mm 11 UlUUlllUtillULUJ EBKCIIY IBRARY ^ W^Ils^^S^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^E^ ^, y^ .^;IL.CX. y^^-;i ..^.U- ^— "^^ ■ Ex Libris lV??fc.Tr>'ti^/rrf. IBJ Index Abbey, Edwin A., xxviii. Abercrombie, Dr. James, 97. Adams, John, 98, 100, 119. Adams, John Couch, 73. Adams, John Quincy, no, 119. Adelaide, Madame, 16. d'Ailebout, Charles, 14. Aitkin, Robert, 102. Albany, Countess of, 70. d'Alboise, Charles, 14. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, xxxiv. Aifieri, 70. All Souls' College (Oxford), 80. Allen, Isaiah, 113. Alsop, 113. Altdorf, University of, 5. American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, 116, 123. American Philosophical Society, 97. Amman, Jost, xv. Anderson, Alexander, xxxi, 124. Andr6, Major, in. Anstey, Christopher, 64. Antwerp, 4. Apprentices' Library (Philadelphia) , 104. Apthorp, East, 119. Archer, 91. Armistead, 91. Armstrong, General, 108. Arnold, 106. Ashurst, Benjamin, 53. Ashwell, Charles, 124. Assheton, William, 124. Atkinson, Buddie, 42. Atkinson, Theodore, 114. Atlee, William Augustus, 102. Audran, xix. August, Prince of Prussia, 23. Austin, Charles, 121. Autun, Bishop of, 14. Aylesford, Earl of, 40. B B., Madame L., 30. Babb, George Fletcher, 134. Bacon, 55. Bacon, Sir Francis, xxi. Bacon, Sir Nicholas, xxi. Bagford, John, 34. Baillie, 43. Bancker, 102. Bancroft, George, xxxiv. Barbadoes, Governor of, 125. Bard, Dr. Samuel, 112. Barrel!, Joseph, 119. Barrett, Wilson, 79. Bartolozzi, xxvii, 42, 142. Bartram, John, 99. Basire, 42. Bastille, Chateau de la, xix. Bath, Lord, 58. Bavaria, 9. Bavaria, Electoral Library of, 2. Bayard, 93. Beaconsfield, Earl of, 78. Beatty, Dr. John, 102. Beaufort, Duchess of, xxvii. Becat, H., 19. Beete, Joseph, 124. Beham, Hans Sebald, xv. Belcher, Jonathan, 119. Bell, R. Anning, 83, 84. Bellenden, Mary, 58. Beniwalt, Baldasser de Walestat, 3. Bentley, Richard, xxvi. Beresford, Richard, 94. Berkeley, 38. Berlin, 7. Berry, Agnes, xxvi, 53, 57. Berry, Mary, 60. de Berry, Duchesse, 26. Besant, Sir Walter, xxvi, 77. Bessborough, Lady, xxvii, 42. Beverley, 43, 91. Bewick, Thomas, x.wii, 41, 42, 66. Bibliotheque Nationale, 15. Bigot, Emeric, xviii. Bird, E. B., 134. Blake, 46. Blake, William, 42. Blanc, William, 124. Blenman, Jonatlian, 124. Blessington, Lady, xxvi, 61. 149 I50 Index "Bloody Monday" (Boston), 121. Bloomfield, Major Joseph, 93. Bloom field, Robert, 63. Blundell, Peter, 128. Boccaccio, 67. de Boissy, Marquis, 62. Boiling, 91. Bonaparte, Lucien, xx, 24. de Bonncmains, Vicomtesse, 29. Borden, Ann, 98. Boston Architectural Library, 123. Boston Shakespeare Circulating Li- brary, 123. Boston Social Law Library, 123. " Boston Tea-party," 121. Boucher, xix. Boudinot, Elias, 100. Boulanger, General, 29. Bouvenne, Aglaus, 27. Bowdoin, James, 119. Bowdoin College, 122, 123. Bowen, Abel, 124. Boyd, John, 124. Boylston Medical College, 123. Bozman, John Leeds, 92. Brand, John, xxvi. Brandenburg, Hildebrande, xiii. Brearly, David, 93. Breiner, Count Max Louis, xvi. de Brettville, Madame, 21. de Broglie, Prince, loi. Brookficld, Mrs., 74. Brothers in Unity (Yale College), 114. Brown, James Roberts, 82. Brown, Sir William, 36. Buck, John H., 126, 128. Buckle, Henry Thomas, xxvi. Buffalo Society of Artists, xxxv. Bull. 113. Burdett, 68, Burlington (England) Fine Arts So- ciety, 80. Burnes, Chevalier James, 65. Burnett, Gilbert, 33. Burns, Robert, 64. Burr, Aaron, 106. Burton, J., D.D., 145. Burton, Richard, xxvi. Bute, Lord, 50. Byam, Francis, 124. Byrd, Colonel William, 92. Byron, Lord, 23, 68. Cabell, 91. Caen, 21. Caine, Hall, 79. Calcutta, Bishop of, 77. Callender, Joseph, xxxi, 123, 124. Calvert, 93. Cambridge University, 36. Cambridge University Library, 145. Campbell, Donald, 124. Campbell, Thomas, 66, 68. de Canino, Prince, xx. Carlyle, Thomas, xxvi, 72. Carmichael, Hon. William, 92. Caroline, Princess, 36. Carpenters' Co. Library (Philadel- phia), 104. Carroll of CarroUton, 93. Cary, 64, 91. Cathie, Richard, 131. Caxton, 142. Ceracchi, 55. Chalmers, 93. " Cham of Literature," 49. Chandler, Gardiner, 117. Charles L, 47. Charles Vn., 17, 18. Charles X., 26. Chase, Samuel, 93. Chase, William H., 133. Chatham, Lord, 55. Chaucer, 142. Chester, John, 113. Chesterfield, Lord, xxvi, 52, 53, 58. Chevalier, Madeline C, 84. Chippendale, T., xxiv. Chodowiecki, Daniel Nikolaus, 7, 8. Christina of Sweden, xvii, 15. Clarke, Charles Cowden, xxvi. Cleveland, Stephen, 119. Clinton, De Witt, 106. Clive, Lord, log. Clouet, Dr., 145. Clulow, Ethel Selina, 80. Coffin, Hector, iig. Cotiin, Sir Isaac, 119. Coffin, Pine, 119. Golden, Cadvvallader, 106, 107. Colle, 24. Colvin, Sidney, 81. Comte de Paris, 29. Connecticut Historical Society, 114. Connecticut Theological Institute, 114. Constable, William, no. Conway, Anna (Darner), 54. Conway, Charles, 43. Cook, Captain, 49. Cooper, Myles, no. Copley, 118. de Cojjpet, Bibliotheque, 21. Coram, Thomas, 122. Index MI Corday, Charlotte, 21. Corneille, 21. Cosway, 54. Cowper, Lady Mary, 36. Cowper, Spencer, 35. Cowper, William (poet), 63. Cowper, William (Clerk of Parlia- ments), 35. Cranach, Louis, xv. Cranch, Richard, 119. Cruikshank, 55. Custis, George Washington Parke, 91. Cutting, no. Cuyler, no. D Darner, Anna, xxvi, 53-57. Damer, George, 55. Dana, Francis, 116. Dana, Richard Henry, 116. Danforth, Dr. Samuel, 116. Darch, 43. Dartmouth College, 123. D'Artus, 145. Darwin, 56. Dawkins, Henry, xxx, xxxi, 97, 98, 124. Dearborn, Nathaniel, 124. Dedham Scripture Study Society, 123. De Foe, 142. De la Gordette, 21. Delaval, Sir Francis Drake, 45. Delaval, Sir John Hussey, 47. Delft, 4. Denison, Colonel George, 127. De Peyster, no. Dering, Thomas, xxxi. De Vinne, Theodore L., 134, 135. De Witt, no. Dexter, Samuel, 119, 121. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, xxvi, 71, 142. Dickens, Charles, xxvi, 61. Dickinson, Aunt Hannah, 121. Dilke, Sir Charles, 27. Dinwiddle, Sir Robert, 43-45, 91. Dinwithie, Alleyn, 44. Disraeli, Benjamin, xxvi, 78. Dobson, Austin, 52, 76. Dodsley, 64. Dongan, Governor, 112. Doolittle, Amos, xxxi, xxxii, 114, 124. Dove, 91. Drayton, Jacob, 94. Drury Lane Theatre, 46. Drj'den, 62. Duane, no. du Barry, Comptesse, xix. Dubuisson, 24. Dudley, Joseph, xxx, 119. Duer, Colonel William, 109, no. Dumeresque, Philip, 116. Dummer, Jeremiah, 119. Dunmore, Murray, Earl of, 91. Diirer, Albrecht, xv, xxxiv, 4, 142 Duvall, 93. East Windsor Literary Association, 1:4. Edgar, William, 93. Edgworth, Richard Lovell, xxvi. Edward L, 44. Edwards, Bryan, 124. Edwards, George Wharton, xxxv. Edwards, Isaac, 93. Elizabeth, Queen, xxi. Ellery, William, 116. Ely, Lord Bishop of, 37. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 119. Emerson, Rev. William, 119. Empress of Germany, 10. d'Eon, Chevalier, 21. Evarts, Jeremiah, 120. Eve, George W., 81. Everett, Edward, 120. Ex Libris Society (London), 126. Fage, G., 145. Fahnestock, Harris C, 131. Fairfax, Bryan, 90. Fairfax, George William, 90. Fairman, Gideon, 124. Faithorne, William, xxvii. Farmington (Conn.) Library, 104, 114. " Father Prout," xxvi. Fauquier, Francis, 91. Ferdinand L, 26. Ferguson, Hugh, 99. Fermor, 39. Fevart, 24. Field, Eugene, 129. Fish, no. Fisher, 93. Fitzgerald, Edward, xxvii, 74. Fitzhugh, 91. Flaxman, 43. Forman, General, 93. Forstcr, John, xxvi, 61. Fox, Charles James, 56, 57. Frampton, Christabel A., 84. Franklin, Benjamin, 113, 143. 152 Index Franklin, John, xxviii, 146. Fraunces, no. French, Edwin Davis, xxxiv, 106, 132, 134. 135- Furnass, [ohn Mason, 124. Fust, Sir Francis, 38. Gaisford, 145. Gallaudet, Edward, 124. Gallaudet, Elisha, 124. Gallaudet, Susan Denison (Mrs. E. M.) 126-128. Gambetta. Leon, xx, 27. Gamble, Ellis, 50. Gardiner, John, 112. Gardiner, Lion, 112. Gardiner's Island, in, 112. Garrett, Edmund H., xxx, 43, 132, 133. Garrick, David, xxvi, 48, 49, 56, 58, 142. Gates, General, 102. Gautier, Th6ophile, xx, 28. Gaylord, William H., 129. George L, 35-37. George IIL, 46, 56. Germain, Lady Betty, xxvii, 38. Gibbon, xxvi, 23. Gibbs, John Walters, 94. Gill, J., 129. Gladstone, xxvi, 76. Godwin, Abraham, 124. Goelet, no. Goethe, 142. de Goncourt, the brothers, xx. Goodwin, 113. Gore, Christopher, 121. Gosse, Edmund, xxvi, xxviii, 74, 76. Gracie, no. Graduates* Club (New Haven), xxxv. Graeme, Elizabeth, 99. Graeme, Ur. Thomas, 99. Gravelot, 145. Greenaway, Kate, jj. Greene, Benjamin, 116. Greene, David, 117. Greene, General, no. Greene, Miss, xxvii. Gribelin, Simon, xxvii. Grolier, Jean, xxix, 13, 25, 142. Grolier Club, xxxv. Gueulctte, Thomas Simon, 19. Guiccioli, Countess, 61, 62, 69. Guilbal, 145. Guilford (Conn.) Library, 114. H Haggard, Rider, 78. Hale, Robert, n6. Halifax, Lord Charles, 62. Hall, Thomas, 94. Hamilton, Alexander, 100, 106. Hamilton, Waiter, 24. Hamilton, William, 102. Hancock, Governor Thomas, 117. Handel, 122. Harison, no. Harley, Robert, xxvi, 33. Harris, S., 124. Harrison, Charles P., 124. Hartford (Conn.) Library Co., 114. Harvard College, 116, 121, 123. Hasty Pudding Club, 123. Haverhill (Mass.) Library, 123. Hayne, Isaac, 94. Hay ward, Thomas, 94. Head, loi. Heber, Reginald, "jj, Heming, Samuel, 124. Henri II., xix. Hervey, Lady, 58-60. Hervey, Lord, 52. Hildebrandt, Ad. M., xvii. Hill, Samuel, 124. Hoare, Charles, 57. Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, 57. Hoffman, 127. Hogarth, William, xxvii, 50, 122, 146. Holbein, xv. Holland, John, 50. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, xxxiv. von Holstein, Eric Magnus Stael, 23- Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 120. Hooper, William, 93, 116. Hopkinson, Francis, 98, 99. Hopkinson, Joseph, 99. Hopkinson, Mary, 97. Hopson, W. F., xxxv, 132. Horace, 142. Howard, Dr. Joseph Jackson, xxiii. Huet, Pierre Daniel, 15. Hugar, 43. Hugo, Victor, xx, 27. Hume, David, 54. Hunt, 68. Hunter, Robert, 125. Huntington, Selina, Countess of, xxvii. Hurd, Nathaniel, xxxi, 115, 119, 122, 124. Hutton, Laurence, xxxiv, xxxv, 120, Index ^53 I Iconophiles, Society of (New York), io6. Ingersoll, 113. Inglis, Alexander, 94. Inglis, Emsley, 76. Innes, Colonel, 93. Iredell, James, 93. Ireland, xxvi. Irving, Sir Henry, xxvi, 76, 77. Italy, XX. J Jackson, Jonathan, 116. Jamaica, Bishop of, 125. James II., 39. Jarvis, 113. Jauncey, no. Jay, III. Jefferson, 100. Jeffreys, Lady Henrietta Louisa, 39. Jeffreys, Lord George, 39, 66. Jeffries, John, 120. Jenkins, Miss, xx, iii. Jenkins, Robert, 117. Jesuits, College of (Paris), 15. Joan of Arc, 17, 18. Johnson, Edward, 126. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, xxx, 49, 62, 64. Johnson, Thomas, 124. Johnston, Robert, 94. Joseph, Samuel S., 81. Josephine, Empress, xx. de Joubert, 16, 17. Jumel, Stephen, 105. K Karr, Alphonse, 24. Kearney, Francis, 124. Keith, William, 102. Kemble, Peter, 93. Kerr, 93. Kilian, Wolfgang, xv. Kingsley, Charles, 69. Kip, III. Kipling, Rudyard, 73. Kissam, in. Kneller, 122. Knox, William George, 125. Lacroix, Paul, 28. Lake Leman, 23. Lamarche, 20. Lamarre, 145. Lamartine, 91. Lambart, George, 50. Lambert, Mark, xxvii, 41, 42. Lang, Andrew, 144. Lardner, Lynford, 102. Lausanne, 4. Lavoisier, 20. Lee, 91. Le Faucheux, xix. Le Gascon, 13. Legal, Francis, 53, 57. Legros, Alphonse, 27. Leigh, Augusta, 68. Leighton, John, xxvii. Lepel, Molly, 58. Leverrier, 73. Lewis, Morgan, 102. Leyden, 4. Lightfoot, 91. Linonian Society (Yale College), 114. Livingston, 107. Livingston, Brockholst, 108. Livingston, Edward, 108. Livingston, Maturin, 108. Livingston, Peter R., 117. Livingston, Philip, 108. Livingston, Robert R. (Chancellor), 108. Livingston, Robert R. (Judge), 108. Livingston, Walter, 108. Livingston, William S., 108. Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 77. Loftie, Rev. W. J., 78. Logan, James, 103. Loggan, David, xxvii. Longfellow, H. W., 122. Lord, 113. Lorna Doone, 128. Louis XV., xix, 16. Louis XVI., 17, 22. Lowell, John, 117. Ludlow, Edmund, 43. Ludwell, 91. Lullin, Amadin, 145. Lumisden, Andrew, xxvi. du Luys, Gauthier, 17. du Luys, Hordal, 17. du Luys, Nicholas Francois Alexander de Haldat, 18. M Macaulay, Lord, 43, 67. Mackay, 91. McKenzie, 91. McTavish, 93. Magdalene College Library, xxii. Mahoncy, xxvi. 154 Index de Maintenon, Marquise, xix, Maioli, Thomas, 25, 142. Maloy, 143. Manigault, Peter, 94. Manutius, Aldus, 142. Marat, 21. Marks, H. Stacy, xxviii, 82. Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of, 38. Marshall, VVilliam, xxvii, 145. Marshall, John, 91. Martin Luther, xxix. Mary, Princess, xxviii. Massachusetts Historical Society, 123. Matthews, xxvi. Matthews, Brander, xxviii. Maverick, Peter Rushton, xxx, 100, 104, 107, 108, 115, 117, 124. Maximilian, xv. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 25. Maxcy, 93. Mazarin, 13. Means, Rev. Stewart, 132. Menage, Gilles, 16. Mercer, 91. " Meschianza," 102. Middleton, Arthur, 94. Middleton, John Izard, 94. Mildeberger, Christopher, no. Millais, Sir J. E., 74. Minot, 120. Mitford, xxvi. Monmouth, 39, 66. Monselet, Charles, xx, 29. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 58. Moore, 68. Moore, John, D.D., 37. Morgan, John, 97. Morris, Lewis, 106. Morris, Gouverneur, 106. Morris, Robert, loi. Morris, Colonel Roger, 105, 106. Morris, Thomas, loi. Mountaine, xxvii. de Moustier, Count, 100. Moxon, Hannah, 85. Munich, 8. Murray, 91. Musgrave, 113. N Nack, John Bernard, 6, Napoleon L, xx, 23, 88, 108. Napoleon II I., 25. Napoleon, Prince Louis, 61. Nash, Beau, 64. Necker, Jacques, 22. Nelson, 56. New York, Bishop of, 108. Newburyport Athenasum, 123. Newell, Timothy, 120. Noel, 68. Norcross, Mary E., 133. Norris, Isaac, 100. Northboume, Lord, 76. North Carolina, University of, 93. Nuremberg, 4. O Ogden, III. Oliver, Andrew, 120. Ord, George, 97. Orford, Earl of, 52. d'Orsay, Count, 61, 62. Osterlander, 6. Otis, James, 120. Oxford, Lady, xxvi. Oxford University, 36. Page, 91. Page, Thomas, xxx. Panard, 24. Paris, 21, 22, 23. Parke, gi. Parsons, Alfred, 76. Partridge, Bernhard, 77. Paulding, iii. Paulet, Lord Nassau, 46. Pauletus, John, 47. Pelliam, F^eter, 116. Penn, Hannah Callowhill, 95. Penn, Thomas, 95, 96. Penn, William, xxx, 94, 96, 103. Pepperell, Sir William, 116, 120. Pepys, xxi. Perkins, Thomas H., 121. Petau, Alexander, xviii. Petit, 13. Petrarca, Guiseppe, xvi, Petrarch, 142. Philadelphia Library Company, 104. Phillips, Samuel, 121. Phillipse, Frederick, 105. Pierce, in. de Piis, Antoine Pierre Augustin, 24. Pindar, Elizabeth, 35. Pine, John, xxvii, 37, 145. Pinfold, Charles, 13, 125. Pintard, in. Piranezi, Giovanni Battista, 40, 142. Pirckheimcr, Wilibald, xv, xxxiv. Place, James, 67. Pocahontas, 91. Index SS Poe, 143. de Poitiers, Diane, xix, 29. Pollard, Joseph, 41. Pomer, Hector, 4. Pomfret, Countess of, xxvii, 39. de Pompadour, Marquise, xix. Popham, III. Porcellian Society (Harvard College), 123. Porter, Josephine E. S., 132. Poulet-Malassis, 27. Power, 91. Pownall, Thomas, 94. Prideaux, Miss S. T., xxvii. Priestley, Joseph, xxvi, 102. Prior, Matthew, 34. Prosper-M6rim6e, xx, 28. Provost, Samuel, 108. Pye, Henry James, 65, 66. Quarles, 145. Quincy, Josiah, 121. Ragman's Roll, 44. Ramsay, Allan, 59. Randolph, John, of Roanoke, 90. Randolph, Peyton, 90. Read, Charles, 93. R6camier, Madame, 23, 94. Reed, 113. Renwick, 134. de Resney, Bibliotheque, 26. Revere, Paul, xxxi, xxxiii, 115, 117, 118, 119, 124, 143. Richelieu, 13. Richmond, Duchess of, xxvi, " Ridd, John," 128. Rittenhouse, 100. Robbins, 114. Robertson, Eben, 125. Robethon, 35. Robins, George, 51. Robinson, Colonel Beverley, 106, Robinson, George F., 42. Robinson, William, 80. Rockingham, 57. Rogers, Samuel, 67, 68. Roland, Madame, 20, 22. Rollinson, Charles P., 124. Rollinson, William, xxx. Rome, m. Roubillac, 122. Rousseau, 23. Rowfant Club (Cleveland), xxxv, 129. Roxburghe Club (London), 71. Royal, Elizabeth, 120. Royal, Isaac, 121. Ruette, Antiene, 15. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 96, 99, 100. Rutgers, iii. St. Christopher, 3. " St. Christopher of 1423," xiii. St. Clair, Sir John, 102. St. Hilaire, 6. St. Lawrence, 5. Sands, Miss M. M., 132. Sargeant, Jacob, 113. Sargeant, George D., 60. Sargent, Epes, xxxiii, 117, 118. Saltier, Joseph, xvii, 9. Saulnier, 13. Saye and Sele, Lord, 112. Schinz, C. S., 7. Schrobenhauser, 9. Schuyler, iii. Scott, Sir Walter, 44, 73, 78. Scott, William Bell, 75. Sedgwick, in. Sedgwick, Robert, 134. Seguier, Pierre, 14, 15. Selfridge, Thomas O., 121. Senefelder, 8. Sette of Odd Volumes (London), 82. Shakespeare, 67, 142. Shelley, 23, 68. Sherborn, Charles William, xxvii, xxxVj 80, 131. Sherwin, xxvii. Shewell, Miss, 98. Shippen, Edward, 102. Shippen, the Misses, 102. Shubrick, Thomas, 94. Siebmacher, Hans, xv. Sill, Howard, 128. Skinner, J., xxvii. Skipwith, 91. Smith, III. Smith, Sidney L., 132, 133. Smithers, James, xxxi, 124. Snow, 120. Social Friends' Society (Dartmouth College), 123. Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 119. Solis, Virgil, xv. Sophia, Princess, xxvi. Sophie, Princess, i6. Southey, Robert, xxvi, 66. ,56 1 iidex Sparhawk, 120. Sparrow, T., 124. Spenceley, J. Winfred, 131. Spooner, Joshua, 117. Spotswood, 91. Sprigg. 93- dc Stael, Madame, 21, 23, 94. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 53. Sterne, Laurence, 48, 49, 122. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 81. Stevenson, John Hall, 48. Stewart, in. Stewart, Anthony, 93. Stirling, Catharine, 109. Stirling, Lord, 109. Stith, William, 91. Stockton, Richard, 93. Stoddard, E. G., 132. Stone, III. Storey, G. A., 93. Stothard, 67. Strange, Sir Robert, xxvii. Strawberry Hill, 51, 54, 56, 59. Strode, William, 146. Suchet, Mar^chal, xx. Swan, James, 121. Sweden, xx. Swett, John Barnard, 121. Swift, Dean, xxvii, 34. Switzerland, xx. Sykes, Christopher, 74. de Tabley, Lord, xxiii, xxv, 74. Tadema, L. Alma, 76. Taylor, Charles H., Jr., 134. Ten Broeck, in. Tennyson, Lord, xxvi, 77. Terray, 18. Thackara, James, 93, 124. Thackeray, xxxiv, 74. Thanet, 46. Thomas, Isaiah, 120, 121. Thompson, Dr. James M., 131. Tiller, Samuel, 103, 104. Tomlinson, in. Townshend, Secretary of State (Eng- land), 37. Trapp, Dr., 36. Trenchard, James, 93, 124. 'I'resham, xxi. Trew, Christopher, 5. Trollope, Anthony, xxvi, 77. Troschel, Johann, xv. Troth, Henry, 103. Troy, Rev. J. B., 133. Tucker, 91. Tupper, xxvi. Turberville, 91. Turner, James, xxxiii, 102, 124, 146. Tyler, 120. Tyler, Andrew, 117. Tyler, Miriam, 121. Tyrconnel, Earl of, 47. U Ulm, 3. Ulster King of Arms, 81. Usher, 114. Uzanne, Octave, xx. Vallance, John, 93, 124. Van Berkel, in. Van Buren, in. Van Cortlandt, 107. Van Ness, in. Van Rensselaer, 107. Vander Aa, Anna, 4. Varick, in. Vassall, John, 122. Vaughan, Benjamin, 122. Vaughan, Samuel, 125. de Vautoux, Claud Fran9ois Pagel, 18. Vente, 16. Vertue, George, xxvii. de Vic, Emeric, 14. Vicars, Sir Arthur, 81. Victoire, Madame, xix, 16. Viollet-le-Duc, 28. Voltaire, 23. Vouet, Simon, 15. de Vries, Rudolphus, 107. W Wake, H. T., 72. Waldo, 114. Walker, Rev. George Leon, 126. Walker, Richard, 126, 127. Walker, Prof. Williston, 127. Wall, III. Wallace, Joshua Maddox, 93. Waller, 91. Walpole, Horace, xxvi, 51, 56, 58-60. Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 78. \V'arren, General, 120. Warren, James, 120. Warren, Hon. J. B. Leicester, xxiii, xxv. 49, 74. Washington, Bushrod, xxxiii, 90, 98. Washington Book-plate Society, 128. Index 157 Washington, George, xxxi, xxxiii, 44, 88, 95, 100, 104, 105, 116, 117, 142. Waterford, IVlarquis of, 47. Waters, Thomas, 94. Watkins, iii. Watkinson Library (Hartford), 59. Weigel, Marie-Elizabeth Joseph, 12. Wells, 121. Wem, Baron of, 39. Wentworth, 117. Wentworth-Noel, 69. West, Benjamin, 98, 122. West Indies Book-plates, 124, 125. Wethersfield (Conn.) Social Library, 114. Wetmore, iii. Wetmore, William, 117. Wheeler, Florence S., 133. White, Robert, xxii. Whitridge, Dr. J. B.. 94. Whitworth, Charles, Lord, 59. Wicker, 6. Wilberforce, William, xxvi, 40, 61, Wilkes, John, 50. William IV., 65. William the Conqueror, 45. Williams, Colonel, 120. Williams, William, 125. Wilson, J., 71. Winchester, Marquise of, 47. Winthrop, John, 112, 122, Wisner, iii. Wistar, 100. Woffington, Peg, 57. Wolcott, Oliver, 114. Wolseley, Hon. Frances G., xxvii, 81. Wolseley, Gen. Sir Garnet, xxvii, 81. Wolsey, Cardinal, xxi. Wood, Joseph, 102. Worcester Circulating Library, 123. Wormeley of Rosegill, 91. Wright, James, 94. Wurtemberg, 3. ^ Wynkoop, iii. Wythe, 91. Yale College Library, 114. Yale College Societies, xxxii, 114. Yates, III. Yates, Edmund, xxvi. Zurich, 3. JRN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY m^ 2 South Hall 642-2253 N PERIOD 1 2 3 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 1 7 197; tyj A NO. DD 18, 45m, 6'76 LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139822)476 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ® I Ctneral Library University of California Berkeley , r DFRKELEV LIBRARIES *