5 <-c~ M9^- *g^>v_. ■^igg^^- CONSTITUTION OK THK ••^(g| ^"ifei OF THK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, As Amended September f A. I. 2401, AND CONSTITUTIO N OF THK ufj || .ojral %t\t\\ Jfflasimg OF THK STATE OF CALIFORNIA, As Amended April, A. I. 2402. SAN FRANCISCO: FRANK EASTMAN, PRINTER, 509 CLAY STREET. 1872. -*$gf /3 ZLG B Bancroft Library CONSTITUTION OP THE pM! fnmxi €lp{tt# m OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, As Revised and Amended at the Twenty-first Triennial Convocation, Held at Baltimore, Md., Sept., 1871 . ARTICLE I. OF THE GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER. Section 1. There shall be a General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, for the United States of America, which shall be holden triennially, at such time and place as shall from time to time be designated for that purpose ; and at which time the General Grand Officers shall be elected by ballot and installed, except the General Grand Chaplain, who shall be appointed by the General Grand High Priest at the commencement of each Convocation of the General Grand Chapter. The General Grand Chapter, at any regular meeting, may change the time for the next succeeding meeting; and if, in the opinion of General Grand High Priest, or, in case of his death or absence, of the senior General Grand Officer, there shall be danger to life or health, from sickness or other local cause, %y any meeting being held>tthe time appointed, he may change the time of the particular meeting to some subsequent time ; and, in the event of such change being made, he shall immediately notify the General Grand Secretary thereof, who shall forthwith notify the other officers and members, in such manner as he may deem best calculated to effect the desired object. Sec. 2. The General Grand Chapter has and possesses no other powers than such as are indispensably necessary to the exercise of its general powers, and con- sistent with the nature of the confederation between the State Grand Chapters. It can exercise no doubtful powers, nor any powers by implication merely ; and all Masonic powers not hereby granted to it are reserved to the Grand and Subordinate Chapters of the several States, or to Royal Arch Masons individually. It shall have and maintain jurisdiction over all Chapters established by itself in those States, Districts, Republics and Territories which recognize this jurisdiction, and where there is no Grand Chapter established. 2 Constitution of the It shall have power to decide all questions of Masonic law, usage and custom which may arise between any two or more Grand Chapters, or in any of the Subor- dinate Chapters under its own immediate jurisdiction, and all that may be referred to it for its decision by any Grand Chapter, by formal vote ; and its decisions so made shall be deemed and regarded as those of the supreme judicial tribunal of Royal Arch Masonry in the last resort. It shall have no power of discipline, admonition, censure or instruction over the Grand Chapters ; nor any legislative powers whatever, not hereby specially granted ; nor any authority to suspend the proceedings of any State Grand Chapters ; nor shall entertain any complaint against a Grand Chapter, preferred by any Subordinate Chapter or individual Mason in that jurisdiction or elsewhere ; but it may, upon proper reference to it of any matter of controversy between any two or more Grand Chapters, and even where the question is not one of Masonic law, custom, or usage (both or all such Grand Chapters consenting to such reference) act as final arbiter between them, and settle such controversy. It shall judge of the qualifications of its own members. It shall see that the an- cient work of the Order is preserved in the several degrees ; and establish uniform formulas for installation of its own officers and those of Grand and subordinate Chap- ters ; for the consecration and constitution of Chapters, and the opening of Grand Chapters. And it may suspend the proceedings of any Chapter under its own imme- diate jurisdiction, in any State, District or Territory where there is no Grand Chapter, for any willful violation of any of the provisions, of this Constitution, or for gross unmasonic proceedings or conduct. Sec. 3. The Officers of the General Grand Chapter shall consist of a General Grand High Priest, Deputy General Grand High Priest, General Grand King, General Grand Scribe, General Grand Treasurer, General Grand Secretary, General Grand Chaplain, General Grand Captain of the Host, and General Grand Royal Arch Captain. These, together with the first four officers, and all Past Grand High Priests of every State Grand Chapter under this jurisdiction, or the proxies of the first four General Grand Officers, and of the first four officers of each State Grand Chapter aforesaid, shall compose the General Grand Chapter : provided, that any Chapter under this jurisdiction, in any State, District or Territory where there is no Grand Chapter duly established, shall have a right to appear by its first three officers, or any one or two of them, which officers shall collectively have one vote. Sec. 4. On all questions to be decided by the General Grand Chapter, each State Grand Chapter shall be entitled to four votes by its representative or representatives. If there be but two representatives, the inferior officer or his proxy shall give but his own single vote, and the higher or his proxy shall give the other three. If there be three representatatives, the highest officer or his proxy shall give two votes, and the others or their proxies one each. The General Grand Officers, when present, shall each have one vote ; and no General Grand Officer shall be allowed to take a seat in the General Grand Chapter, as the representative of any State Grand Chapter ; nor shall any member of the General Grand Chapter be permitted to vote as proxy, while the person giving the General Grand Chapter. 3 proxy is present ; nor shall any person be admitted into the General Grand Chapter as the representative of more than one State Grand Chapter, at one and the same time. Sec. 5. The General Grand High Priest and Deputy General Grand High Priest shall have authority to call a special meeting of the General Grand Chapter, when- ever they may consider it expedient or necessary ; and it shall be their duty so to do when properly requested by a majority of the State Grand Chapters, of which four months notice shall be given of the time and place of meeting. Sec. 6. The General Grand High Priest, Deputy General Grand High Priest, General Grand King and General Grand Scribe shall severally have power and author- ity to grant Dispensations, for a limited length of time, for new Royal Arch Chapters and Lodges of the appendant Orders, in any State, Country, Republic or Territory in which there is not a Grand Chapter regularly established, when in their opinion the good of the Craft may require the same ; which term of time shall in no case extend beyond the close of the next triennial meeting of the General Grand Chapter. But no new Chapter shall be established in any State, Country, Republic or Territory where there is a Chapter, within a reasonable distance, under the jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter, without the approbation of the Chapter nearest to the place where said new Chapter is proposed to be located. And in all cases of such dispen- sation, the officer who may grant the same shall immediately notify the General Grand Secretary thereof, and make report of the same at the next triennial meeting of this General Grand Chapter, when the General Grand Chapter may grant the said Chapter a charter. Sec. 7. The fees for instituting a new Royal Arch Chapter, with subordinate degrees, shall be ninety dollars, and no more ; and no credit shall be given for dis- pensations or charters, or for conferring the degrees, in any Chapter or Lodge under this jurisdiction. And every Chapter, holden by dispensation or charter under this jurisdiction, shall pay into the treasury of the General Grand Chapter the sum of two dollars for each companion therein exalted, until such time as a Grand Chapter shall be regularly established in the State, Country, Republic, or Territory in which such subordinate Chapter is located. The Secretary shall be paid, by the petitioners, ten dollars for his services in furnishing the charter. The fees in the several States for conferring the several degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason, shall not be less than twenty dollars. Skc 8. It shall be the duty of the General Grand High Priest, Deputy General Grand High Priest, General Grand King, and General Grand Scribe, to improve and perfect themselves in the sublime arts, and work of Mark Masters, Past Masters, Most Excellent Masters, and Royal Arch Masons ; to make themselves Masters of the several Masonic Lectures and Ancient Charges; to consult with each other, and with the Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings, and Scribes of the several State Grand Chapters aforesaid, for the purpose of adopting measures suitable and proper for diffusing a knowledge of the said Lectures and Charges. And the better to accom- plish this laudable object, the aforesaid officers are hereby severally authorized and 4 Constitution of the empowered to visit and preside in any Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and Lodge of Most Excellent Master, Mark, and Past Master Masons throughout the said States, and to give such instructions and directions as the good of the Fraternity may require — always adhering to the ancient landmarks of the Order. Sec. 9. The only degrees recognized by this General Grand Chapter, to be con- ferred in Chapters under its jurisdiction, are Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excel- lent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. And no Royal Arch Mason who shall have regularly received said degrees, shall be excluded from the rights of such by reason of his not being in possession of any other so-called degrees. Sec. 10. In all cases of the absence of an officer from any body of Masons, insti- tuted or holden by virtue of this Constitution, the officer rext in rank shall occupy his place, unless, through courtesy or other reasons, he should decline in favor of a Past High Priest. Sec. 11. In every Chapter and Lodge und'ir the immediate jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter, all questions (except the admission of members or candi- dates, which shall require a unanimous ballot,) shall be considered and determined in such way and manner as such Chapters and Lodges may, all circumstances con sidered, find most conducive to their harmony and permanent prosperity : provided, they do not in any case inter'sre with or infringe on the regulations of the General Grand Chapter. Sec. 12. The General Grand Secretary of the General Grand Chapter shall have and keep a seal, which shall be affixed to all his communications. Sec. 13. Sbould any casualty at any time hereafter prevent the triennial election of officers, the several officers shall retain their respective offices until their succes- sors are duly elected and qualified. Sec 14. An appeal shall in all cases lie to the General Grand Chapter from the decision of the M.\ E.\ General Grand High Priest ; but his opinion and decisions shall stand as the judgment of the General Grand Chapter, unless it is otherwise determined by the concurrent vote of two-thirds of all the members present. ARTICLE II. OF STATE GRAND CHAPTERS. Section 1. The State Grand Chapters shall severally consist of a Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Chaplain, Grand Captain of the Host ; and likewise of the High Priests, Kings, and Scribes for the time being, of the several Chapters over which they shall respectively preside, and of the Past Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings, and Scribes of the said Grand Chapters. And the said Grand Chapters shall have full power and authority to elect such other officers and to estab- lish such rules and regulations as they shall, from time to time, consider necessary and proper : provided, such regulations do not in any way interfere with the provis- ions of this Constitution. Sec 2. The State Grand Chapters shall severally be holden once in every year, and oftener if they may consider it expedient or necessary, at such time and place as they shall respectively direct. And at their annual meetings, the constitutional General Grand Chapter. 5 officers shall be elected or appointed in such manner as shall be provided for by their rules and regulations, and installed into their respective offices. And the Grand or Deputy Grand High Priests, respectively, for the time being, may call special meetings to be holden at such times and places as they may think proper. Sec. 3. The several State Grand Chapters shall have the sole government and superintendence of the several Royal Arch Chapters and Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and Mark Master Masons within their respective jurisdictions ; to assign their limits and to settle the controversies that may happen between them ; and shall have power, under their respective seals and the signs manual of their respective Grand or Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings, and Scribes, attested by their respective Grand Secretaries, to constitute new Chapters of Royal Arch Masons within their respective jurisdictions ; but their jurisdictions shall in no case be construed to extend beyond the limits of the State, except by consent of the General Grand Chapter. Sac. 4. The Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, severally, shall have the power and authority, whenever they shall deem it expedient, during the recess of the Grand Chapter of which they are officers, to grant letters of dispensation under their respective hands and private seals, to a competent number of petitioners possessing the qualifications required by the seventh Section of the second Article of this Constitution, empowering them to open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, for a certain specified term of time : provided, that the said term of time shall not extend beyond the next meeting of the Grand Chapter of the State in which such dispensation shall be granted: and, provided, further, that the same fees as are required by this Constitution for charters, shall be first deposited in the hands of the Grand Secretary. And in all cases of such dispensation the officer who may grant the same shall make report thereof at the next stated meeting of the Grand Chapter of his jurisdiction, when the said Grand Chapter may either continue or recall the said dispensation, or may grant the petitioners a charter of Constitution. And in case such charter shall be granted, the fees first deposited shall be credited in payment of the same ; but if a charter should not be granted nor the dispensation continued, the said fees shall be refunded to the petitioners, excepting only such part thereof as shall have been actually expended by means of their application. Sec. 5. No dispensation or charter shall be granted for instituting Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, or Mark Masters, independent of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Sec. 6. The Grand Chapters shall have power, severally, to require from the several Chapters under their respective jurisdictions, such reasonable proportion of sums received by them for the exaltation or advancement of candidates, and such certain annual suras from their respective members as by their ordinances or regula- tions shall be appointed ; all which said sums or dues shall be made good and paid annually by the said Chapters, respectively, over to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter under which they hold their authority, on or before the first day of the respective annual meetings of the several Grand Chapters. Sec 7. No dispensation or charter for the institution of a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons shall be granted, except upon the petition of nine regular Royal Arch 6 Constitution of the Masons; which petition shall be accompanied with a certificate from the Chapter nearest to the place where the new Chapter is intended to be opened, vouching for the moral character and Masonic abilities of the petitioners, and recommending that a dispensation or charter be granted them. Sec. 8. The Grand Secretaries of the State Grand Chapters shall, severally, make an annual Communication to each other, and also to the Secretary of the General Grand Chapter, containing a list of Grand Officers, and all such other matters as may be deemed necessary for the mutual benefit and information of the said Grand Chap- ters. And the said Grand Secretaries shall also regularly transmit to the Secretary of the General Grand Chapter a copy of all their by-laws and regulations, and also a copy of their proceedings annually, to each of the officers of the General Grand Chapter ; and the State Grand Chapters shall see that their Secretaries faithfully and punctually perform this duty. Sec. 9. Whenever there shall have been three Chapters regularly instituted and consecrated in any State, Country, Republic, or Territory, by virtue of authority derived from this Constitution, a Grand Chapter shall be established, so soon as con- venience and propriety may dictate : provided, that the approbation of one of the first four officers of the General Grand Chapter be first obtained. And said Grand Chap- ters, by their regular officers, shall assemble in some suitable place, elect their officers, and make such rules and re gulations for their government as may be neces- sary, not inconsistent with the regulations of the General Grand Chapter. Sec. 10. No person shall be permitted to take a seat in any State Grand Chapter as the representative of more than one Chapter, nor unless he is a member of a sub- ordinate Chapter under that jurisdiction. ARTICLE III. OP THE SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. Section 1. Every Chapter of Royal Arch Masons throughout this jurisdiction shall have a dispensation, as is provided in Section 6, of Article I, or Section 4, of Article II, of this Constitution, or a charter from the General Grand Chapter, or from some Grand Chapter under the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter ; and no Chapter shall be deemed legal without such dispensation or charter ; and Masonic communication, both public and private, is hereby interdicted and forbidden between any Chapter or any member of it, and any Chapter or assembly that may be so illegally formed, opened, or holden, without such charter, or any or either of their members, or any person exalted or advanced in such illegal Chapter. But nothing in this section shall be construed to affect any Chapter which was estab- lished before the adoption of the Grand Royal Arch Constitution, at Hartford, on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1798. Sec 2. Whenever a charter is issued for instituting a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, with a power in said charter to open and hold Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and Mark Master Masons, the High Priest, King, and Scribe, for the time being, of such Chapter, shall be the Master and Wardens in said Lodges, according to seniority. General Grand Chapter. 7 Sec. 3. It is incumbent on the High Priest of every Chapter, as appertaining to his office, duty, and dignity, to see that the By-Laws of his Chapter, as well as the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, and the Regulations of the Grand Chap- ter be duly observed ; that all his subordinate officers perform the duties of their respective stations faithfully, and are examples of diligence and industry to their companions ; that true and exact records be kept of all the proceedings of the Chapter by the Secretary ; that the Treasurer keep and render exact and just accounts of all moneys belonging to the Chapter ; that regular returns be made by the Secretary annually to the Grand Chapter, of the admission of all candidates or members ; and that the annual dues to the Grand Chapter be regularly and punctu- ally paid. The charter of his Chapter is committed to his special care and charge. He has the right and authority of calling his Chapter at pleasure upon any emer- gency or occurrence which, in his judgment, may require their meeting, and he is to fill the chair when present. It is likewise his duty, together with his King and Scribe, to attend the regular and special meetings of the Grand Chapter, either in person or by proxy. Sec. 4. No person, having been a member of a Chapter, shall be admitted a member of any other Chapter under this jurisdiction, until he shall have produced a certificate from the Chapter to which he last belonged that he was in regular stand- ing, and as such, at his own request, is dismissed and recommended. Sec. 5. That any worthy companion from without the jurisdiction of the United States who may present himself as a Royal Arch Mason, and produce satisfactory evidence of his having received that degree, that each and every Chapter under the jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter have liberty and they are hereby author- ized to confer the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, and most Excellent Master on such companions (who have not heretofore received them,) to the end that they may be healed, and thereby become regular Royal Arch Masons, free of charge. Sec. 6. That the subordinate Chapter so conferring said degrees shall be exempt from paying any dues therefor. Sec. 7. It shall not be deemed regular for any Chapter to confer the degrees of the Chapter upon any pe rson whose fixed place of abode is within any other State in which there is a Chapter regularly established, except by the consent of the Chapter nearest the place of residence of said applicant. miscellaneous. Section 1. Whenever it shall be inconvenient for the General Grand Officers, or the Grand or Deputy Grand High Priests, respectively, to attend in person, to con- stitute a new Chapter and install the officers, they shall, severally, have power and authority to appoint some worthy High Priest, or Past High Priest, or the High Priest of the same Chapter while it was under dispensation, when he himself shall have been installed, to perform the necessary ceremonies. Sec 2. The officers of every Chapter under this jurisdiction, whether chartered or under dispensation, before they enter upon the exercise of their respective offices, and also the members of all such Chapters, and every candidate upon his 8 Constitution of the General Grand Chapter. admission into the same, shall take the following obligation, viz : " I, A. B., do prom- ise and swear, that I will support and maintain the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America." Sec. 3. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended, unless such alteration or amendment be proposed in writing at one regular meeting of the General Grand Chapter, published among the minutes of the procedings, and at the next regular meeting receive the approval of two-thirds of the members then present. Proposed Amendment to Constitution. 9 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. -*#^ Amend Section 3, of Article I, by inserting in the sixth line (as published 1871) after the word " with," the words, " all Past General Grand High Priests, Past Deputy General Grand High Priests, Past Gene ral Grand Kings, and Past General Grand Scribes," and also in the eleventh line, after the words " General Grand Chapter," the following : " Provided, That no member shall be entitled to more than one vote in his own right," so that Section 3 of Article 1 will read, when so amended, commencing with the word " these" in the sixth line, " These, together with all Past General Grand High Priests, Past Deputy General Grand High Priests, Past General Grand Kings, Past General Grand Scribes, the first four officers, and all Past Grand High Priests of every State Grand Chapter under this jurisdiction, or the proxies of the first four General Grand Officers, and of the first four officers of each State Grand Chapter aforesaid, shall compose the General Grand Chapter; provided, that no member shall be entitled to more than one vote in his own right, and Provided, fur- ther, That any Chapter under this jurisdiction, in any State, District, or Territory where there is no Grand Chapter duly established, shall have a right to appear by its first three officers, or any one or two of them, which officers shall collectively have one vote." * CONSTITUTION OF THE M.-. E.\ GKAKD CHAPTEE OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, As amended October, A.. I. 2398. Of the Organization of the Grand Chapter. ARTICLE I. OF ITS TITLE AND SEAL. Section 1. This Grand Chapter shall be entitled " The Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of California," and shall have a Seal, bearing suitable devices and inscriptions, which shall be affixed to all instru- ments issued by or under its authority. ARTICLE II. OF ITS MEMBERS AND THEIR QUALIFICATIONS. Section 1. This Grand Chapter shall be comprised of a Grand High Priest, a Deputy Grand High Priest, a Grand King, a Grand Scribe, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand Captain of the Host, a Grand Royal Arch Captain, a Grand Guard, and such other officers as it may hereafter designate ; together with all Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Past Grand Kings, Past Grand Scribes, and Past High Priests, by service in this jurisdic- tion, and the High Priests, Kings, and Scribes of the several chartered and duly con- stituted Chapters, or their regularly appointed proxies. Sec. 2. Each officer and member of the Grand Chapter must be a member of some Chapter within its jurisdiction, and with the cessation of such membership shall cease his office and membership in the Grand Chapter. 12 Constitution of the ARTICLE III. OF ITS POWERS AND AUTHORITY. Section 1. This Grand Chapter has the sole government and superintendence of all Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, and Lodges of the intermediate Degrees, in the State of California ; with authority to settle controversies that may arise between them ; to assign their limits ; to prescribe laws and regulations for their government ; and to review, confirm, or annul their decisions. Sec. 2. It may grant dispensations and charters for holding regular Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, and may revoke, suspend, or annul the same for good cause. Sec. 3. It may assess and collect, from the several Chapters under its jurisdiction, such sums of money, annually, as may be found necessary for its maintenance and support. ARTICLE IV. OF ITS CONVOCATIONS. Section 1. The Grand Chapter shall hold its Annual Convocations for the tran- saction of its regular business, in the city of San Francisco, on the second Tuesday of April in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Sec. 2. The Grand High Priest may call special convocations of the Grand Chap- ter whenever in his opinion the welfare of the Order shall require it. Sec. 3. Special convocations shall be ordered by the Grand High Priest upon an application therefor in writing, setting forth the causes which demand it, and signed by the High Priests of at least five chartered Chapters. Sec. 4. Every order for a special convocation shall designate the object thereof, so far as is proper to be written, and shall be issued to each Chapter and Grand Officer at least thirty days before the day named for meeting ; and no business shall be transacted thereat other than that for which the Grand Chapter was convened. Sec. 5. There must be at least nine chartered Chapters represented in-order to transact any business in the Grand Chapter, either at an annual or a special convoca- tion. ARTICLE V. OF ITS ELECTIONS. Section 1. The officers of the Grand Chapter (except the Grand Chaplain and Grand Guard), shall be chosen by ballot at each annual convocation; shall be installed before the close thereof ; and shall hold their respective offices until their successors are elected and installed. A majority of all the votes cast shall be neces- sary for a choice. The Grand Chaplain shall be appointed by the Grand High Priest. Sec 2. The Grand Guard shall be appointed by the Grand High Priest, immedi- ately after his installation, at each annual convocation ; shall be properly invested before the close thereof; and shall hold his office during the will and pleasure of the Grand High Priest. Sec. 3. Any vacancy in office occurring when the Grand Chapter is not in ses- sion may be filled by the Grand High Priest, and the officer so appointed shall pos- sess all the powers and be charged with all the duties of one regularly elected. Grand Chapter of California. 13 ARTICLE VI. * OF ITS VOTING AND REPRESENTATION. Section 1. All questions in the Grand Chapter (except elections of officers) shall be decided viva voce, or by a show of hands, unless, before the announcement of the result thereof, three members demand that the vote be taken by yeas and nays, in which case it shall thus be taken. In all cases of a tie vote, except votes by ballot, the Grand High Priest, in addition to his proper vote, may have the casting vote. Sec. 2. Each Grand Officer present (except the Grand Guard), and each Past Grand High Priest, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, Past Grand King, and Past Grand Scribe present, shall be entitled to one vote. Sec. 3. Each Chapter represented shall be entitled to three votes ; and the Past High Priests of each Chapter shall, collectively, be entitled to one vote. Sec 4. No Grand Officer, Past Grand Officer, or Past High Priest, voting, or par- ticipating in a vote, in either of those capacities, shall vote or participate in a vote in any other of them ; but either of such members may, as High Priest, King, Scribe, or as the proxy of either or all of them, cast also the vote or votes to which such position shall entitle him. ARTICLE VII. OF ITS COMMITTEES. Section 1. The following regular committees, to consist of not less than three nor more than five members each, shall be appointed by the Grand High Priest at each annual convocation, viz : On Credentials, on Grievances, on Finances, on New Chapters, on Returns, on By-Laws, on Jurisprudence, and on Correspondence. The two last named shall be standing committees, and shall serve during the year. Sec 2. Special committees may also be appointed by the Grand High Priest whenever deemed necessary by the Grand Chapter. ARTICLE VIII. OF ITS REVENUES. Section 1. The revenue of the Grand Chapter shall be derived from fees charged for dispensations, charters, diplomas, and other instruments issued under its au- thority, and from contributions levied upon the Chapters, which shall always be equal and uniform, in proportion to their membership, and degrees conferred, as follows : 1st. For a dispensation to open a new Chapter, ninety dollars, of which fifteen dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Secretary ; 2d. For a charter to perpetuate a Chapter, sixty dollars, of which ten dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Secretary ; 3d. For a dispensation to hold an election for an officer or officers at a time other than that named in this Constitution, five dollars ; 4th. For a dispensation to ballot for a candidate for the degrees, without refer- ence to a committee, five dollars; 14 Constitution of the 5th. For a diploma, five dollars, of which three dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Secretary ; And in no case shall any of the foregoing documents be issued until the fees there- for shall have been paid to the Grand Secretary. Sec. 2. The following contributions shall be paid as annual dues, by each of the Chapters, whether chartered or under dispensation : 1st. For each Mark Master's, Past Master's, Most Excellent Master's, and Royal Arch degree, conferred during the year, the sum of one dollar. 2d. For each Royal Arch Mason borne upon its roll, at the date of its annual return, the sum of one dollar ; and the Grand Chapter may levy, in addition to the above, such other contributions as, in its judgment, may be required. Of the Grand Officers. ARTICLE IX. OF THE GRAND HIGH PRIEST. Section 1. The Grand High Priest shall, at each annual convocation, present a written report of all his official acts during the year, and of the condition of Royal Arch Masonry within his jurisdiction, together with such recommendations as he shall deem conducive to the prosperity and advancement of the Order. From his decisions there shall be no appeal. Sec. 2. He shall carefully supervise the subordinate Chapters, and see that the Constitution and Regulations of the General Grand Chapter, as well as those of this Grand Chapter, are faithfully observed. Sec. 3. He shall have power, when the Grand Chapter is not in session — 1st. To issue dispensations for the formation of new Chapters ; 2d. To issue dispensations for the election of an officer or officers of a Chapter at a time other than that named in this Constitution ; 3d. To issue dispensations to ballot for a candidate for the degrees without refer- ence to a committee ; 4th. To convene any Chapter within his jurisdiction, preside therein, inspect its proceedings, and give such orders and instructions as he may deem necessary ; 5th. To arrest the charter or dispensation of any Chapter, for good reasons shown, and, for proper cause, to suspend any High Priest from the functions of his oifice until the ensuing annual convocation. . Sec 4. He shall constitute, either in person or by proxy, all newly chartered Chapters, and install their officers. ARTICLE X. OF THE DEPUTY GRAND HIGH PRIEST. Section 1. The Deputy Grand High Priest shall have power, during the recess of the Grand Chapter, to grant dispensations for the formation of new Chapters. Or and Chapter of California. 15 Sec. 2. In the event of the death of the Grand High Priest, or of his absence from the State, or of his inability, from any cause, to perform the functions of his office, the Deputy Grand High Priest shall succeed to and be charged with all his powers and duties. ARTICLE XI. OF THE GRAND KING AND GRAND SCRIBE. Section 1. The Grand King and Grand Scribe, in the event of the death, absence from the State, or inability, as before, of both their superiors, shall, in the order of their rank, succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of the Grand High Priest. Sec 2. In case all the four principal Grand Officers shall be absent from any convocation, the Past Grand Officers of like rank shall, in the order of their rank and seniority, be empowered to preside ; and in the event of the absence of all the Grand and Past Grand Officers, the High Priest of the oldest Chapter represented shall take charge. ARTICLE XII. OF THE GRAND TREASURER. Section 1. The Grand Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the Grand Chapter from the Grand Secretary, anJ shall pay the same out under such regulations as may by it be provided. He shall keep a just account thereof in proper books, and at each annual convocation shall present a detailed statement of his receipts and disbursements, together with proper vouchers for the latter, and a full statement of the existing condition of the finances. Sec 2. He shall execute and file with the Grand High Priest, within fifteen days after his installation, a bond, in such penal sum, and with such sureties, as shall be approved by that officer, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge his duties, and at the end of his term of office, pay over and transfer to his successor all funds or property of the Grand Chapter which shall have come into his keeping. ARTICLE XIII. OF THE GRAND SECRETARY. Section 1. ' It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to record all the transac- tions of the Grand Chapter which it is proper to have written, and to superintend the publication thereof immediately after the close of each annual convocation. He shall receive, duly file, and safely keep all papers and documents addressed or belonging to the Grand Chapter, and present such as may require its action, at each convocation. He shall keep the seal of the Grand Chapter, and affix the same with his attestation to all documents emanating from that body. He shall collect the revenue of the Grand Chapter, pay it over to the Grand Treasurer, and present a detailed report of his receipts and of all business appertaining to his office, at each annual convocation. He shall report at each annual convocation all Chapters which are in arrears to the Grand Chapter, or which shall have neglected or refused to 16 Constitution of the comply with any provision of its Constitution or Regulations. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Grand Chapter, and submit copies thereof at each annual con- vocation. He shall take charge of the jewels, furniture, clothing, and paraphernelia of the Grand Chapter during its vacations. He shall report at each annual convoca- tion all unfinished business, and shall perform such other duties as maybe assigned him by the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest. Sec. 2. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Grand Chapter may direct, and shall execute and file with the Grand High Priest, within fifteen days after his installation, a bond, in such penal sum, and with such sureties, as shall be approved by that officer, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office, as prescribed in this Constitution. i Relative to Subordinate Chapters. ARTICLE XIV. OF THEIR FORMATION. Section 1. Upon the petition of nine or more Royal Arch Masons in good stand- ing, the Grand Chapter, Grand High Priest, or Deputy Grand High Priest, may issue a Letter of Dispensat : on authorizing them to form and open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and Lodges of the intermediate Degrees, with power to confer the several degrees thereof and receive members by affiliation. But no such dispensation shall issue, unless the petition be accompanied by a recommendation from the chartered Chapter nearest the location of the proposed new one, which shall certify to the good standing of each of the petitioners, and that a suitable place of meeting has been provided ; and by a certificate from the Grand Lecturer (if there be one), or from a High Priest whom the Grand High Priest is satisfied is well skilled in the Royal Art, declaring that the High Priest proposed in such petition is qualified to properly confer all the Chapter degrees and deliver the lectures thereunto appertain- ing ; nor unless the petition shall also be accompanied by a certificate of withdrawal of each petitioner from the Chapter of which he was last a member. Such dispensa- tion shall terminate on the first day of the month in which the next succeeding annual convocation shall be holden, and then shall be returned to the Grand Secre- tary, together with the book of records, by-laws, and returns to that date, when, if the transactions of the new Chapter shall appear satisfactory to the Grand Chapter, it may, upon petition therefor, receive a charter. Sec. 2. A Chapter shall consist of a High Priest, a King, a Scribe, a Captain of the Host, a Principal Sojourner, a Royal Arch Captain, three Masters of the Vails, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Guard, and such other officers as its by-laws may provide, together with as many members as it may find convenient. ARTICLE XV. OF THEIR DUTIES. Section 1. Each Chapter shall have a stated meeting at least once in every month for the transaction of its regular business. Special meetings may be ordered Grand Chapter of California. 17 by the Chapter, or by the High Priest, but no business shall be done thereat, except collections or appropriations for charity, or conferring of degrees. All business, except the conferring of degrees, shall be done in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Sec. 2. Each chartered and duly constituted Chapter shall be represented in the Grand Chapter at every convocation by one or more of its proper officers, or by his or their proxies ; but such proxy or proxies shall be members of such Chapter. Sec. 3. Each chartered Chapter shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a full and correct return of its transactions for the twelve months next preceding the first day of February in each year, within fifteen days thereafter, in the form hereinafter pro- vided, and shall accompany such return with payment of its dues to the Grand Chapter. Sec. 4. Each Chapter shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a copy of its by-laws, as soon as adopted, but no such by-laws, nor any subsequent amendment thereunto, shall be deemed valid until approved by the (irand Chapter, though they may be acted under until the next annual convocation, if approved by the Grand High Priest. Sec. 5. Each chartered Chapter shall, within three months from the date of its charter, provide a suitable seal, bearing such devices as may be deemed proper, and having inscribed thereon the name and number of the Chapter, the date of its charter, and the place of its location, and all documents and papers emanating from such Chapter, or from its High Priest, or Secretary, in his official capacity, shall bear the impress of such seal, or be considered null and of no effect. ARTICLE XVI. OF THEIR ELECTIONS. Section 1. The officers of each Chapter (except the Guard, who shall be ap- pointed by the High Priest) shall be chosen by ballot, at the stated meeting next preceding the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist ; shall be installed as soon thereafter as practicable, and shall hold their respective offices until their succes- sors shall have been duly elected and installed. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for a choice. Sec. 2. In case any Chapter shall fail to hold such election at the time above specified, upon good cause being shown therefor, the Grand High Priest may issue a dispensation to hold such election at another time ; and in case a vacancy shall at any time occur in either of the offices of High Priest, King, or Scribe in any Chapter, upon proper representation of the necessity therefor, the Grand High Priest may issue a dispensation to hold such election at another time ; and in case a vacancy shall at any time occur in either of the offices of High Priest, King, or Scribe, in any Chapter, upon proper representation of the necessity therefor, the Grand High Priest may issue a dispensation to fill such vacancy. But, in either of these cases, such dis- pensation shall be issued only upon the application of the Chapter, setting forth the reasons therefor, to be approved by two-thirds of the members present at a stated meeting, and to be properly certified by the Secretary ; and of the special election which may thus be ordered the members shall have due notice. 18 Constitution of the Sec. 3. Every member in good standing, and whose does are paid, shall be entitled to vote at all eleotions ; and every voter shall be eligible to any office in the Chapter. ARTICLE XVII. OF PBOHIBITI ONS. Section 1. No Chapter in this State shall receive an application for the degrees unless the applicant shall have resided within its jurisdiction during six months next preceding the date of his application, except by permission of the Chapter nearest his place of residence ; nor shall the application of a rejected candidate for the de- grees be presented to any Chapter within six months after such rejection, without the unanimous consent of the Chapter in which he was rejected. All such applica- tions, as well as those for affiliation, shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, and recommended by at least two members of the Chapter, Sec. 2. No Chapter shall ballot upon such application (except by dispensation from the Grand High Priest), until it shall have been referred to a committee, whose duty it shall be to make strict examination into the qualifications of the applicant, and to report thereon at the next stated meeting, unless further time be granted. No application shall be withdrawn after reference to a committee, and it shall re- quire a unanimous ballot to elect. But if one black ball only appear in the ballot- box, the High Priest, without declaring the result, may order a second ballot, for the purpose of correcting a possible mistake, when, if a black ball again be cast, the applicant shall be declared rejected. Sec. 3. No dispensation shall be issued to a Chapter to ballot for a candidate for the degrees without the reference of his petition to a committee, as before, unless application thereforbc made by a majority of the Council thereof, and of the issue of such dispensation and its purpose the members of the Chapter shall have due notice. Sec. 4. No Chapter shall receive a petition for the degrees, or for membership, unless the applicant therefor is a Master Mason, in good standing ; nor shall an ap- plication for affiliation be received unless it be accompanied by a certificate of dis- missal from the Chapter of which the applicant was last a member, or a satisfactory explanation, in writing, of the inability to furnish such certificate. Sec. 5. No Chapter shall confer the degrees for a less sum than fifty dollars, and in every case the fee for each, or all of the degrees, as may be regulated by the Chapter, shall accompany the application. Sec. 6. No Chapter shall expel a member for the non-payment of his dues, but any member who shall be six months in arrears therefor, shall be immediately noti- fied thereof by the Secretary, and if the said dues shall not be paid at or before the next stated meeting, or some sufficient reason be presented for such non-payment, he shall be suspended from all the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry. Any member thus suspended, who shall at any time thereafter pay the arrearages due at the time of his suspension, together with such further dues as would, had he Grand Chapter of California. 19 retained his membership, have accrued against him, to the date of such payment, shall by that act be restored. Sec. 7. No Chapters shall receive lectures from any person who is not duly author- ized by the Grand Chapter, or Grand High Priest. Sec. 8. No Chapter which shall have failed to make its annual returns shall be entitled to representation at the next annual convocation of the Grand Chapter. Sec. 9. No person shall be admitted, either as a member or a visitor in any Chap- ter, unless he shall have regularly received the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fel- low Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch, in just and legally constituted bodies of such. Sec. 10. No Chapter, until chartered and duly constituted, shall be entitled to representation in this Grand Chapter; but a Chapter under dispensation may send delegates thereto, who may be admitted to seats and be permitted to speak, but shall have no vote. Sec. 11. No Chapter of Royal Arch Masons within this jurisdiction shall be con- sidered legal without a dispensation or charter from this Grand Chapter, and no Masonic communication shall be held with any such Chapter, or with any person who is a member thereof, or has received the degrees therein. ARTICLE XVIII. OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CHAPTERS. Section 1. The charter of a Chapter may be surrendered if notice shall be given at a stated meeting that a resolution to that effect will be presented at the next suc- ceeding one ; and if, at such succeeding meeting, there shall not be nine members present who oppose such resolution, it may be surrendered if it shall be so ordered by a majority of those assembled, but no such act of surrender shall be considered final until it shall have been approved and accepted by the Grand Chapter. Sec. 2. The charter of a Chapter may be forfeited — 1st. By disobedience to any provision of the Constitution or Regulations of this Grand Chapter or the General Grand Chapter ; 2d. By disregard to the lawful authority of the Grand High Priest ; 3d. By violation or neglect of the ancient and recognized usages of the Craft ; 4th. By failure to meet during a period of six successive months ; or 5th. By the reduction of its members to a less number than nine. Sec. 3. In case of the dissolution of a Chapter the Grand Secretary, or some companion by him duly authorized, shall at once proceed to receive its funds on hand, collect its outstanding dues, and dispose of its jewels, furniture, and property of every kind, in such manner as shall seem to him most judicious : and he shall place the proceeds thereof, after the payment of necessary expenses, among the funds of the Grand Chapter. 20 Constitution of the ARTICLE XIX. OF THE OFFICERS OF CHAPTERS. Section 1. Each High Priest has it in special charge to see that the By Laws of his Chapter, and the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Chapter, as well as those of the General Grand Chapter, are duly observed ; that accurate records are kept, and just accounts and proper reports rendered by his officers ; and that regu- lar returns are annually made to the Grand Chapter at the time prescribed therefor, with prompt payment of the* annual dues. From his decisions there shall be no appeal to the Chapter, but any five members thereof may complain of his decisions or conduct to the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest. In all cases of a tie vote, except votes by ballot, the High Priest, in addition to his proper vote* may have the casting vote. Sec. 2. The King and Scribe shall perform the duties severally assigned them by the traditional usages of the Order ; and, in the absence of the High Priest, shall, in the order of their rank, succeed to and be charged with all his powers and duties. . Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall receive from the Secretary all moneys belonging to the Chapter, and shall pay the same out under such regulations, and account therefor, at such times and in such manner as may by it be prescribed. Sec 4. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all the transactions of the Chapter, which should be written, including a list of the officers and members present at each Assembly ; shall collect the revenue, and pay it over to the Treasurer ; shall keep correct accounts of the dues of members ; shall prepare and transmit the annual returns to the Grand Secretary ; shall keep the seal of the Chapter, and affix it to all documents emanating therefrom ; and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Chapter or the High Priest. Sec 5. The other officers shall perform such duties as traditionally appertain to their respective stations, or as may be assigned them by the Chapter or the High Priest. ARTICLE XX. OF MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Membership in a Chapter may be acquired by having regularly re- ceived the degree of Royal Arch Mason therein ; by having been duly elected for affiliation therewith ; or, by having been named, in a dispensation for a new Chapter, as one of the petitioners therefor. Sec 2. No Royal Arch Mason shall be a member of more than one Chapter at a time. Sec 3. Membership in a Chapter can only be terminated by voluntary with- drawal therefrom ; by the dissolution of the Chapter ; or, by death, suspension, or expulsion. Sec 4. A member of a Chapter may withdraw therefrom, unless charges are pending against him, by paying his dues, and notifying the Chapter of such intention \ Grand Chapter of California, 21 at any stated meeting; but no recommendatory certificate shall be issued, unless ordered by a majority of the members present. Sec. 5. No member of a Chapter shall be required to divulge his vote upon a ballot for the degrees or for affiliation ; nor to assign reasons for such vote, if it be known. Bancroft Library. Of Trials, Appeals, and Penalties. ARTICLE XXI. RELATIVE TO THE GRAND HIGH PRIEST. Section 1. Charges may be preferred against the Grand High Priest for abuse of his power, violation of the Constitution or Regulations of the Grand Chapter or other unmasonic conduct, by any five High Priests of Chapters ; which charges shall be in writing, over their signatures, and shall be presented to the last Past Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter who may be within the State, and who is a member of a Chapter within its jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges, it shall be the duty of such Past Grand High Priest to transmit a copy thereof to the accused, if within the State, at least thirty days, and if without the State, at least ninety days, before the time desig- nated for the trial, together with a notification to attend at such time, and at the place he may therein name, which shall be one most convenient for the parties ; and he shall also summon four or more other Past Grand High Priests of this State, who shall be members of Chapters therein, to assemble with him at the time and place designated, and shall notify the accused thereof. Sec. 3. The tribunal thus assembled, or any of its members, shall have power to summon witnesses at the request of either party ; it shall receive such testimony as in its judgment shall be proper, and shall determine finally upon the guilt or inno- cence of the accused ; and the opinion of the majority shall be the judgment of the tribunal, and shall be final. Sec. 4. The only penalty inflicted shall be deprivation of office ; but, when thus deprived, the adjudged maybe amenable to his Chapter upon a charge of unmasonic conduct. Sec. 5. The Grand Secretary shall attend at the tiial to keep a record of the pro- ceedings and of the judgment, which shall be filed in his office, and shall be presented at the next annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter. Sec. 6. All necessary traveling expenses of the members of such tribunal shall be paid by the Grand Chapter. ARTICLE XXII. RELATIVE TO HIGH PRIESTS OF CHAPTERS. Section 1. Charges may be preferred against the High Priest of a Chapter for abuse of his power, violation of the Constitution or Regulations, or for unmasonic 22 Constitution of the conduct of any kind, by any five Royal Arch Masons in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing, over their signatures, and shall be presented to the Grand Chap- ter, if in session, or to the Grand High Priest during the vacation. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges, the Grand Chapter, or the Grand High Priest, as the case may be, may at once appoint and summon not less than three nor more than seven disinterested High Priests, to assemble as Commissioners to hear and determine thereupon ; and shall then summon the accused to appearand answer thereunto, at such time and place most convenient for the parties as shall be indicated in said summons ; giving him, if within the jurisdiction of his Chapter, at least ten days — if without that jurisdiction and within the State at least thirty days — and if without the State, at least ninety days — to answer thereunto ; and transact- ing to him also a copy of the charges. Sec. 3. The Commissioners thus assembled shall choose one of their number to preside and they, or any of them, shall have power to summon witnesses, at the request of either party. The witnesses, if Masons, shall testify, upon their honor, as such; if not, their deposition shall be taken, in writing, before an officer legally authorized to administer oaths ; and, in such case, the party requiring such deposi- tions, shall notify the other of the time and place when and where they will be taken, that he may, if he choose, be present thereat. Sec. 4. The Commissioners may adjourn from time to time, at their own con- venience, or for good cause shown by either party ; provided, that the period within which their duties shall be concluded shall not exceed ten days, unless, for sufficient reasons, the Grand High Priest shall grant them further time. Sec. 5. The opinion of a majority of the Commissioners shall be deemed the judgment of the whole, and shall be conclusive, unless an appeal be taken at the next annual convocation of the Grand Chapter. Sec. 6. The penalties which may be inflicted by such Commissioners may be either deprivation of office, suspension, or expulsion, as in their judgment shall be deemed proper. Sec 7. The Commissioners shall keep a complete record of their proceedings and of their judgment, and shall transmit the same to the Grand Secretary, at the conclusion of the trial ; and the judgment shall at once be carried into effect by order of the Grand High Priest. Sec 8. An appeal to the Grand Chapter may be taken at its next annual convo- cation, by either party, if notice thereof be given to the Grand Secretary within thirty days after the conclusion of the trial. ARTICLE XXIII. RELATIVE TO CHAPTERS AND MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT CHAPTERS. Section 1. When a controversy shall arise between Chapters, or between a Chapter and a member or members of another Chapter, charges may be preferred by either party, if in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Grand Chapter, or Grand High Priest, as provided in Sec. 1, Art. XXII. Grand Chapter of California. 23 Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges not less than five nor more than seven Commissioners shall be appointed and summoned, as provided in Sec. 2, Art. XXII, which Commissioners shall be High Priests, Kings, or Scribes, and shall be selected from at least three different Chapters not interested in the controversy, and most convenient to the parties ; and the accused party shall be summoned, with such time to answer as provided in the section and article last quoted. Skc. 3. The Commissioners shall have power to proceed, and shall keep a record of their proceedings and judgment in the same manner as provided in Sec. 7, Art. XXII, and the penalties which they may inflict may be any known to Masonic usage ; or, if the case be not one involving a violation of Masonic duty, the decision may be such special one as the circumstances shall, in their judgment, warrant. Sec. 4. An appeal may be taken by either party to the Grand Chapter, as pro- vided in Sec. 8, Art. XXII. ARTICLE XXIV. RELATIVE TO ROYAL ARCH MASONS INDIVIDUALLY. Section 1. When any member of a Chapter (except its High Priest or the Grand High Priest), or any Royal Arch Mason residing within its jurisdiction, shall be accused of unmasonic conduct, charges to that effect may be preferred by any Royal Arch Mason in good standing ; which charges shall be in writing, over his signature, and shall be presented to the High Priest of the Chapter having jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 2. Upon the presentation of such charges it shall be the duty of the High Priest, by due notification, to call a special meeting of his Chapter as soon as practi- cable, and there cause to be elected, by ballot, and by a majority of those present, not less than seven nor more than nine of its members, who shall assemble as Com- missioners, to hear and determine thereupon, at such time and place, convenient to the parties, as he shall indicate ; and he shall also summon the accused to appear and answer thereunto at such time and place ; and shall, at the same time, cause the Secretary to furnish him with a copy of the charges, and to notify the accuser of the said time and place of trial. Sec 3. If the accused be within the jurisdiction of the Chapter, the summons and copy of the charges shall be issued at least ten days prior to the day appointed for the trial, and shall be served personally by the Guard, or shall be left at his ordinary residence or place of business. If he be without the said jurisdiction, but within the State, and his residence be known, they shall be issued at least thirty days before the day of trial, and shall be forwarded to his address by the Secretary, by mail or other usual mode of conveyance, which shall be deemed sufficient service. If he be without the State and his residence be known, they shall be issued at least ninety days before the trial, and shall be forwarded to his address by the Secretary, as before provided, which shall be sufficient service. If hi3 address is unknown, the High Priest shall order the trial to proceed at once upon the testimony, ex parte. Sec 4. The Commissioners shall assemble at the time and place appointed, and shall choose one of their number to preside ; and the Secretary, by order of the High 24 Constitution of the Priest, shall attend them to keep a full and correct record of the proceedings, and of the judgment, under their supervision. Sec. 5. The High Priest shall summon such witnesses within the jurisdiction of his Chapter, as may be desired by either party, and the accused may select any brother in good standing to assist him in his defence. The witnesses, if Masons, shall testify on their honor as such ; if not, their depositions shall be taken in writing, before an officer legally authorized to administer oaths, and, in such case, the party requiring such depositions shall notify the other of the time and place when and where the.y will be taken, that he may, if he choose, be present thereat. Sec. 6. The Commissioners may adjourn from time to time, at their own conven- ience, or for sufficient cause shown by either party ; provided that the period within which their duties shall be concluded shall not exceed ten days, unless, for good rea- sons shown, the High Priest shall grant them further time. Sec. 7. After all the testimony shall have been received, the Commissioners shall proceed to deliberate upon their verdict and sentence, with none present save them- selves and the Secretary, which last shall have no voice in the proceedings. The judgment of a majority of the Commissioners shall be taken as the decision of the whole ; and when the trial is concluded the Secretary shall make a fair copy of the record and finding, under their supervision, which shall be signed by the chairman of such Commission, and attested by the Secretary, and shall be presented to the High Priest, who, at the next meeting of his Chapter, shall, in the presence of its members only, announce the result, and direct the Secretary to record the same as the judgment of the Chapter, and file the record for safe keeping among its archives. Sec. 8. The penalties which may be inflicted are reprimand in open Chapter, sus- pension, or expulsion. If the sentence be reprimand, the High Priest shall summon the adjudged to appear at the next stated meeting, when it shall be carried into effect, in the presence only of members of the Chapter. If it be suspension or expul- sion, it shall at once go into effect, and the Secretary shall immediatety notify the Grand Secretary thereof ; and it shall be final and conclusive, unless an appeal be taken to the Grand Chapter. Sec. 9. An appeal may be taken to the Grand Chapter by either party at its next succeeding annual convocation, but not unless a notice of such intended appeal shall be given to the High Priest within thirty days after his announcement of the result of the trial ; and in all cases of expulsion or suspension, the High Priest shall cause the Secretary to prepare a transcript of the record of trial, and immediately transmit it to the Grand Secretary, together with information of the appeal intended, if any there be. ARTICLE XXV. OP REVISIONS AND RESTORATIONS. Section 1. All judgment from which an appeal may be taken as hereinbefore provided, shall be reviewed in the Grand Chapter, or before a committee thereof, during its session, upon the record sent up, and upon such other proper documents as may be submitted ; and its decision shall be final and conclusive. Grand Chapter of California. 25 Sec. 2. All sentences of suspension shall be for an indefinite period ; and a Chapter may, at any stated meeting, by the votes of two-thirds of the members pres- ent, annul any such sentence of suspension pronounced by itself, and restore the Mason thus suspended to all his Masonic rights ; provided that notice of a resolution for such restoration shall have been given at the stated meeting next preceding. And in case of such restoration, the Secretary shall at once notify the Grand Secretary thereof. Sec. 3. The Grand Chapter may, at any annual convocation, if good cause there- for be shown, restore a Mason who has been suspended or expelled within its juris- diction ; but such restoration shall not restore him to membership in the Chapter by which he was suspended or expelled. Sec. 4. No suspension, expulsion, or restoration shall be published otherwise than as hereinbefore provided, except by authority of the Grand Chapter, or by order of the Grand High Priest. Of Amendments and Obligations of Office. ARTICLE XXVI. OF AMENDMENTS. Section 1. This Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual convoca- tion of the Grand Chapter by a vote of two-thirds of the members present ; but no alteration or amendment shall be acted upon until after its reference to the Com- mittee on Jurisprudence, who shall report thereon as soon as practicable. ARTICLE XXVII. OF OBLIGATIONS OF OFFICE. Section 1. All officers of the Grand Chapter and of its subordinates, before entering upon the duties of their respective stations, shall take a solemn obligation that they will maintain and support the Constitution and Regulations Of the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America, and of the Grand Chapter of the State of California. GENERAL REGULATIONS » »» 1. The Degree of Past Master must be conferrred upon all candidates who have previously had the degree confei-red upon them in a convocation of Past Masters, by virtue of an election to preside over a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. 2. All the Chapters under this jurisdiction are required, in the conferring of de grees, to conform to the ritual adopted by the Grand Chapter, at its Special Con- vocation, in September, 1855. 3. Every Mark Master attached to a Chapter under this jurisdiction must, within six months after his admission, select his mark, and record the same in a Book of Marks, kept by the Chapter for that purpose, aud it is made the special duty of the Secretary of each Chapter to see that this regulation is complied with. 4. The term " nearest Chapter," used in the Constitution, means the nearest by geographical measurement. 5. No Masonic communication shall be held with a Royal Arch Mason who stands suspended as a Master Mason, for any cause. 6. Each Chapter under this jurisdiction shall pay, in addition to its annual dues, the sum of one dollar for each Royal Arch Mason borne upon its roll at the date of its annual report, which additional assessment shall be used as a fund to defray the actual expenses of one delegate from each Chapter represented at the annual convo- cations of the Grand Chapter, the same to be apportioned by a special committee appointed for that purpose. 7. Whenever two or more Chapters exist in any city or town within this jurisdic- tion, it shall be the duty of each of such Chapters to notify the other or others exist- ing in the same place of all applications presented to it for the degrees. 8. That the Grand High Priest be requested to appoint a Grand Lecturer, who will be authorized to teach and instruct the subordinate Chapters in conformity with the ritual adopted by this Grand Chapter at its Special Convocation in September, 1855. 9. When, after an election of an applicant to receive the Chapter degrees, and he has received the Mark Degree, an objection to his advancement is made at any time by a member, such objection shall be referred to a committee, with power to inquire into the cause thereof, who'jshall at the next stated meeting (unless further time be given) report thereon ; and upon the reception of such report, if no cause for the objection lias been assigned, or if the cause assigned be, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members present, not a valid and Masonic one, the Chapter may confer the degree in the same manner as if no objection had been made. V General Regulations. 27 10. No petition for the degrees, or application for membership, shall be received by any Chapter within this jurisdiction, unless it be signed with the full name or names of the petitioner or applicant ; and, in the annual reports of the subordinate Chapters, the given name or names of every member or others upon their rolls, shall be given in full. 11. The provisions of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the State of Cali- fornia shall be, in all essential respects, where there is no conflict between it and the Constitution of this Grand Chapter, the rules and regulations by which the action of the subordinate Chapters of this jurisdiction shall be governed. RULES OF ORDER OF THE GRAND CHAPTER OF CALIFORNIA. Rule 1. When the Grand Chapter shall have assembled, the Grand Secretary shall call the roll of its members, and if a sufficient number of Chapters are repre- sented, the Grand Chapter shall be opened. The Grand High Prie3t shall then ap- point a Committee on Credentials, and no further business shall be transacted until after its report shall have been received. Rule 2. After the reception of the report on Credentials, the proceedings of the preceding convocation shall be read by the Grand Secretary, unless their reading be dispensed with ; the Address of the Grand High Priest, and the Reports of the Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand Secretary, and Grand Treasurer, shall be presented, and appropriately referred, in the order here named ; and the Grand High Priest shall appoint the regular committees, to whom all papers then in the hands of the Grand Secretary, requiring such reference, shall be at once referred. The Committee on Correspondence shall then present its annual report. Rule 3. After the business of the convocation is thus begun, the regular order for each session, during its continuance shall be as follows : — 1. Reading of the minutes of the last session. 2. Report of the Committee on Credentials. 3. Reception and action upon, or reference of, petitions, memorials, and appeals. 4. Reports of regular and special committees, and action thereupon. 5. Motions, resolutions, and other business. Rule 4. All reports submitted, all petitions, memorials, or appeals presented, and all orders, motions, or resolutions, shall be in writing, and shall be read by the Grand Secretary, before any action is taken thereupon. Rule 5. No motion to reconsider shall be entertained, unless made during the same session when the question proposed to be reconsidered was decided, nor unless such motion be made by one who voted with the majority upon that question. Rule 6. When a day and hour shall have been named for the election of Grand Officers, such election shall, at that time, take precedence of all other business, unless the Grand Chapter, by a two-thirds vote, shall otherwise direct. Rule 7. These rules shall only be suspended by unanimous consent, but may at any time be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. \ \ ' i