I A SHORT ACCOUNT OF ; THE COURTSHIP OF ALONZO tf MELISSA SETTING FORTH THEIR HARDSHIPS AND DIFFICULTIES, CAUSED BY THE BARBARITY OF AN UNFEELING FATHER. In ev'ry vary'd postuie, place and hour, How widow 'd ev'ry thought of ev'ry joy ! YOUNG* PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR. 1811. PREFACE. WHETHER the story of Aionzo and M^lis- sa will generally please, the writer knows not ; if, however, he is not mistaken, it is not unfriend- ly to religion and to virtue. One thing was aimed to be shown, that a firm reliance on provi dence, however the affections might be at war with its dispensations, is the only source of con solation in the gloomy hours of affliction ; and that generally such dependence, though crossed by difficulties and perplexities, will be crowned with victory at last. It is also believed that the story contains no indecorous stimulants ; nor is it filled with un meaning and inexplicated incidents, sounding upon the senses, but imperceptible to the under standing. When anxieties have been excited by involved and doubtful events, they are after- wards eludicated by the consequences. The writer believes that generally he lias cop ied nature* In the ardent prospects raised in youthful bosoms, the almost consummation of their wishes, their sudden and unexpected disap pointment, the sorrows of separation, the joyous ^and unlocked for meeting In the poignant feel ings of Aionzo when at the grave of Melissa, he poured the feelings of his anguished soul over her miniature by the *' moon's pale ray." When Melissa, sinking on her knees before her father, was received to his bosom as a beloved daughter risen from the dead. If these scenes are not imperfectly drawn, they will not fail to interest the rdincd sc die reader. ALONZO AND MELISSA, A TALE. IN the time of the late revolution, two young gentlemen of Connecticut, who had formed an indissoluble friendship, graduated at Yale col- lege in New Haven ; their names were Edgar and Alonzo ; Edgar was the son of a respectable farmer, Alonzo's father was an eminent merchant Edgar was designed for the desk, Alonzo for the bar ; but as they were allowed some vacant time after their graduation before they entered upon their professional studies, they improved this interim in mutual, friendly visits, mingling with select parties in the amusement of the day, and in travelling through some parts of the Unit ed States. Edgar had a sister who, for some time had re sided with her cousin at New-London. She was now about to return, and it was designed that Edgar should go and attend her home : previous to the day on which he was to set out, he was unfortunately thrown from his horse, which so much injured him as to prevent his prosecuting' his intended journey ; he therefore invited Alon zo to supply his place, which invitation he rc^li- ly accepted, and on the day appointed set out for New London, where he arrived, delivered his" introductory letters to Edgar's cousin, and \vas Deceived with the most friendly politer; A-ONZO AND MELISSA. , the sister of Edgar, was about sixteen years of age. She was not what is esteemed a striking beauty, but her appearance was pleasing, ly interesting. Her figure was elegant 4 her as pect was attempered with- a pensive mildness., which in her cheerful moments would light up into sprightliness and vivacity. Though on first impression, her countenance was marked by a sweet and thoughtful serenity, yet she eminent ly possessed the power to " Call round her laughing eyes, in playful turns, The glance that lightens, and the smile that burns." Her mind was adorned with those delicate graces which are the first ornaments of female excel lence. Her mstners were graceful without af fectation, and her taste had been properly direct ed by a suitable education. Alonzo was about twenty one years old ; he had been esteemed an excellent student. His appearance was manly, open and freeHis eye indicated a nobleness of soul p although his as pect was tinged with melancholy, yet he was naturally cheerful. His disposition was of the romantic cast ; " For far heyond the ptide and pornp of power, He lov'd the realms of nature to explore ; With lingering gaze Edinjan spring surve/'d .- Morn's fairy splendors; night's gay curtain'd shade. The high h'oar cliff, the grove's benighting g'oom. The wild rose, vvidow'd o'er the vnouldeihig tomb ; The heaven embosom'd sun ; the rainbow's die Where lucid forms disport to fancy's eye ; The vernal flower, mild autumn's purpling glow., 1 life summer's thunder sod the wuiKr? stiovV* AND MELISSA* 7 It was evening when Alonzo arrived at the liouse of Edgar's cousin., Melissa was at a ball which had been given on a matrimonial occasion in the town. Her cousin waited on Alonzo to the ball, and introduced him to Melissa, who re ceived him with politeness. She was dressed in white embroidered and spangled with rich silver lace ; a silk girdle, enwrought andtasseled with gold, surrounded her waist ; her hair was un adorned except by a wreath of artificial flowers, studded by a single diamond. After the ball closed, they returned to the house of Edgar's cousin. Melissa's partner at the ball was the son of a gentleman of independ ent fortune in New- London. He was a gay young man, aged about twenty five. His ad dress was easy, his manners rather voluptuous than refined ; confident but not ungraceful. He led the ton In fashionable circles ; gave taste its zest, and was quite a favorite with the ladies gen erally. His name was Beauman. Edgar's cousin proposed to detain Alonzo and Melissa a few days, during which time they pas sed in visiting select friends and social parties. Beauman was an assiduous attendant upon Melis sa ; he came one afternoon to invite her to ride out ; she was indisposed and excused herself; at evening she proposed walking out with her cous in and his lady. But they were prevented from atending her, by unexpected company. Alonzo offered to accompany her. It was one of those beautiful evenings in the month of June, when, 8 ALONZO AND METISSA. nature in those parts of America is arrayed in her richest dress. They left the town and walk* ed thro' fields adjoining the harbor. The moon shone in full lustre, her white beams trembling upon the glassy main, where skiffs and sails of various description were passing and repassing* The shores of Long-Island and the other islands in the harbour, appeared dimly to float among the waves. The air was adorned with the frag rance of surrounding flowers ; the sound of in- strumental music wafted from the town, render ed sweeter by distance, \vhile the whipperwill's sprightly song echoed along the adjacent groves. Farfin the eastern horizon hung a pile of brazen clouds, which had passed from the north, over which, the crinkling red lightning momentarily darted, and at times, long peals of thunder were faintly heard. They walked to a point of the beach, where stood a large rock whose base was washed by every tide. On this rock they seated themselves, and enjoyed a while the splendors of the scene the drapery of nature. " To this place (said Melissa) have I taken many a solitary walk, on such an evening as this, and seated on this rock, have I experienced more pleasing sen sations than I ever received in the most splendid ball-room." The idea impressed the mind of Alonzo ; it was congenial with the feelings of his soul. They returned at a late hour, and the next day- set out for home. Beauman handed Mel;:-sa in to the carriage, and he, with Edgar's cousin and ALON20 AND MELISSA^ 9 his lady, attended them on their first day's jour* nev. they put up at night at the house of an ac quaintance in Branford. The next morning they parted ; Melissa's cousin, his lady and Benuman returned to New London ; Alonzo and Melissa pursuer' their journey, and at eve ning arrived at her father's house which was in the westerly part of the state. Melissa was received wiih joyful tenderness by her friends. Edgar soon recovered from his fall,- and cheerfulness again assumed its most pleasing aspect in the family. Edgar's father was a plain Connecticut farmer. He was rich and his riches had been acquired by his diligent at tention to business. He had loaned money, and taken mortgages on lands and houses for securi ties, and as payment frequently failed he often had opportunities of purchasing the- involved premises at his own price. He well knew the worth of a shilling and how to apply it to its best use ; and iu casting interest, he was sure never to lose a farthing. He had no other children ex cept Edgar and 'Melissa, on whom he doated. Destitute of literature himself, he had provided the means of obtaining it for his son, and as he was a rigid presbyterian, he considered that Ed gar could no where figure so well, or gain more eminence, than in the, sacred dest. The time now arrived when Edgar and Alon zo were to part. The former repaired to New- V'crk, where he was to enter upon his profession al "turtles. The lutter entered in the office of an B 10 AtONZO AND MELISSA. eminent attorney in his native town, which was about twenty miles distant from the village in which lived the family of Edgar and Me lissa. Alonzo was the frequent guest of this family ; for though Edgar was absent, there was still a charm which attracted him hitlier. If he had admired the manly virtues of the brother, could he fail to adore the sublimer graces of the sister. If all the sympathies of the most ardent friendship had been drawn forth towards the for mer, must not the most tender passions of the soul be attracted by the milder and more refined excellencies of the other ? Beauman had become the suitor of Melissa ; but the distance of residence rendered it inconve nient to visit her often. He came regularly once in two or three months, of course Alonzo and he sometimes met Beauman had made no serious pretensions, but his particularity indicated some thing more than fashionable politeness. His manners his independent situation, his family, entitled him to respect. " It is not prob able therefore, that he will be objectionable to Melissa's friends, or to Melissa herself,' ' said Alonzo, with an involuntary sigh. But as Beauman's visits to Melissa became more frequent, an increasing anxiety took place in Alor.zo's bosom. He wished her to remain single ; the idea of losing her by marriage, gave Jiim inexpressible regret What substitute could ruipply the happy hours he had passi d in her >:-any? What charm could wing the linger ALONZO AND MELISSA, 11 f ' ing moments when she was gone ? In the recess of his studies, he could, in a few hours, be at the seat of her fin her There his cares were dissipa ted, and the troubles of life, real or imaginary, on light pinions fleeted away. How different would be the scene when debarred from the unreserved friendship and conversation of Melissa ! And un reserved it could not be, were she not exclusive* ly mistress of herself. But was there not some- 1 thing of a more refined texture than friendship in his predilection for the company of Melissa ? If so, why not avow it ? His prospects, his fami ly, and of course his pretensions might not be in ferior to those of Beauman. But perhaps Beau- man was prefered His opportunities had been greater He had formed an acquaintance with her. Distance proved no barrier to his addres ses. His visits became more and more frequent. Was it not then highly probable that he had se cured her affections? Thus reasoned Alonzo, but the reasoning tended not to allay the tempest which was gathering in his bosom. He ordered his horse, and was in a short time at the seat of Melissa's father. It was summer, and towardjs evening when he arrived, Melissa was sitting by -the window when he entered the hall. She arose and received him with a smile. " I have just been thinking of an evening's walk, (said she) but had no one to at tend me, and you have come just in time to per form that office. I*vill order tea immediately, while you rest from the fatigues of your joura : '* 12 ALOtfZO AND MELISSA. When tea was served up a servant entered the room with a letter which he had found in the 3^ard. Melissa received it. " 'Tis a letter (said she) which I sent by Beauman, to a lady in New. London, and the careless roan has lost it." Turn- ing to Alonzo, " I forgot to tell you that }our friend Beauman has been with us a few days ; he left us this morning." " My friend !" repli ed Alonzo hastily. " Is he not your friend ?" enquired Melissa. " I beg pardon madam (an swered he) my mind was absent." He request ed us to present his respect to his friend Alonzo," said she -Alonzo bowed and turned the conver sation. They walked out and took a winding path which led along pleasant fields by a gliding stream through a little grove, and up a sloping eminence, which commanded an extensive prospect of the surrounding country, Long Island and the sound between that and the main land, and the open ing there off to the distant ocean. A soft and silent shower had descended ; a thousand transitory gems trembled upon the foliage glittering to the western ray. A bright rainbow sat upon a southern cloud ; the light gales whispered among the the branches, agitated the young harvest to billowy motion, or waved the tops of the distant, deep green forest with majestic grandeur. Flocks, herds and cottages were scattered over the variegated landscape. Hills piled on hills, receding faded from tke ;vj r siiing eye mingling with 'the blue mist v: 1 ALONZO AND MELISSA. IS hovered around the extreme verge of the ho rizon. ci This is a most beautiful scene," said Melissa. It is indeed ( replied Alonzo,) can New Lon don boast so charming; a prospect ? Melissa No yes indeed I can hardly say. You know Alon- zo, how I am charmed with the rock at the point of the beach. Aionzo you told me of the happy hours you had passed at that place. Perhaps the company which attended you there, gave the scenery its highest embellishment. Melissa. I know not how it happened ; but you are the only person who ever attended me there. Al. That is a little surprising. Mel. Why surprising ? AL Where was Beauman ? Mel. Perhaps he was not fond of solitude, Re sides he was not always my .2fozM-man. Al. Some times. Mel. Yes some times. Al. And now always. Mel. Not this evening. Al. He formallv addresses you. Mel. Well, > Al. And will soon claim the exclusive privi lege so to do. Mel. That does not follow of course. Al. Of course, if his intentions are sincere, and the wishes of another should accord there with. Mel, Who am I to understand by anotb 14 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ** Al. Melissa. (A pause ensued.) Mel. See that ship, Afonzo, coming up the sound ; how she ploughs through the white foam, while the breezes flutter among the sails, vary ing with the beams of the sun. Al. Yes, it is almost down. Mel. What is almost down ? Al. The sun. Was not you speaking of the sun, madam ? Mel. Your mind is absent, Alonzo ; I was speaking of yonder ship. Al. 1 beg pardon madam. O yes the ship it it bounds with rapid motion over the waves. A pause ensued. They walked leisurely around the bill, and moved toward home. The sun sunk behind the western hills. Twilight arose in the east, and floated along the air. Darkness began to hover around the woodlands and vallies. The beauties of the landscape slowly receded. le This reminds me of our walk at New-London," said Melissa. Do you remember it ? enquired Alon zo certainly I do ( she replied ) I shall never forget the sweet pensive scenery of my favorite rock. a Nor I neither," said Alonzo, with a deep drawn sigh. The next d uy Alonzo returned to his studies ; but different from his former visits to Melissa, instead of exhilarating his spirits, this had tend ed to depress them. He doubted whether Melis sa was not already engaged to Beauman. His hopes would perfuade him that this was not the case ; but his fears declared otherwise. time before Alonzo renewed his I ALONZQ AND MELISSA. 15 visit. In the interim lie received a letter from a friend in the neighbourhood of Melissa's father ; an extract from which, follows : you. I might not, indeed, from various circum stances, and from the information I possess, I perhaps should not, have given you farther trou ble on the occasion, had it not been from your own direction and appointment. And I am now willing to retire without further explanation, without giving you the pain of an express decis ion, if you think the measure expedient. Your declaration can only be a matter of form, the con sequence of which I know, and my proposit.on may save ypur feelings. Mel. No, Alon2o ; my reputation depends on rny adherence to my first determination ; justice to yourself and to Beauman, also demand it. Af ter what has passed, I should be considered as acting capriciously and inconsistently should I depart from it. Beauman will be here to-mor row, and Al. To-morrow, madam ? Mel. He will be here to-morrow, and you must consent to stay with us until that time 5 matter shall then be decided, P 25 ALONZO AND MElISSA'y Al. I yes it shall be as you say, madau: Make your arrangements as you please. Evening had now spread her dusky mantle o- ver the face of nature. The stars glistened in the sky. The breeze's rustling wing was in the tree. The " slitty sound" of the low murmur-' ing brook, and the far off water fall, were faintly' heard. The twinkling fire fly arose from the surrounding verdure and illuminated the air with a thousand transient gleams. The mingling dis cordance of curs and watch -dogs echoed in the distant village, from whence the frequent lights darted their palely lustre through the gloom. The solitary whipperwjlls stationed themselves a* Io.:g the woody glens, the groves and rocky pas tures, and sung a requiem to departed summer. A dark cloud was rising in the west, across whose gloomy front the vivid lightning bent itsf forky spires. Alonzo and Melissa moved slowly to the vil- Lu!;e ; she appeared enraptured with the melan- chnK splendors of the evening, but the other sub ject engaged the mental attention of Alonzo. Beau man arrived the next day. He gave his hrnul to Alonzo with seeming warmth of friend ship. If it was reciprocated, it must fcave been aff ct.-d. There was no alteration in the man ners and conversation of Melissa ; her conversa tion as usual, was sprightly and interesting. Af ter dinner she retired, and her father requested Alonzo and Beauman to withdraw with him to a ALONZO AND MELISSA. 27 private room. After they were seated the old gentleman thus addressed them : ^ " I have called you here., gentlemen, to per. form mjUluty as a parent to my daughter, and as a friend to you. You are both suitors to Melis sa ; while your addresses were merely formal, they were innocent ; but when they become se rious they were dangerous. Your pretensions I Consider equal, and between honorable preten ders, who are worthy of my daughter, I shall not attempt to influence her choice. That choice, however, can rest only on one : she has enga ged to decide between you. I am come, to make in her name, this decision. The following are my terms : No quarrel or difficulty shall arise between you, gentlemen, in consequence of her determination. Nothing shall go abroad res pecting the affair ; it shall be ended under my roof. As soon as I have pronounced her decla ration, you shall both depart and absent my house, for, at least, twq weeks, as it would be improper for my daughter to see either of you at present after that period I shall be happy to re ceive your visits." Alonzo and Beau man pledg ed their honor to abide explicitly by these injunc tions. Her father then observed " This, gen- tlemen, is all I require.- 1 have observed that I considered your pretensions equal- so has my daughter treated them. You have both made professions to her : she has appointed a time to answer you. That time has now arrived, and I now inform you that she has decided in favor of Alonzo." 8 AlOttSO ANp MELISSA, The declaration of Melissa's father burst upon the mental powers of Beau man, like a sudden and tremendous clap of thunder on the deep and sol- cmn silence of night. Unaccustomed to disap pointment, he had calculated on success. His addresses to the ladies had ever been honorably received, Melissa was the first whose charms were ca pable of rendering them sincere. He was not ignorant of Alonzo's attention to her ; it gave him however buv little uneasiness. He believed that his superior qualifications would eclipse the pretensions of his rival. He considered himself a connoisseur in character, especially in the char- ^cter of the ladies. He conformed to their taste ; lie flattered their foibles and obsequiously bowed to the mimitia of female volatility, He consid ered himself skilled in the language of the heart and he trusted. that from his pre-eminent powers in the science of affection, he had only to see, to sue and to conquer. He had frankly offered his hand to Melissa, and pressed her for a decisive answer. This from time to time she suspended, and finally appointed a day to give him and Alon- zo a determinate answer, though neither knew ihe arrangements made with the other. Finding, however, the dilemma in which she placid, she had previously consulted her paren ;s. Her father had no objection to her choosing between two persons of equal claims: to- c an^ reputation ; this choice she AtONZG AND MELISSA, f& inade, and her lather was considered the most pr< 'per person to pi onounce it. When Beauinan had urged his, suit to Melis* sa, he supposed 'hat her hesitations, delays and suspensions, vere oiily the effects of maiden dif- fj< '", 'ice and timidity. He had no suspicions of her ultimately rejve i;-g it ; and when she final- 1\ named the day of decision, he was confident she wou'd decide in his favor. These senti ments he had communicated to the person who had written to Alonzo, intimating that Melissa had fixed a time which was to crown his happi est wishes. He had listened, therefore, attentively to the Words of Melissa's father, momentarily expect ing to hear himself declared the favorite choice of the fair. What then must have been his disappointment when the name of Alonzo was pronounced in stead of his own ! The highly finished stene of pk asurt and future prosperity which his ardent imagination hid depicted^ ^ad vanished in a mo* mentv 1 he rain-bow glories which gilded his youthful horiflon, had faded in an instant the bright sun of his early hopes, had set in mourn ful darkness. The summons of death would not have been more unexpected, or more shocking to his imagination* Very different were the sensations which in spired the bosom of Alonzo. ^He had not even calculated on a decision in his own favor. He bclk'vxJ that Beau man would be the choice of AIONZO AND MELISSA. Melissa. She had told him that the form of de r cision was necessary to save appearances with this form he complied because she dc ired it, not because he expected the result would be in his favor, He had not therefore attended to the words of Melissa's father with that eagerness which favorable anticipations coma only produce. Bul^when his name w .s mentioned when he found he was the choice thr happy favorite of Melissa's affection every tender passion of his soul became interested, and was suddenly arous ed to the refinements of sensibility . , Like an e- lectric shock, it reanimated his whole frame, and vibrated every nerve of his heart. The glooms which hun^-about his mind were dissipated, and the bright morning of joy broke in upon his soul. Thus were the expectations of Alonzo and Beauman disappointed how differently the se-r quei has shewn. Melissa's father retired immediately after pro nouncing ihe declaration ; the two young gen tlemen, also, soon after withdrew. Alonzo saw the tempest which tore the bosoni of his rival, and he pitied him from his heart. A fortnight passed, and Alonzo felt all that anxiety and impatience which a separation from a beloved object can produce. He framed a thou sand excuses to visit Melissa, yet he feared a vis it might be premature. He was, however, ne cessitated to make a journey to a distant part of the country, after which Le resolved to see Me lissa. He performed his business, and was re- ALONZO AND MELISSA. 31 turning. It was toward evening, and the day hud been uncommonly sultry for the autumnal season. A rising shower blackened the western hemisphere ; the dark vapor ascended in folding ridges, a d the thunder rolled at a distance. A- lonzo saw he should be overtaken. He discov ered an elegant seat about one huiKlred yards dis^ tant from the road ; thither he hastened to gaia shelter from the approaching storm. The own* cr of the mansion rmt him at the door, politely invited him to alight and walk in, while a servant stood ready to rake his horse. He was ushered into a large room neatly furnished, where the family and several young ladies were sitting. As Alonzo glanced his eyes hastily around the room, he thought he recognized a familiar countenance. A hurried succession of confused ideas for a mo ment, crossed his recollection. In a moment he discovered that it was Melissa. By this unex pected meeting they were both completely em barrassed. Melissa, however, arose, and in rath er a confused manner, introduced Alonzo, as the classmate of her brother, to the family of Mr. Simpson, and the company. The rain continued most part of the afternoon, Alonzo was invited, and consented to stay all night. A moon light evening succeeded the shower, which invited the young people to walk in an adjoining garden. Melissa told Alonzo that Mr. Simpson was a distant relative of her father ; his family consisted of his wife, two a- mhbte daughters., not far from Melissa's age, and 3 AtONZO ANI) MELISSA* one son, framed William, about seventeen years old. She had been invited there to pass a week and expected to return within two days. A\ d she added, smiling, perhaps, Alonzo, we my* have an opportunity once more to visit the bovv er on my prospect hill, before winter entirely des troys the remaining beanies of the summer '* Alonzo felt all the force of the remark. He re* collected the conversation whe: they were last at the place she mentioned ; and he well remem bered his feelings on that occasion. * Great changes, indeed, (he replied) have ta ken place since we were last there ; that they are productive of unexpected and unexampled hap piness to me, is due, M Ussa, to yon alone." Alonzo departed the next morning, appointing the next week to visit Melissa .at her' father's house. Thus were the obstacles removed which pre sented'a barrier to the united wishes of Alonzo and Melissa. They had not, it is true, been sep arated by wide seas, unfeeling parents, or the rigorous laws of war ; but troubles, vexations, doubts and difficulties, had thus far attended them, which had now disappeared, and they cal culated on no unpropitious event which might thwart their future union. All the time that A- lonzo could spare from his studies was devoted to Melissa, and their parents began to calculate on joining their hands as soon as Alonzo's pro* Sessional term of study was completed. The troubles which gave rise to the dis ALONZO &ND MELISSA. ,5$ ration of England from America had already com menced, which broke out the ensuing spring in to actual hostilities, by the battle at Lexington, followed soon after by the battle at Bunker HilL The panic and general bustle which took place in America on these events, is yet well remem bered by many. They were not calculated to impress the mind of Melissa with the most plea sing sensations. She foresaw that the burden of the war must rest on the American youth, and she trembled in anticipation for the fate of Alon- zo. He, with others, should the war continue, must take the field, in defence of his country- The effects of such a separation were dubious and gloomy. Alonao and she frequently discour sed, and they agreed to form the mystic union previous to any wide separation. One event tended to hasten this resolution,, The attorney in whose office Alonzo was clerk , received a commission in the new faised Ameri can army, and marched to the lines near Boston. His business was therefore suspended, and Alon ao returned to the house of his father. He con sidered that he could not long remain a mere spectator of the contest, and that it might soon be his duty to take the field ; he therefore con cluded it best to hasten his marriage with Melis sa. She consented to the proposition, and their parents made the necessary arrangements for the event. They had even fixed upon the place which was to be the future residence of this hup* py counte* It was a pleasantly situated village, E J4 AIONZO AND MLJtlSSA. surrounded by rugged elevations, which gave an air of serenity and seclusion to the valley they encircled. On the south arose a spacious hill, which was ascended by a gradual acclivity ; its sides and summit interspersed with orchards, ar bors and cultivated fields. On the west, forests unevenly lifted their rude heads, with here and there a solitary field, newly cleared, and thinly scattered with cottages. To the east, the eye extended over a soil, at one time swelling 1 into craggy elevations, and at another spreading it- self into vales of the most enchanting verdure. To the north it extended over a vast succession of mountains, wooded to their summits, and throwing their shadows over intervales of equal wilderness, till at length it \vas arrested in its ex cursions by the blue mists which hovered over mountains more grand, majestic and lofty.*-*- A rivulet which rushed from the hills, formed a lit tle lake on the borders of the village, which beau tifully reflected the cottages from its transparent bosom Amidst a cluster of locusts and weep ing willows, rose the spire of the church, in the tingarnished decency of Sunday neatness. Fields, gardens, meadows and pastures were spread a- round the valley, and on the sides of the declivi ties, yielding in their season the rich flowers, fruits and foliage of spring, summer and autumn. The inhabitants of this modern Avernum were mostly farmers. They were mild, sociable, mor- * .->ome who read tins description vail readily recogwse the vilJatre here described.. ALONZO AND MELISSA* 5 al and diligent: The produce of their own .flocks and fields, gave them most of their food an faith fully executed, by seizing the lands, tenements and furniture, and finally arresting the body of the old gentleman, which was soon released by his friendly neighbors becoming bail for his ap pearance ; but the property was soon after soid at public vendue, at less than half its value, and Alonzo's father and mother were compelled to a- bandon the premises, and take shelter in a little hut, belonging to a neighboring farmer, \\\y and temporarily furnished by the gratuitous liberality of a few friends. We will not stop the reader to moralize on this disastrous event. The feelhigs of the fainilv can better be conceived than detailed Hurled in a moment from the lofty summit of affluence to the low and barren vale of poverty ! Philosophy c*me to the aid of the parents, but who can realize the feelings of the son ! Thus sudclenh cut short of his prospects, not only of future independence, but even of support, what would be the event of his suit to Melissa, and stipulated marriage ? Was it not probable that her father would now cancel the contract ? Could she consent to be his wife in his present penurious situation ? And indeed, could he himself, consent to make her Itis wife, to make her miserable ? In this agitated frame of mind he receivti letter from his friend in Melissa's neighborho< requesting Mm to oeme immediately to his house. ALONZO AND MPXISE^, whither lie repaired the following day. This person had ever been the unchanging friend of Alonzo ; he had heard of the misfortunes of his family, and he deeply sympathized in his distress. He had lately married and settled in life ; his jiame was Vincent. When Alonzo arrived at the ho?ise of his friend, he was received with the same disinter ested ardor he ever had been in the day of his most unbounded prosperity. After being seated, Vincent told him that the occasion of his send ing for him was to propose the adoption, of cer tain measures which he doubted not might be considered highly beneficial as it respected his fu ture peace and happiness. " Your famhy mis- fortunes (continued Vincent) have reached the ears of Melissa's father. I know the old gentle man too well to believe he will consent to receive you as his son-in-law, under your present em barrassments. Money is the God to which he implicitly bows. The case is difficult, but not Insurmountable. You must first see Melissa ; she is now in the next room ; I will introduce you in ; converse with her, after which I will lay my plan before you." Alonzo entered the room ; Melissa was sitting by a window which looked irto a pleasant gar den, and over verdant meadows, whose tall grass waved to the evening breeze. Farther on, low ;iec spread their umbrageous thickets, where thf dusky shadows of night had begun to asset;: blc. On high hills beyond, the tops of lofty 44 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ests, majestically moved by the billowy gales, caught the sun's last ray. Fleecy summer clouds hovered around the verge of the western horizon, spangled with silvery tints or fringed with the gold of even. A mournfully murmuring rivulet purled at a little distance from the garden, on the borders of a small grove, from whence the American wild clove wafted her sympathetic moaning to the ear of Melissa She sat leaning on a small table by the window, which was thrown up. Her atten tion was fixed. She did not perceive Vincent and Alonzo as they entered. They advanced to wards her. She turned, started, and arose. With a melracholy smile, and tremulous voice, " I sup. posed (she said) that it was Mrs. Vincent who -was approaching, as she has just left the room." Her countenance appeared dejected, lyhich on seeing Alonzo, lighted up into a languid spright- liness. It was evident she had been weeping. Vincent retired and Alonzo and Melissa seat ed themselves by the window. " I have broken in upon your solitude, perhaps, too unseasona bly (said Alonzo) ; it is, however, the fault of Vincent, he invited me to walk into the room, but did not inform me that you were alone." <* Your presence was sudden and unexpected, but not unseasonable, (replied Melissa.) I hope that you did not consider any formality necessa ry in your visits, Alonzo ?" Alonzo. I once did not think so. Now I inow not whdt to think I know not how to act. AXON20 AND MELISSA. 45 You have heard of the misfortunes of my father's family, Melissa ? Melissa, Yes. I have heard the circumstan ces attending that event, an event in which no one could be more deeply interested^ except the immediate sufferers, than myself. Al. Your father is also acquainted with my present situation ? Mel. He is. Al. How did he receive the intelligence ? Mel. With deep regret. Al. And forbade you to admit my addresses any longer ? Mel. No. Not absolutely. AL If even an unqualified or indirect manner, it is proper I should know it. Mel. It certainly is. Soon after \ve received the intelligence of your family misfortunes, my father came into the room where I was sitting, ests are succeeded bv calms, wars end in peace; the splendors of the brightest morning arise on the wings of blackest midnight. Troubles will not always last. Life at most is short ; Death comes to the relief of the virtuous \vretcheJ, and transports them to another and better world, where sighing and sorrows cease, and the tempestuous passions of life are known no more." The rage of grief which had overwhelmed Me. 14ss>, began now to subside as the waves of the ocean gradually cease their tumultuous commo tion, after the turbulent winds are laid asleep. Deep sobs and long drawn sighs succeeded to a suffocation of tears. The irritation of her feel- ings had caused a more than usual glow upon her cheek, which faded away as she became compo sed, until a livid paleness spread itself over her features. Alonzo feared that the delicacy of her constitution would fall a sacrifice to the sorrow which preyed upon her heart, if not speedily al. leviated ; but alas, where were the means of alle viation ? She informed him that her father had that eye- ALONZO AND MELISSA. 57 ning ordered her to become the wife of Beau- man. He told her that her disobedience was no longer to be borne. " No longer (said he) will I tamper with your perverseness ; you are deter mined to be poor, wretched and contemptible. I will compel you to be rich, happy and respect ed. You suffer the Jack -a- Lantern fancy to lead you into swamps and quagmires, when, did you but follow the fair light of reason, it would con duct you to honor and real felicity. There are happiness and misery at your choice. 4 ' Marry Beaurnan, and you will roll in your coach, flaunt in your silks, your furniture and yourequippage are splendid, your, associates are of the first character, and your father rejoices in your prosperity. " Marry Alonzo, you sink into obscurity, are condemned to drudgery, poorly fed, worse clo thed, and your relations and acquaintances shun and despise you. The comparison I have here drawn between Beauman and Alonzo is a correct one ; for even the wardrobe of the former is of more value than the whole fortune of the latter. "I give you now two days to consider the mat ter ; at the end of that time I shall expect your decision, and hope you will decide discreetly. But remember, that you become the wife of Beauman, or you are no longer acknowledged as my daughter" '"Thus (said Melissa) did my father pronounce his determination, which shook my frame, and chilled with horroV every nerve of my heart, and immediately left me, H ALONZO AND MELISSA, " My aunt added her taunts tb his severities, and Beauman interfered with his ill timed conso lation. My mother and Edgar ardently strove to allay the fever of my soul, and mitigate my dis tress. But the stroke was almost too severe for my nature. Habituated only to the smiles of jny father, how could I support his frowns ? Ac customed to receive his blessings' alone, how could I endure his sudden malediction ?" Description would fail in painting the sensa tions of Alonzo's bosom, at this recital of woe. Sut he endeavored to mitigate her sorrows by the consolation of more cheering prospects and happier hours. Vincent and his lady now came into the room. They strenuously urged the propriety and the necessity of Alonzo and Melissa's entering into the bands of wedlock immediate!} . * The mea sure would be hazardous," remarked Melissa. " My circumstances" said Alonzo. " Not on that account, (interrupted Melissa) but rny fath er's displeasure"- 44 Will be the same, whether you marry Alonso, or refuse to marry Beau man," replied Vincent. Her resolution appeared to be staggered. " Come here, Melissa, to morrow evening (said Mrs. Vincent); meantime you /will consider the matter, and then determine." To this Melissa assented, and prepared to return home. Alonzo walked with her to the gate \\ hich o- pened into the yard surrounding htr father's \ <-:e. It was dangerous for him to go farther, ALONfeO AND M P HSSA, Should he be discovered Avith Melissa, even by a domestic of the family, it must increase the persecutions against her. They parted. Alon- zo stood at the gate, gazing anxiously ' fter MQ-. lissa as she walked up the long winding avenue, bordered with ;he odor-flowing lilac, and lof ty elm, her white robes now invisible, now dimly seen, as she turned the angles of the walk, until they were totally obscurtd, mingling with the gloom and darkness of the night. " Thus, (said Alonzo) thus fades the angel of peace from the visionary eyes of the war-worn soldier, when it ascends in the dusky clouds of early morning, while he slumbers on the field of recent battle." With mournful forebodings he returned to the house of Vincent. He arose after a sleepless night, and w-Uked into an adjoining -field/ He stood leaning in deep contemplation against a tree, when he heard quick footsteps behind 'him. He turned, and saw Edgar approaching ; in a moment they were in each other's arms, and min gled tears. They returned to Vincent's and con* versed largely on present affairs. " I have dis coursed with my father on the subject, (said Ed- gdr) I have urged him with every possible argu ment to relinquish his determination ; I fear., however, he is inflexible. *' To assuage the tempest r,f rrief which rent Melissa's bosom was my next ofvject, tn d in this I mist I hive not been nnsucce^ on will this evening, and will ^rr. ; reigned. You. . 60 ALOttZO AND MELISSA. fortitude. The ways of Heaven are inscrutable, but they are right. " We must acquiesce in its dealings. We cannot alter its decrees. Resignation to its will, whether merciful or afflictive, is one of those em inent virtues which adorn the good man's char acter, and ever find a brilliant reward in the re gions of unsullied splendor, far beyond trouble and the tomb." Edgar told Alonzo that circumstances compel led him that day to depart for the army. " I would advise you, (said he) to remain here until your affair comes to some final issue. It must, I think, ere long, be terminated. Perhaps you and my sister may yet be happy." Alonzo feelingly expressed his gratitude to Edgar. He found in him that disinterested friend ship, which his early youth had experienced.- Edgar the same day departed for the army. In the afternoon Alonzo received a note from Melissa's ftther, requesting his immediate atten dance. Surprised at the incident, he repaired there immediately. The servant introduced him into a room where Melissa's father and aunt were sitting. " Hearing you were in the neighbor hood, (said her father) I have sent for you to make a proposition, which, after what has taken place, I think you cannot hesitate to comply with. The occurrence of previous circumstances may lead you to suppose that my daughter is under obligations to you, which may render it improp er fur her to form marriage connections with any ALONZO AND MELISSA. 61 6ther. Whatever embarrassments your address- es to her may have produced, it is in your power to remove them, and if you are a man of honor you wtfpremove them. You cannot \vish to in- volve Melissa in your present penurious condi tion, unless \ou wish to make her wretched. It therefore only remains for you to give me- a wri ting, voluntarily resigning all pretensions to the hand of my daughter ; and if you wish her to be happy, honorable and respected in this life, this I say you will not hesitate to do." A considerable pause ensued , Alonzo at length replied, *' I cannot perceive any particular ad vantage that can accrue from such a measure. It will neither add,nor diminish the power you pos sess to command obedience to your will, if you are determined to command it, either from your daughter, or your servant" " There brother, fbawled the old maid, half squeaking through her nose, which was well charged with rappee] did'nt I tell you so ? I knew the fellow would not come to terms, no more than will your re fractory daughter. This love fairly bewitches such foolish, crack-brained youngsters. But say Mr. , what's your name, [addressing herself to Alonzo] will love heat the oven ? Will love boil the pot ? Will love clothe the back ?- Will love"- " You will not, [interrupted Melissa's father, speaking to Alonzo] it seems, consent to my proposition ? I have, theiij one demand to make, which of right yga cannot deny. Prom ise me that you will never see my daughter a ? 62 ALONZO AKTD MELISSAo gain, unless by my permission." " At the pres ent moment I shall promise you nothing," re plied Alonzo, with some warmth. " There a- gain, [said the old maid] just so Melissa told you this morning, when you requested her to see him no more. The fellow has fairly betwattled her. I wish I had him to deal with. Things was'nt so when I was a girl ; I kept the rogues at a distance, I'll warrant you. I always told you, brother, what would come of your indul gence ho your daughter. And I shoud'nt won der if you should soon find the girl had eloped, and your desk robbed in the bargain." Alonzo hastily arose ; " I suppose [ said he] my pres ence can be dispensed with." *' Well, young man, [said Melissa's father] since you will not comply with any overtures I make 5 since you will not accede to any terms I propose, remem ber, sir, I now warn you to break oft' all commu nication and correspondence with my daughter, and to relinquish all expectations concerning her, I shall never consent to marry my daughter to a beggar." ' Beggar !" involuntarily exclaimed Alonzo, and his eyes flashed in resentment. But he recollected that it was the father of Melissa who had thus insulted him, and he suppressed his anger. He rushed out of the house, and re- turned to Vincent's. He had neither heard nor seen any thing of Melissa or Beauman. Night came on, and he ardently and impatient ly expected Melissa. He anticipated the iatioi; her presence would bestow, JLdg-ir ALONZO AND MELISSA. 63 told him she was more composed. He doubted whether it were proper to excite anew her dis tress by relating his interview with her father, unless sne was apprised of it. The evening pas. sed on, but Melissa came not. Alonzo grew restless and uneasy. He looked out, then at his watch. Vincent and his lady assured him that she would soon be there. He paced his room. Still he became more impatient. He walked out on the way where she was expected to ^come. Some times he advanced hastily ; at others he moved slowly : then stood motionless, listening in breathless silence, momentarily expecting to discover her white form approaching through the gloom, or to hear the sound of her footsteps ad vancing amidst the darkness. Shapeless objects, either real or imaginary, frequently crossed his sight, but, like the unreal phantoms of night, they suddenly passed away, and were seen no more. At length he perceived a dusky white form, advancing in the distant dim obscurity. It drew near ; his heart beat in quick succession ; his fond hopes told him it ivas Melissa. The object came up, and hastily passed him, with a " good night, sir." It was a stranger in a white surtcut. Alonzo hesitated whether to advance or to return. It was possible, though not probable, that Melissa might have come some other way. He hasten ed back to Vincent's, She had not arrived. " Something extraordinary (said Mrs. Vincent) lias prevented her coming. -Per-haps she is ill;** 64 ALON20 AND MELISSA. Alonzo shuddered at the suggestion He look ed at his watch ; it was half past eleven o'clock. Again he hastily sallied out, and took the road to her father's. The night was exceedingly dark, and illumin ated only by the feeble glimmering of the twink ling stars. When he came within sight of the house, and as he drew near, no lights were visi ble, all was still and silent. He entered the yard, walked up the avenue, and approached the door. The familiar watch-dog, which lay near the threshold, fawned upon him, joyfully whining and wagging his tail. " Thou still knowest me, Curlow, (said Alonzo) thou hast known me in better days ; I am now poor and wretched, but thy friendship is the same." A solemn stillness prevailed all around, interrupted on!^ by the dis cordance of the nightly insects, and the hooting of the moping owl, from the neighboring forest,. The dwelling was shrouded tn darkness. In Melissa's room no gleam of light appeared. * c They are all buried in sleep, (said Alonzo, deeply sighing) and I have only to return in dis appointment." He turned and walked towards the street ; cas ting his eyes back, the blaze of a candle caught his sight. It passed rapidly along through the lower rooms, now gleaming, now intercepted, as the walls or the windows intervened, and sud denly disappeared. Alonzo gazed earnestly a few moments, and hastily returned back. No noise was to be heard, no new objects vyere dis- AND MELISSA. 65 V cermble. He clambered over the garden wall, and went arou ? :d to the back side of the house. Here all was solemn and silent as in front. Im mediately a faint light appeared through one of tile chamber windows ; it grew brighter, a can- die entered the chamber, the sash was flung up, and Melissa seated herself at the window. The weather was sultry, she held a fan in her band, her countenance, though stamped with deep dejection, was marked with serenity, but pale as^the drooping lily of the valley. Alonzo placed himself directly under the window, and in a low voice called her bv name. She started wildly, looked out, and faintly cried, " who's there ?" He answered, " Aionzo." ' 4 Good Heavens! (she exclaimed) is it you, Alonzo? I was disappointed in meeting you at Vincent's this evening ; my father will not suffer me to go out without attendants* I am now constantly watched and guarded." * Watched and guard ed ! [replied Alonzo] At the risque of my life I will deliver you from the tyranny with which you are oppressed."- p u Be calm, Alonzo, [said she] I think it will not long last. Beauman will soon depart, after which there will undoubtedly be some alteration Desire Mrs. Vincent to come here to-morrow, I believe they will trust me to see her ; I can, from time to time, inform you of passing events, so that you may know what changes take place. I am placed under the care of my aunt, who suffers me not to step out of her sight* We pass the night in an adjoining A Jr 66 ALONZO AND MELISSA, chamber; from whence, after she had fallen & sleep, I stole out, and went down with a design of walking in the garden, but found the doors Al locked and the keys taken out I returned and ra'scd this window for fresh a?r, Hark! [said she] nu aunt calls me. She has waked and miss es inc. I must fly to her chamber. You shall hear more from me to morrow by Mrs. Vincent, Alonzo." So saying, she let down the window sash, and retired. Alonzo withdrew slowly from the place, ar,d repasbed the way he came. As he jumped back over the garden wall, he found a man standing at its foot, very near him ; after a moment's scru tiny he perceived it to be Beauman. " What, my chevalier, [said he to Alonzo] such an adept in the amorous science already ? Hast thou then eluded the watchful eves of Argus, and the vigil- arceof the dt gon !" u Unfeeling and imperti* neht intruder, |_rc;orted Alonzo, seizing hold of hiris] is it not enough that an innocent daughter must end ii" e a merciless parent's persecuting but must thou add to her misery by thy ting interference !"; -l Quit thy hold, tar. ;,Md Beauman.] Art thou determined, afci 5 r it'jrmh.g the fortress to murder the garri son?"-" Go," said Alouio, quitting him, " go sir; you are unworthy of my anger. Pursue th\ grovelling schemes. Strive to force to your arms a lad} who abhors you, and were it not on one account, must ever continue to despise and feate you." t; Alonzo," replied Beauman, I A-LONZO AND MPLIS$A. 67 eeive them knowest me not. You and T Were ri vals in our pursuit the hand of Melissa. Whcth. er from freak or fortune, the preference was giv en to you, and I retired in silence. From coin cidence of circumstances, her father has now been induced to give the preference to me. M) be- lief was that Melissa would comply with her fa ther's will, especially after her prospects of con necting with you were cut off by the events which ruined your fortune. You, Alonzo. have yer, I find, to learn the character of women. It has br en my particular study. Melissa, now ardent ly impassioned by first impressions, irritated by recent disappointment, her passions delicate and vivid, her affections animated and unmixed, it would be strange, if she could suddenly relin quish primitive attachments founded on such premises, without a struggle. But remove Jier from your presence for one year, with only dis tant and uncertain prospects of seeing you again, admit me as the substitute in \ our absence, and she accepts my hand as freely as she would now receive yours. I had no design it was never my wish to marry her without her consent. That I believe I shall yet obtain. Under existing cir cumstances it is impossible, but that you -must he- separated for some considerable time, Then-r- when cool deliberation succeeds to the wild va garies, the electric fire of frolic fancy, she will discover the dangerous precipice, the deadh a- byssto which her present conduct and inclina tions lead,. She will see thai the blandishments. 68 ALONZO AND MELISSA- without the possessions of life, must fade and die, She will discriminate between the shreds and the trappings of taste. She will prefer indifference and splendor to love and a cottage. 11 At present I relinquish all further pursuit ? to-morrow I return to New London. When Me lissa, from calm deliberation and the advice of friends, shall freely consent to yield me her hand, I shall return to receive it. I came from my lodgings rhis evening to declare these intentions to her father, but it being later than I was aware of, the family had gone to rest. I was about to return, when I saw a light from the chamber window, which soon withdrew. I stood a mo ment by the garden wall, when you approached and discovered me." So saying, he bade Alon- 30 good night, and walked hastily away. " I find he knows not the character of INJelissa," sal( j Alonzo, and returned to Vincent's. The next day Alonzo told the Vincents of all that had passed, and it was agreed that Mrs. Vin cent should visit at Melissa's father's that after, noon. She went at an early hour. Alonzo's feelings were on the wreck until she returned^ uhicii happened much sooner than was expected, svhen she gave him and Vincent the following information .:*- " When I arrived there,*' said she, " I found Melissa's father and mother alone ; her mother Tvas in tears, which she endeavored to conceal, Her father soon withdrew. After some conver sation I enquired for Melissa The old lady ALONZO AND MELISSA^ 9 burst into tears, and informed me that this morti. ing Melissa's aunr ( he old maid) had invited her to ride out with her. A carriage was provided, which, after a large trunk had been placed there- i,>, drove off with Melissa and her aunt ; that Melissa's father had just been informing her that he had sent their daughter to a distant part of the country, where *he was to reside with a friend until Alonzo should depart from the neighbor hood. The reason of this sudden resolution was his being informed by Beauman, that notwith standing his precaution, Melissa and Alonzo had an interview the last evening. Where she was sent to, the old lady could not tell, but she was convinced that Melissa was not apprised of the design when she consented to go. Her aunt had heretofore been living with the relatives of the family in various parts of the state. " Alonzo listened to Mrs. Vincent's relation with inex pressible agitation. He sat silent a few moments ; then suddenly started up, ' I will find her if she be on the earth !" said he, and in spite of Vin cent's attempts to prevent him, rushed out of the house, flew to the road, and was soon out of sight. Melissa had not, indeed, the most distant sus picion of the designs of her father and aunt The latter informed her that she was going to take a morning's ride, and invited Melissa to accompa ny her, to which she consented. She did not e~ ven perceive the trunk which was fastened on the carriage. They were attended by a 70 ALONZO AND MELISSA. single servant. They dro e to a neighboring town where Melissa had frequently at cud.d her father or mother, to purchase articles of chess, &c. where they alighted at a friend's house, av.d lingered away the time until din: er, afic r which/ they prepared, as Melissa suppov d 'o return, but found, to her surprise, after the\ h,id enter* d the carnage, that her aunt ordered tru driver to proceed a different way. She asked her aunt 'f they W'e not going home. ' Not yet," s-.ia she. Melissa grew uneasy ; she knew she was to see Mrs. Vincent that afternoon , she UM w the disappointment which Alonzo must expiii- ence, if she was absent. She begged her aunt to return, as she expected the company - and his wife went out, Melissa's aunt prepared tea in her own room. In about an hour John and his wife returned, and gave the same bunch of ke) s to Me- lissa's aunt, which she had given to the servant who drove the carriage. Melissa was involved in inscrutable mystery respecting these extraordinary proceedings. She conjectured that they boded htr no good, but she could not penetrate into her aunt's designs She frequently looked out, hoping to see the carriage return, but was disappointed. When tea was made ready, she could neither eat nor drink. Af ter her aunt had disposed of a dozen cups of tea, and an adequate proportion of biscuit, butter and dried beef, she directed Melissa to prepare to take a walk. The sun was low ; they proceed ed through fields, in a foot path, over rough and tjneven ways, directly towards the Sound. They walked about a mile, when, they came ta a large, ALONZO ANI/MLISSA> 73 fashioned, castle-like building, surrounded by a high, thick wall, and almost totally concealed on all sides from the sight, by irregular rows of large locusts and elm trees, dry prim* hedges, and green shrubbery. The gate which opened into the yard, was made of strong hard wood, thickly crossed on the out side with iron bars, avid filled with old iron spikes. Melissa's aunt un locked the gate, and they entered the yard, which Wits overgrown .with rank grass and rushes ; the- avenue which led to the house was almost in the same condition. The house was of real Gothic architecture, bailt of xude stone, with battle* merits. The doors were constructed in the same man ner as the gate at which tlrey entered the yard. They unlocked the door, which screaked heavily on its hinges, and went in. They ascended a flight of stairs, wound through several dark and empty rooms, till they came to one which was handsomely furnished, with a fire burning on the hearth. Two beds were in the room, with ta bles and ch.iirs, and other conveniences for house keeping. ; * H^re we are safe," said Melissa's aunt, " as I have took care to lock all the doors and gates after me, and here, Melissa, you are in the mansion of your ancestors. Your great * Th. botanical n.tme of this shrub is not recollected.- There were formerly a great number of pri;n hedges in New England, and other parts of America. What is most remarkable, is, that they all died the year previous to ths cpmmi,ncement of the American war. ft AtONZO AND MELISSA, grand father, who came over from England, built this house in the earliest settlements of the coun try, and here he resided until his death. The reason why so high and thick a wall was built a- round it, and the doors and gates so strongly for tified, was to secure it against the Indians, who frequently committed depredations on the early sellers. Your grand father came in possession of this estate after his father's death ; it fell to me by will, with the lands surrounding it 1 he jhouse has sometimes been tenanted, at others not. It has now been vacant for a few } ears* The lands are rented yearly. John, the person from whose house we last came, is my overseer and tenant. I had a small room built, adjoining that hut, where I generally reside for a week when I come to receive my rents. 1 have tho't frequently of fitting up this place for my future residence, but circumstances have hitherto hin dered my carrying the scheme into effect, and now, perhaps, it will never take place. Your perverseness, Melissa, in refusing to comply with the wishes of your friendy, has in duced us to adopt the method of bringing you here where you are to remain until Alonzo leaves your neighbourhood, at least. Notwithstanding your father's injunctions and my vigilance, you had a clandestine interview with him last night. So we were told by Beauman this morning, be fore he set ofF for New- London, who discovered him at your window. It therefore became ne cessary to remove you immediately. You will AND MELISSAo 71 want for nothing. John is to supply us* with whatever is needful. You will not be long here; Alonzo will soon be gone ; you will think differ ently ; return home, marry Beau man, and be come a Lady." " My God ! ( exclaimed Melissa, ) is it possi ble my fit her can be so cruel ! Is he so unfe.el- ing as to banish rne from his houst% and confine me within the walls of a prison, like a common malefactor !" -She flung herself on the bed in a state little inferior to distraction. Her aunt told her it was all owing to her own obstinacy, and because she refused to be made happy, and went to preparing supper. Melissa heard none of her aunt's observations, she lay in a stupifying agony, insensible to all that passed. When supper was ready, her aunt endeavoured to arouse her. She started up, stared around her with a wild agonizing counte nance, but spoke not a word. Her aunt became alarmed. She applied stimulants to her temples and forehead, and persuaded her to take some cordials. She remained seemingly insensible through the night : jfist at morning, she fell in to a slumber, interrupted -by incoherent moan- ings, convulsive startings, long drawn sighs, in termitting sobs, and by frequent, sudden and restless turnings from side to side. At length she appeared to be in a calm and quiet sleep for about an hour. About sunrise she awoke her aunt sat by her bed side. She gazed --languidly 76 ALONZO AND MELISSA: about the room, and burst into tears. She ivept a long time ; her aunt strove to consolate hcr f for she truly began to tremble, lest Melissa's dis tress should produce her immediate dissolution. Towards night, however she became more calm and resigned, but a slight fever succeeded, which kept her confined for several days, after which rbhe slowly recovered. John came frequently to the house to receive the commands of Melissa's aunt, and brought such things as they wanted. Her aunt also some times went home with him, leaving the ke}s of the house with Melissa, but locking the gate and taking the key of that with her. She generally returned before sunset. When Melissa was so far recovered as to walk out, she found that the house was situated on an eminence, about one hundred yards from the Sound. The yard was large and extensive. Within the enclosure was a spacious garden, now overrun with brambles and weeds. A few medical and odoriferous herbs were scattered here and there, and a few solitary flowers overtopped the tangling briars below ; but there was plenty of fruit on the shrubbery and trees. The out buildings were generally in a ruinous situation. The cemetery was the most perfect, as it was built of hewn stone and marble, and hid best withstood the ravages of time. The rooms in the hou >e were mostly empty and decaying : the main building was firm and strong, as was also the extended I which enclosed the whole. She found that , ALON2O AND MFLISSA, 77 although her aunt, when they first arrived, had led her through several upper rooms to the cham ber they inhabited yet there was from thence e direct passage to the hall. The prospect was not disagreeable. West, all was wilderness, from which a brook wound along at a little distance from the garden wail North, were the uneven grounds she had crossed when she came there, bounded b} distant groves and hills. East, beautiful meadows and fields, arrayed in flowery green, sloped to salt marshes or sandy banks of the sound, or ended in the long, white beaches which extended far into the sea. South, was the sound of Long Isl and. Melissa passed m uch of her time in tracing the ruins of this antiquated place, in vie wing the white sails as they passed up and clown the sound, and in listening to the songs of the thou sand various birds which frequented the garden and the forest. She couid have been contented here to have buried her afflictions, and forever to retire from the world, couid Alonzo but have re sided within those walls. <% What will he thirfa has become of me," she would say while the dis consolate tear glittered in her e}e. Her aunt had frequently urged her to \ ield to her father's injunctions, regiin her liberty and marry Bcau- rn-an ; and she every da\ become more solici tous and impertinent. A subject so hateful to Melissa, sometimes provoked her to tears; at others her keen resentment. She therefore, ALONZO AND MELISSA,, when the weather was fair, passed much of hcfc time in the garden and adjoining walks, wishing to be as much out of her aunt's company as pos sible. One day John came there early in the morning and Melissa's aunt went home with him. The day passed away, but she did not return. Me lissa sat up until a late hour in the night, expec ting her ; she went to the gate, and found it was fast locked, returned, locked and bolted the doors of the kouse, went to bed and slept as soundly as she had done since her residence in the old mansion. " I have at least ( she said, ) escaped the disgusting curtain-lecture about mar- rymg Beauman." The next day her aunt returned. " I was quite concerned about you child ( said she ) how did you sleep." " Never better (she answered ) since I have been here. " I had forgotten ( said her aunt ) that niy rents became due this week I was detained until late by some of my tenants , John was out, and i dare not return in the night alone. I must go back to-day. It will take me a week to settle my business. If I am obliged to stay out again, I will send one of John's daugh ters to sleep with you." " You need not give yourself that troublg (replied Melissa) I am un der no apprehension of staying here alone ; noth ing can get into, or out of these premises !" \Vell thou hast wonderful courage, child ( said her aunt) but I shall be as frequently here as ible, and as soon as my business is settled. ALO.NZO AND MELISSA? 79 absent no , more." So saying, she bade Melissa good morning, and set off for her resi dence at the dwelling- of John. She did not return in two days* The second night of her absence, Melissa was sitting in her chamber, reading, when she heard a noise as of several people trampling in the yard below. She arose, cautiously raised the window a:id looked out. It was extremely dark, she thought she might have been discovered. Her aunt came the next day, and told her she was obliged to go into the country to collect some debts of those to whom she had rented lands : she should be gone a few days, and as soon as she returned should come there. The keys of the house ( said she ) I shall leave with you. The gate I shall lock, and leave that key wi'h John, who will come here as often as neces sary, to assist you and see if you want any thing." She then went off, leaving Melissa not dissatisfied with the prospect of her absence. Melissa amused herself in evenings by read ing in the few books her aunt had brought there, and in the day, in walking around the yard and garden, or in traversing the rooms of the antique building. In some, were the remains of ancient furniture, others were entirely empty. Cobwebs and mouldering walls w r ere the principal orna ments left. One evening as she was about retiring to rest ? she thought she heard the same trampling noise in. the yard, as on a formes: occasion, She s SO ALONZO AND MELISSA. softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She listened and gazed with anxious solicitude, but discovered nothing more. All was silent ; she shut the window and in a short time went to bed. Some time in the night she was suddenly a- wakened by a slurp sound, apparently near her. She started in a trembling panic, but endeavour ed to compose herself with the idea, that some thing had fallen from the shelves. As she lay musing upon the incident, she heard loud noises in the rooms below, succeeded by an irreguLr and confused number of voices, and presently after, foot-steps ascending the stairs which led to her chamber. She trembled; a cold chilly sweat run down her Lee. Directly the doors below opened ai.d shut with a quick ai-.d violent motion. And soon ; ftcr t-.he was convinced that she distinctly heard a whispering in her room. S'.ie raided her .elf up in the btd and cast inquisi tive eyes towards her chamber door. All was darkness no new object was visible no soui.d was heard, and she again la\ down. Her miud was too much agitated and alarmed to sleep. She had evidently heard sounds, foot- steps and voices in T he house, and whisperings which appeared to be in her room. The yard gate was locked, of which John had the key. She was confident that no person could ascend or get over the wall of the enclosure. But if that were practicable, how was it possible that any n being cowld enter the house. She I"u4 ALON23 AND MFLISSA. 81 the key of every door, and they were all fast locked, and yet she had heard them furiously open and shut A thought darted into her mind* v/ifs it not a plan which her aunt had contrived in order to frighten her to a compliance with her wishes? But then how could she enter the house without keys ? This might be done with the use of a false key. But from whence did the whis perings proceed which appeared close to her bed* side ? Possibly it might be conveyed through the key hole of her chamber door.* These thoughts tended, in some degree, to allay her fears ; they were possibilities ; at least, however, improbable* As she lay thus musing, a hand, cold as the icy fingers of death, grasped her arm, which lay on the outside of the bed clothes. She screamed convulsively, and sprang up in the bed. Noth? ing was to be seen, no noise was heard. She had not time to reflect. She flew out of the bed, ran to the fire and lighted a candle. Pier heart beat rapidly. She cast timid glances around the room cautiously searching every corner, and examining the door. All things were in the same state she had left them when she went to bed. Her door was locked in the same manner : no visible being was in the room except herself. She sat duwn pondering on these strange e- vents. Was it not probable that she was right in her first conjectures respecting their being the works of her 'aunt, and effected* by her agents arid instrumentality 7 ? All were possible, except the cold hand which had grasped her,, arm. 82 ALONZO AND MELISSA. 1 Might not this be the effect of a terrified and heated imagination ? Or if false keys had been made use of to enter the rooms below, might they not also be used to enter her chamber ? But could her room be unlocked, persons enter, approach her bed, depart and re-lock the door, while she was awake, without her hearing them ? She knew she could not go to sleep, and she determined not to go to bed again that night She took up a book, but her spirits had been too much disordered by the past scenes to permit her to read. She looked out of the window. The moon had arisen and cast a pale lustre over the landscape. She recollected the opening and shutting of the door perhaps they were still open. The thought was alarming. She opened her chamber door, and with the candle in her hand, cautiously descended the stairs, casting an inquisitive e)e in every direction, and stopping frequently to listen. She advanced to the door ; it was locked. She examined the others ; they were in the same situation She turned to go up stairs, when a loud whisper echoed through the hall, expressing " away ! away !" She flew like lightning to her chamber, relocked the door, and flung herself almost breathless, into a chair. As soon as her scattered senses collected, she concluded th-.tt whatever had been in the house was there still. She resolved to go out no more until duv, which soon began to discolour the east with a f .inter blue ; then purple streaks, inter mingled, wiih a dusky whiteness, ascended in .ALONZO AND MELISSA^ 83 t pyramidial columns to the zenith ; these fading slowly away, the eastern horizon became fringed with the golden spangles of early morn. A small spot of ineffable brightness succeeded, and imme diately the sun burst over the verge of creation, deluging the world in a flood of unbounded light and glory. As soon as the morning bad a little advanced, Melissa ventured out. She proceeded with hes itating steps, carefully scrutinizing every object which met her sight. She examined every door ; they were all fast. She critically searched every room, closet, &c. above and below. She then took a light and descended into the cellar here her inquisition was the same. Thus did she thoroughly and strictly examine and search eve ry part of the house from the garret to the cellar, but could find nothing altered, changed or remov ed ; no outlet, no signs of there having been any being in the house the evening before except herself. She then unlocked the outer door and proceed ed to the gate, which she found locked as usual. She next examined the yard, the garden, and all the out-houses. Nothing could be discovered of any person having been recently there. She next walked around by the wall, the whole circle of the enclo sure. She was convinced that the unusual height of the wall rendered it impossible for any one to get over it. It was constructed of seve ral tier of hewed timbers, and both sides of it A f, C !! SO A N D M E 1 1 SS A , v/cre as smooth as glass. On the top, long spikes were thickly driven in, sharpened at both ends. It was surrounded on the outside by a deep-wide moat, which was nearly filled with water. Over this moat was a draw bridge, on the road leading to the gate, which was drawn up, and John had the key. The events of the past night, therefore, re in a iired inscrutable. It must be that her aunt \vas the agent who had managed this extraordi nary machinery. She found John at the house when she return ed. " Does madam want any thing to-day ?" asked he. " Has my aunt returned ?" enquired Melissa. "Not yet 5 ' he replied. "How long has she been gone ?" she asked. "Four days, (replied John, after counting his fingers) and she will not be back under four or five more." "-Has tne key of the gate been constantly in your possession ?" asked she. " The key of the gate and draw-bridge (he replied) have not been out of my possession for a moment since your aunt has been gone." (4 Has any person been to enquire for me or my aunt (she enquired) since I have been here ?'" l No madam (said he) not a single person." Melissa knew not ;t to think , she could not give up the idea of false keys perhaps her aunt had returned to her Cither's. Perhaps the draw-bridge had been let down, :ned and the house entered by means s. Her father wou.kl as soou do ALONZO AND MELISSA* 85 as to confine her in this solitary place, and he would go all lengths to induce her either by ter ror, persuasion or threats, to relinquish Alonzo and marry Beaum-m. A thought impressed her mind which gave her some consolation. It was possible to secure the* premises so that no person could enter even by the aid of false keys. She asked John if he would assist her that day. " In any thing you wish, madam," he replied. She then directed him to go to work. Staples and iron bars were found in different parts of the building, with which he secured the doors and windows, so that they could be opened only on the inside. The gate which swung in, was secured in the same manner. She then asked John if he was willing to leave the key of the gate and the draw-bridge with her. " Perhaps I may as well, (said he) for if you bar the gate and let down the bridge, I cannot get in myself until you let me in.'! John handed her the keys. " When I come (said he) I will halloo and you must let me in." This she prom ised to do and John departed.* *Of the place where Melissa was confined, as described in the foregoing passes, scarce a trace now remains. By the events of the revolution, the premises fell into other hands. The mansion, out-houses and walls were torn clown, the ce metery leveled, the moat filled up ; the locusts and elm trees v/ere cut down ; ail obstructions were removed, and the yard and j^arden converted into a heautiful meadow. An elegant i a I'm -house is now erected on the place where John's I>ift tht'B stood; and the neighbourhood is thinly settled*. 86 ALONZO AND 'That night, Melissa letdown the bridge lock- ^d and barred the gate, and the doors and \vin- dows of the house : she also went again over all parts of the building, strictly searching every place, though she wa* well convinced she should find nothing extraordinary. She then retired to her chamber, seated herself at a western window, Wid watched the slow declining sun, as it leisure. ly sunk behind the loft) groves. Pensive twi light spread her misty mantle over the landscape ; the western horizon glowed with the spangles of evening. Deepening glooms advanced. The last beam of day faded from the view and the world was enveloped in night. The owl hooted solemnly in tbe forest, and the whipperwill sung cheerfully in the garden. Innumerable stars glittered in the firmament, intermingling their quivering lustre with the pale splendours of the milk way. Melissa did not retire from the window until late ; she then shut it and withdrew within the room. She determined not to go to bed that night : if she was to be visited by beings, mate rial or immaterial, she chose not again to en- ecu nter them in darkness, or to be surprised when she was asleep. But why should she fear ? She knew of none she had displeased except her fa ther, her aunt and Beauman. If by any of those the late terrifying scenes had been wrought, she had now effectually precluded a recurrence there of, for she was well convinced that no human be- could now enter the enclosure without her 4LON-ZO AND MELISSA/ 87' permission. But if supernatural agents had been the actors, what had she to fear from them ? The night passed away without any alarming cir cumstances, and when daylight appeared she flung herself upon the bed, and slept until the morning was considerably advanced. She now felt convinced that her former conjectures were right, that it was her aunt, .her father, or both, who had caused the alarming sounds she had heard, a repetition of which had only been pre vented by the precautions she had taken. When she awoke, the horizon was overclouded, and it began to rain. It continued to rain until towards evening, when it cleared away. She went to the gate, and found all things as she had left them ; she returned, fastened the doors as usual, examined all parts of the house, and again went to her chamber. She sat up until a late hour, when growing very drowsy, and convinced that she was safe and secure, she went to bed ; leaving, however, two candles burning in the room. As she, for two nights, had been deprived of her usual rest, she soon fell into a slumber. She had not long been asleep before she was suddenly aroused by the apparent report of a pis- toL seemingly discharged close to her head. \ Awakened so instantaneously, her recollection^ j fj>r a time, was confused and imperfect. She s only sensible of a strong, sulphurous scent : out she soon remembered that she had left two candles burning, an4 every object was now 8-8 AtOtfZO AND MELISSA. shrouded in darkness. This alarmed her ex ceedingly. What could have become of the candles ? They must have been blown out, or taken away. What was the sound she had just heard ? What the sulphurous stench which had pervaded the room ? While she was thus musing in perplexity, a broad flash like lightning, tran siently illuminated the chamber, followed by a long, loud, and deep roar, which seemed to shake the building to its centre It did not appear like thunder : the sounds seemed to be in the rooms directly over her head. Perhaps, however, it was thunder Perhaps a preceding clap had struck near 'he building, broken the windows, put out the lights, and filled the house with the electric effluvium. She listened for a repetition of the thunder but a very different sound soon grated on her ear. A hollow, horrible groan echoed through her a- partment, passing off in a faint dying murmur. It was evident that the groan proceeded from some person in the chamber. Melissa raised herself up in the bed ; a tall, white form moved from the upper end of the room, glided slowly by her bed, and seemed to >ass off ne.tr the foot. She then heard the doors below alternately opca and shut, slapping furiously, and in quick sue- cession followed by violentnoisesin the roomsbe- low, like the falling of heavy bodies and the crash of furniture." Clamourous voices succeeded, a- mong which she could distinguish boisterous menaces and threatenings, an$ th : plaintive tone ALONZ ANE MFLISSA. 8 >f expostulation A momentary silence ensued, \vhen the cry of "Murder ! murder ! murder ! /" echoed through ; he building, followed bv there, port of a pistol, and :->honly- after, the groans of a. person apparently v\ the agonies of death, which grew f (inter a> d fainter until it died away in a seemi'igh expiring o^asp. A dead silence pre vailed for a ft w minutes, to which a loud hoarse peal of ghastly laughter succeeded then again all was still. But she soon heard heavy fooU steps ascending the stairs to her chamber door. It was now she became terrified and alarmed be yond am former example. " Gracious Heaven, O- fend me ! (>>he exclaimed) what am I coming to !" Knowing that every avenue to the enclo sure was effectually secured ; knowing that all the doors and windows of the house as also that which opened into her chamber, were fast lock ed strictly bolted and barred : and knowing that all the keys were in her p session, she could not entertain the least doubt but the noises she had heard were produced by supernatural beings, and, she had reason to believe, of the most mis chievous nature. She was now convinced that her father or her aunt could have no agency in the business. She even wished her aunt had re turned. It must be exceedingly difficult to cross the moat, as the draw-bridge was up ; it must be still more difficult to surpass the wall of the en. closure ; it was impossible for any human being to enter the house, and still more impossible to enter he, chamber. While she lav thus rumina- M 90 ALOttZO AND l&ELISSA* ting in extreme agitation, momentarily expect- ing to have her ears assailed with some terrific sound, a pale light dimly illuminated her cham ber. It grew brighter. She raised herself up to look towards the door ; the first object which met her eye was a must horrible form standing at a little distance from her bed side. Its appear ance wa> tall and robust, wrapped in a tattered white robe, spotted with blood. The hair of its head was matted with clotted gore. A deep wound appeared to have pierced its breas*, from which fresh blood flowed down its garment. Its pale face was gashed and gory ; its eyes fixed, glazed and glaring ; its lips open, its teeth set, and in its hand was a bloody dagger. Melissa uttering a shriek of terror, shrunk in to the bed, and in an instant the room was in volved in pitchy darkness. A freezing ague seiz ed her limbs, and drops of chilling sweat stood upon her face. Immediately a horrid hoarse voice burst from amidst the gloom of her apart- ment kC Begone ! begone from this house /" The bed on which she lay then seemed to be a- gitated, and directly she perceived some person crawling on its foot. Every consideration ex cept present safety was relinquished ; instanta neously she sprang from the bed to the floor with convulsed grasp seized the candle, flew to the fire and lighted it. She gazed wildly around the room no new object was visible. With timid btep she approached the bed ; she strictly 4LONZO AND MELISSA. $i searched all around and under it, but nothing strange could be found. A thought darted into her mind, to leave the house immediately and fly to John's ; this was easy, as the keys of the gate and draw-bridge were in her possession. She stoped not to reconsider her determination, but seizing the keys, with the candle in her hand she unlocked her chamber door, and proceeded cau tiously down stairs, fearfully casting her eyes on each side, as she tremblingly advanced to the outer door. She hesitated a moment To what perils was she about to expose herself, by thus venturing out at the dead of the night, and pro ceeding s*ach a distance alone ? Her situation she thought could become no more hazardous, and she was about to unbar the door, when she was alarmed by a deep, hollow sigh. She looked around and saw, stretched on one side of the hall, the same ghastly form which had so recently appeared standing by her bed side. The same haggard countenance, the same awful appearance of murderous death. A faintness came upon her ; she turned to flee to her chamber the can dle dropped from her trembling hand, and she was shrouded in impenetrable darkness. She gropecj to find the stairs : as she came near their foot, a black object, apparently in human shape, stood before her, with eyes which seemed to burn like coals of fire, and red flames issuing from its mouth. As she stood fixed a moment in inex pressible trepidation, a large ball of fire rolled a- long the hall, towards the door, and burst with 9& ALONZO AJTD MELISSA. an explosion which seemed to rock the building to its deepest foundation. Melissa closed her eyes and sunk senseless to the floor. She revi ved and got to her chamber, she hardly knew how ; locked her door, lighted another candle, and after again searching the room, flung herself into a chair, in a state of mind which almost de prived her of reason. Daylight soon appeared, and the cheerful sun darting its enlivening rays through the crevices and windows of the antique mansion, recovered her exhausted spirits, and dissipated, in some de gree, the terrors which hovered about her mind. She endeavoured to reason coolly on the events of the past night, but reason could not elucidate them. Not the least noise had been heard bince she last returned to her chambe 1 * : she therefore expected to discover no traits which might tend to a disclosure of those mysteries. She coi iso lated herself only with a fixed determination to leave the desolate mansion. Should J( hn come there that day, he might be prevailed on to per mit her to remain at her .lint's apartment in his liouse until her aunt should return. If he sho;ura not come before sunset, she resolved to leave the man. 1 ion and piocee'd the>c. She took some refreshment and went down Glairs : she found the cloors and windows dkNr mansion. Then, throughout these now sol itary demesnes, the busy occurrences of life gli ded in cheerful circles Then, these now moss clad alleys, and this wild weedy garden, were the resort of the fashionable and the ga} r . Then, evening mu^ie floated over the fit-Ids while yon der halls and apartments shone in brilliant illumi nation. Now all is sad, solitary and dreary, the haunt of spirits and spectres of nameless terror. All that now remains of the head that formed, the hand that executed, and the bosom that rel ished this once happy scenery, is now, alas ! on ly a heap of dust." She seated herself on a little hillock, under a weeping willow, which stood near the cemetery, and watched the rising shower, which slowly as cended in gloomy pomp, half hidden behind the western groves, shrouding the low sun in black vapour, while coming thunders more nearly and more awfully rolled. The shrieking night hawk* soared high into the air, mingling with the lurid van of approaching storm, which widening, more rapidly advanced, until u the Heavens were ar rayed in blackness. The lightning, broader and brighter flashed, hurling down its forky streaming bolts, far iii the wilderness, its flaming path followed by the vo!- *Supposed to be the male whippenviil : well known ''England states, and ans-.veving to th? above ps 96 ALON20 AND MELISSA, leving artillery of the skies. Now bending its long, crinkli.vg spires over the vallies, now glim- merino along he summit of the hills. Convolv ing clouds poured smoky volumes through the expansion ; a deep hollow, distant roar, announ ced the approach of " summoned winds." The -whole forest bowed in awful grandeur, as from its dark bosom rushed the impetuous hurricane, twisting off, or tearing up by the roots, the stout- est trees whirling ?he heaviest branches through the air, with irresistible fury. It dashed upon the sea, tossed it into irregular mom it- ins, or mingled its white f arny spray with' the gloom of the turbid skies. Slant-ways, the large heavy drops of rain began to descend. Melissa hasten. ed to the mansion , as she reached tht door a very briliant flash of lightning, accompanied b\ a tremendous explosion, alarmed her. A thunder bolt had entered a large elm tree within the en closure, ar^d wi*h horrible crash, had shivered it from top to bo^om. She unlocked the door, ai d hiPiied to her r lumber. Deep night now filled the atmosphere ; the nin poured in torrents, the wind rocked the bui'rlr , a; d bellowed in the adjacent groves : the se ;1 raggd and roared, fierce lightnintr- rent the h-'ave- Q S .-Ir^rriutelv involving the wor.d in the sheered flame ^1 its many colour ed fires ; thunders rollrd awfully around the fir- iv> ;,nent, or bu^st with horrid din, bounding and reveller.' ting among f he surrounding worxls^ l)i!ls and vallies. It seen ed nothing less than the crush of worlds sounding thro' the universe 4LONZO ANB MELISSA. 97 Melissa walked her room, listening to the wild eom motion of the elements. She feared that if the storm continued, she should be compelled to pass another night in the lonely mansion ; if so, she resolvfd not to go to bed. She now sudden ly recollected that Jn her haste to regain her chamber she had forgotten to lock the outer door. The shock she h id received when the lightning demolished the elm tree, was the cause of this neglect. She took the candle, ran hastily down, and fastened the door. As she was returning, she heard footsteps, and imperfectly saw the glance of semething coming out of an adjoining room into the hall. -Supposing some ghastly ob ject was approaching, 'she averted her^yes and flew to the stairs. As she was ascending them, a voice behind her exclaimed MELISSA. jninations are like the laws of the Medes and Per. sians, unalterable, yet I have ever believed that the welfare of his children lay nearest his heart. In the present instance he is certainly pursuing a mistaken policy. I will go and see him." He then ordered his horse, desiring Alonzo to re main at his house until he returned. Alonzo was treated with the most friendly po liteness -by the family; he found that they were deeply interested in his favour nnd the welfare of Melissa. o;l in mo mentary jeopardv of his life, fro a the filling tim ber, some of which was broken and torn up by the tornado, some splintered by thu fiery bolts of heaven. At length a large rree, whiou ^toii near him, on the verge of th mi , <>: ra:i^ n tint place, wts hurled f >n its f ) i .'it i > i, aid fell, with a htdious crash, across the moat, its top lodging on the wall. He sera rf 3 led up on the trunk, and made his way 01 the wall. B ihe incessa*nt glare of lightning he was able to see dis tinctly. The top of the tree was parti \ broken by the force of its fall, and hung down the other side of the wall. By these branches he let him self down into the yard proceed d to the house, found the door open, which M/lissa h id left in her fright, and catered into one of the rooms, where he proposed to stay until, at least, the shower was over, stiil supposing the house un occupied, ulitil the noise of locking the door, and the light of ||ke candle drew him from the room, when, to his infinite surprise, he discovered Me lissa, as before related. Melissa listened to Alonzo with varied emo tion. The fixed obduracy of her father, the gen erous conduct of the the Simpsons, the constancy of Alonzo, filled her heart with inexpressible sen- AND MELISSA* 1$$ aat?ons. She foresaw thijt her sufferings were not shortly to end. She knew not when her sor rows were to close. Alonzo was shocked at the alteration which appeaed in du features of Melissa. The rose had laded from her cheek except when it was transiently suffused with a hectic flush. A livid paleness sat upon her countenance, and her fm form was rapidly wasting. It was easy to be foreseen that the grief which preyed upon he? heart would soon destroy her, unless speedily al ia} ed. The storm had now passed into the regions of the east ; the wind and rain had ceased, the lightning more in, frequently flashed, and the thurder rolled at a distance. The hours passed hastily , day would soon appear. Hitherto they had been absorbed in the present moment ; it was time to think of the future. After the the troubles they had experienced , after so for tunate a meeting they could not endure the idea of another and immediate separation. And yet immediately separated they must be. It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay even until the ris ing sun, unless he was concealed ; and of what use could it be for him to remain there in con- cealment ? In this dilemma there was but one expedient. " Suffer me (said Alonzo to Melissa) to remove you from this solitary confinement. Your health is impaired. To you, your father is no more a father; he has steeled his bosom te* paternal a- 104 ALONZO AND MELISSA. lection ; he has banished you from his house, placed you under the tyranny of others, and con- fined you in a lonely, desolate dwelling, far from, the sweets of society ; and this only because you cannot heedlessly renounce a most solemn con- tract, formed under his eye, and sanctioned by his immediate consent and approbation. Pardon me, Melissa, I would not censure your father, but permit me to say, that after such treatment, you are absolved from implicit obedience to his rigorous, cruel and stern commands. It will therefore be considered a duty you owe to your preservation, if you suffer me to remove you from the tyrannical severity with which you are oppressed." Melissa sighed, wiping a tear which fell from her eye. " Unqualified obedience to my parents (said bhe) I have ever considered the first of du ties, and have religiously practised thereon but where Aionzo, would you remove me ?" " To any place you -shall appoint," he answered. Cl I have nowhere to go," she replied. "If you will allow me to muae the place, [said he] I will mention Mr. Simpson's. He will espouse your cause and be a father to you, and if conciliation is possible, will reconcile you to your father. This can be done without my being known to have a- ny agency in the business. It can seem as if Mr. Simpson had found you out. He will go any* just lengths to serve us. It was his desire, if you could be found, to have you brought to his house. There YOU can remain either in secret A10NZ3 AND MELISSA. or openly, &s you shall choose. Be governed by me in this, Melissa and in all things I will obey you thereafter. I will then submit to the future events of fate, but I cannot, Melissa, I cannot leave you in this doleful place.'* Melissa arose and walked the room in extreme agita ion. What could she do ? She had, indeed, determined to leave the house, for reasons which Alouzo knew nothing of. But should she leave it in the way she. had proposed, she. was not sure but she would be immediately remai-dcd back, more strictly guarded, and more severely treated. To continue there, under existing circumstances, would be impossible, and long to exist. She therefore came to a determination " 1 will g6 [she said] to Mr. Simpson's." It was then agreed that Alonzo should pro ceed to Vincent's, interest them in the plan, pro cure a carriage and return at eleven o'clock the next night. Melissa was to have the draw -bridge down, and the gate open. If John should come to the house the succeeding day, she would per suade him to let her still keep the keys. But it was possible her aunt might return. This would render the execution of the scheme more hazard ous and difficult. A signal was therefore agreed on ; if her aunt should be there, a candle was to be placed at the window fronting the gate, in the room above ; if not, it was to be placed against a similar window in the room below. In the first case, Alonzo was to rap loudly at the door. Me lissa was to rua clown, under pretence of seeing ID6> 410WZO AND MELIS-SA, who was there, fly with Alonzo to the carriage, and leave her aunt to scrape acquaintance with the ghosts and goblins of the old mansion. For even if her aunt should return, which w out sunset, and according to her request he had left the keys of the gate and bridge with her , he desired Alouzo to tarry there until he ran to the mansion. He returned in about half an hour. " She is gone, sure enough ; (said John) but how or where i? is impossible for me to guess." Convinced that he knew nothing of the matter, Alonzo left him and returned to Vincent's. Vincent and his lady were much surprised at Alonzo's account of Melissa's sudden disappear' ALONZO AND MELISSA.' ance, and they wished to ascertain whether her father'* family knew any thing of the cncunv stance. Social intercourse had become suspend ed between the families of Vincent and Melissa's ither, MS the latter had taxed the former of im properly endeavouring to promote the views of Aior-zo, They therefore procured a neighbour ing woman to visit Melissa's mother, to see if any information could be obtained concerning Melissa ; but the old lady had heard nothing of her since her departure with her aunt, who had never yet returned. Alonzo left Vincent's and went to Mr. Simpson/s. He told them all that had happened since he was there, of which, be fore, they had heard nothing. At the houses of Mr. Simpson and Vincent he resided sometime, while they made the most diligent search to dis cover Melissa, but nothing could be learnt of her fate. Alonzo then travelled into various parts of the country, making such enquiries as caution dicta ted of all whom he thought likely to give him in formation, but he found none who could give him the least intelligence of his lost Melissa. In the course of his wanderings he passed near the old mansion-house where Melissa had- been confined. He felt an inclination once more to visit it he proceeded over the bridge which was clown, but he found the gate locked. He therefore hurried back and went to John's, whom he found at home. On enquiring of John whether he had yet heard any thing of the young lady and her ALONZO AND aunt " All I know of the matter (said John) i, that two days after you was here, her aunt came back with a strange gentleman, and ordered me to go and fe'ch the furniture away from the room thev had occupied in the old mansion. I asked her what had becomv of young mudam. She told me that young rn..dam had behaved very indis creetly, and ohe found fault with me for leaving the keys in her possession, though I did not know that any harm couid arise from it. From the discourse which my wife and I afterwards o- ver heard between madam and the strange gen tleman, 1 understood that young madam had been sent to reside with some friend or relation at a great distance, because her father 'wanted her to marry a m-.m, and she- wishes to marry somebody else." From John's plain and simple narrative, Alonzo concluded that Melissa had been removed by her father's order, or through the agency or instigation of her aunt. Whether his visit to the old mansion had been somehow discovered or suspected, or whether she was removed by some preconcerted or antecedent plan, he could not conjv.-cture. Still, the situation in which he fout-d the mansion the night he went to convey Tier a wax , left an inexplicable impression on his mind. He conld in no manner account how the candle coukl be placed at the window according to a- greemem, unless it hud been done by herself, and if so, how had she SQ suddenly been convex ex} away ? ALONZO AND MELISSA, Alonzo asked John where Melissa's aunt now was. '' She left here yesterday morning fhe an swered) with the strange gentleman I mentioned, on a visit to ?,ome of her friends." " Was the strange gentleman jou speak of her brother ?" asked Alonzo. " I believe not (replied John, smiling and winking to his wife) I know not who he was ; somebody that madam seems to like pretty well." " Have you the care of the old mansion ?" said Alonzo. "Yes, (answered John) I have the keys ; I will accompany you thither, perhaps you would like to purchase it ; madam said yesterday she thought she should sell it," Alonzo told him he had no thought of purchas ing, thanked him for his information, and de parted Convinced now that Melissa was removed bv m> the agency of her persecutors, he compared the circumstances of John's relation. " She had been sent to reside with some friend or relation at a great distance " This great distance, he be.' lieved to be New-London, and her friend or re lation her cousin, at whose house Alonzo first saw* her, under whose care she would be safe, and Beauman would have an opportunity of renewing his addresses. Under these impressions, Alonzo did not long hesitate what course to pursue he determined to repair to New-London immedi ately. In pursuance of his design he went to his fath er's. He found the old gentleman, with his mar- contentedly tiKing his farm, and his mother chf ALONZO ANB MELISSA* fully attending to household affairs, as their row circumstances would not admit her to keep a maid without embarrassment. Alonzo's soul sickened on comparing the present state of his family with its former affluence ; but it was an unspeakable consolation to see his aged parents contented and happy in their humble situation,, and though the idea could not pluck the thorn. from his bosom, yet it tended temporarily to as suage the anguish of the wound. " You have been long gone, my son, (said his father) I scarcely knew what had become of you. Since I have become a farmer I know little of \vhat is going forward in the world ; and indeed we were never happier in bur lives ; after stock ing and paying for my farm; and purchasing the requisites for my business, I have got considera ble money at command ; we live frugally, and realize the blessings of health, comfort and con- tentment ; our only disquietude is on your ac count, Alonzo. Your affair with Melissa, I sup- pose is not so favourable as you could wish, but despair not, my son; hope is the harbinger of fairer prospects ; rely on Providence, which nev er deserts those who submissively bow to the justice of its dispensations " Unwilling to disturb the serenity of his parents, Alonz3 did not teil them his troubles ; he answer ed that perhaps all might yet come right, but that as in the present state of his mind he thought a change of situation might be of advantage, he a$.ked liberty of his father to travel for some lit : ALONZO AND MEUSSAi tie time. To this his father consented, and of fered him a part of the money he had on hand, which Alonzo refused, saying he did not expect to be long gone, and his resources had not yet fulled him. He then sold off his books, his horses, his car riages, Sec. the insignia of his better days, but now useless appendages from which he raised no inconsiderable sum. He then took a tender and affectionate leave of his parents, and set out for New- London. Alonzo journeyed along with a heavy heart and in an enfeebled frame of spirits. Through disappointment, vexation, and the fatigues he had undergone in wandering about, for a long time, in search of Melissa, despondency had seized up on his mind, and indisposition upon his body. He put up the first night within a few miles of New-Haven, and as he passed through that town the next s morning, the scenes of early life in which he had there been an actor, moved in mel ancholy succession over his mind. That day he grew more indisposed ; he experienced an unu sual languor, listlessness and debility ; chills, fol lowed by hot flashes, heavy pains in the head and back, with incessant and intolerable thirst. It was near night when he reached Killingsworth, where he halted, as he felt unable to go farther ; he called for a bed, and through the night was wrecked with severe pain, and scorched with a burning fever. 116 4LON20 AJS T I> MELISSA. The next morning he requested that the physi cian of the town might be sent for ; he came and ordered a prescription which gve his patient some relief ; and by strict attention, in about tea days Alonzo was able to pursue his journey. He arrived at New-London, and took lodgings with a private family of the name of Wyllys, in areti- rired part of the town. The first object was to ascertain whether Me lissa WHS at her cousin's. But how should he ob tain this information ? He knew no person in the town except it was those whom he had rea son to suppose were leagued against him. Should lie go to the house of her cousin, it might prove an injury to her if she were there, and could an swer no valuable purpose if she were not. The evening after he arrived there he wrapped him self up in his cloak and took the street which led to the house of Melissa's cousin ; he stopped when he came against it to see if he could make any discoveries. As people were passing and repassing the street, he got over into a small en closure which adjoined the house, and siood un der a tree, about thirty yards from the house ; he had not long occupied this station, before a lady on ine to the chamber window, which was flung up, opposite to the place where he stood ; she iied out, looked earnestly around for a few minutes, then shut it and retired. She had brought a candle into the room but did not bring it to the window, of course he could not distin guish her features so as to idcutifv them. ALONZO AND MELISSA. He knew it was not the wife of Melissa's cous in, and from her appearance he believed it to be Melissa. Again the window opened., again the same lady appeared ; she took a seat at a little distance within the room - f she reclined with hor head upon her hand, her arm appeared to be sup ported by a stand or table. Alonzo's heart beat violently ; he now had a side view of her face, and was more than ever convinced that it was Melissa ; her delicate features, though more pale and dejected than when last he saw her ; - -her brown hair, which fell in artless circles around her lily neck, her arched eye-brows and comman ding aspect ; Alonzo moved towards the house, with a design, if possible, to draw her attention, and should it really prove to be Melissa, to dis cover himself. He had proceeded but a few steps before she arose, shut the window, retired, and the light disappeared. Ahjnzo waited a con siderable time but she appeared no more. Sup posing she had retired for the night, he slowly withdrew, chagrined at his disappointment, yet pleased at the discovery he had made. The family with whom Alonzo had taken lodg ings were fashionable and respectable,. The fcl. lowing afternoon they had appointed to visit a friend, and they invited Alonzo to accompany them. When they named the family where their visit was intended, he found it to be Melissa's cousin. Alonzo therefore declined going under pretence of business. He however waited with anxiety for their return, hoping lie should be a- 118 ALONZO AND MELISSA^ ble to learn by their conversation, whether Me lissa was there or not. When they returntd" he made some enquiries concerning the families in town, until the conversation turned upon the family they had visited. " The young lady who resides there (said Mrs. Wyllys) is undoubtedly in a confirmed decline ; she will never recover." Alonzo started, deeply agitated. u Who is the young lady ?" he asked. " She is sister to the gentleman's wife, where we visited (answered Mr. Wyllys^ her father lives in Newport, and she has come here for her health." " Do you not think (said Mrs. Wyllys) that she resembles their cousin Melissa, who resided there some time ago?' 7 tc Very much indeed, (replied her husband) only she is not quite so handsome.'-' Again was Alonzo disappointed, and again did he experience a melancholy pleasure ; he-had the last night hoped that he had discovered Melissa, but to find her in a hopeless decline, was worse than that she should remain undiscovered. " It is reported (said Mrs. Wyllys) that Melissa has been upon the verge of matrimony, but that the treaty was somehow broken off; perhaps Beau, man will renew his addresses again should this be the case." " Beauman has other business besides addressing the ladies (answered Mr. Wyl lys.) He has marched to the lines near New- York with his new raised company of volunteers." [New-York was thai in possession of the British troops,^ ALONZO AND MEL1SS 119 From this discourse, Alonzo was convinced that Melissa was not the person he had seen at her cousin's the preceding evening, and that shd was not there. He also found that Beauman was not in town. Where to search next, or what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine. The next morning he rose early and wandered about the town. As he passed by the house of Melissa's cousin, he saw the lady, who had ap peared at the window, walking in the garden.- Her air, her figure, had very much the appearance of Melissa, but the lineaments of her countenance, were, when viewed, by the light of day, widely dissimilar. Alonzo felt no strong curiosity far ther to examine her features, but passing on, re turned to his lodgings. How he was now to proceed, Alonzo could not readily decide* To return to his native place, appeared to be as useless as to tarry where he was. For many weeks had he travelled and searched every place where he thought it probable Melissa might be found, both among her relatives and elsewhere. He had made every effort to obtain some clue to her removal from the old mansion, but he could learn nothing but what he had been told by John. If his friends should ever hear of her, they could not inform him thereof, as no one knew where he was. Would it not, therefore, be best for him to return back, and consult with his friends and if nothing had been heard of her, pur sue some other mode of enquiry ? He might, at least, leave directions wherq his friends might 120 * ALONZO AttB MELISSA* write to him, in case they should have anything whereof to apprise him. An incident tended to confirm his resolution. He one night dreamed that he was sitting in a strange house, contemplating on his present sit uation, when Melissa suddenly entered the room. Her appearance was more pale, sickly and dejec ted thin when he last saw her. Her elegant form had wasted i'W.ty, her e\ es were sunk, her cheeks fallen, her lips livid. He fancied it to be night : she htid a candle in her hand, smiling languidly upon him ; she turned and went out of the room, beckoning him to follow : he thought he imme diately arose and followed her. She glided through several winding rooms and at length he lost stght of her, and the light gradually fading away, he was involved in deep darkness. He groped along, and at length saw a faint, distant glimmer, the course of which he pursued, until lie came into a large room, hung with black tapes try, and illuminated by a number of bright tapers. On one side of the room appeared a hearse, on which some person was laid ; he went up to it ; the first object that arrested his attention was the lovely form of Melissa, shrouded in th sable vestments of death ! Cold and lifeless, she lay stretched upon the hearse, beautiful even in dis solution ; the dying smile of complacency had not vet deserted her cheek. The music of her voice h ;d ceased ; her fine eyes were closed for ever. Insensible to objects in which she once, delighted ; to afflictions which had blasted her AN* MELISSA." blofcming prospects, and drained the streams o? life, she lay like blossomed trees of spring, over thrown by rude and boisterous winds. The deep groans which convulsed the distracted bosom, and shocked the trembling frame of Alonzo, broke the delusive charm ; he awoke, rejoiced to find it but a dream, though it impressed his mind with doleful and portentous forebodings. It was a long time before he could again clos6 his eyes to sleep ; he at length fell into a slum ber, and again he dreamed. He fancied himself with Melissa, at the house of her father, who had consented to their union, and that the marriage ceremony between them was there performed. -- He thought that Melissa appeared as she had done in her most fortunate and sprightly days, before the darts of adversity, and the thorns of affliction, had wounded her heart. Her father seemed to be divested of all his awful sternness, and gave her to Alonzo with cheerful freedom. He awoke, and the horrors of his former dream were dissipated by the happy influences of the last. " Who knows (he said) but that this may fi nally be the case ; but that the sun of peace may yet dispel the glooms of these distressful hours !" He arose, determined to return home in a few days ; he went out and enjoyed his morning walk in a more composed frame of spirits than he had for some time experienced. He returned, and as he was .entering the door he saw the weekly newspaper of the town, which bad been publish- Q 152 ALONZO AND MELISSA,^ ed that morning, and which the carrier had just 1 flung into the hall. The family hi-.d not yet aris en. He took up the paper, carried it to his cham ber, and opened it to read the news of the day. He ran his eye hastily over it, and was about to lay it aside, when the death list arrest t-d his at tention, by a display of broad black li^es. The first article he read therein was as follows : DIED, of a consumption on the 26th uit. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W****** D , near Charleston South-Carolina, whither she had re paired for her health, Miss Melissa D , the amiable daughter of J#*** D , Esq. of ******#,. Connecticut, in the 18th year of her age. The p;iper fell from his palsied hand a sud den faintneds came up^n him the room grew dark he staggered, and fell senseless upon the floor The incidents of our story will here produce a pause. The fanciful part of our readers may cast it aside in chagrin and disappointment. " Such an e v ent (nvy they say) we were not prepared ta expect. After so many, and such various trials of heart ; after innumerable difficulties surmount ed ; almost invincible objects overcome, and in superable barriers removed after attending the hero a^cl heroine of your tale through the diver sified scenes of anxiety, suspense, hope, disap pointment, expectation, joy, sorrow, anticipated bliss, sudden ^iid disastrous woe after elevating a to the threshold of happiness, by the pre* ALON20 ANfi MELIfci 122 tnature death of one, to plunge the other, instan- taveouslv, in deep and irretrievable despair, must not, cannot be right. Your story will hereafter become languid and spiritless ; the subject will be uninteresting:, the theme unengaging, since tli6 genius which animated and enlivened it ib gone forever." Reader of {sensibility, stop. Are we not de tailing facts ? Shall we gloss them over with false colouring ? Shall we describe things as they are, or as they are not ? Shall we draw with the pen- cil of nature, or of art ? Do we indeed paint life as it is, or as it is not ? Cast thine eyes, reader, over the ephemeral circle of passing and fortui tous events ; view the change of contingencies : mark well the varied and shifting scenery in the great drama of time ; seriously contemplate na- t,ure in her operations : minutely examine the entrance, the action, and the exit of characters on the stage of existence- then say, if disappoint ment, distress, misery and calamitous woe, are not the inalienable portion of the susceptible bo som. Say, if the possession of refined feeling is, enviable the lot of Nature's children covetable. Whether, to such, through life, the, sprinklings of comfort are sufficient to give a zest to the bit ter banquets of adversity. Whether indeed, sorrow, sighing, and tears, are not the inseparable attendants of all those whose hearts are the repos itories of tender affections and pathetic sympa thies. But what says the moralist ? " Portray life as, it is* Delude not the senses by deceptive 124 ALONZO AND MELISSA^ appearances. Arouse your hero : call to his aid stern philosophy and sober reason. They will dissipate the rainbow -glories of unreal pleasure, and banish the glittering meteors of unsubstantial happiness. Or if these fail, lead him to the holy fane of religion. She will regulate the fires of fancy, and assuage the tempest of the passions. She will illuminate the dark wilderness, and smooth the thorny paths of life. She will point him to jcns beyond the tomb to another and a better world ; and pour the balm of consolation and serenity over his wounded soul." Shall we indeed arouse Alonzo ? Alas 1 t* ivhat paths of grief and wretchedness shall we a- jouse him ! To a world to him void and cheer less a world desolate, sad and dreary. Alonzo revived. " Why am I (he exclaimed) recalled to this dungeon of torment 9 Why wag Bot my spirit permitted to take its flight to re gions where my guardian is gone ? Why am I cursed with memory ? O that I might be blessed ivith forg^tfulness ! But why do I talk of bles sings ? Heaven never had one in store for me. Where are fled my anticipated joys. ? To the bo som, the dark bosom of the oblivious tomb ! There lie all the graces worthy of love in life all the virtues worthy of lamentation in death. . There lies perfection perfection has here been found. Was she not all that even heaven could demand ? Fair, lovely, holy and virtuous. Her tender solicitudes, her enrapturing endearments, her soul- inspiring blandishments--- gone gone &LON20 forever ! That heavenly form, that discriminate mind all lovely as light all pure as a seraph's a prey to worms mingle d with incorporeal shad ows, regardless of former inquietudes or delights, regardless of the keen angui&h which now wrings tears of blood from my despairing heart ! Eter nal Disposer ol events ! if virtue be thy special care, why is the fairest flower in the garden of in nocence and purity blasted like a noxious weed? Why is the bright gem of excellence trampled in the dust like a worthless pebble ? Why is Melissa hurried to the tomb ?"'Thus raved A- lonzo. It was evident that delirium had partial ly seized his brain. He arose and flung himself on the bed, in un speakable agony. " And what, alas ! (he again exclaimed) now remains for me ? Existence and unparalleled misery. The consolation etlen of death is denied me ! But Melissa ! she -ah I where is she ? Oh ! reflection insupportable ! in sufferable consideration ! Must that heavenly frame putrify, moulder, and crumble into dust ? Must the loathsome spider nestle on her lily bo- sum ? the odious reptile riot on her delicate limbs ? the worm revel amid the roses of her cheek, fatten on her temples, and bask in the lustre of her eyes ? Alas 1 the lustre has become dimmed in death ; the rose and the lily are with ered ; the harmony of her voice has ceased ; the graces, the elegancies of form, the innumerable delicacies of air, all are gone, and I am left in a state of misery which defies mitigation or com parison." ALONZO AND MELISSA. Exhausted by excess of grief, be now lay in a jstupifying anguish, until the servant summoned him to breakfast. He told the servant he was in disposed, and requested he might not be di^turb- cd. Mr. \V}llysand his ladv camt- up, anxious to yield him any assistance in their power, and advised him to call a physician. He thanked them, but told them it was unnecessary he on- Jy wanted rest. His extreme distress of mind brought on a relapse of fever, from which he had but imperfectly recovered. For several days he lay in a very dangerous and doubtful sta'e. A physician was called, contrary to his choice or knowledge, as for most part of the time his mind was delirious and sensation imperfect. This was, probably, the cause of baffl'ng the disoider. He \\f-as in a measure insensible to his woes. He did iwf oppose the prescriptions of the physician. The fever abated, nature triumphed over disease of body he slowly recovered, but the malady of his mind was not removed. He contemplated on the past. " I fear (said he) I have murmured against the wisdom of Providence. Forgive, O merciful Creator ! for give the frenzies of distraction !" He now re collected that Melissa once told him that she had an uncle who resided near Charleston, in South- Carolina ;* thither he supposed she had been sent by her father, when she was removed from the old mansion, in order to prevent his having access to her, and with a view to compel her to ee page 39. A10N2O ANt) MELISSA* marry Bcauman. Her appearance had indicated a deep clccli e whrn he last saw her. '* There, (said hi) f>r removed from friends and acquaint ance, there did she languish, there did she die a victim to excessive grief, and cruel, parental persecution. As soon as he was able to leave big room, he walked out one evening, and in deep contempla tion roved, he knew not where. The moon shone brilliantl) from her lofty throne ; the chill, heavy dews of autumn glittered on the decaying verdure. The cadeat* croaked hoarsely among the trees ; the dircle\ sung mournfully on the grass. Alonzo heard them not ; he was insen sible to all external objects, until he had imper ceptibly wandered to the rqck on the point of the beach, verging the Sound, to which he jiad at tended Melissa the first time he saw her at her cousin's. J Had the whole artillery of Heaven burst, in sheeted flame, from the skies had ra ging winds . mingled the roaring waves with the mountain* had an instantaneous earthquake burst beneath his feet, his frame would not have fceen so shocked, his soul so agitated ! Sudden * t Local iidraes given to certain American insects, from their sound. They are well known in various parts of the United States ; generally make their appearance about the latter end of August, and continue until destroyed by the frost. The notes of the first are hoarse, sprightly, and dis cordant j of the last, solemn and mournfully pleasing, \ See page 7 See also allusions to this seene, in several parts of the story. 128 ALONZO AND JlfELISSA* as the blaze darts from the electric cloud was he aroused to a lively sense of blessings entombed! The meqiory of departed joys passed with rapid ity over his imagination ; his first meeting with Melissa ; the evening he hdd attended her to that place , her frequent allusions to the scenerv there displayed, when they had traversed the fit Ids or reclined inze of death ! Spontaneously he fell upon his knees, and thus poured forth the overcharged burden of its anguished bosom : " Infinite Ruler of all events ; Great Sove reign of this ever changing world ! Omnipotent Controller of vicissitudes ! Omniscient Dispen ser of destinies ! The beginning, the progres sion, the end is thine. Unsearchable .ir thy pur* 4LONZ6 ANd MELISSA* poses ! mysterious thy movements ! inscrutable thy operations ! An atom of thy creation, wilder- ed in the mazes of ignorance and woe, would bow to thy decrees. Surrounded with impene trable gloom, unable to scrutinize the past, in competent to explore the future fain would he say, THY WILL BE DONE! And O ! that it might be consistent with that HIGH WILL, to call this atom from a dungeoii of wretchedness, to worlds of light and gtory, where his only CONSOLATION ii> gone." Thus prayed the heart-broken Alonzo. It was indeed a worldly prayer ; but perhaps as pure and as acceptable as many of our modern profes sors would have made on a similar occasion. He arose and repaired to his lodgings. One de termination only he h ?d now fallen upon to bu ry himself and his griefs from all with whom he had formerly been acquainted. ^Why should he return to the scenes of his former bliss and anxi ety, where every countenance would tend to re new his mourning, where every door would be inscribed with a memento mori, and where every object would be shrouded in crape ? He there fore turned his attention to the army ; but the army was far distant, and he was too feeble to prosecute a journey of snch an extent. There were at that time preparations for fitting out a convoy, at private expense, from various parts of the United States, f>r the protection of our European trade ; they were to rendezvous-, at a certain station, and thence proceed with the R 130 A1QNZO AND ilELISSA, merchantmen under their care to the ports of France and Holland, where our trade principally centered, and return as convoy to some other mercantile fleet. One of these ships of war was then nearly fit ted out at New- London. Alonzo offered himself to the captain, wiio, pleased with his appearance, gave him the station of commander of marines. Alonzo prepared himself with all speed for the voyage. He sought, he wished no acquaintance, His only place of resort, except to his lodgings and the ship, was to Melissa's favourite rock ; - there he bowed as to the shrine of her spirit, and there he consecrated his devotions. ~As he was one day passing through the town, a gentleman stepped out of an adjoining house and accosted him. Alonzo immediately recog nized him to be the cousin of Melissa, at whose house he had first seen her. He was dressed in full mourning, which was a sufficient indication that he was apprized of her death. He invited Alonzo to his house and he could not complai- santly refuse the invitation. He therefore ac cepted it, and passed an hour with him, from whom he learnt that Melissa had been sent to her uncle's* at Charleston, for the recovery of her health, where she died. " Her premature death (said her cousin) has borne so heavily upon her aged father, that it is feared he will not long sur vive." " 'Well may it wring his bosom ; (thought Alonzo) his conscience can never be at peace. :i ' LON20 AND MELISSA. the particulars of Alonzo's unfortunate attach ment, was not known, as he instituted no con- versation on the subject. Neither did he enquire into Alonzo's prospects ; he only invited him to call again. Alonzo thanked him, but replied it would be doubtful, as h& should shortly leave town. He made no one acquainted with his in tentions. The day at length arrived when the shjp was to sail, and Alonzo to leave the shores of Amer- ioa They spread their canvas to propitious gales ; the breezes rushed from their woody cov erts, and majestically wafted them from the har bour. Slowly the land receded ; fields, forests, hills, mountains, towns and villages leisurely withdrew, until they were -mingled in one common mass. The ocean opening, expanded and widened, pre senting to the astonished eyes of the untried mar- iner its wilderness of waters. Near sunset, A- lonzo ascended the mast to take a last view of a country once so dear, but whose charms were now lost forever. The land still appeared like a semicircular border of dark green velvet on the edge of a convex mirror. The sun sunk in fleecy golden vapours behind it. It jpiow dwindled to discoloured and irregular spots, which appeared like objects floating, amidst the blue mists of distance, on the verge of the mai'i, and immoiH* ately all was lost beneath the spherical, watery surface. ' 132 ALONZO AND MELISSA* - Alonzo had fixed his eyes, as near as his judg- merit could direct, towards Melissa's favourite rock, till nothing but sea was discoverable. Witk a heart parting sigh he then descended. They had now launched into the illimitable world of billows, and the sable wings of night brooded over the boundless deep. A new scene was now opened to Alonzo in the wonders of the mighty deep. The sun rising from and setting in the ocean, the wide spread re gion of watery waste, now smooth as polished glass, now urged into irregular rolling hillocks, then swelled to " Blue tumbling billows, topp'd with foam." or gradually arising into mountainous waves. Often would he traverse the deck amid the still hours of midnight, when the moon silvered over the liquid surface : " Bright luminary of the lonely hour, (he would sa\ ) that now sheddest thy mild and placid ray on the woe- worn head of fortune's fugitive, d >st thou not also pensively shine on the sacred and silent grave of my Me lissa ?" Favourable breezes wafted them for many days over the bosom of the Atlantic. At length they were overtaken by a violent storm. The wind began to blow strongly from the southwest, which soon increased tfl> a violent gale. The dirgy scud first flew swiftly along the sky ; then dark and heavy clouds filled the atmosphere, mingling xviUi the top- gallant streamers of the ship. Night hovered over the ocean, rendered horrible by the ALONZO AND MELISSA* intermitting blaze of lightnings, the awful crash of thunder, and the deafening roar of winds and W^ves. The sea wus rolled into mountains, cap ped with foaming fire. Now the ship was soar- ing among the thunders of heaven, now sunk in the ab) ss of waters. The storm dispersed the fleet, so that when it abated, the ship in which Alonzo sailed was found alone ; they, however, kept on their course of destination, after repairing the4r rigging, which had "been considerably disordered by the violence of the gale. The next morning they discovered a sail which they fondly hoped might prove to be one of their own fleet, and accordingly made for it. The ship they were in pursuit of shortened sail> and to wards noon, wore round and bore down upon them when they discovered thvit it was not a ship belonging to their convoy. It appeared to be of equai force and dimensions with hat of their own, they therefore, in order to prepare for the worst, got ready with ail speed for action. They slowly approached each other, manceuvreirig for the ad vantage, till the strange ship ran up British col ours, and fifed a gun, which was immediately an swered by the other, undt r the flag of the United States. It was not long before a close and severe action took place, which continued for three hour?, when both ships were in so shattered a condition thatthey were unable to manage a gun.* / *Vhe particulars of this action, in the early stage t>f the American war, are yet remembered by many. 134 ALON'ZO AND MELISSA. The British had lost their captain, and one half their crew, most of the remainder being wounded. The Americans had lost their second officer, and their loss in men, both killed and wounded, was nearly equal to that of the enemy. While they lay in this condition, unable either to onnoy each ether more, or to get away, a large sail ap peared, bearing down upon them, which soon came up and proved to be an English frigate, and which immediately took the American ship in tow, after removing the crew into the hold of the frigate. The crew of the British ship were also taken on board of the frigate, which \vas no soon er done than the ship went down, and was forev er buried beneath mountains of ponderous waves. The frigate then with the American ship in tow, made sail, and in a few days reached England. The wounded prisoners were sent to a hospital, but the others were confined in a strong prison within the precincts of London. The American prisoners were huddled into a apartment with British convicts of various de scriptions. Among these Alonzo observed one whose demeanor arrested his attention. A deep melancholy was impressed upon his features 4 his eye was wild and despairing ; his figure was interesting, tall, elegant and handsome. He ap peared to be about twenty-five years of age. He seldom conversed, but when he did, it was readi ly discovered that his education had been above the common cast, and v lie possessed an enlight ened and discriminating mind. Alonzo * AtONZO AND MELISSA" 135 thetically sought his acquaintance, and discover ed therein a unison of woe. One evening when the prisoners were retired to rest, the stranger, upon Alonzo's request, re hearsed the following incidents of his life. " You express (said he) some surprise at find ing a man of my appearance in so degraded a sit uation, and you wish to learn the events which have plung< d me in this abject state. These," when 1 briefly relate, your wonder will cease. " My name is Henry Malcomb ; my lather was a clergyman in the west of England, and des cended from one of the most respectable families in those parts. I received a classical education, and then entered the military school, as I was de signed for the army, to which my earliest incli nations led. As soon as my education was con sidered complete, an ensign's commission was procured for me in one of the regiments destined for the West Indies. Previous to its departure for those islands, I became acquainted with a Miss Vernon, who was a few years younger than, myself, and the daughter of a gentleman farmer, \vho had recently purchased and removed to an estate in my father's parish. Every thing that was graceful and lovely appeared centered in nei person ; every thing that was virtuous arid ex cellent in her mind. I sought her hand. Our souls soon became united by the indissoluble bonds of sincerest love, and as there were no pa rental or other impediment to our union, it was agreed that as soon as I returned from the In- 136 ALONZO AND MELISSA." \ dies, where it was expected that my stay would be short, the marriage solemnities should be per formed. Solemn oaths of constancy passed be tween us, and I sailed, with my regiment, for the Indies. " While there, I received from her, 'and return ed letters filled with the tenderest expressions of anxiety and regret of absence. At leng h the time came when we were to embark for Eng- L.iid, where we arrived after an absence of about eighteen months. The moment I got on land I hastened to the house of Mr. Vernon, to see the charmer of my soul. She received me with all the ardency of affection, and even shed tears of joy in my presence. I pressed her to name the day which was to perfect our union and happiness, and" the next Sunday, four days only distant, was agreed upon for me to lead her to the altar. How did my heart bound at the pros pect of making Miss, Vernon my own ! Of pos sessing in her al* inn could render life agreeable I 1 hastened home to my family and informed them of my approaching bli^s, who that a youth has been for some time past her almost constant companion. To convince you of this, you need only tomorrow evening, about sunset, conceal yourself near the long avenue by the side ALONZO AN0 MELISSA. of the rivulet, back of Mr. Vernon's country- house, where you will undoubtedly surprise Miss Vernon and her companion in their usual eve ning's walk. If. I should be mistaken I will sub mit to your censure ; but should you find it as I have predicted, you have only to rush from your concealment charge her with her perfidy,, and. renounce her forever." M Of all the plagues, of all the torments, of all the curses which torture the soul, jealousy of a rival in love is the worst. Enraged, confounded and astonished, it seemed as if my bosom would .have instantaneously burst. To conceal my e- motioiis, I left my sister's apartment after hav ing thanked her for her information, and proceed ed to obey her injunctions. I retired to my own room, and there poured out my execrations. c * Cursed woman ! [I exclaimedj'is it thnsyou requite my tender love ! Could a vague report of my inconstancy, drive you to infidelity ! Did not my continual letters breathe constant adora tion ? And did not yours portray the same sin cerity of affection ? No, it was not that which caused you to perjure your plighted vows. It was that damnable passion for novelty, which more or less holds a predominacy over your whole sex. To a new coat, a new face, a new lover, you will sacrifice honor, principle and vir tue. And to those, backed by splendid power and splendid property, you will forfeit vour most sacred engagements, though made in the pres ence of Heaven." Thus did I rave through rJeepless night ALONZO AND MELISSA! 139 *' The next day I walked into the .fields, and before the time my sister appointed had arrived, I had worked up my feelings almost to the fren zy of distraction. I repaired, however, to the spot, and concealed myself in the place she had named, which was a tuft of laurels by the side of the walk. . I soon perceived Miss Vernon stroll ing down the avenue, arm in arm with a young man elegantly dressed, and of singular delicate appearance. They were earnestly conversing in a low tone of voice ; the hand of my false fair one was gently pressed in the hand of the stran r ger. As soon as they had passed the place of my concealment, they turned aside and seated themselves in a little arbour, a few yards distant from where I was. The stranger clasped Miss Vernon in his arms ; " dearest angel I (he ex claimed) what an interruption to our bliss by the return of my hated rival !" With fond caresses and endearing blandishments, .; n Aiunz'i called the next morning, he per- ceiwd au aiatmh^ aUe-ation in Bcauman. His exrremuies were cold, a chilling, clammy sweat stood upon hi-, hce, his respiration was short a\xi ir.terrupted, h^s i r u:ue '.ve..Jv and iutermiuing.fi He took the ha'U oi Aio-iZ^o/and feebly pressing it, 4C I am d)ing, [said he in a faint voice. J If ev er you return to America, inform my friends of my fate." This Alonzo readily engaged to do, and toid him also that he would not leave him. Beauman soon fell into a stupour ; sensation became suspended ; his eyes rolled up aiid fixed* Sometimes a partial revival would take place, when he would fall into incoherent mutterings, calling on the names of his deceased father, his mother and Melissa ; his voice dying away in im perfect moanings, till his lips continued to move without sound. Towards night he lay silent, and only continued to breathe with difficulty, till a slight convulsion gave the freed spirit to the un known regions of immaterial existence. Alonzo followed his remains to the grave ; a natural stone was* placed at its head, on which Alonzo, unobserved, carved the initials of the deceased's name, with the date of his death., and left him to moulder with hfs native cl; ALON20 AND MELISSA. A few days after this even*, Jack Brown in- formed Alonzo that he' had procured the means of his escape. A person with whom I am ac quainted fsaid he] and whom I suppose to be a smuggler, has agreed to carry you to France. There, by application to the American minister, you will be enabled to get to your own country, if that is your object. About midnight I will pilot you on board, a IK! by to-morrow's sun you may be in France/' At the time appointed, Jack set out, bearing a large trunk on his shoulder, and directed Alonzo to follow him. They pro ceeded down to a quay, and went on board a small skiff'. ' Here [said Jack to the captain] is the gentleman I spoke to you about," and delivered him the trunk. Then taking Alonzo aside, " in that trunk [said he] are a few changes of linen, and here is something to help you till you cant help yourself." So saying, he slipped ten guin eas into his hand. Alonzo expressed his grati tude with tears " Say nothing [^aid Jack] we were born to help eacii other in distress, and may Jack never weather a storm or splice a rope if he permits a fellow-creature to suffer with wnt while he has a luncheon on board." He then shook Alonzo by the hand, wishing him a good voyage, and went whistling away. The skiff .soon sailed, and the next morning Alonzo was landed in France. Alonzo proceeded immediately to Paris, not with a view of returning to America ; he had vet, no relish for revisiting the land of his soiv ALONZO ANJSfiMELISslT 149 rows, the scenes where at every step his heart must bleed afresh, though to bleed it hud never ceased. But he was friendless in a strange land : perhaps through the aid of the American minis ter, Dr. Franklin, to whose fame Aionzo w^as no stranger, he might be placed in a situation to procure bread, which was all he at present hoped or wished. He therefore presented himself before the doc tor, whom he found in his study. To be inform- , ed that he was an American and unfortunate, was sufficient to arouse the feelings of Franklin. He desired Aionzo to be seated, and to recite his history. This he readily complied with, not concealing his attachment to Melissa, her fath er's barbarity, her death in consequence, his own father's failure, with all the particulars of his leaving America, his capture, escape from prison, and arrival in France ; as also the town of his nativity, the name of his father, and the particu lar circumstances of his family, concluding by expressing his unconquerable reluctance to re turn to his native country, which now would be to him only a gloomy wilderness, and that his present object was only some means of support. The doctor enquired of Aionzo the particular circumstances and time of his father's failure. Of this Aionzo gave him a minute account. Franklin then sat in deep contemplation for the space of fifteen minutes, without speaking a word. > He then took his pen, wrote a short note, directed it, and gave it to Aionzo : as situated in one of the most popular streets in Paris. He knocked at the door, which was opened by an eiderJy look ing man ; Alonzo enquired for the name to whom the note was addressed ; the gentleman informed him that he was the man. Alonzo presented him the note, which having read, he dc sired him to walk in, and ordered supper. After supper he informed Alonzo that he was an English book seller, that he should employ him as a clerk, and desired to know what wages he demanded ; Alon- 20 replied that he should submit that to him, be ing unacquainted with the customary salary of clerks in that line of business. The gentleman told him that the matter should be arranged the next day his name was Grafton. The next morning Mr. Graf on took Alonzo into his book-store, and gave him his instructions. ,His business was to sell the books to customers, and a list of prices was- given him for that pur pose. Mr. Grafton counted out twenty crowns and gave them to Alonzo : '* You may want some necessaries, [said he] and as you have set ?io price on your services, we shall not differ a- oou t the wages, if you are attentive and faithful." Alonzo gave his employer no room to com- in ; nor had he anv reason to be discontented ALONZd AND MELISSA. 151 with his situation. Mr. Grafton regularly ad vanced him twenty crowns at the commencement of every month, and boarded him in his family, Alonzo dressed himself in deep mourning. He sought no company ; he found consolation only in solitude, if consolation it could be called. As he was walking out early one morning, he discovered something lying in the street which he at first supposed to be a small piece of silk ; he took it up, and found it to be a curiously wrought purse, containing a few guineas, with some small pieces of silver, and something at the bottom carefully wrapped in a piece of paper ; he unfold ed it, and was thunderstruck at beholding an ele gant miniature of Melissa ! Her sweetly pensive features, her expressive countenance, her soul- enlivening eye ! The shock was almost too pow erful for his senses. Wildered in a maze of wonders, he knew not what to conjecture. Me lissa's miniature found in the streets of Paris, af ter she had some time been dead ! He viewed he clasped it to his bosom. " Such (said he) did she appear, ere the corroding cankers of grief had blighted her heavenly charms ! By what providential miracle am I possessed of the like ness, when the original is no more ? What be nevolent angel has taken pity on my sufferings, and conveyed me this inestimable prize ?" But though he had thus become possessed of what he esteemed most valuable, what right had he to withhold it from the lawful owner, could the owner indeed be found ? Perhaps the person 152 ALONZO AND MS1IS5A7 \vlio had lost it would part with it ; perhaps the money contained in the purse was of more value to that person than the miniature. At any rate, justice required that he should endeavour to find to whom it belonged : this ht> might do by advertising, which he immediately concluded up on, resolving, should the owner, appear, to pur chase the miniature, if possibly within his power. Passing into another street, he saw several hand-bills stuck up on the walls of houses ; step ping up to one, he read as follows : 44 Lost, between the hours of nine and ten last evening, in the Rue de Loir, a small silk purse, containing a few pieces of money, and a lady's m-niature. ONE HUNDRED CEOWNS will be given to the person who may have found it, and will restore it to the owner, at the American Ho tel, near the Louvre, room No 4." it was printed both in the French and English, languages. By the reward here offered, Albjizo v;as convinced that the miniature belonged to ic person uho set a value upon it ; deter mined to explicate the mystery, he proceeded iinmediatel) to the pli< e, found the room mention ed in the bill, and knocked at the door A servant nppeared>of whom Alonzo enquired for the lodger. The servant answered him in French, which A- lonzo did not understand ; he replied in his own language, but found it was unintelligible to the servant. A grave middle aged gentleman then came to the door, from within the room, and end ed their jabbering at each other : he in the Eng- ALONZO AND MFLISSA^ 153 lish language, desired Alonzo to walk in. It was an apartment neatly furnished -, no person was therein except the gentleman and servant before mentioned and a person who sat writing in a corner of the room, with l>is back towards them, Alonzo informed the gentleman that he had called according to the direction in a bill of ad vertisement to enquire for the person who, the preceding night, had lost a purse and miniature. The person who was writing hjd hitherto taken no notice of what had ;..:sstd ; but at the sound of Alonzo's voice, after he had entered the room* he started and,,turned about, and at mention of the miniature, he rose up. Alonzo fixed his eyes upon him ; they both stood for a few moments silent ; for a short time their recollection was confused and imperfect, but the mists of doubt were soon dissipated. " Edgar !" "Alonzo ! 5> they alternately exclaimed. It was indeed Ed gar, the early friend and fellow- student of Alon zo -the brother of Melissa ! In an instant they were in each others arms. Edgar and Alonzo retired to a separate room. Edgar informed Alonzo that the news of Melis sa's death reached him by a letter from his fath er, while at the army ; that he immediately pro cured a furlough, and visited his father, whom, with his mother, he found in inconsolable distress. " The letter which my uncle had written (said Edgar) announcing her death, mentioned \vith what patience and placidity she endured her mal ady, and with wfaat calmness and resignation sh'et 154 ALONZO AND MELISSA.' met the approach of death. Her last moment's, like her whole life, were unruffled and serene. - She is in Heaven, Alonzo she is an angel 1" Swelling grief here choaked the utterance of Ed gar ; for some time he could proceed no farther, and Alonzo, with bursting bosom, mingled his tears. O A N M E L 1 S3 A , 159 stroy the symmetry of the most finished form the brilliancy of the finesc features. Was it the graces of the mind ? 1 tell you that by familiar. ity these allurements are lost, and the mind left vacant turns to some other source to supply va cuum. " Stripped of ill their intrinsic value, how poor, how vain, and how worthless, are those things we name pleasures and enjoyments ! " Besides, the attainment of your wishes might have been the death of your hopes. If my rea soning is correct, the ardency of your passion might have closed with the pursuit. An eve ry day suit however rich and costly the tex ture, is soon worn threadbare. On your part, indifference would consequently succeed ; on the part of your partner, disappointment, jealousy, and disgust* What might follow is needless for me to name ; your soul must shudder at the idea of conjugal infidelity ! " But admitting the most favourable conse quences ; turn the brightest side of the picture- admitting as much happiness as the connubial state will allow : how might your bosom have been wounded by the sickness and death of your children, or their disorderly and disobedient con duct ! You must know also, that the warmth of youthful passion must soon cease, and it is mere ly a hazardous chance whether friendship will supply the absence of affection. " After all, my young friend, it will be well for you to consider, whether the all- wise dispen- 160 ALONZO AND MELISSA, sing hand of Providence has not directed this matter, which \ou esteem so great an affliction, for your greatest gqod, and most essential ad van- tage. And suffer me to tell you. that in all my observations on life, I have alwa\ s found that those connections which were formed from inor dinate passion, or what some would call pure af fection, have been ever the most unhappy. Ex amine the varied circles of society, you will there see this axiom demonstrated : you will there see how R w among the sentimentally refined are even apparently at ease, while those insusceptible of what you name tender attachments, or 'who re ceive them only as thing's of course, plod on through life, without even experiencing the least inconvenience from a want ol the pleasures they are supposed to bestow, or the pains they are sure to create. ' Beware, then, my son, beware of yielding the heart to the effeminacies of passion. Exquisite sensibilities are ever subject to exqui- si-e inquietudes Counsel with correct reason, pkice entire dependence on the SUPREME, and the triumph of fortitude and resignation will be Franklin paused His reasonings, however they convinced he understanding, could not heal the wounds of ASoMzo'b bosom. In Melissa he looked for as much happiness as earth could af ford, nor could he see a .y prospect in life which, could repair the loss lit had sustained. " You hdve (resumed the philosopher) desert ed an indulgent father, a fund and tender mother, ALONZO ANti HfFLISSA. who must want your aid ; now, perhaps, unable to toil for bread ; now possibly laid upon the bed of sickness, calling in anguish or delirium, for the filial Ivtnd of their only son to administer re lief. [All the parental feelings of Alonzo were now called into poignant action.] You have left a country, bleeding at ev^ry pore, desolated by the ravages of war, wrecked by the thunders of battle, her heroes slain, her children captured. This country asks she demands you owe her your services- God and nature call upon you to defend her, while here you bury yourself in in glorious inactivity, pining for a hapless object, which by all your lamentations you can never bring back to the regions of mortality." This aroused the patriotic flame in the bosorri .of Alonzo, and he voluntarily exclaimed, " I will go to the relief of my parents-*-! will fly to the defence of my country !" " In former days (continued Franklin) I was well acquainted with your father. As soon a$ you informed me of his failure, I wrote to my correspondent in England, and found, as I ex pected, that he had been overreached by swin dlers and sharpers. The pretended failure of the merchants with whom he was in company, was all a sham, as also the reported loss of the ships in their employ. The merchants fled to England ; I have hid them arrested, and they have given up their effects, to much more than the amount of their debts. I have therefore pro cured a reversion of your father's losses, which, W 162 ALONZO AND MELISSA. with costs, damages, and interests, when legally stated, he will receive of my agent in Philadel phia, to whom I shall transmit sufficient docu ments by you and I shall advance you a sum equal to the expenses of your voyage, which will be liquidated by the said agent. A ship sails in a few days from Havre, for Savannah in Georgia; it would, indeed, be more convenient were she bound to some more northern port, but I know of no other which will sail for any part of Amer ica in some time. In her therefore I would ad vise you to take passage ; it is not very material on what part of the continent you are landed, you will soon reach Philadelphia, transact your busi ness, restore your lather to his property, and be ready to serve your country." If any thing could have given Alonzo consola tion, it must have been this noble, generous and disinterested conduct of the great Franklin in fa vour of his father by which his family were res tored to ease and to independence* Ah ! had this but have happened in time to save a life far dear er than his own ! The reflection' was too painful. The idea, however, of giving joy to Jus aged par ents, hastened his departure. Furnished with proper documents and credentials from Franklin, his benefactor, he took leave of him, with the warmest expressions of gratitude, as also of Mr. Grafron, and sailed for Savannah, where he ar rived i.i about ei.^ht weeks Inter; c on hib purpose, he immediately purcha- carnage and proceeded on for Philadelphia, , ALONZO AND MELISSA. I6S As he approached Charleston his bosom swelled with mournful recollection. He arrived in that city in the afternoon, and at evening he walked out, and entered a little ale-house, which stood near the large burial ground. An elderly woman and two small children were the only persons in the house, except himself. After calling for a pint of ale, he enquired of the old lady, if CoL D (Melissa's uncle) did not live near the city. She informed him that lie resided about a mile from the town, where he had an ekgam seat, and that he was very rich. " Was there not a 3 oung lady (asked Aionz )v,ho died there about eighteen months ago ?" " La me ! (said she) did you know her ? Yes ; and a sweeter or more handsome lady, the sun never shined on. And then she was so good, so patient in her sickness. Poor, dear, distressed girl, she pined away to skin and bones before she died. She was not Col. D -'s daughter, only somehow related ; she came here in hopes that a change of air might do her good. She came from la me ! I can not think of the name of the place ; it is a crab bed name though." " Connecticut, was it not," said Alonzo. " O yes, that was it, (replied she) dear me ! then you knew her, did you sir ? Well we have not her like left in. Charleston, that we han't ; and then there was such ado at her fune ral j.five hundred people I dare say, with eight young ladies for pall-bearers, all dressed in white, with black ribons, and all the bells tolling." " Where was she buried ?" enquired 164 ALONZO AND MELISSA- " In the church-yard right before our door (she answered.) My husband is the sexton ; he put up her large white marble tomb- stones ; they are the largest and whitest in the whole bury ing- ground, and so, indeed, they ought to be, for never was there a person who deserved them more. 1 ' Tired with the old woman's garrulity, and with a bosom bursting with anguish, AlonzQ paid for his ale without drinking it, bade her good night, and slowly proceeded to the church yard. The moon, in full lustre, shone with sol emn, silvery ray, on the sacred piles, and funeral monuments of the sacred dead ; the wind mur mured mournfully among the weeping willows; a solitary nightingale* sang-plaintively in the dis tant forest, and a whipperwill,, Melissa's fdvour- jte bird, whistled near the portico of the church. The large wlite tomb-stones soon caught the eye of Alonzo. He approached them with tremulous step, and with feelings too agitated for description. On the head- stone he read as follows : SACRED To the MEMORY of inestimable departed WORTH ; To unrivalled Excellence and Virtue. Miss MELISSA D , Whose remains are deposited here, and whose ethereal part became a seraph, Oct 26, 1776, In the 18th year ot her age. * This bird, though not an inhabitant of the nortbtin states^ is ireque-nily to be me I with in Georgia a'.icl U:e Curoiinus. ALONZO AN# MELISSA, 165 Alonzo bent, kneeled he prostrated himself, he clasped the green turf which enclosed her grave, he watered it with his tears he warmed it with his sighs. " Where art thou, bright beam of heavenly light ! (he said.) Come to my troub led soul, blest spirit ! Come, holv shade ! come in ail thy native loveliness, and cheer the bosom of wretchedness by thy grief dispersing smile ! On the ray of yon evening star descend. One moment leave the celestial regions of glory leave one moment, thy sister beatitudes, glide, in intrancing beauty before me ; wave benignly- wave thy white hand, and assuage the anguish of despairing sorrow ! Alas ! in vain my invoca tion ! A curtain, impenetrable, is drawn betwixt me and vhee, only to be disclosed by the dissolu tion of nature." He arose and walked away ; suddenly he stop ped : " Yet (said he) if spirits departed lose not the power of recollection ; if they have knowl edge of present events on earth, Melissa cannot have forgotten me she must pity me." He re turned to the grave, he took her miniature from his bosom he held it up, and earnestly viewed it by the moon's pale ray. " Ah, Franklin ! (he exclaimed) how tenderly does she beam her lovely e} e upon me ! How of ten have I drank delicious extacy from the deli cacy of those unrivalled charms ! How often have they taught me to anticipate superlative and un interrupted bliss ! Mistaken and delusive hope ! ^returning the miniature to his bosoni] Vain and 166 ALONZO AND MELISSA. 4K presumptuous assurance. Then [pointing to the grave'] there behold how my dearest wishes, my fondest expectations are .realized ! Hallowed turf ! lie light!} on her boso*,i> ! Sacred willows ! sprinkle the dews gently over her grave, while the mourning breezes sigh sadly arnid your branches ! Here may the " widowed w?M rose love to bloom !" Here may the first piaeid be,.r,is of morning delight to linger ; from hence, the evening ray reluctantly withdraw ! And when the final trump shall renovate and arouse the sleep ing saint ; when on u buoyant step" she soars to glory, may our meeting spirits join in beatific transport ! May my enraptured ear catch the first holy whisper of her consecrated lips." Alonzo having thus poured out the effusions of an overcharged heart pensively returned to the inn, which he entered and seated himself in the common room in deep contemplation. As usual at public inns, a number of people were in the room among whom were several offi :ers of the American army. Alonzo was too deeply abborpt In melancholy reflection, to notice passing inci dents until a young officer came, seated himself by him, and entered into conversation respecting the events of the war. He appeared to be about Alonzo's age ; his person was interesting, his manners sprightly, his observations correct. A- ,o was, in some degree, aroused from his ab- ctedness ; the manners of the stranger pleas- :'.r\ him. His frankness, his ease, his understand- his urbanity, void of vanity or sophistication/ ALONZO AND MELISSA- 167 sympathetically caught the feelings of Alonzo, and he even felt a sort of solemn regret when the btiai.ger departed. He soon retired to bed, determining to proceed early in the morning. He arose about day-light ; the horizon was overcast, and it had begun to rain, which before sunrise encreased to a violent storm. He found therefore that he must content himself to stay un til it was over, which did not happen till near night, and too late to pursue his journey. He was informed by the inn-keeper, that the theatre, which had been closed since the commencement of the war, was to be opened for that night only, with the tragedy of Gustavus, and close with a representation of Burgoyne's capture, and some other recent events of the American war. To " wing the hours with swifter speed," Alonzo determined to go to the theatre, and at the hour appointed he repaired thither. As he was proceeding to take his seat, he pass ed the box where sat the young officer, whose manners had so prepossessed him the preceding evening at the inn He immediately arose ; they exchanged salutations, and Alonzo walked on and took his seat. The evening was warm, and the house exceedingly crowded. After the tra-, gedy was through, and before the after-piece commenced, the young officer came to Alonzo's box, and made some remarks on the merit of the actors. While they were discoursing a bustle took place in one part of the house, and several people gathered around a box, at a little distance 168 ALONZO AND MELISSA^ from them. The officer turned, left Alonzo, and hastened to the place. . To the general enquiry of ** what's the matter ?" it was answered that " a lady had fainted." She was kd out, and the tumult subsided. As soon as the after-piece was closed, Alonzo returned to the inn. As he passed along he cast his eyes toward the church-yard, where lay the " wither'd blessings of his richest joys." Affec tion, passion, inclination, urged him to go and breathe a farewel sigh, to drop a final tear over the grave of Melissa ; discretion, reason, wisdom forbade it forbade that he re -pierce the ten thousand wounds oi his bosom, by, the acute re vival cf unavailing sorrows. He hurried to his chamber. As he prepared to retire to rest, he saw a book lying on the table near his bed." On taking it up he found it to be Young's Night Thoughts a book which in happier days, had been the solace of manv a gloomy, many a lucid hour. He took it up, and the first lines he cast his eyes upon were, the following : " Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joy ! this group O. r bright id e*s- flowers of Paradise, As y t unforfeit ! in one blaze we bind, Kneel, and present it to the skies ; us all \Ve i'.uess of Heaven ! And these were all her owfij And she was mine, and T vv.-s was most blest Like blossom'd trees oVrturn'd by vt-rnal storm^ Lovely in death the beauteous ruin lay Ye that e*' r lost' an Im^el, nitv rw !" His tears fell fast upon the book ! he replaced it and flung himself into bed. Sleep was far NZd ANI> MELISSA* 1 174 A. L ON. 50 Atftt MELISSA, " That day v/ill^ never arrive, sir, (answered Alonzo) I have had time^for deliberate reflection since the melancholy event took place. I have experienced a sufficient change of objects and of country ; the effect is the same. The wound is still recent, and so it will ever remain ; indeed I cannot wish it otherwise. There is a rich ai;d sacred solemnity in my sorrows, sir, winch I would not exchange for the most splendid ac quirements of wealth, or the mobt dignified titles of fame." ' The young officer sat for some time silent.* " Well, sir, (he said) saice it is thus, beeing that these things are so, 1 will urge you no farttiei. You will puidon me retpt cling the part 1 have taken in ihi^ business, since it was with the pur est designs. May consolation, comfort ai;d iutp- piness \et be yours." " To vou and your fair friend (said Alonzo) I consider myself under the highest obligations. The gratitude I feel I can but feebly express ; believe me. sir, when I tell you (and it is all I can bay) that your ingenuous conduct has left impres sions in my bosom which can never be oblitera ted. 57 N The stranger held out his hand, vvhich Alonzo ardently grasped : they were silent, but their eyes spoke sympathy, and they parted. Alonzo immediately prepared, and was soon ready to depart. As he was stepping into his iage, he saw the young officer returning. *As lit', came up, " I must/detain you a few moments longer (he said) and I will give you no ft\rthe,i ANDt trouble. You will recollect that the lady about whom I have so much teazed you, when she be came acquainted with you in her dream, believed that if she could speak with you, ail difficulties would be removed. Conscious that this may be the case, [for with all her accomplishments she is a little superstitious] she desires to see you. You have nothing to fear, sir ; she would not for the world yield vou her hand, unless in return you could give her your heart. Nor was she \viliing you should know that she made this re quest, but wished me to introduce you, as it v.-t e, by stratagem. Confident, however, that you would thus far yield to the caprice of a lady, I chose .to tell you the truth. She resides near by, and it will not hinder you long/' " It is capriciousness in the extreme," thought Alonzo, but he told the stranger he would ac company him ; who immediately stepped into the carnage and they drove, by his direction, to an elegant house in a street at a little distance, and alighted. As they entered the house, a ser vant handed the stranger a note, which he hastily looked over ; "'tell the gentleman I will \vait on him in a moment," said he to the servant, who instantly withdrew. Turning to Alonzo, " a per son is in waiting [said he] on urgent business excuse me therefore, if it is with reluctance I re tire a few moments after I have announced yoti ; J will soon again be with you." They then ascended a flight of stairs ; the .nger opened the door of a chamber* The 17 in at New-London inform him of the circumstan ces, and was he not in mourning ? Did not the dying Beauman eoafirn the melancholy fact ? And was not the unquestionable testimony of her brother Edgar sufficient to seal the truth of all this ? Did not the sexton's wife, who knew not Alonzo, corroborate it ? And did not Alon- zo v finally, read her name, her age, and the time of her death, on her tomb-stone, ^vhich exactly accorded with the publication of her death in the papers, and his own knowledge of her age ? And is not this sufficient to prove, clearly and incon- testibly prove that she is dead ? Ano i os, and upon Alonzo also, for Melissa. Bat it will not do ; it must be the identical Melissa herself, or it might as well be her likeness iii u Y 178 ALONffO ANB MELISSA," snarble statue. What ! can Alonzo realize th& delicacies, the tenderness, the blandishments, o Melissa in another ? Can her substitute point him to the rock on New- London beach, the bow- er on her favourite hill, or so feelingly describe tlic charms of nature ? Can he, indeed find in her representative those alluring graces, that pensive sweetness, those unrivalled virtues and matchless worth, which he found in Melissa, and which attracted, fixed, and secured the youngest Affections of his soul ? Impossible ! Or could the author even make it out that Alonzo was de ceived by a person so nearly resembling Melissa that he could not distinguish the difference, yet to hth readers he must unveil the deception, and, of course,"the story will end in disappointment ;- it will leave an unpleasant and disagreeable im pression on the mind of the reader, which in novel writing is certainly wrong. It is proved, as clearly as facts can prove, that he has suffered Melissa to die, and since she is dead, it is totally beyond his power to bring her to life and so his history is intrinsically good for nothing." Be not quite so hasty, my zealous censor.- Did we not tell you tbat we were detailing facts ? Shall we disguise or discolour truth to please your taste ? Have we not told you that disap pointments are the lot of life ? Have we not, according to the advice of the moralist, led Alon zo toths temple of philosophy, the shrine of rea son, and the sanctuary of religion ? If ail these these- Alonzo cannot find a, balsam ALONZO AND MELISSA. to heal his wounded bosom, then if, in. despite of graves and tomb- stones', Melissa will come to his relief ; will pour the balm of consolation over his anguished' soul, cynical crit ic, cun the author help it ? It was indeed Melissa, the identical Melissa, whom Alonzo ascended a tree to catch a last glimpse of, as &*je walked up the avenue to the old mansion, after they had parted at the draw bridge, on the morning of the day when she was so mysteriously removed " Melissa !" >. ** Alonzo !" - 'Vere all they could articulate and frown not, my fair readers, if we tell you that she was instantly in his arms, while he press* ed his ardent lips to her glowing cheek. Sneer not, ye callous hearted insensibles, yft fastidious prudes, if v f e inform you that their tears fell in one intermingling shower, that their sighs w r afted in one blended breeze. The sudden opening of the door aroused them to a sense of their improper situation for who but must consider it improper to find a young la- dy locked in the arms of a gentleman to whom she had just been introduced ? The opening of the door, therefore, caused them quickly to change their position, not so hastily, however, but that the young officer who then entered the room. had a glimpse of their situation. 4I Aha ! (said he) have I caught you ? Is my philosophic Plato so soon metamorphosed to a bon ton enarnarato ? But a few hours ago, sir, and you were proof a- gainst the whole arcana of beauty., and all the m 180 AI/ON20 AND MEtlSSA. tillcry of the graces ; but no sooner arc you for one moment tcte a tcte with a fashionable belle, than your heroism and your resolutions are van quished, your former ties dissolved, and 3 our deceased charmer totally forgotten or neglected, by the virtue of a single glance. Well so it is; jdmorvmC't omnia is my motto; to thee, all con- quering beauty, our firmest determinations must bow. I cannot censure you for discovering, though late, that one living object is really of more intrinsic value than two dead ones. In deed, sir, I cannot but applaud your determina tion." TheJaws of honour (said Akmzo smil ing) compel me to submit to become the subject of your raillery and deception ; I am in your power.-' " I acknowledge (said the officer) that I ha^ve a little deceived you ; my story was fiction founded on truth the novel style : but for the deceptive part, you may thank your little gipsey of a nymph there ; [pointing to Melissa] she planned and I executed," " How ready you gentlemen are, (replied Melissa) when accused of impropriety, to cast the blame on the defence less ! So it was with our first parents, and so it is still. But you must remember that Alonzo is yet to hear my story ; there, sir, I have the ad vantage of you." "Then 'I confess (said lie, looking at Alonzo) you Will be too hard for me, and so 1 will say no more about it." Melissa then introduced the young 'officer to Alonzo by the appellation of Capt. Wilmot. '* He is the son of my deceased uncle (said she) ALONZO AND MELISSA. ) 181 a cousin to whom I am much indebted, as you shall hereafter know." A coach drove up to the door, which Melissa informed Alonzo was her uncle's, and was sent to convey Alfred and her home. ' c You will have no objection to breakfast with me at my un cle's (said Alfred) if it be only to keep our cous in Melissa in countenance." Alonzo did not hesitate to accept the invitation ; they immedi ately therefore entered the coach, a servant took charge of Alonzo's carriage, and they drove to the seat of Col. D who with his family re ceived Alonzo with much friendship and polite ness. Alfred had apprized them of Alonzo's ar rival in town, and of Course he was expected. Col. D was about fifty years old, his man ners were majestically grave and commanding, yet polished and polite. His family consisted of an amiable wife, considerably younger than him self, and three children ; the eldest son about tea years of age, and two daughters, one seven, the other four years old Harmony and cheerfulness reigned in this family, which diffused tranquillity and ease to its members and its guests. it was agreed that Alonzo should pass a few days at the house of Melissa's uncle, when Me lissa was to accompany him to Connecticut. Al fred, with some other officers, was recruiting for the army, where his regiment then lay, ai-d which he was shortly to join. He could not, therefore, - t be- constantly at his uncle's, though he was prin- cipaliy there while Alonzo staid; but being ab- 182 ALONZO AND MELfSSA. sent the day after his arrival, Melissa and Alonzo having retired to a room separate from the fami- Iy, she gave him the following account of what happened after they had parted at the old man sion. " The morning after you left me (she said] John came to the bridge and calltd to be let in I immediately went to the gate, opened it, anc let down the bridge. John informed me that mj aunt had suddenly and unexpectedly arrived tha morning in company with a strange gentleman and that he had come for the keys, as my ana \vas to visit the mansion that da^. I strove t< persuade John to leave the keys in my posses sion, and that I would make all easy with rrn aunt when she arrived. This, though with mucl reluctance, he at length consented to, and depart ed. Soon after this my aunt came, and wit hou much ceremony, demanded the keys, insinuating that I had obtained them from John by imposi tion, and for the basest purposes. This arousec me to indignation, and I answered by infonnim her that whatever purposes the persecution am cruelty of my family had compelled me to adopt sny conscience, under present circumstances, ap proved them, and I refused to give her the keys She then ordered me to prepare to leave the man sion, and accompany her to her residence at th< house of John. I told her that I had been placet thereby my father, and should not consent to i removal unless by his express orders. She ther left me. intimating that she would soon let me AICT-NZO AND MELISSA, 183 know* that her authority was not to be thus tram- pled upon with impunity, r 14 I immediately raised the bridge and made fast the gate, determining, on no considerations, to suffer it to be opened until evening. The day passed away without any occurrence worthy of note and as soon as it was dark, I went, opened the gate, and cautiously let down the bridge. I then returned to the mansion, and placed the can dle, as we had concerted, at the window. Shortly after I heard a carriage roll over the bridge and proceed up the avenue. My heart fluttered ; I wished, I hardly knew what I did wish but ife^i*ed I was about to act improperly, as I had no other idea but that it was you, Alonzo, who was ap proaching. The carriage stopped near the door of the mansion, a foot-step ascended the stairs ; judge of my surprise and agitation when rny fa ther entered' the chamber ! A maid and two men servants followed him. He directed me to make immediate preparations fDr leaving the mansion, which command, with the assistance of the ser vants, I obeyed with a heart too full for utterance. As soon as I was ready, we entered th carriage, which drove rapidly away. As we passed out of the gate, I looked back at the mansion, and sav/ the light of the candle, which I had forgotten to remove, streaming from the window, and it was by an extraordinary effort that I prevented my self from fainting. The carriage drove, as near as I could judge, about ten miles, when we stop ped at an inn for the night, except my father, who 184 ALONZfr AND &iE!SSA7 returned home on horseback leaving me at the inn in company with the servants, where the car riage also remained. The maid was a person, who had been attached to me from my infancy. I a-jkt-d her whether she could explain these mys terious proceedings. ' All I know, Miss, 1 will tell you ; (said she) your fither received a letter to-day from your aunt, which put him in a terri ble fluster ; he immediately ordered his carriage and directed us to attend him. He met your aunt at a tavern somewhere away back, and she told him that the gentleman who used to come to our house so much once had contrived to car ry you off fr6m the place where you lived with her , so your father concluded to send you to your uncle's in Carolina, and said that I must go with you : and to tell you the truth, Miss, I was- not displeased with it, for your father has grown so sour of late, th.it we have little peace in the house." By this I found that my fate was fixed, and I gave myself tip. for some time, to unavail ing sorrow. The maid informed me that my mother was well, which was one sweet consola tion among my many troubles -but she knew nothing of my father's late conduct. ct The next morning we proceeded and I was hurried on by rapid stages to the Chesapeak, where, with the maid and one man-servant, I was put on board a packet for Charleston, at which place we arrived in due time. " My uncle and his family received me with much tenderness ; the servant delivered a pack- AND MELISSA, age jrxf letters to my uncle from my father. The Carriage with one servant (the driver) had re turned from the Chesapeak to Connecticut. " My father had but one brother and two sis ters, of which my uncle here is the youngest. O e of my aunts, the old maid, who was my pro tectress at the old mansion, you have seen at my father's ; the other was the mother of Alfred : she married very young, to a gentleman in Hart ford, of the name of Wilmot, who fell before the walls of Louisburg, in the old French war. My aunt did not long survive him ; her health which had been for some time declining, received so serious a shock by this catastrophe, that she died a few months after the melancholy tidings arriv ed, leaving Alfred, their only child, then an in fant, to the protection of his relations, who, a's soon as he arrived at a suitable age, placed him at school. " My grandfather, who had the principal man agement of Mr. Wil mot's estate, sent my uncle, who was then young and unmarried, to Hartford, for the purpose of transacting the necessary bu siness. Here he became acquainted with a young lady, eminent for beauty and loveliness, but without fortune, the daughter of a poor mechanic. As soon as my grandfather was informed of this attachment, he, in a very peremptory manner, ordered my uncle to break off the connection oil pain of his highest displeasure. Bat such is the force of early impressions, [Melissa sighed] that my uncle^fbund it impossible to submit to these 186 firm injunctions; a clandestine marriage ensued, and my grandfather's maledictions in conse quence. The union, was, however, soon dissol ved ; my uncle's wife died in about twelve months after their marriage, and soon after the birth of the first child; which was a daughter. Inconsolable and comfortless, my uncle put the child out to nurse, and travelled to the south. After wandering about for some time, he took up his residence in Charleston, where he amass ed a splendid fortune. He finally married to an amiable and respectable woman, whose tender^ ness, though it did not entirely remove, yet soon greatly alleviated the pangs of early sorrow, and this, added to the little blandishments of a youno* family, fixed him in a state of mere contented- aiess than he once ever expected to see. His daughter, by his first wife, when she became of proper age, was sent to a respectable boarding- school in Boston, where she remained until with in about two years before I came here. Alfred was educated at Harvard College ; as soon as he had graduated he came here on my uncle's re quest, and has since remained in his family. " Soon after I arrived here, my uncle came in to my chamber one day ; " Melissa, (said he) I find by your father's letters that he considers you to have formed an improper connection ; I wish you to give me a true statement of the matter, and if any thing can be done to reconcile you to your father, you may depend upon my assistance, eea some troubles in this way myself, in AlONZO AND MEtlSSA* Iny early days ; perhaps my counsel may be of some service." I immediately gave a correct account of every particular circumstance from the time of my first acquaintance with you until my arrival at this house. He sat some time si- lent, a and abandoned as indefeasible, till an event happened which called forth all the fortitude of my uncle to support it, and operated i the end to free me from persecution. " My uncle's daughter, by his first wife of a very delicate and sickly constitution, and her health evidently decreasing after she canie \QRd- ed. It was afterward^ found that his real namfc was Brenton ; that he had left a wife and family in Virginia in indigent circumstances, where h had spent an ample fortune > left him by his fath er, in debauchery, and involved himself deeply in debt. He had scarcely time to get off with the booty he swindled from my aunt, when his creditors from Virginia were at his heels. He fled to the British at New-York, where he rioted for a few months, was finally stabbed by a soldier in a fracas, and died the next day. He was about thirty-five years old. All these troubles bore s6 heavily upon my aunt, that she went into a de cline, and died about six months ago, " After Alfred returned from Connecticut, hfc wrote frequently to Vincent and Mr. Simpson, but could obtain no intelligence concerning you. It would be needless, Alonzo, to describe my conjectures, my anxieties, my feelings ! The death of my cousin and aunt had kept me in crapfe until at the instance of Alfred I put it off yester day morning at my uncle's house, which Alfred had proposed for the scene of action, after hfc had discovered the cause of my fainting at the theatre. I rlid not readily come into Alfred's plan to deceive you : " Suffer me (he said) to try the constancy of your Leander ; I doubt whetiv- er.he would swim the Hellespont far. you." This A a ALOSTJZO AND MELISSA* aroused my pride and confidence, and T permitted, him to. proceed." Alonzo then gave Melissa a minute ace nint of all that happened to him from the time ! i;Kir parting at the old mansion, until h . ri with her the day before. At the mention of b<. <:ared to undeceive her father.. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 195 found his parents in penurious circum- stances indeed his father having, the preceding suauuer been too indisposed to manage his little fann with attention, and being unable to hire la- bour'ers, his crops had yielded but a scanty sup ply, and. he had been compelled to sell most of his stock to answer pressing demands* With great joy they welcomed Alonzo, whom they had given up as lost. " You still find your fath er poor, Alonzo, (said the old gentleman) but you fi^d hi si! still honest. From my inability to labour we have latterly been a little more press ed than usual, but having now recovered ;ny health, I trust that difficulty will soon be remJv' ed." Alonzo asked his father if he ever knew Dr. Franklin. " We were school- mates (he replied) and were intinrur.elv acquainted after we became young men in business for ourselves We have -done each other favours ; I once divided my mo ney with Franklin on an urgent occasion to him ; he afterwatds repaid me with ample interest he will never forget it." Alonzo then related to his father all the incidents of his travels, mi nut civ particularizing the disinterested "conduct of Franklin, and then presented his father with the reversion of his estate. The old man fell on his knees, and, with tears streaming down his with ered cheeks, offered devout thanks to the great Dispenser of all mercies. Alonzo then visited Melissa's father, who re ceived him with much complacency r " I have AXONZO ANO MEIISSAj, injured (said lie) my young friend, deeply injur ed you . but in cl >ing this I have inflicted a wound still deeper in my own bosom." Alonzjj desir ed him not to renew his sorrows : 4t What is past (said he) is beyond recal ; but a subject of some importance to me, is the object of my pres ent visit. True it is, that your daughter was the .subject of my earliest affection, an affection which iny bosom must ever retain ; but being separat ed by the will of Providence for I >iew Provi dence as overruling all events for wise purposes I betook myself to travel. Time, you know it Is said, sir, will blunt the sharpest thorns of sor row : [the old man sighed] in my travels I have found a lady so nearly resembling your daughter, that I was induced to sue for her hand, and have been so happy as to gain the promise of it. The favour I have to ask of you, sir, is only that you will permit the marriage ceremony to be celebra ted in >our house, as you know my father is poor,' his house small and inconvenient, and that you will also honour me by giving the lady away. In receiving her from) our hands, I -hall in some measure realize former anticipation ; I shall receive her in the character of Melissa !" " Ah ! (said Melissa's father) were it in my power could I bnt give you the original ! But how vain that wish ! Yes, my young friend, your request shall be punctually complied with ; I will take upon myself the preparations j name your <]ay, and if the lady is portior.less> in that she "1 be to me .a Mejigsa," AJonzo bowed his AL6NZO AN MELISSA. gratitude, and after appointing that day week, de parted. Invitations were once more sent abroad for the wedding of Alonzo and Melissa. Few. indeed, knew it to be the real Melissa, but they were generally informed of Alonzo's reasons for pre ferring the celebration at her father's. The evening before the day on Which the mar riage was to take place, Alonzo and Melissa were sitting with the Vincents in an upper room, "when a person rapped at the door below. Vin cent went down, and immediately returned, inn troducing, to the joy and surprise of the compa ny, Edgar ! Here, again, we shall leave it for the imagination to depict the scene of an affec tionate brother, meeting a tender and only sister, whom he had long since supposed to be dead ! He had been at his father's, and his mother hod let him into the secret, when he immediately hasten ed to Vincent's. He told them that he did not stay long in Holland ; that after receiving Alon zo's letter from Paris, he felt an unconquerable propensity to return, and soon sailed for America, arrived at Boston, came to New-Haven, took or ders in the ministry, and had reached home that day. He informed them that Mr. Simpson and family had arrived at his father's, and some rela tives iv horn his mother had invited. The next morning ushered in the day in which the hero and heroine of our story were to con summate their felicity. No cross purposes stood ready to intervene their happiness, no 198 ALONZO AND MELISSA. rival, no obdurate father, no Watchful, scow^ng aunt, to interrupt their transports. It was the latter end of May; nature was arra-ud in her richest ornaments, and adorned with her sweetest perfumes. The sun blended its mild lustre with the landscapes' lovely green, silk-winged bree zes frolicked amidst the- flowers ; the spring birds carolled in varying strains : " The air w, s fr^gr^nce, t incl the world w>s love." < Evening was appointed for the the ceremon\ , and Edgar was to be the officiating clergyman " To tie those bands wnicn nought bill death Can sever.** When the hour arrived, they repaired to the house of Melissa's father, whe^e numerous guests had assembled. Melissa was introduced into the bridal apartment, and took her seat among a brilliant circle of ladies. She w;ts attired in robes " white as the southern clouds," spangled with silver, and trimmed \^ith d< . ep i.;o!d lace ; her hair hung loosely upon her sboulde;s, encircled by a wreath of artificial flowers. She had regain- ed all her former loveliness ; th^ ro^e and the lily again blended their tinges in her cheek ; a- gain pens've sprightliness sparkled in her eye. Alonzo was now introduced and took his seat at the side of Melissa ; his father and mother carne next, who were placed at the right hand of the young couple, Melissa's parents followed, and \vere stationed at the left ; Edgar then came and took his seat in front, after which the guests were summoned, who filled the room. Edgar then rising, motioned to the intended bride and ALONZO ANB MELISSA^ 199 bridegroom to rise also. He next turned to A- lonzo's father for his sanction, who bowed assent; then addressing his own Hither, with emotions that scarcely suffered him to articulate, "Do you, sir, (said h< ) give this lady to that gentleman ?" A solemn silence prevailed in the room. Melis sa was extremely agitated, as her father slowly rising, IK d with down cast eyes, where they arrived in the dusk of the evening, having chosen that season as the most favourable to their designs. They found the draw-bridge up and the gate locked, as Ed gar's father said he had left them. They enter- ed and secured them in the same manner. When they came to the house, they cautiously unlock ed the door, and proceeded to the chamber, where they struck a fire and lighted candles, Bb ALONZO AND MELISSA. -which they had brought with them. It was then agreed to plant fifteen of the men at suitable dis tances around the mansion, and retain five in the chamber "with Alonzo and Edgar. The men who were placed around the house were station ed behind trees, stumps or rocks, and where no object presented, lay flat on the ground, with or ders not to stir, or discover themselves let what v/ould ensue, unless some alarm should be given from the house. Alonzo and Edgar were armed with pistols and side arms, and posted themselves with the five men in the chamber, taking care that the lights should not shine against the win dow-shutters, so that nothing could be discover ed from without. Things thus arranged, they observed almost an implicit silence, no one being allowed to speak, except in a low whisper. For a long time no sound was heard except the hollow roar of winds in the neighbouring for est, their whistling around the angles of the mansion, or the hoarse murmurs of the distant surge. The night was dark, and only illuminat ed by the feeble twinkling of half clouded stars. They had watched until about midnight, when r they were alarmed by noises in the rooms below, among which they could distinguish foot-steps and human voices* Alonzo and Edgar then ta king each a pistol in one hand and a drawn sword in the other, ordered their men to follow them, prepared for action. Coming to the head of the stairs, the} saw a brilliant light streaming into hall ; they therefore concluded to take n& ALONZO AND MELISSA. candles, and to prevent discovery they took off their shoes. When they came into the hall op posite the door of the room from whence the light and noises proceeded, they discovered ten men genteelly dressed, sitting around a table, on which was placed a considerable quantity of gold and silver coin, a number of glasses and several decanters of wine. Alonzo and his party stood a few minutes, listening to the following dis course, which took place among thisg/wstiy gen try. " Well boys ! we have made a fine haul this trip." " Yes, but poor Bob, though, was plump'd over by the d d skulkers !"_* Aye, and had we not tugged bravely at the oars, they would have hook'd us." .-t dangerous ; the bill had shattered hjfc.;..rm, aucl glanced upon his breast. The) dressed his wound as well as they could, arid then requested him to unfold the circumstances ol the suspicious ap* pearance in which he was involved. 9 " First promise me, on your hgnour, (said the stranger) thct you will use your influence to pre vent my being puaished or imprisoned." This they readily agreed to on condition that he ; be gone, in a hoarse voice, passed again to Uu f ot of the bed, shook it violently, and made a setni- ing attempt to get upon it, when perceiving her to be springing up, he fled out of the room by the secret duor, cautiously shut it, and joined his companions. ./Hie >rs had not yet completed t eif fJfee, or rather (to Melissa) tragedy. They had framed -m image of paste-board, in human shap^ 9 arrayed it in black, its eyes being formed of large pieces of what is vulgarly catted jbx-Ji re * made into the likeness of human eyes, some material being p;a:;ed in- 'its mouth, around which was a piece of innest scarlet tiffany, in order to make it ;'p;x.ctr of a flame colour. They had al so constructed a 1 uge combustible ball, of seve ral thicknesses of paste -board to which a match was placed. T'he mugc- was to be conveyed in to her ro'.m, a.nd placed in the dark, before her bed ; while in that position, the ball was to be rubbed over with phosphorus, the match set ori fire, and rolled across her chamber, and when it burst, th-'i image was to vanish, b\ being sudden. Cved out of the private door, which was lose the scene for that night. But as Melissa ! u he bore an eminent commission, to oppose the enemy ; and this was hot unfreqtient, as in his country's defence he took a very con- spicuous part. Then would anxiety, incertitude and disconsolation possess the bosom of Melissa, until dissipated by his safe return. But the hap. py termination of the war soon removed all cause of these disquietudes. Soon after the close of the war, Alonzo receiv ed a letter from his friend, Jnck Brown, dated at an interior parish in England, in which, after pouring forth abundance of gratitude, he inform ed, that on returning to England he procured his discharge from the navy, sold his house, and re moved into the country, where he had set up an inn with the sign of The Grateful American* " You have made us all happy; (said he) my dear Poll blubbered like a fresh water sailor in a hurricane when I told her of your goodness. My wife, my children, all hands upon deck are yours. We have a good run of business, and are now under full sail for the land of prosperity." Edgar married to one of the Miss Simpsons, whose father's seat was in the vicinity of the vil lage. The parents of Alonzo and Melissa were their frequent visitors, as were also Vincent and his lady, with many others of their acquaint ance, who all rejoiced in their happy situation, ivier such a diversity of troubles. Alfred was Dd 218 ALONZO ANA MELISSA. generally once a year their guest, until at length he married and settled in the mercantile business in Charleston, Su-atii- Carolina. To our hero and heroine, the rural charms of their secluded village were a source of ever pleasing variety. Spring, with its verdured fields, flowery meads, and vocal groves ; its ven- nal gales, purling rills, and its evening whipper- \vill : Summer, with its embowering shade s, re flected in -the glassy lake, and the long pensive, yet sprightly notes of the solitary strawberry, bird * its lightning and its thunder : autumn, with its mellow fruit, its yellow foliage and de caying verdure : winter, with its hoarse roi'gh blasts, its icy beard, and snowy mantle, all tend ed to thrill, with sensations of pleasing transi tion, the feeling bosoms of ALONZO and ME- LIS3A. *A bird which, in the New-England states, makes its first appearance about the time strawberries begin to ripen, hs song is lengthy, and consists of a variety of notes, commen cing sprightly, but ending plaintive and melancholy. SUPPLIED BY THE SEVEN BOOKHUNTERS *'