THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Wta anO ottnta ot ISristol. CORPORATION PUBLIC LIBRARIES. CATALOGUE OF THE CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. E. R. NORRIS MATHEWS, F.R.Hist.S., City Librarian. BRISTOL : Printed for the Libraries Committee. t906. BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. CATALOGUE PUBLICATIONS. NEW CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARY The Catalogue of the General Collection is in card cabinet form, and it is intended to publish a printed catalogue in sections according to subject. Catalogue of the Early Printed Books and Manuscripts, (with Seventeen Facsimiles) . . . . . . price S/- Catalogue of the "Vincent Stuckey Lean Collection" of Philology, Proverbs, etc. (Crown 4to, ixii, + 268 pp., with portrait of Mr. Stuckey Lean. Art buckram boards). Published at 10/6, now out of print. NEW CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY Catalogue of the Collection ,, ,, Juvenile Department ST. PHILIP'S LIBRARY [345 pp.] Juvenile Department NEW NORTH DISTRICT LIBRARY [546 pp.] Juvenile Department BEDMINSTER LIBRARY [290 pp.] Supplementary Catalogue REDLAND LIBRARY [669 pp., bound in cloth] Juvenile Department ST. GEORGE LIBRARY [304 pp.] Juvenile Department pnc 1/- >) Id. u 6d. i> Id. >) 6d. )i Id. ,, 6d. .. 3d. i> 1/- )) Id. II 6d. 11 Id. SPECIAL HANDLISTS (Gratis). Books in the Libraries relating to: (1) Manufactures and Industries. (2) Engineering and Mechanics. (3) Building Trades. (4) Electricity. (5) Chemistry and Photography. (6) Agriculture and Gardening. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface V List of Abbreviations viii General Collection 1 Foreign Works 445 Addenda 450 Juvenile Works 451 807581 PREFACE THE building of the new Cextkal Library has been provided out of the bequest of the late Vincent Stuckey Lean, Esq., who gave a sum of ;^50,000 " for the further development of the Public Libraries of the City, with special regard to the formation and sustentation of a general Reference Library," This building now contains the Reference Library ; the Central Lending Library ; together with a large library especially devoted to Bristol Books ; with departments also set apart for Specifications of Patents and Bound Volumes of Newspapers. The catalogue contained in the following pages includes the entire collection of books intended for the Lending Library only, which have been brought together from the Lending Department of the old library in King Street, and amalgamated with some of the books which previously formed part of the collections of the Hotwells and Museum Libraries. These have now been classified upon the shelves in the Lending Library of the new Central building according to the following subjects, Divinity, ReUgious and Moral Philosophy, History, Biography, Topography (British and Foreign), Voyages and Travel, Science, Industrial and the Fine Arts, Natural History, Sociology and Educational Works, Poetry and the Drama, General Literature (including Essays, Reviews, etc.), Music, Fiction, Bound Magazines, and Juvenile Literature. The catalogue is compiled on the principle of an alphabet- ical work of reference or dictionary. Each book appears under its Author and Subject in one common alphabet throughout. Should the reader, therefore, know the Author of the book he requires, he will at once turn to the name, or if he desire to ascertain what books are contained in the library on any partic- ular subject, these will be found under the Subject Heading. Cross references from subject headings to allied subjects will frequently be found, and in the case of books written in collabor- ation the entry will be found under the name of the first mentioned author with a cross-reference only under the joint- author's name. For the convenience of students and artisans, extensive subjects have been further sub-divided into various sections, for instance : Building Trades is again sub-divided into the following parts : Design, construction, etc. ; Bricks and tiles ; Building stones ; Limes, mortars, etc. ; Sanitation, ventilation, gas-fitting ; Carpentry and woodwork ; Painting, paper-hanging, decoration ; Prices, specifications, etc. Another feature introduced into this catalogue is the tact that books containing illustrations, maps, or portraits have all been noted in the catalogue-entry. Besides the books mentioned in this catalogue, there is a special collection of books including Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, Gazetteers, and other works of reference, which has been placed in the Reading Room adjoining the Lending Library, to which the public have open access, no reader's form being necessary. But under no circumstances will a book from this collection be allowed to be taken from the building. Attention is drawn also to a large collection of articles, reviews, etc., which have been brought together under special subjects and bound in volumes. The contents of these volumes have not been set out in this catalogue, but a fully type-written index may be consulted in the Library. It should not be omitted to mention that this very useful and valuable method of bringing such printed matter together originated with the late City Librarian (Mr. John Taylor), a work which his successor has been glad to continue, so far as his time permitted, at all the City Libraries. As books become worn out in service they will be replaced as far as possible by fresh copies. When such works are out of print or undesirable they will be withdrawn from circulation, and the old number in catalogue and indicator will be used again for new books. Additions of new books will be made to the Library from time to time, as far as the limited fund at the disposal of the Libraries Committee will permit. Some of the books catalogued have been duplicated for reading or reference in the Reading Room, but any book other than Fiction or Juvenile works will be issued to a student or reader desiring the same, providing it is not in circulation. E. R. NORRIS MATHEWS, F.R.Hist.S. Bristol, ^uve 20th, igo6. List of Abbreviations used in this Catalogue, Contd. .. Continued Ed. . . Editor Frontis. .. Frontispiece Illus. .. Illustrations Int. sci. ser. ... International scientific series N.D. . . No date Pt. .. Part. Parts Port. .. Portrait Ports. . . Portraits Sci. .. Science Ser. .. Series Trans. . . Translator Vol. .. Volume. Volumes O^ftg ant3f CToutttg of IJrtiStoL BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. OA-TJ^XjOO-TJE OF THE ^entxaC S^enbxng c^idrarp, DEANERY ROAD. ABBESS of Ylaye, by S. J. Weyman .. ... .. 10895 Abbey Mill, by E. J. Worboise .. .. 11154,11155 Abbeys: Beattie (William) Castles and abbeys of England [port., illus.] . 2 vol. N.D. . . . . . . . . 21256 Bonney (T. G.) ed. Cathedrals, abbeys, and churches of Eng- land and Wales [illus.]. 2 vol. 1898 .. .. 21254 Stanley, Dean. Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey [illus.] . 1868 . . . . . . . . . . 21167 Timbs arid Gunn. Abbeys, castles, etc., of England (Midland) [illus.]. N.D. .. ., .. .. 21119 Abbeys, castles, eic, of England (North) [illus.]. n.d. 21120 Abbeys, castles, ete., of England (South) [illus.]. n.d. 21118 Troutbeck (G. E.) Westminster Abbey (Little Guides) [plan, illus.]. 1900 .. .. .. .. .. 22809 Abbot, bv Sir Walter Scott [Sequel to "The Monastery "] 10010, 10011 Abbott (E. A.) : How to parse. 1885 . . . . . . . . 13692 How to write clearly. 1883.. .. .. ,. 13690 Shakesperian grammar. 1871 . . . . . . 2131 Through nature to Christ. 1877 . . . , . . 766 Abbott and Seeley. English lessons for English people. 1873 .. 13627 Abdurahman Khan, Aviir of Afghanistan, see Afghanistan. A'Beckett (A. W.) : London at the end of the century. 1900 . . . . 21204 Modern Adam. 1899 .. .. .. .. 17015 Abelard (Peter) Life of, by Joseph McCabe. 1901 , . . . 19835 AbercFombie (John) Intellectual powers. 1857 . . . . 14471 Abercpomby (James), see Dunfermline, Lord. AbercFomby (Ralph) Weather (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] , 1887 . . 13505 Abercromby (Sir Ralph) Memoir of, by Lord Dunfermline. 1861 . . 19545 / - Abn BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Add Abney (W. de W.) Treatise of photography [illus.] . 1879 . . 15057 About (E. F. v.), see Foreign works French. Above suspicion, by C. E. L. Bidden .. .. .. 9747 Ahr&ntes, Duchess d\ Memoirs of Napoleon [ports.]. 2 vol. 1836 21367 Absalom's hair, by Bjornstjerne Bjornson . . . . . . 6862 Absentee, by Maria Edgeworth . . . . . . . . 7822 Abyssinia, see Africa East. Acheta Domestica, see Budgen (L. M.). Ackrpyd (William) Old light and the new [illus.J . 1896 . . 15056 A'Court (Charles), see Martel (Charles). Acoustics, see Physics. Acrobats, see Drama and Stage. Adam (Paul) Practical bookbinding [illus.]. 1903 .. .. 15468 Adam Bede, by George Elioc . . . . . . . . 7860, 7861 Adam Grainger, etc., by Mrs. Henry Wood . . . . 11058, 11059 Adams (C. K.) Manual of historical literature. 1882 .. .. 16450 Adams (Charles) Coward science [Vivisection] . 1882 . . . . 12347 Adams (E. D.) ed. Sea song and river rhyme [illus.] . 1890 . . 1711 Adams (Ernest) Elements of the English language!^ 1875 . . 13634 Adams (Francis) Essays in modernity. 1899 . . . . 16672 Adams (G. B.) Growth of the French nation [illus.] . 1896 . . 21375 Adams (H. C.) History of the Jews. 1887 . . . . . . 1154 Adams (H. G.) : Beautiful shells [illus.] . n.d. . . . . . . 12207 Favourite song birds [illus.] . 1881 . . . . . . 12516 Hummingbirds [illus.]. n.d. .. .. .. 12282 Young naturalist (butterflies and shells) [ illus. j. 1879 .. 12278 Adams (H. G. a?idH. B.; Smaller British birds [illus'.]. 1874 .. 12407 Adams (W. A.), see Srnada (Auguste). Adams (W. D.) : Book of burlesque [ports.] . 1891 . . . . . . 1841 Comic poets of 19th century [illus.] . n.d. . . . . 1793 Famous books [illus.] . n.d. . . . . . . 16855 Adams (W. H. D.) : Circle of the year : studies of nature [illus.] . 1875 . . 12241 Eminent soldiers [illus.] . n.d. . . ... . . 18848 England at war. 2 vol. 1886 .. .. .. 21006 England on the sea. 1885 . . . . . . . . 20993 Great English churchmen. 1879 .. .. .. 18847 Healing art. 2 vol. 1887 . . . . . . . . 15079 Household treasury of English song [illus.] . 1875 . . 1733 Land of the Nile [illus.] . 1872 . . . . . . 22187 Life in the primeval world [illus.] . 1872 . . , . 12744 Mountains and mountain-climbing [illus.]. 1883 .. 23147 Nelson's Handbook to the Isle of Wight. 1869 . . . . 22854 Plain living and high thinking (self-culture) [ports.] . . 14080 Primeval world [illus.]. 1876 .. .. .. 12599 Queen of the Adriatic [Venice, illus.]. 1872 .. .. 21651 Scenes from European history. 1863 . . . . . . 20574 Temples, eic, of Ancient Greece and Rome [illus.]. 1876 .. 14799 Wars of the Cross [illus.] . 1883 . . . . . . 20424 Women of fashion. 2 vol. 1878 . . . . . . 18756 Adamson (Robert) Fichte (Philosophical classics) [frontis.]. 1881 .. 18324 Adderley (J. G.) Francis, the little poor man of Assisi [port.] . 1900 20072 Addison (Joseph) : Life, etc., of, by T. B. Macaulay {British classics) [port>. illus.]. 1901 .. .. .. 20105 Tuiie oi,hy\Y. 3. CourthoTpe {English men of letters). 1884 .. 18466 Add CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Afr 1896 1901 Doyle 10393, Addison cuul Steele : Spectator. 1711-14 Spectator [ports.] . 1841 Spectator in London : essays [illus.] . Tatler and Guardian [f rontis.] . 1880 . , Addyman (F. T.) Practical X ray work [illus.] Adela Cathcart, by George MacDonald Adeler (Max) [G. H. Clark] : Elbow-room Out of the hurly-burly Adeney (W. F.) Century's progress in religious life and thought Adgie (William) Modern book-keeping and accounts. 1904 Adventurer, by John Hawkesworth and others. 1877 Adventurer of the north, by Sir Gilbert Parker Adventures of a ship's doctor, by Morley Roberts Adventures of an aide-de-camp, by James Grant Adventures of an equerry, by Morice Gerard Adventures of Frangois, by S. W. Mitchell . . Adventures of Harry Richmond, by George Meredith Adventures of Israel Pendray, by S. K. Hocking Adventures ot Joseph Andrews, by Henry Fielding Adventures of Louis de Rougemont Adventures of Martin Hewitt, by Arthur Morrison Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, by Albert Smith Adventures of Philip, by W. M. Thackeray , Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir A. C. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by ]\Iark Twain Advertising, see Trade and Commerce. ,Ady [Mrs. Henry), see Cartwright (Julia). ^gean Sea, see Voyages and Travel. JGronautics, see Mechanics. ^schylus : Agamemnon, trans, by R. Browning. 1877 Tragedies of, trans, by T. A. Buckley [frontis.] . 1849 ^schylus, by R. S. Copleston {Ancient classics). 1877 JEsopus. Fables of, [illus. by H. Weir] . 1902 .. 17085, Afghanistan: Marvin (C. T.) Russians at the gates of Herat [maps, illus.] Sultan Mahomed Khan, ed. Life of Abdur Rahman [port., maps, illus.] . 2 vol. 1900 Walker (P. F.) Afghanistan. 1881 Wheeler (Stephen) Ameer Abdur Rahman {Public men of to- day) [port., maps]. 1895 Africa: Barth (Heinrich) Travels in North and Central Africa [illus.] Decle (Lionel) Three years in savage Africa [maps, illus.] Johnston (Sir H. H.) Colonization of Africa by alien races {Cambridge historical ser.) [map] . 1899 [I\ioister (William)] Africa : past and present [map, illus.] Africa; articles collected from reviews, eii^e of : lona [illus.] . 1870 21126 Reign of law [illus.] . 187 1.. 14397 Aristophanes :- - Comedies of, ed. by W. J. Dickie [fronti s.] . IQl )9 1865^ Comedies of, trans, by W. J. Hickie [fro ntis.]. 2 vol. 1848 Aristophanes, by W. L. Cc )llins (Ancient classics . 1877 17397 Aristoteles : History of animals, trans. by R. Cressw ell. 186 2 12482' Nicomachean ethics, trans . by R. W. Bi owne. 1850 17436. Organon or, logical treat ises, trans, b y 0. F. Owen. 2 vo 1. 14446 Politics and economics, od . by E. Walfo rd. 185 3.. 17437 Treatise on rhetoric and The poetic. trans, h y T. Buckk y [frontis .]. 1850 17438. Aristotle, by Sir Alexande ' Grant {Ancu nt da SSI c's). 1877 '. 17398.- Ethics of, bvl. G. Smith ( Ancient i)hilo. ^opTiies). 1886 16906. Introduction to ethics of, I )y I<;dward Mr ore.. 18 71 16896 Life and work of, by Georg e Grote. 188 . . 1750O> Arithmetic, see Mat hematics. 20 Avm CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Arm Armadale, by Wilkie Collins .. .. .. ..7339,7340 Armenia, see Turkey. Arminell, [by S. Baring-Gould] .. .. .. .. 8099 Armitage-Smith, see Smith (G. Armitage-) Armorel of Lyonesse, by Walter Besant .. ,. .. 6789,6805 Armour, see Archseology. Armourers' prentices, by C. M. Yonge .. .. ,. 11810 Arms, see Army and Navy. Armstrong (E.) Lorenzo de, Medici (Heroes of the nations) [illus.]. 18413 Armstrong (John) Poetical works of Armstrong, Dyer, and Green 1696 Armstrong (John) Bisliop. Pastor in his closet. 1858 . . . . 1381 Armstrong (R. A.) Makers of the 19th century [Lectures] . 1901 . . 18843 Armstrong (Walter) Wrestling (Ba(ZTOi?i^on library) [illus.]. 1893.. 14294 Jlrmy and NaYy : Adams (VV. H. D.) England at war. 2 vol. 1886 .. 21006 England on the sea. 1885 . . . . . . 20993 Blake (John) How sailors fight [illus.] . 1901 .. .. 20953 Bourne (H. R. P.) English seamen under the Tudors [maps] . 2 vol. 1868 .. .. .. .. .. 20828 Brassey [Sir Thomas) British navy [illus.] . 2 vol. 1882 . . 21001 Busk (Hans) Hand-book for Hythe [illus.]. 1860 .. 20975 Navies of the world [illus.] . 1859 . . . . 20983 Rifle and how to use it [illus.] . 1860 . . . . 20974 Crowe (George) Commission of H.M.S. "Terrible " [South Africa and China] , 1898-1902 [illus.] . 1903 . . . . 21009 Decle (Lionel) Trooper 3809 [illus.] . 1899 . . . . 20985 Forbes (Archibald) "Black Watch" [illus.]. 1903 .. 20981 Soldiering and scribbling. 1872 ,. .. 16674 Gibney (William) Eighty years ago ; or, recollections of an old army doctor. 1896 . . . . . . . . 20964 Griffiths (A. G. F.) Famous British regiments, [illus.] . 1900 20965 Contents: Koyal Artillery. Life Guards and Horse Guards. Lancers and Hussars. Foot Guards. Rifle regiments. Fusilier regiments. Highlanders. Some line regiments. Hardy (E. J.) Mr. Thomas Atkins [illus.]. 1900 .. .. 20989 Harris (John) Britannia ; or, moral claims of seamen. 1837.. 21010 James (William) Naval history. 1888 . . . . . . 20960 Jerram (C. S.) Armies of the world [map]. 1899 .. 20962 Johns and Nicolas. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain [illus.]. 1860 .. .. .. .. 20991 Kingston (W. H. G.) History of the British navy [illus.] . 1876 20990 KnoUys (W. W.) Field fortification [illus.] . 1875 . . 20968 Le Queux (William) Great war in England in 1897 [illus.] . 21008 Low (C. R.) Famous frigate actions [illus.] . 1898 . . 20987 Maurice {Sir J. F.) Balance of military power in Europe [map]. 1888 .. ... .. .. .. 20954 National defences. 1897 . . . . . . 14178 Neale (W. J.) Mutiny at the Nore and Spithead. 1869 . . 20976 Patterson (J. B.) Life in the ranks of the British army in India, n.d. .. ' ,. .. .. ., 20973 Powell (R. S. S. Baden-) Aids to scouting, n.d. . . . . 20977 Scott (Sir S. D.) British army [illus.]. 1880 .. .. 21004 Steevens (G. W.) Naval policy. 1896.. .. .. 21005 Through the ranks to a commission. 1881 . . . . 20966 [Tucker (W. G.)] Recollections of a chaplain in the royal navy. 20984 Wintz (S. G.) Our bluejackets. 1879 . . . . . . 20972 Wood (Walter) Famous British war-ships and their commanders [frontis.]. 1897 .. .. .. .. .. 20980 21 Arm BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Am Army and Navy {continiicd) : Wood (Walter) (contd.) Northumberland Fusiliers (British regiments) [illus.]- 1901 .. .. .. m^e Biig&de {British regiments) [illus.]. 1901 Wyndham (Horace) Queen's service. 1899 Army and Navy : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Battles, Engineering, Military Biography, and Naval Biography, Army society, by J. S. Winter Arnold (E. L.) On the Indian hills [frontis.]. 2 vol. 1881 Arnold (Sir Edwin) : sd^^iZ Adzuma ; or, the Japanese wife : a play. 1893 In my lady's praise : poems old and new. 1889 . . Indian idylls [PoemsJ . 1893 Light of Asia [A poem, port., illus.]. 1892 Light of the world [A poem] . 1891 Lotus and jewel [Poems] . 1891 Pearls of the faith ; or, Islam's rosary. 1884 Poems : national and non-oriental. 1888 Poets of Greece. 1869 .. .. .. Potiphar's wife, and other poems. 1892 .. Queen's justice : story of Indian village life. 1899 Seas and lands [illus.]. 1892 Secret of death, with some collected poems. 1885 Song celestial. 1885 With Sa'di in the garden2[A poem] . 1893 Arnold (Frederick) : Lectures on the fulfilled prophecies, n.d. Pilgrims heavenward [frontis.]. n.d. Public life of Lord Macaulay. 1862 .. Turning points in life. 2 vol. 1873 Arnold (G. M. Brock-) Gainsborough [and Constable] (Great artists) [ports., illus.] 1881 .. ' Arnold (Matthew) : Culture and anarchy. 1875.. Essays in criticism. 2 vol. 1865-88 . . God and the Bible. 1875 . . . . Great prophecy of Israel's restoration. 1872 Irish essays, etc. 1891 Literature and dogma. 1873 Mixed essays. 1879 New poems. 1867 Poems. 3 vol. 1885 Vol. 1. Early poems, iiarnilive poems, and sonnets. ,, 2. Lyric and elegiac poems. 3. Dramatic and later poems. Poetical works of, [port.] . 1890 St. Paul and Protestantism. 1875 Essays upon, with some of his letters, by Arthur Gallon. 1897 Letters of, 1848-88, od. by G. W. E. liussell. 2 vol. 1895 . . Life of, by G. E. B. Saintsbury (Modern Enfjlish writcra). Life of, by G. W. E. Russell [illus.] . 1904 Life of, by H. W. Paul (English vien of letters). 1902 Arnold (K. A.) Free land. 1880 .. Arnold (Thomas) Manual of English literature. 1807 . . Arnold (Thomas) of Ihifjby : Miscellaneous works of, 1874 .. .. .. 20950 20955 20986 11010' 21882 202T 2058 2051 2061 2025- 2028 2046 2048 2024 2047 21883 23151 2026 2050 2049 148 733 19955- 1437 18660 13752- 16417 655 18 16645 539 16639 060 2054 2053. 586 16500 19601 18304 20181 18510 13872: 1655T 1211 22 Arn CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Art Arnold (Thomas) 0/ Rugby (contintied) : Life, etc., of, by A. P. Stanley [port.] . 2 vol. 1845 Life of, ed. by J. J. Findlay. 1897 Arnold (Thomas) tlie younger. Passages in a wandering life [port.] Arnot (William) : Anchor of the soul, and other sermons. 1876 Laws from heaven for life on earth. 1857 .-, , . Parables of our Lord. 1865 Arnott (Neil) Warming and ventilating [illus.] . 1838 . . Around the tea-table, by T. de W. Talmage [illus.] . n.d. Arrah Neil, [by G. P. R. James] . . Art and Artists : Animal drawing [illus.] . 1882 Atkinson (J. B.) Art tour to northern capitals of Europe. 1873 Barnard (George) Drawing from nature [illus.]. 1865 Foliage and foreground drawing [illus.]. 1853 Landscape painting in water-colours [illus.]. 1885 Barry (James) and others. Lectures on painting [frontis.] Bell (Sir Charles) Expression as connected with the fine arts [illus.]. 1888., Bemrose (William) Fret-cutting and perforatedcarving [illus.] Boileau (Daniel) Working in pasteboard [illus.] . 1827 Bradley and Goodwin. Illumination on paper and vellum [illus.]. N.D. .. Brown (G. B.) Fine arts [illus.] . 1902 Bryant (W. M.) Philosophy of landscape painting. 1882 Burchett (R.) Linear perspective [illus.] . 1868 . . Cadness (Henry) Decorative brush-work and elementary design [illus.] . 1902 . . Carlyle (Thomas) Portraits of John Knox [illus.] . 1875 Cartwright (Julia) Painters of Florence [illus.] . 1901 Chesneau (Ernest) English school of painting [illus.]. 1885 Chevreul (M. E.) Laws of contrast of colour [illus.]. 1883 . Clark (John) Drawing and painting in water colours [illus.] Clement (C. E.) Heroines of the Bible in art [illus.] . 1900 . Collier (John) Oil painting, n.d. Conway (W. M.) Artistic development of Reynolds and Gains borough [illus.]. 1886 .. Coquerel (A. J.) Fine arts in Italy in their religious aspect Crayon (Walter) Golden rules for sketchers from nature [illus.] Cunningham (Allan) Lives of British architects [frontis.] Contents : William of Wykeham. Inigo Jones. Sir Christopher Wren. Sir John Vanbrugh. Jamos Gibbs. William Kent. Ear" of Burlington. Sir William Chambers. D'Anvers (N.) History of art [illus.] . 1882 Davidson (E. A.) Pretty arts for leisure hours [illus.] . 1879 Day (L. F.) Lettering in ornament [illus.] . 1902 Ornament and its application [illus.] . 1904 Delaborde (Henri) Engraving : its origin, etc. [illus.] 1886 Delamotte (F. G.) Art of illumination for beginners [illus.] Delamotte (P. H.) Art of sketching from nature [illus.]. Drawing book for beginners [illus.]. 1869 Dennis (H. J.) Second grade perspective [illus.]. 1884 Dick (Stewart) Arts and crafts of old Japan [illus.] . 1904 Duffield {Mrs. William) Art of flower painting [illus.]. 1865 D [unbar] (M. J. M.) Art and nature under an Italian sky [frontis.]. 1852 Duncan (Edward) Studies in British landscape and coast scenery 23 19193 19991 19855 1182 291 160 15672 17330 8640 14641 14590 14622 14710 14627 14535 14575 14624 15433 14711 14543 14705 14568 14573 21780 14574 14572 14687 14680 14540 14671 18898 1230 14674 18789 14603 14602 14570 14599 14531 14697 14620 14667 14626 14532 14673 21627 14628 Art BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Art Art and Artists (continiied) : Duval (Mathias) Artistic anatomy [illus.] . 1884 . . Dyer (T. H.) Imitative art : its principles and progress. 1882 Eastlake (C. L.) Household taste in furniture, upholstery, etc. [illus.]. 1878.. Eckenstein (Lina) Works of Albrecht Diirer [illus.] Fairholt (F. W.) Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, Vandyke, ' Rembrandt, etc. [illus.] . 1871 . . Homes, works, and shrines of English artists, etc. [illus.]. 1873 .. Rambles of an archaeologist [illus.] . 1871 Field (George) Grammar of colouring [illus.] . 1877 Foster (V. H. L.) Lessons in water-color: flowers [illus.] Lessons in water-color : marine [illus.] . 1884 Painting for. beginners [illus.]. 2 vol, .. Painting in water-colors [illus.] Gower (Lord Ronald Sutherland-) Figure painters of Holland [illus.]. 1880., Greenwood (Thomas) Museums and art galleries [illus.]. 1888 Guizot (F. P. G.) Fine arts : their nature and relations [illus.] GuUick and Timbs. Painting popularly explained [frontis.] Hamerton (P. G.) Portfolio papers [port.]. 1889.. Hanbury (Ada) and others. Flower painting in water colors [illus.]. 1885.. Harris (George) Theory of the arts. 2 vol. 1869. . Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Decorative designs [illus.] . 1899 Havard (Henry) Dutch school of painting [illus.]. 1885 Haweis(M. E.) Beautiful houses [illus.]. 1882 .. Hawkins (B. W.) Artistic anatomy of cattle and sheep [illus.] Hazlitt (William) Criticisms on art. 1843 Heaton (M. M.) History of painting [illus.] . 1873 Hicks (G. E.) Figure drawing [illus.]. n.d. Hodge (Henry) Linear perspective [illus.] . n.d. , , Holbein (Hans) Dance of death and Bible cuts [illus.] . 1858 Holmes (C. J.) Pictures and picture collecting {Collector' s library) [frontis.]. 1903 .. How to draw figures [Studies] n.d. .. How to draw in freehand [Studies] n.d. Howard (Frank) Sketcher's manual [illus.]. n.d. Howitt (A. M.) Art-student in Munich. 2 vol. 1853 Hulme (F. E.) Flower painting in water colours [illus.] Mathematical drawing instruments [illus.] , 1880 . . Symbolism in Christian art [illus.] . 1891 Hulme (F. E.) and others. Art-studies from nature [illus.] Hutchinson (G. W. C.) Some hints on learning to draw [illus.]. 1893., Jackson (Mason) Pictorial press [illus.]. 1885 Jameson (Anna) Legends of the monastic orders as repre sented in the fine arts [illus.] . 1890 . . Sacred and legendary art [illus.]. 2 vol. Kett (C. W.) Rubens {Great artists) [port,. illus.] . 1880 . Knox (Robert) Artistic anatomy [illus.] . 1852 Lanzi (Luigi) History of painting in Italy [frontis.]. 3 vol, Leitch (R. P.) Painting in neutral tint [illus.]. Water-colour painting [illus.]. n.d. Leitch and Callow. Water-color painting [illus.] Leslie (C. R.) Hand-book for young painters [illus.], 1855 . Loftie (W. J.) Art of illuminating [illus.]. n.d. .. 14538 14598 14556 19752 14592 14591 14593 14677 14645 14642 14643 14651 18661 14703 14588 14682 14701 14635 14597 15385 14571 14683 14672 14685 14604 14668 14631 14542 14649 14640 14639 14684 21304 14637 14670 14702 14594 14630 14600 1059 14554 18664 15059 14584 14647 . 14050 14621 14564 14634 24 Art CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Art Art and Artists (contimied) : ]\Iacvvhirter (John) Landscape painting in water-colour [illus.] Maskell (William) Ivories ancient and mediaeval- [illus.] . 1876 ^Miles (L. C.) Water-colour painting [illus.] . n.d. Miller (Fred) ed. Wood-carving [illus.] . n.d. Miintz (Eugene) History of tapestry [illus.] . 1885 Needham (J.) Studies of trees, n.d. Novice (G. W.) Lights in art. 1874 .. One hundred British engravings, n.d. . . Pater (W. H.) Imaginary portraits. 1887 Renaissance : studies in art and poetry. 1877 Poynter (E. J.) Lectures on art. 1879. . Price (Sir Uvedale) Picturesque [illus.] . 1842 Prout (Samuel) Elementary drawing-book [illus.] . n.d. Pyne (George) Perspective for beginners [illus.] . 1879 Redgrave (Richard) Manual of design [illus.] . 1876 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Discourses (Camelot ser.). 1887 Literary works [port.] . 2 vol. 1852 Rhead (G. W.) Treatment of drapery in art [illus.] . 1904 Robinson (F. S.) Connoisseur : essays on . . . art. 1879 Ruskin (John) " A joy for ever." 1889 . . Ariadne Florentina [illus.] . 1890 Art of England. 1887 Frondes agrestes. 1886 Lectures on art. 1880 . . . . ' . . Modern painters. 2 vol. 1885 Notes on S. Prout and W. Hunt. 1879-80 Notes [on Turner] . 1878 Political economy of art. 1857 Schlegel (C. W. F. von) Esthetic and miscellaneous works of, Scott (W. B.) Little masters {Great artists) [ports., illus.] Contents : Albrecht Altdorfcr. Hans Sebald Beham. J?arthel Behaia. Heinrich Aldegrever. Georg Pencz. Jacob Binck. Haus Brosamer. Sharp (William) ed. Great English painters {Camelot classics) Contents: William Hogarth. Richard Wilson. Sir Joshua Keynolds. Thoinas Gainsborough. William Blake. Simpson (A. L.) Sir David Wilkie : his, life and works [illus.] Sketches in water colors. 1886 Smith (Sir R. M.) Persian art [illus.]. 1876 Some arts and crafts {Woman's library) [illus.]. 1903 Stearns (F. P.) Four great Venetians [illus.] . 1901 Contents : Giorgione. Titian. Tintoretto, II Veronese. Stickney afterwards Ellis i(Sarah) Beautiful in nature and art [port.] . 1866 . . Taylor (E. R.) Elementary art teaching [illus.]. 1890 Tireluck (William) Great minds in art [illus.] . 1890 Contents : Gustave Core. Albert Diirer. Raphael. Rembrandt. Velazquez. Richard Wilson. Sir Edwin Land seer. Sir David Wilkie. Tolstoy, Coiint. What is art ? [port.] . 1898 Turner (F. C.) Short history of art [illus.] , 1886. . Twining (Henry) Elements of picturesque scenery [illus.] Tyrwhitt (R. St. J.) Christian art and symbolism [illus.] . 1872 Our sketching club [illus.]. 1875 Tytler (Sarah) Old masters and their pictures. 1874 Tasari (Giorgio) Lives of painters, sculptors, and architects [port.]. 5 vol. 1850-2.. 14638 14567 14669 14675 14530 14633 14686 14623 14559 14558 14563 14596 14625 14700 14569 14706 17194 14565 14595 14665 14583 14629 14664 14589 14544 14561 14562 14678 14704 18673 18338 19747 14632 14566 15036 18956 14699 14557 18811 14537 14601 14636 14698 14536 14546 18529 25 Art BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ast Art and Artists {ccmtinued} : Viardot (Louis) and others. Paintors of all schools [illus.] 18745' Wainewright (T. G.) Essays and criticisms. 1880 . . ,14709' Walpole (Horace) Anecdotes of- painting in England. 1872 .. 'idSSO- Wedmore (Frederick) Studies in English art. 1876 . . 14560- Weekes (Henry) Lectures on art. 1880 . . . . 14587 Weigall (C. H.) Animal drawing [illus.] . 1863 . . . . 14577 Whichelo (H. M.) Hints to amateurs [Drawing, illus.] . 1849 14676- Whittock (Nathaniel) Manual of perspective [illus.] . 1849 . . 14681 Witt (R. C.) How to look at pictures [illus.] . 1902 . . 14555 Wornum (R. N.) History of painting [illus.] . 1859 . . 14545 Wyatt (Sir M. D.) Illuminating [illus.]. 1861 .. , . 14541 What illuminating was [illus.] . 1861 . . . . 14666- Wyllie (W. L.) Jlarine painting in water-colour [illus.]. 1901 14648 The Pine Arts: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Dictionaries, Ecclesiology, and Sculpture. Arthur, King : King Arthur and the quest of the Holy Grail, by Sir Thomas IslaAoiy {Canielot classics). 1886 .. .. .. 17068 Morte d' Arthur, by Thomas Malory (GZofceedziio?i). 1904 .. 17084 See also Wales. Arthur Bonnicastle, by J. G. Holland .. .. .. 8485 Arthur O'Leary, by Charles Lever . . . . . . 8851, 8852: Arts, Industrial, see Industries. Artus (A. L.) Mere English : an historical drama. 1904 . . 1900 Arundel, see Sussex. Aryans, see Anthropology. As a watch in the night, by Mrs. Campbell Praed . . . . 9641 Ashango-land, see Africa West. Ashanti, see Africa West, and Missions and Missionaries. Ashdown (C. H'.) City of St. Albans {Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.].* 1902 .. .. .. .. .. 22891 Ashley, by Mrs. Henry Wood . . . . . . . . 11063 Ashton (John) : Dawn of the 19th century in England [illus.] . 1886 . . 20672: Eighteenth century waifs. 1887 . . . . . . 20186- Fleet : its river, prison, and marriages [illus.] . 1889 . . 21201 Florizel's folly [Life of George IV, illus.] . 1899 . . 20635 Romances of chivalry [illus.]. 1890 .. .. .. 17081 Ashworth (John) : Back from Canaan [map, illus. 1 . 1873 .. .. 2.3063 Walks in Canaan [map, illus.] . 1809 . . . . 22113 Asia: Bock (Carl) Temples and elephants . . . exploration through uppe>- Siam and Lao [map, illus.] . 1884 . . . . 22068 Bradley (John) Travel, etc., in Burmah, Siam, and the Malay Peninsula. J876 .. .. .. .. 22073 Burnaby (P. G.) Hide to Khiva, n.d. . . . . . . 22075 Colquhoun (A. R.) Amongst the Shans [illus.]. 1885 .. 22066- Gilmour ^James) Among the Mongols [illus.] . n.d. .. 22076- Gordon (t. E.) Roof of the world [map, illus.] . 1876 . . 22064 Ker (David) On the road to Khiva [map, illus.] . 1874 . . 22080 MacGahan (J. A.) Campaigning on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva [map, illus. J. 1870 .. .. .. 22078'. Macgregor (John) Through the Buffer State (travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia) [illus.]. 189G .. .. 22074 jNIcMahon (.\. R.) Karens of the Golden Chersonese [map, illus.]. 1876 .. .. .. .. " .. 22070< 26 Asi CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Ast -maps] . 2 vol. 18S2 illus.] . 2 vol. 1876 of oriental life and Asia (continued) ; O'Donovan (Edmond) Merv oasis [port.,- Schuyler (Eugene) Turkistan [maps,- Thwing (E. P.) Ex oriente: studies thought. N.D. . . . . . . . . , . . Wood (Herbert) Shores of Lake Aral [map] . 1876 . . Asia : articles collected from reviews, etc. 3 vol. See also Voyages and Travel. Asia Minor: Barker (W. B.) Lares and penates ; or, Cilicia and its governors [map, illus.] . 1853 Palmer (E. H.) Haroun Alraschid (Netv Plutarch). 1881 Asiatic Turkey, see Turkey. Asphodel, [by M. E. Braddon] Assyria : Ainsworth (W. F.) Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldsea [illus.]. 1838 .. Bonomi (Joseph) Nineveh and its palaces [illus.] . 1853 Eraser (J. B.) Mesopotamia and Assyria [map] . 1846 Layard {Sir A. H.) Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon [illus.], 1853 .. Ragozin (Z. A.) Assyria {Story of the nations) [map, illus.] Sayce (A. H.) Assyria: its princes, etc. [illus.]. 1885 Smith (George) Assyria from the earliest times to the fall o Nineveh [illus.]. n.d. Assyrian discoveries [map, ^illus.]. 1875 See also ArcliEeology. Astley {Sir J. D.) Fifty years of my life [port.] . 1895 . . Aston (W. G.) Japanese literature {Literatures, of the ivorld). Astray, by C. M. Yonge Astronomy : Angot (Alfred) Aurora borealis {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] Arago (D. F.) Popular astronomy [illus.] . 2 vol Ball {Sir R. S.) Elements of astronomy [illus.] . In starry realms [illus.]. 1892 In the high heavens [illus. ] . 1893 Story of the heavens [illus.] . 1891 Time and tide {Romance of science) [illus.] . 1889 Berry (Arthur) Short history of astronomy [illus.] . 1398 Bickerton (A. W.) Romance of the heavens [illus.] , 1901 Brewster {Sir David) IMore worlds than one. 1858 Chambers (G. F.) Astronomy [illus.] .1891 De Morgan (Augustus) Gnomonic projection of the sphen [illus.] . 1836 . . Drayson (A. W.) Supposed proper motion of the fixed stars [illus.] . 1874 . . Ennis (Jacob) Origin of the stars. 1876 Fison (A. H.) Recent advances in astronomy {Victorian era ser.). 1898 Forbes (George) Transit of Venus {Nature ser.) [illus.] . 1874 Gore (J. E.) Star groups [illus.] . 1891 Worlds of space [illus.]. 1894 Guillemin (Amedee) Heavens [illus.] . 1871 Harley (Timothy) Moon lore [illus.] . 1885 Herschel {Sir J. F. W.) Astronomy [illus.]. 1833 Outlines of astronomy [illus.]. 1874 ., Higgins (W. M.) Solar realm [frontis.] . 1852 Hind (J. R.) Astronomy [illus.]. 1853 22067 22071 22079- 22065- 1899. 1896 1855-8 1889 22069' 19428 7076, 7077 22121 22122. 22110 22120 20451 22106 22112 22124 19637 16614 11311 13527 13082. 13027 13054 13053 13081 13032 13021 13020 13064 13028 13089 13083- 13011 13017 13563 13049 1.3055 13085- 17152 1.3031 13087 13029 1.3051 27 Ast BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Aub Astronomy {continued) :-^ Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Physical description of the heavens. 13026 Jeans (H. \V.) Handbook for the stars. 1888 . . . . 13079 Leitch (William) God's glory in the heavens. 1868 .. 13025 Mitchell (0. M.) Orbs of heaven [illus.] . 1858 . . . . 13062 Newcomb (Simon) Stars : a study of the universe [illus.] 13050 Nichol (J. P.) Stellar universe [illus.] . 1848 . . . . 13033 . Olmsted (Denison) Mechanism of the heavens [illus.]. 1850 13015 Proctor (R. A.) Expanse of heaven [frontis.] . 1874 . . 13013 Flowers of the sky [illus.] . n.d. . . . . 13030 Half-hours with the telescope [illus.] . 1896 . . 13034 Moon : her motions, etc. [illus.] . 1878 . . 13058 Orbs around us [illus.] . 1886 . . . . 13060 Other suns than ours, e^. [illus.]. 1887 .. 13014 Other worlds than ours [illus.] . 1878 . . . . 13061 Our place among infinities. 1876 . . . . 13016 Saturn and its system [illus.] . 1865 . . . . 13046 Star atlas. 1873 , . . . . . . , 1.3059 Sun [illus.]. 1876 .. .. .. 13052 Universe of suns [illus.] . 1884 . . . . 13023 Smyth (C. P.) Teneriffe : an astronomer's experiment [illus.] 13012 Turner (H. H.) Modern astronomy [illus.] . 1901.. .. 13063 Ward (M?-s. M.) Telescope [illus.]. 1870 ., ., 13024 [Whewell (William)] Plurality of worlds [frontis.] . 1855 .. 13022 Yoimg (0. A.) Sun [illus.] . 1882 . . . . , . 13019 Astronomy: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. Astrup (Eivind) With Peary near the pole [port., illus.]. 1898 .. 23170 At fault, by Hawley Smart , . . . . . . . 10161 At her mercy, by James Payn . . . . . . . . $552 At his gates, by M. 0. Oliphant . . . . . . . . 9475 At Sunwich port, by W. W. Jacobs . . . . . . 8622 Atelier du Lys, [by Margaret Roberts] . . . . . . 9801 Athanasius, SaiJit : Orations of, against the Arians. n.d, . . . . . . 610 See also Church and Church History Primitive and Oriental. Athens, see Greece. Atherton (G. F.) : Conqueror . . . . . . . . . . 6683 Daughter of the vine . . . . . . . . 6684 Doomswoman . . . . . . . . . . 6685 Patience Sparhawk . . . , . . , . 6680 Senator North . . . , . . . . . . 6681 Splendid idle " forties " . , . . . . . . 6682 Athletics, see Sport and Pastime. Atkins (J. B.) : Relief of Ladysmith [maps, illus.] . 1900 . . . . 22361 War in Cuba [maps, frontis.] . 1899.. .. .. 22667 Atkinson (J. B.) : Art tour to northern capitals of Europe. 1873 . . . . 14590 Oveiheck {Great artists) [port., illus.] . 1882.. .. 18671 Atkinson (J. C.) British birds' eggs and nests [illus.]. 1861 .. 12283 Atlas, see Geography, aiul Physiography. Atlas Mountains, see Africa North. Atonement of Learn Dundas, by E. Lynn Linton . . . . 8917 Attache, [by T. C. Haliburton] .. .. .. ,. 8801 Attwell (Henry) Book of golden thoughts. 1871 . . . . 16878 Aubigne (J. H. Merle d'), sec Jlerle d'Aubigne (J. H.) Aubineau (Leon), see Foreign Works French. 23 Aub CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. A US Aubrey (John) Miscellanies [illus.] . 1857 . . . . . . 14451 Audran (Edmond), see Music. Audrey, by Mary Johnston . . . . . . . . 8712 , Augusta, Empress of Germany, see Germany History. Augustine, Sister, see Lasaulx (Amalie von). Augustinus (Aurelius) Samt : City of God. 2 vol. n.d. . . . . . . . . 604 Confessions of, 1886 . . . . . . . . 607 Life of, by W. R. Clark {Fathers for English readers), n.d. .. 90S See also Foreign Works Latin. Augustus, see Rome. Auld licht idylls, by J. M. Barrie . . . . . . . . 6749^ Aumale, Duke d\ History of the Princes de Conde [ports]. 2 vol. 21422 Aunt Margaret's trouble, by F. E. Trollope. . , . . . 10545 Aunt Rachel, by D. C. Murray . . . . . . . . 9394 Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus) : Meditations ot, {Camelot ser.). 1887 .. .. .. 17472^ Thoughts of, trans, by G. Long. 1877 . . . . . . 17439 Auriol, by W. H. Ainsworth . . . . . , . . 6607 Aurora Floyd, [by M. E. Braddon] . . . . . . 6989, 6990' Austen (Jane) : Emma .. .. .. .. .. 6695 Mansfield Park .. .. .. .. .. 6692 Northanger Abbey and Persuasion . . . . . . 6693 Pride and prejudice . . . . . . . . 6696 Sense and sensibility . . . . . . . . 6694 Home and friends of, by Constance Hill [port., illus.] . 1902 20150' Jane Austen : her contemporaries and herself, by W. H. Pollock. 1899 .. .. .. .. 16558 Letters of, [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1884 .. .. .. 19960 Life of, by S. F. INIalden {Eminent toomen). 1889. . . . 18637 ]\Iemoir of, by J. E. Austen-Leigh, and Lady Susan. 1871 . . 19098 Austen-Leigh, see Leigh (J. E. Austen-) Austin (Alfred) : England's darling. 1896 . . . . . . . . 2036 Fortunatus the pessimist [A play] . . . , . . 2039 Garden that I love [illus.] . 1894 . . , . . . 17261 Human tragedy. 1891 .. .. .. .. 2031 In Veronica's garden [illus.] . 1895 . . . . . . 17260- Lyrical poems. 1891 . . . . . . . . 2034 Madonna's child [A poem, port.] . 1895 . . . . 2057 Narrative poems. 1891 .. .. .. .. 2033 Poetry of the period. 1870.. .. .. ,.2029,2038 Prince Lucifer [A play] . 1891 . . . , , . 2032 Savonarola: a tragedy. 1891 .. .. .. 2035- Season : a satire. 1869 . . . . . . , . 2037 Towc- of Babel : celestial love-drama. 1890 .. .. 2030' Austin Elliot, by Henry Kingsley . . . . . . , . 8750 Austin Friars, by C. E. L. Riddell . . , . . . 9748 Australasia : Bonwick (James) Last of the Tasmanians [illus.] . 1870 . . 22725 Boxall (G. E.) Australian bushrangers [frontis.]. 1902 .. 22774 Clialmers and Gill. Work and adventure in New Guinea [maps, illus.] . 1885 .. .. .. .. 22710" Chequered career; or, fifteen years in Australia and New Zealand. 1881 .. .. .. ... 22707 Clayden (Arthur) Handbook to New Zealand [maps] . 1886 . . 23002 Cowie, J3is/iop. Our last year in New Zealand. 18S8 .. 22771 39 Aus BRISTOL PUBLIC UBRARIES. Aut Australasia {continued) : Crawford (J. C.) Travel in New Zealand and Australia [maps, illus.]. 1880 .. Gumming (C. P. G.) At home in Fiji [map, illus.] . 2 vol Eden (C. H.) Australia's heroes [map] . 1^2 Froude (J. A.) Oceana ; or, England and her colonies [illus.] Hart (Francis) Western Australia in 1893 [maps, illus.] Hill (R. D. mtd F. D.) What we saw in Australia [frontis. Jenks (Edward) History of the Australasian colonies [map] Jessop (W. H. B.) Flindersland and Sturtland. 2 vol. 1862 Kennedy (E. B.) Black police of Queensland [illus.] . 1902 Lawson (J. A.) Wanderings in New Guinea. 1875 Mitchell {Sir T. L.) Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia, efc. [maps, illus.]. 2 vol. 18-39 Mundy (G. C.) Our antipodes [illus.]. 1855 Payton (E. W.) Roundabout New Zealand [illus.]. 1888 . Praed {Mrs. Campbell) Australian life [illus.] . 1885 Scott (G. F.) Romance of Australian exploring [maps, illus. Senior (William) Travel and trout in the antipodes. 1880 Shaw (F. L.) Australia {Story of tJie empire) [map] Sidney (Samuel) Three colonies of Australia [illus.] . 185.3 . Stirling (A. W.) Never never land (Queensland) [illus.] . 1884 Strachan (John) Explorations in New Guinea [maps, illus.] Stuart (J. McD.) Journals of, (Explorations in Australia) [illus.] . 1865 . . Swainson (William) New Zealand and the war. 1862 Taylor (Richard) Te Ika a Maui ; or. New Zealand and its inhabitants [map, illus.] . 1855 Townsend (J. P.) Rambles in New South Wales. 1849 Tregarthen (Greville) Australian commonwealth {Story of tlie nations) [map, illus.]. 1893 TroUope (Anthony) South Australia, Western Australia, and New Zealand [maps], n.d. Westgarth (William) Australia Felix : account of Port Phillip, New South Wales [illus.]. 1848 Australasia : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Africa South. Australia, see Australasia. Austria: ^ Bright (J. F.) Maria Theresa {Foreign statesmen). 1897 Burgh (A. de) Elizabeth, Empress of Austria [port., illus.] Kay (David) Austria-Hungary {Foreign countries, etc.) [maps, illus.]. 1880 .. Liltzow, Count. Prague {Medieval towns) [plan, illus.] Martyrdom of an Empress [Elizabeth, port.] . 1899 JIaurice (C. E.) Bohemia {Story of tlie nations) [map, illus.] White (Walter) Holidays in Tyrol [map] . 1876 . . Whitman and IMcIlraith. Austria {Story of the nations) [map, illus.] . 1899 Austria, etc. : articles collected from reviews, etc. See also Health Resorts. Authorship : Art of writing fiction, n.d. Bainton (George) ed. Art of authorship Besant {Sir Walter) Pen and the book. Deacon's Composition and style, n.d.. How to write a novel. 1901 22731 22733 22767 22768 22728 22764 22766 22708 22709 22775 22735 22726 22706 22773 22765 22772 20299 22729 22737 22763 22730 22769 22727 22760 20473 22714 22770 18392 21366 20406 22979 21365 20481 21289 20487 16915 1890 . . 16913 1899 16405 16919 16850 30 Aut CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bac Authorship (continued) : How to write fiction. 1896 . . How to write for the magazines. 1900 Jacox (Francis) Aspects of authorship [frontis.] Raleigh (Walter) Style. 1897 Russell (Percy) Authors' manual [port.] . n.d. Literary manual . 1886 Autobiography of a quack, etc., by S. W. Mitchell Autobiography of a slander, by Edna Lyall.. Autobiography of a thief, etc., by Charles Reade Avebury, Lord : Ants, bees, and wasps {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1882 Beauties of nature [illus.]. 1893 Essays and addresses, 1900-1903. 1903 Fifty years of science. 1882.. Free trade. 1905 Origin and metamorphoses of insects {Natti7-e ser.) [illus.] Pleasures of life. 1893 Scenery of Switzerland and the causes to which it is due [illus.]. 1896.. Scientific lectures [illus.] . 1879 Seedlings (Zni. sci. ser.) [illus.]. 1896.. Senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals (Int. sci, ser.) [illus.]. 1889.. Use of life. 1895. Aveling (E. B.) Mechanics and experimental science : chemistry [illus.]. 1889.. Aveling (P. W.) Elementary treatise on light and heat [illus,] Ayala's angel, by Anthony Trollope Ayesha, by H. R. Haggard Ayling (John), see Dibdin and Ayling. Aylwin, by Theodore Watts-Dunton Ayrton (W. E.) Practical electricity [illus.]. 1896 Azamat-Batuk [N. L. Thieblin] Little book about Great Britain 16916 16849 16413 16914 16917 16920 9313 8939, 8940 9667, 9668 13486 12299 16770 13816 13902 13564 1358 12595 12899 1^25 18511 1411 13304 13104 10497 8237 7798 1.3221 21145 BABELON (Ernest) Oriental antiquities [illus.] , 1889 . . 14767 Babes in the bush, by Rolf Boldrewood , . . . 6961 Babington (C. C.) British botany. 1843 . . . . 12675 Baboo Jabberjee, by F. Anstey . . . . . . . . 6666 Babs the impossible, by Sarah Grand . . . . . . 8120 Babylon, see Assyria, and Persia. Baby's grandmother, by L. B. Walford .. .. .. 10736 Baccio della Porta, see Bartolommeo di San Marco, Fra. Bach (J. S.) Life of, by R. L. Poole {Great musicians). 1894 .. 18611 Bache (F. E. and Walter) Reminiscences of, by Constance Bache [port., illus.] . 1901 .. .. .. .. 20028 Bachelor's blunder, [by W. E. Norris] .. .. .. 9444 Backgammon, see Sport and Pastime. Backker (F.) Madame, see Foreign Works French, Herbster. Bacon (A. M.) Japanese interior. 1893 .. .. .. 21987 Bacon (Francis) Lord : Advancement of learning, ed. by W. A. Wright. 1869 .. 14091 Essays (C/tandos classics). 1888 .. .. .. 16668 Essays, with annotations by Richard Whately. 1856 . . 16769 Bacon, by Thomas Fowler (Sn^Zis/i 2''"^osqp/je;-s). 1881 .. 18641 31 Bac BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bak Bacon (Francis) Lord [continued) : Bacon and Shakespeare, by W. H. Smith. 1857 . . 2136- Is there any resemblance between Shakespeare and Bacon ? 216& Life and philosophy of, hy John Nichol [Philosophical classics), [port.] . 2 vol. 1888-9 . . . . . . . . 18328 Life, e/c, of, by James Spedding [port.]. 2 vol. 1878 .. 19804 Life of, by K. W. Church [English men of letters). 188i . . 18467 Promus, etc., illus. by passages from Shakespeare, by Mrs. Henry Pott. 1888 . . . . . . . . 2161 Writings and philosophy of, by G. L. Craik. 3 vol. 1846-7 17310 Bacteria, see Biology. Baden-Powell, see Powell (R. S. S. Baden-). Badenoch (J. G.) Letter painting made easy [illus.]. 1898 ,. 15524 Baedeker's guides, see names of places. Baffin's Bay, see America North. Bagatelle, see Sport and Pastime. Bagehot (Walter) : Biographical studies, ed. by R. H. Hutton. 1895. . . . 19783 Literary studies [port.] . 3 vol. 1895.. .. .. 16540' Physics and politics (Jni. sci. sev.). 1873 .. .. 13448- Bailey (H. I.) Liturgy compared with the Bible, n.d, .. ~ .. 1133 Bailey (J. C.) Studies in some famous letters. 1899 . . . . 17347 Bailey (L. H.) Principles of fruit-growing {Eui-al sci. ser.) [illus.] 15131 Bailie (J.), see Foreign Works French. Baillie (F. D.) Mafeking : diarv of a siege [illus.]. 1900 . . 22259' Baillie (John) Life studies [illus.] . 1857 . . . . 18855- Baillie-Saunders, see Saunders (Margaret Baillie-). Bain (Alexander) : ^ Education as a science [Int. sci. ser.). 1880 . . . 13471' English composition and rhetoric. 1866 ... . . 16941 James Mill : a biography [port.] . 1882 . . . . 19348 Mental and moral science. 2 vol. 1872 . . . . 14389 Mind and body. 1876 .. .. .. .. 13450 Bain (J. A.) Life of Fridtjof Nansen [port., map, illus.] . 1897 . . 19420 Bain (R. N.) Charles XII [Heroes of the nations) [port., illus.] . 1895 18412 Baines (Edward) Life of, by Sir Edward Baines [port.] . 1859 . . 19277 Bainton (George) ed. Art of authorship. 1890 . . . . 16913; Baird (H. M.) : JIuguenots and Henry of Navarre [maps] . 2 vol. 1886 .. 1220 Theodore Beza [Heroes of the Reformation) [port., illus.] 18710 Baird (James) Management of health. 1867 . . . . - . 14123- Baird (Robert) Protestantism in Italy, with history of the Waldenses [frontis.]. n.d. ,. .. .. .. 865 Baird (William) : General Wauchope [port;, illus.]. 1901 .. .. 19942 Students' natural history [map, illus.] . 1858 . . . . 12323' Baker (C. E.) Foreign commercial correspondent. 1888 . . 13577 Baker (James) ; By the western sea . . . . . . . . 6701 Cardinal's page .. .. .. .. .. 6703 Days afoot and European sketches. 1881 . . . 20554 Double choice . . . . . . . . . . 6704 Forgotten great Englishman [Peter Payne, illus.]. 1894 .. 20192 Gleaming dawn . . . . . . . . . . 6705- Inseparables . . . . . . . . . 6702 Jolin Westacott . . . . . . . . . . 6706 Mark Tillotson . . . . . . . . . . 6707 Our foreign competitors. 1892 . . , . . . 14032- Turkey in Europe [maps] . 1877 . . . . . . 2182^ 32 Bak CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bal Baker {Sir S. W.) : Eight years in Ceylon [illus.]-- 1874 .. Ismailia : expedition to Central Africa for the suppression of the slave trade [illus.] . 1890 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, etc. [illus.] . 1867 . . Rifle and hound in Ceylon [ilius.] . 1874 Baker (T. H.) Agricultural produce, etc., in the British Isles Baker (W. M.) Physiology [illus.]. 1876 Balcarres, iord. Donatello [illus.]. 1903 .. .. Bale (G. R.) Modern iron foundry practice [illus.] . Part I. 1902 . . Bale (M. P.) Pumps and pumping. 1889 Balfour (A. J.) : Essays and addresses. 1893 Foundations of belief. 1895 Balfour (T. A. G.) God's two books. 1861 .. .. .. Balkans : Miller (William) Balkans : Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro {Story of the nations) [maps, illus.] . 1896 . . More (R. J.) Under the Balkans [map, illus.]. 1877 Ball (John), see England History. Ball {Sir R. S.) : Cause of an ice age [frontis.] . 1892 Elements of astronomy [illus.] . 1889 . . , Great astronomers [illus.] . 1895 In starry realms [illus.] . 1892 In the high heavens [illus.] . 1893 Story of the heavens [illus.] . 1891 Time and tide {Romance of sci.) [illus.] . 1889 Ball (V.) Jungle life in India [map, illus.] . 1880 Ballads : Bell (Robert) ed. Ballads and songs of the peasantry of England, n.d. . . Early ballads, etc. 1877 Book of ballads : ancient and modern [illus.] . n.d. Buchanan (Robert) trans. Ballad stories of the affections Doran (John) ed. Bentley ballads. 1858 Gaultier (Bon) ed. Book'of ballads [illus.] . 1884 Hall (S. C.) ed. Book of British ballads [illus.] . 1879 Hood (Robin) Ballads relating to, n.d. Home (R. H.) Ballad romances. 1846.. Lockhart and Southey, trans. Spanish ballads and Chronicle of the Cid [ports.], n.d... Scott {Sir Walter) ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border.. Tomson (G. R.) cd. Border ballads. 1888 Ballad literature : articles collected from reviews, etc. 2 vol. See also I\Iusic, Study of, and Oouch (A. T. Quiller-) Davidson (John) Gilbert (W, S.) Kipling (Rudyard) Leland (C. G.) Rodd (Sir J. R.) Ballantine (William) : Experiences of a barrister's life [port.] . Old world and the new [port.] . 1884 . . Ballard (Frank) Smoking craze. 1901 Ballinger (John j ed. Cardiff : an illustrated hand-book Ballou (Adin) Modern spirit manifestations. 1853 Ballou (M. M.) Due South ; or, Cuba past and present Rossetti (D. G.) Salmon (A. L.) Southey (Robert) bwinbume (A. C.) Tenuyeon (Alfred) Lord 2 vol. 1882 21887 22479 22401 21886 15154 12452 14732 15515 14875 16723 646 590 20482 21847 12762 13027 13057 13054 13053 13081 13032 21914 2101 1729 1770 2017 1735 1744 1792 1520 2188 2386 1560 2210 1896 18S7 19494 19368 14122 22936 14484 22668 33 Bal BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bai* Ballroom repentance, by Annie Edwardes . . . . . . 7831 Bally (S. E.) :- French commercial correspondence. 1898 . . . . 13580 French commercial reader. 1900 . . . . . . 13581 Balzac (Honor6 de) : Alkahest .. .. .. .. .. 6721 06sar Birotteau . . ^. .. . . . . 6712 Chouans, The, .. ,. .. .. .. 6714 Cousin Betty .. .. .. .. .. 6715 Cousin Pons . . . . . . . . , , 6719 Eugenie Grandet . . . . . . . . 6718 P^re Goriot . . . . . . . . . . 6722 Seraphita ... .. .. .. .. 6716 Wild ass's skin ,. .. .. .. .. 6717 See also Foreign Works French. Bamber (E. F.), see Rankine and Bamber. Bancroft {Sir S. B. and Lady) On and ofl the stage. 1889 . . 1857 Banda Oriental [Uruguay] , see America South. [Banim (John)] Croppy . . . . . . . . 6718 Banister (H. C.) Music [illus.] . 1883 . . . . . . 16126 Banking, see Law. Banks (G. L.) : Bondslaves .. .. .. .. .. 11574 Sybilla, etc. . . , . . . . . 6726 Wooers and winners .. .. ... .. 6727 Banner of blue, by S. R. Crockett . . . . . . 7521 Bannister (Saxe) William Paterson : his life and trials. 1858 . . 19284 Barabbas, by Marie Corelli . . . . . . , . 7413, 7414 Barante (A. G. P. B.) Baron. Memoir of, by F. P. G. Guizot [port.]. 1867 .. .. .. .. 19415 Barbara, [by M. E. Braddon] .. .. .. ..6995,6996 Barbara Heathcote's trial, by R. N. Carey . . . . . . 7246 Barbara's money, by Adeline Sergeant , . . . . . 10086 Barbara's warning, by Mrs. Houstouu . . . . . . 8530 Barbary, see Africa North. Barber (T. W.) Engineer's sketch-book of mechanical movements, etc. [illus.]. 1890 .. .. ,. .. 14965 Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope . . . . . . 10498 Bardi (Donato), see Donatello. Bardsley (C. W.) Our English surnames. 1873 .. .. 13668 Barham (F. F.) Memorial of, ed. by Sir Isaac Pitman [Phonetic spelling]. 1873 .. .. .. .. 19269 Barham (R. H.), see Ingoldsby (Thomas). Baring-Gould, see Gould (Sabine Baring-). Barker (H. J.) Very original English. 1889 .. .. 17044 Barker (J. T.) Beauty of flowers in field and wood [illus.]. n.d. .. 12687 Barker (M. A.) Lady [Lady Broome] : Bedroom and boudoir [illus.] . 1878 . . . . . . 15002 Year's housekeeping in South Africa [illus.] . 1883 . . 22376 Barker (w. B.) : Lares and penates ; or Cilicia and its governors [map, illus.] 22069 Reading book of the Turkish language. 1854 . . . . 13618 Barker (W. R.) St. Mark's; or, the Mayor's Chapel, Bristol [illus.] 21196, 21197 Barlasch of the guard, by H. S. Merriman , . . . . . 9280 Barmby (James) Gregory the Great (Fathers for English readers) 905 Barnaby (S. W.) Marine propellers [illus.]. 1891 .. .. 14962 Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens . . . . . . 7616, 7616 Barnard (Charles), see Mayer and Barnard. 34 Sar CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bar Barnard (George) : Drawing from nature [illus.] . 1865 . . Foliage and foreground drawing [illus.] . 1853 Landscape painting in water-colours [illus.] . 1885 Barnard and Child : New geometry for junior forms [illus.] . 1904 New geometry for schools [illus.] . 1903 New geometry for senior forms [illus.] . 1904 . . . ; Barnes (Albert) : Notes on the 'Acts of the Apostles, n.d. Notes on the Book of Revelation. 1852 Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews, n.d. Notes on the Epistle to the Romans. 1846 Notes on the Epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians [illus.] . n.d. . . Notes on the Epistles to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, n.d. Notes on the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. 1847 Notes on the general Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude. 1848 .. .. Notes on the Gospels, n.d... Notes on the 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians and Epistle to the Galatians. n.d. Barnes {Ij.G.)Fetworth. {Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.]. 1903 Barnes (William) Life of, by Lucy Baxter [port.] . 1887 Barnett (S. A.) Life of, by W. F. Aitken (Neio century leaders) [port.]. 1902 .. Baron's sons, by ]\Iaurus J6kai Barr (A. E.) Jan Vedder's wife Barr (Robert) : Prince of good fellows Strong arm Victors ;Barras (Julius) India and tiger-hunting. 2 vol. 1885 .. Barren honour, by G. A. Lawrence Barrett (A. C.) Companion to the Greek Testament. 1873 Barrett (C. R. B.) Tours in East Anglia [illus.] . 1896 . . Barrett (E. B.), see Browning (E. B.) -Barrett (Frank) Honest Davie Barrett (T. A.), see Stuart (Leslie). Barrett (W. A.) : English church composers {Cheat musicians). 1882 Flowers and festivals [illus. J. 1868 Barrett (W. G.) Geological facts [illus.] . 1855 Barrett (Wilson) Sign of the cross . . Barrett and Barron. In old New York Barrie (J. M.) : Auld licht idylls . . Little minister Little white bird . . Margaret Ogilvy [port.] . 189G My lady Nicotine Sentimental Tommy Tommy and Grizel When a man's single Window in Thrums Biographical and critical studies of, by J. A. Hammerton [port.]. 1900 .. 14622 14710 14627 12992 12990 12993 51 270 271 272 275 276 273 277 297 274 22886 19606 18449 8716 6733 6732 6730 6781 21897 8811 10 21044 6740 18602 1193 12750 6746, 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 19G02 6752 6753 G754 6755 6756 19456 35 Bar BK IISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bat Barri^pe (Theodore), see Foreigt^ Works French. Barriers burned away, by E. P. v^qq Barrington, by Charles Lever Barron (Elwyn), see Barrett and Bari^jj Barron (Margaret), see Oliver and Barro,^ Barrow {Sir John) Voyages into the krc^i^ regions [illus.] . 1818. . Barry (Alfred) Bishop, ed. Masters in Engib^^ theology. 1877 Barry (Herbert) Ivan at home [illus.] . 187'^ Barry {Sir J. W. Wolfe-) Railway appliances l"'11us.]. 1876 '.. Bsirry {3 & and others. Lectures on painting Lrfrontis.] / 1848!! Barry (W. V.) Emotional nature of musical art. 18c-;3 . . ! ! Barry (William) : New Antigone Papal monarchy {Story of the nations) [maps, illus./. 1902 Barry Lyndon, by W. M. Thackeray Barth (Heinrich) Travels in North and Central Africa [illus.] . Ifego- Barthelemy-Saint Hilaire (Jules), see Foreign Works French. Bartholdy (Felix Mendelssohn-), see Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Bartholomaeus, Anglicns. Mediaeval lore from, ed. by Robert Steele [frontis.]. 1905 Bartholomew Fair, see London. Bartlet (J. V.) Early church history. 1897 . . Bartlett (J. R.) Explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, etc. [map, illus.] . 2 vol. 1854 Bartlett (John) Familiar quotations. 18G9 . . Bartol (C. A.) Rising faith. 1874 Bartolommeo di San Marco, Fra [Baccio della Porta] . Life of, by Ijeadet Scott {Great artists) [port., illus.]. 1892 Barttelot (E. M.) Life of, by W. G. Barttelot [port., illus.] Baseball, see Sport and Pastime. Bashkirtseff (M.C.): " [illus.]. 1901 .. 2 vol. 1890 Life of, by R. T. Smith {Fathers Jor 1879 .. 9856 8853, ^54 23205 660 21747 14921 14535 16109' 6760' 20496 10376- 22497 .128690 i-916- 22521\ 1813 825. 18683- 19485. Further memoirs of. Journal of, [port.] . Basil, Saint, the Great. English readers). Basil, by Wilkio Collins Basil Lyndhurst, by R. N. Carey . . Bassett (James) Persia : land of the Imams [map] . 1887 Bastable (C. F.) : International trade. 1903 .. .. Public finance. 1903 Bastian (H. C.) Brain as an organ of mind {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] Bastiat (Frederic) Political economy, n.d. .. Bastille, see France History. Basu (K. P.) Mathematical companion. 1887 [Bateman (Josiah)j Clerical reminiscences. 1880 Bates (E. K.) Kaleidoscope: scenes from east to west. 1889 Bates (Elisha) Doctrines of Friends. 1829 Bates (H. W.) Naturalist on tbe River Bates (K. L.) American literature [illus. J . Bates (William) !\laclise portrait-gallery characters [ports.]. 1883 Bath (W. H.): British birds : their nests and eggs Handbook of ants, etc. {young collector) [ilfus.]. 1888 Bath, sec Somersetshire, Biograjihy Collective, awZ Health Resorts. Bath comedy, by Agnes and Egerton Castle . . Bathing, sec Health and Hygiene. Amazons [map, 1898 of illustrious illus.J literary [Young collector) [illus.] 19137 19489 909 7345, 7346 7243. 22157 13932' 13911 13475 13953 12989 20075. 23171 506 12318- 16556 18879- 12518 12630- 7285.. 86 Sat CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bay Bathurst (James) : Atomic- consciousness. , 1892 . . . . . . 14467 Atomic-consciousness reviewed. 1902 . . . . . . 144.39 Battersby (C. F. Harford-) Pilkington of Uganda [port., map] 19691 Battle of the strong, by Sir Gilbert Parter . . . . . . 9535 Battles : Allen (Joseph) Battles of the British navy [illus.] 2 vol. 20992 Creasy (Sir E. S.) Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 1901 21003 Contents : Marathon. Syracuse. Arbela. Metaurus. Victory ofj Arminius over tlae Roman legions under Varus. Chalons. Tom-s. Hastings. Orleans. Spanish Armada. Blenheim. Pultowa. , Saratoga. Valmy. Waterloo. Eaton (0. A.) Waterloo days. 1888 . . . . . .- 20970 Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag [illas.] . 1898 . . 20988 Gleig (G. K.) Battle of Waterloo [plan] . 1892 . . . . 209C9 Grant (James) British battles [illus.] . 4 vol. 1899 . . 21000 Low (C. R.) Great battles of the British army [illus.] . . . 20959 Great battles of the British navy [illus.] . 1895 . . 20982 ]\IacFarlane (Charles) Great battles of the British army [illus.]. 1854. .. .. .. ... 20961 Malleson (G. B.) Decisive battles of India, 1746-1849 [port., maps]. 1888 .. .. .. .. .. 20958 See also Africa South, Army and Navy, and History General. Batts (H.J.) Pretoria from within during the War, 1899-1900 [illus.] 22364 Batty (John) Spirit and influence of chivalry. 1890 . . . . 17113 Battye (A. B. R. Trevor-) Northern highway of the Tsar [port., map, illus.] . 1898 .. .. .. .. 21738 Bauer (Karoline) : Caroline Bauer and the Coburgs, od. by Charles Nisbet [port.] . 1887 . . . . . . . . . . 19241 ' Posthumous memoirs of, 2 vol. 1884 . . . . 19882 Bauerman (Hilary) : Descriptive mineralogy [illus.] . 1884 . . . . . . 13390 ^Metallurgy of iron [illus.] . 1868 . . . . . . 15513 Systematic mineralogy [illus.]. 1881 .. .. .. 13391 Baughan (Rosa) Handbook of palmistry [illus.] . 1895 .. .. 14474 Baur (Ferdinand) Philological introduction to Greek and Latin 13671 Bax (E. B.) : Ethics of socialism, n.d. .. .. .. .. 13712 Jean-Paul Marat : the people's friend [port., illus.]. 1900.. 21373 Religion of socialism, n.d... .. .. .. 1.3754 Baxter (Dudley) : Cardinal Pole : a memoir. 1901 . . . . . . 19739 England's cardinals [frontis.]. 1903 .. .. .. 18854 Baxter (L. E.), see Scott (Leader). Baxter (W. E.) : Tagus and the Tiber. 2 vol. 1852 .. .. .. 23146 Winter in India [map, illus.]. 1883.. .. .. 21895 Bayard, Lo Chevalier. Story of, ed. by Edward Walford. 1869 . . 19586 Bayard from Bengal, by F. An stey .. .. ... 6665 Baylee (J. T.) History of the Sabbath. 1857 . . . . . . 663 Bayley (Jonathan) Great truths on great subjects. 1877 . . 511 Bayly (A. E.), see Lyall (Edna). Bayne (Peter) : Men worthy to lead. 1890 . . . . ' . . . . 18808 Testimony of Christ to Christianity. 1862 . . . . 770 Two great Englishwomen (Mrs. Browning a7id Charlotte Bronte). 1881.. .. .. ,. .. 16569 37 Bay BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bea Bayne (William) Sir David Wilkie (Makers of British art) [port., illus.]. 1903 .. Baynes (R. H.) ed. Lyra Anglicana, 1862 Bazin (Rene) Italians of to-day. n.d. Beaconsfield, Earl of : Alroy . . Coningsby Contarini Fleming and Rise of Iskander Endymion Henrietta Temple Lothair Sybil .. Tancred Venetia Vivian Grey Young duke and Count Alarcos Biography of, [port.] . n.d. Biography of, by T. P. O'Connor. 1879 Disraeli in outline, by F. C. Brewster. 1890 Life of, byH. E. Gorst (Victorian era ser.). 1900 Lord Beaconsfield, by J. A. Proude (Prime ministers of Queen Victoria) [port.]. 1890 .. Memorials of, [port.] . 1881 Public opinion and Lord Beaconsfield, 1875-80, by G. C Thompson. 2 vol. 1886 Selected speeches of , [port.]. 2 vol. 1882 Study of, by G. M. C. Brandes. 1880 . . See also Government. Beale (L. S.) : Bioplasm [illus.] . 1872 How to work with the microscope [illus.] . 1880.. Machinery of life. 1875 Beaman (A. G. Hulme-) : M. Stambuloff (PwfcZic ie o/fo-(Za7/) [port.] . 1895 Twenty years in the near East [port.] . 1898 Bear (W. E.) British farmer and his competitors. 1888 Beard (Charles) Soul's way to God, etc. 1879 Bearne (Catherine) Lives and times of the early Valois queens [illus.] . 1899 . . Beatrice, by H. R. Haggard Beatrice Cenci, by F. D. Guerrazzi Beatrice of Venice, by Max Pemborton Beatrix Randolph, by Julian Hawthorne Beattie (James) Poetical works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer Beattie (William) Castles and abbeys of England [port., illus.]. 2 vol. N.D. Beau Nash, by W. H. Ainsworth . . Beauchamp, by G. P. R. James . . Beauchamp's career, by George INIeredith Beaufort, Duke of. Driving (Badminton library) [port., illus.] Beaufort and Morris. Hunting (Badminton library) [illus.] . . Beaugrand (Charles) Walks abroad of two young naturalists. [illus. J. N.D. . . Beaumont (Roberts) Woollen and worsted cloth manufacture [illus.]*. 1890 Beaumont and Fletcher : Finest scenes, lyrics, etc., of, by Leigh Hunt. 1855 Plays of, (Mermaid ser.) [ports.] . 2 vol. 1887 ... 18636 1075 21605 7667 7668 7669 7670' 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 19276 19630 19548 18625- 18721 19566 20927 20366 19509 12359* 13191 12340. 18354 23226 1.3946 133 21398 8241, 8242 820a 9600 8388 1697 21256 6614 8641 9256 14293 14297 12262: 15481 1876 2276- 38 Bea CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bee 1884 1880 1874 Beautiful wretch, by William Black Beauty and the beast, by Sarah Tytler Beavan (A. H.) Jam^s and Horace Smith [port.]. 1899 Beaver (Philip) Life and services of, by W. H. Smyth. 1829 Beazley (0. R.) John and Sebastian Cabot [port., maps]. 1898 .. Beche {Sir H. T. de la) : Geological observer [illus.] . 1851 Geology [illus.]. 1836 Bechstein (Ludwig), see Foreign Works German. Bechuanaland, see Missions and Missionaries, and Sport and Pastime. Beck (William) George Fox and his times. 1877 Becke (G. L.) : By rock and pool . . . . . . . . Edward Barry Jalasco brig, etc. . . Wild life in southern seas. 1897 Becke and JefFery : Admiral Phillip {Builders of greater Britain) [port., illus.] Tapu of Banderah . . Becker (B. H.) Holiday haunts [frontis.] Becket (Thomas a), see Thomas 4 Becket. Beckett (Edmund) Lord Grimthorpe : Building : civil and ecclesiastical. Clocks, watches, and bells [illus.] . Beckford (William) Vathek : an Arabian tale [illus.] . 1868 Beckford family, see Genealogy. Beckmann (Johann) History of inventions [ports.] . 2 vol. 1846 . . Becky, by Helen Mathers Bede, The Vetierable: Ecclesiastical history of England and Anglo-Saxon chronicle [map]. 1847 .. Life of, by G. F. Browne {Fathers for English readers) Bede (Cuthbert) [Edward Bradley] Humour, wit, and satire [illus.] Bedford, Duke of. Great agricultural estate [Woburn and Thorney]. 1897' Bedford (Paul) Recollections of, [port.] . 1864 Bedfordshire : Smith (W. G.) Dunstable {Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.]. 1904 .. Bee-farming, see Agriculture Dairy, poultry, bees. Beech (Franklin) Dyeing of cotton fabrics [illus.] . 1901 Beecher (H. W.) Life of, by J. T. Lloyd. 1887 Beer (W.), see Lowry (H. D.) and others. Bees, see Insects. Beesly (A. H.) : Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla {Epochs of ancient history) [maps] Sir John Franklin {Neiv Plutarch) [map] . 1881 . . Beesly (E. S.) Queen Elizabeth {Twelve English statesvicn). 1892 . . Beethoven (Ludwig von) : Life of, by H. A. Rudall {Great musicians). 1890. . Memoir of, by Elliott Graeme [port.] . 1876 Beetles, see Insects. Beeton's All about gardening [illus.] . n.d. . . Beeton's Book of burlesques, by W. Brough and F. C. Burnand [illus.]. N.D. . . Beeton's Book of home pets [illus. by H. Weir] . n.d. . . Beeton's Book of household management [illus.] . 1880 6878, 6879 10646 19466 19195 18702 12815 12730 18994 6762 6763 6764 22704 18703 6765 21066 15610 15445 17305 i 15296 9173 893 914 16979 15145 20220 22870 15362 19612 20257 18314 18446 18601 19915 15217 1891 12477 15023 89 Bee BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bel Beeton's Book of needlework [illus.] . 1870 . . . . 15051 Beeton's Complete orator and public speaker, n.o. . . . . 16964 Beeton's Dictionary of commerce. 1873 . . . . . . 13600 Beeton's Law book. n.d. .. .. ..' .. 14000 Beeton's Ready reckoner, n.d. . . . . . , . . 12964 Beever (John) Practical fly-fishing. 1893 . . . . . . 14188 BeeYer(W. H.) Successful farming. 1871 .. .. .. 15109 Before Tilsit, by Count L. N. Tolstoi . . . . . . , 10454 Begbie (Harold) Story of Baden-Powell [port., illus.]. 1900 .. ' 19600 Beginner, by Rhoda Broughton . . . . . . . . 7147 Beke (C. T.) British captives in Abyssinia [frontis., map]. 1867 .. 22397 Beleaguered city, by M. O. Oliphant . . . . , . 9476 Belgium : Allen (C. G. B.) Cities of Belgium {Historical guides). 1897 . . 22996 Baedeker (Karl) Belgium and Holland . . . . . . 22993 Fitzgerald (P. H.) Day's tour [illus.] . 1887 . . . . 21436 Macquoid (K. S.) In the Ardennes [illus.] . 1881 . . . . 21798 See also Europe, and Holland. Belinda, by Rhoda Broughton . . . . . . . . 7145 Belisarius .. .. .. .. .. .. 8803 Bell (A. M.) Science of speech. 1897 .. .. .. 16943 Bell (Acton), see Bronte (Anne). Bell (Andrew) Historical sketches of feudalism. 1852 . . . . 20550 Bell (Mrs. Arthur), see D'Anvers (N.). Bell {Sir Charles) Expression as connected with the fine arts [illus.] 145v5 Bell (Currer). see Bronte (Charlotte). Bell fD. C.) : Historic persons buried in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London [illus.] . 1877 . . 21111 Modern reader and speaker. 1888 . . . . . . 16939 Bell (Ellis), see Bronte (Emily). Bell (Ernest) ed. Handbook of athletic sports [illus.] . 4 vol. , . 14247-52 Bell (SiV I. L.) Manufacture of iron and steel [illus.]. 1884 .. 15510 Bell (N. R. E.), see D'Anvers (N.). Bell (R. S. W.), see Coates and Bell. Bell (Robert) : Ballads and songs of the peasantry of England, n.d Early ballads, etc. 1877 Life of George Canning. 1846 Bell of St. Paul's, by Sir Walter Besant Bellamy (Edward) : Duke of Stockbridgc Equality Looking back Bellecius (Aloysius) Solid virtue. 1882 Belles and ringers, by Hawley Smart Bellingham (H. B. G.) Ups and downs of Spanish travel. 1883 Belloc (B. R. Parkes-):- In a walled garden [Essays] . 1895 La Belle France [illus.]. Belloc (Hilaire) : Danton : a study [port.] . Paris [maps, frontis. j . 18G8 1899 1900 Bells: 1888 Briscoe (J. P.) Curiosities of the belfry [illus.], Sec also Electricity, and Watches and Clocks. Belsham (Thomas) Memoirs of Theophilus Lindscy [port.]. Belton estate, by Anthony Trollope ., 2101 1729 19243 G8C7, 6808 G770 6771 6772 1418 10162 21551 16709 21323 21423 21317 17309 1873 19971 10499 40 JBem CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Ber Bemrose (William) Fret-cutting and perforated carving [illus.] . n.d. 14624 Beneath the Yeil, by Adeline Sergeant . . * . . . . 10090 Beneden (P. J. van) Animal parasites {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.]. 1876.. 13465 Benedict, Saint. Rule of, 1886 . . . . . . . . 106B Benedict {Sir Julius) \Neher: (Great musicians). 1881 .. .. 18606 Benefactress, The, . . . . . . . . . . 6775 Bengal, see India. Benham (William) : Catharine and Crauf urd Tait : a memoir [ports.] . 1879 . . 20024 Winchester {Diocesan histories) [map] . 1884 . . . . 842 Benjamin (S. G. W.) Persia {Story of the nations) [map, illus.] 20455 [Bennett (A. R.)] Einsiedeln ; or, our Lady of the hermits [illus.] 1048 Bennett (0. H.) ilkts., see Wills (W. H.). Bennett (E. A.) : Fame and fiction. 1901 .. .. .. .. 16845 Journalism for women. 1898 .. .. .. 1692.3 Bennett (E. N.) With Methuen's column on an ambulance train 22345 Bennett-Edwards, see Edwards {M^s. H. Bennett-). Benson (A. C.) : Alfred Tennyson [port., illus.]. 1904 .. .. 19113 'E.d-wavd Fitzgex&ld {English me7i of letters) . 1905.. .. 18515 Lyrics. 1895 .. .. .. .. .. 2000 Hossetti (English men of letters) . 1904 .. .. 18520 William Laud : a study [port.] . 1887.. .. .. 20136 Benson (E. F.) : Image in the sand . . . . . . .'. 6776 Scai-let and hyssop . . . . . . . . 6777 Benson a)id Miles. Daily training [illus.] . 1902 . . . . 14158 Benson (E. W.) Archbishop: Fishers of men. 1893 . . . . . . . . 1037 Life-work of, by J. A. Carr [port.]. 1898 .. .. 20122, Benson (J. W.) Time and time-tellers [illus.]. 1902 .. .. 15449 Benson (H. B.) efZ. Life of Bernard Gilpin [port. ]-. 1874 .. 19076 Benson (William) IManual of the science of colour [illus.]. 1871 .. 13101 Bent (J. T.) Ruined cities of Mashonaland [port., map, illus.] 14770 .Bentham (George) British flora [illus.] . 2 vol. 1865.. .. 12710 Bentham (Jeremy) Articles collected from reviews, etc., on, Bentinck's tutor, [by James Payn] . . . . . . 9551 Bentley (Richard) Life of, by R. C. Jebb (EnglisJi men of letters) 18468 Bentley (Robert) Manual of botany [illus.]. 1870 .. " ,. 12647 Benzon (Ernest) How I lost 250,000 in two years [port.]. 1890 .. 17328 Beppo, the conscript, by T. A. Trollope . . . . . . 10566 Bequeathed, by B. J. Whitby . . . . . . . . 10958 Beranger (P. J. de) : Memoirs of, [port.]. 1858.. .. .. .. 19508 Songs of, trans, by VV. Toynbec. n.d. . . . . . . 2208 Beresford (William) Lichfield (Diocesan histories) [map] . . 834 Berington (Joseph) Literary history of the Middle Ages [frontis.] 10464 Berkeley (G. C. G. F.) : English sportsman in the western prairies [illus.]. 1861 .. 22520 Fact against fiction. 2 vol. 1874 .. .. .. 12536 Berkeley (George) Bishop. Life of, by A. C. Eraser (Philosophical classics). 1903 .. .. .. .. 18318 Berkeley, see Gloucestershire. Berkshire, see England Topography, Travel. Berlepsch aufZ Kohl. Switzerland and southern Germany. 1875 .. 22991 Berlioz (Hector) : Autobiography of, 2 vol. 1884 .. .. .. 20127 See also ]\Iusic. 41 Ber BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Be Berna Boyle, by C. E. L. Riddell , . . . . . . . 9749 Bernard, Saint. Life and times of, by J. A. C. Morison. 1868 . . 19603 Bernard ( ) From world to cloister. 1888 . . , . . , 1062 Bernard (Mrs. Bayle) Our common fruits [illus.]. 1866 .. 1&134 Bernard (Charles de), see Foreign Works French. Bernard (Claude), Life of, by M. Foster (Masters of medicine) [port.] 18718 Bernard Marsh, by G. P. R. James . . . . , . 8642 Bernardone (Francis), see Francis of Assisi, Saint. Bernhardt (Sarah) Life of, by Jules Huret [illus.] . 1899 . . 19049- Bernstein (Julius) Five senses of man (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1876 13467 Berry (Arthur) Short history of astronomy [illus.] . 1898 . . 13021 Bertrams, by Anthony Trollope . . . . . . . . 10500 ' Berzelius (J. J.) Baron. Blowpipe in chemistry and mineralogy [illus.] . 1845 . . . . , , . . . . 13293 Besant (Annie) : Death and after ? 1893 .. .. ., .. 14416 Reincarnation. 1892 .. .. .. .. 14415 Seven principles of man . 1892 .. .. .. 14414 Besant (Sir Walter) : Alabaster box .. .. .. .. ..6781,6782 All in a garden fair . . . . . . . . 6802 All sorts and conditions of men . . . . . . 6791, 6803 Armorel of Lyonesse . . . . . . . . 6789, 6805 As we are and as we may be. 1903 .. .. .. 13785 Bell of St. Paul's. . . . . . . . . . 6807, 6808 Beyond the dreams of avarice . . . . . . 6787, 6788 Captain Cook (English men of action) [port.] . 1890 . . 1S369 Captain's room, etc. .. .. . . .. 6795, 6796 Changeling .. .. .. .. ..6793,6794 Children of Gibeon . . . . , . . .6811, 11690 Demoniac . . . . . . . . . , 6779, 6780 Dorothy Forster . . .. ., .. ..6785,6786 Eulogy of Richard Jeffeties [port.] . 1888 . . . . 19639 Fifty years ago [illus.]. 1892 .. .. .. 20702 Five years' tryst, etc. .. .. . . . . 6783 For faith and freedom . . . . . . . . 6797, 6798 Fountain sealed .. .. .. .. ..6799,6800 Fourth generation . . . . . . . . 6815, 6816 Gaspard de Coligny [port.] . 1879 . . . . . . 18570 Herr Paulus . . . . . . . . . , 6829^ In deacon's orders, etc. . . .. . . . . 6817, 6818 Ivory gate . . . . . . . . . . 6830 Katharine Regina .. .. .. ..6834,6835 Lady of Lynn . . . . . . . . . . 6813, 6814 Life, e^c, of Edward Henry Palmer [port.]. 1838 .. 19338 Master craftsman . . . . . . . . 6825 No other way . . . . . . . . . . 6819, 6820 Orange girl . . . . . . . . . . 6821, 6822 Pen and the book. 1899 . . . . . . . . 16405 H&hel&is (Foreig7i classics) . 1879 .. .. .. 17379 Readings in Rabelais. 1883 .. .. .. 17487 Rebel queen . . . . . . . . . . 0827, 6828 Revolt of man . . . . . . . . . . 6823, 6824 Hise oi the ermpire (StorTj of the empire). If 97 .. .. 20297 To call her mine . . . . . . , . . . 6809, 6810 Uncle Jack, e 114 io Bib BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bib Bible and Bible Illustration {co7itimied) : J3ible Illustration (continuea) : Edgar (Andrew) Bibles of England. 1889 . . . . 182 Farrar, Dean. Solomon : his life and times, n.d. . . 88 Fulke (William) Defence of translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue. 1843 . . . . . . 185 Fuller (Thomas) Pisgah sight of Palestine [maps, illus.] 129 Geikie (J. C.) Hours with the Bible [illus.] . 4 vol. 1881-2 . . 93 Gershom. Antitypical parrallels [maps, illus.] . 1866 . . 237 Gloag (P. J.) Introduction to the Catholic Epistles. 1887 . . 186 Godwin (J. H.) Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Romans. 1873 44 Gou]hurn, Dean. Child Samuel. 1876 .. .. 99 Gray (J. C.) Biblical museum. 5 vol. 1873-82 .. .. 78 Vol. 1. Gospels according to Matthew and Mark. 2. Gospels according to St. Luke and St. John. 3. Acta of the Apostles and Romans. 4. Epistles, Corinthians to Philemon. 5. Epistles to Hebrews to end of New Testament. Gray ajtd Percy. Key to the Holy Bible. 1841 . . . . 212 Greek Testament studies. 1870 . . . . . . 217 Gregory, Saint. Morals of the Book of Job. 4 vol. 1844-50. 214 Gregory (E. I.) Old Testament, n.d. .. .. .. 15 Guthrie (John) Heroes of faith. 1878., .. ., 85 Guthrie (Thomas) Gospel in Ezekiel [frontis.] 1874 , . 54 ' Parables read in the light of the present day. 1874 182 Hanna a?id Norris. Patriarchs [map], n.d. ,. .. 96 CONTENTS: Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. Joseph,. Moses. Harmony of the Gospels. 1836 . . ' . . . . 46 Helps to the study of the Bible [maps, illus.] . n.d. . . 2G0 Hessey (J. A.) ]\Ioral difficulties connected with the Bible 62 Higginson (Edward) Spirit of the Bible. 2 vol. 1863 . . 197 Home (T. H.) Study of the Bible [maps, illus.] . 1868 . . 40 H[orsburgh] (M[atilda]) Cottage readings. 1869 .. 14 Howson, D-ian. Companions of St. Paul. 1871,. .. 97 Metaphors of St. Paul. 1868 .. ., 94 Hutton (Thomas) Consummation. 1860 .. .. 115 Inglis (James) Bible text cyclopedia. 1860 . . . . 222 Jacox (Francis) Scripture proverbs. 1874 . . . . 221 Traits of character, etc. 1873., ., ,. 128 Jahn (John) Biblical antiquities, eic. [map, illus.]. 1832 .. 240 Keil (C. F.) Biblical archaeology [maps, illus.]. 2vol. 247 Keith (.Alexander) Truth of the Christian religion [illus.] 37 Kinns (Samuel) ]Moses and geology [illus.]. 1882,, .. 12797 Kitto (John) Daily Bible illustrations [frontis.]. 8 vol. 1854 2 Vol. 1. Antediluvians and patriarchs. 2. Moses and the Judees. 3. Samuel. Saul, and David. 4. Solomon and the Kings. 5. Job and the poetical books. 6. Isaiah and the Prophets. 7. Life and death of our Lord. 8. Apostles and early Church. Scripture lands [maps] . 1850 . . . . 39 Leathcs (Stanley) Structure of the Old Testament. 1873 . . 1 Lee (Samuel) Visions of Daniel and St. John. 1851 . . 187 Ley (W. H.) Scripture studies. 1872 . . . . . . 55 Lightfoot, Bishop. Fresh revision of the English New Testa- ment. 1871 . . . . , . , 77 Locke (John) Understanding of St. Paul's Epistles. 1810 , . 327 Lovett (Richard) Printed English Bible, 1525-1885 [illus.] 9 46 Bib CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bib Bible and Bible Illustration {continued) : Bible Illustration (continued) : McCaul (Alexander) Examination of Bp. Colenso's difficulties with regard to the Pentateuch. 1863 MacDuff (J. R.) Memories of Gennesaret [frontis.] . 1875 Prophet of fire ; or, life and times of Elijah [frontis.] . 1872 . . M'Farlane (John) Mountains of the Bible [frontis.] . 1881 Maclear (G. F.) Old Testament history [map] . 1874 Macmillan (Hugh) Bible teachings in nature. 1874 Magooa- (E. L.) Proverbs for the people. 1849 Manasseh ben Israel. Conciliator : reconcilement of the apparent contradictions in Holy Scripture [port.] . 2 vol March (Daniel) Night unto night [frontis.] . 1870 Mathews (J. M.) Bible and men of learning [port.] . 1859 Maurice (J. P. D.) Epistles of St. John : lectures on Christian ethics. 1881 Lectures on the Apocalypse. 1861 Milligan (William) Elijah : his life and times, n.d. Monsell (J. S. B.) Beatitudes. 1866 . . Morton and Hankey. Addresses and stories for mothers meetings. 1883.. Mozley (J. B.) Lectures on miracles. 1872 Nevin (J. A.) Biblical antiquities [frontis.] . n.d. Newton, Bishop. Dissertations on the prophecies. 1846 Nicholls (B. E.) Help to the reading of the Bible [maps] . n.d _ Nicholson (E. W. B.) Gospel according to the Hebrews. 1879 * Norris (J. P.) Key to the Acts of the Apostles. .1872 Our English Bible, n.d. Paget (P. E.) Faith and patience (Hebrews XI and XH). 1875 Paley (William) Horse Paulinse ; or, truth of the scripture history of St. Paul. 1816 Pearse (M. G.) Moses : his life and its lessons. 1894 Pulliblank (Joseph) Teacher's handbook of the Bible. 1879 Pusey (E. B.) Daniel the prophet. 1869 Bawlinson (George) Historical illustrations of the Old Testa ment. 1883 Moses : his life and times. 1887 Renan (J. E.) Book of Job. n.d. Gospels. 1865 RendeJl (E. D.) Peculiarities of the Bible. 1853 . . Postdiluvian history, from the Flood to the call of Abram. 1855 Roberts (Robert) Lectures on the teaching of the Bible. 1869 Robertson (P. W.) Notes on Genesis. 1877 Robinson ^ William) Expositions of the Book of Revelation Rogers (Henry) Superhuman origin of the Bible. 1874 Smith (Brooke) Reviews and essays. 1868 Smith (G. V.) Bible and popular theology. 1871 . . Smith (James) Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul [maps, illus.J. 1856 .. ., Smith (W. R.) Old Testament in the Jewish Church. 1881 Smith (W. S.) Lessons on Genesis, n.d. Spurgeon (C. H.) Commenting and commentaries. 1876 Our Lord's parables. 1894 .. Stanley, Dean. Scripture portraits, etc. 1870 Sinai and Palestine [maps, illus.] . 1856 Stier (Rudolf) Words of the angels. 1867 Stoughton (John) Our English Bible [illus.]. n.d. 47 Bib BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. BilK Bible and Bible Illustration (contintied) : Bible Illustration (contiinied) : Stowe (C. E.) Origin and history of Books of New Testament 124 Strutt (Joseph) Common-place book. 1814 . . . . 82" ^ Sumner, Archbishop. Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles. 1838 .. .. .. .. 194 Exposition of the Gospel according to St. John 193 Exposition of the Gospel of St. Luke. 1833 . . 192 Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark. 1834 ,. .. .. .. 191 Taylor (W. M.) Elijah the prophet. 1878 .. . .' 121 Thom (Adam) Emmanuel : germ and outcome of scriptural alphabets. 1885 .. .. ., .. 188 Thomson (VV. M.) Land and the Book fillus.] . 1867 . . 261 Thrupp (J. F.) Study, etc., of the Psalms. 2 vol. 1879 . . 442. Tolstoi, Count. Four Gospels harmonised and translated. Part I. 1895 . . , . . . . . . . 164 Trench, Archbislwp. Exposition of the sermon on the mount 57 Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 1858 . . 219 Notes on the parables of our Lord. 1857 . . 210 Tristram (H. B.) Seven golden candlesticks [illus.] . . 245. Urquhart (John) New Biblical guide. 6 vol. [illus.] . . ,147 Val d' Eremao (J. P.) Serpent of Eden (Genesis III). 1888 165- Vaughan, Dean. Lectures on the Revelation of St. John. 2 vol. 1875 . . . . . . . . , . 3 Walsh, Bishop. Echoes of Bible history [illus.] . 1886 . . 16& Wemyss (Thomas) Key to symbolical language of Scripture 58- ' Westcott, Bis//02J. History of the canon of the New Testament 111 History of the English Bible. 1868 . . . . 161 Wheeler (C. B.) Our Master's footsteps. 1883 ., -.. "162 Wilberforce, Bishoiy. Heroes of Hebrew history. 1875 . . 133 Winter (C. T.) New Testament, n.d. .. .. .. 16- Wood (Sir W. P.) Continuity of Scripture. 1868 . . . . 151 Bible and Bible Illustration : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Archseology, ancf Geography. Bibliography, see Books. Bickerdyke (John) [C. H. Cook] : Book of the all-round angler [illus.] . 1888 . . . . 14331 Sea fishing [Badminton libirinj) [illus.] . 1895 . . . . 14303 Bickersteth (E. H.) Bishop. Shadowed home, and light beyond 1421 Bickersteth (Edward) cd. Advantages of the Sabbath to the labouring classes. 1849 .. .. .. .. .. 1370(> Bickerton (A. W.) Romance of the heavens [illus.]. 1901 .. 13020- Bickley (A. C.) George Fox and the early Quakers. 1884 . . 19803 Bid for fortune, by Guy Boothby . . .. .. .. 6972 Biddell (Herman) a)ul otJwrs. Heavy horses: breeds and manage- ment {Live stock handbooks) [illus.] . 1896 . . . . 15178' Biddle (T. E.) Amateur yacht designing [illus.]. 1883.. .. 15286 Biddulph (J.) Stringer Lawrence [port., illus.]. 1901.. .. 20204 Biden (W. D'.) Practical rules for valuers. 1862 .. .. 12968 Bigg (F. B.) Nucleus of the new Reformation. 1901 .. .. 344 Bijou, by Gyp . . . . . . . . . . 8212 Billiards, see Sport and Pastime. Billing (.\rchibald) Gems, jewels, etc., ancient and modern [illus. J 13614 Wmet end Fere. Animal magnetism (2n/. sci. se?-.). 1887 .. 13506^ Bingham (D. A.) : Bastille, The, .[illus. \ 2 vol. 1888 .. ., .. 21445 Letters and despatches of the first Napoleon. 3 vol. 1884 . . 21442: 48 Bin BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bia Binney (Thomas) : Is it possible to make the best of both worlds? 1853 St. Paul : his life and ministry [map] . 1866 Sermons, ed. by H. AUon [port.] . 1875 Sir T. P. Buxton : a study for young men. 1871 Biography Collective : Anderson (James) Ladies of the covenant [illus.] . 1850 Ashton (John) Eighteenth century waifs. 1887 . . CONTENTS: A forgotten fanatic [Roderick of St. Kilda]. George Barrington. Eugene Aram. G-. E. Fitzgerald. John Walter. Jonas Hanway. Alessandro Cagliostro, etc. Bagehot (Walter) Biographical studies. 1895 Baillie (John) Life studies [illus.] . 1857 CONTENTS: Bunyan. TeiBteegen. Montgomery. Perthes. Mrs. "Winslow. Bell (D. C.) Historic persons buried in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London [illus.] . 1877 Bulwer (Sir W. H. L. E.) Historical characters. 1876 CONTENTS: Mackintosh. Canning. Talleyrand. Cobbett. Peel. Burke (Sir J. B.) Family romance : annals of the aristocracy, 2 vol. 1854 . . Carlyle (Thomas) Montaigne, and other essays [port.]. 1897 Clark (J. W.) Old friends at Cambridge and elsewhere. 1900 [Cochrane (Robert)] Eminent philanthropists, patriots, etc. [frontis.]. 1879 CONTENTS: Martin Luther. John Howard. Helen "Walker. Frederich Perthes. Sarah Martin. Earl of Shaftesbury. Great achievements of military men, statesmen, etc. [frontis.]. 1879.. ,. .. ,. Notable men and women [frontis.] . 1879 CONTENTS: Lady Grizell Baillie. Grizel Cochrane. Thomas De Quincey. Sir Henry Havelock. Thomas Carlyle. T. B. Macaulay. Craik (G. L.) Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties [ports.] Curwen (Henry) History of booksellers [illus.] . 1873 Cust {Sir Edward) Warriors of the civil wars of France and England. 2 vol. 1867 .. Vol. 1. Henri de la T9ur d'Auvergne. Louis II. Charles I of Great Britain. Robert Devereux. 2. Prince Rupert. Sir Thomas Fairfax. Marquis of Mont- rose. Oliver Cromwell. Robert Bertie. Alexander Leslie. Sir David Lesley. Sir William Waller. Doran (John) Monarchs retired from business [frontis.]. 2vol. Emerson (R. W.) Representative men. 1873 CONTENTS: Plato. Swedenborg. Montaigne. Shakespeare. Napoleon. Goethe. Escott (T. H. S.) Personal forces of the period. 1898 Ewart (H. C.) ed. Leaders upward and onward [illus.]. CONTENTS: Charles Kingsley. Dean Stanley. F. D. Maurice. Archbishop Tait. Bishop Eraser. Dr. Arnold. Edward Irving. Norman Macleod. Thomas Guthrie. Principal Tulloeh. John Curwen. Friswell (J. H.) Footsteps to fame [illus.] . 1881. . Griffith (G. C.) Men who have made the empire [illus.]. 1897 CONTENTS: William the Norman. Edward of the long legs. Queen's little pirate [Sir Francis Drake]. OHver Cromwell. William of Orange. James Cook. Lord Clive. Warren Hastings. Nelson. Wellington. " Chinese Gordon." Cecil Rhodes. Hall (S. C.) Memories of great men and women of the age [illup.]. 1871.. [Hardy (E. J.)] Love affairs of some famous men. 1897 .. 49 1368 1448 1202 18974 18972- 20186 1978a 18855 21111 18912 20014 18927 18907 1880^ 18837 18845 18965 16844 18942 20023 18787 20208- 18846 1883S 1939T 18931 18841 D Bio CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bio Biography Collective (contmued) : Hare (A. J. C.) Biographical sketches [illus.]. 1895 .. 18833 CONTENTS: A. P. Stanley. Henry Alford. Mrs. Duncan Stewart, etc. Hayward (Abraham) Eminent statesmen and writers, etc. 2 vol. 1880 .. .. .. .. .. 18936 Vol. 1. Thiers. Prince Bismarck. Count Cavour. Prince Met- ternich. Charles, Comte de Montalembert. Lord Melbourne, ^arquess Wellesley. ,, 2. Madame de Sevigne. Saint-Simon. Madame du Def- fand. Holland House. Strawberry Hill. Byron and Tennyson. Republic of Venice. Here and there memories. 1896 . . . . . . 18750 Historical and literary celebrities [illus.]. 1869 .. 18940 Houstoun (M. C.) A woman's memories of world-known men 18869 How (Harry) Illustrated interviews. 1893 .. .. 19876 Japp (A. H.) Golden lives [ports.]. 1873 .. .. 18816 CONTENTS: Faraday. Edward Denison. "Walter Powell. George Cotton. Thomas Brassey. William Burns. Hugh Miller. Agnes Jones. Frederick Perthes. John Kble. Labour and victory [frontis.]. n.d. .. .. 18852 CONTENTS: ; Sir James Outram. Bishop Selwyn. Thomas Edward. Sir Titus Salt. Thomas Davidson. William Ellis. Sir James Simpson. Friedrich Albrecht Augusti. King (Alice) Cluster of lives. 1874 . . . . . . 20015 CONTENTS: Vittoria Colonna. Madame Recamier. A daugh- ter of the Stuarts [Princess Henrietta]. Dante. Madame de Sevigne. Geoffrey Chaucer. Edmund Spenser. Captain Cook's companion [James King]. Ariosto. Lucrezia Borgia. Petrarch. Cervantes. Joan of Arc. Galileo. Madame Cottin. Lamartine (Alphonse de) Memoirs of celebrated characters. 3 vol. 1858 .. .. .. .. .. 18767 Vol. 1. Nels-on. Heloiso. Christopher Columbus. Bernard de Palissy, Roostam. Marcus. Tullius Cicero. ,, 2. Milton Socrates. Jacauard. Joan of Arc. Cromwell. Homer. Gutenberg. Fenelon. 3. William Tell. Madame de Sevigne. Antar. Bossuet. Lodge (Edmund) Illustrious personages of Great Britain. [port.]. 8 vol. 1849-94 .. .. .. 1^531 Macaulay, Lcy)-d. Biographies contributed to Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18G5 .. .. .. .. 19281 CONTENTS: Francis Atterbury. John Bunyan. Oliver Gold- smith. Samuel Johnson. William Pitt. IMaccall (William) Foreign biographies. 2 vol. 187>3 .. 19225 Vol. 1. Joseph de Maistre. Samuel Vincent. Vincent de Paul. Paul Louis Courier. Vauvenargues. Abbe de Saint-Pierre. St. FrancLs of Assisi. Ulrich von Hutten. Benedict Spinoza. 2. Godfrey Wni. Leibnitz. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. Giordano Bruno. Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Alex- ander of Russia. Peter d'Aubusson. Martin Be- haim. Cardinal Alberoni. President Boyer. Francis d' Almeida. George Cadoudal. Lazarus Camot. Marrat (Jabcz) Northern liglits . . . modern Scottish wortliies [illus.]. 1885.. .. .. .. .. 18842 IMartincau (Harriet) Biographical sketches. 18G9 . . 18881 Mason (James) cd. Clreat triumphs of great men [illus. 18814 Men of history. 1866 .. .. .. .. 18771 Morlcy (Henry) Clement Marot, c Machinery of life. 1875 . . . . . . 1234G- Huxley (T, H.) Discourses: biological and geological. 1896.. 12356 Huxley and Martin. Practical biology. 1888 . . . . 12358 Jaeger (Gustav) Problems of nature. 1897 . . . . 12340 Letoyrneau (Charles) Biology [illus.] . 1890 . , . . 12339 Marshall (A. M.) Biological lectures. 1897 .. ,. 12342 Morgan (C. L.) Animal biology [illus.] . 1889 . . . . 12357 Nicholson (H. A.) Study of biology [illus.]. 1872 ., 12345 Rodway (James) In the Guiana forest : studies of nature in relation to the struggle for life [illus.] . 1895 .. .. 12343- Sutton (John Bland-) Evolution and disease {Contempc/i-ary sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1890 . . . . . . . . 1342.3- Tyson (James) Cell doctrine [illus.] . 1870 . . . , 12344 Woodhead (G. S.) Bacteria and their products {Contevipovary sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1891 . . . . . . ... 18420* Biology and Darwinism : articles collected from reviews, etc. See also Vivisection. Birch (Samuel) Egypt . . . to b.c. 300 [illus.]. 188G .. .. 22197 Birch Dene, by William Westall . . . . . . . , 10870' BiPCl (F. S.) Land of dykes and windmills (Holland). 1882 . . 21800 Bird (H. E.) Chess novelties [illus.]. 1895 .. .. .. 14272 Bird (I- L.) [I. L. Bishop] : Six months in the Sandwich Islands [illus.] . 1875 . . 22705 Unbeaten tracks in Japan [map, illus.] . 2 vol. 1880 . . 22036' Birds : Adams (H. G.) Favourite songbirds [illus.]. 1881 .. 1251(> Humming birds rillus.] . n.d. .. ., 12282' Adams (H. G. and H. B.) Smaller British birds [illus.] . 1874 12407 Atkinson (J. C.) British birds' eggs and nests [illus.] . 18G1 . . 12283' Bath (W. H.) British birds: their nests and eggs {Yoimg ' collector) [illus.] . 1888 . . . . . . . . 12517 Burroughs (John) Wake-robin. 1901 . . . . . . 12221 Carrington (Edith) Farmer and the birds. 1898 , . . . 15129 Curiosities of ornithology rillus.] . n.d. .. .. 12573 Dixon (Charles) Annals of bird life [illus.] . 1890 . . . . 12574 Birds' nests [illus.] . 1902 . . . . . . 12576 Story of the birds [frontis.] . 1900 . . . . 12575- Gordon (W. J.) Our country's birds [illus.]. n.d. .. 12513- Gosse (P. H.) British ornithology [illus.]. 1853 .. ., 12284 Greene (W. T.) Birds in my garden rillus.]. n.d. .. 12518 Johns (C. A.) British birds in their haunts [illus.] . 1879 . . 12577 Kirby (Mary and Elizabeth) Humming-birds [illus.] . 1874 . . 12215 .;Meinertzhagen and Hornby. Bird life in an Arctic spring 12519 Morant (G, F.) Game preservers and bird preservers. 1875 . . 12520- Morris (F. 0.) British birds [illus.] . 8 vol. n.d. . . 12250 Mudie (Robert) Feathered tribes of the British Islands rillus.]. 2 vol. .. .. .. .. 12552 Pike (O. G.) Hillside, rock, and dale: bird life [illus.] 12514 Ruskin (John) Love's meinie [illus.]. 1881 .. .. 12408 White (Adam) History of birds [illus.]. 1855 .. .. 12285 Witchell (C. A.) Evolution of bird-song. 1B9G .. .. 12515 See also Zoology. Birds of prey, rby M. E. Braddon] . . . . . . G991, G992- Birkbeck (A. M.) Gleanings from eastern Europe. 18-j1.. .. 20-552' Birks (T. il.) : Christian state. 1817 .. .. .. .. 7G4 Sir CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bla ^Birks (T. R.) (continued) : Exodus of Israel. 1863 . . . . . . . . 181 Modern physical fatalism and doctrine of evolution. 1876 . . 14400 fiirrell (Augustine) : Andrew Marvell (English men of letters). 1905 . . . . 18617 Biographical sketch of Sir Frank Lockwood [ports., illus.] 19168 Duties and liabilities of trustees. 1897 .. .. 13979 Essays about men, women, and books. 1894 . . . . 16797 Miscellanies. 1902 . . . . . . . . 16G4G CONTENTS: John Wesley. What happened at the Reforma- tion ? Christian evidences. Ideal of a university. Walter Bage- hot. J. A. Froude. Kobert Browning. Ts it possible to tell a good book from a bad one? House of Common. Sir Kobert Peel. Obiter dicta. 1st series. 1896 . . . . . . 16801 CONTENTS: Carlyle. Browning's poetry. Truth-hunting. Ac- tors. Rogue's memories. Via media. Falstaff. Obiter dicta. 2nd series. 1896 . . . . . . 16802 CONTENTS: Milton. Pope. Johnson. Burke. Muse of history. Charles Lamb. Emerson. OfiBce of literature. Worn-out types. Cambridge and the poets. Book-buying. Wilham R&zlitt (English men of letters). 1902. .. .. 18514 Birrell (AugiTstine) awZ o^/ters. Among my books, n.d. .. 16869 Biscuits, see Foods. Bishop (Edmund), see Gasquet and Bishop. Bishop (I. L.), see Bird (I. L.). Bismarck (0. E. L. von) Prince: Bismarck intime, [by Jules Hoche., port.]. 1890 .. 19050 Conversations with, by Heinrich von Poschinger [port.] . 1900 19604 Love-letters of, ed. by H. von Bismarck [ports.] . 2 vol. 1901 20152 Life of, by Charles Lowe [ports.]. 2 vol. 1887.. .. 21291 Life of, by J. G. L. Hesekiel [illus.] . 1870 . . . . 19191 Story of life of, by George Bullen. n.d. . . . . 194.34 Table-talk of, ed. by C. Lowe [port.] . 1895 . . . . 17060 See also Germany History. "Bit of human nature, by D, C. Murray . . . . . . 9395 Bithell (Richard) Scientific agnosticism. 1892 . . . . 14404 Bitmead (Richard) Cabinet-maker's guide [illus.] . 1901 . . 15400 Bivar (R. D. de) [The Cid] , see Spain History. Bjornson (Bjornstjerne) Absalom's hair and A painful memory . . 6862 Black (Adam) ]Memoirs of, ed by Alexander Nicholson [port.] . 1885 19307 Black (Hugh) Friendship. 1898 . . . . . . . . 16899 -Black (William) : Beautiful wretch . . . . . . . . . . 6878, 6879 Briseis .. .. .. .. .. 6888 Daughter of Heth . . . . . , . . 6910 Goldsmith (English men of letters). 1883 .. .. 18482 Green pastures and Piccadilly .. .. ..6874,0875 Highland cousins . . . . . . . . 6886 In far Lochaber . . . . . . . . . . 6884 In silk attire . . . . . . . . . . 6880, 6881 Judith Shakespeare .. .. .. ..6870,6871 Kilmeny . . . . . . . . . . 6872, 6873 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, etc. . . .. . . 6876, 6877 Macleod of Dare,. .. ,. ., ..6868,6869 ]\Iadcap Violet . . . . . . . . . . 6900, 6901 Maid of Killeena and Marriage of IMoiva Fergus , . . . 6902, 6903 New Prince Fortunatus . . . . . . . . 6912 Penance of John Logan, etc. .. .. . . 6906 63 Bla BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bla Black (William) {continued) : Princess of Thule Sabina Zembra . . Shandon bells Stand fast, Craig- Royston ! . . Strange adventures of a^house-boat Strange adventures of a pbaeton Sunrise Three feathers White heather . . White wings . . . . WildEelin Wise women of Inverness, etc. Wolfenberg Yolande Black Abbey, by May Crommelin . . Black but comely, by G. J. Whyte-Melvillo . . Black diamonds, by Maurus J6kai Black Douglas, by S. R. Crockett . . Black dwarf, etc., by Sir Walter Scott Black Forest, see Gerraany Topography, Travel. Black Heart and White Heart, etc.. by H. R. Haggard Black police, by A.J. Vogan Black poodle, etc., by F. Austey . . Black robe, by Wilkie Collins . . ' Black shadows, by G. ]\I. Fenn Black sheep, by Edmund Yates Black tulip, by Alexandre Dumas . . Black Watch, by James Grant Blackburn (Henry) Pyrenees: summer life at French places [map, illus. byG. DoreJ . 1881 Blackburne (J. H.), see Graham (P. A.). Blackie (C.) Etymological geographv. 1875 . . ... Blackie(J. S.): Lay sermons. 1881 Self-culture. 1901 Wisdom of Goethe. 188.3 . . Blackley (W. L.) : Thrift and independence. 1885 Word gossip. ISG'J Blackmore (R. D.) :^ Alice Lorraine Christowell Clara Vaughan . . Cradock Nowell . . Cripps, the carrier Dariel Erema Kit and Kitty Lorna Uoone Maid of Sker Mary Ancrlcy Perlycross Springhavcn Tales from the telling-houne Tommy IJpmorc. . Black's guides, sec names of places and England^Topography Blackstone (.Vir William) Student's Blackstone. 1858.. 6896, G897 r)89'2 6894, 6895 6908 6898, 6899- G882, 6883 6890, 6891 6904,. 6905 69'24 6916, 6917 6914, 6915. 6920 6922 6918, 6919^ 7567 9220 8716 7522 10017, 10038 8246- 10712 666> 7347 7.348 7931 11276 7746 8126- atering 21550> 13745 1282 14088 16598- 1.3720 13669 6928, 6929 6932, 6933 6934, 6935 6923, 6926 6930, 6931 6941 6936, 6937 6938, 6939 6945, 6946 6943, 6944 6955, 6956 6947, 6948 6949 6951 6953, 6954 Travel. 1399&- Bla CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Blu 1854 1888 Blackwell (Elizabeth) Scientific method in biology. 1898 Blaikie (J. A.) Elements of dynamics [illus.] . 1884 Blaikie (John) Among the Goths and Vandals. 1870 . . Blaikie (W. G.) Life of David Livingstone [port., map] . 1880 Blair (Hugh) Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres [port.] . 1823 Blair (Robert) Poetical works of Beat tie, Blair and Falconer. Blake (E. V.) ed. Arctic experiences [illus.]. 1874 Blake (John) How sailors fight [illus.] . 1901 Blake (Robert) Life of, by David Hannay (Englisli worthies). Blakeney (Robert) Boy in the Peninsular War [map] . 1899 Blakey (Robert) Angling [illus.] . 1854 Blakistbn (H. E. D.) Trinity College [Oxford] {College histories [illus.]. 1898 .. Blanc (J. J. L.) Letters on England. 2 vol. 1866-7 Blanchard (S. L.) Ganges and the Seine. 2 vol. 1862 Blanche, Lady Falaise, by J. H. Shorthouse Bland (William) Ships and boats [illus.] . 1877 Bland-Sutton, see Sutton (John Bland-). Blank page, by " Pilgrim " Blaquiere (Edward) Spanish revolution [map] . 1822 Blaserna (Pietro) Sound in its relation to music {Int. sci. sei [illus.] . 1893 . . Blashfield (E. H. and E. W.) Italian cities. 2 vol. 1901 Blatchford (Robert) God and my neighbour. 1904 Blaxland (G. C.) " Mayflower" essays (with reproduction of Capt Smith's map of New England). 1896 Bleaching, see Industries. Bleak House, by Charles Dickens . . Blessington, Countess of. Life of, by J. F. Molloy [port.] . 1897 Blew (W. C. A.) and others. Light horses: breeds and management {Live stock handbooks) [illus.] . 1894 Blight (J. T.) Week at the Land's End [map, illus.] . 1876 Blind (Alathilde) : Birds of passage [Poems] . 1896 Dramas in miniature [frontis.] . 1891 . . Geovge'Eliot {Eminent ivome7i). 1883 .. Madame Roland {Eminent socmen) . 1886 Tarantella Blind love, by Wilkie Collins Blithedale romance, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Bloch (I. S.) Is war now impossible? [maps]. 1899 Blockade of Phalsbourg, by Erckmann-Chatrian Bloom (J. H.) Pulpit oratory in the time of James I. 1831 Bloomtield (Georgina) Lady. Reininiscences of court and diplo- matic life [ports.] . 2 vol. 1883 Blouet (Paul), see O'Rell (Max). Bloundelle-Burton, see Burton (J. E. Bloundellc-). Blowpipe, sec Chemistry. Bloxam (C. L.): Chemistry: inorganic and organic [illus.]. 1872 .. Laboratory teaching [illus.] . 1879 Metals: their properties and treatment [illus.]. 1873 Bloxam (M. H.) : Companion to Gothic ecclesiastical architecture : account of the vestments [illus.] . 1882 Gothic ecclesiastical architecture [port illus.]. 2 vol. 1882 Blue paYilions, by A. T. Quiller-Couch Blunt {Lady A. I.) Pilgrimage to Nejd [map, illus.] . 2 vol. 1881 12355 13171 21766 20042 16960 1697 23240 20953 18619 20565 14214 20626 20612 21306 10140 15377 9636 21540 13468 21608 530 22542 7017, 7618 20162 15177 21133 1985 1836 M 18549 ^ 18543 6960 7389 8398 20957 7880 1199 20747 13338 13356 1552 14795 14794 7460 22142 55 Blu BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bon Blunt (J. H.) : Book of Church law. 1888 .-. .. .. .. 13974 Directorium pastorale. 1872 . . . . . . 872 Household theology. 1873 .. .. .. .. 499 Reformation of the Church of England. 1869 . . . . 1014 BIyth ( ) Whist-player [illus.] . 1858 . . . . . . 14265 Boaden (James) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons [port.] . 1893 . . 19308 Boase (C. W.) Oxford (Historic towns) [map] . 1890 . . . . 21075 Boating, see Sport and Pastime. Bock (Carl) Temples and elephants . . . exploration through upper Siam and Lao [map, illus.] . 1884 . . . . . . ' 22068 Bock (Josef) Zincography ... in connexion with letterpress printing [illus.] . . . . . . . . 15553 Boddam-Whetham, see Whetham (J. W. Boddam-). Boddy (A. A.) ToKairw^n theholy [illus.]. 1885 .. .. 22178 Bodkin (R. C.) How to reason. 1903 .. .. .. 14411 Bodmer (G. R.) Hydraulic motors [illus.]. 1889 .. 14942 Body (George) Life of justification. 1871 .. .. .. 485 Boehme (Jacob) Life and teaching, by H. L. Martensen. 1885 . . 14511 Boer War, see Africa South. Boevey (S. M. C.) Dean Forest sketches [illus.] . n.d. . . . . 21108 Bog-myrtle and peat, by S. R. Crockett . . . . . . 7523 Bohemia, see Austria. Bohemian literature, see Literature. Bohlen (Peter von) Introduction to Book of Genesis, with com- mentary. 2 vol. 1855 .. .. .. .. 189 Bohn (H. G.) : Hand-book of games. I860.. .. .. .. 14268 Hand-book of proverbs. 1867 . . . . - . 16874 Boileau (Daniel) Working in pasteboard [illus.] . 1827 . . . . 15433 Boisnormand de Bonnechose (F. P. E.), see Foreign Works French. Boissonnas (B.), see Foreign Works French. Bolas (Thomas) Glass blowing and working [illus.]. 1898 .. 14750 Boldrewood (Rolf) [T. A. Browne] : Babes in the bush . . . . . . . . 6961 Colbnial reformer . . . . . . . . 6965 camp . . . . . . . . . . 6962 Last chance . . . . . . . . . . 6963 Robbery under arms . . . . . . . . 6966 Squatter's dream . . . . . . . . 6967 War to the knife . . . . . . . . . . 6984 Bolingbroke, Viscount. Study and use of history, etc. 1870 . . 20336 Bolland (Simpson) : Art of casting in iron [illus.] . 1896 . . . . . . 15526 Iron-founder . . . art of moulding [illus.]. 1893.. .. 15525 Bolley (P. A.) Manual of technical analysis [illus.]. 1857 . . 1.3353 Bombaugh (C. C.) ed. Gleanings from . . . literature. 1875 . . 16446 Bompas (G. C.) Life of Frank Buckland [port.] . 1886 . . . . 20077 Bonar (A. R.) ed. Incidents of missionary enterprise. 1841 . . 1070 Bonar (Horatiu.'.) Light and truth. 1869 .. .. .. 43 Bond (R.) Handbook of the telegraph [illus.]. 1873 .. .. 13259 Bond slaves, by G. L. Banks . . . . . . . . 11574 Bondman, by Hall Caino .. .. .. .. 7227 Bondone (Angiolotto), see Giotto. Boner (Charles) Forest creatures [illus.]. 1861 .. .. 12544 Bones and I, by G. J. Whyte-Melville . . . . . . 9243 Bonneville (B. L. E.) Adventures of, by W. Irving [frontis.]. 1866 17205 Bonney (G. E.) Electrical experiments [illus.]. >;.d. .. .. 13222 [.6 Bon CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Boo ser.) [port.] 1895 21254 18562 13524 12796 8469 22122 22725 12374 14026 9885 10365, 10366 10294 16841 Bouney (T. G. : Cathedrals, abbeys, and churches of England and Wales [illus.]. 2 vol. 1898 Charles Lyell and modern geology {Century sci Ice-work (Lit. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1896 . . Volcanoes (Progressive sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1899 Bonnie Saxon, by S. K. Hocking . . Bonomi (Joseph) Nineveh and its palaces [illus.]. 1853 Bonwick (James) : . Last of the Tasmanlans [illus.] . 1870 Our nationalities. 1880-1 . . Romance of the wool trade. 1887 Book for the hammock, by W. Clark Russell. . Book of Common Prayer, see Liturgy. Book of snobs, by W. M. Thackeray Book of stories, by G. S. Street Book-bills of Narcissus, 'by Richard Le Gallienne [fioutis.] . Book-binding, see Industries. Book-keeping : Adgie (William) Modern book-keeping and accounts. - 1904 Carter (P. H.) Practical book-keeping. 1874 Inglis (W.) Book-keeping by single and double entry Jones (E. T.) English systems of book-keeping, n.d. Mitchell (F. J.) Book-keeping simplified, n.d. Sarll (Andrew) Practical book-keeping. 1885 Thornton (J.) First lessons in book-keeping. 1888 .Books : Adams (W. D.) Famous books [illus.]. n.d. Birrell (Augustine) and otliers. Among my books, n.d. Carlyle (Thomas) Choice of books [port.]. 1881 .. Curwen (Henry) History of booksellers [illus.]. 1873 Elton (C. I. and M. A.) Great book-collectors [illus.] . 1898 Farrar, Dean. Great books. 1898 Field (Eugene) Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 189G Gosse (Edmund) Gossip in a library. 1891 Harrison (Frederic) Choice of books, etc. 1886 Langford (J. A.) Prison books and their authors [ports.], 1861 Mabie (H. W.) Brooks and culture. 1898 Macpherson (Hector) Books to read and how to read them Maurice (J. F. D.) Friendship of books, etc. 1874 Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Rainy days in a library. 1896 Pollard (A. W.) Early illustrated books [illus.] . 1893 Rees (J. R.) Diversions of a book-worm. 1886 Slater (J. H.) Book collecting [illus.]. 1892 Swift, Dean. Battle of the books, etc. 1886 Taylor (Isaac) Transmission of ancient books to modern times. 1875 . . Book lore : articles collected from reviews, etc. 2 vol. Booth (W. H.) Steam pipes: design and construction [illus.]. 1905 Booth (William) " General^' : In darkest England and the way out [frontis.] . 1890 Life of, by Jesse Page (Neio century leaders) [port.] . 1901 -Boothby (G. N.) : Bid for fortune Childerbridge mystery Curse of the snake Doctor Nikola Farewell, Nikola 15559 15367 15556 15660 15558 15561 15557 16855 16869 17181 16844 16867 16843 16856 16840 16848 16854 16862 16839 16842 16870 16868 16860 16857 16863 1G861 14973 13803 18450 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 Boo BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hot. 6979- 6978 . 6980 / 6977 *' 6981 7970 11012 ' 21 524 12382 21185 ol. 1841 ". 12380 13757 1397 1432 14429 14503 17435 6620 1874 Boothby (G. N.) {contimied : Fascination of the king Lady of the island " Long live the king ! " .-. Maker of nations . . INly strangest case Borderland, by Jessie Fothergill . . Born soldier, by J, S. Winter Borneo, see Malay Archipelago, and Asia. Borrow (George) : Bible in Spain. 1844 Romany rye. 2 vol. 1858 . . Wild Wales. 1888 Zincali ; or, account of the gypsies of Spain. 2 Bosanquet (Bernard) : Aspects of the social problem. 1895 .. Civilization of Christendom, etc. 1899 Essays and addresses. 1899 Knowledge and reality. 1892 Philosophical theory of state. 1899 Bosanquet (F. C. T.) Letters of Plinius, 1886 Boscobel, by W. H. Ainsworth Bosnia, see Servia. Bossuet (J. B.) Bishop : Bossuet and his contemporaries, [by H. L. Lear] See also Foreign Works French. Boston, sec America North. Boswell (James) : Correspondence with Erskine and .Journal of a tour to Corsica Life of Samuel Johnson [illus.]. 4 vol. 1851 Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson [illus.] . 1852 Life of, by W. K. Lcask (Famous Scots). 1896 .. Botany : Allen (C. G. B.) Flowers and their pedigrees [illus.] . 1883 Archer (T. C.) Economic botany [illus.]. 1853 Avebury, Lord. Seedlings (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1896 Babington (C. C.) British botany. 1843 Barker (J. T.) Beauty of flowers in field and wood [illus.] k.d Bentham (George) British flora [illus.] . 2 vol. 1865 Bentley (Robert) Manual of botany [illus.] . 1870 Bower and Vaughan. Practical botany for beginners [illus. ^ British ferns and mosses [illus.] . n.d... Candolle (A. L. P. P. de) Origin of cultivated plants [Int. sci. ser. Carpenter (W. B.) Vegetable physiology [illus.] . 1858 Catlow (Agnes) (jarden botany [illus.] . 1855 Chanter (Charlotte) Ferny combes [illus.] . 1856 . . Cooke (M. C.) British fungi [illus.] . 1862 Fresh- water alga> (int. sci. se>'.) [illus.] Fungi {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . . Darwin (C. R.) Climbing plants [illus.]. 1875 Different forms of flowers on plants species [illus.]. 1877 Insectivorous plants [illus.]. 1875 Darwin (C. R. and Francis) Power of movement in plants [illus.]. 1882 .. Edmonds (Henry) Elementary botany [illus.]. 1885 Edwards (Z. I.) Ferns of the Axe [illus!] . 1862 . . Elliot (G. F. S.) Nature studies (plant life) [illus.] . 1903 1902 of the same 18883 21458 19995 19147 18306 12714 12648 13525 12675 12687 12710 12647 12657 12659 13495 12717 12691 12660 13460 13515 12654 12676 12713 12712 12680 12656 12685 12684 58 Bot CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. BOU 1895 1855 [ill us. 2 vol. 1874 N.D. , 1883 1838 Botany {continiied) : Figuier (L. G.) Vegetable world [illus.] . n.d. Geography of plants [illus.] . 1855 Gordon (W. J.) Our country's flowers [illus.]. i Hay ward (W. R.) Botanist's pocket-book. 1883 Heath (F. G.) Fern paradise [illus.] . 1886 Where to find ferns. 1881 Henslow (George) Origin of floral structures through insect and other agencies {Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1888 Origin of plant structures {Int. sci. ser.). Hibberd (Shirley) Seaweed collector [illus.] . n.d. Johns (C. A.) Botanical rambles [illus.]. n.d. Flowers of the field [illus.] . 1880 Johnson (Charles) Fernsof Great Britain [illus.]. Johnson (G. W.) British ferns [illus.] . 1859 Kerner (Anton) Flowers and their unbidden guests Landsborough (David) British seaweeds [illus.] , 1857 Lankester (Phcbe) British ferns [illus.] . n.d. Talks about plants [illus.] . 1879 Wild flowers [illus.] . 1872 . . [Lindley (John)] Botany [illus.]": 1838 Lindley and Moore, ed. Treasury of botany [i^lus.] Lindsay (W. L.) British lichens [illus.] . 1856 McAlpine (Daniel) Life histories of plants [illus.] . Masters (M. T.) Plant life {Handbooks of the farm) Moore (Thomas) British ferns [illus.] . 1859 [Murray (John)] Economy of vegetation [illus.] . Newman (Edward) British ferns [illus.] . 1844 Oliver (Daniel) Elementary botany [illus.] . 1874 Phillips (William) British discomycetes (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] Rhind (William) History of the vegetable kingdom [illus.] Smith (John) Ferns : British and foreign [illus.] . 1879 Stark (R. M.) British mosses [illus.] . 1860 Taylor (J. E.) Flowers [illus.] . n.d. Thome (0. W.) Structural and physiological botany [map, illus.]. 1882 Trouessart (E L.) Microbes, ferments, and moulds {Int. sci ser.) [illus.]. 1886 Watson (Forbes) Flowers and gardens [port.]. 1901 Wild flowers of Clevedon. 1877 Withering (William) British plants [illus.] . 1845 Wood (Henry) Season among the wild flowers [illus.] . 188-: Young botanist [illus.] .n.d. Botany : articles collected from reviews, etc. 3 vol. See also Natural Plistory. Bothmer (Mary von) Countess, ed. Sovereign ladies of Europe [illus.]. 1899.. Bothwell, by James Grant Bottone (S. R.) : Galvanic batteries [illus.] . 1902 Ignition devices for gas and petrol motors [illus.] 1902 Radium, and all about it [illus.]. 1905 Boucicault (Dion), see Reade and Boucicault. Boulger (D. C.) India {Stmij of the eminre). n.d, Boulger (Theodora), see Gift (Theo). Bound together, by Hugh Conway " Bounty," Mutiny of the, see Voyages and Travel. Bourget (Paul), see Foreign Works French. 12716 12693 12677 12651 15222 12658 13510 18523 12688 12655 12653 12708 12661 12711 12649 12679 12682 12650 12707 12690 12652 12719' 15115 12694 12674 12706- 12662 13507 12811 12715 12692 12681 12689' 13503 12718 12686 12678 12683 12663- 18755 8128 13225 14885 12896 20298 7403 59 Bou BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bra Bourinot {Sir J. G.) : Canada (Story of the nations) [map, illus.] 1897 Canada under British rule, 1760-1900 (Cambridge historical ser,) [maps] . 1900 . . Bourne (H. R. F.) : English seamen under the Tudors [maps] . 2 vol. 1868 Romance of trade, n.d. Sir Philip Sidney (Heroes of the nations) [port., illus.]. 1891 Bourne (S. E.) Book of the daffodil (Haixdbooks of practical gardening) [illus.]. 1903 .. Bournemouth, see Hampshire. Boutell (Charles) : Arms and armour [illus. J. 1869 .. English heraldry [illus,] . 1875 . . ... Bouterwek (Priedrich) History of Spanish literature [port.] Bouverie-Pusey, see Pusey (S. E. B. Bouverie-). Bovet (Felix) Egypt, Palestine, and Phoenicia [maps]. 1882 Bowdich (Sarah), see Lee (Sarah). Bowen (Francis) Speculative philosophy. 1842 Bowen (John) Bishop. Memorials of, [by Miss Bowen, port.] . 1802 Bower (G. S.) Hartley, and James Mill (English philosopliers). 1881 Bower mifZ Satterly. Practical physics [illus.] . 1906.. Bower and Yaughan. Practical botany for beginners [illus.] . 1902 Bowery tales, by Stephen Crane . . Bo wick (Thomas) and otliers. Crops (Handbooks of the farm). 1892 Bowker (Alfred) ed. Alfred the Great [map, illus.] . 1899 Bowlby (A. A.) and others. Civilian war hospital [illus.]. 1901 Bowles afterivards Southey (Caroline) Chapters on churchyards [frontis.]. 1841 Bowles (W. L.) Poetical works of. 2 vol. 1855 Bowls, sec Sport and Pastime. Box (Thomas) : Practical hydraulics. 1882 . . Strength of materials [illus.]. 1893 Boxall (G. E.) Australian bushrangers [frontis.]. 1902.. Boxing, see Sport and Pastime. Boy, by Marie Corelli . . . [Boyd (A. K. H.)] :- Counsel and comfort. 1863 . . Graver thoughts of a country parson. 18G2 Landscapes, churches, and moralities. 1874 Last years of St. Andrews. 1896 Our little life. 1884 Recreations of a country parson. 1862. . Boyd (A. S.) illus., see Stevenson (R. L. B.). Boyesen (H. H.) History of Norway (Story of tlie nations) [map, illus.]. 1900 .. Boyle (Sir Courtenay) Hints on the conduct of business. 1900 Boyle (Frederick) Chronicles of no-man's land. 1884 . . Brabant (F. G.) : English lakes (Little guides) [maps, illus.] . 1898 Sussex (Little guides) [ma.]}s, illus.]. 1900 Brabazon (Reginald), sec Meath, Earl of, Brachet (Auguste) Historical grammar of the French language, 1896 Braddon (:\I, E.) [M. E. Maxwell] : All along the river Asphodel Aurora Floyd 20483 22543 20828 14029 18406 15226 14769 14826 16626 23176 14391 19051 18643 13149 12657 7479 15113 20673 22274 1449 2068 13172 14943 22774 7415, 7416 1444 1409 1403 19689 1402 1440 20493 13598 23112 2280G 22794 13023 6987 7076, 7077 G989, 6990 Bra ^ CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bra Braddon (M. E.) [M. E. Maxwell] {continued) : Barbara .. 6995,6996- Birds of prey- . . 6991, 6992 Captain of the ' ' Vulture ' ' . ...6997,6998: Cliarlotte's inheritance . . 6999, 7000 Cloven foot . . 7001, 7002 Conflict .. , . . . 7005, 7006 Day will come . . 7016, 7017 Dead men's shoes . . 7011, 7012 Dead sea fruit . . 7022, 7023. Doctor's wife ..7026,7027 Eleanor's victory. . . . 7020, 7021 Fatal three 7082 Fenton's quest . . . . 7009, 7010- Flower and weed, etc. . . 7024, 7025^ Gerard . . 7014, 7015 Golden calf 7080 Henry Dunbar . . . . 7007, 7008; His darling sin . . 7003 Hostages to fortune . . 7018, 7019> In high places . . 7032, 7033 Infidel . . 7030, 7031 Ishmael .. 7034, 7035. John Marchmont's legacy . .. 7036, 7037 Joshua Haggard . . . . 7038, 7039 Just as I am . . 7040, 7041 Lady Audley's secret . . 7042, 7043 Lady Lisle . . 7044, 7045- Lady's mile . . 7046, 7047 Like and unlike . . . . 7048, 7049 London pride . . 7028, 7029 Lost for love . . 7050, 7051 Levels of Arden . . , . 7056, 7057 Lucius Davoren . . . . 7058, 7059 Milly Darrell, etc. . . 7060, 7061 Mohawks ..7062,7063: Mount Royal . . 7052, 7053 One life, one love . . 7054, 7055- One thing- needful . . 7064, 7065 Only a clod . . 7066, 7067 Open verdict . . 7068, 7069 Phantom fortune . . 7070, 7071 Ralph the bailiff, etc. . . 7072, 7073 Robert Ainsleigh . . . . 7074, 7075 Rough justice 7078 Run to earth . . 7088, 7089 Rupert Godwin . . 7090, 7091 Sir Jasper's tenant . . 7086, 7087 Sons of fire 7084 Strange world ..7097,7098 Strangers and pilgrims . . 7092, 7093 Taken at the flood . . 7094, 7095. Thou art the man .. 7099, 7100 To the bitter end . . 6993, 6994 Trail of the serpent .. 7101,7102 Under love's rule . . . . 7103, 7104 Under the red flap, etc. . . 7105, 7106 Venetians . . 7107 7108- 61 Bra BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bre Braddon (^I. E.) [M. E. Maxwell] (contimied) : Vixen . . . . . . . . . . . . 7111, 7112 Weavers and weft, etc. .. .. . . . . 7113, 7114 Wyllard's weird . . . . . . . . . . 7109, 7110 See also Foreign Works French. Braden (William) Sermons. 1880 . . . . . . . . 1307 Bradley (A. G.) : Highways and byways in North Wales [illus. by Pennell and Thomson]. 1898 .. .. .. .. 21029 Highways and byways in the Lake District [illus. by J . Pennell] . 1901 . . , . . . . . 21028 Owen Glyndwr {Heroes of the tuitions) [illus.] . 1901 . . 18427 \Yo\ie (Englishmen of action) [port.]. 1895 .. .. 18363 Bradley (Edward), see Bede (Cuthbert). Bva.dley {Henry) Goths (Stonj of the nations) [map, illus.] . 1891 20450 Bradley (John) Travel and sport in Burmah, etc. 1876 . . . . 22073 Bradley and Goodwin. Illumination on paper and vellum [illus.] 14711 Bradley and La Mothe. Lighter branches of agriculture {Woman's library) [illus.]. 1903 .. .. .. .. 150.38 Brahms (-Johannes) Recollections of, by Albert Dietrich and J . V. Widmann [port.] . 1899 . . . . . . . . 19450 Brain, The, see Physiology. Braithwaite (G. F.) Salmonida? of Westmorland [illus.]. 1884 ., 14199 Braithwaite (J. B.) ed. l\Iemoirs of J. J. Gurney. 2 vol. 1854 . . 19600 Brambletye House, by Horace Smith . . . . . . 10209 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, by Charles Lever . . . . S814, 8845 Bramley-Moore, see Moore (W. Bramley-) Bramston (Mary) Judcca and her rulers [map] . n.d. . . . . 1162 Branch (Henry) Cotswold and vale [illus.] . 1904 . . . . 21C60 Brand (John) Popular antiquities of Great Britain [frontis.]. 3 vol. 1713G Brandes (G. M. C.) Lord Beaconsfield : a study. 1880 . . . . 19509 Brandl (Alois) S. T. Coleridge [port.]. 1887.. .. .. 19798 Brass bottle, by P. Anstey . ." . . . . . . 6667 Brassey (Annie) Ladj/ : In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties [maps, illus.] 23244 . Last voyage [illus.]. 1889.. ., .. .. 23223 Sunshine and storm in the I'jast [illus.]. 18S0 .. .. 23030 Voyage in the " Sunbeam " [illus.] . 1878 .. .. 23239 Brassey (Tliomas) Lord : British navy [illus.;. 2 vol. 1882 .. .. .. 21001 Foreign work and J^nglish wages. 1879 . . . . 14137 Voyages and travels of, ed. by S. ^M. Eardlev-Wilmot ! maps I. 2 vol. 1895 .. .. .. " .. ' .'. 23144 Work and wages. 1873 . . . . . . . . 13954 Brave Lady, by D. M. Muloch . . . . . . . . 9371 Bray (A. E.) Joan of Arc, and the times of Cliarles VJi. 1874 .. 21351 Bread, see Foods. Breakspeare (1*.. J-) ^lozart (Urts^tT ;Kzt6'/ciaus) [port.,- illus.]. 1902 18633 Bree (C. B.) Species not transmutable. 1860 .. ., 12429 Breen(H. H.) Modern Fnglish literature. 1857 .. .. 16577 Breitmann (Hans), see Leland (C. G.) Bremer (Fredrika) : Diary, etc. .. .. . . . . . . 7123 Home r(<^/! strife and peace .. .. .. .. 7124 Homes of tlie new world (frontis.]. 3 vol. 1S53 .. 22647 Nrighbours, etc. . . . . . . .. . . 7125 President's da^ighters .. .. .. .. 712G Travels in tl,e Holy Land. 2 vol. 1862 .. .. 2101 62 Bre CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bri Bremer (Fredrika) {continued) : With Fredrika Bremer in Sweden, by ]Margaret Howitt [illus.]. 2 vol. 1866 .. .. .. .. 19909 Brenner (Moftawic) Gymnastics for ladies [illus.] . 1870.. ,. 14142 Brentford, see Middlesex. Bressant, by Julian Hawthorne . . . . . . . . 8389 Bretschneider (K. G.) Manual of religion. 1857 . . . . 661 Brewer (E. G.) : Guide to Christian evidences, n.d. . . . . . . 1079 Theology in science [frontis.] . n.d. . . . . . . 12911 Brewer (J. S.) : Elementary engineering. 1889 . . . . . . 14925 Endowments and establishment of the Church of England . . 1044 Brewing, see Industries. Brewster (Sir David) : Kaleidoscope: history, theory, e 1744& 17402 1744a 21851 19507 10163 1127T C4 Bro CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bro [illus Bronte (Anne) " [Acton Bell "] : Agnes Grey Tenant of Wildfell Hall Bronte (Charlotte) [" Currer Bell "] : Jane Eyre . . . . Professor Shirley Villette Charlotte Bronte and her circle, by 0. K. Shorter Life of, by E. C. Gaskell [froatis.] . 2 vol. 1857 . . Charlotte Bronte and her writings: articles collected from reviews, etc. Bronte (Emily) [" Ellis Bell "] : Wuthering heights and Agnes Grey, by Anne Bronte Life of, by A. M. P. Robinson {Eminent women). 1883 Bronte family, by P. A. Leyland. 2 vol. 1886 Brooke (Charles) Ten years in Sarawak [map, illus.]. 2 vol. 1866 Brooke {Sir James) Bajah of Sarawak. Life of, by Sir Spenser St John {Builders of Greater Britain) [port., maps]. 1899 Brooke (S. A.) : Christ in modern life. 1880 . . . . v English literature {Literature prirners). 1882 English literature, 6701832. 1897 . . English literature ... to the Norman Conquest. 1898 'Milton {Classical writers) . 1879 Poetry of Robert Browning. 1902 Sermons. 1870 .. Theology in the English poets. 1874 . . Brookes of Bridlemere, by G. J. Whyte-Melville Brooks (C. W. S.) : Sooner or later . i Wit and humour (from " Punch ") [port.] . 1883 . . Brooks (George) Five hundred plans of sermons. 1863 . . Brooks (Phillips) Influence of Jesus. 1883 Brooks (S. H.) Erection of dwelling-houses [illus.]. 1877 Brooks (Shirley) ed. Amusing poetry, n.d, . . Broom-squire, by S. Baring-Gould Broome (M. A.) Lady, see Barker (M. A.) Lady. Brother Gabriel, by M. B. Betham-Edwards Brotherhood of the seven kings, by Meade and Eustace . . Brotherston (R. P.) Book of the carnation {Hatidbooks of practical gardening) [illus.]. 1904.. Brough (B. H.) Treatise on mine-surveying [illus.]. 1897 Brough and Burnand. Beeton's Book of burlesques [illus.] . n.d. Brougham (H. P.) Lord : Life of, by John McGilchrist [port.] . 1868 Life of, by Lord Campbell. 1869 Broughton (Rhoda) : Alas! .. Beginner Belinda Dear Faustina . . Doctor Cupid Foes-in-law Game and the candle Good-bye, sweetheart Joan . . Nancy 7141 7138 7134 7180 7132, 7133 7136, 7137 19054 18986 7141 18547 18962 21926 18701 702 16531 16512 16539 18339 1946 1275 1767 9225 11594 16991 1281 725 15616 2009 8106 7846 9194 15225 15599 1891 19433 19044 7146 7147 7145 7144 7157 7148 7149 7153 7155 7156 65 E Bro BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bro Bpoughton (Rhoda) (contimied) : Not wisely, but too well . . . . . . , . 7154 Red as a rose is she . . . . . . . . 7150 Scylla or Chary bdis? .. .. .. .. 7151 Second thoughts . . .... . . . . 7162 Brown (A. M.) Evenings with the prophets. 1854 .. . . 154 Brown (Alice) Mercy Warren [porf.] . 1896 . . . . . . 18646 Brown (C. W.) Cycling [illus.]. n.d. .. .. .. 14221 Brown (David) Commentary on Epistle to the Romans. 1860 . . 49 Brown (G. B.) : * Fine arts [illus.] . 1902 . , . . . . . . 14643 From schola to cathedral [illus.] . 1886 . . . . 14813 Brown (Sir G. T.) Animal life {Handbooks of the farm), n.d. , . 15118 Brown (H. R. F.) Life on the Lagoons [illus.j . 1894 . . . . 21647 Brown (J. B.) : Doctrine of annihilation in the light of the gospel of love. 1875 486 Higher life : its reality, etc. 1875 . . . . . . 727 Home life in the light of its divine idea. 1867 . . . . 687 Risen Christ the King of men. 1890 . . . . . . 666 BrOYin {J. M.)Folo (Badminton librar7j) [illus.']. 1891.. .. 14301 Brown (John) : Horffi subsecivse [ports.] . 3 vol. 1889-93 . . . . 16694 1st Series Locke and Sydenham, and other papers. 2nd ,. 'Rab and his friends, and other papers. 3rd John Leech, and other papers. John Bunyan : his life, etc. [illus] . 1887 . . . . 19851 Brown (O. M.) Biographical sketch of, by J. H. Ingram [port.] . 1883 19879 Brown (P. H.) History of Scotland (Cambridge historical ser.) [maps] . 2 vol. 1899-1902 . . . . . . . . 21177 Brown (Robert) : Races of mankind [illus.]. 4 vol. n.d. .. .. 12397 Science for all [illus.] . 5 vol. n.d. .. .. .. 13076 Brown (Thomas) : Anecdotes of birds, fishes, and insects [illus.] . n.d. . . 12491 Butterflies and moths [illus.] . 1843 . . . . . . 12635 See also Main and Brown. Brown (W. R.) : Dipping, burnishing, f^c, brass ware. 1900 .. .. 15517 Japanning and enamelling for cycles, etc. 1901 . . . . 15268 Workshop wrinkles for decorators, etc. 1901 . . . . 15634 Brown and Fausset. Commentary on the New Testament [maps, illus.j. 1863 .. .. .. .. .. 299 Brown portmanteau, eic, by Curtis Yorke .. .. .. 11370 Browne (C. F.), see Ward (Artemus). Browne (G. F.) Bishop : Memorials of a short life [W. F. A. Gaussen, illus.]. 1895.. 19020 St. Catharine's College (CoZZedc (Fathers f 01 English readers). 1879 .. 914 Browne (G. F.) ilhis., see Burnley (James). Browne (G. L.) State trials in 19th century. 2 vol. 1882 .. 20834 Browne (John Cave-) Punjab and Dellii in 1857 [port.] . 2 vol. 1861 21923 Browne (M. P.) Dress-cutting, drafting, e^c. [illus.]. 1902 .. 15041 Browne (IMatthew), see Rands (W. B.). Browne (Phillis) [A. G. Payne)] : Common-sense housekeeping. N.D. .. .. .. 15007 What girls can do. n.d. . . . . . . . . 1.5001 Year's cookery [illus.]. n.d. .. .. .. 14993 Browne (T. A.), see Boldrewood (Rolf) 66 Bro CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bru Browne (Sir Thomas) : Religio meiici, etc. {Camelot classics), 1886 Works of , [port.] . 3 vol. 1852 Browne (W. R.) Inspiration of the New Testament. 1880 Brownell (W. C.) Victorian prose masters. 1902 Srowning (E. B.) : Aurora Leigh, n.d. Greek Christian poets and the English poets. 1863 Poems. 3 vol. 1862 Poems. 1887 Poetical works [port.] . 5 vol. 1873 . . Selection from poetry of, 2 vol. 1884. . Letters of, to R. H. Home. 2 vol. 1877 Life of, by J. H. Ingram (Eminent women). 1894. . E. B. Browning: articles collected from reviews, etc. Browning (Oscar) : Charles XII of Sweden [port.] . 1899 . . Educational theories. 1881.. .. Peter the Great [port., illus.] . 1898 . . Browning (Robert) : Asolando. 1890 .. Dramatic idyls. 2 vol. 1879-80 Dramatis personae. 1864 Ferishtah's fancies. 1885 . . Pifine at the fair. 1872 Inn album. 1875 Jocoseria [Poems] . 1883 . . La saisiaz and Two poets of Croisic. 1878 Poetical works of , [port.]. 2 vol. 1896 Poetical works of, 3 vol. 1863 Vol. 1. Lyrics. Eomances. Men and Women. ,, 2. Tragedies, and other plays. ,, 3. Paracelsus. Christmas-eve and Easter-day. Sordello Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. 1871 . . Red cotton night-cap country. 1873 Ring and the book. 4 vol. 1868-9 Essays and thoughts on, by J. T. Nettleship. 1890 Essays on, by Marion Little. 1899 Essays on poetry of, by J. T. Nettleship. 1868 Ethics of Browning's poems, by Mrs. Percy Leake. 1897 Handbook to works of, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. 1892 Life, etc., of, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr [port., illus.]. 1891 Life of, by G. K. Chesterton (English men of letters). 1903 Life of, by William Sharp (Grmi ?6Tiie?-s). 1890 .. Poetry of, by S. A. Brooke. 1902 Selections from poetical works of. 1886 Selection from the works of, 1865 Stvidies in the poetry of, by James Fotheringham. Browning and Barrett. Letters of, [ports.] . 1899 [Browning (Samuel)] Souvenir keepsake [Poems, illus.] Browning (T. P.) and others. Free worship and finance. Brownrigg papers, by D. W. Jerrold. n.d. . . Bruce (Charles) ed. Poems, etc., of the sea [illus.]. 1877 Bruce (H. A.) ed. Life of Sir William Napier [port.] . 2 vol Bruce (James) : Travels and discoveries in Abyssinia [frontis.]. 1885 Life of, by Sir F. B. Head [port., illus.]. 1836 .. Bruce (Robert), .ice Scotland. 1887 . 1846 1865 1804 16793 17193 59 16552 1967 1968 1966 1952 1975 1954-5 20044 18538 21777 14075 21734 1963 1997-8 ' 1953 1961 1960 1957 1993 , 1958 1987 1976 1962 1959 1964 1988 1990 1995 1991 1994 19013 18509 18590 1946 1956 9659 1198 20012 1999 1233 17301 1791 19019 22405 19436 67 Bru BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bud Brudenells of Brude, by E. J. Worboise .. .. 11158,11159 Brueton's Bayou, [by John Habberton] . . . . . . 8235' Brulart de Sillery (S. F.) Countess de Genlis, see Foreign Works French. Brunetiere (Ferdinand^ History of French literature. 1898 . . 16607 Bryan (Benjamin) Anti-vivisection evidences. 1895 . . . . 12349- Bryan (W. J.) First battle [illus.] . n.d. .. .. .. 14044 Bryant (W. C.) Poems [frontis.] . 1874 . . . . . . 2010 Bryant (W. M.) Philosophy of landscape painting. 1882 . . 14705- Bryce (James) : American commonwealth. 2 vol. 1895 . . . . 22594 Holy Roman empire. 1866 . . . . . . . . 21563- Impressions of South Africa [map] . 1899 . . . . 22285 Bryce (M, R. L.) Memoir of John Veitch [port., illus.]. 1896 .. 19826 Buchan (John) Brasenose College [Oxford] (College histories) [illus.] 20624 Buchanan (J. P.) Hints on billiards [illus.] . 1895 . . . . 14271 Buchanan (R. W.) : Andromeda . . . . . . . . . . 717(^ Annan water . . . . . , . . . . 7169' Ballad stories of the affections. 1869 . . . . . . 2017 Child of nature . . . . . . . . . . 7172; God and the man.. .. .. .. .. 7171 Hebrid Isles [frontis.] . 1883 . . . . . . 21179^ Look round literature. 1887 ... . . . . 16408 Love me for ever . . .. .. .. .. 7174 Master of the mine . . . . . . . , 7176 Matt .. .. .. .. .. ,. 7175 Shadow of the sword . . . . . . . . 7168 Stormy waters . . . . . . . . . . 7173 Undertones [Poems]. 1865.. .. .. .. 2013 Woman and the man . . . . . . . . 7177 Introduction to poetry of, by A. Stodart- Walker. 1901 . . 1664. Buchheim (E. S.), see Foreign Works German. Bucke (Charles) : Book of human character. 2 vol. 1837 . . . . 1363". Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 1861 .. .. 19255 Ruins of an'cient cities [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1840 .. .. 20426. Buckeye and Chapparel, by F. B. Harte . . . . . . 17213 Buckinghamshire : Koscoe (E. S.) Buckinghamshire (Little guides) [map, See also England Topography, Travel. Buckland (P. T.) Life of, by G. C. Bompas [port.]. 1886 Buckland (William) Dean. Life of, by Mrs. Gordon [port., illus.] Buckle (H. T.) : History of civilization in England. 3 vol. 1873 .. Miscellaneous and posthumous works. 2 vol. 1885 Buckle (Henry) Beggar or the soldier : Gautama or Mahomet, n.d. Buckle (Marv), sec Day and Buckle. Buckley (T. \V. A.) History of the Council of Trent. 1852 Buckmaster (J. C.) : Elements of magnetism and electricity [illus.] . .. Inorganic chemistry [illus.]. 1871 Buckton (C. M.) Health in the house [illus.]. 1876 Budd (XrthuT) and others. Football [illus. J. 1897 Buddhism, see Religions Non-Christian. Budge (K. A. W.) Life and exploits of Alexander the Great [frontis. j Budge (F. A.) Annals of the early Friends. 1877 Budgen (L. M.) Insect life, cd. by J. G. Wood [illus.]. 18G7 illus.] . 22792 20077 20209 20591 20175 33U 931 13235 1336a' 14116 14190 20387 876. 12109 G8 JBuf CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bui ^' Buffalo Bill," see Cody (W. P.). Bufton (John) Gwen Penri . . . . . . . . 7181 Building and Building Trades: Design, constniction, etc. : Advanced building construction [illus.] . 1896 . . . . 15607 Allen (C. B.) Cottage building [illus.]. 1880 .. .. 15604 Beckett (Edmund) Building : civil and ecclesiastical. 1880 . . 15610 Brooks (S. H.) Erection of dwelling-houses [illus.] . 1877 . . 15616 Building construction [illus.] . 4 vol. 1883 . . . . 15661 Vol. 1. Elementary course. ,, 2. Advanced course. ' 3. Materials. 4. Calculations for building structurefi. Campin (Francis) Constructional iron and steel work [illus.] 15644 Christy (W. J.) Joints made and used by builders [illus.] . 1882 15687 Chubb (G. H.) Protection from fire and thieves [illus.] . 1875 15612 Clark (T. M.) Building superintendence [illus.]. 1903 .. 15632 Cunningham (Brysson) First stage building construction [illus.] 15594 Dobson (Edward) Art of building [illus.] . 1881 . . . . 15595 Pletcher (Banister) Light and air : text-book for architects, etc. [illus.]. 1895 .. .. .. .. 15608 Galton {Sir D. S.) Construction of healthy dwellings [illus.] . . 15629 Mitchell (C. F. and G. A.) Building construction and drawing [illus.] . 1908 . . . . . . . . . . 15603 Richardson (C. J.) Englishman's house [illus.]. .. .. 15598 Rowe (S. H.) Lighting of school-rooms [illus.] . 1904 . . 15609 Smith (T. R.) Acoustics in relation to arch,itecture, etc. [illus.] 15645 Stevenson (J. J.) House architecture [illus.] . 2 vol. 1880 .. 14363 Stock (C. H.) Shoring and underpinning [illus.] . 1893 . . 15630 Thatcher (A. G. H.) Scaffolding [illus.] . 1904 . . . , 15593 Weale (John) Dictionary of terms used in architecture, build- ing, etc. [illus.] . 1876 . . . . . . . . 14796 Bricks and tiles : Dobson (Edward) Manufacture of bricks, eic. [illus.]. 2 vol. 15613 Building stones and stone masonry : Burgoyne {Sir J. P.) Blasting and quarrying of stone [illus.] 15639 Dobson (Edward) Masonry and stonecutting [illus.] . 1878 . . 15640 Mitchell (C. F. aitd G. A.) Brickwork and masonry [illus.]. .. 15601 Purchase (W. R.) Practical masonry [illus.]. 1900 .. 15662 See also Industries. Limes, mortars, cements, concrete, i^lastering : Kemp (Wilfred) Practical plasterer [illus.] . 1893 . . 15615 Newman (John) Concrete and works in concrete. 1893 . . 15635 Standage (H. C.) Cements, pastes, glues, and gums. 1897 .. 15614 Sanitation, ventilation, pUimhing , gas-fitting : Arnott (Neil) Warming and ventilating [illus.] . 1838 . . 15672 Clarke (J. W.) Plumbing practice [illus.]. 1891 .. .. 15628 Practical science for plumbers, etc. [illus.] . 1903 . . 15600 Dye (Frederick) Practical treatise upon steam heating [illus.] 14966 Hart (J. W.) External plumbing work [illus.] . 1900 . . 15668 Hints to plumbers [illus.] . 1901 . . . . 15669 Hot water supply [illus.]. 1900 ... .. 15665 Hellyer (S. S.) Plumber and sanitary houses [illus.]. n.d. .. 15666 Principles and practice of plumbing [illus.] . 1896 . . 15480 Jones (Walter) Heating by hot water [illus.] . 1904 . . 15663 Judge (M. H.) Sanitary arrangements of dwelling-houses. 1884 15671 mbing 15667 Maguire (W. R.) Domestic sanitaiy drainage and plumbing [illus.] . 1896 . . 69 Bui BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRAKlES. Bun Building and Building Trades (contimied) : Sanitation, ventilation, plumbing, gas-fitting {contintied) : Middleton (G. A. T.) Drainage of town and country houses [illus.] . 1903 . . Natural and artificial methods of ventilation [illus.] . 1899 Our dwellings warmed [frontis.] . 1875 Keid (George) Practical sanitation [illus.] . 1893 . . Slagg (Charles) Sanitary work [illus.] . 1876 Tomlinson (Charles) Warming and ventilation [illus.] . 1878 Walker (William) Useful hints on ventilation [illus.] . 1850. . Carpentry and woodwoi-k : CoUings (George) Handrailing and stair building [illus.] . 1890 Roof carpentry [illus.]. 1893 Tredgold (Thomas) Carpentry and joinery [illus.] . 2 vol. 1880 Painting, paperhanging, decoration : Brown (W. N.) Workshop wrinkles for decorators, etc. 1901. . Davidson (E. A.) House-painting, graining, efc. [illus.]. 1880 Prices, specifications, contracts : Fletcher (Banister) Arbitrations. 1893 Dilapidations. 1891 Quantities : text-book for architects, etc. [illus.] . . . Valuations and compensations. 1893 Hoppus's Practical measurer. 1859 Horton (Richard) Complete measurer . . . boards, glass, timber, etc. 1881 Rea (J. T.) How to estimate [illus.] . 1904 Stephenson (George) Repairs : how to measure and value them Tarbuck (E. L.) Handbook of house property. 1887 See also Domestic Economy, and Law Bulgaria, see Balkans. Bulger (G. E.) St. Hubert's Club [Sporting expeditions] . 1864 Bull (Josiah) Life of John Newton [port.] . 1868 Bullen (F. T.) : Apostles of the south east Creatures of the sea [illus.] . 1904 Cruise of the " Cachalot " [illus.] . 1901 Deep-sea plunderings Idylls of the sea. 1899 Men of the merchant service. 1900 Sack of shatings [Essays] . 1901 Sea-wrack Whaleman's wife Bullen (George) Story of Count Bismarck's life. k.d. Buller (Sir R. H.) : Life, etc., of, by W. C. Jerrold [port., illus.] . 1900 See also Africa South. Bulloch (John) Studies on the text of Shakespeare. 1878 Bullock (Charles) Syrian leper rfrontis. J . n.d. Bulwer {Sir W. H. L. E.) : Historical characters. 1870 Sir Robert Peel : an historical sketch. 1874 Bulwer-Lytton, see Lytton (E. G. E. L. B.) Lord. Bund (J. W. W.) Fishery management. 1899 Bungay of Bandiloo, by Curtis Yorke Bunsen (C. C. J. von) Baron, JMemoirs of, by Baroness Bunsen [illus.]. 2 vol. 1809 Bunyan (John) : Holy war [illus.] . 1887 Pilgrim's progress [illus.]. n.d. 70 15673 15636 15649 15592 15596 15638 15611 15647 15646 15650' 15634 15602 15641 15606 15674 15642 12999 1560& 15670 15597 1561T 14373: 19170 7182 12569 23180 7183 12266 14050 16746 7184 7185 19434 20161 2168 64 18912 19186 15271 11371 20019 1450 474. Bun CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bur Banyan (John) (co7itimied) : Life, e^c, of, by John Brown [illus.]. 1887 .. .. 19851 Life of, by Edmund Venables {Great writers) . 1888 . . 18579^ Life of, by J. A. Froude (English men of letters). 1885 . . 18469 John Bunyan : articles collected from reviews, etc. Buonarroti (M. A.), see Michael Angelo [Buonarroti]. Burbidge(F. W.) Horticulture [illus.]. 1877 .. .. 15132 Burchett (R.) Linear perspective [illus.]. 1868 .. .. 14568 Burden-bearers, by A. S. Swan . . . . . . . . 10315 Burdett {Sir H. C.) : Cottage hospitals [illus.] . 1896 . . . . , . 18774 Prince, Princess, [King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra] and people [ports., illus.]. 1889 .. .. .. 13802 [Burges (Ellen) etZ.] Vizcaya ; or, life in the land of the Carlists, 1872-3 [map, illus.]. 1874 .. .. .. 21514 Burgess (Henry) Reformed Church of England. 1869 . . . . 1016 Burgh (A. de) Elizabeth, Empress of Austria [port., illus.] . 1899. . 21366 Burgh (N. P.) Slide valve practically considered [illus.] . 1875 . . 14906 Burgon (J. W.) Dean : Lives of twelve good men. 2 vol. 1888 . . . . 18905 Memoir of Patrick Eraser Tytler. 1859 . . . . 19998 Burgoyne (Sir J. P.) Blasting and quarrying of stone [illus.]. 1874 15639 Burke (Edmund) : Choice pieces. 1871 . . . . . . . . 17343 Letters, e^c, on Irish affairs. 1881 .. .. .. 21242 Regicide peace, ed. by E. J. Payne. 1878 . . . . 17302 Works of, 8 vol. 1854-7 .. .. .. .. 172M Vol. 1. Vindication of natural society. Essay on the sublime and beautiful. Political miscellanies. ,, 2. Political miscellanies. Befleotions on the Eevolution in France. Letter to a member of the National Assembly. 3. Political miscellanies. 4. Reports on administration of justice in India. Charge against Warren Hastings. 5. Charge against Warren Hastings, concluded. Political letters. _ , ,, 6. Miscellaneous speeches, letters, and fragments. Abridg- ment of English history. ,, 7. Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings. ,, 8. Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings, and Letters. Connection with Bristol of, 1774-80, by G. E. Weare [port., illus.]. 1894 .. .. .. .. .. 21198 First principles selected from writings of, 1853 . . . . 17325 lj\iQoi,hy '5 ohxi^loxley {English men of letters). 1893 .. 18470 Life of, by Peter Burke [illus.] . 1853 . . . . . . 19902 Wisdom of, ed. by E. A. Pankhurst. 1886 . . . . 17298 Burke {Sir J. B.) : Family romance : annals of the aristocracy. 2 vol. 1854 .. 20014 Rise of great families. 1873 .. .. ' .. 14818 Burke (0. J.) Catholic archbishops of Tuam [port.]. 1882 .. 18913 Burke (S. H.) Portraits of the Tudor dynasty and the Reformation period. 1879 .. .. .. .. .. 20759 Burke (T. N.) Ireland's vindication : refutation of Froude, etc. x.d. 21224 Burleigh (Bennet) Natal campaign [port., maps, illus.]. 1900 .. 22277 Burlesques, by W. M. Thackeray . . . . . . 10367, 10368 Burmah, see Asia. Burn (R. S.) : Landed estates management [illus.] . 1879 . . . . 15106 71 Bur BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bur Bum (R. S.) {cotitin'ued} : Modern farming [illus.] . 2 vol. 1878-82 Steam-engine : history and mechanism [illus.] . 1854 Burnaby (F. G.) : Our Radicals Ride to Khiva. N.D. Burnand (Sir F. C.) : About buying a horse, etc. 1875 Mokeanna ! etc. .. My time and what I've done with it. 1874 Out of town. 1869 Real adventures of Robinson Crusoe [illus. by L. Sambourne] See also Brough and Burnand. Bumell (G. R.), see Law and Burnell. Burness (William) and others. Equipment (Handbooks of the farm) Burnett (F. H.) : Dolly .. .. "Haworth's" In connection with the De Willoughby claim Lady of quality . . " Surly Tim," etc. That lass o' Lowrie's Through one administration. . Barney (Frances), see Arblay (Madame d'). Bumey (James) Buccaneers of America. 1891 Burnley (James) Romance of invention [illus. by G. Browne] . 1892 Burns (Robert) : Poetical works of , [illus.]. N.D. Poetical works of , [port., illus. by J. Gilbert] . 1862 Life of, by J. C. Shairp (English men of letters). 1887 Burns (William) Manufacture of gas [illus.] . 1887 Burritt (Elihu) Walk from London to Land's End and back [illus.] Burroughs (John) : Birds and poets, etc. 1901 . . Fresh fields. 1901 Locusts and wild honey. 1902 Pepacton. 1904 . . Wake-robin. 1901 Winter sunshine. 1901 Burrowes (J. F.) Thorough-bass primer [illus Burrows (Montagu) : Cinque Ports (Histo^'ic towns) [maps] . 1888 Foreign policy of Great Britain. 1897 . . Imperial England. 1880 Wiclif's place in history. 1882 Burt (M. A.) ed. Choicest lyrical productions of most celebrated German poets. 1855 Burton (Isabel) Lady. Arabia, Egypt, India : narrative of travel [maps, illus.] . 1879 Burton (0. E. Bloundelle-) : Fate of Valsec Year one Burton (J. H.) Cairngorm Mountains [frontis.]. 18G4 Burton (Sir R. F.) : Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains [frontis.]. 2 vol Battlefields of Paraguay [map, illus.] . 1870 City of tlie Saints [Salt Lake tity, map, illus.] . 1861 Gorilla land, etc. [map, illus. j . 2 vol. 1876 ] . 1874 15101 14937 7191 22075 16996 7192 19968 16996 17019 15116 7194 7195 7196 7197 "7199 7200 7198 22703 15297 2015 2014 18471 13382 21063 12220 12216 12219 12217 12221 12218 16124 21071 20851 20893 19581 1768 23243 7207 7208 21190 22432 22661 22620 22426 72 But* CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Buac Burton (Sir R. F.) (contimted) : Lake regions of Central Africa [Ulus.]. 2 vol. 1860 .. 22471 Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1864 . . 22431 Pilgrimage to Meccah and Medinah [maps, illus.] . 1879 . . 22145 Zanzibar : city, island, and coast [illus.] . 2 vol. 1872 . . 22396 Life of, by G. M. Stisted [port,] . 1896 . . . . 19575 Burton aJid Drake. Unexplored Syria [illus., map], 2 vol. 1872 22123 Burton atid M'Queen. Nile basin [maps] . 1864 . . . . 22220 Burton (R. G.) Tropics and snows [illus.]. 1898 .. .. 23247 Burton (Robert) Anatomy of melancholy, n.d. . . -. . 14508 Burton (T. E.) Financial crises. I9O2 . . . . . . 13879 Burty (Philippe) Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts [illus.] . . . 15366 Bury (Y. B. de) French literature of to-day. 1898 . . . . 16590 Bury aiid Hillier. Cycling (Badminton library) [illus.] . 1887 . . 14288 Busbecq (0. G. de) Life, etc., of, by C. T. Forster and F. H. B. Daniell. 2 vol. 1881 . . . . . . . . 20369 Bushnan (J. S.), see Jardine ajid Bushnan. Bushnell (Horace) : Christ and His salvation. 1871 . . . . . . 719 Christian nurture. 1861 . . . . . . . . 804 Moral uses of dark things. 1870 . . . . . . 1398 Nature and the supernatural. 1874 . . . . . . 620 Vicarious sacrifice. 1866 . . . . . . , . 570 Work and play [Essays] . 1864 . . , . . . . 16819 Business, see Trade and Commerce. Busk (Hans) : Hand-book for Hythe [illus.] . 1860 . . . . . . 20975 Navies of the world [illus.] . 1859 . . . . . . 20983 Rifle and how to use it [illus.] . 1860 . . . . . . 20974 [Busk (Mrs. William)] History of Spain and Portugal to 1814. 1833 21535 Buss (F. M.) : Leaves from note-books of, [Addresses to girls] . 1896 . . 16901 Life and work of, by A. E. Ridley [port., illus.] . 1895 . . 19419 But men must work, by R. N. Carey .. .. .. 7250 Butler (Charles) Geographical and political revolutions of Germany 21288 Butler (E. A.) Pond life: insects (Fo2m(7 coZZector) [illus.]. 1886 .. 12629 Butler (Edward) " For good consideration " [Essays] . 1885 .. 16784 Butler (J. E.) Woman's work and woman's culture. 1869 . . 13828 Butler (Joseph) Bishop : Analogy of religion, etc. [port.] . 1852 . . . . ... 1445 Butler, by W. L. Collins (PIdlosophical classics) [port.] . 1881 18329 Butler (Samuel) : Characters : from the writings of Butler, etc. 1865 . . 16985 Poems of, ed. by R. Bell. 3 vol. n.d. . . . . . . 2011 Butler (Sir W. F.).: Campaign of the cataracts (Nile expedition) [map, illus.] 22400 C._ G. Gordon (English mm of action) [port.] . 1889 . . 18379 Life of Sir George Pomeroy-Colley [port., maps, illus.] 19857 Sir Charles Napier (ngfZis/i juen o/ndton) [port.]. 1894 .. 18375 Wild North land [map, illus.] . 1874.. .. .. 22621 Butter-making, sec Agriculture Dairy. Butterfield (W. J. A.) Gas manufacture [illus.]. 1898 .. .. 13298 Butterflies, see Insects. Buttery (J. A.) Why Kruger made war. 1900 . . . . 22341 Buttons, by J. S. Winter .. .. ,. ,. 11013 Buxton (B. H.) : From the wings . . . . . . . . , . 7214 Great Grenfell gardens . . . . . . . . 7215 73 Bux BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cai Buxton (S. C.) : l\Ir. Gladstone as Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1901 . . 19827 Political questions of the day. 1891 . . . . . . 20862 Buxton {Sir T. F.) Life of, by Thomas Binney. 1871 . . . . 18974 By Celia's arbour, by Besant and Rice . . . . . . 6836, 6837 By fair means, by Jean Middlemass , , . . . . 9293 By mead and stream, by Charles Gibbon . . . . . . 8050 By order of the Czar, by Joseph Hatton . . . . . . 8375 By order of the king, by Victor Hugo . . . . . . 8546- By rock and pool, by Louis Becke . . . . . , 6762 By the Elbe, by Sarah Tytler . . . . . . . , 10648 By the western sea, by James Baker . . . . . . 6701 Byerley (Thomas), see Percy (R. and S.). Byrn (E. W.) Progress of invention in the 19th century [illus.] . . . 15352. Byrne (Oliver) Elements of practical mechanics [illus.] . 1872 . . 13134 Byron (G. G. N.) Lord: Poetical works of, [port.] . 1850 . . . . . . 1937 Atwther edition. 1896 .. .. .. 2080 Life, e by the Earl of Beaconsfield Conjuring, see Sport and Pastime. Connaught, see Ireland. Connoisseur, by Mr. Town. 1877 . . Conqueror, by G. F. Atherton Conquest of Charlotte, by D. S. Meldrum Conrad (Joseph) Lord Jim Conscience (Hendrik), see Foreign Works French. Conscience of Coralie, by F. F. Moore Conscript, by Erckmann-Chatrian Conspirators, by Alexandre Duma* Constable (John) Life of, by G. M. Brock-Arnold [Great artists) [port., illus.]. 1881 Constable of France, etc., by James Grant . . Constance Sherwood, by Lady Georgiana FuUerton Constantine I, the Great, see Rome. Constantinople, see Turkey. Consuelo, by George Sand Contarini Fleming, by Benjamin Disraeli Contraband, by G. J. Why te-Melville Convict ship, by W. C. Russell Conwa,y (Hugh) [F. J Bound together . . Called back Cardinal sin Dark days Family affair Life's idylls, and other poems. 1887 . . Living or dead . . Conway (M. D.) Sacred anthology. 1874 Conway (W. M.) Artistic development of Reynolds and Gainsborough [illus.] . 188G . . Conway {Sir W. M.) : Alps from end to end [illus.] . 1900 With ski and sledge over Arctic glaciers [illus.] . 1898 Conybeare (Edward) Roman Britain (Early Britain) [map.] . 1903 Conybeare and Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul [illus.] . 1873 Cook (C. H.), see Bickerdyke (John). Cook (E. D.) : Book of the play. 1881 Hours with the players [frontis.] . 1883 Cook (E. Hampden-) Christ has come : second advent an event of the past. 1894 Cook (Mrs. E. T.) Highways and byways in London 'illus. by H. Thomson.]. 1902 .. .. ". . Cook (Eliza) Poetical works of, [port., illus.]. 1869 .. Cook (James) Biology, with prelude on current events. 1881 Cook (Capt. James) : Three voyages round the world, n.d. .. Life of, by Sir Walter Besant (English men of action) [port.]. See also Voyages and Travel. Cook (Joseph) Heredity. 1881 Cook (T. A.) Rouen (Mediccval towns) [maps, illus.] . 1899 2281 18588 7668- 17282- 6683 9216 7399- 9344 7883- 7750, 7761 18660 8153 800L 9964 766&> 9229 9886> 7403 7408. 7404 7407 7405. 2076- 7406- 1459 18898 21677 23183 20694 127 1931 20016 351 21200' 2084 548 23106 18369 1243.5 22977 100 Stickit minister's wooing, etc. 7547 Strong Mac . . 7548 Croker (B. IM.) Proper pride . . , 7559 Croker (J. W.) Correspondence, etc., of, [port.] . 3 vol. ] L884-5 . . 19484 Croker (T. C.) : Killarney legends [illus.] . n.d. 17072 Popular songs of Ireland. 1886 1810 Crommelin (May de la Chervis-) : Bettina 7566 Black abbey 7567 In the west countrie 7568 Joy 7569 Kinsah 7570 Love, the pilgrim 7571 Luck of a lowland laddie 7572 Miss Daisy Dimity 7573 Poets in the garden [frontis.]. 1886 .. 1710 Vereker family, etc. 7574 Cromwell (Oliver) : Letters and speeches, by Thomas Carlyle. 5 vol. 1871-2 . . 17174 Life and times of, by G. H. Pike [port., illus.]. 1899 . . 20811 Life of, by Charles Firth {Heroes of tJienatlons) [poi t., illus.] 18422 Life of, by E. P. Hood [illus.] . 1884 . . 20134 Life of, by F. W. Cornish [maps] . 1882 20700 Life of, by Frederic 'H.s.XM\'s,an {Twelve English statesi len). 1888 18448 Life of, by J. R. Andrews, 1870 20746 Life of, by John Morley [port.] . 1900. . 19521 Life of, by Theodore Roosevelt [port., illus.]. 19( )0 . . 20154 Oliver Cromwell : the man and his mission, by J. A. Picton [port.] . 1889 . . 20745 Protector : a vindication, by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne 1848 . . 20693 107 Cro BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cum Cromwell (Oliver) {continued) : Speeches of, 1644-1658 [port.] . 1901 . . . . . . 19146 Cromwell and his time : articles collected from reviews, etc. Crookall (L.) British Guiana [illus.] . 1898 ., . . . . 22663 Crooked trails, by Frederic Remington . . . . . . 11460 Croppy, [by John Banim] . . . . . . . . 6713 Croskery (Thomas) Plyonouth-Brethrenism. 1879 . . . . 668 Cross (Mi's. G. F.), see Cambridge (Ada). Cross (J. W.)^^. George Eliot's life [port., illus.]. 8 vol. 1884.. 19000 Cross (Mrs. J. W.), see Eliot (George). Cross (W. L.) Development of the English novel. 1899.. . . 16858 Cross and Bevan. Text-book of paper-making [illus.] . 1888 . . 15266 CroBsing {\Yil\ia,m)T&v'istock (Hmielaiidliaiuibooks) [illus.]. 1903.. 22893 Crossing, by Winston Churchill . . . . . . . . 7307 Crow (A. H.) Highways and byeways in Japan [map, frontis.]. 1883 21981 Crowe (George) Commission of H.M.S. "Terrible " [South Africa and China]. 1898-1902 [illus.]. 1903 .. .. 21009 Crowest (F. J.) : Cherubini (Great 7nusicians). 1890 . . . . . . 18613 Great tone-poets. 1874 . . . . . . . . 20013 Musical anecdote. 2 vol. 1878 . . . . . . 17031 Verdi : man and musician [port.] . 1897 . . . . 19640 Crowquill (Alfred) [A. H. Forrester] ilhis., see Gaultier (Bon). Crowther (James) Starry cross [illus.] . n.d. . . . . 697 Croydon, see Surrey. Cruden (Alexander) Concordance to the Holy Scripture [port.] . . 159 Cruikshank (George) : Comic almanack [illus] . 1844-1853 . . . . , . 17013 Cruikshank at home [illus.]. n.d. .. .. .. 16998 Life of, by W. B. Jerrold [illus.] . 2 vol. 1882 . . . . 19987 Memoir of, by F. G. Stephens (Great artists) [port., illus.]. 18678 See also Planche (F. D'A.). Cruise of the " Midge," by Michael Scott . . . . . . 10006 Crusade of the " Excelsior," by Bret Harte . . . . . . 8359 Crusades : [Adams (W. H. D.)] Wars of the Cross [illus.] . 1883 . . 20424 Archer ajid Kingsford. Crusades (Story of tlie nations) [map, illus.]. 1894 .. .. .. .. 20478 Cos., Bishop. Cx\x?,didie^(EiX)chs of modern history) [moj^"]. 1875 20281 Gibbon (Edward) History of the Crusades [port.] . n.d. . . 19741 Richard of Devizes and others. Chronicles of the Crusades [frontis.]. 1848 .. .. .. .. 20331 'Crustacea, see Zoology. Cuba, see West Indies. Cudlip (A. H.), see Thomas (Annie). Cudworth (J. W\) Which is the church? 1874 .. .. 583 Cumberland (Creighton) Bishop. Carlisle (Historic towns) [map] . . . 21070 Cuming (E. W. D.) In the shadow of the pagoda : Burmese life and character [illus.]. 1893 .. .. .. 21927 Camming (C. F. G.) : At home in Fiji [map, illus.]. 2 vol. 1881 .. .. 227-33 Fire fountains: kingdom of Hawaii [maps, illus.]. 2 vol. 22734 From Hebrides to Himalayas [illus. J. 2 vol. 1876 .. 23246 Granite crags [map, illus.] . 1884 .. .. .. 22590 Lady's cruise in a French man-of-war [map, illus.] . 2 vol. 23206 Two happy years in Ceylon [illus.] . 2 vol. 1892. . . . 21948 Via Cornwall to Egypt [frontis.] . 1885 . . . . 23209 108 Cum CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Cyn leaves [Essays]. 2 vol. Camming (John) : Cities of the nations fell. 1871 Driftwood, seaweed, and fallen From Patmos to Paradise. 1873 Is Christianity from God ? 1850 Camming (B. G.) Hunter's life in South Africa [illus.] . 2 vol. Cammings (W. H.) Purcell {Great musicians) [illus,] . 1881 [Cammins (M. S.)] : Haunted hearts . . See also Foreign Works French. Cundall (Frank) Studies in Jamaica history [illus.] . 1900 Candall (Joseph) Hans Holhein (Great artists) [port., illus.]. 1882 Cunha (E. da) Portuguese self-taught. 1904 .. Cunningham (Allan) Lives of British architects [frontis.] . n.d. Cunningham (Brysson) First stage building construction [illus.] . Cunningham (John) Quakers : from their origin till the present time Cunningham (William) Western civilisation in its economic aspects [maps] . 2 vol. 1898-1900 Cunningham and McArthur. Outlines of English industrial history (Cambridge historical ser.). 1895 Cupid's garden, by E. T. Fowler . . Curate in charge, [by M. 0. Oliphant] Curling, see Sport aiid Pastime. Curse of the snake, by Guy Boothby Curteis (A. M.) Bise of the Macedonian empire (E;pochs of ancient history) [maps] . 1881 Curtis (E.) : Dr. Malchi His double self . . Curtis (G. W.) Prue and I Curtis (W. E.) Venezuela [map]. 1896 Curwen (Henry) History of booksellers [illus.] . 1873 . . Curvren (John) Tonic sol-fa method of teaching music [illus.] . 187 Cusack (M. F.) Woman's work in modern society. 1874 Cushing (Paul) [B. A. Wood-Seys] Doctor Caesar Crowl .. Cussans (J. E.) Handbook of heraldry [illus.]. 1868 Cust (Sir Edward) : Annals of the wars of the 18th century. 5 vol. 1862-9 Annals of the wars of the 19th century. 4 vol. 1862-3 Warriors of the civil wars of France and England. 2 vol, 1867 Cust (B. N.) : Clouds on the horizon. 1891 Linguistic and oriental essays [port.] . 1891 Custine (Astolphe de) ilfrtj-gms. Bussia. 1854 Customs, see Folk-lore, Customs. Cuthbert, Saint. Life and times of, by A. C. Fryer. 1880 Cutlery, see Industries, Cutis (E. L.) : Colchester (Historic toivns) [maps] . 1888 Saint Jerome (Fathers for English readers), n.d. . . Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages [illus.]. n.d. Cycles : Brown (W. N.) Japanning and enamelling for cycles, etc , Sharp (Archibald) Bicycles and tricycles . , . design and construction [illus.]. 1896 Tayler (A. J. Wallis-) Modern cycles [illus.]. 1897 Cycling, see Sport and Pastime. Cynic fortune, by D. C. Murray . . 184 1478 123 61 22255 18603 7579- 22677 18657 13655- 18789 15594 869- 20333 14027 7982,; 9480 6974 20261 7583. 7584, 7585 7587 22665- 16844 16123. 13841 7588 14825- 20311 20312 18942.; 444 16766 21709 19610 21072 911 20183 15268 15300 15295 9397 109 -Cyp BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dan Cyprian, Saint. Life and times of, by G. A. Poole. 1840 . . 611 Cyprus: Dixon (W. H.) British Cyprus [frontig.]. 1879 .. .. 22216 Mallock (W. H.) In an enchanted island [frontis.] . 1889 . . 22215 Stevenson (Esme Scott-) Our home iti Cyprus [map, illus.] . 22217 See also Turkey. Cyril, Saint. Catechetical lectures of, 1872 . . . . 343 DABNEY (T. S. G.) Memorials of, by S. D. Smedes [port, illus.] 22596 Dahorae, see Africa West, atid Missions and Missionaries. Dairy-farming, see Agriculture. Daisies and buttercups, by C. E, L. Riddell . . . . . . 9751 Daisy chain, by C. M. Yonge . . . . . . . . 11315 Daisy Miller, ei<;., by Henry James .. .. .. 8664 Dale (R. W.) Atonement. 1875 . . . . . . . . 421 Dalgleish (W. S.) : Cruise of the " Dunottar Castle " round Scotland [illus.] . . . 21175 Shakespeare reader. 1871 . . . . . . . . 2126 D'Almeida (W. B.) Life in Java [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1864 . . 21870 Dalton (Hermann) John A Lasco : his earlier life, etc. 1886 . . 19799 Dalton (John) and the rise of modern chemistry, by Sir H. E. Roscoe (Century sci. ser.) [port.] . 1895 . . . . 18561 Daltons, by Charles Lever . . . . . . . . 8848, 8850 Daly (J. B.) Radical pioneers of the 18th century. 1886 . . 20896 Dalziel (George and Edward) ilbis., see Morley (Henry). Dame de Monsoreau, by Alexandre Dumas [Sequel to " Marguerite deValois"] .. .. .. .. .. 7754 Damocles, by Margaret Veley . . . . . . . . 10700 Dampier (William) : Life of. by W. C. Russell (English vmi of action) [port.] . 1889 18370 See also Drake ami Dampier. Damsel or two, [by F. Frankfort Moore] . . . . 9345 Danby (Frank) [Julia Frankau] Pigs in clover . . . . 7589 Dancing, see Sport and Pastime. Dandy, by Jean Middlemass . . . . . . . . 9294 Danes (Richard) Cassell's History of the Boer War, 1899-1901 [illus.]. 1901. .. .. .. .. .. 22311 Danesbury House, by Mrs. Henrv Wood . . . . 11070, 11071 Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot' . . . . . . 7862, 7863 Daniell (F. H. B.), sec Forster a7id Daniell. Daniels (W. H.) Short History of " the people called Methodists." 952 Danish Language, see Language. [Danson (J. T.)J Wealth of households. 1886. .. .. 13938 Dante Alighieri: Cantos from Divina commedia, trans, by C. Potter. 1896 . . 2105 Dante, trans, by I. C. Wright [port., illus.]. 1861 .. 2111 Divina commedia, trans, by E. O'Donnell. 1852.. .. 2114 Inferno, trans, by H. W. Longfellow. 1867 .. .. 2109 Purgatorio, trans, by H. W. Longfellow. 18G7 .. .. 2106 Vision, trans, by H. F. Cary. 1892 .. .. .. 2110 Dante, by M. O. Oliphant {Foreign classics). 1881 .. 17372 Dante for beginners, by Arabella Shore [port.]. 1886 .. 2107 Introduction to the study of, by J. A. Symonds [frontis.]. 1893 2108 Danton {('r. J.), see France History. 110 D'An CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Dav D'Anvers (N.) [N. R. E. Bell] : History of art [fllus.] . 1882 . . . . . . 14603 History of music, ed. by 0. J. DuUea [illus.]. 1883 .. 16210 Raphael (Greaiariis^s) [port., illus.]. 1880 .. .. 18669 D'Arcy (Ella) Monochromes . . . . . . . . 7593 Dariel, by R. D. Blackmore . . . . . . . . 6941 DaFlen, by Eliot Warburton . . . . . . . , 10768 Dark days, by Hugh Conway . . . . . . . . 7407 Dark o' the moon, by S. R. Crockett . . . . . . 7527 Darkness and dawn, by P. W. Farrar . . . . . . 7929 Darley (F. O. C.) illus., see Mitchell (D. G.). Darmesteter (A. M. F.), see Robinson (A. M. F.). Dartmoor, see Devonshire. Darwin (C. R.) : Climbing plants [illus.] . 1875 . . . . . . 12676 Descent of man [illus.] . 1894 . . . . . . 12372 Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species [illus.]. 1877.. .. .. .. .. 12713 Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms [illus.]. 1881 .. .. .. .. 12249 Insectivorous plants [illus.] . 1875 . . . . . . 12712 Origin of species . . . . . . . . . 12307 Researches in natural history and geology. 1845 . . . . 12247 Structure and distribution of coral reefs [plates] . 1874 . . 12765 Charles Darwin and theory of natural selection, by E. B. Poulton {Cenhtry sci. ser.) [port.] . 1901 . . . . 18565 Life, eic, of, ed. by F. Darwin [.port., illus.]. 3 vol. 1887 19361 Another edition. 1902 . . . . . . 19933 Life of, by G. T. Bettany (Grea^ writers). 1888 .. .. 18578 Memorial notices reprinted from "Nature" {Nature ser.) [port.] . 1882 . . . . . . . . . . 18313 Darwin (C. R. and Francis) Power of movement in plants [illus.]. 12680 Darwinism, see Evolution. Daudet (Alphonse) : Jack .. .. .. .. ,. .. 7596 One of the ' Forty ' . . . . . . . . 7599 Robert Helmont . . . . . . . . . . 7597 Tartarin of Tarascon . . . . . . . . 7598 Tartarin on the Alps [illus.]. 1887 .. .. .. 21681 Life of, by Leon Daudet [port.]. 1898 .. .. 20125 Daughter of Heth, by William Black . . . . . . 6910 Daughter of the vine, by Gertrude Atherton. . . . . . 6684 Daunt (W. J. O'N.) Eighty-five years of Irish history, 1800-85. 1888 21245 Dauphine, see France Topography, Travel. Davenport (R. A.) : History of the Bastille [illus.] . 1892.. .. .. 21394 Life of AH Pasha [port.] . 1887 .. .. .. 19751 Davenport (William Bromley-) Sport [illus. by H. H. Crealocke] . 14203 Davenport Dunn, by Charles Lever . . . . . . 8861 Davey (R. P. B.) Cuba: past and present [map, illus.] . 1898 .. 22660 David (Jules), see Foreign Works French. David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens . . . . . . 7030, 7031 David Elginbrod, by George MacDonald . . . . . . 9071 David Harum, by E. N. Westcott. . . . . . . . 10886 David Poindexter's disappearance, etc., by Julian Hawthorne . . 8390 Davids (T. W. R.) : Buddhism (Non-CJirlstian religious systems) [map] . n.d. . . 329 Buddhist India (Si;oj-2/o/i/ic?tai;ons) [map, illus.]. 1903 .. 20497 111 Dav BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Day- Davidson (E. A.) : Drawing for cabinet-makers [illus.] . 1872 .4 . , 15422 House-painting, graining, etc. [illus.] . 1880 . . . . 15602 Pretty arts for leisure hours [illus.] . 1879 . . . . 14602 Davidson (J.) Ballads and songs. 1895 . . . . 2091 Davidson (J. L. Strachan-) Cicero (Heroes of the nations) [illus.]. .. 18410 Davidson (John) Commercial federation and colonial trade policy 13924 Davidson (L. C), see Griffin and Davidson. Davidson (Samuel) : Introduction to study of New Testament. 2 vol. 1882 . . 246 Text of Old Testament considered. 1859 . . . . 209 Davies (C. M.) : Heterodox London. 2 vol. 1874 . . . . . . 21158 Mystic London. 1875 .. .. .. .. 21163 Orthodox London. 2 vol. 1873-5 . . . . . . 21161 Unorthodox London. 2 vol. 1873-5 .. .. .. 21159 Davies (E. H.) Machinei7 for metalliferous mines [illus.]. 1894 .. 14940 Davies (G. J.) : Papers on preaching. 1861 . . . . . . . . 1256 Successful preachers. 1884 . . . . . . . . 18820 Davies (James) : Catullus, Tibullus and Proper tius (.4ncien^ cZassics). 1876 .. 1740O Hesiod and Theognis (47ic2Wf ctossics). 1873 .. .. 17406 Davies (N. E. Yorke-) Health and condition. 1894 .. .. 14108 Davies (T. L. 0.) Bible English. 1875 .. .. .. 41 Davies (Thomas) Preparation and mounting microscopic objects [illus.]. 1880.. .. .. .. .. 13119 Davis (H. W. C.) Charlemagne (fleroeso/^/ie wantons) [illus.]. 1900 18420 Davis (H. H.) Year from a correspondent's note-book [port., illus.]. 20190 Davy (Sir Humphry) : Consolations in travel. 1830 .. .. .. 1380 Salmonia ; or, days of fly fishing [illus.l . 1829 . . . . 14206 Dawkins (W. B.) : Cave hunting [illus.] . 1874 . . . . . . 14766 Early man in Britain [illus.]. 1880 .. .. .. 12609 Dawlish, see Devonshire. Dawn, by H. R. Haggard . . . . ' . . . . 8252, 8253 Dawson (A. J.) In the Bight of Benin, etc. . . . . . . 7604 Dawson (Albert) Joseph Parker (l^eio century leaders) [port.]. 1901 18455 Dawson (E. C.) James Hannington . . . his life and work [port.]. 19934 Dawson (Sir J. W.) : Chain of life in geological time [illus.] . n.d. . . . . 12740 Dawn of life [illus.] . 1875 . . . . . . . . 12735- Egypt and Syria [illus.] . 1885 . . . . . . 22190 Fossil men and their modern representatives [illus.] . 1880 . . 12378 Geological history of plants (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1888 . . 13509 Modern science in Bible lands [map, illus.] . 1892 . . 12770 Story of the earth and man [illus.]. 1875 .. .. 12737 Dawson (W. H.) German life in town and country [illus.]. 1901 .. 21273 Dawson (W. J. ): Makers of modern English. 1892 .. .. .. 1769 Makers of modern prose. 1899 . . . . . . 16580 Day (Julia) Poems. 1847 . . . . . . . . 2102 Day (L. F.) : Lettering in ornament [illus.]. 1902.. .. .. 14570 Ornament and its application [illus.]. 1904 .. .. 14599 Stained glass [illus.]. 1903 .. .. .. 14731 Day ancZ Buckle. Art iu needlework [illus.] . 1900 .. .. 15047 112 Day CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Del Day (R. E.) Electric light arithmetic. 1897 . . Day (S. P.) :- Down South [ports.] . 2 vol. 1862 . . English America. 2 vol. 1864 Life and society in America. 2 vol. 1880 Day of recompense, by S. K. Hocking Day of wrath, by Maurus J6kai . . Day will come, [by M. E. Braddon] Days of auld langsyne, by Ian Maclaren Days of my life, by M. O. Oliphant Day's ride, by Charles Lever Day's work, by Rudyard Kipling . . Deacon's Composition and style, ed. by E. D. Blackman Dead heart, by Charles Gibbon Dead men's shoes, [by M. E. Braddon] Dead sea fruit, [by M. E. Braddon] Dead secret, by Wilkie Collins Dead tryst, by James Grant De Amicis (Edmondo) : Holland and its people [illus.]. 1893 .. Spain and the Spaniards [port., illus.]. N.D. Deane (W. J.) Abraham : his life and times, n.d. Deans (Joseph) Faith, doubt, and unbelief. 1905 Dear Faustina, by Hhoda Broughton Dear Lady Disdain, by Justin McCarthy Dearmer (Percy) Highwrays and byv/ays in Normandy [illus. by J Pennell]. 1900. Death whistle, by Richard Marsh. . Debts of honor, by Maurus J6kai . . Decle (Lionel) : Three years in savage Africa [maps, illus.] . 1898 Trooper 3809 [illus.] . 1899. De Crespigny and Hutchinson. New Forest : its traditions, etc [illus.]. 1895.. Deemster, by Hall Caine Deep-sea plunderings, by F. T. BuUen Deer, see Zoology. Deer stalking, see Sport and Pastime. Defoe (Daniel) : Journal of the Plague year (1665). 1884 Memoirs of the Church of Scotland. 1848. Works of, ed. by J. S. Keltie. 1872 . . Earlier life and works of, ed. by Henry Morley. 1889 Life of, by William ]\Iinto {Englishmen of letters). 1887 See also Foreign Works French. De Fonblanque (Albany de G.) How we are governed. 1880 De Fonblanque (C. A.) Five weeks in Iceland. 1880 De Fonblanque (E. B.) Niphon and Pe-che-li [illus.]. 1862 De Forest (Katharine) Paris of to-day [illus.] . 1900 Degrees, see Education. Dekker (Thomas) Plays of, (Mermaid ser.) [frontis.] . 1887 Delaborde (Henri) Engraving : its origin, etc. [illus.] . 1886 Delagoa Bay, see Africa South. Delaire (Jean) Dream of fame Delamere (E. S. and E. J.) Wholesome fare [frontis.]. 1878 Delamotte (F. G.) Art of illumination for beginners [illus.] . 1860 Delamotte (P. H.) : Art of sketching from nature [illus.] . 1888 13237 22553 22593 22618 8470 8717 7016, 7017 9097 9481 8863, 8864 8779 16919 8052 7011, 7012 7022, 702a 7343, 7344 8131 21796 21544 126- 35a 7144 9052 21397 9144 8718 22492 20985 21095 7229 718a 20641 1006 17284 19800 18476 20871 21807 22021 21490 2278 14581 7609 15024 14697 14620 113 Del BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. De Delamotte (P. H.) (contimied) : Drawing book for beginners [illus.] . 1869 . . . . 14667 See also Wheatley and Delamotte. * Deland (Margaret) : John Ward, preacher . . . . . . . . 7611 Old Chester tales.. .. .. .. .. 7612 Delany (Mary) [Mary Granville] Memoir of, by George Paston [port.]. 1900.. .. .. .. .. 20055 Delaroche (Paul) Life of, by J . B,. B.ees (Great artists) [port., illus.]. 18685 Delaware, by G. P. R. James . . . . . . . . 8643 De Leon (Edwin) Egypt under its Khedives [map, illus.] , 1882 . . 22189 Delhi, see India. Delille (Edward) Some French writers. 1893 . . . . 16611 Delolme (J. L.) Constitution of England. 1853 .. .. 20855 Democritus junior, see Burton (Robert). Demoniac, by Sir Walter Besant . . . . . . . . 6779, 6780 De Morgan (Augustus) Gnomonic projection of the sphere [illus.] . 13089 Demos, [by George Gissing] . . . . . . . . 8067 Demosthenes, by W. J. Brodribb (Aiicient classics). 1877 .. 17402 [Dempster (C. L. H.)] : Essays. 1872 .. .. .. .. .. 16738 Maritime Alps and their seaboard [illus.] . 1885 . . . . 21674 Dendy (W. C.) Legends of the lintel and the ley. 1863 . . . . 17066 Dene Forest, see Gloucestershire. Dene Hollow, by Mrs. Henry Wood . . . . 11072, 11073 Denham (Sir John) Poetical works of Waller and Denham. 1857 . . 1940 Deniker (J.) Races of man (Contemporary sci. ser.) [maps, illus.]. 13417 Denison (G. A.): Notes of my life, 1805-1873. 1878 . . . . . . 19552 Letters of, ed. by L. E. Denison [port., illus.]. 1902 .. 19658 Denison (G. T.) Soldiering in Canada [port., illus.] . 1900 . . 22623 Denmark: Brochner (Jessie) Danish life in town and country [illus.] . . . 21806 Edwardes (Charles) In Jutland with a cycle [frontis.] . 1897 21802 Herbert (A. I^. W. M.) Danes in camp [frontis., map]. .. 21290 ]\Iarryat (Horace) Residei^ce in Jutland [illus.] . 2 vol. 1860 21797 Thomas (Margaret) Denmark : past and present [illus.] . 1902 21803 See also Scandinavia. Dennis (H. J.) Second grade perspective [illus.] . 1884 . . . . 14626 Dennis (John) : Age of Pope, 1700-44 (Handbooks of English literature). 1901 16519 Studies in English literature. 1883 .. .. .. 16511 Dent (C. T.) Mountaineering (J5a*;ime CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. DeW De Quincey (Thomas) (continued) : Works of, [port., illus.]. 16 vol. 1878 (contd,) : Vol. 9. Ctesars. Essenes, etc. 10. Style and rhetoric, etc. 11. Coleridge and opium-eating, etc. ,, 12. Speculations : literary and pliilosoplic. 13. Logic of political economy, etc. 14. Autobiographic sketches, 1790-1803. ,, 15. Biographies of Shakspeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller. Political parties of modern England. ,, 16. Suspiria de profundis, etc, De Quincey and his friends, by James Hogg [port.]. 1895 .. 20364 Life and writings of, by A. H. Japp [port.] . 1890 .. 19989 Life of, by David Masson (English vien of letters). 1888 .. 18477 ."Derby, Earl of, see Stanley (E. H.) Earl of Derby. J)erbyshire : Black's Tourist's guide to Derbyshire .. .. .. 22822 Cox (J. C.) Derbyshire (Little guides) [maps, illus.]. 1903 .. 22795 See also England Topography, Travel, arid Eliot (George). Derrick Yaughan, by Edna Lyall. . . . . . . . 8942, 8943 Descartes (Rene) Descartes, by J. P. Mahafiy (Philosophical classics) [port.]. 1880., .. .. .. .. 18322 Descent of the duchess, by Morley Roberts . . . . . . 9811 Deschanel(A.Privat-) Natural philosophy [illus.]. 4 vol. 1872-1901 13184-7 Design, see Art and Artists. Desperate remedies, by Thomas Hardy , . . . . . 8318 D'Esterre-Keeling, see Keeling (Elsa D'Esterre-). Destiny, [by S. E. Ferrier] .. .. .-. .. 7953 Deverell (F. H.) Tour in Palestine and Syria [port., map, illus.]. 22126 Devereux (Roy) Side lights on South Africa [map] . 1900. . . . 22363 DeYereux, by Lord Lytton . . . . .-. . . 8990, 8991 DeYey (Joseph) : Comparative estimate of modern English poets. 1873 . . 1774 Logic ; or, the science of inference. 1854 . . . . 14447 Devil's chain, by Edward Jenkins .. .. .. .. 8683 Devonshire : Black's Guide to Devonshire . . . . . . 22843 Book of fair Devon [illus.]. 1899-1900 .. .. 22933 Cresswell (B. F.) Dartmoor, etc. (Homeland liandbooks) [maps, illus.]. 1900 .. .. .. .. 22872 Dawlish (Homeland liandbooks) [map, illus.] . . . 22869 'Exetev (Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.]. 1902 22873 Teignmouth (Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.] . 22894 Crossing (William) Tavistock (Homeland handbooks) [illus.] . 22893 Freeman (E. A.) Exeter (Historic toiuns) [maps]. 1887 .. 21073 Gould (Sabine Baring-) Book of Dartmoor [illus.] . 1900 . . 21086 ^Murray's Handbook for Devonshire . . . . . . 22948 Norway (A. H.) Highways and byways in Devon and Cornwall [illus.] . 1897 . . . . . . . . . . 21025 Page (J. L. W.) Dartmoor and its antiquities [map, illus.] . 21137 Picnic: guide to Ilfracombe and North Devon [illus.]. n.d. 22937 Wright (W. H. K.) Blue friars: their sayings and doings [illus.]. 1889 .. .. .. .. 21046 Plymouth (Homeland handbooks) [map, illus.] . . . 22887 Devon and Cornwall : articles collected from reviews, etc. See also England Topography, Travel, and Natural History. Devotee, by Mary Cholmondeley . . . . . . . . 7294 Dewar (G. A. B.) : In pursuit of the trout [frontis.] . 1898 .. .. 14210 115 Dew BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Die Dewar (G. A. B.) {contintied) : Memoirs of Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny [port.] . 1896 South country trout streams (Anglers' lih-ary) [illus.] . 1898 Dewe (J. A.) New thoughts on current subjects. 1897 De Wet (C. R.) : Three years' war [map] . 1903 , . See also Africa South. Dewey (Orville) Problem of human destiny, 1864 DeWint(Peter)Lifeof,byG. K.Redgrave ((?7-eaior Dodgson (C. L.), sec Carroll (Lewis). 118 Hog CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Dom Dogs : Breaking and training dogs n.d. . . . . . . 12507 Cobbe (F. P.) Friend of man [Tke dog] . 1889 . . . . 12483 Dog stories from the " Spectator." 1895 .. .. 12503 ' Idstone." Dog: with simple directions for his treatment [illus.]. 1872... .. .. .. .. 12476 Jesse (Edward) Anecdotes of dogs [illus.] . 1858 . . . . 17039 Lane (C. H.) AH about dogs [illus.], 1900 .. .. 12564 Dog shows and doggy people [illus.] . 1902 . . 12565 Pardon (G. F.) Dogs : their sagacity, instinct, and uses [illus.] . 12485 Stables (W. G.) Our friend the dog [illus.] , 1887 . . 12539 Doings of Raffles Haw, by Sir A. Conan Doyle . . _ . 7694, 7695 Dolan (T. M.) Pasteur. and rabiesv 1890 .. .. .. 15061 Dolby (George) Charles Dickens as I knew him. 1885 . . . . 19806 Dolling (R. W. R.) Father. Life of, by C. E. Osborne [port.] . 1903 19661 Dollinger (J. J. I. von) : European history [port,] .. 1890 .. .. .. 20567 First age of Christianity and the church. 2 vol 1866 . . 991 Dolly, by F. H. Burnett .. .. .. .. 7194 Dolly dialogues, by Anthony Hope . . . . . . 8512 Dombey and Son, by Charles Dickens . . . . . . 7632, 7633 Domenech (E, H. D.) : Adventures in Texas and Mexico. 1858 .. .. 22616 Deserts of North America, [illus.] . 2 vol. 1860 . . . . 22644 Domestic Economy : Barker, Lady. Bedroom and boudoir [illus.] . 1878 . . 15002 Beeton (I. ]\I.) Book of household management [illus.] . 1880 15023 Book of the household [illus.]. 2 vol. n.d. .. .. 14362 Browne (Phillis) Common-sense housekeeping, n.d. . . 15007 What girls can do. n.d. .. .. .. 15001 Year's cookery [illus.] . n.d. . . . . . . 14993 Delamere (E. S. and E. J.) Wholesome fare [frontis.]. 1878 15024 Facts and hints for every -day life. n.d. .. .. 15029 Faunthorpe (J. P.) efZ. Household science. 1882.. .. 15028 Garrett (R. and A.) House decoration [illus.] . 1879 . . 14997 German national cookery for English kitchens. 1873 . . 15026 Harland(jMarion) Breakfast, luncheon, and tea. n.d. .. 15006 Hill (B. E.) Epicure's almanac : or, diary of good living. 1841 15009 Home book : a domestic cyclopaedia [illus.] . n.d. .. 15021 Hooper (Mary) Little dinners. 1870 .. .. .. 14992 Jones (Lucy) Puddings and sweets. 1 877 . . . . 15004 Kirwan (A. V.) Host and guest : a book about dinners, etc. . . 14987 Loftie (W. J.) Plea for art in the house [illus.] . 1877 . . 14998 Murray (Ross) Modern householder [illus. j . 1872 . . 15022 Nursery and sick-room (TFomft7i's Zi6?-ar2/). 1903.. .. 15035 [Philp (R. K.)] Domestic world [illus.]. n.d. .. .. 14996 Reason why : domestic science. 1869 . . . . 14989 Praga (Mrs. Alfred) Cookery and housekeeping (Womaii^s librarij). 1903 .! .. .. .. 15037 Rankin (M. C.) Science of laundry work [illus.]. 1904 . . 15003 Recipes for the million. 1891 .. .. .. 15000 Savarin (Authelme Brillat-) Gastronomy as a fine art. 1889. . 14991 Smith (L. E.) Home washing. 1890 .. .. .. 15008 Somerville {Mrs.) Cookery and domestic economy [illus.] . n.d. 14990 Tasty dishes. 1880 . . , . . . . . 14999 Valentine (Laura) cd. Domestic educator [illus.]. n.d. .. 15025 Walker (L.) Instructive and ornamental paper work [illus.] . . 15070 Walsh (J. H.) Domestic economy [illus.] . n.d. .. .. 15020 Wheeler (Gervase) Choice of a dwelling [illus.] 1872 . . 15027 119 Pom BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dov Dominic, Saint. Life of, [by A. T. Drane]. n.d. .. .. 19248 Dominoes, see Sport and Pastime. Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra . . . . 11510 Donaldson (A. B.) Five great Oxford leaders. 1900 . . . . 18957 Donaldson (H. H.) Growth of the brain (Contemporary sci. ser.) [illus.]. 1895.. .. .. .. .. 13438 Donaldson (J. W.) New Cratylus. 1850 .. .. .. 13615 Donaldson (James) Apostolical Fathers : their writings and doctrines. 868 Donatello [Donate Bardi] : Lives of Ghiberti ani Donatello, by Leader Scott (Great artists) [port., illus.]. 1882 .. .. .. 18681 I See also Sculpture. Donegal, see Ireland. Donington (G. C.) Practical exercises in chemistry [illus.]. 1906 .. 13313 Donna Quixote, by Justin McCarthy . . . . . . 9053 Donne (Alphonse) Change of air and scene. 1878 . . . . 14111 Donne (John) Dean. Life of, by Augustus Jessopp (Leaders of religion) [port.]. 1897 .. .. .. .. 18463 Donne (W. B.) : Euripides (Ancient classics) 1876 . . . . . . 17403 Tacitus (Ancient classics). 1877 .. .. .. 17420 Donovan (Michael) Chemistry [illus.] . n.d. ,. .. 13863 Donovan, by Edna Lyall . . . . . . 8944, 8945 Donovan Pasha, by Sir Gilbert Parker . . . . . . 9536 Doom! by. J. H. McCarthy .. .. .. .. 9054 Doomswoman, by Gertrude Atherton . . . . . . 6685 Doran (John) : Bentley ballads. 1858 ,. .. .. .. 1735 Memories of our great towns. 1878 . . . . . . 21110 Monarchs retired from business [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1857 . . 20023 Queens of England of the House of Hanover. 2 vol. 1875 . . 20683 Table traits with something on them. 1869 . . . . 17063 "Their majesties' servants": annals of the English stage [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1864 . . . . . . . . 1916 Dore (P. G.), illus., see Blackburn (Henry), and Hood (Thomas). Doreen, by Edna Lyall . . . . . . . . . . 8946, 8947 Dorking, see Surrey. Dorothy Forster, by Sir Walter Besant . . . . . . 6785, 6786 Dorsetshire : Black's Guide to Dorsetshire . . . . . . 22832 See also England Topography, Travel. Double-barrelled detective story, [by Mark Twain] . . . . 10691 Double choice, by James Baker . . . . . . . . 6704 Double harness, by Anthony Hope . . . . . . 8503 Double marriage, by Charles Reade . . . . . . 9675, 9676 Double thread, by E. T. Fowler .. .. .. .. 7983 Douce lass, [by Sarah Tytler] . . . . . . . . 10654 Doudney (Sarah) Vicar of Redcross . . . . . . 7687 Douglas (Sir G. B. Scott-) " Blackwood " group (Favious Scots), n.d. 18805 Douglas (John) First principles of physiography [maps, illus.] . . . 12593 Douglas (R. K.) : China (Story of the nations) [map, illus.] . 1899 . . . . 20489 Confucianism and Taouism (Non- Christian religious systems) [map]. 1879 .. .. .. .. ' .. 328 Li Hungchang (Public men of to-day) [port.] . 1895 . . 18349 Douglas (William) Horse-shoeing [illus.] . 1873 . . . . 15150 Douglass (Frederick) Narrative of the life of, [port.]. 1846 .. 20101 Dove in the eagle's nest, by C. M. Yonge . . . . . . 11316 120 Dov CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Dra Dover, see Kent. Doveton (F. B.) Mirth and music [Poems] . 1901 Dowden (Edward) : French Revolution and English literature. 1897 New studies in literature, 1895 Southey (Eiujlish men of letters) [frontis.] . 1879 Studies in literature, 1789-1877. 1882. . Dowie (M. M.) Girl in the Karpathians [map, illus.] . 1891 Downman (E. A.) English pottery and porcelain [illus.]. 1896 Doyle {Sir A. C.) : Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Captain of the " Polestar " . . Doings of Raffles Haw Duet, with an occasional chorus Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Firm of Girdlestone Great Boer War [maps] . 1900 Great shadow and Uncle Bernac Green flag, etc. Hound of the Baskervilles . . Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Micah Clarke Refugees Return of Sherlock Holmes . . Rodney Stone Rovmd the red lamp Sign of four Songs of action. 1898 Stark Munro letters and Round the red lamp Study in scarlet and The sign of four Tragedy of the Korosko White company . . Doyle (C. W.) Shadow of Quong Lung Doyle (Sir P. H. C.) Reminiscences and opinions of, 1886 Dragomanoff (Sergius), see Stepniak. Dragon-flies, see Insects. Drainage, see Building and Building trades. Drake (C. F. T.) see Burton and Drake. Drake (Sir Francis) Life of, by J. S. Corbett (English men of action) [port.] . 1894 . . Drake and Dampier. Voyages round the world [frontis.] . 1886 Drama and Stage : Adams (W. D.) Book of burlesque [ports.]. 1891.. Archer (William) English dramatists of to-day. 1882 * Bancroft (Sir S. B. and Lady) On and off the stage. 1889 Bedford (Paul) Recollections of , [port.]. 1864 Cook (E. D.) Book of the play. 1881 . . Doran (John) "Their majesties' servants": annals of the English stage [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1864 Edwards (H. S.) Famous first representations. 1886 Fitzgerald (P. H.) History of the English stage. 2 vol. 1882 Romance of the English stage. 2 vol. 1874 World behind the scenes. 1881 Kingsley (Charles) Plays and Puritans, etc. [frontis.]. 1873. Le Roux and Garnier. Acrobats and mountebanks [illus.] Mac Coll (Malcolm) Ober-Ammergau Passion play. 1871 Matthews (J. B.) Theatres of Paris [illus.]. 1880 Merivale (H. C.) Bar, stage, and platform [port.]. 1902 2071 16565 16455 18498 16454 23154 14748 7690 7692, 7693 7694, 7695 7713 7689, 7711 7696, 7697 22278 7712 7700, 7719 7702, 7708 7710 7704, 7714 7706, 7715 7708, 7709 7716, 7721 7722 7724 2093 7717, 7725 7718, 7726 7719, 7727 7720 7723 18930 18366 23083 1841 1870 1857 20220 1931 1916 1773 1938 1944 1844 16634 1910 1890 1889 1837 121 Ura BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dm. Drama and Stage (contintied) : Molloy (J. P.) Famous plays. 1888 ' . . . . , , 1928 Contents : Love for love. Cato. Beggar's opera. Irene. She stoops to conquer. Rivals. School for scandal. Virginius. Hunchback. Lord Lytton's plays. Pollock (W. H. aTtd Lady) Amateur theatricals [illus.] . 1879 184a Eussell (W. C.) Representative actors [frontis.] . n.d. . . 1896 Schlegel (A. W. von) Lectures on dramatic art and literature [port.]. 1846.. .. .. .. .. 1873 Drama: articles collected from reviews, efc, in several volumes. Dramatic Biography : Cook (E. D.) Hours with the players [frontis.] 1883 .. 20016 Russell (W. C.) Representative actors {Chandos classics) n.d. 18834 Theatrical memoirs : articles collected from reviews, etc. Drane (A. T.) : St. Catherine of Siena [maps, illus.] . 1880 .. .. 19199- St. Dominic, with a sketch of the Dominican Order, n.d. . . 19248 Draper (C. H.) Heat [illus.]. 1893 .. ., .. 13170 Draper (J. W.) Conflict between religion and science (Int. sci. ser.) . . 13459 Draper (W. H.) Alfred the Great [port., map, illus.] . 1901 . . 20810 Drat the boys! by Max O'Rell. n.d. .. ... .. 173ia Draughts, see Sport and Pastime. Drawing, see Art and Artists. Drawn from life, by Archibald Forbes . . . . . . 796S Draycott (Arthur) Copyhold enfranchisement. 1896 . . . . 13981 Drayson (A. W.) : Last glacial epoch of geologj'. 1873 . . . . . . 12795 Supposed proper motion of the fixed stars [Sequel to " Glacial epoch," illus.] . 1874 .. .. .. .. 13083 Drayton (Michael) Barons' wars, and other poems. 1887 . . 2072 Dream life and real life, c, illus.]. 1880 .. 20410 Eden (Emily) Up the country [India] . 2 vol. 1866 ,. .. 21922 .'Eden (Frederic) Nile without a dragoman. 1871 . . . . 22181 Edershiem (Alfred) Golden diary. 1866 . . . . . . 1377 Ed|ar (Andrew) Bibles of England. 1889 . . . . . . 182 Edgar (Pelham) Struggle for a continent [maps, illus.]. 1902 .. 22624 Edgar a7id Pritchard. Solid or descriptive geometry [illus.]. 1871. . 12959 Edge (K. M.) After cost . . , . . . . . 7820 Edgeworth (IMaria) : Absentee .. .. .. .. .. 7822 Castle Rackrent and Absentee . . . . . . 7823 Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . 7824 Manoeuvring, etc. . . . . . . . . 7825 Vivian aiid Almeria . . . . . . . . 7826 Ijiie oi,hy Helen Zimmem {E7ninent luomen). 1883 .. 18540 Edina, by Mrs. Henry Wood . . . . . . 11076, 11077 Edinburgh, see Scotland. Editor's tales, by Anthony Trollope . . . . . . 10509 Edmond (John) Children's church at home [Sermons, eic.]. 1863 .. 704 Edmonds (E. M.) : Fair Athens. 1881 . . . . . . . . 21850 ]\Iary Myles . . . . . . . . . . 7829 Edmonds (Henry) Elementary botany [illus.] . 1885 .. .. 12656 Edmonds (J. W.) Tracts on spiritualism [port.]. 1874 .. .. 14483 Edmondston (Thomas) Life and letters of, 1868 . . . . 19607 Edmondston and Saxby. Home of a naturalist [Essays, illus.] . . . 16821 Edridge-Green, see Green (F. W. Edridge-). Edser (Edwin) Light for students [illus.]. 1902 .. .. 13147 Education : Adams (W. H. D.) Plain living and high thinking (Self- culture) [ports.]. N.D. .. .. .. .. 14080 , Bacon, Lorrf. Advancement of learning. 1869 .. .. 14091 Bain (Alexander) Education as a science {Int. sci. ser.). 1880 13471 Blackie (J. S.) Self-culture. 1901 . . . . . . 14088 Brabazon (Reginald) ed. National and board school reforms . . 14345 Browning (Oscar) Educational theories. 1881 . . . . 14075 Craik (Henry) State in its relation to education (English citizen). 1896 . . . . . . . . . . 14071 Education and professions (Jl'yiu's Ziinirj/) [illus.]. 1903.. 15033 Fletcher (A. E.) cd. Cyclopedia of education. 1889 .. 14340 Geikie [Sir Archibald) Teaching of geography. 1887 . . 14089 Grosley (William) Church-Clavcring [frontis.] .. .. 14087 Guvau (J. M.) Education and heredity (Contemporarij sci. ser.), [port.]. 1891 .. .. .. .. .. 13437 126 lEIdu CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Hdiv Education {continued) : Hawtrey (Mabel) Co-education of the sexes. 1896 . . 14070 Hayward (F. H.) Reform of moral and Biblical education . . 14082 Hazlitt (W. C.) Schools, school-books, etc. 1888 . . . . 14085 Hope (A. R.) Book about dominies. 1869 . . . . 14074 Hughes (J. L.) Dickens as an educator. 1901 . . . . 14079 HuUah (J. P.) Time and tune in the elementary school [illus.] . 1875 . . . . . . . . . . 16119 Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. 1895 . . - . . 14083 Latham (Henry) Examinations as a means of selection. 1877 14072 Laurie (S. S.) Teachers' Guild addresses, etc. 1892 . , 14081 Leland (C. G.) Practical education. 1888 . . . . 14084 Macnamara (T. J.) Schoolmaster sketches. 1896 . . . . 16644 Miles (Eustace) Boys' control and self-expression [illus.]. 1904 14078 Pycroft (James) Collegian's guide. 1858 . . . , 14090 Roberts (R. D.) Education in the 19th century. 1901 . . 14076 Ronge (J. and B.) Guide to English kinder-garten [illus.] .. 14338 Shairp (J. C.) Culture and religion. 1875 .. .. 1323 Spanton (John) Preparation for science teaching. 1882 . . 14092 Staunton (Howard) Great schools of England [illus.]. 1865.. 21056 Taylor (E. R.) Elementary art teaching [illus.]. 1890 .. 14557 Taylor (W.) How to prepare notes of lessons, n.d. . . 14086 Timbs (John) Schooldays of eminent men [illus.]. 1858 .. 18971 Todhunter (Isaac) Conflict of studies, etc. 1873 . . . . 14341 Woodward (C. M.) Manual training in education (Contemporary sd. ser.) [illus.]. 1890 .. .. .. ,. 13426 Youmans (E. L.) ed. Modern culture. 1867 . . . . 14073 Education: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. Edward, the Black Prince, see England History. Edward I, King of Englaiid, see England History. Edward III, King of E^igland, see England History. Edward Y, King of England, see England History. Edward YI, King of England, see England History. Edward YII, King of England, see Social Science. Edward (Thomas) Life of, by Samuel Smiles [port., illus.]. 1877.. 19164 Edward Barry, by Louis Becke . . . . . . . . 6763 Edwardes (Annie) : Archie Lovell .. .. .. .. .. 7830 Ballroom repentance . . . . . . . . 7831 Girtongirl .. .. .. .. .. 7832 Leah .. .. .. .. .. .. 7833 Point of honour . . . . . . . . . . 7834 Edwardes (Charles) In Jutland with a cycle [frontis.] . 1897 . . 21802 Edwardes (E. C. Hope-) Azahar: journal in Spain. 1883 .. 21511 Edwards (A. B.): In the days of my youth . . . . . . . . 7840 Lord Brackenbury . . . . . . . . 7841 Miss Carew . . . . . . . . . . 7842 Pharaohs, fellahs, and explorers [illus.] . 1892 . . . . 22211 Thousand miles up -the Nile [illus.] . 1890 . . . . 22210 Edwards (C. A.) Organs and organ building [illus.]. 1881 .. 15254 Edwards (E. J.), see Garrett ami Edwards. Edwards (H. S.) : Famous first representations. 1886 . . . . . . 1773 Personal recollections. 1900 . . . . . . 20210 Rossini and his school (Grefti 7)msicia7is). 1881 .. .. 18604 127 Kdiv BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Egy Edwards (M. B. Betham-) : Bridget . . . . . . . . . . 7845 Brother Gabriel . . . . . . . . < . . 7846- Disarmed . . . . . . . . . . 7847 Felicia .. ... .. ., .. 7848- Forestalled . . . . . . . , . . 7849 Holidays in eastern France [frontis.] . 1879 . . . . 21424 Love and mirage.. .. .. .. .. 7850 Mademoiselle Josephine's Fridays, etc. . . . . . . 7851 Next of kin wanted . . . . , . . . . 7862> Parting of the ways . . , . . . . . 7853 Eeminiscences. 1898 . . . . . . . . 19493 Roof of France. 1889 . . . . . . . . 2144a Year in western France [frontis,] . 1877 . . . . 21462. 'Edva.rda {0. M.) "Wales (Story of the nations) [maps, illus.]. 1901 20494 Edwards and Harraden. Two health-seekers in southern Cali- fornia. 1897 .. .. .. .. .. 14126 Edwards (Z. I.) Ferns of the Axe [illus.]. 1862 .. .. 12685- Egerton (H. E.) Sir Stamford Raffles {Builders of greater BiHtain) [frontis., maps]. 1900 .. .. .. .. 18700' Eggar (W. D.) : Manual of geometry [illus.] . 1906 . . . . . . 12934 Practical exercises in geometry [illus.] . 1903 . . . . 12952. Egoist, by George ]Meredith . . , . . . , . 9264 Egypt: Adams (W. H. D.)Land of the Nile [illus.]. 1872 , . 22187 Birch (Samuel) Egypt . . . to B.C. 300 [illus.]. 1886 .. 22197 Burton a?i(^ M'Queen. Nile basin [maps] . 1864.. .. 22220' Cameron (D. A.) Egypt in the 19th century [map] . 1898 . . 22179' [Chennells (Ellen)] Recollections of an Egyptian Princess [Zeyneb, ports.] . 1893 . . . . . . . . 22222- Dawson (Sir J. W.) Egypt and Syria [illus.] . 1885 . . 22190 De Leon (Edwin) Egypt under its Khedives [map, illus.] . . . 22189' Eden (Frederic) Nile without a dragoman. 1871.. .. 22181 Edwards (A. B.) Pharaohs, fellahs, and explorers [illus.]. 1892 22211 Thousand miles up the Nile [illus.]! 1890 . . 22210' Gordon, Lady. Letters from Egypt, 1863-5 . . . . 22224 Hoskins (G. A.) Winter in upper and lower Egypt [frontis.] . 22214 King (Annie) Dr. Liddon's tour in Egypt and Palestine. 1891 22180 Lane (E. W.) Cairo fifty years ago [plan] . 1896 . . . . 22185 Manners and customs of the modern Egj'ptians [illus.]. 1890 .. .. .. .. 22226 Macmillan's Guide to Egypt and Sfidan. 19C5 . . . . 22986 Oxley (William) Egypt [illus.] . 1884 . . . . . . 22188 Parry (E. G.) Suakim in 1885. 1885 .. ,. .. 2220a Poole (Stanley Lane-) Cairo (Mediceval towns) [plan, illus.] . 22971 Egypt (Foreign countries, etc.) [maps, illus.] . 1881 20408 Rawlinson and Gilman. Ancient Egypt (Story of the nations) [map, illus.] , 1890 .. .. .. .. 20445 Sharpe (Samuel) History of Egypt from the earliest times till . . . A.D. 640. 1846 .. .. .. .. 22212 Steevens (G. W.) P:gypt in 1898 [illus.]. 1898 .. .. 22182 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Ancient Egyptians [illus.]. 2 vol. .. 22186 Wilson (&'ir W. J. E.) Cleopatra's needle [illus.]. 1877 .. 22219 Egypt of the past [illus.]. 1881 .. .. 22225- Wor.sfold (W. li.) Egypt (Story of the empire) [map] . . . 20304 Ancient Egypt : articles collected from reviews, etc. 5 vol. See also Arclaseology, Misbious and Missionaries, and Voyages and Travel. 123 Ellir CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Hie Ehrenfeohter (C. A.) Technical study in the art of pianoforte-playing [illus.]. N.D. .. Elloart (Elizabeth) : How he won her . . Some of our girls. . Einstein (Lewis) Italian renaissance in England [illus.] . 1902 Elam (Charles) Winds of doctrine. 1876 Elbow-room, by Max Adeler Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphry Ward . . Eleanor's victory, [by M. E. Braddon] Elect lady, by George MacDonald . . Elections, see Government. Electricity : Ayrton (W. E.) Practical electricity [illus.]. 1896 Bonney (G. E.) Electrical experiments [illus.]. n.d. Buckmaster (J. C.) Elements of magnetism and electricity [illus.]. N.D. .. Ferguson (R. M.) Electricity [illus.] . 1873 Frith a7^^ Rawson. Coil and current [illus.] . 1896 Gibson (C. R.) Romance of modern electricity [illus.] . 1906 Guillemin (Amedee) Electricity and magnetism [illus.] . 1891 Guthrie (Frederick) Magnetism and electricity [illus.] . 1875 Hadley (H. E.) Magnetism and electricity [illus.] . 1905 Harris {Sir \N. S.) Electricity [illus.] . 1875 Magnetism [illus.] . 1875 Jenkin (H. C. F.) Electricity and magnetism [illus.]. 1880., Lodge (0. J.) Modern views of electricity (Nature ser.) [illus.]. Maxwell (J. C.) Electricity and magnetism [illus.]. 2 vol, .. Elementary treatise on electricity [illus.] . 1881 Munby (A. E.) Magnetism and electricity [illus.] . 1903 Noad (H. M.) Student's text-book of electricity [illus.]. 1879 Sloane (T. O'C.) Electrical dictionary [illus.]. 1893 Thompson (S. P.) Electricity and magnetism [maps., illus.] Thomson (Sir William) Electrostatics and magnetism [illus.] Trowbridge (John) What is electricity ? (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.] Tunzelmann (G. W. von) Electricity in modern life (Contem- porary sci. ser.) [illus.]. 1889 Tyndall (John) Diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action [illus.]. 1870., Lessons in electricity [illus.] . 1876 Urbanitzky (A. R. von) Electricity in the service of man [illus.] Watt (Alexander) Electro-metallurgy [illus.]. 1880 Appliances, distribution, etc. : BoLtone (S. R.) Galvanic batteries [illus.]. 1902,, Clinton (W. S.) Electric wiring [illus.]. 1902 Crocker and Wheeler. Management of dynamos and motors [illus.]. 1892., Rider (J. H.) Electric traction [illus.] , 1903 Salomon's (Sir D. L. Goldsmid-Stern-) Experiments with vacuum tubes [port., illus.]. 1903 Thompson (S. P.) Dynamo-electric machinery [illus.] . 1888 , , Urquhart (J. W.) Dynamo construction [illus.]. 1895 Electric bells : Allsop (F. C.) Practical electric bell fitting [illus.] . 1895 Electric light : Allsop (P. C.) Electric light fitting [illus.] . 1892. . Day (R. E.) Electric light arithmetic. 1897 Fleming (J. A.) Electric lamps and electric lighting [illus.]. , , 16118 7864 7855 207 IS- 12424 6601 10786 7020, 7021 9073 18221 13222 13235 13229 13215 13255 13326 13232 13226 13223 13224 13227 13249 13330 13329 13228 13251 13254 13234 13334 13528 13434 13090 13252 13827 13217 13225 1323a 13253 13219 13220 13328 13218 1321& 13247 13237 13331 129 Kle BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kll Electricity {continued) : * * Electric light (contd.) : Hammond (Robert) Electric light In our homes [illus.] . 1884 13213 Urquhart (J. W.) Electric light [illus.]. 1902 .. .. 13250 Lightning conductors : Lodge (0. J.) Lightning conductors and guards [illus.] . 1892 13248 Medical electricity : Turner (Dawson) Practical medical electricity [illus.]. 1893.. 13332 See also Medical Science, Physics, Telegraphy, and Telephone. Electro-plating, see Goldsmithing, Jewellery. Electrotyping, see Printing. Elgin, Earl of, see China. Eliane, by Mrs. Augustus Craven .. .. .. ,. 7480 Eliot (George) [Mrs. J. W. Cross] : Adam Bede . . . . . . . . . . 7860, 7861 Daniel Deronda .. .. .. .. ..7862,7863 Essays 07id Leaves from a note-book. 1884 .. .. 16726 Felix Holt . . , . . . . . . . 7864, 7865 Impressions of Theophrastus Such [Essays] . 1879 . . 16750 Middlemarch . . . . . . . . . . 7866, 7867 Mill on the Floss.. .. ,. .. ..7868,7869 Romola .. .. .. .. ..7870,7871 Scenes of clerical life . . . . . . . . 7872, 7873 Silas Marner .. .. .. .. ..7874,7875 Spanish gipsy [A poem] . 1875 . - . . . . 2185 ' George Eliot in Derbyshire, by Guy Roslyn. 1876 . . 19740 George Eliot's life, ed. by J. W. Cross [port., illus.] . 3 vol. 19000 Life of, by Leslie Stephen {English men of letters). 1902 . . 18507 Life of, by Mathilde Blind {Eminent women). 1888 . . 18549 Scenes from the "George Eliot" country, by S. Parkinson [illus.]. 1888.. .. .. .. .. 16476 True story of, by William Mottram [port., illus.]. 1905 . . 20131 Wise, etc., sayings from works of, ed. by A. Main. 1873 .. 17303 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, see Austria. Elizabeth, Queen of England, see England History. Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania, see Carmen Sylva. Elizabeth (Charlotte) [C. E. Tonna] : Chapters on flowers [illus.] . 1866 . . . . . . 17327 Izram, and other poems. 1876 .. .. .. 2253 Elizabeth and her German garden. 1898 . . . . . . 17257 Elizabeth in Rugen [map] . 1904.. .. .. .. 17256 Elizabeth ; or, the exiles of Siberia, by Madame Cottin . . 8803 Ellacombe (H. N.) : In a Gloucestershire garden [illus.] . 1895 . . . . 15189 In my vicarage garden and elsewhere [port.] . 1902 . . 15239 Ellicott (C. J.) Bishop. St. Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians . . 467 Elliot (A. R. D.) State and the church. 1882 . . . . 14179 Elliot (Frances) : Diary of an idle woman in Spain. 2 vol. 1884 .. .. 21512 Old court-life in France [illus.] . 1886 . . . . 214.39 Elliot (G. F. S.) Nature studies (Plant life) [illus.]. 1903 .. 12684 Elliot (Sir George) God is spirit, God is love. 1895 .. .. 584 Elliot (T. J.) cd. Land question [frontis.]. 1884 .. .. 13900 Elliott (E. B.) ed. Memoir of Lord Haddo [frontis.] . 1868 . . 19021 Elliott (George) Life of the Duke of Wellington [port., maps]. 1816 20045 Ellis (A. J.) Speech in song [illus.]. n.d. .. .. .. 16110 Ellis (George) Early English metrical romances [frontis.]. 1848 .. 1823 130 EIII CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY, Kma Ellis (H. H.) : Nineteenth century : a dialogiie in Utopia. 1900. . The criminal {Contemporary sci. ser.) [illus.] . 1895 Ellis (Robert) Chemistry of creation [illus.] . 1852 .Ellis (Sarah), see Stickney (Sarah). Ellis (William) : Religion in,common life. 1857 Three visits to Madagascar [illus.] . 1858 .ElocutioR : Anstey (F.) Mr. Punch's young reciter [illus.]. n.d. Aristoteles. Treatise on rhetoric, eic. [frontis.]. 1850 Bain (Alexander) English composition and rhetoric. 1866 Beeton's Complete orator and public speaker, n.d. Public speaker, n.d. Bell (A. M.) Science of speech. 1897 . . Bell (D. C.) Modern reader and speaker. 1888 Bevenot (Clovis) ed. Passages from French and German poets for repetition. 1889 Blair (Hugh) Lectures on rhetoric, etc. [port.] . 1823 Campbell (Hugh) and others. Voice, speech, and gesture. Carpenter (J. E.) Popular elocutionist and reciter [port.]. Cassell's Penny reading^s. 2 vol. [illus.]. Chambers's Effective reciter. 1905 Chambers's New reciter. 1899 Cicero (M. T.) Oratory and orators. 18G2 Cox (E. W.) Writing, reading, and speaking. 1867 Fleming (James) Art of reading and speaking, n.d. Ford (Harold) Art of extempore speaking. 1903 . . Hasluck (A. a7id S.) cfZ. Recitations from Dickens, n.d. Holyoake (G. J.) Public speaking and debate, n.d. [Hood (E. P.)] Lamps of the temple. 1856 Hood (Tom) ed. Standard penny readings. 1871 . . Jennings (J. A.) ed. Readings from American authors. 1884.. Readings from Charles Dickens. 1882 . . Readings from Irish authors. 1883 [Knovvles (J. S.)] Elocutionist, n.d. . . Mackenzie {Sir Morell) Hygiene of the vocal organs [illus.] ,. . Moxon's Standard penny readings, n.d. Pearson's Humorous reciter and reader. 1903 Pearson's New reciter and reader. 1902 .. Pertwee (Ernest) ed. Reciter's treasury of prose and drama . . Public speaking. 1904 Rouiledge (Edmund) ed. Modern speaker and reciter [frontis.]. Rowton (Frederic) Debater : new theory of the art of speaking Sandlands (J. P.) Voice and public speaking. 1879 Steele (F. E. M.) efZ. Encore reciter. 1891 Eloquence : articles collected from reviews, etc Elphinstone (Mountstuart) History of India. 2 vol. Elsdale (Henry) Studies in the "Idylls." 1878 Elsie Yenner, by 0. W. Holmes Elsmie (G. R.), see Lumsdcn (Sir H. B.). Elster's folly, by ^Mrs. Henry Wood Elton (Sir A. H.) Poems of past years. 1856 Elton (G. I. and M. A.) Great book-collectors [illus.] . Elton (Oliver) Augustan ages [Periods of European literature), 1899 Elwes (Alfred) : Grammar of the Italian language. 1880 Grammar of the Portuguese language. 1876 Emancipated, by George Gissing . . 131 2 vol. 1841 1893 13418 16791 13236 1471 22491 16934 17438 16941 16964 16964 16943 16939 1805 16960 16963 16942 16957 J,6969 16966 16940 16962 16937 16935 16953 16936 16945 16967 16932 16932 16932 16933 16938 16946 17010 16965 16961 16947 16944 16949 16948 16958 21940 1629 8489 11078, 11079 2184* 16867 16460 13684 13675 8072 SLmb BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Eng- Emblems, Book of, by Margaret Gatty [illus,] . 1872 . . . . 17157 Embroidery, see Needlework. Emerson (P. H.) On English lagoons : a year's yachting, shooting, and fishing. 1896 .. ,. .. .. 21087 Emerson (R. W.) : Complete works of, 2 vol. 1873-5 -. .. .. 17223 Vol. 1. Essays. Lectures. Representative men. Poems. ,, 2. English traits. Nature. Conduct of life. Representative men. 1850 .. .. .. .. 18787 Life, e 14025 14972 14935- 21006 20695 20598 20672 20635 893 18446 20702 20297 20612 20747 20673 20834 20591 20759 20693 17174 20761 20459 18373 20798 20094 20703 20271 20597 20043 20799 134 EIng CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Kng England History (continued) : Creighton (L. H.) {contd.) Government of England. 1884 . . 20879 Life of Edward the Black Prince [maps] . 1877 , . 18337 Crowning of our kings: from Ethelred II to Edward VII [illus.] . 1902 . . . . . . . . . . 20780 Defoe (Daniel) Journal of the Plague year (1665). 1884 .. 20641 Dixon (W. H.) Hiiitory of two Queens. 4 vol. 1873-4 .. 20826 Contents: Catharine of Aragon. AnneBoleyn. Doran (John) Queens of England of the House of Hanover. 2 vol. 1875 .. .. .. .. .. 20683 Vol 1. Sophia Dorothea, of Zpll. Caroline Wilhehniua Dorothea. Charlotte Sophia. 2. Charlotte Sophia, contd. Caroline of Brunswick. Adelaide of Saxe-Meinengen. Draper (W. H.) Alfred the Great [port., map, illus.]. 1901 20810 Du Boys (Albert) Catharine of Aragon and the sources of the English Reformation. 2 vol. 1881 . . . . . . 20727 Dulcken (H. W.) History of England [illus.] . 1888 . . 20670 Einstein (Lewis) Italian renaissance in England [illus.] . 1902 20718 Evelyn (John) Diary, etc. [ports.] . 4 vol. 1862-3 . . 20820 Ewald (A. C.) Studies re-studied : historical sketches. 1885.. 20743 Fawcett (i\I. G.) Life of H.M. Queen Victoria [Eminent luomen) [port.]. 1901 ., .. .. .. 18550 Fitzgerald (P. H.) Good Queen Charlotte [ports.]. 1899 .. 20765 Life and times of William IV. 2 vol. 1884 . . 20744 Florence of Worcester, Chronicle of, 1854 . . . . 20817 Fox (C. J.) Reign of James II. 1846 . . . . . . 20815 Frampton (Mary) Journal of, 1779-1846. 1885 . . . . 19395 Freeman (E. A.) Growth of the English constitution, 1872 . . 20594 William the Conqueror [Twelve English statesmen) . . 18441 Friedmann (Paul) Anne Boleyn. 2 vol, 1884 . . . . 20825 Froude (J. A.) Divorce of Catherine of Aragon, 1891 . . 20740 History of England from fall of Wolsey to defeat of Spanish Armada. 12 vol, 1870 . . . . 20'69O Gairdner (James) England (Early chronicles of Etcrope), n.d. 20708 Henry VII (Twelve Ejiglish statesmen), 1892 . . 18444 Houses of Lancaster and York (Epochs of modern history) [maps]. 1875 .. .. .. 20277 Life and reign of Richai-d III [port,] . 1898 . . 20730 Pastou letters, 1422-1509. 3 vol. 1872-5 .. .. 20595 Gardiner (S. R.) Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-56 [maps]. 4 vol. 1903 .. .. .. 20616 First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution (Epochs of modern history) [mA^s]. 1880 .. 20272 Great Civil War, 1642-49 [maps] . 4 vol. 1901 ., 20615 . History of England, 1603-42 [maps] . 10 vol. 1884 20645 Student's history of England ... to 1885 [illus.] . 20749 Giles (J. A.) cd. Six old English chronicles [frontis.] . 1848 . . 20613 Gleig (G. R.) History of England [illus.]. 3 vol. 1836 . . 20790 Goadby (Edwin) England of Shakespeare. 1881 . . . . 2143 Govett (L. A.) King's book of sports. 1890 . . . . 14328 Green (J. R.) flaking of England [maps] . 1831 . . . . 20682 Readings from English history. 8 vol. 1880-4 ., 20792 Vol. 1. J longest to Cressy. ,, 2. Cressy to Cromwell. ,, 3. Cromwell to Balaklava. Short history of the English people [maps] . 1891 . . 20735 Green (Mrs. J. R.) Henry II (Twelve English statesmen). 1888 18438 135 Kng BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Eng England History {c(mtinued) : Greville (C. C. F.) Journal of the reigns of George IV and William IV. 3 vol. 1874 Grimaldi (Stacey) Synopsis of English history. 1871 Guizot (F. P. G.) English Revolution of 1640 [frontis.]. 1846 Monk ; or, fall of the republic, etc. 1851 Hale (Edward) Fall of the Stuarts, etc. (Epochs of modern history) [maps] . 1876 Hall (Hubert) Court life under the Plantagenets [illus.] . 1890 Society in the Elizabethan age [illus.]. 1887 Hall {Mrs. Matthew) Royal princesses, of England, from reign of George I [frontis.] . 1858 Hallam (Henry) Constitutional history of England (Henry VII to George II). n.d. Hatherly (S. G.) Genealogical scale of the sovereigns of Eng- land. 1889 Hawkins and Smith. Story of Alfred the Great [illus.] . 1901 Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle of, Mid Acts of Stephen [frontis.]. 1853 Herbert, Lord. History of England under Henry VIII. 1870 Hewlett (H. G.) Post-Norman Britain {Early Britain). 1886 Hinds (A. B.) Making of the England of Elizabeth. 1895 . . Hodgetts (J. F.) Greater England. 1887 Holmes (R. R.) Queen Victoria, 1819-1901 [port.] . 1901 Hookham (M. A.) Life and times of Margaret of Anjou [port., illus.] . 2 vol. 1872 Hume (David) History of England [illus.]. 1870.. Hunt (William) Norman Britain [map] . 1884 James (G. P. R.) Life of Richard Cceur-de-Lion [frontis.] . 2 vol. 1854 . . Jane (L. C.) Coming of Parliament : England from 1350 to to 1660 {Story of the nations) 1905 . . Jeffery (F. B.) Perfect prince [Alfred the Great, port., illus.]. 1901 .. Jenks (Edward) Edward Plantagenet {Heroes of the nations) [maps, illus.] . 1902 Jesse (J. H.) Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts [illus.]. 8 vol. 1857 Memoirs of the Pretenders [illus.]. 1858 Jose (A. W.) Growth of the empire [maps]. 1897 Jusserand (J. A. A. J.) English wayfaring life in the Middle Ages, [illus.]. 1901 Kingsford (C. L.) Henry V {Heroes of the nations) [port., illus.]. 1901 .. Kingsley (Charles) Plays and Puritans, etc. [frontis.]. 1873.. Knight (Charles) Crown history of England. 3870 Half hours of P2nglish history History of England [illus.]. 8 vol. 1856-9 Langmead (T. P. Taswell-) English constitutional history Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the 18th century.' 7 vol. 1892 . , Lee (Sidney) Queen Victoria [port., map, illus.]. 1903 .. Life and reign of Edward I. [port.]. 1872 Ly tton, Zyorc/. England and the English. 1874 .. Macaulay, Lord. Hi.story of England from the accession of James II. 5 vol. 1849 01 McCarthy (Justin) Epoch of reform, 1830-1850 {Epochs of viodern history). 1882 20766 20638 20644 20789 20274 20684 20741 20796 20821 20691 20782 20818 20784 20596 20620 20706 20732 20666 20719 20696 20785 20500 20812 18429 20636 20712 20716 20703 18428 10634 20590 20764 20685 20928 20617 20707 20827 20640 20748 20278 13G Eng CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Kng England History (contintied) : McCarthy (Justin) (contd.) History of our own times. 5 vol. 20762 Modern England : before the Reform Bill {Story of tJie nations) [illus.]. 1899 .. .. .. 20488 Modem England: from Reform Bill (Story of tlie nations) [illus.]. 1899 .. .. .. 20490 Short history of our own times. 1886 . . . . 20734 Macfadyen (Dugald) Alfred the West Saxon [port., illus.]. .. 20830 Mackintosh (Sir James) History of England. 2 vol. 1853 . . 20681 Mahon, Lord. " The forty-five " : insurrection of 1745, 1852 20692 Martin (Sir Theodore) Life of the Prince Consort [ports., illus.]. 5 vol. 1875-80 .. .. .. 20667" Maurice (C. E.) Tyler, Ball, and Oldcastle. 1875.. .. 20813 Maxwell (C. A.) English Chivalry [illus.] . 1870 . . . . 20822 May (Sir T. E.) Constitutional history of England, 1760-1860 3 vol. 1878 .. .. .. .. .. 20593 / Meath, Earl of, and otJiers. Our empire : past and present [maps, illus.] . 1901 .. .. .. .. 20728 Miller (Thomas) History of the Anglo-Saxons [illus.]. 1848.. 20709 Molesworth (W. N.) History of England, 1830-74. 3 vol. 1874 20614 Molloy (J. F.) Court life below stairs ; or, London under the first Georges [ports.] . 1897 . . . . 20721 Court life below stairs ; or, London under the last Georges [port.]. 1897 .. .. .. 20722 Royalty restored ; or, London under Charles II 20829 [port.]. 2 vol. 1885 .. .. ., 20829 Morris (E. E.) Age of Anne (Epochs of modern history) [maps, plans]. 1881 .. .. .. .. .. 20270 Murdoch (James) Constitutional reform in Great Britain and Ireland. 1885.. .. .. .. .. 20900 Neele (Henry) Romance of history : England (Chandos classics) [illus.]. N.D. .. .. ,. .. .. 20786 New school history of England [maps] . 1870 . , . . 20787 Nugent, Lord. Memorials of John Hampden and his times [ports.]. 1860 .. .. .. .. 20711 Palgrave (Sir Francis) History of the Anglo-Saxons [illus.]. 20707 Pauli (Reinhold) Life of Alfred the Great, etc. .. .. 20710 Pepys (Samuel) Diary and correspondence of, 1870 . . 20832 Diary of, 1659-1669. n.d. .. .. .. 19773 Diary, with memoir [frontis] . n.d. . . . . 20592 Pike (G. H.) Victoria: Queen and Empress [port., illus.]. .. 20788 Planche (J. R.) Conqueror and his companions. 2 vol. 1874 20760 Poole (G. A.) History of England. 2 vol. 1848 .. .. 20599 Powell (Frederick York-) Early England up to the Norman Conquest (Epochs of English history) [maps] . 1876 . . 20800 Rands (W. B.) Chaucer's England [illus.]. 2 vol. 1869 .. 21057 Reed (Henry) English history ... as illustrated by Shakspeare. 1856 .. .. .. .. 20729 Rhys (John) Celtic Britain [map, illus.] . 1882 . . . . 20698 Roger of Wendover. Flowers of history. 2 vol. 1849 . . 20819 Rowbotham (J. F.) Troubadours and courts of love (Social England) [maps,- -illus.] . 1895 .. .. .. 20715 Rowland (David) Manual of the English constitution. 1859 . . 20833 Rowley (James) Settlement of the constitution, 1GS9-1784 (Epochs of English history) [maps1 . 1880 . . . . 20801 Sanford (J. L.) Estimates of the English kings, 1872 . . 20717 Search (H. ]\I.) Roman Britain (E'rtJ-ZT/iJriteiji) [mapl . n.d... 20697 Scott (Mr.i. JMaxwell) Tragedy of Fotheringay [illus.'] . 1895 21261 137 Kng BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. iKng^ England History {continued) : Seeley {Sir J, R.) Expansion of England. 1883 . . . . 20642 Sidney (Philip) History of the Gunpowder Plot [illus,] . 1904 206G8 Sitwell (S. M.) Growth of the English colonies. 1884 .. 20795* Sixty years of empire, 1837-1897 [illus.] . 1897 . . . . 20669- Smith (Goldwin) Three English statesmen. 1868.. .. 18968- Contents : Pvni. Cromwell. Pitt. Steinitz (Francis) Life of Alfred the Great [port.] . 1849 . . 20781 Stepney, Lady, Memoirs of Lady Russell and Lady Herbert, 18876 Strickland (Agnes) Lives of the bachelor kings of England [illus.], 1861 .. .. .. .. 20671 Contents : William Rufus. Edwiird V. Edward VI. Lives of the queens of England [ports.] , 6 vol. 1875 20646 Lives of the Tudor princesses. 1868 . . . . 20733 Contents : Princess Mary Tudor. Lady Jane Gray. Lady Katharine Gray. Lady Maiy Gray. Lady Eleanor Brandon. LadyMargaret Clifford. Lady Arabella Stuart. Stubbs, Bishop). Constitutional history of England, 3 vol. 20674 Early Plantagenets {Epochs of modern history) [roaps.\ 1881 .. .. .. .. 20275 Taine (H. A.) Notes on England. 1874 . . . . 20783 Thackeray (W. M.) Four Georges, c/c, [illus,]. 1902 .. 17233 Thierry (J. N. A.) Conquest of England by the Normans [frontis.] . 2 vol, 1847 . . . . . . . . 20816 Thompson (Edith) History of England [maps] . 1879 . . 20601 Thornbury (G. W.) Shakspere's England. 2 vol. 1856 . . 2124 Timbs (John) Nooks, cfc, of English life Villus.]. 1867 .. 20704 Tooley (S. A.) Life of Queen Alexandra [port. illus,] . 1902. . 20680- Personal life of Queen Victoria [port,, illus.]. .1896 20824 Tout (T. F.) Edward I {Ttvelve Encjlish statesmen). 1893 .. 18445 Townshend (Dorothea) Life and letters of Endymion Porter [port,, illus.], 1897 .. .. .. .. 20153 Traill (H. D.) William III {Twelve Encjlish statesmen), 1888 18442 Trevelyan (F. A.) Lectures on the early British, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman period. 3 vol. 1870 . . . . . . 20699^ Wallington (Nehemiah) Reign of Charles I, 2 vol. 1870 . . 20814 Warburton (W. P.) Edward III {Epochs of modern history) [maps] . 1876 . . . . . . . . . . 20276 White (James) Landmarks of the history of England. 1855 . . 20797 William of Malmesbury's chronicle [frontis.]. 1847 .. 20639 Wright (Thomas) Caricature history of the Georges [illus.] . . . 20731 Yeatman (J. P.) Early English history. 1874 . , . . 20831 [Yongo (C, I\I,)] Cameos from English history, 1868 . . ' 20791 English history: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. Sec also Africa, America North, Archaeology, Army and Navy, Battles, Biography- Collective, Costume, Europe, France History, Government, India, Persia, Russia, and Spain History. England Topography, Travel, etc. : Allbut (Robert) Riimbles in Dickens' land [illus,]. 1S99 .. 21129 Azamat-Batuk. Little book about Great Britain. 1870 .. 21145 Barrett (C. R. B.) Tours in East Anglia [illus.] . 189G . . 21044 Bevan (G. P.) Guide to the Wye and its neighbourhood. 1887 22785 Black's Guide to Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall .. .. 22824 Black's Guide to Hereford and Monmouth . . . . 22830 Black's Guide to the English lakes . . . . . . 22841 Brabant (F. G.) English lakes {Little fjuides) [maps, illus.] . 22806 138 Kng CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Eng^ England Topography, Travel, etc. {continued) : Bradley (A, G,) Highways and byways in the Lake district [illus.] . 1901 . . Burritt (Elihu) Walk from London to Land's End and back [illus.]. 1865.. Cobbett (William) Rural rides [frontis.]. 2 vol. 188G Doran (John) Memories of our great towns. 1878 Contents: Doncastei-. Cambridge. Bath. Birmingham. Notting- liam. Dundee, is'orwich. Exeter. Leicester. Liverpool. Edin- burgh. Brigliton. Bradford. Belfast. Londonderry. Bristol. Glasgow. Plymouth. Dutt (W. A.) Highways and byways in East Anglia [illus.]. Emerson (R. W.) English traits, etc. 2 vol. 1875 Gould (Sabine Baring-) Old country life [illus.]. 1892 Guide to the banks of the Wye [illus.] . n.d. Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Our old honie. 2 vol. 18G3 Here and there in England. 1871 Hissey (J. J.) Across England in a dog-cart [map, illus.]. Historic sites and scenes of England [map, illus.]. 1905 .. Hughes (W. R.) Week's tramp in Dickens-land [illus.]. 1893 Hunnewell (J. F.) England's chronicle in stone [illus.] . 1886 Irving (Washington) Newstead Abbey. 1866 Jenkinson (H. I.) Guide to the English Lake district [map]. Jennings (L. J.) Rambles among the hills [Derbyshire and Sussex, illus.]. 1880 Jesse (Edward) Favorite haunts, etc. [illus.] . 1847 Jewitt and Hall. Stately homes of England [illus.]. 1874.. Contents : Alton Towers. Cobliam llall. Mount Edgcumbe. Cotliele. Alnwick Castle. Hardwick Hall. Arundel Castle. Pens- hurst. Warwick Castle. Haddon Hall. Hatfield House. Cassiobury. Chatswoi'th. Knight (F. A.) In the west country [illus.]. n.d. Le Gallienno (Richard) Travels in England [illus.] . 1900 . . L'Estrange (A. G. K.) Thames to the Tamar [frontis.]. 1873 Yachting round the West of England [frontis.] . 1865 Martins (Oliveira) England of to-day. 1896 Miller (Hugh) First impressions of England. 1869 Mourey (Gabriel) Across the channel. 1896 ]\Iurray's Handbook for Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire Murray's Handbook for Devon and Cornwall [Murray's] Handbook for Durham and Northumberland [Murray's] Handbook for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire Murray's Handbook for Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire . . Murray's Handbook for Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somerset shire Palmer (W. T.) Lake-country rambles [frontis.] . 1902 Pask (A. T.) Eyes of the Thames. 1889 Randall (John) Severn valley [illus.]. 1862 Rawnsley, Dean. Life and nature at the English Lakes. 1899 Rambler's note-book at the English Lakes [illus.] Robertson (Archibald) Road from London to Bath and Bristol [illus.]. 2 vol. 1792 Rodenberg (Julius) Enghmd from a German point of view Sufliing (E. R.) Land of the broads [Norfolk and Suffolk, map, illus.] ... Thornbury (G. W.) Cross country [frontis.] . 1861 Tourist's route map of England and Wales 21028 21063 21098 21110 21026 17223 21058 22940 21128. 21049 21112 21090 21117 21257 17199 22784 2113a 21032 21115 2105-5- 21039 21088 21086 2106& 21100 21067 22952 22950 22945 22949 22946 22944 21038 21127 21134 21034 21037 21259 21116 21041 21138. 22938 139 Eng BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kng England Topography, Travel, etc. {continued) : Walford (Edward) Pleasant days in pleasant places [illus.] . . . Walker (Patricius) Rambles. 1873 White (R. G.) England without and within. 1881 Wilson (Saran) Romance of our ancient churches [illus.] . Windle (B. C. A.) Malvern country (Little guides) [map, illus.]. 1901 .. Winter (William) Gray days and gold. 1902 Shakespeare's England, 1903 British topography: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also under names of counties. Ungland Language : Abbott (E. A.) How to parse. 1885 How to write clearly 1883 . . Shakespearian grammar. 1871 Abbott and Seeley. English lessons for English people. 1873 Adams (Ernest) Elements of the English language. 1875 Aliordi, Deoji. Queen's English. 1900.. Clarke (Hyde) Grammar of the English tongue, 1889 Craik (G. L.) English of Shakespeare. 1875 Manual of English . . . language. 1871 Davies (T. L. 0.) Bible English. 1875. . Earle (John) Philology of the English tongue. 1873 Gould (E. S.) Good English. 1867 Graham (G. F.) English style. 1862 . . Hewitt (H. M.) Our mother tongue. 1887 Huntley (R. W.) Glossarv of the Cotswold (Gloucestershire dialect. 1868 .. " .. Jacob (T. E.) Civil service essay writer. 1895 Lewis (E. H.) First manual of composition. 1899 Live and learn : guide to speak and write correctly Nichol (John) English composition. 1883 Nuttall (P. A.) Dictionary of the English language, n.d. Oliphant (T. L. K.) New English. 2 vol. 1886 . . Phillipps (J. 0. Halliwell-) Archaic and provincial words 2 vol. 1874 .. Ready (A. W.) Essay writing for public examinations. 1900 Roget (P. M.) Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1874 Skipton (Henry) Essay writer. 1889 . . Spalding (William) History of English literature . . . and growth of English language. 1853 . . Thornton (G. H.) English composition. 1901 Trench, ArchhisJiop. English : past and present. 1862 See also Authorship, and Letter-writing. England Literature, etc. : Adams (Francis) Essays in modernity. 1899 Angus (Joseph) Handbook of English literature, n.d. Arnold (Thomas) Manual of English literature. 18G7 Bagehot (Walter) Literary studies [port.]. 3 vol. 1895 Bayne (Peter) Two great Englishwomen (Mrs. Browning and Charlotte Bront('). 1881 .. Breen (H. H.) ^lodern English literature. 1857 . . Brooke (S. A.) English literature (Literature primers). 1882 p:nglish literature, 670 1832. 1897 f^nglish literature ... to the Norman conquest Browpell (W. C.) Victorian prose masters. 1902 .. CoNTKNTs: Tliacker:iy. c:arlj'le. (Jcorge Eliot. Matthew .\rnold Jiuskin. George Meredith. 140 21143 21050 21033 21042 22808 21151 2144 13692 13690 2131 13627 13634 13687 13688 2167 16561 41 13680 13631 13691 13635 13637 13695 13632 13670 13698 13629 13630 14765 13636 13622 13693 16510 13673 13725 16672 16541 16557 16540 16569 16577 1G531 16512 16539 16552 Kng CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Bng England Literature, etc. {continued) : Collier (W. P.) History of English literature (Biographical sketches). 1864 Courthope (W. J.) Liberal movement in English literature Craik (G. L.) Manual of English literature, etc. 1871 Dawson (W. J.) Makers of modern prose. 1899 . . Dennis (John) Ags of Pope, 1700-41 {Handbooks of English literature). 1900 Studies in English literature. 1883 Disraeli (Isaac) Amenities of literature, n.d. Calamities, etc., of authors. 1859 Dowden (Edward) French Revolution and English literature [Friswell (J. H.)] Essays on English writers. 1869 Garnett (Richard) Age of Dryden {Handbooks of English literature) . 1901 . . Gosse (E. W.) Eighteenth 'century literature. 1889 Modern English literature {Literatures of the loorld) Hales (J. W.) Polia litteraria : essays. 1893 Hannay (James) Course of English literature. 1866 Harrison (Frederic) Early Victorian literature, n.d. Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other literary estimates Hazlitt (William) Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1870 Spirit of the age. 2 vol. 1825 Henley and Whibley. Book of English prose. 1894 Herford (C. H.) Age of Wordsworth {Handbooks of English literature) . 1901 Hutton (R. H.) Modern guides of English thought. 1887 Contents: Thomas Carlyle. Cardinal Newman. Matthew Arnold George Eliot. F. D. Maurice. Laing (F. A.) History of English literature. 1882 Larkins (W. G.) Handbook of English literature [f rontis.] . McWilliam (Robert) Longman's Handbook of English litera ture. 1896 Masterman (J. H. B.) Age of Milton {Handbooks of English liter atiir e) . 1901 Mathew (E. J.) History of English literature. 1901 Minto (William) English prose literature. 1872 . . Mitchell (D. G.) English lands, letters, and kings. 1895 Morley (Henry) English literature in the reign of Victoria [frontis.]. 1881 .. Sketch of English literature. 1892 Morley and Griffin. English writers. 11 vol. 1887-95 Vol. 1. Origins. Old Celtic literature. Beowulf. 2. From Cfodmon to the Conquest. ,, 3. From tlio Conquest to Chaucer. ,, 4. Fourteenth century. Book I. ',, 5. Fourteenth century. Book IL ,, 6. From Chaucer to Caxtoii. ,, 7. From Caxton to Coverdale. ;, 8. Froni Surrey to Spenser. ,, 9. Spenser and liis time. ,, 10. Sliakespoare and liis time: under Elizabeth. ,, 11. Shakespeare and his time : under James I. Nichol (H. J.) Landmarks of English literature. 1883. Niven (G. W.) ed. Selections from " British Apollo." 1903 . Oliphant (M. 0.) Literary history of England. 3 vol. 1882. Paul (H. W.) Men and letters. 1901 .. Russell (W. Clark) Book of authors [Criticisms, frontis.]. N.r Ryan (W. P.) Literary London. 1898 .. Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Select essays, n.d. 16545 16513- 16561 16580' 16519 16511 16479 16563 16565 16647 16518 16562 1655a 16480' 16568 16472 16579 16555- 16495 16570 16521 542. 16530 16529 16492. 16517 16525 16571 16559 16497 16566 16538 16542 16473- 16573 16564 16514 1657a 1648T 141 Kng BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kra England Literature, etc. (continued) : Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Corrected impressions. 1895 Elizabethan literature. 1893 Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 1895 History of English literature. 1898 Nineteenth century literature, 1780-1895. 1896 Seccombe (Thomas) Age of Johnson, 1748-98 (Handbooks of English literature). 1900.. Seccombe and Allen. Age of Shakespeare, 1579-1631 (Hand- books of English literature) . 2 vol. 1903 Shaw (T. B.) History of English literature. 1868 Shorter (C. K.) Victorian literature. 1897 ,. Snell (F. J.) Age of Chaucer, 1346-1400 (Handbooks of English literature). 1901 Spalding (William) History of English literature, etc. 1853 . . Stearns (P. P.) Modern English prose writers [frontis.] . 1897 Contents : Macaulay. Carlyle. Froude. Walter Scott. Tliackeray, Dickens. Marian Evaus. Kuskin. P. MaxMiiller. Matthew Arnold. Swinton (William) ^lasterpieces of English literature [illus.] . Taine (H. A.) History of English literature. 2 vol. 1873 Tovey (D. C.) Essays in English literature. 1897.. Walker (Hugh) Age of Tennyson (Handbooks of English literature). 1900 Literature in the 17th century : articles collected from reviews, etc. 5 vol. See also Fiction. English Illustrated Magazine :- Vol.1 ,, 2 ,, 3 ,, 4 ,, 5 ,. 6 ,, 7 ,, 8 ,, 9 ,, 10 ,, 11 12 13 ,, 14 ,, 15 ,, 16 ,, 17 Englishwoman's love-letters, [by Laurence Housman] . Engraving, see Art and Artists, and Industries. Ennemoser (Joseph) History of magic. 2 vol. 1854 Ennis (Jacob) Origin of the stars. 1876 Entomology, see Insects. Ephrem, Saint. Select works of, trans, by J. B. Morris. Ephtaliotis (Argyris) Tales from the isles of Greece Epicurean, by Thomas Moore. 1839 Epitaphs: Pettigrew (T. J.) Chronicles of the tombs [illus.]. 1857 Equality, by Edward Bellamy Erasmus (Desiderius) : Life and letters of, by J. A. Froude. 1895 Life of, Ijy Klphraim Emerton (Heroes of the licformation) [port., illus. J. 1899 142 1883-4 . . 2936 V 01.18 1897-8 1884-5 . . 2937 , 19 1898 1885-6 . . 2938 , , 20 . 1898-9 1886-7 . . 2939 , 21 1899 1887 8 . . 2940 , 22 . 1899-1900 1888-9 . . 2941 , 23 1900 1889-90 . . 2942 , 24 1900-1 18'J0-1 . . 2943 , 25 . 1901 1891-2 . . 2944 , 26 1901-2 1892-3 . . 2945 , 27 . 1902 1893-4 . . 2947 , 28 l?02-3 1894-5 . . 2948 , 29 1903 1895 2949 , 30 . 1903-4 1895-6 . 2950 , 31 1904 1896 2951 , 82 . 1904-5 1896-7 . 2952 , 33 1905 1897 2953 1901 1847 16567 16488 16583 16493 16491 16520 16516 16504 16509 16515 16510 16485 16581 16574 16475 16522 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 172-36 14334 13011 .342 7878 17297 1878 6771 19239 18709 Krc CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Ess Erckmann-Chatpian : Bloclcade of Phalsbourg Campaign in Kabylia, etc. Citizen Bonaparte Conscript Country in danger Friend Fritz Great invasion of 1813-14 Illustrious Dr. Matheus Madam Therese . . Man-wolf, etc. Peace States general Waterloo [Sequel to " Conscript "] Year one of the republic See also Foreign Works French. Erema, by R. D. Blackmore Erewhon Erfurt (Julius) Dyeing of paper pulp [illus.] . 1901 Eric Brighteyes, by H. R. Haggard Erith (F. N.) Church, the Body, the Bride. 1887 Ermeler (C. F.), see Foreign Works German Ernest August, King of Haiwver, see Germany History Ernest Maltravers, by Lord Lytton Errera (Leo) Russian Jews : extermination or emancipation ? 1894 ' Erskine (Andrew), see Boswell (James). Erskine (F. J.) Lady cycling, n.d. Escott (T. H. S.) : Personal forces of the period. 1898 Randolph Spencer-Churchill [port.] . 1895 Esler (E. R.) Way of transgressors Esquiros (H. A.) Cornwall and its coasts. 1865 Essays : Essays on social subjects. 1864 Recreations and reflections from the " Saturday Review " Recreations of a recluse. 2 vol. 1870 Sketches and essays from the " Saturday Review." 1873 Wisdom, wit, etc., from the " Spectator." [illus.]. n.d. Essays : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes See also : 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 6936, 6937 7894 15353 8257 418 8994, 8995 21749 14215 20208 19823 7898 21064 16654 16655 16691 16823 16826 Addison and Steele Arnold (Matthew) Avebury, Lord Bacon (Francis) Lord Balfour (A. J.) Bellac (B. R.) Birrell (Ausustine) Brown (John) Browne (Sir Thomas) Bullen (F. T.) Burke (Edmund) Bushnell (Horace) Butler (Edward) Carlyle (Thomas) Chambers (Robert) Chesterton (G. K.) Church (R. W.) Dean Coleridge (M. E.) Coleridge (S. T.) Corelli (ITarie) Oust (R. N.) Dempster (C. L. H.) De Quincey (Thomas) Dickens (diaries) Dobson (H. A.) Doran (John) Dunphie (C. J.) Earle (John) Bishop Edmondaton and Saxby Eliot (George) Emerson (R. W.) Fiske (John) Fitzgerald (P. H.) Foster (John) Franklin (Beniamin) Froude (J. A.) Fry (Sir Edward) Groldsniith (Oliver) Green (J. R.) Griffith (S. H.) Gushington (Angelina) Hallidiy (Andrew) Hatton (Josepli) Hayman (Heniw) HazHtt (William) Henley (W. E.) 143 EIss BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Eur Essays (contimied) see also : Hole (R. S.) Dean Hugo (Thomas) Hunt (J. H. Leigh) Huxley (T. H.) Iddesleiffh. Earl of Ingleby (C. M.) Irving (Washington Jacox (Francis) Jameson (Anna) Jeffrey (Francis) Lord Jerrold (W. B.) Jesaopp (Augustus) Jones (H. L.) Johnson (Samuel) Jusserand (J. A. A. J.) Kingsley (Charles) Laimb (Charles) Le Gallienne (Richard) Lowell (J. R.) Lytton (E. G. E. L. B.) Lord Mabie (H. W.) Macaulay (T. B.) Lord Macdonald (G-eorge) Masterman (C. F. G.) Mathews (William) Meynell (Alice) Miller (Hugh) Montaigne (M. B. de) Lord Moore (George) Morlev (Henry) Muloch (D. M.) Newman (J. H.) Cardinal Payn (James) Pearson (C. H.) Phillips (Samuel) Plumptre (C. E.) Poe (E. A.) Pope (Alexander) Praed (W. M.) Proctor (R. A.) Reade (Charles) Rogers (Henry) Roosevelt (Theodore) Russell (G. W. E.) Scudamore (F. I.) Seeley {Sir J. R.) Shelley (P. B.) Shenstone (William) Smith (Alexander) Spencer (Herbert) Stephen {Sir J. F.) S'teveneon (R. L. B.) Strachey (J. St, L.) Street (G. S.) Swinburne (A. C.) Taylor (Isaac) Thackeray (A. I.) Thackeray (W. M.) Tyndall (John) Warren (Samuel) Wells (H. G.) Whately (Richard) Archbishop Wilson (H. S.) Wilson (John) Wynter (Andrew) 1888 1882 1858 Patmore (C. K. D.) Essay-writing, see England Language. Essex : Cutts (E. L.) Colchester {Historic toions) [maps] . Walford (Edward) Tourist's guide to Essex [map] See also England Topography, Travel. Esther Wynne, by E. J. Worboise. . Eternal city, by Hall Caine Etheridge (J. W.) Life of the Rev. Adam Clarke [port.] Ethics, see Religious and ^Moral Philosophy. Ethnology, see Anthropology. Etiquette : Art of conversing. 1897 Humphry (Mrs. C. E.) IManners for girls. 1901 . . Planners and rules of good society. 1901 Mixing in society [frontis.] . 1872 Eton, Seven years at, ed. by James Brlnsley-Richards. 1883 Etymology, see Language. Eugene Aram, by Lord Lytton Eugenie, Empress-Contort of the French, see 'France History. Eugenie Grandet, by Honore de Balzac Euripides : Tragedies, trans, by T. A. Buckley. 1863 Euripides, by W. B. Donne [Ancient classics). 187G Europe : Adams (W. H. D.) Scenes from European history. 1863 Airy (Osmund) English restoration and Louis XIV [Epochs modern history] Tmaps] . 1888 Alison (Sir Archibald) History of Europe, 1789-1815 [frontis 20 vol. 1847-8.. Allen (C. G. B.) European tour. 1899 . . Baker (Janies) Days afoot and European sketches. 1881 Bell (Andrew) Historical sketches of feudalism. 1852 Birkbeck (A. M.) Gleanings from eastern Europe. 1854 114 21072 22781 11168, 11169 , . 7221,7222 20121 13838 18842 13837 13846 21099 8996, 8997 6718 1862 17403 20574 20269 20348 20575 20554 20550 20552 Kur CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Kus Europe (contimied) : Blakeney (Robert) Boy in the Peninsular War [map] . 1899. . Clinton (H. R.) War in the Peninsula, etc. (fihavdos library) [frontis., maps] . 1878 .. Costello (Dudley) Tour through the valley of the Meuse [illus.] . Creighton, Bishop. Age of Elizabeth {Epochs of modern history) [maps] . 1881 . . Davis (H. W. C.) Charlemagne (Heroes of the nations) [illus.] DoUinger (J. J. I. von) European history [port.]. 1890 Fitzgerald (M. S.) Kings of Europe, past and present. 1870.. Forsyth (William) Slavonic provinces south of the Danube [map]. 1876 .. Froissart (Jean) Chronicles of , {Globe ed.). 1895.. Guizot (F. P. G.) History of civilization [port.] 3 vol. 1890 Hale (Edward) Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe from 1678 to 1697 (Epochs of modern history) [maps] . 1876 Hallam (Henry) Europe during the Middle Ages, n.d, Society in Europe during the Middle Ages Holmes (0. W.) Our hundred days in Europe. 1887 Hoveden (Roger de) Annals of, 2 vol. 1853 Johnson (A. H.) Normans in Europe (Epochs of modern history) [maps]. 1880.. Johnson (E. C.) On the track of the Crescent [illus.]. 1885 . . Jones (M. C.) European travel for women. 1900 . . Koch (C. W.) European nations ... to the abdication of Napoleon, n.d. . . . . . . . . Lee (Edwin) Guide to continental travel, n.d. Londonderry, Marquess of. Story of the Peninsular War [port., illus.]. 1849 Lord and vassal : feudal system in the Middle Ages. 1844 Menzel (Wolfgang) Europe in 1840. 1841 Michelet (Jules) Summary of modern history. 1875 Morris (E. E.) Age of Anne (Epochs of modern history) [maps, plans]. 1881 [Nasir-al-Din] Shah of Persia. Diary of, during tour through Europe in 1873 [port.] . 1874 Diary of journey to Europe in 1878. 1879 Raffles (Thomas) Tour through France, Savoy, Switaerland, etc. 1819 Robertson (William) Reign of Charles V and Emperor's life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott [port.] . 1857 Rose (J. H.) Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789 1815 (Cambridge historical ser.) [maps]. 1895 Scott (John) Paris revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels. 1816 Sergeant (Lewis) Franks (Story of the natio')is) [map, illus.] . Sewell and Yonge. European history, 10881228. 1872 . . Historical selections. 1868 . . Stowe (H. B.) Sunny memories of foreign lands [illus.]. 1854 Taylor (Bayard) Byeways of Europe. 2 vol. 1869 ^Views afoot. 1869 . . Wilson (John) Modern mind and character, 1881. . Europe : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Architecture, Army and Navy, Art and Artists, Geology, Goverment, Health Resorts, Literature, and Voyages and Travel. Eustace (J. C.) Classical tour through Italy [illus.]. 3 vol. .. Eustace (Robert), see Meade and Eustace. 20565 20544 20571 20271 18420 20567 20573 20542 20576 20541 20274 20537 20543 20547 2057S 20279 20566 22987 2056a 2056a 20538 20551 20570 20553 20270 22159 20564 19615 20577 21348 20569 20486 20548 20549 20572 20536 20555 19958 21663 145 Eva BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. ElVa Evan Harrington, by George Meredith . . . . . . 9263 Evans (Christmas) Life of, by E. P. Hood. 1881 . . . . 19129 Evans (Mrs. Frank) Some legendary landmarks of Africa. 1893 . . 17148 Evans (T. R.) Council of Trent. 1888 . , . . . . 867 Evans (T. W.) ed. Jlemoirs of Heinrich Heine [port.] . 1884 . . 18995 Evans (W. S.) Canadian contingents and Canadian imperialism [maps, illus.] . 1901 .. .. .. .. 22252 Evans (W. S. Sloane-) Grammar of British heraldry [illus.]. 1854 14843 Eve, [by S. Baring-Gould] . . . . . . . . . 8107 Evelina, by Frances Burney . . . . . . ... 7204 Evelyn (John) : Diary and correspondence of, [ports.] . 4 vol. 1862-3 . . 20820 Diary of, 1641-1706. N.D. . . . . . . . . 20637 11171, 11172 1902 . . 580 15080 14888 8068 Evelyn's story, by E. J. Worboise Everett (C. C.) Psychological elements of religious faith. Everitt (Graham) Doctors and doctors. 1888 Evers (Henry) Steam and steam engine [illus.] . 1877 Eve's ransom, by George Gissing . . Evesham, see Worcestershire. Evil genius, by Wilkie Collins - . . . . . . . 7341, 7342 Evolution : Birks (T. R.) Jlodern physical fatalism and doctrine of evolution. 1876 . . . . . . . . 14400 Bree (C. R.) Species not transmutable. 1860 . . . . 12429 [Chambers (Robert)] Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1887 .. .. .. .. 12433 Cook (Joseph) Heredity. 1881 . . . . . . 12435 Darwin (C. R.) Descent of man [illus.]. 1894 .. .. 12372 Origin of species . . . . . . . . 12307 Elam (Charles) Winds of doctrine. 1876 . . . . 12424 Geddes and Thomson. Evolution of sex [illus.] . 1889 . . 13435 Graham (Duncan) Is natural selection the creator of species ? 12426 Haeckel (E. H.) Evolution of man [illus.] . 2 vol. 1879 . . 12402 Freedom in science and teaching. 1879 . . 12439 History of creation [illus.] . 2 vol. 1876 . . 12423 Henslow (George) Evolution of living things. 1873 . . 12437 Hutchinson (Woods) Gospel aAording to Darwin. 1898 . . 12425 Huxley (T. H.) Darwiniana. 1894 . . . . . . 12438 Evolution and ethics. 1894.. .. .. 12436 Jevons (F. B.) Evolution. 1900 .. .. .. 12305 Mivart (St. G. J.) Contemporary evolution. 1876.. .. 12422 Poulton (E. B.) Charles Darwin and theory of natural selection {Centnry sci. ser.) [port.]. 1901 .. .. .. 18565 Pusey (S. E. B. Bouverie-) Permanence and evolution. 1882 12428 Romanes (G. J.) Darwin, and after Darwin [port., illus.], 3 vol. 1897 .. .. .. .. 12306 Scientific evidences of organic evolution (Nature ser.) 12434 Schmidt (Oscar) Doctrine of descent and Darwinism (Int. sci. ser.) [illus.]. 1881 .. .. .. .. 13458 Thomson (George) Evolution and involution. 1880 . . 12432 Wallace (A. R.) Natural selection and tropical nature. 1891. . 12421 Wilson (Andrew) Chapters on evolution [illus.]. 1883 .. 12427 Wilson (Sir Daniel) Caliban : the missing Imk. 1873 . . 2162 Evolution: articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. Ewald (A. C.) : Representative statesmen. 2 vol. 1879 . . . 18901 Studies re-studied : historical sketches. 1885 . . . . 20743 146 Kiva CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Far E.wald (H. F.), see Foreign Works German. Ewart (H. C.) ed. Leaders upward and onward [illus.] . n.d. . . 18846 Ewart (K. D.) Cosimo de' Medici {Foreign statesmen) . 1899 .. 18388 lEwing (Alexandei>)'JBis/io2J: Present-day papers on prominent questions in theology. 3 vol. 533 Revelation considered as light. 1873 , . . . . . 355 Memoir of, by A. J. Ross [illus.] . 1877 . . . . 19487 Exemplary novels, by M. de Cervantes Saavedra . . . . 7290 Exeter, see Devonshire. Exmoor, see Somersetshire. Experience of life, by E. M. Sewell . . . . . . 10111 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard, by Sir A. C. Doyle . . . . 7689, 7711 Eyes like the sea, by Maurus Jokai . . . . . . 8719 Eyre (Mary) Over the Pyrenees into Spain. 1865 . . . . 21548 FABLES: ^sop's fables [illus.] . 1902 Krilof! (I. A.) Original fables. 1883 . . La Fontaine (Jean de) Hundred fables of, [illus.] . 1900 Pheedrus. Fables of, 1853 . . Face illumined, by E. P. Roe Fair crusader, by William Westall Fair maid of Perth, by Sir Walter Scott Fair Rosamond, by Thomas IMiller Fairbairn (A. M.) : Religion in history and in the life of to-day. 1884 Studies in the life of Christ. 1881 Fairbairn {Si?- William) Life of, ed. by William Pole [port.] , 1878 Fairchild (G. T.) Rural wealth and welfare. 1900 Fairfax (Thomas) Lord. Life of, by Sir C. R. Markham [illus.]. Fairholt (F. W.) : Costume in England [illus.] . 2 vol. 1885-90 Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, Vandyke, Rembrandt etc. [illus.]. 1871 Homes, works, and shrines of English artists and Rambles Rome [illus.]. 1873 Rambles of an archaeologist [illus.] . 1871 Tobacco: its history and iissociations [illus.]. 1876 Fairless (Michael) Roadmender, etc. Fairley (W.) ]\Iining engineering [illus.]. 1896 Fairy water, by C. E. L. Riddell . . Faithful! (Emily) Three visits to America. 1884 Falaise, see France Topography, Travel. Falconer (William) Poetical works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer Falconry, see Sport and Pastime. Falkland, by Lord Lytton . . , . . . . . 8998, 8999 Falkonberg (B. E.), see Solymos (B.). Fallen from favour, by Jean Middlemass . . . . . . 9295 17085, 17093 17092 17144 1859 9859 108T2 10022, 10041 9311 700 760 19769 13944 19519 14821 14592 14591 14593 15265 7915 14970 9752 22042 1697 Fallen idol, by F. Anstey Fallen leaves, by Wilkie Collins . . Family affair, by Hugh Conway . . Family happiness, by Count L. N. Tolstoi Family scapegrace, by James Payn Fancy free, by Eden Phillpotts Far above rubies, by C. E. L. Riddell 6670 7349, 7350 7405 10459 9561 9618 9753 147 Far BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fam. 1900 Far-away melody, etc., by M. E. WUkins Far from the madding crowd, by Thomas Hardy Far in the forest, by W. S. Jlitchell Faraday (Michael) : Faraday as a discoverer, by John Tyndall [port.] . 1877 Life and work of, by S. P. Thompson {Century sci. ser.) [port.] Life of, by J. H. Gladstone. 1872 Farel (William) Life of, by Frances Bevan [illus.] . n.d. Farewell Nikola, by Guy Boothby Fargus (F. J.), see Conway (Hugh). Farjeon (B. L.) : Betrayal of John Fordham House of white shadows In a silver sea Miser Farebrother Mystery of the Royal Mail Samuel Boyd of Catchpole Square Farming, see Agriculture. Farnham (C. H.) Life of Francis Parkman [port.] Farnham, see Surrey. Farrar (F. W.) Dean: Allegories [illus.]. 1898 Darkness and dawn Early days of Christianity. 1884 Ephphatha (Sermons). 1880 Eternal hope. 1892 Fall of man, and other sermons. 1878 Gathering clouds . . Great books. 1898 " In the days of thy youth " (Sermons). 1877 Language and languages. 1878 Life and work of St. Paul, 1884 Life of Christ [map, illus.] . n.d. Lives of the Fathers. 2 vol. 1889 Saintly workers. 1878 Seekers after God [illus.] . N.c. Silence and voices of God, etc. (Sermons). 1892 Solomon : his life and times, n.d. With the poets [illus.]. 1886 Witness of history to Christ. 1872 Farrar (Joseph) Baths and bathing [illus.] . 1890 Farrer (J. A.) Adam Smith [English 'philosophers). 1881 Farrer(T. H.) Lord: Free trade versus fair trade. 1904 . . State in its relation to trade [English citizen). 1883 Farriery, see Agriculture Horses, farriery. Farringdons, by E. T. Fowler Fascination of the king, by Guy Boothby Fashions, see Costume. Fatal three, [by M. E. Braddon] .. Fate of Yalsec, by J. E. Bloundelle-Burton Father Fabian, by E.J. Worboise Father Stafford, by Anthony Hope Fathers and sons, by Ivan Turgeniefl Fathers and sons, [by T. E. Hook] Faucit (Helena) [Lady Martin] Life of, by [port.]. 1900.. Faanthoppe (J. P.) ed. Household science. 1882 1105& 8319 9817 19738 1&563 19967 19584 6976 7921 7922: 7923 7920 7924 7919 19825. 17162: 7929 718- 1305 629- 1311 11525-- 16843 . 1338 13621 1472 753 984 18806- 1474 1303- 88- 1811 587 14125- 18644 139.35- 14176- 7984 6979 7082: 7207 11173, 11174 8510^ 10579 11515 Sir Theodore Martin 19692 15028^ 148 Fau CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Fer Fausset (A. E.), see Brown and Fausset. Pawcett (Henry) : Economic position of the British labourer, 1865 . . Free trade and protection. 1878 Manual of political economy. 1883 Life of, by Sir Leslie Stephen [ports.] , 1886 Fawcett (M. G.) : Life of H. M. Queen Victoria {Eminent women) [port.] . 1901 Life of Sir William Molesworth [port., illus.] . 1901 Tales in political economy. 1874 Feilden (E. W.) My African home [Natal, illus.]. 1887 Feis (Jacob) Shakspere and Montaigne. 1884 Felice (Guillaume de) Protestants of France. 1863 Felicia, by M. B. Betham-Edwards Felix (E. R.), see Rachel. Felix Holt, by George Eliot Felkin {A. h.), see Fowler mid Felkin. Felkin (R. W.), see Wilson and Felkin. Fellow of Trinity, by Alan St. Aubyn Fellow^ravellers, by Graham. Travers Fells (J. M.), see Garcke and FeUs. Fencing, see Sport and Pastime. Fenelon (F. de S. de La M.) Archbishop : Letters to men. 1880 Biographical sketch of, [by H. L. Lear]. 1877 Life of, by Viscount St. Gyres [port., illus.]. 1901 Fenn (G. M.) : Black shadows . . Cankerworm Commodore Junk High play It came to pass . . ]Man with the shadow Master of the ceremonies Meeting of Greeks ]\Iynn's mystery . . New mistress One maid's mischief Star-gazers Tiger lily Witness to the deed Fennell (Charlotte) The calico printer. . Fenton's quest, [by M. E. Braddon] Fenwick (Stephen) Mechanics of construction [illus.] Fere (Charles), see Binet aiul Fere. Ferguson (John) Ceylon in the "Jubilee year" [maps, Ferguson (R. M.) Electricity [illus.]. 1873 .. Fergusson (James) History of architecture [illus.] . 2 vol, 1874 . . Fergusson (Robert) Life of, by A, B. Grosart (Famous Scots), n.d. Fermentation, see Chemistry, Fernandes das Neves (Diocleciano) Hunting expedition to the Transvaal. 1879 Ferns, see Botany, ajid Gardening. Ferrer's Court, by J. S. Winter [Ferrier (S. E.)] Destiny Ferris (G. T.) Great musical composers {Camelot ser.), 1887 Ferryman (A. F. :Mockler-) Up the Niger [map, illus.] . 1892 Ferryman, by Helen Mathers 1861 illus.]. 1887 13948 13910 18871 19932 18550 19448 13947 22337 2171 963 7848 7864, 7865 9950 10479 1383 19026 19848 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7951 7009, 7010 14963 21880 13229 14864 18307 14236 11016 7953 18778 22427 9174 149 Fes BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fir Festing (Gabrielle) J. H. Frere and his friends [frontis.]. 1899 Feval (Paul) Jesuits, trans, by A. L. Sadlier. 1879 Fichte (J. G.) : Characteristics of the present age, 1859 Fichte, by Robert Adamson [Philosophical classics) [frontis.] Fiction : Bennett (E. A.) Fame and fiction. 1901 Cross (W. L.) Development of the English novel. 1899 Oliphant (James) Victorian novelists. 1899 Raleigh (Walter) English novel. 1904 . . Simonds (W. E.) Study of English fiction. 1895.. Traill (H. D.) New fiction, c^c. 1897 .. Zimmern (H. and A.) Half-hours with foreign novelists 2 vol. 1882 .. Fiction : articles collected from reviews, etc., in several volumes. See also Authorship, and Literary Biography. Field (Benjamin) Handbook of Christian theology. 1870 Field (E. W.) Memorial sketch of, by Thomas Sadler [port.]. 1872 Field (Eugene) Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 1896 Field (George) Grammar of colouring [illus.] . 1877 Field (H. M.) Story of the Atlantic telegraph [illus.] . 1893 Field (Walter) Stones of the temple [illus.] . 1871 Fielding (Henry) : Adventures of -Joseph Andrews Amelia Tom Jones Life of, by H. A. Dobson {English men of letters). 1883 Fields (Annie) ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe [frontis] Fighting troubadour, by A. C. Gunter Figuier (L. G.) : Day after death [illus.] , 1872 Earth and sea, trans, by W. H. D. Adams [illus.] . 1870 Human race, ed. by R. Wilson [illus.] . n.d. Insect world, ed. by P. M. Duncan [illus.] . 1872 Ocean world, ed. by E. P. Wright [illus.] . n.d. Reptiles and birds [illus.] . 1873 Vegetable world [illus.] . n.d. World before the deluge [illus.] . 1891 Fiji, see Australasia, and Missions and Missionaries. Filmer {Sir Robert) Patriarcha. 1884 Finance, see Political Economy. Finck(H. T.): Chopin, and other musical essays. 1889 Songs and song writers [illus.] . 1901 . . . . Findlay {Sir George) Working, etc., of an English railway [illus.] . Findlay (J. J.) ed. Arnold of Rugby. 1897 . . Finland, see Russia. Finney (C. G.) Sermons. 1839 Finny (W. E. St. L.) Kingston-upon-Thamcs (Homeland liandhooks) [map, illus.] . 1902 Firebrand, by S. R. Crockett Firm of Girdlestone, by A. C. Doyle First in the field, [by ]\Irs. Houstounj First person singular, by D. C. Murray First violin, by Jessie Fothcrgill . . Firth (C. H.) Oliver Cromwell {Heroes of the nations) [port., --illus. 19514 878^ 14390 18324 16845 16858 16847 16859 16921 16846 16871: 550- 20126 16856 14677 13256 1321 7955 7954 7956 18480 19993 8206 669 12608 12404 12548 12328 12549 12716 12731 20914. 16217 16204 14939 19991 1289 22881 7528 7090, 7697 8532. 9398 7971 1842-2 150 Fir CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Fla Firth (J. B.) : Augustus Csesar (Heroes of the nations) [illus. ] . 1903 . . 18430 Constantine the Great (Heroes of the nations) [port., illus.]. 18431 Firth (Oliver) Postage stamps and their collection [illus.] . 1897 . . 14266 Fish-culture, by Francis Francis [illus.]. 1863 .. .. 15270 Fisher (J. C.) Liturgical purity our rightful inheritance. 1860 . . 1333 Fisher (Osmond) Physics of the earth's crust [illus.] . ,1881 . . 12798 Fisher (S. G.) True William Penn [port., illus.] . 1900 .. 20212 Fisher (Susan) Legend of the Puritans, and other poems. 1837 . . . 2261 Fisher (W. W.) Elementary chemistry [illus.]. 1888 .. .. 13302 Fishery management, Handy book of, by J. W. W. Bund. 1899 . . 15271 Fishes, see Zoology. Fishing, see Sport and Pastime. Fiske (John) [E. F. Green] Century of science, and other essays . . 16659 Fison (A. H.) Recent advances in astronomy (Victorian era ser.) . . 13017 Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag [illus.]. 1898 .. .. 20988 Fitzgerald (Edward) : Letters of, to Fanny Kemble . . . . . . 18926 Life of, by A. C. Benson (English men of letters). 1905 . . 18515 Life of, by John Glyde [port.] . 1900 . . . . . . 19629 Fitzgerald (M. S.) Kings of Europe, past and present. 1870 . . 20573 Fitzgerald (P. F.) : Philosophy of self-consciousness. 1882 . . . . 14464 Protest against Agnosticism. 1890 . . . . . . 14465 Fitzgerald (P. H.) : Day's tour : journey through France and Belgium [illus.] . . . 21436 Good Queen Charlotte [ports.] . 1899 . . . . 20765 History of Pickwick. 1891 . . . . . . . . 16576 History of the English stage. 2 vol. 1882 . . . . 1938 Life and adventures of Alexandre Dumas. 2 vol. 1873 . . 20151 Life and times of John Wilkes [illus.] . 2 vol. 1888 . . 1990O Life and times of William IV. 2 vol. 1884 . . . . 20744 Life of Laurence Sterne [port.] . 2 vol. 1896 .. .. 19247 Polly .. .. .. .. .. .. 7959 Recreations of a literary man [Essays] . 1883 . . . . 16719 Romance of the English stage. 2 vol. 1874 . , . . 1944 Seventy-five Brooke Street . . . . . . . . 7960 World behind the scenes. 1881 . . . . . . 1844 Fitzgibbon (H. M.) ecZ. Early English poetry. 1887 .. .- 2211 Fitzherbert (S. W.) Book of the wild garden (Handbooks of practical gardening) [illus.]. 1903.. .. ,. .. 15228 Fitzmaurice-Kelly, see Kelly (James Fitzmauricc-). Fitzpatrick (J. P.) Transvaal from within. 1899. .. .. 22297 Fitz-Patrick (T.) Autumn cruise in the iEgean [man, illus.]. 1886 23104 Fitzpatrick (W. J.) : Life of Charles Lever [port.] . 1884 , , . . . . 19190 Memoirs of Richard Whately. 2 vol. 18G4 . . . . 19012 Fitzpatrick (Walter) Great Conde and the period of the Fronde. 2 vol. 1873 .. .. .. .. .. 21400 Five years' tryst, etc., by Sir Walter Besant . . . . . . 6783 Fives, see Sport and Pastime. Fixed period, by Anthony Trollope . . . . . . 10510 Flaming sword, by S. K. Hocking. . . . . . . . 8471 Flash of summer, by Mrs. W. K. Clifford . . . . . . 7316 Flaubert (Gustavo) : Madame Bovay . . . . . . . . . . 11546 Salammbo . . . . . . . . . . 7962 Flaxman (John) illus., see Homerus. 151 Fie BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fol Fleet (F. R) Theory of wit aad humour. 1890 Fleet, The, see London. Fleischer (Emil) System of volumetric analysis [illus.] . 1877 Fleming (Mrs.), see Lowry (H. D.) and otliers. Fleming ^J. A.) Electric lamps and electric lighting [illus.] . 1894 . Fleming ^J. M.) Practical violin school [illus.] . 1889 , . Fleming (James) Art of reading and speaking, n.d. Fleming (Robert) Rise and fall of papacy. 1848 Fletcher (A. E.) ed. Cyclopaedia of education. 1889 Fletcher (Banister) : Arbitrations. 1893 Dilapidations. 1891 Light and air : text-book for architects, etc. [illus.] . 1895 . Quantities [illus.] . 1903 . . Valuations and compensations. 1893 . . . . Fletcher (C. R. L) Gastavus Adolphus [Heroes of the nations) [illus. Fletcher (Eliza) Memorials of, by C. A. Salmond [illus.]. 1887 Fletcher (Giles) : Christ's victory and triumph, etc. [A poem] . n.d. See also Beaumont and Fletcher. Fletcher (J. S.) God's failures Fletcher (Joseph) Independency in England. 4 vol. 1847-9 Fleurange, by Mrs. Augustus Craven Fleury (Claude) Ecclesiastical history : second Ecumenical Council to end of 4th century. 1842 Flindersland, see Australasia. Flint (Robert) Vico {Philosophical classics). 1901 Flitch of bacon, by W. H. Ainsworth Florence of Worcester^ Chronicle of, 1854 Florence, see Italy. Florida, see America North. Flower and weed, etc., [by M. E. Braddon] . . Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces, by J. P. F, Richter. 1877 Flower-o'-the-corn, by S. R. Crockett Flower of the flock, by W. E. Norris Flower of the forest, by Charles Gibbon Flowers : Flower lore [illus.] . n.d. . . Friend (Hilderie) Flowers and flower lore [iljus.] . 1886 Ingram (J. H.) Flora symboliea : language of flowers Tonna (C. E.) Chapters on flowers [illus.] . 1866 . . See also Botany, and Gardening. Flute of Pan, by J. O. Hobbes Foes-in-law, by Rhoda Broughton Foggerty's fairy, etc., by W. S. Gilbert Folk-lore, Customs, etc. : Allan (Wilfrid) Weather wisdom, n.d. Batty (John) Spirit and influence of chivalry. 1890 Brand (John) Popular antiquities of Great Britain [frontis 3 vol. 1849 . . Choice notes from " Notes and Queries." 1859 Cox, Bishop. Comparative mythology and folklore. 1883 Cox (M. R.) Introduction to folk-lore. 1895 Dyer (T. F. T.) British popular customs. 1876 . . Enghsh folk-lore. 1878 Gomme (G. L.) Ethnology in folklore [Modern scL). 1892 Folk-lore relics of early village life. 1883 Primitive folk-moots. 1880 . . 16976 13379 13331 16101 16937 1078 14340 15641 15606 15608 15674 15642 18405 19772 616 7964 874 7481 987 18316 6606 20817 7024, 7025 17486 7529 9447 8054 12705 12709 17266 17327 8450 7148 8065 17119 17113 17136 17117 17155 17108 17128 17116 17106 17150 17107 152 Fol CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. For Tolklore, Customs, etc. (continued) : Gould (Sabine Baring-) Curiosities of the olden time. 1895 Curious myths of the Middle Ages [illus.] . 1869 Strange survivals [illus.] . 1894 Yorkshire oddities. 2 vol. 1880 Harley (Timothy) Moon lore [illus.] . 1885 Hartland (E. S.) Science of fairy tales (Contemporary sci. ser.) Holt (E. S.) Ye olden time [frontis.]. n.d. Jeaffreson (J. C.) Brides and bridals. 2 vol. 1872 Jones (William) Credulities past and present. 1880 Joyce (P. W.) trans. Old Celtic romances. 1879 Langdon (Samuel) Appeal to the serpent [illus.]. .. Larminie (William) ed. West Irish folk-tales. 1893 Mackay (Charles) Popular delusions [illus.] . 1869 McLennan (J. F.) Primitive marriage. 1865 Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess. Study of folk-songs. 1886 Michelet (Jules) La sorciere. 1863 Platts (John) Manners and customs of all nations [illus.] . Poole (M. E.) Cottage life in the west of England. 1870 Proverbial folk-lore. n.d. . . Eoby (John) Traditions of Lancashire [port., illus.]. 2 vol. Scott {Sir Walter) Demonology and witchcraft [frontis.]. 1831 Sikes(W. W.) British goblins: Welsh folk-lore, etc. [illus.]. Williams (Howard) Superstitions of witchcraft. 1865 Yeats (W. B.) Celtic twilight [frontis.]. 1893 Folk-lore : articles collected from reviews, etc, 4 vol. "Folly and fresh air, by Eden Phillpotts Foma Gordyeeff, by Maxim Gorky Foods : Head (Brandon) Pood of the gods (Cocoa) [illus.] . 1903 " Historicus.'' Cocoa: all about it [illus.]. 1896 M'Intosh (J. G.) Technology of sugar [illus.] . 1903 Smith (Harold Hamel-) Cocoa-planting in the West Indies . . Wells (Robert) Bread and biscuit baker's and sugar-boiler's assistant. 1896 . . Pastrycook and confectioner's guide. 1899 See also Health and Hygiene, Law, and Political Economy. Fool errant, by Maurice Hewlett . . Football, see Sport and Pastime. Foote {Mrs. H. G.) Recollections of Central America, etc. 1869 " . . Footsteps of a throne, by Max Pemberton For a song's sake, c^c, by P. B. Marston For Abigail, by S. K. Hocking For cash only, by James Payn For faith and freedom, by Sir Walter Besant For her dear sake, by M. C. Hay . . For lack of gold, by Charles Gibbon For Lilias, by R. N. Carey For the sake of the duchesse, by S. Walkey . . Forbes (Archibald) : " Black Watch " [illus.] . 1903 Chinese Gordon, n.d. Colin Campbell (English men of action) [port.] . 1895 Drawn from life . . H-dvelock (Eriglish men of actioji) [port.]. 1890 .. Soldiering and scribbling. 1872 Forbes (Duncan) History of chess [illus.]. 1860 Forbes (G. S.) Wild life in Canara and Ganjam [frontis.] . 1885 . . 17103 17112 17133 17135 17152 13427 17111 17100 17131 17132 17134 17127 17115 17102 17130 17104 17101 17110 17114 17129 17120 17151 17105 17118 9619 8088 15272 15329 15314 15450 14994 14995 8436 22701 9601 9159 8472 9562 6797, 6798 8410 8055 7244 10753 20981 19770 18361 7968 18372 16674 14342 21869 153 Kor BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. > . FOS- Forbes (George) Transit of Venus {Nature ser.) [illus.] . 1874 . . 13563- Fopbes (U. A.) Otterstone Hall .. .. .. ., 7969 Ford (Mrs. F. A.), see Miller (F. F.) Ford (Harold) Art of extempore speaking. 1903 . . .'. 16935- Ford (James) : Gospel of S. John illustrated. 1852 .. .. .. 461 Gospel of St. Matthew illustrated from ancient and modern authors. 1848 .. .. .. ... 465- Ford (John) Plays of, (Mer77iaid ser.) [frontis.], 1888 .. .. 2270 Ford (Richard) : Gatherings from Spain. 1846 . . . . . . 21522 Handbook for Spain. 2 vol. 1855 . . . . . . 23006- Ford (Robert) : American humourists [illus.] . 1897 . . . . . . 17009 Thistledown: book of Scotch humour, e 18314 21002 21726 16414 21142; 20934 866- 21073 20594 14798 20391 22605 20469' 18441 14150' 15560' 19286- 21298 21683 13780 10463 17304 10620 19514 7999? 160 Fri CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Fro 1881 N.D. Friedmann (Paul) Anne Boleyn. 2 vol. 1884 Friend (Hilderiq) Flowers and flower lore [illus.]. 1886 Friend Fritz, by Erckmann-Chatrian Frikeli (Gustave) Secret out (Tricks) [illus.] . Friswell (J. H.) : Essays on English writers. 1869 Footsteps to fame [illus.] . 1881 Gentle life. _ 2 vol. 1866-73 . . ... Our square circle . . Silent hour. 1868 Frith (W. P.) : John Leech: his life and work [port., illus.]. 2 vol. 1891 My autobiography and reminiscences. 1889 Frith and Rawson. Coil and current [illus.] . 1896 Frobishers, by S. Baring-Gould . . Frogs, see Zoology. Froissart (Jean) : Chronicles of, {Globe ed.). 1895 Chronicles of England, France, etc. [illus.]. See also Gould (P. C). From exile, by James Payn From jest to earnest, by E. P. Eoe From moor isles, by Jessie Fothergill From post to finish, by Hawley Smart From sand-hill to pine, by Bret Harte From the wings, by B. H. Buxton. . Frost (H. F.) Schubert {Great viusicians) , Frost (John) Pictorial history of America Frost (Thomas) : Half-hours with the early explorers [illus.] In Kent with Charles Dickens. 1880 . . Froude (J. A.) : Bunyan (English men of letters). 1885. . Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891 English in Ireland in the 18th century. 3 vol. 1881 History of England from fall of Wolsey to defeat of Spanish Armada. 12 vol. 1870 .. Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1896 Life and letters of Erasmus. 1895 Lord Beaconsfield {Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria) [port.] Nemesis of faith. 1849 Oceana ; or, England and her colonies [illus.] . 1886 Short studies on great subjects. 4 vol. 1874-91 . . Vol. I : Contents : Science of liisltory. Times of Erasmus and Luther Influence of the Beformation on tlie Scottish, cliaracter. Phil osophy of catlioiiciam. Plea foir the free discueaion of theolog i'cal a'ifRculties. Criticiem and the Gospel liistory. Book of Job. Spinoza. Dissolution of the monasteries. England's for- gotten -worthies. Homer. Lives of tlie saints. Ilep.resentatiyo men. Reynard the fox. Cat's pilgrimag-e. Parable of the bread-fruit tree; Compensation. Vol. II : Contents : Calvinism. Bishop of the 12t.h century. Father Newman on "The grammair of assent." Condition and pros- pects of Protestantism. England and her colonies. Fortnight in Kerry. Reciprocal duties of state and yubject. Merchant and his wife. Progress. Colonies once more. Education. England's war. Ireland since the union. Scientific method applied to history. 20^25 12709 7885 14201 16647 18838 1420 8000 1361 19082 19807 13215 8100 20576 20310 9564 9860 7972 10166 8352 7214 18605 22641 23207 19457 18469 20740 21230 20690 935 19239 18721 657 22768 16702 161 Fro BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fur Froude (J. A.) (contintied) : Short studies on great subjects, 4 vol. 1874-91 (contd.) . . 16702 . Vol. Ill : Contents : Annals of an En-gilish abbey. Revival of Rottnaii- ism. Sea studies. Socdety in Italy in the last days of the Roman republic. Lucian. Divue Caesar. Uses of landed gentry. Party politics. Leaves from a. iSouth African journal. Vol. IV : Contents: Life and times of Thomas Becket. Oxford Count- er-reformation. Origen and CeJsus. Caglio^ro of the second century. Cheneys and the House of Russell. Siding a,t a rail- way staiUon. Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays, 1892 . . 21523 Thomas Carlyle : first forty years of his life [port., illus.] 2 vol. 1882 .. .. .. .. .. 19850 Thomas Carlyle : his life in London [port.]. 2 vol. 1890 .. 19768 See also Burke (T. N.). Frozen deep, etc., by Wilkie Collins . . . . . . 7351, 7352 Frozen pirate, by W. Clark Russell . . . . 9887 Fruit-culture, see Agriculture Kitchen-garden, fruit-culture. Fry (Sir Edward) : James Hack Tuke : a memoir [port.] . 1899 . . . . 20043 Studies by the way [Essays] . 1900 . . . . . . 16756 Fry (Elizabeth) Life of, by E. R. Pitman (Etninent woinen). 1894. . 18532 Fryer (A. C.) : Aidan, the apostle of England. 1902 .. .. .. 1040 Cuthberhtof Lindisfarne. 1880 .. .. .. 19610 Llantwit Major [illus.] . 1893 .. .. .. 21059 Fuel of fire, by E. T. Fowler .. .. .. .. 7985 Fuels, see Chemistry. Fulke (William) Defence of translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue. 1843 . . . . . . 185 Fuller (Andrew) Works and remains of, [port.]. 1852 .. .. 582 Fuller (Mrs. M. B.) Wrongs of Indian womanhood [illus.] . 1900 . . 21885 Fuller (S. M.) Marchioness Ossoli. Life of, by J. W. Howe (Eminent women). 1889.. .. .. .. .. 18533 Fuller (Thomas) : Abel Redevivus [illus.] . 2 vol. 1867 . . . . . . 18802 Church history of Britain [illus.] . 3 vol. 1868 . . . . 1038 Good thoughts in bad times, etc. [port.] . 1880 . . . . 1431 Holy and profane states, n.d. . . . . . . 1446 Pisgah sight of Palestine [maps, illus.] . 1869 . . . . 129 Pulpit sparks. 1886 . . . . . , . . 1309 Fuller-Maitland, see Maitland (J. A. Fuller-), Fullerton (Lady G. C.) : Constance Sherwood . . . . . . . . 8001 Lady-bird ,. ,. ,. .. ., 8002 Mrs. Gerald's niece . . . . . . . . 8003 Will and a wav . , . , , , , , . . 8004 Life of, by P. M. A. A. Craven [port.]. 1888 , . , . 18991 Fungi, see Botany. Funny stories, by Mark Twain , . . , . . . 10604 Furnishing, see Cabinet-making and Furnishing. Furniss (Harry) illus., see How (F. D.). Furnival (W. J.) Researches on leadless glazes. 1898 ., .. 14724 162 Gab CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Gai^ GABRIEL ALLEN, M.P., by G. A. Henty . . . . . . 8432 Gabriel Conroy, by F. B. Harte .. . . 8360, 17209 Gadd (W. L.) Soap manufacture [illus.]. 1893 .. .. 15479 Gainsborough (Thomas) : Life of, by G. M. Brock-Arnold (Great artists) [port., illus.]. 18660 See also Art and Artists. iGainsford (W. D.) Winter's cruise in the Mediterranean. 1887 . . 23076 iGairdnep (James) : Ungl&nd (Early chronicles of Europe), n.d. .. .. 20708 Henry YIl (Ttcelve English statesmen). 1892 .. .. 18444 Houses of Lancaster and York (Epochs of modern history) [maps] . 1875 . . . . . . . . . 20277 Life and reign of Richard III [port.] . 1898 . . . . 20730 Paston letters, 1422-1509. 3 vol. 1872-5 . . . . 20595 Cralbraith (L.), see Lowry (H. D.) and others. Gale (Frederick) Modern English sports [port., illus.]. 1885 .. 14233 ,-ld's workers) [port.]. 1888 Life of, by Sir W. F. Butler {English men of action) [port.]. .. Gordon (B. 0.) Life of William Buckland [port., illus.]. 1894 .. Gordon (H. L.) Sir James Young Simpson {Masters of medicvie) [port.] . 1897 . . 173 15378 15273 15386- 15316 17106 17150 17107 13425 21519 19024 9244 9679, 9680' 3334 3335 3336 3337 .3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345- 3346 3347 7153 14922 13174 22883 21775 21769 13086 417 19573- 21272 579 1416 19770 18311 18379 20209- 18717 ^or BRISTOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Gou 1893 1865 1900 Gordon (J. D.) Work and play in Indik and Kashmir Gordon (L. D.), see Symonds and Gordon. Gordon (Lucy Duff-) Lady. Letters from Egypt, 1863-5 Gordon (M. M.), see Brewster (M. M.). Gordon (Mary) Memoir of John Wilson [port.]. 2 vol. 1862 Gordon (T. E.) Roof of the world [map, illus.] . 1876 . . Gordon (W. J.) : Our country's birds [illus.] . n.d. Our coimtry's flowers [illus.]. n.d. Gore (Charles) Bishop : Creed of the Christian, n.d. Leo the Great {Fathers fm- English readers), n.d. Lux mundi : studies in the religion of the Incarnation. 1890 'Gore (J. E.) : Star groups [illus.] . 1891 . . Worlds of space [illus.] . 1894 iGorky (Maxim) [A. M. Pieshkov] : Creatures that once were men Foma Gordyeeff . . Orloff couple and Malva Outcasts, etc. Tales from, Three men Three of them Gorst (H. E.) Earl of Beaconsfield {Victorian era ser.) Gosse (E. W.) : Critical kit-kats. 1896 Eighteenth century literature. 1889 . . Gossip in a library. 1891 . . Gx&y {English men of letters). 1889 In russet and silver [Poems] . 1894 Jeremy Taylor {English men of letters). 1904 Life of William Congreve {Gi-eat writers). 1888 Modern English literature {Literatures of the loorld) Questions at issue. 1893 . . HaXeigh {English worthies) . 1888 Seventeenth century studies. 1897 Gosse (P. H.) : Aquarium : wonders of the deep sea [illus.] 1854. British ornithology [illus.]. 1853 British sea-anemones and corals [illus.] . 1860 Canadian naturalist [illus.] . 1840 Evenings at the microscope [illus.]. 1859 Ocean [illus.]. 1849 Omphalos : an attempt to untie the geological knot [illus.] . . Year at the shore [illus.] . 1873 Gosse and Hill. Naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica [illus.] 1851 Goths, by Henry Bradley {Story of the nations) [map, illus.]. 1891 Gotthelf (Jeremiah) Wealth and welfare Gough (J. B.) Platform echoes [illus.]. 1885 Goulburn (E. ]\L) Dean : Child Samuel. 187G Everlasting punisliment. 1881 Gospel of the childhood. 1876 Idle word. 1809 . . Oflicc of the Holy Communion. 1SG9 . . Pursuit of holiness [Sequel to " Tlioughts on personal religion "] Thoughts on personal religion. 1895 .. Memoir of, by Berdmore Compton [port.] . 1899 . . 174 1898 21871 22224 19935 22064 12513 12677 585 906 412 13049 13055 8087 8088 8089 8090 8095 8092 8091 18625 16459 16562 16840 184S3 2234 18512 18588 16553 16402 18618 1777 12238 12284 12571 12300 12551 12237 12734 12245 12269 20450 8096 13814 99 623 8G7 1371 1318 791 803 19412 CcOU CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY. Gov Ctould (A. A.), see Agassiz aiid Gould. Gould (E. S.) Good English. 1867 .. .. .. 13631 Gould (F. C.) : Froissart's modern chronicles [Political satires, illus.]. 2 vol. 1902-3 .. .. .. .. .. 17145 See also How (F. D.).