LIBRARY University of California. GIFT OF LJwNA^CLcc^^ .0vAxJh^.C, ixi Z Class CHECK LIST OF I UNIVfcRi BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ON Municipal Government FOUND IN THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF CHICAGO Issued in connection with the INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION Chicago, September 18th to 30th, 1911 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1911 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ON Municipal Government FOUND IN THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF CHICAGO Issued in connection with the INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION Chicago, September 18th to 30th, 1911 ■* > J 9 e « « CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1911 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Bibliography .... 5 General Works .... 6 Separate Cities .... 9 Periodicals . - - . . 10 Societies; Congresses - 11 Study; Museums; Exhibitions 12 Charters ..... - 12 Ordinances ..... U Home Rule; State Control 14 Commission Form of Government - 15 Elections - . - . . - 15 Civil Service ..... 16 Municipal Finance; Debt; Bonds - 17 Municipal Accounting; Budget Making 18 Taxation; Special Assessments - - 20 Law ...... 21 Fire and Police Departments - 22 Public Health .... 23 Food Inspection .... - 26 Public Baths 25 Smoke Prevention - 25 Building Inspection and Regulation 26 Licenses; Concessions - 27 Public Works ... 27 Water Supply; Sewerage - 28 Refuse and Sewage Disposal 30 Streets - 30 Port and Harbor .... 32 Public Utilities .... - 32 Municipal Ownership 34 Street Railways .... - 37 Parks and Playgrounds 39 Municipal Art It ;'» \. ' • •/• 2 I - - 40 Charities and Coffectioil *' - ** ' '-' , 43 Education .-^ : ; •\-^'\ •*•.%• * ^ •*• * *■; - 43 Free LibraHea; *Leotin-6s* • J •• J •*•_*••• • . 44 PREFACE The present compilation owes its inception to the sugges- tion of the Council for Library and Museum Extension, an alliance of Chicago's educational agencies, to the effect that a printed list showing the literary resources of the libraries of Chicago upon the general subject of Municipal Government would be an appropriate and useful way of participating in the International Municipal Congress and Exposition. It is issued as the joint production of the three public libraries, the expense of publication being shared by them, while the work of compi- lation was performed by the Chicago Public Library. It is not a bibliography, nor does it aspire to completeness even as a check list, since the whole number of titles here recorded is somewhat less than one thousand, while the total enumeration of all the volumes and pamphlets, in the three libraries, dealing with the subject in all its phases, and including all local material, would make a volume at least five times the size of this list. Considerations of economy, both of time and space, were paramount in determining the scope and character of the list. It was decided, in the first place, to limit it to the collections of the three free public libraries, properly so-called, thus excluding several smaller but valuable depositories, such as the library of the City Club, and the Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library, the latter a bureau of the city government; both of which are not, ordinarily, open for use by the general public. It was also imperative to confine the list to a selection, only, of the voluminous material brought together in the three libraries. General treatises upon the theory and practice of municipal administration were, of course, included, while accounts of the systems, methods, experiences and experiments of separate cities were omitted, with the exception of such as related to the city of Chicago, and, less comprehensively, those dealing with the great cities of the world: London, Paris, Berlin and New York. This line of exclusion was somewhat relaxed, however, in the case of several of the special subjects, as Charters, and Commission Form of Government, since under these heads many, or most, of the local reports and documents were 217115 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT deemed of primary importance. Under the various depart- mental subdivisions, on the other hand, it was the intention to admit only those titles which treated of the administrative or official side of the subject; scientific treatises, written for the road or water supply engineer, the food chemist or the lawyer, were regarded as foreign to the scope of the list. The same exigencies of economy governed in matters of style. Tides were shortened as much as consistent with clarity; bibliographical data, excepting only date of publication, were dispensed with, and annotations were employed in rare cases of apparendy absolute necessity. No tide is listed more than once, i. e., under its first or most important subject. It is per- haps needless to add that no reference has been made to the vast bulk of contributions to the subject to be found in periodi- cal publications. The absence of some topics, as yet treated only in that ephemeral form, will thus be accounted for. It is, then, as a selective check list that this compilation goes forth. Intended primarily as an "exhibit," to convey to the visitor to the Municipal Exposition some idea of the wealth of material reladng to the field covered by the Exposition, which is available in the libraries of Chicago, it may, perhaps, find a more extended usefulness as a guide and aid to the student and the official. Check List of Books and Pamphlets on Municipal Government ( The letters C. J. N. affixed to titles, refer to the libraries in which the books are to be found, i. e.: C. — Chicago Public Library; J. — John Crerar Library; N.— Newberry Library.) BIBLIOGRAPHY Balch, Emily G. Suggestions for a study of conditions of city life. [Bibliography]. 1904. J. Bibliography of municipal government and reform. \ln Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings]. 1894. C.J.N. Brooklyn. Public Library. Books on municipal ownership. 1906. C. J. Brboks, Robert C. A bibliography of municipal administration and city conditions. 1897. C. J. N. (Municipal affairs, vol. i, no. i.) Brooks, Robert C. A bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. Second edition — revised and enlarged. Complete to January i, 1901. C.J.N. (Municipal affairs, vol. V, no. i, March, 1901.) Brown, Charles H. List of titles on municipal government with spe- cial reference to city charters and to local conditions in Chicago. 1906. C. J. N. (City Club of Chicago. Publication no. 3.) Chicago. Municipal Library. Catalogue of the Chicago Municipal Library, 1908. C. J. N. Chicago. Public Library. Special bulletin no. 5: Selected reading list on municipal government, with special reference to the new charter movement in Chicago. 1905. C. J. N. Chicago Normal School. Chicago Normal School outline for teach- ing civics in elementary schools. [1904?]. J. Commons, John R. City government. Albany, N. Y., University of the State of New York, 1898. C. J. (University of the State of New York. Extension Department. Syllabus 73.) Detroit. Public Library. Municipal afifairs. Books and articles in the Detroit Public Library. 1902. J. Gewerbe-Buchhandlung Ernst Schurmainn/ Dresden. Die Literatur des Stadtewesens in technischer und hygienischer Beziehung. 1903. J. Gomme, George L. The literature of local institutions. 1886. C. J. N. Gross, Charles. A bibliography of British municipal history including gilds and parliamentary representation. 1897. C.J.N. (Harvard university. Harvard historical studies, vol. 5.) Gross, Charles. A classified list of books relating to British municipal history. 1891. C. J. N. (Harvard university. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 43.) Hodder, Frank H. References on municipal government in the United States. 1891. (In Cornell university. Library. Library bulletin.) 1891. C.J.N. « CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Kansas City, Mo. Public Library. Municipal betterment bibliography. 1908. C. J. New Haven, Conn. Free Public Library. A selected list of references on municipal affairs, 1910. C. J. U. S. Library of Congress. Select list of books on municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership. 1906. C. J. N. Wilcox, Delos F. The study of cit}' government. An outline of the problems of municipal functions, control and organization. 1897. C. J. "List of authorities," p. 245-248. GENERAL WORKS Theory and History; Organization of Cities AUgemeiner Preussischer Stadtetag. Verhandlungen. 1905. J. American Academy of Political and Social Science. City life and progress. N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science. Vol. XXV, no. 2.) American Academy of Political and Social Science. Municipal prob- lems. 1906. C. J. N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXVIII, no. 3.) Anderson, Wilbert L. The country town, a study of rural evolution. 1906. C.J. Ashley, Percy. Local and central government; a comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. 1906. C. J. N. Atkinson, Mabel. Local government in Scotland. 1904. J. Avery, Elroy M. The town-meeting. 1904. C. J. N. Block, Maurice. Dictionnaire de I'administration frangaise. 4th ed. 1898. C. J. Boverat, Raymond. Le socialisme municipal en Angleterre et ses resultats financiers. 1907. J. Chalmers, Mackenzie D. E. S. Local government. 1883. C. J. Champernowne, Henry, pseud, of David Means. The boss, an essay upon the art of governing American cities. 1894. C. J. Cleveland, Frederick A. Chapters on municipal administration and accounting. 1909. C. J. Cobden Club. Cobden Club essays. Local government and taxation. Edited by J. W. Probyn. 1875. C. J. N. Conkling, Alfred R. City government in the United States. 1895. C. J. N. Crawford, Edwin C. Civil government of Illinois and the U. S.; spe- cial chapters on Chicago. 1890. C. (J., 1882) Deming, Horace E. The government of American cities; a program of democracy; a study of municipal organization and of the rela- tion of the city to the state, 1909. C. J. N. Des Cilleuls, Alfred. Le socialisme municipal a travers Ics siecles. 1905. J- Devlin, Thomas C. Municipal reform in the United States. 1896. C. J. N. Eaton, Amasa M. The origin of municipal incorporation in England and in the United States. 1902. J. Eaton, Dorman B. The government of municipalities. 1899. C. J. N. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 7 Ely, Richard T. The coming city. 1902. C. J. N. Fairlie, John A. Essays in municipal administration. 1908. C. J. Fairlie, John A. Local government in counties, towns and villages. 1906. C.J.N. (The American state series.) Fairlie, John A. Municipal administration. 1901. C. J. N. Foote, Allen R. Constitutional municipal government. A series of articles for the consideration of the Legislature of the State of Ohio, in connection with the report of the Ohio Municipal Code Commission. 1900. C. J. Gill, Wilson L. City problems. 1909. J. Gladden, Washington. The Cosmopolis City Club. 1893. C. J. Gomme, George L. Lectures on the principles of local government. Delivered at th London School of Economics. 1897. J. Goodnow, Frank J. City government in the United States. 1904. C.J.N. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal government. 1909. C. J. N. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal problems. 1897. C. J. N. Gross, Charles. The gild merchant: a contribution to British munici- pal history. 1890. C.J. Gross, Charles. Gilda mercatoria. Kin Beitrag zur Geschichte der englischen Stadteverfassung. 1883. C.J. Die Grossstadt. Vortrage und Aufsatze zur Stadteausstellung. Gehe- Stiftung zu Dresden, Winter 1902-1903. J. Hake, Alfred E. and Wesslau, O. E. The coming individualism. 189=;. C. J. N. Howard, Ebenezer. Garden cities of tomorrow (being the second edition of "To-morrow: a peaceful path to real reform"). 1902. J. Howe, Frederick C. The British city, the beginnings of democracy. 1907. C. J. N. Howe, Frederick C. The city, the hope of democracy. 1906. C. J. N. James, James A. and Sanford, A. H. Government in state and nation. 1904. C. (J., 1901) Janes, Lewis G. The problem of city government. (In Brooklyn Ethical Association. Man and the state, p. 147-191). 1892. C.J. Leroy-Beaulieu, PauL L'administration locale en France et en Angle- terre. 1872. J. Lichtenberg, Reinhold (Freiherr) von. Haus, Dorf, Stadt; eine Ent- wicklungs-Geschichte des antiken Stadtebildes. 1909. J. Lile, William M. Notes on municipal corporations. Prepared for the use of the students in the Law Department of the University of Virginia. 1900. J. Loomis, Samuel L. Modern cities and their religious problems. 1887. C.J. Lunn, Henry S. Municipal lessons from southern Germany. T908. C. J. Maltbie, Milo R. English local government; a study of the relations of central and local government. 1897. C. J. N. (Studies in history, econ. and public law, Columbia University, v.9.) Michalski, F. Leitfaden fiir das Registraturwesen und den allgemeinen Geschaftsgang der deutschen Stadtverwaltungen. 1904. J. Munro, William B. The government of European cities. 1909. C.J.N. Ontario. Commission on Municipal Institutions. Report. 1888- 1889. J. 8 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Pascaud, Henri. De I'organisation communale et municipale en Eu- rope, aux Etats-Unis et en France. 1877. J. Peterson, E. An ideal city for an ideal people; [How to build an ideal city for an ideal people, where the principles of Christianity, in- cluding economic equality, domestic virtue, and temperance in all things can become practical]. 1905. J. Peterson, Samuel. Some fundamental political principles applied to municipal government. 1905. N. Preisigke, Friedrich. Stadtisches Beamtenwesen im romischen Agyp- ten. 1903. J. Redlich, Josef. Local government in England. 1903. 2 vols. J. N. Rowe, Leo. S. Problems of city government. 1908. C. J. N. Seckerson, Frederick C. Manual of civics, a text book of municipal government for the city of New York. 1905. J. Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in continental Europe. 1895. C. J. N. Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in Great Britain. 1895. C.J.N. Sterio, Melchiorre. La giunta municipale. 1906. J. Strong, Josiah. The twentieth century city. 1898. 1 C.J. Tarbouriech, Ernest. La cite future; essai d'une utopie scientifique. 1902. J. Tolman, William H. The text-book of the new reformation; munic- ipal reform movements in the United States. 1895. C.J.N. Towler, W. G. Socialism in local government. 2d ed. 1909. C. J. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Statistics of cities having a population of over 30,000: 1905-date. 1907-f. C.J.N. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Statistics of cities having a population of over 25,000, 1902 and 1903 [and Statistics of cities having a popula- tion of over 30.000, 1904]. 1905-06. 2 vols. C.J.N. Vergues, Joseph. Contribution a I'etude des municipalites de canton de I'an iii. 1902. J. Vine (Sir) John R. S. English municipal institutions; their growth and development from 1835 to 1879 statistically illustrated. 1879. CJ. Walthew, George W. The philosophy of government. A treatise on . the fundamental characteristics of man as exhibited in his relations to the state, and the ultimate form of civil government certain to result therefrom. 1898. C.J. "The government of cities," p. 182-197. "Form of a city charter," p, 199-207. Wilcox, Delos F. The American city: a problem in democracy. 1904. C.J.N. Wilcox, Delos F. Great cities in America, their problems and their government. 1910. C.J.N. (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology.) Wisconsin. University. Mayor vs. Council. Should a system of mu- nicipal government concentrating all executive and administrative powers in the mayor, be adopted in cities of the United States? The twenty-seventh annual joint debate of the University of Wis- consin. 1897. C.J. Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress; chapters in municipal sociology. 1902. C.J.N. Zueblin, Charles. A decade of civic development. 1905. C. J. N. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 9 SEPARATE CITIES Typical Illustrative Material Baker, Abby G. and Ware, Abby H. Municipal government of the city of New York. 1906. C. J. Bell, (Sir) James. Glasgow, its municipal organization and adminis- stration. 1896. C. J. N. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. How Manhattan is gov- erned. 1906. C.J. Chicago. Bureau of Maps and Plats. Map of the city of Chicago show- ing density of population as per census for 1900. 1911. C.J. Chicago. Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library. Chicago city manual, 1908-1910. 3 vols. C. J. N. Chicago. Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library. City of Chicago statistics, 1901. C.J.N. Denver municipal facts. Issued every week by the city of Denver. 1910+. J. Dodd, Walter F. The government of the District of Columbia. A study in federal and municipal administration. 1909. C. J. Coler, Bird S. Municipal government as illustrated by the charter, finances and public charities of New York. 1900. C. J, Fay, Frederic H. The population and finances of Boston. A study of municipal growth. 1901. J. France. Ministere de VInterieur. Ville de Paris. Organisation munici- pal et departementale. Legislation anterieure et legislation actu- elle. 1870. J. Gessen, Rene. Organisation municipale de Paris; projets de reforme. 1904. J. Great Britain. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the existing state of the Corporation of the City of London, and to collect information respecting its constitution, order, and gov- ernment, &c. 1854. C.J. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. 1854, Papers by command.) Halphen, Louis. Etudes sur I'administration de Rome au moyen age (751-1252). 1907. J.N. Horn, Wilhelm. Erfurts Stadtverfassung und Stadtwirtschaft in ihrer Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Ein Beispiel zur Verfassungs- geschichte und Sozialpolitik der deutschen Stadte. 1904. J. Illinois. Secretary of State. Official list of the incorporated munici- palities of Illinois. 1902. C.J. James, Edmund J. Municipal administration in Germany as seen in the government of a typical Prussian city, Halle a/S. 1901. C. J. Kirk, William. A modern city: Providence, Rhode Island and its activities. 1909. C. J. N. Larson, Laurence M. A financial and administrative history of Mil- waukee. 1908. C. J. N. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 242.) London Reform Union. London to-day and to-morrow. Proposals for the reform of London government prepared by a special com- mittee of the London Reform Union. 1908. J. Maitre, Emile. Organisation municipale de Paris. 1909. J. New York, city. Board of City Record. The city record; official record of the city of New York. N. v. 34, 1906+ 10 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Paris, France. Annuaire administratif. 1909-f-. N. Pollard, James. A study in municipal government; the corporation of Berlin. 2d ed. 1894. C.J. San Francisco. Board of Supervisors. Report on the causes of munic- ipal corruption. 1910. C.J.N. Shorey, Daniel L. Problems of municipal government for Chicago. 1885. C. J. N. Sikes, George C. How Chicago is winning good government. 1907. CJ. Snavely, Charles. A history of the city government of Cleveland, Ohio. 1902?. J. Sparling, Samuel E. Municipal history and present organization of the city of Chicago. 1898. C. J. N. Stokes, Howard K. The finances and administration of Providence. 1903. C. J. N. Thomas, Thaddeus P. The city government of Baltimore. 1896. C. J. N. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. 14th ser., II.) Tindall, William. Origin and government of the District of Columbia. 1909. C.J. Tuttle, Charles R. How to govern Chicago; by a practical reformer. 1895. C. J. Published anonymously. Vienna. Stadtbaiiamt. Reiseberichte iiber Paris erstattet von den nachstehenden Beamten des Stadtbauamtes. 1901. J. N. Winchell, Samuel R. A civic manual for Chicago, Cook County and Illinois. 1910. C.J. PERIODICALS The American city. Vol. i, Sept., 1909+. New York. C. J. N. The Canadian municipal journal. Vol. i, 1905+. Montreal. J. Civic League of St. Louis. Yearbook. i903-\-- C.J.N. Concerning municipal ownership. Vol. 1-4, no. 6; Mar. 1906-June 1909. New York. J. N. No more published. Good government bulletin. Vol. i, no. 1-16. New York. J. Kommunales Jahrbuch. Vol. i, 1908+. Jena. C. J. N. Municipal affairs. Vol. i, no. 30-vol. 2, no. 36, July 1902-Sept. 1903. St. Louis, Mo. !• No more published. Municipal affairs, a quarterly magazine. Vol. 1-6, 1897-1902. New York. C. J. N. No more published. Municipal development magazine. Vol. i, 1911+- Bloomington, 111. C. J. The Municipal journal. Vol. i, 1893+. London. J. Municipal journal. Vol. 30. Jan. 1911+- New York. C Municipal ownership bulletin. Vol. i, no. i-io, Jan. 28-Apr. i, 1899. Chicago. J« The Municipal year book of the United Kingdom, no. i, 1897+. J. The National Civic Federation review. Vol. i, 1903+. New York. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 11 Public service. Electricity, gas, water, telephones, tramways. Vol. 2, 1907. Chicago. J. The Public service review. Vol. 1-2, no. 6, Jan. 1907- June 1908. Iowa City, Iowa. J. Der Stadtebau. Vol. i, 1904+. Berlin. C.J. Stone & Webster Public service journal. Vol. i, 1907. Boston. C. J. SOCIETIES; CONGRESSES American Civic Association. Special series. 1905-]— J. N. American Civic Association. Department pamphlet. 1905+. C. J. N. American Civic Association. Department leaflet. 1905-f . J. N. American Civic Association. American Civic Association clipping sheet. 1904-I-. J. N. American Civic Association. Bulletin. 1904+. J. N. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Publications. 1906+. C. J. (N., 1908+) Chicago. Bureau of Public Efficiency. Publications. 191 1+. C.J.N. Chicago. Citizen's Association. Annual report. No. i, 1874-}-. C. J. N. Chicago. Citizen's Association. Bulletin. 1900-J-. C. J. (N., 2, igoi+) City Club of Chicago. The City Club bulletin. Vol. i, 1907+. C. J. N. City Club of Chicago. Publications. No. i, 1904+. C. J. N. Civic Club of Philadelphia. The Civic Club bulletin. 1907+. C. J. Civic Federation of Chicago. Report- 1895-f . C. J. N. Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings. 1894+. C. J. N. Deutscher Stadtetag. Verhandlungen. 1908. J. Kommunalkongressen, Stockholm, 1907. Kommunalkongressen 1907. Berattelse ofver forhandlingarna. J. League of American Municipalities. The book of American munici- palities. 1906-1910. 4 vols. C.J.N. London Municipal Society. Publications of the London Municipal Society. Leaflets. 1894-95. J. Milwaukee. Bureau of Economy and Efficiency. Publications. 191 1+. C.J.N. Municipal Engineers of the City of New York. Proceedings. 1903+. J. National Municipal League. A municipal program. Report of a com- mittee of the National Municipal League, adopted by the League, November 17, 1899, together with explanatory and other papers. 1900. C.J.N. National Municipal League. Leaflets. 1901-}-. (J. 3> 1901+; N. n. s. 1, 1905-f) National Municipal League. Proceedings. 1895+. C. J. N. National Municipal League. Publications. 1895-f. C. J. N. New York, city. Citizens' Union. The city for the people. Campaign book of the Citizens' Union. September-October, 1897. Second edition. J. New York, city. City Club. Monthly bulletin. No. i-io. Nov. 1895- Aug. 1896. J. No more published. New Yory, city. Good Government Club "Q". Book of Good Govern- ment Club Q. 1894. J. Union of Canadian Municipalities. The official year book. 1902-f . J. 12 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT STUDY; MUSEUMS; EXHIBITIONS A Civic reader for new Americans. 1908. J. "For adult foreigners of the Boston evening schools." International Municipal Congress and Exposition, Chicago, 191 1. [Pamphlets on the International Municipal Congress and Exposi- tion at Chicago, 191 1.] C.J. Irrgang, Georg. Illustrierter Fiihrer [durch die Deutsche Stadte- Ausstellung]. Mit zwei Situationsplanen und einem Plan von Dresden. Fiihrer durch die Ausstellung, Dresden und Umgebung. 1903. J. Lebius, Rudolf. Was lehrt die I. Deutsche Stiidte-Ausstellung, Dres- den 1903? 1903. J. Wilcox, Delos F. The study of city government. 1897. C.J. N. Wisconsin. University. University Extension Division. Civic clubs; organization, programs, loans to clubs. 1909. C.J. Woodhead, Howard. The first German Municipal Exposition, held in Dresden in 1903. 1904. C.J.N. Wuttke, Robert, ed. Die deutschen Stadte, geschildert nach den Er- gebnissen der ersten Deutschen Stadteausstellung zu Dresden 1903. 1904, 2 vols. J. CHARTERS James, Edmund J. The charters of the city of Chicago. 1898-99. C. J. Sunny, Bernard E. The proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Illinois and a new charter for Chicago. 1904. C.J. N. Chicago. Charter. Charter of the city of Chicago and amendments. 1849. C. The charter of 1847. Chicago. Charter. The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago. 1851. C.J. Chicago. Charter. The charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago, (to Sept. 15, 1856, inclusive,) together with acts of the General Assembly relating to the city. 1856. C.J. Chicago. Charter. An act to amend the act incorporating the city of Chicago. 1858. C. Chicago. Charter. Revised charter. An act to reduce the charter of the City of Chicago and the several acts amendatory thereof into one act, and to revise the same. 1863. C.J. Chicago. Charter. Charter of the city of Chicago. 1867. C.J. Chicago. Charter. Amendments to charter and laws relating to the city of Chicago. 1869. C. Chicago. Charter. An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages, adopted by the city of Chicago. 1875. C. Chicago. Charter Convention. Proceedings. Oct. 3, 1902-Feb. 25, 1907. C. J. N. Chicago. Charter Convention, 1905. Chicago Charter Convention. Con- vened December 12, 1905. Officers. List of delegates. Rules and committees. 1905. C. J. Chicago. Charter Convention, 1905. Bill for an act to provide a char- ter for the city of Chicago, to consolidate in the government of said city the powers now vested in the local authorities having jurisdiction within the territory of said city, and to enlarge the rights and powers of said city. C.J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 13 Chicago. Charter Convention, 1905. Draft of proposed charter, as sub- mitted by committee on rules, procedure and general plan. C. J. Chicago. Charter Convention, 1905. Draft of proposed charter as revised by the Chicago Charter Convention. C. J. Chicago. Charter Convention^ 1905. Digest of city charters. 1906. C. J. Chicago. Charter Convention, igog. Bill no. i-ii. 1909. C. Colorado Springs. Charter. The charter of the city of Colorado Springs, framed by the Charter convention, March 20, 1909, by authority of article XX of the constitution. C. J. Dallas, Tex. Charter. Charter of the city of Dallas, 1907. C. J. Houston, Tex. Charter. Charter of the city of Houston, Harris Coun- ty, Texas, as passed by the 29th Legislature. 1905. C. J. Houston, Tex. Charter. Charter and revised code of ordinances of the city of Houston, Harris County, Texas. 1904. C. J. Los Angeles, Cal. Charter. Charter of the city of Los Angeles. As adopted January, 1889, amended January, 1903, amended January, 1905, amended February, 1907, and amended February, 1909. 1909. J. New York, city. Charter. Ash's annotated Greater New York charter of 1901. (Third edition of 1907.) Containing amendments made to charter at the legislative session of 1907. 1907. J. New York, city. Charter. The Greater New York charter as enacted in 1897 and amended in 1901, as further amended by subsequent acts, down to and including the year 1906. 1906. C.J. New York, city. Charter. Supplement to the Greater New York char- ter. 1902-1905. Containing all amendments and additions enacted by the Legislature since the adoption of the charter in 1901, to- gether with decisions of the courts construing the various sections thereof. 1905. C.J. New York, city. City Club. The New York city charter bill. Text of difference between bill as- proposed by the Charter Revision Com- mission and bill as passed bj'- Legislature 5th April, 1901. 1901. C.J. Nev/ York, city. City Club. A comparative table of sections as they appear in the New York City charter and the charter revision bill with table of contents of revision bill and table of charter amend- ments from 1897-1900. 1901. C.J. New York, state. Charter Commission. Report of the New York Charter Commission and proposed charter. 1909. J. New York, state. Charter Revision Commission, 1907. Report of the Charter Revision Commission of 1907 to the governor of the state of New York, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 600 of the laws of 1907. 1907. C.J. Van Wyck, Robert A. Message of Robert A. Van Wyck, Mayor of the City of New York, to the Senate of the State of New York, disapproving the amended Greater New York charter. 1901. J. Civic League of Saint Louis. Plan for new city charter; recommenda- tions of the Civic League of St. Louis to the Board of Free- holders. 1909. C. J. Civic League of St. Louis. An abstract of provisions of the old and new charters of St. Louis, with explanatory comment. 191 1. C.J. San Francisco. Charter. Charter of the city and county of San Fran- cisco, in effect January 8. 1900, with amendments of Februarv s» 1903. 1907. C. j. 14 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Strauli, Hans. Verfassung des eidgenossischen Standes Zurich vom i8. April, 1869. 1902. J. Wiirttemberg. Entwurf einer Gemeindeordnung. 1902. J. Bridge, Charles F. The charter of the cities of the second class. [State of New York.] 1904. C.J. Fontana, Leone. Bibliografia degli statuti dei comuni dell' Italia supe- riore. 1907. 3 vols. J. Macmorran, Alexander and Dill, T. R. C. The local government act, 1888. with the incorporated provisions of the municipal corpora- tions act, 1882, and other acts. 1898. J. Great Britain. Synopsis of provisions of Connecticut city charters. 1906. C. J. ORDINANCES Horr, Norton T. and Bemis, Alton A. A treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enrorcement of municipal police ordi- nances. 1887. J. McQuillin, Eugene. A treatise on the law of municipal ordinances, 1904. J. Chicago. The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago. 1851. C.J. Chicago. Ordinances passed since the publication of the revised ordi- nances of 1851, and now in force. 1853. J. Chicago. The charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago, (to Sept. 15, 1856, inclusive). 1856. ' . C.J. Chicago. Laws and ordinances governing the city of Chicago, January I, 1866, with an appendix, containing the former legislation relating to the city, and notes of decisions of the Supreme Court of Illi- nois, relating to corporations. 1866. C.J. Chicago. Laws and ordinances governing the city of Chicago. 1873. C.J. Chicago. The municipal code of Chicago. 1881. J. N. Chicago. The revised code of Chicago. 1897-98. 2 vols. C.J.N. Chicago. The revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905. 1905. C. J. HOME RULE; STATE CONTROL Chandler, Alfred D. Local self-government, elective town meetings for large towns, with a general legislative bill therefor, and the recent charter of the city of Newport, Rhode Island, based there- on. 1908. J. Chapman, Sydney J. Local government and state aid. An essay on the effect on local administration and finance of the payment to local authorities of the proceeds of certain imperial taxes. 1899. C.J.N. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal home rule. A study in administration. 1897. C.J. Grant, John H. State supervision of cities. (In Michigan political science association. Publications.) 1896. C.J.N. Guitteau, William B. Constitutional limitations upon special legisla- tion concerning municipalities. 1905. J. Loppin, Paul. Le self-government local en France; resume d'histoire legislative et doctrinale du mouvement de decentralisation applique a la commune. 1908, J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 15 Matteson, Andre. The principles of self-government applied to town- ships, cities and villages. 1893. C.J.N. Schaffner, Margaret A. Municipal home rule charters. Prepared with the co-operation of the Political science department of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. 1908. C.J. (Wisconsin library commission. Legislative reference department. Com- parative legislation bulletin, no. i8.) Waller, James B. A defence of municipal authority against state in- terference. 1883. C. J. COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT Beard, Charles A. Loose leaf digest of short ballot charters. A docu- mentary history of the commission form of municipal government. 191 1. C.J. Cedar Rapids, la. Commission plan of government, city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Iowa law providing for municipal government under the commission plan and amendments thereto, the ordinance fixing departments and apportioning powers, and the reports of the heads of the departments from the adoption of the commission plan in April, 1908, to January i, 1910. 1910. C.J.N. Economic Club of Boston. Municipal government. Shall it be carried on by a small board of administrators elected at large by the peo- ple? 1908. C.J. Hamilton, John J. The dethronement of the city boss; being a study of the commission plan as begun in Galveston, developed and ex- tended in Des Moines, and already taken up by many other cities, east and west. 1910. C.J. Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. Committee on Muncipalities. Re- port made to Senate April 15, 1909, by Mr. McKenzie, from spe- cial sub-committee [to investigate the operation of the commis- sion form of city government in Galveston, Houston and Dallas.] 1909. C. J. Illinois. Laws. Commission form of municipal government. (House bill. No. 43. Approved March 9, 1910.) 1910. C.J. Iowa. Laws. The Des Moines plan of city government. 1907. C J. Iowa. University. Forensic League. The second annual inter-collegiate debate 1908-1909 of the State University of Iowa. Iowa vs. Wis- consin, lov/a vs. Minnesota. Proposition for debate, resolved: That American cities should adopt a commission form of govern- ment. 1909. C. J. (In its The constructive and rebuttal speeches of the representatives of the State University of Iowa in the inter-collegiate debates, 1908-1909.) MacGregor, Ford H. City government by commission; address de- livered before the League of Wisconsin municipalities. 1909. J. Niday, J. E. The business idea in municipal government as exempli- fied in the city of Houston. 1906. C. J. Rice, H. B. Address of H. B. Rice, mayor of Houston, Texas, on the commission form of government, 1908. C.J. Robbins, E. Clyde. Selected articles on the commission plan of mu- nicipal government. 1909. C. J. (Debaters' handbook series.) ELECTIONS Forney, Matthias N. Proportional representation. A means for the improvement of municipal government. 1900. J. Hirsch, Paul. Das kommunale Wahlrecht. 1905. J. 16 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Hodder, Alfred. A fight for the city. 1903. C. J, An account of the municipal campaign of 1901 in New York City. Illinois. Laws. Synopsis of Illinois primary election law. 1908. C. N. Illinois. Laws. The law relating to primary elections in the County of Cook in the State of Illinois in force July i, 1905. 1905. C.J. Illinois. Laws. The law regulating primary elections of political par- ties or organizations of the state of Illinois. 1901. C.J.N. Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. A bill for an act to provide for the holding of primary elections by political parties. 1908. C.J. (45th Assem. Senate Bill no. 606 in House.) Ivins, William M. Machine politics and money elections in New York city. 1887. J. Merriam, Charles E. Primary elections; a study of the history and tendencies of primary election legislation. 1908. C. J. N. Meyer, Ernest C. Nominating systems; direct primaries versus con- ventions in the United States. 1902. C.J. Michigan Political Science Association. Papers and addresses on pri- mary reforms. 1905. C.J.N. New York, state. Legislature. Report of the Joint committee of the Senate and Assembly of the state of New York appointed to in- vestigate primary and election laws of this and other states. 1910. CJ. (Senate doc. no. 261.) Post, Louis F. and Leubuscher, Fred C. An account of the George- Hewitt campaign in the New York municipal election of 1886. 1887. J. CIVIL SERVICE Cambridge Civil Service Reform Association. Prize essays on mu- nicipal reform. 1884. J. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Annual report. No. i, 1895-!-. C. J. N. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Charts of organization of all de- partments of the city of Chicago, as in effect March, 191 1. C.J. N. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Chicago civil service examination questions. 1895-96. 2 vols. C.J. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Civil service chart book. Analysis of employment in the classified service, city of Chicago — ^year 191a Lines of authority indicated — responsibility fixed — duties standard- ized — grades and uniform salaries — efficiency regulations. 1910. C. J. N. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Civil service text book, city of Chicago, 1910-11. Methods of procedure — standards of examina- tions — medical and physical tests — types and examples of examina- tions — information for applicants. 1910. C.J. Civic League of Saint Louis. The merit system in appointment to office: report of the Civil service committee of the Civic league to the Board of freeholders of St. Louis, 1909. C.J. Civil Service Reform Association of Chicago. Annual reports of the Civil Service Reform Association of Chicago and Illinois Civil Service Association. 1909+- ^' J* Evans, Annie J. The civil service of Buffalo, New York, and its effect on the municipal government. 1902. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 17 National Civil Service Reform League. Higher municipal appointive offices and the merit system. Preliminary report of a committee of the National civil service reform league. 1906. J. New York, city. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Municipal civil service examination papers, (authorized). 1902. J. New York, city. Municit^al Civil Service Commission. Sample questions of examinations held by the Municipal Civil Service Commission of the city of New York from January i to December 31, 1908, with extracts from the rules established December 4, 1903. Amend- ed to July 22, 1909. C. J. Shepard, Edward M. The competitive test and the civil service of states and cities. 1884. C J. N. MUNICIPAL FINANCE ; DEBT ; BONDS Bronson, Harrison A. The law of recitals in municipal bonds. 1901. J. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. New York city's debt; facts and law relating to the constitutional limitation of New York's indebtedness. 1909. C.J.N. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. New York City's Depart- ment of Finance. 1908. C.J.N. Burhans, James A. The law of municipal bonds. 1889. C. J. N. Gadoux, Gaston. Les finances de la ville de Paris de 1798 a 1900. Suivies d'un essai de statistique comparative des charges com- munales des principales villes frangaises et etrangeres, de 1878 a 1898. 1900. J. Chandler, Alfred D. The metropolitan debts of Boston and vicinity. Sinking fund and serial bond methods compared. Proposed legis- lation. 1905. J. Chicago. City Comptroller. Abstract of receipts, appropriations and expenditures of the city of Chicago. 1900-f-. C.J. Chicago. City Council. Appropriation ordinance. 18744-. C. (Jti9oi+.) Chicago. City Council. Committee on Finance. Annual financial state- ment of the city of Chicago, for the municipal year. 1852-1857. J. Chicago. Commission on City Expenditures. Preliminary report, no. i-ii. 1910. C.J.N. Chicago. Department of Finance. Annual report. Finances of the city of Chicago. 1872-f . C. (J,i887+.) (N. [i876-89],i897+). Clow, Frederick R. A comparative study of the administration of city finances in the United States with special reference to the budget. 1901. C.J.N. Detroit. Controller's Office. Comparative statistics showing the gen- eral and financial condition of the cities of Detroit, Cleveland, Buf- falo, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Milwaukee, Newark, Jersey City, Louis- ville and Minneapolis, together with the cost of maintenance of the several departments thereof, as furnished by the city officials of each city, and compiled for the Common council and Board of Estimates of the city of Detroit. 1902. J. Dubois, Louis P. Essai sur les finances communales. 1898. J. Durand, Edward D. The finances of New York city. 1898. C. J. Harris, William H. The law governing the issuing, transfer and col- lection of municipal bonds. 1902. J. 18 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Klose, Walther. Die Finanzpolitik der preussischen Grossstadte. 1907. J. Merriam, Charles E. Report of an investigation of the municipal rev- enues of Chicago. 1906. C. J. N. (City Club of Chicago, Publication no. 2.) Metz, Herman A. The corporation of the city of New York from its business side. Address by Herman A. Metz, comptroller of the city of New York, before Municipal Club, Brooklyn. 1906. J. New York, city. Department of Finance. Reports made to the Comp- troller of the city of New York by the heads of the several bureaus and divisions of the Department of Finance, relating to improvements therein inaugurated or installed since January i, 1906. J. New York, city. Department of Finance. Bureau of Municipal Investi- gation and Statistics. Report relating to the city's indebtedness. 1907. J. Schooling, John H. London County council finance, from the begin- ning down to March 31, 1907, made clear to ratepayers. 1907. J. Tooke, Charles W. Constitutional limitations of municipal indebted- ness in relation to public improvements. 1899. J. Uhland, Eduard. Die Finanz-Organisation der deutschen Stadtever- waltungen. 1903. J. Verein fiir Socialpolitik, Berlin. Gemeindefinanzen. 1908. J. Williamson, Charles C. The finances of Cleveland. 1907. C.J. (Studies in history, economics and public law, Columbia university, vol. XXV, no. 3.) Zadow, Fritz. Der ausserordentliche Finanzbedarf der Stadte. 1909. J. MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING; BUDGET MAKING Allcock, John. Municipal accounts. 1903. C. J. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Collecting water revenues. Methods of the Bureau of Water Register, Manhattan, with sug- gestions for reorganization. 1909. C. J. N. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. A department of municipal audit and examination. Report on an investigation of the office of Commissioners of Accounts, New York City. 1907. C.J. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. How should public budgets be made? How budgets have been made, how budgets are made, how budgets should be made, fourteen stages in budget making. 1909. C. J. Bureau of Municipal Research, N^ew York. Making a municipal budget. Functional accounts and operative statistics for the Department of Health of Greater New York. 1907. C.J. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Municipal reform through revision of business methods, New York city. 1910. C.J. Chicago. Bureau of Public Efficiency. Methods of preparing and ad- ministering the budget of Cook County, Illinois. 1911. C.J.N. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Revision of Accounts. Report on the special assessment accounts of the city of Chicago October 9, 1871, to April 30, 1901. 1903. J. Chicago. Department of Finance. Departmental and Comptroller's es- timates. 1900-I-. C.J. Collins, Arthur. A municipal internal audit. London. 1904. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 19 Conference on Uniform Municipal Accounting. Washington, D. C, 1903. Uniform municipal accounting. Minutes of a conference held in the city of Washington, November 19 and 20, 1903, under the auspices of the United States Bureau of the Census. 1904. C. J. N. Conference on Uniform Municipal Accounting. Washington, D. C, 1906. Uniform municipal accounting. Proceedings of a second confer- ence held in the city of Washington, February 13 and 14, 1906, under the au-spices of the United States Bureau of the Census. 1906. C. J. N. Constantini, E. Das Kassen- und Rechnungs-Wesen der deutschen Stadtgemeinden. 1903. J. Desbats, A. Gabriel. Le budget municipal. 1895. J. Eckersley, Fred S. Urban district councils' accounts. 1906. C. J. ("The Accountants' library," vol. XLV.) Evans, J. Meredyth. Exemplification of a system of accounts for city councils, corporations, urban and rural district councils, and other local authorities. London. 1897. J. Ford, Worthington C. and De Berard, Frederick B. Defects of the financial statements of the city of New York with suggestions for improved forms. A report to the Commissioners of Accounts. 1903. J- Frenzel, G. Leitfaden fur die Einrichtung der Kahzleien, Registranden und Akten der deutschen Stadtgemeinden. 1903. J. Gardner, Henry B. Statistics of municipal finance. 1888. C. J. Hartwell, E. M. Report of Dr. Edward M. Hartwell, on municipal statistical offices in Europe. (Boston. Document 94 — 1897.) C. J. Haskins and Sells. Report relating to system of municipal accounts for the city of Chicago. 1901. C.J. Haskins and Sells. Letter transmitting report relating to system of municipal accounts for the city of Chicago, the necessary ordi- nances and other data. 1901. C.J. Kramer, G. Leitfaden fiir das Etats-, Rechnungs-, Kassen- und Re- visions-wesen der deutschen Stadtgemeinden, 1904. J. Macpherson, Frank H. Municipal accounting. A comprehensive treat- ise on the subject of municipal accounts, illustrated by specimens of improved forms of books and reports, 1901. C.J. National Municipal League. Report of Committee on Uniform Ac- counting and Statistics. National Municipal League, 1901-f. C.J.N. (/n Proceedings of the Conference for Good City Government and annual meeting of the National Municipal League, no. 7-.) New York, city. Commissioners of Accounts. A report on a special ex- amination of the accounts and methods of the office of the presi- dent of the borough of Manhattan. 1907. J. New York, city. Comptroller's Office. Comparative analytical tables of the budget appropriations of the city of New York, 1899-1908, also arraying the revenues and expenses of the Water department and Docks department, with other data relating to the city's finances. 1908. C.J. New York. city. Comptroller's Office. Comparative tables classifying and grouping, according to function or general purpose, the budget appropriations of the city of New York for 1908 and 1909. J. New York, city. Comptroller's Office. New York city accounts on a business basis. General purpose of forms and procedure installed by the Department of Finance. 1909. J. 20 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT New York, city. Department of Finance. Cost of government of the city of New York with an analysis of the budget for the year 1909. J. New York, city. Department of Finance. Accountant's report to Ed- ward M. Grout, comptroller, submitting the outlines and demon- stration of a plan for stating the annual report of the Comptroller of the City of New York. 1903. J. Schonberg, L. Die Technik des Finanzhaushalts der deutschen Stadte im Mittelalter. 1910. C. J. Serrier, P. J. Repertoire general sur le service de la comptabilite des percepteurs-receveurs municipaux. 1906. J. TAXATION; SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Blunden, G. H. Local taxation and finance. (Social science series, vol.81.) 1895. C.J.N. Cannan, Edwin. The history of local rates in England; five lectures. 1896. C. J. N. Chandler, Frank R. Assessor's land valuations, city of Chicago, from the quadrennial assessment of 1907 with systems of valuing real estate, tables showing increase of population and of values, with map of Chicago. 1908. C. J. Cook County, Illinois. Real estate assessments. 1907. 2 vols. C.J. A broadside for each precinct showing valuation as fixed by the Board of Assessors and by the Board of Review. Cook County, Illinois. Board of Assessors. Real estate assessments. 1899, 1907. C. (J. 1907) Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the law of taxation, including the law of local assessments. 1886. J. Duvall, Loy C. L. The taxation and equalization of city, town and county real estate. 1901. J. Ely, Richard T. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888. C. J. N. Foster, Roger. The taxation of the elevated railroads in the city of New York. 1883. C.J. Hamilton, Charles H. A treatise on the law of taxation by special assessments. 1907. J* International Conference on State and Local Taxation. State and local taxation; international conference under the auspices of the International Tax Association. Addresses and proceedings. 1908-}-. Lange. M. E. Local taxation on London. 1906. J. Lauterbach, Eugen. Die Staats- und Kommunal-Besteuerung in Deutschland, England, den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und den englischen Kolonien. 1906. J. Milwaukee. City Clerk. Municipal facts. Digest of taxation 1884- 1909. 1909. C. J. National Conference on State and Local Taxation. State and local taxation; first national conference under the auspices of the Na- tional tax association, Columbus, Ohio, November 12-15, 1907. 1908. C. J. N. National Educational Association. Report of the Committee on Taxa- tion as Related to Public Education. 1905. C.J.N. New York Tax Reform Association. Publications of the New York Tax Reform Association. 1904+. J« CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 21 Olcott, Geo. C, Chicago. Olcott's land value maps. An annual publi- cation of the valuations of Chicago real estate in map form re- vised from maps published in Land values record. 1909-f-. J. O'Meara, John J. Municipal taxation at home and abroad. Local government-indebtedness and valuation. With statistics relating to the principal municipalities of the world. 1894. C. J. Palgrave, Robert H. L The local taxation of Great Britain and Ire- land. 1871. C.J.N. Powell, Henry M. Taxation of corporations in New York for state and local purposes. 1905. J. Purdy, Lawson. The burdens of local taxation and who bears them. Followed by Opinions of economists. 1901. J. Rathbone, William, Pell, Albert, and Montague, F. C. Local govern- ment and taxation. 1885. C.J. Real estate valuation supplement. Pub. annually in April as suppl. to the Economist. Gives Chicago valuations. C. J. N. Rosewater, Victor. Special assessments. A studv in municipal finance. 1893. ■ . C.J.N. Studies in history, economics and public law, Columbia University, vol. 2.) Schooling, John H. Local rates and taxes. With twenty-two con- densed tables and eleven diagrams, illustrating the increasing and injurious burden of local taxation and municipal expenditure. 1905. J. Schwab, John C. History of the New York property tax. An intro- duction of the history of state and local finance in New York. (In American Economic Association. Publications, vol. 5.) 1890. C. J. N. Smurr, Tom W. Smurr on local improvements in Illinois, with forms. 1907. J- U. S. Bureau of Manufactures (Dept. of Commerce and Labor). Munici- pal taxation in European countries. 1910. C. J. N. (Special consular reports, vol. XLII, part II.) LAW Principles and Statutes Abbott, Howard S. A treatise on the law of municipal corporations. 1905-06. 3 vols. J. Dillon, John F. Commentaries on the law of municipal corporations. Fourth edition. 1901. 2 vols. J. Elliott, Charles B. The principles of the law of public corporations. 1898. J. Illinois. Laws. An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages. 1875. C.J. Illinois. Laws. Laws of Illinois relating to cities, villages and in- corporated towns, in force July i, 1901. 1902. C.J. Indiana. Lazvs. The municipal law of Indiana, including all statutes of the state appertaining to cities and towns. Third edition. 1899. J.N. Same. 4th edition. J» Michigan. Laws. Laws relating to the incorporation of cities. 1909. C.J.N. Ohio. General Assembly. Proceedings of the special committee on municipal code. 7Sth General assembly. 1903. J. 22 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Paterno, Pedro A. El regimen municipal en las Islas Filipinas. Real decreto de 19 de mayo de 1893, con notas y concordancias. 1893. J. Smith, Jeremiah. Cases on selected topics in the law of municipal corporations. 1898. J. Smith, John W. Commentaries on the modern law of municipal cor- porations, including public corporations and political and govern- mental corporations of every class. Being a revised, re-written arid enlarged edition of Beach on public corporations. 1903. 2 vols. J. U. S. Philippine Commission. The Municipal code and the Provincial government act, as amended by the acts of the Philippine com- mission down to and including May 31, 1905, revised and codified by the Committee on revision and codification appointed by the governor-general. 1905. C. J. Wisconsin. Laws. Laws of Wisconsin relating to the organization and government of cities and the powers and duties of city officers and of common councils. 1900. J. FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department of Chicago. A synoptical history of the Chicago fire department from the earliest volunteer organization up to the present time. 1908. C.J. Brayley, Arthur W. A complete history of the Boston fire department, including the fire-alarm service and the protective department, from 1630 to 1888. 1889. J. British Fire Prevention Committee. Proceedings. No. i-f. 1898-}-. 153 numbers. Chicago. Fire Department. Report of the Fire Marshal to the City Council of the city of Chicago, Chicago,, 1868+. C.J. (N. 1895-1901) Chitil, Willibald. Das Feuerloschwesen der k. k. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien. 1903-1904. J. Costello, Augustine E. Our firemen. A history of the New York fire departments. Volunteer and paid. 1887. C. J. N. Dana, David D. The firemen; the fire departments of the United States with a full account of all the large fires. 1858. C.J. Dittmann, Adolf C. W. Das Feuerloschwesen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande. Fin Handbuch der Einrichtung und Organisation von Berufs-, freiwilligen und Pflichtfeuerwehren. 1910. J. Hill. Charles T. Fighting a fire. 1897. C.J. Holmes, Frederic M. Firemen and their exploits: with some account of the rise and development of fire-brigades, of various appliances for saving life at fires and extinguishing the flames. 1899. J. King, William T. Historv of the American steam fire-engine. 1896. CJ. National Board of Fire Underwriters. Committee of Twenty. Reports on cities. No. 1-48, June, 1904-July, 1906. J. Succeeded by Report of Committee on Fire Prevention. National Board of Fire Underwriters. Committee on Fire Prevention. Report. i9o6-(-- J. Sachs, Edwin O. Facts on fire prevention. 1902. C. J. Shaw, Eyre M. Fire protection. A complete manual of the organiza- tion, machinery, discipline, and general working, of the Fire Brigade of London. 1876. C.J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 23 Sheldon, George W. The story of the Volunteer Fire Department of the city of New York. 1882. C. J. N. Spectator Company, New York. Fire protection and water supply, 1903-1904; an exhaustive compilation showing the fire equipment and water supply of the cities and towns of the United States and Canada, having a population of 1,000 or more, according to the census of 1900. 1904. J, Chicago. Police Department. Book of rules and regulations of the Department of Police of the city of Chicago. Adopted and in force May i, 1905. C.J. Chicago. Police Department. Report of the General Superintendent of Police. 1868+. J. (C, 1871+; N., 1885) Chicago. Police Department. Rules and regulations, Department of Police, city of Chicago. Prescribed and in force November i, 1910. C.J. Costello, Augustine E. Our police protectors. History of the New York police from the earliest period to the present time. Second edition. 1885. C.J. Depasse, Hector. Paris. Son maire et sa police. 1881. J. Flinn, John J. and Wilkie, John E. History of the Chicago police, from the settlement of the community to the present time. 1887. C. J. N. Fuld, Leonhard F. Police administration; a critical study of police organizations in the United States and abroad. 1909. C.J.N. Genzmer, St. Die Polizei. Polizeiverwaltung — Strafpolizei^Sicher- heitspolizei — Ordnungspolizei. 1905. J. Griffiths, Arthur. Mysteries of police and crime. A general survey of wrong-doing and its pursuit. 1899. 2 vols. C.J. Horr, Norton T. and Bemis, Alton A. A treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enforcement of municipal police ordinances. 1895. C. J. Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. Senate report on the Chicago po- lice system as made by the Committee of Investigation appointed by the 40th General Assembly, special session 1897-98. 1898. C. J. N. Jullien, Paul. La securite publique. Manuel de I'agent de police. 1905. J. Lee, William L. M. A history of police in England. 1901. C.J. McAdoo, William. Guarding a great city. 1906. C. J. Piper, Alexander R. Report of an investigation -of the discipline and administration of the Police Department of the city of Chicago. 1904. C. J. N. (Publication no. i, City Club of Chicago.) Wolzendorff, Kurt. Die Grenzen der Polizeigewalt. 1905-1906. 2 vols, in I. J. PUBLIC HEALTH Allen, William H. Civics and health. 1909. C. J. N. Balch, Lewis. A manual for boards of health and health officers. (New York). 1908. C.J. Bashore, Harvey B. The sanitation of recreation camps and parks. 1908. C. J. N.. 24 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Billings, John S. Public health and municipal government. 1891. C. J. N. Blyth, Alexander W. Lectures on sanitary law. 1893. J. N. Chapin, Charles V. Municipal sanitation in the United States. 1901. C.J.N. Chicago. Department of Health. Annual report. 1867-I-. C. J. Chicago. Department of Health. Bulletin, Chicago School of Sanitary Instruction devoted to the dissemination of advice and informa- tion of the Department of Health, city of Chicago. 1902-I-. C. J. Published weekly. Chicago. Department of Health. Monthly bulletin. 1897-1901. C.J. Ceased publication. Cosgrove, John J. History of sanitation. 1909. C.J. Godfrey, Hollis. The health of the city. 1910. C.J. Hull-House, Chicago. An inquiry into the causes of the recent epi- demic of typhoid fever in Chicago, made by residents of Hull House. 1903. C.J. Keen, Frank N. Urban police and sanitary legislation, 1904. Being a collection of provisions contained in the local improvement acts obtained by English urban district councils in the year 1904, after consideration by the Police and sanitary committee of the House of Commons. 1905. J. Lindemann, Hugo. Die deutsche Stadteverwaltung. Ihre Aufgaben auf den Gebieten der Volkshygiene, des Stadtebaus und des Woh- nungswesens. 1906. J. Massachusetts. State Board of Health. Report upon the sanitary con- dition of factories, workshops and other establishments where persons are employed. 1907. C. J. New York, city. Board of Health. Annual report. 18714-- J. New York, city. Department of Health. Brief history of the campaign against tuberculosis in New York city. Catalogue of the tuber- culosis exhibit of the Department of Health, city of New York. 1908. J. New York, city. Department of Health. A bureau of child hygiene; co-operative studies and experiments by the Department of health of the city of New York and the Bureau of municipal research. 1908. C.J. New York, city. Department of Health. Monthly bulletin, vol. i, no. i, Jan., 191 i-f. C.J. New York, city. Department of Health. Weekly report. 1909+. J. Oliver, Sir Thomas. Diseases of occupation from the legislative, so- cial and medical points of view. 1908. C.J. Prausnitz, Wilhelm. Atlas und Lehrbuch der Hygiene mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stadte-Hygiene. 1909. J. Price, George M. Handbook on sanitation. C.J. Rapmund, Otto. Das oflfentliche Gesundheitswesen. Allgemeiner Teil. 1901. J- Russell, James B. Public health administration in Glasgow; a memo- rial volume of the writings of James Burn Russell. i905- J* San Francisco. Citizens' Health Committee. Eradicating plague from San Francisco. Report of the Citizens' Health Committee and an account of its work. 1909. C.J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 25 Sedgwick, William T. Principles of sanitary science and the public health with special reference to the causation and prevention of infectious diseases. 1905. C.J. Thurston, Henry W. The fight for life in Chicago; a sketch of the sanitary history of Chicago. 1901. J. FOOD INSPECTION American Association of Medical Milk Commissions. Proceedings. 1908+. J. Bruce, Edwin M. Detection of the common food adulterants. 1907. C.J. Chicago. Department of Health. Circular of information and advice concerning the milk supply of Chicago, 1906. C. J. Leach, Albert E. Food inspection and analysis, for the use of public analysts, health officers, sanitary chemists and food economists. 2d ed. 1909. C.J. Macewen, Hugh A. Food inspection, a practical handbook. 1909. C. J. Robertson, William. Meat and food inspection. 1908. C.J. Short, A. W. Municipal milk supply. 1905. J. Trueman, John M. Milk supply of Chicago and twenty-six other cities. 1907. C. J. N. (University of Illinois. Agricultural exptfriment station. Bulletin no. 120.) U. S. Bureau of Manufactures. Municipal markets and slaughter- houses in Europe. 1910. C. J. N. (Special consular reports, vol. XLII, pt. III.) Ward, Archibald R. Pure milk and the public health; a manual of milk and dairy inspection. 1909. C.J. Wiley, Harvey W. Foods and their adulteration. 1907. C. J. N. PUBLIC BATHS Comfort Stations Chicago. Free Bath and Sanitary League. The Free Bath and Sani- tary League round-up for 1897 on the free public baths of Chi- cago. 1897. J. Civic League of St. Louis. Public comfort stations for Saint Louis. 1908. C. J. Cross, Alfred W. S. Public baths and wash-houses. 1906. C.J. Gerhard, William P. Modern baths and bath houses. 1908. C. J. Hanger, G. W. W. Public baths in the United States. 1904. C.J.N. (/n U. S. Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, vol. 9.) Hart, V. C. The need of public comfort stations in Chicago; or, A study of the public toilet facilities of Chicago. 1907. J. New York, city. Mayor's Committee on Public Baths and Public Com- fort Stations. Report on public baths and public comfort stations. 1897. CJ. SMOKE PREVENTION Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. The elec- trification of railway terminals as a cure for the locomotive smoke evil in Chi^ago, with special reference to the Illinois Central Rail- road. 190/i C. J. Chicago. Def'artment of Smoke Inspection. Report. 1911. C.J. Covering period from organization, Oct., 1907, to Dec. 31, 1910. 26 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Chicago. Cif/zens' Association. Report of Smoke Committee of the Citizens' Association of Chicago. 1889. C. J. Graham, John W. The destruction of daylight. 1907. C.J, Nicholson, William. Smoke abatement. 1905. C.J. Popplewell, William C. The prevention of smoke combined with the economical combustion of fuel. 1901. C.J. BlflLDING INSPECTION AND REGULATION Housing and Tenement Conditions Chicago. City Council. An ordinance relating to the Department of Buildings and governing the erection of buildings, passed Mar. 28, i8f|8. 1903. C.J. Same. 1905. C. J» Chicago. Department of Buildings. Report of the Department of Buildings. 1907-08-f . C. J. New Yo'.'k, city. Ordinances, etc. The building code of the city of New York, with amendments to April 12, 1906. 1906. J. U. S. Bureau of Statistics. Fire and building regulations in foreign countries. 1892. C.J.N. (Special consular reports, vol. 8.) Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Tenement house adminis- tration, steps taken to locate and to solve problems of enforcing the tenement house law. 1909. C. J. Chicago. Citizens* Association. Report of the Committee on Tene- ment Houses of the Citizens' Association of Chicago. 1884. C.J.N. City Homes Association, Chicago. Tenement conditions in Chicago. Text by Robert Hunter. 1901. C.J.N. Civic League of St, Louis. Housing conditions in St. Louis. Report of the Housing Committee of the Civic League of St. Louis. 1908. J. De Forest, Robert W. and Veiller, Lawrence. The tenement house problem, including the report of the New York state tenement house commission of 1900, by various writers. 1903. 2 vols. C. J. N. Dewsnup, Ernest R. The housing problem in England, its statistics, legislation, and policy. 1907. J. Dinwiddie, Emily W. Housing conditions in Philadelphia. 1904. C. J. N. Kaufmann, Moritz. The housing of the working classes and of the poor. 1907. J. MacGregor, Ford H. Tenement house legislation, state and local. Prepared with the co-operation of the Political science depart- ment of the University of Wisconsin. 1909. J. Nettlefold, John S. Practical housing. 1908. C.J. New York, city. Tenement House Commission. Housing conditions and tenement laws in leading American cities; prepared by Lawrence Veiller, secretary. 1900. C. J. New York, city. Tenement House Commission. Tenement house fires in New York. Prepared for the Tenement House Commission. 1900. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 27 (, '^ ■ '^^'^^ New York, city. Tenement House Commission. Tenement house fir^rv^ Cv^ ^ escapes in New York and Brooklyn. Prepared for the Tenement "^//vl House Commission. 1900. J. New York, city. Tenement House Commission. Tenement house legis- lation in New York, 1852-1900, prepared by Lawrence Veiller, secretary. 1900. C. J. New York, city. Tenement House Department. Report of the Tene- ment House Department of the City of New York. No. i, 1902-!-. J. Veiller, Lawrence. Housing reform, a hand-book for practical use in American cities. 1910. C.J. Russell Sage foundation publication. Weller, Charles F. Neglected neighbors; stories of life in the alleys, tenements and shanties of the national capital, 1909. J. Report of the President's home commission. LICENSES; CONCESSIONS Brackett, James A. Theatrical law; the legal rights of manager, artist, author, and public in theaters, places of amusement, plays, per- formances, contracts, and regulations. 1907. C.J. Civic League of Saint Louis. Billboard advertising in St. Louis; re- port of the Signs and billboards committee of the Civic league. 1910. J. George, John E. The saloon question in Chicago. 1897. C.J.N. (American economic association. Economic studies, v. 2, no. 2.) Jerome, William T. The liquor tax law in New York; a plea for the opening of saloons on Sunday. 1905. C.J. (Questions of the day, no. CIIL) Pratt, Edwin A. The licensed trade. 1908. C. J. New York, city. Push-Cart Commission. Report of the mayor's Push- Cart Commission. 1906. C.J. Webb, Sidney, and Webb, (Beatrice. The history of liquor licensing in England, principally from 1700 to 1830. 1903. J. PUBLIC WORKS Baker, Moses N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902. C. J. (The citizens library.) Cawston, Arthur. A comprehensive scheme for street improvements in London. 1893. J. Chardon, Henri. Les travaux publics; essai sur le fonctionnement de nos administrations. 1904. J. Chicago. Board of Public Works. Annual report. No. 1-15. 1861- 1875. C. J. N. In 1876 the Board of Public Works was abolished and the Department of Public Works was created in its stead. Chicago. Department of Public Works. Mayor's annual message and annual report of the Department of Public Works. 1876+. C.J.N. The Encyclopaedia of municipal and sanitary engineering; a handy working guide in all matters connected with municipal and sani- tary engineering and administration. 1910. J. Goodhue, William F. Municipal improvements. A r»a'nual of the methods, utility, and cost of public improvements, for the munici- pal officer. 1900. C.J. McCullough, Ernest. Engineering work in towns and small cities. 1906. J. 28 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT McCullough, Ernest. Municipal public work. An elementary man- ual of municipal engineering. 1900. J. Maxwell, William H. British progress in municipal engineering. 1904. C. J. Whincry, Samuel. Municipal public works; their inception, construc- tion and management. 1903. C. J. WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE Baker, Moses N., ed. The manual of American water works. 1889- 1897. 4 vols. C.J. Bell, Thomas J. History of the water supply of the world. 1882. C.J. Brown, D. W. Public water supplies; their collection; storage; dis- tribution; engineering; plant; purity and analysis. 1890. C.J. Chicago. Board of Water Commissioners. Semi-annual report. (C.,7,9, 15; 1854,55.58.) (Jm II, i3» 15, 19; 1856-58, i860.) Contains report for entire year. Chicago. Board of Sewerage Commissioners. Report and plan of sew- erage for the city of Chicago, Illinois, adopted by the Board of Sewerage Commissioners December 31, 1855. C.J. Chicago. Board of Sewerage Commissioners. Report of the Board of Sewerage Commissioners of the city of Chicago, i860. C.J. Published semi-annually. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Sanitary district of Chicago. A concise report on its organization, resources,, con- structive work, methods and progress. 1894-1904. C.J. (N. 1903). Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Report on the sanitary and ship canal. 1906. C. J. N. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago. 1892-}-. C.J. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Report of receipts and expenditures from date of organization, January 18, 1890, to July I, 1905, 1906+. C.J. Chicago. Board of Water Commissioners. Report on supplying the city with water. 1851. C.J. Chicago. City Engineer. Report on the water supply system of Chi- cago, its past, present and future, by John Ericson, city engineer. 1905. C. N. Chicago. Citizens' Association. The Chicago drainage and waterway laws. 1889. C. N. Chicago. Citizens* Association. Report of the Board of Engineers upon the Chicago water supply. 1875. C. J. N. Chicago. Citizens' Association. Report on the north-west water tun- nel. 1897. C.J.N. Don, John. Modern methods of water purification. 1911. C.J. Fuertes, James H. Water filtration works. 1901. C.J. Goodell, John. Water-works for small cities and towns. 1899. C.J. Great Britain. Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply. Re- port of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the water supply of the metropolis. 1893. 5 vols, in 2. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL 'GOVERNMENT 29 The Great Chicago lake tunnel. The causes which led to its concep- tion; the great undertaking; obstacles encountered; how the work was performed; launch of the crib; etc. together with sketches of the visits of several illustrious parties to the works. 1867. J. Hazen, Allen. Clean water and how to get it. ist ed. 1907. C.J. Hubbard, Winifred D. Water-works management and maintenance, ist ed. 1907. C.J. Illinois Manufacturers' Association. "What does it cost the city to operate, maintain and administer its plant for supplying water to the people of Chicago." Report by Sargent & Lundy, November 27, 1906. J. Jackson, D. W. A discussion of the drainage and water supply of Chicago. 1892. C. J. Johnson, Columbus O. Water supply and prevention of waste in leading European cities; report to the Merchants' Association of New York. 1903. C.J. London. County Council. London water supply. Report on the action of the council with regard to the water supply of London, and a bibliography of the principal reports and papers on the subject, together with a special report by the comptroller of the council on the financial aspects of the purchase. 1905. J, Mason, William P. Water supply. 1902. C. J. New England Water Works Association. Notes on New York city and vicinity, describing engineering works and places of general interest. 1905. J. New York, city. Commission on Additional Water Supply. Report of the Commission on additional water supply for the city of New York, November 30, 1903. 1904. J. New York, city. Merchants* Association. An inquiry into the condi- tions relating to the water-supply of the city of New York. 1900. J. Philadelphia Commercial Museum. The waterworks of Europe. A report presented to the City Councils of Philadelphia by the Phil- adelphia Commercial Museum. 1899. J. Randolph, Isham. The sanitary district of Chicago, and the Chicago drainage canal; a review of 20 years of engineering work. 1909. C.J. Schussler, Hermann. The water supply of San Francisco, California, before, during and after the earthquake of April i8th, 1906, and the subsequent conflagration. 1906. J. Shadwell, Arthur. The London water supply. 1899. C. J. Thurston, Henry W. The history of Chicago's water supply. 1902. C.J. U. S. War Department. Engineer Department. Effect of withdrawal of water from Lake Michigan by the Sanitary District of Chicago. 1906. C. J. N. (Document no. 6, soth Congress, ist session. House of Representatives, U.S.) Wegmann, Edward. The water supply of the City of New York, 1658- 1895. T896. J. Wing, J. M. and Company. The tunnels and water system of Chicago. 1874. C.J. Zadek, Ignaz. Hygiene der Stadte. i. Die Trinkwasser-Versorgung. 1909. J. 30 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT REFUSE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL Baker, Moses N. Sewerage and sewage purification. 1895. C.J. Branch, Joseph G. Heat and light from municipal and other waste. 1906. C. J. Dunbar, William P. Principles of sewage treatment. 1908. C. J. Goodrich, W. F. The economic disposal of towns' refuse. 1901. C. J. N. Kinnicutt, Leonard P. Sewage disposal. 1910. C.J. Morse, William F. The collection and disposal of municipal waste. 1908. J. New York, city. Department of Street Cleaning. A report on the final disposition of the wastes of New York by the Department of Street Cleaning. George E. Waring, Jr., Commissioner. 1896. J. Morse, William F. The collection and disposal of municipal waste. 1908. C. J. N. Naylor, William. Trades waste: its treatment and utilisation. With special reference to the prevention of rivers pollution, 1902. C.J. Parsons, Harry de B. The disposal of municipal refuse. 1906. C.J. Raikes, Hugh P. The design, construction and maintenance of sew- age disposal works. 1908. C. J. St. Louis. Civic Improvement League. Disposal of municipal waste. Report of the Public Sanitation Committee of the Civic Improve- ment League of Saint Louis. 1906. C.J. Salomon, Hermann. Die stadtische adwasserbeseitigung in Deutsch- land. 1906-07. 2 vols. J. Venable, William M. Garbage crematories in America. 1906. J. Venable, William M. Methods and devices for bacterial treatment of sewage. 1908. C. J. STREETS Paving; Cleaning; Lighting; Supervision and Regulation Allen, Arthur T. New streets: laying out and making up. 1904. J. Alvord, John W. A report to the Street Paving Committee of the Commercial Club on the street paving problem of Chicago. 1904- J.N. Baker, Ira O. A treatise on roads and pavements, ist ed. 1903. C.J. Burke, M. D. Brick for street pavements. 1892. C.J. Byrne, Austin T. A treatise on highway construction. 5th ed. 1908. C.J. Commercial Club of Chicago. Plan for a boulevard to connect the north and south sides of the river on Michigan avenue and Pine street. 1908. C. J. N. Frost, Harwood. The art of roadmaking. 1910. C. J. Judson, William P. City roads and pavements suited to cities of moderate size. 3d edition. 1906. C. J. Judson, William P. Road preservation and dust prevention. 1908. CJ. Merchants' Association of New York. Maintenance of pavements and administration of streets in the City of N. Y. 1906. J. N. Richardson, Clifford. The modern asphalt pavement, ist ed. 1905. C.J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 31 Smith, Jonah W. Dustless roads. Tar macadam. 1909. C.J. Tillson, George W. Street pavements and paving materials, ist edi- tion. 1903. C. J. Bureau of Municipal Research, Nezc York. Some phases of the work of the Department of Street Cleaning of New York City, 1906. C.J. Indiana. Laws. Street improvements by cities and towns in the state of Indiana containing the statutes, with comments thereon, and forms. 1905. C. J. New York, city. Department of Street Cleaning. The problem of snow removal. Being a historical sketch of the various methods, past and present, employed in the Department of Street Cleaning, with comparison of results. 1897. C. J. New York, city. Department of Street Cleaning. General information about the Department of Street Cleaning, New York City. 1905. C.J.N. Selfridge, Harry G. Suggestions on the problem of cleaning the streets of Chicago. Written for the City Homes Association. 1901. C.J.N. Soper, George A. Modern methods of street cleaning. 1909. C. J. Stritzl, Hans. Ueber Strassenreinigung der Stadte. 1893. C.J. Waring, George E. Street cleaning and the disposal of the city's wastes. 1898. C. J. Chicago. Department of Electricity. Annual report. 1897+. C. (J., 1901+) Chicago. Department of Electricity. Rules and ordinances of the De- partment of Electricity of the city of Chicago. With an historical appendix. 1900. C. J. Lux, H. Die offentliche Beleuchtung von Berlin. Eine geschichtliche, technische und wirthschaftliche Darstellung des offentlichen Be- leuchtungswesens in Berlin, sowie des Beleuchtungseffectes auf den Berliner Strassen. 1896. J. U. S. Bureau of Manufactures. Municipal art commissions and street lighting in European cities. 1910. C. J. N. (Special consular reports, v. 42, pt. i.) Chicago. Department of Track Elevation. Report of the Department of Track Elevation. 1900. C.J. N." Chicago. Department of Track Elevation. Track elevation within the corporate limits of the city of Chicago to December 31st, 1908. 1909. C. J. Chicago Directory Company. Plan of re-numbering city of Chicago; a complete table showing new and old numbers affected by an ordinance passed by the City Council of the city of Chicago, June 22, 1908, and as amended by an ordinance passed June 21, 1909. 1909. C. J. N. Cummins, James S. State and territorial general statutes relating to the use of streets and highways by street railway, gas, water and electric light companies. 1905. J. Eno, William P. Street traffic regulation; general street traffic regu- lations — special street traffic regulations, dedicated to the traffic squad of the Bureau of Street Traffic of the Police Department of the city of New York. 1909. J. Great Britain. Lazvs. The law of heavy and light mechanical traction on highways in the United Kingdom. 1906. J. 32 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Great Britain. Royal Commission on London Traffic. Report of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the means of locomotion and transport in London. 1905-06. 8 vols. J. Keasberg, Edward Q. The law of electric wires in streets and high- ways. 1900. J. Morrell, Charles. System of thoroughfare terming and house number- ing. 1894. N. Municipal Art Society of Hartford. Street name plates; an investi- gation by the Com.mittee on street fixtures and advertising signs. 1909. V C. J. N. PORT AND HARBOR Beirly, Alfred. A new harbor for Chicago; plans and suggestions in- troduced for its location and construction. 1908. C.J.N. Chicago. Commission on the Chicago River. Report of the Commission on the Chicago River. 1899. C. J. N. Chicago. Harbor Commission. Report of the Harbor Commission of the City of Chicago 1905. J. Chicago. Harbor Commission. Report to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chicago by the Chicago Harbor Commission. 1909. C.J.N. Croode, John P. The development of commercial ports, i. What the ports of Europe are doing. 2. Chicago's commercial apportunity. Report to the Chicago Harbor Commission. 1908. C. J. N. Owen, Douglas. Ports and docks. 1904. C.J. Sikes, George C. Report on the Chicago dock problem with special reference to the questions of municipal ownership and leasing policy. 1909. C.J.N. Sikes, George C. Report to the Chicago Harbor Commission on ob- stacles to Chicago's water shipping development. 1908. C.J.N. Tunell, George G. A report to the Chicago Harbor Commission on the volume and trend of traffic to and from the Central West. 1908. C.J. U. S. Bureau of Statistics. Port regulations in foreign countries. 1891. C. J. N. (Special consular reports, v. 4.) U. S. Department of State. European waterways; reports of consular officers of the U. S. located in Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. 1909. C.J.N. (National Waterways Commission. Doc. no. 7.) PUBLIC UTILITIES Public Service Corporations American Academy of Political and Social Science. Control of municipal public service corporations. 1908. C. J. N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXXI, no. 3) American Academy of Poitical and Social Science. The control of public service corporations. 1900. C.J.N. American Economic Association. Committee on Public Finance. The relation of modern municipalities to quasi-public works. 1888. C. J. N. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 33 American Institute of Architects. The relations of railways to city development; papers read before the American Institute of Archi- tects, December i6, 1909, New Willard hotel, Washington, D. C. 1910. C.J. Arnold, Bion J. Report upon the reduction of rates of the Chicago Edison Company and the Commonwealth Electric Company sub- mitted to the Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light of the Chicago City Council. 1906. C.J. Bennett, Alfred R. The telephone systems of the continent of Eu- rope. 1895. C. J. Bougault, Paul. Autorisation et concession administratives pour Inoc- cupation des voies publiques eclairage electrique — energie — tram- ways — distribution d'eau. 1903. J. Bradford, Ernest S. Municipal electric lighting. 1906. C. J. N. (Wisconsin free library commission. Legislative reference department. Com- parative legislation bulletin no. 5.) Bradford, Ernest S. Municipal gas lighting. 1906. C. J. N. Wisconsin free library commission. Legislative reference department. Com- parative legislation bulletin no. 8.) Chicago. City Council. Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light. Re- vised draft of the Chicago Telephone Company ordinance as pre- pared by the Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light. June 28, 1907. C. J. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light. Telephone service and rates. Report of the Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light to the City Council of Chicago. Septem- ber 3, 1907. C.J. Chicago. Special Telephone Commission. Report on the telephone situation in the city of Chicago in respect to service, rates, regu- lation of rates, etc. 1907. C. J. Elden, Leonard L. The Boston Edison system. 1909. J. Foote, Allen R. and Everett, Charles E. The law of incorporated companies operating under municipal franchises. 1892-93. C. J. Foote, Allen R. Municipal public service industries. 1899. C. J. Foote, Allen R. Powers of municipalities — a discussion of the Report on municipal program of the Special Committee of the National Municipal League. 1898. C. J. N. Gilliam, Charles F. A victorious defeat; the story of a franchise. 1906. J. Giinther, Erwin. Die europaischen Fernsprechgebiihrentarife; ihre Grundlagen, Entwickelung, und zweckmassige Gestaltung. 1910. Ivins, William M. and Mason, Herbert D. The control of public utilities in the form of an annotation of the Public service com- missions law of the state of New York and covering all important American cases together with the text of the Federal interstate commerce act and the Rapid transit act of New York. 1908. J. Joyce, Joseph A. A treatise on franchises, especially those of public service corporations; containing also in an appendix the Public service commissions law of New York and the Public utility law of Wisconsin. 1909. J. Lindholm, Mari F. Brief list of references on public utilities with especial reference to state supervision. 1909. C. J. Lindsley, Van Sinderen. Rate regulation of gas and electric lighting. 1906. J. 34 CHECK LIST ON MUxNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Marks, William D. The finances of gas and electric light and power enterprises. Electric railways, electric light stations, gas works, oil motor cars. 1907. J. Marks, William D. The finances of gas and electric light and power enterprises. 1904. J. Montpellier, J. A. Les distributions piibliques d'energie electrique en France. 1908. J. Myers, Gustavus. The history of public franchises in New York City. (Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx.) 1900. J. New York, state. Laws. The New York Public service commissions law. As enacted in 1907. 1907. J. New York, state. Public Service Commission, ist district. Report. 1908+. C.J. New York, city. Merchants' Association. Cost of condemnation pro- ceedings and analysis of references. 1903. C.J.N. Putney, Albert H. Government revenue, taxation, tariffs, by Hubert M. Skinner. Public utilities, by Albert H. Putney. 1910. J. Roger, Louis. Le domaine industriel des municipalites. Distributions d'eau, de gaz, d'electricite, transports en commun. Etude de sci- ence economique et de science financiere. 1901. J. St. Louis. Public Service Commission. Laws, ordinances and permits dealing with rights, privileges and franchises of public service corporations (other than steam railways) in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. 1909. C.J. See, Raymond. Les entreprises de distribution d'energie electrique, legislation et jurisprudence. 1903. J. Serrell, Lemuel W. Public service corporations. A brief work deal- ing with the operations and revenues derived from the same. 1901. J. Wilcox, Delos F. Municipal franchises; a description of the terms and conditions upon which private corporations enjoy special pri- vileges in the streets of American cities. 1910. C.J. Wisconsin. Laws. A compilation of laws affecting the regulation of public utilities. Published by the Railroad Commission of Wis- consin. 1909. J. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP American Academy of Political and Social Science. Municipal owner- ship and municipal franchises. 1906. C. J. N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXVII, no. I.) American Academy of Political and Social Science. Municipal prob- lems. 1906. C.J.N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol, XXVIII, no. 3.) Avebury, John Lubbock, ist baron. On municipal and national trad- ing. 1907. C. J. Bemis, Edward W. Municipal ownership of gas in the United States. 1891. C.J.N. Bemis, Edward W. Municipal monopolies. A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. 1899. C.J. Bcrthelemy, Henry, and Knoop, Douglas. Gemeindebetriebe in Frank- reich und England. 1910. J. CHECK LIST ON MUxNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 35 Boverat, Raymond. Le socialisme municipal en Angleterre et ses resultats financiers. 1907. J. Brooklyn. Public Library. Books on municipal ownership. 1906. C. J. Burdett, Everett W. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. CJ. Carey, Francis K. Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. 1900. J. Case, George L. Municipal ownership of public service utilities. 1907. J. Chicago. Advisory Committee of the Municipal Ownership Move- ment. Municipal ownership facts. An appeal to the voters of Chicago issued by the Advisory Committee of the Municipal Ownership Movement. 1906. C.J. Concerning municipal ownership. Volume 1-4, number 6, March, 1906- June, 1909. C. J. N. Ceased publication June 1909. Darwin, Leonard. Municipal ownership: four lectures delivered at Harvard University. 1907. C.J. Darwin, Leonard. Municipal trade; the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the substitution of representative bodies for private proprietors in the management of industrial undertakings. 1903. C.J. Davies, Dixon H. The cost of municipal trading, 1899. J. Des Cilleuls, Alfred. Le socialisme municipal a travers les siccies. 1905. J. Dolman, Frederick. Municipalities at work. 1895. C. J. N. Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Brooklyn. Municipal elec- tric lighting for Brooklyn? Interesting facts and figures bearing on the report of the municipal electric lighting commission of the Board of estimates and apportionment. 1905. J. Francisco, M. J. The business of municipalities and private corpora- tions compared; data that proves municipal ownership waste ex- ceeds corporate profit. 1905. J. Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership: its fallacy. With legal and editorial opinions, tables and cost of lights as furnished by private companies and municipal plants. 1895. J. Francisco, M. J. Municipalities vs. private corporations. Political and business management compared. 1900, J. Gibbings, Alfred H. The commercial and business aspects of munici- pal electricity supply. A practical handbook for the use of elec- trical engineers to municipal corporations and members of munici- pal electricity committees. 1899. C. J. Glasgow. Handbook on municipal enterprises. 1904. J. Grant, Arthur H. A list of defunct municipal lighting plants. 6th ed., rev. and enl. 1908. J. Gray, John H. The control of quasi-public enterprises; address deliv- ered before the Massachusetts reform club. 1906. J. Great Britain. Parliament. Report from the Joint select committee of the House of lords and House of commons on municipal trad- ing; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. 1900. J. Same. 1903. J. 36 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Grout, Edward M. Municipal ownership. Its necessity demonstrated. 1897. J.. Gueguen, Alphonse. Etude comparative des methodes d'exploitation des services de gaz. Regie municipale directe. — Regie co-interes- see. — Concession a I'industrie privee, 1902. J. Holcombe, Arthur N. Public ownership of telephones on the conti- nent of Europe. 191 1. C.J.N. (Harvard economic studies, v.6.) InsuU, Samuel. Public control and private operation of public service industries. (Part I.) Part II. Municipal ownership. Experience of Detroit taxpayers in owning and operating an electric light plant. 1899. J, Jowett, Frederick W. The socialist and the city. 1907. J. Mercier, Pierre. Les exploitations municipales, commerciales et in- dustrielles en France. 1905. J. Meyer, Hugo R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. C. J. Montet, Eugene. Etude sur le socialisme municipal anglais; les entre- prises industrielles des villes anglaises et leurs logements a bon marche. 1901. J» Municipal socialism, a series of articles reprinted from the Times. 1902. J. National Civic Federation. Municipal and private operation of public utilities; report to the National Civic Federation Commission on Public Ownership and operation. 1907. 3 vols. C. J. N. New York, state. Legislature. Assembly. Special Committee to In- vestigate the Question of Municipal Ownership of Street Rail- roads. Report. 1896. 2 vols. C.J. Newcomb, Harry T. Municipal socialism; the conservative victory in Cleveland. 1905. J. Parsons, Frank. The city for the people; or, The municipalization of the city government and of local franchises. 1901. C.J. Pond, Oscar L. Municipal control of public utilities; a study of the attitude of our courts toward an increase of the sphere of munici- pal activity. 1906. C. J. N. (Studies in history, economics and public law; ed. by the Faculty of po- litical science of Columbia university, vol. XXV, no. i.) Porter, Robert P. The dangers of municipal ownership. 1907. C. J. N. Seabury, Samuel. Municipal ownership and operation of public util- ities in New York city. 1905. J. Shaw, George B. The common sense of municipal trading. 1904- CJ. Sikes, George C. Report on the Chicago dock problem with special reference to the questions of municipal ownership and leasing policy. 1909. J. N. Singer, J. Die stadtischen Elektrizitats-Werke zu Frankfurt am Main. Denkschrift fiir die Deutsche Stadte-Ausstellung zu Dresden, 1903. J. Suthers, Robert B. Does municipal management pay? 1903. J. Suthers, Robert B. Mind your own business: the case for municipal management. 1905- J* Towler, W. G. Socialism in local government. 1908. C. J. Verein fiir Socialpolitik, Berlin. Gemeindebetriebe. Neuere Versuche und Erfahrungen iiber die Ausdehnung der Kommunalen Tatig- keit in Deutschland und im Ausland. 1908. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 3T Wisconsin. Laws. A compilation of laws affecting the regulation of public utilities. Published by the Railroad Commission of Wis- consin. 1909. J, Wisconsin. University. Municipalization of street railways. Twenty- ninth annual joint debate of the University of Wisconsin, 1899. C.J. A study of the problem in Chicago. Zangerle, John A. The larger view of municipal ownership. 1906. J. STREET RAILWAYS Ackerman, William K. Report of investigation into the affairs of the street railways of Chicago, made to the Civic Federation. 1898. C. J. N. American Street Railway Investments; a suppl. to the Street Railway Journal. 1894+. C. J. Arnold, Bion J. Reports on the Chicago transportation problem. 1902-05. 3 vols. C.J. Known as the "Arnold report." Baltimore. Electrical Commission. Report of the Electrical Commis- sion of Baltimore City to the Mayor and City Council on a gen- eral subway system to be owned by the city of Baltimore. 1896. J. Black, James S. The street railroad situation in Chicago. 1898. J. N. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation, Recom- mendations and general plans for a comprehensive passenger sub- way system for the city of Chicago. 191 1. C.N. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Report on the transportation subway systems of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Paris, London. 1909. C. J. N. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Report on transportation subways. 1909. 3 vols. C. J. N. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Report to the City Council of the city of Chicago, January 15, 1907, and ordinances to the Chicago City Railway Company and the Chi- cago Railways Company. Passed by the City Council February II, 1907. C.J. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Suggested outline of street railway franchise renewal ordinance, together with a discussion of some of the features thereof. 1901. C. J. N. Chicago. City Council. Report of the Special Committee of the City Council of Chicago on the street railway franchises and opera- tions, to January i, 1898. 1898. C. J^ Chicago. City Council. Special Committee on Local Transportation. Report outlining the provisions of a street railway franchise re- newal ordinance. December 16, 1901. C.J.N. Chicago. Street Railway Commission. Report. 1900. C. J. N.. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the complete physical properties and intangible values of the South- ern Street Railway Company. 1908. C.J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the physical property and intangible values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company. 1908. C.J. 38 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the physical property and intangible values of the South Chicago City Railway Company. 1908. C. J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the Chicago City Railway Company. 1906, CJ. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the street railway system in the possession of and operated by the receivers of the Chicago Union Traction Company. 1906. C. J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Report on the physical properties and intangible values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company, and the South Chicago City Railway Com- pany. 1908. C. J. N. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Report on the physical property and intangible value of the Southern Street Railway Company. 1908. C. J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Report on the values of the properties of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Company inside the city limits, 1910. C.J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Report on the values of the tangible and intangible properties of the Chicago City Railway Company and the Chicago Union Traction Company. 1906. C. J. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the street railway system in the possession of and operated by the receivers of the Chicago Union Traction Company as of June 30, A. D., 1906. CJ. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the Chicago City Railway Company as of June 30, A. D., 1906. C. J. Chicago. Board of Supervising Engineers, Chicago Traction. An- nual report. Chicago, 1908-}-. C. J. N. Chicago Union Traction Company et al. vs. The City of Chicago. Proceedings in the United States Supreme Court. 1905. C. J. Civic Federation of Chicago. The street railways of Chicago. Report of the Civic Federation of Chicago. Edited by Milo Roy Maltbie. Accountant's report by Edmund F. Bard. 1901. J. Daily Inter ocean, Chicago. The other side of the question! Dura- tion of franchises. Rates of compensation. 1898. J. A statement of Charles T. Yerkes and extracts from the editorial columns of the Inter ocean on the Chicago street railway franchise situation in 1898. Fairlie, John Archibald. The street railway question in Chicago, by John A. Fairlie. 1907. C. J. N. Fisher, Walter L. The traction ordinances. A reply to the objec- tions of Mr. George E. Hooker. 1907. J. Guaranty Trust Company of New York, et al. vs. Chicago Union Trac- tion Company, et al. Briefs in receivership proceedings. 1903- 05. 24 vols. C. Heilman, Ralph E. Chicago traction; a study of the efforts of the public to secure good service. C. J. N. (American economic association quarterly. 3d series, vol. IX, no. 2.) A History of the Yerkes system of street railways in the city of Chi- cago. From the earliest organization of the first horse railway to the present development of cable, electric and elevated railways of the north and west divisions. 1897. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 39 Jackson, George W. Reports relative to the construction of subways and lowering and reconstruction of the La Salle and Washington streets tunnels. 1904. C.J. Kollmann, Julius. Der Grosstadt-Verkehr. 1905. J. Mohler, Charles K. Report on the Union Elevated Railroad of Chi- cago. 1908. C. J. N. New York, state. Public Sennce Commission, ist district. Supervision of street railways in England and Prussia. 1909. C. J. New York. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Rapid transit in New York city and in other great cities. 1905. J. N. Norton, Samuel W. Chicago traction; a history, legislative and politi- cal. 1907. C. J. Partridge, Newton A. Suggestions on the Chicago street railway problem. 1898. J. Pinanski, Abraham E. The street railway system of metropolitan Boston. J. William H. Baldwin prize essay. Robinson, Arthur S. The inner circle system of terminals for the Chicago subways. 1906. J. N. Speirs, Frederic W. The street railway system of Philadelphia: its history and present condition. 1897. C.J.N. {In Johns Hopkins University, Studies in historical and political science, vol. IS.) U. S. Bureau of the Census. Street and electric railways. 1907- C.J.N. Weiss, Lothar. Die Tarife der deutschen Strassenbahnen, ihre Tech- nik und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. 1904. J. Willson, Beckles. The story of rapid transit. 1903. C.J. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS American Academy of Political and Social Science. Public recreation facilities. 1910. C.J.N. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXXV, no. 2.) Boston. Department of School Hygiene. Manual for the public school playgrounds of the city of Boston. 1909. J. Bureau of Municipal Research, Nezv York. The park question. 1908. 2 vols. J. N. Chicago. Commissioners of Lincoln Park. Annual report. (C, 1879+ ; J., 1894+ ; N., 1885+) Chicago. South Park Commission. Report. 1869+. C. (J., 1873-j-.) Chicago. Special Park Commission. Annual report. Parks, play- grounds and bathing beaches. 1905-f-. C. J. (N. 1909-f .) Chicago. Special Park Commission. A plea for playgrounds. 1905- J« Chicago. Special Park Commission. Report of the Special Park Com- mission to the City Council of the City of Chicago. 1901. C.J.N. Chicago. Special Park Commission. Report of the Special Park Com- mission to the City Council of Chicago on the subject of a metro- politan park system. Report compiled by Dwight Heald Perkins, 1904. C. J. N. Chicago. West Chicago Park Commissioners. Annual report. 1870-f. (C, 1-13, 20+; J., 1-4, 6-15, 18+.) Hanmer, Lee F. First steps in organizing playgrounds. 1908. C. J. 40 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Illinois. Laws. Parks in the west division of the city of Chicago. The several acts of the Legislature authorizing the location of parks in the west division of Chicago; and governing the com- missioners in locating and improving the same. 1869. C.J. Illinois. Laws. South park; laws and decisions of the supreme court of the state of Illinois relating thereto. 1872. C.J. Leland, Arthur. Playground technique and playcraft. 1909. C. J. London. County Council. London parks and open spaces. Notes on the acquisition, history and maintenance of the parks, gardens, recreation grounds and open spaces under the control of the Council. 1906. J. Mero, Everett B. American playgrounds, their construction, equip- ment, maintenance and utility. 1908. C. J. N. Olmsted, Vaux & Co. Chicago South Park Commission. Report ac- companying plan for laying out the South Park. 1871. J. The Parks and propertv interests of the city of Chicago. With maps. 1869. ' C.J. Philadelphia. Allied Organizations. The existing and proposed outer park systems of American cities. 1905. J. Playground Association of America. Proceedings of the annual play- ground congress and year book. No. i, 1908-f. C.J. The Public grounds of Chicago. How to give them character and expression. 1869. C. J. Rauch, John H. Public parks; their effects upon the moral, physical and sanitary condition of the inhabitants of large cities, with special reference to the city of Chicago. 1869. C.J.N. Rauch, John H. Same. 1889. C.J. St. Louis. Civic Improvement League. Report of the Open Air Play- grounds Committee, Civic Improvement League. Free open air playgrounds. 1903. C. J. N. Tsanoff, Stoyan Vasil. Educational value of the children's play- grounds. A novel plan of character building. 1897. C.J. MUNICIPAL ART City Planning; Garden Cities Abendroth, Alfred. Die Aufstellung und Durchfiihrung von amtlichen Bebauungsplanen. Leitfaden fiir kommunale Verwaltungsbeamte und Gemeindetechniker. 1905. J Art and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. Art and life, and the building and decoration of cities; a series of lectures. 1897. C.J, Ausschuss Gross-Berlin. Anregungen zur Erlangung eines Grund- planes fiir die stadtebauliche Entwicklung von Gross-Berlin Gegenben von der Vereinigung Berliner Architekten und dem Architektenverein zu Berlin. 1907. J Benoit-Levy, Georges. La cite-jardin. 1904, C. J, Brunner, Arnold W. and Carrere, John M. Preliminary report for a city plan for Grand Rapids. 1909. J. N Buls, Charles. Asthetik der Stadte. 1898. J Biinz, Otto. Stadtebau Studien von Otto Biinz. 1909. J Burnham, Daniel H. Report of a plan for San Francisco, by Daniel H. Burnham, assisted by Edward H. Bennett. 1905. J. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 41 Burnham, Daniel H. Plan of Chicago. Prepared under the direction of the Commercial Club during the years mcmvi, mcmvii and MCMViii by Daniel H. Burnham and Edward H. Bennett. 1909. C. J. N. City Parks Association of Philadelphia. Special report of the City Parks Association on the city plan. 1902. J. Cleveland, Ohio. Board of Supervision for Public Buildings and Ground. The group plan of the public buildings of the city of Cleveland. Report made to the Honorable Tom L. Johnson, mayor, and to the Honorable Board of Public Service by Daniel H. Burnham, John M. Carrere, Arnold W. Brunner, Board of Supervision. 1903. J. Columbus, Ohio. Plan Commission. The plan of the city of Columbus; report made to the Honorable Charles A. Bond, mayor, to the Honorable Board of Public Service, and to the Honorable City Council, by Austin W. Lord, Albert Kelsey, Charles N. Lowrie, Charles Mulford Robinson, H. A. MacNeil, plan commission, February, 1908. J. Commercial Club of Chicago. The presentation of the plan of Chi- cago. The broader aspects of city planning, Charles D. Norton. The economic and commercial features of a city plan, Charles H. Wacker. The Chicago Plan Commission, Bernard W. Snow. The proceedings of the two hundred and eleventh meeting of the Com- mercial Club of Chicago, in honor of the Chicago Plan Commis- sion. 1910. C.J.N. Deutsche Gartenstadt-Gesellschaft, Berlin. Aus englischen Garten- stadten. Beobachtungen u. Ergebnisse einer sozialen Studienreise. 1910. Eberstadt, Rudolph. Gross-Berlin, ein Programm fiir die Planung der neuzeitlichen Grossstadt. 1910. C.J. First Garden City, Limited, Letchworth, Eng. Letchworth garden city in pictures. 1910. J. Garden City Association, London. Town planning in theory and prac- tice. A report of a conference arranged by the Garden City As- sociation, held at the Guildhall, London, on October 25, 1907, under the presidency of the Lord mayor of London. 1908. J. Garden Suburbs. Town planning and modern architecture. With contributions by M. H. Baillie Scott, "Home counties," Professor S. D. Adshead, P. W. Wilson, E. G. Culpin and Alderman Thomp- son, and one hundred and ten drawings, plans and photographs. 1910. J. Geddes, Patrick. City development. 1904. C.J. George, W. L. Labour and housing at Port Sunlight. 1909. J. Harvey, William A. The model village and its cottages: Bournville. 1906. J. Henrici, Karl. Beitrage zur praktischen Asthetik im Stadtebau. 1904. Hercher, Ludwig. Grosstadterweiterungen. Ein Beitrag zum heuti- gen Stadtebau. 1904. J. Marsh, Benjamin C. An introduction to city planning; democracy's challenge to the American city. 1909. C. J. Municipal Art Commission of Los Angeles, Cal. Report. 1909. J.N. Municipal Art League of Chicago. Year book no. i, 19014-- C.J.N. N. 1902-03 42 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Municipal Art Society of Hartford. Publications no. i, 1904+. C. J. N. Municipal Art Society of New York. Bulletin no. i, 1902-f. J. National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings, ist and 2nd, 1909, 1910. C.J. Proceedings of the first conference published in Senate document no. 42, 6 1 St Congress, 2nd series. Neville, Ralph. Garden cities; a Warburton lecture delivered on 24th October, 1904. 1904. J. New York, city. Art Commission. Annual report, 19084-. C. New York, city. Art Commission. Civic art in Northern Europe. A report to the Art Commission of the city of New York by Milo Roy Maltbie. 1903. J. Nolen, John. Remodeling Roanoke; report to the Committee on Civic Improvement. 1908. J. Nolen, John. Replanning Reading, an industrial city of a hundred thousand. 1910. J. N. Nolen, John. San Diego, a comprehensive plan for its improvement. 1908. J. Nussbaum, H. C. Die Hygiene des Stadtebaus. 1907. J. (Sammlung Goschen. [348].) Peabody, Robert S. A holiday study of cities and ports, by Robert Swain Peabody; notes of travel offered to the Commission on the improvement of metropolitan Boston by one of its members. 1908. J. Robinson, Charles M. The improvement of towns and cities; or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics. 1901. C.J. Robinson, Charles M. Modern civic art; or, The city made beautiful. 1903. C. J. Robinson, Charles M. Report of Charles Mulford Robinson with re- gard to civic affairs in the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with rec- ommendations for city improvement and beautification. 1908. C. J. N. Rochester Civic Improvement Committee. A city plan for Rochester. A report prepared for the Rochester Civic Improvement Com- mittee, Rochester, N. Y. 191 1. St. Louis. Civic League. A city plan for St. Louis. Reports of the several committees appointed by the Executive Board of the Civic League to draft a city plan. 1907. C. J. Bennett, Alfred R. Garden cities in theory and practice. Being an amplification of a paper on the potentialities of applied science in a garden city. 1905. 2 vols. J. N. Sitte, Camillo. Der Stadte-Bau nach seinen kiinstlerischen Grund- satzen. Ein Beitrag zur Losung moderner Fragen der Architektur und monumentalen Plastik unter besonderer Beziehung auf Wien. 1 901. J. Der Stadtebau. Monatsschrift fiir die kiinstlerische Ausgestaltung der Stiidte nach ihren wirtschaftlichen, gesundheitlichen und sozialen Grundsatzen. Vol. i, 1904-]-. J. Stiibben, Joseph. Der Stadtebau. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Vierter Theil, vol. 9.) 1890. C.J. Town Planning Conference, London, igio. Transactions. 191 1. N. Triggs, Harry I. Town planning, past, present and possible. 1909. C. J. N. CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 43 Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in practice; an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbs. 1909. C. J. N. CHARITIES AND CORRECTION Aschrott, Paul F. The English poor law system, past and present. 1902. C. J. Barrows, Samuel J. Children's courts in the United States, their origin, development and results; reports prepared for the Inter- national Prison Congress. 1904. C. J. N. Chicago. Municipal Court. Annual report, 1906+. C. J. (N., 1908+) Great Britain. Poor Law Commission. Minority report of the Poor Law Commission. Edited, with introduction by Sidney & Bea- trice Webb. 1909. 2 vols. C.J. Hartford, Conn. Juvenile Commission. Annual report, no. i, 19104-. C. Henderson, Charles R. Modern methods of charity. 1904. C.J.N. Illinois. Lazvs. The municipal court act, with notes, by Hiram T. Gilbert. 1906. C. J. Lawrence, Charles. History of the Philadelphia almshouses and hos- pitals from the beginning of the eighteenth to the ending of the nineteenth centuries, showing the mode of distributing public relief through the management of the boards of overseers of the poor, guardians of the poor and the directors of the Department of charities and correction. 1905. C. J. New York, city. Department of Public Charities and Correction. An- nual report. 1871-1895. J. Succeeded by Annual report of the Department of Public Charities of the City of New York, 1903- ; from 1893-1902 no reports were published. New York, city. Department of Public Charities. Annual report. 1903+- J. St. Louis, Mo. Juvenile Court. Report, 1908, 1910. C. J. Warner, Amos G. American charities; a study in philanthropy and economics. 1894. C. J. N. EDUCATION School Administration Bard, Harry E. The city school district, statutory provisions for organization and fiscal affairs. 1909. C.J.N. Britton, Mr.?. Gertrude H. An intensive study of the causes of truancy in eight Chicago public schools, including a home investigation of eight hundred truant children. 1906. C. J. N. Chancellor, William E. Our schools, their administration and super- vision. 1908. C. J. N. Chicago. Board of Education. Annual report. 1854-f-. C. J. (N. 1858+) Chicago. Board of Education. Directory of the public schools of the city of Chicago. (C., 1899-f ; J., 19024- ; N., 1900+) Chicago. Board of Education. Proceedings, 1871-f. C.J.N. Chicago. Board of Education. School census of the city of Chicago. 1882-1-. C. J. Chicago. Educational Commission. Report of the Educational Com- mission of the city of Chicago. Appointed by the mayor, Jan- uary 19, 1898. 1899. C. J. N. 44 CHECK LIST ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Chicago. Citizens' Association. Report of the Committee of the Citi- zens' Association of Chicago, on education. 1881. C.J.N. Clark, Hannah B. The public schools of Chicago. A sociological study, presented to the University of Chicago in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy. 1897. C. J. N. Dutton, Samuel T., and Snedden, David. The administration of public education in the United States. 1908. C. J. N. Elliott, Edward C. Some fiscal aspects of public education in Ameri- can cities. 1905. C.J.N. Hoyt, Charles O. Die Schulverwaltung der Vereinigten Staaten mit besonderer Beziehung auf die stadtische Verwaltung. 1903. C. J. Hutt, H. L. Improvement of school grounds; plans and suggestions for the improvement of rural and urban school grounds. Educa- tion Department, Ontario. 1908. C. J. Merchants' Association of New York. The increase in taxation and the outlays of the Board of Education. 1901. C.J. National Educational Association. Report of the Committee on Tax- ation as related to Public Education. 1905. C.J.N. New York, city. Children's Farm School. Report of Children's Farm School in Dewitt Clinton Park, Manhattan, New York City. 1905+- J- Perry, Clarence A. Wider use of the school plant. 1910. C.J. (Russell Sage foundation publications.) Philadelphia. Board of Public Education. Municipal school gardens conducted by the Board of Public Education, Philadelphia. 1905. J. Snedden, David S., and Allen, William H. School reports and school efficiency. 1908. C.J. Strayer, George D. City school expenditures: the variability and interrelation of the principal items. 1905. C.J.N. FREE LIBRARIES; LECTURES Chicago Library Club. Libraries of the city of Chicago, with an his- torical sketch of the Chicago Library Club. 1905. C.J.N. Chicago. Public Library. Annual report, 1873+- C. J. N. Flack, Horace E. Municipal reference libraries. 1908, C.J. The Free lecture course in New York city. Addresses at the annual reunion and dinner [of the lecturers in the Free lecture course, given in New York city under the auspices of the Board of Education]. No. 10. 1900. J« Hutchins, Frank A. The free city library as a department of city government. 1902. J. N. John Crerar Library, Chicago. Annual report, 1895-}-. C.J.N. Newberry Library, Chicago. Annual report, 1887-f-. C. J. N.