XTbe XTubor jfacsimile ^eyts
iitth Saggar ai ^zhn&ii (Bxtm
Written by John Day
Mentioned by Henslowe .......... 1600
Date of this the earliest known edition .... 1659
[J5. M. 644. d. 77 and 161. ». 3]
Reproduced in Facsimile 1914
'^Ift ^nhax yacatmik fiesta
Under the Supervision and Editorship of
Written by John Day
1659 ,
Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of
Written by John Day
This play is mainly reproduced from one of two copies of
the earliest and only known edition now in the British Museum.
Bodley and Dyce also possess examples.
Henslowe mentions the play in 1600 (see " Diary "j, and
also a Second and Third parts (of which nothing is now known) in
the same year. Chettle seems to have been associated with Day in
Part I, whilst Haughton helped him with Parts II and III [see
"D.N.B.'' s.v. ''Day:')
The example B.M. 644. d. jy is imperfect, and the missing
pages, D 2 recto and verso, D 3 recto and verso, G 4 redo and
verso, and K i recto and verso, have been supplied from a second
copy B.M. 161 i. 3.
The reproduction from the originals is satisfactory, and
well done.
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2008 with funding from
IVIicrosoft Corporation
B E D N A L.G R E E N,
WITH ■ '
The merry humor of T^om StrmJtht
tJ\[or/o/^Ytom^n^ as it was divers
times publickly adled by the Princes
tFriiten by John Day.
printed for R, Follard, and Tho. Dring , and arc to
be Told ac the Ben John fens Heads bthind the
Bxcban^e i and the George in VUetfiren y niax Saint
OunUtm Chuich,. 16^9,
King H<»»7 r*r fixth.
Duke of C7/tf/?*r, Protcftor,
^•w/orii the Btind.beggar.
^r<(V^, aNoblc*man.
Sevpf0r4i Lord Cardinal*
Sir i2«^^rr mjifordi Brother and private enemy to Momford.
Captain WtSifArAy true Frieqd to Mmftrd*
tirJVaiterF Mynffy^itovito^ElUMor^
YottTfi Pltf 4(j^ Troth: plight Hi»»hsnd of^c/J Momford, p ;:
Old '5?rcW, a Ntfr/tf/itYcoman.
T(9«!» StroVpd hi» Son. ^
^ft'tfT? hi§ man, and Clown* , ,
^w^ their Boy»
^//rfffor , ol d PUyfifcjU Ward,
^e-yi the Blind- beggars Daughter*
iTrffr Sir ^»^'m Daughter*
SwitK^rt Viticr, Landereff, Ariaorer^ Carter > ^wWicrs.Offi'
ccn^aiKi Accendants*
vfawe !BeinatCreetu
grhe Blind-Beggar of S^^-
Act I.
tntcr Bedford , Sir Robcrc Wcftford, C^ftMn
WclUord <«»<< SoHldiert,
Bed XTOu Peers of EngUnd thit wiih twfull dread J
' 1 Have pac'd on ibe green Garments of f*irFr4»tf^,
Here ceaic a while, and give the Frcncb-men rcl^
That they may know whole Soveraionty is belt ,
Either the Dolphin^ or our Royal Lords.
But what avails our Corquelh far trom home,
WhencivilDitcordsftir uncivil arms 1
In the Kings Chamber , LonAvn , nay, his Court ?
Sec Lord?, read what is written there.
By b'.dt St. Peter, Glofier is to blame,
And mncheflcr hath neither grace nor fnattie.
Sir Eo'u Yes my Lord, he is Lord Cardinals grace.
Bed, Lord Cardinal Imirry fie, he was proud before, ,
But nowhisHat exalts his proud heart more :
But when I come among them. He make them know
The benefit of Peace; fall out for women,
VVranote at a word? the one's Prote^or ^
Of a facred Prince , the other made a Prince Drum MfAt op
Amongrt the Prelates; though Berpferd faalely born
He write to them : if with regardlefs eves our lines they read,
We'll over and cut off their fa^ious head
Sir Rob. About old Playnjtjs (on what fay s your Excellency?
Bed. Sir lV*Uen Ton, marry Sir Rob, mfiford; March afarcf.
B This
The BUnd' Beggar of Bednall-Grcen. :.
This Drum 1 think mtrcheth from iif/»**»^ ^
ItftK>uldbehe,irsmhitnforihePnlontrf. ^
Enter joHftg Pliinfcy w'>^ i)''»'» '"'^ 5tf«W/^r/ ,
W 4Switzar» .
Y.FUjK. Health to your Excellence moa gracious Rrgent,
fUjnfey long Prilbner in Amiens ,
Relcalt by CMomfords bounty and your tare >
ieqncfts before thefc Prifoncrs be diftnirt
This 5wV*4r may be fearcht , for laft nighc larc
1 heard a Gemlemtn [ell him in Dutch ,
If he would bear a Letter to a Lord ,
VVith whom r#J had inteHigencc,
He ftiould receive in hand ten Crowns in gold.
And gomore when 'twas dclivci'd him.
Bed, Who was it promif'd you fo large reward ?
Switz,* On frolick yonker>
DatisdcScryvenlckDoeniitfor-ftow ~
Dc fccretarie tq ^4» H^* ^rl«Vr^/
Bed, He was the Secretary 10 the Governour?
5»'i«,. Yaw, yaw> mine Here.
Bed, Whowcrc they fcnt unto? (Guynet^
Smx>K To van Heun Mentforddii is dc grave van C^//« ant van
Par is dcen fcript deec Letters watt you fee then.
Bed, To Momford 1 what ftiould f^eieires write xoMomford, Redd,
-Sre %ph. PUpfe) is this the plot for Momfords Ull?
r. Plajn, It IS , and be affurcd that down h^ (hall.
Sr, Rob, Ohlet me hug» thee! thou haft won my heart!
T^VUjn, Forbear, IciUhe (harp eye of Jealoufic,
See by this faddain Joy our Injury.
Sir Rah, When it breaks fbrth wec*l feem to weep for grief.
Bed, ' Lords take your places, and Mr^ Vlttfnfej take your feat >
For in this bufinefs your defcrt is great.
See here's! Letter fcnt from -4«wrwi unio c^-Z^w/wri.
Omnss, How, umo cJW»»/*r<6 1
.»* gracious CenenL
lehickthere breaths not & more noble Spiric w
u 1
^ Bid, What bath be&ln thee f
Mmf* Series* GHjnts, ii betray 'd.
Hfd^ And when muff CdUh be furrcndered ?
'Momfo Never while M9mford bath the charge o£ ic
Bid, Ye5, if thou have thccharge of it this aigbc <
It muft be yielded unto falfe Vihinj,
HereValarj^e promiie of ten tboufand Markr,
Your praifc ror Fridays work in y ieldbe Gttjwit^
Know you this hand ? OhthaconflUernairf >
Atter much honour won in flo wring Youth,
Should fic fo h uge a fhame as on thine doth*
Momf* My Lord ! Lords all ! this is confpiracy.
^fi Trn«jConrpiracy in thee, for there be fttndi .
That (hould have brought thai Letter to thy hands.
' Mentf. This fellow fled from H4»f#^r4W4rnhe Traitor**
The fVallooH Qaptain that betray'd iheLantborn> ,
And fo by confequcnce the Fort oxGmjnts,
Bed, CMomjordnomovi'thhitttQOTiitilwa
Hath purchafcd his pardon, fellow Ihy^
. Amongrt our EniUjht and cxpc5l good pay.
.Swiz., Thank hab mine Here, lets jfi««^oilthabbcn.
And Ick fall fight widtcn hunderd towfand Divels. Sxit Swift,,
Momf, ' Shall fucb a one xoMch Momf or ds reputation f
. -B*^. Thcfc Letters and rhc accidents fucceeding
Condemn thee, and thou know'it by Law of Arms
Thqu mcrii'it death wi(h more than common torture:
But I hy exceeding vallour of en t ride,
Stts open Mercies gate? whofe gcnrle hand
Leads thee Irom death, but leaves thee bmifticd
From £»^/dp«^, and the Realms and Provinces
Under proeftion of the Efgltjh King, ;
Only thy Lands and (joods thou (halt enjoy, . - i
And u hcrelcere frcm them he lUll mainuin'd. .'
MoKf, My gracious Lord L '-
B 2 Btd, Thou
the Blind'UeggAt of Bednall- Green.
Bed, Thou find'ft but too much grace
Momfi Here mc but fpcak.
Btd, No more; wcmuftaway,
Ifo win by force the Town thou didft betray, ? Exennt,-
-^^ow/.Ohmirerablelmiferabieman! FsUs,.
mft» why do you faint ? why fall you on the ground ?
Sif Rah. Cofenatife. .
Mdnet MomfordSir Rob.Y. Playnfcy,4» ^4/. •
T, VUjn, Father , you arc my Father I
The Lacly EiUaktth your noble D-iughur
Is my afficd wife, for her fake rife.
And rtop this tide of woe that drowns your eyes.
Momf, Oh mifcrable,mifcrablc Man !
Diflionours-abje6^, bafe reproaches fcorm
Why was mine age to this difalicr borr?
Caf, fVefi- Comfort your feif, let not condemn'd defpairr
Add to your forrow, more than comnon care.
If you be jull ) as I fuppofe you be ,
Know Innocence ends not in misery ;.
Kings have had falls ) great Souldiers overthrown,
No riches in this earth is a mans own.
He drives, he loyls, wiih many pains he cakes it 9
Id £0 age gets ic , in one hour forfakes ir.
Eater Lact the LoHtUnjft and 3 others^ (oooiJ
A7r/(er, Hee's yooder ye', hec's digracVS and can do us no more
Therefore let every man ask his own. Followme Sirs?
lie fpeak to the purpffe and liand too't. (Army,
Luce, Nay Sutler by your leave riUUnd to the bcfi man in the
And have my duc.beforc the proudctt of ye, if I do not ,
Say L«friheLanJrcfsis your Shce-afle to bear for others,
I'll venture upon him) lee him take it as he will. Enter Siulditr
All, Do Z.j»rf,wcc*i be rul'd by thee .
Luce, MyLord, my Noble Lord, I am forry for your weak t&.it^t
I hope for all this to fee you up again, here's 4 poor Greatures of iisj
imongit the reft I am Luce your poor Landrels , that have
wafht you, and crim'd you, and ftarch'c you > and as I have done
for you, I have done my part with all your company, heres my Bill>
I pray fee me crott.
Momf* What do I owe thee woman ?"
Luce, Nine pound^Qinc ihiliings,and nine pence my Lord.
TheBlind'BeggAY of Beiinall. Green.'
/r/tfwf. There's 10 pound for th«.
Z^Mcr, Oh good Noble man ! that cvcr> that ever I Ihould Ice thw
thus dowoj adown I ,-.
rif/V. YourpoopVitlcr Sir, where your Lordlhipi men wcuc
o'lh' ticker.
^rmor. Your Armorer an'c pleafe your Honor.
Carter, Your Carter Sir for carriages.
fiiomf. What owe I thee ?
. Vitler, Some ( 7 marks ) an't like ye.
' Monf, What ihee?
jirmor. Twelve pound.
Momf, What ihce ?
Cttrter, About fomc 20 Nobles.
Momf, Thci's 30 pound amongftye, all I have,
The Trealurcr owes me fomc i wo thoufand Marks.
jiU 4. God blclfe ye Sir, and lend it ye.
Exeunt Luce Md the reft.
Mcmf, Wherefore ftayelt thou my Friend? Oh 1 know thee
Thou att not impudent, thou canft not bcgg,
Thou art a Souldier, and thy wonod-plow'd face
Hath every furrow fill'd wiih falling tearr.
That arms and honour (hould be thus clildain'd.
I have no gold to give ihce, but this chain >
I fray thee take it friend, thou grievii at me,
And I am griev'd thy want and wounds to lee.
SouH, My filem prayer my hearts love (hallexprcfj.-
Heaven fuccour you , as you help my didrcfs.
Momf, BroiherSir /^o^'Tfjifyoudo not fcorn
Memfordf4i(gricc(i name, and Mr. PUjnfty ,
Son I fbould call ye if ail vows b^ fc^pr.
Will you vouchfafe to tarry here a while
Till I go down unto the treafurcrs leof ^
It mty be he will pay me all my due*
T, pUjn, Father Ml waic for yoU) and weep for WQC,'
That I have livvJ to fee your overihrow*
Sir %tb. Well . I'll ttay too, or bear ye comptny> • -
For your diftrefs doth make my woes abound*
Momf, Come Cofco Captain ^(r/J/or^/vvalk with me."
I C^h ^^fi* ^^ ^° y^" D^^ ^'^ 0° though'c be to deatfr^v. no C
B3 IBs*
f -"l ll )
Exfftnt, Manet sit Buobctty and pungVltynCty, 1
5Jr Ko^. Ha> ba,ha>gi^> gill, gill, I hive been teidy to burfl:*
Son prtythcc tell me how thou Uid'ft this plot ?
7*. P/^». Mirry Sir J^^rr thuS) when I perceiv '.id
Your great dcfirc for iW(7»i/#r overthrow,
I got Intelligence at ft/^m«V»/>
How ohe ^eaumart a Captain in Gnynes Fore
Offer*d to fell it'to the Governor, x
Having this light, about a two months Hnco
I wilfully was taken Prilbner,
Born into AmienSi where 1 was confirtn'd
And knew the very time of taking C7i*7w/,
On Thurfday evening I attit'd my felf
Like Veleirts Secretary Laticlat, '
Came to the PrifoD where the ^'V'/«'^>' lay,
For I had liberty to walk the Town,
Had all my Ramfome ready fent by Mtmford^
And only tarryed for our EnglUh Dram > !
That fhould exchange French Prifon^rs for the EngUpj ,
The .yw>«.4r being one that Hay *d with ur.
.y»>7^^, SojIondsrlUndyei butinihcend 1
How dealt ye with the Swiusr for the Letter ?
r.P/all^^buutatty • ' ' ' ' " *
He ftiall have Lady Bllen^tiO doob* , \
Say (he diechildlefiis there island for yotf,
You mai^ with ray da4*ghcerrQied*s'my'^»lrA- ». >, » ,j
::. i^ ' SnW . ■ .%
: J
ibe Blind-^BeggOf of Bednall-Grcen,
Still Mr. P/«;«/«r th^re is land for you;
I'il turn out Momforis daughter forth of door* >
Seilc all her goods and lands bv a device •,
Still Mr. P/4;»/#; there i* Land tor you. , . ^
r. PUyn, But how I pray ? What (he Tarn's he rw'd out thic Exception,
And put in other matter to my liking:
So I'll defeat old Str§wd^ turn out Bejft Mcmford^
All ^all be mine, and after mine all thinee
r. i*/««;». No more, iW#j«i/*rWrecwnj.
£«r#r Momford, 4«iC4p/4<» WeOford.
Mmf, Captain* Ye fee
That men d^jeaed butt bear injtiry.
He knowes lam exil'd, and cannot ttay,
And yet he drives me to a lonj'.cr day.
Caf. Wefifori^ The re is a h undred pounds ye Aiall not chufe* ^
Sir Rch, Ifaith my Noble Co^en, I and PUjwjn
Are without mony, bat fead into EwgUnd ,
Ye fhall not want for ao thoufand pound.
Mmf. Brother Sir ^0^mlputrrQlUnyoa>
This Ring (hall come within a Jay or two.
Sir Jkot, I cannot fpeak for grief!
^0iMf. No more can I ,
This wind ere the Sun fee will lee you fee
Z^iiaW, that nere mutt be beheld of rne. '
Commend me to my Daughter, love her Pl^njij, ;
Part filent » let your Hghs Icrve for reply. TbeyembrMce*
Captain think on Strowds morgage, and farewell. Exmnt , ma-
They (hall fee London, they (hall Cc my Child, ntt Memf,
But Mfiwford mud nor, for he is exil'd.
I am cxil'd , Yet I will EngUnd fee ,
And live in Engird *(pight of infamy.
InfomedifguilerUIive, perhaps III euro
ABeggar»roi:tBeggtriUfeiib9(U ■
The Blind-Beggar ef Bed nail- Green.
His Dyet is in each mans Kitcl i i drcft.
But firli ril like an aged Souldicr
Carry mine own Ring co Sir Roller t mflford.
They fiy 'tis oood to try Friends, him l-ll tryj
Though I bcheve he love me licdfilHy. Ex.Momf,
Enter eld PhynCcyydnd Lady EUcnor,
Lad/, S'itfyalterPUinfej,
Old PUjn, Lady Sllenory
You arc too (irong in this opinion,
I yield you are my warJQiip, and that dcfirc
To your Re ve news, more than true hearts love,
Enforc'd me beg your wardfliip of the King.
L*dy, I do believe you Sir, for did you look
Into my State wich an indifferent eye ,
or love me half To well as you make (hew,
You would- ;
OldflAyn. Come, come, I know what you would fay.
You think I am your Foe , becaufc I kce p you
From private conference with the Duke oiGUftr ,
And his proud Uncle the Lord Cardinal ,
That divers times have pradis'd fundry plots
To fteal you from my houfc.
L^ij* Your love's but fcign'd ,
Became you fay you love me for my living.
OldPlajtt, I fay my firlt love took firlt life from thence ,
3ut fince more dear familiarity
Hath brought forth pcrfc^ and true (Kapcn love.
I love you Lady, and yon are mine own.
Mine in poH'efsion) and I do intend
To make you mine by law full marriage.
Then blame me not if being all my joy.
And the high-prized Jewel of my heart •,
I over 'look you wich a wary eye,
Leii Glofter, or the Baftard Civrdmal
Should with their fwelling Proteftatioojr, Kmek*
Cheat my f^ir meaning of .thy hopeful! love. EnteraStrv*
Serv» Sir here's a Servant from the Duke of Clojfer
Hath brought you Letters.
Old PUjn, How ! Letters to me !
No thou raiflak'il, they come co £Uemr ,
The Blind-Beggar of Bednall- Green i
Enter G[o(\ct djfgHt fed tvhh a Letter ,
G(ofi, My Lord and Maftcr greets Sir miUer Ptajnfey,
OldPUyn, Ido accept his hoDouriblc love
Wich more than mean or ordinary care. ^ ^4tis
He doth intrcat mc to come and fpeak with him
Ajjoat fome certain Letters come from France,
Touching theprefent fortunes of my Son
Lately tane Prifoncr by the bloodie FrrwA,
He fliail command far more than he intreats. Knocks*
How noyv^ vvhofe that which knocks ? jr^^^^ ^^^^1
Serv, One of the Cardinals men. -
Old Plajn, Bid him to come in. ».
Enter tht f^rdmMl dtfimijed with Lttttrs,
C^rd. Sir fFditer Pltjnjcjy
From my Lord Cardinals grace t>^ wlnchtfier
I greet thee nell,and charge thee without (hy
To comcj and anfwcr fuch obie.5^ioni
As may by him be laid unto thy charge
-Ghfl, Oh vou fliould be his Sumner by your melTt^c. ' ^
Card, And if I do not cake my markf tmifj "
Thou Oiouldcll be Ghfiirs Skullion.
Glofi, How ye Groom ?
I am as good a man, and better born i
Than up-rtart5w/»ri the bafe Cardinal.
Card, Sirrah 1 were not ihou in prefence of thii Lady
VVhofe love my Lord <^oth prize above his life, '
I'd fcorn to take thefc braves at GUfiers handy,
^Much kfs at thine. Madam know I im Bewford,
And for your love do undergo this fcorn.
Lady: Then for my love let all thcfe quarrels ceafc^
For fear ^\:jyalter do dilcovcr yoo.
Ghli, Hadit thou been Servant to the mcancft man
That breaths in Engltmd^ being Icgiumaie)
I would have born with thee : but thou to brave me >
Who.'c MaHcr I eacem as bafely on,
Ascnthy words> I cannot out it up ,
For Madam know, thai howlocre diguis'd
My name is Glofler^ who holds Icorii ;
Lady, No more,
IfcvcrlhidinwerclUnyourlove, ^ : .:->- < '
^ Shew
Shew u in fileoce> chaic^chj; Cardinal
Who comes diguii'cl* ar^'d w J^tomc bffe r.cfolye ;.
To get mc heticc by fore in viojiqpte-.
Glofi. Ij'c polfiblc that nis difguile fliould mcer.
So juft with mine ?
Ladjf, *ris true, he told meal).
i7/!iVlf. Wo'd we were well rid of hi J company. ^
Lad;, Do you but fend away Sir W(i/^tfrP/ to Clofier firft.
C4rd, And why to GUfter hrll ? .
Glojh, ^Caufc hee'»
C'ird, He lyes that fayes if •
Cloji-, Were the Cardinal . .
Bedford himfclf apparell'd in thy cloaths, Draw,
I'd crofs his patp for givit^g me the lye..
0/^P/'«7». Keep the Kings peace Sir..
Clofi, Sirp^dlter,(ol will,
Yet the worit boy that feeds on ^/oy?«ri beef,
Holds it high fcorn to pocket up the.lye
At ere a Sumncrs hand that follow^ /fw/or^.
Card, Tho^d^rltuot fpeaKtbisfn another place r
Giofl-* Yes hcre>br any where toBetvfords face ,
Even to his teeth, and I would thou wert he.
C4rand to work my fhamc
He braves mcthijs before my Mrs. facei '
"But Bewfordmih I p:i(mcto(pmcmc, J
Lay the rough wind ofthy dii,l>J*y Geatlsmen, how&ever private brtfjl «;
Hive fet your Lords and Ma(tecs $? /Jebate^ .
Let my iatfetti fo rnuch prevail-^^ithyou^,
At in my houfe to ufe so 'i'iolence>.
And fo J pray rell pleae*d), foe ere I il^ep
L _-
7he iUi^'SegiHr ol Bedtiali-6recn,
' 1 do intend to vifit both my Lordsr * , ' '
WiH^c plcife you walk «16oe for compabyf .'
Cdrd. I wouldj but I mulTiHy an hour otx^6
About fomc other bufincfs in the Town.
OUffo About my Love you mean? but Cardinal
Heres one will do that bufinefs to your hand.
Old PUjn, W hy then farewell to you both. txh old Fiapt*
Both, Adue Sir W«/pVr PA/»/V;r.
Ladj, A word ^ith you my good Lord Cardittkl >
Your Broi hers man Iccms very quirrelfome ,
And (houid y6u both lhy,ihcre might grow fomc jusi
. Which to prcvcdti I Would intreit your grace
To walk before into the Svitth fitldr.
Wnilft wiih good words t fend away this Felloii^,
Which done , 1*11 chufe my opportunity",
And in the abfehcc of Sir waIut FUjnfty
Get our, and meet you at the Orchard- gate.
And there conclude about fome Hratageme
To make you-Mafler of jour own deiires.
CArd, Enough f#feet Lady : Sirrah Horfe-courrcr ,
Til courfe yoii one day for your Jadifhtricklr.
(?/ff. Jades a fit Title for an Ai'.c like thee, ,
That can(^ not kick> but ^ear allinjury. Mkntt '^U, cf* £/^*
Come Madam now let's go^ the Cardidtis inad
To lofe thee ihusi then banidi hence^U fiear)
G^y^^r is on thy fide» ^ Exiunt,
Cm, Sirrah J*ck,
/frfi/. What fayeli thou frjwfc
Cm, How you bafe Rogue, nerean((^.)utf(^r;y6ur(afrd/e,
have I prefert'd thee to my good Lord CatdioAiiiefe> and im I no
bctrc r tht»yoOf homefpun Fr4^i^.
Had, CanhtMimt per^ take purfe agiin^ and I think not, but
thou and, this70»» T^npnj coxr here guU s me) make'me your cheats
your gull, yourt^rowd, your ATffi'^tf/^PlimpUM, whom whenyop
cheated him of bis faitin-fuitt,; le^fi^ed aWd to the mercy of his
Cmh. And Idambthecnptforthyonbl^li^f,
Call C4»^f# Coward i ihink'I^ thou j I wo'd have loft'this evenings
work, but for my Noble, my Princely Lotd Cardinal ? no.
Ci H4dV^^Vi
The BU;jd-Miggar (f BcdnaW-Gvccn, |
Had. Thtt's fomc rcafon indeed, but Prince and Cardinal if ?
ihou be, J'tckj H^diani fwcars by the bawl'd Crown of King ^rfr«/-
fax the meeting thy^rcatnc£j this evening has dampnified our re-
ceipts ft leaft m puries.
Ciird, Be whao you will be both , only be rcfolutc
In any quarrel igainli C7/<>y?#rj men*
And on mine honour I'll rev^ard ye well.
Cm, My Lprd > and ye were able to give him as much Land as
nould lie between H^tnebejfer and fV^iljinghdmy he wo'd be your
prigocr, your pf anccr> your high-ltwyer, yOur— *
Had, Your nipper , your &yft, your roguc> your chcatjycur pan-
deri your any vild tniog that may be , sblud the worll that any man
can lay of me iff) chat I am a call Theef) and the bei) ih^t any man
can lay of thee ifsthac thou trc a bafe Rogue and a Cheater.
C4». ru jerk yeforihisyeflave.
Card, Nay Sin bTf ricnds) hold ye> here's gold,
Do but affile me againA ^Ufitrs life
And I'll reward you better.
Had, Cardinal, were thou Cardinal King of the Infernal s, wen
thou Ptinct of Grim-tarttr-t^ma^awt and Brtbus^l wo'd not flicd .,
one drop of the worfl Dogs blood my Duke of C?/fli//r keeps, torrbv |
mitet) cny million, thy metropolif) fhall Ib^tray hislifethat'fav'd
meifromthedetthofaDog? no. Yet for my honeft friend f^w^
Canhti Uke, I am-eonceoc loilaad by, and give aym at this
lime. T
£»f/r Gloffcr and £/i!rwr.
• See wbcre he comes two of ye arc enough to deal with one, I'll
not meddle with hiiiii
Card, Let's fet upon him all, and kill the Have.
Clafi, Hatt thou bctjray'd me Coward?, Btwfcrdk^^Yt
ThOUgb I ahn oveSitiatchc I am not kill'd.
Enttr tld ^tyn(€y, ytttit^ Playnfcy, Captain Weft.
and Ofietrs,
OUTlajn, Keep the Kings peace for fhame my Lordf •
C4ri. Come t4»f« f(JUow mc J P/4///7 be fur c
I'll fit upon your skirti for'nar^in^ iis, • . . ' .,
Clofi, i?nr/dr<^ Thou maifttjcfricfidblmwit^ thy power.
Had not he been, thou hadfl not breath'd this aire.
C4rii. G/fliJrr thou >fronoft me, with- hold*kSt^7*/■»/<:/>
look too't, for icir when fgcc emcxrc
The Blind- Beggar 0/ Bcdnall-GrceJi.
I pull not down the Caftic ore thine eari: '^ 1
Ciof^ Cardinal to fpite thee I'll keep £/i/««r.
And wedhcrinSt»7tf^»/7imakcherrayDutchef. ,
C4r^. Thou wilt abafe her witbJafciviousIuft, ' I
Ai once thou didft the EarJ of fUndtrs wife, -
And make her wretched, hoping in thy love.
(?/*/?♦ Oh ! your holinefi would have her turn a Nan,
Your cloy fler- Icroroon but (he mindi thee not;
Fellow what ere thou art that tak'ft my part
There's 20 Crowni, go prove an honeft roan
-Cin-ii* There's 40 for thee, C4»^*#,kill that flavc
A, ever thou intend'ft my Love to have.
C'. Sirwc'ilrowfeye,we— £x. Card, and Cdn^tc*
Ghfi^ Would never greaicrcare ca/DC near my heart ;
CoQld I have bad my will io my Lovei fighCt
-~ . Cj, Thfa
' T'he Bltnd-Be^gar of Bednall-Grccn,
Thif evening had been Z?*»*!fW/ lateft night.
But to the purpofc, now Sir iValter FUynfej
Take no exceptions as you love our favoyr,
Jhal Lady EUemr's efcap'd away>
O/^ /'/4;». Is ihe efcapM away my Lord ?
Gloji. She is, nay norm not,
For if yon, do your anger ii in vain,
1*J1 anfwer any Duty for her wardfhip.
So reft your felfcontentjifye reft quiet
And will confirm your ward to be ray wife,
I'll fend ye within fix daies fix thoufand pound, ^
Being more than you can get by courfe of Ltw»
Old Plajn^ I but my Lord her fudden taking hence —
Gloft^ Nay, nay , ftand not on tcarms, take this or chafe;
Send word ye love us, or our Lovei refufe*
Come Captain mriford bring us to 5e« J*hnf«i, E^.Gtofi^^ Cap-,
T, PUjn^ Here's a good world when cv'ry Duke ii Kingj (jVtjf^
Thus I fee pow^r can mafter any ehing*
OU PUytt, I fon, elfc duril nol you and old Sir Rchrt
Being bup new come from the de jcded Father ,
wenb^t' .;^-, ' '■ .4 ; ■ :
f « t/4 ?l^n^
Sir Rob* What will yoa do Mr, Strtwd ?
OidSre* I fcarcely knowr
Your mood'f and thefe a£fairs do fali dot fo*
Str Rob, Well at yoi\r pleafore, go Hafwifc get yoa io»
5 DrAr^^ the hononr of t Sonldicn Dame
I'iiflice thy heart oat*
Sir Rth^ Help me Mr» Strtwi* t
Old Str§^ What help v% to do wrong?
Nay by the rood, though Mowif»ri was ezil'd,.
iTvfii told me he (hocld have hit Lands and Goodso'
Sir Rah There, take themj bnt do yoa bear mc Sirrah
Take heed I catch yon not at , the Bllad- Beggars.
Afomf^ If I (hould lye there,tboug|h you M alafticv
I cruft to find Friends in my julV defence* '
Oid Sir»^ Hold thee good fellow, there's the t*otbe| OQbl(, .
Bith mafs I like thee, th'art a tough old Lad
^0w/. I thank you Sir, Lady I'U take my, leave*.
Baft^ Commend me to my Father good old man* .
Mmf^ I vyili » a^d u U him pfSir fykt^is ftfoog*
The Bimd- Beggar if 3cdnQ,\\-Gz^tr\^
>ViJo^. Do feJIoWjfayjI/cornhirtreacherys
'^ndbopebisendwiIlbeininifery« .
Momf. ril tell him what yoii fa> 5 ?^(f ^W^
5#/a Father ftrcweiU
i'lV ^fl^» Nay *cwere beft ye packf,
I^eggar witli Beggar, for ye (hall away :
Ha Huswife ! are yoQ giving Diamonds ,
Do you forget your Jewels are all mine, .
Did not old ^^//tfr^tf pay for this attire? '
3at oflT with le, go in, or either drudge
Amongft my Servants to maintaia your Scate>>
pr pack, Aay not ah botir» \
.ffr/}^ Yon (hall not need
Jo bid me pack, for I'll begon indeed^ Sxir^tfti
Sir Roh^ To fteal and hang, or ftar ve and beg) choofe which
OldStra, Sir JS!0^;ri by the -^' yon do her wrongs
Sir Rob, What's thai to yoo look (o your own afPatrs,
StrmtL^ StrmA, yon think to have cbeXattd ^X/Ftamm^
I and (hall, and (hall
OU Stro^Kvii will, do yon yonr worft*
5«V i?0^^ Y*are too fawcy i tr#»J«
OldStro* Too fawcy moody Knight,
Thou durft not thus in fcoro to old Strorvi pratf)
But cock on thine own hiU , thus near thy Gaee« .
Sir Rob* I'll meet thee where thou daic'Aj and when choo dat*{i'«
0/^5fro^ I'll fay tb'art a tall man and thou doA«
^/r ^0^^ Appoint the place. ■
OtdStro^ Theee is a new mown field
Lying by Eaftward of a iittle ihcd
That ftands on £«^ff4//«(7r#/«»
SirR«b^ I know it, that's the fhcdJtheSouldicr lay in,
The Clofe is compas'd with a quick.ret, is'c not ?
^ OUStro, The fame.
Sir Rob, I like it, what's the hour ^
0/4 if fr0» 'Twist one and two^
Sir Rob, Hold the Stro'^dy there's my hand .
I'll meet thee, and Til make I bee know me too.
OW ^/ro* No more, I'll meet thee, elfe call me jew* JSxtml
Enter Torn Strowd «irfteeple>fo do not I,
but come 5|i»<»/^ follow me, I'll to him, the — •
Enter Canby, Had land and Snip* -
CdM, Tuib -roan 'cis he, 1 know him as well as the Beggar knows
his di(h , 'tis he chacj fetcb'd over for the iattin fuice, aod left him
in pawn for rhe reckoning, he has a fair Cloak jon*$ back t and we
could gee chat we >vere made men*
Had* Be rul'd by me '^s oar own, do tbon,take tib« W)a4l of bifli,
if he cakq exceptions I'll draw; if be draws hts. Cloak falls
dpwn* ■ ■ -, * z"^.
Snip, And all fallings are nune Sir, let me aloo^^ jlkiiowmycae
Strewd^ thoa hadft as gobdliaTe met the Hangqmi^flvs cb^ uppjr
Garrocni's mine* ' , ".. , .
Cunhyuk/i the HUH iMfd luff thStiow^^
T^ Strg, —What is the matter with you?io featber>ey*dyc sanridt
let tu p ^e in the Kings high way? ,
Cd». You muft karn to know your Duty , and give yoor betters
the wall. - , ♦ V'
TfStro^ My Becterslbewall, on what acquaintance ? ye ihali
b^ fet up and ye fay the word. 111 wa(h mine band^gaod waiton
H*>fi« What do you prate, nay then have at yon Sift
r. Srr9^ — And have at yoa too then e'faith^ Tkey pihtl
Ctf9|^Hoiiii,asyQsarf aCeatlcmaaboldt
The Sltnd-Btggdr of Bed nail- Green.
y, Str0* Hold mc no hol4i y HI hive another bout i&icb ye,
or I'll make yottc fconce and:ehe poft ring noon together, and
firrah GypHc yoo Ibaii faretfaeworfeforoneofyonrCoati fakci
that rob*d me of a (atcin fiiite coftbcr lugfat ^ — and well rcmcffibrcd
where** my Cloak .yji'4yi ?
5^4/%. Your Cloaks a good Cloak^ take the wall of my Mafter
T>S$r0, I think the fellow bemad, where's my Cloak
SwMfi, Yoar Cloak's a good Cloak and a fair Cloak , qoarrel
with my Mr* ye fcabs you*
T.Stro I think the fellow's £rompall, I ask thee where my
Cloak is*
Ca». Let not a man pafsnnfearch'dy the Gentleman (hall not
lofe the worth of a mite in my company*
' ad^ 1 hope Sir yon will not (uiptA my Boy nor me ?
T.S^fo* Sufpr d me no fufpe<^«j I am furcmy Cloak cannot go
wicbout hands, and I'll have it agaio, or I'll bang it out of the cox*
combs of fome of tbem*
Ca»^ Sir yon mifliapc lyes a» near my heart as it had been
mine own, and caufel fee'you a rcfolute tall Gentleman^ and inre-
fpfd!cbatIwastheo^cafionofthU faliingoc^ my Cloak ((impl
though it be) cod ine40FreachO6wns,akeir, it Jsatyoarfer-
T* ^rr«. Forty French Crowns^forty French Pins, what doft thou •
tell me of thy Cloak? 1 fcorn to wear ere a mtni Cloak under the
Element but mine own t bu: 1*11 tell thee what, and it were not for
thy fakC) wbopOsI think in honed kind fellow and fo forth , I'de
bang this ^acon-ffii'd fbivc orcthwait his (hanks,he (hould remcm-
ber ftealf pg a Cloak to Doomsday, fo (hould he*
Had* Why Sir I hope yon know no barm by me were it in place,' ,
wber« I'de (ay, he lyed in bit Throat that but coucb'dihe very htai.
of ray reputation with reproach*
T. Sfr»^ Wol't fay I lye f choc faadfi as good eaC a load of logs
Wert ihoD , I iaf no har«} by th<« , and yet I fay J have (cen an ho*
ncftcr face than thine faang'd, what fayeflh:hou to ir now ? and thou .
ii^cft agrieved mend thy leH how thoDcanft, or how thoa dared,
doft'c ice now. Nayc ^tt'-Si^ yonders ray father, fay nothing of t
my Cloak .f »«/&..
Entfr §id Strovtd.
Pj,; " V Bote
But firft Vll fee ifl can find my Son,
And hcM he i$, Wt poffible my Land» -rf Jtrki^* ^ J^^kfi
Should maffltamthisAccirc, you Podigtl /»/Srrowd»
Where have you goc this craAi, dcto whofe Bookf
Are you indebted for ie, pardon me Gentlcmcq
For being fo fawcy in your company ;
'Tis not ror a poorCoontry Yeomani fon
f flant it oiis thBf«
Caff^ Sir you may fay yofir pleafure, is your Son \ but thns mucb
I'll alTare you, though if he be your Son thechiefeft Gallants in tbf
Land are enamour'd with bis good parts and valonrf
OldStrpv^t Nay Gentlemen thus much I'll fay forhifti,
Hee's a right yV#r/J>/i^sman mettle, all fteel: .
Bat rll not have him ofe his bravery*
The time has been when as a N»rfcll^ yeoman f
That might difpeud 500 marks a year
Would , wear fuch doath as this Aieeps ruffets gray ]
And for my Son (hall pe no PreHdenc
To break thofe orders, coitif off with this ira(h |
Your bought Gentilit3', that fits on thee
Like Peacock's feathers cock*t upon a Raven. f
Let true born Gentlemen were Gentries robes , ^
And Yeoman Country Teeming Liveriet*
T^Stro. — You'd have the Calf with the white face t think, I an
fure yonderi oMSimfons Ton oiShhwdum Tborft that wears his great
gill gaskinso'cheSwafli-fafhion, with 8 or 10 gold laces of a fide,
and yer, without boaft be itfpoken, you are more in the Ring
Bsoks than be» and pay more /cot aid lot a fairdeal, fo ye doi,
O/iiffr0« He is a defperate Ca(l>away like thee.
And Wrongs his fathers credit and his own;
The Sons difcent's no better than her fathers.'
Why fhoald their doaths be richer f I am as prOud,*
And think my felf as gallant in this gray,
Having my Table furnifii't with good Beef.
Norfolk, temes bread, and Conntry home bred drink,
As he that goeth in ratling Taffi ty*
Let Gem lemen go gallant what care t,
I was a Yeoman born , and (o I'll dye;
Thenif tbou beeft.Tiy Son be ofmymind, g
Wajdleilrin rags and fpend more in thine HqvlU,
■" " ii» " \\ i Oc
Or if thou haft no Houfe to fp«nd it in
I Svdfi, Go to a Bawdy- honfe Mr*
: OAJ sir** How Knave to a Bawdy-houfe, no firrah no
give it maim'd Soiildiers» and pDor helpiefi Widowf*
0£[witb thii tra(h, on with thii fecmly weed,
Be not Stfwdt (hadow bufcbe Strowii indeed.
r* Str§ Comt hither Sw4jb there is no remedy , I ronft gire the
old man good wordi and fpeak him fair » for and if he (hoo Id die
to morrow next (as God forbid but he Ihoald ) he might deUac me
S'ifdib, YoD fay tcBeMa(ler, ooneon with this Jerkin, fo novO'
yoongMafteryoD look like yonr £eif,aod h'ke my Mafters foOf
Oid Strt Son what are thefe that keep yoo company ^
TtStrot A coupte of honeft proper Gentlemen they feem to br,
but aili one to you ,1 psuftkeep compaoy with none but a fort of
Momes and Hoydoni that know not cbali^ nrom cheefe, and can talk
of nothing but how they fell a fcore of Cow-hides at Ljnmtiru^tnA
what price Peafe and Barley bean at ThetM market*
Old Stro, Then (liil confort thee with thefe Gentlemen, I like the
carriage of them pafflng well.
^.Stro^ I a murrcn on em tiiey they bave carried awa y my Cloak
amongft *em*
OldStrp^ But let that pafs. .
SwMfh^ I Sir 'cis pill and gon too*
OidS/rc^ And come along with me to MiU tnd comylodr
I muft talk a couple of cold wordi with Sir Rchrt fftfiffrd.
Go 5)v«y^ afore, and faddle my bay Nag,
Perhaps TU ride a mile or two to night t
Kind GentlemeiL I anv fomewhat troublefom ,
To prefs thus rudely into your company;
Come Gentlemen, I'll gratnlate your Lovei
And your kind favoori efed onto my Son* JSx^ Strwdtl .
<^4fi^ And we U?e wed makubijofpeody cor living, comtjaci -
Had, Ob Sir at my iwccK Bofi the Broakeri; necr fear it thereof
a fure Dandeno^ (he cuts it out in Hofe and Jerkins, (he isan honeft
dealer, yonr privy taker , and your fure concealer.^
Cmh^ let'i to'i and turn again to meet this Gull ,
S?!?!!l ??are*
Btft. You are the roan I look for«
^««i/* I am indeed, ^ - .
And yec thou know'ft me not, alaathe while
That blind deceit , (honld cle3r,ey*d \m^ heguile^
V\ hence fpring thy forrowi from fone private wrong*
Btft^ Am ialleep,prtfolkaowbit^oogue,
Art thou blind fayeft tbon, let me ftec&y ftce, •
Oh let me kift it too , and with my tears
Wa(h off thefe blemirties which cruet time
HavefurrowMinthycheekf/ Oh could tbon fee,
rde (how thine eyes whom thou ^o^ reprefent.
I call'd thee father, I then (halt be my father,
Nor fcorn my proffer, were my father here,
Hce'd tell thee that his Danghter held hm 4eir £ .
But in bis abfeiwf itbdtjtfccftiaft be.
Shed but one tear for him, and i far thee ■-■ ?
will weep , tiU from the ipoyftec of Hriae eyes
A little fpiit of cbnftall tears, ihiU ri/c
To bath thine eye lids io > yet do not weep j
Layallthyg ieftonmt^fcftlaaiyotfng, ■■.
And I have tears enough to v^eeonracb wroogiT
Momf. Wiltthon remain with tne^ 1 dare not fpetk *
For fear my tongae Ihould my heart's cotmrel jbrtak. '
^///« I'le dwelVl'ir tedd thcf, Tie do iny thiiig
To do thee good , bec^lnft wkbia thy looks
I fee the pretence «fi. Father I UttTf,
lift to my wordi and I WiU cell thee iiov^
Momf, Pirft lead me to mv Cottage, there rdate
Ffomtheb«g«oingfclltfcyidMro.caftftdtr. £x(U»ti
No tnorethanlcantnfiMr^/sfldirilL
Of if thou do all's one^ lUfrnkiy,
You fliew'd a cniellpir^ipi wo'd theMiJ4
Be rnl'd by meyoof Bcneo fluMIld deckle i^
StrRck r>«ridetpioitwl,doyoBttkeber|«t,
Shee comes not idaynwiii.
Andcrnel yon, but wherefore ihwM ytg Strowd, 4ir4 Swa(h,
Old Stro, ] marry Sir, why tbii ii fomewhac like.
Now art thou like thy felf, bat ftand alide>
Whofe th;ir,Sir Rohtrt } het% a% good's hit word, -;
The Captain with hinii ah he promiit me \ ' ■
To meet me (la{;le .
SirRffk Picifie yoar felf r
What I have done rie ftand to, pray forbear, j^
Vk talk a word or two with Mafter Strmd, -
What's here hit fon , how and hit man eoo ? ha
ThatS more than pr >mife* <
Old Str§, Now Sir Rthttt tVtfftird you are an early rifer^
Sir R§b^ My iaft nigbti promifc wakeo'd me afore my hour,*
Send hence your Son*.
Old Str§, 'Tis good, t like you well, fend hence your KioTmiOi"]^
Yet 'tis no matter, I have a dcvife
Shall rid them. all^God DifeypiiCapcaio /r#/2/«ri;'
Thinks for your firiendly coqapaoy \A flight.
CMf.fVtBi I take your grcctiogi kindly Mr* Sinwd,
And with the tonfioeoHove return it back. ' ^
with double intreil, pray, is not this your SoiC*** 'J- ^
OldStr0» i cannot tell, his Moth^tdb DC fo. ^'^
C4p» fVefi, I (hall defire your more acqaainunce Sirv
T, Strc, I thank you Sir, I am acquainted with alt,
than to borrow mony on, I thank^^ny father , but and it plcafc you
cp drink a Cupofbcerorale,.andyon*le but walk 'ore the Cr^n
CQthered'latticeyonder, riebeftowkonyou.t J
Cap jveji* Thanks Mr» Strtwd , pray walk to my Cbomber,
lam dcHrons to impart my love >
Unto your kind acceptance*
Old Stro, Siir I thank you for him.
PIcafe ypu to walk to Mi/* end with my Son v
And this good fellow, I'ie but talk a word
In fecret here j^ith Sir K»k*rt WtMi^d ,
About Lord it/tM/tfr^/ Lands, and follow ye»
C4pr, iPtfi, Ac your goo4 plcafiire wiltplea/e yon walk Vk%
Strmdi • V
3/ riSm^
The BlM'Beggdrcf&e^nall'GvcQii. .
r.StfB Pray lead th^way, I'lc follow you come hither J»r4j^*
and ithad pleaiMiriyf athcr^mighta hadM galiaoraopa^^^^^
or toother man , but aih one . a dog haa bis day, and I fhail have
mine too,one'day when the old man's de^dj— 1'1< make all flye then
e'faith* Exeunt*
Old'stro, So they are gone, and now Sir it«^m fVtflf^rit
Tfaiok of yoor laft nighn quarrcU
Sir Rok, Tut, tat, uee'r prate , , j r i
Old Srrt. That I revenge my wrong, Thai I defend
the tnith,atid reputation of my ctufe. , ^. k r
Sir M. O I am flain. tkij fikt.and Sir Rob,
OU Stro, Then Heaven receive thy Soul , faSt^
And pardon me, thy Confcience can tell
I never wifli't unto thy Soul but wclU Ex, Strcwd*
Entir Mtmford,
M^mf. What pitioui groan calls Mmf»rd(tom his Cell,
Whofe this my Brother Wefiford ? what and flain I
Heaven thou art juft; he that laft day for Gold
Did fell my Daughter, jibimfelf now fold
Into the hands of death* Mtmfwd dilfemblr,
Daughter come forthi and look iboat thii Clofe ,
r heard one groan* EfiterBc^fi
Bt/Jf^ And here's a bloody Coarfe,
yl/fm/* Look if thou knowft it.
Bffr* Oh'cis ray Uncle>f»/J[/iw-i , .
He that laft day with his commanding breath i
Chid meontof hiidoori, noW breatbleis liei
Ihtreating me, to give his mingled body
A bomelyieotertainmenc in QurCell*
Heaven thou art jud, and dreadfull is thy judgemenc*
A^§mf, Glory not in his Fall, but rather grieve
That in his end thoa canft him not relieve t
Let's bear him in, andifwecanby Art
Upon tby Foe, we'll work a friendly part :
For have he bat the fmalleftfign of breath.
We'll recall life, anlrefcae him from Death*
But bowfoe'ri the Body ftayes with roe, Exiunt ^hb
Till Juftice points him out that roarder'd thee» the hdj^
-;.y £«/*r«WStrowd,7tf«»jf Strowd,^*^ Swafli»
•O'W Strff Saddle my horfc, there Swgflf ran ... »
' : E». " v^ here's
■WIP"— ■•"l""^**"
JBttief*** my Son ^ *: . ;vr
'r-7;Sf>#» At htni qaoth Pick»purfc ,— what'* the matter with.
ydutrow? .. ,
Old Str0 G>ad Son leave prating, fii^^^ where*! myhorfe^ I
1 ana ondone , go pDft to Chtnforl, rua to Mr» GUfsc§ck,^ , J
Give himmi' SeaUrtng ^ defire hloi fend me« ^
(V^herc's my horfe I fty,)che i oo poand he owes ros, where*! Ctp'i
tain mfiford , cake heed he hear roe not,, Lord how m/heaet paDCi.
inmy bofofflulhaveflatn arnini. * :
5jir4/&* Slain a roan / oh oh oh oh«.
T« •^fr<7» PcAce ^9^4/9 do not cry fof
SWaJb. Hoyl do not cry, I do but rore*
O/ii'/r^, Ihadnotthepower tokeepitiongefi' <
^Or totake ny horfe till I confeiV ic
Entir CdptmnVf tMord^ iMd Of ^trt^
CMt^mfi* Lay bold oo bio , and Mr« Siv'ifd once more V
Cooftfttbyguili* <
OU Stro. Why Sir ?i not deny
Sir RohrtfifelifprdAoxugwtifDm.h'mQn^y
CMp,f*tfit And yon for this offeacej
Shall 6e conduced fafely aoto Prifoo,
Till mattera may be better thonghtn p»n»
l^ean time yoar own confefiion ii my w«rrant« .
T.Stro, My Father lull a man, '-^herc'ia^jefttomockfoApe
withalij what (hall become of me now t Swujb hici\xtti^Chttifinri-
for the 100 pound , and foon towards Eveoing If e meet chee it 7/*
ftird for ftarofbafe Knave^ — IknownotWhoaiaaitnrpapcrufti
wlien ones own Father does deceive'emthai^ iSMf^Sm^-.
Old Stro, WeH Gmlemen I do obey the Law^ . . ' '^
Aod yield my body Prifootr to the Kijoig,
Soon work whac means ye can for my rcpcec?e
Till we may fue/or pardon^ So adae my Son,
Heaven give thee grace fuch dcfpcrate brails to (hum Exeunf^
T, Stro. Qet a reprieval call you it,-^I knowno morehow to go
about ic, than I know howto build /^4ut I!lc fare my facbe» frogthiiogiag ciiaticer«
t«int£.v^ Mt^ck^^/ AC J.
The Blind' Beggar of Bednall- Green.
t '
Enter UotTifor4\'9fithSii^K* >
For I have done a deed more impiout - t- 1 'ii: unA
Than eTcr entred into the heart of man,' ^ .Vc ?
If ever thou didft hear of M-mfvrdt name ^ j^lf ^ * '- -
His honor, bounty, and mignificcnce, *^
If cvci: thoa Aidft hear bis tfte defame«
The Bllnd-^eggAT of Bednall-Green ,
' Hii accDfation, cxllc,in4igence »
Then know thac I am he, /)/fm/Wlov*d welly
Yec I amhcbywhomold /1^«»/«r4/feU. . I
M«M»f* Alas Sir I bow ?
^>> ^«^/ 1 coveced his Land,
And praftis'd with Sir Wi/fff F/4y]»/#;VSon,
An irrelicioQi carelefs Gentleman J
Yet one coat will make fliow, fwcar^nd grotcftj
Hit coarfe of life is equal with cl^beftt
O there are msny fuch'old roan there be.
Too many in this Laqd-liJi^ bim.aod m^
We laid this plor, he (hould]gO:into trance^
He did, and /erv*d on horfe ae AmUns^
Where he was wiifslly ta'n Prifoner ,
And by his Keepers Daughter underftood , ! ^
The Fr/»rA(hou1dbyacrecherousplotwio<7/f7»^/,
Wherein Lord tAomftrd held a; (^arrlfoiu
Momf, Who were,confcnting with the French in this }
Sir Rfh, h IfalUwHf Captain cilled Hante Bewmsrt^
M on/' Did M0w/«r7//»>r/ his Secretary J
For in his habit Pl^ffh w#^4i/p\}«Mt ^ ,;
Mtfas/. Oh Heaven t, • 5'. !w -...', c';; ; .f
5/r i?«^t Good father jwhcj^oredofl dbou nghf
yiomf* F or griel^roens hearts fiiould harbour fuch deceits*
Sir Rob* I feint kood father) if thou can relieve me.
Call for thy Daogficr., ftretch me on a.bed ;
Bear witnefs 1 repent hoW;bie|p^ad cafe me,
And till I dye conceal iby treachery*
l/iomf. Be fnrc I will, and yet I hope you'll live,
And reconcile the bant(h'tliw4)'0Vir Wf ,
For 'twas an nnjud fad, indeed it was*
Come Daughter help to lead }n this Gentleman,
Wec'll (how bim all the favour thft wc can* ' Eftttr Sffi*
rh Blind-Beggar c/Bcdniil'Ctccn,
f JW^/. JFaU»er . he fbwnefi .
" M mf^ Come quickly help htm in,
I;hopc be will recover, bat if nor, . ''
Heaven grant his fim may^wholly be forgot^ Exum
Bnttr Caabee difguifidm
Can. Thii 4ambM perpetual Rogue S^-ifh^ hat kept roe here in
licelfeafe of the bare ground, hangry, cold, and con^fortlefi , ever
ilnce two hoars afioif^,day» I am hungry for the hundred ponnd he
brings, co^<^^^™7^^*^K^pf fear become without it^ and com-
fortless ieafi if he have ir, hecomei with company, but/«^M/ in /<«^
bnU here he comes, what and alone 1 excellent the i oo Uimyne own -
then^. EnurSwafii
S^mJj* I r':i r ! .vi.nijo'l irvv;-ji^: c;U «•. ;.
Catt, So am I too SIr,come h6ld bp IsoftnoWbUidyba band aod^.
fqot for running after nic« , '■ . i
Swa/b^ I pray you do bind me hard, do good Mr; Theef, harder
y«t Sir*
. C4«..$oaow&rcwell,yoarmonygoer witfameSi^«'t '
SwMJb^ Farcweli . kind |4r^ Tpti*: O pox choke him for a flavc^ -;
Thfcve^ thcevjCSj theevffb htJoi help* Jidp.r. .
^,1 ; ' £«r«rUadlaD4:^2Sfli{r,Vt'i/&S(rowd'f/!v^i4' '
f^dd^ ♦ Sirrah Stiif be^^re. you rati away with, Stram^r iWord^j
Snip, I^wanant , yo&Sii;iei me idooe for panning. • :
tS»aJb,,Thc^pi^0m9p^^^.hkl]^, :A ^\iy^ lodn/i aio - i>:v^-:
T^Str4, HowTJ^eTes,--rlwhcKf^ 5fi|^;rodL wkb mfhrudSifbxfi i
"Sw^^^i Y^i Sit , 1 am bound to it/ . .^j vv " ^ r;Sfrt, Why .
the BlM'Beggsr «/ Bednall-Green,
Y. Strt^ Why what's the matecr 5w4/^ how oitn'il tbdo tliao
La* ,'■' •- '•■::;■•■ :>.- •/.^
T, 5c«lt*iitt iJGiH tarried the Jeb*
bet to BedMsli'GrgfH ^ onl^ love to €B9Hfi^ fl^«tt»eneglea the
prifiei^al bofine(«t bere'i the ProtcA^ff Ri^ievtf^, t hav^ done the
part of a Gcntlemap) ht^^i.BMmfh-^at^f?*' ^dt^^c man, he
loved your Father well, let n^tcyiit d^HJ difly^lflf-; J Was tWo
botftt^t^ tfoarxiiii^idinnybatid lfiMiti(»tMl^t^Vi;>^«i^M the
equity of the quarrel , aoS ^imtMipr^)M/iody a been fb^ad,(^e
Pa/doir«td'«ei^ rcakitiibKli«(H>iwirniffeh1fi)eRej^
horfe at L^godt^miiirmitlaiMHi ^j^fkm'^lA behkb^
«dt oroj L.rjod ma I ; lii i3Y ^w -t,^
\ -
fhe Blind-Beggar of Be J hall- Green,
r* Str§, How take horfc quoth yf, ye$,thc Cit wouM lick htftiri
and (he bad'em> why, I wai rob'd coo laft nigh^ my felt ac L4fi£'
Can, Wf re you rob'd Mr, Strewd ?
r. ^S/rtf. Yes faith) tbf y make a matter of nothing to rob Swstfk
and 1 now adaycs , I have not a hone to caft ac a dog man
not I.
Can* Ap'X ofall ill fortunes hold.^ir, there'i five Ihillingifefe
takeir, and go ta:ke my horie at the Bell at Stratford y and make
haft for fear you come too latf»
T.Stro^ Troth Mr. C4««ir#,and ye gave me allihac ereyehad,T
can but think you, and your horic were a horfe of gold ,he fhalt be
forch^comniing again. Come Swjsb let us go. Exit Tom Stroi
Swathe }Ar^Canhe. no more but fo for this ktndnefi , farewell
lAu HudUntfy farewell Snip^ pray let a fee ye all at the Galiotvs, till
ivhen I bequeath this halter amongft jr,in token of my love, and
fo adue*
' .^w^. Farewell .fiv^/^ and be hang'd.
H*dt — C^^#r, arc tfaou mad to give him thy horfe, and five
fhillings to fave bis father from hangings
C49. No you Friday- fac't-frying pan it was to fave at all frofB
whipping, or a worfe (hame ; for let your Rogoeflrtp underftand,
that this rrprieve is counterfeit andmade by me, your ordinary
pafport maker,that thould have loft an ear at SiUishttrj , and ano*
ther at Northampttff, the truth is we muft leave London, for if the
Protrdur get us under his protedioo, we (hall ail go Weft ward ^or
this warranty
Hadt — Let's turn Gypftes again then, and go about a fortuoe*
telling, 'tis in good requr ft again now.
C4». thai** the froooth foot path op Bolhorn^ no lack therms
an odde f
Had, thisconccir« ifff^/thoofliall ^
have good purchafe of the Wenches in the throng*
Smf» And if I foip not oS cfaeir Parfcf then call mc track* Ex^
F . ■ Enttr .
7i/c B6W-B<'^^4r o/Bednall-Grec».
JB9ter Gloftcr, ^ir Walter Pltynfey mi hii Spt$, C^fUif
theHMHgmM^ MdOjietra
Clefif Strewd I am forey for this b«&Ty fighc«.
And bytbe dread command of my licee Lora,
Icoroe to wricnefi'cwtxtthc world and yoa .
What n ace yea dye in, how yon will difpofe
Your lands, ydnr goods and debet now fof felted,,
tbeffr be reftoret cbee> yetwhilftebea ha» Li$^
To give itnco yoar fon,yoar,friends,or wife.
Old Stro, I bambly cnank hii royal Majcftyf .
V Viihing long happincft to him and yoa t
But witb y«ur favour my good Lord ProtcftoiL
1 fttll deny I an a Mnrcberer,
1 kiird Sir Ro^trt PTififtrd in fair figbe ;
Oor quarrel rifing from open wrong ,
He offer'd to his neece the Lady Mtmftrd*
Cloif* All that was certified bis Majefly ,
Bac prethec bear ne -^f^fW, DcAib'ft fieflilefi band?
Clapfing the wretched palms of endleftwoe^
Hatb made a f ircle, and thy foalS the Cemer«
From which by neither power y prayen, or teara ,,
If thoD dye defperatc flic can be firced*
Old Stv^ My Lord I do befeccb yc pardon mc »
The worl'ii believes tbaiel have marda'dff>;?/«r4^
Or fince abai'd bis body beiii([ d«ad»
And (hamio^atmyfavage gmlcinefr,
Hav e hnr I'd it in Ibme well not to be foond;
Is this the matter that I (hould confe6 ^
Cttfi It is good Str9^d in that make clear tby Sionl*
Old Sna, Hewbofe port blood turns ftarlecnos to iapw*.
Forgive me all my faults and Wtpftrd'i death ;
Bat if I ever wrong'd him being dead,
Or mov'd htm from. tbe place whereon bf felly
Not far off from this place wber fe I rodl falj»
I ask Heavens anger on me; for bis grace > ,
And I can fay no more concerning tD8r»
^/0/7t Enough what raycicboU(iiboac.i^<;ai^ri'stands^
Olditro* It ay, feeing the KingKii his' |K>o^#tcr
Hath given osc ail my \mij Ay dd>fll^imd.gQo#^
- '^ - • -• - - • .^ • -- .- - I
I -gife f 00 m*fi*j€fld lil'the •'*/?♦ I w irrant you Mf . Scrtufd.
Gloft» How mcan'fttHou to 4i potc of all thine own?
O d Stra. 1 have a will drawn at my houlc in Harfin£^
And 1 confirm tharformy Fertamcnt.
Gtffff Arc VOQ plras'd char will (hill be perform d,
OldStru Heaven's w 11 b? done.
But I would fain haveieen mine unkind Son»
Ctefi^ Tarry a little V xccutioner*
U'fttr T^m Strtwd^ And S^afh*
T". 5
r. Stro. Two i>ir th^t coraenot without their cards I hope, Fa«
ther you have a firople fellow to your Son you fee, come who's the
fhreevc here haw,
OU Playn, I do foppiy his place.
T.Srr*. D:» yefo, thenhere'i a M»rM»fV/xtoreprceve my ftther
back Again to the Gaol, orarcpreevaiwbat do you call it, ii**my
Lord Cardinal%, and my Lord Procedori own hands, and feah; 1 af-
fareyou Sir.
Giofi. proud Winche/lers and mine, that's Orange, let*i fecit*
Stv4(h$ It is not To (Irange as true Sir, (here his*
Gitfi, I» this your Son Strovfd ?
0/<^ Srrtf I roy gracious LorJ.
T, Stro * ) IS the more (hameformy Mother clfe*
Gftfi, W^ere had you this repreeve ?
T. Strt, Of an hbneO Gentleman Sir, one that
He (erv'd lometimes B*wf9rdtht Cardinal ,
The commonft cofcning Knave in all chii Land*
^T^^/k* I, I that's he §ir, that's he.
Fa ' TMfti
ijMpii»wi u, i i j — ,.41 1 MJnu^Mm ii - .i ^T iitJ -g|l l lUJJ■i^J!^^J,^la.JgJ^L l W glW''T■g»BB^^l!B gll l^ ^« B BW l ^i^AJZ CTw■■«g^
7he Blind' Bi^sr ofBednall-Grcen^l
! 1^ Str: As God mend me 'cis the yery fame mtn, but all*i one for
that, he bai pUid the kiad Gentleman with me, tnd as God fave me.
«nd S^Ap) Dad not been rob'd chii morning of lOO pound, Ihai-
paid him well for hii pains too Sir.
Gloft. Sirfwd tarn your felf to Heaven thefe hopes are vain,
And young Stnmd as you hope to have oar favour
After your Eatbcr*! death, I charge you feek
That Cdffkeg forth that forg'd you this repreeve.
7, Stt§, How after my father's death,— I hope it is not come
to that nowpahcr all this charge* '
OU Str0, Sirrah yon, ever chafe yon fuch fare Mates,
My Lord ProtcAor pray be good to him.
T* ^/r#« Nay pray yoa my Lord be good to my father, and turn
huB'ore the Ladder,
Swd/b* — is thii my Lord Eredor ?
Y^Str0, How*! that roy Lord ProteAor « and you he my Lord
Protcdor,! pray dobot fet yoor hand to this Bill , and as God fave
Be, and ere yc come iaco Ntirjf^k^ Tie do yoa twenty times as
fiood a cvn aatb^hangiagotiByfitbet comes to, pray you my
^«^<(A Do my flood Lord ErcAor, and Swk^ and bis Buckler
fliallbe at yoar&ricc.
OUSfr§, Ptacfapcacr,yotfidltpcau,HfaTeo'i peace
Mnft be my comfoit in adfttfity*
Y. Sire^ Smtfi what fliall become of mc now>I nere dare go down
into Ntrftlk^ again, every down will brave me , and bid me go to
X#«^,aad bie haiig'd as in?iadier waa«
S»4^» I, and &f\\hiiSw4ft fwingin an Halter as his old
^»rrr Wi Momford i^4i£ii/ BefsMomford., .
M§wtf^ Some good nflii bring DC to aa Officer.
Jl may be a blind wretch may fave a fabjed«
Sw4fii, liUfter,.h€rt'a a blind man come to (u yoor father
Y» Str$. How, a bliod (Ban |ce him haqg*d } that wcrc.ilraoge in*
oU fUjn, What would that aged man, and that fair Maid?
Sw4th^ 1 hope ihe coojcs to beg my, old MaAer from the GaU
Y. Str§f Nq^ S^dfi She (hoold kAJp come ii)i her ^Qock, jnd then
§r^ " " " . Sw^/V
7l}e Blind-Beggar tfRcdmllGrccn. p
^jr^A, It may b« it ii not clem Matter.
Momf. I heird the people murmar neirmy honie, ^;
A little Cottage xpndet en the Green,
That there waicome an ancient man to Uie,
For killing of a Knight lift afternoon,
Ifit be fo, the K«ight lives, andnodoabc
Will be recovered of hif dangerous woaodi . .
(?/#y?. .yVhere is he father?.
Jt/flwifr Yonder in my Cottagei ,
S»^. O brave, Mafter he fayei the Koight'a in his Gpd-
T, Stro, Mo in hii Cottage man , thon miflakeir*
Mmf^ He nam'd himfelf bat now, and fent us forth, ,
To know the truth^and he comes after os,
As well as his green wounds will give him leave^
i, Str§. I marry ^l»4i/& , here's a good old man, and a goodly
Mother, brines newi ft>r the nonce, — I wo*d not. for all the Wz
locks in Nmrfttknih'zi fain oot,thatmy father had fain off^
CUf> Let Strmdcomt down, I hope Sir Rti^irt livca.
And if he do, believe me Tie rcfrove
This over ra(h proceedings for SttB^ett death* .
0/u Pl^n^ May it pleafe your grace, 'cwai Sefsions the laft day,
Stfvd granted he had kill'd him, Judgement paft ,
And my Sons wife the Daughter to Sir R9^trt, ,
Haflen'd ( with teari ) the execution.
Emer Sir Robert Weftford*
Svaih^Yoodtt he comes Mafter , come you had like eo madeii
fine piece of work here, arc yon a Knight and can fight no bet- -
Sir Rth* Health to my gradoos Lord the Duke oicUfer^ ,
CUfk, I am glad %\iMtrt mfiftrd of your health,
How do you feel your,wonndi? . ;
Sir Rob^ May it pleafe your grace.I hope they will do well,
This good old roani and this fair-comroing Maid,
Next under Heaven preferv'd me from deathc
Glofl. Be tbankfull to them then, and hear ye young Sirewd,
Conlider this poor man, and that fair Maid^ .
"^^ Sirt, Confider her , — I confider well enough, firrah Srva/h
inctu>..ksit istheprettieft Mother that ere man's eyes look'tom .
Gl»/f, Sir W»/;#r Flajnfej take Strmfi to your boufe, .
F| ' His >
Tlje Blmd' Beggar i>f Bc6n2Li\'GTCcn,
Hii pardon (halKbe ff nt vott ere yotr diqe, ' '
So upon SuretifcVlrt'himVdS^tfgii'tf' -'^--^ 5' ' ;;-., , .. .Y k
Riir h^.,. trnn vonnr. O.-^^b^ AVWi^n ($nU 'AAH^'iUAj*^ C ' ^H A
. But hear you young Strt^tf^Wji^hn ffhu '^MMie^
Or at my handi never elpeft' a favour,' '*"'', '^
Y. Siro^ Yes my Lord I'iefind him or le (hJiH ^o hard, vefJJnefs
1 ^W^yJ I am mightily fraitten in love with yonder Mo'.hcr, and 1 h^
I not a fwelling buminq feftvonr, in>verf mcmbrr w6*d I m -ht nkti
\ ftir, — yonder* Mr* Plait ft) ba» til thetaik with' her, ai d }et hit'%
[ DO Battbclar*, . 'T^-
I Svaih. Cannot you go and take her away from him , I co'd do it
f my 'If Matter.
rt: (
Y* sV/r*, liegoto*tm, I'ittry, ,, ^ .
Goddetn coyoQ SiV* ' .' .' . ', ...'■;'' *^'"
Svajh, Pi(h you are no body M^i^f, fet mci ak)lni^ I have i deWce
to get hmiawayi and cheodoyodrtafeapanche Wcoch^tfoiiov?
■ .; Enttr ft Mtfenlir^
^/flff* Kow Sir yournewi > ' ;
^r/. The haughty Cardmri
Taking advantage of your bring from fiofflr>
Hath with a crue oftiis Confrderateii
Bcfet St, Joh)*ftt^ and with aUhb force ,
AfTayli to wrong the lady EUttitr^
And flcal her forth the Caftif* ,;
Glcfi* h\ poflible, that thi» proud Pr«ft dirCf offer yiolcqcc
Unto myTroih-pKght S/ZfJi^rf ^
/dTrf. •Til too trot ray Lordf ?j- •
^/oy?. Where if he now / ^ ^, .
Mclf, Rid 1 the Coort my-tprtf; ^ v [, ^ '' , * ^
^/«l^* And thither Ghfitt io\ ^ iotiod tolfty^
Aj fwift ai quicKeft Ijpeed wiJI give him leave. EXfdofi*
0/«i i"; 0, Come Sir you'll Icck thofe Coz?nerf^
No doubt thole copef-matei had m^^ipopound, ' ,
. And do you hear, take ywJr cOmpaOibnl with ■you.
Go aiid (eck >
Wafting my goodf,nay jcfting out my life,
By faiie repreevei, and foch bale pradifes^
Wai^i pack, fink, iwimi piae, jpeift^ lookfloeoo kici
rbf Blind'Be^ar cf Bednall-Grccn.
' T, Stre* Heack ^hbttSwaj^ ^nd ie h^An^ bjcea fc^^ a (>kni{(h to ^
the name of the ^ira»JU , wo'4 we bad made ai) end of this biavn-
ling a? the Gallows, and ihcn thoa (honli'ij a fccn whether I wo'd
a kept fuch a coyl for a little pawltrv loft or no, I warrant thee he
ba not the honelly, to faft thee a^ionc lo wards the. healing of thy
crack'c Crown, yet every onefayes be gave that iU'facV knave tbe
Hangman fivcjor fix pound. ,
Sv/tfh* I'that was to buy bkn a better face Mr. But give hifn
good words , you know the old roan is kind enough <
T.Stro^ I as any Cor ffcn creature, bee's wen with a Applpyand
loft againwitbanut, but come S^^Jb we'll go feek out tho^Co*
nyicatchers,and ere I catch ihero, — He make cbem pay (oundly all
for their roguery* ^ ,
Exeunt yenng Strowd an^ Swa(h.
Old Plajn^ Sir R^kert will yon (hake bands with Mr^ S$r§wJf
Sir ReK Well he may have ray band but not my bcvr>
Srotv^ thou didft Wound m , y<( tbou didft it well,
No more,rie think on't till my dyii^ day,
i'le fit upon your skirts before, I will.
Capt^^ Wefi, Oh Uncle hare patience*
Sir Rob, You are an Agent for the Child oi Momf§rd\
J pray you Sir JValttr ^laynfty make good Bonds , "
That ifrrffWabufe me not, look co't I pray*'
Old ThjM^ I warrant you Sir Rtbtrt I'lc be fore
Of fuch (ecnrity as you (hall like*
Old Str^^ Come Captain fVefiford , you (hall have the Deeds
Concerning Momfor£$ lands pail unco you«
C*^^ ^//* I had rather Sir you kepi them in your bandf
Old Srr». Well as you pleafe, yet walk with os 1 pray , .
You brought me to the Gallows, bring me back :
Father farewell , farewell good gentle maid,
rie reft your Debtor till fome other time;
But 'twas Sir Roben*% kindncfs to reveal his name^
Elfe Hangman y(W had had this home»fpan fuit.
But Heaven be thank't I keep it for ray Son,
I hope to driue him from his filken humour*
Caf^ WeU^ Come good Mr* Stroud will you go ?
Old Stro^ Gallows rarewell,5/rowu Son Ptfl^ffjt
'I prav you give that Maid a mark in gold/
Ani Father J muft crive t W4>rd wrh chre,
* r. P/-;*.'FiirM idbcfiJeil UotftfrrikethisGold,
Brft, \ pray you pirdon me, for ah the world
I wnuld tiot do my foal chat injurv*
T* PUjn, Dt^me immortal , all linv S )uls delight^
Btfs^ Salute me not with foch Tatn Epichice*
I am wrecched, mortal, mi'erable, poor.
But howfocvcr b (e. Tie be no whore.
T» Plsjn^ Wilt thoQ betheo my wife, for Qnft ii dead»
Bfft, Ic'i much unlike ,
A GentlemAn of your worth will Toucbfafe •
A B : ggart Daughcer Co yoor'Bridal bed*
r. Pi 7«* By Haven I will if choo w !| grant me lofC;
Me anfwer you another time kind Sir*
My father hath no Narfe, no Wife> no childej ;
No fervanc bat my fel ', and he ii blind*
Y. PUyn, Heatk in thine ear one word* "^'
Sr rA. 1, 1, 1 . 1 d(V remember fuch a talc I cold cbee.
Come hicher good Too Pl ij"fj chou (halt hear it*
L^ft night ac my fii (I drell^ng I wai Lunacick,
Mid that I wai horc, more chin of the hurr^
And in my ravening fit cold thii old fool, • _^
I hac thoa and I did pradife M^mfwit fall,
Now I hi« old Aifrbelieving I faid erne,
Coraei wich my Cosfcience, bidi me advife.
And goes about co make a maccer on'c , -
Ha , ha, old fool, go, go, go to chy prayert ,
Thoo hadft need of eyei to keep chy Daoghcer honeit. >D
I ^ueft thy cottage be a brochell hou'e,
Taik'ft choi of M»mf«rds fall and of my oadnefi .
Momf I do befcech ye hear me for Heaven's fake*
Sir ^#^*Tus tur, do noc tell me of Hcaven,or Hcll>
Brace not > Tic fend chc dow tad then a peny ,
But if thou tittle tattle tales of raf, '^^
J'.e clap thee by the heels, and whip thy Daughter,
Turn thee to the wide worid , and lee thee ftarvc.
Come come Ton Plahfty let the Knave alone,
Keep's tongue, and keep hij friend, el fe he gctanone.
Bffs* My Father Sir had pity of your wounds.
Sir Rob, Peace HuiwifeJ have paid him for hii paiDi* ]
Come fon away, and old man hold your tongue.
Remember this old I'aw, A$ men are friended, £*•» Sir t.oh^.
So either right or wrong their futes are ended* Mk T^ PUjn^
M9mf, Oh miferablcage'
Btfi, Oh wretched youth I
yl^fl^/. Ob times corrupt by men for want of truth I
— lam glad I know it; 5\ll74^ look thee here's CW;' that cofea'd
me with the falfe Repreeve.
Srva/hf And here's the flave Snip that ran away with yoor
Sword in a Wenches Petcicoac; we'll fpoyie yoarmocion now we
have ye»
ffa^l^ I bcfeech yon ^od Ma^fter S^afh,
Sw4^, What Gypfie?2re yon tura'd Jugler? Til tickle you.
C4». HearkyeMr, Sti-wwd^
J^ad, Mr* Sw4[h as yon ever came of a woman —
S^Mjh. Let me never come off a woman while I live again if I do
not ccrrifie you, I'll motton you, I'll murther your TttmberUjn and
his Coatcbhotfes^ 1*11 flab your C^tfur, I'll ravifh your Kump^
1*11 peper your Pod^ ril powder your Motion, your Norwitch
ihall down, I am fire, and I'll confume your Motion in a twitik.
linf;» Bxit with Snip*
Y. Strf, Do SwmK and let me akme with thefe rill thou come a-
g««ih * ' Gi H^rf,
Mad. Mr..r/r«t1*or mine own part I priotefl onto you I love yene of
myfuici ... . ' 7 • . ^
Cm^ ?.if^y*areaGyplic; believe bimnpt Mr* <5/roW,H'e fast
beenprov'd perjur'd, the flave will fight with hisown Father for*a
Jack of Bter, and kill a rucking Infantfor a pintof Wine,and where
hefayesl colen'dyou of your diir, 'cwas his damn'dt^ounfellthat
Swdjh wa« rob'd ycfterday o^ the 100 !♦
Hud, Mr. 5rrffW,by tliii hollow tooth that (liall tear that Have?
Nole like a piece of Swioes flefli/cwai he that rob^d him, and coun-
terfeited i he Repreeye ; indeed 1 muft confefs I had my fliare ; fonii:
1 have fpenc, the reft is here, take it Mr. StroWdf and thiok of honefl
Jack.fJadiaK n> t -.o** lav r- •».-' '
'. CaM* Ob Siryyosar only brav?fl fife that c«t|b«.
r» Str9f -rrrl think it were not amifs, for J ha fee A Wheat and
Barley grow amongQ cockell and dar^iell, and many an honeA man
keep Knaves company ; How now S^ttjh^ what haO thou done ^
Enter Swiih and Snip,
S^tfjUt I bave ti^nfounded cheir. 'Mouoja > btleaguer'd their
- " ^ Caftle,
The Blind-Beggar of BeJnall-Grccn.
Caftlc," bartered down the Walls, and taken TamkerUfn the blood
Prifoner in a purfute, to the utrer undoing of all M^jf ion- Monger'
andPuppit-playerji »
Y, Stro. * ris well don e Swdfi , but wott»thou what man ? I ann
turn'd Cony- carclier fince thou wenift*
^vfAJh^ Cony-c^tcher ? the Dcfill yoi are ? •
/♦ Stro* Yes Y*/iith Swajh^^ni if thou wou'c io one thing foe
mt now, ril toad) thee to conycatch too whea I come inco^^«r*
. Stfujh, On that condition Mafter I'll do it what ere it hc^
Y» Stro^ Do but go ihy waiesto Mfltuni-Gxtta to my fathert
lodging ^t the 3 CoUi j & dobutteiliiim I cannot find thefe fellows
yer,bat asfoon ai I do meet with them,tell him he (hal bear from mt*
S'^Ajb, Yes Sir , I'll go tell btm you arc W4th 'em, biu you ibid me
- fay you could not find 'em. - ,
T. Stro — By no meani Sw4(h^ then thou miti'ft all, teli hira I
cannot find 'em, make aiycfor me now> I'll make two for thee ;ino«
I iher time* . . ^
SwaTj^ V^eii da thfi condition you'll ccschme to cony , lam
content to lye for you, Ex/Swa^s
r» Stro, Do fo ; Now Siti, what coorfe will you Cake, that 1 nlay
come by the refl of my Bony ?,'
' eitu, Tu(h we' baY^ i oq |V tr icki -whca- we want ca(h one ar
mongft us undertakes the name and habit ot'i'omc (waihiog Stalidn
^ot French Nobfeman^t Im(% ^ the reft in Liveries attending, then
. we come and fojdurnac foii)«honei^Gentlj!ma^bourc,ti]! ^re have
eat bim outof boufc atid home in diet , and worf his credit ouc at
elbows with takiag u^tcotpfpoditiM atiiw^cy;;bints, in hope to
htvcjillhis'raoxiy at a- day,^ btforewhicEoay we.gWehimihe(lip,
and to cfcapc purfute attire our felveililo^:'C5yp(iej,PcdIars> tinr
. kcrs, or fach Ike di^oife; how like you Ait? .
I T.Stro^ This is old excellf nc y'faicb; well I fee I might a kept
• 'company with hohel^ mtn all the dtiee s, my life ere i ihouid a
learo'd half ?hls Knavery % hot beark my ivtafters , yonaer'i ili<»
BlindsBeggar of MsMlGr/an has the pretticfl Mother to h»
Baughter as a man heed to lay hit leg over, now if all the witi&
your heads can but gtthercobemy wife, I (hoMthinkmysitony
every penny better b^K^owed than oeber.
• Cm, You fhall bavc Sit her*
t^ Str0» Shall, why wii ikii^i come iheo my mad Viragoes i
7U Blind'Be^gAr <|f Bednall-Green.
have rpcnt m«ay t gray grots oif booeft fwAggereri j tnd tear-
Pl;icket« in my dties ?hic I never dmok for, and now I'll eurn Avag-
' gfrer my fclf, 1*11 keep you company and'c be but to keep you ho-
neO, true met! I cannoe, for tbere'i nere a finger on yocr bands buc
ii as Had a» a Uine twig, I'll do my good wiil , and I can bring ye Co
an^ goodneft, then fiyGod amercyhoneft Tem Stroud o^H^r*
Can, Thou Q]alt be our chief Captain amongft ai«
r, Stre. How your Captain? — I'll make all fplic then, come ray
I hearts, Bxennt^
[ Enter eld Momfbrd Mndfits ''«'»'*» ^' ^*'* S«^« Momford .
^ BeJ't^ Father, dear father foccour me from (hame,
Young Mr« /'Aiyw/tf/ii entered our houfc.
Hath (hut the fore«door ap, detains the keys
^ And (wears to kill me, if I do not yield
r To his abhorrid and intemperate luft ,
' Help me good father o're the Garden pale, ■'
That I may call for fuccour on the Green,
f Mtmf. No Daughter,(ic thee down, fit down by me,
\ I call you Daughter, being your own defire.
If you be nobly born a» you report,
Why (hould yon to efcape your own didrefs
Leave me poor man alone, and comfoitlefi ? Enttr T, TUjny
B*fs^ He comei /
M«mf, Let biro, fit down,Tie down t fay.
Befi, O how (hall I efcape reproach this day ?
Momf. Peace, heaven may give my byzotfd eyes their light, ;
Stretching thefe crooicd limbs (If ait and opcight.
j r. Playn, Art thou fled hither? tbinkelt thou hit weak (^rcngth
I Can free thee ? come, why (hould this fro (ly ice
Clafp his cold arms abont thy flowring fpring ?
Nay ftrive not Bayard^ if ye do, by Heaven
j I'll draw ray Rapier , and with one thraft
Send thee to Chdron as a PtlTengeri
Momf, Oh, I am feeble, pray ye hurt me nor.
If it be true) as I have beard it told
You matied lately with Sir Rohcrt's Daughter*
r. Piayn. Father,! hate her, and (he fcorneth rar,
She pules, (he (iehs, (he pmes,(he leaves her meat, (
. She flies my Bridal- bed, (he bans, fhe raves
Thi Blind' BijigAt o/Bcdn all. Green.
Tint erf her ftcbfir forc'd her to be aiuc.
^#//. Good Sir •©•fore hef.
Y. //<•»«. Comfoctcliovaic, and I will comfort htr*
JB^AlwillnotyiildooafnitcofiBch tfliH
I fcorn to be a Princci Conoibioc^
r, vujn. Wilt ihoobethfamywifei
^r//. No, I have fvvora
Tp dye ai pare a Maid u I wai born.
Mmtf* Howcan(hebeyoDrWife^
y, Str*^ My mit will diCi
^«mi/: Tarry that time. .
7, FUjn. ikU lingering J defie»
Old man I'll make cbee happy by chy grant \
Fair Maid chon (hale be bled In thy confeot ;
Deny me and I'll tnrn a Tirtm^
Murder tby Father, then cat one thy tongae.
Deform thy beanty with the hand of fwatn ,
Laflly make fpoyl of thy Virginity,
Then leave thee wretcbed;WDere if now then yield ,
'Gainft all reproach and wrong I'll be thy ihidd«
Bfft* Help me good Father.
T. Nayn, Bid a fere dfv'd Retd
Oppofe his fapleft ftrengtb *gainft a gcccn Oak*
See me, I am all yooth, all lore, all beanty,
ThoQ beautiouf, lovely, yoathfiilli *cii thy doty
To love thy like, which daty if thou ihnn,
My bate thy beantions youth (hall overtom*
Momf^ Good Sir ftand hot addc a little while;
I do remember (ince my felf wai voting \
the ftrongeffedsofluft; both uc ami I
Muft yield to yoar deAre.
^ ^
And I will fit hit hot luft prefently^
Y« TUjiu Come, what refotve yon? either yield or dye*
Momf^ Sir I commit my Daughter to your haodf ,
BmSbefecchyouwooherwithTairword*, ,
~ ~ ■ She
Sbcmay without cotapqlfipn ykI4 at Uftj; ,
1*11 in and wc; p, for what can I do more !' it $
You're rich and (Iroog, af)
^^.Formony'few roenoowflwiio^amy* '
Befs^ Ohme,doyon^r|ak?i»ft4
Mcmf* la while I do,
Bac PlajHftj I'll anon be even wicb yoa* tx^ Mmf,
Y» Playit4 Now prettie Virgin how are yoo refoiv'd ?
B:fr^ I yield, yet thoagb I yield I bead my koeet, -
And ere my fpoclefi Virgin Ihapc I leefis Kmtls^
Let me delate the many miferiei — '
r. P/4;«.Come do n^t ftain thy tilly cheeks with teari, -
Nor TiDiion to thy felf a form ofdread ,
ThoQ talk'ftoflori offliape, a fair Laft bears
A (hape ai goodly in loft Maiden-bead, \
And far more lovely; then with frailfog'gracf, .
They boldly look Qpon a Loveri face.
Try once, then be •(TurMchoul't not refafe ,
HaJft ihou a hundred Miidco^heads Co lofcf
B ft. Impious temptation 1 1 dcfie thee ^l^nfrf^
. Setting my weak ftrengtb to refift thy luff;
Off With thy poyfoQoui bandf, help, help me Heavem
"Bnur Momford likf 4 Strving-wMm,
M»mf^ But a poor earthly man guided by Heaven
Will keep I hee from tbia deed, hatefullu Hell|
PUjH^tj forbear ai tboa refpcdi chy life. .. i
r. fUjn^ TboQ Aptum^haken leaf, thou bare AflaComte,
Thou withered Elder- pith, tboo Hiaoe of deitb ,
Sent by chat blind exorcift to cyihirt
The pleafores that young P/«7»/>;'s heartafPedf)
Vanifh, I know cbou art but litber Ajr,
Thy band fell ligb(ly)<»i]||Mbe,Kblii/moak f- ^ /.
Tbatitdifpei^^mofUwtbAfpcea4ingrlbwdf. :<^
Mtmf, What mak'TTtbolime.'tQboAfeomctakeHiyWeapotai,
Thou (hale looq cfy I am b^th flefll add bone. Fis^\ Playofey
^, ;>/4i;*; Hold Villain hold l. iskfnu
Jhftfw^ No Poy,r«maMan, .
Uacl^ to that wci»ng'diiiaid>tb9BHnd-mani brother, '. ' n
W ho quikfflg^i withia movniog bit Cbt^^^
""" ' Art
The Ilinei'Beg^af of Bcdnsill-Crccn,
ki*c ndc ff(ha ni'J i no thoa art (oipodenr,
W/i7/W and you arc flcfti'c in villanlci;
Think on your ploc abouc cbe bani(b'd Mmftrd^
If you'll repchc it I will ufc you well }
Mak« meaof thac M«mf«rd nay be proved dear ^
Ai you know beft hit hirmlefi imocencei
And on I Souldieri'word I do proccft
M»mf»rd Hiall mftke y«nr peace, and foe your pardoiu
T, PUjMt Whac dod
I faw him walking ap along the Green;
Stand not to taJK, if tbou accept my offer
I'libeafaicbfulirervantin thiibufineft, ,
Preferve your credits, and confer whh yoo ;
If not, refolve on this, 1*11 to the King,
And there accufe you of this baynoui wrong*
7*, VUyn, Wile c^oa fUy here oncill I fetch Sir Rthrtf
MomfJw'iW. Go Miid, h:lp the old man to bed , Mx. PI*
Hee's (hrowdiy frighted by this violence*
Befi^ W hat reverend mm arc (boo ? or Angel racher,
Thac fpeak'fl^befe wonders of my banifli'd ficher ^
Mamf^ G« honorable Miidcn,A/««>/Vr^'i Heir,
A little help cbe old weak blinded man,
That weeping fics within, trembirng for dread
(eft PU;n(ej had thy chart youth injtired,
H^lp him, and then Til tell thee many wonders^
Befs^ To bear but one word of my fathcri weil)
ril undergo all work, all pain, all toyl. Ex^ Btft,
Momf^ Poor Girl, how glad (he i« to hear the voycc
Of Momfori% honor? witTi what nimble fpeed
She hyea to help a fliado?*, there • no beggar,
No poor blind man, that wants her comforting ;
I wonder what (ht'ill think, when (he fliall find
Only a ftaff, a fcrip, a gown, a bonnet, {
And here i^ body to make uic of them / j^nftr Sefu
She comet, and fs amazed as (becomes*
5#f/* Where is the blind man I beicech you Sir ^
: Alone I find bit garmenti in hi» Chair ,
b- -
" i D»
Tbf Blind- Beggar c/ Bcdn all- Green,
Do not amaze roe, tell me where he ii i
Mtmf* He it within faifMiid^
Befs^ Aged man,
I ftiould give credit to your miik^^ white btiri ;
Tell me,0 ffli me, why wicbiiti Cbtir
The cafe it le c; arc you a Conjuror,
Where is the blind m>n that I call'd my father ?
Momf* I am no Con jaror, (lay here but a while >
And I will bripg the biind>man co thy fighCj
Stay bcre, look on cbii dowdy Element,
And i'll prodoce him to your hearts couccor. Ex, Mtmf^
Befu Alas where am I Aire tbii Beggars Gel)
Is a bale Cottage to br tray my honor ;
I took him at the firO to be a Comforter,
But now I fee he is expert in ih.! pes :
But why ftiouid f difpraifc him^ he did free
My body from vild PUynfrj'h luiory.
Methinki be has been all my Joy to me,
Why flH>Q)d there now arife this differ encr? «
Bmt§r Momford t$kf n Btglur^
Mdmf* Daogbcer where are you I
B*ft* Pray where is yoor brother^
M*mf, I have oo B>ocber, no kin bot one Daugbter.
Bfft^ Bee's an 'iKhaorcr furcv his waits I'l) (hum
^#«^« D'logbcer where arc you / 1 conjure yuu Child
By the true honor of old A/«i»i/«rW's name.
By M»mf9rtt% faitb. thai was by (raod eiird,
You Would not let hit botior die in (hame«
Beft* Help me ye powers , chat give all Mortals power,
To fcape this heavy and too troublous hoar«
Spirir avoid mr, or if thou be no fpirst
Sorely it is a d^mn'd Magicion*
Fly me, tboo alerr*0 fhapes, I do noe love thee.
\hmfi Thou daft} fee I ere the Gold th<»n lent'ft thy father,
When T, rvrii i my icit brought ibele fair Arms
To wicJ^ed >#V/?/»r/» Gare* poor Child be not amaiM,
] am thy Father ULtmftrd^h^ traycerous pradifc b^ntfhed*
BfTt. A h roe, that I bare liv'd jb long niilknown ,
lAill bii4 fuch a hope.
Mcast i^Aic Child for^r , ,
Tijf Blind-Beggar of 'RQ^n^W-QT&Xi.
I know Sir Rthrtmftfird, and thii Ptajuftyt
Or one of the.n ak Icaft, will come forthwhhj
Say you the blind inao is in bis bed fick,
And call me Uncle; comf,bc comforeedj
Oar fum of honor in defpigbc of gaile
Shall brightly fliine in £i»jf /«*•• He mifpherf.
We bave1>een clowded loog, but mauger hate,
Tiotb will advi nee defertto honor's (Tate* l&xeunu
B»ttr Sir Robert WcHfovd, Y. Playdfey, Canbee ,
Hadtand, tmd Tom Scrowd,
Y« TUjM^ Dare yon trail Str»^d'\n this fame ftratagera ?
C«»« TaOi fear bim not, fince his father batb given nira over, be
hath given ore aWhonefty and lives upon the /poyl;comeyemad
Roguei here's tbree of uf,and bere*s 30 /« each man take bis ibare,
and with bit (hare bisxbarge 1 We areatlfortbistnonytocnttbe
throat of tbe Bltnd> beggar, bisiBrocherj and bit Daughter.
Yt Stir0^ How?cat their Tbroais ? — I'll fee yc banged firft*
CsM* jMi( ibou and I willteep quarter at this end o^be Green J
and Waylay tbe old fprnce Serving'ffian, he fliall be oor (hare, and
T«m f^fiPitb^ihalt ly at thU corner for tbe wench, for tbia
way (he cornea noto the Conduit- head for Wittr,lhe falla to
Jfad, And fall thou tabev, and ye can bat tgree ofprice.
T Str4, Nay let me alone fot falling open tbe Wcoch I wirnnl
C«». Mn fUjufty and Sir <^«^#rr do yochter gone knock cot bJt
Biains with hit Crutches; thai have yoooeard your (itveralchar*
ges; every man to bis Court of Guard , aod keep fair qua^
ter. ^
Sir Rtb, Plotted with good difcretion^ Son tiMjMftj
I like it well, that you and I go walk
Near to t bis Cottage > for It ronefa concerm ua
To fee tht« B?g|>ar dead, upoo wbofe breath
Proud flander ficf to blcmi(h our good Qamei^ .^ 1^ '
AaiblaftoBrkoneftrceotitioiif; , ': . * " *
Shake bandi and part in nope when next we meei; HW.^^Jtait &'
Their deaths (hall lay all danger at our feet, C4». ^ Hiii*
Y. /»/*;•. Pray heaven it may; a word good Mf* Strn^f
Although yoa bad in cherge to kill the l£dd|
: Ha I
The Blind- BeggAr of Bednall- G rccn.
1^0 ioCrcat you ufe Tome fprcial care
In yoar atMmpc, and in the ftead of death
TelUier I love her dearly , and that love
E^forc'd thii (hifc : for t hoogb the Wench be poor^*
Yet in the ^laff of my affedioa
Sl^e feemi right wealthy y fair and vertuous;
Commend raeto her Straff d* and Hnce my wife
Hath given her lateft farewell to the world, Rutjj SWa/^,
Tell her I do intend to mary her ;
Mean time convey her to my f&rro at Rcierif^
And there's 10 Angeli more for thy rewards
But be ai trudy to mc,.as the thonght
That Uecps within my bofoine, fo adae,
Itruft the ricbed of my hopes with you> Ex, PUyn*
T'.S/riJDo fc, and I do not deceive you let me dye like a'Dog on
a Pitch-fork; — ^This i$ excellent, hire rac to fteil away the Wcncb
I am in love withal! my felf, this comes jud in the nick y faith,
J defire no morc,butto meet hcr^Whofe yonder iji'^/^ ? how now.?
whither away fo faft .RJVrf/^ ha? EmtrSwAfb^
S»4(h* WhatmyyounpMafter.' why I am- going to the three
Coltf to faddleyoiiri^achers Geldings we both ride into iV^#^^/i^
^is afternoon^
Y* Stre^ — Better and better dill, thou com*ft as fit for the pur-
Sftfe as & Psiddtng foe a Fryers month, fo dod thou : I do but
ay here to talk 3 or 4co'd words in bugger- mugger with th«
Bliad-heggars X^augbcer, and I'il ride dowii into ^cr/^/z^wicb
yoD^d ai God wo'd ha'c,yonder comes the Mother.
i?»/#r Befs Momford.
!?//>. Oh what coment attends this Country life £
Here proud Ambition's emuUtiog eye
^iayes not the j^nd^^it ; our thatch'd. Unhappy wretch , ih^iiT lay n fey fure was boro'
To make our Houfe and Family a fcorn.
Swtfht Shee begins to yield Mailer, give ber not oVe, to her a-'
gain Mafter.
' Y* Stro, I warrant- thee Swaib now I am in let me alone. V Veil
VVencb, this is the plain EngUfh on'c, and thou loveft me no worlb.
than I love thee, inftead of carrying thee to hisFarm-houie at Re*
deriff^ 1*11 ha thee to the Church and mary thee, and of a poor
Bjtggari Daughter, IMmakp thee a wealthy JV«r/«/i^Y«omans^
H3 wife,.
7lje Blf/id-Bf^gdr of JicdnBllGrccty,
wife ; what fayeft cbou to it now fen ye ?
Beft^ ipy Father ii a poor Blind thou arc ne're like co
fee thy Fathc/, nor his Shed more, for Mr, P/4r»'/ir; and Sir
Roherf fFtftfofd has hired a couple of falfe Knaves to cot thy fa-
tberi throat, therefore and thou canft love rae, fay, and hold,'
go thou with S^afh and raifc the Town, and 111 go back and favc
thy Father s life I warrant thee*
Beft. V\\ go with ye, love ye, I'll do any thing fo thou wilt favc
myagcd Fathers life.
v. Str0^ • — Let roe be hang'd like a Doc and I do not; Swa/b.
go you with her and raife the Town , I'll out crofs o're the Sum*
merlaybythe Broom Beld o'regoodman Dawen'i Clofe and be
with you prcfently; — whither arc chou going? cbou doft not bear
Sivafh, Yes, yes, I muft go by the Broom- field, I hearyooSir,
come Wench come*
Y, Sfrt, t4ay finceyouarefo forward hold, cake yontbfPit*
cher , I'll go with her ray felf, — I wod not for any thing byf I bad
torn'd Cony- catcher, here had been a black day withiome body
elie; come Wench, dry thine eyes, never cry for the matter , cbe
worO is pift, thou (halt lee the cafe alec ted I wacraat thcCj I'll faye
thy Father's life fear not.
Swdshf Oh, oh, oh , I carry the Pitcher 1 there let it lye,rit after
them* JB^Hutr,
Enttr Momford irivini in Ctnbec 4nd HtdUo4'
C«s»» •'-"I am hurt*
Had, Hold, and thou com'ft of the noble blood of die 7r«f^#'
M»mf, Hay do not think yon defperate Cafl-avay%
Though time hath hid me with the rynd pf Age.
And hung his fnowy livery of my t ace, ,J
] Thoogh
, 1
7he Blind Beji^ar ofBcdnSill'Gtccn,
though I am otd,tbat I want ftrength to fight;
If yo» be men whofe fortune's has been (hak'd
By the rougharm of want, or Servitors
That have confum'd your lifing in the wan ,
I have a poor biiod Brother on this Green,
W^ioby the Alms of charitable lAcn,
And with the wealth I brought him out of r, .vrr,
Hath (lore of Gold, and had you (hown your warns
To him or me — ^
Can. I fcorn to make my (jtate known to c're a prowlfng Beggar
on ye all ^ we know your Brother has Gold , and 'tis that we
come for*
NaJ And we'll ha'c or dye fotV»
Bttbi Mufther, help, help. Tbejfiht^
Enttr Sir Robert Weflford, and y§unr Playnfey*
Sir RoB. What murder f w here's the Murderers f
7\ PUyn, Sir Rthtrt draw, it is my frknd that's wrong'd*
M»mf* Nay I befcecb your worfliip.hold your han4s,
Though I be old, I j»m fufficient
Ta anfwer two far better men than thefe*
Cm. Sir Robert ^ as you are a Knight lay hold upon one, who wsi
iiM^con-ent to rob4]s in the Kiiigs high way 9 but would likcwtfe'
doWaken away our lives.
7',/»y«;»/Uf><)nmy Soiil you do the fellow wrong.
St*^ J?»^. Nay,n^y Son,PUyn/ry,nfvet take hi^s partj
How ihonid the B'gg'ir here o^Btdnntl Gretn
Get fo much wealth, as the world thinks he hath.
And keep his minion at the Beggars hoafe, .* ^
Bur by fnch prafticcsp^ield op thy weapons.
Or fet upon him all, 4*11 anfwer it.
Man^* Well, well, Sir R^hn tr*Jlfordy limf has been
The Blind- mtn and his Daughter did deferve
More friendOiip at year hands : and Mr. ^(^Jffiy
Icouldrepeat, but let old matters reft* Tbtj h^tt
Sir R^y* What do ye brave csffet upon the fl^ve* M of*
r 7; PU^n, What is he cone f how oy co kt ct.y heart io well ind in'd. •
r. 5^r«. VVfay I thank you Father, wai I forgive yon too
wkbail rpy heart. ^
.ffV ^ob. Sir ffW;#r PUynftj yoQ are mif-iaiora'd ,
We come with no ioicm ofiojory,
TheCe Geodcmen were Sera ngen ooto nt,
We found fore hart and c<^M by t falfe Theef , .
And Brother to thii Beggar, whom wc dm
Enter into big houfe*
0/J?/^». What fay 'ft thoD Father ^
Know'A thou of ftich • praAife by thy Brother ?
Or to thy knowledge is he in the houfe ?
Momf, Sir fVAttr fUynftj^ that I take'i your oarae , ,
So help me Heaven, as I am ignorant
From any fuch lewd pvaftife of my Brotberi t
But fiflce your wor(hips ber«, I'll call bitn forth
In perfcn, to make anlwer for btmfelf,
Defiring you to pardon me t while,
For what with forrovv<«nd with caret down pccf^, .
My Hghelefs eyea badneed to uke tbeir rtft. Exiik ■
Oid P^9. Send Of thy Brocfaer tod be cboa iiftbtrgM i%
But Mr* Str*wi^ what can you fay to tbia ?
T* ^rr0« Faith Sir, 'tis a common faying to our Country, You
(hall know by the Market'folkt howebeXhrfcet goes; and none
knows their Knavery better than I, -that was one of their com*,
pany* Father do you fee thofe two fellows there. ? -
OU Stro, I fon, what of tbcm ^
r. Str»^ Why tbefe were they that co(en*d me of my fattin fnte,
and with the falfe Repreevc that h»d like to t htng'd yocr^and rob*4 <
^w*7 of the I CO /♦ too*
OW ^rr». what thefe Oemkwen ?
T. Strt, Gentlemen ! as God mend ror ^a coBpici^f ii amnt Co^
ny-catchctt as c*?e pift» » . . ~ »
^ » Old
the BUnd-Be^gAf of Bedmill-€rccn.
7\ Str9^ Puihjyou are a Fool Father , you know nothing, I
fiftve paid for my learning;flnd falling imo their company in hope to
gee fome fatisfadion for all ray lofles ; it wai my chance to be by
when Sir R^hert Hyfifordsiad Mr. PUjnftj there gave them 30/t to
murder the Blind>beggar, his Brother, and hit Daughter ; bat by
ray means che Beggar and his Daughter are alive, but what's be«
come of his Brother I know not; this , a« I am Tim Stro'kd of Har'^
Hm:^^ and a true-hearted Ntrforktm^ny I'll jaRifie againft one, twoj
three, or the whole packof 'em/ when, where, or how they dare,
for the very tars and guts of 'em all*
Can. 5rrtfw<^,y'arcaNit,a Slave,anda Peffant^
7"« Sir0, How a Feflfant f — 1 fcorn C ) foyl my hands about thee :
but and I had thee alone, with a cough Aihen Gibbet in my hand,
and I did not dry bang ye all one after another , I'de eat no meat
but Muftard; kn ye ? ,
Ofd PUjH, Strg^^d have a care you fpeak nought but truths
Old Srr; And fpeak the truth Boy af thou art my Son*
T. Stro, And I do not I'll give you leave to call me Cut, fen ye ?
Old P/i)tf, Sir Rohirt h^ eft ford this concerns you near,
And Son it touches your reputation too ?
r. PU;yi. But it Diall touch bis life chat Authors it;
k- Strowd yon are a villain, and for old grudge Enter Momford
Betwixt your Father and Sir Rohrt *yefiford, like a Stf
Forg'd this furmtfe > as both thefe Gentlemen ving maki-
Are ready on their oaths to juftifie;
C4»» No more, here comes the Slave that rob'd us*
T* Stf* Rob'd ye 1 of wbtc I crow ? of your good conditions ?
HiU. Thfs is be that hack't my Thygh like a leg of Beef*
T". 5/r#* Thou lyeft like a Theef.
Old ?Ujn» Are you theBliodcmtos Brother f
M§mf* Sir, I am.
OU PlajH, You ire accus'd here of a Robbery,
What can yon anfwer in your own defence ?
Mmf Sir traitir PUyi$ffjy and good Captain iVejiMi
Firft as I look for comfort from above,
I never nnriM a thought to that intent :
Indeed thefe Gentlemen, Strangers to me,
Did draw upon me, and as I fuppofe.
By the provokemcat of Sir R»Htt mfiford
The Slm(i'Bf^^arofh^\lrd\UG[ccif.
And Mr. /'i*;"/"/, fought to takff my life. '
O.'d PUja, What rcifon (hould they hive for that f
M9mf, Your worlhip (hall perccivej Sir RoP-rt mftffrd
Wounded by Strpwtif and dcfpcrate of lifr ,
Conftrt unto my Brother tbe Blind- nun,
That by the means of hinvand Mr. PUynfty
They coonterfcited thcfc Lertcrs that wrought
Mcmftrk'ibAmCcwntnVt Bcfidei allthii,
My Sword (hall juftifie, that fir(^ by bribei, ^
And then by forcive means he would have fort*ii
MyNecceuntohis lu(T, Ail thU ii trur,
And this 1 11 juftifie upon their bodies in the open lilbr
r*?/4/«. Thou dar'ft not for thy life ?
, Mon^' PUjnffj. I dare.
And wp'd my Soveraign Liege give me but leave,
This Sun (honid fee thy Treafont puni(hed«
Sir Rth, Wert thou a Gentlemen a» thou art a Slave,
rde make thee eat chy word* or dig thy Grave.
T^ Str9, Eat a Pudding*! end , the old roan (hall tike no wrong*
Cap, fVcfi, Sir Ro^fri H^efl/vrd, your Gentility
Shall not tread down the truth; long hai my Soul
Thirfted for this occalion t for when I (aw
Yon fallifie your faith , wedding your Daughter
unto PUym(e)*tSopy that wai the Troth* plight Husband to iTiryi
I thought as much ai thif poor man now f peak! ,
A nd will in (ingle combate prove at much;
He of yon both that thinks himfelf moft touched,
T, PlajH, mftfgrd I'll anfwer thee*
C4»* And I'll maintain Sir R§^£rt fVefftrttt caufct
Momf, Take up my Glove then»
Sir /?«^* Give me ity I'll maintain it ray felf*
Had, This (hall juftifie that Strowd
And that bafe Villain were agreed to murder ui.
!r.5'rr:'«Iisthewindci*thac door, 1*1 hake up thy Glove t but
— and I bang not thy Cozcombj hang me la.
OU PUjn.l hope thU challeng'd combate will decide the tru(b»
Cap, WfJ^. Which Heivcir af«fting, and the King well pleas'd.
li fliall
- -
the Blind'Be^gAT f/" BcJnall-Grccn,
^hali be perform'd this prefcnt afcernoon ;
ril to the King , and never raife my Knee from the cold earth,
Till I obtain, by privilege of flight
A black revenge for worthy /i/o«5/»r<**s fall* Ex^Ca^^Hifi*
r* P/4;«». And thither W'^y^/ffra will I follow thee,
Or born apon the wings of my juft caufe,
Arlvc before thee* Exh T, Plajn^
Sir RdK Etch man take his way,
SuGtorie and Conqaeft guide our fwords this dgy.^Exeuntymanent
more than I do a flap with a Fox tayi, and I do not beat 'cm as ye
flioM cuy le a (ide of d ry*d Stock- fiOi , I'll be bound to go to Rome
with a Morter a my bead.
OUStra^ Why well faidmySon, let's away*
T* Sira» Bat hearkye Fr^ther; you know I am to goafflongft
t^e Courc-nowk's, you rouft needs Itc me have good ftore of mcr*v
with me , let not the name oi'SrROfVDS be difgrac'dj I pray Fa*
Old Stro, Tufh Boy, fear not, I'll carry y oo /. with me, and that
(hall fly ere thou wane*
7** Stro, — And I'll bring fomc of my own too, or it (ball go
hard* £xcuHt^ Muficl^^ Ctrftets.
A C T V.
Sound Trumpets. Enter King Harry the 6tK Glofter, Cardinal,
Ludj Ellanor, uni Lorh attending^
^i»l* T 7Ncle of (?/•/?«•, and Lord Cardinal,
Y Since all oor Court has put on fmootb-fac'd mirth,
©nly to grace your Honor'd Mariage ,
Embrace each other in the arms of Love,
And as you foyn your hands, fo let your hearts
Koit your a^cdiocs in a friendly Uaguet
7he Blind' Beggar cfBednall-Gteen,
(?/#/?♦ (7/#/?#rfpeakJfirft, yet fpeaki he not in fcir,
As begging Bewf^r^n friendfliip , but in lOve
Both to hi$ King, and ioh\t E»gUnit good;
Yet ere I fet ray hand to this new League, ^
Be^fortly if any undifgefted wrong
Lyei in thy fwelling bororae, freely fpcak'c ,
And G^0fler will at freely anfwer it :
But if thy Confciencc be at clear from foyi
Of hatefuli treachery , as (j/oA'"' »»,
Give ni,e thy hand, and with thy hand thy heart,
Which G /after will ai charily regard, Z
As the befl blood that's charober'd in his breaft«
Cdrd, On that Condition Brvford gives hi§ hand.
And froraihis heart wipes offall forepalPd wrongs*
Km£^ Witnefs this League Lords, and now Ant EllMor
Heaven give yoti joy^ both of our Uncles love,
And ofjchis new born peace. Now Uncle Giofier I dcHrc CO know
The caofe of Momforiti treafoO) and his falJ,j
Which he hath lately undergone in France f
Gloft^ His fall my Liege wai great, but hir offence
r .ittle or none ; for by VelUirts his means,
vVho as a Prifoner now attends your Grace,
I have found out fince Momf^r^t banifhmcnr.
That all his accufations were fall'e*
^STiisri^. Yet C7«;«fi in which Lord Af^mftrd had a charge ^
Was yeelded up by Treafon.
(?/«>?♦ True my Liege,
I have known Momford in ray Brother! days.
Put in great truft; yet never heard
That he was found difloyalii) his charge.
Ktng. And Uncle (j/#/?#r, we have alwayi had
H is honor'd age in reverent efleem. a
We hear he had a Daughter, where lives (he ?
Gloft. Thruft out of all by one old mfif^rd's roeana
*:*«^»Methinks'cishard the Child ihould notenjoV
The riches that the painfull Father left.
C ''od Uncle Glofler let it be your care,
To lee old Mt^mferXi Daughter have her right* Enur tld N
But what grave man is that? o ♦
Gltn.^itlf niter Playnft^^ ^^^
The bofom Ctkoi ificoailcd MmftrL
^ing. Sit f^aittr PUjnftyy by ouc Uflclei Urtt
I pray ibnd up, inttbiaki chofc revcrcnc btiri
Defrrve « foucr piliir iban the ground;
i priy fland np, ind boldly fpenk year mind.
0/i PUjn, My Sovcraign tifgf , your Sabj«/. Efco what our U;icle (7/#/lk*r will fn down
We do aflfent to»
Glo^* Herald fetch themJo^
See them at all poimt arm'd*
Mmn with Drum Sir Robert Weft. 7#ar»f Playn. Canbcc 4«W Had-
iantfi jit tbi tktr D»»r §id Momf. C4p» Weft, Tom Srrowd ^
4«i/#/i/Srrowd, ^#i^*Tbanks to myLiegettbc common fidbtof tbe(c fame ferving
men is fword and dagger, therefore 1*11 chow the fword abd largec
they are unskilfnll in ; I take the fword tod urgct for my defence.'
Mam/; And my Liegc, bccanfc Sir R»k. Wtftfml (hall not think
ril take any advantage , 1*11 anfwer bin athit own weapons* |
A'i«j(;'riswell; on totheneic*
r. />/4i;»Xome Captain ^mbat foufiht this day •
/• Vtffn, Backfword then andt pleaft yonr G race« \
iTMf . So, we are pleas'd. *
C41. Sirrah >ri^, metbinki Sword and fiucklet*s a iafc fight. \,
Hiid, I'll choofc no other, and 1 had a tbOufind livci.
TmtStrP.ldOy tike your bari of Iron, and yourftam-Joort,
?nd I do not bang 'cm together like a couple of Cor- doge , I'll ncre
be fecn again.
-Sfw^t Sirrah thou fclIow»
T^ Str9t Anon»
King^ What weapon! wilt cboD ofc I
Tt Strt, Weapon me no weapons , I can play at waOeri ai w«|]
•i another man; Duc ail's one for thflr,givemeDotanaflienGibbec
in my band, and I do no( dr^i-bang them bocb/I'll be bound to cat
baywithahorre,fowill I.
King^ An afhcn'gibbet } what doft thou mean by chat ^
T, Str9» What do I meanby it quoth ye/— I think you be fib to
oneof che£''«(WS»«-Cockneyi, thatatk'r, whether Ha y>cocks were
better meat broy I'd or rolled, an aihen Plant , a good Cudgefl,
what (hoM I call?
King, If there be fuch a weapon in the Court, let one go fetch il
7« Sir** Nay I'M make a page of my own age, and fet it my felf^.
Sw4(h bring out my blcft Beggar there*
Em*r Swam wth nn Mflnn-Gibbtti
Swsfi, Yet SIri here*! your bled Bcpgar MaQer.
T. Str§* Look ye Sijn, this ii en ir, and I do not cudgell 'em both
with it, ril give yoo leave to Aick me op at the Courfgate for a
PJfiing*polV, fowill Z.
KiM£» But two to one if oddei , rather fight fingle* -
T. Str0, N6, they knew me well enough, I have cudgelled them
both afore no w*
Xhg* Well) if choa dare oppofe them both, have thy defire«.
Khg* Alarum Co the flight*
Alarum* Tbty fight, 4W Momford'ir fidt ^iftsu
7* 5/rf« Anoa ?
XiHg* What (hould I call thy Goontryv and thy lume ^
7 ♦ Str9^ Sen ye f
OUfi, The King woM know thy Oountr y, and thy name ?
7% Str§^ My namv- H am not afliam'd ot my name, I am one 7V»
Stri^d of ffurSfitgy I'll pl|y a goie at CampbaII,or wraffcla
foil a the hip, or the bin torn with ere a Courtnoll of yc all, U>t »o
qnarten of Malt, and match me height foi height.
JCiAj^, Alafty ftiiowtrttft*-:
' , Wc
Tfjf 'Blind' Be^s^ar of Bednall-Grccn.
Wc have too few (uch Subjcdi in^ur Land; ^here's the Blind-beg-
gar and his brother? , 'xl
T* Stro, Where the Blind-bcggtr is I know not, but hcre*« the
pretty Mother faisD««ughter;. and thou bcefta kind fpringall fpeak
a good word for idc to my father that I may have herj and as God
mend me and ere thou com'ilinto iV*r/o//^ I'll give thee ai good a
Difti of Dumphngs ai e're thou layd'ft thy lips too, fo will I, i'en ye?
Old Str»^ How? mary with a Beggar ? mix the blood oiStrowds
with a tatter? either call her off, or I willcaft off thee*
T Stro, Now we fliall have a coyl with yc; and ye were not my
father I'd knock your pate, fo wo'd L
OldStro, How's that? do and thou dare*
M»mf* Stro^^^ though (he be Daughter to a poor Bind«mati
that long hath liv'd on good mens charity, do not difdain her* Be
her birth as it may , the portion I'll give with her, deferves as good
a Husband as your Son*
7; Sir0^ Bate me an ace of that q d* Boltotty yet I would I had her
as naked as my nayU
OidStro^ As good a portion as my Son ? proud Beggar,
^Tis not your Clapdifh and your patch'd Gown can do'c.
yi/cwf» However poor, goodSirdigracemenot*
Old Stro, Tis my difgrace to be out«worded by a Beggar ?
But and thou be'ft fuch a well* monied man
As thou doft brag , dar'ft drop old Angels with me?
And he that out- drops other, take up all?
Memf. That were ambi'tion in a beggar Sir.
Cap^^eft^ * Iwere credit for thee,and thou couldd oue^drop hi(n«'
Momf. So pleafe my Liege co give mc leave, I'll veotore
ThatfmallEdatel have*
King, We are content,
'Mongft cares 'tis Ht to mix feme roeriment^
Momf* Come hither Daughter; are yon ready Mailer?
T, StTo^ — To him Father, never lofe a hog for a balfp'worth of
tar ; come old fellow bring rhy white Bean to the flake , and thy
yellow gingleboyi to the Bull-ring; — Father wherefore do you
hang an arfe fo ? they arc all our own and there were a comb feck
full on 'em
Momf* I thus begin*
OU Str§^ And thus I anfwer thee*
Mmf* Thus I reply.
Old $tro\ And thus do I joyn iifue.
the Blind- Bf^^ar ^^ Bednall-Grcen.
T* Str§.l had rather Joyn i tfae w itb the Mother a great deal,had I.
Old Str». Some more raonv Swafh.
SWaJh, Here Maftcr, we'll ootlrop the Beggar, we'll make Gill
fweac elfc.
OU Stn^ Haft thou any mony aboot thee Tom ?
T^ Str$t An haodrcd angeii, and a better peny, Pigi of yonr owli
Sow Father*
Momff There'i ao more*
OU Strt^ More yet f the Rafcal will difgrace roe; more yet ?
T* Str§^ And yet too, -^-you think beggars ha* no'Iice father,
GU/ft Why how now Strtiifdy begini it to be low water with ycf
Cid Stro^ 1 am e'en run a ground, have drop'd till I can drop no
T. 5'fr#* You muft e'en burn of the fpit, for 1 h&ve no more oyl
ofAngeUtobaftyou father.
SwMfh, Only a broken three farthiagi that I kept in a corner to
bay my wench pint with.
Momj* All thif if mine then*
O/^ 5/r«. I not deny't, til true
That wa<; our match, and fo good Gold adue.
T* Str§* — ^I have brought jny hogs to a fair Market, muft I
lofe the Mother and til my Gold too ? -
Old Sirot Yei faith, all'i gone Tcm,
7** Strt, This is your foolery Father, tod I had doot, we lho*d
have had fuch a fcolding with yoo»
^«w/.Then ^fr*w4 where thou before didft fcorn ny Daoghtery
Now I do fcorn thy Son; not mov'd through hate,
For ^^r<)Vl^^ 1 hold thee a moft booeft man,
For right thou didft unto Lord il/M^irr^'s Daughters
And fince thy Son did fave my poor Girls life.
And refcued mine with hazard of hit own.
This Gold which by our bargain is all mine
I freely give him towards his roariage»
X>»/. Truft roe a gallant Beggar.
t* Stre. Beggar^ •— He roiglit be a King for his t»ODnty, for be
gives away alU
SwMfh* I know the reafon of that , he can beg more, and Brggtng
be fo good tabctopation woMlbadbeen bound Apprentice to'c
ieven years ago, there wii A>mcwhit to be got by it cbeo, 'cia out
ofrcqucilQOWt /
* **>»■ —
7he Blind Mfjpj/ir tfT^dn&lUCtctn,
r. StTH Tfcli ii old eic«IIent,hcrf cirry'c to my Chamber Sw^Ji,
tod lock the door fift ] cbirge chcf. , . ,, .
Sw4/h* And I meet no filfe Knivei by ihe wiyi C^nhi end ff^d-
Uad here hid been • Ample boon for yrou now» Mr it*
M9mf, And now my Lord, flncc Mmftri ii prov'd cUer»
And hit Accuferi bivcconfed cheir gailCi
I freely give my Daughter eo che rotn i
Who far the love of Mtmf^rd ( lov'4 of tH )
Will cake her to bii wife »^
C4p^ mjf For Mmfori*% fake, whofe honot'J dcedi
Are writ up with the blood of the proud French ^
Were (he the meaneft and deformcd'A Creature
That treads upon ihe bofome of the earth,
Weftftrd wo'd take, love, live end m jrry her.
Mtmf, Nay then i fee that virtnefliall find friends;
Take her good Captain, and for Mnnftrd'i (akc
U'e the Maid kindly^
/; ^/r#*-Why farewell 40 pence, I hi fifht fair and caught a
frog ; well Moihen chough I am no Gentleman,! co'd ha brooghc
you to more Land Chan a fcorc on *em, cboa (hould'ft have had 40
ai fair milch kine to yoar payl , u a man (ho'd need co fee in a
Summeri day, 4yoakofQzen»aadchrecceaffl of CarC'borfef; be«
fldei thoQ (hould'ft have had thine ambling nag. and chy (ide«
(addle to ha rid on , a little eafier than to be jaonced a|> and down
Ltniin Scrceci iaa lechcrn whcel*b«rrow ; and cbea ottbc othcp
fide there*! the old woman my Mocher, (he would have made ehec
a vild-good Hafwife could have cingbc thee how co a made
bDCter,and flap-jacki, fricterf,pancakes,I and the rared foolff,all the
Ladies in the Land know not how to turn their handt to *em :
But I'll cake my leave ontbee with an oh good night X^nd lady
the Moon it up*
Molnford difc§vtrt Inmfelf*
C4p\w,CLCnrd, Momfordl
King, Bold \Aemf9rd living, and proved Loyal^
Thy Love like a rich Jewel we will wear
Next to our heart; upon chofe Gentlemen
Thae have maintain'd and proved faithfull,
We do confer a 1 00 Crowns a piece*
hLomf.YoMt Grace in chis dott lAamford double right}
And noble Country, men while we do live,
Your Love and Valour mud not be forgocccnf
^ Oid
■ ■! -—«
7U i^Z/W.^d'r^ii^ef Bdnflll^GrcciT.
OU ftdjH, How \%\ yoa will we in\ #ith your Aecufcn?
A'ii^jf. That w« refer unto our Uncle C7/*/?#r I
Who better knows thofe paifagei tha»we.
Glofl* Since tis your will njy Liege,tben thu$*t muft be.
For you Y, PUjnfej tnd Sir Rohtrt fTtfifird
Receiyc a legal Fryal ; CMubee and HMUndy
We for a Prcfident will have you fent
Out of the Land to datelefi banKhment.
Can, Thanks your good Honor , and we'll do you more good by
cheating your enemies abroad, than ever we did hurt by cofeninfi
honeft fubjefts at home, ^
A:»«^.Good Uncle(7/»;?fr, we commend your care
For throwing out fuch rank weeds forth our Land j
Whofe weaken d body hath beenfick too long,
Wanting tlio e helps that (hould have made it Wroag*
*Mongft whom Lord Momfc^J you are not the leaft
( Pray Heaven you be the iill ) whm this wilde bcafc
Ambitious treafon fought to ruinate : *
But in requital of your more than wrong
We make you here our Lord High- Treafurer;
And - a plain iVeCrfordy make you Oencral
Of aM our forces mufter'd up Vainft />awr. >;
Thus our disjointed Kingdom being made ftrong, *'i:
Each Member feated in his proper (eat »
Let's in to ptaife his name , whofc powerfull hand
Procc^thefafety ofoarpcaccfvU tani y:y*\^,
w.ll!n?rease to 50 cents on the fourth
SEP 9 19S9
viAR^ 1991
use FEB ^-'91
LD 21-50OT-l,'a