A A 1 2 9 8 8 5 4 9 ; SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHARLESTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS, AND BUNKER HILL. " Wherever pamphlets abound, there is Treedom ; and therefore have we been a nation of pamphleteers." — Rt. Hon. B. Disr.*eli. " Meya pi^Aiov M«Yc » i^httsui pe: ip^sth, find kg imn la-jeih it to he a. >, W'0^ mi is toksH a^cyfyoy^.ihccziltoccw,:, l^f Ztch. l.^^(»/Tour fatkc:rs tfhiiC iii','iky^ ^^'dth? Ptiphfit nM& tnancUJ. my fei-^antsths PiOthiti. did tijcy f.Qi taki hdii if your WiB Fc>t^'ers> fkpi Hcb. 13.7- JRf.mcmbir tk:M x^hkh hiid the yf:h ev(y pu, ^:%M vebo hdf^z \'j(.Vjsn f^ntv you the \-stvd of ^od, »?(o/V Faifb /V/ftR':, ^;^ conjidivinithe edofihcncofiVCYiation. . I '■(■ C 'I • - ( f. Trintid by Samuel Green. 16 jj- CHARLESTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS. Colonial Period, 1630-1775, Monographs. WORKS BY founders OF THE TOWN WHOSE RESIDENCE IN IT WAS NOT LONG. " The I Tenth Muse | Lately fprung up in America | or | Severall Poems, compiled [ with great variety of Wit | and Learniug, full of delight," I etc. " Alfo a Dialogue between Old England and | I New, concerning the late troubles, | with divers other pleafant and ferious Poems. | By a gentlewoman in thofe parts. | " Sm. 8° pp. 222. Stephen Bowtell. London, 1 650 " The fecond Edition, Corrected by the Author, | and enlarged by an Addition of feveral other \ Poems found amongft her Papers I after her Death. \ " 16°. pp. 14, 255, 1. John Foster, Boston (N. E.), 1678 The Same, 3d ed. Cr. 8°. pp. xiv -f 233. Boston, 1758 " The Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse, edited by John Harvard, Ellis," with an Introduction, Life of A. B., etc. Imp. 8°. pp. Ixxvi. -|- 434, 2 pi., 2 fac. sim. Printed by J. Wilson & Son, Cambridge, published by A. E. Cutter. 250 copies printed. Charlestown, 1867 1630. dan. Gov. T. Ducllev, wife Gov. S. B., earliest poetess in Am. Sales ; 1st ed. Fraser (18.52) £2, 3s., Rice (N. Y. 1870) $137.50, Menzies (N. Y. 1875) $77.-50. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Cutter were both residents of C. This admirable edition was at this date probably the handsomest book ever published in the town. Dudley, Gov. Tho. (1630). "Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, March, 1631. With Explanatory Notes by Dr. John Farmer." 8°. pp.19. Washington, IS^^ No. IV. of Vol. 2, of Peter Force's Tracts. A very early and interesting Account of Massachusetts. Lowndes mentions a 4'^, n. d., by George "Dudley. Also rep. in Chron- icles of jNIass. Bay, by Dr. A. Young, pp. 303-41. Boston, 184G. Johnson, Capt. Edward (1630, 1636-42, in Bow. St.). " A I History | of | New-Eugland. | From the Englifh planting in the Yeere | 1628, untill the Yeere 1652. | " etc. or, "Wonder- working Providence | of | Sign's Saviour in N. England. | " Sm. 4°. pp.4-|-236-|-103*-120*. Nath: Brooke. Xonrfo«, 1654 Written abt. 1G49-51 (Poole xv.). Nearly all reissued, London, 10.59, in "America I Painted to the Life, | " etc., by Ferd. Gorges. See also Mass. Hist. Soc. Colls., Vols. 12-14, 17, 18. Original extremely rare; Brinley (N. Y. 1879) 2 copies, $150 and $80. 2 COLONIAL PERIOD. Johnson, Capt. Edward. The same, with an Hist. Introduction, Life, Index, etc., by W'" F. Poole. 4°. 200 copies, and 10 on dr. paper, and 50 L. P. Printed by J. Wilson & Son. W. F. Draper, Andover, 1867 Wilson, Rev. John (1G30). "A Seasonable Watch- Word unto Christians against the Dreams and Dreamers of this Generation : Delivered in a Sermon November IGth, 16G5," (his last). Sm. 4°. pp. 4_|_19. Cambridge, 1077 His only published work, "excessively rare." Brinley, red mor. (Bedford) $57.50 (bought foV the library of Congress). WiNTiiKOP, Gov. John. " A | Journal | of the | Transactions and Occiu'rences in the Settlement of | Massachusetts and the Other New Ensjland | Colonies, from the Year 1630 to 1644." 1st ed. from tlie M. S. 8°. pp. 6 + 364. Hartford, 1790 The same, with the 3d vol., 1630-49, with Notes by J. Savage. 2 vols. 8°. Boston, 1825-26 Third ed. with additions, etc. to the 2d, by J. Savage. 2 vols. 8°. Boston, 1853 See Life and Letters of, by Hon. R. C. Winthrop. 2 vols. 8°. Boston, 1863, and 2d edition, enlarged ; plates, do. 1869 PRINTED WORKS AND MEMORIALS OF INHABITANTS, WORKS RELATING TO THE TOWN, AND AD- DRESSES AND SERMONS DELIVERED IN IT. Charlestown is often, hereafter, abbreviated C. Placed within brackets after a name, and before a date, it sliows that a person was born in the town, pre- ceded by a dash, — C, shows, died in the town. 1659. Allen, Rev. Thos. " A | Chaine | of ] Scripture | Chronolo- GiK I from the | Creation | of the | World | to the Death of | Iesus Christ, | in feven Periods. | " 4°. London, 1659 " The most esteemed of this celebrated Non-conformist's works, with a frontispiece by Hollar, reprinted 1GG8." — Lowndes. The author, it is said, began this work while he was in C. Also, An Invitation to Thirsty Sinners to come to their Saviour. (Printed at Cambridge, (N. E. ?) The Glory of Christ set forth, with the Necessity of Faith ; in several Sermons on John 3d and 5th. 8°. 1683. The Way of the Spirit in bringing Souls to Christ, in Ten Sermons. 16°. London, 1676 Lettcrin " Strength out of Weaknesse." Lond. lG52(inMass. H. S. Colls. III., iv, 194). Also edited, with prefaces, two works by Rev. John Cotton, viz., 2d ed. of "A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace." Sm. 8°. London. 1059; and "An Exposition upon the i;5th chapter of the Revelation." 4°. London, 1655. ("To the Reader," has Mr. Allen's statement of " of having lived in that American wilderness about 13. or 14. years in the Towne next adjoyning to Boston"). MONOGEAPHS. 3 Brigden, Zechariah. An Almanac of the Celestial Motions for this present Year of the Christian -^ra 1659. By Zech : Brigden, Astrophil. Samuel Green, Cambridge, lGo9 This is probably the earliest American hook by a C. author. SiiEPARD, Rev. Thos, (of Cambridge, N. E.) " The | Parable | OF THE I Ten Viro;ins | Opened and Applied | Being the Substance of divers | SERMONS | ." Published by Jonathan Mitchell, ^iin- ifter at Cambridge," and " Tho. Shepard, Son to the Reverend Author, now Minifter at Charles- Toivn in New England." Folio, 2 pts. in 1 vol., pp. 8 + 240 + 203 -f 5. London, 1660 The same. pp. 6 + 232 + 1 90 + 5. London, 1 695 Also in folio Lond. 1G59, IG'Ju ; in 8^ 2 vols. 1797; in 12° Aberdeen, 1838. Autliorsliip, or publication, by natives, or tliose for years residents, of the town, seems to have begun in 1G59. Mr. Allen, minister of C. 16'j9-')1, had re- turned to England and was settled in Norwich, d. 1673. Mr. Brigden (C. 1039), who was one of the earliest graduates of Harvard Col. (1657), and probably was the author of the Almanac, died 1662. Mr. Shepard was minister of C. 1659-77. 1665. Nowell, Alexander. An Almanack of Celestial Motions for the year of the Christian Epoch 1 665. By Alex. Nowell <^iA.oyu.oDcros. Sm. 8"^. Samuel Green, Cambridge, 1 665 The author was a f^on of Elder Increase Nowell, born in C. ? died in 1G72, and is said to have published several almanacs. The only copy of this one seen by the writer is now in the National Library, Washington. 1672. Shepard, Rev. Thos. " Eye-Salve, Or A Watch-Word From our Lord lefiis Chrift unto his Churches: Especially those within the Colony of Massachusets In New England, To take heed of Apnftacy :" etc. The Election Sermon, by the "Teacher of the Church of Chrift in Charl/loivn, who was appointed by the Magif- trates to Preach on the day o/ Election at Bo/ton, May 15, 1672." Sm. 4°. pp. 4 -|- 52. Samuel Green, Cambridge, 1673 Two long texts, etc., also, on the title. Rev. T. S. born 1G34, was min. at C. 1059 to death in 1G77. Salts, llice, $50, lirinley, $20. 1677. Cakes, Rev. Urian. "An Elegie | upon | The Death of the Rev- erend I Mr. Thomas Shepard, | Late Teacher of the Chnrch at | Charlestown in Neio England: \ By a great Admirer of his Worth, and true Mourner for | his Death. | " Sm 4°. pp. 16. Broad black border around the title. Samuel Green, Cambridge, 1677 One of the earliest poems printed in British America, and now e.Ktremcl}' rare. Twenty-three of the fifty-two stanzas are reprinted in Budington's Hist., 1st cli., pp. 215-18. tonics, Brinley, (2 copies, mor.) $45, — and $41. Dr. A. Ilohnes (Mass. H. S. Colls. vii,5'i) says this worii "rises, in my judgment, far above the poetry of his day, and it is plaintive, pathetic, and replete with imagery." 4 COLONIAL PEKIOD. 1678. NoWELL, Rev. Sam' "Abraham in Arms ; | or | The firft Religious I GENERAL | with his | Akmy | Eiujaging in \ A WAR | For tvhich he had tcisehj prepared, and by | which, not only an eminent | Victory | Was obtained, but | A Blessing | gained alfo. I Delivered in an Artillery Election Sermon June 3, 1678. By S. N." Sra 4°. pp. 4-f- lO. John Foster, Boston, 1678 The Preface is printed in Budington's Hist. 1st ch., 191. The "excellent " and •' never to be forj,^(itten " " tiglitinfr chaplain " of JLiss. troops in Philip's War, Son of Elder Increase Nowell, born C. 1(534, died in London 1088. The invitation to his funeral was : — " You are desired to accompany the L'orj)s of Mf Sanniell Nowell, minister of the Gosjiell, of Eminent Note in New England, deceased, from Mr (Quicks meating place in Bartholomew Close, on Thursday next at two of the clock in the afternoon p'eiselv, to the new burving place by the Artillery ground." Drake's Fields (1874), p. -278. " See Magnalia, VII., 50. Church Affairs, See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coil's, Ser. HI. vol. 1, 1825. 1681. WiLLARD, Rev. Sam! Tlie Fiery Tryal no ftrange thing ; | De- livered In a I SERMON | Preached at | Charlstown, | February 15, 1681. | Beiug a Day of | Humiliation: | etc. Sm. 4°. pp. 4 -j- 20. For Sam! Sewall, Boston, 1682 1686. Mather, Rev. Cotton. Military Duties, | Recommended | to an I Artillery | Company; | At their Election of Officers, In Charls-Town, I 13, d. 7, m. 1686. | etc. Sm. 8°. pp. 8 78 -}- 2. Richard Pierce, Boston, 1687 1689. Bulkeley, Gershom. "The People's | Right to Election [ ," etc. " To which is added, the Writing delivered to James Russell \ of Charlestown Esq ; warning him and others concerned, | not to meet to Hold a Court at Cambridge, within the | County of Middle- sex. I By Thomas Greaves, Esq." Sm. 4°. pp. 18. Assignes of William Bradford, Philadelphia, 1689 Extremely rare. Snle, Brinlev (mor.) §235; Reprinted in Conn. Hist. Soc. CoH's, Vol. I., pp. 57-81, 18G0. T. G. ('C. 1639 — C. 1G97), H. C. 1656. The Humble Address of Sundry Your Majesty's Subjects inhabitants in Charlestown. See Frothingham's Hist., p. 230, and Andros Papers, vol. 2, Prince Soc, Boston, 1869, pp. 79-81. 1691. "The Humble Address, [to the King] of divers of the Gentry, Merchants, and others, * * * inhabiting in Bo/ton, Charls-Toivn and places adjacent, within Your Majeftie's Territory and Dominion of New-England in America, with a Letter, dated Charles- Toivn, Neio-England, Novemb. 22, 1 690, giving an Account of the unfortunate Expedition to Quebec in Canada, the Inducements to it," etc. Sign'd L. H. Licenfed Apr. 28th. 1691. 4°. pp. 8. \_London'], 1691 MONOGRAPHS. 5 "The 1 Humble Addrefs ] of the | Publicans ] of | Neio England | to which King you pleafe. | With some | Remarks | Upon it." 4°. pp. 35. London^ printed in the Year, 1G91 A reply to, or abuse of, the above. It states tliat " this Famous Publican Ad- dress, lias not only been Signed by all the Trash they could ]{ake together, but also with a Cum multis aliis." Of the 34 signers named to tiie first above, 11 may have been of C, viz. : Cap't Laur. Hannnond (abusively mentioned p. 29 of Reply), Nath. Dows, Kath Hand, John Cutler, Jr., Tim. Cutler, Cap't Kioh'! Sprague, Fr. Littlefield, Sam', riiillips, Sam'. Walker, Dr. Thos. Greaves, and Edw. Taimes (Palmer 1). 1692. Lawson, Rev. Deodat. The Duty Sf Property | of A | Religious Houfe-holder | Opened | In A | Sermon | Delivered ut (£l)arlcs- toron, on I Lord's Day December, 25, 1692. j etc. Sm. 8^^. pp. s -f- G4. Boston, 1 G93 1693. Morton, Rev. Chas. The | SPIRIT | of ] MAN: | or | Some Meditations (by way of Effay) on | tlie Senfe of that Scripture. | 1 Thef. 5, 23, etc. Sm. 8^ pp. 8+100 + 2. Printed by B. Harris, for Duncan Campbell, Boston, 1 693 Recommended by Increase iMather, James Allen, Samuel Willard, John Daily, Cot- ton jMatlier, as " the Worthy Labours of a Learned, Pious, and now Aged Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Ministry of the Gospel. He is a person too considerable in his Generation, to want any of our Commendation." " The Worthily Famousj Mr. Morton,"' Avith "Sense enough for a Privy Counsellour, and Soul great Enough for a King." See Dunton's Letters, Prince Soc. IV, 29G-7, with a high estimate of his abilities and accomplishments. Born i(;26, d. C. 1G98, minister of C. 1680-98. Ordination Friday, Nov. 5, see Sawall, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coil's, V. v., 155. He preached in Eng. until 1006, then kept an Academy at Newington Green. De Foe, author of Robinson Crusoe, was one of his scholars. His other books, all small, are : — The Little Peace-maker; Discovering Foolish Pride the Malce-bate; from Pror: 13, 10. 16^ pp. 80 -t- 2. London, 1074 The Waj' o/'Good Mtn, for Wise Men to Walk in; or Animadversions upon I'rov. 2, 20. 16°. pp. 95. London, 1081 Debt's Discharge, oi! Some Considerations on Romans 13, 8. 16°. pp. 4-|-00 -|- 4. with some Meditations on the History recorded in the first fourteen chapters of Exodus in Meeter. (10°. pp.16.) London, UM The Gaming Ilumoitr Considered and Reproved, or the Passion-Pleasure, and Expo.s- ijig Moncv to hazard, bv Play, Lot, or Wager, Examined. 12°. pp. 2 + 52. London, 1084 Also, "Two little things in English Meeter. Tiie one. Meditations," (above). "The other, The Ark, its Loss awCl Recovery; being like Meditations on the beginning of 1 Sam." A Discourse on Improving the County of Cornwall (portion in Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. vol. 10, 1675 (April) ; "Considerations on the New River"; " Letter to a Friend, to prove money not so necessary as imagined"; "Season Birds"; an "Inquiry into the sense of Jeremiah viii. 7."; "(Jf Conmion Places"; or "Memorial Books"; "Compendium Physicae " ; " System of Logic." 1702. Hale, Rev. John. A Modest Enquiry | Into (be Nature of | Witch- craft, I and I How Persons Guilty of that Crime | may be Con- victed ; And the means | used for their Discovery Discussed, | both Negativehf and Affirmntiveh/, | according to Scripture and E.xpe- rie'nce. | Sm. 8°. pp. 2+ 176. Boston, 1702 (C. 1636, d. 1700, 1st min. Beverlcv, Mass.) The rarest of books on N. E. Witch- craft. S'dest, Menzies (l)ro.mor.) *.32.' Briidey, 2copies. (sheep) $105, (red mor.) $120. "Mr. Brinley was, perhaps, the only collector, in the present ccntuiy, wlio lias had the good fortune to secure two line copies of this Exlruurdinarily rare book." (Cat. p. 181.) COLONIAL PEKIOD. 1708. [Mather, Rev. C] Corderius Americanus. An Essay upon the Good Education of Children. In A Funeral Sermon upon Mr. EzEKiEL Cheever, etc. Sm. 8°. pp. 6 -|- 34. Boston, 1708 E. C. (1615-1708) Sclioohnaster in C. 1661-70. Sales, Wigsin (1876) (poor copy) $6.25. Biiriley (tine) $25. IJppriiUetl, witli "a selection from'the poems of Clicever's manuscript never before published." 8°. pp.23. Boston, \&2%. Also, do. 1774. 1709. [Cheever, E. Latin Accidence]. A Short Introduction to the Latin Tongue, For the Use of the Lower Forms in the Latin School, etc. 8°. pp. 2 + 46+15 + 1. Boston, 1709 The earliest cd. seen by the writer. Tliis very popular text-book, composed lG'38-50, readied the 20tii ed. (1785), 17 of \vh. were pr. in Boston before the Itevolution — the 15th, in 1771. See 1757, 1856, and 1879. Also, an ed., Boston, 18u8. 1715. Eleazar Phillips "removed to Charlestown, near Boston. He was the oidy bookseller who had settled in that town prior to the revolution." He was also a binder. Died 1763. He was a small dealer in books printed in N. E. See Arch. Amer. VI, 216, 2-32. His son Eleazar (b. in Bost.) was tirst printer in the Carolinas, at Charleston, 17o0. See do. V. 340. 1717. Cutler, Rev. Timothy, D. D. (C. 1684-1765; Pres. Yale 1719- 22, then rector Clnist Ch. Boston, which was gathered for him ; lived in C 1684-1709?) Connecticut Election Sermon \1\1 , New London, 1717; Ser. before Gen. Assembly Conn., Oct. 18, 1719, N. L., 1720; Ser. Deaths John and Elizabeth Nelson, Boston, 1735; Ser. see 1747 ; Memorial on, see 1765. 1719. Goose, or Vergoose, Elizabeth (Foster). " Songs for the Nursery, or Mother Goose's Melodies for Children. Printed by T. Fleet, at his printing-house, Pudding Lane, 1719. Price two coppers." \_Boston:], 1719 "SomethinjT probably intended to represent a goose with a very long neck and a mouth wide open, covered a large part of the Jiage." (Ed. 1879, p" xiv.) The Kdilio Prinreps of "Mother Goose." There have been doubts of this excessivelv rare ed. See \V. 11. Whitmore, N. E. Hist. Gen. Kegister, April, 1873, p. 144. The p"oetcss was born in C. 1GG5, and died in Bost. abt. 1758 ; m. Isaac V. 1692. New Edition. " Mother Goose's Melodies, with Illustrations [8] in color by Alfred Kappes." 4°. pp. 21 -|- 186. Houghton, Osgood & Co., Riverside Press, Boston, 1879 The Edition de luxe of " Mother Goose." MONOGRAPHS. / 1720. Symmes, Rev. Thomas. Good Soldiers Described and Animated. Artillery Election Sermon, Boston, June 6, 1720. Preface by Benj. Colman. Sm. 4°. pp. 37 -|- 1. Boston, 1720 1678-1725, grandson Rev. Z., early life in C. See Budington's Hist. p. 210. Mr. Symmes also was author of The Reasonableness of Regular Singling, etc. 16^. pp. 24, Boston, 1720 ; Monitor for delaying Sinners, 1720 V; Dis. concerning Prejudice in Matters of Rel'gion, pp. 22, and Ser. at Ordination of Joseph Emerson, 12^, both, Boston, 1722; Utile Dnlci; or a Joco-Serious Dialogue concerning Regular Singing, etc. 10°. pp. 5!); Boston, 112-i; The People's Interest in One Article, etc. 12='. pp. 4:5. Boston, 17:^4; Lovewell Lamented, or a Sermon occasion'd by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Love- well, etc., Bradford, Mav 10, 17:25, pp. 32. With an Historical Preface, or Memoirs of the Battleat Piggwacket, pp. 4, 12, (32). Boston, 1725. 1st ed. (Uncut), thought to be unique, richlv bound bv Bedford, at Brinley Sale (for Chicago) S2I5. The same, 2d ed. Sm. 8^" do. 1725 "(Excessively rare, Brinley sale, S55). Sundry reprints, a very tine one, with additional matter, by F. Kidder (235 copies 4^), pp. 138. Boston, 18G5. 1723. Stevens, Rev. Joseph. Another and Better Country | even an Heavenly : | In Referve | For all true Believers. | Being the last I Skrmons 1 of that Memorable Servant of | Christ, the Jieverend I Mr. Joseph Stevens | Late Paftor of the Church in | C. With a Discourse on the Death of Rev. Wm. Brattle. In 1 vol. 12'^. pp. 2 -|- xii. -|- 116. (Figures 69, 70, repeated.) Boston, 1723 Mr. S. was minister at C. 1713-21. His son, Rev. Benj. D. D. (C. 1721, d. 1791), was minister at Kittery. The following were by him : — Rev. Benj. Sermon on the Death of Andrew Pepperell, Esq., onlv Son of Sir Wm. Pepperell, Bart., who died March 1, 1751. 8^ pp. 31. 'Boston, 1752 Sermon on the Death of Sir Wui. Pepperell, Bart.; who died July 0, 175!). 4°. pp. 24. Boston, 17.59. Mass. Election Sermon, 1701. 8^. pp. 72. Boston, 1701. The Gospel Ministrv vindicated from Contempt. Convention Sermon Portsmouth, Sep. 20, 1704. Large 8°. pp. 42. Portf.aouth, 1705 The last, printed by Thomas Furber, apprentice of Daniel Fowie (C. 1715), 1st prin- ter in N. H. The Pastor's Office and Business while among his people while living, and the People's Duty toward a Faithful Pas- tor when deceased. Funeral Sermon on Rev. Wm. Brattle. Cam- bridf/e, March 24, 1716-17. " Now Publish'd as a Special iNIonitor for Cliarlestown, under their Sorrowful Bereavement of the Worthy Author." 16°. pp.46. Boston, 1123 1725. Brown, Rev. John. Divine Help Implored. Funeral Sermon at Bradford, Oct. 31, 1725, on Rev. Thomas Symmes, with "A Par- ticular, Plain, and Brief Memorative Account" of iiim. 8°. p\). 70. Boston, 1126. The Ser., Memoirs, etc., pp. 168. Newburypurt, 1816. 1726. Penhallow, Judge Sam' The History of the Wars of New Eng- land with the Eastern Indians, from Aug. 10th, 1703, to Aug. 5th, 172G. 8°. pp. 2 + iv + 2 + 134 -f 1. Boston, 1726 Extremely rare. Sales, Brinley (orig. bind.) $130, do. (fair) $30. Reprinted 4° (150 copies), Cincinnati, 1859, with Memoir bv N. Adams. Born 1005, d. 1720, came to C. 1080, niemb. Ch. C. till 1717. COLONIAL PERIOD. 1730. Brown, Rev. John (Haverhill). Ordination Sermon preached at Arundale (M'') Nov. 4, 1730, at Ordination of Rev. Tliomas Pren- tice. 1G°. P13. 30. Boston, 1731 The church at A. was dispersed by Indians, and Rev. T. S. became (1739) niia. at C. 1735. Abbot, Rev. Hull. Jehovah's Character as a Man of War, illus- trated and applied. Artillery Election Sermon, 1735. 8°. pp. 35. Boston, 1735 1702 — C. 1774, minister at C. 1724-74. See 1746, 47, 53. Rand, Rev. Wm. (C. 1G99. Min. Sunderland, 1724-45 ; do King- ston, 1746-79). Sermon at Sunderland, (Mass.) Nov. 2, 1735, pp. 21, Boston, 1736; Ser. at Hadley, (Mass.), Ord. Rev. D. Par- sons Nov. 7. 12°. Boston, 1739 ; Ser. at Ord. Rev. J. Ballan- tine, (Westfield), June 17. 8°* Boston, 1741 ; vSer. at Road-Town (Shutesbury, Mass.) Ord. Rev. A. Hill, Oct. 27. 12°. Boston, 1742 ; The Late Religious Commotions in N. E. considered ; An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Jonathan P^dward's Ser., etc. 8°. pp. 64. Boston, 1743 ; Ser. at Ord. Rev. A. Williams, Sandwich, (Mass.), June 14. 4°. Boston, 1749 ; Ser. at Ord. Rev. C. Turner, Dux- bury, July 23, 1755. 8°. pp. 23. Boston, 1756 ; Convention Ser. 1757'. 8°. pp. 23. Boston, 1757; Charge at Ord. Rev. C. Gannett, Cumberland, N. S., Oct. 12. Boston, 1768; Charge at Ord. Rev. Z. Sanger, Duxbury, July 3. Boston, 1776. 1742. The Declaration of the Associated Pastors of Boston and Charles- town, relating to the Rev. James Davenport. 16°. jjp. 7. Boston, 1742 Croswell, Rev. Andrew. Reply to same. 8°. pp. 18. Boston, 1742 1743. Prentice, Rev. Thos. Preface to Wm. Thompson's Funeral Ser- mon on Rev. Sam! Willard, (Biddeford), and S. W.'s Ser. at Ord. Rev. John Hovey. 12°. pp. 60. Boston, 1743 1702-1782, minister at C 1739-82. See 1730, 45, 48, 55, 56. 1745. Prentice, Rev. Thomas. When the People and the Rulers among them willingly offer themselves, etc., the Lord is to be Praised. Thanksgiving Sermon in C. July 18, 1745, for the Reduction of Cape Breton. 8°. pp. 39. Boston, 1745 Wiiitefield, Rev. G. Letter from two Associations of Ministers to the Associated Ministers of Boston and C. relating to the Admis- sion of Mr. W. into their pulpits. 4°. Boston, 1745 MONOGRAPHS. 1746. Abbot, Rev. Hull. The Duty of God's People to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem^ etc. Sermon on the Rebellion in iScotland, 1745, preached at C.Jan. 12, 1745-46. 8°. pp. 26. Boston, 1746 Tlie titles of the three above, entire, would occupy about the whole of this page. The two important liistorical events were duly coninicniorated in C. by these sermons. The one by Mr. Prentice, especially, contains admirable passages. 1747. Abbot, Rev. Hull. A Disswasive against the impious Practice of Profane Swearing and Cursing in Common Conversation. Sermon at C. 8°. pp. 30. Boston, 1747 ■ Early Piety, a Sermon at C. (1739 ?) Boston, n. d. Cutler, Rev. Dr. Tim° The Good and Faithful Servant, and the Joy awarded to him. Sermon at Boston, June 28, 1747, on the Death (June 19) Hon. Thos. Greaves, of Charlestown. 8°. pp. 21. Boston, 1747 1748. Prentice, Rev, Thos. The Vanity of Zeal for Fasts, without Judg- ment, Mercy, and Compassions. Ser. at C. Jan. 28, 1747-48. Public Fast after Burning of the Province Court House. 8^. pp. 27. Boston, 1748 Lord, Rev. Joseph. The Great Privilege of the Children of God, etc. Ser. at p:astham, Feb. 24, 173U-1. 16°. pp. 29, Boston, 1731. Two 12° vols on Baptism, Boston, 1719 ? Letter to Gene- ral Convention of Ministers, Mass., 1728. 8°. pp. 16. Boston, 1734 C. about IGTl, II. C. 1G91. Min. Dorchester, S. C, 1st communion in Carolina Feb. 2, 109G, min. at Chatham, Mass., d. 17-18, aged abt. 77. 1753. Abbot, Rev. Hull. R. H. Fellowship at Ord. Rev. Stephen Badger (see 1774), March 27. (Ser. by N. Appletou ; ch. Rev. Jos. Sewall). 8°. pp. 34. Boston, 1753 1755. Bradstreet, Rev. Simon. Sermon at Marblehead, Jan. 12, 1755, on the death of Samuel Bradstreet. 4°. pp. 28. Boston, 1755 Rev. S. B., (C. 1709), and Sam'. (C. 1711). sons of Rev. S. B. of 1st. ch. C, the latter resident of C, died Jan. 4, 1755. Also, by Rev. S. B., Rt. Hand at OrdV of I!ev. Win. Whitewell, Marblehead, Aug. 25, 1702, with sermon by Rev. T. Barnard. Bustvn, 1702 FowLE, Daniel (C. 1715). " A Total Eclipse of Liberty; An Ac- count of the Arraignment and Imprisonment of Daniel Fowle on Suspicion of his being concerned in Printing and Publishing a Pam- phlet entitled ' The Monster of Monsters.' Written by himself." [Also, 12°. Boston, 1775]. 12°. pp. 24. Boston, 1755 10 COLONIAL PERIOD. Fo WLE, Daniel. " An Appendix " to the sanae, " Being some Tlioiiglits on the P3nd and Design of Civil Government; also, the inherent Power of the People asserted and maintained." 8°. pp. 24. [D. Fowle], Boston, 1756 The "Monster," a severe satire on the debate on the Excise Bill in Mass. (Boston, 8°. pp. 24, 1754). was suppressed bv order of the Gen. Court, and is now very rare. $22, Brinloy sale. See Arch. Aincf. V. 129-32. INIr. Fowle removed to Portsmouth, N. H., and" printed the lirst newspaper in N. H., The Gazette, No. 1, Oct. 7, 175G. For Hist, and Facsimile, see N. E. II. G. Reg. xxvi., 132-40. Prentice, Rev. Thos. The Believers Triumph over Death and the Grave. Ser. on death of 3Irs. Anna, late Consort of 3/r. Richard Gary, of C, Mch. 2. 8°. pp. 28. Boston, 1755 Dr. Budington (Hist. p. 2-34) mentions as seen (1842) a copy of "some of Mrs. Gary's sayings a few days before her death," once well known. The writer has not Eeeu a copy. 1756. Prentice, Rev. Thos. Observations, Moral and Religious, on the late terrible Night of the Earthquake. Ser. at the Boston Lecture Jan. 1. 8°. Boston, 1756 1757. Cheever, Ezekiel. Scripture Prophecies Explained. In Three short Essays. 8°. pp. 33. Boston, 1757 1762. Skinner, Rev. Thos. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary, his wife, Dec. 8, 1745, Colchester, Conn. 8°. pp. 43. ^os^on, 1746. The Faithful Minister's Trials. Ser. at Ord. Rev. Grindall Rawson, May 9, 1751. 4°. pp. 49. New London, 1751 Mr. S. and his family lived in C. (Dr. Bartlett.) He grad. H. C. 1732, was min. of Westchester Society in Colchester, and died 17G2. 1765. Caner, Rev. Henry, T>. D. The Firm Belief of a Future Reward a Powerful Motive to Obedience and a Good Life. Sermon at Fuueral of Eev. Tun". Culler, D. D., Aug. 20, 1765. 4°. pp. 24. (See 1717.) Boston, 1705 1768. Cart, Rev. Thomas (C. 1745). Ordination 1st Ch. Newburyport, May 11, 1768. Ser., E. Barnard ; Ch., Rev. Mr. Wingate ; B. K, Rev. T. Prentice, of Charlestown. (pp. 5.) 8°. pp. 47. Printed b}' Edes and Gill, Boston, 1768. Rev. T. P. was minister, and Rev. T. C. and Benj. Eldes were natives of Charlestown. By T. C. The Importance of Salvation considered, etc. 8°. pp. 76. Bos- ton, 1773. See also 1797, and 1808. Prentice, Rev. Thos., Ad. to C. ch., Sept. 2.5. 1768, "a student of Holliston," 1770 — min. at Medlield; 1785, and other years, pub'd 12 (or more) Discourses. MONOGRAPHS. 11 1774. Badger, Rev. Stephen (C. 1726-1803). The Nature and Effects of Drunkenness Considered, in Two Discourses at Natick, Oct. 1773. 8°. pp.56. Boston,1174:. Substance of do. 16^ pp.24. Z>o. 1811. Letter concerning the Natick and other Indians, see Mass. Hist. Soc. ColTs, I. vol. v., 32-45. Rev. S. B. was a missionary who preached to the Indians at Natick. See 1753. PASSAGES IN THE WORKS OF VARIOUS AUTHORS. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE TOWN OR ITS AFFAIRS. Bradford, Gov. Wm. Hist. Plymouth Plantation, 1646. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coil's, IV. iii. (1856). See p. 96, pp. 277-9. Byfip:ld, Nath. Account of the late Revolution in N. E., London, 1689. Rep. in Force IV. 10, and Sabin, 4=. No. 1. N. York, 1865. See p. 4. Clap, Capt. Roger. Memoirs, 1630. Boston, 1731 (rep. 1766, 1774, 1807, 1824), and Colls. Dorchester Antiq. and Hist. Soc, Boston, 1844. Settlement, see pp. 41, 42. Drake, S. G. History of Boston, Boston, 1857. Settle' 57-9, 92-4, and various items. DuNTON, J. Letters from N. E., Prince Soc. No. 4, description C, 1686, p. 149. Dudley, Gov. See " Founders." Gorges, F. Tracts, London, 1659, see p. 35, curious error about Harverd Col ledge in C, and Harnes at Cambridge. Gorton, Saml Simplicities Defence, London, 1646. Rep. Force IV. 6, see p. 73 e/ seq. HiGGiNSON, Rev. F. N. E.'s Plantation, London, 1630. Rep. in M. H. Soc. Coil's, L i. ; Force's Tracts, L 12, p. 13 (1630) : — " There are in all of vs both old and new Planters about three hundred, whereof two hundred of them are settled at Neihum-Kek, now calk-d Salem: and the rest haue Planted theniselues at Masathulets Bay, beginning to build a Towne there which we doe call Cherton, or Charles Towne.^^ Hutchinson, Gov. T. Collections. Boston, 1769. Rep. Prince Society, Nos. 1, 2. See pp. 51, 55. GooKiN, D. Hist. Acc't 1675-7 in Arch. Amer. II. See pp. 466, 474, 509-10. Also in M. IL S. Coil's, I. (1792). Johnson, Ed. See " Founders," — Account of C. (1631) Ed. 1867, p. 40; Settlement, 37-42; items, 53, 70, 121, 133, 176, 190, 192, 208, 211 ; great fire (1650), 221. JossKLYN, J. Two Voyages to N. E., London, 1675 ; Rep. Boston, 1865. Account of town 1st ed. 1 63-4 (1865), 126. Do. Chronolo- gical Obs. to 1673, p. 204 (1660), "a damnable cheat* * printed June, pretending that 18 Turks-men of War the 24 of January 12 COLONIAL PERIOD. IG^py landed at a Town called Kingsword (alludinjj to Charles- town) three miles from Bofton, kill'd 40, took Mv. Sims minifter prifoner, wounded hiin, kill'd his wife," etc., " burnt the Town," etc.; loss £12.000; "-£8,000 ransom for prisoners demanded." Early but not latest "history" manufactured about Charlestown people. Lechfokd, T. Plain Dealing, Lond., 1642. Rep. Boston, 1867. He visited C. General information, Massachusetts Records, 1628-86, o vols. 4°. Boston, 1853-4. A large number of references too numerous or too brief, to be enu- merated here, ■ Histories of, by Barber (pp. 364-74), Barry, Bradford, Plutchinson, Minot, and Palfrey (in N. E.) contain various refer- ences. Historical Soc. Coil's or Proceedings, contain many items ; Example, List of Fires in C. to 1800, see vols. iii. and xi. ; History of C, vol. xii. 163-84: vols, xvii., xviii. MoRTOX, N, N, E.'s Memorial, Cambridge, 1669, Rep. 1721, 1772, 1826 (two ed's), and Boston, 1855. Chiefly church affairs. But see p. 108, settlement of C. Ogilby, J. America, Description. London, 1671, description of C, p. 159, and " Harnes " college, 160. Prince, Rev. T. Annals of N, E, Boston, 1736, many items to 1633, Sewall, Judge Samuel, Diary 1674-1729 printed in INIass. Hist. Soc. Coil's, V. v,, vi. This very interesting work contains many references to C. and its inhabitants. Smith, Capt. J. Des". of N. E. Lond. 1616, brief notices of Bay, islands, etc., pp. 44, 46. Advertisements, or Pathway, etc., London, 1631, (1630) p. 24. Rep*? Boston, 1865, p. 43. WiNTHROP, Gov. J, Hist. N. E. (See " Founders "), Boston, 1853, Vol. /., settlement, pp. 34-40 ; Ambrose new masted at, 55 ; John Sagamore, 59, 67, 69, 71, 143 ; items, 72, 92, 148, 166, 184; Con- ference on grievances (1632), 98-103. Vol. 11. Ship INlary Rose blown up (1640), 13, 87, 89; Knore's death, 52, Turner's do. (1641), 73; items, 109, 129, 336, 391,422, 424; fortif;ying, 187, 298; Painter's case, 213; La Tour business (1644), 245, etc.; fishing New'd, 291 ; T. Coytmore wrecked, 292 , ship seized, 302 ; tide mill, etc, (13 (11) 1646), 373; F, Willoughby, 392 (and L 274) ; Margaret Jones, witchcraft (1648), 397 ; Wood's case, 425; Tuttle (1637), 426 ; Ed. Converse to keep ferry 3 yrs., 427 ; Win- throp's will, 439. Names " of such as desire to be made freemen," (Mass. Oct. 1630-48), 441-57. Coytemore property, etc., 458; deaths of T. Allen, Harvard, T. James, Symmes, 472-3 ; Morton, 476 ; others, 480-2. Wood, Wm, N. E.'s Prospect, Zowtfon, 1634. Rep. ^o5^o?2, 1865 (Prince Soc. 3), Description of C Pt, I. ch. 10, p, 43, MOXOGRAPHS. 13 CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS. First Cnimcii. See Budlngton, 1845, and Kecords, 1880. HcTCiiiNSOX, Gov. T. Hist. Mass. (1G30-2) I. p. 22. Mass. Hist. Soc. Publicatioxs. Some acc't Early hist, in Ecc. Hist. Mass, churches, I. ix, 19; Pi-ince's Annals (1630-3 inc.) 11. vii., 99 ; Dr. A. Holmes order of founding, I. vii., lo ; " C. Church Affairs," "relating to a cause of Ecclesiastical jurisdiction," HI. i., 248-64, Ist, to Council at C. Nov. o, 1678, 2d, Reasons of dissent in calling jNIr, Daniel Russell, 3d, Brief Narrative Passages of this ch. etc., since death Mr. Thos. Shepard, Dec. 22, 1677 (these articles not in ch. record) ; Result of this Council, IV. viii., 91-2; Inc. and Cotton Mather's letter (not in hand of eithei') to ch. in C, Bos- ton, July 2, 1678, IV. viii., 119-21. See also Biographical List at end of tliis work, etc. Mather, C. Magnalia, London^ 1702, (1630) I. 22-3, also see Biog. Notes at end of this vol. I. Prevakncy of Prayer, Boston^ 1677, p. 8 ; Rep. do. 1864, p- 26, for Fast. 1676. Prince, Rev. T. Annals, Boston, 1736, for 1630-33. Morton, N. N. E.'s Memorial (above), 1630, and Boston, ed,, 1855, p. 442, founding and covenant, 464. Etc. Boston ch. 109. "WiNTHROP, Gov. J. Hist. N. E. Vol. I., founding ch. (1630) 112-13; fost (1634) 182; building meet. ho. (1636) 225; Mr. James (1633) 151; do. (1636) 217. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. HISTORY AND LITERATURE : MONOGRAPHS. N. B. The name is hereafter often abbreviated B. H. Allen, James (died 1808). Epic, poem, "Bunker Hill." See Swell's Hist. 3d ed. for a portion. The writer has not found a complete copy. America Invincible. An Heroic Poem ; In Two Books : A Battle at B — H — . The Americans gain the day, etc. By an Officer of Rank in the Continental Army. Sm. 8°. pp.40. Banters, 1779 (Anonymol's.) a Sketch of the B. H. Battle. Also a Sketch of Boston Tea Party. 8°. pp. 24. no p. or d. [1843 ?] [Brackenridge, H. II.] The Battle of Bunkers-Hill; a Dramatic Piece in five Acts, in heroic measure. By a Gentleman of Mary- land. Frontispiece, by Norman, " The Death of Warren." 8°. 2 ]. pp. 49. Philadelphia, 1776 The plate is said to be the carliost known spociinen of ongraviiifj in Rr. Am. bv a native artist. Sabin. Sales at auction : London, 1800, XI 15s. Brinlcv, 1379, red nior. $23. •' ' 14 BUNKER HILL. [Bradford, A.] A Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker, or Breed's Hill on the 17th of June, 1775. By a Citizen of Boston, 2d ed. 8°. pp. 27. Boston, 1825 B. R. H. The Battle of Bunker Hill, a Poem. 18° size, pp. 34. Norwich, 1874 Brown, Mrs. J. B. See "Warren, Gen. J. (Stories.) BuKK, J. B. II. ; I or the | Death of Gen. Warren ; | an ] Historic TraQ>, Nashua, 1878. Belknap, Dr. Extracts from his Note-books, etc., 1775-89, M. H. S. I'ro., June, 1875, pp. 91-8. B[RADKOKt>J, J. Letter to Col. Lincoln, see Rivington's N. Y. Gaz', June 29, 1775 ; rep. in Hist. Mag. July, 1868, p. 370. Boynton, Thos. Journal, see Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, March, 1877. Breastwork on B. H. See II. M., p. 439, and B. H. M. Ass. Proceedings, 1876, pp. 26-31. Brojifieli), J. See " Letters " below, Mass. H. Soc. Pro., Feb. 1 870. Broavn, Peter (private in battle). Letter June 25 to his motlier. Frothingham's Siege, 392; Potter's Am. Monthly, July, 1875, p. 514 (from original). Chester, Capt. John, Letter July 22, 1775, see F.'s Siege, 389 ; do. Battle Field, 12; H. M., 386. See Orderly (below). Columbian Centinel Account, see Dec. 1824, and Jan. 1825. Comjiand in the Battle, Controversy on, see Winsor's Handbook, 48-53, for articles, also many herein. Committee of Safety. See N. H. Hist. Soc. Coil's IL 143. Ellis (1843), 129. Account Mass. to Cont'l Congress, see do. 140. ■ • Do. to P^ngland, see do. 131 ; Force's American Archives IV., 1373 ; Journal 3d Prov. Cong. 1775 ; F.'s Siege, 382 ; H. M. 387. Craft, Benj. (L't), 19th Reg. Journal, June 15, 1775, et seq., with notes by S. P. Fowler, Essex Lis. Hist. Coil's, Apr. 1861. DwiGHT,' Tim<^ Travels in N. E. and N. Y. 4 v. N. Haven, 1821, see L, 468-76. Elliott, Rev. And. (Boston). Letter to Rev. I. Smith (of B.) in London. See Ellis (1843), 151 ; H.Mag. 309. FoLSOM, Gen. N. Letter to Committee of Safety in N. H. See Coil's N. H. Hist. Soc, IL 146; H. M., 373. Gray, Samuel. Letter to Mr. Dyer, July 12, 1775. See Frothing- ham's Siege, 393 ; H. M., 385. George's Cambridge Almanack for 1776. Hall, Major. Hist, of the Civil War in America, (1775-7.) London., 1780 Heath, W. Memoirs of Maj.-Gen. Heath. Boston, 1798 Henshaw, Wm. Orderly Book, Apr. -Sep., 1775, with notes by C. C. Smith, in Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, Oct. 1876. Hide, Captain Elijah. Account of battle, see N. Y. Gazette, June 26, 1775 ; Ellis (1843), 142 ; H. Mag. 378. Holmes, Rev. A. American Annals, IL, 331-34. Cambridge, 1805 Dr. O. W. Poem, " Grandmother's Story," see Centennials {Osgood's) and Mass. H. Soc. Proc, 1875, p. 33. HuBLEY, B. Hist, of the American Revolution (Vol. I. only). Nortliumherland, Penn., 1805 AMERICAN ACCOUNTS. 21 Humphreys, Col. D. An Essay on the Life of the Hon. Maj.-Gen. Israel Putnam. 12°. Harifurd, 1788, see pp. 107-12. An Impartial Hist, of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies to end of 1779 (long title). 8°. pp. GOB, and App. 44 Map, 13 Portraits. London, 1780. Do. to end of the War, with "beautiful Copper Plates," 3 vols. 8°. Boston, 1781-4 "These Plates are exceediiis'y rude productions witliout the slightest resemblance to the men tliey are intended to represent." — J. li. B. Lathrop, I., to T. Burr (Conn.), June 22, 1775. See Rivington's Gaz- etteer, June 29, 1775 ; Ellis (1843), 148 ; H. Mag., 374. Lee, L'-Col. Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Depart- ment of the U. S. 2 V. 8°. Philadelphia andiV^w; York, 1812 Lettkr from John Bromfield (Newburyport, June 21, 1775 to?). See Mass. H. S. Pro., Feb. 1870, p. 226. Do. from a Gentleman in Providence, June 20, 1775, see N. Y. Gazette, June 2G, and H. M., 372. Do., do. in Philadelphia, June 22d, see Force's Arch. IV., and Hist. Mag., 375. Do., do. in the Army, June 27, 1775, see do. IV., and do. 379. Do. from the Camp at Cambridge, see H. M., 384. Do. from an Officer of Rank to Gentleman, N. Y., June 27, 1775, see Rivington's Gazetteer, July 6, and H. M., 380. Miscellanea. Few for a long time cared to claim share in the bat- tle, H. M. XII., 309. Burning of C, see H. M. I., 145. Marshall, J. Life of Washington, Vol. II., 237-43, ed. 5 v., 4°. London, 1804-7 Martin, Rev. John. See Stiles, below. Maynard, Needham (survivor, B. H.). Recollections, Boston paper (?), 1843. Massachusetts Provincial Congress. To Committee of Safety, Albany, N. Y., see H. M., 380 ; Journal 3d Prov. Cong., June 20, 1775; To Continental Congress, H. M., 371; to Great Britain, H. M., 387, and Force's Am. Arch. IV., F's Siege, 381. Maxwell, JNIaj. Thompson. Statement on command at B. H. See N. E. H. Gen. Reg. xxii., 57, and H. Mag. xviii., 309. Neav Hampshire troops engaged, see Rep. (vol. 2) for 1866, of Adj. Gen. of N. H., also C. C. Coffin in Boston Globe, June 23, 1875, N. H. Provincial Papers, vol. 7. Orderly Book ; Chester, see F.'s Battle Field, 37-41 ; Fenno, see Mass. H. S. Proc, Oct. 1876, p. 108. Paine, Sam^ Acc't of battle, June 22, 1775, printed from M. S. in H. M., 440-2. Parker, Abel. Letter, Jaffrey, N. H., May 27, 1818, in H. M. 420. Prescott, Col. Wm. Letter to John Adams, Aug. 25, 1775, see F's Siege, 395 ; H. M., 390. Command in Battle, see Winsor's Handbook, 48-53. Manuscript, see Butler's Hist. Groton, 337 ; II. M., 437 ; Judge P. (below). Judge Wm. Acc't of Battle of B. II., "quite different from what is called The Prescott Manuscript " (above). Printed for the first time in full in Frothingham's " Battle-Field," 18-29. 22 BUNKER HILL. Pkice, Ezekiel. Diary May 23, 1775 to Aug. 18, 1776, in Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, ^ov. 1863, pp. 185-2G2. From MS. presented by Mr. Quincy. PuisoNEUs (Am") taken at B. H. See N. E. H. Gen. Register, xix., 263. Putnam, Gen. I. Command in Battle, see Winsor's Handbook, 48-53. Ramsay, Dr. D. The Hist, of the Am. Rev., 2 v. 8°. Phil% 1789, see I., 201-6, acc't battle. Regiments in B. H. Battle, List of, see F.'s Siege, 401-4. ScAMMAN, Col. J. Comments, etc., Gen' Court Martial, July 13, 1775, see Essex Gazette, Feb. 29, 1776, same in H. M,, 400-2. Smith, Chas. "The American "War from 1775 to 1783, with (7) Plans." 8°. New York, 1797, see 5-10. Also Monthly Military Repository, N. Y., 1796-7, " descriptions said to have been supplied by Baron Steuben and Gen. Gates," Allibone. Stark, Col. John. Letter to Cont! Cong. June 20, 1775; do, N. H. Cong. June 19, see Coil's N. H. Hist. Soc. IL, 144, Ellis (1843), 145, and H. Mag., 370. Stiles, Rev. E. Diary, cited in F.'s Siege ; rep. from original MS. (Yale Col.) H. M., 391-400 with plan. Stours, Col. Eph. Diary, printed in F.'s Battle Field, 34-7. Tiiacher, J. Military Journal Am. Rev., 1775-83, Boston, 1823. Rev. P. Narration printed from original MS. (Am. Antiq. Soc), H. M., 381-4. Thaxter, Joseph. Letter Nov. 30, 1824, in H. Mag. xv., 206. Trumbull, Gov. J. Letter Aug. 31, 1779, see Coil's Mass. H. Soc. vi., 159 , Life of J. T. by Stuart. Ci)l. J. Narrative as witness from Roxbury, see Autobiogra- phy, 1841. Tudor, Wm. Letter to Stephen Collins, June 23, 1775, from origi- nal MS., see H. M.,376. Views of the Battle B. H., Boston, etc., (chiefly American). The writer omits a considerable list, and refers to Winsor's Handbook. As a class the early plates are curious or ugly, and now rare and expensive. The art of drawing and engraving in the country was little developed. "Warren, Dr. J. Diary, 1775, see F.'s Siege ; Life of Dr. "W. INIrs. Mercy, of Plymouth, Mass. Hist, of the Rise, Progress, etc., of the Am.^Var, 3 vols. 8°. Boston, 1805. See L, 217-24. Webb, Lieut. Sam' B. See Chester (above) ; F.'s Battle Field, 12, and letter to Silas Deane, do. 31. Conclusion of battle. Whitney, Rev. J. Sermon occasioned by death of Gen. Putnam, 12°. Windham, [1790] Wilkinson, Gen. Jas. Memoirs; (1816). Ch. 19, sketch from observations on field, March, 1776. Williams, Wm. Letter to Conn' del. in Cong. June 20, 1775. See F.'s Battle Field, pp. 41-3. WiNTHROP, Prof. J. Acc't to John Adams, Phil*, June 21, 1775. Mass. H. S. Coll. V., iv., 292. BRITISH ACCOUNTS. 23 After 1818, Accounts or illustrations besides those above appear in General Histories and other works. See Barry, J. 8., Hist. Mass. (1857), Vol. 111.; Bancroft, G., Hist, of U. S., VII., ch. 38-40; Bradford, A., Hist. Mass. 17G4-75 (1822), pp. 383-88; Carringlon, H. B. (1876), Battles of Am. Rev., ch. 15 ; Dawson, H. B., Battles of the U. S. (1858) ; Drake, S. A., Hist. Fields of Middlesex (1874) • Elliott, C. W., Hist, of N. E. (1857), II., 316-25; Finch Sillimans Journal (1822), traces of the works; Female Review, 1797 (Vinton's ed. 1866); Gruhume,J., Hist, of the U. S. (1837, 52, etc.), book xi., ch. iv. ; Hinman R. R., Conn't in Rev'n (1842) ; Hollister, G. H., His't of Conn't (1857) ; Holmes, A., Am. Annals (1805), II., 331-4 (1829), II., 209-11 ; Lossing, B. J., Field Book of the Am. Rev'n (1851), I. ; Morse, .J., Annals of the Am. Rev. (1824), 231-3 ; Irving, VV., Life of Washington (1856), I., 418-41 ; Shaw, Sam!, Journal (1847); Tudor, W., Life of Jas. Otis (1823). BRITISH ACCOUNTS. [Almon, J.] The Remembrancer, London, vol. for 1775, pp. 132-5. Andueavs, J. Hist, of the War with Am% P>ance, Spain, and Hol- land, 1775-83. 4 vols. 8°. London, 1785. See I., 301-5. Annual Register, London, 1775, account (E. Burke?), 133.* BuuGOYNE, Gen. J. Letter to Lord Stanley, June 25, 1775, with Observations on same letter, Ellis 106-14. Account of battle B. H. N. E. H. G. Reg. xi., 125. Duncan, Capt. E. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 8°. London, 1872. see L 302-3. Evelyn, Cap't W. G. (4th Reg. King's Own). Memorial Letters from North America, 1774-6. Edited and annoted by G. D. Scull, 250 copies privately printed. 8°. pp.140. Oxford, \Kl9i Gage, Gen. T. Despatch to Home Government, see Almon, 1775 ; Hist. Mag. 361; F.'s Siege, 386; Ellis (1843), 94. Observations on same, Ellis, 98-106. See Moore's Ballad History, p. 86. Letter to Earl of Dartmouth, see Force Am. Arch. IV. ; Hist. Mag., 363 ; London Gazette, July 25, 1775. Letter to Earl of Dunmore, Juno 26, 1775, see Force Am. Arch. IV. ; Hist. Mag., 366. Also Moore, Sundry extracts. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xlv. See Magazines (above). London, 1775 Gordon, Wm. (D. D.) The History of the Rise, Progress, and P^s- tablishment of the Independence of the U. S. A. 4 vols. 8°. London, 1788. See XL 39-53. Map of Boston, Harbor (chiefly) and Environs similar to that in Botta's Hist., Paris, 1812. Grant, Dr. Letter June 23, 1775, to friend, see Ellis (1843), 114; H. M., 361. Harris, Captain. See Lushington, Life of Lord Harris, 54-6; H. M. 366 ; Drake, 37. Historical Records 4th Foot (p. 64), 5th (42), 10th (38), 18th (48), etc. 8°. R. Cannon. London (1837). 24 BUNKER HILL. History of the "War in America between Great Britain and her Colo- nies, to end, 1783. 3 vols. 8°. Dublin, 1779-So. See L, 82-6. Howe, Gen. See Monographs (above) ; entries in Orderly Book, p:ilis (1843), 88-92. HuLTON, H. Letter June 20, 1775, see Ellis (1843), 123; H. M., 359. Jones, Brig.-Gen. Letter to friend, England, June 19, 1775, see Frothingham's Battle Field, 45. Jones's New York in the Revolutionary War, I. 52, has an account of Howe's mode of attack. Lamb, Serg., (Welch Fusileers). Journal of Occurrences during the late Am. War. Letter. Officer in the Army to fiiend in England, see Force Am. Arch., IV.; H. M., 3G5. Do. do. Boston, to? see Detail Am. "War ; F.'s Siege, 373 ; H. M., 367. Do. do. of Rank, Jloston, June 18, 1775, to Gent'n in London, see Ellis (1843), 115; Force IV. ; H. M., 357 ; Do. do. in ship. Boston, June 23, to friend in London, see Force ; H. M., 360 ; Ellis (1843), 117. Do. Merchant, Boston, June 24, 1775, to brother in Scotland, see Ellis (1843), 119; B. to Scotland, 25th, see Force; H. M., 364. Levinge, Sir R. G. A. Historical Record of the 43d Regiment Mon- mouthshire Lt. Infantry. Roy. 8°. London., 1868. See 61-4. Mahon, Lord. Hist, of England, (Boston, 1853) VI., 55-60, and note, p. xxviii. Maudit, I. Review of Battle in London Chronicle. See Howe. Miscellanea. Ballad of B. H. by Br. Officer after the engage't, see H. Mag. II. 58 ; Do. on B. H., see do. V. 251. " Cerberus " frigate, etc., do. X. 346. Flags, B. H. on Reg'l Colors, do. I. 3d Ser., 285 ; do. of Cheshire Reg't at Chester Cathedral, do. III. 279. (They have been repeatedly shown the writer on visits there during the last twenty years.) Queries about battle, do. X. 291. MooRSOM. His't Record of the 52d Reg. (Oxfordshire) Light In- fantry, 1755-58. Roy. 8°. 1860. "\Vith plates of uniforms at B. H. Murray, Rev. J. Impartial Hist, of the "W^ar in Am. London., 1778, and Newcastle, n. d. (1782), see I., 467 (in Am. Hist'l Rec- ord II., 559), appearance of C, 1775. Nicholas, P. H. Hist'l Record of the Royal Marine Forces, 2 vols. 8^ London, 1845, see I. 84-9. Proclamation by Gen. Gage, June 12, 1775, see H. Mag. Jan. 1868, pp. 1-10. Randon, John, (soldier R. A.). Letter June 18, 1775, to wife in England, see H. M., 358. RiviNGTON, Jas. See Newspapers (above), N. Y. Gazetteer. SiMCOE, Lieut. J. G. Case of Ed. Drewe (35th Sussex). Exeter, 1782 ; H. M. 368. Stedman, C. Hist, of the Am. "War, etc., 2 vols., 4°. Maps and plans. London, 1794. (Compiled by "Wm. Thompson, LL. D.), see I. 125-9. CELEBRATIONS. 25 The Detail and Conduct of the Am. "War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and V. Ad. Lord Howe, (long title). 8°. pp. 190. London, 1780 Waller, Adj't J., (Roy. Marines). Acc't June 22, see Drake's B. H., 28. FRENCH ACCOUNTS. The following show, at least to some extent, French views on the subject. AuBERTEUiL, M. Hilliard d'. Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo- America! ns. 2 vols. (4 pts.) Sm. 8°. Bruxelles, 1782. See I. pt. 2, pp. 224-40. This work contains a map of New England. [Boucher.] Histoire de la Derniere Guerre entre Le G. B. et Les Etats-Unis de I'Am., la France, etc. 4°. Paris, 1787. See brief ref. p. 25. Chas (J) et Lebrun. Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Rev- olution de I'Am. Sept. 8°. Paris, An IX. (1801), see 129-31. This account begins: "Putnam partit de Cambridge avec deux mille hommes, et vint occuper le poste de Brunkierhil, situe aupres de Charles-Town, dont Gage vouloit s'emparer. Les Anglais tirent entrer dans la riviere de Mistich, des batteries tlottantes qui tiroient sur les revers des retranchemens, tandis que plusieurs vaisseaux de guerre et la batterie de Corpshil les foudroyoient de tous cot^s," etc. It closes with a eulogy "du ministre am^ricain" "Nelson " (quoted also in Auberteuil, above), on Geu. War- ren. SouLES, F. Histoire des Troubles de I'Amerique Anglaise, etc. 4 vols. 16°. Paris, 1787. See I., 152-61. CELEBRATIONS AND ORATIONS, ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE. First, see 1786 below. See Charles River Bridge, (the opening of). Second, 1794. See Bartlett, Hon. J., Oration. (Also Siege Boston, p. 338.) Tliird, 1801. See Austin, Wm., Oration. (Also Siege Boston, p. 339.) 1801-25, " there appears to have been no general celebration of the day." — R. F. 1825. CoLONNE de Bunker Hill, Monument eleve a la Memoire des Pa- triotes Americains, morts sur le champ de Bataille ou fut rcmportee la premiere victoire de rindependauce. 8°. pp.40. Pa/v's, 1825 Contains Discourses by D. Webster, and by M. Keratry, Rich. Emmons, Wra. An Address, Ev'g June 16th, iu commemoration of the Battle of B. H. 8°. pp. 16. Boston, 1825 ♦' Services on Bunker Hill for 17 June, 1825," (hymns, ode, etc.), 8°. pp. 4. Levasseur, a. Lafayette en Amerique, en 1824 et 1825, ou Jour- nal d'un Voyage aux Etats-Unis. 2 vols. 16°. Paris, 19,2^ This work contains Webster's Oration (28 pages), translated (not always closely) into French, and the most complete account of this celebration that the writer has uiet in a book. See II., 4U8-505. Also I., C5-9, acc't L.'s lirst visit to C, Aug. 1824. 26 BUNKER HILL. Mellen, G. Ode for the Celebration of the Battle, at the layiug of the Mouumental Stone, June 17, 1825. 8°. pp. 16. Boston, 1825 AVebster, D. An Address delivered at the Laying of the Corner *S/one of the B. H. Monument. 8°. pp.40. Boston, 1S25 Five editions published, and a reprint. 8^. pp. IG. Boston, 1843. See Analectic Magazine, Vol. XL Discurso pronunciado al Poner la Piedra Angular, etc., tra- ducido por Jose Maria Heredia. 8'^. pp. 34. Nueva-York, 1825 1827. Emmons, "Wm. Oration (and Poem) on B. H. Battle, delivered on the Battle Ground in C., I8tli June, 1827, (and Caucus Speech May 9th, Faneuil Hall). 8°. pp. IG. Printed for the Author, Boston, 1827 1836. Everett, Alex. H. An Address at C. 17th June, 1836, "at the re- quest of the Young Men, without distinction of party, in Commem- oration of the Battle of" B. H. Notes. 8°. pp. 72. Boston, 1836 1841. Ellis, Rev. G. E, Oration at C. 17th June, 1841, in Commemora- tion of the Battle of B. H, Reprint of Swett's Map. 8°. pp. 72. Delivered at the request of the Warren Phalanx. Boston, 1841 1843. Webster, D. Address at B. II. June 17, 1843, on the completion of the filonument. 8°. pp. 39. T. R. Marvin, Boston, 1843 Another edition. 8°. pp. 20. Tappan and Dennet, Boston, 1843 Another edition. 4°. pp. 8. " Price 6 1-4 cts." John Sly, Boston, [1843] 1850. Seventy-Fifth Anniversary. Oration of Edward Everett (in Ship House, Navy Yard) pp. 49, and a Brief Account of the Cele- bration, June 17, 'l850. In all, Roy. 8°. pp.80. Boston, l^bO 1857. Inauguration of the Statue of Warren, by the B. H. Monument Association, June 17, 1857. Address (and portrait) E. P^verett, etc. With an account of the Celebration, etc. 8°. pp. 224. Plate of Statue. By Authority of the Committee, Boston, 1858 1858-1874. Celebrations, etc., described in Warren's History, and Proceedings B. H. M. Association. (See below.) BUNKER HILL MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. 27; 1875. Celerration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of B. II, With an Appendix containing a survey of the literature of the bat- tle, its antecedents and lesults. Imp. 8°. pp. 174. Printed by Order of the City Council, Boston, 1875 Proceedings of the B. II. Mon. Ass'n, An. Meeting, June 23, 1875, with the Oration of Hon. Chas. Devens, Jr., and an Account of the Centennial Celebration. Roy. 8°. pp. 217. B. H. M. Ass'n, Boston, 1875 "Bunker Hill Centennial," (100,000 copies), many cuts, folio, pp.8. Hand and Avery, Boston; "Bunker W\\\," facsimiles, ?,m. folio, pp. 4, Geo. A. CooKdfje, Boston ; Centennial Graphic, many cuts, large folio, pp. 16, New York ; ^«;yoe?-'s Weekly (June 2G), many cuts, folio, pp. 20, New York ; Frank Leslie's B. H. Centen- nial (June 26), do. do. pp. o2. New York ; " One Hundred Years Ago," cuts, folio, pp. 16, W. W. Marple, Boston; Centennial Map, large sheet, L. Pranxj ^ Co., Boston ; A Song, facsimile sheet, Lockivood, Brooks 4* Go., Boston ; Pocket Souvenir, map, etc., W. F. Gill <§• Co., Boston ; " Charlestown, Something of its His- tory." 8°. pp. 12. B. H. Times, City Sq. C. ; Memoiial of B. H., cuts. 4°. pp. 16-J-4 (printed covers),,/ R. Osgood Sf Co. An elegant and valuable work, with Dr. O. W. Holmes's poem, " Grand- mother's Story," and Hist. Acc't by J. M. Bugbee. See also Mag- azines (above), and tiles of chief local newspapers. Several works produced at this period are mentioned above under Authors' names. See Drake, Ellis, Frothingham, Hale, Magazines, Pulsifer. BL^KER HILL MONUilENT ASSOCIATION. Acts of Incorporation, see 1823. Publications. Address of the B. H. M. Ass'n to the Selectmen of the several Towns in Mass. (16° size) pp. 12, 1824. Circular 8°. pp. 8. Boston, Sept. 20, 1824. B. II. M. Ass'n An. Meeting, 1830, Com. Rep. Aug. 13, Account, Aug. 18, Address. 8°. pp. 17. Act of Inc., By-Laws, and a List of the Original Members of the B. II. M. Ass'n, Statement of progress, and Original Estimates : also List of Subscribers, and two plans. 8°. pp. 74. Boston, 1830. Ad- dress on the Concerns of the B. H. M. Ass'n, to the Citizens of Mass. 8°. pp.8. Boston, \^'re or after a brief residence, and magazine or other articles not separately published, are, generally, not enumerated. Later MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 31 editions, or Acts, are mentioned under the first described ; serial publications at years of tlieir commencement. The titles of many minor works are too long for insertion and are abbreviated. The size of all the following works is octavo unless otiierwise specified. Abbreviations. C. = Charlestown ; ch. = chapter; Leg. = Legislature; Kep. Eeport ; rep. = reprinted ; sec. = section. 1781. " An Act [Massachusetts Legislature, May 1 G] for the better Gov- ernmeut and Regulation of the Ferry heliveen Boston and C. ; and for repealing the laws heretofore made for that Purpose." " [Do. Oct. 30] for widening and amending the Streets, Lanes, and Squares, in that Part of the Town of C, which was lately laid waste by Fire." Under this Act " the principal streets were widened, straightened and improved." See 1790. [Orders to Capt. Parson's Co. on duty at C. 1781, see N. E. H. Gen. Reg. xxii., 454,] 1783. Welsh, Dr. Thos. Oration at Boston, March 5, 1783, commemora- tive of the Boston Massacre. 4°. pp. 18. Boston, 1783 Author b. C. 1751 ?; oration reprinted with others, sni. 8°. Boston, 1785. This year the Meotinji house was built (see above), and Kiny Soloniua's Lodge was chartered (see 1785, 86, 93, !J4, 96, 97). 1785. " An Act [IMass. Leg. March 9] for incorporating certain Persons for the Purpose of building a Bridge over Charles River between Bos- ton and C, and supporting the same during the Term of forty . Years." (See 1792). The Corporators were John Hancock, Thos. Russell, Nath'l Gorham, Jas. Swan, and Eben Parsons. The bridge, a great work in its time, — "considered as the greatest" yet undertaken in the country,"^ was 1503 ft. long, 43 ft. wide; had 75 piers, 40 lamps, and a draw 30 ft wide. (B.) Its opening, June 17tli, 1786, was " the tirst celebration of this ann.versary" (Warren's B. H., 1877), conducted "with the greatest spk-ndor and festivity" (B). It was the beginning of comnnniication by bridge with the peninsula. A programme, now very rare, relates to the occasion. See Financial results, Report, 18-27. " An Act [Do. Nov. 29] in addition to an Act made in the Year 1772, entitled An Act to prevent the Destruction of Oysters ia Charles and ^listick Rivers." Repealed Feb. 26, 1795. " Tmc American Recorder, and the Charlkstown Advertiseu. Publi.shed every Tuesday and Friday, by [John W.] Allen and [Thoiuas C] Gushing, at their Office, near the Feury, in Charles- town." No. 1, Friday, Dec. 9, 178."). to No. 110, May 25, 1787, the last No. " A neat, small paper," [13i X H in. pp. 4] * * * " tiie only newspaper issued from a press in the County of Middle- sex." (Thomas Hist. Print., 1810). Nos. 1 and 2 contain "A Ge- ographical Account of the Town of Charlestown, August 1, 1785." Mr. Gushing, a native of Ilingham, removed to Salem. See Streeter, (1850,) Pro. Esse-x Institute. Stillman, Rev. Sam' Charity Considered, in a Sermon before the Society of Freemasons in C. June 24, 1785, pp. 19. Boston, [1785] 32 TOWN PERIOD. 1786. Bartlett, Josiah, (P. M.) Oration at C. March 14, 1786, at the Dedication of Warren Hall, before the Hon. 8oc. of Free and Ac- cepted Masons. 12° (?) pp. 12. Printed by Allen and Gushing, Charlestown, 1786. The first work in book or pamphlet form printed in the town [?] 1787. " An Act [Mass. Leg. ch. 69, March 1] for incorporating certain per- sons, (Thos. Russell, Richard Devens, Sam! Swan, Jonathan Simp- son, jr., and Wm. Tudor,) for the purpose of building a Bridge, where Penny-Ferry has been usually kept, and for supporting the same." {Maiden Bridge). Additional Acts, 1801, and chapter 218, Apr. 19. 1837. To make a new Draw, ch. 121, Apr. 1, 1853. Made free (Apr. 1, 1800), ch. 99, 1859. Support of, ch. 266, 1869. Mai- den Bridt^e was finished in six months, and cost .£5,300. The property is vested in 120 shares. It is 2,400 feet long, including the abutments, 32 feet wide, lias a convenient draw, and 8 lumps. (Dr. B.) 1788. Teacher, Rev. Peter, (Brattle St., Boston). Sermon at the Funeral o^ Joshua Paine, Jan., C, Feb. 29, 1788, pp. 21. Boston, 1788 Mr. Paine, eldest son of Rev. Joshua, Sturbridge, Worcester Co., in Nov. 178G, was unanimously called to C ch., was settled Jan. 10, 1787, first min. after rebuikling of the town, and died in the ministry Feb. 27, 1788, ss 25. '"His sermons exhibited the Piety and Christianity of his Heart, and the exalted and social virtues of his mind, secured the Esteem and Friendship of all his acquaintance, and presented an agi-eeable prospect of his usefulness in the Mmistry. He was sincerely lamented by all who knew him, and especially by the flock committed to his charge. His remains were decently and respectfullj' "eutomb'd at y" expense of the Parish March 1, 1788." — Church Records. 1789. "An Act [Mass. Leg., June 17] to enable the Town of C. to exchange a Part of the Ministerial Lot in said Town for an equal Quantity of other Land." Belknap, Rev. Jeremy, (Federal St., Boston). " A Sermon, preached at the Installation of the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, A. M., to the Pas- toral Care of the Church and Congregation in Charlestown, on the 30th of April, 1789," pp. 32. Boston, 1789 "Lescitoyens J. Chas et Lebrun," in praise of eminent Americans (Hist. Politique, etc., Paris, An IX. (1801)), express the following foreign estimate of the two above: — "M. M. Jedidiath, Marse, Belkney, Ramsay, sont des historiens savanset instruits ; ils r^unissent les talens et les graces du litterateur augout, au sentiment et a I'amour de la virile." Cart, Richard. Letter to the Members of the Soc. for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in N. A. 4°. pp. 9. Boston, [1789] 1790. "An Act [Mass. Leg. June 24] for the Belief of the Town of C." (To extend the time for raising money by Lottery to pay for Streets, etc., Act 1781). MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 33 Morse, Rev. J. A Sermon, Feb. 28, 1790, upon the Death of Rich- ard Carij, Esq., of C, who died Feb. 7, jSj 73. Pub. by particular desire. 4°. pp. 27. Boston. 1790 1784, Geography made easy. With maps. 12°. pp.214. New Haven, 1784. A 2d ed., Boston, 1790 ; 5th ed., 12°., Boston, 1796 ; \Q\.h, Boston, March, 1806; lotli, Boston, Aug., 1812. 12° from 16th Boston ed., Troij, 1814 ; another (by S. E. Morse) 1820. " The first Geography published in America." • 1789. The American Geography. 8°. pp. 534 (.3000 copies), Elizahethtown ; 2d. Am. ed. 1793; London, 1792 ; 2d. 4°, pp. 716, with 20 maps, Stockdale ; 3d. ed. 1798 (8°) ; also Edinburgh, Dub- lin, and several editions without acknowledgment of the Author. 1790. Abridgement of the American Geography. 12°. pp. 322, 1st and 2d ed's. Boston, 1790; 10th ed. do. 18*10; 14th ed. do. 1811; 15th, 1812. ".\ Geograplij' which has quite superseded all other 'Geographies' in tliis part of the world." (''The American"). Blickwood'A Miiri. xvii., 18!); American Wriiers'^o.V., in Allibone ii., 1374. The last states that Dr. M.'s lirst work was an American Atlas, folio, Loudon, 1775, (when he was 14 years old). The Avriter has not met this work. A General Hist, of America, and of the late Revolution. Map. 12°. Philadelphia, 1790 1792. " An Act rT\rass. Leg., March 9] for incorporating certain Persons for the Purpose of building a Bridr/e over Charles River, from the Westerly part of Boston to Cambridge, and for Extending the In- terest of the Proprietors of Charles-River Bridge for a Term of Years." Other Acts, see June 30, 1792 ; March 28, 1 793 ; Feb. 27, 1796; Feb. 6, 1800 ; June 20, 1803 ; March 2, 1804. HoLDEN, Oliver, "Teacher of Music in CharlejlfAvn." "American Harmony: | containing, | A Variety of Airs, | Suitable for Di- vine Worship, on | Thanksgivings, Ordinations, Christmas, ( Fasts, Funerals, and other Occasions | " etc. 14 pieces. " Printed T^'po- gra|)hically, at Boston, by Isaiah Thomas, and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, No. 45 Newbury Street." Boston, 1792 Printed from movable types, apparently a novelty then and there for music. Hall, Prince. Masonic Charge at C. June 25, 1792. Boston Morse, Rev. J. The American Universal Geography. 2 vols. 8°. (I., Western Continent; II., Eastern do.). Boston, 1792 2d. ed. 2 vols. 8° 11 maps, Boston, 1793; 3d. ed. Introduction by Sam'l Webber, 2 vols. 8^ 28 maps, Bo.-ton. 170C ; )th ed. (3,000 copies), 1801 ; I'jtli ed. (.'^i,()00). revised bv Sam'l Wehber, with (i maps, and Atlas of the \\'(>rld (4°) witli 03 majis. Trice $12. .W. Wiliuuit the Atlas, $0.50. Boaton, 1805: Cth ed. (5,000), "iireatlv altered, and with 200ad(ri pages, 1812; 7th et/. 2 vols. 8^, Boston and Charlcsto'wn, 1819; ed. edited by S. E. Morse. 1793. " An Act [Mass. Leg. March 27] to incorporate certain Persons by the Name of The Trustees of Charlestoxon Free Schools." Addi- tional Act March 4, 1800; amended ch. 25, Feb. 22, 1841, and Trustees increased from 7 to 11. 34 TOWN PERIOD. An Act [Do. June 22] for incorporating James Sullivan, Esquire, and others, by the Name and Style of The Proprietors of tlte Middlesex Canal. Additional Acts, Feb. 28, 1795 ; June 25, 1798; Jan. 25, 1800; March 2, 1803; ch. 113, 1813. See Works, 1813, 1843 (history). Forfeiting charter, Resolve, ch. 38, 1859 ; forfeited, ch. 203, 18G0. Tlie ferniimis of this once important work was in C. The first officers were men prominent in Boston and C. '"Tlie science of Civil Engineering was almost unknown to anv one in this part of the country, and * * many dithculties " were met with •' for the w'anl of retjui-ite scientific knowledge." The survey was completed Aug. 2, 1794; the Canal, from the Charles to the Merrinnic, was navigable in 1803. The income had to be used for renewals, alterations, etc., "and no dividend could be or was declared until Feb. 1, 18I1J." One hundred assessments were laid, Jan. 1794 to Sept. 1, ISlt), making each share cost, with interest, $1,455, and the whole work $l,lti4,200. Twenty-live dividends were paid, the last ,Jau. 30, 184:!, averaging l^rfo per cent per year. In 1830 the Packet Boat left C. "near the B. Hill Tavern," at 8 a. m., and reached Chelms- ford at 3 p. M. It was an hour by stage thence to Lowell. The railroad ruined the business. (See Eddy, 1843.) B.\RTLETT, Hon. Josiah, M. B. (C. 1759). A Discourse on the Ori- gin, Progress, and Design of Freemasonry. Delivered At the Meet- ing- Houfe in C, on the Anniversary of St, John the Baptist, June 24, A.D. 1793, pp. 20 ; also, A Charge delivered at C. (same day) to the Worshipful Master, the Wardens and Brethren of King Solo- mon's Lodge. By R. W. William Walter, D. D., pp. 21-31. _8°. pp. 31. Boston, 1793 F[reeman] [Rev.] J[as.]. Remarks on the American Universal Geog- raphy, by J. F.j'pp. 62. (See Morse, 1792.) Boston, 1793 MoRSK, Rev. J " Tegenwoordige Staat | der | Vereenigde Staaten | van I Amerika ; | behelzende : | een Algemeen verslag van derzel- ver I Grenzen, Meiren, Baaijen, Rivieren, | Bergen, Voortbiengze- len, Be- | volkinge, Regeeringsform, | Landbouw, Koophandel, | Fabrieken, Nevens de | Historic van den | laatsten oorlog. | Door I Jedidjaii Morse. | Uit het Engelsch." 4 vols. 8°. Pieter den Yit^rxgst, Amsterdam, 1793-96 Tappan, Rev. David (Hollis Prof. Har. Col.). Sermon at C. Apr. 11, 1793 (Mass. Fast), pp. 31. Boston, 1793 1794. Bartlett, Hon. Josiah, M. B. Oration delivered at the Meeting- House in C. June 17, 1794, before the Artillery Company, pp. 15. Benjamin Edes, Boston, 1795 The first " Seventeenth of Jane" Celebration tvithan Oration. Bartlett, Hon. Josiali, M. D. Oration Dec. 2, 1794, with Address of John Soley at Dedication of the Monument on Breed's Hill erected by King Solomon's Lodge. Morse, Rev. .J. The American Geography, etc. 4°. pp. 716, 25 maps. Stoekdale, London, 1794 Since 1784 (in May, 1794), 20,G00 copies of Dr. Morse's Geographical works were pub- lished m America. (Dr. M. to Frof. Ebeling.) MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 35 1795. Devens, Richard. A Paraphrase on some parts of the Book of Job, pp. 39. (See 1797.) Boston, 1795 HoLDKN, O. Practical Elements of Music. 4°. Boston, 17 ^J 5 Morse, Rev. J. " The prefent Situation of other Nations of the World, contrafted with our own. A Sermon delivered at Charles- town," Feb. 19, 1795, a Public Thanksgiving, pp. 37. Boston, 1795 Elements of Geography. 12°, Boston, 1795 'M ed., 2 maps, 24^, Boston, 179G ( " new and corrected" ed. 8°, Edinburgh, 1795); 3d ed., Improved, 2 maps. 12°. pp. 144. Boston, Feb. 1798. Tappan, Rev. D. A Sermon at C. Feb. 19, 1795, "The Day of General Thanksgiving through the United States." pp. 40. Boston, 1795 Tucker, Hon. St. George (Va.). A Letter to the Rev. Jed. Morse, A.M., Author of the "American Universal Geogra])hy," pp. IG. Hic/imond, 1795 1796. An Act [Mass. Leg. Feb. 2] for the Preservation of a Monument erected on the Heiyhts of Charlestown." Harris, Rev. Thaddeus Mason. " Masonic Emblems Explained. A Discourse delivered before the Officers and Members of King Solo- mon's Lodge in C. June 24, 179G, being the Festival of St. John the Baptist." pp. 24. Boston, 1796 C. 1708-1842, minister Dorchester 179.'5-]8G9. See 1783. He was a very vohiniiiious author. For a nearly full //e.^ o/7j(s wuiks ste Mass. IJist. Soc. CotU., IW, i'l., Ib-i. The above was reprinted C. 1801. Morse, Rev. J. The Duty of Resignation under Afflictions. * * "A Sermon preached at C. April 17, 1796. Occasioned by the Death of the IIo7i. Thomas Russell, Esq., who died in Boston, Ap. 8, M. 56." 4°. pp. 31. Boston, 1796 The above, and Biidington, 242-5 (1845), contain full and valuable notes on the dis- tinguished family of Russell. Thacher. Rev. Peter. Ser. at C. June 19, 1796. occasioned by the sudden death of the Hon. Nathaniel Gorham, Esq.,-^t. 59. pp. 25. Boston, 1796 Ser. in Brattle St. ch. Boston, Apr. 17, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq., pp. 32. Boston, 1796 Warren. John, M. D. An Eulogy on the Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq., etc., delivered May 4, 1796, before the several Societies to vvhi(;h he belonged, in the ch. in Brattle St. 4°. pp. 31, with a Monody set to Music by Hans Gram, pp. 3. Boston, 1796 Welsh, Thos. M. D. " An Eulogy, delivered June 29, 1796, at the Meeting-ITouse in C. * * * In Memory of the Honourable Nathaniel Gorham, Efquire, who died June 11, 1796, pp. 16. With a Dirge by Rev. T. M. Harris, set to music by O. Ilolden. Boston, 1796 Messrs. Gorham and Russell were two of the most distiiignislicd natives of the fown, at any period, and greatly respected. I)rs. Welsli and Ilarvis wore also distinguished natives, and Mr. Ilolden was long an active resident, prominent in Music and in tiio Baptist Church. 36 TOWN PERIOD. 1797. Bartlett, Hon. J. Address at Warren Hall before King Solo- mou's Lodge, C. Feb. 22, 1797, with prayer by Rev. J. Morse. pp. 12. Printed by John Lamson, Churlestotcn, 1797 Caky, Rev. Thomas. A Sermon at C. July 23, 1797. Published at the request of the Hearers, to whom it is respectfully inscribed. pp. 24. Printed by John Lamson, Charlestoion, [1797] C. 1745-1808, minister Newbiirvport. Two Sermons at N — . 12°. Boston, 1773. Ser. Death Kev. S. Webster (Salisbury). 8^. pp, 32. 1801, Ser. at N. Sep. 27, 1801, last service old M-Ho. 8^. pp. 28. See 17U8 and 1808. Devens, Richard, Jr., A. M. A Discourse composed for and deliv- ered to the Students in Divinity, at the College in Priuceton, N. J., in the year 1777. 8°. pp. IG. (See 1795.) Printed by J. Lam- son, near the Bridge. C/iarlesfoivn, 1797 Morse, Rev. J. The American Gazetteer, etc. 8°. pp. GOO. 7 maps. Boston, 1797. 2d ed. 8°. Boston, l%Qi;3ded. 8°. Boston, 1810. (See 1802) " Tiiere is no work within our knowledge that conveys so accurate a picture of what this country was at tlie period immediately succeeding the Revolution. The names of all the Indian Ti-ibes on the vast frontiers, their numbers and situation, are given with apparent care and accuracy." (S. G. Drake, Sep. 187-i.) Russell, John Miller (C. 1768-1840, son of Hon. T.). Oration at C, July 4, 1797, pp. IG. CharJestoivn, 1797 The same, 2d ed., pp. 15. Philadelphia, 1797 The earliest "Fourth of July" Oration in C. During the first half-century of Am. Ind. similar orations were often delivered and printed. The observance declined or disappeared in many minor places after that period. Twelve orations iu C. will be found in this list. 1798. [AuSTijJ, Wm.] Strictures on Harvard University. By a Senior. 12°. pp. 35. Boston, 1798 He was long a resident in C. (H. C. 1708); his style was vigorous. Morse, Rev. J. " The Character and Reward of a Good and Faithful Servant illuftrated in a Sermon, del. at C. Apr. 29, 1798 ** on Hon. James Russell, Efq., who died Apr. 24, M. 83. pp. 21. Boston, 1798 National Fast Ser. May 9, 1798, pp. 29 + 1. Boston, 1798 Masonic Ser. at Concord (Mass.) June 25, 1798. Leominster, 1798 Thanksgiving Ser. at C. Nov. 29, 1798. With an Appendix " exhibiting proofs of the early exiftence, progrefs, and deleterious effects of French intrigue and influence in the United States, pp. 79. Published by request. Boslon, 1798 M ed. 1300 copies; M ed. 1799. A copy was sent gratuitously by friends to every clergyman in Mass. The work is now scarce. The American Gazetteer, abridged. 12°. Boston, 1798 Tappan, Rev. D. Fast Ser. to the Christian Congregation in C, Apr. 5. pp. 31. ^Boston, 1798 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 37 " The [ Works | of the late ] Dr. Benjamin Franklin. | Consisting of his I LiFK, I written by himself. | Together with | Essays, | Hu- mourous, Moral, and Literary, | chiefly in the manner of tlie | Spec- tator. I Charlestown : | Printed by John Lamson, | for the Prin- cipal Booksellers, | in Boston. | 1798." With a portrait of Dr. F. 2 vols in 1. Small 12° size. pp. 300. The Jirst hook and plate engtaving printed in O. (?) 1799. A Prayer and Sermon by Rev. J. Morse, C. Dec. 31, 1799, on the Death of George Washington, with a Sketch of his Life ; and Pro- ceedings of the Town by Josiah Bartlett, Esq. pp. 46 -j- 3G -[- W.'s Farewell Address 24. Charlestown^ 1800 • The same, reprinted, pp. 44-}- 36. London, 1800 Tliis was one of the few among the nnnierous Washington eulogies reprinted in Eng- land. Tlio Life, etc. were also i-eprinted in Baltimore, 1800, and sumptuously in 4°, New York, ]8')5. The 1st (C.) edition was printed at the expense of the town, each faniilv of wiiich was furnisiied with a copy. It is now rare, — very few copies could be found in C. C/iailetitown, Dec. 31, 1799, "in but seventeen days from the" death of Washington, "was the tirst town in Massachusetts, and I believe in the United States, that instituted publick funeral honours" on his death. (Dr. B.) "The procession con- sisted of the male inhabitants, from seven years of age and upwards," G20 persons, in- cluding the Magistrates, lodge of Free-Masons, and three military "Companies in uni- form. Tlie stores and shops were shut; the Hags on the vessels and on shore were displayed /t^///','-yr'/fhigli, and minute guns were tired from Breed's hill. The meeting house was shrowded in black." The procession moved "bv a solemn knell, and ago- nizing peals of cannon to the house of praj'er." For a full account see B. II. Aurora, Nov. 10, 18:J8. Hurd, Isaac, M. D. Discour.?e in Boston, June 11, 1799, before the Humane Society of Mass. AVith an Appendix. 4°. pp. 23. Boston, 1799 Born C. 1756, physician, Concord. Morsk, Rev. J. Sermon on the Present Dangers and Duties of the Citizens of the United States. National Fast, Apr. 25, 1799. With Notes in French and English, pp. 50, 2 Avoodcuts. Charlestown, 1799 Also N. Y., 1799. This work relates to French Illuminatism (mockery of the holy Supper), and contains a Table of Brethren of Lodge No. 26G0, in Portsmouth, Va. Address to the Students of Phillips Academy, Andover, Anni- versary Exhibition, July 9, 1799, pp. 16. Charlestown, 1799 1800. An Act [Mass. Leg., March 4] " to empower the Selectmen of the Towns of Boston and C, to increase the Number of Engine-Men in said Towns and for other Purposes " (.-^ee Gen. Act, Feb. 7, 1786). [Do. June 17, ch. 20,] " authorizing the United States to pur- chase a certain Tract of Land in C. for a JVavg Turd." Add'l Act, June 18, 1825, ch. 8. Special Laws, vol. 2, p. 506. Ceding Jurisdiction of certain lands in C. to U. S., ch. 195, 1802. and ch. 35. 1867; 249. 1868. The B. II. Aurora (Oct. 27 and Nov. 3, 1838) contains the Town Record with the fidl instructions by a. committee " in the name of the town," to Aaron Putnam, Esq.. "who was chosen to repair to the Seat of Government, respecting the Navy and Dockyard," April, 16U0, 38 TOWN PERIOD. These show that a proposed site at Noddle's Island would be " almost as injurious to tliis town as a second conflagration. * * * * If [they add] the situation we i)r()pose is as good as any other, it may not be amiss to invite . . . attention to our unec|uallud Sufferings in the late revolutionary war; the cniliarrassments we still experience incon- sequence . . . the want of success in our early application for some compensation * * * the labor * * by which we * * are now enabled bv 24 years' industrious application * * to sustain a decent rank with our fellow citizens at large." While the town endeavored to secure the yard, the land-owners asked $73,200 for what sworn appraisers valued at $15,180, — John Harris holding his lot at over eleven times the appraisal. (Town Rec. abo\e.) " Between 40 and 50 acres " were ceded to the U. S. bv the Leg., " valued by a Jury at $37,280." (Dr. B.) A Marine Hospital was erected" in 1803. A noble Dry Dock, built of granite, was opened June, 1833. It cost $070,081) {Barber.) See Bald- win, 1834. Many large and substantial buildings have at various dates been added. Resolve [Do. G8, Jan. 22, 1800] to appoint a Com. to select and pro- cure land in C. for State Prison. Do. 54, June 23, 1802, ap|)oint- ing Com., His Honor Edw. H. Robbins, Hon. Peleg Coffin, and Jonathan Huunewell, Esq. to carry No. G8 into effect, granting !g70,000. Do. 51, June 22, 1803, Chas. Bulfincli, Esq., added to Com, Do. 108, Eeb. 23, 1804, Com. appointed (Hon. Sam' Sewall, Nathan Dane, Esq.), to establish a proper system for, etc. See Do. 56, 57, in June 1804. >See Account of, 1SU6. Bartlett, Hon. J. An Oration on the Death of Gen. George Washington, delivered at the request of the Selectmen and Parish Committee before the Inhabitants of C. Feb. 22, 1800, "being the day set apart by the Congress of the United States, to testily the Grief of the Citizens, on that melancholy event." pp. 15. CItarlestown, 1800 This day "was suitably noticed bvthe town. A procession was formed similar to" that Dec. 31, 179!). (Dr."B.) HoLDEN, O. '• Plain Psalmody, or Supplementary Mufic," etc. 70 tunes and an Anthem. Ob. 8°. pp. 72. Boston^ Nov. 1800 Contains (pp. 52-55) Anthem, Ps. 48, "Composed for the Dedication of the New Meeting-House in Charlestown " (1st Baptist, see 1801). Sacred Dirges, Hymns, and Anthems, commemorative of the Death of Gen. Geo. Washington, " by a Citizen of Mass." Ob. 4°. pp. 24. Nine pieces with words and music. Boston, [1800] [Mouse, Rev. J.j A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isles of Shoals. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections for 1800, vol. vii. pp. 242-61. 1801. Austin, William. Oration before the Artillery Company, C.June 17, 1801. pp. 29. {3d Celebration icith Oration.) Charlestown, 1801 Harris, Rev. T. M. " Discourses, | [12] Delivered on Public Oc- casions, I Illustrating the Principles, Displaying | the Tendency, and Vindicating | the Design, | of | Free Masonry, | By Thaddeus Mason Harris, | Past Grand Chaplain to the Grand Lodge. | and | Chaplain to the Grand Royal Arch Chapter | of Massachusetts." I [All in capitals.] Printer's mark. " Printed at Charlestown, | By Samuel Etheridge. | {Copyright fecured.) | Anno Lucis, | 5801." Eng. frontispiece. 8°. pp. 328. [Charh'stoicn, 1801] Contams, also, Masonic Eulogy, Worcester, 1794; Charge, 1795; two other Charges ; three Degrees; two Addresses; Fraternal Tribute to Masonic Character of Washington, Dorchester, Jan. 7, 1800 (pub. C. 8^ pp. 13, 1800); three Poems, and Dissertation on the Tessera Hospitalis. Now very rare. The Jirsl octavo volume printed in Charlcsloivn [':']. For notice of the Printer, see "Appendix. MONOGRAPHS. .5^ Harris, Rev. T. M. A Tribute of Filial Respect to the Memory of his mother, Rebecca (Mason) Harris (C. 1738). Discourse at Dorcliester, Feb. 8, 1801. pp. 20. C harlestoioi, 1801 Morse, Rev. J. Sermon before the Humane Society of Massachu- setts, June 9, 1801, pp. 53. Boston, 1801 Revised edition of the Earl of Chesterfield's Elements of a Polite Education, selected from his Letters to his Son. 12^^. Boston, 1801 Article "New Enp;land " in Sup. Am. ed. "Encyclopedia Brittanica," developed to Hist. ofN. E. Seei8U4. Five Articles in the Boston Independent Chronicle {Eheliiig letter controversy); .see also Nati(nial Intelligencer, American Mercnry Sept. 2G, 1799, and ISIass. Spy (Worces- ter) Oct. 9, 1799. The Mercury and New England Palladium, No. 1, Jan. 2. Dr. Morse was actively engaged in the establishment of this paper. Stillman, Rev. Sam! " A Discourse, delivered at the Opening of the New Baptist Meeting-House in Cliarlestown, May 12, 1801." Also a Dedicatory Hymn, Address by J. Morse, D. D., and Recog- nition Address by Thos. Baldwin, A. M. pp. 31. (For Music of Anthem, see Holden, 1800.) Boston, [1801] The First Churcli had continued substantially the only one in C. until this was orga- nized Sept. 1(), 1800, by eleven members (see Histoi-ij, i87S). Tliey began Oct. 1, with small means, to build a Meeting-liouse, which M'as G.5 ft. long, 50 wide. 29 high, and had a cupola and bell. \,Di: B.) The Church Records begin March 31, 1801. 1802. An Act [Mass. Leg., Mar. G] for Incorporating certain Perfons for the Purpose of laying out and making a Turnpike Road from Salem to Charles River Bridge, etc. (Chelsea Bridge). Additional Acts, Feb. 26 and .June 18, 1803; June 18, 1825; to make a new draw, etc., ch. 121, x\pr. 1, 1853; made a public iiighway, ch. 309 and ch. 335, 181J8. This bridge, built in 1803, had 2 draws and cost $53,000, held in 2,400 shares. It was to re- vert to the State in 70 years. (Or. B.) to set off Nathaniel Prentiss and others from the Town of C. * * * and annex them to Cambridge. Morse, Rev. J. (and Rev. Elijah Parrish). *' A New Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent," etc., " designed as a second volume to the American Gazetteer." Thick 8°. Unpaged. 18 maps. Charlestotvn, 1802 The List of Subscribers is very long and remarkable, and for nearly 1,700 copies widely distributed. 2d ed., 1808. See also 1823. and friends, chiefly in the 1st Parish, Nineteen Religious Tracts for general distribution, of which 32,G00 cojues were circu- lated. (See Sprague's Life, pp. 278-9.) "There can be little doubt, I think that in 1802, the pastor and people of the First Parish in Cliarlestown had done more in circulating religious tracts among the poor and destitute in the United States than any other people in New England." — S. E Morse, 1SG7. In 1802, S. Etheridge printed several tracts in C, probably these. Stillman, Rev. S. A Sermon at C. Oct. 7, 1802, at the Instalment of tiie Rev. Thomas Waterman as pastor of the Baptist Ch. Also • Ch. by Rev. Mr. Baldwin, and Ad. by Mod. of the Council, pp. 28. Boston, 1802 Mr. Waterman was the first minister of the Baptist Ch. in C, and settled 8 mouths. 40 TOWN PERIOD. 1803. An Act [Mass. Leg., March 2] for incorporating certain persons for the Purpose of laying out and making a Turnpike Road from Med- ford to G. Neck, etc. [Mass. Leg., ch. 107, March 5] "to incorporate a Religious Society, by the Name of The First Parish in the Town of Charles- toion." Additional Acts, ch. 146 Feb. 28, 1812; ch. 8, June 15, 1822; ch. 27, March 5, 18-35, With this Parish belongs the First Church, founded 1G30, reorganized W-i-2, and now occupying the original .tite of the first established worship in this region. See Bud- ingtoii, iSib, Records, 1880. MoKSE, Rev. J. JNIass. Artillery Election Sermon, Boston, June 6, 1803, with notes, pp. 32. Charlestoivn, 1803 Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Hezekiah May, Marble- head, June 23, 1803 (inc. Ch. and R. H.). pp. 32. Charlestown, 1803 1804. Austin, Wm. " Letters [40] from London : written during the years 1802 and 1803." 8°. pp. 312. Boston, 1804 MoKSE, Rev, J. (and Rev. E. Parish). "A Compendious History of New England, designed for Schools and Private Families. Orna- mented with a neat map." 12°. pp. 388. Charlestown, 1804 2d ed. 12°, map. Printed at Amherst (N. H.), and published at Newburyport by Thomas and Whipple, Proprietors of the Work. Price, 1.12;J, 1808; ^^J ec/.," Charles- town. 12\ pp. 62i. 1820. Also London, 1808. Rand, Isaac, M. D. Observations on Phthisis Pulmoiialis, etc. ; read at request of Mass. Med. Soc, June 6, 1804. pp. 24. Boston. 1804 Reprinted, Boston, 1853. Dr. R. born C. 174-3, d 1822. 1805. An Act [Mass. Leg., June 15] to provide Regulations for the State Prison. See 180G. In Oct. following, a Board of Visitors was appointed; its first meeting, Nov. 7, "at ■ the Charlestown Hotel." Gleason, Benj. Oration pronounced at the Request of the" Charles- town Light Infantry " before the Republican Citizens of Charles^ town, July 4th, 1805. pp. 24. Two editions. Boston, 1805 Mr. Gleason, a popularorator in the earlier part of this century, lived in C. (Dr. B.) His numerous publications (pamphlets) have almost disappeared.' Also bv him, 'before 1805: Oration at Wrenthan^ (Mass.) Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8°. IFrenZ/Kfrn, 1800. Address at Providence, R. I., June 24, 1802. 8=^ 5rw/nw, 1802. Masonic Address at Reading (Mass.), June 24, 1805. Two editions, Boston, 1805. PuTN.VM, Aaron Hall. An Oration pronounced July 4, 1805, at the Request of the Federal Republicans of the Town of C. pp. 1 8. Charlestoicn^ 1805 Mr. Putnam was a resident of C. (Dr. B.) Mouse, Rev. J. The true reasons on which the Election of a Hollis Professor of Divinity in Harvard College was opposed, Feb. 14, 1805. pp. 28. Charlestown^ 1805 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 41 State Prison (Mass.), N. Dane and S. Sewall, Communication to the Legislature ; with Bills for the Regulation of the State Prison, pp. 64. Boston, 1805 1806. " An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 70, Mch. 7] to incorporate the Trustees of the Charlestown Charity Fund." [Do. Mch. 14] "providing for the Regulation of the State Prison in Charlestown." See 1811. [Do. June 21] to incorporate the Proprietors of Prison Point Dam Corporation. Collier, Rev. Wm. Sanctuary Waters; or the Spread of the Gos- pel : Sermon before the Mass. Baptist Missionary Ass'n, Anniver- sary Meeting, Boston, May 28, 1806. pp. 34. Boston, 1806 Gleason, Benj. Oration before the Bristol Lodge, Norton, .June 24, 1806, pp. '2-2. Boston, 1806 Morse, Rev. J. Sermon at C. on the Sabbath after Interment of Miss Mary Russell, who died July 24, 1806, JE>. 53. pp. 18. Printed by J. Howe, n. p. 1806, Sole Editor of '' The Funoplist," 1806-11 (vols, i-6), the great early Foreign Missionary organ, predecessor of the Missionary Herald. "Mass. State Prison, Account of the; containing a Description [large plate, an elevation], Plan of the Edifice ; The Law, Regula- tions, Rules and Orders ; with a View of the Present State of the Institution. By the Board of Visitors." pj:). 48. Charlestown, 1806 In this work, and two publications mentioned 1811, 181G, — all now very scarce, — will be found three illustrative foldingplates and descriptions of the Prison. Tiiey state that this structure, with "about 5 acres of ground, including extensive flats," cost "about $170,000. * * Competent judges pronounce " it " to be one of the strongest and best prisons in the world." It was "built of hewn stone" during 180-1-5, in " a pleas- ant and healthful situation, cominanding an extensive, rich, and variegated prospect." The main building was 200 ft. long, 28 to 44 wide, and 4 and 5 stories high. The tirst floor was formed by " a tier of hewn stone, 9 feet long, and 20 inches thick." The work yard was 375 bv 2G0 feet, the building containing Avorkshops, kitchen, chapel, etc., was of brick, ^27 by 25 feet, with 2 stories and a basement. Dec. 12, 1805, the first two convicts were received, and by end of 1805, thirty-four. Dr. Bartlett (1814) wrote of the Canal, Navy Yard, and Prison, "we cherish a belief that these * * will be so esti- mated and conducted, as to answer the publick expectations, and promote the happiness of the town." 1807. Austin, Wm. An Essay on the Human Character of Jesus Christ. Sm. 8°. pp. 120. Boston, 1807 " Peter Rugg, The Missing Man," a story very popular during the earlier part of the Century, (tirst in the "Literary Kciwsitory," Boston?) also in "The Boston Book," pp! 28-7-3, 1841. The writer has not seen it as a separate volume. Also, "Martha Gardner, or Moral Reaction," in N. E. Magazine (V). These are two of the earliest published tales written in C. Gleason, Benj. Address, Mason's Hall, Mt. Lebanon Lodge, at Boston, Aug. 11. 8°. pp. 16. Oration at llingham (Mass.), July 4. Two editions. 8°. Boston, 1807 Morse, Rev. J. Sermon before the INIanagers of the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 25, 1807, in Brattle St. ch., pp. 23, and Statement, 1 page. [^Boston,'\ 1807 42 TOWN PERIOD. 1808. Andrews, Rev. J. A Sermon, Nov. 26, 1808, at the Interment of Rev. Tfios. Gary, Newburyport, j^p- 31. Ajjpendix, pp. 15. (See 1768,1797.) Newburyport, ISOS Broadside, " To the Citizens of Charlestown," with " Extracts from the Payroles, for ten years, commencing in June," chiefly of pay- ments to Representatives to the General Court. " Russell and Cut- ler, Printers." Mai.den Bridge, Rules and Regulations of the Corporation of, July, 1808. 16^ pp. 9. (See 1829.) Charlestown, 1808 MoKSE, Rev. J. Sermon, May 18, 1808, at Ordination of Rev. Joshua Huntington, Marlborough St. Ch., Boston, pp. 32. £osto7i, 1808 Discourse at the African Meeting-House in Boston, July 14, 1808, in Grateful Celebration of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade, by the Governments of the U. S., Great Britain, and Den- mark, pp. 28, Two editions. Boston, 1808 R. Hand, of Fellowship, Ord. of Rev. E. Pearson, Andover, Sept. 28. In 8°, pp, 39, Boston, 1808, with Dr. Timothy Dwight's Sermon. 1809. Collier, Rev. "Wm, Evangelicana ; or Gospel Treasury, containing a great variety of interesting anecdotes, remarkable providences, and precious fragments, selected chiefly from the London Evangelical Magazine. 4 vols. 12°. Boston., Hastings, Etheridge, and Bliss, 1809 2d ed., 4 vols. 12'='. Charlestown, 1810-11. Gleason, Benj. Oration at C. July 5, 1809. Charlestown, 1809 SoDTHACK, J. Life of, written by himself; with Plistory of the State Prison in C. 12°. pp.119. Printed for the Author, no place, 1809 1810. " An Act [Mass. Leg., Feb. 15] for the better security of the Town of C. against fire." Additional Act, ch, 49, 1821. Repealed, ch. 25, 1824. Balfour, Rev. Walter (in C. 1811-52), Some Observations on searching the Scriptures. 12° size, pp, 72. Jonathan Howe, Charlestown^ 1810 Bartlett, Hon, J. Dissertation on the Progress of Medical Science in Mass. Read before the Mass. Medical Soc. June 6, 1810, pp, 48. Boston, 1810 " With alterations and additions to Jan. 1, 181-3," in M. H. Soc. Coil's, vol. xi. Bro-wn, John H. Court Martial at C, Mass., Aug. 14, 1810, upon the Charges of Lot Pool against him, pp. 131. Charlestown, 1810 Morse, Rev. J. Signs of the Times: Ser. at Boston, Nov. 1, 1810. before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others. With au Appendix, pp. 72. Charlestown, 1810 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 43 " Statement of the Expenses of the Town of Charlestown from May, 1809 to May, 1810 ; " dated April 21, 1810, and signed David Devens, Town Treasurer. A Broadside, the Jlrst printed Annual Report of Town expenses, in a Collection, perhaps unique, in the Public Library of C, formed and presented by Mr. H. K. Froth- ingham. This style of publication was continued through 1823. A pamphlet form was then adopted. In order to show together the sum total figures of these early and rare Keports, all the Broad- sides are mentioned under this date. The titles to all are similar to that quoted above. The sizes gradually increase. Appropriations. Expenditures. 1810. Mav 1809 to May 1810. $ 8,360.00 $ 7,269.60 1812. "■' 1811 " " 1812. 12,390.00 11,342.16 1814. " 1813 end Apri il 1814. 9,830.00 11,527.36 1815. " 18U " 1815. 12,870,00 13,392.84 1816. " 1815 " 1816. 14,817.00 13,492.13 1817. " 1816 " 1817. 14,900.00 16,-368.90 1818. " 1817 " 1818. 13,448.90 14,032.12 1819. " 1818 " 1819. 21,930.00 22,342.68 1820. " 1819 " 1820. 21,350.00 23,120.70 1821.* " 1820 " 1821. 18.489.15 17,213.83 1822.* " 1821 " 1822. 16,100.00 17.613.62 1823.* " 1822 " 1823. 17,086.00 17,718.18 For the next annual report see 1824. * A Broadside Statement of Overseers of the Poor was published in each of these years, which see. 1811. "An Act, [Mass. Leg. ch. 100, Feb. 27] to incorporate Moses Hall and others into a religious Society by the name of the First Univer- salist Society in C. Dr. Bartlett states that " A Universal meeting-house, 62 feet long, 62 feet wide, and 34 feet high, was built with brick in 1810. It is commodious and handsomely finished." The third prominent Religious Society in C, and still occupying its early site near "Thompson Square." [Do. June 21] to annex Peter Tufts and a part of his Estate to C/ [Do. do., ch. 32] providing for the Government and Regula- tion of the State Prison. See 1800, 180.5, 1806; June 16, 1813, (47) March 1, 1815. Subject continued 1857. Collier, Rev. W. The Evangelical Instructor ; designed for the use of Schools and Families. 12°. Charlestoivn, \^\\ Kneel AND, Rev. Abner, Universalist Ch. 1811-14, several works 1804-44. He was an editor (1811 and after) of the Gospel Visi- tant, 8° quarterly, the first regular Universalist periodical in the U. S., published at Salem. The no. for March, 1812, at C. (See Streeter, Salem press (1856), p. 23.) Lathhop, John, jun. Address before King Solomon's Lodge, C. June 24, 1811. pp.23. ' Boston, \d>\l Lyman, Rev. Jos., D. D. (Flatfield, Mass.). Sermon on the Saviour, First Ch. C, Nov. 3, 1811. pp. 23. S. T. Armstrong, Boston, 1811 Massachusetts State Prison, Rules and Regulations for the Gov- ernment of the. By the Board of Directors. With a description of the Edifice (3 folding plates), Remarks on the Present State of, etc. pp. 23. Boston, 1811 44 TOWN PERIOD. 1812. Collier, Rev. W. A New Selection of Hymns, designed as a Sup- plement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. 12°. Boston, 1S12 EvARTS, J. Oration at C, July 4, 1812. pp. 32. C/mrlestown, 1S12 Gleason, Benj. Masonic Oration June 24, 1812, at Montreal, L. C. Two editions. 8°. Boston, 1812 Lowell, Rev. Clias. Sermon at the State Prison, Nov. 29, 1812. 12°. pp. 14. Boston, 1812 Reprinted (No. IV.) in Sermons. 12^. Boston, 1S55. Morse, Rev. J. A Sermon at C, July 23, 1812, on State Fast at Declaration of War with Great Britain. In Two Parts, pp. 32. Published at the request of the hearers. Charlestown, 1812 A Sermon before the Convention of Congregational Ministers in Boston, at Anniversary Meeting, May 28, 1812. Boston., 1812 1813. *' Expenses anc? Funds of the Charlestown Free Schools" for 1812, dated April 22, 1813, and signed Nehemiah Wynian, Treasurer to the Trustees. A Report made " Conformably to a Vote of the Town, passed July 3d, 1812." A Broadside, the Jirst printed annual State- ment of the expenses of the Schools. This, and the following to 1823 inclusive, are in the Collection in the Public Libi'ary mentioned under 1810, and are similarly arranged. The titles or headings, except dates, are like that above. The size is that of a medium 4° leaf. Receipts. Expenditures. Trustees' Funds. 1812, dated April 22, 1813. #3,824.96 $3,462.20 $5,085.94 1813, " 23, 1814. 4,145.36 4,137.00 5,081.85 1814, " " 23, 1815. 4,821.07 4,722.04 5,085.94 1815, " " 24,1816. 5,117.03 4,835.01 5,001.50 1816, " -, 1817. wanting. 1817, " " 21, 1818. 4,535.50 2,755.05 5,001.50 1818, " " 12, 1819. 4,987.24 5,059.05 5,001. .50 1819, " " 19, 1820. 4.572.09 4,372.09 5,001.50 1820, " 28, 182L 3,627.49 3.812.56 5,001.50 1821, " " 10, 1822. 4,419.42 4,177.35 5,001.50 1822, " — , 1823. 3,846.17 3,454.44* 5,001.50 * In .A.pril, 1823, all bills had not been presented. For the next annual report, see 1825, in 8^ then and afterward. "An Act [Mass. l^^g., ch. 63, June 16] to incorporate Sundry per- sons in C. in the Co. of Middlesex, by the name of The Washington Hall Association." See Bartlett, 1814. Baldwin, Rev. Thos. A Sermon at C, Sept. 26, 1813, occasioned by the Death of 3Irs. Abigail, wife of Rev. Wm. Collier, pastor First Baptist Ch. in C. With her diary, etc. pp.32. Boston, \^l^ Balfour, Rev. W. Support of religious teachers considered. 8°. Charlestown, 1813 Bartlett, Hon. J. Address before the C. Branch of the Washing- ton Benevolent Society of Mass., Feb. 22. With an Ode by Henry Small, List of Officers, etc. pp. 15. Charlestown, 1813 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 45 The Charlestown Association for the Reformation of Morals : Dis- course at Organization (MajO by Rev. J. Morse, D. D. ; Constitu- tion and List of Officers and Members ; Rules, etc. ; Laws of Mass. for Suppression of Vice. 12°. pp. 48. Boston, 1813 The Preface states that "some late occurrences having attracted the attention of many respectable citizens of this town to the state of morals among the ciiildren and youth, it was found that extraordinary means were necessary to guard the rising gener- ation." Of the Soc, Dr. Morse (1st Ch.), was chairman; Dea. D. Goodwin (baptist), Treas.; Rev. Mr. Collier (Baptist), Rev. A. Kneelaud (Univ.), Deacons J. Carter, T. Miller, M. Hall, A. Tufts, and 18 others, Standing CVmimittee. Names of 99 members, showing all classes and beliefs, are given. See Circular Letter of this Soc, Pauoplist, Dec., 1813. Similar Societies were formed in Newburyport and other towns. Gleason, Benj. Oration before the Republican Citizens of C, July 5, 1813. pp. 16. Boston, 1813 Sullivan, John L. Remarks on the Importance of Inland Naviga- tion from Boston by the Middlesex Canal, etc. pp. 22. Boston, 1813 Also, Letters in Answer to Inquiries relating to, etc., 1818; Reports ou the Canal, 1805, 1809, 1811, 1812, etc., and several pamphlets on other Canals. 1814. " An Act [Mass. Leg., Feb. 1 8] to provide for the safe keeping of Gunpowder in the town of C." Adams, Hannah. " A Narrative of the Controversy between the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D. D., and the Author." pp.31. "Some Notice of the Remarks on S. Higginson, jun., contained in Dr. Morse's Appeal to the Publick," by Stephen Higginson, jun. pp. 3. , " Review of Dr. IMorse's " Appeal to the Publick," princi- pally with reference to that part of it which relates to Harvard College. By a friend of that college [John Lowell]." pp. 42. 1 vol. Boston, 1814 " Remarks on the Controversy betweeil Doctor Morse and Miss Adams, together with Some Notice of the Review of Dr. Morse's Appeal." pp.33. Two editions. Boston, I'd W Defence of Dr. M., and a pretty strong one ; see pages 6, 7, etc. Morse, Rev. J. "An Ajjpeal to the Public, on the Controversy re- specting the Revolution in Harvard College, and the Events which have followed it ; occasioned by the use which has been made of certain Complaints and Accusations of Miss Hannah Adams, against the Author." pp.192. Charlestoivn, 1S\ A This long, intricate, and unhappy controversy, treated in the above works, included a charge of literary |)iracy by Miss A. against Dr. M., and severe censure of him, together with some of the theological strife of the times. "The charge was met at last, as it should have been at first, by an examination and comparison of the two works " ( His- tories of N. E.) This showed "the ast(nniding fact, that Miss Adams * * as an author was herself guilty of a real and gross violation of the rights of another author; she hav- ing copied verbatim, or with only colorable alterations, nearly one third of her whole work, loo out of bVi pages, from Dr. Ramsav's Historv of the American Hevolution." (S. E. M7; Do. Memoir, showing groimds of my claim, do. 18t)7; Do. Examination of Tel. Ap- paratus, etc., pp. lG(j, 18G9 ; Do. Full Exposure, etc., pp. KJ; ^lodern Telegraphv, pp. 38; Do. Full Exposure of C. T. -lacksou's pretensions to Inventicni, pj). 80, Pans; Do. Dep. of J. Henry, with Critical Reviews, pp. Ill, Paris; Memorial of Bradley against F>xtension of Patent, etc., pp.30; Smitlisoniau Institute in relation to Mag. Tel., pp. 39._ For Memorials oj" Pro f. Morse. s.ee 1875 [tiho 1853). MoKSK, S. E. (C. 1794, X. Y. 1871). Geographical Yiew of Greece, etc., map. 12^. pp.24. [A'e/y //«y,M, 1824] McjRSK. R. C. (C, 1795). With S. E., The New York Observer (still published, 1880). Established, 1823. S. E. and R. C. JMorse continued the Geographical works of Dr. M., 1820 and after, especially developed in School Geography, X. Y., 1844. "More than 100.000 coiiies were put into the market during the first year, and the work continued to be disposed of at this rate for a number of years." (S))rague's Life of Dr. M., ]>. 222.) The contributions of this distinguished family to periodical literature, etc., have been far too numerous for mention here. Turner, Rev. E. Discourses (2) on Doctrinal and Practical Sub- jects, pp. 25. Discourse, Fast Day, April 1, 1819. pp. 13, n. d. Bellamy and Green, Printers, Charlestowti ^1819] 1820. " An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 11 G, Feb. 15, 1820] to incorporate the Tru-tees of the Methodist Religious Society, in C." Nine named. (F'ifth religious society.) The residence of ministers of this ch. in C. has been generally brief, a''d mention has been omitted of their works excei)t of a few that the writer has fiumd, delivered while they were in C. 1st min., Rev. Wilbur Eisk. 182l)-21 (Mass. Electi.m Ser. 1829, and several other works. See Allibone, 599); 1830-39, President of the \Vesleyau Univer- sity, ^Sliddletown, Conn. FiKST Church. "Love of Popularity. A Sermon delivered, Feb. 23, 1820, at the Installation of the Rev. Warren Fay, as Pastor of the First Cong. Ch. and Soc. in C," by Leonard Woods, D. D. Cliarge by Rev. Wm. Greenougli (2d Cong. Ch., Newton) ; R. II. by Rev. Mr. Dwight (Park St., Boston) ; Ad. to People by Prof. Stuart, Andover. pp. 41. Published by G. Clark & Co. (David Wilson, Printer.) Charlestown, 1820 50 TOWN PERIOD. Walker, Rev. J. Sermon in C, March G, on the Death of Miss Mercy Tufts. 8°. pp. 8. (E.) Charlestown, 1&20 \^ Second minister of the Uiiitariau Cli., 1818-39. 1821. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 17, June 15, 1821, Sec. 2,] " to change the name of the Second Social Library in C." (founded Dec. 21, 1820) to '■'■Charlestowii Union Library^'' Tliis Library, after growing to considerable size (in 1828, 2500 vols.), was dispersed by its proprietors March 21, 1842, by sale, and by lot. (Record of C. U. L.) Its '•Cata- logue" -with a brief history, etc., 8^, i)p. 31, is without place or date. '•An Act [Do., ch. 28, June 16,1821] to incorporate [Amos Bin- ney, George Bond and others] tiie Proprietors of the Charlestown Bleacher y." Additional Acts, ch. 5, June 10, 1823, and ch. 85, Feb. 22, 1824. DwiGHT, Tim° Travels N. E. and N. Y., New Haven, 1821. See Vol. L pp. 466 and 476, on C. Fay, Rev. Warren. Sermon at the Listallation of Rev. Calvin Hitch- cock, at Randolph (Mass.), Feb. 28. pp. 32. Boston, 1821 Minister First Ch., Feb. 23, 1820, to Aug. 16, 1839. A portrait of him, " Mrs. Turner, del. Pendleton's Lithog." on India paper. Sermon, March 7, at the Ordination of Rev. E. Demond at West Newbury (Mass.), etc. pp. 31. Boston, 1821 Ordination Rev. W. Fay at Brimtield, Nov. 3, 1808. Sermon by Rev. Sam' Austin, Wurcister, 1809. Rev. W. Fav, Sermon at Monson, at the funeral of Mrs. N. KIv, Hart- ford, 1812. Do.. Two Sermons at Harvard, Jan. 30, 1814, being the lirst Sabbath after his Installation, pp. 23. Bvstun [1814]. Statement of the Overseers of the Poor, Receipts and Expenditures May, 1820, ending April, 1821. A Broadside. Turner, Rev. E. Discourse Univ. Ch. C, May 20, 1821. pp.12. Boston, 1821. Do. Dedication 1st Univ. meeting-house AVestmin- ster, Mass., .July 3, 1821. pp. 16. Boston, 1822. Also engaged on The Univ' Hymn Book. 12°. 1821. WiLLAUD, Paul. Oration at C, July 4, 1821, at the request of the Republican Citizens of C, with remarks by Nath. Hall Loring. pp. 16. Boston, 1821 The former, a Counsellor at Law (H. C, 1817), was many years resident of C. 1822. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 49, Feb. 5], in addition to an Act entitled " An Act for the better security of the Town of C. against Fire." (See 1809.) Broadside. "Statement of the Overseers of the Poor, April, 1822." Fay, Rev. W. Sermon Jan. 1, 1822, at Ordination of Rev. Joseph Bennet, Woburn (Mass.), and other parts. p{). 39. Boston, 1822 Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Nath! Cogswell at Yar- mouth (Mass.), April 24. pp. 36. Boston, 1822 LoRiNG, Nath! Hall. An Address at request of Republican Com. of Arrangements, July 4, 1822, at C. pp. 24. Boston, 1822 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 51 Trial of Capt. John Shaw by Gen. Court Martial, U. S. Ship Inde- pendence, Navy Yard, C, on charges by Capt. Isaac Hull, U. S. N. pp. 88. Washington, 1822 TuuNER, Rev. E. Substance of a Discourse, 1st Univeisalist Ch., Roxbury, Jan. 4, 1822, pub. by request of the cli. pp. 15. J. Howe, Charlestoum, 1822. Discourse to Female Benevolent Soc, C, Nov. 5, 1822. pp. 12. Boston, 1822 1823. '' An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 1, June 7] to incorporate the Bunher Hill 3Ioniunent Association." Add. Acts, Feb. 20, 1825, ch. 122 (see June 16, ch. 1). Do. to rebuild Beacon Hill Mon't, ch. 110, 18G5. See B. H. M. Ass'n (above). Broadsidk. " Statement of the Overseers of the Poor, April, 1823." Turner, Rev. E. A Discourse, Universalist Meeting House in C, Feb. 23, 1823. pp. 16. J. Howe, Boston, 1823 1824. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 125, Feb. 20] repealing all Acts imposing restrictions on the erection of buildings in the town of C." (Act, 1810, ch. 44, repealed). [Do. June 12, ch. 16] "An Act to regu- late the Side-walks in the town of C." (Add. ch. 11, Feb. 7, 1855.) Town Doc. Reports of Receipts and Expenditures, and of Over- seers of the Poor, May, 1823, to April, 1824. pp. 8 -|- 2. The jirst 8° financial Town Report. Balfour, Rev. W. An Inquiry into the Scriptural Import of the Words, Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna : all translated Hell in the Common English Version, pp. 8 -|- 448. Geo. Davidson, Charlestotvn, 1824 2(1 ed. 12^. pp. 348. Same printer and place. 3d ed. 8^ Buslon, 1832. See 1825 and 18:i4. WalivER, Rev. Jas. Sermon at Brooklyn (Conn.), at Installation of Rev. S. J. May, Nov. 5, 1823. pp.40. Boston, lS2i Sermon on Smooth Preaching. 12='. pp. 12. Boston, 1S23 ; New York, pp. 20; Glas- gow, 1825. (H. H. E.) 1825. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 78. Feb. 15] regulating the transportation of Gunpowder in and through the town of C." \_Do., ch. 40, June 18] to incorporate the Trustees of tlie Poors' Fund in the town of C." (Amended, ch. 301, 1868.) [Do., ch. 53, June 18], to incorporate the President, Direc- tors, and Company of tlie Bunker Hill Bank. Add. Acts, 1825, ch. 108 (Feb. 28, 1826), and 1831, ch. 58. Capital increased, ch. 123, March 2(5, 1847. Do., ch. 13(j, March 28, 1854. Charter extended to Jan 1, 1875, ch. 217, 184Si. Town Doc. Reports of Receipts and Expenditures, and of Overseers of the Poor, and of Schools, May, 1824, to April, 1825. pp. 12. 52 TOWN PERIOD. Balfour, Rev. "W. (Rev. Jas. Sabine, Reply to an "Inquiry," etc. See 1824. pp. 132. Boston, 1825.) Reply to J. Sabine's Lec- tures on the "Inquiry." pp. 136. Boston, 1825 Emmons, W. Oration. See Bunker Hill Celebrations. Fay, Rev. W. Sermon before the Auxiliary Foreign Mission So- ciety of Boston and Vicinity, at 13th An. Meeting, Jan. 3, Old South Ch., Boston (with Constitution aud Rep. of the Soc, etc.). pp. 40. Boston, 1825 Mellen, G. Poem. See B. H. Celebrations. Reasons principally of a Public Nature against A New Bridge from C. to Boston, pp. 32. Boston^ 1825 Several pamphlets on this once exciting subject were issued between 1825 and 18il, which last see. Webster, D. Oration. See B. H. Celebrations. 1826. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 97, Feb. 22] to empower the Inhabitants of the town of C. to choose Assistant Assessors." [Do. ch. 21, .June 20] " An Act authorizing the Selectmen of C. to appoint a Com- pany of Book and Ladder Men, and additional Eagine-Men.'" Town Doc. Reports of Receipts and Expenditures of Overseers of the Poor, and Schools, May, 1825, to April, 1826. pp. 12. Everett, Hon. Edward. An Address at C. Aug. 1, 1826, In Com- memoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (with action of Com. on " the funeral solemnities at C"). pp. 36. Boston, 1826 Mr. Everett lived nearly 15 years in C, on Winter Hill, and in Harvard St., near the Square. His "Orations and Speeches," 3 vols. Boston, 18.50, show that he delivered about fiftv, all {jiven therein, while he lived in the town. He also made large contribu- tions to the North American Review, and wrote or published otlier works. Fay, Rev. TV. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Rufus Anderson, also of Rev'ds M. M. Josiah Brewer, Eli Smith, Cyrus Stone, and Jeremiah Stow, Missionaries, at Springfield, May 10. and other parts, pp. 40. Boston, 1826 Walker, Rev. J. Causes of Progress of Liberal Christianity in N. E. Am. Unit. Ass'n Tracts, I. 9. 12°. pp. 16. Discour,sequie3 of Washington; and (Oct. 27, Nov. 3) establishment of "the U. S. Navy Yard, 1800-1. Report accepted by the C. Wharf Co., June 5, 1838. With a very large Plan of the Property of the Co., and a smaller of the C. B. Railroad, pp. 24. Boston, 1838 1839. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 58, March 20, 1839] to incorporate the C Mechanic Union Gharitahle Association [Rich. C. Bazen, Sam'l Brintnall, Wm. D. Butts, and ass's). Mass. Leg. Documents, Senate 56, Report and Bill, C. R. and W. Bridges, pp. 30 ; House, 29, P^xpenses W. Bridge, pp. 7 ; Do., 35, Returns of Proprietors do. 1829-33, pp. 12. " Annual Statement of the Expenses of the Town of C," March, 1838, to March, 1839, pp. 23. 1839. "Printed at the Aurora Oftice," tirsttime, a full title-page. " Annual Report (pp. 32) of the Trustees of the C. Free Schools, made in pursuance of the Act of 1838, together with the Report of the Treas. of the Board." pp. 8. Auroi'^a Office, 1839. The School Reports after this are all 8°, and published annually. C. Debating Society, Constitution and By-Laws. Adopted Nov., 1838. Names of Members. (16° size.) pp. 12. B. H. Aurora Office, 1839 Report of the Committee appointed by the Stockholders of the C. Wharf Co., at the last Annual Meeting, July 5, 1839. pp. 16. Boston, 1839 With prospects of development of Co. 'a property not yet (1879) fully realized. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 61 Conditions of Sale of House-Lots, B. II. 3fonument Grounds, at Public Auction, Wed., Sept. 25, 1839, etc., by Coolidge & Haskell. pp. 8, and large map by S. M. Feltou. n. p. or d. Walker, Rev. J. A Discourse in Harvard Ch., C.,July 14, 1839, on taking Leave of his Society. Printed by request, pp. 40. Cambridge, 1839 With Letter of Members of the Soc. by a Committee, to their pastor. A Farewell Discourse to the Children in his Soc. delivered in Harvard Ch., C, June 23, 1839. 18°. pp. 24. Cambridge, 1839 For list of worlis after leaving C, see History of this church, 1880. Sewall, Rev. Samuel (Burlington, Mass.). A Brief Survey of the Congregational Churches and Ministers. I\Iiddlesex Co., and Chelsea, in the American (Quarterly Register, Vol. XI. (1839) 48-51, and XIII. 37, 43-18, much historical and biographi- cal matter about First Ch. and C, — a pioneer work on Church history in C. 1840. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 2, Feb. lo] establishing a Fire Department in the town of C. [Do., ch. 86, March 23] authorizing John Harris to construct a wharf in C. Senate Doc. No. 22, N. Austin, Rep. as Agent for Warren Bridge, pp. 4. Do. No. 40, pp. 13. Town Doc's. Annual Statement of Expenses, March, 1839, to March, 1840, inc. Poor. pp. 24. Ann. Report Trustees C. Free Schools, pp. 24, and Treasurer's Report, May, 1839, to May, 1840, pp. 25- 31. Both at Aurora Office, 1840. Rules and Regulations of the Fire Department. 12°. pp.24. Boston,\MQ Includes State Laws. First publication after establishment of this Department. Directory (5th). 16°. pp. 109+18. C. P. Emmons, Charlestown, 1840 Bunker Hill Declaration of the Principles of the Whig Party, Sept. 10, 1840. pp. 12. No imprint. Set forth at B. H. by "fifty thousand of the free electors of the N. E. States * *and from nearly every other State in the Union," in the largest political meeting ever held in C, preceded by an immense procession. Crosby, Rev. D. The Death Scene of the Aged Saint. A Sermon, Dec. 8, 1839, Wiuthrop Ch., on the Death of Dea. Amos Tufts. pp. 16. Boston, 1840 Ellis, Rev. George E. (Unitarian Ch. 1840-69). The Preacher and the Pastor. Two Discourses in Harvard Ch., C, March 15, 1840,on the Commencement of his Ministry, pp. 47. Boston, l^^O An Individual Faith, Tract A. U. Ass., 1 ser., 160. 12°. pp. 28. Boston, Nov. 1840 Froth INGHAM, Richard. Address at Dedication of the Warren School-House, April 21, 1840. See B. II. Aurora, May 16, 1840. Marshall, J. F. B. (M. Calkin and F. Johnson). Hawaiian Col- lection of Church Music, compiled for the use of Foreign Commun- ities at the Sandwich Islands. Ob. 8°. pp. 147. Honolulu, 1840 A singing-book was needed as above, and Jlr. Marshall of C., then a merchant at Honolulu, assisted in preparing this work, and thus had it iu use a year sooner than it could have been ordered and obtained from the U. S- 62 TOWN PERIOD. Third Grand Rally of the Workingmen of C, Oct. 23, 1840, and their Address, pp. 18. Young, Rev. Alex. The Church, the Pulpit, and the Gospel. A Discourse at the Ordination of Rev. G. E. Ellis, March 11, 1840. pp. 64. Boston, 1840 Includes Notes; Chai-ge, Rev. E. S. Gannett; R. H., Rev. S. Osgood; Ad., Rev. J. Walker. This was an Annus mirab'dis of the ministry in C During it, three clergv- men were settled in the town, each young, each to attain marked eminence, — Dr. W. I. Budington, Trinitarian, at the First Ch.; Dr. E. H. Chapia, Universalist ; Dr. G. E. Ellis, IJuitarian. 1841. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 42, Feb. 27] authorizing Hamilton David- son to extend his AV^harf. [Do., ch. 88, March 17] relating to Charles River Bridge and Warren Bridge. See House Doc. 40, pp. 8. AddM Act, ch. 48, March 3, 1842, and ch. 84, Feb. 27, 184.5. Duties of Agent, ch. 30, March 22, 1843. Compensation of Do., ch. 250, jMarch 26, 1845. Agent may lease a wharf, ch. 40, l-'eb. 25, 1850; to build floating bath, ch. 105, May 7, 1851. See 1855. A settlement of the great Bridge controversy. For be- ginning see 1825 and 1828. Town Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, and Poor, March, 1840, to March, 1841. pp.31. Report of Trustees of C. Free Schools, and Treas. of the Board, pp. 32. Report of the Com. of Finance for the Town of C, accepted May 3. 16°. pp. 8. Charlestoivn, 1841 Chapin, Rev. E. H. Discourses on various Subjects. 18°. pp. 213. Boston, 1841 Universalist Ch. 1840-4G. Lecture Oct., 1824, in Chapel of Waterville, Col., pp. .31, W., 1824. Universalism. etc., Dis. Richmond. Va., Aug 12 and 2G, 1826, 12°. pp. 23, Uticn, 1838. Address on True Greatness, to Madison Debating Soc. pp. 23. Oration, Julv 4, 1840, to Miliiarv Co's., pp. 32. Both. Richmond, 1840] Duties of Young Men, 18^; Boston, 1840: (2d ed. 32^) pp. 203, B., 1846; 3d, 18^ B., 1850. The Responsibilities of a Republican Government. Discourse Fast Day, April 8. pp. 31. Boston, 1841. Christian Union. Discourse Univ. Ch., C, pp. 17. Charlestoivn, 1841 Charlestown Ciironiclk. Published weekly at the office : Scjuare, corner of Chelsea Street. Caleb Rand, publisher and j^i'^prietor. No. 1. Sat., Feb. 6, 1841. Contintted about three years. No com- plete file known to the writer. Ellis, Rev. G. E. See Bunker Hill Celebrations. Thompson, Dr. A. R. Eulogy before the Citizens of C, April 19, on the Decease of Wm. Henry Harrison, late President of the U. S. pp. 15. Boston, 1841 1842. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 16, Feb. 21] authorizing First Baptist Ch. and Soc. to sell lands. [Do., ch. 24, Feb. 25] to annex a part of C. to West Cam- bridge. "All that part of C. which lies northwesterly of ' Little river,' so called." [Do., ch. 76, March 3] to inrorporate the Toion of Somerville. Formed from the Avesterly part of C, to Cambridge, West Cambridge, and Mcdford. MONOGKAPHS, ETC. 63 " An Act [Do., ch. 84, March 3] to establish the Fltchhurg Bailroad Company. Succeediriic to C. Branch R. R., witli terminus in C. See 1836. AcW'l Act, ch. 218, March 25, 1845. Act of succession to C. B. K. R.,ch. 21, Feb. 7,1840. To authorize F. R. R. Co. to extend to Boston, ch. 200, Apr. 20, 1847. Mass. Leg. See Senate Doc. No. IG (pp. 8), 29 (pp. 7), 32 (pp. 17), 40 (pp. 4), 45 (p. 1). ToAVN Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures, March 1, 1841, to March 31, 1842, pp. 29, and Poor, pp. 3. Report Trustees C. Free Schools and Treas., do., pp. 32. Directory (Gth). 16°. pp. 120 + 16. John Harris, Charhstoivn, 1842 BuDiXGTON, Rev. W. I. Winter of 1842-43, Nine Lectures, History of P^irst Church. See 1845. Chapin, Rev. E. H. Sermon at Ins'n Rev. Henry Bacon, 1st Univer- salist Soc, Providence, R. L, March 17, 1842. pp. 20. Provi- dence, 1842. The Idea of the Ai^e, Oration to Mercantile Lodcje, No. 47, L O. of O. F., Jan. 14. 12^ pp. 24. Neiv York, 1842 Ellis, Rev. G. E. Regeneration and Sanctification. Two Sermons in Harvard Ch., March 6, 1842. pp.30. Chm\' estoicii, IS i2. Ser- mon in do., Oct. 9, 1842, on Death of Rev. AVm. H Clianning, D. D., pp. 24. Boston, 1842. Address at Ordination of Rev. F. D. Huntington, Oct. 19, 1842. Boston, 1842 FiTCiiBURG R. R. Co. Report Com. of Directors on prospects of proposed R. R., Sept. 26. pp. 16. Boston, 1842 Harris, Rev. T. M. (binC, 1768. See 1796, 1801). Address in 1st Ch., Dorchester, April 7, 1842, at his Funeral, by Rev. Nath! Hall, pp 28. Boston, 18i2. Eulogy at Masonic Temple, May 4, by Rev. Benj. Huntoon. pp. 16. Boston, 1842. Memorial. 1842, and Memoir by Rev. N. L. Frothingham (Mass. Hist. Soc, IV. 2), pp. 28. Camhridge, 1855 Protestant Episcopal Church, Annual Convention of Eastern Diocese at St. John's Church. C. Journal, Bishop Griswold's Add., etc. pp. 32. Sermon do., Sep. 28, by Rev. G. M. Randall. pp. 26. Both Boston, 1842. Ursuline Convent, Documents relating to — Reprint of Report, 1834, and Report to House of Representatives, Mass. (Doc. 30) for Com. of House by Geo. T. Curtis, pp. 32. Boston^ 1842 1843. ToAVN Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures, and Poor, March 31, 1842, to March 1, 1843. pp. 27. Climiestown, 1843 BuDiNGTON, Rev. AV. I. Capital Punishment. A Discourse, occa- sioned by the Murder (June 14) of Charles Lincoln, late AVarden of the Mass. State Prison, 1st Ch., Appendix, pp. 32. Boston, 1843 Chapin, Rev. E. H. Three Discourses upon Capital Punishment. 18°. pp. 72. Boston, 1843. Lectures. 18°. pp. 136. New For^-, 1843 Charlestowx Branch Railroad. Act. Inc., By-Laws, Aug., 1843. 12°. pp. 37. Boston, 1843 64 TOWN PERIOD. Eddy, Caleb. " Historical Sketch of the Middlesex Canal, with Remarks for the Consideration of the Proprietors." pp. 53. Boston, 1843 See 1793 (Incorp. and hist, note); and 1813, Sullivan, for Reports, etc. Ellis, Rev. G. E. The Bible, or the Church, or '' Puseyisni," a Dis- course, pp. 32. Boston, 1843. See Bunker Hill, Monographs. Green, Rev. D. Sermon at the Funeral of Bev. Daniel Crosby, late Pastor of the Wiuthrop Ch., C, March 3, 1843. pp. 39. Boston,\MZ Greenleaf, Rev. P. H. (St. John's Episcopal Ch., 1841-51). The Christmas Festival. A Sermon in St. John's Ch., C. pp. 22. Boston, 1843 Webster, D. See Bunker Hill Celebrations. 1844. Town Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures March 1, 1843, to March 1, 1844, and Rep. on Poor, etc. pp. 24. An. Rep. Trustees of C. Free Schools. List of Persons assessed a State, Town, and County Tax in the Town of C. for the year 1844. Published by Order of the Town. pp. 31. Charlestown, 1845 CiiAPiN, Rev. E. H. The Catastrophe of the Princeton, a Discourse at the Universalist Ch., C, March 3, 1844. pp. 16. Ann. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 3. pp. 36. The Philadelphia Riots, a Dis- course in the Universalist Ch., May 12, 1844. pp. 16. All, Boston, 1844 Ellis, Rev. G. E. Obligations of Christians to the Heathen. 12°. Tract Am. Unit. Ass'n, No. 199, 1st Ser. pp. 22. Boston, Feb., 1844 Life of John Mason (Conn.) In Sparks's Am. Biography, II., iii., 307-438. FiTCHBURG R. R. Report (2d) to Stockholders, Jan., 1844. pp. 15. Annual Reports continued from this time. Boston, 1844 GiFFORD, Geo. P. Address to B. H. Native American Ass'n, Town Hall, C, Sept. 17, 1844. 12°. pp. 12. n. p. 1845. Town Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures March 1, 1844, to March 1, 1845 (pp. 24), with Tax List of 1844. pp. 56. An. Rep. Trus- tees of C. Free Schools, pp. 14. Directory (7th) Emmons's. 16°. pp. 108-1-13. Published by Chas. P. Emmons & Co., C harlestoton, 1845 BuDiNGTON, Rev. W. I. The History of the First Church, Charles- town, in Nine Lectures, with [60 long] Notes. Portrait of Rev. John Wilson, pp. 259. Boston, 1845 Tiie most valuable work on C. that had appeared at this date, and still, with Mr. Frot!iint;tiam's Hist. (1815-49), unsurpassed in value. The lectures were delivered in the Fir>t Ch. to lartre audiences. The Edition, about 500 copies (now scarce), was issued to subscribers, and the balance was paid for by the Parish, that still holds a few copies. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 65 CiiAPiN, Rev. E. H. The Mission of Little Children, a Discourse, pp. IG, Occasional Sermon to U. S. Gen'l Convention of Univer- sulists, Sept. 17. jjp. 20. Hours of Communion. 32°. pp. 160. All, Boston, 1845 Ellis, Rev. G. E. Address at the Installation of Rev. H. Alger, Marlboro', Jan. 22. pp. 38, Sermon at Dedication of First Ch., Sonierville, Sejjt. 3. pp. 24. A Collection of Psalms and Hj'mns for the Sanctuary. 12°. pp. 585. 2d ed. + pp. 81, 18G0 (E.). All, Boston, 1845. Life of Anne Hutchinson^ in Sparks's Am. Biography, Ser. H., Vol. VL pp. 167-37G. 16°. Boston, 1845 FROTiiiNGiiAJr, Richard, Jun. The Llistory of Charlestown, Mass., Part I. 1 plate, pp.48. Charlestown and Boston, Nov., 1845 This work, published in Parts (vii.) 1845-49, continues to be the standard history. Olive Branch Lodge, Odd-Fellows, No. 78, Ins'd July 1, 1845 ; Constitution, By-Laws and Rules, pp. 30. Printed by Brother Caleb Rand, Charlestown, 1845 Tracy, E. C. Life of Jeremiah Evarts. Portrait, pp. 448. (See 1831.) Boston, 1845 1846. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 98, March 12] to incorporate the C. Gas Company. (Add'l Act) to extend Pipes and Conductors into Somerville, ch. 24, Feb. 23, 1853. Do., in Medford, ch. 66, 18G0. Stocli increased, ch. 37, 1804, and 51, 1869. [Do., ch. 149, March 25] to authorize Sam' Barnard and Jacob Mittinger to extend their Wharf. [Do., ch. 191, April 6] regulating Tolls, Chelsea Bridge. Town Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures (inc. Poor, Schools, Sched- ule of Pro{)erty, etc.), year ending Feb. 28, 1846. pp. 26. An. Rep. Trustees of Schools, pp. 16. By-Laws of the Town of C, adopted June 20, 1838, etc. 12°. pp. 60. Boston, 1846 Chapi.v, Rev. E. H. Might and Right. Oration to Eurosophian Adelphi, AVaterville Col., Aug. 12, 1846. pp. 40. Address on Temperance, Treraont Temple, Nov. 23, 1845. 12°. pp. 20. Both, Boston, 1846 A large number of publications after leaving C. Ellis. Rev. G. E. A Lecture on Temperance, Harvard Ch. pp. 22. Artillery Election Sermon, June 1. pp. 32. Both, Boston, 1846 Frotiiingiiam, R., Jun. History of C, Part IL, pp. 56 (49-104) 3 pi., 1 cut; Part HL, pp. 56, (105-60) 2 cuts. Report of the Majority of the Committee appointed by the Town of C. on obtaining a City Charter, pp. 16. Printed and distributed in pursuance of a vote of the Town. Charlestown, 1846 66 CITY PEKIOD. CITY PERIOD, 1847-1873. Bridges, City Period. State Documents: Senate, 60 (1847). Re- port, Senate, 50, 1851. See 1854. House, 42, 189 (1855) ; Llousf, agent's report, 16, 52, 57 ; final do. of Commissioners, 176; draws, 283 (1856). House, 60, 161, 404, 463 (1867). Report of Legis- lative Com. 1868. House, widening draws, 338 (18()9). House, 361 (1871). Do. 255, (Chelsea and Maiden) 354 (1873). Boston Doc's, 31 (1871) ; do. Commissioner's Report, 21 (1872). DlKECTOPap:s, City Period. Fletcher's, pp. 148 -|- 34 (1848); Adams's (map), pp. 160 +32 (1852) ; do. pp. 184+44 (1854); Adams's map, pp. 212 + 68 (1856) ; Adams, Sampson, & Co., pp. 236 + 90 (1858) ; do., pp. 240 + 78 (1860) ; do., pp. 240 + 58 (1862); do., pp. 256 + 82 (1864). All 16°, C/uirhstown. Sampson, Davenport & Co. (map), pp. 228+56+ 10 (1866); do., pp. 294 + 8 (1868) : do., pp. 332 (1870) ; do. " no. 18 " (1872) ; do., pp. 384 + 14 (1874, and lust). 5 vols. 8°. A. E. Cutter, C/iarlestoiun. 1847. " An Act [Mass. Leg., eh. 29, Feb. 22] to establish the City of Charles- town" going into operation from and after its passage. Additional Acts, ch. 258, April 24, 1847; ch. 27, March 7, 1849; ch. lOG, IMarch 21, 1850; annexation, ch. 43:^, 1854; water, 217, 1860, and 105, 18G1 ; Aldermen to he nine, ch. 133, 1861 ; ceding lands to U. S., ch. I'Jo, 18G2 (see also 1800); extending Kiehniond Street, ch. 123, sidewalks, ch. 160, 1864; improving streets, 224, 1807; no. of School Com., 277, 1867 (accepted Nov. 5); tilling Hats Prison Point Bay, 253, 1868: allowances to, Kcsolves 5 and 41, 1872: sjieed of vessels in Harbor, ch. 16, 1872; anntxatiwi to Boston, etc., see 1873; water supply, see 1854{ch. 297, etc.), 1860 and 1861. [Do., ch. 54, March 6] to extend Swett's Wharf. [Do., ch. 180, April 13] to incorporate the (7. Lead Co. (Capi- tal, $75,000.) Town Doc's. Receipts and Expenditures, year ending Feb. 27, 1847, with List of Persons Taxed for 1846. pp. 64. Pub. by Order of the Town, C. 1847. An. Rep. of Trustees of C. Free Schools, pp. 16. Boston, 1847 City Doc's. Rules and Orders of City Council and List of Ollicers for 1847, Charter, Special Laws, etc. 12°. pp. 84. Henry S. Warren, City Printer, C [1847]. The City Charter, pp. 67. No. 1. The Inaugural Address of the [First] Mayor, Hon. Geo. W. Warren, April 26. pp. 26. Printed at the Freeman Office, Charlestown, 1847. No. 2. Report of Special Com. on Licenses to sell Liquors, pp. 14. Do., May, 1847. No. 3. Communica- tion from the Mayor June 7 (Training Field, etc.). pp. 8. No. 4. Rep. Jt. Spec. Com. on Streets, Oct. 18 (200 copies). Opinion of C. P. and B. R. Curtis, pp. 7. No. 5. Address of the Mayor, Oct. 7, at Laying Corner-Stone of tlie High School, Mouumeut Square, pp. 15. Freeman Office, 1847. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 67 Eltjs, Rev. G. E. Life of Wm. Penn in Sparks's Am. Biographies, Sen II., Vol. XII. pp. 195-408. 16°. Boston, 1847 Frothingiiam, R. Hist, of C. Part IV., pp. 48, 1 pi., 2 cuts ; Part v., pp. 60 ; Part VI., pp. 44, 2 pi., 1 cut (euds page 312). Ursuline Convent. See Niles Register. 1848. An Act [Mass. Leg., eh. 325, May 10] in relation to Railroad Bridges acros^s Charles and Mystic Rivers. City Doc's. Receipts and PZxpenses year ending Feb. 29, 1848, Poor, and List of Persons Taxed for 1847. pp. 6^3. School Report to Feb. 1, 1848. pp. 36. Mayor's Address (G. AV. Warren) April 3, 1848 (Doc. No. 1). pp. 36. Municipal Register, pp. 112. Or- dinances Burial Grounds, Dogs, etc. 12°. pp. 11. Child, Rev. Wm. C. (First Bap. Ch. 1844-49). Discourse occa- sioned by the Death of Mrs. Mary Fosdick, iu First Baptist Ch., April 2, 1848. pp. 20. Boston, 1848 Harrington, Ellen T. Valedictory, C. Female Seminary, Aug. 3. pp. 12. Boston, 1848 Reports, Majority and Minority to School Cora., May 24, on petition of Wm. Eager and others for separation of sexes, Harvard Scliool. pp. 36. Boston, 1848 of Select Com. Common Council on petition of A. R. Decoster, on representation of Ward 2, Feb. 14. pp. 15. Suppressed Rep. of Minority of Com., on same. Feb. 21. pp. 21. Both, Boston, \%\S Special Com. Common Council on Lynde and Second Streets. pp.7. Thompson, J. A Short History of C. for the past 44 years, and other Subjects, pp. 71. Charlestown, 1848 C. Herald, No. 1, C, Sept. 11, 1848, 8°, pp. 8; No. 2, C, Oct., 1848, pp. 24. [Wheildon, W. W.]. Letters from Nahant, historical and descrip- tive ; cuts. 16''. pp. 48. Gharlestown, 1848 1849. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 188, May 1] authorizing Abel Fitz, J. Wesson, and J. Gary, to extend their wiiarves in C. Do., [ch. 203, May 2], Rhodes G. Lockwood and others, to do same. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28. pp. 34 -|- 2. Sc^hool Rep., Oct., 1849. pp. 17. Address of the Mayor, G. W. Warren, April 2 (Doc. I.), pp. 15. Ordinances of Board of Health, pp. 4. C. Female Seminary, Catalogue, etc. View. pp. 12. Contitiued. Frothingiiam, R., Jun. The History of Charlestown, Part VH. (and last), pp. 313-68. With a large Map of the Action, .June 17, 1775, by ]Montresor and Page, 1 plate, 2 cuts. This work is con- tinued in the follow in <;. 68 CITY PERIOD. Frothingham, R., Jun. History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also, an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. With illustrative Documents. Plan of Boston, with Royal lutrenchments, etc., 1775, by Lieut. Page, the Montresor and Page Map, Boston and Euvirons, 1775-76, 3 plates, 9 cuts. pp.x-|-420. Boston, 1849 2d ed., 1851 ; 3d ed., Dec. 2, 1872; 4th ed., 1873. See also Battle of Bunker Hill. WiNTHUOP Churcu, Final Report of Building Committee. 1850. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 92, March 19] to incorporate the Cochituate Lead Co. (in C). Capital, $200,000. [Do., ch. 180, April 9j concerning Streets and Private "Ways in C. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28. pp. 34 -|- 2. School Report, pp. 12. Address of Mayor, G. W. Warren, Feb. 13. pp. 24. Municipal Register, pp. 108. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Repentance, etc. Am. Unit. Ass'n Tract, 1 Ser. 275. pp. 24. Boston, 1850 " HoBBS, N. T." Humbug, or the Age of Gas ; with other Rhymes, and a Poem, Nov. 13, 1849. 16° (?). pp. 45. Gharlestown, 1850 (?) With local Political Satires relating to 1870-73. Thompson, Hon. Benj. Funeral Oration on the Death of Zachary Taylor, Late President of the U. S., at request of the City Council, July 31, in Winthrop Ch. pp. 28. Charlvstown, 1850 Waverley Magazine (Weekly) by Moses A. Dow. Vol.1., No. 1, Boston, Thursday, May 30, 1850. Price 6 cents, pp. 8, folio. This Magazine (16 pp. after Vol. III.) is still continued, — published in C, 1873, and subsequently. It has obtained very wide circulation. 1851. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 37, April 5] to authorize John W. Damon to extend his Wharf. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, and List of Persons Taxed, 1850. pp. 79. School Rep., Dec, 1851. pp. 16. Mayor's (R. Frothingham, jun.) Address, Jan. 6, and list of City Government, pp. 28. Report on Truancy to the School Commit- tee, April, 1851. pp. 10. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Address at Consecration of Woodlawn Cemetery July 2, 1851. Account of Exercises, pp.32. Boston, l^ol Frothingham, Hon. R. Oration at Newburyport, July 4. pp. 12. \ Boston, 1851] High School. Catalogue of Officers, Teachers, and Pupils, with Course of Study. 12°. pp.23. Charleslown, 18ol Malden Bridge, widening Draw, Senate Doc. 91. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 69 Ministry at Large. Report (Gth Semiannual, 1st in pamphlet) by- Rev. O. C. Everett. 12°. pp.24. Boston, 1851 Published in this form, pp. 34, 1832; pp. 22. 185.3; pp. 18, 1854; pp. 21, 1855; pp. — , 185G; pp. 23, 1857; pp. 28, 1858; pp. 24. 1859; p]). 34, 18G0; pp. 19, ISlili; pp.24, 1867; pp. 31, 18Uy (hist). Mission closed, 1879. See History Harvard Ch., 1880. EvERKTT, Rev. O. C. R. H. at Ins'n Rev. A. M. Bridge, Bernards- ton, Feb. 18, 1846, with Sermon by Rev. C. Robbins, etc. Bodon, 1846 Morgan, John. A Warning against Quackery. 16°. pp.32. Boston, 1851 Mystic River Improvement, R. H. Dana, jun. Remarks before Jt. Com. on Mercantile Affairs and Ins. April 17, 1851, on Petition F. S. Williams, et ah. pp. 16. 1852. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 105, April 15] to authorize the City of C. and others to Jill up certain Flats in Mystic River. Add'l Act, ch. 7, Feb. 12, 1853. \J)o., ch. 168, April 30] to incorporate the C. Dock Co., House Doc. 163. Repealed ch. 306, 1855. [Do., ch. 174, May 3j to authorize Geo. W. White and others to extend their wharf [Water St., by Navy Yard]. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 29, and lists of all Public Officers, pp. 59. School Report, Dec, 1852. pp. 17. Mayor's (R. Frothingham, jun.) Address, Jan. 5. pp. 19. Muni- cii^al Register, pp. 120. Bellows, Albert F. Sorrows of Boyhood, No. 1, "I'll tell the Master." A school-boy struck bv a snowball. First eng. published by McKim & Cutter. C. ; first published design (?) by this distinguished painter in water-color, a native of C; a tinted lithographic engraving well done (Bufford), 12 x 14.^ in., and the tirst (?) pub- lished in C. Budington, Rev. W. I. Our Puritan Fathers our Glory. A Ser- mon in Commemoration of the 220th Anniversary of the Founding of the First Ch. in C, Nov. 14, 1852. pp. 32. Charlcstown, 1852 "Charlestown City Advertiser. Published semi-weekly by De Costa and Williams, Proprietors, at No. 1 Chelsea Street, Charles- town Square. Two dollars per annum." No. 1, Pro.'^pectus, Sat., Oct. 25, 1851, 4°, pp. 4; No. 2, full size, folio, pp. 4, Wed., Jan. 7, 1852. Published until Vol. XXVI., Sat., Dec. 2, 1876. For Memorial of Mr. De Costa, see 1878. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Report on the Relations between the Theological School and Harvard College (and Memorial of the Corporation). pp. 30. Boston, 1852. The Organ and Church Music, Two Dis- courses, Harvard Ch., C, Sept. 26. pp. 40. Boston, 1852. Re- marks, Harvard Ch., at the Funeral of Han. Benj. Thompson, Sept. 27. pp. 16. Notes. Charlestown, 1852. Discourse at Unitarian Convention, Baltimore, Oct. 27. pp. 31. Boston, 1853 First Baptist Church in C. A Short History of, with Names of the Present Members. 16°. pp.88. Boston, 1852 70 CITY PERIOD. Gas Co. Rules and Regulations, pp. 8. Charlestoicn, 1832 GoRHA.Ai and Phelps Purchase, etc., History of the Pioneer Settle- ment of, by O. Turner. 8°. Rochester, 1852 The history of a large tract of land bought by Hon. Nath. Gorham of C, occupied by his son Nathaniel about 178U-1826. See "also "Description of the Genesee Country, 4"^, Albnnij, 1798; 8^, Xew York, 171)1); and [Kobert Munro] Description, etc., 8^, Ntio York', 1804, (Doc. Hist, of N. Y ., Vol. H.). JMystic River Improvement, House Doc. 1G3, Senate 48. TowNLEY, Rev. R. Christianity in the 19th Century. A Sermon in the Universalist Ch., C, Sept. 28. pp. 28. Boston, 1852 Min. U. Ch. 1849-53. Also bv him : Gibbons's Objection to Christianity, pp. 11; Second Advent of Christ; Letter to Rev. Wm. Digby, pp. 23. AH Liverjjoul, 1845-46. Ursuline Convent, Report on Petition for Indemnity, House Doc. 210. pp. 3. 1853. "An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 415, May 25] to incorporate the Mystic River Railroad.'^ (From B. and Maine R. R. to Chelsea Bridge.) Add'l Acts, ch. 31, 1854; ch. 430, 1855; ch. 89. 1857; capital reduced, time extended, ch. 5, 1859; extended ch. 2. ISijl; do., and connecting with other roads, ch. 14, 1803 ; revived, ch. 54, 18ij4; extended, ch. 56, 1865; see 278, 1866; 21, 1888. Boston and Lowell R. R. to construct brancii to, ch. 9, 1870 (or buy or lease), extended time, 101, 1870. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, and City Government. pp. 52. School Report, Dec, 1853. pp. 23. Mayor's (R. Frothingham, jun.) Address, Jan. 3, and City Gov- ernment, pp. 28. Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Public Instruction concerning a Public Library, April 11, 1853. pp. 7. Bunker Hill Mutual Loan and Fund Ass'n, Articles of Association. 16°. pp. IG. Charlestown, 1853 Caldicott, Rev. T. F. Hannah Corcoran, An Authentic Narrative of her Conversion, Abduction from C, etc. 12°. pp. 130. Boston, 1853 Minister of the First Bap. Ch., 1850-53. This case occasioned much disturbance, and almost an anti-Catholic riot. It was, however, soon quietly settled. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Sermon at Installation of Rev. Rufus Ellis, Fir>t Ch., Boston, May 4, etc. pp. 55. Boston, 1853 High St. Baptist Church, History of, with Names of Members. 16°. pp. 36. Boston, 1853 MisiiAAVAM Literary Association. By-Laws adopted May 16, 1853, and Catalogue of Books, pp. 24. Charlestown, 1853 Morse, S. F. B. Memoir (and portrait) in Memoirs of Distinguished Americans. New York, April, 1853. TowNLEY', Rev. R. Lecture on the Deluge, City Hall, C, Jan. 9. pp. 29. Boston, 1853 Ursuline Convent. Report on Indemnification for Losses, House Doc. 75, pp. 9, and Do., 1 20. Young Men's Evangelical Union of C, organized June, 1853, Con- stitution and By-Laws. 12°. pp. 12. Also, j^p. 13. Chai'Iesfown, 1853 The members were from the First and Winthrop (Congregational); First, High St., and Neck (Baptist); Higli St. and Union (Methodist); Bethesda; and St. John's (Fpis- copal) Churches. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 71 1854. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 28, Feb. 22] to clianire the Name of the Neck ViHage Baptist Society of C. (to Perkins St. Bap. Soc. in Somerville). [Do., ch. 146, March 28] to incorporate the Monument Bank in C. (Continued 1880.) [Do., ch. 228, April 7] to incorporate the O. Five Cents Sav- ings Bank. May hold S40,000 Real Estate in C, ch. 67, 1864. This has become one of the large banks of the State, and occupies the most substan- ti il and elegant business structure ever in C. [Do., ch. 297, April 13] to incorporate the C. Water-Works. Add'l Act, ch. 286, 1857. [Do., ch. 353] authorizing B. and Maine, Fitchburg, and Eastern Railroads to tap the Cochituate Water Pipe in C. [Do., ch. 37 6j to alter Highway and Bridge between C. and Cambridge. [Do., ch. 402, April 28] to incorporate the Bunker Bill Li- brary Association, [Do., ch. 433, April 29] for the Annexation of Charlestown to Boston. See 1873. This Act was accepted, but was finally de- feated. [Do., ch. 434, April 20] to incorporate the Middlesex Rail- road Co. (the first iiorse-railroad, extending the whole length of C). Tracks extended, ch. 43, 1857; do., in Boston, ch 205, 1859. Affected bv ch. 35, 1860; 15, 18G1; 118 arid 175, 1802; 170, 18G3; 75, 1864. A mortgage confirmed, etc., 139, 1867; fares, 317, 1867; obligations on bridges, 322, 1868, and 272, sec. 7, 1869; and 303, sec. 6, 1870; Union with Suburban K. It. Co, ch. 20, 1870. [Do., ch. 445] to incorporate the Boston and Chelsea Railroad (horse, through C). Extended, ch. 133, 1856, and ch. 62, 1857. See 36, 1863. Fares, ch. 266, 1864. Use other tracks, ch. 75, lb64, affected by ch. 256. 1869, and ch. 324, 1870. [Do., ch. 451] establishing tolls on C R. and IVarren Bridges. to raise a fund to rebuild C. R., and repair "W., and $100,000 repair fund. Tolls to cease, ch. 96, sees. 11, 12, 1858. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, with Report of Chief Engineer, etc. pp. 72. School Report, Dec. pp. 15. Mayor's (J. Adams) Address, Jan. 2, and City Government, pp. 1 6. Report on Monument Avenue, pp.22. Cha7'lestoivn, 185A Bridges (C. R. and Warren), Report on, with large map, House Doc. 9. Report and Act on. House Doc's 178, 188. Annexation to Boston, Considerations on the proposed, by Josiah Quincy, Sen. pp. II. Boston, 1854. Brief Review of the same, " by aNative of lioston." pp.15. Boston, ISoi. A Candid Review of the project by a Charlestown Man. pp. 12. C/tarlestoivn, 1854 BuniNGTON, Rev. Wm. I. A Farewell Discourse, First Ci)., C, Sept. 17, 1854. pp. 24. On leaving this Ch. and C. Pliiladelpliia, 1854 See Humphrey, 1856. ^Memorial to Lieut. G. F. Ward (privately printed). Patriot- ism and the Ministry. Address to Am. I'Ldiuation Soc, Boston. May 28. Jip. 12. Bus- lon, 1861. Pastoral Letter, New Year's, 1870. Responsive Worship. A Discourse, with Notes. 12°. pp.84. New i'vrk, IS73. 72 CITY PERIOD. Ellis, Rev. G. E. The Christian's Dependence on the Great Hope. Ser., Harvard Ch., C, Feb. 19, Sunday after death of Hon. H. P. Fairbanks, pp. 15. Commemorative Discourse on Rev. Alex. Young (also by Rev. E. S. Gannett), and Appendix, pp. 40. Our Good Land, etc. Discourse, Thanksgiving, Nov. 30, pp. 20. Three, Boston, 1854. Address to Middlesex Co. Agricultural Soc, Concord, Oct. 4. pp. 17. n. p. Frothingham, Chas. W. The Convent's Doom, a Tale of C. in 1834. The Haunted Convent, pp. 32. (40,000 copies sold within ten days, and before the 5th ed.) Boston, 1854 Mystic River Co., E. H. Derby. The Principal Points in relation to the change of the Line of their Sea-wall. April, jip. 4. n. p. Ursuline Convent, on Indemnities, etc. House Doc's, 160, pp. 8, and 166, pp. 4. 1855. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 11] to regulate Sidewalks in C. (Repealed, ch.l65, 1859.) [Do,, ch. 253] in relation to Charles River and Warren Bridges. C. to assume control (see 1841); Add'l land or wharf, ch. 389, May 18, 1855. Liabil- ities to W. Bridge, ch. 419. Mav 21,1855. Tenders and Regulations draw, ch. 282, 1856. Leasing wharf, ch. 306, 1856, and 100, 1857. [Do., ch. 259] to authorize Fitchhurg E. B. to widen and make solid a Bridge between Somerville and C. [Do., ch. 300 j to incorporate the C Bock Co. See 1852. [Do., ch. 336] to incorporate the Medford and C. Railroad Co. (Horse). Amended, etc., ch. 17, 1857. [Do., ch. 481] relating to the Mystic River Corporation. Add'l Acts, ch. 19, 1859 ; ch. 150, 1867. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, and Report Ciiief Engineer, pp. 55. School Report, Dec, pp. 20. Mayor's (T. T. Sawyer) Address, Jan. 1, pp. 15. Annexation C. to Boston. Review of the Opinion of the Supreme Court, pp. 24. W. W. Wheildon, C, 1855. Some Fresh Sugges- tions on the Project, by a Bunker Hill Boy. pp. 18. De Costa and Williams, C, 1855. Badger, Catherine N. Life of Martha Whiting (Teacher in C, 1823 53). Port. 12°. pp. 284. Boston, 1855 Blagden, Rev. G. W. Memorial Discourse on Mrs. Elizabeth Liv- ingston Budington (wife of Rev. W. L Budington), Jan. 14. pp. 26. Boston, 1855 City Mission and Tract Society, Report (1st in pamphlet) and His- tory, pp. 16. Boston, 1855 A joint work by the First Ch. ; First, High St., and Bunker Hill, Baptist; Winthrop, St. John's; First and Union Methodist, Churches. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Sermon in Harvard Ch., C, May 6. pp. 29. Boston, 1855. Sermon at Lis'n Rev. H. Stebbins, Portland, Me., Jan. 31. pp. 64. Portland^ 1855 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 73 Farnham, L. Glance at Private Libraries ; that of R. Frothingham, jun. (p. 32) the only one in C. mentioned, Frothingham, C. VV. Six Hours in a Convent, etc., a Tale of C, 1834. pp. 44. (Three large editions.) Boston, 1855 Hale, Chas. A Review of the Proceedings of the Nunnery Com- mittee of the Mass. Leg., and Visit to Catholic School, Roxbury. pp. 62. Boston, 1855 High School, Catalogue of Teachers and Pupils of. With Report by Rev. G. E. Ellis. 1 6^ pp. 39 ; also, 12°, pp. 27. 1857. Mystic River Corporation. Act extending charter, House Doc. 85. Tappan, Rev. B., Jr. Our Help in God, when the Godly cease: Discourse on the Death of Dea. Chester Adams, June 3, Winthrop Ch., C. pp.24. Boston, \mo 1856. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 29, and Fire De- partment, pp. 57. School Report, Dec, with List of Trustees, 1847-57. pp. 24. Mayor's (T. T. Sawyer) Address, Jan. 1. pp. 16. Rules and Orders of the School Committee. 12°. pp. 24. Barnard, H. Life of Ezekiel Cheever. pp. 32. Hartford, 1856 C. Female Seminary. Catalogue. 12°. pp. 16. Ellis, Rev. G. E. Address to Convention S. S. Soc, Salem, Oct. 29, 1856. pp. 40. Worcester, 1857 Female Benevolent Society, formed Nov. 1, 1819 ; organized as the Devens Ben. Soc, Dec. 26, 1856. Constitution and Members. 12°. pp.19. ■ C/iarlestown, -[So7 Humphrey, Rev. John, A Selection from the Sermons of (15), edited by his father, Rev. Hcman (D. D., President of Amherst Col.), with a Memoir by Rev. W. L Budiugton. pp. xcix. (3), 320. Neiv York, 1856 Mr. H. was minister of the Winthrop Ch. 1842-47. Dr. B., an intimate friend at First Ch., 1840-54, affectionately describes the amiability and retinement of his char- acter. Thompson, Dr. A. R. (and others), Speech, Mass. Med. Soc, May 8. pp. 12. 1857. Acts [Mass. Leg.] relating to the State Prison. On purchases for, ch. 260; discipline, ch. 284; favor families of Warden Tcnny and Deputy-warden Walker (murdered Dec, 1850), ch. 7, Resolves ; Resolves, 87 and 83. Government, ch. 102. 1858. {Continued from 1811.) Acts: salaries of officers, 270, 1854; 334, 1855: 122, and 196, 1857; 312, 1807; 301, 1871; visiting, 302. 18.54; diet and clothing, 101, 1859; persons sentenced to, 248, 1859; use for convicts from U. S. Courts, 334, 1809; insane convicts, 2.54, 1859; solitarv conlinement, 254, 1806; do., cells, etc., 143, 1873; exer- cise of convicts, 275, 1809; education at, 255. 1869; 330, 1871; Library, Resolve, 3.5, 1871; 9, 1859; expenditures for discharged convicts. 122, 18()9; Chai)hun and Pliysi- cian, 243, 1870; to i)rotect persons eiuploved in, 73, 1873; on Reports, 155. 1859; oiiRe- ports, 155, 18.5!); 303,1864; 94, 1873; enlargement enclosure. Res. 13, 18.59; improve- ments, 300, 1807. and Resolves, 70, 1860; 8, 1807; 33, 1808; 8, 1809; twelve new houses for ollicers. Res. .36, 1869; 5, 1870; workshops. Res. 99. 1809; establishing bounds. Act 294. 1871, and Res. 57, 1873; repairs. Res. 5, 61, 1859; 6, 1872; otlicers, 240, 1859; sub, do.. Res. 41, 1800; Inspectors, 84, 1806: .3, 1873; ofiicors' uniforms, 193, 1873; inquiry on expediency of new prison. Rex. 39, 1872; authorizing do. and sale C. property, 155, 1873; taking land for do., 339, 1873. 74 CITY PERIOD. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, aiifl Fire De- partment, pp. 56. School Report, Dec, with Dedication of the Prescott School-House, Addresses by Mayor Sawyer, and Rev. G. E. Ellis, etc. pp.60. Mayor's (T. T. Sawyer) Address, Jan. 8. pp.16. Charlkstown Gas Co., organized May 24, 1851. Rules, etc. pp. 30. W. W. Wheildon, C, 1857. City Mission and Tract Soc, Report (last in pamphlet), pp. 1 6. Boston, 1857 Dexter, Hon. Franklin (C, 1793). Oration July 4, 1819. pp. 19. Correspondence with J. Q. Adams, and Appeal to Citizens of" U. S. pp. 80. Boston, 1829 Ellis, Rev. G. E. Commemoration of Washington, a Discourse, Harvard Ch., Feb. 22. pp. 30. Charlestown, 1857. Sermon, Dedication, First Unitarian Ch., INIarietta, Ohio, etc., June 4. pp. 44. Boston, 1857. Inaugural Address as Prof, at H. U., Cam- bridge, July 14. pp. 48. Boston, 1857. See City Doc's above. Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy, with Reference to its Origin, etc. With Appendix, pp. xxiv. -\- 511. Boston, 1857 Frotiiingiiam, R. Sketch of C. See Hayward's N. E. Gazetteer. Marshall, J. F. B. Address at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Soc, Oct. 22, 1857. Rov. 8°. pp. 8. (See 1840.) Ilonolidu, 1857 Miles, Rev. J. B. (First Ch., 1855-71). The Absence of Christ the Reason for Fasting. A Sermon, First Ch., Fast Day, April 16. pp. 24. Charlestown, 1857 Mishaavum Literary Association, By-Laws, and Catalogue of Books. pp.46. Boston, lSb7 Warren Institution for Savings, Acts, By-Laws, Members, etc. 12°. pp. 47. C, 1857. Also pp. 17. 1854. Specifications for a Bank Building, J. H. Rand, Architect, pp. 25. n. d. (1859 ?) 1858. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 101] to incorporate the Mishawnm Literary Association. Additional Act, ch. 155, 1860. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, and Fire De- partment, pp. ^'2. School Report, Dec. pp. 26. Mayor's (J.Dana) Address, Jan. 4, and List Government, pp. 16. Con- tract, City of C, with Woodlawn Cemetery, 1858. Plan, pp. 15. C. Female Seminary, Catalogue, pp. 11. (Also other years.) Ellis, Rev. G. E. Sermon before Convention Congregational Min- isters of IMass., Brattle Sq. Ch.. Boston, May 27. pp. 38. Boston, 1858. Address at Installation Rev. G. Reynolds, Concord, July 8, with Ser. by Rev. C. Robbins. Hunt, Wm. Sabbath Hymns, from various Authors. (16°.) pp. 72. Boston, 1858 Pratt, Phinehas. A Declaration of the Affairs of the English Peo- ple that first inhabited iS'evv England. Edited by Richard Froth- ingham, jini, pp. 20. Boston, 1858 Warren, Hon, G. W. Speech at Democratic Meeting, City Hall, C, Nov. 1, 1858. pp.11. Charlestown, ISoS MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 75 1859. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 120] authorizing the City of C. to establish a Fire Department. [Do., ch. 165] to regulate Sideivalks in the City of C. Acts relating to Charles River and Wan-en Bridges^ ch. 32 ; do. agent abolished, draw-tenders appointed, ch. 186 ; fund applied, ch. 198, sec. 5, 1859. Do., see 1855, 1854, 1841, 1828, 1792, 1785, also 1867. Lease of W. B. pier, 96. 18G2; fund to pay debt, etc., 257. 18fi4; both to become highways, etc., 237, 1865 (Ho. Doc. 268); superintendence of, 66, 1867; Commissioners a]>p<)inted, 322. 1868; widening draws, 272, 1869 (amended, 55, 1872, for C. K.) and 401, 1870; maintenance, 303, 1870. City Doc's. Receipts and Expenses, year to Feb. 28, Fire Depart- ment, and List of Persons Taxed, 1858. pp. 135. School Re- port, Dec. pp. 28. Mayor's (J. Dana) Address, Jan. 3, and List of Government, pp. 18. Dowse, Thomas. Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc. on the gift of his Library to it, with a ICulogy by Edward Everett, Music Hall, Boston, Dec. 9, 1858. 3 plates, pp. 80. Boston, 1859. Catalogue of the Private Library of, presented to the Mass. Historical Society, July 30, 1856. pp.214. Boston, \^bening Club, R. C. Winthrop, Tributes. See National Portrait Gallery (Long- acre) Vol. IV., 1839, J. Savage, Representative Men, 18G0, and other works. * Works, Orations and Speeches. 3 vols. Boston, 1850-59. *Also printed on Large Paper. Frothingham, Hon. R. See Bunker Hill (Life of Warren) and King, T. S., 1864. Rankin, Rev. J. E. (Winthrop Ch., 1864). Moses and Joshua. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Winthrop Ch., April 19. pp. 16. The Duty of Commemorating the Deeds of our Fathers. Ser. Winthrop Ch., C, June 18. pp. 23. Boston, 1865 Discourse, St. Albans, Vt., Fast, Jan. 4. St. Albans, 1861. Do. Lowell, March 27. Lowell, 1864. "W^iiEiLDON, W. W. Life of S. Willard, see Bunker Hill Monument. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 79 1866. City Doc's. See 1861. Mayor's (C. Robinson's, jun.) Address, Jan. 1. pp. 29. Ordinance concerning the C. Water Works, and the Use of Mystic Pond Water, pp. 8. Report of M. W. Board for 1865 (Jan. 15, 18G6). pp. 32. (ed. 500.) Second Annual do., year to Dec. 31, 1866. pp. 26. Continued to 1873, which see. Ordinance establishing Fire Department passed March 1. pp. 34. C. Poor's Fund. Report of a Special Committee to the Board of Trustees, Nov. 22 (History of this old fund), pp. 13. Boston, 1866 Ellis, Rev. G. E. Religious Liberalism, pp. 17. (From Monthly Relig. Mag. for Dec.) Foss, Jacob. (Many years a resident in C.) Will of (with public bequests), pp. 16. Charlestown, 1866 [Good wix, Mrs. H. B.] Sherbrooke by H. B. G. Author of " Madge." 12"". pp. 463. New York, 1866, etc. Henry Price Lodge, C, constituted June 22, 5859. By-Laws, List of Members, Memoir (port.) of Henry Price. Sm. 8°. pp. 39. Boston, 5866 La^ihert, Rev. T. R. Sermon, St. John's Ch., Jan. 7. pp. 16. Published by request. Boston, 1866 Miles, Rev. J. B. Sermon, First Ch., Oct. 21, after the Funeral of Mrs. Roxanna Glidden. pp. 20. [Boston.] Address at the Fun- eral Obsequies of Serg. Henri/ Todd. pp. 12. Charlestown, 1866 Thurston, Elizabeth A. The Little Wrinkled Old Man. A Christ- mas Extravaganza, and other TriHes. pp. 124. Boston, 1866. Mosaics of Life, pp.305. Philadelphia, l^i^l Uniox Sugar Refinery vs. Francis 0. Matthiesen in Circuit Court U. S. Winchester Home for Aged Lidigent Women, Eden St. Opening and Dedication, Oct. 3. Address by Rev. O. C. Everett. Appen- dix, pp. 27. Boston, 186() The Manae;ers are from the Protestant Religious Societies of C. Annual i-eports (first, Jan., 1807) in painpiiiets, 8^ still cimthiued (fourteenth, 1880). From Mrs. Nancy Winchester of C, who lie(|ueathed for the purpose an estate valued at SIO.UUO. About as niucti more was received from various sources, and the " Home"' was established in the house on Kden St., formerly occupied by Mr. .lames K. Frothing- ham, an old and well-known citizen. See 187^, when a large and handsome brick building was opened close by the former. 1867. Austin, Hon. Arthur W. Argument for .Jamaica Pond /. queduct Corporation, Feb. 12, 1867. pp. 25. Address at Dedication of the Town House, Jamaica Plain, pp. 39. Boston, 1868. Speech at C, Nov. 1, 1856. pp. 12. n. t. p. City Doc's. See 1861. Also School Report, 1867, Appendix, for Dedication of the Bunker Hill Sciiool House (Historical Address by W. H. Finney), and do. Warren do. (Ad. by Rev. G. E. Ellis), and Course of Study, in all pp. 132. Mayor's (L. Hull) Address, Jan. 7, and Appendix (Sdy. Reports). pp. 39. Specitications Warren School House, J. H. Rand, Architect. 4°. pp. 9. 80 CITY PERIOD. First [Church and] Parish, Semi-Centennial Celebrations of the First Sabbath-School Society in Muss., and of the, on Sunday, Oct. 14, 18GG, at First Ch. Portrait of Rev. J. Morse, D. D. Commem- orative Discourse by Rev. J. B. Miles, History, List of Officers, etc, 12^ pp. 97 -f- 9. Boston, 1867 King Solomon's Lodge, C. (see 1783). By-Laws, Extracts from Records, List of Members, etc. Plate, pp. 88. Boston, 1867 Morse, Rev. J. (D. D.). Memorabilia in his life, by his son Sidney E. Reprinted, with Introduction, from the above. Port. pp. 24. Boston, 1867 Mutual Relief Soc. of St. Mary's, C, instituted Jan., 1834. Consti- tution, and List of Members. 12°. pp. 24. Boston, 1867 Naval Library and Institute, Navy Yard, C, instituted 1842. Stat- utes, History, List of Members, etc. 12°. pp. 36. Boston, 1867 Warren Listitution for Savings, Acts, By-Laws, Living Members, etc. Sm. 4°. pp.31. 1867. Asimilar publication, pp. 26. Boston, IS7 7 1868. City Doc's. See 1861. Mayor's (L. Hull) Address, Jan. 6, and Rep's Police, Health, Fire, Valuation and Tax 1858-68. pp. 32. Rules and Orders of School Committee, and Regulations Public Schools, pp. 40. (Also pp. 33, 1871.) Report (pp. 71) has List of Graduates of the High School, 1851-68. Report Joint Com- mittee on new City Hall. pp. 8. Annexation to Boston, Argument against, Sherburne. Do., J. M. Stone, pp. 1 1. Brief Reply to the latter, M. A. Dow. pp. 10. Charlestown Chronicle. Issued every Saturday, Richards & Wason, Publishers, $2.50 per year. No. 1, Saturday, Oct. 3, 1868. pp. 4 Called "Saturday Chronicle," Saturday, Sept. 10,1870, Vol. II., No. 102. (Last No. in Public Library, V. 51, Saturday, Oct. 4, 1873.) Ellis, John H. Lord Brougham considered as a Lawyer. Pri- vately rep. from American Law Review, pp. 40. Boston, 1868 Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. Dr. Howell's Family. Also N. Y. & Boston, 1873. 16°. pp.361. Harris Chime in the Ch. of the First Parish, Dedication of, April 15. Address by Rev. J. B. Miles, Poems, etc. Imp. 8°, pp. 23. 250 copies. Charlestown, 1868 This chime (of 16 bells), the first in C, (and in a Trinitarian Congregational Ch. in the U. S. V), was given to the First Ch. and Parish by Miss Cliarlotte Harris as a me- morial of her ancestors, who were members of both. Her kindred for a hundred years have not ceased to be represented in both. In Memoriam. Remarks of Rev. R. Ellis at the Funeral of Miss Mary Osgood. Boston, March 30. pp. 15. Preble, Adl. Geo. H. (U. S. N., stationed C, 1866-73, etc.). Genealogical Sketch of the First Three Generations of Prebles in America, Portraits, facsimiles, etc. pp. 336. 125 copies for Family Circulation. Boston, 1866 MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 81 Wheildon, W. W. The New Arctic Continent (American Associa- tion, Aug., 1868). pp. 8. AViNTHUOP Church, Manual, with List of Members, Jan., 1833, to date. 12°. pp. 47. Boston, 18 08 1869. Austin, Hon. J. W. (with Hon, E. H. Allen, and Hon. A. S. Hart- well). The Penal Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom, compiled fiom the Penal Code of 1850, etc. Published by Authority. 8°. pp. xliv, 368, 14. Government Press, Honolulu, Ouha, 1869 Mr. Austin, a native of C, was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court at tlie Hawaiian Kingdom. Also, Decisions in Hawaiian Reports, 8"^, Ilonululu, 1877; Oiation, July 4, 18(j4, at Honolulu. Bridges (Charles River and Warren), History of, see B. H. Aurora, Nov. 13, 18G9. Cixy Doc's. See 1861. Mayor's (E. L. Norton) Address, Jan. 4, and Special Report on Poor. pp. 27. Chief Engineei's do. Ellis, Rev. G. E. A Discourse, Harvard Ch., June 13, at the close of his Ministry, pp. 37. Cliarlestown, 1869. Two Lectures on the Founders of Mass., Jan. 8 and 12, Lowell Institute, in Mass. Hist. Soc. Course, pp. 100. For works after leaving C, and many contributions to Periodical literature, see His- tory of the Harvard Ch., 1880. The number and interest of the author's publications, the thoroughness of the bibliographer's labor, and the elegance of the printer's workman- ship, especially in the quarto issue of the History, render this list a remarkable combina- tion of excellences. The writer is indel)ted to Mr. Cutter and Mr. Edes for valuable help in collecting publications by Dr. Ellis. Gas Co. (of C). Act to increase capital, House Doc. €0. Grinnell, Rev. C. E. Services at his Installation, Ilarv^ard Ch,, Nov. 10, 1869. Sermons by Rev. A. P. Peabody and by him, etc. pp. 64. Gharlestoxvn, 1869. See History, 1880, for earlier works. Haynes, Gideon. An Historical Sketch of the Mass. State Prison, with Incidents, Suggestions, etc. 16°. pp. 290. Boston, 1)SG9 HuNNEWELL, Jas, F. Civilization at the Hawaiian Islands, an In- troduction to a Bibliography of the Hawaiian Islands. Woodcuts. 4°. pp.75. 100 copies privately printed for him. 5os^o«, 1869 The Bibliographj' from "Hawaiian Club Papers," 18G8, was undertaken at the sug- gestion of J. V. H., who was prevented by important events from doing all he i)ro])oses by Hon. R. Frothing- ham. pp. 29. (Separate ed. of the Add. pp. 15.) C, 1872 Trafton, Adeline. An American Girl Abroad. Woodcuts, pp. 245. 1872. Katherine P^arle. Illustrated, pp.325. 1874. His Inheri- tance. pp.428. 1878. All 16°. Boston ami New York TwoMBLY. Rev. A. S. (Winthrop Ch.,1872, now there). The Apoc- ryphal Period of Hebrew History in its relation to Christ. '* New Englander," April, 1877. 8°. Reprinted, pp. 24. Previously, Oration, July 4, Cheny Valley, N. Y. 8°. pp.11. C. V. 1859. Dis- course, Albany, N. Y., July 7, 1803. in memory of Adjutant R. INI. Stronj?. Address, N. Y. Teachers' Association, Julv 21), 1803. Trvy, 1803. Thanksgiving Discourse, Nov. 26, at Albany. 8^. pp. 30." Discourse at do., Ajiril 10, 1805, on Assassination of President Lincoln. Peace Discourse, do., Dec. 7, 1805. Articles in " Scribner's " and "New Englander." 1873. An Act [Mass. Leg., ch. 23] to incorporate the C. Free Dispensary and Hiispiial. [Do., ch. 286, approved May 14, 1873] to nnite the City of Charlestoicn wit/t the City of Boston. See 1854. The mutual ac- ceptance of this Act closed the separate municipal history of C. [Do., ch. 357] Steam R. R.'s in C. may discontinue grade cross- ings. [360] To authorize the Eastern R. R. to construct a Fi-eight Track and take lands for fi-eiglit purposes in C, and for other pur- poses. (Great changes made on the Mill-pond and P^rout St.) City Doc's. See 1861, Note, and 1866. See Report of School Committee for Account of Trust P\ind, List of Trustees, 1793 to 1874. pp. 62. Annual Reports of the Trustees of the C. Free Schools, 1801 to 1838, inc., printed by order of the School Com- mittee of 1873. jjp. 90. C, 1874. Mayor's (J. Stone) Address, Jan. 6. pp. 16. Also, pp.21. Report of Public Library for 1873 (13th). pp. 12. Report of Mystic Water Board (9th) to City Council of Boston, to Dec. 31, 1873. Boston Doc. 35. pp. 27. 10th, do. 86, 1875. The last separate municipal reports of Charles- town were issued in 1873. Annexatiox to Boston. Report of the Commission appointed by Order of the City Council of C. pp. 17. Boston, 1873. Acts re- lating to (also of Brighton, Brookline, and W. RoxLuiy). j)p. 34. Boston City Doc. 89. 1873. MONOGRAPHS, ETC. 85 C. Free Dispensary and Hospital. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, and First Annual Report, Officers, etc. pp. 21. (Continued, 8th in 1880.) Ckarlesfoicn, 1873 Faith Lodge. (June 10, 5868.) By-Laws, etc., adopted March 12, 18G9. 12°. pp. 26. C/iarlestown, 1873 First Baptist Church. History, Covenant, and Catalogue of tiie Members. 12°. pp. 24. Boslo7i, 1873 O'Reilly, John Boyle. Songs from the Southern Seas. pp. 250. Boston, 1873. '-Songs, Legends, and Ballads," pp. 350, 1878; and " Moondyne : A Story from the Under World," pp. 350, 1879, both Boston. Mr. O'Reilly, a resident of Charlestown for several years, is editor of the Boston Pilot. The Symmes Memorial. A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Z. Syrames, minister of C, 1634-71, with a Genealogy, etc., of his descendants, by J. A. Vinton, pp. 184. Boston, 1873 Winchester Home. Opening of the New Edifice, Eden St. Ad- dress by Rev. O. C. Everett, Poem by Rev. Mark Trafton, Order of Service's, etc. pp. 32. (See 1866.) Cambridge, 1873 1874-1880. City Doc's. Valedictory Address of Jonathan Stone, last Mayor, Jan. 2,1874. pp. 12. Drake, S. A. Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. Illus- trated. Boston, 1874 Contains a large amount of interesting matter on C. Frothingham, Hon. R. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1874. With Notes, pp. 55. Boston, 1874 Grinnell, Rev. C. E. Farewell Sermon at Harvard Cli., Dec. 28, 1873. pp.16. Charlestoivn, 1874: Mystic River Corporation. Charter and By-Laws. Cambridge, 181 A: Sprague, Wm. B. (D. D.). Life of Jedidiah Morse, D. D. pp. viii + 333. New York, 1874 Wheildon, W. W. Contributions to Thought. 16°. pp. 236. Author's Private Printing Press, Concord, Mass., 1874. His other works (besides all above): Address, Dedication of New Hall for Corinthian Lodge, Concord. Atmospheric Theory of tiie Open Polar Sea. Consolidation and Com- petition. Falling Snow. Genius of Freemasonry. Hoosac Tunnel Consolidation. Masonic Odes. Miscellanies. Papers read to American Association for Advancement of Science. Pilgrim Fathers. Report on Mechanic Apprentices' Library Association. Scientitic Excursion, Iowa, and Strictures on Article in N. A. Review, "Architecture in the United States." Charles River Bridge, Specifications for repairs, etc. Boston, 1875 Charlestown. Something of its History, pp.12. Charlestown, IS7 5 Early Davs, Forgotten Centennial, and Revolutionary Period, by E. N. Coburn. Historfc Pofnts, bv H. H. Edes. Centennial Reminiscences, by A. E." Cutter. Ministe- rial Lots, etc., by *r. B. Wyman. FooTE, Rev. H. W. The Wisdom from above. Sermon at King's Chapel, Jan. 3, 1875, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Jas. Walker, D. D., LL. D. pp. 48. Boston, 1875 HoAVARD Lodge, No. 22, L 0.0. F. (ins. Oct. 10, 1843). By-Laws, History, etc. 12°. pp. 136. Boston, 1875 86 CITY PERIOD. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, Memorial of, includino: appropriate ceremonies of respect at the National Capitol and elsewhere. Por- trait. 4°. pp. 359. Published by order of Congress. (See 1819, pp.49.) Washington, \Slb. Life of , Inventor of the Mag- netic Telegraph. 10 plates, many cuts. pp. xiv. -|- 776. Neiu York, 1875 McKenzie, Rev. A. James Broivning Miles. A Memorial Discourse, First Ch,, Dec. 5, 1875, on its late pastor, pp. 32. Riverside Press, 1876 First Church, Manual, List of Members, etc. 16°. pp. 23. 1876 Boston Water Board, Doc. 69, with 11th Rep. Mystic, May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1876. Continued annually in same connection. De Costa, Rev. B. F. In Memoriam. Sister Sainte Claire, Order of St. Ursula. 12°. pp. 25. AVith an account of the Sisters after the destruction of the Convent, and a sheet with Genealogy of the De Costa family. Chnrlesfown, 1876 Odd Fellows' Mutual Benefit Ass'n, B. H. Dist. Orijanized Nov. 29, 1870. pp. 13. ^Boston, 1876 Devens, Gen. Charles (Jr.). See B. H. Celebrations, 1875, p. 27. Oration at C, June 17, 1875. Author's ed., 303 copies, 8°, 3 do., 4°. pp. 56. Boston^ \?)1Q. Address to the Graduating Class of the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., June 14. Small 4°. pp. 40. Neio York, 1876. Gen. Meade and the Battle of Gettys- burg. An Oration at New Haven, Conn., May 14. pp.30. Morris- ania, 1873. (See Hist. Mag., July, 1873.) Oration, Boston, Sept. 17, 1877, at the dedication of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument on Boston Common. In vol. by City of B. ; also privately printed, 178 copies, pp. 16. Boston. 1877 Forster, Dr. E. J. A Manual for Medical Officers of the Militia of the U.S. 16°. pp.102. New York 2L\x^ Boston, \Sn Whitney, Louisa. The Burning of the Convent. 16°. pp. 198. Boston, 1877 Charlestown Book of Possessions (C. Archives 34, 1638-1802), Records of Lands, Surveys, etc., to 1803, being tlie "• Third Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, 1878." 8°. pp. vii -]- 273. Boston, 1878 De Costa, Wra. Hickling. In Memoriam. Charlestown, 1878. Elizabeth De Costa. In Memoriam. Mew York, 1880. Both sm. 4°. pp. 8. Privately printed. See 1852. Mr. De C. printed in C. during more than quarter of a century. Charlestown Trade and Improvement Association. Organized 1879. Constitution and Officers, 18 79-80. pp.11. Boston, 1S7 9 The Trinity Bazaar, Trinity (M. E.) Church, Dec. 17, 18. 3 nos. each. 8°. pp. 8. 1879. Contains a List of Pastors 1820-80, and a Brief History of the S. School. FiTCHBURG R. R. Relief Ass'n. By-Laws and Members. 1878-79. Catalogue of Books in the C. Branch Library of the Boston Public Library, with an Appendix, 2d ed., INIay. I''s8(). Imp. 8°. pp. 4, 395 (printed covers). Printed by Order of the Trustees, Boston, 1880 MONOGEAPHS, ETC. 87 Wyman, T. B. The Genealogies and Estates of C, 1629-1818. With an Introductory Note by Henry H. Edes (editor of the work). Portrait. Map of C, 1818. pp. xiv-f-ll''8, 2 title-pages. pp. 1060", 1060'', Schedule of the Ancient Colored Inhabitants on record prior to 1800 (a valuable separate sheet printed at the ex- pense of the editor). 2 vols. Boston, 187 d Report of St. Francis de Sales Church Debt Society from June 1, 1879, to Jan. 1, 1880, with a long list of Subscribers, pp. 32, [Boston, 1880] Describes a successful effort to reduce a debt incurred in building the very large, sub- stantial, and handsome church of St. Francis de Sales, on Bunker Hill. Records of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., 1632-1789. Prepared by Jas. F. Hunnewell, and printed under his care and for him, by David Clapp & Son. Royal quarto. 6 plates, pp. (8) -|- 168 + xii -f (2 -f- 2) to xxvii. Boston, 1880 With a description of the five volumes containing the Records, — the contents of that kept by the ministers entirely reproduced; an Appendix on the topography and early liistory of the church; and six pages m fuc-xiniile, showing the styles of writing in the original MS About two thirds of the above matter apjjcared in the N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, 18G9-79, Vols. XXHI. to XXXHI. This complete edition, 62 copies, all of one size. History of the Harvard Church in Charlestown, 1815-1879 [by Henry II. Edes] with Services at the Ordination of Mr. Pitt Dil- lingliam, Oct. 4, 1876, etc. 8^. pp. 294. Three plates, 2 plans of pews (with names of occupants). Privately Printed, Boston, 1879 Issued in 1880. Also 50 copies, 4° (with a map of C., 1818, and 1 pi. add'l.). List of Publications of Rev. Jas. Walker, D. D., pp. 9, and do. of Rev. G E. Ellis, D.D., pp. 11, each 50 copies. 8° ; the three for Mr. Edes, author and editor of this elaborate, interest- ing, and elegantly printed work. See Ellis, 1869. Gunnison, E. Norman. C. 1837, died 1880. Author of poems in Scribner's Monthly, Christian at Work, and other publications. Osgood, Rev. Samuel, D. D. C, 1812, died N. Y., 1880. This dis- tinguished clergyman, settled in Nashua, Providence, and New York City, made very large contributions to literature, for which see AUi- bone, 1465. BuDiNGTON, William Ives, D. D. In Memoriam. Services and Ad- dresses at his funeral, Clinton Av. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1879, resolutions, etc. pp. 40. JV^eio York, 1880 Minister of the First Ch., 1840-54. None among the many honored men who have ministered in C. could have been more beloved. Charitable towards all, learned, elo- quent, chivalrous, and courteous, devoted to the highest requirements of his sacred oflice, this true Christian gentleman and minister died while these pages were being prepared, and the writer sadly records the last title that tells of his intimate and nearly life-long friend. Hunnewell, James. Journal of the Voyage of the " IMissionary Packet," Boston to Honolulu, 1826. With (2) Maps, and ((!) phites, and a Memoir (by J. F. II.). Royal quarto, pp. xxvii -)-(l) -|- 77. James F. IlunneweH's Privately Printed Work, No. VIII. 100 copies. John Wdson & Son, University Press. Charlestown, 1880 The dailj' record of a remarkable voyage of nine months, in a vessel that measured 39I5 tons. The North Atlantic, the seas near Cape Horn, and the Straits of Magellan, were traversed during wintry weather. The Memoir tells its own story of courage, enterprise, and Integrity. 88 AETICLES OMITTED. ARTICLES OMITTED. Russell, John Miller. Poem July 4, 1798. Pastoral Songs of Virgil ; added [otLerl poems by R. 12°. 1799. Funeral Ora- tion on Washington, 1800. All, Boston. See p. 36. Devens, Richard. The Witness of the Spirit, discourse to the Stu- dents of N. J. College, 1773. pp. 16. C, 1799. See p. 36. Parker, Daniel. An Oration at 0., July 4, 1806, to the "Republi- can Citizens." pp. 20. Boston, 1806 Turner, Rev. Ed. The Substance of a Discourse, Universalist Meeting-house, C, Sept. 14, 1815, at the Funeral of iT/r. Samuel Thompson. (C, 1779-.Sept. 12, 1815.) pp. 12. Boston [1815] Warrkn Phalanx (see p. 46). Rules and Regulations. 16°. pp. 16. Charlestow)!, 1819 Universalist Soc. A Sermon June 22, 1825, at Ordination of Rev Calvin Gardner, by T.Jones, of Gloucester, pp. 31. Boston, 1825 Covenant of above Church, List of Members at Organization, Dec. 1811, to Feb. 16, 1844, etc. 16°. pp.16. Cliarlestown, I'SA.^ C. Light Infantry. Rules and Regulations, May 1,1829. First Code adopted July 4, 1804; amended and rep., 1812; do. March, 1821. Gleason, B. Oration July 4, Lechmere Point, pp. 35. Boston, 1826 Harris (family of C) and Others vs. Jesse D. Elliot. Case of Tres- pass on Real Estate, with many historical items, pp. 24. n. p. [Oct. 1834.] Memorial of Citizens of C. for compensation for losses June 1 7, 1775. pp. 13, House Doc. 55, 1834 jMass. Leg.]. Winthrof Juvenile Ass'n. Catalogue of Books. 16°. pp.12. 1839 Report (House Doc. 71) on Petition of Chas. Forster and others of C. pp. 36. 1843. Monument Square Baptist Church. Declaration of Faith and Cov- enant adopted June 7 ; ch. constituted April 22, 1844. 12°. pp. 20. Boston, 1844 Hazel, Harry. A Romance of Mt Benedict. Z)o. 1845. Greenleaf, Rev. P. H. The New Year, a Sermon, Jan. 9. Do. 1848 C. Female .Seminary. Annual Report of the Writing Association. pp. 27. Boston, 1849. \_Boston, 1852 Balfour, Rev. W. Memoir by Thos. Whittemore. 16°. pp.224. Petition of Boston and Chelsea R. R. Co., etc. Charlestown, 1854 Damon, Rev. S. C. Puritan Missions in the Pacific. Honolulu, 1866. Edition printed for James Hunnewell. Rev. H. Bingham, Editor. 12°. pp. 48 + 3. Neiv Haven, 1869 Ezekiel Cheever, and some of his descendants. By John T. Has- sam. pp. 64. Boston, 1879 From N. E. H. G. Reg., April, 1879, with poems by E. C. added. State Prison, Remarks on; Rides, etc. pp. 62. ^o5^on, 1823. Report, Senate Doc. 6, 1826. Laws, Rules, Discipline, etc. pp. 88. Bo., 1839. Annual Reports since. Do., with descrip'tion of the New Prison completed Oct., 1829, view and plan. pp. 112. C. 1830. WORKS PRINTED IN ClIARLESTOWN. 89 BUNKER HILL. BiXBT, Samuel. Diary, See Frothingham's Illustrations of Siege (27-40), p. 15. Broadside (large). Address to the Selectmen for a Day of Thanks- giving, 1824. B. H. Illustrated Almanac. List of Societies with Officers, etc., in C. 12°. Unpaged. Office of the B. H. Times, 1876 Certificate of Membership of the B. H. M. Association. A sheet 2 ft. 10 in. X 1 ft. 11. in., engraved. View of the battle ; another of the Monument. (1833?) Cressy, Noah. The Battle and Monument of B. H. compared with the Agonies and Triumphs of the Cross. A Poem. 12°. pp. 24. Portland, n. d. Report, Address, and heading of a Subscription, folio, pp. 3. 1829. "Mr. Webster's Address at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 j"from the Original Manuscript]. Boston : J N. Bradlee & Co., Daily Mail Office," pp. 15, with an Account of the Celebration, 1843. MUNICIPAL DOCUMENTS. Town By-Laws, approved May 9, 1820. 12°. pp. 10. 1820. Rules and Regulations of Engineers of Fire Department, adopted Sept. 7, 1840. 18°? pp.8. 1840. ^oih Charlestown. City. Rules and Orders of City Council. 12° (23 pages). Report on reducing City Debt Dec. (8), Ordinance on accountability City Expenditures (8). All, 1848. Ordinance on Assessment and Col- lection of Taxes (4). WORKS PRINTED IN CHARLESTOWN, 1786-1836. Author's names without titles refer to descriptions given above ; the number of pages is witiiin brackets ; all works are octavo unless the size is expressed. 1785, The American Recorder, the first neivspaper. 1786. Bartlett (12), 12°. ^^J Allen and Gushing . First pamphlet (?). 1798. Franklin (300), 12°. First book (?), 1797, Bartlett (12), Cary (24), Devens (16), Russell (16), All by John Lamson, "■ at his office near the bridge." 1799. * Morse (50) also * (1 6). Devens (1 6), By Samuel Etheridge (in May?). * Harris, Rev. T.M., Discourse to Young Men at Dorchester. ^fr. Elheri'rjf/e was tlie chief printer of books in C, and printed there 1799 to 1820. He was at "22Marn)or/^7e. ** Bartlett (15). ** New Testa- ment (4i X 2| in.). **Thos. Reid, Works, With his Life and Writings by Dugald Stuart, 4 vols. ** Rules and Regulations for the Army of the""U. S., 12° (48). 1814. Morse (192). ** Tufts (16). Turner (24) by J. Howe. 1815. Turner. Rev. Cottou Matiier, The Christian Philo-sopher, etc., published at the Middlesex Bookstore. F. McKown, Printer. 16° (324). 1816. ** Bradford (38). 1817. Ware (16). ** Sacred Geography, etc., by Edward Wells, D. D., revised, corrected, and augmented ; pub'd under direction of the Editor of Calmet's Dictionary, intended as a fifth vol. to that work. 4° (496), 31 plates, 12 maps. 1818. Turner (12), by/ Howe. 1819. Gleason(16)by T: Green. Morse, 2 vols, (see 1792. p. 33). Turner (25) and (13) ; also School Report, Broadside, Bellamy and Green, Printers, C. * The Christian Orator, 3d ed. 18^' (2!)8J. 1820. First Church (41), and Town Reports, by David Wilson, prin- ter, C. Walker (8). The Hieroglypiek Bible, etc.. 3d ed., pub'd by Josef)h Avery, Plymouth, printed at Geo. Clark Sf Co.'s Office, C. Woodcuts. 12°. pp.144. Morse, 12° (324), see p. 40. 1821. State Prison (small pamphlet). 1822. Turner (15), by / Hotoe. 1824. Balfour (456), by Geo. IJaridson, C. Tiios. Paine, Political writings, etc. 2 vols. {G. D. continued printing in C, 1835.) 1825-27. Town Reports by same. B. II. Aurora, W. W. Wheildon. 1828. Balfour (72), and 12° (pi:>0),hy G. Davidson. Everett (43), by Wheildon and Raymond. 92 GENERAL INDEX. 1829. Balfour, 12° (360) Warren Ins., 12° (12), by Geo. Davidson. Town Documents, this year, and afterwards. 1830. Everett (51) and E. Pliiuney, Address Middlesex Soc. Hus- bandmen, Oct. 7 (28), by Win. W. Wheildon. 1831. Directory, 16° (125). Fessendeu (46), Sumner, by W. W. IF. 1832. Proceedings against Mrs. Emily liichardson, 2d Cong. Ch., Reading, 2d ed. (38). W. W. W. 1834. School Report, W. W. W. Directory. 1835. Hon. E. Everett, Address, Lexington, April 19th (66). 1836. Directory, 16° (93). By-Laws, 16° (8). C Wharf Co., 12° (29), by W. W. W. State Prison Laws. Paul et Virginie. Histoire par J. H. B. de St. Pierre. Avec des notes en Anglois de I'usage des ecoles. 16° (163). Simon Rodenburgh. Begin- ning a series of works by eminent French authors. The productions of the C. Press after this date, like those during several years before it, were occasional pamphlets and the one newspaper of the town. The" printing of boolvs had passed to other places. In later years Mr. Caleb Kand has printed several handsome volumes. GENERAL INDEX. Articles classed with Bunker Hill are alphabetically arranged on pages IT 29, and are not included here. to Acts Massachusetts Legislature, pf/W/c, see 1781 to 187o, primte, see 1827, 1837, 1840, 1841, 1846, 1847, 1849, 1851, 1852. Annexation. Sundry to Cambridge, Act, 1802 ; Tufts to C, 1811 ; to W. Cambridge, 1842 ; to Sonierville, 1842. to Boston. Acts 1854, 1873. Publications on, 1854 (-3), 1855 (2), 1868 (3), 1871 (4), 1873 (2). Peti- tion, 1800. Banks. Bunker - Hill, Act, 1825. Cluirlestovvn, 1832. Monument, 1854. Phojnix, 1832. Sarinr/s Ba/iks, C. Five Cent, Act, 1854 ;' Warren, Act and By-Laws. 1829 ; By-Laws, etc., 1837. 1857, 1862, 1867. Bridges. Cliarles Hirer, Acts, 1785, 1792, 1841. Reports on, 1827. Against Warren B., 1828, 1830, 1837. See 1839; p.nge 66 (sds 1847-73); 1854, 1855, 1859, 1869, history 1869, 1874, 1875. Cliehea, Acts, 1802, 1846. ^[j Flats, Act, 1852. Municipal Regis- ters, 1848, 1850, 1852, 1804, 1870. (Also in 1849, 1856). Ordinances, Burial Grounds, Dogs, 1848. Health, 1849. Fire Department, 1860. Wa- ter Works, 1866. All in force Jan. 1, 1870, 1870 and 1872. Police Court, Acts, 1862. Public Library, Docu- ments 1862, 1863, 1865. Catalogues, same, 1872, 1880. Reports, 1853, 18G1, 1873. Reduction Bunker Hill, 1871. Reports, De Costa Case, 1848. Fire Department 1848-73. Monu- ment Avenue, 1854. Mystic Water, 1803-73, 1875-76. Physician, 1872. Scliools, 1848-61, 1873. Training Field, 1847. Truancy, 1851. Water Supply, 1860, 1862. Streets, 1850. Woodlaum Contract, 1858. Water Supphi, 1860. Mystic Works, 1861- 62, 1865-66, 1873 (and annually in Boston). Cochituate, use of, 1854, Act. C. Water Works, see 1854. Churches. First: Manuals, 1836, 1876; History, 1842, 1845, 1852, 1859, 1880. Sabbath School, Semi- centennial, 1867, Library, 1860; Harris Chime, 1868; Records, 1880. First Parish, Acts, 1803. First Bap- tist, 1842, 1865; History, 1852, 1873. High St. Baptist, 1853. Methodist, Acit, 1820; History, 1879. Monu- ment Sq., p. 88. Neck Village, 1854. St. Francis De Sales, 1880. Second Conqreqational (Unitarian), Acts, 1816, 1819, 1837 ; altering Cii., 1859 ; History, 1880. Universalist, Act, 1811. See p. 88. Winthrop, Act, 1833; Manuals, 1834, 1868; Reports, 1849. See p. 88. Companies. See Banks, Bridges, Bunker- Hill, Middlese.r, Societies, and Arts, etc., at the following dates : — Boston and Chelsea R. R., 1854; p. 88. Bunker Hill Fire Ins. Co., 1863. C. Bleachery, 1821. C. Branch R. R., 1835, 1836, 1843. C. Dock Co., 1832, 1852, 1855. C. Fire and Marine Ins. Co., 1830. C. Freight R. R., 1861. C. Gas Co., 1846, 1852, 1857, 1864, 1869. C. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1836. C. Steam Cotton Factory, 1836. C. Trade and Imp't Ass'n, 1879. C. Wharf Co., 1836, 1838, 1839, 1843. Cochituate Lead Co., 1850. Eastern R. R., 1873. Fitchburg R. R , 1842, 1844, 1855. Jasper Sugar Refinery, 1870. Lyceum Hall, 1830. Medford and C. R. R., 1855. Middlesex Mill Dam Co., 1836. R. R., 1854, 1872. Military, 1814 (note); p. 88. Milk Row Bleachery, 1838. Mutual Pro. Fire Ins., 1861. Mystic Corporation, 1855, 1874. Improvement, 1851, 1852. R. R., 1853. River Co., 1854, 1859. Prison Point Dam, 1806. Sugar Refinery, 1866. Swett's Wharf, 1836. Directories, 1831, 1834, 1836, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1845, page 66 (1847-73). Female Seminary, 1831, 1833, 1849, 1856, 1858. Page 88. Ferries. To Boston, 1781. Penny, 1787. Fire Companies (old), 1815, 1836, 1837. Halls. Warren, 1786; Washington, 1813; City, 1868; Lyceum, 1830. Harris Chime, 1868. Histories. See Bartlett, 1814 ; Bud- mgton, 1845 ; Bunker Hill, pp. 13- 29. Churches above. Frothingham, 1845-49. Records, below. Knight Templars, 1872. Masonic Lodges, 1796, 1797, 1867, 1873. McLean Asylum, 1818. Memorial of Citizens for losses, 1775, see p 88. Middlesex Canal, 1793, Hist., Eddy, 1843. Sullivan, 1813, 1818. Monuments, 1794, 1796. Bunker Hill, 1823. Navy Yard. Acts, etc., 1800. Newspapers. American Recorder, 1785. Bunker Mill Aurora, 1827 (see 1838, 1863, 1869). C. Chronicle, ISii (ceased 1844). Do. 1868. C. Citi/ Advertiser, 1852. * C. Neics, 1878. C. Times (now * B. H. Times), 1872. * Waverlei/ Magazine, 1850. * Contin- ued in 1880. Odd Fellows, 1845, 1866, 1869, 1875. Poors' Fund. See Charities. Post-OfTice, 1834. 94 PERSONAL INDEX. Railroads, 1835, 1836, 1842-44, 1853- 65, 1861, 1872, 1873. R. K. Bridges, 1848, 1855.^ Records. Town (1638-1803), 1878. Do. various, B. H. Aurora, 1838. First Book, see N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. XIX. 57; do. Vol. II. same, p. 73; e.xtracts, same, 109-13. First Church, same, XXIII. p. 187, to XXXIII. p. 208, and Index XXXIII. 342. See 1880. Harvard Church, 1880. Schools. Trustees, incorporated,1793 : list of, 171)3-1874, see 1874. Ex- penses (1812-23), 1813, also Town and City Doc's, 1825 and after. Re- ports, do. 1834, 1839, and after (1801- 38, see 1873). Rules and Orders, 1856, 1861, 1864, 1808 : do. Drawing, 1870. Dedications oi School-Houses; Bunker-Hill, 1867; Harvard (see 1848), 1872; High, 1847, 1870 ; Pres- cott, 1857 ; Warren, 1840, 1867. High School Catalogue, 1851, 1855, see 1868 and Resolve, 1870. Societies (see Charities). Ancient Fire, 1815. Bunker Hill Library As- sociation, 1854. Do. Mutual Loan, 1853. Do. Soldiers' Relief, 1863, 1864. C. Debating, 1839. C. Union Library, 1821. C. Young Men's Evangelical Union, 1853. Fire, note 1815; Franklin, 1837. Father Mat- thew, 1862. Lodges, Henry Price, 1866; Faith, 1873; Howard, 1875; King Solomon, 1796, 1797, 1867 ; Olive Brand), 1845. Mishawum Literary, 1853, 1857, 1858. Naval Institute, 1867. St. Francis de Sales, 1870. Washington Hall, 1813, 1814. State Prison. Resolves, 1800; Act, etc., 1805, 1806 and 1811 (with plans and account); 1809; Acts, etc. 1857 (extends to 1873); history (Brad- ford) 1816, (Haynes) 1869 ; Laws, 1836. Do., and Reports, p. 88. Turnpikes. Medford, 1803. Salem, 1802. Ursuline Convent 1834 (8 items), 1835 (7), 1837 (1), 1842 (1); 1847. Tales of, 1854, 1855. Reports, 1852- 54. Review, etc., 1855, 1870, 1877. De Costa, 1876. See p. 88 Wharves, 18.32, 1836, 1837, 1840, 1841,1840, 1847, 1849, 1851, 1852. Whig Party. 1840. Workinymen's Do., 1840. PERSONAL INDEX. Bunker Hill, and references pp. 11-13, alphabetically arranged, which see. Dates only, indicate works by persons named. Biographical Notices are indicated by abbreviations, viz. : — A. Allen, W., American Biographical Dictionary, Boston, 1857. B. Budington, W. I., History First Church, C. 1845. D. Drake, F. S., Dictionary of American Biography, Boston, 1872. F. Frothingham, R., History of Charlestown. M. Coll. or M. Pro. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections or Pro- ceedings, in volumes given. Mem. Memorial of the person mentioned. Reg. New England Historic-Genealogical Society Register. Abbott, Rev. Hull, 1735, 1746, 1747, 1753 ; Reg. VI. 200 ; A. 1 ; B. 125, 136-38, 232-33 ; D. 2 ; F. Adams, Dea. Chester, Mem. 1855. Hannah, 1814. James, City Doc. 1854. Aiford, Col. J. A., 16; B. 245-46; D. 16. Allen and Gushing, 1785; p. 89. Allen, John, F. 88. Rev. Thos.,1659; Life inMag- nalia. III. 2, p. 215; E. Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial (London, 1775), IL 200; M. Coll. XXVIII. 317; A. 16; B. 46, 50, 197, 199; D. 20 ; F. 77, 130, 133. Andrews, Rev. J., 1808. Armstrong, S. T., pp. 90-91. Austin, A. W., 1834, 1867. J. W., 1869. Gen. Nath'l, Reg. XV. 277. Wm., 1798, 1801, 1804, 1807. Babbitt, E. B., Trial, 1834. Badger, Cath. N., 1855. Rev. Stephen, 1774. Baker, Wm., F. 82. Baldwin, G. R., 1860. Loammi, 1834 ; A. 57 ; D. 56. Rev. Thos., 1813. Balfour, Rev. W., 1810, 1813, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1834, 1836; Life, A. 58 ; D. 57 ; Mem. p. 88. PERSONAL INDEX. 95 Barker, Josiah, Mem. 1871. Barnard, H., 1856. Barrill (family), 1816. Joseph, Drake's Fields (1874), 177-78. Bartlett, Hon. Josiah, M. D., 1786, 1793, 1794, 1797, 1709, 1800, 1810, 1813-15; Res- XVIII. 31 ; A. 67- 68 ; Mem. p. 46. Bartol, Kev. C. A., 1864. Beecher, Capt. T. (C. 1630), B. 33; F. 80. Belknap, Rev. J., 1789. Bell, Dr. L. V., Life (Ellis), Mem. Ray, 1863; D. 81. Bellamy and Green, p. 91. Bellows, A. F., 1852. Rev. H. W , 1864. Blagden, Rev. G. W., 1855. Blanchard,T.(1654) ; Reg. XVII. 156. Bowen, Charles (C. 1807), A. 111. Francis (C. 1811). ^Ve AUi- bone's Die., p. 227. D. 110. Boylston, T., 1816. Family, Reg. VII. 145. Brackenbnry, Wm., F. 79. Bradford, Mrs. Eliza, Mem. 1860. G., 1816. Bradstreet, Anne, Founders ; A. 125; D. 116. Samuel, Mem. 1755. Rev. Simon, A. 125; B. Ill, 113, 116, 22.3-25 ; D. 117 ; F. 1755. Family, Reg. I. 75, VIII. 312- 33. Brigden, Zechariah, 1659. Brigliam, Wm. T., 1869. Bright, Rev. F. (in C. 1630), Magnalia, A. 139; B. 170; F. 25, 26. Brown, E. G., 1872. Jas. (1634), F. 82. Rev. John, 1725, 1730. John H., Trial, 1810. Rev. Joseph (C. 1763-78), B. 72, 79 ; F. 187. Rev. Oliver, Reg. VII. 373; A. 151 Budington, Mrs. E. L., Mem. 1855. Rev. W. I., 1842, 1843, 1845, 1854, 1856; Hist. Ch. 1845, 1852; Mem. 1880. Bugbee, J. M., 1865, 1875 (p. 27). Bulkeley, Gershom, 1689. Bunker, Rev. Benj., A. 162; F. 83. ^SVe Sibley's Harvard Graduates, I. 5.}5. Byram, C. R., 1872. Caldicott, Rev. T. F., 1853. Calley, Robert, Diary in Reg. XVI. 34, 129. Caner, Rev. Henry, 1765. Gary, Mrs. Anna, Mem. 1755. Gary, Col. Richard (C. 1747), 1789; D. 168. Richard (C. 1717-C. 1790), Mem. 1790 ; Reg. VII. 247. Rev. Thos., 1768, 1797; Mem. 1808, and Panoplist, Dec. 1808. Chapin,Rev. E. H., 1841-46. Cheever, Ezekiel, 1709, 1757 ; Memoirs, 1708, 1856, 1879. .See Mather, 1708. M. Coll. XVII. 129; Reg. Ajjril, 1879; A. 218; D. 180; F. 157. 6Ve p. 88. Child, Rev. W. C, 1848. Childs, N., 1870. Cleveland, Capt. Josiah, A. 237. Coburn, E. N., 1874. Coitmore, Thos., F. 85. Collier, Mrs. Abigail, Mem. 1813. Rev. W., 1806, 1809, 1812, 1819. Converse, Edward, B. 33 ; F. 78. Cox, Lem. (d. C. 1806). ^ee Drake's Hist. Fields (1874), p. 6. Cradock, Matthew, A. 270; D. 226; F. 89-91. Craig, Maj. Thos. (C. 1753), A. 270. Crosby, Rev. D., 1834, 1840; Mem. 1843. CroBwell, Rev. A. See 1742. Curtis, Geo. T., 1842. Cushnian, Charlotte S. (Early Life in C), Drake's Fields, 22-25; D. 238. Cutler, Dea. Robert, E. 87. Timothy (Pres. Y. C), 1717, 1747; Mem. 1765; Reg. IV. 175; A. 277 ; D. 240. Cutter, A. E., p. 6 ; 1852, 1869, 1874. Dady, Wm., F. 79. Damon, Rev. S. C, p. 88. Dana, J., City Doc's, 1858, 1859, 1860. R. H., 1865. R. H., jun., 1851. Samuel (d. C. 1835); A. 280; D. 246. Danforth, Thos., Sabine's American Loyalists (Boston, 1864), I. 358. Davenport, Rev. J. See 1742. Davidson, Geo., pp. 01, 92. Deacons First Ch., 1632-1842; B. 194. De Costa, Rev. B. F., 1876, 1878. Elizabeth, Mem. 1878. Wm. H., 1852; Mem. 1878. Deane, C. C. (d. C. 1854), A. 294. Derby, E. H. (Ten Hills). See Essex Institute Colls. III. 285; A. 299; D., 265. Devens, Gen. Charles, 1877. David, Reg. IX. 373; Biog. Sketches eminent Americans. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Richard, d. C. 1807, X. 80. See Panoplist, Aug., 1807. R. (C. 1749), 1795, 1797, p. 88. 96 PERSONAL INDEX. Devens, Richard (d. C. 1807), Pano- plist,Oct., 1807. Samuel, Mem. 18G0. Dexter, Hon. F., 1857; D. 2G9. Dillingham, Rev. P. See 1880. Dow, Moses, 1850, 18G8; Mem. in " Boston Past and Present." Downes, Com. J. (1783-C. 1854), A. 307 ; D. 279; Reg. VIII. 375. Dowse, Thos., Mem. 1859 ; Reg.XI.9D. Drake, S. A., 1874. Dudley, Gov. T., Founders ; Magnalia, II. eh. 5; A. 309; B. 14, 176; D. 284. Dwight, Timothy. See 1821. Eddy, C, 1843. Edes, Benj. (C. 1732), 1768; Life in Arch. Araer. V. 136-39; A. 322; D. 296. II. H., 1869, 1871, 1874. 1880. Peter. .See 1837. Reg. XVI. 16. Edmands, B., Mem. 1872. Ellis, Rev. Geo. E., 1840, 1842-47, 1850-58, 1860, 1863-69. John H., Founders, 1868. Rev. R., 1865, 1868. Etheridge, Samuel (and S. jun.) pp. 89- 91. Evarts, Jeremiah, 1812 ; Memorials (2) and Note, 1831; Life, 1845; A. 345; D. 311; Allibone, 566. Everett, Hon. E., 182(3 (note), 1828, 1830, 1859; Memorials (15), 1865; D. 312 ; Allibone's Die. 569-72. Rev. L. S., 1831. Rev. O. C, 1851, 1866, 1870, 1873. Farnham, L. See 1855. Fay, Rev. W. See 1820. Works, 1821, 1822, 1825, 1826, 1835. Richard S., 1835. Felt, Geo., F. 82. Fessenden, T. G., 1831. Finney, W. H., Citv Doc's, 1867. Fiske, Rev. Thaddeus (d. C. 1855), A. 355 ; Reg. X. 98. Foote, Rev. H. W., 1875. Forster, Chas. See p. 88. Dr. E. J., 1870-72, 1877. Fosdick, Mrs. Mary, Mem. 1848. Foss, J., 1866. Foster, Thos. R. (C. 1811), Reg. XXIL 357. Wm., Captivity, 1671 ; Am. Hist. Record, I. 392 ; Phil'a, 1872. Fowle, Daniel, 1755; Arch. Amer. V. 129-32. Rev. John (C. 1714), do. 129, 207. Zechariah (C. 1724), do., 133-36. Franklin, Benj., 1798. Freeman, Rev. J., 1793. Frothingham, C. W., 18.54, 1855. James (artist), Life, Tucker- man's Book of the Artists, N. Y., 1807, p. 01. Dea. James, B. 245. Dea. Nath'l, Reg. XII. 91. Richard, Reg. XV. 282. Hon. Richard. See p. 46, 1840, 184.5-47, 1849, 1851; City Doc's, 1851-53, 1857, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1870, 1872, 1874. William, B. 34 ; F. 79. Gager, Dea. W. (M. D.) (1630), A. 371; B. 16 ; F. 68. Gardner, Rev. Calvin, 1827 ; p. 88. Rev. G. W., 1862. Dr. Henry (C. 1773-C. 1854), A. 375. Rev. John (C, 1696), A. 375. Gibbons, Ed., F. 80. Gitford, G. P., 1844. Gilbert, Rev. Thos. (d. C. 1673), A. 379; B. 71. Gill, John (C. 1732), Arch. Amer. V. 139. Gleason, Benj., 1805-7, 1809, 1812-14, 1819. See p. 88. A. 382. Glidden, Mrs. R., Mem. 1866. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B., 1863, 1866, 1868. Wm. H., Mem. 1869. Goose, Elizabeth, 1719. Gorham, Benj., Reg. X. 98; A. 390; D. 370. Hon. Nathaniel (C. 1738-C. 1796), Reg. VII. 306, Vlil. 303 ; Drake's Fields (1874), p. 14. Memo- rials (2), 1796; A. 390; D. 370. Nathaniel, A. 390; D. 371. Spe 18.52. Gould, Thos., B. 56-59, 200-7 ; F. 163. Gove, John, Reg. XIX. 73. Graves, Rear Ad. Thos., F. 139-40. Thos., B. 168-70 ; F. 27-29. Greaves, Hon. Thos., Mem. 1747. Green, Rev. D., 1843. Elder John, B. 49-50 ; F. 81. T., p. 91. Greenleaf, Rev. P. IL, 1843; p. 88. Grinnell, Rev. C. E., 18t)9, 1871, 1874. Gunnison, E. N. See 1880. Hale, Chas., 1855. Rev. John, 1702 ; Mem. in M. Coll. XXVII. 2.55; Sibley's Harvard Graduates, L 509; A. 405; D. 395. Dea. Robert, B. 34 ; F. 81. Hall, Rev. Nath'l, 1865. Prince, 1792. Hammond, L., A. 411. Harrington, Miss E. T., 1848. Harris, Miss Charlotte. See 1868. Elizabeth (and others), Reg. II. 218. PERSONAL INDEX. 97 Harris, Eebecca M., Mem. 1801. Kev. Thad. M., 1796, 1801 ; Memorials (3), 1842; Mem. in M. Coll. 32, with list of 76 publications. Thos. B., 1869. Family, etc. See p. 88. Reg. II. Harvard, Rev. John (d. C. 1638), Mag nalia, IV 126, 139; A. 418; B. 44-16, 182; D. 414; F. 74-77. Harwood, Henry, B. 34. Hassam, J. T. See p. 88. Haven, Rev. G., 1863. Haynes, G., 18G9. Hazel, Harry, p. 88. Hedsje, Rev. F. H., 1805. Hills, Jos. and Richard, Reg. II. 218. " Hobbs, N. T.", 1850. Holden, O., 1792, 1795, 1800. Holmes, P. M., Mem. 1SG4. Howe, Dea. J., pp. 90-91 ; Reg. X. 307. Hubbell, Peter, Mem. 1871. Hull, Com. Isaac (U. S. N.). See Drake's Fields (1874), 30-32 ; D. 462. Hull, L., City Doc's, 1867-68. Humble Address, 1689, 1691. Humphrey, Rev. John, Mem., etc., 1856. Hunnewell, James, 1880; p. 88; Mem. 1869. James F., 1869, 1870-72, 1880. Susan, Mem. 1870. Hunt, Wm., 1858. Hurd, Dr. Isaac (C. 1786); A. 458 ; Do. (C. 1756), 1790. Jacob and family, Reg. XIX. 123. Hutchinson, Geo., F. 79. Jackson, Rev. H., 1830. James, Rev. Thos., A. 468 ; B. 34, 39- 41, 196 ; D. 481 ; F. 70-72. Jaques, Col. Sam'l, Reg. XIII. 278; Drake's Fields (1874), 99. Jenner, Capt. Thos., Reg. XIX. 247. Johnson, Capt. Ed., Founders ; M. Coll. XII. 95; A. 478; B. ; D. 488 ; F. 87. Isaac, A. 477; B. 14; D. 489; F. Jones, Margaret, A. 482 ; F. 116-17. Joy, B. (and others). See 1816. Kent, W. H., City Doc's, 1870-72. Kottell, Ann, Reg. IX. 295. Jonathan, Panoplist, Nov. 1813. Richard, F. 82. King, Rev. T. F., 1836. Rev. Thos. Starr. 18G4 ; D. 512. Knecland, Rev. A. See 1811. Lambert, Rev. T. R., 1801, 1866, 1871. Lamson, John, 1798-99; p. 89. Larkin, Dea. John, Panoplist, Feb. 1808. Lathrop, J., jun., 1811. Lawson, Rev. Deodat, 1692. Leach, J. (Diary), 1870. Lee, Dr. Thos. G. (d. C. 18.36) ; A. 519. Lincoln, Mrs. S., Reg. XXIV. 83. Long, Robert, F. 84. Lord, Kev. Jos., 1748; A. 535; M. Coll. IX. 156. Loring, N. H., 1822. Lowell, Rev, C, 1812. J., 1815. Lund, Hans, 1812; p. 91. Luther, S., 1832, 1834. Lyman, Rev. J., 1811. Lynde, Thos., F. 83. M'cKenzie, Rev. A., 1876. Mackintire, E. P., Mem. 1864. McKown, F., 1815; p. 91. McLean, John, A. 570; D. 586. 1818. Marshall, Thos., Mem. 1868. J. F. B., 1840, 1857. Matlier, Rev. C, 1G86, 1708. Mellows, Ed., F. 83. Miles, Rev. J. B., 1857, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1864-69, 1870-71; Mem. 1876. Miller, Dea. Thos., B. 245. Moffat, M. A. U., 1835. Morgan, J. A., 1851. Morse, Rev. Jedidiah, 1789, 1790, 1792- 99, 1800-8, 1810, 1812-lG, 1819; Life (Spraguc), 1874 ; Mem. 1867. A. 594 ; B. 150-58, 239, 240; D. 639. 11^ C. 1819. S.E.',' 1815,' 1819, 1867; D. 640. S. F. B., 1819 ; Mem. 1853 ; Lives of (2), 1875; D. G39. Morton, Rev. Chas., 1693 ; Dunton's Letters (Prince Soc. IV. 29G) ; M. Coll. XL 158, 161 (mem. by Rev. A. Holmes); X. 167; Nonconformist Memorial, London, 1775, I. 278; A. 595; B. 99-103, 106-13, 221-22, 225; D. G40; F. 193. Hon. E. W., 1871. Moulton, Ralph, F. 79. Mousal, John, F. 83. Ralph, B. 34 ; F. 78. Nicholson, Com. Samuel (first Com. U. S. N. in C, d. C. 1811), Drake's Fields, 29; A. 607; D. 665. Norton, A., 1834. E. L., 1869. Capt. Francis, F. 8G. Nowell, Ale.vander, 1665. Increase, A. G14 ; B. 31, 104, 190 ; D. 665 ; F. 134. Rev. Samuel, 1G78 ; Magnalia, VII. 50; A. 614; D. 6G5 ; Sibley's Harvard Graduates, I. 335. Oakes, Rev. Urian, 1677. O'Reilly, J. B., 1873. Osburn, Thos., B. 50, 200 ; F. 1G6. 98 PERSONAL INDEX. Osgood, I., Re?. XX. 173. Miss Miiry, Mem. 1868. Kev. Samuel, 18(35. See 1880. Oxenbridge, Kev. J. (in C. IGUO), B. GO. Paine, Rev. Joshua, Mem. 1788; B. 143. Palmer, A., B. 33 ; F. 22. Walter, F. 22. Palsgrave, Dr. R. (first Physician ?), F. 79. Parker, Daniel, p. 88. Isaac, Reg. VI. 375. Peabody, Rev. A. P., 1809. Penliallow, Judge S., 1726; Mem. in ed. of 1859, and N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. I. 9; A. 049; D. 704. Perry, Com. Mattlievv C. (stationed C. 1829-30), D. 708. See China and Japan E.xp. 4 vols., 4'^ Washington, 1856. Phillips, Eleazer. See 1715. Col. John, A. 658; D. 713. Poole, W. F. See Founders. Pratt, P., 1858. Preble, Adm'l G. H., 1868, 1871,1872. Henry, 0., Mem. 1871 ; Reg. XXVI. 339. Prentice, Rev. Thos. See 1730. Works, 1743, 1745, 1748, 1755, 1750,1768; A. 077 ; B. 138-42, 228-31, 233 ; F. Prentiss, Rev. T., Mem. 1817 ; Chris- tian Disciple, VI., Jan., 1818; A. 677. Prince, J., 1815. Putnam, A. H., 1805. Kev. A. P., 1865. Quincy, Josiah, 1854. liainsborrow. Col. Wm. (1639), Drake's Fields, p. 12. Rand, Dr. Isaac (C. 1719), A. 692; Do. (C. 1743), 1804. Rev. John (C. 1727), A. 692. J. II,, 1857, 1859, 1867. Robert (d. C. 1039), F. 84. Kev. Wm., 1735 ; A. 692. Randall, Rev. G. M., 1842. Rankin, Rev. J. E., 1865. Ray, Dr. I., 1863. Reed, Miss R. T., 1835. Richardson, E.,B. 34. Robinson, C, jun., 1871 ; City Doc's, 1805-66. Russell, Rev. Daniel (d. 1679), M. Coll. Ill.i. ; B. 72-79, 82, 211. Hon. Daniel (C. 1085-C. 1763), B. 242; Keg. VI. 274. James (C, 1640-C. 1709), 1689; B. 242 ; D. 789, Do. (C 1715-C. 1708), Mem. 1798; A. 717; B. 242. John M., 1797, and p. Russell, Hon. Richard (1012-C. 1070), A. 716 ; B. 242 ; I). 7«9 ; F. 144-46. Hon. Thomas (C. 1740-C.1796), Mem. (3), 1796 ; A. 717 ; B. 243 ; Reg. IX. 14. Ruter, Rev. M. (C. 1785), Pres. Au- gusta Col, Ky., A. 718 ; D. 790. Sainte Claire, Sister, Mem. 1876. Savage, J., 1805 Sawyer, T. T. 1855-57. Wm., 1838. Scott, Sir W. See 1871. Sedgwick, Gen. Robert, Drake's Fields, p. 14 ; A. 726 ; D. 811 ; F. 135-39. Sewall, Jonathan, A. 729; D. 814. Kev. Samuel. See 1839. Shaw, Capt. J. See 1822. Shepiird, Kev. Thos., 1059, 1072 ; Mag- nalia, IV. ch. 6; Sibley's Harvard Graduates, I. 327; M. Coll. XXX. 70; A. 733; B. 54-55, 72-79, 215- 18, 220 ; F. 161, 186-90. Kev. T., jun. (C. 1658-C. 1685), A. 733; B. 83-88, 93-98; F 191-93. Silhman, Prof., 1802. Simonds, Wm. (C. 1822, d. 1859). See 1859. Reg. XIII. 375; Allibone's Die. 2106. Skinner, Rev. T., 1702 ; A. 738. Smith, Rev. Wm. (C. 1706) ; A. 740. J. V. C, 1800. Southack, J., 1809. Spelman, Henry, 1872. Sprague, Ralph, B. 10,33 ; F. 21. Capt. Richard, A. 751; B. 10, 33, 192 ; F. 22. ]^Q. (son), A. 751. Wm., F. 22. Kev. W. B., 1874. Family of C, 1828. Squa Sachem, F. 35. Stetson, Rev. C, 1834. Stevens, Rev. Joseph, 1723 ; A. 757 ; B. 114-10, 121-25, 227. Stevenson, C. L., 1800, 1861. Stillman, Kev. S., 1785, 1801, 1802. Stimpson, Joseph, Reg. XIV. 188. Stitson, Wm.,F. 87. Stone, Jonathan, 1873, 1874. J. M., 1868,1869. P. J., City Doc's, 1862-64 Stowe, Rev. W. T., 1872. Stowers, N., F. 23. Sullivan, J. L., 1813, 1818. Sumner, Wm., 1831. Swain, R. B., 1864. Sweetser, Seth, F. 87. Symmes, Rev. Thos., 1720; Mem. 1725 ; Reg. XIII. 130 ; A. 774 ; D.n04. Kev. Zechariah, Magnalia, III. ch. 21 ; Mem. 1873. See Reg. XIII. 207. A. 774 ; B. 39, 66-70. PERSONA-L INDEX. 99 Symmes, Do. of Bradford (C. 1637- 38). See Sibley's Harvard Gradu- ates I. 489. Tappa'n,'Rev! B., 1855, 1864. Rev. D., 1793, 1795, 1798. Thaclier, Rev. P., 1788, 1796. Hon. P. 0., 1834. Thompson, Dr. A. R., 1841, 1856. Hon. Benj., 1850. Daniel Pierce (C. 1795). 1868, and Allibone, III. 2391. James, F. 82. Joseph, 1848. Rev. J. S., 1820. Samuel, Mem. p. 88. Hon. Timothy, Reg. X. 293. See Thurston, Elizabeth A., 1866, Ticknor, Geo., 1865. Todd, Rev. John (in C. 1815-18). See Life by Rev. J. E. Todd (N. Y. 1876), 55-66. Townley, Rev. R., 1852. 1853. Tracy, E. C, 1845. Trafton, Adeline, 1872. Rev. Mark, 1873. Trumbull, J. (C. 1750), Arch. Amer. V. 192. Tucker, Rev. E., A. 802. Hon. St. G., 1795. Tufts, Dr. Aaron, A. 803. Dea. A., Mem. 1840. Isaac, Reg. XI. 286. Joseph, jim., 1814. Miss Mercy, Mem. 1820. Turner, Rev. E., 1814, 1815, 1817-19, 1821-23 ; p. 88. Twomblv, Rev. A. S., 1872. Uplmm, Col. Timothy (in C. 1845-56), Reg. X. 101. Usher, Hon. John, Arch. Amer. VI. 206. Wade, Jonathan, F. 81. Walford, John, F. 24. Thomas, B. 10, 168 ; F. 23-24. Walker, Capt. A., F. 88. Rev. James, 1820, 1824, 1826, 1828, 1831-34, 1839; Mem. 1875; D. 948. See Hist. Harvard Ch. 1880. Walker, Timothy, 1830. Dr. Wm. J. (C. 1790); D. 950. Ware, Rev. H., 1817. Warren, Hon. G. W., 1858, 1871 ; Bun- ker Hill; City Doc's, 1847-49. Isaac, A. 822. Dr. John, 1796. Washington, Geo. See 1799. Welsh, Dr. Thos., 1783, 1796; A. 837 (and 839, same). Whieldon, W. W., 1827, 1848, 1855, 1865, 1868, 18G9, 1874 ; pp. 91-92. Whitefield, Rev. G., 1745. B. 129. Wiiiting, Martha, Life, 1855. Whitmore, T. See p. 88. Whitney, Louisa, 1877. Whipple, E. P.. 1864. Whittier, J. G., 1864. Whitman, J., A. 853. Willard, P., 1821 ; Reg. X. 295. P., jun., Reg. XXIV. 84. Rev. Samuel, 1681. Willoughby, F., A. 867; B. 208; F. 141. Wilson, David, p. 91. Rev. J., Founders; Magnalia, IIL ch. 3; A. 807; B. 14, 176-78; D. 993 ; F. 69, 70. Allibone, 2776. Winchester, Mrs. N., 1866. Winthrop, Gov. J., Founders ; Life in Magnalia, II. ch. 4 ; also p. 2 ; B. 14, 165, 175 ; F. Hon. R. C. .S>e Founders, 1865. Witherell, AVm. (Schoolmaster, 1635- 60), F. 85. Wonohaquaham (Sagamore John), F.3G-38; "Passages" (Colonial). Wood, Col. David (C. 1742), Obit., Panoplist, Feb., 1809. W. See Gorham, 1852 (p. 151). Woods, Rev. L., 1820. Woolricii, J.. F. 80. Wvman, T. B., 1862, 1874, 1879. Young, Rev. A., 1840. The above Personal Index contains references to about a dozen " Lives," in volumes, eighty memorial pampldets, and tiiree iiundred and sixty notices of various lengths, or about four hundred and fifty articles describing about two hundred and forty persons, natives or residents of Charlestown. Tliis large amount of material already printed seems to render unnecessary a biograpliical dictionary of the town, that the writer, several years ago, designed. For the present, at least, lie ])rints only one memoir described under tlie date 1881). Altliough the above list is large, it can probably be increased. Many obituary notices, not included, are to be found in newspapers, especially in the Biniker- Hill Aurora. Articles of this sort are often luirriL-dly written, and more caretiil performances are desirable, but the former are, in many cases, the only ac- counts that exist. No complete collection has, probably-, ever been made of the memorial pamphlets. That which is the least incomplete has only been formed by much research. Even exjjlorations among the greater antiquities of various nations created within the past thousand years hardly impress one more with a 100 PEESONAL INDEX. sense of the perishable nature of human things, than do these monuments of some of the persons most notable in tiieir time among their fellow townspeople. Tliey belong to a valuable class of local literature that deserves better preser- vation than it has been apt to obtain, and tliat is wanted and welcomed in not a few libraries. The Antiquities of a Town, that are its historical monuments, are interesting subjects for description, and it would be pleasant, when writing this list of liter- ary works, to add a chapter about Cbarlestown, such as might be written about some other places. But neither the modes nor the means of the earlier people created any considerable object that could survive the great lire of 1775. Many stones or tombs in the Burial Ground, indeed, escaped destruction, and the in- scriptions they bear may be published, the writer has been informed. An arti- cle on the public or private structures of more recent times would be, if correct, of some value in showing how American ways have grown to expression in one of the most prominent of the arts, — that of building, — but it is not necessary to make it so personal or limited as to apply it to any one town. Additional Items. 1702, Hale, Rev. J., "Modest Inquiry," reprinted, Bos- ton, XlQ'i. 1842, Service Book for (Unitarian) Sunday Schools. 5th ed. 12°. pp. 28. Boston, 1842. Pamphlets, page 92, 1830, Phinney, and 1832, Richardson, should have appeared with the town matter.