69O Parker Ancient History of Bridgwater and its Neighbourhood THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^^^T^vi^j^isiiirsi^^irjiirsNiTSNC^;] 1 i THE ANCIENT I \ J8t0rjj of j I AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD; i ALSO POEMS CONNECTED THEREWITH, j l i i i BY I I GEORGE PARKER. FR.ICE Si:x:E>EKJ OE_ ' I PUBLISHED BY ( ]<:. T. PA<;E, FORE STREET, BRIDGWATER. i ? i --1 nuper'u- h'tlitiati, inth rh'jtmjraph of St. Mary's Church price Is. THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF BRIDGWATER AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD; ALSO POEMS CONNECTED THEREWITH. BY GEORGE PARKER. BRIDGWATER : PRIXTEB AND PUBLISHED BY E. T. PAGE, FORE STREET. 10 f f* o t i . PREFACE;. TT affords pleasure to the Author of this book to find that although only a few months have passed since its publication, a Second Edition is required, as it seems a proof that it has been acceptable to the general public. Bridgwater and its neighbourhood the reader will find from an examination into its Ancient History, have been at certain periods peculiarly mixed up with the history of our country, indeed events have occured which were turning points of great interest and import- ance. As efforts have been used to afford literary amusement and information, the Second Edition is launched in hope, that it may be borne on the tide of success. HOPE. There's Hope in the darkness, there's Hope in the light, There's Hope to the peaceful, there's Hope in the fight, There's Hope on the mountain, when whitened with flocks, There's Hope on the ocean, when waves dash the rocks, There's Hope in the mine, when deprived of Heaven's face. There's Hope when the aeronauts vanish in space, There's Hope for the sufferer whilst life blood still flows, There's Hope for the convict, degraded with woes, When no glimpse of light or of joy can be seen, When care upon care casts its shade on the scene. Bear up good Christian, be faithful and true, And Hopes out of number will wait upon you, It will change the deep shadows that darken your way, To the smiles and the blessings, and brightness of day. 1109877 THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF BRIDGWATER. fCJB, old town is situated in the heart of Somerset- shire. The land around it is peculiarly rich and fertile ; the population of the borough at the last census exceeded twelve thousand. It has a circuitous river,* where the tidal wave flows twice in the day, sometimes rushing up with a head of six feet, and at spring tides rising often to the height of twenty feet. There is a sediment left on the banks of the river, which has long been a source of wealth to the merchants, and gives considerable employment to the labouring people. From this sediment bricks are manufactured, which when finished and dried off, are of a white colour. These bricks are called scouring-bricks : they have been improperly, by some, called Bath bricks, which can only be accounted for by their being something of the colour of Bath stone. They are only made at Bridg- water ; they have been found useful for many manufac- turing purposes, and are now largely exported. This peculiar clay can only be gathered within a mile of the town on either side ; if beyond that distance, towards the sea, there is in the mixture too much sand, and if in the opposite direction too much clay. There is a considerable depth of excellent clay in the lands around the town, from which are manufactured building bricks, tiles and other goods of very superior quality. This may be termed the staple trade. Still there are many other sources of trade ; quantities of oak *Salmon caught in the river Parrett is highly prized for its excel- lent flavour ; formerly when the lauds bordering on the river were undraiuecl, greater facility was given for the fish to spawn, and the river was not so disturbed by vessels as at present, consequently sal- mon was so abundant it was sold about 2d. per lb. It is recorded that in old indentures of apprenticeship a clause was inserted that the ap- prentice should not be obliged to eat salmon more than twice a week. 4 The Ancient History of Bridgicater. and elm timber grown in our neighbourhood are from time to time exported. There are floating-docks, where vessels of large size can discharge their cargoes, so that a considerable foreign, as well as coasting trade is carried on the coal trade especially. There is a line of com- munication from the docks to the Bristol and Exeter Railway, giving great facility to trade transactions. The public buildings and shops are of a superior de- scription. The general market-day is held on Wednes- day ; there is also a provision market on Saturday. Both in corn and cattle a large business is transacted. The houses that have been built within a few years in the south-east and west of the town are proofs of the general prosperity. At the mouth of the river Parret lies Burnham, about eight miles from Bridg water. It is a watering place, fast improving, celebrated for its invigorating Atlantic breezes and splendid beach. It is now to be reached by rail, and when its health- giving powers are better known it will no doubt be more and more frequented. The land around Bridgwater is, as I have stated, very rich and fertile, especially the grazing land. There is one large space of ground, containing about one thousand acres, in a ring fence, formerly held by the Powlett family, now by Lord de Mauley, which is, I understand, let at from 5 to 6 per acre. It is called Pawlett Hams. This property once belonged to the celebrated John of Gaunt. He, it is said, bequeathed it by a will of a peculiarly quaint description. It ran thus : " I, John of Gaunt, do give and grant, From me and mine to thee and thine, All that portion of land, Known by the name of Pawlett Hams." Some of the heaviest Christmas oxen shown at the Smithfield market are grazed on these lands. The farms in the neighbourhood, many of them very large, are held by wealthy agriculturists. There are also small farmers, holding very respectable positions ; The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 5 indeed, the inhabitants of the town of Bridgwater are much blessed by a kind Providence in having such sources of supply around them. Our neighbourhood is honoured by having been mixed up with the history of Alfred the Great. He laid the foundation of all England's power. Before his time the towns in England were scarcely worthy of the name. In giving an account of the historical matters we must not omit one of the most important events of the kingdom, about the year 880, as upon its issue the liberty and happiness of its people rested. Alfred, or Alfred, the Great King of England, was indebted to the protection afforded him by a herdsman and his wife in the Isle of JEthingley, now known as Athelney, which lies about seven miles from Bridgwater. Tradi- tion says that when Alfred first came to Athelney he was set by the gude wife to watch a cake by the fire while she went to feed the pigs, and on her return he received a scolding for having neglected his charge. At length he made himself known, and built a fort for the security of himself and family and a few faithful ser- vants who repaired thither to him. When he had been about a year in this retreat, having been informed that some of his subjects had attacked a great army of the Danes, killed their chief, and taken their magical stan- dard, he issued letters giving notice where he was, and inviting the nobility to come and consult with him. Much importance was attached to the fact of the magical standard being taken, as the Danes were very super- stitious. This banner, Sir Thomas Spelman says, had on it the image of a raven, magically wrought by the three sisters of Hinguar and Hubba, having been begun and finished in a single noontide, on purpose for their expedition, in revenge of their father's (Lodebrook's) murder. It was believed by the Danes to have been charmed with great fatality. It is pretended that being carried in battle, it would seem to clap its wings and 6 The Ancient History of Bridgwater. make as if it would fly when victory was imminent ; but on the approach of a mishap would hang down and not move. Before Alfred and his nobility came to a final determination as to their proceedings, he, putting on the habit of a harper, went into the enemy's camps, where, without suspicion, h.e was readily admitted, and had the honour to play before their princes. Having thus acquired great knowledge of their situation, he returned in secresy to the nobility at Athelney, whom he ordered to their respective homes, there to draw together each man as large a force as he could, and upon a day appointed, there was to be a great ga- thering at a point named. This affair was transacted so secretly and expeditiously that in a little time the king at the head of an army approached the Danes before they had the least intelligence of his design. Alfred, taking advantage of their surprise and terror, fell upon and totally defeated them at JEthendune, now Edington. Those who escaped fled to a neighbouring castle, where they were soon besieged and obliged to surrender at dis- cretion. So decisive was the battle that the Danes de- livered him hostages and covenants to depart out of his dominions, and that their king should be baptized, which was accomplished. King Alfred receiving their king, (Guthrum) at the font, named him Edelstane. Divers others of the Danish nobility, to the number of 30, came up at the same time and were baptized, on whom King Alfred bestowed many gifts. To speak in the praise of so noble a prince as Alfred requires much eloquence. It is said Guthrum was baptized in Alier Church, near Langport. To the inquiry whence sprung the Somersetshire peo- ple, we shall find, from the history of the Saxon English settlement, that, as far as they are the old Holstein and Sleswick stock, they would have sprung from the West Saxons, who landed on the shores of Hampshire, under the leaders Cerdic and Cynic, in 495, and spread slowly The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 7 through Hampshire, "Wiltshire, Dorset and Somerset and for some years, if not generations, stayed still at the rivers Parret, and Upper Axe, which were an understood boundary between the Saxon English and the British races. In Somersetshire men there is British blood, and it is supposed that at Glastonbury, in Somersetshire, the first Christian church was erected. The first historical notice of Bridgwater is from Domesday Book, made in the year ot our Lord 1080, and completed in 1086, in the time of William the Con- queror. It is called " Domus Dei," the book being deposited in the King's Treasury. In the time of Edward the Confessor commissioners were sent into every county and shire to ascertain from the inhabi- tants, upon oath, the name of each manor and that of its owner, also by whom it was held ; the number of hides (a), the quantity of wood, of pasture and of meadow land ; how many ploughs were in demesne, and how many in the tenanted part of it ; how many mills, and how many fish-ponds or fisheries belonged to it, with the value of the whole together in the time of Edwad, as well as when granted by King William ; and, at the time of this survey, also whether it was capable of im- provement or being advanced in value. The return was to include the tenants of every degree, the quantity of land then and formerly held by each of them, the number of villeins (b) or slaves, and also the number and description of live stock. King Alfred had a roll which he called " Domesday" and which referred to the time of Ethelred. In Domesday Book Bridgwater is thus described : " Walter Doway holds Brugie. Merle Swain, a Saxon thane, held it at the time of King (a ) A hide of land was the quantity ploughed with one plough, within a year. Some say 80, some 100 acres. ( b) Villeins, a sort of people in a condition of downright serrr- tude, used and employed in the most servile work, and belonging, both they and their children and effects to the lords of the soil. 8 The Ancient History of Briilgicatcr. Edward, and it was assessed at the Geld for five hides. The arable land was sufficient for ten ploughs five bondmen (c), thirteen villeins, nine bordars (d), five cottagers (Cottarii) who have eight ploughs. There is a mill (the one now in Blake-street) which yields five shillings annually, and ten acres of meadow, one hun- dred acres of coppice wood, and thirty acres of pasture. When Walsein received it it was worth 100 shillings now seven pounds. Walse had in demesne two hides of land and three ploughs, and the villein tenants three hides. Walsein had thirteen neat cattle, seven hogs and sixty-one sheep." Walter Doway was a Norman knight, of a family which derived their surname from the town of Douai in France. Having attended the Conqueror to England he was rewarded with numerous manors in the counties of Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire and Surrey. His chief residence was Bampton, in Devon- shire, which was the head of the barony. At his death he left issue one son Robert, who took the surname of Bampton or Baunton. Having no male issue he left all his estates to Julian, his only daughter, who became the wife of William Paganel, a great baron of that time. William Paganel was the second son of Ralph Paganel Baron of Dudley, in the county of Stafford, son of'Fulk Paganel, who came into England with William the Conqueror. In the 12th Henry II., upon the asM ment for marrying the King's daughter, he certified that he held fifteen knight's lees of the old feoffment (c), and half a knight's fee of the new feoffment by his wife, Julian de Bampton. He had one son Fulk Paganel ( c) Bondmen, who did fealty. They were to be true to their lord, under whom they held their land, performing services, such aa thrashing, drawing water, cutting wood, &c. (d) Bordars, or bordelode, a service required of teiiants that of carrying timber out of the woods of the lord to the house. (e) Feoffment. From the verb Feoffare, "to give one a fond," the gift or grant of any hereditaments to another, feod or feud is dotiacd to be a right. The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 9 who, in the 26 Henry II., paid a thousand marks for livery ( f) of the honour of Barapton, his mother's in- heritance. The Fulk Paganel having committed some givat offence which obliged him to seek safety in flight, liis lands were given to William Bandolph, but he con- veyed the lordship of Bridgwater to William de Briwere. The baronial family of Briwere had large possessions in the counties of Devon and Somerset. Camden, in his "Britannia" says that in the reigns of Henry II., Richard I. and John, the family had the surname of Briwere because the father of William (presently men- tioned) was born on a heath, Latin Bruenuum. The family is for the first time mentioned in history in the 26 Henry II. William Briwere, the son of Henry above mentioned, in consideration of thirty-one marks of silver (whereof ten were acquitted for his service, and the rest paid in money), purchased ofHawisede Ilesham the inheritance of all the lands at Ilesham. This William was in great favour with King Richard I. and John. In the reign of the latter monarch the king confirmed him in the inheritance of Bridgwater, which he had obtained from Fulk Paganel with the knight's fees and the advowson of the Church. He also obtained license to enclose his woods and to have free warren throughout for hares, partridges and pheasants ; and in the following year the king gave him license to build three castles one in Devonshire, another at Bridgwater ( which he livid was most misfttled and harassing, and that the noblest struggled for power and rank irrespec- tive of the sufferings of those who raised them to their eminence. Upon the division of the estate of the family of Briwere, the castle and manor of Bridgwater fell to the eldest sister, Grecia, who was married to Reginald Braose, Lord of Brecknock. Reginald Braose died the Cth of Henry III, 1222, leaving issue by the said Grecia, William, his son and heir, who was afterwards assassin- ated by Llewellyn, Prince of Wales. His eldest daugh- ter, Maude, married Roger de Mortimer, to whom the castle of Bridgwater fell. One of the Mortimers became at length Earl of March, the last of whom married Ann, the daughter of Edward, Earl of Stafford, and departed this life on the 19th January, 1424, being then about 24 years of age. He died without issue, whereupon Richard, Duke of York, was, by an inquisition, found to be next of kin, the lands of the Earl of March, (says Sir Wm. Dugdale) were in the counties of England and Wales, and were many and great, among them the castle and the third part of the borough of Bridgwater, with the manors of Haygrove and North Petherton. The Duke of York married Cecily, daughter of Ralph Ne- ville, Earl of Westmoreland, in 1460, leaving issue Edward IY., who inherited his estates. The castle and the third part of the manor of Bridgwater, with other lands, thus became vested in the Crown. It was at sub- sequent periods held by the Queen's Consort of England and in this right they had a share in the patronage of the Hospital of St. John, which in 1524, was divided into three parts, one of which belonged to Catherine, Queen of England, and the two other parts to Henry, Lord de Dawbenny. King Charles, by letters patent, bearing date llth of July, in the second year of this reign, 1625, granted to Sir William Whitmore, and George Whitmore, Esq., and their heirs, the manor and castle of Bridgwater. The Whitmores sold the manor of Bridgwater Castle and manorof Haygrove, &c. 14 The Ancient History of Bridgicatc.r. to Henry Harvey, Esq., of Bridgwater, who bad issue two sons, Henry and -John. The elder of these two in- herited the estate, but having no issue gave it by will, dated 1669, to his uncle John in 1790. The head of the family was Robert Harvey, M.D. sometime Fellow of Sydney College, Cambridge. The castle was leased out by Henry Harvey to Edward Wyndham, the King's governor, 1645, being two years before the siege thereof by the Parliamentary army under Sir Thomas Fairfax. In order to understand the nature of the proceedings in this part of Somersetshire in the year 1645 betw the Royal and Parliamentary armies, the former com- manded by Lord Goring, the latter by Sir Thomas Fairfax, it will be necessary to allude to the operations which preceded the battle of Langport, more particularly as the victory gained at that place by the Parliamentary army led to the siege and storming of Bridgwater. Lord Clarendon in his history of the rebellion, and Sprugge in his history of the actions and successes of Sir Thomas Fairfax's army, together with papers pub- lished by Parliament, are the principal authorities for the relation. About the beginning of July, according to Lord Clarendon, Sir Thomas Fairfax entered Somerset- shire, which county (with the exception of Taunton, which was defended by Blake of Bridgwater) was then altogether in the power of the King. Lord Goring, who commanded the Royal army, had found it convenient to draw his forces from the siege of Taunton, and he ap- peared to advance against Sir Thomas Fairfax, as if he intended to give him battle. Lord Goring posted his army between the rivers about Langport very advan- tageously for the defence, having a body of horse and foot but little inferior in number to the Parliamentary army, although, by great negligence, he had allowed his foot soldiers to moulder away before Taunton for want of provisions, whilst his horsemen enjoyed plenty even to excess. He had been in the vicinity of Lang- The Ancient History of Britlyicater. 15 port but a very few days when the Parliamentary forces, at noonday, surprised a detachment of more than 1 ,000 horse, commanded by General Porter. Although they were in a valley, and could have discerned the enemy comingdown the hill at the distance of halt' a mile at least Fairfax's troops were upon them before the dragoons could mount their horsss, which were grazing in an ad- joining field. They were entirely routed, and many of them taken prisoners. The next day, notwithstanding all advantages of passes and positions, another party of Sir Thomas Fairfax's cavalry attacked the whole of the Royal army, routed it, and took two pieces of cannon, and pursued Lord Goring's soldiers through Langport, a town which (says the historian) if it had been well ar- ranged, and the people not oppressed, would have sheltered him and resisted the enemy, and drove them to the walls of Bridgwater, to which place his lordship retired in great disorder. He rested there that night, leaving to the garrison of Bridgwater the cannon, am- munition and carriages, and as many soldiers as the Government desired. The next day Lord Goring re- tired into Devonshire, after a disaster which was no less- than the defeat of the whole Royal army. His lordship retired to Barnstaple, and quartered his army over the whole north of Devon. The following is the copy of a communication containing extracts from a diary kept in 1645, and addressed by Sir Thomas Fairfax to the Par- liament, giving details of the events referred to : " An account I gave you in my last of our affairs till yesterday. I left Goring, (the Royalist General) with his whole army at Langport. Yesterday we advanced to Long Sutton, drawing out that part of the army which we had into Sutton field. The rest, being from 400 to 500 horse and dragoons at the least, under the command of Major-General Massey, were on the other side of the river, and those eight regiments of foot which we had at Naseby Field, were also quartered at Martock. Mas- l() prisoners, who rendered up themselves with their arms and what they had. The governor's name was Greenham. The general caused it to be possessed by a party of foot till further orders be taken. On Monday we began to think of the necessity of moving, and also the great importance of taking the town of Bridgwater, if possible, which we find strongly fortified in regard of the advantage of the water drawn about it, and many ordnance in it, Goring having left them all his. A storm was thought of, and pro vision made accordingly, but the thing being of great importance our officers, being very tender of the honour of the army and the lives of their men, thought fit to defer it till more certain information might be had of the works and trenches, and full pre- paration made. Therefore, when they were almost ready to fall on, they were drawn off Monday night late, and returned to their quarters. This evening, through the great goodness of God, the general and lieutenant- general* escaped a very great danger by water, passing the river in a boat which was within two minutes of being overturned by the violence of the tide called the Eager" coming upon them. On Tuesday morning Colonel Massey came near our quarters at Chedzoy, where a council of war was called concerning the town of Bridgwater, and which resolved that we should goon *(Oliver Cromwell). '^0 The Ancient History of Bridytcater. in making all preparations which, if they proved good, and our intelligence crossed not the hopes of prevailing by storm, it was suddenly to be attempted, otherwise to be blocked up. We have these two days taken some vessels coming .to and going from Bridgwater, laden with malt, oats, &c. Six vessels have been taken by us in all since coming hither. On Wednesday and Thurs- day preparations were diligently made for an attempt upon the town ; but finding the ditch around the works filled with water, being six yards wide, and the town well furnished with men the inhabitants inclined to Royalty, and having the example of so much wariness given us by other armies it is thought it will not be expedient to put it to such a hazard, but rather, since there is some probability of starving it in a little time, to spend some patience upon it, considering it a town of great importance to the welfare of the West, and with- out considering that the blocking up of this town will not be a total impediment to other kind of action, as we hope next week to demonstrate. This day, being Satur- day, a party of horse is sent towards London to meet and bring up recruits, and the general and the rest of the officers are in the field near the town, settling quarters to block up the town to the very works, or taking some quicker resolution that the army may be likely to be disposed to make as may be best for the service of the kingdom. " FAIRFAX. "Dated from Chedzoy, near Bridgwater, July, 1645." At length Lieutenant- General Hammond caused eight bridges, about forty feet long, to be prepared, and these were of great use in storming the town of Bridgwater, which took place after considerable consultation. Gen. Massey was to make an attack on the Hamp side, with the regiments of Colonel Wilden, Colonel Fortescue, Colonel Herbert and the Major-General's own regiment. On St. John's and Castle Field side was posted General Cromwell's regiment, with Sir Hardness Wallers, The Ancient History of Bridtj water. 21 Colonel Pride and Colonel Rainsborough. The General forded the river, and rode around the town to see if all was ready, that both sides might fall on together. The Castle wall on the north side was very high and the inoat deep, and between North Gate and West Gate was a battery (a part of the wall of this battery can be now seen) on the off aide of the moat, which hindered all approach that way, On Sunday, Mr. Peters preached an encouraging sermon in the forenoon, and Mr. Bowles another in the afternoon. The eminent Mr. Baxter, who was present at the great action, was not wanting in the discharge of his duty. After the ser- mons the drums beat to arms, and the army was drawn up in the fields about Horsey and Bower. The com- manders of " the forlorn hope" and the soldiers were fresh exhorted to do their duty by Mr. Peters, who be- haved that day with energy. As soon as it grew dark the soldiers drew towards the several posts allotted them to storm. The signal of attack was to be the shooting off three pieces of ordnance, which the forces on the Hamp side were to take notice of, and to attack on the instant. Before the action Sir Thomas Fairfax sent a summons to the governor and townspeople to surrender, but Wynd- ham, like the rest of the cavaliers, did not want for words of defiance, and returned a scornful answer. While Mas- sey's troops kept alarming the enemy on the south (side of the town, Lieutenant- Colonel Uewson led the forlorn, hope at the east end, and was valiantly seconded by the general's own regiment, commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Jackson, and Lieutenant-General Cromwell's regiment, commanded by Colongl Ashticld. The bridges prepared by Colonel Hammond were quickly brought to the ditch of Castle Field, and thrown over. On these the soldiers passed with little loss, and with nn. daunted courage mounted the works the enemy had raised, boat tliem from their ordnance, and turned the latter on the town. While Captain Reynolds, of Crom- well's regiment of horse, drove the cavaliers from the 22 The Ancient History of Bridywater. drawbridge at St. John's a passage was made to East Gate which was forced open. Reynolds entering East- over with his horse, scoured the streets of that part of the town up to the stone bridge over the river, upon which the officers and soldiers, to the number of 600, who had made resistance in Eastover, threw down their arms and cried " Quarter, quarter." There was at that time a gate on the bridge, where the enemy instantly made barricades and drew up a drawbridge. The Parlia- mentary forces had not been two hours in Eastover, before the King's forces shot grenades and slugs of hot iron, which fired the street on both sides. The next morning it was burnt to the ground, with the exception of three or four houses. It consisted of goodly dwellings. Major Co well and Colonel Harley's regiment stood in the midst whilst it was in flames on both sides, and kept guard to prevent the enemies sallying. General Fairfax, hoping the storm might have so wrought upon the soldiers and the fire on the townsmen that they would have hearkened to a treaty, renewed his sum- mons, Avhich the governor peremptorily refused, as if it was his intent that so fair a town should be destroyed, for he knew he could, at the worst, but be a prisoner of war. There was no hope of his being relieved, and the resistance the Royalists made had more phrensy in it than courage. When they saw Eastover in a blaze they rang the bells and set fire themselves to many houses in Silver-street, Friarn Street and the Pig-cross, which showed the effects of it for many years after. On Tues- day (the next day) General Fairfax resolved to alarm the town on the east side, while General Massey stormed it on the south. That resolution was, however, changed to an alarm on both sides, at which the enemy was much amazed, and abandoned their line on the south and west part of the town. About two o'clock that day the general sent a trumpet to the governor, with a mes- sage to the purport that his denial on fair terms had brought him no other thoughts but of compassion to- The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 23 wards those who were innocent, and who otherwise might suffer through the governor's obstinacy ; where- fore he signified that all women and children that would might come forth of the town by four o'clock. This being made known to Colonel Wyndham's lady, she came out, as did also Lady Ilawley, Mrs. War, and several other ladies. They had no sooner left it than the cannon played fiercely on the town. Grenades were shot, and St. Mary-street and High-street were set on fire. The wind being high increased the flames, and the townsmen began, every man, to save his goods. "\Vyndham, amidst this distraction, sent Tom Elliott, as he was then generally called, one of the King's favour- ites, to desire terms, but the general would only grant the soldiers their lives, and the inhabitants their freedom and liberty from plunder. The gentlemen were to be disposed of as the Government may appoint. This, the governor said, the gentlemen would not consent to. Elliot, fearing the army would follow, prayed the general to forbear until he went once more to Wyndham, from whom he presently brought back an answer of submis- sion. Hostages came out to the general for the perfor- mance of the governor's agreement, consisting of Sir, John .Heal, Sir Hugh Wyndham, Mr. Walrond, Mr. A^ r ar, Mr. Sydenham, and Mr. Speke, and the town was the next day surrendered to the Parliamentary army. There was left therein for the Parliament 40 pieces of ordnance, 4000 weight of metal and powder in proportion, victuals for 2,000 soldiers for four months, 1,700 prisoners, amongst whom were some priests and gentlemen, and treasure, in plate and jewels, said to be worth 100,000. An express was immedi- ately despatched to Parliament, with advice of the sur- render of Bridgwater, and twenty pounds were awarded the messenger. In a few days Mr. Peters gave the Parliament a more particular account, for which he received 100, and the House gave thanks to Sir Thomas Fairfax for reducing it. Colonel Birch was made goy- xl-l The Ancient IPintory of Kridywalcr. ernor. The reason for so great an amount of treasure being found was that the cavalier gentry had, from all the adjacent parts, sent in thither their jewels, plate, &c., and their best household furniture, Colonel Wynd- ham, having assured the King that it could not be taken. A large quantity of plate and rich hangings were carried thence to London, and there sold to raise the bounty money for Fairfax's soldiers, who were at the storm, which was regarded as the most furious of any in the war, and the prize of the victors as valuable. The town is stated to have been at that time about four miles in circumference, and, for its size, to have been able to boast of houses as well built as any in the West of England. The account of the siege bears direct testi- mony to the courage with which the town was defended, and to the firmness and loyalty of the inhabitants. In four or five different places the fire blazed whilst the cannon shots rattled their forcible summons to surren- der ; and, driven by extremity, the governor submitted in order to prevent the savage massacre of the inhabi- tants by the excited soldiery of the Parliamentary army. Wyndham seems to have been a man of most heroic courage, and was only prevailed on at last to yield by the urgent entreaties of those around him. In reference to the events already recorded, the cele- brated Admiral Blake must not be omitted. He was born and educated at Bridgwater, where at that time there was a Grammar School. He afterwards went to Oxford, where he took honours. He was returned as member for Bridgwater in 1640, and by principle was a Puritan, and next to Cromwell was the ablest general they had ; but when the King was brought to trial he dis- approved of it, and was, frequently heard to say it was an illegal measure, and that he would risk his life to save the King as readily as he had to serve the Parliament. When he had the command of the fleet, and any of the officers spoke of the Government, he said to them, The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 25 " Leave politics for home ; what we have to do is to keep foreigners from fooling us." He was the first to infuse amongst our sailors that degree of courage for which they have been pre-eminent. He was disinterest- ed, generous, liberal, and of undaunted courage, which was testified by his deeds recorded in history. His father was a, merchant, and some remnants of his house may still be seen in Blake-street. I have already no- ticed one of the remarkable persons whose siibsequent power depended in great measure on his success in the siege of Bridgwater. We now come to another equally eminent in history the Duke of Monmouth who also aimed at the throne of England, and whose fate seem- ingly, depended on the success of a battle fought near Bridgwater the battle of Sedgemoor, in 1685. The Duke of Monmouth landed at Lyme, and was joyfully re- ceived by the people as he journeyed towards Taunton. He became more and more popular, and armed men joined him ready to sacrifice their lives in his cause. His reception at Taunton was most enthusiastic, and when he arrived at Bridgwater he was led by the Mayor (Alexander Popham, Esq.) and Corporation to the high cross, which then stood in the centre of the town, and was there procleimed king'amid the thundering plaudits of the people. His troops were very numerous, most devoted to him personally and to his cause, but badly armed, and with little or no military discipline. They encamped in a large field near the town, called Castle Field. A Bridgwater man who kept his cattle near Westonzoyland brought word to the duke as- to the po- sition of the King's army. He said they were distribu- ted at Westonzoyland, Middlezoy, and Othery. The duke and Lord Grey went on St. Mary's Tower, and by the help of a telescope could discern many of the troops. The King's army consisted of about 4000 men, and was commanded by Earl Feversham and Lord Churchill, who afterwards became the Duke of Marlborough. Monmouth called a council of war, and it was deter- 26 The Ancient History of mined they should march off in the night, and so sur- prise the enemy, the duke observing that no more could be done but to lock up the stable door and seize the troopers in their beds. Oldmixon, who himself was a native of the town, and whose tombstone is now to be seen in St. Mary's Churchyard, states that he saw the duke and his army leave on Friday night, July 3rd, without even beat of drum, and the strictest orders were given to observe silence as mueli as possible. They took as their guide a man named Benjamin Newton, who thoroughly understood the path through Bradney-lane. All went well till they arrived in Sedgemoor, wlieii un- fortunately, Newton became bewildered, not being equul to the strange and responsible position he was placed in. Although he thought he could find the ford out almost blindfolded, he led the army above it, and whilst some confusion followed a shot was fired by an officer who, it was supposed, was a traitor to the cause (said to be Captain Hucker, of Taunton). The noise alarmed the King's troops. Dunbarton's regiment aroused and put themselves in order. Had the well devised plan of the duke succeeded, his forces would have marched directly into the enemy's tents, and as the soldiers had such a dread of the scythemen, the terror of the weapon, to- gether with the darkness of the night, would have caused utter confusion in their ranks. But, as it was, immedi- ately a special messenger was sent to summon the Earl of Feversham, who was in bed at "Westonzoyland. He soon arrived, and at about one o'clock in the morning the fight commenced. The battle was an obstinate one. At first it went in favour of the duke's forces. After some time they wanted ammunition, which they called earnestly for. It was proved after the battle that the men in charge of the waggons loaded with the ammu- nition, although zealous in the cause, were induced not to proceed from an alarm being given that the battle was lost. The drivers thereupon turned their horses, and the want of this ammunition was said to be the The Ancient Ilixfnru of Jtritlrirafcr. 27 principal circumstance causing the loss of the battle. Still they fought with desperation, and the stout scythe- men dashed into the thickest of the fight. At length Monmouth, finding that the ammunition did not arrive, fled with Grey and the horse. The foot soldiers follow- ed ; the King's horse following them, killed more than had been slain in the battle. Oldmixon, who was par- ticular in his account of the battle, says he was upon the spot before the dead were buried, and he observed the slain to be more on the King's side than on the duke's, as they were pointed out to him by the person who took him to the moor. Thus ended the famous battle of Sedgemoor, which, of course, at that time caused much excitement at Bridgwater. It ultimately led to the arrival in Somersetshire of the famous Judge JefFeries, whose name will ever be odious in the West of England. He was termed " a murderer in the robes of a Lord Chief Justice," and it is also said that he trampled upon the laws by his cruelties and severities. After his barbarous expedition he was heard to boast, with a brutal pleasure, that he had caused to be hung more than all the judges of England since the time of William the Conqueror. So infamous had his name be- come that years after these transactions his granddaugh- ter, in travelling through the county of Somerset, being recognised as his descendant, her carriage was surround- ed, and but for prompt assistance being rendered to her she would have been murdered by the populace. No fewer than eighty were executed by his orders at Dor- chester ; and at Exeter, Taunton and Bridgwater about 250 were computed to have fallen by the hands of justice, as it was then called. When at Bridgwater he lodged at a house on the Cornhill, where the gibbets were erected, and there witnessed the executions. The names of the sufferers recorded were Robert Francis, Richard Harris, Josiah Bellamy, Nicholas Stodgell, Richard Engrain, John Trott, ' William Moggeridge, Robert > J nn Hurman, Josiah Davis, Robert Roper and The. Ancient Jlixlory nf K. linger Hoar, the last-named being reprieved under Ilio Callows. One circumstance of some interest is told ;it a man who was taken prisoner at Shapwick. II is name was Swaine, and he was reported as one of the most active men in the country. After he was taken prisoner he consented to go quietly with his captors to Bridgwater, there to be tried, if he was allowed to tab- three leaps. The soldiers, being anxious to SOP his agility, granted it. They were in a field near Locksloy Wood. He leaped towards the wood, each leap being ten feet, and darted into the wood, and after all their efforts they could not find him again. Ho was more for- tunate than another poor man of Westonzoyland, who was also remarkable for his swiftness of foot. He was pre- vailed upon on a condition of being pardoned to entertain the general with an instance of his agility. Accordingly having stripped himself naked, a halter was put round his neck, and the opposite end of it was fastened to the neck of a horse. They started at Bussex Rhine, and ran from thence to Brintsfield-bridge, a distance somewhat exceeding half a mile, and though the horse went at full speed the man kept pace the whole way. Notwith- standing this exertion (it is said) he was afterwards hung with the rest. PLACES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. There are marks of antiquity and interest in the neighbourhood of Bridgwater, and the following has been gathered from ancient records and old authors: The village of Cannington Avasonce the abode of Cangii, a tribe of ancient Britons. There are evidences of rude fortifications in Cannington Park. Tradition tells us that the legions of Rome passed this way at the time of the invasion of this country, in the reign of Emperor Claudius. At Steart a few miles from Bridgwater was dis- The Ancient Jfititori/ of }ln">, to hold a market. When a boy this elm was pointed out to me. It was then called " Watch Elm." Knmore is a small parish situated on a rising ground four miles west of Bridgwater, having the noble ridge of Quantock Hills three miles west of it. At the time of William the Conqueror it belonged to Roger de Curcelle, eldest son of Wandril de Leon, of a noble family in Normandy. The Malets were bene- factors to the Abbey of Glastonbury. Sir William Malet, knight, was possessed of Enmore at the time of Richard I. Enmore Castle, which is now destroyed, was built by the Earl of Egmont. It was a noble building, standing on a gently-rising hill, and in the remembrance of many now living. It was a large quadrangular embattled pile, built of a reddish dark coloured stone, surrounded by a dry fosse forty feet wide and sixteen deep. The ancient ville and mansion of Sydenham belonged to several branches of the Worth family, which flourished in the county upwards of 500 years. This place was formerly called Sideham, in regard to its situation on the side of the river Parret, being possessed in the days of Edward the Confessor by one Cheping, a Saxon, and in the time of William I. by Roger Arundel. Thomas Percival, in the time of Henry VIII., rebuilt the manor house of Sydenham, in which estate he was succeeded by David Percival, his son and heir. This David married Alice, the daughter of Thomas Bythemore, of Nailsea. He removed from thence to Sydenham. The parish of Groathurst lies about three miles west of Bridgwater. In the Norman survey the name appears, and it is obviously compounded of Saxon words meaning a goat and a wood, the village having large woods, and The Ancii'ttt History of Bridgwater. at that time those animals were found there. Cullinsou says it was written "Gahers." The French transcribers called it "Gathurst." Halswell, was the residence of a family of that name for several centuries. Jane the daughter of Hugh Ilalswell, son of Sir Nicholas Halswell married John Tynte, of Ched/oy, Esq., progenitor of Sir Kemeys Tynte, Bart. The mansion at Halswell was rebuilt 1689, by Sir Halswell Tynte, Bart, who was advanced to that dignity in 26th Charles II. This seat has received rich gifts from Nature and Art ; the temple dedicated to Robin Hood commands a very extensive and really magnificent view, and it is indeed, difficult to describe the varied beauties of Halswell Park and the adjoining woods. The family of Stawel had been seated at Stawel, and at Cothelstone, in this county, from the former of which places they derive their name ever since the Conquest. One of the family married Lady Alice Pawlet, eldest daughter of William the first Marquis of Winches- ter. Sir John Stawel was one of the Knights that defended Bridgwater at the time of the siege. WESTONZOYLAND. Five miles south-east from Bridg- water, upon the Moor of this village, is a spot called Penzoy Pound, where General Fairfax the day after the battle of Langport, July 10th, 1645, drew up his whole army, and in the same spot in 1685, the Duke of Mon- mouth fought the battle of Sedgemoor, with his disorderly troops. 500 of his men were taken prisoners, in the field of battle, and they were confined in the parish church, where many of them died of their wounds. Of the King's party, five soldiers that were slain were buried in the church, and eleven in the churchyard. In the time of Henry VIII., the following certifi- cate was made of the state of this manor of Weston, " the licntcs of assize of Freeholders, and customary The Ancient History of Bridyicatcr. 3-J tenants belonging to the sayd Lordship, payable at at the f castes aforesaid, of the yearly value of 94 -Is. 7^d., there are able men inhabitants, within the precinct of the said Lordship being in redynes to serve the King, whenever they shall be called upon to the nombre of 50." The towers of Westonzoyland and North Pctherton churches are of peculiar beauty, " indeed" Freeman says " the village Towers of Somersetshire, are considered to maintain their supremacy over all others in the country, it is much enhanced by their picturesque surroundings." HAMP. In this village A. D. 794, ten cassates of land were given to Brithria, King of the West Saxons. DUNWEAR, 17th Edward II., Joachino De Bradney held 25 acres of arable land. There was a family of the name of Dunwear, who held land here in the time of Henry II., and Richard I. HORSEY. In the time of ~Wm. the Conqueror, it belonged to the Lord of Bridgwater, and was held by him from Radamera, a Saxon. There was a Sir John Horsey who once possessed the land. BICKNOLLER. A picturesque village, lying under the south-west slopes of the Quantocks, was one of the manors of the Cathedral of Wells. Its name is sup- posed to have been derived from the ancient British words Bychan Small Aboar a Treasury. Collinson says that Roman coins have been discovered here in great abundance, and it has been conjectured that the Romans in this spot had one of the smaller de- positories of their money, which they dispensed to the army stationed in different parts of the country. '11 The Ancient History of Bridyicater. In reading ' Somersetshire past and present,' in the London Quarterly Review, I met with the following : SOMERSET COURT IN THE PARISH OF SOUTH BURNT. Some years ago when repairing the roof a roll of papers was found containing copies of Bills sent up to Parliament, for requisitions made by the troops during the Civil war.' There were also some letters to his wife from a man shut up in Bridgwater when the town was besieged. In the servants' hall of the same house there was a beam on which there are these quaint inscriptions : I wronge not the poor, I fear not the rich, I have not tooe little, nor I have not tooe much, I was set up right and even. and on the other side is the motto : Be you merry, and be you wise, And doe you not noe man despise. From the facts related in the publication of the Ancient History of Bridgwater and its neighbourhood it appears that there have been periods in the History of England when the inhabitants of Bridgwater and its neighbour- hood have been conspicuous in the struggles formerly made both for religious and political freedom ; and should we not feel proud at the bold spirit of our ancestors who then helped to lay the foundation of an empire unequalled in history? Let us hope the youth of Somerset- shire will be faithful and loyal to the Queen and Govern- ment of our country, and combine against all efforts, come from what quarter they may, to sweep away the landmarks of our constitution, which have been both the pride of Englishmen and the envy of foreigners. The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 35 MATTERS OF INTEREST CONNECTED WITH THE TOWN. We have not a more valuable historical record than our old St. Mary's parish church, which, for the inform- ation of strangers, I will describe, The quadrangular tower is 80 feet in height, and the handsome spire 120. The church is an oblong structure, consisting of a nave and chancel. The nave is divided by two rows of five moulded piers, bases and capitals supporting six poiated arches on each side. The windows on the south side of the nave, west of the porch, appear to be of the time of Edward the 3rd or Richard the 2nd, the tracery being formed of quatrefoils and segments of circles. There are also two or three windows of the same age on the north side, particularly a very curious one over the north door, containing intersecting triangles within a circle, and the angles being fitted with trefoils. The north porch is also of the same period. The other parts of the church, with a few exceptions, appear to have been built, or more probably greatly repaired and altered, about the year 1420, or some time in the reign of Henry the 5th, the tracery of the windows being of that kind which have been denominated Perpendicular. On the south side of the nave stand the Corporation seats, in front of which is a handsome screen presenting a good specimen of oak carving. On the north side of the nave stood two ancient chapels, with a heavy wall separating them. The wall has been removed, and two arches, with pillars corresponding to those in the nave, have been substituted, giving a greater lightness and elegance to that part of the building. Over the porches, both on the north and south side, are sittings, with ornamental carved freestone fronts. The pulpit is placed towards the north-east end of the nave of the church, and the organ in a chapel behind it. Opposite the orrid(jicut Bille at Church door ... J Item Lantern ... Item 11 Boards t<> mend Tonementel in Fryeru Street ... Vis. Vllld. .Us. lid. XIIs. IIIIs. VId. Vllld. Ills. XXd. XIs. XIs. lid. XVIIId. vira. Hid. II,-. XI 11,1. VId. VId.' The Ancient History of Bridy water. 4X Amongst the old documents were the following! : A Notice by the Common Cryer in 1718. " I am ordered and commanded to give notice to all persons that bring Corn and Grain into this town for sale on market days, that they bring the same in bags on the Cornhill. And that no person shall open the bags for sale, until the ringing of the bell, or they will be prosecuted for the same by the Mayor & Aldermen." " July 18, 1719 Wm. Erie maketh oath that he was standing near the High Cross in the Borough of Bridg- water, looking at a person who was put in the pillory, for speaking seditious words ; heard Edward Parry, a trooper say, ' he knew him in the pillory, being one of his countrymen, and that the Pretender was his King/ and the deponent answered, 'King George is my King/ Sworn before me, EDWARD RAYMOND, Mayor/' " We, Jos. Taylor and John Mounsher, surveyors of the Highways of the Parish of Bridgwater, do hereby present the Highway leading from Bridgwater to North Petherton, also Wembdon, also Bawdrip, also to Durleigh, are very bad, out of repair and dangerous to all Travellers who pass these roads, and it is a great detriment to the Parish. Sworn before me, Thomas Yeates, Mayor. 27 April, 1737. Samuel Smyth, Alderman." " Borough and Parish of Bridgwater. The inform- ation of Sarah Leaky, of Bridgwater aforesaid, widow,, taken before Wm. Binford, Alderman, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Borough, who saith That she now keeps a common Ale House within the Borough. That yesterday, about noon, Banfield Moore Carew came to informant's House and desired to lodge; there was a woman with him he called hia I I The Ancient History of Rridyu-ater. wife, and a girl his daughter, and the informant believes the said Banfield Moore Carew hath nothing to subsist on but what gentlemen give him. Taken on oath this 22 day of August, 1744- Before me, Wm. Bynford. Sarah Leaky." One of the oldest properties in the borough is the Town Mills. The owner holds amongst the papers a curious deed of assignment, dated 1709, between Richard Lowbriclge and George Balch, Esq., wherein it is recorded that in 1694 the Mayor, Aldermen, &c., gave permission to Richard Lowbridge to remove pavements, break up the soil of the streets, lanes, &c., in order that he may convey the water from the millstream, commonly called Durlcigh Brook, for the use of the inhabitants, to a cross on the Cornhill, known by the name of the High Cross, and that the pipes might be conveyed to any other parts of the town. His right was to supply the water for 1,000 years, at the annual payment of one shilling a year, and to encourage him in the undertaking the Mayor, Aldermen, &c., were to pay him the sum of one hundred pounds, Richard Lowbridge, being the owner of the mill and water connected with it ; but when the Corporate seal was to be affixed the Mayor, &c., refused to ratify what they had promised unless Richard Lowbridge remitted the said sum of one hundred pounds, which he did accordingly. The old Zunimersetshire dialect is fast dying out. It may amuse the reader if I give a labourer's account of the siege of Bridgwater a countryman living at .The Ancient History of Bridyicater. 4-5 Weston Zoyland, who appears to have been enlisted against his will by Cromwell in 1645 : In Weston field r]earn'd my bread In sixteen forty-five ; A very quiet life tli And wud stan firm, they zaid ; We heard about em day by day, Brave Wyndham was their head. He had a wife war good and brave, One day she fired a shot ; Vor Cromwell twar the closest shave That ever he'd a got. When Okey cum our force war strong ; Twar whispered then about They'd seize Bridgwater afore long, And set em to the rout. Fairfax and Cromwell talk'd one night Whilst I the hoss rubbed down ; They zaid the next day they'd go right Into Bridgwater town. That night no sleep I never found, Altho' the moon did shine, Vor living in Bridgwater town War some old friends o' mine. Jest avore day away I sot, Before the cock did crow ; I thought thinks I, I'll blow their plot, And let the townsmen know. When at the gate they cried out, " stop! Or else I'll make thee spin ; " I tould the zogers what war op, And zoon they let me in. Right glad war they to to hear my tale; Wi warmth my hands they shook, And when they found the facts war real To the Castle I war took. The Ancient Hixtory of I told om all, the drums did beat, And they begun to arm ; The news it spread droo every street, The town was in alarm. Brave Wyndham talk'd em into tears To do as they were bid, " And now," said he, " dree heart}' cheers ! " Droe hearty cheers they gid. And soon the roaring guns we heard Towards the eastern side ; The more they roared the more we cheered, Our guns, too, they reply'd. The tug of war it cannot last ; It cum wi awful might ; We know'd our fated die was cast, Like dragons we did fight. They ring'd the bells, burn'd houses down, Like phrenzy volks they were ; File atter file marched droo the to tvn The dangers vor to share. But when the wild dragoons cum op Droo Eastover at last I noed that Fate had filled the cup, All hopes or chance was past. At last I zeed how it wud be, That they wud gain the day ; I took't a chance war offered me, And scampered far away. I never fear'd their hue and cry ; They sought for me in vain. I lived to see old Cromwell die, And good King Charlie reign. With all their errors or mishaps It always seemed to me Bridgwater men were plucky chaps As ever I did zee. . The religious Hospital of St. John, which we have described, stood at the end of Eastover. Some years since, in digging for the foundation of a house, a stone coffin was discovered, near which, it may be supposed, an urn was found containing a well-preserved document, which, transcribed, proves as follows : The Ancient History of B r id g water. V.) IX HIS PILGRIMAGE FROM CORNWALL TO QL ASTON BU BY. Here a poor Pilgrim who hath seen Many a weary day ; To Normandy I have been, Again I never may. Weary and sick when I came here, To Glastonbury bent : My sins hath caused me many a tear, And humbly I repent. Here in this hospital I rest, The Hospital of St. John ; It was Briwere's good bequest For his soul to rest upon. He built the Castle in this town, The bridge he built besides ; His charity bears high renown, Tis like the Parrot's tides. It flows perpetual day by day, It bears a happy wave, That which will cast a pleasing ray Of comfort for his grave. Briwere is good, and may he find, When earthly scenes are past, Better comfort for his mind Those that will ever last ! There is One who sits above All good works to see ; The Saviour's earthly life was love, His aim was charity. The black cross the Hospitallers wear, On mantles hanging down, Their food the poorest ; they may share No better in any town. Here are dormitories, too, Where weary souls may rest ; The nurse Hospitallers are true, And they will do their best. To cure the sick, to heal the wound War's weapons may have made Hero arc sufferers made sound, Whatever be their grade. The Ancient History of Bridy water The poor outcasts a home will find, It here their way they wend, When the world doth prove unkind, No sympathetic friend. * To Weary- All Hill I humbly go ; From the Church's hand I'll crave, That holy mercy that will now To all this side the grave. Those the Church's mercy seek In humble mood should stand ; Poverty becomes the meek. Tho' I have in this land Possessions many, no one knows My name or pedigree ; None can tell the secret woes, Nor the guilt that hangs on me. They must be rooted out in pain; Trials must I endure Fiery trials, or in vain For me to hope for cure. I have vowed barefoot to walk And see the Holy Thorn, To no one on the road to talk, To feed on unground corn, Until to Cornwall I return, That sacred vow I'll keep ; I'll put this history in an urn, Before I go to sleep ; And bury it far underground ; In ages to come yet It may be accidental found, And a value on it set. Pilgrimage is hard to bear, But yet it brings its fruit, Relieves the soul from many a care, Drags sin out by the root. I feel to-night, fasting I feel, A noble spirit rise ; I kneel to-night, fasting I kneel, With eyes turned to the skies. I see to night, fasting I see, An angel high above ; I see to-night, lasting I see Will be His rapturous love. Near Glastonbjiry. The Ancient History of Bridg water. 51 I'll east my hateful sin away, As snakes their skins will cast ; No deceiver shall betray, It shall for ever last. Pride, the foundation is of sin, 'Twas pride was Adam's fall ; 'Twas the tirst sin that did begin 'Twill be the last of all. Haughty man must learn to bead, It is God's decre ; 'Tis the beginning to an end, To all eternity. Learn a lesson, man, from me, Try to seek the Lord ; No faith without humility, Without faith no reward. Satan loves the haughty man, He foments pride within, Binds him safely as he can By the cords of sin. I've sunk in vice for many a year, It made my conscience burn ; At length comes the repentant tear, To virtue I'll return. The wicked standard long have I Held, and with sternness stood ; Now will I nobly lift on high The standard of the good. I'll give my land the poor to feed, The wanderer back will call ; I'll seek out sickness and distress, And stop the sinner's fall. Oh ! could I fellow pilgrims greet In that celestial light, Where earthly, heavenly Pilgrims meet In mansions pure and bright. To this house much land I've given, Tho' in disguise I'm here, Day after day in prayer I've striven, And have shed many a tear, Over the follies of my youth My heart seems melted now ; I trust in hope, in saejred fear, I may keep my vow. Barefoot to Cornwall bend my way, From Glaston's holy place, .'52 The Ancient nixtory of Bridgwater. Then for a glorious opening day, The opening day of grace. Then holy joy will fill my breast, Then holy hepes will cheer ; I'll build a place for saints to rest, As Briwere hath done here. The spot When landed first I trod, On England's rocky -coast, Shall be made sacred to my God- To Him I love the most. Now comes the legend : It is said This stranger Pilgrim went At early morn from his lone bed, To Glaston was he beat. To carry out his holy vow, Visit St. Dunstan's shrine, More placid and relaxed his brow, His spirit more divine. Steady in faith he travcll'd on, His blistered feet were sore ; Still as the sting within was gone He cared for nothing more. As the sun reached to midday hour To Locksley Wood came he ; There in the shade of Nature's bower He rested merrily. Weary he felt, Nature gave way, The hills were long and steep ; Screened from the Sun's besetting ray, He dropp'd in quiet sleep. Long he enjoyed a calm repose Beneath a sheltering yew ; At length again, refreshed, he rose His journey to pursue. He felt amazed he never feared Fear's powers he defied ; A man in ancient garb appeared, Close standing at hia Bide. Upon an oaken staff he leant, His beard was long and grey ! His manly frame with age was bent ; "Pilgrim, "he said, "good day. " I'm sent to thee, I'm ordered here By powers thou knowest not now ; Come and partake my humble cheer ; I know thy holy vow." The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 53 As on his feet the Pilgrim stood He said, " Ah, can it be? 'Tis so, the dream I've had is good; Lead, and I'll follow thee." They passed along a wooded dell, Both seemed in serious thought ; They reached at length the Hermit's cell, The shelter which they sought. Humble, indeed, the cell appeared. And frugal was the fare ; Still as the Pilgrim ate he feared There was something in the air A something in the Hermit's look, His eyes a brightness wore ; The Pilgrim's inward spirit shook ; He never shook before. " I know thee, Pilgrim, whom thou art," The Hermit earnest said, " Norman Mohun, and the part In war's sad woes thou'st play'd. " How thou wast savage and wast bold, And cruel in the fight ; On prisoners in thy fast hold Did exercise thy might. " How at the Hospital of St. John Thou did'st repent and live. And look'st to the Church to lean upon For the aid that it can give. " Know this, poor Pilgrim, Christ the Lord Is the Lord Christ indeed : Keep but in faith His Holy Word, And thou'lt have little need "The Glaston journey to pursue. I order that you shall Return, and other pardon sue At St. John's Hospital, " I'll send a priest to meet thee there, He'll lead thy thoughts on high ; Join with him, good man, in prayer Prepare ere thou shalt die. " He'll teach thee to slake thy thirst Where thou wilt thirst no more ; Read David's Psalm the thirty-first ' Go and sin no more. ' " Superstitious ways forsake, Now this very hour, 54 The Ancient History of 'Tia a cord of human make Which binds thee by its power." The Pilgrim dropp'd, and nothing knew ; But when he roused he said He found himself beneath the yew Where he first had laid. So celestial all appeared, He wondered to the last, But returned, felt inward cheered At the vision past. At evening's vespers he once more At tke Hospital arrived, Entered stealthily at the door, And unobserved contrived. His pallid face a priest perceived, He pray'd with him all night ; Mohun the Norman, 'tis believed, Died before morning's light. Beneath his Pilgrim's dress he wore Armour, and clasp'd behind His will they found, which the night before He had duly signed. William Briwere trust he made Over his only son. At Dunster was his body laid, Thus his race was run. Hia son, a youth of vigorous mind, To Bridgwater came, He was virtuous and kind, And bore his father's name. Briwere's daughter Alice Was beauteous as the morn ; Never for vice or mafice Was that daughter born. She heloed the needy in distress, She visited the poor, She sought religious happiness That ever would endure. Young Mohun felt her charms, indeed, Sink deeply on his heart ; Her father he took little heed To pluck young Cupid's dart. When time in Hope's bright measure Had borne along its tide, He gained the beauteous treasure : Alice was Mohun's bride. The Ancient History of Bridgicatcr. 55 ATHELNEY. Alfred, the son of JEthelwolf, King of the West Saxons, was born at Wantage, in Berkshire, in 849. He distinguished himself during the reign of his brother Ethfeldred in several engagements with the Danes, and upon his death succeeded to the crown, in the year 371, and in the 22nd year of his age. This prince was twelve years of age before a master could be procured in the Western Kingdom to teach him his alphabet. Notwith- standing the lateness of his initiation he ultimately acquired extraordinary erudition. On ascending the throne he found himself involved in a dangerous war with the Danes, and placed under such circumstance* of distress as called for the greatest valour and resolution, and all the other virtues with which he was adorned. The Danes had penetrated into the heart of his kingdom, and before he had been a month upon the throne he was obliged to take the field against those formidable enemies. After many battles gained on both sides, he was reduced to great distress, and was abandoned by most of his subjects. In this situation he laid aside the marks of royalty and took shelter in the house of one who kept cattle, in the Isle of .ZEthelhingey now called Athelney in Somersetshire, where he built a fort for himself, his family, and the few faithful servants who repaired tkither to him. When informed that some of his subjects had routed a large army of the Danes, he contrived to give notice where he was, and invited his nobility to come and consult with him. Before they came to a final determination, Alfred, putting on the habit of a harper, went into the enemy's camp, where, without suspicion, he was everywhere admitted, and had the honour of playing before their princes. Having thereby acquired an exact knowledge of their situation, he returoed in great secrecy to his nobility, whom he ordered to their respective homes, there to draw together,, each man, as great a force as he could, and appointed a time for a general rendezvous. 56 The Ancient History of Bridgicater. This was transacted so secretly and expeditiously that in a little time the King, at the head of a formida- ble army, approached the Danes before they had the least intelligence of his design. He totally defeated them at JEtheridune now Edington. He agreed to give up the East Angles to such as would embrace the Christian religion, on condition that they would oblige the rest of their countrymen to quit the country. Guthrum, the chief captain, came with thirty of his chief officers, to be baptized. Alfred answered for him at the font. At the last battle he, by a determined rush, seized the Danish banner, the image of a raven, which, they say, was magically wrought, and believed in by the Danes as carrying great fatality with it. Towards good success it was said the raven would clap its wings, but towards mishap would hang them down and not move. Many curious relics have been found at Athelney, the most important of these the head of a golden spear, supposed to have been presented by Alfred to the Abbey, and an amulet of enamel and gold, now in the Ashmolean Museum. A legend on the latter expresses that it \\ a^ made by the command of the King. (See Palgrave's Saxon History). Modern writers have, I ara told, cast a doubt on the legend of the burning of the cakes, still, it has been introduced into this poem as believed most implicitly in the neighbourhood. Athelney stands at the junction of the rivers Tone and Parret, in the parish of Lyng, about seven miles from Bridgwater. The name of Athelney signifies in Saxon language, the Isle of Nobles. About 888 Alfred founded here an abbey for monks of the Benedictine Order, dedicated to the Blessed Saviour. The Abbot did not sit in Parliament, but was regarded as a spiritual lord. 'Twas at the dawn of early day, The sun had cleared night's gloom away Over the Plains of Athelney. The Ancient History of Lridgwatcr. 57 To'Graecia's hut a stranger came Without a friend, without a name, With keen suspicion looked the dame. " Thy character I can read soon I guess thou art some lazy loon Whose hands will scarcely feed thy spoon. " I'll to the swine, I hear them crack ; Attend the cakes Mil I come back, And keep 'cm turned, OP they'll be black," The stranger smiled, bn* sullen care Had laid hi* throb&ing bosom fetfre > Transfixed IMS stood in deep despair-. Thought upon thought o'erwhdmed his mind',. 'Till sorrow left ita sting behind Fortune to him had been unkind. Facts cumbered Memory's dreamy track- And called his wand'ring senses back ; The smoke it curl'd,^e cakes were Mack. He heard a footstep hasteaing nigher ; Ere he could snatch them from the fire Gra>cia returned in furious ire. " (Jadzooks, you- loon, you lazy loon r You did ot think I'd come so soon ;. The blackest cake shall be thy boon. Her good man came, and his appeal Her angry passions seemed to feel f They sat down art their morning's meaL " We'll give Ciod thanks," the stranger said, And instant knelt him down ad pTayed ; Abel and Gruecia felt afraid. " Hark ! voices I" Graeeia said, " Arm, arm "" Her gude man stood as by a eharm ; She, faltering, trembled with alarm. Who can describe what Greeds felt ? A figure, slash'd in martial belt, Betore tlie stately stranger knelt. Others appeared : "Your Majesty" They each one said, on bended knee ; It told the stranger's high degree. Y'our Majesty ! the words they fell As it had been a passing bull, And ringing Gra-cia's funeral knell. Truth, as the glare of day appeared, On bended knees, with hands upreared, They sought for pardon, whilst they feared. 58 The Ancient History of Bridgicatrr. " Rise Cottagers." kind Alfred said, " For here beneath your humble shed I come to seek a soldier's bed, " To-merrow's dawn, at bugle's sound, Some trusty friends will gather round, Protectors all of British ground. " The time may come will wipe the stain Of late defeat, and break the chain, Cast off the fetters of the Dane. " Here must our Court be held ; this cot May prove by chance a happy spot : Fear not, 'twill never be forgot. " When brighter days arrive you'll find In Alfred's breast a grateful mind ; But secrecy our acts must bind. Swear all upon thig sacred book." A solemn oath at once they took, And ne'er the promise they forsook, That none to friends or foes would say What had been heard or seen that day, And would the Monarch's word obey. Athelney was the Monarch'* seat ; A twelvemonth passed in that retreat, Until arrangements were complete. Alfred could play the harp full well, And oft was absent : none could tell For many weeks what him befel. Secure within this secret nest Abel and Graecia lodged their guest : He came or went as pleased him best. With the fierce Danes there seemed to be A triumph of security; In all their tents was revelry The warriors had lain down their arms To hear the sound of music's charms ; The harper's tones banished alarms. He played with skill, such skill had he, He seemed a very prodigy, In every art of minstrelsy. The noblest chiefs of Danish sway. Charmed by his harp, would pass the day, And banish night to hear him play. Wine followed music, and its power, Increased their pleasure hour by hour ; Twas like a wreath to pleasure's bower. The Ancient History of Bridgwatcr. 59 He boldly played before all eyes ; Alfred the harper in disguise, Managed his part discreet and wise. On Athelney's protected land, The British nobles took their stand, And but awaited his command. Gladly at length they heard the call, In Selwood Forest one and all They marshalled as a gathering ball. "Now follow me," Great Alfred cried, ' ' For what end this day will decide ; Be firm and faithful to your guide." He knew the path ; like lightning's flash Swiftly they went with sudden dash ; They met the Danes and what a crash ! The alarm was spread, the first shock o'er, Bands of fierce Danes came, more and more, Unmindful of the streaming gore. In steady phalanx now they formed, Their spirit rising as they vrarmed ; In fight they prodigies performed. The Britons felt their force rebound ; From the first rush they lost some ground ; The Danes defiant gathered round. Their magic standard they had reared, Poised as a balance it appeared, The British chieftains hoped but feared. Alfred their superstition knew ; He gathered round a chosen few, Aad near the Danish standard drew. He nobly led impetuous led Over the dying and the dead ; He rush'd of that small band the head. Onward tlie mighty wave they pour'd ; The flashes bright as sword met sword ; The magic raven's wings were lowered. It was an omen that we find Spoke terrors to the Danish mind ; Misfortune seemed with it entwin'd. Still, valiantly they stood their ground, And many a Briton's corpse around Would hear no more a living sound. "Forward ! " cried Alfred ; " onward, on ! ' He seized the standard ; Fortune shone Upon the rush the da)- was won. 60 The Ancient History of Eridtjwatcr. The Danes perceived their standard lowered, In quivering tremour dropp'd the swowl ; " Retreat, retreat !" became the word. The Britons felt their spirits glow. With ardour followed up the l>low, And till the evening chased the foe. The day was theirs, 'twas God's decrejr From that time forth united, free, May England date her liberty ! O THE QUANTOCKS. Xote. The highest point of the Quantocks is 1,270 feet above low water mark. Close in our neighbourhoxjd a scene there Kes, Which may be termed as Nature's grandest prize ; Where summer travellers wander with deiight Upon its bosom's side. Wondrous the sight Along the heathy Quantocks' lengthened hills ! Deep in its combes, its dells, its murmuring rill Ecstatic pleasure finds a fairy scene, Beyond descriptive words it must be seen To live in memory the poet's sweet retreat, Where silent nooks and Fancy's grandeur meet. High on its top the eyes such prospects get Unequall'd in the range of Somerset. United sea and land-views nobly rise ; Struck with the vision, the reluctant eyes Refuse to leave its charms -so bright and fair The traveller pauses, and could linger there While life should last. A Paradise it seems, Which will hereafter re-appear in dreams. But more allurements tempt him still to rove, Where murmuring water thro' the verdant grove Runs pure and bright. Silent and soft it goes, As from its gushing spring unchecked it flows, Until some chasm'd rock diverts its course. Down its rude steps it runs in headlong force, Sinking amid some bushy glen, where free It rushes onward, dancing merrily. Here oft the antlered stag finds his retreat, And spotted deer gamble with nimble feet. Here oft the pensive nighiingale is heard Warbling at noon ; and many a feather'd bird, As thro' the quiet grove it onward flies, With Nature s gaudy colours charms the eyes. The Ancient History of Bridgicater. 61 Away from bustling cities, noisy sounds, Here the mind rests on fancied fairy grounds ; Raising the hallowed thoughts to Him abore, Who formed, who fashioned, this retreat of love, That the glad spirit may, ere it is blest, Find, on this earth, a momentary rest. O BRIDGWATER CASTLE AND NORTH PETHERTON PARK. Bridgwater Castle was much in keeping and structure with other castles of the early period when it was erected, and had the advantages attending its contiguity to the river. The whole site was surrounded by a deep broad ditch, called a fosse. Before the great gate was an outwork called a barbican, which was a strongly- built, high wall, with turrets upon it designed for the defence of the gate and drawbridge. On the inside of the ditch stood the wall of the castle, about eight or ten feet thick, and between twenty and thirty feet high, with a parapet and a kind of embrasure, called crennels, on the top. On this Wall, at proper distances, square towers, two or three stories high, were built, which served for lodging for the common servants or retainers, granaries, storehouses and other necessary offices. On the top of this wall and on the flat roofs of these build- ings stood the defenders of the castle when it was besieged, and from thence arrows, darts and stones were discharged on the besiegers. The great gate of the castle stood in the centre of this wall, and was strongly fortified with a tower on each side, and rooms over the passage, which were closed with thick folding-doors of oak, plated with iron and with an iron portcullis or gate, let down from above. Within the enclosed wall was a space or court called a bayle or ballium. Under- ground were dismal dark culls or vaults for the confine- G^ The Ancient History of Itridywater. ment of prisoners. In the centre of the castle was a great hall, in which the owner at times displayed great hospitality by entertaining his numerous friends and followers. At one end of this great hall there was a raised place called the dais or deis, where the chief table stood, and at which persons of the highest rank dined. One of the vaults that formerly belonged to Bridgwater Castle is now used as a wine vault, near the present Custom House. The Castle of Bridgwater was held by some of the highest nobility, who were famed for hospitality. Amongst the chief of its noble owners was Lord Daubenny, to whom King Henry granted a fee farm rent out of the town of Bridgwater in consideration of his many services, and also the extensive park at North Petherton, which at that time was one of the most noted parks in the kingdom. It was large, and well stocked with all kinds of game, especially the wild deer. The chase was delighted in, and followed by ladies as well as lords. At particular times extensive invitations were issued from the castle, and the hunt was honoured by persons of the highest distinction. A quaintly- written poem gives us an interesting account of one of these splendid hunting days: There was a park at Petherton, Where stately trees did grow, You ne'er the like could look upon, For noble buck or doe. In fourteen hundred eighty-six, The young Lord Daubenny A wondrous hunting match did fix, For governor was he. Henry now wore King Richard's crown, He nobly did attain ; One battle brought the tyrant down, Which Daubenny helped to gain. He was then active and was bold, And fear he never knew ; His diary many records told, He prized his bow of yew. The Ancient History of Bridywater. 63 Which he had won when very young, When knights had met to see A match wnich bards had ably sung Of skilful archery. To be the foremost was his pride, In daring deeds led he ; His fame was echoed far and wide, For acts of chivalry: To join the hunt, to view the sights Which he would then display, Both lords and ladies with their knights Assembled on this day. Bridgwater Castle opened wide Its sturdy gates to all ; It was the young Lord Daubenny's pride To fill the spacious hall. Sir William Stanley proudly came With lady, knight and shield ; Fame placed its stamp upon his name, On famous Bosworth's field ; Courtenay, the Earl of Devon, too, And Arundel of Kent, With other knights and men as true, Who were for pleasure bent. Their 'squires attended in their train, Their daughters young and fair ; Some sighed Lord Daubenny's heart to gain, His reputation share. As o'er the drawbridge on that day Caparisoned they passed. So grand and gaudy the display, It scarce could be surpassed. The gates oped wide to friend or foe, So noble Daubenny willed ; The outer ballium to its end With spectators was filled. The loud huzzas, marks of delight, Th e very air now rent, As the sun's dazzling rays of light Shone on the pageant. Heraldic banners lifted high, Of various forms were seen, With colours to attract the eye, Of azure blue or green. Long-bearded men, each armed with lance, All men of martial deeds, 64 The Ancient History of Bridg water. In compact line were in advance, Mounted on mettled steeds. The stirrup-top formed a laiice rest, O'er which a cross was strung ; A silver belt lashed o'er the breast, From which a bugle hung. Lady and knight, each side by side, Soon followed in the track ; Each lady's grey pranced in its pride, The bold knights' steeds were black. The bits and stirrups looked as gold, The bridles white as snow ; On either side walked yeomen bold, With quiver and with bow. Next came the earls, whose stern looks tell Of haughty, proud disdain, Whose summons thousands could compel To follow in their train. Close in their rear a few renowned For valour in war's field, Who had, when danger sternly frowned, With courage borne their shield Who had in difficulties shared, And won distinguished place, But now, with hearts and arms prepared, Were eager for the chase. Was ever seen such gay parade V The multitudes remark, As they surveyed the calvacade, In Petherton's wide park. They soon were formed within its bounds, Its groves of sylvan green ; The huntsman, with the deep-toned hounds, In various groups were seen. The rough-haired staghound, with an eye Keen as the arrow's flight, With graceful form fitted to fly, Yet showing muscled might. The sleek-haired hounds, with pendent ears, To sweep the morning dew ; Their look sagacious appears, Their height and colour true. The spotted beagles scattered round, An active little pack, With nose already to the ground, With tail curled o'er the back. The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 65 Another group must not escape, Our notice in the wood ; The greyhounds tall with slender shape, Held in their leashes stood. In the amusements of the day, All ranks of persons shared ' .Some here, some there, wandered away, For any game prepared. When the nobility were seen, The huntsmen gathered round, And with their bugles tasselled green, Rung out a cheering sound. The various hounds the signal caught, As each would each outvie ; In sympathy, by practice taught, They joined the chorus cry. Scarcely the ladies could prepare, No time allowed to flag ; With sndden spring from covert lair, Hushed out an antlered stag. Boldly he took a look around, His enemies he heard ; And off he bounded o'er the ground; Swift as a feathered bird. The law of chase was then allowed, The foremost hounds whipped back ; Now they, in eager circle crowd Then off, the gallant pack ! Well off, well off, my merry hound, Oh, what a joyful spring ! The huntsman said, " Hark to that sound ! It makes the forest ring." Now mettled steeds away pursue ; It calls the fleetest pace ; The sportsmen and the ladies too Dash forward in the chase. Through brake and glade, o'er hill and dale, Away from man's abode ; No check from danger would avail With energy they rode. The frightened stag, o'er briar and brook, With speed of lightning goes ; His way toward the Quantocks took, Where the wild heather grows. The scent lay well, the dogs pursued Unerring in his track ; 66 The Ancient History of Bridgicater. A few with lasting strength endued, Led on the pressing pack. United now what music went, In chorus of alarm, So much the closer was the scent, The louder was the charm. The hill-top gained, the stag he stood As watchful as a bird, With ear bent towards a neighbouring wood, The fearful sound he heard. Quickly he turned by other ways To reach once more the plain Took his straight course o'er rugged braes To reach his lair again. The leading sportsmen flushed \\pth heat, Kept up a fleeting pace, And little dreamt they soon would meet The object of their chase. Too soon, for in a narrow glsn, As ancient records tell, But a short distance from the men Rode Lady Arundel. Down came the stag from upper ground, With furious pace he came, The sportsmen heard the rushing sound, And trembled for the dame. One minute more, his branching head The lady's steed would meet ; Within that minute he lay dead And prostrate at her feet. Another wreath from smiling fame That arrow gained, I trow, It with a true precision came From young Lord Daubenny's bow. He caught a glimpse of danger near, And strung the fatal dart, With practised hand and vision clear, He sent it to the heart. The bugles join in reveille^ They hear the stirring round ; Attendants move the stag away, As sportsmen gather round. The Lady Arundel was young, The blush was on her face ; Her hair the theme of every tongue, Her beauty and her grace. The Ancient History of Bridgwater. 67 The chase was run on Crispin's day, If chroniclers must guide, And ere could follow Easter-day She was Lord Daubeimy's bride. Such feasting and such joyous glee \Vu never must forget, It happened then what all would see Valour and beauty met. Long did Bridgwater Castle ring AYith sounds of revelry, And years to come bards they would sing, Of gallant Daubenny. In the time of 26th Edward I. a perambulation was made of all forests in this country, in order to reduce them to their ancient law- ful bounds. The bounds of the parish 'of North Petherton are thus described : " Beginning at a bridge called Ebbyne Brugge, and from thence run along a certain ditch by the skirts of a wood to a certain lake called Huntyngage, to a place called Joan Weye, and thence going along a certain duct between the King's demesne and the fee of Sabina Peche and John Heron, leaving on the right a moor called Leghe, up to Ebbyiie Brugge, the place where the bounds first began. And jurors say that all the places on the right hand con- tained within the circuit of the bounds above mentioned is the King's Forest." FINIS. Advertisements. 69 ISAAC JINTEN, Somerset House, Fore Street, Bridgwater, WHOLESALE & RETAIL London, Birmingham & Sheffield Wwtlgmmm & teerri |prr]ra:nl A large Lot of WALKING STICKS always on hand. FISHING TACKLE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The Choicest, Cheapest, and Best Cigars. Ladies' & Gentlemen's Bags and Straps, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELLERY, And all kinds of Fancy Goods. ftnglish anft 3, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, J^ORE jSTF^EET, j^RIDGWATER,. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, Always on hand. 2d. in the Is. discount for Cash. PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING Of every description, in the best style, and at Lowest Prices. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, &c. Of all descriptions at London Prices. ACCOUNT BOOKS ruled and bound to any pattern. Cricket Bats and Balls, Foot Balls, La\vn Tennis Racquets, Balls, &c. A 000997951 9 DA 690 B77P2 1877 i^?Tx;r5iir$x^^v.r L rof " which it was borrowed UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY A 00099795 DA 690 B77P2 1877