LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA General Reference Assay Weights ............................................. pages 11 to 13 Balances and Scales, all kinds ....... f ........................ " 1 to 32 Battersea Crucibles, Scorifiers, Furnaces, etc .................... " 48, 56, 58 Blowpipe Apparatus ......................................... " 193 to 201 Hoskins' Hydro-Carbon Blowpipes and Furnaces ............... '' 49, 50 to 53 Fletcher's and other Blowpipes, Burners and Furnaces ............ " 55, 87 to 98 Taylor Rock Crusher ......................................... " 38 Assayers' Outfits ........................................... " 179 to 182 Text-Books on Assaying, Mining, Mineralogy, Chemistry, etc... " 202 to 211 Chemicals and Reagents ...................................... " 212 to 223 Patent Respirators ........................................... " 170 Mill Materials ............................................... " 167 to 174 Bulky or heavy goods can be sent C. O. D. by freight, in care of the nearest bank, or by arrangement with Wells Fargo & Go's Express. Prices in this edition have all been carefully revised and in many cases lowered. On orders of twenty dollars and upwards, on most articles, a discount will be allowed. OUR SPECIALTIES Battersea (London) Crucibles, Muffles, Scorifiers, Furnaces, Etc. Denver Fire Clay Company, Denver, Colorado. Baker & Adamson's C. P. Acids and Ammonia. Ziegler Electric Company, Boston, Mass. Denniston's Silver-Plated Amalgam Plates. Oertling's, Becker's, Troemner's, Ainsworth's and Smith & Thompson's Assay and Bullion Balances and Weights. Bone Ash. Prepared expressly for Assayer's use. We have three grades, viz.: No. 1 Extra, No. 1 and No. 2, all from carefully selected bones, well burnt and ground, such as we have sold for years, and well known as J. T. & Go's Bone Ash. Blowpipe Balances and Utensils. Hoskins' Hydro-Carbon Blowpipes and Furnaces. Fletcher's Blowpipes, Burners and Furnaces. Litharge. Chemically pure, put up in 25-lb. bags. Pure Assay Lead. Guaranteed, granulated, rolled in thin sheets, also in small bars. Chemical Apparatus in all its variety. We are always pre- pared to make, at short notice, new apparatus for any special purpose. Our Gold and Silver Tables, showing the value per ounce Troy at different degrees of fineness, and valuable tables for computation of assays in grains and grammes, will be sent free on application. ESTABLISHED 1852 INCORPORATED OCT. 1895 JOHN TAYLOR & CO Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of ASSAYERS' MATERIALS MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES SCHOOL, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL APPARATUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICALS, ETC. Books on Assaying, Mining and Chemistry UNION FOUNDRY BLOCK, COR. FIRST AND MISSION STS. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SEVENTH EDITION. TO OUR PATRONS WE again take pleasure in handing you our new and carefully revised CATA- LOGUE AND PRICE LIST, being our seventh edition. This catalogue is not alphabetically arranged, but articles are classified and put together as nearly as pos- sible with a view for the convenience of buyers making selections. We have taken great pains in preparing this edition; prices have all been thor- oughly revised and made lower on many articles. We bespeak a careful comparison in this respect. Quite a list of new articles has been added, many of our own manu- facture and modeled from our own designs and molds. We think all will be found fully up to the growing wants of the miner, assayer, chemist, and schools. Acids, Bone Ash, Bluestone, Cyanide of Potash, Borax, Manganese, and many supplies and materials are manufactured here; and all articles, taking into consider- ation the quality and adaptation to the wants of the mining interests (which we can assure from our long experience in the line), can, we think, be supplied here as advantageously as elsewhere. We keep a full stock of Mercks Pure Chemicals. All our Boiling Flasks and Beakers are carefully selected from the best Bohemian manufacturers, and are of uniform thickness and full size as per factory numbers. All articles will be furnished as low as the same quality can be had in the market. Staple chemicals in quantity will be quoted at net prices; our customers will have the benefit of the lowest prices as the market fluctuates. Our Crucibles, Glass, Porcelain Ware, etc., we import direct by sail vessel, at lowest freights, from the largest and best known manufacturers, and can sell on most favorable terms. We are agents for the Pacific Coast for the Morgan Crucible Company (Battersea, London), whose goods are illustrated throughout the Catalogue. Also other agencies, see list elsewhere. We aim to keep in stock all books used by chemists, assayers, and miners, and procure new books as published. We also import foreign publications. Orders from strangers must be accompanied with the cash or a satisfactory reference. On all orders to be sent C. O. D. a remittance will be required as a guarantee for expressage both ways. Boxing and cartage at cost. All goods packed with the utmost care by experienced hands. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of goods to the carrier and obtaining a shipping receipt. We will not guarantee against breakage of goods in transit unless they are insured. Having enjoyed the confidence of the mining community for over forty years, we may confidently promise that any orders intrusted to us will be filled with fidelity and dispatch, with the best quality of goods in our line. Hoping to be favored with your continued orders, We are, yours truly, JOHN TAYLOR & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE, 1899. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, JCALIF. ASSAY BALANCES. No. 1100 Assay Balance, Oertling's No. 12, with a beam 10 inches long, of an improved construction, on a stand with double columns ; to carry 2 grammes in each pan, and turn with riders. Beam divided into 50 parts. Takes a 5 milligramme rider which reads y io milligramme, or takes a 1 milligramme rider which reads l / 9o milligramme, or takes a % milligramme rider which reads y ioo milligramme. Rider arrangement on both arms of the beam; has agate knife edges working on agate planes ; plate glass for the bottom of the case. Price, without weights $175 .00 205945 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1101 No. 1101 Assay Balance, Oertling's No. 12 A, with a beam 10 inches long, of an improved construction, with arms to support the beam and lift it and the pan hangers from the knife edges; to carry 2 grammes in each pan, and turn with O.I milligramme. Rider arrangement on both arms of the beam. Beam is divided into 50 parts. Takes a 5 milligramme rider which reads }{ milli- gramme, or takes a 1 milligramme rider which reads % milli- gramme, or takes a Yt milligramme rider which reads }( QO milli- gramme. Has agate knife edges working on agate planes; plate glass for the bottom of the case. Price, without weights $225.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1102 No. 1102 Assay Balance, Oertling's No. 12 SB. Short beam, [same style and sensibility as No. 12. Beam is only 6 inches long ; index pointer reaches down 5 inches below center of knife edge, which is made of agate and rests upon agate planes, so that a very slight movement of end of beam is multiplied, and easily read on graduated ivory scale. Beam divided into 50 parts. Takes a 5 milligramme rider which reads }{ milligramme, or takes a 1 milligramme rider which reads % milligramme, or takes a y? milligramme rider which reads / 00 milligramme. Rider arrangement on both arms of the beam ; has agate knife edges working on agate planes ; plate glass for the bottom of the case. Price, without weights $175.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1103 No. 1103 Assay Balance, Oertling's No, 12 C, with 8-inch beam, of an improved construction, to carry 5 grammes in each pan, and turn with }{ milligramme. Rider arrangement on both arms of the beam. The beam is fitted with agate knife edges, working on agate planes, and is divided into 100 divisions; 50 divisions on each arm, the last division at each end coinciding with the end knife edge; double rider-slide; plate glass to bottom of case; reflector for illuminating the divisions on the beam; polished mahogany glass case, with counterpoise weights to front slide. This instrument is richly gilt. Takes a 5 milligramme rider which reads l /{ milligramme, or takes a 1 milligramme rider which reads y s<3 milligiamme, or takes a Y? milligramme rider which reads l / loo milligramme. Price, without weights $250.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 1111 1113 Assay Balance, Becker's No. 1 A, with apparatus for rider. Rider can be placed on the center of the beam and used from the O point. Needle deviates 20 divisions on scale for one milli- gramme. Takes a 2 milligramme rider which reads /{ milli- gramme. Can be charged up to 25 grammes. Steel knife edges resting upon agate planes. Price, without weights $ 65 . 00 1112 Assay Balance, Becker's No. 2, portable, in French polished glass case, 9 inches long, 9^ inches high and 3 inches deep, sliding frame counterpoised; packed in a light box, with strap for carrying, weighing, all boxed, 4y Ibs. Needle deviates 20 divisions on the scale for 1 milligramme. Takes a 2 milli- gramme rider which reads y io milligramme. With apparatus for rider, set of weights, 1 platinum gramme to }( milligramme. Price, with weights $ 75 . 00 1113 Assay Balance, Becker's No. 5. Of improved construction, for a charge in each pan of 10 grammes, with apparatus to move riders upon beam; knife edges of steel resting upon agate planes. The beam is divided into 20 equal parts. The needle deviates 20 divisions on scale for 1 milligramme. Balance is provided with set of riders, 2 milligrammes, which reads to y io milligramme. Glass case with sliding door. Price, without weights $ 95 . 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1116 No. 1114 Assay Balance, Becker's No. 5 A. Assay Balance improved, on plate glass base, with agate knife edges and agate planes. Both arms of beam are divided into 100 parts. Takes a 2 milligramme rider which reads */ So milligramme. Needle deviates 20 divisions on the scale for 1 milligramme. Price, without weights $125 .00 1116 Assay Balance, Becker's No. 4. Short beam; in French polished mahogany, glass case, front sliding frame counterpoised, with glass top to admit light on beam. All parts of the balance are mounted and fastened on plate glass % 6 inch thick, so that nothing can get out of order through warping of the wood. All bearings are agate planes with agate knife edges; the beam is graduated into } milligramme, and in such a manner that the rider can be placed on the center of the beam and used from the O point to eitber end of the beam. Needle deviates 50 divisions on the scale for 1 milligramme. Beam is divided into 60 equal parts. Takes a rider 1/{ milligrammes which reads l / 5o milligramme. Price, without weights $135.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1118 No. 1118 Assay Balance, John Taylor & Co.'s. Sensible to % 00 of one milligramme, in polisbed mahogany glass case, plate glass base, glass top to admit light, sliding door counterpoised. The beam is made of aluminum, six inches in length and is divided into 50 divisions on each side of center. Takes a 1 milligramme rider which reads r / 5o milligramme, or takes a ^ milligramme ' rider which reads }; oo milligramme. The beam is open top, that is, the rider can be placed anywhere from the center division to the last divisions which are over the knife edges. This balance has agate knife edges, and agate bearings, fall-away pan rests, double rider attachment level and leveling screws. A most ex- cellent balance in every respect. Price, without weights $100.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1121 1122 1123 No. 1120 Assay Balance, Troemner's No. 0. In glass case, with sliding door. Price, including set of weights, either 10 grains to l / loo grain or 1 gramme to 1 milligramme $ 35 . 00 1121 Assay Balance, Troemner's No. 1. French polished mahogany case, and sliding door counterpoised. All bearings of agate with steel knife edges. Needle deviates 10 divisions on scale for 1 milligramme. Price, without weights $ 55 00 1122 Assay Balance, Troemner's No. 2. Aluminum beam, arranged with rider apparatus. Beam is divided into 60 equal parts. Takes a rider, 6 milligrammes, which reads }{ milligramme. All bearings of agate with steel knife edges. Needle deviates 20 divisions on scale for 1 milligramme. Price, without weights $ 80.00 1123 Assay Balance, Troemner's No. 3. Of great sensibility; the needle indicating 40 full divisions for 1 milligramme. Beam is divided into 60 parts. Takes a rider, 6 milligrammes, which reads */ IQ milligramme. All bearings of agate. Open beam of pure aluminum; has new improved rest for riders; mahogany case with glass top, and bottom of heavy plate glass. Balance is sensible to l / loo milligramme. Price, without weights $ 95 . 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1124 1125 1124 No. 1124 Assay Balance, Troemner's, portable. In a fine French polished case; beam and needle not disturbed when packed up; case measures 9^ inches long, 9% inches high and 4 inches deep. Packed in a light outside case, with strong leather hand-strap. Needle deviates 20 full divisions for 1 milligramme. A full set of weights, from 1 platinum gramme to */ to milligramme, in- cluded. Price, with weights $ 70 . 00 1125 Assay Balance, Troemner's Extra Fine, No. 5 (new). Of the very finest and most delicate construction. Beam is of pure aluminum, with agate knife edges and all bearings of agate. Has a double column, with improved new eccentric lift that works perfectly smooth and regular. Beam divided on both arms. Beam divided into 50 parts, and takes a rider, 5 milli- grammes, which reads */ lo milligramme, or takes a 1 milli- gramme rider which reads y, milligramme, or takes a ^ milli- gramme rider which reads # milligramme. Glass case is large and roomy, with heavy plate glass bottom. The balance has recently been improved and will indicate */ 300 of a milligramme. The sensibility has been vastly increased, and it is the equal of any balance made. This balance is intended for the skilful and careful assayer, and is too delicate for rough work or rough handling. Needle indicates 40 full divisions for 1 milligramme. Price, without weights $175 . 00 NOTE. This balance is used as an Umpire Balance at the U. S. Assay Office, New York, at the State School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, and at the San Francisco Mint. Special attention is called to the superior quality of Agate Bearings. The small additional cost of agate bearings is merely nominal when compared with the manifold advantages attained. In damp or moist climates agate is invaluable, as it will not rust or corrode, and is indestructible. 10 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1130 1131 No. 1130 Assay Balance, Plattner's Blowpipe. Packs in box 10^ inches long, 6^ inches wide, 1^ inches deep. Power 10 grains to % 00 ; beam 1% inches long, with 2 pairs movable pans, and ivory spoon. With weights, 10 garins to /{ co grain, or 1 gramme to 1 milligramme. Price $ 25 .00 1131 Assay Balance, Pocket. For traveling; when closed, measures 6 inches long, 2^ inches wide, and 1^ ^ch high. Is raised and lowered by means of drop-lever. Including weights, 10 gram- mes down to 1 milligramme, neatly fitted in box, as shown in cut. Shows 4 divisions for 1 milligramme. This balance can be supplied with a ^ assay ton weight (if desired) in place of the 10 gramme weight, making it complete for a pulp scale or for assaying where ^ milligramme is sufficient. Price $ 18.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 11 ASSAY WEIGHTS. ASSAY WEIGHTr||| \.OOO = \ GRKMME'WJA 1150-1-2 No. 1150 Assay Weights, Oertling's. In ivory boxes, screw lid, marked 1000=1 gramme. Sheet platinum weights, 1 gramme to 1 milligramme, and 6 riders, each 10 milligrammes. Price $ 13.00 1151 Same style as 1150, marked 1000=^ gramme. Sheet platinum weights, y 2 gramme to ^ milli- gramme, and 6 riders, each weighing 5 milli- grammes. Price : 13.00 1152 Same style as 1150, marked 1000=10 grains. Plat- inum wire weights, 10 grains to ^ 00 , and 6 riders, each j{ grain. Price 1 3 . 00 1160 Becker's, No. 1. Ebony box; 1 platinum gramme and down to % milligramme. Price 10.60 1161 No. 9. Same style, 10 grains to X 000 grain 10. 60 1170 Troemner's. In ebony box; largest weights made of platinum; 1 platinum gramme to / milligramme 8 . 50 1171 Same style, 10 grains to ;/ 000 grain 9 . 50 1172 In mahogany box; aluminum; 1 aluminum gramme to 1 milligramme ... 5 . 00 1173 Same style, 10 grains to % 00 grain 5 .00 1180 Becker's. Single, separate from full sets, without boxes. Made of sheet platinum. Milligrammes.. 500 200 100 50 Each $1.10 1.00 .85 .75 Grains 10 5 21 Each $1.10 1.00 .85 .75 1181 Made of platinum wire. Milligrammes. . 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Each $.40 .40 .45 .50 .60 .75 .90 Grains 10 521 Each $1.00 .85 .75 .75 1182 Made of sheet aluminum. Milligrammes.. 20 10 5 2 1 Each $ .50 .45 .40 .35 .35 Grains 5 / lo % # % 00 % 00 tf 00 Each $.50 .40 .35 .40 .35 .35 12 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 1183 Assay Weights. Made of aluminum wire. Milligrammes.. 10 5 2 1 % % */ no Each $.50 .50 35 .25 .30 .25 .25 rVaJtio S/ 2/ I/- 5// 2/f */ s / 2// I/ ' \JTldlLIS / I0 / I0 / I0 /IOO /IOO /IOO /IOOO /IOOO /IOOO Each $ .35 .30 .25 .25 .25 .25 .35 .30 .25 SECOND QUALITY Made of German Silver Sheet. 1184 Milligrammes.. 500 200 100 50 20 10 Each $.80 .75 .60 .50 .40 .30 Grains 10 5 2 1 Each $ .65 .55 .50 .40 1190 Single, Oertling's, as in set No. 1152, marked 1000=10 grains. Made of platinum wire. Grains 10 5 3 2 1 Each $1.00 .90 .80 .75 .70 Made of aluminum wire. Grains 5/ V V V 5 / 3/ 2 / '/ Vjrldllia /I0 7, / J0 / I0 / I00 /I00 /, 00 / I00 Each $ . 65 .60 .55 .50 .45 .40 .35 .30 1191 as in set No. 1150, marked 1000=1 gramme. Made of platinum sheet. Milligrammes, 1000 500 200 100 50 Each $130 1.10 1.00 .90 .80 Made of aluminum sheet. Milligrammes, 20 10 5 2 1 Each $ .70 .60 .40 .35 .35 1192 as in set No. 1151, marked 1000=^ grammes. Made of platinum sheet, gold plated. Milligrammes, 1000-^ 500-^ 200-^ 100- ^ 50-^ Each $1.30 1.10 1.00 .90 .80 Made of aluminum sheet, gold plated. Milligrammes, 20-}^ 20-}^ 5-^ 2-}^ 1-tf Each $ .70 .60 .50 .40 .35 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 13 RIDERS FOR ASSAY AND ANALYTICAL BALANCES, MADE OF ALUMINUM. No. 1195 Oertling's, gold-plated % grain, 10 5 milligrammes. Each $ .40 40 .40 1197 Becker's, % 00 % *>/ looo grains. Each $ .35 .35 .50 1198 1 1% 2 12 milligrammes. Each $ .50 .50 .35 .35 1199 Troemner's % 00 6 / loo % grains. Each $ .35 .35 .35 1 200 y 2 1 5 6 12 milligrammes. Each $ .50 .50 .35 .35 .35 EXTRA PANS FOR ASSAY BALANCES, IN PAIRS, BALANCED. No. 1201 Oertling's of silver. Diameter, ^ inch ; per pair $2 . 50 1202 Troemner's, brass, nickel-plated. Diameter, ^ inch ; per pair ; $1 . 00 1203 German, deep form, brass, nickel-plated. Diameter $/ 8 % fo % inches. Per pair $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1204 fine horn. Diameter s/% % inches. Per pair $1.00 1.00 14 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ANALYTICAL BALANCES. 1205 No. 1205 Analytical Balance, with Non-Corrosive Weights. This balance combines features which are not to be had in any other balance for the same price. Short beam of aluminum, graduated for rider, with adjusting screws on both ends. Sensibility }{ Q of a milligramme with a load of 100 grammes. Knife edges and planes of agate. Arrests for pans of most approved kind, with automatic stop. Bows and pans extra wide, admitting 4 inch dish. Mahogany case, with glass top; best American work- manship. The weights range from 1 milligramme to 50 grammes. The weights from 1 milligramme to 0.5, and riders are of solid platinum; the large weights are platinum plated, making them non-corrosive. This set will be furnished in a fine mahogany box. Price, balance and weights $ 60 . 00 1206 Analytical Balance, Troemner's No. 2, capacity 100 grammes in each pan. Sensible to y, milligramme. Beam 10 inch, divided into y to milligramme; pans V/t inches. Improved arrest for pans; apparatus for specific gravity. In a fine French polished glass case, with counterpoised sliding door; all of the finest finish and best construction. Price, without weights $ 85 . 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 15 1213 No. 1210 Analytical Balance, Becker's No. 6. Improved. For charge up to 100 grammes in each pan, in French polished glass case, front sliding frame counterpoised, steel knife edges resting upon agate planes. Sensible to X milligramme with its full charge, with arrest for pans. Price, without weights $ 45 . 00 1211 Analytical Balance, Becker's No. 6, Improved. For charge up to 100 grammes in each pan, with apparatus for rider. Beam divided into 12 parts, and takes a rider, 12 milligrammes, which reads to 1 milligramme ; there are half divisions, and % milli- gramme can easily be read. Steel knife edges resting upon agate planes. Price, without weights $ 50 . 00 1212 Analytical Balance, No. 6 A, Short Beam. In mahogany, French polished glass case, glass top for light on rider, front frame counterpoised, for a charge up to 100 grammes in each pan. Sensible to 1 / 10 milligramme. Beam graduated in l / s milligramme; provided with improved pan arrest, riders, agate bearings, etc. Price, without weights $ 60 . 00 1213 Analytical Balance, Becker's No. 7. For a charge up to 100 grammes in each pan, in fine French polished glass case, front sliding frame counterpoised. Agate knife edges resting upon agate planes, with new improved arrangement for arrest of pans and beam. Sensible to % milligramme with its full charge ; provided with apparatus for specific gravity, rider and weighing tubes. Beam divided into 120 equal parts, and takes a rider, 12 milligrammes, which reads to /{ milligramme ; pans 2^ inches in diameter, with a pair of 2^ inch glass pans balanced. Price, without weights $ 95.00 16 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 1214 1214 Analytical Balance, Becker's No. 8 A. Short beam balance lor a charge up to 200 grammes in each pan and sensible to y ao milligramme. In French polished mahogany and glass case, front sliding frame counterpoised, with glass lop to admit light on rider. All parts of the balance are mounted and fastened on plate glass s / l(> inch thick, so that nothing can get out of order through the warping of the wood. All bearings are agate planes, with agate knife edges. The beam is graduated, and in such a manner that the rider can be placed on the center of the beam and used from the O point to either end of the beam. Beam divided into 60 parts. Takes a rider, 6 milligrammes, which reads to */ lo milligramme. This balance is provided with new improved arrangements for arrest of pans and beam, riders, apparatus for specific gravity and for weigh- ing tubes. Pans 2|/6 inches in diameter. Width of pan support 4 inches; can be made wider if desired. Price, without weights ................... .............. $125 . 00 . All our Assay and Analytical Balances are provided free with a set of glass supports, which lie upon the table, and upon the topis a conical depression into which the leveling screws of the balance rest, giving solidity to the scale case. Also, one-half dozen Watch Glasses, two Camel's-Hair Pencil Brushes, one flat Camel's-Hair Brush, one pair Pincets and Riders. With all scales we can furnish grain weights and riders in place of gramme weights, if desired. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 17 1218 No. 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1215 Pulp Balance, Becker's No. 16. In French polished glass case; with counterpoised front, sliding scale, provided with eccentric for lifting, bows, and movable pans for a charge up to 2 ounces in each pan. Sensible to y so grain with its full charge. Price, without weights $ 22.00 No. 18. Same as No. 1215, but for a charge up to 5 ounces in each pan. Sensible to /^ grain. Price, without weights $ 26 . 00 No. 20. Same as No. 1215, but for a charge of 10 ounces in each pan. Sensible to ^ grain. Price, without weights $ 35 . 00 Troemner's. This balance is one of the best and most reliable that can be used. For stability and endurance it has no superior. Mahogany case, counterpoised door, sliding upward ; has solid nickel pans ; has adjusting screw on beam to balance scale. Capacity 2 ounces in each pan. It is sensible to y so grain. Price, without weights $ 22.00 Taylor's. Same as No. 1215, but with adjusting screws at each end of the beam. Price, without weights $ 22 .00 18 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1220 1223 No. 1220 Pulp Balance, Becker's No. 14, on French polished box with drawer; eccentric for lifting, bows, and movable pans Can be charged up to 2 ounces in each pan. Sensible to Y 5o grain. Price, without weights $ 11 .00 1221 Becker's No. 17, same as above. For 5 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer, provided with eccentric lor lifting, bows, and mov- able pans. Sensible to */ 3o grain. Price, without weights $ 15.00 1222 Becker's No. 19, same as above. For 10 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer, provided with eccentric for lifting, bows, movable pans, set screws and level. Sensible to }{ Q grain. Price, without weights $ 22 . 00 1223 Levels, Spirit, for balances. Size Each . Brass mounted. 3 $ .50 4 .60 5 in. .70 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 19 1230 1232-3 1238 No. 1224 1225 1230 1232 1233 1235 1236 1238 Brushes, flat, camePs-hair. For cleaning scale pans. Inches 1 1# 2 Each $ .30 .35 .40 pencils, camel's-hair. % 6 inch quills, per dozen $ .35 Pulp Spoons, brass. Double end, ^ and 1 inch bowls, each $ .50 japanned tin. Double ends, with two size cups, each $ .25 japanned tin. With one spatula end, convenient for measur- ing and mixing fluxes, each $ .25 Scale Pans, glass. Accurately balanced. Diameter 2} 2^ 3 inches. Per pair $.60 .60 .60 polished brass. Deep form, flattened at the bottom, balanced. Diameter, 2^ inches; per pair $1 .00 Glass Feet, or circular discs, solid, for placing under the leveling screws of assay balances to give solidity. They have a conical recess to receive the point of screw; per dozen $ .75 20 JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. WEIGHTS OF PRECISION FOR ANALYTICAL ASSAYING AND SCIENTIFIC USE. No. 1242 1243 1244 1250 1251 1252 1242-4 Grain Weights. Becker's, No. 10 . . 1000 grains to # " 18.. 1000 ' '< 22.. 1000 ' Troemner's 1000 grains to }{ 1000 ' . 1000 ' /loo I/ /IO " V /IOO < I/ /IO with riders $18.00 class 2 10.00 class 2 7.75 with riders 14.00 13 00 , 12.00 Gramme Weights. Becker's, No. 6 . 5. 4. 13. 12. 11. 200 grammes to 1 M G, with riders. . . IMG, IMG, IMG, class 2. 1C G, class 2. IMG,.. . .class 2. 1265 1266 1267 1269 1270 1271 1280 Extra weights of aluminum and platinum, in parts of grains or grammes, in stock. See Catalogue, numbers 1180-1184. 100 50 100 ,100 50 $24.00 18.00 16.00 10.00 5.50 9.00 Troemner's, 50 grammes to 1 M G, with riders 14.00 No. 1290* Assay Ton Weights, Troemner's or Becker's. 4 A. T. down to % A. T. . . 1292* 1 A. T. to o A. T 1293* single, separate from full sets. Size.... 421^ Price... 1.25 1.00 1.00 .90 /s .75 /IO .60 6.00 3 75 /ao .50 *(The weight denominated by Dr. Chandler "One A. T." equals 29.1666 grammes, and con- tains, consequently, as many milligrammes as there are troy ounces in a ton avoirdupois of 2000 pounds. The assay ton weights is a system made up from a comparison of the avoirdupois, troy and gramme weights, and will be found extremely simple and useful, saving a vast amount of calcu- lation and labor. The unit of the system is the assay ton = 29,1666 grammes. Its derivation will be seen at a glance. 1 Ib. avoirdupois = 7000 troy grains; 2000 Ibs. = 1 ton ; 2000 x 7000 = 14,000,000 troy grains, in 1 ton avoirdupois; 480 troy grains =1 ounce troy; 14,000,000 -r- 480 = 29,1666 troy ounces in 2000 Ibs. avoirdupois. There are 29, 1666 milligrammes in one assay ton (A.. T.); hence 2000 Ibs. is to 1 A. T. as 1 ounce troy is to 1 milligramme. Therefore, if 1 A. T. of ore assays 1 milligramme of gold or silver, the ton contains 1 ounce troy.) 1295 Normal Sugar Weights, 26.048 or 13.024; each $ 1 .00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 21 BULLION BALANCES, 1300-1 No. 1300 Bullion Balance, Becker's No. 29. Bullion and specie scale, carry- ing 500 ounces in each pan. Sensible to 1 grain with that charge. All bearings planes, with new improved construction for the arrestation of the beam and pans, provided with set screws and level. Price, without weights $165.00 1301 Becker's No. 31. Bullion and specie scale. For 2000 ounces in each pan. Sensible to 2 grains with that charge. Price, without weights $220.00 22 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1310-12 No. 1310 Bullion Balance, Troemner's. Balance has brass beam, pans, and bows ; improved raising apparatus, provided with glass level and leveling feet ; adjusting screws on beam, etc. A full set of weights included ; large weights are of iron, bronzed ; those from 50 ounces and down are of brass, in a walnut block. Capacity 500 1000 1500 ounces. Price $95.00 120.00 150.00 13151 Troemner's. Balance has an iron beam and eccentric lift ; adjusting screws on beam ; brass pans ; price includes a full set of weights. Capacity, 500 ounces ; price $ 75 .00 1500 " " 100.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 23 1317 1322-3 No. 1317 Balance of the very finest finish ; in French polished glass case, with counterpoised door, sliding upward. Has open beam; 8-inch nickel pans that are movable. Capacity 200 ounces, and sensible to y 2 grain. Has extra pan for loose matter. Inside measure of case is 35 inches high, 30 inches wide. Price includes a full set of weights, 50 ounces to 1 grain. These are neatly fitted in the drawer of case. Price $ 95.00 1318 With weights, 100 ounces down (225 ounces in all) 105.00 1319 Platform Bullion Scales, Howe's. Brass beam, graduated into % ounce ; capacity, 2880 ounces troy ; brass weights, poise and counterpoise ; the platform 13^x19 inches. All packs in box 28^x18 x5>^ inches. Weight boxed, 90 pounds. Price, boxed, .' 50 . 00 Scales, Fairbank's. Adjusted y troy ounce, with set screw in poise ; brass weights, poise and counterpoise. Weights marked in Troy ounces. 1320 Capacity, 3200 to # ounces, price 50.00 1321 " 2400 to ^ ounces, price 30.00 1322 Scales, Fairbank's. 120 ounces to 30 grains, price 20.00 1323 7000 grains to^lO grains, price 15 . 00 24 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. MOISTURE AND TRIP SCALES. 1324 1327 No. 1324 QuicksilYer or Amalgam Scale Scoop. Russia iron; 14 inches long, 8}4 inches wide, 5^ inches deep, with counterpoise weight Price $ 4 . 00 1325 Brass Scoop ; 9 inches long, 7 inches wide, 3 inches deep, with counterpoise weight, for Bullion Balances Nos. 1300-1315. Price 3.00 1326 Moisture Scales. This scale is so constructed that on using a moist- ure charge of 2 pounds the sliding weight on the beam indicates the exact per cent of loss or moisture. Price, including set of weights, 2 pounds to ^ ounce 10.00 Example: Place a two-pound weight on left hand platform, counterpoise with ore to be tested for moisture on the right; then dry the sample so weighed and place on same platform as before; and counterpoise by sliding weight on beam, when you read off the ounces lost and per cent of loss. For absolute accuracy and simplicity it has no equal. Any other weight or charge may be used, when a simple calculation gives correct per cent of moisture. 1327 Moisture Scales. For weighing mineral specimens, etc. Power 1 Ib. with two 4^ in. circular removable pans $ 2.50 " 2 Ibs. " 5% " " " 3.00 " 4*4 " " " 6 " " " 3.50 11 " " 8 " " " 4.75 " 22 " '< " 8 " " " 5.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 25 1328-9 1337 No. 1328 1329 1335 1336 1337 Moisture Scales. These scales are used at smelting and similar plants for determining the percentage of moisture in ores, etc. The ordinary capacity scale is made to weigh a sample of 50 ounces, but special scales are manufactured to order of other capacities as described below. The scale beam has two rows of graduations, the upper row giving the weight in ounces, or pounds, and fractions thereof; the lower row giving the per- centages. The percentage row on all scales is figured from 100 to per cent by 1 per cent, and thus the reading gives the direct percentage of loss. The given amount of ore is first weighed, then dried or roasted and re- weighed to note the loss of moisture or sulphur. 50 to y z ounce capacity $ 10 . 00 Same as No. 1328 from 50 to y 2 ounce capacity, but has fractional graduation of lx}/ per cent on tip end of the main beam, and both the main and fractional beams are fitted with patent latch poises 25.00 Trip Scales. For manufacturing chemists. Has very large, shallow or saucer-shaped movable pan, made of hammered copper. All bearings are of steel. No. 0, Diameter of pan 19 in. , capacity 40 Ibs 14 . 00 " 1, " " 16 in., " 25 Ibs 10.00 For weights for these scales in avoirdupois, troy or gram- mes, see catalogue numbers 1340-1375. Harvard Trip Scales. For laboratory work ; with 2 six-inch porcelain plates and side beam ; 2 kilogrammes to }( Q gramme . , 7 . 50 26 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. WEIGHTS, 1340 1344 1342 No. 1340 Weights, Bullion, Troemner's. Brass, in oiled walnut blocks. 20 ounce troy to ^ grain, per set $ 7 . 00 30 " " y-2, " " 9.00 50 " " y-t " " 12.50 100 " " }4 " " 18.00 200 " " % " " 27.00 1341 Bullion, Troemner's. Iron; single, from sets; adjusted. 100 ounce troy, each 200 " " " 2.50 300 " " " 3.50 500 " " " 5.00 1342 Troy Cup. 4 ounces down to X ounce 1-50 8 " " % " 3.00 16 " " % " 4.00 32 " " ^ " 5.50 64 " " y " 9.00 1343 Troy Decimal. For bullion scales. Set of % , % , # , */ IO , 5 Aoo, Xoo- Koo, %oo' Xoo ounces, per set. ... 1344 Metric, of japanned iron. Nested. 1 kilogramme down to 5 grammes 2 " 5 " 2.00 5 ' " 5 " 400 10 " " 5 " 5.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 27 "NEST" WEIGHT "GRIP" WEIGHT 1346 No. 1345 Weights, Gramme, brass. In polished block. 20 grammes down to 1 centigramme, 50 100 500 1000 gramme .70 1.10 1.60 2.50 3.50 1346 1347 Iron, nickel-plated. Weights are of iron, polished and nickel-plated, making a very handsome and substantial weight, at much cheaper price than those of brass, and vastly cleaner and nicer to handle than the ordinary painted iron weights. In sets, complete : 1 pound and down to Y* ounce ; total weight, 2 pounds $ 2.80 2" " 54 '' " " 4 4 " " % " " " 8 5 " " # " " " 13 10 " " Y* " " " 23 Price of sincrle weitjhts separate from full sets' 4.00 5.50 7.50 10.75 . $ .30 Yt ounce, each . . 35 2 " "' 40 4 " 45 8 " " 50 1 pound " . 80 2 " " . 1 . 10 4 1.60 5 " 2.00 10 " " 3.20 20 " " 6.50 28 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 8 DRAMS TROYfAMS = 480GRAINS pAINS f RAINS f?AINS: 1365 1370 1371 No. 1365 Troy, coin shape. Brass, marked ounces, pennyweights and grains. YZ ounce to ^ grain, per set $ .75 1 " % " "*" 1.00 2 " ^ " " 1.25 4 " ^ " " 1.50 8 " % " " 2.50 1367 Apothecary, coin shape. Brass, marked ounces, drams, scruples and grains. 1 ounce down to ^ grain , per set $ 1 . 00 2 " " % " " 1-25 4 " " % " " 1.50 1368 Metric, coin shape. 1 gramme to 1 centigramme, per set $ .40 10 " 1 " " 75 20 " 1 " " 1.00 1370 Grain, Aluminum Wire, 5 to ^ grain $ .50 1371 Sheet Aluminum, 10 to % grain .40 1375 Decimal Grain, of German Silver Wire, one weight each 50, 40, 30, 20, and two of 10 grains, per set $ .50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. 29 HAND SCALES, 1376 1385 No. 1376 1381 1382 1385 Hand Scales, Troemner's. In lacquered tin box, with set of troy weights down to YZ grain. I!**- ............ 1 2 4 oz. Bach ............ $2.50 3.00 3.50 German, in leather covered boxes, with troy weights down to yz grain. size ............. 4 8 oz. Each ............ $2.00 2.50 In wood boxes. S iz V ............ 4 8 oz. Bach ............ $2.00 2.25 In oval tin boxes. S^e. ............ 2 4 8 oz. Each ............ $1.00 1.25 2.00 In morocco boxes, velvet lined; apothecary weights, brass pans, silk suspending threads. Size ............. 5 6 oz Bach ........... $1.00 1.25 In polished cherry wood boxes; apothecary weights, brass pans, silk suspending threads. Size ............. 5 6 oz Bach ............ $ .75 ! 00 Bra ss beams, horn pans, silk suspending threads; fine steel bearings very sensitive. Beam ............ 3^ 4 5 6 in. ans ............ 1# 2 2^ 3 in. Bach ............ $1.25 1.50 1.75 ' 2.00 30 JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. GOLD SCALES, HiBBlH 1386 1387 1388 No. 1386 Gold Scales, Troemner's, indicator pointing downward; on a polished walnut box, with drawer; very accurately adjusted; a set of troy cup weights included. No.. 3 2 Weight 16 Beam 7 9 Diam. of pans 3^ 4 Each. $10.00 12.00 1 32 10 5 15.00 64 13 6 ozs. in. in. 24.00 1387 3 32 11 4 64 German, with steel beam, pans suspended with chains. No 1 2 3 4 5 Weight 8 16 Beam S^4 y 2 Diam. of pans 4% 4fy Each.. . $8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 5 96 15 7 25.00 6 128 ozs. IQYz in. 8 in. 30.00 1388 Union Scales, brass beams, indicator points upward, movable pans; on polished walnut box; scale can be taken apart and packed in drawer of box. These scales are very accurate and useful for weighing small quantities of gold dust. With troy, apothecary, or gramme weights, coin shape. No 2 1 Beam 5 3 4 7 8 in. Diameter of pans 2 25^ 3 in. Each. $3.50 5.00 6.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 31 SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCES, 1390 1391 No. 1390 Specific Gravity Balance, WestphaPs. Very exact and quick; beam and axis gilded; for liquids only; movable support; Reimann's patent thermometers; all packed in box. Complete with rider weights $ 15.00 1391 Mohr's- Very fine construction. Mounted upon mahogany box, 13x 7x3^ in., with lock drawer, which contains all the parts. This scale is designed for both liquids and solids. Beside the four sets of rider weights which indicate the specific gravity in 1, ;/ , # 001 andXooo- it has pro- vided two pans, upon which ordin- ary weighing can be done. Price $ 20.00 32 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1393 No. 1392 Specific Gravity Balance. Beam 10 inches long. Mounted upon brass stand; 11 inches high. Capable of being elevated to 18 inches. Hook tinder one pan from which to suspend solids. Price, without weights $ 7.00 1393 With beam 13 inches long, and a rest for it. All adjustable to 20 inches high. Price, without weights $ 15.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 33 FORCEPS, 1395 1398 1399 1400-1 1402 1404 No. 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 Forceps. For lifting assay and pulp weights, blowpipe beads, cupel buttons, etc. brass, ivory tipped, 4 inches long $ 1 . 75 bone tipped ... 80 nickel-plated, with fine points 50 French style, double, one end with platinum points, 5j^ inches long 2 25 English, of steel, platinum pointed, 4 inches long 1 50 brass, ends bent, 4 inches long 25 nickel-plated. 35 common steel 4 5 6 Each . . $ 15 20 25 8 in. 50 Gooseneck's, nickel plated, 6 inches long. . .50 nickel-plated, with fine points, non-magnetic .35 34 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. MORTARS. 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 No. 1410 Mortars, iron; urn shape; light; with pestles; turned inside. Capacity, % 12 pints y 2 1 2 gal. Weight.. Sj/ 2 5*/ 2 Jf iy 2 11 23 45 Ibs. Each. ..$.50 .60 .75 1.25 2.25 3.50 14L1 Bell Shape; heavy, solid bottom, for grinding quartz. Capacity, y* 1 2 pt. % 1 1> 2 3 4 gal. Weight. 4 4^ 9^ 17 22 37 45 82 90 Ibs. Each. ..$.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.00 4.75 7.50 9.00 1412 Wedgewood. Best quality, pestles with wood handle. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diam., inside 3^ 4^ 5# 6 6% 7}^ 8^4 9# in. Each $.75 .90 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 1413 porcelain. With pestles, for grinding fluxes, and for liquids. Unglazed inside, glazed outside. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diam., inside Q5/ 8 5^ ' 4S/ 8 4 3^ 2^ 2*4 in. Each $1.50 1.25 1.00 .85 .75 .60 .50 1414 glass. With pestles. Capacity 1 2 4 8 16 32 oz Each $.25 .30 .40 .60 .75 1.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 35 1415 1416 1417 1418 No. 1415 Mortars, Diamond. Plattner's form, for crushing small quantities of ore or for flattening silver buttons; made of the best tool-steel, hardened. Small Large 4.00 6.00 1416 Leed's form, without ring $ 2 . 00 1417 Agate, with pestles, for grinding small specimens of ore. Diameter. \% 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 in. Each.... $1.50 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.0012.00 1418 amalgam. Buck's patent of cast iron. By the rotation of the muller a large sample of quartz can be ground, in contact with quicksilver. Diam 6^ 8^ 8% 10^ in. Weight 30 40 72 120 Ibs, Wt. of muller 16 28 42 72 Ibs. Each $6.50 7.50 9.00 12.00 36 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1420 Cut No. 1 1420 Cut No. 2 1421 1425 No. 1420 Mortars, crasher and pulverizer combined. Diam 10>^in. Height 8^ in. Weight complete 100 Ibs. " muller only. 65 Ibs. Each.. ..$ 25.00 Cut No. 1 illustrates the Crusher aud Pulverizer with both handles in position, making it very easy to lift out the pestle to clean the mortar. Another use for the handles in this position is when crushing very hard or large pieces of material, take hold of both handles and work backward aud forward, (or seesaw), which will crush large pieces much easier than with one handle, and as soon as the material is crushed sufficiently take out extra handle and go on with the rotary motion. A Cover. B Rotating pestle. C Casing or shell. D Handle, of which there are two. Crushing post, which is corrugated and slightly oval, producing great crushing power. /''Conical corrugated opening in center of rotating pestle, where material is introduced. G Spout where material is discharged as fast as pulverized. H Is one of four lugs on the side of rotating pestle, which carry the pulverized material to spout. The operation is as follows: The cover being removed, the coarse material is fed in at f, and pieces as large as will go in the opening can be crushed (unless of an exceptionally hard charac- ter). As the material is gradually crushed, it works down to bottom of conical opening, passing under the pestle, where it is pulverized. The centrifugal force carries the product to the sides, where it is caught by the lugs, h, which carry it to spout, g, and discharge it. No. 1421 Backing Board, circular 21 inches in diameter, 1 inch deep, planed for grinding fine. Weight, with 9*4 pound muller, 95 pounds. Price . . $ 9.00 1425 and muller, upper surface planed, flanges at the side, curved muller. Size 18x20 20x24 24x36 in. Each $10.50 13.00 1750 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 37 1426 1432 1430 No. 1426 Bucking Board and tnuller, unplaned, on trunnions for tipping. Size 7x28 15x28 in. Each $6.50 9.00 1430 Brushes, for dusting mortars; round. Diameter 1> Each $ .90 n. .75 1431 Flat, for cleaning bucking boards. Width 3 Each $ . 50 4 in. .75 1432 bench duster. 8 inches long; bristles, 3 inches. Each $ .75 38 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. TAYLOR'S PATENT ROCK FINE CRUSHER. FIG. I. 1433 FIG. 2. 1433 No. 1433 Rock Fiue Crusher. Taylor's Patent. For assayers, prospectors and samplers, for working specimen ores, crushing old crucibles, etc. The design of this small machine is to enable a person quickly and easily to bring by hand power to fine powder the hardest ores, to be assayed or sampled, and readily crush a larger sample than can be done in a mortar. Each machine has a cover (not shown) to prevent pieces of ore from flying out, and is furnished with a wrench and dust brush. Kxtra jaws and other parts can be had. Weight, complete, 100 pounds. Price, complete $ 25.00 Extra parts: B and C, set of hard jaws, $1.25; D, set of hard side straps, drilled, $1.50; E, set of hard side plates, 50 cts. per pair; A, lever, drilled, $1.50. NoxB The hard jaw C is sometimes called the Shoe. The hard jaw B is sometimes called the Die. Send for special circular describing this crusher. 1434 Crusher. Bosworth. For laboratory and assayers' use. Hand Crusher $ 30.00 1435 " " with pulley attachment $ 32 .00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1436-40 No. 1436 Quartz Mill, one-stamp. With Day's Vacuum attachment. The stamp is 4 inches in diameter and drops with a force of 125 pounds. The stamp is raised 3 inches by the cam. The total weight of the mill is 335 pounds, and the whole height from the floor is 5 feet. Send for special circular describing this quartz mill. Price "... $ 75.00 1437 Copper Plates, silver-plated, for above, 12x60 inches $ 10.00 1438 Screens, Russia iron, for above, per set $ 1 .50 1439 Sluice Box, for above mill, with copper plate four feet long by one foot wide, silver-plated. Price $ 8.00 1440 Concentrator. For stamp mill, fourteen inches wide and eighteen feet long, including sluice blanket $ 15 .00 40 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. CYANIDE PLANT. 1441 No. 1441 Cyanide Plant. The above cut is our latest design of a small Cyanide Plant, having a capacity of 100 pounds of ore. The small tank shown at the highest elevation is to be used as solution tank, while the tank just below it is intended for leaching tank and is fitted complete with false bottom and duck filters. The zinc box shown below the leaching tank has six compartments and is fitted with wire screens ready for use. The lower tank is the sump tank, which is provided with an outlet which facilitates the drawing off of the weakened solution to be transferred to the solution tack again where it is made up to full strength. The pipe connection between the different tanks has been carefully studied out and has been arranged with the greatest convenience. A stop cock will be noticed just below the solution tank, a similar stop cock between the outlet from the leaching tank and the zinc precipitating box. The solution enters the leaching tank through the bottom and is drawn off through the same pipe; but to facilitate the discharging of the leached tailings a union connection will be found just below the leaching tank. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 41 SAMPLERS, 1443 1442 1445 1446 No. 1442 This can be easily disconnected and the leaching tank may then be lifted off and the contents dumped out. In a similar way the zinc box can be easily removed by giving the elbow a quarter turn; the entire zinc box can then be taken out and the contents of each compartment can be removed without any further diffi- culty. The tanks have all been painted with a special acid- proof paint, but before putting the same to actual use we would advise filling the tanks with water to enable them to swell up. as otherwise considerable gold solution might be lost before the tanks are tight. Price, complete $ 50.00 Samplers, Tin, with handle. 6x 8 in., 6 trays y z in. wide $ .75 9x12 "5 " % " " 1.00 1443 and Scoop. Size Each . 6x8 .75 9x12 1.00 10x10 in. 1.00 1445 or Tryer. handle. Each . Of sheet iron, 19 inches long, with wood $ .75 1446 Cast Steel, polished handle. Length 18 21 24 in. Each $ .90 1.00 1.25 42 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SAMPLING PAPER, SHEET RUBBER, BAGS, BOTTLES. 1455-6 1475 No. 1450 1455 1456 1460 1465 1470 Paper, Glazed, Black. For sampling pulverized ores, etc. .50 Rubber, Pure Sheet. For mixing Size ore samples. 18x18 36x36 in. Each . $ .85 2.50 Size 18x18 36x36 in. Each $ .30 1.00 50 in. wide per roll of 12 running yards . $ 6 00 One sheet, 50x50 in 75 Bags, Ore Sample. Manila paper Width, inches 4 , strong. 567 8 I/ength, inches 6% 7> 8y 2 9# 11 12 Per 1000 . . $ 2 . 50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 6 .50 Bags, rope manila. Extra heavy, for ground ores, with improved metal fastenings. 4^4x3 inches, 1 ounce, per 100 2 6' ' x4 x5 7 8 9 x5' 10 x6' 1471 duck. No. 1, 5 x 8 2, 6 xlO 3,7^x12 4, 8 x!4 5,9 x!7 6, 10 x20 4 6 8 10 12 inches, per 100, 1475 Bottles. Wide mouth, with flat corks, for sampling ground ores, etc. Ounces 2 4 6 8 12 Per dozen $ .35 .40 .45 .50 .75 .65 .80 .95 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.60 5.00 6.00 8.50 10.00 12.50 16.00 16 1.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 43 SPATULAS, SCOOPS. 1490 1491 1497 1498 No. 1490 Spatulas, steel, with wood handle. Length blade .... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 in. Each. . $ .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 1491 porcelain, double end. Length ......... Each ........... 7^ S% 11% 14 in. $.40 .50 .60 .75 1.00 1492 Single end. Length Each . $ -40 .50 11% .60 14 in. 1.00 1493 bone. Length Each . 5 678^ 10^ in. $ .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 1494 hard rubber. Length Each . 6 $ .25 7 in. .35 1495 horn. Length Each . 7 $ .15 in. .20 1497 Scoops, horn. No. .. Bowl. Each. 1498 Spoons, horn. No. . . . Bowl. Each. 123 #x2# 3^x3 4%x3 $ .10 .10 .10 n .15 234 2x1% 2%xiy 2 3^x2 in. $ .10 .10 .15 .20 44 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. WASHING PANS AND HORNS, BATEA. 1500 1507 No. 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1510 Gold Fans, Miners', Russia iron. Seamless, 16^ inches diameter, extra heavy, per dozen Polished iron, per dozen Iron, with bottom and half up the sides of heavy copper, each Silver-plated inside, All copper, each . . . Silver-plated, each. . Horns, Miners'. Batea, wood. 1849 style, made of horn, finely finished, smooth inside, selected, each Rubber. Made of black rubber, hard and flexi- ble, 9^ inches long. The black color enables one to quickly detect the smallest particle of gold . Copper. Same size and shape as above, for washing with quicksilver Of Russia Iron, 9> inches long Of Spanish cedar, well-turned, the center burnt to colors. Diameter 12 17 in. Each $1.50 2.00 $ 10.50 6.00 3.50 5.00 4.50 6.50 $ 1.00 .75 1.25 .50 show JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 45 SIEVES, 1515 1519 No. 1515 60 70 80 100 120 150 .60 .75 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 .90 1.00 1.10 1 25 1.50 1.75 1516 1517 Sieves. Brass wire, tin frame. No 10 20 30 35 40 50 Diameter, 5 in. $ .50 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 6". .65.70.75 .75 .80 .85 8" . .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.75 200 Sieves. Tin frame, with cover and pan bottom to collect dust. No 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 150 Diameter, 5 in.. $.65 .65 .75 .75 .851. 8 " . . 1 25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.75 2 00 2.25 2.50 2.75 Larger sizes made to order. 1517 Sieves. 1518 1519 Tin Frame, 5 inches diameter, in sets of 8, with one cover and pan bottom, interchangeable. Convenient for sepa- rating powdered ore into different grades of fineness. Nos. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100; height, when together, 10 inches. Price, per set 3 inches diameter; price, per set of 3 sieves from 10 to 100 mesh . . 5.00 '1.50 Wooden rim. Per dozen . . .All Nos. to 70 5 inch 6 9 10 11 12 $6.50 7.00 8.00 9-00 10.50 12.00 14.00 17.00 No. 80 7.00 8.00 9.50 11.00 13.00 16.00 19.00 24.00 No. 90 9.00 9.00 10.50 12.50 15.00 19.00 23.00 27.00 No. 100 10.00 11.00 13.00 16 00 20 00 23 '00 27 '00 33 00 Larger sizes made to order. 46 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. FURNACES. 1525 No 1525 Furnaces, Assay. California pattern ; for muffle and crucible work. Iron, brick, lined, furnished with cast iron cover and sand bath. Number ...... 12 34 Internal diam . 9 10 10 12 Height ....... 20 23 25 28 Weight ...... 52 75 125 205 Uses muffle... 8x4^x3 11x4^x3^ 10^x5^x3^ 12x6x4 Bach ........ $9.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 1526 1528 1531 n. Ibs. inch interior diameter. Made to order; price ...... $ 50.00 12 in. furnace takes 12 x 6 x4 or 12x5^x3^ in. muffle 10 " " " lO^x 5%xSj/8 " 11x4^x3^ " 9 " 8 x 4}Jx3 muffle 15^ " " 9 x!5 x6 high side muffle. Melting, without muffle hole. 12 in. interior diameter .............................. $ 19 . 00 14 " " " .............................. 30.00 The 12 in. furnace takes a No. 16 black lead crucible. ' ' 14 " " " ' ' 25 " ' ' " Extra parts for No. 4321 12 in. 10 in. 10 in. 9 in. heavy. heavy. light. light. Grate bars, wrought iron . . $ . 75 .60 .... .... Tripod to support grate bars 1 . 50 1 . 25 .... .... Cast iron grate and tripod ...... .... 1 . 50 1 . 25 Cast iron cover ........... 1 . 75 1 . 50 1 . 50 ____ Sandbath ............... 1.25 1.00 1.00 .75 Sheet Iron Pipe, 24-inch lengths; each ......... 25 to 35 cents Cast Iron Elbows for 12-inch round furnace; each ---- $ 1 .50 Sheet " " " 12- " " " " 25 to 35 cents JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 47 1535 No. 1535 Furnaces, John Taylor & Co.'s. Improved combined crucible and muffle furnace. Patented. Made of thick sheet iron, 12 inches square inside measurement, lined with heavy brick 2 inches thick. Complete weight, 250 pounds. It takes a 6x12x4 muffle, allowing the use of 6 No. 9 Battersea or equivalent size crucibles while the muffle remains in place. Can also be used as a melting furnace and will hold a No. 16 black lead crucible. The front of this furnace is fitted with wrought iron doors for the muffle and ash pit, double cast iron feed doors and patented cast iron grate bars, which can be removed by inserting a square poker into openings at the end of the grate bars to lift them out. The top of the furnace is fitted with a cast iron frame with two flat cast iron covers (asbestos lined) sliding right and left from the center on a rail. If so ordered the furnace can be made with body in four separate sections for easy transportation, and fastened together with bolts. Price $ 30.00 1536 Extras for above. Grate bars, per set Covers Oval elbow, heavy iron, 6 inches. 3.00 2.50 1.25 48 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1537 1538 1540 No. 1537 Furnace, Battersea Portable. For melting gold, silver, copper, etc. Made of fire clay bound with iron. For assayers' use. 1538 1540 Size B. . C.. D. Diam. , Inches. 10 Height, Inches. 20 22 26 Weight, Pounds. 67 90 Each. 10.50 12.50 15.00 Cupelling, Battersea. Of fire clay, iron bound. Without base. No. Height. Diameter. Size Muffle. Price. C 27 Uy 2 9x5^x35/g in. $ 22 . 00 E 29^ 16jE< 12x6 x4 " 24.00 F. 30 17^ 14x8 x5 " 31.00 Bosworth. Of clay, in three sections, securely bound with heavy iron bands. Takes a 9x15 or 10x16 high side muffle. Price, with 1 muffle $ 40.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 49 FURNACES, BLOWPIPES. 1542 1550-1 No. 1542 Furnace, "Jackass." A very complete and satisfactory portable fur- nace, weighing 100 pounds. It is made of clay, in one piece and securely bound with steel, doors asbestos lined. Will take muffle 6x12x4 inches. With 1 muffle $ 20.00 Extra muffle 1 .00 Extra grate 1 . 00 1550 Hoskins'. Blowpipe No. 2, for gasoline, with half- gallon tank, made entirely of brass, very strong $ 23.00 1551 Blowpipe No. 3, with 1-gallon tank, otherwise same as No. 2 $26.00 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1552-3 1555 No. 1552 Furnace, Blowpipe No. 4, with 6-gallon tank, made of heavy cop- per, suitable pump, pressure gauge, 10 feet of pipe, elbows, etc., and two burners, complete $ 50.00 1553 Taylor's Special Blowpipe. Eight-gallon tank, made of heavy galvanized iron, guaranteed to stand 100 pounds pressure. Complete, with one coal-oil or gasoline burner $ 25.00 1554 Burners, extra for above, each $ 6 . 00 1555 Coal-Oil or Gasoline Burner. (Patented.) Our new heating burner for assayers and chemists, or for brazing, in which coal-oil at 33 to 45 Beaume, and 150 fire test can be used as fuel. This burner will melt an assay in a crucible or scorifier and will cupel in a muffle. One great advantage of this burner over others is that it can be used with either coal-oil or gasoline and is intended to take the place of the gasoline burner now in use. It has been thoroughly tested. We own the patent and are ready to furnish this burner singly or in quantities. Each $ 6.00 NOTE. Use 74 gasoline in above burners. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 51 FURNACES. 1556- 1 ; 1560 Back View 1560 Front View No. 1556 Furnace, Hoskins' Muffle, No. 2, taking a muffle 8x4^x3 inches. Price $ 10. 00 Extra muffles, each .65 1557 Muffle, No. 3, taking a muffle 10x6x4 inches. Price $ 15.00 Extra muffles . . 1 . 00 1560 Muffle, No. 4:. Takes a high side muffle 9x15x6 inches, which requires a blowpipe, (Catalogue numbers 1552-3), including all special interior fire bricks, with full directions for setting and bricking up with common brick. Price, including muffle $ 25 . 00 Extra muffles . . 1 . 65 52 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1565-6 1567-8 1570 No. 1565j| Furnace, Hoskius' Crucible, No. 1, taking 20 gramme crucibles, or equivalent sizes, 4 inches diameter, 5/4 inches deep inside . . $ 4.00 1566 1567 1568 Crucible No. 2, taking Battersea " K " round crucibles, or equivalent sizes, 5 inches diameter, 6j4 inches deep inside . . $ 5.00 Crucible No. 3, long form, taking two 20 gramme cruci- bles, or equivalent sizes. A very effective furnace .... $ 1570 7 00 Crucible No. 4, taking four No. 9 crucibles, or equiva- lent sizes. This is a very efficient furnace for large quantities of work. This furnace can also be used for melting, and will take a No. 6 black lead crucible . ... $ 12.00 Combination No. 1. On the right in the above cut is shown the furnace prepared for crucible work. By lifting off the cover and substituting the part with the muffle opening and sliding in the muffle, the furnace is prepared as shown on the left. A scorification or two cupellations may be made in this furnace with per- fect satisfaction. Weight, complete, is 24 pounds. The muffle is 6x3^x2^ and the crucible furnace is the same as cut No. 1565, No. 1. Price . . $ 7.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 53 1578 1578 Sectional View. No. 1571 Furnace, With No. 2 blowpipe $ 30 .00 1572 3 " $ 33.00 1576 Covers for No. 3 and 4 crucible furnaces, rectangular form ; per pair $ 1 . 00 1577 1578 Plug for C or F muffle furnace, each .50 Combination, No. 5, takes 1 crucible, 20 grammes or F, or equivaient size, and a muffle 6x3^x2^, same as combination furnace No. 1, and measures 12 inches in length, 8^4 inches in width and 16 inches in height. Weight, complete, 30 pounds; packed, 40 pounds. Price $ 10.00 1579 Combination, No. 6, takes 4 crucibles, 20 gramme or F, or equivalent size (same as Crucible Furnace No. 4), and muffle 10x6x4 ( same as No. 3 Muffle Furnace), and measures 20^ inches in length, 12 inches in width and 19 inches in height. Weight, complete, 95 pounds; packed, 125 pounds. Price $ 20.00 For assayers or prospectors who desire a portable, self-contained furnace, a Combination Furnace can be recommended. The combination furnaces, Nos. 5 and 6, have the advantage of any other form of combination furnaces heretofore suggested, inasmuch as the introduction of a cold crucible into the crucible chamber interferes in no way with operations being car- ried on in the muffle. It is economical because all of the heat is utilized. The crucible chamber is always hot and ready for use, independent of what may be going on in the muffle. The muffle is provided with a small chimney to create a current of air through the muffle and needs no further provision for draft, though the furnace may be connected with a chimney, if desired, in which a damper will probably be necessary. Both furnaces are provided with a shelf (not shown in the cuts) to protect the muffle entrance from the heat of the burner and serve as a resting place for cupels, etc., after and before use in the muffle. This will be found to be a great con- venience; but no extra charge is made when purchased with a furnace. These furnaces require but one burner. 54 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 1580-1 1582-3 1580 Furnace, Combination Crucible and Muffle Furnace. Takes 4 Battersea crucibles No. 9, or equivalent sizes, and one muffle 10x6x4 $ 20.00 1581 Same. With Taylor's blowpipe, including gasoline or coal-oil burner, pipe connections, etc., (No. 1553), complete $ 45 . 00 1582 For 2 Battersea crucibles No. 9, and one muffle 8x4^x3, $ 16.00 1583 Same. With Taylor's blowpipe, including gasoline or coal-oil burner, pipe connections, etc. (No. 1553), com- plete $ 41 .00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 55 1588 No. 40 A No. 1585 Furnace, Fletcher's Crucible, No. 40. This furnace consists of a simple pot for holding the crucible with a lid, and a blowpipe, all mounted on a suitable cast iron base. Gas from a ^5-inch supply pipe will work it efficiently. This furnace uses about ten cubic feet of gas per hour, and will take a black lead crucible No. 00. Price, without blower -. $ 3 . 00 1586 Extra Parts for above: Furnace body $ .75 Furnace body and cover 1.10 Burner only 1 . 00 Stand, without burner .90 Black lead crucible No. 00 .25 1588 No. 4:0 A, with improved gas burner. This burner is made of the same pattern as that used with the " Perfected" Injector Furnace. It is almost noiseless in its action and works with a very small gas supply; ^6-inch gas supply pipe required. Price, without blower $ 3 . 50 1589 Extra Parts for above: Furnace body $ .75 Furnace body and cover Burner only 1 . 50 Stand, without burner 90 Black lead crucible No. 00 25 1590 No. 40 B, with improved burner, for refined petroleum; gives almost as good results as the gas furnace. Price $ 4.50 1591 Extra Parts for above: Furnace body $ -75 Furnace body and cover 1 . 50 Burner only Stand, without burner Black lead crucible No. 00 -25 NOTE. For foot blowers for Fletcher's furnace see Nos. 1585-1590. 56 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ASSAY CRUCIBLES. 1600 1602 1604 Attention is drawn to the description of the crucibles below (Exterior Dimensions), and in ordering these, particulars should be given, to prevent errors. No. 1600 Crucibles, Battersea, round form. No DBF G H J K L N P R Height 4 4% 5 5% 5% 6% 7% 8tf 9% 11 13 in. Diameter.... 2% 2% 3 3% 3% 4% 4% 5>{ 6% 7# 9% " Price, perdoz $ .50 .75 .85 1.15^1.25 2.00 2.60 3.00 4.50 7.50 13.00 1601 Covers, " .40 .50 .50 .60 .65 .75 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.75 2.50 1602 Crucibles, triangular form. Same form as the Hessian crucibles, more uniformly made, and much superior in quality. T corresponds in size to large 5s. U " " " " small 5s. No T U V Height 4 3^ 3# Width 3# 3# 2^ Price, per dozen $ .90 .60 .50 t 1603 Covers, " .50 .50 .40 1604 Battersea Fluxing. No .... 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 Perdoz. $.85 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.75 450 6.50 1605 Covers. Perdoz. $.60 .75 .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 57 1609 1610 No. 1606 Crucibles, Colorado Pattern. Soft burnt; so called soft; low form, straight sides, to fit inside of muffles, as per cut No. 1610. No A2 Al B Capacity 5 10 20 grammes. Height 25/ 8 3^ 3^ in. Width 2^ 2^6 3 " Per dozen $ .40 .50 .60 1607 Hard Burnt, so called hard. Prices same as No. 1606. 1608 CoTers A2 Al B Per dozen $ .30 .40 .50 1609 Muffles, Battersea, In. Long. In. Wide. In. High. PerDoz. 6 4 3 $8.00 C Hoskins', small.... 8 4# 3 8.00 K 9 5^ 3# 11.00 F HoskinsMarge.... 10 6 4 13.50 9X 4^ 3^ 10.00 H, or 10^-in. Mint . 10?? 5# 3^ 12.00 G 11 4# 3^ 10.50 12-inch mint 12 5# 3^ 13.50 J 12 6 4 15.00 K 14 8 5 18.00 L 15# 8% 5^ 20.00 1610 High Sides. Per Doz. L. L. 9x15x6 in $ 20 00 N. N. 10x16x6^ " 25.00 P. P. 11x18x7^ " 30.00 R. R. 12x18x7^ " 33.00 S. S. 12x19x7^ " 33.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SCORIFIERS, ROASTING DISHES, ANNEALING CUPS. 1615 1616 1617 No. 1615 Scoriflers, Battersea. Outside diameter 1% 2 2# 2^ 2^ 3 in. Per 1000 $12.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 16.00 20.00 Barrel contains about 3500 3800 2400 2200 1600 Barrel weighs, each about, pounds. 300 425 475 500 525 Special price in barrel lots. 1616 Roasting Dishes, Clay, Battersea. Diameter .... 2^ 3 4 5 6 8 in. Per dozen.... $ .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.50 6.00 1617 Annealing Cups, Battersea. These are perfectly smooth and of correct porosity. ABC Height 1/i 1-HJ Diameter at top l/^ l/^ l/^ Per dozen.. $1.00 1.00 1.00 1618 Covers, per dozen .25 .25 .25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. CRUCIBLES, MUFFLES, 1619 1625 1623 No. 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 Crucibles, Clay, Denver. Capacity 5 Height Diameter. 25/8 23/8 Per 100 $2.50 Covers, per 100. 2.25 10 3 25/8 3.00 2.25 12 3.00 2.25 20 33^ 3 4.00 3.50 30 6.00 4.00 Clay, Denver. No Height Diameter . , Per 100.. French pattern. 6 4 $3.50 Covers, per 100. 2.25 Clay, Denver, for open furnace. No D E F Height 4 4}^ 5 Diameter 2^ 3 3^ Per 100 $3.50 5.50 600 Covers, per 100 . 2.25 3.50 4.00 Muffles, Clay, Denver. G 55/8 33/ 8 8.00 5.00 7.00 2.25 J 65/8 12.00 6.00 1621 40 55/6 8.00 5.00 grammes inches 9 534 in. 3 " 8.00 3.50 K 45^ 13.50 8.75 Width Long 3% 6 ^A 8 6 10 6 12 8 12 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 18 12 18 12 19 1234 21 14 18 High 2^ in. 3 Hoskins'. 37/U. S. Mint. 4 Hoskins'. 4 5 high sides, very roomy. 5 1 / <( " 5 3 A 63/ 834 7 L 8 24.00 8 75 Each $ .50 .60 .75 .75 .90 1.15 1.25 1 . 50 1.75 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 n. 60 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SCORIFIERS, ROASTING DISHES, ANNEALING CUPS. 1626 No. 1627 1626 Scoriflers, Clay, Denver. Diameter 2^ 2)^ 2^ Price, per 100.. $ 1.20 1.30 1.60 Special prices in barrel lots. 3 2.00 3^ 4 in. 2.50 3.00 1627 Boasting Dishes, Clay, Denver. Diameter Price, per dozen $ 1628 Annealing Cups, Clay, Denver. No Size Per dozen . . 3 .80 4 .90 5 1.10 6 in. 1.75 $ 1.00 1 x 1.00 in. 1.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO. 'SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 61 CRUCIBLES, CRUCIBLE RACKS AND FILLERS. 1635 1640 1641 No. 1635 Crucibles, Hessian, triangular. No. in nest Height of largest Width at top Price, per doz. nests. 1642 Small 5s Large 5s 6s 8s 4567 4 4*/ 2 5*/ 2 7 in. 3 3^ 4% 5^ " $ .65 1.40 2.75 4.50 1636 Small 5s, outside piece only, per dozen $ .55 1637 Small 5s, round, per dozen .55 1638 Coyers, Triangular, Hessian. Small 5s L/arge 5s 6s 8s Diameter 3 3^ 4^ 5^ in. Price, per dozen $.60 .90 1.25 2.25 1640 Racks, Crucible. Made of heavy sheet iron, black japanned, for holding 10 assay crucibles while mixing the assay, each hole numbered. Will hold Nos. 7 to 10 Battersea or Denver crucibles. Each $ 2.50 1641 Iron. To support 4 assay crucibles in an inverted position after pouring. Each 2.00 1642 Filler, Crucible, of Russia sheet iron, 16^ inches long, for poor- ing ore or fluxes into the crucible while in the furnace. Each " . .75 62 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BLACK LEAD CRUCIBLES, ETC, No. 1 2 3 4, 5. 6, 8. 10, 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45 50. 60. 70. 80. 100. 125. 150. 200. 300. 1646 1647 1648 1645 1645 Crucibles, Black Lead or Plumbago. Nos. Height Outside. Inches. Diameter Diameter at the at the Top, Bilge, Outside. Outside. Inches. Inches. 25/ 8 2/8 3/2 4 25/8 2/8 534 634 75/8 8 934 6% 7 85/8 9 10 2 14 6^ 7^ 7/8 8 8/8 9 934 10^ 1134 12 12/8 >3/ 12>< 13 20 21 1434 16 17 Dixon's or Taylor's make. Capacity in Liquid Measure. Prices. Pints. Each. / 2 $ .30 1 .35 IX -40 134 .45 3 4 60 4^ .70 534 .80 6^ .90 9' 1 10 4 14 2 No. 14 18 2 and 20# 24 L upwards 26^ 29 5/ 2 c 31 35# 38 per No. 50 a p 525 a! O. rt O G 2 o Covers, Black Lead. No 1 2 3 45 6 8 10 Per dozen, $ 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 Prices of all covers above No. 12, 2 J^ cents per number. 12 3.60 Dippers, Black Lead. Size Per dozen . . . Stirrers, Black Lead. Size Per dozen . Small. 7.50 Small. 8.00 Medium. 8.00 Medium. 9.00 Large. 9.00 Large. 10.00 NOTE. The price of Black Lead Crucibles, Covers, etc., fluctuates according to the price of Ceylon Plumbago, and will be subject to change without notice. All black lead crucibles should be well annealed and kept in a dry, warm place before using.* JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 63 SAMPLING PANS, GOLD DUST BLOWERS, MAGNETS, TONGS. 1049 1651 1653 1652 No. 1649 165.0 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 Sampling Pans, for ore samples, seamless tin. Diameter 5 6 7 8}^ in. Perdozen $.50 .60 .75 .90 Agateware. Diameter . . . Per dozen . 5 678^ in. L.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Blowers, Gold Dust. Polished sheet brass. 4^x6 6*4x9 9x10 10^x11 11x13 in. Each....$ .60 .90 1.00 1 25 1.75 Magnets, Horse Shoe. Best English. Length 3456 7 8 9 10 in. Each.. $ .25 .35 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 2.00 2.25 with 2 armatures. 4 6 8 10 in. $ .50 .75 1.50 2.00 12 17 32 36 45 in. $ .50 .60 1.00 1.25 1.75 26 36 in. $ .90 1.10 30 36 in. ft .90 1.10 Length .... Per pair . . . Tongs, Crucible, steel. Length . Each Length. . Each SSfA1*iflA1*S! ot(="Al Length . . Each . . 64 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1660 166i! 1659-1661 1658 1664^5-6 1663 No. 1657 Tongs, For clasping crucibles in the muffle, same style as 1656. Length 19 36 45 in. Each $1.00 1.50 2.00 1658 Crucible, Scorifler and Cupel combined, steel, 18 inches. $ .75 1659 Crucible, iron, japanned, scissors form, single bent, 9 inches . . 60 1660 Double bent, 9 inches .75 1661 Steel, nickel-plated, single bent, 9 inches 1 .00 1662 Double bent, 9 inches 1 . 25 1663 Steel, polished, double bent, solid platinum tips, 8 inches, Price varies with weight of platinum tips. Approximate price 6 . 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 65 1667-8-9 1670 1677 1675 No. 1664 Pokers, Iron, % inch, round $ .50 1665 Scrapers, Hearth, flat iron, 36 inches 1666 Spoons, Granulating, for sampling melted bullion, 4 feet long, bowl 1 inch 1667 Skimmer, Crucible, round iron, # inch, 36 inches long 1668 Perforated bowl, 36-inch 1669 Shovel, Coal, iron, wooden handle. .35 1.50 .76 1.50 .25 NOTE. 32-inch Crucible, 29-inch Scorifier and 26-inch Cupel Tongs are the sizes commonly used with our assay furnaces. 1670 Tongs, Clasp, for lifting black lead crucibles. The numbers refer to size of crucible they are made to fit: Nos 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 Each $2.00 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.25 4.25 Nos 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 Each $4.50 5.00 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 Larger sizes made to order. 1671 With two side straps and rivet, with eye to hook in, for lifting large crucibles by pulley. Made to order. 1672 Gloves. Buckskin, heavy gauntlet, Nos. 9 or 10; per pair $ 1 .75 1673 1674 Horsehide, fire and waterproof; per pair Acid, rubber, long gauntlet, best quality; per pair 1675 Mittens, Melters*. Duck, padded, with gauntlet; per pair, 1676 Finger Cots, Acid, rubber; per dozen 1677 Mittens, Asbestos, with thumb; per pair 1.75 2.50 1.25 .60 3.50 66 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. GOGGLES, MOULDS, CHISELS, 1H79 1682 1683 1681 1681 No. 1678 Asbestos Cloth for aprons for rackets, cut in lengths of 1 yard and 1 yard 6 inches; per yard $ 2 . 75 1679 Goggles, for protecting the eyes at the fire. Each pair in tin box, assorted colored glasses green, blue, smoke and white. Per pair $ .25 1681 Moulds, Bullion or Ingot, round corners. Dimensions, inside measure. Oz. silver 15 27 52 107 160 265 428 683 810 1200 " gold. 28 50 107 200 300 495 800 1000 1500 2208 In. long. 2% 3% 6 4>/ 6 5 5% 1% 8% ... 11# 12# "wide. 1% 6 1% 2%5 2% B)i 3% 4% 6 ... 4% 5% "deep. 1% 6 1% 1% 2 2% 2% 3 . . . 4% by & Each ...$.35 .50 .75 1.25 2.25 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.50 7.50 1682 Bullion or Ingot, with sliding bar; I>^xl^x8 inches inside, with sliding bar to cast any length desired, capacity 150 ounces gold, 75 ounces silver $ 1 . 00 1683 Quadruple, for sample bars .60 1684 Chisels, Bullion. Length 5^ 7 in. Width, cutting edge l /z fi ' Each $ .25 .35 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 67 1685 1689 1687-8 1694-5 1691 1696 No. 1685 Brushes, Wire, for scouring bullion; double end. 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1R95 Steel or brass $ .50 .90 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.25 .50 .40 .30 Bristle, in leather tube, l^/ inches diameter Moulds, Assay Pouring. Deep, drilled, smooth, 2 Shallow, drilled, smooth holes , 2 holes oles, 2}i inches id scorification diameter, 1$4 inches deep; for crucible ai assays Afisnv PAiii'inf ^ino'lf' moiilH Ontn c ;fTr > V Lode pattern, eter, 2ffj inches conical, 2^ Inches diam deep . , it iron, 3 coni- cal holes Drilled smooth litrht ca ( it iron, 4 coni- cal holes .... with 3 conical holes smoo th, casting not drilled " " Single with handle to be lifted with tongs, deep " " Same, shallow . 1696 Pouring, iron, with 6 conical holes and handle, bot- tom running down to a fine point; for scorification .75 68 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. TRAYS. 1697 1698 1700 1701 1702 No. 1697 Trays, Cupel or Scorifler. Heavy sheet copper. Size 6>x9 in., 6 holes. Bach $1.50 9x9 in., 9 holes. 2.00 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 Cast iron. Size Each . . 8x8 in., 9 holes. 8x10 in., 12 holes. $1.00 1.25 30 conical holes, without handles, 12^x14 in $ 2.00 Cast iron, 8x8 in., 16 shallow square holes 1 .25 With detachable handle 1 . 25 Iron, japanned, for carrying annealing cups, 12 holes, .75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 69 No. STEEL ALPHABETS AND FIGURES, MALLETS. ROMAN 1715 O v^^ c NEVADA. 1718 1720 1715 Figures, Steel, for stamping bullion, in sets, best American make. Size # % 6 % # ^ in, Figures... $1.00 1.50 1.75 2.50 4.50 1717 Stamps, Steel, in one piece. Gold $1.50 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.00 Silver 2 25 2.50 3.00 4.00 4.50 Fine 1.50 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.00 Value 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 Total ... 2.25 2.50 3.00 4.00 4 50 No 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Oz 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 $.. .75 .75 1.25 1.75 2.00 1718 with name of mine or assayer in one piece, made to order of any size or style. Size # X # tfin. Prices on application. No'fB. The above stamps are made of fine steel, well-tempered and durable, and can be used upon iron as well as upim soft bullion. 1720 Mallets, Hickory Wood. Diameter, face. . . Each . . 2 $ .25 .25 3 in. .35 1721 Iron Bound, 3-inch face $ .75 70 JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. MOULDS, CUPELS, BRUSHES, 1721 1722 No. 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1731 1732 1731 1732-3 Moulds, Scorifler, iron. Diameter Each . . 1724-5 Scorifler, brass. Each . . 2 $3.00 $5.00 234 Cupel, iron. Diameter . . . Each. . 3 in. 3.50 4.25 5.00 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.75 7.50 ... y?, 1 1/4^ I/'?? 1^4 2 in. $ .75 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.75 2.25 Larger sizes to order. Brass. Diameter Each . . % 1 1# \% 1# 2 in. $1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 Larger sizes to order. Cupels, Made of best Bone Ash. Diameter... y 2 1 1# \% 1% 2 in. Dozen $.15 .25 .25 .35 .40 .50 Pencils, Bed Chalk, for marking cupels, crucibles, etc. Per dozen $ .15 Bed Chalk, or Reddle, in sticks, per pound .25 Brushes, Button, Lingke's form, brass tube, with bristles at each end. Diameter % ^ 24 in- Each V $ . 40 .50 . . 60 With handle. Size Each . . 3 Rows $ .25 4 Rows .35 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 71 ANVILS, HAMMERS. 1737 1743 1744 1742 No. 1735 1736 1737 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 Anvils, Plattner's. Steel, mirror polished, 2% Square, steel, mirror polished. Size 2x2 Each $1 . 30 Steel, square, with point. Weight Face Each . n 1.75, 3 2# $1.75 $ .50 3x3 in. 2.50 Gibs. 3 in. square. 3.50 Hammers, Blowpipe, Plattner's, with wood handle $ . 60 " " wire " .75 Button or Slag. One end wedge-shaped, for breaking ores. Weight .4 7 12 15 18 22 oz Per Doz $5.50 5.75 6.25 6.50 7.00 7.50 Weights do not include handles. Geological, Dana's. Square face; cutting edge parallel with handle. Face 24 1 1# * n - square- Weight 10 21 32 oz. Each $1.25 1.50 2.25 Geological, Dana's. Cutting edge at right angle with handle Face Y 1 l/^ in. square. Weight 10 21 32 oz. Each... $1.25 1.50 2.25 72 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 1747 1748 No. 1746 Hammers, Geological, for prospecting. Combined hammer, with chisel edge and walking cane, with spike at lower end to assist in climbing. Weight, 2 Ibs. Capable of giving heavy blows, fine tempered steel, handle graduated for measuring. Each . . $ 2.50 1747 Ball Pean, solid cast steel. Nos 000 00 1 \% Weight . YA. 1 1# lj 1& 3 lbs - Each $ -90 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.25 2.00 1748 Pick, Prospector's, solid cast steel, adze edge. Nos ................... Face .................. Weight ................ Each.. $1.25 1x1 in. 2^ Ibs. 1.50 JOHN iTAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 73 PLIERS, 1750 1751 1752 1760 No. 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1760 1761 1762 1753 Pliers. Flat or round nose. Length Each . 1754-5 End cutting. Length Each . Side cutting. Length Each . 3 .30 4 .60 4 $ .60 4 .35 5 .40 5 .75 6 .50 6 .85 5 .75 7 .60 7 1.00 Flat tapering nose; for holding buttons while brushing. Polished steel, 5 inches Turned down nose ; for holding buttons while brushing. Polished steel, 5 inches With finer point; for gold bead Shears, Snip. Cast steel, bright, polished. Length 5 6 7 Each $.75 1.00 1.25 Scissors. Steel; 6^ inches. Blowpipe. Polished; for cutting thin metal, with two file edges; cutting edge, 1^ inches; each 8 in. .70 8 in. 1 12 6 in. .85 $ .60 .60 .60 8 in. 1.50 $ .40 .40 74 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. VISES. 1765 1766 1767 No. 1765 Vise, Bonney. Cast iron, to fasten to the bench with one screw. No. 2, jaw 2 inches wide, opens 2^ inches, each $ .75 c 3) i. 2 "2 ment to take a taper piece, each with attach- 1.00 1766 and An?il combined, improved, with adjustable jaw to grasp taper form. No. 10, face of anvil 4^x2 inches, jaws 2^ inches wide, open 3 inches, weight, 8> pounds, each No. 20, face of anvil 6)4x3 inches, jaws 3^ inches wide, to open 4 inches, weight, 28 pounds, each No. 30, face of anvil 8x3^ inches, jaws 4 inches wide, open 5 inches, weight, 37 pounds, each.. No. 40, face of anvil 8^x4 inches, jaws 4}^ inches wide, open 6 inches, weight, 51 pounds, each. 1767 Hand. Width of jaw Each . $ .80 1.00 1.15 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50 2 in. 1.25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 75 ROLLING MILLS. 1770 1772 No. 1770 Boiling Mills, Hand. Improved single-geared, with flat rolls. Nos "2 3 4 Size 1^x2 2^x3 2^x4 In. long. Weight 80 145 190 Ibs. Each $30.00 50.00 75.00 1772 Hand. Improved. Double-geared, with flat rolls. Nos -. . . . 3 4 Size "... 2^x3 2^x4 in. long. Weight 180 225 Ibs. Each $75.00 100.00 These mills are made from newly designed patterns, very heavy, and with improvements that are very desirable. These improvements include the geared pressure screws, in connection with our patent lifting device, which will dispense with all springs and allow the rolls to be raised and lowered by turning the center pinion. The rolls also can be quickly removed from the frame without removing the boxes. 76 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1773 No 1773 Boiling Mill, The Crown. The illustration shows a newly designed mill. The rolls are 2 inches in diameter by 3 inches long, perfectly hardened, ground and polished. Cut pinions of steel. Geared pressure screws, with an improved lifting device without springs. The rolls can be quickly removed from the frame. Weight, 45 pounds. Price.. - $ 30.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 77 FLASKS, 1775 1779 1778 1777 1781 Full Size. 1780 No. 1775 Flasks, Boiling. Flat bottom; vial mouth, best Bohemian glass, well annealed. Capacity . % 1 2 4 6 8 12 * 16 24 32 oz. Dozen . . .$1,10 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.25 2.60 3.25 3.60 4.00 5.00 Capacity. ^^1235 gals. Each.... $.60 .75 .85 1.25 2.00 3.50 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 Bound bottom. Capacity . % 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 oz. Dozen ...$1.10 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.25 2.60 3-25 3.60 4.00 5.00 Wide neck. Capacity .1246 Dozen... $1.50 1.75 2.25 2.50 Sidr> In IK* 8 16 32 oz. 3.00 4.50 7.50 16 oz. 6.00 flat ground top. 3 oz. 2.25 2 4 oz. .25 2.75 $1.25 Capacity 4 8 Dozen $3.00 4.00 Capacity 2 Per dozen $2 00 Parting. Capacity 1 Per dozen $2 00 2 iraning, ivenneuy. Capacity 1 ounce, dozen . . , 78 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1785 1788 1782 1789 1783 No. 1782 Flasks, Fractional Distillation, with side tube. Capacity 4 8 16 oz. Per dozen $3.00 4.50 6.00 1783 Copper determination. Pear shaped, wide mouth and broad flange. Capacity 4 6 8 J 6 oz. Dozen $1.60 1.80 2.00 3.00 1784 Bohemian, hard glass, for Kjeldahl's nitrogen determination. Capacity 200 500% Each $ .40 .60 1785 Erlenmeyer. Capacity 1 2 4 6 8 16 32 oz. Per dozen $1.251.502.002.503.004.00 5.00 1788 For gas evolutions, heavy glass, bulb shape, well formed lip, wide neck, flat bottom. Capacity 8 16 32 64 oz. Each $ .30 .40 .60 .90 1789 Wide mouth. Capacity 8 16 32 64 oz. Each $ .25 .30 .45 .70 1790 Fitted with rubber stopper; glass funnel and delivery tube for gen- erating gases. Capacity 4 8 16 32 oz. Each $ . 50 .65 .90 1 . 15 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 79 1792 1794 No. 1791 Beakers, Bohemian Glass, Usual' form, lipped or plain, made of best hard Bohemian glass, equally thin at bottom and sides, thoroughly an- nealed. Nos 123456789 10 11 12 Capacity, 3 4^ 7 11 16 22 36 46 64 90 120 150 oz. Each $ .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .55 .65 .75 .90 1792 In nests. Nest Nos. 1 to 3, in nests of 3, capacity 3 to 7 oz. X 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 16 22 36 46 64 90 Per Nest .$ .45 . .70 . 1.00 . 1.35 . 1 75 . 2.25 . 2.75 . 3.50 1793 Griffin's. Low, wide form, lipped. Nos Capacity Each Nos Capacity Each . . 00 1 2 3 4 l/^ 2> 5 8 12 20 oz. $ .09 .11 .12 .18 .25 .30 5 6 7 8 9 10 .25 .40 .55 .70 .80 120 oz. $ .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1794' Griffin's, in nests. Nest Nos. 00 to 1, in nests of 3, capacity 1^ to ' 2, " 3, 1 " 4, 1 " 5, 1 " 6, 1 " 8, 1 " 10, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 5 02 8 ' Per Nest i $ .30 40 12 ' 65 20 ' 85 25 ' 1 25 40 ' 1 75 70 ' 2 50 120 ' . 3.50 1795 Copper lipped, thin, Griffin's form. Capacity 125 250 500 1000% Each $.75 .90 1.00 1.35 80 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ASBESTOS BOARDS, SAND BATHS, GLASS PLATES. 1799 1802 1803 No. 1796 Wire Gauze, steel. To use under flasks, beakers, etc. Size 4 5 6 8 in. sq. Each $.10 .10 .15 .20 1797 Brass. Size 456 Sin. sq. Each $ .10 .15 .20 .25 1798 Asbestos Boards. In sheets 42x44 in. Thickness %, >/ l6 3 / 3a # Each $.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 1798 Pads. To support hot beakers, boiling flasks, etc. }/ 6 in. thick. Size 4 6 12 in. sq. Each $ .05 .10 .20 1799 Sand Baths, shallow, Russia sheet iron. Diam.... 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 in. Each....$ .12 .15 .20 .25 .35 .50 .60 .70 1801 Glass Plates. I/ight ground on one side for beaker covers. Air pumps, receivers, etc. Size 3 4 5 6 in. square. Each $ .10 .10 .15 .15 1802 French, heavy, ground on one side. Size 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 in. square. Each $ .20 .25 .30 .35 .50 .80 1.20 1803 Ground upon one side and at the edges, with fi-in hole through the center, to cover chemical vessels and insert stirring rod. Size %y 2 4 5^ 6# 7 8# 10^ 12^ in. sq. Each $ .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 1.25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 81 BEAKER COVERS, BOTTLES, TUBES. 1810 1805 1807 No. 1805 Glasses, Watch, or Beaker Covers, best imported well annealed glass, ground edges. Diameter 1 1# 1# 2 2^ 3 in. Perdozen $.20 .25 .25 .30 .75 1.25 Diameter 3}^ 4 4j^ 5 5}^ 6 in. Perdozen $1.501.752.002.503.00 3.00 1806 Beaker COTer, concave, with hole at side to insert stirring rod. Diameter 3 3 l / 2 4 4^ in. Dozen $2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 1807 Watch Glass Clamps, for holding in pairs two glasses either 2 or 2^ inches $ .25 1810 Bottles, Wash, Fresenius. Fitted with rubber stoppers. Capacity 8 16 32 oz. Each $ .50 .65 .90 1811 Same as No. 1810 ; of heavier glass. Capacity 8 16 32 oz. Each $ .75 1.00 1.25 1812 With versatile movement. Capacity 8 16 32 oz. Each $ .75 1.00 1.25 1813 Tubes, Wash Bottle. Separate from the bottles. Size 8 16 32 oz. Per set $ .25 .30 .35 82 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. TEST TUBES, BRUSHES. 1816 1817 u 1818 1823 No. 1816 Test Tubes. Best imported glass ; "well annealed ; free from lead. Bach tube wrapped separately in paper. 1817 n. Doz . . $ .20 .25 .30 .30 .35 .35 Gross 1 .75 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 Size.. 6* ys 6x34 7x34 7x1 8x1 10x1 in. Doz . . $ .35 .35 .50 .60 .60 1.25 Gross 3 .75 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 12.00 On fnnf Size 5 6 7 8 in. Doz $ .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1818 With side tube. Size 6 7 Doz $ .85 1.00 1.30 9 in. 1.75 1820 Ignition Tubes. Hard glass. Size 456 Doz.... $ .60 .65 .75 789 10 in. .85 1.00 1.50 2.50 1823 Brushes. Test tube, sponge end, doz $ 1.20 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 83 RACKS, 1865 1830 1831 No. 1825 Backs. Test tube, for 4 test tubes and draining pins, each $ ,25 1826 .50 1827 13 .65 1828 "13 " with 2 shelves, .76 1830 12 " and draining pins, also to support Ca, Cl, tubes U form, each .75 1831 Erlenmeyer's, for 18 tubes, with draining pins, shelves to hold four funnels, drawer for pipettes, glass stir rods, etc. Each.. 2.00 84 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. DISHES. 1835 1838 1841 1843 No. 1835 Dishes, Evaporating, Royal Meissen, porcelain, glazed inside and upper half outside, with lip. 1838 1841 Nos 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Diam 2^ 3^ % 5 b l /z i^ Sin. Capacity 1 2 4 6 ozs. y 2 1 l^pts. Each $ .15 .20 .30 .40 .50 75 1.00 Nos 4 3 2 1 00 000 Diam 9 10 11 12 13/2 15 18 in. Capacity 2 3 pts. 72 1 1>6 1 % 2 gals. Each $1.40 1.75 2.00 2.65 3.65 5 .50 6.50 Evaporating, German porcelain, with lip, glazed inside. Nos 000 00 1 2 3 Diam 3 3^j 4 t/4 5^ 654 7^ in. Capacity 2 3 4 6 8 16 oz. Each i $ -20 .25 30 .40 .50 .65 Nos 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diam 9^ 10}^ 1 1^ 12 12^ 3 L3} in. Capacity 32 48 64 80 96 128 oz. Each I 1 -75 1.00 1 .25 1 .50 1.75 2.00 Nos 10 11 12 Diam 14^ 15^ 17 in. Capacity 1/4 2 3 gals. Each $2.50 3.25 4.50 Deep form. Nos 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Diam 25/8 3 Btf 35/8 4^ 4^ J ~yj4 55/8 6 in. Capacity . . . 1 lj^2 2 3 4^4 5 8 10 15 oz. Each $ .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 1842 1843 Same, in sets of 6, Nos. 4 to 9, per set $ 1.35 9, " 1 to 9, " 2.70 With lip, flat form. Nos 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Capacity... 1 2 4 4^ 5y 2 7^ .8^ oz. Each.. $ .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO , SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 85 CASSEROLES, CAPSULES, 1845 1846 1850 1852 1851 1855 No. 1845 1846 1850 Dishes, Glass, with lip, round bottom. Diatn ...... V/ z 3 3 Each $ .15 .15 .25 4 .30 .35 5 .40 6 .60 7 .80 1 A m - 1.00 Dishes, crystalizing, glass. Fine Bohemian, flat bottom, straight sides. Diam Each 4 $ .35 5 .45 6 .70 7 .90 8 in. 1.00 Evaporating, agate ware. Capacity . . # }{ ^ Each ..... $ .50 .75 1.00 12345 1.65 3.00 4.00 5.75 8.50 6 gal. 11.00 1851 Casseroles, Royal Berlin porcelain. With porcelain handle. Nos 1 2 3 3a 4 5 Dia 233^ 4 4}^ 5} Capacity 135 8 13 24 Each.... $.35 .40 .50 .70 .85 140 1852 With cover and wooden handle. Capacity # ^ Diam 3 3% Each $ .50 .65 1855 Capsules, Royal Meissen porcelain, with covers. Nos 1 234567 Diatn 3^ 2% 2^ 2% 1% ls/ 8 ls/ 8 Capacity.. 6 4)1 3^ 2 1% 1% 1 Each $.60 .50 .40 .35 .30 .25 .20 K 4 .75 1.66 6 1.50 6 6 in. 44 oz. 1.75 1 liter. 6^ in. 1.75 9 1 in. .15 .15 86 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. CRUCIBLES, TRAYS. 1857 1858 1859 1862 No. 1856 Capsules, Royal Berlin porcelain, with covers. Nos 000 00 1 2 3 Diam 1 1# \% 1% 2 2*4 in. Capacity ... % - & 1 1% 3 l / oz. Each $.15 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 1857 Crucibles, Rose or Reduction. Unglazed porcelain, perforated covers with tube. Capacity y z 1 2 oz. Each $ .75 1.00 1.50 1858 Light Spun Iron, with cover. Capacity % 1 2 4 oz. Height \ Itf 2 2^ in. Diam \% 2^ 2^ 3^ in. Each $ .25 .30 .40 .50 1859 Normal School, Skidmore's. For making oxygen from Mn. O 8 . Calcination of chalk with recovery of the expelled CO.,. Man- ufacture of soda from Cryolite, preparation of Ammonia, des- tructive distillation of coal, wood or other organic substances. Capacity 1 YZ oz. Each $ 1.00 1860 Same, single tube , $ . 75 1861 Trays, Acid of Lead, square, for etching on glass with hydrofluoric acid. Diam 3 4 5 in. Each $ .40 .50 .60 1862 Rectangular. Size 1x2x4 1x4x4 1x5x6 in. Each $ .50 .60 .75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 87 LAMPS. 1865 1868 1781 1870 1872 No. 1865 Lamps, Rose's. For alcohol or coal-oil, with sliding rod, chimney, triangle, and two brass rings on mahogany base; Mueller's modification. Price $ 7.50 1868 1870 1871 1872 Liihmes', Brass. For general laboratory work. Price $ 7 . 50 Russian. Self-acting, for high heating. Steam or alcohol vapor from upper boiler blows through flame of lamp, making a strong, horizontal blast. Nos 1 2 3 Height 5# 5^ 6^ inch. Each $2.00 2.50 3.00 Heavy Copper, vertical blast, self-acting, for alcohol. Height 3 4 in. Each $1.75 3.50 White's, Copper. Downward blast through separate flame, adjustable. Each $ 5 . 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1875 WICK HOLDER TURJEO HALF A REVOLUTION 1877 1680-82 No. 1875 Lamps, Daugler's Gasoline Laboratory. The most intense heat can be obtained by this burner, which can be easily and instantly regulated at will. The sliding grate allows the article to be placed as near the flame as desired. Pres- sure regulated by rubber bulb. Each . 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 1882 Extra rubber bulbs, each Blowpipe, Plattner's form, mounted on support, can be taken apart to carry in pocket. Screw cap to prevent leakage of oil, with swivel to incline for downward flame. Price without support, D and E, nickel-plated Supports D and E for platinum crucible, porcelain evaporat- ing dish, etc. Price . . Blowpipe, Fletcher's, improved, polished brass " " " nickel-plated . Tin, for tallow 5.00 .35 4.00 1.25 .75 1 00 .30 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 89 1885 1887-8 1890 1892 1895 No. 1885 Lamps, Spirit, brass, with pull-off cap. Capacity 2 4 8 oz. Each $ .30 .50 .60 1887 Brass, with winch to raise and lower wick. Capacity 4 7 oz. Each $ .50 .75 1 888 Nickel-plated. Capacity 4 7 oz. Each $ . 60 .85 1890 Spirit, glass, globe shape, ground caps fitted with tube and wick. Capacity 2 4 8 oz. Each $ .30 .35 .50 1892 Spherical, mounted, nickel-plated, metal cup, universal movement for downward flame when using a blowpipe. Capacity , 2 8 oz. Each $1 . 00 1 . 50 1895 Simplicity, with 9 facets on the fount; may be readily adjusted to any required position. Useful for assayers and chemists. Capacity 2 4 4 oz. Burner, diam. of wick. 3 / l6 y y* in. Each $ .60 .75 .85 90 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. LAMPS, WATER BATHS, 1896 1897 1900 1902 No. 1896 Lamps, Parting. By W. H. Leavens; for alcohol; galvanized iron, very strong; shelves for sand bath and annealing cups; upper shelf per- forated for holding test tubes. Burners 6 8 12 in. Bach $3.00 3.M) 4.50 1897 Parting. Same as preceding, except upper shelf is left out so as to use flasks instead of test tubes. Hood and pipe attached for car- rying off fumes. Burners 6 12 in. Each $3.50 4.00 5.00 1900 Water Baths- Heavy polished copper, tin lined, with concentric rings, cover and steam escape. Diam 4 5 6 10 in. No. of rings . 3456 Each $.90 1.15 1.60 2.50 5.00 1902 With constant water level. Diam 5 Each $2 . 00 6 2.25 Sin. 3.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 91 DRYING BATHS. 1905 1908 1910 No. 1905 Water Baths with test tube rack as used by Dr. Blair in iron analysis, made of polished copper. 7 inches in diameter $ 4 . 50 1908 Heavy copper, arranged to be heated by steam; stove or burners with eight openings, all provided with concentric rings and cover, pipe and stop-cock; also has Kekule's constant regulator. Size, 26x14 in $20 00 1910 Drying Baths or Ovens. Double walls with inlet for water, made of pol- ished copper, with openings for thermometer and gas regulator, movable shelf, extra sheet iron bottom to prevent burning out, and four detachable iron legs- Outside dimensions 6x8 8x10 10x12 in. Each $6.50 9.00 12.00 1915 Same, of tin, with double walls, with inlet for water, two openings tor thermometer, etc. Size, 6x8 in., each $ 3.00 92 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN 'FRANCISCO, CALIF. BLOWPIPES, * 1920 1924 1928 192B No. 1920 Blowpipes, Jewelers' Form. Brass, with moisture bulb $ .30 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 1927 without moisture bulb nickel-plated, with moisture bulb nickel-plated, without mois- ture bulb . .20 .40 .30 John Taylor & Co's, with wooden mouth-piece and threaded tip to screw on 50 Plattner's, brass trumpet mouth-piece, moisture bulb and movable platinum tip ; takes apart for cleaning. . 2.00 Same, nickel-plated 2.25 1928 Tips, Blowpipe, made of platinum. Apertures % , % , % millimeters, 1929 Hard rubber mouth-pieces, trumpet shape, each NOTE. Our platinum tips are swaged from one piece of metal and are not soldered ; are durable. We true the holes in line with the axis, and polish the end, so a correct stream of air and best results are obtained. We make them with different size aperture, as laid down by Plattner : % millimeter wide for qualitative assays, and % millimeter for such qualitative assays as require a strong flame, and for all quantitative assays ; also % millimeter for Harding's Furnace 279. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 93 1935 1936 1938 1939 1945 No. 1935 Blowpipes, Fletcher's Hot Blast, No. 30 specially designed for jewelers, dentists, chemists, etc. Has nearly double the power of the old blowpipe. Taper shaft, brass $ .65 1936 No. 30 b, straight shaft, with hard rubber mouth-piece. . .75 1938 No. 30 c; jointed with both hot and cold blast jets, folded in case 1.00 1939 No. 31. Hot blast chemical. A pattern of the ordinary chemical blowpipe, with the patent hot blast arrange- ment, with hard rubber mouth-piece 1-25 1940 Hard rubber mouth-piece, separately 25 1945 No. 42, with both cold blast and patent hot blast, two jets, nickel-plated mouth-piece. In case 1 . 50 1946 Boss*. Mouth-piece C, separately, for use with other blowpipes 60 94 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1950 No. 32A 1960 1954 No. 1950 Blowpipes, Fletcher's Special Chemical, No. 32a, with folding stand, adjustable at any height or angle. It can be used either with the mouth, or the small hand-blower can be attached and the blowing done by the fingers. With this blow-pipe is supplied one jet with and one without the patent coil, to enable a larger variety of flame to be obtained. The lamp or a weight should be placed on the stand when in use. Complete, as illustrated $ 4 . 75 No. 32, blowpipe only 1 .00 1951 Hand blower only, as illustrated, catalogue No. 1950, No. 32a, in case, wilh extra rubber dish 3 . 25 1952 Oxyhydric. Mounted on stand; universal movement, to direct flame in any direction. Plain 5 . 50 1953 With stop-cock 6 50 1954 With stop-cock and lime-holder 8 . 00 1955 Prepared Limes, for oxyhydric blowpipes. Per dozen, in tin box 2 . 50 1960 Blowpipes,' Brazing, with 2 stop-cocks, one for gas, the other for air blast. y inch tube 2. 50 " " 4.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. GAS BURNERS. 1969 1968 1970 No. 1965 Burners, Bunsen's. With air regulators. Tubes 1 2 Each $ .50 1.25 3 1.75 4 2.00 6 3.00 1968 1969 1970 With tripod, to support dish $ 1 .00 C haddock's. Of porcelain, incorrodible; for use in hoods where metal, on account of the smoky flame, soon cor- rodes. Complete, with support for dishes, chimney and 3 asbestos pads 1 . 75 Adjustable Bunsen, No. 5 GL For burning gas of vari- able quality, In this burner the size of the orifice through which the gas escapes, is adjusted by turning the milled cap-nut seen inside the arm which supports the upright tube. The air supply is adjusted by screwing the arm up or down, it being threaded and moving upon the stem which passes through its lower end. It follows that any desired quality of flame can be produced with it, and that it will burn any kind or quality of gas, rich or poor. Its adjustability renders it a favorite burner for those using gasoline gas, or the mixture of gasoline vapor and air made by gas machines. This burner is furnished, when required, with an adjustable support for holding small flasks or evaporating dishes. It is well made and strong, and is mounted upon a cast iron base. Total height, 6^ inches. Each $ 1 .00 96 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 1981 1982 1983 1980 1984 No. 1975 1985 1972 1971 Burners, No. 5 H. On brass base, turned and polished $ 2.00 1972 No. 5K. Adjustable Bunsen; iron base, with support. . 1.75 1973 1975 Support only Bunsen's. New self-adjusting burner for burning gases of various qualities. The special features of this burner are as follows : By turning the knurled part A the flame can be increased or lowered, the flow of gas and air being regulated auto- matically, the burner will therefore always retain a blue flame. B is the set screw by which to regulate the burner tip C, supplying more or less air according to quality of gas. The supply of gas is regulated by inserting the screw into the next slot, either to the right or left. Care must be taken that the screw is not inserted into the slot too tightly, as this will interfere with the turning of the burner. If a yellow flame should be desired, separate the set screw B from the burner tip C, allowing the gas and air to be regulated separately 1980 Burner Attachment. To set into the Bunsen burner 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 To set over the burner ; with rest for the blowpipe Crowns. Giving a round flame for beating small dishes . . Tripods. For supporting dishes Wing Top. For bending tubing, etc Bunsen's Blast. With two stop-cocks, movable in all directions. Each . . .75 1.25 .25 .25 .50 .25 .25 4.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 97 BLOWPIPE FURNACES. 1991 1990 1999 No. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 Pletcher-Plattner Blowpipe Furnace, for capsules or crucibles ^inch diameter. This furnace is made of Fletcher's patent non-conducting fire-clay, and is almost indestructible. Two forms of furnace support are made, to be used in connection with the No. 5 Blast Bunsen. The Fletcher support is made of one casting, with a thin metal plate for the furnace to rest upon. The Lewis support is placed on a substantial tripod, and so arranged that the furnace is self-centering. The top plate on which the furnace rests can be turned aside without detaching it from the burner, when it is desired to use the burner for other purposes. The cap of the burner is also secured to the frame by a wire hinge, which prevents its being lost or misplaced. When used in connection with the Blast Bunsen, the furnace has a hole in the bottom ; it is also supplied with a side hole for use with a mouth blowpipe. With the Blast Bunsen No. 5, as shown in the cut, and a Fletcher foot blower, 100 grains of cast iron can be perfectly fused in two minutes ; the temperature be- ing, at the same time, under the most perfect control. In order- ing, specify "bottom" or "side" hole. Blowpipe Furnace, No. 5c, blowpipe furnace, with Blast Bunsen and Fletcher Furnace Support $ 4. 25 No. 5e, blowpipe furnace, with Blast Bunsen and Lewis Furnace Support 4 . 75 No. 5, Blast Bunsen, alone 3 .50 No. 5d, blowpipe furnace, alone, with bottom or side hole, and one crucible 25 Fletcher Furnace Support, alone .60 Lewis Furnace Support, alone, including cap . 1 . 00 Clay Crucibles, per dozen .25 Clay Capsules, " .25 No. 7, low temperature burner, with blast pipe C 2 .00 No. 7, low temperature furnace, without blast pipe C 1 . 75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BURNERS, COAL-OIL STOVES, WICKS. 2001-2 2003 2004 No. 2001 Burners, Fletcher's Radial, No. 1, ring, 3% in. diam $ 1.5,0 11 2, " 5 in. " 2.00 2003 " 3R, " 1.00 2004 Coal-oil Stoves, with 1 flat wick, 4 in. Model, iron cistern Defiance, " " Florence, " " Fairy, glass " .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2005 Flat Wicks, for coal-oil stoves. Width Per dozen . . 3 .40 4 in. .50 JOHN" TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 99 BLOWERS, FUNNELS, 2015 2006 2007 No. 2006 Blowers, Fletcher's Foot Bellows. Giving a Continuous blast of air. Nos 9, small 9A, med. 9 B, large Diameter., Each . $4.00 9 5.00 11 in. 7.00 2007 Foot Bellows, mounted on legs. Nos 10, small Diameter 7K Each $5.00 10A, med. 10B, large 9 11 in. 6.00 8.00 NOTE. The Nos. 9 and 10 Bellows have a single disc; the Nos. 9A and 10A double, and the Nos. 9B and 10 B treble discs. 2008 Blowers, Extra Rubber Discs for Nos. 9 or 10, each $ .50 " " 9Aor 10A " 75 " " 9B or 10B " . 1.00 2009 Extra Nets for above. .35 2015 Funnels, Best German Glass. Angle, 60; long stems, ground to a point. Diameter 2 2}^ 3 3^ 4 4^ in. Each $ .10 .12 .15 .15 .20 .20 Diameter 5 5 T / 2 7 9 10^ 12 in. Each $ .25 .30 .40 .60 .85 1.15 2016 Bnnsen's, with edges ground even; angle, 60; long stems, ground to a point. Diameter. \% 2 1% 3 3% 4 4^ in. Each $.10 .15 .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 100 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 2020 2022 2024 2025 2030 2032 No. 2020 Funnels, Ribbed. 2022 2024 2025 2030 2032 Diameter 3^ 5 6 7 8)4 in. $ -20 32 oz. .60 )ck. 9 in. 3.00 64 oz. 3.25 8 oz. 1.50 Capacity 4 8 16 32 64 ozs. Each $ 15 .20 .25 .35 50 In sets of 3, assorted, per set ...... ...... , .. II O I'll IMllklkAI* Capacity 4 8 16 Each $ .25 .35 .50 Diam 4 5 6 7 Each $1 . 25 1 . 50 2 00 2 50 Separatory, globe shape, heavy glass, stoppered. Capacity 8 16 32 Each $1.50 2.25 2.75 Separatory, globe shape, light glass, stoppered. Capacity 1 2 4 Each., $ .90 1.00 1.25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 101 FUNNELS, THISTLE TUBES, 2035 2036 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 No. 2035 Funnels, Separatory, cylinder shape, open top. Capacity 1 2 Kach $ . 80 1 . 00 2050 4 1.25 8oz. 1.75 2036 2040 Tin, Plantamour's, for hot filtrations, 5# in. on top side. . $ 1 .75 10 Tubes, conical top. Length Each . . 12 in. .20 2041 Tubes, spiral stem, conical top, length 12 in, each $ .40 2042 " conical top, safety bend .25 2043 " thistle top, plain 20 2044 With Each. 1 $ .20 2 .25 4 bulbs. .40 2050 Filtering Rings, porcelain; 2 or 3 arms $ .35 102 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. FILTER PAPER. 2059 2055) No. 2055 Filter Paper, Prat- Dumas & Co. (French), round cut, white. Nos 7 10 13 15 19 25 33 40 45 50 Diam.... 34 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 in. PerlOO..$.10 .18 .20 .25 .30 .40 .60 .70 .90 1.10 In sheets, size 21x17 in ream, $4.75; quire, $ .35 2056 Prat-Dumas & Co. (French), round cut, gray. Nos 15 19 - 25 33 40 45 50 Diam.... 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 in. Per 100.. $.25 .30 .35 .50 .60 .80 .90 In sheets, size 21x17 in; ream, $4.00; quire, $ .30 2057 Baker & Adamson's, washed in hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, giving the lowest ash of any filter paper on the market. Put up in boxes holding 100 round filters. Diam 5% 7 9 11 12^ 15 ctm. Ashes, 1 filter: .00001 .00002 00003 .00005 .000065 .00009 grm. Per 100 $.40 .50 .65 .80 1.00 1.20 2058 Baker & Adamson's, washed in hydrochloric acid only. Diam 7 9 11 12 # ctm. Ashes, 1 filter: .00002 .00003 .00005 .000065 grm. Per 100 $ .25 .35 .45 .50 Munktell's Swedish. Is of the best quality manufactured, and has been recommended by the most prominent chemists through- out the world. The several grades are adapted to the various kinds of laboratory work. 2059 No. 0. Washed filters, washed with hydrochloric acid, removing traces of iron, alumina, lime, etc. The ash is reduced to a minimum, and a high standard of purity is secured. A uniform and quick filter, retaining fine precipitates, adapted to the most precise re- quirements of analytical work. Cut round ; 100 sheets in package, 5 packages in a box. Diam 5# 7 9 11 12^ 15 Ashes, 1 filter: .00011 .00015 .00029 .00044 .00056 .00081 Per 100 $.20 .27 .41 .55 .63 .85 ctm. .00124 grm. 1.25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 103 2065 No. 2060 Filter Paper, Swedish, No. IF. Uniform in thickness; best linen material; most perfect filtering paper made; leaves the smallest amount of ash of any unwashed paper. Very strong, adapted to the highest grade of chemical work. The finest precipitates are retained. Cut round ; 100 sheets in a package, 5 packages in a box. Diam 5}^ 7 9 11 12^ J5 18^ ctm. Ashes, 1 filter: .00025 .00040 .00066 .00098 .00127 .00183 .00278 grm. Per 100 $.11 .16 .25 .30 .40 .50 .72 In sheets 48x48 ctm ream, $19.00; quire, $ 1.10 2061 Swedish, No. 2. A pure white linen paper, heavier than No. IF, and not as closely woven, therefore more rapid in filtra- tion. A superior paper for all kinds of laboratory work. Cut round ; 100 sheets in a package, 5 packages in a box. Diam 5^ 7 9 11 12^ 15 IS 1 /? ctm. Per 100 $.10 .13 .20 .26 .31 .40 .53 In sheets 48x48 ctm ream, $16 . 00 ; quire, $ . 95 2062 Swedish, No. 3- A pure white paper, heavier than No. 2; filters rapidly; fully equal to the high grade German papers, but at less cost than other paper of same quality and weight; cut round; 100 sheets in a package, 5 packages in a box. Diameter. 5^ 7 9 11 12^ 15 18^ ctm. Per 100..$ .08 .10 .15 .19 .24 .32 .41 In sheets 48x48 ctm ream, $13.00; quire, $ .75 2065 Schleicher & Schull's. Pure, No. 595. Diameter. 5}^ 7 9 1112^1518^ 24 32 38^ ctm. Per 100..$ .12 .15 .20 .23 .25 .30 .40 .60 1.00 1.25 In sheets 47x54 ctm ream, $10.00; quire, $ .60 2066 Same. No. 597 is much heavier than No. 595; for rapid and clear filtration. Diameter .'. 5y 7 9 11 12^ 15 18^ ctm. Per package of 100 sheets. $ .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .55 In sheets 58x58 ctm ream, $18.00; quire, $ 1.00 104 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 2071 2072 2070 2074 2075 No 2067 Filter Paper. Schleicher & Schull's No. 589. Diameter 5}^ 7 9 11 12^ 15ctm. Ashes, 1 filter, 0,00004 0,00007 0,00011 0,00017 0,00021 0,00025 Per 100 $ .60 .70 .90 1.10 1.35 1.60 2068 Same. No. 590. Ashes, 1 filter, 0,00004 0,00005 0,00008 0,00013 0,00016 0,00019 Per 100 $.75 .80 1.25 1.45 1.65 2.00 Nos. 589 and 500, S. & S. filter papers, are washed in hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid, for quantitative analysis and for rapid filtering, and leave only the slightest trace of ashes 2069 Extraction Thimbles, Fat Free, Schleicher & SchulPs, for Soxhlet, Mohr & Knofler's extraction apparatus for milk and other fat determi- nations, in boxes of 25 thimbles in each box. Sizes 33x80 19x90 33x94 43x123 mm. Per box of 25 $2.25 2.00 3.00 4.00 2070 Bottles, for weighing filters. Very light glass ; wide mouths ; ground, hollow stoppers. Height 40 50 60 70 80mm. Diameter 25 30 30 35 40 " Each $.30 .40 .50 .60 .70 2071 Precipitating Jars, with lip. Capacity y^ % 1 2 4 pt. Each.... $ .20 .25 .35 .50 .75 2072 Precipitating Glasses, on foot. Capacity % 1 2 3 4 6 oz. Each $.15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 2073 Spoons, deflagrating or combustion. Bowl, 1 in., each.. $ .25 Bottles, Woulf, of heavy German glass. 2074 2 necks 4 8 16 32 oz. j 1 2 gal. Each $.40 .50 .60 .85 1.10 2.00 3.50 2075 3 Necks.. .50 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 2.25 4.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 105 BOTTLES, BELL GLASSES, 2085 2081 2080 2086 2082 No. 2076 Bent Tubes, for Woulf bottles. 16 32ioz. Price, per set ____ $.30 .40 .50 1 .60 2 gal. .80 2080 Bottles, Wash, wide neck, with varnished wood stoppers, packed with rub- ber ; holes for the tubes lined with rubber ; straight glass tubes to be connected by rubber tube. Capacity 1 2 4 8 pints. Bach.l $1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 NOTE These can be made in any style, with any number or size of tubes. 2081 Bottles, Aspirator, with outlet near bottom. Capacity % 1 2 pints. Each $ .50 .75 .90 Capacity % 1 2 3 gals. Each $1.10 2.00 2.75 4.00 2082 Same as No. 2081, with glass stopper and ground glass stop-cock. Capacity 1 2 pints. ^ 1 gal. Each $275 3.50 4.00 5.00 2085 Bell Glasses, low form, with knob, strong rim at the bottom, ground for , use with the air pump. Height 4 , 5 7 in. Diameter 6 8 10 in. Each $1.00 1.30 1.75 2086 Tall form, .with knob. Height 6 8 10 Ifc 15 in. Diameter 3 4 5 6 7^ in. Capacity # % # 1 2 gal. Each $.50 .65 .85 1.25 2.00 106 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BELL GLASSES, GLASS TUBING, GAUGE GLASSES. 2037 2088 2089 No. 2087 Bell Glasses, Open top, wide opening. Height 6 8 10 12 15 in. Diameter 3 4 5 6 7^ in. Capacity *A l /i ^2 1 2 gal. Each $.50 .75 1.25 1.50 2.50 2088 Swelled form, with knob. Base diameter 4^ 6 7^ 9 in. Capacity % Y* 1 2 gal. Each $ . 75 1 . 00 1 . 50 2 . 75 2089 Tubulated, with opening on top and tuberlature on side near bottom, for use with filtering pump. Height Sin. Diameter 6 " Each $3 . 00 2100 Glass Tubing, Illustration page 108. Best German, lead free, made expressly for chemical use, for glass blowing and fitting up chemical apparatus, being strong and elastic. In lengths of 5 feet. Size .> to 3 4 inch. ^ to 2 inches outside diameter. Per pound $ . 60 .75 2101 Bohemian Hard Glass for combustion, assorted diameters, per pound $ 1 .00 2102 Capillary, assorted sizes, per pound 2103 Barometer Tubes, sealed at one end, ^ inch to ^ inch bore, 30 inches long, each -50 2104 Stirring Bods, Glass. Solid and hollow, fused ends, for beakers, evaporat- ing dishes, etc. Length 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 18 in. Diameter Kf '%%' %* '%*& ^ /^ in. Solid, per doz. . $ .45 .50 .60 .65 .70 .75 1.00 2.00 Hollow, per doz.. $ .50 .55 2105 Tubes, Scotch Glass Gauge for boilers, stills, etc., per dozen. Length 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 24 in. Diam., Jitoji.. $3.00 3.25 3.60 385 4.25 4.85 5.50 725 " &to& 3 50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.25 6.00 6.75 9.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 107 GLASS CUTTERS, RUBBER TUBING, REDUCERS. 2120 2109 2108 2107 No 2106 Washers, Gauge Glass. For packing the ends of gauge tubes water tight. Per dozen ............................................... 2107 Glass Cutter, for tubing; will cut any length up to 10 inches $ -25 1.50 2108 2109 2110 2111 2115 Tubing, Rubber. Vulcanized, best quality, white. Internal diam. . . }i Light, per foot..$ .04 Heavy, " .. .05 Extra heavy Black Rubber, pure gum. .05 .06 .08 .09 .12 .06 .08 .10 .12 .15 .18 .25 .35 .40 .20 .50 Internal diameter .... }i Per foot ............ $ . 08 n. .10 .12 Red CoTered. Sold only in lengths of 12^ feet. Internal diameter. ... J{ 6 % Ke Thickness of wall. . . % 4 % 2 % 2 Price $ .08 .10 .12 .18 /3a .15 .22 m. .18 2120 Reducers, glass. To connect rubber tubing of different sizes. }i to % inch $ . 10 ^ to ^ inch $ .15 X " H " 10 3/ 8 " ^ 15 # " % " 10 # " fc " 20 # " 5/8 " 10 % " 1 " ' 20 3/8 " y 2 " .10 108 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 109 GLASS TUBES, FILES, CORKS. 2122 2123 2134 No. 2122 Tubes, Three-way, T form. Diam Each . $ . 20 .25 in. 30 2123 Y form. Diam . . . Each . , $ -25 .30 g .35 in. .40 2125 Files, taper saw or three-cornered: flat, and round. Length 3 4 5 6 8 in. Each $.15 .20 .25 .30 .35 2126 File Handles, per dozen $ .50 2130 Corks, taper shape, of best selected wood, regular length. Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diam small end . . # /' 6 H 7 /*6 /* At H */'<> % % in - Pergross $.60 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.60 17 Numbers 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diam. small end. . '^6 % *% 6 'Ke 1 1^8 -, Pergross $2.70 2.95 3.30 3.65 4.00 5.20 5.80 19 20 22 24 26 Numbers 18 Diam. small end. . l^'e IX Pergross $6.40 7.00 8.00 10.00 1# 1% in- 12.50 15.00 2132 Flat, for wide-mouth flasks, bottles, etc." Dia. Ig. end 1 1^ \% 1^ \% lf 1^ 2 f2^ 2^ 2^ 3 in. Gross ... $ .45 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.50 2134 Press, Cork, Rotary, for small and large corks, each $ 1 .25 110 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. RUBBER STOPPERS, CORK BORERS, GLASS STOP-COCKS. 2135 2137 2140 2126 =8= 2145 2141 No. 2135 Stoppers, Rubber, best and softest pure rubber. Solid, one or two holes, tapering, for various chemical apparatus. Our rubber stoppers are made in our own moulds. We do not, as formerly, give the diameter of the large end of these stoppers, the sizes being so graded that the size of the small end of each stopper is the same as the diameter midway between the top and bottom of the next smallest number. Nos .. 00 1 2 3 Diameter at bottom M % 9/ Il /f J ^ 6 in. Dozen ..$ .50 .60 .75 .85 .90 Nos 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diameter at bottom iS/ l*/ 6 1%6 1 l /i 13/Q 19/ 6 jn. Dozen .. $1.00 1.25 1.75 2.35 2.75 3.75 Nos 10 11 12 13 14 15 Diameter at bottom ls^ \y 1% 2/8 2 % 6 2}4 in. Dozen .. $5.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 10.50 12.00 2136 Cork Borers, in sets. Set of . . . . 3 6 8 12 15 Sizes /^-/^ i^_^ YZ~Y^ /^-^ y%-y% Per set ... $ .75 1 . 25 1 . 75 2.00 2.75 O1 Q7 Stlfifitoiiu *1 nn 2140 Stop- COCks, Geissler's, glass. Hollow stopper; ground air tight; larger size for chlorine generators, tanks, etc. 2141 2145 Each . $1 . 75 f 3.50 5.00 Two deliveries. Bore . ^ ^ in. Each ... . ... $3.25 4.50 6.00 Bore y& in Length 3 11 in. Each . * .75 1.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Ill 2151 2154 2155 2156 2158 2159 2159 No. 2151 Stop-COCks, Brass, double ends, for tubing connection. Bore ft Each $ . 65 * *r 1.00 2153 Unpolished $ .25 2154 Brass, one end for tubing, the other with male screw. Bore ft /^in- Each $ .75 1.00 2155 Brass, one end for tubing, the other with female screw. Bore ft /^ in. Each $ -75 1.00 2156 Brass, with double male screws. Bore ft Each $ .75 1.00 2157 Brass, with double female screws. Bore ft Each $ .75 1.00 2158 Brass, with male and female screws. Bore ft Each $ . 75 1.00 2159 Nipples, with either male or female end $ .25 112 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. FAUCETS, SYPHONS, ACID PUMPS. 2162 2160 2163 2164 No. 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2165 Faucets, hard rubber, both ends for rubber tubing connections. Bore X %* Each $ .30 .40 fo inch bore, with screw and nut, for tanks or jars. Each . in. Syphons, glass, plain Length, short arm. . . . Each . With exhaust tube. Length, short arm . . . Each . 15 $ .25 17 .30 16 $ .40 With exhaust tube and glass stop-cock. Length, short arm. ... 15 Each $1.25 Acid Pump, glass ; for emptying carboys. Glass, no rubber to be injured ; the flow under perfect control ; can fill large or small bottles with equal ease ; durable and cheap. Each . 1.25 $ 1.00 19 in. .40 19 in. .50 19 in. 1.50 2167 With foot blower $ 3.75 7.75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 113 SUPPORTS, 2168 JL. o-o No. 2168 Supports, carboy, carrying and tilting device. To overcome the difficult and dangerous operation of carrying and tilting heavy carboys, we herewith introduce a simple device, whereby the carrying of carboys becomes easy and the pouring out of its contents can be done with safety. The illustration shows a stand with a carboy placed thereon, partly swung over, as in the act of pouring. It will be seen that while the carboy can be tilted or turned over with ease, and any quantity drawn from it without the danger of spilling, a considerable amount of labor and material can be saved. 114. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BOTTLES. 2170 2171 2173 2172 2175 2174 As seen on the illustration, the carrying bars are fas- tened or clamped to the carboy by means of two screw- bolts, which rest on the cleats of the box. These bars are of such lengths as to project beyond the ends of the box, and provide handles whereby the carboy may be carried. The stand can be folded up in a compact man- ner for transportation or storage. Price . $ 5.00 No. 2170 Bottles* coin or acid test. 2 oz . .50 9171 Cobftlt. With ground glass cap, low form. ^A oz 35 0170 \Vith ground cap tall form J^ 1 2 4 oz. Each.. . & .35 .45 .55 65 2173 2174 Schuster's. With stopper. 2 oz $ .25 With stopper to turn half around to admit air. White or amber colored glass. Size 1 Each.. 20 2 oz. .25 2175 Mixing. Graduated and glass ! Capacity 250 Each $ 1.50 500 2.00 1000 3.00 2000% 4.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 115 GRADUATES. 2180 2190 2195 No. 2180 2181 2185 2186 2190 Graduates, glass, cone shape. 1 2 3 4 6 8 16 32 oz. 2191 2192 2195 Each $ .25 . 30 . 35 .40 .50 .60 1.00 1.50 Capacity j 1 2 drachms 1 60 120 minims Each ft .25 .30 Glass, double graduation, v in grammes and ounces. Capacity . . . j 1 40 2 75 4 150 8 300 16 500 32 oz. 1000 grms. Each . . ft .40 .50 .70 1.10 1.45 2.50 Cone form. Capacity 25 50 100 200 300 500 1000 grms. Each $.35.45 .60 .75 Cylinder, with lip, double graduations in cubic centimeters, reading either up or down. Capacity 5 10 25 50 % Each..'. $ .30 .35 .50 .65 Capacity Each . . 100 $ .85 200 1.00 250 1.25 500 1.50 1000 % 2.50 Cylinder. Capacity 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 grains. Each $.50 .75 .90 1.00 1.15 1.25 Cylinder, glass-stoppered. Each $1.25 1.75 Cylinder, glass-stoppered, with 1 row of figures. Capacity 25 50 Each $ .65 .75 Capacity. Each.. 250 $1.65 500 2.25 100 % 1.00 1000 % 3.50 116 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. TEST TUBES, BURETTES. -3* 2210 2212 2215 No. 2200 Test Tubes, graduated, on foot. Capacity Each. . $ .25 .40 15-^ 45. .50 2205 Tubes, Nessler's, for ammonia test. Made of clear glass, with polished bottoms. 50 100 VJ1 dU UdLlULl J\J, J-W 0.1JVA J- VVlLll V_TCl33lCJL o Capacity 25 50 50 100 100% Graduation Ko /S Xo /s Xo Each .$1.50 1.75 2.00 2.40 2.75 2215 Gawalowsky's, with glass stop-cock and glass side tube with stop-cock, for filling from reservoir. Capacity 25 50 100% Graduation # % l / IO Each $3.00 3.50 4.25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 117 2216 2217 2216-7 2220 2230 2231 No. 2216 Burettes, Schellbach's, with dark enameled stripe on white enameled back- ground, giving a definite meniscus; with Geissler's stop-cock. Capacity 25 50 100% Graduation */ lo */ lo }/ o Each $1.50 1.75 2.50 2217 With Fresenius' stop-cock. Prices same as No. 2216. 2220 Squibb's, complete, with reservoir. The most convenient form of self-filling automatic burette; filled by pressure; the over- flow syphons back into the reservoir, thus avoiding the trouble of reading the zero point. Capacity 25 50% Graduation */ lo */ lo Each $4.50 5.00 2225 Mohr's, Graduated in grains, with Geissler's stop-cock. Capacity 100 500 1000 grains. Graduation 1 1 1 Each .. $1.75 2.25 2.50 2230 Float or Swimmer, each $ .30 with points to prevent sticking to side, each $ .50 118 JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BURETTES, CLAMPS. 2235 No. 2238 2247 2246 2245 2248-50 2235 Burettes, Gay Lussac's, mounted on polished wood base. Capacity.... 25 25 50 50 75 100% Each Capacity. . . . Graduadon. . Each . &1. X 15 1^25 1.50 1.76 1^75 2.00 100 120 i/ /I0 250% 2.50 150 200 2^75 3 A 00 3.50 2238 Bink's, English form. Capacity.... 10 25 50 50 100 100% Crl clduitlOll r * * r ^/*> Each. CLUO 1.& 1.5 S 1.75 2.25 2.50 2245 Clamps ; wood, for test tubes. With rubber band. Each . . 2246 2247 Wood. With springs for holding large tubes or flasks. Each Stoddard's, for test tubes. Of brass spring wire ; very commendable. Each . . $ .15 .30 .15 2248 Chaddock's, for test tubes. Of japanned spring wire, rubber covered jaws. Each.. .35 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 119 2251 2252 2253 2254 2^55 2256 No. 2249 Clamps, Chaddock's, for beakers. Of japanned spring wire, rubber covered jaws. Each $ .25 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 Chaddock's, for evaporating dishes. Of japanned spring wire. Each . . .25 Mohr's, s. c. pinchcocks, Nickel-plated ; strong spring. Size Small. Medium. Large. Each $ .15 .20 .25 Hofmann's. Nickel-plated. Size Each . . Small. $ .25 Hofmann's, improved. Width ............ # 1 1# Each ............. $ .25 .30 .40 .60 Large. .30 2iiu .75 Hofmann's latest design. Nickel-plated ; for rubber tubing up to 1 in. Width .............................. H 1 in* Each ............................... $.30 .35 Bnnsen's, for rubber tubing. Of brass ; 1^ in. wide. Each ............................................. $ .50 Bnnsen's, for heavy rubber tubing. Can be screwed on table ; to hold tubing up to 2 in. Each.. .............. 75 120 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 2258 2261 2259 2262 2260 No. 2258 Clamps, for burettes, etc., with set screws, iron, to attach to a retort stand , . $ .50 2259 for burettes, with strong spring closing the movable jaw. .75 2260 Hofman's, improved, for two burettes or tubes. 1.00 2261 Bnnsen's, for holding burettes, etc., with fastener, com- plete 1 .00 2262 Bunsen's, for large tubes and condensers, with fastener, complete 1 . 25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 121 CLAMPS, PIPETTES, 2263 2264 2265 2266 2270 No. 2275 2263 Clamps, BlinSftn's, for very large apparatus, the jaws adapting themselves to irregular shapes, with fastener, complete, $ 1.60 2264 Iron, for fastening apparatus to table. Size 2^ 3 4 5 6 Sin. Each $.30 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.30 2265 Clamp Holders, for fastening clamps to supports. Size Small. Each $ .20 Large. .25 2266 Universal, to set at any angle $ .40 2270 Pipettes, Tolumetric. Accurately graduated. Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 10 15% Each $ .10 .10 12 .15 .15 .20 .25 Capacity 20 25 50 100 150 X Each $.30 .35 .40 .60 .75 2275 Graduated. Thistle top, with sheet rubber top. Capacity 10 Graduation ^ Each $ .60 20% % .75 122 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. J PIPETTES, BOTTLES. 2277 2280-4 I No. 2276 2277 2278 2280 2281 2282 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2276 2278 2288 2285 2286-7 Pipettes, Mohr's. Most accurately graduated in centimetres and fractions. Capacity 1 5 10 10 20 25 50 50 100% Graduation... ^oo }L Xo # & % % Bach $ .60 .60 .65 .70 .80 .90 1 25 1.00 2.00 Dropping Tubes. Bent form, 1^-inch bulb, each $ .15 With rubber bulb, dozen .50 Bottles, Specific gravity, with glass stoppers. Capacity. Each. 100 $ .60 250 .75 500 .90 1000 grains. 1 00 ght. 250 2.00 500 2.50 1000 grains. 3.00 20 .70 25 .80 50 .90 100 grammes. 1.00 ght. 20 L.75 25 2.00 50 2.50 100 grammes. 3.00 In box, with counterpoise weight. Capacity 100 Each $1.75 Capacity 10 Each $ .60 In box, with counterpoise weight. Capacity 10 Each $1.50 With thermometer ground into neck, Fahr. scale, in box, with counterpoise weight. Capacity 50 100 grammes. Each $2.50 3.00 Gfeissler's form, Fahr. thermometer, porcelain scale, capillary over- flow tube, in box with counterpoise weight. Capacity 25 50 Each $4.00 4.50 Same, with Celsius thermometer. Capacity 25 50 Each -$4.00 4.50 Bulb shape, with capillary stopper, hollowed out at lower inner end. Capacity 10 25 50 100 grammes. Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 100 grammes. 5.00 100 grammes. 5.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 123 FLASKS, PYROMETERS. 2290 2291 2292 2293 2295 No. 2290 2291 2292 2293 2295 2296 2300 2300 Flasks, volumetric or liter, with glass stoppers. Capacity 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 Bach $.30 .40 .50 .55 .60 .75 1.00 Without glass stoppers. Capacity 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 Each $.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .60 .75 Sugar, with two graduations on neck. Capacity % % Each $ .35 .40 i So/ /i6o .60 For polarization, Kohlrausch's, one graduation on neck. Capacity 50 Each $ . 40 4 Dish, wrought German silver, with spout, polished, for sugar analysis, 3 inches in diameter, with counterpoise weight. Each . " Aluminum 2000 % 1.25 2000 % 1.00 200/ C/ /220 /O .75 100% .50 $ 3.50 2.50 Pyrometers, for noting high temperatures, melting points of metals, in crucibles and furnacps, heat of ovens, etc.; 5^ in. dial, reading to 1200 Fahr. The stem 30 in. long. Price, either horizontal or perpendicular $25.00 124 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. THERMOMETERS. 10 co . V O CUO .i. O In J cd .fl CM S = *o < OW o - C8 OW O -n r] O o "c5w C< O iO c t- 00 8- ed ^ o* 2 -C T3 fl bO 'O rt cd ! OJO O o O O CM T-I CO CO i~H co CO (M CO (M i TSriv' urn Hunted to 30, 30 to 60, 30 to 90, 60 to 90 I/O to 5, to 15, 5 to 25, 5 to 15, 10 to 20, 25 to 35 I/ 5 to +5, to 30, 30 to60, 60 to 90, 60 to 100 y* Graduated for temperature of 17^ centigrade Each ". SmuMHf* oravitv fnr licrVit 1iniiiH 1 700 tr> 1 000 Beaume and specific gravity scale. Each Snppifip ffrnviHr for hpaw UnniH*; 1 000 to 2 000 Each Knppifif* o-ravifv TTni\rfrefl1 7000 to 9 000 with thermometer. Each . Twflddpll' "NTo 1 to 94 into i/ n Q inrVies 2, 24 ' 48 ' y 2t 9 ' .. 3, 48 ' 72 ' Y Z , 9 ' 4, 72 < 108 ' y 2 , 9 ' .. 5, 108 '144 ' y 2 , 9 ' . . 6, 144 '180 ' tf, 9 ' . . printed directions. Each . jar. Each ViliPP'ar to R in */ D to 8 in i/ Each, . JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 129 FIRE TEST, AREOMETERS, JARS. 2371 2370 2372 2365 2375 No. 2365 Coal-oil Fire Test. To find the temperature at which the oil will flash or explode. A thermometer suspended in copper vessel containing the oil, surrounded by copper cup containing water; lamp underneath surrounded by copper hood. Price, complete $ 5 . 00 2366 Extra glass cups for above .30 2370 Areometer, Nicholson's. For taking (without use of a balance) the specific gravity of specimens of ores, or any solid sub- stance not weighing over 1000 grains. Brass, with glass jar Price, without weights 4.50 2371 Glass. " " " " " " 2.75 2372 Apparatus to Determine Amount of Water in Milk. Showing the percentage of water by volume, according to Fuchs. Each 2.00 2375 Jars, Hydrometer, on foot. Height 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 in. Diameter 1 iy 2 iy 2 2 2 2 2 Each $.25 .35 .40 .55 .60 .85 1.00 130 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. TRIANGLES, TRIPODS. 2382 2381 2384 2383 2380 2390 2391 2394 2392 No. 2380 Triangles. Wire; pipe-stem covered ; small, medium and large. Each ; $ .10 2381 2382 2383 2384 With porcelain tubes, flanged, on tin wire. Sizes Small. Medium. Large. Each $ .25 .35 .45 Not clayed. Each $ .06 Adjustable. This holder is nickel-plated and will accommodate any size triangle up to 100 cubic centi- meters. Each 1.25 Solid platinum wire, inside of an iron ring, after Fresenius. Assorted sizes $1 . 00 to 2. 00 2390 Trip ds. Hard twisted wire ; japanned ; 5% inches high. Each $ .20 2391 2392 2394 Brass ; dissectable ; for alcohol lamp. Each . . .75 Iron. Number of rings 123 Each $ .35 .40 .50 456 .75 1.00 1.25 With 7 rings and jacket complete. Each . $ 2.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 131 SUPPORTS FOR BURETTES, FUNNELS, ETC. CN 2395 2396 2397 2398 2403 V 2400 2399 2404 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUPPORTS. No. 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2403 2404 2405 2406 2405 Supports, triangular. Size Rod Each . . 2406 Base and rod only, for use with any clamp. Small Medium Large Ex. Large 16 20 24 36 in. $ .40 .50 .75 1.00 Square. Base and rod only, for use with any clamp. Length of rod same as No. 2495. Size Small Medium Large Each $ .35 .50 .75 For burettes. With . . Iron base, rod and clamps. 1 2 Each For burettes. Square base. Rings Each . . $ .90 1.40 1.90 Iron, with 1 double Hofmann clamp .... Triangular base. Rings Each Extra rings for above. Diameter of Ring.. Each. . $ -60 2 $ .60 2 .15 3 .20 3 .75 3 75 4 .25 Supports, for burettes. For Each Hard wood, lined with cork. 1 $1.00 2 .50 clamps. $ 1.50 4 1.00 4 1.00 5 in. .30 burettes For 4 burettes, with perforated corks in lower arm $ 1 . 25 For burettes, Chaddock's. With round milk glass plate, black walnut base with porcelain plate, clamp of japanned spring wire on turned maple upright; thumb opens the rubber covered V-shaped jaws, which close upon the burette and hold it firm and true. For 1 2 burettes Each $1.75 2.75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 133 2407 2408 2409 I'llllllllllllllll'l HIM! i|lll!IIIIMII',lll|l IMI!'IM-illl|i|ll 2410 2412 No. 2407 Supports, One arm for 1 funnel. Each . . $ 1.00 2408 For funnels. Two arms, for 2 funnels, with extra plate for 2 smaller funnels. Each . . . . , 1.50 2409 For 2 small funnels. Each . 1.26 2410 With 1 double arm, for 4 small funnels. Each . . 1.25 2411 With 2 separate adjustable arms for funnels. Each . . 1.50 2412 With movable screw clamps. Each . . 1.50- 134 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUPPORTS, COMPASSES, 2415 2418 No. 2415 Supports, for funnels ; height adjustable, 6 funnels in one line. Each.. $ 2.00 2418 Compasses. 4 inches diameter, needle 3 inches. With folding hook, with ball movement and hair sights; socket lor staff; each in mahogany box; metal faces, double dial, all graduated to single degrees; jeweled bar needles. Bach. 15.00 BRUNTON'S PAT INI POCKE MINE RANSr Cut about one-half size. 2419. No. 2419. The accompanying illustration shows this valuable instru- ment as it appears to the operator when taking courses or horizontal angles. A tripod or Jacob's staff is un- necessary, as the sighting and reading are accomplished simultaneously. The lightest and most convenient pocket instrument on the market. Dimensions when folded for the pocket, 2^x2^x1 inches. Price $25 .00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 135 2420 Open. 2420 Closed. 2421-5 2426 2427 136 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 2420 Compasses. For Miners. With folding down sights and clinometer for getting dip angle of a quartz ledge. Metal dial, graduated into single degrees; also cardinal points of the compass. Needles jeweled, all with socket and universal movement, to mount upon a Jacob staff. The top of the sights are pro- vided with hooks, so they can be suspended upon a line stretched along the drift. Diameter, case 3 4 in. Length of needle 2 4 Each $9.00 11.25 The above compass has no levels, as it is difficult to place them. With a clinometer, the needle always resting in a horizontal position, will serve for a level ordinarily; but we can furnish a circular level, to be placed upon the glass cover, which can be carried in the vest pocket. Each $1.00 Pocket, with cardinal points. 2421 A. Brass case, nickel-plated ; pull-off cover ; 1^ in. diameter ; paper dial reading single degrees. Each 50 2422 B. Brass case, nickel-plated ; thick, bevelled glass cover; 2 in. diameter; jeweled needle; metal, silvered dial reading two degrees; needle lift to protect point in carrying. Each 1 . 00 2423 C. Same; 2^ in. diameter. Each 1 . 25 2424 D. Miner's Pocket. 2 in. paper dial, reading two degrees. All in mahogany case 3x3 in., with hinge lid which when closed lifts the needle from point. Each 80 2425 E. Same. Metal, silvered dial. Each 1.25 2426 Miner's Pocket, with clinometer. To find the incli- nation of quartz ledges. 2> in. diameter; 2 in. needle; jeweled, nickel-plated, in velvet lined case. Each . 4 . 50 2427 Clinometer, boxwood. With two levels, compass, inclination scale, and folding-down sights. In leather case for the pocket. Each.. 15.00 2428 Atwood's mining clinometer and compass, with a table of fall of angles, with two levels at right angles, with sights, all mounted in a rectangular metal open frame, 6>x3x^ in., in leather case. Each.. 15.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 137 LEVELS, RETORTS, RECEIVERS, ADAPTERS, CONDENSERS. 2430 2436 2445 2450 2451 No. 2430 Hand Level, Locke's, brass, for use in drawing lines in tunnels, in leather case $ 7 . 50 2435 Retorts, Bohemian glass, plain. Capacity... 24 8 16 32 oz. >^ 1 2 gal. Each $ .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 .60 .90 1.50 2436 Bohemian glass, with tubulature and glass stopper. Capacity 2 4 8 16 32 oz. Each $ .25 .30 .35 .55 .70 Capacity ^1234 5 gals. Each $.90 1.30 2.25 3.75 5.00 6.00 2440 Receivers, glass, plain or tubulated, same prices as glass retorts, catalogue numbers, 2435-6. 2445 Adapters, glass, for connecting retort with receivers, either bent or straight. Diameter at large end. . % 1 \% 2 2^ 3 in. Each $.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 2450 Condensers, Liebig's, both outer and inner tube of glass, mounted on wood supports, universal movements. Length 12 18 24 30 in. Price $1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 2451 Unmounted. 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.25 138 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. STILL AND CONDENSER, ALEMBICS, RETORTS. 2453 2457 2454 2456 2455 No. 2452 Condensers, Inner tubes only, can also be used as adapters for glass retorts. Length 19 26 33 40 50 in. Each $.25 .35 .55 .65 .85 2453 Still and Condenser, combined, Liebig's, all glass, 10 inches long. Each . $ 1.25 2454 Alembics, ground stopper. Capacity Each . . 2 $ .50 4 .75 8 oz. 1.00 2455 Condenser or Rectifier, glass worm inside of glass tube. 8 inches long, 1 inch diameter, each $ .75 12 " " 1 " " " 2.50 2456 Eetorts, German Porcelain, for very high heat, glazed inside, stoppered. Capacity 4 8 16 32 oz. Each $ .25 1.50 1 .75 2.50 2457 Copper, for generating oxygen with iron clamp and brass delivery tube. Capacity y z 1 2 4 pints Each $2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 139 RETORTS, GAS BAGS, GASOMETERS, PUMPS. 2463 2460 2462 2465 2464 No. 2460 Retorts, Brass. The tube 6 inches long, 1^4 inches in diameter. A small portion of the chemicals can be reduced first, then the burner moved under fresh portion without generating too rapidly; mounted on board, with elevat- ing device to suit the flame. Each $ 1 . 75 2462 Sheet iron, 12x2 inches, mounted upon iron stand, with Bunseu burner. Each $ 9.00 2463 Gas Bags, rubber, bulb shape, for collecting oxygen, fitted with brass stop-cock and rubber stopper. Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 gals. Each $200 2.50 300 3.50 3.75 Prices will be given for larger sizes. 2464 Gasometers, of galvanized sheet iron, japanned, a new and cheap form simplified by Taylor. No escaping of gas, a convenient means for measuring quantity of gas contained or used. Capacity.. 5 10 20 25 40 50 80 gals. Each $7.50 10 00 12.50 14.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 2465 Transfer Pump, brass barrel, 1^ inch bore, 16 inches long, with cup leather packing, forcing both ways, in or out, Taylor's improved balance valve for in- ward and outward flows, all mounted upon foot- boards. Each $12 . 50 140 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. STILLS, CONDENSERS. 2470 No. 2466 Stills and Condensers, copper, tin lined, for distilling water, tinc- tures, etc. Capacity % 1 2 3 gals. Each $9.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 2467 Copper Still only. Each . . ..00 8.50 9.00 10.00 2468 2470 Condenser only. Each $3.00 3.50 Larger sizes furnished to order. 500 6.00 Jewell's No. 4. Capacity, one-half gallon per hour. Espe- cially adapted for domestic use, and owing to its simplicity, ease of operation and durability, is generally preferred over any other form for use in the kitchen or pantry. It certainly cannot be excelled, and is not equalled by anything on the market. The Stills are fitted complete with brass, gas and water cocks, block tin pipe water connections, and adjust- able bracket for holding bottle or other receptacle for distilled water. The burner is of the standard Bunsen type, with special gauze tip; does not " pop back " or smoke under any conditions, and burns a beautiful blue flame. The cover on the Still is made of polished copper. The "retort" and "condensing jacket" are in one piece. All parts are interchangeable and readily accessible. Price $15 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 141 CONDENSERS, EXTRACTION APPARATUS, TROUGHS. 2490 2500 2503 f . 2491 2502 2495 No. 2490 Condensers. For sulphuric acid. With one bulb and two stop- cocks. Each $ 2 . 75 2491 Same. With two bulbs and three stop-cocks. Each . . 3.00 2495 Extraction Apparatus, Soxhlet's. Complete with flask and condenser. Capacity .................... 2 4 6 oz. Each ....................... $2.60 3.00 4.00 2500 Troughs, pneumatic. Japanned tin, with sliding perforated shelf and overflow pipe. Size ............ 5x7x9 7x9x12 8x9x12 8x11x15 in. Each ........... $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 2502 2503 Mercury; porcelain; cross form; holds 6 Ibs. mercury. Each .............................................. $ 1.00 Same ; oblong. Capacity Each . . 8 $1.25 16 Ibs. 1.50 142 JOHN TAYLOR & CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. PLATINUM. 2510 2511 2510 2512 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 143 PLATINUM, Our stock of platinum is the best. The crucibles and dishes are hammered up, not spun, consequently are solid, durable and will not blister. Our prices are the market rates, which fluctuate. The foil and wire sold by the grain. Pure platinum being a very soft metal, scarcely harder than gold, it is essential for durability that it be alloyed with a small percentage of iridium. Every chemist will appreciate the superiority of utensils, made of this alloy, over pure platinum, since the former are much harder and more tenacious, besides offering a greater resistence to the action of chemical agents, an alloy of platinum with 10% iridium being but slightly attacked by aqua regia. This result seems to be due to the formation of a thin film of iridium upon the surface of the utensils in use, which renders them indifferent to most chemical action. Estimates given for all kinds of platinum ware for chemical and laboratory purposes. Old dishes, crucibles, etc., repaired, reshaped, and purchased. No. 2510 Crucibles, plati mes Capa num. as they ' city in " With covers, weighing a lold cubic centimeters, 8 Wei pproximatel is follows : ght in grami < < 1 < f ( 1 < 1 1 < ( y as many gram- mes 8 10 10 . 12 11 15 14 20 18 25 24 . 30 . . 27 35 33 . 40 37 45 44 50 51 55 60 56 62 70 80 65 68 90 70 100 : 80 110 . 90 Covers are always furnished with crucibles unless otherwise ordered. Crucibles of other weights and capacities made to order. Prices on application. 2511 Crucibles, According to Dr. Gooch, with perforated bottom, cover and extra cap. Prices on application. 2512 Platinum. Gooch form, with covers and caps, weigh as follows: Capacity in 10 Weight in grammes 13 12 " " 16 15 " 18 20 22 25 " " 29 30 " " .34 Coarse or fine perforation. Covers are always furnished with crucibles unless otherwise ordered. Prices on application. Illustration No. 2512 full size from 12 % to 30 % inclusive. 144 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 2513 Cones, platinum. Seamless Filter, 60, coarse or fine perforations. Sold by the piece. Stock sizes as follows, others to order: Diameter Y fa 1% I*/?, 1^ 2 inch. Prices on application. 2514-15 Flexible filter. Full or three-quarters circle, coarse or fine per- foration, adjustable to any angle. Sold by the piece. Cut No. 2514 shows flexible cone before folding; cut No. 2515 shows cone folded to fit funnel. Stock sizes as follows: Diameter, folded, ^ fa, 1 \% 1^ 1^ 2 inch. Prices on application. 2520 Dishes, platinum. With lips, best hammered ware. Platinum dishes weigh, approximately, ^ as many grammes as their capacity in cubic centimeters. Nos 9 8 7 6 5 Weight 8 14 22 82 48 grammes Capacity 20 30 45 86 125 % Nos 4 3 2 1 Weight 65 90 125 150 grammes Capacity 200 270 370 400 % Prices on application. 2525 Boats, platinum. All sizes, shapes and weights, ranging from 3 /{ to 10 % and from 4 grammes to 8 grammes. Prices on application. 2530 Spoons, deflagration, of platinum, for blowpipe analysis, with or without covers. Sold by the piece. Bowl, YZ inch diameter, 5 / l6 inch deep. Prices upon application. 2532 For qualitative analysis. This spoon will be found especially handy in fusion work. Prices upon application. 2535 Spatulas, platinum, all shapes, weights and sizes to sketch. Shapes and weight, ranging from 3 grammes to 15 and heavier, according to size, shape and thickness. Prices upon application. 2536 Sponge, platinum. Bach $ .35 2540 Platinum Cylinder and Spiral, for quantitative determination of copper by electrolysis. Standard forms, weights ranging Irom 10 to 30 grammes; other sizes, shapes or weights to order. Prices upon application. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 145 2513 2514 2515 2520 2525 2530 Fig. 1 Full Size. 2530-Fig. 3 Full Size. 2530 Fig. 2 Full Size. 146 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. PLATINUM WARE, SILVER CRUCIBLES AND DISHES. 2535 2532 Full Size. No. 2545 2540 Sheet or Foil, platinum. Thickness, % 000 in., approximate weight per square in, 3/ " " " /looo /IOOO ic s/ ic i K /IOOO c< io/ '< " " " /looo < iS/ < " And thicker to Ia5/ 2536 10 grains 17 " 22 " 30 " 50 " 82 " 000 in. Prices upon application. 2546 Wire, platinum. Diameter, % 000 n. /IOOO iS/ /IOOO < < 2O/ /IOOO /looo 3o/ /IOOO < 3S/ /IOOC 4o/ /IOOO 4 /Iooo So/ /IOOO /IOOO < 6o/ /IOCO 65/ /IOOO Larger sizes up to approximate weight, per foot 3 grains " " " 7 <{ ^ " " . 2.75 8 " " 65/8 " " 3.25 16 " " 8X " " 3.50 1 quart, " 9^ " " 4 50 ^gallon, " 12>^ " " 8.50 1 " " 14>^ " " 15.00 2 " " 17 " " 36.00 150 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 2615 2615-20 Bottles, Reagent, with chemical names and equivalents in raised letters ground on the surface; made from glass containing no lead, zinc or other metallic flux. All letters ground to make them perfectly visible. Any names not on the list can be engraved on the bottles at small extra charge. Please order by numbers. In sets of 4, labeled Hydrochloric, Sulphuric, Nitric Acid and Ammonium Hydrate. Capacity. . . 4 8 Per set'.... $1.35 1.65 16 oz. 2.00 2620 Reagent, capacity, inches. pint=4 ounces =125 %; height No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hydrogen Sulphide (amber) , . H ,S Hydrochloric Acid HC1 Acetic Acid HC.H 3 O 2 Sulphuric Acid H 2 SO 4 Nitric Acid HNO 3 Potassium Ferrocyanide K 4 Fe(CN) 6 Potassium Sulphocyanide KCNS Potassium Carbonate K a CO 3 Potassium Sulphate K a SO 4 Potassium Iodide . . . .KI Potassium Ferricyanide K,Fe(CN) ( Potassium Hydroxide KOH Potassium Bichromate K a Cr 2 O 7 Sodium Phosphate Na a HPO 4 Ammonium Hydroxide NH 4 OH Ammonium Sulphide (amber). (NH 4 ) 2 S Ammonium Chloride NH 4 C1 Ammonium Carbonate (NH 4 ^ 2 CO 3 Ammonium Oxalate (NH 4 ) 2 C a O 4 No. 20 Barium Chloride BaCl a 21 Calcium Chloride CaCl , 22 Calcium Sulphate CaSO 4 23 Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH), 24 Magnesium Sulphate MgSO 4 25 Mercuric Chloride HgCl a 26 Silver Nitrate (amber) AgNO 3 27 Lead Acetate Pft(n,I s O.). 28 Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 29 Ferric Chloride Fe,Cl 6 30 Alcohol C 3 H S OH 31 Ammonium Sulphocyanide. . .NH 4 CNS 32 Barium Hydroxide Ba(OH) a 33 Barium Carbonate BaCO 3 35 Ether (C a H 5 ) a O 86 Cupric Sulphate CuSo 4 38, 39, 40 Blank. 59 Sodium Carbonate Na a CO 3 61 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 2622 Set of above, 40 bottles, packed in shipping order, per set. $ 7.50 1 set of above, 40 bottles, filled with chemically pure reagents, according to Fresenius, per set 15.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 151 2650 2645 2640-1 2655 152 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN' FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 2625 Bottles, Same style as No. 2620. No. 37 58 59 60 61 77 81 82 83 86 87 88 90 93 94 96 Platinic Chloride PtCl 4 Fehling's Solution. Sodium Carbo late Na 2 CO 3 Sodium Acetate NaC 2 H 3 O a Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Ammonia NH 3 Stannous Chloride SnCl 2 Ammonium Molybdate . . .(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 Carbon Disulphide CS S Mercurous Nitrate Hg 2 (NO 2 ) 2 Indigo Solution. Nessler's Solution. Magnesia Mixture. Oxalic Acid H 2 C 2 O 4 Picric Acid C 6 H 2 OH(NO 2 ) 3 Potassium Chromate K 2 CrO 4 Per dozen . No. 97 Ammonium Sulphydrate NH 4 HS 100 Mercuric Potassium Iodide. 401 Barium Nitrate Ba(NO,). 404 Silver Sulphate Ag 2 SO 4 406 Bromide Water. 407 Chloroform CHC1, 408 Cochineal. 409 Coralline. 410 Litmus. 411 Methyl-Orange. 412 Phenolphtaleiu. 413 Turmeric. 414 Iodine Solution I + KI 415 Methyl Alcohol CH 3 OH 416 Sodium Cobalt ; c Nitrite. 417 Sodium Hyposulphite Na 2 S 2 O 3 2 50 NOTE The above bottles, Catalogue No. 2625, numbers 37 to 417, are not kept in stock; be furnished to order. will 2630 Bottles Reagent. Capacity, % pint=8 oz.=250 % ; height, 6^ in. No. No. 101 Sulphuric Acid, Con H 2 SO 4 114 Barium Chloride BaCl 2 102 Sulphuric Acid, dil H 2 SO 4 116 Blank. 103 Nitric Acid, Con HNO 3 122 Ammonium Sulphide (amber)(NH 4 ) 2 S 104 Nitric Acid Dil HNO 3 126 Alcohol C 2 H S OH 105 Hydrochloric Acid, Con HC1 129 Sodium Phosphate Na 2 HPO 4 106 Hydrochloric Acid, Dil HC1 130 Ammonium Oxalate (NH 4 ) a C 3 O 4 107 Hydrogen Sulphide (amber), H 2 S 131 Acetic Acid HC 2 H 3 O 2 108 Ammonium Hydroxide !.NH 4 OH W5 Silver Nitrate (amber) AgNO 3 109 Ammonium Chloride NH 4 C1 150 Potassium Hvdroxide KOH 110 Ammonium Carbonate (NH 4 ) 3 CO 3 151 Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH), 111 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 152 Lead Acetate Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 112 Sodium Carbonate Na 3 CO Per dozen $ 4 . 00 2631 One set of above (23 bottles), filled with chemically pure reagents, according to Fresenius $10 . 00 2635 Bottles Reagent. Capacity, 1 pint=500 % ; height, 7^ in, No. No. 204 Ammonium Hydroxide NH 4 OH 216 Nitric Acid HNO 3 211 Blank. 217 Hydrochloric Acid HC1 215 Sulphuric Acid H 2 SO 4 Per dozen $ 6.00 2640 Bottles Reagent. Wide mouth. Capacity, 1 oz.=30%: height, 3/^ in. No. No. 350 Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO 3 367 Potassium Chlorate KC1O 3 351 Borax Na 2 B 4 O 7 368 Potassium Ferricyanide K 3 Fe(CN) 6 353 Sodium Acetate NaC,H 3 O 2 369 Sodium Bitartrate NaHC 4 H 4 O 6 354 Potassium Nitrate KNO 3 370 Sodium Nitrate NaNO 3 358 Potassium Cyanide KCN 371 Starch . S61 Am. Sod. Phosphate.... NaNH 4 HPO 4 372 Test Paper. 364 Copper Cu 373 Zinc. 365 Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 374 Ammonium Phosphate (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 366 Ferrous Sulphide FeS 375 Blank. Per dozen . $ 2 . 70 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 153 No. 2641 Bottles Reagent. Wide mouth. Capacity, 4 oz.=125 %; height, 4^ in. No. No. Sodium Carbonate Na a CO 3 305 Potassium Nitrate KNO 3 307 301 302 303 304 Ferrous Sulphate ........... FeSO 4 Blank. 312 Test Paper. Potassium Cyanide .......... KCN Borax ...................... Na 2 B O 7 Per dozen ........................................... $ 4.00 NOTE The above bottles catalogue No. 2640-1. Numbers 350 to 375 "and 301 to 312 are not kept in stock ; will be furnished to order. 2645 Bottle Caps, Reagent. Loose glass caps for covering the necks and lips of reagent bottles to protect stoppers and mouths of bottles from dust. Can be furnished as follows : 1^x2^ $1.00 2^x3^ 1.00 2^x4^ in. 1.00 2650 Racks. Of polished wood for reagent bottles, with recess for each bottle ; to hold a set of 40 %-pint bottles. Bach . $ 7.50 2655 Bottles Reagent. Capacity, % pint=4 ounce=125 %. With acid-proof labels, symbols blown in the bottles and also in the stoppers. The main features of these reagent bottles are the hood stopper, the shape of the lip and the raised acid-proof label. The object of the hood stopper is to prevent an accumu- lation of dust and the salts deposited from the atmos- phere of chemical laboratories upon the lip of the bottle. No. 10 Hydrogen Sulphide (amber). H 2 S 20 Hydrochloric Acid .HC1 30 Acetic Acid HC 2 H 3 O 2 40 Sulphuric Acid H 2 SO 4 50 Nitric Acid HNO 3 60 Potassium Ferrocyanide K 4 Fe<,CN) 6 70 Potassium Sulphocyanide .. . KCNS 80 Potassium Carbonate K 2 CO 3 90 Potassium Sulphate K 2 SO 4 100 Potassium Iodide KI 110 Potassium Ferricyanide K 3 Fe(CN) 6 120 Potassium Hydrate KOH 130 Potassium Bichromate K 2 Cr 2 C 7 140 Sodium Phosphate Na 2 HPO 4 150 Ammonium Hydroxide NH 4 OH 160 Ammonium Su1phide(amber)(NH 4 > 2 S 170 Ammonium Chloride NH 4 C1 180 Ammonium Carbonate (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 190 Ammonium Oxalate (NH 4 ),C 2 O 4 No. 200 Barium Chloride BaCl 2 210 Calcium Chloride CaCl 2 220 Calcium Sul phate CaSO 4 230 Calcium Hydrate Ca(OH) 2 ?40 Magnesium Sulphate MgSO 4 250 Mercuric Chloride HgCl , 260 Silver Nitrate (amber) AgNO 3 270 Lead Acetate Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) , 280 Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 290 Ferric Chloride Fe 2 Cl 6 300 Alcohol C a H 3 OH 310 Ammonium Sulphocyanide. .NH 4 CNS 320 Barium Hydroxide Ba(HO) 2 330 Barium Carbonate BaCO 3 350 Ether (C,H 5 ) 2 O 360 Cupric Sulphate CuSO 4 380, 390, 400 Blank 590 Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO 3 610 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH NOTE. The above bottles are not kept in stock. Will be furnished to order. Per set $18.50 154 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BLANK LABELS, CHEMICAL LABELS. 213 c 261 258 3004- No. 2660 Labels, Blank. Heavy, gummed on back, for marking ore samples, bottles, etc., 100 labels in a box. Nos. 201, 2004, per box, each " 205, 209, 219, 261, 259, 225, per box, each 25 15 2665 Labels, Chemical. In books. Compiled by Prof. Chandler, in- cluding all the most important chemicals and reagents; good paper, gummed on back and perforated; any one can be removed without destroying the book; with name and latest formula, tables of atomic weights, etc. Per book $ .65 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 155 ASSAY CERTIFICATES, HUMID ASSAY OUTFITS. No. 2666 Blanks for Assay Certificates. 8^x5^ inches, ASSAY OFFICE OF No 18 j>5 I HEREBY CERTIFY, That the ore marked ^ assayed for yielded at the rate of w ozs. Gold per ton ; ") Remarks fe ozs. Silver per ton; 5 per cent. Lead; 2 per cent. Copper; M o "i -S 2 *o *2 M O bjo L ^ -< oJO 03 No. 2860 Cloth, Brass or Copper Wire. For battery screens. No length less than 100 lineal feet shall be understood to be a roll. The mesh, same as in steel, is the distance from the center to the center of the wire. Jo. 2 M< 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 30 30 35 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 80 90 100 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Other :sh, made from IS x5^ in. 55. 1 Iron Cupel Mould, \% in. 56. 1 Wood Mallet for mould, 2 l / 2 in. 57. 1 doz. red Chalk Pencils, to number cupels, etc. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 1 Lingke Double End Button Brush, Yt in. 1 Polished Steel Anvil, flat, 3x3 in. 1 Button Hammer, 6-oz. 1 Slag Hammer, 22-oz. 1 pair Flat Nose Pliers, 4 in. 1 " End Cutting Pliers, 5 in. 1 " Snip Shears, 6 in. 1 " Flat Taper Nose, Bead Pliers, 5 in. 1 " Scissors, B. P. size. 1 doz. Flat Bottom Flasks, 2-oz. Y^ " Cone Ring Flasks, 2 oz. 1 pair Wood Mattrass Tongs. 1 No. 2 Bonney Vise. 1 Hand Vise, \Y* in. 2 pieces, 6x6 in. Iron Wire Gauze, No. 16. l /z doz. Gold Annealing Cups, B. 1 Copper Water Bath, 5 in., 4 ring. 1 Iron Sand Bath, 8x1 in. 1 Nest, No. 1-6 Plain Beakers. 1 Concave Beaker Cover, 3^ in. 1 " " ' 3 in. 1 " " " 2^ in. 1 " ". " 2 in. 6 assorted 7 to 8 in . Hollow Glass Stirring Rods. 1 16-oz. Washing Bottle, R. S. 1 32-oz. 1 doz. Test Tubes, 5x^6 in. 1 Test Tube Brush. 1 Test Tube Rack, 8 holes, and drain pins. 1 Wood Test Tube Holder. 1 Nest, 3 Test Tube Funnels. 1 Nest Nos. 1-9 Porcelain Evaporating Dishes. 2 Porcelain Capsules and Covers, No. 7. 1 Dangler's Gasoline Laboratory Lamp. 1 Glass Spirit Lamp, 4-oz. 1 Berzelius' Blowpipe, with platinum tip, bored to Y IO m. m. 1 Coal-oil Stove with two 4-in. wicks. 2 Glass Funnels, plain, 4 oz. 2 " " " 8oz. 1 package S. & S. Filter Paper, 1 >-lb. Assorted Glass Tubing inch diameter. 2 feet Rubber Tube, */& inch. 2 " ' " Y\(> inch. 2 " " " X inch. 1 Combined 8-ounce and 250 C. C. Cone graduate. 1 Chemical Thermometer. 1 Beaume Acid Hydrometer. 1 Iron Stand, 3 rings. ctm. 24 ctm. to Vf JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 181 No. 2976 Assay Outfit for $300 continued. 107. 1 Twisted Wire Tripod. 108. 1 Wood Funnel Support. 109. 1 Patinum Crucible, 12 C. C.., with cover. 110. 1 piece Platinum Foil, 1x2 inches, Xoo inch thick. 111. 6-inch Platinum Wire, 'Xooo inch. 112. 1 Pocket Magnifying Glass, 2 lenses, No. 2825. 113. 1000 Blank Assay Certificates with name of assayer. 114. 1 Chlorine Generator, Test Size, complete. 115. 1 Glass Desiccator, 4 inches. 116. 1 Iron Quicksilver Retort, flat top ; 1 pint, with pipe. CHEMICALS AND FLUXES. 117. 1 Ib. Acid, Acetic, No. 8. 118. 1 ' Muriatic, C. P. 119. 1 " Sulphuric, C. P. 120. 7 " Nitric, C. P. 121. 1 qt. Alcohol, 95. 122. 1 Ib. Ammonium Hydrate C. P., 26. 123. 1 " Ammonium Carbonate. 124. 5 " Argols, powdered. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 25 Ibs. Bone Ash, No. 1. 2 " Black Flux. 20 " Borax. 5 " Borax Glass. 2 " Charcoal, powdered. Y Z " Gran. Copper, C. P. 2 " Sulphate Copper. 1 " Ether Sulphuric. 2 " Pulverized Glass. 10 " Pure Assay Lead, gran. 10 " " " " sheet. 25 " " " Litharge. X-doz. sheets Litmus Paper each, red and blue. 1 Ib. Quicksilver. 1 " Potassium, Carbonate. 2 " " Cyanide. 4 " " Nitrate. 1 oz. Proof Silver Foil. 15 Ibs. Sodium Bi-Carbonate. 10 " Sodium Hyposulphite. 2 " Brimstone. 1 gal. Distilled Water. Total price of above outfit $300. Weighs about 800 pounds gross. 2980 Assay Outfit for $230. For Analytical and Volumetric Work. 147. 1 Becker's No. 7 Analytical Balance, with 160. agate knives and planes ; power, 100 grammes to 1 milligramme, with 3 161. glass feet, 1 pair balanced glass pans, 3 inches 162. diameter, 1 specific gravity apparatus, 163. 1 flat camel hair brush, 1> inches wide, 1 pair pincets. 164. 3 Riders, each, 12 milligrammes. L48. 1 set Becker's Fine Weights, No. 5, 100 165. grammes to 1 milligramme, and riders. 166. 149. 1 Moisture scale, with two balanced brass 167. pans 7 inches diameter ; power, 2 kilos. 168. 150. 1 set Brass Weights, in wood block, 2 kilos down to 1 c. g. 169. 151. 1 Glass Mortor and pestle, 32-oz. 152. 1 12-in. Steel Blade Spatula. 170. 153. 2 16-oz. Boiling Flasks, flat bottom. 171. 154. 2 32-oz. " " " 172. 155. 1 Copper Drying Oven, 8 x 10 in., on legs, double walls. 173. 156. 1 nest, Nos. 1 to 10. Plain Beakers. 174. 157. 2 Concave Beaker Covers, 4 in. diameter. 175. 158. 2 " " " 5 " " 176. 159. 1 32-oz Heavy Bulb Shape Washing 177. Bottle. 1 Porcelain Evaporating Dish, Royal Meissen, 12 in. diameter. 1 Flat Porcelain Evaporating Dish, 8K in. diameter. 1 Glass Evaporating Dish, with spout, 8X i- diameter. 1 Porcelain Casserole with cover and wood handle, 5 in. diameter. 1 16-oz. 2 Neck Woulf Bottle, fitted with tubes. 2 Precipitating Glasses on Foot, 250 C. C. 4 ft. X in - Rubber Tube. 1 Glass Stop-cock, l /% in. bore, double end. 1 Chemical Mixing Bottle, graduated, 500 C. C. 1 Graduated Cylinder, 1000 C. C. 1 " " 250 1 Glass Stoppered Burette, 100 C. C. >< with float. 1 Glass Stoppered Burette, 50 C. C. >/ 1 Wood Support, cork lined, for 2 burettes. 1 Graduated Bulb Pipette. 10 C. C. 1 " " " 50 " 1 " " " 100 " 182 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Assay Outfit for $230 continued. 178. 1 Mohr's Pipette, graduated, 5 C.C. into Yt- 196. 1 179. 1 " " " 20 C.C. into Xo- 197. 1 180. 1 " " " 50 C.C. into X Q . 198. 1 181. 1 Specific Gravity Bottle with thermo- meter and tare weight in box, 100 C. C. 199. 1 182. 1 Specific Gravity Bottle with thermo- meter and tare weight in box, 50 C. C. 200. 1 Volumetric Flask, 1 liter, glass-stop- pered. 201. 1 1 Volumetric " % " " 202. 1 pered. 203 1 1 Chemical Thermometer, 120 Cel., 240 204. 1 Fah. 1 Beaume Hydrometer for light liquids. 205. 1 1 " " " heavy " 1 Hydrometer Jar, on foot. 206. 1 1 Retort Stand, 3 adjustable rings. 207. 1 1 Wood Support for 3 assorted funnels. 1 Glass Retort, 1 pt., stoppered. 1 " Receiver, " " 208. 1 1 Liebig's Condenser, 15 in. glass, mounted. 209. 1 194. 1 Evolution Flask, 1 pt., fitted with rub- 210. 1 ber stopper and delivery tubes. 211. 1 195. 2 Gas Bottles, 1 qt. 212. 1 183. 1 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. Mercury Trough ; 6 Ibs. 2-gallon Rubber Gas Bag with stop-cock. Platinum (pure hammered) Dish, 2^in., 80 C. C. set 40 (4-oz. reagent bottles). Catalogue No. 2615. Silver Dish, 2)4 inches diameter, with spout. Box Blank Labels, gummed, 1x2 Yt in- Dialyser, 1 gallon. Carbon Determination Apparatus. Marsh Arsenic Test Apparatus, with mounting and plates. Richard's Filter Pump with connec- tions. Hot Filtering Apparatus, 1 pint. Rapid Filtering Apparatus, Yt pint, with perforated platinum cone, com- plete. Desiccating Apparatus, glass bell and plate, and porcelain acid dish, 5 in. Digesting Apparatus. Potash Bulb, Liebig's. Nitrogen Apparatus. Displacement Apparatus, 1 pint. No. 2982 Memoranda of Outfit for Copper Assays by Cyanide Potassium Method. 1 Pulp Balance. 1 set Gramme Weights, 50-gramme to 1 milli- gramme. 2 pair Pincets . 2 Spatulas. 1 >-gal. Iron Mortar. 1 80-mesh Sieve. 1 doz. Copper Flasks. > " 3)^-in. Funnels, Bunsen's, Yt " Sand Baths. 1 10 c. c. Cylinder. 4 10 c. c. Pipettes. 1 8-oz. Graduate. Yz doz. 8-oz Beakers. Yt doz. packages Gray Filter Paper, 7-in. ^ " " S.&S. " " 18^ c. m. X doz. 12-oz. Beakers. 1 Dangler Blast Lamp, gasoline. 1 8-oz. Alcohol Lamp, glass. Y^ Ib. Glass Rods and Tubing. 2 Burettes, 50 c. c., XQ glass stop-cock. 1 Retort Stand, 3-ring. 2 Funnel Stands, for 4 funnels. 1 Sampler and Scoop . 1 Buckboard and Muller. 1 Color Plate, porcelain . 1 H 2 S Apparatus, small. 2 Empty Bottles. 6 ft. Rubber Tube, X- iu - 3 Pinch Cocks. 1 box Labels, blank. 1 book Labels, chemical. 2 books Litmus Paper. Yt doz. Capsules, No. 3 and Covers. % gallon Sulphuric Acid, com'l. Yz " Muriatic Acid, com'l. Yt " Nitric Acid, com'l. 7 " Nitric Acid, C. P. 5 Ibs. Sheet Zinc, cut in strips, com'l. 8 " Ammonium, C. P., 26. 1 " Potassium Cyanide, 98$ 99$. 6 sheets Copper Foil, C. P. Yt gallon Alcohol, 95$. 1 " Distilled Water. 1 Ib. Zinc, granulated, C. P. Price, complete $80 00 Battery outfits for copper analysis can be furnished as desired. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 183 BLOWPIPE APPARATUS. According to Prof. Plattner, for Qualitative and Quantitative Blowpipe Analysis, No. 1 Anvil, Small, best polished steel, 2#xl %*% $ .50 3 Balance, Plattner's, for blowpipe analysis; especially arranged for traveling, sensible to 1-5 milligramme, portable in polished wooden box, best German make, complete, with set of weights 1 gramme to 1 milligramme 25 . 00 5 Becker's No. 2. In French polished glass case, 9 in. long 9|^ in. high and 3 in. deep, sliding frame counterpoised; packed in a light box, with strap for carrying, weighing, all boxed, 4^ Ibs. Needle deviates 20 divisions on the scale for 1 milligramme. Takes a 2 milligramme rider, which reads Y IO milligramme. With apparatus for rider, set of weights, 1 platinum gramme to */ lo milligramme. Price 75.00 184 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. Balance, Troemner's latest improved portable assay. In a fine French polished case ; beam and neeclle not disturbed when packed up; case measures 9j^ in. long, 9^ in. high and 4 in. deep ; packed in a light outsi8e case, with strong leather hand strap ; needle deviates 20 full divisions for 1 milli- gramme ; a full set of weights, from 1 platinum gramme to y io milligramme included. Takes a 6 milligramme rider, which reads */ milligramme. Price $65.00 Palp. Brass beams, horn pans suspended by silk cord, with weights 10 grammes to 1 centigramme. Price . . 11 Beakers, lipped, 00 to 1 13 Blowpipe, brass, jeweler's form, plain 15 17 Same, with bulb Fletcher's Special Chemical, No. 32. With folding stand, adjustable at any height or angle. It can be used either with the mouth, or the small hand blower can be attached and the blowing done by the finger. With this blowpipe is supplied one jet with, and one without the patent coil, to enable a larger variety of flame to be obtained. The lamp or a weight should be placed on the stand when in use. Price Blowpipe, alone Blower alone, with Elastic Chamber enclosed within a net, and stop-cock in box As illustrated . . 2.00 .30 .15 .25 1.00 3.00 4.75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. 185 23-25 W!CK HOLDER TUfiUEO HALF A REVOLUTION. 19-21 27-29 No. 19 Blowpipe, Plattner's, brass, with movable platinum tip and hard rubber mouth-piece $ 2.00 21 Same, brass, nickel-plated 2 .25 23 Blowpipe Lamp, Plattner's nickel-plated, with patent swivel 4.00 Support D. E. for platinum crucible, porcelain evaporating dish, etc., of polished brass to fit lamp, extra 1 . 25 27 Fletcher's, polished brass .75 29 Same, brass, nickel-plated 1 . 00 31 Tin, for tallow .30 33 Burner, Bunsen's, with tip and tube for blowpiping. .85 35 Button Brush Lingke's f^ in .50 37 Capsules, porcelain capacity 8 c/c . .15 39 Same, capacity 15 c/c .20 41 Carbon blocks moulded .30 43 Cylinders moulded 3xl#i in .20 186 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 45 47 49 51 59-61 63 No. 45 Borers, Charcoal, four-cornered, small 47 square and spatula end 49 square end and chisel end, magnetized 51 club shape 53 Capsules, Charcoal. 69 Diameter. Doz. . 3 4 $ .20 .25 .45 .50 .50 .75 1 in. .35 55 Same, % 6 -in, 3 doz. in box $ .20 57 Crucibles, Charcoal. Diameter Doz. . K $ .25 .30 59 Charcoal Holder, for Charcoal Squares, with screw handle to fasten the coals in . 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 Same, with platinum wire and shield. Saw, polished blade Squares or Stoves, of prepared powdered charcoal, 30 mm. high, 32 mm. square, top face recessed to receive porcelain clay crucibles No. 75, doz Same, Covers, 14 mm. thick, 32 mm. square, recessed to receive clay capsule No. 77, doz Cakes or Sticks, natural, hard wood; willow, fine grain, size about 4x1x1 inches, doz Pressed, size 80x20x10, mm., doz " 80x20x20 " 1 in .40 51.75 2.25 .50 1.00 .60 .50 .50 .75 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 187 79 81 83 89 99 101-3 105 No. 75 Crucibles, Clay, dozen $ .30 77 Capsules, " " 25 79 Carriers, or cases for crucibles, capsules and stoves, made of japanned tin, with pull off cover. For 6 12, charcoal crucibles. Each $ .25 .30 For 6 12, charcoal capsules. Each $ .25 .30 For charcoal stoves, with covers. For 3 6, coal stoves. Each $ .35 .40 85 For 12, clay crucibles... $ .25 87 For 12, clay capsules .25 89 Metal bottle for carrying oils, tight screw cap 5^ inches long, 1 y z inches in diameter 1 . 25 93 Cylinders, Clay, or holders, for charcoal crucibles and capsules, each . 25 95 Charcoal .25 97 For charcoal capsules, to examine sublimates .50 99 Prismatic form, with cavity at one end and one side .35 101 Color Test Plates, porcelain, 3^x4^ inches, 12 depressions s . 65 103 " 5x6 inches, 12 depressions .85 105 Cobalt Plates, blue glass .10 188 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. 109 119 111-13 125 123 127 No. 107 Coal Chisels $ .25 109 Cupel Holder, with two cupels and one mould 1 . 50 111 Moulds, ^-inch brass 1 . 75 113 " ^-inch iron .75 115 Dishes, porcelain, 3 in a set 40 117 Dropping, or Cobalt Bottles, glass stoppered, Schuster's, 2-ounce. .25 119 Dropping Tubes .05 121 Files, round and triangular, with handle .20 123 Forceps, polished nickel, Raynor'sform, platinum pointed, 5^ inches 2 . 25 125 Cylinder, Wood, upon which to form soda paper cornets .15 127 Filter Paper. See Catalogue, page 102. 129 Fuel, Alcohol, per pint .50 - Olive Oil, " , 90 -Nut Oil, " 30 Paraffine, per Ib .25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 189 133 143 \J 141 -o 149 151 No. 131 Funnels, glass, per nest of 3 $ .20 133 Supports, 2 brass rings, adjustable vertically and sideways, wood base. Each .90 135 Hammers, Plattner's, wire handle .75 137 " wood " '. .60 139 Holder, for chimney and funnel 1 . 50 141 Cupels, brass cups, held by twisted wire in handle .30 143 upright form .30 145 for platinum wire, hollow handle, milled screw, clamping point, etc .90 147 with six platinum wires 1 . 75 149 with sliding ring and flat jaw ; will hold wire or sheet .... .35 151 steel, wood handle, for charcoal cakes .35 153 Knife, for cutting cork .25 190 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 159 No. 157 Magnets, horseshoe, 3 inch $ .25 159 Magnifying Glass ' 1.00 161 Magnet, straight, with chisel end .40 163 Mattrasses, extra hard Bohemian glass, with bulb, dozen .75 165 ' holders 40 167 Mixing Capsules, brass, nickel-plated .40 169 horn .25 171 Mortars, agate, with pestles, for grinding small specimens of ore. Diameter... \% 22^ 33^ 4 4^ 5in. Each ,$1.50 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.50 7-50 9.00 12.00 173 Diamond, Plattner's, of hard polished steel, with dust- tight ring and base piece. Small $ 4 00 Large 6 .00 175 L/eed's, without ring, bottom part also used for small anvil. 2.00 177 Combined Crushing and Cupel Mould; steel cylinder 1^ inches diameter ; one end flat and hardened for crushing ore specimens ; to be laid upon any flat anvil ; the other end formed for making \% inch cupels by reversing it in the ring ; brass cap to fit each end to strike against 4 . 50 179 Diamond or Crushing ; 1 inch diameter ; plunger and ring only ; to use upon any anvil 4 . 00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 191 185 189 195 191 No. 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 Moulds, for making pressed coal stoves and covers, with two pestles and extra bottom piece, complete for making charcoal cakes, with extra bottom piece for two sizes, either 80x20x10 or 80x20x20 mm. . hard wood, for making charcoal capsules, improved form, with self-centering pestle for making charcoal crucibles polished brass, in sections to take apart for making clay crucibles. . for clay capsules made of boxwood . for clay crucibles, made of boxwood Pipette, glass bulb, 150 mm long, $ 5.00 3.00 .75 .85 4.50 .75 1.25 .15 192 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 50 49 48 47 46 45 i 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 :i7 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 | 29 28 j 27 26 25 23 22 21 19 18 17 16 15 1 14| 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 3.48;,' 3.27 3.07 2.89 2.70 2.53 2.37 2.21 2.0C 1.91 I 1.78 1.C5 1.41 1.29 !l.!9 j 1.09 1.00 0.91 0.82 0.75 0.67 0.61 0.54 0.48 0.43 0.38 0.33 ft 0.29 W 0.25 R 0.22 0.19 0.1C 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.07 O.OC 0.04 0.03 0.027 0.020 o.ou o.ooe 0.003 j! 0.0017 i 0.0007 O.OC02 ; 0.00002 219 No. 197 Pliers, flat nose, 5-inch $ .50 199 flat taper nose, 5-inch .60 201 for assay buttons, 5-inch .60 203 Platinum Foil 1 205 Wire 207 Tips 209 Crucibles } Prices on application. 211 Dishes 213 Spoons 215 Spatulas j 217 Paper, glazed, for mixing and sampling powdered ores ; in sheets colored bronze, blue, black or white ; size 20x24 inches ; per quire .' . $ .50 219 Harkort's Ivory Scale, for measuring B. P. but- tons to take the place of a balance 3 .00 DIRECTIONS Treat with the B. P. one assay centner (equals 100 M. G.) of the powdered silver ore. If the resulting button measures 50 upon the scale, that is, just fits between the diverg- ing lines at 50, then the silver is .03 4 % 00 percent of the 100 M. G. of ore by weight. In 1 ton of 2000 Ibs. average there are 29. 1666 Troy oz. .0348 per cent of 29.1666 oz. equals 1.01499 oz. of pure silver to the ton. At $1.2929 per oz., equals $1312.26 per ton, the value of the sample assayed. If a button measures 25 on the scale, the value per ton will be $162.15. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 193 223 225 ffl 229 233 227 No. 221 Scale of Hardness, consisting of nine specimens in large pieces, as follows: No. 1. Talc No. 2. Gypsum " 3. Calcium " 4. Fluoride " 5. Phosphate lime " 6. Alumina " 7. Quartz " 8. Topaz No. 9. Corrundum. Each lot of specimens in recess in a polished box 6^x 4^x1 ^ inches with a file, chisel and streak plate ; complete $ 5.00 223 Scissors, blowpipe .40 225 Spatulas, double end, steel, 4 inches long .25 227 wood handle, blade 3 inches long .25 229 Spoon, Ivory, 3}^ inches, each .30 231 Shears for cutting metal .75 233 Sieves, nest of three, brass, tin frame, 3 inches in diameter, with cup at bottom. Nos. 30, 50, 100, or any three numbers desired, per set 1 . 50 235 Silver Foil, Proof Silver, per oz 1 .60 237 Soda Paper, 40 sheets in box .25 239 sheets 10x5 in -05 241 Stirrers, glass, dozen .50 243 Streak Plates, of porous porcelain, for mineralogists, Royal Berlin. . I^x2?4 in. 2^x3^ in. 3x4 in. 3^x5^ in. $ .25 .30 .35 .45 245 Test Lead Measure graduated into 5, 10, 15 and 20, blowpipe centners . . 35 194 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 269 247 265-7 249 253-5 6 a to* 263 \ No. 247 Test Lead Sieve - $ .30 249 Test Tubes, per dozen 25 251 holder 15 253 Support, 4 holes and drain pins .25 255 Same, 8 holes and drain pins .50 257 Touch-stones, black Small, $ .50; medium, $ .75; large, 1 .00 259 White " .50 " .75 1.00 261 Tubes, hard glass, open at both ends, per dozen .50 263 for arsenic reduction .10 265 Wash Bottle, fitted with pure gum stopper and tubes, 4 ounce 267 Same, 8 ounce .55 269 Watch Glasses, 2-inch, dozen 25 271 Clips .20 273 Wicks, for lamps, each 10 275 Test Needles of Gold, 9 needles fastened to a ring, numbered, and containing gold upon their points of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 karats fine 3.00 277 Trays, sheet iron, for carrying cupels or capsules, 12 depressions ... .65 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 195 HARDING'S PORTABLE BLOWPIPE OUTFIT. Pipette. Pliers. Wood Former for Cupels. Clay Cover for Scorifier. Annealing Cups.' Phosphoric Acid. Granulated Lead. Borax Glass. C. P. Nitric Acid. Paraffine. Alcohol. Bone Ash. Proof Silver. No. 279 Portable Blowpipe Outfit, Harding's, for 50 assays, each 2 grammes, packed in box. 25x9 >x7^ inches, hinged lid, with straps for carrying, weighs 38 pounds. Price, complete, with directions $40.00 The following articles are included in the above blowpipe outfit : Mortar and Anvil combined. Hammer and Pestle combined. Tin Frame Sieve, 100 mesh. Horseshoe Magnet. Button Balance and Weights, 1 grm. to 1 mm. Granulated Lead Measure. " Spoon. Roasting Furnace, Asbestos Lined (Fig. 2). Fifty-five Scorifiers. Paraffine Lamp. Blowpipe, adjustable mounting, rubber bellows, with platinum tip, g / TO mm. bore. Spirit Lamp. Forceps. FIRST, FUSION Weigh two grammes of pulp or well mixed ore, and mix with it eight grammes of pure granulated lead in the scorifier, then cover the mixture with eight grammes more of the lead, then by means of the pipette add, drop by drop, concentrated phosphoric acid until the mixture is moist. The object of this is to cement the pulp into a compact mass to pre- vent its being blown away by the blast. Place the scorifier (D] with its charge into the furnace, as shown in Fig. 1, and let it rest quite level upon its asbestos bed with loose asbestos around the sides of the scorifier, even with the top, as at E. Now blow a smoky flame upon the surface of the assay so expel moisture, then add to the assay ten or twenty per cent of borax glass as the ore may require. The cover (A) is now placed upon the scorifier as shown, but care must be taken that the openings (A and ff) are just large enough to let the flame in at A and the gas escape at the open- ing B. The most difficulty is experienced by beginners in obtaining a flame which is of sufficient volume and intensity to bring the ore to fusion. The paraffine in the lamp (G) must first be melted, and the copper tube, which carries the wick, heated by means of an alcohol flame and mouth blowpipe before the lamp is lit. The wick should be cut to an angle of about thirty degrees. The flame when burning freely should be about five inches high. Particular care must be taken with the platinum blowpipe tip. It is bored to the width of % millimeters, and the hole is true and in line with the axis of the cone, and it should be pre- served from injury. If this is not the case the flame will scatter and buzz, in which case it is im- possible to obtain a fusion. The blowpipe flame must be perfectly smooth and silent, when the furnace, lamp and blowpipe are in the position shown in Fig. 1. The bellows are operated so as to produce a flame which is slightly yellow at A, but nearly blue at C. This flame is kept up until the fusion is completed, then the tip is moved a little in the direction of the furnace, which will shorten the flame so that the point will barely strike the surface of the molten lead. Care must, however, be taken that the temperature of the furnace does not drop to the extent as to chill the slag. The blast is kept up until the lead is oxidized to such an extent as to be nearly covered with slag. The scorifier is then removed from the furnace and allowed to cool. SECOND, CUPELLING The lead button is prepared in the ordinary way for cupellation. The cupel is made by taking a new scorifier and filling it with dry bone ash and pressing down the surface as hard as you can, and smooth, with a depression in the center about $5 of an inch in diameter and /fe of an inch deep. A wood former is provided for this operation. The cupel, prepared in this way, is placed within the furnace (without a cover), as Fig. 2, and heated with the blowpipe flame until all the moisture is expelled. Then the lead button is placed in the cavity for cupellation. The flame is held directly on the lead until the litharge begins to form. After this it is necessary to keep the point of the blue flame at one side of the molten lead. The object of this is to keep the bone ash at a sufficiently high temperature to absorb the litharge as fast as it is formed. Close attention must be paid to this part of the operation. The flame should be directed to any point where litharge is inclined to accumulate, other- wise the operation is as the ordinary cupellation in the muffle furnace. 196 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 279 Figure 2 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 197 281-3-5 No. 281 BLOWPIPE APPARATUS IN SETS. Society of Arts Blowpipe Apparatus These blowpipe cabinets are un- equaled in cheapness and quality, compactness and portability, and in arrangement of apparatus. Set A, in mahogany Blowpipe. Spirit Lamp. Grease Lamp. Hammer. Anvil. Pestle and Guard. Platinum Forceps. Brass Forceps. Lamp Tweezers. Test Tube Holder. Chisel. box, contains Magnet. File. Scissors. Cupel Striker. Bone Spatula. Platinum Wire. Platinum Foil. Tin Foil. Magnesium. Pastille and Cupel Pastilles. Boiling Dish. Open Tubes. Closed Tubes. Glass Rod. Blue Glass. Litmus Paper. Turn eric Paper. Brazil Wood Paper. Soda Paper. Sodium Carbonate. Microcosmic Salt. Borax. Bone Ash. Fluor Spar. Assay Lead. Cobalt. Nitrate. Potassium Bi-sulphate. Copper Oxide. Silver. Chloride and Potassium Iodide of Sulphur. Price $14.00 283 Blowpipe Apparatus, Set B, in polished mahogany box, with initial plate, contains, in addition to the above, plati- num tip to blowpipe, agate mortar and pestle, and gold bead 17 . 50 285 Set C, contains same apparatus as B, in mahogany box, with the addition of 48 care- fully selected test minerals in tubes arranged in a drawer. These minerals afford good examples in practice for both elementary and advanced students . . 20.00 198 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 287 No. 287 Fine Blowpipe Set for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Made by C. Osterland, Freiberg, Germany. All contained in polished mahogany box, 13^x12^x4^2 in., with brass grip handle at one end. Enclosed in stout leather case with straps ; weighs complete, 221bs. Contains the following implements, all of finest construction, brass and nickel finish, packed in velvet lined recesses, in trays and in tin boxes: 1. Balance 8)4 in. nickel-plated beam. New 26. arrangement to arrest the pans. Beam 27. support always vertical. Sensible to /^ 28. M. G., with two pairs metal removable 29. pans and vial to take the specific gravity 30. of ores. 2. Folding Glass Case for No. 1. 31. 3. Set Weights of sheet platinum and alumi- 32. num. 1000 milligrammes to y t0 M. G. 33. 4. Pair Horn Pans, balanced. 34. 5. Harkort's Ivory Scales for measuring 35. cupel beads. 36. 6. Pair Ivory Pointed Pincets. 37. 7. ' Platinum Pointed Pincets. 38. 8. ' Brass Pincets. 9. ' Steel " 38a, 10. ' Flat Nose Flyers. 39. 11. ' Polished Steel Scissors, with file back. 12. Magnifying Glass, 2 lenses, black horn 40. frame. 41. 13. Steel Chisel and Magnet combined. 42. 14. " Hammer, wood handle. 43. 15. Combined Steel Anvil and Diamond Mor- 44. tar. 45. 16. Agate Mortar, 2 in., and pestle. 17. Ivory Spoon. 46. 18. Steel Spatula, double end. 19. Horn Mixing Capsule. 47. 20. Brass " 48. 21. Camel Hair Pencil Brush. 49. 22. Box Soda Paper, cut to size. 50. 28. Boxwood Cylinder for No. 22. 51. 24. Granulated Lead Measure, graduated into 52. 5, 10, 15, 20 B. P. centners. 25. Square Coals, with covers. Coal Crucibles. " Capsules or Dishes. Porcelain Clay Crucibles. " " Capsules. Square Coal Holder, with platinum wire and guard plate. Clay Holder for Nos. 26 and 27. Coal Borer, spatula end. " for No. 23. " large, for No. 28. Plattner's B. P. Lamp with folding stand. Metal Lamp for Alcohol. Supoort for Crucibles to fit stand No. 35. Blowpipe, Berzelius form, trumpet mouth and platinum tip, bored to y io M. M. Extra Platinum Tip, beared to %o M. M. Cupel Mould, with stamp and stand, after Plattner. Platinum Sheet. Magnesium Ribbon. Silver Strips. Zinc " Test Papers, blue and red Litmus. Platinum Wire Holder, with hollow han- dle and wires. Platinum Spoon, short handle, to be held by No. 7. Button Brush, double end. Open Tubes, hard glass. Closed Tubes, " " B. P. Mattrasses, hard glass. Set 4 Glazed Porcelain Capsules. Two " " 45 M. M. Wide. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 199 No. 287 Continued. Also the following Reagents in glass-stoppered bottles, in turned polished wood boxes, with pull-off cover. A Arsenic. B Borax. C Soda. D Salt Phosphor. E Nitre. F Muriate Ammonia. G Plattner's Flux. H Chloride Soda. I Oxide Copper. J Test Lead. K Starch Flour. L Acid Oxalic. M Sifted Bone Ash. N Washed " O Iron. P Bi-Sulphate Potash. Q Nitrate Cobalt. R Borax Glass. S Iodide Potash and Sulphur. T Acid Boracic. U Potassium Cyanide. Price, complete , $140.00 No. 289 Blowpipe Apparatus, as described in " Brown's Manual of Assaying." 1 1 Set (3) Porcelain Dishes. 2 1 Diamond Steel Mortar. 5 1 Pair Platinum Pointed Forceps. 41 " Heavy Tip Steel Forceps. 51" Steel Forceps. 6 1 Steel Chisel. 7 1 Charcoal Borer, club shape. 81" " with spatula. 9 1 Pair Scissors. 10 1 Platinum Holder, with 6 wires. 11 1 Plattner's Blowpipe Lamp, with swivel. 12 1 Charcoal Saw. 13 1 Mattrass Holder. 14 1 Plattner's Blowpipe, nickel plated. 15 1 Platinum Tip for same. 16 1 Steel Hammer, with wire handle. Test Lead. Tin. Phosphorous Salt. Borax Powder. Borax Glass. Boracic Acid, fused . Boracic Acid, cryst. Plattner's Flux. Bismuth Flux. 17 1 Set Moulds and Stamps. 18 1 Pair Nippers. 19 1 Double Lense. 20 1 Knife. 21 1 Dropping Pipette. 22 1 Camel Hair Brush. 23 6 Mattrasses. 24 1 Glass Alcohol Lamp, with metal top. 25 1 Chamois Skin. 26 6 Glass Tubes. 27 Yz Dozen Charcoals. 28 Coal and Ash Trays. 29 2 Books Test Papers. 30 Frame, with 18 glass-stoppered and labeled reagent bottles, containing the following reagents : Carbonate Soda. Potash Oxalate. Salt. Soda Nitrate. Charcoal. Bone Ash, sieved. Bone Ash, washed. Copper Oxide. Bisulphate Potash. Price for complete set, securely packed in neat wooden carrying case. . $30.00 200 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. No. 291 Diamond Mineral Collection, in box bered specimens, averaging one inch in diameter, with automatic spring lock, as follows : 1. Native Sulphur. 2. Stibnite. 3. Graphite. 4. Auriferous Quartz. 5. Argentite. 6. Cinnabar. 7. Chalcopyrite. 8. Cuprite. 9. Malachite. 10. Azurite. 11. Galenite. 12. Cerussite. 13. Sphalerite. 14. Zincite. 15. Willemite. 16. Calami ne. 17. Cassiterite. Price . 18. Pyrite. 19. Pyrrhotite. 20. Hematite. 21. Magnetite. 22. Limonite. 23. Siderite. 24. Pyrolusite. 25. Corundum. 26. Cryolite. 27. Wavellite. 28. Fluorite. 29. Gypsum. 30. Apatite. 31. Calcite. 32. Dolomite. 33. Barite. 34. Celestite. in. A set of 50 num- Polished hardwood box 35. Rock Crystal. 86. Amethyst. 37. Milky Quartz. 38. Chalcedony. 39. Agate. 40. Jasper. 41. Pyroxene. 42. Rhodonite. 43. Amiphibole. 44. Garnet. 45. Mica. 46. Scapolite. 47. Orthoclase. 48. Cyanite. 49. Talc. 50. Serpentine. 2 . 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 201 293 Students' Complete Mineral Collection. Three hundred speci- mens, in six trays or drawers, with recesses for each, all packed in box 12^x8x8^ in., illustrating Dana's Manual of Mineralogy and Petrography. Antique oak cabinet, polished and paneled, chiffonier locks. The most complete mineral set ever offered. Any one of the six drawers can be pulled out and laid before the student. Price, with Dana's Manual of Mineralogy and book of localities . $50 . 00 MINERAL AND CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES To illustrate the Important Re-action of Bodies before the Blowpipe. 295 The set of 50, each in bottle, labeled and numbered, conveniently packed in box for carrying, in pocket 7x5x2 inches. Following is the list : 1. Alloy of Mercury and Tin. 2. " Lead and Antimony. 3. " " " Bismuth. , 26. Fluor Spar. 27. Feldspar. 28. Graphite. 4. " " " " Zinc. 5. " Copper, Lead and Silver. 6. " Tin and Copper. 7. " Lead and Platinum. 29. Galena. 30. Hematite. 31. Iodide of Potassium. 32. Mica 8. " Gold, Silver and Copper. 9. Alum. 33. Molybdic Acid. 34. Oxide of Cobalt. 10. Anglesite 11. Arsenious Acid. 35. " " Lead. 36. Oxalate of Nickel. 12. Arseniate of Copper. 13. Bromide of Cadmium. 14. Bone Ashes. 15. Chloride of Copper. 16. " " Sodium. 1 7. Carbonate of Ammonium. 37. Pyrolusite. 38. Quartz. 39 Sulphate of Baryta. 40. " Copper. 41. " " Magnesia. 42. " " Potassium. 18. " " Lithium. 19. Cuprite. 20. Cinnabar. 43. Sulphur. 44. Sesqui Oxide of Chromium 45. Oxide of Uranium. 21. Calcite. 46. Stibnite. 22. Chromic Iron. 47. Strontianite. 23. Chlorate of Potash. 48. Steatite. 24. Enargite. 25. Emery. Price . . 49. Serpentine. 50. Ulexite. . 10.00 By the use of the substances, No. 295, re-action of the following elements and compounds may be obtained : Antimony. Aluminum. Arsenic. Ammonium. Bismuth. Bromine. Baryta. Boracic Acid. Copper. Chlorine. Calcium. Cobalt. Chromium. Carbon. Cadmium. Chloric Acid. Carbonic Acid. Fluorine. Gold. Iodine. Iron. Lead. Lithium. Mercury. Molybdenum. Manganese. Magnesium. Nickel. Oxygen. Phosphoric Acid. Platinum. Potassium. Silver. Sulphur. Sulphuric Acid. Strontium. Silica. Sodium. Tin Tungstic Acid. Uranium. Zinc. 202 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BOOKS UPON ASSAYING, MINERALOGY, CHEMISTRY OF METALS, BLOWPIPE, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ETC. NOTE The apparatus and chemicals described in the following books we keep on hand. Aaron (C. H.) Part I, Assaying Gold and Silver Ores. Illustrated $ 1.00 Aaron (C. H.) Part II and III combined illustrated Gold and Silver Bullion Assaying, Melting Humid Assay Process; also, lead, copper, tin, mercury, zinc, antimony, sulphur, etc., concluding with an appendix to Part I 1 . 75 Abel (Frederick Augustus) Mining Accidents and their Prevention, with discussion by leading experts 4 .00 Adams (W. J.) Hints on Amalgamation and the General Care of Gold Mines 1 . 50 Adrian ce (John S.) L/aboratory Calculations and Specific Gravity Tables . 1 . 25 Anderson ( J. W.) The Prospector's Handbook. A guide for the pros- pector and traveler in search of metal-bearing or other valuable minerals. Illustrated 1 . 50 Armstrong (Henry E.) Introduction to the study of organic chemistry. The Chemistry of Carbon and its Compounds. Illustrated 1 .50 Barr (Wm. M.) Pumping Machinery. A practical hand book relating to the construction and management of steam and power pumping machines. Two hundred and fifty engravings covering every essential detail in pump construction 5 . 00 Barringer (Dan Morcan) Minerals of Commercial Value 2 . 50 Bauerman (H.) Text-book of Descriptive Mineralogy; 12mo., cloth 2.00 Bayley (T.) Pocket Book for Chemists 2 . 00 Beard (J. T.) The Ventilation of Mines. A work for practical mining men in their study of the subject 2 50 BeriHger (C. & J. J.) Text-book of Assaying. For the use of those con- nected with mines, with numerous diagrams and tables Blair (A. A.) The Chemical Analysis of Iron. A complete account of the best known methods for the analysis of iron, steel, pig iron, iron ore, limestone slag, clay, sand, coal, coke, furnace and pro- ducer gases. Illustrated 4 . 00 Blake (Wm. P.) The Precious Metals, with a chapter upon the unifica- tion of gold and silver coinage; the production of the precious metals, or statistical notices of the principal gold and silver produc- ing regions of the world 1 . 50 Blake (Wm. P.) Report upon the Precious Metals, being statistical notices of the principal gold and silver producing regions of the world. 1.50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 203 Blount (Bertram) and Bloxam (A. G.) Chemistry for Engineers and Manufacturers. A practical text- book. Vol. I. Chemistry of Engineering, Building and Metallurgy $ 3.50 Vol. II. The Chemistry of Manufacturing Processes 4.50 Bloxam (Chas. L.) & Huntington (Alfred K.) Metals; Their Properties and Treatment 2 . 00 Body (R. R.) The Sugar Factory Manager's Handbook of Notes, Tables, Rules and Data, for managers, engineers, chemists, overseers and others 2 . 50 Bolton (H. C.) Students' Guide in Quantitative Analysis, intended as an aid to the study of Fresenius system 1 . 50 Borchers (W.) Electric Smelting. A practical manual of the extraction and treatment of metals by electrical methods 6 . 50 Bosqui (Francis I,.) Practical Notes on the Cyanide Process 2.50 Bowie (Aug. J. Jr.) A practical treatise on hydraulic mining in Cali- fornia, with description of the use and construction of ditches, flumes, wrought-iron pipes and dams, flow of water on heavy grades and its application under high pressure to mining 5.00 Bran nt (Wm. T.) & Wahl (Wm. H.) The\ Techno-Chemical Receipt Book, containing several thousand receipts governing the latest, most important and most useful discoveries in chemical technology and their practical application in the arts and industries 2.00 Brannl (Wm. T.) The Metal Worker's Handy Book of Receipts and Processes. Being a collection of chemical formulas and practical manipulations for the working of all the metals and alloys, includ- ing the decoration and beautifying of articles manufactured there- from as well as their preservation 2 . 50 Brannt (Wm. T.) A Practical Treatise on Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils, comprising both fixed and volatile oils, their physical and chemical properties and uses, the manner of extracting and refining them, and practical rules for testing them. Illustrated 12.50 Brough (Bennett H.) A Treatise on Mine Surveying 2.50 Brown (Walter Lee) Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead Ores. With illustrations 2 . 50 Brush (George L. ) Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, with an intro- duction on Blowpipe Analysis. New notation revised and corrected. Illustrated 3 . 50 Cairns (Fred A.) A Manual of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, for the use of students. New edition revised 2 . 50 Campbell (Harry Wise) Manufacture and Properties of Structural Steel 4.00 Classen's (Herrich Boltwood) Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Elec- trolysis 3 . 00 Clowes (Frank) Treatise on Practical Chemistry and Qualitative Inor- ganic Analysis 2 50 Clowes & Coleman Elementary Qualitative Analysis 1 . 50 204 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Clowes (Frank) and Coleman (J. B.) Quantitative Chemical Analysis. . $ 3.60 Cole (Grenville) Aids in Practical Geology 3 .00 Cooke (J. P.) The New Chemistry. New, revised and enlarged edition 2.00 Cornwall (H. B.) Manual of Blowpipe Analysis, Qualitative and Quant- itative, with a complete system of determinative mineralogy 2.50 Crookes(Wm.) Select Methods in Chemical Analysis (Chiefly Inorganic). 8.00 Dana (E. S.) Catalogue of American Localities of Minerals. Reprint from the sixth edition of Dana's System of Mineralog) r 1 .00 Dana (J. D.) Manual of Geology. Treating of the principles of the science. 8vo 5 . 00 Dana (J. D.) Text-book of Geology 2 . 50 Dana (Edward S.) Minerals, and How to Study Them. A book for beginners in mineralogy 1 . 50 Dana (Edward S.) A Text-book of Mineralogy, with an extended treatise on chrystallography and physical mineralogy. Illustrated tHB Dana (James D.) Manual of Mineralogy and Petrography, containing ele- ments of the science of minerals and rocks. Illustrated 2.00 Dana (Edward S.) A New System of Mineralogy. Embodying the results of the last twenty-four years of active progress, within which time nearly one thousand new names have been introduced into the science. The habits of the crystals, methods of twining, and the physical characters, especially those on the optical side, have been carefully studied. ' 'A Mineralogist's Bible " 12 . 50 Dana (J. D.) New Text-book of Geology 1 75 Da vies ( D. C.) A Treatise on Metalliferous Minerals and Mining; illus- trated 5.00 Davies (E. H.) Machinery for Metalliferous Mines. A practical treatise for mining engineers, metallurgists, and managers of mines. Illus- trated 5 . 00 Egleston (Thomas) The Metallurgy of Silver, Gold and Mercury in the United States. Volume I On Silver 7 50 Volume II Metallurgy of Gold and Mercury. Showing the latest practice pursued in American metallurgical establishments 7 .50 Eissler (Manuel) Modern High Explosives. Nitro-glycerine and dyna- mite, their manufacture, use and application to minng and military engineering; pyroxyline or gun cotton; the fulminates, picrates and chlorates; also, the chemistry and analysis of the elementary bodies which enter into the manufacture of the principal nitro-compounds. Illustrated 4.00 Eissler (Manuel) The Metallurgy of Silver. A practical treatise on the amalgamation, roasting and lixivation of silver ores, including the assaying, melting and refining of silver bullion 4.00 Eissler (Manuel) Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead Ores. A practical treatise on the smelting of silver-lead ores and the refining of lead bullion.. 5.00 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 205 Eissler (Manuel) The Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold, de- scribing the erection of a cyanide plant; extraction by cyanide the Siemens-Holske process. Particulars of operations at various works. The chemistry of the cyanide process $ 2 .50 Eissler (Manuel) Metallurgy of Gold. A practical treatise on the metal- lurgical treatment of gold bearing ores; including the process of con- centration and chlorination, and the assaying, melting and refining of gold 5 . 00 Eliot (Charles) and Storer (Frank H.) A Compendious Manual of Quali- tative Chemical Analysis 1 . 75 Evans (Castell) The Chemist's Pocket Book. Tables and data foi the use of analysts, chemical manufacturers and scientific chemists .... 2.50 Fenwick & Baker Subterranean Surveying with and without Mag- netic Needle 1 . 25 Fletcher (E. L-) Practical Instructions in Quantitative Assaying with the Blowpipe, containing also readily applied blowpipe tests. For . the prospector, miner and assayer 2 . 75 Fock (Andreas) Introduction to Chemical Crystallography 2.00 Fownes (George) Manual of Elementary Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical 2 . 75 Frazer (Persifor) Tables for the determination of minerals by physical properties ascertainable with the aid of a few field instruments; latest edition 1 . 50 Fresenius A System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis. By Dr. Remigius Fresenius. Translated into the "new system," newly revised by Samuel W. Johnson; illustrated 6. 00 Fresenius Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, new system. By Dr. C. Remigius Fresenius; illustrated 5.00 Furman (H. Van F.) A Manual of Practical Assaying. Determinations of twenty-six metals and metallic substances; also special assays and analysis of bullion, copper and sulphides, gold and silver ores, coal, water and gases, and alloys of metals, calculations of blast furnaces, tables, etc 3 . 00 Gangers' Manual U. S. Internal Revenue Gangers' Manual, embracing regulations and instructions, and tables prescribed by the Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue; flexible cover 1 . 50 Geike (Archibald) Outlines of Field Geology 1 . 50 Gore (G.) The Art of Electro-Metallurgy, including all known pro- cesses of electro-deposition 2 . 00 Greenwood (W. H.) Metallurgy, Volume I. Fuel, iron, steel, tin, anti- mony, arsenic, bismuth and platinum 1 . 25 Greenwood (W. H.) Metallurgy, Volume II. Copper, lead, zinc, mer- cury, silver, gold, nickel, cobalt and aluminum 1 . 25 Griffin (J. J.) Chemical Handicraft. A classified and descriptive cata- logue of chemical apparatus suitable for the performance of class experiments 1 . 50 Hall & Bergen Text-book of Physics 1 . 25 206 JOHN TAYLOR & CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Hill (Henry B.) Lecture Notes on Qualitative Analysis $ .75 Hiorns (A. H.) Practical Metallurgy and Assaying 1 .50 Hiorns (A. H.) Text-book of Elementary Metallurgy 1 . 00 Hixon (Hiram W.) Lead and Copper Smelting and Copper Converting. . 3 00 Hoeck's (F. P.) Mining Code of the Mexican Republic in Spanish and English 2 .00 Hoffmann (E. M.) The Metallurgy of Lead and the Desilverization of Base Bullion 6.00 Hunt (Thomas Sterry) A New Basis for Chemistry. A chemical philos- ophy 2.00 Hunt (Thomas Sterry) Chemical and Geological Essays 2.50 Hussack (Eugen) The Determination of Rock-Forming Minerals. Translated by Erastus J. Smith 2 . 00 Ihlseng (M. C.) A Manual of Mining, based upon the course of lectures on mining delivered at the School of Mines of the State of Colorado. 4.00 Johnson (J. C. F.) Getting Gold ; a gold-mining handbook for prac- tical men 1 . 50 Kemp (J. F.) The Ore Deposits of the United States. A standard work . 4 . 00 Kemp (James Furman) A Handbook of Rocks for Use Without the Microscope 1 . 50 Kerl (Bruno) The Assayer's Manual. Translated from the German by Wm. T. Brannt 3.00 Kirkpatrick (T. S. G.) The Hydraulic Gold Mines; illustrated 1.00 Kustel (G.) Roasting of Gold and Silver Ores and the Extraction of their Respective Metals without Quicksilver; illustrated 3.00 Ladd (E. L.) A Manual of Quantitative Analysis for beginners 1 .00 Lake (Arthur) Prospecting for Gold and Silver 1 .00 Lang (Herbert) Matte Smelting. Its principles and later developments discussed, with an account of the pyritic processes 2. 00 Langbein (George) Electro-Deposition of Metals 4 . 00 Laugenbech (Karl) The Chemistry of Pottery 2 .00 LeConte (Joseph) Elements of Geology 4 . 00 Lefferman (Henry) Handbook of structural formulae 1 00 Lefferman (Henry) Analysis of Milk and Milk Products. Arranged to suit the needs of analytical chemists, dairymen and milk inspectors . 1 . 25 Letts (E. A.) Qualitative analysis tables and the reaction of certain organic substances LeVan (Wm. Barnet) The Practical Management of Engines and Boilers 2.00 Lieber (Oscar M.) The Assayers' Guide, or Practical Directions to Assay- ers, Miners and Smelters, for the test and assay, by heat and wet process, for the ores, of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins and alloys, and of coal, etc. ; illustrated 1 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 207 Lob (Walter) Electrolysis and Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds. Translated by H. W. T. Lorenz $ 1 . 00 Lock (C. G- Warnford) Economic Mining. A practical handbook for the miner and the metallurgist, treating of prospecting power, drilling, blasting, shafting and well sinking, ventilation, lighting, draining, mining and winnowing, hauling and hoisting, reducing, concentrat- ing, etc., in mines. Also, treatise on non-metalliferous and metal- liferous metals 5.00 Lock (A. G ) Practical Gold Mining. A comprehensive treatise on the origin and occurrence of gold-bearing gravels, rocks and ores, and the method by which the gold is extracted 15.00 Louis (Henry) Handbook of Gold Milling. A scientific exposition of the subject, yet not too technical for practical men. The mechanical principles of the stamp mill and the chemical facts of amalgamation are treated of in a very clear and concise manner; illustrated 3.50 Makins (G. H.) A Manual of Metallurgy, more particularly of the pre- cious metals; 100 engravings, second edition, enlarged, 12mo 3.00 Mason (Wm. P.) Examination of Water ; Chemical and Bacteriological. 1.25 Mc'Laughlin (M. Louise) Pottery Decoration under the Glaze 1 .00 Mc'Laughlin (M. Louise) Suggestions to China Painters 1 .00 Mc'Laughlin (M. Louise) China Painting 1 .00 Meads (S. P.) Elements of Chemistry. A work for use in high schools; illustrated 1 . 00 Merriam (Mansfield) A Treatise on Hydralics 4.00 Merritt (Wm. Hamilton) Gold and Silver Ores. What is their Value? Simple field tests for prospectors with an inexpensive outfit 1.00 Miller (John A.) Practical handbook for miners 3. 00 Milne (John) The Miner's Handbook, a handy book of refeience on the subjects of mineral deposits, mining operations, ore dressing and kindred topics 3 . 00 Moore (Cunningham Wilson) Guide for Prospectors, Explorers and Miners. A manual for those engaged or interested in the search for or development of metallic and other mineral deposits 4 . 75 Murphy (John G.)Practical Mining. A field manual for mining engineers, with hints to investors in mining properties 1 .50 Neumann (Bernard} The theory and practice of electrolytic methods of analysis, translated by John B. C. Kershaw 3 . 50 Newth (G. S.) Inorganic Chemistry 1 . 75 Noyes (Arthur A.) and 31 ill! ken (Saml. P.) Laboratory Experiments on the class re-actions and identifications of organic substances. . .50 Noyes (Arthur A.) Detailed Course of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. . . 1.25 O'Brine (David) A Laboratory Guide in Chemical Analysis 2.00 Orton (James) Underground Treasures. How and when to find them. A key to the ready determination of all the useful minerals within the United States; illustrated 1 .50 208 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Osfoorn (H. S.) A Practical Manual of Minerals, Mines and Mining, con- taining suggestions as to the localities and associations of all the useful minerals. Full description of the most effective methods, for both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of each of these min- erals, and hints upon the various operations of mining, including architecture and construction, and other operations $ 4.50 Osborn (H. S.) The Prospectors' Field Book and Guide, in the search for and the easy determination of ores and other useful minerals; illustrated 1 . 50 Ostwald (Wilhelm) Foundations of Analytical Chemistry 1 .75 Ostwald (Wilhelm) Outlines of General Chemistry, translated by James Walker 3.50 Overman (Frederick) A Treatise on Metallurgy, comprising mining and general and particular metallurgical operations, with a description of charcoal, coke and anthracite furnaces, blast machines, hot blast forge hammers, rolling mills, etc 3 . 00 Park (James) The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction, a text-book for the use of metallurgists and students 2 . 50 Peffer (El wood S.) Beet Sugar Analysis ; a complete system of instruction for analysts in beet sugar factories 2 . 50 Percy (John) Metallurgy. The art of extracting metals from their ores. Introduction Refractory materials and fuel. Revised and greatly enlarged edition. Numerous illustrations 12 .00 Percy (John) The Metallurgy of Lead. Including desilverization and cupellation ". 12 . 00 Percy (.John) Metallurgy. The art of extracting metals from their ores. Silver and gold. Part I, 8 vo., cloth 12.00 Peters (Edward Dwyer, Jr.) Modern Copper Smelting. Rewritten and greatly enlarged. The standard authority of the world on copper smelting - 5 . 00 Phillips (J. S.) The Explorers' and Assayers' Companion. Vol. I, com- plete in itself, treating on rocks, veins, testing and assaying. A practical exposition of the various deparments of geology, exploration, mining, engineering, assaying and metallurgy 6.00 Phillips (J. A.) A Treatise on Ore Deposits. With numerous illustra- tions 7 . 50 Phillips (H. Joshua) Engineering Chemistry ; a practical treatise for the use of analytical chemists, engineers, iron masters, iron founders, students, and others . 4 . 25 Plattner Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Blow- pipe. Translated from the latest German edition by Henry B. Corn- wall 5.00 Plympton (George W.) The Blowpipe. A guide to its use in the deter- mination of salts and minerals; illustrated 1 .50 Prescott (A, B.) Organic Analysis ; a manual of the descriptive and analytical chemistry of certain carbon compounds in common use. . 00 Prescott (Albert B.) and Johnson (Otis C.) Qualitative Chemical Analysis; a guide in the practical study of chemistry and in the work of analysis 3 . 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 209 Rafler (Geo. W.) The Microscopical Examination of Potable Water $ .50 Randall (P. M.) Quartz Operator's Handbook; new edition; revised and enlarged; illustrated 2 .00 Raymond (R. W.) Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Ter- ritories West of the Rocky Mountains 4.50 Remsen (Ira) Laboratory Manual .60 Remsen (Ira) Briefer Course in Chemistry 1 . 25 Remsen (Ira) Advanced Course in Chemistry 3 . 50 Richards (Joseph W.) Aluminum. Its history, occurrence, properties, metallury and applications, including its alloys 7.50 Rickard (T. A.) Stamp Milling of Gold Ores 2.50 Rickett (Russell) Skeleton Notes upon Inorganic Chemistry . .75 Ricketts (Pierre de Peyster) Notes on Assaying and Assaying Schemes . 3.00 Roberts (Austen W. C.) An Introduction to the Study of Metallurgy. Revised and enlarged 5 . 00 Robinson (Henry) Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery. A work of great usefulness to practical engineers and students. Revised and enlarged edition 10 . 00 Roscoe (Henry E.) Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic 1 . 25 Roscoe (H. E.) and Schorlemmer (C. R.) Treatise on Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry : Vol. I. Non- Metallic Elements; 8vo 5.00 Vol. II, Part 1. Metals; 8vo 3.00 Vol. II, Part 2. Metals; 8vo 3.00 Organic Chemistry : Vol. Ill, Part 1. The Chemistry of Hydrocarbons and their Deriv- atives ; 8-vo 5 . 00 Vol. Ill, Part 2; 8vo 5.00 Vol. Ill, Part 3 3.00 Vol. Ill, Part 4 3.00 Vol. Ill, Part5 3.00 Rose (T. Kirke) The Metallurgy of Gold. Being one of a series of treatises on metallurgy written by associates of the School of Mines, London, Eng. Edited by Professor W. C. Roberts Austin; illustrated 6.50 ROSS (W. A.) The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology: con- taining all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working examples, and instructions for making apparatus 2.00 Rothwell (Richard P.) The Mineral Industry. Its statistics, technology and trade in the United States and other countries from the earliest times to the end of 1898 : Vol. 1,1892 5.00 Same, Vol. II, 1893. . . 5.00 Same, Vol. Ill, 1894 5.00 Same, Vol. IV, 1895 5 . 00 Same, Vol. V, 1896 5.00 Same, Vol. VI, 1897 5.00 Same, Vol. VII, 1898 . . 5 .00 210 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Sadtler and Trimble Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry $ 5.00 Schimpf (Henry W.) Text-book of Volumetric Analysis with special reference to the volumetric processes of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States 2.50 Schnabel (C.) Handbook of Metallurgy, translated by Henry Louis. 2 vols 10.00 Sexton (A. Humboldt) Text-book of Elementary Metallurgy 2.50 Shepard (James H.) The Elements of Inorganic Chemistry, descriptive and qualitative 1.25 Slojine (T. O'Connor) The Arithmetic of Electricity. A manual of elec- trical calculations by arithmetical methods, including numerous rules, examples and tables in the field of practical electrical engineer- ing and experimenting 1 . 00 Smith (Edgar F.) Electro-Chemical Analysis 1 .00 Spencer (Guilford L.) Handbook for Chemists of Beet Sugar Houses and Seed Culture Farms, containing selected methods of analysis, sugar-house control, reference tables, etc 3 00 Spencer (Guilford L-) A Handbook for Sugar Manufacturers and their Chemists, containing practical instructions in sugar-house control. The diffusion process, selected methods of analysis, reference table, etc 2.00 Stillman (Thos. B.) Engineering Chemistry ; a manual for the use of chemists in the examination of engineering materials 4 . 50 Stretch (R. H.) Prospecting, Locating and Valuing Mines 2 .50 Sutton (Francis) A systematic Handbook for the Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Substance by measure, applied to liquid^, solids and gases; illustrated 5 . 00 Tayler (A. J. Wallis) Sugar Machinery ; a descriptive treatise devoted to the machinery and apparatus used in the manufacture of cane and sugar beet Thornton (Arthur) and Pearson (Marchant) Notes on Volumetric Analysis 1 00 Thorpe (T. E.) Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. I. Non-metals 1 .25 Thorpe (T. E.) Inorganic Chemistry . Vol. II. Metals 1 . 25 Thorpe (T. E.) Quantitative Chemical Analysis 1 . 50 Thorpe (T. E.) aud Muir (M. M. Pattison) Manual of Qualitative Analysis and Laboratory Analysis 1 . 50 Tucker (J. H.) Manual of Sugar Analysis. Including the applications in general of analytical methods to the sugar industry, with an introduction on the chemistry of cane sugar dextrose, levulose. . . 3.50 Valentine (W. G.) Twenty Lessons in Inorganic Chemistry, embracing the course of instruction in chemistry required for the first stage of elementary classes of the science and art department Van Cotta (Bernard) Rocks Classified and Described ; a treatise on lithology * 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 211 Tan Wagenen (T. F.) Manual of Hydraulic Mining for the use of the Practical Miner. A treatise on the general methods of placer min- ing ; directions for the miner ; properties of water ; construction of water-ways; flow of water in flumes and ditches; iron piping; nozzles and discharge ; the sluices, etc ................................ $ 1 . 00 Wanklyn (J. Alfred) Milk Analysis. A practical treastise on the ex- amination of milk and derivatives: cream, butter and cheese ...... 1.00 Wanklyn (J. Alfred) Water Analysis. A practical treatise on the ex- amination of potable water. Illustrated ................. " ...... 2 . 00 Watt (Alex.) Electro Deposition ; a practical treatise on the electrolysis of gold, silver, copper, nickel and other metals and alloys ......... 3.50 Watt (Alex.) Electro-Metallurgy ................................... 1 .75 Weichmann (Ferdinand G.) Sugar Analysis for refineries, sugar-houses and experimental stations ; also a handbook of instruction in schools of chemical technology. Illustrated ............................ 2 . 50 Whipple (George Chandler) The Microscopy of Drinking Water ; a guide to the water analyst, and aid to the study of microscopic aquatic life .................................................. 3 . 50 Wiley (Harvey W.) Agricultural Analysis. Vol. 1, Soils ............. 3.75 ' ral Pro ducts ......... 3.75 Williams (R. P.) Laboratory Manual of General Chemistry .75 Williams (E. H.) Manual of Lithology 3.00 Williams (Geo. H.) Elements of Chrystallography for students of chemistry, physics and mineralogy 1 . 50 Wilson (E. B.) The Cyanide Process. 1 .50 Wilson (E. B.) Hydraulic and Placer Mining 2.00 Wilson (E. B.) Practical Mine Ventilation. For the use of minimg engineers, students and practical men 1 50 Wohler (Frederick) Handbook of Mineral Analysis. Edited by H. B. Nason; illustrated ". 3.00 212 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. PRICE LIST OF CHEMICALS FOR ASSAYERS' USE, REDUCING ORES, AND FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. The demand for these Chemicals in many cases being for small quantities, we keep a stock on hand, put up in convenient sized packages ; many in 1 oz. bottles, chemically pure, for tests. In original packages the lowest quotations will be given, and for articles that are subject to fluctuation, in all cases our customers will receive the benefit of the lowest market rates. Our chemically pure Chemicals are manufactured by Merck & Co., and other well-known manufacturers, and are such as we have sold for years, having always found them of full strength and pure. Keeping all our Chemicals listed in stock, we can fill orders promptly and without delay. All articles ordered that we do not keep, we will use our best exertions to obtain. For the convenience of purchasers (assayers and others in remote places) we keep our Chemicals put up in bottles or cartons in convenient sizes, as noted. Prices on all in the list have been carefully revised and reduced in many cases. Acids can be shipped by rail only on Mondays, as the railroad companies will only receive them on that day. Commercial Acids, Blue Stone, Cyanide- Potash, Bone Ash, and many other staple articles that are produced here, we furnish at lowest market rates. ALL GOODS PACKED BY EXPERIENCED HANDS. CHEMICALS. Put up in Bottles or Cartons, which are included in the price, except where mentioned in Bulk. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. % Ib. Yi, Ib. 1 oz. Acid, Acetic, No. 8, Pure 1,040 5-lb. bottles $1.25$..'.. $.... $. . $.. In pounds 35 Acetic Glacial, C. P., 99 }0/ , .75 Arcenous, powdered 30 .35 Boracic, C. P., powdered .. . .60 .75 .90 .15 Carbolic, C. P., loose, cryst 75 .... Chromic, coml., for batteries, 5-lb. bottles. ... .50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 213 Prices Prices per Ib. peroz. 1 Ib. % Ib. Yt, Ib. 1 oz. Acid, Chromic, pure, cryst $1 . 00 $ $ . . . . $ .25 Citric 1.40 1.60 1.75 .20 Hydrochloric (Muriatic) coml., 22 Beaume. In 6-lb. bottles, per bottle. $ .75 " coml., in carboys, about 120 Ibs. .04 Carboys, each, $2.25. strictly C. P., sp. gr., 1.20, free from arsenic, chlorine, iron and sulphur. In 1-lb. bottles 40 in 6-lb. bottles .30 In carboys 15 Carboys, each, $2.25. Hydrofluoric, in Rubber Bottle 2.00 2.50 3.50 .40 Molybdic, C. P 2.50 3.00 35 Nitric, coml., 38 Beaume. In 7-lb. bottles, per bottle $1 . 25 " in carboys, about 140 Ibs 08 Carboys, each, $2.25. " strictly C. P., sp, gr., 1.42, free from arsenic, chlorine, iron and sulphur. In Ib. bottles 40 in 7-lb. bottles 30 in carboys 15 Carboys, each, $2.25. (fuming) 75 .80 Oxalic, bulk 15 " C. P., cryst 75 .85 1.00 .15 Phospho Molybdic 2 . 25 .30 Phosphoric (glacial), in sticks 1 .25 .30 (diluted) 40 (syrupy),85^ 75 .... Picric, C. P 30 Pyrogallic, resubl .50 Sulphuric, com'l, 66, Beaume. In 9-lb. bottles, per bottle . . .$ .75 in carboys, about 180 Ibs 02 in iron tanks, 1600 Ibs Qiy 2 Tanks, each $8. 00. Carboys, each, $2.25 Sulphuric, strictly C. P., sp., gr., 1,845, free from arsenic, nitrogen, organic matter and sulphurous acid, in 1-lb. bottle 40 9-lb. bottle 30 in carboys about 180 Ibs 15 Carboys, each, $2.25 Sulphuric, fuming 65 Sulphurous .... .40 214 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. lib. y 2 ib. y 4 \b. ioz. Acid, Tannic, C. P $ $ $ $.30 Tartaric, C. P., cryst 1.00 1.25 1.50 .20 " powdered 1 . 00 Alcohol, 95^, 1 gal. tin $3.25 " ^ gal. bottle 1 .65 " X " 90 " 1 pt. " 50 Wood, per gallon 1 50 Absolute, per Ib 4. 00 Alum, powered 10 cryst 10 Ammoniacal, pure 50 .10 Chromic, C. P 60 .70 .15 Ferric, cryst 50 .60 15 Aluminum, in slabs, ingots, sheet and wire, at lowest market rates. Acetate, pure dry .25 Chloride, " 1.25 1.50, 1.75 .20 Sulphate, pure 80 .15 Acetate, pure cryst. 1 . 25 1 . 50 1 . 75 .25 Arsenate .35 Bi-Carbonate, cryst 1.50 1.75 2.00 .25 Ammonium, Bi-Chromate, chem. pure, cryst 1.25 1.50 1.75 .25 Bi-Sulphate 1.50 1.75 2.00 .30 Bromide, U. S. P 1.00 20 Carbonate, com'l, bulk 20 chem. pure 60 .75 .90 .15 Chloride (sal ammoniac) gran., bulk. . .16 " " " lump, " .. .16 " chem. pure, gran 50 .60 .75 .15 Chromate, neutral, pure. 3.25 3.75 .50 Fluoride, cryst -35 Hydrate (Aqua Ammonia) 20 Beaume in 4*4 Ib. bottle, per bottle. .$ .90 in carboys 12 .... in tanks 10 Carboys, each, $2.50 Tanks, each, $10.00 Concentrated 26 Beaume strictly C. P., sp. gr. 0.90 Baker & Adamson, in 1-lb. bottles 40 in 4-lb. bottles, per bottle $1.00 in carboys 15 .... Carboys, each, $2.50 Hydrosulphuret (sulphide), sol 75 .90 1 . 10 Iodide.. 50 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 215 Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. % Ib. Yi Ib. 1 oz. Ammonium, Molybdate, chem. pure $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $ .35 Nitrate, gran 50 .70 .90 .20 fused 50 Oxatate, chem. pure 1 .00 1 .25 1 .50 .20 Phosphate, pure 1.00 1.25 1.50 .25 Succinate, pure, cryst .50 Sulphate, purified 50 .60 .... .15 Sulphite, chem. pure .30 Sulphocyanide, pure 1.00 1.25 1.50 .20 Tartrate 25 Antimony, Metallic, bulk 25 chem. pure .25 Chloride, pure cryst .30 Oxide, white, true .25 Tartrate 40 Arsenic, Metallic, pure cryst 60 .75 .90 .20 Argols, in bulk, Red powd 15 In bbls. , quotations given. Asbestos, long fiber .50 Barium, Metal, per gramme $4 . 00 Acetate, chem. pure 1 . 75 .25 Carbonate, pure, prec 50 .60 .80 .20 Caustic, see Barium Oxide hydrated. Chlorate, chem. pure 90 1.00 1.25 .15 com'l, in bulk 16 Chloride, chem. pure, cryst 50 .60 .80 .15 Barium, Hydrated, pure, cryst 60 .75 .90 .20 Nitrate, pure, cryst 50 .60 .80 .15 Nitrite 25 Sulphate, pure, precip 75 .85 1.00 .15 Sulphide, pure 1.15 1.30 1.50 .15 Beeswax, bulk. . . .45 Bismuth, Metallic, pure, bulk 3 .00 .25 Bromide 1 . 20 Nitrate, cryst 3.00 30 Nitrite 40 Oxide Hydrated, pure .50 Oxychloride .50 Bleaching Powder, Chloride L,ime, in Ibs 20 " in35-lb. tins. .04^ " in bbls., quotations given. Bone Ash, No. 2, bulk " 2, 100-lb. boxes 03 216 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. % Ib. y 4 Ib. 1 oz. Bone Ash, No. 2, in bbls., special rates. " 1, in bulk $.04$.... $.... $.... "' 1, 100-lb. boxes 04 " 1, in bbls., special rates. " 1, Extra, in bulk 06 " 1, " 100-lb. boxes 05| .... " 1, " in bbls., special rates. Washed 15 " 100-lb. boxes 12 NOTE The superior quality of our Bone Ash is well known. For many years we have supplied the mining trade West of the Rocky Mountains ; also, Mexico and Australia. Bone, Black, see Charcoal, animal. Borax, cone 10 .... " sacks, per Ib., special rates. " per ton, Refined cryst., " 12 " per bbl., special rates. " ton, Powd 12 " " bbl., special rates. " ton, Glass, powd 40 in 25, 50 and 100-lb. boxes ... .35 " " '' bbls., special rates. Brazil Wood, Test Papers, per doz $ . 50 Bromine, 1.00 1.25 1.50 .25 Brimstone, see Sulphur. Cadmium, Metal, in sticks 2 . 25 .25 Bromide .30 Chloride 50 Nitrate, pure, cryst .40 Sulphide .30 Calcium, Bromide .30 Carbonate, bulk 10 Chloride, fused, lumps 50 .65 .90 pure gran 50 .65 .90 dry white 60 Fluoride (fluorspar\ bulk 15 Oxide, hydrated, from marble 60 .15 Phosphuret 60 Sulphate, pure, precip 85 1 00 1.15 .15 Sulphide .60 Sulphite 50 20 Carbon, Bi-Sulphide, sol., highly rectified 50 .75 .90 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 217 Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. % Ib. K Ib. 1 oz Cerium, Nitrate $ $ $ $ -50 Oxalate . . 25 Charcoal, Animal (bone black; 10 Willow, powdered 15 " Ellis', powdered, in #-lb. bottles, per doz $2 . 25 Chromium, Sulphate '. .35 Cobalt, Metal, gran 60 Acetate .75 Carbonate .50 Chloride, pure, cryst .40 sol 25 Chromate .... .70 Nitrate, pure, cryst .50 sol - .. .... .25 Oxide 75 Copper, Metal turnings 40 ' ' gran . , chem . pure 75 ' ' foil, pure 75 Acetate, chem. pure 1 .00 .20 Carbonate, chem. pure 1 . 00 .20 Chromate 30 Chloride (Bi-Chloride) 75 .85 1.00 .20 Cyanide .30 Iodide 80 Oxide, black 60 .75 .90 .20 red, pure 1.57 2.00 2.25 .30 Nitrate, chem. pure 80 1.00 1.25 .20 Sulphate (blue stone) 10 bbls., special rates. Pure 60 .80 1.00 .15 Ether, Sulphuric, conct., 1-lb tins, .90 20 " 3 " " .80 Squibbs, 100 c/c, tin, each 40 " 250 c/c, " 75 " 500 c/c, " 1.40 Fire Clay, 05 per bbl. special rates. Flux, Black 90 White 1.00 Plattner's, lead flux 1 .25 Glass, fine powdered, 15 Wool, y 2 oz $1.20 1.00 Gold, Chloride, dry, 15 grain bottle 60 218 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. % Ib. % Ib. 1 oz . Graphite, ..................................... $ 10 $ ____ $ ____ $ .... finest, powdered, pure ..... ........................ .20 Iodine, resub .......................................... .50 1 1- id in in, metal, 15 grain bottle ........... $2.00 ........ Iron, metal filings, coarse, ....................... 10 ........ fine, ........................ 15 - Wire, pure, for standardizing, 1-oz. spools ................. .20 - Metal scrap sheet ........................... 10 ............ -- " gran., chem., pure, by alcohol ........... 50 ............ - Acetate, in scales .................................. ... .40 - Arsenate .......................................... ... .30 - Arsenite .............................................. .40 - Chloride, dry ferric ......................... 60 .75 .90 .20 - Iodide ................................................. 50 - Oxide, black ........ ...................... 60 ____ .15 - " red anhydrous ....................... 80 1.00 1.20 .15 Phosphate ........................................ .30 -- Sulphate (copperas) .............. ........... 05 .... .... in bbls ., special rates. refined, pure, cryst ................. 15 ........... - Sulphide (Sulphuret), bulk ................... 20 ____ - Tannate ..................................... .30 -- Valerianate ................................... ........ .45 - and ammonium sulphate, pure ................ 75 .... 1 .00 .... Kaolin, powdered ............................... 10 .... Lead, metal, chem. pure, for assaying, in small bars. 15 ............ - metal, chem. pure in foil, rolled thin .......... 25 ....... .... " gran .................... 15 " " " " 25 Ib. hags ......... 12 NOTE, We guarantee our granulated test lead to contain not more than .05 troy ounces of silver to the ton of 2000 Ibs., consequently if 40 grammes of it are used in assaying y to A. T. of ore, the silver assay is accordingly increased ^ troy ounces per ton of ore. Lead, Acetate (white), sugar lead, com'l ............. 20 ............ chem. pure ......................... 50 .60 .65 .15 - Carbonate, pure ....................................... .10 - Chloride, pure ............................. 1.00 ... ..... 20 - Chromate, pure, fused ...................... 1 . 40 ........ .30 - Nitrate, pure, U. S. P ...................... 50 .60 .25 .20 - Phosphate .................................. .......... .40 - Protoxide (Litharge), J. T. & Co., bulk ..... . 12^ ........ 25-lb. kegs ...................... 10 ........ chem. pure, bulk ............... . .15 ............ chem. pure, 25-lb. bags ........ ... . 13 J^ ............ - Oxide, Red (Pb. 3 O4), minimum ............. 15 ____ - Per Oxide (Pb. O2) ........ , ..................... . . .15 - Sulphate, chem. pure ....................... 60 .80 1 .00 .15 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 219 Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. lib. y 2 lb. %lb. loz. Litmus, gran ............ ....................... $ . 40 $ ____ $ ____ $ ____ - Paper, blue and red, per doz. sheets. . . $.40 ................ ' ' blue, in book ................. 10 ................ red, " ................. 10 ................ " blue or red, 12 books in each box, per box ..................... 60 ................ Lye, concentrated, "Our Best," 48 1-lb. tins in case, per case ............................. $3.25 ................ Magnesium, metal, ribbon ........................... .... .75 Chloride, chem pure, cryst ............. 70 .80 1 00 .15 Sulphate, " " ............ 50 .60 .80 .15 Manganese, Metal, per gramme .............. $ . 15 ................ Chloride ......................................... 20 Oxide, black, in bags, fine ground, for chlorination works, per ton. Quota- tions given Oxide, bulk ......................... 05 ............ Sulphate, pure cryst ................... 90 1.00 1.25 .20 Mercury, (Quicksilver) in iron flasks, 76j^ Ibs. lowest market rates less than flasks, in bottles ............... 60 ............ Bi-Chloride (corrosive sub.), (Mercuric Chloride), (Recrystalized) Merck's ____ 2.00 2.10 2.25 .30 Bi-Chloride, Commercial ................. 80 ............ Bi-Sulphate (see Sulphate) .............................. Chloride (Calomel), (Mercurous Chloride), (Mono Chloride) ..................... 2.00 2.10 2.30 .25 Cyanide ........................................... .50 Nitrate (Mercurous) ............................ 2 . 25 .35 Oxide, black .................................. 2.25 .40 " red (Mercuric), levigated ................ 1.75 .25 Pernitrate (Mercuric) ............................... .35 - Sulphate (Bi-Sulphate) (Mercuric) ....... 1 .60 ____ 2.00 .25 Molybdenum, metal, per gramme $ .60 Nickel, metal, granulated 1 . 50 20 Acetate ' .50 Chloride 30 Nitrate, pure 30 Oxalate 50 Oxide, black 30 Phosphate 50 Sulphate 20 Nutgalls, powdered, bulk .20 Paraffine, 20 220 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. y 2 lb. # Ib. 1 oz. Phenol-phtalein, pure ............... .......... $... $.. $ $1 .00 " in y 2 Qz. hot .......................... 1.25 Phosphorous ................................ 1.10 1.20 1.30 .20 Red (amorph) .................... -35 Platinum, metal, see catalogue pages 143-146 .... Bi-Chloride, (Chloride) Solution 10$. . . 1 .25 Potassium, metal, 1 oz ........................ _ y z .................................... 2.25 _ < i^ " .................................... 2.50 _ i .................................... 2.75 .TXUCLillC, i; 11C 111 . pUlC Antimonate pure .35 25 Arsenite, pure .25 Bi-Carbonate in 1 lb tins .30 (t g i .25 it t 1 Q K (i 20 pure, cryst .50 .60 .80 .15 Bi~Chromate for batteries bulk 20 " chem. pure, cryst .60 .80 1.00 .15 Bi-Sulphate, " " "- .80 1.00 1.25 .20 Bi-Tartrate, pure 1.10 1.25 1.40 .25 Bromide. 1.00 1.25 1.50 .20 Carbonate (Salts Tartar) 1-lb tin 25 " 5 lb tins 20 10 " " .18 " bbls. special rates _ chem. pure ................. 75 .90 1.00 .20 - Caustic, white, purified, in sticks ...... 60 .80 1.00 .20 " pure, purified by alcohol, in sticks ....................... . .. 1.00 1.25 1.50 Chlorate, bulk ....................... 25 ..... _ " cryst . chem. pure .. ........ 60 .80 1.00 __ Chloride, chem . pure ................ 60 .75 .90 .15 Chromate, " " ................ 85 1.15 1.35 .20 Cyanide, fused for milling purposes ... .45 _ " " " " ' lOlb.tins .35 ____ - " " " " " in cases 1201bs. special rates ' Cyanide, chem . pure 98%-99% ........ 60 " " " " in cases 112 Ibs. special rates Cyanide, absolutely chem. pure ...... - Ferricyanide, bulk .................. .50 chem. pure ............ 1.25 1.40 1.60 .30 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 221 Prices Prices per Ib. per oz- lib. ^lb. y 4 Vo. loz. Potassium, Ferrocyanide, bulk $ .50 $ $ $ chem. pure 1.00 1.20 1.40 .20 Iodide 3.25 3.50 3.75 .35 Nitrate (Nitre), English refined, cryst. .15 " " chem. pure 60 .80 1.00 .20 Nitrite, chem. pure, sticks 1.50 1.60 1.70 .30 Oxalate (Neutral), pure 60 .75 1.00 .20 Permanganate, pure cryst ... .50 .60 .70 .15 Sulphate, pure powdered 45 .60 .80 .20 Sulphide 40 20 Sulphite 1.00 20 Sulphocyanate, pure 1.25 1.50 1.75 .25 Tartrate, chem. pure .25 and Sodium tartrate, C. P., (Rochelle Salts) 1.00 Quartz, Sand, (see Acid Silicate) Resin, bulk 04 In bbls. special rates. Reddle, in sticks 20 Silex, powdered quartz .15 Silica, fine white sand .02 Silyer, metal, foil, proof silver 1 . 60 " chem. pure, 1000 fine, , . 2.50 Amalgam .40 Chloride 1.60 Cyanide 2 . 25 Nitrate, cryst 7.75 8.00 8.25 .65 chem. pure, Merck's guaranteed re- agent 1 . 75 NOTE Silver compounds fluctuate in value. Sodium, metal 2.00 40 Acetate, chem. pure 75 .85 1 .00 .20 Amalgam 1 . 25 Arsenate, pure .20 Arsenite, pure .20 Bi-Borate (see Borax) chem. pure, cryst. . .20 Bi-Carbonate, 112 Ib. kegs, quotations given Bi-Carbonate, English bulk 06 112 Ib. kegs, special rates " chem. pure, powdered .40 .20 Bi-Chromate, for batteries, 1-lb. bottle. . . .60 5 Ib. bottle, per Ib 50 chem. pure .... .25 Bi-Sulphate, pure cryst .80 .15 222 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Prices Prices per Ib. per oz. 1 Ib. y z Ib. 'X H>. 1 oz. Sodium, Bi-Sulphite, cryst., pure $ .70 $ .85 $1.00 $ .20 Bromide .25 Carbonate (Sal Soda) . cryst .05 .... " bbls. special rates " " dry for assaying, bulk .06 bbls. special rates (Soda Ash) 05 " " casks, special rates " " chem. pure, dried .50 .60 .75 .20 Caustic, 98% gran, in 10-lb. tins, per Ib . . .15 " 60% in 40 Ib. cans " .10 " 60% " drum, special rates " 70T " " " " purified sticks 60 .75 .90 .20 " " by alcohol, sticks , 1.00 Chlorate, pure cryst 70 .20 Chloride (Salt) *4 ground, in sacks, per ton, special rates Chloride chem. pure cryst .50 .15 Hyposulphite, bulk, Kng. refined .07 112 Ib. kegs, special rates. chem. pure 50 .60 .75. .15 Nitrate, commercial, bulk .06 " chem. pure, cryst .50 .15 Nitrite, chem. pure, in sticks 1.50 1.75 1.90 .25 Nitro, Prusside, chem. pure 1 .00 Oxalate, chem. pure 1.10 1.25 1.40 .20 Per oxide, in tins .90 ... .... Phosphate, twice purified, cryst 40 .60 .80 .15 Phosphite, pure .60 Silicate, sol. (water glass), 1 p.t $ .30 .... cryst 30 Sulphate, chem . pure, cryst .50 .... .15 ' Sulphide, true cryst 75 .90 20 Sulphite, pure cryst .30 .15 Tartrate 20 Wolframate (Tun gstate) pure 1.00 .20 and Ammonium Phosphate (Microcosmic Salt) 1.25 1.5G 1.75 .25 Steel, metal filings .20 14 wire, piano ^ Ib. pkg 2.00 ' Strontium, Caustic (Oxide) Chloride, cryst 1 . 00 20 Nitrate, pure dry 1.10 1.25 1.40 .20 Nitrite, chem. pure . 1-00 Sulphate, purified 25 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 223 Prices Prices per Ib. [per oz. lib. J41b. % Ib7 loz. Sulphur, ground, bulk $ . 05 $ .... $ .... $ " bbls. special rates. Sublimed, bulk 06 11 bbls. special rates. (roll Brimstone) 10 bbls. , special rates. Tin, metal, pure, small bars or pencils, bulk 1.00 pure, gran. , bulk 1 . 00 - foil, pure, bulk 1.00 - Chloride, Stannous, pure, cryst 80 1 . 00 1 . 25 .20 - Oxide, white, powdered, pure cryst 1.25 1.40 1.50 .20 Tumeric, powdered .15 paper, doz 40 Uranium, metal, per gramme $3 . 00 Acetate 75 Chloride 75 Nitrate, chem. pure .75 Water, dist'd, 10-gal. carboy, per gal 12^ 5 " dem., " " 12% 1 " " " " 15 10 " carboy, each 2.25 5 ' box dem 1.75 1 " .1.00 Zinc, metal, sheet scrap ' coarse gran -25 .... " chem. pure, small bar -50 .... " " " coarse gran 50 " pure gran. , free from arsenic, Merck's. .75 .... Amalgam 1 . 25 .... .... Bromide Carbonate, pure precip Chloride, dry - 20 Oxide, by dry process 30 .40 .50 ' chem. pure, by wet process -50 .... Phosphate Shavings 40 Sulphate, chem. pure 35 .50 .60 .15 224 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. REFERENCE TABLES AND INFORMATION. COMPARISONS AND EQUIVALENTS. The U. S. Standard of weight is the Troy pound, and was copied in 1827 from the imperial Troy pound of England for the use of the U. S. Mint, and there deposited. It is standard in air at 62 Fahr., the barometer at 30 inches. Troy Weight. 24 grains = 1 dwt. 480 " = 20 " =1 oz. 5760 " =240 " =12 " = lib. = 22.816 cub. in. of distilled water at 62. Avoirdupois Weight. 437. 5 grains = 1. oz. 7.000. " = 16. " = lib. 700.000. " 1600. <( = 100. " = 1 cwt. 14.000.000. " = 32.000. " = 2000 " = 20 " = 1 ton. Apothecaries' .Weight. 20 grains = 1 scruple. 60 480 5760 = 3 = 24 = 288 = 1 drachm. = 96 = 1 oz. = 12 " =1 Ib. Milligramme . Centigramme Decigramme . Gramme . . 1 Decagramme. Metric, or French Weights. Grammes. .001 = .01 = .1 1 Hectogramme 1 Kilogramme 1 Myriagramme 1 Quintal = 100000. 1 Tonneau . . . . - 1000000. 1. 10. 100. 1000. 10000. .01543 = .15432 = 1.5432 = 15.432 = Avoin Lbs . Troy Troy Avoir. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. .032= .00267= .03528= .0022047 .321= .02679= .3528 = .022046 3.215= .26792= 3.52758= .22046 32.150= 2.6792 =35.2758 = 2.2D46 26.792 = 22.046 267.92 = 220.46 . 2679.2 = 2204.6 Metric, or French Linear Measure. Metre. U. S. Ins. Feet. 1 Millimetre. . 1 Centimetre. . .Oi .0 [)1= .03937 1 = .3937 .00328 .0328 Yards. 1 Decimetre . . .1 3.937 .3280* i = .10936 1 Metre 1. 39.3704 3.2808 1.0936 1 Decametre . . . = 10. = 393.704 = 32.808 = 10.936 Miles. 1 Hectometre - 100 _ 328.08 = 109.36 = .0621375 1 Kilometre.. . . = 1000. _ ... 3280.8 = 1093.6 = .621375 1 Myriametre. . = 10000. ...32808. = 10936. = 6.21375 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 225 Reference Tables and Information. Continued. Metric, or French Cubic or Solid Measure. Cu. Metres. U. S. Cu. Ins. 1 Cubic Centimetre ..= .000001 = .061025 1 Cubic Decimetre. . . = .001 61.025 U. S. Cu. Ft. I Centistere = .01 610.25 = .353156 U. S. Cu. Yds. 1 Decistere = .1 6102.5 = 3.53156 = . 13080 1 Stere = 1. = 35.3156 = 1.3080 1 Decastere = 10. = 353.156 = 13.080 1 Hectostere = 100. = 3531.56 = 130.80 Assay Ton Weights. The Assay Ton Weights is a system made up from a comparison of the Avoir- dupois, Troy and Gramme Weights, and will be found extremely simple and useful, saving a vast amount of calculation and labor. The unit of the system is the assay ton=29.1666 grammes. Its derivation will be seen at a glance. 1 Ib. Avoirdupois=7,000 Troy grains. 2,000 Ibs. =1 ton. 2, 000 x 7,000=14,000,000 Troy grains, in one ton Avoirdupois. 480 Troy Grains=l oz. Troy. 14,000, 000--480==29.1666 Troy ozs. in 2,000 Ibs. Avoirdupois. There are 29.1666 milligrammes in one assay ton (A. T); hence 2,000 Ibs. is to 1 A. T. as 1 oz. Troy is to 1 milligramme. Therefore, if 1 A. T. of ore assays 1 milligramme of gold or silver, the ton contains 1 ounce Troy. 226 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. INDEX PAGE i Acid hydrometers 127 Acid pump, glass 112 Acid trays 86 Adapters, glass 137 Adjustable triangles 130 Agate funnels 172 Agate mortars 35 Agateware sampling pans 63 Alembics 138 Alkali hydrometers 127 Alkalimeters 162 Alkalimeter condensing plates 162 Alcohol hydrometers 127 Aluminum grain weights 28 Amalgam buckets 172-173 Amalgam dippers 173 Amalgam mortars 35 Amalgam scoops 172 Amalgam strainers 171 Ammonia hydrometers 127 Analytical balances 14-16 Annealing cups, Battersea 58 Annealing cups, Denver clay 60 Anvils, Plattner's 71 Apothecary weights, coin shape 28 Apparatus, assays of manganese 162 Apparatus, blowpipe 183-194 Apparatus, blowpipe, in sets 195-199 Apparatus for decomposition of water. .... 164 Apparatus to measure water in milk 129 Areometer, Nicholson's 129 Asbestos boards 80 Asbestos cloth 66 Asbestos mittens 65 Asbestos pads 80 Aspirator bottles 105 Assay balances 1-10 Assay balances, extia pans for balances ... 13 Assay certificate blanks 155 Assay crucibles 56-61 Assay furnaces 46-54 Assay pouring moulds 67 Assay outfits 179-182 Assay ton weights 20 Assay weights 11, 12, 20 Atwood's compass and clinometer 136 Babo's generator 159 Bags, duck 42 Bags, gas 139 Bags, ore sample 42 Bags, rope manila 42 Baker and Adamson's filter paper 102 Balances, analytical 14-16 Balances, assay, Becker's 5, 6 Balances, assay, John Taylor & Go's 7 Balances, assay, Oertling's 1-4 Balances, assay, Plattner's blowpipe 10 Balances, assay, Troemner's 8, 9 Balances, bullion 21-23 Balances, pocket, assay 10 Balances, pulp 17, 18 Balances, specific gravity 31, 32 Ball pean hammers 72 Bar magnets 63 Bark hydrometers 127 Batea's wood 44 Baths, drying 91 Baths, sand 80 Baths, water 90, 91 Batteries, Bunsen's 175 Batteries, crowfoot gravity 175 Batteries, Gonda 176 Batteries, gravity 176 Batteries, Grenet 176 Battery cells 177 Battery cloth 168, 169 Battery connections 177 Battery jars 177 Battery screens 167 Battersea annealing covers 58 Battersea annealing cups 58 Battersea crucibles 56, 57 Battersea crucible covers 56, 57 Battersea muffles . 57 Battersea roasting dishes 58 Battersea scorifiers 58 Beakers, Bohemian glass 79 Beakers, copper lipped 79 Beaker covers 81 Beakers, Griffins 79 Beakers, in nests 79 Beaume's hydrometers 127, 128 Becker's analytical balance 15, 16 Becker's assay and analytical balance riders, 13 Becker's assay balances 5, 6 Becker's assay ton weights 20 Becker's assay weights 11, 12 Becker's grain weights 20 Becker's gramme weights 20 Becker's portable balance 5 Becker's pulp balances 17, 18 Beer hydrometers 127 Bell glasses 1C5, 106 Berzelius' generator : 158 Binding posts 177 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 227 PAGE Binding screws 177 Bink's burette 118 Black lead covers 62 Black lead crucibles 62 Black lead dippers 62 Black lead stirrers 62 Blank labels. 154 Blankets, sluice 171 Blanks, assay certificate 155 Blowers, Fletcher's foot 99 Blowers, gold dust 63 Blowpipe apparatus 183-194 Blowpipe apparatus in sets 197-199 Blowpipe balance, Plattner's 10 Blowpipe furnaces 97 Blowpipe hammers, Plattner's 71 Blowpipe lamp, tin 88 Blowpipe outfit, portable, Harding's . . . 195, 196 Blowpipe scissors 73 Blowpipe, Taylor's 50 Blowpipe tips 92 Blowpipes, brazing 94 Blowpipes, Fletcher's 93, 94 Blowpipes, Hoskins' 49, 50 Blowpipes, jewelers' form 92 Blowpipes, John Taylor & Co's 92 Blowpipes, oxyhydric 94 Blowpipes, Plattner's 92 Blowpipes, Ross' 93 Boards, asbestos 80 Boats, combustion, porcelain 147 Boa"ts, platinum 144 Bohemian glass beakers 79 Bohemian glass retorts 137 Boiling flasks 77 Bonney vise 74 Books 202 Borers, cork 110 Bosworth crusher 38 Bosworth furnace 48 Bottles, aspirator 105 Bottles, cobalt 114 Bottles, filter weighing 104 Bottles, filtering, Bunsen's 162 Bottles, mixing 114 Bottles, reagent 150-153 Battles, salt mouth 149 Bottles, sampling 42 Bottles, specific gravity 122 Bottles, tincture 149 Bottles, wash 105 Bottles, wash, Fresenius 81 Bottles, wide mouth 149 Bottles, Woulf 104 Brass scoops 24 Brass stop-cocks Ill Brazing blowpipes 94 Brix' saccharometers. . . 128 PAGE Brooms, mill 174 Brunton's mine transit 135 Brushes, bench duster 37 Brushes, button 70 Brushes, camel's-hair 19 Brushes, mortar dusting 37 Brushes, sluice 174 Brushes, steel 174 Brushes, test tube 82 Brushes, wire 67 Buckets, amalgam 172, 173 Bucking boards 36, 37 Bulbs, nitrogen 165 Bulbs, potash 165 Bullion balances, Becker's 21 Bullion balances, Troemner's 22, 23 Bullion chisels 66 Bullion ladles . 173 Bullion moulds 66 Bullion platform scales, Fairbanks' 23 Bullion platform scales, Howe's 23 Bullion weights 26 Bunsen's alkalimeters 162 Bunsen's batteries 175 Bunsen's burners 95, 96 Bunsen's clamps 119-121 Bunsen's eudiometers 163 Bunsen's filtering bottles 162 Bunsen's funnels 99 Bunsen's rapid filtering apparatus 160 Burette clamps 120, 121 Burette float or swimmer 117 Burette supports, iron and wood 132 Burettes, Bink's 118 Burettes, Gawalowsky's 116 Burettes, Gay Lussac's 118 Burettes, Mohr's 116, 117 Burettes, Shellbach's 117 Burettes, Squibb's 117 Burner attachments 96 Burners, Bunsen's 95, 96 Burners, Chaddock's 95 Burners, coal-oil 50 Burners, gasoline 50 Burners, Fletcher's radial 98 Button brushes 70 Button hammers 71 Calcium chloride tubes 147, 148 Camel's-hair brushes 19 Capsules 85, 86 Carboy supports 113 Casseroles 85 Chaddock's burette supports 132 Chaddock's burners 95 Chaddock's clamps 118, 119 Chalk pencils 70 Chamois skins.. . 172 228 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. PAGE Chapman's couplings 160 Chapman's filtering pump 160 Chemical labels 154 Chemical thermometers 124 Chemicals 212 Chisels, bullion 66 Chlorine generators 157, 158 Cider, hydrometers 127 Clamp holders 121 Clamps, Bunsen's 119-121 Clamps, Chaddock's 118, 119 Clamps, for burettes 120 Clamps, Hofman's 119, 120 Clamps, iron 121 Clamps, Stoddard's 118 Clamps, universal 121 Clamps, watch glass 81 Clamps, wood 118 Clasp tongs 65 Clayed triangles 130 Clinometer compasses 136 Coal-oil burner 50 Coal-oil fire test 129 Coal-oil hydrometers 127 Coal-oil stoves 98 Cobalt bottles 114 Coddington lenses 166 Combination furnace, Hoskins' 52, 53 Combined vise and anvil 74 Combustion spoons 104 Compasses 134-186 Compasses, pocket 136 Concentrator 39 Condensers, Liebig's 137-138 Condensing plates 162 Cone graduates, glass 115 Cones, platinum 144 Copper assay outfits 182 Copper determination flasks 78 Copper lamp 87 Copper lipped beakers 79 Copper pans 44 Copper plates 39 Copper retorts 138 Cork borer sharpener 110 Cork borers 110 Cork press, rotary 109 Corks 109 Condensers 138-141 Condensers and stills 140 Couplings, Chapman's 160 Covers, annealing cup, Battersea 58 Covers, Battersea crucible 56, 57 Covers, beaker 81 Covers, black lead 62 Covers, Denver clay crucible 59 Crowfoot gravity batteries 175 Crown rolling mill 76 PAGE Crucible and muffle furnace combined .... 54 Crucible covers, triangular 61 Crucible filler 61 Crucible furnace, Fletcher's 55 Crucible furnace, Hoskins' 52 Crucible racks . . 61 Crucible skimmer % 65 Crucible tongs 63, 64 Crucibles, assay 56-61 Crucibles, Battersea 56, 57 Crucibles, black lead 62 Crucibles, clay, Denver 59 Crucibles, Hessian 61 Crucibles, iron 86 Crucibles, nickel 147 Crucibles, normal school 86 Crucibles, platinum 143 Crucibles, rose or reduction 86 Crucibles, silver 146 Crusher, Bos worth's 38 Crusher, Taylor's 38 Crystallizing glass dishes 85 Cupel moulds 70 Cupel tongs 63, 64 Cupel trays 68 Cupelling furnaces, Battersea 48 Cupels 70 Cutters, glass 107 Cyanide plant 40 Cylinder and spiral, platinum 144 Cylinder graduates, glass 115 Dangler's lamp 88 Daniel's hygrometers 126 Decimal grain weights 28 Decomposition of water apparatus 164 Deflagrating spoons 104 Deflagration spoons 144 Denver clay annealing cups 60 Denver clay crucibles 59 Denver clay muffles 59 Denver clay roasting dishes 60 Denver clay scorifiers 60 Desiccator dishes 164 Desiccators 164 Diamond mineral collections 200 Diamond mortars 35 Digesting flasks '. 165 Dippers, amalgam 173 Dippers, black lead 62 Dippers, iron 173 Dishes, crystallizing, glass 85 Dishes, desiccator 164 Dishes, evaporating 84, 85 Dishes, evaporating, nickel 147 Distillation flasks 78 Displacement generators . . 159 Dishes, German silver 123 Dishes, platinum 144 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 229 PAGE Dishes, silver 146 Dryitig baths 91 Drying ovens 91 Dropping tubes 122 Duck bags 42 Duck, enameled, black 42 Enameled duck, black 42 Erlenmeyer flasks 78 Erlenmeyer's test tube racks 83 Ether hydrometers 128 Eudiometer tubes 163 Eudiometers 163, 164 Evaporating dishes 84, 85 Evolution flasks 78 Extraction apparatus soxhlets 141 Extraction thimbles 104 Fairbank's platform bullion scales 23 Faucets, rubber 112 Feet, glass 19 Figures, steel 69 File handles 109 Files 109 Filler, crucible 61 Filter paper, B. & A 102 Filter paper, Swedish 102 Filter paper, Prat & Dumas 102 Filter paper, S. & S 103, 104 Filter weighing bottles 104 Filtering bottles, Bunsen's 162 Filtering pumps, Chapman's 160 Filtering pumps, Richards' 160 Filtering rings 101 Finger cots 65 Fire test, coal-oil 129 Flat wicks 98 Flasks, boiling 77 Flasks, copper determination 78 Flasks, digesting 165 Flasks, distillation 78 Flasks, evolution 78 Flasks, Kjeldahl's 78 Flasks, polarization, Kohlrausch's 123 Flasks, sugar 123 Flasks, volumetric 123 Flasks, wide mouth 78 Fletcher's blowpipes 93, 94 Fletcher's blowpipe furnaces 97 Fletcher's blowpipe lamps 88 Fletcher's crucible furnaces 55 Fletcher's crucible furnace, extra parts for 55 Fletcher's foot bellows 99 Fletcher's radial burner 98 Floating thermometers 124 Flexible filter cone, platinum 144 Float or swimmer for burettes 117 Fluxing crucibles, Battersea 56 PAGE Forceps 33 Fresenius' alkalimeters 162 Freseuius' generator 158 Fresenius' wash bottles 81 Funnel supports 133, 134 Funnel tubes 101 Funnels, agate 172 Funnels, Bunsen's 99 Funnels, glass 99-101 Funnels, ribbed 100 Funnels, rubber 100 i Funnels, separatory 100, 101 Furnaces 46-55 Furnaces, assay 46-55 Furnaces, Battersea portable 48 : Furnaces, blowpipe 97 Furnaces, Bosworth 48 Furnaces, cupelling, Battersea 48 Furnaces, crucible and muffle combined . . 54 , Furnaces, Fletcher's crucible 55 Furnaces, Hoskins' combination 52, 53 Furnaces, Hoskins' crucible 52 Furnaces, Hoskins' muffle 51 Furnaces, jackass 49 Furnaces, melting 46 Gas Bags 139 Gasoline burner 50 Gasometers 139 Gas regulator tubes 163 Gauze, wire 80 I Gawalowsky's burettes . . 116 Gay Lussac's burettes 118 ; Geissler's alkalimeter 162 Geissler's glass stop-cocks 110 Generators 158, 159 Generators, chlorine 157. 158 Geological hammers 71, 72 German gold scales 30 German hand scales 29 German horn pans for balances 13 German pans, extra, for balances 13 German silver dishes 123 Goggles 66 Glass acid pumps 112 Glass adapters 137 Glass cutters 107 Glass dishes, crystallizing 85 Glass feet 19 Glass gauge tubes 106 Glass gauge washers 107 Glass graduates 115 Glasses, magnifying 166 Glass mortars 34 Glass plates 80 Glass receivers 137 Glass reducers 107 Glass retorts . . 137 230 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. PAGE Glass scale pans 19 Glass syphons 112 Glass tubing 106 Glasses, bell 105, 106 Glasses, precipitating 104 Glasses, sand 127 Glasses, watch , 81 Gloves 65 Gold dust blowers 63 Gold pans 44 Gold scales 30 Gold washer, or rocker 178 Gonda batteries 176 Graduated pipettes 121 Graduates, glass 115 Grain weights 20 Grain weights, aluminum 28 Grenet batteries 176 Griffin's beakers 79 Gramme weights 20, 26, 27 Granulating spoons 65 Gravity batteries 176 Hahn's displacement generator 159 Hammers, ball pean 72 Hammers, blowpipe, Plattner's 71 Hammers, button or slag 71 Hammers, geological 71, 72 Hand rolling mill 75, 76 Hand scales 29 Hand vise 74 Harding's portable blowpipe outfit .... 195, 196 Hessian crucibles 61 Hofman's clamps 119, 120 Holders for clamps 121 Horn pans for balances 13 Horn scoops 43 Horn spoons 43 Horns, miners' 44 Horse shoe magnets 63 Hoskins 1 blowpipes 49, 50 Hoskins' combination furnaces 52, 53 Hoskins' crucible furnaces 52 Hoskins' muffle furnaces 51 Harvard trip scales 25 Howe's platform scales 23 Humid assay outfit 155, 156 Humidity hygrometer 125 Kurd's respirators 170 Hydrometer jars 129 Hydrometers, acid 127 Hydrometers, alcohol *. . . 127 Hydrometers, alkali 127 Hydrometers, ammonia 127 Hydrometers, bark 127 Hydrometers, beer 127 Hydrometers, cider 127 Hydrometers, coal- oil 127 Hydrometers, ether 128 PAGE Hydrometers, milk 128 Hydrometers, saccharometers Brix 128 Hydrometers, salinometer 128 Hydrometers, salt 128 Hydrometers, specific gravity 128 Hydrometers, syrup 1 28 Hydrometers, Twaddell's 12 < Hydrometers, urinometer 128 Hydrometers, vinegar 128 Hydrometers, whale-oil 128 Hygrometers, Daniel's 126 Hygrometers, humidity 126 Hygrometers, Mason's 126 Ignition tubes 82 Incubator Thermometers 125 Iron clamps 121 Iron crucible racks 61 Iron crucibles 86 Iron ladles 173 Iron-bound mallets 69 Iron mortars 35 Iron retorts 170, 171 Iron scoops 24 Jackass furnace 49 Jars, battery 177 Jars, hydrometer 129 Jars, precipitating 104 Jewelers' form blowpipes 92 Jewell's still 140 Kennedy boiling flasks 77 Kipp's alkalimeter 162 Kipp's sulphuretted hydrogen generator. . 158 Kipp-Wartha generator 158 Kjeldahl's flasks 78 Kohlrausch polarization flasks 123 Labels, blank 154 Labels, chemical 154 Ladles, bullion 173 Ladles, iron 173 Locke's hand level 137 Lamp, blowpipe, Fletcher's 88 Lamp, blowpipe, Plattner's 88 Lamp, simplicity 89 Lamp, copper 87 Lamps, Dangler's 88 Lamps, Luhme's 87 Lamps, mine 173 Lamps, parting 90 Lamps, Rose's 87 Lamps, Russian 87 Lamps, spirit 89 Lamps, White's Letters, steel 69 Lenses, Coddington 166 JOHN TAYIvOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 231 PAGE Levels, Locke's hand 137 Levels, spirit * 18 Liebig's condensers 137, 138 Lietyg's still and condenser combined 138 Liter flasks 123 Lime, prepared 94 Lingke's button brushes 70 Luhme's lamps 87 Magnets, bar 63 Magnets, horse-shoe 63 Magnifying glasses 166 Mallets, iron 69 Mallets, wood 69 Manganese assay apparatus 162 Marsh's alkalimeter 162 Mason's hygrometers 126 Melters' mittens 65 Melting furnaces 46 Melting furnaces, extra parts for 46 Mercury troughs 141 Metric weights, coin shape 28 Milk hydrometers 128 Mill brooms 174 Mill, one-stamp quartz 39 Mill pails 174 Mill sponges 174 Mine lamps 173 Mine transit, Brunton's 135 Mineral collections 200, 201 Mineral and chemical substances 201 Miners' compasses 136 Miners' gold pans 44 Miners' horns 44 Mittens, asbestos 65 Mittens, melters' 65 Mixing bottles 114 Mohr's alkalimeter 162 Mohr's burettes 116, 117 Mohr's pipettes 122 Mohr's pinch-cock. 119 Moisture scales 24, 25 Mohr's specific gravity balance 31 Mortars, agate 35 Mortars, amalgam 35 Mortars, combined crusher and pulverizer, 36 Mortars, diamond 35 Mortar dusting brushes 37 Mortars, glass 34 Mortars, iron , 34 Mortars, porcelain 34 Mortars, Wedgewood 34 Moulds, bullion 66 Moulds, cupel 70 Moulds, pouring 67 Moulds, scorifier 70 Moulds; sliding bar 66 Muffles, Battersea 57 PAGE Muffles, clay, Denver 59 Muffle furnace, Hoskins' 51 Nessler's tubes 116 Nets, for blowers 99 Nevada iron retorts 171 Nickel crucibles 147 Nickel evaporating dishes 147 Nicholson's areometer J29 Nitrogen bulbs 165 Normal school crucibles 86 Normal sugar weights 20 Oertling's assay and analytical balance riders 13 Oertling's assay balances ]_4 Oertling's assay weights 11, 12 Oertling's extra pans for balances 13 Ore sample bags 42 Ovens, drying 91 Oxyhydric blowpipes 94 Oxygen retorts 139 Pads, asbestos 80 Pails, mill 174 Pans, balanced for assay balances 13 Pans, glass, scale 19 Pans, sampling, tin 63 Paper, sampling, glazed 42 Parting lamps 90 Peffer's alkalimeter 162 Pencils, camel's-hair 19 Pencils, chalk 70 Percolators 158 Picks, prospectors' 72 Pincets 33 Pinch-cocks, Mohr's 119 Pipettes, graduated 121 Pipettes, Mohr's 122 Pipettes, volumetric 121 Plates, copper 39 Plates, glass 80 Platform bullion scales, Fairbank's 23 Platform bullion scales, Howe's 23 Platinum boats 144 Platinum cones 144 Platinum crucibles 143 Platinum cylinder and spiral 144 Platinum dishes 144 Platinum flexible filters 144 Platinum sheet 146 Platinum spatulas 144 Platinum sponge 144 Platinum wire 146 Plattner's anvils 71 Plattner's blowpipes 92 Plattner's blowpipe balances 10 Plattner's blowpipe furnaces 97 232 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIJF. PAGE Plattner's blowpipe hammers 71 Planner's blowpipe lamps 88 Pliers 73 Plutnbago crucibles 62 Pneumatic troughs 141 Pocket assay balance 10 Pocket compasses 136 Pokers, iron 65 Polarization, flasks, Kohlrausch's 123 Porcelain combustion boats 147 Porcelain combustion tubes 147 Porcelain mortars 34 Porcelain retorts 138 Portable balances, Becker's 5 Portable balances, Troemner's 9 Portable furnaces, Battersea 48 Potash bulbs 165 Pouring moulds 67 Prat and Dumas filter paper 102 Precipitating glasses 104 Precipitating jars . 104 Prospectors' kit 177 Prepared limes 94 Press, rotary cork 109 Prisms 148 Prospector's picks 72 Pulp balances 17, 18 Pulp spoons 19 Pump, acid, glass 112 Pump, filtering, Chapman's 160 Pump, filtering, Richards' 160 Pump, transfer 139 Pyrometers 123 Quartz mill, one stamp 39 Quadruple bullion mould 66 Racks, crucible 61 Racks, test tube 83 Rapid filtering apparatus, Bunsen's 160 Reagent bottles 150-153 Receivers, glass 137 Rectifier 138 Reddle 70 Reducers, glass 107 Reduction crucibles 86 Reduction tubes 162 Reference tables 224 Respirators 170 Retorts, Bohemian glass 137 Retorts, copper 138 Retorts, iron 170, 171 Retorts, oxygen 139 Retorts, porcelain 138 Ribbed funnels 100 Richards' filtering pump 160 Riders for assay and analytical balances . . 13 Rings, filtering 101 Roasting dishes, Battersea 58 Roasting dishes, Denver clay 60 Robiquet's displacement generator 159 Rock crusher, Taylor's 38 Rocker, or gold washer 178 Rods, stirring, glass 106 Rohrbeck's alkalimeter 162 Rolling mill, the Crown 76 Rolling mills, hand 75, 76 Rope, manila, bags 42 Rose crucibles 86 Rose's lamps 87 Ross' blowpipes 93 Rubber discs for blowers 99 Rubber faucets 112 Rubber funnels 100 Rubber scrapers 170 Rubber sheet 42 Rubber stoppers 110 Rubber tubing 107 Russia iron screens 39 Russian lamps 87 Saccharometers, Brix 128 Salinometers, or sea water hydrometers . . . 128 Salt hydrometers 128 Salt mouth bottles 149 Samplers 41 Sampler and scoop 41 Sampling bottles -. 42 Sampling cloth 42 Sampling pans, agateware 63 Sampling pans, tin 63 Sampling paper 42 Sampling paper, glazed 42 Sand baths 80 Sand glasses 127 Scales, hand 29 Scales, gold, Troemner's 30 Scales, moisture 24, 25 Scale pans, glass 19 Scales, trip 25 Scales, Union 30 Schellbach's burettes 117 Schleicher & Schull's filter paper 103, 104 Schroedter's alkalimeter 162 Schuster's acid test bottles 114 Scissors 73 Scoops 43 Scoops, amalgam 172 Scorifiers, Battersea 58 Scoops, brass Scorifiers, Denver clay 60 Scoops, iron 24 Scoop and sampler 41 Scorifier moulds 70 Scorifier trays 68 Scorifier tongs 63, 64 JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 233 Scrapers, hearth 65 Scrapers, rubber 170 Screens, battery 167 Screens, Russia iron 39 Screens, tin 170 Self-registering thermometers 125 Separatory funnels 100, 101 Sharpeners, cork borer 110 Shears, snip 73 Sheet platinum 146 Sheet rubber 42 Shovel 65 Sieves, brass wire 45 Sieves, tin frame 45 Sieves, wood rim 45 Silver crucibles 146 Silver dishes 146 Simplicity lamp 89 Skidmore's Normal School crucibles 86 Skimmer crucible 65 Slag hammers 71 Sluice blankets 171 Sluice box 39, 178 Sluice brushes 174 Snip shears 73 Soxhlet's extraction apparatus 141 Spatulas 43 Spatulas, platinum 144 Specific gravity balances, Westphal's 31 Specific gravity bottles 122 Specific gravity hydrometers 128 Spirit lamps 89 Spirit levels 18 Sponges, mill 174 Sponge platinum 144 Spoons, deflagrating 104 Spoons, deflagration 144 Spoons, granulating 65 Spoons, horn 43 Spoons, pulp i9 Squibb's burettes 117 Stamps, steel 69 Steel brushes 174 Steel figures 69 Steel letters 69 Steel stamps 69 Still and condenser combined, I/iebig's .... 138 Stills and condensers 140 Stills, Jewell's 140 Stirring rods, glass 106 Stirrers, black lead 62 Stoddard's clamps 118 Stoves, coal-oil 98 Stop-cocks 110 Stop-cocks, brass Ill Stop-cocks, glass, Geissler's 110 Stoppers, rubber 110 Strainers, amalgam 171 PAGE Students' mineral collection 201 Sugar flasks 123 Sugar weights, normal 20 Sulphuretted-hydrogen generator, Kipp's. . 158 Supports, carboy 113 Supports for funnels 133, 134 Supports, iron and wood for burettes 132 Supports, rings for 132 Swedish filter paper 102, 103 Syphons, glass 112 Syrup hydrometer 128 Taylor's assay balance 7 Taylor's blowpipe 50 Taylor & Go's furnaces 47 Taylor & Go's furnaces, extra parts for. ... 47 Taylor John & Go's blowpipe 92 Taylor's pulp balance 17 Taylor's rock crusher 38 Test tube brushes 82 Test tube racks 83 Test tubes 82 Test tubes, graduated Hg Thermometer scales, transposition of. 126 Thermometers 124, 125 Thermometers, chemical 124 Thermometers, floating 124 Thermometers, incubator 125 Thermometers, self-registering 125 Thimbles, extraction 104 Three-way tubes 109 Tin blowpipe lamp 88 Tin samplers 41 Tin sampling pans 63 Tin screens 170 Tincture bottles 149 Tips, blowpipe 92 Tongs, clasp 65 Tongs, crucible 63, 64 Tongs, cupel 63, 64 Tongs, scorifier 63, 64 Transfer pump 139 Trays, acid 86 Trays, cupel or scorifier 68 Triangular crucible covers 56-61 Triangular form crucibles , 56-61 Triangles, wire 130 Trip scales 25 Tripods, brass 130 Tripods, iron 130 Tripods, twisted wire 130 Troemner's assay and analytical balance riders 13 Troemner's analytical balances 14 Troemner's assay balances 8, 9 Troemner's assay ton weights 20 Troemner's assay weights 11, 12 Troemner's bullion weights 26 234 JOHN TAYU)RI& CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Troemner's extra pans for balances 31 Troemner's gold scales 30 Troemner's gramme weights 20 Troemner's grain weights 20 Troemner's hand scales 29 Troemner's portable balance Troemner's pulp balances 17 Troughs, mercury Troughs, pneumatic 141 Troy cup weights Troy decimal weights 26 Troy weights, coin shape 28 Tryer and sampler 41 Tubes, calcium chloride 147, 148 Tubes, combustion, porcelain 147 Tubes, dropping 122 Tubes, eudiometer 163 Tubes for Woulf bottles 105 Tubes, funnel and thistle 101 Tubes, gas regulator 163 Tubes, ignition 82 Tubes, Messler's 116 Tubes, reduction 162 Tubes, Scotch glass gauge 106 Tubes, test 82 Tubes, test, graduated 116 Tubes, three-way 109 Tubes, wash bottle 81 Tubing, glass 106 Tubing, rubber 107 Twaddell's hydrometers 128 Union scales 30 Universal clamps 121 Urinometer hydrometers 128 Vinegar hydrometers 128 Vise and anvil, combined ...'.... 74 Vise, Bonney's 74 Vise, hand 74 Volumetric flask 123 Volumetric pipettes 121 Wash bottles 105 Wash bottle tubes &1 Wash bottles, Fresenius' 81 Washers, glass gauge . . 107 Watch glass clamps 81 Watch glasses 81 Water baths 90, 91 Water jackets 171 Wedge wood mortars 34 Weights, assay 11, 12 Weights, assay and analytical 20 Weights, assay, ton 20 Weights, bullion 26, 27 Weights, decimal grain 28 Weights, decimal, Troy 26 Weights, gramme 26, 27 Weights, normal, sugar 20 Weights, Troy, cup 26 Westphal's specific gravity balances 31 Whale-oil hydrometers 128 White's lamp 87 Wicks 173 Wicks, flat 98 Wide mouth bottles 149 Wire battery cloth 168, 169 Wire brushes 67 Wire gauze 80 Wire, platinum 146 Wire triangles 130 Wood bateas 44 Wood clamps 118 Wood mallets 69 Woulf bottle tubes 105 Woulf bottles.. . 104 FRASER & CHALMERS CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. Manufacturers of- Complete Equipment for Mining and Metallurgical Works Estimates on request. Write tor Catalogues, specifying lines of Interest. FRASER & CHALMERS, Chicago, III., U. S. A. HAMMERED PLATINUM WARE & GO. MANUFACTURERS OF Hammered Platinum Ware PURPOSES. New York Office, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y. NEWARK, N. J. We would suggest to those using Platinum goods in any form that they write for prices or stock to JOHN TAYLOR & CO., San Francisco, Cal., our Pacific Coast Agents. BAKER & ADAMSON CHEMICAL CO. Manufacturers at both places of the FINEST ACIDS and CHEMICALS- THEIR AOIDS, STRICTLY CHEMICALLY PURE: Muriatic, sp. gr., 1.20 Nitric, .... 1.42 Sulphuric, 1.84 Ammonia, 0.90 Can all be relied upon by the Assayers and Chemists in the Mining Districts to perform the chemical reactions so important to determine Gold and Silver values. All their Chemicals are correct, and sold at Lowest Prices. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS. JOHN TAYLOR & CO., 63 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Above Acids and Ammonia furnished in one-lb. or half-gallon bottles, carboys, or by the carload . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED THE ZIEQLER ELECTRIC COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. Manufacturers and Importers of the Finest Quality and Lowest-Priced Sehool, Physical and Chemical Apparatus TO ILLUSTRATE Properties of Matter, such as Molecular Force, Capillarity, Centrifugal Force, Momentum, Center of Gravity, Etc. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Freezing Heat, Expansion, Acoustics, Optics, Electricity Static, Electricity Voltaic, Magnetism, Etc. JOHN TAYLOR & Co. No. 63 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCI5CO Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. IN 184O HENRY TROEMNER 710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA MAKER OP Assay Balances Assay Weights :>*< Used exclusively in U. S. Assay Offices in NEW YORK, Seattle, Deadwood, U. S Mint Philadelphia, New Orleans, Denver and San Francisco. FOR, SALE JOHN TAYLOR & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION IMPORTANT TO GOLD MINERS! FOR SAVING GOLD QUflRTZ, G^AVEIi AflD PLiHCHH Warranted the Best Made, Durable and Satisfactory. Full Weight of Silver and Best Quality of Plating Guaranteed. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. BEST SOFT LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER USED. References first-class. Prices the very lowest. Have received every Medal awarded on the Pacific Coast for Mining Plates. Old Mining Plates Bought, Replated, or Gold Separated. DENNISTON'S San Francisco Gold, Silver and Nickel=Plating Works 653 & 655 MISSION STREET, SAN FRANCISCO These Plates can also be procured of JOHN TAYLOR & CO. Dealers in Assayers' and Mining Material, 63 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. EJ. G-. DKNNISTON, Proprietor CHRISTIAN BECKER SUCCESSOR TO BECKER & SONS AND TO BECKER BROS. Manufacturer of BALANCES AND WEIGHTS OF PRECISION FOR ASSAYERS, CHEMISTS, JEWELERS AND ALL WHO REQUIRE ACCURACY OF WEIGHT. IN USE IN ALL COLLEGES AND IN THE SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS OF THE U. S. GOVERNMENT Only Factory, NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. OFFICE: No. 117 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK CITY Illustrated Price I^ist on Application JOHN TAYLOR & CO. Special Agents for the Pacific Coast Cooking Utensils If stamped with this trade- mark Safe Because to each article is attached a chemist's certificate, guaranteeing that it is free from arsenic, antimony, lead, or any other poisonous ingredient AND OTHER ARTICLES FOR Chemists, Photographers and Laboratories, Hospitals, Asylums, etc. LALANCE & GROSJEAN MFG. COMPANY, CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. The Engineering and Mining Journal of New York The best and most influential mining paper in the world* Indispensable to the Prospector* Miner. Assayer. Chemist. Engineer, Metallurgist, Merchant, Manufacturer, Banker, Investor, Legislator. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE For the United States, Mexico and Canada, $5.00 per annum For all other countries in the Postal Union, $7.00 " The Mineral Industry Its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and other countries from the Earliest Times, Vol. I. From the Earliest Times to the Close of 1892 $2.50 II. Supplementing previous Volumes, 1893 5- III. " " " 1894 5.00 IV. " " " 1895 5-00 V. " 1896 5 oo VI. " " " 1897 5 oo VII. " 1898 5.00 Extremely valuable technical articles, especially prepared for these volumes by eminent authorities, give the most recent progress in each department of mining, metallurgy and chemical industry, including the best methods of production^ and the uses and properties of nearly all the minerals and metals. The Best Books on Mining and Metallurgy The Metallurgy of Steel, Howe $10.00 Gems and Precious Stones of North America, Kunz 10.00 Metallurgy of Lead (new edition), Hofman 6.00 Modern Copper Smelting, Peters 5.00 Systematic Mineralogy, Hunt 5-oo Manufacture and Properties of Structural Steel, Campbell. ... 4.00 Manual of Qualitative Blowpipe Analysis, Endlich 4.00 Ore Deposits of the United States, Kemp 4.00 Lead and Copper Smelting and Converting, Hixon 3.00 Stamp Milling of Gold Ores, Rickard 2.50 Practical Notes on the Cyanide Process, Bosqui 2.50 Prospecting, Locating and Valuing Mines, Stretch 2,50 Chemical and Geological Essays, Hunt 2.50 Matte Smelting, Lang 2.00 Outline of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Miller 1.50 NEW GENERAL TECHNICAL CATALOGUE FREE. When you want any information, prices or advice concerning the latest and . . . d The Scientific Publishing Company 253 BROADWAY, NEW VORK CITY- TWO VOLUMES ILLUSTRATED HEDIUM 8VO $10 net A HANDBOOK OF METALLURGY BY TRANSLATED BY CARL SCHNABEL HENRY LOUIS Of the Royal Academy Professor of Mining at the of J\ fines Clansthal Durham College of Science A Translation of Dr. Carl Schnabel's "Handbook of fletallurgy" VOIAJM K I. ( 'OFFER LEA1 > SI LVER GOLD VOT.UM K T I ,ZIXC CADMIUM MERCURY BISMUTH TIN ANTIMONY ARSENIC' NICKEI, COBALT PLATINUM ALUMINUM K German original is acknowledged to be the best existing Avork on the subject; and this new translation has the advantages of being well up to date as to its facts and absolutely modern, in its descriptions of methods of treatment, etc. The author's high reputation vouches for the book, which will appeal the more to American students for the considerable attention given to work done in different parts of the United States. Dr. Schnabel's rank among metallurgists is indicated by his recent call to Australia to advise as to complex silver ores discovered there. UP-TO-DATE MODERN IN flETHOD The translator's name lias long been connected with APPLICABLE TO mining and kindred subjects, not oriby through his book on AnERICAN^CONDlTIONS "Gold Milling," described by the Mining Review as "One THE BEST WORK ON of the most concise, practical, and complete treaties yet pub- THE SUBJECT lished," but also because of his practical knowledge of all the FULLY ILLUSTRATED , , ., . details (the chemistry, etc.), of the subject, and of the investi- gations which have been made in all parts of the world. ^TT is A curious fact that there does not exist in the English language a single complete treatise on Metallurgy. There are a number of smaller text-books mainly adapted to the use of students, which cover the entire field, but make no pretense of describing it with any thoroughness of detail; and there are. a number of very admirable works dedicated to the metallurgy of individual metals. "Such being the position of our literature 011 this subject, I venture to think that I am rendering a distinct service in submitting a translation of the THE ONLY THOROUGH most recent and most exhaustive work on the subject in any language from the pen of that eminent metallurgical authority, WORK OF THIS KIND Dr. Carl Schnabel, of Clausthal. The object of his work has been to give a complete account of the metallurgical treatment of every one of the metals ordinarily employed, together with all the recent improvements in the art, whilst at the same time pointing out the scientific principles underlying each process, and illustrating each by examples drawn from actual practice in various parts of the world." From the Author's Preface. AGENTS FOB ABOVE JOHN TAYLOR & CO. 63 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co .... MANUFACTURERS OF . laboratory . . . FOR . . . CHEMISTS, ASSAYHRS, METALLURGISTS, JEWELERS, DENTISTS, LABORATORIES, COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, SCHOOLS, WORK SHOPS. . CONSISTING OF ... Foot Blowers, Blast Blow-Pipes, Melting Furnaces, Assaying Furnaces, Muffle Furnaces, Bunsen Burners, Crucibles, Muffles, Soldering Bit Heaters, Special Heating Apparatus. 587 & 589 Main Street, corner of Chippewa, BUFFALO, N. Y., U. 5. A. Catalogue B sent on application JOHN TAYLOR & CO., Agents SENT ON ILL t BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. I REC'D LD Ve-S '