BfOLOCY LIBRARY X BIRDS' NESTS. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF GENERAL LITERATURE AND EDUCATION. LONDON: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE ; SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORIES: GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS ; 4, ROYAL EXCHANGE; 16, HANOVEU STREET. HANOVER SQUARE; AND BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. BIOLOGY LIBRARY BIOLOGY LIBRARY *! .. B. CLAY, PRExTER, BREAD STKEET HILL. w- INDEX. PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATS Blackbird . . . 187 15 Flycatcher . . 133 7 Blackcap . . . 238 20 Furze-chat . . 64 - ft Black - headed Bunting Blue Tit . . . 209 . 99 17 Garden-warbler . Golden-crested 239 9 Bottle Tit . . Bullfinch . . Bunting . . Butcher-bird . . 100 . 189 - . 208 . 129 - 16 17 7 Wren . . . Goldfinch . . . Great Tit ... Grebe, Lesser . Greenfinch . . 246 130 98 - 70 105 - 21 8 3 1 4 Chaffinch . . . 211 18 Hawfinch . . . 207 18 Chiffchaff . . . 103 4 Hawk, Kestril . 124 - 5 Cole Tit . . . 100 Hawk, Sparrow . 123 - 5 Corncrake . . . 127 6 Hedge Sparrow . 166 12 Creeper . . . 100 Hen-harrier . . 60 Crow . . . . 185 - 13 Heron .... 161 10 Cuckoo . . . . 137 9 House Sparrow . 90 2 Dabchick . . . 70 1 Jackdaw . . . 125 & Dnvfi . 57 Jav . . 186 15 VI INDEX. PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATE Kestril .... 124 5 Owl 55 1 Kingfisher . . 63 1 Peewit, see Lapwing. Landrail . . . 127 6 Pipit, Meadow . 246 - 19 Lapwing . . . Lark . . . . 244 - 241 - 22 19 Tree . . 246 - Quail .... 128 20 22 Lesser Grebe . . 70 1 Raven .... 182 14 Lesser White- Redbreast. . . 132 8 throat . . . 105 4 Redstart . . . 164 12 Linnet .... 131 7 Reed Bunting . 209 18 Reed-warbler. . 136 9 magpie .... 185 14 Ring Dove, see Wood Marsh Tit . . . 99 3 Pigeon ... 56 Marsh Harrier . 61 Robin . . . . 132 - 8 Martin, House . 66 1 Rook . ... 183 13 Bank 68 Meadow Pipit . Missel Thrush . Moorhen . . . Mountain Spar- row .... 246 128 126 93 19 8 6 Sand-Martin . . 68 Sedge-warbler .240 Shrike, see Butcher-bird. Skylark ... 241 -- Snow Bunting . 77 21 19 Sparrow, Hedge .166 12 Nettlecreeper, see Whitethroat. House. 90 2 Night Hawk, or Night Jar . . 245 22 Tree . 93 Sparrow Hawk .123 5 Nightingale . . Nuthatch . . . 168 97 12 2 Starling . . . 161 Stonechat . . . 190 11 16 Swallow ... 95 1 Ouzel, King . . 188 Swift .... 65 Water . . 62 Thrush, Song . 189 16 INDEX. Vll PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATE Thrush, Missel . 128 - 3 Water Wagtail . 93 2 Tit, Blue, or Tom 99 Wheatear . . . 163 11 Cole . . . 100 Whinchat . . . 164 11 Great . . . 98 - 3 Whitethroat . . 239 21 Long-tailed 100 Willow Wren . 102 - 3 Marsh. . . 99 3 Woodlark . . . 243 Tree Pipit . . . 246 - 20 Woodpecker . . 57 1 Turtle Dove . . 57 Wood Pigeon 56 Wood Wren . . 104 4 Warbler, Garden 239 9 Wren .... 104 3 Heed . 136 9 Wryneck . . . 60 Sedge . 240 20 Yellow Hammer 208 17 Water Ouzel . . 62 Yellow Wagtail . 94 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER FOR PLACING THE PLATES. PLATE I to face page 54 II 90 III 98 IV. 106 V 122 VI ' . 126 VII 130 VIII 134 IX 140 X 160 XI , 164 XII , 168 XIII , 182 XIV , 184 XV , 186 XVI , 190 XVII , 206 XVIII 210 XIX , 228 XX , 238 XXI 240 XXII 244 ERRATA. Plate IV. For " leseer " read " lesser." XI. For " wheather " read " wheatear." XXI. For "double-crested wren" read "golden-crested wren." BIRDS' NESTS. ONE day, Henry Miller came running into the house, calling at the top of his voice, " Papa, come into the orchard as fast as you can ; there are some boys in one of the apple- trees; one of them has a knife in his hand, and he is cutting the tree, but I don't know what for." Mr. Miller left his book and made all haste into the orchard, and found, as Henry had said, two boys in the tree and another standing below. All three were so intent on the mis- chief that was going on, that neither of them noticed his approach; but just as Mr. Miller caught the last by the collar, one of those in the tree cried out, " I've got him oh, what a pretty bird ! " BIRDS NESTS. Hearing no reply from his comrade below, \\