in in og XTbe XTubor jfacsimile ^eyts iitth Saggar ai ^zhn&ii (Bxtm Written by John Day 1659 Mentioned by Henslowe .......... 1600 Date of this the earliest known edition .... 1659 [J5. M. 644. d. 77 and 161. ». 3] Reproduced in Facsimile 1914 '^Ift ^nhax yacatmik fiesta Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Written by John Day 1659 , Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIV Written by John Day 1659 This play is mainly reproduced from one of two copies of the earliest and only known edition now in the British Museum. Bodley and Dyce also possess examples. Henslowe mentions the play in 1600 (see " Diary "j, and also a Second and Third parts (of which nothing is now known) in the same year. Chettle seems to have been associated with Day in Part I, whilst Haughton helped him with Parts II and III [see "D.N.B.'' s.v. ''Day:') The example B.M. 644. d. jy is imperfect, and the missing pages, D 2 recto and verso, D 3 recto and verso, G 4 redo and verso, and K i recto and verso, have been supplied from a second copy B.M. 161 i. 3. The reproduction from the originals is satisfactory, and well done. JOHN S. FARMER. 290A54 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation k'' THE BLIND-BEGGAR O F B E D N A L.G R E E N, WITH ■ ' The merry humor of T^om StrmJtht tJ\[or/o/^Ytom^n^ as it was divers times publickly adled by the Princes Servants. tFriiten by John Day. k.. LONDON, printed for R, Follard, and Tho. Dring , and arc to be Told ac the Ben John fens Heads bthind the Bxcban^e i and the George in VUetfiren y niax Saint OunUtm Chuich,. 16^9, 0^ , King H<»»7 r*r fixth. Duke of C7/tf/?*r, Protcftor, ^•w/orii the Btind.beggar. ^r<(V^, aNoblc*man. Sevpf0r4i Lord Cardinal* Sir i2«^^rr mjifordi Brother and private enemy to Momford. Captain WtSifArAy true Frieqd to Mmftrd* tirJVaiterF Mynffy^itovito^ElUMor^ YottTfi Pltf 4(j^ Troth: plight Hi»»hsnd of^c/J Momford, p ;: Old '5?rcW, a Ntfr/tf/itYcoman. T(9«!» StroVpd hi» Son. ^ ^ft'tfT? hi§ man, and Clown* , , ^w^ their Boy» ^//rfffor , ol d PUyfifcjU Ward, ^e-yi the Blind- beggars Daughter* iTrffr Sir ^»^'m Daughter* SwitK^rt Viticr, Landereff, Ariaorer^ Carter > ^wWicrs.Offi' ccn^aiKi Accendants* vfawe !BeinatCreetu -li* i.A:-i. y grhe Blind-Beggar of S^^- nall'Cjreem Act I. tntcr Bedford , Sir Robcrc Wcftford, C^ftMn WclUord <«»<< SoHldiert, Drnm, Bed XTOu Peers of EngUnd thit wiih twfull dread J ' 1 Have pac'd on ibe green Garments of f*irFr4»tf^, Here ceaic a while, and give the Frcncb-men rcl^ That they may know whole Soveraionty is belt , Either the Dolphin^ or our Royal Lords. But what avails our Corquelh far trom home, WhencivilDitcordsftir uncivil arms 1 In the Kings Chamber , LonAvn , nay, his Court ? Sec Lord?, read what is written there. By b'.dt St. Peter, Glofier is to blame, And mncheflcr hath neither grace nor fnattie. Sir Eo'u Yes my Lord, he is Lord Cardinals grace. Bed, Lord Cardinal Imirry fie, he was proud before, , But nowhisHat exalts his proud heart more : But when I come among them. He make them know The benefit of Peace; fall out for women, VVranote at a word? the one's Prote^or ^ Of a facred Prince , the other made a Prince Drum MfAt op Amongrt the Prelates; though Berpferd faalely born He write to them : if with regardlefs eves our lines they read, We'll over and cut off their fa^ious head Sir Rob. About old Playnjtjs (on what fay s your Excellency? Bed. Sir lV*Uen Ton, marry Sir Rob, mfiford; March afarcf. B This r^ """■■■Wff»^*"l'^>»W»WWPI^ The BUnd' Beggar of Bednall-Grcen. :. This Drum 1 think mtrcheth from iif/»**»^ ^ ItftK>uldbehe,irsmhitnforihePnlontrf. ^ Enter joHftg Pliinfcy w'>^ i)''»'» '"'^ 5tf«W/^r/ , W 4Switzar» . Y.FUjK. Health to your Excellence moa gracious Rrgent, fUjnfey long Prilbner in Amiens , Relcalt by CMomfords bounty and your tare > ieqncfts before thefc Prifoncrs be diftnirt This 5wV*4r may be fearcht , for laft nighc larc 1 heard a Gemlemtn [ell him in Dutch , If he would bear a Letter to a Lord , VVith whom r#J had inteHigencc, He ftiould receive in hand ten Crowns in gold. And gomore when 'twas dclivci'd him. Bed, Who was it promif'd you fo large reward ? Switz,* On frolick yonker> DatisdcScryvenlckDoeniitfor-ftow ~ Dc fccretarie tq ^4» H^* ^rl«Vr^/ Bed, He was the Secretary 10 the Governour? 5»'i«,. Yaw, yaw> mine Here. Bed, Whowcrc they fcnt unto? (Guynet^ Smx>K To van Heun Mentforddii is dc grave van C^//« ant van Par is dcen fcript deec Letters watt you fee then. Bed, To Momford 1 what ftiould f^eieires write xoMomford, Redd, -Sre %ph. PUpfe) is this the plot for Momfords Ull? r. Plajn, It IS , and be affurcd that down h^ (hall. Sr, Rob, Ohlet me hug» thee! thou haft won my heart! T^VUjn, Forbear, IciUhe (harp eye of Jealoufic, See by this faddain Joy our Injury. Sir Rah, When it breaks fbrth wec*l feem to weep for grief. Bed, ' Lords take your places, and Mr^ Vlttfnfej take your feat > For in this bufinefs your defcrt is great. See here's! Letter fcnt from -4«wrwi unio c^-Z^w/wri. Omnss, How, umo cJW»»/*r<6 1 .»* gracious CenenL lehickthere breaths not & more noble Spiric w u 1 ■»"^W/«r<^ ^ Bid, What bath be&ln thee f Mmf* Series* GHjnts, ii betray 'd. Hfd^ And when muff CdUh be furrcndered ? 'Momfo Never while M9mford bath the charge o£ ic Bid, Ye5, if thou have thccharge of it this aigbc < It muft be yielded unto falfe Vihinj, HereValarj^e promiie of ten tboufand Markr, Your praifc ror Fridays work in y ieldbe Gttjwit^ Know you this hand ? OhthaconflUernairf > Atter much honour won in flo wring Youth, Should fic fo h uge a fhame as on thine doth* Momf* My Lord ! Lords all ! this is confpiracy. ^fi Trn«jConrpiracy in thee, for there be fttndi . That (hould have brought thai Letter to thy hands. ' Mentf. This fellow fled from H4»f#^r4W4rnhe Traitor** The fVallooH Qaptain that betray'd iheLantborn> , And fo by confequcnce the Fort oxGmjnts, Bed, CMomjordnomovi'thhitttQOTiitilwa Hath purchafcd his pardon, fellow Ihy^ . Amongrt our EniUjht and cxpc5l good pay. .Swiz., Thank hab mine Here, lets jfi««^oilthabbcn. And Ick fall fight widtcn hunderd towfand Divels. Sxit Swift,, Momf, ' Shall fucb a one xoMch Momf or ds reputation f . -B*^. Thcfc Letters and rhc accidents fucceeding Condemn thee, and thou know'it by Law of Arms Thqu mcrii'it death wi(h more than common torture: But I hy exceeding vallour of en t ride, Stts open Mercies gate? whofe gcnrle hand Leads thee Irom death, but leaves thee bmifticd From £»^/dp«^, and the Realms and Provinces Under proeftion of the Efgltjh King, ; Only thy Lands and (joods thou (halt enjoy, . - i And u hcrelcere frcm them he lUll mainuin'd. .' MoKf, My gracious Lord L '- B 2 Btd, Thou the Blind'UeggAt of Bednall- Green. Bed, Thou find'ft but too much grace Momfi Here mc but fpcak. Btd, No more; wcmuftaway, Ifo win by force the Town thou didft betray, ? Exennt,- -^^ow/.Ohmirerablelmiferabieman! FsUs,. mft» why do you faint ? why fall you on the ground ? Sif Rah. Cofenatife. . Mdnet MomfordSir Rob.Y. Playnfcy,4» and as I have done for you, I have done my part with all your company, heres my Bill> I pray fee me crott. Momf* What do I owe thee woman ?" Luce, Nine pound^Qinc ihiliings,and nine pence my Lord. Momf^ I TheBlind'BeggAY of Beiinall. Green.' /r/tfwf. There's 10 pound for th«. Z^Mcr, Oh good Noble man ! that cvcr> that ever I Ihould Ice thw thus dowoj adown I ,-. rif/V. YourpoopVitlcr Sir, where your Lordlhipi men wcuc o'lh' ticker. ^rmor. Your Armorer an'c pleafe your Honor. Carter, Your Carter Sir for carriages. fiiomf. What owe I thee ? . Vitler, Some ( 7 marks ) an't like ye. ' Monf, What ihee? jirmor. Twelve pound. Momf, What ihce ? Cttrter, About fomc 20 Nobles. Momf, Thci's 30 pound amongftye, all I have, The Trealurcr owes me fomc i wo thoufand Marks. jiU 4. God blclfe ye Sir, and lend it ye. Exeunt Luce Md the reft. Mcmf, Wherefore ftayelt thou my Friend? Oh 1 know thee BOW ! Thou att not impudent, thou canft not bcgg, Thou art a Souldier, and thy wonod-plow'd face Hath every furrow fill'd wiih falling tearr. That arms and honour (hould be thus clildain'd. I have no gold to give ihce, but this chain > I fray thee take it friend, thou grievii at me, And I am griev'd thy want and wounds to lee. SouH, My filem prayer my hearts love (hallexprcfj.- Heaven fuccour you , as you help my didrcfs. Momf, BroiherSir /^o^'Tfjifyoudo not fcorn Memfordf4i(gricc(i name, and Mr. PUjnfty , Son I fbould call ye if ail vows b^ fc^pr. Will you vouchfafe to tarry here a while Till I go down unto the treafurcrs leof ^ It mty be he will pay me all my due* T, pUjn, Father Ml waic for yoU) and weep for WQC,' That I have livvJ to fee your overihrow* Sir %tb. Well . I'll ttay too, or bear ye comptny> • - For your diftrefs doth make my woes abound* Momf, Come Cofco Captain ^(r/J/or^/vvalk with me." I C^h ^^fi* ^^ ^° y^" D^^ ^'^ 0° though'c be to deatfr^v. no C B3 IBs* f -"l ll ) Exfftnt, Manet sit Buobctty and pungVltynCty, 1 5Jr Ko^. Ha> ba,ha>gi^> gill, gill, I hive been teidy to burfl:* Son prtythcc tell me how thou Uid'ft this plot ? 7*. P/^». Mirry Sir J^^rr thuS) when I perceiv '.id Your great dcfirc for iW(7»i/#r overthrow, I got Intelligence at ft/^m«V»/> How ohe ^eaumart a Captain in Gnynes Fore Offer*d to fell it'to the Governor, x Having this light, about a two months Hnco I wilfully was taken Prilbner, Born into AmienSi where 1 was confirtn'd And knew the very time of taking C7i*7w/, On Thurfday evening I attit'd my felf Like Veleirts Secretary Laticlat, ' Came to the PrifoD where the ^'V'/«'^>' lay, For I had liberty to walk the Town, Had all my Ramfome ready fent by Mtmford^ And only tarryed for our EnglUh Dram > ! That fhould exchange French Prifon^rs for the EngUpj , The .yw>«.4r being one that Hay *d with ur. .y»>7^^, SojIondsrlUndyei butinihcend 1 How dealt ye with the Swiusr for the Letter ? r.P/all^^buutatty • ' ' ' ' " * He ftiall have Lady Bllen^tiO doob* , \ Say (he diechildlefiis there island for yotf, You mai^ with ray da4*ghcerrQied*s'my'^»lrA- ». >, » ,j ::. i^ ' SnW . ■ .% : J -.^desEtfiuawoM ibe Blind-^BeggOf of Bednall-Grcen, Still Mr. P/«;«/«r th^re is land for you; I'il turn out Momforis daughter forth of door* > Seilc all her goods and lands bv a device •, Still Mr. P/4;»/#; there i* Land tor you. , . ^ r. PUyn, But how I pray ? What (he Tarn's he rw'd out thic Exception, And put in other matter to my liking: So I'll defeat old Str§wd^ turn out Bejft Mcmford^ All ^all be mine, and after mine all thinee r. i*/««;». No more, iW#j«i/*rWrecwnj. £«r#r Momford, 4«iC4p/4<» WeOford. Mmf, Captain* Ye fee That men d^jeaed butt bear injtiry. He knowes lam exil'd, and cannot ttay, And yet he drives me to a lonj'.cr day. Caf. Wefifori^ The re is a h undred pounds ye Aiall not chufe* ^ Sir Rch, Ifaith my Noble Co^en, I and PUjwjn Are without mony, bat fead into EwgUnd , Ye fhall not want for ao thoufand pound. Mmf. Brother Sir ^0^mlputrrQlUnyoa> This Ring (hall come within a Jay or two. Sir Jkot, I cannot fpeak for grief! ^0iMf. No more can I , This wind ere the Sun fee will lee you fee Z^iiaW, that nere mutt be beheld of rne. ' Commend me to my Daughter, love her Pl^njij, ; Part filent » let your Hghs Icrve for reply. TbeyembrMce* Captain think on Strowds morgage, and farewell. Exmnt , ma- They (hall fee London, they (hall Cc my Child, ntt Memf, But Mfiwford mud nor, for he is exil'd. I am cxil'd , Yet I will EngUnd fee , And live in Engird *(pight of infamy. InfomedifguilerUIive, perhaps III euro ABeggar»roi:tBeggtriUfeiib9(U ■ Hij The Blind-Beggar ef Bed nail- Green. His Dyet is in each mans Kitcl i i drcft. But firli ril like an aged Souldicr Carry mine own Ring co Sir Roller t mflford. They fiy 'tis oood to try Friends, him l-ll tryj Though I bcheve he love me licdfilHy. Ex.Momf, Enter eld PhynCcyydnd Lady EUcnor, Lad/, S'itfyalterPUinfej, Old PUjn, Lady Sllenory You arc too (irong in this opinion, I yield you are my warJQiip, and that dcfirc To your Re ve news, more than true hearts love, Enforc'd me beg your wardfliip of the King. L*dy, I do believe you Sir, for did you look Into my State wich an indifferent eye , or love me half To well as you make (hew, You would- ; OldflAyn. Come, come, I know what you would fay. You think I am your Foe , becaufc I kce p you From private conference with the Duke oiGUftr , And his proud Uncle the Lord Cardinal , That divers times have pradis'd fundry plots To fteal you from my houfc. L^ij* Your love's but fcign'd , Became you fay you love me for my living. OldPlajtt, I fay my firlt love took firlt life from thence , 3ut fince more dear familiarity Hath brought forth pcrfc^ and true (Kapcn love. I love you Lady, and yon are mine own. Mine in poH'efsion) and I do intend To make you mine by law full marriage. Then blame me not if being all my joy. And the high-prized Jewel of my heart •, I over 'look you wich a wary eye, Leii Glofter, or the Baftard Civrdmal Should with their fwelling Proteftatioojr, Kmek* Cheat my f^ir meaning of .thy hopeful! love. EnteraStrv* Serv» Sir here's a Servant from the Duke of Clojfer Hath brought you Letters. Old PUjn, How ! Letters to me ! No thou raiflak'il, they come co £Uemr , Enter The Blind-Beggar of Bednall- Green i Enter G[o(\ct djfgHt fed tvhh a Letter , G(ofi, My Lord and Maftcr greets Sir miUer Ptajnfey, OldPUyn, Ido accept his hoDouriblc love Wich more than mean or ordinary care. ^ ^4tis He doth intrcat mc to come and fpeak with him Ajjoat fome certain Letters come from France, Touching theprefent fortunes of my Son Lately tane Prifoncr by the bloodie FrrwA, He fliail command far more than he intreats. Knocks* How noyv^ vvhofe that which knocks ? jr^^^^ ^^^^1 Serv, One of the Cardinals men. - Old Plajn, Bid him to come in. ». Enter tht f^rdmMl dtfimijed with Lttttrs, C^rd. Sir fFditer Pltjnjcjy From my Lord Cardinals grace t>^ wlnchtfier I greet thee nell,and charge thee without (hy To comcj and anfwcr fuch obie.5^ioni As may by him be laid unto thy charge -Ghfl, Oh vou fliould be his Sumner by your melTt^c. ' ^ Card, And if I do not cake my markf tmifj " Thou Oiouldcll be Ghfiirs Skullion. Glofi, How ye Groom ? I am as good a man, and better born i Than up-rtart5w/»ri the bafe Cardinal. Card, Sirrah 1 were not ihou in prefence of thii Lady VVhofe love my Lord <^oth prize above his life, ' I'd fcorn to take thefc braves at GUfiers handy, ^Much kfs at thine. Madam know I im Bewford, And for your love do undergo this fcorn. Lady: Then for my love let all thcfe quarrels ceafc^ For fear ^\:jyalter do dilcovcr yoo. Ghli, Hadit thou been Servant to the mcancft man That breaths in Engltmd^ being Icgiumaie) I would have born with thee : but thou to brave me > Who.'c MaHcr I eacem as bafely on, Ascnthy words> I cannot out it up , For Madam know, thai howlocre diguis'd My name is Glofler^ who holds Icorii ; Lady, No more, IfcvcrlhidinwerclUnyourlove, ^ : .:->- < ' ^ Shew r Shew u in fileoce> chaic^chj; Cardinal Who comes diguii'cl* ar^'d w J^tomc bffe r.cfolye ;. To get mc heticc by fore in viojiqpte-. Glofi. Ij'c polfiblc that nis difguile fliould mcer. So juft with mine ? Ladjf, *ris true, he told meal). i7/!iVlf. Wo'd we were well rid of hi J company. ^ Lad;, Do you but fend away Sir W(i/^tfrP/