UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY fa. i? ~G . -4L ZS^ >?by fCff/,. INSTKUCTIONS FOR PREPARING ABSTEACTS OF TITLES. INSTRUCTIONS FOE PREPARING ABSTEACTS OF TITLES, AFTER THE iHost Emprobrti System of (Eminent (JEonbrnanrcrs, TO WHICH IS ADDED A COLLECTION OF PRECEDENTS, THE METHOD — NOT ONLY OF ABSTRACTING EVERT SPECIES OF DEEDS, BUT ALSO OF SO CONNECTING THEM TOGETHER, BY COLLATERAL DOCUMENTS, AS TO FORM A COMPLETE TITLE. By HENRY MOORE, Esq., AUTHOR OF " THE COUNTRY ATTORNEY'S POCKET REMEMBRANCER,' "THE SOLICITOR'S BOOK OF PRACTICAL FORMS," AND EDITOR OF "THE LAWYER'S COMPANION," 1859 TO 1863. Indocti discant, et ament meminisse periti. FOURTH EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS. REGINALD MEEIVALE, B.A., and NORMAN PEARSON, B.A., Of Lincoln's Inn, Barristers-at-Law. LONDON : WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, 27, Fleet Street. 1886. T LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET ANI> CHARING CROSS. ML EDITOR'S PREFACE TO THE FOUKTH EDITION. Since the appearance of the last (third) edition of this work, some extensive changes have heen made in the law on the subject, and these changes have necessitated corresponding alterations in the treatise. The Editors have endeavoured to retain as far as possible the author's original text, departing from it only when accuracy or clearness has seemed to require this, course. They have made, however, considerable additions to the text, the notes, and the forms, which it is hoped will render the present Edition substantially in accordance with modern practice. Reginald Merivale. Norman Peasron. Lincoln's Inn, October 29, 1885. ?80y?g> PREFACE THE FIKST EDITION. Abstracts of Titles have long been the subject of complaint, not less on account of the confused and ambiguous manner in which the material parts of the deeds and instruments are commonly stated, than the inartificial mode of arrangement adopted ; both of which occasion considerable trouble and embar- rassment to persons perusing them. Conveyancers have, therefore, repeatedly suggested the necessity of observing a more careful and systematic prepara- tion of these documents, and have pointed out the many advantages that would result therefrom, not only to the profession, but to the parties interested. But from some cause or other, not readily conceived, unless it may be attributed to the want of some general precedent, those suggestions have hitherto been attended with little success. Titles, however, are now required to be so strictly scrutinised upon all occasions of transfer of property, and the responsibilities of counsel in advising upon IV PEEPACB TO THE FIRST EDITION. them arc become so considerable, that it is still more expedient to remove the cause of complaint before alluded to, and, at the same time, to reduce those responsibilities, by adopting generally the system so frequently recommended. With a view, therefore, of promoting this end, the author of the following pages is induced to lay them before the profession ; trusting that they will be found to contain a model of such system, and that they will, consequently, have the desired effect. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introductory Chapter on Title (by Editors of the Fourth Edition) Original Introduction PART I. PART II. Abstracts of Title to — 12 II. Copyholds and Customary Freeholds > 23 III. Leaseholds — (1) For Lives 29 (2) For Years 31 (3) Under Corporate bodies 33 PART III. 1. The heading of the Abstract 30 2. The method of abstracting clauses in ordinary deeds 38 3. The mode of abstracting particular documents 66 PART IV. General precedent of an Abstract of Titles to — Advowson and Glebe Lands 83 Tithes 91 Freeholds 99 Copyholds 101 181 Exchanges of Freeholds 195 VI TABLE "I oiNTEXTS. APPENDIX. Abstract of a Charter Ancient Feoffment (By a Guild) Contract Contract and Conditions of Sale ... Deed enlarging long term I • yance under Settled Land Act, 1S82 Table for ascertaining dates of Acts of Parliament (ilossary of Contractions Index i PAGE 209 210 212 213 215 216 218 219 22G INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER BY THE EDITORS OF THE FOUBTI1 EDITION. ON TITLE. Is approaching the subject of titles to land, it is necessary to hear in mind the extreme artificiality of the legal rules which relate to them. It is obvious, of course, from its imperishable character, that any given piece of land may have passed through a practically infinite succession of hands; and a priori there is no reason why any one link in this chain of possession should be treated as of greater validity than the others. To require a vendor, however, to show an interminable title to the land he proposes to sell would be a palpable absurdity, and consequently it became necessary that some conventional limit of antiquity should be fixed, beyond which the validity of the title should lie presumed. In the case of freehold and copyhold lands, sixty years gradually came to be the recog- nised limit at which the enquiries of a purchaser must ordinarily cease; but this period has lately been reduced to forty years (Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874), and it seems possible that before long it may be still further shortened. It is important, however, to understand what is 2 INTRODUCTORY ('HAFTER. the real nature and value of the conventional limit nised 1 >y law, whatever its precise extent may be. Now, in tin- firsi place, this conventional limit does not in itself give as indefeasible validity to a title ; nor is it a barrier which is never to be passed. The old rule prescribing sixty years as the limit did not rest on the assumption that a ,title shown for this period gave an absolute security against eviction. It fully admitted that such a title might still be the subject of eviction, but it assumed that, after M.\tv years, there was a moral certainty that no facts existed by which eviction could be supported. | Parr v. Lovegrove, -1 Drewry, 170.) The same con- struction must be applied to the existing rule which requires a vendor to show a forty years' title, though this period is fixed not by custom, but by statute. Here, then, we have (in the case of an open contract) on the one hand, the purchaser's clear right to insist upon the best title which it is in the vendor's power to give; and on the other, the vendor protected by the statute against being called upon for a title of more than forty years' duration. It is from the partial conflict of these rights that many of the common difficulties between vendor and purchaser arise. It would be far beyond the scope of the present work to enter in any detail into the legal principles by which these claims are adjusted; we need only refer to them bo far as they affect the question before us. Stilted broadly, their effect is t bat the minimum which the purchaser is entitled to require, as well as thai which the vendor is bound to give, is a " marketable " title, i.e. " a title which, so far as its lutecedents are concerned, may at all times, and under all circumstances be forced on an unwilling INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 6 1 purchaser.' " (Dart, Vendors and Purchasers, 5th ed. vol. 2. 1107.) It is necessary that this should be carefully borne in mind in the selection of the deeds which are to find place in an abstract, inasmuch as the insertion of an unnecessary deed may prove not only super- fluous but prejudicial. Thus, for instance, if an expired lease be set out in the abstract, its insertion is in any case needless (see infra, p. 50 n.), and hence objectionable. But if any of its recitals contain references to deeds earlier than the commencement of the abstract, this may lead to a possibly incon- venient demand by the purchaser for the inspection, at any rate, of such earlier deeds (see infra, p. 14). It will be further observed that while the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874, requires a vendor on an open contract to show a forty years' title, the Eeal Property Limitation Act, 1874 (which came into operation on Jan. 1st, 1879), provides that no action shall be brought for the recovery of land but within twelve years from the time when the right accrued. A similar difference existed between the old rule requiring a sixty years' title and the former Statute of Limitations (3 & 4 W. 4. c. 27) ; and it was at one time doubted whether the effect of this last mentioned Act had not been to shorten the period for which a good title must be shewn. This contention, however, was disposed of by Cooper v. Emery, 1 Phil. 380 ; and it is submitted that the reasons which guided that decision still hold good (see infra, p. 12). But apart from this there are special provisions in the Eeal Property Limitation Act, 1874 (as in the earlier statute), for extending the twelve years' period in cases of disability ; and the allowance made for disabilities may extend to a total period of thirty 4 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER . before the title under this AH would become indefeasible. Prom this it is plain that aparl the V. A- P. Act, 1874, something over a thirty years' title is a practical necessity, (a) It should be observed here that, though mere possession does not confer an indefeasible title until the statutory period lias elapsed, yet it does confer a certain definite interest, which may even be in- herited, devised, or conveyed (Asher v. Whiilock, L. 11. 1 Q. B. 1). The possessor's title, in fact, is good against every one but the rightful owner ; and though such a title will, of course, be quite insufficient to satisfy a purchaser, it has a certain value which cannot be completely ignored. It will be understood, of course, that the difficulties pointed out in this chapter arise chiefly in connection witli sales upon an.opai contract. In other cases, where difficulties of this kind are apprehended by the vendor, they are usually precluded by express stipulation, either in the preliminary contract, or in the conditions of sale. These stipulations, no doubt, do not always hold good ; and where this is so, the general rules of law resume their jurisdiction. Upon this matte]-, however, we have no need to enter, and we may pass at once to the proper subject of this work. II. M. X." P. (n) it may be added thai the Court would probabl) find no difficulty in >\s in lnililiiiL'. if necessary, thai each of these A.cts respectivt ly is intended i<> apply to a different Be1 of circum- stances; /.'..that tin- forty years' title presented by the Y. & P. Act, L 874, applies o'nlj to a title by devolution, not. depend- ing npon adverse possession ; while the shorter pi riods required by lli' 1.'. I'. I.. An. 1874, arc good only in (In.- ea.>u dt' a title acquired by adverse possession. — Ed*. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. PART I. (a) INTRODUCTION. Abstracts of Titles have been uniformly considered, by modern conveyancers, to be important docu- ments ; for upon them the true development, if not the security of titles mainly depends. It is not, there- fore, surprising to find in almost every work on the subject of conveyancing either a dissertation on, or a chapter devoted to them. On one point all the authors agree and it is this — that these compilations require careful pre- paration, combining skill and judgment with brevity and truthfulness. And there is another point on which most agree, namely, that an abstract should be, unlike those prepared by unskilful hands, a clear connected history of the title ; and that the essential parts of the deeds and documents set out, should be so systematically arranged as to convey to (a) This chapter was the Author's original Introduction, and appears as such in previous editions. — Eds C 6 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. the mind as it passes over them, their precise efficacy ui'l effect (or). But in how few instances do we find brevity and perspicuity or even arrangement or neatness properly regarded? — Instead of the records, forming links of the title, being strung up so as to show a continuous and complete chain, and of a judicious abridgment being made of them, how often are they to be found jumbled together, and important clauses wholly omitted, sadly curtailed, or obscurely set out, and the unimportant ones absurdly elongated? Take the receipt in the testatum clause as an example of curtailment almost equal to entire omission. This is often dispatched, whatever may be its importance, with the words — " the receipt, &c," instead of shew- ing what the receipt professes to discharge. So with respect to the Covenants. They are frequently disposed of, however modern, by the words — "usual Covenants for title " — or, " usual mortgage Cove- nants," — without shewing the qualifications or restrictions they contain. Again : words of repre- sentation are thus stated — " his heirs &c." — or, " his executors, &c." — instead of the true words of the deed, whether correct or not, by which it may be seen that the proper parties are bound by them. So again, with respect to Powers and indemnity clauses. They are usually rendered thus — "Usual power of sale in default," whether exercised or not: and—" usual indemnity to trustees," without reference to the objects of these clauses; which, although generally similar, not being stereotyped, are not always alike. (a) Tli- object is much aided l>y means of margins; for the] m rve to aired the eye, and show, quicker than any other device, the sufficiency or waul of the usual and proper clauses. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 7 Now, it may be asked, how is it possiblo for a counsel or attorney, who is an entire stranger to the title and the circumstances connected with it, to acquire the necessary knowledge to enable him to form a satisfactory opinion, much less safely advise on it, where such scanty evidence and such meagre sentences are given in the abstract ? He must, if he discharges his duty conscientiously, either call for a more perfect statement of the title, raise questions which that statement may have avoided, or give his opinion with caution and reserve and so lessen its value. For want of these precautions, the one may incur after-reflections, and the other responsibility ; for when any thing goes wrong, the counsel or attorney engaged is sure to get the blame of not having discovered this or that omission or defect. But it is as ungenerous as it is unfair to impose such a disagreeable duty, much less such a responsi- bility, upon any man, whenever materials are at hand for avoiding it. Time, labour, and expense too, may often be avoided by devoting proper attention to the careful preparation of an abstract. By a methodical arrangement of the deeds and evidences as to dates, in the first instance, and a careful perusal of each before the pen is used for the work ; the draughts- man may become acquainted with the very essence of it ; so that when he begins an abstract he would know, as nearly as may be, what parts to set out and what to omit or condense. One great fault tending to the evils and disadvan- tages before noticed, is the circumstance of the work being trusted to the nearest tyro professing to be able to prepare abstracts, instead of the chief or really competent clerk. It may be true that the c 2 S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. superiors revise and settle the performances of the former ; but it is seldom done with the same accuracy as that which attends the original pre- paration by those having clear and thoughtful minds. Another cause often operates in the same way. Even principals are not unfrequently disposed to treat abstracts with less concern for their accuracy and completeness than they really deserve; assum- ing, perhaps, that the imperfections would ho brought out by the opposite counsel or solicitor. But tins is a great fault, and most unjust; for it not only throws the additional labour and expense of perfecting them upon the party who has no right to bear them, but also sometimes occasions serious litigation : for which there is no reasonable excuse whenever they can be perfected in the first instance. Leaving omissions for complaints, and defects to be drawn out by requisitions, is, moreover, as slovenly and tedious a mode of proceeding as it is un- warrantable. And why the party receiving an abstract should be put to the additional expense of making discoveries or objections so as to sup- ply the carelessness or want of judgment of the party preparing it, is not easy, on principle, to understand. Under these circumstances, however, it is re- commended by the best of authors that all abstracts of title should be thoroughly perfected in tho first instance, and before their delivery to the other party, whether he be a mortgagee's or a purchaser's solicitor. And so strong is the necessity for this, that it has been held, where a purchaser is required to deliver requisitions on the title within a prescribed time, that time does not begin ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 9 to rim until a perfect abstract has been fur- nished, (a) Of course, in speaking of a perfect abstract, it must be understood to mean — one that is so far perfect as it lies in the vendor's or mortgagor's power to make it so. If only an imperfect title can be shewn it would be simple nonsense to say a perfect one must be deduced. All that is required is that the title shall be properly and truthfully developed from the records of it, whatever they may be, in the possession or power of the party making and furnishing it. But even this must be done with all the imperfections as well as the perfections attending them ; for if there should be any concealment, the startling word " Fraud " may be sounded the moment it is discovered ; and should the suppression prove material, serious consequences might ensue. In all respects, therefore, every draughtsman should not only be skilful and careful, but honest and unflinching in the discharge of this onerous duty : on the one hand omitting nothing which is material ; nor, on the other, introducing superfluous matter, which may tend to perplex or mislead, or dilated clauses of a common and formal nature, which occasion additional expense without doing any possible good. The chief object of the following parts will be to show — not only the periods of deducing titles and stringing up the records so as to reduce them into a formal and historical shape, in the mode before referred to; but also their proper roots in, and ramifications through different kinds of property ; — (a) Eobson v. Bell, 2 Beav. 17 ; Dart, 5th ed. p. 12G. 10 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. to point out, as far as may be, the essential from the non-essential clauses; and — finally, to illustrate the whole by means of a general precedent (much enlarged since the first edition of this work :) thus showing, at the same time, the margins and contrac- tions for the use of beginners, and leading the more experienced into a systematic method of preparing abstracts of titles. ( 11 ) PART II. al evidence and facts must be given. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TO I. Freeholds. II. COVYHOLDS AND CUSTOMARY FREEHOLDS. III. Leaseholds — 1. For Lives. 2. For Years. In preparing Abstracts of Titles in general, the All materi- chief thing to be attended to, is (as before stated), neither to suppress such evidence or facts as may- be proper to be given in support of the titles, on the one hand, nor to give such as may lead to un- necessary inquiry, and consequently, to trouble and expense on the other. Id the exercise of this discretion, however, great caution is necessary, as the solicitor for a vendor or mortgagor would be personally liable (a) for the consequences, if he were to suppress or keep back any deed or document disclosing incumbrances, or which would show a defective, or not the true state of the title. But almost all titles are differently circumstanced, both as to their commencement and state of per- fection ; — some may be regularly deduced for more than a century, whilst others cannot be traced, by (a) Criminally as well as civilly, under 22 & 23 Vict. 'c. 35. —Eds. 12 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. deeds at least, above a fourth of that period ; — some, in, are perfectly clear up, or down to particular date, and afterwards materially defective. Considerable skill and attention is, therefore, necessary to be employed in order to avoid the two extremes, and to prepare abstracts correctly. It is not, however, intended, at present, to attempt to lay down any precise rules for the attainment of tlds object in every case; for that would be running beyond the design and scope of this work. All that appears to be proper and useful in this part is, — To show, as briefly as possible, (1) the time for which different titles should be deduced ; — (2) the deed or documents proper to be selected for the roots of such titles ; and — (3) some of the most important points to be observed in deducing Titles. I. As to Freeholds. Freeholds. Every title to this kind of property should be deduced forty years at the least. Statute of For some time after the passing of the Statute of Rale as'tcT Limitations (3 & 4 W. 4, c. 27), it was considered irs. that the period then necessary, i.e., sixty years, had been .shortened by that Act. But all doubts on the point were ultimately removed by express decisions, which showed that a sixty years' title could be insisted upon. Cooper v. Emery, 1 Phill. 388; Hodgkimon v. Cooper, (5 L. T. 451 (a). Ufasonsfor The decisions above referred to appear to have proceeded upon the old rule with reference to the duration of human life, rather than from any inten- (n) It is conceived that the principle of the above decision and tin- observations of Lord Lyiidhnrst still apply, BO as to e ader a forty years' title necessary, in spite of '67 & 88 Vict, c. 57(Ucal Property Limitation Act, 1874). See pp. i> and 4, ante. rule. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 13 tion to enlarge the operation of the Act. And it is obvious that such rule cannot be entirely dis- regarded ; for a tenant by the curtesy might, previously to the Act referred to, have enfeoffed a stranger, and levied a fine, and thus, in the course of forty or fifty years, during which he might live, confer upon the feoifeo or those claiming under him an apparently marketable title, although at his death the heir could evict a bond fide purchaser for a valuable consideration. So with respect to any other tenant for life, (a) Eecent legislation has done much to dispense with the necessity for exact evidence on minor points, Exact evi- and, where the title is free from suspicion, statutory declarations may often be accepted with safety. But, though a forty years' title at least is usually Proper necessary in an open contract, it does not follow that ment ()f every deed of forty years old will form a suitable title. commencement of the abstract. So it is proper, in selecting a document for this purpose, to avoid such as refer to any anterior assurance (b) ; because, whenever an abstract begins with a deed or instru- ment, which depends for its validity or accuracy upon, or gives notice, by recital or otherwise, of an absent deed or instrument or any circumstance which throws some reasonable doubt upon the title, But, if the equitable title is shewn, with power to get in the legal estate, the devolution of the legal estate need not be shewn. < 'tintht rir< 11 i aid South Loudon Building Society v. Bolloway, 13 Gh. I). 754.— Eds. I (a) The above case is improbable under modern methods of conveyaucing. It may tie remarked lure that a tenant by curtesy is a tenant for life under' the S. L. Act, 1882. — Eds. (//) In the ease of deeds purporting to exercise a power, the production of the deed creating the power, if anterior to the time prescribed by law(V. & P. Act 1874) or stipulated for com- mencement of the title, cannot now be required by a purchaser. (Conv. Act, 1881, s.3, ss. 3. See Wolstenholme's 3rded., p. 20, as to defects in prior title shewn on the abstract.) 14 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. such deed or instrument must be produced and form part of the abstract. In the absence, however, of reasonable doubt, mere recitals of earlier deeds do not entitle the purchaser to require such deeds to be abstracted, though, possibly, he might require their production if in the Vendor's possession. A Will. Fur this reason some practitioners choose a will for the foundation of the abstract, these documents seldom referring to the prior title. Others, on tbe contrary, prefer a mortgage, because it is presumed A mort- that the mortgagee had inquired into the title, and would not have advanced his money upon one which was unmarketable. And when these documents involve no previous suspicion or inquiry they are equally eligible for the purpose ; but otherwise, the former is decidedly preferable, (a) [We have thought proper to leave the author's text on this point intact, but by many high authori- ties a will is not considered a good root of title, inasmuch as it does not shew seisin ; and, if a w T ill is taken for this purpose, it is frequently necessary to prove seisin independently. With regard to what constitutes evidence of seisin, in Bolton v. London School Board, 7 Ch. D. 766, it was decided that a recital of seisin in fee in a deed twenty years old, was, under sec. 2 of the Vendor and Purchasers' Act, 1874, a sufficient proof of title, and that therefore no evidence of prior title was needed. But it is submitted that this decision is doubtful, for a recital that A. is seised in fee is clearly a recital of law, and not of fact, to w T hich alone the above section relates.] — Eds. But sometimes a selection cannot be made, and (a) Neither n disentailing deed, nor a deed executing a power ar. .-ati.-l'actorv roots of title. Quxre, as to a voluntary deed. Set 24 Ch. D. 11.- Ess. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 15 tho Title must, consequently, be deduced for morrj lias followed according to them, such recitals are, after a lapse of some years, considered satisfactory evidence of the facts they disclose. (See Doe v. Maple, 3 Bing. N.C. 832.) When the surrender of a prior or existing lease is made the consideration, or a part of the consideration of a new one, the old lease and the mesne assignments of it and settlements (if any), must be abstracted, since the new lease would be no protection against incumbrances affecting the property under the latter. It may not be amiss to state here that the ha- bendunis should in every case be accurately set forth, in order that it may be seen whether the estate is limited to the lessee, his executors, administrators and assigns, for a term, if the nominees should so long live, or to him, his heirs and assigns for a life or lives, which is very material; because in the one case it is personal estate, and distributable For lives. Where original lease is lost. Snrrender of lease. Haben- ilums to be set out fully. 30 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. or Bi ser- ration. Renewed leases. Lessor's title. amongst his representatives; and in the other, a freehold interest descendible to the heir, (a) So also any exception or reservation should be set out. 1 d iii< rat cases of assignment by way of mortgage or underlease, the last day or some small portion of the original term is excepted, in order that the assignee may not become liable to the covenants in the lease, (a) Whenever the leases have been renewed in the course of a title, it should, if possible, be seen that the prior leases had properly expired, (b) or were duly surrendered (<•) upon each renewal, and that the new leases were granted to the persons who possessed the legal as well as the equitable interest under the old ones ; and if not, both titles must be shewn. For if two interests were subsisting in different persons at the same time, the title would be defective, and counsel will expect to be allowed an opportunity of judging as to the most eligible means of curing such defect. A case of this kind might happen (and within the author's experience has happened) by a lessee mortgaging his interest under an existing lease, and obtaining a new one, without surrender, before the term granted by the former had expired, (a) Leaseholds for lives are not included in the pro- visions of the V. and P. Act, 1874, s. 2, and pre- sumably therefore, on a sale of such leaseholds, the lessor's title may still be called for. But, in the case of a lease dated more than forty years back, will probably be unnecessary. 00 It may be observed that this rule applies to all leases. — Eds. 6) e.g. Tn leases for lives a question sometimes arises whether the proper period for renewal is the dropping of the first or the surviving life. (c) By the 8 & 9 Vict. e. 106, s. 2, this must be done by deed, and therefore the surrender should likewise he abstracted. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 31 The names, ages, residences, and callings of each Names, of the persons by whose lives the property is held * ge ^ should he carefully and accurately stated; for the gi ven . reasons before given. (See p. 28.) In regard to leasehold property these reasons are, if possible, more cogent; for in leases for lives, or for terms depending upon lives, there is sometimes inserted a proviso — that if the existence of either of the parties by whose lives the property is held cannot, when called upon under such proviso, he proved, the lease shall become void and the lessee's interest forfeited. (See page 28.) Subdivision and apportionments of rents should also be shown. 2. For Years. Titles to leasehold property held for long terms Terms of of years, should be deduced from the original lease yea or deed creating them, and the abstract should commence accordingly. The abstract should also shew all necessary mesne assignments. With regard however to these, where the lease is a very old one, it is conceived that the mesne assignments need not be abstracted for more than the last forty years. And where neither the creation of the term, nor the mesne assignments of it, can be shewn, in any other way than by recitals in subsequent deeds, their loss may in some cases be supplied by those recitals, and in this case also the regularity of the title prior to the last forty years, will, in the absence of suspicion, and when the possession has been agreeable to them, generally be presumed. The abstract, will, therefore, in such a case, commence with the first assignment in the vendor's possession, and all the recitals and statements Where deeds lost. 32 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. relating - to the term ami the prior assurances must be very fully set forth. "When leases are granted under powers, such under powers must be abstracted, in order to shew that the former are prepared in strict conformity with them, that circumstance being very material to their validity. Limitations It should be remarked, that, in leases, the haben- in iLiben- dunis, through strange inadvertence, are frequently inaccurate in this, that they limit the estate " from the day of the date " instead of from " thenceforth," or from the time of the sealing and delivering of them. This is of importance in leases granted under powers, since it is essential to their validity that they should commence in present!, and not in futuro; and as it has been decided that this form of limitation may be taken either to include or exclude the day on which the deed is dated, (see Pugh v. The Dulce of Leeds, Cowp. 714; Freeman v. West, 2 Wils. 165 ;) it often seems to be sufficient to render their validity somewhat questionable. Great care must, therefore, be observed in stating this part of the deed correctly, (a) Lessor and By Conv. Act, 1882, s. 4, it is provided that Cinder- where a lease is made under a power, any preliminary Titles. contract, for, or relating to such lease, shall not form part or evidence of the title, and, with regard to other leases for terms of years, by the V. and P. Act, 1874, s. 2, the purchaser of a lease was pre- cluded from calling for the lessor's title; and by Conv. Act, 1881, s. 3, tho same restriction was imposed upon the sale of an underlease, as to the (a) Sec, however, 12 & 13 Vict c. 26, s. 4, wLich provides for curing auch defects in certain cases. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 33 nnderlessor's title. It may be mentioned that by Conv. Act, 1881, s. 3, sub-ss. 4, 5, the production of the receipt for last payment of rent, whether in the case of a lease, or underlease, is made sufficient proof of the performance of all covenants. In the case of the sale of an old term, such as 01d Terms, those commonly created by way of mortgage, or for raising portions, or other limited purposes, it seems that the abstract should commence with the instrument creating the term, and should also as far as possible set out any documents, which shew that it has become absolute, as e.g. a decree of foreclosure. (Dart, V. and P. 5th ed. 294). For the future, however, it is probable that, in the case of such long terms, recourse will be had to the provisions of the Conversion Conv. Act, 1881, s. 65, for enlarging these into fee- of old simple estates. Where this has been done, the abstract should shew that a proper deed has been executed. 3. Held under Corporate bodies. In abstracting titles to property held under the ^ eld under Crown, deans and chapters, hospitals, and other B jie' s .' corporate bodies, it is proper to ascertain and set forth, if possible, the contents of such leases as may have been surrendered, (a) "if they are made the consideration, or part of the consideration, of the new leases (as is very commonly done) : for the purchaser, thus having notice of them, would take the estate subject to the equity of the previous owners of it, and counsel would consequently require them to be abstracted. Trusts affecting this kind of property are, however, seldom enforced after (a) See ante, p. 30, n. (b) 34 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. a lapse of thirty or forty years, when the possession has been conformable to the several changes in it, and therefore the title need not, in general, be carried further back than this period. Collateral documents. Heirships, &c. Pi- evidence. roper It should be always remembered, that all collateral documents, such as administrations, registers, &c. connecting or supporting, as well as judgments, &c. disparaging the title, must be stated in the order in which they occur and are referred to in the deeds or instruments reciting them. So all evidences of heirships and seisin ; (a) all changes of tenancies ; and all means of identifying persons as well as property, and losses of title deeds or documents should, when the title deeds themselves do not serve the purpose, be carefully ascertained and stated, either in the margin or in some con- spicuous part of the abstract ; but for short notes the margin is best. So all doubts and discrepancies should be thus explained ; all mistakes and irregu- larities cleared up. But this must be done not simply by mere state- ments, but by evidence, according to the nature and importance of each. For these purposes, family pedigrees, with statutory declarations and certificates verifying them, extracts from church and poor rates, land tax assessments, and monuments, grave and tomb stones, are sometimes found useful, (b) In short, all such documents and memorandums as (a) It Bhould be borne in mind that by the 3 & 4 W. 4, c. 100 (1st January, 1834), the course of descent us well as (by s. lo.v the law of dower whs altered. (/*) For further information on this point, see Dart's V. & P., 5th ed.. p. 348. Abstracts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 35 arc calculated to shew an absolute seisin in, or an uninterrupted possession by the vendor or his ancestors for the preceding forty years and upwards, should, if possible, lie procured and abstracted in support of such statements. This evidence is, as before stated, now generally deemed by conveyancers to be satisfactory when the title is free from sus- picion ; and especially when they relate to events and circumstances beyond the last twenty years, (a) Preston on The method of abstracting each of the before- mentioned titles is shewn, and many other par- ticulars respecting them are given in the subsequent pages; so that it is unnecessary to add here any further remarks. But if the reader should discover any omission, or if his inclination or necessities should prompt him to seek further information upon this subject, he is referred to Mr. Preston's valuable Treatise upon Abstracts, (b) from which the one may be supplied, and where the other will be found. (a) See Fort v. Clarice, 1 Kuss. Gil. (//) To which may be added Dart on Vendors and Purchasers, and the notes to Mr. Davidson's Collection of Precedents. ( 3G ) PART III. HELATING TO 1. The Heading of the Abstract. 2. The Method of Abstracting Clauses in ordinary- Deeds. 3. The Mode of Abstracting particular Documents. A few brief remarks having been made respecting the commencement of Titles, and some of the chief points to be observed in deducing them, some instruc- tions will now be offered for preparing Abstracts, under the following; heads. I. As to the Heading of the Abstract. Head or Every abstract should have an introductory title or head, and it should show — 1. The owner, his residence and calling, and whether as trustee, mortgagee, executor, or the like ; — 2. The nature of the property to which it immediately refers, — as whether it be of freehold, copyhold, gavelkind, burgage, or other tenure ; the particulars as to quantity, — as whether it be a moiety, a third part, or the like ; tho number of acres; and the situation, and the occupation of it ; — 3. The estate or interest ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 37 of the owner in the property, as — whether it be the fee, a life-estate, a term of years, or a term deter- minable upon lives, &c. — and, 4. The qualification, if any, with which the property is sold, — as whether it be sold subject to mortgages, rents, annuities, covenants, &c, or to known defects and restrictions of title specified in the contract or conditions of sale. It is likewise most proper to give the owner's names in full, as well as his residence and calling ; and if ho be not the beneficial owner, the character in which he acts, as trustee, mortgagee, or the like ; for this enables the purchaser's or mortgagee's solicitor to complete his draft in this respect, instead of leaving it in blank and causing further inquiry and additional expense. So when there are two or more persons in one Names of family of the same names, as in the case of cousins, P arties aad it should be carefully and clearly shewn which is the party interested, as " John Slade of, &c. grocer, son of George Slade, late of, &c. grocer ;" or, " John, the son of Robert Slade, late of, &c. grocer." So with respect to the parcels. Great care should Description be observed, in designating here curtly the property Parcels - which is the subject of the abstract, and that only ; for the person about to examine the title as naturally looks at this part first as he would at a title pao-e of a book he intended to read. Any mistake, therefore, in the tenure, quantity, or description of the property is sure to lead to doubt, question, and inquiry, as well as to unnecessary trouble. So when the property is charged with any in- Charge. cumbrances, or annuities, mortgages, or the like, they should be briefly mentioned in this heading. It is necessary to state all these particulars, or Reasons, at least such of them as may be applicable in each E 11 July, THE SAID Sir Reginald Blair, Bart., died. 1722. CERTIFICATE of his burial. (See note a, p. 84.) The following is the Pedigree of the Sir John Blair's family, (ex parte paterna) so far as respects the before abstracted premises. It is taken from the family pedigree now in tb possession of Sir Arthur Blair, Bart, (a) ' (a) Of course neither the titles nor the pedigTees are ever carried so far back as this for conveyancing purposes. This is therefore given at length more by way of illustration, than for its actual utility to the title. TO ADVOWSON AND GLEBE. 87 Sib John Blair = Dame Cecil de Ros mar. 16 May, 1586 (a) I ob. 1619. ob. 2 Juue, 1626 Percy = Joan Grant nat. 19 June, 1587 mar. 27 Sep'. 1612 ob. 3 May, 1662 ob. 1649 3 daughters Ernest = Rosa Hastings. nat. 29 May, 1624 mar. 10 Mar. 1648 ob. 3 Oct. 1694 ob. 2 Mar. 1679. Arthur 2 daughters Reginald = Ruth Grey nat. 21 Aug. 1649 mar. 2 April, 1669. ob. 11 July, 1722 Arthur nat. 14 May, 1682 ob. 2 Mar. 1699 4 daughters Archibald BY ROYAL LICENCE under seal and sign manual, of this date, after RECITING that s d . Sir A. Blair, then of Cliff Hall afores d . Bar', a Major-gen 1 , in Her Majesty's service, and in the commission of the peace for s d . county of Kent, the only son and heir-at-law of s d . Sir Reginald Blair, then late of the same place, Bar', by Ruth his wife ; who was the only child of Sir Tho". Grey, a Rear-Adm 1 . in Her Majesty's Navy, had, in, and by his petition humbly presented, shown that Sir Ernest Blair, the paternal grandfather of him s d ., Sir A. Blair, did, in and by his before abst d . will, give and devise (inter alia) s d . abst d . premes unto him s d . Sir 1 Mav, 1723. (a) It is often desirable and, in many cases, proper to give here the dates of not only the deaths of the deceased parties, but also their births and marriages, as well as to state them separately afterwards ; because it facilitates the perusal of the pedigree by avoiding further inquiry or reference respecting them. The subsequent statements give additional information although not, in all cases, so important) respecting the places of births, marriages, and interments, in order that it may be known where the registers of them are to be found. H 2 88 ABSTKxVCTS OF TITLES A. Blair, in fee simple (a) as in and by such will appears. AND RECITING' that s d . will contained the following clause — added to s d . devise — " Upon condition that he the s d . Arthur Blair, shall take, bear, and use the name and arms, of his maternal ancestor Sir Tho". De Ros. (b) AND RECITING that s". Testator died on the 5th of Oct. 1694, without altering or revoking his s d . will, and the same was duly proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 9th of September, 1(595; whereupon s d . Sir Reginald Blair became entitled to the rents and profits of (inter alia) s d . abst d . premises during his life. AND RECITING that s d . petitioner's mother died on the 2d of March, 1G99. AND RECITING that s d . Sir R. Blair s d . petitioner's father died on the 11th of March, 1722. AND RECITING that as the before mention" 1 , condi- tion as to the assumption of the name and arms, was binding on him s d . pet r . and from grateful respect to the memory of his s d . grandfather, he was desirous of taking and using the surname, and arms of De Ros. IT IS WITNESSED that Royal Licence and Authority was given aud granted unto him s d . Sir A. Blair, to take and thenceforth use the surname of De Ros, only ; And also to bear the arms of De Ros ; — such arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms and recorded in the records office, otherwise s d . licence should be void. By the following memorandum written and subscribed to s d . licence it appears that such record was duly made. (a) If the devise be in tail, the uses should be shown in the licence; but if they are set out in the abstract of the will, they need not be referred to here, but referred to a8 — " in tail-male as aforesaid," instead of "in fee " &e., as ahove. ('<) The condition, when quoted verbatim in the Licence, should likewise be copied here. TO ADVOWSON AND GLEBE. 80 " RECORDED in the College of Arms, London, pursuant "to a warrant from the Earl Marshal of England, the " 13 th day of July, 1723." " Robert Hart, "Superscribed George R." "Registiar." BY INDENTURE (a) of Feoffment, of this date, made 1 May, between the s d . Sir Arthur De Ros, then of Cliff Hall afs d ., 17ti9 - Bar'., of the one (b) part, and Ralph Styles, of Hop Hall, in the parish of Maidstone, Kent, merchant, of the other part — RECITING- the before abst d . letters patent. AND RECITING (c) that s d . Styles had contracted with s d . Sir A. De Ros, for the absolute purchase of s d . abst d . premises, free from incumbrances, at the sum of £ . IT IS WITNESSED that s d . Sir A. De Ros, in considera- tion of £ sterling, to him then paid by s d . Styles, Did grant and enfeoff unto s d . Styles, and his heirs. ALL THAT the s d . Advowson, Rectory, or Parish Church, of Wake afores d . [then in the cure of J. Bloggs.] (a) Many persons preparing abstracts of title begin each deed thus — " Indenture made " &c. ; and at the testatum, state " It was witnessed." But this is manifestly an illogical— uot to say ungrammatioal — mode of expressing it. Surely the present and not the past tense ought to be employed ; for it is by the existing deed or document so referred to that the intention and operation of it is witnessed, and not by a by-gone deed or instrument. Therefore it is proper to state (as here)—" By Indenture, of this date made Sec. It is witnessed," &c. (b) Figures are usually and properly used here for the purpose of economising space, and of catching the eye on the perusal of the abstract, as well as on subsequent references (and they often necessarily occur) to the parties to the deed. What- ever tends to distinguish the material parts of a deed, tends also to lessen the labour of perusing the abstract. (c) For the reasons given in the last note, it is proper to begin the first line of long clauses in the next margin to the preceding (proper) one as here shown. 90 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TOGETHER with the Glebe lands, desc d . in the before abstracted letters patent and which were then in the occupation of George Fry. TOGETHER also with all appurts &c. AND all the Estate &c. (a) AND the s a . letters patent, and all deeds &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Styles and his heirs, TO THE USE [and behoof] of s a . Styles, his heirs and ass", [for ever]. WARRANTY of s d . abst d . premes by s d . Sir A. De Ros,unto and to the use of s d . Styles his heirs and ass", against himself, his heirs and ass", the ancestors of him s d . Sir A. De Ros, and all persons, claiming through, under, or in trust for them respectively. EXECUTED by s d . Sir A. De Ros, and attested by 3 witnesses, and RECEIPT for £ endorsed, signed and wit- nessed (b). MEMORANDUM of livery of seizin by s d . Sir A. De Ros, to s d . Styles, on 3d of May, 1739, endorsed, signed, and witnessed. 1 April, BY DEED POLL of this date under the hand and seal (c) of the s\ Ralph Styles, then of Hop Hall, afores d . s d . R. Styles presented the Rev. John Jonas to ALL THAT the next presentation rectory (d) and parish church of Wake afores 11 . with the s d . glebe lands, TOGETHER with the appurts fee. (a) It is usual and, in long abstracts, desirable to place two of these short lines in one line; thus — "Together with all appurts. &c. — An t d all the estate &c." (h) When the sentences are short, some of those words should be written at length, so as to nearly fill up the line. (V) The words — " under the hand and seal,"' may, if preferred, be introduced here, instead of the words — "Executed by s d . Styles and duly sealed and attested" at the end of the form p. 84. ( London. GEOFFERY, son of Ralph and Lady Arabella, was born at Charlton Hall, this Thursday morning, at 6 o'clock, a.m. HE married Miss Agnes Pitt, second daughter of Rear-Adm 1 . Pitt, R.N. at Walmer Church this day. 27 March, 1666. 9 Not., 1689. (a) See note (a) p. 86. (b) To be within inverted commas. 9-4 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES HUGH, son of Geoffery and Agnes, was born at 9 o'clock, 1 ''" 1 - this niurning. 3 Nov., SIR ANTONY died at Charlton Hall, this morning at 4 o'clock, a.m. in his "1st year. He was buried in the family vault. 19 May, RALPH died at Cheltenham, a martyr to the gout, at 1 o*clock this afternoon. He was buried in the family vault at Charlton Hall. 168 It appears by the records of the Court of Assize, held at Maidstone in the year 1694, that the s d . Geoffery Gibbs, (then Sir Geoffery), was convicted of treason-felony, and that all his estates, including the before abst d . premises, were forfeited to, and held by the Crown from that time till the year 1699, when he died in the Tower of London, and his estates were restored to his family by means of the following Act of Parliament. 3 May, GEOFFERY, son of Ralph, died in the Tower of London. 1699. His remains were interred in the family vault. 10 Geo. L, BY AX ACT of PARLIAMENT, [passed in this Session] 17 &*■ intituled, " An Act for vesting the Estates of s d . Sir Geoffery Gibbs, formerly of Charlton Hall afores d . AND RECITING that a marriage had then been agreed upon, (a) & was then intended to be shortly solemnized between the s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs then of Charlton Hall, af >res d ., son of Geoffery Gibbs, the great grandson, of s d . Testator, with Eva Ashly, second daughter of the Honble Ja". Ashly, a Co 1 , in His Majesty's Army. IT IS ENACTED (inter alia) that— THE SEVERAL messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments, situate at Wake afores d ., including s d . abst d . premises, (& other property not the subject of (n) Or, RECrrnra a settlement dated the — day of 17 — , made on the marriage of 8 d . Hugh Hastings with Eva Ashley, daughter &c. TO TITHES. 1)5 this abstract) & comprised in the schedule thereunder written, TOGETHER with their appurts &c. AND all reserv" 8 . arid reversions &c. SHOULD, from & after s d . int' 1 . man , be vested in Thomas Spring, of the Inner Temple, London^ Esq. & George Winter, of 5, New Square, Lincolns' Inn, London, Esq. their heirs & ass 8 . UPON TRUST & to the intent that s". Spring, & Winter, or the survivour of them or the heirs or ass 9 , of such surv r . did & should with all convenient speed, [by ifidres of lease and release,] by & with the consent of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, to be signified by his being a party to, & executing such indre, which shall contain all usual & proper clauses, provisoes, declarations, & agreements — convey, settle, & assure (with other property hereinafter abst d . (a)). ALL the tithes, tenths, & oblous, both great & small* arising renewing & increasing within the Parish of W r ake aforesaid. AND all rights whats'. incident thereto. TO THE USE of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, & his ass 8 , during his life, sans waste, with rem r . TO THE USE of s d . Eva Ashley, & her ass 8 , during her life, if she should survive him, sans waste, — And after the determination of those Estates by any means in their life time respectively. TO THE USE of s d . Spring & Winter, & the snrv r . of them his heirs & ass 8 , during the life of s' 1 . Sir Hugh Gibbs, In trust to preserve contingent rem". — with rem r . TO THE USE & intent that s". Eva, his wife should & might have a rent charge of £ per aim. payable (a) This reference can bo mado whenever the parcels agree, and brevity is desired. 9G ABSTRACTS OF TITLES half yearly out of s d . Estates, with usual powers of distress & entry for the recovery thereof, — with rem'. TO THE USE of John Grove, of the Middle Temple, London, Ksq. & George White, of Gray's Inn, London, Esq. their exors, admOrs and ass 8 , for the term of 500 years, IX TRUST to raise portions for younger child", of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, as therein ment d . and after the expiration or sooner determination of the s d . term. TO THE USE of the first & other son & sons of the body of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, on the body of s d . Eva, his wife lawfully to be begotten severally successively, & in rem r ., in tail-male ; And in default of such issue — TO THE USE of the right heirs of Ralph Gibbs, for ever. PASSED the 2d of August, 1724. The schedule above referred to. (Jhre it is to be inserted (a).) [Continuation of Copies from the Family Registers.'} I Jan., "HUGH married Miss Eva Ashley, 2nd daur. of the Hon. Col. Ashley, at St. James's Church, at 11 o'clock this morn- ing. There was a brilliant assembly upon the occasion. 4 Oct* ha, A , , n , | ;T gon of Hush and E wag born at Charlton Hall, at 2 o'clock this morning. Dr. Green, and Nurse White present. J J . ane > ALBERT married Miss Joan Sykes, 2d daughter of Adm 1 . John Sykes, R.N. at St. Mary's Church, Rochester. 26 Octbr., HUGH, his sou, was born at Charlton Hall, at 5 o'clock, this morning, (Friday). Great rejoicing. Dr. Fork, Nurse Mary Spoon, attended at the birth." it.".'; 15 July, BY WILL, of this date, the s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, (son of ( reoffery,) '.rave & devised unto his son, Albert (inter alia) — (a) This schedule is here omitted for the sake of brevity. TO TITHES. 97 ALL THOSE the tithes, or tenths, both great & small, of the Parish of Wake aforesaid. TO HOLD & enjoy the same during his life, — with remainder. TO THE USE of his (s<\ testator's) grandson Hugh, his heirs, & ass 8 , for ever. UPON CONDITION that, upon or before his marr . he (s d . Hugh) should settle the same upon himself & his wife for their respective lives, with rem r . to his issue in tail-male, — with rem r . to his (s d . testator's) right heirs for ever, pursuant to, & in accordance with the before abstracted Act of Parliament. AND s d . testator, appointed his s d . son sole executor of his s 4 . will ; which, revoking all others, he declared to be his last, (a) EXECUTED in the pres c0 of, & att d by 3 wit". THE TESTATOR died at Charlton Hall, aforesaid, leaving 19_Augt. two sons Albert and Robert. 17oo. PROBATE of his will was granted to s d executor by the 6 Decmbr., Prerogative Court of Canterbury. i/oo. ALBERT GIBBS died of Fever, at St. Leonards-on-sea. He 25 £P rU » 1782 was buried in the family vault. SIR HUGH GIBBS, (the testator's grandson) died un- 5 Julv > married & intestate, leaving Robert Gibbs, his uncle & heir-at-law, [him surviving ;] who thereupon entered into possession of his Estates, including the before abst d . preines. The first entry which can be found of the receipt of the tithes granted by the before abstracted letters patent, is (a) The fact of express revocation should be shown, as it is often of importance ; especially where there are several wills and codicils, or testamentary papers ; for some of them may be without date. In the case of wills after 18:J7, it is important to state the revocation of codicils; forsince 1 Vict. c. 26 a codicil does not, as under theold law, stand or fall with the will to which it belongs, and is not necessarily revoked by the revocation of such wilL See Be Savage L. R. 2 P. & JM. 78. — Ens. 175' 98 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES contained in the steward's account, of which the follow- ing is a copy; hut the entries have ever since been regularly made. £ s. d. ■ ' RECEIVED for tithes, as per terrier, 214 16 8 21 Nov - „ „ „ («) 210 4 19 June, BY INDENTURE, of bargain and sale of this date, made "**" between Sir Robert Gibbs, knight, of Rochester, Kent, a General in Her Majesty's Service, (the uncle & heir-at-law of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, Bart., who was the eldest son & heir-at- law of s d . Sir Albert Gibbs, knight, by Joana his wife, who was the son & heir-at-law, of s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, by Eva, his wife,) of the one part — & Joseph Styles, eldest son of s d . Tho'. Styles, (1>) of Hop Hall, in the Parish of Wake, Kent, afores d . Merchant of the other part. RECITING the before abst d . Act of Pari', (p. 94). AND RECITING; the last abst d . will [of s d Sir Hugh Gibbs.] AND ALSO RECITING that s d . Sir Hugh Gibbs, the tenant-in-tail, under the limitations, expressed in s d Act of Pari', * also the right heir of s d . testator Sir Hugh Gibbs, 5 July, died intestate & unmarried, s d . Sir Rob'. Hastings, his uncle, him surviving, and he thereupon became seised of & in s d . abst d . pretties as his heir-at-law. AND ALSO RECITING that s d . Styles had cont d . with him s d . Sir R. Gibbs for the absolute purchase of s d . abst d . pretties at £ IT IS WITNESSED that in conson of £ to s". Sir R. Gibbs then paid by s d . Styles, he s d . Sir R. Gibbs, did grant, bargain, sell & release unto s d . Styles (a) It would be manifest that this statement, as well as the foregoing lineage, is entirely suppositious. They are given thus briefly simply as an illustration (though, it must be con- fessed, not a very satisfactory illustration) of the instructions, but it is considered desirable, imperfect as it might be, to insert it in this form rather than swell the size of the work beyond its prescribed limits. (//) In lun- ith-tructs it is useful to refer here to the page where the first description of the party is to be found. TO FREEHOLDS. 99 ALL TEIOSE the tithes, tenths, ohlations & obven- tions, both great & small, granted by the before abst d . letters patent [of the 16th of June, 1042,] & comprise! in or referred to by the last ment a . Act of Pari*. & WUI [of s a . Sir Hugh Hastings] (pp. 94, 95.) AND all fruits Sec. — And the revon &c. AND all the Estate &c. And s d . letters patent, evid". &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Styles, his heirs & ass 8 . TO THE ONLY USE of s d . Styles, his heirs & ass*, for ever. IN CHIEF knight-service, by one tenth part of one knight's fee, & Subject to the paym'. yearly of £ to His then present Majesty, his heirs & successors, if demanded : EXECUTED by s\ Sir K. Gibbs,' & duly attested, and RECEIPT for £ end d , signed, & wit d . As to the Estate called " CLIFF HALL," with THE PEW AND VAULT THERETO BELONGING. BY ARTICLES of Agreement [of this date] made between ,6 Jnne > 1800 Joseph Styles, of " Cliff Hall," aforesaid, (a), Esq., (eldest ' son of s d . Tho\ Stiles,) of the first part ; Kuth Biles, (a Attested minor of the age of 19 years, or thereabouts,) daughter of Copy. Tho a . Biles, of No. 7, Cheapside, in the City of London, merchant of the 2 d . part ; — and the s d . Tho\ Biles, of the 3 d . part; Being articles executed previously to, & in con- templation of a marriage then intended to be solemnized between s d . Styles & Ruth Biles ; — THE SAID J. Styles covenanted with s' ! . T. Byles,— That, upon the solemnization of s d . intended marriage, & (a) Although this description is given in the title, it is better to repeat it here than refer to it, so that each part may be kept distinct from the other. 100 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES upon his s d . intended wife attaining her age of 21 years, ho would settle and assure, ALL THAT .Mansion or Dwellinghouse, together with the Offices & Outhouses thereunto belonging, called " Cliff Hall ; " with the pew & vault thereto belonging in the Parish Church, of Wake, aforesaid, — And also All & singular the Farmhouse, Messu- ages, Tenements, Outhouses, Buildings, Meadows, Feedings, Pastures, Woods, Underwoods, Lands, Franchises, Rights, Liberties, Commodities, Advan- tages, Hereditaments, & other the Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situate in the Parish of Wake afore- said, as the same was then in the occupation of him s d . Styles & Samuel Stout, — AND ALSO the s d . Advowson or Rectory, & Parish Church of Wake aforesaid, & the Glebe lands theunto belonging. AND ALSO all the Tithes arising within the Parish of Wake aforesaid. AND all reversions, &c. — AND all the estate, &c. — [TO THE USES, upon the trusts, & for the intents & purposes, & under & subject to the powers, provisoes, & declarations following, viz.] TO THE USE of s d . J. Styles, & his assigns, during his natural life, sans waste : — And in case of the deter- mination of that estate in his life-time, — TO THE USE of two or more Trustees to be named by s d . J. Styles, & their heirs, during his life, In trust, nevertheless, for him s' 1 . J. Styles, & his Ass', during his life, and to support contingent Remainders; — And after his decease, — TO THE USE & Intent to secure to his s d . intended wife, if she should then be living, one Anny or clear TO FREEHOLDS. 101 yearly sum of £200 out of s' 1 . Hergdita [& PremSs], payable quarterly during the remainder of her life, by way of jointure, in lieu, bar & satisfaction of all dower or thirds, at common law, or otherwise ; — with the usual powers & remedies, for recovering the same when in arrear ; — And subject thereto, — TO THE USE of two or more Trustees to be named by s d . J. Styles, their executors, administrators & assigns, for the term of 500 years, to be computed from the decease of s d . J. Styles, sans waste, for raising portions for younger sons of s d . intended marr*. ; — And subject thereto, — TO THE USE of the first and other sons of s d . Ruth Byles, by s d . J. Styles, to be lawfully begotten, severally and successively in tail-male ; And for want of such Issue, — TO THE USE of all and every the daughter & dau". of s d . R. Byles, by s d . J. Styles, lawfully to be begotten, equally, as tenants in common, <& the heirs of their respective bodies lawfully issuing ; And in case all such dau". should die, or for want of such Issue, — TO THE USE of s d . J. Styles, his heirs and assigns for ever. — AND it is by the now abstracting instrument further agreed, that the settlem'. so to be made in pursuance thereof should contain— the usual powers of leasing the premises there- in comprised for 21 years, at the most improved rent, & with- out fine ; — & for appointing new trustees, & for their indem- nity; — &also all other Powers, Provisoes, Declarations,Clauses & Agreements, as were usually inserted in Settlem". of a like nature, & which counsel should advise in that behalf: — EXECUTED by all s d . Parties, (by s d . R. Biles & T. Biles, in the name of " Byles ") & att d . by 2 Wit'. TEE SAID int d . Marr e . was solemn", at Wake afs". (a) 19 Junc » 1 AAA CERTIFICATE thereof. (See note a, p. 84.) (a) See note b, p. 109. 102 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release [of these dates], July, 1802. t h e Release made between the s d . Joseph Styles of the first part, — The s' 1 . Ruth Biles, (by her then name of Ruth Styles, — in the before abstracted articles named & spelt " Biles ") of the 2 a . part —The s d . Tho 9 . Byles, of the 3 d . part ,— Tho\ ' Batt, of No. 4, Leadenhall Street, in the City of London, Merchant, & George May, of No. 4, Cornhill, in the same City, Merchant, of the 4 th . part, — & James Finch, of Hanover Square, in the Parish of St. George's & County of Middlesex, Esq'., & George Dodd, of No. 14, Lombard Street, in s d . City of London, Esq r . of the 5 th . part ; after — l; 1 1CITING the last abstracted Articles [as or to the effect before abstracted] ; — AND RECITING, that s d . int d . Marr". (a) was solemn 4 , soon after the execution of such Articles ;— AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . R. Styles, had then attained her age of 21 years ; — IT IS WITNESSED, that in pursuance of s d . Articles, & as well in consideration of s d . Marr ., & of the Fortune received by s d . Styles, in Bight of his s d . Wife thereupon ; & for making a Provision for her in case she should survive him, & for the Issue of s d . Marr 6 ., as also in consideration of 10". therein expressed to be paid to him by s d . T. Byles, — He s d . Styles, (at the request of s d . T. Byles, — [testified as therein mentioned (6),] Did grant, bargain, sell, alien, release & confirm unto s d . Batt & May (in their actual possession then being, ft*.), & to their heirs. (a) Whenever any of the contractions used in the following forme are not clearly understood by mere beginners, for whose edification they are designed, they had better refer to corre- sponding clauses in the preceding forms, where, it is most probable, they will be found written at length, either in the samo or a similar sense. (/<) These four words rmiko the clause read more technically ; but tin v may in all cases be safely omitted, for they really alford no useful information. TO FREEHOLDS. 103 ALL THOSE the HerSdits & PremSs comprised in the last abst d . Articles, by the particular description of — ALL THAT Mansion or dwelling-house, with the Offices, Stable, Coach-houses, Buildings, Yards & Gardens, thunto belong*., called " Cliff Hall " afores' 1 . then late in the Occupation of Thos. Styles, Esq*, or his undertenants, & then of s d . Jos. Styles, together with the Pew & Vault thereto belonging in the Parish Church of Wake aforesaid ; AND ALSO All that Messuage or Farm-house, with the Offices, Stables, Barns, Granaries, Sheds, & other Buildings, Yards, Bartons, Gardens, & Orchard, or Paddock of Land thereunto belonging, called the " Homestall ; "- AND ALSO All those several Closes or Fields, (a) Pieces or Parcels of Land called by the several Names, 6 containing the several Quantities following, viz. : — One Close or Parcel of Pasture Land, lying at or near a certain place then commonly called or known by the name of "Flint Bottom," called "East-field," con- taining by Estimation 9a. 2r. 7p. (more or less) : — A Close of Arable Land, lying near the last-ment d . Close, called "The Seven Acres," contain 8 , by ad- measurement 6a. 3r. 23p. — Three Closes adjoin 6 ., & c . & c . & c . Which s d . Messe, Farmhouse, Lands & Heredits last ment d . were then in the Occon of s d . Sam'. Stout, to whom the same were demised by s*. Thos. Styles deceased, by Indre. bearing date the 25 th . March, 1787, from thenceforth for the Term of 7 years ; (b) (a) Sometimes they are conveyed by reference to a schedule, iu which case the schedule should he copied. (b) If any part of the property described or referred to in the deed should have been previously sold or inserted by mistake, state in the margin opposite the description or reference Hint " These heredits are not the subject of the abstract, they having been sold some time since to A.B. and included iu this deed by mistake." I 2 104 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES AND ALSO the s d . Advowson, Rectory or Parish Church of Wake aforesaid. AND ALSO all the Tithes and Tenths, both great and small, arising, renewing and increasing from, over & upon s d . abst d . Premes or any of them & other the Lands and Heredits within the s d . Manor or Lordship of Wake aforesaid. And all Houses, &". — and all Common-rights, &*. — AND the Reversion, & c . AND all the Estate, & c — AND all Deeds, & c .— TO HOLD the same unto s d . Batt & May, their Heirs & Ass 8 , (subject to s d . [Indre of] Lease) — [TO THE USES, upon the Trusts, & for the ends, in- tents & purposes following, viz.] — TO THE USE of s d . J. Styles, & his Ass"., during his life, sans waste ; And in case of the determon of that Estate in his lifetime, then — TO THE USE of s d . Batt and May & their Heirs during the life of s d . J. Styles, In trust nev-eless for s a . Jos. Styles, & his Ass", [during his life] and to preserve the contingent Rem". thlnaft r limited from being defeated or destroyed ; And after the decease of s d . J. Styles, — ■ TO THE USE, Intent & purpose that s d . Ruth Styles, if then living, and her Ass", might have & re- ceive yearly during her life, & to her & their own use & benefit, out of the afores d . Heredits [& Premes] one Annuity or clear annual sum of £200, by equal quarterly Payments [on the 25 th . day of March, the 24 th . day of June, the 29 th . day of September, & the 25 th . day of De- cember in every year], " the first pay 1 , whereof, or a pro- portionate part thereof, was to be made on such of the s d . days as should next happen after the dec , of s d . J. Styles; which said Anny was to be paid to and rec d . by s d . R. Styles, in lieu, satisfaction and bar of all such Dower or Thirds, or other Estate at Common Law or by Custom, TO FREEHOLDS. 105 which she otherwise might have claimed, in or out off all or any of the Ileredits [& PremSs] which s d . Jos. Styles, was or might be seised of or entitled to during the cover- ture between them." (a) POWER of Entey & Distress upon s\ Heredits [& Premes] by s d . E. Styles, for the Recovery of s d . Sum accord- ingly, in case the same should be unpaid for 21 Days after the same should become due as afs d . ; — And after the dec , of 8*. R. Styles, and in the mean time subject thereto, — TO THE USE of s d . Finch & Dodd, their Exors, Admors, & Ass 9 , for the term of 500 years, to be com- puted from the dec", of s d . Jos. Styles, sans waste ; And subject thereto, TO THE USE of the first Son of s d . Jos. Styles on the body of his s d . Wife lawfully begotton, & the Heirs- male of such son lawfully issuing ; — And in default of such issue, — TO THE USE of the second, & other Son & Sons of s\ Jos. Styles, on the body of s d . R. Styles lawfully be- gotten, & the Heirs-male of such Sons respectively law- fully issuing, the eldest always to be preferred before the younger of such Son & Sons ; — with Rem'. TO THE USE of all & every the Dau r . & Dau". of s d . Jos. Styles, on the body of s d . R. Styles lawfully be- gotten, equally, as Tenants in Common, & the heirs of their respective bodies lawfully issuing ;• — And in case all such Dau rs . should die without leaving lawful issue, or for want of such Issue, then, — TO THE USE of the Heirs and Ass', of s\ Jos. Styles for ever. DECLARATION & Agreement, " That the s d . term of 500 (a) When, as in this case, the Wife died before the husband, and the annuity is not raised, the words within inverted commas may be entirely omitted. 10G ABSTRACTS OF TITLES hereinbefore limited in use to the s d . Jos. Finch & Cn'<>. Podd. their Exors, AdmOrs, & Ass\ is so limited, Upon Tbi St, & to, & for the ends, intents, & purposes, & under & subject to the provisoes hereinafter declared or expressed concerning the same, that is to say, Upon Trust, that in case there shall be one or more Child or Child", of the s d . ' Jos. Styles, on the body of the s a . Kuth Styles his wife to be begotten, (other than & besides an eldest or only son,) they the s d . J. Finch & G. Dodd, & the surv r . of them, & the Exors, & Admors of such surv r ., & their & his Assigns, do & shall, after the dec 6 , of the s a . Jos. Styles, and R. his Wife, by Demise, Mortgage, or Sale or other disposition of the several Messes, Lands, Ten". & Heredits. comp d . in the s*. term of 500 years, levy & raise such sum or sums for the Portion or Portions of such Child or Children as are next hereinafter ment d . (that is to say,) — in case there shall be but one such Child, — the sum of £3,000, of lawful money of Great Britain, for the Portion of such Child (whether son or dau r .) ; & in case there shall be two such younger children &■ no more (whether sons or dau".), then, the sum of £5,000» of such lawful money, for the portion of such two child". ; — and in case there shall be three or more such younger child"., (whe r . sons or dau".,) then, the sum of £9,000, of like lawful money, for the portions of such three or more children ; which s d . sum or sums so to be raised for the portions of such younger child or child*, shall be paid & payable, & become a vested Interest in such child or children resply, or in or to any one or more of them, exclusively of the other or others, of them, or in or to his, her, or their Issue, at & upon such ages, days, or times, & in such shares & proportions, & subject to such charges, provisoes, condCns, & limons over, to, among, or in favor of any one or more or other or others of them, & in such manner and form in all respects as the s d . Jos. Styles, at any one, or more time or times, & from one time to time, by any deed or deeds, or writing or writings to be by him sealed & delivered in the presence of & attested by two or more credible witnesses, or by his last Will and Test', in writing to be signed & publ 4 . by him in the pres". of & attested by three or more credible TO FREEHOLDS 107 Wit"., shall, either abs y . or with or without power of Revo- cation & new appointment, direct or appoint ; — And in default of such direction or appointm*., then in tbubt to pay, apply, or dispose of the s d . sum of t.".,(.)()0, unto such you*, child, or (as the case may be) the s' 1 . sum of £5,000, or £9,000, between or amongst such you*, children, share & share alike; such portion, or respective portions, or shares, to be & become a vested interest, or vested interests, & be paid & payable to him and them respectively, at the times following, that is to say, the share or shares of sin h of them as shall be a son or sons, at his or their age, or re- spective ages of 21 years; & the share or shares of such of them as should be a daughter or dau r3 ., iu her or them, at her or their age, or resp'ive ages of 21 years, or day or resp'ive days of Marriage, whichsoever shall first happen, & to be paid to him, her, or them resp'ly, at the same age or times, in case the same shall happen after the dec c . of the snrv r . of them the s d . Jos. Styles & Ruth his wife; but in case any of such you*, child"., being a son or sons, shall attain his or their age, or resp'ive ages of 21 years, or being a dau r . or dau*\, shall attain that age or be married in the life-time of them the s d . Jos. Styles & Ruth his wife, or of the surv*. of them, then the pay', of his, her, or their share or shares shall be postponed until after the decease of the surv*. of them the s d . Jos. Styles, & R. his wife, unless they the s d . Jos. Styles, and R. his wife jointly during their lives, or the surv r . of them, after the dec e . of the other of them, shall, by any writing under their, his, or her Hands & Seals, or Hand & Seal, direct the same or any part thereof to be sooner raised & paid; And in case any or either of the s d . sums or any part thereof shall be so raised in the life-time of the s d . R, Styles, then the same shall be raised— subject in all respects to the Annuity, or annual sum of £200 BO limited to or In Trust for the s d R. Styles, as hereii is ment d . " — PROVISO for cesser of the term on Performance of the trust ; — PROVISO for suvivorship between the younger children ;- 108 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES PROVISION for their Maintenance and Education until they should resp'ly attain [the age of] 21 [years] ; — POWER for the Trustees to raise any part not exceeding one third of the presumptive Portions of such younger children for their advancement ; — POWER of leasing all, or part of s d . Heredits [& Premes] for any term not exceeding 21 years, at the most improved Rents, & without Premium or Fine ; — PROVISO & Declox & Agreement, (a) "That in case the s d . Trustees or any or either of them, or any other Trustee or Trustees to be appointed, under these Presents, in their or his stead, should die, or become incapable or un- willing to act in the afs d . Trusts, before the same shall be fully executed & performed, then & so often as the same shall happen, it shall & may be lawful for the s d . Jos. Styles & Ruth his Wife, and the Surv r . of them, & after their dec'., for the s d . Trustees, or the Surv r . of them, & for the last or only acting Trustees or Trustee for the time being under these Presents, or his Exors or Admors, by any Deed or Writing under their, his, or her Hands & Seals or Hand & Seal to be attested by two or more credible witnesses, to nominate & appoint any fit person or psons to supply the place or places of the Trustee or Trustees resply so dying, or becoming incapable or unwilling to act as afs d . ; and that unmed*. after every such Apptrn\, the s d . Trust-estates, Monies, & Premes, shall be forthwith conveyed, assigned, & transferred, so & in such manner as that the same shall vest in such new Trustee or Trustees jointly with the surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees, or in such new Trustee or Trustees solely, as the case shall or may require, subject to the aforesaid Trusts ; and that such new Trustee or Trustees shall exercise all >.v singular the powers & authorities hinbef. ment d . in the same manner to all Intents & Purposes whats'. as if he or they had been originally appointed a Trustee or Trustees by these Presents in the stead of him or them in whose place or places he or they shall be so substituted : " — (a) This clause is concisely abstracted, post, p. 118. TO FREEHOLDS. 109 PROVISO for the reimbursement of Trustees, & for the indemnity of Trustees & Persons paying them Monies under the aforesaid Trusts, — COVENANT by s 4 . Jos. Styles, for himself, bis Heirs, ExOrs, & Admors, with s d . Batt & May their Exors, Adrnors, & Ass"., — That he was lawfully seised, — Had full power to convey, in manner afs' 1 ., For peaceable enjoyment, — Free from Incurub 08 ., except by s d . Iiidre of Lease, (a) For Further Assurance ; — EXECUTED by all Part 8 ., & att d . by 2 witn'. John, Son of J. & R. Styles, was born at Wake, (b) 17 April, CERTIFICATE of his Baptism at Wake afores". (b) (See 180L note a, p. 84.) Robert — second Son of s d . Jos. & R. Styles, was born. 3 October, CERTIFICATE of his baptism. (See note a, p. 8-1.) 1802 - Ann — Daughter of Jos. and R. Styles, was born. 7 January, CERTIFICATE of her Baptism. (See note a, p. 84.) 1804. THE SAID Tho 9 . Batt died. 19 Aug., CERTIFICATE of his burial at, & c . (6) (See note a, p. 84.) 1802. BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release [of these dates,] 5 & 6 Sept., — (endorsed on the last abst d . Sett'.,— the Rele made between 1802. —The s d . George May, of the first part,— The s d . Jos. Styles Attested & Ruth his wife, of the 2 d . part, & Rob'. Drew, of No. 12 Copies- Pall-Mall, in s d . Co y . of Middlesex, Esq r ., of the 3 d . part, after RECITING, that in & by the last abst d . Settlem'. it was declared & agreed, — That, &c. (stating the power precisely as in the last page) ; — (a) If it be of a deed previously abstracted, say, "the before ab8tr d . Indre of the day of , 17— (p.—)" (b) It is desirable that it should be stated, when practicable, where the births occurred, and in what place these registers can be found. 110 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES AND RECITING the Death of s d . Batt :— AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Styles & Wife had chosen s d . Drew to he a Trustee of s d . Sett', in the Stead of s d . Batt — IT IS WITNESSED, that, by virtue & in exercise of the Power or Authority _ r iven or reserved to them s d . Jos. Styles & [R. his] Wife for that purpose by the before abst d . Sett'., They s d . Jos. Styles & [R. his] Wife by the nowabst d . I nil re, 1 »'nl nominate, substitute, & appoint the s d . Drew to act in, & execute in conjunction with s d . May the sev 1 . Trusts so reposed in them Batt & May in & by s d . abst d . Sett', as afs a . ; — • AND IT IS ALSO WITN D ., that for the purpose of vesting the Messes, Lands, & Heredits hereinafter ment d . in s d . Drew jointly with s d . May, & in pursu". & for the purposes of s d . abst a . Sett*. ; — And in cofison of 10 s . to s d . May paid by s d . Drew, HEs d . May by the dirCn & apptm'. of s d . Jos. Styles & [R. his] Wife, [testified as thin ment d .,] Dm bargain, sell, & release, relinquish, & quit claim unto s d . Drew (in his actual posson &c.,) & to his Heirs, — " ALL & Singular the Messes, Lands, Ten'"., Advow- son, Pew, Vault, Tithes & Heredits, whatsoever comprised in the within written Ifidre " (being the before abst d . Settlement,) "& granted & released, or otherwise conveyed or assured unto, or vested in them s d . T. Batt & G. May by the s d . Ifidre of Sett'. ; "— Tog', with all Houses, — Appurts, &c. — And the Reversion, &c. — And all the Estate, &c. — TO HOLD the same unto s d . Drew, & his Heirs, — TO THE USE of s d . May & Drew, & their Heirs, Upon & for such & the same Intents cK; Purposes, & under & subject to the same Powers, Provisoes, Declons, & Agreem"., as were cont d . or decl d . in s d . abst d . Settlem*., or such & so many of them as were then subsisting & en] able of taking effect ; So & in such manner, & for the Intent & Purpose, that they s d . May & Drew, & the TO FREEHOLDS. Ill Survivor of them, & the Heirs of such Surv*., & their or his Ass 8 ., might be enabled to perform & execute [all & every] the Trusts, & exercise the same Powers & Autho". in all things as if their names had been originally inserted jointly in s d . abst d . Settl'. ; — " SIGNED, SEALED, & DELIVERED by the S d . JOS. Styles & Ruth his wife, in the presence, of" — 2 Wit'. & EXECUTED by s a . Drew & duly attested. Thomas, third Son of s d . Jos. & Ruth Styles, was born. CERTIFICATE of his Baptism. (See note a, p. 84.) THE SAID Ruth Styles died. CERTIFICATE of her burial. (See note a, p. 84.) THE SAID Ann Styles, Dau r . of said Jos. & Ruth Styles, died. — CERTIFICATE of her burial. (See note a, p. 84.) 9 Februarr 1805. 8 Octobi r, 1806. .lune, 1807. BY INDENTURE of Bargain & Sale [of this date], made 10 May, between — the s d . George May & Rob'. Drew, of the first part, —The s d . Joseph Styles of the 2 d . part,— The s d . John Styles of the 3 d . part,— Tho". Sims, of No. G, Chancery Lane, London, Gent", of the 4 th . part,— & Rob'. Lock, of, &c. Gent", of the 5 th part ; — after RECITING the before abst d . Articles (p. 99), & Settle- ment (p. 102); (a) AND RECITING, that s d . John Styles was the eldest son of s d . Jos. Styles by s d . Ruth Styles, who had some time then since departed this life; — AND ALSO RECITING that s d . John Styles having then lately attained his age of 21 years, & that a Marr*. having then been agreed upon by him, he [s d . John Stj les] was desirous of suffering a common Recovery of s' 1 . Heredits (a) This reference should be to the page where the date of the deed appears; but the references to other parts of the Died should be to the page where each particular part is tu be found. 112 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES [& Premes] for the purpose of destroying all Estates-tail therein, & all Remainders & Reversions thereupon expect- ant, & all Conditions & collateral Limitations — affecting the same premises, & also for the purpose of settling s*. Heredits [& Premes] upon his intended Wife & the Issue (if any) of s d . int d . Marr e . & that s d . Jos. Styles had there- fore, at the request of him s d . John Styles, agreed to concur in such assurance ; — IT IS WITNESSED, that for the purpose of destroying all Estates-tail of & in s d . Heredits [& Premes], & all Rem". & Revons expect', thupon, & all Condons & collateral Limons (if any) affecting the same, & also for conveying & assuring the same Heredits [& Premes] to, upon, & for the Uses, Trusts, Intents & purposes thereinafter exp d . concerning the same ; — And in conson of 10s. to s d . May & Drew p d . by said Sims, They s d . May & Drew at the request & by the diron as well of s d . Jos. Styles as of s d . John Styles [testified as therein ment d .] Did grant, bargain, sell, alien & release: — And s d . Jos. Styles, & John Styles in conson of 10s. to each of them also paid by s d . Sims, Did & each of them did grant, bargain, sell, alien, release & confirm, unto s d . Sims (in his actual posson then being &c), & to his Heirs, THE Parcels desc d . in the before abst d . Indres of the 22 d & 23 d July, 1802 (p. 102) ;— ToG r . with all Houses, &c. — Commons & Rights of Com"., &c. — And the Reversion, &c. — And all the Estate, &c. — TO HOLD the same unto & to the use of s d . Sims, & his Heirs. — TO THE INTENT that he [s d . Sims] might become a perfect Tenant of the immediate Freehold of b d . Heredits [and Premes] in order & to the end that ooe or more [good &] perfect common Recovery or Recov 8 . with double or more voucher or vouchers might forthwith be Buffd. th.-f:— DECLARATION & Agreement, that it should bo lawful TO FREEHOLDS. 113 for s d . Lock or some other person as Demandant, before the end of the then present Hilary Term, or in some subsequent Term, to sue forth & prosecute againt s d . Sims one or more Writ or Writs of entry sur disseisin en le post, thereby de- manding s d . Heredits [& Premes] against s d . Sims (by the particular description, if one be given in the Deed, if not) by such apt Names & descriptions as should be sufficient to comprise and pass the same, according to the usual course in such cases : — DECLARATION & Agreement, that such Recovery or Recov 8 . when perfected, & all other common Recovery & Recov 8 ., & other insur'ces in the Law whats'., theretofore, or to be thereafter suffered & executed of s d . Heredits [& Premes], or any part thereof, by or between s d . part 8 , to the now abst 8 . Ifidre, or any or either of them, should Be & Enure, — TO THE USE & behoof of s d . Sims, his Heirs & Ass 1 ., for ever : — EXECUTED by all the parties, & duly att*. & 1NROLLED in [His Majesty's High Court of] Chancery, on the 23 d . May, 1822.— Roll 320. (a) EXEMPLIFICATION of a Common Recovery [sur disseisin, gjj ary &c. (6)], wherein s d . Lock was Demandant, — s d . Sims Tenant, Term. — & s d . Jos. Styles first Vouchee,— & s d . John Styles second 2 Geo. IV. Vouchee, of, — FOUR Messes, 20 Outhouses, 10 Stables, 10 Coach- houses, 2 Pews, 2 Vaults, 5 Granaries, 10 Yards, 10 Bartons, 10 Gardens, 4 Orchards, 4 Paddocks, 200 Acres of Land, 200 Acres of Arable, 200 Acres of Meadow, & 200 Acres of Pasture, 150 Acres of Down, & 150 Acres of Furze and Heath, 150 Acres of Glebe (a) Or, " Inrolled in the Court of Common Pleas at West- minster, in Hil. Term. 52 Geo. III.— Roll 840." Or, if the lands are situate in a register county, " Registered in the Register Office of the county of Middlesex, on the 31st day of January, 1812. — Book 4. p. 12." (b) Or " of a Recovery sur connusance, &o. 114 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Land, with the Appurts; And also Common of Pasture for all manner of Cattle, in the parish of Wake, in Kent. And also the Advowson of the Rectory, or Parish Church of Wake aforesaid — And also all Tithes, Oblations, & Ohventions, causing and renewing within the Manor or Lordship of Wake aforesaid. 11 & 12 BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release [of these dates], Jan., 1827. the latter made bet". — The said Tho s . Sims of the l 8t part, — The said John Styles of the 2 nd part, — John Bird, of Chelten- ham, in the Co y . of Gloucester, Esq., of the 3 d . part, — Lucy Bird, of the same place, Spinster (Dau r . of s d . J. Bird,) of the 4 th part— Wm. Wise and Tho 8 . Dark, both of, &c. (a), Esq", of the 5 th . part,— & the Rev d . Cha". Read, of, &c, Clerk, & Philip Bragg, of, &c, Gent n ., of the C th part, — after RECITING the before abst d . Articles (p. 99) & Settlem*. (p. 102); AND RECITING, that s d . Jos. Styles had issue by s a . Ruth Styles, dec d ., namely, s d . John Styles, Rob'. Styles, Ann Styles, dec d . and Tho 8 . Styles ; — AND ALSO RECITING the last two abst d . Indres (pp. 109, 111), & Recovery (p. 113) ; AND ALSO RECITING, that a Marriage was then intended to be shortly had & solemn d . between s d . John Styles & Lucy Bird, & that upon the treaty for such Marr% it was agreed that the Heredits [& Premes] therein [& here- inafter] descr d ., should be settled, To the Uses, upon the Trusts, & for the Intents and Purposes hereinafter mentioned ; IT IS WITNESSED, that in consOn of 10s. to said Sims paid by s' 1 . Wise and Dark, at the request of s d . John Styles, He' 3 d . Sims, by the diron of said John Styles [testified as therein ment d .] Did grant, bargain, sell, alien & release: — (a) As the giving of parties' additions will tend to increase the .size of this work without answering any good purpose, they will be designedly omitted, except in cases where it may seem desirable to state them. TO FREEHOLDS. 115 In s d . John Styles, as well as in conson of B d . int d . Marr". as also [of the sum] of £10,000 agreed to be paid by s' 1 . John Bird to s d . John Styles upon the solem". thereof, as the Man -0 . Portion of s d . L. Bird; And for making a provision for her, s d . L. Bird, in case s d . int d . Marr'. should take effect, & for the issue (if any) of such Marr'., — He s d . John Styles Did grant, bavg n ., sell, alien, release & confirm, unto s d . Wise & Dark (in their actual posson then being, &c), & to their Heirs and Ass 8 ., — THE Parcels comp d . in the last abst d . Iiidre, (p. Ill) (a) ToG r . with all Houses, &c. — Common, & Rights of Com ., &c. And the Reversions, &c. And all the Estate, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Wise & Dark, & their Heirs, — [TO THE USES, upon the Trusts, & for the Several intents & Purposes, & under & subject to the sev 1 . Provisoes, Limons, Declons, & Agreern' 5 . following, viz.] TO THE USE of s d . John Styles, & his Heirs, until s d . int d . Marr e . should take effect ;— And after the solemn", thereof, — TO THE USE of s d . John Styles, and his Ass'., during his life, sans waste ; — And in case of the determou of that Estate in his life-time, then, — TO THK USE of them s d . Wise & Dark, and their Heirs, during the life of s d . John Styles, In TRUST to preserve the conting'. Rem", thinafter lim d . [from being defeated or dest d .] but neveless to permit [& suffer] s d . John Styles, and his Ass\, to receive [& take] the Rents and Profits of s d . Heredits [& Premes] during his life ; And after his dec 6 ., then, — (a) If there should have been any change of occupancy in the meantime, add— "which were then in the ocou of A.B.' or. u partly in the occon of s d . J. Styles and partly of A.B." 116 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TO THE USE, intent & purpose, that, in case s d . Lucy Bird should survive him [s d . John Styles], she s d . Lucy Bird, and her Ass'., should [& might], after his dec 6 ., have & receive to her own use, one annual Sum, or yearly Pient-charge of £500, during her life ; Which sum was to be issuing out of, & charged, & chargeable upon s d . Heredits [& Premes] & payable to her [s d . L. Bird] & her Ass*, by equal quarterly pay 18 . &c. [Here read mutatis mutandis, as in a similar clause, ante, p. 104.] POWER of Entry & Distress by s d . Lucy Bird, & her Ass 8 ., for the recovery of s d . Sum accord", in case the same should be in arrear for 21 days after it should become due as afs d . ; And subject thereto, — TO THE USE of s d . Bead & Bragg, their Exors, Admors, and Ass 8 ., for the term of 500 years, to be computed from the dec 6 , of s d . John Styles, sans waste ; and subject thereto, & to the before ment d . term of 500 years (p. 105),- — TO THE USE of the first, or only Son of the body of s d . John Styles on the body of his s d . int d . Wife lawfully begotten, & the Heirs-male of such Son lawfully issuing ; — And in default of such Issue, — TO THE USE of the 2 d ., 3 d ., 4 th . & all & every other Son & Sons of the body of s d . John Styles on the body of his s d .int d . wife lawfully begotten, severally, succes y .& in Bern', as they should be in seniority of age [and priority of birth], & the respive Heirs-male of the bodies of such Sons lawfully issuing ; — And in default of such Issue, — TO THE USE of all & every the Dau r . & Dau". of s d . John Styles on the body of his s d . int d . wife lawfully begotten, equally, as Tenants in Common, & the several Heirs of their respive bodies lawfully issuing; — But if there should be but one such Dau r ., then — TO THE USE of such only Dau r . & the Heirs of her body lawfully issuing : — And if there should be more TO FREEHOLDS. 1 1 7 than one, & any or cither of them should happen to die without leaving lawful Issue of his or their rgspive bodies, then as well as to her or their original as acci share or shares, — TO THE USE of the Surv". or Surv r . of such Dau r . or Dan", if more than one, equally, as Tenants in Common, & the respive Heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing ; — And if [there should be] but one, then, — TO THE USE of such only surviving Dau r . & the Heirs of her body lawfully issuing ; — And in default of ' such Issue, — TO THE USE of such person or psons, for such Estate or Estates, Interest or Int". & for such Ends Intents, & Purposes, & upon such Trusts, & charged, & chargeable in such manner, and subject to such Powers of Revocon, & new Apptm'. & other Powers, Provisoes, Declons, & Agree 43 , as s'\ John Styles from time to time, &■ at any time or times, should by any Deed or Deeds, Writing or Writings with or without Power of Revocon, by him sealed &delivered in the presence of, & attested by two or more credible Witnesses, or by his last Will & Pes', in writing, or any Codicil or Codicils thereto by him signed, sealed & published in the presence of, & attested by three or more credible Witn". should from time to time limit, direct, or appoint cive or devise the same; And for want of & until such Limdn, Diron, or Apptm'. Gift or Devise, & as to so much '. Rob'. Styles & T. Styles for Brine 1 ., Int*. & Costs as afs d ., should be paid to them resply accordingly ; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Master by his Report made in s d . Cause, bear 5 , date the 24 th . day of January then last past, certified that there was then due to s d . 122 ABSTKACTS OF TITLES Rob*. Styles for Trine 1 . & Inf. under or by virtue of s d . abst d . [lfidre of] Setf., of the 23 d . of July, 1802, the sum of £3,265, & to s d . T. Styles under or by virtue of the same Ifldre the sum of £3,221 ; AND ALSO RECITING, that, in order to prevent the same several sums being raised out of s d . Heredits [& Frames]', he s d . John Styles, with the consent and approli". of the s d . Master, had agreed to pay off the same out of his own private Monies, and to take such assign- ment of the s d . term of 500 years as thin & hereinafter ment d . ; AND ALSO RECITING, that the costs of s d . R. Styles & T. Styles in s d . Cause, had been taxed & settled by their Clerks in Court on both sides at the sum of £136 10s. lid., which had been paid by s d . John Styles to the Sol", for s d . R. Styles & T. Styles, as they s d . R. Styles & T. Styles did thereby acknowT. AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Master had perused & approved of the now abst g . Indre, [engrossed on 2 skins of parch'.,] & in testimony of his approb". of the same, had set his name in the margin of the 1 st ., & his name & allow", in the 2 d . skin thof : (a). IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson [of the sum] of £3,225 to s d . R. Styles, & [of the sum] of £3,265 to s d . T. Styles then paid by s d . John Styles, (the Rec\ of which s a . 2 several sums, & that the same were in full for the Portions of them, s d . R. Styles & T. Styles, resply, under the last ment d . Setf. & so directed to be raised as afs d . they s d . II. Styles & T. Styles did by the now abst g . Indre sev y . ackn*.). They s d . Finch & Dodd by the diron of s d . R. Styles, & T. (a) Sometimes the Documents referred to in Reeitals cannot be conveniently introduced in the order of the date, and their introduction mi^lit. serve to interrupt rather than assist the mind. Whenever this is t lie: ease, it will be better to insert tliem altogether at the end of the abstract of the particular deed containing them, under some such note as the following : — "The following .Documents are adduced in support of the facts recited in the last abstracted Deed [or, ' last mentioned TO FREEHOLDS. 123 Styles, & on the nominua of s d . John Styles, [testified aa therein rnent*.] Did, & each of them Did, bargain, Bell, assign, transfer, & set over : — And s d . E. Styles, & T. St j Lea, (so far as they, either at Law or in Equity, could or might,) Did bargain, sell, assign, transfer, & set over unto s d . Crane, his Exors, AdrnCrs, & Ass"., — THE parcels afs 4 . (p. 103), — being the HerSdita [& Premes] comp d . in s*. abstd. [Indre of] Sett'. of the 23 d . of July, 1802, & s' 1 . term of 500 years thereby created, — ToG r . with all Houses, — Appurts, &c. And all the Estate, &c, TO HOLD the same unto s d . Crane, his Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 ., from thenceforth, for all the residue then unexp*. of s d . term [of 500 years], — Freed & absoK disch d . & exon d . from all and every the Trusts, Powers, Declons, & Agreem". in s d . Irldre of Sett'. cont d . or implied, relative to, or concer 8 . s d . Portions of s d . K. Styles & T. Styles, or either of them. — IN TRUST neve'less for s d . John Styles, his Heirs & Ass 9 . & to be assigned & disposed of from time to time as he or they should direct or appoint ; And in the Pedigree of the Styles' family '] copied from a Report in the Master's Office ' In Re John Styles, a Lunatic' " CERTIFICATE of the Marriage at this date between & c . x March, CERTIFICATE of the Baptism at this date of M. their :u May, daughter. 177". CERTIFICATE of the Baptism at this date of H. their other 5 E [or, " second "] daughter. 1771. CERTIFICATE of the Burial of C. D. at this date. 1 May, 1798. EXTRACT from the Master's Report in the cause of <• Styles v. 9 August, Styles," and in the cause of " Re John Styles, a Lunatic." i ■■-] DECREE whereby it is ordered & c . '; " s •• (Setting it out as in the Decree.) 124 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES mean time to attend the Inhance of the same [Heredits &] Premes. COVENANT (joint & several) by s d . Finch & Dodd, for themselves, their Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s' 1 . Crane, his ExOrs, Admors, & Ass 3 ; That they had done no act to incumber ; — EXECUTED by all Parties, except s". Crane, & duly attested, & EECEIPTS by s d . P. Styles for £3,225, & by s a . T. Styles, for £3,265, endorsed & severally signed & witn d . 16 May, BY WILL, of this date,— The s d . John Styles,— after giving divers specific pecuniary Legacies, but (if so) without charging his Peal Estate with the paym\ thereof, & directing the same to be paid out of his Pers 1 . Estate, (a) — Did, by force & virtue, & in exercise of the Power or Authority given or reserved to him in & by the last abst 4 . Indi-e [of Sett 1 ., of the 12 th of Jan 5 '. 1827] & of all other Powers & Autho s . en- abling him in that behalf, direct & appoint, give & devise — UNTO his Nephew George Styles, ALL THAT his Estate, Messes, Farm, Lands, Ten' 8 ., & Heredits whats r ., called "Cliff Hall," then partly in Lis own occQn & partly of his under-tenants, — TOGETILEP with all appurts thunto belong 6 , TO HOLD the same unto s d . Geo. Styles, & his Ass 8 , during Ins life ; And after his decease, — TO his Nephew, Geoffrey Styles, his Heirs & Ass 8 , for evermore : — AND s' 1 . Tcstor revoked Lis firmer Wills. (a) Or, " after specifically disposing of a part of his Real Estate not tin: subject of this abstract." Or, "after giving an ann* of £ to bis wife, and charging ,l " same on a*. abst a Prems, but which bequest did not take cll'i ct, she having died in Lis life time." TO FREEHOLDS. 125 EXECUTED & pulil 11 . in the presce of, & attested by 3 wit\, & (a) PROVED by C, D, & E, (the thof,) in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 4th of Dec'., 1840. THE SAID Lucy Styles died. 4 An CERTIFICATE of her Burial (See note a, p. 84.) BY INDENTURES of Lease (6) & Release, [of these 12 & 13 dates,] the Release made between — The s rt . Geoffrey Styles, of A p!-> 1843 &c., Esq r ., of the first part,— The s d . Cha 8 . Crane, of the 2 d . part, — Tho 8 . Noakes, of Portland Place, Middlesex, Esq., of the 3 d . part,— John Joy, of &c, Gent"., of the 4 th . part, & Cha s . Roe, of &c, Merchant, of the 5 th . part, — after — RECITING the before abst d . Indres [of Sett'.], of the 11 th . & 12 th . of Jan*., 1827. AND RECITING, that s d . int d . Marr". between s". John Styles & Lucy Bird took effect, and that s d L. Styles died on the 4 th . of August, 1842, without having had Issue by s d . John Styles ; AND ALSO RECITING the last abst". Will (p. 124):- AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Geoff 7 . Styles had contracted with s d . Noakes, for the absolute Sale to him of the Rem r . or Revon of & in s a . Heredits [and Premes] expect', upon, & to take effect in Possun from and hnmi'd y . after the decease of s d . George Styles, so devised to him by the last abst' 1 . will as afs' 1 ., free from all incumb 8 ., at the sum of £10,000.— (a) If the following form of stating the death be objectionable, here add— "the testator having died on the -it li Aug'. 1832,"— or, if brevity be desired, or the period of death be immaterial, it may be omitted altogether, as tho Probate is evidence of the death. See Index for other forms of stating this, and when the wills are proved in other courts. (b) If the lease for a year be lost, insert in the margin opposite this part, or at the foot, a note, showing the fact (flee p. 128.) 126 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES IT IS WITNESSED, that in cons6n [of the sum] of £10,000 to s\ Geoff. Styles then paid by s d . Noakes, (the Receipt whereof, & that the same was in full for the absol 8 . Pure", of the Rem r . or Revon of & in s d . Heredits [& Premes] expect 1 , as afs d . he s d . Geoff. Styles thereby ackn d .) — He s d . Geoff. Styles, Did grant barg n ., sell, alien, release, & confirm unto s*. Noakes, (in his actual posson then being &c.,) & to his Heirs, ALL THAT the Rem', or Revon expect', upon & to take effect in Posson from &immed y . after the decease of s d . Geo\ Styles as afs d ., of & in — THE parcels afores d . — (as desc a . in the before abst d . Indres of the 11 th . & 12 th . of Jan y ., 1827,— which were then in the occon of T. A. & J. B., or their undert". — And all Houses &c, — Common, & Rights of Com"., &c. And the Reversion, &c. And all the Estate, &c. And all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Noakes, & his Heirs, TO THE USES, upon the Trusts, & for the Intents & Puqxtses following, namely, — TO THE USE of such Person or Psons, upon such Trusts, & for such Estates & Interests, Intents & Purposes, & with & subject to such Powers, DeclOns, & Agreem"., & so charged & chargeable as s d . Noakes, or his Nominees or Appointees by any Deed, or other Instrument in writing, to be signed, sealed, & delivered by him in the pres c0 . of & att' 1 . by two or more credible wit"., or by his last Will & Test', or any Codicil thereto, to be resply signed, sealed, & delivered by him in the pres". of, & att d . by 3 or more credible wit". sho a . direct or appoint ; And in default [or failure] of any such diron or apptm'., as to the whole or any part of s d . Heredits [& Premes], or any Estate or Int'. thin, then as to TO FREEHOLDS. 127 such part thereof of which none sho d . be made or take effect, — TO THE USE of s a . Noakes, and his Ass*., during [the term of] his nat 1 . life, with 1 . Impeach*, [or of or for any manner] of waste ; And upon the determon of that Estate in his life-time, TO THE USE of s d . Joy. his ExGrs, & Admors, during the life of s d . Noakes, but in trust for s u . Noakes, & his Ass\ [& to prevent any widow of s d . Noakes from being entitled to Dower in, or out of s d . Heredits & Premes] (a), — with Rem r . — TO THE USE, of the Heirs & Ass', of s d . Noakes for ever : DECLON by s d . Noakes that no widow of his should be dowable out of s d . Pres or any part thof COVENANT by s d . Geoff. Styles, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s d . Noakes his Heirs & Ass 3 ., — That he was lawfully seized, Had good right to convey, in manner afs d ., For cp^iet enjoyment, Free from incumbrances, & For further assurance : AND RECITING, that it had been agreed bet". s d . Geoff. Styles & s d . Noakes, that s d . term of 500 years, created by the before abs d . [Indre of] Sett', of the 23 d . of July, 1K)L>, & then vested in s d . Crane as afs d . should be assigned to s d . Roe in manner thin & hlnafter ment' 1 . : (a) Or, to the intent, & the s d . Noakes did thby. expi declare that no widow of his should he dowable out of s*. abet*. pres. or any part thof. Whero a separate Declaration is inserted, the words within brackets must be here, of course, omitted. Since the 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 105, it is proper to show whether or not the purchaser has executed the deed. 128 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES IT IS ALSO WITNESSED, that for the consons afs d ., & also in conson of 10s. to s J . Crane paid by s d . Roe, at the req 1 . of s d . Geoff. Styles, — He s' 1 . Crane by the diron of s d . Geoff. Styles, & on the nominon of s d . Noakes, [testified as therein ment d .,] Did bargain sell, assign, transfer & set over unto s d . Roe, his Exors, Admors, & Ass*., — THE parcels last ment d . (see p. 103), — ToG r . with all Appurt'. B & w qj two of the Comm". appointed under a certain Act of Pari', for the Redon & Purchase of Land Tax for the County of Kent, it is stated that they had contracted with s d . T. Noakes, for the Redon by him of £ the Land Tax charged upon (inter alia) — THE Mansion, Farm, Closes of Land 180 °- of Wake afs d ., Yeoman, (one of the two Sons, & joint Devisees named in the last Will & Tes'. of s d . Jonathan Bell, dec d .,) Ann his Wife, of the one part, & James Bell, of Leigh, in s a . Co y . of Kent, Yeoman, (the other of s d . Sons & joint Devisees named in s d . Will of s d . Jon". Bell, dec' 1 .) of the other part : — IT IS WITNESSED, that for the purpose of making Partition between them s d . Rhuben Bell & Ja\ Bell, & to the intent that they might th rater hold & enjoy the Heredits [& Pres] therein & next hereinafter ment*.,to them & their respive Heirs in severalty, & from all the Dowel or right of Dower of s d . Ann Bell : — And in consoa of 10s. to him s d . R. Bell paid by s d . Ja'. Bell, They s d . Rhuben Bell & Ann his wife Did & each of them Did grant, bargain, sell & release unto s d . Ja". Bell, (in his actual posson then beiDg & c .) & to his Heirs & Ass"., — ALL THAT Cottage or DhOuse, with the Outhouses & Garden thunto belonging, com y . called or known by the name 138 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES of " Sharpe's," situate at Hoalt afs d ., thrtof c in the occon of John Wick, afterwards of George Long, then late of s d . Jon D . Bell, & then of s d . Jas. Bell, (being part of the Heredits devised to them s d . R d . Bell & Ja*. Bell jointly in & by s d . Will of s d . Joh n . Bell, dec d ., & mutually allotted & awarded to s d . K. Bell, by way of partition, as his Moiety thereof,) — And all Houses, Apptirts, & c . And the Reversion, & c . And all the Estate, & c . And Deeds, Counterparts, & c . TO HOLD the same unto s d . Jas. Bell, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., — TO BE HOLDEN of the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee of s d . Pres by the rents & services therefore due & of right accust d . TO THE [only proper] USE [& behoof] of sd. Jas. Bell, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., for ever ; (a) freed & abs y . disched of & from all the Dower & right & title to Dower of s a . A. Bell ; TO THE INTENT that the same might be held by him & them, thenceforth for ever, in severalty from the Heredits [& Premes] immed y . hereinafter desc d . ; COVENANT by s d . R. Bell— That he had not incumbered : AND IT IS ALSO WITN D ., that, &\ [as before], & also in conson [of the sum] of 22/. 10s. to him s d . Ja 8 . Bell, paid by s d . Bell for equality of partition,— He .s d . Ja". Bell Did grant, bargain, sell, & release unto s d . R. Bell (in his actual posson then being &'.,) & to his Heirs & Ass 8 ., — ALL THAT Close, Piece or Parcel of Meadow or Pasture Land, commonly called " The Four Acres," or " Sharpe's Mead," containing by Estimon 4a. 2r. 12p. (more or less), situate at Hoalt afs d ., & thrtof in (a) When conciseness is particularly desired, this form of limitation may be abridged similar to that in the next page. TO FREEHOLDS. 139 the occon of, &". fas before,']) being the other part of the HerSdits[& PremSs] so devised to them s' 1 . I!. Bell & Ja\ Bell in & by the Will of s d . Jon". Bell, dec"., & mutually allotted & awarded to s' 1 . R. Bell, by way of partition, as his Moiety thereof,) — And all Ways, — Appurts, & c . And the Reversion, & c . And all the Estate, & e . And all Deeds, Counterparts, &% TO HOLD the same unto & to the use of s d . R. Bell, his Heirs and Ass s . for ever, — TO BE HOLDEN &*. (as in last page.) TO THE INTENT that the same might be held by him & them, thnceP. for ever, in sevlty from the Heredits [& Premes] therein & hlnbef. desc d ., & allotted to s d . Ja s . Bell as afs d . : COVENANT by s d . Ja a . Bell.— That he had done no act to incumber ; EXECUTED by both parties, & duly attested, & RECEIPT for 221. 10s. by s d . Ja s . Bell, endorsed, signed, & witnessed. CERTIFICATE of the acknowledgment of the last abst d . Same date. Iiidre by s d . Ann Bell, endorsed thereon & signed by [A. B. & C. D.] two of the perpetual Conim". for [the county of] Kent (a) ; — y.p K The last abst d . Deeds of Lease and Release are not in the vendor's posson, nor can they be found. This abstract of them is taken from an old one in his posson [or, " from the recital in the Iiidre of the of 17 , hrinafter abst d . p. ),"] & is here abst d . in chief for the sake of regularity. (a) This certificate is set out substantively here by way of example only, as the shorter forms to follow will answer tho purpose as well. 140 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES T ™- • i CERTIFICATE of Marr e . of R. Bell, and A. Bell. (See note 1800. . v a, p. 84.) THE SAID Rhuben Bell died Intestate (a) leaving' John Bell his eldest Son him surviving, who thereupon claimed and entered into posson of s d . Cotte, Garden, and Heredits, as his Heir-at-law. CERTIFICATE of his Burial at Hoalt afs a . {See note c, p. 84.) 15 Feb., BY LETTERS of limited Admtin of this date, under the 1802. g ea i f the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canter- bury (b), after — RECITING- (c) that Andw. Bell had died intest*. as to his Pers'. Estate, and possessed of a certain term of 500 years affecting (int. al.) s a . abst a . Pres, & that, therefore, admon of his effects, limited to such term, had been applied for & granted to Wm. Smith, of &'., Maltster, in order', that the s d . term might be effectually surrendered & be conveyed in the Rev n . & Inhance of s a . abst a . Premes. IT IS WITNESSED that s a . Court Did grant unto s*. Smith, a person named by & on behalf of s d . R. Bell & Jas. Bell, & (o) In completing purchases, if the probate of a will and letters of administration are produced, they are considered satis- factory evidence — the former of the death of the testator, and the latter of the death and intestacy of the intestate. (6) Or, " of the Lord Bishop of B. at C." Or, " of the Peculiar and Exempt Jurisdiction of B. at B." Or, « of the Archd n . of B. at C." Or, "The Vicar General & Official Principal of the Lord Bishop of B. in whom the whole of the ordinary jurisdiction of the Archdeaconry of D. then vested, in consequence of the court of s a . Arehd". (if* D. & all spiritual & archidiaconal jurisd". of the archd y . having been inhibited & suspended by s d . Lord Bishop preparatory to his visiting s d . archd y . as part of his diocese, Did &c." (an above). (c) If Deeds previously abstracted be here recited, they should 1» referred to in the usual way — as, " the before abst d . Indres ; " but, if not, they should be here set out as they t stand in the deed. TO FREEHOLDS. 141 who had heen duly sworn, full power to administer & duly dispose of the goods & chattels of s d . A. Bell left unadmin d . by s d . W. Bell (the sole ExOr of his s d . Will) limited so far as concerns — ALL the] Right, Title, & Inf. late of him s d . A. Bell in & to s d . abst*. Premes during the residue then unexpr d of s d . term of 500 years thin then to come & unexp d . , AND all benefit and advantage whats'. to be derived thfrom. And s d . Bishop [or, " Archdeacon "] deputed & constituted s d . Smith AdniGr accord y of — ALL & singular the goods & chattels of s d . A. Bell left unadmin d by s d . W. Bell, & so limited as afs d . BY INDENTURE, of surrender of this date, made between— 16 F eb -» The s d . Wm. Smith, of the one part— & The s d . Rhuben Bell 1846- of the other part ; RECITING that s d . Jon n . Bell died seised of s d . Pres & that s d . A. Bell had died intestate & possessed of the s d . abst d . pres for the then residue of s d . Term. AND RECITING the bef e . abst Indre and Letters of AdrnGn. AND ALSO RECITING that s d . Smith had, at the req'. of s d . R. Bell, ag d . to surr r . s d . Term so far as respects the s d . abst d . pres : IT IS WITNESSED that in conson of 5s. to s d . Smith p d . by s d . R. Bell, he s d . Smith did surr r . & yield up unto s d . R. Bell, his Exors, Admors, & Ass s . THE before abst d . Pres called " The Four Acres," or " Sharpe's Mead ; " & secondly desc d . in the last abst d . Indre, — Together with Appurts, — And all the Estate, & c . TO HOLD the same unto s d . R. Bell, his Exurs, Admurs, 142 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES & Ass*, during all the residue now nnexp d . of s d . Term of 500 years. TO THE INTENT that the same sh d . & might thence- forth become merged & exting d . in the Freehold Rev 11 . & Inhance of & in s d . abst d . Pres. COVENANT by s d . Smith that he had done no act to incumber. EXECUTED by s\ Smith & duly att*. 4 Novr., THE SAID John Bell, the eldest son of s d . R. Bell, was 1854. born. CERTIFICATE of his Baptism. (See note a, p. 8L) 1 Septbr., THE SAID Simon Bell, second son of the s d . R. Bell, was 1855. born. CERTIFICATE of his Baptism. (.See note a, p. 84.) 9 July, BY WILL of this date, [executed in the presce of & att d . by 1806. 3 Wit s .,] The s d . Jas. Bell (a) after giving a specific Legacy of £20 to each of his nephews Simon & Timothy Bell, (the Sons of his Brother s d . R n . Bell,) — He gave & devised (inter aha,) — THE SAID Close of land & Heredits so allotted to him, (s d . Testor) under the last ahst d . Ihdre of Release as afs d ., — UNTO his other Nephew s d . John Bell, by the desc n . of — " THE Cottage & Garden I now live in ; " TO HOLD the same unto his (s d . Testors) s d . Nephew John Bell, & his Heirs for ever, — AND s d . TestOr charged the same Heredits [& Premes] with the pay', of the two Legacies [so beq*. to s d . Simon & Tim 7 . Bell as last ment d .] (a) When the Title commences with a will, the following words, " who was solely & absolutely seised of the Inhauee in fee simple in possession of the premes hlnafter ahst 4 .," — should be inserted here, if found in the Will. TO FREEHOLDS. 143 AXD s'\ Testor, after revok g . his former will, app*. s'\ J. B. sole Exor of his s' 1 . will : EXECUTED in the prSsce of, & att d . by 3 wit". BE s d . Jas. Bell, died. ? Q ^ nuary ' 1807. THE s d . John Bell proved s d . will in the Court of the Bishop 25 May, of C, at B. Kent. 1807 - BY DEED POLL [of this date] under the Hands & Seals of 1 Not., s*. Simon Bell, He, s d . S. Bell, Did release, quit claim, & give up unto s d . John Bell, his Heirs, Exors, Adniors, & Ass 8 ., — AS well s d . Legacy so [given &] heq d . to him by the last abst d . Will as afs d ., As also all Claims and Demands in respect or on ace', of the same. EXECUTED by s d . S n . Bell & att d . by 3 Wit*. THE SAID John Bell died Intestate, aged 74, leaving 20 March, George Bell, his eldest Son, him surviving, who claimed & 10 ~ ■ thupon entered into posson of his Beal Estate as his Heir-at- law. CERTIFICATE of the Burial of s d . John Bell. (See note a, p. 84.) CERTIFICATE of the Marr e . of s d . John Bell with Ann Carr, 1 st . Jan. 1826 (a). (See note a, p. 84.) CERTIFICATE of the Baptism of s d . George Bell, who was born on the 25 th . Oct. 1827. (See note a, p. 84.) THE SAID Simon Bell died. ?827 gUSt ' CERTIFICATE of his Burial. (See note a, p. 84.) THE SAID G. Bell died a Minor & unmarried, wluipon the lg28 pn (a) Sometimes the certificates and dates of birth are thus shewn; but it is submitted that the form given in page 84 is preferable, where they follow in chronological order. Similar forms are given ; but these cannot well be dispensed with, without causing some confusion in the chain of the title 144 ABSTEACTS OF TITLES s d . Cottage, Gde"n, Close of Land, & Heredits, descended to his Nephew Silas Bell, the Son of Simon Bell, the Brother of s d . John & Tim y . Bell, dec", his Heir-at-law, as will appear by the following pedigree {here set it out as ante,) (pp. 87, 93). CERTIFICATE of the Burial of s d . G. Bell. (See note a, I p. 84.) CERTIFICATE of the Marr e . of s d . Simon Bell with Hannah Jones, on the 4 th . of March 1826. (See note a, p. 84.) CERTIFICATE of the Baptism of s d . Silas Bell, their Son, who was born on the 21". of Dec. 1826. (See note a, p. 84.) CERTIFICATE of the Baptism of Andrew Bell, Son of s*. Simon & Hannah Bell, who was born on the 15 th . of Sep'. 1827. 7 April, THE SAID Silas Bell died Intestate & without issue, leaving 1828. Andrew Bell his only Brother him surviving, who thupon took posson of s d . Cotte, Garden, Close of Land, & Heredits, as his Heir-at-law. CERTIFICATE of the Burial of s d . Silas Bell. (See note a, p. 84.) 30 Deer. BY INDENTURES of Feoffment, [of this date] (with 1830. Livery of Seisin endorsed thereon & witn d . (a)) made be- tween s d . Andw. Bell, then of Hoalt afs d . Labourer, (who was the only Brother of s a . Silas Bell, then late of the same place, Labourer, dec d ., who was the Son of Simon Bell, thrtof. of, & c ., Lab r . dec d ., & Nephew & Heir-at-law of George Bell, formerly of, & c ., Lab'., dec d ., who was the eldest Son & Heir-at-law of John Bell, formerly of, &% Husbandman, dec d ., (b) ) of the one part, & Win. Piatt, of Merton, in the Parish of Stoke afs d ., Baker, & Wm. Coats, of the same place, Auctioneer, of the other part ; (a) If inserted here, the memorandum to the same effect at the end of the precedents must, of course, be omitted. (7/) When a pediprree like this, is verified by affidavit instead of certificates, the affidavit should be copied at length. TO FREEHOLDS. 145 IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson of [the sum of] £450 to s d . Andw. Bell, & of 10s. by s d . Coats then paid by s d . Piatt, He, s d . A. Bell, Did grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, & confirm unto s d . Piatt & Coats, their Heirs & Ass"., — ALL THAT Piece or Parcel of Land, being the Site of s d . Cottage or DhSuse & Outho". called " Sharpe's,' comp d . in the before abst Indres [of the 14th & 15th of Feb y ., 1800, (p. 137)] then late in the occon of s d . Andw. Bell, but which had then been lately thrown into, &, with the Gden formerly thunto belong*, formed part of the Close or Parcel of Land next thin & hmafter desc d . ; AND ALSO All that Close, Piece, or Parcel of Meadow or Pasture Land theretofore comn ly . called "The Four Acres," or "Sharpe's Mead," but then better known by the name of " Bell's Close," cont g ., tog r . with the beforement d . Heredits [& Premes] by adraeasS 5a. Or. H\\, situate at Hoalt afs d ., & then late also in the occon of s d . Andw. Bell, & then of s*. Piatt ;— Which s d . piece or parcel of Land & HerSdita first above desc d ., (being the site of s\ Cotte, or Dhouse & Outhouses,) were formerly the Estate & Inhance of s d . Khuben Bell, dec d ., from whom the same descended to (his son) s d . John Bell, dec d . ;— And which s d . close, piece or parcel of Land, & Heredits, lastly above desc d . were anciently the Land & Inhance of s d . Jas. Bell, who by his before abst' 1 . Will pave & dev d . the same to s d . John Bell, & his Heirs for ever, [Subject neveless (if so) to & charged with the pay*, of s d . two Leg 8 , of £20 each, th'by beq d . to s d . Sim. & Tim. Bell, the former of whom had since duly released the same] — as afs d ., Tog', with aii Houses,— Appurts, &c. And the Keversion, And all the Estate, &c. Together with all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Piatt & Coats & their Heirs, 14G ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TO THE USE of s a . Piatt & Coats & the Heirs, & Ass', of s d . Piatt, but as to the Estate & In', of s d . Coats, IX TRUST for s d . Piatt, his Heirs & Ass" abs y . WARRANTY by s d . A. Bell of the sev 1 . Heredits & Prerogs before desc d ., unto & to the use of s d . Piatt, his Heirs & Ass*, against himself s d . A. Bell, & his Heirs, & Ancestors, & all Persons claiming under him them, or any or either of them (a) ; POWER from s d . Bell to B. Piatt, of Wake afs d ., Grocer, to deliver posson of s d . abs d . Pres [to s d . W. Piatt his Heirs or Ass 8 .] EXECUTED by s d . A. Bell, & duly attested, & RECEIPT for £450 endorsed, signed, & witn d . MEMORANDUM of Livery of seisin [by s d . B. Piatt] to s d . W. Piatt, on the 31 of Dec r . 1830, end d . & witn d . 30 Decr , BY A STATUTORY DECLARATION of this date the s d . 1833. George Burt, of Hoalt afs d . Gentleman, solem y . declared that he was then 81 years of age ; — That he well knew the family of s d . Andrew Bell : — That s d . A. Bell, was the only Brother of Silas Bell, then late of Hoalt afs d ., Labourer, dec d . ; — That s d . S. Bell, was the son of Simon Bell thtofore of the same place, Labourer, dec d . the Nephew & Heir-at-law, of George Bell, formerly of the same place, Labourer, dec d ; — AND THAT s d . G. Bell, was the eldest son & Heir-at-law, of John Bell, formerly of the same place, Husbandman d . dec*. AND s d . Burt solemnly & sincerely decl d . the same to be true accord 15 , to the prov". of the [Act of Pari'.] 5 & 6 W. 4. DECLARED at Maidstone, before [H. M.] a Com- missioner to administer oaths in Chancery in England. (a) Sometimes this Warranty is made to include " all other pera uis whomsoever," and sometimes it stops at the preceding word "Heirs." This pari should therefore always be noticed, and correctly stated, in order that it may be seen how far the warranty really extends. TO FREEHOLDS. 147 BY BOND, of this date, under the Band & Seal of b*. 80 Deer., Andw. Bell,— He, [s d . A. Bell,] bound himself, his Heirs, ] Exors, & Admors, uuto s d . Piatt, his Heirs, ExGrs, A: AdmOrs, in the penal sum of £40, for indemnify him s 11 . Piatt, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, against the pay', of s\ Legacy of £20, so beq d . to s d . Tiniy. Bell by the last abst d . Will as afores d . BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release, [of these dates,] 21 & 22 the latter made between— The s d . Wm. Piatt & Sarah his Feb -' l8S1 - wife, of the first part, — Wm. Pitt, of Ryde, in the Parish of Burton, in the Co. of Southampton, Grocer, of the 2 d . part — Abel Dunn, of the same place, Mealman, of the 3 d . part, — & several other Parties, not interested in the [property'which is the] subject of this Abs 1 ., of the 4 th . & 5 th . parts,— after RECITING the last abst Indre («) of the 30 th Dec r ., 1830 (p. 144). AND RECITING (amongst other things irrelevant to this Title (b) ), that s d . Pitt had cont d . with s d . Piatt for the absolute purch e . of the Fee-simple & Inhance in poB86n of s d . Close, Piece, or Parcel of Meadow or Pasture Land, & Heredits, free from all Incumbs, at the sum of £500 : IT IS WITNESSED, that in the conson [of the sum] of £500, to s d . Piatt then paid by s d . Pitt,— He s d . Piatt & Sarah his wife Did, & each of them Did, grant, bargain, sell, (a) When two deeds of the same date, as a release and an assignment of a term, are previously abstracted, as is sometimes the case, they should be here designated as " the last abst' 1 . Indre of Release " or " Assignment," &c. (b) Or, " unconnected with this Title." Or, " whereby it appeared that s d . A.B. was then possesstd of or ei titled 1" two several sums of £ and £ due to him upon security of certain Leasehold Premises, situate at K.. in lierks." Or, " whby it appeared that under & by virtue of certain Indre.- of Lease and Rele, dated, & c ., certain' Mioses & other Heredits ft Pres thin desc' 1 ., situate at K. afs d ., with the appurts, then stood limited— To certain uses for preventing Down thin particularly ment d ." Or "that certain other pres thin particularly ment*., but not included with those before desc*. bad been oonV. & assured unto & to the use of s". A. 15. his Heirs A: Ass', for e\er;"— ((jiving the effect of the Recital* thus cunci»< ly.) 148 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES alien, release, & confirm unto s d . Pitt (in his actual possOn then being, &c.) & to his Heirs (a), — THE parcels afs d ., — (as desc d . in the last abst d . Indie, p. 145), TOGETHER with all Ways,— Appurts, &c. (except [& always reserved] unto s d . Piatt, his Heirs & Ass'., a Right of Way over, along, & upon, the foot or pathway now used by s d . Piatt over, along, & upon s d . Heredits [& Premes] to a certain Pump & Well at the northern extremity thereof; — And also except, [& always reserved] unto s d . Piatt, his Heirs & Ass*., the use of the s d . Pump, Well, & Water therein jointly with s d . Pitt, his Heirs, & Ass'.,) And the Reversions, &c. And all the Estate, &c. Together with all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same (except as afs a .) unto s d . Pitt, & his Heirs, — TO THE USES, upon the Trusts, & for the intent & purposes thinafter decl d . & hlnafter exp d . concerning the same ; COVENANT by s d . Piatt (amongst others) for himself, & for s d . Sarah his wife, his & her Heirs, ExGrs, & AdmGrs, — That he s d . Piatt & s d . Sarah his wife, (she thereby consenting) would, in or as of Hilary Term then last, Easter Term then next, or in or as of some subseq'. Term, acknowl". & levy unto s d . Pitt, & his Heirs, One or more Fine or Fines Sur cognizance \de droit come ceo,'] &c, with proclam- tons, of the Heredits [& PremGs] by the now abst*. Ifidre conve d . & assured by the descri". of, — " Two blesses, 4 Outho*., 2 Yards, 2 Orchards, 10 acres of Meadow, & 10 a.:res of Pasture Land, with the {a) Or, " [inter alia] with other property lately sold to CD." (cw the case may be). TO FREEHOLDS. 149 Appurts, in the Parish of Wake, in the County of Kent," — or by such other apt names & descr"' as should be suffi'., comprise, & pass the same : DECLARATION & Agreement, That s d . Fine or Fines when levied, & all other Fines then ackn d . & levied, or which should thlnafter be ackn d . & levied of s\ Heredits [& PremGs], by or between s d . Piatt & [Sarah his] wife & >'. Pitt, or any or either of them, should, as to the same Heredits, Be & Enure — TO SUCH USES (a) upon & for such Trusts, & for such ends, intents, & pposes, & with, under, & subject to such Powers of Revocation & new Appm*. ass' 1 , Pitt by any Deed or Deeds by him duly exet d ., or by his last Will & Test, in writing duly exet d ., should direct, limit, & app*. ; And in default of, & until any such diron, limon, or app'., & so far as the same is incomplete, should not extend (b) TO THE USE of s d . Pitt, & his Ass 9 ., during [the term of] his [natural] life, sans waste; — And aftei the determun of that Estate in his life-time, — TO THE USE of s d . Dunn, his Exurs & AdmOrs, during the life of s d . Pitt, In Trust neveless, for s d . Pitt, & his Ass 8 , — with Rem r . — TO THE USE of s d . Pitt, his Heirs, & Ass*., for ever : COVENANT by s d . Piatt (amongst others) for him- self, his Heirs, Exurs, & Admurs, with s d . Pitt, his Heirs & Ass 8 , (as to, the Heredits [& PremSs] before abst d .) — That he, with s d . Sarah his wife, was seised in his demesne as of Fee, (a) When the Donee of the power has died without executing it, the subsequent uses may be omitted, and the following sub- stituted, — "TO certain uses (for preventing Dower) therein expressed." (h) So when the Donee is unmarried, or was married since 1833, the following uses may be omitted and the last reference adopted. 150 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Had power to convey in manner afs d ., — For peaceable enjoyment, — Free from incumbrances, & — For further assurance : EXECUTED by s d . Piatt, & [Sarah his] wife, [& the sev 1 . other pties thto of the 4 th . & 5 th . parts,] & duly att '., & — RECEIPT for £500 endorsed, signed & witn d . Hilary INDENTURES of Fine, Sur conusance [de droit come ceo] 1°G ' jy (fee, [of this date] levied with proclamons. between s d . Pitt, (1831-5 ' Pltiff, & s d . Piatt & [Sarah his] wife (& others), Deforciants, of— TWO Messes, 4 Outho 8 ., 2 Yards, 2 Gardens, 2 Orchards, 10 Acres of Meadow & 10 Acres of Pasture Land, with the Appurts, in the Parish of Wake, in Kent, & c . 3 & 4 BY INDENTURES of Lease & Appointment & Release, March. of these dates, the latter made bet". — The s d . Wm. Pitt, 1832 - then of No. 3, High Street, Portsea, Hants, Wine Merchant, of the 1 st . part,— The s d . Abel Dunn, of the 2". part,— & George Jones, of Fareham, Hants, Gent n , of the 3 d . part, — RECITING the last abst d . Indre & Fine; AND RECITING that s d . Pitt had applied to s d . Jones for a loan of £500, which he had agreed to advance on the security of s d . Premes — IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson of £500 to s d . Pitt paid by s d . Jones, He s' 1 . Pitt did direct limit & appoint — THAT all s d . abst' 1 . Premes : SHOULD thenceforth go, remain, continue & be unto s d . Jones, & his Heirs ; TO THE USE of s d . Jones, his Heirs & Ass"., for ever, freed & abs y . disch" 1 . from the last abst d . mortge, but — SUBJECT neveless to the Proviso for RedOn thin- after cont' 1 . TO FREEHOLDS. 1 .". I AND IT IS FURTHER WITNESSED, that in conaOn of 5'. to s d . Dunn, paid by s d . Pitt, he s d . Dunn, by the dirOn of s d . Pitt (test*, as thin meut' 1 .), did barg"., sell & rele, & .-:'. Pitt, for the consons afs d ., did grant, barg"., sell, rele, ratify & confirm unto s d . Jones — . . . THE Parcels afs d . by the descr". cont d . in the before abst d . Indies of the 30 ,h . Dec r . 1830, & 21". & 22 '. of Feb 7 ., 1831 ; And also all that the M6ss*. or DhOuse which had then lately been erected thereon, — And all the Houses, — Appurts, & c . And the Revon, &". And all the Estate, &\ And all Deeds, & c . TO HOLD the same unto s d . Jones, & his Heirs. TO THE USE of s d . Junes, his Heirs & Ass'., for ever ; SUBJECT neve'less to the Proviso thnafter cont d . (a) PROVISO, Declaration & Agreement, that if s d . Pitt, his Heirs, ExOrs, Admors or Ass 8 ., should pay or cause to be paid unto s d . Jones, his Exors, Admors or Ass'., the fuil sum of £500, with hit*, alter the rate of £5 percent, per annum, [with 1 , any deduction,] on the day of then next, he s d . Jones, his Heirs, Exors, and Admors, would at the request, costs & charges of s d . Jones, his Heirs, Exors or Admors, reoonvey & reassure s d . Premes unto s d . Pitt, his Heirs or Ass 3 , or as he or they should direct, free from all in- cumbs to be committed by s' 1 . Jones, his Heirs or Ass'., in the meantime. (a) This proviso is sometimes set out iu a different form, thus : " Subject neveless to a Proviso thin cont d . for BedoQ & Reconveyce," [or, if leasehold, " Beassgn', ;it the costs of s' 1 . Pitt, his Heirs or Ass 8 .," or for "cesser of 6 d . term," as the case may be~], ou pay'. & c ." {as flbovt , down to the words "then next.") M 2 152 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES PROVISO, (a) Declaration & Agreement, That if default sho d . be made in pay', of s d . princ 1 . Sum & Inf., or any part thof, contrary to the afs d . Proviso (of which non- pay', the prod", of the now abst B . Indre should be at all times conclusive evidence & (if so) if s d . Jones sh d . at any time aftw d '. give to s\ Pitt his Heirs, Exors, Admors, or Ass 8 , or any or either of them or leave at his or their last known place of abode in England, notice in writing of his or their intentions to exercise the now absf. power unless s d . prin e . sum with all inf. & costs occas d . by the non-pay', thof sho d . be paid, at the expiron of — cal d . months after the giving or delivery of such notices, it should be lawful for (but not incumbent on) s d . Jones, his Heirs, Exors, Admors, & Ass*., then or at any time thereafter, without any further consent or concur", of s d . Pitt, his Heirs, Exors, Admors or Ass 8 , to sell & absol y . dispose of all or any part of the Premes, thereby granted & rele d . & before abst d ., either with or without special Condons or restrfms as to the Title or orwise, & either by Public Auction or by Private Contract, for such sum or sums of Money, as could be obtained, or he or they should think fit & for this purpose to enter into all such contracts, acts, mat tersA- things as sho d . be consid' 1 . exped'.; And to convey & assure s d . Premes, when sold, unto the Purchaser or respive Pure", thof, his Heirs, Exors, AdmOrs, or Ass'., or as he or they should direct ; And as to the Monies to arise from or to be produced by such Sale or Sales, [in the first place] to pay all Costs & Exp 8 , attending such Sale or Sales, & to become payable by virtue of the now absf. Indre ; And [in the next place] to pay the s d . princ 1 . Sum of £500, & all Inf. then due in respect thof; And [in the last place,] to pay the residue (if any) of the s d . Monies unto s d . Pitt, his Heirs, Exors, Admors or Ass". : (5) ('i ) If this power lias not been exercised, instead of this clause, say — " Poweb of Sale in default thereof — not exercised," [or, " which has not been exercised."] ('/) Tins form should follow the words of the powers. It is not In re given as a general precedent, but simply to show the mode of setting it out. TO FREEHOLDS. 153 FURTHER Declon & Agreement, that the Rec". of B a . Jones, his Exors, Admors or Ass s ., for the Pur*, & all ether Monies payable to him or them under or by virtue of the now abst g . Ifidre, should effect 7 , disch*. the Purchaser & Pure". & all other persons paying the same, from all reap ins*. in respect of the mis-applSn or non-applon thof; And tliat it should not be inenmb'. on the Purc r . or Pure", to inquire into the necessity or propriety of any such Sale or Sales, or whe r . any such default had been made ; — or any express notices given as afs d . : nor should they be affected by express notice thof: COVENANT by s d . Pitt to pay s d . princ 1 . Sum & Inf. accordingly, — That he was lawfully seised, — Had good right to grant, — That s d . abst d . Pres sho d . remain to the uses & upon the Trusts [for sale] afs' 1 ., & the rents & c . be rec d . accordy. Free from incumbs, — For further assurance, & To insure s d . Dhouse in the name of s d . Jones, bis Exors, Admors or Ass 8 , against loss or damage by fire to the amount of £400, — PROVISO & Agreement for reducing the rate of Interest from £5 to £4 per cent, if punctually paid, (a) PROVISO & Agreement that not more than £ sho d . be ultimately recovble under the now abst g . Iiidre. ATTORNMENT by s d . Pitt as a yrl 7 . tenant to s d . Jones of s\ abst d . Premes, at the yrl y . rent of £ payable half- yearly ; — PROVISO, Declaration & Agreement, that nothing in the now abst e . Iiidre con d . sho d . abridge, prejudice, or aff of the rights or remedies of s d . Jones, his Heirs, Exors, AdmOra (a) [Or, " if paid within 28 days after it should become due."] 154 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES or Ass s . as such mortgages as afs a . ; but that he & they sho a . be at lull liberty to assert & exercise such rights or remedies, or any, or either of them [by foreclosure or orwI>e] like an ordinary iuortg". either concurrently with or separately from the Power thin he fore cont d . EXECUTED by s d . Pitt, Dunn & Jones, & attested by two witn'. & — RECEIPT for £500 end d ., signed & witn a . 15 June, BY INDENTURE of further charge [of this date (a)] s d . Wm. Pitt charged — The s a . abst a . Premes with the appurts with the pay 4 , of the further sum of £50, with Int*. after the rate of £5 per cent, per ann. — And he declared that the s a . Premes sho d . not be redeemed or redeemable until full pay'. thSf & that all the Powers,Provisoes, Declon s ., Cov". & Agree 19 ., & parlarly the Power of Sale cont a . in the last abst a . Ifulre should be applicable to & available for the recovery as well of the s d . sum of £50 as of the s a . sum of £500 thb y . sec a . : EXECUTED by s a . Pitt, &att d . by two witn 8 .,&— Receipt for £500 end a ., signed & witn d . 15 Jan., BY AN ENDORSEMENT of this date, on the last abst d . 1 *•*■•• Ifidre signed by s d . George Jones [& duly attested], he ex- pressly acknowledged that he had that day rec d . from s d . W. Pitt the princ 1 . sum of £50^- thereby secured together with all interest due in respect thereof; and undertook to execute a Recofiv**. of s d . abst a . premes at the expense of s a . Pitt whenever called upon to do so. SJuly, The s d . W. Pitt committed an Act of Bankruptcy, upon 1833. («) There are often recitals in these deeds ; whenever they occur they should be shortly recited thus : — RECITING the before abst d . Mortg". (p.— );— AND RECITING that s' 1 . Jones had agreed to advance the further Bum of £50 on sec*, of s' 1 . Premes: — IT IS WITNESSED, that s". Pitt Dm, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admdrs, by the now abst g . Iudre, charge, &c. (as above). TO FREEHOLDS. 155 which he was found & declared Bank*, on the 20"'. Dec*. following (1833). (a) BY INDENTURE of Bargain & Sale [of this date,] Uanuary, made between A. B. — C. D. — & E. F. (being the major part ' of the Commissioners named in the cornm". of Bank?. [awarded &] issued against s' 1 . W. Pitt), of the one part, & Jas. Thomas, of, &c, Grocer, & John Williams, of, &c, Tea Dealer, of the other part ; — after — RECITING, That His Majesty's Comm". under the Great Seal of Great Britain, grounded upon the Statutes [made &] then in force concerning Bank"., bearing date [at Westminster] the 12 th . ofNov r . then last, had been [awarded &] issued against s d . Pitt, directed to s d . A. B. — C. D. — & E. F. Esq"., together with G. H. & I. K, Gent"., thereby giving unto them [s d . Comm".], or any 4 or 3 of them, full power & autho y . to execute same ; (a) The act of Bankruptcy, unless material to the title — as, for example, to shew that a deed executed shortly before the Bankruptcy was in fact executed prior to the act upon which it proceeded was committed, — need not be shewn ; and as now there are no provisional or general assignments of Bankrupts' Estates, the proceedings may, especially where brevity is desired, be shortly stated, as below. But when the conditions are included in the recitals in a subsequent deed, they can be set out in the Abstract of such recitals, instead of being stated substantively. (But see p. 67. — Eds.) The s' 1 . W. Pitt was [on his own Pet".] declared a Bank'., & 3 July, thereupon W. W., of & c ., Esq r ., became the Official Assignee of 1837. his Estate & Effects, & James Thomas, of &% Grocer, & John "Williams, of &«., Tea 24 July, Dealer, were chosen the Trade [or, Creditors'] Assignees of the > s " • Estate & Effects of s d . Bank 1 . The before abst d . Pies were offered for Sale by Public Auction, 16 at the Crown Inn, at Portsea afs 4 ., at which *'. Wood was 1837. declared the purc r . thof at £500, subject to the 6)11*. condons of the sale; and thereupon he paid into the hands of the Auct r . [or, Vendor's Solicitor] a Deposit of £00, in part thof accord*, to such condons. The foil 6 , are the condons above referred to (Here a I tin m out.) 156 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES AND RECITING, that the major part of s d . Comm". had duly qualified themselves to act in s d . Comm". [by taking the Oath required for that purpose], & having begun to put s d . Comm". into execon, [upon due examon of Wit*. & other good proof before them taken], had found that s d . Pitt, for 14 years before the date of s d . Comm"., [carried on &] followed the trade of a Grocer, and during all that time did [seek &] endeavour to get his livelihood thereby [as others of the same trade & bus 8 , usually did], & s a . Pitt so [seeking &] endeav B . to get his living thereby, had become indebted to H. E., of, & c ., Merchant, in the sum of £720, and being so indebted as afs\, Did, before the date & suing forth of s d . Comm 11 ., in the judgm*. of the major part of s d . Comm"., become Bank'., within the meaning of the Stat 9 , in s d . Comm 11 . named, [or then in force] & was by them found & declared Bank*. accord y . AND ALSO RECITING, that on the day of the date of the now abst 6 . Indre [being the day app d . accord*, to the London Gazette, for the choice of an Assignee or Asses of s d . Bank*" Estate & Effects], the s d . Comm". met at the Court of Comm". of Bank' 7 ., London, & the major part in value of the Creditors of the s d . Pitt (a) then present, whose Debts resply amounted to £20 & upwards, Did then & there [nominate &] choose s d . Thomas & William to be the Asses of the Estate & Effects of s d . Pitt ; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Comm". part 9 , thereto, in further execon of s d . Comm"., & of the Stat 9 , therein ment d ., had also [found &] discovered or it otherwise appeared to them, that s d . Pitt, at the time he became Bank*, as afs d ., or afterwards, was seised or pGssed of, or interested in, & ent d . unto several Freehold Lands, Messes or Ten'". & Estates, in s d . Co 7 , of Kent, & elsewhere : IT IS WITNESSED, that s d . Comm"., parties to the now abst*. Ifidre, in further excon of s d . Comm". & by virtue thereof & of the Stat 9 , thin mcnt d . ; & in conson of 10s. to (o) The word " Bank'." may now be substituted for the name, if preferred. TO FREEHOLDS. 157 them paid by s d . Assees, Did, & each of them Din, as much as in them laid & they lawfully might, order, dispose* grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer & set ever unto s\ Asses, their Heirs & Ass 9 ., — ALL THE Freehold Messes, Lands, Ten* 8 . & II credits, situate [& being] in the Co y . of Kent, & elsewhere, in the Kingdom of Great Britain of him s d . Pitt, — ToG r with all Houses, Appurts, &c. And all the Estate, &c., TO HOLD the same unto s d . Asses, their Heirs & Ass*., for ever, — IN TRUST for the immed . preserv n . thereof, But Neve'less To & for the use, benefit & advantage of themselves, & all other the Cred". of s d . Pitt who had then sought, or should thereafter in due time come in & seek relief under or by virtue of s d . Coram"., accord 8 , to the Stat 8 , therein ment d .; COVENANT by s d . Assees, for themselves, their Heirs, Exors & Admors, with s d . Comm". part', to the now abst g . liidre, their Exors & Admors, — To use their best endeavours, to recover the Estate & Effects of s d . Bank 4 ., & when the same should come into their posson, with all conv'. speed to sell & convert the same into Money; And also — to collect Debts, — to render Acc t3 . to Comm". when required by them so to do, — to pay sums rec d . to Comm". for the general benefit of s d . Cred"., & until a Dividend should be made,— to pay Monies rec d ., when & as they should am', to £100, into a Banker's hands,— & to indemnify Comm". EXECUTED by the Comm". (part', thoreto) & duly att d ., &— INROLLED in [Her Majesty's High Court of] Chancery, the 19 th . of Jan"., 1834, Roll 295. BY ORDER of the Court of Bankcy, of this date, the s d . 1 158 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Trade Assees were directed to sell the before abst d . Pres by auction. 2 & 3 BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release [of these dates], Nov., 1834. the Rele made bet n .— The s d . G. Jones, of the 1 st . part — The s d . Jas. Thomas & John Williams (as such Assees as afs d .), of the 2 nd . part,— Paul Stone, of, &c, Gent"., of the 3 d . part, — & Isaac Paine, of, &c, Yeoman, of the 4 th . part, — after — RECITING the s d . Coram", of Bank*, against s d . Pitt (p. 155);- AND RECITING the before abst d . Indres [of the 3 rd & 4 th day of March, 1832, and the 1 st day of Jan y ., 1834 (pp. 150, 155) ] ;- AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Jones under & by virtue of the Power of Sale cont d . iu the last abst d . mortge, & with the privity of s d . assees, caused s d . Heredits [& Pres] thin & next hmafter ment d . or referred to, to be put up to Sale by Public Auction, on the 10 th . of Oct', then last, at which sale s d . Stone was declared to be the purc r . thuf at the sum of £500, & he thupon paid into the hands of the Aucf. the sum of £60, by way of deposit, & in part of s d . purc e . money, conformably to the Condons of such sale then exhib' 1 ; — AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Pitt had then lately dep d . this life, & that s d . Dunn was also dead, & that it had been thfor c . agreed that s d . Heredits [& Premes] should be conv d . to s d . Wood in manner thin & hlnaft'. ment d . ; — IT IS WITNESSED, that in consGn [of the sum] of £00 so paid by s d . Stone [to the auct r . in part of s' 1 . pure , money] as afs d ., & [of the further sum] of £500 [the residue of s d . purc e . money,] then paid by s d . Wood to s d . Jones, with the a]prob n . of s d . Assees (tested as thin ment d .), [the pay', of which s d . sum of £60, & the Rec 4 . of which s d . Sum of £500, making tog r . the Sum of £560, & that the same were in full for the abs e . purc c . of s d . Heredits [& Premes], he s d . Jones & s d . AssGcs thereby ackn d .,] — They s d . Jones & Thomas & Williams as such Assees as afs d . Did, & each of them Did, TO FREEHOLDS. 150 bargain, sell, alien, & release, & so iar as tbey resp'ly lawfully could or ought, both by the rules of Law & Equity, Did, & each of them Did, grant & confirm unto s d . Stone, & his Heirs, — THE Parcels afs d ., (as desc d . in p. 145,) — ToG r . with all Houses,— ApptLrts, &c. — (In his actual posson, then being, &c), — And the Reversion, &c. And all the Estate, &c, And all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Stone & his Heirs,— TO THE USE of such Person or Persons, upon such Trusts, for such Estates & Interests, Intents & Purposes, & in such Manner, & with, under & subject to such Powers, Declons, & Agree", as s d . Stone should by Deed or Will duly executed direct or appoint, And in default thereof, TO THE USE of s d . Stone during his life,— And after the determon of that Estate in his lifetime, — TO THE USE of s d . Paine, his Fxors & AdmGrs, during the life of, & In trust for, s d . Stone & bis Ass 8 ., — with Kem r . — TO THE USE of s d . Stone, his Heirs & Ass'., for ever : — COVENANT by s d . Jones & by s d . Assees, for themselves resply, & for their respire Heirs, ExOrs, .V Admors, with s d . Stone, his Heirs and Ass'.,— That they had done no act to incumber ; — COVENANT by s d . Piatt for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s d . Stone, hi.- Heirs & Ass'.— That he was lawfully seised, — ■ Had good right to grant,— For quiet enjoyment— against himself & all persoDB claiming under him or his ancestors, — 160 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Free from all Incumbs, & — For further Assurce; EXECUTED by s d . Jones & Assees, & duly att d , & RECEIPT for £560 by s d . Asses end d ., signed, & witn d . CERTIFICATE by [A.B & CD.] 2 perpetual Comm". for the Co. of K. of the acknowledgment of the last abst d . Iildre (marked D) by Sarah Piatt (a) endorsed thGn. 9 Deer., OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE of such acknowledgment. 1834. 7 April, BY INDENTURE, of this date, made in pursuce of " An 1857. Act of Pari', to facilitate the convnyce of Real Property," (6) bet". The s d . Paul Stone, of the one part, & Job Wood, of Wake afs d ., Merchant, of the other part : IT IS WITNESSED that, in conson of £600 to s a . Stone then p d . by s d . Wood, as th'by ackn d , He s d . Stone Did grant unto s d . Wood, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., for ever, — THE PARCELS aforesaid, by the desc". in p. 145. 1. The s d . Stone covtd with s d . Wood,— 2. That he had a right to convey s d . Lands to s d . Wood, notwithst g . any act of s d . Stone, — 3. That s d . Wood sho d . have quiet posson of s d . Lands, — 4. Free from Incumbs, — 5. And s d . Stone fur r covted with s d . Wood that he wo d . ext°. such fur r . assurces of s d . Lands as might be requisite. (a) If the Deed be acknowledged by more than one parry here add the names and set out the Certificates, thus : 12 Novr., OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE of the acknowledgment by a\ 1840. A. B. 16 Novr., OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE of the ackm\ by s d . C. D. 1840. (i,) 8 & 9 Vict. c. 119, since repealed by Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (2). TO COrYIIOLDS. 1C1 DECLARATION That no widow of s d . Wood should be. dowable out of s d . abst d . Prcs or any part thfif. EXECUTED by both s d . parties & duly attd., &— RECEIPT for £600 end d ., signed, & witn\ As to the COPYHOLD part of tiie Premises CALLED "CROOK'S." BY the Custom of the Manor — the eldest Son shall inherit the father, — the Widow [of the tenant dying seised] is entitled to Free-bench, — & a Fine of £250 certain, & a fat Heifer, as an Heriot, is payable on the Death of the Customary Tenant. BY COPY of Court Roll, [of this date,] of the Manor of 16 Oct , Stoke, in s d . Co y . of Kent,— 183 °- IT IS STATED, that Win. Bankes, Esq'., Lord of s d . Manor, at the Gen 1 . Court Baron held in & for s d . Manor, on the 16 th . of June, 1820,— IN CONSIDERATION [of the sum] of £500 to him then paid by s d . John Gill, of Wake, within s d . Manor, Yeoman, as the Heir (claiming by custom) of s d . John Gill, late of the same place, Yeoman, — Did grant unto s d . Gill, by the hands of J. B., the Steward of s d . Manor [for the time being], seisin, by the delivery of the Rod, accord 8 , to the custom of the same Manor, of — ALL THAT Copyhold or Customary Messe or Ten 1 ., with the Outho 9 ., Barns, Yard, Garden, Orchard, or Paddock thunto adjoin"., & Close or Parcel of Land thunto belong* 5 ., called "Crook's," contain 8 , altog*. by Estmon 6a. lr. 6p., situate [& being] within the Parish of Wake & Manor afs d . th' the occon of John Crook, since of Wm. Crook, his son, then late of s d . John Gill, — Tog', with all Appurts, &c. 1834. 162 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TO HOLD the same unto s d . John Gill, & his Heirs — TO BE HOLDEN of the Lord of s d . Manor by Copy of Court Roll, (a) accord 6 , to the Custom thof, by Fealty, Suit of Court, Heriots, when they should happen, & the ancient ami 1 . Rents, & other Customs, Duties, & Services thfore due & of Right accust d . ; And so (saving the Rights of the Lord,) s d . John Gill was admitted Tenant thereof in manner afores d ., & his Fealty was respited, &c. 2 Sept., B Y DEED POLL, (b) [of this date,] under the Hand & Seal of s d . John Gill,— He, s d . John Gill, Did make, ordain, con- stitute, & appoint C. M., of &c, Gent"., his lawful Attorney, for him & in his name & stead to appear at the then next, or at some subseq 1 . General or special Court Baron or Customary Court to be held for s d . Manor, & then & there to surr r . into the hands of the Lord or Lords, Lady or Ladies, of the same Manor, for the time being, by the hands & accept", of the Steward or Deputy Steward there then presiding, by the Rod, accord 6 , to the Custom of s d . Manor, — ALL & singular the Copyhold or Cust y . Heredits [& Pres], with the Appurts, which he then held of s d . Manor, — And the Reversion, &c. And all the Estate, &c. TO THE USE & behoof of such Person & Psons, & for such Estate & Estates, Ends, Intents & Purposes, as he s d . John Gill by his last Will & Test', in Writing then already male, or thraf r . to be made, had given, dev' 1 . directed, limited, or app d ., or should give, devise, direct, limit, or appoint the same : [AND generally, to do all such Things as should be ex- (o) Sometimes it is held "at the will of the Lord, according to the custom," &c. This distinction should always be carefully shewn, in order that it may be seen whether the property is actually Copyhold or Customary Freehold only ; see ante, p. 23. (//) Surrenders to the uses of wills were abolished by 1 Vict. c. 20, and therefore this and the next are given as forms only. TO COrYIIOLDS. 1G3 pedient for making such Surr r . as afs' 1 . ; which s d . John Gill thereby promised to allow & confirm.] (a) EXECUTED by s d . Gill, & att d . by 2 wit". BY COPY of Court Roll [of this date], of s d . Manor after— 20 Oct., 1834 RECITING the before abst d . Grant & the last abst d . Deed Poll [or Letter of Attorney] ; IT IS STATED, That at a Court Baron held for s d . Manor, t on the 16 th . of Ocf. then inst*., s d . John Gill, one of the Cust y . Tent", of s d . C. M., his Att y . in that behalf [by virtue of the last abst d . Deed Poll, or Power of Attorney, inrolled at that Court,] lawfully constit d ., Did in open Court, sur r . into the hands of the Lord of s d . Manor, by the hands & accept 06 , of s d . [J. B. the] Steward [there for the time being], by the Rod, accord g . to the Custom of s d . Manor, — THE Parcels afs d .,— (as desc d . in the last abst d . Copy of Court Roll, p. 1G1,) — with their Appurts, — And the Reversion, &c. And all the Estate, &c. TO THE USE & behoof of such Person & PsCns & c . [precisely as in the last form. (6)] BY WILL of this date— The' s d . John Gill, then of Wake 25 Jany., afs d ., Yeoman, gave & beq d . (inter alia) — ALL THAT his Copyhold or Cust y . Ten 1 , called " Crook's " as the same was then in his own occGn, — UNTO his two Sons Mark & Luke Gill, share & share alike ; — TO HOLD the same unto them s d . Mark & Luke Gill, & their Heirs for ever, accord*, to the Custom of s*. Manor,— SUBJECT neveless to the Pay', of his just Debts & (a) This clause may always be omitted, unless the particular terms of the power have been necessarily exceeded. (b) This, and similar references, marked with an asterisk, throughout the following Copies of Court Roll, are made merely for the sake of confining this work within a prescribed limit, and not for example. 1G4 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Fun 1 . & Test 7 . Exp 8 ., (a) & the Pay'. & Perform'*, of the Rent, Heriots, Customs & Services thefore due & of right accust d . in respect thereof; AND s d . Testator revoked his former wills & app d . s d . Luke Gill sole ExOr of s d . will which was — EXECUTED & publ d . [by s d . J. Gill,] in the pres". of & att d . by 3 wit 8 . NOTE. — This will [if so,] has not been proved, but it is registered, so far as it relates to the before abst d . Pres on the Court Polls of the s d . Manor. 26 June, THE s d . John Gill died, without revoking or altering the Last abst d . Will, which was proved by Luke Gill, the sole ExGr, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 7 th . of Sept',, 1840.— (b) CERTIFICATE of his Burial. (-See note a, p. 84.) 30 Oct., THE HOMAGE presented the death of s d . J. Gill. 1844. H±l cU ' BY COPY of Coukt Roll, [of this date] of s d . Manor after— RECITING the last abst d . Will [of s d . John Gill]:— IT IS STATED, That at a Court Baron that day held for s d . Manor s d . Mark Gill & Luke Gill [s d . two Sons & Devis". named in the last abst d . Will of s d . John Gill], attended & cfeimed to hold of the Lord of s d . Manor, by virtue of s d . Will, & prayed to be admitted Ten' 8 , in Fee-simple of — THE Parcels afs d ., — (by the desc". cont d . in the before abst d . Copy of Court Roll of the lG ,h . of Oct'., 1830, p. 161) :— TO WHOM the Lord [of s d . Manor], by the Steward then & there presiding, granted seisin thereof, by the Rod, of — (a) Real Estates are, without express charge, made liable to Debts by 11 Geo. IV. & 1 Will. IV., c. 47, but express charges should thus be shewn. (b) Sue note a, p. 97. TO COPYHOLDS. 1G5 . . . THE same Premes. with the Appurts ; TO HOLD the same unto them s d . M. Gill & L. Gill, & their Heirs, — TO BE HOLDEN, & c . (*as ante, p. 162, down to) & so (saving the Rights of the Lord), s d . M. Gill & L. Gill were admitted ten ts . thof & paid the Lord on such admission a Fine of £250 & a fat Heifer, as an Heiiot, and their fealty was respited, & c . BY COPY of Court Roll, [of this date,] of s d . Manor,— 7 March, IT IS STATED, That s d . Mark Gill, then of &% Yeoman, 1846 - who claimed to hold one moiety or half-part (the whole into two equal parts being divided, or considered as divided), of & in the Heredits [& Premes] last ment d ., by virtue of the last abst d . Will, — at a Special Court Baron held in & for s d . Manor, on the l 8t of March then inst'., — IN CONSIDERATION of £200 to him then paid by Rob'. Wye, then of, &°., Gent"., surrend d into the Hands of the Lord of s d . Manor, by the hands & accept" of s d [J. B., the] steward [there for the time being], accord 8 to the custom of s d . Manor, — ALL THAT his undivided moiety or half-part [the whole into two equal parts being divided, or consid d . as divided,] of and in — THE Parcels afs d .— (see p. 161)— Together with the Appurts, &'. And all the Estate, & c . TO THE USE & behoof of s d . Wye, his Heirs & Ass", for ever, — Subject, neveless, to a — PROVISO [or Condon] for Redon & for making void the now abst g . Surr r ., on pay', by s d . M. Gill, [his Heirs, ExGrs, Admors, or Ass 8 ., of the full sum] of £200 sterling, with Inf. for the same after the rate of £5 per cent, per ami., on the 7 th of Sept', then next (being the same princ 1 . Sum & Inf. ELS were ment d . to be secured by the, bond of s d . M. Gill to s 1 '. Wye bear 8 , even date with the now abst 8 . Surrender). N 106 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Same date. BY BOND [of this date (a) s d . Mark Gill bound himself, his Heirs, Exors & AdinGrs, unto s d . Wye, his Exors, AdmGrs & Ass 8 ., in the Penal sum of £400, — UPON CONDITION, that upon pay*, of s d . sum of £200 & Inf. accord 6 , to the last abst 4 . proviso, the same oblOn should be void : EXECUTED by a d . M. Gill & duly att d . ; the same being stated to have been first audibly & distinctly read over to him, he being blind, and he expressly declared that he perfectly understood it (b) Same date. BY COPY of Court Poll, [of this date,] of s d . Manor after— RECITING the last abst d . Surr r .,— IT IS STATED, That at the Court Baron held for s d . Manor, on that day, s d . Wye came & prayed to be admitted tenant of— THE Parcels desc d . in the last abst d . Surr r . with the Appurts thunto belong g : — TO WHOM the Lord of s d . Manor, by the Steward there, granted seizin, by the Rod, of — THE same Heredits [& Premes], with the Appurts,— TO HOLD the same unto s d . Wye & his Heirs,— SUBJECT neveless to, & upon the condon ment d in s d . last abst d . Sur r . &— TO BE HOLDEN, &». (*as p. 162). 5 FeK BY COPY of Court Roll, [of this date,] of s d . Manor after— 1850. Reciting the last abst d . Surr'. & Admittance, — (a) See note a, p. 134. {b) If deaf or dumb, instead of the above, add—" the 6ame being stated to have been first duly interpreted to him by sign, (that being the usual mode of communicating with him) ; & that he expressly signified he perfectly understood the same," [or, " the nature & purport thereof,"] (according to the words employt . 170 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES the s d . Heredits [& Premes] so enfranch d ., or any part thof, " were or was, or had been subject or liable to, or charged with, or. which would owise be payable to, or to be done & performed for the Lord or Lady, Lords or Ladies for the time being of s d . Manor, for or in respect of the same Heredits [& Premes], as Copyh d . holden of s*. Manor : "— DECLARATION & Agreement, That nothing in the now abst g . Indre cont d . was meant to, or should enfranch 6 . any other part or parts of the Copyh d . Heredits lying within s d . Manor, or acquit, release or disch"., any other Heredits from any fines, &c. (as within inverted commas — above.") AND IT IS ALSO WITN D ., that for the consons afs d ., & iu order to preserve to s d . M. Gill, his Heirs & Ass s ., all such Eights of Common in, upon & over the Waste Lands of s d . Manor or he s d . M. Gill, or any of his ancestors, or predeces™., had thtof 6 . held, used, and enjoyed, as belon g . or appur*. to the last abst d . Heredits [& Pies], notwithst 8 the en- franchism* of the same, — He s d . Bankes Did grant & confirm unto s d . M. Gill, his Heirs and Ass 8 ., for ever, — ALL such Commonage, & Eight or Title, of, or to Comfiage, of what nature or kind so r , in, upon, & over all or any of the Wastes, Com*, and Comable Land of, or belong to s d . Manor, as he s d . M. Gill, immed 7 . previous to the execon of the now abaft I mire, or any of his ancestors or predec"., held, possSd or enj d . in respect of, or appur'. or belong 8 to, all or any of the Heredits & Premes so enfranch d . as afs d ., — And all the Freehold & Inhance of such Com'ble Eights, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . M. Gill, his Heirs & Ass', in as ample & benefi'. a manner [to all intents and purposes] as he s*. M. Gill, or any of his ancestors or predec"., had thtofore used and exercised the same, or as he or his cust y . Heirs could or might have used and exercised the same, if TO FREEHOLDS. 171 s d . Herdeits [& Prenies] last desc d . had not been so enfran 4 . as afores 4 . ; COVENANT by s 4 . Bankes, for himself, his Heirs, Exors & Adinors, with s 4 . M. Gill, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., — That he was seised in Fee, — Had full power to enfranchise and convey, in man- ner afs 4 .,— For quiet enjoyment, — Free from incumbrances, — For further assurance, & To produce & show, at the costs of the party requir- ing the same (a), the following Deeds, Evidences & Writings, unto s d . M. Gill, his Heirs and Ass"., [or to his or their Counsel, Attorney or Agent, in any Court of Law or Equity, or upon any Comm"". for the Examon of Wit"., &] upon every [other] reas'ble occas". & to give true, neat & att d . Copies, Abst". & Extracts thof; And, in the meantime, to preserve the same [Deeds, Evid s . & Writings] safe, undefaced and un- can 4 ., Fire, & other inevitable accidents, excepted : PROVISO, Declaration, & Agree', that if s d . Bankes, his Heirs or Ass". sho d . at any time thrfter, at his or their own expense, procure from the person or psoas in whose custody s d . Title Deeds, Evid 8 ., & writings sho d . then be, a similar cov'. to that last abst d . and deliver the same to s 4 . Gill, his Heirs, Apptes or Ass 3 ., then the last abst u . cov'. shall thence- forth become void. [The Schedule should be here copied verbatim.'] EXECUTED by s d . Bankes, and duly att d . &— RECEIPT for £300, ind d ., signed and witn d . BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release, [ of these dates,] the latter made bet" — The s d . Wm. Bankes, of the 1" part, — 2 & 3 Wm. King & Septima King, his Dau r ., (a minor of the age JIa 7» 1858> (a) Or, " of the s d . Gill, hia Heirs, & Ass"." 172 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES of 20 years on the 10 th of Jan y . last) of the 2 d part,— Tho*. Rix & Wm. Smith, of the 3 d part, — Sam 1 . Brown & John White, of the 4 th part ; after — RECITING that a Marr e . was then int a . to he solemn*. bet". s d . Bankes & S. King, — IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson. of s d . int d . Marr% And also in conson of £12,000 agreed to be paid by s d . W. King to s d . Bankes upon the solemn", thuf, as the Marr c Portion of s d . S. King ; — And for making a prov". for her in case she should surv e . s d . Bankes, & for the Issue (if any) of s d . int d . Marr e . ; — And also in conson of 10s. paid to s d . Bankes by s d . Rix & Smith (in their actual posson, &c.) & to their Heirs, — He s d . Bankes Did grant, bargain, sell, alien and release unto s d . Bis & Smith (in their actual posson, &c.) and to tbeir heirs, — A CERTAIN Estate, situate at Doncaster in the Co 7 , of York, called " Bell vue Park," with the appurts. thunto belong 6 ., then in his own occon or [in the occon of W. D. & W. T.] his undert' 3 . — And the Reversion, &c. And all the Estate, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Rix & Smith, & their Heirs, To the Uses, upon the Trusts, & for the intents & purposes following, viz. — TO THE USE of s d . Bankes & his Ass 8 ., during his life ; And in case of forfeiture in his lifetime, then — TO THE USE of s d . Rix & Smith, & their Heirs, during his life, In Tkust to preserve conting'. Rem™., — Rem r . ; TO THE USE & Intent that s d . S. King, if then living, & her Ass 8 ., might receive thereout an Ann 7 , or clear yrl y . sum of £500, payable quarR ; DECLARATION & Agreement, & par'larly by & bet". s d . Bankes & S. King, that such Ann*. sho d . be [taken &] received by her as & in full for her Jointure, & in satisf". & bar of all such Dower or Thirds, or other estate at Com". Law, or by Custom, which she might have claimed in or out TO FREEHOLDS. 173 of all or any of the Freehold & Copyh' 1 . Heredits of which s d . Bankes might he seised during the coverture het". them ; WITH divers Rem", over, [as in the now abst". Indre is expressed :] EXECUTED by all parties, except s d . S. King, & duly attested & by s d . S. King, on the 12"'. of January, 1859. MEMORANDUM, of [this date, of the Registry of the last 10 May, abst d . Indre at York, endorsed & signed. 1856, BY WILL of this date, the s d . Mark Gill (amongst other 5 May, things) gave & devised — IB57. ALL his Property called " Crook's," then in his own occon, — UNTO his son-in-law Tho 9 . Green of &c, Grocer, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., for evermore : AND s d . Testator, after revoking his former wills, app d . s d . T. Green, sole Exor. of his s d . will : («) EXECUTED & publ d . [by s d . M. Gill,] in the pres". of, & att d . by 3 Witnesses. BY A CODICIL annexed to the last abst d . Will & which he dir d . should be [taken &] consid d . as part thof ; s". M. Gill 7 June, gave & beq d . unto his nephew Henry Gill (son of his brother, 1858. s d . Luke Gill),— A Legacy [or Sum] of £100, — AND Charged the same sum upon, & directed it to be paid by s d . Green out of the last ment d . Prenies ;— and subject thereto, & to the pay', thereof, — SAID Testor confirmed his s d . Will in all other respects : AND s d . Testor also dir d . & decl d . his Will to be,— That in case s d . Green should neglect or refuse to pay the s d . Legacy to s d . H. Gill within 6 cal r . months next after his dec ., then, or as soon as conven y . could be thafter, his s d . Exors, Green & Stone should sell & dispose of s d . Heredits [& Premes], either (a) See p. 97. 174 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES by Public Auc". or Private Cont'., as they should think fit, for the best price that could be obt d . for the same ; and also that they his s rt . Exors sho d . stand possed of the Mo 8 , to arise by such sale & the rents & profits (if any) rec a . by them in the meantime, — UPON TRUST, [in the first place,] to pay the Exp'. attend 6 , such sale & the recovery of the Rents & Profits of s d . Heredits [& Pies] ; and, [in the next place, &] subject thereto, [In trust] to pay s d . Legacy [or Sum] of £100 to s d . H. Gill, his Exors, Admors or Ass 8 ., or as he or they sho d . direct or appoint; and [in the last place, In trust] to pay the [Surplus or] Residue of such Trust-monies to s d . Green, his Exors, Admors or Ass 8 ., or as he or they should direct or appoint : EXECUTED & publ d . by s d . M. Gill in the pres". of, & att d . by 3 Wit 8 . 6 Jany., THE SAID M. Gill died, & his s d . Will & Codicil was duly 9 " proved by s d . Green, the Exor thof, in the Court of the Royal Peculiar & Exempt Jurisdiction of D. in the Co y . of Kent, on the 13 th of March following. CERTIFICATE of his burial. 16 Feb., BY DEED POLL, [of this date,] under the Hand & Seal of 1859 - the s d . Henry Gill, then of No. 19, Rue Richelieu, in the City of Paris, Upholsterer, He s d . Gill did [constitute of his s d . Exors, or other the Trustees or Tree for the time lieinj, of his s a . Will, sho d . be good disch'es to the Pure', or Pure"., of all or any part of his s d . Estate & Effects, & other psons paying them or him Monies under the afs d . Trusts ; — And that such Pure', or Pure"., & other Psons, paying any mo 8 , to them s d . Trees or either of them under s d . Trusts, & taking their or his Keceipts or Rece'. accord y . should not afterwds be liable to see to the applon thof, nor be aiisble for the mis-applun or non-applon thof, or be obliged to inquire whether such sale or sales was or were necess y . for all or any of the purposes of s d . Will : POWER for s d . Exors, or the surv r . of them, or the Exors Admors, or Ass 8 , of such surv r ., to appoint any new Trustee or Trees of s d . Will, &c [see similar Power, ante, p. 108] : — with the usual clause for their indemnity : AND s d . Testor after revoking his former wills app a . s d Faithful & Goodmain joint Trustees & Exoors of his s d . Will, which was— Produce thereof to his wife, during her life, — & after her dec ., to pay the same, or so much & such part or parts thereof as they or he sho d . deem reasble, for & towards the mainten 00 & educon of s d . Testor's Child"., or the surv" or surv r . of them, until the youngest of them sho d . attain the age of 21 years ; and then — UPON TRUST, [in the last place], to pay, apply, & divide the same, with all accumul"' (if any) thon, unto, bet", & amongst all & every of his s d . Child & Child" then living, & to his, her, or their Exors, Admors, & Ass', share & share alike as Ten" in Common : AND s' 1 Testor by the now abst R Will deel' 1 , That the pre- suiiipt shares of his s d . Child", in s d . Trustmo 8 . should be vested int". in them, when & as they sho d . resply attain the age of 21 years ; — and, that the shares of such of them as, f»ho d . die under that age sho d . go to & be divided amongst the surv" or surv r . of them. TO LEASEHOLDS. 1 8 5 EXECUTED & publ*. in the presT. of, & att' 1 . by 2 Wit'., THE s d . Testor died. 20 Oct. CERTIFICATE of his burial. (See note b, p. 84.) 18W - PROVED by s*. Faithful iu the Court of the Bishop 2 Dec. of S. on the 2*. of Dec r . 1844 («). ' v I ' BY DEED BOLL (b), of this date, after— RECITING the last abst". Will,— 1S4 ''- IT IS WITNESSED, that s d . R d . Goodman, (in the will spelt Goodmain,) then of &c, for divers good causes & cohsons him thunto moving, Did .disclaim, renounce, & release, — ALL Right, Title, In'., Claim, and Demand whats r . in & to All & Sing', the Real & Pers 1 . Estate so devised & beq d . to him jointly with s d . Faithful by the last abst 4 . Will, as such Trustees & Exors thereof, as afs d . ; AND ALSO the Trusts of, & the burden of proving the same Will : AND s d . Goodmain app d . T. B. & C. K. of Doctors' Coin*, [in s d . City of] London, Proctors, or any other proctor of the Arches Court of Cant y , his lawful proct 5 . & proctor, jointly & severally, for him, & in his name, to appear before the Right Hofible Sir John Nichol, Knight, D. L., Keeper or Commissary of s d . Prerog . Court [of CantcrlV.] (c) lawfully constit d ., his Surrogate, or some other competent Judge in that behalf, to exhibit his proxy, & pray & procure the Renunciat". to be admitted & enacted accord' ; (a) If one executor neither proves nor renounces the will, here add— "power being reserved (if to) for .-'. (i. also to take Probate thof." The death may be shortly hero thus—" The Testor died on the 20th Oct., 1844." {h) This is the preferable mode of al ■.-tract in- Deeds Poll when they require to he attested by two or more witiie.-.-, 3. (c) This ollice is now abolished, and renunciation would be to the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice. 1SG ABSTRACTS OF TITLES 9 March, 1847. AND generally to do all other Acts necessary to be done in the premes : EXECUTED by s d . Goodman, & att d . by 2 Wit . BY AN INSTRUMENT, of this date, under the hand of A. B., of &c. Esq., [the Lord— or, ".Steward" of s d . Manor,] licence was granted to s d . . Faithful to assign- THE s d . abs d . Pres — UNTO George Penny, of &c. Gent, absolutely \or, "by way of Morg e .,"] for all the then residue of s d . Term detble as afs d . : PROVISO that such license should not extend to any future sale or assign', of s d . abst d . Pres. 11 March, 1847. (./) Note, lr. : .I//., part of this Jll'/t, ! to /:. o., 4- is now fenced off. BY INDENTURE of Assignment, [of this date,] made bet".— the s d . Tho 8 . Faithful (as Exor of the last abst d . Will), of the one part, & George Penny, &c, of the other part, — after RECITING the before abst d . Ihdre of Lease [of the 29 ,b of Sept'., 1840,] (p. 181) ; AND RECITING the last abst d . Will (p. 183),— the Death of s d . Long, — the grant of Probate to s d .Faithful, — & the last abst d . Deed Toll [or Renunc".]'; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Penny had contr*. with s' 1 . Faithful for the absolute pur", of s d . Leaseh d . Premes, free from Incumbs, at the sum of £500 ; — IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson [of the sum] of £500 to B d . Faithful then paid by s d . Penny.— He s d . Faithful Did barg"., sell, assign, transfer, & set over unto s d . Penny, his Ex firs, Admors, & Ass"., — ALL THAT newly erected Mcsso or Dhoiise, Malth Stable, & Outho . with the Yard, Garden, & Plot of Pasture Land (a) thunto belong*, on the Site whCf, or on some part thof, form y . stood a Public House, & COmfily called or known by the sign of " The Anchor," but then better known by the name of TO LEASEHOLDS. I 7 " Jackson's " situate at Wake afs 4 ., containing an area of 2 acres more or less & then late iu the occGu of The 8 . Foe & then of s d . Penny : And all Houses, — Appurts, &e. And all the Estate, &c. ToG r . with s d . abst d . Lease, A'c. TO HOLD the same unto s a . Penny, his ExOrs, Admors. & Ass"., from thncef"'. for all the tlien Residue of s d . term of 9U years, det'ble as afs d . (see p. 181) ; — SUBJECT neveless to the pay'., observ"., & perform" of the Rents, Gov"., Prov"., Condons, & Agreem". in & d . [Indre of] Lease res d . & cont d . & on the Lessee's part to be paid obs d . & perl*. COVENANTS by s d . Faithful, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s*. Penny, his ExCrs, AdmOrs, & Ass 8 ., — That he had done no act to encumber : — COVENANTS by s d . Penny for pay', of rents & perf". of Cov". EXTED by s d . Faithful, & duly att d ., &— RECEIPT for £500 end"., signed, & witnessed. THE SAID Geo. Penny died Intestate, Leaving Henry 23 Jan. Penny, of &c, Walter Penny, of &c. ;— Mary, the wife of 1848 - James Saint, of &c., — Septima, the wife of Step". Perry, of &c, — Maria, the widow of Tho\ Tulk then Late of &<•., — & Caroline, the wife of Philip Watts, of &c., his only child". him survi g . ; — And s d . II. Penny obt*. Letters of AdmOn (") of his (s d . G. Penny's) Estate & Effects from the Prerog . Court of Canterr/. (b), on the 17 th [day of] March, 1848. Effects sworn under £5000. ACT of Coukt on the Grant of such Admon. 17 Mar. h, . l (a) Durante minoritate, — or, de bonis non. (6) Or, "the Court of the Archbishop, Bishop, or Arch- deacon/' (or other Ecclesiastical Court) " of 11." (as the OOX uuty be). 188 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES 1852. BY INDENTURE of Assignment, [of this date,] made be" 1 .— The s d . H. Penny (as such AdmOr. as afs d .), of the one part, & Hugh Hunt, of &c., of the other part ; after — RECITING, that s d . H. Penny had cont d . with s d . Hunt for the absol. c Sale to him of s\ Leaseh d . Premes for the then residue of s d . Term [of 99 years], det'ble as afs d . (p. 181), at the sum of £500 ;— IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson [of the sum] of £500 to s d . H. Penny then paid by s d . Hunt,— He s d . H. Penny Did barg n ., sell, assign, transfer, & set over unto s d . Hunt, his ExGrs, Admors, & Ass s ., — THE Premises comp d . in the last abst'\ Indre (p. 186), which were then in the occon of s d . Hunt ; — And all Houses, — Appurts, &c. And all the Estate, &c. Tog f . with the before abst d . [Indre of] Lease, & all Assign", thof, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Hunt, his Exors, &c. (*as in the last form (a) ) ; SUBJECT nev'lcss, &c. (*Ih.) : COVENANT by s d . H. Penny, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s d . Hunt, his Exors, Admors, & Ass"., — That he had done no act to incumber ; — COVENANT by s". Hunt for pay 1 , of rent & perf". of Cov'\ EXTED by s". Penny, & duly att d ., &— RECEIPT for £500 end d ., (b) signed, & witn". (a) This, and similar references, marked with an asterisk throughout the following forms, are made for the reason stated, in note a, p. 1G3. (/') Whenever a deed is written on the back of an inner skin of a preceding deed, the Receipt is necessarily placed at the foot. And so also when the deed is written on paper. In these cases, instead of the word "endorsed," the word "subjoined" would ho more cornet. In deeds made since 1881, the endorsed receipt will probably be omitted in reliance on sec. 55 of the Corn Act, 1881. TO LEASEHOLDS. 189 BY DEED POLL, [of this date,] The s d . Walter Penny— Samedate. Jas. Smith & Mary his Wife, — Step". Percy & Septima bis Wife, — Maria Tulk, & Philip Watts & Caroline his Wife, (as the other Child". & only next of kin of B d . G. Penny, dec d .) for divers good causes & consons them tin unto sev y . moving, & parly in conson of 5s. to each of them paid hy s' 1 . II. Penny, Did, & each & every of them Did (at the request of s d . H. Penny, [tested as thin ment d .) remise, release, surr r . quit claim, & yield up unto s d . H. Hunt, his Exors, AdmGrs, & Ass 8 ., — ALL & SiNG r . the premes comp d . in the last abst d . Iiidre [of Assignm 1 ., of the 3 d . of May, 1852.] And also all their Estate, Right, Title, & Inf. whats r . reply therein or thereto, or in or to any.part thereof; EXECUTED by all part'., & duly att d . («), except as to the execon by s d . P. Watts. BY INDENTURE of Assignment, [of this date,] made 15 g . bet", the s d . Hugh Hunt, of the one part, & Josiah Farthing, 186( of &c, of the other part ; after — RECITING, that by (the last abst d .) Iiidre [bear 6 , date the 3 d . of May, 1852, & made bet". The s d . 11. Penny,ofthe one part, & s d . H. Hunt, of the other part,]— He s d . H. Penny, in conson of £500 to him paid by s d . Hunt,— Did bargain, sell, assign, transfer, & set over untcTS*. Hunt, his Exors Admors & Ass 8 ., All that [*here the parcels an stated precisely as in the last abstracted Indenture] To hold the same unto s d . Hunt, his Exors, Admors, & Ass'., for all the then residue of s d . term [of 99 years], detble as afs d ., Subject neveless to the rents, cov*\, prov\, condOns, & agree", in the before abst d . [Ifidre of] Lease reserved & cont d . ; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Farthing had lent [& (a) Or, " Signed (by a mark) & sealed by s d . M. Tulk in the presce of & att d . by 2 wit 8 ." 190 ABSTEACTS OF TITLES adv d .] unto s d . Hunt [the sum of] £100,& that s d . Hunt had then lately purc d . of him, s d . Farthing, Goods to the am 1 , in value [of the sum] of £100 more; And that s d . Hunt, having been called upon to pay the same sev 1 . sums, & being unable so to do, had req d . s d . Farthing to accept such sec y . for the re-pay', thof with inf., as in the now abst g . Ihdre is cont d ., which he s d . Farthing had agreed to do:— IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson of s d . sum of £100 so already lent [& advanced] to s d . Hunt by s d . Farthing as afs d ., — And also in conson of the further sum of £100 so then due & owing from him s d . Hunt to s d . Farthing [for Goods sold & del d .] as afs d ., (the receipt of which first ment d . sum of £100 & of divers Goods to the am', in value [of the sum] of £100 more making tog r . [the sum of] £200, from s d . Farthing, he s d . Hunt did, by the now abst e . Indre, expressly ackn c .), He s d . Hunt Did barg"., sell, assign, transfer, & set ever unto s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 . " ALL & sing', the newly erected Messe or, Malth ., Stable, Outho"., Yard, Garden, Land, & Premes, comp . in the thnbefore recited Indre, with the Rights, Menib 8 ., & Appurts thiinto belong 8 . ; And all the Estate, &c. — TO HOLD the same unto s d . Farthing, his Exors, &c. (*asp. 186);— SUBJECT, &c.(* A); . . AND ALSO SUBJECT to a— PROVISO thlnafter cont .,— That if s d . Hunt, his ExGrs, Admors, or Ass"., sho d . pay or cause to be paid unto s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, or Ass*., [in the com", dining- hall of Lincoln's Inn,] the full sum of £200 & Interest in manner foil 8 , viz, the suni of £5, being half a year's Inf. thuii, after the rate of £5 per cent, per ami., on the 15 th . of March then next, & s d . sum of £200, tog', with the fur r . sum of £5, being ano r . half-year's Int'. thon after the rate afs d ., on the 15 th . of Sepf., 1868— He s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, or Ass'., [sho d . &] wo d . then, or at any time TO LEASEHOLDS. li)l tln'ifter, at the req'. & charges of s a . Hunt, his ExCrs, Adniurs, or Ass*., re-assign & re-assure s d . [MSsse, or Dhouse, Malth ., Stable, Outho ., Yard, Garden, Land, &] Prcmes, for all the then residue of s d . term, unto said Hunt, his Exors, Adniors, or Ass 8 ., or as he or they should direct or appoint ; but if not so paid, it should be lawful for s d . Farthing, bis Exors, Admors, & Ass\, to sell s d . abst d . PremSs abso 3r . («)• PEOVISO & Agreement that no sale of s d . abst d . Prgs should be made or advert d . until the expifon of 6 cal' months' notice to be given to s d . Hunt, his Exors, Admors, or Ass 8 ., to pay s d . princ 1 . sum & inf. ; nor sho d . any lease be made thof, or any proceedings whatever taken for foreclosure, or for the recovery of posson thof ; COVENANT by s d . Hunt, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s d . Farthing, bis Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 . ;— For pay', of s". princ 1 . sum [of £200] & Inf. accord y . ;— That s d . Lease was valid [for the then residue of s a . term], — That he had good right to ass"., in mfir afs d .,— For peaceable enjoy', after default in pay'., — Free from incumbs, & For further assurance ; COVENANT by s d . Farthing, for himself, his Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 ., with s d . Hunt, his ExOrs. Admors, & Ass .,— That s d . Hunt, his Exors, Admors, & Ass*, should peaceably enjoy s d . PremSs until default in pay'.;— EXECUTED by s d . Hunt, & duly att d ., &— RECEIPT for £200, in manner afs"., end"., signed & witn". (6). (a) Or, "with a power of absolute sale iu default of pay'. th5l accord 7 . (b) Or, instead of this clause, say — The following Receipt is endorsed :— Received &c. {Here copying it) but see note ft, p. 188.) 192 ABSTEACTS OF TITLES 13 May, BY INDENTURE, [of this date,] endorsed on the last 180 '- abst d . Assign'., & made bei n .— The s d . Hugh Hunt, of the one part, & The s d . Josiah Farthing of the other part; after — RECITING the last abst a . Ifldre [of Assign 1 .] p. 189) ;— AXD RECmNG, that s d . Hunt having occasion for a further sum of £50, had applied to s d . Farthing to advance him the same, which he had agreed to do upon having such further Assur". for secur g . the re-pay', thof, as thin & hlnafter ment d . : — IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson [of the sum] of £50 to s\ Hunt then paid by s d . Farthing, he s d . Hunt Did, by the now abst g . Iiidre, cov'., grant, & agree with & to s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, & Ass d ., That — " ALL & singular the Messe or Dhouse, Malth e ., Stable, Outh e ., Yard, Garden, Land, & Premes, comp d . in & by the within written Indre, assigned, & trans d ., or orwise assured, or ment d . or int d . so to be, unto the s d . Jos\ Farthing, his Exors, Admors, & Ass*., by way of mortg 6 ., with their & every of their Appurts, & every part & parcel of the same resply," — SHOULD stand charged & chable with [& continue] & be a security unto him s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 ., not only for s d . sum of £200, & Int'. due & to become due for the same, as in s d . last abst d . iiidre ment d ., but also for pay', of s d . sum of £50 so then [lent &] advanced to s d . Hunt as afs d . ; tog r . with Int*. then after the rate of £5 per Cent, per Ann. until re-pay', of the same sums resply ; — AXD THAT s d . [Messe or Dhouse, Malth ., Stable, Outho 6 ., Yard, Garden, Land, &] Premes, or any part thereof, should not be redeemed or redmble, either at law or in Equity, until full pay'. sho d . be made, as well of s d . sum of £200 & Int'., as of s d . sum of £50 & Int*. as afs 4 ., & also of all Costs, Damages, & Exp', which s d . Farthing, his Exors, Admors or Ass*. sho d . sustain or expend in the recovery, or orwise in respect of the same sums resply : — TO LEASEHOLDS. 193 COVENANT by s d . Hunt [for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s a . Farthing, his Exors, Admors, & Ass 8 .,] — For paym*. « > t s a . sum of £50 & Int\, & all such Costs, Dam 8 ., & Exp*, (if any) as afs' 1 ., in the comil dining-hall of Lincoln's Inn, London, on the 13 th of Nov r . then next : — EXECUTED by s d . Hunt, & duly att d . &— KECEIPT for £50 end' 1 ., signed, cV- witn". BY INDENTURE of Assignment, [of this date,] made T January, bet".— The s d . Josiah Farthing, of the 1 st . ] .art.— The s d . 1869. Hugh Hunt, of the 2 d . part,— & The s d . Tho 8 . Noakes, of the 3 d . part ; after — RECITING the two last alist' 1 . Iildres ; AND RECITING-, that s d . princ 1 . sums were not paid accord 8 , to the last abst d . Prov ., whby the Estate & Int'. of s d . Farthing in s d . Prernes had become abso at Law ;. AND ALSO RECITING, that there was then due to s d . Farthing upon the two last abst d . Indies, s d . princ 1 . sum of £250 & no more, [all Inf. due thon having been disched up to the day of the date thof]; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Hunt had cout d . with s d . Noakes for the absolute sale to him of s d . PivmOs lor the then residue of s d . term detble as afs' 1 . (p. ISO), at the Sum of £500, & it had been agreed, thai S d . sum of £250 so due to b d . Farthing, as afs' 1 . sho' 1 . lie paid thfint, & that he sho d . join in & execute the Assign', of s' 1 . Pros thin & hinafter ment d . : IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson [of the sum] oi I to s d . Farthing then paid by s' 1 . Noakes,(al the request of >'. Hunt, [tested as thin ment d .,]) the Rec\ whOf, & thai the same was in full of all Princ 1 ., Interest, .V' other Monies due to him upon or by virtue of the last ahst 1 '. [flare, he B*. Farthing did thereby expressly ackn\, He s' 1 . Farthing, (at the request & by the diron of s d . Hunt, [testified as alV 1 .,]) Did bargain, sell, assign, trai sfer, & set over ; And in consGu 194 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES thereof, & also [in consOn] of the further sum of £300 by s d . Noakes paid to s d . Huut, (the receipt whereof, & that the same sev 1 . Sums were in full for absolute pure , of s d . Premes, he s d . Hunt did thereby expressly ackn .,) — He s d . Hunt Did bargaiu, sell, assign, transfer, & set over, ratify & confirm unto s d . Noakes, his ExOrs, AdmOrs, and Ass 8 . ; THE Parcels afs d ., — as desc d . in the before abst d . Ihdre, p. 186),— And all Houses. — Appurts, &c. And all the Estate, &c. Tog', with all Deeds, &c, in the custody or power of s d . Farthing & Hunt, or either of them ; — TO HOLD the same unto s d . Noakes, his ExOrs, &c. (* as ante p. 187,) [Freed, & absolutely] Disched of & from the Proviso [or Condon] for Redon cont d . in the last abst d . Ifidre, & all other Right & Equity of Redon whats r . by virtue thereof, but — SUBJECT neveless, &c., (* as in p. 187), COVENANT by s d . Farthing, for himself, his Heirs, ExOrs, & AdmOrs, with s d . Noakes, his ExOrs, AdmOrs, & Ass 8 ., — That he had done no act to incumber; COVENANT by s d . Hunt, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & AdmOrs, with s d . Noakes, his ExOrs.AdmOrs, & Ass 8 ., — That s d . Lease was valid for the then residue of s d . term, — That he s d . Hunt & Farthing, or one of them, had full power to assign, in manner afs d ., — [ For peaceable enjoyment, — Free from incumbrances, & For further assurance ; COVENANT by s d . Noakes, for himself, his Heirs, ExOrs, cfc AdmOrs, with s d . Hunt, his ExOrs, AdmOrs, & Ass'.,— For pay", of the Rent & Perform", of the Cov"., Condons, Prov 8 . & Agree' 8 ., in the before abst d . UNDER EXCHANGES. 19 5 [Ifidre of] Lease reserved & cont d . ; — and to indemnify s d . Hunt thfrSm ; EXECUTED by all Parties, & duly att 1 ., & KECEIPT for £200 by s". Farthing, cnd d ., Bigned, & witnessed, & for £300 by s d . Hunt end d . & signed, but not witn' 1 . .As to the EXCHANGE of a Piece or Parcel of Arable Land, being part of the Here'dits (here- tofore Copyhold) called "CROOK'S," (p. 161), for the Close of Meadow Land called " BELL'S CLOSE," (p. 137.) BY INDENTURES of Lease & Release, [of these dates,] x & 2 Oct., the latter made bet". — The s d . Paul Stone (a), (see p. 137), 1840 of the 1 st . part, — The s d . Isaac Paine (seep. 158), of the 2 d . part,— The s d . Job Wood, of the 3 d . part,— & the s d . Thos. Noakes, then of Cliff Hall afs d ., Esq/, of the 4 ,h part; after — RECITING, that s d Wood was, with s d Paine, seised in Fee-simple of the Close of Meadow Land Sc Heredits thinbef & thinafter parlarly ment d . called " Bell's Close," under or by virtue of the before abst d . Iildres [of Lease & Release] of the 2 d & 3 d of Nov r ., 1834, (p. 158): AND RECITING, that s d Noakes was also seised in Fee-simple of the Piece or Parcel of Arable Land thinafter more parlarly ment d . called "Crook's," being part of the Heredits & Premes comp d . in & devised to s d . Thos. Green by the before abst d . Will of the 5 th of May, 1857, (p. 173) AND ALSO RECITING, that s d .Close of Meadow Land was almost surrounded by Lands belong* to s a . Noakes, & that s d Piece or Parcel of Arabic Land adjoined Other (a) It is very convenient and proper in long abstracts to refer to the page where the names and additions of parties occur in the previous part of the abstract are to be found. 196 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Lands belong 6 to s d . Wood, & that therefore, they s d . Noakes & Wood had mutually ag d . to exch c the same, upon the terms hinafter ment d . ; AND ALSO RECITING, that they had, with the assistance of their respive Surveyors, meas d . the s d . Close of Meadow or Pasture Land called " Bell's Close," & found it to contain 5a : Or : lip. — & also s d . Piece or Parcel of Arable Land called " Crook's," ar >d found that to contain 3a : 3r : 27p., & that they had mutually estimated the value of the former over & above the latter Heredits [& Premes], at [the sum of] £84, — with which Valuat" s d . Noakes & Wood were fully satisf d .; IT IS WITN D ., that in conson of 5s. to s d . Stone, & of the exch e for the Piece or Parcel of Arable Land hnafter parlarly desc d ., & conv d . & assured to him s d . Wood by s d . Noakes, & also in conson [of the sum] of £84 to him s d . Wood then p d . by s d . Noakes (being the diff". in the value of the Heredits [& Premes] t hinafter exch d . & hinafter desc .,) He s d . Stone. at the feq*. of s d . Wood, & in purs", of the Power or Auth y , given or reserved to him in & by the before abst d . Indr. [of Rele] of the 3 d . of Nov'. 1834, & of all or any other Power or Powers, Auth y . or Autho". in him vested, or in anywise enabling in that behalf, Did direct, limit, & appoint, That — ALL & sing', the Close of Meadow or Pasture Land called " Hell's Close,'' Heredits & Premes next thin & hinafter ment d . with their Appurts, — SHOULD— Be & Enure unto s d . Noakes, & his II. -irs, — TO THE USES, upon the Trusts, & fur the Intents & pposes thinafter exp' 1 . concern* 1 , the same: AND IT IS ALSO WITN"., that s d . Paine for the nominal cofisons therein ment d ., at the request of s d . Noakes, & by the dirOQ of s d . Stone [testified as thin ment d .,] Did (by way of Convey", only & nol of Warranty of Title, bargain, sell, alien & release ; — And s d . Wood for the cofisons afs d ., Did grant, bargain, sell, alien, release and confirm unto s d . Noakes, (in his actual possun then being, &c.,) & to his Heirs, — ALL THAT the s d . Close, Piece or Parcel of Meadow or Pasture Land thtoforo called "Sharpe's Mead," but UNDER EXCHANGES. 197 then better known by the name of " Bell's Close, situate at Wake afs d ., & contain', by Admeas'., inclu- sive of the hedges on the North & East parts I 5a : or : l^p. as afs d . ; which s d . Close was then in the occon of s d . Noakes, or his underten"., and bounded on the North, East, & West sides thereof by Lands belong g . to s d . Noakes, & by a Meadow called " Peake's," belong 8 , to C. G., on the South side thof ; — Together with all ways, — Appurts, &c. then or at any time theretofore held, used, occupied, or enjoyed therewith, & taken or known to be part, parcel, or member thereof; — And the Ee version, &c. And all the Estate, &c. Together with all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Noakes, & his Heirs, TO THE USE & behoof of s d . Noakes, & his Eeirs & Ass*. for ever : DECLARATION by s d . Noakes, [who was married in the year 1835,] tnat no widow of his should be entitled to dower out of s d abst. Pies or any part thereof: — COVENANTS by s d . Wood, for himself, his Heiff, Exors, & Admors, witn s d . Noakes, his Ueiis & Ass"., — For Title — (* as ante > P- 159 )- AND IT IS ALSO WITN D ., that in further purs" of s d . Agree 1 , & for perfecting s d int d Exch , And as well in cofiflon of, & in exch for s d Close of Meadow or Pasture Land, Heredits [& Premes] so conv d to him as afs 4 ., as also in conson of 10s. to him paid by s d Wood,— He b' Noakes Dm grant, bargain, sell, alien, rele, & confirm unto him s' Wood, (in his actual posson then being, & c .,) & to his Heirs, — (a) When brevity is desired, and both sets of Covenants run in the same order and are trained iu similar language, as is frequently the case where property has quickly passed through several hands, a reference of this kind may he Bafely made ; but, when, on the contrary, any material variation occurs, the b< ad of each covenant should be mentioned and the difference ahowm P 198 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES . . . ALL THAT s d . Piece or Parcel of Arable Land called " Crook's," situate at Wake afs 4 ., (being part of the Heredits [& Premes] comp d in, & so devised to s d . Noakes by the before abst" Will of the 5 th of May, 1857, (p. 173) as contain 6 by adrneas 4 ., includ g the fence or boundary at the Western extremity, & exclu- sive of the hedges but inclusive of the ditches at the East & Southern extremity thof, 3 a : 3 r : 27 p. as afs d . ; which s d Heredits [& Premes] were then in the occon of s d Wood & bounded — by other Lands belong* to s d . Wood on the North, — by other Lands belong 8 to s d . Koakes on the East, — & by Lands belong 8 to 0. P. on the South & Wests parts thereof; Together with all Ways, Appurts, &c. (*as in last form) ;— And the Eeversions, &c. And all the Estate. &c. Together with att d . Copies of all Deeds, &c. TO HOLD the same unto s d . Wood & his Heirs, TO THE USE & behoof of s a . Wood & his Heirs & Ass 8 . for ever ; SUBJECT neveless to the payment of a yearly quit rent of Is. to s d . Noakes, his Heirs & Ass 8 , for ever (a), in lieu and full satisfaction of a yearly quit rent of 10s. charged on, or payable in respect of the s d . abst d . Pros with other property. COVENANTS by s' 1 . Noakes, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, with s d . Wood, his Heirs & Ass'., — That he was lawfully seised, — Had full power to convey in manner afs d . — For peaceable enjoyment, — (a) Or, " for a perpetual right of way over & along a Close called 'Green Close,' belonging to s d . Noakes as the same is now, & has long been used by a' 1 . Wood & his ancestors " ; (cr as (he case may be.) TO FREEHOLDS. 199 . . . Free from inoumbs, except s d . quit rent, — For further assurance : SIGNED, sealed, & delivered by the s d . "Win. Wood & Abel Dunn (having been first duly stamped) in the presce of 2 Wit 9 ., & EXECUTED by s d . Noakes, (by the name of " Nokes ") & duly att d — & RECEIPT for £84 by s d . Wood, end"., signed, & witn". BY INDENTURE, of this date, made between— The s d . Tho". Noakes, of the one part, & — The s d . Wm. Wood, of 1858. ' the other part, — after RECITING the last abst a . Indre [of Rele] ;— AND RECITING that the sev 1 . Title Deeds, Evid'. & Writings, relating to s d . Piece or Parcel of Arable Land last above desc d ., related as well thto as also to other Heredits [& Premes] of s d . Noakes of greater value, & that it had thfore been mutu y . agreed bet". s d . parties upon the treaty for s a . exch c . that the same Title Deeds, Evid"., and Writings. sho d . remain in the Custody of s d . Noakes upon his entering into the cov*. for the prod", thereof thfiaf. cont d . & hmafter ment d . ; — IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson of the premes & of 10s. to s d . Noakes paid by s d . Wood, — He s d .jNoakes Did thereby, for himself, his Heirs, Exors, & Admors, cov'. with s' 1 . \Y 1, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., — That he s d . Noakes, his Heirs, ExGrs, Admors, or Ass 8 ., [sho d . &] would at any time [or times") thraff., at the [reasble request & costs of s d . Wood, his Heirs or Ass 8 ., (unless prevented by Fire or other inevitable accident,) produce & show, or cause to be prod*. & shown [to him or them, or to his or their Counsel, Attorney, Sol 1 ". or agents, in any Court of Law or Equity, or] upon [1 Examon of Wit 3 ., or] any [other] reasble & proper occas"., all or any of the sev 1 . Title Deeds, Evid". & Writings, men? 1 . in the Sched e . thunder written or thunto ann d . («)], for the (o) Or, — the several before abst d . Iiidres— (as the case iwuj be.) P 2 200 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES purpose of having them compared or exam d . with any Copy, Absf., or Extract thereof or thfrom, or for the better or more satisfacf. evidenc 6 ., support 8 ., & proving the Title of him s d . Wood, his Heirs or Ass 8 , to the same Heredits [& Premes] ; — AND [ALSO at the like request, costs, & charges of s a . Noakes, his Heirs & Ass 8 .,] make & deliver unto him or them true & attested copies [of all or any] of the same [sev 1 . Title Deeds, Evid 8 . & Writings] resply, And, in the mean time preserve them safe, unoblif 5 . & uncancelled, fire & other inevit 1 . accidents excepted ; PROVISO, Declaration & Agreement, that if s d . Wood sho d . at any time thafter, at his own cost & expense, procure any future purchaser or owmer of the property retained by him & to which s d . Title Deeds, Evid 8 . & Writings relate, to enter into a similar cov\ to that hmbefore cont d ., with s d . Noakes, his Heirs & Ass 8 ., he s d . Noakes, his Heirs or Ass 8 ., would [cancel &] deliver up the s d . now abst g . Indre to s d . Wood, his Heirs or Ass 8 . EXECUTED by s d . Noakes, & duly attested. [77/e Schedule of the Deeds, &c. relating to this property & before abstracted are to be here enumerated.] AS TO THE WHOLE OF THE BEFORE ABSTRACTED PREMISES. 5 June, MEMORANDUM, of this date, showing that the s d . Tho". 1882. Noakes, — in conson of £1000 to him then lent & advanced by Henry Jones, of Greenwich, Kent, Gent", agreed to deposit the before abst d . Indres relating to [the before abst d . Pres called] "Bell's Close," with s d . Jones for sec g . s d . Princ 1 . Sum with Inf. fchSn after the rate of £5 per cent, per ann. on the 5 th . of Jan', then next. AND the s d . Noakes as beneficial owner thby charged (the before abst 1 . Pre*) with the repay', of the s d . sum of £1000 & interest. TO ALL TIIE PREMISES. 201 AND s d . Noakes also undertook for himself, his Heirs, Exors, or Adruors, at his or their own cost, in all things, to exte, when required, such valid mortge of s d . abst d . Pres to him s d . Jones for sec g . same accord 7 , as s d . Jones, his ExOrs, Adrnors or Ass"., or his or their counsel, sho d . require : IRREVOCABLE POWER of attorney to s d . Jones, his Exors, Adrnors, & Ass 8 , to convey the legal estate on a sale, (a) SIGNED by s d . Noakes & witn d . \TIere add Schedule, if it comprises other Deeds, than those abstracted.'] BY WILL of this date the s d . H y . Jones gave & dev d . — ] March/'*) ALL his Real & Pers 1 . Estate & Effects whats'. & 1883, wheres r ., — UNTO his wife Mary absolutely. AND he appointed her sole Extrix of his s d . Will ; which was — EXECUTED by Tho" Smith of Greenwich afe d . Gent", by the diron of s d . Testor, in the presce of, & att d . by 2wit 8 ; &— PROVED by s d . Extrix in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice on the 9th of Sept. 1883. THE SAID Mary Jones intermarried with s d . Thos. Smith, c July, CERTIFICATE thereof, (see note a, p. 84). BY A MEMORANDUM of this date, endorsed on the last 7 ' abst d . Agreement s d . Mary Smith ackn d . to have rec d . of s d . lg 83. T. Noakes, s d . [Princ 1 .] sum of £1000, with all Inf. {& costs] due in respect thereof: SIGNED by s d . M. Smith & witn a . (c) (n) Under Conveyancing Act, 18S1, sec. 8. (b) Married Women's Property Act, 1882, came into operation on Jan. 1, 1883. (c) Mary Smith's receipt in respect of property coming to her after 1882 is sufficient. 202 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES 23 Dec, BY INDENTURE of this date made bet".— The s d . Mary 1883. W ebb (p. 128), of the 1 st . part.— The s d . Henry Tripp (since dec d .), (p. 128), of the 2 nd . part— The s d . Tho 9 . Noakes, of the 3 d . part, — & Philip Tegg, Sam 1 . lies (since dec d .), John Cole & Wm. Smart, Bankers, then & now carrying on the same Business in Coptship, in Lombard Street, in the City of London, under the Firm of " Tegg, lies, & Co.," (thrinar. called " the Bankers " of the 4 th part ; after— RECITING that s d . Noakes was seised in Fee-simple — under or by virtue of the before abst d . Ifidres, of the 12 th & 13 th of April, 1843, (p. 125), of the Heredits [& Premes] therein comp d . called "Cliff Hall," subject only to s d . Aun y . [granted & sec d . to s d . Webb by the before abst". Iiidre of the 23 d of Dec r ., 1855, (p. 128) ], & to a term of 500 years for securing the same vested in the s d . Tripp. AND RECITING, that he was also seised in Fee- simple under or by virtue of the before abst d . Will of the 5th of May, 1857 (p. 173), of the Heredits [& Premes] therein comp d . called " Crook's " except such part thereof as had then lately been so exch d . with, & conv d . to s d . Wm. Wood as afs d . ; — and under or by virtue of the before abst d . Indres [of Lease & Release] of the 1 st & 2 d of Oct r . 1840 (p. 195), to the Close of Meadow or Pasture Land & Heredits therein conip d . called " Bell's Close : " — AND ALSO RECITING, that under or by virtue of the before abst d . Indre of the 1 st . of Jan y . 1869, (p. 193), he was possessed of, or [well & sufficiently] entitled to the before abst d . Leasehold Heredits for the then residue of s d . term of 99 years. (See p. 181), which was then detble with the lives of s d . John Long, & Wm. Long, s d . G. Long being then dead ; AND RECITING the before abst d . Indres [of Lg & Rele] of the 23 d . of Dec'., 1855 (p. 128) & that there was then due from s d . Noakes, to s d . Webb thupon, the sum of £3425 ; AND ALSO RECITING, that s d . Noakes then stood indebted to s d . Teggs, lies, Cole, & Smart, as his Bankers TO ALL THE PREMISES. 203 ill the sum of £1200, upon a Bal c0 . of Ace", that day struck bet", them, as he s d . Noakes thereby ackn d . ; — And in order to secure to them the re-pay', thereof, as also of all other Sums or Sum of Money which should or might be or become thaft\ due [& owing] from him to them, as his Bankers, upon Bal ce . of Ace"., not exceed*, in the whole the Sum of £8000, he had proposed & agreed to convey, assign, & assure all & every the Freeh d , & Leaseh d . Heredits & Premes thin & hiubefore inent d . unto them, as therein and hinafter exp d . ; AND ALSO RECITING, thats d . Webb & s d . Tripp had agreed, at the req\ of s d . Noakes & for the conson hrinrar rnent d . to concur in an order to re-assign & extinguish the s d . anty & term of 500 years, pursu*. to the Cov'. for that purpose cont d . in the before abst d . Ifidre, (p. 128) but without requiring any formal or further notice thereof ; AND RECITING that the s d . Noakes had agreed to enter into the covenant thrinar contained with regard to succes- sion duty payable upon the decease of the s d . Webb. (<;)• IT IS WITNESSED, that in conson of £3425 to s d . Webb, then paid by s d . Bankers, at the request & by the diron of s a . Noakes, [tested as therein ment d .J (the Receipt whereof, & that the same was in full discharge of s d . Ann y ., & all Princ 1 ., Interest, & other Monies due to her upon, or by virtue of the before abst d . Ifidre of the 23 d of Dec'. 1855, (p. 128), in respect thereof, she s d . Webb did thereby ackn*., & of & from the same resply did thereby acquit, exonS., & disch 6 ., s d . Noakes, his Heirs, Exors, AdmOrs, & Ass". & also s d . sev 1 . Heredits & Premes by the now abst g . [fidn ) released, assigned & conveyed, and in conson of the sum of £1200 so then due from s d . Noakes to the s d . Bankers as a Is 1 . —The s d . Webb as such annuitant afs d . and the s' 1 . T. at the request & by the diron of the s d . Noakes & the s' 1 . Trtpp as trustee and at the request & by the diron of as web" the s' 1 . Webb as the s d . Noakes did thby release surrender & assign (a) This is merely put in as an example of a special covenant which still has to be inserted in the deed. 204 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES and the s d . Noakes as Beneficial owner did thby convey & confirm unto the s d . Bankers. FIRSTLY,— ALL THAT Mansion, Messe, or DhGuse, with the Offices, Stable, Coach-ho s , Build 8 *., Yards & Gdens thunto belong 8 ., called " Cliff Hall " afs d . thtof 6 . in the occon of s d . Jos. Styles, afterw d8 . of s d . John Styles, & then of s d . T. Noakes ; tog r . with the Pew & Vault in the Parish Church of "Wake afs d . ; AND ALSO all that Messe or Farmhouse, with the Offices, Stables, Barns, Granaries, Sheds & other Buildings, Yards, Bartons, Gdens & Orchard or Paddock of Land thunto belong 8 , called the " Home- stall ; " — and also all those several Pieces or Parcels of Arable Meadow & Pasture Land, situate at Wake afs. & contain 8 altog r ., by Estimon, with the before meut d . Heredits, 284 Acres (more or less), & which were then in the occon of S. 0. (see p. 103) («); AND ALSO all those 2 several Allotm' 8 ., Pieces or Parcels of Arable Land, contain 8 , by Admeas'. 19a : 3r : 23p. situate at a certain place called " Flint bottom," within the Parish of Wake afs d ., & then also in the occon of B d . S. 0. ; — which s d . Allormen'. were allotted to s a . Noakes under or by virtue of the before abst d . Act of Pari'. & Award, as afs d ., (p. 135) ; SECONDLY,— ALL THAT Messe or Dhouse, with the Outho'., Barns, Yards, Garden & Orch d . or Pad- dock of Land thunto adjoin 8 . & belong 8 , thtofore known by the name of " Crook's," contain 8 , by EstmGn 6a : lr : 6p., (more or less), situate at Wake afs d ., & then also in the occon of s d . S. 0. (p. 161); — which s d . Premes were formerly copyh d . & were dev d . to s d . Green by the Will of s d . Mark Gilt as afs d . (p. 173) ; (a) Of course a more particular description than this is given in the deed ; but as the parcels are to be transcribed at length whenever any variation occurs, it will answer no good purpose to set it out more fully here. TO ALL THE PREMISES. 205 . . . THIRDLY,— ALL THAT Piece or Parcel of M or Pasture Land called " Bell's Close," contain*. 4a : 2r : 12p., or tliabouts, situate at Wake afs 4 ., & then also in the occonofs d . S. 0. ; (p. 161) — which s d . Prfia were conv d . to s d . Noakes by s d . Wood, by way of Exch e . by the last abst d . Indres of Le & Rele [of the 1 st & 2 d of Oct'., 1849 (p. 105)] ; TO HOLD the same unto s a . Bankers, in fee simple, freed and discharged so far as the same were affected thby from the s d . annuity of £250 per annum and the term for securing the same ; — BUT SUBJECT neveless to the Proviso for Redon & Re- convey 00 , of the same [several Heredits & Premes] therein & kmafter cont d . : — AND IT IS FURTHER WITN D ., That for the consons afs°\, He s d . Noakes as Beneficial owner did thby convey & assign, unto s d . Bankers, — ALL THAT Messe or Dwelling-ho ., Store-ho . (thto- fore used as a MalthoV), Stable, & Outho ., with tin; Yard, Garden & Plot of Pasture Land thunto adjoin 8 . & belong 15 ., comly called " Jackson's," contain*, altog'- la : 2r : 32p., or tliabouts, sit 6 , in the West Street in Wake afores", & then in the occon of P. S. ; — And all Houses, — Appurts, &c. — And all the Estate, &c. — TO HOLD the same unto s d . Bankers, from thncef 1 *. f r all the then Residue of s d . term of 99 years, dStble with the Lives of s d . John Long & Wm. Long as afores J . (p. 187),- subject, &c. c<* s *» p- 187 ) ;— AND ALSO SUBJECT to a— PROVISO for Redmon on payton the day of then next by s d . Noakes or psns deriving title under him to B*. Bankers or psns deriving title under them of all such Sum or Sums of Mon y . as sho d . be then due from him s d . Noakes, in Bankers, upon Balance of Ace"., not exceeding in the whole the Sum of £8000 the before abst d . freehold & leasehold hdts 206 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES & pmes sh d . be re-conveyed or re-assigned unto him the s d . Noakes or the prsns deriving title under him in such manner as he or they should direct or appoint, («). COVENANT by s d . Noakes with the s d . Bankers to keep them their hr 8 ., ex 3 ., ad 8 ., & ass 8 , effectually indemnified against succession duty as afs d . (As to other covenauts, &c, see note (6) infra.') EXECUTED by s d . Webb, Tripp, & Noakes, & duly attested. January, 1869. B y DEED-POLL, or Policy of Assur". (c) of his dated after— RECITING, that s d .| Noakes had made a proposal in writing for an assurce with "The Clerical, Medical, & Gen 1 . Life Assurce Society," in the sum of £300, upon the life of s d . John Long [or, " of A. B. of &c, gentV] ; & as a basis of the cont 4 . of the s d . assurce, a declon in writing had been made & deliv d at the office of the s d . Society, bear 8 . date the s d . 23 d of Dec'. 1868, setting forth that s d . Noakes had an int\ in Long's life, to the full am', of £300 ; — that his (Long's) age did not exceed 65 y". ;— that s d . Long was then in good health, — had the smallpox (d), — had not had the cow pox, — had not had the gout, — had not been afflicted with asthma, spitting of blood, convuls 8 . or insanity — had not had a rupture or any fit, — was of sober & temperate habits, — & free from any disease tending to shorten life ; AND RECITING that s d . Noakes had then paid s d Society (a) By Conveyancing Act, 1881, s. 15, the mortgagee is obliged to transfer instead of reconveying straight to the mortgagor on the latter's request. — Eds. (6) By Conveyancing Act, 1881, s. 7., covenants for title, and by S3. 19, 20, 21. powers of sale at 3 months' notice, insurance &c. are supplied. The covenant in the text is ahstracted as being a special one. See ante, p. 54. — Ens. (c) This abstract of a policy of assurance has been left in as an example. (d) Or, more concisely — had the small pox, but not the cow pox, gout, asthma, spitting of blood, convulsions, insanity rupture, or any fit, &c. TO ALL THE PREMISES. 207 £ as a prom for such assures for one year, from the day of the date of the now abst d . Policy. IT IS WITNESSED, that 3 Directors of s d . S subscribe the now abst g . Policy, Did thby declare on the behalf of s d . Society, that if s d . Long sho 4 . die before or on the 6 th of Jan y . 1870, or if he lived beyond that day, & > '. N< >akes. his ExOrs, Admors, or Ass 8 . sho d . pay at the office for the time being of s d . Society during the life of s d . Long, the like Ann 1 . Prem of £ , on or before the 6 th of Jan y . in each succeeding year, Then the Funds & property of s d . Society sho d . (accord g . to the provisions of their Deed of Settl'.) be subject & liable to pay unto s d . Noakes, his Ex 8 ., Ad 8 , or Ass'., within 3 cal r . months next after due proof to the satisP. of the Directors for the time being of the death of s d . Long, the sum of £300 sterling : PROVISO, that if any thing in s d . declon sho d . be untrue, deceptive, or fraudulent, — Or, in case the sev 1 . Letters, Testimonials, or other Docuin' 8 . addressed to & deposited with s d . Society sho d . be found unauthentic in themselves, or fraudulent or collusive in the matters thin cont d ., — Or sho d . not be fully explan y . of every requisite the Dirors ought to be apprised of in granting the assur 00 . Then the now Policy sho d . be void, & all mo 8 . p d . thou forfeited to the Society. PEOVISO that the now abst g . Policy sho a . bo subject & liable to the sev 1 . Condons, & Regul n . thupon end d . so far as [the same might be] applicable, in the same manner & as effect 7 , as if incorpor d . thin : PROVISO & DECLARATION, that the funds & property of s d . Society (subject nev 8 . to prior Claims & Demands) sho d . alone be liable to satisfy any Claims or Demands upon 6 d . Society in respect of the now abst g . Policy, & that no [DirSr or other Proprietor of s d . Society, or his or her Heirs, Exor or Admor, sho d . be in anywise individ'. subject or liable thto beyond the am', then unpaid of his or her share or shares in the Capital of s d . Society ; & no other] pson or psons sho d . be in anywise subject or hable thereto. 208 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. . . . EXECUTED by G. S. Merriman, John Dixon, & Geo. G. Babington, & duly att a . (a). 1 March, 1884. Office Copy Certificate of Searches in Central Office of Supreme Court of Judicature. (Abstract fully showing all charges discoverable on the property) (6). (o) Policies of assurance are seldom abstracted at all, and when they are, it is generally done in a very concise manner. But it is submitted, that when they are the subject of a sale, or form part of a security, they should, like every other Document, be abstracted in full, so as to enable the purchaser or mortgagee to see the conditions and contingencies affecting them, which in the several offices, essentially differ; and to make any inquiries he may consider desirable respecting their validity. (b) This certificate can be procured in pursuance of the Con- veyancing Act, 1882, s. 2. ( 209 ) APPENDIX, (a) ABSTRACT OP A CHARTER. BY CHARTER, of this date, the Taylors of the City of S. 14 Dec, were ordained & estab 4 . as a Brotherhood or Guild, in the 1 Edw. 1. Chapel of S*. John the Baptist, in the Parish Church of S*. ( 1272 -) Thomas, in s a . City, & were auth*. & licensed to choose & app'. ann ly . of their own Conip y . 2 wardens to govern s d . Mystery, Fellowship, Brotherhood, or Guild. AND it is directed — That the Wardens & Fellows sho d . have contin 1 . succession & a common seal for their affairs to serve for ever ; — That they & their successors might rece, admit, & accept any psons, as well men as women, to be Bros & Sisters of s d . Guild from time to time & to be called " The Wardens & Fellows of the Mystery &Brothers & Sisters of the Brotherhood or Guild of St. John the Baptist"; & by that name aho d . be capable in law of receiving in Fee & perpetuity the Lands & Rents & other possons whats'., to be holdcn of them & their successors for ever ; And that they might sue & implead in the Courts & places & prosecute & defend according to the laws & customs of the Realm, & hold assemblies & make stat*. & ordinam for the gov', of s d . Brotherhood or Guild, & purchase Lands, Tenen' . & possons in demense & revon to the value of £ a year : (a) Forms of abstracts of two modern deeds (oinco 1SS1) aro added.— En. 210 APPENDIX. TO HOLD to them & their successors, they finding of a Chaplain to celehrate Divine Services at the Altar of S'- John the Baptist in s a . Church every day for the good state of the then King's progenitors, & for the maintaining other works of charity according to the ordinance, will, & pleasure of s d . Wardens & Fellows & their successors for ever ; the stat. of mortmain notwithst g . : A^d by the now abst 6 . Charter it is further directed that s d . "Wardens & Fellows should have power with the licenco & approb". of the Lord Bp. of S. for the time being to grant leases of the Lands to be so pure 4 , for any term not exceeding 100 years detble with 3 lives ; so that the most improved rents sho d . be reserved by such leases for the mainten". & improv'. of s d . Charity — THE ROYAL Seal of Great Britain affixed. Feast of BY CHARTER, of this date, the before abst d . Charter was St. Hilarv ratified by Bich d . (Beaucbamp) Bp. of S. & confirmed by 2 E'lw. 1. the Dean & Chapter. (1273.) BY ANOTHER CHARTER, of this date, the last abst d 1 Marv'l. Charter was also ratified & confirmed by Queen Mary the (1553.) First, BY ANOTHER CHARTER, of this date, both the before 12 pec, a bst a . Charters were further ratified & confirmed by Queen 1 Ehz. J ^ (1558.) Eliz" ANCIENT FEOFFMENT. (By a Guild.) BY INDENTURE of FEOFFMENT, of this date, & made 12 May, b et n < j^ Taylor, f the City of R., Mercer, of the one part & The s d . Wardens THE before abst 4 . Premes (c) with the timber thon (d). (a) Or, " s 4 . last ment 4 . Premes " — or, " the Preines last before desc d ." (b) If there be any restriction as to the Covenants t.. be entered into by the Vendor, it should be set out in the order in which the clause stands in the Contract ; thus—" That b*. Dart, being only a Trustee for sale,— [or, ' assignee.'] shall not be bound [or compellable] to enter into any Cov". tor Title "—or % "any other Cov' 8 . than that he has done no act to inoumbl r " (Jolloicing the words of the. Contract.) So as to quantities :— •' That the quantities, being taken from the Tithe Survey, (or other source) were believed to be, & sho*. betaken to be correctly stated, & no abatement sho'. be required if any error sho d . be discov 1 '. thin." (c) If only a part be sold, see ante, p. 212, n. (a). (d) Or, the Fixtures & Fittings therein." Q 214 APPENDIX. SUBJECT to the following conditions — . That the Puree sho d . pay a deposit of £10 per cent, on, & in part of his puree money. 2. That (a) the Title to s d . Premes sho d . commence with an Indre [or, " Will " or other document] dated the day of 18 ; (b) 3. That the Purer sho d . take at a fair valuation & pay for all the timber (c) on s d . Pres down to Is. per stick inclusive ; 4. That the Purer should pay the costs of procuring, pro- ducing, & furnishing all Documentary & other Evid e . whats r . 5. That on pay', of the residue of the puree money, on the day of then next, the Vendor would at the espence of the purer, convey & assure (d) s d . Pres to him, his Heirs or Assigns or as he sho d . direct ; 6. That no abatem'. sho d . be req d . in respect of any error in the desc". of the property or orwise (e). (a) All such conditions as relate simply to the Auction need not be set out; nor those relating to furnishing the abstract, requisitions ou the title, preparation of deeds, tillages, or the like. But those relating to the title, — its commencement, restrictions as to persons, covenants, or the like, and those relating also to rights of way, lights, or other easements; as well as those relating to covenants to produce deeds, quantities, boundaries, tenancies, or the like, should be set out fully. (b) Conditions of tliis nature are the most important as regards the abstracts and should be stated fully. (c) Or, " all the Fixtures & Fittings." ' (d) If the property be Copyhold or Leasehold for lives, — " convey [or, ' surrender '] & assure s d . Premes during the lives of A. B., aged — years, & C. D., aged — years." If Leasehold for years determinable with lives, say — " assign & assure s d . Pres unto the Purc r . for the residue of a term of — years, granted by an Ifidre of lease, dated the — day of — 18 — (according to the fact), & detble with the lives of A. B., aged — years, & C. D., aged — years." If Leasehold, say — " assign & assure s d . Premes abs y . during the residue of a term of — years, granted by an Ifidre of lease dated &c. (as above). (e) This form is given as a mere skeleton, so as to show tho APPENDIX. 215 SIGNED by s d . Dunn, & by R. S., [the auct\, on behalf of] the Vendor, & attested ; & — RECEIPT for £ , deposit money, end 11 , signed & witn". ABSTRACT OF DEED BY TENANT FOR)! LIFE OF SETTLED ESTATES UNDER A WILL, ENLARG- ING A LONG TERM INTO A FEE SIMPLE UNDKIt THE CONV. ACTS, 1881 & 1882, & CONVEYANCE TO USES OF SUCH WILL (a). BY INDENTURE of this date made between s d . A. B. 2 March, of the 1". part s". C. D. & E. F. of the 2". part and s d . L. M. 1885. of the 3 rd . part (&). RECITING that under before abstracted will of G. II. dec 4 . s d . A. B. was beneficially entitled in right of s d . term of 1000 years created by the before abst d . [ndre of the 1 st . of July 1600, to the rents & profits of (inter alia) s d . abst d . h dt8 ., the legal estate in such h dt8 . being vested in s d . C. D. & E. F. for the residue of s d . term. AND RECITING that the s d . A. B. was desirous of enlarging s d . term of 1000 years into a fee simple & that s d . C. D. & E. F. had agreed with s d . A. B. to settle the fee simple so to be acquired by enlargement in manner thnar appearing. IT IS WITNESSED that in conson of the premSs s"' A. B. by virtue of the powers of the Conv g . Acts 1881 & 1882 Did thb y . declare that from & after the execo". of those presents s d . term of 1000 years created by s d . Indre of mode of setting out these documents, and, at the same time, with a view of saving space and consequent expense. Where, how- ever, it may be considered necessary to abstract conditions of sale, (having reference to the observations made iu p. 71 respect- ing them,) they can, of course, be set out more fully, or, to prevent doubt or question, literally. (a) This deed is made in exercise of the Conv. Act, 18S1, sec. 65. (h) The parties are (1) the tenant for life, (2) the trustees oj a will under widen he takes, and (3) the grantee to uses, and the deed is supposed to occur in the course of an abstract, the will being referred to as the before abstracted will. Q2 216 APPENDIX. July l 8t . 1600, should as to all the h a ". & premes comprised thin be & the same was thby enlarged into a fee simple. AND IT IS ALSO WITN D . that in purse of s d . recited agreement in that behalf & in conson of the premes s d . C. D. & E. F. as trustees at the request of s d . A. B. did thby grant and s d . A. B. did thby grant & confirm unto s d . L. M. & his heirs. ALL s d . abst d . hd t9 . & premes which by virtue of the enlargement thnbf contained were then held in fee simple. TO H( )LD the same unto s d . L. M. & his hrs. to the uses upon the trusts & with & subject to the powers & provons applicable thto by virtue of the before abst d . will of the s d . G. H. EXECUTED by all parties & attested. CONVEYANCE BY TENANT FOR LIFE OF FREE- HOLDS, (a) THE PURCHASE-MONEY BEING PAID TO TRUSTEES APPOINTED BY THE COURT FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE SETTLED LAND ACT. BY INDENTURE of this date made between s d . A. B. of the 1". part s d . M. & N. of the 2 d . part and C. D. of of the 3 d . part. (6) RECITING before abst d . will dated June 1" 1883 of s d . E. F. and that thby s d . abst d . hdt*. were (inter alia) devised subject to s d . term of 1000 years to the use of s d . A. B. for his life with remainders over, but that s d . will contained no power of sale of the testator's real estate & no person was by his will appointed trustee thereof for the purposes of the S. L. Act 1882. AND RECITING the death, (c) probate of the will & seisin of the testator. (a) This deed is made under sees. 3 and 38 of the S. L. Act 1882 and is presumed to occur in an abstract. (b) The parties are (1) tenant for life, (2) new trustees, (3) purchaser. (o) The certificates must be abstracted separately as shown in previous forms. APPENDIX. 217 AND ALSO EECITING that by an order of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, dated the 4 th day of Deer. 1884 and made by the Honble M r . Justice Pearson. In the matter of the estate situate at Inch in the Coy. of Essex settled by the before abut*. will of E. F. And in the matter of the S. L. Act 1882, on the applicon of s d . A. B., s d . M. & N. were appointed trustees under the s d . recited will for the purposes of the Act (a). AND ALSO RECITING that no money had been raised under trusts of s d . term of 1000 years and ihat s d . A. B. as tenant for life in possession had agreed to sell to s d . C. D. for the sum of £1000 s d . abst d . premes in fee simple free from incumbres. IT IS WITNESSED that in purse of s d . agmt & in conson of the sum of £1000 by the diron of s d . A. B. paid to s d . M. & N. as such trees as afrs d . by s d . C. D. (the receipt whereof s d . M. & N. thby acknowledged) s d . A. B. in exercise of the power for that purpose conferred on him by the S. L. Act 1882 & of every other power enabling him and as Beneficial owner thby conveyed unto s d . C. D. ALL (s d . abst d . premes). TO HOLD the same unto & to the use of s d . C. D. in fee simple discharged from (here follow the inewmbrances affecting the property whether under s d . will or otherwise from which it is no iv freed.) (b) PROVISO restricting covenants for title by A. B. to acts or defaults of himself, his heirs and persons claiming under him or them. (c) ACKNOWLEDGMENT by A. B. of right to production of title deeds and undertaking for safe custody thereof. EXECUTED by s d . A. B. & M. & N. & attested. (a) This would be a sufficient abstract of the order. (b) These covenants are supplied by the Cony. Act, 1881, but a provo may be inserted for restricting them as in the form. (c) This acknowledgment and undertaking will always be used in ordinary cases henceforth, where deeds are retained by the vendor. ( 218 ) By the following Table, the Sessional C«) date of any Act of Parliament, from the 1 Geo. III. to the present date, can be readily ascertained ; and it is therefore considered a useful appendage to this work. George III. began to reign iictnhir 9R T7fin George IV. began to reign William IV. began to reign Victoria began to reign Jan. 29, 1820. June 26, 1830. June 20, 1837. 1761 1 1791 31 1820 1 183o{ 11 G. 4 1837} 7 W. 4 & 1762 2 7 1792 32 &1W.4 1 Vict. 1763 3 1793 33 1821 2 1838 1 k 2 1764 4 1794 34 1839 2 & 3 1765 5 1795 35 1831 1 & 2 1840 3 & 4 1766 6 1796 36 1822 3 1841 4 & 5 1767 7 1797 37 1842 5 & 6 1768 8 1798 38 1843 6 & 7 1769 9 1799 39 1823 4 1832 2 & 3 1844 7 & 8 1770 10 1800 40 1845 8 & 9 1771 11 1801 41 1846 9 & 10 1772 12 1802 42 1824 5 1847 10 k 11 1773 13 1803 43 1833 3 & 4 1848 11 & 12 1774 14 1804 44 1849 12 k 13 1775 15 1805 45 1825 6 1850 13 k 14 1776 16 1806 46 1851 14 & 15 1777 17 1807 47 1834 4 & 5 1852 15 & 16 1778 18 1808 48 1826 7 1853 16 & 17 1779 19 1809 49 1854 17 k 18 1780 20 1810 50 1855 18 & 19 1781 21 1811 51 1827 8 1835 5 & 6 1856 19 & 20 1782 22 1812 52 1857 20 & 21 1783 23 1813 53 1858 21 & 22 1784 24 1814 54 1828 9 1859 22 & 23 1785 25 1815 55 1836 6 & 7 1860 23 & 24 1786 26 18^6 56 1861 24 & 25 1787 27 1817 57 1829 10 1862 25 & 26 1788 28 1818 58 7& 1 Vict. 1863 26 k 27 1789 29 1819 59 1837J 1864 27 & 28 1790 30 1820 60 1830 11 k \ 1W.4J 1865 28 & 29 1866 29 k 30 1867 30 & 31 1888 31 & 32 1869 32 & 33 1870 33 & 34 1871 34 & 35 1872 35 & 36 1873 36 & 37 1874 37 & 38 1875 38 & 39 1876 39 & 40 1877 40 & 41 1878 41 k 42 1879, 42 k 43 1880 43 & 44 1881 44 & 45 1882 45 & 46 1883 46 k 47 1884 47 & 48 1885 48 & 49 (a) The regal date is of course the year preceding, the first of the sessional is the second of the regal year. Thus, ( 219 ) GLOSSARY OF CONTRACTIONS USED IN THE FORMS (a) Absolutely Abstract-ed-ing according-lt Account ... acknowledge-d Adjoin-ed-ing Adjourn-ed-ing Admeasurement Administer Administrator Advance-ed Advertisement Affidavit ... Affirmation Aforesaid ... Afterwards Against Agreement Allotted ... Altogether Annexed ... Annual . . . abs r . ... abst\, abst d ., abst e . ... accord 15 ., accord y . ... ace 1 . ... ackn ., ackn d . ... adj"., adjn' 1 ., adjn B . ... adjo"., adjo d ., adjra 8 . ... admeasurern'., adrneas'. . . . adm r . ... admor — ad. (s added for plural.) ... adv"., adv d . ... advertisem'.. adver*. ... affid 1 ., afl\ ... affirmat"., affirm"., afl'rm". ... afores d ., afs d . ... afterw da ., aft\v d \ ... ag*. ... agreem 1 ., agr'., agm\ (s added for plural.) ... all d . ... altog\ ... aun d . ami 1 . (o) This Glossary is, gi liners. of course, intended entirely for be- 220 GLOSSAKY. Annuity ... aim 5 '., ann tT . Annum ... aim. Answerable ... ansble. Application ... applicon, apploD Appointed ... app a ., appt a . Appointees . . . apptes. Appointment ... appntni'., apptm 1 . Appurtenances ... ... appurts. Assign-ees, Assigns ... ass D ., assees, ass 3 . Assignment ... assignm'., assnm 1 ., ass\ Assistance ... assist". Assurance ... assurce, assur". Attested ... att a . Authorities ... autHo 3 . Bargain ... ... barg". Belonging ... belong 6 . Bequeathed ... beq a . Between ... bet". Boundaries . . . bound 3 . Bounded ... bd d . Buildings ... build'., bid 88 . Calendar ... cal r . Charged ... ched. Chargeable ... enable. Children ... child". Common ... com. Comprised ... comp a . Concerning ... concern 6 ., concn*. Conditions . . . condon. Consecutive ... consec*., consct*. Consequence ... conseq". Consequent ... conseq'. Considered ... consid a ., cons a . Consideration ... conson. Consolidated ... consolid a ., consol a . Contained-ing ... cont d ., contain 8 ., cont 8 . CONTINUED-ING ... cont d ., contin 8 . GLOSSARY. 221 Contingent Conuzance Conveyance Conveyancing Act, 1881 „ 1882 conveyed-ing County Covenants.. Damages .. Daughter .. Decease-ed Declar-ed.. Declarations Deductions Defendant Default ... Demandant Described ... Desired-able Description Determin-ed Determinable De vise-ed ... DlSCHARGE-D Discretion Divided DlVIDEND-S During dwellinghouse Effects Effectually Enjoyed-ment Estates ... Estimate-ed Estimation Evidences ... Examination conting'., contng' conuz". convey", convGyce. Conv. Act, 1881., C. A. 1881. „ „ 1882., „ „ 1882. conv d ., convey 8 ., conv*. co., coy. cov". damg 8 ., dam*. dau'., daur. dece, dec d . decl ., decl d . declar""., declons. dedons, ded n \ deft, deflt. demand'., dem\ desc d . des d n dslrble. descript"., descrOn., descr". determ"., determ d ., det d . detble, detrninble. dev*., dev d . dischfi, disch*., disch 4 . discret"., descrOn. div d . divid 4 ., divid'., divd*. dur e . dwellingh*., dhouse. eff\ effect*. enj d ., enjoym'. enjoy'. est*. esfiih\, estim d . estmOn, estiin". evid*. examOn, exam". 222 GLOSSARY. Executors ... exors, exs, ex. Execution . . . execon. Exemplification ... ... exemplif"., exempl". Expedient ... exped'. ExPRESS-ED-LY . . . exp\, exp d . expl T . Feoffment ... feoffmt, feoff. Following ... foil*. Foreclosure ... forecl 8 . Formerly ... form y . Further ... fur r . Garden ... gclen. Government ... governm'., gov'. Habendum ... habrtdm, hbndm. Hereditaments ... ... heredits, heres.,htdft Heirs ... hrs. Incumbrances ... incumbs. Indemnity ... indemn y . ind y . Indenture ... iridre. . , Inheritance ... inbance. Intent ... inf. Interest ... int. Irrevocably ... irrev 7 . Judgments ... jugm' 9 ., judg ts . Lawful-ly ... lfl.,lfly. Legacy-ies ... leg, legs. Limitations ... limit" 8 ., Umons. Lordship ... Idship. Maintenance ... mainten"., maint". Marriage ... marre, marr 8 . Mentioned ... ment d . Members ... memb 8 . Messuages ... messes, mess 8 . Misapplication ... ... misapplon. GLOSSARY. Money . . . mo. Monies ... mo'. Mortgage ... mortge, mortg*. Mutually ... mut y . Necessary ... necess 7 . Nevertheless ... neveless. Nominal ... nom 1 . Nominate ... nomin 6 . Nomination ... nominon. Notwithstanding ... notwithst 8 . Oblations ... oblat". Obligation ... oblig"., oblon. Obvention ... obvfit". Occupation ... occon. Occupied . . . occ d . Otherwise . . . orwise. Outbuilding ... outbuild"., outb gs . Outhouses ... outko". Paying ... pay 8 . Peace able-ly ... pcable, pcably. Perfect-ed ... prf., prfct* Performed ... perf 1 . Personal ... pers 1 . Person-s ... psun., psons., ps". Plaintiff ... pltf., pit, Portions ... iiort ns . Possession ... possun. Possessed . . . possed. Premises ... premes, pres, pmes. Presumptive ... presumpt ., prsmpt' Principal ... princ 1 . Proceedings . . . proceed 8 "., procd g *. Property ... propt 7 ., prop 7 . Provisions ... prov"". Provisoes ... prov*. Purchaser-s ... pure*., pure". 223 Ti'i. GLOSSARY. Purposes . . . pposes. Pursuant ... pursu'. Quarterly ... qurly, qrly. Question ... qest"., qst n . Reasonable-bly ... ... reasble, reasbly. Receive ... rece, rec e . Receipt . . . rec'. Reciting . . . recit g . Recovery ... recovy., recovy. Redemption ... redon., red mon . Reduction ... reduct\, red". Register ... reg r .. Release ... rele. Remainder ... rem% Renounce ... ren". Repayment ... repay'. Residuary ... residy. Request , . . . req\ Respective-ly ... respect 8 ., respive, resply. Reversion ... re von. Said ... s d . Satisfaction ... satisfact"., satisf". Settlement ... settlem'., sett'. Settled Land Act, ] 882 S. L. Act, 1882. Severally ... sev y . Severalty . . . sevlty. Should ... sho d ., sh a . Singular ... sing'. Solemnized ... solemn 11 . Solemnization ... solemniz 11 ., solemn". Specialities ... specif., splties. Subscribe-d ... subsc 6 ., subsc d . Subscription . . . subsc". Substitute ... substit 6 ., subst e . Successively ... succ y . Sufficient ... suff*. Surrender-ed ... surr'., suit 11 . Surrounded ... surround, srnd d . GLOSSARY. SuRVIVE-OR surv ., sur r ., surv or . Survivorship , ... survrship., srvrsp. Testator ... ... testor. Testatrix... ... testrix. Testified ... ... tested, testf . Thereby ... thby. Therein ... ... thin. Thereinafter ... thiiafter, thfiaP., thrin' Thereinbefore thfibeP., thnbf. Thereof ... thof. Thereto ... thto. Thereunder ... thunder, thfider. Thereunto ... thrunto, thunto. 'Together ... tog r . Transfer ... tfer. Trustees ... ... trees. Uncancelled uncanc d . Undefaced undef d . Vendor and PDECHASER }v.&P.Act,1874. Act, 1874 Warrant-y ... warr*., warrt*. Whatsoever whats'. Whensoever whens'., whfis*. Wheresoever ... wheres'., \vhrb r . Whether ... ... whe r . Whichsoever ... whichs r . Witness-ed-eth wit'., witn' 1 ., witn'\ Whosoever ... wlios'. 225 ( 226 ) INDEX ABSTRACTS (a) See the different headings — post, generally, 5-11 accompaniments of, 76 attested copies. 72 cancellations, 74 charge for perusal of, 73 n. (b) chief things to be attended to in preparation of, 1 1 consequences of concealment in, 9 curtailment dangerous, 6 deeds lost, 73 title, 72 deficiencies in, 6 examination of, 76 facts material, not immaterial, 3, 11 fair copy, 73 folios, 74 imperfections of title must be shewn, 9 margins, 78 utility of, 6 n. (a) mode of saving time in preparation of, 7 omissions and detects not to be left to requisitions, 8 perfecting of, cost of, 75 perfection of, 9, 75 responsibilities of persons preparing, 7 stamps, 74 superfluous deeds, 3 mode of preparing heading, 36-38 ordinary deeds, clauses in, 38-60 particular documents, abstract of, 60-71. (a) The reader is referred to the following headings for the Deeds and Documents he may wish to refer to, as it would un- necessarily increase the size of the book to repeat them under this head. Text, pp. 1 — 79. Forms, pp. 80 — 217. INDEX. 227 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS— by married women, certificate of, 06 abstracted, 139, 100 of principal and interest due on a security abstracted, 154 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT— see Special Titles. abstracted, 94, 134 how to be abstracted, 22 inclosure act, 21, 134 vesting forfeited estates, 94 when to be abstracted or sent, 22, 70 n. (a) ADMINISTRATIONS— see Letters op Administration- Limited Administrations. ADMITTANCES— see Copyholds. ADVOWSONS— presentation to be shewn, 17 title to abstracted, 83 intermediate to be shewn, 17 in parcels, 83, 85, 89, 100 length of, 10 AFFIDAVITS— when to be copied, 144 n. (b) AGES— when to be stated, 28, 30 stated, 132 AGREEMENTS— see Contracts— Declarations and Agree- ments — Provisoes. articles of abstracted, 99 to deposit title deeds abstracted, 200 ALLOTMENTS— see Award. titles to, 21, 22 inclosure and other acts under, 21, 22 ANNUITY— consideration for, must be adequate, 44 deed creating to be abstracted, L9 abstracted, 104, 128 hereditament whether or not, 19 power of repurchasing, 132 title to property charged, 19 annuity, 19 APPENDIX— 209. Text, pp. 1—79. Forms, pp. 80—217. 228 INDEX. APPOINTMENT— of new trustees abstracted, 109 proviso for, abstracted fully, 108 shortly, 118, 184 ARTICLES — see Agreement — Marriage. ASSIGNMENTS— see Leaseholds— Terms. leaseholds of abstracted, 186, 188. 189, 193 by way of mortgage, 189 further charge, 192 power of sale under, 193 term of, 118 ATTESTATIONS— alteration in deed mentioned in, 58 attorney, when deed, &c, executed by, 58 blind or deaf person, when deed executed by, 58 copied, when to be, 58 deed poll to, 143 endorsed when, 188 incomplete when, 189 marksman, 189 n. («) party, on reaching given age by, 58 stated when to be, 58 variation in names and signatures, 58 will of, 58 executed by direction of testator, 201 ATTESTED COPIES— preparation of, 72 shewn on abstract, 99, 102, 109 stamps on deeds should show, 72 ATTORNEY— see Power op — Solicitor. ATTORNMENT— by mortgagor to mortgagee, 153 AWARD — see Allotment. under Inclosure Act, abstracted, 135 BANKRUPTCY— bargain and sale under, abstracted, 155 and n. (a) proceedings in, 67 sale under order of Court, 157 statement of act of, 154 BAPTISM — see Certificate. Text, pp. 1—79. Forms, pp. 80—217. INDEX. 229 BARGAIN and SALE— see Inrolment abstracted, 98, 102, 109, 111, 155 Act abolishing, 68 bankruptcy under, 155 declaring uses of fine, 148 inrolment of, 40, 07 statement of, 113 making tenant to praecipe, 111 BARONET— statement of creation of, S6 BIRTH— statement of, 84 (and passim) place of, 109 n. (h) BONDS— annuity, for securing abstracted, 133 indemnity of abstracted, 147 mortgage of, 166 when discharged not abstracted, 134 n. (a) BUILDING SOCIETIES— mortgage to, 176 receipt by trustee of, 178 BURIAL — see Certificates. CANCELLATIONS— notice of, 74 proviso for, of deeds, 200 CERTIFICATES— acknowledgments of, 60 abstracted, 139, 100 and n. (a) baptism, S4 n. (a) burial, 84 n. (a) evidence as, 34, 65 land tax, redemption of, 136 marriage, 84 n. (a) master or chief clerk, 69 search of, 208 surveyor of, 75 n. (6) transfer of, 136 CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS— see Court. CHARGES— annuity of, 128 notice of, 37 will by, to be shewn, 164 n. (a) iilistracted, 173 Text pp: 1—79. Forms pp, 80—217. 230 INDEX. CHARTERS — see Letters Patent abstracted, 209 to be shewn, when, 16 CODICILS— as to, 63 abstracted, 17: : ! revocation of, 97 n. (b) COLLATERAL DOCUMENTS— as to, 31, 59 as evidence, 34 nature of, 31 COLLEGE OF ARMS— statement of record, 89 COMMONS— see Conveyance. COMPOSITION— deed of abstracted, 178 CONDITION- _ bond in, 134 clauses in, 211 ns. (a), (6), (e)> (d) name and arms of, S(j sale of as to, 71 abstracted, 213 copies of, 71 to settle, abstracted, 97 CONFIRMATION— of will deed of abstracted, 175 CONSIDERATION— as to, 11, 15 annuity deeds in, 11 discharge of, 203 assignment of term in, 122, 1S6, 1S8 cash, 192, 210, 217 „ and covenant, 1S1 „ anil debt, 190 contract in, 212, 211 Court Roll in, 161, 165 debt, 45 deed under 8 & 9 Vict. c. 119, 176 equality of exchange, 196 further advance, 193 good, 185 grant in, 177 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. INDEX. 231 CONSIDERATION— continued. grant of annuity in, 129 laud tax certificate in, 13G legacy, 175 Letters Patent in, S3 loan, 200 mortgage in, 150 nominal, 179 „ and equality of exchange, 196 particular fund out of, 44 payment of debt and further advance, 193 premises, 216 receipt of, 45 „ endorsed, 91 reconveyance in, 44 release in, 44 „ abstracted, 147, 169, 172 surrender in, 141 transfer of mortgage in, 44 CONTRACTIONS— see Glossaby, 21i" CONTRACTS— as to, 71 abstracted, 212, 213 clauses restrictive in, 212, 213 notes, when none, 77 CONVEYANCE— commons of, 170 Conveyancing Act, 1881, under, 215 creditors in trust for, 178 disentailing, 111 dower to uses to bar, 127 disclaimer, deed of, 185 enfranchisement of copyholds, 168 lease and release, 102, 109, 114, 125, 137, 147, 150, 158, 168 leaseholds, demise of abstracted, 181 mortgage subject to, 178 remainder of, 135 Settled Land Act, 1882, under, 216 short statutory under 8 & 9 Vict, c, 119, 57 „ abstracted. 160, 176 tithes of, 98 will, by way of confirmation of, 175 to uses of, 215 CONVEYANCING ACT, 1881— 13 n. (M. 15, 28, 32, 33, 15, 16 n. (6), 49 n. (a), 50, 55, 57, 62 n. (b), 66 n. (b), 75, 188 n. (b), 206 ns. (a & b), 217 n. (6). Text pp. 1 — 79. Forms pp. 80—217. r 2 232 INDEX. CONVEYANCING ACT, 1882—32, 59, n. (6), 70, 20S n. (b), 215 n. (a). COPIES— abstracts, fair copies of, 73 charge for perusal of, 73 n. (b) folios in sheets of, 73 COPYHOLDS AND CUSTOMARY FREEHOLDS— see St'RRENDER. as to, 23-29 admittances, 27 abstracted, 162, 165, 167 clauses necessary to be abstracted, 27 conditions to be stated, 27 customs, 24 stated, 161 enfranchisement of, 28 under Conveyancing Act, 1881, 28 abstracted, 168 grants of, 26 „ abstracted, 161 limitations for lives in, 26 mortgage of, 165 nominees name, age, &c, 28 Satisfied Terms Act does not apply to, 18 surrenders, 27 abstracted, 163, 165, 166 tenures, 23 title of Lord of Manor, 28 CORPORATION— statement as to condition of, 212 COUNSEL— information to be given to, 75, 77 COUNTERPARTS— of old deeds, 29 COURT — see Bankruptcy — Probate. assize of, statement of records of, 94 Chancery proceedings, 64, 69 „ „ abstracted, 120, 121 COURT ROLLS— see Grant. as to, 25 abstracted, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168 COVENANTS— as to, 54, 57 abstract of what should shew, 55 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. INDEX. 233 CO VEN ANTS— con tinned. annuity for payment of, 130 articles of marriage in, 99 assignees in bankruptcy by, 157 Conveyancing Act, 1881, effect of, 55 exceptions shewing, 109, 119 fines to levy, 55 „ abstracted, 148 freeholds, conveyance of, in, 127, 149, 153 „ settlement of, in, 109, 119, 171, 176, 180 incumbrances against, 56 „ various abstracted, 124, 138, 139, 142, 159, 176, 187, 188, 194 insure to, 153 interest on mortgage, to pay, 153, 191, 193 „ on portion, money to pay, 118 „ by parties having none, 149 joint and several, 124 leases in, 56 lessor by, 182 lessee by, 182 mortgages in, 153, 193 produce to, 56 „ abstracted, 171 seisin of, by vendor, 149 statutory deed in, under 8 & 9 Vict. c. 119, 57 „ „ abstracted, 160, 176 succession duty against, 206 title of restricting, 217 titles in, to leaseholds, 56 „ „ abstracted, 181, 182, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194 usual, 55 „ abstracted shortly, 109, 119, 127, 131, 159, 171, 176, 178, 198 CREDITORS— see Conveyance. CROWN DEBTS— as to, 69 CURTAILMENT— as to, 6 recitals of, 44 n. (a) CURTESY— tenant by, 13 n. (a) CUSTOMARY FREEHOLDS— see Copyholds. CUSTOMS— see Copyholds. Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. 234 INDEX. DATES— charters of, 83, 209 deeds of, how to he stated, 39, 122 n. (a) fines and recoveries of, 65, 66 „ „ stated, 113 letters patent, 83 DEATHS— statement of, 85 and passim burial and, 94, 97 homage by presentment of, 164 intestate leaving eldest son, 143 letters of administration as evidence of, 140 n. (a) probate as evidence of, 140 n. (a) probate and, 174 unmarried and intestate, 97 DECLAKATIONS AND AGREEMENTS— see Proviso- Uses— Covenants— Dower — Trusts — Trustees. as to, 54 cancelment of deeds as to, 200 clauses in deed as to, 101 collateral securities as to, 34 „ ,, abstracted, 132 delivery up of deed as to, 200 dower as to, 54 „ abstracted, 127, 161, 172, 176, 197 enfranchisement limiting, 170 evidence as, 13 failure of issue proved by, 65 fines of, 149 limiting liability of assurance society, 207 recovering uses for suffering as to, 113 statutory abstracted, 146 trusts of, of term, 105, 117, 133 „ of term to attend inheritance, 123, 12S trustees receipts as to, 132, 153, 178, 180 vesting period of, as to, 184 DECREES AND ORDERS— as to, 69 abstracted, 94, 121, 127 recital of, 217 statement of, 122 n. (a.) DEEDS — see Conveyances. acknowledged as to, 46 cancelment proviso for, 200 custody not in, recital of, 43 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. INDEX. 2-V> DEEDS — continued. delivery up of proviso for, 200 earlier recital of, 14 enrolment of, 40 irrelevant parts of, as to, 30 language and arrangement of to be followed, 39 length of to be noticed, 74 lost, 18, 19, 29, 31, 73, 125 n. (p.), 128 names of should be stated, 40 names of holders of or their solicitors, 72 non-execution of by purchaser, 57 n. (a.), 127 n. (a.) old parties to, 41 poll abstracted, 84, 90, 134, 143, 161, 174, 185, 189, 211 „ variations in execution of, 90 n. (c.) power or trust in exercise of, 45 „ „ ,, abstracted, 111, 133 previous depending on, 15 prior assurance referring to, 3, 13 recitals reference to in, 122 n. (a.) variations in names and signatures, 101 „ „ time of executed, 173 words of when to be counted, 74 DESCENTS— see Pedigree. as to, 65 statement showing, 85 & sqq, 93, 143 DEVISE— see Will. DISCLAIMER— see Conveyance. DISENTAILING DEED— see Conveyance. DOCUMENTS— referred to in recitals, 59, 122 n. (a.) DOWER — see Declaration. barred or prevented, 23 declaration against, 127, 161, 172, 17G, 197 release of, 23 uses to prevent, 127 EASEMENTS— as to, 22, 49 abstracted, 148 exception of, 181 ENCRO AC HMENTS— as to, 22 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. SO— 217. 236 jxdex. ENDOB8EMENT8— awards and deeds, inrolment of, 59 „ „ abstracted, 136, 180 cancelments of, 59 certificates of acknowledgement of married women, 59 „ d, i :;'.), L60 covenants, to produce of, 59 collateral, agreemenl a of, 59 paj ment of mortgage monies, 59 „ „ „ abstracted, 154 receipts abstracted, 90, 99, 124, 128, and passim. by Building Society, 178 registration of deeds, 59 abstracted, 180 chedules "f, 51 in, livery of in feoffment, 40, 59 „ „ abstracted, 90, 1 1 1 E NFBANOHIS I1MENT— see CorvnoLns— Con vkvance. EVIDENCE— see Declabation - Extbaots. date of birth in baptismal certificate an, 65 n. (b.) faci ni', 75 family Bible as, 65 I [erald'e < !oll< ge, entries in, 65 issue of (allure of, 05 legitimacy of, >'■'■< lost deeds of, 7:; Navy Office, 65 pedigree and descenl i in support of, 65 recitals as, 42, 43, 49 required bj < 'onveyancers, 75 EXAMINATION— of abstract, 70 EXCEPTIONS— seo Parcels —Rkbeuvations. as to, 49 abstracted, 148. 181 covenants in, 55 „ abstracted, 119 EXCHANGES an to, 20, 21 abstracted, !!>•"> abstracts separate, windier necessary, 20, 21 eviction classes in effect <>f". 21 warranty or right of reentry under, 21 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. INDEX. 237 EXECUTION— sec Attestation, Deeds, Wil I 9. abstracted, 154, 157, 160, L61, L63, L64, 166, 171. 17::, 171. 170, 178, 180, 182, 185, L86, 187, 188, L89, 191, 193, L95, 199, 200, 206, 208, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217 non-execution by otic party, 173 testator by direction of, 201 attorney by, 57 variations in names and signatures, 57 wills old in, 63 whom by to be stated, 57 EXECUTOR— see Wilis. appointment of, 63, 85 n. (a.) „ abstracted, 91, 97 EXEMPLIFICATION— see Recovery. EXEMPTIONS— from copyhold rents and services, L69 EXTRACTS— assessments, rate books, monuments, &c, from, 31 family registers from, 93, 95 masters' report from, 123 FAIR COPIES— see Folios. as to, 73 FAMILY REGISTERS— see Certificates — Extracts- Registers. FACTS— proof of, 75 FEOFFMENT— as to, 40 abstracted, 89, 144, 210 endorsement of livery of seisin on, 40. 5'.) „ „ „ abstracted, 90, 144 warranty in, 56 „ abstracted, 90, 146 FIGURES— when to be used as to the parties, 89 n. (6.) FINES— as to, 65 abstracted, 150 parcels of, GG FOLIOS— of deeds when to be counted, 71 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. 238 INDEX. FREEHOLDS — see Abstract — Conveyance — Title (and other special headings, and Precedents generally). as to. 12. 23 title to, commencement of, 13 „ deeds to be selected for, 13 „ deed executing power as, 14 n. (a.) „ disentailing deed as, 14 n. (a.) „ mortgage as, 14 „ voluntary deed as, 14 n. (a.) „ will as, ] 4 period for deduction of usual, 1, 12 „ „ when more, 15 „ „ less, 19 FURTHER CHARGE— see Mortgage abstracted, 154 GENERAL WORDS— as to. 49 abstracted, 84, 85, 90, 91, 95, 99, 100, 104, 112, 115, 126, 131, 148, 169, 197 effect of Conveyancing Act 1881 on, 49 when placed continuously, 90 n. (a.) GLEBE — see Advowson GLOSSARY— 219 GRANTS — see Annuity — Charter — Copyholds — Tithes. annuity of, 128 charter of, 209 copyholds of 26 „ abstracted, 161 Crown from title under, 16 „ „ abstracted 83, 91 tithes of, 98 word effect of, 46 n. (b.) HABENDUM— as to, 50 annuity extinguishing, 205 by reference, 139 chief lord of, fee of, 138 discharging copyhold rigbts &c, 1G9, 170 „ equity of redemption, 167. 194 „ trusts incumbrances &c, 123, 217 knight service, 92 merging terms, 142 Text pp. 1—79. Forms pp. 80—217. INDEX. 23