i U F 760 UC-NRLF ^B 313 E3fl [Grown Coj^ri^ttlReiefvedfl I : ^OTES n\ austko-hunCtARian fuzes: * NOVEMBER, 1917. ir Prepared by the/ General Staff, War Office, MJ. 3 (b). LONDON: PEINTHD UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONKRY OFFICE, BY HARRISON AND SONS, 45-47, ST. Martin's Lank, W-C. 2, Printbrs in Ordinary to His Majesty. 1917. , • • • • < •APPENDIX. CONVERSION TABLES. Yards. Metve>. Metres. Yards. Indies. Centi- metreg. Centi- metres Incl 100 91-44 100 109 -36 1 2-54 1 0-3£ 200 182 -88 200 218 -72 2 5-08 2 0-7£ 3(X) 274 -32 300 328 -09 3 7-62 3 1-lJ 400 • 365 -75 400 437 -45 4 10 16 4 1-51 600 457 -19 500 546 -81 5 12-72 5 1-9^ 600 519- 600 656- 6 15-^4 6 2-3e 700 640- 700 765- 7 17-78 7 2-7£ 800 731- 800 875- 8 20-32 8 3-l£ 900 823- 900 984- 9 22-86 9 3-54 1,000 914- 1,000 1,094 - 10 25 -40 10 3 -92 1,500 1.372- 1,500 1,640 • 11 27-94 11 4, Si 2,000 1,829 • 2,000 2,187 - 12 30-48 12 4-7J 2,500 2,286 • 2,500 2,734 - 13 33-02 13 6-lJ S,000 2,743 • 3,000 3,281- 14 35-56 14 5-5] «,500 3,200 • 3,500 3,828 • 15 38-10 16 5-9( 4,000 3,657 • 4,000 4,374 - 16 40-64 16 6-3( 4,500 4,115 • 4,500 4,921 - 17 43-18 17 6-6J 6,000 4,572 • 5,000 5,468 - 18 45-72 18 7-Ot 6,500 5,029 • 5,500 6,015 - 19 48-26 19 7-4i 6,000 5,486 • 6,000 6,562 - 20 60-80 20 7-8: 6,500 5,943 • 6,500 7,109 • 21 53-34 21 8-2^ 7,000 6,401- 7,000 7,655 • 22 55-88 22 8-6e 7,500 6,858 • 7,500 8,202 • 23 58-42 23 9 -Of 8,000 7,315 • 8,000 8,749 - 24 60-96 24 9-4£ 8,500 7,772 • 8,500 9,296 - 25 63-50 25 9-84 9,000 8,229 • 9,000 9,843 • 26 66-04 26 10-24 9,500 8,687 • 9,500 10,389 - 27 68-58 27 10 -6f 10,000 9,]44- 10,000 10,936 - 28 71-12 28 11 -Oi 10,500 9,601- 10,500 11,483 • 29 73-66 29 11-4] 11,000 10,058 • 11,000 12,030 • 30 76-20 30 11-81 11,500 10,515- 11,500 12,577 • 31 78-74 31 12 -2( 12,000 10,972 ' 12,000 13,124 - 32 81-28 82 12 -6( 12,500 11,430- 1 2,500 13,670 • 83 83-82 83 12 -9i 13,000 11,887 • 13,000 14,217 • 34 86-36 34 18 -3J 18,600 12,344- 13,500 14,764 • 35 88-90 85 13 -7e [Continued on page 3 of cover, ADDENDUM No. *r. • •: February, 19(18. AMENDMENTS TO *' NOTES ON AUSTRO- HUNGARIAN FUZES." Page 5 — The following table should be used instead of that given : — TABLE OF FUZES AND PROJECTILES USED WITH VARIOUS GUNS, HOWITZERS AND MORTARS. Piece. Fuzes. Projectiles. 3*7 cm. Infantry Gun (cahbre 37 mm.). In- fanterie Eohrrucklauf- geschiltz 3-7 cm, A.A. Gun, M. 14 and 16 (calibre 37 mm.) (?) 4*5 cm. Infantry Gun.... (?) 5'4 cm. A.AI! Gim, M. 16 (calibre 54 mm.). ( Sc hnellfeuersteilgesc hii tz ) (?) 5*6 cm. Mountain Gun, M. (?) (calibre 56 mm.). Gebirgskanone 6 cm. Gun, M. 98 in case-"" mate (calibre 57 mm.). K ase ma 1 1 kanone 6 cm. Gun, M. 98, in fixed or movable turret (calibre 57 mm.). Fahr- panzerkavone J 6 cm. Gun, M. 99, in case- mate (calibre 57 mm.). 6*5 cm. Italian Momitain Gun 7 cm. Italian Mountain Gun 7 cm. Mountain Gun, M. 99, I 8, 9 and 15 (16 ?) (calibre \ 72'5mm.). Gebirgskanone \ M. 98 M. 95 6 M. 98 Minengranate, M. 14 and 15. Brisantsgranate. Shrapnel. Star-shell. Powder-filled shell,, M. 98. Shrapnel, M. 98/95. Case-shot. Powder-filled M. 98. shell. Ekrasit and 5. Shrapnel, M. 99 shell, M. 99 M. 99, 7 cm. (with gaine) M. 99, 7 cm Note. — The more important guns are printed in heavy type. (B 13642) Wt. w. 4383— PP690 2750 2/18 H & S P. 18/139 • • • • • • • * • • »l ;'Pi,e"c^."[ ; \ i\ '''JTuzes. Projectiles. 7 cm. A.A. Gun, L/30 on ^ lorry. K.L.Fa.Kan. Krajtwagenluftfahrzeug- abwehrkanone 7 cm. Coast Defence Gmi, L/42. Kiistenkanone 7*5 cm. Mountain Gun, M. 15 (16?) (caUbre75 mm.) 7'6 cm. Italian Field Gun (calibre 75 mm.) 8 cm. Field Gun, M. 5 and 5/8 (calibre 76*5 mm). Feldkanone 8 cm. Fortress Gun, M. 5-^ and 5/9 (calibre 76*5 mm . ) Minimal - schartenkanone 8 cm. Gim, M. 2, in turret (calibre mm.). Senk- panzerkanone 8 cm. Gun, M. 95, in case- mate (calibre 75 mm.). Kasemattkanone 8 cm. Gun, M. 94, in case- mate (calibre 75 mm.). Kasemattkanone 8 cm. old Field Gun, M. 75, fixed or movable arma- ment (calibre 75 mm.). 8 cm. gun, M. 94, in' cupola (calibre 75 mm.). Panzerkanone 8 cm. Gun, M. 94 and 98, in casemate (calibre 75 mm.). Minimal- ^ schartenkanone 8 cm. Fortress Gun, M. 94 on shielded carriage (calibre 75 mm.). Panzerkanone 8 cm. captured Russian Field Gun (calibre M. 97 .... M. 95a .... 7 cm., M. 15 M. 5 (with gaine) M. 8 (with gaine) M. 8 b .... M. 5 M. 8 M. 8 b .... Clockwork E.K.Z. 16 E.K.Z. 17 M. 2 M. 75 .... M. 75/85 c M. 75 ... M. 75 M. 85 M. 75 M. 95 ^ell, M. 98. Shrapnel, M. 98. Universal shell {Schrap- nellgranate). Shell. Shrapnel. y Ammonal shell, M. 5 J and 8. \ Shrapnel, M. 6 and 8. J Long H.E.shell,M.14(?) " Blue cross " gas shell. "Yellow cross" gasshell. Shrapnel, M. 2. Case-shot. I Segment shell, M. 75. I Shrapnel, M. 75/86 c. ? Segment shell, M. 75. Segment shell, M. 75. Shrapnel, M. 75/85. Case-shot. Segment shell, M. 94. Shrapnel, M. 96/95 and and 94/95. Case-shot. Piece. Projectiles. 8 cm. A.A. Gun, M. 14 L.Fa.Kan. {Lufifahrzeug abwehrkanone) 9 cm. old Field Gun, M. 75 and 75/96 (cali- bre 87 mm.) 9 cm. Gun in casemate, M. 75/4 and 11 10-4 cm. Light Field' Howitzer, M. 99, 14 and 16 (calibre 104 mm.). Leichte Feldhaubitze) 10*4 cm. Howitzer in cupola, M. 99, 5, 6 and 9 (calibre 104 mm.) Panzerhaubitze) 10*4 cm. Mountain How- itzer, M. 99, 8, 10 and 16 (caUbre 105 nam.). Gehirgshaubitze 10*2 cm. Heavy Italian Gun 10*4 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 14, 15 and 12/16 (calibre 104 mm.) 10*5 cm. Heavy German Gun, K. 04 (calibre 105 mm.) (?) 10-5 cm. Turkish Howitzer 12 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 80 (calibre 120 mm.) 12 cm. Fortress Gun in turret, or casemate, M. 80 and 96 (calibre 120 mm.). Minimal- schartenkanone 12 cm. Gun, M. 61 and 61/95, Reserve of H.A. (calibre 120 mm.) 13 cm. Heavy Gun, M. (?) (calibre mm) M. 75 .... 91 a and b 96 96 a and c 96 .... I M. 99, 10 cm. (with gaine) M. 9, 10 cm. ... M. 99, 10 cm. ... M. 99 b 10 cm., M. 14 ... E.H.Z. 17 10 cm., M. 14 Gr. Z. 94 H. Z. Vst. 14 Dopp. Z. 92 M. 80 M. 6, 12 cm. (with gaine) M. 12 b (with gaine) M. 9 M. 12 6 M. 93 a M. 61 ... M. 66 ... 66/85 K. 80 K. .... J M. 1 and I a .. \ Segment shell, M. 75. Powder-filled steel shell M. 75. Shrapnel, M. 75, 91 and 96. Case-shot. Ammonal shell, M. 99, and 5. Ekrasit shell, M. 10/9 and 14/9. Shrapnel, M. 99. Star-shell, M. 6/99 6. Universal shell. " Yellow cross " gas shell. Universal shell. Shrapnel. Shell steel, M. 14. 10 cm. Gr. 96. Shrapnel 96. Powder-filled shell, M.80. Ekrasit shell, M. 80. Steel shell, M. 12. Steel shell, M. 14/9. Shrapnel, M. 12. Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. Case-shot. Shrapnel, M. 61. Shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. Shell, M. 61. (B 13642) a2 Piece. Fuzes. Projectiles. 15 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 80 M. 80 Powder-filled shell, M. 80. (calibre 149 mm.). M. 6, 15 cm. Ekrasit shell, M. 80. Belagerungskanone (with gaine) M. 9 Ekrasit shell, M. 99/9. M. 9 Steel Shell, M. 15/9. M. 12 6 (?) Steel shell, M. 12. — Shrapnel, M. 12. M. 93 a Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. — Armour-piercing, M. 80. 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun, M. 80 Powder-filled shell. L/35 Kiistenkanone M. 80. 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun, M. 96 Shell, M. 97/95 and M. L/40 98/96. 15 cm., M. 8 .... Shell with false cap, M. 97/8 a and 98/8 a. M. 96 b Shrapnel, M. 97/96 6. Armour-piercing, M. 97. 15 cm. Fortress Gun, M. 61 M. 1 and 1 a .... Shell, M. 61. and 61/95, Reserve of M. 61 Shrapnel, M. 61. H.A. (calibre 149 mm.) M. 66 .... "^ 66/85 K. V Shrapnel, M. 66 and 76. 80 K J 15 cm. Long-range Russian — — Gun (calibre mm.) 14*9 cm. Heavy Italian Gun 14*9 cm. Heavy Italian — Howitzer 15 cm. Heavy Field How-~ itaser, M. 94, 99, 94/4, M. 80 Powder-filled shell. 99/4, 14 (?) and 15 M. 80. (calibre 149 mm.) M. 6, 15 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 80. Batteriehaubitze, M. 9, 15 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 99/9. Schwere Feldhauhitze M. 12 a Steel shell, M. 12. or Autohaubitze M. 9 Steel shell, M. 15/9. 15 cm. Howitzer in M. 12 a Steel shrapnel, M. 12. cupola, M. 94 and 99 M. 93 a (with Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. (calibre 149 mm.), y Ergdnzungs- Panzerhauhitze zilnder) 15 cm. Mortar, M. 80, 98, M. 99 a Star shell, M. 6/99 a. 98/7 and 16 (calibre 15 cm. M. 14 .... Universal shell, M. 14. 149 mm.). Mdrser in Gas shell, der Lafette 15 cm. Mortar, M. 80, in cupola (calibre, 149 mm.). — Panzermdr- ser on Mdrser in der SchUife Piece. Projectiles. 15 cm. Mortar, M. 78 (calibre 149"1 mm.). 152 cm. Heavy Gmi, M.15 Belagerungskanone 18 cm. Short Gun, M. 80 (calibre 180 mm). Belagerungs kanone 21 cm. Mortar, M. 80 (Coast defence) and M. 16 (calibre mm.) Kiisten- viorser or Morser. 21 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/20. Kiistenkanone 21 cm. Heavy Italian How- itzer 24 em. Mortar, M. 98, 98/7, 95/10 and 10/5 (calibre 240 mm,). Morser. 24 cm. Gun, M. 16 (calibre mm. ). kanone 24 cm. Coast Defence Gun L/22 28 cm. Howitzer, M. (calibre mm.). Belagerungshaubitze M. 1 and 1 a ... M. 75 M. 93 a M. 80 and 66/85 K. M. 75 (with adap- ter) M. 99 a Clockwork M. 80 M. 6, 18 cm. (with gaine) M. 12 M. 12 M. 93 a {Er- gilnzungsziinder) . M. 80 M. 6, 21 cm M. 99 a M. 99 M. 9, 24 cm. M. 99 a .... ? M. 9, 24 cm.... Clockwork Dopp, Z. 16 24 cm. G. Z. Powder-filled shell, M.16. Powder-filled shell, M. 7. Shrapnel, M. 78/93 a. Shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. Percussion -shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. Star shell, M. 6/99 a. Shrapnel. Powder-filled shell, M. 80. Ekrasit shell, M. 80. Steel shell, M. 12. Steel shrapnel, M. 12. Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. Powder-filled shell,M.80. E krasitbomhe, M. 98. Star shell, M. 99 a. Ekraaithomhe, M. 99. E krasitbomhe, M. and 6/9. Star shell, M. 99 a. ? Ekrastibombe, M. 98/9 and 6/9. Ziindgranate. Piece. Fuzes. Projectiles. 28 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/22 and L/35. 24 cm. G.Z 28 cm. G.Z Ziindgranate. Ziindgranate. 30*5 cm. Mortar, M. 11 (calibre 305 mm.) M. 9, 30-5 cm Elcrasilhomhe, and 15/9 ; homhe. M. 11/9 Truppen- 30*5 cm. Coast jDefence Gun, L/40 30-5 cm., M. 8 .... M. 98/96 Ziindgranate. (?) 35 cm. Gun, M. 16 (B.K.L/45) M. 9(?) H.E. Shell, M. 16. 38 cm. Naval Gun (calibre 381 mm.), L./40 — H.E. Shell, M. 16. 38 cm. Howitzer, M. 16 (B.H.L/17) — H.E. Shell, M. 16. 42 cm. Howitzer, M. (?) (K.H.L/15) — H.E. Shell, M. 16. (?) 42 cm. Mortar M. 15 (calibre mm.) — H.E. Shell, M. 16. Page 11— Insert the following list of " Abbreviations : — LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Abbreviation. Signification. English equivalent. A Aufschlag Percussion. A.S Aufschlagsziinder Percussion fuze. A.Z Aufschlagsschrapnell Percussion shrapnel. B.H Belagerungshaubitze Siege howitzer. B.K Belagerungskanone Siege gun. B.K.L/40 Belagerungskanone Lange Siege gun, 40-calibre 40 kaliber. length. B.Z BodenzUnder Base percussion fuze. D.Z Doppelziinder Time and percussion fuze. E.B Ekrasitbombe Ecrasite shell, 21 cm. and E.G Ekrasitgranate over. Ecrasite shell. E.H.Z Empfindlicher Haubitz- Instantaneous fuze for ziinder. howitzers. Ekr Ekrasit Ecrasite. E.K.Z En»pfindlicher Kanonen- Instantaneous fuze for ziinder. guns. FeldHaub Feldhaubitze Field howitzer. FeldKan Feldkanone Field gun. G. or Gr Granate Shell. G.Z. or Gr.Z Granatenziinder Percussion fuze. Haub Haubitze Howitzer. K Kartatschschrapnell (or Case-shot effect (or Korn- Kornpulver). pulver time -composi- tion). Kan Kanone Gun. K.H.L/15 Kiistenhaubitze Lange 15 Coast Defence Howitzer, 15-calibre length. K.L.fa.Kan Kraf twagenluf tf ahrzeug - abwehrkanone. A. A. gun on lorry. L.fa.Kan Luftfahrzeugabwehr- kanone. A.A. gun. L.S Leuchtschrapnell Star shell. M Muster Pattern. Mors, or Mrs Morser Mortar. n/A neue Art New model. S. or Schr Schrapnell Shrapnel. S.D.Z Schrapnelldoppelziinder Time and percussion fuze. V Vortempierung " Anticipated burst " (see pp. 64 et seq.) Z Ziinder Fuze. z.v Ziindvorrichtung Base percussion fuze. z.v.v Ziinder verzogerungs - vorrichtung. Delay action. Page 12— 1875 Pattern Percussion Fuze. After line ] 5, add — 21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar, M. 73 ; maximum range, 5,000 metres. Page 14 — 1880 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Line 12. — After " 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/35," add — Maximum range, 9,000 metres. Page 18— 1906 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Line 11.— After " 21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar " insert " 1873 " ; and add — Maximum range of 1880 model, 7,200 metres. Page 28— 1909 Pattern Base Percussion Fuze. After line 9, insert : — "21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar, M. 73. Max. range, 5,000 metres. (?) 21 cm. Mortar, M. 16." Line 11.— i^or " 6,500 metres " read " 7,200 metres." Page 30— 30*5 cm. Base Percussion Fuze. Line ^.—For " 12,800 metres " read " 9,500 metres." After line 9, insert : — • "This fuze is possibly identical with the 30*5 cm. Zilnd- vorrichtung (Z.V., M.8) used with 30'5 cm. Coast Defence Gun L/40 ; range, 18,000 metres. On the blank pages following page 3d, insert : — 1896 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation. — G.Z. M. 96. Used with, — 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun L/40 (max. range, 10,000 metres) with shells, M. 97/95 and 98/96. Graduations . — None. Material. — Brass. Remarks.— Shell M. 97 /8a, with false cap and Base-percussion fuze 15 cm. Z.V., M. 8, is also used ; as well as shell M. 98/8a. 1897 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation. — G.Z. M. 97. Used with.— 7 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/42 (max. range, 6,000 metres), with shell M. 98. Graduations . — ^None. Material . — Brass. Remarks. — 1898 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation. — G.Z. M. 98. Used "with. — 6 cm. Gun in casemate, M. 98 and 9. 6 cm. Gun in movable turret, M 98, with 1898 pattern shell. Max. range, 1,500 metres. Graduations . — Nil. Material. — Brass. Remarks. — 1899 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation.— G.Z. M. 99. Used with. — 21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar, M. 80, with steel " Bombe," M. 80 ; max. range, 7,200 metres. Graduations . — Nil. Material. — Remarks. 24 cm. Percussion Fuze. Designation. — G.Z. 24 cm. Used with. — • 21 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/20 ; range, 4,000 metres. 24 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/22 ; range, 6,000 metres. 28 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/22 ; range, 13,500 metres. Graduations . — Nil. Material. — Remarks.-' 10 28 cm. Percussion Fuze. Designation. — 28 cm. G.Z. Used with. — 28 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/35 and L/35a and h ; max. range, 13,500 metres. Graduations . — Nil. Material. Remarks. — • 1916 Pattern German Instantaneous . Gun Fuze. Designation. — E.K.Z. 16 (Empfindlicher Kanonenzunder). Used with. — 8 cm. Field Gun M. 5 and 5/8 with *' Blue Cross " gas shell (" sneezing "gas ") ; range, 8,300 metres. Graduations . — Material — Remarks. — See " Notes on German Fuzes." (2nd Edition.) 1917 Pattern German Instantaneous Gun Fuze. Designation. — E.K.Z. 17 {Empfindlicher Kanonenzunder). Used with. — 8 cm. Field Gun M. 5 and 5/8 with " Yellow Cross " gas shell (" mustard gas ") ; range, 8,300 metres. Graduations. — None. Material. Remarks. — See " Notes on German Fuzes." (2nd Edition.) 1917 Pattern German Instantaneous Howitzer Fuze. Designation. — E.H.Z. 17 (Empfindlicher Haubitzziinder) . Used ^vith. — 10.4 cm. Light Field Howitzer, M. 99, 14 and 16. 10.4 cm. Mountain Howitzer, M. 99, 8, 10 and 16 with " Yellow Cross " ("mustard gas ") shell. Range, 8,800 metres. 11 Graduations . — Material. — Hexnarks. — See " Notes on Grerman Fuzes/ Page 60— 1875 Pattern Time Fuze. Line 2.~F(yr " 1894 " read " 1895." Line 3. — For " 2,600 metres " read " 3,000 metres. Page 52 — 1880 Pattern Time Fuze. I^nes 4 and 5.— After " 12 cm. and 15 cm. Guns (1861 and 61 /95) " insert : " Max. range, 4,000 metres." Line 1.— After " 16 cm. Mortar (1878) " insert : " Max. range, 2,800 metres." 56— 1891 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Lines 4 and Q.~For " 3,375 metres " read " 4,800 metres." Page 58— 1893 Pattern^Time and Percussion Fuze. Line 8. — After " 16 cm. Howitzer in cupola " insert : " Max. range, 5,800 metres." Line 11 : Far" 3,200 metres " read " 2,800 metres." Table at bottom of page 3, column 3. — For " 5,900 metres " read " 5,800 metres." X2 Page 62— 1895 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Remarks. — Insert'. T. and P. fuze M. 95a is used with shrapnel M. 98 for 7 cm. Coast Defence Gun L/42 ; range, 3,600 metres. Page 66— 1896 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Line 1. — Designation. — After " 96a " insert " 966." Line 14. — Remarks. — Add " M. 966 is used with Shrapnel, M.97/ 966 for 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/40 ; range, 6,000 metres. On one of the blank pages at end of book insert : — Clockwork Time Fuze. Designation . — Used with. — 8 cm. Field Gun, M. 5 and 5/8, with long H.E. shell, M. 14 (?) 15.2 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 15 ; with shrapnel, range about 20,000 metres. (?) 24 cm. Siege Gun, M. 16. Graduations. — *' '^ * Material. — Body, brass ; cap, housing, steel ; housing for per- cussion system, aluminium. Remarks. — The clockwork fuzes which are being tried in the Austro- Hungarian army are probably of German manufacture (See " Notes on German Fuzes," 1918 edition, and " Re- ports on Enemy Ammunition," No. 20 (September, 1917), published by the Ministry of Munitions. 15.2 cm. guns identified on the Italian front at Ca Vecchia (Monte Cimone) have shelled Thiene at a range of 17 km. and Villa verla (about 20 km.), with shrapnel fuzed with a clockwork fuze. [Crown Copyright Reserved.] NOTES AUSTIIO-HUNGARIAN FUZES NOVEMBER, 1917. Qt/^^ih Prepared by the General Staff. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY HARRISON AND SONS, 45-47, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, W-C. 2, Printers in Ordinary to His Majesty. 1917. ^M CONTENTS. Preface .... List of Austro -Hungarian Artillery Fuzes Table showing Fuzes and Projectiles used with Howitzers and Mortars .... Marks on Austrian Fuzes Note on the Metals used Austro -Hungarian Artillery terms Percussion Fuzes Time Fuzes Time and Percussion Fuzes .... Conversion Tables '^' Guns, Page .. 5 .. 7 8 .. 9 .. 12 .. 46 .. 56 Covers. (b 1]931) Wt. w. 4412— PP69i 2250 2/18 H «& S P. 17/939 PREFACE. These " Notes " have been put together from data provided by the Italian and Russian General Staffs, and from other soui'ces. The Dati e cenni su materiali delV Artiglieria Atistro-Ungarica, by Colonel Forni, has been of great value ; and thanks are due to the Italian General Staff for permission to reproduce the illustrations from this book. The details given here are necessarily incomplete ; the information on certam points is conflicting and possibly inaccurate It is hoped that General Staflt Officers, and all Artillery Officers with their batteries will do their utmost to obtain additional information on the subject of Austro -Hungarian fuzes and forward it to G.H.Q. for transmission to the War Office, so that the book may be kept up to date. Fuzes are an invaluable guide to what batteries the enemy has against us in any particular sector ; and any evidence as to the nature and calibre of the guns with which each faze is employed, will be particularly useful. M.I. 3 (b), November, 1917. (b 11931) A 2 CLASSIFIED INDEX OF AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN FUZES. f External. Nose- percussion | Percussion ■< [^Internal ^Base-percussion. M. 75 (Fig. 1) .... M. 80 (Fig. 2) .... M. 1 (Fig. 3) ... -( M. 1 a M. 6 (Fig. 4) .... Gr.Z. 04 (Fig. 5) H.Z. 14 (Fig. 6) 10-5 cm. (Fig. 7) M. 98 (Fig. 8) .... I M. 9 (Fig. 9) .... J 30-5 cm. (Fig. 10) •• -^ 30-5 cm. (Fig. 11) Time Un-Graduated Graduated Marked "A" Marked Time and Percussion 38 cm 1^42 cm fM. 61 J M. 66 ••• ] M. 66/85 K. (Fig. 12) ... l^M. 80 K. (Fig. 14) ... /M. 75/85 c. (Fig. 13) ... •■•\M. 85 M. 91 a M. 91 b M. 93 a (Fig. 15) "S Ergdnzu7igszunder (Fig I 16) IM. 95 (Fig. 17) A " and " V," M. 95 b ... M. 96 M. 96 a (Fig. 18) M. 96 c M. 99, 7 cm. (Fig. 19)... M. 99, 10 cm. (Fig. 20) M. 99 a (Fig. 21) M 99 b M. 2 M. 5 (Fig. 22) 8 bronze (Fig. 23) ... 8 bronze (Fig. 24) ... 8 iron (Fig. 25) ... 12 (Fig. 27) 12 a (Fig. 28) 12 b (Fig. 29) 12 f (Fig. 30) Schrapnellgranate (Fig. 31) .... German fuze, Dopp.-Z. 92, 10 cm (Fig. 32) Two time-rings, M. 8 B Zusatzladung (Fig. 26) One Time^ Ring Marked "A," " V and " K ' fuze K. FUZES AND PROJECTILES USED WITH VARIOUS GUNS, HOWITZERS AND MORTARS. Piece. Projectiles. 3*7 Trench Gun (calibre 37 mm.) 6 cm. Gun, M. 98, in case- mate mounting, or mov- able turret (calibre 57 mm.) 6 cm. Gun, M. 99, in case- mate 7 cm. Mountain Gun, M. 99, 8 and 9 (calibre 72.5 mm.) 7.5 cm. Mountain Gun, M. 15 8 cm. Field Gun, M. 5 and f 5/8 (calibre 76.5 mm.) ^ 8 cm. Fortress Gun, (^ M.5and5/9 8 cm. Gun, in turret, M. 2 8 cm. Gun, M. 95, in case- mate (old field gun, '75 pattern) (calibre 75 mm.) 8 cm. Gun, M. 94, in case- mate (old field gun) 8 cm. old Field Gun, M. 75 (fixed or movable arma- ment) 8 cm. Gun, M. 94, in cupola 8 cm. Guns, M. 94 and 98, in casemate mountings i' 8 cm. Fortress Gun,M. 94, \ on shielded carriage J 9 cm. old Field Guns,"> M. 75 and 75/96 (calibre 87 mm.) 9 cm. Gun, M. 75/4, and ] 1 in casemate mount- ing 10 cm. Light Field How- itzer, M. 99 and 14 (calibre 104 mm.) 10 cm. Mountain How- itzer, M. 99, 8, 10 and 16 10 cm. Howitzer, in cupola, M. 99, 5, 6 and 9^ Note. — The more im M. 98 M. 95b M. 98 M. 99, 7 cm. (with gaine) M. 99, 7 cm. ... 7 cm., M. 15 M. 5, 8 and 8 b (with gaines) M. 5, 8 and 8 b.... M. 2 M. 75 M. 75/85 c M. 75 M. 75 M. 85 M. 75 M. 95 M. 75 M. 91 a, 91 b, 96, 96 a, 96 c M. 99, 10 cm. (with gaine) M. 9 M. 99, 10 cm. ... M. 99b 10 cm., M. 14 ... Minengranate Brisants- granate Star-shell. Powder-filled shell, M. 98. Shrapnel, M. 98/95, Case shot. Powder-filled shell, M.98. Ekrasit shell, M. 99 and 5. Shrapnel, M. 99. Schrapnellgranate (uni- versal shell). Ammonal shell, M. 5 and 8. Shrapnel, M. 5 and 8. Shrapnel, M. 2. Case-shot. Segment shell, M. 75. Shrapnel, M. 75/85c. Segment shell, M. 75. Segment shell, M. 75. Shrapnel, M. 75/85. Case shot. Segmeni shell, M. 94. Shrapnel, M. 96/95 and 94/95. Case shot. Segment shell, M. 75. Powder-filled shell, M. 75. Shrapnel, M. 75. 91 and 96. Case shot. Ammonal shell, M. 99 and 5. Ekrasit shell, M. 10/9 and 14. Shrapnel, M. 99. Star-shell, M. 6/99b. Universal shell. portant guns are printed in heavy type. Piece. Fuzes, Projectiles. 10.4 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 14, 10 cm., M. 14 .... Universal shell. 15 and 12/15 (calibre 9 Shrapnel. 104 ram.) 1 Steel shell. 10 cm. Heavy German Gr.Z. 04 10 cm., Gr. 96. Gun, K. 04 (calibre 105 H.Z. Vst. 14 .... 10 cm., Gr. 96. mm.) Dopp.Z. 92 Shrapnel 96. 12 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 80 " (calibre 120 mm.) M. 80 Powder-fiUed shell, M.80. M. 6, 12 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 80. 12 cm. Fortress Gun, M. > M. 9 Steel shell, M, 14/9. 80 and 96, in casemate M. 93 a Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. or turret M. 12 b New steel shell, and shrapnel, M. 12 Case-shot. 12 cm. Gun, M. 61 and M. 61 Shrapnel, M. 61. 61/95 (mobile reserve of M. 66, 66/85 K., Shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. H.A.) 80 K. M. 1 and 1 a .... Powder filled shell, M. 61. — Case-shot. 15, cm. Heavy Gun, M. 80 M. 80 Powder-filled shell, M.80. (calibre 149 mm.) M. 6, 15 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 80. M. 9 Ekrasit shell, M. 99/9. M. 12 b .: Steel shell and shrapnel, M. 12. M. 93 a Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. — Armour-piercing shell, M. 80. 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun M. 80 Shell 15 cm. Fortress Gun, M. 61 M. 61 Shrapnel, M. 61. and 61/95 (reserve of M. 66, 66/85 K. Shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. H.A.) and 80 K. M. 1 and 1 a .... Powder-filled shell, M.6. 15 cm. Mortar, M. 78 (mo- M. 75 Powder-filled shell, M.78. bile Rpserve) M. 75 (with adap- Percussion-shrapnel, M. ter) 66 and 78. M. 80 and 66/ 85 K. Shrapnel, M. 66 and 78. M. 93a Shrapnel. M. 78/93 a. M. 93 a (with Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. Ergdnzungs- ziinder) M. 99 a Star-shell, M. 6/99 a. ' M. 80 Powder-filled shell,M. 80. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howit- M. 6, 15 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 80. zer, M. 94, 99. 94/4 99/4 M. 9, 15 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 99/9. and 15 (calibre 149 mm.) — Steel shell M. 15/9. 15 cm. howitzer in M. 12 a Steel shell and shrapnel. cupola, M. 94 and 99 M. 12. 15 cm. Mortar, M.80.98,'^ M. 93 a (with Shrapnel, M. 80/83 a. 98/7 and 16 Ergdnzungs- ziinder) M. 99 a Star-shell, M. 6/99 a. 15 cm. Mortar, M. 80, in 15 cm. M. 14 .... Universal shell, M. 14. cupola or on sledge j^ 9 Gas shell. I Piece. Fuzes. Projectiles. 18 cm. Heavy Gun, M. 80 M. 80 Powder-filled shell,M. 80. (calibre 180 mm.) M. 12 (?) Steel shell and shrapnel, M. 12. M. 6, 18 cm. .... Ekrasit shell. M. 93 a )with Er- Shrapnel, M. 80/93 a. g dnzung s - ziinder) 21 em. Coast Defence Gun, M. 6 (?), 21 cm. Ekrasit shell, M. 99. L./20 21 cm. Coast Defence M. 6, 21 cm Ekrasit shell, M. 99. Mortar, M. 80, and M. 99 a .... Star-shell, M. 99 a. Mortar, M. 15 24 cm. Mortar, M. 98, 98/7, M. 9, 24 cm Ekrasitbomhe, M. 98/9 15/10, and 10/15 (calibre and 6/9 240 mm.) M. 99 a Star-shell, M. 99 a. 24 cm Gun, M. 16 28 cm. Howitzer or Mortar 30*5 cm. Mortar. M. 9, 30-5 cm Ekrasitbomhe M. 11/9 35 cm. Gun, M. 16. and 15/9 ; Truppen- 38 cm. Naval Gun. bombe. 42 cm. Mortar. 42 cm. Howitzer, MARKS ON AUSTRIAN FUZES. Nearly every Austrian fuze bears a mark showing the Year in which it was adopted. This mark consists of the letter " M." (Muster, Pattern) followed by a numeral denoting the year. Thus the 1908 pattern time and percussion fuze, employed with 8 cm. field artillery shells, is marked M. 8. A Sraall Letter sometimes follows the numeral ; but the same letters do not always mean the same thing. The 1893 pattern T. and P. fuze, for instance, is always marked M. 93a. The extra- fuze (Ergcinzungszilnder), som.etimes screwed over the cap to increase the range at which time -shrapnel can be fired with it, is marked M. 93a if intended for guns (12 cm. or 15 cm.) ; or M. 936, if intended for Howitzers (15 cm.). On the contrary, the 1912 pattern T. and P. fuze is marked M. I2a when employed with Howitzers or Mortars (15 cm.) ; but M. 126 when employed with guns (12 cm. or 15 cm.). Again, the T. and P. fuze of 1899 pattern, used with star-?' hells, is marked M. 99a when adapted for shells of 15 cm. calibre or over ; M. 996 if it is for shells of 10 cm. calibre. Some fuzes are marked with the Calibre of the gun, as well as the date, e.g., the 1906 pattern percussion fuze, used with high explosive (Ekrasit) shells, is marked 12 cm. M. 6 or 21 cm. M. 6, according to the size of shell to which it may be fitted. The T. and P. fuzes belonging to Mountain Artillery are also marked in this way ; e.g., M. 99, 7 cm. for 7 cm. Mountain Gun, M. 99, 10 cm. for 10 cm. Light Field Howitzer or 10 cm. Mountain Howitzer. Graduations on the time -rings of T. and P. fuzes are described under each fuze. In the newer patterns they are all in hundreds of metres ; but older fuzes have been employed against the Italian front, e.g., M. 91 a, M. 91 6, in which the time-ring was graduated in hundreds of paces. In the 1899-pattern fuze for star-shells {M. 99 a and M. 996) the graduation is in hundreths of the length of the time- composition. No Austrian fuze appears to be graduated in seconds. The letters A, V and K are engraved on the time-rings of most T. and P. fuzes. Of these " A " indicates the setting for Aufschlag, " percussion " ; " V," Vortempierung, an " anticipated burst," from 200 to 400 metres from the muzzle ; " K," Kartdtschschrapnell, a burst with case-shot effect. In certain time fuzes of very old design, M. 66/85 K and M. 80 K, which are said to have been used in this campaign with the reserve of heavy artillery (particularly in mountain defence), the letter K signified the quality of powder in the time -composition, Kornpulver Before the combined Austro-German offensive in Italy in the AutiTmn of 1917, only three German fuzes were used by the Austrians, ■with 10-5 cm. guns of German make. These fuzes have special markings, and are described separately. NOTE ON THE METALS USED. The raw material used for fuzes in the Austro -Hungarian Artillery does not appear to have undergone much change since the beginning of the war. The metal is of good quality, and the workmanship generally proves to be accurate. A tendency to contain less bronze and brass has been observed in various fittings connected with other artillery material. These metals are being replaced, in varying degrees, by steel and iron ; and by a hard, white metal composed of an alloy of zinc with small proportions of copper, lead and iron. Copper, too, is being replaced by this alloy ; and layers or bands of lead have been noted in parts iSubject to pressure. These changes have been noticed also in projectiles of medium calibre, dating from 1915 ; but they have not yet led to the complete disuse of bronze and brass in fittings or driving bands. As a general rule, the driving band of an Austrian shell is of copper, excellently cut, and without flaws, which proves that the metal is uniform and compact in texture, and that the rifling of the gun is in good order. 9 Not much information is available as to bronze or brass in fuzes being replaced by other metals ; it will be seen, however, that the 1908 pattern time and percussion fuze is now being made of iron with brass time-ring (page 86) ; while the Zusatzladung T. and P. fuze M. 8 b, with two graduated brass rings for use with dilierent charges {see page 88), is made of a leaden-coloured alloy, covered with varnish to look like brass or to preserve it from oxidation. This fuze is one of the latest to be adopted by the Austro -Hungarian Artillery ; it was not employed against the Italians imtil 1916. It cannot be too strongly urged that any new facts which may be brought to light, bearing on the material and construction of enemy fuzes, should be reported as early as possible to G.H.Q. TERMS COMMONLY USED WITH AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN FUZES. Aufschlag. — Percussion (abbrev. " A " on time-ring). Auf schlagsziinder . — Percussion fuze. Bodenzunder. — Base percussion fuze. Doppelziinder. — Time and percussion fuze. Ekrasit.^ — High explosive. Ekrasitbombe. — H.E. shell used with 24-cm. mortar. Ekrasitgranate. — Generally used for H.E. shell of all calibres, except 24 cm. Erganzungsziinder. — A " supplementary fuze," screwed over the head of another to increase the range over which time -shrapnel may be fired with it. Feldhaubitze. — " Field Howitzer " ; the light field howitzer {leichte Feldhaubitze) is of 10-cm. calibre ; the heavy field howitzer {Schwere FeldJmubitze), 15 cm. Feldkanone.— " Field Gun " (8 cm.). Granate.— " Shell." Hatibitze. — " Howitzer." Kanone. — " Gun." Kartatschschrapnell. — " Case-shot." " K " on time-ring of T. and P. fuze indicates setting at which case-shot effect may be obtained. Kornpiilver. — A special powder used in the time -composition of certain old-fashioned time fuzes. Also abbreviated " K." 10 Leichttempierbar. — " Easily tet " ; used of a T. and P. fuzer which may be set by hand. Leuchtschrapnell. — Star-shell (or Leuchtgranate). Morser. — Mortar (abbreviation, Mrs.). Muster. — Pattern (abbrev. M). Panzerhatibitze. — Howitzer in cupola, or with overhead shield. Por tee .— R ange. Schrapnelldoppelziinder. — T. and P. fuze for shrapnel. Schrapnellgranate . — Universal shell. Umgearbeitet. — " Modified." Verzogerung.— Delay action (only in Grerman-made fuzes). Vorstecker.—" Safety-pin " (abbreviation, Vst., Vrst., or Vorst., in German fuzes). Vortempierung. — Setting fuze for " anticipated burst," 200 — 400 metres from muzzle. Zinnkupfer. — An alloy of tin and copper, containing a small pro- portion of tin. Ziinder. — Fuze. Ziinderverzogerungsvorrichtung. — Arrangement for delay action. Zusatzladung. — "Additional charge " {see page 88). 11 12 1875 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation. — ^M. 75. Used -with. — 8 cm. (old) Field Gun, M. 75, fixed or movable armament. 8 cm. fortress Gmi, M. 94 and 95, in casemate. (Max. range with 1875 pattern shell, 3,375 metres.) 8 cm. Gun, M. 94, in cupola. 8 cm. Gun, M. 94 and 98 in casemate. 8 cm. Gun, M. 94, on shielded carriage. (Max. range with 1894 pattern shell, 4,000 metres.) 9 cm. (old) Field Gun, M. 75 and 75/96. 9 cm. Gun, M. 75/4, in casemate. (Max. range with 1875 pattern shell, 6,450 metres.) 15 cm. Mortar, M. 78 (mobile reserve). (Max. range with 1878 shell, 3,600 metres. With per- cussion-shrapnel and adapter, Max. range, 3,200 metres.) Graduations . — None . Material . — Brass. Remarks. — 13 1875 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Fig. 1. Percussion fuze M. 75 in powder-filled shell of 9 cm. gun (fixed armament). 1880 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Designation. — M. 80. Used with 1880 powder-filled and Ekrasit shell, for — 12 cm. Heavy Cun, 1880 ; max. range, 8,000 metres. 12 cm. Gun, 1880 and '96 (fixed armament). 15 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 8,500 metres. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99, 1915 ; max. range, 6,200 metres. 15 cm. Fortress Howitzer in cupola, 1894, and '99. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98, '98/7 and 16 ; max. range, 3,500 metres. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880 (fixed armament) ; max. range, 3,500 metres. 15 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/35. 18 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; with 1880 shell ; max. range, 5,100 metres. 21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar, 1880, and Mortar, 1916. Graduations . — None . Material. — Brass. Remarks. — Fuzes intended for 12 cm. shell are marked " 8 L," and are closed by a plain zinc plug. Fuzes for 15 cm. and 18 cm. shell are marked *' 4 L " ; the plug has a detent spring. 15 1880 Pattern Percussion Fuze. '/am Z/nc PJuo Zjnc 8/ug yvilfi Cletent~spr/nq Fig. 2. Percussion fuze M. 80. — (a) In 12 cm. common shell ; (6) in 15 cm. or 18 cm. shell. 16 1901 Pattern Percussion Fuze Designation. — M. 1 and M. la. Used w^ith — 12 cm. Gun, 1861 and '61/95 (mobile reserve of heavy artillery); with 1861 shell ; max. range 2,300 metres. 15 cm. Gun, 1861 and '61/95 (mobile reserve) with 1861 shell; max. range, 5,800 metres. Graduations . — None. Material . — Brass. Remarks. — Reported to have been used by the Austrians in Val Camonica and Val Giudicaiia. The shells are of cast iron with a jacket of lead, and propelled by black powder. They are no longer used. 17 1901 Pattern Percussion Fuze Fig. 3. Percussion fuze M. 1 in 1861 shell used with 12 cm. or 15 cm. guns (*61 and 61 /95 models) of mobile reserve. (B 11931) 18 1906 Pattern Percussion Fuze Designation. — M. 6. Used with— Ekrasitgranate, 1880 pattern. 12 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range with Ekrasit shell, 8,000 metres. 12 cm. Gun, fixed armament, M. 80 and 96. 15 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 8,500 metres. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99 and 1915; max. range, 6,200 metres. 15 cm. Fortress Howitzer (PanzerhavJbitze) 1894 and '99 ; max. range, 6,200 metres. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98, '98/7 and 1916 ; max. range, 3,500 metres. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880 (in cupola) ; max. range, 3,500 metres. 18 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 5,100 metres. 21 cm. Coast Defence Gun, L/20. 21 cm. Coast Defence Mortar, 1880, and Mortar, 1916. Graduations . — None . MatericJ. — Brass. Remarks. — These fuzes are like the 1880 pattern percussion fuzes ; but have a metal case, containing a gaine, screwed to the base. They are all marked with the calibre, as well as the year of manu- facture ; e.g., *' 12 cm. M. 6," " 21 cm. M. 6." 19 1906 Pattern Percussion Fuze. Case coritaininq game Fig. 4. Percussion fuze (1906) fitted with gaine, for Ekrasit shells, 12 cm., 15 era. and 18 cm. guns ; 15 cm. how. ; 15 cm. and 21 cm. mortar. (B 11931) b2 20 1904 Pattern Percussion Fuze (German make). Designation. — Gr. Z. 04, i.e., Granat-Z under, 1904. Used with. — 10-5 cm. German Gun ; 1896 pattern shell ; range, 10,300 metres. Graduations . — ^None. Material. — Brass and steel, with steel gaine. Remarks. — Percussion ; with or without delay actisn. " M.V." {mit V erzogerung), with delay. "O.V." {ohne V erzogerung) without. This fuze is extensively used for gas shells. 1904 Pattern Percussion Fuze (German make) oy.-"o/?^e \fhour dday\^ Gr . Z 04 Sp. 8raj5 ^ Steel ZcaXe % appro X Pig. 5. — German percussion fuze Gr. Z. 04 used with [10'6 cm. cim nf GfirmaTi mamifaotnre. often with eras shells. '^ 22 1914 Pattern Percussion Fuze (German make). Designation. — H. Z. 14 Vst., i.e., Haubitz-Ziinder 1914, mii Vorstecker (Howitzer-Fuze with safety-pin). Used with. — 10'5 cm. German Gun: 1914 and '14a pattern shell. Range, 10,300 metres. Graduations . — None. Material. — Brass, or brass with steel head. Remarks. — The Italian authorities state that H. Z. 14 fuze has been used against them, in 1896 pattern shell from 10.5 cm. German gun. On the Western front this fuze is only employed in 1914-15 shell, with 10-cm. light field howitzer. But as they describe a fuze with safety-pin, it is probably H.Z. 14 Vst., which is known to be used with 10.5 cm. gun. Vorstecker (safety-pin) is sometimes abbreviated Vorst. or Vrst. as well as Vst. or * stamped on head of fuze means that it is of superior quality. 23 1914 Pattern Percussion Fuze (German make). V Brasi Full Fig. 6. German percussion fuze H. Z. 14 Vst. used with^l0*4 cm. gun of Grerman manufacture. 24 Internal Nose Percussion Fuze for 10-4 cm. Shell. Desig-uation . — 10 cm. M. 14. Used with — 10.5 cm. heavy gun; max. range, 12,500 metres. Graduations . — None. Material. 26 Internal Nose Percussion Fuze for 10-5 cm Shell. Fig. 7. Internal percussion fuze in nose of shell for 10*4 cm. heavy gtm. 26 1898 Pattern Base- Percussion Fuze Desig-nation. — M. 98, Used with — 6 cm. Gun (casemate mounting), 1898 and '99. 6 cm. Gun, 1898, in movable turret, with 1898 pattern shell. Max. range, 1,500 metres. Graduations . — None. Material . — Brass . Remarks . — 27 1898 Pattern Base- Percussion Fuze. Fig. 8. Base percussion fuze M. 8 used with 6 cm. fortress gun ('98 and '99), fixed or movable armoured mountings. 28 1909 Pattern Base- Percussion Fuze. DoBignation. — ^M. 9 (10 cm., 15 cm. and 24 cm.). Used with— Ekrasit shell for — 10 cm. Mountain Howitzer, M. 99, 8, 10 and 16. 10 cm. Light Field Howitzer, 1899, and 14. 10 cm. Howitzer, M. 99, 5, 6 and 9, in cupola. Maximum range, 6,100 metres. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99, 94/4, 99/4 and 1914. Maximum range, with Ekrasit shell, M. 99/9, 5,600 metres. 24 cm. Mortar, '98 and '98/07, 95/10 and 10/16. Maximum range, 6,500 metres. (?) Graduations . — None. Material. — Braes. Remarks. — ^M. 9, 16 cm., weighs 0*5 kilos. (1| lbs.] 24 cm., is larger, and weighs 1'7 kilos. (3f lbs.). 29 1909 Pattern Base-Percussion Fuze. Fig. 9. Base percussion fuze M. 9, with exploder, used with 24 cm. mortar. 30 Base Percussion Fuze for 30*5 cm. Shell. Designation. — M. 9 (?) 30-5 cm. Used with — 30.5 cm. Mortar. Max. range, 12,800 metres. Graduations. — None. Material. — Remarks. — The fuze is borne on the base-plate of the shell, which is fuzed in two different ways. In earlier models the fuze was screwed down to a large plug, which in turn was screwed into the base-plate. For later model, see next page. 31 Base Percussion Fuze for 30*5 cm. Shell, Fig. 10. Base percussion fuze, for 30*5 cm. mortar. Earlier model, with fuze screwed down to a plug and the latter screwed into base-plate. 32 Base Percussion Fuze for 30*5 * urn- gearbeitet' Shell. Designation. — M. 9 (?) 30-5 cm. Used with — 30'5 cm. Mortar ; umgearbeitet {i.e., modified) shell Max. range, 12,800 metres. Graduations . — None. Material. — Remarks. — The modified 30*5 cm. Shell has two base-plates ; the inner, and thicker, bears the fuze directly, with no plug ; the outer, and thinner base-plate is a flat disc completely closing the projectile. The object of this change was probably to prevent the infiltration of gas along the screw-threads of fuze and plug. 33 Base Percussion Fuze for 30*5 'urn- gearbeitet' Shell, ' W///////y//77, Fig. 11. Base percussion fuze and exploder, for 30*5 cm. mortar. Later model : Shell with two base-plates and fuze screwed into the inner (B 11931) 34 Fuze for 38 cm. Gun, Designation. — Used with— 38 cm. (Naval ?) Gun. Max. range said to be about 30 kilometers (18^ miles). Graduations- Material. — Remarks. — A few 38 cm. Guns were employed by the Austrians in the Trentino offensive in May, 1916, Nothing is known of the fuze. 3^1 (B 11931) c2 36 Fuze for 42 cm. Mortar. Designation. Used with — 42 cm. Mortar. Range, 14,000 metres (?). Graduations .- Material. — Benaarks. — No details of fuze available. 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 1861 Pattern Time Fuze, Designation. — ^M. 61. Used with, — 12 cm. and 15 cm. Guns (1861 and 61/95 models) forming part of mobile reserve of heavy artillery. Graduations . — Nil. Material. Remarks. — ^A primitive time fuze described by the Italian authorities. It consists of the mechanism for the ascent of the detonating needle and a wooden tube containing the composition. This is cut to a length corresponding to the time it is required to burn before being introduced into the body of the fuze. This and the following old-fashioned fuzes were employed with projectiles made of cast iron with a jacket of lead. They were used by the Austrians in 1915-16 in the Val Camonica and Va] Qiudicaria, but have not been observed since then, 47 48 1866 Pattern Time Fuze, Designation.— M. 66 and 66/85 k. Used with.- 1866 and '78 shrapnel for : 12 cm. Gun ; 1861 and '61/95. Max. range, 4,000 metres. 15 cm. Gun ; 1861 and '61/95. (Mobile reserve of heavy artillery.) 15 cm. Mortar, 1878. Max. range, 3,200 metres. Graduations . — None. Material. — M. 66 is made of Zinnkupfer {i.e., copper with a small proportion of tin). M. 66/85 K is of brass. Remarks. — In both these fuzes the tube containing detonator- pellet is separate and is screwed into the fuze only just before the projectile is placed in the bore. The letter " K " here shows the quality of powder in the composi- tion {i.e., Kornpulver). It generally stands for KartdtschschrapneU, or case-shot. 49 ^rass < 1866 Pattern Time Fuze. Cap coniaininq detonoifor pe/feT Maqazme Fig. 12. Ungraduated time fuze M. 66/85 K. in 1866 shrapnel, used by 12 cm. and 15 cm. guns of mobile reserve. N.B. — "K." refers to the "time" composition (see opposite). (B 11931) 60 1875 Pattern Time Fuze Designation.— M. 75/85 c. Used with. — 8 cm. Guns (1895) in casemate mountings, with shrapnel 1875/85 c. pattern. Max. range, 2,500 metres. Graduations. — From 5 to 48 in hundreds of paces. Every interval of 200 paces is shown by a number, and between the numbers are four graduations of 50 paces each. There is no arrangement for case-shot effect. Setting the fuze at the " 500 " mark produces a burst about 250 metres from the muzzle. Material . — Brass. Remarks. — Shrapnel employed with this fuze has a red " C on the nose of the shell. 51 1875 Pattern Time Fuzes. Fig. 13. Graduated time fuze M. 75/86c for 8 cm. guns ('95 model), fixed armament. (B 11931) t>2 52 1880 Pattern Time Fuze. Designation. — M. 80 K. Used V7ith. — 1866 and '78 shrapnel for : 12 cm. Gun, 1861 and '61/95 15 cm. Gun, 1861 and '61/96. (Mobile reserve of heavy artillery. ) 15 cm. Mortar, 1878. Graduations . — None. Material . — Brass. Remarks. — The detonator -pellet is united with the body of the fuze, but is prevented from moving before use by a safety-pin. " K " indicates the nature of the composition (i.e., Kornpvlver). 53 1880 Pattern Time Fuze, Brass A Cap coriiainina Detonator -pe/fet Safet/ Pm Detonator Afeec/Ze Maqazin& Fig. 14. Ungraduated time fuze M. 80 K. in 1866 shrapnel, used by 12 cm. and 15 cm. guns of mobile reserve. N.B.^" K." refers to the " time " composition (see opposite). 54 1885 Pattern Time Fuzes Designation. — ^M. 85. Used with. — 8 cm. Field Gun, 1875 pattern, converted ; with '75/85 shrapnel. Max. range, 3,375 metres. Graduations. — Up to 45, in hmidreds of paces. Each division equivalent to 200 paces is marked by a number, and between the numbers are four graduations of 50 paces each. Material. — Brass. Remarks.- 55 56 1891 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Designaticn. — M. 91 a, M. 91 b. Used with. Shrapnel, M. 75/91 a and M. 75/91 b for : 9 cm. (old) Field Gun, 1875/96 ; max. range, 3,375 metres. 9 cm. Gun, 1875, '75/96, '75/04 and 1911 (?) (casemate mounting) ; max range, 3,375 metres. Graduations. — From 6 to 48 in hundreds of paces. The gradua- tion for every 200 paces bears a number, and the space between is subdivided into four divisions equivalent to 50 paces each. Material . — Brass. Remarks. — Set for percussion when the setting-mark is at (i.e., Aufschlag, percussion). 57 58 1893 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze Designation. — M. 93 a. Used with. — Shrapnel, 1880 and '78 a pattern, for : 12 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 6,500 metres. 12 cm. Gun, 1880 and '96 in casemate or turret. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99 and 1914 range, 5,000 metres. 15 cm. howitzer in cupola. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, 98, 95/7 and 1916. 15 cm. Mortar, 1878 (shrapnel 1878/93 a) ; max. 3,200 metres. 18 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 4,500 metres. 15 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880 ; max. range, 8,500 metres. range. Graduations. — From to 25. Each division is subdivided into four. When setting-mark is at "A" {Aufschlag),i\ize is&et for percussion. Material . — Bronze Remarks. — The time of burning of the " time-composition " in this fuze is comparatively short ; and allows time-shrapnel to be used with it only up to ranges of 6,500 metres with 12 cm. and 15 cm. guns (1880), and up to 5,000 metres with 15 cm. Howitzers. To extend the range beyond these limits, an extra fuze, Er- gdnzungsziinder {see next page) is screwed over the hexagon-cap. Max. Ranges with 1880/93 a Shrapnel. Fuze M. 93 a. 93 a and Er- gdnzungszunder. 15 cm. Howitzer 12 cm. Gun 15 cm. Gun 18 cm. Gun .... 15 cm. Mortar.... Metres. 5,000 6,500 6,600 4,500 3,200 Metres. 5,900 8,000 8,500 59 1893 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze, Bronze. < Hexaqon Cap "A ' PercU3si'on. Mari s/iotv/ng (/ear dfaJoj^t/on. Time Rm gradu OtoZS. aJccf A- FiG. 15. Time and percussion fuze M. 93a used with 12 cm., 15 cm. and 18 cm. heavy guns ; 15 cm. how. ; and 15 cm. mortar. An extra fuze {Ergdnzungszunder), to extend the time, is some- times screwed over the hexagon cap {see next page). 60 " Erganzungsziinder" for 1893 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Designation. — Ergdnzimgsziinder {i.e., complementary fuze) M. 93 a, and M. 93 b. Used with. — 1893-pattern time and percussion fuze (screwed over hexagon- cap), to extend range at which time-shrapnel may be fired with it. M. 93 a for guns ; M. 93 b for Howitzers. Graduations . — ^None. Material. — Bronze ; originally aluminium. Remarks. — ^The great variety of shrapnel of the three calibres, 12 cm., 15 cm., and 18 cm., fuzed with T. and P. fuze M. 93 a, does not always make it possible to tell, when the fuze only is found, to what projectile it belonged or what gun fired it. But certain guides are available. Thus, a T. and P. fuze M. 93 a, found with complementary fuze M. 93 b screwed on to it, certainly belongs to 1880/93 a shrapnel and was fired by a 15 cm. Howitzer. While a T. and P. fuze, M. 93 a, found with ajiErgdnzungszilnder M. 93 a, certainly belongs to 1880/93 a shrapnel; but was fired by a 12 cm. or 15 cm. heavy gun (1880 pattern). The 18 cm. gun cannot fire time -shrapnel at ranges long enough for the Ergdnzungsziinder to be necessary. If the extra fuze is missing ; shell splinters coloured red indicate 15 cm. gun. Again, if the interval between the sound of discharge and arrival of the shell is more than 11 seconds, a howitzer or mortar is firing ; if the interval is less than 11 seconds, it is probably a gun. T. and P. fuze, M. 93 a. 1. If complementary fuze is present : (a) Marked M. 93 b ..." 15 cm. How. (6) Marked M. 93 a. : (i) Nose of shell red 15 cm. Gun. (ii) Nose of shell not red ., 12 cm. Gum. 2. If complementary fuze is missing : {a) Nose of shell, red 15 cm. Gxin. (6) Noso of shell not red : (i) Interval between sound of discharge and arrival of shell more than 1 1 seconds ... 15 cm. How. or Mortar. (ii) Interval less than 11 seconds ... ... 12 cm. or 18 cm. Gvin. 61 '' Erganzungsziinder ' ' for 1893 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Alumimuim or Bronze Bronze- Erqanzunc^szunc/er ^ fuze M.93a Fig. 16. Ergdnzungszunder, fitted on hexagon cap of time and percussion fuze M. 93a". 62 1895 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Designation . — MiJOS. Used with.- Shrapnel M. 96/95 and 94/95. 8 cm. Gun in cupola (1894). 8 cm. Gun in casemate-mounting, 1894 and 1898. 8 cm. Fortress Gun on shielded carriage, 1894 ; max. range, 3,000 metres. Graduations. — From 5 to 30 in hundreds of metres. Also a graduation for percussion ("A" Aufschlag) ; and one ("45" for a burst 450 metres from muzzle. Material . — Brass. Remarks. 63 1895 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. A Percussion DistinouKihinq Mark ^ i/orle mote rung f burs/at 45^0 meTres) Time Rmq C/rac/uafea from Sto30 In nun areas of metres. PiQ. 17. Time and percussion fuze M. 95 used with 8 cm. guns, Bred armament. 64 1895/b Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Designation. — M. 95 b. Used with.- Shrapnel, 98/95 b, for : 6 cm. Gun in casemate mounting, 1898. 6 cm. Gun in fixed or movable turret, 1898 ; max. range, 1,500 metres. Graduations. — Up to 17, in hundreds of metres. Newer fuzes of this pattern have also a graduation "V" {Vortempierung) for bursts at about 200 metres from muzzle. Material . — Brass. Remarks.- t)5 (B 11931) (36 1896 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Designation. — M. 96, 96 a and 96 c. Used with. — Shrapnel, 1875, '91, '96, for : 9 cm. (old) Field Gxm, 1875, '75/96. 9 cm. Gun in casemate mounting, 1875, '75/96, '75/04 and 1911 max. range, 4,500 metres. Graduations. — ^From 6 to 48 in hundreds of paces. The gradua- tion for every 200 paces bears a number, and the space between is subdivided into four divisions equivalent to 50 paces each. The fuzes are set for percussion when setting-mark is at "A" (Aufschlag). M. 96 a and 96 c can also be set for case-shot effect at " K " ( KartcitschschrapneU). Material . — Brass. Remarks. — 67 1896 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze ^ "PercL Mark . Time Rmq (^raa/uaTed Trom 6^-4-8 /r> hunarec/s of paces. Fig. 18. Time and percussion fuze M. 96a used with 9 cm. guns, fixed armament. (B n931) b2 68 1899 7 cm. Time and Percussion Fuze, Distinctive Mark. — ^M. 99, 7 cm. Used with.— 7 cm. Moimtain Gim, 1899 ; 1908 and '9 for 1899 shrapnel ; max. range, 4,000 metres (reckoned at sea-level), and 1905 Ekrasit shell ; max. range, 5,300 metres. Graduations. — Up to 40J in hundreds of metres (i.e., 4,050 metres of range). Smallest divisions represent 50 metres. Other graduations are letters, V, K, A. When fuze is set at : V. (Vortempierung), shrapnel bursts about 200 metres from muzzle. K. (Kartatschschrapnell), bursts 5 — 10 metres from muzzle with case-shot effect. A. {AufscJUug), bursts on percussion. Material. — Brass. Remarks. — Fitted with a gaine when applied to Ekrasit shells. I 69 1899 7 cm. Time and Percussion Fuze. Mark sfjOiVinq i^ear ofac/opfTon anal ca/iJ^re of' projecfi/e. QradudfeJ to 40-k /n nunclrec/s of metres Fig. 19. Time and percussion fuze M. 99 (7 cm.) ai shrapnel of 7 cm. mountain gun (1899 model). 70 1899 10 cm. Time and Percussion Fuze, for Slirapnel. Distinctive mark. — ^M. 99, 10 cm. Used with. — 10 cm. Light Field Howitzer, 1899 and 1914. 10 cm. Moimtain Howitzer, 1899, 1908, 10 and 16. 10 cm. Fortress Howitzer in cupola, 1899, 1905, '6 and '9. max. range with shrapnel, 5,400 metres. Graduations. — From 4 to 56 in hmidreds of metres, only even numbers shown. (For letters V, K, and A, see previous page.) Material . — Brass. i Remarks. — Differs from the corresponding fuze for Ammonal shell by : 1. Absence of a gaine. 2. Presence of a graduation " K." for case-shot effect. {See next page). ' 71 1899 10 cm. Time and Percussion Fuze, for Shrapnel. Percus. sion rotecf/n^ Cap Mark shoivin^^ (/ear cffac/ao^on and ca/ihr& dt projecif/e V" Graaucuea in hundreds of metres Fig. 20. Time and percussion fuze M. 99 (10 cm.) in shrapnel from 10 em! light field how. or 10 cm. mountain how. 72 1899 10 cm. Time and Percussion Fuze, for Shell. Distinctive mark. — M. 99, 10 cm. Used with. — 10 cm. Light Field Howitzers, 1899, and 1914. 10 em. Mountain Howitzer, 1899, 1908, '10 and '16. 10 cm. Fortress Howitzer in cupola, 1899, 1905, '6 and '9; max* range (with ammonal shell), 5,600 metres. Graduations. — From 4 to 56 in hundreds of metres, only even numbers shown. (For letters V, and A, see page 68.) Material. — Brass. Remarks. — ^Differs from the 1899 pattern, 10 cm. fuze employed with shrapnel by: 1. Having a gaine. 2. Not having a graduation " K " for case-shot effect. {See previouB page.) 73 74 1899 a Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive mark. — M. 99 a. Used with. — Star shell (Leuchtschrapnell) M. 6/99 a for : 16 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99, 94/4, 99/4 and 1915. 15 cm. Panzerhavbitze (Howitzer in cupola), 1894, '99. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98, '98/07, and 16. 15 cm. Mortar, in cupola, 1880, or on sledge. 21 cm. Coast defence Mortar, 1880. and Mortar, 1916. 24 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98 and '98/07, '95/10 and 10/15. Graduations. — ^l^rom to 25 in hundreths of the length of the time-composition ; each division subdivided into four. Material. — Brass. Rexnarks. 75 1899 a Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze, § a a 76 1899 b Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive mark. — M. 99 b. Used with.- Star-shell {Leuchtschrapnell) 6/99 b for : 10 cm. Light Field Howitzer, 1899 and 1914. 10 cm. Mountain Howitzer, 1899, 1908, 10 and 10. 10 cm. Fortress Howitzer (in cupola), 1899, 1905, '6 and '9. Graduations. — From to 25 in hundreths of the length of the time-composition ; each division subdivided into four. Material . — ^Brass. Remarks.- 77 78 1902 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive mark. — ^M. 2. Used with. — 8 cm. Q.F. Gun in turret, 1902 ; max. range with shrapnel, 4,000 metres. Graduations . — Material. — Remarks. 79 80 1905 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctivo Mark. — M. 5. Used with — 8 cm. Field Gun, 1905 and 1905/8. 8 cm. Fortress Gun, 1905 and 1905/9. Max. range : time, 6,200 metres; percussion, 6,200 metres. Graduations. — ^From 5 to 61 in hundreds of metres. Each of the smaller divisions represents 50 metres. Also letters V, A and K. When fuze is set at — V. (Vortempierung), shrapnel bursts about 200 metres from muzzle. K. (Kartdtschschrapnell), bursts 5-10 metres from muzzle, with case-shot effect. A. {Aufschlag), bursts on percussion. Material. — Bronze. Remarks. — Fuze is set with a key, which engages in two slots on time -ring. For use with Ammonal Shell, the fuze is fitted with a gaine. It is being superseded by the following : — 81 1905 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze ^nze < Time Rinq Gradluafed from Slb61 m hunc/rec^s of mefres K " ( Kariatschschrapne// ) Case Sho1 emct. 'V" i Vortempierunoi ) "a" (/^ufsc/i/a^J Percussjon. Fig. 22. Time and percussion fuze M. 5. 61. Used with 8 cm. field gun, Bronze ; graduated to (B 11931) 82 Bronze 1908 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze (No. 1). Distinctive mark. — ^M. 8. Used with — 8 cm. Field Gun, 1905 and 1905/8. 8 cm. Fortress Gun, 1905, 1905/9. Max. range : time, 6,200 metres ; percussion, 7,000 metres. Graduations. — From 5 to 61 in hundreds of metres. (Later fuzes of 1908 pattern, are graduated as far as 73.) Smaller divisions represent 50 metres each. Letters V, K and A, as in 1905 pattern {see previous page). Material. — Bronze, Remarks. — ^Differs from the last by — 1. Distinguishing mark, M. 8 on time-ring. 2. Four pairs of studs on time -ring for setting by hand. 3. One circular hole, instead of 2 slots for setting key. 4. No detent pin. 83 Bronze 1908 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze (No. 1). Bronze /\ = Per cuss /on. Grac/udfed in hunareas of tnefres Fig. 23. Time and percussion fuze M. 8. Bronze ; graduated to' 61. Used nth 8 cm. field gun. (B 11931) !• 2 84 Bronze 1908 Pattern Time and Percussioi Fuze (No. 2). Distinctive mark. — M. 8. Used with — 8 cm. Field Gun, 1905 and 1905/8. 8 cm. Fortress Gim, 1905 and 1905/8. Max. range (time ar percussion), 7,300 metres. Graduations. — ^From 5 to 73 in hundreds of metres. The small divisions represent 50 metres. Letters V. A and K as in 1905 pattern fuze (page 80). Material. — Bronze. Remarks. — Set by hand (LeicMtempierbar), using the four pai of studs on the time-ring. With a gaine, this fuze is employed also for H.E. to get a time burst on targets behind cover. 85 3ronze 1908 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze (No. 2). Ms 'Mark s/iQwin<^ (/ear of adoption SeffJng S/uds /<"= Case5liot 'A "= Percuss/on Ctaauaied STora m hundreds of metres. Fig. 24. Time and percussion fuze M. 8 ; Bronze, graduated to 73. Used ith 8 cm. field gun. 86 Iron 1908 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive Mark. — M. 8. Used with— Shrapnel, M. 8, for — 8 cm. Field gun, 1905 and 1905/8. 8 cm. Fortress Gmi, 1905 and 1905/8; Max. range, 7,30C metres. Graduations. — From 5 to 73 in hmidreds of metres. Smallei divisions, 50 metres. Letters V, A and K as in 1905 pattern fuze. Material. — Iron with brass ring. Remarks. — Set by hand {i.e., LeichUempierbar). With a gaine, this fuze is employed also for H.E., to get a time( burst on targets behind cover. 87 Iron 1908 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze, Mark S/iouv/ng Year' of ac/ojoi/or? /\" ~ P&rcuss/on GraauaJea 516 73 /n hunc/rec/i of me/ res Pio. 26. Time and percussion fuze M. 8. Iron, with brass rings ; graduated to 73. Used with 8 cm. field gun. 88 **Zusatzladung" Time and Percussion Fuze, Distinctive mark. — M. 8 B. ZuscUzladung {i.e., additional charge). Used with — 8 cm. Field Gun, 1905 and 1905/8. 8 cm. Fortress Gun, 1905 and 1905/8 Graduations. — Two independent scales : — 1. On lower (movable) time-ring, from 6 to 56 in hundreds of metres, each space representing 50 metres of range. The letters A, K and V have the same object as in 1905 and 1908 pattern T. and P. fuze. 2. On upper (fixed) ring, from 40 to 63 in hundreds of metres. Material.- — Rings, brass ; body of fuze, a leaden coloured alloy, covered with Soehnee varnish (looking rather like brass) to preserve it from oxidation. Remarks.— This fuze was first employed against the Italians in 1916. The principle of it is new in the Austrian Field Artillery. The cartridge contains a reduced charge for ranges up to 5,600 metres ; an additional charge {Zusatzhdung) brings the maximum range up to 6,300 metres. The fuze is separately graduated, by distance, for each charge. With the smaller charge, a more curved trajectory can be obtained, for use against targets behind cover ; and the wear of the gun is not so great. The full charge appears to be seldom used. 89 **Zusatzladung" Time and Percussion Fuze. 90 1912 Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive Mark. — ^M. 12, on time-ring; either alone or followed by a letter to distinguish fuzes intended for different projectiles. Used with — ^New ammunition (1912) for — 12 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880. Max. range, 6,500 metres. 12 cm. Gim, 1880 and '96 in casemate or turret. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99 and 1914. Max. range, 5,000 metres. 15 cm. Howitzer in cupola. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98, 98/7 and 1916. Max. range, 3,200 metres. 15 cm. Mortar in cupola, 1880. 18 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880. Max. range, 4,500 metres. Graduations. — 5 to 61, in hundreds of metres. " A " (Aufschlag), Percussion. " K " ( KartdtschschrapneU), case-shot. " V " (Vortempiening), for burst about 300 metres from muzzle. Material. — Remarks. — This fuze and the three following belong to the new steel projectiles, which were brought out in 1912, to replace the cast- iron ammunition of the older fortress guns and howitzers. With shrapnel, the fuze is screwed directly into the nose of the shell, with H.E. an iron gaine is fitted to the fuze, and an exploder then screwed to the bottom of it. <^y f^and ^' o «r/ iiri(. Mar// ^ A -Percuss/ or? Rinc^ Graolucuecl S1567 Gain& an, EKp/oc/er c/ Fig. 27. Time and percussion fuze M. 12 (with iron gaine and exploder) used with new ammunition for fortress guns of old pat- tern. 92 1912 a Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive Mark. — ^M. 12 a. Used with. — New ammmiition (1912) for : — 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1894, '99, '94/04, '99/04 and 1915. Max. range, 5,000 metres. 15 cm. Howitzer in cupola. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, '98, '98/07. Max. range, 3,200 metres. 15 cm. Mortar, 1880, in cupola. Graduations . — 5 to 61, in hundreds of metres. A, K. and V. Material- Remarks. — See previous page. The fuze, as shown opposite, without gaine or exploder, would be used with shrapnel. It is set by hand (leichitempierbar), using the four pairs of studs on the time-ring. 93 1912 a Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze. 94 1912 b Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze, Distinctive Mark. — ^M. 12 b. Used with. — New ammunition for : — 12 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880. Max. range, 6,500 metres. 12 cm. Fortress Gun, 1880 and '96, in casemate or turret. 15 cm. Heavy Gun, 1880. Graduations . — 6 to 84, in himdreds of metres. A, K and V. Material. — Remarks. — See previous page. 95 1912 b Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze 96 1912 f Pattern Time and Percussion Fuze Distinctive Mark.— M. 12 f. Used ^vith. Graduations . — 6 to 76, in hundreds of metres. A, K and V. Material. — Remarks. 97 1912 f Pattern Time and Percussipn Fuze, (B 11931) Time a|id Percussion Fuze for '* Schrapnell- granate." Distinctive Mark. — M. 14 (7 cm., 10 cm., or 15 cm.). Used with. — " Universal shell " for : — 7*6 cm. Mountain Gim, 1915. 10'4 cm. Heavy Gun, 1914. Max. range, 12,500 metres. 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer, 1914. Max. range, 6,200 metres in Graduations. — Up to 76 or 78 ; letters. A, K and V. Material. — ^Bronze. Remarks. — Similar to other T. and P. fuzes, except that, when set for time, the composition communicates the flash to the central tube, and thus to the magazine ; and when set for percussion the flash is communicated by a series of small holes to a circular chamber, filled with explosive, in the lower part of the fuze. On bursting, the head of the shell, with the fuze attached, is violently separated from the rest of the projectile ; it continues on its way, and bursts on impact by the percussion mechanism of the fuze. When the fuze is set at " A " {AufscMag) for percussion, the whole thing goes off instantaneously on impact; and the presence of a small charge of powerful explosive in the head increases the dis- persal of bullets and splinters. 99 Time and Percussion Fuze for *' Schrapnell- granate/' Fra 31. Time and percussion fuze, universal shell for 10 '4 cm. gun (1914 pattern). (B 11931) o 2 100 1892 Pattern German Time and Percussion Fuze. Distinctive Mark. — ^Dopp. Z. 92, 10 cm. K. [Doppd-ZuTid^r, 1892, /wr 10 cm. Kanone, i.e., double-action fuze for 10-cm. gun). Used with — 104 cm. German Heavy Gun, K. 04. Max. range: time, 8,300 metres; percussion, 10,500 metres. Graduations. — Prom 1 to 26 in seconds and eighths of a second. When the setting mark is opposite the cross, the fuze is set for safety and will act only on percussion. M aterial. — Brass. Remarks 101 1892 Pattern German Time and Percussion Fuzti. > Brass Scale ^/e ap'pr'oi^ Fig. 32. German time and percussion fuze (Dopp. Z. 92 f. 10 cm. K.) used with 10 '4 cm. gun of German manufacture. 102 103 Pig. 33. Nose of fuzed shell, with metal protecting cover over fuze, 104 105 i06 107 108 109 110 11] 112 Appendix — continued. Is. Metres. Metres. Yjivds. Inches. Centi- metres. Centi- metres. Inches. X) 12,801 • 14,000 15,311 • 36 91-44 36 14-17 )0 13,258 14,500 15,858 • 37 93-98 37 14. 57 )0 13,716 • 15,000 16,404 • 38 96-52 38 14-96 X) 14,173 • 15,500 16,951 • 39 99-06 39 15-35 X) 14,630 • 16,000 17,498 • 40 101 -60 40 15*75 X) 15,087 • 16,500 18,045 • 41 104 -14 41 16-14 X) 15,544 • 17,000 18,592 • 42 106 -68 42 16 -53 X) 16,002 • 17,500 19,139 • 43 109 -22 43 16-93 )0 16,458 • 18,000 19,685 • 44 111 -76 44 17-32 X) 16,916 • 18,500 20,232 • 45 114 -30 46 17-71 )0 17,373 • 19,000 20,779 • 46 116 -84 46 18-11 )D 17,830 • 19,500 21,326 * 47 119 -38 47 18-50 X) 18,288 • 20,000 21,873 • 48 121 -92 48 18-90 X) 18,745 • 20,500 22,420 • 49 124-46 49 19-29 X3 19,202 • 21,000 22,966 • 50 127-00 50 19-68 1 yard = 0-9 1 43834 metres. 1 inch = 2*5399541 centimetres. 1 metre = 1-0936331 yards. 1 centimetre = 0-3937079 inches. Y8 A' firs IV13013S3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY m