UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR 341 June, 1937 DELAYED THINNING AS AN AID IN CONTROLLING THE GUMMING OF THE PHILLIPS CLING PEACH LUTHEE D. DAVIS 1 The production of gum by stone fruits and stone-fruit trees is rather common. The gumming appears most often on the branches or trunk, in association with injury caused by an organism, an insect, or a me- chanical means. Gumming on the fruit is less common than that on the tree, and gumming restricted to certain varieties occurs even less fre- quently. The Phillips Cling peach, however, suffers from gumming of the third class; and since about 1927 the losses from this cause have been a major problem to growers of this variety. The Division of Pomology in 1929 began investigating this disease in order to discover the underlying causes and to work out control methods. Although the best remedy may not be found until the cause is fully un- derstood, a method already worked out gives 80 to 90 per cent control. This method is described in this circular, together with certain related portions of the case history of the disease. 2 TYPES OF GUMMING As was recognized early in the investigation, more than one type of gum- ming occurs on the fruit. The different types have been placed in four groups, differing from each other in the time when the gumming occurs, in its position on the fruit, in the character of the gummy mass, in the damage to the flesh, and in the apparent cause. A recognition of these types is important in understanding of the method of control. Certain terms indicating parts of the fruit are convenient in discuss- ing the different types of gumming. These areas, with the term desig- 1 Assistant Professor of Pomology and Assistant Pomologist in the Experiment Station. 3 More detailed information regarding the case history is given in : Davis, Luther D. The gumming of Phillips Cling peaches. Hilgardia 11 (1) (in press). 2 University of California — Experiment Station nating them, are illustrated in figure 1. "Distal end" indicates the area immediately surrounding the tip or blossom end of the fruit. The ventral side or ventral suture is the side with the seam or the area adjacent to and along the seam. The dorsal side is the area opposite the seam or ventral suture. The peach, like most other stone fruits, will gum when subjected to an external injury such as an insect puncture, limb or leaf rub, or shot- hole infection. A wide variety of gumming from one or more of these -—DORSAL DISTAL VENTRAL Fig. 1. — This figure illustrates, in split and nonsplit fruit, the parts desig- nated as distal, dorsal, and ventral. The fruits are mature Phillips Cling. causes may be found on the Phillips Cling. The gumming does not occur at any particular place on the periphery of the fruit and may occur at any time before the fruit begins to develop the yellow undercolor prior to harvest. The character of the gummy mass seems to be determined very largely by the nature of the injury. It may vary from the small, inconspicuous threads of gum produced by an insect puncture (fig. 2) to the rather large and sometimes spectacular mass produced by a larger injury (fig. 3) . The extent of the damage to the flesh is also determined by the cause : in some cases the injury is only a few cells deep ; in others, such as limb rubs, it may be many cells deep. This type of gumming is not restricted to the Phillips Cling but may occur on other varieties. Its control would consist in eliminating or reducing the particular cause. A second type has been designated as the early suture gumming, because of the time of its appearance and the location of the gummy mass on the fruit. Gumming of this type occurs rather early in the de- velopment of the fruit — when or a little before the pit begins to harden on the tip. The mass of gum is always large — sometimes half the size of the fruit — and is always located on the ventral suture. The mass, some- Cm. 341] Gumming of the Phillips Cling Peach Fig. 2. — Small, rather inconspicuous gumming produced by insects on mature Phillips Cling peaches. Fig. 3. — Large masses of gum produced by limb rub on young Phillips Cling peaches. what smooth and globular in outline, extends through the flesh into the pit, which is split, and usually fills the pit cavity. The point of emer- gence is usually about halfway between the base and blossom end along the seam, but may be at any point along it. Figure 4 shows typical cases of this type of gumming and the manner in which the gum extends into the pit. Fruits thus affected shrivel and fall very soon after the gum has appeared on the outside. They consequently do not constitute a problem at harvest time. A third type, designated as distal and dorsal, is distinguished by a 4 University of California — Experiment Station pocket in the flesh beneath the point where the gum emerges, by the size and character of the gummy mass, by its position on the fruit, and by the time of its appearance. Gummy fruits of this sort may have the gum emerging at one of two positions on the fruit : near the tip of the blossom end — distal gumming; or on the dorsal side, one-fourth to one-third the distance toward the stem-end — the dorsal type. Gum occurring in the Fig. 4. — Gumming of the early suture type, showing the variations in the point of emergence and the gum extending into the pit, which is always split. latter position is always associated with a mound arising abruptly from the regular periphery of the fruit. The gum always exudes from the base of the mound — that is, at the place where the smooth periphery is broken by the hump in the flesh (figs. 5 and 7) . In fruits affected with the distal or dorsal type the gumming is usually twisted and segmented (figs. 6 and 7) . In young fruits it emerges from a slitlike opening, which is several times longer than wide and appears as though made by the point of a thin knife blade (figs. 6 and 7) . Later in the season the dimensions have been changed by growth, so that in mature fruits the opening is more nearly round. This opening differs characteristically from that caused by other types of injury, can be readily seen when the gummy mass is removed, and is not easily mistaken or confused by anyone at all familiar with it. Gummy fruits of the distal and dorsal types always have a pocket in the flesh beneath the point where the gum emerges (figs. 5 and 8). This pocket is so located that, when the fruit is halved for canning, each half contains a portion of the pocket. For this reason and because gumming is associated with such a high percentage of split-pits, the canners dis- criminate heavily against gummy fruits. Cir. 341] Gumming of the Phillips Cling Peach Gumming on either the distal end or the dorsal side will begin to appear during the third week after the date when the pit has begun to harden on the tip and a short distance along the ventral suture. This is two to three weeks after the early suture gumming has appeared. A fourth type of gumming has been called late ventral. This is char- acterized by a green, water-soaked discoloration of the flesh on both Fig. 5. — Mature Phillips Cling peaches showing dorsal gumming. Although no gum is emerging from the fruit shown at the upper left, the hump indicates its presence. The same fruit appears at the lower left, showing the pocket. sides of the ventral suture (fig. 9). Many very small drops of gum exude from the flesh so that the surface of the discolored area feels rough. This granular feel of the beads of gum may serve to identify this type even when the discoloration is not pronounced. Although there are no pockets in the flesh in such gumming, the discoloration renders both halves of the fruit unfit for a first-grade canned product. It is necessary to have a clear conception of the four types of gum- 6 University of California — Experiment Station ming in order to understand the problems involved in its control. The first type, resulting from external injury, is not characteristic of the Phillips Cling but may occur on any variety and has several widely different causes. Its control consists of reducing or eliminating as far as possible the particular cause. The second type, the early suture gum- ming, occurs more frequently on Phillips Cling than on other varieties. Pig. 6. — Mature Phillips Cling peaches showing variations of gumming in the distal position. The percentage of this type is small, however, compared with the third and fourth types; and since, in addition, such fruits drop from the tree very soon after gumming occurs, the second type is not a problem for the grower. Fruits of the third and fourth types remain on the tree until harvest time. These two types therefore constitute the problem of the Phillips Cling grower and will be discussed in the remainder of this circular. The gumming in the distal position accounts for a very large propor- Cm. 341] Gumming of the Phillips Cling Peach Fig. 7. — Young Phillips Cling peaches with distal and dorsal gumming. Fig. 8. — Mature Phillips Cling peaches with distal gumming, showing pockets in the flesh beneath the point of emergence of the gum. 8 University of California — Experiment Station tion of all gummy fruits. During the period of the investigation more than 30,000 gummy fruits were collected and examined. Of these, 77 per cent had distal gumming; 11 per cent, dorsal; and 12 per cent, late ventral. CONTROL OF GUMMING Control by delayed thinning is based upon the fact that gumming takes place during a relatively short period, which occurs regularly from season to season. Gumming begins at the same stage of development of the fruit year after year. The time when it will begin and the period during which a Fig. 9. — Young Phillips Cling fruits with late ventral gumming. very large proportion of it will occur can be forecast from certain refer- ence dates. Since there is a wide variation in the relative earliness of different seasons, one must select for reference something other than a calendar date. The time when the pit begins to harden on the tip and about % inch along the ventral suture has been used as the reference date. Pit hardening in the peach begins on the tip that extends up into the flesh, and it progresses along the ventral suture before beginning to harden on the dorsal side. The hardening is accompanied by a change of color of the pit from white to yellowish. The reference date can be determined by cutting successive slices at right angles to the suture, Cm. 341] Gumming of the Phillips Cling Peach starting at the tip. Before the pit has begun to harden, a sharp knife will cut through the flesh and pit without any feeling of flintiness or hesitation. After the pit begins to harden, the knife will hesitate in com- ing into contact with it. At the reference date the pit will be yellowish at the tip and for about % inch along the ventral suture ; the dorsal side and remainder of the pit will still be white and soft; the yellow portion will be flinty and difficult to cut. One may further verify the reference date by examining the inside of the ovule or kernel. At this time three structures will be plainly vis- ible when the kernel is cut open along its edges and one half carefully lifted off (fig. 10). One structure, the embryo, located at the extreme 1% "m> • • <*f*5jfr ^ \ *- #.■ V... ^endosperm Iemsryo hSEED COAT i& Ijjj^ ^wT—S^ jjtipt ^^B^^ h-NUCELUUS '& '