*-,:;: m^m'-&^-K r *^''*iffc - . . - '" BIOLOGY LIBRARY $ VI // -~p y 'j /et/fr^AS' f - > / Y & o flCs-^ ?7 I ) j y -j- 0^s^vv ^(Ocr>AA4^ f 1 / / ; WOLOGY LIBRARY SYNONYMY OF THE SPECIES OF CYRENELLA, A GENUS OF MOLLUSCA BELONGING TO THE FAMILY OF THE LUCINID^E. BY TEMPLE PRIME. [From Vol. VII. of Proceedings of Boston Society of Natural History, Sept. 5, I860.] CYRENELLA, Deshayes. VENUS, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1824. CYRENELLA, Desh. Soc. Philom. 1833. CYRENOIDA, Joannis. Mag. Zool. 1835. CYRENELLA, Desh. Loc. sup. cit. 1835. CYCLAS. Fer. Cat. 20, 1837. CYRENOIDES, Morelet. Test. Cub. 1851. 1. CYRENELLA ALATA, Adams. Gyrenoida alata, Adams and Reeve. Voy. Samarang, 80, pi. xxiv. f. 12, 1850. Hab. Corean Archipelago. 2. CYRENELLA AMERICANA, Morelet. Cyrenoides Americanus, Morelet. Test. Nov. Cub. pt. 2d, 26, 1851. Hab. Central America. 3. CYRENELLA COREENSIS, Adams. Cyrenoida Coreensis, Adams and Reeve. Voy. Samarang, 80, pi. xxiv. f. 14, 1850. Hab. Corean Archipelago. 4. CYRENELLA CUMINGI, Sowerby. Cyrenoida Cumingi, Sowb. Hani. Wood's suppl. Cat. pi. xv f. 5, 1854. Hab. Philippines. M171452 5. CYRENELLA DUPONTIA, Joannis. Desh. Mag. Zool., class. v. 70, 1835. Cyrenoida Dupontia, Joannis. Loc. sup. cit. class, v. pi. 64, f. 1-3, 1835. Cyclas Dupontia, Ferussac, Cat. 20, 1837. Hab. Senegal. 6. CYRENELLA LENTICULARIS, Desh. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 341, 1854. Cyrenoida lenticularis, Adams. Rec. Gen. ii. 452, 1858. Hab.? 7. CYRENELLA LUCINOIDES, Desh. Trait, elem. Conch, ii. 818, pi. xiv. bis f. 10-12, 1853. Venus lucinoides, Desh. Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 146, pi. xxiii. f. 12, 13, 1824. Hab. France, (fossil.) 8. CYRENELLA MORETONENSIS, Desh. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 341, 1854. Hab. Moreton Bay, Australia. 9. CYRENELLA OBLONGA, Sowerby. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 341, 1854. Cyrenoida ollonga, Sowb. Hani. Wood, suppl. Cat. pi. xv. f. 6, 1854. Hab. Philippines. 10. CYRENELLA PHILIPPINARUM, Sowb. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 340, 1854. Hab. Philippines. 11. CYRENELLA PISIFORMIS, Desh. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 341, 1854. Hab. Philippines. 12. CYRENELLA SENEGALENSIS, Desh. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 341, 1854. Cyrenoida Senegaknsis, Desh. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 452, 1858. Hab. Senegal. 13. CYRENELLA SPHJERICULA, Desh. Proc. Zool. Soc. xxii. 340, 1854. Hab. Moreton Bay, Australia. 14. CTRENELLA TUMID A ? Mysia tumida, Nutt. Cyrenoida tumida. Jay's Cat. iv. ed. 33, 1850. Hab. ? SYNONYMY OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF RANGIA, A GENUS OF THE FAMILY MACTRACEA. BY TEMPLE PRIME. RANGIA, Desmoulins. CLATHRODON, Gray, MSS. RANGIA, Desmoul. Soc. Linn. Bord. v. 1831. Conrad, Marine Conch. 1831. CLATHRODON, Gray. Conrad, Amer. II. xxiii. 1833. MACTRA. Conrad, Amer. II. xxiii. 1833. GNATHODON. Rang. Ann. Mus. n. ser. iii. 1834. Gray, London Mag. N. Hist. n. ser. i. 1837. 1. RANGIA CYRENOIDES, Desm. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. v. 48, pi. 1, 1831. Conrad, Marine Conch. 57, pi. 13, 1831. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 380, 1858. Conrad, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Clathrodon cuneata. Gray. Conrad, Amer. II. xxiii. 340, 1833. Gnathodon cuneatus. Gray. Lond. Mag. N. Hist. n. ser. i. 77, f. 34, 1837. Hab. N. America. 2. RANGIA CLATHRODONTA, Conrad. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Mactra clathrodonta, Conrad. Amer. II. xxiii. 340, 1833. Gnathodon Grayi, Conrad. Foss. Test. form. 23, pi. 13, f. 1. Hab. N. America (fossil.) 3. RANGIA FLEXUOSA, Conrad. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Gnathodon flexuosa, Conrad. Amer. II. xxxviii. 92, 1840. Hab. N. America. Rangia Grayi, Conrad. Foss. Test, form. 23. pi. 13, f. 1, is Rangia clathrodonta, Conrad. 4. RANGIA LECONTEI, Conrad. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Gnathodon Lecontei, Conrad. II. Ac. N. S. Phil. 1853. Hab. N. America. 5. RANGIA MENDICA, Gould. Conrad, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Mactra mendica, Gould. Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. iv. 88, 1851. Gnathodon trigonum, Petit. II. Conch, iv. 84, 1853. Gnathodon mendica, Gould. Proc. Zool. xxiv. 200, 1856. Eangia trigona, Petit. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 380, 1858. Hab. N. America. 6. RANGIA MINOR, Conrad. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Gnathodon minor, Conrad. Foss. Test. form. 69, pi. 39, f. 6. Hab. N. America. 7. RANGIA PARVA, Petit. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 380, 1858. Conrad, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Gnathodon parvum, Petit. II. Conch, iv. 358, pi. 13, f. 9, 10, 1853. Hab. New Holland. 8. RANGIA ROSTRATA, Petit. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 380, 1858. Gnathodon rostratum, Petit. II. Conch, iv. 84, 1853. Eangia flexuosa, Conrad. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 232, 1860. Hab. N. America. Eangia trigona, Petit. Adams, Rec. Gen. ii. 380, 1858, is Ean- gia mendica, Gould. While preparing this paper, there appeared in the June num- ber of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Mr. Conrad's Synopsis of the genus Eangia. It will be seen, however, that the views here taken are not always the same as those of Mr. Conrad. M oisr o GKR^JPH: OP THE SPECIES OF SPHjERIUM OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. BY TEMPLE PRIME. PHILADELPHIA: MERRIHEW & THOMPSON, PRINTERS Lodge street, north side of Pennsylvania Bank. 1862. >"Pi<. HTIfOg OM I H T ^ w a H 1 1 SPILERIUM OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. The genus Sphserium was characterized under its present name by Scopoli, in 1777 ; since that time, however, it has received various denominations, and the one under which it has been most generally known, that of Cyclas, was applied to it in 1792 by Bruguiere. 'Mr. Gray revived the term of Sphse- rium in 1847, and his example has been followed by the conchologists of the continent of Europe. I was the first in this country to discard the name of Cyclas for that of Sphserium. The species composing this genus are small bivalves inhabiting rivers, lakes, streams, and still waters ; they are plentifully distributed all over the globe, but as far as present experience goes, seem to be more abundant on the northern portion of this hemisphere than elsewhere. The shell is transversely oval, nearly equilateral, thin, fragile, sometimes translucent, with beaks more or less raised ; its entire surface is transversely striated and covered with a light epidermis varying in color ; the margins are rounded, obtuse or angular. The interior of the valves is smooth and varies in color ; the muscular impressions are not very distinct ; the posterior one is slightly the largest ; the palleal impression is parallel with the basal mar- gin ; it is narrow and always simple. The hinge margin is very variable ; it is usually composed of two small teeth in each valve ; at times, however, they are single in one and double in the other, or else single in both valves ; these teeth are occasionally rudimentary, or even nearly obsolete. The lateral teeth placed on each side of the cardinal teeth are double in the right valve and single in the left one ; the anterior lateral tooth is usually the shorter. The ligament is external ; it is short, not very conspicuous, and is always found on the longer portion of the shell. The animal of Sphserium. has a, broad foot, capable of considerable exten- sion ; it uses it either to bore holes in the mud, in which it sinks the poste- rior portion of the shell, or as means of locomotion. The syphonal tube is double and very retractile ; it is often white like the foot but at times it is colored. The habits of these molluscs are very similar to those of Pisidium, with which they are often found living. The species of Sphserium are less abun- dant in individuals than those of Pisidium ; they are also less generally dis- tributed, and are more confined to certain localities than the latter. Fam. CYCLADES Fer. SPHSERIUM Scopoli. Fectunculus, Lister, 1685. Musculus, Gault. 1742. Tellina, Linn., 1758. Sphcerium, Scop., 1777. Cardium, Da Costa, 1778. Cyclas, Brug., 1782. Nux, Humphr., 1797. Musculium, Link. 1807. Cornea, Pisum, Megerle. 1811. Corneocyclas, Fer., 1818. Amesoda, Rafin., 1820. Pisidium, Verany, 1846. Cycladites, Krug, 1848. From Proceeding of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Dec. 1861. Generic characters. Animal oval, lobes of the mantle simple, united poste- riorly and terminating in two short syphons, joined at their base, without tentacles ^ mouth oval shaped, small ; tentacles of the mouth short and nar- row ; gills rather broad, nearly equal, united behind the foot ; foot narrow, el s n hen e oval, nearly equilateral; beaks somewhat inflated and prominent ; hin^e margin narrow, with two primary teeth in each valve ; lateral teeth elongated; palleal impression simple; ligament external, narrow, situated on the longer portion of the shell. Description of species.* a. Species with rounded but not protuberant beaks. 1. Sph. sulcatum, Lam. Cyclas sulcata, Lam., An. s. vert. v. 560, 1818. C. Saratogea, Lam., loc. sub. cit. v. 560, 1818. C. similis, Say, Nich. Encycl. Amer. edit. ix. pi. 1, fig. 9, 1818. d. lasmampsis, Rafin., II. scie. Phys. ix. 319, pi. 82, f. 19, 20, 1820. C. solida, DeKay, Kept. 220, pi. xxv. f. 265, 1842. C. gigantea, Prime, Host. Proc. iv. 157, 1851. C. ponderosa, Prime, loc. sub. cit. iv. 157, 1851. C. striatina, Lam., Fer. in Mag. Zool., 1835. C. rhomboidea, Say, C. B. Adams, Vermont cat. 18, 1842. Animal white, tubes a light orange color. Shell transversely oval, nearly equilateral, light in texture for its size ; pos- terior margin somewhat more pointed ; anterior rounded, base slightly curved: valves convex ; beaks full, raised above the outline of the shell ; posterior portion a little longer ; sulcations coarse, regular ; epidermis dark chestnut brown ; interior light blue ; hinge margin narrow, nearly a straight line ; cardinal teeth small, indistinct, situated somewhat towards the anterior side, double in both valves, and so placed as to assume the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth on a line with the primary teeth, large, strong and prominent. The young is more equilateral than the adult ; more compressed ; it pre- sents the shape of a quadrilateral, it is of a light lemon color, the striations are as heavy as those of the mature shell. Long. 11-16 ; lat. 71-61 ; diam. 5-16 inches. Hab. North America, in the New England States, and in the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ala- bama. (Cabinet Acad. of Nat. Sci. of Phila., Garden of Plants in Paris, Mus. De- lessert, Jay, Prime and others.) This, our most common and widely distributed species, living as it does in so many different sections of the country, presents at times great variations in size, color and general appearance. It can, however, be easily recognized by its very elongated and equilateral form, and by the beaks which are uni- formly full and convex ; they are often eroded. The young is often of an uniform light lemon color, which, as the shell matures, becomes gradually darker from the beaks downwards until the new shade covers the whole sur- face of the shell ; in certain intermediate stages of growth, the shell is marked with a zone of yellow on the inferior margin ; the color of the adult varies from a greenish brown to a dark chestnut. The young shell has at times, owing to the variations which exist between it and the adult, been taken for a different species ; by some it has been taken for the Sph. rhomboideum. * I ana preparing for publication, as a complement to this Monagraph, an Atlas with colored figures of the different species described. The hinge margin is generally straight. I have specimens, however, from Alabama, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, in which it is slightly curved. One of the distinctive characters of this species is that the lateral teeth are never placed at an angle with the cardinal teeth ; they are generally on a straight line with them. The finest specimens I have seen of the Sph. s u 1 c a t u m were sent to me by Mr. Ingalls, who had collected them in Washington Co., N. Y. ; they were remarkably convex, and measured as much in length as 13-16ths of an inch ; the beaks were very full, and much raised above the margin of the shell. This species was first described in 1818, by Lamarck, under the names of Cy- clas s u 1 c a t a and Cyclas Saratoga a. Say, in 1819, ignorant that this shell was known to conchologists, described it as the Cyclas s im i 1 i s, under which name, until very recently, it has been most generally known. Say also fig- ured this species, but his figure, I regret to say, is not correct, and would be more apt to give one the idea of a Pisidium than of a Sphaerium. The descrip- tion by Say of the Cyclas s i m i 1 i s applies perfectly to the shell under con- sideration, of which Dr. Gould has given a very good figure in his Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. As related elsewhere,* I had an opportunity, some years since, while in Paris, to see Lamarck's original specimens of the Cyclas s u Ic at a and S a r a- togea, at the Garden of Plants, and at the Delessert Museum ; and to con- vince myself by examination that they both belonged to one species, and were identical with Say's Cyclas s i m i 1 i s. 2. Sph. aureum, Prime. Cyclas aureua, Prime, Boston Proc. iv. 159, 1851. Animal, not observed. Shell transversely oval, slightly elongated, nearly equilateral, heavy, con- vex ; beaks full, raised above the outline of the shell ; anterior margin broad and rounded ; posterior narrower and somewhat angular ; inferior slightly curved ; hinge margin somewhat broad, curved ; cardinal teeth diminutive, double, so placed together as to represent the form of the letter V reversed, and rather wide-spread ; lateral teeth situated each one at an angle with the cardinal teeth, strong and large ; sulcations deep, not very regular ; epidermis varying from a greenish yellow to a bright gold color, slightly lustrous ; inte- rior of the valves bluish white. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diam. 6-16 inches. Hab. North America, from Lake Superior ? (Cabinet. Agassiz and Prime.) This is one of our most attractive species, but also one of the rarest. It is supposed to have been brought from Lake Superior by the expedition which visited that region under Professor Agassiz. In general outline it offers some similarities with the Sph. s u 1 c a t u m ; it is, however, a much more ponderous shell ; it is less elongated, more convex, its sulcations are not so regular, its color is different, and lastly, its hinge margin is much more curved. Compared to the Sph. s o 1 i d u 1 u m, it is more convex, more elongated, its posterior margin is broader, the hinge margin is not so much curved, the beaks are fuller, and the sulcations are not quite so heavy ; the color is also dif- ferent. 3. Sph. solidulum, Prime. Cyclas solidula, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 158, 1851. C. distorta, Prime, loc. sub. cit. iv. 158, 1851. Notes on some American species of Cyclas, etc., by Temple Prime. The Hague, 1857. 8vo. 6 % Animal, not observed. Shell transversely inequilateral, elongated, slightly convex ; beaks full, not very prominent ; anterior margin rounded ; posterior drawn out to an angle ; base slightly curved ; epidermis variable, dark chestnut or brownish yellow, with sometimes a yellow zone on the basal margin ; sulcations coarse, irregu- lar ; interior dark blue ; hinge margin considerably curved ; cardinal teeth double, in the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth large ; the anterior placed at an angle with the margin ; the posterior more on a continuation of the curve. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diani. 5-16 inches. Hob. North America, in the States of New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Mary- anl, Virginia and Indiana. (Cabinets Academy of Nat. Sci. of Phila., Jay et Prime.) This species which is not uncommon was probably confounded by our early oouchologists with the Sph. s u 1 c a t u m, it differs from that shell, however, in being less elongated, more inequilateral, less convex, the hinge margin is more curved, and the shell is more solid. 4. Sph. striatinum, Lam. Cyclas striatina, Lam., An. s. vert., v. 560, 1818. C. edentula, Say, N. Harm. Dissem. 2, 1829. C. cornea, Lam., C. B. Adam's Cat., 1847. (7. albula, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 155, 1851. C. tennistriata, " loc. sub. cit., iv. 156, 1851. C. acuminata, " " " iv. 158, 1851. C. inornata, " ' " iv. 159, 1851. C. simplex, " " " iv. 159, 1851. C. modesta, " " iv. 159, 1851. Animal white, tubes light reddish yellow. Shell slight, transversely elongated, somewhat compressed, inequilateral ; anterior margin rounded, posterior distended, inferior rounded ; beaks full, not much raised ; sulcations irregular, at times so light as hardly to be seen with the naked eye, thus giving the shell a lustrous appearance ; color vary- ing from a light greenish yellow to a darker shade ; valves slight ; interior blue ; hinge margin slightly curved ; cardinal teeth double, very small, of the same size ; lateral teeth larger, not very prominent. Long. 7-16 ; lat. 5-16 ; diam. 4-46 inches. Bab. North America, in the States of New York, Connecticut, Pennsyl- vania, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Alabama, Tennessee, and in the Hell Grate river, Washington Territory. (Cabinet. Academy of Nat. Sci. Phila., Jay, Prime and others.) As may be seen by the above synonymy, I have been induced to unite under this species several which I described as distinct in 1851. The differences ex- isting between these shells are at times quite marked, but in general charac- ters they agree, and I am inclined to believe that these differences owe their origin solely to local causes. I had occasion some time since to convince myself of the identity of the Sph. striatinum with the Cyclas edentula of Say.* This species, which is not unplentiful in the localities where it is found, varies much in size, color and external appearance generally. The shell from Connecticut is so slight, that it is nearly translucent, and the striae are so light as to impart to it a lustrous appearance ; on the other hand, I have spe- cimens from the Hoosack, which are quite heavy and coarsely striated ; in the main, however, they all seem to tally. The variety from Alabama, descri- bed as the Cyclas ten u is tr iat a, is less distended, is fuller, and the sul- cations are hardly perceptible. ,o* Jot o S on 80une Am encan species of Cyclas, etc., by Temple Prime. The Hague, lOOY. OVO. Compared to the Sph. s o 1 i d u 1 u m , this species is smaller, more inequi- lateral, less tumid, more compressed, less solid, less heavily sulcated, and its posterior extremity is more distended. 5. Sph. s t am ineum, Conrad. Cyclas staminea, Conrad, Amer. Journ. xxv. 342, pi. 1, f. v. 1834. C.fuscata, Rafin., Prime in Bost. Proc. iv. 281, 1852. C. bulbosa, Anthony, Prime in loc. sub. cit., iv. 283, 1852. Animal, not observed. Shell oval, somewhat full, inequilateral ; anterior generally abrupt ; poste- rior slightly distended ; beaks very full and prominent, widely separate at the apex, often eroded ; epidermis dark brownish yellow ; striae heavy ; valves strong ; interior blue ; hinge margin curved ; cardinal teeth double, nearly obsolete ; lateral teeth distinct, strong. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 6-16 ; diam. 5-16 inches. Hab. North America in the States of New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Arkansas and Alabama. (Cabinet. Academy of Nat. Sci. of Phila., Conrad, Jay and Prime.) I have been induced to unite to this species the Cyclas f u s c a t a , Rafin- esque, which I consider as nothing more than a large variety. The Cyclas bulbosa, Anthony, is a little more globose than Mr. Conrad's typical speci- mens, but presents no important characters of difference. The shells of this species found in New Jersey and in Illinois, are larger than those from Ala- bama. This species differs from most of our North American ones by its full and very prominent beaks. 6. Sph. rhomboideum, Say. Cyclas rhomboidea, Say, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., II. 2, 380, 1822. C. cornea, var. 3, Lam., An. s. vert. v. 558, 1818. C. elegans, C. B. Adams, Bost. II. 3, 330. pi. 3, f. 11, 1840. Animal, syphons reddish yellow. Shell subglobular, rhomtic-orbicular, equilateral ; anterior margin trun- cated ; posterior slightly angular ; basal nearly straight ; beaks full, but not prominent ; valves slight, convex towards the beaks, gradually decreasing in fulness towards the margins ; interior blue ; sulcations very delicate ; epider- mis olive green, with often a straw-colored zone on the margins ; young shell more compressed than the adult ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth rudimentary ; lateral teeth distinct, somewhat acute, not elongated. Long. 8-16 ; lat. 6-16 ; diam. 5-16 inches. Hab. North America, in the States of Vermont, Connecticut, Massachu- setts, New York and Ohio. (Cabinet. Academy of Nat. Sci. Phila., Jay, Prime, and others.) This, the most attractive species of Sphcerium, is not easily confounded with any other. Up to within a few years it was usually known among col- 1 ectors under the name of Cyclas e 1 e g a n s, Adams. I have stated elsewhere* my reasons for considering the Cyclas elegansas identical with Say's shell. Though no longer rare since 1851, when Mr. Whittemore found it in consider- able abundance at one place near Cambridge, Mass., this species does not seem to be very widely distributed ; it is confined to certain special locali- ties. 7. Sph. d e n t a t u m, Hald. Cyclas dentata, Hald., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc. i. 100, 1841, Animal, not observed. :: Annals of the N.Y. Lyceum, vol. vi. p. 66, 1853. Shell large, ventricose, somewhat equilateral, inferior and anterior margins rounded ; posterior somewhat angular ; beaks large, well rounded, distant, not very prominent ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth single, dis- tinct ; lateral teeth not prominent ; sulcations slight ; epidermis olive green, with a dark narrow zone at some distance above the basal margin. Long. 1-2 ; lat. 2-5 ; diam. 3-8 inches. Bab. North America, in Oregon. (Cabinet. Academy of Nat. Sci. Phila.) The young shell is more elongated and more heavily sulcated than the adult ; the beaks are less large and less tumid. This is a well marked species, compared to the Sph. patella, Gould, from the same section of the country it is found to be larger, more ventricose, the beaks are more inflated, and the color of the epidermis is different. The only two specimens I have seen of the Sph. dentatum were those from which Mr. Haldeman described the species, an adult and a young one, which he was kind enough to lend me for study ; they are now deposited in the collection of the Academy of Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia. 8. Sph. fabalis, Prime. Cyclasfabalis, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 159, 1851. C. castanea, Prime, loc. sub. cit., iv. 160, 1851. C. sulculosa, DeCharpentier, Mss. 1851. Animal, syphons crimson. Shell transversely oval, compressed, nearly equilateral ; anterior and basal margins rounded ; posterior margin slightly abrupt ; beaks not full, very much depressed ; sulcations moderately heavy, very regular, quite distinct ; epidermis light green, it is, however, sometimes quite dark ; in the young it is often straw color ; valves slight, interior blue ; hinge margin very slightly curved ; cardinal teeth small, assuming the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth slight ; anterior tooth somewhat more elevated, both placed very nearly on a line with the cardinal teeth. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diam. 4-16 inches. Hal). North America, in the States of New York, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia. (Cabinet. Jay and Prime.) This is a very distinct species ; I know of no other to which it bears any resemblance ; it is remarkable for its compressed appearance, and for the de- pression of its beaks. Though pretty widely distributed, it does not seem to be found any where in much abundance. The epidermis of the shell is at times so entirely stained with a darkish substance, that it is with difficulty that its color can be detected. 9. Sph. Occident ale, Prime. Cyclas ovalis, (preoc.J Prime, Bost. Proc., iv. 276, 1852. Sph. ovate, Stimps. Adams, rec. gen. 2, 450, 1858. Sph. Occident Jle, Prime, Ac. N. S. Phila., Proc., 295, 1860. Annimal not observed. Shell oval, small, pellucid, fragile, equilateral, margins rounded ; valves slight, rather convex ; beaks full, rounded, not much raised; sulcatious very fine, hardly visible ; epidermis horn color ; cardinal teeth very diminutive ; lateral teeth more distinct. Long. 5-16 ; lat. 4-16 ; diam. 3-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the States of New York, Vermont, Ohio, Wisconsin, Georgia and in the Hell Gate River, Washington Territory. (Cabinets Academy N. S. of Phila., Jay and Prime) This species is remarkable for its completely oval shape, which renders it 9 quite distinct from all others. It is found not uncommonly. Compared to the Sph. partumium, under which name it has at times been sent to me, it is much smaller, the margins are more rounded, and the beaks are not so much raised. 10. Sph. nobile, Gould. Cyclas nobilis, Gould, Bost. Proc., v. 229, 1855. Atlas of U. S. Explor. Expedit., pi. 36. Animal not observed. Shell rhombic-ovate, inequilateral, moderately compressed ; anterior mar- gin truncated, posterior more distended, basal curved; beaks rounded, in- clined towards the front, slightly tumid, separate at apex ; sulcations coarse ; epidermis delicate, light brown ; valves strong, interior white ; hinge margin nearly straight, moderately broad ; cardinal teeth single, distinct ; lateral teeth moderately developed. Long. 8-16 ; lat. 6-16 ; diam. 4-16 inches. Hob. N. America, at San Pedro in the State of California. (Cabinet. Gould and Prime.) Compared to the Sph. sulcatum it is slighter, less sulcated, more com- pressed and less tumid. This species is rare, the only specimens I have seen were kindly presented to me by Dr. Gould. 1 J. Sph. patella, Gould. Cyclas patella, Gould, Bost. Proc., iii. 292, 1850. Atlas U. S. Explor. Expedit., pi. 36. Animal not observed. Shell rounded oval, lenticular, compressed, equilateral ; margins generally rounded ; beaks central, small, hardly raised ; valves slight, interior white ; sulcations extremely fine ; epidermis light, of a yellowish brown color ; car- dinal teeth very diminutive, so placed as to assume the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth not prominent, elongated. Long. 7-16 ; lat. 5-16 ; diam. 3-16 inches. Hob. N. America, in Oregon. (Cabinet. Gould and Prime.) This species is peculiar, owing to its compressed oval shape and rounded beaks ; compared to the Sph. f 1 a vum it is more oval, more equilateral, and its beaks are less tumid. The specimens in my cabinet came from Dr. Gould. 1 2. Sph. Vermontanum, Prime. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 128, 1861. Animal not observed. Shell very oblique, tumid, inequilateral, full ; anterior margin abrupt, pos- terior drawn out to an angle, basal slightly curved ; beaks large, full, promi- nent, placed very much towards the anterior, in which direction they are slightly inclined ; sulcations coarse, moderately regular ; epidermis light green ; ligament conspicuous ; valves solid, interior light blue ; hinge margin much curved, broad ; cardinal teeth strong, representing the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth elongated, strong. Long. 9-16 ', lat. 6-16 ; diam. 4-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in Lakes Champlain and Memphramagog, Vermont. (Cabinet. Prime.) Remarkable for its very oblique and tumid shape, and for the abruptness of its anterior margin. Compared to the Sph. s t a m i n e u m, it is more tumid and less heavily sulcated ; it is less elongated and more tumid than the Sph. striatinum. Quite rare. I have never seen but a few specimens of this species, which were received from the late Prof. Adams, of Amherst. 10 13. Sph. e m a r g i n a t u m, Prime. Cyclas emarginata, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 156, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell triangular, nearly equilateral, convex, tumid, anterior and posterior margins abrupt, posterior slightly more distended, basal margin curved ; valves soJid, interior white ; beaks very full, prominent, nearly central ; ligament distinct ; sulcations regular, not heavy ; epidermis brown, with several nar- row transverse zones of a dark color at regular intervals ; hinge margin curved ; cardinal teeth single, quite distinct ; lateral teeth not much elongated, strong. Long. 6-16 ; lat. 6-16; diam. 4-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the region of Lake Superior. (Cabinet. Agassiz and Prime.) The triangular and very tumid form of this species is quite singular ; it differs from the Sph. Vermontanum in being more tumid, fuller, in having larger beaks and in being much less broad at the base. The young shell is more elongated and less tumid than the adult. A rare species. 14. Sph. flavum, Prime. Cyclas flava, Prime, Bost. Proc., iv. 155, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell transversely rounded, compressed, equilateral, delicate, margins gene- rally rounded, the posterior a little distended ; beaks central, not full, more or less deputed ; valves very slight, interior whitish ; sulcations pretty deep, regular ; epidermis light, of a greenish yellow color ; cardinal teeth small, in the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth elongated. Long. 7-16 ; lat. 5-16 ; diam. 3-16 inches. Hab. N. America, at the Sault St. Marie, Lake Superior. (Cabinet. Agassiz, Jay and Prime.) This is a very slight and delicate species, quite distinct from any others but the Sph. patella, to which it bears some general resemblance from its shape ; it is, however, more compressed, less high, and the exterior of the valves is very different, as they are nearly smooth in Dr. Gould's shell. Found not unplentifully in the one locality. 11 15. Sph. triangulare, Say. Cyclas triangularis, Say, New Harm. Dissem. 356, 1829. Animal not observed. Shell transversely oval, nearly equilateral, rather full, anterior margin slightly distended, rounded, posterior somewhat abrupt, nasal rounded ; beaks large, full, prominent ; lines of growth regular, epi- dermis brownish ; hinge margin narrow, curved ; cardinal teeth very distinct, assuming the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth prominent. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diarn. 4-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in Mexico. (Cabinet Acad. Nat. Sci. Philada.) The specimens from which I have prepared this description were presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by Mrs. Say, as the Cyclas triangularis, Say ; they may or may not be true representatives of Say's species. In many points they answer his description of the C. triangularis, but at the same time I am not able to reconcile their shape, which is not more triangular than that of any other species, with the name he has applied to the species. Moreover, they bear a very strong resemblance to one of out- Northern Sphserium, the Sph. solidulum; they differ from it, however, in being less heavily and more regularly striated, and in having more prominent beaks. b. Species with protuberant or calyculate beaks. 16. Sph. elevatum, Hald. Cyclas devata, Hald., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc., i. 53, 1841. C. pallida, DeCharp., MSS. 1851. Animal not observed. Shell ovate, orbicular, nearly spherical, cavity large, equilateral, margins well rounded ; beaks central, slightly inclined towards tlie anterior, lap- ping over the outline of the shell, large, tumid, approximate, calyculate, prominent ; hinge margin slightly curved ; cardinal teeth united, prominent ; lateral ones elongated ; large, valves very strong, interior bluish ; surface smooth, striation light, irregular ; color brownish olive, greatly varied by zones of a lighter shade, a zone of bright yellow bordering thelnferior and part of the lateral margins. Long. 9-16 ; lat. 8-16 ; diam. 5-16 inches. Hab. N. America, at New Orleans, La., and in Florida and Alabama. (Cabinets Acad. Nat. Sci. Philada., and Prime.) Remarkable for its transversely spherical shape, which renders it distinct from all other species of this genus. It is much more solid than the generality of calyculate species, the valves being as strong as those of any of the larger species of the preceding group. The Cyclas pallida, the young of this species, is more delicate than the adult ; it is a little less transversely spherical, the striae are lighter, and the color is bright yellow. Prof. Haldeman's original specimen of the Cyclas e 1 e v a t a , from which this description was prepared, and which is now in the cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, though very perfect in appearance, comprised but a single valve. This species seems to be very rare. I have never met with any other specimens but the one in the cabinet of the Academy and those I have in mine, two specimens of the Cyclas pallida, derived from De Charpentier himself, and a single valve from Florida. 17. Sph. partumium, Say. Cyclas partumia, Say, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II. 2, 380, 1822. C. cornea, var. 2, Lam., An. s. vert. v. 558, 1818. C 1 . orbicularia, Barrat, Amer. II. xlviii. 276, 1845. C. mirabilis, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 157, 1851. C. ccerulea " loc. sub. cit. iv. 161, 1851. C. eburuea, Anthony, " " " iv. 279, 1852. 12 Animal usually white, in some varieties pink, syphonal tubes pink. Shell rounded-oval, thin, fragile, pellucid, somewhat inflated, nearly equilateral ; anterior margin very slightly distended, rounded ; posterior slightly abrupt ; basal rounded ; beaks central, calyculate, approximate at apex ; striae so deli- cate as hardly to be visible ; epidermis glossy, of a light greenish horn color, with at times a zone of a different shade on the basal margin ; valves delicate, moderately convex, interior light blue ; hinge margin nearly straight, passing by a regular curve into the anterior margin, bat curving suddenly behind, so as to form an obtuse angle, causing the posterior side to appear broader, thus givino- the shell a somewhat rhombiform appearance ; cardinal teeth strong, assuming the shape of the letter V reversed; lateral teeth very much The young shell is more compressed than the adult ; it is usually light yellow. Long. 8-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diam. 5 16 inches. Hah. N. America, in the States of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, S. Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. (Cabinets Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Garden of Plants at Paris, Agassiz, Jay and Prime.) This species varies much according to the localities where it is found, which accounts in part for the number of names it has received. The Cyclas erbicularia, of which I have authentic specimens from Mr. Barrat, is a genuine Sph. partnmium, without even any local modifications of shape. The Cyclas m i r a b i 1 i s , from Georgia, is a small form of this species, and the Cyclas c oe r ul e a differs from the type in being a little less inflated. The Gyclas e b u r n e a , from Arkansas, varies from the Northern Sph. p a r t u- m i u m in being more compressed and a little more elevated. I do not think, however, taking the difference of localities into consideration, that these are characters sufficient to warrant retaining the Cyclas eburnea as a distinct species. I had an opportunity while in Paris to assure myself that the variety No. 2 of Cyclas cornea was a true Sph. partumium. This species is not only very widely distributed, but where it is found, it occurs in large numbers. The only one of our Northern species to which it bears much resemblance is the Sph. truncatum, and that is only in general outline; the Sph. partumium is much more inflated and transversely more broad. 18. Sph. Jayanum, Prime. Cyclas Jayensis, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 157, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell rhombic, nearly equilateral, moderately eon- vex, thin, fragile, somewhat translucent, drawn up to an angle towards the hinge margin ; anterior and posterior margins very abrupt, inferior very slightly curved ; beaks central, ealyculate, approximate at apex ; hinge margin considerably shorter than the basal margin, slightly curved ; cardinal teeth distinct in the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth elongated ; valves delicate, interior light blue; striae hardly visible; epidermis glossy, light greenish horn color, with at times a zone of bright yellow on the inferior margin. Long. 8-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diam. 3-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the region of Lake Superior ? (Cabinets Agassiz, Jay, Garden of Plants in Paris, and Prime.) This attractive and rare species is easily distinguished by its elevated shape and by its abrupt lateral margins, which give it a somewhat triangular appearance. It is related to the Sph. Ryckholti of. Europe, from which it differs, however, in being more inflated, its beaks are less prominent, the shell is more elevated, and its anterior margin is abrupt, whereas in Sph. Ryckholti it is distended and angular. 19. Sph. subtransversum, Prime, Proo. Zool. xxviii. 322, 1860. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely oblong, equilateral, trans- 13 lucent, fragile, compressed ; beaks central, large, calyculate ; strise very deli- cate ; epidermis greenish yellow. Long. 3-10 ; lat. 2-10 ; diam. 1-10 inches. Hob. N. America, at Tabasco in Mexico. (Cabinet Cuming.) The only specimen I have seen of this species was sent to me for description by Mr. Cuming. 20. Sph. argentinum, D'Orbigny. Cyclas argentina, D'Orb., Mag. de Zool. 1835.. Voy. en Amer. Merid. 5CJ8, pi. 83, f. 57, 1844. Animal not observed. Shell oval, small, translucent, compressed ; anterior side short, somewhat angular, posterior side distended and truncated at the end ; beaks calyculate ; striae delicate ; epidermis greenish brown ; valves slight, interior bluish ; cardinal teeth united, lateral teeth hardly visible. Long. 5-16 ; lat. 4-16 inches. Hab. S. America, at Montevideo at the base of the Cerro. (Cabinet British Museum.) It has not been my good fortune to meet with this species. M. D'Orbigny says it bears some resemblance to the Cyclas caliculata, meaning thereby, I presume, the shell now known to European conchologists under the name of Sph. lacustre, Ferussac. 21. Sph. tentte, Prime. Cyclas tenuis, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 161, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely oblong, pellucid, mode- rately full, subequilateral ; anterior and basal margins rounded, posterior margin subabrupt; beaks nearly central, not prominent, calyculate ; striations very fine and regular, hardly perceptible ; epidermis glossy, light straw color ; valves slight, interior straw color ; hinge margin short, narrow, nearly straight ; cardinal teeth very diminutive, lateral teeth small, elongated. Long. 3-16; lat. 2-16; diam. 1-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the Androscoggin, Maine. (Cabinet Prime. ) This species, the smallest one known to inhabit the United States, was dis- covered some years since by Mr. CKrard, from whom I obtained my specimens, the only ones I have met with. It may possibly be the young of some species, but if so, it would be very difficult to say which ; setting aside its diminutive size, it appears to have all the characteristics of a mature shell. In outline it seems to be allied to the Sph. transversum; it is, however, more inflated, less elongated, and its margins are more rounded. At first sight, it might readily be mistaken for a Pisidium. 22. Sph. transversum, Say. Cyclas transversa, Say, New Harm. Dissem. 2, 356, 1829. C. detruncata, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 155, 1851. C. gracile, " loc. sub. cit. iv. 156, 1851. C. constricta, Anthony, " " " iv. 274, 1852. Animal white, syphonal tubes pink, foot white. Shell transversely oblong, elongated, subinequilateral, translucent; anterior side narrow; anterior margin rounded, posterior margin subtruncate, basal very much curved ; beaks placed somewhat on the anterior side, large, calyculate, very much raised above the outline of the shell ; striae very delicate ; epidermis greenish yellow, of a darker shade at times on the region of beaks ; valves slight, interior bluish ; hinge margin very nearly straight, narrow ; cardinal teeth compressed, in the shape of the letter V reversed, and very much expanded ; lateral teeth slightly elongated. Long. 10-16 ; lat. 7-16 ; diam. 4-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ken- tucky and Arkansas. (Cabinets Jay and Prime.) This large and delicate species is remarkable for its very transverse shape and for the narrowness of the anterior extremity as compared to the posterior. 14 The form of the shell recalls that of many of the small species from the West Indies and South America. It is found in considerable abundance. The Cyclas detruncata does not differ sufficiently from the type to con- stitute even a variety. The Cyclas g r a c i 1 i s is a large variety of Sph. trans- v e r s u m, it is a little more inflated and of a darker color. The Cyclas c o n- s t r i c t a is nothing more than a difformed specimen of Say's species, having a perpendicular furrow up the centre of each valve, caused by some accident occurring to the shell during its growth. 23. Sph. B a hi ens e, Spix. Cyclas Bahiensis, Spix, Tert. Braz. 32, pi. xxv. f. 5, 6, 1827. C. maculata, Anton, (non Morelet,) Wiegm. Archiv, 284, 1837. Pisum maculatum, Desh., Brit. Mus. Cat. 283, 1854. P. Bahiense " loc. sub. cit. 284, 1854. Musculium Bahiense, Adams, rec. gen. ii. 451, 1858. M. maculatum, " loc. sub. cit. ii. 451, 1858. Animal not observed. Shell very small, rounded-oval, inflated, inequi- lateral; anterior margin narrow, curved ; posterior margin broad, subtruncate ; inferior margin curved ; beaks inclined towards the anterior, large, prominent, calyculate ; valves slight, interior dark yellow, irregularly mottled with dark reddish spots ; lines of growth very fine ; epidermis yellowish brown, with irregular spots of dark purple ; hinge margin very narrow, nearly straight ; cardinal teeth small; lateral teeth comparatively strong, the posterior one much the longer. Long. 5-32; lat. 2-16; diam. 3-32 inches. Hab. S. America, at Bahia in Brazil. (Cabinets Jay, Prime and others. ) This, the smallest species of Sphaerium, has the peculiar appearance cha- racteristic of the West Indian and South American shells of this genus. It does not seem to be uncommon. Some authors, led away by its diminutive size, have committed the error, as may be seen by the above synonymy, of placing it under the head of Pisidium. I have never seen the Cyclas m a c u- lata of Anton, (non Morelet,) but have every reason to believe, from the description given of it, that it does not differ materially from this species. In outline it is somewhat similar to the Sph. Barbadense; it is, however, much smaller, less inflated, and the beaks are much more raised. Compared to the Sph. meridionale, Nobis, and Sph. maculatum, Morelet, it is smaller, more inflated, and the margins are more rounded. 24. Sph. Barbadense, Prime, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861. Animal not observed. Shell small, rounded-oval, ventricose, subequi- lateral, delicate; anterior side a little the shorter and narrower; margins generally rounded ; beaks slightly inclined towards the anterior, nearly cen- tral, small, calyculate, approximate at apex, at times eroded; strife coarse for the size of the shell, though not very distinct ; epidermis dark greenish- brown ; valves slight, very convex ; cardinal teeth very small ; lateral teeth strong, very much drawn up and shorter than they usually are in other species. Long. \ ; lat. 1-5 ; diam. 5-32 inches. Hab. Barbadoes, West Indies. (Cabinet Prime.) I have but one specimen of this species, which seems to be closely allied to the bph. Bahiense of Brazil ; it is. however, much larger, more globose, and its beaks are not as much raised. 25. Sph^. mod iol if or me, Anton. Cyclas modioliformls, Anton, Wiegm. Archiv, 284, 1837. Pisidium diaphanum, Hald., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., i. 53, 1841. Pisum modioliforme, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. 283, 1854. Pisidium Moquinianum, Bourgt., Amen. i. 61. pi. 3, f. 1317, 1855. Cyclas Moquiniana, Gassies, Pisid. S. 0. f. 9, 1855. C. slriatella, Ferussac, Museum of Paris C. littoralis Collect. Michaud. C. Venezuelensis, Prime, Museum at Leyden. Musculium modioliforme, Adams, rec. gen. ii. 451, 1858. 15 Animal not observed. Shell small, ovate-oblong, moderately inflated, ine- quilateral, translucent ; anterior and basal margins rounded, posterior some- what distended and subtruncate ; beaks inclined towards the anterior, promi- nent, calyculate ; valves slight, convex ; epidermis dark yellow, irregularly spotted with a darker color ; striae hardly visible ; teeth very small ; hinge margin somewhat curved, very narrow. Long. 5-16 ; lat. 3-16 ; diam. 5-32 inches. Hab. S. America, in Brazil and Venezuela. (Cabinets Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Bourguignat, Gassies, Museum of Paris, Michaud, and Museum at Ley den.) The specimen from which this description was prepared the original shell from which Mr. Haldeman described the Pisid. diaphann m is in the Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. It was dis- covered in the interior of a large Ampullaria from Brazil. I have never seen the Cyclas modioliformisor the Pisid. Moquinianum, but judging from their descriptions and from the figure of the latter, I have little doubt but that they belong to the same species. I have had occasion to examine the Cyclas striatella, littoralis and Venezuelensis personally. The Sph. modioliforme seems to be rare. It bears some resemblance to the Sph. meridionale, but it differs from it in being more inflated and of a lighter color. 26. Sph. meridionale, Prime, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely-oblong, compressed, deli- cate, inequilateral ; anterior side narrow, shorter ; anterior margin somewhat angular, posterior subabrupt, basal slightly rounded ; beaks inclined towards the anterior, small, calyculate, approximate at apex ; valves slight, com- pressed, striae very regular and delicate, hardly perceptible ; epidermis yel- lowish brown, irregularly mottled with large blotches of a much darker color ; hinge margin very slightly rounded, narrow, much shorter than the basal margin ; cardinal teeth diminutive ; lateral teeth slight, the posterior tooth much the more elongated. Long. ^ ; lat. 1-5 ; diam. 2-16 inches. Hab. N. America, at Panama. (Cabinet Prime.) This species, of which I have never seen but one specimen, is easily dis- tinguished by its very inequilateral and compressed shape. Compared to the Sph. m a c u 1 a tu m , it is larger, its posterior margin is less abrupt, and its lateral teeth are larger. 27. Sph. maculatum, Morelet. Cyclas maculata, Morelet, Test. nov. lusul. Cub., etc., pt. 2d, 25, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely-oblong, rhombic, elongated, inequilateral, compressed, delicate ; anterior side much the narrower, slightly rounded ; posterior side very broad ; posterior margin abrupt, forming a straight line from the hinge to the base of the shell ; inferior margin nearly straight ; valves slight, very little convex ; beaks small, calyculate, inclined towards the anterior side ; striae not perceptible ; epidermis dark yellowish- brown, irregularly mottled with spots of a much darker color ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth very small ; lateral teeth strong, elongated. Long. 4-16 ; lat. 3-16 ; diam. 2-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in Yucatan. (Cabinets Morelet, Jay and Prime.) A rare species ; the only specimens I have met with were kindly presented to me by the original describer. It is easily distinguished from all other species of Sphserium by the very great disproportion which exists between the lateral margins. 16 28. Sph. Veatleyi, C. B. Adams. Cuclas Veatleyi, C. B. Adams, Contrib. Conch. 44, 1849. Andium Petit, II. Conch, ii. 421, 1851. Pisum " Desh., Brit. Mus. Cat. 283, 1854. Musculium " Adams, rec. gen. ii. 452, 1858. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely elongated, inequilateral, compressed ; anterior and inferior margins rounded ; posterior margin sub- truncate beaks situated towards the anterior side and inclined in that direction, small, prominent, calyculate ; valves slight, interior irregularly spotted with dark blotches ; striae regular, coarse for the size of the shell ; epidermis horn color with a tinge of brown ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth small but distinct, placed in the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth well developed, elongated. Long. 3-16; lat. 2-16; diam. 1-16 inches. Hob. N. America, in the Island of Jamaica. (Cabinets Jay and Prime.) This rare species, of which I received specimens from the late Prof. Adams, is somewhat allied to the Sph. P o r t o r i c e u s e ; it is, however, smaller, more delicate, more elongated, the valves are less full, the beaks less large, and the hinge in every way more slight. 29. Sph. Portoricense, Prime, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861. Animal not observed. Shell small, transversely elongated, rhombic, equi- lateral, slightly compressed ; margins generally straight, in especial the pos- terior margin ; beaks central, slightly inclined towards the anterior side, calyculate, approximate at apex ; strise regular, quite heavy considering the size of the shell ; epidermis light brownish-yellow ; cardinal teeth strong : lateral teeth strong, very much drawn up ; valves solid, very little convex ; the interior, and at times the exterior, irregularly spotted with a few dots of very dark color. Long. 5- ; lat. 1-5 ; diam. inches. Hal). Portorico, West Indies. (Cabinets Swift and Prime.) The specimens from which this description were prepared were kindly fur- nished to me by Mr. Swift of St. Thomas. In proportion to its size this species is quite robust. It is different from the generality of the West Indian and South American Sphseria by its sulcations, which are regular and deep. In shape and appearance it recalls the young of Sph. sulcatum. It is allied to Sph. Veatleyi in outline, but otherwise it is different, in being heavier and of a larger size. 30. Sph. s ecuri s, Prime. Cyclas securis, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 160, 1851. Ann. N. Y. Lycemu, v. 218, pi. vi. 1851. C. cardissa, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 160, 1851. C. crocea, Lewis, loc. sub. cit. v. 25, 1854. Animal pinkish, syphons of the same color. Shell rhombic-orbicular, veu- tricose, subequilateral, both sides of very nearly the same length ; anterior margin a little curved ; posterior margin abrupt, forming an obtuse angle with the hinge margin; basal margin much longer than the superior margin, rounded ; beaks large, calyculate, slightly inclined towards the anterior, very approximate at apex ; valves slight, very convex, especially in the region of the umbones ; strise delicate, regular, hardly perceptible ; epidermis glossy in some cases, very variable in color, but generally of a greenish-horn, at times of a brilliant yellow or straw color ; hinge margin curved, narrow ; cardinal teeth very small, united at base ; lateral teeth slight, elongated, very narrow. Long. 6-16 ; lat. 5-16 ; diam. 4-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the States of Massachusetts, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New York. (Cabinets Jay, Lewis and Prime.) IT Found plentifully at Cambridge, Mass. I cannot see differences sufficient be- tween the Sph. s e c u r i s and the Cyclas cardissa to separate them ; the Cyclas cardissa is more globose, transversely shorter, more elevated, but still intermediate forms uniting the two are so frequent that it is not possible that they should form distinct species. The Cyclas c r o c e a , Lewis, is a young of this species. Compared to the Sph. sphsericum, the Sph. securis is more equilateral, the beaks are less tumid and less inclined, the sides are less rounded, and the hinge margin is less curved. 31. Sph. rosaceum, Prime. Cyclas rosacea, Prime, Bost. Proc. iv. 155, 1851. Animal not observed. Shell small, rounded-oval, fragile, translucent, sub- equilateral, somewhat compressed, margins- generally rounded ; beaks nearly central, slightly inclined towards the anterior, calyculate, approximate at apex ; valves very slight, a little convex in the region of the umbones ; strise regular, hardly visible ; epidermis shiny, reddish-brown ; hinge margin nearly straight, delicate, narrow ; cardinal teeth nearly obsolete, lateral teeth slight, elongated. Long. 4-16 ; lat. 3-16 ; diam. 5-32 inches. Hab. N. America, in the Schuylkill River. (Cabinet Prime.) This species, which is very rare, the only specimens known to me being those in my collection, is not very liable to be confounded with others. Com- pared to the Sph. o c c i d e n t a 1 e, it is less full, the beaks are more prominent and are calyculate. 32. Sph. sphaericum, Anthony. Cyclas sphcerica, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iv. 275, 1852. Animal not observed. Shell globose, subequi- lateral, transversely oval ; anterior side narrow, distended, rounded ; inferior margin rounded ; pos- terior margin subabrupt ; beaks inclined towards the anterior, large, prominent, calyculate ; valves slight, very convex, interior blue ; strise fine and regular ; epidermis greenish ; hinge margin much curved ; cardinal teeth strong, united at base and disposed in the shape of the letter V reversed ; lateral teeth prominent, very distinct, rather short. Long. 5-16 ; lat. 9-32 ; diam. 3-16 inches. Hab. N. America, in the Black River, Ohio. (Cabinets Anthony and Prime.) Very rare ; I have never seen any specimens of this species but those in Mr. Anthony's collection and in mine. Compared to the Sph. rosaceum. it is less equilateral, more inflated and the margins are less rounded. 33. Sph. truncatum, Linsley. Cyclas calyculata, C. B. Adams, Amer. II., xi. 277, 1841. " truncata, Linsley. Amer. II., N. Ser., vi. 234, f. 3, 1848. " pellucida, Prime, Boston Proc., iv. 277, 1852. Animal not observed. Shell rhombic-orbicular, lenticular, thin, pellucid, very slightly inflated, subequilateral : anterior side narrower ; anterior mar- gin rounded ; posterior margin nearly a straight line ; basal somewhat curved ; beaks central, calyculate, approximate at apex ; strise very delicate ; epider- mis glossy, light greenish horn color ; valves slight, very little convex ; inte- rior light blue ; hinge margin very nearly straight ; very narrow ; cardinal teeth diminutive, united at base ; lateral teeth slight, narrow, not much elongated. 18 Long. 6-16; lat. 5-16; diam. 5-32 inches. Hab. N. America, in the States of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Con- necticut, New York and Ohio. (Cabinets Linsley, Gould and Prime.) The specimens from which this description was prepared, the same ones from which Dr. Gould described the original Cyclas t r u n c a t a, are pre- cisely similar to those the late Prof. Adams sent to me labelled Cyclas c a 1 y- c ulat a, from Vermont, and which I described, in 1852, under the name of Cyclas pellucid a. This specicies is undoubtedly very closely allied to the Sph. lacustre, Ferussac (Cyclas calyculataof authors) of Europe, but still the differences are patent enough to authorize its being retained as distinct. Compared to the Sph. p a r t u m i u m, the Sph. truncatum is less inflated, transversely less broad, the posterior margin is more abrupt and the hinge slighter. The young, more tumid than the adult, is of a lemon yellow. Found not uncommonly. 34. Sph. lenticula, Gould. Lucina lenticula, Gould, Bost. Proc., iii. 256, 1850. Cyclas lenticula, Gould, Atlas Explor. Exped., pi. 36, f. 528. Animal not observed. Shell rhombic-orbicular, lenticular, thin, pellucid, very slightly inflated, nearly equilateral ; anterior side narrower ; anterior margin curved ; posterior margin abrupt, inferior rounded ; beaks central, calyculate, approximate at apex; strise hardly visible; epidermis glossy, light greenish horn color ; valves delicate, a little convex towards the region of the umbones ; interior light blue ; hinge margin nearly straight, narrow ; cardinal teeth hardly visible, united at base ; lateral teeth slight, narrow, not much elongated. Long. 7-16 ; lat. 6-16 ; diam. 3-16 inches. (Cabinets Gould, Anthony and Prime.) Hab. N. America, in Carson River, California. This species, of which I obtained specimens from Dr. Gould, is so similar in nearly every respect to the Sph. truncatum, that it is very difficult to tell them apart. The valves of the Sph. lenticula are perhaps a little more convex as they approach the region of the beaks, and the binge margin a little more curved and less narrow. The young shell is of the same color as t the adult, whereas, with Sph. truncatum, the young is of a lighter color. Fossil Species. 35. Sph. recticardinale, Meek and Hayden, Ac. N. S. Phil., Proc., 176, 1860. Shell of medium size, transversely subelliptical, rather compressed, very thin ; anterior side rounded ; base forming a regular semielliptic curve ; pos- terior extremity obliquely subtruncate above and rather narrowly rounded below ; cardinal margin long and straight ; beaks very small, compressed and projecting but slightly above the hinge, located nearly half way between the middle and the anterior end ; surface marked by moderately distinct, irregular lines of growth. Long. 0-55 ; lat. 0-36 j diam. 0-24 inch. Hab. Near the mouth of Grand River, on the Upper Missouri, Nebraska, U. S. of America. Tertiary Formation. 36. Sph. pi an urn, Meek and Hayden, Ac. N. S. Phil., Proc., 175, 1860. >11 rather small, broad oval or subcircular, much compressed ; extremi- ties more or less regularly rounded, the posterior margin being sometimes tamtly subtruncate ; base semioval in outline ; cardinal margin rounding gradually from near the middle ; beaks very small, compressed, and scarcely extending beyond the hinge margin, nearly central ; surface marked by fine, irregular, obscure concentric strise. 19 Long. 0-38 ; lat. 0-32 ; diam. 0-08 inch. Hob. Near the mouth of Grand River, on the Upper Missouri, Nebraska, U. S. of America. Tertiary formation. 37. Sph. formosum, Meek and Hayden. Cyclas formosa, M. & H., Ac. N. S. Phil., Proc., 115, 1856. " fragllis, M. & H., loc. sub. cit., 115, 1856. Shell small, oval, oblique, scarcely ventricose ; cardinal margin straight ; buccal end rounded ; anal extremity obliquely truncate ; basal margin semi- elliptical or broadly rounded ; beaks obtuse, tumid, rising somewhat above the hinge, nearly touching, placed a little in advance of the middle ; surface ornamented by very fine, regular, distinct, concentric wrinkles. Long. -17 ; lat. -08 ; diam. -14 inch. Hob. Three miles above Fort Union, Nebraska, U. S of America. Ter- tiary Formation. 38. Sph. subellipticum, Meek and Hayden. Cyclas subelliptica, M. & H., Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc., 115, 1856. Shell small, elliptical-ovate, somewhat ventricose, thin and fragile ; pos- terior end narrower than the anterior, both narrowly rounded ; base semi- elliptical or semiovate ; cardinal border apparently rounding gradually to both extremities ; beaks not much elevated, pointed, incurved, not oblique, located near the middle ; surface indistinctly marked with lines of growth. Long. -24 ; lat. -14 inch. Hab. Three miles above Fort Union, Nebraska, U. S. of America. Ter- tiary Formation. ' ' The beaks are so near the middle, and curved so nearly at right angles to the longitudinal diameter of the shell, that it is not easy to determine, espe- cially from the examination of mutilated specimens, which is the posterior or which the anterior end. As we have only seen imperfect specimens, we are not sure the surface markings are indistinct on unworn shells." M. & H. The following shells, known under the name of Cyclas, must be excluded from the list of American species of Sphaerium, in some cases because they have been improperly placed in this genus, and in others, because no descrip- tion has been published : Cyclas a e q u a 1 i s, Rafmesque, is Pisid. Virginicum. al t il i s, Anthony, is Pisid. compressuin. Americana, Christof. and Jan. Undescribed. Carolinian a, Bos., is Cyrena Caroliniensis. C h i 1 e n s i s, D'Orbigny, is Pisid. Chilense. clandestina, Da Costa, is a marine shell, d e n s a t a, D'Orbigny, (fossil,) is Cyrena densata. d u b i a, Say, is Pisid. Virginicum. f 1 u v i a t i 1 i s, Bosc, is a Corbicula. Fontaineii, D'Orbigny, is Cyrena Fontaineii. hammalis, Rafin., is a Corbicula. 1 i m o s a, D'Orbigny, is Corbicula limosa. m aritima, D'Orbigny, is Cyrena Cubensis. minor, C. B. Adams, is Pisid. abditum. nitida, Adams & Mighl., is Pisid. Adamsi. o v a t a, Lewis. Undescribed. Paranensis, D'Orbigny, is Corbicula Paranensis. pygmea, C. B. Adams, is Pisid. Jamaicense. variegata, D'Orbigny, is Corbicula limosa. V i r g i n i c a, Ferussac, is Pisid. Virginicum. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT SPECIES OF THE FAMILY CORBICULAD^E BY TEMPLE PRIME. Family CORBICULADJE, Gray. Proc. Zool. Lond. xv, 184, 1847. Les Conques (ex parte), Lamarck, Lam. Phil. Zool. i, 318, 1809. Les Conques ftuviatiles, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 556, 1818. Veneriadce, Leach, in litt. 1818. Cycladia, Rafinesque, Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. et Nat. v, 1820. Les Gyclades, FeVussac, Tab. Syst. 43, 1822. Oyoladina, Latreille, Fam. Nat. 218, 1825. Cycladce, Fleming, Hist. Brit. An. 409, 1828. Cycladea, Deshayes, Encycl. Mth. 1830. Cyrenidce, Gray, Synop. Brit. Mus. 75, 91, 1840. Cydadacea, Hinds, Voy. Sulph. 66, 1844. Cyclasidce, D'Orbigny, Voy. 566, 1846. GENUS CORBICTJLA, Megerle. Mag. Gesell. Naturf. Berl. v, 56, 1811. Tellina (pars), Muller, Verm, ii, 205, 1774. Venus (pars), Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz vi,, 320, 1782. Cyclas (pars), Bruguiere, Encycl. Meth. 1792. Cyrena, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. Venulites, Schloth, Petref. 200, 1820. 28 128 1. Corb. Africana, Deshayes. Cyrena Africana, Krauss, Moll. S. A. 8, pi. 1, f. 8, 1848. Cyrena Gauritziana, Krauss, in litt. 1848. Corbicula Africana, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 222, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 224, f. 5T, 1866. Cape of Good Hope, Africa. 2. Corb. Agrensis, Prime. Cyrena Agrensis, Kurr, in litt. Corbicula Agrensis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 128, 1861. Prime Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii. 75, f. 24, 1864. Agra, India. 3. Corb. ambigua, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 345, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 223, 1854. R. Euphrates. 4. Corb. Amazonica, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Rio Amazon. 5. Corb. amiralis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Cochin China. 6. Corb. Angasi, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. J. Conchyl. xii, 151, pi. vii, f. 6, 1864. Murray River, S. Australia. 7. Corb. Astartina, Martens. Cyrena Astartina, Martens, Malak. Bl. vi, 219, pi. iii, f. 6, 7, 1859. Lake Nyassa, Africa. 8. Corb. Australis, Deshayes. Cyclas Australis (exclus. var.), Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 560, 1818. Gyrena Australis, Deshayes, Wood Index Test. Suppl. 2, pi. xiv. f. 57, 1828, Encycl. Meth. ii. 50, 1830. Lam. An. Desh. ed. vi, 270, 1835. Corbicula Australis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 230, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Island of Timor. 9. Corb. baronialis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Moreton Bay, Australia. 10. Corb. Bengalica, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 344, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 224, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 220, f. 52, 1866. Bengal. 11. Corb. Bensonii, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 345, 1854. Brit Mus. Cat. Conchif. 228, 1854. Bengal. 129 12. Corb. Blandiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 71, f. 18, 1864. Laos Mountains, Cambodia. 13. Corb. Bocourti, Morelet, I. Conchyl. xiii, 228, 1865. Cochin China. 14. Corb. borealis, Prime. ( Venus borealis, Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz, vii, 26, pi. xxxix, f. 412, f. 414, 1784)? Cydas, Encycl. Meth. pi. 302, f. 3, 1792. Cyclas borealis, Lamarck, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vii, 421 1806. Cyrena depressa, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 553. 1818. Hab. ? 15. Corb. Brasiliana, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 232, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 7, 1865. Brazil. 16. Corb. brunnea, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 126, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 67, f. 13, 1864. Tasmania. 17. Corb. castanea, Morelet, J. Conchyl. xiii, 228, 1865. Cochin China. 18. Corb. Cashmiriensis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool, Lond. xxii, 344, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 224, 1854. Cashmere. 19. Corb. Chemnitziana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 60, f. 5, 1864. China f 20. Corb. colonialis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 416, 1867. Java. 21. Corb. compressa, Deshayes. Cyrena compressa, Mousson, in litt. Corb. compressa, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 227, 1854. Java. 22. Corb. consanguinea, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 417, 1867. India. 23. Corb. consobrina, Deshayes. Cyrena consobrina, Cailliaud, Voy. ii, 263, pi. Ixi, f. 10, 11, 1826. Cyclas consobrina, Cailliaud, Cat. and Reeve, Nomencl. 29, 1845. River Nile. 24. Corb. consularis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Malacca, 130 25. Corb. convexa, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 342, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 231, 1854. Corbicula ventricosa, Prime, in litt. Corbicula convexa, Deshajes, Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime Monog. Corb. 3, f, 1, 1865. Central America and Mexico. 26. C. cor, Deshayes. Cyrena cor, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. Delessert, Recueil, pi. vii, f. 7, 1841. Corbicula cor, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 221, 1854. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 63, f. 8, 1864. East Indies. 27. C. crassula, Mousson. Mousson, Bellardi, Cat. 54, f. 12, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 216, f. 54, 55, 1866. Syria. 28. C. Crosseana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 72, f. 20, 1864. Philippine Islands. 29. C. Cuminffii, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 228, 1854. Corbicula squalida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 342, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 233, 1854. Corbicula notata, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 127, 1861. Corlicula Cumingii, Deshayes, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 217, f. 4649, 1866. Philippine Islands. 30. C. cuneata, Deshayes. Cyrena cuneata, Jonas, Zeit. Malak. 186, 1844. Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 77, pi. 1, f. 6, 1846. Cyrena globulus, Jonas, in litt. Corbicula incrassata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii. 342, 1854. Corbicula cuneata, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 231, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb 6, f. 5, 1865. Orinoco River, South America. 31. C. Cyraenopsis. Cyclas Cyrcenopsis, Valenciennes. Cyclas, Encycl. Meth. pi. 301, f. 3, 1792. Hab.? 32. C. Cyreniformis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 321, 1860. J. Conchyl. ix. 41, pi. ii. f. 5, 1861. Hab.? 131 33. C. debilis, Deshayes. Oyrena debilis, Gould, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iii, 293, 1850. U. S. Explor. Expedit. xii, 427, pi. xxxvi, f. 529, a. b. 1852. Corbicula debilis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 234, 1854. Hunter River, New Holland. 34. C. Delessertiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Egypt and Smyrna. 35. C. difficilis, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. 62, f. 7, 1864. North Africa ? 36. C. ducalis, Prime. Cyrena fluminea, Mousson, Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 76, pi. 1, f. 3, 1847. Moll. Java, 87, pi. xx, f. 3, 1848. Corbicula ducalis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. viii, 274, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 225, f. 58, 1866. Java. 37. C. episcopalis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Cambodia. 38. C. erosa, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 126, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 213, f. 40, 1866. Cambodia. 39. C. fluminalis, Megerle. Tellina fluminalis, Miiller, Verm, ii, 205, 1774. Venus fluminalis, Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz, vi, 319, pi. xxx, f. 320, 1782. Cyclas Bruguiere, Encycl. Meth. pi. 301, f. 2, 1792. Cyclas Euphratica, Lamarck, An. Mus. Hist. Nat. vii, 420, 1806. Corbicula fluminalis, Megerle, Mag. Gesell. Naturf. Berlin, v, 1811. Cyrena fuscata, var. Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. Cyrena fluminalis, Bourguignat, Cat. Saulcy. 79, 1852. Corbicula fluminalis, Megerle, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 222. 1854. River Euphrates. 40. C. fluminea, Deshayes. Tellina fluminea, Miiller, Verm. ii. 206, 1774. Venus fluminea, Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz, vi, 321, pi. xxx, f. 322, 323, 1782. Cyclas Chinensis, Lamarck, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vii, 421, 1806. Corbicula fluminea, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat Conchif. 226, 1854. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 60, f. 4, 1864. China. 132 41. C. fluviatilis, Deshayes. Tellina fluviatilis, Miiller, Verm, ii, 206, 1774. Corlicula fluviatilis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 226, 1854. China. 42. C. fuscata, Prime. Cyclas, Bruguiere, Encycl. Mth. 302, f. 2, 1792. Cyrena fuscata, Lamarck (exclus. var.), Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. China. 43. C. gubernatoria, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Saigon, Cochin China. 44. C. gracilis, Prime, J. Conchyl, x, 389, pi. xiv, f. 7, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Java. 45. C. imperialis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. ix, 1869. Pondicherry, India. 46. C. insularis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 414, 1867. Formosa. 47. C. inaequilateralis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 128, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 80, f. 30, 1864. Africa. 48. C. Japonica, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 68, f. 15 , 18(54. Japan. 49. C. Kirkii, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 66, f. 12, 1864. Mozambique, Central Africa' 50. C. Lamarckiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 69 f. 16, 1864. Laos Mountains, Cambodia. 51. C. Largillierti, Deshayes. Cyrena Largillierti, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 163, 1844. Phi- lippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 75, pi. 1, f. 1, 1847. CorUcula Largillierti, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 225, 1854. Prime, Cat, Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 78, f. 27, 1864. China. 52. C. Larnaudieri, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii, 480, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 415, f. 69, 1867. Siam. 53. C. Leana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 68, f. 14, 1864. Japan. 54. C. leviuscula, Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 64, f. 9, 1864. Cochin China t 133 55. C. limosa, Deshayes. Tellina limosa, Maton, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. x, 325, pi. xxiv, f. 810, 1809. Cyrena limosa, Gray, Ann. Phy. 2d ser. ix, 137, 1825. Cyrena variegata, D'Orbigriy, Mag. Zool. v, 44, 1835. Cyclas variegata, D'Orbigny, D'Orb. Yoy. 567, pi. 82, f. 14- 16, 1846. Cyclas limosa, D'Orbigny (error), Loc. sup. cit. pi. 82, f. 14- 16, 1846. Corbicula semisulcata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 343, 1854. Corbicula limosa, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 231, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 5, f. 4, 1865. Uruguay, S. America. 56. C. Linneana, Prime, Ann. Lye. K H. N. Y. viii, 70, f. 17, 1864. Laos Mountains, Cambodia. 57. C. lutea, Morelet, Rev. Mag. Zool. 481, 1862. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 61, f. 6, 1864. China. 58. C. Lydigiana, Prime, J. Conchyl. ix, 355, 1861. Loc. sup. cit. x, 388, pi. xiv, f. 8, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 214, f. 41, 1866. Siam. 59. C. Malaccana. Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 343, 1854. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 65, f. 10, 1864. Malacca. 60. C. Manillensis, Prime. Cyrena Manillensis, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 163, 1841. Cyrena fluviatilis, Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 77, pi. 1, f. 5, 1847. Corlicula Manillensis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 271, 1860. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Manilla. 61. C. maxima, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond., xxviii, 321, 1860. Hab. f 62. C. mediocris, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii, 481, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 414, f..68, 1867. India. 63. C. minor, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 127, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 80, f. 29, 1864. New Holland. 134 64. C. Moreletiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 416, 1867. Cambodia. 65. C. Moussoni, Deshayes. Cyrena orientalis, Lamarck, var. Javanica, Mousson, Moll. Java, 86, pi. xv, f. 2, 1849. Corbicula Moussoni, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 227, 1854. Java. 66. C. Mulleriana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 59, f. 3, 1864. luh Chan River, China. 67. C. Nepeanensis, Deshayes. Cyrena Nepeanensis, Lesson, Voy. Ooquiile, ii, 428, pi. xiii, f. 14, 1820. Now Holland. 68. C. nitens, Deshayes. Cyrena nitens, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 163, 1844. Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 76, pi. 1, f. 4, 1847. Corbicula nitens, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 227, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. China. 69. C. obscura, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 342, 1854. ffab.? 70. C. Obsoleta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 343, 1854. J. Conchyl. ix, pi. 2, f. 4, 1861. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 4, f. 3, 1865. Uruguay. 71. C. OCCidens, Benson, Asiatic Journal. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 223, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N.H. N. Y. viii, 220, f. 51, 1866. Bengal, India. 72. C. orientalis, Deshayes. Cyrena orientalis, Lamarck (exclus. var.), Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. Delessert, Recueil pi. vii, f. 8, 1841. Corbicula orientalis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 227, 1854. China. 73. C. ovalina, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 343, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 229, 1854. New Holland. 74. C. ovalis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 321, 1860. J. Conchyl. ix, 42, pi. ii, f. 6, 1861. Hob.? 75. C. Paranensis, Deshayes. Cyrena Paranacencis, D'Orbigny, Mag. Zool. v, 44, 1835. Cyclas Paranensis, D'Orbigny, D'Orb. Voy. 567, pi. 83, f. 23, 25, 1846. Corbicula Paranensis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 231, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3. 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 3, f. 2, 1865. Parana River, S. America. 135 76. C. parvula, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 127, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 76, f. 25, 1864. India. 77. C. pexplexa, Prime, Monog. Corb. 75, f. 84, 1865. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime Monog. Corb. 75, f. 84, 1865. S. America. 78. C. pexata, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. R. Y. viii, 57, f. 1, 1864. Fuh Chan River, China. 79. C. Pfeifferiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 417, 1867. China. 80. C. Pisidiiformis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 215, f. 42, 1866. Siam. 81. C. Primeana, Morelet (non Morch) Rev. Mag. Zool. 480, 1862. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 58, f. 2, 1864. Che Fou River, China. 82. C. prolongata, Prime, J. Conchyl. ix, 356, 1861. Loc. sup. cit. x, 389, pi. xiv, f. 6, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Eastern Australia. 83. C. pulchella, Deshayes. Cyrena pulchella, Mousson, Moll. Java, 88, pi. xv, f. 4, 1849. CorUcula pulchella, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 228, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Java. 84. C. pullata, Deshayes. Cyrena pullata, Philippi, Abbild. Conch, iii, 110, 1849. CorUcula pullata, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 232, 1854. Sumatra. 85. C. purpurea, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 77, f. 26, 1864. Tigris River. 86. C. pusilla, Deshayes. Cyrena pusilla, Parreys, Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 78, pi. 1, f. 7, 1847. CorUcula pusilla, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 221, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. River Nile. 87. C. ftuilonensis, Benson, 1860. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y., viii, 224, f. 56, 1866. Quilon, India. 88. C. radiata, Deshayes. Cyrena radiata, Parreys. Philippi, Abbild. ii, 78, pi. 1, f. 8, 1847. CorUcula radiata, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 222, 1854. - Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. River Nile. 136 89. C. recurvata, Deshayes. Cyrena recurvata, Valenciennes. Mag. Zool. 11, pi. 119, f. 2, 1835. Cyrena Graudichaudii, Valenciennes, (error). LOG. sup. cit. pi. 119, f. 2, 1835. Corbicula recurvata, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 226, 1854. China. 90. C. regularis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 321, 1860. Prime Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Deecan, India. 91. C. rhomboidea, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 127, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 66, f. 11, 1864. Malacca. 92. C. rivalis, Deshayes. Cyrena rivalis, v. d. Busch. Philippi, Abbild. iii, 110, pi. 3, f. 5, 1849. Corbicula rivalis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 228, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Java. 93. C. rotunda, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 80, 1860. Prime. Cat. Corb 3, 1863. Smith Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime. Monog. Corb. 5, 1865. Guyana S. America. 94. C. Sayana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 71, f. 19, 1864. Philippine Islands. 95. C. solidula, Prime. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 127, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 81, f. 31, 1864. Sab. f 96. C. Stimpsoniana, Prime. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 222, f. 54, 1866. Hob.? 97. C. Striatella, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 344, 1854. Corbicula violacea, Prime. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 128, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Corbicula striatella, Deshayes. Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 74, f. 22, 1864. India. 98. C. subradiata, Prime. Cyrena subradiata, Kurr in litt. Corbicula subradiata, Prime. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 127, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 75, f. 23, 1864. India. 99. C. sulcatina, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 345, 1854. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 79, f. 28, 1864. China. 137 100. C. tenuistriata, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 322, 1860. J. Conchyl. ix, 40, pi. ii, f. 3, 1861. Hob.? 101. C. triangularis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 345, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 215, f. 43, 1866. Hab.? 102. C. trigona, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 344, 1854. Prime, Cat. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 221, f. 53, 1866. India. 103. C. trigonella, Deshayes. Cyrena trigonella, Lamarck. Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. CorUcula trigonella, Deshayes. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 234, 1854. Hdb.f 104. C. tumida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 343, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 219, f. 50, 1866. Borneo. 105. C. venustula, Prime, Cat. Corb. 4, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 73, f. 21, 1864. Philippine Islands. 106. C. vulgaris, Prime, Anc. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 223, f. 25, 1866. Hdb.f 107. C. Woodiana, Deshayes. Cyrena Woodiana, Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila. v, 110, pi. xviii, f. 55, 1832. Cyrena similis, Gray, Griffith, An. Kingd. xii, pi. xx, f. 2, 1834. CorUcula grandis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. xxii, 344, 1854. CorUcula similis, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 225, 1854. CorUcula Woodiana, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 225, 1854. CorUcula Primeana, Morch, (non Morelet), J Conchyl. ix, 347, 1861. CorUcula Woodiana, Deshayes, Prime, Cat. Corb. 3, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 226, f. 59, 1866. China. TO BE EXCLUDED. Corb. Chilensis, Prime. = Pisid. Chileme. Corb. grandis, Deshayes. = Corb. Woodiana. Corb. hammalis, Fe'russac. = Undescribed. Corb. incrassata, Deshayes. = Corb. cuneata. 138 Corb. notata, Prime. = Corb. Cumingii. Corb. Primeana, Morch. (non Morelet.} = Corb. Woodiana. Corb. semisulcata, Deshayes. = Corb. limosa. Corb. similis, Deshayes. = Corb. Woodiana. Corb. squalida, Deshayes. = Corb. Cumingii. Corb. variegata, Deshayes. = Corb. limosa. Corb. ventricosa, Prime. = Corb. convexa. Corb. violacea, Prime. = Corb. striatella. GENUS BATISSA, Gray. ' Ann. Mag. N. H. n. ser. ix, 34, 1852. Cyprina, Cyclas, Bruguiere, Encycl. Meth. 1792. Cyrena, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 553, 1818. Venus, Gray, Wood. Index, Test. Suppl. pi. ii, f. 13, 1828. 1. B. atrata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii,> 14, 1854. Hab.f 2. B. Australis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 346, 1854. Australia. 2. B. Childrenae, Deshayes. Venus Children^ Gray, Wood, Index Test. Suppl. pi. ii, f. 13, 1828. Cyrena Childrence, Gray, Ann. Phily. 2d ser. 117, 1825. Batissa Childrence^ Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 237, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Philippine Islands. 4. B. COmpressa, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. Borneo. 5. B. Corbiculoides, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 14, 1854. New G-uinea. 6. B. elegans, Prime, J. Conchyl. x, 385, pi. xiii, f. 1, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Hab.? 7. B. elongata, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxiv, 324, 1863. New Caledonia. 8. B. fortis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxiv, 324 1863. New Caledonia. 9. B. fuscata, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 319, 1860. Hob.? 10. B. gigantea, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii, 112, 1859. Hal.-? 11. B. gracilis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 319, 1860. J. Conchyl. ix, 38, pi. ii, f. 1, 1861. Hob.? 139 12. B. humerosa, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 14, 1854. New Guinea. 13. B. inflata, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. Nicobar Islands. 14. B. insignis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 13, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1854. Calamang, Luzon Island. 15. B. Jayana, Deshayes. Cyrena Jayensis, Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila. v, 108, pi. xvii, f. 52, 1832. Cyrena violacea, Lamarck (var. Javanica], Mousson, Moll. Java, 88, pi. xv, f. 1, 1849. Batissa Jayana, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 237, 1854. Batissa sphcericula, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. 1862. Prime, Cat* Corb. 5, 1863. Sumatra ? Java. 16. B. Keraudrenia, Deshayes. Cyrena Keraudrenia, Lesson, Voy. Coquille, 429, pi. xi, f. 3, 1829. Batissa Keraudrenia, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 236, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Waigiou. 17. B. lenticularis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool, Lond. xxii, 14, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Philippine Islands. 18. B. megadesma, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 14, 1854. Hal. f 19. B. minor, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. J. Conchyl. xiii, 207, 1865. Fejee Islands. 20. B. Obesa, Deshayes. Cyrena obesa, Hinds, Ann. Mag. N. H. n. ser. x, 81, 1842. Voy. Sulph.,66, pi. xxi, f. 6, 1845. Batissa obesa, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 238, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Fejee Islands. 21. B. Philippinarum, Hanley. Cyrena Philippinarum, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xii, 159, 1844. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. pi. xiv, f. 1844. Philippine Islands. 22. B. ponderosa, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. viii, 273, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 231, f. 62, 1866. New Caledonia. 140 23. B. producta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 13, 1854. J. Conchyl. xiii, 208, 1865. Philippine Islands. 24. B. rotundata, Deshayes. Cyrena rotundata, Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila. v, 107, pi. xvii, f. 51, 1832. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. 93, pi. xiv, f. 55, 1844. Java. 25. B. Similis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii. 112, 1859. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 229, f. 60, 1866. Nicobar. 26. B. SOlidula, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 83, f. 32, 1864. Hab. ? 27. B. tenebrosa, Deshayes. Cyrena tenebrosa, Hinds, Ann. Mag. N. H. n. ser. x, 81, 1842. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. pi. xv, f. 2, 1844. Cyrena regulata, Gassies, J. Conchyl. vii, 372, 1858. Batissa tenebrosa, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 238, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Fejee Islands. 28. B. triquetra, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 13, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxiv, 323, pi. viii, f. 17, 1863. J. Conchyl. xiii, 207, 1865. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 230, f. 61, 1866. Philippine Islands. 29. B. unioniformis, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 319, 1860. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Fejee Islands. 30. B. violacea, Deshayes. Cyclas, Encycl. Meth. pi. 301, f. 1, a-b. Cyclas violacea, Lamarck, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vii; 421, 1806. Cyrena violacea, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 553, 1818. Deles - sert, Recueil, pi. vii, f. 5, 1841. Batissa violacea, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 238, 1854. The Islands of the Pacific. TO BE EXCLUDED. Batissa eximia, Deshayes, = Cyrena eximia. Batissa impressa, H. and A. Adams, = Cyrena eximia. Batissa sphcericula, Prime, = B. Jayana* 141 GENUS VELORITA, Gray. Griffith, An. Kingd. xii, pi. xxxi, f. 5, 1834. Cyrena, Gray, Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix, 136, 1825. Venus, Gray, Wood, Index, Test. Suppl. pi. ii, f. 14, 1828. 1. V. Cochinensis, Hanley. Cyrena Cochinensis, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxvi 543 1858. Cyrena Corliculiformis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 80 1860. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Velorita Cochinensis, Hanley, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii 236, f. 66, 1866. Madras Coast, India. 2. V. Cyprinoides, Gray. Cyrena Cyprinoides, Gray, Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix, 136, 1825. Venus Cyprinoides, Gray, Wood, Index, Test. Suppl. pi. ii f. 14, 1828. Velorita Cyprinoides, Gray, Griffith, An. Kingd. xii, pi. xxxi, f. 5, 1834. Philippine Islands ? 3. V, parvula, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 418, 1867. Nab. ? GENUS CYRENA, Lamarck. Lam. An. v, 551, 1818. Venus, Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz, vi, 333, pi. xxxii, f. 336, 1782. Cyclas, Bruguie>e, Encycl. Meth. pi. 301, 302, 1792. Cyanocydas, Frussac, Diet. Sci. Nat. xii, 1818. Polymesoda, Rafinesque, Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. et Nat. v, 219, 1820. Mactra, Brognart, Mem. Vincent, 81, pi. v, f. 8, 1823. O-eloina, Gray, Synop. Brit. Mus. 75, 1844. 1. C. acuta, Prime, J. Conchyl. ix, 355, 1861. Loc. sup. cit. x, 387, pi. xiv, f. 1, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 22, f. 17, 1865. Central America. 2. C. affinis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 16, 1854. Australia. 3. C. anomala, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 21, 1854. Cyrena Peruviana, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 259, 1854. Cyrena anomala, Deshayes, Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 30, f. 24. 1865. Peru. 142 4. C. arctata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 20, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 16, f. 10, 1865. Lake Maracaibo, S. America. 5. C. Bengalensis, Lamarck. Venus Bengalensis, Lister, List. Hist. An. pi. 345, f. 182. Cyrena Bengalensis, Lamarck, An. v, 554, 1818. Cyclas Bengalensis, Fdrussac, Cat. 20, 1837. Cyrena turgida, Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila. v, 109, pi. xviii, f. 51, 1832. Cyrena Bengalensis, Lamarck, Delessert Recueil, pi. vii, f. 6, a, d, 1841. Cyrena turgida, Lea, Hanley, Descrip. Cat. 93, pi. xiv, f. 50, 1844. Cyrena Bengalensis, Lamarck, Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1865. Bengal, India. 6. C. Bernardana, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 126, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 83, f. 33, 1864. New Caledonia. 7. C. Boliviana, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 70, 1851. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 27, 1865. Bolivia. 8. C. brunnea, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 321, 1860. Hab.f 9. C. Buschii, Philippi, Abbild. Conch, iii, 78, pi. ii, f. 2, 1849. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 243, 1854. China. 10. C. Californica, Prime. Cyrena subquadrata, Deshayes (preoc.), Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 21, 1854. Cyrena Californica, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 276, 1860. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 24, 1865. California. 11. C. Caroliniensis, Lamarck. Cyclas Caroliniensis, Bosc., Fe'russ. Meth. Conchyl. 1807. Cyclas Caroliniana, Bosc., Hist. Nat. Coq. iii, 37, pi. xxiii, f. 4, 1810. Cyrena Caroliniensis, Lamarck, Lam. An. v, 558, 1818. Say, pi. Ixii. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 254, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 12, f. 6, 1865. Alabama, Florida and G-eorgia. 143 12. C. Ceylonica, Lamarck. Venus Ceylonica, Chemnitz, Martini et Chemnitz, vi, 333, pi. xxxii. f. 336, 1782. Venus coaxans, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 3278, f. 336, 1788. Cyclas, Bruguiere, Encycl. Meth. pi. 302, f. 4, a, b, 1792. Cyclas Zeylanica, Lamarck, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vii, 420, 1806. Cyrena Zeylanica, Lamarck, An. v. 554, 1818. Prime Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ceylon. 13. C. Chilina, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 418, 1867. Chili. 14. C. COlorata, Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 30, f. 23, 1865. Island of New Providence, W. I. 15. C. compta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 18, 1854. Hab.f 16. C. conjuncta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 15, 1854. Hab. ? 17. C. Cubensis, Prime. Cyclas maritima, D'Orbigny, Sagra, Cuba, Moll, ii, 280, pi. xxi, f. 4750, 1853. Cyrena Cubensis, Prime, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Mo- nog. Corb. 29, 1865. Cuba. 18. C. Cumingii, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii. 22,. 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 25, 1865. Central America. 19. C. Cypriniformis, Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 88, f. 37, 1864. Northern Australia 20. C. Cyprinoides, Quoy, Voy. Astrolabe, iii, 513, pi. Ixxxn, f. 13, 1834. ' New Guinea. 22. C. decipiens, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 17, 1854. Sab. f 22. C. divaricata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 17, 1854. New Guinea. 23. C. dura, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 20, 1854. Hob.? 24. C. Essingtonensis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 19, 1854. Port Essington, Australia, 29 144 25. C, eximia, Bunker, Zeit. Malak. 61, 1852. Cyrena impressa, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 18, 1854. Batissa eximia. Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif., 235, 1854. Cyrena eximia, Dunker, Nov. Conch, livraison 8, p. 8, pi. xxiv, 1857. Batissa impressa, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 448, 1858. Cyrena eximia, Dunker, Prime Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Java. 26. C. expansa, Mousson, Moll. Java, 89, pi. xiv. 1849. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 243, 1854. Java. 27. C. exquisita, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 417, 1867. Panama, New Grenada. 28. C. fallax, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond, xxii, 15, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Australia Philippine Islands ? 29. C. flava, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 320, 1860. Sab. f 30. C. Floridana, Conrad, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. iii, 23, pi. 1, f. 1, 1846. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 257, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 28, f. 21, 1865. Tampa Bay, Florida. 31. C. Fontaineii, Carpenter. Cyclas Fontaineii, D'Orbigny, Voy. 569, pi. 83, f. 14, 15, 1844. Cyrena Fontaineii, Carpenter, Carp. Mazat. Shells, 114, 1857. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 21, f. 16, 1865. South America. 32. C. fortis, Prime, J. Conchyl. ix, 355, 1861. Loo. sup. cit. x, 387, pi. xiv, f. 2, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 17, f. 11, 1865. Ecuador, S. America. 33. C. Galathea, Rheinhardt, Mbrch, Cat. Kierulf, 82, pi. ii, 1850. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Nicobar Islands. 34. C. gennana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 417, 1867. Tampico, Mexico. 35. C. incerta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 19, 1854. Hob. f 145 36. C. inflata, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 71, 1851. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 26, 1865. Costa Rica. 37. C. inquinata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii. 15, 1854. China. 38. C. insignis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 20, 1854. I. Conchy 1. ix, 39, pi. ii, f. 2, 1861. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 15, f. 9, 1865. California. 39. C. isocardioides, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 22, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 25, 1865. Western Columbia, S. America. 40. C. Jukesi, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 19, 1854. Cape Upstart, Northern Australia. 41. C. laevis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 125, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 233, f. 64, 1866. Borneo. 42. C. lauta, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 15, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 7, 1863. Hal.? 43. C. mactriformis, Prime. Cyrena mactroides, Deshayes (preoc.), Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 17, 1854. Cyrena mactriformis. Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 281, 1860. Hal. f 44. C. maritima, C. B. Adams, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. v, 499, 1852. Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 345, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Con- chif. 258, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 2V, f. 20, 1865. Panama. 45. C. Mexicana, Sowerby, Zool. Jour. 364, 1829. Cyrena fragilis, Deshayes, Mus. Cuming. Cyrena aquilateralis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 20, 1854. Cyrena varians, Carpenter, in litt. Cyrena mexicana, Sowerby, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 260, 1854. (pars), Carp. Mazat. Shells, 115, 1857. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 22, f. 18, 1865. Mazatlan and Panama. 46. C. Morchiana, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 232, f. 63, 1866. Hob. f 146 47. C. Nicaraguana, Prime. Oyrena solida, Philippi, (preoc.), Philippi, Abbild. Conch, ii, 78, pi. 1, f. 9, 1847. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 254, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 14, f. 8, 1865. Nicaragua and Balize. 48. C. nitida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 23, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Borneo. 49. C. nitidula, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 23, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 20, 1865. South America ? 50. C. notabilis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 21, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 28, 1865. Peru. 51. C. oblonga, Quoy, Voy. Astrolabe, iii, 517, pi. 82, f. 6-8, 1834. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 257, 1854. Vanikoro. 52. C. obscura, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 321, 1860. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 15, 1865. South America. 53. C. Olivacea, Carpenter. Cyrena Fontaineii, Philippi, Zeit. Malak. 70, 1851. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 253, 1854. Cyrena oUvacea, Carpenter, Mazat. Shells, 114, 1857. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 17, f. 12, 1865. Mazatlan. 54. C. oviformis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 16, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Port Essington, Australia. 55. C. pallida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 17, 1854. Hob.? 56. C. Panamensis, Prime. Cyrena inflata, Deshayes (preoc.), Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 23, 1854. Cyrena Panamensis, Prime, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 24, 1865. Panama. 57. C. Papuana, Lesson, Mag. Zool. pi. xi, 1832. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1865. New Guinea and Waigion. 58. C. placens, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xii, 160, 1844. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. pi. xiv, f. 52, 1844. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 252, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 20, 1865. Honduras. 147 59. C. placida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 19, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 7, 1863. Port Curtis, South Australia. 60. C. ponderosa, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 80, 1860. 'Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 87, f. 36, 1864. Philippine Islands. 61. C. proxima, Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 85, f. 34, 1864. Siam. 62. C. pullastra, Morch, Malak. Bl. vii, 194, 1860. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 26, 1865. Nicaragua. 63. C. radiata, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xii, 159, 1844. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 254, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5. 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 13, f. 7, 1865. Nicaragua. 64. C. Recluzii, Prime. Cyrena inflate, Deshayes (preoc.), J. Conchyl. iv. 251, pi. vii, f. 9, 1853. Cyrena Recluzii, Prime, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Mo- nog. Corb. 24, f. 19, 1865. Central America. 65. C. regularis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 136, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 90, f. 38, 1864. Hob.? 66. C. salmacida, Morelet, Test. Nov. 26, 1851. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif.. 259, 1854. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii, 314, pi. vi, f. 1, 1861. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 29, f. 22, 1865. Yucatan. 67. C. Siamica, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 126, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 86, f. 35, 1864. Siam. 68. C. siinilis, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 16, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Borneo. 69. C. sphaerica, Prime, J. Conchyl. ix, 354, 1861. Loc. sup. cit. x, 386, pi. xiii, f. 2, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 7, 1863. Hab.f 70. C. sinuosa, Deshayes. Cyrena Zeylanica, Mousson, Moll. Java, 89, pi. xii, 1849. Cyrena sinuosa, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 18, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Java. 148 71. C. SOrdida, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xii, 159, 1844. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. pi. xiv, f. 51, 1844. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 255, 1854. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 13, 1865. Central America. 72. C. sublobata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 18, 1854. Cyrena Caledonica, Gassies, J. Conchyl. vi, 277, 1857. " sublobata^ Deshayes, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxiv, 322, pi. viii, f. 16, 1863. Prime, Cat. Corb. 5, 1863. New Caledonia. 73. C. suborbicularis, v. d. Busch, Philippi. Abbild. Conch. iii, 77, pi. ii, f. 1, 1849. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif, 251, 1854. Manilla. 74. C. Sumatrensis, Sowerby, Gen. Shells, 1, 1820-24. Philippi. Abbild. Conch, iii, 109, pi. iii, f. 4, 1849. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 242, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Sumatra. 75. C. Tennentii, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxv, 23, 1858. Ceylon. 76. C. triangula, v. d. Busch, Philippi. Abbild. Conch, iii, 78, pi. ii, f. 3, 1849. Cyrena altilis, Gould, J. N. H. Bost. vi> 400, pi. xvi, f. 5 bis, 1852. Cyrena triangula. v. d. Busch, Brit. Mas. Cat. Conchif, 253, 1854. Cyrena varians, Carpenter, (pars.) Carp. Mazat. Shells, 115, 1857. Cyrena Mexicana, Carpenter, (pars.) Carp. Mazat. Shells, 115, 1857. Cyrena triangula, v. d. Busch, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 14, 1865. Mexico. 77. C. triangularis, Metcalfe, Proc. Zool. Lond. xix, 74, 1851. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 242, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 234, f, 65, 1866. Borneo. 78. C. tribunalis, Prime, in litt. Tecames River, Eucador. 79. C. tumida, Prime. Cyrena angulata, Deshayes, (preoc.) Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 22, 1854. Cyrena tumida, Prime, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 26, 1865. Central America. 80. C. Vanikorensis, Quoy, Voy. Astrolabe, iii, 515, pi. 82, f. 4, 5, 1834. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif, 252, 1854. Vanikoro. 149 81. C. ventricosa, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 16, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 6, 1863. Australia and the Philippine Islands. TO BE EXCLUDED. C. cequilateralis, Deshayes. = O. Mexicana. C. Africana, Krauss. = Corb. Africaner. C. Astartina, Martens. = Corb. Astartina. C. Ayrensis, Kurr. = Corb. Ayremis. C. altilis, Gould. = C. Mexicana. . angulata, Deshayes. = C. tumida. C. Australis, Lamarck. == Corb. Australia. C. Caledonica, Gassies. = C. sublobata. C. Charpenterianus, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. C. Childrence, Gray. = C. Childrence. C. chinensis, Ferrussac, undescribed. C. compressa, Mousson. = Corb. compressa. C. consobrina, Cailliaud. = Corb. consobrina. C. cor, Lamarck. = Corb. cor. C. corbiculiformis, Prime. = V. Cochinensis. C. cordi/ormis, Recluz. == C. Recluzii. C. crassula, Mousson. = Corb. crassula. C. cuneata, Jonas. = Corb. cuneata. C. cyclostoma, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. C. CyprinoideSj Gray. = V. Cyprinoides. C. debilis, Gould. = Corb. debilis. C. Delalandii, F^russac, undescribed. C. depressa, Lamarck. = Corb. borealis. C. Deshayesianu*, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. C. Euphratica, Bronn, undescribed. C. fluminaliSj Bourguignat. = Corb. fluminalis. C. fluminea, FeVussac, undescribed. C. fluviatilis, Philippi. = Corb. fiuviatilis. C.fragilis, Deshayes. = C. Mexicana. C.fuscata, Lamarck. = Corb. fluminalis. (C. Graudichaudi, Valenciennes. = Corb. recurvata. C. Gauritziana, Krauss. = Corb. Africana. C. globulus, Jonas. = Corb. cuneata. C. impressa, Deshayes. = C. eximia. C. inflata, Deshayes. = C. Panamensis. C. Islandica, FeVussac, undescribed. C. Jayemis, Lea. = B. Jayana. C. Keraudrenii, Lesson. = B. Keraudrenii. C. Largillierti, Philippi. = Corb. Largillierti. 150 C. limosa, Gray. = Oorb. limosa. C. mactroides, Deshayes. = 0. mactriformis. C. Manillensis, Philippi. = Oorb. Manillemis. C. Moquinianus, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. C. nitens, Philippi. = Oorb. nitem. 0. obesa, Hinds. = B. obesa. 0. orientate, Lamarck. = Oorb. orientate. 0. Paranacensis, d'Orbigny. = Oorb. Paranemis. 0. Peruviana, Deshayes. = 0. anomala. C. Petitianus, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. 0. Philippinarum, Hanley. = B. Philippinarum. 0. pulchella, Mousson. = Oorb. pulchella. O. pullata, Phillipi. = Oorb. pullata. 0. purpurea, Lea. = Venus gemma. 0. pusilla, Parreys. = Oorb. pusilla. 0. radiata, Parreys. = Oorb. radiata. O. Raymondi, Bourguignat. = an Ancylus, typ. error. 0. recurvata, Valenciennes. = Oorb. recurvata. 0. regulata, Gassies. = B. tenebrosa. 0. rivalis, v. d. Busch. = Oorb. rivalis. C. rotundata, Lea. = B. rotundata. O. similis, Gray. = Oorb. Woodiana. 0. solida, Philippi. = 0. Nicaraguana. C. subquadrata, Deshayes. = 0. Californica. C. aubradiata, Kurr. = Oorb. subradiata. O. tenebrosa, Hinds. = B. tenebrosa. C. trigonella, Lamarck. = Oorb. trigonella. C. turgida, Lea. = 0. Bengalensis. 0. variegata, D'Orbigny. = Oorb. limosa. C. violacea, Lamarck. = B. violacea. 0. Woodiana, Lea. = Oorb. Woodiana. Genus SPK32RITJM, Scopoli. Scopoli, Introduct. 397, 1777. Ohama, d' Argenville, Hist. Nat. Lithol. Conchyl. 368, 374, pi. xxxi, No. 9, 1742. Telling Linnaeus, Linn. Syst. Nat. x, edit. I, 678, 1758. Oardium, Dacosta, Brit. Conch. 173, pi. xiii, f. 2, 1778. Cyclas, Bruguiere, Encycl. Meth. pi. 301, 1792. Nux, Humphrey, Mus. Calonn. 59, 1797. Musculium, Link., Coll. Univ. Bostock. pt. iii, 151, 1807. Cornea, Megerle, Mag. Gesell. Naturf. Berlin, v. 56, 1811. Corneocyclas, Fdrussac, Diet. Sci. Nat. xii, 277, 1818. Amesoda, Rafinesque, Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. et Nat. v. 310, 1820. 151 Cycladites, Kruger, Gesch. Urwelt. ii, 469, 1823. Pisidium, Verany, Descriz. Geneva ii, 1846. 1. Sph. Argentinum, D'Orbigny. Cyclas Argentina, D'Orbigny, Mag. Zool. 1835, 568, pi. 83, f. 5-7, 1844. Sph. Argentinum, D'Orbigny, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 272, 1854. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 31, 1862. Smith Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 52, 1865. Montevideo, S. America. 2. Sph. aureum, Prime. Cyclas aurea, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 159, 1851. Sph. aureum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 268, 1854. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila., 404, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 9, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 35, f. 26, 1865. Lake Superior, U. S. of America. 3. Sph. Bahiense, Spix. Cylas Bahiensis, Spix. Test. Bras. 32, pi. xxv. f. 5, 6, 1827. Mem. Soc. Phys. H. N. Geneva, vii, 414, 1836. Cyclas maculata, Anton, (non Morelet), Wiegm. Archiv. 284, 1837. Pisum maculatum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 283, 1854. Pisum Bahiense, Deshayes, loc. sup. cit. 284, 1854. Musculium Bahiense, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Musculium maculatum, H. and A. Adams, loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858. Sph. Bahiense, Spix, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 32, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 53, f. 52, 1865. Bahia, Brazil. 4. Sph. Barbadense, Prime, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 415, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime, Monog. Corb. 53, f. 53, 1865. Barladoes, W. Indies. 5. Sph. Brochonianum, Bourguignat, Mem. Soc. Sc. phys. et. nat. Bord. i, 1854. Cyclas Corsa, Charpentier, in litt. France. 6. Sph. Capense, Krauss. Cyclas Gapensis, Krauss, Moll. S. A. 7, pi. 1, fig. 6, 1848. Sph. Capense, Krauss, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 265, 1854. Cape of G-ood Hope, Africa. 152 7. Sph. COntractum, Prime, Cat. Corb. ii, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 48, f. 46, 1865. Alabama, U. S. of America. 8 Sph. Cooperiamim, Prime, in litt. California. 9. Sph. corneum, Scopoli. Chama cinerea, d'Argenville, Hist. nat. Lithol. Conch. 2d edit. 326, 321, pi. xxvii, f. 9, 1742. Tellina cornea, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. x, edit, i, 678, 1758. Tellina rivalis, Muller, Verm, ii, 202, 1774. Sphcerium corneum, Scopoli, Introduct. 397, 1777. Cardium nux, Dacosta, Brit. Conch. 173, pi. xiii, f. 2-2, 1778. Nux nigella, Humphrey, Mus. Calonn. 59, 1797. Cardium amnicum, Pultney, Cat. Dorset. 31, 1799. Cyclas cornea, Draparnaud, Tabl. Moll. 195, 1801. Cardium corneum, Montagu, Test. Brit. 86, 1803. Cyclas rivalis, Draparnaud, Hist. Moll. 129, pi. x, f. 4, 5, 1805. Cornea communis, Megerle, Mag. Gesell. Naturf. Berlin, v, 56, 1811. Cyclas alata, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1818-19-20. Cyclas stagnicola, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 18181920. Cycladites corneus, Kru'ger, Gesch. Urwelt. ii, 469, 1823. Cyclas fossarum, Krynicki, in litt. 183 Cyclas nucleus, Studer, Nouv. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat. i, 25, 1837. Cyclas tumida, Zeigler, in litt. Feruss. Cat. 20, 1837. Cyclas Leachii, Zeigler, in litt. Villa. Cat. 44, 1841. Cyclas plumbeus, Villa. , loc. sup. cit. 44, 1841. Cyclas citrina, Brown, Illust. Conch. Gr. Brit. etc. 93, pi. xxxix, f. 19, 1842. Cyclas flavescens, Macgillivroy, Hist. Moll. An. 208, 246, 1843. Pisidium cornea, Verany, Descriz. Genova, ii, 1846. Cyclas isocardioides, Normand, Dupuy, Hist. Moll. Fr. 668, 1852. Sph. corneum, Scopoli, Mem. Soc. Sc. phys. et nat. Bord. 1. 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Europe. 10. Sph. Creplini, Dunker. Cyclas Creplini, Dunker, Zeit. Malak. 20, 1845. Pimm Creplini, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 280, 1854. Sph. Creplini, Dunker, Normand. Cycl. Dept. Nord. 3, 1854. 153 Museulium Creplini, Dunker, H. and A. Adams, gen. rec - Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Sph. Creplini, Dunker, Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Europe. 11. Sph. Cubanum, Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 58, f. 60, 1863. Cuba, W. Indies. 12. Sph. dingoli, Bivona. Cyclas dingoli, Bivona, Gior. Sci. Lett. ed. Arte. Palermo. Ixvi, 221, 1839. Pisidium dingoli, Bivona, Villa, Cat. 44, 1841. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 285, 1854. Sicily. 13. Sph. dentatum, Haldeman. Cyclas dentata, Hald., Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. i, 100, 1841. Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 250, 1852. Sph. dentatum, Hald., Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 40, fig. 32, 1865. Oregon, U. S. of America. 14. Sph. egregium, Gould. Cyclas egregia, Gould, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iii, 292, 1850. U. S. Explor. Expedit. xii, 425, f. 526, 1852. Oceanica. 15. Sph. elevatum, Haldeman. Cyclas elevata, Hald., Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila. 1, 53, 1841, N. H. N. Y. v, 224, 1843. Cyclas pallida, de Charpentier, in litt, 1851. Sph. elevatum, Hald., Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 269, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 44, f. 41, 1865. U. S. of America. 16. Sph. emarginatum, Prime. Cyclas emarginata, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 156, 1851. Sph. emarginatum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 267, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb.- 43, f. 38, 1865. U. S. of America. 17. Sph. fabale, Prime. Cyclas fabalis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 159, 1851. Cyclas castanea, Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv, 160, 1851. Cyclas sulculosa, de Charpentier, in litt. 1851. Sph. castaneum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 270, 1854. Sph. fabale, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 269, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. 40, f. 33, 1865. U. S. of America. 154 18. Sph. ferrugineum, Krauss. Cyclas ferruginea, Krauss, Moll. S. A. 7, pi. 1, fig. 7, 1848. Pisidium parasitieum, Parreys, in litt. Pisum ferrugineum, Krauss, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 281, 1854. Pisum parasitieum, Parreys, loc. sup. cit. 280, 1854. Musculium parasiticum, Parreys, H. and A. Adams, gen. rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1854. Musculium ferrugineum , Krauss, loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858. South Africa. 19. Sph. flavum, Prime. Cyclas flava, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 155, 1851. Sph. flavum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 268, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 43, f. 39, 1865. U. S. of America. 20. Sph. inconspicuum, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 322, 1860. Asia Minor. 21. Sph. Indicum. Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 342, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 265, 1854. East Indies. 22. Sph. Jayanum, Prime. Cyclas Jayensis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 157, 1854. Sph. Jayanum, Prime. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 46, 47, f. 43, 1865. U. S. America. 23. Sph. Jeannoti, Normand, Cycl. Dept. Nord. 2, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 13, 1863. France. 24. Sph. lacustre, Fdrussac. Tellina lacustris, Miiller, Verm, ii, 204, 1774. Cardium lacustre, Montagu, Test. Brit. 89, 1803. Cyclas calyculata, Draparnaud, Hist. Moll. 130, pi. x, f. 14, 15, 1805. Musculium lacustre, Link., Coll. Univ. Rostock, Part iii, 152. 1807. Cyclas lacustris, Ferussac, Me'th. Conchyl. 128, 1807. Tellina tulerculata, Alten, System, Abhandl. 4, pi. 1, f. 1, 1812. Tellina tenera, Schrank, Ann. Wetterau. 316, 1814. Cyclas tuberculata, Klees, Dissert. Tubing. 45, 1818. Tellina stagnicola, Shephard, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xiv, 150, 1823. Sph. lacustre, Bourguignat, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1853. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 262, 1854. 155 Cyclas Perezeii, Villa, in litt. 1854. Sph. lacustre, Ferussac, Prime, Cat. Corb. 13, 1863. Europe. 25. Sph. lenticula, Gould. Lucina lenticula, Gould, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iii, 256, 1850. Cyclas lenticula, Gould, U. S. Explor. Expedit. xii, 413, pi. xxxvi, f. 528, 1852. Sph. lenticula, Gould, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 36, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 51, f. 51, 1865. California. 26. S. maculatum, Morelet. Cyclas maculata, Morelet, Test. Nov. 25, 1851. S. maculatum, Morelet, Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila. 33, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 55, f. 55, 1865. Yucatan, Mexico. 27. S. Madagascariense, Tristam, Proc. Zool. Lond. 61, 1863. Near Antanarivo, Madagascar. 28. S. Modioliforme, Anton. Cyclas modioliformis, Anton, Wiegm. Archiv. 228, 1837. Pisidium diaphanum, Haldeman, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. i, 53, 1841. Pisum Modioliforme, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 283. 1853. Pisidium Moquinianum, Bourguignat, Rev. Mag. Zool. 1855. Cyclas Moquiniana, Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord, xx, 1855. Cyclas striatella, FeVussac, Museum of Paris. Cyclas littoralis, Ferussac, Cabinet of Michaud, Lyons. Cyclas Venezuelensis, Prime, Museum of Leyden. Musculium Modioliforme, H. and A. Adams, gen. rec. Moll. ii, 451, 1858. S. Modioliforme, Anton, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 32, 1862. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 54, 1865. South America. 29. S. nobile, Gould. Cyclas nobilis, Gould, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. v, 229, 1855. U. S. Explor. Expedit. xii, 426, pi. xxxvi, f. 527, 1852. S. nobile, Gould, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 407, 1861. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 41, f. 35. 1865. U. S. of America. 30. S. Novae-Zelandiae, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxii, 342, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 272, 1854. New Zealand and New Holland 156 31. S. occidentale, Prime. Cyclas ovalis (preoc), Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 276, 1852. Cyclas occidentalis^ Prime, loc. sup. cit. v, 122, 1855. S. ovale, Stimpson, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 450, 1858. S. occidentale, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 407, 1861. Prime, Cat. Gorb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 41, f. 34, 1865. U. S. of America. 32. S. ovale, Ferussac. Cyclas lacustris, Draparnaud, Hist. Moll. 130, pi. x, f. 6, 7, 1805. Cyclas ovalis, Ferussac, Meth. Conchyl. 128, 136, 1807. Cyclas consobrina, Ferussac, Diet. Sci. Nat. xii, 279, 1818. S. Deshayesianum, Bourguignat, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1853. S. ovale, Ferussac, Mem. Soc. Sc. Phys. Bord. i, 1854. S. consobrinum, Ferussac, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 263, 1854. S. pallidum, Gray, Ann. Mag. N. H. 2d ser. xvii, 465, 1856. S. ovale, Ferussac, Prime Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Europe. 33. S. partumeium, Say. Cyclas cornea, Lam., var. 2, An. v, 558, 1818. Cyclas partumeia, Say, J. Ac. N. S. Phila. ii, 380, 1822. Gould, Invert. 73, f. 54, 1841. Cyclas orbicularia, Barrat, Amer. J. Sci. xlviii, 276, 1845. Cyclas mirabilis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 157, 1851. Cyclas coerulea, Prime^ loc. sup. cit. iv, 161, 1851. S. partumeium, Say, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 266, 1854. S. mirabile, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 269, 1854. S. orbicularium, Barrat, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll. ii, 450, 1858. S. cceruleum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. ii, 450, 1858. S. partumeium, Say, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 29, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 45, f. 42, 1865. U. S. of America. 34. S. patella, Gould. Cyclas patella, Gould, Proc. Soc. N. H. iii, 292, 1850. U. S. Explor. Expedit. xii, 426, pi. xxxvi, f. 527, 1852. S. patella, Gould, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif, 271, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 10, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 42, f. 36, 1865. Oregon, U. S. of America. 35. S. perpusillum, Gartner. Cyclas perpusilla, Gartner, Ann. Wetterau. iii, 316. Pisum perpusillum, Gartner, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 285, 1854 Hanover, Germany. 157 36. S. rhomboideum, Say. Cyclas cornea. Lam., var. 3, An. v. 558, 1818. Cyclas rhomboidea, Say, J. Ac. N. S. Phila. ii, 380, 1822. Cyclas elegans, C. B. Adams, J. N. H. Bost. iii, 330, pi. iii f. 11, 1840. Gould, Invert. 74, f. 55, 1841. N. H N Y. v, 224, 1843. Cyclas rhomboidea, Say, N. H. N. Y. v, 224, pi. xxv, f. 263 1843. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vi, 66, pi. 1, f.4, 1853. S. rhomboideum, Say, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 266, 1854. S. elegans, C. B. Adams, loc. sup. cit. 270, 1854. S. rhomboideum, Say, Prime Cat. Corb. 9, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 39, f. 31, 1865. U. S. of America. 37. S. rivicola, Lamarck. Chama albida, d'Argenville, Hist. Nat. Lithol. Conch. 368, pi. xxxi, f. 9, 1742. Tellina cornea (pars), Schroter, Fluss. Conch. 189, pi. iv, f. 4, 1779. Cyclas cornea, (pars), Draparnaud, Tabl. Moll. 105, var. a, 1801. Cyclas rivieola, Lamarck, An. v, 558, 1818. Cyclas sabulicola, Krynicki, in litt. 183 Cyclas cequata, junior, Sheppard, in litt. 1840. S. riviculum, Leach, Morch. Cat. Conch. 30, 1853. S. rivicola, Lamarck, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1853. Mem. Soc. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Bord. i, 1854. Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 261. 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Europe. 38. S. rosaceum, Prime. Cyclas rosacea, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 155, 1851. S. rosaceum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 270, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 50, f. 48, 1865. Schuylkill River, U. S. of America. 39. S. Ryckholtii, Normand. Cyclas Ryckholtii, Normand, Not. Cycl. Valenc. 7, f. 5, 6, 1844. S. Ryckholtii, Normand, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1853. S. strictum, Normand, Cycl. Ddpt. Nord. 3, 1854. S. Ryckholtii, Normand, Prime Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. France. 40. S. Scaldianum, Normand. Cyclas Scaldiana, Normand, Not. Cycl. Valenc. 5, f. 1, 2, 1844. 8. corneum (pars), Bourguignat, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1853. S. citrinum^ Normand, Cycl. Dept. Nord. 1, 1854. 158 S. Scaldianum, Normand, Mem. Soc. Sc. Pnys. et Nat. Bord. i, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Europe. 41. S. securis, Prime. Cyclas securis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 160, 1851. Cyclas cardissa, Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv, 160, 1851. Cyclas securis, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. v, 218, pi. vi, 1852. Cyclas crocea, Lewis, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. v, 25, 1854. 8. cardissa, Prime, Brit. Mis. Cat. Conchif. 268, 1854. S. securis, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 268, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 49, f. 47, 1865. U. S. of America. 42. S. simile, Say. Cyclas similis. Say, Nichols. Encycl. 1st Amer. edit, ii, pi. 1, f. 9, 1817. Cyclas sulcata, Lamarck, An. v, 560, 1818. Cyclas Sarratogea, Lamarck, loc. sup. cit. v, 560, 1818. Cyclas lasmampsis, Rafinesque, Ann. gen. Sci. phys. et nat. v, 319, pi. Ixxxii, f. 19, 20, 1820. Cyclas striatina, Lamarck, Ferussac, Mag. Zool. 1835. Cyclas sulcata, Lamarck, Delessert, Recueil, pi. vii, f. 3, 1841. Cyclas Sarratogea, Lamarck, loc. sup. cit. pi. vii, f. 9, 1841. Cyclas similis, Say, Gould Invert. 72, f. 53, 1831. Cyclas rhomboidea, Say, C. B. Adams, Vermont, 18, 1842. Oyclas solida, DeKay, N. H. N. Y. v, 229, pi. xxv. f. 265, 1843. Cyclas gigantea, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. B. Bost. iv, 157, 1851. Cyclas ponderosa, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 157, 1851. S. simile, Say, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 265, 1854. S. giganteum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 267, 1854. S. ponderosum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 268, 1854. S. sulcatum, Lamarck, Prime Cat. Corb. 8, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 33, f. 25, 1865. North America. 43. S. solidulum, Prime. Cyclas solidula, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 158, 1851. Cyclas distorta, Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv. 158, 1851. S. solidulum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 269, 1854. S. distortum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 271, 1854. S. solidulum, Prime, Cat. Corb. 9, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 36, f. 27, 1865. U. S. of America. 44. S. SOlidum, Normand. Cyclas solida, Normand, Not. Cycl. Valenc, 6, f. 3, 4, 1844. 159 S. solidum, Normand, Rev. Mag. Zool. 345, 1858. Menu. Soc. Sci. Phys. Bord. i, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 1$, 1863. Europe 45. S. sphaericum, Anthony. Cyclas sphcerica, Anthony, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. Bost. iy, 275, 1852. Sph. sphcericum, Anthony, H. and A. Ad., Gen. Rec. MolL ii, 450, 1858. Prime Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 50, f. 49, 1865. U. S. of America. 46. S. stamineum, Conrad. Cyclas staminea, Conrad, Amer. J. Sci. xxv, 342, pi. 1, f. 5, 1834. C clas fuscata, Rafinesque, Prime in Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost iv, 281, 1852. Cyclas lulbosa, Anthony, loc. sup. cit. iv. 283, 1852. Sph. stamineum, Conrad, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 267, 1854. Prime Cat. Corb. 9, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Cofl^ Prime Monog. Corb. 38, f. 30, 1865. U. S. of America* 47. S. Steinii, Schmidt. Cyclas Steinii, Schmidt, Zeit. Malak. 118, 1850. Sph. Steinii, Schmidt, H. and A. Ad., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 450, 1858. G-ermany, 48. S. striatinum, Lamarck. Cyclas striatina, Lamarck, An. v. 560, 1818. Cyclas edentula, Say, N. Harm. Dissem. 356, 1829. Cyclas striatina, Lamarck, Delessert. Recueil. pi. vii, *4, 1841. Cyclas cornea, C. B. Adams, Cat. 29, 1847. Cyclas albula, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 155, 185L Cyclas tenuistriata, Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv, 156, 1851. Cyclas acuminata, Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv, 158, 185L Cyclas inornata, ") Cyclas simplex, > Prime, loc. sup. cit. iv, 159, 1851. Cyclas modesta, ) Sph. tenuistriatum, Prime, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 267, 1854. Sph. albulum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 269, 1854. Sph. inornatum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 270, 1854. Sph. neodestum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 270, 1854. Sph. simplex, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 271, 1854. Sph. acuminatum, Prime, loc. sup. cit. 271, 1854. Pimm edentulum, Say, loc. sup. cit. 282, 1854. Musculium edentulum, Say, H. and A. Ad., Gen. Rec. MoH ii, 450, 1858. 30 160 jSph. striatinum, Lamarck, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 405, 1861. Prime Cat. Corb. 9, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 37, f. 29, 1865. North America. 49. S. subtransversum, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 322, 1860. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 52, 1865. Mexico. 50. S. tenue, Prime. ^Cyclas tennis, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 161, 1851. *%Sph. tenue, Prime, H. and A. Ad., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 450, 1858. Prime Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 17, f. 44, 1865. U. S. of America. 51. S. Terverianum, Dupuy. Cyclas Terveriana, Dupuy, extram. Gall. test. 87, 1849. Du- puy Hist. Moll. Tr. 674, pi. xxix, f. 9, 1852. 8. Terverianum, Dupuy, Rev. Mag. Zool. 135, 1853, Mem. Soc. Sc. Phys. Bord. i, 1854. Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, ' 1863. France. 52. S. transversum, Say. Cyclas transversa, Say, N. Harm. Dissem. 356, 1829. Cyclas detruncata, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 155, 1851. Cyclas gracilis, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. iv, 156, 1851. Cyclas constricta, Anthony, Loc. sup. cit. iv, 274, 1852. f h. transversum, Say, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 267, 1854. h. gracile, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. 268, 1854. A h. detruncatum, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. 272, 1854. Sph. transversum, Say, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 31, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 48, f. 45, 1865. U S. of America. 53. S. triangulare, Say. Cyclas triangularis, Say, N. Harm. Dissem. 356, 1829. Sph. triangulare, Say, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 28, 1862. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 36, f. 28, 1865. Mexico. 54. S. truncation, Linsley. Cyclas calyculata, Draparnaud, C. B. Ad., Amer. J. Sci. xl, 277, 1841. C. B. Ad., Vermont, 18, 1842. C. B. Ad., Cat. 29, 1847. Cyclas truncata, Linsley, Amer. J. Sci. n. ser. vi, 234, f. 3, 1848. Cyclas pellucidea, Prime, Stimp. Moll. N. E. 16, 1851. 161 Sph. pellucidum, Prime, H. & A. Ad., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 450, 1858. Sph. truncatum, Linsley, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 35, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 11, 1863. Smith. List. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 51, f. 50, 1865. 7". S. of America. 55. S. Veatleyii, 0. B. Adams. Cyclas Veatleyii, C. B. Adams, Contr. Conch. 44, 1849. Pisidium Veatleyii, Petit, J. Conch, ii, 421, 1851. Pimm Veatleyii, C. B. Adams, Brit. Mas. Cat. Conchif. 283, 1854. Musculium Veatleyii, C. B. Adams, H. & A. Ad. Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Sph. Veatleyii, C. B. Adams, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 34, 1862. Prime, Cat. Corb. 12, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 56, f. 56, 1865. Jamaica, W. Indies. TO BE EXCLUDED. Sph. acuminatum, Prime. = Sph. striatinum. Cyclas acuta, Pfeiffer. = P. Hensloivianum. Cyclas cequalis, Rafinesque. = P. Virginicum. Cgclas cequata, Sheppard. = Sph. rivicola. Cyclas alata, Leach. = Sph. corneum. Sph. albulum, Prime. = Sph.striatinum. Cyclas altilis, Anthony. = P. compj-essum. Cyclas Americana, Christofori & Jan. ; undescribed. Cyclas amnica, Turton. = P. amnicum. Cyclas appendiculata, Turton. = P. Henslowianum. Cyclas Australis, Lamarck. = Corb. Australis. Cyclas Bengalensis, FeVussac. = C. Bengalensis. Cyclas borealis, Lamarck. = Corb. borealis. Cyclas calyculata, Draparnaud. = Sph. lacustre. Sph. cardissum, Prime. = Sph. securis. Cyclas Caroliniana, Bosc. = C. Caroliniensis. Sph. castaneum, Prime. = Sph. fabale. ' Idas Chilensis, D'Orbigny. = P. Chilense. fdas Chinensis, Lamarck. = Corb. fluminea. fclas cinerea, Hanley. = P. casertenum. Cyclas citrina, Brown. = Sph. corneum. Sph. citrinum, Norniarid. = Sph. Scaldianum. Cyclas clandestina, DaCosta. ; a marine shell. Sph. coeruleum, Prime. = Sph. partumeium. Cyclas consobrina, Cailliaud. = Corb. consobrina. 162 Sph. consobrinum, Ferussac. = Sph. ovale. Sph. constrictum, Anthony. = Sph. transversum. Cyclas Corsa, Charpentier. = Sph. Brochonianum. Cyclas crocea, Lewis. = Sph. securis. Cyclas Cychkolzii, Bientina ; undescribed. Cyclas Cyrcenopsis, Valenciennes. = Corb. Cyrcenopsis. Sph. detruncatum, Prime. = Sph. transversum. Sph. Deshayesianum, Bourguignat. = Sph. ovale. Cyclas diaphana, Prime. = Sph. modioliforme. Sph. distortum, Prime. = Sph. solidulum. Cyclas dubia, Say. = P. Virginicum. Cyclas dubiosa. Say. = P. Virginicum. Cyclas duplicata, Pfeiffer. = P. duplicatum. Cyclas Dupontia, Fe'russac. = Cyrenella Dupontia. Sph. eburneum, Anthony. = Sph. partumeium. Cyclas edentula, Say. = Sph. striatinum. Cyclas elegans, C. B. Adams. = Sph. rhomboideum. Cyclas errans, Lewis. ; undescribed. Cyclas elliptica, Fe'russac. ; undescribed. Cyclas Euphratica, Lamarck = Corb. fluminalis. Cyclas flavescens, McGrillivray = Sph. corneum. Cyclas fluminea, Bosc. ; undescribed. Cyclas fluviatilis, Bosc. ; undescribed. Cyclas Fontaineiij D'Orbigny. = C. Fontaineii. Cyclas fontinalis, Draparnaud. = P. pusillum. Cyclas fossarum, Krynicki. = Sph. corneum. Sph. fuscatum, Rafinesque. = Sph. striatinum. Cyclas gibba, Alder. = P. obtusale. Sph. giganteum, Prime. = Sph. simile. Cyclas globosa, Megerle. = Sph. corneum. Sph. gracile, Prime. = Sph. transversum. Cyclas hammalis, Rafinesque ; undescribed. Euglesa Henslowiana, Leach ; a /Sphcerium. Cyclas hermaphrodita. Mart. = G-alathea radiata. Sph. Herminii, Wald. = P. casertanum. th. inornatum, Prime. = Sph. striatinum. clas Islandica, Lamarck. = Cyprina Islandica. Cyclas isocardioides, Normand. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas lacustriSj Draparnaud. = Sph. ovale. Cyclas Icevigata, Schumacker, is Corb ? Cyclas lasmampsis, Rafinesque. = Sph. simile. Cyclas Leachii, Ziegler. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas lenticularis, Normand. = P. casertanum. Cyclas limosa, D'Orbigny. = Corb. limosa. Cyclas littoralisj Fe'russac. = Sph. modioliforme. 163 Cyclas lutea, Ziegler. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas maculata, Anton. = Sph. Bahiense. Cyclas maritima, D'Orbigny. == C. Cubana. Cyclas minor, C. B. Adams. = P. abditum. Cyclas minima, Studer. = P. obtusale. SyJi. mirabile, Prime. = Sph. partumeium. Sph. modestum, Prime. = Sph. striatinum. Cyclas Moquiniana, Gassies. = Sph. modioliforme. Cyclas Nepeanensis, Lesson. '= Corb. Nepeanensis. Cyclas nitida, Hanley. = P. abditum. Sph. nitidum, C. B. Adams and Mighles. = P. Cyclas nucleus, Studer. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas obliqua, Lamarck. = P. amnicum. Cyclas obtusalis, Lamarck. = P. obtusale. Sph. orbicularium, Barrat. = Sph. partumeium. Sph. ovale, Stimpson. = Sph. occidentale. Cyclas ovalis, Nilsson. = P. obtusale. Cyclas ovalis, Prime. = Sph. occidentale. fh. ovatum, Lewis ; undescribed. das pallida, Char pen tier. = Sph. ovale. clas palustris, Draparnaud. = P. amnicum. Cyclas Paranensis, D'Orbigny. = Corb. Paranensis JSph. pellucidum, Prime. = Sph. truncatum. Cyclas Perezeii, Villa. = Sph. lacustre. Cyclas Pfeifferi, Ziegler. = P. amnicum. Sph. Pisidioides, Gray. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas plumbeus, Villa. = Sph corneum. Sph. ponderosum, Prime. = Sph. simile. Sph. proximum, Alder. ; undescribed. Cyclas pulchella, Hanley. = P. casertanum. Sph. pulchellum, D'Orbigny. = P. pulchellum. Cyclas punctifera, Guppy. = P. punctiferum. Cyclas pusilla, Turton. = P. pusillum. Sph. pygmeum, C. B. Adams. = P. Jamaicense. Cyclas quercus, Lewis ; undescribed. Cyclas radiata, Blainville. = G-alathea radiata. Cyclas rivalis, Draparnaud. = Sph. eorneum. Cyclas rugosa, Whittemore ; undescribed. Cyclas sabulicola, Krynicki. = Sph. rivicola. Cyclas Sarratogea, Lamarck. = Sph. simile. JSph. simplex, Prime. = Sph t striatinum. Cyclas solida, De Kay. = Sph. simile. Cyclas stagnicola, Leach. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas Steenbuchii, Moller. P. Steenbuchii. Cyclas striatella, Ferussac. = Sph. modioliforme. 164 f" h. strictum, Normand. = Sph. Ryckholtii. h. sulcatum, Lamarck. Sph. simile, das sulculosa, Charpentier. = Sph. fabale. Cyclas Sumatrensis, FeVussac ; un described. Sph. tenuistriatum, Prime. = Sph. striatinum. Cyclas tuberculata, Klees. = Sph. lacustre. Cyclas tumida, Ziegler. = Sph. corneum. Cyclas variegata, D'Orbigny. = Corb. limosa. Cyclas Venezuelensis, Prime. = Sph. modioliforme* Cyclas Virginica, Ferussac. = P. Virginicum. Cyclas violacea, Lamarck. = B. violacea. Cyclas vitrea, Risso. = P. casertanum. Cyclas Zeylanica, Lamarck. = C. Ceylonica. Sph. zonatum, Prime ; undescribed. Genus PISIDIUM, C. Pfeiffer. System. Anord., 1821. Tellina, Muller, Verm, ii, 205, 1774. Sphcerium, Scopoli, Introduct. 397, 1777. Cardium, Poll, Test. Sicil. i, 65, pi. xvi, f. 1, 1791. Cyclas, Draparnaud, Tabl. Moll. 106, 1801. Pera, Cordula, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1818-20. Physemoda, Rafinesque, Ann. gen. Sc. phys. et nat. v, 1820. G-allileja, Costa, Corrisp. Zool., 1839. Pisum, Gray (non Megerle), Proc. Zool. Lond. xv, 184, 1847. Musculium, Gray (non Link), 1851. Pisum, Deshayes (non Megerle), Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif.,, 1854. Musculium, H. & A. Adams (non Link). Pisum, H. & A. Adams (non Megerle), Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 1858. 1. P. abditum, Haldeman. Pisidium abditum, Haldeman, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 1, 53,. 1841. Cyclas minor* C. B. Adams, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. 1, 48> 1841. J. N. H. Bost. iv, 39, pi. iv, f. 2, 1841. Pisidium tenellum, Gould, Ag. Lake Super. 245, 1848. Pisidium minus, Stimpson, Moll. N. E. 16, 1851. Pisidium obscurum, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 161 r 1851. Pisidium Kurtzi, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. iv, 162, 1851. Pisidium zonatum, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. iv, 162, 1851. Pisidium rubellum. Prime, Loc. sup. cit. iv, 163, 1851. 165 Pisidium regulare, Prime, J. N. H. Bost. vi, 363, pi. xii, f. 11, 12, 1852. Pisidium notatum, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. vi, 365, pi. xii. f. 20 22, 1852. Pisidium arcuatum, Prime, Loc. sup. cit. vi, 364, pi. xii, f. 1416, 1852. Pisum minus, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 281, 1854. Pisum abditum, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 282, 1854. Pisidium resartum, Ingalls in litt., 1855. Pisidium rubrum, Lewis in litt., 1855. Pisidium plenum, Lewis in litt., 1855. Musculium abditum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Musculium minus, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858. Musculium rubellum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 452, 1858. Musculium obscurum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 452, 1858. Musculium Kurtzi, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858. Musculium zonatum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 452, 1858. Pisum obscurum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660. 1858. Pisum Kurtzi, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisum rubtllum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisum zonatum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. ^up. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium abditum, Haldeman, Prime, Cat. Corb. 14, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 68, f. 72, 73, 1865. U. S. of America. 2. P. Adamsi, Prime. Cyclas nitida, Mighles, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. i, 48, 1841. J. N. H. Bost. iii, 330, pi. iii, f. 11, 1841. Pisidium Adamsi, Prime, Stimp. Moll. N. E. 16, 1851. Bost J. vi, 352, pi. xi, f. 13, 1852. Sphcerium nitidum. Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 271, 1854. Pisidium Adamsi, Prime, Cat. Corb. 13, 1863. Smith. Inst Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 63, f. 63, 64, 1865. U. S. of America. 3. P. aequilaterale, Prime. J. N. H. Bost. vi. 366, pi. xii, f. 2325, 1852. Prime, Cat. Corb. 14, 1863. Smith. Misc. Col., Prime Monog. Corb. 23, f. 65, 66, 1865. U. S. of America. 4. P. amnicum, Jenyns. Tellina amnica, Miiller, Verm, ii, 205, 1774. t 166 Tellina striata, Schrbter, Fluss. Conch. 1^3, 1779. Tellina rivalis, Maton & Racket, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. iii, 44, pi. xiii, f. 37, 38, 1797. Cyclas palustris, Draparnaud, Drap. Tabl. Moll. 106, 1801. Cardium amnicum, Montagu, Test. Brit. 86, 1803. ' yclas obliqua, Lamarck, An. v, 559, 1818. Pera fluviatilis, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1820. Per a Henslowiana, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1820. Pisidium obliquum, C. PfeifFer, System. Anord. 124, pi. v, f. 19, 20, 1821. Cyclas amnica, Turton, Conch. Brit. 250, pi. ii, f. xv, 1822. Pisidium amnicum, Jenyns, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 309, pi. xix, f. 2, 1832. Pisidium inflatum, Megerle, Porro. Mai. Comasca, 121, pi. ii, f. 13, 1838. Cyclas Pfeifferi, Ziegler, LOG. sup. cit. 121, 1838. Pisidium palustre, Porro., Loc. sup. cit. 121, 1838. Cordula amnica, Leach, Moll. Brit. Synop. 291, 1852. Pera amnica, Leach, Loc. sup. cit. 292, 1852. Pisidium G-raieloupianum, Normand. Cycl. Dept. Nord, 4, 1854. Pisidium intermedium, Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xx, 1855. Pisidium sulcatum, Parreys in litt. Pisum amnicum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 284, 1854. Pisidium amnicum, Jenyris, Baudon, Pisid. Fr. 37, pi. iii. J. G. H., 1857. Pisidium Burgundiacum, Billie in litt., 1858. Musculium amnicum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Pisidium amnicum, Jenyns, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Europe. 5, P. Angelicum, Rowell, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sciences. Angel Island, California. d P. Arcaeforme, Malm. Sweden. T P. Australe, Deshayes (non Philippi). Cyclas Australis, Lamarck, (varietas), An. v, 660, 1818. Pisum Australe, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 285, 1854. Musculium Australe, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. King G-eorges Sound, New Holland. 8. P. Canariense, Shuttleworth, Mittheil. Naturf. Gesell. Bern. 1852. Pisum Canariense, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 281, 167 Museuliam Canariense, H. & A. Adams, Gen, Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Pisidium Canariense, Shuttle worth, Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Canary Islands. 9. P. Casertanum, Bourguignat. Cardium Casertanum, Poll, Test. Sicil. i, 65, pi. xvi, f. 1, 1791. Cardium amnicum, jr. Montagu, Test. Brit. 88, 1803. Cyclas vitrea, Risso, Hist. Nat. Nice, iv, 338, 1826. Pera pulchella, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit., 1820. Pisidium pulchellum, Jenyns, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 306, pi. xxi, f. 15, 1832. Pisidium Australe, Philippi (non Deshayes), Enum. Moll. Sicil. 1, 39, 1836. Pisidium cinereum, Alder, Trans. N. H. Soc. Northumb. ii, 337, 1837. Pisidium Lumsterniarium, Forbes, Ann. N. H., 255, pi. xii, f. 4, 1839. Pisidium obtusale, Villa, Cat. 44, 1841. Cyclas obliqua (pars), Dupuy, Moll. Gers., 91, 1843. Cyclas pulchella, Hanley, Descrip. Cat. 91, 1844. Cyclas cinerea, Hanley, Loc. sup. cit. 91, 1844. Cyclas lenticularis, Normand. Not. Cycl. Valenc. 8, f. 7, 8, 1844. .Pisidium Joannis, Macgillivray, Hist. Moll. An. 202, 252, 1843. Pisidium Jenynsii, Macgillivray, Loc. sup. cit. 209, 249, 1843. Pisidium Australe, Philippi (non Deshayes), Enum. Moll. Sicil. ii, 31, pi. xiv, f. 2, 1844. Pisidium vitreum, Verany, Descrip. Genova, 1846. .Pisidium limosum, Gassies, Moll. Agen. 206, pi. ii, f. 10, 11, 1849. Pisidium iratianum. Dupuy, Gall. Test. No. 234, 1849. Pisidium thermale, Dupuy, Loc. sup. cit. No. 238, 1849. Pisidium caliculatum, Dupuy, Loc. sup. cit. No. 229, 1849. .Pisidium sinuatum, Bourguignat, J. Conchyl. ii, 421, 1851. ..Pisidium lenticulare, Dupuy, Hist. Moll. Fr. 680, pi. xxx, f. 2, 1852. Pisidium Casertanum, Bourguignat, Rer. Mag. Zool. 1854. Pisum Casertanum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 275, 1854. Pisum vitreum, pars Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 276, 1854. Pisum pule helium, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 278, 1854. Pisum Lumsternianum, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 280, 1854. Pisum lenticulare, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 280, 1854. Pisum depressum, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 285, 1854. 168 Pisidium rotundum, de Cessac Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Creuse, if,, 1855. Pisidium glolulosum, Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xx, 1855. Pisidium planum, Pfeiffer, in litt. Pisidium Casertanum, Bourguignat, Baudon, Pisid. Fr. 30 r pi. ii, f. 0, 1857. Pisidium Stabileii, Schmidt, in litt. 1858. Musculium Casertanum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll. ii r 451, 1858. Musculium vitreum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 452 r 1858. Sphcerium Herminii, Wald, in Collect. Cuming, 1859. Pisidium Casertanum, Bourguignat. Prime. Cat. Corb. 16,, 1863. Europe*. 10. P. Chilense, Deshayes. Cyclas Chilensis, D'Orbigny, Voy. 568, pi. 83, f. 11-13, 1846.. Pera Chilensis, Gray, Brit. Mus. List Shells. S. Atner. 69,, 1854. Pisum Chilense, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 254, 1854... Musculium Chilense, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451,, 1858. CorUcula Chilensis, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 269, I860.. Pisidium angulatum. Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 322 r 1860. Pisidium Chilense, Deshayes, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863., Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 69, f. 75, 1865. Chili, S. America- 11. P. compressum, Prime. Cycas altitis, Anthony, in litt, 1847. Pisidium compressum, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 164 r 1851. Pisidium altile, Anthony, J. N. H. Bost. vi, 353, pi. xi, f. 10- -12, 1852. Pisidium deer, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vi, 65, pi. 1,, f. 1, 1853. Pisum compressum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 282,, 1854. Pisum altile, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 280, 1854. Musculium compressum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll. ii r 451, 1858. Musculium deer, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858- Pisum deer, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium compressum, Prime, Cat. Corb. "14, 1863. Smith- Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 64, f. 67, 68, 1865. U. S. of America.- 169 12. P. conicum, Baudon. Baudon. Pisid. Fr. 50, fl. v, f. B, 1857. Prime. Cat. Cork 17, 1863. France. 13. P. con sang nine urn, Prime. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 76, f. 86, 1865. Cuba, West Indies. 14. P. cuneatum, Bielz. Bielz. Moll. Siebenb. 1863. Transylvania. 15. P. duplicatum, C. Pfeiffer. Cyclas duplicata, C. Pfeiffer, System. Arnord. 230, 1821. Musculium duplicatum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll. iL 451, 1858. Pisum duplicatum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium duplicatum, C. Pfeiffer, Prime Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. G-ermany. 16. P. Ferroense, Morch, Cat. Suenson, 43, 1857. Prime Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Farroe Islands. 17. P. ferrugineum, Prime. Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 162, 1851. J. N. H. Bost. vi, 362, pi. xii, f. 810, 1852. Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. 71, f.-77, 78, 1865. U. S. of America. 18. P. fuscum, Parreys. Haydinger, Berichte vii, 211, 1851. Germany. 19. P. Gassiesanum, Dupuy. Gassies, Moll. Agen. 207, pi. ii, f. 11, 1849. Pisidium Normandianum, Dupuy, Loc. sup. cit. 206, 1848. Pisidium tetragonum, Normand, Cycl. Dpt. Nord. 5, 1854. Pisum vitreum, Deshayes (pars), Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 277, 1854. Pisidium Baudonianum, de Cessac, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Creuse. ii, 1855. Pisidium Gassiesianum, Dupuy, Baudon Pisid. Fr. 26, pi. i, f. F, 1857. France. 20. P. Gundlachi, Arango. Cuba, West Indies. 21. P. Harfordianum, Prime. Mendocino Co., California. 22. P. Henslowianum, Jenyns. Pera Henslowiana, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1820. Cyclas acuta, C. Pfeiffer, System. Arnord. 230, 1821. Tellina Henslowana, Sheppard, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xiv, 150, 1823. 170 Cyclas appendiculata, Turton, Man. 15, pi. i, f. 6, 1831. Pisidium acutum, C. Pfeiffer, Wiegm. Archiv. i, : 230, 1831. Pisidium Henslowianum, Jenyns, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 308, pi. xxi, f. 6, 7, 1832. Pera appendiculata, Leach, Moll. Brit. Synop. 292, 1852. Pisidium Jayanum, Gassies, in litt. 1852. Pisidium Dupuyanum, Normand, Cycl. Dpt. Nord, 5, 1854. Pisidium solitarium, Gassies, in litt. 1855. Pisidium pallidum, Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xx, 1855. Pisidium Bonnafouxianum, de Cessac, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Crense. ii, 1855. Pisidium Jaudouinianum, Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xx, 1855. Pisidium pictum, de Cessac in litt. 1855. Pisum Henslowianum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 278, 1854. Pisidium Henslowianum, Jenyns, Baudon, Pisid. Fr. 45, pi. iv, f. F. 1857. Musculium Henslowianum, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Pisidium Hensloivianum, Jenyns, Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Europe. 23. P. insigne, Gabb. Amer. J. Conch. 69, pi. f. ii, 2, pi. iv, f. 10, 1868. Fort Tejon, California. 24. P. Jamaicense, Prime. Cyclas pygmea, C. B. Adams, Contr. Conch. 44, 1849. Pisum Adamsi, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 284, 1854. Musculium pygmeum, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Pisum pygmeum, II. and A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium Jamaicense, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 70, f. 76, 1865. Jamaica, West Indies. 25. P. Moietessieranum, Paladilhe, Rev. Mag. Zool. 1866. Marseilles, France. 26. P. nitidum, Jenyns. Cyclas pusilla, Turton, Conch. Brit. 16, pi. i, f. 7, 1831. Pisidium nitidum, Jenyns, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 304, pi. xx, f. 7, 8, 1832. Cyclas nitida, Hanley, Descrip. Cat. 90, pi. xiv, f. 46, 1844. Pisidium incertum, Normand, Cycl. De'pt. Nord. 6, 1854. Pisum nitidum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 277, 1854. 171 Pisidium nitidum. Jenyns, Baudon, Pisid. Fr. 23, pi. i, f. A. 1857. Mmculium nitidum, H. and A. Adams. Gen. Rec. Moll, ii 451, 1858. Pisidium nitidum, Jenyns, Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Europe. 27. P. Nov.-Eboracense, Prime, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vi, 66, pi. i, f. 3, 1853. Pisidium amplum, Ingalls in litt. 1855. Musculium Nov.-Eboracense, H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451, 1858. Pisum Nov.-Eboracense, H. and A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii. 660, 1858. Pisidium Nov.-Eboracense, Prime, Cat. Corb. 14,1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 67, f. 71. 1865. U. S. of America. 28. P. Nov.-Zelandicum, Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 91, f. 39, 1864. New Zealand. 29. P. obtusale, C. Pfeiffer. Cyclas obtusalis, Lamarck, An. v, 559, 1818. Pera gibba, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1820. Cyclas minima, Studer, Meissner. Anzeig. iii, 83, 1820. Pisidium obtusale, C. Pfeiffer, System. Anord. 125, pi. v, f. 20, 21, 1821. Cyclas gibba, Alder, Trans. N. H. Soc. Korthumb. 1, 41, 1830. Pisidium obtusale, Jenyns, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 301, pi. xx, f. 13, 1832. Cyclas ovalis, Nilsson, Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 1832. Pisidium mininum, Studer, Nouv. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat. 1, 25, 1837. Pisidium ovale, Petit, J. Conchyl. ii, 421, 1851. Pisum obtusale, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 279, 1854. Pisidium obtusale, C. Pfeiffer, Baudon, Pizid. Fr. 18, pi. i, f. E, 1857. Musculium obtusale, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Pisidium obtusale, C. Pfeiffer, Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Europe. 30. P. OCCidentale, Newcomb. Proc. Ac. N. S, Calif, ii, 94, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 73, 1865. San Francisco, California. 31. P. parvulum, Benson in litt. Prime, Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. India. 172 32. P. personatum, Malm. Iceland and Sweden. 33. P. pulchellum, Deshayes. Cyclas pulchella, D'Orbigny (non Hanley), Mag. Zool. 1835. D'Orb. Voy. 568, pi. 83, f. 810, 1846. Pisum pulchellum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 283, 1854.' Musculium pulchellum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Sphcerium pulchellum, Prime, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. 297, 1860. Pisidium pulchellum, Deshayes (non Jenyns), Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 70, 1865. Uruguay, S. America. 34. P. pusillum, Jenyns. Tellina pusilla, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 3231, 1789. Cyclas fontinalis (pars), Draparnaud, Hist. Moll. 130, pi. x, f. 11, 12, 1805. Pisidium fontinale, C. Pfeiffer, System. Anord. 125, pi. v, f. 15, 16, 1821. Cyclas pusilla, Turton, Man. 16, pi. i, f. 7, 1831. Pisidium pusillum, Jenyns, Trans. Pnil. Soc. Cambr. iv, 302, pi. xx, f. 46, 1832. G-allileja tenebrosa, Costa, Corrisp. Zool., 1839. Pisidium roseum, Scholtz, Moll. Schl. 140, 1843. Pisum pusillum, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 277, 1854. Pisidium pusillum, Jenyns, Baudon, Pisid. Fr. 20, pi. i, f. C, 1857. Musculium pusillum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Musculium roseum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 452, 1858. Pisum roseum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium pusillum, Jenyns, Prime Cat. Corb. 16, 1863. Europe. 35. P. punctiferum, Guppy. Cyclas punctifera, Guppy, Ann. Mag. N. H. 3d ser. xix, 160, 186. Proc. Sc. Assoc. Trinidad, 137, 1867. Trinidad, W. Indies. 36. P. retusum, Prime, Proc. Zool. Lond. xxviii, 322, 1860. Honduras. 37. P. rotundatum, Prime, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. iv, 164, 1851. J. N. H. Bost. vi, 357, pi. xi, f. 1921, 1852. Musculium rotundatum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. 173 JPisum rotundatum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. li, 660, 1858. Pisidium rotundatum, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 72, f. 81, 82, 1865. U. S. of America. 38. P. semen, Menke, Moll. N. Boll. 40, 1843. Pisum semen, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 284, 1854. Musculium semen, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 660, 1858. New Holland. 39. P. simile, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 69, f. 74, 1865. Guadeloupe, W. Indies. 40. P. Steenbuehii, Morch. Cyclas SteenbuohUyMoller, Kroyer. Natur. Tids. iv, 76, 1842. Sphcerium Steenbuchii, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 264, 1854. Pisidium Steenbuchii, Morch, Prod. Moll. Grb'nl. 19, 1857. Prime Cat. Corb. 17, 1863. Greenland. 41. P. subtruncatum, Malm. Sweden. 42. P. supinum, Schmidt, Zeit. Malak. 119, 1850. Musculium supinum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Pisum supinum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. G-ermany. 43. P. ultramontanum, Prime, Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 75, f. 85, 1865. California. 44. P. variabile, Prime. Cyclas nitida, Linsley (non Mighles), Am. J. Sci. xlviii, 276, 1845. Pisidium variabile, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 163, 1851. J. N. H. Bost. vi, 351, pi. xi, f. 79, 1852. Pisidium grande, Whittemore, in litt., 1855. Pisidium palustre, Lewis, in litt. Musculium variabile, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. Pisum variabile, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 1858. Pisidium variabile, Prime, Cat. Corb. 14, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 66, f. 69, 70, 1865. U. S. of America. 45. P. ventricosum, Prime, Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. iv, 68, 1851. Musculium ventricosum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 452, 1858. 174 Pisum ventricosum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 660, 18581. Pisidium ventricosum, Prime, Cat. Corb. 15, 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 72, f. 79, 80, 1865. U. S. of America- 46. P. Virginicum, Bourguignat. Tellina Virginica, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 3236, pi. clix, f. 15, 1788. Tellina pusilla (pars), Dillwyn, Cat. ii, 106, 1817. Cyclas dubia, Say, Nichols. Encycl. 1st Amer. edit, ii, 4, pi.. i, f. 10, 1817. Physemoda cequalis, Rafinesque, Ann. gen. Sci. phys. et nat^ v, 319, 1820. Cyclas Virginica, Ferussac, Mag. Zool. v, 1835. Cyclas dubia, Say, Gould Invert. 75, f. 56. 1841. Pisidium abruptum, Haldeman, Proc. Ac. N. S. Phila. i, 53 r , 1841. Pisidium dubium, Haldeman, Loc. sup. cit. i, 103, 1841. Cyclas dubiosa, Catlow & Reeve, Nomencl. 29, 1845. Pisidium dubium, Say, J. N. H. Bost. vi, 354, pi. xi, f. 4 6 ?! 1852. Pisidium cequale, Rafinesque, Loc. sup. cit. vi, 367, 1852. Pisidium Virginicum, Bourguignat, Rev. Mag. Zool., 1854. Sphcerium dubium, Deshayes, Brit. Mus. Cat. Conchif. 266,. 1854. Pisum Virginicum, Deshayes. Loc. sup. cit. 281, 1854. Pisum abruptum, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 281, 1854. Pisum dubium, Deshayes, Loc. sup. cit. 282, 1854. Musculium dubium, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, 451,. 1858. Musculium abruptum, H. & A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii, 451, 1858. Musculium Virginicum, H. and A. Adams, Loc. sup. cit. ii,. 452, 1858. Pisidium Virginicum, Bourguignat, Prime, Cat. Corb. 13,. 1863. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime Monog. Corb. 61, 62, 1865. U. S. of America^, TO BE EXCLUDED. Pisidium abruptum, Haldeman. = P. Virginicum. Pisidium acutum, Pfeiffer. = P. Henslowianum. Pisum Adamsi, Deshayes. = P. Jamaicense. Physemoda cequalis, Rafinesque. = P. Virginicum. Pisidium altile, Anthony, = P. compressum. Pisidium amplum, Ingalls. = P. Nov.-Eboracense. 175 Pisid. angulatum, Prime. = P. Chileme. Pera appendiculata, Leach. = P. Hemlowianum. Pisidium arcuatum, Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. Australe, Philippi, (non Deshayes). = P. Oasertanum. Pisum Bahiense, Deshayes. = Sph. Bahiense. Pisidium Baudonianum, de Cessac. = P. Grassiesanum. Pisid. Bonnafouxianum, de Cessac. = P. Henslowianum. Pisid. caliculatum, Dupuy. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. deer, Prime. = P. compressum. Pisid. cinereum, Alder. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. cornea, Verany. = Sph. corneum. Pisum Oreplini, Deshayes. = Sph. Oreplini. Pisid. Dingoli, Bivona. = Sph. Dingoli. Pisid. depressum, Pfeiffer ; undescribed. Pisid. dubium, Haldeman. = P. Virginieum. Pisid. Dupuyanum, Normand. = P. Henslowianum. Pisum edentulum, Deshayes. = Sph. striatinum. Pisum ferrugineum, Deshayes. == Sph. ferrugineum. Pera fluviatilis, Leach. = P. amnicum. Pisid. fontinale, Pfeiflfer. = P. pusillum. Pera gibba, Leach. = P. obtusale. Pisid. globulosum, Gassies. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. grande, Whittemore. = P. variabile. Pisid. Grrateloupianum, Normand. = P. amnicum. Pisid. incertum t Normand. = P. nitidum. Pisid. inflatum, Megerle. = P. amnicum. Pisid. intermedium, Gassies. = P. amnicum. Pisid. iratianum, Dupuy. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. Jaudonianum, Gassies. = P. Henslowianum. Pisid. Jenynsi, Macgillivray. = P. Oasertanum Pisid. Joannis, Macgillivray, = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. Kurtzi, Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. lenticulare, Dupuy. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. limosum, Gassies. = P. Oasertanum. Pisid. Lumsternianum, Forbes. = P. Oasertanum. Pisum maculatum, Deshayes. = Sph. Bahiense. Pisid. minimum, Studer. = P. obtusale. Pisid. minus, Stimpson. = P. abditum. Pisum modioliforme, Deshayes. = Sph. modioliforme. Pisid. Moquinianum, Bourguignat. = Sph. modioliforme. Pisid. Normandianum, Dupuy. = P. G-assiesanum. Pisid. notatum, Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. obliquum, Pfeiffer. = P. amnicum. Pisid. obscurum, Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. ovale, Petit. = P. obtusale. 31 176 Pisid. pallidum, Gassies. = P. Henslowianum. Pisid. palustre, Porro. == P. amnicum. Pisid. palustre, Lewis. = P. variabile. Pisid. parasiticum, Parreys. = Sph. ferrugineum. Pisid. perpusillum, Gartner. = Sph. perpusillum. Pisid. pictum, de Cessac. = P. Henslowianum. Pisid. planum, Pfeiffer. _ P. Casertanum. Pisid. plenum, Lewis. = P. abditum. Pisid. pulchellum, Jenyns. = P. Qasertanum. Musculium pygmeum, H. and A. Adams. = P. Jamaicense. Pisid. Recluzianum, Bourguignat. = ? not a Pisidium. Pisid. regulare. Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. resartum, Ingalls. = P. abditum. Pisid. roseum, Scholtz. = P. pusillum. Pisid. rotundum, de Cessac. = P. Casertanum. Pisid. rubellum, Prime. = P. abditum. Pisid. rubrum, Lewis. = P. abditum. Pisid. sinuatum, Bourguignat. = P. Casertanum. Pisid. solitarium, Gassies. = P. Henslowianum. Pisid. splendidum, Parreys. = a Nucula. Pisid. Stabileii, Schmidt. = P. Casertanum. Pisid. sulcatum, Parreys. = P. amnicum. G-allileja tenebrosa, Costa. = P. pusillum. Pisid. tenellum, Gould. = P. abditum. Pisid. tetragonum, Dupuy. = P. Grassiesanum. Pisid. thermale, Dupuy. = P. Casertanum. Pisum Veatleyii, Deshayes. = Sph. Veatleyii. Pisid. vitreum, Verany. = P. Casertanum. Pisid. zonatum, Prime. = P. abditum. ERRATUM. Under synonymy of genus Sphaerium, page 150, place " Euglesa, Leach, in litt. in Mus. Brit. 1818 20." LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO, With the abbreviations under which they are mentioned. Actes de la Societe Linne'enne de Bordeaux, 12 vols. 8 vo. Bor- deaux, 1839 44. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. Adams, C. B. Fresh-water and land shells of Vermont. 8vo. 1842-43. C. B. Ad., Vermont. Adams, C. B. Catalogue of the genera and species of recent shells in the collection of; Middlebury, 1847. C. B. Ad., Cat. Coll. Adams, C. B. Contributions to Conchology. 8vo. New York, 1849-52. C. B. Ad., Contr. Conch. Adams, Henry and Arthur. Genera of recent Mollusca. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1858. H. $ A. Ad., Gen. Eec. Moll. Agassiz, Louis. Lake Superior ; its physical character, vege- tation and animals, compared with those of other and similar regions, with contributions by J. L. Le Conte, Gould, Cabbot, W. Harris, etc. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1850. Ag., Lake Superior. Alten, J. W. v. Systematische Abhandlung uber die Erd und Flussconchylien um Augsburg. 8vo. Augsburg. 1812. Alten, System. Abhandl American Journal of Conchology. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1865-69. Amer. J. Conch. American Journal of Science and Arts. 50 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1818-46. 2d series, vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1846-69. Amer. J. Sci. Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammte Naturkunde. 3 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1809-14. Ann. Wetterau. Annales generales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, par Bory. de St. Vincent, Drapiez et van Mons. 8 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1819-21. Ann. G-en. Sci. Phys. et Nat. 178 Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 20 vols. 4to. Paris, 1802-13. Ann. Mm. Hist. Nat. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1823-69. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8vo. London, 1841-47. Ann. Mag. N. H. Annals of Natural History. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1838-40. Ann. N. H. Annals of Philosophy, by Th. Thompson. 16 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1813-20 ; 2d series, 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1821-26. Ann. Phil. Anton, H. E. Verzeichniss der Conchylien, welche sich in seiner Sammlung befinden ; 4to. Halle, 1839. Anton, Verzeich. Argenville, A. J. Desallier d'. Conchiliologie oder Abhandlung von Schnecken, Muscheln und dergleichen, nebst der Zoomorphose etc. 2 vols. fol. Wien, 1772 and 1792. d'Argenv., Conchyl. Argenville, A. J. Desallier d'. L'Histoire naturelle e'claircie dans deux de ses parties principales, la Lithologie et la Conchyliologie. 2d ddit. (augmentee de la Zoomorphose). 4to. Paris, 1757. d'Argenv., Hist. Nat. Lithol. Conch. Argenville, A. J. Desallier d'. L'Histoire naturelle eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, la Lithologie et la Conchyliologie. 4to. Paris, 1742. d'Argenv., Hist. nat. Lithol. Conch. Baudon, A. Essai Monographique sur les Pisidies Francaises. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Baudon, Pisid. Fr. Berichte Uber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Wien ; gesammelt und ausgegeben von Wilh. Haidinger. 7 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1847-51. Haidinger, Berichte. Bielz, E. A. Fauna der Land und Susswasser Mollusken Siebenburgen's. 8vo. Hermannstadt, 1863. Bielz, Moll. Sieberib. Bosc, L. A. G. Histoire naturelle des coquilles ; contenant leur description etc. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1801. Bosc, Hist. Nat. Coq. Boston Journal of Natural History. Vols. 8vo. Boston, 1834 186 . J. N. H. Boston. 179 Bourguignat, J. R. Testacea novissima quae cl. de Saulcy, in itinero per Orientem, annis 1850 et 1851 collegit. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Bourguignat, Oat. Saulcy. British Museum. Catalogue of the Conchifera or bivalve shells in the collection of the ; part 2. Petricoladse con- cluded ; Corbiculadae. 12mo. London, 1854. Brit. Mus. Oat. Oonchif. British Museum. List of the shells of South America in the collection of the ; 12mo. London, 1854. Brit. Mus. List. S. Amer. British Museum. List of the shells of Cuba in the collection of the ; 12mo. London, 1854. Brit. Mus. List. Ouba. Brongniart, Alex. Mdmoires sur les terrains de sediment supe*- rieurs calcar^o-trappeens du Vicentin, etc. 4tq. Paris, 1823. Brong., Mem. Vicentin. Brown, Thomas. Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Brit- ain and Ireland. 4to. London, 1842. Brown, lllustr. Conch. Grr. Brit. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Creuse. 2 vols. 8vo. Gueret, 1853-55. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Oreus. Cailliaud, Er. Voyage a Meroe, etc. 4 vols, 8vo. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1823-27. Oaill. Voy. Carpenter, P. P. Catalogue of the collection of Mazatlan shells in the British Museum, collected by Reigen. 12mo. London, 1857. Oarp., Mazat. Shells. Catlow, A and Reeve, Lov. The Conchologist's Nomenclator, etc. 8vo. London, 1845. Oat. and Reeve, Nomencl. Costa, Oronzo. Gabriel. Corrispondenza Zoologica destina a diffondere nel regno delle due Sicilie tutto cio che si va discuoprendo entro e fuori Europa (e vice- versa) risguardante la Zoologia in general redatta da ; 8vo. Napoli, 1839. Oosta, Oorrisp. ZooL Descrizione di Genova e del Genovese. 3 vols. 8vo. Genoa, 1846. Descriz. Gf-enova. Dacosta, E. M. The British Conchology. 4to. London, 1778. Ibid. 8vo. London, 1780. Dacosta, Brit. Oonck. Dacosta, E. M. Elements of Conchology, etc. 8vo. London, 1776. Dacosta, Elem. Conch. 180 Delessert, B. Recueil des coquilles decrites par Lamarck dans son Histoire des Animaux sans VertebreSj et non encore figurees. Fol. Paris, 1841. Delessert, Recueil. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, publi^ par les Professeurs du Jardin du Roi. 60 vols. 8vo. Paris and Stras- burg, 1816. Diet. Sci. Nat. Dillwyn, L. W. A descriptive Catalogue of recent shells, arranged according to the Linnean method. 2. vols. 8vo. London, 1817. Dillwyn, Cat. D'Orbigny, A. Voyage dans 1'Ame'rique Meridionale, le Bresil, etc., pendant les annees, 1826-33. 7 vols. 4to. and Atlas 4to. Paris, 1834-43. d'Orb., Voy. Draparnaud, J. Ph. R. Tableau des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France. 8vo. Montpellier and Paris, 1801. Drap., Tail. Moll. Draparnaud, J. Ph. R. Histoire naturelle des Mollusques ter- restres et fluviatiles de la France. 4to. Paris, 1805. Drap., Hist. Moll. Dupuy, D. Essai sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Departement du Gers. 4to. Paris, 1843. Dupuy, Moll. Crers. Dupuy, D. Histoire naturelle des Mollusques terrestres ,et d'eau douce qui vivent en France. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848-51. Dupuy, Hist. Moll. Fr. Dupuy, D. Catalogus extramar. Galliae testae. 1849. Dupuy, extram. Grail, test. Encyclopedic Me'thodique. 201 vols. 4to. Paris, 17821832. Encycl. Method. Exploring Expedition of the United States. Vol. xii, 4to. Mollusca and shells, by A. A. Gould. Atlas. Fol. New York, 1852. U. S. Explor. JSxpedit, Fleming, John. A History of British Animals, exhibiting their descriptive characters. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. Flem., Hist. Brit. An. Ferussac, A. E. J. P. J. F. d'Audebard de. Tableau syst&na- tique des Animaux Mollusques. 4to. Paris, 1822. Feruss., Tabl. system. Ferussac, J. B. L. d'Audebard de. Essai d'unc Methode Concby- liologique, appliquee aux Mollusques fluviatiles et terrestres. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Feruss., Mtth. ConcTiyl 181 Ferussac, J. B. L. d'Audebard de. Catalogue de la Collection de Coquilles formed par ; 8vo. Paris, 1837. . Feruss., Cat. Gassies, J. B. Tableau methodique et descriptif des Mollusques terrestreset d'eau douce de 1'Agenais. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Gassies, Moll Agen. Giornale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti per la Sicilia. 8vo. Paler- mo, 1823-42. G-ior. Sci. Lett, ed Arti. Palermo. Gmelin, J. Fr. Car. a Linne Systema Naturae per Regna tria Naturae, etc. Editio decima tertia, acuta et refor- mata. 7 vols, 8vo. Lipsire, 1788-93. Lugduni, 1789-96. Gml, Syst. Nat. Gould, A. A. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Gould, Invert. Gray, John Edward. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. 12mo. London, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1844. Gray, Synop. Brit. Mus. Griffith, Edward. The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformi- ty with its organization, by Baron Cuvier ; with ad- ditional descriptions by ; 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-35. Griffith, An. Kingdom. Gualtieri, Nic. Index Testarum Conchyliorum, quse adservan- tur in Museo suo, etc. Fol. Florentia, 1744. Gualt., Index. Hanley, Sylvanus. An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of recent shells. 8vo. London, 1842-56. Hanley, Descrip. Cat. Humphrey, Geo. Museum Calonniensis. 8vo. 1797. Humphrey, Mus. Calonn. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-43. 2d series. 6 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 18471869. J. Ac. N. S. Phila. Journal de Conchyliologie. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1850-69. J. Conchyl. Klees. Dissertation, etc. Tubingen. Dissert. Tubing. Krauss, Ferd. Die Slid Afrikanischen Mollusken. 4to. Stutt- gardt, 1848. Krauss, Moll. S. A. Krliger, J. Fr. Geschichte des Urwelt. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1822-23. Kriiger, Gesch. Urwelt. Kroyer, H. Naturhistorisk Tidskrift. 4 vols. 4to. Kioben- haven, 1837-43. Kroyer, Natur. Tids. 182 Lamarck, J. B. de. Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans vertS- bres, etc. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1815-22. Lam., An. Lamarck, J. B. de. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans ver- tebres, etc. Second edition by Deshayes and Milne- Edwards. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-43. Lam., An. Desk. edit. Lamarck, J. B. de. Philosophic zoologique, ou Exposition des considerations relatives & 1'Histoire naturelle des Animaux, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Lam., Phil. ZooL Latreille, P. A. Families naturelles de Re"gne animal, exposee's successivement et dans un ordre analytique, avec Vindication de leurs genres. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Latreille, Fam. Nat. Leach, W. Elford. Molluscorum Britanniae Synopsis. Edited by J. E. Gray. 8vo. London, 1852. Leach, Moll. Brit. Synop. edit. Qray. Linnd, C. &. Systema Naturae, seu Reqna tria Naturae systema- tic^ proposita, per classes, ordines, genera et species. x. edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Holm, 1758-9. Linn, Syst. Nat. x. edit. Link, H. F. *Beschreibung der Naturalien Sammlung der Universitat zu Rostock. 1 vol. in six parts. Pt. 1, 1806 ; pts. ii, iii and iv, 1807 ; pt. v and vi, 1808. Rostock, printed by Adlers & Erben. Link, Coll. Univ. Rostock. Lister, Martin. Historiae animalium Angliae tractatus tres, etc. 4to. Lugduni, 1678 ; appendix, 1681 ; ibid, 1695. List., Hist. An. Macgillivray, W. A History of the Molluscous Animals of the counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine and Banff, etc. 12mo. London, 1843. Macgilliv., Hist. Moll. An. Magazin de Zoologie, par F. E. Guerin Meneville. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-38. 2d series, 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839-48. Mag. ZooL Magazin der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin fur die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Naturkunde. 8 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1807-18. Mag. G-esell. Naturf. Berlin. *A very rare work ; for information concerning contents, see Proc. Zool. Lond. 228, 1851; ibid. 226, 1862 ; Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y., ix, 1869. 183 Malakazoologische Blatter ; Menke and Pfeiffer. 8vo. Cassel, 1854-69. Malak. Bl. Martini, Fr. H. W. Neues systematisches Conchylien Kabinet. 3 vols. 4to. Nurnberg, 1769-76 ; continued by J. H. Chemnitz. 6 vols. 4to. Nurnberg, 1779-95. Martini $ Chemnitz. Memoires de la Socie'te' de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. 10 vols. 4to. Geneva, 1821-46. Mem. Soc. Phys. H. N. Geneva. Memoires de la Societe' des Sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. 1 vol. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1854. Mem. Soc. Sc. Phys. et nat Bord. Menke, C. Th. Molluscorum Novae Hollandiae specimen. 4to. Hanover, 1843. Menke, Moll. Nov. Holl. Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. 4 vols. 8vo. Bern, 1845-58. Mittheil. Naturf. Cresell. Bern. Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 4 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1846-56. Mittheil. Naturf. G-esell. Zurich. Montagu, Geo. Testacea Brittanica, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1803-08. ~ Mont. Test. Brit. Morch, 0. A. L. Catalogues Conchyliorum quae reliquit C. V. Kierulf, etc. 8vo. Hafniae, 1850. Morch, Oat. Kierulf. Morch, 0. A. L. Catalogus Conchyliorum quae reliquit D. Alphonso d'Aguirra et Gadea comes de Yoldi. 8vo. Hafnise, 1853. Morch, Cat. Yoldi. Morch, 0. A. L. Catalogus Conchyliorum quae reliquit Suen- son. 8vo. Hafniae, 1857. Morch, Cat. Suenson. Morch, 0. A. L. Prodromus faunae Molluscorum Gronlandiae. 8vo. Hafnise, 1857. Morch, Prod. Moll. Gironl. Morelet, Arthur. Testacea novissima insulae Cubanae et Amer- icas Centralis. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Morelet, Test. nov. Mousson, Alb. Land und Siisswasser Mollusken von Java. 8vo. Zurich, 1849. Mousson, Mott. Java. Muller, Otto Fabri. Yermium terrestrium et fluviatilium, etc., Historia. 2 vols. 4to. Hafniae, 1773-4. Muller, Verm. Natural History of New York, or the New York Fauna ; part V. Mollusca by J. E. DeKay. 4to. Albany, 1843. N. H. N. Y. 184 Naturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger der allgemeinen Schwei- zerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwis- senschaften ; Fr. Meisner. 4 vols. 4to ; 1 vol. 8vo. Bern, 1818-23. Meissner, Anzeig. New Harmony Disseminator of useful knowledge. 8vo. New Harmony, 1829. New Harm. Dissem. Nicholson, Wm. The first American edition of the British Encyclopedia or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, comprising an accurate and popular view of the pre- sent improved state of human knowledge. Phila- delphia, vol. i. 1816 ; vol. ii vi, 1817. Normand, N. A. J. Notice sur plusieurs espces de Cyclades de*couvertes dans les environs de Valenciennes. 8vo. Valenciennes, 1844. Normand, Nat. Oycl. Valenc. Normand, N. A. J. Coup d'oeil sur les Mollusques de la famille des Cyclades, observes jusqti & ce jour dans le Dd- partement du Nord. 8vo. Valenciennes, 1854. Normand, Cycl. Dept. Nord. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences naturelles. 6 vols. 4to. Neufchatel, 1837-42. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat. Novitates Conchologicse. L. Pfeiffer. Livraisons, i xi. 4to. Cassel, 1854-59. Nov. Conch. Pfeiffer, C. Systematische Anordnung und Beschreibung Deutscher Land und Wasser schnecken, mit beson- derer RUcksicht auf die bisher in Hessen gefunde- nen Arten. 3 vols. 4to. Cassel and Berlin, 1821- 28. Pf., System. Anord. Pfeiffer, C. Naturgeschichte Deutscher Land und Susswasser. Mollusken. 4to. Weimar, 1825-28. Pf. Deutsch. Moll. Philippi, R. A. Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae, cum viven- tium turn in Tellure tertiaria fossilium, quse in itinere suo observavit. 2 vols. 4to. Berolini, 1836- 44. Philippi, Unum. Moll. Sicil. Philippi, R. A. Abbildungen uud Beschreibungen neuer oder wenig gekannten Conchylien. 3 vols. 4to. Cassel, 1842-51. Philippi, Abbild. Conch. Poli, Xavier. Testacea utriusque Siciliae, eorumque Historia et Anotomia. 2 vols. fol. Parmse, 1791-95. Poli, Test. Sicil. 185 - Porro, Carlo. Malacologia terrestre e fluviale della Provincia Comasca. 8vo. Milano, 1838. Porro, Mai. Comasca. Prime, Temple. Notes on some American species of Cyclas, described by Lamarck, Say, Rafinesque and Linsley. 8vo. The Hague, 1857. Prime, Notes Amer. Cycl. Prime, Temple. Catalogue of the species of Corbiculadae con- tained in the collection of; 8vo. New York, 1863. Prime. Gat. Corb. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842-1856 ; 2d series, 13 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857-69. Proc. Ac. N. 3. Phila. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1841-66. Proc. Soc. N. H. Bost. Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences. 3 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, 18541869. Proc. Ac. N. S. Calif. Proceedings of the Scientific Association of Trinidad. 8vo. Port of Spain, Trinidad, W. I. Proc. Sc. Assoc. Trinidad. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 28 vols. 8vo. London, 1833-61. Proc. Zool Lond. Pulteney, Richard. Catalogue of the birds, shells and some of the rare plants of Dorsetshire; (extracted from Hutchins' History of that County), fol. London. 1799; 1813. Pult., Cat. Dorset. Revue et Magazin de Zoologie, par F. E. Guerin-Meneville. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1849-69. Rev. Mag. Zool Risso, A. Histoire naturelle des principales productions de 1'Europe MeVidionale, particulie>ement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Risso, Hist. Nat. Nice. Sagra, Ramon de la, Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de 1'ile de Cuba. 8vo. Paris, 1847-57. (Mollus- ques de File de Cuba, par D'Orbigny. 2 vol's. 8vo. Atlas, fol). Sagra, Cuba Moll. Schlotheim, E. F. v. Die Petrefacten Kunde auf ihrer jetzigen Standpunckte, durch die Beschreibung seiner Samm- lung vereteinerter und fossiler Uberreste des Thier und Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt erlautert. 8vo. At- las, fol. Gotha, 1820. Schloth., Petref. 186 Scholtz, EL Schlesien's Land und Wasser Mollusken, systema- tisch geordnet undbeschrieben. 8vo. Breslau, 1843. Scholtz, Moll. jSchl Schroter, J. S. Geschichte der Flussconchylien mit vorzu- glicher Riicksicht auf diejenigen, welche in den Thuringischen Wassern leben. 4to. Halle, 1779. Schrot., Fluss Conchyl. Scopoli, J. Ant. Introductio ad Historiam naturalem, sistens genera Lapidum, Plantarum et Animalium, etc., in tribus divisa, sub inde ad leges Naturae. 8vo. Pragse, 1777. Scop., Introduct. Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Collections 145. Mo- nograph of the American Corbiculadae, by Temple Prime. 8vo. Washington, 1865. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Prime. Monog. Oorb. Sowerby, G. B. The Genera of recent and fossil shells. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820-24. Sowerby, G-en. Spix, J. B. v. Testacea fluviatilia quae in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20, collegit et pingenda curravit. Di- gessit, descripsit et observationibus illustravit, A. Wagner. 4to. Monachi, 1827. Spix, Test. Bras. Stirnpson, W. Shells of New England. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Stimp., Moll. N. E. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society of Phila- delphia. 6 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 17711818 ; 2d series, 8 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818-44. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 8 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1821-44. Trans. Phil. Soc. Cambr. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 19 vols. 4to. London, 1791, 1846. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-on-Tyne. 2 vols. 4to. Newcastle, 1831-38. Trans. N. H. Soc. Northumb. Turton, W. Conchylia Insularum Brittanicarum, etc. 4to. Exeter, 1822. Turton, Conch. Brit. Turton, W. A Manual of the land and freshwater shells of the British Islands. 8vo. London, 1831. Turton, Man. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbiirgischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften. 9 vols. 8vo. Hermann- stadt, 1850-58. Verhand. Mittheil. Ver. Seibenb. 187 Villa, Anton and G. B. Dispositio systematica Conchyliorum terrestrium et fluviatilium quae adservantur in eoruni collectione ; 8vo. Mediol, 1841. Villa, Oat. Voyage of H. M. Ship Sulphur. 2 vols. London, 1843-45. Voy. iSulph. Wiegman, A. F. A. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. 14 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1835-41. Wiegm. Archiv. Wood, William. Index Testaceologicus. 8vo. London, 1825. Wood, Index Test. Wood, William. Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus. 8vo. London, 1820. Wood, Index Test. Suppl Zeitschrift fUr Malakozoologie ; Menke and Pfeiffer. 8vo. Cassel, 1847-53. Zeit. Malak. Zoologie du Voyage de F Astrolabe sous les ordres du Capitaine Dumont d'Urville, pendant les annees 1826-29, par Quoy and Gaymard. 5 vols. 8vo. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1830-33. Voy. Astrolabe. Zoologie du Voyage autour du monde execute sur la corvette La Coquille par L. Duperrey, commandant de expe- dition pendant les anne'es 1822-25, par Lesson et Garnot. 2 vols. 4to. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1829. Voy. Coquille. Zoological Journal, conducted by Th. Bell, J. G. Children, J. de C. Sowerby and J. B. Sowerby, 5 vols, 8vo. Lon- don, 1825-35. Zool J. [SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS.] CHECK LIST OP THE SHELLS OF NORTH AMERICA. CYCLADES. BT TEMPLE PRIME. [NOTE. In the following list the species not marked are found living in the United States. F. signifies that they are found fossil. C. refers to Cuba ; C. A. to Central America ; H. to Honduras ; J. to Jamaica ; M. to Mexico ; P. to Panama ; Y. to Yucatan.] 1. Pisidium abditum, Hald. 29. Sphaerium nobile, Gould. 2. Pisidium Adamsi, Pr. 30. Sphaerium occidentale, Pr. 3. Pisidium aequilaterale, Pr. 31. Sphaerium partumium, Say. 4. Pisidium arcuatum, Pr. P. 32. Sphaerium patellum, Gould. 5. Fisidium compressum, Pr. 33. Sphaerium pygmeum, Adams. J. 6. Pisidium contortum, Pr. P. 34. Sphaerium rhomboideum, Say. 7. Pisidium ferrugineum, Pr. 35. Sphaerium rosaceum, Pr. 8. Pisidium novi-eboraci, Pr. 36. Sphaerium securis, Pr. 9. Pisidium retusum, Pr. H. 37. Sphaerium solidulum, Pr. 10. Fisidium rotundatum, Pr. 38. Sphaerium sphaericum, Anth. 11. Fisidium tenellum, Gould. 39. Sphaerium stamineum, Conr. 12. Pisidium variabile, Pr. 40. Sphaerium striatinum, Lam. 13. Pisidium ventricosum, Pr. 41. Sphaerium subtransversum, Pr 14. Fisidium virginicum, Bgt. M 42. Sphaerium sulcatum, Lam. 15. Sphaerium acuminatum, Pr. 43. Sphaerium tenue, Pr. 16. Sphaerium aureum, Pr. 44. Sphaerium tenuistriatum, Pr. 17. Sphaerium bulbosum, Anth. 45. Sphaerium trans ver sum, Say. 18. Sphaerium cardissum, Pr. 46. Sphaerium triangulare, Say. M 19. Sphaerium dentatum, Hald. 47. Sphaerium truncatum, Lin. 20. Sphaerium eburneum, Anth. 48. Sphaerium Veatleyii, Adams. J. 9 1. Sphaerium elevatum, Hald. 22. Sphaerium emarginatum, Pr. 49. Cyrena californiensis, Pr. 23. Sphaerium fabale, Pr. 50. Cyrena caroliniensis, Lam. 24. Sphaerium flavum, Pr. 51. Cyrena cubensis, Pr. C. 25. Sphaerium fuscatum, Rqfin. 52. Cyrena Cumingii, Desh. C. A. 26. Sphaerium gracile, Pr. 53. Cyrena densata, Conr. F. 27. Sphaerium Jayanum, Pr. 54. Cyrena floridana, Conr. 28. Sphaerium maculatum, MOT. Y. 55. Cyrena insignis, Desh. ISfJ 56. Cyreiia maritima, Adams. P. 57. Cyrena mexicana, Sowb. 58. Cyrena moreauensis, Meek 8f Hayden. P. 59. Cyrena nebraskensis, Pr. P. 60. Cyrena occidentalis, Meek fr Hayden. P. 61. Cyrena olivacea, Cpr. C. A. 62. Cyrena panamensis, Pr. C. A. (3) 63. Cyrena placens, Hanley, C. A. 64. Cyrena radiata, Hanley. C. A. 65. Cyrena salmacida, Morelet. C. A 66. Cyrena sordida, Hanley. C. A. 67. Corbicula convexa, Desh. C. A 68. Corbicula truncata, Pr. P. 69. Corbicula ventricosa, Pr M. New Species of Mollusc of the Genus Helicina. 187 ebus 5 angustis fusco-pilosis longioribus ornatus, basi impressus ; colu- mella breviter recedens, compressa, alba, callum teuuem, album eraittens; apertura vix obliqua, semicircularis ; perist. tenue, raargine dextro brev- iter reflexo, basali cum columella angulum formante. Opere. ? Shell subglobose, thin, pellucid, pale horn colored, with epidermis hav- ing closely set spiral lines of short hairs, beneath the epidermis shining, delicately striate, and with microscopic spiral lines; spire slightly ele- vated, apex rather pointed and tinged with reddish color; whorls 4 rather convex, the last rounded and ornamented with five spiral series of longer dark hairs, base impressed ; columella shortly receding, com- pressed, and with thin white callus over the umbilical region ; aperture scarcely oblique, semicircular; perist. thin, the right margin slightly reflected, basal margin forming an angle with the columella. Diarn. maj. 9, min. 7, mill. Alt. 5, mill. Habitat. Newcastle, in the Parish of St. Andrews, Jamaica, West Indies, at an elevation of about 4,000 feet above the sea. Remarks. This interesting species is very unlike any other hitherto found in Jamaica. It has the hirsute char- acter of Alcadia hirsuta C. B. Adams, of that island, and in that respect, as well as in general form has, to a remarkable degree, the aspect of a Schasicheila, without, however, the incised peristome. I am indebted for this, as well as many other species, to my valued correspondent Mr. C. P. Grloyne, R. E., who refers to it, the specific name having been communicated by me, in his Notes on the Land Shells of Jamaica, Jour, de Conchyliologie XII, p. 44. January, 1872. 188 Notes on Specimens of the Corbiculadce. 7 //;- XIII. -Notes on specimens of Corbiculadce in the Cabinet of the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, and on the authorship of the Encyclopedia MetJiodique. BY TEMPLE PRIME. Bead May 6th, 1872. I had tlie opportunity, in 1871, of making notes on some of the Corbiculadce in the Jardin des Plantes, which I am induced to publish in the hope that their perusal may lead to the correction of some errors prevalent in regard to the species of this family. Cyrena orient alls, LAMARCK. This species, described in 1818*, is represented by a single valve, which I found to agree with the shell which I publishedf under the name of Corbicula Japonica. Lamarck's species is represented as coming from China, mine is a native of Japan. Corbicula Japonica. T _ r . .. . 1 We cannot, however, decide as yet positively that the orientalis and the Japonica are identi- cal, for the reason that Lamarck refers to his type as being in his own Cabinet, which is at present at Geneva. Cyrena truncata, LAMARCK. Lamarck in his description^ of this fossil species stated that it came from the State of New York. There is one valve of the truncata which evidently belongs to the Tertiary ; it is intermediate between antiqua and cuneiformis of Eu- rope. As already stated on a previous occasion I doubt the fact of this species having been found in N. Y., but think *Lam. An. v, 552, 1818. t Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. viii, 08, f. 15, 1864. JLam. An. v, 553, 1818. Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll; Prime, Monog. Corb. 7, 1865. Notes on {Specimens of the Corbiculadce. 189 that, if it came from America at all, which I hardly believe, as it is so unlike any of our known fossil Cyrenm or rather Corbiculce, it is a native of one of our Southern States. The truncata is labelled as having been purchased from the collection of Valenciennes (the father of the late Prof. Valenciennes). Cyrena oblongra, QUOY. M. Deshayes has stated* that this species, a native of Vanikoro, has a sinus. I called attention | to this fact, remarking that it was the only instance on record of a non- American Cyrena possessing a sinus, qualifying my state- ment, however, with the reservation, that I had never seen any specimen of oblonga. On an inspection of the specimen of the oblonga at the Jardin des Plantes, I detected at once that the so-called Cyrena was nothing more or less than a Glauconome. I am enabled consequently to uphold the proposition, that none of the lion-American Cyrenaz have an unbroken pallial impression. Cyrena placeiis, HANLEY. Elsewhere J I have quoted Mr. Hanley to the effect that there was a specimen of this species at the Jardin des Plautes. As the placens is not personally known to me, I sought for the specimen in question with some eagerness ; unfortunately, it was not to be found. Note on the "Encyclopedie Methodique. " Being frequently obliged to consult this work, I was much puzzled to know whether the name of the genus, in many cases a new one, at the top of the plate, was the only evi- dence of the publication of the genus, or whether there *Lam. An. Desh., edit. t Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y., viii, 420, 1867. \ Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll. Prime, Monog. Corb. 21, 1865. MAY, 1872. 13 ANN. LYC. NAT. HIST., VOL. x. 190 Notes on Specimens of the Corbiculadce. existed some published record of the same not so widely distributed as the plates of the Encyclopedic, and to clear up my uncertainty I entered into correspondence with M. Crosse the manager of the Journal de Conchy liologie. M. Crosse wrote me that to make the information the more authentic he had consulted M. Deshayes, who had been one of the contributors to the Encyclopedic Methodique. M. Deshayes sent him the following, which I have trans- lated. "We owe to Bruguiere all the plates of Natural History "of the Encyclopedic Methodique relating to the Fers, "except the last hundred for which we are indebted to Lam- "arck. The names of the -genera printed at the top of the "plates are the only indications which exist relating to these "useful creations, which the author would have placed on "record in text, had not a premature death prevented him "from so doing. With reference to the existing text, Bru- "guiere published one .volume, which ends with the genus "Conus. It was in 1828 that I was entrusted with the fin- ishing of this text; my first volume commences with a sup- plement to the letters a, b, c ; it was published in 1830; "my second volume is of 183-2; so that the text of the "Encyclopedic Methodique" concerning Mollusca is com- " posed of three volumes, one by Bruguiere and two by me." (Extract from a letter addressed to M. H. Crosse by M. Deshayes, Nov. 24th, 1869.) CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIES OF CORBICULADAE IN THE COLLECTION OF TEMPLE PRIME, NOW FORMING PART OF THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. PREPARED BY TEMPLE PRIME In 1895. CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIES OF CORBICULADAE IN THE COLLECTION OF TEMPLE PRIME, NOW FORMING PART OF THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. PREPARED BY TEMPLE PRIME IN 1895. CORBICULA. America. /I. CORBICULA LIMOSA, Deshayes. Smithson. Monogr. a. Rivers of Eastern Uruguay. b Cyclas variegata, d 1 Orbigny. Rivers of Eastern Uruguay. (Ex auctore, fide Cuming.) c. Corbicula semisulcata, Deshayes. South America. (Ex auctore.) d. Corbicula perplexa> Prime. South America. 2. CORBICULA CUNEATA, Jonas. Smithson. Monogr. Orinocco river. (Ex auctore.) 3. CORBICULA CONVEXA, Deshayes. Smithson. Monogr. Mazatlan. (Ex auctore.) 4. CORBICULA ROTUNDA, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Surinam river. 5. CORBICULA PARANENSIS, Deshayes. Smithson. Monogr. Parana river. 6. CORBICULA OBSOLETA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum IX. a. Uruguay. (Ex auctore.) b. Corbicula Amazonica, Anthony, The Amazon. (Ex auctore.) China. / 7. CORBICULA LARGILLIERTI, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. a. Yang-tse-Kiang river. (From the Largilliert collection, from which Philippi described the species.) b. Corbicula sulcatina, Deshayes. China. (Ex auctore.) 5 c. Corbicula Chemnitziana, Prime. China. d. Corbicula vulgaris, Prime. China. 8. CORBICULA WOODIANA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. a. China. (Identified by Lea, the original describer.) b. Corbicula Primeana, Morch. China. (Ex auctore.) 9. CORBICULA NITENS, Deshayes. Philippi Abbild. Yang-tse-Kiang river. (From the Largilliert collection, from which Philippi described the species.) 10. CORBICULA PRIMEANA, Morelet. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. a. Che-Fou river, in the north of China. (Ex auctore.) b. Corbicula pexata, Prime. Fuh-Chan river. ii. CORBICULA LUTEA, Morelet. Ann. N. Y, Lyceum VIII. China. (Ex auctore.) ^ 12. CORBICULA FLUMINEA, Deshayes. Prime Identification, etc. a. Fuh-Chan river. a 1 . Hong Kong. (Found there in the market, by Fred'k Stearns, 1889-90.) b. China. (Muller's type ; from the Museum at Copenhagen.) c. Corbicula triangularis , Deshayes. China. (Ex auctore.) d. Corbicula Mulleriana> Prime. Fuh-Chan river. e. Corbicula Pfeifferiana, Prime. China. 13. CORBICULA INSULARIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Island of Formosa. India. 14. CORBICULA TRIGONA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. a. Pondicherry. (Ex auctore.) b. Corbicula striatella, Deshayes. Pondicherry. (Ex auctore.) c. Corbicula violacea, Prime. India. d. Corbicula consanguinea, Prime. India. 15- CORBICULA FUSCATA, Deshayes. Prime Identification, etc. Corbicula imperialis^ Prime. Pondicherry. ' 16. CORBICULA OCCIDENS, Benson. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Bareilly, Bengal. (Ex auctore, fide Cuming.) a. Corbicula mediocris, Prime. Hab? 17. CORBICULA BENGALICA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Bengal. (Ex auctore, ) 18. CORBICULA QUILONENSIS, Benson. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Quilon, Madras. (Ex auctore.) 19. CORBICULA AGRENSIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIIL Agra. 20. CORBICULA SUBRADIATA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIIL Agra. 8 2i. CORBICULA PARVULA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. India. Japan. 22. CORBICULA MANCHURICA, A. Adams. Japan. (Ex auctore, fide Crosse.) 23. CORBICULA ORIENTALIS, Deshayes. Prime Identification, etc. Japan. a. Corbicula Japonica, Prime. Japan. b. Corbicula Martensii, Clessin. Tokyo. (Found there in the market, by Fred'k Stearns, 1889-90. Japanese name, Shijime-Kai.) c. Yokohama. (Collected on tide flats by Fred'k Stearns, 1889-90.) d. Kanagana. (Collected on mud flats by Fred'k Stearns, 1889-90.) 24. CORBICULA LEANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Japan. 24'. CORBICULA STRAMINEA, Reinhardt. Martini & Chemnitz, 2d edition. Kishu coast. (Collected on mud flats by Fred'k Stearns, 1889-90.) Further India. 25. CORBICULA AMMIRALIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Saigon, Cambodia. 26. CORBICULA LAMARCKIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Laos mountains, Cambodia. 27. CORBICULA BLANDIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Laos mountains, Cambodia. 10 28. CORBICULA LINNEANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Laos mountains, Cambodia. 29. CORBICULA LYDIGIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Siam. a. Corbicula erosa, Prime. Cambodia. b. Corbicula Pisidiifotmis, Prime. Siam. c. Corbicida Moreletiana, Prime. Cambodia. 30. CORBICULA LARNAUDIERI, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Siam. 31. CORBICULA CASTANEA, Morelet. / Morelet Series conchyliologiques pi. XVI. Cochinchina. (Ex auctore.) 32. CORBICULA LEVISCULA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Cochinchina. 33. CORBICULA MALACCANA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Malacca. (Ex auctore.) II 34. CORBICULA CONSULARIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Malacca. 35. CORBICULA RHOMBOIDEA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Malacca. Australasian. 36. CORBICULA BARONIALIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum IX. Moreton Bay, Queensland. 37. CORBICULA NEPEANSIS, Deshayes. Lesson Voy. Coquille. Nepean bay, Kangaroo island, South Australia (Ex Cuming Collection.) 38. CORBICULA PROLONGATA, Prime. Journal de Conchyl. X. Eastern Australia. 12 39- CORBICULA AUSTRALIS, Deshayes. Wood, Index test. Suppl't. Australia. (Ex Cuming Collection.) a. Patterson river, New South Wales. 40. CORBICULA ANGASI, Prime. Journal de Conchyl. XII. Murray river, South Australia. 41. CORBICULA MINOR, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Australia. 42. CORBICULA BRUNNEA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Scamander river, Tasmania. Malaysia. 43. CORBICULA CUMINGII, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Philippines. (Ex auctore.) a. Corbicula squalida^ Deshayes. Philippines. (Ex auctore.) b. Corbicula notata, Prime. Philippines. c. Corbicula Crosseana, Prime. Philippines. d. Corbicula venustula, Prime. Philippines. e. a variety, Philippines. 44. CORBICULA SAYANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y, Lyceum VIII. Philippines. 45. CORBICULA MANILLENSIS, Prime. Cyrena fluviatilis, Philippi. Philippi Abbild. Manilla. 46. CORBICULA TUMID A, Deshayes. Ann. N, Y. Lyceum VIII. Borneo. (Ex auctore.) Java. 47. CORBICULA COLONIALIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Java. 48. CORBICULA PULCHELLA, Deshayes. Mousson Moll. Java, Java. 49. CORBICULA DUCALIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Java. 50. CORBICULA GRACILIS, Prime. Journal de Conchyl. X. Java. Africa. 51. CORBICULA AFRICANA, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Cape Natal, South Africa, a. Umpingano river, South Africa. 52. CORBICULA ASTARTINA, Martens. Malak. Bl. 1859, Lake Nyassa. 53. CORBICULA IN^EQUILATERALIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Africa. Asiatic Turkey and Egypt. 54. CORBICULA PUSILLA, Deshayes. Philippi Abbild. The Nile. (Ex Collection of Parreys, the original describer.) i6 55. CORBICULA COR, Deshayes. Prime Identification etc. Yeni, 25 miles east of Antioch. a. Lake Horns, Syria. b. Orontes river, Antioch. c. the Tigris. 56. CORBICULA FLUMINALIS, Deshayes. Prime Identification etc. the type, Syria. a. Corbicida Saidcyi, Bourguignat. the Tigris. b. Corbicida difficilis. Prime. Egypt. c. Corbicida radiata, Deshayes. Upper Nile. (Ex Collection of Parreys, the original describer.) d. Corbicida tivalis, Deshayes. Hab? (Ex Largilliert Col- lection.) e. Corbicida putpurea^ Prime, the Tigris. f. Corbicida purpurea y Prime. Antioch. g. Corbitida Delessertiana, Prime, the Pyramids. 57. CORBICULA STIMPSONIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Hab.? Hab.? 58. CORBICULA SOLIDULA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. BATISSA. i. BATISSA LENTICULARIS, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Philippines. (Ex auctore.) 2. BATISSA L^EVIGATA, Schumacher. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard V. Hab. ? a. Batissa Keraudrenia } Deshayes. Waigiou. (Ex Cuming Collection.) b. Batissa insignis, Deshayes. Luzon. (Ex auctore.) c. Batissa Children^, Deshayes. Philippines. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 3. BATISSA VIOLACEA, Deshayes. Delessert Recueil. Fejees. (Ex Cuming collection.) a. Batissa tenebrosa, Deshayes. Fejees. (Ex Cuming Collec- tion.) b. Batissa unioniformis, Prime, Fejees. 4. BATISSA OBESA, Deshayes. Voy. Sulphur. Fejees. (Ex. Cuming Collection.) 1-8 5. BATISSA CORBICULOIDES, Deshayes. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. New Guinea. (Ex auctore.) a. Batissa biqiietra, Deshayes. Philippines. (Ex auctore.) 6. BATISSA SIMILIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Nicobar islands. 7. BATISSA FORTIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Batissa ponderosa, Prime. New Caledonia. 8. BATISSA JAYANA, Deshayes. Trans, Amer. phil. soc. Philadelphia V. Sumatra. (Ex Collection of L.ea, the original describer.) a. Batissa spfazticula. Prime. Panimbang river, Java. b. Batissa elegans^ Prime. Hab. ? c. Batissa solidula, Prime. Hab. ? VELORITA. i. VELORITA CYPRINOIDES, Gray. Griffith Animal Kingdom 1834. Philippines. 2. VELORITA COCHINENSIS, Hanley. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Madras coast, India. (Identified by Hanley.) 3. VELORITA PARVULA, Prime. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard V. Hab. ? CYRENA. North America. i. CYRENA CAROLINENSIS, Lamarck. Smithson. Monogr. Tampa bay. a. Georgia. ' 20 2. CYRENA FLORIDANA, Conrad. Smithson. Monogr. Tampa bay. (Ex auctore.) a. Saracota bay. b. Boca Saca pass, Florida. c. Cyrena protexta> Conrad. Tampa bay. (Ex auctore.) 3. CYRENA MEXICANA, Sowerby. Smithson. Monogr. San Bias. a. Panama. b. Mazatlan. c. Cyrena fragilis ', Deshayes. Mazatlan. (Ex auctore.) d. Cyrena in&quilateralis y Deshayes. Mazatlan. (Ex auctore.) 4. CYRENA OLIVACEA, Carpenter. Smithson. Monogr. Mazatlan. (Ex auctore, fide Cuming.) 5. CYRENA GERMANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Panaco river, near Tampico, Mexico. 6. CYRENA TRIANGULA, v. d. Busch. Smithson. Monogr. Tamatico river, Mexico. 21 7. CYRENA ACUTA, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Central America. 8. CYRENA MARITIMA, C. B. Adams. Smithson. Monogr. Panama. (Ex auctore.) 8 1 . CYRENA PANAMENSIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Cyrena inflata, Deshayes. Panama. (Ex auctore.) 9. CYRENA COLORATA, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. New Providence, Bahamas. a. Inagua, Bahamas. b. Walling's island, Bahamas. 10. CYRENA RADIATA, Hanley. Smithson. Monogr. Reallejos, Nicaragua. (Identified by Hanley.) a. Grey town. b. Central America. c. Cvrena sordida, Hanley. Balize. d. Cvrena solida, Philippi. Central America. e. Cvrena exquisita, Prime. Chepo river, Panama. 22 South America. ii. CYRENA ARCTATA, Deshayes. Stnithsori, Monogr. I^ake Maracaibo. 12. CYRENA MERIDIONALIS, Prime. Smitbson. Monogr. Peyta, Peru, a. Cyrena ordinatia, Prime. South America. 13. CYRENA ANOMALA, Deshayes. Smithson. Monogr. Caraccas, Peru. (Non-adult specimen.) (Ex auctore.) 14. CYRENA FONTAINEII, Carpenter. Smithson. Monogr. Guyaquil, Ecuador. 15. CYRENA FORTIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Ecuador. 23 i6. CYRENA TRIBUNALIS, Prime Ann. N. Y. Lyceum IX. Tecames river, Ecuador. 17. CYRENA CHILINA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Chile. 18. CYRENA REGALIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Muertos island, Gulf of Uraba. China. 19. CYRENA BUSCHI, Philippi. Philippi Abbild III. China. India. v 20. CYRENA BENGALENSIS, Lamarck. Delessert Recueil. Bengal, (Ex Cuming Collection.) \ 21. CYRENA CEYLONICA, Lamarck. Martini & Chemnitz pi. XXXII, fig. 36. Ceylon. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 22. CYRENA SIAMICA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Siam. 23. CYRENA BERNARDIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. New Caledonia, a. Cyrena proximo,, Prime. Siam. 25 24. CYRENA GALATHEA, Reinhardt. Morch Catalogue Kierulf Collection. Nicobar Islands. (Ex Kierulf Collection.) Australia. 25. CYRENA OVIFORMIS, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Port Essington. (Ex auctore.) 26. CYRENA FALLAX, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Australia. (Ex auctore.) a. Cyrena affinis, Deshayes. Australia, (Ex auctore.) 27. CYRENA PLACIDA, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Port Curtis, South Australia. (Ex auctore.) 26 28. CYRENA CYPRINIFORMIS, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. North Australia. New Caledonia. 29. CYRENA SUBLOBATA, Deshayes. Act. Soc. Linn, de Bordeaux XXIV. New Caledonia. (Ex auctore.) a. Cyrena Caledonica^ Gassies. New Caledonia. New Guinea. 30. CYRENA PAPUANA, Lesson. Mag, de Zool. 1832, New Guinea. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 27 3i. CYRENA CYPRINOIDES, Quoy. Voy. de 1' Astrolabe. New Guinea. (Ex Cuming Collection.) Java. 32. CYRENA EXIMIA, Bunker. Dunker Nov. conch. 1857. Java. (Ex Cuming Collection.) a. Cytena sinuosa, Deshayes. Java. (Ex auctore.) b. Cyrena regulaiis, Prime. Hab. ? Philippine Islands. 33. CYRENA VENTRICOSA, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. , Philippines. (Ex auctore.) 28 34. CYRENA MORCHIANA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Philippines. 35. CYRENA PONDEROSA, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum IX. Philippines. 36. CYRENA TRIANGULARIS, Metcalfe. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. Borneo. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 37. CYRENA SIMILIS, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Borneo. (Ex auctore.) 38. CYRENA NITIDA, Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Borneo. (Ex auctore.) a. Cytena lavis, Prime. Borneo. Sumatra. 39. CYRENA SUMATRENSIS, Sowerby, Philippi Abbild. III. Sumatra. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 40. CYRENA LAUTA, Deshayes. Proc, Zool. XXII. Hab. ? (Ex auctore.) 1/41. CYRENA SPHiERICA, Prime. Jl. Conchyl. X. Hab.? 42. CYRENA MACTRIFORMIS, Deshayes. Cyrena mactroides, (preoc.) Deshayes. Proc. Zool. XXII. Hab. ? (Ex auctore.) FOSSIL. (TERTIARY.) America. 43. CYRENA CALIFORNICA, Gutch. Ryker's Pass, lat. 38. California. Pleiocene. (Exauctore.) Europe. (BASIN OF PARIS.) a. Cyrena proper. 44. CYRENA CHARPENTIERII, Deshayes. Poti^z et Michaud, Gallerie de Douai. a. Epernay. (Ex auctore.) b. Ermenonville. (Ex auctore.) 45. CYRENA COMPRESSA, Deshayes. Lamarck, An. VI. Mouy . (Ex auctore . ) 46. CYRENA COMPTA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Jaigues. (Ex auctore.) b. Species allied to Corbicula. 47. CYRENA SUBORBICULARIS, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Chalons-sur-Vesles. (Ex auctore.) 48. CYRENA MIXTA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Chalons-sur-Vesles. (Ex auctore.) 49. CYRENA GRAVESII, Deshayes. Coquilles foss. Bassin de Paris 1824. Cuise-la-Motte. (Ex auctore.) '50. CYRENA VENERIFORMIS, Deshayes. Invert BassiiPde Paris 1857. Chalons-sur-Vesles . (Ex auctore . ) 51. CYRENA AMYGDALINA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Cuise-la-Motte. (Ex auctore.) 32 52. CYRENA DEPERDITA, Deshayes. Coquilles foss. Bassin de Paris 1824. a. Cuise-la-Motte. (Ex auctore.) b. Saincenny. c. Auvers. d. Beauchamp. 53. CYRENA CRASSA, Deshayes. Coquilles foss, Bassin de Paris 1824. a. La Ferte-sous-Jouarre. (Ex auctore.) b. Auvers. (Ex auctore.) 54. CYRENA BREVIUSCULA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Damery. (Ex auctore.) 55. CYRENA PISUM, Deshayes. Coquilles foss. Bassin de Paris 1824. Houdan. (Ex auctore.) 56. CYRENA CYCLADIFORMIS, Deshayes. Coquilles foss. Bassin de Paris 1824. Houdan. (Ex auctore.) 57. CYRENA OVALINA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857 Damery. (Ex auctore.) 33 58. CYRENA TELLINELLA, Ferussac. / Ferussac Hist, des Moll. a. Saincenny. (Ex Deshayes Collection.) b. Chauny. 59. CYRENA ANGUSTA, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Chalons-sur-Vesles. (Ex auctore.) 60. CYRENA ANTIQUA, Ferussac. Ferussac Moll. terr. et fluv. a. Bernon. (Ex Deshayes Collection.) b. Soissons. " c. Epernay. 61. CYRENA FORBESI, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Saincenny. (Ex auctore.) 62. CYRENA CUNEIFORMIS, Ferussac. Ferussac Moll. terr. et fluv. a. Braisne. (Ex Deshayes Collection.) b . Chalons-sur- vesles . c. Saincenny. 34 63. CYRENA TRIGONA, Deshayes. Coqtiilles foss. Bassin de Paris 1824. Disy. (Ex auctore.) 64. CYRENA DESHAYESII, Hebert. Bull. Soc. geol. de France 1848. Sernier. (Ex Deshayes Collection.) 65. CYRENA ACUTANGULARIS, Deshayes. Invert. Bassin de Paris 1857. Chalons- sur-vesles. (Ex auctore.) 35 SPH^ERIUM. North America. i. SPH/ERIUM SIMILE, Say. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. Maine. c. Vermont. d. New Hampshire. e. Massachusetts. f. Rhode Island. g. Western New York. h. Westchester Co., N. Y. j. Pennsylvania. k. Ohio. 1. Michigan. m. Wisconsin. n. Iowa. o. Minnesota. p. Alabama. q. Cyclas gigantea, Prime. Franklin Co., Pa. r. Cyclas ponderosa, Prime. Hab. ? 36 2. SPH^ERIUM STRIATINUM, Lamarck. Smithson. Monogr. a. Upper Mackensie river. b. Hell Gate river, Washington territory. c. Quebec. d. Maine. e. Connecticut. f. Western New York. g. Westchester Co., N. Y. h. New Jersey. j . Pennsylvania. k. Maryland. 1. Virginia. m. North Carolina. n. Georgia. o. Alabama. p. Michigan. q. Illinois. r. Indiana. s. Minnesota. t. Iowa. u. Kansas. v. California. 37 -* w. Cyclas tenuistriata, Prime. Alabama. x. Cyclas acuminata, Prime. Hab. ? y. Cyclas inotnata, Prime. Illinois. z. Cyclas simplex. Prime. Illinois. a i. Cyclas modesta, Prime. Pennsylvania. bi. Cyclas staminea, Conrad. Alabama. (Ex auctore.) c i . Cyclas fuscata, Rafmesque. Ohio. (Ex auctore, fide Haldeman.) di. Cyclas bulbosa, Anthony. Arkansas. (Ex auctore.) e i. Cyclas aurea, Prime. Hab. ? f i . Cyclas solidula, Prime. Ohio. gi. Cyclas distorta, Prime. Ohio. hi. Sptuzrium Vetmontanum, Prime. Vermont. j i. Cyclas emarginata. Prime. Hab.? ki. Cyclas flava, Prime. Michigan. 1 i. Cyclas triangular is, Say. Mexico? 3. SPHiERIUM RHOMBOIDEUM, Say. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. New Brunswick. c. Massachusetts. d. Ohio. 38 e. New York. f. Michigan. g. Cyclas elegans, C. B. Adams. Brattleboro, Vt. (E: auctore.) 4. SPH^RIUM FABALIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Connecticut. b. New York. c. Ohio. d. Pennsylvania. e. Michigan. f. Virginia. g. Tennessee, h. Georgia. j. Oregon. k. Cyclas castanea^ Prime. Illinois. 1. Cyclas sulculosa, Charpentier. Hab. ? (Ex auctore.) 5. SPH^ERIUM OCCIDENTALE, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. Western New York. c. Manhattan Island, N. Y. 39 d. New Jersey. e. Vermont. f. Michigan. g. Wisconsin, h. Ohio. j. Georgia. k. Alabama. 1. Hell Gate river, Washington territory. m. Minnesota. n. Spharium tenue. Prime. Maine. 6. SPH^RIUM NOBILE, Gould. Smithson. Monogr. San Pedro, Ca. (Ex auctore.) 7. SPEUERIUM PATELLA, Gould. Smithson. Monogr. Oregon. (Ex auctore.) 8. SPH^RIUM PARTUMEIUM, Say. Smithson. Monogr. a. Fort Pierre. b. Montreal. 4 o c. Maine. d. Massachusetts. e. Connecticut. f. Western New York. g. Staten Island, N. Y. h. Long Island, N. Y. j. New Jersey. k. Pennsylvania. 1. Ohio. m. Alabama. n. Mississippi. o. South Carolina. p. Louisiana. q. Iowa. r. Cyclas orbiculaiia, Barrat. Connecticut. (Hx auctore.) s. Cyclas mirabilis> Prime. Georgia. t. Cyclas ccerulea, Prime. Massachusetts. u. Cyclas eburnea, Anthony. Arkansas. (Ex auctore.) v. Cyclas Jay ana, Prime. Hab. ? x. Cyclas elevata, Haldeman. Alabama. (Ex auctore.) y. Cyclas pallida, Charpentier. Florida. (Ex auctore.) 41 8. SPH^ERIUM TRANSVERSUM, Say. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. Western New York. c. New Jersey. d. Pennsylvania. e. New Harmony, Indiana. f. Arkansas. g. Alabama, h. Florida. j. Wabash river. k. Cyclas detruncata^ Prime. Schuylkill river. 1. Cyclas gracilis, Prime. Ohio. m. Cyclas constricta, Anthony. Ohio. (Ex auctore.) n. Sph&vium confractum, Prime. Big Prairie Creek, Alabama. o. Sphaiium contractum % Prime, Mt. Cannel, Illinois. 10. SPH^ERIUM SECURIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. Maine. c. Massachusetts. d. Rhode Island. 42 e. Long Island, N. Y. f. Staten Island, N. Y. g. Michigan. h. Cyclas cardissa, Prime. Cambridge, Mass. j. Cyclas crocea, Lewis. Otsego Co., N. Y. (Ex auctore.) k. Cvclas rosacea, Prime. Schuylkill river. 1. Cvclas sph&tica, Anthony. Ohio. (Ex auctore.) ii. SPH^RIUM TRUNCATUM, Linsley. Smithson. Monogr. a. Lake Champlain. b. Maine. c. Staten Island, N. Y. d. Ohio. e. Lake Huron. f. Minnesota. g. Cyclas calyculata, C. B. Adams. Vermont. (Ex auctore.) 12. SPH^RIUM LENTICULA, Gould. Smithson. Monogr. a. Carson's river, Ca. (Ex auctore.) b. Oregon. c. Klamath river. d. Saguacho, Ca. 43 Europe. 13. SPH^RIUM RIVICOLA, Lamarck. Mem. Soc. des scie. phy. et nat. de Bordeaux 1854. a. France. b. Moravia. c. Carinthia. d. England. 14. SPH^RIUM CORNEUM, Scopoli. Mem. Soc. des scie. phy. et nat. de Bordeaux 1854. a. France. (Ex Baudon Collection.) b. Switzerland. c. Elbe river. d. Croatia. e. Bohemia. f. Russia. g. Dublin, h. Italy. j. Portugal. k. Cyclas rivalis, Draparnaud. France. (Ex Baudon Col- lection.) 1. Cyclas nucleus , Studer. France, m. Cyclas lutea, Ziegler. Hungary, n. Cyclas tumida, Ziegler. Italy, o. Cyclas globosa, Megerle. Italy. 44 15. SPH^ERIUM SCALDIANUM, Normand. Mem. Soc. des scie. phy. et. nat. de Bordeaux 1854. a. Escaut river. (Ex auctore.) b. Cyclas citrina, Normand. Escaut river. (Ex auctore.) 16. SPH^RIUM SOLIDUM, Normand. Mem. Soc. des scie. phy. et nat. de Bordeaux 1854. Escaut river. (Ex auctore.) 17. SPH^RIUM OVALE, Ferussac. Mem. Soc. des scie. phy. etnat. de Bordeaux 1854. Bordeaux. 18. SPH^ERIUM TERVERIANUM, Dupuy. Mem. Soc. des. scie. phy. et. nat. de Bordeaux 1854. Gers, France. (Ex auctore.) 19. SPH^ERIUM CREPLINI, Dunker. Zeitschrift Malak. 1845. France. 20. SPHjERIUM RYCKHOLTII, Normand. Normand, Cyclades 1844. a. France. (Ex auctore.) b. Cyclas stricta^ Normand. France. (Ex auctore.) 45 2i. SPH^RIUM JEANNOTTII, Normand. Normand, Cyclades 1854. France. (Ex auctore.) 22. SPH^ERIUM LACUSTRE, Ferussac. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1853. a. France. b. Italy. c. Sicily. d. Cyclas calyculata, Draparnaud. England. e. Cyclas calycidata, Draparnaud. France. (Ex Baudon Collection.) f. Cyclas Pereztii^ Villa. Spain. (Ex auctore.) 23. SPHLflSRIUM MINERVA, Prime. Tasmania. (Undescribed. 4 6 FOSSIL. (TERTIARY.) France. 24. SPH^ERIUM CONCINNUM, Sowerby. Edin. new phylosophical Journal. 1829. Fuveau. 25. SPH^ERIUM GARDANENSE, Matheron. / / Matheron Cat. method. 1842. Fuveau. LIMOSINA. Central America, i. LIMOSINA MACULATA, Morelet. Smithson. Monogr. Yucatan. (Ex auctore.) 2. LIMOSINA MERIDIONALIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Panama. 47 3. LIMOSINA VEATLEYII, C. B. Adams. Smithson. Monogr. Jamaica. (Ex auctore.) 4. LIMOSINA PORTORICENSIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr, Portorico. a. Agabama river, Cuba. 5. LIMOSINA PARVULA, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Humacao, Portorico. 6. LIMOSINA VIRIDANS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Guadaloupe 7. LIMOSINA BARBADENSIS, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Barbadoes. 4 8 8. LIMOSINA CUBANA, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Sabana de Roble, between Havana and Matanzas, Cuba, a. Agabama river, Cuba. b. Esperanza, c. Punta de la Yaula, " d. Bnserrada de Corrientes, " c. Catalina de Guarra, South America. 9. LIMOSINA BAHIENSIS, Spix. Smithson. Monogr. Bahia. South Africa. 10. LIMOSINA FERRUGINEA, Krauss. Krauss Moll. 1848. Knysna river, the Cape. 49 PISIDIUM. North America. x. PISIDIUM VIRGINICUM, Bourguignat. Smithson. Monogr. a. Quebec. b. Massachusetts. c. Western New York. d. Bronx river, N. Y. e. Ohio. f. Wisconsin. g. New Jersey, h. Pennsylvania, j. Georgia. k. Virginia. 1. Maryland. m. Michigan. n. St. Ignace Island, Lake Superior. o. Pisidium Adamsi, Prime. Maine. p. Cyclas nitida, C. B. Adams. Norway, Maine. (Ex auctore.) 50 2. PISIDIUM ^QUILATERALE, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Maine. b. Massachusetts. c. Hudson river. 3. PISIDIUM COMPRESSUM, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Canada. b. Maine. c. Massachusetts. d. Western New York. e. Westchester Co., N. Y. f. New Jersey. g. Virginia. h. Stanislaus County, Ca. j . St. Ignace Island, Lake Superior. k. Arizona. 1. Cyclas altilis, Anthony. Miami Canal, Ohio. (Ex auctore.) m. Pisidium cicet, Prime. Western New York. 4. PISIDIUM VARIABILE, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Maine. b. New Hampshire. c. Connecticut. d . Massachusetts . e. Saratoga Lake. f. Virginia. g. Pisidium grande, Whittemore, Cambridge, Mass. (Ex auctore. 5. PISIDIUM ABDITUM, Haldeman. Smithson. Monogr. a. Lancaster County, Pa. (Ex auctore.) b. New Jersey. c. Quebec. d. Maine. e. '] |New Hampshire. ] f. New Brunswick. g. Massachusetts, h. Rhode Island. j. Connecticut. :'.* ;^ k. Manhattan Island, N. Y. 1. Staten Island, N. Y. m. Long Island, N. Y. ri'." Western New York, o. Westchester Co., N. Y. 52 p. Michigan. q. Virginia. r. South Carolina. s. Georgia. t. Florida. u. Minnesota. v. St. Ignace Island, Lake Superior. w. Cycfas minor, C. B. Adams. Wey bridge, Vt. (Ex auctore.) x. Pisidium tenellum, Gould. Lake Superior. (Ex auctore.) y. Pisidium minus, Stimpson. Cambridge, Mass. (Ex auctore.) z. Pisidium Kurtzii, Prime. Charleston, S. Ca. ai. Pisidium zonatum, Prime. Cambridge, Mass, bi. Pisidium regulate. Prime. Ohio, ci. Pisidium notatum, Prime. Washington Co., N. Y. di. Pisidium resartum Ingalls. Washington County, N. Y. (Ex auctore.) ei. Pisidium vubrum, Lewis. Herdimer County, N. Y. (Ex auctore.) fi. Pisidium plenum, Lewis. Otsego County, N. Y. (Ex auctore.) gi. Pisidium Nov.-Eboracense, Prime. Western New York. hi. Pisidium amplum, Ingalls. Washington County, N. Y. (Ex auctore.) 53 6. PISIDIUM FERRUGINEUM, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. a. Massachusetts. b. Western New York. 7. PISIDIUM VENTRICOSUM, Prime. Smithson, Monogr. a. Massachusetts. b. Western New York. c. New Brunswick. d. Pisidium rotundatum, Prime. Hab. ? 8. PISIDIUM STEENBUCHII, Morch. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard V. Greenland. (Ex auctore.) 9. PISIDIUM OCCIDENTALS, Newcomb. Smithson. Monogr. California. (Ex auctore.) 10. PISIDIUM ULTRAMONTANUM, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Canoe Creek, Ca. 54 Central America. ii. PISIDIUM RETUSUM, Prime. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. Honduras. West Indies. 12. PISIDIUM JAMAICENSE, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Cyclas pygmea, C. B. Adams, Jamaica. (Ex auctore.) 13. PISIDIUM SIMILE, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Guadeloupe. 14. PISIDIUM CONSANGUINEUM, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Cuba, a. Pisidium Gundlachi, Arango. Cuba. (Ex auctore.) 55 15. PISIDIUM PUNCTIFERUM, Guppy. Ann. mag. nat. hist. 3d series XIX. Trinidad. (Ex auctore.) South America. 16. PISIDIUM TITICACENSE, Prime. Lake Titicaca, Peru. (Collected in 1876 by the Agassis expe- dition. .Undescribed). 17. PISIDIUM CHILENSE, Deshayes. Smithson. Monogr. Valparaiso, a. Pisidium angulatum, Prime. Coquimbo, Chile. Europe. 18. PISIDIUM AMNICUM, Jenyns. Baudon Pisid. 1857. a. Agen, France. 56 b. Dept. of Calvados, France. c. Gers, d. Savoy. e. Geneva. f. Lombardy. g. Cassel. h. Dublin, j. England. k. Pisidium obliquum, Pfeiffer. Germany. (Ex auctore.) 1. Pisidium inflatum^ Megerle. Como. m. Pisidium Grateloupianum, Normand. France. (Ex auctore.) n. Pisidium sulcatum, Parreys. Germany. (Ex auctore.) o. Pisidium Btirgundiacum y Bilie. Dijon. (Ex auctore.) 19. PISIDIUM CASERTANUM, Bourguignat. Baudon Pisid. 1857. a. Agen, France. b. Dept. of Calvados, France. c. Troyes, d. Dept. of Creuse, 57 e. Dept. of Vosges, France. f. Gers, " g. Savoy. h. Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. j. Geneva. k. the Bachsteg, Switzerland. 1. the Wengernalp, " m. Como. n. Genoa. o. Rome. p. Sicily. q. Dalmatia. r. Gratz. s. Portugal. t. Spain. u. County Kerry, Ireland. v. Pisidium pulchellum, Jenyns. Dept. of Oise, France. w. " " " Dept of Agen, France. x. " " " Dept. of Creuse, France. y. " ' " Savoy. z. " " " Geneva. ai. " austtale, Philippi. Dept. of Aube, France. bi. " " " Sicily. 58 ci. Pisidium cinereum, Alder, Dept. of Vosges, France, di. " " " Dept. of Aube, ei. " " " Dept. of Oise, fi. limosum, Gassies. Agen, France. (Ex auctore.) gi. " theimale, Dupuy. Dept. of Creuse, France. (Ex auctore.) hi. sinualum, Bourguignat. Dept. of Oise, France. (Ex auctore.) ji. lenticulare } Dupuy. Savoy, (Ex auctore.) ki. " " " Valenciennes. (Ex auctore.) li. " " " Dept. of Aisne, France. (Ex auctore.) mi. " <4 " Dept. of Oise, France, n i . ' ' ' ' " Dept. of Calvados, France. 01. globulate, Gassies. Agen, France. (Ex auctore.) pi. planum, Pfeiffer. Germany. (Ex auctore.) qi. Stabileii, Schmidt. Canton of the Grisons, Switzerland. (Ex auctore.) ri. SphcEiium Hetminii, Weld. Estrella Mountains, Spain. (Ex Cuming Collection.) 59 20. PISIDIUM PUSILLUM, Jenyns. Baudon Pisid. 1857. a. France. b. Pisidiumfontinale, Pfeiffer. France. c. " " " Dept. of Oise, France. d. lf " " Savoy. e. " roseum, Scholtz. Silesia. (Ex auctore.) 21. PISIDIUM OBTUSALE, Pfeiffer. Baudon Pisid. 1857. a. Dept. of Gers, France. b. Silesia. c. Pisidium minimum, Studer. Switzerland. 22. PISIDIUM DUPLICATUM, Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer Syst. Anord. 1821. Germany. (Ex auctore.) 23. PISIDIUM NITIDUM, Jenyns. Baudon Pisid, 1857. a. Dept. of Oise, France. b. Agen, c. Pisidium incettum, Normand. Valenciennes. (Ex auctore.) 6o 24. PISIDIUM MILIUM, Held. Martini & Chemnitx, 2d edition. a. Dept. of Oise, France. b. Pisidium notmandianum, Dupuy. France. c. " tetragonum, Normand. Valenciennes. (Exauc- tore.) d. ". Baudonianum, de Cessac. Dept. of Creuse, France. (Ex auctore.) 25. PISIDIUM HENSLOWIAN'UM, Jenyns. Baudon Pisid. 1857. a. Dept. of Oise, France. b. Pisidium acutum, Pfeiffer. Germany. (Ex auctore.) c. " Jayanum, Gassies. Agen, France. (Ex auctore.) e. " pallidum, f. Bonnafouxianunit de Cessac. Dept. of Creuse, France. (Ex auctore.) 26. PISIDIUM CONICUM, Baudon. Baudon Pisid. 1857. Dept. of Oise, France. 6i 27. PISIDIUM FERRCENSE, Morch. Cat. Suenson 1857. Farroe Islands. (Ex auctore.) 28. PISIDIUM SEPTENTRIONALE, Prime Umea, Lapland. (Undescribed.) 29. PISIDIUM NOV.-ZEALANDICUM, Prime. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum VIII. New -Zealand. 30. PISIDIUM CANARIENSE, Shuttleworth. Mittheil. naturf. Gesel. Bern 1852. Canaries. (Ex auctore.) 31. PISIDIUM BENSONI, Prime. Pisidium pavvulum, Benson. India. (Ex auctore.) 62 FOSSIL. 32. PISIDIUM ANTIQUUM, Braun. Germany. (Kx auctore.) 33. PISIDIUM CONTORTUM, Prime. Smithson. Monogr. Pittsfield, Mass, a. St. John, New Brunswick. Prime. Temp! P7 Biology Library poradic papers JUK 2 5 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY