$C E3b fiTS ^6 »- r \:^ U v A PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE MARRIAGE OF KING JAMES THE SIXTH OF SCOTLAND, WITH THE PRINCESS ANNA OF DENMARK; A.D. M.D.LXXXIX. AND THE FORM AND MANNER OF HER MAJESTY'S CORONATION AT HOLYROODHOUSE. A.D. MJD.XC. PRINTED AT EDINBURGH, M.DCCC.XXVIII. ZHM7 GrS- RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED PRESENTED BANNATYNE CLUB, BY J. T. GIBSON CRAIG. 6G975S THE BANNATYNB CLUB. JULY M.DCCC.XXVIII. SIR WALTER SCOTT, Baronet. [PRESIDENT.] THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF ABERDEEN. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM ADAM, LORD CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF THE JURY COURT. SIR WILLIAM ARBUTHNOT, BARONET. S JAMES BALLANTYNE, ESQ. SIR WILLIAM MACLEOD BANNATYNE. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD BELHAVEN AND STENTON. GEORGE JOSEPH BELL, ESQ. ROBERT BELL, ESQ. 10 WILLIAM BELL, ESQ. JOHN BORTHWICK, ESQ. WILLIAM BLAIR, ESQ. GEORGE BRODIE, ESQ. BRUDENELL J. BRUCE, ESQ. IS HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JOHN CALEY, ESQ. JAMES CAMPBELL, ESQ. THE HONOURABLE JOHN CLERK, LORD ELDIN. WILLIAM CLERK, ESQ. 20 HENRY COCKBURN, ESQ. DAVID CONSTABLE, ESQ. ANDREW COVENTRY, ESQ. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. 25 THE HONOURABLE GEORGE CRANSTOUN, LORD COREHOUSE. ROBERT DUNDAS, ESQ. HENRY ELLIS, ESQ. ROBERT FERGUSON, ESQ. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR RONALD C. FERGUSON. 30 THE COUNT DE FLAHAULT. JOHN FULLERTON, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GLENORCHY. WILLIAM GOTT, ESQ. SIR JAMES R. G. GRAHAM, BARONET. 35 ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GRAY. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF HADDINGTON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. E. W. A. DRUMMOND HAY, ESQ. 40 JAMES M. HOG, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JOHN HOPE, ESQ. DAVID IRVING, LL.D. JAMES IVORY, ESQ. THE REVEREND JOHN JAMIESON, D. D. 45 ROBERT JAMESON, ESQ. SIR HENRY JARDINE. FRANCIS JEFFREY, ESQ. JAMES KEAY, ESQ. JOHN G. KINNEAR, ESQ. 50 THOMAS KINNEAR, ESQ. [TREASURER.] THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF KINNOULL. DAVID LAING, ESQ. [SECRETARY.] THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE. THE REVEREND JOHN LEE, D. D. 55 THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN. COLIN MACKENZIE, ESQ. THE HONOURABLE J. H. MACKENZIE, LORD MACKENZIE. JAMES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. 60 THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. GILBERT LAING MEASON, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE VISCOUNT MELVILLE. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF MINTO. 05 SIR JAMES W. MONCREIFF, BAR 1 . THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JOHN ARCHIBALD MURRAY, ESQ. WILLIAM MURRAY, ESQ. MACVEY NAPIER, ESQ. FRANCIS PALGRAVE, ESQ. 70 HENRY PETRIE, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF ROSSLYN. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. 75 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR SAMUEL SHEPHERD, LORD CHIEF BARON OF SCOTLAND. ANDREW SKENE, ESQ. JAMES SKENE, ESQ. GEORGE SMYTHE, ESQ. JOHN SPOTTISWOODE, ESQ. 80 THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF STAFFORD. MAJOR-GENERAL STRATON. SIR JOHN ARCHIBALD STEWART, BAR*. THE HONOURABLE CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. ALEXANDER THOMSON, ESQ. 85 THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. [VICE-PRESIDENT.] W. C. TREVELYAN, ESQ. PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ. CONTENTS. Prefatory Notice. Fac Simile of a Letter from the King to Alexander Lord Spynie. Fac Simile of a Letter from the Queen to His Majesty. Declarations of King James VI. anent the Government of the Affairs of his Estate and Realme, during his Absence, with the Causes of his Departure to Denmark, Oct. 22, 1589, P. 1 Grant by the King to the Quenis Grace, of the Lordship of Dumfermling, in Morrowing Gift, Nov. 24, 1589, • 17 Letter from Sophia, Queen Dowager of Denmark, to King James VI., Nov. 26, 1589, . • .19 Letter from King James VI. to Sophia, Queen Dowager of Denmark, Nov. 26, 1589, . . .23 Ordour set down by the Kingis Majestie, to be observed upon his Return to Scotland, Feb. 1589, . • 27 The Receiving of King James VI. and his Queen at Leith, May 1, 1590, ... ..... 35 Proclamation maid efter the Kingis Majesteis Arryvaill, May 2, 1590, . . . .43 iv CONTENTS. The Forme and Maner of the Quenis Majesteis Coronatioun at the Kirk of Halyrudhous, Maii 17, 1590, . . P. 47 Stephaniskion ad Scotiae Regem habitum, in Coronatione Reginae, Maij 17, 1590, per Andream Meluinum. Verba Joannis Russelli Jureconsulti pro Senatu Populoque Edinburgensi habita, ad Serenissimam Scotorum Reginam Annam, dum Edinburgum ingreditur, 19 Maii, 1590. The Discription of the Qveenis Maiesties maist honorable Entry into the Tovn of Edinbvrgh, vpon the 19 day of Maii, 1590, by John Bvrel. APPENDIX. I. Letters from King James VI. and Extracts from the Re- gisters of the Privy Council of Scotland, relative to his Marriage — 1589—1590, . . . P. 1 II. Extracts from the Account of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, relative to the Expenses incurred upon the Marriage, &c, May — Oct. 1590. . .11 III. The Estate of the King and Quenis Majesties Hous- hald reformit, &c, the first day of Februare, 1590, . 23 The Papers contained in this volume have been printed chiefly from Records and other original Documents preserved in His Ma- jefty's General Regifter House, Edinburgh. The following very distinct account of the events to which they relate, is copied from a contemporary Annalist.* " In the mounth " of Junij the yeir of God 1589, King James the Sext of that name, " king of Scotts fent the Earle of Marifhall, with ane honorable " company, to Denmarke, to marie the King of Denmark's daughter, " named Anna, quhilk wes donne in the mounthe of Julay therafter : " and in the mounth of September nixt therafter, the Queine and the " Earll of Marifchall cam out of Denmarke to have come in Scot- " land : quhen they and ther haill companey, by contrarious vind " and tempeft of wether wer driuen vnto ane found of Norway, " called Ypflo, quher they wer haldin in with froft, fua that they " coidd not vin to Scotland all that vinter : at laft, after maney " meflages, fome by the faid King James the Sext to them to caus " them come auay in Scotland, and he vnderftanding by their an- * Annals of Scotland, by George Marjoribank8, burgess of Edinburgh. He died on the 15th November, 1591 : A very limited impression of his Annals, edited by John Graham Dalyell, Esq. from a MS. in the Advocates' Library, was published in 1814. " fuer, fent againe, that they wold not come quhill the fpring of " the yeir, he tooke purpois to pas to them him felue quietly, and " caufet prowyde certaine fhipes : and vpone the penult day of Oc- " tober 1589, he maid faill him felue, and paft to the queine to " Noruay, and therafter they depairtit out of Noruay to Denmark, " quher he and his queine and all ther companie, ver plealantlie " receavit and intertaineid : and remained ther by the fpace of " halffe a yeir, and marriet of new : and came hame to Scotland, " and landit at Leith the firft day of Maij 1590, with a fleeit of " xvi fliips, accompanied with fundrey noblemen of Denmark and " Noruay. And on the fext day of Maij the king and the queine " came to the Abby of Holyrudhous out of Leith : vith ther quholl " company of noblemen, and vpone the 17 day of the fame mounthe " the queine was crouned in the Abey kirk with grate magnificence " and triumphe, by the Duck of Lennox and the Lord Hamiltone : " and therafter fhe made her entres in Edinburgh with all the " noblemen of Denmark in her companie : the king abyding in " Holyrudhous." According to another contemporary, but unknown historian, the following passage will show that his narrative in other respects corresponds with that of Marjoribanks : — " In the moneth of Auguft of the nixt yeir 1589, Queyne Anne, " dochter to Frederic King of Denmarc, was mareit in Denmarc " to King James the 6 of Scotland, be his ambaflador the Erie " Marfhall, wha was directit thair for that effect. " In the end of that yeir the tempeft of ftorme bayth be fea and " land, was fa vehement, that many fhips pereifhit upoun the fea, fa to cum in of Auguft of October, . his Chan- 1 courteors, i Anne was is Majefteis ; whare he nmarc, and nixt yeir." * « | "E tT £ 21 i Queen is, o £ ^ £* ^ o £ fl S 2 . a remarkable H rt > JS g 1 |* fi ry timorous 7 « 3 3 3P s ...... .;. .« 13 i ^1 ra cploits, this | J * 2 * J ising ' The rt ^ *"* £ & g >e traversed 3 8 * rg i *S g istances cal- ies, without ;he Scottish n Elizabeth alliance, — a :ms to have rather than lis marriage ae Club, p. " fuer, fent again " the yeir, he too " caufet prowyde " tober 1589, he " Noruay, and thi " quher he and 1; " receavit and in " halffe a yeir, an " and landit at L " xvi fhips, accom " Noruay. And ( " came to the Abb " company of nobl " the queine was c " and triumphe, ty " and therafter fti " noblemen of De " Holyrudhous." According to an following passage corresponds with tl " In the moneth " dochter to Frede " to King James 1 " Marfhall, wha w, " In the end of t " land, was fa vehei vii " that the paflage for Queyne Anne was verie difficill to cum in " Scotland ; and the king abayd daylie fra the moneth of Auguft " luiking for hir arryvall, whill at laft upon the 22 day of October, " without lang deliberatioun, he embarkit himfelf, with his Chan- " celler Maitland, and certayne utheris of his officiers and courteors, " at the port of Leyth, and faillit to Opfld, whare Queyne Anne was " attending upoun fayre wother, and litill luiking for his Majefteis " cuming to hir at fik a tempeftuous tyme of the yeir ; whare he " abaid a certayne fliort feafon, and then he paft in Denmarc, and " returnit not in Scotland till the moneth of Maij in the nixt yeir." * King James's expedition to Norway in search of his Queen is, with the exception of the Gowrie Conspiracy, the most remarkable occurrence in his personal history. Naturally of a very timorous disposition, and by no means fond of adventurous exploits, this piece of gallantry must be regarded as not a little surprising. The late season of the year, and the tempestuous ocean to be traversed in vessels ill calculated for such a voyage, were circumstances cal- culated to have alarmed a stouter heart than that of James, without the additional terrors inspired by the incantations of the Scottish and Danish witches.f But the envious policy of Queen Elizabeth which stood opposed to his forming any matrimonial alliance, — a policy in which she had succeeded for some years, seems to have inspired him with a resolution to brave every danger rather than endure the apprehension that the consummation of his marriage with the Danish Princess might anywise be frustrated. * Hiftorie and Life of King Jame9 the Sext, printed for the Bannatyne Club, p. 240. f See Note, p. xiii. viii Of the Papei's themselves it may here be proper to give some account. " The Kingis Proclamation maid at his Depairtur," and " The " Kingis Majefties Declaratioun upoun the Caufis of his Depairtur " to Denmark," are for the first time printed from the Registers of the Privy Council of Scotland. The latter document is especially cu- rious, from being " all writtin with the Kingis Majefteis awne hand," and evidently the production of his Majesty's own head. It seems to have been drawn up chiefly to screen the Chancellor Maitland* from the odium which might have arisen from the supposition that he had instigated the king to take the voyage to Norway at so in- clement a season of the year. The following are his Majesty's own words : — " Sa I fay, upoun " my honnour, I kepit it (his refolution to go abroad) fa frome the " Chancellair, as I was nevir wount to do ony fecreitis of my " wechtyeft eftearis ; twa reflonis moving me thairto ; firft, becaus " I knew that giff I had maid him on the counfaill thairof, he had " bene blameit of putting it in my heid, quhilk had not bene his " dewitie, for it becumis na fubjectis to giff Princes advife in lie " materis ; and thairfoir remembering, quhat invyous and injuft " burding he dalie beiris, for hiding me be the nose, as it wer, to " all his appetytis, as giff I wer ane unrefsonable creature, or a " bairne that could do nathing of myfelff, I thocht pitie then, to be " the occafioun of the heaping of further injuft fklander upoun his * Sir John Maitland, second son of Sir Richard Maitland of Leithington and Thirlestane, afterwards created Lord Maitland of Thirlestane, successively enjoyed all the great offices of state in Scotland. He was allowed to have been one of the most talented men of his time. See Wood's Peerage. " heade, &c. This far I fpeik for his parte, alfweill for my awne " honnouris faik, that I be not unjuftlie fklanderit as ane irresolute " afse, quha can do nathing of himfelff," &c. The grant by the King to the Quenis Grace of the Lordfhip of Dumfermling, in Morrowing Gift,* dated at Upflo, 24th November, * Dr Jamieson gives the following account of this document in his valuable Dic- tionary of the Scottifh Language :— " Morning Gift. — The gift conferred by a hufband on his wife, on the morning " after marriage." " King James VI. ' immediately after the marriage, contracted and folempnized " ' between' him and Anne of Denmark, ' for the Angular love and affection borne " < toward her, gave, granted and confirmed to her, in forme of morning gift, all and " ' haill, the Lordschippe of Dunfermeline.' " Acts Ja. VI. Pari. 13. c. 191. " This Lordfhip was given to the Queen to be poflefled by her as her own pro- " perty during life. She was not to enter upon it in confequence of the King's de- " ceafe. For his Majefty's grant gave her immediate poffeffion. Both the nature " of the gift and its defignation refer to a very ancient cuftom. Morgongofwa was " the name given, in the Gothic laws, to the donation which the hufband made to his " wife on the day after marriage, &c. " I have not heard that it is cuftomary any where in Scotland for the hufband to " make any gift of this kind. But perhaps we have a veftige of this ancient cuftom " in the practice which ftill prevails in fome parts of Scotland, of relations and neigh- " bours making prefents to the young wife on the morning after her marriage. " As I have not obferved that this phrafe occurs any where elfe in our laws, per- " haps the ufe of it in this fingle inftance may fcarcely be deemed fufficient evidence " of its having been common. " It may be fuppofed that James might have borrowed it from the Danes ; for " when he made this gift to his Queen, he was at Upflo, in Norway, as the Act de- " clares. It is evident, however, from Regiam Majeftatem, that every freeman was " bound to endow his wife with a dowry at the kirk-door on the day of marriage . " B. II. c. 16. s. 1. 2. 33. Skene alfo fpeaks of morning gift, as a term commonly ufed " to denote ' the gift of gudes, moveable or immoveable, quhilk the hufband gives " ' to his wife the day or morning after the marriage.' De verb. Sign. Vo. Dos." b 1589 ; The original letter from Sophia, Queen Dowager of Den- mark, to James VI. and his anfwer ; and the Order fet down by the Kingis Majeftie to be obferved on his return to Scotland, 1589, are all preferved in the General Regifter Houfe. The receiving of King James the Sixt and his Queene at Lyeth in Scotland, the firft of May laft paft ; together with the coronation of the Scottifh Queen is printed from a modern transcript, com- municated by David Constable, Esq.* The Forme and Maner of the Quenis Majefties Coronatioun at the Kirk of Holyrudhous, 17 May 1590. This paper has long been preserved in the repositories of the Mar family. The then Countess of Marf acted a conspicuous part in the ceremony. * This tract, which appeared in a quarto form, in 1590, without printer or pub- lisher's name, is so rare, that I have been unable to trace where a copy is to be found. At the sale of the library of Isaac Reed, Esq., in 1807, a copy which it is believed is now in the possession of Richard Heber, Esq. brought five guineas. Henry Carre (an English printer) had license for printing " A thing in profe of the entertaynment of the King and Queen, thair entering into Scotland, with the Quenis Coronation." — Herbert's Ames, Vol. III. p. 1338. It is more than probable that this is the tract in question. f Annabella Murray, daughter of Sir William Murray of Tullibardine, knight, and spouse of John VI. Earl of Mar, was entrusted with the care of bringing up James VI. There are still in the possession of that ancient family the cradle and nursery chair which were used by James ; they are both of oak, and in the most perfect preservation. Many other royal relics unfortunately perished in the fire which consumed Alloa Tower, in 1800. 2TE$ANI2KION ad Scotiae Regem habitum in Coronatione Reginae, 17 May 1590. Per Andreara Melvinum.* Printed from the copy of this very rare tract, belonging to the Advocate's Library. Verba Joann. Ruflelli, Jureconfulti pro Senatu Populoque Edinbur- genfi habita, ad Sereniffimam Scottorum Reginam Annam, dum Edinburgum ingreditur, 19 Maii, anno 1590. This is reprinted from a copy of this tract, also very rare, preserved in the College Library. Of John Russell f nothing satisfactory is known. The Defcription of the Queenis Majefties maift honorable entry into the toun of Edinburgh, upon the 19 day of Maii 1590. By John Burrel4 This Poem is given, not on account of any merit in the versification, but from its containing a curious and interest- ing recital of the whole circumstances of the pageant which took place on the Queen's entrance into Edinburgh. The history of the Author is unknown. The Poem is printed from Watson's Collections of Scottish Poetry, 1712, Part Second. * For a full account of this poem, see the Rev. Dr M'Crie's Life of Andrew Mel- ville. Vol. i. p. 382, and Note FF at the end of the same volume. f On the 29 Sept. 1602, a complaint was given in to the Presbytery of Edinburgh by the minister of Cramond, " Aganes Mr Johne Ruflell, Advocat, Portioner of Gran- tone, for prophaining the Saboth in burding peifs and dichting of come." The Pres- bytery ordains the minister to summon the said Mr John Russell before the kirk-session, and in event of his refusal, to proceed against him according to the acts of the kirk. Various entries occur in the Records of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, respecting this process ; but in August 1603, where the minutes terminate, no decision had been given. J Various other congratulatory addresses upon the marriage appeared from the printing presses of Laurence Benedict at Copenhagen, and Robert Waldegrave, Edinburgh. One of these is entituled, " Harmonia Gratulatoria Nuptiis et honori Se- reniffimi Potentiffimique Principis ac Domini Jacobi VI. Scotorum Regis : et Sere- Those Papers form a collection not unworthy, it is hoped, of being presented to the Bannatyne Club. They have been printed with the most scrupulous fidelity from the originals. The ortho- graphy has in no instance been departed from, and any blanks that have been supplied are inserted between brackets. I must not omit to mention that I have been much indebted to Henry S. Vans, Esq: Advocate, for the use of the three letters of James VI. to his ancestor Sir Patrick Vans of Barnbarroch,* and also for that of an autograph journal by the same individual, which, however, was too meagre and imperfect to supply any sufficiently interesting extracts. To Mr Alexander Macdonald, Assistant Curator of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, my best thanks are also due, for having presented me with the excellent characteristic lithographic fac-si- milies of the letters of James and Anna.f and for his kindness in superintending the printing of this collection. niflimi Principis ac Dili D. Frederici II. Daniae, Norvegiee, &c. Regis Filiae Annae Illuftriffimae Scotiae Regine. — Sex vocibus compofita et dedicata ab Abrahamo Prse- torio Megapolenfi. HafnIjE Impreflit Laurentius Benedictus, M.D.XC." 4to, — a copy of which is preserved in the British Museum. * Several Acts of Ratification were passed in the Parliaments of Scotland, 1587 and 1592, in favours of the " Ambafiadors in his Majefties wechtie caufis, fpecialie toward the King of Denmark," — and in " Approbatioun of thair fervices quha accum- paneit his Majeftie to Noroway and Denmark, to treat the mariage betwix the King and Quenis Majefties."— [Acta Pari. III., 491, 565, &c.]] f From Sir James Balfour's Collections in the Advocate's Library. The volume from which that of the Queen is taken, contains a very curious and interesting series of letters, and is entitled by Sir James,—" Letters from Queine Anna, Prince Hen- rey, Prince Charles, the King and Queine of Bohemia, Prince Elector Fredrick Henrey to K. Ja, 6." NOTE TO PREFACE, P. VII. " About this tym, (1591) many witches wer tane in Lowdien, wha deponit of fome C |] maid be the Erie Bodowell, as they allegit, againft his Maiefteis perfone. Quhilk commyng to the faid erlis eares, he entred in ward within the caftell of Eden- brouch, defyring to be tryed ; alleging that the deuell, wha was a Iyer from the be- ginning, nor yet his fworn witches, audit not to be credited. Specially ane renowned midwyf callit Anny Sampfoun, affirmed that fche, in company with nyn vthers witches, being convenit in the nycht befyd Preftounpannes, the deuell ther maifter being pre- fent ftanding in the midis of them ; ther a body of wax fchaipen and maid be the faid Anny Sampfoun, wrappit within a lynnyng claith, was firft delyuerit to the deuell ; quhilk eftir he had pronuncit his verde, delyuerit the faid pictour to Anny Sampfoun, and fche to hir nyxt marrow, and fa euery ane round about, faying, this is K. James the fext, ordonit to be confumed at the inftance of a noble man Francis Erie Bodo- well. Efterwart again, at ther meting be nycht in the kirk of Northberick, wher the deuell, cled in a blak gown with a blak hat vpon his head, preachit vnto a gret nom- ber of them out of the pulpit, having lyk leicht candelis rond about him. The effect of his langage was till knaw, what fkaith they had done, whow many they had won to ther oppinion fen ther laft meting, what fucces the melting of the pictour had tane, and fie vain toyes. And becaufe ane auld fely pure plowman, callit Grey Meill, chancit to fay that " nathing ailit the King yet, God be thankit," the deuell gaif him a gret blaw. Then dyuers amang them enterit in a raifonyng, maruelling that all ther deuellerie culd do na harm to the K. as it did till others dyuers. The deuell anfwerit, " II eft vn home de Dieu." And certanly he is a man of God, and dois na wrang wittingly, bot is inclynit to all godlynes, juftice, and vertu, therfore God hes preferued him in the midis of many dangers. Now efter that the deuell had endit his admonitions, he cam down out of the pulpit, and caufed all the company to com and kifs his ers, quhilk they faid was cauld lyk yce ; his body was hard lyk yrn, as they thocht that handled him ; his faice was terrible, his noife lyk the bek of ane egle, gret bournyng eyn ; his handis and legis wer herry, with clawes vpon his handis and feit lyk the griffon, and fpak with a how voice." — [Sir James Melville's Memoirs, p. 395.] It was then the general belief — a belief in which the King himself participated, that the witches of the two countries were in league to prevent by tempefts the arri- val of the Queen. Among the " articles of dittay" (53 in number,) againft Agnes Sampfoune, dilatit before the High Court of Jufticiary of the cryme of witchcraft, Jan. 27, 1590, are the following : — 12. " Item, fylit and convict that fche foirknew of the devill, and tauld Patrick Porteous that he wald leve bot ellevin yeiris." 13. " Item, fylit, that fche wes maid foirknawin of the devill, of the laft Michelmas ftorme, and that thair wald be grit fkayth, baith be fee and land." 14. " Item, fylit, that fche wes maid foirknawin be the fpreit that the Qtienis Ma- jejlie wald newir cum in this countrey except the King fetcht Mr" 33. " Item, fylit and convict that the fyrft tyme fche began to ferve the dewill, wes eftir the death of hir hufband, and that he apperit to hir, in liknes of ane man, quha commandit hir to acknawledge him, as hir maifter, and to renunce Chryft ; quhairunto fche grantit, being movit be povertie, and his promefis that fche and hir bairnis fould be maid ritch, and fould gif hir power to be revangeit of hir inimeis : and eftir that, he appointit tyme and place for thair nycht meting ; and that tyme in figne that fche wes becum his fervand, he markit hir in the rycht kne, quhilk mark fche belevit to haif bene ane hurt reffavit be hir fra ane of hir bairnis that wes lyand in the bed with hir ; quhilk hurt was nocht haill for half ane yeir." 35. " Item, fylit and convict, for failling with certane hir complices, out of North Berwik in ane boit lyke ane chimnay, (the devill paffing before thame lyke ane ruk of hay) to ane fchip callit the Grace of God, in the quhilk fche enterit, and the devill caufit hir drink wyne, and gaif hir uthir guid cheir, quhairof fche and hir cumpany gaif ane part to thame that wes in the flott boit ; and at hir being thair, fche faw nocht the marineris, nathir thay faw hir ; and quhen thay come away, the dewill rafit ane ewill wind, he being under the fchip, and caufit the fchip perifch, and fche delyverit twentie fchilling to Gray-meill quha wes with her in the faid fchip, for his on-wait- ting." 36. " Item, fylit, upoun hir awin confeflioune, that fche be airt of witchcraft faillit to ane fchip, quhair thair wes ane uncouth woman, and the Irfch tailyeour and his wyffe was principallis thair ; and that Rychard Grahame wes ane uther of the prin- cipallis, quha had wrocht mekle mifcheif." 40. " Item, fylit and convict of the delyverie of ane lettir, quhilk Johnne Fiene Clark maid in George Mutis bak hous in the Pannis, [[Preftonpans^ accumpaneit with the guidwyfe of the hous, Gelie Duncan, Beffie Robfoune, Jokkie Gray-meill, Jonet Gaw, Erifch Marioun, the wobfteris wyfe of Setoune, Robert Greirfoune, the guidwyfe of Spilmurfurd-mylne, callit Meg Begtoune, Jame Spurrowis wyfe, callit Kait Wallace, quha conrenit thair for raising of storme to stay the Quenis hame- cuming to Scotland ; eftir confultatioune, quhether Gelie Duncan or Beffie Thom- foune wes meiteft to fend the letter with, and concludit to fend the faid Gelie; quhilk letter was fend to Marioun Leuchop in Leyth: the effect quhairof was this: — " Marioun Leuchop, Ye fall warne the reft of the fifteris to raife the wind this day, at ellevin houris, to ftay the Quenis cuming in Scotland." Lykeas they that wer convenit at the Pannis, fould do for thair part beeift (to the eaftward) ; and to meit thame that wer in the Pannis ; and at thair meting thay fould mak the ftorme uni- verfall thro the fee, and within aucht dayis eftir the faid bill wes delyverit. The faid Agnes Sampfoune, Jonet Campbell, John Fean, Gelie Duncan, and Meg Dyn, baptefit ane catt in the wobftairis hous, in maner following : fyrft twa of thame held ane fingar in the ane fyde of the chimnay cruik, and ane uther held ane uther fingar in the uther fyde, the twa nebbis of the fingaris meting togidder : Than thay patt the catt thryis throw the linkis of the cruik, and paffit it thryis under the chimnay : Thaireftir, at Beffie Toddis hous, thay knitt to the foure feit of the catt foure jountis of men ;* quhilk being done, the faid Jonet fetchit it to Leith, and about midnycht fche and the twa Leuchops, and twa wyffeis callit Stobbeis, came to the Peirheid, and faying thir wordis, " See that thair be na defait araangis ws ;" and thay caift the catt in the fee, fa far as thay mycht. quhilk fwam owre and cam agane ; and thai that wer in the Pannis caift in ane uther catt in the fee at xj houris : Eftir quhilk, be thair inforcerie and inchantment, the boit perifchit betuix Leith and Kinghorne : Quhilk thing the dewill did, and went before with ane ftaff in his hand." 48. " Item, for being at the Conventioun betuix Coufland and Carbarry, quhair thair was Agnes Straittoun, togidder with the witch of Carbarrie and hir felf ; quhair * This was another of the articles againft her : — 26. " Item, convict f of hir devilifch practelis, and namelie of hir paffing to Natoun kirk under nycht, with the witch of Carbarrie and utheris, and thair taking up the bureit people md junting of thame ; quhairof fche maid inchantit powder for witchcraft." f Nota, " acquit of this." fche quarrellit hir maifter the dewill, and that in refpect flie had nevir gottin guid of him, and faid fche wald renunee him, bot did it nocht ; and he promefit to hir, at that tyme, that na thing fould ga aganis her," &c. &c. &c. Sentence. " For the quliilk caus the faid Agnes wes ordenit be the Juftice, pronunceit be the mouth of James Scheill, dempllar, to be tane to the Caftell Chilly of Edinburgh, and thair bund to ane ftaik and wirreit, quhill fche wes deid ; and thaireftir hir body to be brunt in afsis ; and all hir movable gudis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our Soveraine Lordis ufe," &c — [Records of the High Court of Jufticiary.] For a long and moft curious dissertation on witches and witchcraft, relating to this period, see Prefatory Notice to Law's Memorials, by C. K. Sharpe, Esq. S*M, i+fijimjHk *«jr$ ^t^fyJiferwce u&e/nJ 6e/™' re **^^ fe i&fafaujriL astrfhd*™* Uyofi 1n£ jyectaitie af '€*i& Cyme le^^ U& thsjer-uetfrovre e^y^^ejr^e^yof Xlse^ from fl>e c*JbU of ^t^e-e^v i./w.-^«^-.-^- l/A^' .Jfostt-t _ Sir ^^ j haul £ui~ a j abut: ^ftd^ptL^_^ ■§Z='/ulul- cch&3y'^ btoULi&s KM it., u tAz^wn^ 1589. ON HIS DEPARTURE TO DENMARK. 7 nour, fall nocht be left in ony incertane loufenes, without dew pro- vifioun for the regiment thairof in oure abfence, We have thairfoir of oure propir motive, uncounfallit be ony levand man, maid a De- claratioun of oure will and mynd in that behalff, commanding the fame to be writtin and kepit be oure Clerk of Register ; And yit this cuntrey hes fufferit langair want of ane eftabliffit governament, nor, God willing, oure abfence falbe, as experience gaif prufe fra the deathe of oure darreft gudeame the Quene Regent, quhill the arryvaill furth of France in oure realme of the Quene oure darrest moder of gude memorie, be the fpace of fouretene monethis, all men halding bak thair handis fra tuillis and doing of mifcheiffis in the meantyme, upon a reverent feir and luiff of thair foverane in hir abfence, being baith a woman and a minor ; in quhilk fpace thair wes greitair repofe and quietnes then at ony tyme in the beft governamentis of befoir or fenfyne. Bot returning, We will that oure ordinair prevey counfaill fall remane and be refident at Edin- burgh, and that oure darreft nepheu ; the Duke of Lennox, falbe pre- fident thairof, accumpanyed with our richt traift coufing and coun- fallour, the Erll Bothuill, our Admirall, quha fall mak his continuall refidence with oure faid nepheu, togidder with the baronis and landit men of Lowtheane, Fyffe, Strivilingfhire, and Stratharne, quhilk is dividit in foure quartaris, We will fall cum, remane, and attend upoun oure faid nepheu, at Edinburgh, every quarter, thair fyftene dayis aboute, in cais oure abfence falhappin to be fa lang, Oure faid coufing, the Erll Bothuill alwayes taking the cair to fee thair at- tendance gevin, and that thay be deulie warnit to that effect ; and 8 DECLARATIONS OF THE KING 1589. the diflbbedientis, giff ony falhappin, to be noted and rememberit as appertenis : For quhilk purpois the baronis and landit men of Loutheane to repair firft to Edinburgh, and thair be ficht and ad- vife of the faid Duke of Lennox, Erll Bothuill and counfaill affift- ing thame to tak purpois, quhat perfonis fall attend the firft xv dayis, and quhilkis the nixt : And befoir the outrynning of the tyme ap- pointit for Loutheane, that the baronis and landit men of Striviling- fhire, Stratharne, and Fyffe be warnit to fend thair commiflionaris to Edinburgh, for the like divifioun of the quartaris to be kepit be thame : And in cais our tary falhappin, at Godis plefure, to be langair, the faidis quartaris to be agane renewit ; and that oure haill officiaris of eftate attend continuallie upon oure counfaill and effearis at Edin- burgh, quhill oure returning : And alwayes oure Thefaurair, or his Depute, Comptrollair, Mafter of Requeiftis, Lord Prevey Seill, Cap- tane of oure Caftell of Edinburgh, Laird of Ormeftoun, oure Advo- cat and Clerk of Regifter, or ony fyve of thame, be alwayes prefent at counfallis with oure nepheu, the Duke of Lennox, and Erll Bo- thuill : And becaus it wilbe difficile for the noblemen of oure realme to mak fie continuall refidence, We will thairfoir that the foure and foure eftirf olio wing, sail mak refidence thair fyftene dayis aboute, at Edinburgh, in this order, the Erllis of Angus and Athoill, with the Lordis Fleming and Innermeith, to remane togidder ; and the Erllis of Mar and Mortoun, with the Lordis Seytoun and Yefter, to remane likwayes togidder, to the quhilk oure Prevey Counfaill fa remaining at Edinburgh, all materis of oure realme requiring to be hard and decidit in oure Prevey Counfaill falbe brocht, exceptand 1589. ON HIS DEPARTURE TO DENMARK. 9 the fouth partis committit to the charge of oure coufing, the Lord Hammiltoun, and in materis quhair difficultie fall appeir to tak the advife of our Seffioun ; We will alswa and require the Lordis of oure Counfaill and Seffioun to convene at thair tyme appointit, and to do juftice to all oure liegis, as thai will anfuer to God and ws thairupon. We committ the cair, overficht and commandiment of the fouth pairtis of oure realme, within the boundis of the three wardanreis of oure realme foiranent England, and haill fchirefdome of Lanerk, to oure richt traift coufing and counfallour, Johnne Lord Hammil- toun, to be affifted and avifed at all tymes as he fall think meit to require and employ thame, be the Erll of Glencarne, the Lordis Boyd, Maxwell, Hereis, Hume, the Laird of Cesfurde and uthiris the chieff Baronis, luifTaris of juftice and gude ordour in the boundis of the marcheis ; and that all having to do for bordour ma- teris, addres thame and thair complaintis to oure faid richt traift coufing the Lord Hammiltoun : And to the effect that he may be the mair reddy to heir and determinat thame, We will and require him effectuuflie to remane and mak his refidence at Jedburgh or Drum- freis, as he fall find the occafioun maift necefiarlie to crave his pre- fence ; and fen that fervice probablie will draw him to further char- geis, nor uthirwayes he wald be at, We promeis to fee him fatiffeit thairfoir to his awne contentment ; and for the mair certantie thair- of, willis him to be anfuerit of the reddieft of the taxatioun ap- pointit for the furtherance of oure mariage, be Mr Johnne Colvill, Collectour of the fame taxatioun, nochtwitbftanding ony difpofi- tioun utherwayes maid of ony pairt thairof, quhilk we will fall ceis 10 DECLARATIONS OF THE KING 1589. quhill he be firft fervit and payit : And in cais fie thingis happynis to occur in our abfence, as neceflarlie fall require the avife of oure nobilitie and counfaill, alfweill appointit to be refident at Edinburgh, as to accumpany our coufing the Lord Hammiltoun, for oure effearis in the fouth pairtis of oure realm e, We will that oure ne- pheu the Duke of Lennox and the Lord Hammiltoun, conjunctlie with the counfallis appointed with thame, or famony as may be had prefent for the tyme, fall convene, treate, deliberat, conclud, and putt in executioun quhatfoevir thay fall think convenient to be done for our honnour and fervice and commounwele, and quiet- nes of our realme ; That oure burgh of Edinburgh and remanent burrowis of our realme keip thame felffis in quietnes and gude or- dour undir oure obedience, unfuffering ony of oure liegis to have re- forte thairin with convocatioun or in armour, and to be reddy to keip watche and warde for that effect, for thair awne faulfty, and furthfetting of oure authoritie as oure counfale fall direct and appoint thame : We defire the minifteris of Godis worde eirniftlie to pray to God for the gude fucces of oure jornay and profperous returning with the Quene our darreft fpous and all oure cumpany, and to putt oure people in mynd of thair dewiteis towardis God and Ws ; and to efchew alwayes all thingis that may breade and continew trouble and unquietnes amangis thame felffis : Commanding and requiring all and findrie oure faithfull and loving fubjectis, upoun the faith and obedience quhilk thay aw to God and Ws, and as thay will deferve oure thankis and reward, and efchew oure heich indignatioun, that thai and every ane of thame endevoir thame felffis to leif in concord, 1589. ON HIS DEPARTURE TO DENMARK. 11 amitie and gude nychtbourheid, ilkane with uthir, undir fie direc- tioun and commandiment as we have heir appointed and ordanit, during oure remaining furth of oure realrae : And that nane of thame prefume, or tak upoun hand to brek, violat or contravene this oure will and ordinance ; Bot that fie as hes heirtofoir offendit Ws, and found oure favour, contend to fhaw thair thankfull pairtis in keping of thair promifiit and fworne obedience and loyaltie ; and othiris that hes not fallin of befoir, to ftiaw thame felffis cairfull to continew, fpeciallie in our abfens : And that every ane preas to fee that tyme kepit haly and unviolat frome committing of all outragi- ous and wicked deidis, latting this oure will and admonitioun ferve for a full and fufficient afiurance not only to move thame not to offend or to fuffir offenffis to be committit quhair thay may forbid and withftand it, bot treulie to concur to the dew punifhment of all ofFenfiis to be committit in this tyme : Certefeing thame that dois in the contrair to oure contempt and difhonnour, the fault falbe ir- remiflible, and God willing, fall not be left unrevengeit and puniffit at oure returning in example of otheris : And that oure letters be paft undir oure Signet, according heirto for publicatioun of this OHre will. At Leith, 22 Octobris, 1589. 12 DECLARATIONS OF THE KING 1589. The Kingis Majesteis Declaratioun upoun the Causis of His Depairtur. 1 Efter the reding of the quhilk his Majefteis will, the said Clerk of Register prefentit ane uther Declaratioun, all writtin with the Kingis Majefteis awne hand, quhairof the tennour fellowis : INRE- SPECT I knaw that the motioun of my voyage at this tyme wilbe diverflie fkanfit upoun, the interpreting quhairof may tend alfweill to my grite diflionnour, as to the wrangous blame of Innocentis, I have thairupoun bene moved to fett doun this prefent Declaratioun with my awne hand, heirby to refolve all gude fubjectis : Firft of all, the caufes breiflie that move me to tak this purpois in heid, and nixt in quhat faflioun I refolved myfelfF thairof. As to the caufes, I doubt nocht it is manifeftlie knawne to all how far I wes gene- rallie found fault with be all men for the delaying falang of my mariage ; the reffonis wer, that I wes allane, without fader or mo- der, bruthir or fifter, King of this realme and air appeirand of England ; this my naikatnes maid me to be waik and my Inemyis ftark, ane man wes as na man, and the want of hoip of fucceffioun bread difdayne ; yea my lang delay bred in the breiftis of mony a 1 The following notice of the King's Departure appears in the Books of Sederunt of the Lords of Council and Session : — " The King fhippit at Leith, to pas to Norra- vay, on Wadinfday betuix xij and ane houris, efter midnight, quhilk was the xxij day of October, 1589." 1589. ON HIS DEPARTURE TO DENMARK. 13 grite jealofie of my inhabilitie, as gif I wer a barrane ftok : Thir reflbnis and innumerable otberis hourly objected, moved me to haif- ten the treaty of my mariage ; for as to my awne nature, God is my witnes, I could have abftenit langair nor the Weill of my patrie could have permitted. I am knawne, God be praifed, not to be very intemperatly rafhe nor concety in my wechtieft effairis, nather ufe I to be fa caryed away with paffioun as I refuse to heir reafoun : This treaty, then, being perfyted, and the Quene, my bedfallow, cuming on hir jornay, how the contrarious wyndis flayed hir, and quhair fho wes drevin, it is mair nor notorious to all men : And that it wes neceffarlie concludit be the Efteatis, that it behuifit ne- ceffarlie to be performed this yeir, I remitt it to thame felffis quha concludit the fame in the fpring, at the Erll Mairfhallis directing ; the worde then cuming to me, that fho wes ftayed frome cuming thrugh be the contrarious tempeftis of windis, and that hir fhippis wer not able to perfyte hir voyage this yeir, thruch the grite hurte thai had refTaved ; remembering myfelff of hir inhabilitie, on the ane part to cum, and of the foirfaid refolutioun of the Efteatis on the uther, the like quhairof I had oft folempnitlie avowit, I upoun the inftant, yea very moment, refolvit to mak poffible on my part, that quhilk wes impoflible on hirs. The place that I refolvit this in wes Craig- millair, not ane of the haill Counfale being prefent ther ; And as I tuke this refolutioun onlie of myfelff, as I am a trew Prince, fa ad- vifed with myfelff onlie quhat way to follow furth the fame : Quhair- upoun I thocht firft to have had the cullour of the Erll Bothuillis parting, quhome firft I employed to have maid this voyage, alfweill 14 DECLARATIONS OF THE KING 1589. in refpect of his office, as likeuife the reft of the Counfale heing ab- fent all that haill day ; efter I come to Edinburgh, the Chancellair and the Juftice Clerk being yit unreturned oute of Lauder, and the haill reft of the Officiaris of Eftate being all at ther awne houffis, the Clerk of Regifter onlie excepted. Bot fra I faw this voyage im- poffible to be perfyted be the Erll Bothuill, in refpect of the coiftis he had bellowed upoun the preparatiounis of my mariage, quhairby he wes unable to mak it with fie expeditioun and honnour as the eftate of that affair and his perfone did require, I wes then forceid to feik fum other way, and to abyde the Counfallis affembling ; quha being convenit, fand fie difficulties in reiking out a nowmer of ftiippis for hir convoy, for fa I gaif it oute quha fuld be the per- fonis of the Ambaffade, as I wes compelled (to mak thame the mair eirnist) to avow in grite vehemencie, that gifF thay could be gottin na other to gang I fuld ga myfelff allane, gif it wer bot in ane ftiip : Bot giff all men (faid I) had bene als Weill willit as become thame, I neidit nocht be in that ftrait. Thir fpeiches moved the Chancellair upoun three refpectis, to mak his offir of going ; ffirft, taking thefe fpeiches of evill will unto him, becaus all men knawis how he hes bene this lang tyme fklanderit for over grite flawnes in the mater of my mariage ; nixt, his zeale to my fervice, feing me fa eirnift ; and laft, the feir he had that I fuld have performed my fpeiches, gif na bet- ter culd have bene. Fra the tyme of the making of this offer, I have evir kepit my intentioun of my going als clois as poffible I could frome all men, becaus I thocht ay it was aneuch for me to putt my fute in the fchip, quhen all thingis wer redy, without fpeiring of 1589. ON HIS DEPARTURE TO DENMARK. 15 furthir, as I kepit it generallie clois fra all men ; fa I fay, upoun my honnour, I kepit it fa frome the Chancellair, as I was nevir wount to do ony fecreitis of my wechtyeft effearis ; twa reflbnis moving me thairto ; firft, becaus I knew that giff I had maid him on the counfaill thairof, he had bene blameit of putting it in my heid, quhilk had not bene his dewitie, for it becumis na fubjectis to giff Princes advife in fie materis ; and thairfoir remembering, quhat invyous and injuft burding he dalie beiris, for leiding me be the nofe, as it wer, to all his appetytis, as giff I wer ane unreflbnable creature, ,or a bairne that could do nathing of myfelfF, I thocht pitie then, to be the occafioun of the heaping of further injuft fklander upoun his heade. The other reafoun wes, that as I perceaved it wes for flay- ing of me that he maid the offer of his ganging, fa was I aflured, that upoun knawlege of my ganging, he wald ather altogether have ftayed himfelff, or at leift lingered als lang as he could, thinking it over grite a burding to him to undertak my convoy, as I knew, upoun the rumquris of my ganging, he hes faid na les to findrie of his freindis. This far I fpeik for his parte, alfweill for my awne honnouris faik, that I be not unjuftlie fklanderit as ane irrefolute affe, quha can do nathing of himfelff; as alfo, that the honneftie and innocencie of that man be not injuftlie and untreulie reproched. And as for my pairt, quhat moved me, ye may juge be that quhilk I have alreddy faid, befydis the fchortenes of the way, the furetie of the paffage being clene of all fandis, foirlandis, or ficlike dangeiris, the harboreyis in thefe partis fa fuir, and na forreyne fleetis refort- ing upoun thefe feis. It is my plefure then, that na man grudge 16 DECLARATIONS OF THE KING, &c. 1589. or murmour at thir my procedingis, bot latt every man leave a peaceable and quiet lyffe without offending of any ; and that all man conforme himfelff to the directionis in my proclamatioun quhill my returne, quhilk I promeis falbe, God willing, within the fpace of twentie dayes, wind and wethir ferving : Latt all men af- fair thamefelffis, that quhafoever contravenis my directionis in my abfence, I will think it a fufficient pruiff that he beris na luif in his hairt towardis me ; and be the contrair, thais will I onlie have re- fpect to at my returne, that reverends my commandiment and will in my abfence. Fairweill. (ijsm&j^ Clerk of Regifter, it is my will that this Declaratioun be regiftrat for the mair force and authentiknes. GRANT BY THE KING TO THE QUENIS GRACE, OF THE LORDSHIP OF DUMFERMLING, IN MORROWING GIFT.* AT UPSLO, 24 NOV. 1589. JACOBUS Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, Omnibus Regni sui homi- nibus clericis et laicis Salutem. Noveritis Nos, pro fingulari araore et affectione quara habemus gt gerimus erga Sereniffimam Dominam Annam Sereniffimi Chriftiani Quarti, Principis et electi Regis Da- niae et Noruegiae &c. sororem, et conjugem noftram charifiimam, et qua moti et incitati caeterorum omnium in tota Europa principum affinitate pofthabita, earn in vitae, bonorum omnium et utriufque fortunae fociam et confortem elegimus et affumpfimus, ejufque fo- lius gratia, media pene hyeme, itineris difficultates matris oceani tem- pestates et pericula nihil veriti, in intimas regni Noruegiae partes penetravimus, Dedifse et Concefsifse, et per prefentes dare, et in modum ac formam morgenaticae donationis concedere, ac pro No- bis et fuccefsoribus nostris confirmare, praedictae Dominae Ann^ conjugi noftras fuavifsimae, Totum et integrum Dominium de Dumfermeling, cum omnibus fuis baroniis, terris, principali man- fione, domibus hortis pafcuis molendinis et multuris, ac terris mo- * This gift, along with the contract of marriage, dated at the Castle of Croneburgh, 20th August 1589, and various charters granted by the King, of the Palaces of Lin- lithgow, and Falkland, &c, in favour of the Queen, for fulfilling his part of the above contract, are confirmed by the Parliament of Scotland 1592.— (Acta Pari. III. 565.) C 18 GIFT TO THE QUENIS GRACE. lendinariis, decimis tain majoribus quam minoribus, fylvis et nemo- ribus, carbonibus et carbonariis, pifcationibus et omnibus aliis per- tinentiis fuis quibufcunque, tarn non nominatis quam nominatis, tarn fubtus terra quam fupra terram, jacen. in boreali parte aquae de Forth ; quas quidem terras et baronias, cum omnibus fupra fpecifica- tis, Nos antea in unum integrum et liberum Dominium univimus, annexuimus et incorporavimus. Tenendum et Habendum dictum Dominium cum omnibus antedictis fuis pertinen. predictae noftrae Conjugi pro omnibus vitae fuae diebus, de Nobis et fuccefforibus noftris Regibus Scotia?, Solvendo denarium argenteum ad feftum pentecoftes, fi petatur tantum, nomine albae firmae, adeo libere et pa- cifice, ficut quilibet ex noftris fubditis in dicto noftro Regno, domi- nia et terras de nobis tenet et pofsidet, vel quovis tempore preterito tenuit et poffedit. Praeterea Nos sancte promittimus et fuccefsores noftros fub ftrictiflima obligationis forma obligamus, ad tradendum realem et actualem pofsefsionem, dictae noftrae conjugi, totius et in- tegri dicti Dominii cum omnibus fuis pertinen. ut facilius juxta leges mores ac confuetudines Regni noftri iisdem guadere, et toto vitae fuae tempore uti frui poflit. In cujus noftrae donationis amplio- rem fidem praefentibus manu noftra fignatis, Regni nostri Sigillum appendi curavimus,Upfaliae Noruegorum, vigefimo quarto die menfis Novembris, Anno Domini Millefimo quingentefimo octuagefimo nono, et regni noftri vigefimo tertio. LETTER FROM SOPHIA, QUEEN DOWAGER OF DENMARK, TO KING JAMES VI. 26 NOV. 1589. SOPHIA Dei gratia Daniae, Noruagiae, Vandalorum, Gothorumque Regina, ex inclyta Ducum Megapolenfium familia oriunda, Ducifia Slefuigi, Holfatiae, Stormariae ac Dithmarfiae, Comitifla in Oldenburg et Delmenhorft, Vidua, Serenifiimo Principi Domino Jacobo VI. Scotorum Regi Confanguineo et filio noftro dilectiffimo, Salutem, et continuum rerum agendarum incrementum. Sereniflime Princeps, Confanguinee et fili dilectifiime, Dedimus non ita pridem, copio- sas ad Serenitatem Vestram literas, ex quibus earn liquido cogno- viffe fperamus, nihil a nobis effe ftudii aut diligentiae praetermiffum qud diuturni fui voti earn compotem redderemus, ac filiam noftram dilectiflimam Serenitati Vestrae defponfatam, cum inftructiflima Claffe, decentique comitatu in Scotiam mitteremus. Quo minus verd quod maxime cordi nobis erat, perfecerimus ; id incommutabili divinae voluntati, cui obfiftere velle vanum ac temerarium fit, non ullo noftro confilio aut ftudio adfcribendum, fatis Serenitatem Vef- tram perfpexifle arbitramur : Quippe negantibus fieviffimis tempef- tatibus et adverfo ventorum flatu, aliifque non exiguis incommodis, quibus pleraeque naves Regiae ita afflictae funt, ut tanto itineri eme- tiendo, pares deinceps non effent. Quas noftras literas cum certo 20 LETTER FROM SOPHIA QUEEN OF DENMARK 1589. Serenitati Veftrae effe redditas jam existimemus, non utemur pluri- bus verbis in repetendis iis qua? jam ante fufius a nobis expofita funt, illud tantum hoc tempore addidiffe contentae, non multd poft, crebris primum rumoribus, deinde certis etiam nuntiis, ad Nos effe perlatum, Serenitatem Veftram in Noruegiam appuliffe. Quod ut a fmgulari ipfms erga filiam noftram afFectu ac fyncero amore profec- tam effe agnofcimus, Ita non dubitamus, quin magna eo in itinere Serenitas Veftra jam ante fit incommoda perpeffa, atque etiamnum patiatur, turn quod in ea loca venerit, in quibus pro Regia fua dig- nitate earn excipiendi non fit facultas, turn quod ob glaciem et fri- gora, in Boreali ilia plaga longe' quam hie intenfiora noctesque pro- ductions, quae non multum diurnae lucis ad vela facienda reliquum faciunt, perdifficilis ei fit futurus, hac anni tempeftate in Regnum fuum regreffus. Quae cum animo noftro obverfarentur, neque no- bis Serenitatis Veftrae falus atque incolumitas minori curse fit quam noftra, neque tamen certo conftaret, quo in portu Serenitas Veftra hoc tempore detineatur, non abs re fore judicavimus hafce per Mag- nificos Generofos et Clariflimos viros Corfitium Weffert, Regni Da- nici Senatorem, Georgium Brahe, Capitaneum in Lands Cron, et Paulum Knibbium J. V. Doctorem Regium Confiliarium, ad Sere- nitatem Vestram dare, quos eo confilio ablegavimus, ut Serenitatem Veftram undique summo ftudio perquirerent, noftroque nomine etiam atque etiam rogarent, ne moleftum ei fit aliquanto longius hucufque excurrere, et vitandorum faeviffimae hyemis incommodo- rum gratia, nobifcum una, cumque dilectiffima fua fponfa ad proxi- mum ufque ver in hoc regno commorari : quo appetente non dubium 1589. TO KING JAMES VI. 21 eft, et tutiorem longe commodioremque earn navigationem effe fu- turam. Quod fi ita Serenitati Veftrae vifum fuerit, nobisque in eo adquiefcere non gravabitur, omni cura ac ftudio perficiemus ne ulla benevoli animi figna, quseque a materno afFectu proficifci poterunt officia, merit6 in nobis umquam requirantur. Curaque id a Sereni- tate Veftra non segre interpretatum iri certo confidaraus. Deum Optimum Maximum interea ex animo precabimur, ut Serenitatem Veftram multos annos fervet incolumem. Data? Fridrichsburgi die 26 Novembris, Anno 1589- Sof Jyia J6 Serenissimo Principi Domino Jacobo Sexto, Scotorum Regi Consanguineo et flmo nostro charissimo. LETTER FROM KING JAMES VI. TO SOPHIA QUEEN DOWAGER OF DENMARK, &c. 26 NOV. 1589. JACOBUS Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, Serenifiimae Principi, So- phia, Dei gratia Daniae, Noruagiae, Gothorura Vandalorumque Re- ginae viduae, Ducifsae Slefuuici, Holfatiae, Stormariae et Diethmar- fiae, Comitifsae in Oldenburg et Delraenhorft, Matri noftrae longe chariffimae, Salutem et perpetuam foelicitatem. SereniffimaPrinceps, Materque longe charifiima, Quanta cum animi aegritudine, perlatam ad nos in Scotia Legatorum veftrorum, de re- ducenda in Daniam Sereniffima et fuaviflima conjuge noftra delibe- rationis excufationem acceperimus, fatis vel inde Serenitati Veftrae liquere poteft, quod neque ingruentis hyemis intemperies, neque in- terjecti Oceani inclementia, cohibere nos potuerit, quominus, diu- turni noftri defiderii potiundi caufa, ipfi nos quamprimum ad iter accingere, et in intimos hofce Noruagiae finus hac tempeftate pene- trare voluerimus. Quo in fufcipiendo confilio ut nullum nobis dig- nius, nullum amori noftro convenientius, nullum denique tot ipfius noftra caufa tentatis perpeflifque laboribus et periculis congruentius nobis vifum eft. Ita nunc, eodemfoelicimme favente numine perfuncti, nihil eft, in quo nobifmet ipfis magis fatisfacimus, nihil quod nobis, quod regno, quod rationibus noftris magis gratulamur. Quippe cu- 24 LETTER FROM KING JAMES VI. 1589. jus fecundiflimo fucceffu, expetitimmae iftius, et Dei jam benignitate extra omnem fortunae aleam pofitas affinitatis dulciffimo fructu, in Sereniffimae vitaque noftra nobis charioris filiae veftrae fuaviflimse con- fuetudine cumulatiffime perfruimur. Qua nobis ut in hac vita nihil gratius aut jucundius, ita nihil unquam majori curae fuerit, quam ut SerenitatemVeftram cujus fingulari benevolentiae vitam ipfara in hoc beneficio debere nos agnofciraus, collatae iftius in nos voluntatis nullo unquam tempore poenitere poffit. Proxima nobis de foelici in Scotiam trajectu cura quem nos quam- primum tentandum putaremus, nifi et veftrae ad nos per Stuartum noftrum Literae, et confiliariorum noftrorum unanimis dehortatio, et tenerrima ipfius principis valetudo, non unis ab intempefto mari in- juriis oportuna, periculum averfarentur. Unde f [it] ut in his oris no- bis potius hyemandum, quam Serenitate [Vestra] inconfulta, pericli- tandum iterum hac tempeftate pu[tavimus] Oceanum. Quae mora ne nobis fit inanis, dies [interea] aliquot Serenitati Veftrae Serenimmo fratri noftro, caeterifque liberis veftris regiis, fratribus et fororibus nostris longe chariffim[is] Helfmgorae vifendis impendere, iterque hinc ea gratia hoc Decembri appetente capeffere decreveramus : Id- [que] nullo alio inftituto quam ut tantifper dum per hanc inexpec- tatam, et nunquam fortaffe redituram oportunitatem nobis licet, Sere- nitates Veftras falvere una et valere juberemus : fed cum et in hoc inftituto plurimae occurrant difficultates, quae nobis, Veftraeque cum primis Serenitati, non parum negotii augurantur ; non prius ftatuen- dum hoc putavimus, quam per nobilem iftum fervum noftrum Sere- nitatem Veftram, cujus confilio, cum in hoc, turn in aliis omnibus, 1589. TO SOPHIA QUEEN OF DENMARK. 25 pro materno fuo erga nos affectu, moderandos nos permittimus, de hoc ofBciofo cum primo, fed ancepiti, et multis anxietatibus iraplexo inftituto noftro, confultam haberemus. Quae cum fufius fervo noftro crediderimus, fidem tantum illi apud Serenitatem Ves- trara, et expeditum ad nos reditum opta[mus]. Interea Deus optimus raaximus Serenitatem Veftram quam diutifiime florentem et incolu- mem faxit. Upfaliae Noruegorum xxvj die menus Novembris. Anno regni noftri vicefimo tertio, 1589. la mhs$Kj Serenissim-e Principi SOPHIAE, Dei gratia Dani^e, Noruagle, Gothorum Vandalorumque Regin^e VidUuE : Duciss^e Slesuuici, Holsatl^:, Stormarije, et Ditmarsl Item, Threttie four elnis braid pafmentis of gold wrocht twyfe about the famin, weand fourtie four unce and ane drop wecht, price of the unce, v ti. Inde ij ft xx ti. vj s. viij d. Item, thrie unce half unce braid pafmentis of gold of ane narrower fort, to work the neck of the faid Robe, price of the unce, v ti. Inde xvij ti. x s. Item, fex unce purpour, quhyte and yallow filk, to few the famin, price of the unce, xxiiij s. Inde vii ti. iiij s. Item, ane eln and ane half of quhyte Spanes taffetie, to fur- neis out the reft of the lyning and ftammok thairto, price of the eln, vi ti. x s. Inde ix. It xv *■ Item, to the faid ftammok half ane eln of purpour velvet viij ti. Item, thrie quarteris and ane half purpour velvet, and thrie quarteris and ane half reid cramofie fating to the bonnet of hir Majefties Croun ; price of the elne of velvet, xvj ti. and of the elne of fating, vij ti. Inde xx ti. ij i. vj d. 14 EXPENSES INCURRED ON THE Item, for four elnis of quhyte Florence ribbens, to be ftringis to the faid ftammok, and ane hank of gold to be a greit but- toun to the foirfaid Robe, price iiiij ti- Item, thrie elnis of quhyte taffetie, to his Majefties burde, the tyme of the Banquet, price of the eln, Is. Inde vijti. xs.' Item, twa unce of cramofie filk, and twa hankis of fewing gold, to be ftringis to the Quenis Majefties chartouris viiiti. xs. Item, to the furrour, for inputting of the furring in hir Hienes Robe xiijti. vj.s. viijd. Item, be his Majefties precept and fpeciall command, delyve- rit to George Strathauchin, his Majefties tappifler, to be the coveringisof chyres and ftuillis,asfollowis,with cucheonis: — In the firft, fourtene elnis reid crammofie velvet, price of the eln, xvj ti. Inde ij 8. lvj. t i. Item, Sextene elnis of grene and quhyte velvet to the lyk ufe, price of the eln, fourtene pund. Inde ij S. xxiiij li. Item, threttie tua hankis of gold, and tuelff hankis of fyluer, to be freinyeis thairto, at iij li. vi s. viij cL the hank. Inde j 8. xl vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, ane pund of quhyte reid and grein filk thairto, price of the unce, xxiiij s. Inde xixti. iiiji. Item, payit to George Strathauchin, for tymmer to the faidis chyres and ftuillis, naillis and utheris neceftaris thairto ; As the particular fubfcryvit with his hand, and produceit upon compt beiris xvjti. Item, fourtie audit elnis of fuftiane, to be blancattis, price of the eln, xxxiijs. iiijd. lxxxti. Item, for fourtie elnis of poldavie, to be palyefiis, price of the eln, xvjs. Inde xxxijti. Item, be bis Majefties precept and fpeciall command, the fur- neffing to be habilyements to fex pages, as eftir followis : — In the firft, thriefcoir fex elnis and ane half reid cramofie vel- vet, to be thair fex cloikis, fex dowblettis and fex pair of breikis, price of the eln, xvii. Inde ix8. lxxxxvij li. xs. KING'S MARRIAGE, MAII, 1590. Item, fourtie fevin unces pafmentis of gold clinkand thairto ; price of the unce, vti. Inde ij S. xxxvti. Item, fyve elnis of reid crammofie velvet, to be tliame Sex hattis ; price of the eln, xvti. Inde lxxv ti. Item, fex quarteris of reid taffetie, to lyne the hatt iij ti. xv.s. Item, fevin elnis and a half yallow craip, to be fex ftringes to thair hattis ; price of the eln, xxxi. Inde xj ti. vs. Item, be his grace precept and fpeciall command, the furneffing eftir fpecifeit, to be Habillementis to his Majefties four Laquayis, as followis : — In the first, tuentie thrie elnis and ane half reid crammofie velvet, to be tliame jowppis and breikis ; price of the eln, xvti. Inde iij & lij ti. xs. Item, four elnis and ane half of fpan3*ie taffetie, to be thame fleivis to ther jowppis ; price of the elne, vjt. xs. Inde xxix ti. vs. Item, be his Majesties precept and fpeciall command, the furnefiing following, delyverit to William Scbaw, Mafter of Wark, the tyme of hir Majefties Coronatioun and Banquet, maid to the Denfe Lordis, to be burde claythis, coveringis to furmis and windois, bayth in the Kirk and Palice of Halie- rudlious : — In the first, fix elnis of braid fcarlet clayth, to be ane burde- clayth ; price of the eln, vijti. Inde xlij ti. Item, thrie elnis thrie quarteris of grein, to be ane uther burde - clayth; price of the eln, vjti. Inde xxijti xs. Item, fyve elnis and ane half of grein, to be ane uther burde- clayth ; price of the eln, iiijti. xs. Inde xxiiijti. xvs. Item, thriefcoir elnis reid and grein ftemmig, to furneis the windois, furmis and ftuillis in the Kirk and Palice of Halie- rudhous; price of the eln, xlvs. Inde jS. xxxvti. Item, be his Majesties precept, delyverit to William Schaw, Maifter of Wark, for reparation!! of the hous of Dum- 16 EXPENSES INCURRED ON THE fermling, befoir the Quenis Majefties palling thairto, as the faid precept with his acquittance, produceit upon compt, beiris iiijfiti. Item, be his Majesties precept and fpeciall command, for the apperrelling of four Trumpetouris, the tyme of hir Majefties Coronatioun, as followis :— In the first, tuentie four elnis reid cramofie fating, to be thame four dowblattis and four pair of breikis ; price of the eln, vij ti. Inde iij 8. viij ti. Item, tuelf elnis braid Inglis fcarlet clayth, to be thame four cloikis ; price of the eln, vij ti. x s. Inde Ixxxx ti. Item, four velvet beltis iiij ti. x s. Item, four pair of wovin fchankis xvj ti. Item, ten elnis reid taffetie cartyk, to be gartanes x ti. Item, four dowble craip ftringis and four frenfche hattis, price xvij ti. iiij s. Item, nyne quarteris reid cramofie Spanis taffetie, and nyne quarteris yaillow Spanis taffetie, to be four baneris to ther trumpettis ; price of the eln, vj ti. x s. Inde xxix ti. v s. Item, fourfcoir fextene unce crammofie and yallow fdk, to be ftringis to ther trumpettis and freinyeis to ther baneris ; price of the unce, xxiiij s. Inde j & xv ti. iiij s. Item, delyverit to Adriane, painter, for his Majeftie and his darreft bedfellowis airmes, drawin with wlie cullouris and gold, upoun the four baneris lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, for weving of the ftringis, freinyeis, and fafouu of the baneris vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, be his Majesties precept, delyverit to Thomas Fowlis, goldfmyth, for to help the outred of certane cheinyeis delyverit to the Admirall of Denmark, and uther noble men with him ; as the famyn, with the faid Thomas acquittance, produceit upon compt, beiris j m . v 8. ti. Item, behis Majesties precept and fpeciall command, the fowmes of money following delyverit to his Hienes Minifteris and certane his domeftiques, to by thame cleithing, KING'S MARRIAGE, MAII 1590. 17 the tyme of his darreft bedfellowis Manage and Coronatioun ; as the famyn with thair acquittances, producit upoun compt, beiris. — In the first, to Maifteris Johnne Craig, Patrik Galloway, and Johnne Duncanfoune, Minifteris, with Mr Daniell Chalmer, reidar in his Majefties Hous inj8. lxvj ti. xiij i. iiij d. Item, to Andro Meluill, ane of his Hienes Maifter Honlhaldis ij 8. ti. Item, to Johnne Leviiagftoun, ane of his Hienes Maifter Sta- bularis j ft xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Johnne Geddis j 8. lxxxti. Item, to William Schaw, Maifter of Wark j & xxxiij ti. vj s. viijd. Item, to Johnne Boge, his grace Maifter Portar j & ti. Item, to Capitane Patrik Cranftoun lxxiijti. vji. viij. d. Item, to William Stewart, Johnne Stewart, and William Mur- ray, Varlettis ij 8. lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij A Item, to William, Robert, and Thomas Hudfones, his Hienes Violeris ij 8. ti. Item, to Hierome Bowie, Frances Galbrayth, and James Quhyte ij& lxvjli. xiijs. iiijd. Item, to George Strauthauchin, TappifTer, and Robert M'Willie in the wardrop, James Inglis, Alexander Miller, Tailzeouris, and Henry Quhyte, his Hienes Cordiner ij 8. 1 ti. Item, to William Lamb, Maifter Cuke, Mr Robert Lambie, Ifchear befoir his Majefties meit, David Lennox, William Henderfoun, William Cleghorne, and James Boge, in the Ailfeller iijS.vti. Item, to Johnne Moriefoun, gardner, to by feidis to his Hienes fouth yaird of Halyrudhoufe, the yeir comptit viij ti. Item, to Mr James Durhame of Duntervie, for his apperrel- ling, the tyme of the Manage foirfaid j 8. xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Johnne Fentoun, Comptroller Clerk, for his cleithing the tyme foirfaid j 8. xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to John Oliphant, for his abilleinent, as faid is j 8. ti. Item, to Mr George Young, for his ordinar wages of the faid moneth xvti. xs 18 EXPENSES INCURRED ON THE Item, to Mr Peter Young, Elimofinar, tuentie four gownis of blew clayth, to be germ to xxiiij auld men, according to the yeiris of his Hienes age ; extending to viij fcore viij elnis clayth, price of the eln xxiiij s. Inde ij 8. j ti. xij s. Item, for fextene elnis bukrum, to the faidis gownis ; price of the eln x s. Inde viij ti. Item, tuentie four purfis, and in ilk purfe tuentie four fchilling, Inde xxviijti. xvji. Item, the price of ilk purfe, iiij d. Inde viij s. Item, for making of the faidis gownis viij ti. Item, be his Majefties precept, to Beffie Irwing, relict of urn- quhile John Downy, fkipper in Leyth, in recompance of a porcopen gevin to his Hienes be the faid umquhile John ; as the famyn, with hir acquittance produceit upoun compt, beiris j 8. ti. Item, be his Hienes precept, to Thomas Fowlis, goldfmyth, for certane new yeir giftis furneift be him in the moneth of Januar 1586 yeiris, quhen his Majeftie wes in Inverleyth ; ffor quhilk, he had ane great tabled diamond in plege, and wes dely verit to his Hienes felf at Leith, at his Majefties palling to Den- mark : As the faid precept, with the particular, and his ac- quittance produceit upoun compt, beiris j m . iiij 8. lxvj ti. v s. Item, be his Majefties precept, to Gilbert Hay, in recompenfe of his expenftes and travell takin in tranfporting of certane greit horfles from Flanderis to his Hienes ; as the famin with his acquittance produceit upon compt, beiris ij 8. ti. Item, delyverit be the comptar, be command of his Majeftie and Act of Secreit Counfall, to Thomas Fowlis, goldfmyth, the fowme of ij m . iiij 8. xxvij ti. xiij s. viij d. for quhilk the faid Thomas had in plege certane of his Majefties jowells, to wit, Tua tabled rubeis and thrie greit rubeis cabofchen efmallit with quhyte, reid and blak, and delyverit to his Hie- nes awin felf, at his grace pafllng to Denmark : As the faid Act, produceit upoun compt, beiris ij m . iiij 8. xxvij ti. xiij s. viijd. KING'S MARRIAGE, JUL.— SEPT. 1590. 19 Item, for furneffing of fyftene fedder beddis to the ftrangeris, Denfis and utheris within the Palice of Halierudhous, fra the fourt day of Maij 1590 inclufive, to the auchtene day of Julij, comptit exclufive, being the day of hir Majefties removeing thairfra to Dumfermling ; takand for ilk bed, in the nicht, tua fchilling. Inde }S. xjti. Item, for furneffing of ancht chalmeris with tua fedder beddis in everie chalmer, coill and candill thairto, to the reft of the Denfis that lay outwith the Palice, during the fpace foirfaid ; takand for everie chalmer, in the nicht, vj i. viijd. Inde )8. lxxxxvijti. xiijs. iiijd. Item, be his Majefties precept, to James Inglis, tailyour, and Henry Quhyte, cordiner, the furneffing to a pair of wat led- der buittis, and a pair of ryding fokkis thairto, as followis : — In the firft, half ane eln black velvet to the heidis of the faidis buittis, price vj ti. Item, ane unce and ane half blak fating pafmentis, price xxxvj s. Item, half ane unce blak filk therto viij 5. Item, fyve elnis braid gairtaning filk, price of the eln xiij s. iiij d. Inde iij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, fex quarteris argentie gray ferge, to be a pair of lang folds, price of the eln vti. Inde vij ti. xs. Item, half ane elne Spanis taffetie, to lyne the heidis of the famin iij ti. Item, thrie hankis of fylver, to be freinyeis to the faidis fokkis ; price of the hank iij ti. Inde ix ti. September. — Item, feven quarteris of grein ftemming for his Majefties ftule of eafe, delyverit to Johnne Harknes, at xlij i. the elne. Inde iij ti. xiij s. vj d. Item, thrie elnis Holand clayth thairto, at xl s. the elne. Inde vj ti. Item, thrie elnis of fmall lynning, at xxx s. the elne. Inde iiij ti. x s. Item, tua brafin pannis at xx s. the pece. Inde xl s. Item, a pund of caddes ix iiij '• 20 EXPENSES INCURRED ON THE Item, be his Majefties fpeciall command, delyverit to Andro Kilbowie, laquay, ane new rofnoble for beiring his Majefties knok vij ti. vj i. viij d. Item, fra the auchtene day of Julij 1590 inclufive, to the xxvj day of September exclufive, in the moneth comptit, for audit fedder beddis furneift to the Place of Dumfermling, to the ftrangeris in hir Majefties cumpany ; for ilk bed, in the nicht, ij s. Inde during the faid fpace lvti. iiij s. Item, for furnefling of fex chalmeris in the toun, with tua fed- der beddis in everie chalmer, coill and candill thairto ; takand nichtlie for everie chalmer, vj s. viij d. Inde j 8. xxxviij ti. Item, fra the tent day of Auguft inclufive, to the audit day of September exclufive, in the moneth comptit, at quhat tyme hir Majeftie removit fra Falkland to Dunfermling ; for nyne furneift fedder beddis to hir Majefties cumpanie in the Palice of Falkland, during the faid fpace ; ilk bed beand ij s. in the nicht. Inde xxxix ti. x s. Item, for furnefling of aucht chalmeris, with tua fedder beddis in everie chalmer, coill and candill thairto, to the Denfis ftrangeris in the toun of Falkland, during the fpace foirsaid ; takand for everie chalmer, in the nicht, vj s. viij d. Inde. lxxvij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, be his majesties precept, to James Inglis,Tailyeour, and Henry Quhyte Cordiner, the furnefling to a pair of dry ledder buittis and a pair of ryding fokis thairto, as fol- io wis :— Item, ane unce and ane half braid pafmentis cramofio, price thairof xl s. Item, fyve elnis braid gairtaning filk, price iij ti. xv s. Item, tua greit mariken fkynnis, to be the buittis, price therof vij ti. Item, half ane elne Spanis taffetie iij ti. Item, tua unce and ane half pafmentis of gold and fylver, to work the heidis of the fokkis, price of the unce iiijti. xvs. Inde xi ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, thrie quarteris of fyne ferge, to be the buit fokkis, price iij ti. xv s. KING'S MARRIAGE, SEPT.— OCT. 1590. September Item, be his Majefties precept to Rob Inglifman awaittand upoun his Hienes buk houndis, for buying him a garmond of claythis, as the famin with his acquittance, produceit upon compt, beiris lti. October. — Item, be his Heines precept to George Moncrieff, Falconer, to by him a stand of claythis xlli. Item, be his Majefties precept to Hanfe , Dutche- man, Student, for bying him a stand of claythis xxx ti. Item, be his Majefties precept, delyverit to James Inglis, Tailyeour, the furneffing following, to be habillementis to four Pages of the Quenis Majefties and a Moir, — In the first, nyne elnis Lundoun clayth, Orange cullour, to be four clokis, price of the elne vij ti. x i. Inde lxvij ti. x s. Item, twentie tua elnis orange ftemming, to be four jowppis, four pair of breikis, and aucht pair of fchankis, price of the elne Is. Inde 'vti. Item, thrie hundreth fourfcoir ten elnis quhyte fating pafmentis, to ther clokis, jouppis and breikis, weand lxiiij unces, at xxiiij s. the unce. Inde lxxvj ti. xvj s. Item, xij unces of quhyte filk therto, at xxiiij s. the unce. Inde xiiij ti. viij s. Item, thrie elnis and ane half of quhyte taffety, to cut out ther fleivis upoun, at liij i. iiij d. the elne. Inde ixti. vj s. viij d. Item, fex elnis of gray bukkefly to lyne the Moiris joup, and to be poutches to ther claythis ; price of the eln, xij s. Inde iij ti. xij s. Item, thrie elnis of gray clayth to the fchouderis of thair dow- blattis, price xlv s. Item, tuentie tua elnis lynning clayth to lyne ther dowblattis and breikis ; price of the elne, viij s. Inde viij ti. xvj s. Item, for quhyte pafmentis, to the kneis of ther breikis, price xiij i. iiij d. Item, fyve hattis, all lynit throw with taffetie, with thair ftringis ; price of the pece, iiij ti. Inde 22 EXPENSES ON THE KING'S MARRIAGE, &c. 1590. Item, be his Majefties precept, the furneifiing of Habillemen- tis to tua Dutche Trumpetouris that come from Denmark with his Majeftie, as followis : — In the firft fextein elnis reid cramofie velvet, to be thame tua ryding coittis, with ther breikis ; price of the elne, xvj ti. Inde ij 8. lvj ti. Item, fex elnis and ane half fey cullorit grein fating, to be ther dowblattis; price of the eln, vij ti. Inde xlvti. xi. Item, nyntene unce and ane half braid goldin pafmentis, to ther cloikkis, coittis and breikis ; price of the unce, vli. Inde lxxxxvij li. x 3. [[Item, to Sir Patrik Vans of Barnbarroch, at his Majefties fpe- ciall command, to the furnefing of his fchip, quhen he paft in cumpanie with his Hienes toward Danemerk, in the moneth of October, the yeir of God M V c fourfcoir nyne yeris, as the faid Mr Patricks acquittance beris vj 8. Ixvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Maifter Hercules Rollok, Maifter of the Grammar fcule of Edinburgh, for the burding and furnefing of Johnne Andro, Danis man, being at the fcule, and buirdit with the faid Maifter, be the fpace of ane yeir, immediatly preceiding the firft day of November, the yeir of God M V c lxxxxi yeris : takand in the faid yeir j 8. xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to James Neifbet, Javellour of the Tolbuith of Edin- burgh, be his Majefties precept, for furnefing of Richert Grahame and utheris Witcheis, as the faid precept and his acquittance shewin upoun compt, beiris ij 8. li.]] APPENDIX.— N°. III. THE ESTATE OF THE KING AND QUENIS MAJESTIES HOUSHALD REFORMIT, begynnand ON MONUNDAY THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARE, 1590. The Kingis Majestie. The Quenis Majestie. THE KINGIS HOUSEHALD. The Duke of Lennox, Chalmerlane, ., . , . . f . rt . Gentilmen of his Majelties My Lord of Spynie, Vicechalmerlane, . . . . ' . prme chalmer. Sir James Sandelandis, Sir George Hume, Maister of the Gardrobbe. The Lard of Tulibardin, | r TJ . > Maisters of Houlhald. Andro MelvUl of Garvok, J Maulers of Stable. Sewars. Copparis. Carvouris. Mr Peter Young, Maifter Elemozinar. Mr Gilbert Moncreiff, Medicinar. William Schaw, Maifter of Work. Johnne Hume, Maifter Huntair. Roger Afchetoun. Vallets in his Hienes chalmer. THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. Johnne Fentoun, Comptrollers clerk. Mr James Durehame of Duntaryie, Clerk of the expenfis. [[William Murray, Johnne Gib, Johnne Stewart, William Sewart,] Johnne Kerfe, dichtaris of the Kingis chalmer, and biggaris on of Johnne Harknes, the fyre therin. yfchearis of the Kingis Inner Chalmer. Barny Lindfay, Varlett in the gardrobbe. Johnne Muirdo, Talgeour in the gardrobbe. Archibald Betoun. George Murray. Richard Preftoun. Patrick Sommervill. Andro Keith. Mr Johnne Geddy. Johnne Nafmyth, chirurgian. Henry Levingftoun. Murray. Achmowty. Hudfoun. Mr Daniel Chalmer, ther Maifter and Reidar of the Kingis house. Robert Erfkin, ther fervand. Jeremy Bowy, [[Maifter in the Wynefellar.]] James Quhite, [[aid in the Wynefellar.]] Robert Broun, f_aid in the Wynefellar.[] Andro Moir. Frances Galbraith, [[Maifter of the Pantrie,]] Robert Galbraith, £aid in the Pantrie.[] George Galbraith, [[aid in the Pantrie.[] James Philp. George Boig, [[Maifter in the Ailfellar/] James Boig, [[aid in the Ailfellar.[[] MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. 25 Johnne Boig. Rob Ross, [[aid in the Ailfellar.^ William Lamb, [Maifter in the Kingis grace keicheing.] Alexander Liddle, his ayde. Thomas Murray, Porter in the Kingis kitchene. James Murray, Maifter Cuke, [[in the Court keiching,[] Chriftell Lamb, , . • , _, his aydis. Andro Seytoun, Sandy Ellon, porter in the same kitchene. Robert Hammyltoun. Gilbert Seyton. four turnebrocheis in the twa kitchenis. Patrick Rannald, baxtair and patiffier. Johnne Rannald, [[Patefeir.] James Liddell. Robert Porterfield, writair of the comptis. his ayde. Walter Neiflie, Maifter of the Lardner. David Myllair. Duncane Neiflie, [aid in the lardiner.] Robert Robertfoun, Keeper of the filver and tyn vefchell. William Murray, ayd for the filver vefchell. Alexander Moreis. _ m , . , ' . aydis for the tyn vefchell. Adam Foulair. Andro Quhite, Maister of the spice house. James Tait, his ayde. George Strathauchin, [Kepar of the tapeftrie.] Sandy Duncanefoun, his ayde. David Lennox, Ifher of the utter chalmer. David Menteyth, Kepair of the pety lardner. John Carter, his ayde, and kepar of the bowat. THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. Mr Robert Lamby, Ifhear befoir the Kingis meitt. Johnne Scytoun, Coilman and Repair of the Maister Houlhaldis dur. Thomas Hudfoun. James Hudfoun. Robert Hudfoun. William Hudfoun. ther feirand. Johne Boig, Maister Portair. William Cleghorne, [Deput to the Maifter Porter of the Kingis grace 3et.] James Boig, [Secund ayd to the Maifter Porter.] Johnne Keftane. William Hendirfoun, [Marfchal of the hous.] William Stobo. Duke of Lennoxis paige. The Maifter Houfhaldis fervand. ' The Maifter Houfhaldis paige. Maifter John Craig, -v John Duncansoun, J- Minifteris. Maifter Patrick Galloway, J James Lauder, Mufician. Griflell Hamiltoun, Sewftair. Margret Douthell, Lavander to his Majeftie. Robefoun, court lavander. Robert Burn, keper of the gentilmen iervandis meitt. Robert Stephin. Johnne Kerfe, gounger. The Bellman of the Cannongait. dichtaris of the clois. Finlay Talgeour, Johnne Malloch, Lacayes to the Kingis Majestie. Andro Kilbuy, Charles Fertay. 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. 27 palfurmere viij in nowmer, of qubom he that keipis the camel is ane. Trumpettouris. The Names of Personis havand allowance of Money Wageis in the Kingis Hous. Alexander Lekky. William Hunter. Johnne Glafinwryght. Robert Watterfoun. David Neilfoun. Johnne Davifoun. Johnne Murray. Alifoun Sinclair. THE QUENIS MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. Ladies and Gentilwemen. Katherine Skinkell. Sophia Caas. The Maiftres Uchiltrie Sir George Hwmis wyfF. Elfpett Gib. Mary Stewart. Martha Stewart, Jeane Stewart. The Lard of Melgund, Maiiter Houfhald. Johnne Levingftoun £of Abircorne,U Maifter Stablar. d THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. The 30ung Lard of Polwart, gentilman in the Quenis chalmer. The Lard of Robertland, fewair. Chriftopher Cariot, coppar. [TJanis gentilmen.)] George Epping, carvour. The Precheour, [Johnne Sering.] Calixtus, [Schein] the Secretair. The Talgeour, [Taul Rey.] The Furrour. The Goldfmyth. Mr David Mortoun, Yfher of the Quenis chalmer. CWillianT] Baxtair, yflier befoir the Quenis meitt. four fervand women and laffis in the Quenis chalmer ; off quhilkis tua ar Lavendaris. fervand man to the Maiftres of Uchiltrie. fervand woman to hir. hir paige. Sir George Hwmis wiffis fervand woman ; a Lavander to thame. Ane Moir, allacayes. tua that biggis on fyris. tua fervandis to Chriftopher. tua fervandis to George Epping. Boyis of the prechour. The Maifter Houfhaldis fervand. The Maifter Houfhaldis paige. 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. A notnir of the expenflis of the Quenis houfe. Hans, Maifter Cuke, his servand. Thrie boyis. Tumebrochis. Portair. Servand to the Quenis tail^eour. Twa boyis to him. Keparis of the cofche horfsis. palfurmers and keparis of the Quenis halknayis. Feis and Waigeis in the Stable. James Galbraith, averyman daylie, vj i. viij. d. Inde j c xxij ti. Robert Abercromby, faidlair in the 3eir j c ft. William Murray, Maifter of the carriage, daylie, v s. Inde lxxxxj ft. x s. James Bennat, clerk of the liable, daylie, vj s. viij. d. j c xxij ft. James Lefcheman, fmyth, daylie, v s. Inde lxxxxj ft. x s. Allane Balmanno, merfchaell, daylie, iiij i. Inde lxxij ft. Robert Erlkin, for furneiffing of the paigis in chalmeris and bed- ding nychtlie, fyve s. Inde lxxxxj ft. x s. Four lacquayes, daylie xx s. Inde iij c Ixvj ft. Aucht palfurmers, daylie, xxxij s. Inde v <: lxxvj ft. THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. The Nowmer and Names to be servit at Tables, and quantitie of ordinar allowance. The Kingis Majesties Dishe. Breid, xij breid and ane half. Greit veale iij pece. Wyne, i g> j q r - Caponis, twa. AM, i g. ij q r - Pultrie, twa. Beiff. ij pece. Chikkynnis, fex. Sodden mutton, ij pece. Lamb, twa quarteris. Roftit mutton, ij pece. Wyld meitt, iiij pece. Makand in the haill sevin or aucht difche, as the feafon will 3eild, at the d of the Maifter Houfhald. The Quenis Majesties Dische. Breid . vij. Wyne, . ij q r ane pynt. Aill, . j g, j qr. Comptedtonyne c Beiff quhen thair is na fifche, ane quarter, quhilk is xij pece ; pece daylie. \ quhen thair is fifche, ane half quarter or fex pece. Mutton, ane fide or five pece. Eggis, • • j c - W v** Soukand veale, ane. Nolt toungis, . . twa. Caponis, . . tua. Apillis, . . xl. Chikkynis, . viij or four poultrie. Gryfis, . . ane. Lambis, . . twa. Geis, . . ane. Dowis, . . ix. Wyld meit in feafon, . vij pece. The Table for the Duke of Lennox and the Maister of Househald. The Duke of Lennox. My Lord of Spynie. 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. Sir James Sandelandis. Sir George Hwme. Maifter Houfhald. Maifter of Stable. The Medicinar. Roger Alhetonn. The Maifter of Werk. Comptrollair Clerk. The Maifter Huntair. Clerk of Expenffis. Breid, . xij. Roftit veill, four pece. Wyne, iij quarteris. Mutton, . four pece. Aill, j g, ij quarteris. Caponis, twa. Beiff, ij pece. Pultrie, . twa. Builgeit fowlis, . twa. Chikkynis, four. Builgeit chikkynis, four. Lamb, four Soddin veill or mutton, four pece. Murefoulis, twa. And upoun the fifhe day, xviij or xx difche as thay may be had at every melteth at the Maifter of Houihaldis dil'cretioun. To SERVE THIS TABLE AND EATE ON THE REST THAIROF. William Henderfoun. John Seytoun. James Quhite. Robert Galbraith. James Boig. Breid, Aill, Johnne Rannald. Criftell Lamb. My Lord Duikis paige. The Maifter of Houfhaldis paige. William Stobo. Gentlemen Servandis Table : To bate on the Kingis Majesties rest. Maifter Almoufiair. Sewar. Coppar. Carrour. 32 THE ESTATE OF THEIR Breid, . . .v. Wyn, . . j qr. Aill, . . . ij qr j pynt. To serve this Table and eate on the rest thairof. Robert Broun. Alexander Liddell. George Galbraith. William Murray. Johne Boig. Breid, . . .v. Aill, ijqrjpynt. The Table for the Kingis Majesties Valletis and Ishearis quherat to sitt. Tua Vallettis. Yflieare. Barny Lindfay, vallet of the garderobbe. talgeour ther. Archibald Betoun. Andro Keyth. George Murray. Johnne Nafmyth, Chirurgiane. Richard Preftoun. Mr Johnne Geddy. Patrick Sommervill. Breid, . xj. Aill, . . jg,jq r jpynt. Beiff, . ij pece. Soddin mutton, iiij pece. On the fifche dayes aucht diilie flrft and x difhe laft. To serve this Table and eate on the rest thairof. Andro Seytoun. Johnne Harknes. Roftit veill, iiij pece. Roftit lamb, . iiij pece. Poultrie or dowis, iiij difhe. 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. David Millar, ayd in the lardner. 3onng John Kerfe. Johnne Kerfe. Alexander Moreis. Breid, vj. Ayll, . . . iiij q r . The Table for the Kingis Paiois op the Stable. Hary Levingftoun. Murray. Achmowty. Walter Hudfoun. Mr Daniel Chalmers thair Maifter. To be fervit be Robert Eilkin thair fervand. Breid, . . vj. Mutton foddin, . . ij. Aill, . . iij q r aill. Roftit, . . iiij. Beiff, . . j pece. On the fifche day, fyve difhe firft, and fex diihe at the laft melteth. The Maifter Porter Johnne Boig. Williame Cleghorne, James Boig, his aydis. Johnne Keflane. Breid, . vj. Beiff at none, . j pece. -\ Wyne, . . j pynt. Mutton, . . ij pece. >J anand Aill, . j g, Roftis, . vj. J And on the fyflie day, fyve difche firft, and fex diftie laft at the melteth. The Table fob the Violebs. Thomas Hudfoun. William Hudfoun. James Hudfoun. Thair fervand. Robert Hudfoun. 34 THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. Breid, . . v. Mutton foddin . . ij pece. Wyne, . j quart. Roftis of veill, mutton, Aill, . • ij quart j pynt. and foull, . . fex. Beiff, . ij pece. On the fifhe day fex difhe firft, and fex diflie laft at the melteth. Table of the Officiaris of the Kingis House. Jeremy Bowy. Robert Robifoun. Frances Galbraith. Andro Quheit. George Boig George Strathauchin. William Lamb. David Lennox. James Murray. David Menteith. Patrick Rannald. The Maifter of Houfhaldis fervand. Robert Porterfield. The Clerk of the Expenffis fervand. Walter Neiflie. Johnne Wingettis Catour. Breid, . . xvj. Aill, . ij g, Beiff, . . ij pece. Mutton fodin at none twa, and at evin thre. Roftis in the day, xvj — at the Maifter of Houfhaldis difcretioun. On the fifhe day xij difche firft, and xvij difhe laft. To serve this Table and eate on the rest therof. Thomas Murray, porter in the Kingis kitchene. Sandy Allane, portair in the court kitchene. Sandy Dunkefoun, ayd to the tapeflier. Burnbrayis, dichtar of the cloiflis 2 perfonis. Adam Foular, ayd to the tynvefchell. Breid, . . vj. Aill, . iij q r . 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. DlSIONIS AND COLLATIONIS IN THE KlNOIS HOUSE. Dnk of Lennox difioyne efter none, and collatioun Commoun difioyne Officeris difioyne Gentilmennis difioyne Pages difioyne Clerk of ezpenfiis difioyne and collatioun Maifter Houfhaldis collatioun Williame Henderfonis collatioun Valettis difioynis ij b. half breid iij q. aill. ij b. half b. ij q. aill. jq.jp. aill. j p. aill. j p. aill. iij b. jb. jb. halfb. halfb. halfb. JM iij p. aill. j q. aill. j q. aill. 1 d. aill. Table of the Quenis Ladyes and Gentlewemen. , Katharine Skinkell. Elfpett Gib. Sophia Caas. Mary Stewart. Maiftres of Uchiltrie. Martha Stewart. Sir George Hwmis wyff. Johnne Stewart Breid, . . viij. Pultrie, iiij. Wyne, j q r - Mutton, . . xij pece. Aill, . jg- VeUl, iiij. Beiff, ij pece. Caponis, 8- Chikkynnis or dowis, in place of the uther, according to the feafoun. To EATE ON THE REST OF THIS TABLE. The Maiftres of Uchiltries ferving man. Servand woman to her. Hir paige. Sir George Hwmis wifHs ferving woman. THE ESTATE OF THEIR 1590. Ane Lavendair to tliame. Breid, . . . .v. Aill, . . . ij q r . j pynt. The four serving women in the Quenis chalmer, and tua biggaris on of fyris thair, to eate on the reft of the gentlewemen in the Quenis chal- mer, togidder with Hannis that awaittis on the Lavendaris. Breid, . . . . vij Aill, . . . iijqr.jpynt. The first table in the Quenis Maister Houshaldis Hall, to eate on the Quenis rest. The Quenis Maifter Houshald. The Carvour. The Gentilman of hir chalmer. The Precher. Hir Maifter Stabler. The Secretair. The Sewar. The Yfhear. The Coppar. The Talgeour. Breid, . X. Wyne, iij qr. Aill, . jg»jq r - To SERVE THIS TABLE AND EATE ON THE REST OF THE SAME. the Quenis four paiges. her thre Lacays, Breid, . Aill, The Moir. The Yfher befor the Quenis meitt. jg.jpynt. 1590. MAJESTIES HOUSEHALD. 37 The Secund Table in the Quenis Maister Houshaldis Hall. The Maifter Houfhaldis fervand. his paige. tua fervandis of Chriftopher Cariot. tua fervandis of George Epping. The Goldfmyth. The Furrour. thre fervandis or boyis of the Prechour. The Secretaris fervand The Talsours fervand. the talgouris tua boys. Breid, . « Aill, Beif, Roiled mutton, viij pece. Roiled veill, . four pece. Mutton fod Roiled fowlis, twa. The Quenis Maister Cuke Hans. his fervand. his thre boys. tua tumbrochis. Portair in the kitchene. Breid, . . viij. Ail], »jfi iij pece. THE ESTATE OF THE HOUSEHALD. 1590. The names op Personis ha v and onlie allowance of breid and drink. Andro Moir . . . . . j b. j pynt aill. James Philp . . . . j b. j pynt aill. Rob Rofs . . . . . j b. j pynt aill. Robert Hamiltoun . . . j b. j pynt aill. Gilbert Seytoun . . . . j b. j pynt aill. Four turnbrochis in the Kingis and Court kitchene iiij b. ij quart aill. James Liddell . . . . j b. j pynt aill. Duncane Neiihe . . . j b. j pynt aill. James Tait and Andro Quhite . . j b. j pynt aill. Johnne Carter . . . . j b. j pynt ailL Robert Burne j bred j pynt aill. Belman of the Canongait . . . j b. j pynt aill. Tua dichtaris of the .clow . . . ij b. ij pyntis aill. Mr John Craig . . . . iij bred ij qr. aill. To the Kingis kitching Trinche breid . . j qr. aill. To the Quenis kitching . . . iiij b. To the Court kitching . . vj b. j qr. aill. Disionis and Collationis in the Quenis Hous. Dames difioyne and collatioun . . . iij. b. iij. q. aill. To the Quenis Maifter Houfhaldis collatioun . . half b. j. q. aill. To the Dens gentilmennis difioyne and collatioun vj b. vj q. aill. To Ogilvy and Mortonis difioyne and collatioun . ij b. j q. aill. Quenis paiges difioyne . . . . . ij b. j q. aill. To fait in the fifhe dayes Inde, in the moneth ijgal.jp. aill. xxv g. ijq. The Cruikit Stule j qt. aill. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.0O ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 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