University of California • Berkeley Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation /^ THE NANCY. *»^ »• THE SERVANT ]B©Y J. Catiiach, Printer 2, Monmouth-court 7 Dials. MAYHAP you've heard that as dear as oimt lives All true-hearted tars love their ships & their wives To their duty like pitch, sticking close till they die And who'er wants to know I'll tell them for why, ©nethro' dangers &storins brings me safelyon shore Tother welcomes me home, when my danger's o'er Both smoothens the ups & the downs of this life. For the ships called the Nancy, & Nancy's my wife When Nancy my wife o'er the lawn scuds so neat And 80 light the proud grass scarce yield to herfeet So rigg'd and so lovely 'tis not easy to trace, WhicR is reddest her top-knot, her shoes or her face While the neighbours to see herforgot all their cares And are pleas'd that she's mine, tho' the wished she was theirs. Marvel not then to think of the joys of my life, I njy ship called the Nancy for Nancy's my wife. As for Nancy my vessel but see her in trim, Slie seems thro' the ocean to fly and not swim, F«re the wind like a dolphin she skiras the rough seas, " (stays. With her top gallant sails tho' she looks best in Scudding, trying, or tacking, 'tis all one to she. Mounting high or low sunk in the trough of the sea She has sav'd me in many hard squeaks of my life, So I cail'd her the Nancy cause Nancy's my wife. ' hca so sweet in the dance careless glides my hearts queen, Jhe sets ©ut and sets in far the fairest of th« green So of all the grand fleet my gay vessel's the flower She outsails the who e fleet by a knot in an hour, Tliw the both sail so cheerful thro life's vnrying breeze, AU hearts with such pilots mus tbe at their ease, Fnus I've two kind protectors to wj-.tch me thro* My good ship the Nancy & Nancy's my wife. (life These hands from protecting them who shall de- Ne'er ingratitude lurk'd in the heart of a tar (bar, Why every thing female from peril to iave. Is the noblest distinction that hoaours the brave. While a rag, or a timber, or h compass they boast I'll protect the dear creatures against a whole host Still grateful to both to the end of my life. My good ship the Nancy and Nancy ray w'ifer J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials You overs all both great and small attend unto my theme, (felt the same : There's none on earth can pity me but those who I liv'd between Dungannon & the t:wn of Augh- nacloy, (vant boy. But I live now in America with my father s ser- Where is the man who can or will a farmer's son despise, ^^^^^ ^i^e. His bread to earn iie does begin before the sun My love and I are Adam's seed I never will deny There's none on earth I love so well as my fa ther's servant boy. Mv parents wish'd to have me wed unto a gentle; man, (wedlock's bands - And in the chtrrch we were to meet to join in The night before I stole from them unto a village nigh, (servant boy Where I did meet my own true love my father's I brought my love along with me, I car d for no- thing more, (shore , I bad adieu to all my friends and to the shamrock To Belfast town we both went down, and soon found Captain Coy, (servant boy. And in his ship I sailed away with my father's But when we reach'd America our money we did spend, • (friend And were some time supported, by a true Irish Till a gentleman from Ireland did give my love employ, [servant boy. Two pounds a week I do receive from my father's left my parents lonesome, in sorrow they did weep, Lsleep, Both day and night bewailing, without a wink o ? Until I S2 2t a letter to the town of Aughnacloy. Saying I was in America with my fathe 's servant '.oy. Th*n th jy sent me an answer to Philadilpia town Sayin ^ if I would come home again I should havt 500 pounds, B It was join'd in wedlock's bands which crownda wit : joy, [vant bo y And while I liv I'll ne'er deceive my father' scr. This was the new.s that I did send from Phila- delphia town, [worth one pound. Where they were worth one shilling there f were With pleasure and contentment I never will deny I'm liviner in America with my father'sservaintbo^ Mlj *i445 THE STAGE LIFE. THE Printed bt/ J. Catnach, 2, MonmoiMh- Court, 7 Dials GOOD people all 1 ])ray draw near. And listen unto ni^ Travellers and Shopkef pers lupplied witk Shtei Hyni K P«tter», and Slip Songi as CHEAP and G«-3«:a wijr Shop in London. ,N Friday morning as we set sail, It was not far from land, O there I espy'd a fair pretty maid, With the conil) and the glass in hernand CHORUS. O the stormy winds they did blow, And the raging' seas did roar, While we poor sailors go up to the top And the land lubbers lies below. Then up spoke a boy of our gallant ship, And a well-spoken boy was he, I've a father & mother in fair Ports nwuth town, And this night they will weep f(^r n>c. Then up spoke a man of our gal la it shhp And a well-spoken man was he, I have married a wife in fair London towk And this night she a widow will be. Then up spoke the captain of our gall-ant And a valiant man was he, (ship, For want of a long boat we shall all b« drown'd, So she sunk to the bottom ot the scft. The moon shone urisht, A'the stars gav« And my mother is ltM)kingforme, (light, She might look, she might weep, with vtdtery eye^, (sea. :><)C might IcoK « the Wottoai i>t the His Jacket of Blue. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, MoHmouth-court, 7 Dials, SOME nations may boast of their walls Of their armies may make much a-clo, But tell me the power when Liberty calls Like the gallant stout jackets so blue, Our sailors are Lords of the Sea, The' they roll in the old world or new, (bier may be None bolder, none stronger, none no- Than the jolly stout jackets of blue. Each flag that flies over the main, No matter what 'er be it hue, Must strike as it has struck again and again To the gallant stout jackets of blue. The jacket to Neptune is dear, So he spoke thus to each of his crew, All honour and glory and vvorth shall appear, With uiy own jolly jackets of blue. The King in his majesty great Remains to his own colour true, And amidst all his robes & his ermines of State Remembers his jacket of blue. Then loud let each Mariner sing In a chorus still honest tho' new, Here's a health & long life to our bViM jacket King, To our King in his jacket of blue. We shall never see its like ag'aln; J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials. LD England is the land we love, None with it can compare, For statesmen wise and hero's bold, For commerce, and the fair ; 'Tis Britan's pride no land beside, Such influence does maintain, Go where you will old England still We shall never see its like again. For ages past our Admirals brave. Pre-eminent have stood. In spite of all the w^orld have held The mastery of the flood ; There's Duncan, Plood, & Collingwood, And others in the train, (fame, And Nelson's name sounds matchless We shall never see its like again. Bold heroes in the field we have. Remember INlarlborougli's name. Brave Abercrombie, Wolfe, and Moore Who died to live again ; We've others still Comhermere & Hill, And Wellington remain, Fam'd Waterloo laurell'd his brow, We shall never see his like again. Great George the third who's glorious Each Briton stil reveres, (name, Unequall'd as a Monarch reign'd. Through long eventful years : But now he's gone, we've William his God grant him long to reign, («on, May heaven still shield him from all ill We shall never see his like again The liiglit Bar! J. Catnach, Printftr, 2, IMonmonth-Court. Oountry Shops sup)ilieii. I'* '■ ^FF! mhl the Hranger, Off! Off'! and away,, (.silvery hay., And away flow the Ff^hf Bark o'er the JJ'^e ntK^t '>'each e''er to morrow the far diiitanti*mtje\, .(vjc^ll brave 'The billows weVl laugli at^ the tempest The ynnng roving lovers their vows have been given^ (by Heav''n^ fUnsiniled o'^er by mortals^ but hallowed She was Ita^y''s daughter I knew by Jier eye '(her sky y it wore the bright beam that illumines Off! said the stranger, Sfc, And she has forsaken her palace 8^ halls 'For the chill breeze Sf the ligJitivhichfalls 'O^er the ^pure wave, from the Hea^^ens above (star of love., And their guiding .star teas the bright Off ! said the stranger. By/'. Men what silly things you are 0^H ! Men what silly things you arc, To woman thus to humble, JVho fowler like, but spreads her .snare Or at the timid game takes aim, -Pojp, pop, and down you tumble. She marks you down, fly tvhere you will 0''er clover, grass or stubble. Can whig you, feather you or kill Just as she takes the trouble, Oh ! Men what silly things, 8fc. Then fly not from ns, "'tis in vain, //-^e know the art of setting. As well as shooting, and can train., Tlie shyest fool ourmit in. Oh ! Men what silly things, Sfc. THE DUSKY NIGHT. J.Cufnocli, Printer, 2, Monmoutli-court, iVml^ 'X'HE (luskv nio-lit rides down tlieskv And ushers ill the morn, ^'"e lionnds all nr.ikea jovial rry, The huntsman winds his horn. Then a hunting we wdl go, &c. » The wife around her.hushfind ihFows, Her arms to make him .stay, My dear, it hails, it rains, it blows, Yon cannot hunt to day. But a hunting we AYill go, Sic. The uncavemVl fox, like lightning ftiesv His cunning's ail iuvake, Again the race he eager tries His forfeit life's the stake. When a hunting we will go. &c. llous'd even echo huntress turns. And madly shouts her joy, The, cportsinan'shreastenraptur'd burns The chacc can never cloy. Then a hunting we will go, 8ic. Derspairing mark he seeks the tide, His heart must now prevail, (tide, Hark ! shouts the miscreant's death be- His speed, his cunning fail. Then a hunting we will go &c. For oh! his -strength to faintness worn, The houuds arrest his flight, Then hungry homewards we return, To feast aw ay the night, Then a drinking we will go, Sec. The Three Flies. THERE were three flies, once on a time Resolv'dlo travel and change their clime. For they neither cared for father nor mother Fornncle nor aunt, nor sister, nor brother The first was a yellow one, the second was blue, And the third was a green one to the view So off they set with merry hums. And told their parents to kiss their bums. CHORUS. But they too saucy were by half — I can't sing ifyou do laugh, S« shut your mouths, and list to me Tiddleliddle lol, & tiddle liddle lee And take a lesson from a fly. Don't give way to lux — u — ry. They had not gone far when the yellow one cries, Look down, my boys, a dinner I spies. But the blue bottle answer'd—upon my word I sees nothing but a large cow t A cow t , well, there,s good in that — I'm sure it looks monstracious fat ; And I wish as how I may go to Davy, If I don't have some of that rich gravy. But the others too dainty were by lialf— I can't sing if you do laugh, &c. Away they flew the other two, Jacky Green and Tommy Blue ; * They flow'd on fast and did not stop, 'Till they came opposite to a butchers shop " Oh, oh, says the blue-bottle, ' Here's a treat ! I'm particularly fond of butcher's meat," Says t'other, says he, " Then off I go. For I don't care for meat, you know." But he too dainty was by half — I can't sing &c. Far off then by himself he flow'd. And into a grocer's shop he goed! And there he play'd some saucy rigs. For he danc'd among the sugar, and the plums, and the figs. The day being hot he took a whim. And thought iH some treacle he should like to swim, (he goes. So without considering consequences, in And didn't even stop to takeoff his clothes But the treacle he found too thick by half I can't sing&c. The other two pass'd by the door. And heard a voice they'd heard befoie; So nearer to the sound they got, 'Till they lighted on the treacle pot. There they saw him almost dead. And thus to him the blue-bottle said, O Greeny all our powers can't save ye, You'd better have had our beef and gravy. But you too dainty was by half,&c. MORAL. Now a41 young men inclinedto loamy Take my advice, and stay at home; And be your fortunes dry or wet. Be content with what you get. And 'bout trifles make no fuss, Farther on you may fare worse, (got And mayhap when a great way off you've Like that poor fly you'll go to pot. For he too dainty was by half, &c J. Catnach, Printer, 9,S,M' till another day Forget not your I^OllGET not your soldier, he'll ne'er for- -■- get you, Whatever* his misfortunes niuy be, By the wutch-fire bright, in each planet of That beautiful face, love, iie'll see. (night, The' he sleep on the heath, in his dreams, thy dear form, Enraptured his fanty will vien-, Then oh ! for the love which is entered a- bove, (get you. Forget not your soldier !— he'll ne'er for- The wine-cup shall never be raised to this lip, Till warmed with a prayer to thy name, Thro' the terrible fight, like an angel of light. Thine image will lead nie to fame. Though I fail 'mid the slain, with my life's latest sigh, Heart-broken, I'll bid thee adieu,. Then, oh ! for the love, wliieli is entered a- bove (get you. Foriiet not vour soldier !- --he'll ne'er for- THE PIRATE8 GOOD bye, my love, good bye, my bark is on the bay, (of day, Add 1 must gain Isle Tlydra before the break Then weep not tho' 1 go to peril oe'r the main, My blood-red flag ere long shall meet thy i gaze again. ! Hark ! 1 hear the signal gun, Day's bright orb its course i^as run, List ! I hear the signal gun, Fare-the-rwell my lovely one,-— One kiss I— -one kiss !-— Good bye ! Good bye, my love, £cc. The breeze is blowing trcsh, the crew but uait for me, (white wings I seel And yonder like some wild biid my bark's Ne'er whisper love of danger, dry up that timid tear, (hour fear. Thou art a Pirate's Bride, &[should not har- I Hark ! I hear, &c. We have Lived and LOV'O TOGETHER. J. Catoach, Printer, 2&.3 Monmouth-court? Dials WE have liv'd and lov'd together Through many changing years, We have shar'd each others gladness, And wept each other tears. 1 have never known a sorrow, That was long unsoothed by thee For thy smile can make a summer, Where daikness else would be. Like the leaves that fall around us, In Autumn s fadii.g hours ; Are the traitor smiles t^ui. darken, When the cloud of aOirow low'rs. And though many such we've known, love, For prone, aias ! to range ; We both can speak of one, love, AVhom time could never change. We have liv'd and lovM together, Through many changing years : We have shar'd each others gladness And wept each others tears. And let us hope tlie future, As the past hath been, will be, will share with thee ihy sorrows, And thou t'-y j oys AJth n^e^ ^ THE J. Catuacli, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Diote. HE leiipM into tlie ])oat As it lay upon the strand; But oh! his heart was far away, Witli IViends upon the land, 1 le (houii:ht of those he lovM the bent, A wife, an infant dear, — Ami feeliniz; fiU'd the Sailor's l)reast, Tlie Sailor's eye, — a tear. They stood upon the far off cliif. And wuv'd a'kercliiefwhite. And ij.iz'd upon his iz:a11ant bark, 'Tdl she was out of sii^ht. The Sailor cast a look behind. No longer saw them near. Then rais'd the canvass to his eye, And wiped away a tear. Ere Ion": o'er ocean's l)lue expanse, His stardy bark had sped ; The ijallant Sailor from her prow, Descrie irTPONthehillheturn'd, ^LJ To take a last fond look. Of the valley and the village church, And the cottage by the brook, Helisten'd to the sounds, So familiar to his ear; And the Soldier leant upon his sword And wiped away a tear. }ie*^ide that cottage porch, A girl was on her knees. She held aloft a snowy scarf, Which fluttered in the breeze ; Stjebreath'd apray'r for him, A pray'r he could not hear. But he paus'd to bless her as sl>e knelt And wiped away a tear. He turn'd and left the spot,. Ah ! do not deem hini weak, For dauntless was the soldier's heart, '^riio tears was on his cheek. Go watch the foremast ranks In danger's dark career, Be sure tJie hand most daring there, Has wiped awa tear. ' wjiimtr^i. I 'iiff iM i i ' 'iuttU March, for the Iled,&c. Sung by Madame \'estris. Ci^AN' Doimuil conic arise with Dirk and Claymore, tiather from Lochaher glen, (store. Come into the liowlands your freedom re- MacDoiinuil come down with your men. Ye have slept the lonsr sleep of desjmir, Ynnr ancient briaht (jlories renew. Oh think what you've been, behold what you are. And fight for the red and the blue. March with tiie red nnd blue, March with the re-' and blue. Gather Clan Donnuil be staunch & be trua And figUt for the red and the blue. Clan Donnuil come arise your Prince needs your arm. Gather with hearts ye will ken, Th«»' Mac Cnnnuil has left you why need you alarm, Mac Donnuil come down with your men And now the' out-nuniber'd ye e, \o regions your rights shall subdue. For conquest shall wait on the bold and the free, Wlio fight witli the red and the blue. March with the red and blue &c. The Braes of Vat-row THE sun just glancing through the frees, ' Gave light and joy to ilka prove. And pleasure in esicli southern breeze, Awaken'd hope and slnmb'ring love. When Jenny snng with hearty glee. To charm her winsome narrow. My bonny laddie gang wi' me. We'll o'er the braes of Yarrow. •Young Sandy was the blythest swain That ever pip'd on broomy brae ; . Nae lass could ken him free frae pain, Sae graceful, kind, sae fair, and gay. And Jenny sun£^, &c. • He kiss'd and lov'd the bonny inaid. Her sparkling e'en had wok his heart.. No lass the youth had e'er betray'd, No fears had she, the lad no art. And Jenny sung, &C4 TOM STARBOARD AM) liis faitliliil %aiK J. Catuacli, Piiutei, C, MoumoHtli-Coiiit, '^■^(JM Stui board was a JoTer trne. As brave a tar as ever fail'd, / 'llie (.liilk's seanieii do, Ton» iM. and never yvX had lail'd ; But wreck'd as he was h^wuewiwd bound, W ithin a league ol* hliiglaiid's coast. Love savM hliii sure tVcmi being drown'd, Tov all the crew but I'oui were lost. His streui;tli leslor'd, Toiu hied with baste. True U> bis love as e'er wan iiiaii ; Nought had he savM, iwHiglu dUl he need, liidi he ill thought oi lovely Nau, iiut scayie live miles pcxw Toim had got W lieu he was ^vress'^d : he lieav'd u sigh. And said, though cvuel was his lot, Ere tiiiich tram duly he woiiKI die. In tight Tom Starboard knew no fear,. Nay, when he lost his arm, resigu'd Said, love for Nau, his mily dear. Had sav'd his life, and fate was kind.. The war being eiuled^Tom returu'd. His lost limb serv^i him for a joke. For still his maiily bosom buru'^d, Witli love his heart wa^lieart of oak. Ashore m haste Tom nimbly ran. To cheer liis love, his destin'd b.»ide y But false report had brought to Na'fi> Six months before that Tom bacf. died. With grief she daily pin'd away. No remedy her life could save j And Tom arrived the very day Tiiey laid his Nancy in the ke, Wher> the dew drops from the flower. When the sun sinks in the west ; Whei» at 9-ilent midnight hour, All the biusy world's at rest j Then we roiwn at large with pleasure^ l'riskii>^ in the nwjon beams gleam^ To the kiie''9 soft dulcet measure, NeuK lliie tippling silver streaip.. :»v. ^m^ The Maid of LaiJs:oIleH. THO' lowly my lot, and tho' poor my estate, I see without envy the wealthy and great ; Contented and proud a poor shepherd to be, Wbile the maid of LangoUen smiles sweetly on Mv way o'er the moimtain I cheerfully take. At' morn, when the song birds their melody make ; And at eve I return with a heart full of glee. For the maid of LangoUen smiles sweetly on in Glennarwn's rich lord passes scornfully by. But wealth can ne'er make hira so happy as I .; And prouder than ever the proudest I'll be, Whilfc the maid of Langollea smiles sweeti^ ■mwz ...•A» *"*'-. J ^■»M^.-.^»HI1II HH| II II M^IM '^!M^'i^ ^ j^m: ,2^: :^f^ :^^ :^^ ^^E^ ^^^ -^^ -^^ .^^ ^^^T-!^^' THE WILD IRISH HOWL: OR lock-jaw D PAPIST. ^^OMB all ye boW Englislimen, Protestanls triiQ, Sworn focvsto the Pope, and his blood-thirsty cre\jr, iTl sing you a Protestant dilty, quite new. So here's to Old England, fcr ever. Our Ghurch, Kiiiff, and rreedora, huzza. 'Tig flf 3 great Imttermllk bnlly of fame, A fv-- ••j'ling blind Papist, O'Connoll his name, '^ fistuHt int'rest he'd set in a flame, ^utwe oare not a figfor O'Couuell, 'g bi>gaboo, Croppy lie down. , only inajceme n member for Clare, "B how the OM St. Stephen's wHl stftte, •hall be gentlemen all, 1 declare, 'hen down goes the Church of Old England, .nd us Papists triumphant, hnxxa. Protestants yield unto iis in content, veui ....idlords no more will be leaxing for rent. But bring you hot joints every day during I,eni, Stand out of the way then, for Paddy, Now is Mr. Pat's high holiday. Then Pat's breeches no more shall be out at the ltnee«. He'll then be a gentleman, quite at his case, For MATE and paratkes shall grow on the trees. And the rivers of Ireland shall flow, then. With buttermilk, whiskey, and tav. And all in this strain of wild Irish bec-baw. The patriot O'Conntell did cram every maw, Lull 'em and gull 'cm with whiskey and jaw. While they shouted in triumph, O'Gonucll, Pope,Mas8, and O'Connell, huzza. Now Dan te come over, he stares like a fool, Because .Johnny Bull receives him so cool. For whole days together he sits on the stool. With the thick of his cheek to his mouth— O Poor Paddy has got a lock'd jaw. H« thought, when his foot was once set in the town. At his mighty presence the Church would fall down, The loveliest gem in our Protestant crown, And 'tis quite the reverse makes him dumb---0 Poor Paddy, ray honey, looks glum. Bat the Pope wc defy, with Dan at his heels, Tho' back'd by a pitiful weaver, like P---, For Protestant Britons, nro staunch, true a« stecl. For their Church and their King, when united, The devil and Popetliey'll defy. Shall Britons be still, when their deadliest foe With uplifted hands are preparing a blow. The King and the Protestant Faith to o'erthrow ? No I arise up In majesty, Brftairi, Thcfriplc-crown'd tyrant subdue. Then fill up a bnniper-"Whate'er it may be. We'll drink to the King and the Church, on one knee, 4nd down with O'Connell nrul bjnck Po- pery, So here's Church and King:^ boys, for ever. Our Protestant monarch, huzza J O long may poor Paddy look up at thetrce* li're mate and pauatees in clusters he'll see. Or rivers run whiskey, or he sit roiil free. For the Protestant Church is yet standing, And Dan's got a plaister'd-up jawi A POPISH OATH. In the Rebellion in Ireland, in 1 798, the following: trill}' CimisTiAK oath was administered to the mi- serable ignorant rabble, by their priests :— /, A. li. do solemnly swear, by our Lord Jcsus Christ, who suffered for vs, on the Cross, and by die Blessed Virgin Mary, that I will burn, « MaryleMei* Love in a Cottage for Me. r\^l '• the flip of a city with poor little lore ^ I'm certain will never agree : He'll $is;h fur the hill, and the vale, aad the i»o, love in a cottage for me ! (grove. He'll pine if confined to a square or a street Anfl look round for an evergreen tree ; Then s;ive me, oh ! give me a rural retreat, <_)h ! love in a cottas^e for n»e ! I vers- inudi fear love loses io town, In heart, what he gaiiiS in ex/irit ; And tiie form that he do^its upon most is his So, love in a pottage for me ! (own, I'll rove with my love in the path by the lake, ( )n the s;mur, When tile moon looks pale frniu her lofty A* a maid from her battle tower. (d:>nie. When sparksottirc from my corsair's steed Spring flashing at etery gnad ; And the di<>tniit sound of wlie«U f greet. Then hurrah, Uurrah for the roaU. Mtirrah, &c. Stop, stop's the word, all dread to hear. Your gold and your gems resign : When tny pistols cocked and my looks severe For a desperate life is mine. How ladies scream, how with rage meo glow While their purses 1 unload ; Then I cry good night with a smile and a bow And hurrah, hurrah for the road. What mirtli atjovial's house of call, O'er wine-cup our deeds to tell ; To forget one day, we must pay for all. And swing high to the dismal bell. Remarsc too late this despised heart. Why with dungeon fetters bode ; With courage I've lived, so with life I'll part Then hurrah, hurrah, for the road. Bessy, the Sailor's Bride. T)OOR Bessy was a sailor's bride, ■^ And lie was otT to sea. Their only child was by ttieir side, And wlio so sad as she ? ' Forget me not, forget me not. When you are far from me. And whalHoe'er poor Bessy's lot, Siie will remember thee.' A twelvemonth scarce hud past away, As it WHS told to me. When Willy with a gladsome heart. Came home again from sea. He hounded up the craggy path, And sought his cottage door, But his poor wife, and lovely child, Poor Willy saw no more. • Forget me no I, forget me not,' The words rung in his ear. He asked the neighbours one by one, Each answered with a tear. They pointed to the old church yard. And there his youthful-bride, With the pretty child he loved so well, Wrre resting side by side. TVhena Little Farm we Keep. He \1|7^^^ * '*"'« ^^"^ ^e keep, %'y And have little girls and boys. With little pigs and sheep. To make a little noise. Oh, what happy merry days we'll see Site. Then we'll keep a little maid. And a little man beside, And a little horse and pad. To take a little ride, With the children sitting^ on our knee H: The boys I'll conduct. She. The girls I'll instruct. He, In reading I'll engage, Eah son is not deficient; She. In music, I presage. Each girl is a proficient. He. Now, boy, your B A — BA, Sht. Now, girl, your solfa. {Here she it supposed to teach a girl to sing^ kW Ac to teach a boy to read, by telling kirn little stones.) Beth. When a little farm we keep. And have little girls and boys With little pigs and sheep. To make a little noise. — Oh, what happy merry days we'll see The Sailor's Tear. HE leap'd into the boat. As it lay upon the strand ; But oh I his heart was far away, With friends upon the land, He thought of those he lov'd the best, A wife, an infant dear, — And feeling fill'd the Sailor's breast. The Sailor's eySj— a tea^, Thiy s'ood (ipon the far off cliff, And wnv'd a 'kirchief white, And s:rz(| upon his gHllant baik, ^ 'Till she was oul of siifht. The SHilor cast a look behind, •ru^° '"."'?*^'" saw liiem near. Then rais'd the canvass to his eye, And wi|itd axvay a tear. Ere Ion? o'er ocean's blue expanse, His stardy l,nrk had sped ; ihr gallant Sailor tVoiii her prow, Descrifd a sail a-head; And then he rais'd his mighty arm. For Biitain's foes were near. Ay then he raised his arm, hut not To wipe away a tear. I Oh the Moment was Sad, OH the riioment was sad when my love and I parted, Savourna d^iisU shij^^hna oh ! As I kiss'd off her tears, I was ni^h bro- ken hearted, Savourna delish shighna oh! Wan was her cheek, which bung on rw shoulder. Damp was her hand, no marble was colder I felt that I never again should behold her- Savourna delish shighna oh ! ' When the word of command put our men into motion, Savourna, &c. I buckled my knapsack to cross the wide ocean, Savourna, &c. Brisk were our troops, all roaring like thunder, [plunder ; Pleas'd with the voyage, impatient for My bosom with grief was almost torn asunder, Savourna, &c. Long I fought for my ceuntry, far from my true love, Savourna, &c. All my pay and my booty I hoarded for you love, Savourna, &c. Peace was proclaimed, escap'd from the slaughter, (her ; Landed at home, my sweet girl I sought But sorrow, alas ! to her cold grave had brought her. Savourna,&c. Some Love to Rwam. ^^Viu '"''.'"7»"' "'erthedark *ca f«nm »lierr the »(,r„l uiii«|« whittle trr.- "Mt a ol...,ie„ |,a,„l in the moiiHialii land. "Ii.u ...ornms hrains i., the «.o„ntain Oh ! merrily f..ith «e -o, (■,frr..u Ar.d to elus the boundins r..e. Vt b«, je ho, &o. The we mark, in the f«re«t dark Ai.d (he prowlinK w«lf ,»« Irark, A.*l our ri^l.t g„,„| chc-«r i> the wild wood Oh, ,vhx shHuld the hunter I ck ? (here » iih si, ady Him ai lUe bo.iB.liujj g«,„i. ' Vid a I.enrt lhatfear«n«foe- C>1?-"1» '' '^l**';" « if'"'"*^ i" H««^ forest shade, «»i. ! merrily forth «e g„, Ve ho, &o. ^ LOVE LIES ASLEEP IN THE R O 8 E. J. Catnach, Printer 2, Monmouth Coiwt. TH E lady-bird skims o'er the wood- bine, Tlie bees in the Hly repose, The summer fly rests on the cowsHp, But love lies asleep in the rose. The rose is the casket of Cupid, His spell from its redoline flows, Beware of the hand that [wesents it, For love lies asleep in the rose. The lady-bird flaunts from your presence The bee thrills your lip with a smart The summer fly fluttei*s around you, But love plants a thorn in the heart. The rose is the casket of Cupid, Its perfumes with soft magic flows, Let the hand of affection present it, For love lies asleep in the rose. J. X\ IJ 1 1 1 TAB OF THE NIGHT. J. Catnacli, Printer, 2, Moninouth-court, 7 Dials. THE daylight has long been s:ink unc^er the billow, And Zephyr its absence is mourning in sighs, Then quickly, my dearest, aiise iVoiu your pillow. And make the night day with the light of your eyes. That fairer than yon no one ever may prove. The bright mould that form'd you they've broken my love. And now you alone can your image renew. Then Oh! for creation's sake, rise dearest do. The day light has long been sunk, &c. Pretty star of my soul! Heaven's stars all outshining, Sweet dream of my slumbers ! Ah, k)ve, pray you rise ? EtKhantress! all hearts in your fetters entwin- ing. To my ears you are music and light to my eyes. To my anguish you're balm, to my j)leasure8 you're bliss, To my touch you are joy, there's the world in your kiss ; XXiy is not day if your presence I miss ; Ab I no, 'tis a niglrf cold and moonle«« as this. Pretty star of my soul, &c. '^. K ' I ^A_ k*.'i"' ""'""' '"" '■■'?"""'""■"""•:'?,"?■■!"'"■?!.''/ "* »:"!!» fi-^lj Fannv Blair. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth' court, 7 Dialf). COME all you yonng females where everyoulie, (jury, Beware of false swearing and all sad per For by a younw female Tm wounded full soon, (my bloom. You see I am cut down in the height of Last Monday morning as I lay on my bed A young man come to me & these words he said, (were. Rise up Thomas Hegan & fly you else Fw vengeance is sworn you by young Fanny Blair. Young Fannv Blair she's Eleven years old, ' And as 1 must die the truth I'll unfold, 1 never had dealings with her in my time Its a hard thing to die for another man's crime. The day of my trial Squire Vernon was there, (Miss Blair, And on the green table they handed Falseoathsshcs a swearing I'm asham- ed for to tell. Till at length the Judge cries your mo- thers tutored you well. Ttie day that Hegan was doomed to die Tiie people rose up with a murmuring cry, (ly has swore. If we catch her we'll crop her, she false- Young Hegan dies innocent we are all certain sure. There is one thing more which I beg of my friends, (themselves, To take me in Bloomfield one night by And bury my body in Mary-le-Mould. And I hope that the great God will paidon my soul. Poor Little' S W E E P. J. Catnach, Printer, London. Sold by Marshall, Bristol, & James Sbarman, Cambridge ON a cold winter's morn as the snow was a fall- ing. When a child of misfortune so loudly was bawling Sweep oh! he cries for the snow is very deep, So 1 pray take compassion on a poor little sweep. Tears from his eyes in large drops were fast falling You noted for pity whose hearts have controuling You men of discerning who are not yet asleep. Don't you hear the sad wailing of a poor little sweep He contmued to cry but no strangers to pity, But they laugh'd at his grief while they banter'd his dftty. Oft times they forwarned him a distance to Keep, And he cry'd take compassion on a poor little sweep At the steps of a door half frozen and dejected. He set there to mourn his complaints were neg- lected. Till a kmd hearted damsel by chance saw him weep And her heart bled with sorrow for the poor little sweep. She took his cold hand to a neighbours she led him Warm'd his Umbs by the fire & tenderly fed him. But ah how surprised with joy did she weep. When she found a lost brother in poor little sweep Long time did she ga/e on each sutty blackfeature To her bo jom she pressed and said thou sweetcre.?- ture, I'll haste t ott£ bomc you no longer shall weep . And a sweet little mouth, about twelve inches wide Her hair curled like the tail of a rat. With a hump like a Camel's, stuck on her back, And her voice is as sweet as any jackdaw, Now what do you think of my sister-in-law. And as for her learning, she beats me quite hollow She grins like a donkey, through a horse's collar. And her beautiful dancing-, it would you surprise. Why she jumps Jim Crow, nearly equal to Rice She is a (iabster at leap-frog, or flying a kite. And if her pals they offend her, she is a devil to fight, [tatr, She can play well at duckstone, buck-ubout or ring- What an accomplished woman is my sister-in-law. Such a delicate stomach she has got I declare, At her dinner she drinks only six pots of beer. Eats a .«irloin of beef, and a bushel of taters. Nine quarts of stewed eels, with pickles and capers, Then away to the pastry-cook's shop she will go, And wolf saiT'siige rolls, till scarce aule to blow. Such a lot of stale buns she crams into her maw, What a delicate stomach has my sister-in-law. Then off to a free and easy she will go. Where she swigs half-and-half, while her bacco sbe blows, Like an Hottentot Venus she sticks in the chair, Where she knocks down the songs, yes, and knock down the beer. Then staggers off home, and staggers up stairs, And my brother she lugs out of bed by the ears. Then like a pig m the mire, she sprawls on ttie floor, ^ What a beautiful creature is my sister-in-law. One night as my brother lay snug in his bed, The chamljcr utensil she threw at his head, When he bolted upright and these words he did say I wish that the devil would fetch you away. Wlien a figure in black, in the room did appear, Saying, I have come ior my sister, I know she » here, Popt her into his sack and flew out of the door, i And that is the way I got rid *)f my sister-in-law DICKEY BIRDS listen to my song and you'll not deny my words I'll quickly prove that all mankind are nothing more than birds, Whether in the east or whether in the west, You own man makes a study to feather well his nest So listen to my song and you'll not deny my words This world is but a nest and all mankind are birds The banker is a goldfinch which no one can deny The carpenter's a woodcock 'tis plain to you and I The singer is a nightingale whose sweet notes will delight. The watchman s an owl 'cause he only sings at night Then listen, &c' The lawyer is a magpie that'll jaw you for a week Th« magistrate's a snipe, a bird that's well known j by the beak (be took who The gentlewomen for ladybirds of course they must Can deny the kitchen maid is nearest to the cook-oo f he punster is a lark, of course the merry wag will follow. Thehighwayman'sa robin thedrunkard isa swallow The negro is a blackbird as I've heard many say 'The parsons are to eagles like because they're birds of prey. There's various sorts of pigeons some nobler and some humbler The old man's a baldhead the merry clown a tumbler The jew he is ablackbeard as I've heard many talk The alderman's a pouter and the pedlar but a hawk The old maid is a parrot that will chat till all it blue The King he is a hearty cock the sportsman a cock er too A Pirate is a sea erull deny it yon that will Our Queen she is a pelican because she's got a bill The informers are a kind of birds that always are entrapping (pinfif The vintner is a woodpecker because he lives by tap The infant is a tom tit and I'll prove it in a trice The gamblers they are nothing more than birds of pair o dice The lovers too of harmony are all birds of a father The reason why I'll quickly prove they always flock together [produced They love to guard their little ones that nature has And then at night like other birds retire all to roost So I think I've prov'd to you and yon'll not deny my words ThisVorld is but a nest & mankind are only birds Sprig of Shillalah O ijove is the soul of a neat Jrislmmii He loves allthe lovely loves all that he can With his sprig of phillelah and shamrock so green His heart is goodhumour'd 'tis hones! and souriil No malice or hatred is there to be found He courts and he marries he drinks and he fights For love all for love for in that he delights With a sprig of shillelah and shamrock so green, Who e'er had the luck to see Donnybr»ok air An Irishman all in his glory was there With a sprig of shillelah and shamrock so green His clothes spicK and span new without ever a speck And a neat Barcelona tied round his neck. He goes to tent and he spends half a crown, He meets with his friend and for love knocks him down With his sprig of shillelah and shamrock so green. At evening returnini? as homeward he goes His heart soft with whiskey his head soft with b'ows With his sprig of shillelah and shamrock so green He meets with his Shelah who blushing awhile Cries get agoiie Pnt and consents all the while To the priest soon they goes & nine months after that, .\ fine baby cries how d'ye do father Pat, With yonr sprig of shillelah ani shamrock .«o green Bless the country say 1 that gave Patrick his birth Bless the hind of the oak and its neighbouring earth. Where grows the shillelah and shamrock so green May the sons of the Thames the Tweed and tha Shanno n (cannon Drub the French who dare plant at their confines a United and happy at loyalty's shrine May the rose and the thistle long flourish and twine Round .he sprig of shillelah aud shamrock so green. ISLE OF BEAUTY FARE THEE WELL. SHADES of evening- close not o'eru^ Leave our lonelj bark a while. Morn alas will not restore us. Yonder dim and distant isle. Still my fancy cnn discover, Sunny spots wliere friends may dwell. Darker shadows ro-und us hover Isle of beauty fare thee well. Tis the hour when happy faces. Smile around the taper's light. Who will fill our vacant places. Who will sing- our songs to-night. Thro* the mist that floats above us. Faintly sounds the Vesper bell. Like a voice from those that love us. Breathing fondly fare thee well. When the waves are round me breaking. As 1 pace the deck alone, And my eye in vair, is seeking, Some green leaf to rest upon. U'hal would I not give to wander. Where my old companions dwell, Absence makes the heart grovir fonder, ^; thro' the storm, andthedarknessof night, For rest and for refuge now fain to implore, I'he warrior bends low at the cottager's door , rnle.paleis his cheek, there's a gash on his brow His locks o'er his shoulders distractedly flow. And the fire of his heart shoots by fits from his eye Mkfc a languishing lamp, that just flashes to die. Rest, warrior rest. Sunk in silence and sleep, m the cottager's bed. Oblivion shall visit the war-weary head, Fercha^ce he may dream, but the vision shall tell Of his lady-love's bower, and her latest farewell; til,u,>ion andlove chase the battle's alarms, lie &l)all dream that his oiistress lies lock'd in his arms •►hall feel on his lips the swaet warmth of her kiss, warrior «uke aot, tftofa slumber is bfis*! Ra^I warrior res* GILES SCROGGINS- G up S T. I^ILES Scroggins courted Molly Browu -rT . . ^°^ *^^ ^'^^^^^ ^ol de riddle lid» i he fairest wenoh in all the town, „ , , , Fcl de ridale lol &c. He bought her a ring with a posy (rue^ If you loves I as 1 loves you, No knife can cut our love in two. Fal. do riddle lol, &c But scissars cut as well as Injres, . J . Folde^ddle, lol, fce And quite unsartm'fi all our lives, ^. ^ , Fol de riddle lol, &c. 1 he day ihey were to have been wed, Fate's scissars cut poor Giles'.tbread, So they could not be mar-ri-ed, Fol de riddle lol, &c. Poor Molly laid her down to weep, Fol de riddle lol, &c. And cried herself quite fast asleep, i^'ol de riddle lol, &c. \> iicn standing fast by her bed-Dost, A llgure tail Iser sight engross'd. And il cried I he's Giles 8croggi'*s ghost Fol de riddU \o\, &c. The gliost It said all solemnly, Fol de riddle lol, 8?c O Molly you must go with rue, Fol de riddle lol, dn All to the grave your love to cool. Says she i am not dead you fool. Says the ghost says he vy that's no rule Fol de riddle lol.Swi. The ghost then seiz'd her all so grun, Fol de riddle lol, &c All for to go along with him, Folde riddle lol, &g Come come said he e're morning beam, 1 von't Slid she and scream'd a scream. Then she woke and found she'd dreamtn dream F'ol de riddle lol, Sic. ^' 'IMiE BRIDAL RING. .1 Catnach,Fnnter,2,&.3, Aloiirnouth-couit,? Dials. r Dreamt last night of our earlier clays, Ere I sigh'd for sword & feather, Vhen we danced on the hill, in the moon's pale rays. Hand in hand together. I thought you gave me again that kiss, Mcro sweet than the perfume of spring ^f hen I pressed on your finger love's pure golden pledge — The Bridal Ring ! the Bridal Ring! I dreamt I heard then, the trumpet sounds And at once was forced to sever '[ hat I fell on the heath with my last Lost to thee forever! (death wound, I thought that you gave me again that kiss Empearled like a flower in spring, Neath its warmth I awoke on this dear hand to press The Bridal ilmn ! the Biidal Ring _ Shovel and Broom. J. Catnach, Printer, 2. & 3, Monmourti court. * Diiilv. TUO' I'm but a chimney-sweep 1 took a liiket To go on one evening to Dusty Tom's roon, Who dancing now teaches — he knows how to kick it. For which he hfis quitted the shovel &- l)rroni For bow & the fiddIe,pouchette down the niid'Ue He^s quitted for ever the shovel and 'oroum, The shovel and broom, the shovel and broom. He has quitted forever the shovel and broocs, I got for my partner, Paulina, the daughter Of Master Mountsaddle,, the Angel Inn groom Her red lip & plump figure made my month water And I fell in love as ve valtz d round the room O, sich a croatur! my eye, vot a creatur! A partner so fit for a knight of the broom ; The shovel and broom, a knight of the broom, A partner so fit for the knight of the broom. fhewhole of the next morning I thought of her beauties, And I my employment could hardly resume. Neglected, in fact, my professional duties, And valtzed in the streets as Fd valtzed in th • room. (arter. Till Jack Cragg, the carter, cried, Vot, are yo : There twisting about vith your shovel & broom Your shovel & broom, your shovel and broom, For I valtzed in the mud with njy shovel and broom. Soon after, her father called me from the cellat. To a job at his lodging, a first floor back room As Pauline was alone there, 1 ventured to tell he My love— but she vondercd how I could pre- sume. In the sphere I was moving to talk about loving Aud she turned up her nose at the shovel broom, My shovel and broom, my shovel and broum. She turned up her nose at ray shovel & broom To implore her, 1 fell on my knees, but by Gemini She spurned me, & quitted the room in a fura So bewilder'd was I, when my boy left tke clvrm ofiy» I caird him Pauline, as he stood with & broom. Then ranse the young beg:gar did guin like a»f^H\ \ battered his head with myshouel and broom My shovel and broom, my shovel, &c. battered his head,&.c. Oh, this was my first lovc,&. this I was crosseu Ah, scorned by Paulina, how hard is my doom, I grow nioloncolly»'his vorld I am lost in, No nio-'e 1'*' go ■'•Itzing in Dusty Tom's rmor- Bni think of her scorning crying sweep of a ning, And vepp as I vork vith my shorel andhroom. My shovel and bronm &c. / THJi: O PILGRIM Of Love. J. Caliiacli, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, LoHdoii. #4'##'#-#>#l^f a^#^^###&###f,f RKc;ITATIv^:. P.Vx\TinA, my ht-lovcd, i n-ll i„ vain : Oryiithia, echo hears, and calls a^aiii, Amluiic volc-c repeats the natue around. And with Orynthia all the rocks rewound. AlU. A htriwit who dwells in tliese soUtudes cross'd me. As way-worn and faint up tiie mountains I press'd ; Tlic a£[ed man pans'd on Ins staff to acco-t me. And proft'er'd his cell as my mansion of rest. All, nay, courteous father, rio'ht onward I rove, No rest but the grave for the Pilgrim of Love. ' Vet tarry my son, till the burning' moou passes, i..<-t bous;lis of the lemou-tree shelter thv head, ^ '1 lu- juice of ripe muscadel (lous in my glasses And rushes, fresh pulTd, for Siesta are spread! Row Willi Me clown the JDOVV with me down the River, . ^^'»cn I've won the cup an! civEii ; Biiiig-yoiir papa, hrinjr your niamuia, And I'll treat you to wliat you love; Tat chops fried in butter, But it'you don't like the latter. Stew'd eels w ill mend the matter, V\'e'{l each of us have bur (ill. Row with me, &g. Come to ' The Star and Garter,' No liouse at Hicliniofid jiuiarter ; Brinjr your fiddle, sit in the middle. And I'll play all the tunes you love : The 'Tank,' and Paddy Carey, *Freischutz,' and 'Hiirhhind Mary.' And so gay and airy,^ We'll dance on Richmond Hill. Row with me Sec. DEAR TO 31 THIS BROWX ^g^<^^<<>« old Commodore, The fightincf old Commodore — he. Whom the devil nor the gout, Or tlie rrer.«»»rs Whose ieaves are wja««*'d by -i nations t-aare. AIR. 'Twas in TrafRlg«jr*s oay, We SHW the FKcnclimen lay, Racli heart waa bounding thea ; We scorn'd tltc foreign yoke, Our ships wee* British oak^ Hearts of oak our men. Our Nelson mark'd them Three cheers ou? gallant seamen Nor thought of home or beauty Along the lin* this signal ran,— " England expects, that every omio This day will do his duty.'" And now the cannons roar Along the atTrighted shore, , Our Nelson led the way; His ship the Vict'ry nam'd ; Long be that Vict'ry fam'd! For Vict'ry crown'd the dny. But dearly was that conquest bo»ghf Too well the gallant hero fought, . For Englvnd, home, and beauty. He cried as 'midst the fire he ran, "England expects, that every man This day will do his duty .*' At !a-it the fata vo-ind, Which spread dismay arrouud, ^ ite Heroe's breast receiv'd " Heav'n fights on our side, . Hie day's our own," he crj«d ] ** Now long enousrh I've liv'd la honour's cause my Hfewas paat. Id honour's cause I fall at last. ForEnglani, home, and beaitf . Thus en liug life has ha L'e?an. ♦ Enuland confess'd that ev'ry ira Eh a oav h^ done hi* ivt^t ■ST'-'-r'ik/': Effects of M^ove, .). Catnach, Printer. YOUNG lovers all 1 pray draw ne»r Sad sliockin? news you soon shall heiat he fixed to be married on, lie scarcely speaks when he does meet, Aud itrives to shun me in the stree*» I did propose on Sundaynight To walk oi cemore with my hearts deRgbt Oil th« number banks where billows roar. We p*rlcd there to meet no more. Since he is false, a watery graT>e, ILaTS resolved this night to have, j"ii plunge myself into the deep. And leave my friends behind to weep, IliB word was pledgvd to me, Hb never will prosper nor happy be. ' My ghost and my infant dear, Bo*h shall haunt him every wliere. Dear William when this you see llcmember how you slighted me. Farewell vain world false man adieu drown myself for love of you, Asa token that ( die ferlov«. There will be seen a milk white (k>v«. Over my watery tomb shall fly, Tuere yeu will see my body lie. These checks of mine once bk>omln9r«d Must now be mingled with the dead. From Ineueep waves to a bed of clay Where I must sleep till the judgment da^. A joyful rising then I hoj)e to have When a gels call me from the grave Receive my soul from the Lord on high or broken hearted I must die. &rant me one favour, that's all I crave. Eight pretty maidens let mchare Drest all in white in comly show To take me to the grave below. Now all young girls 1 hopeoa ea*"tb, WiU be|a warning by my untimely death, 'lake c!>re sweet maids when you areyoHng; Of men's deluding flatttriog toogaes. Battle of the Shannon and Cheasapeah. 3. Catnach, Pr«i(*r, 2, INJonmouth-court, 7 Dials OTf board the ShannoQ friyatein the fine month of May, To watch tka bold Americans off" Boston lights w« lay. The Cheasapeak lajr in harbour frigate stout and ftt»e Four hundered & 40 men ihe had, her guns were 49 Twas captain Broke otimianded us a challenge lot to fight,f To the captain of tie CJ^easapeak to bring him on to fi^ht Our captain says, brave ^awreoce Mis not for enmity But to prove to all the world that we rule on the sea. Don't think my noble captain because you have suooess That British sailors are hurabl'd no not evca in distress, Now we we will fight like heroes our glory to maintain. Id defiance of superior site and number ofyourqaen ITxe challenge was accepted & the Americans came do» A finer frigate ne'er bclong'd unto the British crown. They brought her into action on the trueBritish plan, ior fir'd a shot till within hail, then thefight began. Broadside for broadside, did yield a most tremgiu^us roar, Li3ce thunder it resounded, re-echo'd from each ^kor« The dreadful fire it lasted near aquarter of an hour. The enemy's ship drove right abroad their yards wer« lock'd in ours. Our captain went to the ships side to see how c Nancy the fond an^ rtif hearted Thomas bet lover so brave. Gentle Moon. ^ intedby J.Catnach,2, Monmouth-Court,7 Dials 'Soldby T. Shannan, Cambridge: Bennett, Brigh- ton ; and R. Harris, Salisbury. DAY has g-one down on the Baltic's broad billow. Ev'ning- has sighed her last to-the lone willow, Nig-ht hurries on earth and ocean to cover. Rise gentle moon and lig'ht me to my lover. 'Twas by thy beam he first stole forth to woo me Brig-hter since then hast thou ever seem'd to me, Let the wild waves still the red sun roll over, Thine is the lig-ht of all lig-hts to a lover. i5lL5lL5H3l5lL5lLS1l51i5Tl5| The Banner of WAR. BEHOLD the Britannia how stately & brave She floats on the ambient tide. For empire design** o'er the turbulent wave, How trim and how gallant she rides. Yes love in a true Britons heart For glory contends for a part, And the fair cheeks of beauty with tears are im- pearl'd, When the banner, the banner of war is unfurl'd. On the shore how alert how intrepid her crew, How firm at their sovereign's command, Or dauntless o'er ocean her foes to pursue, And die for the cause of their land. Yet one tear o'er the heroes i»«part One sigh shall be drawn frotatwe heart One kiss on thy cheek with sweet sorrow impearl- ed, When the banner,the banner of war is unfurled. No forth to the conques the battle swells high, And fierce round the vessel it roars, the sons of Britannia to victory cry, And victory sound t( our shore. Then peaceful ag-aiu to their homes, Shall the patriot wrriors come, !N0 more th^ fair cheeks with team be im- pesrl'd, xbnaer A yeaceitaa is for enQfurl'd J->, * J^ »^g»i^ The Southern BREEZES. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials. ^S^/^HEN the southern breezes play, T T The uplands let us g-aio, Where ruddy health with smiles invites, To join her sportive train. Unleach the merry pack, See, see, they scent the gale. Their chuckling- throats repeat the note* Ourspoj^it will not fail. When the sun his course has run, We trim the evening- fire, And gaily troll the cheering bowl, To the health of wife and squire. When the southern, &c. Then the laugh and joke prevail, Till the turret-bell strikes one, And a parting- cup of ale, Proclaims our day is done. When the southern kc. WOODLAND MAID. THE Woodland Maidmybeanty'squeea In Nature's simple charms array'd, This heart subdues that matchless mieo, Which binds me to the Woodland Maid Let others sigh for mines of gold. For wide domains, for gay parous, would, unmov'd, ssch toys behold, P«fi fc (*of ibfru sfct'aH. Wondiland Mai J d The Soldier's Tear, UPON the hill he tiirn'd, To take a la«t fond look, Of:he valley nnd the village church. And the cottage by the brook, Helisten'd to the sounds, So familiar to his ear ; And the Soldier leant upon his swerd. And wiped away a tear. Beside that cottage porch, A girl was on her knees, She held aloft a snowy scarf. Which fluttered in the breeze ; She breath'd a pray'r for him, Aprayer he could not hear, But he paus'd to bless her as she knelt, And wiped away a tear. He turn'd and left the spot. Oh ! do not deem him weak. For dauntless was the soldier's heart, Tho tears was on his cheek. 60 watch the foremast ranks In danger's dark career, Be sure the hand most daring there. Has wiped away a tear. A Herring in Salt IHa'elaid a herring insa*t. Las gin ye lo'e me, tell rae now, I ha'e brew'd a forpet 0' ma't, An' 1 canna eome ilka day to woo. I ha*e a ca*f will soon be a cow, Loss gin ye lo'e nte, tell me now, I ha'e a pig will soon be a sow, An'I caajra come ilka day to wo'- I*ve a hoHse on yonder muir, Lass gin ye loe' me, tell me now Three sparrows may dance upon tiw floor, - ^ ■: ? . -:> And t canna come ilka day to w^oo I ba'e a butt, and I ha'e a ben, Lass gin ye lo'e me, tell me now, I ha'e three chickens and a fat hen. An' I canna come ony mair to woo I've a hen wi* a happity leg. Lass gin lo'e me, tell me now. Which ilka day lays me an egg, And I canna come ilka day to woo, I ha'e a kebbuck upon ray shelf, Xas gin ye lo'e me, tak* me now, I downa eat it a' myself, ' And 1 "^hna come oay mair to woo BETSY BAKER. FROM aoise and bustle far away, Hard Wo^k my time em})loying, How happilydid 1 pass each day, Content and health enjoying; The birds did sing and so did I, As I trudged o'er each acre, t never knew what 'twas to sigh, 'Till I saw Betsy Baker. At church I met her dressed so neat, One Sunday in hot weather. With love 1 found my heart did beat, As we sung psalms together; So p ously she hung her head. The while her voice did shake, ah 1 bought if ever 1 did wed, Twould be with Betsy Baker. Frtm her side r could not budge. And sure I thought no harm on't, My elbow then she gave a nudge. And bade me mind the sarment ; When church was over ©at she walked. But I did overtake her, Determined i would not be baulked, I spoke to Betsy Baker. Her manners were genteel and cool I found, on conversation, She'd just come from boarding-school, And finished her education ; But love made me speak out quite free. Says I I've many an acre, Will you give me your company, I shan't, says Betsy Baker. All my entreaties she did slight, And 1 was forced to leave her, got no sleep all that there night, For love had brought a fever; The doctor came, he smelt his cane, With long face like a Quaker, Said he, " Young man, pray, where' thy pain?^' Say;^ 1, " Sir, Betsy Baker." Because 1 was not bad enough. He Muted and he pilled v^e. And, if I'd taken all his stuff, 1 think he must ha' killed me; I put an end to all the strife, 'Twixt him and the undertaker, And what d'ye think 'twas saved my 'ifc Why thoughts of Betsy Baker. I then again to Betsy went, Once more with love attacked her But mean time she got acquainted, Wi' a ramping mad play actor; If she would have him, he did say, A lady he would make her, .^ He gammoned her to run away. ^ And I lost Betsy Baker. I fretted very much to find. My hopes of love bo undone, And mother thought 'twould ease my mind. If 1 came up to London. But though I strive another way. My thoughis will ne'er forsake her, I dream all night, and think all day, Of cruel Betsy Baker. SOLDIER'S Gratitude. Hate'er my fate where'er I roam, By sorrow still opprest, I'll ne'er forget the peaceful home, That gave a Wanderer rest. Then ever rove life's sunny banks By sweetest flowers strew'd Still may claim a Soldier's thanks, A Soldier's gratitude. The tender sigh, the balmy tear That meek-eyM Pity gave ; My last expiring hour shall cheer. And bless the Wanderer's crave. Catnach, Printer, 2. Monmoath-Cour 7 Dials, ('ards, &c. Printed Cheai>., , Coantry Shop aad TraTcUert Mpp ed. Tlie Banks of the Blue Moselle. J. Catuuch, Printer, 2, Monniouth-court 7 ])ials. \1/'HEN the glow-worm gilds the el- fin bower, That clings round tlie ruined shrine, ^^'^here first we met, where first we lov'd And I confessed me thine ; 'Tis there I'll fly to m«*t thee still, At sound of vesper bell ; In t!ie starry light of the summer night, On the hanUj' of the hlue INIoselle. li tiie cares ol life should shade my hrow, Yes, yes, in our native bowers ; My lute and harp might best iiccord, To tell of happV the traveller never harms. Then no robber &c The Highland Minstrel BOY. J. Catnach, Printer, 2. ]\Ionmouth-court 7 Dials. W Hae wandered mony a night June, Along the banks of Clyde, Beneath a bright and bonnie moon, Wi' Mary at my side : A summer was she to mine e'e, And to my heart a joy, And weel she lov'd to roam v7r me. Her Highland Minstrel Boy Oh ! her presence could on ev'ry star, New brilliancy confer, And I thought the flow'rs were oweeter When they were seen with her : (far Her brow was calm as sleeping sea Her glance was full o' joy, And oh ! her heart was true to m« Her Highland INIinstrel Boy. h le play'd to Ladies fair d gay In mony a southern hall But there was one far, far away, A world above them all ; And now tho' weary years hay© iled^ I think wi' mournful joy,. Upon the time when Mary wed* Her Highland Minstrel Bgy Tke Painful Plough. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials. Said by Bennett, and Boyes, Brighton. COME all you jolly ploug:hmen of courage stout and bold That labour all the •'inter in stormy winds ana cold. To cloath their fields with plenty your farm yards to renew. To crown them with contentnnent behold the painful ploag h Hold ploughman said the gard'ner don't count your tradf with ours. Walk thro' the garden and view the early flowers. Also the curious border pleasant walks to view. Theftt's none such peace and plenty performed by the plough Hold gard'ner said the ploughnan my calling don't dispist Each man for his living upon his trade relies Were it not for the ploughman both rich and poor wonld rue For we are all dependent upon the painful plough. Atlam in the garden was sent to keep it right. Rut the length of time he staid there I believe it was one Yet of his own labour I call it not his due (night. Soon he lost his garden and went to hold the plough Kor Adam was a pleughman when ploughing did begin. The next that did succeed him was Cain the eldest ton, ome of the generation this calling now pursue The bread that may he wanting remains the painful plough Sampson was the strongest man and Solomon was wise Alexander for to conquer was all his daily pride, King David was valiant and many thousands slew, Yet none of these brave heroes ceuld live without the plough Behold tlie wealthy merchant that trades in foreign teas And bring him gold aud treasure for those who live at ease. With fiue silk and spices and fruits too also. They are brought from the Indies by virtue of the plough Yet the man that brings them will own to what is true He cannot sail the ocean without the painful plough, (peas Kor they must have bread, biscuit, rice pudding, flour ■n«i To fc«d the joHy sailors as they sail o'er the sea«.f he»a there's none offended at rae for singing this .\voonwas not intended for any thing amiss, ] sidar rightly you'll lind what I say is true eaaawMioB dapeuds upoothiiploalif . Fin in Haste, Printed by J. Catnach, 2, ftfonmouth-('oart, 7 Dials. Sold by T. Rttchelar, 14, Hack- ney Road Crescent; W.Marshall, Bristol and R. Harris, Salisbury. AS 'cross the field the other morn I itept so blythe and gay, The squire with his dog and gun. By chance came by the way ; Whither so fast, sweet maid, he cry'd, And caught me round the waist. Pray stop awhile — Dear sir, said I, I can't, for I'm in haste. You must not go as yet cry'd he. For I have much to say Come sit you down, and let us chat. Upon the new-mown hay. I've lov'd you long and oft have wished Those ruby lips to taste I'll hare a kiss — Well then said 1, Be quick for I'm in haste. lust as I spoke I saw yoang Hodge J Come from a neighbouring gate. He caught my hand and said dear giri^ I fear I've made you wait ; But nere's a ring, come let's \m okvrrh The joys of lore to tast«, V left the iqmre, and lauglu»g aij || Yon ••€ sir. I'll ii hasM YOU.NG PA TTl AND HKR GayPloughboy J. Cntnach, Printer, 2, & 3, MoHmouth-court, 7 Dials. 'fune — Pleasant Month of May. COME all my happy Plougliboys aud listen to my song, (lonj;, A story I will tell to you, that does to love be- Who do arise %o early, amidst rural mirth and joy, (I'O} • And noue appears so happy as the s^y Plough- The gay Ploughboy. lis of a youthful damsel, who lived nearagrore, Who's heart did seem contented in rural ptact and love, Down in her father's garden she sung sweet 9onp« of joy, O^oj. And her melodies was praising, her gay Plough- Said the mother to the daughter, you seem to love him well, (doth dwell, It seems as if your tender heart all in his breast Those lads they aie so rakish, young maideus to decoy, (boy goon you may see upon your knee a gay Plough - O theu replied young Patty, he's just the lad for me, (fre<'. With him I could be happy, his heart is gay and He does ari»e so early, and tends his team with joy? And boldly does his duty like a gay ploughboy. Young William with his team, returning home froip plough, (not say no. He shew to me a ring of gold, my tongue could He said my pretty Patty, the parson we'll em- ploy, (boy- Theu none will be so happy as the gay Plough- So uow we are united, young William goes to plough, Hid IMl arise delighted io milk my spotted cow, • in a rural cottage, there is none do us annoy, BO happy is young Fatty & tVe gay Plon^^h 04« KING DEATH. ./. CAT.NACH, Piinter, 2, & 3, INIoti- ino.iitli-court, 7 Dials. KJNG DEATH was a rare old fellow, He sat where no sun can shine ; And he lifted bis hand so yellow. And pour'd out his coal black wine. Hurrah for the coal black wine There came to him many a maiden, ^Vhose eyes had forgot to shine. And widows with grief o'erladen For a draught of his coal bto'''>uyiie. H Uriah, &c The scholar left all hi« learning, The poet his fancied woes. And the beauty her bloom returning. Like life to the fadingp-rose. Hurrah, &e All came to the rare old fellow. Who laugh'd till his cfes dropp'd brine, And he gave them his hand so yellow. And pledg'd them in Death's black wine; Hurrah^ 21ie Knight SILVER SHIELD. SPLENDOUR blaz (1 in tlie castle hal As they danc'd the gallied measure No thought of the past did grief recall. The soul was wrapped in pleasure. There was but one heart in the castle'granii That to sorrow's force did yield, TwastheLady's, who had promised herhanci To him who had fought in the holy land, 1 he Knight of the Silver Shield. All but one were with joy el6te. Eyes beani'd with pleasure bright, When the bugle's sound at the castle gate Announced the return of a knight. The lady's heart 'gainst her breast did be> Her eyes true joy reveal'd, When a throbbing bosom hers did meet A«d ske view'd kneeling at her feet ' The Knight oblver e Stif hie81d AiiM Female Auctioneer. Sung at Vauxhall by the eminent Vocalist Mrs I''rariklin. 'ELL here I am, and what of that Mcthinks 1 hear you cry. Why I am come,an(l that is pat, To see if you will buy '! A Female Auctioneer 1 stand. Though not to seek for pelf, And the lot I have in hand, J 8 for to sell myself. And I'm going, going, going '. "Who bids for me ! Ye Batchelors, I look at you, And pray don't deem me rnde, Nor rate me either scold or shrew, A coquet or a prude ; My hand and heart I offer fair. And should you buy the lot, I swear I'll make you here my own, When Hymen ties the knot. Though some may deem pert or so, Who deals in idle strife, Pray wheres the girl, 1 wish to know. Who'd not become a wife ; At last I own I really would, In spite of all alarms. Dear Batchelors now be so good, Do take me to your arms. DONALD OF DUNDEE. ^. Catmacii, Printer, 2, i>IoNMOirrH-CoiiRT, , 7 Dials. — Sold by W. Marshalu Sold by J. Pierce, Southboruugh. 'm/'OUNG Donald is tlie blithest lad» jB Tiiat e'er made love to me, W h(^ e'er he's by my heart is glad, He seems so gay and free. Tb<'ii on his pipe he plays so sweet, nrid his plaid he looks so neat. It cheers my heart at eve to meet, Voung Donald of Dundee. Wlx-ne'er I gang to yonder grove. Young Sandy follows me, and fain he wants to be my love, B Jt ah ! it cannot be. The' mother frets both soon and late, For me, to wed the lad 1 hate, (Kate, Tliere's none need hope to gain young JJut Donald of I3undee. When last we rang'd the banks of Tay, The ring he shew'd to me, mid bade me name the bridal day, 'I hen happy would he be. 1 ken the youth will e'er be kind, Nae mair my mother I will mind. Meis John to me shall quickly join, Younji Donald of Dundee. Puj ting with mi/ Dearest. A favourite S^ng, Tune, — Sun that Lights, &c, O! I could leave, for evermore;, My kindred and relations ; And, blest with him whom I adore, Could roam thro' foreign nations ; i'or, what are friends to iovcFs tpoe ? Or dangers the severest ? My heart will break to bid adieu, ill parting with my dearest ! I di'Yt not follow where lie goes, Yet cannot live behind him ; May Heaven protect hiu] from his fo«s, And guide my st^'ps to find him ! We can live in toil and car-e. And dangers the severest ; wake the wamngs of despaif, III partAQ^ "Vith my deAit^i^. COTTAGE near a Wood, J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-court,! JDia^. London.— i^ ards Printed Cheap. N m J Cottage near a Wood, , Lore and Rosa now are mine, Ro«a erer fair and good. Charm me with those smiles of hine, BosA partner of my life. She alone my heart shall prize. She the tender friend and wife. Ah \ too swift life* current tlies. Linger yet ye moments stay. Why so rapid is your wing, Whither would you haste away, Stay and hear my Kosa sing. Health and youth still bless my cot. Fortunes frowns are for oi»r good. May we live by pride forgot. In our Cottage near a Wood. The Glasses Sparkle. THE glasses sparkle on the board, The ale is ruby bright, The height of pleasure is restored By ease and gay "delight. The day is far spent the night's our own Lets cherish well our soul, ' If any pain tjr care remain. Why drown it in a bowl. This world they say is a world of woe, But that I do deny^ Can sorrow from a goblet flow. Or pain from beauty's eye. The night's far spent the morn^ our own Let's moisten well our soul If any care or pain remain. Why drown it in a bowl. The time flies past the poets si»g, and surely he is wiae. Rosy wine who dips his wing, and feel it as it flies. Be wise are fools in all thai K'yn, Our joys for to controui^ if any pain or ciirf remain, Wl V drown it in a ioowl. BANNOCKS AULD OF BARLEY MEAL. Jl QBTN GRE I T J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Coiirt, 7 Dials, London. j^TY name is Argyle, you may think it strange To live at a court, and never to change; AH falsehood and flattery! do disdain, My sacred thoughts no deceit remains. At siege or battle I ne'er was disgrac'd, I have always my king and my country fac'd, Done every thing for my country's weal, And feasted on bannocks of barley meal. I'll quickly lay dowa my sword and my gun, Put on a blue bonnet with plaidey abien, With silk tartan hose, and my leather heel'd shoon. Then I'll become a bright sprightly loon; When I'm so drest from top to toe, A courting away to Maggy I'll go, With my dirk and my hanger hung down to my heel, She'll feast me on bannocks of barley meal. Then I'll bring a rich present unto my dear, A bunch of green ribbons for Maggie to wear, All this I will give, and as much mair, If she would but go to Glasgow fair. And when we are married, wc^'ll keep a cow, My Maggie will milk it, and I will plough ; Feast all the long winter on beef and long kail, And whang at the bannocks of barley meal. If ray Maggie should chance to bring forth a son, Let him light for his king, as his daddy hath done, (learn, And send him to Flanders some breeding to Then bring him to Scotland to keep a farm. All this I will do, and industrious be, Who will be so hap])y as Maggy and me, She'll soon turn as fat as a Norvvay seal, When feasting on bannocks of barley meal. Farewell to you cities and towns all around, The rattling of coaches down Drury-lane. Ye bucks of the fashion I bid you adieu, Your loaring and swearing I'll leave it with you. For 1 am resolv'd for a country life, No longer to live in that sorrow and strife ; I'll off to the Highlands fast as I can drill, There I'll feast on bannocks of barley meal. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, London. VIAHEN the sheep were in the fauld, and the kye at hame. And a the world to sleep are gane. The waes of my heart fa in showers frae my ee, When my gudeman lies sound by me. Young Jamie loo'd me weel, and he sought me for his bride, But, saving of a crown, he had naething beside. To mak that crown a pound my J amie gae'd to sea And the crown and the pound were baith for me He had nae been awa a week, but only twa, When my mither she fell sick, and our cow was stoun awa, My father brak his arm, and jrty Jamie at the sea, And Auld Robin Grey came a courting to me. My father could na work, and my mither could na spin, (na win, I toiled day and night, but their bread I could Auld Rob maintain'd them baith, and with tears in his ee. Said, "Jenny, for their sakes marry me !" My heart it said nay, I look'd for Jamie back, But the wind it blew high,v«d the ship it was a wreck, '/* The ship it was a wreck, why did na Jenny die, And why do I live to say — (> wae is me ? Auld Robin argued sair, though my mither did na speak, *_ (break, She looked in my face till my heart was like to So I gied him my hand, though my heart was at the sea, ^ And Auld Robin Gray's gudeman to me. I had na been a wife a week^^kit only four, When, sitting eae mournfully at the door, (he, I saw my Jamie's wraith, for i could not think it Till he said — '*Ive come bacK for to marry thee." sair did we greet, and muclle did we say, We took but ae kiss, and we tore ourselves away, 1 wish I were dead, but I'm no like to die. And why do I live to say — O wae's me ! I gang like a ghaist, and carena to spin, I dare na think of Jamie, for that would be a sin : But I'll do my best a gude wife io be, For Auld Robin Gray's kind to me. I THE RETURN OF THE ADMIRAL HOW gallantly, how merrily. We ride along the sea ! The morning is all sunshine, The wind is blowing free ; Xlie billows are all sparkling, And bounding in the light, Like creatures in whose sunny veins, The blood is running bright. All nature knows our triumph. Strange birds about us sweep — Strange things come up, to look at us, The masters of the deep, In our wake, like any servant, Follows even the bold shark, Oh, proud must be our Admiral, Of such a bonny barque. Oh, proud must be our Admiral, Through he is pale to-day. Of twice five hundred iron men, Who all his nod obey ; Who've fought for him, & conquer'd, Who've won with sweat and gore ! Nobility, which he shall have, Whene'er he touch the shore. di, would I were an Admiral, To order with a word. To lose a dozen dropsof blood, And straight rise up a lord j I'd shout, to yon sharks there. Which follow in our lee, Some day ril make thee carry me. Like lightning tLroiigh the sea. Our Admiral ^^rew paler, And paler as we flew, Still talk'd he to the officers, And smiled upon the crewj And he looked up at the heavens, And he look,d down on the sea. And at last he saw the creatures. That was following in our lee, He shook — "'twas but an instant. For speedily the pride. Ran crimson to his heart, T ill all chances he defied ; It threw boldness on his forehead, Gave firmness to his breath. And he lookM like some warrior. Now risen up frotn death. That night a horrid whisper. Fell on us where we lay, And we knew our fine old Admiral, \Vas changing into clay ! And we heard the pash of waters, though nothing we could see. But a whisile and a plunge, Among the billows on our lee. Till morn we watch*d the body, In its dead, and ghastly sleep ; And next evening at sunset : It was flung into the deep, And never from that moment ! Safe one shudder in the sea, Saw we, or heard the creature, Tlat had followed in our lee. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, 3,Monmouth- CourtT Dials. ] BLUE-EYED J. Catimcli, Printer, 2 & 3, ]Mo«niouth- Gourt, 7 Dials. /^NE nfght the north wind load did bloAr^ The rain was fast descending,, The bitter cry of heartfelt woe The darken' d sky was rending ; When callM by pity tfv the door, Assail'd by toine sad ranger, A shriek was heard; oh! aid the poor,. The wretched blue-eyed stranger My father stood with frantic air^ And gazed npon the maiden^ Whose heart was broke wi-th sad despnipy And mind with sorrow laden. His bosom throb'd to see such woe ©pprcss the hapless ranger. Then loud he cried, thy pangs forego. Thou art welcome, blue-eyed stranger. Her eyes now op'd, her bosom ceas'd To pant with wi d •motion ; Yet while her thankful love increased Tear* flaw'd from sorrow's ocean ; ^Twas gratitude, that source so good. That mark'd the haplessranger, Vor whom returns a genuine flood Fo bless theblae-eycd stranger.^ HDH The Blue-Eyed Stranger. J. Catnach, Printer, Moivniouth Couri, 7 Dials, London. IT was in the pleasant month of May, When flowers they were spriugiiigy As I was walking thro^ the grove, I heard a fair maid singing; She sung with a delightful voice,. I thought she was some raugery She was a cltarmitrg beauty bright^ Just like the blue-eyed stranger. With her that moment I was strucky My heart did beat quite airable. My eyes did drop a flood of tears, \ My limbs did shake and tremble; Down on my bended'knees I fell^ And said, my dearest ranger, I hope my boldness you'll excuse. Are you the blwe.eyed stranger. As soon as I these words had spoke^ She stood like one amazed, Then nothing could she say at all, But still on me she ga/ed ; My dear, said f, don't troubled be. Be not surprised, sweet ranger, Have you forgot the stormy night, You charming blue-eyed stranger.'^ You came unto my father's house. When the rain was fast descending, The wind blew hard, the night was d»ir>' The elements were rending; He took you. in under his roof. And kept you safe from danger, I am the son of that same man, i'ou charming blue-eyed stranger* ^ O then she flew into my arms. All with great joy and pleasure. Then I embraced this fair maid, With kisses out of measurfe; ©hen to church I took ray flight, With the sweet joyful rangvr, ud then I blets«d the hgigkt ^vr th« bU«vj«4 itr^B. ^ p- THE Joon is Up. JlCatnach, Erinter, 2, Monmouth-court,! Dials, V Tlll^i^i is up ! her silv'ry beam Shines bow'r and grove, and mouii- taiu, over j A flood of radiance heaven doth seem, To light thee, maiden, to thy lover. If o'er her orb a cloud should rest, 'Tis but thy cheeks' soft blush to cover; He waits to chusp thee to his breast, The moon is up ! go meet thy lover. The moon is up! round beauty's shrine, Ix)ve's pilgrims bend at vesj)er hour; Earth breathes at heaven, & looksdivine. And lovers' hearts confess her })ower. If o'er her orb, &c. FJl O^M J^IS TA JV T L A N IK Jj'^KOM distant climes a troubador, ^ , - ^. I make in every court my stay, 'Neath rustic porch and silken dome, I tune my merry minstrel lay. But most where love delights to dwell, 'Mid knights who sigh for lady's hand. They welcome with soft music's spell. The troubador from distant land. •Where nectar brims the rosy bowl. My soul ill ftstive glee can join. And mellow ev'ry sparkling draught,* Like sunshine on the purling vine. But most n here love entwines my brow, With garlands wrought by lady's hand ; (find, 'Neath nioon-iit bow'rs you're r»ure to The troubador from distant land. Het/ the Bonny BREAST-KNOTS J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Moumoufh -court. HEV the bonny, O the bonny, Hey the bonny hreast-kuots ; ;Blythe and merry were they a, When they put on the brcast-ktiots. There was a bridal in our town, And till'tthe lasses a' were bomi, Wi' mankie facings o' their gowns, And some o'them had breast-knots. Singing, Hey the b jnny &c. At nine o'clock the lads convene, Some clad in blue, some clad in green, Wi' ehining^ buckles i' their sheen, And flowers upon their waistcoats. Out cam the wives a' wi' applause, And wish'd the lassos happy dnys, And murkle thought they o' her clacs, Especially the breast-knots. The bride was young the bride was fair, W» faultless form an' graccfi!.! air, _, .Her looks Ihey w_ere 'yonti a- cornjijire, When she put on the bieast knots, Siiig-ing, Hey the bonny, O the b<*nny, Hey the bonny breast-knots, Biythe and merry were they a' • When they put* on the breast-knots. ^^4 THE I. AST FAKEWEI.I.O OFare you \^ell, young William cried The last farewell he 'ever sigh'd, For William was ifi battle slain. Poor Mary never smil'd again. Fare you well sounds like a knell. When those we love bid us farewell ; For there's apangno tongue can tell, When those Ave love bid a last fare- well. Poor Mary oft was heard to mourn, ' My true-love's dead, he'H ne'er return ; , For iu the battle!^ rage he fell. And l)ade the world and me farewell. Tho' dead and gone to rest in peace, ' I can't forget till memory cease. For joys that's pa^t on memory.dwell, And the look he gave when he bade fare- ' well. KATE KEARNEY. i\ Did you not hear of Kale Kearnv, - She lives on the banks of Kill.irney From the glance of her eye shun danger and fly, For fatal's the glance of Kate Kearney ; For that eye is so modestly beaming, You'd ne'er think of mischief she's dreaming, Yet Oh I can tell how fatnl's the spell. That lurks in the eye of Kate Kearney. Oh should you e'ermeet this Kale Kearney Who lives on the Banks of Killarney, Beware of her smile for many a wile, Lies hid in the smile of Kate Kearney ; Though she looks so bewitchingly simple, Tliere's mischief in every dimple, Qgale, And wlio dare iniiale her mouth's spicy Must die by the breath of Kate Kearney. ANSWER. ^y kes I have seen this Kate Keai-ney, Who lives near the lake of Killarney From her love beaming eye what mor- tal can fly, [ney ; Unsubdued by the glance of Kate Kear- For that eye so bewitchingly beaming, Assures me of mischief she's dreaming;' And I feel 'tis in vain to fly from the chain. That binds me to lovely Kate Kearney. At eve when I've met this Kate Kearney 'U^he flower mantled banks of Killarney ri<3v smile would impart thrilling joy to imy heart, >rts Igaz'd on the charming KateKearney; 0\) the banks of Killarney reclining. My bosom to rapture resigning, I've felt the keen smartof love's fatal dart, And i.'.hard the warm sigh of Kate ^isarnejr. BOYN WATER JUIiY the first at old Bridyu town, There happen'd a g-lorions battle. Where many a man lay on the ground. By the cannon- t';at did rattle ; Kins: James he pitch 'd his tents between^ The lines for to retire. But William threw in his red shot. And set them all on fire. Thereat the enemy vow'd reveng^e, Against king- William's forces. And oft did cry most vehemently, That they won Id stop their courses , A bullet from the Irish came," Which graz'd kin^ William's shoulder, They thong-ht his Majesty had been slain. But it did make him still the bolder. Duke Schomberg- with friendly care, The king" did caution. To shun the spot where bullets hot. Retain their rapid motion ; But William said, he don't deserve The name of fnith's defender, That will not venture life and limbs, To make a free surrender. The horse they were to march o'er firtt. And the foot to follow after. But the good duke Schomberg* was IK) more By venturing- over the water; Let not my soldiers be dismayed. For the loss of one commander. For God will be your king: this day. And 1 a general under. The cunning- Frenchmen near Dundalk Had taken up their quarters. And feiic'd themselves on every side. Wailing: for their new orders, But in tlie mid time of the night, Tiiey set their tields on firo, And bcCore the morning light. To Dublin did retired The protestants ot Drogheda, Have reason to be thankful. For when they were prisoners bouiid They were but scarce a handfuJ ; First to Tliolsel they were brougni, And next to Mil -mote after. But good King William set them free By venturing over the water. But let us all kneel down and pray. Now and for ever r*"ler. And never more forg " Jhe day. King William crosi i Boyn Waier. Death of Parker. CMMch, Printer, «, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. YE Gods above protect the widow. And with pity look down on oif, Help me, help me, out of trouble, Andoutof all calamity. For by the death «f my brave I^arfeer, Fortune ha» prov'd tome unkinU ; Tho' doora'd by law he wa» to «ffer, J I cau't erase him from my mnid. Parker he was my lawful husband, My bosom friend 1 lov'd so dear ; At the awful moment he wai going to suffer I was not uUowed to come near. In vaitt I strove, in vain I ask'd. Three times o'er and o'er again But they replied, you must be denied. You must return on shore again. Firtttime I attempted my love to see, I was obliged to go away, . ^^., - Oporess-d with grief, and broken hearted. To think that they s»»«"'«l '"%"f^ * thought I saw the yellow flag flymg, A signal for my husband to die, gan was fired, as they required. As the time it did draw nigh. The boat-wain did bis ^^^^}^;.^^l^'^ A« a siirnal of farewell. Every moment I thought an hour. Till the law its course bad run, I wishM to finish the doleful task His imprudence had begun, the dead of the night 'tis silent, Anrl all the world are fast asleep And all ine ^o|'" , , u^q^^s no comfort My trembling heart ^»ia;J"^ O'er his grave does often wev. . «ach linge'ring ™inf ^^.VsC' Brings me nearer ^o.tbat shore, Whe 1 we shall shine in endVebS glory Never to be parted more. Farewell Parker thou bright geaittt, Thatwa*ence,myonypr<^, Tbo' parted now it ^von't be long, Vi I'm buried by thy side, fyoa that see •y tender dtty, Wtlaughatmemduda^B. p,ilook dowa with 1« •(»«▼. iayM'7 "l"' THE WOODPECKER. Hntedby J.CHtnach,2,Monmoutb-court, 7 Dials, Pri- »ers and Batt,ledorcs sold Cheap, And A heart that is humble migh tbope for it here. tveryleaf was at rest ,«d Ikeard not asoi.nd, But the woodpecker tapping the hollow beech tree. And here in this lone liiili; wooa, 1 exciHiiu u, With a maid who was lovely to soul and to eye; Who wouldbliish whenlprais'dher, and weep iflblam'd; How blest could I live, and how ealm could 1 die. By the shade of yon sumach, whose red berry dips In the gush of the fountain, how sweet to recline, And to know that I sigh'd upon innocent lips, Which ne'er had been sigh'd on by any but uiioe. >$>*>^ ^^■^^'^'^^^^^^^^ THE LEGACY. WHEN in death I shall calm recline, Oh! bear my heart to my mistress dear ,■ Tell her it liv'd upon smiles, and wine Of the brightest hue, while it linger'd here. Bid her not shed one tear of sorrow, To.sully a heart so brilliant and light ; But balmy drops of the red grape borrow, Ta bathe the relic from morn till night. W^hen the light of my song is o'er, • Obear my harp to your ancient hall ; Hang it up at that friendly door. Where weary travellers" love to call. And should some bard that roams forsaken. Revive Us soft notes when passinsr alonsf O! let onQ,tlioaght of its master waken Your warmest smile for the child of song Take this cup that s now o'erfiowing, Tq grace your revels when I'm at'rest; Never, O ! never, its balm bestowing , On lips that heanty hath seldom blest. But should some warm devoted lover, To her he loves once bathe its brim, ! then my spirit around shall hover, Tfl hallow eacfl drop tha tfoxK s forli im. THE SOLDIER'S • DREAM. J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmoutb-court, 7 Dials.i OUR bugles sung truce for the night-cloud had lower' And the centinel stars set the watch in the sky. And thousands had sunk on the ground overpower'd; The weary to sleep, and the wounded/to die. Wlien reposing that nighton my prtlletof straw, By the wolf-scaring faggot that guarded the slain, In the dfcad of the night a §weet vision 1 saw, And twice ere the cock crew, I dreamt it again. Ale thought from the battle-fields's dreadful array, Far, far had I roam'd on a desolate track, Till nature and sunshine disclos'd the sweet way To the house of my fathers, that welcom'd me back. 1 flew to the pleasant fields, travers'd so oft In life's morning march, when my bosom was voubb heard my own mountain-goats bleating aloft, ' And well new the strain that ike corn-reapers sung. Then pledg'd we the wine cup, and fondly wore, From my home and my weeping Ciiends never to pai t • My little ones kisg'd me a thousand times ocr. And iny wife sobb'd aloud in the fulness of heart— tay, stay with us, rest— thou art weary and worn And fain was the war -broken soldier to stay; But sorrow return'd with the dawning of morn,' ^/»niJ the voice ia my dreami ear melted awftj. PMjL jojves. ^. BtiHidi, Printe 2, & 3, Msamovth Ccmrtt Dials. L AN AmericAn frigate, call'd tlia Richard by nam&> Mounted guns forty-fonr, from New York she came, To cruise in the channel of oli England's fama, With a noble commander, Padl Jones was his nam€. We had not cruised long, before two sails sue espied, A large forty-four, and a twenty likewise, Fifty bright shipping, wsll loaded with stores, And the convoy stood in for tlie old Yorkshire shore. Bout the hour of twelve, w« came alongside With long speaking trumpet; whence came you, he cried. Come answer me quickly, 1 hail you no more* Or else a broadside into yoa I will pour. . We feught them four glasses, four glasses, so bat) Till forty bold seamen lay dead on the spot, Anid fifty-five more lay bleeding in gore, While the thund'ring large cannons of Paxil Jones did roar. Otir carpenter being frightened, to Paul Jones did ^ -say. Our ship she leaks water since fighting to-day, Paul Jones he made answer in the height of hte pride, If we can do no better, we'll sink alongside. Paul Jones he then smiled, & to his men did Bay, Let every man stand the best of his play. For broadside for broadside they fought on the main, Like trne buckskin heroes we retura'd it again. The Ceraphus wove round our ship for to rake. Which made the piond hearts of the English to aoH he shot flew so hot, we could not stand it long, TiM the bold British colours from the English cam down. Oh now my nravc boys, we have taken a rich pfiao A large fori v -lour, and a twenty likewise: To bel|i t>.e poor mothers that have reason to weep. For the loss of their sons in the unfathomed d««p. The Wandering S .A r O YA R Singing hy Mr. Mear.s- at Vaujchaft Gardens. Tune — How, VV hen, and where? A .}. CATNACil, Printer, 3Ionmouth-Co7a ^ }\ ! hear the wandering Savoyard's tale With my wild guitar I'll breathe a strain. Whose I'lainlive notes in my native vale Have never sigh'd in vain. And raany an hour my love to tell, To her lattice I've eagerly flown, As the evening chime of the vesper bell, Played over the broad Garonne. in the graceful dance and sprightly song, By the moon's bright rays, my pret*^ Brunette, I've led her forth in the rustic throng, To the sound of the caatinet. And memory dear will ever burn. For the scenes of my peaceful home, While 1 sigli for the days that may neve return, On the banks of the broad Garonne. Then list the wandering, &c. 1 Love her, how 1 Love her. I L.^ve her, how 1 love her, Though mine, alas! she^neer can^b ^he sun that shines above, Is far less bright to me. The time by 'ears 1 measure, 1 prixe my fatal treasure, And ieel a fatal pleasure. In suffering, dear love, for tbee.l Deep in my bosom concealing the flame. ^ (my Hps^ That consumes me, ne'er e'er to thee. All the woes feel, rrhe ^oice c f honour 1 obey, ^bmkf friendship's ftacr««i en* fierce vea THE Finikin Lass. pz-inted hy J. Catnach, — Sold by W. Marshall, Bristol . HEN I was a bnxom young fellow, just tum'dof twenty-four, I married a handsome young lady, as many had dono before So tenderly rear'd from her cradle, and in a ebarding- scliool bred, (wed. My sorrows began to creep on mo the very first day I was So beware of those finikin la;sses, & never by beauty be led For the girl that all other surpasses is one that works for her bread. I jnirchas'd a fine leg of mutton, said I, my dear, boil this for dinner (thinner. For fear my new undertakings should make my jaws grow The potatoes she bn-l'd in th« dirt, the fat she skimm'd olfu'itli thefioth (and broth. She took tiie white sand for oatraeal,and so spoil'd mutton One morning I came to my breakfast,and found her asleep in bed, (was dead, Such doings I could not bear, and I wish'd in my heart she A basin of thin water gruel she quickly got ready for me. And when to my work I was gone, for herself she had sip- pets and tea. She'i always a reading of novels instead of repairing my clothes : (up her nose. If her fingers she happens to soil like a rabbit she turns She washes her face once a week,and her stockings always are down, (her gown. Slie makes nj) the fire in gloves, and wipes off the dirt on It happeu'd one Christmas-Eve, I having a keg of brown beer, cheer, I invited a party of friends to partake of my Christmas But when we sat down to snpper,Odear how ashamed was I l\Iy larder box found in a custard, my shaving box in a mince-pie. (are sore. Whenever she washes my shirt she says that her fingers Which happens but once a month, of troubles she gets great store. a dollar And when that she irons the same, I'll venture to wage She Binges the body and sleeves, and leaves half the dir on the collar. (to pay At last I agreed with my landlord, my rent once a quarter B*Jt two or three times in a week 1 could see him coming this way. ' Suspicion arose jn a hurry, and tor to watch being bent. Caught h«r at iength in the cellar, just as she was paying her tfX. Wa ever a mort «1 on earth half so plagued with awomnn as I } (her to die, gir«j all the old shoes in my shop »f I ceuld but persuade Then 1 should be free from all care, my time would so uerriljpass; lass^ ■ [would marry the devil then I'd r •* a boardin -schoo. THE NEW Mary Neii. Printed by J. Catnach,2, Monmcu Court, Seven Dials. Longtime I lov'd a damsel young, Mos-t beautiful and fair; And with her soft bewitching tongue She did my heart ensnare. And ever since,no peace of mind. Or comfort can I feel. All through this rose of womankind. Her name is Mary Nejl. Full many a beauty have I seen, Who strove to gain my love. But none,except this chariningQueon Did my affections move. My heart is pain'd with love's alarms Which I cannot conceal, A willing captive to the charms Of lovely Mary Neil. She's fairer than the morning star, That greets the dawn of day. Her skin is soft and whiter far. Than the blossom on the sprayj Her ci^sks the rose in June outvie, What charms her lij)S reveal, A"d raven black's the sparkling eye Oflovely Mary Neil. To make a present for my lefe, I'll rise by break of day. And search the woodlands 4* the grove To cull the sweets of May, And if my rural gift should please. How happy will I feel; im smile my drooping heart would From charming Mary Neil. ( As Phoebus does the stars outsbino And in the diamond's blate I'he glow-worm fades —so she divine Is fairest of lie r days. Ve gods atteud a lover's prayer To you I now appeal ]n wealth i. ask uo gic,atei share Thanlovp an d Upxy Nei| ''%\ii -^m-^ ^^w^ THS BATTLE OF ALGIERS. } Cfttnarh, Printer, 9, Monmoutb-court, f t)ials. jrf"^ fME all you Britons stout and bold, that love your aa- %^ ' live land. Rejoicing in our victory, Lord Exraouth gate command \jOfd Exinmiili will your rights maintain, as you sliall plain- ly see, itrw yi^ fought like any iioos bold, to fct the Cluristians free CHORUS f^Hi British tars be steady, and maintain your glorious name You will ever find Lord Exmouth to lead you into fame. On thu twenty-seventh of July, in Plymouth sounds wa lay, liord E\inoulh made a signal cur anchors for to weigh. We exercised our great guns, believe me what I say, Tbat we might do the best we could upon that glorioiis day. When we came to Gibraller, for three days there we lay Onr cabins there wp all knockotl down, our decks we cleared V away. That nothing in our way might bo for we their batteries saw, Prepar'd to send the burning shots upon our decks below. On t)je twenty ievenlh of Aup'u;* just by the break of day. We espied the city of Algiers to windward of us lay. All hands, all hands to quarters, it was the general cry. Come load your guns with round and grape, before we draw too nigh. The first was the Queen Cliarl arte, so noblv led the van. She was followed by the Superb, Captain Atkins gave com- The rrexi was the Leander, with all her warlike crew,(mand She wasfollwY^'d by tlieImpregnable,Reai Admiral of thcjilue Now next k was the Albion, what I relate is true, (true, The Mending and the Sovereign, tliey fought with courage The Hebrew, Gravil and Glasgow, so well their parts (lid play, The Afgerinesfrom their batteries they strove to run away. Now it is of six Dutch frigates, that did onr fleet combine. Their Admiral a siirnal made for them to form aline, They anchored by our batteries their admiral to them said. Take pattern by those English lads, iliey shew you gallant play. N«w there's one thing more that I resale which is to be ad- At five o'clock that afienioon we set the sliij)s on fire (mired. Our rocket ships and bomb ships, so well tiieir parts did play TTie Algerines from their batteries were forced to run a^'ay. Pfow th<' trlorio-i^ action's over. Christians are set free, ThcAlgeruies are boiiiid.k.wn no more for slavery, (declare, Brtt if they break those terms of peace, Lard Exmouth doth If he should visit them again, not one of them he'll spare. Now WT* .1 verse I'll finish and completelvend my song. Here's » health to I^^rd Exmouth, and mavhis days betonft Wc will hotiowr Capiabi Atkins, and his officers so true, iTbe phy uirs end loval muiines thai fought under the trtie i Uiw- HONESl' J. Catnach, Printer, 2, .Monmouth court, 7 Di;i!s. "YyHEN ^vild wars deadly blast was blawn, and irci;;.- peace returning, (innurtiiiu'. And eyes again wi' pleasure i)cam'd that had been l;ie;trM v.';' I left the line.s and tented fields wlu-re long I'd bfe:i a iu.:-ci , A humble kn;ipsark a' my wealth, a poor but houcsj smi-i r A leel light heart beat in my breast my hand;iin'J wiih plunder. And for auld Scotia hame again T clicerly on did wan Jt-r. I Ihoughtuponthebanksof Coil, I thought upon my Nnncy. I thought upon the wiichin^^ smile that cauglst- my yoiithi'if fancy. At length I reached the bonny gleii whore early !i(e [ spones I past the mill and trysting thorn where Nancy oft I conitrd, Wha spied I but my ain dear maid down by her moih. r'i dwelling (swoliing And turn'd me round to hide the flood that in my e'e was Wi* alter'd voice quoth I, sweet lass, sweet as yon hawilioius blossom, happy, happy may he b«, that's dearest to thv boso:.i, My purse is light, I've far to gang, and fain would be ihy lodger, I've served my king and country long, take pity on a sodtjer. Sae wistfully she gaz'd on mo, and lovelier arew than evrr, Quoth she a sodger once I lov'd, forget lumj'shaM I never, Our luimble cot and hamely fare, ye frerly shall partake '.'t. That galkuit badge the dear cockade, yoirie welcome for iho sake o't. She gaz'd, she redden'd like a rose, syne i)a,e a'? ony lily, She sunk within my -arms and cried, art thou my' ain' dt-a-i Willie, (garded By him who made yon sun and sky, by wh-Mn trtie love's ro- 1 am the man and thus may Mill true lovers Le rewarded. The wars are o'er and I'm coti'.e iiano, ami find theestlJl (rue hearteti, (i,e parted, TTiough poor in geer, were licli m !ov.', and iv.iy we ne'«f Quoth she, my grandsire left megowd, a maiien'pli.-nir-Jie'J fairly. (dearly. Then come my faithful sodger lad, lliou'rt welcome !o i* For gold the mvrchant ploughs the main, (ho farmer ploughs Llie manor. But glory is the sodgd's prize, tbesodger's wealth is h/UM.j , The brave poor sodger iie\-r ilmi ■/• i' ■■ i# J I LtOVm MY IIII.i:.§i,lIY 3 LOVE th liills my nativp hills. | O'er vshich !iO oft r Ye stray 'd, The shady trees, the miirin'rinsr rills | Where I in childhood plav'd, 1 love to feel the bwjes-^s blow Upon t'^& liiils so free; I Where'er 1 am wheroer 1 go. My naive hi Isfor ine. I lov? the iiills !iiy native hills, All purple with tlie hearth. i Tbo«e fertile grouiids the pleasants tills, | And the woodland? far beneath. , Ih^Msi fenci«>d joys in hope 1 view, \ Wl think th>se hil!s I see; hore'er I am where'er I go, . My native b'i.'ls for me, ! THE BRIDE. OL ! taVe her and be faithful stil« And mav the bridal vow Be iacred held in after years. And warmly bresth'd as now, Retnenjber — 'tis no common tio, That binds hor youthful! heart ; Tl« (Hie that only truth could weave, And only Death can jxirt. The jwiadise of childhood's hour, The liomp of rJi)Pr years, Tb« treasui'd scere of parly youth, In sunshine and in tears. Thp purest hopes her bosom Vnpw Whon her younji heart was fi e-o •; AU theiC ftTid more she now resigns,. T* bravo the world with thee. Her lot in life is fixeRi» SI«rk only Joy's iscrease, And may yoilr days glide sweetly on lo bappiaess and peace I ^'^&. 1 'M t '^ NEL.ISON'8 raONUMENT. J. Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials. & at 14 Waterloo Road, (Late Hill's.) Britons long expected j^reat news from our fleet, Commanded by Lord Nelson the frenchfor to meet At length the news came over, through the coun- try it was spread, That the French were defeated, but Nelson was dead. Not only brave Nelson, btit ihousands were slain' By fighiing of the French iipori the watery main To protect England's glory, its huaor, & its wealtk We (ought & would not yield, 'till we yialisd i \ij de&th. The merch«."t«( of Yarmouth hearing us say so, Said come brother sailors to church let us go. And there we will build a niost beautiful pile. In ren» :'Tib' ranee of Nelson, the Hero of the Nile Your plan says Britannia, is excellent good, A n)onument for Nelson, a sword for CollingW(s.od Let it be ol polished marbleto perpetuate his name And in letters of gold write, ' He died for En- gland's fame. A I seamen and soldiers, as 1 have been told, They've order'd themselves in readiness to hold, Their fights to maintain, their cause to support, From any invasion keep each British port. Both soldiers and sailor mighty deeds they have done, Their sous in ir- eign parts many battles have won It he Nile ccuid but speak, or Egyj.'t •-'eclare, Al the world with Lord Nelson mey could not compare. TSBE POOR OI,l» WORN OUT SAII^OR Air. The Qirl i left behind J. Catnach, Printer, 2 v i. ^T ) i no it i-'J 7 Dials. & at 14 Waterloo Hoad, (l.ateHiil'g.) ONE Summers eve, all labour o'er, And birds were sweetly singing' A poor old tai, worn out with age Thro' our villajre came a bey^ing. I pitied his sad mournful tale,°^ For at pity I'm no railer 3 Pray, bestow your charity ! >iaid he, On a poor old worn-out Sailor. When false reports came hojue 1 was dead My poor wife died broken-hearted My daughter she roam'd, 1 knew not where And for ever more to be parted. ' 1 was wreck'd of all in this world 1 hehldear Poor girl! I oft bewail her; ' ' If I could but her find, she'd a comfort be To a poor old worn-out Sailor. Despise my hull, I pray now don't 'Cause I've got shabby riggiijn- I'd rather work, if I had'mylimrrs', Thau I'd be seen a begging. For I'm like a ship distress d at sea Without one friend to hai! her ' Then pray bestow your charity. On a poor old worn-out .Sailor, As thus he sang his mournful tale, A female gazed upon him; She burst into tears, in tra/isport wild And sank upon his bosom. ' O father! she cried, for 'twas his child Whose duty ne'er had fail'd her; ' Come you home, and liv*- and die with me You poor old worn-out Sailor. ' For I've a home, and a husband dear. Most kindly he will treat you, Altho' you're poor, and cloth'd in rags, Right welcome he will greet you, nd when you resign your parting breath, My duty shall ne'er' know failure, V see yoiilaid in your silent grave. You poor old worn-out Sailor. ? ■^ I WILL WATCH THE BOLD ■ SMUGGLER. Catuach, Printer, 2, 31onraouth-court, 7 DiaU T»VAS one morn when the winds from the northward blew ucct. sullenly ruarll ih.i big wavei ofthe main; , I'timud fsiuuggler, Will Watch, kilVd his Si^ then/erentij , ^ . Took helm and to fea, boldly fleer'd out again. *^U1 had proinif'd hi» Sue that this trip if well ended, Shobld coil up his hopes,and he'd anchor on fliorc, "hert his pockets were lined, why his life fliouldbe mendi-d, The iawfe fie had bhsken he'll never break more. iiib(ea boat was trim, n>ade her port took her lading, Then Will flood for home readi'd the ufRng U billons to us were ih/j same, i Contented m e must brave one or I'oiLer, 'i And like jolly tars in life'e. chequer'd gales, i Give the heart that cau feel for another. I'hns smiling at l>erii at sea or on shore, ! >Ve box'd the old compass right cheerly. 'I oss'd the can,boys about, and a word ^ore, ] Ye)S drink to the girls we love dearly, Fcr sailors, ])ray mind me, though stranire kit of fish, Love the girls just as dear as their mother And what's more they love what 1 hope you alii wish, 1 is the heart that can fe«l for auother. \ /6 OldFolks at home K YLE&Co., Printers, 2 and 3, MonmouOf Court, Blooms bur)'. — — — >' ' I ., V'lT^AY down upon tlie Swanf>e river, ^ Far, far away, Vbere's where my hed bid them joyous welcome, to this new land of ours. How often have we pray'd, 'i^u 'J'^^^y^^®''^ here in joy array'd, I he friends, the dear relations, the lovers^ fond and true. To share our better fortune, and all tlio joys we knew. And they're cotniog; coming, coming, They are coming with the flowed, Ihey are commg with the summer,' To thi» new land of ours. ' And we'll give them cordial greying, And have a merry merry meetmg And a day of true rejoicing, in this ne« land of ours. In ail eur happiness, XX7U ^®''®. **^°^'*^ * joy the less, When we look'd around and missUtuen. - Irom the fireside's cheerful glow lb€ old familiar cemrades that we lov'A so long ago, IJiit they're coming, coming, coming, 1 They are coming with the flowers, 1 hey are coming with the summer To his new land of ours. * It needs but their embracer And all their shining faces, To make us quite conten^ed.'in this new lani nd of o«rs Whiskey in tiic Jar. Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials T AM a young fellow that never jet was daunted, ■*■ And ofientimes had money, but seldom it was wanted. For robbing for gold it was my own folly, Paying for good liquor to treat deceitful Molly. Musha ring a ding a ra. As I was going over Calvert mountains, 1 met with Captain Everet, his money he was counting, First I drew my pistols and then I drew my rapier taud and deliver, for 1 am your deceiver. Musba, &c. Oh ! when I got his money, it was a pretty penny, I put it in m} pocket and took it home to Molly, ^^Tien she swore by what was good, that she never would deceive me. But the devil take the women for they never can be easy. Musha, &c. Being both wet and weary, I went to Molly's ohaoibcr, I went to Molly's chamber for to have a slumber, Tbea she flew unto my pistols and she loaded them with water, was draged out of my bed just as a lamb to be slaughtered. sha, &c. It was early next morning between six and seven. Surrounded by policemen and likewise Captain Everet, fixed oflf my pistols and powder, but was mistaken. I fired off the water and a prisoner was taken. Mash a, &c. There's some take delight in fishing and fowling, While others lake delight in hearing cannon's roaring But 1 take delight in being brisk and jolly. And io paying for good liq jor to treat deceitful Molly. Musha, &c. Oh ! I have go two brothers and lliey are in the army, One is iu Cork and the other in Killarney ; had them here to night oh ! would'nt I make them would rather have them heie than you deceitful MoHy. Musha & 1: was early the next morning between six aud seven, When up against my cell door the turnkev he went bawling , Then I out with my sliackles and knoched the turnkey down, And 1 made m> escape out of sweet Phillips town, Musha, Ste, GROUND IVY LAST April morn as I walk'd forth, ' 1 rov'd I knew not where, i heard a voice so loud and sw6w<, I could not but go there. Her grarb was mean her tattered gown Upon her shoulders hung, Wifh blooming cheeks and eyes cast dowR, And as she walk'd along. Come here, me pretty girl says I And tell to me your name. All in your basket I will bay. Come sell to me the same. 1 thank, you now kind sir she said^ 1 have not much to sell, And if you buy those of me., I cry no more to day. Altho' a pleasant girl was she. Her forttine would not smile, ^ She's more than fortune's child to me Where love should make her mine. I gave her all that was in my power, So blythe she tript away, I never shall forget that happy hour, I heard her cross the way. Where should I hear in lane nr street, Her note so loud and sweet, I long my blue ey'd girl to meet, And hear her cry again. WHEN A LITTLE FARM WE KEKH. He — When a little farm we keep, And have little girls and boys, With little pigs and sheep, To make a little noise ; Oh what happy merry days we'll see She- Then we'll keep a little maid. And a little man beside, And a little horse and pad, To take a little ride, With the children sitting on c«t kne He — The boys I'll conduct, She-The girls I'll instruct, He — In reading I'll engage Each son is not deficient, She—In music I presage Each girl is a proficient. He — Now boys your Ba Ba, She— Now girls your Sol Fa. Here she is supposed to teach a girl to sutg and he to teach a boy to read, by telling liic little stories. Both — When a little farm we keep. And have little girls and b«vt» With little pigs and sheep, To make a little noise, Wl *t h«M-«y Bawrv dayt ^ro'H ••• A THS SHOP OM nitis. Parody on "Tlie Ship on Fire". Kyle, a f^Co. Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court Seven Diale. |HE s;;h Except when llie guv'nor sent up half and half, A youns; woman set in thekitch'n below And calling her child by a name ruyther low. She bawled to its did, 'midst its squaling so wild, Oil, Bodkin! dear IJodkin, come do-xn to this child ! I pass'd — tiie young brat, very quiet did lay, And the sliveys like winking kept stiiching away, The needles shone bright in ihe sun — it was .Tune — And a chap on the slio] board tr^ed to win.- tie a lune, There was joy in the shop, you could judge by their tone. And fondly within'em they wished the work home, The tailor's wifa hugged her young hrat to her breast And she sung- Molly Biwn, cos it suited l)er best. And her hnsbcud SAt siitching away by her side, And he lnoked once or twice very swcei on his bride, How happy said be when this here work is o'er. We'll go toGravesend, if we can't to the Nore, Already in fancy the steamers I spy. And the smoke from the funnels njounting sl^y high. The Windmill Hill (Jreen, wiib the swings and the stalls And denkeys to ride on inclndinof the fills — Wiih TuUey's Bazaar, and the famed 'livoli — How icrumptions lo go for a day on the spree Il^rk ! what's tin* row? hist, hark to the cry ! Fire 1 then a scream tiien a scout Ard the policeman's rattles sprung loud in the air. And th.e mother run up to the buck secnnd pair, And shf bawled \o the tailor, in agony wild, Oi:, Bodkin! dear Bodkin, look a ter the child, S'liC flew to her hus!):iiid, she stuck by his side. For he was nuts on her — now wa:-'nt she wide ! Fire! fire 'twas flaring up hk'h and down low And the mngs of tlie tailors inrn'd queer at the si^l.t And they looked like O. Sndth, in the glim of'"tlie* light, 'Twas viun tor the ms n any longer to stop, TiiC dewouring ilanies had fast hold of ilie shop, ^m And I be suif ke in foiir volumes rose hiuher and higher O.:, isn't it awful lo be doie brown by fire ? Our Slicks for destlrucion arc booked safe I see IvJistei Braidwood, you nice man, our hope is in thee. Quite down on their luck, but still plucky and brave iney lowered a blanket 'twas all tl:fj ct uld save * First slid down tie mother, and took it<.;uite mild Aiid then very kijuily ti,. y threw out the child * ' 3t--st followed Bodkin- then came his crew ' ■^ itu a s'ef veboard, some patterns, and cnltino-s a few Cold, cold, they felt, so they went o'er the uay JLb wns tuvf cutters thrashers and tailors. There was pipers harjier- and nailors. And tanners soldiers and sailors all assembled at Ballyporeen 'r'.erc v,;is ^?^■;!^ M'Dcrmot and Shoughnes's' brat, 'fhero wfis Tcrrcnce and Dascole and spatter'd face Pat / Then> w;m ,M(d!y M'Gorice and Bryan O'Lyn, And the fat red hair'd cook wench that lives at the inn, 'i'here's Shclah and Larry the genius, .And Pats uncle old Darby Dennis, Black Tcdd} and crooked M' Gennis assembled atBaHyporeen There was hjicon and greens but the turkey was Bpoil'd Potatoes dress'd each way both roasted and boil'd. Red herrinirs black puddings the priest got the snipe, Cnlecannoji pies dumplings cod cow heel and tripe. And tbev set till they could eat no more sir. The whiskey came pouring in galore sir. How Teddy M'Manners did roar till he bothered all Ballg^ poreen. The supper being over the songsters did roar tar, Tim sung Humphrey Delaney Peg Molly Astore, When a motion that they d forsaKe, And each took his sweetheart their trotters to shake, Wli^ the couples and pipes went dancing, Brogues pumps and bears feet fell a prancing. Such jigifi ng such reeling and dancing was ne'er ^es Ballyporeen. But the maids getting tired and vt.en getting drunk, The bridearcom grew sleepy away the bride slunk. Some saddled their garrons some boxed in the lane, And a true Irish favour tiave Patrick to M' Shean. Some knock'd dow n in the nnre lay a sprawling. The maids round the men fell a squalling. And some up the diiciu*-;; were evawlingsuch fua was i* lyporeen. • >'ow to P-<^virk the briaeg.-oom a>.d Onagh t ^ bri^ LH '' ..i\) of Old Ireland be sounded with prifte, .: .1)1 that were there great or small gay or greei, C rnnk or sober all jitrg'd it at Ballyporeea, i ad wh«,n cupid shall lend you kiii wherry '' > trip over the conjugal ferry I'M OFF TO CHARLESIOWNX RYLEaad Co., Prinfers, 2 and 3, Moomour?- court, Seven Dials, MY Massaaud ray tuissus havebrdl* goiio away Gone ♦o the sulphur springs the summer months to stay ; \nd while they'/e off togedder on a iit»le kind of spree, Ml go down i > Charlestown de oretty s^als to see Tai off to Oiarlestown early in tie morning, I'm off to Charlestowu aad little time to stay SogivvJ n7y respects to all the pretty yaller gals, I m off to Charlestown belore de break ob day My Nell s^e wav'd her handkerchief afore she let me go, Floating down de ribber wid ray ole banjo , I stood and gaz'd uprn her and wip'd away a tear De last words she said to me was, *♦ Fnre you well, my dear.' I'm off to Charle?towu, &.c. It began to rain a little, de night was berry dark, De niggers dey get frighteu'd, de dogs begin to bark ; De coon hescar'd de buzzard, de buzzard scare*! de coon, A.nd dey all kept up a running till to-morrow afternoon. I'm off to Charlestown, &c. Oharlcfitown is a pretty place, de gals de) dresa so neat, Dey am so slender round de waist and pretty in . de feet; I'd rader kiss my Nell dan all de gals f eber see, ' Kaui her breatJi is like an orange blossom hang- og 3a dvj tree. WHY DID he leave him Rvle "^n'! Co., Printers, 2 and ^. Monmoiuh *>'»n, 7 Dini': Vl/'H Y did she kavehini.lhey grew up toget1>€r, ^^ Near to the old church, on the bright village green, ^ev< r to part in amusifii we.iihcr, Elle-^ and Edward in childhcod were seen ; She had not wealth, but her beauty commanded Suitors, alas ! who could riches st^cure, But when her hand as his bride he demanded, Why did she leave him ? — becanse he waspoon He was once mild, young, and gay-hearted. First in the frolic of maiket or fair, Where are the cheeks when the smile hasdepaited Others may revel, but he cannot share ; Blight are the eyes that around him are beaming. Cold is the heart that strives to adhere, Save when at night i»n the past he is thinking, Why did she leave him ?— because he was pooi, Now she rides by in her pride and her carriage. But where is the bloom that once shone on her cheek, Haughty and proud are thefriendsof her marriagt Now ^he must feel what she dar« not to speak She percha ice smiles for her earliest hours, Grieve«« for the soirows that he uiusttudure, And would give up the world for a wreath »W wild flowers, Why did she leave bini ^—because h? was poo* Wllili YOU LOVE HIE THEN AS NOfV? Rvle and Co,, Printersj, 2 and 3, Monmo Court, Seven Dials. "^^OU have told me that you love me *- And your heart's thoughts see, to speak, As you look on me so fondly, And the life-hlood tints your cheek - May I trust that these warm feelings, Never wilbgrow cold and strange, And that you'll remain uualterM, In this weary world of change. When the shades of care and sorrow^ Dim my eyes and cloud my brow. And my spirit sinks within me — Will you love me then as now ? Though Gur youth may pass unclouded, In a peaceful happy home, V^et as year on year advances, Changes ni ui^^t upon us come. JTor the sLoj) w II loose his lightness, And tlic hair he chang'd to grey, Eyes once bright give up their lustre, Anr. the hopes of youth decay, WheiJ ail these have pass'd upor^fc, ATui stern age has touch'd m^Pow, Will the change find you unchanging, W'ili \<>u love mo then us now^ DOMESTIC DISAPPOINTMENT ^'^HE voyage was past, ana England's sh«i« i Had met my longing view, I left the ship and sought the cot, .That held my lovely Sue ; She flew to meet me, in each eye. The tear of joy had started. Thank heaven thou'rt safe, my love, she CTy% We'll never more be parted. Two lovely boys my Susan brought. They hung about my knees, Now let who will be King, I said. Give me such joys as these ; Just as I spoke a press-gang came, Poor girl ! she shriek'd and started, Then caught my hand, and cry'd, dear Jack I fear we must be parted. INIy children wept, in vain I told How long I'd been away, They said my King requir'd my aid. They dar'd not disobey ; My Susan cri'd, its hard my love. But be thou not faint-hearted. The powers above will guanl the brave. We sobb'd adieu, and parted. Oh, lil Yrarm you MY mother said to me one day. Why Billy, you seem lazy, I i you don't go and get a wife, You'll drive your mother, crazy ; So go my boy to London town, I know no one will harm ye, Then en my life you'll get a wife, And she will nicely warm ye. "Where'er you go, the high and low, In London will alarm ye, Astheyrun about they bawl & skomt, And whistle, now I'll warm ye. 1 met a lass none could surpass. She looked at me so funny, And said w'th joy. I say old boy, Have you goi any money; Oh, arn't it veiy cold said she. Her loving woids did charm me, And if you will come home with me. My love, I'll n.cely warm ye. b\e tcok me up a dirty court, The like I saw not never, A :d then I had a fine tuck, out, Of 'lied fat tripe and liver. She squeezed me tightly by the throat, By gum she did alarm me, Says I, old gal, what are you at. Says she, I'm going to warm ye. ^"e threw poor I upon the ground, Mj eyes rolled in their sockets, And then her pretty finger went Right bang into my pocket. My watch and money quickly flew. Such doings did alarm me, She all the wnile, said with a smile, Old cock, I am going to warm ye. Then I met with a lass called Jane, And she was gay and frisky, Ske took me into a dirty lane, And paid for gin and vwhiskey. ©h she was such a pretty girl. So sweet s she did charm me. She said she would, and so she did, Oh, so help my, never, warm me. I saw the Queen go'through the park, And folks was in a bustle, I saw a man called Palmerston, And another called Jack Russell, She called them to the carriage door, Her features did so chaim me. When she said, old chap, mind what you are at, Or I will nicely warm ye. Oh, Lonofu is a famous place. There's lots of Kits and Sallys, There's lots of courts for fun and sp of. And 1( ts of lanes and alleos. And if lie weather shoo'id be cold There s plenty things to charm ye. And blooming girls with lings and curls. Who very soon will warm yc. ., I now will roam and toddle hoiu«, Since I'm completely urdono, And tell the folks it is no joke, To walk the streets of Lonoon. I'll say to mother s»nd old dad, I don't wish to alarm ye. But if you don't mind what youSr* at, By gum, L'U nicely warm ye. ' Said old John Bull to China Jcbo, We hare said, I don't know how long, tVe'll have a go at your Canton, And scatter all your souchong. Bawl Twee Twang Twee, I«t us be And do not n5w alarm me,J When Seymour stid, arn't you sttm^d, John Chinaman I'll waim ye. Rial and Co., Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seyea Dials u^^ ^^:^^ THE iHarmer's Grave. and Co., Printers, t and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, where an immenBe namber of songs are always ready. I REMEMBER the night was stormy wet, A.nd dismally dashed the dark wave. While the rain and the sleet Dark and heavily beat On the mariner's new-dug grave. I remembei, 'twas down in a darksome dalo, 4Lnd near to a dreary cave, Where, the wild winds wail Round the wanderer pale. That I saw the mariner's grave I remember how slowly the bearers trod. And how sad was the look they gave. As they rested their load Near its last abode, And gazed on the mariner's grave ^I remember, no sound did the silence breal* As the corpse to the earth they gave, Save the night-bird's shriek, And the coffin's creak. As il sunk in the mariner's grave. 1 remember a tear that slowly slid Down the cheek of a mess-mate brave It fell on the lid. And soon was hid, For clesed was the mariner's grave. Now o'er his lone bed the brier creeps,^ And the wild-flowers mournfully wave And the willow weeps, Au d the moon-beam sleeps «jm the mariner s silwit graye. IN HAPPY MOM23MTS (Sonp 1,v Mr. H. PhiMips,') Ii'v hajjpy moments, day bv day. The sands of life may pass. In swift but tranquil tide, away From Time's unerring glass ; Yet hopes we used as bright to deem Remembraiice will recall. Whose pure and who've unfading beaw la dearer than them all. Though anxious eyes upon us gaze, And hearts with fondness beat, Whose smile upon each feature playsf With truthfulness replete ; Some thoughts none others can replace, Remembrance will recall ; Which, in the flight of years we tiracr ^ Is dearer than them all. LITTLE m^%. (a comic glee.) jUR little pigs lie on very good stia^iv Straw cor aw, aw shir dan diddK daw| Our little pigs lie on very g<3od straw, LillibuUerc, my dad was a bonny wee man. Our little pigs eat the best of praties, Prates, ates, shin shan diddle dates - Our little pigs eat the best of praties,'"^ LillibuUero, my dad was a bonny wee man Our little pigs make the best of bacon Bacon aeon, shin shan diddle dacon ; Our little pigs make the best of bacon LillibuUero, my dad was a bonny vv man. And there's an end to our little »on^, Song ong, shin dan diddle dong ; And there's an and to our little son^ LillibuUero my dad was a bonny ^ eg man. Foor Crazy JAN A. Ryle and Co,, Printers, Minoutli Court.t Blooinsbury. ^■» 4iHBMBMiHi|HBMB»\iHi|HaHBMaMHM|iHa» ^ti^ I WHY fair maid in every feature. Are such signs of fear express'd ! Can a wandering wretched creature, \\' itli sucli horror fill thy breast. Do my frenzied looks alarm thee, Trust me, sweet, thy fears are vain Not for Kingdoms would I harm thi-c. Shun not then poor craey Jane. Fondly my young heart believ'd him Wiiicii was doom'd to love but oue Hesigh'd be vow'd and I believ'd him H e was false, and I'm undone. From that hour has reason never, Had her empire o'er my brain, Henry fled, with him for ever Fled the wits of Crazy Jane. Dost thou weep to see my anguish ? Mark me and avoid my woe, Wl,en men flatter figh and languifh, Think them false, 1 found them so For 1 loved him fo fincerely, None could ever love again, But the youth 1 lov'd so dearly, Stole tne wits of crazy Jane Novr forlorn and broken hearted, And with frenzied thoughts beset. On th:it spot where last we parted, On the spot where first we met Still I sing my love lorn ditty, Still I slowly pace the plain. While each passer by in pity, Cries God help thee Craxy Jase. THE Exile of Erin. THKRE came to the beach a poor Exile t' Krin, Tlie dew on his robe it was heavy and chill For hiscountryhe sijih'd when at twylisiht repea , To wander alone by the wind beaten hill(ing But the day thar attrcted his eyes sad devotion, For it rose on his own native Isle of theooean,^ -YAl2§S-QIi.cejjl_tbe .dow of ju>uthful emotion, He sung the bold anthem of Erin go bragh.' Ohfj^d is my,country, faid the heart broben *'^ (Granger, The wild deer and wolf to a covert can Hee' But 1 have no refuge from famine and dance, A home and a country remain not formege, O never again in the green funny bowers, Where my forefathers liv'd fhall 1 fpend fweet hours. Or cover my harp with the wild woven flower* And (Irike the fweet numbers of Erin go br^gq 0h ! Erin, my country, though fad & forsaken In dreams 1 re-vilit thy fea-beaten rtiores, But, alas ! in a far foreign land 1 awaken, And figh for a friend who can meet me no more And thou, cruel fate, wilt thou never replace me In a mansion of peace, where no peril can chase me. Ah ! never again shall my brothers embrace^m* They died to defend her they lived to adore, Where is my cabin so fast by the wild wood. Sisters and sire did weep for it's fall. Where rs the mother that look'd on ray children And vs^here is my bosom friend dearer then all Oh', my sad soul, abandon'd by pleasure, why did itdoat on a fast fading treasure. Tears like the rain may fall without measur«l But rapture and beauty it cannot recaU. Bat yet all this fond recollection suppressing, One dying wish my bosoir shall draw, F.ria, an Exile bequeaths thee his blessing. Land of my forefathers, Erin go bragh. Buried and cold when my heart stills its moHoit Green be thy fields sweetest Isle of the oceaa, And the harp striking bard sing aloud with de . votion, Blrin mavourneea sweet Erin go bragh. I /3 THE Smii^rant's FAREWELL. Ryk and Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Mownowtb Court, Bioumsbury. THE ihamrock rose and I overheard conversing, While Britannia mournfully stood and for awhile, Ou the subject of Emigration together they were dis- coursing^, And the dark clouds of pover y that seto'eT Briton'sisle Sure brothers dear, the shamrock cried, the suflenngs i have undergone, To gain an honest livelihod has caused me to deplore, ^ That my mind is wrought to such a state, i am resolved to emigrate. I And seek the comforts here denied, upon Australias shore My now anhapi>y country once flourished with prosperty It's hardy sons arose at morn lo prepare for daily toil, With hearts as light and minds as bright as the shannon or the lifley, And at niifht to their humble cabins was welcomed with a smile ; But the chilling hand of famine has our fertile fields laid prostrate, Our iron hearted landlords has turned us out of doors. And the neglect of our absentees, has reduced our homes to fcuch a state. That I will hid atlieu to Old Ireland to seek Australia's shore. Then up spoke a poor artizan, who England's rose did represent, "Whose sunken eyes and visage pale bespoke a heart o'ercharged with grief and care ; (content. When I was for ray labour paid, i gaily work'd in sweet But now like you and thotisands more I am driven to despair, Oartyranttask-niaslers grind us down, till our trade we cannot live, Such arbiiary systems no longer 5'U endure, But seek employment where for a fair day's work a fair day's wages we'll receive, ^ And strive lo live in happiness on fair Anstralia's shore. IS tliert a man throughout this land^ould behold the partner of his heart, • Or hear his child en cry for bread when no relief was near Who for one moment could heve a sigh, or grieve from England to part. To seek that succour in a foreign land that is denied him here ; Methjnks I hear you say not one to slay at home could have a wish, Or else his boasted sirenglh of love indeed must be mt St poor. To cure him of his churlish mind, let 4iim with savage beasts exist. Nor alow him lo contaminate fair Australia's shore, E'lgiand possesses far more wealth to what it did in by- gone days, And yet the poor man had iu those days of comforts had his share. But initead of bft)ein£r scattered ruund, they sweep it in large heaps. Audits keepers with a misers eye wa;ch it with a jealous care ; Sujch selfish acts brings to light that rigtit is overcome by might. (core, But time will prove their golden fruits are rotten at the So with my brothers liaKe ragintj; seal, the stormy ' Ctwnd yon aad »• to part. Marseilleis Hymn^ iI^X W^ jLWi ■x^ Ryle & Co., Printers, Monmouth ConcU Bloomsbiirj. sons of France, awake to glorj ! Hark, hark! what myriada bid you rise, our children, wives, and Grandsires hoary^ Behold their tears, and hear their cries. /lialiliHteful tyrants, mischief breading, With hireling hosts, a ruffian band, Affrigbt and desolate tlie land, While peace and liberty lie bleeding? To arms, to arms, ye brave, Th' avenginar sword unsheath ; March on, march on, all hearts resolvecK On liberty or death ! Now, now the danj^erons storm is rollintr. Which treacherous kings, confederate raise ; The dogs of war. let loose, are howling And lo ! our fields and cities blaze. And siiail we basely view the ruin While lawless force, with guilty stride, Spreads desolution far and wide, With ciitues and blood his hands imbruini^ ? To arms, to arms, &c. With luxury and pride surrounded, The vile insatiate despots dare, '*'heir thirst of power and gold unbounded. To meet and vend the liglit and air; •ke beasts of burden would they load us" Like gods, would bid their slaves adore. But man is man, and who is more ? >»hen shall they longer lash and goad us? i To arms, to arms, && t) Liberty, can man resign thee, Once having felt thy gen'rous flame ? Can duugeons, bolts, and bars confine ibeo^ Or whips thy noble spirit tame ? Too long the world has wept, bewailing^ That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield; But freedom is our sword and shield, • Taen all their arts are Hiavailirg, To aru)*, to armt Vc< Katty Avbiirneen. ^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^-^^^^ ^ R>^le & Co., Printers 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloornsbury. 'fTlWAS a cold winter night, and the tenrpest JL was snarling, The snow like a sheet covered cabin and sty; When Barney flew over the hills lo his darlin', And tapp'd at the window where Kalty did lie, Arrah, jewel, says he are you sleeping or wakin' » It's a cold bitter night, and my coat it is thin , The storm is a brewin', the frost is a bakin', ; O, Katty Avourneen, ycu must let me in. Ah, then Barney, says Kate, and she spok through the window, How could you be takin' us out of our bed. To come at this time it's a shame and a sin too. It's whiskey, not love, has got into your head. Il'your heart it was true, of my fame you'd be tender; Consider the time and there^s nobody in, What has a poor girl but her name to defend her, No, Barney Avourneen I won't let you in. A-cush la, says he it's my eye it is a fountain. That weeps for rhe wrongs, I may lie at your door ; Your name is more white than the snow on tnr mountain, And Barney would die to preserve it as purr, I'll go to my home though the wintei vrinds tacc me, I'll whistle them off, for I'm happy withit , And the words of my Katty will couii^m ano bless me Ne Barney Avonrne ■, I wouM U.' you in POLLY Won't you try meO {Sung by Mrs. Florence, at Drury Lane Theatre. Ryle and Co.,. Printers, Monmouth-court, SeAen Dials. "piO WIN in Sky town lived a maid, -■^ Singsong Polly won'tyoii trymeohl Churning butter was her trade. Sing S! ng Polly won't you try me ohl She loved a feller whose name was Will, Sing song Polly won't'yon try me oh? His dad he used to own the mill. Sing song Polly won't you try me oh ? Kemo, kimo, where oh, there, my high my low, Then in came Sally singing, Sometimes medley winkumlingtam nip cat Sing song Polly won't you try me oh? She wanted Will for better or worse, Sing song Polly won't you try me oh I blie'dhavemarried,butdadwouldn'tlether Sing sorjg Polly won't you try me oh ? And 80 she went and got a knife, Sing song Polly won't you try me oh ? She Droke her heart and lost her life. Sing song Polly won't you try me oh? Then Josh he felt his dander ri&in, Sing song Pol!y won't you try me oh f So he went and swallowed pison. Sing song Polly won't you try me oh ? The village folks laughed in their sleeve sing song Polly won't you try me oh f for Jordan's a hard road to Iravellbeheve, Sing song Polly won't } ou try me oh f CLEMENTINA Ryal & Co., Printers, 2, ailing To welcome old Rosin, the .vhu. To weleoine old Rosin, the btau, To welcome old Rosin, the beau, 1 know that good quarters are waiting To welcome dd Rosin, the beau. When I'm dead and laid out on the counter, A voice you will hear from below, Skis;ing out Whiskey and water, ^""o drink to old Kosin, the beau. To drink, &c. And when I am dead, I reckon The ladies will all want to know, Just lift the lid off the coffin, And look at old Rosin, the beau. And look, &c. )U must get some dozen good fellows, And stand them all round in a row, And drink out of half-gallon bottles, To the nan»e of old Rosin, the beau. To the name, &o. Get four or five jovial young fellows, And let them all staggering go, And dig a deep hole in the meadow, And in it toss Rosin, the beau. And in it, &c. Then get you a couple of tombstones, Place one at my head and my top •- And do not fail to scratch on it The name of old Rosin, the beau. The name, &c. I feel the grim tyrant approaching. That cruel, implacable foe, Who spares neither age nor condition, Nor even old Rosin, the beau. Nor even, Sec, TOM HALLIx\Hn ]^0W the rage of battle's emlcd. •*-^ And the Frendi for mercy c;iil Death no more in smoke or thir; s Rode uponllio venj^roful bull. Yet the brave and loyal Jteroos, Saw the sun of morning- light, Ah condemned by cruel fortune Ne'er to see the star of night. From the main deck to the quarter, Strewed with limbs and wet with b! ;. .o Poor Tom tlalhard pale and woonded, Crawled where his brave capUiin le captain tell me, EVr t am Iwrne a corpse away, Have I done a seaman's duty On this great and glorious da-/ Tell a dying sailor truly. For my life is steering fast, * Have I done a seaman's duty, Can they ought my memory blas< .\h l)rave Tom the captain answered, Thou a sailor's part have done, 1 revere thy wounds with sorrow, Wounds by which our glory's woiv Thanks my captain lite is ebbing, Fast from this deep wounded Iveart But oh grant one little favour, E'er I from this world depart. Bid some kind and trusty sailor. When I am numbered with the dead For my dear and constant Catheriw Cut a kxjk from this poor head. Bid him to my Catherine give it. Saying her's alone 1 die, Kate will keep the mournful present, And embalm it with a sigh. Bid him to her this letter bear. Which I've penn'd with my parting beeath. Kate may ponder on this writing, When this hand is cold in death. That I wdl tne captain cried, And be ever Catherine s friend And my good and kind commander Now ray pain and sorrows end. Mute towards ins captain weeping. Tom upiais'd a ihankful eye, VJrrateful then his foot embracing, Sunk with Kate on his last sig]». Who then saw a scene so mournfujj Could without a tear depart, He must own a savage nature Pity never warmed his l>eart. Mow in his white hammock sbrou«iML By the kind and pensive c«i? Af ne di-spped into the oeam * UU< XXX* 'Fosff ftAc* The Slave Chase. Rjrle &Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth -court, 7 Diate SET every stitch of canvas to woo the fresh'ning wind. Our bowsprit points to Cuba, the coast lies far behind ; Fill'd to the hatches full, my boys, across the sea we go, There's twice five hundred niggers in the stiflng hold below. A sail ! what say you boys ? well — let him give us chace, A British man-of-war, you say — well, let him try the rac e. There's not two swifter vessels ever floated on the waves, Than our tidy little schooners, well ballasted with slaves. Now stronger yet, and stronger still, came down the fiery breeze, And even fast and faster sped the strange ship on the seas j Hinging each rudeandbursting sur^ in glittering halos back, \i\d. bearing high to heav'n aloft,th« English Union Jack Now curses on that Ensign, the slaving captain^said, There's little luck for slavers when English bunting's spiead- But pack on sail and trim the ship, before we'll captured be, We'll have the niggers up my boys, and heave ihem in the sea. Hoarse was the slaving captaln'i voice and deep the oath he swore, Haul down the flagthat's shot enough we don't want any more. Along side dashed that cruiser's boat to board and seize the pilze Hark ! to that rattling British cheer that's ringing to the skies. Up, up, with the negroes speedily, up, up, and give them breath Clear out the hold from stem to stern, that noisome den is death. And run aloft St, George's Cross, and wanton let it wave, The token proud that under it there never floats a slave. FARE THEE WELL MY LOVE GOOD MORROW. Rjle & Co., 2, & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. IN fall pursuit of love and wine, (road ; A smart young beau came down the And there he saw fair Emiline, (bode. Whose sloe black eyes showed loves a- He talked long to the maid, And swore to love and honor: If that she'd yield to what he said. He'd marry her on the morrow. She heard his vows and thought them true, And went with him to sights unknown, Oh, long the eve the maid will rue, For she lost parents, friends and home. The night was spent in bliss. The morning dawned with sorrow. He left the maid with one cold kiss, Fare thee well, my love, good morrow. Now thus poor girl deluded left, . How oft she roams about the town She oft times call upon his name, And calls again to hear her moan She starts again with grief, Again she starts with horror ; But still these words rung in her ears. Fare thee well, my love, good morrow. And thus poor girl deluded left," Scorned by all, pitied by none. Of every kind friend bereft. She died near her once-loved home. \ler friends she had disgraced, Now mourn alas ! with sorrow ; And on her tomb these words were placed Fare thee well, my love, good morrow. LASS OF On Richmond Hill there Jives a ksa, More bright than May-day mowi, Whose charms all otiier maids 8ui;pas% A rose without a thorn. Tliis lass so neat, with smiles so su'eeli Has won my heart complete ; rd crowns resign to call her minev Sweet lass ol' Richmond Hill. Ye zephyrs gay that fan the air, And wanton ihrouo;h the grore, O whisper then my charming fair, 1 die 1 ^er I love. How happy will this shepherd be Who calls this nymph his own, O may her choice be fix'd on me. Mine's fix'd on her alone, — M444 — Twn on a bank of daises sweet, A lovely maiden sigh'd ; TTie little^lambkins play'd at her feet, 'While she in sorrow cry'd — •* Where is my love, where can he gtraj When Uius a blackbird sung, •♦Sweet, sweet, sweet, he will not stay,** The air with music rung. '* Oh, mock me not, bold bird," she 8&idL •* And why pray tarry here. Dost thou bemoan some younglix^ fled» Or hast thou .ost thy dear ; Ddst thou lament hisabseuce, say. When thus a blackbird sung, Sweet, sweet, sweet, he will not sfaj^* The air with music rung. •* Sing on,*' she cried, " thou dianiiUf Those dulcet notes repeat, ?(• music e'er like thine was h^aid, So truly sweet, sweet, sweet ; O that my love was here to-day,** Once more the blackbird sunfi Sweet, sweet, he comes this Wi{|* IW AM* w^th vtisic ruAcr. TOM TOPSAIL. A.RjrIe& Co,. Printers 2 and 3, Monmoath Court, Bloomsbury. <>•<>"♦•♦<>•<>• <-«^ -^ <►<►<►<). ^ .^ ^ ^ <,.<> . r|^OM Topslil he d ed aud the folks piped thujsr eye * And told of Ills virtues with many a sigh ; And told when alive he their wants would relieve, Aud even with a tear his last jienny would give, But when sorely pressed b_\ adversity's gale. No u sul lem a Land to mend Tom's tatttr d sail. He thro' life's lagiv.)ya)3;e rough storms did endure, And fouKd none to help him — because he was poos, M'a wretch in distress &'er to Tom na? nia>!e known. He measured his heart by the worth of his civn ; His blubbrring eye scarce from tears would lijfrain. He felt all his woe, and reliev'd all Lis pain But when sorely press'd by adversity's gale. Not a soul lent a hand to mend Tom's tatt r'd sail. He thro* life's lust voyage rough storms did endure, Aad found none to help him because he was poor. poor Tom would sometimes at ingratitude sigh. When those he reliev'd passed carelessly bv ; Vei eveti from his soul he would pity the elves, VVlio study the interest of none but tricmstrles, Fi>r agjod natu red action cries Tom must prevail, VVit!i the pilot above who can manage the gale, Vet thro' life's last voyage rough sorms did endure Ati'l fonud none to help hi m because he was i)i>or A f lend came at last who had heard of Tum's He approach d his straw pallet, but ah! ■'twas to ? I ^ So the right hand o.' friiudsbip he warmly appl And the proffered conatiun, Tom calmly decijad. Tis over he cried —the bright moment is past, Tliis old leaky hulk is now sinking at kit, Sh u'd the old master approve, wheii the He sli dl then be rich aUliOu^h he di e pr DE BOATRIA^ DANCE. &Co., Piiiiler-,.2 & 3, Monmouth Conrt, Sevnj Jials, where upwards of 5000 ilifterent sorts of ballada are continually on snle, .ogether with 40 new penny and 60 new half-penny song hook.. DE boatman dance, de boatman sing, De boatman lie be tbery ting : When de boatman cum t)n shore, Him spend liim money, den work for n»oi*. Dance, de boatman dance, Oh ! dance, de boatman danw. We dance all night till broad daylight, ^n* go home wid de gals in de mornin','haw O. We boatmen boys float down de riber, haw u! De boatman liim a lucky man. None can do as de boatman can ; 1 neber knew a pretty gal in all ray life, But dat she was de boatman's wife. 1 went on board de oder day, To hear what de boatmau had to say; Him could not let 'im i-assiou loose,' So Ijira put me in u n Calaboos. Oh ! let me go, me go on sliore ! Oh ! let me go, me cum no more ! Him put me in a horrid fright, An ' me in de air foj a iortnigli Oh, after ua to bed liim goes, And ober us him pull de clothes ; Him lay in bed, was warm and snu" Him jump out ob bed «case hit wid u'bug. Den round de bed ivid swilt legs. And dare him found 200,000 eggs! It took him a month to pick dem up During which time him neber bite or 8„p. lb you go to a Nigger ball, Dance wid n^e or don't dance at all • Says blue ja*kft, and he spoke flat, * is, be awaf3 ob de lon^-iajled cai. THE FISHER BOAT. No reefer struts upon her d<-«!Jt, No boatswain pipes Iter cre-ir. Whose rough and tarry jo^-ket* Are as often brown a-t hlue. Her sails ore torn, her tiiiiher* woem She's but a crazy cni/i, Vet luck beddes her in the gat«. And plenty crowns her lirniKrhi ]jet but a foe insult the Inim. That holds their cottage And English hearts will spring from e«f 'Hie merry litde loam. What ho ! wliat ho ! away they m, I'he moon is high and bright, * (Jod speed the little fisher BwM, And grant a starry night. Xo j>ennant flutters at her inuat No port-holes range her siil«>, A dusky speck she lakes her plft«« I'pon the midnight tide. Wliile gaily sings some happy b»Y. A life upon the sea, \Nith jolly mates, a whiskey cwi. And trusty n<.'ts for me. Hut many an hour of fearful risJs Slie meets upon the wave, 'Jhat ships of stout and g»ant form Would scarcely dare to brave. And iiiany a one with trembling UlOMk Will trim the beacon light, And may God .sjteed the Fisher Boitt Upon a stormy night. We prou lly land th^j daring onoa Who cross the pathlejBs main. The shining gems, and yellow dxnn Of other climes to gain We honour (hose whose hU.od ia triti The mingled waters fotnui, Who light till death, to guard the cafe Whose waters circle rouna. Tis well ; but let us not forg^i llie poor and gdlant set. \Vho toil and watch wiien olb«n timm. To cast the heavy net. Their perils are not paid by ftust*, . To liim the beacon liglit, A*' How she wept with delight when yOu gave her a smile, And trembled with fear at your frown 111 the old church yard in the valley, a^n Bolt, In a corner obscure, and alone, They have fitted a slab of granite so grey And sweet Alice lies under the stone; They have fitted, &c. Oh ! don*t you remember the wood, Ben Bolt, Near the green sunny slope of the hill Where oft we have snng,'neath its wide spreading shade, And kepttime to the click of the mill. The mill has gone to decay, Ben Bolt, And a quiet now reigns all around, See the old rustic porch, with its poses so sweet. Lies scattered all over the ground. See the old, &c. Oh ! don't you remember the school, Ben Bolt, And the master so kind, and so true, And the sweet little nook by the ele^Jil running brook, Where we gather'd the flowers as tb*y grew. 0?er the master's grave grows the glrass, Ben Bolt, And theclear runningbrookisnowdry And of all our old friends who were schoolmates then, There remain now but you Ben,andt And of all, &f . liOTE IJOT. LOVE not, love not, ye hopeless sons of clay, Hope's gayest wreaths are made of earthly flow'rs — Things that are made to fade and fall away. When they have blossom'd but a few short hours. Love not, love not. Love not, love not : the thing you love may die, May perish from the gay and gladsome earth ; The silent stars, the blue and smiling sky. Beam on its grave as once upon its birth. Love not, love not. Love not, love not : the thing you love may change ; The rosy lip may cease to smile on you ; The kindly beaming eye grow cold and strange ; The heart still warmly beat, yet not be true. Love not, lore not. Love not, love not ! oh, warning vainly said, Ir present hours as in years gone by ! Love flings a halo round the dear one's head- Faultless, immortal, till they change or die. Love not, love not. MY ERIN, O ! TflE sultry climes of foreign shores. May bid Lusanna's flow'rs to blow ; But there is one in Erin's isle. That I love far beyond them O. Its leaves unfold the patriot's heart; In honours course keeps steering O : It's still the same midst heat and cold : *T is the shamrock of my Erin, O. The rose may bloom, its crimson hue, And every son of Albion charm ; The thistle, Caledonia's pride, May twine around each bosom warm; But hail to thee, thou plant so dear, In my lov'd land appearing O I 'T is still the same midst heat and cold: 'T is the shamrock of my Erin O. A plant thou art so true and dear. Ever blooming fresh and fair. No matter what it does appear, None can outshine the shamrock O. The flow'rs In spring may bloom, *t is true But after all, they fade, you know : Then here's to the sweet shamrock green! Thou art an emblem of my Erin O. O was I now in Erin's isle, ' No sadness would befall me O; The time so sweet it would beguile, 'Midst scenes of joy and pleasure O But alas ! I 'm on a foreign land, With nought but wildness round me O; Exil'a from my native land But still thou art my Erin O. MART, THE IIIAID OF THE GRBBBf. Paul and Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Coart, Seven Dials, and 35, Hanover Street, Portsea, where upwards of 4000 different sorts of ballads are centinually on sale, together with 40 new penRy song books. IF beauty doth love to the bosom convey, I surely that passion must share : I gaze on thy image, dear Mary, all day, And find all that's lovely is there, Mary by each village swain was confest, The loveliest ever was seen : Tho' humble her dwelling, content is the guest Of Mary the maid of the green. Sweet Mary the maid of the green, ' Dear Mary the maid of the green, Tho' humble the dwelling, content is the guest Of Mary the maid of the green. What though she's bedecked not with jewels nor lace, She needs not such trifles as those ; Nor e'er need to add to the blush of a face, Which so many beauties disclose. No blush ever bloomed from the bud of the ios« So lovely as Mary was seen -, Then I'd gladly resign all the wealth of t world, For Mary, the maid of the jrew Sweet Mary, the maid of the green. Dear Mary, the maid of the green ; Then I'd gbdly resign all the wealth of th world For Mary, the maid of the green. THC Postman's Knock Ryle & Co., Printer,, 2 & 3, Moamouth-court, ' be venT>ials, London. l^HAT a wonderful man the Postman is, Whaf 1 "^stens from door to door ; Fo ^T'^1'^ ^^ "'^« h's ha»ds contain, *" Or high, low, rich and poor. in many faces hejoj can trace, A.?u*'."'^"^^^S"efcansee, AS the door is ope'd to his loud ran tap, And his qmcic delivery'. ^-very morn, true as the clock, 5>omebody hears the Postman's knock. "^w^.i!'^?-'?"'^ "^'^^ ^he news of a birtfc, VVith tidings of death No. 4 : * "^y^J ^ bill of a terrible length He drops through the hole in the door Tn^Vf^^- ^"^ ^'■^"" ^' ^5 ^« leases. WK-, li i"^ presence doth prove : While 17 does an acknowledgement get, And 18 a letter of lore. ' Every morn, rue as the clock, Somebody hears the Postman'* knock. May his visits be frequent to those who expect ^ line from the friends they hold dear, liut rarely we hope compell'd he will be ^ Disastrous tidings to bear. " " Far, far be the day when the envelope shows l^e dark borde- shading it o'er. Then long life to Her Majesty's servaftt we say And oft may he knock at our door; Every morn, true as the clock, Somebody hear* ke Pogtmaa*s kitock LAniES .«d, „f 5000 <>iffere„, "rof UU,'d/.7e^?„inv"'S MARRIED men, draw near awhile And bucks that are so dasliinf While I describe all I know About the ladies fashions. Large bonnets and their fui below?. And bustles, too, alas ! The ladies they have come to wear. To substitute tUeira — . 'fiddle die rum de bi?m. As Toddy and his wife. Went out to lake the air, Says Toddy to his wife. What is it you've got there That every one looks round- As you and I do pass ? It's very strange that they "^p staring at your a—. Tiddle^Ac Why, don't you kno^, my dear, • hat ladies, now-a-dayg, Shew every thing so clear * Without the use of stavs ? I've left them oif, said she. Like every dandy lasg, Amd clapped a bustieo n. Just to shape my i iddJe, 4p, A bustle ! prAy waat's that? You uever bustled yet Except thfc other day When in a druntin fit ttriie, to sjiape your - . A nameless thing, alas More like a silly ape, ^ Than any lady's a~ . Tiddte *e. Then mind my sequel now ' Misfortune oft will come • The bustle got loose some how. And fell off from her — : i Just at that very time ' An urchim chanced to pasa. Who bawled out in words%ubhme Here, ma'am, you've dropped youj Tidd;e.,*p Then Toddy cursed, and svore He'dnerergooutagaii, If such strange things she wore. Unless she were in pain ' The ladies laughed and grinned But hoped th.. hint w^ould pa's. That thoe *no venture out Would fasten on their a-1. tl g 1 oit^s lieply jir—^^Bcn B'dt,:' RYLE & <"o., Pi inters, 2 & 3, Momvonth Court 7 Dials, London. H ! yes, I remember that name with dcli2:iit. Sweet Alice, so chcrish'd and dear; Iseek her lone Kravc in the pale hoar of night, And moisten tlie turf with a tea? ; And there, when the heart is o'erbur- denM with woes, I wander and muse all alone, And long for the time when my head shall repose "Where sweet Alice lie^ under tbe stone." And long, &c. I r^am thro' the wood where so joyous we stray'd, And recline on the grecu sunny hill All things are as bright in that beau- tiful glat^e. But my heart is all lonely mid chill ; For the hand that so fondly I then pressed in mine, / nd the lips that were melting wiih love, ^re cold in the grave, and Tm left to repine, 'Till Tmeet with sweet Alice above. Are cold, &c. J*h ! well I remember the school hojksc and brook, "And the master so kind & so true,** The w ild blooming flowers in the cool shady nook. So fra2;rant with incease and dew. But I \^eep not for the^e, though so dear to my heart, i Nor the friends that have left us alooe, iThe bosom will heave and the tear drops will start, \ For *sweet^Aliee lies under the stone' '^-v^,, ' * For sweet, &c. THE BO you remember the 6l(Tsorf1ier*s daughter As fait as the morning in sprint- time was 8b e, Aad many a lo>er warmlj- had sought ber. To all she was distant as maiden couid be. rtear father, she cried, with thee let nio tarry, Though homely our cottage, a home 'tis to me Afld a TOW I hare made that I never will raarrv Tlien let me lire happy, dear father, with thte. Btjt vain was Uie tow of theold soldier's danghter Tonng Patrick he woo'd her, though humble was be, He knelt at her feet, to his bosom he cuight Ive/ And whisper'd to say when the bridal shall c. Deor father, she cried, 'twere a pi>y to tarry, A cow and a cottage has Patrick for me, And so dearly he loves me, Tri! tempted to mamv And both » ill live happy de^r father, with thee Wlro was the touse of l1;e old soldier's daughter ^ itb Patrick besde her — a bale on l.erknee iSeaged, thebles-scd, ami the youthful all sought hcT, And nore we e so ( heerful and happy as she. And fain was the soldier beside In in tarry Till der>th gently callrd him, and cil'raly slept he. But she still blessed the day she was teraed marry, Saying, Patrick, thou arlnow the world'sloi' oet. sy Four Leaved SHAlHaOCK aucl Co., Fnnteis, ^ 6i - . i I'OOK. ROSA HAY. Ryle and Co., Printers, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials. COME darkie listeu iiul) liie. A story I Ml relate, vVhich happeueil in a valley, lu Ole Caroliuo state; All down among the meadows, I used to mow the hay, I s-lways worked the harder. Wheel thought of Kosa May. Oh 1 dearest May, youre lov i e day Your eyes so bright, they s ine at uight, Wheu the moon is gone away. My master gave me holiilKy, He said he'd give meluore, I very kindly t!>au'A,ed him. As 1 rowed my boat from shore ; Theu down the river i did go, With my heart «>o iight aud gny, To the coitageof my own true love, My dearest Rosa I»Iay. VVe vowed to love each oiher long, As we alone did stray, And oft roy merry banjo's song, Was Ifuued to lloso IVlay ; The white mau witli liis spreading sails Did bear ray love away, Aud now my broken heart bewails, The loss of Rosa May, I sat beneath the old oak tree, I have sat for many an hour A watching of the humming birds, That hopp'd from iiower to ftowei, I have seen my boat upon ihe.nver, I have leaped light and gay, But I never was so happy, As wth my Rosq May SKEW BALL. COME gentlemen sportsmen I pray nsien ati I will sing- you a song- in praise of Skew Ball , Apid how he eame over you shall understand. It was by Squire Mervin' the peail ot our land, And of his late actions you have heard before He was lately challenged by one Sir Ralph Gore For fire hundred guineas on the plains of Kildare To run with Miss Sportly that famous grey mar4. Skew Ball then hearing the wager was laid, Unto his kind master said dont be afraid, For if on my side,you thousands lay would T'would rig- on your castle a fine mass of gold. The day being come and the cattle walked forth. The people came flocking from East, North, and Souii. For to view all the sporters as I do declare And venture their money all on the grey mare Squire Mervin then smiling unto them did sav Come gentlemen sportsmen to-morrow's the All you who have hundreds 1 will lay you, ForVll venture thousands on famous Skev; Squire Mervin then smiling unto them d' Come gentlemen sportsmen to morrow' Spurs, horses and saddles, and bridle For you must ^way to the plains of The day being come the cattle Squire Mervia then ordered hiy-^ And all the spectators to clear t> The time being come not one mo. These cattle being mounted awa* Skew Ball like an arrow pass'^> The people went up to see thet* h Thoy said in their hearts th,vt ihev . g-round. But as they were running in the midst Qi\ Squire Mervin to his rider then began !r.s\ O loving kind rider come tell unto me How far at this moment Miss Sportlys froni, O loving kind master you bear a great Mvle. The grey mare's behind you a long En^ li^ v. HtkB saddle maintains me Ml warrant von iV-r You ne'er shall be beat on the plains of Kudare But as they were running by the distant cl.*ir Th« gentlemen cried out Skew Bali never tija^ . , 4itho' in this countrv thou wast ne'er .seen beforfc rbou ha»tbeateu Miss sp'>'tly wl Ur-^Ve sir Ral^o I ILoveCIheer X p 9 Cheer, leve cheer, no more will we be parted, Hut in the banns of wedlock, united we will be. For since I left my darling-. I'm nearly broken hearted. 1 ventured for promotion, across the briney sea. Fortune, lucky fortune, kindly smiled on me. Safely 1 am landed, young, and in ray prime. To live 1 will endeavour, with you my love for ever,. V)\ wed with you my darling this merry Christmas jiay. Cheer, love cheer, my heart for you is breaking-. Cheer, love cheer, be merry, spruce, and gay. Cheer, love cheer, this is a h appy rn ^eti^.- Cheer, love cheer, for naeci^'^^^nTtmas Day. Eif^land it is well 8tor'd,J>|f^i^lA^f provisions, Every thing in rea8dtt^ijj;,|d^|»4^o cheer,^^ To Australia many ventured out' it is my decisiorPr~ 'i hey would rather be in England, with friends they love 80 dear. Far from iheir home and without habitation. Some for ever banished to a distant foreign clime, Parted from their lover's each friend anJ dear relation, Will think upon tlioir native home — this merry Christ- mas tims. Tt^er**8 geese and turkey's plenty, fine rabbits, hares, and pheasants, It shows that merry Clirisimas is drawing very near, Tlie messengers are busy in circulating presents. Old England for ever, and the season of the year, Sout beef and plura puuding ! love for to be catting. In the land of plenty, come listen to my rhyme, lk)aie will live in spleiidour while others are starvin.;. Yet we still keep hoping for a merry Christmas tituc. j»ftss round the|r«>g, let the toast go round the table Drink to every friend and united we will be We'll keep up the game as Icuig as we are able, Another meriy Chriutmas we may not live to see. lite it is uncertain with each rank and station. The rich as well as -poor, that debt we all will par. Altho' great distinction is held in this nation. But let us all be jovi«l"<»yw»«rry Cbristmas Day. C Paul,!Vinter,l8, Great 6t, ndre«r-»tr©««, Broad street, Bloomsbury. Sold by G. Mason, 38, Kent-street, Boro' i*i'- . i V;Jiu.<«r' ~'%^ ,i^-^ Thou art gone from my gaze like a beautiful dreana. And 1 seek the in vain by the meadow and stream. Oft 1 breath tliy dear name to the winds floating by. But thy sweet voice is mute to my bosom's lone sigh^ In the stillness of the night wheh the stars mildly shine, KA My heart fondly holds a communion with thine. For 1 fell thou art dear and where e'er 1 maybe, I'hat thy spirit of love keeps a watch over lae. Of the birdi5 in thy bower, new Companions 1 make. Every simple wild flower 1 prize for thy sake. The deep woods and dark wilds can a pleasure im- part, Pur their solUtude srvits their sad sorrow worn heart, Thou art gone from my gaze, yet 1 will not repine^ Er« ODg we shall meet in the hope that's now thine, ''"or 1 feel tboa art ne^r *; i Vm AFLOAT. I'M afloat, I'm afloat, on the fierce rollings tide ; The ocean's my home, and my bark is my bride. Up, up with my flag, let it wave o'er the sea, I'm afloat, I'm afloat, and the Rover is free : I fear not the monavch, I heed not the law ; I've a compass to steer by, a dagger to drawV And ne'er ns a coward or slave will I kneel, WJiile my guns carry shot, or ray belt bears a steel. Quick! quick! trim her sail; let the sheet kiss the wind, * And I warrant we'll soon leave the sea-gulls be- hind. Cp, up with my flag, let it wave o'er the sea : l,m afltat, I'm afloat, and tlie Rover is free; ^ I,m afloat, I'm afloat, and the Rover is t'ree.f"-^ The night gathers o'er us, the tliuiider is heard : What matter? our vessel sTtims on like a bird. What to her is the dash of the storm-ridden main ? She has braved it before, and will brave it again ; The fire-gleaming flashes around us may fall — They may strike, they may cleave, but they can- not appal. With lightnings above us and thunders below, Through the wild world of waters right onward we go. Hurrah I my brave comrades, ys may drink, ye may sleep , The storm-fiend is hush'd ; we're alone on the deep Our flag of defiance still waves o'er t!)e sea. r«J afloat, I'm afloat, and the Ro^er is free I ?>afloatrm afloat, and the Hover isfiee' €:;Uii. RRY CHEEK FOR ME. J. Paul and Co., Printers, 2 & S, Moamoath Court, S«vea Diaia, where upwards uf 5O0O differeot torts of ballads ar« continually on sale, tugetlirr with 40 new pennjr, irod 60 new halfpenny song books. DOWN in yon village I live so snug, They call me Giles, tlie ploughman's boy. Through woods and o'er stiles as 1 trudge UMny miles, 1 whistle, I whistle, and whoop gee woo Jerry. My work being done, to the lawn then I fly. Where the lads and the lasses all look very sly And Ize deeply in love with a girl, it is true. And I know what I know, but 1 munna tell yow ; But I'll whistle, I'll whistle, for all the girls e'er did see, Oh, cherry cheek Patty for me. The squire so great so happy mayn't be As poor simple Giles, the ploughman's boy. No matters of state e'er addle my pate, But I'll whistle, I'll whistle, and wltoop gee wljo Jerry. Now cherry cheek Patty she lives in the vale. Whom I help o'er the stile with her milking pail. And Patty has a like notion for me, it is true : And I know what I know but I muiuia tell you. But I'll whistle, I'll whistle, for all ihe girls I e'er did see, (^ Oh, cherry cheek Patty for me. Ize able and strong, and willing to wor J And when the lark rises off" trudges. The cows up I call and harness old Ball, ' I whistle 1 whistle and whoop gee who Jerry. Then Ize fifty good shillings my luck has been sue* And a lad's not to be grinned at who has got so much, And when that I'm married to Patty so true, I know what I know, but I munna tel lyou, But I'll whistle, I'll whistle, for all the girk _ ' e'er did see. Oh cheny Bfteek Patty or m*« i MansbestFrieiid Air ~'^Old Djg Trai/r Ryle an I Co., Printers, 2 .^ 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials Ol'' my wife ( will sing in praise, She is the comtort of my days, The solace and the pleasme of my life ; My joys and sorrows she does share, With her 1 know no care, There is no treasure in this world like a wife. JMy wife she is ever true and faithful, Adversity will not cause her for to roam, All trouhles slie heguilcs, With her artless winning smiles. No friend is like u good wife at home. 1 n peace we live at home, We have a cottage of our own, No angry words are he.\rd within our door ; And tho' frugnl is our fare, We still have some to spare, To contrihute to the wants of the pyor. My wife she is ever, &c When from labour 1 repair. What happiness is there. My welcome she proclaims with a smi'e ; To meet me my chddrc'ii run, With their pretty prattling tongues, While with pride their motlier looks ou the • while. My wife she is ever. When my evening m^al is o'er, 1 seek my cottage do>)r, Sui rounded by those that I love dear ; Where I envy not the great, Nor would 1 change my state, To become a titled knight or a peer. My wife she is ever, 8cc. Then I lay me down to rest, \nd thank Heaven I am blest With treasures, such as gold caniwt buy ; And may they continue long, , Till the sand of life is run, And lam gathered witli the dust for to lie. My wife she is ever, &c. So men take my advice. And a woman never slight. For a wife is your best fr.tnd as 1 will prove For in affliction you will find, She never will repine, Flit with kindly words your mind she will 3O0the, For a good wife is ever true and faithful, Adversity will not cause her to roam, For on my word you may u th merry bells of England — what raptare fills the se««ne \V'.«n their joyous peals the day reveals the birthday of our Queen, As 'aa.i the shout their tones ring out, and voices clear and j;ay Pro«l»ni a nation's homage on Victoria's i^atal day. Ofa m»y ncf out^nd as time comes round to fill with joj the r On i&iiny a happy birthday ol old England's royal fair There' nought a people's loyaltv more truly clearly tell T ha« a Briten's oativc m««M;, old £aglao4'« mexrjr beiU. e\ LABXE BSJSTIiES. MARRIED men, draw near awbil« And bucks that are so dashinj While I describe all I know About the ladies fashions. Large bonnets and their fuibelows, And bustles, too, alas ! The ladies they have come to wear, To substitute their a — . riddle de ruin de bwoa. As Tbddy and his wife. Went out to take the air, Says Toddy to his wife. What is it you've got there That every one looks round As you and I do pass ? It's very strange that they teep staring at your a — . Tiddle, «e. Why, don't you know, my d«ar. That ladies, now-a-days, Shew every thing so clear Without the use of itavs 1 I've left them off, said »he. Like every dandy lass, Aad clapped a bustler a. Just to shape my ,» Tiddle, Ac. A bustle ! pray wnat's that? You n«v*r bustled yet Except th« other day Wben in g drunkea Gt tlrue, to shape your v A nameless tiling, alas More like a silly ape, ^ Thau any lady's a— . Tiddle Ac, Then mind my sequel nowf Misfortune oft will come : The bustle got loose some how And fell off from her ^ - Just at that very time, An uichioi chanced to pass, Who bawled out in words sublime , Here, ma'am, you've dropped joer Tidd*«> »i> Then Toddy cursed, and twof He'd never go out agaiii. If such strange things she wore, Unless she were in pain. The ladies laughed and grioned. Bat hoped ths bint would pase. That thoc «ho vesture out, Woold fatten on their a—. I •If SHOULD DEAELy MKE TO mABRY. I SHOULD dcarlv like to marrj;. If I eoiild only see, Any gay young lady. Suitable tome. She must be rich ard liandsome. Fairer than the Queen, Lovely and good-natured, And aged seventeen. I shouW &c. She must rise np in the morning, Just by the break of day, And get my breakfast ready, That I may haste away. To frolic with the ladies. She mustn't be absurd. And it I beat her with the poker. Why she mustn't say a word. I should, vkv. And »l I come home tipsy, And cann't hold up my head. She must kiss me and undress noe. And carry me to bed. She must always bp good tempered. But never on me frown ; And thank me very kindly If I chance to knock her down, I shoukl, &c. When I come home to dinner. The dishes must be aired, And every 1 ttle article Must nicely be prepared. She must neatly make a court'sy. When T enter in the place ; Black my shoes and trim my whiskers, And nicely wash my face. I shocld, &c. And if in want of money, I should chance to be, She must run away contented, And pawn her olothes for me. She ruust look on me with pleasure, And never with disdain ; And if that I should break her back. She must not dare complain. I should, Jkc So ladies now come forward, • . A« sprightly as you can, thero is any one among you. Can suit a gay young man. Now is your time or never, I can both sing and dance, If you dont be quick, and huve me. You may not have the chance. THE FAIRY. TEMPTER, and Co. Printers, 2, & 3, Mon- mouth Conn, Seven Dials, and at 35, Hanover Street, Portsea, where up- wards of four thousand dfFerentsorts of ballads are continually on sale, to- gether with 40 new penny song boolt» A FAIR girl was sitting in a greenwood shade, List'ning to the music the spring birds made When sweeter by far than the birds on the tree, A' voice murmured near her *' Oh come, love, with me, la earth or air a thing so fair. I have not leen at thee Then come love, come love, oh come, love, wi me. With a star for thy home, in the palace of light. Thou wilt add fresh grace to the beauty of night Gr, if wealth be by wish, thine are treasures un told. I will shew thee the tirth-place of jewels and gold And pearly caves beneath the waves: all these, a these, art thine. If thou wilt U ine, love, j>f: thou will be min*.'* Thus whispered a fairy, to tempt a fair girl. But vain was his promise of gold and of pearl: For she said, "Though thy gilts to a poor gir. dear, My father, my mother, my sisters are here. Oh, what would be thy gifts to i«» , of earth sea, and air, Hmv heait w«re not.thew — if my heart were n there «*«ri^ .H''- f^i^'^^iisaisi'^i Wait for the Wagfg*on Rjle and Co., Printers, Monmouth-couit 7 Dials VJi/^lJ-'L >ou come with me, my Philis dear '^ To yon blue mountains free ? Where the blossoms smell the sweetest, Come, rove along^ with me. It's every Sunday morniDy-, When I am your by your side, .We'll jump into the wagj^on, And all take a ride Wait for the waggon, Wait' "for tli^ waggon, Wait for the waggon, And we'll all take a ride. Where tne rivor runs like silver, * And the birds th^y sing so sweet,] I have cabin a Phil is, And something good to eat. Gome listen to my story. It will relieve my heart. So jnmj) into the waggon. And off we will start. Do you believe, my Phihs dear, Old ^ ike, with all his wealth, Can make you half so happy, As I, with youth and health ; We'll have a little farm — A horse, a pig, a cow ; And you will mind the dairy. While I will drive the plough. Your lips are red as poppies, Your hair so slick and neat. All braided up with dahlias. And hollyhocks so neat. It's every Sunday morning, When I am by your side, We'll jump into the waggon. And all take a ride. Together, on life's joMmey, We will travel till we stop, And i^ we have no trouble. We'll reach the happy top. Then come with me, sweet Piiilis, My dear, my lovely bride ! We will jump into the waggon, And we'll all take a ride, Come up the ITliddle Ryle & Co., Printers, M.onmu'ath-rourt, 7 Dials. T X 7HITE folks all I've just come And what I am going; to sing about, 'Tis the girl who made me shout, The Rose of Alabama. Sambo up, and Dinah dovvn, Sally come up the middle, Don'tyou hear the banjo sound, The tamborine, and fiddle. Rosa if you'll mArry me. Then how happy we shall be, Like a bird upon the tree, Sally come up the middle. After 'reckly, bye and bye. The moon shone bright,and so says 1, I like the the girl who looks so sly, The Rose of Alabama, I landed on a sandy bank, And sit upon a hollow plank, And there 1 made the banjo twank, To the Rose of Alabama. Now my song is nearly done, I hope I've pleased you every one, And I leave off as I begun, To the Rose of Alabama. # S^''-vgi^.. r^nanfMi jaart?. JVOTHIJYG MORE PRyleand Co , Priiiteii, 2 und 3, Moi'mouth-court, \ Seven DtfthsT', IN a valley fair I wandered o'er it's meadow pathways green, Wlier*r llie rippling brook was flowing like the spirit of the scene, 1 saw a lovely maiden with a basket bri.a- ming o'er — With sweet buds, and so I asked her, for a kiss, and nothing more. chatted on besi«le her, and I prais'd lier liair and eyes, riul like roses in her basket, on her cheeks saw blushes rise : VV ith timid looks down glancing, slie said will you pass before ? Bnt, said I, now all I want, is just a smite, and nothing more ! So she sliyly smiled upon me, and we still ke[)t wandering on ; \^ hat with siniling,blushing,chattinu;,soon a brief half hour was gone ; Then she told me I must leave her, for she saw the cottage door ; Not I, until I'd rifled just a kiss, and no- ft thing more. Thus for weeks and months I woo'd her/and the joys that then have birth, Made an atmosphere of gladness seem encircling all the earth ; One bright morning at the altar, a white bridal dress she wore. Then my wife 1 proudly called her, and asi: tor nothing more. The Indian li ass. Ry'e & Co., 2 and 3, Printers, Monmouih Court, 7 Dtih AS 1 \v»s a walking on a t'ar distant shore, 1 caird At an ale-bouse to spend half-an-hour As I sat smoking, beside tne a glass, By chance there came in a >omig Indian lass. She sat down beside me and squetz'd my hand, She said you're a stranger, not. one of this land, I have fine lodgings, if with m>: you'll stay, My portion you shall have without more delay. With a glass of good liquor she wtlcoai'd me in, Kind sir, you are welcome to have anything ; But as 1 embraced her this was her tune, You are a poor sailor and far from your home. We toss'd and '*'e tumbled in each others arms. And all that long night 1 embraced her sweet clmsms With rural enjoyment the lime passM away, I did not go to leave her till nine the next day. ■ This lovely young Indian on the place where she stood, I view'd her swt-et features and they were good She was neat tall, and hauJsome, her age was six- teen. She was bornand brought up inaplace near Orleans The day was appointed he was ^ oing away. All on the v/ide ocean to leave her to stav. She says when you are o'er in your own native land Remember the Indian that squeez'd your hand. Early next morning we were going snil, This lovely joung Indian on the )each did luewail, I took off my handkerchief and wiped her eyes, Do not go an.l leave me my sailor she cries. We weighed our anchoi away then we flew, With a sweei andpleasant breeze, and parted me from ner view, But now 1 am over and taking my gl^ss. So here's a health to the young Indian las*. i I Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth -court, Bloomsbury. Tune. — Jpannette and Jeannol. FAREWELL my dearest Henry, «ince you to sea must go. To plougli the raging ocean, and to face the dariHg ft«e. Oh, think of your poor Mary Ann, vvhe:) on< (^areign sliore. You have vow'd that there is none but me you hwer can adore. Then take this pledge of love, 'tis a ring; I broke in two, One half then I will keep tnyself, that I may think of you, My love I'm sure it cannot change — be falte I never can — One kiss my lt»ve before we part, be true to Mary Ann. From childhood we hare Isved, but since it must be so, That you have chosen a sailor's life, mild may tlie breezes blow, And waft aiy own dear Henry, safe back to England'* shore, It is then we shall be married love, I hope to part no more. Then go, my jolly sailor, my heart still beats for you, And may kind fortune spare your life in all dangers you go thro'. So do your duty manfully, let virtue guide your hand. To return to bless your faithful girl, your own dear Mary Asn. It was early the next morning, just by the break of day, ■ The order came on board to quick sail out to sea, The boatswain piped all bands aloft, my lads come haste away, The anchor's -weighed, the gallant ship sailed proudly through the There to foreign lands, faraway from home they steer, [bay. Some think upon their sweethearts, and some their parents dear. And each unto his pretty girl, they t«ss the flowing can. Hurrah, my boys, young Henry cries, here's to my Mary Ann. And when upon the oc«an, when seas rose mountain high. Young Henry he was first aloft, all dangers did defy. Respected by his officers, beloved by all the crew, A smarter sailor never stept, or wore a jacket blue, It was his happy fortune, his captain for to save. Upon the coast of Africa, while struggling with the wave. He threw himself into the sea where both about were toss'd, The boatit came, one moment more, his life would have been lost. They cruised about in different parts, for three long years or more. At length the order came on board, to sail for England's shore. Unto that land that gave them birth, with all they held- so dear, The perils past, the ship at last into the port did steer. The ship it laid in harbour, and then the jolly ercw. They gave three cheers at parting, each other bid adieu, The captain gave him fifty pounds and teok him by the hand, And then young Henry married was unto his Mary Ann. THL WELCH MEN'S ULEK, OR, ST. DAVID'S DAT>', PALE Winter with thy icy face. We bid thee now farewell. For manlike March has taken place, Wfth us short time to dwell ; He's brother unto April shower*. And ushers in sweet May, And in his cap he wears a leek, Upon St, David's day. When Julius C,esar with his force Did first invade the land The Welchman bold, with foot and hon«.'. Did this proud foe withstand. A tribute he from them did" seek Which they refused to pay, For which they alv\ays wear a leek, Upon, St. David's day. Tlien afterwards the Saxons cane W^ho Essex did obtain. And with an" army were prepared. The kingdom for to gain. Each town and city went to rack, 'While Saxons' bore the sway. At length the Welchmen drove thdm bftck. Upon St. David's day The next to them the Danes come in. That proud surprizing foe. At Winchester they did begii , The land to overthrow. Until at length great Alfred came. Who drove them quite away, And conquer'd all the Danish crew. Upon St. David's day. When crook'd back'd Richard wore the erowa As Regent of the land. No policy could pull down, Or this proud foe withstand, THl Henry of Richmond entered Waiet- Whom Welchmen did obey, And conquer'd him ia Boswortn Fiela, Upon St. David's day. St. James he is the Spaniard's boast St. Dennis is for France, 8t. Patrick in the Western coast, The Irishmen advance : George bears the sword, David the seaHi And Justice bears the sway, Old England drinks a health to Wal^a. Upon St. David's day. The W^elchmen they were always tn# Thsy have full intent. To give their King and Pnnce their d» And love their p»'fcsident, And to maintain their ancient fame. Which never will decay. Love's blessing H'rht upoi) his aaai* Who kespfcS-, JDa^id'a site clapt her arms around him like Venus round the vine ; You are my jolly collier lad : you've won thia heart of mine ; A.nd if that you do win the day, as you hare won my heart, rown you with honour, and for erer take your part, fhe colliers are he best of boys, their work lies under ground, ind when they to the alehouse go they raluc not crown ; 1 hey spend their money freely and pay before they go; 1 hey work uuder ground while the stormy winds d« Wlow. e come all you pretty m»ideai wherever yt>a D>8y 09 A «tn>ier ha do not despise in any degree Vor if ha too do nve (heal well they'll do the same to thee I'laeri is notbing in ihh world HIk^ a pit boj for me. DA^TNING of the DAY. I As 1 walked out one morning fair, al in the^ summer-Bia F.»ih bush and tree was dressed in green, and valleys' their prime; Returning hoaie from a wake, thro* the 6eld» I took my way, And there I met a comely maid, by the dawning of the day. Mo shoes or stockings, c»p or cloak, this comely maid did wear Her hair, Uke shining silver twist, hung o'er her shoulders bare With milking pail within her hand, so noble and so gay; And she appeared like Venus bright, at the dawning of the day Her cheeks were like a ro finest of women should ne'er me trepan. And ,-,0 I'd remain all the days of my life, Grra;. Iqck to the man that has got such a wife. At night when I come sadly tir'd from my work, vVhen 1 open the door she let's fly like a Turk, Take that young squalling brat, and get it to sleep, ^or all the day long no peace ran I keep. And if I should offer the job to refuse, Vi' ;th the longs or the poker she would me abuse. And this is the comfort attending our I&m, , w:*fl that tiie^Kvil had all such wives. SANDY A? Pitls, Printer, tvhohiale Toy, and Marble uarehoust^ 6, Gt- St. Andrews Street, Sevan DiaiS. (■^OME come bonny lassie cried Sandy away, y While mither is spinning- and fathei-s awav. Ihe folks are at work and the birds are at piay. And we will be married dear Jenny to day, And we will, kc. Stay stay bonny laddie 1 answered with speed, winna I munna go with you indeed. Besides should I do so wliat would the folks sa\ , O we canna marry dear Sacdy to day. List list cried the laddie, and mind what you do, Faith Peggy and Patty I give up for you. Besides a full twelvemonth we've trifled away. And one or the other I'll marry today. Fie fie botiny laddie return'd I again, When Peggy you kissed t'other day on tha olaiti. Besides a new ribbon doth Patty di^ulav. So we canna be married dear Sandy to day. Then then a good bye bonnic lassie said he For Peggy and Patty are waiting for me. 'I'he kirk i.>b hard by and the bells call away. And Peggy or Patty I'll nuirry to day, Stop stop, bonny laddie, si^id she with a smii© Lei you know i wasjoKing niUo^a ai) tbe wuiie. For Peg'gy go spin and send Patty away And we will be married dtai S.wuiy lo Jay, KATE KEARNEY. i\ Did you not hear of Kate Kearny, She lives on the banks of Killarney From the glance of her eye shun danger and fly, For fatal's the glance of Kate Kearney ; For that eye is so modestly beaming, You'd ne'er think of mischief she's dreaming, Yet Oh I can tell how fatal's tlie spell, 'I'iiat lurks in the eye of Kate Kearney. Oh should you e'er meet this Kate Kearney Who lives on the Banks of Killarney, Beware of her s-mile for many a wile. Lies hid in the smile of Kate Kearney ; Though she looks sobewitchingly simple, There's mischief in every dimjjje, Cgale, And who dare inhale her mouth's spicy IMust die by the breath of Kate Kearney. ANSWER. ^^ \es r have seen this Kate Kearney, Who lives near the lake of Killarney From her love beaming eye what mor- tal can fly, [ney ; Unsubdued by the glance of Kate Kpar- For that eye so bewitcliingiy beaming, Assures me of misehief she's dreaming, Aiid I leel 'tis in vain to fly from ihe chain, Tiiat binds me to lovely Kate Kearney. At eve when I've met this Kate Kearney On the flower mantled banks of Killarney Her smile vvould impart thrilling joy to my heart, As Igaz'don the charming Kate Kearney; On the banks of Killarney reclining, My bosom to rapture resigning, I've felt the keen smart of love's fatal dart, Ad iithal'd the ^arm sigh of Kate l^earney. BOYN WATER TULY the first at old Rrido-e f-wn, There happen'd a r;lorir>ns baft'e. Whore many a man lay on the STOiind, By the cannons tfrat did rallie ; King- James he pitch'd tils (ents between, The lines for to retiro, But William threw in his red shot. And .«et them all on fire. Thereat the enemv vow'd revev^ge, Ag-ainst king- W'iliiam's forcf s, And oft did cry most veh(;ment'y, That they would stop their courses ; A l)ullet from the Irish came, Which graz'd kin»- William's shoulder, They thot!0"ht his Majesty had been slain, But it did make him still the bolder. Duke Schomberg- with friendly care, The king- did caution. To shun the spot where bullets hot, Retain their rapid motion ; But William said, he don't deserve. The name of faith's deft-ndi-r. That will not venture life and limbs, To make a free surrender. The horse they were to march o'er first. And the foot to follow af;er, But the "ood duke Schomberg- vvas no more By venturiniT over the waier ; not my soldiers be dismayed. For the loss of one commander, For God will be your kin^ this day, And I a general under. The cunning: Frenchmen near Dundalk Had taken up their quarters. And feuc'd ihemitlve^ on every side. Waiting: for their new orde.s, Bui in the mid time oi the nij^iit, They set their lield.- on tire, Afid before the morning Jight, To Dublin did retire, i'lie proleslauts of Drogheda, Have reason to be thankful, For when they were prisoners bound. They were but scarce a handful ; First to Tholsel they were broug:ht. And next to Mil-mote after. But good King William set them free- By venturing over the water. But let us all kneel down and pray. Now and for ever after. And never more forget the day. King Willianrj cross'd Bojn Water. T.xUt, Printer^ whpJrsah Toy and Murble wit^ltnati 6, Great St. Andreiv'e StreH, Sei'en lHat$, m TH UEEIN. GOD BLESS HER. Now fill fill your glasses « itli rich sparkling wine, I've a toast you must drink from your soul ; But accursed be the niggard who dares to de- cline. May he ne'er know the joys of tlie bowl ! 'Tis a woman I'd pledge, and the star of her race. May every sweet pleasure possess her ; Thendrink,whilede!ight shall beam forth ineach face, Here's a health to our queen, God bless her. Good monarch's we've had-^whom we think on with pride. t Who wisely e'er filled theix high station. But now we've a woman, Heaveii bless her — beside She's a child of o,ur noble nation ; Victoria the first is of virtue the gem ; May sorrow^ ne'er seek to oppress her ! Then fill, fill your goblets once more to the brim. Long life to the Queen — God bless her! THE BLOOMING ROSE OF BRITAIN'S ISLE. Ymi pretty maidens, pmy p;-ive attention, Unto my ditty, pray list awhile ; I will inform yon of a lovely damsel. The bloominp^ Rose of fair Britain's LslCi Slie was the danpfhter of a Wealthy merchant, And fortnne on her did seem to smile^ No lass in Europe there scarce could equal The blooming- Rose of jfiiir Britain's Isle. A rich younp^ squire hef mind did fire. His tales of loVe he listened to awhile. While he to ruin was all schemes contriving, The blooming- Rose of fair Britain's Isle. To his tales she did With atte now b 68t» V^Hk William of the Ferry. FRIBNBIaY GARXiAMll. MY FRIEND AND PITCHED The wealthy fool, with gold in stor©, Wai stiK desire to grow richer. Give me but health I ask no more, Than my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher. CHORUS. My friend so rare, my ^irl go f^{j With such what mortal can be richer, Give me but these, a fig for care. With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher. From morning sun I'd never grieve, To toil a hedger and ditcher. If that when I came at eve, I might enjoy my friend and pitchy. Tho' fortune ever shuns my door, I can't think what can thus bewitch her. With all my heart can I be poor, With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher. THE DUSTMAN'S BROTHER. My moralizing muse attunes. Mankind von in their cradles. That some are born to wooden spoons, And some to silver Indies. A nobby fortin' I have made, And rides vene'er I chooses, Besides 1 drives a roarin„'' trade. Through 'polio and the muses. I boast an ancient pedigree, And yarn a tidy crust can, Apollo Bell they christened me, I'm brother to the dustman. In early life I always seemed. To feel an hincliiiatiun, To rise above tiie common class. Of mortals in my station. At Sunday school, I could the boys All round my finger twist 'em. For readin— and I larn'd to write, By the Lanky-steerin system. i boast, &c J wish'd a climbing boy to be, And rising by progression, J swept through all, and soon did see. The top of my profession ; i.iul for a sweep I got too fat, Too boney and too bargy. I found I shouldn't eoot for that, And so I sack'd the clargy. I boast, &0. BTif Innrin'' is a dangerous thing, ^ Lord Byron he determines, I've read Joe Miller's Iliad, And Mister Shakspeare's sarmons. The Pilgrim's Progress, done by Bojj, And Bunyan's Jest Book handy, Sterne's work on Shipping, Coke oo gna And Milton's Tristram Shandy, I boast dsoi In mnsic I made rapid strides. For being a steady goer. In parish Church I got a birth, To hact as horgan blower ; And of a veek day used to try. The tipperv to bring in. And Flander a brick and hearth stone cry. And nightly ven't oat singing. I boast, fiio. My vifo has got a charming woice> For sprats and vatercreeses. And of a morning vorks from (^oice^ At noon her labour oeafles. And then she flares up in our shay^ Vith H tiger, fierce as any — And I goes bawling all the day, " Here's songs, throe yards a penny f I boast, &o. Here's ' EUen 111 love thee ao more,' I through the stret^ts am hooting Likewise ' The death of General Moofiet, &0. I used to hear the young'uns cfaaua(» At ould Vestminster Abby, And so I 'quired it wery soon, Tho' I was but a baby ; Besides my mother, (by-the-byiQ^ A clever fortin teller,) By her enchantments found oot 1 Vos meant for a chant seller. Iboast,&iv I've got a son, a clever lad. At musie quite a gorgoa. He blowa the drum by wbj o( faif. And plays tho barrel organ ; But laming the young wiper hatesj And oft his head I towels, 'Cause he exhasperates tlie H. And \"oat pronounce the wowala. I boast, Sni. When other tradesmen am't awala, I mounts my smdls and jockevs. And sometimes does my elbow shaken Ven I drops in at Crockey'a ; How I've become so gre^it a e*j«il, I hates all useless banter, Nq conjurer it needs to tell, Vy 1 m a street end Chanter. I boast^ Ae. And ven I die and goes to dust, (I'm grave, although I c-an't cry ; My head will make a liandsome bust, If cut by master Chanterv ; Or of me statue should tliey raiae. The sculpture wery cle:ir be. Will sure select to speiik my psaise. The Apollo Bell-vi-de-re. I boast an ancient pedigree. And yarn a tidy crust can ; Apollo Bell they chrisjtencd me, I'm brother to the dustwaa. LOST ROSABE;^ The^ have given tliee to another. They have broken ev'ry row ; They have given tliee to another. And my heart is lonely nuvr I Thev remember not our partliig:, Tney remember not our tears f TTiey have sever'd in one fatal boat The tenderness of years ! was it well to leave me .'' Thou couldst not so deceive n>e ! Long end soreJy I shall grieve Ihse, Lost, lost Rosabel ! Tbev have given thee to anotl>er. Thou art now his gentle bride ! Had 1 lov'd thee as a brotlier, I could see thee by Iiis side- 1 know with gold they've won thae^, And thy tru»ting heart beguii'd ; Thy mother, too, dotii slsun me. For she knew I lov'd her ehilc>» was it well to sever Two fond hearta for ever ? 1 can only answer^JVwe*- / Lost, lost Rosabel ! They have given her to anotUi!', She will love him, too, theyaq^ If her mera'ry do not chide her, O, perhaps, perhapg, she m«y. But I know that she hath spoken What she never can forget : And though my heart be brolien. It wiU love her, love bar, yat^ O 'twas not well to sever. Two fond hearts for ever ! More I shall see her never 1 Lost, lost Rosabel ! PHtt, Printer and Toy WartAovst^e^^ir^ 8t Andrew Sireet, 8«9en Hiab, (•2 HnzsKa! for the liassesk- Blooming Cesae ye ladies fair and pretty , Fay attention to my ditty, Coneerning .of the lasses witty, Cheeks like bloomiag roses, TTjOre's Kitty, Susan, likewise Sally, Pace the lovely lawn or valley, A basket on their arm they carry, FlU'd with blooming peses. Cborus, Huzza for the lasses. They're the girls that none surpasSes^ Drink to them and glyour glasves, Early in the morning. Tho maids of Scotland they are bonny. Girls of England sweet ai honey, They're the girls that's worth your money Virtue them adorning, Balmy lips like sugar-candy, A Venus is eaohllittle dandy, I'll drink their health in wine and brandy, Early in the morning. At eventide they spend their hours In the groves a plucking flowers. Or in their pleasant shady bowers, Lasses and tbeir spousuk They happy ste*, not !ikc thoce paley KirablydH their duty dsiiy, To market do tboy trip so gaily. Ch8ek8ili"t? bloorainzi^roset. So sing tiieir praise and m-ink with pleasure Let the landlord fill the measure, -;fO their eyes lie all n ^ u---^.-. Do not them be IfMl hadone woti'i Now I've. one' i ■^' me, Love has pieici. ., ..row thro' ^e. Early in the morning. To make an end may Heaven shield them Blessings flow and p1o'«!'o vield Inem I'd* a«l»«*rt will hrn . ' 1 them Till thi day itiri I V We'll « -ast them thfee times thr«e so merr Wltii that iiiicy wino called perry In rum or brandy beer or sherry Night \;s well as morning iweet liondon Belles ! O Londoo belles, uweet Londthing else would do for me. Those were the days when my eyes beam'd bright, And my cheek was like the rose on the tree. And the ringlets they curl'd o'er my forehead so while, And lovers came courting to me. The first was a youth any girl might adore, And as ardent as lover could be ; (^was poor, But my mother having heard that the young man Why ! he would not do for me. Then came a duke with his coronet of gold, And his garter below his knee, '- But his face like his family was wonderfully old, So he Would not do for me, *■ The next was a baronet whose blood red hand f Was emblazoned in heraldry ; » But having been known at a counter to stand, '' Why he would not do for me. hen hobbled in, my favour to beg, ; An admiral, a K.C.B. ; But though famous in arms he wanted a leg, * And that would not do for me. Then came a parson burlcy and big, Expecting a very rich see; But I could not bear the thought of a horrid buz-wig, So he would not do for me. Then came a lawyer his claims to support By precedents from chancery; But I told him I was judge in my own little court, And be would not do for me. The next was a dandy who had driven four in haid, Keduc'd to a tilbury ; In getting o'er the ground he had run through his land. So he would not do for n>e. Then came a nabob just landed six weeks. Late governor of Trinoomalee ; His guineas were yellow, but so were his cheeks ; And lie would not do for me. He was nearly the last, I was then forty-four, I'm now ouly just fifty three ; But 1 really Uimk that some I rvjected before,* Would now do vastly well for me. My ringlets 1 borrow, my roses I buy And I go about to cards and tea ; But if ever I venture on an ogle or a sigh, Why ! nobody returns them to me. Then all ye young ladies by me warning take, Who scornful or cold chance to be ; Lest ye from your silly dreams should avafee , ' Ola maidens of fifty-three. ' ^ WILL YOU COME TO THE DALE. WILL yon cotpe to the dale let your Mary prevail. For oft I've heard yoii declare ; That you ne'er would decline in these pleasures to join, Jf Mary, clear Mary, was there. If Mary, dear Mary, was there. Ah why then refuse, say what can excuse, Yotir hasting- our pastiines to share ; See bright shines the sun, the sports have begun. And Mary, dear Mary, is there. Ah why then delay, art thou tempted to stray. By some rival more wealthy and fair; Sure your heart would reply its fond tenant an^#I, That Mary, dear Mary, is there That Mary, dear Mary, is there. But alas, should it prove that another you love. And to church with your bride should repair.; Should some willow tree wave o'er a new pover- ed grave. Think Mary, dear Mary, lies there. THE WELCH HARP. OVER the sunny hills I stray, Tuning many a rustic lay ; And oft times in the shady vale, J sjnf>- of love and battle tales Merrily thus I spend my life, Though poor my breast is free from strife, The blithe old harper call'd am I, In the Welch vales 'midst mountains lygh. a(omeiimes Defore a castle gate. in song of battle I relate ; As how a Lord in shepherd's disguise, JSougrii favour in a virgin's eyes, W.tii rich and poor a welcome guest, Wo cares intrude upon my breast. The blest old harper, &c. Wtien Sol illumes the western sky And evening zephyrs soflly sigh, 6Jit times on village green 1 play, WhiUt round me dance the rustics gay, /Vod oft when veil'd by sable uight, 'fhfci wandering shepherds I deiighi. The b!e4 old harpt-r. Sic. the great & siiiall. •— -ifjn 6To\vj^| ,\l\ fit'iue have a shy. ,.^,^^^ !l thinlcs it wery, Very hard. And so vovlld yon, no floliht, I f tlicy cried vheiie'er yoji, valkVt abl'oad ' Docs veil re iiioth?f kTlo^y youVf out ?' ^ ;A' Siie villi ail a\'(i\\\ }5oiiti Ask'd, as not to be resisted", ' Doc^yonr iiioiherlitioyvyouVeeiii 'up Queeu be happy, uni^ullied lior oom-tj ■^ :'f iior [jeople her pride and' support. j MV. mind's ifiade Up, I v^lll not stay 111 town^ io be derided | But to .so0e .Mlcnt glen avay, ^V^t're.iny ,giiej"can le subsided. ['li ss^K souicrshfk'rirg peaceful nook, ^^ew-lione can couw and rout, i)t question ijie vith ticiidish look^=^ ■ >■"■' l;cr know vcm'reont ?. " ])()<"; iuoen behappj-; should pease |> t a heart in her Icingdom frould falter, .■ \Mce would call forth a triumphant aiTj^ T a defence oi the throne and tJie altar. • I luvels enough reaJj galher'd we find, : Vno spark of right feeling- ho loses I'rays that tlie olive may now he cntwijied :tli the evergreen rreath of the Muses. t lie y.<.ui;c; Quei>i7 be liappj, unsullietl lie* Mfnift _, .. r /- i • '■ ' '■ her jeople her pride and 8\ii>i«>jrt.i^^'V'*' * ever fishing so> My station is resijcctahle, There's nothing about ine In the sliglatest vay detectable, Of l?}e apeing wain co^Jfiiev I keeps mv.ofir<, I drssjies veil, But as I rides, al)Out, The cry is — 'Ho ! my precious svell ! Coys of Kilkenny. •i- Does y.our iiiGtber know you're oilt ?'i I 'Folks vill not let me be, ! Vol's mirth to them to me is voe, ■■ - /illhougb, ]>'rliaps but a spree. Tntuuly ven I sometimes ;try. Fly-fishing, to catch^-UfOUt, .Vuatlie'inore'itUuiif orilthenjon Some willaiir will come,^ and cry~^J,^:^^'^:ZLS^ ' L>o«8 Tour mother know von're out ? \ ... ^ ,. -■ •' I It's, really quite a misery - To be so much annoy 'd, Ito-feariiig this wile tmizzery, Fiieud and foe I amie avoid, roni post 10 ])illar I am chas'd, And driven like a scOut, OIj the ijoysof Kniieniiy are Irrave rovinp! blade.-;, .V-itl.if evev they meet wiUi nice little iTiaitls, i'J'liP.y'll kiss tlie'm & coa.\ tl)eiir& spend their mooeyfre^ [And of all Ihc towns in lix-iaHtl Kilkenny I'or mS. p"In the tflwn Of fcillcpuuy lliere runs a cleni- stream, 'In the town of ICilkeniiy tlier« lives at'tiir danie, (Kcr iip-i aie like, audlicr mouth riuich the ssunft; (Like a dish of I'reali strawlienics braothered in creanl. iHcrcyesAre as Waclc as EUkcnny's large coal, IWhicli thito' ijiy poor bosom have burnt a large hoi* J jilerniind, like its river, is uiild, clear and iiuie, JBut her beak is moi-e hard than jnarUe I'm sure. I'retty to«n, and .shivies vhereit stands) e my heart warms, b« at home, here can get none. I'll build ray lo-»*a castle on Kilkenny's free sn'ouaid , (Neither lords, dukes, nor sqirircs, shall cverpull itiio-w-ll |And if any one should ask yonto tell him my naiilB) |-am au Irish exile, and from Killicnuy I came. ', , W Death of Sir Jobn Moore, Kate Kearney. I yon not hear of Kate Kearney ? lives on tne bank.? of Killarney; "in the glaiiceof her eye, .. un danger and fly, ! atal is the glance of Kate Keanoey. i-'ir that. eye is so inodestiy beamrilg, J,Y. uM ne'er thhik of mischief she''i* dreammg, .> Yet oh, I con tell, ' -■: IIiiw fatal s the spell, , Tliat lurks in the eye of Kate Kearney, nil, should you o'er meet this Kate Keaiiiey, V I'.o lives on the banks of Killarney, ' -ware of her sniile, ■ >r inuny a wile ' ■ " la'jthe sinilo of Kate Kearney. ' laoks sobewitchingly simple, isic iu every dimple, ..r> dares ivihale, ath's r.picy -(lalv-, l>y tho l)r?atl»,'-<" Kats Ke.iniey. ' ', ynist die,*j.« 01 . , ,1,1 iN'ot a drum -ivasheard, nor n Jbneral ntite, ne to ask at ev ry corner S plac d- a.'* bis corse to the rampart (?e hun-ieU ; ' Does your motlier know you're Outt'r'r!•''^°^''"'''■'^'*''^T■^""''l''''*^*^^^"• , J •'1 O er the grave -ivhere our hci-o fl'usburieil 1 vonce the nuisance to escajje, i Vos forc'd a cab to call, | But the fellers out of spite did gape, And vouldn't hear me bawl : Then my pursuers tipt the vink. The cads setup a shout — (I felt so queer you cannot think) Does your mother know you're out ? We buried him darkly at the dead of ni^ht, Thesodswith our liayonetsturnh'rg — By the f-truft^ling moofi-beams' misty light, And the lautcin dimly burning. Ko -coffin endlos'd his breast, Nor iu sheet not- in shroud ivebounil liim ; But he lay like a waniur takiiig his i-est, With his martial clonk aroundhim; For iny part, nothing can I see About my person fiariug, Vy they should push their fmi at me And .saucily be staring ? 'Tis shameful, and with rage 1 burn That ev'ry stupid lout Should cry, vhichever vay T turn — ' Does your mother know you're out ?'it>„,, ,r f 1 .1 1 ^ J Kuthalfof our heavy task was done, rri ^ ^^ ^ t ' T T Wlieu the clock loli'd tlis liour fur retiytnc ; 1 a bail last l«g,lit Invent, i»l wt heard bvthe distant and rundom gun, I And happy migbvV.ave been, I That the foe wa. suddenly lii-ing. , |.\ lAoasniU ev nil! g there have spcnt-'siowlyandMdly wc laid him down, i Vith a •lanisel— beautv'n Ouo^.r. ' i Fv"",<>efioldof hisfaioefresh and^ry -, I , . ,. 'i"f:«.n . I t carv d not a line — we rai8 d not * staM!—- iButKSH vaitz ve tristed, pi 1'"mw- and short were the prayers we .said, And we spoke not a Avord of soiTow, Btrt we steadfastly ijazed on the face of the dead, And « e bitterly thOilght of the mon-ow. We thought, as we hollow'd his narrow bed, .And RHWothed down his lonely pillow. That the foe and the stransci' -^vould ti-ead on his hj And wo far away oa the billow. r.ighlly they'll talk of the p.piHt that's gone, And o'er ills c.old ashes upbraid liim ; But nothin!< he'il reck; if they let him sleep on, 111 the grave ■\\'here a Briton has laid him. Uulwo l*ft him klon« i-n his ^oi-y. --/ JENNY JONISS- A Favourite Welch Melody sung hy Mr. Charles Matthews* My nnme's Edward Morgan, 1 live at Llangollen, From the vale of St. Taffy the flower of North Wales; i My father and mother too, live at Lldng;ollen, Oooen iheHk BK CAREFUL IN CHOOSLNG A WIFE. Pitts, Printer, wholesnle Toy and Marble viire/uuse^ 6, (rt. St. Andrctvx Street, Seven Dials. OW all voung- men that's g'oing- to wed. Don't be catch'd like a bird with a sftjall bi^ oi" bread, For when you are catch'd remember for life, J'J liaveyou be careful in choosing- a wife. Fot women'« deceitful, and so very unkind, "J'wouW puzzle a lawyer to know their own mind, And when you have done the best that you can, The silliest woman will outv/it a man. Fol de rol lol. For when you are wed, and a squaller is born, A Kian may then work his poor fing-ers to the bone, There's the midwife and nurse, and gossoping- crew, T thro ugh. It IS more than a poor man can pull himsel/ m the morning he finds he's quite wet at the hip. His clothes are quite wet, and his shirt is bes- -I, So this is the comfort of a married life, I wish in my heart I had never a wife. In the morning I go to my breakfast at eight. But the devil a spark of fire is in the grate, My wife she lays snoring like a pig in a stye. But there's never a bit of breakfast for I. If I ask her to rise, O she flies in a pet, And bawls out begone, for it's time enough yet, Get thy breakfast tlivself, and be ofT to thy work, And do not not stay here for to idle and lurk. The dinner-time comes to my home I repair, 'Tis a thousand to one if my wife I find there. She's gadding about with the child on her knee. And the devil a sign of a dinner for me: © could 1 but once more be single again. The finest of women should ne'er me trepan. And so I'd remain ail the days of my life. Great iuck to the man that has got such a wife. At night when I come sadly tir'd from my work, vVhen 1 open the door she let's fly like a Turk, Take that young squalling brat, and get it to sleep, for all the day long no peace ean I keep. And if 1 should offer the job to refuse, W;th the longs or the poker she would m« abuse, And this IS the comfort attending our li'^ai, wuMi tfeat tliedsvil bad all such wiv«f. SANDY AND JENNY. Pitts, Printer, whoiisale Toy, and Marble uckrehousis 6, (it. St. Andrius Street, Sev«n Dtats. c "10ME come bonny lassie cried Sandy away. While mither is spinning and fathers aw'av. folks are at work and the birds are at p'ay. The folks are a* ,t^.^ iv..^ -.. x^^^^v. «* ^. And we will be married dear Jenny to day. And we will, ic. Stay stay bonny l^die 1 answered with speed, winna 1 munna go with you indeed. Besides should I do so what would the folks sa% , O we canna marry dear Saeidy to day. iiistlist cried the laddie, and mind what you do, Faith Peggy and Patty I give up for you. Besides a full twelvemonth we've trifled away, .\nd one or the other I'll marry to day. Fie fie bonny laddie return 'd I again. When Poggyyou kissed t'other day on tb* olaib. Besides a new ribbon doth Patty dLsplav. So we canna be married dear Sandy to day Then then a good bye bonnie lassie said he For Pegjry and Patty are waiting for Tie, '1 he kirk is hard by and the bolls call away. And Peggy or Patiy I'll marry to day, Stop stop, bonny laddie, siiid she with a smile Let you Know i wasjoKing rnUeeo nli the while, For Peggy go spin and send Patty away And We will be muiried dcai Sainly lo day. Pretty Girls of London. IET poets sing ab'-'ut the fair, .* And praise thc:r wit tljfir grace and air, 1 he country ha' its «)anise's rare. Who many hearts have undone I'm lor rosy checks and tVuns divine, t-or sparkling tyes and tteili mi tine, Ivn oilier /linidens can ou'smnp, The pretty girls oi Lot:di.u. The dandy takes such miahty care. To sprucp his person, cuil his hair. Wears whiskers too a killing pair, And thinks he's not by one done, T hen up Bond street he struts so gay. Smokes his Havannah on the way. Ha swaggers in his fine array , xo charm the girls of London, T'»e sfcopman saves ap a'l his cash Al'Out the streets to cut a dash In beauty's heart to make a sma I', with pride enoiifrhto stun one, On Satnft'ay he his clothes gets out < >n Sand ly proudly struts about Bni on Monday his tog^s gn upth» spout yhro' Heating tne girls ot i,ondjn Tho chimney sweeper cries ' I wow, 1' nate tnis »uigar caling now, J means to be a sla|> up beau. And goes vhcre there is fuo done lil vosli my tk n so lilly white, ^ind sport mv Benjamin all r ^ht 'J hf 11 shan't 1 Hare up hlow me ti^tit And gam.non tlie girls oi london. The Jolly tarsjust come ashore, uiih shiners m his purse galore Sttuts out in guest you mav be sure Of a port svhere there is fun dune^ As drunk as Chloe he roils ^Lout otnongst tn3 ayses raa'^e* a nut tui often he gets cleaned out, ijy the j.retty girls of London, Apprditice >oys who mm wouJJ be Ali w'nh Jociarm ttit- fail d'ye see, ' So with ihei! master's cash makd-+ice» TJnlii 1 hey find ihoy 're undone Each place of fashion they are at, Jjfiv.k their champaign and quisthe fat They >port t'le IjIjhi and cut it fat. With the pretty girls of London* Old gentlemen ©f sixty four. By gout and astlima plagued so sore. Inspired with love reel pain n.5 more A nd anxious as a young man. Cry 'talk of ai^e poh, poh, all stui?, I'm qu te a lad and hale and bluti I'm sixty fonr, that's young enough for the pretty girls of londonj So in every rank in every sta»-e The london ladies are the rag'e/ Tteir beauty charms both yb.ith and 1 hay really are by non? done. Their bhss, their lovely faces (ioar where'er or when ifaey may appear And may (iood fortune ever cheer ' The prettv girls of london Prest By the Margin of Fair Zur/ch's Waters. B .^ tbe margin of Zurich's f..i, wat^is ; ayie-. Dwelt a youth whose fo„d heart ni^ht i;n,i -iav I'or .he of fa-r Zurich s da. J.tersuvi^o in a dream of Icve melted awaA . When alone, no one fcolder than iie Rut with her none m,)re timid cotiid h^ WilJ you I.St to me dearest. I |,r...y ; usis.i When She did, this was all he could say, Ayieo ayieo alack wtll a day . Ayita, ;iyieo, vas all he cot Id .ay By -he margin of Zurich's fair waUrs - yi,o ^t'liecrcseofafi.esamnu.rsd-;v To the fairest of fair Z.rvh^s d.urhters avir^o , This fond jouth round at h.t tonao. ir; s ' ? I mm love, as you plainly nKMs.c"'''* i.ou)d Move any other hilt t^-^ay -hen wilt thou be uiy bride, ay:©', ^au ^ou tell how this fair one replied /yieo, ayieo, f have you tog'jcsT Ajico^ ayieo of cjursr! sh- said ' ^es.' J. Pitts, Printer & Toy Warehouse (\^ Great Sr» Andrew Street Se. ven Dials -^ lET US HASTE TO Kelvin Grove. Prin.ed by T BIRT, "I (\ Great St. Andrew -Street, (wholesait and relaii,) -*• ^^ ^ Seven Dials, London. I'oiintiy OiHer* puucinally attended to. Eveiy tlesrrip\wa of Printing on the nnost reasonabU Icqms. 'W KT u.s haste to Kelvin grove, Bj^ . Bonnie Lassie Ol Through its. mazes let us rove, Bonnie Lassie O ! Where the rose in all its pride, Paints the hollow dingle side, Where the midnight fairies glide, -Bonnie Lassit; O! We will wander by the mill, BonnieLas«ic ! To the cave beside the rill, BonnieLas«i« O ! Where the glens rebound the call Of the lofty waters fall, Through the mountains rocky hall, Bonnie Lassie O I Tlienwe 11 upto yonder glade,BonnieLassie01 Where so oftbeneath its shade, BonnieLassieO! With the songsters in the grove, We have told our tale of love, And have sporting garlands wove, Bonnie Lassie O ! Ah ! I soon must bid adieu, Bonnie Lassie O ! I'o this fairy scene and you, Bonnie Lassie O ! To tlie streamlet winding clear, To the fragrant scented brier. E'en to thee of all most dear, Bonnie Lassie () 1 }''orlhefrownsoifortunelow'r,BonnielYassieO ! t.)n thy lover at this hour, Bonnie I-assie O ! Ere the golden orb of day, Wake tlie warblers from their spray, From this land I miTst away, Bonnie Lassie (> ! And when on distant shore, BonnieLassie O ! 'Should! fall midst battlesroar, BonnieLassieO ! Wilt thou, JULIA, when you hear, Of thy lover on his bier, To his mem'ry drop a tear, Bonnie I^assie () ♦ ANSWER TO Kelviai Grove. Wirtfcteii expressly for MfSS STEPHENS, by a Scoirish Olfieer. Printed by T.BIR f, T! /^ GreatSt. Andr-ew-Slreel wkolesaleand retail, ^-^9 Seven Dievls, Loiidvn Counlry Orders punctually atlerided to. tt* Handbiljs, (-arib, &c. PriiUed neat and cl;inp, THEN'farewell to Kelvrn Grovt, - "Bonnie Laddie (} ! The sweet scene of *arly love, Bonnie \ ddie O ! Farewell to cot auLt xnill, Farewell to dale and hill. We'll fondly gaze adieu, Bonnie Laddie O ! Hark ! the drimis to arms do beat, Bonnie Laddie O ! Let us march our foes to meet, Bonnie Laddie () \ When in the battle liehl, Loves guardian angel shield. And my prayer shall be for th^a^t, lioniiie Laddie O! ff thou'rt wounded in the strife, Bomiie Laddie O ! 1 will cheer and guard thy life, Bonnie Laddie O ! Amid <1; ead war s alarms, Thy pillow be my arms, Till health again restore, M\ Bonnie Laddie O ! When peace shall bless our shore, Bonnie Laddie O ! To our native hills once more, Bonnie Laddie O ! With little cot and mill, Beside the fall aiifl lull, Scotland's Sons shall hail, My Bonnie Lacidie O ! JACK HALL. BIRT. Primer, 39, Great St. An<5rew Strret, Seven Dials. My name it is J.'Kk Hall, chimney sv\et'p, chimnoy My name it is J«ck Hall, chimney sweep, My name it is Jack Hall, And 1 rob both great and small, But my liie must pay for all. When I die, when 1 die But my life itust pay for all, When 1 die. I'fe furnished all m>|room, that's no joke, Ihat's no joke, ]\e furnished all my room that's no joktJ, I've furnished all my room» Boih with shovels and birch brooms Besides a chimney pot that I stole, That I stole, thai 1 stole, Besides a chimney pot that I stole, I sold candles in the Jail short of weight, short of weight, I sold candles in the Jail short of weight. But the candles that I sold, They would light me to the hold. They would light me to ihe hold, Where I lay, where I lay, They ->vould light me to the hold Where I lay. They told me in the Jail, i should die, I should dia T»»ey told me in the Jail. 1 should die, Oh ! the) told me in the Jail I should drink no more brown ale. But the ale will never fail More shall I, more shall I, But the ale will never fail, More shall I, As we goes up Holborn Hill in a cart, in a cart, As we iioes up Holborn Hill in a cart ; As we goes up Holborn Hill, At St. Giles's we did fill, Then for old Tyburn We depart, we depart, Then for old Tyburn, We depart. The ladder and the rope went up and down, up and down. The ladder and the rope went up and down, Oh ! the ladder and the rope, My collar bone they broke. And a devil a word 1 spoke come dewn. Coining down, coming down, ; And a devil a word I spoke j, Coming ou must all kno^v, Dai's whare Jim alon^ Josey all de i^o, Dem nigger all rise when de l)e)i doe ring, And disain de song dat dey does sing. Hey get along, get along Josey ; Hey get along, Jina along Joe, *• Hey get along, get along Josey ; " Hey get along, Jim along Joe. Once old Jim Crow was dere all de go, Till him find him rival in Jim along Joe, Now poor old Jim, dey hob put him to bed, And Jim along Josey hab come in him stead. Hey get along, &c. Oh, when I got that new coat I expect to have soon Likewise de new pair tiijht knee trousaloon, I'll svalk up and down BondSlreet wid mySusanna And in my mout smoke de real Habannah. Hey get along, &c. Josey My sisa Rose de oder night do dream, Dat she was floating up anc) down de stream; And when she woke she did bei:in to cry, 'Oh, de white cat pick'd oui; the blacK cat's eye.' Hey get along, &c» • Now away down south not berry far oflF, De bull-frog die wid «le hooping cough ; And t'odder side de Missippi,a8 you must know, Dare was whare dey christen me Jim along Joe? Hey get along, &c» J Dem New York Nigger tink dey are so Rfiw, Becau-e dey drink noting but de genuirft, But de poor Kentuck Ni'gger when der day goite by, • Sarve them like old horse kicked out to die. Hej get along, &c. Oh, I'se de bold nigger dat don't mind his (rouble Ijecause dey're noting more dan bubbles, De hanibition dat such nigger feels, Is shuvvmg de science ob him heels. Hey get along, &r. De best President we eber hab was Gineral Wash'nton, And de one we've got now him Massa Van Buren But though the old Gineral him long gone dead, So long de country stand, hini name float ahead.- Hey get along, &c. Burling^ ton Bay^* THE rain rain fell in torrents, the wind whistled shrill. The thunder pealed loud from the cliff. When wjth terror the bosom of Mary wng filled, As she thought on the fisherman's skill'. In vain near the Foreland, his tackle to cast, Plied Robert — undaunted he lay ; The gentlest of swains yet in dariut,' the blast, The noblest of Burlington Bay. Night came, not a moment poor Mary she slept, Still louder the storm, seem'd to roar : She lay & she trembled, she watched & she wept, And at morn bent her steps to the shore. But, ah, what a heart-rending sight, Broken fragments and wrecks scattered lay, And amongst them was Robert, her hope & delight The boldest of Burlington Bay. CAUOI.S LMCTURBS. Oil! suth a jolly gam'* !b»"V*s Ije.rn, And Siiich a l^rk vn-i nc-vcr scjrilf ; • )iie night viea Al. ^><'. '''u '< (!. Where h -.''o you bfeo all : X j^g» V'i iis Mrs. Cuudle. IS.iinm I andL"n:s l!:oV «'■ n ; !l nl;:' !, ■u" ii)^ awnv'i ' fffv, ;i -II MiS'rr A rn.l : '' , ( '' r ■;. C li ..1-. /,cl fnonc//. \Vl!1 I'm sure, pofkef nioiiey iu- <.'I ! did evtrtiiiy person hear ot such :,'.;s;irdily. ^^'!»y A!'oe,rf, yim oy.^h\ 10 i)«asha'.;i*'i' elf. You lu ly wcil s^.y pu,)r.!oh!) ;' .11. John Buli be one good fellow. You may well s:iy that Al., experieucc- makes f 'Is vvi:!.c; uud when you came from Germany you ha'l not got as much as would I) .it n coat government. How dare you presume to fnk me in that clandestine sort of a mann*^r. Beg niv pardon, you rip.sC'il!ion, you are fond ai bcg- gwg lil-.e all your country people. Yo!i '.avc beggi^d plenty I think. You lirsl came ;• begging for a uil'e, and then i':x'r mouey, and now for time to •-'pend it. oo to Germany will you > You may go to .Jericho if you like, there are more hnsbunds in En;;rlaiid» than p;nish chwrchev. And tell nie .\l., what do you think of doiog i.i G y? Do ynu think you will find as big a fooi as old John 'lull. Deal in s;iiis, ges will you ? You don't like nursir.g cliildren don't you } and pray whet i.s ihe reason of t'.at .%!r. Nincoir.pofip. Wet yo;:r troiiser*, eh ! Well i detd, I think you ou,::;ht to be very thai;kful you h ive any (roiisers to wet. Why, you hid never a rail mouse trap. I made a gentlem v.i of to your shirt when 1 married you, and you, put clothes on your back an:j money iu your pocket ; ami now you have the impudence to iisk for more pocket money. You help k;>ep ihe children > well I'm sure. Y; nee they were born ; i have not for now you have more shiits ihau you know wh.;t to do with, aud which neier cost jou a single f.irthing. Cut up two of yoii'- sliirts fur ti;:nkins. An! >^!ii>l if i di.i, hivo I noi. a right to do as 1 like withiimy own .'' I tell you what it is Ar., you have got too f;it and too saucy since you have re- sided at the Crown Inn. Did 1 not make you a hushand, and then did I not make you a father, and have not I made you a soldier, and yon being got the gin dunking nurse yet Mister not satisfied with that, made yourself Al. And pray what do you want more a farmer? and now you talk of making money for, eh } 'Vr. hay dunkt ys eh and pray why do you want donkeys ? have you nothorsesr.nd cnrringrs, and hulls,"and cows, haveyoa iiuJ gui pgs, and wheelharro\v.t c*inl'd. Oh ! Al, you ongltl lo be j..shanjeil of your. ought indeed ; p filling his bags. While your own family are clothed in rags, There'd the bes.t roast and boii'd to his table is broiigl While your wife and children eat potatoes and salt. There's the landladies' also, liko dolls at a fair, With silk gown and lace cap are stuck in the bar, Is it not a shame such things should be said, While your o\Yn wile lias scarcely a cap to her head. Now all the week long while spending your money, They'll caress you with words that are sweeter than hoo* But when for to please them you have spent it all, You'll find that their noncy's as bitter as g-all. Strong; ale at the first it was sent for our good. To strengthen our bodies, and nourish our bloo' , 13ut drank to excess, why it must be confess'd, It oftentimes makes a man worse than a beast rho' others should drink, and spend all that they can, That's no reason why you should act the same plan, Tho' they swear, lie. swagger, and drink till they bort lie advised and think on your own family first. Now if you should owe them a shilling or two. You quickly will find them look very blue, But if you have money your reckoning- to pay. It's thank you, kind sir, you're welcome to me. So all rakish husbands who are given to roam, I'd havo you think belter for the time to come. Look well to yourself, your children, and wife, ^v> ^Tien you may li«\'e happy the rest of your life. '■■'' Printed byT.BIRT,| 1^ Great St. Andrew-Street, wholesale and retail, ^-^? Seven Dials, Ix)i>doB. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on reasonable tcrnM. ^^OOD people all I pray draw near, ^JK And listen unto me. And when you Ijear what I relate. With me you will aj^ree. We soon must bid the world adieu, 1 he rich as well as poor. Neither «;old nor silver can i;ive health. Or ease ihe brow of care. Come all you worthy Enj^lishmen, That dwells both tar and near. And assist each oilier in time of need And live in friendship here; For soon we may be culled hence, W here tliousiiru's are gone before. There's no distinction in the grave. Between the rich and poor. There are Ihe ^reat and mighty men Kings and Princes loo. They all must be consign'd to death. And bid this world adieu. Go search the tombs where Monarchs rest. And then it will be found. Their wealth and glory is bereft — Once men of high renown. Come all you worthy Englishmen, The truth yoii can't deny, I hope each other you will befriend. And each other's wants supply ; To assist your neighbours in distress. It is your duty so to do. But the world is now at such a pass, Such friends you find but few. This world is but a stage of life. Where we walk up and down. In searching for a place of rest. But none can there be found. This life is like a ship at sea. By waves toss'd up and down. We hope to find a place of rest. When the lasttpumpet sound. .S B gfetaM gfa'^gT- BIRT, Prltiter, 0. Great Si \nirew Sireet. S( veil Dials, Lojulo!) OH, tioA- I come before y<»«. To sin-? a liitk? song, I plays upon de bunjo, And dey call it Lucy Long. So take your time Miss Lucy, Miss Lucy, Lucy, Lucy Long, So tHke youi- time Miss Lucy, Miss Lucy, Lucy, Lucy Long. Miss Lucy sbe's so handsome. Miss Lucy sbe's so strong, She is so berry suucy, Because she is so young. So take your time, &c. Her waist it is so slender, Just like de ball of cotton, Her mouth from ear to eur, It neber be forgotten. So take your time, &c. Her teeth they are so pretty, Just like de ear of corn. Her eyes they are so i-illing, I wish I ne'er was born. So take your time, &c. Her face It is so shining, Just lil?ve!i Diais, Lfindon. MY name is Pat Murphy, I'll never deny, J've travelled the country for m uiy a long day. Through England, through Ireland, and Scotland and a', And the name that 1 go by is Erin go Bragh. As I was walking up White Chapel Street, A saucy policeman 1 chanced for to meet, He look'd and he star'd and he gave me some javr, Says he, when came you over from Erin go Brugh« It's I am no Paddy tho' to Ireland I've been, Fath I am no Paddy tho' Ireland I've seen, And if a Paddy faith what's that to you, There is many a hero from Erin go Bragh. I know your a Pat by the twist of your hair, But you always turn Scotchman when you comt here. You have left your own country for breaking the la«r I am seizing all stragglers from Erin go Bragh. With a lump of black thorn that I held at my fist, All round his big body I made it to twist, The blood from his napper I quickly did draw, With a lump of shillelagh from Erin go Bragh. The folks they flocked round me like a lot of young geese, Saying where's the wild Irishman that's killed our police. Where I had got one friend I'm sure he'd got two, But I pla\ed them a tune they call Erin go Bragh« There is a little packet sails off to the North, ril pack up my bones and 1*11 shortly be off, Bad luck to ail racketty policeman and a*. To the devil I'll pitch them, said Erin go Ek'agh* P 11 E T T Y jjj SUSAN ill The Pride of Kildare. I \| M li (^; ^ When first fFom sea I landed, J had a roving mind, Undaunted I rambled my true love to find, When I met pretty Susan with her cheeks like a ron And her bosom more fairer than lillies that grows. I!er keen eyes did glitter as the bright gtar of night. -^nd the robes she was wearing was costly and while Her ba e neck was shaded with hei long raven hair. They call her pretty Susan the pride of Kildaic long time her 1 courted till I'd wasted my store, llcr lore turned to hatred because 1 was poor, She s.iid I love another whose fortune I'll share, >o bogone from pretty Susan the pride of Kildare. my heart asked next morning as J lonely did suay, 1 espied pretty Susan with a young lord so gay, And as I passed by them with my mind full of care , I sighed for pretty Susan the pride of Kildare. Once more on the ocean I resolved for to go. And was boi;nd to the east with my heart full of woe, 'J'here I beheld ladies, in jewels so rare. Bat none like prettySusan the pride of Kikhire. S omelimei) 1 am jovial and sometimes I am <-d(], Siuce '^ lovp is ronrtt'lessn)i?s on my Si;s;ui the pride of Kild-ftre. \\.V\ i.N'J ~ Ceieeii^'God Tre«. Now by the wiuinn- iireeinvood trtc, AVe iiif ny nieirv \varri()r,s roam ; Carcles and jovial ever tree We bail our native borne. We roam beneatb fair Cyntbia's lig-ht, Or biding- in the shade, Telling- soft tales of rue delight, To sonic lovely woodland maid. Now by tbe waving, <\c. Now by tbe waving greenwood tree. We merry, merry warriors roam : Careless and jovial ever free, We bail our native home. We quaff not, we quaft'not the red, re (i ^\ ine But our nut-brown ale is good, For the song and the dance of the guat we ne'er pine, rude. While the rough wine — our clioristers ^'i<:^!^^«-^M^I-^^^^^^A.^''ic6^ k^-^ ^3^ *HE THE piritof theStorm Mioufe Qim at Sea. rinted byT.BlRT, 1 |^ Croat St. Aiidrevv-Sueet, nhoksale and retail, ■■ ^^J Sevcii Dials, London. Ceunlry Orders pnncttially alttndcd to. Every description of Prin;int( on reasonable terms. Children's Books, Baiiledorts, Pictures, ike. RECITATIVE. AT sight of each terrific form, All trembling, & with fear opprest The halcyon quits her sea- built nest, Prophetic of a coming- storm To desolate a smiling huul. • AIR. Loud roars the spirit of tiie storm, Their breasts the angrv billows r(.\ar; Bursting their boiuids, they seem to arm And battle with the murky air; The mariner then calmly feels jllie perils of his iiapless state, Before high heaven he tremblingkneels. And to his Will resigns his fate, Through horrors rise upon his view, Resolv'd to steer the vessel true. ^ Hoarse brays the trumpet's throat — the' while The fiends of war their fire-brands shake And Carnage on some burning pile, Sits brooding o'er an empire's wreck ; •Tis then the soldier's manly heart To home one tear-drop doth bequeath Bends to that Power tiuit points the dart Just midway 'twixt life and death. Tho' horrors rise upon his view, Resolv'd to fight the battle true. MouDtain Maid. ^THHE Mountain Maid from her bower has hied, •■■ And speed to the glassy river's side, Where the radiant mead shone clear and bright, Aad the willows wav'd in the silver li^ht, Oa a mossy bank lay a shepherd swain, He woke his pipe to tuneful strain, And so blythelygay were the notes he play'd. That he charm'd the ear of (he Mountain Maid. Sihe step'd with timid fear oppress'd. While soft sighs swell her gentle breast, He caught her glance, and mark'u her sigh, ^Lnd triumph laugh'd in his sparkling aye. ^o softly sweet vvas the tuneful ditty, ]q charm'd her tender heart to pity ; Vnd so blithely gay were the notes he play'd, :''hat he ffain'd the heart of the Mountain Mai<- bliss, I'm for peace and quiet, I'm for j eac t- utul quiet I^ike gossamer Ihis hcarl mother, Mowe'er you would resfrjiin, Wbcfi angry storms blow over, Mollier, will rise and float again. Molher, Molhir, &c. Mother, Mother, I'm young and gay. And cannot yield to sorrow, Molher, my spring of lile is in ils May, Kill care uniil to morrow, kill care^until (o- morrow. My heart is like this cork, mother, If cast upon I he main, I hoiigli detp it sink awhdc molher, ■rwill rise an''^1 l''s trim skiff, as he"d oft done helore ; w^ •v^^VAidC/fiRVC IV^caiJ , Bui his Nancy to whom he scarce a week had been shackled, f^plt a dread at the parting, and prayM he'd remain l!f> -^mii'dat her fears, cried I'm well rigi;j*'d& (ackled, fc-re ni^ht-tali my Nancy shall see me aj^ain Round his neck with a heart of foreboding his \\jie hung. He kjystd the salt tear from her cheek, bade adieu. r'oiPd bis nets and onboard his skiff with life sprung, Hoisted sail, waved his hand, & acceded from view Si cce-s crowned his efforts beyond far his looking, And he whistled and sung in the praise of his Na» His net lines and tackle he presently took in, l''>cked about and homeward with full sail he ran. Biu ine winds quickly veering — the clouds thickened heavy, i The rain poured in torrentsand loud thunder roar'd 'Ihe billows rolled high, and the lighting was vivid, The mast it was shivered and went by the board ; 1 lien poor Hawser in vain, as practice advised him, Strove to govern thesk iff which he found leaky grew H^-uth stared in his face and a wave soon capsized him His last word.s were, '' dear Nancy, thy fears were too true." A nijjht of distraction poor Nancy passed o'er Blue burnt the flame, and her heart foudly beat, As day broke she hastened to traverse the sea shru'C Bare headed, in hopes her dear Hawser to meet. A form by the waves newly thrown she spied out A form too vv ell known, 'twas her Haws-er so brave She ffll on his breast kissed his cold lips & sighed out Tis ihy bosom my Hawser ahaii be thy Nan s grave Now the news \va& ?oon spread & the beach quick»5 crowded. To see the fate af this couple ro true, F will come wi;h roe, ]My little servant for to be. And those soft notes you sweetly sin^, ilepeat uiito my nurseling youn'' . ' ^ W 1 will listen with attention so tune up now I pray ^ Tiie lound it was so beautiful, &■ plea-ed Iser so well, ^ It's> all niffht i'll lay if you p'ay the devils in theuirl 'SM The Sound tiwoke the mother upon the second floor ^ W liu run down iu her bedgown and like a l)ull did ^ roar, [ri^'ht well, ^ She spoi t the young mans music she pummerdhim f^r Then .-aid the jade he only played ihe devil's in the ^ rbis youug man quickly left them, his journey to ^ pnr-ue, [iy giew, ^ Buc mark what followed after this young girl poor- W§ Her u)uil)cr said one morning what's the matter Sal ^ "You mopo about just like a goose the devil's in the ^ Six moiitlis was ^oon pass'd over hf»r gown it would ^ not nifct, ^ Her motixr finding out the same said it was a treat ^ ,0b daughter said the mother, the music made you ^ swell, (t-he girl, ^ wl)y it's never good to play that tune the devil's in ^ A twelvemonth being over, this young man out of ^ fnn, (son, •«• He went that way and met the maid who'd a lovely ^ She said kind sir come marry me for you can please ^ me well, ' (the girl. || Then he shook his head & smiling said the devils in J^ Oh if I played my uuisic it pleased you no doubt, ^ You ought to pay the piper if he (he tune play'd out ^ So go your way my fair maid I cannot be yonr pal *^ Oh iCs get some other one to play the de\irs in the J| girl. ' ^ 80 all vou pretty fair maids pray be advised by me, ^ For you see I'm rewarded with a baby on my knee ^ There's a tune will please you and ruin you as well ^ 80 £air maids beware, don't get to near the devil's 4^ iulhe girl. % FCOP» 0^< VERSES ON THE WRECK OF THE STEAM BOAT "ADELAIDE," With the loss of nearly 200 lives. OF all the great calamities, Yon ever yet did hear, Whether by land or sea, For"\»aiiy a bye gone year ; Thc'dismal tale f now assert, Doth far exceed them all, If pity dwells within your breast. It win cause a tear to fall. Good people all, pity them, That was "on board the Adelaide. On the 30th day of March, A dreadful storm did riso. The wind it blew a hurricane, And dismal was the skies. The ceast along, with the wreck was strcw'd. And on that fatal night. Nearly 200 met with a watery grave. And ncier saw the raoruihg light. It was on the thirtieth day of March, Tiom Dublin she set sail. js7^-i.-i-jff.s*kr' And bound tinto fair London, With a sweet and pleasant gale; With passengers on board of her, The vessel was well mann'd. And many widows now are left to mourn Without a helping hand. And sad to tell, the Adelaide, That ninht she met her fate, The sufferings of the poor souls on board. Is awful to relate ; To London bound with passengers, Each heart with joy did beat, They little thought when on board, They would be sunk in the deep She gallant through the channel stecr'd, -And all on board Nvorc well. Bin. now it does my "bosom pain. This sequel for to tell ; "Twas on that fa(al night, It blew a hurricane. It was a dreadful sight to see, i The Vessel on the main. * The raging sea ran mountains high, T4ie tempest did unite. Poor souls in vain^did shriek in pain. Most dreadful was the sight. On Xhe North Forelind the^wreck took place. The passengers it is said, Withpiercingshrieksthcydidiraplor^ Kind Heaven their lives to save. To sec the wreck that awful night, , \t pntthr»m to a stand. The gallant ship wasj near to shore, Upon the fatal sands ; The children round their parents hnn^. They tore their hair with frighj. To think they thus should end their days. And laud so near in sight. They rolled their eyes in wild despair Destruction seemed so nigh. And from the seip burst shrieks and cries, That almost rent the sky ; The foaming billows roared beneath Most awful was the sight. For all expectee instant death. All hopes seem'd banish quite. You tender hearted Christians Extend a helping hand. To the widows and the fatherless That^s left upon the land. To aid your fellow creatures That arc in deep distress ; For what you give unto the poor. The Lord he will you bless. BIRT, Printer, 39, Great St.Andrew Street, Seven Dials. BEN BLOCK. Primed by T. BIRT, "l |^ Gr^at St. Amlrtw-Slreet, ^•holesale nid retail,) -"-^^l Seven Dials, Lotidon, Country Orders puncluHlly aitendt-d lo. Every description .of Printn*^ on rrasonahie (trin*. CkiUJrcn's Books, Battledores, Picuires, \c. BEN Block was avet'ranofnaval renown And renown was his only reward. The boahl had neglected his merits to crown For no iufrest had Ben with my Lord ; 1^1 yet stnimch as old Benbow, was sturdy old I>en, And he would laugh at the cannon's loud roar, Until death dealing broadsides made ball* to meet men, And the scuppers were streaming with «ore Nor could the Lieutenant's poor gtipeinl provoke, His sitauncli mind by their scanty prog ; For his biscuit he'd break, turn a quid, crack a Joke, And drown care in a jorum of grog. Thus for year after year, in a sea-boat of state Poor Ben for his King fought and bled, Until time had unthatch'd all the roof of his pate, And the hair from his temples had fled. Ben humbly saluted a fribblish old Peer, A first Lord of the Adm'ralty once ; Cried his Lordship, *' why Ben,you have lost all your hair, *• Sincelpeep'd thelast time atyoursconce." '• Why my Lord," replied Ben, '* if the truth may be said, '* Since a bald pate so long l*ve walk'd under, ** There have so many Captains walk'd over my head, • Had you seen me quite scalpt, 'twere »o wonder." BlackEj'dSusan Printed by T. BIRT -| f\ Gr*at St An4rf w-Street *LoUya!eah.i reiad, -*-^-^? Seven Diah, London. Country Oniers puiictiially attervded to. Ev«ry dfscnplron of Pfintiii^,' oii reascnablf tepmft. Cdildieii'* Books, Bjutledoreg, Pictures, &c, A IJ. in the Downs the fleet lay moor'd, *^ The streamers waving in the wind, VVIien black-ey'tl Susan came on board Oil where shall I my trite-leve find ?* Tell ri>e, ye jovial sailors, tell me true, Dbe» n»Y sweet William sail among your crew' WilliaiM, who hi^h upon the yard, Roek'd with the billows lo and fro, Soon as her well-knowH voice he heard, Hesi^h'd, and cast his eyes below ; The cord gildts swiftly thro' his glowing hands And quick as lightning on the deck he stands. So the sweet lark, high pois'd in air Shuls close his pinions to his breast, IPchnnce his mate's shrill call he hearS) And drops at once into her nest; The noblest captain in the British fleet, Might envy William's lips those kises sweet. Susan, Susan, lovely dear ; My vows shall ever true remain; Lei me kiss offthat falling tear, We only part to meet again; Change as ye list, ye witids, ray heart shall oe,~ i he faithful coinpass that still points to thee. Jelieve not what the landsmen say, VV ho It'Bipt to doubt thy constant raind, 1 hey II tell thee, sailors, when away, lu ev'ry port a mistress find ; /es. yes, believe them when they tell Uioo so, ?or ihou art present wheresoe'er I go, li to fair India's coast we sail, Thy eyes are seen in diamonds bright, Thv breath is Afric's spicv gale, Thy skin is ivory so white: Thus ev'ry beauteous object that I view, Wakes in my soul some charms of iiGvely Su«. Tbo' battle calls me from thy arms, ' Let not my pretty Susa-n mourn ; Tho' cannons roar, yet safe from harois, William shall to his dear return, ' Love turns aside the balls that round me fly, Lest precious tears should drop fromSusan's eye The boatswain gave the dreadful word. The sails their swelling bosoms spread No longer mu<^tshe slay on board, They kiss'd, she sigh'd, he hung his liead-t fler less'ning boat unwilling rows to land, VJieu ! she cried, and wav'd her Uly hand. 1^ SAILOR'S DEUBHT Printed ana Sold by T. BIRT, No. 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London^ Country Orders punctually attended to. ^^ Every description of Printing done on the most reasonable terms. THE MARINER'S COMPASS. Sam Spritsail's a lad jouMI delight in For friendsliip he's ever agog ; Loves his kiug, loves his wench, and loves lighting, And he loves — to be sure be loves ^ ?»og. oays Sara, says he, life's all a notion. And wants from the spirit a jog. The world's a wide troubled ocean. And our rudder and compass \% grog. For izroe is our larboard and star, board, OuroaainmastyOurmizen.ourlog ; At sea, or on shore» or when har- boured, The mariner's compass is grog. For grog is our, &c. Let but grog take its charge of the helm, We perceive not the dangers at sea; An English vessel heaves in view, lie asks, but she no letter brings, From bonoyKate he loved sotrue, Then sighs he for his native dell ; Yet to hope he cilngs, Whil« the steersman sings, Steady she goes! all's well. The storm is past, the battle's o'er, Nature and man repose in peace, Then hsmeward bound, on £ng* land's shore, The hopes of joys that ne'er will cease : His Kate'o sweet voice those j ys foretell, And his big heart spriags, While the steersman sings, Steady she goes! all's well. FAR, FAR AT SEA. Twas at night when the bell had tolled twelve, pillow, And poor Sni^nn was laid on kcr In her ear whispered some fleeting Poor Jack can't get a hearing, She ««ve rsaw his face ! P'rom Meg-, and Doll, and Kitty, Relief is just as far ; Not one has the least pity, For a poor shipwrcck'd Tar. SI.e, whom he thoiijjht love's needle Now his sad misVy mocks, And wants to get the beadle. To set 'liin in t,h*> stocks ! Cry'd Jack, this is hard d#aling ; The elempiits of war. Sure they had a kinder feeling—. They spjir'd a shipwrpck'd I'ar, But all their taunts and fetchev, A judgment are to me, I, for Ihnse harden'd wretches, Dear Nancy , slighted thee , ut see, poor Tray assails me, His mistress is not far; • He wags his tail, and hails nie, Tho' a p'Jor shipwreck'd Tar. T was faithful love that brou^htbin I Or if billows the Tesse! o'erwheloi) Still grog is the pilot for me. Since gro^ sares the trouble of thinkiog. Then here's to each bold jollj dog; Forhe that delights in good drinking Will toss off his full can of grog. For grog is our, &c, Sam Spritsail, though grog he Jov'd dearly* And it's praise be enraptured would sing, Yet he fought for his country most cheerly, LoTed his'sweetheart, and honour- ed his king. For Sam's heait was spliced to bis Nancy's, And his mind on the wenQh quite agog ; Yet sailors hare comical fancies. And dear as his life he loves grog, For grog is our, &c. STAND TO YOUR GUNS. Stand to your guns^ ny hearts of oak, ist not a word on board be spoke, Victory soon will erown the joke ; Be silent, and be ready. Ram home your guns, and sponge them well ; Let us be suf6 the balls will tell ; The cannons ro»r shall sound their knell, Be steady, boys! be steady. Not yet ! nor yet, oor yet; reserve your fire, I do desire> Now the elements do rattle ; 7be gods, amazed, behold the battle; A broadside, my boys ! See the blood, in purple tide, Trickle down her battered sidei Winged with fate the bullets fl/, Conquer, boys ! or bravely die ! Hurl destruction on your foes : She sinks ! she siuks ! huzxa, To the bottom down she goes. STEADY SHE GOES. The British tar no peril knows, But fearless brafes the angry deep. The ship's his cradle of repose. And sweetly rocks him to his sleep : He, thought the raging surges swell, In his hammock swings, When the steersman sings, Steady she goes 5 all's well. While^ on the main. top yard he 8})rlng8, eive, Your lore is now tost on a billaw, Far, far at sea* AH was dark ! aa she 'woke out of breath. Not an object her feiri could dis- cover; All was itill as the silence of death, Save fancy, which painted her lover. Far, far al sea. So she whispered a pray'd, closed her eyes. But the phantom still haunted her pillow : Whilst in terror she echoed his cries, As struofgliog he sunk in the bil. 'ow. Far, far at sea, TOM BOWLING. Here a fhser hulk lies poor Tom Bowlisg, The darling of our crew ; Nomore he'il hear the tempest howl- ing. For death has brought him too. His form was of the manliest beaaty, His heart was kind and soft. Faithful below be did his duty, And now be is gone aloft. Tom never from his word departed. His virtues were so rare, His friends were many and true hearted. His Poll was kind and fair ! And then he'd sing so biythe & jolly. Ah I many's the time and oft ! But mirth is turn'd to melancholy, For Tom is gone aloft. Yet shall poor Tom find pleasaDt weather. When He who all commands, Shall give, (to call life's crew to- gether). The word to pipe all hands Thus death, who kings and tars dis- patches, In vain Turn's life has doff'd, For tho' his body's under hatches, His soul is gone aloft. THE SHIPWRECK TAR. Escap'd with life in tatters, Behold me safe on shore. Such trifles little matters, I'll soon get togs galore; For Poll swore, when we parted. No chance her faith should jar, And Poll's too tenderhearted, To slight a shipwreck'd Tar, To Poll, his course straight steeriag. Jack hastens on apace; A lesson for mankind ; 'Tis one,' cry'd she, ♦! taught him, For, on my constant mind. Thy image dear was graven, And now remov'd each bar, My arms shall be the haven, For a poor shipwreckM Tar.' WHEN VULCAN FORG'D THE BOLTS OF JOVE. Whea Vulcan forg'd the bolts of Jove, In Etna's roaring glow, Neptune petitioa'd he might prove, Their use and power below ; But finding in the boundless deep, Sneh thunder* would but idly sleep, Hewith them arm'd Britannia's haad, To guard from foes her native laud. Long may she hold the awful right, And when thro' circling flame. She darts her vengeance in the fight. May Justice guide her aim ; And when assail'd in future wars. Her soldiers brave, and gallant tars, Shall launch her fires from every band. On every foe to Britain'* land. HEAVING THE LEAD. For England, when with fav'ring gale, Our gallant ship up cbannelsteer'd And scudding under easy sail, The high blue western land ap- pear'd, To heave thelead the seaman sprung, And to tho pilot cheerly »ung. * By the deep— Nine !' And bearing up to gain the port. Some well.knowa object kept in view, Ab abbey. tower, an harbour-fort, Or beacon, to the vessel true; While oft' the lead the seaman flung, And to the pilot cheerly sung, ' By the mark — Seven !' And as themueh.lov'd shore we near, With transports we behold the roof, (dead, Where dwelt a friend or partner Of faith & lov Of that gorgeous Indian land. Send me not its diamond treasures, ] Nor pearls from tlie depths of its sandy sea; But tell me of all your woes and j)leasures, In a long letter back to me. But while dwelling in lands of pleasure, Think, as you bask in tlie bright sunshine, That while the linweiing time I measure^ Sad and wintry liours ara mine. Lonely by my taper weeping, And watching the spark of promise to see, All for that bright spark my night watch keeping; For, oh ! 'tia a letter back trora thee. To say that soon thy sails will be flowinfy, Homeward \q bear thee over the sea ; Calm be the waves, and bwift the wind blowino-, For, oh ! thou'rt coiMiiig back to me. PBOVIIIiV & WIBE MY STANDARD FLYIN8 Printed by T. BIRT, 39, Great St. Anch-ew Street, Seven Dials, Londmi. Printing on. the most reasonable terms. PROUDLY and wide my standard flying, Now gallant heart assert thy sway, Brightly my star new hope stipplying, L^ads on the hour shall all repay. Proudly and wide, &c. O'er Alpine rock, o'er hill or plain. My will is law, a king I reign, My will is law> a kin^ I reign. Prondly and wide, &e. Brightly my star new hope supplying. Leads on the hour shall all repay, Leads on the hour shall all repay. Proudly and wide, &c. Awed from the path of the bold mountain ranger, . Soon shall my foes in silence dower, Humbled by shame, defeat, and dangt^r, Owning my more than })nncely power. Awed from the path, &c. And brave rewards be mine at last, J^or j^pnflicjls dared ^Lod^^erils p^»t, For coiifiicts dared and perils past. Proudly and wide, |«c.' mrwm l\ Scollaml tliore lived tliive brolluTs of hit.-, In Scotland there lived brothers tliree, And one would cast lots witli the other two, Which of them should rob on the salt sea. This lot did fall to Henry Martin, ■^I'he youngest of the brothers throe. That he should turn robber on the salt sea. Maintain his two brothers and he. We had not sail'd past a long winter "s nij^ht, l*ast a long winter's night before day, 'Till there we espied a lofty fine ship. Come sailing along the salt sea. O where are you bound to? said Henry Martin; How dare yoii come sailing so nigh ? I'm a rich loaded ship bound to fair Mngland If you please to let me pass by. O no* O no, replied Henry Martin, C) no that never can be. For I have turned robber u])on the salt seas, To maintain my two brothers and me. Have back your main topsail, likewise your maru tack. And lay your ship under my keel. And I vviil takcT all your rich flowing gold. And your fair bodies I'll send to the sea, Then broadside for broadside they merrily fough t For full two hours or three, 'Till bold Henry Martin he gave the death wound Then down to the bottom went she. Bad, news bad news to old England, Bad news I will tell unto thee. For all the rich flowing gold is cast away. And the manners drown 'd in the sea. L BOLD BRENNAN IT'S of a fearless highwaymau a story 1 wiii tell, His name was WiUie Brennoii in Ireland he did dwell, And on the Livart mountaine b« commenced his Avild career, "VMiere many a wealthy gentleman before him shook with fear. Bold and unda\mted stood bold Brennan on the moor. A brace of loaded pistols, 'he carried night and day, He never robb'd a poor man upon the King's highway ; But when he'd taken from the rich like Turpin and Black Bess, But he always did divide it with the widow in distress. One night he robb'd a packman, his nanie was Pedlar Brown, They travell'd on together till the day began to dawn ; The pedlar seeing hia money gone, likewise his watch and chain, He at once encountered Brennan and robb'd him back again. When Brennan seeing the pedlar was as good a man as he, He took him on the highway his companion for to be, The pedlar threw away his pack without any more delay, An^Droved a faithful comrade until his dying day. One cray upon the highway, as Willie he sat down, He met the Mayor of Cashel, a mile outside the town ; The mayor he knew his features, I think, young man, said he, Your name is Willie Brennan, you must come along with me. As Brennan's wife had gone to town, provisions for to buy, \^'hen she saw her Willie, she began to weep and cry. He says, ' Give me that tenpence ? * as soon as Willie epoke, She handed him the blunderbuss from underneath her cloak. Then with his loaded blunderbuss, the truth I will unfold, He made the mayor to tremble and robb'd h im of his gold. One hundred pounds was offered for his apprehension there, And with hia horse and saddle to the mountains did repair. Then Brennan being an outlaw, upon the mountains high, * \^'^e^e cavalry and infantry to take him they did try ; He laaighed at them with scorn, until at length, 'tis said, By a false-hearted young man he waa basely betrayed. In the county of Tipperary in a place they call Olonmore, Willie Btennan and his comrade they did suffer sore ; He lay among the fern which was thick upon the field, And nioe wounds ke did receive, before that he did yield. Then Brennan and his companion knowing they were betray'd He with the nnounted cavalry a noble battle made ; ^ He lost his foremost finger, which was ehot off by a baU^ So Brennan and his comrade they were taken after all. Sq they were taken prisoners, in irons they were bound, And conveyed to Clonmel jail, strong v?all8 didjthem surround They were tried and foun4 guilty, the judge m?de this reply, * For robbing on the King's highway, you are both condemned to die. Farewell ! unto my wife, and to my children three. Likewise my aged father, he may shed tears for me ; And to my loving mother, who tore her gray locks, and cried, Saying, ' I wish Willie Brennan, in your cradle you had died.' THE BATTLE Of JBoulogne, Printed by T.BIRTt r\ GreatSt.Andrew-St*© (wholesale & retail) A ^5 Seren Dials, LondoDf (^ Printing of every description. ON the second of August, eighteen hundred and one. We sail'd with Lord Nelson to the port of Boulogne j For to cut out their shipping which was all in vain. But to our misfortune they were atl moar'd and ehain'd. Our boats being Mrell manrnd at eleven at night. For to cut out their shipping excepting they fight ; But the grapes from their batteries so smartly did play. Nine hundred brave seamen kill'd and wounded there lay. We hoisted our colours and boldly thena spread. With a British flag flying at our royal mast head ; For the hotiour of Old England we will always maintain. While bold British seamen ploughs the wat'ry main. Expos'd to the fire of the enemy we lay^ While ninety bright §)ieces of canixii did play. Where many a bright a mmsn there lay in his gore. And then shot from th J tacteries so smartly did pour Our noble commander viUn heart full of grief, Used every effort to afford us relief; No ship could assist us, as well yon might know, In this wounded condition we were toss'd to and fro. And you that relieve us, the Lord will you bless. For assisting poor sailors in the (itne of distress • May the Lord put an end to all cruel wars. And peace and content be to all j3n.4isti tars, Scots wha hae. Auld Lang* 8j ue. V/. Street ilk and retml. * ^'^ ^e\en Dial*, London. Couniry Ortifr-. puncniHlly aliernlcd lo. r HaiMlb'.ll* Cartls. &o. Printed neat Htwt i heap, hildnn's Books, BattUdores, Pitturen, &f. |P JlCOTS, M ha hae >vi' Wallace bled^ ^ Scots, wliam Bruce has at'ten led — ''elcome to your ji^ory bed, Or to Victoria ! ow's the day, and noWs the hour! ee the front of battle lour ! ie approach poor Edwards pow'r! Chains, and slaverie ! /hawill be a traitor knave? /ha can hll a coward s pave? k ha sae base as be a slave ( Traitor ' turn and fiee! riia for Scotland's kinj^ and Ihw! reedom's SAvord will stron«i;ly draw ! 'reenian stand, or freeman fa' — Let him on wi' me ( ty oppression's woes and pains! ly your sons in servile chains ! Ve will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free' >ay the proud usurpers low 'yrants fall in evry foe Jberty's in ev ry blow I Let us do, or de" ! -Ind has She then Fail'd in her Truth. ND has she then fail'd m her truth, ^riic beautiful maid I adore, Shall 1 never a^:ain liear her voice, IN or see her loVd lorni any more. No, no, no, 1 shall never see her more. 4h ! Selima, how cruel yon proves Yet sure my hard lot you'll bewail, I could not presume you would love. Yet pity 1 hop d would prevail. And has she, &>* And since hatred alone I inspir**-, Life henceforth is not worth my care; Oeath now is my only desire, ,1 give myself up to despair. And as she, &c. ♦ Print <|^ .8ti«et, wholesale and .^taii, -^ ^ Seven Dials, Luiidon Cwiijivry Onkrs puueliiall) aiuiultd t«. C:f FUnHhiHs, Cattir^^c Priiitt:• forgot, ind never brougnt to mind } ^ Siiotdd ohl ac(pi;nntance be forj^ot/ And days o' lang syne. Fur old laiifTsyue, my fnentlR. For auld lanj;" syne, We'll take a cup of kindness yet F\)r auld laug; syne. We twa hae runabout the braes. And pu'd I he jiowans fine ; But we've wander d many aweary foot Since auld langr svne. And there's a hand my trusty friend And jiies a hand o' thine; And loom tiie . praise. Here ev'ry ijen'rous sentiment aw»kvi<: Music inspiring' unily aud jt»y — Fach social pleasure ^ivinii; & partakiv^ Glee & i;ood humour ourhov.r.s on4[>i«,fy I'hus then comluininjj:. Hands and hearts joining, Long nv\y co*iti««iie our linity and joy. ^C'^'^^ IT WAS NATURE'S GATD^Y i*^*'^*'^*** * BIRT, Printer, 39, Great Si. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London. It was nature's gay day, Britjht smilins; May-day, Each heart was bounding wi h joy andwith glee, Cowslips were springing, Village bells ringing. All hastened to dance round the flo.very May-tree ; Merrilly bounding May-poles surrounding, Each lover was merry on that happy day ; To meet me delighted, By all invited, To ioiii the gay dance of the Queen of the May. Evening descended. Our froHcs were ended. Lads and their lasses tripped lightly away ; It was then that hewoo'd me. Then he subdued me, And promised me more than I'd ventured to say But if my lover, Should ever discover, Jealously for me, I'd answer him so — Dearest believe me, I'll never deceive thee, You have my heart others have but the show. Fal, lal, &c. THE Jolly Bnccaneer* BIRT, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew St^ee^ Seven Dials. The good ship Revenge,through the octan spank'd lightly, She flash'd to our purpose, \ ou tie'er &aw her like Balls and buliets whiz by, ne'er cause an emotion, *Till we are bowled down, we never uij] strike, Success to seamens' cheer. Glad's the jollv Buccaneer. Now in warm climates, and to all parts we are steering, Sometimes a hard tussell but now a soft booze, With our girls and a fiddle, sometimes kind and loving. See a messmate popp'd off, then we step in his shoes, Still success to seamens' cheer, Glad*s the jolly jolly Buccaneer. Well stored now with plunder, at nine knots we are steering, To the copper fair girls who greet us on shore. Then we laugh and we drink, m ith cursing and swearing, Sec our cargo safe out, then to sea boys ftw more. Then success to seamens' ehcer^ Glftd's a jolly Buccaneer. mi HAPPY TOGETIIKM. BlflT, Piiiitf-r, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials. LondoQ. YOU marnod folks all give attention. And siitsfles ones list loo I [iray, Somii pood advice to yon I'll mention, Heod the words that I to you now say. Married womt'n be true to your htishatid^. If happy vou'd pass through your lives, And husbands adopt the saino good plan. Be constant and true to your wires. Thfn listen to me ' If you would live happy together, As you steer through the troubles of life, Depend that this worlds great treasure. Is a kind and a good tempered wifv. From the time of this worlds first formation, You will find that it has bein tlie plan, In every country ajid nation, That woman was formed to please man ; And man for to love and protect them, And shield them from the fiowns of the Wdrld, Through the smooth paths of life to direct them, He who would do less is a churl. Then listen to me ! If you would live happy together, Sec. Some men will illuse a good woman, And say all they do turns out wrong. But as I mean to offend no one, You'll find faults to both sides belong ; But if bcth were to look at the bright side, And each others mind cease to pain, They will find they have looked at the right aide, For all would be summer again. Then listen to me ! If you would live happy together, &e. Married women don't gossip or tattle, Rettieraber it oft etirs up strife. But attend to yonr childrens soft prattle, And the duties of mother and wife ; And men if you need recreation. With selfish companioni don't roam, Who might lead you to sad degradation. But think of your comforts at home. Then listen to me ! If you would live happy together, tc. Vow a word I must give to the single. Before I make end of my song, If in matrimony you'd mingle, Believe me Pll not lead yov wrong ; Young man if you wish for a good wife. By finery never be led. And girls if you wish for a smooth life* Seek Uie man who will work for his bread. Then littea to me ! If ftm WAuld liv« happy tog^tW &•. KAiVE Faith in one another. IJav?, faith in oDe another, when ye tneet in .^ri«i d- fchip'si uanie. For the true friend is u brother, and his he \A should throb the same, Though your path in life may differ, sinct 'he hour when first we met, Have faith m one another,^ye may need thatfriei J ship yet. Have faith in one another, when you >*higper Iov^'h fond \ow ; It will not be always gummer, or always bright as now ; And when winter time comes o'er ye, if some k';)» dred heart ye share, And have faith in one another, ye shall never kn >w despair. And when winter time, &c. Have faith in one another, for should doubt al<»ue incline, , It would make the world a desert, wh£re the s i:i would never shine ; We have all some transient sorrow, that o'ti • shadows us to day. But have faith iu one another, and it soou shall p^ii away. Have faith in one anothter, and let honour be ycniw* guide ; And let truth alone be spoken whatever may hi • tide ; The false may reign a season, and oh ) doubt ROt but it will, Biit have faith in on« another and the truth sha'J triumph still. And wH«o wt«4«r 1(hbc,^. A CONVEIISATION BF.TWEIiliV THE AI>I>ey ^l^esifiistiBisiterllall, ONE Friday morn, e'er t!ie moon was gone, *iis Irue vrhai I'm rrlatmiif, 1 stood a»i;tz'il, at I lie ruriiiu-* l)Iaze, 'I'liKugli lllpy were fast Dbhtiiig; ^n<\ tht-re, most clear, I tlieu did hear, A solemn voice to call, Wiiich began an oration, or conversation. UelHeei) tUe Abbfv ai.d Westminsier Hall. CmtJNT. Said llie Ilaf', tht* niglit, I've had such a fright "i he like no man ever knew, ' I've had su( h a roMStin:;-, hroi intr, and toasting | li has put nie fjuite in a stew. 'M.o' the rabble did call, in respect for the Hall Ijiit lo you I 11 tell tlie trutli, 'ilio' njy sides ihty did save, from the furious blaze, It has stoich'd my ancient roof. CHORUS. 0« the Friday mom, when the fire was gone i 'That had ravaged St. Stephens' Wall, I heard this oration, or conversation, Between the Abbey & Westminster Hall Says the Abbey, my friend, I thought you^as at an end. For 1 heard L-d A p bawl, Come Jend »n hand, the Commons be d— d, But s;ive, O save the Hall ! And there was Middlesex Joe, who not long For a New House did move, I'm told, Was in a rare pet, and a devilish sweiu, In trying to save the old. There was Munsfer Fitz carnce, had a very near thance, I'd have given his life for ayarrfo/i. He swore n;ost stout, that the fire to I'oit, It would lake all llie River Jordan. But I'm still in a quanJary, for they say 'twas an Incendiary, That made m« so precious hot. What'i more, I hear, th il S\a ing is here. And 1 fchall soon go to pot. Oh ! no, says the Abbey, he'll not be so shabby A» to burn either me or you. For in ricks or barns and country f^irms. He finds" ]>lertty of woiK to do But this I hear, though Saving's not here, '('here's a «Ban of greater ieno>\n; Fam'd Guy Faux c)f old, has rose again, we are told, And the other tJay canne inlo town. Savs the Hall, I eah*t see, between you & me, How (his fire it fi^rst occurred. In the Ccnimons soiie say, the M* mbsrs ihat day. Set fire to' the House with hot words. Yet by some it is said, the last speech that was ma'le. Was so warm in that cause we admire ; •So the Broom we must blame, for he kindled the flame, For his words set the hou^e all on fire. Says the Abbey, oh, dear! ^such things I did hear, I am sure 'twas a shame and disgrace. For the rabble's vile cries, at each flame thai did rise. Made me blush, for I was red in the face. One said, I declare, the Reform s in the air, And the Temperance Bill is tip-raisd, Hume's motion is won, by a majtrity of fr««^ And the Poor- Law is all in a blaze. But, my friend, we can boastf we have hng stood oyrj)ost, Though the times are much altered, alas ! When we were budt, I've heard say, men had a penny a day. And no luw of oppression could pass. PoorSt. Stephens' is gone, its walls areforhnrn IJm/, my ftiend, J now see day is dawning, It looks like a curse, but I'm glad iVs «« worse. So I wish you a veri/f g^od morning. James MortoX. P rimed by TBIRT.QOGrea* st Andrew^ W halt-sale and (reUil ^ Seven D.als, Loud Country orders puuclually alteiuled to. Everydesc-ipiian of Pdnlittg oa rva« jn Able t<;rmi. ~— M-L '" — s ii^ r s si LOST BJRT, Printer, S9, Great St. Andrew Street J Seven Dials, London They have given thee to another. They have broken every vow ; They have given thee to UHollier, And my heart is lonely now ! They remennber not our parting, They remember not our tears. They have severed in one fat4 hour, The tenderness of years ! was it well to leave me ? Thou could'st not so deceive me ! Long and sorely I shall grieve thee, Lost, lost Rosabel ! They have given thee to another^ Thou art now his gentle br\de ! Had I lov'd thee as a brother, I could s«e thee by his side. 1 know with gold they've won thee, And thy trusting heart beguil'd ; Thy mother, too, doth shun me, For she knew 1 lov'd her child ! was it well to sever. Two fond hearts for ever ? 1 can only answer — Piever ! Lost, lost Rosabel'! They have given her to another. She will love him, too, they say. If her mem'ry do not chide her, O ! perhaps, perhaps, she may, But I know that stie hath spoken. What she never can forget : And though my heart be broken. It will love her, love her, yet. O 'twas not well to sever, Two fond hearts for ever ! More I shall see lier never ! Lost, lost Kosabel! THE CHARMING IToung: maid. Parody on " The Sicilian Maidr BIRT, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street Seven Hialsy London, I loved sich a charming young maid, Whose dad was a sulty old elf, And he vos so wild 'cos the jade His darter would pilfer his pelf; He lock'd her sometimes in the cell, With a precious stout padlock and key. When she on vun cold night, poor girl^ Squinted up through a crevice on me. In this manner from her I was barrVl, 'Cos he said 1 should ruin the mai,f; I vos told, which vos rather too hard, This ere maid them ere same words had said. So vun night with rage hot as Are, [ went with a skeleton key— I said I a stick may require. So I'll certainly take vun with me Some dust carts I saw in the road. By vun to his crib vos conveyed, I bawi'd 'liar ! liar V and arouseed the old toad. And shortly knock'd down this fair maid. Oh, he and two chums, with a light. With their shovels ihey pitched on to me Which turned to a regular fight, And I jolly well millM 'em all three. THE liOTEIiY Tillage Maid. TUNE— THE FARMER'S BOT. Printed by T. BIRT, No. 39, Greal St. Ad- drew-Street, Seven Dials. London. 9 rpWAS morn, the lark with cheerful note, -^ Was soaring in the air ; hng the mead, by chance, I spded, A maiden blythe and fair ; In rustic dress, so neat and trim. With basket on her head, Her smile a monarches heart might loin The lovely Villi age Maid. Whither so ^ast, said I, fair maid, Thus early in the morning, I'm going to market, sir,' she said, My daily bread to earn, Myjather^s dead my mother,s poor, No friend, sane her, 1 have, Pray stay me not, I must be gone. Replied the Village Maid. Vll give you house, I'll give you land. Nay all that you can crave, If you consent for to be mine. My charming lovely maid. ' Not all your houses or yottr lands. Can win my heart , tf/te said. Remember, sir, that I am poor. And but a Villinge Maid. Of lowly birth, kind sir, am I, , And you of high degree ; Therefore begone, nor do me stay Nor with me make so free ; For Edwin is the lad I love. He has my heart betrayed. For he has promised me sincere, To wed his Villiage Maid. At eve, when daily labour s o'er, He meets mt at yon stile, ' And talks of love, the church and ring,. While he on me does smile. He's won my heart — to church Vll go. Nought else on earth I crave. Then none so happy, none so gay^ As the humble Village Maid, The Swiss ToyGirl Printed by T- BIRT, No. 89, Great S*. Andrew-Street, Sev^n Dials. I'VE come across the sea, I've brav'd every danger. For a brother dear to me^ From Swiss-land a ranger. Then pity, assist, and protect The poor little stranger. And b(iy a little toy. Of poor Rose of Lucerne. Come round me. ladies fair, I've ribbons and lace», I've trinkets rich and rare, To add to, the graces. Of waist neck, or arm. Or your sweet pretty faces,. Then buy a little toy. Of poor Rose of Lucerne. I've paint, I've fine perfume. For those who may chose them,. Young ladies I presume. You all will refose them^ The bloom on )our cheek. Shews that you never use them^ Yet by a httle toy. Of poor Rose of Lucerne. I'vff a croa^. t0 make you «mart, On your breast you may bear it, Ju«t o'er your little heart, I advise you to wear it ; And I hope that no other cro8» E'er will come nigh it, Yes 1 do. s« huy a toy Of poor Rote of Lucerne, THK QUEEN DECLARES I MUST COME DOWN BIRT, Printer, 39, Great St. Anchew Street, Seven Dials, London. 1 am a poor old soldier devoid of scars, 1 have fought at home and I've been in the wai's ; 1 have learnt all nations capital rides, IVow they've stuck me up as a gaze for fools CHORUS. I am General Nosey, gallant and cosey. Knocked about from pillar ta post. I am made of metal you all well know, Stuck up in the air to frighten the crows, 1 am a jolly old Duke without a hunch, Bad luck to that little rascal Punch. CHORUS. He has caused a row at the sign of the Crown. And the Queen declares I shall come down. I was brought to my destination in pain, By a lot of fellows »vho smelt of grains ; And placed a loft so fine and clever. In wind and rain, and frosty weather. I have been in Spain and Portugal too, All over the world and Waterloo ; When they take me down I will let them see If I don't wop them may the d—l wop me, Powder and pipeclay, bullets and guns. Shall tl>e scum of the earth at me make fun? To shove me about, oh ! England shame, From Hyde Park Corner to Rosemary Lane. If there I go J will quickly pilch, M y enemies into the Tower ditch ; And if you don't keep me my friend Bob, By the tip of my nose I will muzzle your nob. 1 heard young Vic. and her husband talk, As they were going up Birdcage Walk ; For I can hear a terrible way. And he must come down the Queen did say. By my Waterloo nose had them I got nigh, 1 would have shoved a broomstick bang in their eye ; They railed at me as they did stand. And Albert called me a funny old man.- As through the Park they rode one day, Vic said to me get out of the vray ; Soldiers breeches, I was so savage, 1 could have knocked her down with a German sausage. An old soldier is like a worn out horse, From pillar to post they will him toss ; Lie down and die he surely may, If he can*t live on a tanner a day. I know as the folks pass by they grunt, Bad luck to that little rascal Punch ; He could'nt be quiet you plainly see. But trouble his ugly head with me. You gents and ladies who know me, Quite welcome to take my place you be j And day and night, all vveathers complete And you will be tired in less than a week^ I must come down as may be seen, Yes, must come down so says the Queeo ; They are going to put me somewhere else. So let Al. and the Queen go up tbemseives I was made by Wyatt the people say. And placed up here one fatal day ; Where long 1 have suffered you may suppose. And the wind blew of the tip of my no«e^ Take me down Queen Vic, alack ! And place me on Prince Albert's back ; If he carries me safe to Windsor Town, I will make him a present of a ^haif a crown. The Devil and the Hack- ney Coachman. Priiutilhy T. Hli< ' -J d\ G.tai -i.Atnlr* w-Sir.v- \vh^llf^a tf aii, LuiiUoii^ BE\ was a [lackne Coachmnn rare, Jarvey J.irvey —Here am I, your honour Crikeys! ho>v he u^ed to -wear — Tomarroo. Mow li«?d swear, and how he .' ca t ut h t-ur tUou»ai)t'> poiin4s y.\ fta> : The nsoiifv it wa li pai; and ihMt wiihoui deluy • And nou ♦'•' ijurii i^ * omcI tn* n \\ h got his liberty. w ip away, ^c- Rigs and Sprees ^^ OF THE TOWN. Tun«.— " Baverley Maid and the Tinker." H. Disley, Printer, 57, High Street, St. Giles ondon. — Wvecp for -employ, ^ud be'll tcii Uiemisfurtjines i^farpogrSmugg ^ici'j.boy. ^^> E,Hodg€8, from PITT-S, Wholesale Toy,& Mar- ble Warehouse, QJ. Dudley, Street, Seven IJiab, ¥'31 gwan, 'I see my lubly Dino, Down among de swamps in old Catlina. Happy den'we'llbe, in-lub, 1 sa]^ Courting till de br^e ob de day, . Tra, la, la, in la, la, la, U,a la, la, a la, . My skiff is'by the shore dere,dont you see^ Open den de door an gwan wid me, And as we paddle on, our songs shall be, My deafest Diana, 1 Inb but de. Come, O #ina, comede time don't wasfe. Come. O Diiia, come — make liasle make, haste! Hop into de boat, aud gwan wid me, Unto de Norden Country. Tra.l /' Now, O ! now we Ub*in peace and pleasur*, Bracking of de boots 1 money makes, 1 in Dina found a precious treasure, She can hurry up de cakes, Tra, la. la, &c rw^-^^s T H E W H I T E IliLL • T HEsea was bright and the bark rode well, And thebreese bore the tone of the vesper bell "^ 'Twas a gallant bark, with a crew as brave, A« ever launched on the heaving wave. She shooe-in the light of dealing dav, And each sail was set and each heart was gay. ^^ They neared the land where in beauty smiles y<^ The sunny si ore of the Grecian Isles, 1^ All thought of home, and that welcome dear, J^ That soon shall greet each wanderer's ear. P^ And in fancy joind the social throcg, ^^ Aud the festive dance apd the joyous song. h^ A whitecloud flies through the azure sky, ^f ^Vllat means that wild desparing.ciy i ,^_ ^^ Farewell, the vission'd scenes of home, ^| |svitl2;lhe rolling pift. And. k-icke.d lujii down- tke staii-i. Chorus. * Oltle Bilir oat aloud does bawl, , And tto doeii Kit asid Sa;n, dh,!. luolher, mother, shut the door/ . Here coiuos the tally man. (Spoken)— Good niurjiiny, Mrs. B6unce. Good :Uf*rntug, Mr. Cheateai, wiiat is _\our pleasure this rrifiruiiJS;' ? ^^'i.v. I l»'»P« y*^" ^^^^*^ o*'^ **'^*"*^ money Oh! indeed! my husband declares [shant tvay a farihing for them infernal blankets you sold IneforTs. Gd.,they ar» full of nulh holes, and not ^^^i^four\iiinc(i a, \iHiL^e.- Then 1 shoil summous j^uvMrs. Bounce, so here goes, it would make you laugli to see .The. women hide away coiuplele, , W;heue*er th.?y hear the tally-uiau Is coming down t!:e street, . B%ie tun into a naiyiibour's house, , ^ ninvble it appears, "Wivlijfroihfers in thecole-hole get, ckiiig at tiie door, Xfc:i^ '^^\^ kuowii to any TUKt-has a ycaiu of sense, 'tliAtii^ty vUi maki'joa pay a crown For'^hBt^^r ijol worth eis^hieen-pence - (STM>klvh)'--?«&iW'i Oie* Mrs. Ginger, what a ifflrtij^jUS'thtre is over tlie Way at Mr. Nippers, do Vo^.i^iiawiwhat it is all iiBout? Why Mr. Nipper^ )br goods taken upon the tally by Mrs. Nijiippr. llie two J^Hss Nippers had a new gowit each, a fine pair of siockings, a buslle, »ome laoe caps, and some furbelows. Well, I wontiered, do you know Mrs. Ginger, how the d^Vil the Nippers went so Hashy 1 thought they umst have got theirthings up»n th^ tally, or some other way, I coulit not tellhow; But there ll is you see* Well, I g*.»ts nothing- t.n the tally, but ti little tea, and that's alj^ slue leaves; but tally shops are the ruination of all persoits, you may depend upon it, fori know very well in our street, that there is many a woman takes out a tremendous lot of things unknown to their hus- bailds, who never find it out until they are snmrnoned to pay a pound for aiticle'* not worth five shi^llings. Pray.aMrs. Ginger, are you at home ? Bawls out the Tally-man No, Mr. Swindle, I'm not, she cries, Aud you must understand, That call when you will my husband swears You sliall not have a mag. Since you've turu'd rogue, you took me in, -' For your things.are nil a gag, . (Spoken) — Is year mother at homo, m\ Jjitie firl, lo" sir. Where id she. flow should i knuM'. /Vhy\ 1 saw liyr locking o6t of the \uu*iow, and I hhw her popping out of the door jtist now, and if I -^m not mistakea, she is gone to her uncle's to soout a shawl for a shilling, that she got upon the tally tor 18s. Od. Is your father at home. No, my fathtr's gone a hopping and he wanted to oet a donkey on the tally, but mother could not tell where to hud the tally-man. . Oh I he did, did he. Ye?, he did indeed. ; Where is your sister. In her skin I suppose. Well my girl you are a keen lass. Ah! so njolher says, half as keen as a tally-man, but not so big a rogue, and. i can assure yoU, that some- U»jdy in u family need be a little sharp, for if every one '.vji!^ so silly as my mother, we should be hunted to death by tally-men,' who would sell you their rubbisli, and ex pect eleven-pence half -periny proht out of a shilling. Every day throughout the week, - So visit rich aud poor. You may behold the tally man^ , A creeping near the door, ' The children will bawl out aloud; , '• Mr. Tally man, 1 say, [ Mother is in the station house, . ^ Aud father i^ run away. . {, \ , E. Hodges from PITT's Toy and Marblt^ IIS O'LY UNCLE JNED H F ODGES, Print- r, (from PITTS) whole- sale I'oy and Vlaible warelioust', 31, Djidl^y 8treel, btjven Dials. B^ • R Y A V O'Lynn was a s^entl^Jiuan horn, ' He liv d at a time when no clotbcs ihey were worn, But as fashion waKed out of course B yan «altLediQ, [Lynn. VVhoo. rU »ot>n lead the fasbions, says Brjao CUOAUS. I>o, do, do, it '11 do, ^ Says 13r\aa 0'L}nn it 'II do. jrya * O Lyno had n > breechfs to w<»ar, He goi s'afepsskius for to makt: him » pair, W itb the fleshy sido out and ;he wooly side ^n, Whou, tliey're pleasaut and cool, saj.s Hryan O'Lyiin. Bryan O'Lynn bad no shiit to hh back. He went tu a neighbuuv's uod borrowM a sack, Then iie puckerMtbe meal bagup under his chin \k lioo, thev'il take ibem for rufiies, says Bryan O'Lynn. Bryan O'Lynn bad no hat on his bead, He stuck on the po beinjr up to the dead, Thtn he murdered a cod for th** s^ke of its fin, Whoo, 'twill pass for a feather, 8a\s Bryan 07iyun. Bryan O'Lynn was bard qp fo- a coat. He borrowi-d a skai fr-.m a nei<.hb;)uring go^t With the horns siickin- out from the oxters end then, [Bryan O'Lvnu. Whoo, they'll take them f«.r pistoU, sajs Bryan O'Lynn had no st ckinjjs to wear, He bought a rat's skin to m ke him a ^nir. He then drew iheiu over I. is manl^ 8rtin[0'Lynn A- boo, theyie ill gant Avear. sdys Bryan Bryan O'Lynn had no brogne to bis to s Ithose U'. hopp'a in two crab x\m\h to serve h m f.r Then ho split up tw.» ousters thai mUc ed likeaJwin, [Brjan O'Lynn. Whoo, ihty'll »bi»e out like buckler »<»ys Bryan O Lynn hid no wa fch to put on. He scooped out a turnip to muk<' him n one. Then lie planted a cricket right un^ier the s' in, whoo, th-y'll iliitik its a Jic< ne, sr HeM a way to jump out, and a way to swim hi. Whoo, it's mighty convaynient^ says Br^au O Lynn. Bryan O'Lynn went a courting one night, He set both (be mother and daughter t«> 6|ibt, To fight for his hand thev both Btripped to ta« akin, lO'Lvna. Whoo, I'll raa;ry you both, says Brj»R Br.van O'Lynn, his wife and his wife's mothf r, Tl ey all lay down in the bed togt;th«T, The sheets they were ould aud the blank (« were thin, Lir close to the wall, says Bryan O'Lynn, Bi yf I O Lynn, bis wi-e and his wife's mot! er, I h> yall went home o er the bridge togeilifr, Tiie bjidjicii broke down «nd Ihi-y all tumbled in. [O'LvBH. Wh'X). we'll go home by water, says Brvaa UWOLE NED I ot^ce knew a nigger and his nanae was Uncle B t he's gone dead long ago, [Ned He's got no wool ou the top of hi« head, In the place wuere wo 1 ought to grow. CHOBG^- Hand up the shovel and the hoe, Lay dowij the fi dJe and the bo v. There s no more wurk fr poor Old Ned, He's goac where the good niggfr-rs go. His nail* were a-» long as the cane in the break. Hi 's goi no €}«■; for to s.>c, He's got no teetlj to eai the oat eake. He's lorctd lo let the oat c ke be. cu aus. Hand up the shov i aod the hoe, &c. On a cold frosty raorning this Nij^ger lie ditd. In the churi hyard they laid h m low, And t!ie Nigt-efs all said that they were afraid^ Hi» l.k« they never should knx^w. CHOKUS. HaiMi Mp the shovel uod the l>oe, be. IM. THK DF.ATH OF O'RAFFETY Hodjies, Prill er wliolesale TO) & Mirhlf war- house, 31. D4i Briifget OUuuglit rty. At len^tli she became the larii« part of mv property, Ami ihe «'evil mav lake Mich a comical tradgedy. When I wa^ mairied all tliini;s werein.t ii<»htwiih me Tliert- was a hole in the ballad,felie was not long quiet v*i h me, The poker an I tongs she threw 1. ft and righ^ of me, And th Is the vkay sh« kick'd up the first niglil with me My on the Hay Mi-is Judy first ran with me. Her people all said a oseat denl she thougiit of me, But sooner she learnd to fight an go:d for me. My curse on the day Miss Judy first got nt me, Pm sure I'll remcmhev it while there's a drop in me, Shs spoon'd me so flac she almost mags on your fiosl) |)0w, JuUn Anderson, my jo .Jt4vo Aivd«>r8on, my jn, .Tobfly ye were my first conceit. Aud ay, at 1n, my jo. Jol»n Anderson, my jo, John, fine year toyrnr^e*ve pant, A^Tid soon that \ear niann -come John, will bring us to our last, Ktil \«t not that affngbt usJolm, onr hearts were ne'er our foe While iu delight w« liave lived, Jubn AudenM>n my jo. John Anderson, my jo. Jolm, we*vo damb the hifl thegitlicr, and money a canty day, Jo fondly he huggd and dandled the baby, Your mammy ha« left me, ma croc es ma vrone It's every day she walks with her bully. And leave me the cradle to rock all alone, This innocent baby he calls me his daddy. It's liltle he knows that he's none of my own. My wife she comes in in the heel of the ev'ning. She calls co me smartly the kettle to put (iown, She sits to her tab'e and to her tea-dnnking. She cries, you old cuckold, come rock tiie child sound. As soon as she opens eyes in the morning, She says, yon o!dra cal come bring me a draw. To kindle the fire and get her the breakfriSt, I must nurse the baby- unti) she is done. When first I met with your inconstant mother; 1 thought myself happy and blest with a wife Now to my sorrow, sadgri.f and vexation, She Las prov»d a torture and plague of my life. Now for to finish my sad lamentation, All you that is single pray ne'er take a wife; For if that you do thev «iU surely torment you, And prove a sad ruin all the days of your life. CHORUS Crying, ochone that ever i married, Which leaves me in sorrow, silas, to bemoan ? Hiisba, baby, it's close and be aisy, I'm sure \our own father s\ ill never b» known. ROUSD, BROTHERS BOUSE fl OUSE, brothers, rouse! the way is long before us, Free as the winds me love to roam, Far thro' the prairie, far.thro' the forest,"^ Over the mountains we'll find a home ; We cannot breatlie in crowded cities, W e^re stranjfers to the ways of trade, VVe long to feel the grass beneath us. And ply the hatchet and the spade. Rouse, brothers, rouse f &c. Meadows and hills and ancient woodlands. Offer us p^isture, fruit and corn, Needing our presence, courting our labour, Why should we linger like men forlorn. We love to hear the ringing rifle. The smiting axe, tho fallen -tree ; And though our life be rough and lonely, If it be honest— what care we ? Rouse, brothers, &c* Fair elbow-room for men to thrive in, wide elbow-room for work or play, If cities follow tracking our footsteps. Ever to westward shall point our way. Rude ih«ugh our life, it suits our spirit, And new-born states in future years. Shall owB us founders of a nation. And bless the hardy pioneers. Rouse, brothers^ &e« rlll^Ii. Ifaii of Warv ; ^ijo flaimiiug Ihig af libeity. Of (jlalliii s huns t\\^ boast, ,.t5& Qh, ivever ovay a Bi it-oa sed ■ ' /-. Ujionthf British coa.->l; TJiie oiiU (lag lU - R HO.DOE's CFrojii,i*nTs,) wholesale Toy wlu'iv.tbut I'uitj iw<'itt,-.o.Hei..i:;>ilijdl iecti\e »iy Jolh >^ai!()r. do not venture in a i»jm (>l">vnr., ( ) S U.S a n , I o V * l.y S'usa nij l be tn u h t o m ^a.i w i 1 1 . - «.• 11 TJie Brltj-sh llui^.. itj^ulted is, aid En- laud knuvs- it well,. T ni«y he c/owned with la irelj so i.lce!ly,f;it*, , I wili face the walls oL.Chiua i» a^Biilisb r.\&M pjf ivar. O, sr.Jt^i'i f^a.noL ven/iure for to laceihe y^tuud; Giiin-sa,c, For r'.ey Will |>i'ove «&.treacliert)U9 as .apy PorUi-' guese, And by, som,§. deadly dagger yous may. receive a^ scar,. So i(8-turn your iitolinatojxfronj a. British mAM of-r war. !^iisan,, lovely Sasan, the time w'll qulck'y pass. So come down to thv ferry house and take a p.r- . My, shipmates ihey are waging tt> row n>e fii.m , the shiMe, , (ofwnr. . And it's for old Eugland^'.gJory in a Bri^ar. . 1 will fiiiirt far fame a,nd Susan in a British jtjannf fheti a few ruure words lo^ethei- when her.bve let i go her hand. .\ jovial crew they iauncbed the boat and merrily from land, The Sailor waved his handkerchief wh&n far away from shore, (war» Pretty Susan blest her sailor in a Biitish man of ; A seaman's lifia is ^.life.IJove, and one I'll hve und die, With the sea below, and the sky above, and the- billows mountains higli. 1 love to hear the breakers dash and wild winds roar around. The thunder roll, and the lightfiing flasb,,and llie> ■; sea birds welcome scniud, ? X OHQliCS. , ! Than hnrrah for the deep, the briny deep, the boutidless glorious seji. In a calm or storm, iii every form, a seaman's life for me. , Some may boast of The grand. And the dis»udJi*y7*l/7lJiyjL,^'^ CAMP 4T CH0BIIA9I. Tin: DMATH OF MRS. O'RAFFETY J^o(^t ran with me. Her people all said a oieat de-il she thought of nie, But f-ooner she learn'd to fight and to hi ay at me, And if I said a v»ord she d t reaien tht- go:d for me. My curse on the day Miss Judy first got at n)e, I'm sure I'll remember it while there's a drop in me, Shs spoon'd me so fine she almost made a fork of me Heaving the stOnCh andbl•icl^s « n the top of me. To ffiither some tuif I went to the bog with her, 1 o keep her in humour, she brought some grog with her, (her She supt and she drank till her bead went agog with She slither'd and into a hole in the bog with her. O, husband, Hear husband.' for ihe bawl'd oyt O, husbant, dear husband ! for mercy shecall'd oat, SJie put lip her hands she thought for to crawl out But her iieau I drove down, 'till htr breath came ail out. Now Judv in dead and there wa» the lot of her. The last si-ht I «aw was the best 1 got of lier. (her But fT.ore look to thai bog^ hole that soon put a stop to Aud oi.i> the ground being soft I'd dance on the lop of her. ^ u 4- n u CHOBHAM CAMP. Come haste away witliout delay, And merrily in be tramping, To Chohiiam Heath, wh-re drums shall beat And see the &t)kliers campiug ; Ten thousand soldiers horse and foot, And nobles will be mingling, There wjis never such a sight before. n V In any part ol Knglaod To Chobiiam Heath, w '"ere drums shall bcut V\ iwt jQumbera v^ili be trainpiog, Ten thousand sold ieri horse and foot, Are gloriouslx encimping. OM England's Queen so fine and keen, The e thousands will behold her, Cn Chobiiam Heath O, what a treat, Review ten thousand soldiers. 'I"l)« bugle horn shall merrily play, The Chobiiam be' Is sh .11 ring, sirs, ^ And pretty gals »hall haste away, From E*;ha(T), Stains, and Windsor. Sw' et Bajoiiot Fan. & her flash man, \nd little Brncknell Betsey, With Friii.lev Jane, thro" field* and lanes And all (he snobs fsom Ghertsey. I'liere'sOdih 'm Poll, like a wax doll, 'I he husband, wife and daughter, And 8'ich a lot of pretty girls, From Sandhurst and Blackwater. The pretty maids are nr* afraid, The soldiers will not harm 'era, 'iheres blooming pirls with veils &t curls, And rosev ciieeks from Fasnham. Two rum old ladies ninety-fivo, .Villi faces like a cinder, To follow (he durm, they gave a run^ Right thro' the garret window. From Spain and France the mob will danoe To Ciutbham Heath so hearty. Aad on the groumd Til bet a pound, The Emperor Bonaparte, Would like to be, our Queen to see. And gaily to behold her, Eyes left aud right in armour bright View england's gallant soldiers. You prrtty girls with rings At curls, V\ ith bustles, veils and brace*. Roam on so neat to chobham Heatn, And show your pretty faces, There may be s' en Brittannia's Queen, Undaunted there behold her, In armour bright, girl« if you like, Encamp with England's soldiers. In pleasant June, tuch glorious funet, On chobham Heath will cheer us, And GvVy nation in the world, In time of war shall fear us. Erittannia''s deeds proud France may rtad. Victory all times did crown her. If Boney comes to chobham oamp, VV^e'll sbowhim EngliBh power, Then haste so neat to chobham Heath, with husband, son, cV daughter A pd then away, fine, spruee & gay To famed Virginia water. ^ '/ DUKE OF rmim Sec. 8. You Generals all and chaminons bold, Who take delight in the liold, That knock down palaces and castle walls, But now to death I must yield. I must go and face the foe, With sword and with shield, I always fought with my merry men. But now to death I must yield. ji' , - j, I am an Englishman by birth, I And Marlbrough is my name, |v In Devonshire I drew my breath, That place of noble fame, I was beloved by all my men, King and princes likewise, Tho' many towns I often took, I did the world surprise. King Charles the Second I did serve, To face our foes in France, And at the battle of Ramilies, We boldly did advance. The sun was down, the earth did shake, So loudly did I cry. Fight on, my brave boys, for England's joy. We'll conquer or Ave'll nobly die. Now we have gained the victory. And l)ravely kept the field, We've taken a number of prisoners. And forced them to yield. That very day my horse was shot. All by a musket ball. As I. was mounting up again. My Aid-de-camp did fall. Now on a bed of sickness laid, I am resigned to die. Yet generals and champions bold. Stand true as well as I. Take no bribes, stand true to your men. And fight with courage bold, I have led my men through smoke and fire, But ne'er was bribed with gold. T I WMTTO PARODY ON WHEN FiRST 1 WENT Ti) SE .. / WHEN first lS»ent to tea, W i h M ss EHzahr-th Fry, I'd an over clock of mod sty For a baslifui chap was 1 ; 1 didn't pr/8s my suit, But sit there like a mute, While slie kept winking at me mv boys Said she w.s thin'^ing of me niy boys And she tiddled me under the kneei injf boya When first 1 went to 'lea. When next J went to tea, I didn't ft el so shy. Come m-ike yourself at home, said she, S> I th.)Ujjht IM have a try I help'd myself to a chair. She call'd me iier duck and a dear, Then she sit on my knees my boyg. And to kiss hrr I made free my boys, ; Sue only said fiJdle-de-dee my boys \\ ben first I went (o Tea* I kept OM going: to tea. She did me so admire, ; Yon art- much improved, dear Bill, saysslie, i When poking of tlie fire, i I swet'ten'd m\ own tea, j Don'i be afraid, said she, ! So I couquer'd modesty ray Woys I was happy as could be my boys Jt was just like A B C, my boys Is going out to tea. \\ h<'n we had finished tea, I (Mdn't know what to say, .She drew mv chair up close to her. And says Billy» now name the day I (iidn't like to sp^ak. Somehow 1 fell asleep I'd had too much to eat my boys She made my tea too sweet my boys I'd enough to last a week mv boys V\ hen last I went to 1 ta. Now I didn t go to tea. With Elizabeth Frv no more, ^ hen a fat man calTd on me one day, A nd a large c«>ck'd hat he wore, Ilf'd a silver knob on his staff, I want yoi», he Miid. with a I lugb. He dPitgg'd me before the beak m\ h' VS, So st-rp ised [ couldn't spek n>\ hovs.J I'd a halt ii crown a week to p-.iy my boys. Through going out to Tea. U « as no ode saying no my boyr And all I d jiot to say my hoys k '' rather tro much to pay my boya If Of tj^v V ihree cupn of tea. BOLD 6RENADEB a Hi^ lady E. Hodsres. (from Pitts) Printer, vhelsale Toy k Marble Warehc use, 3 ' street SEVEN DIALS. * rWAS a very fine day, and the band gone awa From the park were they'd been and play'd, When a tall gaenadier to a mansion drew near To have a chat with his Ladiesmaid. His tend? rest words, he thouglit she heard. But all in vain spoke he, And this soldier said, to his Lndiesmaid, Ladiesmaid, here's your soldier d'ye see. Ladiesmaid he. His eyes turned above he look'd after his leva, But he thought hed soe her no more. Till on a sudden he sees, swing too and fro in tha Quite inviiing the open ssreet door, (breea?. Up »tairs then he run, but he found she wasgons^ What's this OQ the gronnd ? quo h he. Here's a poiireman's staff, he ciied with a laugh This never belonged to me. Tbis staff &c * You p'raps might have thnuaht, he'd fellowed and 1''. r fijiliting you know was his bobby (fougirt But this tall grenadier lauuh'd at the idea. Of going to fig'it with a hobbv, With «uother j^ood laugh he look away the atatf, >s to barracks lu. went sung he If ayo«w^ Ladiismaid with a Peders vtaff rtaycti She miglit g^ ^ **^^ t<^ ^ *»«. Sb« xm^ ^ CONSOLATION, NOW THK WAR li» AT AN END, T^O'VVN by the town ot'Porlsmoutb a couple were convi>raing ConeeiBifig of the present limes as they were near the se «^ The solaier to this fair one said you are oppress d Vm afraid, Tl)e cause of all your grief and woe comt- quickly t«ll to me To soothe mv ^rief you never can. my lover died at Inkerman, 'J'he cruel wai- has r.O'W deprived me of my Henres^t fritnd. And wher« to go I do not know, 1 am borne down by grief and woe. But wiiat a consolation now the war is at an end. Hu friiid come sil you down by me, and I will sympathise with thee, For I was in the 33rd, — if he was in the same, Perhaps tliat younw m^n [ may know, the tears then down the checks did flow, Hp said ril try to ease your mind, tell me your lover's name Sh« saiii is name was Wiiiium Bell, hush then be cried^ iha truth I tell, Your lover fell at Inkerman, it's true you may depend, ¥es, by the Rusinns he was shot, and died upon the fatal spot But what a consolation now the war is at an end. She seem'd anxious for to hear, but still it caused the briny tear Down from this fair maid'a sparkling eyes to fall like drop«- of rain, SJje cried alas I am undone for I have lost my only one* once I I'oved so deaily, I shall never see again, The soldier s C H R U &. ujin versing on the present time together they did ^11 classes tliough Great Britain now appear so very strange, ^SUist England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales must speedily have a change. 13ie railroads all through England Have great depression made, .Machintiy of every kind Has put a stop to trade > 'Mie innkeepers are weeping f Jh grief and agony, ^Id tiie ost'ers swear they'll buy a rope,. •m- • Tlie steam boats to old Beelzebub, The watermen do wish. For they say they've nearly ruin'd theip And drowned all the fish, Of all their new in>vention« That we have lately seen. There was none began or thought upoii When Betty she was Queen. The Poor Law Bill, now many sayr,. ,1 Are aibitary Laws, 1 Biit they are qu,ickly going to alter, , Now the Brstend second clause, The ninth, and tenth, and the thirty-first But the forty-thjpd does say, Give old men and women beer and teat And a half a-crown a day. Behold the well-fed farmer : Ho w he; can strut along ; ; Let th6 poor tnan^o whate er he wiH, , He is aiViwys in ihe wrowng : . With hard labour and bad wages i He hangs his drooping head. For they wont allow him half enough^ To find his children bread. The farmer's daughters out can Well clad and pockets full. With a horse and saddle like a queen. And a boa like a bull ; In their hand a flashy parasol, And on their face a veil, And a bustle nearly seven times / Asa big as a milking pail. i The nobles from the pockets of ^ John Bullare all well paid. Sometimes you hardly know tlie laA From the servant maid. ' For now they get so very proud, ' Silk stockings on their legs, And ev'ry step they take you think They walk on pigeon's eggs. The tradesman he can hardly pay, F^is rent and keep his home j And the labourer he has eighteen-penoe, A day. for breaking stones, , In former days the farmer rode A donkey or a mule j- There never were such times before, Since Adam went. to. school. Some can live in luxury ' f While others weep in woe ; Ther's a pretty diff rence 'tween now A centry ago. ■ The world. will shortly move by stearo.. And that appears qi^ite strange, So you must all. acknowledge / That £ ngland wants a cbang^,. ^ij ^ BAlTiJE OFTHE NILE J. Catnaik, Printer, 2, Montnoit Court, T Dial* . Sold by Shanman, Cambridge; R. Harris, Salisbury ; and Boyes, and Bennett, Bright«n. A RISE, arise, Britannia's sei)^, arite, /\^ And join in the shouts of the patriotic throcc Arise, arise, Britannia's sons, arise. And let the heavens echo with your song. For the genius of Albion victory proclaiming. Flies through the world our rightsand deeds mate* And the battle of the Nile (tainiog. Shall be foremost on the file, be. Aftd Nelson ^allantNelson's name applandedsball CHORUS. Theii huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza boy*, [gaiB, Mars guards or us what freedomdid by charter Hseza, huzza, huzza, huzza boys, Britaiuiia still Britannia rules the main. The proud sons of France with insulting haughty scorn, [peadeney, Had too long oppress'd the neigh boariag ind«- And vaijily did hope thsircci qiestirc^ilf \ e torn* Ib harmony triumphant o'er the sea. But Kel«on soon taught them iu peals of British thunder, [knock uB«er, To the flag of Royal George 'twas thetr duty And the battle of the Nile, Was decisive of their spoil, »«r. And laurels grace the bosom of each loyal Brititb In council above rose the deity of war. Determined to give true valour due renown, Aij«d soon on the brow of each hardy British tar Was planted a resplendant Royal crown. While the loud trump of Fame o'er earth ft ocean sounded, [resounded. With Howe, Jarvis, Duncan, and Kelson's nam* And the battle of the Nile, Was the foremost on the file, [s name And in letters of gold Wiiie, ' lie died fur Eu- glund'a fame. AU (Seamen ttnd soMiers as 1 have hee^'to!^. They've ordcr'd tlle^»^elve!» i.i teadiness ^o hold, Their lights to maiiitaiu their cause to sapport, Ji'roai any iuvasiou Iveep'eucL British potU Doth soldiers and sai'lors miglify dtiedhtbey havt"* •done, ^•heir Kom m ^>reion parts muiy buttle«'bave wone Sfthe Nile ci'uid but ;po.ik, i)r K;;ypt declare, AH tb« world wiih L^rd Ntl^ca they ck;uld not I THEY TOLD HEU TO FORGET ME THE CEUEL FATHER AND AFFECTIONATE' LOYERS. E, [ rod fjes Printer, (from PITT'S,) W|inIosale Toy and Marble Warecjhuse, No. 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials. 1 t's of a damsel both fair and liandsome, - I hose lines are tnie, as I have been told, Near the banks of Shannon, in lofty mansion Her parents cluimed great stores of gold, Her hair was black as a raven's feather, H' r form and features, describe who can ? Bu^ still 'tis folly belongs to nature. She fell in io*e witka seryant man. Sweet rtlary Ann with her love was talking, Her father heard them, and nearer drew. And as those lovers were fcmdly talking, in anger home then her father flew. To build a dungeon was his intention,. To part true love— he contrived a plan. He swore an oath that's too vile to mention. He'd part that fair one from her servant man. $j Younj Edwin found out, her habitation, *T\i^as. well secured by, anirpn qoor, Heyow. d in, spite of all this nation, To gain her freedom or j:esXpo. more, 'Twas at his h isure,.hef toiled with plea'are^ To irain. releasement for Mary Ann, He gain'd liis object and foun^^ his tr -asurc. She cried my, faithful youn^ servant man. A suit of clothing he bought bis love-, T^as man's apparel her to disguise. Crying for your sake.! 1 face ydm' father. To. >ee me lien^ it will hi nv. surprise. ' "When her criie] father brought &water ^. To.f alljiiis daughter he then |>egun, ^ Said Ed wj'n,_ enter; I've clear'd'', our daughter Anji I w.ll §ulier, xour servant man- . Her father found 'twas l>istlaijghte^ vanish d Then like a lion he did r«>ar. He said from Ireland you shall be banish d, l>i with my broad-sworc] Jill spill \ our gore Agreed, s^id Edwin, so at your leisure. Since her I've IV^.eM, do all you can. Forgive yovr daughter, Fli Tlie only cheer that for her was found,, Three times a day he did cruel beat her. Unto her father she thus began, * If I've transgressed, now my own dear father Fll lay and die for my servant man. A Baron rich and haughty, - , St'->od smiHng by her side, ,' ;- Her father's word was given, .:%$}. He led her forth a bride. One smile she gave, which faded. Like the sun's last pirting rr.y, Her sad spirit trembled, And she was iifele«3 clay. "They tpld her; &c> TEMPTATIONS OF TIE GOOD SI. ANTIdNT JOE & BET. (A Paiciiy on JeuriivetUj & J^facinolt ) Y"ou are cmn,; f»r a*ay. far aw*y inn poof eld l*'t There'll br no on-- left b*hi»d ymi, Yei you will IV -t forgi't. But my be iri ^'l' ^'^ ^^^^ V*^" J**' V htn on a J fli-rent be;U t.>u k". , , Cao yim look ..»e in the fi.:* at>d »ay the ««no «>»'' joe. Wnen yon wear the cf^ft' of bltie, And the bUp up shiny tile Tou'll look just like a lobs'er, That hash.dnot a biie, With the truncheon in yotir po-Ket, An 1 ihs capo han- by yovire si>, Youll bo t&V\n- some young houwnMa And be mukxii her your bnic. And wh<^ you 20«* on dulf , You 11. be madly riwhinj; on Nevaf'tliioklni; if you oook 'urn That th.'ir U:tpoiive«« i» 2ono ! Anj if yiu goe* on ♦ell rerh;»ps 1 iwrj-ant you m^y be, » if you kwp* stt-aiiy, V And donl go« a slui.ner, While he's in the tic*' loU.e. TEMPTA i'lONS GOOD StVaRITHONY St, Anthony stood on & lonely rock, A lar^e black book he heUl m his fcwtd tCe»er his eyo» fro««i its p*;e ha took, W iiii steadfast »oul thf page he scrmo'd. The uevil was in the be*t hunonr that day; Thai eT»r hi* lii^'hnem wan known to be irt ThU 3 whv he sent out h * i.Tp« to pUy, With sulphur and tir, and pitch imd rosin. Tki'v ca:ne t) th« saint In a motley crew, Twisted an 1 twirled ihcmielv.^8 about. Imp* ot e^•erv Bh».)« «nd hw, \ dcv'etianiie and rum-Utokini; reut Yi» il-e '-'"od *t. AntljoUy k.^)! lua ey«s, v. Qrmly fiixed u;>oj his book, Shouta Tior lausrhttT, sijtlia nor ori«8 Could ever wUi away l»i< ^*>o^' A i.u unt i'-n?' »"»' '" '" earthen p«t, j'.j .Mrth.Mi Uia H6i;ied pot sat he ! 1 Urough holei at i '« ''de-. hii arms o«t shot, ilOUGliS' Printer, ('irom the la'e I PITT' , Rahcr a rotiHcal sigh' t/> fee ' H* dra^kmini hi« b<'Hy t>o ^»r Hnd -M)A»rMl, AtNl drtiiMin.vl hi< b«liT • rou-tdaud f.«ir Brtnijfht forth a -umlKUip, minyU-^ :M>aikound to lit-ar ! And he h'^p'daad h-w'd a^l wink d Kid Vriati'^, .\s hirih t ) a lirt of a sim^ if.iv« ht» — Kt'epiiic lime ^n;n tije luui^ at hf g '.Uop'd akon^, Tiil bis eycb lairiy • h*J i.>ut with <;!•'<'. Vet tluigood, &«. Am ther inrp came with a tntmpel snfmt That was both not.c and mouth in one, And Ue twang'd hii^ na-al tnelodiea out Ic many a (tuave', shale, and run, Aud hie h^d moved backwartki and forwards a'iU, Upon luslong &nd anakjr neek He sneetfd his octaves, o«t until, You'd tHink his iiofts w>a rc>a.'ly to break ! And eloao to St Anthony's ear ho came And 8<}iv*a'Ked and p«|vd hia muic in The shcrk ran ilirough tiie good ^a^nt's ffjaje Ui? shook ai.d riliivetcdwiih thedia- Yei the good, &•. A« imp came no«f with a slwlatoo form, Just cttine out of a chitnM vault His jaws With grigile ware black an'l di'form'd, Aud hid itHHh Were a^i lar^ and aa uhit*; is Mit He griaa d fuU m.any& lifaicesgrin, A ad wiiTg'd and rattlod hii boiey tail, Ili« skull was iixketl with gill and An, And iiii* cy€« were ^ho eyes of a aoAil, Ho took hii stand st the good taint's b&.k, Oo li}ndle« throng. A sly old rat, with wh's^er'd snout, And itwd on his haad did squat demure, Ihere iitv^r WJ3 ae^a luaU su i*ciravagaat rout, Froai that lo tb* prew-ot littMS I'm sure. Yet the good, Its A thing witii horny eyea vrae th(?«, WitJt horny cyea, ju?t like the dead- While fisli bone* grew inaiead of hair, bpon his bald and tkialtss haid. Last came an imp— hust^ Honesty » all my eye, Anythir.g to yarn a crusts Spoken. — Now r^y customers,^ roti have here, jnsion vhich he made — and a vholesom varning to young men and vomen to avoid bad company Slid take care of number one, for the mall charge of a ha'penny I'li'H e i-ir, mother vants her money, 'cos the man arnt hung. — ( Hilt help- that my dear — he ought to ha' been vhich is just the »«me. Fakements, &c That ere business soon got queer, Hanging day so seldom came Starvation I began to fear. So went to work at the swindling game' Tried all schemes so lary, warry Nailed the flats in every way Worked at thimble rigging; — prigging Then started on the cadging Ifty. 5))o^«».— Ladies and gentlemen, I are come before you this Booming, in spite of my native mode.-ty, and in vhich its a grrat effort on ray pait. in order to make known my distress, knnu-ir rr that the kearls of the charitalile are never deaf U, stale of mise y and is over ready to lend a helping hand to thf m as don't want it I am an unfortunate mechanic with a sick wile and starving familj ( child eries yah ! ) of M-hich this here biessud baby is the youngest of sixteen, vhich I got at home to support, and to iidd to my dis- tress, tive en 'em died last night, and was duried i)y the parish yes- terday morning — consid/r my awful bereavemeat— and to aiid Ic •ny distress, 1 was forced to -sell my goods to pay tlte undcrfi.ker I arnt got no home to go to, and my haid hearted hwilord threaten'- *6 put the broker in and sell all my goods — and to add to my dls tress, my unfortinate wife died about three days ago in giving birtl. to this here helpless orphan, and is now lying home without a h\\ ©' Hittle to put in her mouth, and expects to be confined ngaii' .shortly. I are been affected with a severe illness, and have beei. in all the jails — hospitals I mean — in Londi n, and vos turned (-n' incorrigible— that is incurable. Ladies & Gentlemen, if you thii)!- proper to encourage idleness. I can assure you i'm a deservii'g < b ject — 1 can turn my hand toany Ihir-g, Stamahonestt,. indu.^triou: J»ung maa a.s the govenor of newgate can testify. Fakements &c My face too soon familiar grew And folks they did me brown d'j'e see ? Instead of browns, they sent me to The Mendicity Society, Pea soup lacking thickening, sickening^ A higher range my genious took. Round the town went touting, spouting^ Puncb's Riddles a penny a buok^ Spofinrim- Now my customers, just printed and pnbliished, priy liono publico, that is to say, for the l)enefit of the publisher, an m- tirely novel and cho;ce collection of Punch's ff.vorite conundunns.- selected' and arranged by VvuscWm pi^ria perKQnia,\'\c\\ signine* to them M hat don't understand Frep,^^himself or somebody eisp Now the price is only a penny, and /. -i'llrst conundrurain the btii**- book is — only a penny — the first is "why is Giaham in the Hou commence. The Royal Wictoria TaviHion or Rolling Refuge for < the destitute drama — patronized by the ghost of Billy Shickspui S who has been bundled out of bis lodgings in the neighbourhood of S Covent Garden, where he fomid' an anylum for many years ; tiol ) in consequence of the march of science, and a refined taste, the ) poor old gentlemen hesbeccme bedridden, and is literally defunct ) which caused many of his brethren to be funcktd, and tie I uictio- / naries wot holds the reins of the Thespian wehicle are in a greater } funk than all on 'enu Astonishing performance — the real leg;»i- <■ mate drama, and no gammon— none o' your Uniry 1 anc humb"^ ( at this shop, stop forward — be in time — just a-going to commence (with a spiflicating tragedy, to be called "The mysteries of the s .V'cmber Mug, or the smashed Bug and the Bloody Bolster." Hi, ) hi, lii,— make way there for the Lord knows who and the La'.iy Limbertongue. A penny, a penny, a penny. Fakements, »fflBnble Every facilities for suicides. Made up m orders on the shortest ' notice, and 1< west terms. I intend o pcti ion parrianieni to revive be good old hanging days, for (lie bLiiiti'i of Grub .-^tn et. ?. ihe flving stitioners. Arid if any good genthmen prese t ^ ill oblige rrie by committirg suicide, I'll write a oopy ot verses on the . r- casioii and give luni une for nothing. Fakements, ^e> M. A. UOl GKH. from I. PITTS, Wholet-ale loy Warehouse, ,ii, Dudley Street;, Scveu Dials.. TBB ¥', W M, ■AS T roved out one Evening being in llie blooming Spring, il heard a lovely flamsol fair most greviously did sing ; •Sayiug, criic) was ray parents, that did me so annoy, iTliey did not let me marry with my bonny labouring boy. Young Johnny dear is my true love, a? you may plainly see' •BJy parents did employ him. their labouring boy lo be — •His coal black hair and rnby lips, my youthful heart decqy'd 'Soon I feH in love with him, my bonny labouring boy« My mother thought to have me wed unto a Lord or Peer, J bi?iD^ ihe only heirees, of five thousand pounds a year, * I've pSaced my heart in one true love and him I'll not deny, , For I'd range the world over with my bonny labouring boy. "Wvi cheeJis are like the roses red, his eyes are black as sloe* He 18 mild in his boiiaviour wherever that he goes — f 'He's manly, neat and handsome — his skin as white as enow In epite of ray parents malice witJi my labouring boy I'll go I courted him for twelve long months, but little did I kuovf 3?7 cruel parents ever thought to prove my o»erthrow; !Fhey watch'ci ug close one evening, while SO a shady grove* Pledging our vows together in the constant bands of love« Then my father stspt up to us, and Seized m« by the hand, He swore he'd banish Johnny unto a foreign land ; .^Sie-loek^ me iVi my own bedroom, my comfort to annoy, And k'ft me to weep and mourn for my bonny labouring boy. *3'hen my mo^ver came next iBorning, and these words to me dhi' say, Your father is determ-ioed to appoint your wedding day ; J nobly made her answer, with him I'd ne'er comply, I jBot single I would s'.ill remain for my bonny labouring boy. Says the mother to the daughter, why 4s y^u speak so strange, To marry a poor labouring boy, the world far to range ; Some noble lord might fancy you, great riches to enjoy. '.jSo do not thiow yourself away on a poor labouring boy, O mother dear^ efia answered, your talk is all in vain, yor knights, lords, dukes, or earls, their offers I disdain ; I'd rather live a humWe life, my tinae I would employ, JnoreasiEg nature's prospect with my bonny labouring boy. JJioe hundred pounds and all my clothes, I took that very night, And with the lad that I adored, to Plymouth did take flight; His love it has entangled me, and that I can't'deny, So to a foreign land 1*11 go with my bonny labouring boy, iThis couple t&sy got married, and joined in unity, " In peaee and (xrsnfdrt for^to li^e, in love and loyakty ; j Her parents riobee she disdains for her love and only joy, May prosperity attend ber with he^ bonny labouring boy. ,?G fill your glasses to the brim, let the glass go merrily rovmd. Here's a healtii lo every labouring boy throughout the nation round ; For whan hi-s work is over, its home he steers with joy, j^A bapp^ i» ^e gtfl tJta^ete a phe&rfai lab»u)ing boy. Indian Ia§§. Piinted by E. Hodges, (late Pitt's), Whofo- sale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, Ar~ . Street, Seven Dials, where new sc&gs are prioted and published every week liiSJ AS I was a walking on a far distant shore, ^^^ 1 call'd at ap ale house to spend half an hourj c^S> As I sat smoking, beside me a glass, ^^^ By chance there came in a young Indian lass, ^^v^ She sat down beside me and stfueea'd my handt t^^ She said your a stranger not one of this lan4, ^^*t ^ ^*V6 fine Lodgings if with me you'll stay, K^ My portion you shall have without more delay. With a glass of good liquor she welcom'd me in, Kind sir you are welcome to have any thing, y But as I embraced her this was her tune, ^ You are a poor Sailor and far from your home, ^^ We toss'd and we tumbl'd in each others arms, ^^ And all that long night I embrac'd her sweet chari With rural enjoyment the time past away, I did not go to leave her till nine the next day. This lovely young Indian on the place where she stood, I viewed her sweet features and found they were good, ^i She was neat, tall and handsome, her age was sixteen. She was born and brought up in a place near Orleans, The day was appointed he was going away. All on the wide ocean to leave her to stay, 2^ She says when you are o'er in your own native land. Remember the Indian that sqiieez'd your hand. Early next morning we were goino^ to sail, This lovely young Indian on the beach did bewail^ I took off my handkerchief and wiped her eyes, Do not go and leave me my sailor she cries. We weighed our anchor, away (hen we flew. With a sweet and pleasant breeze, parted mc from hw view. But now I am over ar>d taking my glass, So here's a health to the y^ting loUian lasft, -.''' Hodges, Priotir & Toy Warehouse, 26 G; af'.on-s). tea BLARNEY AiND BOTHERING WAYS I HAD A FLOWER I had a flower within my garden growing, 1 nourislied it with fond and anxious care, Rich in its charm's, of nature '§ own disposing, Qp tints iwinvall'd and with fragrance rare, In an evil hour there came about my dwelling. .One who had blighted many a flower before, Me saw my gem, in innocence ex- celling; • fle smiled upon it and it bloomed no m ore, Be saw my gem, &c. Next day I. found it withered and de-. giaded Tlirown by the spoiler carelessly away Its fragrance goiie, its various beautJes faded 'Deapisftd, forsaken» hast'niiig to decay, Vainly i strove tlie faded il lower to cherish, fought i^w remains of what was once - I so dear, , Only with lite can fond reiaembrance / perish Or cease to flow tlie unavailing t^ar. BRQGUK BLARNEY AND THERING WAYS: BO- T M trae wiial 1 «av, 'by 4he powers above, I'm geltmg -a« aod my bbrney and both 'ring \ way*. Rve sweethearts I've got, and sure I'm iodin'^ I To marry her tjrsl, whtf'ji first in Hie mind ; I stje thein all round in the coursa or each dt\y, !And du all I can to make their heirts gay, '■ With my brogue and my blarney, h bothering ways prbe fimt is a spiii»t«r — a bit pa«i her prime, I iuM every moraing about hreakfe«t time. With my brogue, kc. S. HODGES, from PITTS',. Wholesale I tt 1! her that she can uf great boaufy boa»t, As f swallow the coftVe, the og^s, and the loaat I speak quite re^sfjecfful, and hope that my fate May be soonjohi'd to her's in theconnubal slat*. With my brogue, ^c. At luncheon I go to a ch?irniing cook-shop, On the mistress, sweet Mistress Maloney I drop Witli my brogue, &c. 1 stpieeze her, I press her, 1 ogle and 3 gji. She'll have me as soon as her husband does di« He fipssick a-bed, like a fowl with the croop/ So I pledge Ijer bright eyes iu— a bason of sou With my brogue, &c.v A buxom young: widow, T think it no crijne. Accidentally to call on about dinner time. With ray broijue, &c. She takes »&' the coror^ — I see the beef smoke She cuts me a slice, and f cnt her — a joke ; She's two little childer, so I make astir — 1 kiss both the childer, and— then I kiss ber. With my brogue, &c. When with the young widow's old wioo I'yg made free 1 start ofl" in haste, with the fourth to take tea. With my hrogne, &c. An old maid, whose husband mnsi sure be her nurse. But oeh ! what of that, as sne has a long purse Surroimded she is by cats, kittens, and pups. So of tea 1 take with her about fifteeu cups, With my brof^ue, &c, ^ The fifth is a lady, faith ! richer than aH, She thinks I'm handsome, although I'm not tall With my brogue, &e. I go there to supper — *tis by her desire, I eat and I drink, and I sit by the fire ; Altho' on her back she I, as got a great hunoh I make her a Judy by drinking her Punch, With ray brogue, &c. After drinking the punch, 1 feci inclio'd lor a aap So 1 tie on my hand kerchief for a night-cap. With my brogue, &c, I sit there aad doze, and uotl while I woo, I She IclU me she hopes that as how 1*11 be tru« If i should prove false, she for ever would weep So 1 swear to be constaul, & stop there to sleep \\ ith my brogue, &c, When first 1 began i was as tliin as a rat, 1 am iK>w like an Alderman, getting qaite fat With my brogue, &« To gamni<»n a meai out wfeach ' oontrrvel Ar.d, faiUi if i could, 1 would i.,.rr¥ all frr For they're ail very rich, us • told yv- Ham I'd bury them — then I*^ go courting Qv- _^v» With my brogue, &«. Tcv 5c Ma* And brave, the rare old trysting tree. *^ fa i i ^& i i i s &^ ^ f f "Y love he wa^ a rich farmer's son, When fiist my tender heart he won. His love to me he drd rt veal, But little, thought of th^ Nightingale. My cruel father contrived if so, That a'yf'ung shepherd should quickly go. He told the pre-s gang, vho did not fa 1, To press my love to the Nightingale. On the 15ti) of November last. The wind it blew a bitter blast, My love was in the dreadful galr-, Went to the bottom in R pet, I'm the 'adies p t, Aiid after me thev ay a jd fr^ t, Tuev love me as they love ih ir iire, EaJi wish s to be m\ loving wife; Sj lie and flat er of Ci>ur8e I cin, ' i in thut makes rue (Le lad es man* 1'vep omsM many tidie*^ And heard the merry weJding chnne«. But never kept my promise yet, Though Tm call'd tlie ladies pet. Fal lal, &c 1 to the ladies attention pay, §•' allow me a few f their names to say : Th r •*> Maria and fair I-.ah I, Miry' H ill a >d gracefid Nell, Rebecca Sturiiy and Diiiuh Tare, A/d th • h.itid barma d Ellen D.ire ; SwNaa Uuni iiiid ili(! ta 1 MissGrt-en, An i to my iist Til add h Quun, ''" cati;!i nie all he i- c p. ii.iVe s t, Fot 1 urn q lite the ladi.s pvt Fa! lal, kc. The prt'S'tit. I riCfivc; racu d y, Serves t>» t'le .im:3 away, Somrti,ji< s jevvels so r.ceimes li'igs, An i oiher splendid lo^ ki g t: i')gs, Hor8«'s and dogs of ev^ry kind. They send to ple.-sj ray noble mind Lett rs ai;d some imes cir'is. For masquota ies and pr imenad !s. Though iinswtrs they bji sel iom g*t. It 8-iows how they lu\e the I di s pet. Fal lal, Sc. At the Queen's grand b.dl I louk my pl.vte, Mhen thsv quukly f-und ou: my f^ce, My dancing all del giit d theie. The lulian dancers jealous wern— The la ilea sm les were v< ry bueet, Eaci: siiile with joy 1 di.l re;!e.t; | 1 po'il ly bowed to all arouna, *lno Queen she cuit^ieii to the ground, Aiid every eye was on me sel. To vin a smile fr«m ihe la is pet. F4 la , &c. 6o maids and widows hear ras pray. And n \e.* throw a chancj away. And never look at sizj o. make, Or you may leave your j >y a! stake ; But (ry th; lad thaly^u luve leaAt, Aud trus to foriune-for the r^tst. For I can on y many once, Or else I am a sidy diince, A hus'^aud g!^f ana n ver f <:t. But omo ted see ihe ladies oH. Fai ial, &e GAY CAVALI' IT wa-i a bf^ant ful And the s ar^ slione bright, And the mo m on the waters p'aved, Wnen a gay cavaht-i. At a bower drew near, A lady to sereiia le To teade.e>t words he swnpt the chords. While many a .si^h br, athed he. And o'er a»)*d o'er he fondly swore, Sweet maid 1 love but thee Sweet maid, SAe.t maid, I lore but thee. He raised h's py. s To the latt ce hi<;h. While he fo idly breathed bit hope*, With amtizement he see-. Swing ab >ut by tie br eze. Already a ladder of rope.<* Up, up, he is gone* The b.rd is fl two^ what is this on tue eround, quoth he. If is p'ain tiiat sho lov. s, Hee's some g^JtlemiuN g'oves. And they ne*er b lonoed to me, Thee gloves, tiu se gloves, tiiey naver he* l'»nged to me* You a'l Would hare thougat He wouli have AIloAe 1 sTnd fought Tbat bein^ t je d;ieLinj a^e> But t'lis gay cava 'e , Quite scorned th ^ i lea. Of pultmg himseif i.i a rage, , More w St^ by fd:-^ He put up his guifar. And L's horn w ud hj went fang he, when a lady elopes D )Wn a la Ide. of rop s She may ^o to II«.Dg Kong for nm Sae may go, she may ^o ehe ma J long Kong for we, H01X3E3, Fri5rti?r, (ftrom PITT S) TVhok«dhe Toy Warehonse.SI Street 7 Cia % THE JOI,LT BUCCANEER TN tbe good ship Revenge how we've spanked thro' the ocean, She's flush to our purpose yoa ne'er saw the like, Balls and bullets whiz by but ne'er cause an emotion Till we're bowle-d down we never will strike, Thus sticcess and seaman's cheer Giads the jolly buccaneer. Fond of change in all weathers and climates we're roving, Now a sort of hard tussle and now a soft booze, With the girls and a fiddle sometimes kind and loving See dropped off a messmate and step in his shoes, : Still success, &c. Well stored now with plunder at nine knots we're steering, To where copper fair ones will greet us on shore, There we laugh, quaff and sing, and with curaing and swearing. Oar cargoes we see out then to sea boys for more, Thus success, &c. I LOVE NOT T oVE tiot! love not ! ye hapless sons of clay, -"-'^HopeS g^y«st wreaths are made of oarly flowers, Th'ngs that are made to fade and fall away, Ere tiiey have blossom'd for a few short hours lire they have blossom'd for a few short hours Love not, love not. ^Love Hot, love not, the thing you love may die ^JWay perish from the gay and gladsome earth y'fee silent stars, the blue and smiling sky. Beam on its grave, as one upon its birth. Love not, love not. 3Love not, love not, the thing you love may change The rosy lip may cease to smile on you, Tbe kindly beaming eye grow ■cold and strange The heart still warmly beat, yet not, be true The heart still warmly beat, yet not be true Love not, love not? I^ove not, love not, oh warning vainly said In present hours, as in years gone bv. Love flings a halo round the dear one*s head Faultless, immortal, 'till they change or die IP'aultless, immortjl, Hill they change or die. Love not, love not. GOING OBER DE MOUNTAIN i^H here 1 am c both old and young, ^-^ Listen to my funny song ; ril sing to you one not very long. Of going ober de mountain. CHORUS. Fare de well, my own true Iwh, Fare de well, my darling ! Oh good bye my Nigger gal. *^ I am going ober de mountain. I fell in lub wid a Nigger gal, And she thought 1 was a good pal; But I am forced to leave my gal, *Cause I'm going ober de mountain, My poor gal began to cry, And wid a cloth she wipe her eye. She told me dat she would die. If 1 went ober de laniintain. My poor gal did faint away. Then on the ground she did lay, And I heard all the people say Him going ober de mountain. > Oh, from de ground my gal did rise, And wid my coat I viped her eyes ; Says 1, lawk my gal, how you cries, 'Cause I'm going ober de mountain* I kissed my Nigger gal and pressed her haa Her eyes run like a fountain, So good bye all my friends at home, I'm going ober de mountain. Now all good people I hah done, ^^ And 1 hope you wiHbuy a song, ^^ For you see 1 want some browns ^^ To help me ober de mountain. $. Hodges from PITT'S Toy and Marble Warehous*, 31, Moemouth Street,? Oi^ile. GOOD BYE SWEETHEABT GOOD BYE II KISS MK OUICK. BONNY DUNDEE. Pnii'.ed at Hudg« s, v»liolesalo Toy and Alur- ble warebuuse, 26, Grafton Sltett, Soho. TMl!^ otiier niajlit as i was sparkinj^ s w t et Vn rl i na S n j a v . The more \\c whispeiM our love tailing the more vve had to say. The old folks and the little ones weie fast asleep in bed, 1 beard a footstep on Lhe stairs, now what do you think she said. Oh kiss me quick and go ray honey, Kiss me quick and go, To cheat surprise and prying eyes. Why kiss me quick and go. The other night I took Tarlina a moonlight promenade, And soon vve brought up tu the door- step where the old loll s stray'd; The clock struck one our hearts struck two when peeping over- head, I saw a nightcap raise the blind now what do you think she said. Last Sunday night we sat together, sighing side by side, Justli^e two winter leaves of cabbage in the suilhine fried ; My heart with love \^as nigh to split to ask her for to wed, Said I, shtll I go lor the priest, now what do you think she said. H i^rr'^ ■^% M W. TO the Lord's of Cjnvention 'twas Ciaverliouss Spoke ; *' Ere tf e king's crown go down there are crowns to !)e broke, Th-^n (acli ravalierwhn loves honour and niie. Let I. Ill) fi'.ilow the boniu-ts of Ijonii^ Duticie''. Coine, fill ii[) my cup — co'iie fill up my caa Come sat die my ho ses j nd call out my men TJiih().')k the west p >it, and It t us free, Pur ii*s up wi' the b nnets ol bonjiic Dundee Dundee h' is mounied he ridt^s up the street, Tlie bells ihc^ moil) and just e'en let it be, For tlie (own is weil rid o"" diat de'il o' Dundee C.jnie, t\ 1 up, &c. Ti ere are hills beyond Pentland, and lands beyond Pi-rth, n there'^ Lords in the south (here are Cnitfs in the iNorth ; There are brave dinnie yassals three thousand timts three. Will cry * heigh," for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. Come fill u ^ i^c. Then awa' to the hills to the lea to the recks" E'e T own a usurper I'd crouch with the fox — And tremble, false whigs, in the midst of your glee. Ye hae no seen the last o' my bonnets and me Come fill up, kct , GOOD BYE, S.VEKIHEART GOOD BYE TPIE bright stas fade tlie morn is breaking* The < ew drop? pearls each bud and Kaf, And [ from ihee my leave am taking. With bli's t .o brief, witli b iss too brief. How sinks rn heavt with fond alarm, Ti e tear is biding in mine eye. For lime doth thrust me from thine arni<:. Good bye, sweetheart good bye, gi • '- 'f'M soniifsters, ' Tbeir ~^«a>iiiiTig*'<^>*^'S so swett did tune. There 1 espio(i a f mai,'. Seemingly in grief and wop, And convt-rsing with v^'un-j Bo^iiapaftP, Concerning tl.e bunny b- ^^ of -roses, I ' O, then said vourig Kapoleo^^ At'fi grasp d his mother ^^ ^^^ j^j^^j^ ■ Do Mother, p a^^';^v>^p,.jience, U tii 2 ail) able to com maud/ I will raise. a terrsltieariTiN, And th.ou'W t^emendoui danger* g«,* And ill spit d' all Uie universte, . '~^' I wili gain tlxi bonny bi»«ch '^,tO»e8,0 ! When first yoti sa^v great Boiiapart© Y'U fell upon >our bendeU knee, Ji.hi\ bunch of roiei^ O ! He look tJiree himdred thousand men, Ani iikewive Kings, to join his throjj*, • He wus so well provided, Enouiih to swtep this world along JB
    nt ihe bonn\ bunch of ros?«,0. Now, son, ne'er speak so venturesomo For Efi il;!i.d is the heart of oak Kngland, !rti nd and Scotlasid J hfir uiiii y ha* neVr been bruk« ; Aiid >ion, look a« yoiir father In S*. ar^lerui his hody lavs low And yo» w.U s(K)n foJ!ow afwr So ba^areci" ih« ixjuny bivnch of rests, O O mothfr ad'sia for errr ! ^•'w I'ai utt uiy dying b«d > I hul liveJ I shouLi bi-Vf b^'oo clc% r But no V I jcoap mv yov.iiik hI ke..,d li\}l whdt oar bun«i <.<© mai^\ i* r ^T'.ad we^piing^ willows o'er ims grow "^kifi) ui'ust ot buld Napolwon v"\ ilLfct>L|? the b(»iij t^mli (d f 9»i'S 0- K. Hodges, Printer, Toy and Marbl« Warehouse, 2G, Grafton Street, Soho Where may be obtained all the old 8z new Sonus of the day, Childrao* Booiss, &c There's a ferave liuie bark, stealing outlii the dark. ^ From her nest in the bustling bay ; "l^ Tiie fresh breeze meets her dingy st^eets^'t And swiftly she darts away. ^ *. )\ She never must run in the «yes*of |ne sim But along with the owl take wing. She must keep her flight from the moonlit night. For she carries the smuggler king ! ¥ she must,&c. | A monarch is he, as bold as can be | Oi a strong and daring band, ^ The bullet Jind blast may no whistling past But he quails neither heart nor hand; fie lives and dies with h's fearful prize ; Like a hunted wolf he'il spring with trijfger & dirk, to the deadliest work. And light like a smu^fgler king. Back from the wave to his home in tho cave, . 1 n the sheen of the torches* jrlare. He rei;jns V>e lord, of the freebooters* board, And never vvac'^stlier fare Ri^nt fi« in & true are the hearts of l)is crew T^i^ere's faitn in the shout- ha ring, As tijfcv atav." the cask, and dram the fla^ AnU Ci"Vik to tiie smuggler kjug; I ^ ^f^^' I ' V-A /Iv f l!l^*^i i; MY MOTHER S ^ * (^'- SCIIOFIKi,!,.) Anrf ril go out and rU! ' ,^ u ' """'^ ^^«'">*«*«P Hh> clothes; j,^' iiu ana take a w;i K, bers ic<^;f ;», »« « These were mv mmK<:.rV . "t'ca-moit is'so hue r— jre my, mother s custom.., and so ihcy .hntl ha mmel y my mother s <^5toms, am. so they. shall W mine! The»«! were, &'.•,. •sprats W dear away th. d.nner-th.n^.. and thro^awayth ?^b„d don t pm them in U,c yard-~it o.connl.3^,, . . And. Tommy, yougootrt to pby. but d<>«t 4 ^n t^ c' in- And, Sarah. yo« dawa 'c s^r* •.„,!' > ' shir^; -, and ruoowt yoiir father's r>oa't rub too hard, hut-^vrmCT it .i~, .1 l The. „„.,„, .n„u..v"x:;;'^;,j;:i:::^Ks t^,^r ^Wtese were my mother* euitowui anrj «r^ i-i t n , . .7 ••'*»Mww,.ana so they shall beroiwi . These were, &c. . £$€ILANB'S ^TAOIfATIOK! ,j Or, I wonder where the Money is gone. WE HAVE LIVED & LOV'D TOGETHER. nnhe Oldest perse » in the world. On land or on the water, d never see such times as these, Since iVoah beat his daughter. Poor people's doors, I am sure Are oo the hing!e» creaking^. All clothe? i* popp'd the railroads stopp'4 And all the banks are breaking, Clio R CSV Tens of thousands, out of work. What will old England come to^ I carnot think, says old John BulF^ Wl.ere all tlie money is. gone to. 1 wondai* wiiere tlie money goes. Said Bob, in Covenb G-ardea, Kiddies used to sport their half-a- erownsj, Hut now they ca«'t get farthings; The butcher cannot sell hi fat. The miller '& hat is dusty^ ' ^' The baker say.s hh penny loaves,. Are getting stale and musty. >.^ The chimney sweepers have no work^ The irrocers makea^ fuss then. The coilheavers have naught to do ;; And neither have the dustmen. They have discharged and sent at large,^ Ten thousand excravigators,^ Twelve thousand snobs areout of wort- j And a million navigators* The theves say times are very hard If pockets »hey find twenty, Mneteen of them are marked to let— • They are completely e^tipty The doctors say they have enough to dOj^ The lawyers they are not crying. The undertaker says he's glad. Because the folks aie dying. The pretty giis tWt roanv the streets, fn sorrow tides are giving. And say it they keep out all night They can-not get a living j If lliey meet a swell, to tell. He nicely does trepan her Where she uped to get a haU-a-buU, She scarce can get a tamier. I r^4- 9^ <:: } The Queen was taken queer one night> 'f' And sent for l?illy's widow, "Who said we'll for tlje doctor send. But Vic. said, aunt consider My lying in I w\]\ put off ^ I i For a inoiitli to make it all right^ " I ^ Fi>r now 1 could not money find I t I know to pay the midwife. ; E.. HO0GK3, (from the late I. PITX'S) Wlwlesale Toj If times don't alter \ery soon, ,/' We all shall pine in grief, sir^ And have to sew up all oivr moutha^ And pull out all oup teeth sirs, Oltl Nosey in the House of Lords, Knocked- down Winchelsea right slap^ v Bawling where is all the money gone, "^ And tlien he eat bis knapsack» ^'^^ i'/ I wonder where the money goes^ I There's sucl» a fuss about it. Money is a giovioas thing ^ We cannot do wLtlxout it. They have raked it up and sent if oljf In waggon loads, what capers, -^ Some say it's gone to kingdom come. For sausages and tatersr ^ If they don'"t make some money soon, John Bull will play some capers, -4 Either out of iron, brass, or steel. Dried caiibage-leaves or papers ; j No matter what it is so long, As times are very funny, y U it is good, and made of wood. And we can call it money. ^ t-X^ WE HAVE LIVEDO And Lov'd Together. W E have Irv'^d and together • ., ' • Though many changing years, We have shar'd each others gladness. And wept each others tears. .; I have never known a sorrow. That was long unsooihed oy thee For thy smile can make a summer, j Where darkness else would be* J Like the leaves that fall around us, ^ In Autumns fading hcurs ; j Are the traitor smiles that darken, Wlien the cloud of sorrow low'rs. And lhrout;ll niarTy such we've known, love,^ For prone, alas ! to range j We both can speak of one, love, , ' Whom time could never change, • We have liv'd and lov'd together, V , Through many changing years ; f We have shar'd eac li others gladness And wept each others tears. And let us hope the future. As the past hath been, will we, ) I will share with thee thy sorrows, \^ jxi And thou thy joys with me, i^- J"^ ^ and Marble Wareliouss 31, Dudley Street^ 7 Pialt ;:!rS?SS:> c>2S?:>«^ EniC! E. HOOHRS, Printer, (from the htr- I PITTS'J Wholesale Toy anl VI irble Ware)ioti«e. 31, Street, 7 ry'itls N.B.-— Couutrv dealers an(l tlip Trade SuppliH with evory -article conivotL'! wiiit Trade Clieaper than any Hoiiy si le. On a btiglit May mornios ton-i ago. When fi<'rt you !«nn stupes always ti)«r% 1^ ril not tor>{«toJd Irelroiif M*n A &i\f t«ne« as fsM> FOR A' THAT! HODGtiS, Primer and Puhiish^r' (Fnm. I. PITTS'), .31, Str«e Seven Lials, A h\r>re Coffectioiv nPhatal, are tiiinuls to me ii's plam, ■•• \\ ho have honest iieiiri and a" lliat The upst-irt knave and fool so vain, Are friends to none lor a' that Foi i^' tliat and a* that, Tflfv are piejuiiic'd and a that, A Cliri'tiun true, will deem the Jew, A btother still for a' that. The perfuHi'rt fop with narrow mirlS U'i.l scoff, nay aneer and a' that, Tho' he iswrouii to net unkind, \V'' can b I pity a' ;li«t, Yes a' th;it anit a' thai, Intolfruni mid a- thai, I t^u^t with me, you will a gro«, A Jew's a man for a' that. A follow creature in d stresa. To srant him aiil and a' that, The heart doth slow 1 must oDniis'f To find the means for a' that j For a' that, and a' Ihat, Our dutv 'lis ind a* that, \A'li;it>r the creed, if he's in need, \V«'re brothers a'iU (or a' tkat. If yon to worship ere inclin'd, Vou choo?eone way and a' that, Pcrh.ips another 1 might find, >liould we dispute for a' that; F. r a' ihat, and a' that, The heart dictates, and a' that. Two pathes we choose— still He»- poict, We strive to gain for a' that. I hnpo aid trust, that come It mu«t. And oome it will for a' that Whsn overy man, whate'er his creed. Wilt honour'd be for a' that. For a* ihrtt, and a' that, '*^ e'H hand is hand, for a' that, j^ mtn to man, we'll prove m trfemU, Nay bioth«(s be for •' &at. Ip^ GRAND CONVERSATION UNDER THE ' ROSE. A S Mars and MLaerva was viewia^ of some fm- plenientSr BelcMia steps forward and asked the news. Or where they repairing those war-Jikeinstruments That is now growing rusty fof want to be used ; The money is with drawn and our tiade is dimin- ishing^ For Mechanics are wandering without shoes or hose Come stir up tie wars tiud our trade will be flourish- Tills grand conversation was under the rose- How they transact in the states of Anterlc-a, Their renown'd indepeadencesits on tl»e thronP» They are not misguided by the schemes of amiuistry Thai would extract marrow from the centre of a bone Had we eBlarg*d that hero, who sat the world a trem- bling, Whosename was a terror to Ui? imperial foe, (bling Althrough the day lie lost it was bought by disem- This grand conversation was under the rose. lie was a fine statesman likewise a noble generry His equal in France was never seen before, * His abilities were as bright as the diamond or the mineral. Which thousands raay verily that lay in their gore. It was thro lie wasguided by the hand of Providence Until his gtsllant army he did wildly expose, And when fortune did slight him it proved a bitter consequence^ This grand convesation was under the rose* Here's the farmer and comedian wish that grea Bonepart^ Would come on the stage and act a new play,. For they find their industry isled by a ministeral art And bU is not sofBcient their debts for u> pay, But the acts of Napoleon would makethe money fly about. Until combined in polecy they did hfm disclose, And thousands who rejected him would be glad to see him again, Thift grand conversation was under Uie rose. But Britannia of late has erected a grand residence Embllished with an hall and an emblem of peact>, And His Majesty is crown' d with the great e*l of op- pulence,. (chase Bat her »portsmen are idle and have no game to Her ancliors lay in harbour and her hearty tars they want their grog» The broom at the mast head shews the daring foe, That shell sweep the main ocean when again she bravely heaves the log^. This ^rand cunversatioa was under the rose,. •*i^^i^m*9^^mi^$»*> »T>MBPga[ g^;-5^»^^^6^^€»» SHE LIVES WIT! __D E AJ?^ HOHGE's (From PITr.s,) wh^ilesnTe tmt and Ma.ble warehouse, :JI ,Dadely-st, 7 UiaJs- (^*r>*es vrilliam when first come from sea ' Does any one know my Annette ? ^ Oh! vsay is she faithfal to nie ? A las; 'tis so long since" we met^ " Yes, yes an old gossip replies. We all know her very well here, ^ she has red lips and bonny black eyes,. 0tf And she lives with her own Granny ^§ dear,^ ^i **Grerjadier ! did yoit say, did you say E^ grenadies/ ^^ Yes, yes the old gossip replied ^^ She lives with her own granny dear; e^ Oh, dear oh dear. ^, Annette flew to welcome him home; h^ Hut he turned from the maid in disdain ^ False girl. I suppose you are come- ^ To Jeer me and laugh at mjr pain,. ^ Since scandal has blotted your name, W 1 deem you unworthy a. tean ^ Tve been told by an elderly dame,. ^ That you live with your own grenadier,. ^ Grenadier did love say, &c^ ^ Quoth pretty Annette, do you dar© ^ Xo call me inconstant and frail,, ^ Beware, master William, beware ^ I low you trump up an. old woman 's tail^ ^ It's true that such stories are told, ^ But we don't believethehalf that we here^ ^ 1 own that my granny is old, hi So I live with my own grannv -lear. * ■ OU dear. JOCKEY & JfilNNY'S Tl^IP TO THE FAX It Ji was on tlio morn of swMiet May day, Wben nature painted all the things gUy Taught b'rds to sinj? and lambs to plav, And gild the meaflows fair, Yoittisf Jockey iearly in the morn Arose and tript it o'er the lawn. His Sunday coat the youth put <>ix For Jenny had vowed away ID rti^i VVith-Jockey to the lair. The cheerful parish bells had rung With eager steps he trudjjfed alunjf, Willi flowery garlands roiinit hiru hiuv^ Which shepherds used to wear. He taptit the window, hast my dear •Jenny impatient cried who's there. Step gently down you have uoughi to te-^ With Jockey to 't*ie fa r. My dad and raahiifty b asleep My brother is up and with his shee^. And will you stili your proiuiso kei^p Which I heard ydti sweJr, I will by all the pOwei*H abjve, And ne*er deceive my ch'arniiog d6ve^ Dispel those doubts and haste iny love VVith Jockey to the lair. lichbld the ring thfe shepheril oried Will Jenny be uiy thartuiug brid*. Let Cupid be our happy gaide And Hymen meet us thew- TJien Jockey did Lis Votvs r iwud oa th«y, They bless tl«* kiad j;ry}3iU(»ue *i i>\. Tlje cii.»rmiitg llawviry uiv).'ilh uf >i4iv, Whtn lovely Jenuv n.ii i.tvuy \V;l» JijCr.^^ Ij thtfiu.r. ..•:>,V'*'-'*'^'""'':'^^ " WAS A SAILOR'S WIFE. pOOR Bessv Was a Sailor's wife. And he wm off to sea, Their only diild was by Iherr side^ And who so sad as sfie ? Forget me not, forget we not, W ben you arc far (ram me. And whatsof'er's poor Bessy's lof^ Slie will remember thee. A (vvelveinonth scarce had passed ivi&y, As it was told to me. When Willie with a gladsome heart. Came home again from sea; fie bounded up the craggy path, Antl sought his cottage door, Bot his poor wife and lovely chiW Poor WiUie saw no moref. Forget me not, forgot me not. The words wrung in his ear ; fie asked the neighbours one by oh« Eikch answered with a tear. They pointed to the old church yard And tfieir his youthful bride With the pretty child he loved so weft, Were resting side by side, THE GRAND CONVERSVTION OF NAPOLEON. It was over that wild-beaten trac euh of bold Bonaparfc, Did pace the" »ands and lofiy recks of st. Helena's shore, The wind it blew i hurricane, the lightning's flash around did dart, The sea gulls were shrieking, and the waves around did roar ; Au ! bush, rude winds, the stranger cried, awhile 1 range the dreajy spot, Where last a gallant hero his envied eyes did close, But while his valued limbs do rot, his name will never be forgot. This grand conversation on Napoleon arose. Ah England ! he cried, why did you persecute that hero bold. Much belter had you slain him on the plains of Waterloo; (and old, Napoleon he was a friend to heroes all, both young lie cauti'd the money for to fly wherever be did go ; (commander to betray, When plains were raging night and day that bold He cried, I'll go to Moscow^ and then 'twill ease my woes. (shall me obey If fortune shines without delay, then all the world This grand conversation oo Napoleon arose. Vhat thousands of men he then did raise^ to coft* '-0 V ^uer Moscow by surpriw^ ^-.-r;*- .:?.--. ;; . He led ni» meti across tri€ Afps oppfessccf hy frost and snow^ (open hfs eyes^ But being neaf the Russian land he then began to For Moscow was a buriying, and the men drove to and frOf Napoleon dauntless vieWcd the flame, and we|>t in anguish for the same, He cried retreat my gallant men, for time so Cfuickly goes, What thousaitds died an that retreat, some forced their horses for to eat, rb?s grand conversation on Napoleon arose. At Waterloo his men they fought, commanded by great Buonaparte, Attended by field-marshal Ney.and he was^ bribed When Boucher led the Russrans in, itnearJy broke Napoleon's heart, He died my thirty thousaad men are killed"^ and 1 am sold, He viewed the plain and cried it's lost, he then his favourite charger cross'd, The plain was in confusfoo with blood and dying woes, The bunch of roses did advance, and boldly eater ed into France, This gram! conversation of Napoleon arose. Then Bonaparte was planu'rf to be a prisoner across the seas, The rocks of St. Helena, it was the fiitat spot, Doom'd as a prisoner there to be till death did end his misery, His son soon followed to the tcnnb, it was an" awful plot, It's long enough have they been deady the bfast &t war around is spread, . (daring foes. And may our shipping (loat again to face the And now my boys, when honours call we'li boldly mount (he wooden walls, This grand conversation on napoleon jsroscj TIME HATH BEREFT THEE. % "^^HEN time hatk bereft thee of charms now divine And youth shall have left thee nor beauty be thine When the roses shall vanish that circle thee now. And the thorn thou would'st banish shall dres» on thy brow, Inlhe hour of thy sadness thou'lt think npon iit ■ But the tho;;ht shall be madness deceiver to th&,, ; When he who could turn thee from virtue and fame, Shall leave thee and spurn thee to sorrow and shame, en b) him thus required, thy brain shall be stung. Thy hopes shall be blighted the bosom he wruu"* In the depth of thy saduess thou'lt then think o(f me. But that thought shall be madness deceiver tii thee. \ W arehouse, 31. Dudley Sireet, date MoootOQ ' Street.. Seveu I>i„l», - ^^^ OLli WONT YOU TK\ ME OH ■•^1«"S-^^'* ^. Hodges, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble vVareliouse, 26, Grafton Stred. Soho, London. Where may he obtained ail the Old and New bongs o( tiie day.. I>own m Sky town lived a maid,, Smg song poUy won't you try me oh,. Churning butter was her trade, Sing song polly won't you try me oh, * She loved a feller whose name was Will, Sing song polly won't you try me oh. His dad he used to own the mijl, Sing song polly won*^t you try me oh. 'Kemo, kimo, where oh, there, my high my low, Then in come gaily singing, Sometimes medley winkum lingtum nip cat, Sing song polly won't you try me oiv. She wanted Will for worse or better, Sing song polly won't you try me oh, She'd have married, but dad would'nt let her> Sing song polly won*t yon try mo oh, And so she went and grot "a knife, Sing song polly won't you try me oh,. She broke her heart and lost her life, Sng song polly won't you try me ob.. *J.nen Josh he felt his dander risin. Sing song polly won't you Iry ma ohj. 3q he went and swallowed pisin,. bing song polly won't you try me oh. The. village folks langh'd in their sleeve,. Sing song polly. won't you tfy me oh, JCdr. Joidan's ahard' tt-avel li believe, Siag song^ poll)?, won't you tryi me oh- lilfCY BRAVE OLD OAK. 'rioDGHs, rrl.nfor.Xff'"!"" pitts,) Whole- sale Tov Warehouse, 31, Dudley St. Seven Dials. A variety of New Songs ^ <^on2, io tiie Oak, the brave oUIOak, Who btttli rul< (1 in the {rreon- wood loner, irrht on a wihi ni;dni:;hi. When the st'nrnj through lis l»ranchi'S shonti Then here's fn the oak, thp bravo old oak, ^\\ut vtattds- i^» hi" pride al<>nc. And s'i'l flourish lie hail green frfp, M'lu u^ft Inindrcd y^'ars an- gone. T^Hl^e dsusMtf <\ I when thf spring with cold, ]Vm\ hr nl'.li'MiU'il liis bn'.nches grev, Tim)i}^h the gisss at Ids feef, crept maidens swerl To t'U'hirlhr i\i\v t f' niav. AhuIou tiiat fkiy n^ the; reitck gav» '\'\n'\ fudi. k'd u'itli liivfsojnt' Huainj:, They tin-. g>nuis cbiinef, ^N as a UK-T'N lioiind to ii« re, ^'hrn ilic. Mpiiies widt* hali and the coliag;© smal], i \A here lill'd wit!) good English cheer. Ho* g(rkl Itf'fli 'hes\vrt_\ — w«' all obey, .u.^ \t)(\ nrnW l«»iS king is he, \Un he never eh-.iil s.-nd i»tir ancient fricnrf, To be tdM^i^ ou the .itoniiy ea. I'Len htTu's to the ouk| 5cc. 21 ^ !©! © £3 if 4 15 & © ^^ ^- A LOWLY \i)urir J\ lowly yonlli, liie miuntain child, Wilhiu'lii" liearf a love conccii'd, Pilose di'pthj-witb aci;en'9 .sweet and wild. To echo otily ho reveal d'. Ah, -if yon know, he \voo4riz I've l»eeu dune brown -anoi her kuook lie iUdn'i feel. lie wdb quite ta deud us ^isa Neai, for ska, Jre. irSSt*.^ Adieu to Old ElEiglrifMf, or the Transport^^ FAREWELL ^f %* Shops and Travellers suppl'iPfi with Cliii 'rrn's Primers and Story-Books, Sons^-liooks. Siuu-t >^>>ni;s. Patters, and Klips, omann-nted with Eiisra\ — tlie Greatest. Variety in Loicion. Cojne all voh wild youuy fellows wlicrever yoii may lie. One moment g-ive aitcnlinn and listen unto me ; . T am a poor unhapjJV soul, wilbiii tliose v.alls I lay. !My awful sentence is proijounc'd i'-"*"^wni »obo;"ny bay 1 \VHS bromrljt iii)ii!lendern»ss, niy parents lOi, I. ._ ght. 'I'liey never coii'd l)e tiappy, but wlien I was in their sight Tluy nourisli'd my tencier years, and oflto me wou'd say Avoid all evil company, lest lliey lea!) your master, lie has it in great stoie. If some money you don't set, pray see my face no more. To her bad advice I yielded, and to my master went. To plunder him of what I could, it was ray full intent, Of costly robes and money too, I took as you shall hear, .Ml from the best of masters, as to me did appear, The next robbery I did commit 'twas on a genMeman, Of full 500 sovereigns, he placed them in my hand ; I taken was for this sad crime, to Exeter sent me Thf harlot then forsook me quite in this extremely. The assizes drew near, before the Judge I stand. My prose . The day before I did set sail, as I lay in my cell My parents dear came to me. to take their last farcwijll, Uown on my bended knees I fell their blessing for to crave Crying, alas, my dear parents, this will bring you to the grave. My mother fainted in my arms, in sorrow aud despar, My father, broken hearted, tore off his aged hair. Floods ai-k, to wiinn ids g-oud old uoh: Like H tine old, &c. Wtifn winter old, brought frost and cold, he opened iiouee to a!l, And ttK(ut,rh thret-seore an;' ''■^ Eut time thonsrh Bweet, Isstronp in flight, & venrs roll dBwi'tly br crfSr^ i_J • V.; l,...» l_: . .u- . ij ' _ 1- _ ,■ ■' - %^^T\ And Autum's* t»lii(j;r ifut proclaitnea the old wan he must penM a week or two batk, Conoeiini^- a girl niinieJ carrotty SaJ, And a Ciii.iiumy ca!!'rt bvimly-Ieggd Jack, The ()arish feijan to hntl *Mit. S>Jie brought them too miny to keep. So aoreed to cotne down vvith four or live poundf, 'I o portion lier ofl' to the sweep. Tol oJ tol ol, &c. To have n grand rout, ^ack toddled about. And inviied Ihe whole o( his palls ; He made it all right tor a fiddler at night, 'Cause he knew there "d be plenty of gaU, ' He provided plenlv of grub, With tr-itter and max beside. And chanting Bill of great saffron hill, Agreed to stand dad to ihe bride. At last came the day, they were drest out so "ay, .lack sptnted his velveteens, Sal borry.v'd a dress which wis worn by fat beai>. When b without charging a bob, 'Cause he saw he was one of the cloth. Then homeward they went on punishment bent, And they .swore they'd pitch into the grub; There was lots of scran in a large brown pun. And leg-of-beef-sonp in a tub! Jack prais'd the cuttings of tripe, While shoving into his croup, And all swoie to a man, that as how Mr. Cann, Never made such a kettle of soup. The dinner being done, the lushing began. Gin went round noilh, east, west and south, No j:la>ses they'd ^ot, so they swiggd from the pot, /nd they took it by word of mouth. The hdiiler struck up fur a hop, \Vhile seated a-top of the trunk. But not one of the batch could come up to the scratchy 1 hey were all so infernally drunk I At last the lot so lushy had got, They neither could stand or go, The wonu'fi did howl, the men did they growl, It was just like a wild-bea^l show And .lack couldn't put them to l>ed,' 'Cause the devil a one had he got. So they roli'd off in pairs down the da.-k cellarstairs ' And wallowed all night in the soot. '~ Before break of day they (ound out the way. To cuddle each other bang up; Neitiier Sal or Nan (ound fault with their man But all were well pleased with their shop. But mark me — in nine ruonth"s time. Where ih^y hadlicen laid ii; heaps, The women did squall, the Doctor did call, Aud foumi a large bundle of sweeps. E. HODGES, (from Pitt's,) Printer and Toy Waiehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Diai». THE PRICE E. Hedges, Printtr, 31, Streeti 7 Dials. It ff&s in this town not far from ihis spot, ^ barber once opened a .*.nug little shop, Altho' qii te a stranger, his smiles were so sweet. He Gjuld fairlv entice people out of the street, "WMh his lathe. -em shave-em, Lather-cm shave-em, Lafher-em &e. Now he lii.d been in • manv a year, He s.havtd all the natives so clean and so clear, And now he's come here to tlirow out some sprats, Not mackarel to ca'ch but gudgeons and flats. Wiih his, &c. From one evil pracice he swore he would stop, That no one shculd ivor get his ttust in his shop. For with an old r zor full ot notch s and rust, He wonld p dish Ihesr jaws should they ask him for tvust, With his, &c. It happened an Irishman going that way, \Vhose beard bad been growing for many a day, He iook'd at the barber then throw aown his hod, Here, master, give us a share for the pure love of God. With his, &c. Oih the divil a penny I've got in my purse, If you'll giv.' us a shave you'll be none the worse Come in, said the barber, sit dowu in a chair, And your long grisly beard I will mow pretty clear. With his, &c. He then spread (he lather on Paddy's bi^ chin, wiih the old rusty razor at work did begin, Och murder/ cries Paddy, the razor you've got, ll wonlJn't cut buiter if it was msde hot. with his, &c. Och mujder an nouns poor Paddy did cry, And from the shop door och bow he did bawl, You may lather 5t shave all your friendi till you're siek. But bv. Jasus I'd rather be shaved with a btick. /i^^-i with hi8,^&c Now It happened one day a donkey did roar, Puddy thought the sound came from the barber's shop door, Oc'i ! listui to that vagabond knave. He's now giving somebody a love of God shave. wiih i is, &c. m October the first, a day sure the wort.t, ^ ^'^ I straight took my way to the sweet fair of Tria There to se'l a swine it was my design, She was fat, fair, and compli te in each limb ; My swine was as mild, as a lamb or a child, You might drive her all over the world with a sprig The (ruth for to tell, I sold her right well, Three pound ten was the pricelreceiv'd for my pi^ ^ With the cash on my thiyh. & the gla-^s in my f>c, ^^ To the to«n I did fly iil^e'a sjiortrng young Iuk L, ^^ 1 met a smart dame sho belonged to the g-ane, ^^ She up to me came to be sure for gt>od luck ; &^ She (ipt me the wink we went for to drink, ds^ The jade bewitched me to danc • Veniis's ji^r, f^^ And in the wheal round she si pt her haudwn, Each corner and lane I searc led all in vain, Not a sight of this damnable jade to be fouud ; Meet her where I will I su«e wil! hiT kill, I swear by the hair of Lord Norbury'd wig. Till the day that I die fvtr \ eng aace I'll cry. On the jade that robbM me of the price of my pig, To Navkn n^xt day I straight took my way. As I heard of a fair being field m Slane, When 1 caper'd there I was loaded with cure. To think that ray walk it waa labour in vain. To the house of John Flinn I next stepped in. Where I danc'd three reels and one double jig. In opes by & by I might cast my eye. On the jade that robb'd me of the price of my pig. By the Buek, by the Doe, by the Lord of Mayo, By the great bog ofAllen^&tbe high hill ofiiowth, By the church, by the bell, & by Paddy Mc.Kell, And for to swear more you know I'm loath ; Meet her where I will, 1 snre will her kill, I will not her spare for tory or whig, * And for this base action I'll have satisfaction; Upon the jade's boues for tlie price of ipy pig. Now since it is soi straight home I will go, My shuttle to throw, and fram drinking refsaio, I will stick to mv loom, while youth is in bloom, I will never be caught by a strumpet again. If the Lord Mayor knew the cause of ray woe. He would surely come here in a chaise or a gig. He would search l.e'afid round, where the jado could be fgund He*d Diit her in puvuid for ttc piice of my pig« E. Hodges, Printer, wh9legale loy & Marbl^ warehouse 26, Grafton St Soho ^lON. There's a g' od time coming, Iw'f A good tiine cominmiDg, ke. \ \ There's a good time coming,- boys, A good tima coming. TR'hen all things English thro' the land, Shall 'stead ofForei.^n, take their stand, In the good time coming, / When Koyaltv «hall patroni:?e, * 'I he British" Drama stronger, An^dvvith Billy 8haksi>€arl'raattrnizc, Wait a little longer. i here's a good time eoming, &c. 'i here's a good time coming. Ix^ys, A gcxid time coming, Wives will not have cause to say, ^^ " ni not stir out this shabby way, ^ . In the good time coming. Husbands v/ ill not screwimize. But do the liberal stronger, And grant their dear wives fresh supplies, Wait a iiUllfc- longer ^ i here's a -^ood time commgy &c., '1 licre's a gooil time coming, boys, A good time coiui'.i if - "When penny loaves will be unkncwn. And quartens so exteudyc grouu, lu tht' good time earning. Let your faiuiiy be e'er so ihhc':. Suy ten, or twelve,, or stronj^r, ^ ^ *'X*ti\ take a week to cat a Bru'k, Wata .ittle Idni^er, 'i here's a good time commg, tcc; f* Inheres a good lime oominf, fro/s, A goo. I tinie coming, V hen not a woman in the la>.d, Unmarried shall be left on hand. In the good time coming. Kot one shall be left on hand, (Kxcusc my language strongcfj) I'd sooner marry you all myseb, Sj5okcn But then ladies you'll ha; to — tra't a little longer. There's a good timc^comuig, Tlicre's a good time coming, boys, A good time coming, when a Special Constable shall be A nat'ral curiosity. In the good time aiming. t The only staff that >haU be rife, woni the weak'uns pick up stronger? will be the crummy staff of life ! wait a little louj^er. There's a gcx^d time cemiug, «€". Thcre'.s a good time c»ming, boys, A gmid time earning, _ .-i'V M-hcn Britain's garden, 5ay it we, ''^j From wcetis seditious sh.a i befree» ^ In the good tinu; c- niing, Peace shall guitle the great machine. The feeble and the stronger ; we'll «• ield and shout God save the Que wait a little longer.' '1 here's a good lime coming- «s I'm. KOr THROW AWAY THE FLOWED - I'll uultbov/ awaj the flower, •^ Though 'twas uevtr cuil'd for me. Though a rival sought the bower, ' wlien it bloora'd upon ihelrtfe, j I could scorn ii, I cuuld scorn ii, 1 wLcn his favoiM gift I see. Thou haa wem it, thuu ha^l worn if» And it ra«st bo de&r (o me. I'll net ihiO away tLe Howtr, ^C, IM riot i-iTuin the rose be gathorM, iS'u, frtin llico the ftift I tuke ; Atid »iuo tv'ry leaf is with«rd. ' StU I'll f)'iz« il i\\ tby sake. -, 1 tould sei/in it, I coiihl -seoru it, S when Listavor'd giUa i see, Thou I ast flora i', thuu hiwt worn iV And il must be dtar to me* iJodses.drom Pitt's) wk«l^»ls Toy S^,Marbte ^atel.o^e, 31, Dudlcy-.t.,7 D I'ATHEU KEPT A IIoi*i§e Printpti at Hodjrfp, 'r,.y »nd Mi.rljl^ \Var« house. 26. Grafion Street. Solio, My father kept a horse and my uiothei kept a mare, My brother kept a don:, my sister kept a hare, Had a ride from the horse, a foal from the mare leasure with the dog,and sport with tlie My fatlier kept a bull, mymother kept acow My brother kept a boar, my sister kept a sow Had beef fiom tlie bull, a calf from the cow Had bacon from the boar,&pigs from the sow My father kept a buck, my motlier kept a doe My brother kept a tup, ray sister kept a ewe, Had venison from the buck, fawn from the ^' ^ in Had mutlon from the tup, lamb from the ewe My father kept a cock, my mother kept a hen. My brother kept a robin my sister kept a wren Had cliicbens from the cock, eggs from the hen, Had vounff ones from the Robin fed by the wren. My father kept a cat, my mother kept a mouse My brother kept a flea, my sister kept a louse Had a scratch from the cat, had a squeak from the mouse, Had a nip from the flea, and a bite from the louse. It blew a:reat pins, wlien gallant Torn, V\ as taking- in a sail, Ai\(\ squalls came on, in sight of home. That streniithenVl to a tjale ; Broa(J sheets of vfvid liijlitning glar'd Redecltd by the main ; Ami even j^ailant 'lorn despair'd To see liis love again The Klorm came on ! each rag a-board Was into talters rent ; The rain through every crevice pourM ; All fear'd the dread event. The pumps werechok'd— theirawfj] doom Seem'd sure at every strain ; Kacli tar despair'd, e'en gallant Tom, To hee bis love again. TJie leak was stopt, the winds grew dull, 'J he billows ceas'd to roar, And the torn ship, almost a hull. In safety reach'd the shore. Crowds ran to see the wondrous sight ] The storm had raged iu vain ; And gallant Tom with true deli^^ht, Beheld his love again, A HAGGREWATIND DONKEY! K BOUT five miles from Town, •"'Lived one Sarah Brown, By Witshing she du* earn l•^^ bread,^ She'd for years done the same. And had got a good name, Tho" she often limis wish'd herself dead. Now Sarah vras weak. If the truth 1 must speak, And not Tery youi>g }ou must know. So a donke. she ^ot. And it was the tl'ings lot. The linen to take tuo and fro. Now her ncijihhournext door^ Ot" fowls kej't a sc re, A, bachelor, on© Ricliard tiockn So as It came to pass* This old woman's ass, Was Iturt bjf this bulclier's game cock» Tliese dumb things fell out, Goodness knows wiiat about, The cock hr-xt b« gan tt> show tightf At the ass he lei fly. Struck her slap in the eye. By wbich tlie poor tbiug loitt its sight* On revenge Sal was bent, To the Justice she went. To get ncompense she did try, Jshe |Hish'd through the tbrong, 'look her old a>s along,- show t ai it had losi an ey«« * Pray tell me how all came to pass V W|.y, xer hon'Mir, 'tis true, V^ hat I'm tellinff t" you. His cock has much injured my ass I At the light « f the morn 'Tis true as you'rv born Whenever sh'" jrues out to grass^ Exact as the clock His great big gKmecock, Is sure for to fly at my ass Should you doubt what [ say» I've l)rought it to- back I'll hear no more ciack Su sLe went with Lfir ass in her hand. ftaid his worship, so big. With his po/kder'd wig fi. HODGES. Printer, Wholesale Toy 8i Mwble Warehouse, 26, C LASH'D TO THE In ftkinns when c]« ik1s« bfci re tV«» sVy» Aud .huntkrs nill, i.«' In midst of all tleee dire al»in;s, I llvnk, my tally, un frliy charms, , The tnniii! I'd tbink ou «he ray love. "'VIk n rocks apprar ou r^ery sitTf, Ami i>rt i-. va n il;e sliip to gui 'e ; In varied shapes wHtn dciith appears,, The tioui^hts t f ttie my bosora elu crs The troubU d mdj ^c. But eii<)\iM tlie gracious pow'rs prove kind, Dispel ihe gloom, and stiil the \tiiid, And w.ft nie to thv iums onc« more, Safe lo my long lost native ihure. No mof' the mtsfn Vd temp! a:^aui. But tender} )vs imj'ro\e, , i >hew witu the*; Shi.'iiKi h pp\bc. And t''n on i ouj^ht but lov<^. WHAT'S YOUli GAiME Q'^ecf savings now Vxn sure, i Areg'tiiiiii all Av rai^.>, Sa do niit think mo wrong If I yjHir lime rnzj'g ■ ; That Lic^sein's iictt'iu' ft^le, Whut Chfor's a out the same, '3 it the lastuiie I lieard. ^Vas ohl covey ^V hai's your gi»OTC» Twns wnly a vet-k or two bac'c, ' A friend cali'd at my ahodc, , To e« flriil hive a tnaf, ' At the K igle iti tlie City Road^ I T. ff d m \ self a swe*!! I M> friend he did liie sime, AikI as we to dleddo.^u tie st-vcH, '^ i'ne J< ids cali'd out What's your gaiue ^•AVhen 1 avjng there at uighi I was.. * ' J*ut in greax alarm [y^n i« a very g'eat fright. 1 Whe"^ H oal Ci.coes liald of my a0m, I tai n d ISO 'i^ery qu w. All'* «-oUu) eo up wkh ^banie \\ Iveo >he iw ys are vtMi u n> i iiit4 j i'd» ^ear Says 1, O HV'liafh \e«r ^autir- I wanted 'o livok blir. For IM v,o lo's wttia, So I t»>ii(il*:d over to t lie "Green Q:iie, Ani t!'P e vve liad ij>'d it ff v>itb juy ^a'cl* jind puiiie, - - ^ 8o that w. 8 d cuiiuus gam-. 1 fallowed her down thestieet, * As fast as I could run, '1 hiiiks I heies a preity t eat, Its only dttdiey sif* His name I'll, la Spain and in France, And lUseek out my blackbird wherever he be, Tlie birds of t!ie forest all met tog-etlier. The turtle has chosen to dwell with the dove. And I am resolved, in foul or fair weather. Once in the spring to seek out my true lovo. He*3 all my heart's treasure. My joy, love, and pleasure, And (justly my love) my heart follows thee^ Who art constant and kind. And courageous of n»ind, All bliss to my blackbird wherever he be. In England my blackbird and I were together. Where he was still noble and generous of heart, Ah, woe lo the time that he first went thither, Alas, he was forced from thence to depart. la Scotland he's deemed, And highly esteemed, In England he seemeth a stranger to be ^ Yet his fame shall remain. In France and in Spain, aU bliss to my blackbird wherever he be. What if the fowlpr my blackbird has taken,"^ _^. ^ Then sighing and sobbing will be all my tane> But if he is safe 1 will not be mistaken. >gi And hope yet to see him in May or in Janet For him through the fire, ^ " ., Through mud and through mire, ^ I will go for I love him to such a degreei Who is constant and kind, -.^^ And noble in mind, n Deserving all blessings wherever be be« 1 lis not the ocean can fright me with danger, (: Nor, tho' like a pilgrim I wander forlornj Itoay meet with friendship of one that's a stranger Much more than of one that in Britian is born. ^r I pray bsaven so spacious To Britain be gracious. As some there be odious to both him and me> Yet joy and renown. And laurel shall crown, "'^^ '^^. 'lackbird with honuur wherever ^e bei IF I HAD liLJT A THOUSAND A \E4R Hodges, from (I. PITTS.) Printer, 31, Dudley Street, late Monmouth Street Seven Dials. Where may be had a great Variety of Old and New Songs always ready, country Orders sent to any part of the World. Oh> if I had but a thousand a year,Gaffer Greea (But I never shall have it, I fear,) What a man would I be, and what sights I would see. If I bad but a thousand a year Gaffer Green, If I had but^ thousand a year. The best wish you could have lake my wor4 Robin Ruff, Would scarce find you in bread or in beer— ' But bo honest and true and say what you'd do. If you had but a thousand a year, Robin Ruff,-* If you bad but, &c. j |«d do I scarcely know what, Gafier Green-* *-vL And go faith 1 hardly know where — ^ I'd scatter the jink, and leave others to think. If I had but a thousand a year Gaffer Green, Xf 1 had but a thousand a year. But when you are aged and grey, Robin Ruffy And the day of your death it draws neer— • Say what with your pains would you do witj^ gains. If yon then had a tbonsatti a year Robin Ruff, , If you then, &c. . ^ 1 scarcely can tell what yon mean, Gaffer QreeD| Your questions are always so queer. But as other folks die, I suppose so must I—. ;. What and give up your thousand a year Robiri Ruff, h. / "What and give up your thousand a year. There's a place that is better than this, Robiil Raff- And I hope in my heart you'll go there. Where the poor man's »s great though he ha(& i no estate, ^ Aye as if he'd a thousand ft year Robla BufiQ ^^j. ( f O U TH E CO U l{T •( ) F A PO L LO Bfl A l^llf UABDlf J^^► (Spoken). * Up cou'in, up! Tourh''a'n«! iip,T know IM 11 lu W U ^t^f' W Jp^ Sh;ikspere. ' Oh, by tbf powers, now, 'twas np ♦'» RETURNS OF THE DAY Printed by E. HODGES, (from Pitt's) wholesale Toy s>nd Marb'e warehouse, 31 ,^• ^ Street, Seven Dials, where two oi three new Songs are puH'ihhcd pvery week ERRY words merry words, ye came blast- ing around. Telling all thai affection can say : 'Tii tie inns c uf heart chosds that dwells in the * Many t appy returns of the day.' [sound Tie red clieek of the child is more rich in i's glow, Aiid the bright eye more swift in its ray, Whin his mates hail his birth in their holiday AJid drink * Happy returns of the day.' [mitth. But if midfct the greetings there's one that vie miss And that one was the dearest of all : 'Tis then «e feel lone in a moment lii%e tlii-*, • , When onr loudly hailed birth'day shiU fall. What would we not give if the hour cou d restore, The di ar form that is far, far away, If the vaice of that L ved one conid uish us once * Many happy returns of tie da\/ [more, If tl e voice of tliat h vrd one coi Id wish us onca * Many happy returns of ihe d »\,^ [more. Thf old man may smiie wbi'e he listens and feels, He hath Hi tie time longer to stay. 8'ill he loveth to h ar from the lips that are dear '♦ Many l)appy rv turns of the day :' Thf Tl a garland, a bumper, a dance, jind a feast. Let the natal tide come when it may. Be it autumn or spring, a gay chorus we'll oing, * Many happy n turns of ihe day. Be it autumn or spring, a gay chorus \?e'll sing ", « Many happy returns uf the day.* THE STAGE STRUCK BARBER, OR . THE COURT OF APOLLO. ';h O the Musis Dramatic I'm akin, For my ship is their ov.'n Panorama, Aid w th song I inspire every customer's chin, 8 I drop him the scra-is < f the Drama, Ail my soitp I p€rrume from Parnassus's mnunt, W th sucij sweet as my cus'ome.'s swallow And my i Kush, toii, I dip iu Cn&talia's fount, v» I shave in the Court of Apollo. ^ my month all th«' time. But what have; 1 «ot to pav;* ^* Three thiusand dncais!' ' Shiver mi n'ml-ers yo'i ^, are mad N.N. W. hut whm the wind U southerlv, J5!: I know a hawk fom a ha- dsaw,.* 'Yes fiie id, but J5 I Ciiniiott dl my razor from ahardsaw,for it surr Iv 3^ nv verb the flesh,' * Avaunt, thy blo^d is cold!' Ah S^ vcl it m ly be I vish I may tmce get out of this ^slauahtei house. « Slanghterhouse I Off with Lia ^ head ! Why this is the ^ Temple o' the Muses — walk in who chooses, ^ And a'il lakey. ur^ turns as they follow. ^ There are no excises for him who refuses ^ To shivp in the Court of Apolh». ^ Both the Buskin and Sock 'tis my interest to plr as3 ^ And to dress in the fir-t of the f 'shion : SS Should a cut from the razor,or old Shakspere tease ^ W hy I tip 'em an Ode on the Passions. ^ Thus is teasing made easy, & smoothly goes down, ^ With the oil of oramatic quotation : ^ And an at tor »f all work cut out for the town, , ^ I thus live by the town's approbation. ^ (Spoken). There ! Your chin new rraped she v« ^like stubble land at harvest home: i>hak«prrt', ^ ' Oh, dam Si aks^lere.' ' Had I three ears I'd heir :gj thee' I'm sure you must have de tree ears.for you g have got one «'f * Give ev«ry man thine ear. ^ but few thy voice * Shake not thy gory locks t S mt- ! Htre's some pomatum will make * each p-.irti- ^ cnlar hair stand on end, like quil- upon ihe fretful <^ [)f'rcupine !' ' Blesbmu shonl ! 1 must surely ^ have got into Bedl mi,' Bedlam ! t Oii, Jtptha, •^ judge of Israel !' whv this is the ^ ' Temple of the Musei», &, ^ Thus I try how to rival the Roscious^at home ^ And each oCtor claim as a crony : ^ Just as cha acters come wiihin swmg of my comb, ^ I fill up my Dramatis pcrsorae. ^ V h'-n I have a thin housu from the 'Tragical M id' SS A visage 1 draw full of sorrow, ^ VVhen the wh^le is farce for my be;ufit played, <^ A small smilo fmm Thdlia 1 borrow, ^ Yes * 1 can smile, and murder while I smile !' ^ ' The devil you cm ? then pray let me go,' ' Nay, ^ sit, good cou- n Hotspur, Art thou m t aslamed to ^ look upon this b -aid r' • Pon honor, I've sat h< re so ^ long, I sha'l soon go to sleep.' * I o slrep — per- ^ chance to dream Aye then-'s the rub !' ' Id tlank 5g you not to rub so nni< h of \our df-mned sM-.-p dt)wri J£g my throat.' * Thin ( pen thy p' ndr( us jaw s, and 4^ cast it up again.' * Ponderous jaws ! Vhe e*s the ^ glass.^ ' * Shine out fair sun, till I cm buy a gi* ss,* Sil^ » Well, dong me if I did not think for ^a;tin < wur S in a bail er's slop.' 'Shop! Oh ha eful error: SS? melancholy's chid! There is no speculaMon in those 32^ eyes teat ihou dobt glare with;' f »r It is is the Temple of the Musts, . c. i]S PET ORi NEVER THROW A CHANCE AWAY I'm the latl'es pet; I'm tlie 'adies p; t, And after me the\ cry a id fr- 1, Tliey love nie as tli«*y love ih ir life, Each wiah''s to be my lovmg wife; Sj lie aaJ flat er of course I can, ' I is tliut make's me the lad es man* I've p'om's'd «iarii. ge many time*, And heard the merry wedding ch>mes« JBut never kept my promise yet. Though I'm call'd the ladies peU Fal lal, tie, 1, to (he ladies attention pay, &► allow me a few < f tlieir names to say : ThnAs Mara and fair Isab I, Miiry Hart a id graceful Nell, Ktsbecca Sturdy and Dinah Tare, &/fd th • hand oine barnia d Elie n D ire ;_ Susan Hunt iind the; la'l Miss Green, And to my ist I'll add h Qiein, 'Vt catuli tiie all he r c .p> ii.ive s t, For I um qiite the ladicB [nt Fa! lal, c\o. The present". I rect^ve eacn d y, l^orves to pass the \ixm away, Sonirtitnt'S jesvels sorieeimes 'ings, . An I other splendid lo^ki g t! it)gs, Horses and dogs of every kind. They send to pleastj my noble mind Lettrs and some imes canis, !f or masqueiacles and pr-meu.idjs, , Though answers they but sel lom gst, It shows how they lo\e the l;di -.s })et. Fal lal, Ac. At the Queei's grand bdl I look my plate, M^hen thev quickly fnund out my face. My dancing all del glit> d theie, " The Italian dancers jealous wer*^— The ladies sm les were v« ry sweet. Each smile with joy I did rejiet; j 1 polilt ly bowed to all aroutjo. The Queen slie curtsied to the ground, And every eye was on me sel. To win a smile frem the la- is pet F4 la , &c. 60 maids and widows hear ms pray, And njvei* throw a chunca away, And never look at size o. raai^e, Or you may leave your joy at stake ; But try the lad thalyi.u lt words he swept the chords. While many a sigh br, athed lie, Aud o'er and o'er he fondly swore, Sweet maid 1 love but thee Sweet maid, swe^t maid, I Iotc but thee. He raised h:s ey* s To the lattice hioh. While he foadly breathed his liope», With amnzement he sees Swing abaut by t'ie br eze, Already a ladder of rope^j. Up, up, he is gone, The bird is fl >wo, what is tliis on the ground, quoth he. It is plain that sho lovfs, Heie's some g.-ntleman's g'oves. And they never b lorjged to me, The.e gloves, tii^se gloves, they never be* longed to me. You ail Would have thought He would have f.;Ilo>ve 1 and fought That be.n^ t le dueling a^e, But tliis gay cava ic, Quite scorned th^ idea, Of putting himself i;j a ragd. More w se by far. He put up bis guifar. And as hom w n d he went sung he, when a lady elopes Down a ladder of rop «, She may go to Nong Kong for m« Sue may go, she may go ehe «ia Hong Kong for i»e* Street 7 JDia ETWEE STASPmihlSiS^r i2?ilI?^(Da?^iai7^J?i7 \ E. Hodges, fioin Pitts, Wliol*»sale Toy and | > 31 arble Warehouse, 31, bireet, 1 i Seven Dials* 1 Vv'ith this splendid lot of toggery we strutted waU about, yout. We never stopped at home together, seldom both went Our neighbours took much notice, and the notioa them would strike, (dress .Jike. These young men must be brothers, for they al way* For where, &c "ST" ATHLEEN Mavourneen, the grey dawn is -"^ breaking, The horn of the hunter is heard on the hill. The lark from her light wing the bright dew is shaking — Kathleen iVIavourneen, what slumbering still ? ^^ Oh, hast thou forgotten how soon we must sever? ^ Oh, hast thou forgotten this day we must part ? M It may be for years, and it may be for ever, t^ Oh, why art thou silent,thou voice of my heart ? Tt Kathleen Mavourneeu, awake from thy slumbers, if ^. The blue mountains glow in the sun's golden W !ight, W . Ah ! where is the sptll that once hung on thy || numbers ? ^ Arise in ttiy beauty, thou star of my night ? || ' Mavourneen, Mavourneen, my sad .ears are f| V falling, H To think that from Eiin ana thee I m^isl part, n / It ni2y be for y^^ars, and it may be for ever, ^ ''^hen why u» i thou hilent,thou voice of my heart ? f^ ^ A LL ycu who are reduced and wish to cut a shine, w ^•^■- Come listen for awhile to some funny sprees of ?l mine ; f| f Advice such as this he's a fool who spurns, H ji'S« rn let you know how Jack and I were gentlemen |;| in turns. H CHORUS. H , For where there's a will yoti'll find there always is M (pay. n )erience and you've nothing got to a| We looked twice at once. I'm certain as we walked At night through the streets, as we swaggert^ and we talked, We puffed our Havannahs, nor cared for any chaff, 'Cause we bought a penny Cuba and cut it fair in half. For where, &c. Onee Jack had a sovereign, and as onward we would range, (change. He would often pall it out and beg of me to give him Then he'd pass it on the sly to me, but not in people'* view, (you* So I'd say to hira, just showing it, I w anted change of For where, &c. \ When we wanted for the mopusses, we cadged theii on the sly, (try. Jack vvould tu; n shipwreck'd sailor, l'"d bv gging letters 1 used to put the trousers, coati and waistcoat on» because, 'drawers. Jack could come the sai.or dodge, with only shirt and For where, &e. At two different places lived two ladies prime. But, as only one of us could do the lover at a time, I laid down in a lield and slept, while Jack used the cicthes, (mine I goes. And when he comes back, I pops th<-m on, and off ta • ' Fur where, &c. y a way So learn ifcWe had one suit of clothes, but we always made it do, ^ ,jFor on Sunday we alternately made it suit for two. fl , #ack bad lodgings, I had none, but it often was the || ' ' case, (his place. ^ When Jack turned out at daylight, why I turned in H For where, &c. ^ ! Wlien we bad aeoat apiece, we itivet»ted many moves, aa One of which was a plan both, to wear one pair of ^ gloves , (hid from view, vL As we walked arm-in-arm like ilris, two hands were ^ Aud we looked a> though we'd four j^iives, when, in ^ fact we'd only two For where. Ud W As the ladies were both rich, and kept up appearance flash, (dash. Of course we in our turns; were compelled to cut a So at my ladies' mansion when I could'nt show my phiz, (his. Jack look letters as my footman, next day I went u For where, &c« Thus scheming is the grand secret of living in thil" life, [wife. | And by scheming we contrived each to get a wealthy Unlike your selfish lawyers, more friendly still we grew, [suit between two. ' Hand-in glove we worked Uie artful dodge, with one For where, &o WORKHOUSE GIRL A LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE g E. Hodges, from PitU Wholesale Toy and ^ Marble Warehouse^ ^irect^ ^ Seven -^ . A LIFE on the ocean wave, A home on the rolling deep. Where the scattered waves rave, ' And the winds their revels keep. , Like an eas^jle caged I pine " On this dull unchanging shore : xjh ! give me the flashing brine, The spray and the tempest's roar. ■ A life, &c. Once more on the deck 1 stand, Of my own swift gliding" craft, ' And bid farewell to the land ; ' The gale follows far' abaft. W\} shoot through the sparkling ibam, -^i Like an ocean-bird set free ; /"Like the ocean-bird, our home We find far out on the sea. A life, &c. The land is no longer in view, The clouds have begun to frown ; JBiit with a stoHt '/^Rsel and crew, We'll say, let the storm come down And the song of our hearts shall be, While the winds and waters rave, r A life on the heaving sea, 4^.-^.^ home on the suf ging wave. &c. The werry next daj, at the time they all feed, Ven I thinks on the brutes, mj heart's fit to bleel The poor ereiur corae viih the rest to he fed Ven a dollop of sowp rith tattrs and bread, Vos shoved in her fist, all sviraming vith t;it. And missus she told her to grub upon ihat. As soon as she saw it, says she I discover This soup has ^'"'"" "'"ditiimfeftiiir tht hviifi of my« brotiier. Oh, tlie poor, 6c The old voman fiew in a rage so hot. And SYore she vouid murder the gal on the spot. So the poor cretur then in a terrible plight, BoUed avay viih all her niighl. Avay she venl vKhout bonnet or shawl. She cut dowH the yard and g\/t over the vail. And cot von pauper there, child voman, or mai?. For the starving poor cretur cared one tinker's d — • Oh, the poor, &c. Now a month pass'd on, no gn\ vas found, Says an old cook pauper, ' no doubt she's diowned, Unless some kind cove out of chari.ty, tlas given her arsenic.' says hew But oh, he vas wrong, for tbe wery same night A knock at the. door put them all in a fri^.;ht, And ven it vas opened, there stood, oh lud, Ths poor starving cretur all vailowed in mud. Oh, the poor, &c. Her cheeks vas hollow and sunk her eyes. Her belly stock ont sucii a monstrous sifie, Most awful her look, disbeveUe(4'her hair, And all her poor body vas bleeding and bare. And as the poor gal along- the hall valke near the town of Tooralloo, Sfc. Och Antrim hills are mighty hij^h and so's tne hill of Howtii too ; f t)Oth too [But all do know a mountain that is higher tJian them ^i-'Twas on the top of that high moutjt St. Patrick preached a Sermon. (vermin 5le drove the iro^^s into the bogs and banish'd all the Tooralloo, S(c. There is not a mile in Ireland's Isle where the dirty vermin luuster, (in clusters Tf St. Patrick put his dear fore foot he murders them Tha Irogs did hop, the toads went wap, for fear into water, (from slauijhter All th^ beasts committed suicide to save themselves TooraJioo, ^c. Irmce Hohenloho he would go hear of Paddy's gammon, (^across the Shannon When he clapp'd his head in i^ his month and sw.^in And as for ma-king dumb folks gpeak, to be sure he had the carny, {'\A^ri%ex for St, P.tirick \va* liie vtry ma-a that .first jov^ute^i I oido otp)a cfco Cpvj ocSfa C«0/3 c«0)o BEAR WOMAW'S THE JOY OF AN I^nglishmarfs Life. r^OMli all young men and young maidens all roun.l, ril tell you where pleasure's are all to be found, 'Tis woiuan, de ir woman, her praise 1 wdl sing. For they to a man every comfort do brin;j. A man is 'married his home is bis pride, He sits at liis ease by his own tire-side, While others that's sin2:le may ramble all dary, And whea they go home no such pleasures Jutve they. A man that is married, may rise in the morn, And all things are ready, v/hen he does return >j A man that is single, the truth i will say. Is just like a tree with each branch cut away, 1-or when out upon pleasure he mopes like a goose He seems like a poor tool that is of «o use, There's somethinij: that's wanting &. that's a good For woman'slhejoy of an Englishman's life, (wife 'j'he man that is married, his pipe smokes sit home While ithose that are single, to ale-houses roam,, He calls for strong liquor his mind tor to ease, Perhaps he ninv say, Ive no wife for to pltase. But when with the landlord he has spent all his 'ihe landlonl will, rudely shew him the door (store Then roMm^- for honieward."i he meets with some sfetriSft, Dear wouiairs the joy of an Englishman's life. The man that is married, if happy would De, Should do well his duty in every decree, Btii one iliiui,' no pleasines you ever can find, When once that curst jealousy enters your nund ff quarrels arise wtuch sometimes they will, (still Why let her keep talking, but hold your tongue I'or words are but wiijd,she may make a good wife Dear woman's the joy ot an Englisimian's life. And if on a Sunday you chance to go outj, 'I keep tlie child decent you qa^ ry a (CJlowt, And never inmd trifles, but do all you can. To gain the blest na.iie of a goodrtempered mao For woman you know is tjie weakest, and so Ne'er run from your bargain whatever you do, *Tis seldotu a woman will oau&e the first strife, Dear «'omdu's the joy of Mn Englishman's liie. If home you go tipsy, aad at do bawl, * fwiU luyike her u.uh^ wonder at all, And think tJiat a woman is right for to speak. Sue knows that tbe fer^ead must go short in the week. But early next morning there's toast and the tea 'i (> make a man happy in every degree ^V'hi.e those that are single may lay down and die His heart ache? t^irp* driu]^^j?ifld rq wife toconje nigh- So still 'tis dear woman her praises I'll sing, A luan with ,a lu)Uie, can appear like a kiii^^, 1 or 'lis uot riches wlicre pleasures iue lound, Dear woman's a.slar upoa Old England's ground. ■) ake warning each crusty old maid if you tan. \ ou'lltiiid tlmt a woinari is bkst v\ith a num. A id yi-uiig men lori^oodnexs pray splice to a s« ■■•■ : ear wo... ail a ihf jnv uf aU En^l ,thlT.aJ? lf*V., ove MEDS.EY E liodj;rs, froml'it s, \v holo^ale I'oy & Ma-.ble, War>-h;>u:ii-, oi, ._^ /-st, (late Moumo'ith s;oel.) Steven Dials. OF ail the girls that are so smart there none iiirn, my Father's dea,d and my mother is poor and she grieves for the days That we went a gipsying a long time ago the days we went gipsyin:^ a • Long time I've courted you miss and now i am come from sea I'll make no moj e ado Miss but quiclily marry a rum old romnio- dore gouty old commodore rum old commo- dore tor the bullets and the gout have so knocked his head about that he'l never inore be tit fjr Sea the sea the open sea oh Iiovv i love to Strike strike ilk3 light guilar before our most ' Koble Queen god save the queen Send her victorious happy and gloriouj Long foreign over us God sare the Queen. n i i Lord Love! be stood at iiis caslla Rafe, Combing- his milk white steed, When up came lady Nancy Bell, To wish her luvtr good speed speed, speed, Wishitig' her lover good speed, Where are you g'>in«-. Lord Love! she said, ()l), where are you going, said she, I'm going my lady Nancy Bfll, Slriinge countries for to see, see. &c. When will you be back, Lord Lovel, she said. Oh, when will you come back, said she In a year or two — or thn-e. sit most, I .M rr»tutn to my fair NuHcy-cy-cy &c. Bsst he had not been goti. For six days of pleasure we ne'er thought f)n«shore. \\ e saird away from Liverpool tlie weather il was fine All bound Tor Philedelphia, it was our whole design. The number of our passengers were 3i>JJ, Tiiey were all teetotalers exc pting one or two, We pushed along the lemon juice, to nourish us on the sea, And Father Muthew's medals we brought to America When our merriment was over going to bed thatnight The captain went round the ship to see if all was right He says, * brave boys, do oat go down, you need not tbinli of sleep, F«r in a few hours more we'll be slumbering ia the deep !* u> Then out spoke Captain Conlston to his jovial crew \Vq must fight until we die we've nothing else to do. Our enemy is approaching down from the western sea To rob U3 of tur property, going to America. When the pirate ship came up they order'd us to stand Your gold, and precious loading, this moment we de- mand, Your gold, and precious loading resign to us (his day There's not a soul you'll ever ta^e unto America, Then out spoke captain Colston that hero stout &bold It's in the deep we all would lie, before we'd be con- trolled, When the battle it commeBced, the blood in streams did flow, (overthrow. But undaunted were our passengers who did thepirate There was one yonng man upon the deck, with his sweetheart by his side (bulwark side, And with courage brave, tbey fought their way along She cried ray gallant hero*s I soon will end this stsife And with a pistol ball she took the pirate captains life The cries of women & children as in the hold they lay "Whilst the captain and his gallant crew shew'd them ^^ Irish play, With courage bold tbey boarded thepirate that day, And our boys gave three cheers all for America. Now to conclude & make an end the truth I tell to yoo Not one soul we ever lost excepting one or two, '1 he pirate ship surrendered just at the break of day, And we brought her a prisoner unto America. ./ ^'^ i ^1 re-^ rilE LAST E. Hodges, Printer, Whules.le Toy and Marble Warehouse, 26, Grafton Street, Soho V\ here may he oblwinedatl the old aiid new Sungs of the day, Children's Books, &c Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone. All her lovely companions .; Are faded and gone ; ^ N(5 flower of her kindred, | No rose bud is liigb, To reflect back the biossomfe Or give sigh for sigh. I'll not leave ihee thou lone one. To pine on thy stem. Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou vvith taem , Thus kindly 1 scatter, Thy leaves oe'r the bed. where the mates of thy garden Lie scentless and dead. ' So scon may I follow, when friendship's decay And from love's; shining circlei The gems drop awav ; when true hearts lie wiiher'd And fond ones have llown Oh ! who could inhabit, This bleak world alone ? IIU O'LY UNCLE JNED H K ODGES, Printer, (frora PITTS) whole- sale To) and Marble warelioust-, 31, Dndl.-v 6tietii, boven Dials. "1:1 R \ A V O'LyoH was a ^entbiua'n horn, 1 Me liv d at a time when no clotbcs ihey were worn. But as fashion walAed out of courie B van wallteti in, . [Lynn. Whoo. I'll soon leud the fashions, »ayg Bi^an CU.ORU*, Do, do, do, it 'U do, Says Br\aa 0'L\nn it '11 do. jrva 1 O Lynn htid a 1 breechu to wear, He ^oi sneei>sskiii« for to makt- hiin % p««r, W itii the fleshy bi !e out and [he wooly side 'n, Whou, they'ie pleasaut and cool, »a\s Hryau O'Lyim. Bryan O'Lynn bad no sliiit to hU back, He went to a neighbmr's and borrow'*ll take them f-M pistols, 8a}g Bryan O'Lynn had no st ckin^s to wear, lie bonght a r.n's skin to m ke htm a ,jiiir. He then drew them over lu uian!^ srtiu[0'Lyan «Vij.»u, they le ill g^nt wear, says Bryan Bryan O'Lyau had no broi^^ne to his to s Ithose H- hopp'u in two crab si^elis to serve h in f >r Then he split up tw » o>bters that mitc ed like a4win, ' [Brvan O'Lynn. whou, ihty'U *hiac out like buckles' ikiys Brynn O Lynn h id no wa(ch to put od, He scooped out a turnip to nauk" liim m on©, Then lie planted a cricket right under tbes' in, whoo, th 7IJ think its a lic-w ng, 8;eii broke down ..nd they all tumbled i«» , [O'LVBH. v> h'H), well go home by water, sajs Bryaa V!sCL\L NED I OGCCknew a nigger and his name was UncU B t he's gone dead long ago, [Ned He's got no wool on the fop of hi» head, In the place wuere wo d ouyht to grow. CHOHl|i*. Hand up the hhov.l and the hoc. Lay duwi) the fi die anti the boy. There s no more w ork f. r po:)r Old Ned, He's gone wlieie the good niggers go. His nails wete as U»ng as the cane ia the break« H 's got no e\«- for to s.)e. He's got no teeth to eat the oat cake. He's lorced to let the oat c ke be. CH aus. Hand up the shov 1 anU the hoe, fcc On a cold fiostv morning this Nigge ke d^erf. In the churi hyurd they luid h m low. And tlie Nigi;efs all said that they were afraid^ Hi« Lk« they never should know. CHOULTS. Hitod up the siiovel and tke Itos, bo. CAIIV #\ld Tubal Cain was a man of mighl, In the days when earth was young ; By the fierce red light of his furnace bright, The strokes of his hammers rung; An,d he lifted high his brawny hand, On the iron glowing clear, Till the sp.irks rushed out with scarlet rou And he i>i 'r med the sword and spear, And he sanp; ,!iurrah for my handiwork, Hurrah for the spear and sword, Hurrah for the hand that shall wield them For he shall be king and lord. (well. To Tubal Cian came many a one, As he wrought by his roaring fire. And eacb on^ prved for a strong steel blade As the crow t.f his own desire; And he made them weapons sharp & strong. Till they shouted loud for glee, And gave him gifts of pearls and gold, And spoils of the forest free. And they sang, hurrah for Tubal Cain, Who hath given us strength anew ; Hurrah for the smith, hurrah for the fire. And hurrah for the metal true. BM a sudden change came o'er his head. Ere the setting of the sun. Add Tubal Cain was tilled with pain, For the evil he had done. H^ saw that men, with rage and heat. Made war upoi their kind, A«id the land was red with the blood they shed In their rasre for carnage blind. Aod he said, a'as ! that ever I made, Or that skill of mine should plan, The speai and sword for the man whoes joy, Is to slay his fellow man, And for many a day old Tubal Cain, Sat brooding o'er his woe; AokJ his hand fori bore to smite the ore And his furnace smouldered low, But he rose at last with a cheerful face, And a bright courageous eye, Aud bared his srong right arm for work, While the quick flames mounted high^ Ami he sang, hurrah for my handiwork, And thtt red sparks lit the air, (made, Kot alone for the blade was the bright steel And he fashioned the first plougshare. An 1 men, taught wisdom from the past. In friendship] )ined their hands, Hung t'le sword in the hall, the spear on the And p'oughed the willing land, (^wall, And san>;, Hurrah for I'ubal Cain, Our staunch old friend ig he, And for the ploughshare and the plough^ To him our praise iha I be. But whe-n opprfession rears itiji h»^^ (Jl- tyrant would be lord, 7'ii^' we may thank him for the plougkj We'll mi forget tb« »^¥oid, 1^ A SEQUAL TO " MARY BLANE." T17, ^»''f^e.. Printer, (from PITT'S,) Wholesale Tov and Marbie Warohuse, No. 31, Street. St ven Dials. 'll/'hen 1 was stolen fi-om my home, And made a captive slave. 'J'hey bound me with an iron chain — i did for mercy crave. All day I wept ; at night I cried^ " On ! send me back again Unto my own dear, happy home — To my poor Reuben iiayne .' Oh ! pity my poor Reuben Rayne, No friendly voice to cheer him novr. Oh ! pity my poor Reuben Rayne I He 11 never smile again," They sold me to a Christian man. Who, weeping pitied me; He loosed the cruel bondage yoke. And kindly set me free. But oh ! 1 could not Reuben find— My own dear Reuben Rayne ; They told me he was dead and gone, And sleeping on the plain. Then pity my poor Reuben K&yue, Deep sorrow broke his aching li«»rt T hen pity my poor Reuben RarBe, He'll never wake again. All ni^ht I sat upon his grave, With anguish I did cry, *« Awake, awake, my love awake { Or let me with you die ; For in this wretched world of wos I ne'er shall re^t again, .--t^ Until X*m sleeping by thy side. My own dear Keubsu Ray»e." Tiien pity my poor Keuben Rayne, Deep sorrow broke hi aching hwr| Then uity my poor lieuben Rayne. H«1i BtYer wak» sgai* I ■ -^ , THE 600DRHINE WINE " Tapping at the window W H O S E D EE P L Y NEWFOUNDLAND DOG DKINKS OF WINE (Jaily still my moments roll While 1 quaff the flowinj? bowl Care can never reach ^he sonl Who deeply drinks af wiue See the loner pale with grief Bind his brow witli yellow leaf But hisjsonl soon deep of Mine From bridking find relief Eves ot fire and lips of dew Cheeks that shame the roses hne Dearer these to me or you who deeply drinks of wine THE RHINE GOOD WINE Pcur out the Rhine wine let it fljw Like a free & ftowiug river Till sadness sinks aud ever *oe Lies diOHOsd beiieath its waves for ever For naught can cbc«r ih« hearts that pine Like a deep deep djeaught of the good Phiae Win Pour ont Rhine] Wne ever more Let not the gobliel nevor be liriag lie Poets song & the sages lor And \h« Patriots loftv soul inspiring ygfgil^ofteriug meet at Freedom shrine Is a iletp deep draugbtof good Rhia« Wine Pour out the Rhine vime when each baa DOtb grap a brimming measure The pledge «hall be our fatherland ■ And'Fieemen Fiiend»hlp Love and Pleasure Tlien^urah for the land of the pruple vine And a deep deep dianghl of tUe good Rhioe Wine Yet deeper and deeper and wilder the eight, I woald morn were with us & brought it's ga!d tii-ht. For my s pirits they sink, so unearthly tbe sijade could fancy almost that my heart wete afia Good Htevens that cry ! more keen than ihc sword How it thrills on tbe ear A child oVf^rbo*rd ! o Neptune ? whet Neptune come hither lo me whete, you see him I now tho^ I cannot see. Yar eii to that cry boy" good iellow awaj ou oed not to track him the (ye < f the day. He's gone at the word — how the squall it came* down (irow • And the waters blacker grown at Heavens augiy Hush; har, something seeiuii iu ihe 5le»ui!*«f the sky ilualin^ uigh Mark ail isdarlt Ha ? good dog do 1 see the again ? Heaven's will be done stiiifwr ev«;r Amen. Quick a ligiit ab he breathes tiut conieiudttc So CO d — such sweetness to WitL«r Ah he murmers dear childj His bine eyes ars op'ning*— their gaze it Is wild Brave Neptune good fellow thou'rt gHllai.t aii4 true— Was eve companion so faithfal as yoa TAPPING AT THE WINDOW TAPPING at tho window. Peepin^; b*er the bUnd Tis reallY quite suprisiog He never learns to oiind. Twas only jester evening, As in tHe daik wo sa;t, Mv mothnr asked me sharply V» Pruj Mary who is that, { 4»08 lb«t indeett VoU're ceitaio HOW much ^e made start en si'efti to lose tneir wisdom Whenever they lose their heart. Yeseheir he is I see him « Th lamp his shadow throw Across the curtaui window He's stepping on his toes He'll never think of tapping Or making any din Tis plain 1 must goes lo hii*. It's no nse now (o cough I'llop' the door j ust softly If but to send him oil" Tis well if from the doorst^ He not shortly hurled A knock thought e'en the slightes Ob trtan their never *eas & 'trOiVntfe M Is worse than lookin* in Tap tap would any think H He never leaitos to mind S.t «uriey quite suprising. He think my mother blind Till you cama ifi'to the world Tapping at the window Peepitig 6ver the bliud Oh man, but yon're u t'roubl6 Atid that *ir6 maideA fend £ Hedges Printer, (from Pitts') Toy and Maible Wfwehottse, 26 Grafton Str«et, "S««# I ! X Air. — Yankee Doodle. QO-NJE souud flie dj-ura and fire the guo, i'o serve thn Queen be willing, Aud you mu«t mind your P's and Q'g, When you go out a drilling : Your pay is thirteen-pence a day, 'I he articles Fil mention, if you get shot with an iron pot. Perhaps you'll get a pension- Then off she goes — turn out your toes, Militia-mea fi^ht aisy * Drill him well,' cries Sergeant Bell, Heads up, says Corporal Casey. Yo-u ©obhler Sneeze, turn in your knees And wear jour co^it the right way. ' Or bv a Court Martial, you'll be tried, * Flare up,' says General Pipeclay. Your faces clean, be •sharp and ke en. And see what stands before ye, Strike up your flutes,and black jour boots And fight for Bull aud glory. The Cobbler leaves his awl and last. The Tanner leaves his do^-skia, ^ The Baker leaves his half-penny rol ls« Tha Tailor learex his bodkio; , The Butt:lu»r lesves his greasey bkck. The Italian leaves his monkey. And Colonel Gee, give one pound three. For a scarlet belt and a donk«y. Grs'at bouncing Nan, says, my man SatUy Did all he could to dish her, He stole his fathers eoat, and, Volunteer'd in the Militia: While charming Jane went down a lane, ' And was confined so clever, With a little son, marked with a gun, A Bayonet, Cap and Feather. Stand at ease, toes out, knees. Attention in a clap-trap. Says Corporal .GiH. that Cobbler Will, Has lost ihe siring of his knapsack. Quick march — before — right, left, behindf| Prime and load so steady Whfin war alarms, boys shoulder arms. Present, and then make ready. * That little Snip,* says Sergeant Trjpp, Does like a foreign hen lie low, He wears a coat 'twould fit Bt n Caunt, Aud a trowsers made for Bendi^o. He his not fit to have a kit. Or travel to the Nile then. To-morrow night we'll make him fight. The king of the Sandwich Islands. Eighty thousand lads with hearts so gUd, They want in good conditio q To go to Sydenham for to guard The great new Exhibition. And then to dance to Spain and France And to the Cape where care he's To fire away at the Hottentots And knock down all the pear trees ^ Now Private Plana beat up the drum. And call the lads tojfether. See how they run with fife and gun, And noblo cap and leather ; We wil have them all both ^reat and small To fight for wealth and riches, u iron pegs — on wooden legs With neither shirt or breeches. Hodges, Printer, J Dials j I? (> (yw £ \ah ! lore it is murder, ^ ^Aaid 1 wjsh it further : y&f faith Im inclintti t& get ml of-mv liM I^Ti nut f>f«TTJv senses,. Brside* the expence«; A^ onls becaUiW I'ra in want-of awifes, \\ idow ^^aln»^y. She was m coney» Onlv bef h*»prt was so h<»ppTOV bat-hlor's tra'^N'., ( r as stue as I live 1 ^lall die a.» old maicl^ ©c^ ! w,vJow Maijoney P- 'ch ! widow Ma>i««y ? ' Och 1 VA idow Mahoney, W as tall stott and(A>oney ; If eT,Ru8l>aft'i had l«»ft her to plawgh tljie salt Rea»^ i e?d gone to the bottom. His guiiiea? she got etn ;, §o without agy laUotir shv lived at her ease ; . A bfiiautifpl creature, u any iii jiature, Andiii»st like myself in every feature, - "^ QisW I widow, said I «?. l.scornM to be st aly So treated hea dailv , As>«ure as tue niji;ht came to whisky and tea ; And whya-ia aiuxidy. Her i>eaiitiful bo y, Woh\4 8Jtv.cbeek by jqui, pn one side l>Qhind me, . lo finish tbe matter, Mik^-llnoney was fatter* Andi fdit' wi hitter Rtb.H,«bloP ht marrie ', Andiftvingrl . weut to tb.e the pr.e.t to ^et wed ; WM'n w, o ahovild be stalKiug, To^toaXheir.s^e t takini^, But the -T ows live husband the man was not dead Mr. Mike, wasctutounded, The wid-^tw she fiw.iunded,, IMte man pick'd her ud Mhe neigh>..u^..urrouuded. And so I W08 lefr ^ith my Iwtchlcr s- a.cli., An° ^ «nre as 1 live I sb 11 die an olu inald4 Thr^^w MlLney 1 Thro" widosv Mahoney. . H Ho(ige«, Printer, (from PITT'.SV V\ hole^ale T»>v,War]wu»ev;^l; J>udley.Ht.»Sevie,nedi»a v IW» ln.x3kl;v Rr<»l!na state< Ail down.nm!>ng.:the aK'adows, . i uscti tQ.XJio.'ve the hay. Iiallwav s -worked Ahe hai{l<*r W hen liihpugbtvo -. Knsa May 8#^ CHORUS- Oh dearest Miiy yomVe as lovely a* the day, . Your eyes -fobrif^ht. they shine at night, Whfen tbe,»n«M»n lias gone a vy ay » . M«a M ay , . We v«wed to love each other Ifingj , As we aionc did *trav And oft my merr , banj/ s so»g, \V^is4u»ed to ilosa >1* , Tlw white man witli his spreadinjj saifs I>id hear ra ■* loye away> And now my^brokeii heart bewa,ils,^. The Iqss of Ho3i4 May. I sat beneath the old oak tree^- i naye sat for manj an hour, A watching of the humming birds, TUat hopp d from fia^ver to tto^^ver, I haVe seen my boat upon the rivLer, I leaped so lightiand gay. But 1 never war* saj ; happy there, As with m) Eosp, Mfty,, ETYWITC WE YET MAY ' MEET AGAIN HODGEs, Printer, (from PIT 1 'S) whole sale I'oy and Marl>le warehouse, where i, upwards of 5000 Soogs Qro continudlly I on sale, 31, v. Strtet, Sev«.n ^1 ia!s. THP^ -'1^ HOUGH SOI row's cloud is o'er ut now ^ And I must soon depart, In foreign lands for many yearsj To roaitf|^th aching heart. ♦Ve jet|MV^ope that store of bliss, In jo^Tfor'iis remain, And tiiougli^e part in anguish now, V/e yet may meet again. Forw<:il I know when for away :-,. Thou oft wi 1 think of me, Tor truth was in thv gentle voice, And breathes * I'll live for thee.* Then faithful still in every clirae. We""!! wake the cheering s'rain. Though distance may divide us now, We yet mav mr et again. TIPPETYWITGHET. /bis morning very handy, My malady was much 1 in my tea toak brandy, \nd took a cup too much, (yawns) But stop, I mayn't mag hard, My headaciie's if you pIea^e, One pinch of Irish blackguard, Fli take to give aie ease, (sneeze) Now I'm drowsy grown. For ihis very morn. 1 rose when (o^k was crowing, Excuse me if I yawn, (yarns) I'm n(tt in cue for frolic, Can't my spiris keep, L<'VH on windv cholic, *T'^ that makes me weep, (cries) Pm nm in mood for crying, C r»'s a silly calf, If to get far you're trying, Tho only wa/d to Uxugh, (ha, ha, ba) Air — Young Henry of the Raging M.tin. THE night was dnrk as I di^l ramble, , I heard a voice in sorrow pine, p/, O er a mountain came a damsel, ,"*> As the abbey clock struck nine, f^ She was weeping, iloAly creeping, - Down the valley tiiat's so wild, f Wauilering Mary, wet and wtary, // In her arnic* an orphan child. /, Along the road she slowly t od, '■ O hosh dear bady she did say. This lonely road is our abode To wander until break of day. Your father he is on the sea, A prey ncto the fishes wild ; Your mother's gone, for her I'rt nKurn,-'^ And neer forsake her oiphan Child. By chance a good old Engiis farmer, ^ Overheard what the did sav. He declared that none should harm her. To meet her he did go straightway. Teavs fell fren. his eyes in showers, His honest heart with p ty smiled. Crying, come my d^ar you're welcom here, L'kewiso your liitle orphan child. 'Twas tien benea h the farmer's dwellin Co versation still went on, Her hards])ips to them she was tel ing, Wh le this miiiJ they gazed upon. They lisleied to her with ai tension. In e. ch bi som pity boil'd, > Said they, beneath our happy mansion, ' Wekonif; with your Orphan Child. ' Time parsed oway from day (o day, * Until the c ild became a man. Then ]>ity was his bosom's sway, i \ And h«:neity his nobler plan. 9 He pi ies those in tattered cloa hing, And gives advic<> to those beguiled, He sends relief to sooth ti e gr.ef. Of everj wanikmig- Oixx&aa Coild. S ilil[liiJ|!li!ji!i:i*.*i!!!l]i4!liit^ ^ D.EAREIl 8€;ENES OF HA P P Y C H I L DHO () D — o-@-o — rrom the onsn^ of X,'rjCiSX,EK Amour, IJEARRR scenes of happy childdcKx! I return to thee a^zain, FinJinjj fields and sriady wildwood AH their beauty still retain ; Though all seems bright before rae. As in youth's blest sunny day, JSiill no power can e're restore ine| To tiie place now pass'd away 1 Yes, to the place now pass'd away. • Thus in youth our fancv pictures Brighter dreams of future bliss, Seekint? wealth in distant climates, Leaving still our [»earts in this ; S\hen returning sad and lonely. After many weary years^ ptfendsare gone, emd we can only View those scenes with bitter tears, y iew those scenes &c. tiff m a E MAY BE HIPPY YET (^11 smile as thou wert.wont to smile, lielore the weight of rare Ilad crushed thy heart and lor awhilo Lett only sorrow there :J Some thoughts perchance 'twere best tc> quell. Some impulse to forget. On which shonld memory cease to dwell^ We may be happy yet. Oh- never name departed days, Nor vows you whispered then, r»o'ind which too sad a feeling }>lay8 To trust their tones again, Hegard their shadows round thee cast As if we n'er had met, And thus immindful of th^ past We may be huppy yet. ^ E. FIODGES, FROM I. Pitts'. Toy andj ^ Marble Warehouse, »? I, Dudley St. ^ late tVJonmouth Street, ^ Seven Dials. iBE miXL or MY ; K, HODGES l>rinter, V^bole>a!eToy aad i^larble Warelionse S6r Grallon Si Sdho London, 1 uever regret the day that married. So happy ana i with the girl of my heart, I jiever had uaused to wish that I d larric U Ai\d from hpr & her parentn I ne'er with to pait, \Ve dwcJl in our co^, k happiuess surround us Foi the trpfk-Hue of gold mines wo n^ver will pirt \A iih the ble.ssing*of peace, with laureUthey cover ^Ij t;He*?t little creature, the girl of my heart )us TUv father's imfirm and my mother perhaps sickly, liu: stiii theyn-e daughter tbeJr footsteps to guide It dues give me joy to attend oa them quickly i o have a young grand^oD it would be tfaeir prid Industry .succeeds «3. as each goes to i«bonr, Way such joys last for ever, and never depart, Sh^ is so gentle, good aad mild her hehavioui For my dear little creature' the girl of my heari, CoJd winter is gone and spna^ fast approehing All oature w-eras joyfull aod bheds forth her bloom; 'I lie birdf* they chirp forth as summer approehing. And the fair yellow primioae puts forth bqr perfume, iBui of ft 1 their great gifts that are green by nature, Frotn uiy wife and my parents I uever will part .By our owu friend?, who are hrtppy and contented, With the sweet little creature, the girl ot my heart jMow «^ea 1 think of *tbo night that I met her And I went to ber pardnti to aik for her liand 1 gain'd ibeir coDsei)t and oerer wished for & bdttef She U tbe best wife in England'^ fair land, So new we are happy and coateoted togatber> Her Cather and mother ne'er from us •bail part; ' Through the storm of thia Uf« we'll hold out logatji ii'jiQ ^W9^\ bitUe wcftUro {ho girl of vxj hem, (et GIRL FOE ME OlfiOGNKEY; H I S days of w«rk are past, ,^ How look at tny poor mock, " ~ He i'f >k8 a« if be bad seen b.tter dayc^ emoiaeUe* n« ikintta with her mi]a Shall ever teopt me to &rge< the ones of our hk. Aod when I seek a keart ani luu)d amoog Ine'feirand ftee SpU con.ta»t w my fauh I »ay, An Eagli.b girl for "** Afl £[af H;9h girl foi me m&i €iSTORMy WINDS DO BLOW ^.m ■S-^JSE" HTIN6ALE M [ E. HODGES (late Pitt's) Printer wh^le i sale Marbie and loy warehouse, o*. ^«c.-, stieet, Seven Dials. 'N the days of old when forest and glade. To the huners hounls were free, The ratrry mei\ ro le through brake and glade To meet at the tryst' ng tree. And there was seen in Lincoln greeh, Full many a yeom m bold, Wth a good vew how. for buck or doe, And « steed of st dwort mould. And loud and lasting was the glee. As they drank to the brave old trusting tree. At early dawn oj merry May day, The welkin would ring witli ghe. And ihe villagers c.irried the Qaeeu of May To be crowned at the trysting tree. Bright eye^ wouM gLince in the j )vous dance And tlie merry pipe would s)uud, While the o d man's tale and the nut brown ale. Would add to tlie mir h around, And the leaves woule shake on the brave old tree, ' lujoy at their rustic revelry. Young lovers have met nf-ath h's giant shade When t!ie curfew closM the dav. And there has many a maitlen pray'd. For her lov'd one far away. Kings liave died in their regal pride. And storms have swept the land. But the trysting tree, though old he be. Does still maintain his stand. And niuy he live anotlier race to see* And brave, the rare old trysting tree. m ^^ m y love he wais a rich fangif r's son, When first my tender heart he won, His love io me he did n veal, But little thought of tin Nightingale. My cruel father contrived it so. Thai a yr of Give ear unto the maiiners, and they will pl-ii'dv show, aU alour Whilst they reel on the keel, When the stormv winds do blow. Th(n courage ail brave mariners, and never be afraid, want a trade Whilst we have bold adventurers, wene'r shall Out merchants will employ us to bring wealth ye know, Then be bold, work for gold, " . , , When the stormv wiuds do biidMr BARLEY IT was in the mern month of May, when bay it wanted making. Atid iiarvest tiuje w^s cuming» and barley it wantde ihem tliini the world went round amongst the barlt-y rakiug, Ri too ra looral. &c. When twenty weeks we e gone arid past this maid sh^* frll a sighmg, When furty weeks w re gone and past, t'.ila miiid sh*" fA\ a lying-, She wrote a letter to Ler love, she sajs my joy / and turtle dove, If yoifll return to your sweet love, you'll ease her of her sying. He took her le'ter ia his hand, and on it stood a gazing. ^ ^ a mazing He took hej- letter in his band, and on it stood He tuok th'j pen and wrote again, to think of ma its all ii vain, For a married life 1 do disdain, so well do I • like my freedom. Ri too ra, &c. I have got as good a pair of shoes as ever was made of leather, I cotk my beaver up in front, and face both wind and W( ather. And after that 1 1 ave run mj race, and can- not find a belter plac , 1 will return to your sweet face, we'll live * and love together, ! Ri too la rooral, &c. It was in the town of Gloucester where this young man was t«k« n, It was in the town of Gloucester where this young man Wc s taken, He stempod and swore, and voved and tore, the child is n; ne of mine I'm sure, Yi/U rogue, you rascal, she replied, do you remember the bar'ey raking. Ri loo ra looral, &c. &>. E. HODGES (:ate PiTT"s7p'.I7^,ho!? bale Marb:e and .' oy w*refaousek. 31 *net Senfen Oiaig. gHABES ofe^mk ci.sen^tT^ Lenxe al-n.' tbv bark u while Morn olas ! will not restore us, ' Yonder dim and distant isle.' Still Gsy fancy can dscovt r, Sumiy spots where friend's may dwell l>arker shadows round us Lov r, * J«le of beauty, fare thee wtll I Tis the hour when happy faces Smile around the taper's light, Who will fill our vacant places Who will singour songs to-night? Tbrough the mist that floats above us Faintly sounds the vesper bell ' Like a voice from those who love us Breathing fondly fare thee well. ' When the waves are round me breaking. As I pace the deck aJone, And my eye in vain is seeking, |"ine preen leaf to reat upon. What would I not give to wander Where my old companions dwell, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Isle of beauty fare f bee well ! THE TROUBADOUR. J^ROM distant clime? a troubadour 1 make in every courfmy slay, ' * Neatb rustic porch and silken domcc 1 tune my merry minstrel lay. But most where love delights to dweW, Mid knights who sigh for lady's hand, They welcome with soft music s spell. The troubadour from distant land. Where neotar brims the rosy bowl. My soul in festive glee shall join', And mellow every sparkling draUj;hr, Like sunshine on the purpling vine, But most where love entwines my brow, With garhmds wrought by hidy's h.nd, Neath mr.onlit bowers \ouVe ;ure (o find. The tiotibadour fiom diitani land. Hodges, Printer & Toy Warehouse, 26^ Grafton-5lrei»t *!* neW s jng Bailed \ , t 6k' THE 3?"', Hodges, Prkiter, y^holesale Toy atid^: Marble warehouse, 26, Graftoti Street; ^ build, Loridon. Cfiildren's Books, &c. ^ IT'S early, early by the biieak ofday, !J^own by those fields 1 chano'd to stray ^ Ijeard a la!r maid both si^h and say, /The lad V love is gone tUr away. J^e^P^^"® ^^^ '^^^ ™® ^^ grief and woe, A lid wlere to find hira I do not know, 1 ii'seai;ch those green hills, and va!;ies If the hills was cover'd with frost & snow AVhat voice, what Voit^e'nbW is this I hear iVs like the Voib0 of tay Willy, dear, Hf rhadwiiigs, l' would fiy to you. bJee \Vhat' the force of true IbVe can do: There's one t^nng^ibore that' does grieViB \, . my mind, My Willy dear, has proved unkind. For wheii he is crossing th^' we&tern ! . , sliore, . fle'll ne'er think of his true love ihoVe^ r wikli 1 was libw wiifj my sweetheart, l^ihiiig here alone breaks my poor heart Votf have tWO heaits, novr, but I have . done, , l^riy gram me mine love and keep ybUr 6wa^ Young liien will come to' you with a ^ , flattering tongue (won, And tell tWt they thiak they have you The noe of sight they R«*eout of mine, tfs tear to one bur they'll prove nukiud. T hi^ laiire I leaf sta1 1 ba nry bed. The hi^iiest aiu^tji g'jard iny heacf, IVb thcrw I 11 lie 'till the break of day, ^*ad pretty sriaall bifd^ firoand me piay. ; Ntr ^^ iiB Lud been as kriu^ ai me, k'iA. 6ia|r k^m l^ve. in pover».y, i^ i%it ^ Aia^nca, where pWoiv ikhr^ 's^9^'«i> f»( iuu# witit my Wtliy O. TO tli« wfal*, to the-west, to the land of the free,' NVherf miuhty Missouri rolls do* it to the tea, W^^re a man i» a man ir he's willing- »o tdil. And the humblest may oalher th^ fruits of tl e soi* Wh»re children are'^^bie>sings. & hc'who taiUmoit' Has acid fur Lis fortune, and riches to' Where the young way ex\ilt Si. the aged nwy reft," A^iiy, far awSav * tu the lahdof the «voBti To tti« west, tb^lt* west, to the land of tbefr^e, Where niigUty Missouri rolls dowii lu the sea, Where the yuung may exult & the agv^d may test' ▲way, far avay, tu lUe beautiful wai,- To t\ii weal, t« the 've«f, where tlie n'rsrs tliatfow' Run thousuAiis Of mile*, spi^eadiug out as they gm' where the green waying forest shall echo our call As wide as' old EnglaHd, and free for us all. where the pt'ai'rea like seas where the billows hare' roUd ^ ^ . ._ . Are broad astHe krogdoins and'i^rnpires 6f old. where thie lakes are dke ooeuns in stomi or in rest Awa\, far aWay ! to the land of the west. To the wiSt kc To the wtat', im the waat there*s wea it'^ tu bs woa^ Tke foie&c tq clear istbc witrk tu bv doi e. we'fl try it» #eMl do it and never de pair while there's light io the suukhinu' or b.eath in the The bold iBdepHeoance that laboi'ir crtR buy Hhall tti«ai;th«« omt hands a»d foibid us to sigh Away, far aiway ! I«t us hope fur the best ▲ad bvuM ttf a kiMie in the laad of tU* we«t. fvtikcicfirW BLARNEY AND BOTHIMIING \V4YS I H A D A F LO VV E II XV^ SIT OAKDEXr GUOWING* I had a flower within my garden growing^ I nourished it with fond and anxious care, Rich in its charm's, of nature's own disposine mind ; £ se« them all round in the coar8« or each day, And do all I can to make tbeir beirts gay, Witb my brogue and ray blarney, & l)t»tbering ways, Tbe first is a €pinstet-a bit past hor prime, I oaU every raorniu^' about breaklust time. With my brogufi, &c. 4 K. KODGES, from PITTS', Wholesale Tcy & Marble Warehouse SI lu.l.y .t, r till her that she c.\n of «;real bcn-.jtv boiiVf, As I swall(»w tlie «;< HVe, iho og<:s, ;;nfi (li^ Uni>t T speak qnit-c refip»'ctfnl^ antl hofu? tl-.tit my iiH. May be soonjoiird to Ijer's in tbo cotiuKh&l b1ati\ M'jth m\ brogne, icn. At hiTi(heoM I i;o to a !< he.r. Wi;h ni) brogue, Sec. When with t'le young widow's* o-JJ wine* I've madt' free I itart oft' in has'.e, with the foiirih U> J.iko tea. W"itii nu liit.^M*', &:f. An old maiti. whis? hu-.baud niiis! sure \ni her nurse, But och ! wknt of that. u.< sue han a hititf pHi^^*« Surrounded she i« b\ cats, kil(»-iiv;, and pripu, Sooftca 1 nvkewi'h her about iitUvu onps, M'iili niy bro>,iHi, 5ic. Th«» fifth is a lady, faith ! richer tjiim ail. She thinks ISv. h;mdsoine, ;tUI:()u^li Irw not tn^ \Vi!h m) brogiio, &e. I an there to suppi r — 'tis hy her d^fjirp, I vai and 1 diink. «nd I si( by the fire ; Allh«)" on her back she 1 as oot » trrett liim^i I ciake her a Judy by drinkini;- lre<- J'tJjKii, With my brogue^ 5lC. After drinking the punth, i f,liuw Mi b<« irtw* If I «hou!d ptove fiUe, she hu ev « i w.^ilH wc^-p So i swear to be c-;;i:-.;; quite fat \\ ith u:.y brc^gue, k-. To gismmon a meal out of eat. i> I c T^,^^^ W' re seven gypsies all in a gatg^ They \vi re brisk and bonny O, • hey rode till they c^me to the Earl of CastV* houi^e. A nd there tl ev sung most sweetly O, , The Sail cf Castle's lady came down *" W ith i>er ws iting maid beside her O ' As soon as her face th' y saw, Tbey cast tbcglanifs (spellh) over her O. They gave to hef a i.utmeg hrown^ Which WQ« of the Belinger O, '' She gave to them a f W N Niggar Parody on ** M n » o: e y vvtf*yll ne«-(l to (oar nie, Tliey W.I I (iwl tu* ir match itt^Larry O'Biian. So li;iht anil so Cii'.c wlien 1 first wont to sea ; Who tho f poor liarry, niood&ouns ! wbf'ie is ihe gilhv-that would tarry. It will never do for poor Larry C Brian- There is a dirty liltle midshipman milksop. And he order* me up to the tip top. And then my he id went routjd like u whiplop. It was crml to Lairs O'lirku A sailor, lie went up and let (jpwn a rope, And they tied it round my middle, And hauled me up> I kept squeaking, I kept squeaking, While tl»e devils (hey kept haulinjr ^ uoor Larry, : Whilst the sea was a bubbling;, ^ ^ ? My atonnich was sorely grumbliu ^ I wish'd myself safe in Duldin, . Safe landed poor Larry O' Brian. ' r- ' The first thinj; they gave me was like a sack, Wiiere one cut me down, by my soul broke my I neck, ! Where they whipt me and stript me, ' I Such a f.ijjgin:'- sure they tipt me, O poor I^rry. The next thing tiiey all went to fighting, I A thing that I ne*er took delight in, ' A nasty dirty trick, thus to frighteo* ' The poor devil Larry O'Brian, And there wood and shot. And the devil knows what^ i <^uld «iol tell whether my head waa on or not, But free i^om pain, 1 left the main. And the devi^ "uav go there again for ooor Larrv* E. HODGES Printer, Wholesale Toy «ad Afwrble Warehouse*, 26, Grafton Street Soho, London — Wl.ere apward* of 100,000 ^ongs are constantly on sale 'Hill TOPSY neber was born, Neber had a moder, ^Spect« I j^row'tl a nig^ger brat, Jist like any other Whip me tiil the blood pours down. Old missus used to do it, She said she'd cul try heart light tut, Bat never could get to it Got no heart 1 don't beiieve, Ni{;<;tTs do without 'em, Keber heard of God or love, So can't tfll much about em. This is Tc. et luvet A saucy plt>ii^hing b »3.. I am kind and free h flatted. No <: •'« shall me amiuy^ I'm f oltc oine atid ea»*y A sauuy fikrmer'si boy. The\ lov • for to be danc ng, Th«.j ar»' JDVial an 'I so fie-^. Come along \<}u «aucy plougli boy, No oth r Kids for me. Hnt mark retuiong Ironre again, Wln'n B irwl ing ttiev liave been, The nnsailows bok so icliarmiutf love. Will you w€dr U)e gowu &\i gTt eii. Dp i»oi i»ase me, y<.u ran please me, This dnmticl siie wou d cry. And itii nn 8«iicy ptoti-'b bwy, i m uuto 4ve and cie. ^LONIC as I roved by Jhe Bandon river side; Quite serious one morning in June, When Verdure bedeck'd the meadows so greeo. And cowfel ps spontaneously in bloom ; Involved in deep sorrow afflictoned in woe. Id fft.cti(n could equalize mine. In He«p pr« hobation to Lngoish and pine. To sigh for my country and friends who reside* lu tue bosom of Erin s green Isle. When the lust vital sp irk was lovering about, ntbe confines of deaths gloomy vale. Ai)d the gbost-^ of Er n remembreth the sound. wbi u I rtiterM this dark dismol dale. The glei« of \]i>iem shall nna witit my name, Thu tl)e blind guckiess fortune nevei sounded my fame, Carieii will smile when he finds that I came, From the borders of Erm^s g een isle. Farewell tiiou vernal and favourite spot. Thou art placed in a t- nipeinte z<>ne, f(^ The name of Erin shall nevi r be forgot, ^H^ (n Ive aunals i f Itistory well known, l^l' The lan-l* of m\ fathers were -uperbL arraid, '^ V^ when tiiey Ined in ^iSlueiFCe & dress'd iu broctf^o ^& Mav our 4 >u]s dwell ia l»Us5 wlieu our bodies are Ijjjlf'i' For e?cr iu £ in b green Ji>k. ^ (^^^ W9Zv JBOLD ROBIN HOOD |IoDGT?s fr )in (I. FI r rs.") Prijifer, Streeijlate ' Street Seven Dials. Whore may be had a great Variety of Old and New Songs always ready, country Orders sent to any part of the World. J^old Robin Hood was a forrester good. As ever pujl'd how in merry green wood And the wild deer we wiii follow: There U none so bonny, blithe and gay' As Mary the pride of the morning* Little John wirli hiscoura^^e so strong And he conquered them all with his hey ding d()ng» I "^Vith his bii^le born he echoed: His bugle horn he echoed. There is none so bonny, blythe and gay As Mary, the pride of the mornins^: i3old ivobin 4ool1j«-^. CADl^EIlS BALU Tane — Joe Buggins. vlh, what a spicy flare up, tear up. Festival Terpsickory, "Was guved by liif genti^el cadgers In the famous Rool^ei v. As soon as i' ixot vind, however, Old St. G l^s's vos to fall— Tiioy all dccl u'd, so help theif never. They'd vind up vith a stunnin' bail. To! lol, &c. .Tack Flipflap took the alTair in hand, sirs. Who nnderstoed the thing co nplete, He'd often danced afore the public, On the boards about the streets, Old Mother Swimkey slie concented To ii^nd her lodf^in,:^ -house for nix — Says she, 'The crib coraes down to morrow/ So go it, just Uke beaus and bricks. Tol lol, &c. TI»e night arrived for trotter shaking — To Mother Swankcy's snoozing' crib ^ch douney'cadger was seen taking His bit of muslin, or his rib. ♦JTwelve candles vos stuck into turni'ps, Suspended from the ceiling- queer- Dunn** blaze of triumph' was all pickhes, Xo lliis wegetal^le sbaudileer. TqI lol; &c A LL« Ru^a^od Jack, wa* cha Iks * Starvation* Look'd quite fat and swollish there. While Dick, wot durabs it, round the nations' Had all tlie jaw among tlie (air. Limping Ned, wot brought bis duchess. At home bad left his wooden pegs. And Jim, wot cadges it on crutches, Vos tke nimblest covey on kis legs. Tol lol &o» The next arrival was old Joe Burn, Wot does the fits to Nature cbnff, And Fogg, wot's blind each day in Ho'bern, Saw'd his way there clear enough, Mr Sinniwating Sparrow ^ In corduroys span new and nice. Drove up in his pine-apple barrow, Vhich he us'd to sell a win a slice, Tol lot & The ball was opned by fat Mary, Togg'd out in book muslin pmo; And Saucy Sam surnamed the Lary, § Who did the Miunit-on a-squre, While suticating Charley Coker, And Jane of the hatchet face dfvine Just did the Rowdydowy Poker, And out of Greasy took the sbioa, Tol loi Sec The Sileywarious nozt was done in Tiptop style, just as it sJiould Dy Muster and Mussus Mudfog, stunning. Whose hair curlM likaa hunch of wood. The folks grinn*d all about their faces 'Cos Mudfog, prince ol flashy bucks Had on a pair of pillow cases. Transmogrified slap into ducts, Tol lol &« The celebrated Pass de Sandwich, To join in no one conld refuse Six bushels on *em came in and which Wanished in about two two's, The Garter WaKz next followed arter They lapp'd it down right tnanfully, Until Joe GulFin and his d.'.rter. Was in a state of Four-penny, Tol lol SiC* Next came the P;5ss de Pa-^.inntion, Beiwixl Peg Prince and Dumby Dick, But Peg luid sicb a corporation. He dropp'd her like a reii kot brick The company was so enraptur'd. They bnckets of val flowers thew. But chap flung a bunch of turnips, Vich nearly split Dick's nut in two« Tol lol &o Th-3 d H3 now set to galiopadiii^ And stamp'd with all their might and main, ITjey thump'd the floor so precious hard in. It split the ancieut crib in twain Some pitch'd in the road bent double. Some was smasl/d with bricks, done brown ; So the cadgers sav'd * Tlie Crown' the trouble. Of sending Coves to pull it 4owo. Tel lol &Af. JOO'S FAKTl UNKNOWN TO HIS WlFBt And we heard bcr exciHibi, " You shan't have I^ AS 1 VIEW THOSE SCENES thai^sflat!** !^ So we called out, •* oh Johnson, we would not SO CHARM IN-G S •""""""" ^S I view those scenes so charming, With fond remembrance my heart is warniing, Of days lonj; vanished ; Oh, my breast is filled with pain, Finding objects that still remain, •vhile those days come not again, Maid, those bright eyes juy heart im- pressing. Fill my heart with fhoiights distressing By recalling an earthly blessin;^, Long since dead and passed away : She was like thee, ere death oppressing Sunk her beauty to decay. JOHNS PARTY unknown to his wife. ^^AYS Jennings, " Juhu Juhn-son'sa prime * sort of i'ellov*-. AUh(Hig;li ht^ is apt to get ra»her too m*»I!ow, Bat liit'o l)^'*.'* tlio host tempered man in the laud, ' Aod his soul's in his muuili, and liis heart in his ' hand. i I invite wiiltout gftt'ng his lad\'j permission, i Aiid \et 1 ne'er had so mncli fun in my life. As I had at John's party unknown to liis wife. W^^hen we went, as slie had not been a>;k'd to in- vite us, She did uU she could in ill- humour to spite us — iti^hc slummed to the doors, and ('id nothing but Scold, Th?n in serving the sup|atch her, At^d ws nt in next room where he swore he would thrash her If it wernn't for the strnngers, so we, at the fuss, Said> " Johnson, you ue* d not make strangers of us.<« *Tis wrong, &c. I'nis si'enc'd my lady, and we with the sherry. The port, and the brandy, began to be merry, But as it go: late, she, rekindling ber ire, 'Jo bed sent the servants, and put out the fire. Then off wei t herself, and John alter to tell her, •' My dear, you'vo not left ui the key of the Tis wrong, &e» | No key would she give him but John to provoke ^ her. Went down to the kitchen, and took up the poker And then at the cellar laid siege to the door» Resolv'd to have one, if not two, bottles more. We followed to help him, at least in the drinking-. And down went six bottles cur throttles like wink* iog. T en Johnson, put valiant, an oath took that be Would make Mrs. J. to get up and make tea. . Spoken. —That he would ! he would see who| was master ! «« Don't you go my boys ! Ain*t Wv9 the lords of the creation ? And should we give way to a woman ? Never ?*• i •Tis wrong, &c« ' He said he would do it, and soon set about it. And whether she thought we would not go with* 4 ut it, Or found opposition but brought her the worst She complied with his whioi, as she should have at first, This pleased Master John, who began to caress her, Aud swore every man in the party should kiss her. We were ail very tipsy, of course she was gall'd And I leave you to guess she got prettily mauled. SpoKKN. — *iwas the primest fun in the world to see old Jones. '* He would have a kiss, that lie would I* She smack'd his face, then looked at Johnson, as much as to say — /Tis wrong, &c. Now as she resisted old Jones in the scuiTle Thev both of ihem tumll^d down over the scuttle, And Johnson exohtimed *' Don*t you help her, my souls, She*s served as she should be, hanl'd over the coals ! But when we lift the house we all heard her ** «d rat him 1" And when set at him. And either for shame or some other pr«tence. Among us he's not shown his face e'^*^ Since^' Spoken. — I've no doubt he caug'i* H finely, and very properly too ! For though iiis pleasant to see a woman Teceive a huby's vivSitorS at all times with smiles ; nevertheless, and I tell it you, married men, as a caution. *Tis wrong in a husband on any condition. To inyite without getting his lady's permissioDi And yet 1 ne'er had so much fun in my life, AS I had at John's party unkown to his wife. E. HODGE'S {From PITT'S,) Whol^'sgleSonff Mart, Toy and Marble Warehous,3l y*^9 7 Dials. we were gone there's no doubt sho PAT'S CURIOSITY SHOP Vou've heard t-ilk of Paddy'* Museum— lis modern end ancient antiques ; It not. when you li->ten you'll see Vni, Of their fame ould Ireiend speaks ; I was ever louk'd on as a loVfT, ' Of ancient antiqueHfroin my birth. So 1 thought I'd a right I', discover What nobody else coul 1 on earth. CHORUS. Oh.ii fig for the Briis'i Museum, When you can at my home you may stop— You*i1 be split like a >totie when you see Vm At Put's Cuiiosity Shop. ^ I've bolted ten times through the.globe, sir. To bring all the wonders away 1 have borrow'd the patience of Job, gir. To keep me awake niirlit and day i With puUtene.'is, oh, ain't I been treated, - Never kit, thcmgh twice cut in two," Bat you'll stare at me when I've repeated ' My string of anliquiies thro.igh. Tve two, more than all I take pride in, One's Old Mother Shiptun's birch broom, On which the old gal wmild lly stiiding, And the watch of il e Man in the MooD ; I've a frozen ttani^ from Mount Etnaj Caught by a man passing by — i t <( > A siv Cupid's dart forg'd at Gretna, ^^ H \ Wid the lash of Pope Gregory's eyo' I've got a full grown alligator. That in sleep turned himself inside out, The tail of the Great Agitator, Wid a knot o' the first Russian knout^ r\e a pair of kid shoes made of Satin— A nutmeg as big as your head. The chair that oh^ King Canute sat in. And a cobweb as heavy as lead. . I've a walking stick thick as uiy arm, ^ That belonged to O'Brien the brave, ■ l'\e got mother Hubbard"'s great charm, Druwn'd sailors from shipwreck to savei I've the bustle of Jupiter^s mother, Wid Mercury's gran imother''s stays, And Tve got the steal pen of my brother, Wid which he wrote all Snakespere's plays* I've got doctor Bushby's old table, ^'he cap of Bill Somers the fool, Wid the roof of the Tower of Babel, And Prince Donaguue's three legged stool, I've a beetle as big as a bowl, That would hold twenty gallons or more, Ar»d the very identi\.al roll TJjat the baker gave Mrs, Jane Shore. IVv Jie snont of old Whittington's cat, P..tch'd coats without any stiti-hes, Adam's ^pade and his four-and-nine hat, Wid a pair of ould King David's breeche^ I've got the snufi'-box of Mahomet An Irish nobleman's wig, Wid Miss Queen Elizabeth's bonnet =*- And tiio brain of the famed learned pig, I've the bone of a sh'^ulder of the mnitoa That was roasted at Antony's f a>t. And a beautiful pearly while bu ton, Otfthe coat of an ouldD n d priest, IVe got, tro, the Harp of Tiin'>theus, That play'd Alexander to sl"ep. The poker wid whi«h he kill'd Clytos, Which caused all the couniry to weep, Pve got his ^reat horse's tail, too, Domitian's long ba' cy pipe. Cleopatra's purple silk sail, too. And a bee twice the size of a snipe ; 1 could tell, but the doctors declare, More singing would soon turn my brain. But some other time I don't care, When you drop in to sing them again. ENCORE VERSES. Ob, bother, how awkward to walk off. More wonders I've still lelt ("or you. To which while T sing will talk of, And give you the list of them through, I've got Paganini's great fiddle, The heel of ^t. Patrick's right shoe; And the dagger that Othello did ail The mischief that well he could do. I've a bottle of wind from the North, The laddie of merry King Cole, . A modle of Justice iu'frofh, With a chip or two off the North Pofe. I've the sandal of Caesar from Rome, A cowcumber forty yards ong. The Emperor of China's tooth comb. And the words of a young merma d's song. I've got the (lock-feather-stiaw pillow. That did for the kids in the Tower. With old Piiilip Qiiarll's u.i.brf Ik. And the first clot k that struck the first hoar. And, among other things I havagot, A Roman cast iron tin spoon. And a galvanized watering pot. And a petrifie-d living baboon I'v« got the crook'd horn ofthe cow, too. That first took a mouthful hay, As wtli as the string of the bow, too, Wid which Tell shot the apple away. Iv e some nuts that no power can crack. The rope upon which Guy Fawkes bung. The humpofiPKing Richards h:uk, And the last speech that Jack ShepparJ song. HODGES, Printer, (from PlTTs) Wholesa'^ Toy and Marble War. house, 31. Street^ ^ " Seveu Dials. LAMENTATION FOR HEH (^EORGY HODGES, (from PITT's) Printer, Wholesale anl Retail Tov and Marble Warehouse, Street, Seveo Uials. t A s I rode over London Bridjjo, 'Twas in the mornina: early, Tlieredid I spy a maiden fair, Lamenling for her Georgy ; Gj'orgy nf'ver s-tole ox, or cow. Nor calves ho never stole any, Six of the King's W ito Deer he stole. And sold ihem to Broad Hambury, Oome saddle me my milk white st«ed, Come saddle it so ready; Thon I will ride to my good Lord Judge, To beg for the lile of my Georgy ; But when she came into the hill There Lords and Ladies plenty, And down on her bended knofs she did fall, Spare me the life of ray Georgy. I have got sheep, I have got cows, Oxen I have plenty, And you shall call it all your own, Spare me the life of my Georgy ; The Judge he looked over his shoulder left, Saying lady now be easy, Georgy hath conftss'd and die he must, '« Lord have mercy on my Georgy.** Georgy t^hall be hanged in a chain of gold, Snch as you never saw many, ForGeorgy's one of the British blood, • And he courted a virtuous !ady ; Who for him hath wept both night and day, And could not drive lier sorrow away, Biit sh«; hoped to seethe happy day To be blest once more ivith her georgy. Was 1 top of Procter's bill, Wht re timf^s I ( flhaveibeen. Will) my pistol co<4{'d all in my hand Id tig 111 for the life ol Giorgy, MAID. JJow sweet is the MiiK^r's maid, More sweet tlian new-rrown bav, I'll come to ihei , in VVjilow Giov*,' In Willow Gruvc I'll tome to ibee. CUOBUS, And when the moon is up my love, And all th«' village stib', rii C(imp, I'll come ti> thoe, my love, Whilst around goes the mi.'j. All on a mossy bank weeit, When Roses are ir) bloom, \ Our lips entwine ifk<' Jessamine, Like Jessamine our lips entwine. And when the n2o»a^-&r '''he hrart that never ft It^ Such pleasing joys as these, Shall nev»T, never ta>t<' siicli joys^ Such joys as these d<'ligbt and pieanrb. And >*he» the i»rof>il, ^c, A LL IS (.OST NOW \\A. is now ! oh for me Love's s»in is Jk't tor ever! '1 his poor IxMii^t in fntMre never, >ot one hope of" blisi> can see, lieiK't.'! henre ! thou lost oue : (to, ungrateful ! "^1 }iou away all hope hath driven ; (to, unfjratetu! ! yw thei^e li)ok.s so fraujiht with sjidness : t '\uv this lieart v\ a.n HllM with jilaiiness : ISovv 'tis drivfr-n into madness — Vnde uniiappy still, by thee. >\UAs SO GKMI.Y O KR ME STEALING S*!ll mi ^^entjy o'er ine stealing, Ateuiry nviII briiij; luick the feeling, s»'ife of'all my gii«-f" revealing, J^iftt I love th^e. tlial 1 deurlv love thee Ntiil, '1 {'.(»' si'uu' other swain may cliarm thee, ±^h ! no otliere er t Kliabby r'j'^j^^iiig-, I'd rather work, if I had my limbj», Thau I'd b«.> »efu a be^gin)^, For 1 lulike a:»hip diHtrrstt' at sea, y^* Witbiiut onetrirnd to hail her, Th»n pray bestow noiif charity, ^^^\ On a poor old uorii-oiiti>uiior. ,< \» tins he snng bin m«i(!r) ful tale, A female gi.xed upon him, She biir.>t into tears in trjnti|!orl wiUl, And fBiik upon hi>> bofoui, Oh futher ! tihe cried, for 'twas child, Whoiie duty n«''er bad faild her. Come you home, and live and die wit m« Yuu poor old worn-out kuilor. For I've a home, and u husband dear, Most kindly he wiU tr»ut you, Altbo* your poor and doth'd i»t rag», Kigbt welcome he will j^reet yon. And when y*»u resign ytjur pulling breath Mv duty ►hall ne'er know luiiure, I'll MH! you b-id «•• y«««r silent g^'^ve, Yfc" poor old Horu-oul &4ii!or. < P.. I!e V. arcLouse. 31, 3doi:mo«th Street, / Diaks. ft^ F.. HoncKS from PirT'>» Toy an,d^Ia»We THE CONSTANT 91 4 ID. AS I roved one evening to take the air, In my perambulating 1 met a maiden fair, Jier cheeks were rosy red — her hair was br^wn. Her eyes were bewilder'd, as she strayed ihrongh — Town. I stood in contemplation to view tliis fair, Juno, or Minerva, with lier couldn't compare, Luna bright, that rules the n glit, or the Queen, Couldn't compare witU that faii I met on — green. Her teeth were like ivory, her s^^in like snow, Her heart free from gnile tho' oppressed with woe, Sheheav'd a sigh as she pass'd by— a token of grief Saying, I'm oppressed and can tind no relief. I genily slepp d U() to h r mv mind tocontenty Saying, g nl ecieata-re. wh, do vou laruent? Is your fa h-^r or mother dead or w liy do you mo*n Oj have you no friends, but left a bird aloue? Sho says, young man dun't i aat' r me but pity my tale. If \oa*ll p^y attention the trutli I'll reveal. By Cupid I'm wounded which docs ine annoy, I bigb and weep in my sleop, fara charcuing boy. My parents have riches, but my lovo he is poor, Ihey say if I wed him I'll b g from duor to «loar. But was I an heiress of ten thousand pounds or more. I'd give it with pleasure to Lim I do fidore. But my love is from me upon the Scotch shore, He's gone for enployment al ng with many more. He has not returned which aui^nments my woh, And if the waves proves his grave distracted 1*11 go To Ler 1 said, dear maid, these w«.rds pierce my htart, Perhaps your love has changed his mind^ since he did depart, Scotch lasses are enticing we understand. They wi->h to keep Irish boys upon Scottish land. 1 saw Ibis maid endeavour to hide the tear, Sayinjr, tould he be cruel to one v»ho loves him dear The ni^ht that we parted 1 thought his beart would break, He said he'd die for me if I'd him forsake. But if my love placed his mind on another maid. Through groves, and vallies. & woods 1 11 serenade | no man shall enjoy me until I die. But in discontent my days 111 spend for my darling ' boy HAPPY DAYS OF ¥ORE. K. Hodges, P inter, wholesale Toy and Marble \^ art house, 31, Dudley Street* Seven Dials,. MY heart is jrhidly beating, t^^ As I tread the scene once more, < Where boyhood gaily reveli'd, f In the happy days of yore: Aud I greet the z phyer's n.elody, J hat round me sweetly pl^vs, ^ For it's tune is still as joyous, ^ As it was in childhood's days. My lieart, &C. The frap;rant breath of summer. Would faji ihe boyish brow. That once so fair, by cruel care. Is sadly alter d now ; For the glossy riven tresses> In wi ich ihatbiow was dress'd Have faded 'neaih th« hand ot time Into a snowy ciest. My heart &c. The green and waving meadow, ; Th»^ bed of fragrant tliyme, ^ The flowers fair, all seem to wear, j The dress of olden time ; The wavelets on the river, ♦ Still se< k their sunny track, 7\ At>d vanish like golden hopes ' That utver can cuuie back. My heart 1 / m THE CELLARER E. Hodges (from Pitts,) Printer, Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street 7 Diak. rVLD Simon the cellarer, keeps a rare -store. Of malmsbury and malvoisie. And Cyprus, and who can say bowinaDy more 'For a chary old soul ie he. Of sack and 'Canary he never dcrth fail, And^all the }ear Tound there is brewing of •ale, Yet he never aUeth he iquaintly doth say, While he keqps to his «ober six flagons a-day. But ho, ho, ho ! his nose doth snow, How oft the %iack-jack to bis doth go, IDame Margery sits in her own still roomy And a matron sage is she, From thence oft at curfewr, is wanted a fume, Bot she says lit is rosemary. But there's a -SHiall cupboard Itebind the back stair, And the maids say they often «ee Margery there, And Margery says she grows ld Margeryf— no, no, no. jQH., dear, these axe Shocking hard times, riie like of tliem n- ver was known,* 1 Irro' liviag with old Master Grimes, I'm nothing- but mere skin and bones, So fast 1 am wasting away, I'm getting as thin as a^rat I declare, And the wages from this did miserly man^ ^re only four pounds in th« year. •Out of that IVe got to find clothes. And jet this miserly old elf— I'm sure you'd never suppose— Is actually rolling in pelf. His temper i« worse than a Turk, I do all bis short jobs 1 declar*,- In fact I'm his maid of all work, -And ouly gets four pounds a year. M V livi«g it being bO hard. There « no fear of my getting the gout, 1 pity the rats and the mice, For like skeletons tbey all run about, 'Twasonly this morning the uiany, He swore, as my nose he did handle. From my wages he would stop a penny- 'Cause I bit off a piece of his candle' Twas but tills morning agai«, AS his band on my shoulder he psrts. After looking awhile at his cupboard. Sent me for a ha'p'orth of sprats ; 'I fetched them, Iicook'd them in grease. And what do you think ? to my sorrow. After we ate a mouthful a-piece. He put the rest by till lo-morror.-. At night in the cellar I'm packed, wbsre there's only a sack for my bed, lEvery window is broken or crack'd, And I-ve nothing to cover my head, Ihe rats they come gnawing my toes Becausethey nnd nought on the shelf, But 1 never drive'em away 'cause -I knows, what it is to be hungry myself. Often when I pass by a-cook-sbop. My hands in my pockets am fumbling, The smell it invites me to stop, aH the while my little -worms are grumbling not-&dmir« [For (folks -say il should only bey umpiag, ' ^Brom rthetfrying-fpan i n v^tt lip . fire^ ^^ /f HIT pigia in the mire, and the cow is od the grass. And a man without a woman is no better tlian an ass ; My moth^ r h'kes her ducks, & the ducks like the drake And sweet Judy Flannigan I'd die for Ler sake. ■ M J Judy she's as fair as the flower on the lea ; She's neat and complete from the neck to the knee : We met lother night our hearts to condole, And 1 sal Judy down by the Oul' Bog Hole. Singing, cushla mavourneen, will you marry me? Arrah! mavourneen, will jou marry me? Arrah .' cushla mavourneen, will you marry rae ? Would you fancy the bouncing y6ung Barney Magee Then Judy she blushed & hung down her dead Saying. Barney, you blackguard, I'd like to ge't wrd. But they say youVe so rough £( you are such a rake Don't believe if, says I, it's all a mistake: ' 'lo keep you geuteel I'll work at my trade, ril handle the shovel, the hook and the spade ^-^ 'i he tuif to procure which is better than coal ^^^: And Ml work to my knees in the oul bog hole*. "'" Singing, cushla, etc jj Arran, give me your hand and consent just at once Sure its not every day you'll get such a chance : w When the Priest makes us one, happy I'U be, ■"'■ With the beautiful, dutiful Mistress Magee. Though the meal should be sc^ce we-li bave praties enough, ^ And if you think long for more delicate stuff J-U take oat tiie old rod whch my grandfather stole And I'll go fesh for eels in the oul bog hole. Singing, cushla, etc. Fine children we'll have ; for we nuist mind that There'll be Darby and Barney, and Looney and P There'll be Judy so meek, and Mary so bluff stop, stop, she cried, have you not got enough ? 1 have not, said I, sure I'll not be content Till jou biio« home as many as there's rl^vc ; r Bovt the nei^hbours will stare when wp f ^ent— When we all round theold bo hoL ' ^ . , , , T ^'''^'■"^' cn'S'la^^tc. 13y the hokev, save she, I can srarcely ,pf, Fur Barney the blarney you know lU to'usc \ ouve botherd my heart with the pictnrJ'L 7 j If I thought I cou'd trust you theT.b ''.^.T^'^^^^^" Holy murder, says 1, do yL doub^ X f a^/,^-^' Jf I thought twoH d convince \oii I'r»„ , A'<. <) no, she'rep-.ed i.s of no use 'at all ' ^'^^^-^-d^y, Th. n >he whispered consent by the oul bog hol^ T..en gtve me a my joy and ddi.htL Be you blackguard, unfil its aH right Sure after we're vt^d. wonja\ lis, »„a a . And lUb fo, theeeU U il^TuvZ.T^ir"^^" LAND WE LIVE IN' it? E. HODGES Pri„ter, Wholesale Toy & Marble Caildn n'a Books, &c SINCE our foes to invade us have Ion- ,T,. , been preparing, lis clear they cosider we've sometbin? worth sharing, ^ And for that mean to visit our shore • -t behoves us with spirit to tnHetVm ' And tho'Hwill be nothing uncoa'^^^^^ beat em, We must try how they'll take it once more. ceoRus. So fill your glasses, be this the toast given. Here's England for ever, the land boys we live in. Here's a health to the tars on the w e ocean raging, Perhaps even now some broadsides are exchanging We'll on shipboard and join in the fiijht And when with the foe we are firmly engaging, 'Till the fire of guns lull's the sea in its raging, On our country we'll think with delight. On that throne where once Alfred in glory was seated Long may our Queco by her people be gree'ed, For to guard we'll be all in one mind- May religion, law, order, be strictly de- fended, Aud contin'ie the blessings they first \vere inttndt'd, la union tlie natioa to bind. Hodges, from PITTS, Wholesale Toy and Mar- ^ Jjle Warehouse,'' <■ Street, Seven Dials. Mf name is Pat Murphy I'll never deny, ' I've travelled the country for many a long mile, ('»nti and Nor, s Through England, tliroush Ireland, and Stot- \ The name that I go by is Erin go Bragh. \ I AS I was a walking up Whitechapet Street, A saucy policeman I chancer for to nu-et, I f!e looked and he stared and ^ave me some jaw, s Saying when came you over from Erin go Bragh. ? jt's I'm no Paddy tho' to Ireland I've been, i Paill' 1''" "" Pa<^ldy tho' Ireland I've seen, /nd if a Paddy, faith what's that to you, j , The^'® is many a hero from Eiin go Bragh. \ I know vou are a Pat by the twist of yoiir hair, \ But you always turn Scotchman wlicn you coifie here, (law, You've left your own country for breaking- the : i am seizing jill stragglers from Eriu go Sraj^b. ; With a lump of black thorn that I held in my fist, Ail round his big body 1 made it to twisty , The blood from his napper I quickly did draw, ; With a lump of shillelagh fj^om Erin go Bragh. ; UTie fvlks thev flocked round me like a lot of young geese, ' (police, Saying where's the wild Irishman that's killed our Where I had go\ one friend, I'm sure he got four, But I played them a tune they cull Eiia go Bragh, Therfe is a little packet sails off to the north, V\] puck up my hones and shortly be off. Bud luck to all fackd policemen and a^ T-o the devil I'll pitch them said Erin g«* Bragh. COMMAND a sturdy band 01 pirates bold and free. No 1 iws we own, my ship's my throne^ And my kingdom is the sea. ' My (lag is red at the topmasi head* * At all my foes 1 smile. And no quarter show, where'er I g% I And soon the prize I take in tow* ; My men are tried, i My bark's the pride Of the Pirate of the Isles, I The Pirate, tho Pirate of the Isles* ; I love to sail, in a pleasant gale> ' On the deep and boundless sea^ I With a prizo in view, we bring bet taa, And haul her under our lee* We give three cheers, and homeward sfeor, ; When fortune on us smiles. For nuae e'er crossed the fam'd Le Ros** iBot to my flag they've struck of coarse* My men are tried* ' Yi'y bark's the pride Oi' Ih-j Pirate of the Isles, \ The Pirate, the Pirate of the Isles. \ Proud Gallia's sons and Spanish (Jori# ; Wilh ardent zeal 'have burned, i Come on the sea to capture me. But they ne'er back returu'd, ' .\nd Eiiiglaad too does me pursue, \ At all her threats I smile, I Eight ships I hive ta'en, their men I hat* A)Td burnt and suuk them in the laaia. I My men are tried, 1 My bark's the pride \ Of the Pirate of the Isles, ; The Pirate, the Pirate of the Isles. But now's in sight a ship of might, , A British seventy-four, 5 She hails Le Ross, and stops her courn^ 2 And a broadside in her pours ; \ The pirate soon returns the boon, . , And proudly dnes he smile, I Bnt a fatal ball has caused his fall, S And now his men for quarter calL ^ In the briny deep is laid to &J<^fe|Ji» eTheP" U» i' Th CJIEER UP « GOD DEFEN0 THE E. HODGES. Pirnf^r, Wholeaale Toy and M.irb'e VVaifljousf, 26 Giafto;i Stree't, Soho. I'once did love a oolourM girl,] I tlioiiL'ht Hat she loved me. I- She was a brigh>-eyed yaller gal, ^ As eber you did see ; But she has proved unconstant, And left me here te lell — The sorrows dar my heart bewails. For deceitful Sarah Beii, €heer up, Sam, don't let your spirits go down, [well There's many a ^al dat you know^ Looking for you iu tlie town. I had not much to give her, And what i had I gave, ^ For wealth and riches don't belong. To one dat is a slave ; Be white man ranie wilh dollars, ^he went with !drn todwdgar. We hoped for peace, and ev^ry plan, Was irK'd to calm the troubled sIofi»«.. Now EtijilaiKi expect? that ev'r^ man, His duty, bravaly wdl peiform Our soldiers and our sailors brave. Neer sei k for war or carnage dircj ' Bui tl»ey can figtil on land or v^bt*. To curb a Despot's wrid desire, And ev'iy loyai h»^art will beat. Responsive to the baltle cry, * Alrighteous cause knows no defeftf, , Our home3, our Qiieen and victory. GOD DEbENDi THE RIGHT (FROM TUB FUENCH) On, onward then then for Syria, List, Russia to ths song, Ri».ht cheerily the lru«pet*« bla»t. Is echoed by tlie throng. One crj doth Fiance & England »b»r«> . When girdn^ tor the fight* If war must be, then let it cona« Aud God detend the right. But lat*> a noVle prinee declared, The empire it is peace Th« worUt witb transport hsil'tf r«tiit le* hs m«4#. A»^ G^ «leic»d th« rifhl . THE CARFIXDO "M tli^it once was a'ploutjl'man asailoram now No I I'-kth-it aloft in tht* sky. Ever flnttaied hi* wing.s- to giv^e speed, to the piouglr Was sogay and' so careless as I, B-nt my friend he was a carfihclo-on boardof a king's ship» And he ask'd me just logo to sea for a trip^ And he talked of such things, as if sailor's were kings^ and' so teasing did-keep That I left ray. poor plough to gi) piougliiug' the deep No longer the liorn Called me up inithe morn, I trusted the Carfihdo and the inconstant wind That made me for to. go and leave my dear behind. f did not mu^h like to be on board as^iip When in danger there is no door to creep out r liked thejplly tars, I liked bamboo &:flip But f did net like rocking about^ By & by cornea hurricane, I did not like that iVext a battle that many a sailor laid flat, Ah! cried I', who would roam, that like me had a home, when Fd sow and 1 reap,. Ere Ileft my poor plough to go ploughing the deep. Where sweetly the horn Galled me up in (he morn' Ere I trusted the Carfindo and the inconstant wind ; That made me for to go and leave my, dear • behiud. At last safe I landed and in a whole skin < Nor did 1 make any long stay < Ere I found by a friend who I asked for my o kin, ; Father dead and my wife run awav; I All. wiio ilm niy^pff snid'PiiasftJMJMgti to b}am©r : Wiv^s loosing tlieJr husbands, oil loose tiieir s;<'<-d iii.!44e,. A4i wi,y did I lOHtni. ^vlw•^ soHa|>p.^arboinc, I (.-w ami <.vould r^ap,. Eie F Icir m* poor plough, to g^, plouobins, the deep, " ^ When, fos-weetfv tte h«rn^ (i ailed me up in" the morn, Ivurses- bghti upon, the CaHlndo and the in*, coij.sranl wind,. 'hhat made Hie fon to 50 aaase said this very same jriand. And vou bee'nt no more minded tcroam, Qje'sva-aiiake by tlie fist, all ^-our care's at an end;. Dad's^aliva andiyour. wife^s safeat home, Stark starino « ii'h joy 1 lea|)ed Seven Dials, London. ^ tfiEER ! boys, eheor ! no more of idle sorrow, ^ ^Courage, tr«e hearts shall beat us on oik way, Ho;je points before, & shows fht* bright to-morrow, I L^t us forgjet the darkness of to-day ; So farewell fingland much as we may love thee, 'Ve'U dry the tears that vie have shed before, ' Why should we weep to sail in search of fortune, So farewell England, ferewell fur evermore. ' CheiT ! boys, eUeer ! for country motJter country, Cheer ! boys cheer, the willing- strong right hand ! Oh^er ! buys eheer, there's wealth for honest labour Cheer ! bo>s cheer, for the new and happy bind. Gljcfirlboys cheer, the 8tea,dy breese is blowing, To float us fn ely o'er the ocean s breast. The WOT Id shall follow in the track wa're going, The star of empire gJiHers in the west. Here we had toil and little to reward it. But there shall plenty smile upon our pain ; For ours shall be rhe prairie aud the forest, A<^H bouadless meadov^s ripe with golded grain< f Ohet. 0OV8 cheer, for eountry, mother couid^ry, iJBjeer ! boys •lieer, united heart »5^ hssi ^ Cbuer ! boys eh ear, them's wealth fcr Rsaeit fabvur "l^ Cheer ? bi^ys &b«er, for the asm ^oitSli a^y iaj^'l. MARY § ARGYLE I hav9 heard tlie mavis singing, His loce-Bong tothe raorn. • 1 huve seen ihe d'iw-drop ding^^ing, • To the rose just newly barn. But a sweeter son^^has cheer'd m^ At the evening's gentle close. Knd I've seea an eye still brighter, Than the uew-drop on the rose- 'Twas ihy voice ray gentle Marf, And thy artless, winning sinitc^ That made this world an Eden* Boany Mary of Argyle. " "*'Tbo' thy voice in^y lose it's sweHnesa,- And thine eye it's brightness t'>o, Tho' thy step may lack it's swiftnesa. And thy hair it's sunny hue Still t«> me thou wilt be dearer, Than all (he world shall own, I hiive lov'd thft for thy beauty. But not for that alone. I have watch'd thy heart, dear Mir A^id it's g'lcidness was th^ whMe, What has made thee mine fur ev«>f. Bonny Mary of Argjle. ANNIE LAURIS, Maxwetton,s braes are bonnie VVhen rarely fa's the dew,- And it's there that Aenie Laurie, Gied me her promise trve, Gied mc her proimise true. And ne'er for>;et will I Aud for bonny Annie Laurie, I'll lay down my head and die Her skia is li'ie the snowdrift) Her throat is like the 8^van, Her face it is the l>onnie8t. That e'er the ,«un shone on. That e'er th • son shone on. And dark is her blue e\e. An I for bonuie Ann ie Laurie, I'll lay down my hiwd and die, Liks Hew on the go wan lying. Is tije fall of her fairy feet> And like the winds in summer aiding Her voice is low and sweet, Hor voice is l«w and tweet, A»d she's ail the wcxrld (a me And for bonny Aauie kmru;, 111 lay dvoo my Itesd umI Ht f^' MY OWN DEAllST \ S3 (D SHIlo i Tune — Hellea the Fair, ! ■W iierever 1 wonder, wherever I stray, I think on my "childhood and foud mother's days, And as by myself I sit pensive alone, ^look back with pleasure on my first dear home, ^^When grown np to manhood it away you should ^' steer, jjSome thousands of miles from your birth-place, so \i dear, »If into great dangers yoa should happen to roam, Wou will think with a smile on your owq dear home. •If you are b'est with a wife, in affliction you'll find ^ nurse and a parent both tender and kintJl, (jWlio fondly will cherish you and weep while you ij moan, >?rhere is no place on earth like your own dear home .The scripture says if youMI be iiappy through life, iLeave father and mother and deave to your wife. I'She will never foresake thee and leave thee aUne, \3iui welcome thee kindly to thy own dear home* lAnd if amongst strangers yon should happen to go fin broils and in tumults overwhelmed with woe. iTbou would^st say to thyself, what induced me to > roam, .)Or to ramble unray from my own dear borne, jWlieti a man from his labour retnns in the eve, vTo them whom he did in the morii'ng soon leave, 'His wife and his children flock round liiiii aloae, ' JAod welcome him kindly to his own dear home* ^Tbore he sks down in comfort by his own fire side, 3I»s what he desires, ther's notbing denied, -He bears the wind whistle while he sits at home, iitid finds every pleasure iu his own dear home* Bis c4iildren hang round him then so merrily, •One cljags to his arms, one creeps to hi«i koee, JBerel't of all sorrow with his cbildreij aloue, Ifefiuda no place so pleasent as h:s owq dear home. And *?hen his last hour in this world arrives, He WtfWiss big babes and his partner and dies, Tl»«n his wife and children in sorrow will rcam^ ■■^9 jje*! bira conveyed to bis liist home. B Y M N MoDGEs, Printer, fFrom I. PITT*y Wholesale Toy Warehouse, Jl, Dudle Street, 7 Dials A Urge Collection ofSog V — * — -I e sons of France awake to glory. Hark ! Hark '. what myriads bid you rise. Your childreu, wives, and griindsirs hoary, Dehold their tears, and hear their cries, Shall hateful tyrents mischief breeding. With hireling boa«t, a ruiUan band, A ffright and desolate the land. While peaoe and liberty lie bIeediDg^» CHORUS. - To arms to arms, ye brave. The avenging sword unsheath, March on, march on, all hearts resolved, On victory or death. Now now the dangerous storm is rolling, Which treacherous kings confederate raise; The dogs of war let loose are howling. And lo I our field and cities blaze. And shalls we basely view the ruin. While lawless force with guilty stride, Spread desolation far and wide. With crimes anU blood his hand embruing. To arms, lo arms, &e» With luxury and pride surrounded, Tlie vile lusaliate despots dare, Tlieir thirsi of power and g(-ld unbounded^ To meet and vend the bght and air. Like beasts of burden would they load us. Like gods, would bid their slaves adore. But mail is mail, and who is more ? L'heu shall ihey lunger lash and goad us > 'J'o arms, to arms, 5jq,' liberty, can H^an rewign thee ? Once having felt U>y gcn'rous Hame ! Can dungeon's bolts and bars confine thee? Or whips, thy noble spi-ril lame ; To . long ibe world has wept, bewailing, I hat falsehood's dagger tyrants wieldj, But freedom is our sword and .sliiold, And all their arts are Huavailing, lo ficms* to unut ii9^ W; •HEN first I saw Mi^s Bailey, 'Twas on A Saturday, At tbe ' Corner Pin,' sh** was drinkiag^ gits And smoking A yard if clay i And wl»en tliat pipe was ena plied, She'd fill it with bacca again, \ Throw off her glass, and shout 'old laa»,* *v Let's have another drain ? ^»^' As she stood at the gin-^hop bar. She'd sing, and she'd laugh ha, ha, * While I've got the tin, I'll sp-^nd ili» gi^, . So good luck to the gin-shop bar. Miss Bailey round the bafr, sirs, ^Vould send her gt iss of git>, ^ ^e didn't care who drank wilh hft V\ hile she had g' t the tin. " "* But where the rhino csomes from, *Tvvoul(l puxxle Queen oi- Kinjf^ Ali r C'H say, she u^ed to pay, , \N ould this lushy girl, I sing A? she sal at the t:in-shc>p bar, ^ Singing, fal lal de ral la, • I don'i catc a pin while I've got ia« fim It shall j,o at the giu-shop bar/ I'J rather be outside, sirs Than with that motiew throng For she ki p) 9n annoying me, And coming it rather strong; Till slie fell off i er perch, sirs '• ^ A sprawling on \h/e thxtr, ^.' ■ v» And londiy slioni» ' my glass is out, <*. Let's have a toothful more/ •. \ Sut iho twan at the gin-shnp bar, I^Aid the Bobby he his not fitr, Who quickly did fetchcr, ik • (vfi* oiTa . stretcher <^e went from ih? gin shop bar, JNtxt morniuff a Goverv.mfnt car» Toak ii'-r from 'be Polioe bar, ILb v«s kc»/fll to s»y, as they bc>f« hot awaj^ * 1 %ikM tAm Kt| 9w-a mdaiuia,' V \ HOP BAR THE GEM OF THE OR THE RED WHITE k BLUK f-'' fi. FTodges, Printer, wholesale tov & Mar. Wie WHf housi 7 Di.ila. A great collection ol Old and New Songs OH Brittanni^, the jrenj of the ocean. The hnme of the brave and the frp«. The sbiine of each Patriot's ;)evoitoii Tbe woild <>ffer8 homage to thee , Tb - munf^ate, herops assemhte when hi erty'a fo/m stand in vfew Thy ba. ners make tyrants tremble Then borne by the red, white, aiid bfw. ^-hvO war spread its wide desolatfon And threaten'd the land to deform The aru of ficedom's foundation Brittaitnia, rotie sate through the sCort% with lier garLnd of Victory round her S>yj bravt ly th*^ bore up her crew An > her dag ffoa'cd proudly before Jsp' Xht- boast of the red, wbiie, and hlo* The wine cup, the wine cwp hriog hither Abd fill it up true to> the brina May the wreith Nc'wwwob. never wither Nor the Kar of his glcN-y grow Hi«», jKlny ihe service unird ne'er s«ver Uut still to h«^r colours prov* tnsej i^* THe. Army ffld NaVy for ever live* citfeis for ike rt^d whitr «B«t ibiflft m Bai I m BONNV EN6USH ROSE. u -a- Hodges, Printer, Wlinl^^le Toy and Marble -^ Warehouse ^. ^-/ 7 Dials. ^ OH ! don*t you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt, ^ Sweet Alice with hair so brown, || She wept with delight when you gave her a smile, ^ And trembled with fear at your frown. ^ In the old churchyard in the valley. Ben Bolt, || In a corner obscure and alono, H They hare fitted a elab of granite so grey, g And sweet Alice lies under the stone. ^ They have fitted a slab of granite so grey, W f And sweet Alice lies under the stone. ;v f ' u Oil ! don't yea remember the wood, Ben Bolt, W Near the green sunny slope of the hill ; H ' W^here oft v« have sung 'neath its wide spreading || V shade, . U » Atid kept time to the click of the mill. ^ The mill has gone to decays Ben Bolt,' || And a quiet now reigns all around,- || Kefe, the old rustic porch with tts roses so sweet, ^ Lies scfttter'd and fallen to the ground. ^ ^^ See, the old rustic porch, &c. ij s Oh ! don't you remember tlie school, Ben Bolt, ^ And the master so kind and so true, g J^ the Httte nook by the clear running brook, || where we gather'd the flowVs as they grew || C/*er the master^s grave grows the grass, Ben Bolt, ^ And the running little brook is now dry, |4 'And of all the^friends who were schooimatrs then g lh«re remaias, Ben, but ym and I. JJ aimI of all |i» w OLD England's emblem is the rose. There is no ctlier flower, Hava half the graces ihat adorn, This beauty of the bower ; And England's dau^'hters are as fw'r As any bud that blows, What son of hers who haih not lov'd The bonny Knglish Rose. The bonny, &c. Whoh-ith not heard of a sweet fljwer, The first among the fair. For whose welfare mmy a British heart Hath breaih'd a fervtnt prayer , Oh ! may it never be her lot. , To lose thai sweet repose. That p^ace of mind which b!es:eth ever The bonny English Rose. The bonny, &i If any bold euongh there be, TO war against England's Isle, Tbey soon shall find for British hearff , What charms hath woman's smi'e ; Thus nerv'd the thunder of their arms, will teach aspiring fo-s-. How vain the power that defies , The bonny English R .se 1^ xhe bonnry, &e» Beneath her sway may ev'ry land, where she dominion hoMs, je happy as theglorio s Isle, wher« freedom's flag unfolds , From sea to shore, from ^hore to »»» The song of gladness flows. May it silll be our pride to sing, the b«nuy Englieh rose The boany, fat Ii A1f7 ^ ^TRAH THK BOLD PRINCESS ROYAL. HOf)GKS, Pdnitr, (from P1'IT«) Whol««al« Toy und Madbi* \Vafeho«se,31, Dii-dlcy Street ^ DiaU, / I N tl-e fourtecnlt dav «f F'tbruary we sailed fr«ai ^^ \hc 'and in t|,e bold Princess Roy*! iKJiindforNewfoundUnd U* hud forfy br gbt sejnien for a ship's company, AuA biAiWy from t e east^^ard to the ^vestward hoc© w«, He l:«d mot been tailiMg past daystwoor tbr«e, M^heii a wan fiHJtn awr masthead a sail he did see, Hecaine bearinj» dow n on vs to mx wtwi we w«iVy Wlwic under her mi^en biaci coh rob .<. Oh wo, cried our chief mate, that i^ever «baiJ be to. Well sbiake out a reef fee \«, and from iier will go. How wlaen this bold pirate 6h*» hove alongside* With a loDj; speakiag trumpet, wlrcnce wome you he c.ied, (^Mr captaiK) beinjy aft boys, lie aiiswered tlrem so, Hecaoie from fair London, w«*re bound from Cairo* Come, haui up your eeursefi, and heave yo«r sbip to. For 1 hav<> a letter I'll send Itonve by you, 1 will hiiu4 up my courses and hiave my «hip to^ But it shall be an some ibarbour, and nt)t alongside yoo, Obtcne h«ist nd L, A, W— Law. Leaves you not worth a straw. 80 if life'a all sogar and honey, ^ And fortune has aljitys been sunay And you want to get rid of y\m money, rd advise you to go to law. Like ice in a rapid thaw. Your cash will melt awa'. Comforts 'tis folly to care for^. Life** a lottery*- ^therefore* >\ ithjol a why or « wherefore,) r Td advise tou to eo to law ! And L, A, W— Law. Docf liko a bUiter draw. Til£ rPiKiJ Y Twa8 ilnuu niHvotul«T.i'r*i>vf He. v»viit( wjiiisf — AljH he,ctiancM,im« jv to m-et a prettv !iiHi»v, TJie next tl»inj< tbey'11 send i^ne tosea;^ S> vvhfea liferiaged^jaivntx cmim i'orto kh^w The ptougfi bov ^vaH^>loll<;•}^ini!; on the plain, . A pres^-gana they vseatand press'd him away, Aud sent, him to the wans to be siaia.. Then siiedress'd her^eUiall in her best. And her pivkers w^re wfll iin'd with j^old, A*»d she trmliied. . ilm streets with tears ui li^r-cves • Ia search of her jolly sailor boy.;, Theiir^st that she met was a jolly sailor, Basfe.vou seen my pfetty plough boy she ery'd, He'sjust rross'd the deep and sailing ("or the ileet, Tlien he said' pretty jnaid iviJl you ride. She »*ud 6?. tillshe came to the ship her lover was in, Then unto the (captain di i complain, Said she I'm come to seek tor my pretty plougli boy I'bat was sent to the wars to be slain. A huudred bright giiineas she i'reely pull'd OUtj And gently she told th^»n aM o'er; And vvjien she'd got iier pretty plough boy in Jier anns, !>he hiigg'd him till she got him safe on shore And < when she'd got her pretty boy in her arms Where olten times he had been before, •'Jhe ^et the belh to ring ati^l sweeMy (ih\ «^in^ ii4?i'-iAU3,t;.s.lie!, meit Ih^iiMi .•*iie:.did .ad.j>v«,.:. TUGll 'I POLLY, love,0 Polly, , love, the rotit it is begun A lid wemuHt away at the sound of thedrmn; G ) (Ire-^s V 'istself itt all your 1 test and iy Polly can rid^, A lid manv a long ni;:;ht T wrll march y her side ; We'll drink M erery alehouse thnt 'er we ct>me uigh, , AQ(\ well travel on the roa'ioletsl will adorn hi's feet, Wherf^the fishes are charaied, the music is st> sweet. (> Polly love, O Polly love, pray give me your hand. And proini:>e v<'u will, marry me when 1 come to Old England; 1 give y ai my right hand 1 will not marri'd l>e Till you come from the. wars in high Germany. _,,. Woe be to the wars that the began, ; P'or they ha .e press'd my Billy and mniy a clever ma- Ve»his gravtHin,higb.Germ«Hiy. TT«' drtims that beat is covered witti greei. The p-ett\ lambsa sp>rting mu«-"h plea'^ure to h love your boy ai^ain. Don't be angry, Sec. Pray remember, mother, mother, In your absence Tve been spurned : ^ovr i only ask one favour- Smile on me now you're returued, Many a night both wet and weary, I have sat beside the door. "Where my childhood's hours passed cheery. And sighed tu call them mine no more. Do'nt be angry, &c. PADDY MILES AND THE MERMAID ii pADDY Miles was a fisherman, young and •■' li-ht-hearteH, And a very esp> c able living did get, Exceptjwhen the ocean his hard labours thwarted Then it wa^'nt all profit that came to hs net. He wanted but ono, and that was a wife,sir. To keep his mud man-ion in order arrayed ; Say P'it, I've caught man\ things in ray life, sir, The most difficult thing is in catching a maid. One day pat was fishing upon the salt ocean. And catching fresh herrings and sprats in galore. When a dght met his eye, put him all in com- motion. Such a one in his life he bad ne'er seen before Twasa beautiful mermaid as naked as Yenu<, / washing herself and combing her, hair; (us. gays Paddy, Therein only a few waves between I'll wave thwi and row along side of my fair. Guo^ morning mv sweet water wagtail, cried ■Paddy, I blush to bdhold you a floundering about , Quite stripped to your skiu, are yuu sure that your I ftddy And mammy's awaie that your ma'^«hip is out ? [c u 1 For surprising you thus, an«»el, dont think me ijil 'Twas .seeing you in tlie sea t.iking' such dabs, Theie's notijng like cleanliness, u there my No douljt its a rare place for catching thecnbs. She rej)lied with a w nk, Mr,, Ive a no ioti You want to be green cos you live on green land, How ca I I be out when ihe bed of the ocean Is my downy bed, tho its made out of sand. Says Pat, Oh' fur shame, \oa may ti»ink me of- fish-US Tf you are a maid its to me very odd [cious, Youre a V3ry loose fisli though you look »> djii- I'o s'eep in a bed with a salmon or — . Well [m sure, Mr. Pat, now, says she, and tha fiat now, [loos You aie a nastv bnse fellow for thinking n Then to all the soft roes dont I turn up my no t If ever they venture to crU me a goos^ , Saps Pat, I ax pardon, mp little diviniy, Come home sweet Ann Cnovy, 111 make you my -^ bride. Put your fin to mine, tho there s little affinity, H/And your fles > and mine will be flesh fiishifi-'d. AltWlh ^^-y ^^^'^ I shall be like a fi h out of water, ,17 IVe never seen Ireland, says Pat, you've si ca M whales. j^jlljjjl You sweet little fish-fag, I give you fair quarter jjjljfll], Weigh it well in your mind, you ve got plenty *J;' of scales. [yourawddy ^^ Take the weeds from >our hair, or they'll sweai' Lets take to our heels, love, and akate off apace, I ve plenty of music, my Bi lingsgHte BidJy, And 1 shall be toe sole thai shall tickle you* plaice. [draggiug All the time Pat was coaxing, bis net he kept Determined she shou'dn't sing long I m nfloat, | H'er little green tail kept on waggngafnd wag- I ging, ' [buat Till be caught it and pulled it slap into the Bnt judge Paddys fe«lings, when, quizzing her, well, he Found out he was balked in bis amorous wish. She was only a female just down to her b And what should have been mufon was nothing but fiah ! [your mother. Says Pat, you base minx, if you' e made like How your father ma-ie you is a puzze to me, Tis true you re a maid made unlike any other. And a maid all y o ur life time you are Hkcly to be. daddy Go back to your s a hoBfie and 6»< salnooa Then p!ump in the sea the fish fag he threw Givt^ me my own dearest sweetheart,s^j sPuddjf So nicely drt&oed iu her satm 50 blue. 4 •5 S W 32 sa a* gJANE Ob' TY8JONE U N D E R T A K E 11 S C L U 15. f^^NK n'Ejht bpinsf pressfMl by old friend Cul>b, 1 o iro to an Uitue^ tiker's Club, I V. furnish you all with if 1 d.irc* ^Vi(h a inoriiful aucout of tliis grave affair. For S!jet was black and so was each cliair» The chuirnjun.had black whiskers and raven hair. TBe supper was laid there was lots of Mack game. WitLpolonies in morning to motto the same, There was black-bird pi'"8 Si nothing but good'uri's And quantity of good black puddings, 'fhe knives were black and' so was the forks, Black strap in b'ack botlles with black sealed corks Ti;e rules of tlie cinb was done in black figures, And the waiters Si cooks were all of them niguros Tlie dejert was black grapes and blackheart c'lerries Black currants and imil berries, and black berries. ^unesafd elderwine was there. Which }ast mado np this black bill affair. Slisler Sable sung and wliat should be chooseon, But the favorite ballad of black-e)'ed Susan. The cold back s^ead, Mr, Hatband chose> Aiid- Merryhall snng coal black Rose. Tiie best that was sung and all did confess, Mas the favorite song of my bonny black. The Ch rmau then whistled when is tbro^tt was clear ^'itt the favorite ^raud «jarch f'roga black beard. , IL'.^ flODGES. Pr;ntcr,(from Pitf^) NVIioh^s de Toy P NVurehowSe, ai, Dodley Street, 7 U.als. m "ffir " >j y father oft told n»e lie woiild not controlf- tn<>* llcM make me a dia|K;r, \»M;utUl i sJay at bo;:ie^ But I took a notion, to a h'gher promo inii; Fur to try other parts in the yoaniy ui'. T.yro:iP. It was in varianco I pajtedfrotn n>y parents So little they knew tlie road I iiad go-'if, But think my instructor and K-iiul cirsdnctdi-. That landed me safe from, llie tomily Tyroi.e. When I came from Newry I fdl a weaving, I courted a girl fl»r a.wifa (it my i;w », VVitli quit;k apprebtnsion sht- {jnukl\ made m ^utiwiii. Saying where is your chiuactcr you broU^iU iro.ii Tyrone* As for my characlPr yon \Ket\ neyer mind if, i never was married nor promised la onr, She swor by her eonsciemje she wouhl run allchance And Havel with me the couuly tyrone. S<^ Kirly one mornm'xjnst as the sun was rising, ||j|) We travelled from Kidcock by three mile stone The guard they persued us but never could view us. I wished from my heart l*d my love in Tyromf. As we were a walking and lovingly talking, i^ we met witli an old man that was all alone, ^^ He told tliem he met us & where they could get .us . ^^ That we was a talking of the county Tyrone. hx^ This eased their trouble their steps they did double mi'^ They swore if they caught nje they'd break all mjr bones, (me Thev swore iftliey got me a prisoner t!iey*d make me to Antigua, hang me m Tyrone. A canal b^ing nii;!) where vessels did lie. And all my whole story to them I made known, ^ They tbrew a plank to us on board tliey drew us, rhey told us the .fessel was bound for Tyrone.^ As my love lay a pining, lamenting and dyings ^ I offereil her cor(,lials which 1 brought from home v With a apprehension she quickly made mention. Love I'ii be without them till 1 come to Tyrone. When tbat we were landed in our native country Then all my whole story to my parents made known Five hundred pounds hegaveusifthatwhouldnotdo They cr»wn us with glory in the county Tyrone. These two lives together in joy & great pleasura And if you want to see thera you must go to Tyrone, My lov s name to finish is miss Jenny Inuiss, * And myself is hold Magnus in the county Tyrone. ill) A I.L IS r.OST NOW ^Ll. is lost now! oh for me I.ovii'.s sun ir* .*»ot for ever! 1 liis |)fH>i lie«Ft in future never, Not one hope of I)lift;s can see, lleiK'*i! hence! thou lost owe : i Go, ungratetul ! '1 hou away all hope hath driven ; (to, un;;ratefiil ! S-v'** these looks so fraught witli sadness: ( 'H«e this I eart wax hllM with j^latlnes^ : >,()w 'tis di'ivt-n into nia, talseoiie, no, I love thet' still, I in\f ihee, false one, .gi»)|if, rd rather work, if 1 had my liuib;*. Than id b<.' »e*'n a bej;gin)(. For I'm like a ship dititrtiiii' at»ea, v-*'' Without oneiri(nd to hail her, Tlun pray bestuw yvxir ehurity. ^ji] On a poor old Hom-oulsailor. ■> Ak thuii he song bi.s mourtifui tale, A female giized upon him, She biir>t Into It ars in transport wiW, And i>ui>k upon hi« ho^om, Oh father ! she tried, for 'twas < hild, Wh«'i*e duty nt'er had fuild lier. Come you home, and live and die wit m« You poor old worn-out >butid dear, Mo»l kijidly he will tnat >o», AHho' your p«i>r aiid t loth'd i« rags, Kighl welcome he will j;reet you. And vvben you resijuu )our pariing hreftth My duty ^hall ue'ei know laiiwre, I'll yiev }ou hiid iu your silent j;iave, 1 kiu poor old ^oi«-out a>uilor. /f' ■^ F, H(k1^p« from Prix's Toy &i Marble V arcl.ou6€. 31, MoLmouth Street, 7 Diais. F. HoDCKsfrom Vvvi'> Toy and Ma#ble W arehouM', 31, Wouuivttth SHcet, / l)ittlf -m zfJK >sR;^-;57i?c^<;'/iKm ^msmsyfi^ E. HODGES (from Titts,'; Printer, VVl.olcsale Toy aud Marble \Var< house, No 31, \ Street Scvpn Cia!s. Come all you vomen if you wish to change your life riong for to be married and 1 want to get a wife, She must be very handsome, notsbort but rather tall, ^ I want a wife with money too for I've got none at all. ^ VVlien I've got a wife my friend as soon as we are wed ^ Tlnn I shall want a bedstead, a bolster and a bed, ^^ And I shall want some blankets, pillows, quilt & sheets s^ And 1 sliall want a table some chairs i» stools for se<.ls kf^ And when Vm mai^ I shall waj»t to take a room, 0^ And I hball want a dustpan, a shovef and a broom, aj^ And 1 shall want a kettle, i Saucepan and a pot, s^ And a thin;: thing that's got'a;hairdle.caJi'd a chamber ^ you know what. ^^ No* I shidl want a poker, and a pair (^f ton^s, ^ And I shall want a toasting fork, the handle must be W, And I shall want a fender & I shall wt.nt a clock (iong ^v; Aud I sliall want a cradle the little ones to rock. - ^ I shall want some cupa ^. saucers some dishes Si ph'es ^^ I shall want some wood and coal, for fire in the grate, ^ When I m in a hurry & the fire is gf tiing low, j. ^, 1 shall want a pair of bellows the fire for to blowl ^ 1 shall want some knives & forks some basins & spoons s^ And I shall want a fiddle to play some merry tunes, ' s^ 1 shall want a candleslic!*, coffeepot and fiying-p»n, ^^ And I shall want a bottle too, and a water can. I shall want a lock and key and cupboard for.tbegru And I shall want a water-butt, puil and washing-tub. And I shall want a scrubbing brush and Tw^tpa mat I shall want a bit of this and a bit of that..> And I -shall want a pegging awl, bristles and tacU, Ana I shall vant some bristles and a ball cf wax, And I shall want a lapstone, then 1 want a job And I shall want £ome leather fr I'm by tradeas ob *^' THE SUNNY SIDE 1.0 OK always on the sunpy sid^— •^'Tis wise and better far, - And safer thioiigh life's cares to glide, Beneath hopes beaming star. The springs ulrbsf laughter lie, Close by the well of tears,. Yet why should meriy fancies die. Drcwu'd in a ftuod of tea s .'^ Look always on the sunny side — ' 'Tis wise iind better far. And safer through life's cares to glid Beneath hopec> beaming «tar. L o'^ al va\ s on the sunny side— I he guiltless bosom can : Nur tremble *midbt life's roughest tiil«, 1 1 is not worthy man. Wh> should the heart with vain regreti Bieik jo)'8 enchanting spells ? Tliough age be come, love lingers yet, In every flowery dell Look nlways 6n the sunny side— 'T.s wise and better far, And 8 ifcr thiough life's carrs (o glide, B"n -aih hope's beaming star. - ^SEA-OIRT ENGL VXD (a chorus.) Sea gin England— fertil* land. Plenty from her richest stores, Ev r with benignant hand, Her treasure on your bosom pourg. England, to yourself be true, When your realm is truly blesf, ' I id when a monarch's love for yocr^ Is |?v your loyally confess'd. .> .>T1CE-E. Hodges has RcD.ove.^ from 31 D. dley St, to 26, Graft^n-stret't, Soho r-4^ A W MARY MACHREE KODGES, Printer, (from PITT S) wLolesale. Toy -vVarehouse, 31, Dudley Street 7 Dials TfiE flower of the valley was Mary Machree, Hec smiles a'l bswitcbiug were lovely to see. The bees louud her humming when summer was gone, And the roses were fled, might take her Hp for one Her laugl) it was music, her breath it was balm. Her heart, like the lake, was as pure and as calm. Till love o'ercame, like a breeze o*er the sea, And made the heart heave of sweet Mary Macbree* She loved and she wept, nor was sadness e*er known To dwell in tlie bosom that love makes its own ; His joys are but moments, his griefs are for years. He comes all in smdes, but he leaves all in tears. Her lover was sjone to a far distant land, And Mary in sicknes>s would pace the lone strand^ And tearfully gaze on the dark rolling sea. That putted her lover from Mary Machree; / — — = ^ FIFTEEN SHILLINGS A A MAN and bis wife in — — street, with seven children young and sweet* Had a jolly row last night complete, Aboui fifteen shillings a week, sin. He gave his wife a clumsy clout, Sav'ng how is all my money laid out. Tell me quickly, he did shout. And then slie soon did set about. Beckoning up without delay, ; what she laid out from day to day, You shall know what's done, the wife did say, with fifteen shillings a week, sir. Seven cliildren to feed and find in clothes. And to his wife he did propose. To reckon how the money goes, His fifteen shillings a week, sir. Threepence halfpenny a \\eek for milk n spent. One and ninepeuce a week for rent. Vol the ch Id a penny for peppermint, >■ , • Out of fifteeu sliiliingi a week, sir. For tobacco cij^hipihce every week. Half a crown for butcher's meat. And tomake your tea complete, ..^^ %A three farthing bloater fur a treat. f r A penny a week for cotton and thread, List Sunday tenpcnce a .small slie^p'» head ; Ninepenceballpe my a day for bread. Out of fifteen shillin;;* a week, sir. Potatoes for dinner there mast be found. And tbt-re's none fur 1< ss tliaa a a pound, 1 often have a sixpenny gown, Out of fifteen shillings a wtek,sir. A haporih ol stiirch and a farthing b'wc. Twopence halfpenny .soap and potash too, A pennorth of onions to make a stew, Thrise halfpence a day small beer for you. Instead of butter, hixpennorlh of fat, And to wipe your shoes a twopenny mat, with a halfpenny a day »o feed the cat, Out of fifteen shillings a week, sir. Ninepence a week for old dry pe^. Sixpence sugar and eighipence tea. Pepper, salt, and mustard, farthin«rs three. Out of fifteen shillings a week, sir. One and tenpence halfpenny understand, ^ Every week for fiing out of hand. Threepence halfpenny candles a fartfiing sand, And threepence to bottom the fr\ingpan; A twopenny bioom to .sweep the dirt, > Three haporth of cloth to ro- nd your shirt, / Now don't you think you are greatly hurt Out of fifteen shillings a week, sir ? Clothes for Tommy, Dick, Sal, Polly, and Jane, And Jimmy and Betty must have the same ; You had a sixpenny jacket in Petticoat lane Out of fifteen shillings a week, sir ; For shaving a halfpenny twice a week, A penny to cut your hair so neat. Threepence for the seeks upon \our feet, Last week you bought a tt#npenuy seat, Besides, old chap, I hud most forgot. You gafe a penny f.jr a kidney pie all hot, And threepence for an old brown cliamber pot, Out of filte«u shillings a wt.ek, sir. So now old chap you plainly see. If you can i«ckon as well as me, There is iitll* waste in our family. Out of fifteen shsllings a week, sir. There's many a woman would think no sin To spend the whole in snuff at>d gin ; > When again to reckon you do begin. Recollect there's a lai thing a week for pins; ■* To make things right my best I've tried, That's economy, can't be d'^nied. Dear wife, said he, Tm sal sfied. Out of fifteen shillij^s a week. So you women all the kingdom through. To you this might ..ppear quite new, Just see if yuu t e .s.iuie can do, _ with fitteea shilli.igi a week, oh. W 'i^t^ I m WIFE'S FIRST Bkm THE SCARLET FLOWER ^HE'S gentle as ihe zephyr, Ihar sipio'ever, svc -t, She'*s f irer than llie fa r. si lily. In nature's soft retreat. Her eyes ure ike the erystil brook, As bright and clear to see. Her lip* outshine tlie *,carlet flo>v«% Of bonny Kll< rSiie. O!', were my love a bh ssnm, When fcummer ski- s d' part, T(\ plant I'.er in my l>o om — Her gadtn, here, my hearf ; jlid oft I'd ki s her balmy lip", So benutiful lo see That far outshines the Scarlet flower, Of bonny Elierslie. MigSit I be king of Scot'and's throne. And a' the world b i 'e, Riglit glad I'd gr my crown to her, Tijut lovt-ly maiil, my bride. The gateof hejven h at hei lip, Denied, ala?, to me, Thi lip which shames tl.e Scarlet Flower Of bonny JEllt vslie. n m N MY WIFE'S FIRST BABY. 'H Bother night as I lay in my bed, Along with my wife Mrs. Bunning, he said Tom, for the doctor pray run, For I think our first baby is coming. 1 dress'd myself quick, yoii';l suppose, The snow on the grotjnd was fast falling, Sliut the door and was cutting away? VVlien the policeman sent me a sprawling i'lollo, my fine fellow, said he, (hour, I ^oirvebeen robl-ing tise house of a neigii- »n vain I implorevi lo \)e free, And toUi hi s njy wii'c was in labour; N n n u Said he then yoti'll soon f »]low suit. For conlin'd you'll be 1 maintain. To the station witli me you must go. Your tale is all labour in va:n. The inspector on duty I knew. And got off very pleased witfi his answe For he said the policeman should go. And find out rhe nurse Mrs. Tanner, To the wrong he went, and then Very loud at the door began knocking. Oh, they emptied the contents ot the po^^ On his head, and he look'd very shockins The doctor he made matters riorht, And brought forth the precious sweet baby Which good reason I had to d(^piore. For the treatment 1 get is so shubby. My bed is like one in a garden, Well watered each night, and I'm sure You will pity my case when I say On my legs 1 oft find some maiiuie. Son;etimes I*m awoke in the night By the child kicking up a great rout. Out of bed Pm obliged for to get, And I trot the young fellow about. But the weather is so very cold, To pity nie you'll be incliri'd. For my shirt which is wet thro' and thro', Keeps Happing against my behind. The folks tell me never to mind, * My feelings 1 always sliould smother; Tho' this may be all very well. But my wife she will j-oon have another, she is such rum'un to go, I ought to have plenty of riches, In the family way she will fall If I just on the bed throw my breeches. Of these to'my wife i complain, [it. And I tell her the game she should strilvo But she says it's ray fault and not her's, She'll have the whole lot 'cause she likes it. So 1 try to bear up ail 1 can, Though I own I'm a bit ot a grumbler. Yet it is belter perhaps after all. 'Ihan to be caii'd bv tlie w,)mca a fuuibler. HOCGES, Printer, ^trom IM'ITS) whole?ale. Tuy "^Varehfruse, 31, iJuuloy Street 7 Dials ,vaB»^ BRAVE m w M Kemember the glories of l^rian the brave, The davs o( that hero are o'er ; [i^rave Thoii<;h lost to Maaoiiia aiiitl cold i" hM I Je returns to Kiucoran no more :[pour d The stars of the field that so often haAe Its beams on the battle is set ; [sword But ewow^h ofiiis glory remaius on his To Jight us to victogy yet. Mamonja when nature embellisird thy ten Of thy fields and thy mountains so fair ; Did she ever intend that a tyrant should print. The (<>otsteps of slavery th^re ; (resign No freedom wlu* srni!eswhe shall never Go tell our invaders the deans (thy shrine "^I'hat It's sweeter to bleed for an aj^e at Than to sleep but one moment in chains. Forget not your wounded companions who stood, ^? In tlie day oftlistress by your side, .u When the moss of the valley grew red |j|| witti their blood, ^ W They stir'd not but conqured hnd died ; ^ The sun that now blisses our arms with its light, .sm ^aw them fall on Ossory's pfain* (tonight Oh let him noi Idush when he leaves us 1 o tind that we fell tdere in vain. fUM JERfCMYDIDDLFJl THE FIDO LEE Mis \i^holls !o l^cd o\ thr S. »r All «l jy ^nt «t fiigUt ibe did por.*, O'er novels, love aturie. aiii s moiils^ 'V\ itSin t!u' «auic Iioti^e up stairs, Kesidf <1 ou' Jeremy Diddier, N\ It > wes one of ho?e playliouse p'ayer>, That's cullM by tho val^e'- a fibdler, 51i-s N. h id a music d eir. Aid whilst she^^er bomiets was shaping. Her l;e rt palpitated t'> licr, 'I'he fiddiet de ij^htfutly gcr'pitig, ©ne eycnfnt? she liiiu and slic Said ?— How d ye di>, Mr Di Ulier, Kow \sil\ you (OHifj iu iird take tea. To lesiire 1 will said the fiJdler. ^he praiseil up his tnasical style. And said he lUBiie tiller's quite a gay-ho) A nd be in return witli a sm le. Asked if she would ^b to the playhou- Consenting with liini there she w<^nt. AuJ wlien o'er no wed he did wh dl« Tha' fur sup )^»r five sl»illiu<'s she spent J 'm iu a gojd t ling, thought the tiddler Next day lie did breakfast aad dine. And ti-a along with Mijs Nicholls> And drunK up her spirits and wiae. Ana pegged awav a: her vietuala. She aiiNed him a gay tuue to play, Bui iusiead he begau to tiddler, Miss NichoUs kuevv n«.t vvh«t to say^ She wondere i so much at t}e ti Jdlier, To deceire me I f»'ar is your plan. Said she and that'*8 i;o} conipa'abia, Phoo :' siid he I'm a public man. You know a/iJ bin always com. table She did uot him well comprehend. For shtt wm not much of a riddler, Atiliat time ; but at olrc months eod* She fouSd out the rascally fiddler. The fiddlt-r had got in a scrape, He soon saw dy Biliis's apfcarance. And guesstd if he did uot escape. He was lixely to get into duiance, He ran cff— but bow strucK one night. In the orclietire how wa* Mr. Diddler | When he saw Miss NicboU, by his righ Who stucK iu his arms a young fiddiet Tak0 warning, ye Lh if yc can, And don't be to forward or ch^tabt^ Aud remember each r.viilic man* Your corpus is aljwsys com^'-at.lblf^ Mi»s N. tooK h«r babe to ehe play, x And with her to went the beadle tbei^ And fur this young^ bnby to pay, ^ Away lie marclul oft'wifh the fiddler. EfHodgcB, Printers!, Dudley St. ^Di' JT was down the lowlands a poor boj did Mfander, Pown in llie lowlands a p'or boy did roam JBy liis friends he was neglected, he looked so neglected, from home A poor little fi.ped S( The chase adm Is of no delay, On horseback we've got, together we'll Irof, On horseb;.ck we've got, together we'll Irot, F^eave off your chat, see if the cover apppar, The hound that strikes first cheer him without fear, hounds Drag on him, ah wind him, my steady good J)rag- on him, ah wind him, the cover re- sounds. How completely the cover and farz« they draw Who talks of Bany or Meyueil, Young Lasher he flourishes now through the And Saucebix roars out in bis kennel. shaw Away we fly as quick as thought The new sown ground soon makes them fault Cast round the sheep's train, cast round, cast round, Trvback the deep lane^try back, try back. Hark 1 hear some bounds challenge in yonder spring sedge. Comfort Bitch bits it off in that old thick hedge Hark forward, hark forward, have at him my boys, make a noise A stormy sky ovorcharged with rain, Both hounds and huntsmen opposes. In vain on your mettle you try boys in vain^ But down you must to your noses, Euch moment the sky now grows worse, Enough to make a parson curse, Prick through the ploughed ground, prick through, prick through, Well hunted, good hounds, well hunted, well hunted, him quake If we can but get on we shall soon muke Hark, 1 hear some hounds challenge in the midst of the brake, pain Tally ho, tally oh, there gjb^oss' the green Tally ho, tally oh, boys have at him again. Thus we ride, whip and spvr for a two hours' Our horses go paniiug and sobbing, chace. Young Mad Cap and Riot begin now the race Ride on Sir, and give him some mobbing. But hold, ali'S, you'll spoil our sport. For throi gh the l^omnds you'll head him short, round Clap round him, dear Jack, clap round, clap Hark, Drummer, bark back, Lurk bach. He's jumping and dancing in every bush, Little Riot has fastened ber teeth in his brush Whoo' hoop, whoo, hoop» he's fairly rua down. HQjXJES, Printer, (from Pitt's ) Wholesale Toj Warehousc/31, Dudley jStreet, 7 Dials* O U N S L O \V POSTBOY. l!f>DGEs, from (T. PITTS,) Printer, 3l. Oiidley Street, late Moninoutli Street Seven Dials. Where maybe had a great Variety of Old and New Songs ujways ready, country Orders sent to any part of the World. I'M a HoutK->lo\v young lad and Tidy's my name «11 many a job have I drove, never crossed a naj:; that was wind gall*d or But always had such as would move, (lame A \\^\\t pair of buckskins and boots jetty black, wv spurs ever polisli'd and smart, A trim little jacket to put on my back, Was always the pride of my heart* A ifood ten miles an hour in common my pace Where leaving behind me a trip, Tiiey try to put by but 1 lead them a race And lip 'em the smack of my whip. When oft as 1 am driving along- iu this sty'e Tli'o many a town as 1 i;o, Tlie ^nrU of each Inn will bestow me a smile Their meaning I very well know. WVen 1 find them a gig whenever I call, Xud full at my eate at retun, I lauf U and I jeer and I tak with them all But Patty's my only concent, /Vt an inn aear to Windsor this little rogue well known by her nice winning air. (dwells rUal all other girls in the place slie excells, And is call'd pretty Patty tl:e fair, we have both made a vow should weget Ibe stuflF To marry and So become one. ""^ As others have done for 'tis comnjon enough, wr'U set up an inn of our own, Tuen shb.*ll be called madam and I'll be called Sir < Nvu'll Stick up at the sign of the star, ^ 'Moniist postboys and waiters TU bustle & stir, *yUilc Put bellows loud iu tie bur. *«,<- ^ ii^ Wk ^ M A S S A ' IS A STJNGY .^AA^« On massa is a«':n;ry man. And all his neighbours knows it^ IIo keeps g Oh! missus says we eat too much, An wear out too mucli trowses She'll make us feed on atmospiiere, Aud ditias iu nature's blowses. Come day, Uc, She sent consumption Joe one night, Tobacco U-at to kiver. It made hiua sneeze out de moonlight. And cough away uis liver. Come day, & Qjj l massa loves to hug de gals, And missLw iloesn't knows it But as 1 like de angels too, 1 believe i won't exclose it. Oh I missus says we shouldn't eat, Kase we >r'.' catch tuni possunt, [ roast and eat him iu the wood. And den I swear I loss him. Old Jake went out to shoot. And when ik; gun it go olF It kick hi.-, ear out o'jmi, Ueu full and smajih his toe off. Come day, & Come dav. Come day. Come day, &o. r DiVGHTER E. HODGES, (from PITTS V, whoJesale Toy , and Maahie warehouse, "^^ J^ J^** • Street, 4 S:vea Dials. "^ .Iv "^ \ ^, ^ Odo you remember the old soldier's danghter. As fair as ihe morning iti spring time was she. And mauy a lovrr warmly had scug >t her, :f To all she was distant as o:aiden could be. Dear fath:;r, she cried, with thee let me tarry. Though honnly our cotfa .. nnWAS on a quiirter's day. My mo.>ejr was nearly spent. *Tis truth now what I say, The landlord came for h's rent; He had in his band a book. But I felt lather funny, ...j Savs he, now Mr. Cook. Pm comefcriny quarter's money. — Ri tcl^ 6.C, I knew 1)18 voice, d'ye see. Though he took me u>naware3> As nimble as a be e, ;< I bolted down the stairs; when Se into iha parlour walked. And in a chair sat down. To my wife began to talk, ^ But she swore I was out o* town. Says she, I'm very sorry, . He'll be back in a day or two. Says l;e, '* Ma'ara book that story. For rae it will not do." , Then he flew in a petV %?g»i To row be did beginr •?>. Says he, " I'll I ave jou yet, ni shove the broliers in. ' "^ Ri tol. Now what was I to do, ^i^^, rd got no money to pay, ., Pd got bnt shillings a fetr, "* J ould be folly here to stay* Now wife, I'll tell you what. If we're not offpretty soon. Our St ck s w 11 go to pot, "" f So to-night we boUs the moon. Ri tol^i^ I'd made op my mind to go^ ^ 1 wished (o get away, •':**» If he'd caught me you know. He'd a wanted me to stay ; The moon warn't very brigLfy ,^>, A hoise and cart 1 got, .^^&i> And eve; y tbing all right, ^^ We were off just like a shot Ri tol, &«. Next day the broker went^. O c iky ! he did stare,. He was dish d out of liis renty Neil I er mi ney nor goods were there.. Ibope ray ?ongwill da. If I p'easeyu Fm content,. And I bo[.-e not ( ne fycuj^ But i' re able to pay jour spvlK V ■r5r •IT- The Farmer's ISon. GOOD people g-ive attention while 1 sing in praise Of the happv situation we liv'd in former days; Whca my father kepti» farm, and my mother milk d her cow. How happy we liv'd then to what we do now, When mymoiher was a knitting-, and mv sister she would spin, f And by their grood industry they kept it neat and {; elean; 1 rose early in tha morning, with my father went to ploiiijh, How hapjty we liv'd then to what we do now My brother gaVe assistance in tending to the sheep* When tired with ourlabour how contented we could sleep ; So early in (he morning- we again set off to plough. How happy \\n liv'd then to what we do nQW. Then to market wllh our fleece, when our little herd WHS shorn , And our neighbours we sujjplied them with plenf;, of good corn; At half-a-crown a bushel we could sell it then I vow f^'p\«gi) ifpw happy we li\ d then to what we do now. a" '^ How merry would the farmers then sing along the t'^:;-!^ When wheat was sold at market for five pounds ^%§^ a-load, ■ ^[^t|1^ They went into an ale-house, and s-ing *' God speed ^4^' •' the plough, f?:SSi How happv w« liv'd then to what we do now: ^K^'^;;* I never knew at that time, & search the country %^^^ That butter ever sold for more than 4 pence a pound vl^^:^ And a quart of new milk for a penny fram the cow, t^^Sj How happy we liv'd then to what we do now, x^^^ A blessing to the squire, he gave us great content, f^^'j^ How well he enteriaind us when my father paid his ^J^^ rent ^/Q With flaggons of good ale, he sung " Farmer speed " the plough, How happy we liv'd then to what we do now. At length the squire died, God bless his ancient pate l^^^ Another one, fill'd up with pride, came heir to his ^ji^ estate, ^^-^>^- He took my father faim away and others too, I vow irg^^ Which brought us to the wretched state that we are Vi^f*^ May Providence befriend us, and raise up honest hearts, ^_ That the poor may be disburthen'd' who long have (^ft^^ felt the smart, ' ' And take away the larger farms & divide them into That we might live as happy now as ever we did The Brave Orenadier. A Gaurdsman of courage and beauty Both handsome, proportioned, and tall Was pacing the terrace on duty, Not far from the Georgian halL Eachmaiden was pi eased as she passiiu aim So noblv his form did appear. Their smiles and fond ogles distressed him, Thoush he was a brave grenadier. They looked at his person so clever And gazed at his shining b'ack eye Such beantv and grace they saw never, And reluctant they passed witn a sipl» They viewed his Acoutrementg bright ei, Than starlight ot sunlight so clear. And his belt plurne and trowsers scenaeJ whller. Because twas their pert grenadier. There a maiden came heedlessly strolling. Where the warrior was warching along. His eyes thay were amorously rolling, And his lips were just breathing a song, She paus'fi as she tripp'd gently by him. And ngled him with her blue eye. She drd to her brave grenadier. Adieu (she exclaim'd) till the morrovr- Adieu my dear soldier adieu, I leave you in love and in sorrow. But soon will return unto you, This soldier and maiden did marr/, Their lives were both constant and true, And Susan caressed by her Harry, No anguish or misery knew. When at Church or at h« sat beneatii the wiUew tre? and sLed her UBaty a tear, A«id tbr lay pteaTj&tc{j>r/ girl, J f>ray?i.tli» uJXmi, -prsyey. ' ' ' ' I STOOD ON THE hore K Uodgf », Printar, Wholesale To) Warehouse *2fS, Grafton Street, leho, Lundon.— Valentinoa Tweltth. Might Characteri, &<;, in Great Variety. T ^tood on the shore 'mid the weeping and waikuf •■■Of frieads that were parting, it might be for e'ex, They gave * loud cheer when the good ship waa sailing, A»d wept whii» the eehoes were dyi»g away. Oat bright faee was laughiag while tears ehas'deaok other, It was but an infant whose saaile I saw there, The babe had its home on the breast of it's mother, Aad nothing it knew of it's mother's despair. That morn to the wars went the husband and fetb^r, The tears of the mother fell fast on her ehild, I wept, fer the drops on my owa eyes >»ould pattie^, 1 jjMke, and the infant look'd upward and smiled. I talked of old times and deeds of proud story, The wile thought of battles that still were (o come, I said, in my pride, tliey who fight for our glory. Shall never hare fears for the lov'd ones at home. And spoke I not truth, where*s the Briton whofaUexf To bear out a promise a nation has made ? If dear to our hearts are our homes and our altta-s, ■ihen those that defend them shall lose not our aid* Humaaity needs it, her pleadings are holy, And /astice demands that each man pays hit part, We may not nil fight, but the high and the lowly, fciJae BritojMj o«a aid the aaaaa v&'Yi at bean. LII\I6S6ATE! A PAU013\ ON THE WISHING GATE E.HODGE? Printer, V\ hole>ale ToyandMaihle Warehous-, 26, Grafton Street, Solio W ht^re up- wards of a 10 J.OOO Son^s are constantly on sale. THWAS on Good Friday eve, the neighbours all ■^ state, Mrs Jenkins went down to Billinf];s Biilingsgntf. 6h" went there, she got there, & then she 'spied; gome Hsh that was- fresh some pickled souie fried fiUe look'd at some i-tlsas long as her arm, When a fish-fag hawl'd «>ut, ' What are you look- ing r r ? niarm ; li want a oic fisli without even a fault, i-Aui she. one ihat's flrik'y & not very Rait ; V\ i \\ here's one, said the woman, I'll wurrant it sound;, Ifll Rell it to yoU; i«arm, for three half pence p r pound; Bhehon<;ht it, and tliought it very g'^od weight, And was pleased with her bargain at Billinj^sgate. 81b dcliglited was «ihe. sbe'd gHin'd Iter wish, 'J hat she made up her mind to eat the salt fi?h, An sh< slept in u Siation-house near Billrngsgate. N- xt mrrn, when she woke, she pxc'^'inrd, O dear For in searching her basket no fish was tiiere. And what m«'e the case so remvivkably odd, '1 hat one of the bobby's had seen her sail cod. She hoped that the might stick iu their throats^ And flwore that she'd goon have it out of their coats Not seen it, said she, that's all my eye, It's gone after the mutton and rabbit pie-— So ladi* s beware of Mrs. Jenkins's f.;te. Keep serene when you market at Billingsgate. I m m "r^-t THK LDIEB'S BOY. n["'HE snnw was fast descending. And loud t'e wind di' jr>ir, when a little boy. frieno es?, Came up to a lady's door. A-i the lady ^.tt at the window^, ■'. He rai«'d his eyes with joy, L idv g;iy, take pity pray, \-.^ Cried the poor «Joldior'e Coy. My motlier died when I was yoang",. ^ ^ And f thi r went to the wars, 111 battle brave he nobly fell, aH Cv)>erd with wounds jtnd scar^- But many mill's on his knupsack, lie 1:513 ca ried me \- i h joy. But now I'm lelt of p ty bereft,, A poor little Soldier's Boy. » AS Jhro' the streets I'wandering roam, loft heave many a sijih. when children lun lo their parents boiftej No home or friends have 1 ; And whcii hunger gnaws my heart, I ih me down and cry. Then pity take fcr m< rcy sake. On a poor Soldier's Boy. New the snow is fast descending. And night is coming on, \/.' Unless sou are bt^frieiidin^,. 1 fchall perish br fore morn ; Then how it wiil grieve your hcarf,. And your p« ace of mind destroy, To find ms oead at your d(X)r in theniorvji The poor Soldier's Boy^. The lady rush'd fiom her window. And open'd her mansion door, * Come in,' she cried, ' misfortune's cnilrlL You ne*er sh.iU wander morf. For my only son in rattle fell, who WHS my only joy, ^ And while I live I'll shelter giv»»j To a poor Soldier Bo).tf f m tai^l:.:'lterS>:i^'ii!!teri*i^ :K. Horig;e»i, ii<^m PiTis. ^fho^e.^a^«^'fuy uild Mfirble Waiehoast',--{i, Dudley t:)tr» et, (lua; MomrtotitU St ) ^-'ck-!ec: Dick had a donkey, An! bis lush lov'd much lor to swill— vOne iiuy' he ;iot riilher lumpy. And got seven days to the mill, rHis donkey ^vas taken to the Greenyard— A tale he iievei:.deija.rv"d, Obi it was tx resrular mean yard. Thai, ajas! the poor moke he g^Dt sfearv,d. f Oh, bad ludk it can't be prevented— Tho, Forluneniay smile or tVown-- 'He's best oif that's contented. To mix, sirs, the «ps wititi tiie downs. 'To Brixton, without any riot. They lugg'd Dirk- off very q«ick, He went in remarkably q»iiet, *Cos he knew it was no use to kick, : Each day they made him e:rappl«. On the roley-poley stairs— •On Sunday they sent him toclmpel, Mm theJbutfer wouldn't sav his prayers. ' Oh, bad, &c. "So time pass'd on, as Tve stated, \ When these here thinj^s came to pass, ' "When Dich got deliberated, He went to look after hts ass. "VV hen the death to him they nam'd it. It filled him with dismay— '^Then he wetit to the green yard and claifo'd it And brought the dead donkey away. Oh, bad, &c. Dick's feelings were soniuch distress'd, He borrowed a k^^ite ^and u steel-*- Uke Alderman S— he did dress it, And cut Jms dead body up lie veal: To a Bermondsey tanner his skin went, And the olfal away he throwM— And the fore quarters, thick and thin ones, ^ 'Went to a shop were the v^sold aiamode Oh. bad. ^e. siEVENTEi). I^he hair off the head he scalded, I he han- pretty close he did crop— A' lemon in his'mouth he voided, AuU sent him to a pastry cook 's^hoft His U^vt in a jellv he carted— . 'Cos he thought it a mess that would plea^ And the restwas sent to Newgate Market, To make rearEppmg Sausages. Oh, bad, ^G. So Dick got along vvith-hiscrotiies, Without any fear or a noise— And made some into p(>lonies, A nd some fiiito sweet ^ave'loyis* Tn his spirits he grot no damper, , So a bariiain he got pretty quick— Foriie bought a new moke and hamper, For seventeen bob and a kick. Oh, bad, &6 So -Dick toddled ou w,..rtne bargain- 1 ne drtnkev was warrented sound— "IVtis lies eve r-v wotd that tney told hitti, Aud that Dick pretty soon found. One I eif was a regular swinger. And he hadn tan eye in his head- So the live moke (hat they sold bim. Was as quiet as the one that was dt-ad. Ob. bad,&C. The mo couldn't goby coal^ing^ So the bami)ers he too*- from his Y^tK Then spit in his hand and vho|)|)'d tein For all the world like a sack. Not one blow poor Dick inisses, ^ That the people cried o«t '' wha^e shame» iiut Dick onlv told '-em rokiss his W hat I don't meati U) dh^wse fo ^aroe. Oh,bad,&c. ^ome iiid from one D\?)^y M^rt'fi, Had him up for } his cruel cnm^ Afore the bea-' t^ure and sartin. And the doii'-ey was .sold for the nue. Dick's spirits he cotdd not gwern, And in the off.« e kickid up a rev/— ^1 And once more he was sent to prison. Oh w liere the poor d<»vil is now. ^ Oh, bad te.' M Ci REENWICH F A I « ^. Hodgeitfrom PITTS* Toy and Marbl© Waoabouse, 31, Monmouth Sireet, 7 l>ial«« "y 03[J maidens all both great and «maU ■" I pray now pay attention, "My «ong shall not detain you long /For its my sole mtenlion The frmt! of Greenwich fuir to sing The courtship, fun, and lark sir. That first in ten Is and shows begin And end ia Gieenwich park sir. FaldeTai. 5nie fair begins with mirth and glee. With fiddling and with dancing, 'While hundreds drive along to*ee The muuntebsnks a prancing And hundreds more »re longing soro 'rbeir visit to renew sir, As far as Ihe park into the dark To have a game or two si?. At fal de ral. The nigjjt drives on with mirth and song The-girU appear more frisky The men push roun'l their brandy strong The uiaids are drinking whisky The tents, and stalls, and sliovs, and balls. Impart their mirth and treasure And by and by tht. girls will try To take the very measure, or a fal de ral. .:JLorbowthe girls hearts do beat So overcome with love sir, "While some lay panting in a sweat. So «ick they scarcecan move sir •Says Jai4 ll>e ploughman unto MiA O dear how you grieve me, fihe«ob'd and sighed and faintVy cried There's nothing can relieve me, But a fal de ral. There's weavers here and gunnmiths there .. * Old pensioners and sailors And fair maids strolling every where With dandies and wij^h tailors "The servant girls no longer maids f oo late deplore their cases And curse 'the lark in Greenwich park That made them lose their places, Throug'h the fa! de ral. The fair no sooner enda ihan u(t Tliecoiiutry people step oui, And those who ate net liquor pruuf Will stay and Ultfrniueir u.»p o*lt» Some sleep in beds some in tliV slreeU* And iojue behind fhe Ui dges^^ And some who oouM not lakw a jo>kt?. Are forced to sleep iti tage.s, With iheif fal de riU But now my song i< at an end Fair maids be not ofifixied. For eight or nne moutijs nu re may send, Yon more than 1 ha\e peun'djct, For if by cLaiue the parish purse 5>b"uid e»er have to uur>e you. You are sure a sneering qvtrseor Will every morning cu se yon, Aad your fal de m(. AVAVIN'C. G R E E N VV O O T 1? E E ^J OW by the. waving grtenwood treu, ^ V/e merry, merry warriors roaui, Careless and j<»vial ever hee, We hail our native homo, We roam beneath fair Cynthia's light, Or biding in the shade, Tellmi, Slit tales of true delight To some lovely woodland niaid, iSow by the waving, &Ce Now by tne waving greenwood tree, . We merry, merry warriors roam. Careless and jovial ever free, Wc hail our native home. We quaff not, we quaff n«»t the red, red wine, But our nut brow« ale is good. For the song and the dance of the great wc nt'er pine, W'^liUe the rough wind our choristers rude. Mow by t'ae waving, &o. E. HODGES, (from PITTS'^, j and M^abie warehouse, '" i S. ven Dials. *^*~ wholesale Toy ■"'* ^ Street, THWAS on a quarter's dav. My uioi^ey was nearly spent. *Tis truth now what I say, The landlord came for his rentf He had in hh hand a book. But I felt latler funny,. Savs he, now Mr. Cook, I'm come fur m^ quarter's money. "^ Ri t>.i, 6.Cr I knew Ids voice, d'ye see. Though he took ra\? unawares, As nimble as a bte, I bolted down ttie stairs ; when he into ihd parlour walked. And in a chair sat down. To my wifn began to talk. But she swore I was out o' town. Says she, I'm very sorry, He'll be back in a day or two. Says lie, '* Ma'am book that story. For me it will not do." , Then he flew in a petr .S«e To row be did begioy %, Says he, '* i'll i ave you yet, ■" ' nrshove the biokers in. . Ri tol. Now what was I to diy, '■^, ' I'd got no money to payf .. I'd ^^ A horse and cart I got* .^^^V;'^ And evey thing all right,. "^ ' We were off just like a shot Ri to], &&. Next day the broker went, , . O c iky ! he did stare,. He was dishd out of his rent, KeisI er mi ney nor goods were there-.. I hope my fong will da, ^ If I p'euse y u I'm contejit^ h And 1 h<)|.e not ( ne f y('U,j, But i-rfe ab!e to pay your rcn*'.- A NEW SOx\Q CALLED TH'E TyrOW I am l.ound f.ira fateij;n land, AgHinst n\\ inclination, YfS : — i niusl leave my luttive homC) Wliich fills n e witii vexation ; As 1 am bound for Si lUiey's coast. Nature >tiil duUi bin so well, S e is both mi d/md charmiug ' When crossi- g th^ Atlantic wares, I Ihou^lit tht? t^r? would blind me, And many a lie >v^ si<;h I g^ve, Forthei'irl i Iffl beLindmo, Unio tl)e land of liberty. Our ves.l sha was sailing, Meihinks I ireve-^ can be free, When paiteii from my Ellen. Although 1 m go;ng far awavj Nature sti I doih bind mo. To think on her 1 do adore. The ^irl 1 left behiad me. Oh ! cruel frends you baniph'3 me. And left her hrokt n-hearted, Sweet Ellen ('ear, though far from n»r, Our I hearts shall ne't r he paTt«'d. Althou.h I'm in Van-Dlemau's 'and, Constant sull you"!! find me, Oh, no : — I never wih forget, Tut' girl 1 left behind me. AVas I posess'd of all the g'ld, That lits on the AtWcan shore) Vd give it all hut to heaold. My own dearnsiive home. Near liantrv Town at the sea-wide Once mure my fiiends will find me: It's thtrf ray Ellen does reside, The giri I left b.hiud inc. fJad f the wealtli of all that g^ Si^ Ycu should have been kind befoce. 'Tis very fine and pretty, Jenny, Now t> wish that I should stay. But, indeed, Vm thinking, Jenny, iVell not meet tbis a day. Wlsat if leart ani spirit sinking ? what if 1 slioidd come t<» sliaujc? Be it m it may, I'm thinking, You alune will be lo blame. Long an*] dearly have I lovt^d the*. As you must full well have known. If 1 had not fauhlesa proved you, 1 had never reck!c>s giown. jBut farc-you-well, the liours are flying, lime it is tliat [ was gone, \\ hen ue5»t ancrther heart youVe trylof^ Jeanyt ^"^^ i^Q^ /owr ovfo. ^(1 i; ■it' DICKY BACON. MAID OF r,.. GREEN lIv)J)GFS (late Pitt«) Prin'e', wh le- silc Toy and Marble [wa; chouse, 31 i DuUeji street, 7 Dials Ti F beauty doth Io\e to the bosom coivey ■ ! su ely that ptission mu t share, 1 ^ozi on thy im ige, Mary, all day, And find aM that's lovely is there. Ma'-^ by ench v llvifje swain was vonfessed The htveliest evfr was s^cn, Though humble the dwel ing, cuntent is thegufst, ^. Of M ary the mnid of tbe gr:en, Sweet Maiy ihe maid of the grem, 1) ar Mary the maid <.f the green, Though hum'bk- the dwelling content is the gi est. Of swett Mijy the maid of thegreen. AV hen first I befield her >weel il6e» ^''^ 1 Her eyes so bfewitchii^ly shone, -— - 1 lo ed her and ardently sigbf or e'et-i>€ed to add to the blush of a face Whi«li8o many bf'Wies disClo«e. ^o blu«h ever bloomed from the bidd of 1 the ro«e. ^ So lovely as Morjr vas seen, Then Tdj{la' Iv resign all the wealth of W^ the. world, Fof Ji#y the ^^^^ tle^rcen. ^# - J 'VE eome to tell you mH my n<.K'!« ^i cc I hav been In IvOndon, " . And how Im seivod wher/er 1 g», '"'•' 1 feci m\ self qui'e undone. In cvciy place I hapt lo stop. ^ My t n»i hcre^ii a swfil 1 r. ckon. With that they srnaJicd niv gossamer, And called me Dicl^y Bacon* The waiter so' n my ori'er i;ot, ~- - Said I make h is-te I'm thirsty. So he baw'ed out ' Gin and witter hot. For Mr. Rue and Kuhty." Bino and RiiS'\ s not my name, You are for o: ce misJaker. Said he, 1 know, its all tlie some, Tiiey call \ou J)ieky Bacon. Said I, you know you'r.-i tcllinir Hfs^ Mv right name's William Walker, vsi b that he blacken' d both my e}C5,- And swore it was a c rkcr. 1 crit d tut * Murder,'^ p lice, he.e, ril have tiiosc bL.ckguards tiiken, Said they, wo w !] , t inttif re, For such as Dxky Bijccin. The mob had scarc^dv cb and away, when on that v< rv instant, -___ A lady dressed iu fine airay. ,^ Piesentcd me an i.ifant. >- I tried to run away, ega-l, But soon she hud rn'^ taki^n, " * And before his Lo dship swore his dad, was Mr. Dicky Bacin. Sa}8 I, your Lor('s'iip V\\ a^rcoi * I wtnt with her to Green" ic'', ■J'" But the chi!d's no more lik*" me, Than pickled pork's li^e spinage. That putchcd-uj> sto-y will not da> The child is yours I r< ck( n, For see im gft a i?oj cub, Ir gave me such a jtrkin^r. -* Once the siz*; of a |>ork tub, Now like a bu'ter firkin. Eo if my FiKJg shou'd p your eari^ ' Your gotnl iippliuse I reckua, 'i will wa^h aw^iy the biiu/ te«r", ^ 't*^ Aud brt^ili of D cky B«c n. _ STEER MY BARK TO X'S ISLE E. Hodges Printer, (from PITrS,) Wholfsale T- y aiid Mari)le NN'arehouae, No. 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials. ^h, I have roam'tl o'er many lands* And many friends I' vfe met. Nor one fair scene or kindly .smile. Can this fond heart forget ; Bnt I'll cor>fess that I'm content| No more Id wig i to roam : O s^eer my biurk to Erin's Isle, For Erin is my home. \i England was my place of birtb, I'd love her tranquil Bhorc, It balmy Scotland wag my home* Her mountains Id adore; But pleasant davs in both I've past, V'i «lream ol tla\ s to c<»me ; 0*stecr my hark to Enn's Isle, , For Erin is my home. WAKE OF TEDDY ROE. "I N Dub' in citv of riches and fame, A fishtno!)ger li v dTedr. O'Dogherty, the coachman was «etJt lor immoAiately. Now you see Doghtrty we want you to anve us clean and decently t < 'I'eddy Roes wake. Ry the pow'rs he has taken it into his i»ead to die, so he would not be very well pleased if we neglected calling on hiui, so drive away with the be utiful Mibtress Delaney, Mistres.s Rlaney, Mister Fagan and Miss Due, Who in a coaib all went to ttie wai*€ of Teddy Roe^ All bedizen'd so fine in their l)est unday clothes, Doe s squint-eye. & .VJisttr Fagan s wd nosa At p Teddy s uncle. Arrah, it is yourself thatc mes to wake with poor ,Tcd, he's up in the cock loft taking a carting glass oti be rea iy. What have \ou got for tea ? HerringJi and praties. D'ye think you spalpeen thai will satisfy » Miss Delane , Mistress Blaney, ^c. Now the whiskey went round till the^ could not *- gree. Who were highest of rank and of the best pedigree And from words fell to blows, just like JJonny- brook fair. And amongst them poor Teddv came in for his share (Spoken.) Hubbaboo hubbaboo, what the de- vil are you about .'* What are you doing ? By the powers of Moll Kelly if they haven't got poor ; ed down amongst them, Och ! they'll smother th? poor creature Get of him. Judy take hold of his leg. and help me to drag him from under the lump-— )ch, blood and o'uns, see that now f they have given the corps a black ey»', sure and I eJ*« pected better behaviour from Miss Delaney, Mistress Blaney, Mister Fagan, and Miss Doe, Who in a row all joined to wake with, poor Teddy Roe. Returning a coach full of whisky and greif, Diiven by old Dogherty of coachmen thecheif But objects turned round and he could not tell how ^ For he upset the qua ity all in a slough. (Spo en,) ' hat Katty, where have you got tf us in that manner, but make hasr. a; d help us out of the mud, and be sure aud take care of Miss Delane., Mistress i laney, Mi.ster Fiigan and Miss Doe. Who for a row all joined to wake with poor Teddy Roe, Then bemudded without. & wi h w. iskey wthin They arrived al<.ld Dogh rty^s & all stagger d ia. Such figures off n, 'iwill be told for their sake. Sure neve, before were see.» ul « wake (Spoken.) I'less us Dogherty, what blacfe drunKen d vil are you bringing home .=> wh redid you pick 'em up ? Oh, don't bo. her me, and you will get the whole account as clear as mud. but Judy we must first wash and put to bed the most beautiful Miss Delaney, Mistress Blaney, Mister Fa5a» and Doe» They all got dead drunk at the wake of Tedtly Roo^ v^^ wmiB irmw^ HODGES. Printer, f«,^ I. PlTTVVMesak T#^/ VV Areiiou.e, ol, BiKiiey-.trewt, S^ye«-di«it,, - ^ AS' I was wniking np Rttcl if Highway Tfee recru tiif.; p;x ty came b?atifvj: t'lat wu, . They enlisted me and treated me, till I did not know.. . Then to the Queen's barracks they foro'd ni£ to g(). When first T deserted I tlxnight niyselTfrce, ■ Uutil my cruel comrade iufortu'd upon m*?, I was qui kly loll jwed afte- and L):ou^ht hack with I spe -d, I ^vashandciiffed aad guarded, heavy irons on me-i^- Oeurt martial, court martial^ tlwy held upon me. And the sev^leace pA»«>'d upon me three huiulred and three; Viu.f the Lord have meicy on them for their cruelty, . ■ YoK now the. Queen's duty lays heavy on me. AVI.en next i deserted I thought myself free, i XJiii'l my cruel swectlieart iiiformeci upon me ; ^ ! I wi:^>quickly followed after, and brought back with • S|)eed, I was handcuffed and guarded, heavy irons on-me. Crt>uruoiartial, court martial, court martial they got, . Tfit;,^.entence passed on me was to be shot: '1 he Lord have mercy on me for their sad crtieltj,-. For now the Queen's duty lay* heavy on me. Then up rose Prince All^ert in his carriage and six, . Fetch to me that Yt>ung nMinwhoae coffin is fix'd. Set him free from his iroas and let him go free, Ht wiU Kuai^e a good soldier fi»r iiis queen and (Muntxjr^,.^ I DEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE. Printed by E. Hodi-es^Xfrom Pitt's), whole- sale TO) and M.nhle w;irel:ou3i', 31, Dud- ley Sheet, Seven Dials. BOLD General Wolfe uoto his men did say Come, come my lals i.nd follow we, io yondtT mountains that .ire so ingli, All for the honour all lor the honour of your kinj; fcnd country. The French thev aie on the mountains high, while we poor Inds in the vallies h'e, 1 see tlKiii fulling like inotlisin the sun, Thro' smoke tmii fiie thro' sm<'ke and fire nil from our hiitish guns. The veiy first volley she gave to us, wounded our'Geneial in the left breast, Y« nder he sit<, fur he catmo! cianniand, Fight on so boldly, fi^ht on so huldly, for whilst Ive lil'e I'll have conunaud. Here is my treasure lies all in gold, I' und part it f»»r my bhiod rnns cold. Take it, ^ pari it, Gentral VVolte did suy — You lads of honour, \(ju l.ds cf honour who mrtesuch g dlant p'%y. when to Old En>;iand,)oa do return, Piay tellmy parents \ am ( ead und gone. Arid tell my tender old mother de.r, Kot to wtep for me, not to weep lor me it is a dtath I wisl) to share. At sixteen years whfn I (iist hegun, All for the h'juuur of (iieoige our King"^^ So let all contmaiide<8 du &» i hu^e dojie \ie- fore, Be a soldiers friend, he H soldiers friend, *iiv bo;s, aud the/il Ji^lt for evcrmort ' 5^^^ MY BOYHOODS HOME. I-. HODGES Piinter, Whole aleToy j» Marble AVarehousf, 26, Grafmii *^tieet. Soho. VVhere upwardaof a 10 ',000 Songs are constantly on sale. fVO London I came from the sweet County Down I calTd on a fii- nd to show nm the Town, He show'd me th ougli streets.'s and alleys so grand, *Till my bones were so sore I fecarc<-l} could stand Hesliow'd me fine houses that were buil' up Suhi(;h And a man mad^ of stone reac'iinjj up to the sk\ : But the name of ihose places went out of my brain But one, and they oil it sweet Petticoat- Lane. Convenient to Petticoat. Lane there*? a place, A {1 as we pas 'd ihro' it we could g>M m* peace, The siiops weic alt full ol clothe^, black and blue, And the fellows oit.side r-early to e nie in two. ()iie pull'd me this w.iv to biiv a g<reeche.s my size. On-' chap bawlM out wh^n I wouldn't remain, Slow hiui up to the ch nge in Pttiicoat-L ne. }>1\ fiitnd tliought to drag me away by tbe sleeve V^ i,ei> a tartar droppM over his hand an old sieve ] turn'd to s'rike her but got in my eye, ] wolloppM away and was walUjpp'd too Til! all sor.B of things were taised b^ the c ew, f'uu own brother Barney I'd beat all the time, W^hen he see me he let out a thunderi^^curs?, On the first day he went to join in the force, H- released my old coat and got roe out cleaa, l o go home and say prayers for the b.'acLguard* in Petticoai'Lane. MY BOYHOODS My boyhood's home, I see tby hilli i see thy valley's cbangful gr< en And man .ood's eye a teir-drop fdls Tliougli years have roU'd since thee I've seen I come to thee from war s dread place A warrior stern o'er thee no rule But while I gaze on each loved plain I feel i am a boy agaia To the war steed adieu, to the (rumprt fii ew«il To the pomp of the p duce, the proad gilded donie For t „e green .s«ei3£s of childhuod I bd ye f ra well The soldier i^wns to his bo.hi»od luvcd homs. My boyh.'ud s hiiiSj Itc Inhni $tiU i$ lulm ^fi?i^ THE MASHER, I used to be steady I naed to be staid My toys were all bougllt at the Low- ther Arcade, > I sat at ihf feet of my dearest mama Or recite pweet poems to tondestpapa Or go v-tli my sister for walks in the park. And was sure to return quite an hour before dark, But now things have changed and f;asy to tell, I'nl thr latest invention, the Masher, the swell ;'ra a strutt up the Strand-ity, «jaue in my Kand-ity, Drop ill the grand-itv swellal ^ Quifct in my speech-ity, very knee hrcrf-ch-ity, St:-.n!Ui r iind stutter and dwall, Puff a (.i,i:;.i ity. with the majar-ity, Bye-' ye ta-ta-itv feiiah; Dash-ir v crasli-itv.SDiash-ity, bash-ity Mash-iest Masher of all. 1 usee] to be bashful, I used to be shy If a lady looked at me I cast down my eye. But if she should tickle me under the chin, In my innocent heart I thought 'twas a sin, If I went to a soiree, rout or a ball, I was sure to be found close to the wall "Whilst others were dancing and en- joying the fun, I was wopping myself round a tart or a bun. I'm a Rotten-row ride-ity, hat on one side-ity, Glass in my eye-dity swell-ah. Trouble to talk-ity, ditto to walk-ity, Swag-ity cieepity crawl ; Pet of society, little variety, Hi, tral-Ia-la-liety fellah, A rani-ity, lam-ity, Janx-ity, dam-ily, Jam-ient masher of all. I used to be me mealy, I used to be mild, To my books and my studies was reconciled ; f \ised to believe that all heroes were brave, And theu- duties were ill-treated dam- feel? tr save ; I usca to believe free trade was a boon Ana the talk of good times would ap- pear very soon, No Avondor folks laughed at my inno- cence then, But these notions all flew when I mis-sd up with men. I'm a leary and lanlc-ity cierk m lihe bankity, Station and rank-ity awell-ah. Smoke cigarettc-ity, get into debt-ity Rol.i Peter and settle Avith Paul ; See a divinity, Chelsea ricinity. Money fOr pin-ity fellah, A lump-ity, jump-ity, fgive you the hump-ity, Number one Masher of all. I used to be truthful, I used to be young, And in company never found the use of my tongup, I always had plenty of blushes on hand And a faint now and then I could al- ways command ; I was the most innocent mortaktflive, Always thought five beans should be countt^d as five ; Always thoughtf^the sun brought dm flowers in May, And the Haytnarket residents only 6old bay. Fm a darling old chap-ity, piay yoa at nap-ith, •• SKp-ity slap-ity swell-ah, Hip hip hurrahity inside the Gaiety, Beg pardon sir this is my stall. Gaiters of drab ity, gift of the gab-ity Row with cab-ity fellah, Rick-ity, rack -ity. brick -ity, biack-ity Prize medal masher of ali. Ireland still is Ireland. Let every honest patriot, Give heed to me awhile, Afid I will sing as in the past, Of dear old Erin's Isle, Her sons were never cowards vet, Our courage will not flag, For we are ready, in your cause, To fight beneath your fiag, Ireland still is Ireland, As brave as in the past. Willing in a righteous cause. To act a brother's part, Her sons aj'e alway.^; ready, With hands both true an I steady To prove that 'neath an Irish coat. There beats a noble h^.art, When England'^ been at v:iri;ince, With valiant foreign ices. Who was it gained the victory, But the Shamrock and the Rose ? "When bullets rained arouud us. Wo true and nobly stood, And showed the world that Ave could fight, ks heroes only could. Thein let us stand as brothers still, For count^'y, home and Queen, We never have been beaten yet. When fighting Avith a will. Still hand in hand we'll journey wi. Unheeding slander's voice, And when we are united, we Must one and ali rejtoice. THE CRINOLINE. Sec. 25. Good people give allenlion and listen to tny rhymes, " I'll sing about the fashions that's in vogue the prestiit time, The ladies once wore bustles, now they think they can't be fine, Without a bat and feather and a fancy crinoline. Just twig the preily ladies, now don't they cut a shine, With a dandy hat and feather and a fancy crinoline. As I was walkiiis? through the street not many days ago, I met a gal who said she was looking for a beau ; She invited me to go with her, I said I did not mind. For she look'd just like au au^el Ure&scd in her crinoline. She took me to a splendid house with cushions on the chairs. She treated me with brandy, then she took me up the stairs, Slie nndressd me very kindly and said she would be mine, But 1 cursed the night that ever I admired her crinoline. I had a 8plenv 8ong ON THE BLOOMER C08TUME. Oh, did you hear the news of late, According to the rumours, The pretty ladies one and all, Are going to join the bloomers. Since Mrs. Dexter's come to town. She says, oh what a row sir, The men shall wear the petticoats And ladiQs wear the trousers. Oh, did you hear, &c. Now Mrs. Dexter's come to town, She says, she'll not be lazy, But quickly turn the ladies brains. And set the men all crazy, Old maids and lasses fine and gay, Short stumpy tall and bandy, I-iong petticoats now throw away, And beat the yanky dandy. Prince Albert and the Queen one day Had such a jolly row sirs. She threw off her petticoat And put on boots and trousers ; Won't it be funny for to see Ladies possessed of riches, Riding up and down the town In Wellingtons and breeches. Now you with ancles short and thick,' Of every rank and station. Oh, won't you cut it fine and slick. By this new alteration. And landladies that creep about, Well known as twenty stoners, Come shove your bustles up the spout, And join the dashing bloomers. The bloomers dress the people say. Is getting all the go now. The pretty factory lasses they. Will cut a gallant show now. In petticoats above their knees, And breeches too you'll find them Nice jackets made of velveteen, All button'd up behind them. Now married men take my advice, vStep out and spend your riches, And buy your wives all in a trice, Short petticoats and breeches. For in the fashion she will hop. When e'er she's out of humour, I wonder if her tongue will stop, When she becomes a bloomer. Last night my wife she said to me, Tom, when we get the notes in, I'll have a pair of gaiters, and. Breeches made of goats skin, A pair of boots and silver spurs. For I have got such bad legs, I cannot hide I'll have to ride. The donkey now a strad-legs. The men must go out selling fish. And deal in shrimps and mussels, Dress'd up in ladies petticoats. Fine flounces and big bustles, You'll have no call to work at all, But walk out in your broaches. The ladies are determined, for. To drive the cabs and coaches. The tailors now must all be sharp In making noble stitches And be sure and clap their burning goose, Upon the ladies' breeches ; Their pretty little fingers will Be just as sore as mutton. Until that they have found the way Their trousers to unbutton. You factory lasses one and all Your dresses all reform now Buy a jacket and a trousers for To keep you snug and warm now ; Short petticoats and garters too No matter how the times goes A billycock and feather for To see which way tlie wind blows. M. O'LOUGHNAN. 690 tj> i^^ i 1 ^ H- ^h D THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY ^^^^^•^^i^'^i^'fi^iii'ii^^tf^mmimmmmmmmmmmii^limiiimi^ .'• 'J ;•• . '. ;.^'i'"-.» i ',-5' ': ['.l^lj'i '. -'''-'.'l',,. '.'■'■"■•'S' ,. ,, ;-;.:. ij^v,; :'r .;>;r''-^^' ■"?^."..t;. 'r'