:)900 '^^^-MASM ANALYSES OF '■■M[.\\ rnxB iMom COtLECTCO AND PUitlSMSU BV ^A vSi^M^^^ R. CHURCH mm mmmi" R A N c I s c o MmMmv j,«^ A 1 1 F O R N I A ■V/Z/A^V:/:' m::':i lit BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA "r^^r - .*»'i*4 m,.:'^\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/analysesofpigiroOOchurrich TO MY FRIEND WM. CHRISTIE HERRON OF ROGERS, BROWN & CO. THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED PRICE $2.50 Postpaid to any Part of THE United States or Canada Other Countries, 12 Shillings ^C^^ ^^'^^ v^m^fi F'V/?/^ if" PR( Frr IX-Ur • ANALYSES t5 Pig Iron COLLECTED AND PUBLISHED BY t5 SKYMOUR -R. CHURCH SAN P^RANCISCO CALIKORNIA. U. S. A. jr\ Press of The Htcks-JudJ Company \^ Co >v: N 1 I O ' c -r V. I ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, MAY 8, 1900, BY SEYMOUR R. CHURCH IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON, D. C. s n -J <^ i, BANCROFT LIBRARY PREFACE. Herewith is presented Volume One of "Analyses of Pig Iron," which is the first publication of this character ever issued. The increasing demand from foundrymen and others for analyses of different kinds of pig iron, led the publisher to believe that a work of this kind would deserve the support of makers and melters of iron. This work comprises analyses of pig iron made in the United States, Great Britain and other countries, and also important statistics relative to the production. The analyses in nearly every instance were received either from the furnaces direct or from furnace agents, and although the publisher realizes that some of them do not seem correct, yet they have been copied just as they were received, and are on file open to inspection. The collecting of these analyses has necessarily opened up a voluminous cor- respondence, several thousand letters having been written to obtain the information con- tained in this volume, and if every furnace had given the desired information, a great many more analyses could have been published, but some of them declined to give same ; however, the publisher hopes that when the different makers of pig iron see this work they will at once realize its importance and furnish the desired information for the next volume, which will be published in the early part of the year 1901. It will contain entirely new matter, and will not be a repetition of the matter contained herein. The half-tone cuts, representing the fracture of different brands and grades of pig iron, will be interesting, as they show the various characteristics of the iron, and the accompany- ing illustrations of furnaces will give the reader a very good idea of the plants where the iron is manufactured. In conclusion, the publisher wishes to say that while he is grateful to all those who have in any way contributed information for this volume, he is especially indebted to Messrs. Girvin & Eyre, of San Francisco, who, through their London correspondents, have furnished much valuable information relative to the pig iron made in Great Britain. The Publisher. ^ PKCrCi.TY u Index to Names of Companies, United States of Kff^m.'-mt.'-''''^i Page. Alabama Consolidated Coal and Iron Company 17 Alabama and Georgia Iron Company 27 Alleghany Iron Company ^^ Allentown Iron Works til American Steel Hoop Company 61-02 American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey. 44-53-01 Andover Iron Company 42 Andrews and Hitchcock Iron Company, The 53 Antrim Iron Company 37 Ashland Coal and Iron Railway Company 35 Ashland Iron and Steel Company 105-107 Atlantic Iron and Steel Company 62 Bamum-Richardson Company 25 Bass Foundrj' and Machine Company 17 Belfont Iron Works Company 53 Bellefonte Furnace Company 62 Berlin Iron Works 62 Bethlehem Steel Company 62 Big Stone Gap Iron Company 94 Blue Mountain Iron and Steel Company 36 Boiling Springs Iron Company 63 Bonbrake, Burkhart and Company 63 Brier Hill Iron and Coal Company 53 Brooke Iron Company, E. & G H3 Brown-Bonnell Iron Company, The 54 Buffalo Charcoal Iron Company 45 Buffalo Furnace Company 45 Buffalo Iron Company 90 Burden Iron Company, The 45 Calumet Iron and Steel Company 28 Cambria Steel Company 63 Campbell Iron Company, The 54 Carbon Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 63 Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd., The 64 Carrie Furnaces 64 Cedar Point Furnace 45 Centre Mining and Manufacturing Company 54 Charlotte Iron Works 45 Chattanooga Furnace Company 91 Cherry Valley Iron Works 54 Chesnut Grove Furnace 64 Chickies Iron Company, Ltd., The 64 Citico Furnace Company 91 Claire Furnace Company, Ltd 65 Clare Iron Company 54 Clinton Iron and Steel Company 65 Coleraine Iron Works 66 Colonial Iron Company 66 Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, The 25 Columbian Land and Mining Company, The 35 Corrigan, McKinney and Company 55 Corrigan, McKinney and Company, lessees 65 Cranberry Iron and Coal Company 52 Dayton Coal and Iron Company, The 91 Detroit Iron Furnace Company .* 37 Dulnth Furnace Company 41 Dunbar Furnace Company 66 Durham Iron Works 66 Eagle Furnace 107 Eagle Iron Company 17 Page. Elk Rapids Furnace 37 Empire Steel and Iron Company 43-52-66-71-73-94-96 Emporium Furnace Company 77 Etna Manufacturing Company 27 Everett Furnace 77 Excelsior Furnace 37 Gaylord Iron Company 38 Girard Iron Company 55 Globe Iron Company 55 Gracey- Wood ward Iron Company 91 Heckscher and Sons Company, R 77 Hecla Iron and Mining Company 55 Illinois Steel Company 29-107 Irondale Furnace 104 Iroquois Iron Company 29 Jefferson Furnace 77 Jefferson Iron Company 56-93 Jenifer Furnace Company 18 Joanna Furnace 78 Jones and Laughlin, Ltd 77 Jones Valley Iron Company 18 Juniata Furnace and Foundry Company 78 Kirkland Furnace 46 Kittanning Iron and Steel Manufacturing Company ... 78 Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company 78 Lawrence Furnace Company 56 Lebanon Furnaces 79 Lebanon Valley Furnace 79 Leesport Iron Company 79 Lehigh Steel and Iron Company 79 Lehigh Zinc and Iron Company 79 Liberty Furnace 101 Lime Rock Iron Company 25 Logan Iron and Steel Company 79 Longdale Iron Company 101 Lorain Steel Company, The 56 Low Moor Iron Company of Virginia, The 101 McCoy and Linn 80 McGugin and Company 56 McNair and DeCamp 42 Maiden Creek Furnace 80 Martel Furnace '. 39 Marting Iron and Steel Company, The 56 Maryland Steel Company 36 Means, Kyle and Company 57 Means and Russell Iron Company 35 Miller, Wagoner and Filser Company, lessees 58 Minerva Pig Iron Company 107 Mont Alto Iron Works 80 Muirkirk Furnace, The 36 Musconetcong Iron Works, The 43 Nannie B. Furnace 101 Napier Iron Works 91 National Steel Company 67-58-80 National Tube Company 58-80-105 Newberry Furnace Company 39 New Jersey Zinc Company, The 43 New River Mineral Company 101 Analyses of Pig Iron Page. Norristown Iron Works 80 Northern Alabama Coal, Iron and Railway Company.. . 18 Northern Furnace Company 39 Northwestern Iron Company, The 107 Ohio Iron and Steel Company, The 58 Ohio Mining and Manufacturing Company, The 58 Old Alcalde Furnace 93 Oregon Iron and Steel Company 61 Paducah Furnace 35 Paxton Iron and Steel Company, The 81 Peninsular Iron Company, The 39 Penn Iron and Coal Company, The 58 Pennsylvania Furnace Company 81 Pennsylvania Steel Company, The 81 Pequest Furnace ' . . . . 43 Perkins and Company, Ltd 81 Phenix Furnace 46 Pickands, Mather and Company 81 Pioneer Furnace 39 Pioneer Mining and Manufacturing Company 18 Potts, William M 82 Pott town Iron Company 82 Pottsville Iron and Steel Company 81 Poughkeepsie Iron Company 46 Princess Furnace 101 Pulaski Iron Company 102 Punxsutawney Iron Company 82 Reading Iron Company. 82 Reunie Iron Company, The (Radford Iron Company) . . 102 Republic Iron and Steel Company 59-82 Richmond Iron Works 36 Roane Iron Company 91 Roanoke Furnace Company 102 Robesonia Iron Company, Ltd 87 Rockhill Iron and Coal Company 87 Rome Furnace Company, The 27 Salem Furnace 102 Salem Iron Company, The 59 Salisbury Carbonate Iron Company 25-46 Sarah Furnace 59 Saxton Iron Company 87 Secaucus Iron Company .... 44 Page. Sharon Valley Iron Company 27 Sharpsville Furnace Company 87 Sheffield Coal, Irou and Steel Company 19 Shelby Iron Company 19 Sligo Furnace Company 42 Slos.s-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company 19 Southern Mining Company 28 South Mountain Mining and Iron Company 87 Spathite Iron Company 20 Spearman Iron Company, The 87 Spring Lake Iron Company, The 41 Star and Crescent Iron Furnace 94 Star Furnace Company _ 59 Stewart Iron Company, Ltd 88 Stickney Iron Company, The 36 Struthers Furnace Company, The 59 Superior Charcoal Iron Company 40 Susquehanna Iron and Steel Company 88 Swatara Furnace 88 Tassie Belle Furnace 94 Temple Iron Company 88 Tenne-ssee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company 20-21-92 Thomas Iron Company, The 89 Tonawanda Iron and Steel Company 46 Troy Steel Company, The 52 Trussville Furnace Mining and Manufacturing Company. 21 Tutwiler Coal, Coke and Iron Company 22 Union Iron Company 41 Union Iron Works 52 Van Buren Furnace 102 Vesuvius Iron Company 60 Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company 35-92-103-104 Warwick Iron and Steel Company 89 Wellman Furnace 89 Wellston Iron and Steel Company 60 Weston Furnace Company 41 Wharton Furnace 44 Wheeling Steel and Iron Company 60-105 White, Dixon and Company 93 Woodstock Iron Works, The 24 Woodward Iron Company 24 Youngstown Steel Company, The 60 Index to Brands, United States of America. Page. Acme 80 Alice 20-81 Alleghany 94 Allentown 61 Anchor 56 Andover 42 Antrim 37-40 Anvil 82 Ashland 35 Attalla 17 Aurora 88 Page. Baird 45 Belfont 53 Bellefonte 35-62 Belmont 105 Big Stone Gap 94 Bloom 54 Boiling Springs 63 Boone 36 Brier Hill 53 Bristol 103 Brooke 63 Buena Vista 104 Buffalo 45 S. R. Church. rage, Calumet 28 Carbon 63 Carbonate 25-46 Carnegie 92 Carondelet Scotch 42 Catoctin 36 Cedar Point 45 Champion 41 Charlotte 45-65 Chattanooga 91 Cherokee 27-52 Cherry Valley 54 Chesnut Grove C. B 64 Chickies 64 Citico 91 Clifton 17 Clinton 65 Coleraine 66 Covington 101 Cranberry 52 Crane 66 Crane L. P 66 Crown Point 44 Crozer 104 Dayton 91 De Bardeleben 20 D. I. F 37 Dora 104 Douglas 55-65 Dover 58-93 Dunbar 66 Durham 66 Edith 61 Eliza 77 Elk Rapids 37-40 Ella 81 Embreville 92 Emma 53-79 •Emporium 77 Ensley 20 Etna 27-62 Etowah 17 Eureka 21 Everett Basic 77 Everett Bessemer 77 Everett Mill 77 Everett Scotch 77 Everett Strong Foundry 77 Excelsior 37-40 Falling Spring 63 F. N 104 Gaylord 38 Gem 94 Gertrude 107 Girard 55 Globe 55 Grafton 59 Graham 103 Grand Rivers 35 Greensboro 52 Greenwood 79 Page. Hamilton 57 Hecla 55-80 Hector 65 Henry Clay 71 Hinkle 105 Hubbard Scotch 53 Iroquois 29 Isabella 61 Ivanhoe 101 Jefferson 93 Jenifer 18 Joanna 78 Kemble 66 Kirkland 46 Kittanning 78 Lackawanna 78 Lady Ensley 19 Lawrence 56 Lebanon Valley 79 Leesport 79 Lehigh 79 Liberty 101 Lincoln 55 Longdale 101 Lorain 56 Low Moor 101 Mabel 81 Macungie 73 Maiden Creek 80 Mannie 90 Marshall 78 Martel 39 Mary Ohio Scotch 58 Mill 29 Minerva 107 Mont Alto 80 Mt. Vernon 54 Muirkirk 36 Musconetcong 43 Napier 91 Niagara 46 Nittany 73 Northern 39 Old Alcalde 93 Olive 56 Oregon 61 Oxford 43 Parry 63 Paxton 81 Peerless 2*,) Pencost 56 Peninsular 39 Pequest 43 Phenix 46 Philadelphia 19 Phcenix 54 Pine Grove 87 Pioneer 18-39-40-81 Poughkeepsie 46 Princess 101 Punxy 82 Analyses of Pig Iron Page. Rebecca 78 Richmond . . 36 Rising Fawn 28 River 55 Riverside 58-105 Roanoke 102 Robesonia 87 Rockhill 87 Rock Run 17 Rockwood 91 Rome 27 Salem 102 Salisbury 25-46 Sarah 59 Secaucus 44 Seneca 59 Sewanee 92 Sharpsville 87 Sheffield 19 Shelby 19 Shenandoah 94 Sheridan 81 Sidney 107 Silver Spring 81 Sligo 42 Sloss 19 South Pittsburg 92 Spathite 20 Spearman 87 Spring Lake 41 Star 59 Star and Crescent 94 Page. Sterling Scotch 29 Stewart 88 Stickney 36 Swede 77 Talladega 18 Tassie Belle 94 Temple 88 Thomas . 89 Tonawanda 46 Top Mill 105 Topton 73 Trussville 21 Tuscarawas 58 U. I. Co., Det 41 Union 52 Vanderbilt 22 Vesta 88 Vesuvius 60 Victoria 96 Viking 63 Virginia 101 Vulcan 39-81 Warwick 89 Watts 35 Wharton 44 Wheeler 62 Williamson 18 Woodstock 24 Woodward 24 Wyebrookc 82 Index to Names of Companies, England. Page. Appleby Iron Company, Ltd 116 Armstrong, Sir W. G., Mitchell and Company, Ltd . . . 119 Bain, James and Company Ill Barrow Hematite Steel Company, Ltd 115 Bassano, W. and Company 121 Bell Brothers, Ltd 113 Bestwood Coal and Iron Company, Ltd 119 Blaenavon Company, Ltd 117 Bolckow, Vaughan and Company, Ltd 123 Bradley, T. and I. and Sons 121 Bradley, Thomas and Isaac, Ltd 121 Brown, John and Company, Ltd 123 Butlin, Thomas and Company, Ltd 118 Butterley Company, Ltd 112-120 Cammel, Charles and Company, Ltd Ill Cargo Fleet Iron Company, Ltd 123 Carlton Iron Company, Ltd 113 Carnforth Hematite Iron Company, Ltd 115 Chatterley-Whitfield Collieries, Ltd 120 Clay Cross Company 112 Clay Lane Iron Company, Ltd 125 Cochrane and Company 123 Page. Cochrane and Companv, Ltd 126 Consett Iron Company, Ltd 113 Cooke, William and Company, Ltd 126 Darwen and Mostyn Iron Company, Ltd 115 Davis, E. P 112 Denby Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 112 Distington Hematite Iron Company, Ltd Ill Earl of Dudley, The 121 Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., The, . 117 Farnley Iron Company, Ltd 126 Foster, W. O 119 Frodingham Iron and Steel Company 116 Gjers, Mills and Company 126 Goldendale Iron Company 120 Grazebrook, M. and W 121 Harrison, Ainslie and Company, Ltd 115 Heath, Robert and Sons, Ltd 120 Hickman, Alfred, Ltd 121 Hingley , N. and Sons, Ltd 121 Holwell Iron Company, Ltd 115 6: /?. c,.r.^ PRCFIRTVUel s Page. Roberts, William, Ltd 122 Round Brothers 122 Russell, John and Company, Ltd 122 Samuelson, Sir B. and Company, Ltd 127 Seaton Carew Iron Company, Ltd., The 114 Shakespeare, William 116 Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, Ltd. , The 113 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Company, Ltd 120 Skinningrove Iron Company, Ltd 127 Stafford Coal and Iron Company, Ltd 120 Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd 113 Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Ltd 113 Tees-Bridge Iron Company, Ltd., The 114 Thomas, George and Richard 122 Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 117 Walker, Maynard and Company 128 Weardale Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 114 Wellingborough Iron Company, Ltd 118 Westbury Iron Company, Ltd 123 West Yorkshire Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 128 Whitehaven Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 112 Whitehouse, H. B. and Sons 122 Whitwell, William and Company, Ltd 114 Wigan Coal and Iron Company, Ltd 115 Williams, Edward 128 Williams, Philip and Sons 122 Willingsworth Iron Company, The 122 Wilsons, Pease and Company 128 Workington Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd. . , 112 York Road Iron Company, The 128 Page. Islip Iron Company 118 Kettering Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 118 Kirk Brothers and Company, Ltd Ill Leeds Steel Works, Ltd., The 126 Lilleshall Company, Ltd 119 Lonsdale Hematite Smelting Company, Ltd Ill Lowmoor Company, Ltd 126 Lowther Hematite Iron Company, Ltd Ill Madeley Wood Company 119 Midland Coal, Coke and Iron Company, Ltd 120 Millom and Askam Hematite Iron Co., Ltd., The 111-115 Moss Bay Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 112 New Cransley Iron and Steel Company Ltd 118 Newton, Chambers and Company, Ltd 126 Normauby Ironworks Company, Ltd 127 North Eastern Steel Company, Ltd 127 North Lincolnshire Iron Company, Ltd., The 116 North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 115 North Western Hematite Steel Company, Ltd., The 112 Oakes, James and Company 113 Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Ltd 114 Park Gate Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 127 Patent Bolt and Nut Company, Ltd 117 Pearson, Joseph H ... 121 Phipps, Pickering (Exrs. of) 118 Pyle and Blaina Works, Ltd 117 Redbourn Hill Iron and Coal Company, Ltd 116 Renishaw Iron Company 113 Rhymney Iron Company, Ltd 117 Index to Brands, England. Page. Acklam, Basic 127 Acklam, Yorkshire 127 Askam Hematite 111-115 Atlas 123 Awsworth 112 Ayrsome 126 Backbarrow 115 Bestwood 119 B. F. M 121 B H ; 115 B.H.S 115 Blaenavon (cold blast) 117 B. Mine 122 B. S. Bamc 127 B. S. Hematite 127 B. S. Newport 127 Butlin 118 Butterley 112 B-V 123 Page. Cargo Fleet 123 Carlton 113 Carnforth Hematite 115 C.&C 123 Chatterley 120 Clarence 113 Clay Cross 112 Clay Lane 125 Cleator 112 Cleveland 123 Coneygree 121 Consett 113 Corngreav (cold blast) 121 Cransley 113 C.xC 112 Darwen 115 D.D.D 112 DenbylronCo HI Derwent HI Distington HI Doncaster 118 Analyses of Pig Iron Page. EbbwValee ll" E. W. Hematite 128 Fenton I'-JO F. I. Co., Liui. (cold blast) 126 Fiiiedon 118 Frodinghani 116 FS - Ayrsome— FS 126 G. D. C 120 G. & R. T. Special 122 Granville 120 Grazebrook (cold blast) 121 G. W. L 128 H— Ayrsome, E. H 126 Harrington Ill Hatherton 122 H. C. M 112 Heath & Sons 120 Hematite 114 Holwell 115 Islip 118 Jarrow 114 Kettering 118 K.H 115 K. H. H 115 K. H. S 115 Lackenby 123 Iveeds 128 Lilleshall, H. B 119 Lilleshall Lodge (C. B) 119 Linthorpe 128 Lion 121 L N F (cold blast) 121 L N F— D U D 121 L N F- XX 121 Lonsdale Ill Lorn (cold blast) 115 Lowmoor (cold blast) 126 Lowther Ill L. S. W 126 Madeley Court 119 Madeley Wood Co 119 Marron Ill M. H. M 115 Millom Hematite 111-115 Mosbay 112 Netherton 121 N H. H 127 N.L.B 116 Normanby 127 Northampton 118 N. W. Co 112 Page. Old Hill 121 O O O 113 Ormesby 126 P. G. Lincoln 127 P. N. B. Co 117 Priorfield 122 Redboum Allmine 116 Redcar 128 Reedlands Ill Renishaw 113 R. H. & S 120 Ridsdale Hematite 119 Rixons Wboro' 118 Roberts Tipton Green 122 Round Hange 122 Round Tividale 122 S. B. Yorkshire 123 Seaton Basic 114 Seaton Carew 114 Sheepbridge 113 Shelton 120 Skinningrove 127 Solway Ill SS- Ayrsome— SS 126 Stanton 113 Star 117 Staveley 113 S. V. H 121 Tees-Bridge (Cleveland quality) 114 Thornaby Hematite 114 Thorncliffe 126 Three Brands (Round Pigs) 121 Tinsley 126 Tredegar 117 Trent 116 Tudhoe 114 Tyneside 114 U. H. M 115 Ulverston 115 U. V. C 115 Victoria 117 Walbrook 122 Wall End 122 Weardale 114 Westbury 123 Westfield m Willingsworth 122 Windmill End 121 W. O. (cold blast) 122 Woodside 123 Workington 112 W.S.S 120 <> o 121 S. R. Church. Index to Names of Companies, Scotland. }"age. Baird, William and Company, Ltd 131 Carron Company 134 Coltness Iron Company, Ltd 133 Dalniellington Iron Company, Ltd .... 131 Dixon, William, Ltd 133 Dunlop, James and Company, Ltd 133 Page. Glasgow Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 133 Glengarnock Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., The 131 Langloan Ironworks 133 Merry and Cuninglianie, Ltd 134 Shotts Iron Company 134 Summerlee and Mossend Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., The. . 134 Index to Names of Companies, Wales. Page. Anthracite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 137 Briton Ferry Works, Ltd 138 Br>-mbo Steel Company, Ltd 137 Cefn Ironworks, Ltd 138 Crawshay Brothers, Cyfarthfa, Ltd 138 Darwen and Mostyn Iron Company, Ltd 137 Dowlais Iron Company 138 Page. Forest Iron and Steel Company, Ltd 138 North's Navigation Collieries, Ltd 138 Pyle and Blaina Works, Ltd 138 Sparrow, James and Son 137 Swansea Hematite Iron Company, Ltd 138 Wright, Butler and Company, Ltd 138 Index to Brands, Scotland. Page. Calder 133 Cambroe 134 Carron 134 Clyde 133 Coltness 133 Coltness Hematite 133 Dalmellington 131 Eglinton 131 Gartsherrie 131 Page. Glengarnock 131 Govan 133 Govan Hematite 133 Langloan 133 M. and C 134 Shotts 134-^ Summerlee 134 Wishaw 133 Index to Brands, Wales. Page. Brymbo 137 Crawshay 138 Cwm Avon 138 Darwen 137 Dowlais 138 Dowlais Cardiff 138 Ferry 138 Page. Ffrwd (all mine) 137 Forest 138 Mine 138 Mostyn 137 Star 138 Swansea Hematite 138 8 Analyses of Pig Iron Index to Other Countries. Page. Belgium 141-142-143 Canada 147-148 China 173 Denmark 149 France 151 Germany 156-156-157 Japan 159 Mexico 161 Portugal 173 Russia 163-165-166 Spain 167 Sweden 169-171-172 Switzerland 173 Index to Illustrations. Page. Carbonate, No. 3 26 Carbonate, No. 4 26 Cargo Fleet, No. 3 124 Clay Lane, White 125 Crane Iron Works, Showing Unloading of Ore 70 Crane, No. 1 X 67 Crane, No. 2 X 67 Crane Iron Works, Lehigh Canal and General View of. . 68 Empire Building, New York (OtBces of Empire Steel and Iron Co.) 95 Gartsherrie, No. 1 132 Henry Clay, Carbonized 71 Henry Clay Furnaces 72 Hinkle, No. 1 Soft 106 Huddleston Mine, Showing Incline (Ore used at Victoria Furnace) 100 Iroquois, No. 1 30 Iroquois, No. 2 31 Iroquois, No. 3 32 Hannie 90 Niagara, No. 1 X 50 Niagara, No. 2 X 51 Page. Niagara, No. 3 (American Barrow) 47 Niagara, Grey Forge 48 Nittany Furnace 76 Nittany, No. IX 74 Old Charcoal Furnace, 1742 (Oxford View) 69 Peerless (Iroquois) 34 Punxsutawney Furnace (Ready for the Cast) 84 Punxsutawney Furnace, Worm's Eye View of 86 Punxsutawney Iron, Grading 85 "Punxy," No. 2 83 Sterling Scotch (Iroquois) 33 Tonawanda Scotch, No. IX 49 Trussville, White 21 Valentine Furnace (Loading Famous Nittany Iron) .... 75 Vanderbilt, No. 1 Foundry 22 Vanderbilt, No. 2 Foundry 23 Vanderbilt, No. 1 Soft 23 Vanderbilt. No. 2 Soft 24 Victoria, No. 1 Foundry 97 Victoria, No. 2 Foundry 98 Victoria, No. 1 Soft 96 Victoria, No. 1 Strong 99 Index — Miscellaneous. Page. Analysis of Iron in Mixture, by Wm. Christie Herron 9 Pig Iron ; Impurities, Grading, etc., by W. T. Shepard 11 Production of Pig Iron in the United States 13 American Pig Iron Stocks 14 Imports of Pig Iron into the United States, 1871-1899 14 Production of Pig Iron in the United States, Great Britain and Germany, 1889-1899 16 ANALYSIS OF IRON IN MIXTURE. BY WM. CHRISTIE HERRON. The ambition of every foundryman is to secure castings as nearly perfect as possible, and to accomplish this the element of silicon must be watched particularly. In foundry practice where pig alone is used the No. 2 Foundry Grade is the most popular in making ordinary castings because it contains usually the most accommodating percentage of silicon, about 2.50. It is the belief of many that better results are obtained using No. 2 Soft with No. 3 Foundry, and diflferent brands, if in affinity. Here the silicon in the No. 2 Soft will approximate 3% and in the No. 3 Foundry, 2%, giving the No. 2 Foundry Grade average of 2^% silicon. It is quite superfluous to say that the percentage of silicon to be used depends upon the character of castings desired. Silicon acts upon the carbon causing a change from the combined to the graphitic state. Low silicon results in more combined carbon, less graphite and castings more or less hard. Higher silicon produces more graphite, less of the combined carbon and softer castings. It is in this change produced by silicon that the carbon becomes more graphitic and that small expansion into a trifle more bulk is wherein the shrinkage is overcome. Too much silicon is as injurious as too little. 10 Analyses of Pig Iron GRAPHITE— Retards fluidity. Opens the grain. Renders heavy castings porous when in excess. Total Carbon should not be less than 3.25% MANGANESE— Closes grain, increases shrinkage and adds strength. Also reduces tendency to blowholes. Should not exceed .5% SULPHUR- Promotes blowholes, weakens the metal, increases shrinkage. Should not exceed .05% PHOSPHORUS— Promotes fluidity, reduces shrinkage, reduces strength. (Except that in reducing shrinkage it relieves the casting from strain.) Should exist from .5% to .8% SHvICON— Promotes fluidity, decreases shrinkage, reduces strength. Should exist in heavy castings from 1>^% to 2%; in medium 2% to 3% ; in very light 4% to 6% . When you want strength never get the Silicon and Phosphorus high at the same time. PIG IRON; IMPURITIES, GRADING, ETC. Vritten by W. T. SHEPARD, Secretary Tonawanda Iron and Steel Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y., U. S. A. Especially for this Publication. The ordinary impurities which are found in Pig Iron are silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, manganese, combined and graphitic or free carbon. There are rarely any other elements entering into pig iron in sufficiently large amounts to warrant consideration. The aggregate of impurities in ordinary foundry iron rarely reaches 10%, the remainder of course is metallic iron. Each impurity mentioned above has its own individual way of influencing the character of resultant castings, and also of changing the nature of the pig iron On this account the physical appearance of pig iron varies. To the layman pig iron is pig iron, but the consumer must know the character of the iron he is using. The most common way in the past has been for a consumer to continue using the brand and grade with which he has been familiar, and to depart from it only with fear and trembling, after the trial of a sample lot of other iron. Every blast furnace has a name, and up to date most makers of foundry iron cling to the old-fashioned rule of thumb method of grading, which is by physical appearance of fracture. There is no question but that this method is better than no grading at all, but it is very misleading and inaccurate. It is a rough approximation at the only true way, namely, by chemical analysis. One general scheme of grading obtains all over the United States, but a slight differ- ence exists between Northern and Southern furnaces. The grades of the former generally are about as follows : No. Ix, No. 2x, No. 2 Plain, No. 3, Grey P'orge, Mottled and White; of the latter No. 1 Fdy., No. 2 Fdy., No. 3 Fdy., No. 1 Soft, No. 2 Soft, Silvery, No. 4 or Grey Forge, Mottled and White. The only difference between the Northern and Southern systems of grading is that No. Ix is more open grained than No. 1 Fdy., and that the No. "2x and 2 Plain grades united make the Southern No. 2 Fdy. While No. 1 Soft, No. 2 Soft, and Silvery grades of foundry iron are quite common at Southern furnaces on account of the stock used and method of operating the furnaces, they are so uncommon in the North that should any be made they are usually absorbed in Ix, 2x or 2 Plain as the case may be. In order to grade by fracture the iron is broken ; the most open grained iron and that which carries a uniform open grain to the outside of the pig, is called No. Ix; the slightly closer grained and that which has a still closer grained band running around the outside of the pig, is called No. 2x; 2 Plain has either a uniform closer fracture than the 2x or else it has a fracture like the 2x at the top of the pig (i. e. toward the flat side) and 12 Analyses of Pig Iron is considerably closer at the bottom. No. .S is uniformly closer than No. 2 Plain. Grey Forge has a hard appearance, is usually honeycombed on the face or top of the pig, and frequently has a slight band or wire chill around the edge. Its grain is slightly closer than No. 3. Mottled iron is so called because that describes it. It is of mottled appearance and is really No. 5 grade. White iron, or No. 6 is white and rings when struck with a hammer. The diflFerence in these grades, all made by the same furnace from the same stock, is due to the chemical constituents. If the consumer knew what he needed and what he didn't want chemically he would have no use for the grading described above. In other words, the laboratory should do the grading. It is easy to see how the system of grading by fracture was founded. Instead of being assorted on account of the beneficial or injurious impurities which it contained and which could be found out only by means of chemists and laboratory, it was sorted by the ap- pearance of the iron, which features were caused by its chemical constituents. It goes without saying that if one knows the agent that causes a condition it is unnecessary to inquire into the condition, particularly when the latter is quite obscure. For instance, an expert furnaceman can tell by a glance at his iron whether or not it is high in sul- phur. He knows its character so well that if it comes out by fracture light colored, hard and brittle and of a Grey Forge, Mottled or White grade, he immediately concludes that it is high in sulphur. No one but the chemist can tell how much sulphur is in the iron. It is dangerous for a foundryman to use too high sulphur iron, and so Grey Forge always used to be sent to rolling mills alone. If by means of analysis (the fracture being Grey Forge) it is found that the sulphur is not too high, the iron is suitable and desirable for use in the grey iron foundry. High sulphur is the curse of foundrymen, but excess sul- phur in castings is attributable 99 times out of 100 to the fuel used in the foundry. Too much sulphur causes weak, light colored, brittle and very shrinky castings. The amount of sulphur that can be safely carried in castings of different character must be deter- mined in each case by physical and chemical tests in conjunction. For general castings it is wise to have sulphur kept below .07%. Some authorities maintain that such cast- ings as cylinders are not injuriously affected if the sulphur is .08 or .09%. Graphitic Carbon is a softener but if in excess amount will cause dirty castings on account of the iron being too rich. This can be corrected by using No. 4 pig or scrap in the mixture. Silicon is a softener and fluidizer when used moderately, but if in excess it has a tendency to harden. The exact amount for different work is determined by experience. Phosphorus is a fluidizer and if in excess weakens the iron materially. Manganese has a tendency to close the grain of iron, and yet it really operates as a softener. This is undoubtedly due to its affinity for sulphur if at a high heat, so that it really acts as a flux. 6". R. Church. 13 PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON IN THE UNITED STATES FURNISHED BY ROGERS, BROWN & CO. 1810 53,908 1860 821,223 1820 20,000 1870 1,665,178 1830 165,000 1880 3,835,191 1840 286,903 1890 9,202,703 1850 563,755 1899 13,620,703 Production of Pig Iron in the United States, from 1896 to 1899, by States. Gross tons of 2240 pounds. States. Massachusetts Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia North Carolina Georgia Alabama Texas West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Mis-souri Colorado Total 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1,873 3,284 3,661 2,476 10,187 8,336 6,336 10,129 206,075 243,304 228,011 264,346 59,163 95,696 100,681 127,598 4,024,166 4,631,634 5,537,832 6,5.58,878 79,472 193,702 190,974 234,477 386,277 307,610 283,274 365,491 \ 17,744 17,092 13,762 17,835 922,170 947,831 1,033,676 1,083,905 1,221 6,175 5,178 5,803 108,569 132,907 192,699 187,858 70,660 35,899 100,724 119,019 248,338 272,130 263,439 346,166 1,196,326 1,. 372, 889 1,986,358 2,-378,212 925,239 1,117,2.39 1,365,898 1,442,012 149,511 132,. 578 147,640 134,443 158,484 103,909 172,781 203,175 12,548 45,104 23,883 ) 6,582 1 141,010 138,880 8,623,127 9,662,680 11,773,934 13,620,703 14 Analyses of Pig Iron AHERICAN Pia IRON STOCKS Total Furnace and American pig iron warehouse stocks January 1st of each year were as follows: 1898 1,042,882 1899 659,621 1900 142,781 IMPORTS OF PIG IRON INTO THE UNITED STATES IN THE YEARS NAMED, INCLUDING SPIEGELEISEN, FERRO-MANGANESE AND FERRO-SILICON. Gross Tons. 1871 219,228 1875 74,939 1880 : 700,864 1885 146,740 1890 134,955 1891 67,179 1892 70,125 1893 54,394 1894 15,582 1895 53,232 1896 56,272 1897 19,212 - ■ 1898 25,152 1899 40,372 5". R. Church. /j Production of PIG IRON in the United States, Great Britain and Germany FROM 1889 TO 1899 inclusive. Years United States Gross Tons Great Britain Gross Tons Germany Metric Tons 1889 7,603,642 8,322,824 4,524,558 1890 9,202,703 7,904,214 4,658,450 1891 8,279,870 7,406,064 4,641,217 1892 9,157,000 6,709,255 4,937,461 1893 7,124,502 6,976,990 4,986,003 1894 6,657,388 7,427,342 5,380,038 1895 9,446,308 7,703,459 5,464,501 1896 8,623,127 8,659,681 6,372,575 1897 9,662,680 8,796,465 6,864,405 1898 11,773,934 8,609,719 7,232,988 1899 13,620,703 9,305,319 8,029,305 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5. R. Church. ' // UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALABAMA Alabama Consolidated Coal and Iron Company, Birmingham, Jefferson County. Stacks, 2 at Ironaton, Talladega County; 1 at Gadsden, Etowah County, and 1 at Birming- ham, Jefferson County. Total capacity, 1")0,()(K) tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brands, "Clifton" and "Etowah." No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 1 No 2 Silvery Soft. Soft. Grey. 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Silicon to to to to to to to to 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 .20 .20 .17 Phosphorus .30 .35 .40 .45 .45 to to to .30 .30 .30 .020 .02 .015 Sulphur .03 .035 .04 .04 .05 to to to .025 .03 .020 .75 .75 Manganese 1.10 1.25 1.30 1.35 1,35 100 to to 1.25 1.00 .35 .36 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 Combined Carbon to to to to to to to to .50 .50 .50 ..50 .50 .50 .50 .60 2.25 2.26 2.26 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 Graphitic Carbon to to to to to to to to 3.60 3.50 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 This company makes all grades of iron ranging in phosphorus from .17 to .50 and sulphur from .01 to .09. Bass Foundry and Machine Company, Rock Run, Cherokee County. Rock Run Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 15,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Rock Run." No 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon 3.150 3.000 2.90 2.70 2.20 1.500 1.150 .85 .66 .36 .360 .360 .36 .36 .36 .018 .016 .02 .02 .02 .850 .800 .82 .86 .90 .360 .460 .60 .90 1.10 Eagle Iron Company, Attalla, Etowah County. Attalla Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,00(J tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brand, "Attalla." This furnace is operated by the Rome Furnace Company, Rome, Ga., and the analysis of this iron is approximately the same as made by that company. i8 Analyses of Pig Iron ALABAMA (Continued) Jenifer Furnace Company, Jenifer, Talladega County. Jenifer Furnace. Stacks,! Capacity, 12,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, "Jenifer." No. 1. Silicon 3.40 Phosphorus .80 Sulphur .... Manganese 1 . 20 No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 2.60 1.80 2.40 .90 1.00 1.40 .05 1.90 1.80 2.30 Jones Valley Iron Company, Birmingham, Jefferson County. Williamson Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brand, "Williamson." Silicon Phosphorus . . Sulphur Manganese No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Soft. 2.750 2.500 2.250 3.50 3.25 .740 .740 .740 .033 .033 .033 .... .510 .510 .510 Northern Alabama Coal, Iron and Railway Company, Talladega, Talladega County. Talladega Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, Alabama and West Virginia coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Talladega." No. 2. Silicon 3.790 Phosphorus .358 Sulphur 047 Manganese Combined Carbon No. 3. No. 4. silvery Grev. 3.000 1.790 5.210 .370 .368 .590 .053 .058 .019 .348 .200 .600 Pioneer Mining and Manufacturing Company, Thomas, Jefferson County. Pio- neer Furnace. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 95,000 tons per year. Fuel, Alabama coke. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brand, " Pioneer." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon . No. 1 X. No. 1 Foundry. No. 2 Foundry. No. 3 F'oundrj". Grey Forge. No. 1 Soft. No 2 Soft. 2.200 2.110 2.420 2.300 2.460 2.820 2.680 .800 .700 .812 .800 .819 .712 .780 .018 .019 .015 .052 .098 .008 .010 .580 .510 .500 .770 .550 .540 .500 .120 .240 .190 .360 .540 .180 .150 3.621 3.511 3.146 2.980 2 . 731 2.240 3.400 5". R. Church. ig No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 Grey Poiindry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Soft. Forge. '2.500 1 . 750 1.400 3 . 250 3.000 1.000 1.250 1.250 1 . 250 1 . 250 1.250 1 . 250 .0-21 .026 .032 .022 .025 .03!) .650 .600 .600 .700 .700 .620 .300 .320 .340 .200 .180 .400 ALABAMA (Continued) Sheffield Coal, Iron and Steel Company, Sheffield, Colbert County. Sheffield Furnaces. Stacks, W. Total capacity, '255,000 tons per year. Fuel, Alabama and Virginia coke. Ores, Alabama and Tennessee brown hematite. Brand, " Sheffield." No. 1 Foundry, Silicon 2 . 750 Pho-sphorus 1 . 250 Sulphur .031 Manganese . 650 Combined Carbon . 270 Graphitic Carton 3.000 2.970 2.770 2.750 3.000 3.220 2.620 Shelby Iron Company, Shelby, Shelby County. Shelby Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, "Shelby." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company, Birmingham, Jefferson County. Sloss Furnaces. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 225,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, red fossiliferous, hard and soft, and brown hematite. Brand, " Sloss." No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Grey Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 3.600 3.300 3.100 2.300 Pho.sphoru.s .650 .650 .640 .640 Sulphur .045 .033 .035 .080 Manganese .482 .349 .430 .680 Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company, Sheffield, Colbert County. Hattie Ensley Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 48,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Lady Ensley." No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Grey Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 3.122 3.050 3.010 2.280 Phosphorus. .583 .745 ,716 .760 Sulphur .009 .024 .024 .045 Manganese .634 .720 .576 .691 Combined Carbon .060 .070 .110 .240 Graphitic Carbon 3.370 3.280 3.210 3.070 Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company, Florence, Lauderdale County. Phila- delphia Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per year. P'uel, coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Philadelphia." Could not obtain analy.sis of this iron. 20 Analyses of Pig Iron ALABAMA (Continued) Spathite Iron Company, Birmiagham, Jefferson County. Spathite Furnace, No. 1. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, Alabama coke. Ores, spathite and brown. Brand, " Spathite." No. 1. Silicon 3 . 498 Phosphorus . 795 Sulphur .033 Manganese 1 . 344 Combined Carbon . 182 Graphitic Carbon 3.220 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Birmingham, Jefferson County. Alice Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Capacity, 113,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pratt coke. Ores, red and brown. Brand, " Alice." Basic. • Silicon, under 1 .00 Phosphorus, under 1 . 00 I Sulphur, under .05 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Bessemer, Jefferson County. Stacks, 5. Total capacity, 292,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pratt and Blue Creek coke. Ores, red and brown. Brand, " De Bardeleben." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Grey Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Forge. 2.530 2.470 2.500 2.260 1.890 .780 .840 .820 .840 .820 .051 .030 .055 .049 .082 .290 .410 .490 .480 .350 .570 .550 .690 .680 .860 2.640 2.730 2.690 2.700 2.320 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Ensley, Jefferson County. Ensley Furnaces. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 292,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pratt coke. Ores, red and brown. Brand, " Ensley.'' Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Grey foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Forge. 2.250 2.140 1.880 1.730 1.680 .720 .730 .720 .680 .700 .035 .037 .043 .047 .065 .510 .700 .460 .590 .620 .470 .450 .490 .850 .910 3.080 3.050 3.040 2.450 2.480 ? & DIEP*^! S. R. Church. (if PRCFLfiVLr ^\2r Vv^-i ^-^ — ALABAMA (Continued) ^■.¥ Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Oxmoor, Jefferson County. Oxmoor Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 126,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pratt and Blue Creek coke. Ores, red and brown. Brand, " Eureka." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Soft. 1.920 2.010 1.940 3.150 3.500 .880 .890 .880 .860 .850 .035 .039 .060 .025 .016 .450 .470 .490 .290 .340 .530 .650 .890 .200 .190 2.740 2.560 2.360 2.940 2.890 Trussville Furnace Mining and Manufacturing Company, Trussville, Jefferson County. Trussville Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, Ala- bama coke. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brand, "Trussville." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon. . No. \. No. 2. No. 3. Grey Forge. 3.925 2.878 2.610 1.750 .486 .556 .520 .445 .035 .042 .061 .059 .417 .479 .408 ■ > • ■ .052 .067 .080 1.012 3.425 3.160 2.895 2.671 WHITE TRUSSVILLE. 22 Analyses of Pig Iron ALABAMA (Continued) TuTWiLER Coal, Coke and Iron Company, Birmingham, Jefferson County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 36,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, red fossil and brown hematite. Brand, "Vanderbilt." Silicon Phcsphorus . Sulphur ... Manganese No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 oundry. Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Soft. Mottled. Grey For: 3.12 2.990 2.18 2.380 3.260 1.050 4.490 2.610 1.069 2.680 .790 .045 . .095 .022 .016 .089 .100 .140 No 1 FOUNDRY VANDERBILT. 4^^'^^ kS". R. Church. 23 ALABAMA (Continued) TUTWILER COAL, COKE AND IRON COMPANY No. 2 FOUNDRY VANDERBILT. No. 1 SOFT VANDERBIIvT. 24 Analyses of Pig Iron ALABAMA (Continued) TUTWILER COAL, COKE AND IRON COMPANY. No. 2 SOFT VANDERBILT. Woodstock Iron Works, The — Anniston, Calhoun County. Woodstock Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 60,000 tons per year. Fuel, Alabama coke. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Woodstock.'' Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon. . No. 2 Foundry. No. 3 Foundry. No. 1 Soft. No. 2 Soft. Grey Forge. 1.727 1.073 2.193 2.333 .938 .539 .646 .772 .728 .752 .004 .016 .007 .008 ,020 1.129 .908 .786 .908 .834 .560 .640 .328 .360 .520 3.322 3.216 3.412 3.362 3.216 Woodward Iron Company, Woodward, JeiFerson County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, red fossiliferous. Brand, " Woodward." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. .S". R. Church. 25 COLORADO Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, The — Pueblo, Pueblo County. Stacks, 3. Total capacity, 200,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, limonite and magnetite. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. CONNECTICUT Barnum-Richardson Company, East Canaan, Litchfield County. Canaan Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Salisbury brown hematite. Brand, "Salisbury." No. 2. Silicon 1.600 Phosphorus 290 Sulphur .025 Manganese .620 Combined Carbon . 150 Graphitic Carbon 3.590 No. 3. No. 4. .920 .74 .290 .32 .028 .04 .560 .43 .280 .75 3 . 260 2.49 Lime Rock Iron Company, Lime Rock, Litchfield County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Salisbury brown hematite. Analysis same as Barnum-Richardson Company. .See above. Salisbury Carbonate Iron Company, Chapinville, Litchfield County. Landon Fur- nace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 4r)00 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, roasted carbon- ate from Amenia, New York, and Kelley, Amenia, and Shaker hematites. Brands, ''Salisbury " and "Carbonate." No. 2. Silicon 1 . 843 Phosphorus . 254 Sulphur .049 Manganese 400 .400 .650 .120 .160 Combined Carbon 080 .120 .160 900 .900 Graphitic Carbon 3.900 3 120 2.980 2.320 1.850 CARBONATE. No. 3. No. 4. No. Ayi. No. 5. 1.290 733 .676 .368 .300 .329 .225 .290 .045 .044 .035 .042 26 Analyses of Pig Iron CONNECTICUT (Continued) SALISBURY CARBONATK IRON COMt'ANY. No. 3 CARBONATE No. 4 CARBONATE S. R. Church. 27 CONNECTICUT (Continued) 3harox Valley Iron Company, Sharon Valley, Litchfield County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 4500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Salisbury. Analysis same as Barnum-Richardson Company. See page 25. '^^'^^ ^^^'^ [.? 8l DIESFL PRCPLRTY OF sj) GEORGIA Alabama and Georgia Iron Company, Cedartown, Polk County. Stacks, 1. Ca- pacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal and coke. Ores, red and brown hematite. Brand, "Cherokee" No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 5. Grey Forge. Silvery Grey. Silicon 3.060 2.360 1.670 2.440 3.680 5.060 Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . .934 .036 .412 .510 2.590 1.008 .024 .147 .545 2.800 .985 .017 .570 2.640 .355 .011 .324 .320 2.600 386 013 .638 .083 Etna Manufacturing Company, Etna, Polk County. Etna Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Etna." No. 1. Silicon 1.080 Phosphorus .420 Sulphur .... Manganese Trace Combined Carbon . 743 Graphitic Carbon 1.368 No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. .920 1.460 1.019 .644 .501 .602 .690 .462 .015 032 .200 Trace 1.002 .880 1.160 .822 1.460 1.980 1 . 590 1.421 Rome Furnace Company, The — Rome, Floyd County. Rome Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 15,500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Rome." No. 1. Silicon 1 . 970 Phosphorus .037 Sulphur Trace Manganese . 719 Combined Carbon .... . 184 Graphitic Carbon 3 .088 No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 6. 1.219 .560 .470 .700 .415 .340 .350 .266 Trace Trace .002 Trace .813 .940 .600 .110 .421 .690 .490 .850 2.820 2.570 3.440 2.320 28 Analyses of Pig Iron GEORGIA (Continued) Southern Mining Company, Rising Fawn, Dade County. Rising Fawn Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 36,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, brown and red. Brand, " Rising Fawn." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur . Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . No. 1 Foundry. No. 2 Foundry. No. 3 Foundry. No. 1 Soft. No. 2 Soft. Grey Forge. 2.98 1.18 2.90 1.32 2.02 1.27 3.26 1.42 3.24 1.19 2.25 1.26 .21 .12 2.78 .19 .08 2.79 .23 .12 2.99 .12 .15 2.78 .42 .09 3 38 .15 .09 3.11 ILLINOIS Calumet Iron and Steel Company, South Chicago, Cook County. Calumet Fur- nace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 75,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Calumet." Average Analysis. Silicon 2 . 640 Sulphur 007 Combined Carbon . 250 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 010 5. R. Church. 29 ILLINOIS (Continued) Illinois Steel Company, Chicago. Name of Works. Location. County Fuel. Total No. of Stacks. Annual Capacity, North Works South Works Union Works Joliet Works Chicago S. Chicago Chicago Joliet Cook Cook Cook Will Connellsville and Pocahontas coke i( 11 If II ■■ 11 2 8 2 3 70,000 tons 850,000 " 130,000 " 300,000 " Ores, Lake Superior, Gogebic, and Minnesota for Bessemer pig iron, and foreign. Southern, and Western for spiegeleisen and ferromanganese. Silicon Phosphorus . Sulphur .... Manganese Malleable Basic Bessemer. Bessemer. Open Hearth. 750 to 1.50 .75 to 2.00 not over .75 065 to .09 . 10 to . 20 .75 to 1.50 below .05 below . 05 below . 05 .75 . 60 to 1 . 40 .75 to 1.25 Iroquois Iron Company, South Chicago, Cook County. Iroquois Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 80,000 tons per year. New furnace building, estimated annual capacity after completion of second furnace, 180,000 tons. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brands, "Iroquois," "Sterling Scotch," "Peerless'" and "Mill." No. 1. Silicon 2 25 to 2 . 50 Phosphorus 30 to .40 Sulphur 02 to .05 Manganese 40 to .60 Iroquois No. 2. 1 . 75 to 2 . 25 No 3. Sterling Scotch. 1.35 to 1.75 2.50 to 3.00 .30 to .40 .30 to .40 .02 to .06 .02 to .04 .40 to .60 .40 to .60 Peerless. 3.00 to 3.50 . 30 to . 40 .02 to .04 .40 to .60 Mill. .30 to .40 .02 to .05 . 40 to . 60 .30 to .40 .04 & up. .40 to .60 30 Analyses of Pig Iron ILLINOIS (Continued) IROQUOIS IRON COMPANY. No. 1 IROQUOIS vS". R. Church. 31 ILLINOIS (Continued) IROQUOIS IRON COMPANY. No. 2 IROQUOIS 32 Analyses of Pig Iron ILLINOIS (Continued) IROQUOIS IRON COMPANY. No. 3 IROQUOIS vS". R. Church. 33 ILLINOIS (Continued) IROQUOIS IRON COMPANY. RTY Cf ^ STERLING SCOTCH (IROQUOIS) 34 Analyses of Pig Iron ILLINOIS (Continued) IROQUOIS IRON COMPANY. PEERLESS (IROQUOIS) S. R. Church. jj KENTUCKY Ashland Coal and Iron Railway Company, Ashland, Boyd County. Ashland Furnaces. Stacks, 3. Total capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, raw coal and coke. Ores from Bath County. Brand, " Ashland.'' Could not obtain analysis of this iron. CoLUMBLAN Land and Mining Company, The — Grand Rivers, Livingston County. Grand Rivers Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, "Grand Rivers." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Means & RUvSSELL Iron Company, Greenup County. Bellefonte Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 4500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, limonite. Brand, " Bellefonte." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. ' Paducah Furnace, Paducah, McCracken County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Boone." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company, Middlesborough, Bell County. Watts Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 75,000 tons per year. Fuel, Middlesborough coke. Ores, fossil and hematites. Brand, "Watts.'' No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 2 Foundry Grey Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Forge. Forge. Silicon 2.92 Phosphorus .74 Sulphur .02 Manganese ,48 Combined Carbon .11 Graphitic Carbon 3.47 3.45 3.31 3.300 3.520 3.28 3.120 2.40 2.10 1.700 3.400 1.50 1.400 .75 ,75 .780 .740 .78 ,780 .02 .02 .033 ,018 ,04 ,042 .47 .45 .450 .480 .45 ,450 .11 .18 .240 .090 .26 ,360 j6 Analyses of Pig Iron MARYLAND Blue Mountain Iron and Steel Company, Catoctiu, Frederick County. Stacks, i. Capacity, ;35,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, local hematite. Brand, " Catoctin." No. \. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 1. No. 2. Soft. Soft. Silicon 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.60 3 00 3.50 Phosphorus .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Sulphur .02 .03 .04 .05 .03 .04 Manganese .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Combined Carbon .20 .30 .50 .70 .25 .40 Graphitic Carbon 3.50 3.35 3.10 2.85 3.50 3.25 Maryland Steel Company, Sparrow's Point, Baltimore County. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 358,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ores, hematite from Cuba, Spain, Africa and Newfoundland. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MuiRKiRK Furnace, The — Muirkirk, Prince George County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, roasted carbonate and hematite. Brand, "Muirkirk." No. 1. No. 2. , No. 3. No. 4. No. 4^4". No. 4>^. No. 4^ Silicon 2.210 1.480 1.740 1.530 1.110 .620 .730 Phosphorus 280 .292 .293 .296 270 .289 .281 Sulphur 031 .044 .044 .040 .075 .056 .066 Manganese 2.220 1.740 1.810 1.500 1.230 1.080 .850 Combined Carbon 550 .540 .430 .600 .650 .700 .410 Graphitic Carbon 3.010 3.160 2.980 2.720 2.270 2.600 2.470 Stickney Iron Company, The — Canton, Baltimore County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 6000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Baltimore carbonate. Brand, " Stickney." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MASSACHUSETTS Richmond Iron Works, Berkshire County. Stacks, 1 at Richmond, 1 at Van Deusenville and 1 at Cheshire. Total capacity, 15,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, "Richmond." No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Silicon 2.198 Phosphorus 392 Sulphur 020 Manganese 1 . 165 Combined Carbon . 240 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 420 ' 3 . 300 2 . 700 1.423 .616 .379 .364 .017 .013 .896 .564 .270 .760 S. R. Church. 37 MICHIGAN Antrim Iron Company, Mancelona, Antrim County Antrim Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Supeior. Brand, "Antrim." A 1. B 1. CI. D 1. S2. H 2. S3. H 3. S 4. H 4. 5. 6. 2.000 1.750 1.500 1.250 1.000 .750 .550 .400 .300 .200 .100 .000 Silicon to to to to to to to to to to to to 2.300 2 000 1.750 1.500 1.250 1.000 .750 .550 .400 .300 .200 .100 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 Phosphorus to to to to to to to to to to to to .212 .212 212 .212 .212 .212 .212 .212 .212 .212 .212 .212 Sulphur 014 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 .015 .015 .015 .015 .016 .016 Manganese 686 .686 .686 .686 .652 .652 .525 .525 .309 .309 .151 .098 Combined Carbon .. . .400 .400 .400 .400 .560 .550 .830 .830 .950 950 1.280 1.760 Graphitic Carbon .. . 3.420 3.420 3 420 3.420 3.310 3.310 2.9702.970 2.620 2.620 1750 1.090 For Grading Card see page 40. Detroit Iron Furnace Company, Detroit, Wayne County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 20,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " D. I. F." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Elk Rapids Furnace, Elk Rapids, Antrim County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Elk Rapids." For Grading Card, see page 40. Excelsior Furnace, Ishpeminj?, Marquette County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 27,500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, ''Excelsior." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Silicon 1.420 Phosphorus . 252 Sulphur .010 Manganese .610 Combined Carbon . 520 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 560 For Grading Card, see page 40.. 1.360 1.000 .450 .250 . 252 . 243 .240 .250 .010 .012 .013 .016 .530 .410 .300 .280 .560 .580 .730 .940 2.560 2.450 2.400 1.850 JS Analyses of Pig Iron MICHIGAN (Continued) Gaylord Iron Company, Detroit, Wayne County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 12,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, Lake Superior specular, magnetic, and hematite. Brand, "Gaylord." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon. . No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. 1 . 850 1.700 .620 .4.50 .320 .170 .008 .014 .500 .600 .590 .500 .670 .930 3.300 2.830 2.800 2. GOO 2.500 GRADING CARD. SILICON. Grades. Average ft Variation ^ "Scotch" All above 2.00 No. 1 "A" 1.85 1.70 to 2.00 No. 1 "B" 1 60 1 . 50 to 1 . 70 1.20 to 1.50 No. 2 "Soft" 1.35 No. 2 "Regular" . . . .. 1.05 . 90 to 1 . 20 No. 2 "Hard" .82 .75 to .90 No. 3 "Ivow" .67 . 60 to . 75 No. 3 "High" .62 . 55 to . 70 Chill >4" No. 4 "I,ow" Chills 1" No. 4>4 " 1>^" No. 4 "High" " 1^" and top and bottom of pig No. 5 "Low" lyOw Mottled Iron No. 5 "High" High Mottled Iron No. 6 White Iron .200 Phosphorus 15 to Manganese 30 to 1 . 200 Sulphur Trace to .016 S. R. Church. "'^■^^' "^n,. Ll.lV U ^ 39 niCHIGAN (Continued Martel Furnace, St. Ignace, Mackinac County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 21,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, "Martel." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Newberry Furnace Company, Newberry, Luce County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 27,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, hard and soft Lake Superior. Brand, " Vulcan." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Northern Furnace Company, Chocolay, Marquette County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Northern." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Pioneer Furnace, Gladstone, Delta County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 72,4:5G tons per j^ear. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Pioneer." For Grading Card, see page 40. Peninsular Iron Company, The — Detroit, Wayne County. Peninsular Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Peninsular." GRADING CARD SILICON. Grades. Average % Variation <^ "Soecial 1 " 2 00 or over No. 1"X" 1.75 1.60 to 1.90 No. 1 1.50 1.35 to 1.60 No. 1 "A" 1.25 1.15 to 1.35 No. 1 "B" 1 . 25 No. 1 "C" 97 .80 to 1.15 No. 2 ' 'Soft' ' . . 1.10 1.00 to 1.25 No. 2 "Medium" . 90 .80 to 1.00 No. 2 "Hard". .. . 80 .70 to .90 No. 3 "Soft" 62 . 55 to . 75 No. 3 "Medium" 55 .50 to .60 No. 3 "Hard" . . . 54 No 4 "Soft" 50 No. 4 "Medium" 47 No 4 "Hard" 35 No. 5 "Soft" 27 . 25 to . 30 No. 5 "Hard".. . 25 Mottled No. 6 10 White iron Phosphorus .150 to .190 Manganese. .250 to 1.000 Sulphur. . . . Trace to .015 Chill 1 to \yn" 40 Analyses of Pig Iron MICHIGAN (Continued) Superior Charcoal Iron Company, Grand Rapids. Name of Furnace. Pioneer Antrim Elk Rapids Excelsior Location. Gladstone Mancelona Elk Rapids Ishpeming County. Delta Antrim Antrim Marqtiette Fuel. Ore. Charcoal Lake Superior No. of Stacks. 1 1 1 Annual Capacity. 72,436 tons 30,000 tons 25,000 tons Brand. "Pioneer" "Antrim" "Elk Rapids" 1 27,500 tons "Excelsior" GRADING CARD. PIONEER. Grade. A Scotch B Scotch C Scotch No. 1 Special No. 1 Foundry No. 2 Low No. 2 High No. 3 Low No. 3 High No. 4 Low No. 4 High No. 5 No. 6 Silicon. Chill test of pig. 2 . 60 to 2.40 to 2 . 10 to 1,75 to 1 . 40 to 1.15 to .90 to . 65 to .45 to .35 to .25 to .10 to .00 to 2.90 2.60 2.40 2.10 .75 .40 .15 .90 .65 .45 .35 .25 .10 J^ to fi in. 5^ to 1 in. 1 to 1>^ in. Mottled White Phosphorus 15 to .220 Manganese 30 to . 700 Sulphur Trace to .018 Grade. Sp'l No. 1 A Sp'l No. 1 B Sp'l No. 1 C No. 1 A No. 1 B No. 2 A No. 2 B No. 3 A No. 3 B No. 4 A No. 4 B No. 5 No. 6 ELK RAPIDS. Silicon. 2 . 00 and over 1 80 to 2.00 1 . 60 to 1 . 80 1 . 40 to 1 . 60 1 . 20 to 1 . 40 1 . 00 to 1 . 20 80 to 1 . 00 . 65 to . 80 .50 to .65 .35 to .50 . 20 to . 35 . 10 to . 20 .00 to .10 Chill test of pig. M to 5^ in. Yi to 1 in. 1 to 1>^ in. Mottled White Phosphorus 15 to . 220 Manganese 30 to . 800 Sulphur Trace to .018 ANTRIM. Grade. Silicon. Chill test of pig. No. 1 A 2.00 to 2. 30 1.75 to 2.00 1.50 to 1.75 1.25 to 1.50 1.00 to 1.25 .75 to 1.00 .55 to .75 No. 1 B No. 1 C No. 1 D No. 2 Soft No. 2 Hard No. 3 Soft >^ to ^ in. No. 3 Hard . 40 to . 55 ^ to ^ in. No. 4 Soft . 30 to 40 3/^ to IX in. No. 4 Hard .20 to .30 \)i to 2 in. No. 5 .10 to .20 Mottled No. 6 .00 to .10 White Phosphorus 15 to .220 Manganese 30 to .700 Sulphur Trace to .018 EXCELSIOR. Grade. A Scotch B Scotch No. 1 Soft No. 1 Special No. 1 No. 2 Low No. 2 High No. 3 Low No. 3 High No. 4 Low No. 4 High No. 5 No. 6 Silicon. Chill test of pig. 2 . 60 to 2.10 to 1.85 to 1 . 60 to .30 to 00 to .90 to .75 to . 55 to .40 to .30 to .10 to . 00 to 2.90 2.60 2.10 1.85 1.60 1.35 1.15 1.00 .70 .55 .45 .25 .10 )i Xo% in. 5^ to 1 in. 1 to \y-2 in. Mottled White Phosphorus 15 to .220 Manganese 30 to . 700 Sulphur Trace to .018 Car Wheel Iron graded by grain and chill. All other irons by analysis. Special Low Phosphorus and High Manganese Irons made on specifications. S. R. Church. 4/ niCHIGAN (Continued) Spring Lake Iron Company, The — Friiitport, Muskegon County. Fruitport Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 29,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, Spring Lake." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Silicon 1 . 400 1 . 100 .850 .600 .400 Phosphorus 200 .200 .220 .240 .240 Sulphur 015 .015 .018 ,020 .020 Manganese .600 .600 .500 .460 .420 (( Union Iron Company, Detroit, Wayne County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 13,500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " U. I. Co., Det." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Weston Furnace Company, Manistique, Schoolcraft County. Weston Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 34,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Champion." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MINNESOTA DuLUTH Furnace Company, West Duluth, St. Louis County. West Duluth Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville and Pocahontas coke. Ore, Mesabi. Bessemer. Silicon 1.500 Phosphorus .085 Sulphur . 020 Manganese . 600 Analyses of Pig Iron MISSOURI McNair and DeCamp, South St. Louis. Missouri Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, Counellsville coke. Ores, Iron Mountain and Cherr}' Valley. Brand, " Carondelet Scotch." No. 1. Silicon 3.000 Phosphorus . 400 Sulphur 00.5 Manganese . 400 Malleable No. 2. Bessemer. Basic. . .50 to 2 000 1.00 to 1.50 1 . 00 and under .400 .20 . 20 to , .30 .005 . 05 and under . 05 and under .400 .80 to 1.00 .30 to .40 Sligo Furnace Company, Sligo, Dent County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 20,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, blue specular and red oxide. Brand, " Sligo." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. NEW JERSEY Andover Iron Company, Phillipsburg, Warren County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, magnetic and Lake Superior red hematite. Brand, "Andover." Silicon 25 to 4 . 000 Phosphorus 40 to . .500 Sulphur Trace to .010 Manganese 12 to .200 5. R. Church. PRCKhTV tr ^^^> NEW JERSEY (Continued "^^''/r^A^nis-^o,^ Empire Steel and Iron Company, Oxford, Warren County. Oxford Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and Connellsville coke. Ore, magnetic. Brand, "Oxford." No. 1. Silicon 2.70 Phosphorus .72 Sulphur 02 Manganese .50 Combined Carbon .22 Graphitic Carbon 3 15 No. 2. 2.250 No. ,3. 2.00 Grey Forge. 1 25 Hasic. 1 00 and under, .720 .72 .72 Under 1.00 .025 .04 .06 .05 or under. .500 .50 .50 1 .00 or under. .270 .30 .60 ."..OOO 2 .75 2 SI MuscoNETCONG Iron Works, The — Stanhope, Sussex County. Musconetcong Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, magnetic mined in Morris and Sussex Counties. Brand, "Musconetcong." This Company makes Bessemer Iron for their own consumption. New Jersey Zinc Company, The — Hudson County. Hudson County Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 9000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. New Jersey Zinc Company, The — Newark, Essex County. Newark Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Pequest Furnace, Oxford, Warren County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and Connellsville coke. Ores, New Jersey magnetic and foreign. Brand, " Pequest." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 44 Analyses of Pig Iron NEW JERSEY (Continued) Secaucus Iron Company, Secaucus, Hudson County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 27,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal. Ores, foreign hematite and New York and New Jersey magnetic. Brand, "Secaucus." , Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Wharton Furnace, Port Oram, Morris County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Hibernia (New Jersey) magnetic and Lake Superior hematite. Brand, " Wharton." No. 1 X. No. 2 X. Silicon Phosphoru.s Sulphur. Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon. . 2.500 to 2, 7.50 2.2.50 to 2 .750 .750 .009 .015 ,300 .330 .330 .400 3.8.50 3.650 500 No. 2 Plain. 1 . 75 to 2 . 00 .75 .02 .33 .45 3.55 NEW YORK American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey, Crown Point, Essex County. Crown Point Furnaces. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Crown Point and Chateaugay. Brand, "Crown Point." No. 1. No. 2. Silicon 3.000 2.70 Phosphoru-s .875 .... Manganese . 600 .... No. 3. 2.00 No. 4. 1.60 No. 5. 1.00 S". R. Church. 45 No. 1 X. No. 2 X. No. 2 No. 3 Scotch Plain. 2.500 2 .500 2.50 2.000 3.000 .400 .400 .40 .400 .450 .015 .015 .03 .035 .015 .600 500 .50 .400 .600 160 .160 .20 250 .150 3.750 3 .600 3.40 3 250 3 500 NEW YORK (Continued) Buffalo Charcoal Iron Company, Buffalo, Erie County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 55,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Baird." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Silicon 1.40 1.10 .80 .50 .35 .15 Phosphorus 15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 Sulphur Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace Manganese 70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 Combined Carbon 20 .35 .50 .65 .85 Graphitic Carbon 3.75 3.60 3.30 3.00 2.75 Buffalo Furnace Company, Buffalo, Erie County Buffalo Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 80,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, "Buffalo." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese ComlDined Carbon Graphitic Carbon Burden Iron Company, The — Troy, Rensselaer County. Stacks, 2. Total capa- city, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, magnetic from Northern New York ; hematite and carbonate from Eastern New York, and Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cedar Point Furnace, Port Henry, Essex County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 36,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Old Bed Lake Champlain and New Bed Bessemer Lake Champlain. Brand, " Cedar Point." No. 2 Plain. Silicon 1 . 700 Phosphorus 1 . 590 Sulphur 023 Manganese Trace. Combined Carbon . 250 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 940 Charlotte Iron Works, Charlotte, Monroe County. Charlotte Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, local hematite with a mixture of Lake Champlain and Lake Superior magnetic. Brand, " Charlotte." No. 1. Silicon 3.436 Phosphorus .872 Sulphur 024 Manganese .078 Combined Carbon . 062 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 424 ^6 Analyses of Pig Iron NEW YORK (Continued) KiRKLAND Furnace, Kirkland, Oneida County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, local fossiliferous, Northern New York hematite, and Lake Champlain magnetic. Brand " Kirkland." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Graphitic Carbon. No. 1 X. 3 . 0800 1 . 2700 .0274 .9700 3.5500 Phenix Furnace, Millerton, Dutchess County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, Salisbury from Salisbury Mine at Ore Hill. Brand, "Phenix." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Poughkeepsie Iron Company, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 68,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, brown hematite and magnetic. Brand, " Poughkeepsie." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Salisbury Carbonate Iron Company, Columbia County. Chatham Furnace at Chatham and Copake Iron Works. Stacks, "2. Total capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, roasted carbonate from Amenia, New York, and Kelley, Amenia, and Shaker hematites. Brands, " Salisbury " and "Carbonate." Analysis of this iron is the same as that made by this company at their furnace at Chapinvillc, Conn. See page 25. Tonawaxda Iron and Steel Company, North Tonawanda, Niagara County. Niagara Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 105,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, hematite and specular from Lake Superior. Brands, " Niagara '' and " Tonawanda." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon Niagara No. 1 X. No. 2 X. No, . 2 Plain. No. 2 Plain Soft. Grey Forge, 2.50 2.25 2.00 2.75 1.80 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .03 .04 .05 .04 .06 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .39 40 .41 3.33 3.18 Tonawanda 3.29 • ■ • • No. 1. No. 2 X. No. 2 Plain. Grey Forge. 3.00 2.750 2.500 2.00 .70 .700 .700 .70 .03 .040 .045 .06 .75 .760 .750 .75 33 .280 3.13 3.085 • • • • S. R. Church. 47 NEW YORK (Continued) TONAWANDA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY. NO. 3 NIAGARA (AMERICAN BARROW) 48 Analyses of Pig Iron NEW YORK (Continued) TONA WANDA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY. GREY FORGE NIAGARA 5". R. Church. 49 NEW YORK (Continued) TONA WANDA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY No. 1 X TONAWANDA SCOTCH. 50 Analyses of Pig Ii^on NEW YORK (Continued) TONAWANDA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY, No. 1 X NIAGARA PIG IRON. a; R. Church. NEW YORK (Continued) TONAWANDA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY. 5^ No. 2 X NIAGARA PIC, IRON. 52 Analyses of Pig Iron NEW YORK (Continued) Troy Steel Company, The— Breaker Island, Albany County. Stacks, 3. Total capacity 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, magnetic from Essex and Columbia Counties. Basic Bessemer. Silicon .50 Phosphorus 2 . 25 Sulphur .03 Manganese 1 . 50 Union Iron Works, Buffalo, Erie County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 01,250 tons per year. Fuel, Walston or Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Union." No. 1. Silicon 2.400 Phosphorus . 400 Sulphur 013 Manganese . 390 Combined Carbon .430 Graphitic Carbon 3. 850 Mo. 2 X. No. 3. Forge. Malleable. Bessemer. Scotch. No. 2 Plain. 2.310 2.060 1.07 1.200 1.45 3.280 2 . 250 .410 .390 .70 .156 .09 .410 .390 .015 .020 03 .030 .02 .008 .017 .380 .380 .35 .600 .80 .380 .390 .490 .580 .... .720 .400 .5.50 3.510 3.180 3 820 • . . . 3.990 3.360 NORTH CAROLINA Cranberry Iron and Coal Company, Cranberry, Mitchell County. Cranberry Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5200 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, magnetic. Brand, " Cranberry." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Empire Steel and Iron Company, Greensboro, Guilford County. Cherokee. Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 35,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pocahontas coke. Ores, local magnetic and limonite. Brand, " Greensboro." ("Cherokee"). No. 2 X. Silicon 2 . 630 Phosphorus . 384 Sulphur 062 OHIO S. R. C/iurc/i.((^^^ PPrr; f.| Y . r -^'^ 53 fl'.'cm •( American Steei, and Wire Company of New Jersey^ THeveland, Cuyahoga County. Emma Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 80,00U tons per year. Fuel, Connells- ville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Emma." Could not obtain analvsis of this iron. American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County. Central and Newburgh Furnaces. Stacks, ."1 Capacity, 230,0U0 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Andrews and Hitchcock Iron Company, The — Hubbard, Trumbull County. Hub- bard Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 150,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Hubbard Scotch." No. 1. No. 2. Silicon 2 . «(X) 2 . 2.50 Phosphorus .620 .«2() vSiilphur 019 .022 Manganese .660 .6.50 Combined Carbon . loO .170 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 1(X) :! . 070 Belfont Iron Works Comp.\ny, Ironton, Lawrence County. Belfont Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, oO,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior and native. Brand, " Belfont." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon Brier Hill Iron and Coal Company, Youngstown, Mahoning County. Grace Furnace No. 2. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Brier Hill." Average analysis. Silicon 1 . 2.50 Phosphorus .09-3 Sulphur .022 Manganese . 750 Combined Carbon 800 Graphitic Carbon ?>. 650 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Foundrj'. Foundry. Foundry 2. 500 2 . 2.50 1.95 .4.50 .480 .49 .025 .018 .08 .650 .750 .76 .160 .4.50 .45 :! . 4.50 8,150 8.10 5^ Analyses of Piq Iron OHIO (Continued) Brown-Bonneli. Iron Company, The — Youngstown, Mahoning County. Phoenix Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Phoenix." Coul; 1.563 1.750 Phosphorus .614 . ('.S4 . (170 . 684 Sulphur . 005 . (M).') .087 . 085 Manganese .775 .803 .726 .581 Combined Carbon .060 .040 . 160 .070 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 700 3 . 6K0 3 . 550 3 . 620 Centre Mining and Manufacturing Company, Ironton, Lawrence County. Centre Furnace. Stacks, L Capacity, 4r)()0 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, native limestone. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cherry Valley Iron Work.s, Leetonia, Columbiana County. Cherry Valley Fur- nace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 60,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior and native mixed. Brand, " Cherry Valley." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Clare Iron Company, Bloom Switch, Scioto County. Bloom Furnace. Stacks,]. Capacity, 2700 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, hematite. Brand, " Bloom." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. .9. R. Church. S5 OHIO (Continued) CoRRiGAN, McKiNNKv AND COMPANY, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County. River Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 72,0()0 ions per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brands, "River," "Douglas" and "Lincoln." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. GiRARD Iron Company, Girard, Trumbull County. Mattie Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, Counellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Girard." Bessemer. Mill. Silicon ] . 2.-1O to 1 , 7.^0 1000 to 2. 000 Phosphorus O.SX to UX) '.500 to .7.")0 Sulphur 015 to .040 .02.5 to .060 Manganese SOO to . SOO . 400 to .800 Globe Iron Company, Jackson, Jackson County. Fulton Furnace. Stacks, I. Capacity, ToUO tons per year. Fuel, coal and coke. Ore, native. Brand, "Globe." High Silicon. Silicon 10.440 Phosphorus . 660 Sulphur Trace Manganese .630 Hkcla Iron and Mining Company, near Ironton, Lawrence County. Hecla Furnace. Stacks, L Capacity, 9000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal and coke. Ores, Lake Superior and Hanging Rock limestone. Brand, "Hecla." No. 2. No. .3. No. 4. Silicon 610 .51 .,58 Manganese :-589 .38 .82 Combined Carbon 460 .43 49 Graphitic Carbon 3.890 3.61 3.42 ji^ Ajialyses of Pig Iron OHIO (Continued) Jefferson Iron Company, Oak Hill, Jackson County- Stacks, 1. Capacitj^, 5000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, native. Brand "Anchor." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Lawrence Furnace Company, Culbertson, Lawrence County. Lawrence Furnace. Stacks, L Capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, coal and coke. Ores, native and Bath County, Ky. Brands, "Lawrence " and " Pencost." X. XX. Silicon 8.030 12 00 Phosphorus 128 .12 Sulphur O.SO Trace Manganese A'li) .40 Combined Carbon . 240 . 22 Graphitic Carbon 4 . 000 5.10 Lorain Steel Company, The — Lorain, Lorain County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, ;55(),00O tons per 3'ear. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ores, Lake Superior and Mesabi. Brand, " Lorain." This company makes but one grade, Standard Bessemer Pig Iron, and that onlj- for their own consumption. Marting Iron and Steel Company, The — Ironton, Lawrence County. Alice and Blanche Fufnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pocahontas coke. Ores, Hanging Rock, Lake Superior, Virginia and Kentucky. Standard Bessemer. Silicon 2.220 Pho.sphorus . 089 Sulphur 008 McGuGiN AND Company, Olive Furnace P. O., Lawrence County. Olive Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 6000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, native limestone. Brand, " Olive." No. 2. Silicon... 3.170 Phosphorus . 668 Sulphur .080 Manganese . 980 Combined Carbon . 290 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 280 S. R. Church. 57 OHIO (Continued) Mkans, Kylk and Compaxv, Hanging Rock, Lawrence County. Hamilton Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pocahontas coke. Ores, native and Lake Superior. Brand, " Hamilton." No. 1. No. 2. No. X Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . 2.800 2 . 250 1 . 750 , 450 .450 .450 .015 .030 .050 .fiOO .600 .600 .200 to .400 .200 to .400 .200 to 400 3. .500 to 3.800 3.500 to ; 5.800 3.500 to 3 . 800 National Steel Companv, Columbus Works, Columbus, Franklin County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 210,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. National Steel Company, Aetna-Standard Works, Mingo Junction, Jefferson County. Mingo Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 165,000 tons per year. Fuel, Conuellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Bessemer Silicon 1.000 to 2. .50 Phosphorus .080 to .10 Sulphur .015 and up. Manganese . 500 and up. National Stkkl Company, Zanesville Works, Zanesville, Muskingum County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, (55,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. standard Bessemer. Silicon 1 . 25 to 2 00 Phosphorus .10 and below. Sulphur .05 and below. National Steel Company, The — Niles Works, Niles, Trumbull County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. ^8 Analyses of Pig Iron OHIO (Continued) National Steel Company, Bellaire Works, Bellaire, Belmont County. Bellaire Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 160,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Bessemer. Silicon 1 00 to 2.00 Phosphorus under . 10 Sulphur under 0.") Manganese . .50 to .7;) National Stkkl Comp.\ny, Steubenville Works, Steubenville, Jefferson County. Jefferson Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 3 CfihTV II- 'r\ "! r,-?/,: f.,c,•r;.^MO'^'^'^- PENNSYLVANIA ^Continued) BoiuxG Sprixgs Iron Company, Boiling Springs, Cumberland County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, :>0()() tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ore, foreign as a basis. Brand, " Boiling Springs." Could not obtain analysis of this iruu. BoNBRAKE, BuRKHART AXD COMPANY, Chambersburg, Franklin County. Falling Spring Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, oOOO tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local hematite. Brand, " Falling Spring." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Brooke Iron Company, E. & G. — Birdsboro, Berks County. Keystone Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, (53,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, magnetic and hematite. Brand, " Brooke." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cambria Steel Company, Johnstown, Cambria County. Stacks, ('>. Total capacity, 480,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ores, Menominee and Mesabi hematite and native and foreign nianganiferous. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Carbon Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Parry ville, Carbon County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, ^SjOOO tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, hematite, magnetic, Lake Superior and foreign. Brands, "Carbon," " Parry " and " Viking." .\verage analysis. Nos. 1 X and 2 X. Silicon 1.800 to 8. 500 Phosphorus . 800 to 1 .000 vSulphur .01.5 to .040 Manganese .8-50 to 700 Combined Carbon . '250 to . 7.50 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 750 to 4 .000 d-/ Analyses of Pis; Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd., The — Allegheny County. Stacks, 17. Total capacity, 2,200,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ores, Pennsylvania, Lake Superior and foreign. Silicon Phosphorus.. Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon. } Average analysis. Hessemer. Mill. 1.250 .50 .085 .30 .025 .04 .600 1.25 4.200 4.00 Graphitic Carbon. Analysis of iron made by Carrie Furnaces, included in the 17 stacks above mentioned. Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon .... Special iessetner. Bessemer. Foundry. Basic Open Hearth. 1.300 1.250 1.750 .500 .028 .090 .600 .520 .020 .080 .035 .040 .500 .500 .600 1.200 .750 3.000 Chestnut Grove Furnace, Idaville, Adams County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 1500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ores, local magnetite and hematite. Brand, "Chestnut Grove C B." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Chickies Iron Company, Ltd., The — Chickies, Lancaster County. Chickies Fur- naces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 33,500 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, magnetic from Cornwall, Lebanon County. Brand, "Chickies." Bessemer. Silicon 1.000 to 2.000 Phosphorus .045 to .055 Sulphur 010 to .030 Manganese . 150 to 250 ^. R. Church. 6^ PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Clairk Furnace Company, Ltd., Sharpsville, Mercer County. Claire Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, H0,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Average analysis. Silicon 1 . 250 Phosphorus .093 vSulphur 020 Manganese ... . 7(X) Combined Carbon . 710 Graphitic Carbon 8 390 Clinton Iron and Steel Company, Pittsburgh. Clinton Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 03,500 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brands, "Hector" and " Clinton." A X. A. B. Silicon 2.7.50 2.250 to 2.500 1.800 to 2.250 Phosphorus .750 .600 .600 Sulphur 005 .010 to .020 .020 to .035 Manganese .500 .600 .600 Combined Carbon 100 .200 .250 to .400 Graphitic Carbon 3.500 3.250 3.000 to 3.250 CoRRiGAN, McKinney AND COMPANY, lessees. Scottdale, Westmoreland County. Charlotte Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 70,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, "Charlotte." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Mangane.se Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon. No. 1 Foundry. No. 2 Foundry. No. .3 p-oundry. drey Forge 1.750 1.600 1.350 1.2.50 .678 .650 .612 .776 .018 .025 035 .050 .600 .680 .780 .8.30 .360 .400 .440 .460 3.580 3.410 3.310 3.170 CoRRiGAN, McKinney and Company, lessees, Sharpsville, Mercer County. Doug- las Furnaces. Stacks, '1. Total capacity, 4o,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Douglas." Average analysi.s. Silicon . .. 1.2.50 Phosphorus. , . .095 Sulphur .025 Manganese .800 66 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Colonial Iron Company (successors to Kemble Iron Company), Riddlesburg, Bed- ford County. Kemble Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior hematite. Brand, " Kemble." Average .'iimlysis. vSilicoii 1 ,000 to .•^. 00 Phosphorus .650 .Sulphur .02.T Combined Carbon.... .180 Graphitic Carbon ;5 . 500 CoLERAiNH Iron Works, Redington, Northampton County. Stacks, 2. Total capa- city, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal. Ores, hematite and magnetic. Brand, "Coleraine." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Dunbar Furnace Company, Dunbar, Fayette County. Dunbar Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 100,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, native, Lake Superior Bessemer, and specular. Brand, " Dunbar." No. 1 No. 2 Grey Foundry. Foundry. Forge. Basic. Silicon -2 . 000 to 2 . 500 1 . 500 to 2 . 000 . 750 to 1 500 . 200 to 1 . 000 Phosphorus 200 to .400 . 200 to . 400 . 200 to . 400 . 200 to . 450 Sulphur 005 to .080 . 010 to . 035 . 025 to . 050 . 020 to . 050 Manganese :!00 to , (i50 . ;'.00 to . 050 . 300 to . (ioO . 300 to . 650 Combined Carbon 150 to . 320 . 250 to . 4-50 . 400 to . 800 . 600 to 1 . 250 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 500 to 4 . 000 3 . 250 to 3 . 750 2 . 250 to 3 . 000 1 . 750 to 2 . 5(K) Durham Iron Works, Riegelsville, Bucks County. Dtirhara Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 38,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, hematite, magnetic and foreign. Brand, "Durham." Foundry. Mill. Silicon 1.50 to 3.00 ..50 to 1.. 50 • Phosphorus . 50 to . 70 . 50 to . 70 Sulphur 01 to .03 .01 to .06 Empire Steel and Iron Company, Catasaqua, Lehigh County. Crane Furnaces. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 135,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Lake Superior, Port Henry and Chataguay. Brands, "Crane" and "Crane L. P." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon 3 . 550 3 . 400 3 . 000 3 .100 3 . 600 No. IX. No. 2X. No. 2 Crane Plain. Scotch. liessenier. 2.722 2 . 386 2.100 3.500 1.450 .793 . 790 .800 .900 .019 .015 .021 .035 .015 .015 .360 .380 .380 .400 . 135 .150 .200 .280 .100 .600 6". R. C/turr/i. ^7 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) EMPIRE STEEL AND IRON COMPANY. NO. 1 X CRANK. NO. 2 X CRANE. 68 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) EMPIRE STEEL AND IRON COMPANY. LEHIGH CANAL AND GENERAL VIEW OF CRANE IRON WORKS. ^i^tT- 69 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) ? 't-' OLD CHARCOAL FURNACE, 1742 (OXFORD VIEW). (Kor view o! up-to-A. Loading Famous Nittaiiy Iron. 16 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) EMPIRK STEEI. AND IRON COMPANY. NITTANY FURNACE, BELLEFONTE, PA. 5, R. churc. ((^ PRCFLRTV ci-'^a> "" PENNSYLVANIA iConi^nt.,,^, ^^ .^^^ Emporium Furnace Company, Emporium, Cameron County. Emporium Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Old Sterling and Lake Superior. Brand, " Emporium." No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 Grey vScotch. Silvery. X. X. Plain. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 3.000 2.750 2.500 2.250 1.400 4.000 5. .500 Phosphorus .900 .900 .900 .900 .900 .900 .900 Sulphur.... .030 .040 .0.50 .060 .080 .040 040 Manganese .700 .700 700 .700 .700 . 700 700 Combined Carbon .220 .300 .600 .750 .900 .1.50 .200 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 750 3 . 600 3 . 2.50 3 . 000 2 750 3 . 500 3 . 400 Everett Furnace, Everett, Bedford County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 65,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Juniata fossil and hematite and Lake Superior hematite. Brands, "Everett Scotch," " Everett Strong Foundry," "Everett Mill," "Everett Basic," and " Everett Bessemer." Foundry Average analysis. Silicon 1.500 to 4. .500 Phosphorus .300 to .700 Sulphur 010 to .045 Manganese . 200 to . 700 Combined Carbon 200 to 600 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 000 to 3 . 750 Heckscher AND Sons Company, R. — Swedeland, Montgomery County. Swede Fur- naces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 90,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Lake Superior specular, New Jersey magnetic and foreign. Brand, " Swede." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Jefferson Furnace, Jefferson Station, Schuylkill County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 2300 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ore, hematite from Berks and Lehigh Counties. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Jones and Laughlin, Ltd., Pittsburgh. Eliza Furnaces. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 350,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, "Eliza." Bessemer. Silicon 1 . 100 Phosphorus 088 Sulphur 020 to .0.35 Manganese . 400 yS Analyses of Pi(> Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) JoAXXA FuRXACE, Berks County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 1500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, local magnetite and hematite. Brand, "Joanna." Silicon Phosphorus . Sulphur Manganese . . Total Carbon . No. 1. No. 1>. No. 3. No. 4. 7") to 2.00 1 .00 to 1.75 .75 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .03 .03 .08 05 m 4.10 • • ■ • Juniata Furnace and Foundry Company, Newport, Perry County. Juniata Fur- nace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, silicious, native, fossil and brown hematite. Brand, " Marshall." Foundry High Silicon. Silicon 3.250 Phosphorus . 700 Sulphur 045 Manganese . 500 Combined Carbon .100 Graphitic Carbon 3 1 50 Kittaxxing Irox axd Steel Manufacturing Company, Kittanning, Armstrong County. Rebecca Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, .10,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connells- ville coke. Ores, native and Lake Superior. Brands, " Kittanning " and " Rebecca." Silicon Phosphorus. Sulphur. . . . Manganese . Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Open Close White oundry. Foundry. Foundry. I-"orge. Forge. Mottled. vSilvery. Iron. 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 .75 3.00 .30 to to to to to to to to 3.25 3.00 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.25 4.50 1.00 .25 .25 .30 .30 .30 ..30 .30 .30 to to to to to to to to .75 .75 .80 .80 .80 .80 .60 .85 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .01 .08 to to to to to to to to .04 .05 .06 .06 .08 10 .03 .20 .35 .35 .35 .35 .30 .30 .40 .30 to to to to to to to to l.(X) 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1)0 .90 1.00 .70 .20 .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.50 .10 to to to to to to to High .80 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 .60 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.30 2.00 1.50 3.00 Very- Low to to to to to to to 3.60 3 . 30 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.00 4.00 Lack.\waxx.\ Iron and Steel Comp.a.xy, Scranton, Lackawanna County. Lacka- wanna Furnaces. Stacks, 9. Total capacity, 450,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Cornwall magnetic from Lake Champlain and Putnam County, N. Y., and some Lake Superior. Brand, " Lackawanna." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 5". R. Church. 79 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Lebanon Valley Furxace (J. and R. Aleily), Lebanon, Lebanon County. Stacks, \. Capacity, 20,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, principally Corn- wall. Brand, " Lebanon Valley." Fouiiilry. Silicon 4 , 740 Phosphorus . 384 Sulphur .029 \ Lebanon Furnaces, Lebanon, Lebanon County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 80,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, Cornwall. Silicon 1.50 to .S. 50 Phosphorus . 03 to .06 Sulphur .02 to .08 Manganese .20 Combined Carbon . 20 to 1 . 00 Graphitic Carbon 1 . 25 to :? . 25 Leesport Iron Company, Leesport, Berks County. Leesport Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal. Ores, local hematite and magnetic. Brand, " Leesport." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Lehigh Zinc and Iron Company, South Bethlehem, Northampton County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5400 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Brand, " Lehigh." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Lehigh Steel and Iron Company, Allen town, Lehigh County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, .")7,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Lehigh County and Lake Superior hematite and New Jersey magnetic. Brand, " Lehigh." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. « Logan Iron and Steel Company, Lewistown, Mifflin County. Emma Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 12.000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior red hematite, carbonate, and red fossiliferous. Brand, " Emma." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Logan Iron and Steel Company, Greenwood, Huntingdon County. Greenwood Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 3200 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ore, red fossiliferous. Brand, " Greenwood." This company make five grades of Cold HIast charcoal pi); iron all of which are used in the manufacture of chilled car wheels, chilled rolls, etc., and is graded by the broken granular surface into Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 or mottled and white iron. 8() Analyses of Pig fron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Maiden Cref.k Furnace, Lenhartsville, Berks County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 3500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, hematite and local magnetite. Brand, "Maiden Creek." McCoy and Linn, Milesburg, Centre County. Hecla Furnace. Stacks,!. Capacity, 1800 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ore, hematite from Nittany Valley. Brand, " Hecla." Average analysis. Silicon .790 Phosphorus 1 .025 Sulphur 020 Manganese .650 Combined Carbon .600 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 930 Mont Alto Iron Works, Mont Alto, Franklin County. Mont Alto Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, "Mont Alto." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. National Steel Company, Newcastle Works, Newcastle, Lawrence County. Stacks, 4. Total capacity, 400,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. National Tube Company, McKeesport. Monongahela Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 250,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville Bee Hive coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Silicon 1.510 Phosphorus .090 Sulphur .020 Manganese . 850 Carbon 4.030 National Steel Company, Sharon Works, Sharon, Mercer County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 73,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Norristown Iron Works, Norristown, Montgomery County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, principally foreign. Brand, "Acme." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 7^^ -T'—r PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) _, - - Paxton Iron and Steel Company, The — Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Paxton Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 70,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, various kinds. Brands, "Paxton" and "Silver Spring." Could not obtain analysis of this iron . Pennsylvania Steel Company, The— Steelton, Dauphin County. Stacks, 5. Total capacity, 300,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Lake. Bessemer. Low Phosphorus. Basic. Silicon ". . . . 1 . 50 Low Phosphorus below .10 .03 . 20 to . 25 Sulphur below .05 .03 below .05 Pennsylvanl\ Furnace Company, Sheridan, Lebanon County. Sheridan Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 56,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, Cornwall and Lake Superior. Brands, " Sheridan " and " Vulcan." Foundry and Forge. Bessemer. Silicon 1.70to3 00 2.00to;i.50 Phosphorus . 50 to 1 . 00 . 03 to . 06 Sulphur 02 to .08 .01 to .05 Combined Carbon .20 .10 Graphitic Carbon 3.00 3.10 Perkins and Company, Limited, Sharpsville, Mercer County. Mabel Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 70,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Mabel." No. 1 Foundry. Silicon 1.080 Phosphorus . 103 Sulphur 023 Manganese 1 . 360 Combined Carbon . 500 Graphitic Carbon 3.010 Pickands, Mather and Company, Alice Furnace at Sharpsville and Ella Furnace at West Middlesex. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, lo6,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brands, " Alice " and " Ella." Bessemer and Foundry. No. 1. No. 2. No, 3. No. 4. 75 25 Silicon 2.00 1.25 1 00 25 Phosphorus 25 .25 Sulphur. 04 .04 Manganese .60 .60 Combined Carbon .35 .35 Graphitic Carbon 3.00 3.00 04 60 04 60 Pottsville Iron and Steel Company, Pottsville. Schuylkill County. Pioneer Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal. Ores, foreign, Lake Superior and New Jersey magnetic. Brand, " Pioneer." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 82 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PoTTSTowN Iron Company, Pottstown, Montgomery County. Anvil Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, mag- netic and hematite. Brand, " Anvil." Coukl not obtain analysis of this iron. Potts, William M., Wyebrooke, Chester County. Isabella Furnace. .Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5400 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast). Ores, magnetic and hematite. Brand, " Wyebrooke." No. 1. Silicon .464 Phosphorus .812 Sulphur 026 Manganese . 861 Combined Carbon . 822 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 598 PUNXSUTAWNEY Iron COMPANY, Punxsutawney, Jefferson County. Punxy Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 85,000 to and specular. Brand, " Punxy. per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior, hemati No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3. Grey X. X. Plain. Soft. Soft. Forge. 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 .40 .40 .40 ,40 .40 .40 .40 .02 .03 .05 .03 .04 .05 .07 .65 .60 .59 ,65 .60 .58 .58 Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese , Reading Iron Company, Emaus, Lehigh County. Crumwold Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior, hematite and magnetic. No. 1 X. No. 2 X. No. 2 Plain. Silicon 2.50 to 3.25 2.50 to 3.00 2.00 to 2. .50 Phosphorus .40 to .70 .40 to .70 .40 to .70 Sulphur 01 to .03 .02 to .05 .03 to .07 Manganese . 20 to . 50 . 20 to . 50 . 20 to . 50 Combined Carbon 10 to . 15 . 1 5 to . 20 . 20 to . 40 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 00 to 3 . 50 2 . 75 to 3 . 00 2 . 75 to 3 . 00 Reading Iron Company, Reading, Berks County. Keystone Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Lake Superior, hematite and magnetic. Analysis of this iron same as made Ijy this company at Crumwold furnace. See above. Republic Iron and Steel Comp.\ny (formerly called Sharon Furnace). Sharon, Mercer County. Hall Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. No. 2. No. H. No. 4. Silicon 1 . 600 .920 .74 Phosphorus 290 .290 .32 Sulphur .025 .028 .04 Manganese . 620 . 560 . 43 Combined Carbon 150 .280 .75 Graphitic Carbon 3.590 3.260 2.49 vS". R. Church. 83 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PUNXSUTAWNEY IRON COMPANY. No. 2 "PUNXY.' 84 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PUNXSUTAWNEY IRON COMPANY. PUNXSUTAWNEY FURNACE. Ready for the Cast. 5". R. Church. Ss PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PUNXSUTAWNEY IRON COMPANY GRADING PUNXSUTAWNEY IRON. 86 Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PUNXSUTAWNEY IRON COMPANY, WORM'S EYE VIEW OF PUNXSUTAWNEY FURNACE. ^. A'. Church. 87 No. 2. Grey I'"orKe. 2 . 790 1.680 .451 .514 .031 .040 .150 3.897 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) RoBESON'i.v Iron C(,)MrANy, Limited, Robesonia, Berks County. Robesoiiia Fur- nace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 05,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, roasted Cornwall alone. Brand, " Robesonia." I,ow Phosphorus. Silicon 3.000 to 3. .".00 Phosphorus .020 vSulphur .010 Manganese None Combined Carbon .083 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 140 RocKHiLL Irox .\xd Coal COMPANY, Huntingdon County. Rockhill Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, .■!0,00() tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, local. Brand, "Rock- hill." No. 1. vSilicon .■ 2 . 530 Phosphorus . 499 Sulphur 024 Combined Carbon .... Graphitic Carbon .... Saxton Iron Company, Saxton, Bedford County. Saxton Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 4o,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, native and Lake Superior. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Sharpsville Furnace Company, Sharpsville, Mercer County. Sliarpsville Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacit}', 72,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Sharpsville." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. South Mountain Mining and Iron Company, Cumberland County. Pine Grove Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 5000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, hematite. Brand, " Pine Grove." Could not obtain aualvsis of this iron. Spearman Iron Company, The — Sharpsville, Mercer County. Spearman Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 72,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, "Spearman." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 8^ Analyses of Pig Iron PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Stewart Iron Company, Limited, Sharon, Mercer County. Stewart Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 82,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville coke. Ore, Lake Superior. Brand, " Stewart." LOW PHOSPHORUS. Grade No. 1. Guaranteed, Phosphorus not to exceed .03; Silicon not to exceed 1.00 and Sulphur not over .030. Grade No. 2. Guaranteed, Phosphorus from .031 to .040 ; Silicon and Sulphur as above. Grade No. 8. Guaranteed, Phosphorus from .041 to .050; Silicon and Sulphur as above. REGULAR BESSEMER. Guaranteed, Pho.sphorus not to exceed .10 ; Silicon 1.00 to 1.50 and Sulphur not over .050. Susquehanna Iron and Steel Company, Vesta, Lancaster County. Vesta Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, hematite and magnetite Brand, " Vesta." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Susquehanna Iron and Steel Company, Wrightsville, York County. Aurora Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, ;^0,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore. native. Brand, " Aurora." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Swatara Furnace, Union Deposit, Dauphin County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, magnetite, brown hematite and fossil. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Temple Iron Company, Temple, Berks County. Temple Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke Ores, Lake Superior and local hematite and New Jersey magnetic. Brand, " Temple." Mill Iron. Silicon 50 to l.UO Phosphorus 40 to .90 Sulphur 10 to .05 XU" '■%>, V\ /9. C' yf W^' PENNSYLVANIA (Continued); '■ !^^ '^^.i-ns (t ^^"^'^'^' :--';^ *!*•* Thom.^s Iron Company, The — Hokendauqua, Lehigh County. Stacks, 0. Total capacity, 240,000 tons per year. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ores, foreign. Lake Superior, local brown hematite and New Jersey magnetic. Brand, "Thomas." Silicon Phosphorus. ... Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon No. 1 X. No. 2 X, 2.426 2 096 1.100 1.116 .020 .020 .187 .126 .200 .500 3.500 3.000 W.\RWiCK Iron and Steel Company, Pottstown, Montgomery County. Warwick Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 65,000 tons per year. Fuel, one-quarter anthracite coal and three-quarters coke. Ores, New Jersey and New York magnetites and Lake Superior. Brand, "Warwick." Silicon Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon No. 1 X. 2.00 to 3.00 .40 to .50 .01 to .03 .40 to .60 .10 to .30 3.40 to 3 70 No. 2 X Soft. No. 2 X Strong. No. 2 Plain. Malleable and No. 2 mill. No. :', 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1,00 to 3.00 to 2.00 to 3.00 to 1.50 to 1.75 .40 .40 .40 .30 .40 to .60 to .50 to .50 to .50 to .50 .02 .02 .02 .03 04 to .04 to .05 to .06 to .05 to .08 .40 .40 .40 .40 40 to .60 to .60 to .60 to 60 to .60 .20 .20 .20 \ to .40 to .40 to 50 3.50 3.00 3.30 3.30 3 . 30 to 4.00 to 3.30 to 3.60 to 3.60 to 3.50 / - Wellman Furnace, Thurlow, Delaware County. Stacks,!. Capacity, 40,000 tons per j-ear. Fuel, anthracite coal and coke. Ore, foreign. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. go Analyses of Pig Iron TENNESSEE Buffalo Iron Company, Manuie, Wayne County tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local brown hematite. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 30,000 Brand, " Mannie." Average analysis. Silicon 2.00 to 5.00 Pho.sphorus 1 . 9.^ to 2 . 25 vSulphur .01 to .03 Manganese . 40 to .50 Combined Carbon .10 to .15 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 85 to 3 . 25 MANNIE PIG IRON. 5. R. Church. 9/ TENNESSEE (Continued) Chattanooga Furnack Company, Chattanooga, Hamilton Count}-. Chattanooga Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacit}', 24,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Chattanooga." No. 1 No. 2 No. .S No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 Grey Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Soft. Soft. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 2.241 2.164 1 .9.S1 3 042 2.864 1 821 ] 146 Plio.sphorus .884 .862 .891 .872 ,886 .847 .888 Sulphur .004 .005 .008 Trace Trace .007 .010 Manganese .. . ... .521 .504 .47(i .641 .589 .406 .392 Combined Carbon. . . .290 .320 .410 .140 .180 .440 .660 Graphitic Carbon . ... 3.541 3.340 3.221 3.389 3.300 3.204 2.891 CiTico Furnack Company, Chattanooga, Hamilton County. Citico Furnace. Stacks,!. Capacity, 48,000 tons per 5'ear. Fuel, coke. Ores, Tennessee and Georgia red and brown hematite. Brand, "Citico." Average analysis. Silicon 2.50 Phosphoru-s 1.23 Sulphur 06 Manganese .83- Combined Carbon .26 Graphitic Carbon 2.80 Dayton Coal and Iron Company-, The — Dayton, Rhea County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 72,000 tons per Year. Fiiel, coke. Ores, Tennessee fossil and Georgia hematite. Brand, "Dayton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Gracey- Woodward Iron Company, Clarksville, Montgomery County. Capacity, 36,000 tons per 3'ear. Fuel, coke. Ore, local brown hematite. Stacks, 1 . Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Napier Iron Work.s, Napier, Lewis County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, ;)0,000 tons per }-ear. Fuel, coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, "Napier." Silicon Pho.sphorus .... Sulphur Manganese . . . Total Carbon . . . No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. 2 . 662 2.0120 1.734 1.511 .1470 .786 .7920 .829 .861 .7000 .(K)5 .0003 .023 .001 .0013 . 200 .182 3.027 3.665 3.536 3.712 3.8120 Ro.ANE Iron Comp.\ny, Rockwood, Roane Count}-. Rockwood Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacit}-, oO,000 tons per 3-ear. Fuel, coke. Ore, red fossiliferous. Brand, "Rockwood." No. 2 Foundry. Silicon 2.65 Phosphorus 1.40 Sulphur .01 Manganese .40 Coraljiined Carbon .30 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 00 gz Analyses of Pig Iron TENNESSEE (Continued) TenneSvSEE Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Cowan, Franklin County. Sewanee Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 54,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, soft red fossil- iferous and brown hematite. Brand, "Sewanee." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, South Pittsburg, Marion County. South Pittsburg Furnaces. Stacks, .3. Total capacity, 175,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, blown hematite and hard red fossiliferous. Brand, " South Pittsburg." Silicon 2 Phosphorus 1 Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon .... Graphitic Carbon 3 No. 1 Soft. No. 2 Soft. No. 2 Foundry. No. 3 Foundry. Grey Forge. ! 690 2 . 760 2.450 1.910 1 . 890 L 460 1.260 1 400 1 . 4Ci0 1 . 230 .018 .016 016 .023 .019 .931) .930 . 930 . 930 .370 .380 4211 450 54.50 3.410 3 , 1 90 2.970 Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company, Johnson City , Washington County. Carnegie Furnace. Slacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per j-ear. Fuel, coke. Ore, Cran- berr3^ Brand, "Carnegie." Bessemer. Silicon 1 . 200 Phosphorus . 050 Sulphur 020 Manganese .750 Combined Carbon .710 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 300 Special Bessemer 75 to 1 . 500 .024 .012 740 60 to .800 3 20 to 3 . 500 Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company, Embreville, Washington County. Embreville Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per j^ear. Fuel, coke. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Embreville." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon . , No. 2 Soft. No. 1 X. No. 2 X. No. 2 Plain. No. 3 X. Grey Forge. 5.760 3.100 2.900 2.410 2.200 1.710 .300 .350 .450 450 .450 .450 .010 .012 .012 .014 .018 .022 860 .800 .750 .910 .800 .740 .090 .120 .130 .150 .190 .380 5.600 3.520 3.480 3.390 3.330 3.220 S. R. Church. gj TENNESSEE (Continued) White, Dixon and Company, Bear Spring, Stewart County. Bear Spring Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacit}^ 4000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal (cold blast.) Ore, brown hema- tite. Brand, " Dover." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Silicon 1.630 1.000 .476 .250 Phosphorus 374 390 .363 .254 Sulphur 010 .010 .009 .010 Manganese 210 .180 .200 .190 Carbon 3.980 3.845 3.945 3.850 TEXAS Jefferson Iron Company, Jefferson, Marion County. Jefferson Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 13,500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, local brown, fossiliferous and car- bonate. Brand, "Jefferson." GRADING CARD. Grades. Average Silicon. Lone Star Silvery or Scotch Softeners 3.50^ to 5.00r^ "Car Wheel" 1.00^ to 1.25^ No. 4 " Car Wheel " 605^ to 1 .00^ No. 5 " Car Wheel " 50^ to .70^ No. 6 "Car Wheel" 305^ to .50^ Phosphorus varies from 1 1 ;^ to . 20% Manganese " " 30;^ to .60% Sulphur " " Trace to .05% This'cotnpany makes iron suitable for malleable, car-wheel and foundry purposes. Old Alcalde Furnace, Rusk, Cherokee County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 10,000 tons perj'year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Old Alcalde." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Silicon 1.810 1.780 .820 Phosphorus 404 .416 .350 Sulphur .069 .046 Trace Manganese Trace Trace Trace Combined Carbon 1 . 280 1 . 280 .780 Graphitic Carbon 1.960 1.890 94 Analyses of Pig Iron TEXAS (Continued) Star and Crescent Iron Furnace, Rusk, Cherokee County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 18,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, brown hematite. Brand, " Star and Crescent." Average analysis. Silicon 2.050 Phosphorus .668 Sulphur 003 Manganese Trace Combined Carbon . 580 Graphitic Carbon 2 .390 Tassie Belle Furnace, New Birmingham, Cherokee County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 13,500 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local brown hematite. Brand, " Tassie Belle." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. VIRGINIA Alleghany Iron Company, Iron Gate, Alleghany County. Alleghany Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 35,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Alleghany." No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 Grey X. X. Plain. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.00 Phosphorus .35 .35 .36 .35 .35 Sulphur .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 Manganese 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Combined Carbon .18 .25 .40 .60 2.85 Graphitic Carbon 3.50 3.35 3.15 3.00 .75 Big Stone Gap Iron Company, Big Stone Gap, Wise County. Stacks, 2 (one in blast). Capacity, 36,500 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, fossil. Brand, " Big Stone Gap." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Silicon 3.180 3.120 2.500 1.610 1.000 Phosphorus 592 .546 .571 .580 .586 Sulphur 012 .009 Trace .010 .015 Manganese 356 .300 .312 .280 .305 Combined Carbon 120 .210 .400 .630 .750 Graphitic Carbon 3.080 2.410 1.910 1.750 1.500 Empire Steel and Iron Company, Shenandoah, Page County. Gem Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 36,000 tons per year. Fuel, Pocahontas coke. Ore, brown hematite. Brand, " Shenandoah " (" Gem "). No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Grey Basic Forge. Bessemer.* Silicon 2.750 2.500 2.100 1.00 1.00 and under Phosphorus .850 .850 .850 .85 2.00 or over Sulphur .015 .020 .035 .06 .05 or under Manganese 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.25 2.00 or over Combined Carbon 200 .250 .300 .45 Graphitic Carbon 3.250 3.000 2.750 2.50 *This is iron used in the Thomas Gilchrist process. vS". R. Church. 95 VIRGINIA (Continued) EMPIRE STEEL AND IRON COMPANY. EMPIRE BUILDING. BROADWAY AND RKCTOk .STREET, Nkw Vork Citv, Nkw York. Offices of Empire .Steel and Iron Co., Nos. 1213 and 1214. Trinity Church in the foreground. g6 Analyses of Pig Iron VIRGINIA (Continued) Empire Steel and Iron Company, Goshen, Rockbridge County, Victoria Furnace- Stacks, 1. Capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, New River coke. Ores, native brown (limonites.) Brand, " Victoria." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 Grey No. 1 oundry. Foundry. Plain. Foundry. Forge. Soft. 2.770 2 . 320 2.090 2.020 1.160 3.030 .709 .950 .793 .839 .974 .681 .018 .033 019 .021) .057 .018 .580 .580 .560 .440 .500 .540 .160 .260 .510 .790 1.700 .060 8.500 3.120 2.750 2.560 2.120 3.550 NO. 1 SOFT VICTORIA. S. R. Church, PRCFEfiTV th ^y^'^ Ashland Iron and Steel Company, (Continued). "" AMOUNT OF CHILL IN "HINKLE" PIG IRON. No. 2 " High " No chill No. 3 " Low " Feather chill No. 3 "Medium" }i" \.o W No. 3 "High" Ks" to K" No. 4 "Low" ^" to IK" No. 4 "High" 1^" to 2" No. 5 " Low " Nearly white No. 5 "High" All white No. (5 White iron loy Eagle Furnace, Spring Valley, Pierce County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 22,()()0 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, brown hematite. Average analysis. .Silicon , T.') to 1 . oO Phosplioru.s . 18 to .22 Manganc-se . 60 to .80 Combined Carbon .... .30 to .70 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 60 to 2 . 70 Illinois Steel Company, Milwaukee Works, Milwaukee. Bay View Furnaces. Stacks, 2. Total capacity 130,000 tons per year. Fuel, Connellsville and Pocahontas coke. Ores, Lake Superior and Gogebic. Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur .... Manganese . Foundry. 1 . 50 to 2 . 25 .20 to .80 below . 05 .20 to .75 Malleable Bessemer. .75 to 2.00 . 10 to . 20 below . 05 . 60 to 1 . 40 Minerva Pig Iron Company, Milwaukee. Minerva Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacitj-, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Lake Stiperior. Brand, " Minerva." Silicon . . Sulphur . No. 1. 2.25 and above .04 and below No. 2. 1 . 750 and above . 045 and below No. 3. 1 . 25 and above .05 and below No. 4. 1 00 and above . 06 and below Northwestern Iron Company, Thp: — Mayville, Dodge County. Mayville Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity 60,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Menominee, Gogebic and local. Brands, " Sidney " and " Gertrude." No. 1. Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur . . . Manganese. 2.25 .65 .03 .50 -Sidney. No. 2. 1.75 .68 .03 .50 No. 3. Gertrude. 1.30 .72 .04 .40 3.000 .750 .025 .550 Malleable Bessemer. 1.80 .15 .03 .50 ENGLAND S. R. Church. //=. DD/>rrr-r\y /. ' ■• ^f^ PROPLRTVCh '^;> fH CUMBERLAND ^^^i^;g^_fp^.^,^!),>»«^^ ' Bain, Jas. and Company, Harrington. Brand, "Harrington." Silicon 2.50 to 3.00 Phosphorus .04 Sulphur .04 Cammel, Chas. and Company, Ltd., Maryport and Workington. Brands, "Sol- way '' and " Derwent " Could not obtain analysis of this iron. DiSTiNGTON Hematite Iron Company, Ltd., Distington. Capacity, 70,000 tons per year. Fuel, best Durham and Newcastle coke. Ore, native Cumberland hematite. Brand, " Distington." No 1. No. 2. No. 3. Silicon 2.000 to 3,000 2.000 to 3.000 2.000 to 3.000 Phosphorus .045 .045 .045 Sulphur Trace to .025 Trace to .025 Trace to .025 Manganese .180 .180 .180 Combined Carbon .360 .360 .360 Graphitic Carbon 8 . 460 3 . 4 60 3 . 460 Kirk Brothers and Company, Ltd., Workington. Brands, " Reedlands," "Marron" and " Westfield." This Company's output is all used by themselves for the manufacture of Bar Iron and Castings. Lonsdale Hematite Smelting Company, Ltd., Whitehaven. Brand, " Lonsdale." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. LowTHER HEM.A.TITE Iron COMPANY, LTD., Workington. Brand, " Lowther." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MiLLOM AND Ask AM Hematite Iron Company Ltd., The — Millom. Capacity, 250,000 tons per year. Fuel, Durham coke. Ores, Hodbarrow and other Cumberland and Furness hematites. Brands, "Millom Hematite" and "Askam Hematite." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Special. Mixed. 2.250 2.00 1.75 Silicon to to to .... .... 2.750 2.50 2.25 PTin«r.iinrtiG l^ss than Icss than less than Phosphorus ^^^ Q25 .05 Sulphur '^'""oss" ^^^0^5^" w less than less than less than less than less than Manganese ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^_q^ ^^^ 112 Analyses of Pig Iron CUMBERLAND (Continued) Moss Bay Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Workington. Brand, "Mosbay." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. North Western Hematite Steel Company, Ltd., The — Workington. Average output, 78,000 tons per year. Fuel, hard coke and Splint coal. Ores, local Cumberland hematite and best Spanish. Brand, "N. W. Co." Bessemer. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Silicon 2.640 2,580 2.380 Phosphorus 045 .040 .040 Sulphur 026 .028 .088 Manganese .490 .520 .520 Combined Carbon 250 . 280 . 400 Graphitic Carbon 3.380 3.130 2.860 Whitehaven Hem.a.tite Iron .\nd Steel Company, Ltd., Cleator Moor, R. S. O. Brand, "Cleator" and "H. C. M." Coukl not obtain analysis of this iron. Workington Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Workington. Brand, '' Workington." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. DERBYSHIRE BuTTERLEY COMPANY, LTD., Alfreton. Brand, " Butterley." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Clay Cross Company, near Chesterfield. Brands, "C x C" and " Clay Cross." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Davis, E. P. Bennerley Furnace. Brand, " Awsworth." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Denby Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., near Derby. Brands, " Denby Iron Co." and "D. D. D." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 6". R. Church. 113 DERBYSHIRE (Continued) Oakes, James and Company — Alfreton. Brand, " 0." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Renishaw Iron Company, Eckington, Sheffield. Brand, " Renishaw." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., The — Chesterfield. Fuel, coal and coke. Ores, Oolitic of Northamptonshire and Lincolnshire. Brand, "Sheepbridge." Foundry. Silicon 3.00 Phosphorus 1 . 45 Sulphur 03 Manganese .75 Combined Carbon .60 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 60 Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., Stanton Gate, Nottingham. Brand, "Stanton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Staveley Coal and Iron Comp.\ny, Ltd., near Chesterfield. Brand, "Staveley." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. DURHAIVl Bell Brothers, Ltd., Clarence Iron Works, Middlesbrough. Furnaces, built 12, blowing 10. Capacity, 320,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Cleveland ironstone. Brand, " Clarence." No 1. No. 3. No. 4 No. 4 Mottled. White. Foundry. Forge. Silicon 3 17 2.80 2.24 1.85 1.27 .88 Phosphorus 1.60 1.57 154 1.56 1.51 1.57 Sulphur 03 03 .06 10 .18 .28 Manganese 50 .60 .52 -50 40 .38 Combined Carbon 30 .30 .43 .55 1.65 3.10 Graphitic Carbon 3.03 3.05 2.99 2.75 1.49 .10 Carlton Iron Company, Ltd., Ferryhill. Brand, " Carlton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Consett Iron Company, Ltd., Blackhill, R. S. O. Brand, "Consett." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 114 Analyses of Pig Iron DURHAM (Continued) Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Ltd., Jarrow-on-Tyne. Stacks, 5 (4 in blast and 1 rebuilding). Capacity, 1 Cleveland furnace, 35,000 tons per year, and o hematite, each 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Spanish, Algerian and English Cleveland. Brands, " Jarrow " and " Tyneside." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon. . No. 1. ^Jarrow Cleveland No. 2. No. 3. No. 4 No. 4 No. 1. - Tyneside No. 2. Hematite - No. 3. No. 4. Foundry. Forge. 3.000 2.500 2.250 1.800 1.600 2.3(X) 1.850 1.500 1.150 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.150 1.200 .038 .038 .040 .040 .020 .032 .045 .065 .080 .025 .035 .055 .080 .550 .550 .500 .400 .400 1.750 1.600 1.400 1.050 .100 .250 .300 .500 .560 .150 .270 .350 550 3.650 3.450 3.250 2.900 2.900 3.950 3 750 3.450 3.100 Seaton Carew Iron Company, Ltd., The — West Hartlepool. Capacity, 120,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Spanish and Algerian. Brands, " Seaton Carew " and " Seaton Basic." Ordinary. Special. Silicon 2.500 2,00 Phosphorus 045 .03 Sulphur 025 .01 Manganese 1 . 250 1 . 35 Combined Carbon .450 .35 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 700 3 . 85 Tees-Bridge Iron Company, Ltd., The — Stockton-on-Tees. Fuel, coke. Brand, "Tees-Bridge" (Cleveland quality.) This iron is not sold by analysis. Weardale Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., Spennymoor. Brands, "Weardale," " Tudhoe " and " Hematite." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Wm. WhiTWELL and Company, Ltd., Thornaby Iron Works, Stockton-on-Tees. Stacks, 3. Total capacity, 125,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Brand, "Thornaby Hematite." No. 1. Silicon 2.50 Phosphorus .04 Sulphur 02 Manganese 1 . 00 Combined Carbon .10 Graphitic Carbon 4 . 00 No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 2.40 2.00 1.50 .04 .04 .04 .03 .05 .10 .90 .80 .65 .15 .30 .60 3.85 3.65 2.80 6". R. Church. ii^ LANCASHIRE Barrow Hematite Steel Company, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Brands, " B. H. " and"B. H. S." No. 1. No. 2. White. Silicon 2.942 2.750 .658 Phosphoru-s 052 .063 ,062 Sulphur 050 .061 .348 Manganese .537 .492 .076 Carbon 3.650 3.480 3.400 Carnforth Hematite Iron Company, Ltd., Carnforth. Brand, " Carnforth Hematite." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Darwen and Mostyn Iron Company, Ltd., Darwen. Brand, " Darwen " Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Harrison, Ainslie and Company, Ltd., Ulverston. Brands, "Lorn" (cold blsst) and "Backbarrow." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MiLLOM AND A.skam Hematite Iron COMPANY, LTD., The — Askam R. S. O. (Lancashire). Brands, " Millom Hematite," "Askam Hematite " and "M. H. M." For further information see page 1 U. North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Ulverston. Brands, "Ulvers- ton," "U. H. M.," and " U. V. C." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. WiGAN Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., Wigan. Brands, "K. H.," "K. H. H." and "K. H. S." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. LEICESTERSHIRE HoLWELL Iron Company, Ltd., Ashford by Melton Mowbray. Brand, "Holwell." it6 Analyses of Pig Iron LINCOLNSHIRE. Appleby Iron Company, Ltd., Frodingham. Brand, "Doncaster." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Frodingham Iron and Steel Company, near Doncaster. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 75,000 tons per year. Fuel, South Yorkshire coke. Ore, Frodingham ironstone. Brand, "Frodingham." Silicon . 50 to , 70 Phosphorus 1.50 to 2. 50 Sulphur 05 to .07 Manganese 1 .50 to 2 . 50 North Lincolnshire Iron Company, Ltd., The— Frodingham. Capacity, 86,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Brand, " N. L. B." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Graphitic Carbon No. 3. No. 4. Forge. Mottled. White 2.090 1.670 .860 .70 .950 1.100 .830 .80 .038 .046 .082 .13 1.360 1.270 1.680 1.48 2.200 2.060 1.200 .80 Redbourn Hill Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., Doncaster. Brand, " Redbourn Allmine." Shakespeare, Wm., Trent Iron Works, Scunthorpe. Capacity, 36,000 tons per year. Fuel, Yorkshire coke. Brand, " Trent." No. 3 Foundry. Silicon 2.50 Phosphorus 1 . 30 Sulphur .03 Manganese 1 . 80 Combined Carbon .30 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 00 ^..^^.o..._a,/,^ S.A.CAurcUU pR(.p; [ :,TY (^t- z]^ 117 MONMOUTHSHIRl ■■". ;V' ris ^\f^ ^aJ Blaenavon Company, Ltd., Blaenavon. Brand, " Blaenavon " (cold blast). Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Ebhw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., The — Ebbw Vale R. S. O. Ore, Bilbao Rubio. Brands, " Ebbw Valee " and " Victoria." -Bessemer.- No. 1. No. 2. No. .S. No. 4 Fonndry. Silicon -. . 4.00 3.35 2.75 2.25 Phcsphorus .06 .06 .06 .06 Sulphur 02 .05 .08 .12 Manganese 1.25 1.00 .95 .85 Combined Carbon .17 .24 .35 .50 Graphitic Carbon 3 . .50 3.37 3 . 05 3 . 00 Patent Bolt and Nut Company, Ltd., Cwmbran, Newport. Brand, " R N. B. Co." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Pyle and Blaina Works, Ltd., Blaina. Brand, " Star." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Rhymney Iron Company, Ltd., Rhymney. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., Tredegar, Brand, "Tredegar." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. ii8 Analyses of Pig Iron NORTHAMPTONSHIRE BuTLiN, Thos. and Company, Ltd., Irthlingborough Irou Works, Wellingborough. Capacity, 48,000 tons per year. Fuel, coal and coke. Ore, brown hematite (a hydrated sesquioxide). Brand, "Butlin." No. 1. Mottled. Silicon 1.92 2.11 Phosphoru.s 1.19 1.07 Sulphur 10 .18 Manganese .24 .08 Graphitic Carbon 2.85 2.10 ISLiP Iron Company, Finedon, Wellingborough. Brand, "Finedon." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. ISLiP Iron Company, Thrapston. Brand, "Islip." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Kettering Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., Kettering. Brand, "Kettering." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. New Cransley Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Kettering. Brand, ''Cransley." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. PhippS, Pickering (Exrs. of), Northampton. Brand, " Northampton. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Wellingborough Iron Company, Ltd., Wellingborough. Brand, " Rixons W'boro'. " Could not obtain analysis of this iron. S. R. Church. iig NORTHUHBERLAND Armstrong, Sir W. G., Mitchell and Company, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Brand, " Ridsdale Hematite." Silicon 2.100 to 2.40 Phosphorus . 035 to .04 Sulphur 020 to .04 Manganese 1 . 024 Combined Carbon . 170 to .18 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 860 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Bestwood Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., Bestwood, near Nottingham. Capacity, 80,000 tons per year. Fuel, Nottingham coal, with a little Derbyshire and Yorks coke. Brand, "Bestwood." Silicon 2 . 70 ' Phosphorus 1 . 10 Sulphur 04 Manganese .40 Combined Carbon .15 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 20 SHROPSHIRE Foster, W. O., Madeley. Brand, " Madeley Court." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. LiLLESHALL COMPANY, LTD., Shifnal. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Brands, " Lilleshall Lodge " (C. B.) and " Lilleshall H. B." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon. Madeley Wood Company, near Ironbridge. Brand, " Madeley Wood Co." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cold Blast. Hot Blast. Basic. .08 to 1.25 1.50 .45 to 1.00 .50 .35 to .60 2.75 .06 to .10 .07 .06 .60 1.00 1.50 .70 .60 .10 2.50 2.30 2.00 120 Analyses of Pig Iron STAFFORDSHIRE, NORTH BuTTERLEY Company, Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Brand, " W. S. S." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Chatterley-Whitfield Collieries, Ltd., Tunstall. Stacks, :^. Total capacity, 900 tons per week. Fuel, coal — Cockshead aad Hardmine. Brand, " Chatterley." No. 4. Silicon 1.350 Phosphorus 1 . 531 Sulphur .046 Manganese 1 . 481 Combined Carbon . 695 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 153 GoLDENDALE Iron COMPANY, Tunstall and Stoke-on-Trent. Brand, "G. D. C." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Heath, Robert and Sons, Ltd., Tunstall and Stoke-on-Trent. Brands, "Heath & Sons " and " R. H. & S." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Midland Coal, Coke and Iron Company, Ltd., Newcastle. Could not obtain anal} sis of this iron. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Company, Ltd., Stoice-on-Trent. Brands, " Gran- ville " and " Shelton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Stafford Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Brand, " Fenton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 5. R. Church. I2i STAFFORDSHIRE, SOUTH Bassano, W. and Company, Corngreaves, Birmingham. Brands, " Corngreav " (cold blast) and " Lion." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Bradley, T. and I. and Sons, Darlaston. Brand, O O Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Bradley, Thos. and IvSAAC, Ltd., Bilston. Brand, "Three Brands " (Round Pigs). Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Earl of Dudley, The— Brierley Hill. Brands, " L N F " (cold blast), " L N F^ D U D," " L N F-XX " and " Coneygree." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Grazebrook, M. and W., Netherton Iron Works, Dudley. Capacity, ()7()() tons per year. Fuel, S. Stafifs. thick coal, open hearth coked. Brand, " Grazebrook" (cold blast). No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Silicon 1.48 1.27 1.16 . No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Silicon 3.00 2.80 2.60 Phosphorus .05 .05 .05 Sulphur 03 .05 .06 Manganese 1.00 .95 .95 Combined Carbon .10 .15 .20 Graphitic Carbon 3.00 3.30 3.25 Brown, John and Company, Ltd.. Sheffield. Capacity. 700 tons per week. Brand, "Atlas." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cargo Fleet Iron Company, Ltd., Middlesbrough. Brand, " Cargo Fleet." No. 3. Silicon 2 . 54 Phosphorus 1.60 ' Sulphur .02 Manganese .66 Combined Carbon ,13 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 55 124 Analyses of Pig Iron YORKSHIRE (Continued) CARGO FLEET IRON COMPANY, LTD. No. 3 CARGO FLEET. vS". R. Church. YORKSHIRE (Continued; Clay Lane Iron Company, Ltd., South Bank, R. S. O. Brand, "Clay Lane." White. Silicon 1 . 300 Phosphorus 1 .530 Sulphur .045 Manganese . 300 Combined Carbon 2 . 900 Graphitic Carbon .100 '^5 WHITE CLAY LANE. 126 Analyses of Pig Iron YORKSHIRE (Continued) Cochrane and Company, Ltd., Middlesbrough. Brand, " Ormesby." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. • Cooke, William and Company, Ltd., Sheffield. Brand, " Tinsley." This Company's output is all used by themselves for the manufacture of bar iron. Farnley Iron Company, Ltd., Leeds. Brand, " F. I. Co., Lim." (cold blast). Could not obtain analysis of this iron. GjERS, Mills and Company, Middlesbrough. Brands, " H — Ayrsome, E, H " "Ayr- some" " FS— Ayrsome— FS " and " SS— Ayrsome— SS " Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Leeds Steel Works, Ltd., The — Hunslet, Leeds. Capacity, 105,000 tons per year. Fuel, Durham and Yorkshire cokes. Brand, " L. S. W." (Bessemer Basic Pig Iron.) Average analysis. Silicon 60 Phosphorus 2 . 60 Sulphur .05 Manganese 1.75 Combined Carbon 2 . 85 Graphitic Carbon Traces LowMOOR Company, Ltd., Bradford. Brand, " Lowmoor" (cold blast). Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Newton, Chambers and Company, Ltd., near Sheffield. Capacity, 26,000 tons per year. Fuel, coal and coke. Brand, " ThornclifFe." No. 1 No. 3 Foundry. Foundry. Silicon 3.10 2.59 Phosphorus 1.08 1.02 Sulphur 04 .04 Manganese .52 .59 Combined Carbon Trace . 33 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 54 3 . 20 -,,,«f.U,t,V^lf,^^^,^ 5. x. aur#. PRcPCfiTY fci "^ ' "^ , J- ^Jf > YORKSHIRE (Contiitu^*);^^^^^^^^^ ,,,^.^^^^ NoRMAXBY Ironworks Company, Ltd., Middlesbrough. Brands, " Normanby " and "N H. H." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. North Eastern Steel Company, Ltd., Middlesbrough. Brands, " Acklaui, Yorkshire," and '' Acklam, Basic." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. i Park Gate Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Rotherham. Brand, " P. G. Lincoln." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Samuelson, Sir B. and Company, Ltd., Middlesbrough. Brands, " B. S. Newport," " B. S. Hematite" and "B. S. Basic." Could not obtain analvsis of this iron. Skinningrove Iron Company, Ltd., Saltburn-by-the-Sea. Brand, "Skinningrove." No. 3. Silicon 2.90 Phosphorus 1 . 50 Sulphur .03 Manganese 55 Combined Carbon .08 Graphitic Carbon 3 05 128 Analyses of Pig Iron YORKSHIRE (Continued) Walker, Maynard and Company, Redcar. Brand, " Redcar." No. 1. No. 3. Silicon 2.33 1.45 Phosphorus 1 . 56 1 . 67 Sulphur .06 .07 Manganese .71 .58 Combined Carbon .28 .28 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 55 3 . 45 West Yorkshire Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., Ardsley June, Leeds. Brand, " Leeds." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. WiLLLA-MS, Edward — Linthorpe Iron Works, Middlesbrough. Brands, " E. W. Hematite " and " Linthorpe." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Wilsons, Pease and Company, Middlesbrough. Brand, " G. W. L." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. York Road Iron Company, The — Leeds. (Cold blast). This Company's output is all used by themselves. SCOTLAND 5". R. Chtirch//t^ s^ ^DIESfU/f^ PROPLRTY OF (^oy. 131 AYRSHIRE >^^A/. ^^vv; Baird, Wm. and Company, Ltd., Kilwinning. Fuel, raw -esal.-i.Bi^fi^" Eglin ton.' No. 1. Silicon 3.000 Phosphorus . 040 Sulphur 034 Manganese . 936 Combined Carbon . 440 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 000 Hematite — , Foundry No. 3. No. 4. No. 3. 2.38 1.50 2.38 .04 .04 .89 .05 .08 .03 .72 .30 2.64 .30 1.25 .48 3.00 2.00 2.81 Dalmellington Iron Company, Ltd., Dalmellington (by Ayr). Brand, " Dal- mellington." No. 1. Silicon 2 . 93 Phosphorus 1 . 25 Sulphur .03 Manganese 1 . 22 Combined Carbon .63 Graphitic Carbon 2 .80 Glengarnock Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., The — Glengarnock and Stevenston. Stacks, 12. Total capacity, 200,000 tons per year. Fuel, Splint coal. Brand, " Glen- garnock." No. 1. No. 3. Silicon 3 25 2.50 Phosphorus 60 .60 Sulphur 04 .04 Manganese 1 . 50 1 . 50 Combined Carbon .35 .45 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 30 2 . 80 LANARKSHIRE Baird, Wm. sherrie. No. 1. Silicon 2.500 Phosphorus .040 Sulphur 015 Manganese . 340 Combined Carbon . 250 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 150 atbridgi e. Fuel, raw coal. Brand, " Gart , Foundry . ^ No. 3. No. 4. No. 1. No. 3. 2.30 1.50 2.450 2.000 .04 .04 .750 .750 .04 .08 .015 .035 .30 .30 1.150 1.100 .50 1.25 .250 .500 2.95 2.00 3.100 2.850 ^32 Analyses of Pig Iron LANARKSHIRE (Continued) WM. BAIRD AND COMPANY, LTD. No. 1 GARTSHERRIE. 6'. R. Church. ijj LANARKSHIRE (Continued) CoLTNESS Iron Company, Ltd., Newmaius, N. B. Brands, " Coltness " and"Colt- ness Hematite." No. 1 Coltness. Silicon 3.430 Phosphorus .984 Sulphur 022 Manganese 1 . 580 Combined Carbon .200 Graphitic Carbon ... . 3.450 Dixon, Wm., Ltd., Coatbridge and Glasgow. Brands, " Calder," " Govan Hematite " and " Govan." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. DuNLop, James and Company, Ltd., Tolcross, near Glasgow. Brand, "Clyde." No. 1. No. 3. Silicon 2.88 2.87 Phosphorus 89 .92 Sulphur 03 .03 Manganese .62 .54 Combined Carbon .30 ,52 Graphitic Carbon . . : . . 3 . 35 2 . 89 Glasgow Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Wishaw. Brand, " Wishaw." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Langloan Ironworks, Coatbridge. Brand, " Langloan." Silicon 1.680 Phosphorus . 642 Sulphur 021 Manganese 1 . 740 Combined Carbon 750 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 990 ^34 Analyses of Pig Iron LANARKSHIRE (Continued) Merry and Cuninghame, Ltd., Coatbridge. Brands, "Carnbroe" and " M. and C." Carnbroe. Silicon 2.93 Phosphorus 1.12 Sulphur 03 Manganese 1.51 Combined Carbon .76 Graphitic Carbon 2 . 90 Shotts Iron Company, Shotts. Brand, " Shotts." No. 1. No. 3. Silicon 2.75 2.30 Phosphorus .90 .82 Sulphur Trace .03 Manganese 1 . 00 1.10 Combined Carbon .25 .35 Graphi tic Carbon 3 . 50 2 . 90 SUMMERLEE AND MOSSEND IrON AND StEEL COMPANY, LTD., ThE — Coatbridge. Brand, " Snmmerlee." No. 1. Silicon 2.850 Phosphorus .911 • Sulphur Trace Manganese 1 . 080 Combined Carbon . 250 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 930 STIRLINGSHIRE Carron Company, Carron, N. B. Fuel, coke. Ore, Scotch black bank ironstone. Brand, "Carron." Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon . Graphitic Carbon . No. 1. No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 Special. Soft. Foundry. Close. Hard. 2.800 2.275 2.650 2.150 1.750 1.570 .880 .907 .902 .907 .905 .905 .035 .045 .038 .055 .050 .060 1.450 1.450 1.400 1.311 1.420 1.450 .140 .250 ,180 .200 .280 .290 3.500 3.370 3.280 3.350 3.170 3.160 WALES ^V^& DIESEL f^^^ s. /^. Church, (d PRCFlBTY Ch ^'^ 137 CARMARTHENSHIRE Anthracite Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., near Kidwelly. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. DENBIGHSHIRE Brymbo Steel Company, Ltd., Brymbo, Wrexham. Brand, " Brymbo." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Sparrow, J as. and Son, near Wrexham. Fuel, coal. Capacity, 17,500 tons per year. Brand, " Ffrwd" (all mine). Grey Forge. Foundry. Silicon 2.56 3.26 Phosphorus 1.47 1 . 75 Sulphur .05 Trace Manganese .43 .34 Combined Carbon Trace Trace Graphitic Carbon 3 . 02 3. 30 FLINTSHIRE Darwen and Mostyn Iron Company, Ltd., Mostyn. Brands, " Darwen " and Mostyn." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. 138 Analyses of Pig Iron GLAMORGANSHIRE Briton Ferry Works, Ltd., Briton Ferry. Brand, " Ferry.'' Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Cefn Ironworks, Ltd., near Bridgend. Brand, "Mine." Crawshay Brothers, Cyfarthfa, Ltd., Merthyr Tydfil. Brand, "Crawshay." Average analysis. Silicon 2 . 80 Phosphorus .05 Sulphur .05 Carbon 3.50 DowLAis Iron Company, Dowlais. Brands, " Dowlais " and " Dowlais Cardiff." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Forest Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Treforest, R. S. O. Brand, " Forest." North's Navigation Collieries, Ltd., Tondu, near Bridgend. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. PylE and Blaina Works, Ltd., Pyle, near Bridgend. Brand, "Star." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Swansea Hematite Iron Company, Ltd , Landore, R. S. O., Swansea. Brand, " Swansea Hematite." ( Wright, Butler and Company, Ltd., Taibach, near Port Talbot. Brand, " Cwm Avon." BELGIUM 5. R. Church. 141 Acoz, Blast Furnaces of — Bouffioulx, Hainaut. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 27,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Oolitic and slag from rekiudlings. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Total Carbon, .26 1.30 .06 .20 2.70 AnglEUR, Steel Works of — Tilleur, Liege. Stacks, X Total capacity, 125,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, crushed ores from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, ores from Sweden and Spain and ores containing manganese from the East Indies. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon .50 2.10 ,05 1.70 2.80 .50 Athus, Blast Furnaces of — Athus, Province of Luxembourg. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 80,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore, Oolitic from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. .405 1.80 .27 .31 2.44 Blast Furnaces of the Society John Cockerill — Seraing, Liege. Stacks, 5. Total capacity, 172,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke and anthracite. Ores from Spain, Algeria, Greece, Sweden, Germany, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, France, Belgium and sundry refuse. silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. 2.20 .05 .02 1.30 REFINED CAST IRON .30 1.20 .20 .40 CAST iron, BESSEMER PROCESS. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. .40 3.15 3.00 CouiLLET Iron Works, Couillet and Chatelineau, Hainaut. Stacks, 2 each. Total capacity, 87,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, crushed ores from Luxembourg, ores from Campine, clinkers from rolling mills and manganese ores from different countries. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Total Carbon. .80 2.00 .10 2.00 3.00 to 3.50 142 Analyses of Pig Iron BELGIUM (Continued) Grivegn#.E Iron Works, Grivegnee, Liege. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 30,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. .40 1.80 .,30 3.50 Halanry, Blast Furnaces of — Halanry, Province of Luxembourg. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 45,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Oolitic from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. 1.50 to 3.16 1,23 to 1.46 .004 to .031 .41 to ,62 .15 to. 40 2.55 to 3.67 HouRPES SUR Sambre Iron Works, Thuin, Hainaut. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 44,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, crushed ores from Luxembourg and ores from Meurthe and Moselle. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Total Carbon. .46 to .70 1.11 to 1.39 .40 to ,49 .20 to ,26 2.90 to 3.05 La Louviere, Blast Furnaces and Smelting Works of — La Louviere, Hainaut. Stacks, L Capacity, 25,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Oolitic from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. .40to.70 1.75to2,10 .40to,50 2,90to3,40 L'EsPiiRANCE Longdoz Iron Works, Seraing, Liege. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 64,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. MoNCEAu SUR Sambre Iron Works, Monceau sur Sambre, Hainaut. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, (55,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke Ores, clinkers from puddling ovens, crushed ores from Luxembourg and the east of France (Nancy). Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Total Carbon. .40to,80 1,25 to 1,80 ,10to.25 2.60to3.25 S. R. Church. //^ ^Co\ 143 PRCFEKIYOf s| ^y^^ BELGIUM (Continued)\N^^/-^ ^ ^^f MussoN Company, Ltd., Blast Furnaces, Foundries ^tOTi Miwhs'of — Musson, Province of Luxembourg. Capacity, 42,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ore , Oolitic. Brand, " S. M." No. 3. No. 5. No. 7 2.97 2.10 1.15 1.42 1.75 1.90 .03 .04 .08 .66 .66 .66 .14 .55 .75 3.80 2.84 2.37 Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Manganese Combined Carbon Graphitic Carbon . OuGREE Iron Works, Ougree, Liege. Stacks, 3. Total capacity, 74,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Providence Iron Works, March ienne-au- Pont, Hainaut. Stacks, 3. Total capacity, 98,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, crushed ores from Luxembourg, ores from Meurthe and Moselle, ores from Campine and Sweden, refuse from puddlings and manganese ores from different districts. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Total Carbon. .05 2,50 .06 1.50 3.50 South Chatelineau, Blast Furnaces of — Chatelineau, Hainaut. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 33,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, Oolitic crushed ore from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, clinkers from rekindlings, residue of pyrites and ores from Sweden. silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. 1.40tol.50 .20to.30 .OOto.lO 2.90to3.30 Thy le Chateau, Blast Furnaces and Steel Works of — Marcinelle, Hainaut. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 31,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores from Luxembourg and Lorraine, and ores containing manganese from Caucase. Silicon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon .05 2.20 .05 1.80 3.20 .20 CANADA iS". R. Church, 7^7 NOVA SCOTIA BridgevillE Furnace, Bridgeville, Pictou County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 7300 tons per year. Fuel, coke and charcoal. Ores, iron and manganese. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Londonderry Iron Company, Ltd., The — Acadia Iron Mines (near Londonderry), Colchester County. Stacks, 2. Total capacity, 40,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, limonite, carbonate and red hematite. Brand, " Siemens." No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Silicon 3.44 3.64 3.73 3.32 Phosphorus 49 .46 1.13 .84 Nova Scotia Steel Company, Ltd., Ferrona, Pictou County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 32,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, local brown and red hematite and Newfoundland. Brand, " Ferrona." No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 Soft No. 2 Soft Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Foundry. Basic. Hematite. Foundry. Foundry. Silicon 2.85 2.40 2.150 2.00 ,65 1.00 3.75 3.40 Phosphortis 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 .10 1.10 1.10 Sulphur ,02 .02 .025 .04 .03 ' .04 .01 .01 Manganese ,60 .60 .650 .75 1.25 1,75 .60 .60 Combined Carbon .15 .25 .580 ,85 .91 .80 .16 .28 Graphitic Carbon 3.68 3.35 3.000 2.65 3,15 3.08 3,50 3.35 Mottled and white iron are off grades. ONTARIO Deseronto Iron Company, LTD.,Deseronto. Deseronto Furnace. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 12,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, American from Lake Superior and local Canadian. Could not obtain analysis of this iron. Hamilton Blast Furnace Company, Ltd., The — Hamilton, Wentworth County. Hamilton Furnace. Stacks, 1 Capacity, 50,000 tons per year. Fuel, coke. Ores, hem- atite and magnetic. Brand, " Hamilton." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. QUEBEC Canada Iron Furnace Company, Ltd., Radnor Forges, Cham plain County. Stacks, 1. Capacity, 10,000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ores, lake and bog. Brand, " C. I. F." Could not obtain analysis of this iron. McDouG.A.LL, John and Company, Drummondville, Drummond County. Stacks, Grantham Furnace, 1 ; St. Francis Furnace, 1. Total capacity, 4000 tons per year. Fuel, charcoal. Ore, local limonite. Could not obtain analysis of this iron, 14^ Analyses of Pig Iron CANADA (Continued) The output of pig iron in Canada for the past quarter of a century is shown by the following table: Tons. 1875 4,000 1876 4,000 1877 13,500 1878 16,000 1879 16,500 1880 23,000 1881 18,500 1882 21,500 1883 32,000 1884 29,389 1885 25,770 1886 26,160 1887 39,717 1888 22,209 1889 24,823 1890 • 25,697 1891 20,153 1892 80,294 1893 46,948 1894 62,522 1895 31,692 1896 32,052 1897 33,254 1898 75,922 1899 100,706 The figures for the last two years are for calendar, and all others for fiscal years. There were in blast in Canada last year four furnaces, and their respective pig iron output, compared with that of 1898, was as follows : 1899. 1898. Tons net. Tons net. Hamilton Blast Furnace Co 51 ,580 48,253 Nova Scotia Steel Co 31,010 21,627 Canada Iron Furnace Co 6,500 6,042 Deseronto Iron Co 11,616 .... Total 100,706 75,922 The Deseronto Furnace was not put into blast until January, 1899. The output of the Canada Iron Furnace Company, Radnor Forges, and of the Deseronto Iron Company, Deseronto, Out., is charcoal pig, and that of the Hamilton Blast Furnace Company, Hamil- ton, Ont., and of the Nova Scotia Steel Company, New Glasgow, N. S., of the coke description. 5. R. Church. PRtFC(-,TY Cf ° " ^\y (v^-. DENMARK Under date of April 28, 1900, the United States Consulate at Copenhagen writes as follows : "There is in the Baltic Sea an island of Denmark called Barkholm, and some years ago an iron mine was worked there, but the quantity of ore was not large nor the quality good, and the mine is no longer worked. Elsewhere in Denmark, so far as I can learn, there is no iron ore, nor is iron ore from other countries treated in Denmark." ^. /?. Church. ^5^ FRANCE Annual production of Pig Iron for the year 1899 : Fuel. Tons. Coke : . . . 2,542,583 Wood : 13,762 Mixed.... 11,043 Total • 2,567,388 Silicon. Black Pig Iron of Garsthevrie, 2.271 Grey Pig Iron, 3.265 White Pig Iron, Swedish, 0.771 " Westphalia, 0.476 " Oboukow, 1.300 Phosphorus. Sulphur. Manganese. Carbon. Carbon. 0.842 1.267 2.401 1.347 3.156 0.459 0.036 0.388 0.086 2.171 Total Carbon. 0.327 4.491 4.749 2.600 0.062 1.131 3.267 0.070 0.060 0.390 4.480 GERMANY S. R. Church. 755 BLAST FURNACES UPPER SILESIA. Borsigwerk near Borsigwerk, O. S. Donnersmarckhiitte near Zabrze. Friedenshiitte near Friedenshiitte. Julienshiitte near Bobrek. Konigl. HUtte, Gleiwitz. Bethlen-Falvahiitte near Schwientochlowitz. Vereinigte Konigs und Laurahiitte, Berlin, W. Hubertushiitte near Ober-Lagiewnik. Redenhiitte near Zaborze. Tamowitzerhiitte near Tarnowitz. WURTEMBERG. Wasseralfingen, Kgl. Wurtemberg Hiittenamt. BAVARIA. Amberger Hochofen, Amberg. Maximilianshiitte, Rosenberg Ober-Pfalz. THURINGIA, HARZ, BRUNSWICK, HANOVER. Maximilianshiitte, Unterwellenbarn Kr. Saalfeld. Harzer Werke zu Riibeland und Zorge, Blankenburg. Rothenhutte near Elbingerode a. H. Mathildenhiitte, Neustadt. Harzburg. Eisenwerk Carlshiitte, Delligsen near Alfeld. Ilseder Hiitte, Gross Ilselde. WESTPHALIA— LOWER RHINE DISTRICT. Georgs-Marienhiitte, Osnabruck. Ablerbecker Hiitte, Ablerbeck. Carl von Born, Dortmund. Horder Verein, Horde. Union Act. Ges. Dortmund. ' Hattingen. " " Steele. Eisen & Stahlwerk Hoesch, Dortmund. Schalker Gruben & Hiittenverein, Gelsenkirchen. Bochumer Verein, Bochum. Fried. Krupp, Essen. Friedr. Wilh. Hiitte, Miilheim, Ruhr. Gutehoffnungshiitte, Oberhausen, Rheinl. Phonix Act. Ges. Kupferdreh. Borbeck. " " " Laar near Ruhrort. Rheinische Stahlwerkem Ruhrort. Gewerk.schaft Deut.scher Kai.ser, Bruckhau.sen, Rheinl. Niederrheinische Hiitte, Duisburg, Hochfeld. Act. Ges. Vulcan, Duisburg, Hochfeld. Bergischer Gruben u. Htitten Verein, Hochdahl. Eschweiler-Bergwerksverein, Eschweiler, Pumpe. Act. Verein Johanneshiitte, Siegen (Siegerland). 1^6 Analyses of Pig Iron GERMANY (Continued) MIDDLE RHINE DISTRICT. Gew. Carl Otts, Cologne. Sieg-Rhein. Hiitten Act. Ges. Friedr. Wilhelm Hutte. Gebr. Lossen, Concordiahiitte, near Bendorf. SIEGERLAND. Finnentroper Hiitte, Finnentrop i. W. Gabriel Bergenthal & Co., Germaniahiitte. Bremerhiitte, Geisweid. Birlenbacher Hiittegewerkschaft, Birlenbacherhiitte. Haardter Hiitten Gewerkschaft, Berg & Co. Hardt a. d. Sieg. Geisweid er Eisenwerk, Geisweido. Act. Ges. Rolandsbiitte near Siegen. Hainer-Hiitte, Siegen. Gewerkschaft Marienhiitte, Eiserfeld near Siegen. Eiserfelder Hiittengewerkschaft, Ei.serfeld. Eiserner Hiittengewerkschaft, Eisern. Act. Ges. Charlottenhiitte, Niederschelden. Brachbacher Hochofengew. Schulte Weber & Co. Brachbach. Carl von Wittigstein, Friedrichshiitte near Laasphe. Act. Ges. Wissener Bergwerke & Hiitten, Brilckhofe. Act. Ges. Heinrichshiitte, Heinrichshiitte near An. Coin Musener Bergwerks. Actien-Verein, Creuzthal. Gosenbacher Hiittengewerkschaft Gosenbach. Gewerkschaft der Neu Griinebacher Hiitte Griinbach. Gewerk.schaft Herdorfer Hiitte Herdorf. Gewerkschaft Seelenbergerhiitte, Herdorf. DILL-LAHN (NASSAU). Buderussche Eisenwerke, Wetzlar. Eisenwerke Hirzenhain & LoUar, LoUar. SAAR. Burbacherhiitte near Saarbrucken. Gebr. Rochling, Volklingen. Gebr. Stumm, Neunkirchen. Halbengerbiitte, Brebach. LORRAINE. Lothringen Eisenwerke, Ars a. d. Mosel. Society anonyme de Acieres d'Angleur Hauts-Fourneaux d'Audin le Tiche, Deutsch 0th de Wendel & Co. Harjingen, Loth. Dillinger Hiittenwerke, Dillingen Saar. Riimelinger Hiittengesellschaft, Oettingen. W. Lamarche & Co. Mezi^res. Rombacher Hiittenwerke, Rombach. Gebr. Stumm, Ueckingen. LUXEMBURG. Gebr Collart. Steinfort. Hochofen Act. Ges. Rodringen. Metz & Co. Eich. Hiittengesellschaft, Riimelingen. Eisenhtitten Actien-Verein, Diidelingen. Aacbener Hiitten Actien-Verein, Esch. 5". R. Church. GERMANY (Continued) It has been impossible to obtain analyses of the pig iron made in this conntry direct from the furnaces, but Mr. Frank H. Mason, Consul-General at Berlin gives the following information under date of December lU, 1899, showing analyses of Standard German grades of pig iron furnished bj' Mr F. D. Carney, chemist. Class of Pig Iron. Sili con Forge Iron .50 Used in puddling furnaces for manuractiire of wrought iron. Also used to a limited extent for mixing with grey foundry irons to make strong castings. Basic Bessemer Iron 1. 25 L'sed for manufacture of basic bessemer steel. Acid Bessemer Iron 2, ,40 Used for acid bessemer and acid open hearth steel manu- facture. Analysis of Typical Irons. Comb. Phos. Mn. Sulphur. Graphite. Carbon. 1.10 0.42 2.15 0.43 0.05 1.10 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.22 0.90 3.20 2.60 2.00 0.60 Ores. ( Mixture of ■j German and ( Foreign ores. Native Ores. f Mixture of •\ Swedish and ( Spanish ores. Fuel. Foundrj- Iron Used for iron castings— The German furnaces try to make a foundry No.l iron that will make good castings by mixing with the English and Luxemburg high phosphorus No. 'A pig iron — (Note Low Phosphorus.] 3.00 0.30 0.60 0.04 3.25 0.50 Mixture of Spanish and Native ores. o The German blast furnaces are mostly small, producing about 150 tons every 24 hours. They are, however, beginning to build larger furnaces after the American plan. & DIESa ENfi S.R.Church. ((l PRCFLf.TYCF pW JAPAN Annual Production of Pig Iron in Japan for the j^ear 1899 Charcoal 20,000 tons Coke 10,000 tons Total, 30,000 tons Name and Location of Blast Furnaces : Imperial Steel Works in Yahata Mura, Chikuzen. Tanaka Iron Works in Kamaishi, Rikuchiu. Hayashi Iron Works in Mayuki, Hiuga. Iron Works in Nakaosaka, Kohdzuke. Tanaka Iron Works. Kamaishi, Rikuchiu. and hematite. No. L Silicon .870 Phosphorus ... . 056 Sulphur .008 Manganese . 770 Combined Carbon 680 Graphitic;;Carbon 2 . 460 Fuel, coke. Silicon 1 . 940 Phosphorus . 072 Sulphur .033 Mangane.se . 850 Combined Carbon .380 Graphitic Carbon 3.480 Fuel, charcoal. Ores, magnetite No. 2. No. 3. .710 .570 .061 .043 .012 .010 .760 .620 .980 1.880 2.050 1.310 A Government iron works is in course of construction and will be completed in 1901. It is expected to produce annually 120,000 tons of Pig Iron. The Tanaka Iron Works is contemplating enlarging their business next year and the yearly increase in the production will be about 6000 tons. Thus, Japan will produce annually about 160,000 tons after 1901. S. R. Church. i6i MEXICO It has been impossible to obtain analyses from any of the furnaces in Mexico, but the following are the names of companies making Pig Iron : The Durango Iron Works, Durango. Mexican National Iron and Steel Company, City of Mexico. Manuel L. Corcuera, Guadalajara. Manuel Aizpuru, Guadalajara. La Glise & Sons, Toluca. Francisca Barriga & Co., City of Oaxaca. Francisco Quijano, City of Oaxaca. Gustavo Stein, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. RUSSIA S.Ji. Church. /7 ^ p.^ .^ '''? > 165 The following names of companies making pig iron have been furnished by United States Consnl-General Holloway, at St. Petersburg: Alexandrovski Steel Foundry Company, Admiralty Quay, 8-1. PuTiLOVSKi Works, Karavannaia, 9. Nevski Mechanical Works, Shlisselburg Road, 1-8. Verchne-Isetski Works, Vassili Ostrov, Tutcbkov Quay, 18. Maltztovski Works, Voznesenski, 6. St. Petersburg Metallic Works, Poliustrovski Quay, 19. DoNETZKi Iron and Steel Works, Konnogvardeiski Square, 11. W. KoLLAN (late Arthur Du-Rietz), Vassili Ostrov, 18 Line, 15-52. We have been unable to receive an analysis of the iron made by each furnace, but we have received the general information that they use timber, coal, coke and petroleum for fuel, that the principal ores used in producing pig iron are magnetic, brown iron, red hematite, siderite and clay ironstone, and the following is an average analysis of the iron made in this country : Silicon . 7600 ' ' ' Phosphorus : . . 1580 Sulphur. 0052 Manganese .3720 Combined Carbon .5070 Graphitic Carbon 3 . 2890 i66 Analyses of Pig Iron RUSSIA (Continued) Production of Pig Iron in all of Russia by Private as well as Government Works. Years Six Months ot 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. English Tons SOUTH, 17 Private Works 542,903 628,675 744,540 986.468 620,575 URAL, 93 Private Works 471,098 510,953 579,997 621,778 340.450 13 Government Works 64,907 60,688 78,035 80,150 46,013 Total 536,005 571,641 658,032 701,928 386,463 POLAND, 37 Private Works 181,607 210,594 220,892 255,683 144,030 4 Government Works 5,180 5,308 3,867 3,443 1,764 Total 186,787 215,902 224,759 259,076 145,794 MOSCOW REGION, 46 Private Works. . 123,820 132,630 166,884 177,598 129,398 NORTH, 9 Private Works 689 748 1,734 22,678 13,446 4 Government Works 2,173 4,019 3,073 3 305 2,402 Total 2,862 4,767 4,807 25,983 15,848 SOUTHWESTERN, 5 Private Works. . 3,482 3,376 2,706 3,002 1,473 SIBERIA, 3 Private Works 5,526 5,526 7,975 8,687 2,407 In All, 212 Private Works 1,329,125 1,492,502 1,724,728 2,075,844 1,251,679 21 Government Works 72,260 70,015 84,975 86,898 50,179 " 238 Private and Government Works 1,401,385 1,562,517 1,809,703 2,162,742 1,301,858 H. I. M. Private Property and Finnish Works 25,964 24,722 24,722 23,944 12,897 GrandTotalof all Works in the Empire. 1,427,349 1,587,239 1,834,425 2,186,686 1,314,755 S. R. Church. 167 SPAIN Under date of May 7, 1900, Wm. D. Marvel, of Madrid, writes as follows: "Your letter of the llth of April to U. S. Consulate of Spain was referred to me. I do not know of any blast furnaces within the district of Madrid. In the north, at Bilbao, there are several furnaces. * * * * " There is a new furnace building on the east coast between Abiante and Barcelona, intending to use local ores, and local coal as fuel, which they claim cokes well. ****** " I may say to you that the pig iron made at the Bil- bao furnaces is of excellent quality for some of the best work demanded in these times, though the ores in that region by reason of the enormous demands, are being very rapidly exhausted, and the future of the region is a serious problem." SWEDEN '^^^ PRCPtftiy OF Q? < n; :% .'/«. '"'^«"r;lS"0 ^^O'X'^ ^Z I ) S. R. Church. 171 The following information has been furnished by Mess. Joh. Sam. Billing & Son, Stockholm. Annual production of Pig Iron, about 500,000 Tons exportation " " 75,000 to 100,000 " Number of Furnaces in Sweden 171 Different Kinds of Pig Iron Produced in the Year 1898. For Siemens — Martin and Bessemer purposes 240,781 Tons " Puddling and Lancashire purposes 259,971 ' ' Spiegel Iron purposes 2,246 " Malleable purposes 10,643 " Casting " 10,309 Total 523,950 S.' PRCfllJV Ci IMPORTERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS San Francisco Portland Tacoma Seattle CEMENT, COAL, COKE, IRON, BRICKS, ETC. BALFOUR, AVILIvIAlVISON & CO., Nev^ York, Liverpool and London "WILLIAMSON, BALFOUR & CO., Valparaiso and Concepcion, Cliili JOHN FINN, President JOHN FINN METAL WORKS SEATTLE 1255 First Avenue, South SAN FRANCISCO 3t3-315 Howard Street BABBITT METALS SOLDERS AND GALVANIZING *<%-^ John Finn, Esq., 315 Howard St., San Francisco. Dear Sir: — In response to your request, it gives us mucli gratification to state that your "F. P. Metal" was the only bearing metal used in all the engines on the U. S. Battleship " OREGON," and the results of its use were most highly satisfactory, not only upon the ship while in our hands, but we understand that the metal has continued to give the same high satisfaction ever since. Very truly yours, UNION IRON WORKS, ■By J. O'B. GUNN, Secretxy. . ' ^- BPLF0DR,I}DTB1&C0.^^^ IMPORTERS V^^S^^^ COMMISSION MERCHANTS San Francisco Portland Tacoma Seattle CEMENT, COAL, COKE, IRON, BRICKS, ETC. BALFOt^R, WILLIAMSON & CO., New- York, Liverpool and London \VILLIAlVISON, BALFOUR & CO., Valparaiso and Concepcion, Chili JOHN FINN, President JOHN FINN METAL WORKS SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO J255 First Avenue, South 313-315 Howard Street BABBITT METALS SOLDERS AND GALVANIZING *«%^ John Finn, Esq., 3)5 Howard St., San Francisco. Dear Sir: — In response to your request, it gives us much gratification to state that your "F. P. Metal" was the only bearing metal used in all the engines on the U. S. Battleship " OREGON," and the results of its use were most highly satisfactory, not only upon the ship while in our hands, but we understand that the metal has continued to give the same high satisfaction ever since. Very truly yours, UNION IRON WORKS, •By /. 0-B. GUNN, Stcrelary. PIQ IRON AND Alabama Foundry Coke ROGERS, BROWN & CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO SEYMOUR R. CHURCH ...AGENT... 307 SANSOME STREET San Francisco, California J* . . . Telephone Main 5086 For the convenience of users of Pig Iron on the Pacific Coast, we have secured the Agency of a large number of different brands of Pig Iron. The list given below represents the American Irons which we are agents for. From this list can be selected Iron which will produce any kind of casting that can be made any place in the world. S- J^ ^ This means that we carry the Iron in stock in San Francisco and buyers do not have to wait to get quick delivery. J- J- J> We. will take pleasure in furnishing our customers with the analysis of any of the Irons in this list, thus enabling Foundrymen to make intelligent mixtures. BRAND STACKS LOCATION Niagara 1 N. Tonawanda, Niagara Co., N. Y YEARLY CAPACITY TONS Touanauda Oxford Crane 4 1 N. Tonawanda, Niagara Co., N. Y. ] Henry Clay Toptoii ■■ Bellefoute Nlttany Charlotte ■ Puiixy Macuiigie 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dunbar 2 Bristol 1 Ueui 1 Victoria 1 Boone 1 Watts 2 Carnegie 1 Gmbreville . ■ 1 Napier 1 Manuie 2 Greensboro Cherokee . . . Rome Tdlladega . Trussville .. . Williamson . . ORES USED FUEL Hematite and Specular from Lake Superior Coke Hematite and Specular from Lake Superior Coke Oxford, Warren Co., N. J Local magnetic Anthracite coal Catasauqua, Lehigh Co., Pa Lake Superior, Port Henry and Cha- taguay Anth. coal & coke Reading, Berks Co., Pa Very rich fossil Anth. coal & coke Topton, Berks Co., Pa Lake Superior Anth. coal & coke Bellefonte. Centre Co , Pa Native hematite Coke 45,000 Bellefoute, Centre Co , Pa Lake Superior and native brown .. ; Coke 40,000 Scottdale Westmoreland Co., Pa. Lake Superior Coke 70 000 Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., Pa. . . Lake Superior, hematite and Specular. .Coke 85,000 Macungie, Lehigh Co., Pa. ,. !* Native hematite Anth. coal & coke 20,000 Dunbar, Fayette Co., Pa Native, Lake Superior Bessemer and Specular Coke 100,000 Bristol, Va.-Tenn Brown hematite and fossil Coke 45,000 1«5,000 30,000 185,000 36,000 30,000 36,000 50,000 30,000 75,000 5,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'ioneer 2 Vanderbilt . A.ttalla Jefferson . . River Belfont {Inchor (lilobe Star IWellsfon Hecla Madison Olive Vesuvin.s Iroquois ■ ■ ■ ■ Hlnlile Salisbury • • • Shenandoah, Page Co., Va Local brown hematite Coke Goshen, Rockbridge Co., Va Native brown (limonites) Coke Paducah, McCracken Co., Ky Local brown hematite Coke Middlesborough, Bell Co. Ky Fossil and hematites Coke Johnson City, Washington Co. ,Tenn. Cranberry Coke Embreville, Washington Co. ,Tenn Local brown hematite Coke 45,000 Napier, Lewis Co., Tenn Local brown hematite Coke 30,000 Mannie, Wayne Co., Tenn Local brown hematite Charcoal 36,000 Greensbora, Guilford Co. , N. C Local magnetic and limonite Coke 35,000 Cedartown, Polk Co., Ga Red and brown hematite Charcoal & coke . . 27 ,000 Rome, Floyd Co., Ga Local brown hematite Charcoal 1 5,000 Talladega, Talladega Co. , Ala Local brown hematite Coke 40,000 Trussville, Jefferson Co., Ala Red and brown hematite Coke 30,000 Birmingham, Jefferson Co. Ala ... Red and brown hematite Coke 18,000 Thomas, Jefferson Co., Ala Red and brown hematite Coke »5,000 Birmingham, Jefferson Co., Ala . . . Red fossil and brown hematite Coke 36,000 Attalla, Etowah Co., Ala Red and brown hematite Charcoal 18,000 Jefferson, Marion Co , Tex Local brown, fossiliferous and carbonate . Charcoal 1 3 ,500 Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., O Lake Superior Coke 72,000 Ironton, Lawrence Co., O Lake Superior and native Coke 50,000 Oak Hill, Jackson Co., O Native Charcoal 5,000 Jackson, Jackson Co., O Native Coke & coal 7,500 Jackson, Jackson Co.,0 Native Coke 18,000 Wellston, Jackson Co., O Local and Lake Superior Coke 60,000 Hecla P. O., Lawrence Co., O L. S. and Hanging Rocklimestone Charcoal and coke 0,000 Rempel, Jackson Co., O Lake Superior Coke 5,000 Olive P. O., Lawrence Co., O Native limestone Charcoal 5,000 Pedro, Lawrence Co., O Native limestone Charcoal 3,000 Chicago, Cook Co., Ill Lake Superior Coke 80,000 "■■•••• 45,000 Ashland, Ashland Co., Wis. Chatham, Columbia Co , N. Y. Carbonate 1 Chapinville, Litchfield Co., Conn Total 55 . Gogebic Charcoal , .Roasted carbonate from Amenia, New York, and Kelley, Amenia, and Shaker hematites Charcoal .Roasted carbonate from Amenia, New York, and Kelley, Amenia, and Shaker hematites Charcoal 5,000 4,500 Total 1,844,500 r^.^y^r^Um C^>-w..rf«^//<-. (the kind that do not melt) always on hand rTGSn ^nO WDHUS Also all other brands of English PIre Brick FOR SALE BY S. R. CHURCH A complete stock of Gaatte/s Crucibles stored in San Francisco ready for immediate deliJ^ery J\ few Tacts Kegiirding 3. f). eautier S( Co. Mr. Dudley S. Gregory and associates about 1847 established in Jersey City the Adirondack Steel Company. At that time Joseph Dixon came to Jer.sey City and said he could make black lead crucibles for steel melt- ing. Mr. Gregory sug- gested to his son-in-law, Dr. J. H. Gautier, that he gointothebusit ess. This led to the establishing of J. Dixon & Co., Jersey City, and J. H. Gautier remained actively at the head of the busi- ness until 1857 when he erected the works which have ever since been oc- cupied by J. H. Gautier & Co., Dr. Gautier re- maining as its head until his death in 1895. Mr. C. E. Gregory, the Presi- dent of J. H. Gautier & Co., has been connected with the business since its commencement March, 1858, and Mr. David R. Daly, the Vice-President and General Manager, since 1884. PLUMBAGO CRUCIBLES FOR MELTING BRASS STEEL GOLD SILVER AND OTHER METALS PLUMBAGO RETORTS, DIPPERS, STIRRERS, Etc, Etc, PLUMBAGO PRODUCTS FINELY POWDERED PURE CEYLON PLUMBAGO FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES jf. Jf, Jf^ Jf. .T* -^ •T- -T* ■T' J, K GAUTIER & CO. JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY S. R. CHURCH AGENT FOR THE PACIFIC COAST 307 SANSOME STREET SAN RRANCISCO, CAL. ESTABLISHED 1849 ACONDRAY & CO. IMPORTING MACONDRAY & CO. MANILA Shipping and Commission Merchants 116 CALIFORNIA STREET San Francisco, Cal. MACONDRAY & CO. Nos. 9 and 11 Fenchurch Ave. LONDON ESTABLISHED 1850 'PHONE MAIN 429 BLANCO & BRUN PROPRIETORS Poocle Dog Pe-staurant CORNER EDDY AND MASON ST5. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. HENRY LUND & CO. Tmportm Sbipping and C^ommi$$ion merchants A(;ENTS I'OK KOV.\L RELIANCE MARINE INS. CO.. Lid. SWEDISH AND NORWEGIAN OF LIVEKPOOI. CONSULATE 214 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Represented by W. C. KrRSCHSTEiN, No. 28 Chapel Street, Livt-rpoul Wales h. Palmer, John W. Brown Wm. E. Palmer President Superintendent Secretary GOLDEN STATE AND MINERS' IRON WORKS BUILDERS of Mining, Milling and Dredging Machinery; Harding Gas, Gasoline and Coal Oil Engines; Machinery of Every Description 231 to 251 first street • San Francisco, cal. I.oriS DeROME. Manager Telephone Main 1271 GLOBE BRASS # BELL FOUNDRY Manufiicturers of BRONZE STATUARY, CEMETERY WORK AND ART WORK of every description «« Aluminum, Manganese and Phosphor Bronze, Copper, Gun Metal, Brass, Composition, Zinc AND Babbitt Metat,. CASTINGS 126-128 Main Street San Francisco, Cal. Palace HoteJ Cigar STQIICI L. SISENVINE • • • lm|3orrer of • • • Hcivcnici Cigars, CIgcirettes Etc., • • • Cholcesr Brcincb SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. i;^^^^^ii;^« 7.--, T. P. KELLY & CO. -544 WI3T 22ll(;l ST., NEW VORK- Ceylon Plumbago ^ ^ Graphite, Black Lead Foundry Facings and Blackings .^ ^ .^ ^ ,^ SEA COAL Our :seci Cocil Lcicinci-s arc. groiiiul from \\\v ino^t cdrefulli) selcckd cincl purest cle|)o.sif^ of Au^trcilkin Coeil Acjent for me, C I) /^Ml I 0/^1—1 -^07 5ai\some Street Pacmc CocLst J. Ia. V^MLJllV^ri, Son rranrisco, CaL H. T SCOTT, President and Treasurer IRVINO M. SCOTT, Vice-Presiilenl and (ieneral Manager J. O.'B. GUXX. Secretary G. W. DICKIK, Manager ROHKRT FORSYTH Kugineering Chief WILLIS G. DODD, Mining Engineer UNION IRON W0PK5 MINING MILLING AND SMCLTING MACHINLRY 1:1 l:CTI?ICAL MACIIINIiRY OT EVEI^^Y DESCRIPTION Steamship Builders DRY DOCK OFFieE, 222 M/cRKET ST. WORKS AT POTRERO S/cN f RANSISeO, CAblfORIMIA THE U. S. BATTLESHIP "OREGON" Steamed 4,726 miles without slopping for coal. Steamed 2,844 knots at the uniform rate of 13 knots an hour. Weathered Cape Horn in the biggest gale the officers of the ship ever experienced. Distance covered from Puget Sound to Sand Key, Florida, 18,102 statute miles. Left Puget Sound March 6, 1898, and arrived at Sand Key, Florida, May 26, 1H98, or cover- ing the above distance of 18.102 miles in 59 days. Navy Department, Washington, July 21, 1898. Mr. Henry T. Scott, President of the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Calif Sir: It becomes my pleasant duty to extend to the ship- building firm of which you are President, the congratula- tions of the Navy Department upon the admirable qualities which have been displayed by the United States Battleship " Oregon ". Without going into details, with which, it may be safely assumed, you are as well acquainted as the Depart- ment, it is sufficient to say that the performance of this vessel in making, under circumstances of grave exigence, the voyage from San Francisco, California, to Key West, Florida, without delay or accident of any kind, is of itself highly creditable to her builders; but the fact that after having successfully accomplished such a voyage the vessel was tbund to be ready at once, without repairs or attention, to enter into the activities of an important naval campaign, renders her achievement most memorable, as one which challenges the admiration of naval experts throughout the world and becomes a subject of especial gratitude and pride on the part of our own people. The " Oregon " is, in all of her comi)licated parts, of American design, materials and workmanship, and she has shown herself to possess the highest qualities sought to be attained in a great battle- ship—a wide practical radius of efficient action and splen- did fightingy capabilities. Since these results are not achieved by accident, but reveal high technical ability as well as thoroughness and honest fidelity in the countless details of construction, I have considered it proper to ad- dress to you this expression of the appreciation of the Department of the manner in which you fulfilled your contract iu building the United States Battleship "Cz-r^tfrt". Very respectfully, (Signed) John D. I^ong, Secretary. ...THE FOUNDRY... COSTS ONE ($) DOLLAR . .A YEAR. . WORTH TEN IT COULD NOT ..BE CHEAPER.. IN THES.E D.AYS OF COMPETITION, ONLY THE INTELLI- GENT, WELL-IN- FORMED FOUNDRY- MAN CAN SUCCEED KEEP POSTED BY READING THE FOUNDRY Silver Certificates, Currency, postal NOTES, Checks, N. Y. DRAFTS or POSTAGE STAMPS GO ! COSTS ONE WORTH TEN Here's our story- boiled down : It is the only Foundry Paper in \he World. It goes to more Foundries and has more Foundry readers than all others combined. It contains regularly a large amount of original matter concerning the Foundry Business and nothing else. All the best writers contribute to it. No man interested in the Foundry Business can read it for a year without getting hundreds of dollars worth of information. It is nicely printed on good paper and the illustra- tions are the best. No pains or expense are spared to make it one of the handsomest and best trade journals on earth. Its advertising pages alone are of great value to the foundryman who desires to keep himself up to date. Subscribe now ; you will be pleased with it, and look eagerly for its coming each month. THE FOUNDRY PUBLISHING CO. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, L. S. A. ^nglish pig Iron IN BOND OR DUTY PAID No. t BARROW No. J THORNCLIFFE No. 3 CARGO FLEET WHITE CLAY LANE 8cotch pig Iron IN BOND OR DUTY PAID No. i SHOTTS No. I CARRON No. I GARTSHERRIE No, I GLENGARNOCK '\^{u}im FOUNDRY COKE IN CARLOAD LOTS »1» tit Hh •T* ^ •T- J Rogers, 3rown & Co* Have stored in San Francisco a greater variety of Pig Irons than can be found in any other city in the world. ENGLISH FIRE BRICK SQUARE OR COMMON SIZE CLOSER OR SOAP OR CROWN SIDE WEDGE OR ARCH SPLIT END WEDGE KEY OR BULLHEAD SPLIT SPLIT 2;4"'3 Fresh Snowballs Always on hand— The kind that do not melt S. R. CHURCH, 307 SANSOME ST., S. F. ENGLISH FIRE BRICK JAMB OR ROUND END -fy^ CVJPOL.<\ THIN BEVEL EDGE THICK BEVEL EDGE 7 IN. BEVEL END Uses of Fire Bricks of Different Patterns Side Wedges or Side Arches are used for small arches 4}4 inches thick. End Wedges or End Arches are for large arches 9 inches thick. Bull Heads are used for lining circular furnaces, and are laid horizontall}'. Splits and Closers are used for making joints, and save labor in cutting squares Bevel Sides and Bevel Ends are for spring arches. Cupola Bricks are used for lining cupola furnaces. Tiles are used for large bake ovens, covering flues, etc., in connection with cement works or boiler seating. Fresh Snowballs Always on hand— The kind that do not melt S. R. CHURCH, 307 SANSOME ST., S. F. ENGLISH FIRE CLAY -'~S».R. CHURCH, 307 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, AGENT FOR T. CARR FIRE CLAY Genuine English Fire Brick Dust It requires from 500 to 700 pounds of ground Fire Clay to lay 1000 Bricks. Fire Brick Dust is generally mixed with Fire Clay in laying Bricks. We have always on hand the following well-known COWEN, MADE IN ENGLAND T. CARR, MADE IN ENGLAND M. T., MADE IN ENGLAND SNOWBALL, MADE IN ENGLAND BROWN PAISLEY, made in SCOTLAND It is a well-known fact that English and Scotch Fire Bricks will last longer and stand more heat than any other Fire Bricks made. JERSEY FIRE CEAY FRESH SNOWBALLS Always on hand— The kind that do not melt ENGLISH FIRE TILES Fresh Snowballs Always on hand— The kind that do not melt S. R. CHURCH, 307 SANSOME ST., S. F. English Fire Tiles S. R. CHURCH, 307 SANSOME ST., S. F. Agent for the Pacific Coast for the famous World- Renowned.... T. Carr Fire Tiles The following are the sizes which we carrj- in stock PLAIN 8 inches x 8 inches x 2 inches 10 12 12 12 14 14 15 16 16 18 18 20 X 10 X 6 X 12 20 6 14 15 6 16 6 18 12 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 24 inches x 12 inches x 2 inches 24 28 28 20 24 24 24 28 30 32 36 36 X 14 ' ' X 2 " •' X 14 ' ' X 2 " X 12 ' ' X 2 " X 15 ' • X 3 " " X 12 ' ' X 3 " X 14 ' ' X 3 " " X 15 ' ' X 3 " " X 12 ' ' X 3 •' X 15 ' ' X 3 " " X 15 ' ' X 3 " " X 15 ' ' X 3 " " X 20 ' ' X 3 " FLANGED 20 inches x 12 inches x 3 inches 24 " X 12 24 " X 15 28 " X 12 28 " X 15 30 " X 15 36 " X 15 20 " X 15 LUMPS or BLOCKS 20 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches 18 " x 6 " X 5 " 15 " X 6 " X 5 " X 3 " " X 3 " " X 3 " " X 3 " " X 3 " " X 3 " " X 4 " Any sizes of Tiles not mentioned in the above list can be made to order. Fresh Snowballs Always on hand— The kind that do not melt ROGERS, BROWN & COMPANY, Pig Iron and Coke S. ^. CHURCH, Agent « « « « 307 Sansome Street « « « « San Francisco, Cal. HENRY CLAY PIG IRON HKNKY Ct.AY ROGERS, BROWN & COMPANY have stored in San Francisco Pig Iron for castings of every description, comprising American Cliarcoal, Anthracite and Coke Pig Iron, Bessemer, Basic, Mal= leable, Carwheel, Special and Ordinary Foundry and Mill. HENRY CLAY PIQ IRON carries scrap in large proportions ; makes the melted iron very fluid ; reduces shrinkage to a minimum TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED FOREIGN PIG IRON IN BOND OR DUTY PAID Also leading brands of Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Alabama Foundry and Furnace COKE D)O(fo0)o{QD)c (JOV) 0)0(0 Wrf5)5<5 9ora^l»o>o(p 9oMWf^9o(0 ^owwf 5)o

»5TEAM TABLES. BAKERS AND .CONFECTIONERS UTENSILS. FRENCH RANGES 814-815 Kearny Street. PHONE MAIN 1106 PROPI^IETOI^S JACKSON FOUNDRY ENGINEERS AND DEALERS motive Power machinery OF THE HIGHEST GRADE Babcock $f (Uilcox Co. Stationary and Marine Water Tube Boilers Rome Office, new Vorl< Chas. C. Moore Manager Pacific Coast Branch Modern Steam Specialties Main Office, SAN FRANCISCO, 32 First St. BRANCH OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES ON PACIFIC COAST AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Send for Catalogue and l^ull laformaflon OLTON & STRONG JL^ Engravers of High-Chss PRINTING PLATES, HALF TONES, ZINC ETCHINGS, COLOR PLATES, Etc. * * * Wainwright <£ Easton Also Successors to renton coal CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 4) MOULDING SAND PIG IRON CHARCOAL AND COKE 510, 512 and 514 Montgomery Street Telephone SWain 5308 SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 131 AND 133 FoLSOM Street TELEPHONE MAIN 383 PUBLIC WEIGHERS A bner Q oble C ompany I MPORT ER OF AND MANU FACT URER I N IRON, STEEL AND METALS ElectricalandMechanical Engineering andContracting office and works s. w. cor. fremont and howard sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TK. Anderson L. T. lirower w. Leishman nechciRics' rOLIRCllV.... Manufacturers of... CA^IINijo Of A" Pescriptii WILSON, MEYER & CO. Liverpool, England MEYER, WILSON & CO. Portland, Or. MEYER, WILSON & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS importers and exporters best brands of portland cement germania, hemmoor, mannheimer heidelberg, karlstadt, stettiner, etc. ...PIG IRON, COKE, ETC... A SPECIALTY: Asbestos Cement Kuhlewein, a Portland Cement for Fire-proofing. Best and Cheapest Material for Fire-lining. Estimates cheerfully given 2 Li ril?5T STPCIlT SAN FRANCISCO All orders promptly attended to Telephone Ma.in 199 Blake, Moffitt & Towne DEALERS IN 55-57-59 and 6t FIRST STREET San Francisco, CM. BLAKE, MOFFITT & TOWNE Los Angeles BLAKE, MoFALL t. CO. Portland, Or. _ — Wriliof Large Lines of Desirable Business ciK PdldtinC Insurance Co., cd. of ntanchesUr, England ....Resources, Security to Policyholders over $9,300,000.00.... United States Branch Assets, $2,283,803.^7 CHAS. A. LATON 1 Manager I'acific Coast Department 43^ California Street (Sate Deposit Smiilliig) San Trancisco LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS John H. Wise, Chairman John C. Merrill Wm. E. Brown E. M. Root 1 th( traders Insurance Company, of Chicago CHAS. A. LATON, General Agent St/ II H, S. CROCKER CO. Stattonefs, Printefs Lithographers, Bookbinders 2t5-2t9 'BUSH STREET Copper Plate Dep't 227-229 Post Street SAN FRANCISCO T. G. CAM KKLI, I,. C. MAKSHVTZ MARSHUTZ & CANTRELL NT^TIONKL. IRON irttORKS N^W. Corner Main and Howard Sts. San Francisco. Cat Stationary, Winch, Ship and Portable Hoisting Engines Quartz Crusliing and AmaleamatinK Machines Supar and Saw Mill Irons 1 PINE'S PATENT "bULL DONKEY" LOGGING ENGINES SoleManufaot- ! DOLBEER'S PATENT LOGGING ENGINES urers of ) KENDALL'S PATENT QUARTZ MILLS ( NATIONAL ROCKER QUARTZ MILL Castings and Forgings of every description. Repairing promptly attended to. Estimates ctieerfully ^iven. ^^^^^^KMo^^lo^^da^)on^^l^)o^^^a^o DEALER I.N . . . ALL KINDS OF COAL Estimates Given on Hauling COKE AND COAL IN CARGO LOTS d^ FINE SAND AND GRAVEL ALL KINDS OF FOUNDRY SAND AND CLAY BEACH SAND Moulding Sand, Clay, Sharp Sand Alvarado Sand and .Mar- tinez Sand AH Kinds of Shipping Done Dan. Gallagher ...Teamster... STAND Telephone Main S439 Bcalc Strcct, CoF. Howard San Francisco All Kinds of Cartage and Expressage Promptly Attended to CABLE ADDRESS, KAIMANA WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO. SHIRRING AND COMMISSION MEIRCHANTS 202 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. Dispatch Line of Clipper Ships from New York The Hawaiian Line of Packets AGENTS FOR Baldwin Locomotive Works The China Traders Insurance Co. (Limited) Ontario Cotton Duck Vivian & Son's Yellow Metal Sheathing The Cunard Royal Mail Steamship Co. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Composition 133 FRONT STREET - - - NEW YORK HAWAIIAN LINE FOR HONOLULU AND OTHER HAWAIIAN PORTS Bk. " KAIULANI," Bk. " OLYMPIC," Bk. " ALBKRT," Bk. " C. D. BRYANT," Bk. " S. C. ALLEN," Bk. " DIAMOND HKAD, '.Bktn. " IRMGARD,' Bktn. " S. G. WILDER," Bktn. " PLANTER," Sch. " ROSAMOND," Sch. "ALOHA," Sch. " MARY E. FOSTER," Sch. " ALICE COOKE," Sch. " ROBERT LEWERS." WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., Agents AMERlCAN=HAWAnAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO HONOLULU •'CALIFORNIAN," 8,500 Tons " OREGONIAN," 8,500 Tons "HAWAIIAN," 8,500 Tons "AMERICAN," 8,500 Tons "ARIZONIAN," J2,CC0Tons 'ALASKAN," 12,000 Tons GENERAL AGENTS PACIFIC COAST %^ Williams, Dimond & Co., 1%, "p^A^t^lkl^''^^^ FLINT, DEARBORN & CO., General Agents NEW YORK H. HACKFELD & CO., Ld., Agents HONOLULU THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ld., Agents HILO 1869 Q) OM D)2*P vA'P 7°^ o)o(a 9>ora STEIGER St KERR 350 MAIN STREET Telephone Main 227 sAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURERS OF STOVES AND RANGES AND CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CASTINGS FOR REFINERIES AND SMELTERS A SPECIALTY 1900 The New California Range Occidental Rangfes The Coast Range The Clifton Ranges J' The Brighton 'PATRONIZE PACinC COAST FACTORIES" San Joaquin Ranges The Winsome The Star Laundry Stoves Advance Wood Cook Stoves The Progress Gas Attachment AH Kinds of Heating Stoves NO CONVICT LABOR HOME INDUSTRY ^ *,>* l: 'I'fe ;-.:-*m.^ tej ""S.