325 1855 ^ 3^ Great Britain. Laws, statutes. Anno decimo octavo Vlctorlae Reginae. Cap. IV-VIII. 1855 etc /^^ AWO DECTMO OCTAVO VICTORIJE REGIN^. CAP. IV. An Act to amend the Act for limitino- the Time of Service in the Army. [27th Fehruary 1855.] WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Session holdcn in the Tenth and Eleventh Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Thirty-seven, "for limiting the Time of Service in the lO&ilVict, " Army," it was enacted, that no Person should be enlisted to serve ^' Her Majesty, or in the Forces of the East India Company, as a Soldier, for a longer Term than Ten Years in the Infantry or Twelve Years in the Cavalry or Artillerj^, or other Ordnance Corps, to be reckoned from the Day on which the Recruit sliould have been attested, if he should have stated himself to be then of the Age of Eighteen Years, or if not, then from the Day on which he would complete the Age of Eighteen Years, to be reckoned according to the Age stated in his Attestation : And it was thereby also enacted, that any Soldier at any Time during the last Six Months of the Term of limited Service for which he should have been first engaged, or after the Completion of such Term, might, if approved by his Commanding Officer or other competent military Authority as a fit Person to continue in Her Majesty's Service or in the Service of the East India Company as a Soldier, be re-engaged to serve for the further Term of Eleven Years in the Infantry and Twelve Years in the Cavalry or Artillery, or other Ordnance Corps ; and that any F Soldier 41S7()9 18° VICTORI/E, Cap.4. Army Sei'vice Act Ammdment. C.73. Soldier who should be ordered on Foreign Service, and who was within Three Years of the Expiration of his First Engagement, should be at liberty, with the Approbation of his Commanding Officer, to re-engage before he embarked for such Foreign Service for such Period as should complete a total Service of Twenty-one Years in the Infantry or Twenty-four Years in the Cavalry or Artillery: And whereas by an Act passed in the Session holden in the Twelfth 12 & 13 Vict, and Thirteenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Seventj'-three, "to " limit the Enlistment in the Artillery and other Ordnance Corps," it was enacted, that during the last Six Months of the Term of limited Service for which a Soldier should have first engaged to serve in the Artillery or other Ordnance Corps, or after the Completion of such Term, he might, if approved by his Commanding Officer or other competent military Authority as a fit Person to continue in Her Majesty's Service as a Soldier, be re-engaged to serve for the further Term of Nine Years : And whereas by reason of Directions contained in Schedules to the said first-recited Act, for filling up Blanks in the Forms of Questions to be put to Recruits on enlisting, it is appre- hended that it may not be lawful to enlist Persons to serve as Soldiers for lesser Terms than the said Terms of Ten Years and Twelve Years respectively : And whereas it is expedient that Her Majesty should be enabled to permit Enlistment for such lesser Terms, and to autho- rize Soldiers to re-engage for any Terms within the Limits of Service prescribed by the said Acts : Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows : Power to Her Majesty, b}' Order in Council, for Three Years after passing of Act, to lessen Terms for Enlist- ment and Re-engage- ment of Soldiers. I. For Thiee Years after the passing of this Act auy Person may be enlisted to serve Her Majesty, or in the Forces of the EaM hidia Com- pany, as a Soldier, for any such Term, not exceeding Ten Years in the Infantry or Twelve Years in the Cavalry or Artillery, or other Ordnance Corps (to be reckoned as provided in the said first-mentioned Act), as may be authorized by any Order or Orders of Her Majesty in Council in this Behalf; and an}- Soldier may, subject to such Approbation as in the said Acts mentioned, re-engage for such Term as may by sixch Order or Orders in Council be authorized ; provided the Term for which he is so engaged, with the Term of his Service under his First Enlistment, do not exceed the Period of Twenty-one Years in the Infantry' or Artillery, or other Ordnance Corps, or Twenty-four Years in the Cavalry; and the Forms of Questions on Enhstment in Schedule A. to the said first-mentioned Act, and the Form of Declaration in Schedule B. to such Act, may, when the Occasion 18° VICTORIA, Cap.4. 23 Army Service Act Amendment. Occasion requires, be filled up with such Term or Number of Years as may be authorized by such Order or Orders, instead of the Term or Number of Years mentioned in the Directions contained in such Schedules. II. The said Acts of the Tenth and Eleventh Years and Twelfth Recited Acts and Thirteenth Years of Her Majesty and this Act shall be read f "} ''"* ^''^ and construed together as One Act. as Ouc. LONDON: Printed by George Edwaud Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1855. ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO VICTORIA REGINiE. '^ "T* ^* '"T* •T* ■T' '^ '^ ^T* 'A ^ •^' *r< ^T* "tT *^ ^pT^TT^ ^T "tT ^^ 'T? ^t^^t^ *!• •?*' •T* "P* ^ •T^^T^ ■r* *?? "T^ 'T^ 'T^ ^ ^^ ^ L'i"e shall . , be II pi til I'd making good the Supply granted to Her Majesty for the Deficiency for tho Ser- in the Grants for the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first ^'jc"^ "^ *|!f - jl cur cnuiinr Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, the Sum of the Thirty- Three millions three hundred thousand Pounds out of the Consoli- '''"st Day of dated Fund of the United Kingdom o^ Great Britain and Ireland, and ^jg yu,„,if G the 3,300,000/. 26 18° VIGTOIlIiE, Cap.5. Consolidated Fund (£3,300,000). out of the the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury of the United King- Fun'd ^''^**^'^ dom of Great Britain and Ireland, or the Lord High Treasurer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Time being, are or is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and apply the same accordingly. The Tica- H- ^^ shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's surymay Treasury from Time to Time, by Warrant under their Hands, to Tsooooo/ ^^^^^ or direct any Number of Exchequer Bills to be made out at ofExclie- ' the Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer at Westminster for any Sura be mSe to\° °^' ^^^"^^ °^ Money not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Three millions three hundred thousand Pomids ; and such Exchequer Bills in manner pregribedby ^-^sXl be made out in the same or like Manner, Form, and Order, and 4 & 5 w! 4.' according to the same or like Rules and Directions, as are directed c. 15., and j^j^^ prescribed in an Act passed in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign c. 66. ^'^ ' of His Majesty King George the Third, Chapter One, and in another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fourth and Fifth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, Chapter Fifteen, and in another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Sixty-six. The Clauses, HI- ^11 and every the Clauses, Provisoes, Powers, Privileges, &c. in re- Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities contained in the rxtended^to ^^^^ recited Acts shall be applied and extended to the Exchequer this Act. Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act, as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said several Clauses, Provisoes, Powers, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Dis- abilities had been particularly repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this Act. Interest on ^' '^^^ Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act Exchequer shall and may bear an Interest not exceeding the Rate of Threepence Halfpenny j)er Centum per Diem upon or in respect of the whole of the Monies respectively contained therein. Bill.?. Bank of ^' ^^ ^^^^^ ^"^^ ^^J ^^ lawful for the Governor and Company England may of thc Bank of England, and they are hereby empowered, to take, 3 30*0 000/. accept, and receive the Exchequer Bills authorized to be made out in -jn the Credit pursuance of this Act, and to advance or lend to Her Majesty, at notwith- ' ^^ Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster, upon the Credit of the standing Sum granted by this Act, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United p 20 " Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Three millions three hundred thousand Pounds, anything in an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, Chapter Twenty, or in any other Act or Acts, to the contrary notwithstanding. VI. It 18" VICTORIiE, Cap.5. 27 Consolidated Fund (£3,300,000). VI. It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Bills pre- Treasury, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to cause l'"'"f<^ '^X . such Bills as shall be prepared by virtue of this Act to be delivered Act to be from Time to Time to the Governor and Company of the Bank of 'delivered to England, in such Proportions as the Public Service may require, as Security for Security for any Advance or Advances which may be made to suchAd- Her Majesty by the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England under the Authority of this Act. VII. It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Monies Treasury to issue and apply from Time to Time all such Sums of ^^n"*^ Y- Money as shall be raised by Exchequer Bills to be made out in applied to pursuance of this Act to such Services as shall then have been voted *''° ^T^."^r by the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Commons. Ireland in this present Session of Parliament. VIII. The Principal Sum or Sums of Money to be contained Exchequer in all such Exchequer Bills to be made forth by virtue of this Act, ^'"* '""'!'= together with the Interest that may become due thereon, shall be upon the and the same are hereby made chargeable and charged upon the growing growing Produce of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom the Consoll- of Great Britain and Ireland in the next succeeding Quarter to that 'l-itct^ Fund, in which the said Exchequer Bills have been issued ; and it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized, from Time to Titue, by Warrant under their Hands, to direct the Comptroller General of the Receipt of the Exchequer at JVesf minster, in such Manner as they shall think necessary, to grant a Credit on the Exchequer Funds in the Bank of England unto such Person or Persons as shall be named in the said Warrant, which Credit shall be chargeable on and paid out of the growing Produce of the said Consolidated Fund of the next succeeding Quarter to that in which the said Exchequer Bills have been issued, for any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole a Sum sufficient to discharge and pay off the Princijial Sura or Sums of Money contained in such Exchequer Bills then outstand- ing, and which may have been made out and issued by virtue of this Act, together with all such Interest as may be due thereupon. LONDON : Printed by George Edw.\rd Evre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1855. ANNO DECLMO OCTAVO 1 *********************** **«*-** ******************* ****** CAP. VI. An Act to apply the Sum of Twenty Millions out of the Consolidated Fund to the Service of the Year One tliousa;id eifi-ht hundred and fiftv-five. [5th March 1855.] Most Gracious Sovereign, "E, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, towards making good the Supply which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this Session of Parhament, have resolved to grant unto Your Majesty the Sum herein-after mentioned ; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows : I, There shall and may be issued and applied, for or towards There sliall making good the Supply granted to Her Majesty for the Service ^^ ^^PP''^** of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-fi\-e, the Sum of vice of the Twenty Millions out of the Consohdated Fund of the United Kiniidom ^''*''" ^^"^^ •' „ <= - the Sum of Jtl 01 30 18° VICTORIiE, Cap. 6. Consolidated Fund (£20,000,000). 20,000,000/. out of the Consolidated Fund. The Trea- sury may cause 20,000,000/. of Exche- quer Bills to be made out iu manner prescribed by 48G. 3. c. 1., 4 & 5 W. 4. c. 15., and 5 & 6 Vict c. 66. The Clauses &c. in re- cited Acts extended to this Act. of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or the Lord High Treasurer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Time being, are or is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and apply the same accordingly. n. It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury from Time to Time, by Warrant under their Hands, to cause or direct any Number of Exchequer Bills to be made out at the Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer at Westminster for any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Twenty Milhons ; and such Exchequer Bills shall be made out in the same or like Manner, Form, and Order, and according to the same or like Rules and Directions, as are directed and prescribed in an Act passed in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King , George the Third, Chapter One, and in another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fourth and Fifth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, Chapter Fifteen, and in another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Sixty-six. IH. All and every the Clauses, Provisoes, Powers, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities contained in the said recited Acts shall be applied and extended to the Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act, as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said several Clauses, Provisoes, Powers, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Dis- abilities had been particularly repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this Act. Interest on IV. The Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act Bills "^'^"'^'^ shall and may bear an Interest not exceeding the Rate of Threepence Halfpenny per Centum per Diem upon or in respect of the whole of the Monies respectively contained therein. Bank of England may advance 20,000,000/. on the Credit of this Act, notwith- standing 5&6W.&M. C.20. V. It shall and may be lawful for the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and they are hereby empowered, to take, accept, and receive the Exchequer Bills authorized to be made out in pursuance of this Act, and to advance or lend to Her Majesty, at the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westmi7ister, upon the Credit of the Sum granted by this Act, out of the Consolidated Fimd of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Twenty Millions, anything in an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of King William II IS'' VICTORLE, Cap.6. 31 Consolidated Fund (^£20,000,000). William and Queen Marij, Chapter Twenty, or in any other Act or Acts, to the contrary notwithstanding. VI. It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Bills prc- Majesty's Treasury, and they arc hereby authorized and empowered, P!"''='^ ^>; 1 T.-11 1 n 1 11 • <. , • . , virtuc'ot tins to cause such Jiills as shall be prepared by vu-tuc of this Act to be Aft to iio delivered from Time to Time to the Governor and Company of the '■le''\i^''''> '<^' Bank of England, in such Proportions as the Public Service may Security for require, as Security for any Advance or Advances which may be «"''' A.l- made to Her Majesty by the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England under the Authority of this Act. VII. It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Monies Treasury to issue and apply from Time to Time all such Sums of ^-^-t^!^ ^T . Money as shall be raised by Exchequer Bills to be made out in applieil to pursuance of this Act to such Services as shall then have been voted *''" '^"'^■'ces VOtCtl OV tllii by the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Corainons. Ireland in this present Session of Parliament. VIII. The Principal Sum or Sums of Money to be contained Exdicqucr in all such Exchequer Bills to be made forth by virtue of this Act, ^^^^^ "i^''*^ together with the Interest that may become due thereon, shall be up'oirtUe and the same are hereby made chargeable and charged upon the groiving growing Produce of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom ^jj^ tonsoH- of Great Britain and Ireland in the next succeeding Quarter to that elated Fund. in which the said Exchequer Bills have been issued ; and it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized, from Time to Time, by Warrant under their Hands, to direct the Comptroller General of the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster, in such Manner as they shall think necessary, to grant a Credit on the Exchequer Funds in the Bank of England unto such Person or Persons as shall be named in the said Warrant, which Credit shall be chargeable on and paid out of the growing Produce of the said Consolidated Fund of the next succeeding Quarter to that in which the said Exchequer Bills have been issued, for any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole a Sum sufficient to discharge and pay off the Principal Sum or Sums of Money contained in such Exchequer Bills then outstand- ing, and which may have been made out and issued by virtue of tliis Act, together with all such Interest as may be due thereupon. LONDON: Printed by George Edwaud Evue and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty 1855. ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO VICTORIJE REGIN^.. ♦*»****^if *******-*******-******■*•****-*******•************ C A P. VI 1. An Act to extend to Ireland the Provisions of the Eighteenth Section of the Common Law Pro- cedure Act, 1854. [Kith iMarch I So').] WHEREAS it is expedient to extend to Ireland the Pro- ir&isvict. visions contained in the Eighteenth Section of the Common f- l2o. Law Procedure Act, 1854: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as Ibl- lows: L That from and after the passing of this Act, Avhenever any Provi.«ion3 Cause shall be tried in an\' Court of Civil Jurisdiction in /;-g. «' ^tciionis. JI1 T 1*11 II extendcHt to land by any Jury, the Addresses to the Jury shall be regulated as Ireland, follows ; that is to say, the Party who begins, or his Counsel, shall be allowed, in the event of his Opponent not announcing at the Close of the Case of the Party who begins his Intention to adduce Evidence, to address the Jury a Second Time at the Close of sucli Case for I the 34 18 VICTORL^, Cap.7. Common Law Procedure Act Amendment [Ireland). the Purpose of summing up the Evidence, and the Party on the other Side, or his Counsel, shall be allowed to open the Case, and also to sum up the Evidence, if any, and the Right to reply shall be the same as at present. LONDON : Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1855. ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO VICTORIA REGINiE. ***************************************jjf4|f4it5(f#5(eilf5jf4(f^4K# CAP. VIII. An Act for raising" the Sum of Seventeen millions one hundred and eighty-three thousand Pounds by Exchequer Bills for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. [16th March 1855.] Most Gracious Sovereign, WE, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, towards raishig the necessary Supplies which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this Session of Parliament, have resolved to give and grant unto Your Majesty the Sum herein-after mentioned; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majestj^ by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this present Parliament assembled, and b}- the Authority of the same, as follows : I. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Power to Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, I'feaaury K at 17,183,000/, 41S?()9 38 18° VICTORLE, Cap.8. ^a;c%Mer Bills (£17,183,000). by Exche- at any Time or Times, to cause any Number of Exchequer Bills quer Bills in ^ made out at the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster like Manner ^" put t • i as is pre- for any Sum or Sums oi Money not exceednig ni the Avhole the bum scribed by ^£ Seventeen millions one hundred and eight3'-three thousand Pounds, 48 (:r. 3. c. 1. , ., , , , '^ 1 • 1 TT -11 in like Manner as is prescribed m an Act passed m the rorty-eighth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, Chapter One, and in another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fourth 4 & 5 W, 4. and Fifth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King fViUiam the '^' ^^' Fourth, Chapter Fifteen, and in another Act passed in the Session of 5 & 6 Vict. Padiament holden in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her ^■^^" present Majesty, Chapter. Sixty-six. The Clauses, II. AU and e\'ery the Clauses, Provisoes, Powers, Privileges, &c. in re- Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities contained in the exteudcd'to said Acts shall be applied and extended to the Exchequer Bills to be this Act. made out in pursuance of this Act, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as if the said several Clauses or Provisoes had been particularly repeated and re-enacted in the Bod}- of this Act. The Trea- HI- It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Her Ma- sury to issue jesty's Treasury to issue and appl}^ from Time to Time all such Ae Mraev Sums of Money as shall be raised by Exchequer Bills to be made out raised. " in pm'suancc of this Act to such Services as shall then httve been ^"oted by the Commons of the United Kingdoiu of Great Britain and Ireland in this present Session of Parliament. Bills how to I^- '^'^6 Principal Smn or Sums of Money to l)e contained in be charged ^\\ch. Exchequer Bills shall be charged upon and shall be paid out of and pau . ^^^^ Supplies to be granted in the next Session of Parliament. Interest on V. The Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Bills. ^gj. gjjall bear Date on the Days on which the same shall be respec- tively issued, and shall beai" an Interest not exceeding the Rate of Threepence Halfpenny per Centum per Diem in respect of the whole of the Monies respectively contained therein, payable out of any Aids or Supplies in the Bank of England standing to the Credit of the Exchequer. BiUscharged VI, All the Exchequer Bills to be made out by \ irtuc of this on Supplies ^^^^ ^^ ^^ many of them as shall IVom Time to Time remain undis- in Parent charged and uncancelled, shall, after Twelve Calendar Months from of Public ^jjgjj. respective Dates, be taken and shall pass and be current to aU after Twelve the Receivers and Collectors in Great Britain of the Customs, Excise, Calendar ^j. ^^y Revenue, Supply, Aid, or Tax whatsoever already granted or nieiV DateT payable, or which shall licreafter be granted or payable, to Her Majesty, "V 18" ViCTORLE, Cap.H. S{) Exchequer Bills (£'17,18^,000). Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and also at the Bank of England to the Account of Her Majesty's Exchequer, from the said Receivers or Collectors, or from any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, making any Payment there to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, upon any Account whatever. VII. It shall be lawful for the Governor and Company of the Bank ui' Bank of England to advance or lend to Her Majesty, upon the l^''glii"Jraay Credit of the Exchei]ucr Bills to be made out in pursuance of this '17,1^3,000/. Act, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the on tlioCrudii, Sum of Seventeen millions one hundred and eighty-three thousand withstanJinc Pounds; anj-thing in an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years of ■^'■'^'^^^ •'^^I- the Reign of King Willium and Queen Mai-^/, Chapter Twenty, or in any subsequent Act, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwiih- standing. LONDON : Printed by Gkokge Edward Eyre and William Sputiiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1855. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below rm L-8 11-2. '43(5205) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNU AT T.nR A>jair.T.F.H I ♦TTB Sf.. Brit . Lm^ 325 str.t utes. etc. , G7A5 1j37-1901_IVic- 1855 toria) An pct to amend the act fo^ limitin'', the^ time -of servi-c« in| the army. *UB 325 G7A5 1855