RESIDENTS OF NEW BRITAIN Connecticut IN THE YEAR 1799 Who paid taxes With the amount of their list Printed From the original manuscript Names of RESIDENTS OF NEW BRITAIN Connecticut IN THE YEAR 1799 Who paid taxes With the amount of their list Printed From the original manuscript In the possession of Frank D. Andrews Vineland New Jersey 1910 r AS PREFACE. To the list of names of residents of Britain in 1799, should be added that of Rev. John Smalley, pastor of the church, who by virtue of his office was exempt from taxation. The writer spent ten years or more of his early life in New Britain, attended the public schools there, and was acquainted with many of its inhabitants, among them descendants of those whose names appear in these pages. His apology, if one is necessary, for the publication of this old manuscript which has been in his possession for many years, is. that a few persons may be interested in the names of those who resided in the town over one hundred and ten years ago, and the list will be of value to genealogists and others who care for ancestry, it therefore seems worth while to preserve it in printed form. FRANK D. ANDREWS. VlNELAND, N. J. December 31, 1910. 516165 LIB 9CTS Names of Residents of New Britain, Connecticut, Who Paid Taxes 1799. With the Amount of Their List August 20, 1799. Moses Andrews $ 245,95 Levi Andrews 440,58 Joseph Andrews 238,55 John Andrews 130, 9 Elijah Andrews 43>97 Josiah Andrews 114, Hezekiah Andrews 165,90 Ezekiel Andrews 191,45 William Andrews 82,53,5 Wido Elizabeth Andrews 16,30,5 W:Eunice Andrews i9,4o Benjamin Atkins 20,40 Daniel' Ames 30,55 Jonathan Belding 365,16,5 Leonard Belding 223,19,7^ Leonard Belding Jr 148,99,5 Aziel Belding 89,51 John Belden 60, Nathan & Abigail Booth 167,77 James Booth 152,23 Nathan Booth Jr 132,^27 Joseph Booth 179,25 Ebenezer Booth 60, David Booth 7, o Stephen Booth 1,30 Abner Booth 60, 6 Residents of New Britain, 1799. Ziba Booth 60, Elisha Booth 77,85 Thomas Booth 163,94 Salmon Booth 60, Elijah Brownson 60, Samuel Brownson 83,71 Samuel Bass 86.26 Elihew Burrett 83,82 Cornelius Basset 86,60 Jesse Bartholomew 60, Abel Clark 192,45 Solomon Clark 183,29 Manly Clark 126,13 Abner Clark 60, Nathaniel Churchell 168,45 Stephen Churchell 67, Solomon Churchell 20,38 Joshua Cone 94,92,5 Robert Cornwell 126, i Ebenezar Curtis 114,63 Ebenezar Couch 8,67,5 David Dewey 193,25 Josiah Dewey 143,56 Asel Deming 94>3 6 John Deming 205,00 Ephraim Doolittle 85.81 David Daniels 67, Charles Eddy 189,28 Charles Eddy Jr 37i . Elijah Frances 133 ,'60,5 Elijah Frances Jr XI 8. 5 James Frances 206,63 Justice Frances 216,96,5 Allen Frances 225,83 Residents of New Britain, 1799. Gideon Griswold 70,21 Ashbel Griswold 47.39 Isaac Goodrich 74, Samuel Glading 74,20.5 Stephen Glading 60, Josiah Gilbert 60, Wiliam Hart 60, Elijah Hart 143.56 Thomas Hart 235, Jehuda Hart 203,44 Benjamin Hart 223, 6 Wo Sarah Hart 2d 68,84 Elijah Hart Jr 321,77 Aaron Hart 222,90 Oziah Hart 135.85 Asahel Hart 2d 87,32 James Hart 88,65 Benjamin Hart Jr 91, Wido Sarah Hart 98,39 Salmon Hart 127,88 Stephen Hart 260,81 Asahel Hart 81,95 Bethel Hart 126, 8 David Hils 140,68 Stephen Holester 63,85,5 Wido Rebecah Holester 131, 5,5 Lodwick Hotchkiss 67, Wid o Sarah Hemdale 4,60 James Judd 217.36 Daniel Judd 225,45 Anthony Judd 60, Isaac Judd 60, Bela Judd 95-59,5 John Judd 109, 8 Residents of New Britain, 1799. Timothy Kilborn 162,79 Seth Kilborn H5.73 Samuel Kilborn 60, Isaac Lee 125,11 Isaac Lee Jr I97>86 Isaac Lee 3d 105,12 Thomas Lee 111,10 Seth Lusk 180,86 Simeon Lincoln 238, i Daniel Luddenton 95>86 Seth Lewis 103,62 Erastus Lewis 16,67 Coteu Marthur 4477 David Marthur 73>99 Joseph Marthur 138,36 Stephen Marthur 81,28 Elezar Merrill 79. o Chancey Merrill 95>59 James North Esqr 344i 2 3 James North Jr 60, Gad North 84, Jeremiah H Osgood 102,69,5 John Osgood 127,79 Phinehas Penfield 186,93 Nathaniel Peufield 199, 8,5 Andrew Pratt 183,77 Michael Recor 248,54 Thoidore Riley 88,59,5 Grin Root 67, Joseph Root 70, Aaron Roberts 230,71 Mathew Rugg 67, Joseph Sage 114, 2 Jonathan Sage 84,64 Residents of New Britain, 1799. Lewis Seymour 9 2 73 Timothy Stanley 369,56 Gad Stanley 544.46 Lot Stanley 349,75 Noah Stanley 293,94 Adna Stanley 300, Timothy Stanley Jr 234,14 Oliver Stanley 553.88 Ira Stanley I5J.35 Ebenezor Steel 14,96 Ebenezor Steel Jr 55, i Josiah Steel 60, Wiliam Steel 73.97 Selah Steel 104,32 Samuel Smith 302,18 Elnathan Smith 504,27 Lemuel Smith 83,74 Abijah Smith 104,34 Moses Smith 98, Wiliam Smith 84, Levi Smith 70, John Smith 60, Wido Esther Smith 2,26,5 Benjamin Slator 136,36 Samuel Shipmam 75,95 Samuel Shipman Jun 67, Thomas Stedmau 80,97 Samuel Stedman 80, Samuel South worth 67. Moses Tomson 60, Elizur Whapells 60, Elisha Whapells 67, Amos Woodruff 199,42 Seth Wooduff 187,20 io Residents of New Britain, 1799. Truman Woodruff 75,4 Benjamin Wright 172, 4 Joseph Wright 109, 6 Reuben Wright 175. 7 Unni Wright 91.35.5 Joshua Wells 191,21 Eli Wells 60, Ezra White 73,68 Wido Abigail Webster .130,40 Non Residents. Elias Andruss $81,11 Abel Allys 9,90 Joseph Churchel 3,68 Seth Deming 8,35 Ladner Deming 6,37 Wido Mary Gilbert 3, 6 John Goodrich 26,43 Amos Gridley 14, 8 Selah Gridley 12,72 Rezin Gridley 10,72 Selah Hart 4, 8 Sam 11 Hooker 18,23 Enos Huiin 12,72 William Kelsey 8, 4 Stephen Norton 19.44 Joseph Richards 66,65 John Root 8.35 Asahel Root 10,72 Residents of New Britain, 1799. n Non Residents. David Webster Jr 66,86 Solomon Whitman 12,74 Joshua Woodruff 5.84,5 John Mix 23,18 Charles Dix 23,18 Edward Pattison 8, 2 Enoch Kelsey 38,56 Jonathan Gilbert 31*78 David Gilbert 31,78 Justus Francis 37, 6 Total amot $22,713,82,7^ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES