo- pling Popolàzzo, m. the populace Popolésco, a. popular ; I uógo popo- lésco, a frequented place Popolézza,/. ignobility, mean birlh Pòpolo, m. people, 'nation ; the common people; a poplar-tree; far popolo, to recruit Popolóso, a. populous Popóne, 77». melon Póppa, /. a woman's breast, a poop, or stem of ? ship Poppare, to suck Poppatola, /. a doll ; Popputo, al that has lai^e breasts | Fophleo, a. poplar ' POR Pópulo, m. (in poetry,) »ee Pòpolo Populoso, a. populous Porca, /. a sow ; a slut ; a ridge of land [herd Porcaio, aiid Porcaro, m. a swine- Porcélbt,/. a young sow Porcellana, /. porcelain, china- ware ; ptirslain, (an herb ;) sea- snail Porcelletto, m. a pig Porcello, Porcelletto, Porcellino, and Porchètto, m. pig, porker (little pig) Porcheria, jf. filthiness Porcile, m. a hog-sty, an infamous house ' [flesh Porcino, a. came porcina, hog's Pòrco, m. a hog ; porco spinóso, a hedge-hog ; a. nasty, dirty Pòrfido, m. porphyry Porfireo, a. of poiTihyry Porgere, to otter, aJSord, reach, pre- sent ; porgere aiuto, to assist ; pòrger orécchi, to hearken ; pòr- ger le mani, to stretch out the bands ; porgetemi quel cappèllo, reach me that hat ; p'òrger cre- dènza, to give credit ; póigersi. to present one's self; la cosa non è cesi con.e la pórcono, the thing is not as il is represented to be ~ Porgiménto, m. the act of reach- ing Pòro, in. a pore Porosità,/, porosity Poróso, a. full of pores, porous Pórpora, /. purple ; purple cloth Poiporato, a. in purple Porporeggiare, to incline to purple Porjxirino, a. purple-colour«l Porrata, /. a leek pottage Pórre, far Pónere, to put, place, fix; pòrsi a se.-'ére, to sit down ; pórre aguati, lo lay in ambush : pórre bocca, to meddle with; pórre in carta, to write down ; pórre in liice, to publish ; por lesse, to give law ; por niènte, to' fix the mind, to suppose ; por mano, to set one's hand upon a thins ; porre caso, to suppose ; por da canto, to lay by ; for da porre in uso, m ope- ra, &c. to make use of, &c. Pòrro, m. Porrétta, and Porri na, /. a leek ; a wart [ter ; Porta, /. a gate, a door ; m. a por- I Portabile, a. portable ' Portacappe, m. a portmanteau, bag [basket Portafi.\?chi, m. a hamper, or glass- 214 POS Portafósli, m. a port-folio Portalèttere, m. a pocket-book a postman Portamantèllo, m. travelling-bag Portaménto, m. behaviour, look, presence, a carrying or bringing Poi tante, a. carrying; cavallo poF- tànte, an ambling horse Portare, to carry, or bring ; to pro- duce.allege, cite ; to wear clothes, &c. ; to conduct, lead ; to induce, excite ; to protect, favour ; por- tar via, to take away ; portarsi, to behave one's self ; portare in palma di mano, to esteem ; por- tarsi in qualche luògo, to repair to a place ; porta la fama, it is said ; portar la fede in grembo, to be apt to break one's word Portata, /. equality, condition, reach, shot ; the litter of a she- animal ; ability [ble Portabile, and PortatSvo, a. porta- Portàtile, o. portable Portato, part, carried Portato, m. a brood, litter ; a ser- _ vice, a course of dishes l'ortatòre, m. porter Portatura,/, a burden, carrying, or carriage [organ) Portavéuto, m. a windpipe (of an Portèlla, /. atid Portèllo, m. a lit- tle gate, door Portèndére, to presage Portènto, m. a prodigy Portentosamente, ad. portentously Portentóso, a. prodigious Portévole, a. portable, tolerable Porticato, 771, a porch Pòrtico, m. a portico, piazza Portièra, /. tapestry, &c. hung be- fore a door ; portièra di carózza, I the boot or door of a coach I Portiere, m. a porter, door-keeper I Portinaro, Portinaio, and Portinié- ro, m. a porter Pòrto, 771. haven, port, harbour carriage Porto, part, given, presented j Ponolàno, m. a door-keeper ; a : pilot I Portóne, 77». a coach-gate Portulaca, /. purslain Portuóso, a. having a harbour Porzióne, /. portion, share i Pòsa. /. rest, quiet I Poamènto, m. rest, quiet Posare, to put or set down, get rest Poata, /. rest, quiet ; a cover, (plate, knife, fork, spoon, and a napkin) Posatamente, ad. softly, gently POS Posaltea,/. tranquillity Posato, part, set down, liid, or staid [roost Posatóio, m. a. stick in a cage, a Posatura,/, dregs, settling Pòscia, ad. after, then Posciachè, ad. since, since that ; although Poscritta, /. and Poscritto, m. a postscriptum, or postscript Posdomani, ad. the day after to- morrow [modestly Positivamente, ad. po^itively ; Positivo, a. plain, modest ; positive (law term) Positura,/, posture, situation Posizione,/, position, proposal Poso, m. pause, rest Posola,/, crupper Posolatùra, /. a crupper Pospasto, m. the dessert, fruits, &c. Pospórre, to postpone, to despise, to negtect Posposizióne, /. a postponing Pospósto, part, postponed Fossa, atid Possanza, /. power Poesedére, to possess Possediménto, m. possession Posseditóre, m. a possessor Posseduto, part, possessed Possente, a. [K)werful, strong, able, sufficient Possentemente, ad. powerfully Pò sessióne, /. a possession ; a &rm, an estate Possessivo, a. possessive Possé-30, m. possession Possessóre, m. possessor [term) Possessòrio, m. possession (law Possìbile, a. possible Possibilità,/, possibility Pósta, /. place, post, station, a post-house, or an ambush, snare, track, footstep, opi>or1unity ; pó>ta ferma, a settled atEiir ; pósta fatta, ad. on purpose ; star alia pósta, to lay in ambuscade ; darsi la pósta, to rendezvous ; far la pósta, to guard ; cavalli di pósta, post horses ; naviglio dì ria, a packet-b.-)at ; andir per pósta, to travel by post. A pósta, ad. on purpo-« ; a sua pósta, of one's own accord ; re- quest, entreaty Postare, to encamp [abscess Postema, and Fo-temaiióne, /. an Poslemàto, and Postemóso, part. imposthumated Postergare, to despise, to throw be- hina one's back Pòsteri, m. pi. posterity POV Posterióre, a. posterior; #. back- side, posteriors [ty Posterità,/, posterity, or posteriori- Pòstero, rn. descendant [ship Posticcia,/, the upper part of a Posticcio, m. nursery of trees Posticcio, a. borrowed, false Posticipare, to differ Postiére, r>i. post-master Postiglione, m. postilion Poslifia, /. postil, explication, a note (in the margin of a writing) PostillAre, to make notes PostilLifo, part, explained PostillatCira,/. notes, i-ostils Pósto, m. post, employment Pósto, a. put, set Pósto che, cxmj. suppose that Postrèmo, a. last Postribolo, rru a brothel Postulante, m. candidate Postulato, m. a demand (in math- ematics) Pòstumo, a. posthumous Postura,/, posture, a secret corn- plot Postutto, ad. entirely Posvedére, to see ;ifttr Potabile, a. potable, drinkable Potaggio, m. pottage Potaménto, m. arid Potagióne, /. a prunin;, lopping Polire, to prune, lop, cut, split Potato, part, pruned, lopped Potatoio, m. a pruning knife Potatóre, m. pruner, vine dresser Potatiira, and Potazione, /. a pruning, lopping, twigs of trees Potentato, arid Potentàrio, ni. po- tentate, prince Potente, a. powerful, potent Po'entemente, ad. potently Potenza, and Potenzia, /. power, force Potenziale, a. potential Potenzialmente, ad. powerfully, potentially Potére, to be able ; non posso, I cannot ; poter èssere, to be possi- ble Potére, m. and Potestà, /. jwwer Potesteria, /. see Podesteria Potissimamente, ad. chiefly Potissimo, a. chief, principal Poto, 771. drink Potiito. part, been able Poveri cc io, a. poor, unhappy PoverAelia,/. poor peojle Poveraniénie, ad. poorly Poverèllo, and Poverétto, a. poor, miserable Poverino, a. unfortunate 215 PRE Pòvero, a. poor, needy, vile ; bar- ren Povertà,/, poveity Pozióne, /. a potion Pozióre, a. anterior (law term) Poziorità,/, anteriority Pózza,/, a slough, mire Pozzànghera,/, a puddle Pozzétta,/, a dimple Pózzo, 771. a well ; pozzo nero, a sink ; mostrir la luna nel porto, to make one believe any thing Pozzolana,/, pozzolana (saiidj Prammatica, /. the pragmatic sanc- tion Pràndere, to dine, or eat Prandio, m. dinner Prinso, 771, dinner Prinso, a. dined, satisfied Pranzare, to dine Pranzo, tt». dinner ; a. satisfied Pràsma,/. an emera! J Pr'issio, nu hoarhound (an herb) Prataiuola,/. a wik' hen Pratellina,/. a daisy (a flower) Fratèllo, m. a small field Fra'eria,/. meadows Prttica, /. practice, usa»e, plot. Di pràtica, ad. freely, easily Praticabile, a. practicable Praticamente, ad. by practice Praticante, tti. a practitioner Praticare, to pnictise, consult, :« - gotiale, treat, frequent Praticato, part, practised Pritico, a. expert, skilful Prato, 771. meadows, fields Pratolino, and Prataiuólo, m. a mushroom Pravamente, ad. wickedly Pravità,/, depravity Pravo, o. wicked, deprave! Preaccennare, to announce before Preallegàto, a. above cit'd Preambolare, to preface Preàmbolo, tti. preamble, preface Prebènda,/, prebend, provision Prebendato, a. having a prebend Precariamente, ad. precariously Precàrio, a. precarious Precauzióne. /". precaution Precazióne,/ entreay Prece, /. a prayer, entreaty Precedente, a. precedent Precedentemente, ad. formerly Prece lènza, /. precedency Precèdere, to prece^Je Precen'óre, 771. precentor Precessióne, /. precession (in as- tronomy) Precèsso, jaarf . preceded Precessóre, m. predecessor PRE Precettare, to cite (law term) Precettatóre. m. a tutor Precettivo, a. obligatory Precètto, m. precept, command Precettóre, m. preceptor Precettonillo, m. a pedant Precettoria, /. direcion Precidere, to cut, sliorten Precingere, to gird Ih-eclnto, a. girded [closure Precinto, m, precinct, compass, en- Precipitainénio, m. overtlirow, precipitation, ruin Precipitanza, /. see Precipitazióne Precipitare, to precipitate, fall headlong, to hurrj', hasten ; pre- cipitarsi, to ruin one's s.-lf Precipitatamente, ad. hastily Precipitato, part, precipitated Precipitazione, /. precipitation ; haste, rashness, indiscretion Precipitóso, and Precipite, a. in- considerate Precipizio, m. a steep place ; an- dare or mandare in precipizio, to destroy, to sqnaader away Precipuamente, ad. chiefly Precipuo, a. principal, cr chief Precisamente, aiid Preciso, ad. precisely Precisióne,/, distinction Precisivo, a. e.vact Preciso, ^art. cui off; precise, exact Preclaramente, ad. excellently, nobly [mous Preclaro, a. excellent, noble, fa- Preclijdere, to hinder Preclùso, part, prevented Préco, m. a prayer Precòce, a. prema' lire Precoiitare, to premeditate Precognizióne, arid Precognoscen- za, /. a foreknowing Precognóicere. to foreknow Precònio, m. praise, encomium Preconizzare, to praise ; to pre- cognize Preconizzazione, /. prcconizition Preconoscenza. /. a foreknowledge Preconóscere, to foreknow Precórrere, to forerun Precórso, part, preceded Precursóre, in. a forerunner Prèda,/, prey, booty; dare in prè- da, to give up ; darsi in prida al dolóre, to afjandon one's self to grief Predace, a. rapacious of prey Predaménto, m. pillage I Predare, to prey, to rob. to pillage | Predato, pirt. pillaged, robbed j Predilnre. ra. a robber i PRE Predecessóre, m. predecessor ; i nostri pi-édecessòri, our fore- fathers Predefinito, yar^ predetermined Predella, /. a stool, the reins of a bridle ; a footstool Predcllone, m. a bench Predestinare, to predestinate, des- tine, fix Preieslinafo, part, predestinated Predestinazióne,/, and Predestino, m. predestination Predétto, part, foretold Predica,/, a sermon, an auditory Predicàbile, o. predicable, special Predi caménto, m. a preaching j ; preiicament (in logic) Predicare, to preach, to praise ; to boast, extol ; predicare a porri, to talk to those who will not hear Predicato, part, preached, praised ; m. predicate (in logic) Preósto, part, preferred Piep^sto, m. provost Prepotènza,/, a ?reat power PrerojaUva, aiid Prerogazióne, /. prerogative Prerùtto, o. sieep Présa, /. a taking, or prize ; scuf- fle; quarrel; una prèsa di la- bieco, a pinch r.f snuff; far pnjsa, hold fast; présa di genie, a band, troop ; d.'ir le prèse, to give the choice ; venire alle prése, to come to blows. I)i prima pre a, ad. at first si^ht Pre