mmmmsm!^ WHAT ISA CHRISTIAN? T{] R STUDYfiFTJlEISIBLE A TALK ^N B^2?KS. 4;ir7^^^ c/^/^cVe^t ADDRESSES BY Henry Drummond, F.R.S.E., F.G.S. The Greatest Thing in the World pax vobiscum The Changed Life "First I" How TO LEARN How What is a Christian? The Study of the Bible A Talk on Books philadelphla HENRY ALTEMUS 1893 Copyright Bv HENRY ALTEMUS 1891 Henry ALXBMUi Bookbinder PHILADELPHUi SANTA BAI^BAI^A D7 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF HENRY DRUMMOND, F. R. S. L, F. G. S. pROF. HENRY DRUMMOND was bom in 185 1 in Stirling, Scotland, where his father, who bore the same name, was a justice of the peace. Young Henry early developed a bent for serious study, and after some preliminary train- ing in private schools was sent to the University of Edinburg, and later to that of Tubingen, in Germany. At both these seats of learning his rare gifts marked him out among his classmates as a young BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF man of especial promise. Having deter- mined on a ministerial career, lie passed througli the Free Cliurcli Divinity Hall, and after his ordination was appointed to a mission-station at Malta. Here he em- ployed his leisure in the pursuit of his favorite studies, Theology and Science, boldly grappling with the problems pre- sented by the most recent researches and developments of the latter in the effort to seek a reconciliation with the spirit and essence of the former. The result of these studies was made apparent when, on his return to Scotland in 1877, the brilliant young man, barely twenty-six years of age, was appointed Lecturer in Science at the Free Church College in Glasgow. It was yet more apparent when, in 1883, the free fruition HENRY DRUMMOND, F. R. S. E., F. G. S. 5 of his thought and experience was pre- sented to the world in a remarkable book entitled '* Natural Laws in the Spiritual World. ^ ' This book might be looked upon as in some sort an amplification of the theme which Tennyson also had chosen in that magnificent though illy-named poem, *'The Higher Pantheism,*' and might have taken for its text the pregnant line, And if God thunders by law, the thunder is still His voice. The book found at once a hearty response. It ran through thirty editions in England, and the presses are not yet still. It was republished in America. It was trans- lated into French, German, Dutch, and Norwegian. ' It has already become a classic 6 BIOGRAPHICAI. SKETCH OF In 1884 ^^ became Professor of Science in the Free Church College. He had already established a firm friendship with Prof. Geikie, a man of kindred tastes and abilities, with whom he soon after started on an extended tour through the Rocky Mountains and South Africa. Some of the results of his travels were given to the world in a little work entitled * ' Trop- ical Africa," and in other monographs. In 1889 he was invited to make an address at Dr. Moody's college at Oxford. This took the form of a brilliant essay entitled *'The Greatest Thing in the World.*' Its publication in book form was instantly demanded. Slight as was the pamphlet in bulk, its success more than repeated the success of his first literary effort. Nearly a quarter of a HENRY DRUMMOND, F. R. S. E., F. G. S. ^ million copies were sold in Great Britain alone. The second and third of the same series, ** Pax Vobiscum " (** Peace be with You'O and **The Changed Life,'' met with a sale equally extraordinary. An address to boys entitled ** First," de- livered originally in Glasgow, together with *'A Talk on Books, ' completes the list of Prof. Drummond's published books. It is significant of the author's modesty, self-restraint, and singleness of mind that while the public is clamoring for every line he may choose to give them he withholds the manuscript of numerous addresses, spoken but never printed, and that his published books represent only the merest fraction of his intellectual life-work. Indeed, he consented to the issue of **The Changed Life" only after 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ■ the accidental discovery, while travelling last year in California, of a mangled edition taken down from shorthand notes at the time the address was delivered. Prof. Drummond has a singular union of gifts. As a rule, the glory of the orator is one thing, and the glor>^ of the writer is another. Prof. Drummond is one of the few brilliant exceptions to that rule. How often do we find the impassioned sentences of the orator turn cold and lifeless in the printed page ! How often does the brilliant writer seem stilted and unnatural in spoken word I Judged as a writer, he has command of a vigorous, nervous, flexible style. His words are simple, he loves monosyl- lables more than polysyllables, and Saxon more than "Latin. He has a wealth of HENRY DRUMMOND, F, R. S. E., F. G. S. 9 illustrations to draw upon — illustrations that are worthy of the name and do illus- trate, do cast a flood of light upon his meaning. Yet these illustrations are of the homeliest sort. They are drawn from life more than from books. They are not stock figures of speech. They are the fruit of long and minute observation; they indicate a brain that is ever active to seize the multiple analogies presented by the world around us. The author has thought and studied much, but he has seen more. He does not misjudge his audience. He makes no ostentatious effort to soar above them, nor is he guilty of any ostentatious condescension. He says his say in straight, honest fashion ; his rhetoric has a robust sincerity that convinces as well as thrills. 10 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. For the first time these works of Pro- fessor Drummond are grouped and pub- lished in a single volume, with the con- fidence that their merits will command millions of readers and prove a source of untold blessings. As a Christian peo- ple we need just such originality and energy of thought, and as a busy people we require what we read to be in con- venient and economic form. THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not Love, I am be- come as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and iindervStand all m3^steries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not Love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to fe^d the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not Love, it profiteth me nothing. Love sufferetli long, and is kind; Love envieth not; Love vauntetli not itself, is not puffed up^ Doth not behave itself unseemly, Seeketh not her own, Is not easily provoked, Tliinketh no evil ; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail ; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child : but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I knov»^ in part; but then shall I know even as also I am know^n. And now abideth faith, hope, Love, these three ; but the greatest of these is Love." — i Cor. xiii. THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. T^VERY one lias asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modem world : What is the stim- mum bonum — the supreme good? You have life before you. Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet? We have been accustomed to be told that the greatest thing in the religious world is Faith. That great word has 1 6 THE) GREATEST THING been the key-note for centuries of the popular religion; and we have easily learned to look upon it as the greatest thing in the world. Well, we are wrong. If we have been told that, we may miss the mark. I have taken you, in the chapter which I have just read, to Chris- tianity at its source; and there we have seen, ' ' The greatest of these is love. ' * It is not an oversight. Paul was speak- ing of faith just a moment before. He says, ' ' If I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.'* So far from forgetting he deliberately contrasts them, ''Now abideth Faith, Hope, Love," and with- out a moment's hesitation the decision falls, "The greatest of these is Love." And it is not prejudice. A man is apt IN THK WORLD. 1 7 to recommend to others his own strong point. lyove was not Paul's strong point. The observing student can detect a beau- tiful tenderness growing and ripening all through his character as Paul gets old ; but the hand that wrote, *'The greatest of these is love," when we meet it first, IS stained with blood. Nor is this letter to the Corinthians peculiar in singling out love as the sum- mum bonum. The masterpieces of Chris- tianity are agreed about it. Peter says, ** Above all things have fervent love among yourselves." Above all things. And John goes farther, **God is love." And you remember the profound remark which Paul makes elsewhere, * ' Love is the fulfilling of the law." Did you ever think what he meant by that ? In those 1 8 THE GREATEST THING days men were working their passage to Heaven by keeping the Ten Command- ments, and the hundred and ten other commandments which they had manufac- tured out of them. Christ said, I will show you a more simple way. If you do one thing, you will do these hundred and ten things, without ever thinking about them. If you love, you will un- consciously fulfil the whole law. And you can readily see for yourselves how that must be so. Take any of the com- mandments. " Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." If a man love Gk>d, you will not require to tell him that. Love is the fulfilling of that law. ''Take not His name in vain." Would he ever dream of taking His name in vain if he loved him? ''Remember the Sabbath IN THE WORLD. 1 9 day to keep it holy. ' * Would he not be too glad to have one day in seven to dedi- cate more exclusively to the object of his affection? Love would fulfil all these laws regarding God. And so, if he loved Man, you would never think of telling him to honor his father and mother. He could not do anything else. It would be preposterous to tell him not to kill. You could only insult him if you sug- gested that he should not steal — how could he steal from those he loved? It would be superfluous to beg him not to bear false witness against his neighbor. If he loved him it would be the last thing he would do. And you would never drenm of urging him not to covet what his neighbors had. He would rather they possessed it than himself. In this 2^ GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. way **Love is tlie fulfilling of the law." It is the rule for fulfilling all rules, the new commandment for keeping all the old commandments, Christ's one secret of the Christian life. Now Paul had learned that; and in this noble eulogy he has given us the most wonderful and original account ex- tant of the summu7n bomim. We may divide it into three parts. In the be- ginning of the short chapter, we have lyove contrasted ; in the heart of it, we have Love analyzed; toward the end, we have Love defended as the supreme gift. THE CONTRAST. XDAUL begins by contrasting Love with other things that rnen in those days thought much of. I shall not attempt to go over those things in detail. Their inferiority is already obvious. He contrasts it with eloquence. And what a noble gift it is, the power of play- ing upon the souls and wills of men, and rousing them to lofty* purposes and holy deeds. Paul says, * ' If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.** And we all 21 22 THK GREATEST THING know why. We have all felt the brazen- ness of words without emotion, the hol- lo wness, the unaccountable unpersuasive- uess, of eloquence behind which lies no Love. He contrasts it with prophecy. He contrasts it with mysteries. He con- trasts it with faith. He contrasts it with charity. Why is Love greater than faith? Because the end is greater than the means. And why is it greater than charity? Because the whole is greater than the part. Love is greater than faith, because the end is greater than the means. What is the use of having faith ? It is to connect the soul with God. Aiid what is the object of connecting man with God? That he may become like God. But God is Love. Hence Faith, the IN THE WORLD. 23 means, is in order to Love, the end. I/>ve, therefore, obviously is greater than faith. It is greater than charity, again, because the whole is greater than a part. Charity is only a little bit of Love, one of the innumerable avenues of Love, and there may even be, and there is, a great deal of charity without Love. It is a very easy thing to toss a copper to a beggar on the street; it is generally an easier thing than not to do it. Yet Love is just as often in the withholding. We purchase relief from the sympathetic feelings roused by the spectacle of misery, at the copper* s cost. It is too cheap — too cheap for us, and often too dear for the beggar. If we really loved him we would either do more for him, or less. Then Paul contrasts it with sacrifice 24 -THE GREATEST THING and martyrdom. And I beg tlie little band of would-be missionaries — and I have the Honor to call some of you by this name for the first time — to remember that though you give your bodies to be burned, and have not Love, it profits nothing — nothing ! You can take nothing greater to the heathen world than the impress and reflection of the Love of God upon your own character. That is the univer- sal language. It will take you years to speak in Chinese, or in the dialects of India. From the day you land, that lan- guage of Love, understood by all, will be pouring forth its unconscious eloquence. It is the man who is the missionary, it is not his words. His character is his mes- sage. In the heart of Africa, among the great Lakes, I have come across black IN THE WORLD. 25 men and women who remembered the only white man they ever saw before — David Livingstone; and as you cross his footsteps in that dark continent, men's faces light up as they speak of the kind Doctor who passed there years ago. They could not understand him; but they felt the Love that beat in his heart. Take into your new sphere of labor, where you also mean to lay down your life, tliat simple charm, and your lifework must succeed. You can take nothing greater, you need take nothing less. It is not worth while going if you take anything less. You may take every accomplish- ment; you may be braced for ever)^ sacri- fice; but if you give your body to be burned, and have not Love, it will profit you and the cause of Christ nothing. THE ANALYSIS. A FTER contrasting Love with these things, Paul, in three verses, very short, gives ns an amazing analysis of what this supreme thing is. I ask you to look at it. It is a compound thing, he tells us. It is like light. As you have seen a man of science take a beam of light and pass it through a cr^'sta] prism, as you have seen it come out on the other side of the prism broken up into its component colors — red, and blue, and yellow, and violet, and orange, and all the colors of the rainbow — so Pan) 26 GRKATEST THING IN THE WORLD. 27 passes this thing, Love, through the magnificent prism of his inspired intel- lect, and it comes out on the other side broken up into its elements. And in these few words we have what one might call the Spectrum of Love, the analysis of lyove. Will you obser\'e what its elements are? Will you notice that they have common names; that they are virtues which v/e hear about every day; that they are things which can be practised by every man in every place in life; and how, by a multitude of small things and ordinary virtues, the supreme thing, the summtim bomim^ is made up? The Spectrum of Love has nine in- gredients: — 28 THE GREATEST THING Patience . . ^ ' Love suffereth long. * * Kindness . . ''And is kind." Generosity . ' ^ Love envieth not. ' ' Humility . . "Love vaunteth not it- self, is not puffed up.'* Courtesy . . *'Doth not behave itself unseemly." Unselfishness '*Seeketh not her own." Good Temper'^ Is not easily provoked." Guilelessness **Thinketh no evil." Sincerity . . **Rejoicetli not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth." Patience; kindness; generosity; humil- ity; courtesy; unselfishness; good tem- per; guilelessness; sincerit}^ — these make up the supreme gift, the stature of the perfect man. You will observe that al] IN THE WORLD. 29 are in relation to men, in relation to life, in relation to the known to-day and the near to-morrow, and not to the unknown eternity. We hear much of love to God; Christ spoke much of love to man. We make a great deal of peace with heaven; Christ made much of peace on earth. Religion is not a strange or added thing, but the inspiration of the secular life, the breathing of an eternal spirit through this temporal world. The supreme thing, in short, is not a thing at all, but the giv- ing of a further finish to the multitudi- nous words and acts which make up the sum of every common day. There is no time to do more than make a passing note upon each of these ingredi- ents. Love is Patience. This is the nor- mal attitude of Love; Love passive. Love 30 THE GREATEST THING waiting to begin; not in a hurry; calm; ready to do its work when the summons comes, but meantime wearing the orna- ment of a meek and quiet vSpirit. Love suffers long; beareth all things; believeth all things; hopeth all things. For I^ove understands, and therefore waits. Kindfiess. Love active. Have you ever noticed how much of Christ's life was spent in doing kind things — in merely diOm^ kind things? Run over it Vv^ith that in view, and you will find that He spent a great proportion of His time sim^ply in making people happy, in doing good turns to people. There is only one thing greater than happiness in the wotld^ and that is holiness; and it is not in oui keeping; but what God has put in oui power is the happiness of those about us. IN TrfE WORLD. 3 1 and that is largely to be secured by our being kind to them. "The greatest thing/' says someone^ * ' a man can do for his Heavenly Father is to be kind to some of His other chil- dren. ' ' I wonder why it is that we are not all kinder than we are ? How much the world needs it. How easily it is done. How instantaneously it acts. How infal- libly it is remembered. How super- abundantly it pays itself back — for there is no debtor in the world so honorable, so superbly honorable, as Love. ' * Love never faileth.*^ Love is success, Love is happiness, Love is life. *'Love I say," with Browning *' is energy of LifCc'' "For life, with all it yields of joy or woe And hope and fear, 32 THK GREATEST THING Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love,— How love might be, hath been indeed, and is. ' Where Love is, God is. He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God. God is Love. Therefore love. Without distinction, without calculation, without procrastina- tion, love. Lavish it upon the poor, where it is very easy; especially upon the rich, who often need it most; most of all upon our equals, where it is very difficult, and for whom perhaps we each do least of all. There is a difference between trying to please and gwi?ig pleasure. Give pleasure. Lose no chance of giv- ing pleasure. For that is the ceaseless and anonymous triumph of a truly loving spirit **I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show IN THE WORLD. 33 to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. ' ' Generosity, * * Love envipth not. ' ' This is love in competition with others. Whenever you attempt a good work you will find other men doing the same kind of work, and probably doing it better. Envy them not. Bnvy is a feeling of ill- will to those who are in the same line as ourselves, a spirit of covetousness and detraction. How little Christian work even is a protection against un-Christian feeling. That most despicable of all the unworthy moods which cloud a Chris- tian's soul assuredly waits for us on the threshold of every work, unless we are fortified with this grace of magnanimity. Only one thing truly need the Christian 34 THE GREATEST THING en\y, the large, rich, generous soul which **envieth uof Aud then, after having learned all that, yen have to learn this further thing, Humility — to put a seal upon your lips and forget what you have done. After you have been kind, after Love has stolen forth into the world and done its beauti- ful work, go back into tae shade again and say nothing about it. Love hides even from itself. Love waives even self- satisfaction. " Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.*' The fifth ingredient is a somewhat strange one to find in this summum boniini: Courtesy, This is Love in so- ciety. Love in relation to etiquette. ** Love doth not behave itself unseemly." Politeness has been defined as love in IN THE WORI.D. . 35 trifles. Courtesy is said to be love in little things. And the one secret of politeness is to love. Love cannot behave itself un- seemly. You can put the most untutored persons into the highest society, and if they have a reservoir of Love in their heart, they will not behave themselves unseemly. They simply cannot do it. Carlyle said of Robert Burns that there was no truer gentleman in Europe than the ploughman-poet. It was because he loved everything — the mouse, and the daisy, and all the things, great and small, that God had made. So with this simple passport he could mingle with any soci- ety, and enter courts and palaces from his little cottage on the banks of the Ayr. You know the meaning of the word * ' gen- tleman.^* It means a gentle man — a man 36 THE GREATEST THING who does things gently with love. And that is the whole art and mystery of it. The gentle man cannot in the nature of things do an ungentle, an ungentlemanly thing. The ungentle soul, the inconsid- erate, unsympathetic nature cannot do anything else. "Love doth not behave itself unseemly.*' Unselfishness, ' ' Love seeketh not her own." Observe: Seeketh not even that which is her own. In Britain the English- man is devoted, and rightly, to his rights. But there come times when a man may exercise even the higher right of giving up his rights. Yet Paul does not sum- mon us to give up our rights. Love strikes much deeper. It would have us not seek them at all, ignore them, elimi- nate the personal element altogether from IN THE WORLD. 3^ our calculations. It is not hard to give up our rights. They are often external. The difficult thing is to give up ourselves. The more difficult thing still is not to seek things for ourselves at all. After we have sought them, bought them, won them, deser\'ed them, we have taken the cream off them for ourselves already. Little cross then to give them up. But not to seek them, to look every man not on his own things, but on the things of others — id opus est, * ' Seekest thou great things for thyself?" said the prophet; ^'' seek them noty Why? Because there is no greatness in things. Things cannot be great. The only greatness is unselfish love. Even self-denial in itself is noth- ing, is almost a mistake. Only a great purpose or a mightier love can justify the ^8 THK GREATEST THING waste. It is more difficult, I have said, not to seek our ov/n at all, than, having sought it, to give it up. I must take that back. It is only true of a partly selfish heart. Nothing is a hardship to Love, and nothing is hard. I believe that Christ's "yoke" is easy. Christ's "yoke" is just his way of taking life. And I believe it is an easier way than any other. I believe it is a happier way than any other. The most obvious lesson in Christ's teaching is that there is no happiness in having and getting anything, but only in giving. I repeat, there is no happiness in having or in get- ting^ but only in giving. And half the world is on the wrong scent in pursuit of happi- ness. They think it consists in having and getting, and in being served by others It consists in giving, and in serving IN THK WORLD. 39 others. He that would be great among you, said Christ, let him serve. He that would be happy, let him remember that there is but oue way — it is more blessed, it is more happy, to give than to re- ceive. The next ingredient is a very remark- able one : Good Temper, ' * Love is not easily provoked.'' Nothing could be more striking than to find this here. We are inclined to look upon bad temper as a very harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man's character. And yet here, right in the heart of this analysis of love, it finds a place; and the Bible again and again returns to condemn it as 40 THE GREATEST THING one of the most destructive elements is human nature. The peculiarit)^ of ill tem.per is that it is the vice of the virtuous. It is often the one blot on an otherwise noble cha- racter. You know men who are all but perfect, and women who would be en- tirely perfect, but for an easily ruffled, quick-tempered, or ** touchy" disposition. This compatibility of ill temper with high moral character is one of the stran- gest and saddest problems of ethics. The truth is there are two great classes of sins — sins of the Body^ and sins of the Disposi- tion. The Prodigal Son may be taken as a type of the first, the Elder Brother of the second. Now, society has no doubt whatever as to which of these is the worse. Its brand falls, without a chal- IN THE WORI^D. 4I lenge, upon the Prodigal. But are we right? We have no balance to weigh one another's sins, and coarser and finer are but human words ; but faults in the higher nature may be less venial than those in the lower, and to the eye of Him who is Love, a sin against Love may seem a hundred times more base. No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself, does more to un- Christianize society than evil temper. For embittering life, for breaking up com- munities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom of childhood, in short, for sheet gratuitous misery-producing power, this influence stands alone. Look at the Elder Brother, moral, hard-working, patient, 4 42 THE GREATEST THING dutiful — let him get all credit for his vir- tues — look at this man, this baby, sulk- ing outside his own father's door. ^*He was angry, ' ' we read, ' ' and would not go in.'' lyook at the effect upon the father, upon the servants, upon the happiness of the guests. Judge of the effect upon the Prodigal — and how many prodigals are kept out of the Kingdom of God by the unlovely character of those who pro- fess to be inside? Analyze, as a study in Temper, the thunder-cloud itself as it gathers upon the Elder Brother's brow. What is it made of? Jealousy, anger, pride, uncharity, cruelty, self- righteous- ness, touchiness, doggedness, sullenness, — these are the ingredients of this dark and loveless soul. In varying propor- tions, also, these are the ingredients of IN THK WORI.D. 43 ^11 ill temper. Judge if such sins of the disposition are not worse to live in, and for others to live with, than sins of the body. Did Christ indeed not answer the question Himself when He said, **I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots go into the Kingdom of Heaven before you. ' ' There is really no place in Heaven for a disposition like this. ' A man with such a mood could only make Heaven miserable for all the people in it. Except, therefore, such a man be born again, he cannot, he simply cannot^ enter the Kingdom of Heaven. For it is per- fectly certain — and you will not misun- derstand me — that to enter Heaven a man must take it with him. You will see then why Temper is sig- nificant. It is not in what it is alone, 44 THE GREATEST THING but in what it reveals. This is why I take the liberty now of speaking of it with such unusual plainness. It is a test for love, a symptom, a revelation of an un- loving nature at bottom. It is the inter- mittent fever which bespeaks unintermit- tent disease within ; the occasional bubble escaping to the surface which betrays some rottenness underneath ; a sample of the most hidden products of the soul dropped involuntarily when off one's guard ; in a word, the lightning form of a hundred hideous and un-Christian sins. For a want of patience, a want of kindness, a want of generosity, a want of courtesy, a want of unselfishness, are all instantaneously symbolized in one flash of Temper. Hence it is not enough to deal with the IN THE WORLD. 45 Temper. We must go to the source, and change the inmost nature, and the angry humors will die away of themselves. Souls are made sweet not by taking the acid fluids out, but by putting something in — a gi eat Love, a new Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. Christ, the Spirit of Christ, interpenetrating ours, sweetens, purifies, transforms all. This only can eradicate what is wrong, work a chemical change, renovate and regenerate, and rehabilitate the inner man. Will-power does not change men. Time does not change men. Christ does. Therefore * * Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.*' Some of us have not much time to lose. Remember, once more, that this is a matter of life or death. I cannot help speaking urgently, for myself, for 46 THE GREATEST THING yourselves. * ' Whoso shall offend one of these little ones, which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.'^ That is to say, it is the deliberate verdict of the Lord Jesus that it is better not to live than not to love. // is better not to live than not to love. Gtcilelessness and Sincerity may be dis- missed almost with a word. Guileless- ness is the grace for suspicious people. And the possession of it is the great secret of personal influence. You will find, if you think for a moment, that the people who influence 5'ou are people who believe in you. In an atmosphere of suspicion men shrivel up; but in that atmosphere they expand, and find encouragement and IN THE WORI.D. 47 educative fellowship. It is a wonderful thing that here and there in this hard, uncharitable world there should still be left a few rare souls who think no evil. This is the great unworldliness. lyove **thinketh no evil,'^ imputes no motive, sees the bright side, puts the best con- struction on every action. What a de- lightful state of mind to live in! What a stimulus and benediction even to meet with it for a day! To be trusted is to be saved. And if we try to influence or ele- vate others, we shall soon see that success is in proportion to their belief of our belief in them. For the respect of another is the first restoration of the self-respect a man has lost; our ideal of what he is becomes to him the hope and pattern of what he may become. 48 THK GREATEST THING ** Love rejoiceth not in iniquity, but re joiceth in the truth." I have called this Sincerity from the words rendered in the Authorized Version by "rejoiceth in the truth." And, certainly, were this the real translation, nothing could be more just. For he who loves will love Truth not less than men. He will rejoice in the Truth — rejoice not in what he has been taught to believe; not in this Church's doctrine or in that; not in this ism or in that ism; but ''in the Tjmthy He will accept only what is real ; he will strive to get at facts; he will search for Truth with a humble and unbiassed mind, and cherish whatever he finds at any sacrifice. But the more literal translation of the Revised Version calls for just such a sacrifice for truth's sake here. For what Paiil really IN TUn WORLD. 49 meant is^ as we there read, "Rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth, ' ' a quality which probably no one English word — and certainly not Sin- ceriiy — adequately defines. It includes, perhaps more strictly, the self-restraint which refuses to make capital out of others' faults; the charity which delights not in exposing the weakness of others, but " covereth all things;" the sincerity of purpose which endeavors to see things as they are, and rejoices to find them better than suspicion feared or calumny denounced. So much for the analysis of Love. Now the business of our lives is to have these things fitted into our characteis. That is the supreme work to which we need to address ourselves in this world, 50 THK GREATEST THING to learn Love. Is life not full of oppor- tunities for learning Love? Bver>^ man and woman every day has a thousand of them. The world is not a playground; it is a schoolroom. Life is not a holiday, but an education. And the one eternal lesson for us all is how better we can love. What makes a man a good cricketer? Practice. What makes a man a good artist, a good sculptor, a good musician ? Practice. What makes a man a good linguist, a good stenographer ? Practice. What makes a man a good man ? Prac- tice. Nothing else. There is nothing capricious about religion. We do not get the soul in different ways, under different laws, from those in which we get the body and the mind. If a man does not exercise his arm he develops no biceps IN THE WORl,D, 5I muscle; and if a man does not exercise his soul, he acquires no muscle in his soul, no strength of character, no vigor of moral fibre, nor beauty of spiritual growth. Ivove is not a thing of enthusi- astic emotion. It is a rich, strong, man- ly, vigorous expression of the whole round Christian character — the Christlike nature in its fullest development. And the constituents of this great character are only to be built up by ceaseless .practice. What was Christ doing in the car- penter's shop? Practising. Though per- fect, we read that He learned obedience, and grew in wisdom and in favor with God. Do not quarrel therefore with youi lot in life. Do not complain of its never- ceasing cares,' its petty environment, the 52 THE GREATEST THING vexations you have to stand, the small and sordid souls you have to live and work with. Above all, do not resent temptation; do not be perplexed because it seems to thicken round you more and more, and ceases neither for eflfort nor for agony nor prayer. That is your prac- tice. That is the practice which God appoints you; and it is having its work in making you patient, and humble, and generous, and unselfish, and kind, and courteous. Do not grudge the hand that is moulding the still too shapeless image within you. It is growing more beauti- ful, though you see it not, and every touch of temptation may add to its per- fection. Therefore keep in the midst of life. Do not isolate yourself Be among men, and among things, • and among IN THK WORLD. 53 troubles, and difficulties, and obstacles. You remember Goethe's words: Es bildei ein Talent sich in der Stille^ Dock ein Charakter in dem Strom der Welt. * ' Talent develops itself in solitude ; character in the stream of life.*' Talent develops itself in solitude — the talent of prayer, of faith, of meditation, of seeing the unseen ; Character grows in the stream of the world's life. That chiefly is where men are to learn love. How ? Now, how ? To make it easier, I have named a few of the elements of love. But these are only elements. Ivove itself can never be defined. Light is a something more than the sum of its ingredients — a glowing, dazzling, tremulous ether. And love is something more than all' its elements — a palpitating, 54 THE GREATEST THING quivering, sensitive, livings thing. By synthesis of all the colors, men can make whiteness, they cannot make light. By synthesis of all the virtues, men can make virtue, they cannot make love. How then are we to have this transcen- dent living whole conveyed into our souls? We brace our wills to secure it. We try to copy those who have it. We lay down rules about it. We watch. We pray. But these things alone will not bring Love into our nature. Love is an effect. And only as we fulfil the right condition can we have the effect produced. Shall I tell you what the cause is? If you turn to the Revised Version of the First Epistle of John you will find these words: ^'We love because He IN THE WORLD. 55 first loved U6." **We love," not *'We love Him.'''* That is the way the old version has it, and it is quite wrong. ** We love — because He first loved us.'* Look at that word '* because.** It is the cause of which I have spoken. ^^Be^ cause He first loved us,'* the eflfect fol- lows that we love, we love Him, we love all men. We cannot help it. Because He loved us, we love, we love every- body. Our heart is slowly changed. Contemplate the love of Christ, and you will love. Stand before that mirror, re- flect Christ's character, and you will be changed into the same image from ten- derness to tenderness. There is no other way. You cannot love to order. You can only look at the lovely object, and fall in love with it, and g^row into like- 56 THE GREATEST THING ness to it And so look afe this Perfect Character, this Perfect lyife. Look at the great Sacrifice as He laid down Him- self, all through life, and upon the Cross of Calvary; and you must love Plim. And loving Him, you must become like Him. Love begets love. It is a process of induction. Put a piece of iron in the presence of an electrified body, and that piece of iron for a time becomes elec- trified. It is changed into a temporary magnet in the mere presence of a per- manent magnet, and as long as you leave the two side by side, they are both mag- nets alike. Remain side by side with Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us, and }^ou too will become a permanent magnet, a permanently attractive force ; and like Him yon will draw all men IN THE V/ORLD. 57 unto you, like Him you will be drawn unto all men. THat is the inevitable effect of Ivove. Any man wbo fulfils that cause must have that effect pro- duced in him. Try to give up the idea that religion comes to us by chance, or by mystery, or by caprice. It comes to us b}^ natural law, or by supernatural law, for all law is Divine. Edward Ir- ving went to see a dying boy once, and when he entered the room he just put his hand on the sufferer's head, and said, **My boy, God loves you," and went away. And the boy started from his bed, and called out to the people in the house, '* God loves me! God loves me!" It changed that boy. The sense that God loved him overpowered him, melted him down, and beean the creating of a new 5 58 GREATEST THING IN THE WORI.D. heart in him. And that is how the love of God melts down the unlovely heart in man, and begets in him the new crea- ture, who is patient and humble and gentle and unselfish. And there is no other way to get it. There is no mystery about it. We love others, we love every- body, we love our enemies, because He first loved us. THE DEFENCE. "^T OW I Have a closing sentence or two to add about Paul's reason for sing- ling out love as the supreme possession. It is a very remarkable reason. In a single word it is this : it lasts, * ' Love, ' * urges Paul, *' never faileth." Then he begins again one of his marvellous lists of the great things of the day. and ex- poses them one by one. He runs over the things that men thought were going to last, and shows that they are all fleet- ing, temporaiy, passing away. '^Whether there be prophecies, they 59 6o THE GREATEST THING shall fail.** It was the mother's am- bition for licr boy in those days that he should become a prophet. For hundreds of years God had never spoken by means of any prophet, and at that time the prophet was greater than the King. Men waited wistfully for another messenger to come, and hung upon his lips when he appeared as upon the very voice of God. Paul says, ''Whether there be proph- ecies, they shall fail/* This book is full of prophecies. One by one they have ** failed;'* that is, having been fulfilled their work is finished ; they have nothing more to do now in the world excet^t to feed a devout man's faith. Then Paul talks about tongues. That was another thing that was greatly cov- eted. * * Whether there be tongues, they IN THE WORLD. 6l shall cease.'* As we all know, many, manv centuries have passed since tonp^ues have been known in this world. They have ce:iscd. Take it in any sense you like. Take it, for illustration merely, as languages in general — a sense which was not in Paul's mind at all, and which though it cannot give us the specific lesson will point the general truth. Con- sider the words in which these chapters were written— Greek. It has gone. Take the Latin— the other great tongue of those days. It ceased long ago. Look at the Indian language. It is ceasing. The language of Wales, of Ireland, of the Scottish Highlands is dying before our e\'-. The most popular book in the English tongue at the present time, ex- cept the Bible, is one of Dickens's works. 62 THK GREATEST THING his Pickunck Papers, It is largely writ- ten in the language of I^ndon street-life ; and experts assure us that in fifty years it will be unintelligible to the average English reader. Then Paul goes farther, and with even greater boldness adds, *' Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.** The wisdom of the ancients, where is it? It is wliollv l;;o:. schoolboy to-day knows more than Sir Isaac Newton knew. His knowledge has vanished away. You put yesterday's new^spaper in the fire. Its knowledge has vanished away. You buy the old editions of the great encyclo- pcedias for a few pence. Their know- ledge has vanished away. Look how the coach has been superseded by the use of steam. Look how electricitv ha* IN TH5 WORLD. 63 superseded that, and swept a hundred almost new inventions into oblivion. One of the greatest living authorities, Sir William Thompson, said the other day, •*The steam-engine is passing away.'* ** Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.'' At every workshop you will see, in the back yard, a heap of old iron, a few wheels, a few levers, a few cranks, broken and eaten with rust Twenty years ago that was the pride of the city. Men flocked in from the country to see the great invention; now it is su- perseded, its day is done. And all the boasted science and philosophy of this day will soon be old. But yesterday, in the University of Edinburgh, the greatest fig- ure in the faculty was Sir James Simpson, the discoverer of chloroform. The other 64 THE GREATEST THING day his successor and nephew, Professor Simpson, was asked by the librarian of the University to go to the library and pick out the books on his subject that were no longer needed. And his reply to the librarian was this: ''Take every text-book that is more than ten years old, and put it down in the cellar.*' Sir James Simpson was a great authority only a few years ago: men came from all parts of the earth to consult him; and almost the whole teaching of that time is con- signed by the science of to-day to oblivion. And in every branch of science it is the same. *' Now we know in part. We see through a glass darkly.'* Can you tell me anything that is going to last? Many things Paul did not con- descend to name. He did not mention IN THE WORLD. 65 money, fortune, fame; but lie picked out the great things of his time, the things the best men thought had something in them, and brushed them peremptorily aside. Paul had no charge against these thinors in themselves. All he said about them was that they would not last. They were great things, but not supreme things. There were things beyond them. What we are stretches past what we do, beyond what we possess. Many things that men denounce as sins are not sins; but they are temporar>\ And that is a favorite argument of the New Testament. John says of the world, not that it is wrong, but simply that it ** passeth away.*^ There is a great deal in the world that is delightful and beautiful; there is a greav deal in it that is great and engrossing" 66 THK GREATEST THING but it will not last. All tliat is in the world, tlie lust of tlie eye, the lust of the Sesh, and the pride of life, are but for a little while. Love not the world there- fore. Nothing that it contains is worth the life and consecration of an immortal soul. The immortal soul must give itself to something that is immortal. And the only immortal things are these: "Now abideth faith, hope, love, but the greatest of these is love.'' Some think the time may come when two of these three things will also pass away— faith into sight, hope into fruition. Paul does not say so. We know but little now about the conditions of the life that is to come. But what is certain is that Love must last. God, the Eternal God, is Love. Covet therefore that everlasting IN THE WORLD. 67 gift, that oue thing which it is certain is going to stand, that one coinage which will be current in the Universe when all the other coinages of all the nations of the world shall be useless and unhonored. You will give yourselves to many things, give yourself first to L^ove. Hold things in their proportion. Hold things in their proportion, Let at least the first great object of our lives be to achieve the cha- racter defended in these words, the cha- racter — and it is the character of Christ — which is built round Love. I have said this thing is eternal. Did you ever notice how continually John associates love and faith with eternal life? I was not told when I was a boy that "God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever 68 THE GREATEST THING believetli in Him should have everlasting life." What I was told, I remember, was, that God so loved the world that, if I trusted in Him, I was to have a thing called peace, or I was to have rest, or I was to have joy, or I was to have safety. But I had to find out for myself that who- soever trusteth in Him — that is, whoso- ever loveth Him, for trust is only the avenue to Love — hath everlasting life. The Gospel offers a man life. Never offer men a thimbleful of Gospel. Do not offer them merely joy, or merely peace, or merely rest, or merely safety ; tell them how Christ came to give men a more abundant life than they have, a life abun- dant in love, and therefore abundant in salvation for themselves, and large in en- terprise for the alleviation and redemption IN THE WORI^D. 69 of the world. Then only can the Gospel take hold of the whole of a man, body, soul, and spirit, and give to each part of his nature its exercise and reward. Many of the current Gospels are addressed only to a part of man's nature. They offer peace, not life; faith, not Love; justifica- tion, not regeneration. And men slip back again from such religion because it has never really held them. Their na- ture was not all in it. It offered no deep- er and gladder life-current than the life that was lived before. Surely it stands to reason that only a fuller love can com- pete with the love of the world. To love abundantly is to live abun- dantly, and to love for ever is to live for ever. Hence, eternal life is inextricably bound up with love. We want to live 70 THK GREATEST THING for ever for the same reason tliat we want to live to-morrow. Wli}^ do you want to live to-morrow? It is because there is some one who loves you, and whom you want to see to-morrow, and be with, and love back. There is no other reason why we should live on than that we love and are beloved. It is when a man has no one to love him that he commits suicide. So long as he has friends, those who love him and whom he loves, he will live, be- cause to live is to love. Be it but the love of a dog, it will keep him in life; but let that go and he has no contact with life, no reason to live. He dies by his own hand. Eternal life also is to know God, and God is love. This is Christ's own definition. Ponder it. *'This is life eternal, that they might know Thee IN THE WORLD. 71 the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. ' * I^ove must be eternal. It is what God is. On the last analysis, then, love is life. Love never faileth, and life never faileth, so long as there is love. That is the philosophy of what Paul is showing - us; the reason why in the nature of things Love should be the supreme thing — because it is going to last; because in the nature of things it is an Eternal Life. It is a thing that we are living now, not that we get when we die; that we shall have a poor chance of getting when we die un- less we are living now. No worse fate can befall a man in this world than to live and grow old alone, unloving, and unloved. To be lost is to live in an un- regenerate condition, loveless and un- loved; and to be saved is to love; and he 72 THE GREATEST THING that dwelleth in love dwelletli already in God. For God is I^ove. Now I have all but finished. How many of you will join me in reading this chapter once a week for the next three months? A man did that once and it changed his whole life. Will you do it ? It is for the greatest thing in the world. You might begin by reading it every day, especially the verses which describe the perfect character. *'Love suffereth long, and is kind ; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself." Get these ingredients into your life. Then everything that you do is eternal. It is worth doing. It is worth giving time to. No man can become a saint in his sleep ; and to fulfil the condition required demands a certain amount of prayer and IN THE WORLD. 73 meditation and time, just as improvement in any direction, bodily or mental, re- quires preparation and care. A4dress yourselves to that one thing; at any cost have this transcendent character exchanged for yours. You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments that stand out, the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love. As memory scans the past, above and beyond all the tran- sitory pleasures of life, there leap for- ward those supreme hours when you have been enabled to do unnoticed kind- nesses to those round about you, things too trifling to speak about, but which you feel have entered into your eternal life, I have seen almost all the beauti- 74 ^HE GREATEIST THING fill things God has made ; I have enjoyed almost every pleasure that He has planned for man ; and yet as I look back I see standing out above all the life that has gone four or five short experiences when the love of God reflected itself in some poor imitation, some small act of love of mine, and these seem to be th.e things which alone of all one's life abide. Everything else in all our lives is transitory. Every other good is vision- ary. But the acts of love which no man knows about, or can ever know about — they never fail. In the Book of Matthew, where the Judgment Day is depicted for us in the imager>' of One seated upon a throne and dividing the sheep from the goats, the test of a man then is not, ** How IN THB WORLD. 75 have I believed?'* but **How bave I loved?'* The test of religion, the final test of religion, is not religiousness, but Love. I say the final test of religion at that great Day is not religiousness, but Love ; not what I have done, not what I have believed, not what I have achieved, but how I have discharged the common charities of life. Sins of commission in that awful indictment are not even re- ferred to. By what we have not done, by sins of omission^ we are judged. It Gould not be otherwise. For the with- holding of love is the negation of the spirit of Christ, the proof that we never knew Him, that for us He lived in vain. It means that He suggested nothing in all our thoughts, that He inspired noth- ing in all our lives, that we were not 76 THE GREATEST THING once near enougli to Him to be seized with the spell of His compassion for the world. It means that— "I^ lived for myself, I thought for myself, For myself, and none beside — Just as if Jesus had never lived, As if He had never died." It is the Son of Man before whom the nations of the world shall be gathered. It is in the presence of Humanity that we shall be charged. And the spectacle itself, the mere sight of it, will silently judge each one. Those will be there whom we have met and helped ; or there, the unpitied multitude whom we neg- lected or despised. No other Witness need be summoned. No other charge than lovelessness shall be preferred. P** IN THE WORIvD. 77 not deceived. The words which all of us shall one Day hear sound not of the- ology" but of life, not of churches and saints but of the hungry and the poor, not of creeds and doctrines but of shelter and clothing, not of Bibles and prayer- books but of cups of cold water in the name of Christ. Thank God the Chris- tianity of to-day is coming nearer the world's need. lyive to help that on. Thank God men know better, by a hairs- breadth, what religion is, what God is, vv^ho Christ is, where Christ is. Who is Christ? He who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick. And where is Christ? Where? — whoso shall receive a little child in My name receiv- eth Me. And who are Christ's ? Every one that loveth is bom of God. PAX VOBISCUM 'COMK unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me : for I am meek and lowly in heart : and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my bur- den is lig-ht." PAX VOBISCUM. T HEARD the other morning a set* mon by a distinguished preacher upon **Rest*' It was full of beautiful thoughts; but when I came to ask my- self, ** How does he say I can get Rest?'' there was no answer. The sermon was sincerely meant to be practical, yet it contained no experience that seemed to me to be tangible, nor any advice which could help me to find the thing itself as I went about the world that afternoon. 85 84 PAX VOBISCUM. Yet this omission of tlie only important problem was not the fault of the preacher. The whole popular religion is in the twi- light here. And when pressed for really- working specifics for the experiences with which it deals, it falters, and seems to lose itself in mist. The want of connection between the great words of religion and every-day life has bewildered and ' discouraged all of us. Christianity possesses the noblest words in the language ; its literature overflows with terms expressive of the greatest and happiest moods which can fill the soul of man. Rest, Joy, Peace, Faith, I^ove^ Light — these words occur with such per- sistency in hymns and prayers that an observer might think they formed the staple of Christian experience. But 022 PEACE BE WITH YOU. 85 coming to close quarters with the actual life of most of us, how surely would he be disenchanted ! I do not think we our- selves are aware how much our religious life is made up of phrases; how much of what we call Christian experience is only a dialect of the Churches, a mere re- ligious phraseology with almost nothing behind it in what we really feel and know. To some of us, indeed, the Christian experiences seem further away than when we took the first steps in the Christian life. That life has not opened out as we had hoped; we do not regret our religion, but we are disappointed with it. There are times, perhaps, when wandering notes from a diviner music stray into out spirits; but these experiences come at 86 PAX VOBISCUM. few and fitful moments. We have no sense of possession in them. When they visit us, it is a surprise. When they leave us, it is without explanation. When we wish their return, we do not know how to secure it. All which points to a religion without solid base, and a poor and flickering life. It means a great bankruptcy in those experiences which give Christianity its personal solace and make it attractive to the world, and a great uncertainty as to any remedy. It is as if we knew everj^thing about health — except the way to get it. I am quite sure that the difficulty does not lie in the fact that men are not in earnest. This is simply not the fact. All around us Christians are wearing PEACE BE WITH YOU. 87 themselves out in trying to be better. The amount of spiritual longing in the world — in the hearts of unnumbered thousands of men and women in whom we should never suspect it; among the wise and thoughtful; among the young and gay, who seldom assuage and never betray their thirst — this is one of the most wonderful and touching facts of life. It is not more heat that is needed, but more light; not more force, but a wiser direction to be given to very real energies already there. The Address which follows is offered as a humble contribution to this problem, and in the hope that it may help some who are *' seeking Rest and finding none'' to a firmer footing on one great, solid, simple principle which underlies 88 PAX VOBISCUM. not the Christian experiences alone, but all experiences, and all life. What Christian experience wants is thready a vertebral column, method. It is impossible to believe that there is no remedy for its unevenness and dishevel- ment, or that the remedy is a secret. The idea, also, that some few men, by happy chance or happier temperament, have been given the secret — as if there were some sort of knack or trick of it- is wholly incredible. Religion must ripen its fruit for every temperament; and the way even into its highest heights must be by a gateway through which the peoples of the world may pass. I shall try to lead up to this gateway by a very familiar path. But as that path is strangely unfrequented, and even un- PEACE BE WITH YOO. 89 known, where it passes into the religious sphere, I must dwell for a moment on the commonest of commonplaces. 7 EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. XT OTHING tliat happens in tlie world happens by chance. God is a God of order. Everything is arranged upon defi- nite principles, and never at random. The world, even the religious world, is gov- erned by law. Character is governed by law. Happiness is governed by law. The Christian experiences are governed by law. Men^ forgetting this, expect Rest, Joy, Peace, Faith to drop into their souls from the air like snow or rain. But in point of fact they do not do so; and if they did they would no less have their 00 EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. 9I origin in previous activities and be con- trolled by natural laws. Rain and snow dc drop from the air, but not without a long previous history. They are the ma- ture effects of former causes. Equally so are Rest, and Peace, and Joy. They, too, have each a previous history. Storms and winds and calms are not accidents, but are brought about by antecedent cir- cumstances. Rest and Peace are but calms in man^s inward nature, and arise through causes as definite and as inevit- able. Realize it thoroughly: it is a method- ical not an accidental world. If a house- wife turns out a good cake, it is the result of a sound receipt, carefully applied. She cannot mix the assigned ingredients and fire them for the appropriate time without 92 PAX VOBISCUM. prcMiucing tlie result It is not slie who has made the cake; it is nature. She brings related things together; sets causes at work; these causes bring about the re- sult. She is not a- creator, but an inter- mediary. She does not expect random causes to produce specific effects — random ingredients would only produce random cakes. So it is in the making of Chris- tian experiences. Certain lines are fol- lowed; certain effects are the result. These effects cannot but be the result But the result can never take place with- out the previous cause. To expect results without antecedents is to expect cakes without ingredients. That impossibility is precisely the almost universal expecta- tion. Now what 1 mainly wish to do is to KFFSCTS REQUIRE CAUSES. 93 help you firmly to grasp this simple prin- ciple of Cause and Effect in the spiritual world. And instead of applying the prin- ciple generally to each of the Christian experiences in turn, I shall examine its application to one in some little detail. The one I shall select is Rest. And I think any one who follows the applica- tion in this single instance will be able to apply it for himself to all the others. Take such a sentence as this: African explorers are subject to fevers which cause restlessness and delirium. Note the ex- pression, ** cause restlessness.'* Restless- ness has a cause. Clearly, then, any one who wished to get rid of restlessness would proceed at once to deal with the cause. If that were not removed, a doctor might prescribe a hundred things, and all might 94 PAX VOBISCTDM. be taken in turn, without producing tlie least effect. Things are so arranged in the original planning of the world that certain effects must follow certain causes, and certain causes must be abolished be- fore certain effects can be removed. Cer- tain parts of Africa are inseparably linked with the -physical experience called fever; this fever is in turn infallibly linked with a mental experience called restlessness and delirium. To abolish the mental ex- perience the radical method would be to abolish the physical experience, and the way of abolishing the physical experience would be to abolish Africa, or to cease to go there. Now this holds good for all other forms of Restlessness. Every other form and kind of Restlessness in the world has a definite cause, and the particular kind EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. 95 of Restlessness can only be lemoved by removing the allotted cause. All tbis is also true of Rest, Restless- ness has a cause : must not Rest have a cause ? Necessarily. If it were a chance world we would not expect this; but, being a methodical world, it cannot be otherwise. Rest, physical rest, moral rest, spiritual rest, every kind of rest, has a cause, as certainly as restlessness. Now causes are discriminating. There is one . kind of cause for every particular effect, and no other; and if one particular effect is desiredj the corresponding cause must be set in motion. It is no use proposing finely devised schemes, or going through general pious exercises in the hope that somehow Rest will come. The Christian life is not casual, but causal. All nature is 9^ PAX VOBISCUM. a standing protest against the absurdity of expecting to secure spiritual effects, or any effects, without the employment of appro- priate causes. The Great Teacher dealt what ought to have been the final blow to this infinite irrelevancy b}' a single question, *'Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?** Why, then, did the Great Teacher not educate His followers fully? Why did He not tell us, for example, how such a thing as Rest might be obtained? The answer is, that He did. But plainly, ex- plicitly, in so many words ? Yes, plainly, explicitly, in so many words. He as- signed Rest to its cause, in words with which each of us has been familiar from his earliest childhood. He begins, you remember — for you at EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. 97 once know the passage I refer to — almost as if Rest could be had without any cause: ** Come unto Me/' He says, **and I will^tve you Resf Rest, apparently, was a favor to be be- stowed; men had but to come to Him; He would give it to every applicant. But the next sentence takes that all back. The qualification, indeed, is added instan- taneously. For what the first sentence seemed to give was next thing to an im- possibility. For how, in a literal sense^ can Rest be given ? One could no more give away Rest than he could give away Laughter. We speak of ** causing** laughter, which we can do; but we can- not give it away. When we speak of giving pain, we know perfectly well we cannot give pain away. And when we 98 PAX VOBISCUM. aim at giving pleasure, all tliat we do is to arrange a set of circumstances in such a way as that these shall cause pleasure. Of course there is a sense, and a very wonderful sense, in which a Great Per- sonality breathes upon all who come within its influence an abiding peace and trust. Men can be to other men as the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. Much more Christ; much more Christ as Perfect Man; much more still as Saviour of the world. But it is not this of which I speak. When Christ said He would give men Rest, He meant simply that He would put them in the way of it. By no act of conveyance would, or could. He make over His own Rest to them. He could give them His receipt for it. That was all. But He would not make it for EFFECTvS REQUIRE CAUSES. 99 them ; for one thing, it was not in His plan to make it for them ; for another thing, men were not so planned that it could be made for them ; and for yet an- other thing, it was a thousand times bet- ter that they should make it for them- selves. That this is the meaning becomes obvious from the wording of the second sentence : * ' Learn of Me and ye shall find Rest.'* Rest, that is to say, is not a thing that can be given, but a thing to be acquired. It comes not by an act, but by a process. It is not to be found in a happy hour, as one finds a treasure ; but slowly, as one finds knowledge. It could indeed be no more found in a moment than could knowledge. A soil has to be prepared for it. Like a fine fruit, it will lOO PAX VOBISCUM. grow in one climate and not in anotlier ; at one altitude and not at another. I^ike all growths it will have an orderly de- velopment and mature by slow degrees. The nature of this slow process Christ clearly defines when He says we are to achieve Rest by harning, ^* Learn of Me,'* He says, **and ye shall find rest to your souls.'* Now consider the extra- ordinary originality of this utterance. How novel the connection between these two words, *^ Learn" and **Rest"? How few of us have ever associated them — ever thought that Rest was a thing to be learned ; ever laid ourselves out for it as we would to learn a language ; ever practised it as we would practise the vio- lin ? Does it not show how entirely new Christ's teaching still is to the world, EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. lOX that SO old and threadbare an aphorism should still be so little applied? The last thing most of us would have thought of would have been to associate Rest with What must one work at ? What is that which if duly learned will find the soul of man in Rest? Christ answers with- out the least hesitation. He specifies two things — Meekness and I^owliness. **Ivearn of Me/' He says, *'for I am meek and lowly in heart.'* Now, these two things are not chosen at random. To these accomplishments, in a special way, Rest is attached. I^eam these, in short, and you have already found Rest These as they stand are direct causes of Rest ; will produce it at once ; cannot but -produce it at once. And if you think fot TJNIVEPvSITY 0^ ^ - ^^ M:NI^ lOZ PAX VOBISCUM. a single moment, you will see how this is necessarily so, for causes are never arbi- trary, and the connection between ante- cedent and consequent here and every- where lies deep in the nature of things. What is the connection, then? I answer by a further question. What are the chief causes of Unrest? If you know yourself, you will answer Pride, Selfishness, Ambition. As you look back upon the past years of your life, is it not true that its unhappiness has chiefly come from the succession of personal mortifica- tions, and almost trivial disappointments which the intercourse of life has brought you ? Great trials come at lengthened in- tervals, and we rise to breast them ; but it is the petty friction of our every-day life with one another, the jar of business • EFFECTS REQUIRE CAUSES. IO3 or of work, the discord of tlie domeetic circle, the collapse of our ambition, the crossing of our will or the taking down of our conceit, which make inward peace impossible. Wounded vanity, then, dis- appointed hopes, unsatisfied selfishness — • these are the old, vulgar, universal sources of man's unrest. Now it is obvious why Christ pointed out as the two chief objects for attain- ment the exact opposites of these. To Meekness and L' other conceivable way of finding Happi- ness, and they will fail. Only the right cause in each case can produce the right effect. Then the Christian experiences are our own making? In the same sense 1.34 I*AX VOBISCUM. in which grapes are our own makings and no more. All fruits ^r^w — ^whether they grow in the soil or in the soul ; whether they are the fruits of the wild grape or of the True Vine. No man can make things grow. He can get them to grow by arranging all the cir- cumstances and fulfilling all the condi- tions. But the growing is done by God. Causes and efifects are eternal arrange- ments, set in the constitution of the world ; fixed beyond man's ordering. What man can do is to place himselt in the midst of a chain of sequences. Thus he can get things to grow : thus he himself can grow. But the grower is the Spirit of God. What more need I add but this — test the method by experiment. Do not im- HOW FRUITS GROW. 1 35 ., — . ^ ^ « *. agine that you liave got these things be- cause you know how to get them. As well try to feed upon a cookery book. But I think I can promise that if you try in this simple and natural way/ you will not fail. Spend the time you have spent in sighing for fruits in fulfilling the conditions of their growth. The fruits will come, must come. We have hitherto paid immense attention to effects^ to the mere experiences themselves ; we have described them, extolled them, advised them, prayed for them — done everything but find out what caused them. Hence- forth let us deal with causes. ** To be,** says Lotze, ** is to be in relations. * ' About every other method of living the Christran life there is an uncertainty. About every other method of acquiring the Christian 136 ' PAX VOBISCUM. experiences there is a " perhaps. ' ■ But in so far as this method is the way of nature, it cannot fail. Its giiarantee is the laws of the universe, and these are ^'the Hands of the Living God.^' THE TRUE VINE. ** I AM the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you.* As the THE TRUE VINE. 1 37 branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine ; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 1 am the vine, ye are the branches : he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit : for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is with- ered ; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my word abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye may bear much fruit; so ye shall -be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you : continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love ; even as I have kept 10 138 PAX VOBISCUM. my Father* s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken nnto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full/' THE CHANGED LIFE We all Witli unveiled face Reflecting As a Mirror The Glory of the Lord Are transformed Into the same image From Glory to Glory Even as from the Lord The Spirit. PREFACE. T AST autumn, in a book-shop in Cali- fornia, the author found a little book with his name upon the title-page — a book which he did not know existed ; which he never wrote ; nor baptized with the title which it bore. This stray publi- cation — taken from shorthand notes of a spoken Address — he does not grudge. Already, it seems, it has done its small measure of good. But owing to the im- perfections which it contains it has been thought right to issue a more complete edition. 143 144 PREFACE. The theme, like its predecessors in this series, represents but a single aspect of its great subject — the man- ward side. The light and shade is apportioned with this in view. And the reader's kind attention is asked to this limitation, lest he wonder at points being left in shadow which theology has always, and rightly, taught us to emphasize. It was the hearing of a simple talk by a friend to some plain people in a High- land deer-forest which first called the author's attention to the practicalness of this solution of the cardinal problem of Christian experience. What follows owes a large debt to that Sunday morning. THE CHANGED LIFE. " I PROTEST that if some great Power would agree to make me always think what is true and do what is right, on condition of being turned into a sort of clock and wound up every morning, I should instantly close with the offer." '"T^HESE are the words of Mr. Huxley. The infinite desirability, the infin- ite difficulty of being good — the theme is as old as humanity. The man does not live from whose deeper being the same confession has not risen, or who 1 4?. 146 THE CHANGED I.IFE. would not give liis all to-morrow, if he could ** close with the offer'* of becoming a better man. I propose to make that offer now. It* all seriousness, without being *' turned into a sort of clock,'' the end can be attained. Under the right conditions it is as natural for character to become beautiful as for a flower; and if on God's earth there is not some machinery for effecting it, the supreme gift to the world has been forgotten. This is simply what man was made for. With Browning: *'l say that Man was made to grow, not stop." Or in the deeper words of an older Book: ^'Wliom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate ... to be con- formed to the Image of His Son." Let me begin by naming, and in part THE CHANGED LIFE. 147 discarding, some processes in vogue already, for producing better lives. These processes are far from wrong ; in their place they may even be essen- tial. One ventures to disparage them only because they do not turn out the most perfect possible work. The first imperfect method is to rely on Resolution. In v/ill-power, in mere spasms of earnestness there is no salva- tion. Struggle, effort, even agony, have their place in Christianity, as we shall see; but this is not where they come in. In mid-Atlantic the other day, the Ktru- ria, in w^hich I was sailing, suddenly stopped. Something had gone wrong with the engines. There were five hun- dred able-bodied men on board the ship. Do you think that if we had gathered 148 THK CHANGED LIFK. together and pushed against the mast we could have pushed it on ? When one attempts to sanctify hiniself by effort, he is trying to make his be xt go by pushing against the mast. He is like a drowning man trying to lift himself out of the water by pulling at the hair of his own head. Christ held up this method almost to ridicule when He said, ^' Which of you by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature ?' ' The one redeeming feature of the self-sufficient method is this — that those who try it find out almost at once that it will not gain the goal. Another experimenter sa5^s: ^* But that is not my method. I have seen the folly of a mere wild struggle in the dark. I work on a principle. My plan is not to waste power on random effort, but to con- THE CHANGED UFK. I49 centrate on a single sin. By taking one at a time, and crucifying it steadily, I hope in the end to extirpate all." To this, unfortunately, there are four objec- tions: For one thing, life is too short; the name of" sin is lyCgion. For another thing, to deal with individual sins is to leave the rest of the nature for the time untouched. In the third place, a single combat with a special sin does not affect the root and spring of the disease. If one only of the channels of sin be ob- structed, experience points to an almost certain overflow through some other part of the nature. Partial conversion is al- most always accompanied by such moral leakage, for the pent-up energies accu- mulate to the bursting point, and the last state of that soul may be worse than the 150 THE CHANGED LIFE. first In the last place, religion does not consist in negatives, in stopping this sin and stopping that. The perfect character can never be produced with a pruning- knife. But a third protests: ''So be it. I make no attempt to stop sins one by one. My method is just the opposite. I copy the virtues one by one.'^ The difficulty about the copying method is that it is apt to be mechanical. One can always tell an engraving from a picture, an artificial flower from a real flower. To copy vir- tues one by one has somewhat the same effect as eradicating the vices one by one; the temporary result is an overbalanced and incongruous character. Some one defines a prig as ''a creature that is over- fed for its size.'* One sometimes finds THE CHANGED LIFE. I51 Cliristians of this species — over-fed on one side of their nature, but dismally thin and starved-looking on the other. The result, for instance, of copying Hu- mility, and adding it on to an otherwise worldly life, is simply grotesque. A rabid Temperance advocate, for the same reason, is often the poorest of creatures, flourishing on a single virtue, and quite oblivious that his Temperance is making a worse man of him and not a better. These are examples of fine virtues spoiled by association with mean companions. Character is a unity, and all the virtues must advance together to make the per- fect man. This method of sanctificatiou, nevertheless, is in the true direction. It is only in the details of execution that it fails. 152 THE CHANGED LIFE. A fourth method I need scarcely men- tion, for it is a variation on those already named. It is the very young man's method ; and the pure earnestness of it makes it almost desecration to touch it. It is to keep a private note-book with columns for the days of the week, and a list of virtues with spaces against each for marks. This, with many stern rules for preface, is stored away in' a secret place, and from time to time, at night- fall, the soul is arraigned before it as be- fore a private judgment bar. This living by code was Franklin's method ; and I suppose thousands more could tell how they had hung up in their bedrooms, or hid in lock-fast drawers, the rules which one solemn day they drew up to shape their lives. This method is not erron- THE CHANGED LIFE. 1 53 ecus, only somehow its success is poor. You bear me witness that it fails. And it fails generally for very matter-of-fact reasons — most likely because one day we forget the rules. All these methods that have been named — the self-sufficient method, the self-cruci- fixion method, the mimetic method, and the diary method — are perfectly human, perfectly natural, perfectly ignorant, and, as they stand, perfectly inadequate. It is not argued, I repeat, that they must be abandoned. Their harm is rather that they distract attention from the true work- ing method, and secure a fair result at the expense of the perfect one. What that perfect method is we shall now go on to THE FORMULA OF SANCTI- FICATION. A FORMULA, a receipt, for Sanctifi- cation — can one seriously speak of this mighty change as if the process were as definite as for the production of so many volts of electricity? It is impos- sible to doubt it. Shall a mechanical experiment succeed infallibly, and the one vital experiment of humanity remain a chance ? Is com to grow by method, and character by caprice? If we cannot calculate to a certainty that the forces of FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 1 55 religion will do their work, then is relig- ion vain. And if we cannot express the law of these forces in simple words, then is Christianity not the world's religion, but the world's conundrum. Where, then, shall one look for such a formula ? Where one would look for any formula — among the text-books. And if we turn to the text-books of Chris- tianity we shall find a formula for this problem as clear and precise as any in the mechanical sciences. If this simple rule, moreover, be but followed fearlessly, it will yield the result of a perfect character as surely as any result that is guaranteed by the laws of nature. The finest expres- sion of this rule in Scripture, or indeed in any literature, is probably one drawn up and condensed into a single verse by Paul. 11 156 THE CHANGED LIFE. You will find it in a letter— the second to the Corintliians — written by him to some Christian people who, in a city which was a byword for depravity and licentiousness, were seeking the higher life. To see the point of the words we must take them from the immensely improved rendering of .the Revised translation, for the older Version in this case greatly obscures the sense. They are these: '*We all, with unveiled face reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.*' Now observe at the outset the entire contradiction of all our previous efforts, in the simple passive **we are trans- formed.*' We are changed^ as the Old Ver- sion has it — we do not change ourselves. FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 1 57 No man can change himself. Through- out the New Testament you will find that wherever these moral and spiritual trans- formations are described the verbs are in the passive. Presently it will be pointed out that there is a rationale in this ; but meantime do not toss these words aside as if this passivity denied all human effort or ignored intelligible law. What is im- plied for the soul here is no more than is everywhere claimed for the body. In physiology the verbs describing the pro- cesses of growth are in the passive. Growth is not voluntary ; it takes place, it happens, it is wrought upon matter. So here. **Ye must be born again '^— we cannot born ourselves, **Be not conformed to this world, but be ye trans- formed'^'^ — we are subjects to a trans- 15^ THE CHANGED LIFE. forming influence, we do not transform ourselves. Not more certain is it that it is something outside the thermometer that produces a change in the thermometer, than it is something outside the soul of man that produces a moral change upon him. That he must be susceptible to that change, that he must be a part)^ to it, goes without saying ; but that neither his aptitude nor his will can produce it, is equally certain. Obvious as it ought to seem, this may be to some an almost startling rev- elation. The change we have been striving after is not to be produced by any more striving after. It is to be wrought upon us by the moulding of hands beyond our own. As the branch ascends, and the bud bursts, and the FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 1 59 fruit reddens under the co-operation of influences from the outside air, so man rises to the higher stature under invisi- ble pressures from without. The radical defect of all our former methods of sanctification was the attempt to gener- ate from within that which can only be wrought upon us from without. Ac- cording to the first Law of Motion: Every bod}^ continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in so far as it may be com- pelled by impressed forces to change that state. This is also a first law of Chris- tianity. Every man's character remains as it is, or. continues in the direction in which it is going, until it is compelled by impressed forces to change that state. Our failure has been the failure to put l6o THE CHANGED UJ^U, ourselves in the way of the impressed forces. There is a clay, and there is a Potter; we have tried to get the clay to mould the clay. Whence, then, these pressures, and where this Potter? The answer of the formula is **By reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord we are changed.'* But this is not very clear. What is the ^' glory" of the Lord, and how can mortal man reflect it, and how can that act as an ^ impressed force" in mould- ing him to a nobler form? The word **glor>^" — the word which has to bear the weight of holding those ** impressed forces " — is a stranger in current speech, and our first duty is to seek out its equivalent in working English. It sug- gests at first a radiance of some kind, FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. l6l sometliing dazzling" or glittering, some halo such as the old masters loved to paint round the heads of their Ecce Homos. But that is paint, mere matter, the visible symbol of some unseen thing. What is that unseen thing? It is that of all unseen things the most radiant, the most beautiful, the most Divine, and that is Charaeter. On earth, in Heaven, there is nothing so great, so glorious as this. The word has many meanings; in ethics it can have but one. Glory is character, and nothing less, and it can be nothing more. The earth is '*full of the glory of the Lord,'' because it is full of His character. The *^ Beauty of the Lord'' is character. ^*The efful- gence of His Glory " is character. '* The Glory of the Only Begotten" is charac- l62 THE CHANGED LIFE. ter, tHe character whicli is ** fulness of grace and truth." And when God told His people His name He simply gave them His character, His character which was Himself: ** And the Lord proclaimed the Name of the Lord . . . the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth." Glory then is not some- thing intangible, or ghostly, or transcen- dental. If it were this how could Paul ask men to reflect it? Stripped of its physical enswathement it is Beauty, moral and spiritual Beauty, Beauty in- finitely real, infinitely exalted, yet infin- itely near and infinitely communicable. With this explanation read over the sentence once more in paraphrase : We ail reflecting as a mirror the character FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 1 63 of Christ are transformed into the same Image from character to character — from a poor character to a better one, from a better one to one a little better still, from that to one still more complete, until by slow degrees the Perfect Image is attained. Here the solution of the problem of sanctification is compressed into a sentence : Reflect the character of Christ, and you will become like Christ. All men are mirrors — that is the first law on v/hich this formula is based. One of the aptest descriptions of a human being is that he is a mirror. As we sat at table to-night the world in which each of us lived and moved throughout this day was focussed in the room. What we saw as we looked at one another was not l64 THK CHANGED LIFE. one another, but one another's world. We were an arrangement of mirrors. The scenes we saw were all reproduced ; the people we met walked to and fro; they spoke, they bowed, they passed us by, did everything over again as if it had been real. When we talked, we were but looking at our own inirror and describing what flitted across it; our listening was not hearing, but seeing — we but looked on our neighbor's mirror. All human intercourse is a seeing of reflections. I meet a stranger in a railway carriage. The cadence of his first word tells me he is English, and comes from Yorkshire. Without knowing it he has reflected his birthplace, his parents, and the long his- tory of their race. Even physiologically he is -H mirror. His second sentenc«* FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 165 records that he is a politician, and a faint inflexion in the way he pronounces The Times reveals his party. In his next remarks I see reflected a whole world of experiences. The books he has read, the people he has met, the influences that have played upon him and made him the man he is — these are all registered there by a pen which lets nothing pass,' and whose writing can never be blotted out. What I am reading in him meantime he also is reading in me ; and before the journey is over we could half write each other's lives. Whether we like it or not, we live in glass houses. The mind^ the memory, the soul, is simply a vast cham- ber panelled with looking-glass. And upon this miraculous arrangement and endowment depends the capacity of mor- l66 THE CHANGED LI?E. tal souls to ** reflect the character of the Lord.'' But this is not all. If all these varied reflections from our so-called secret life are patent to the world, how close the writing, how complete the record, within the soul itself? For the influences we meet are not simply held for a moment on the polished surface and thrown off again into space. Each is retained where first it fell, and stored up in the soul for ever. This law of Assimilation is the second, and by far the most impressive truth which underlies the formula of sancti- fication — the truth that men are not only mirrors, but that these mirrors, so far from being mere reflectors of the fleeting things they see, transfer into FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 1 67 their own inmost substance, and hold in permanent preservation, the things that they reflect. No one knows how the soul can hold these things. No one knows how the miracle is done. No phenomenon in nature, no process in chemistry, no chapter in necromancy can even help us to begin to understand this amazing operation. For, think of it, the past is not only focussed there, in a man's soul, it is there. How could, it be reflected from there if it were not there ? All things that he has ever seen, known, felt, believed of the surrounding world are now within him, have become part of him, in part are him — he has been changed into their image. He may deny it, he may resent it, but they are there. They do not adhere to him, l68 THE CHANGED LIFE. they are transfused through him. He cannot alter or rub them out. They are not in his memory, they are in him. His soul is as they have filled it, made it, left it. These things, these books, these events, these influences are his makers. In their hands are life and death, beauty and deformity. When once the image or likeness of any of these is fairly presented to the soul, no pov/er on earth can hinder two things happening — it must be absorbed into the soul, and for ever reflected back again from character. Upon these astounding yet perfectly obvious psychological facts, Paul bases his doctrine of sanctification. He sees that character i^* a thing built up by Blow degrees, that it is hourly chang- FORMULA OF SANCTIFICATION. 169 ing for better or for worse according to the images which flit across it. One step further and the whole length and breadth of the application of these ideas to the central problem of religion will st^ind before us. THE ALCHEMY OF INFLU- ENCE. T F events change men, much more per- sons. No man can meet another on the street without making some mark upon him. We say we exchange words when we meet; what we exchange is souls. And when intercourse is very close and very frequent, so complete is this exchange that recognizable bits of the one soul begin to show in the other's nature, and the second is conscious of a similar and growing debt to the first wo THE ALCHSMY OF INFLUENCE. I7I This mysterious approximating of two souls who has not witnessed ? Who has not watched some old couple come down life's pilgrimage hand in hand, with such gentle trust and joy in one another that their very faces wore the self-same look ? These were net two souls ; it was a com- posite soul. It did not matter to which of the two you spoke, you would have said the same words to either. It was quite indifferent which replied, each would have said the same. Half a century's reflecting had told upon them ; they were changed into the same image. It is the I^aw of Influence that we be- come like those whom we habitually ad- mire : these had become like because they habitually admired. Through all the range of literature, of history, and 12 172 THE CHANGED LIFE. biography this law presides. Men are all mosaics of other men. There was a savor of David about Jonathan and a savor of Jonathan about David. Jean Valjean, in the masterpiece of Victor Hugo, is Bishop Bienvenu risen from the dead. Metempsychosis is a fact. George Eliot's message to the world was that men and women make men and women. The Family, the cradle of mankind, has no meaning apart from this. Society itself is nothing but a rallying point for these omnipotent forces to do their work. On the doctrine of In- fluence, in short, the whole vast pyramid of humanity is built. But it was resented for Paul to make the supreme application of the Law of Influence. It was a tremendous Infer- THE ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 1 73 ence to make, but he never hesitated. He himself v/as a changed man; he knew exactly what had done it; it was Christ. On the Damascus road they met, and from that hour his life was absorbed in His. The effect could not but follow — on words, on deeds, on career^ on creed. The '^impressed forces'' did their vital work. He became like Him Whom he habitually loved. *^ So we ill," he writes, *' reflecting as a mirror the glor>- of Christ, are changed into* the same image." Nothing could be more simple, more intelligible, more natural, more super- natural. It is an analogy from an every- day fact. Since we are what we are by the impacts of those who surround us, those who surround themselves with the 174 'i'HS CHANGED LIFE. highest will be those who change into the highest. There are some men and some women in whose company we are always at our best. While with them we cannot think mean thoughts or speak ungenerous words. Their mere presence is elevation, purification, sanctity. All the best stops in our nature are drawn out by their intercourse, and we find a music in our souls that was never there before. Suppose even thai influence pro- longed through a month, a year, a life- time, and what could not life become? Here, even on the common plane of life, talking our language, walking our streets, working side by side, are sanctifiers of souls ; here, breathing through common clay, is Heaven ; here, energies charged even through a temporal medium with THF) ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCK. 1 75 the virtue of regeneration. If to live with men, diluted to the millionth de- gree with the virtue of the Highest, can exalt and purify the nature, what bounds can be set to the influence of Christ ? To ^ live with Socrates — with unveiled face — must have made one wise ; with Aristides, just. Francis of Assisi must have made one gentle ; Savonarola, strong. But to .have lived with Christ? To have lived with Christ must have made one like Christ ; that is to say, A Chrisiian. As a matter of fact, to live vath Christ did produce this effect. It produced it in the case of Paul. And during Christ's lifetime the experiment was tried in an even more startling form. A few raw, unspiritual, uninspiring men, were ad- mitted to the inner circle of His friend- 176 THE CHANGED UFE. ship. The change began at once. Day by day we can almost see the first disr ciples grow. First there steals over them the faintest possible adumbration of His character, and occasionally, very occa- sionally, they do a thing or say a thing that they could not have done or said had they not been living there. Slowly the spell of His Life deepens. Reach after reach of their nature is overtaken, thawed, subjugated, sanctified. Their manners soften, their words become more gentle. their conduct more unselfish. As swal- lows who have found a summer, as frozen ■buds the spring, their starved humanity bursts into a fuller life. They do not know how it is, but they are different men. One day they find themselves like their Master, going about and doing good. THE ALCHEMY OF INFI^UENCE. 1 77 To themselves it is unaccountable, but they cannot do otherwise. They were not told to do it, it came to them to do it. But the people who watch them know well how to account for it — **They have been,'' they whisper, ''with Jesus.*' Al- ready even, the mark and seal of His character is upon them — ''They have been with Jesus." Unparalleled phe- nomenon, that these poor fishermen should remind other men of Christ ! Stupendous victory and mystery of regeneration that mortal men should suggest to the world, God! There is something almost melting in the way His contemporaries, and John especially, speak of the influence of Christ. John lived himself in daily won- der at Him; he was overpowered, over- 17b THE CHANGED I.IFE. awed, entranced, transfigured. To Ms mind it was impossible for any one to come under this influence and ever be the same again. * * Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not,^' he said. It was in- conceivable that he should sin, as in- conceivable as that ice should live in a burning sun, or darkness coexist with noon. If any one did sin, it was to John the simple proof that he could never have met Christ. ** Whosoever sinneth,*' he exclaims, '^hath not seen Him^ neither known Htm,^^ Sin was abashed in this Presence. Its roots withered. Its sway and victory were for ever at an end. But these were His contemporaries. It was easy for them to be influenced by Him, for they were every day and all the day together. But how can we mirror THK ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 1 79 that which we have never seen? How can all this stupendous result be pro- duced by a Memory, by the scantiest of all Biographies, by One who lived and left this earth eighteen hundred years ago? How can modern men to-day make Christ, the absent Christ, their most con- stant companion still? The answer is that Friendship is a spiritual thing. It is independent of Matter, or Space, or Time. That which I love in my friend is not that which I see. What influences me in my friend is not his body but his spirit. It would have been an ineffable experience truly to have lived at that time — *• I think when I read the sweet story of old* How when Jesus was here among men, l8o THK CHANGED LIFE. He took little children like lambs to His fold, I should like to have been with Him then. *' I wish that His hand had been laid on my head, That His arms had been thrown around me, And that I had seen His kind look when he said, * Let the little ones come unto me.' " And yet, if Christ were to come into the world again few of us probably would ever have a chance of seeing Him. Mil- lions of her subjects, in this little coun- try, have never seen^ their own Queen. And there would be millions of the sub- jects of Christ who could never get with- in speaking distance of Him if He were here. Our companionship with Him, like all true companionship, is a spiritual communion. All friendship, all love, human and Divine, is purely spiritual. the; AI.CHKMY OF INFLUKNCK. l8l It was after He was risen that He in- fluenced even the disciples most. Hence in reflecting the character of Christ, it is no real obstacle that we may never have been in visible contact with Himself. There lived once a young girl whose perfect grace of character was the wonder of those who knew her. She wore on her neck a gold locket which no one was ever allowed to open. One day, in a mo- ment of unusual confidence, one of her companions was allowed to touch its spring and learn its secret. She saw written these words — '^ IVhom having not seen^ I love, ' ' That was the secret of hei beautiful life. She had been changed into the Same Image. Now this is not imitation, but a much deeper thing. Mark this distinction. l82 THE CHANGED IJFE. For the difference in the process, as well as in the result, may be as great as that between a photograph secured by the infallible pencil of the sun, and the rude outline from a school-boy's chalk. Imi- tation is mechanical, reflection organic. The one is occasional, the other habitual. In the one case, man comes to God and imitates Him ; in the other, God comes to man and imprints Himself upon Him. It is quite true that there is an imitation of Christ which amounts to reflection. But Paul's term includes all that the other holds, and is open to no mistake. *'Make Christ your most constant companion" — this is what it practically means for us. Be more under His in- fluence than under any other influence. Ten minutes spent in His society every THK ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 183 day, ay, two minutes if it be face to face, and heart to heart, will make the whole day different. Every charactei has an inward spring, let Christ be it. Every action has a key-note, let Christ set it. Yesterday you got a certain let- ter. You sat down and wrote a reply which almost scorched the paper. You picked the cruellest adjectives you knew and sent it forth, without a pang, to do its ruthless work. You did that because your life was set in the wrong key. You began the day with the mirror placed at the wrong angle. To-morrow, at day-break, turn it towards Him, and even to your enemy the fashion of your countenance will be changed. What- ever you then do, one thing you will find you could not do— you could not l84 THE CHANGED LIFE. write that letter. Your first impulse may be the same, your judgment may be unchanged, but if you try it the ink will dry on your pen, and 5^ou Tvill rise from your desk an unavenged, but a greater and more Christian, man. Throughout the whole day your actions, down to the last detail, will do homage to that early vision. Yesterday you thought mostly about yourself. To-day the poor will meet you, and you will feed them. The helpless, the tempted, the sad, will throng about you, and each you will befriend. Where were all these people yesterday? Where they are to-day, but you did not see them It is in reflected light that the poor are seen. But your soul to-day is not at the ordinary angle. ** Things which are THE ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 185 not seen*' are visible. For a few short hours you live the Eternal Life. The eternal life, the life of faith, is simply the life of the higher vision. Faith is an attitude — a mirror set at the right angle. When to-morrow is over, and in the evening you review it, you will won- der how you did it. You will not be conscious that you strove for anything, or imitated anything, or crucified any- thing. You will be conscious of Christ ; that He was with you, that without compulsion you were yet compelled, that without force, or noise, or proclamation, the revolution was accomplished. You do not congratulate yourself as one who has done a mighty deed, or achieved a personal success, or stored up a fund of l86 THE CHANGED LIFE. '* Christian experience" to ensure the same result again. What you are con- scions of is "the glory of the Lord." And what the world is conscious of, if the result be a true one, is also '^the glory of the Lord." In looking at a mirror one does not see the mirror, or think of it, but only of what it reflects. For a mirror never calls attention to itself — except when there are flaws in it. That this is a real experience and not a vision, that this life is possible to meuj is being lived by men to-day, is simple biographical fact. From a thou- sand witnesses I cannot forbear to sum- mon one. The following are the words of one of the highest intellects this age has known, a man who shared the bur- dens of his country as few have done. THE ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 187 and who, not in the shadows of old age, but in the high noon of his success, gave this confession — I quote it with only a few abridgments — to the world : ** I want to speak to-night only a little, but that little I desire to speak of the sacred name of Christ, who is my life, my inspiration, my hope, and my surety. I cannot help stopping and looking back upon the past. And I wish, as if I had never done it before, to bear witness, not only that it is by the grace of God, but that it is by the grace of God as mani- fested in Christ Jesus, that I am what I am. I recognize the sublimity and grand- eur of the revelation of God in His eter- nal fatherhood as one that made the heav- ens, that founded the earth, and that r^ 13 1 88 THE CHANGED I.IFE. gaids all the tribes of the earth, compre- hending them in one universal mercy; but it is the God that is manifested in Jesus Christ, revealed by His life, made known by the inflections of His feelings, by His discourse, and by His deeds — it is that God that I desire to confess to-night, and of whom I desire to say, * By the love of God in Christ Jesus I am v/hat I am.* '* If you ask me precisely what I mean by that, I say, frankly, that more than any recognized influence of my father or my mother upon me-; more than the social influence of all the members of my father's household; more, so far as I can trace it, or so far as I am made aware of it, than all the social influences of every kind, Christ has had the formation of my THK ALCHEMY OP INFLUENCE. 1 89 mind and my disposition. My hidden ideals of what is beautiful I have drawn from Christ. My thoughts of what is manly, and noble, and pure, have almost aL of them arisen from the I^ord Jesus Christ Many men have educated them- selves by reading Plutarch's Lives of the Ancient Worthies, and setting before themselves one and another of these that in different ages have achieved celebrity ; and they have recognized the great power of these men on them- selves. Now I do not perceive that poet, or philosopher, or reformer, or general, or any other great man, ever has dwelt in my imagination and in my thought as the simple Jesus has. For more than twenty-five years I instinctively have gone to Christ to draw a measure and a 190 THE CHANGED UFE. rule for everything. Whenever there has been a necessity for it, I have sought — and at last almost spontaneously — to throw myself into the companionship of Christ ; and early, by my imagination, I could see Him standing and looking quietly and lovingly upon me. There seemed almost to drop from His face an influence upon me that suggested what was the right thing in the controlling of passion, in the subduing of pride, in the overcoming of selfishness ; and it is from Christ, manifested to my in- ward eye, that I have consciously derived more ideals, more models, more influ- ences, than from any human character whatever. * * That is not all. I feel conscious that I have deiived from the I^ord Jesus Christ THK ALCHKMY OF INFLUENCE. I9I every thought that makes heaven a real- ity to me, and every thought that paves the road that lies between me and heaven. All my conceptions of the progress of grace in the soul ; all the steps by which divine life is evolved ; all the ideals that overhang the blessed sphere which awaits us beyond this world — these are derived from the Saviour. The life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God. * * That is not all. Much as my future includes all these elements which go to make the blessed fabric of earthly life^ yet, after all, what the summer is com- pared with all its earthly products — flowers, and leaves, and grass — that is Christ compared with all the products of Christ in my mind and in my soul. All 192 THE CHANGED UFE. tlie flowers and leaves of sympathy ; all the twining joys that come from my heart as a Christian — these I take and hold in the future, but they are to me what the flowers and leaves of summer are com- pared with the sun that makes the sum- mer. Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of my better life. '^When I read the Bible, I gather a great deal from the Old Testament, and from the Pauline portions of the New Testament ; but after all, I am conscious that the fruit of the Bible is Christ. That is what 1 read it for, and that is what I find that is worth reading. I have had a hunger to be loved of Christ. You all know, in some relations, what it is to be hungry for love. Your heart THE AI^CHEMY OF INFI.UKNCK. I93 seems unsatisfied till you can draw some- thing more toward you from those that are dearest to you. There have been times when I have had an unspeakable heart-hunger for Christ's love. My sense of sin is never strong when I think of the law ; my sense of sin is strong when I think of love — if there is any diflference between law and love. It is when draw- ing near the L/Ord Jesus Christ, and long- ing to be loved, that I have the most vivid sense of unsymmetry, of imperfec- tion, of absolute unworthiness, and of my sinfulness. Character and conduct are never so vividly set before me as when in silence I bend in the presence of Christ, revealed not in wrath, but in love to me. I never so much long to be lovely, that I ma)' be loved^ as when 194 'I'HH CHANGED I^IFK. I have this revelation of Christ before my mind. ** In looking back upon my experience, that part of my life which stands out, and which I remember most vividly, is just that part that has had some con- scious association with Chnst. All the rest is pale, and thin, and lies like clouds on the horizon. Doctrines, systems, measures, methods — what may be called the necessary mechanical and external part of worship ; the part which the senses would recognize — this seems to have withered and fallen off like leaves of last summer ; but that part which has taken hold of Christ abides." Can any one hear this life-music, with Its throbbing refrain of Christ, and re- THE ALCHEMY OF INFLUENCE. 1 95 main unmoved by envy or desire ? Yet, till we have lived like this we have nevei lived at all. THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. •^ I ^HEN you reduce religion to a com- mon Friendship? A common Friendship — Who talks of a common Friendship ! There is no such thing in the world. On earth no word is more sublime. Friendship is the nearest thing we know to what religion is. God is love. And to make religion akin to Friendship is simply to give it the high- est expression conceivable by man. But if by demurring to "a common friend- ship*' is meant a protest against the greatest and the holiest in religion be- 19« THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 1 97 ing Spoken of in intelligible terms, then I am afraid the objection is all too real. Men always look for a mystery wheu one talks of sanctification ; some mys- tery apart from that which must ever be mysterious wherever Spirit works. It is thought some peculiar secret lies behind it, some occult experience which only the initiated know. Thousands of persons go to church every Sunday hop- ing to solve this myster>\ At meetings, at conferences, many a time they have reached what they thought was the very brink of it, but somehow no further revelation came. Poring over religious books, how often were they not within a paragraph of it; the next page, the next sentence, would discover all, and they would be borne on a flowing tide 198 THE CHANGED LIFE. for ever. But nothing happened. The next sentence and the next page were read, and still it eluded them ; and though the promise of its coming kept faithfully up to the end, the last chapt-er found them still pursuing. Why did nothing happen? Because there was nothing to happen — nothing of the kind they were looking for. Why did it elude them? Because there was no ^'it.'^ When shall we learn that the pursuit of holiness is simply the pursuit of Christ? When shall' we substitute for the **it" of a fictitious aspiration, the approach to a Iviving Friend? Sanctity is in character and not in moods ; Divin- ity in our own plain calm humanity, and in no mystic rapture of the soul. And yet there are others who, for ex- THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 1 99 actly a contrary reason, will find scant satisfaction here. Their complaint is not that a religion expressed in terms of Friendship is too homely, but that it is still too mystical. To ' * abide ' ' in Christ, to **make Christ our most constant com panion, ' ' is to them the purest mysticism. They want something absolutely tangible and absolutely direct. These are not the poetical souls who seek a sign, a mysti- cism in excess ; but the prosaic natures whose want is mathematical definition in details. Yet it is perhaps not possible to reduce this problem to much more rigid elements. The beauty of Friend- ship is its infinity. One can never evac- uate life of mysticism. Home is full of it, love is full of it, religion is full of it. Why stumble at that in the relation of 200 THE CHANGED LIFE. mac to Christ wliicli is natural in the relation of man to man ? If any one cannot conceive or realize a mystical relation with Christ, perhaps all that can be done is to help him to step on to it by still plainer analogies from common life. How do I know Shake- speare or Dante? By communing with their words and thoughts. Many men know Dante better than their own fathers. He influences them more. As a spiritual presence he is more near to them, as a vSpiritual force more real. Is there any reason why a greater than Shakespeare or Dante, v/ho also walked this earth, who left great words behind Him, who has great works everywhere in the world now, should not also instruct, inspire, and mould the characters of men ? I do not THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 201 limit Christ's influence to this. It is this, and it is more. But Christ, so far from resenting or discouraging this relation of Friendship, Himself proposed it. "Abide in Me ' ' was almost His last word to the world. And He partly met the difficulty of those who feel its intangibleness by adding the practical clause, "If ye abide in Me a7id My words abide hi you.''^ Begin with His words. Words can scarcely ever be long impersonal. Christ Himself was a Word, a word made Flesh. Make His words flesh ; do them, live them, and you must live Christ, "//i? that keepeth My conivtandinents^ he it is that loveth Me.'' Obey Him and yon must love Him. Abide in Him and you must obey Him. Cultivate His Friend- ship, Live after Christ, in His Spirit, 202 THE CHANGED UFE. as in His Presence, and it is difficult to think what more you can do. Take this at least as a first lesson, as introduc- tion. If you cannot at once and always feel the play of His life upon yours, watch for it also indirectly. " The whole earth is full of the character of the Lord.*' Christ is the Light of the world, and much of His Light is reflected from things in the world — even from clouds. Sunlight is stored in every leaf, from leaf through coal, and it comforts us thence when days are dark and we can- not see the sun. Christ shines throiigh men, through books, through history, through nature, music, art. Look for Him there. *' Every day one should either look at a beautiful picture, or hear beautiful music, or read a beautiful THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 203 poem.'* The real danger of mysticism is not making it broad enougli. Do not think that nothing is happen- ing because you do not see yourself grow, or hear the whirr of the machinery. All great things grow noiselessly. You can see a mushroom grow, but never a child. Mr. Darwin tells us that Evolution pro- ceeds by ' ' numerous, successive, and slight modifications." Paul knew that, and put it, only in more beautiful words, into the heart of his formula. He said for the comforting of all slowly perfect- ing souls that they grew ' * from character to character." *'The inward man,'* he says elsewhere, ' ' is renewed from day to day." All thorough work is slow; all true development by minute, slight, and insensible metamorphoses. The higher 14 204 THE CHANGED LIFE. the structure, moreover, the slower the progress. As the biologist runs his eye over the long Ascent of Life he sees the lowest forms of animals develop in an hour ; the next above these reach matur- ity in a day ; those higher still take weeks or months to perfect ; but the few at the top demand the long experiment of years. If a child and an ape are born on the same day, the last will be in full possession of its faculties and doing the active work of life before the child has left its cradle. Life is the cradle of eternity. As the man is to the animal in the slowness of his evolution, so is the spiritual man to the natural man. Foundations which have to bear the weight of an eternal life must be surely laid. Character is to wear for ever ; who will wonder oi THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 205 grudge that it cannot be developed in a day? To await the growing of a soul, nev- ertheless, is au almost Divine act of faith. How pardonable, surely, the im- patience of deformity with itself, of a consciously despicable character standing before Christ, wondering, yearning, hun- gering to be like that? Yet must one trust the process fearlessly, and without misgiving. ** The Lord the Spirit '' will do His part. The tempting expedient is, in haste for abrupt or visible progress, to try some method less spiritual, or to defeat the end by watching for effects instead of keeping the eye on the Cause. A photograph prints from the negative only while exposed to the sun. While the artist is looking to see how it is 2o6 THE CHANGED LIFE. getting on lie simply stops the getting on. Whatever of wise supervision the soul may need, it is certain it can never be over-exposed, or that, being exposed, anything else in the world can improve the result or quicken it. The creation of a new heart, the renewing of a right spirit, is an omnipotent work of God. Leave it to the Creator. *'He which hath begun a good work in you will perfect it unto that day.*' No man, nevertheless, who feels the worth and solemnity of what is at stake will be careless as to his progress. To become like Christ is the only thing in the world worth caring for, the thing before which every ambition of man is folly, and all lower achievement vain. Those only who make this quest the THK FIRST KXPERIMENT. 207 supreme desire and passion of their lives can even begin to hope to reach it. If, therefore, it has seemed up to this point as if all depended on passivity, let me now assert, with conviction more intense, that all depends on activity. A religion of effortless adoration may be a religion for an angel, but never for a man. Not in the contemplative, but in the active, lies true hope; not in rapture, but in reality, lies true life ; not in the realm of ideals, but among tangible things, is man's sanctification wrought. Resolu- tion, effort, pain, self- crucifixion, agony — all the things already dismissed as futile in themselves must now be restored to oflSce, and a tenfold responsibility laid upon them. For what is their ofiice? Nothing less than to move the vast in- 208 THK CHANGED LIFE. ertia of tlie soul, and place it, and keep it where the spiritual forces will act upon it. It is to rally the forces of the will, and keep the surface of the mirror bright and ever in position. It is to uncover the face which is to look at Christ, and draw down the veil when unhallowed sights are near. You have, perhaps, gone with an astronomer to watch him photograph the spectrum of a star. As you entered the dark vault of the observatory you saw him begin by lighting a candle. To see the star with ? No ; but to see to adjust the instrument to see the star with. It was the star that was going to take the photograph ; it was, also, the astronomer. For a long time he worked in the dim- ness, screwing tubes and polishing lenses THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. 209 and adjusting reflectors, and only after mucli labor the finely focussed instru- ment was brought to bear. Ther he blew out the light, and left the star 'o do its work upon the plate alone. The day's task for the Christian is to bring his instrument to bear. Having done that he may blow out his candle. All the evidences of Christianity which have brought him there, all aids to Faith, all acts of worship, all the leverages of the Church, all Prayer and Meditation, all girding of the Will — these lesser pro- cesses, these candle-light activities for that supreme hour, may be set aside. But, remember, it is but for an hour. The wise man will be he who quickest lights his candle; the wisest he who never lets it out To-morrow, the next 210 THK CHANGED LIFK. moment, he, a poor, darkened, blurred soul, may need it again to focus the Image better, to take a mote oflf the lens, to clear the mirror from a breath with which the world has dulled it. No readjustment is ever required on behalf of the Star. That is one great fixed point in this shifting universe. But the world tnoves. And each day, each hour, demands a further motion and read- justment for the soul. A telescope in an observatory follows a star by clockwork, but the clockwork of the soul is called the Will, Hence, while the soul in pas- sivity reflects the Image of the Lord, the Will in intense activity holds the mirror in position lest the drifting motion of the world bear it beyond the line of vision. To '* follow Christ*' is largely to keep THE FIRST EXPKRIMKNT. 211 the soul in such position as will allow for the motion of the earth. And this calculated counteracting of the move- ments of a world, this holding of the mirror exactly opposite to the Mirrored, this steadying of the faculties unerringly through cloud and earthquake, fire and sword, is the stupendous co-operating labor of the Will. It is all man's work. It is all Christ's work. In prac- tice it is both ; in theory it is both. But- the wise man will say in practice, **It depends upon myself." In the Galerie des Beaux Arts in Paris there stands a famous statue. It was the last work of a great genius, who, like many a genius, was very poor and lived in a garret, which served as studio and sleeping-room alike. When the statue 212 THK CHANGED IJFE. was all but finished, one midnight a sudden frost fell upon Paris. The sculptor lay awake in the fireless room and thought of the still moist clay, thought hov/ the water would freeze in the pores and destroy in an hour the dream of his life. So the old man rose from his couch and heaped the bed-clothes rever- ently round his work. In the morning wlien the neighbors entered the room the sculptor v/as dead. But the statue lived. The Image of Christ that is forming within us — that is life.^s one charge. Let every project stand aside for that. *'Till Christ be formed," no man's work is fin- ished, no religion crowned, no life has fulfilled its end. Is . the infinite task be- gun ? Wlien, how, are we to be differ- THE FIRST EXPERIMENT, 213 ent ? Time cannot change men. Death cannot change men. Christ can. Where- fore put on Christ, "FIRST!" A Talk with Boys. INTRODUCTORY. ^^^NE Sunday afternoon there assem- ^^ bled at the City Hall, Glasgow, Scotland, the Boy^s Brigade, fourteen hundred strong, in the presence of an in- terested audience. Professor Drummond ascended the platform, and after prayer had been offered, and several hymns had been sung, requested the members to turn to the sixth chapter of St. Matthew and read in unison the verse, **But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His 2l8 INTRODUCTORY. righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you/* Afterwards, al) being seated, Professor Drummond pro- ceeded with his address. "FIRSXr T HAVE three heads to give you The first is ** Geography,*' the second is ** Arithmetic,** and the third is ** Gram- mar.'* Geography. First. Geography tells us where to find places. Where is the kingdom of God? It is said that when a Prussian officer was killed in the Franco-Prussian war, a map of France was very often found in his pocket. When we wish to occupy a country, we ought to know its 15 S19 220 ** FIRST P' geography. Now, where is the kingdom of God? A boy over there says, **It is in heaven. No ; it is not in heaven. Another boy says, **It is in the Bible." No ; it is not in the Bible. Another boy says, *^ It must be in the Church." No; it is not in the Church. Heaven is only the capital of the kingdom of God ; the Bible is the Guide-book to it; the Church is the weekly Parade of those who belong to it. If you would turn to the seven- teenth chapter of St. Luke you will find out where the kingdom of God really is. *' The kingdom of God is within you" — within you. The kingdom of God is inside people. I remember once taking a walk by the river near where the Falls of Niagara are, and I noticed a remarkable figure GEOGRAPHY. 221 walking along the river bank. I liad been some time in America. I bad seen black men, and red men, and yellow men, and white men; black men, the Ne- groes; red men, the Indians; yellow men^ the Chinese; white men, the Americans. But this man looked quite different in his dress from anything I had ever seen. When he came a little closer, I saw he was wearing a kilt; when he came a little nearer still, I saw that he was dressed exactly like a Highland soldier. When he came quite near, I said to him, * ' What are you doing here?'* **Why should I not be here?" he said. ''Don't you know this is British soil ? When you cross the river you come into Canada. ' ' This sol- dier was thousands of miles from Eng- land, and yet he was in the kingdom of 222 ** FIRST I" England. Wherever there is an Eng- lish heart beating loyal to the Queen of Britain, there is England, Wherever there is a boy whose heart is loyal to the King of the kingdom of God, the king- dom of God is within him. What is the kingdom of God ? Every kingdom has its exports, its products. Go down to the river here, and you will find ships coming in with cotton ; you know they come from America. You will find ships with tea; you know they are from China. Ships with wool ; you know they come from Australia. Ships with sugar; you know they come from Java. What comes from the king- dom of God? Again we must refer to our Guide book. Turn to Romans, and we shall find what the kingdom of God is GEOGRAPHY. 223 I will read it: "The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, joy *'— three tilings. **The kingdom of God is right- eousness, peace, joy.'* Righteousness, of course, is just doing what is right. Any boy who does what is right has the kingdom of God within him. Any boy who, instead of being quarrelsome, lives at peace with the other boys, has the kingdom of God within him. Any boy whose heart is filled with joy be- cause he does what is right, has the kingdom of God within him. The kingdom of God is not going to relig- ious meetings, and hearing strange relig- ious experiences: the kingdom of God is doing what is right — living at peace with all men, being filled with joy in the Holy Ghost. 3824 ** first!" Boys, if you are going to be Chris- tians, be Christians as boys, and not as your grandmothers. A grandmother has to be a Christian as a grandmother, and that is the right and the beautiful thing for her; but if you cannot read your Bible by the hour as your grandmothei can, or delight in meetings as she can, don't think you are necessarily a bad boy. When you are your grandmother's age you will have your grandmother's kind of religion. Meantime, be a Chris- tian as a boy. I^ive a boy's life. Do the straight thing; seek the kingdom of righteousness and honor and truth. Keep the peace with the boys about you, and be filled with the joy of being ? loyal, and simple, and natural, and boy- like servant of Christ. GEOGRAPHY. 225 You can very easily tell a house, or a workshop, or an office where the king- dom of God is noU The first thing you see in that place is that the "straight thing" is not always done. Customers do not get fair play. You are in danger of learning to cheat and to lie. Better, a thousand times, to starve than to stay in a place where you cannot do what is right. Or, when you go into your workshop, you find everybody sulky, touchy, and ill- tempered; everybody at daggers* drawn with everybody else ; some of the men not on speaking terms with some of the others, and the whole feel of the place miserable and unhappy. The kingdom of God is not there, for it is peace. It is 226 ** FIRST I" the kingdom of the Devil that is anger and wrath and malice. If you want to get the kingdom of God into your workshop, or into your home, let the quarrelling be stopped. I^ive in peace and harmony and brotherliness with every one. For the kingdom of God is a kingdom of brothers. It is a great society, founded by Jesus Christ, of all the people who try to be like Him, and live to make the world better and sweeter and happier. Wherever a boy is trying to do that, in the house or in the street, in the workshop or on the baseball field, there is the kingdom of God. And every boy, however small or obscure or poor, who is seeking that, is a member of it. You see now, I hope, what the king-dom is. ARITHMETIC. 327 Arithmetic. I pass, therefore, to the second head : What was it ? * * Arithmetic. ' * Are there any arithmetic words in this text? ** Add- ed,** says one boy. Quite right, added. What other arithmetic word? '* First. -^ Yes, T^r^^—*' first," "added.'* Now, don't you think you could not have anything better to seek *^ first" than the things I have named — to do what is right, to live at peace, and be always making those about you happy ? You see at once why Christ tells us to seek these things first — ^because they are the best worth seek- ing. Do you know anything better than these three things, anything happier, purer, nobler? If you do, seek them first. But if you do not, seek first the 228 ** FIRST I" kingdom of God. I am not here this afternoon to tell you to be religious. You know that. I am not here to tell you to seek the kingdom of God. I have come to tell you to seek the kingdom of God first. First, Not many people do that. They put a little religion into their life — once a week, perhaps. They might just as well let it alone. It is not worth seeking the kingdom of God unless we seek it first. Suppose you take the helm out of a ship and hang it over the bow, and send that ship to sea, will it ever reach the other side? Certainly not. It will drift about anyhow. Keep religion in its place, and it will take you straight through life, and straight to your Father in heaven when life is over. But if you do not put it in its place, you may just ARITHMETIC. 229 as well have nothing to do with it. Re- ligion out of its place in a human life is the most miserable thing in the world. There is nothing that requires so much to be kept in its place as religion, and its place is what ? second ? third ? * * First. ' * Boys, carry that home with you to-day — first the kingdom of God. Make it so that it will be natural to you to think about that the very first thing. There was a boy in Glasgow appren- ticed to a gentleman who made tele- graphs. The gentleman told me this himself. One day this boy was up on the top of a four-story house with a number of men fixing up a telegraph- wire. The work was all but done. It was getting late, and the men said they were going away home, and the hov was 230 ** FIRST r* to nip off the ends of the wire himself. Before going down they told him to be sure to go back to the workshop, when he was finished, with his master's tools. *'Do not leave any of them lying about, whatever you do," said the foreman. The boy climbed up the pole and began to nip off the ends of the wire. It was a very cold winter night, and the dusk was gathering. He lost his hold and fell upon the slates, slid down, and then over and over to the ground below. A clothes-rope, stretched across the ** green'' on to which he was just about to fall, caught him on the chest and broke his fall ; but the shock was terri- ble, and he lay unconscious among some clothes upon the green. An old woman came out ; seeing her rope broken and ARITHMETIC. 231 the clothes all soiled, thought the boy was drunk, shook him, scolded him, and went for the policeman. And the boy with the shaking came back to conscious- ness, rubbed his eyes, and got upon his feet. What do you think he did? He staggered, half blind, away up the stairs. He climbed the ladder. He got on to the roof of the house. He gathered up his tools, put them into his basket, took them down, and when he got to the ground again, fainted dead away. Just then the policeman came, saw there was something seriously wrong, and earned him away to the hospital, where he lay for some time. I am glad to say he got better. What was his first thought at that terrible moment? His duty. He was not thinking of himself; he was 232 ** FIRST I'' thinking about his master. First, the kingdom of God. But there is another arithmetic word. What is it? *^\dded." There is not one boy here who does not know the dif- ference between addition and subtraction. Now, that is a very important difference in religion, because — and it is a very strange thing — very few people know the difference when they begin to talk about religion. They often tell boys that if they seek the kingdom of God, every- thing elsfi is going to be subtracted from them. They tell them that they are going to become gloomy, miserable, and will lose everything that makes a boy's life worth living — that they will have to stop baseball and story-books, and be- come little old men, and spend all their ARITHMETIC. 233 time in going to meetings and in singing hymns. Now, that is not true. Christ never said anything like that. Christ says we are to ^ ' seek first the kingdom of God, ' ' and everything else worth having is to be added unto us. If there is anything I would like you to take away with you this after- noon, it is these two arithmetic words — ** first *^ and ^ ' added. ^' I do not mean by added that if you become religious you are all going to become rich. Here is a boy, who, in sweeping out the shop to-morrow morning, finds sixpence lying among the orange-boxes. Well, nobody has missed it. He puts it in his pocket, and it begins to burn a hole there. By breakfast-time he wishes that sixpence were in his master's pocket. And by and by he goes to his master. He sa3^ 234 ''first!*' (to himself^ and not to liis master), *' I was at the Boys' Brigade yesterday, and I was to seeky^r^^ that which was right. ' * Then he says to his master, ' ' Please, sir, here is sixpence that I found upon the floor. ' * The master puts it in the ''till.'' What has the boy got in his pocket ? Nothing ; but he has got the kingdom of God in his heart. He has laid up treasure in heaven, which is of infinitely more worth than six- pence. Now, that boy does not find a shilling on his way home. I have known that happen, but that is not what is meant by ' ' adding. ' ' It does not mean that God is going to pay him in his own coin, for He pays in better coin. Yet I remember once hearing 9f a boy who was paid in both ways. He was very, very poor. He lived in a foreign ARITHMETIC. 235 country, and his motlier said to him one day that he must go into the great city and start in business, and she took his coat and cut it open and sewed between the lining ^d the coat forty golden dinars, which she had saved up for many years to start him in life. She told him to take care of robbers as he went across the desert ; and as he was going out of the door she said : ^* My boy, I have only two words for you — * Fear God, and never tell a lie.* '' The boy started off, and toward evening he saw glittering in the distance the minarets of the great city, but between the city and himself he saw a cloud of dust, it came nearer ; presently he saw that it was a band of robbers. One of the robbers left the rest and rode toward him, and said: **Boy, what have 16 236 *' first!" you got?" And the boy looked him in the face and said: "I have forty golden dinars sewed up in my coat. ' ' And the robber laughed and wheeled round his horse and went away back. He would not believe the boy. Presently another robber came, and he said: " Boy, _ what have you got?" *' Forty golden dinars sewed up in my coat." *' The robber said : ^ ' The boy is a fool, ' ' and wheeled his horse and rode away back. By and by the robber captain came, and he said : *'Boy, what have you got?"" ^'I have forty golden dinars sewed up in my coat. ' ' And the robber dismounted and put his hand over the boy's breast, felt some- thing round, counted one, two, three, four, j&ve, till he counted out the forty golden coins. He looked the boy in the ARITHMETIC. 2^7 face, and said: **Wliy did you tell me that ?' ' The boy said : ' ' Because of God and my mother/' And the robber leaned on his spear and thought, and said : ''Wait a moment." He mounted his horse, rode back to the rest of the rob- bers, and came back in about five min- utes with his dress changed. This time he looked not like a robber, but like a merchant. He took the boy up on his horse and said: "My boy, I have long wanted to do something for my God and for my mother, and I have this moment renounced my robber's life. I am also a merchant. I have a large business house in the city. I want you to come and live with me, to teach me about your God ; and you will be rich, and your mother some day will come and live with 238 ** first!** tis/* And it all happened. By seeking first the kingdom of God, all these things were added unto him. Boys, banish for ever from your minds the idea that religion is subtraction. It does not tell us to give things up, but rather gives us something so much bet- ter that they give themselves up. When you see a boy on the street whipping a top, you know, perhaps, that you could not make that boy happier than by giv- ing him a top, a whip, and half an hour to whip it. But next birthday, when he looks back, he says, ''What a goose I was last year to be delighted with a top ; what I want now is a baseball bat.'* Then when" he becomes an old man he does not care in the least for a baseball bat he wants rest, and a snug fireside^ ARITHMETIC. 239 and a newspaper every day. He won- ders how lie could ever have taken up his thoughts with baseball bats and whipping-tops. Now, when a boy be- comes a Christian, he grows out of the evil things one b}^ one — that is to say, if they are really evil — which he used to set his heart upon (of course I do not mean baseball bats, for they are not evils) ; and so instead of telling people to give up things, we are safer to tell them to *'seek first the kingdom of God,'' and then they will get new things and better things, and the old things will drop off of themselves. This is what is meant by the '*new heart." It means that God puts into us new ; thoughts and new wishes, and we be- come quite different boys. 240 ** FIRST P' Grammar. Lastly, and very shortly. What was the third head? '' Grammar. " Right: Grammar. Now, I require a clever boy to answer the next question. What is the verb? '^Seek.*^ Very good: **Seek.'V What mood is it in? '^ Im- perative mood.'* What does that mean? '* Command.** You boys of the Boys* Brigade know what commands are. What is the soldier's first lesson? *' Obedience." Have you obeyed this command? Remember the imperative mood of these words, ''''Seek first the kingdom of God." This is the com- mand of your King. It must be done. I have been trying to show you what a splendid thing it is ; what a reasonable thing it is; what a happy thing it is; GRAMMAR. 24 1 but beyond all these reasons it is a thing that 7nust be done, because we are com- manded to do it by our Captain. It is one of the finest things about the Boys' Brigade that it always appeals to Christ as its highest Officer, and takes its com- mands from Him. Now, there is His command to seek first the kingdom of God Have you done it? "Well," I know some boys will say, "we are going to have a good time^ enjoy life, and then we are going to seek — last — the kingdom of God." Now that is mean ; it is nothing else than mean for a boy to take all the good gifts that God has given him, and then give Him nothing back in return but his wasted life. God wants boys' lives^ not only theii 243 ^^FIRSO'P souls. It is for active service soldiers are drilled and trained and fed and armed. That is why you and I are in the world at all — not to prepare to go out of it some day ; but to serve God actively in it now. It is monstrous and shameful and cow- ardly to talk of seeking the kingdom lasU It is shirking duty, abandoning one's rightful post, playing into the enemy's hand by doing nothing to turn his flank. Every hour a kingdom is coming in your heart, in your home, in the world near you, be it a kingdom of darkness or a kingdom of light. You are placed where you are, in a particular business, in a particular street, to help on there the kingdom of God. You cannot do that when you are old and ready to die. By that time your companions will have GRAMMAR. 243 fought their fight, and lost or won. If they lose, will you not be sorry that you did not help them? Will you not regret that only at the last you helped the king- dom of God? Perhaps you will not be able to do it then. And then your life has been lost indeed. Very few people have the opportunity to seek the kingdom of God at the end. Christ, knowing all that, knowing that religion was a thing for our life, not merely for our death-bed, has laid this command upon us now: " Seek yfrj/ the kingdom of God.*^ I am going to leave you with this text itself. Every Brigade boy in the world should obey it. Boys, before you go to work to-morrow, before you go to sleep to-night, before you go to the Sunday-school this after- 244 ** FIRST r' noon, before you go out of tlie door of the City Hall, resolve that, God helping you, you are going to s^t^ first the king- dom of God. Perhaps some boys here are deserters ; they began once before to serve Christ, and they deserted. Come back again, come back again to-day. Others have never enlisted at all. Will you not do it now ? You are old enough to decide. And the grandest moment of a boy's life is that moment when he decides to Seek prat tl|e ^ingbom of ®ob* HOW TO LEy\RN HOW. i. Dealing with Doubt. n. Preparation for Learning. DEALING WITH DOUBT. 'T^HERB is a subject which I think we as workers amongst young men cannot afford to keep out of sight — I mean the subject of ''Doubt." We are forced to face that subject. We have no choice. I would rather let it alone ; but every day of my life I meet men who doubt, and I am quite sure that most of you have innumerable interviews ever> year with men who raise skeptical dif- ficulties about religion. Now, it becomes a matter of great practical importance that we should know how to deal wisely 247 248 DEALING WITH DOUBT. with these men. Upon the whole, I think these are the best men in the country. I speak of my own countr}\ I speak of the universities with which I am familiar, and I say that the men who are perplexed — the men who come to you with serious and honest difficulties — are the best men. They are men of intellectual honesty, and cannot allow themselves to be put to rest by words, or phrases, or traditions, or theologies, but who must get to the bottom of things for themselves. And if I am not mis- taken, Christ was very fond of these men. The outsiders always interested Him, and touched Him. The orthodox people — the Pharisees — He was much less interested in. He went with pub- licans and sinners — with people who were DEALING WITH DOUBT. 249 in revolt against the respectability, in- te!lectual and religious, of the day. And following Him, we are entitled to give sympathetic consideration to those whom He loved and took trouble with. First, let me speak for a moment 01 two about the origin of doubt. In the first place, we are born questioners. Look at the wonderment of a little child in its eyes before it can speak. The child's great word when it begins to speak is, '^Why?" Every child is full of every kind of question, about every kind of thing that moves, and shines, and changes, in the little world in which it livCvS. That is the incipient doubt in the nature of man. Respect doubt for its origin. It is an inevitable thing. It is not a thing to be crushed. It is a 250 DEALING WITH DOUBT. part of man as God made him. Heresy is trutli in the making, and doubt is the prelude of knowledge. Secondly: The world is a'Sphinx. It is a vast riddle — an unfathomable m}'s- tery ; and on every side there is tempta- tion to questioning. In every leaf, in every cell of every leaf, there are a hundred problems. There are ten good years of a man's life in investigating what is in a leaf, and there are five good years more in investigating the things that are in the things that are in the leaf God has planned the world to in- cite men to intellectual activity. Thirdly : The instrument with which we attempt to investigate truth is im- paired. Some say it fell, and the glass is broken. Some say prejudice, hered- DEALING WITH DOUBT. 25 1 ity, or sin^ have spoiled its sight, and have blinded our eyes and deadened our ears. In any case the instruments with which we work upon truth, even in the strongest men, are feeble and inadequate to their tremendous task. And in the fourth place, all religious truths are doubtable. There is no ab- solute proof for any one of them. Even that fundamental truth — the existence of a God — no man can prove by reason. The ordinary' proof for the existence of God involves either an assumption, argu- ment in a circle, or a contradiction. The impression of God is kept up by expe- rience ; not by logic. And hence, when the experimental religion of a man, of a community, or of a nation, wanes, re- ligion wanes — their idea of God grows 17 252 DEAUNG WITH DOUBT. indistinct, and that man, community ox nation becomes infidel. Bear in mind, then, that all religious truths are doubt- able — even those which we hold most strongly. What does this brief account of the origin of doubt teach us? It teaches us great intellectual humility. It teaches us sympathy and toleration with all men who venture upon the ocean of truth to find out a path through it for themselves. Do you sometimes feel yourself thinking unkind things about your fellow-students who have intellectual difficulty? I know how hard it is always to feel sympathy and toleration for them ; but we must address ourselves to that most carefully and most religiously. If my brother is short-sighted, I must not abuse him oi DEALING WITH DOUBT. 253 Speak against him ; I must pity him, and if possible try to improve his sight or to make things that he is to look at so bright that he cannot help seeing. But never let us think evil of men who do not see as we do. From the bottom of our hearts let us pity them, and let us take them by the hand and spend time and thought over them, and tr>^ to lead them to the true light. What has been the Church's treatment of doubt in the past? It has been very simple. ** There is a heretic. Bum him!" That is all. "There is a man who has gone off the road. Bring him back and torture him !' ' We have got past that physically; have we got past it morally? What does the moderu Church say to a man who is skeptical ? 254 DKAI.ING WITH DOUBT. Not ''Burn him!" but ''Brand himP' *' Brand him! — call him a bad name." And in many countries at the present time a man who is branded as a heretic is despised, tabooed, and put out of re- ligious society, much more than if he had gone wrong in morals. I think I am speaking within the facts when I say that a man who is unsound is looked upon in many communities with more suspicion and with more pious horror than a man who now and then gets drunk. "Burn him!" "Brand him!" " Excommunicate him 1" That has been the Church's treatment of doubt, and that is perhaps to some extent the treat- ment which we ourselves are inclined to give to the men who cannot see the truths of Christianity as we see them. DEALING WITH DOUBT. 255 Contrast Christ's treatment of doubt. 1 have spoken already of His strange par- tiality for the outsiders — for the scattered heretics up and down the country ; of the care with which He loved to deal with them, and of the respect in which He held their intellectual difficulties. Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is canH believe ; un- belief is won't believe. Doubt is hon- esty ; unbelief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light ; unbelief is content with darkness. Loving darkness rather than light — that is what Christ attacked, and attacked unsparingly. But for the intellectual questioning of Thomas, and Philip, and Nicodemus, and the many others who came to Him to have theii 256 DEALING WITH DOUBT. great problems solved, He was respect- ful and generous and tolerant. And how did He meet their doubts? The Church, as I have said, says, ** Brand him!" Christ said, "Teach him." He destroyed by fulfilling. When Thomas came to Him and denied His ver>^ res- urrection, and stood before Him waiting for the scathing words and lashing for his unbelief, they never came. They never came. Christ gave him facts — facts. No man can go around facts. Christ said, " Behold My hands and My feet." The great god of science at the present time is a fact. It works with facts. Its cry is, "Give me facts." Found anything you like upon facts and we will believe it. The spirit of Christ was the scientific , spirit. He founded His religion upon DEALING WITH DOUBT. 257 facts ; and He asked all men to found their religion upon facts. Now, gentle* men, get up the facts of Christianity, and take men to the facts. Theologies — and I am not speaking disrespectfully of the- ology ; theology is as scientific a thing as any other science of facts — but the- ologies are human versions of Divine truths, and hence the varieties of the versions, and the inconsistences of them. I would allow a man to select whichever version of this truth he liked after" wards; but I would ask him to begin with no version, but go back to the facts and base his Christian life upon that. That is the great lesson of the New Testament way of looking at doubt — of Christ's treatment of doubt. It is not *^ Brand him !'* — but lovingly, wisely, 258 DEJALING WITH DOUBT. and tenderly to teach him. Faith is never opposed to reason in the New Testament; it is opposed to sight. You will find that a principle worth thinking over. Faith is never opposed to reason in the New Testainent^ but to sight. Well, now ; with these principles in mind as to the origin of doubt, and as to Christ's treatment of it, how are we ourselves to deal with our fellow-students who are in intellectual difficulty? In the first place, I think we must make all the concessions to them that we con- scientiously can. When a doubter first encounters you he pours out a deluge of abuse of churches, and ministers, and creeds, and Christians. Nine-tenths of what he says is probably true. Make concessions. Agree with him. It does DEALING WITH DOUBT. 259 him good to unburden himself of these things. He has been cherishing them for years — laying them up against Chris- tians, against the Church, and against Christianity; and now he is startled to find the first Christian with whom he has talked over the thing almost entirely agrees with him. We are, of course, not responsible for everythiug that is said in the name of Christianity ; but a man does not give up medicine because there are quack doctors, and no man has a right to give up his Christianity because there are spurious or inconsistent Christians. Then, as I have already said, creeds are human versions of Divine truths ; and we do not ask a man to accept all the creeds, any more than we ask him to accept all the Christians. We ask him 260 DEALING WITH DOUBT, to accept Christ, and the facts about Christ, and the words of Christ. But you will find the battle is half won when you have endorsed the man's objections, and possibly added a great many more to the charges which he has against our- selves. These men are in revolt against the kind of religion which we exhibit to the v/orld — against the cant that is taught in the name of Christianity. And if the men that have never seen the real thins^ — if you could show them that, they would receive it as eagerly as you do. They are merely in revolt against the imperfections and inconsistencies of those who represent Christ to the v/orld. Second : Beg them to set aside, by an act of will, all unsolved problems : vSuch as the problem of the origin of evil, the DEALI^^G WITH DOUBT, 261 problem of the Trinity, the problem of the relation of human will and predesti- nation, and so on — problems which have been investigated for thousands of years without result — ask them to set those problems aside as insoluble in the mean time, just as a man who is studying mathematics may be asked to set aside the problem, of squaring the circle. Let him go on with what can be done, and Vv^hat has been done, and leave out of sight the impossible. You will find that will relieve the skeptic's mind of a great deal of unnecessary cargo that has been in his way. Thirdly : Talking al)OUt difficulties, as a rule, only aggravates them. Entire satisfaction to the intellect is unattain- able about any of the greater problems, 262 DEALING WITH DOUBT. and if you try to get to the bottom of them by argument, there is no bottom there ; and therefore you make the matter worse. But I would say what is known, and what can be honestly and philo- sophically and scientifically said about one or two of the difficulties that the doubter raises, just to show him that you can do it — to shov/ him that you are not a fool — that you are not merely groping in the dark yourself, but you have found whatever basis is possible. But I would not go around all the doc- trines. I would simply do that with one or two ; because the moment you cut oflf one, a hundred other heads will grow in its place. It would be a pity if all these problems could be solved. The joy of the intellectual life would be largely DEALING WITH DOUBT. 263 gone. I would not rob a man of his problems, nor would I have another man rob me of my problems. They are the delight of life, and the whole intellectual world would Ije stale and unprofitable if we knew everything. Fourthly — and this is the great point : Turn away from the reason, and go into the man's moral life. I don't mean, go into his moral life and see if the man is living in conscious sin, which is the great blinder of the eyes — I am speaking now of honest doubt ; but open a new dooi into the practical side of man's nature. Entreat him not to postpone life and his life's usefulness until he has settled the problems of the universe. Tell him those problems will never all be settled ; that his life will be done before he has 264 DEALING WITH DOUBT. begun to settle them ; and ask him what he is doing with his life meantime. Charge him with wasting his life and his usefulness ; and invite him to deal with the moral and practical difficulties of the world, and leave t?.e intellectual difficulties as he goes along. To spend time upon these is proving the less im- portant before the more important ; and, as the French say, "The good is the enemy of the best. ' ' It is a good thing to think ; it is a better thing to work — it is a better thing to do good. And you have him there, you see. He can't get beyond that. You have to tell him, in fact, that there are two organs of know- ledge : the one reason, the other obedi- ence. And now tell him, as he has tried the first and found the little in it, just foi DEALING WITH DOUBT. 265 a moment or two to join you in trying the second. And when he asks whom he is to obey, you tell him there is but One, and lead him to the great historical figure, who calls all men to Him : the one perfect life — the one Saviour of man- kind — the one Light of the world. Ask him to begin to obey Christ ; and, doing His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God. That, I think, is about the only thing you can do with a man : to get him into practical contact with the needs of the world, and to let him lose his intellectual difficulties meantime. Don't ask him to give them up altogether. Tell him to solve them afterward one by one if he can, but meantime to give his life to Christ and his time to the king^dom of 266 DEAUNG WITH DOUBT. God. And, you see, you fetch him com- pletely around when you do that. You have taken him away from the false side of his nature, and to the practical and moral side of his nature ; and for the first time in his life, perhaps, he puts things in their true place. He puts his nature in the relations in which it ought to be, and he then only begins to live. And by obedience — by obedience — he will soon become a learner and pupil for him- self, and Christ will teach him things, and he will find whatever problems are solvable gradually solved as he goes along the path of practical duty. Now, let me, in closing, give a couple of instances of how to deal with specific points. The commonest thing that we hear said nowadays by young men is, DEAI^ING WITH DOUBT. 267 * ' What about evolution ? How am I to reconcile my religion, or any religion, with the doctrine of evolution?" That upsets more men than perhaps anything else at the present hour. How would you deal with it ? I would say to a man that Christianity is the further evolution. I don't know any better definition than that. It is the further evolution — the higher evolution. I don't start with him to attack evolution. I don't start with him to defend it. I destroy by fulfilling it. I take him at his own terms. He says evolution is that which pushes the man on from the simple to the complex, from the lower to the higher. Very well ; that is what Christianity does. It pushes the man farther on. It takes him where nature has left him, and carries him on 268 DEALING WITH DOUBT. to heights which on the plain of nature he could never reach. That is evolution. *'Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." That is evolution. It is the development of the whole man in the highest directions — the drawing out of his spiritual being. Show an evolution* ist that, and you have taken the wind out of his sails. ' ' I came not to de- stroy." Don't destroy his doctrine — perhaps you can't — but fulfil it. Put a larger meaning into it. The other instance — the next common- est question perhaps — is the question of miracles. It is impossible, of course, to discuss that now — miracles; but that question is thrown at my head every second day: ''What do you say to a man when he says to you, * Why do DEALING WITH DOUBT. 269 yoii believe in miracles ?' " I say, * ' Be- cause I have seen them.'' He says, ^*When?" I say, ^'Yesterday." He says, ' * Where ?" ' ' Down such-and-such a street I sav/ a man who was a drunk- ard redeeraed by the power of an unseen Christ and saved from sin. That is a miracle.'' The best apologetic for Chris- tianity is a Christian. That is a fact which the man cannot get over. There are fifty other arguments for miracles, but none so good as that you have seen them. Perhaps you are one yoursel£ But take you a man and show him a miracle with his own eyes. Then he will believe. PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. T)EFORK an artist can do anything the instrument must be tuned. Our astronomers at this moment are preparing for an event which happens only once or twice in a lifetime : the total eclipse of the sun in the month of August. They have begun already. They are making preparations. At chosen stations in dif- ferent parts of the world they are spend- ing all the skill that science can suggest upon the construction of their instru- ments; and up to the last moment they 271 272 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. will be busy adjusting them ; and the last day will be the busiest of all, be- cause then they must have the glasses and the mirrors polished to the last de- gree. The}^ have to have the lenses in place and focused upon this spot before the event itself takes place. Everything will depend upon the in- struments which 3^ou bring to this ex- periment. Everything will depend upon it ; and therefore fifteen minutes will not be lost if we each put our instrument into the best working order we can. I have spoken of lenses, and that reminds me that the instrument which we bring to bear upon truth is a compound thing. It consists of many parts. Truth is not a jToduct of the intellect alone; it is a product of the wliole nature. The body PREPARATION FOR I.KARNING. 273 is engaged in it, and the mind, and the soul. The body is engaged in it. Of course, a man who has his body run down, or who is dyspeptic, or melancholy, sees everything black, and distorted, and un- true. But I am not going to dwell upon that. Most of you seem in pretty fair working order so far as your bodies are concerned ; only it is well to remember that we are to give our bodies a living sacrifice — ^not a half-dead sacrifice, as some people, seem to imagine. There is no virtue in emaciation. I don't know if you have any tendency in that direc- tion in America, but certainly we are i-n danger of dropping into it now and th'en in England, and it is just as well to beat in mind our part of the lens — a very com- 274 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. pound and delicate lens — with which we have to take in truth. Then comes a very important part : the intellect — which is one of the most use- ful servants of truth ; and I need not tell you as students, that the intellect will have a great deal to do with your recep- tion of truth. I was told that it was said at these conferences last year, that a man must crucify his intellect. I venture to contradict the gentleman who made that statement. I am quite sure no such state- ment could ever have been made in your hearing — that we were to crucify our in- tellects. We can make no progress with- out the full use of all the intellectual powers that God has endowed us with. But more important than either of these is the moral nature — the moral and PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. 275 spiiitual nature. Some of you remembei a sermon of Robertson of Brighton, en- titled '' Obedience the Organ of Spiritual Knowledge." A very startling title! — ''Obedience the Organ of Spiritual Knowledge. ' ' The Pharisees asked about Christ : ' ' How knoweth this man letters, never having learned?'' How knoweth this man, never having learned? The organ of knowledge is not nearly so much mind, as the organ that Christ used, namely, obedience ; and that was the organ which He Himself insisted upon when He said: "He that willeth to do His will shall know of the doc- trine whether it be of G od. ' ' You have all noticed, of course, that the words in the original are : "If any man will to do His will, he shall know of the doctrine.*' 376 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. It doesn't read, *'If any do His will,'' which no man can do perfectly ; but if any man be simply willing to do His will — if he has an absolutely undivided mind about it — that man vrill know what tnith is and know what falsehood is ; a stranger will he not follow. And that is by far the best source of spiritual knowledge on every account — obedience to God — abso- lute sincerity and loyalty in following Christ. ^'If an}^ man do His will he shall know'' — a very remarkable ' asso- ciation of knowledge, a thing which is usually considered quite intellectual, with obedience, which is moral and spiritual. But even although we use all these three different parts of the instrument, we have not at all got at the complete method of learning. There is a little PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. 277 preliminary that the astronomer has to do before he can make his obser\^ation. He has to take the cap off his telescope. j^'lan}' a man thinks he is looking at truth when he is only looking at the cap. Many a time I have looked down my microscope, and thought I was looking at the diatom for which I had long been searching, and found I had simply been looking at a speck of dust upon the lens itself. Many a man thinks he is looking at truth when he is only looking at the spectacles he haa put on to see it with. He is looking at his own spectacles. Now, the common spectacles that a man puts on — I suppose the creed in which he has been brought up — if a man looks at that, let him remember that he is not looking at truth : he is looking at his ZyS PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. own Spectacles. There is no more im- portant lesson that we have to carry with us than that truth is not to be found in what I have been taught. That is not truth. Truth is not what I have been taught. If it were so, that would appl}^ to the Mormon, it would apply to the Brahman, it would apply to the Buddhist. Truth would be to everybody just what he had been taught. Therefore let us dismiss from our minds the predisposi- tion to regard that which we have been brought up in as being necessarily the truth. I must say it is ver)^ hard to shake one's self free altogether from that. I suppose it is impossible. But • you see the reasonableness of giv- ing up that as your view of truth when you come to apply it all around. If that PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. 279 were the definition of truth, truth would be just what one's parents were — it would be a thing of hereditary transmission, and not a thing absolute in itself Now, let me venture to ask you to take that cap ofif. Take that cap off now, and make up your minds you are going to look at truth naked — in its reality as it is, not as it is reflected through other minds, or through any theology', however venerable. Then, there is one thing 1 think we must be careful about, and that is besides having the cap off, and having all the lenses clean and in position — to have the instrument rightly focused. Ever^'thing may be right, and yet when you go and look at the object, you see things alto- gether falsely. You see things not only blurred, but you see things out of propor- 28o PREPAEATION FOR LEARNING. tion. And there is nothing more im- portant we have to bear in mind in run- ning our eye over successive theological truths, or religious truths, than that there is a proportion in those truths, and that we must see them in their proportion, or we see them falsely. A man may take a dollar or a half-dollar and hold it to his eye so closely that he will hide the sun from him. Or he may so focus his tele- scope that a fly or a boulder may be as large as a mountain. A man may hold a certain doctrine^ very intensely — a doc- trine which has been looming upon his horizon for the last six m.onths, let lis say, and which has thrown ever^'thing else out of proportion, it has become so big itself. Now, let us beware of distortion in the arrangement of the religious truths which PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. 281 we liold. It is almost impossible to get things in their true proportion and sym- metry, but this is the thing we must be constantly aiming at. We fere told in the Bible to *' add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge bal- ance," as the word literally means — bal- ance. It is a word taken from the orches- tra, where all the parts — the sopranos, the basses, the altos, and the tenors, and all the rest of them — must be regulated. If you have too much of the bass, or too much of the soprano, there is want of har- mony. That is what I mean by the want of proper focus — by the want of proper balance — in the truths which we all hold. It will never do to exaggerate one truth at the expense of another, and a truth may be turned into a falsehood very, very 282 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. easily, by simply being either too much eiilarfred or too much diminished. I once heard of some blind men who were taken to see a memagerie. They had gone around the animals, and four of them were allowed to touch an elephant as they went past. They were discussing afterward what kind of a creature the elephant was. One man, who had touched its tail, said the elephant was like a rope. Another of the blind men, who had touched his hind limb, said, *' No such thing 1 the elephant is like the trunk of a tree." Another, who had felt Its sides, said, ^'That is all rubbish. An elephant is a thing like a wall." And the fourth, who had felt its ear, said that an elephant was like none of those things; It was like a leather bag. Now, men look PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. 283 at truth at different bits of it, and they see different things of course, and they are very apt to imagine that the thing which they have seen is the whole affair — the whole thing. In reality, we can only see a very little bit at a time ; and we must,^ I think, learn to believe that other men can see bits of truth as well as ourselves. Your views are just what you see with your own eyes ; and my views are just what I see ; and what I see depends on just where I stand, and what you see de- pends on just where you stand ; and truth is ver>' much bigger than an elephant, and we are ver>^ much blinder than any of those blind men as we come to look at it. Christ has made us aware that it is quite possible for a man to have ears and 19 284 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. hear nothing, and to have eyes and see not. One of the disciples saw a gieat deal of Christ, and he never knew Him. * ^ Have I been so long time with you, Philip, and yet hast thou not known ,Me?" *'He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father also.*' Philip had never seen Him, He had been looking at his own spectacles, perhaps, or at something else, and had never seen Him. If the instrument had been in order, he would have seen Christ. And I would just add this one thing more : the test of value of the different verities of truth depends upon one thing : whether they have or have not a sanctifying power. That is another remarkable association in the mind of Christ — of sanctification with truth — thinking and holiness — not to be PRKPARATION FOR LEARNING. 285 found in any of tlie sciences or in any of the piiilosopliies. It is peculiar to the Bible. Christ said ** Sanctify them through Thy truth. Thy Word is truth. »' Now, the value of any question — the value of any theological question — de- pends upon whether it has a sanctifying influence. If it has not, donH bother about it. Don't let it disturb your minds until you have exhausted all truths that have sanctification within them. If a truth makes a man a better man, then let him focus his instrument upon it and get all the acquaintance with it he can. If it is the profane babbling of science, falsely so called, or anything that has an injurious eflfect upon the moral and spirit- ual nature of a man, it is better let alone. And above all, let us remember to hold 286 PREPARATION FOR LEARNING. the truth in love. That is the most sanc- tifying influence of all. And if we can carrv^ away the mere lessons of toleration, and leave behind us our censoriousness, and criticalness, and harsh judgments upon one another, and excommunicating of everybody except those who think ex- actly as we do, the time we shall spend here will not be the least useful parts of our lives. WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? "\/OUNG men are learning to respect more, perhaps, than ever young men have done, the word ' * Christian. ' ' I have seen the time when it was syn- onymous with cant and unreality and strained feeling and sanctimoniousness. But although that day is not quite passed yet, it is passing. I heard this definition the other day of a Christian man by a cynic — * ' A Christian man is a man whose great aim in life is a selfish desire to save his own soul, who, in order to 290 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? do that, goes regularly to church, and whose supreme hope is to get to Heaven when he dies." This reminds one of Professor Huxley's examination paper in which the question was put — "What is a lobster?" One student replied that a lobster was a red fish, which moves backwards. The examiner noted that this was a very good answer, but for three things. In the first place a lobster was not a fish ; second it was not red ; and third it did not move backwards. If there is anything that a Christian is not, it is one v/ho has a selfish desire to save his own soul. The one thing which Christianity tries to extirpate from a man's nature is selfishness, even though it be the losing of his own soul. Christianity, as we understand it from WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 29I Christ, appeals to the generous side of a young man's nature, and not to the sel- fish side. In the new version of the New Testament the word ^'soul" is always translated in this connection by the word *^life." That marks a revolu- tion in popular theology, and it will make a revolution in every Young Man's Christian Association in the country where it comes to be seen that a man's Christianity does not consist in merely saving his own soul, but in sanctifying and purifying the lives of his fellow-men. We are told in the New Testament that Christianity is leaven, and 'Meaven" comes from the same root-word as lever, meaning that which raises up, which ele- vates; and a Christian young man is a man who raises up or elevates the lives a958 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? of those round about him. We are also told that Christianity is salt, and salt is that which saves from corruption. What is it that saves the life of the world from being utterly rotten, but the Christian elements that are in it? Matthew Ar- nold has said, '^Show me ten square miles in any pait of the world outside Christianity where the life of man and the purity of women are safe, and I will give Christianity up," In no part of the world is there any such ten square miles outside Christianity. Christian men are the salt of the earth in the most literal sense. They, and they alone, keep the world from utter destruction. I want to say a word here about the Young Men's Christian Associations. Many have criticised them. They have WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 293 been the target for a great deal of abuse. Many of the best young men have sneered at til em, and turned up their noses at them, and denounced them. I am speak- ing with absohite sympathy and respect, and even enthusiasm, for Young Men^s Christian Associations. But I will turn for one instant upon those men who turn against them, and tell them that it is not breadth that leads them to do that, but what one might call the narrowness of breadth — that breadth which denounces intolerance, and which is itself too intol- erant to tolerate intolerance. And, as some one says, it is easier to criticise the best thing superbly than to do the smallest thing indifferently. It is very easy to criticise the methods and aims and men of the Youag Men's 294 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? Christian Associations. If, instead of looking on and criticising those who know a thing or two, those who think they are wiser, and that they have the whole truth, would throw themselves in among others and back them and try to work alongside of them, they would get perhaps their breadth tempered by ear- nestness and by zeal, because the narrow man has much to contribute to the Chris- tian cause, perhaps more than the broad man. But it needs all kinds of people to make a world ; it needs all kinds of people to make a church, and every type of young men a Christian Association ; and the greatest mistake of all is to have every man stamped in the same stamp, so that if you met him in a railway train one hundred miles off, you would know WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 295 him as a Y. M. C. A. man. I would like to find many who would not wear the badge so pronouncedly, that every one should know them at a glance. There is only one great character in the world that can really draw out all that is best in men. He is so far above all others in influencing men for good that He stands alone. That man was the founder of Christianity. To be a Christian man is to have that character for our ideal in life, to live under its influence, to do what He would wish us to do, to live the kind of life He would have lived in our house, and had He our day's routine to go through. It would not, perhaps, alter the forms of our life, but it would alter the spirit and aims and motives of our life, and the Chris- 296 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? tian man is he who in that sense lives under the influence of Jesus Christ. Now, there is nothing that a young tnan wants for his ideal that is not found in Christ You v/ould be surprised when you come to know who Christ is, if you have not thought much about it, to find how He will fit in with all human needs, and call out all that is best in man. The highest and manliest character that ever lived was Christ. One incident I often think of and wonder. You remember, when He hung upon the cross, there was hf-nded up to Him a vessel contain- ing a stupefying drug, supplied by a kind society of ladies in Jerusalem, who always sent it to criminals when being executed. And that stupefying drug was handed up to Christ's lips. And we read. WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 297 ** When He tasted thereof He would not dtink.-^ I have always thought that one of the most heroic actions I have ever read of. But that vras only one ver>' small side of Christ's nature. He can be everything that a man wants. Paul tells us that if we live in Christ we are changed into His image. All that a man has to do, then, to be like Christ, is simply to live in friendship with Christ, and the character follows. But it is only one of the aims of Christianity to make the best men. The next thing Christ wants to do is to m.ake the best v/orld. And He tries to make the best world by setting the best men loose upon the world to influence it and refiect Him upon it. In 1874 a religious movement began in Edinburgh Univer- 29S WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? sity among the students themselves, that Has since spread to some of the best academic institutions in America. The students have a hall, and there they meet on Sundays, or occasionally ou weekdays, to hear addresses from their professors, or from outside eminent men, on Christian topics. There is no com- mittee ; there are no rules ; there are no reports. Every meeting is held strictly in private, and any attempt to pose before the world is sternly discouraged. No paragraphs are put into the journals ; no addresses are reported. The meetings are private, quiet, earnest, and whatso- ever student likes may attend them. That is all. It is not an organization in the ordinary sense, it is a ** leaven." In all the schools it is the best men WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 299 who take most part in the movement, and among the schools it is the medical side which furnishes the greatest num- ber of students to the meetings. Some of the most zealous have taken high honors in their examinations, and some have been in the first class of university athletes. It is not a movement that has laid hold of vv-eak or worthless students whom nobody respects, but one that is maintained by the best men in every department. The first benefit is to the students themselves. Take Edinburgh, with about 4000 students drawn from all parts of the world, and living in rooms with no one caring for them. Taken away from the moral support of their previous surroundings, they went to the bad in hundreds. It is now found tha^ 3CX) WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? througli this movement they work better, and that a greater percentage pass hon- orably through the university portals into life. The religious meetings, it is to be obser^^ed, are never allowed to interfere witli the work of the students. The second result is to be seen in what are called university settlements. A few m.en will band themselves together and rent a house in the lower parts of the city and live there. They do no preach- ing, no formal evangelization work ; but they help the sick and they arrange smoking concerts, and contribute to the amusement of their neighbors. They simply live with the people, and trust that their example will produce a good effect. Three years ago they printed and distributed among themselves the follow- WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? 30I ing '* Programme of Christianity:'* — **Tg bind up the broken-hearted, to give liberty to the captives, to comfort all that mourn, to give beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness/* I suppose there are few of us with broken hearts, but there are other people in the world besides ourselveSj and underneath all the gayety of the city there is not a street in which there are not men and women with broken hearts. Who is to help these people? No one can lift them up in any way except those who are living the life of Christ, and it is their privilege and business to bind up the broken-hearted. I want to urge the claims of the Chris- tian ministry on the strength and talent of our youth. I find a singular want of 302 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? men in the Christian ministry, and I think it would be at least worth while for some of you to look around, to look at the men who are not filling the churches, to look at the needs of the crowds who throng the streets, and see if you could do better with your life than throw yourself into that work. The advantage of the ministry is that a man's whole life can be thrown into the carrying out of that programme with- out any deduction. Another advantage of the ministry is that it is so poorly paid that a man is not tempted to cut a dash and shine in the world, but can be meek and lowly in heart, like his Master. It is enough for a servant to be like his master, and there is a great attraction in seeking obscurity, even iso- WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? . 303 lation, if one can be following the high- est ideal. With regard to the question, how you shall begin the Christian life, let me remind you that theology is the most abstruse thing in the world, but that practical religion is the simplest thing. If any of you want to know how to begin to be a Christian, all I can say is that you should begin to do the next thing you find to be done as Christ would have done it. If you follow Christ the *'old man'* will die of atrophy, and the * ' new man ' ' will grow day by day under His abiding friendship. THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. T WIIyL give a note or two, pretty fflucli by way of refreshing the mem- ory about the Bible and how to look at it. First : The Bible catne out of religion^ not religion out of the Bible, The Bible is a product of religion, not a cause of it The war literature of America, which culminated, I suppose, in the publication of President Grant's life, came out of the war ; the war did not come out of 807 308 THS STUDY OF THE BIBLE. the literature. And so in the distant past, there flowed among the nations of heathendom, a small, warm stream, like the Gulf Stream in the cold Atlantic — a small stream of religion ; and now and then at intervals, men, carried along by this stream, uttered themselves in words. The historical books came out of facts ; the devotional books came out of expe- riences ; the letters came out of circum- stances ; and the Gospels came out of all three. That is where the Bible came from. It came out of religion ; religion did not come out of the Bible. You see the difference. The religion is not, then, in the writing alone ; but 'in those facts, experiences, circumstances, in the his- tor>' and development of a people led and taught by God. And it is not the THE STUDY OK THE BIBLE. 309 words that are inspired so much as the men. Secondly : These rnen were authors ; they were not pens. Their individuality comes out on every page they wrote. They were different in mental and liter- ar}' style ; in insight ; and even the same writer differs at different times. II. Thes- salonians. for example, is considerably beneath the level of Romans, and III. John is beneath the level of I. John. A man is not always at his best. These writers did not know they were writing a Bible. Third : The Bible is not a book; it is a library. It consists of sixty-six books. It is a great convenience, but in some respects a great misfortune, that these books have always been bound up to 3IO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. gether and given out as one book to tlie world, when they are not ; because that has led to endless mistakes in theology and in practical life. Fourth : These books, w^hich make up this library, written at inter^^-als of hun- dreds of years, were collected after the last of the writers w^as dead — long after — by human hands. Where were the bocks? Take the New Testament. There were four lives of Christ. One was in Rome ; one was in Southern Italy ; one was in Palestine ; one in Asia IMinor. There were twenty-one letters. Five were in Greece and Mace- donia ; five in Asia ; one in Rome. The rest were in the pockets of private individuals. Theophilus had Acts. They were collected undesignedly. For ex- THE STUDY OF THE BIBI.E. 3II ample, the letter to the Galatians was written to the Church in Galatia. Some- body would make a copy or two, and put it into the hands of the members of the different churches, and they would find their way not only to the churches in Galatia, but after an interval to nearly all the churches. In those days the Chris- tians scattered up and down through the world, exchanged copies of those letters, very much as geologists up and down the world exchange specimens of minerals at the present time, or entomologists ex- change specimens of butterflies. And after a long time a number of the books began to be pretty well known. In the third century the New Testament con- sisted of the following books : The four Gospels, Acts, thirteen letters of Paul, 312 THE STUDY OF THK BIBLE. I. JoHn, I. Peter ; and in addition, tlie Epistles of Barnabas and Hernias. This was not called the New Testament, but the Christian Library. Then these last books were discarded. They ceased to be regarded as upon the same level as the others. In the fourth century the canon was closed — that is to say, a list was made up of the books which were to be regarded as canonical. And then long after that tliey were stitched to- gether and made up into one book — hundreds of years after that. Who made up the complete list? It was never form- ally made up. The bishops of the differ- ent churches Tvould draw up a list each of the books that they thought ought to be put into this Testament. The churches also would give their opinion. THK STUDY OF THK BIBLE. 313 Sometimes councils would meet and talk it over — discuss it. Scholars like Jerome would investigate the authenticity of the different documents, and there came to be a general consensus of the cliurches on the matter. But no formal closing of the canon was ever attempted. And lastly : All religions have their sacred books, just as the Christians have theirs. Why is it necessary to remind ourselves of that? If you ask a man why he believes such and such a thing, he will tell you. Because it is in the Bible. If you ask him, *'How do you know the Bible is true?" he will prob- ably reply, ** Because it says so.** Now, let that man remember that the sacred books of all the other religions make the same claim ; and while it is quite 314 THE STUDY OF THE BIBI.E. enough among ourselves to talk about a thing being true because it is in the Bible, we come in contact with out- siders, and have to meet the skepticism of the day. We must go far deeper than that. The religious books of the other religions claim to be far more di- vine in their origin than do ours. For example, the Mohammedans claim for the Koran — a large section of them, at least — that it was uncreated, and that it lay before the throne of God from the beginning of time. They claim it was put into the hands of the angel Gabriel, who brought it down to Mahomet, and dictated it to him, and allowed him at long intervals to have a look at the orig- inal book itself — bound with silk and studded with precious stones. That is a THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. 315 claim of much higher Divinity than we claim for our book ; and if we simply have to rely upon the Bible's testimony to its own verity, it is for the same rea- son the Mohammedan would have you believe his book, and the Hindu would have you put your trust in the Vedas. That is why thorough Bible study is of such importance. We can get to the bottom of truth in itself, and be able to give a reason for the faith that is in us. Now may I give yon, before I stop, just a couple of examples of how the Bible came out of religion, and not re- ligion out of the Bible? Take one of the letters. Just see how it came out of the circumstances of the time. The first of the letters that was written will do very well as an example. It is the 3l6 THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians. In the year 52 Paul went to Europe. He spent three Sundays in Thessalonica, created a great disturbance by his preaching, and a riot sprang up, and his life was in danger. He was smuggled out of the city at night — not, however, before having founded a small church. He was unable to go back to Thessalo- nica, although he tried it two or three times ; but he wrote a letter. That is the first letter to the Thessalonians. You see how it sprang out of the circum- stances of the time. Take a second ex- ample. Let us take one of the lives of Christ. Suppose you take the life re- corded by Mark. Now, from internal evidences you can make out quite clear- ly how it was written, by whom it was THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. 317 written, and to whom it was written. You understand at once it was written to a Roman public. If I were writing a letter to a red Indian I would make it very different from a letter I would write to a European. Now, Mark puts in a number of points which he would net if he had been writing to Greeks. For ex- ampl^s, Mark almost never quotes proph- ecy. The Romans did not know any- thiu r about prophecy. Then, he gives little explanations of Jewish customs. When I was writing home I had to give some little explanations of American cus- toms — for example, Commencement Day. When Mark writes to Rome about things happening farther East, he gives elabor- ate explanations. Again, Mark is fond cf I^atin words— writing to the Latins, 3l8 THE STUDY OF TPIE BIBI.E. who could understand them. He talks about * ' centurion, " " prsetorium, ' ' and others. Then, he always turns Jewish money into Roman money, just as I should say a book, if I were writing to Europe about it, costs two shillings, in- stead of fifty cents. Mark, for example, says, **two mites, which make a codran- tes,'' He refers to the coins which the Romans knew. In these ways we find out that the Bible came out of the cir- cumstances and 'the places and the times in which it was written. Then if we will we can learn where Mark got. his information, to a large extent. It is an extremely interesting study. I should like to refer you to Godet's *'New Tes- tament Studies,'' where you will get this worked out. I^et me just indicate to yon THE STUDY OF THK BIBLE. 319 how these sources of information are ar- rived at — the principal sources of infor- mation. There are a number of graphic touches in the book which indicate an eye-witness. Mark himself could not have been the eye-vv'itness ; and yet there are a number of graphic touches which show that he got his account from an eye-witness. You will find them, for example, in Mark iv. 38 ; x. 50; vi. 31 ; vii. 34. You v/ill find also graphic touches indicating an ear-witness — as if the voice lingered in the mind of the writer. For example, the retention -of Aramaic in v. 41 ; and in vii. 34 — ''Z^- litha cttmi; Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. '^ He retained the Aramaic words Christ said, as I would say in Scotland, **My wee lassie, rise up.** The very 320 THE STUDY OF THK BIBLE. words lingered in his ear, and be put them in in the original. Then there are occasional phrases indicating the moral impression produced — v. 15 ; x. 24 ; X. 32. Now, INIark himself was not either the eye-witness or ear-witness. There is internal evidence that he got his information from Peter. We know very well that Mark was an intimate friend of Peter's. When Peter came to Mark's house in Jerusalem, after he got cut of prison, the very serv^ant knew his voice, so that he must have been well known in the house. Therefore he was a friend of Mark's. The coloring and notes seem to be derived from. Peter. There is a sense of wonder and admira- tlon which you find all through the book, very like Peter's way of looking at TKE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. 231 things— i. 27 ; i. 33 ; i- 45 ; ii- 12 ; v. 42 ; and a great many others. But, still more interesting, Mark quotes the words, * * Get thee behind Me, Satan," which were said to Peter's shame, but he omits the pre- ceding words said to his honor — "Thou art Peter. On this rock," and so on. Peter had learned to be humble when he was telling Mark about it. Compare Mark viii. 27-33, '^^^'^ Matthew's account — xvi. 13-33. Mark also omits the fine achieve- ment of Peter — walking on the lake. When Peter was talking to Mark he never said anything about it. Compare vi. 50 with Matthew's account — xiv. 28. And Mark alone records the two warn- ings given to Peter by the two cock-crow- ings, making his fall the more inexcus- able. See Mark xiv. 30 ; also the 68th 322 THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. verse and the y2d. Peter did not write the book; we know that, because Peter's style is entirely diflferent. None of the four Gospels have the names of the wri- ters attached to them. We have had to find all these things out ; but Mark's Gospel is obviously made up of notes from Peter's evangelistic addresses. So we see from these simple examples how human a book the Bible is, and how the Divinity in it has worked through human means. The Bible, in fact, has come out of religion ; not religion out of the Bible. A TALK ON BOOKS A TALK ON BOOKS. IV /r Y object at this time is to give encouragement and help to the *' duffers," the class of "hopeful duf- fers. ' ' Brilliant students have every help, but second-class students are sometimes neglected and disheartened. I have great sympathy with the "duffers," because I was only a second-rate student myself. The subject of my talk with you is Books. A gentleman in Scotland who has an excellent library has placed on one side 326 A TALK ON BOOKS. of the room his heavy, sombre tomes, and over tho«e shelves the form of an owl. On the other side of the room are ar- ranged the lighter books, and over these is the figure of a bird known in Scotland as "the dipper." This is a most sensible division. The ' ' owl books ' ' are to be mastered, — the great books, such as Gib- bon's "Rome," Butler's "Analogy," Dorner's "Person of Christ," and text- books of philosoph}' and science. Every student should master one or two, at least, of such ' ' owl books, ' ' to exercise his faculties and give him concentra- tiveness. I do not intend to linger at this side of the librar}', but will cross over to the "dipper books," which are for occasional reading: — for stimu- lus, for guidance, recreation. I wall be A TALK ON BOOKS. 327 A UTOBIOGRAPHICAL. When I was a student in lodgings I began to form a library, whicli I arranged along the mantleshelf of my room. It did not contain many books ; but it held as many as some students could afford to purchase, and, if wisely chosen, as many as one could well use. My first purchase was a volume of extracts from Ruskin's works, which then in their complete form were very costly. Ruskin taught me to use my eyes. Men are born blind as bats or kittens, and it is Ions: before men's eyes are opened ; some men never learn to see as long as thc}^ live. I often wondered, if there was a Creator, why He had not made the world more beau- tiful. Would not crimson and scarlet 328 A TALK ON BOOKS. colors have been far richer than green and browns ? But Ruskin taught me to see the world as it is, and it soon be- came a new world to me, full of charm and loveliness. Now I can linger beside a ploughed field and revel in the afiSu- ence of color and shade v/hich are to be seen in the newly turned furrows, and I gaze in wonder at the liquid amber of the two feet of air above the brown earth. Now^ the colors and shades of the woods are a delight, and at ever)- turn my eyes are surprised at fresh charm.s. The rock which I had supposed to be naked I saw clothed with lichens — patches of color — marvellous organisms, frail as the ash of a cigar, thin as brown paper, yet growing and fructifying in s-oite of wind and rain, of scorching sun A TALK OX BOOKS. 329 and biting frost. I owe much to Ruskin for teaching me to see. Next on my mantleshelf was Emerson. I discovered Emerson for myself When I asked what Emerson was, one authority pronounced him a great man ; another as confidently wrote him down a hum- bug. So I silently stuck to Emerson. Carlyle I could not read. After wading through a page of Carlyle I felt as if I had been whipped. Carlyle scolded too much for my taste, and he seemed to me a great man gone delirious. But in Emerson I found what I would fain have sought in Carlyle ; and, moreover, I was soothed and helped. Emerson taught me to see wuth the mind. Next on my shelf came two or three volumes of George Eliot's works, from 330 A TALK ON BOOKS. which I gained some knowledge and a further insight into many philosophical and social questions. But my chief debt to George Eliot at that time was that she introduced me to pleasant characters — nice people — and especially to one imag- inary young lady whom I was in love with one whole winter, and it diverted my mind in solitude. A good novel is a valuable acquisition, and it supplies companionship of a pleasant kind. iVmongst my small residue of books I must name Channing's works. Before I read Channing I doubted whether there was a God ; at least I would rather have believed that there were no God. After becoming acquainted with Channing I could believe there was a God, and I was glad to believe in Him, for I felt A TALK ON BOOKS. 33 1 drawn to the good and gracious Sover- eign of all things. Still, I needed fur- ther what I found in F. W. Robertson, the British officer in the pulpit — bravest, truest of men — who dared to speak what he believed at all hazards. From Rob- ertson I learned that God is human ; that we ma}^ have fellowship with Him, because He sympathizes with us. One day as I was looking over my mantelshelf library, it suddenly struck me that all these authors of mine were heretics — these were dangerous books. Undesignedly I had found stimulus and help from teachers who were not credited by orthodoxy. And I have since found that much of the good to be got from books is to be gained from authors often classed as dangerous, for these provoke inquiry, and exercise one's powers. To- wards the end of my shelf I had one or two humorous works ; chief amongst them all being Mark Twain. His hu- mor is peculiar ; broad exaggeration, a sly simplicity, comical situations, and surprising turns of expressions ; but to me it has been a genuine fund of humor. The humorous side of a student's nature needs to be considered, and where it is undeveloped, it should be cultivated. I have known many instances of good students who seemed to have no sense of humor. I will not recommend any of m^^ favor- ite books to another; they have done me good, but they might not suit another man. Every man must discover his own books : but when he has found what fits A TALK ON BOOKS. 333 in with his tastes, what stimulates hiin to thought, what supplies a want in his nature, and exalts him in conception and feeling, that is the book for the student, be what it may. This brings me to speak of The Friendship of Books. To fall in love with a good book is one of the greatest events that can befall us. It is to have a new influence pouring itself into our life, a new teacher to in- spire and refine us, a new friend to be by our side always, who, when life grows narrow and weary, will take us into his wider and calmer and higher world. Whether it be biography, introducing us to some humble life made great by duty done ; or history, opening vistas into the 334 A TALK ON BOOKS. movements and destinies of nations that have passed away ; or poetry, making music of all the common things around us, and filling the fields and the skies and the work of the city and the cottage with eternal meanings, — whether it be these, or story-books, or religious books, or science, no one can become the friend even of one good book without being made wiser and better. Do not think I am going to recommend any such book to you. The beauty of a friend is that we discover him. And we must each taste the books that are accessible to us for ourselves. Do not be disheartened at first if you like none of them. That is possibly their fault, not 3'ours. But search, and search till you find what you like. In amazingly cheap form — for a A TALK ON BOOKS. 335 few pence, indeed — almost ail the best books are now to be had ; and I think ever}^ one owes it as a sacred duty to his mind to start a little library of his own. How much do we not do for our bodies ? How much thought and money do they not cost us? And shall we not think a little, and pay a little, for the cloth- ing and adorning of the imperishable mind? This private library may begin, perhaps, with a single volume, and grow at the rate of one or two a year; but these, well chosen and well mastered, will become such a fountain of strength and wisdom that each shall be eager to add to his store. A dozen books accumulated in this way may be better than a whole library. Do not be distressed if you do not like time-honored books, or classical 33^ A TALK ON BOOKS. works, or recommended books. Choose for yourself; trust yourself; plant 'your- self on your own instincts ; that which is natural for us, that which nourishes us and gives us appetite, is that w4iich is right for us. We have all different minds, and w^e are all at different stages of growth. Some other day we may find food in the recommended book, though we should possibly starve on it to-day. The mind develops and changes, and the favorites of this 3^ear, also, may one day cease to interest us. Nothing better, indeed, can happen to us than to lose interest in a book we have often read; for it means that it has done its work upon us, and brought us up to its level, and taught us all it had to teach. ^be Bltemus Xibrarv, A choice collection of Standard and Popular books, handsomely printed on fine paper, from large clear type, and bound in handy volume size in faultless styles : 1. Sesame and Lilies. Three lectures. By John Ruskin. I. Of King's Treasuries. II. Of Queen's Gardens. III. Of the Mystery of Life. 2. The Pleasures of Life. By Sir John Lubbock, M. P., F. R. S., D. C. L., LL. D. Complete in one volume. 3. The Essays of Lord Francis Bacon, with Memoirs and Notes. 4. Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Anto- ninus. Translated by George Long. 5. A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus with the Encheridion. Translated by George Long. 6. Essays, First Series. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. 7. Essays, Second Series. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. 8. Cranford. By Mrs. Gaskell. 9. Of the Imitation of Christ. Four books com- plete in one volume. By Thomas A Kempis. 10. The Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. 11. Letters, Sentences and Maxims. By Lord Ches- terfield. " Masterpieces of good taste, good writing, and good sense." 12. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. By Jerome K. Jerome. A book for an Idle Holiday. 13. Tales from Shakespeare. By Charles and Mary Lamb, with an introduction by Rev. Alfred Ainger, M. A. ^5 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara Goleta, California THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST D. STAMPED BELOW. AVAILABLE FOR r--CULATION /^"'Kri mam ^^^f^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY B 000 009 664 >/f ■( (