LUCKY PEHR BY AUGUSXyiiH STRINDBERG TRANSLATED BY VELMASWANSTON HOWARD !' ' li THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE SMI' ■-• ' S "ACRES OF SOO CINCINNATI LIBRARY EDITION OF AUGUST STIUNDBERG'S TWO GREATEST PLAYS ATITHORIZED TRANSLATION BY VELMA SWANSTON HOWARD EASTER, A Play in Three Acts, AND STORIES Net, $1.50. Postage extra LUCKY PEHR. A Drama in Five Acts. Net, $1.50. Postage extra STEWART & KIDD COMPANY PUBLISHERS AUGUST STRINDBERG COURTESY OF FREDERICK KEPPEL&CO LUCKY PEHR (A Drama in Five Acts) FROM THE SWEDISH OF AUGUST STRINDBERG AUTHOR OF " EASTER," ETC. TRANSLATED BY VELMA SWANSTON HOWARD AUTHOR IZKD EDITIOV CINCINNATI STEAVART fk KID!) COMPANY L?/\3 Copyright 1912 STEWART & KIDD COMPANY Entered at Stationers' Hall, London, England j4n rights reserved First Impression December, 1912 Second Impression -luiie, 1913 Fncdimilo of Hfrr Sf rindlnTK'o niithori/ntion, whfri-in lu" kovc Io Mfh. Howard ]0 the English rightu of tniiiHlntion for hiH |>liiy vnlitled "Lucky I'uhr," alBO the producing rights in America of said play. CHARACTERS Old Man in the Tower. Pehr. Lisa. Fairy. Elf. Rats (Nilla and Nisse). Butler. Assessor. Petitioner. First Friend. Second Friend. A Woman. Pillory. Statue. Wagon maker. Shoemaker. Chiropodist. Street-paver. Relative. Burgomaster. One of the People. Chamberlain of the Caliph. Ameer. Court Historian. Court Mullah. Grand Vizier. Poet Laureate. Bride. Singer. Death. Wise Man. Saint Bartholomew. Saint Laurence. Broom. Pall. A Voice. Townspeople, Dancers, Viziers, Courtiers, Court Attendants, etc. LUCKY PEER (Allegorical Play in Five Acts) From the Swedish of August Strindberg Translated by Velma Swanstou Howard SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Act I. — Kooui in a Churcli Tower. Act IL — (a) Forest — (b) Eicli Man's Ban- qnet Hall. Act III. — Public Square and Town Hall. Act IV. — (a) Calipli's Palace — (b) Seashore. Act V. — Country Churcli (Interior). Time: Middle Ages. ACT ONE ACT ONE Scene: A Room in the Church Tower. Window shutters at back tvide open, starlit sky is seen through ivindoius. Background: Snow covered house-roofs; gable luindoivs in the distance brilliantly illuminated. In room an old chair, a fire-pan and a picture of the Virgin, luith u lighted candle before it. Room is divided by posts — two in centre thick enough to conceal an adult. Chant, in unison, from the church below: A Solis ortus cardine Et usque torrae lijiiitcm Christum caiiamus piincipem Natum Maria Vir^ni. [^Ohl Man comes up tower steps and enters carrying a rat-trap, a haiicy-shcaj (iiid