REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received Accessions No.^.K?.''-.. Shelf No. f- THE LAW OF STORMS CONSIDERED PRACTICALLY; BEING A DIGEST OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND THE MODIFICATION OF THAT THEORY AS DUE TO THE IN-GOING SPIRAL CIRCULATION OF THE WIND IN A CYCLONE ; TOGETHER WITH A SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF RECENT INVESTIGATION. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. BY W. H. ROSSER, Author of the" Deviation of the Compass in Iron Ships Considered Practically," " How to Find the Stars," " Stellar Navigation," &c. &c. SECOND EDITION, WITH IMPORTANT CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY NOEIE & WILSON, PUBLISHER OF CHARTS AND NAUTICAL WORKS, AT THE NAVIGATION WAREHOUSE AND NAVAL ACADEMY, 156 MINORIES. 1886. REID AND SON, PRINTERS, LEITH PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE progress of meteorology an > s -> S.W, W, N.W, N, N.E, E, S.E, S. 3fr > and the change takes place oftener between S. and W. and be- tween N. and E. than between W. and N. and between E. and S. (B) In the Southern Hemisphere, when polar and equatorial currents alternately succeed each other, the wind veers in general round the compass in the direction a> > S, S.E, E, N.E, N, N.W, W, S.W, S. Jfr > and the change takes place oftener between N. and W. and be- tween S. and E. than between W. and S. and between E. and N. This is DOVE'S " Law of Gyration " (Gesetz der Drehung), or the Law of the Rotation of the Winds. 20 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT According to this law, the veering of the wind-vane may merely indicate the existence of a steady current of air ; and it is a misappre- hension of this fact that causes the existing, or constantly recurring, confusion with reference to questions bearing on the theory of the winds. The essential difference between the veering of the wind-vane as pro- duced by a steady breeze and that resulting from a centripetal current, or a whirling motion with an advancing centre, is, however, that in the first case (i.e. with a steady breeze) the rotation is always in the same direction, but in the case of the second (i.e. in a whirlwind or hurricane) it veers on both sides of the track, and in opposite directions. If therefore, as regards the Northern Hemisphere, the veering in the direction S., W., N., E., be called "with the sun," or direct, and the veering in the direction S., E., N., W., be called " against the sun," or retrograde, as is customary; and similarly, in the Southern Hemisphere, the veering through S., E., N., W., be called "with the sun,"* and the veering through S., W., N., E., be called "against the sun,"* it follows that Steady winds turn the vane only in a direct sense, that is, with the sun. Whirlwinds, or centripetal gales, if they have a progressive motion, turn the vane either with or against the sun, according to the side on which the centre passes the place of observation. Finally When steady winds from different directions approach each other, rotations ensue in both ways : direct when, on the west side of the compass, a wind is more northerly than that which preceded it, retrograde, when it is more southerly. On the east side, on the contrary, the gyration is direct when the displacing wind is more southerly than that which preceded it, retrograde, when it is more northerly. Winds from directly opposite points may check each other and produce a calm, and thereby give rise to the same phenomenon as is observed at the centre of a series of centripetal currents or of a whirlwind, viz. winds diametrically opposed separated by a calm. Thus the same appearances may arise under totally different con- ditions, and it is only by means of a careful investigation of all the phases of a phenomenon that a decision can be pronounced on any one * These expressions dift'er from the seaman's view : the movement from left to right, as being " with the sun," originated in the Northern Hemisphere, beyond the tropic, where the sun culminates in the South, and hence, looking in that direction, the sun rises on the left and sets on the right hand i.e. left to right, " with the sun ; " this idea the seaman carries with him over every part of the globe. But left to right, " with the sun," is erroneous in the Southern Hemisphere, where an observer sees the sun rise on the right hand, culminate in the North, and set on the left hand. The expression in the text is therefore correct, though not in the seaman's sense. OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 21 phase which presents itself in a particular instance. In these researches the barometer is one of the chief guides. The following brief remarks (pp. 21-29) are a general summary of the result of DOVE'S investigations into the Law of the Rotation of the Winds and the Law of Storms*: (1.) All steady winds are modified by the earth's rotation in such manner that equatorial currents receive a westerly deflection, and polar currents an easterly deflection. The N.E. and the S.E. Trade winds are steady polar currents. The Monsoons are alternations of a polar and equatorial current, according to the season of the year; therefore they are N.E. and S.W. in the Northern Hemisphere, and S.E. and N.W. in the Southern Hemisphere. (2.) Bodies of air which, from a state of rest, are set in motion in the direction of the meridian, turn the wind-vane as follows : The polar current in the northern hemisphere, from N. to E. The polar current in the southern hemisphere, from S. to E. The equatorial current in the northern hemisphere, from S. to W. The equatorial current in the southern hemisphere, from N. toW. Hence, generally, in the Northern Hemisphere Winds between N. and E. are the polar current, and Those between E. and S. mark the transition of the polar into an equatorial current : Winds between S. and W. are the equatorial current, and Those between W. and N. mark the transition of the equatorial into a polar current. In the Southern Hemisphere Winds between S. and E. are the polar current, and Those between E. and N. mark the transition of the polar into an equatorial current : Winds between N". and W. are the equatorial current, and Those between W. and S. mark the transition of the equa- torial into a polar current. Thus a complete rotation in the Northern Hemisphere is ]H> > S., W., N., E., S., )]> > with the sun; And in the Southern Hemisphere ) > S., E., K, W., S., )^> > with the sun; * " Pas Gesets der Stiirme," pp. 187-192. 22 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT (3.) The course of a steady wind may be obstructed from following the deflection impressed on it by the rotation of the earth : (a) By a wind blowing constantly in a direction perpendicular to its primitive : such are the West Indian hurricanes, which, for this reason, advance first from S.E. to N.W., while those of the Southern Hemisphere advance from N.E. to S.W. ( b) By a less deflected aerial current : such is the origin of typhoons during the S.W. monsoon, which, further to the eastward, is bounded by the South monsoon. Of the typhoons, however, that have a progressive motion from W. to E., it is probable that they result from the heavy air of the Trade-wind region situated to the east- ward rushing laterally through the rarefied air of the region of the S.W. monsoon, and thus producing a whirl- wind. (c) By a mechanical impediment; as in the instance of a storm (described by PIDDINGTON) which occurred in the Bay of Bengal, June 1839.* In these cases, when the storm is an equatorial one, whirlwinds are produced in the Northern Hemisphere in a direction contrary to that in which the hands of a watch move ; and in the Southern Hemisphere, in the same direction as the hands of a watch move. Hence in the Northern Hemisphere the following shiftings of the wind-vane occur : (a) If the centre of the storm passes westward of the place of observation The rotation will be ^> > S., W., N., E., S. ^> > with the sun ; (b) If the centre of the storm passes eastward of the place The rotation will be )^> > S., E., K, W., S. >J|> > against the sun. But in the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, when the storm is an equatorial one : (a) If the centre of the storm passes westward of the place of observation The rotation will be )]. > S., E., N., W., S. )^> > with the sun ; * When a strong monsoon wind, " blowing in with tolerable steadiness from one quarter of the compass," was diverted from its course by the mountains of Arraean, and became "a hurricane, i.e. a violent wind blowing in a circle or vortex of greater or less diameter." OF THE LAW OP STORMS. 23 (b) If it passes eastward of the place The rotation will be J^ > S., W., K, E., S. J^ > against the sun. Thus, in both hemispheres, an Equatorial whirlwind storm passing on the west side of the place of observation produces normal rotations, i.e. such as are in accordance with the law of gyration; but its passage on the east side of the same place produces anomalous rotations, i.e. such as are contrary to the law of gyration. In Polar whirlwind storms the effect is precisely opposite to that just described : the rotation is normal when the centre passes to the eastward, and anomalous when it passes to the westward, of the place of observation. The old rule, that " anomalous shif tings of the wind-vane occur in stormy weather," is in this manner justified. It cannot, however, be ascertained from those shif tings whether an equatorial whirlwind passes on one side, or a polar one on the other; this depends on the initial point of the shifting, and, as a consequence of the rotation, can never amount to more than half a circle. (4.) The wind- vane may shift from one direction to that immediately opposite to it (a) When steady winds oppose each other, i.e. fight with each other, as the seaman says ; and (b) When the centre of a whirlwind storm passes over the place of observation. (5.) A wind may be part of a whirlwind storm even when the wind- vane does not shift at the place of observation. This happens when the place is so situated as to be only on the outer edge of the whirlwind. On one side the storm then appears to retrograde, and on the other to advance : if, for instance, a whirlwind (revolving contrary to the motion of watch hands) is advancing from S.W. to N.E., on the north-west side of such a storm, a N.E. wind is experienced in the south-westerly regions earlier than in the north-easterly, whilst on the south- east side of the storm a S.W. wind actually appears to be advancing, and so it enters the north-easterly regions at a later period. The first is the well-known case observed (in 1742) by FRANKLIN during an eclipse of the moon.* * This was the hurricane of Oct. 21, 1742. FRANKLIN, at Philadelphia, was unable to observe the eclipse of the moon that occurred that evening, but it was seen at Boston. The N.W. side of the storm, with its N.E. wind, readied Philadelphia about 7 p.m., and subsequently (at 11 p.m.) appeared at Boston, about 400 miles N.E. of the former place. 24 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Those who, founding their theory on this and analogous instances, divide the winds into positive (by aspiration) and negative (by impulsion), call one side of such a storm positive, and the other negative. (6.) In the temperate zones storms are caused, also, by two oppo- sitely directed currents of air in juxtaposition one pressing laterally on the other ; then, during the transition, the shift- ing of the wind- vane may be either with or against the sun, but always according to the direction of one or other of the currents impinging on each other. (7.) Local phenomena, as land and sea breezes, counter currents through valleys, deflections of the Trade winds by the coast, trombs,* etc., affect the wind- vane according to local conditions, and these may be such as either to produce a veering of the vane in accordance with, or contrary to, the law of rotation. In open regions this occurs periodically every day, at the season when the general air currents (Trades) are less pre- dominant, as is the case also in the region of the " variables " between the Trades, at the time of the change of the monsoons, and generally in summer, when the ascending current (courant ascendant) weakens the force of the horizontal currents. Indeed it is not impossible that, setting aside local influences, one cause of a periodical shifting of the wind-vane originates in the daily course of the sun : for example, if the locality where the daily maximum of temperature occurs forms a point of attraction for bodies of air in its vicinity, then will the direction of the wind during the morning be westerly, and during the afternoon, easterly, and thus the wind- vane will turn in a direction contrary to the movement of the magnetic needle. Now whirlwinds not being confined to a definite locality, the pro- bability that any given place may be situated on the east side of their course is just as great as that it should be on the west side ; the same is also the case where whirlwinds owe their origin to local causes. The predominance of the rotation of the wind in a definite direction (with the sun) is consequently a phenomenon unconnected with the whirling motion of the storm-winds, but due only to the influence of the earth's rotation on progressive steady winds. * It has been observed that trombs, or small local whirlwinds, being due to local causes and not being affected by the earth's rotation, turn indiscriminately, some, one way and some the other, and depend on no rule producing uniformity of motion. OF THE LAW OP STORMS. 25 Now three things are possible : 1. Either all rotations of the wind-vane through great arcs are caused by whirlwinds ; and in this case (a) If these whirlwinds occur arbitrarily, now at one place and then at another, there is no predominating direction in the shifting of the vane ; or, (6) If the origin of these whirlwinds is local, and if, in their progress they pursue paths more or less constant, then there are, at certain places in each hemisphere, predominant shif tings of the wind-vane in the direction S., E., N., W., and at others in the direction S., W., N., E. 2. Or, all shif tings of the wind- vane have their origin in alternations or displacements of steady meridional air currents, in accordance with the principles of Hadley's theory of the Trade-winds, and in consequence of opposing currents pushing through each other ; in this case the rotation is in the direction S., E., N., W., in the northern hemisphere, and S., W., N., E. in the southern hemisphere, i.e. in both cases the wind veers with the sun. The backing of the wind cannot, under these conditions, exceed a quadrant of the circle. 3. Or, lastly, the shiftings of the wind-vane arise in both ways viz. from the alternation and displacement of meridional air currents, and from a progressive whirlwind; consequently, in each hemi- sphere, rotations of both kinds must occur, but those "with the sun" will predominate. In both hemispheres, the first cause produces only rotations with the sun, and the second produces just as many rotations with the sun as against the sun. Hence (however frequent whirlwinds may be) the rotations that are direct must always be in excess of those that are retrograde. Research has shown that whirlwind storms (hurricanes or cyclones), originate at certain places, and pursue certain directions ; for instance (a) WEST INDIA HURRICANES (Aracan or Huiran-vucan of the coast of Mexico, Vuthan of Patagonia) commence on the inner edge of the N.E. Trade wind, and even within the Trade wind itself, especially in the latter part of summer and in autumn; and their whirling motion is caused originally by the S.E. Trade encountering the N.E. Trade, or by portions of the upper Trade wind descending from above. They progress from S.E. to N.W. in the torrid zone, then, recurving at right angles at the outer edge of the Trade wind, they move from S.W. to N.E. ; during the 26 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT progression, the whirlwind, revolving in a direction opposite to that in which the hands of a watch move, expands very considerably. In the region of the S.E. Trade wind of the Atlantic, whirlwind storms occur with less frequency. (b) TYPHOONS in the northern Indian Ocean and China Sea occur most frequently in autumn, but are also violent at the commencement of the S.W. monsoon. The direction in which they advance is rather more from E. to W. than from N.E. to S.W., especially on the south coast of China. In the southern half of the Indian Ocean they are likewise very violent, progressing there from N.E. to S.W., and recurving at right angles at the outer edge of the Trade wind, whence they advance from N.W. to S.E. The rota- tion of the air in the whirlwind storms which occur in the Northern Hemisphere is in the opposite direction to that in which the hands of a watch move, and in the direction with watch hands in the Southern Hemisphere. The causes which produce these effects lie in the juxtaposition of the regions of the monsoons and Trade winds, as well as in the displacement of one monsoon by the other. Under certain local conditions, a whirlwind storm may be so modified as to assume at particular spots the form of a steady wind, although, when its course is observed over a considerable distance, it shows itself to be a real whirlwind. This is the case, for instance, according to REDFIELD, with the Northers of the Gulf of Mexico, which, especially from September to March, at Yera Cruz, reach their greatest height four hours after they commence, and then blow for 48 hours with undiminished fury. REDFIELD explains this long duration of the storm from one direction, by the whirlwind, when advancing from the east- ward, being arrested by the high land, and as a consequence flattened, so that its circular form is partially changed into a rectilinear one. The N.E. and N.N.E. storms of the Pacific Ocean, on the coasts of Nicaragua and Guatemala, known by the names Papagallo and Tehuantepec, are, according to KEDFIELD, the fine-weather side of a whirlwind storm ; while the S.W. gales in August and September, which are called Tapayaguas, represent the other side. It may not be wholly irrelevant to give, in this place, DOVE'S views on the behaviour and movements of meteorological instruments in connection with the " Law of Gyration :" Calculating the mean of all the readings of the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer, observed during each change of the wind, taken individually, after the elimination OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 27 of the periodical changes that is, if we determine the mean distribution of pressure, temperature, and moisture round the compass, or, in other words, construct a barometrical) thermal, and atmospherical wind-rose it will be found that this wind-rose has two poles of pressure and heat, that in fact there are two points, nearly opposite to each other, at one of which it is coldest, and the barometer highest ; and at the other it is hottest, and the barometer lowest. From the maximum of pressure to its minimum, as well as from the maximum of heat to its minimum, the barometrical and thermal mean corresponding to different winds decreases uninterruptedly. The former point is situated nearly at N.E., and the other nearly at S.W. Proceeding from S.W., through West, to N.E., the mean height of the thermometer decreases, whilst the mean height of the barometer increases; but from N.E., through East to S.W., the mean height of the thermometer increases, whilst the mean height of the barometer decreases. What is perceptible in the mean height of the thermometer and barometer due to the winds must also appear in the mean movements of those instruments at the time of the transition of one wind into another, and this just as well on the hypothesis of a varying as on that of a uniform rotatory velocity. Since, however, the elasticity of aqueous vapour, so far as regards its distribution around the compass, is in close connection with the thermal wind-rose, but the pressure of dry air is closely connected with the barometric one, it follows that the changes in the pressure of dry air and of the barometer are precisely in an inverse ratio to the changes in the temperature of the air and the elasticity of the vapour suspended in it. Assuming then, as a necessary consequence of these theoretical considerations, that the N.W. point is the equivalent in the Southern Hemisphere of the S.W. point in the Northern, and the S.E. point in the former corresponds to the N.E. point in the latter, we have the following MEAN MOVEMENTS OF METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS : In the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere. 1. The Barometer falls with East, S.E., 1. The Barometer falls with East, N.E., and South winds ; changes from and North winds ; changes from falling into rising with a S.W. falling into rising with a N.W. wind; rises with West, N.W., and wind; rises with West, S.W., and North winds ; and changes from South winds ; and changes from rising into falling with a N.E. wind. rising into falling with a S.E. wind. 2. The Thermometer rises with East, 2. The Thermometer rises with East, S.E., and South winds; changes N.E., and North winds; changes from rising into falling with a S. W. from rising into falling with a N. W. wind; falls with West, N.W., and wind; falls with West, S.W., and North winds ; and changes from South winds ; and changes from falling into rising with a N.E. wind. falling into rising with a S.E. wind, 28 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 3. The Elasticity of Aqueous Vapour in- 3. The Elasticity of Aqueous Vapour in- creases with East, S.E., and South creases with East, N.E., and North winds ; its increase changes into winds ; its increase changes into decrease with a S. W. wind ; it de- decrease with a N. W. wind ; it de- creases with West, N. W., and North creases with West, S. W., and South winds ; and its decrease changes winds ; and its decrease changes into increase with a N. E. wind. into increase with a S. E. wind. 4. The Pressure of Dry Air decreases 4. The Pressure of Dry Air decreases with East, S.E., and South winds ; with East, N.E., and North winds ; its decrease changes into increase its decrease changes into increase with a S. W. wind ; it increases with with a N. W. wind ; it increases with West, N.W., and North winds ; West, S.W., and South winds ; and and its increase changes into de- its increase changes into decrease crease with a N.E. wind. with a S.E. wind. Thus there is this in common between the two hemispheres : the movements of meteorological instruments are the same with East winds in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE as they are with East winds in the SOUTHERN ; and the same is the case with West winds. The difference between the two hemispheres is only quantitative with N.W., N.E., S.W., and S.E. winds, and, on the other hand, it is qualitative with North and South winds; i.e. the mean changes of meteorological in- struments are greatest in the Northern Hemisphere with N.W. and S.E. winds, and least (owing to the compensation of the opposite move- ments) with N.E. and S.W. winds; in the Southern Hemisphere (owing to the compensation of opposite movements) they are least with N.W. and S.E. winds, and, on the contrary, they are greatest with N.E. and S.W. winds. The changes with North winds in the Northern Hemi- sphere are, however, different from the changes that occur with North winds in the Southern Hemisphere ; under like climatic conditions they are, however, according to their amount, the same in both hemispheres : if, for instance, there be a rise in an instrument with a North wind in the Northern Hemisphere, it will sink with a North wind in the Southern, and vice versa. The same occurs with South winds. In conclusion, the character of approaching weather as indicated by meteorological instruments, and the rules appertaining thereto, will be most simple in the zone of the Trade- winds, because in that region the rotation of the earth (as shown by the simple circumstance of a constant direction in the initial and terminal points of the air current) does not produce a regular shifting of the wind-vane, but its constant deflection, that is, a steady wind which is the Trade ; and the storms have only one form, that of the whirlwind. In the region of the monsoons they will be somewhat more complicated, because there the annual alternation of two air currents produces one annual shifting of the vane, being periodical winds ; and the storms, the form of which is likewise whirl- ing, have however a less constant direction, and in fact must deviate in a certain degree from the prevalent one in order to produce a whirl- OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 29 wind. Lastly, they must be most complicated in the temperate zone, where the law of rotation is most completely developed; but storms occur in all forms hitherto known. The temperate zone has, however, this advantage over the torrid zone, that whirlwinds produce but modified effects as compared with the fearful violence of similar storms in the tropics, where they are so destructive. DOVE. It is necessary, however, to mention here that DOVE'S weather wind- roses, as given on pp. 27-28, were calculated half-a-century ago on the assumption that what held good for Western Europe was true for the entire Northern Hemisphere, while those for the Southern Hemisphere were formed on the assumption that a southerly wind, trending from the pole towards the equator, corresponds to a northerly wind in northern latitudes ; hence it is not surprising that later observations, carried on over a more extended area, show that these wind-roses have only a partial value. It is due, however, to DOVE to state that he did not suppose they would be consistent for all seasons : but rather that the changes would be more decided in winter than in summer. Barometer. Of all meteorological instruments the barometer is the most valuable to the seaman, even though its mean height for the geographical position is unknown to him. Beyond the tropics, and in the higher latitudes, the oscillations of the barometer are incessant and irregular, ranging (rising and falling) through a space of 1J to 2 inches, or even 3 inches on extraordinary occasions; and thus its indications fail at times to convey the same definite information that they do between the tropics, unless interpreted by the aid of the thermometer and hygrometer, in conjunction with various atmospheric and oceanic appearances. Between the tropics the oscillations of the barometer are also incessant, but they are regular. The periodical range due to the season does not exceed a few tenths ; but the most marked of the periodical oscillations is that which occurs daily, and this is so regular that Humboldt asserted that the hour of the day might be known within fifteen to seventeen minutes (on the average) by the height of the mercury. It shows every day two maxima and two minima, as follows, according to the locality : at some time between 9 and 11 a.m. the mercury begins to fall, and con- tinues to do so until between 3 to 5 p.m., when it reaches the lowest point of depression; it then rises until between 9 to 11 p.m., when it reaches the highest point of elevation ; after that it recommences to fall, falling until between 3 to 5 a.m., from which time it again rises until between 9 to 11 a.m. The amount of range, again according to locality, varies from -06 to '12 of an inch. A daily oscillation is not confined to 30 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT the tropics ; it is equally existent in the higher latitudes, where however it is much smaller than in the vicinity of the Equator, but is considerably masked by the frequent fluctuations to which the atmosphere is at all times subjected. The daily oscillation within the tropics is also very generally masked to a ship sailing from north to south, or from south to north, owing to her continual change of place, so that the barometer may appear to be tolerably steady : hence in equatorial and tropical regions any deviation from the usual mean such as rising when it ought to fall, or falling when it ought to rise, or a change during a few hours of two or three tenths of an inch is a cautionary warning that the usual and regular state of the tropical atmosphere is disturbed, and that a hurricane has already commenced at a distance from the ship, in which case the barometer will continue to fall at a rate depending on the distance at which the ship is situated from the central calm as the hurricane passes in her direction. On the outer limits of the storm the barometer may be at its normal height, or even a little above it, say 30 or 30-1 inches ; it falls more and more rapidly as the centre of the storm approaches, while within the calm area it has been found as low as between 27 and 28 inches, so that the barometric curve for the entire storm-field would present something of the form of Fig. 3. Prognostications of unfavourable weather, and especially of an approaching hurricane, vary considerably, but between the tropics the barometer is an unerring monitor \ and a rapid fall, after a few hours irregular oscillation, even when atmospheric and oceanic appearances are absent, is conclusive, and involves important consequences. So far, then, the first stage in the history of the Law of Storms was the general recognition that hurricanes or cyclones are progressive whirl- winds, revolving around a calm centre, and that, whatever other prognostications might herald their approach and mark their continuance, the barometer is the most valuable monitor. But these views did not pass wholly unchallenged. REDFIELD, when discussing the facts and observations he had accumulated, must neces- sarily theorise on the cause of hurricanes ; and in this he was unfortunate. He had two opponents in America, who, though they did not entertain precisely similar opinions on the subject, were yet, in the main, advocates of an "in-blowing theory" as opposed to the "circular theory" of storms maintaining at the same time the progressive motion. These opponents were Dr. ROBERT HARE and JAMES ESPY : the former had written on gales and storms as early as 1822, and continued to oppose pSE LIBft^, * or rf 'r ~\ EBS1TY jj OF THE LAW OF STO^Itet Cd/ lerrtDMtA. 31 REDFIELD'S views, and make occasional strictures on those of ESPY, until 1854; ESPY, as a writer on storms, dates from 1836 to 1857, and his chief works are, the Philosophy of Storms, and Reports on Meteorology to the Burgeon-General of the United States Army. It cannot be denied that ESPY'S views on, and theory of, storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes were favourably received by a large body of supporters. He had noticed the extraordinary fall of the barometer which accompanies these phenomena ; then, collecting facts and obser- vations, as well as following the traces impressed on the ground in the track of hurricanes, he concluded that in those storms the air rushes directly from the exterior towards a central space ; so that, if the wind from one side blows east, it blows from the west on the other side, while the centre shifts its place. He recognised, as a cause of this " in- blowing," an ascending column of air, the temperature of which does not vary, because the precipitation of its moisture restores to it the temperature it loses by expansion : this ascending column gives rise to a wind on the surface of the earth ; and above, to the formation of a cumulus, which is immediately resolved into hail or rain. ESPY'S theory explained in full is as follows : " When the air in any locality acquires a higher temperature or a higher dew-point than that of the surrounding regions, it is specifically lighter, and will ascend. In ascending it comes under less pressure, and expands ; in expanding from diminished pressure, it grows colder about 1J Fahr. for every hundred yards of ascent. In cooling as low as the dew-point (which it will do when it rises as many hundred yards as the dew-point at the time is below the temperature of the air in degrees of Fahrenheit) it will begin to condense its vapour into water or cloud. In condensing its vapour, it will evolve latent caloric; this evolution of latent caloric will prevent the air from cooling so fast in its further ascent as it did in ascending below the base of the cloud now forming ; the current of air, however, will continue to ascend and grow colder about half as much as it would do if it had no vapour in it to condense ; and when it has risen high enough to have condensed by the cold of expansion from diminished pressure one-hundredth of its weight of vapour, it will be about 48 less cold than it would have been if it had had no vapour to condense nor latent caloric to give out that is, it will be about 48 warmer than the surrounding air at the same height ; it will therefore (without making any allowance for the higher dew-point of the ascending current) be about one-tenth lighter than the surrounding colder air, and of course it will continue to ascend to the top of the atmosphere, spreading out in all directions above as it ascends, over- lapping the air in all the surrounding regions in the vicinity of the storm, and fall still more under the storm-cloud by the outspreading of air 32 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT above thus leaving less ponderable matter near the centre of the up- moving column to press on the barometer below. " The barometer thus standing below the mean under the cloud in the central region, and above the mean on the outside of the cloud, the air will blow on all sides from without inward under the cloud ; the air, on coming under the cloud, being subjected to less pressure, will ascend and carry up the vapour it contains with it, and as it ascends will become colder by expansion from constantly diminished pressure, and will begin to condense its vapour into the cloud at the height indicated before, and thus the process of cloud-forming will go on. " Now it is known that the upper current of air in the United States moves constantly, from a known cause, towards the eastward probably a little to the south of east ; and as the upward-moving column con- taining the cloud is chiefly in this upper current of air, it follows that the storm cloud must move in the same direction; and over whatever region the storm cloud appears, to that region will the wind blow below : thus the wind must set in with a storm from some eastern direction, and, as the storm cloud passes, the wind must change to some western direction, and blow from that quarter till the end of the storm." Thus ESPY'S theory is not wholly dissimilar from that of BRANDE, who wrote on the great European storm of 1782. It may be mentioned that Prof. BACHE, the late Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, was also a supporter of ESPY'S " in-blowing " theory. Now KEDFIELD had been unfortunate in his first supposition that " the leading storms of the Northern and Western Atlantic and of the American coast originate in detached and gyratory portions of the northern margin of the Trade winds, occasioned by the oblique obstruction which is opposed by the islands to the direct progress of this part of the Trade, or to these causes combined ; " and when his " circular " theory was threatened by an opponent's " in-blowing " one, he made more mistakes and many gratuitous assertions ; among the most remarkable may be mentioned that by which he explains the rotation of storms in a particular direction, on the assumption that the winds blow in horizontal circuits round the great oceanic basins, and his repudiation of the generally acknowledged theory of the Trade winds, mainly, as it would appear, because that theory was " founded on the alleged effects of calorific rarefaction in the equatorial region." From his stand-point there was no ascending current of air at the equatorial regions overflowing and passing off towards the temperate and polar regions, for rarefied air could not ascend except by means of " vorticular action;" and this seemed his best argument against the " in-blowing or centripetal theory " of ESPY and HARE, OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 33 It may here be observed that HARE, HEID and PIDDINGTON but especially HARE and PIDDINGTON ascribed the origin of hurricanes to an electrical or electro-magnetic disturbance of the atmosphere ; this is not singular, when we remember that not many years back every obscure natural phenomenon, especially in meteorology, was forthwith solved by referring it to an electrical cause : it is scarcely necessary to say that such origin for those storms is now regarded as untenable ; but there is no doubt that in most hurricanes electricity is developed to an enormous extent. PIDDINGTON also suggested that cyclones were originally formed above the earth, and that they descended, now horizontally (as horizontal discs), and now inclined at an angle, and that they both dilated and contracted in their progress. DOVE'S views have already been given in full (p. 18-26); he arrived at conclusions widely differing from those of ESPY, and strongly supported the " circular or rotary theory " as enunciated by REDFIELD, and developed by REID, PIDDINGTON and THOM. He admits of no centripetal theory, no incurving of the winds, but, on the contrary, maintains that they blow at the circumference in a direction perpen- dicular to the radii of the circle, while their progressive motion may be curvilinear, as in the West Indian and Mauritius hurricanes, or recti- linear, as in some of the Indian and China cyclones. In explaining the cause of their combined rotatory and progressive motion, he takes the West Indian hurricane as typical of all others, and proceeds to show how it originates at the inner boundary of the N.E. trade-wind owing to the intrusion of the upper counter-current of the Trade into the lower current, or even through a part of the S.E. trade traversing the equator, entering the northern hemisphere, and producing similar results ; as for example, Take the line a b (Fig. 4) to represent, for the Northern hemisphere, a series of molecules of air parallel with the equator, and which are set in motion towards the North, in the direction a c ; if the space d b h were empty or void, these molecules would tend towards g k, because their progression takes place from larger parallel circles towards those which are smaller. But if the space d b h be filled with air at rest, the molecules at b must encounter, on their way towards d, others having less velocity of rotation, the effect of which will be to diminish their velocity towards the East, and consequently the air at b, instead of moving to- wards h, would tend towards./! The molecules between a and b 34 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT are also affected but differently and to a smaller extent moving more towards g. It follows that if a b be a mass of air pressing forward from south to north, the direction of the storm- wind will be much more from south on its east than on its west side, where it will be more westerly, and thus a tendency to whirl (or rotate) originates in the direction S., E., N., "W. This tendency to whirl would not exist if there were no opposing mass in the space dbh; but, on the other hand, it will augment in proportion to the opposition of the two forces, and the westerly deflection of the storm is checked ; and the storm itself will rotate the more violently, the more it retains the original direction of its course. In the zone of the Trade-winds the space d b h is filled with air moving from N.E. towards S.W. : and it is there that the opposition will be greatest. The air at b may be checked to such an extent that it will preserve, unaltered, its direction towards d, while that at a has a tendency in the direction of g. The storm will therefore rotate with greatest force in the torrid zone, but at the same time preserve its dimensions unchanged. As soon, however, as it enters the temperate zone, it comes to a region where the space d b his already full of air moving from S.W. to N.E. The resistance which the air at b had previously experienced is now suddenly diminished, or wholly ceases, and instead of taking the direction b d it turns sharply in that of b h. The storm thus bending round suddenly at right angles to its previous direction, rapidly expands its dimension, since the differences in motion between the points a and b no longer exist. The hurricanes of the Southern hemisphere originate from the same cause, but the rotation takes place in the opposite way (Fig. 5), while the change of direction on the borders of the tropic is analogous to that which takes place in the Northern hemisphere. It may be remarked, in passing, that DOVE is a strong supporter of the ascending current in the region of the equatorial calms. Before proceeding further it may be as well to compare the three Systems the centripetal or "in-blowing," the centrifugal or "out- blowing," and the " circular or rotatory," to note where there is simi- larity, and where dissimilarity, whether they are stationary or have progression in any particular direction. The perfectly centripetal or " in-blowing " system is seen in Fig. 6, where the winds blow in all directions towards the centre, in such manner OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 35 that they are northerly on the north side, easterly on the east side, southerly on the south side, and westerly on the west side. This would be the same for both hemispheres. At the centre there is a calm area. There is no rotatory motion of the winds, though there may be pro- gression in a definite direction, which would give an apparent veering of the wind either with or against the sun's motion. The perfectly centrifugal or " out-blowing " system is seen in Fig 7 : in it the winds blow in all directions from the centre, and consequently directly opposite to those of the " in-blowing " system : thus, they are southerly on the north side, westerly on the east side, northerly on the south side, and easterly on the west side, for both hemispheres with a central calm area. In this case, also, there is no rotatory motion, but should there be progression in a definite direction, there must also be an apparent veering of the wind with or against the sun's motion. In the circular and rotatory system the wind, according to the popular idea, rotates around a central calm area, in a direction from right to left in the northern hemisphere, but from left to right in the southern hemi- sphere or, to use a familiar illustration, con- trary to the motion of the hands of a watch in the northern, but coincident therewith in the southern, hemisphere, and which is conse- quently contrary to the apparent course of the sun in each hemisphere (see Fig. 8). Hence it follows that, in the northern hemisphere the winds must be easterly in the northern quad- rant, southerly in the eastern quadrant, in the western quadrant ; while, for similar quadrants in the southern hemisphere, the direction of the winds must (since the rotation is reversed) be the reverse of those just given i.e., westerly in the northern quadrant, northerly in the eastern quadrant, easterly in the southern quadrant, and southerly in the western quadrant. And further, in each hemisphere, the winds must be westerly on the equatorial side of the storm. 36 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT One of the earliest axioms supposed to be established in connection with the rotatory theory of storms was, that, in each hemisphere, the centre of the storm always bore eight points from the wind, reckoned with the sun; such that in the N. hemisphere, when facing the wind, the centre would be square to the right ; in the S. hemisphere, square to the left. So also, as a consequence of the circular motion of the wind round a centre, combined with a bodily progressive movement, other two important axioms were thought to be established, as if appertaining exclusively to rotatory storms viz., that on the passage of such a storm over a place or ship . In the N. hemisphere the veering of the wind in the right hand semicircle must coincide with the apparent course of the sun, while in the left, hand semicircle it would be against the apparent course of the sun.* In the S. hemisphere the veering of the wind in the right hand semicircle must be contrary to (against) the apparent course of the sun, while in the left hand semicircle it would coincide with the apparent course of the sun.* Such, in brief, is the " Law of Storms " on the rotatory theory. It has already been shown (p. 20) that, for the N. hemisphere, veering in the direction E., S., W., N., E. is with the sun; and W., S., E., N., W. is against the sun; and, For the S. hemisphere, veering through E., N"., W., S., E. is with the sun ; and W., N., E., S., W. is against the sun. A glance at Figs. 6, 7, and 8, in conjunction with the more explicit statements in the following table, will show that, for the three systems of winds the centripetal, centrifugal, and circular though, for any given side of the area within which the wind is blowing, the direction of the wind is totally different, the veering, as with or against the sun, is precisely similar in all, and not confined to the circular or rotatory storm. N. HEMISPHERE. Centripetal. Centrifugal. Circular. Progres. motion to N". W. On right hand* On left hand Change of wind at centre Wind veers N.-N.E.-E. w.-s.w.-s. N.W.toS.E. Wind veers S.-S.W.-W. E.-KE.-K S.E. toN.W. Wind veers E.-S.E.-S. K-N.W.-W. N.E. toS.W. with sun against sun. Progres. motion to N.E. On right hand On left hand Change of wind at centre Wind veers i Wind veers E.-S.E.-S. W.-KW.-K N.-KW.-W. S.-S.E.-E. N.E. toS.W.S.W. toKE. Wind veers S.-S.W.-W. E.-N.E.-N. S.E. toN.W. with sun against sun. * Right and left in this case have reference to the track, as if looking towards the direction in which the storm is bodily progressing. OF THE LAW OP STORMS. 37 S. HEMISPHERE. Centripetal. Centrifugal. Circular. Progres. motion to S. W. On right hand On left hand Change of wind at centre Wind veers W.-N.W.-N. S.-S.E.-E. S.W. toN.E. Wind veers E.-S.E.-S. N.-N.W.-W. N.E. toS.W. Wind veers S.-S.W.-W. E.-N.E.-N. S.E. to N.W. against sun with sun. Progres. motion to S. E. On right hand On left hand Change of wind at centre Wind veers S.-S.W.-W. E.-N.E.-N. S.E. toN.W. Wind veers N.-N.E.-E. w.-s.w.-s. N.W. to S.E. Wind veers E.-S.E.-S. N.-N.W.-W. N.E. toS.W. against sun with sun. The most marked characteristic in the three systems is the change in the direction of the wind as the centre passes over a place ; in each it is from a given point to another directly opposite; but on the circular theory the change must always occur through two opposite directions, each of which is perpendicular to the movement of transla- tion, for example, in the N. hemisphere, with the storm moving to N.W.-ward, the change at the centre will be from N.E. to S.W. All these points of similarity and difference must be borne in mind in connection with the new views that are held by eminent meteorolo- gists in respect to hurricanes. The laws and rules briefly indicated on pp. 35-36, and respecting which it has been said that "nothing can be more definite and unambiguous," have also been very generally accepted in their hard and fast condition by the majority of French authors ; and in a work recently published the following illustration of the effect of the com- bined motion of translation and rotation is to be found : Take the case of a storm, in the northern hemisphere, moving towards the N.W. at the rate of 8 miles an hour, and in which the rotatory velocity of the winds is 80 miles : if tangents be drawn to the circle such that they represent the velocity of rotation (80 miles) as one component, and straight lines of one-tenth that length (8 miles) be drawn parallel with the track of the storm, as the other component ; on completing the parallelograms of which these are the sides, the diagonals of the parallelograms will give the resultant winds both as regards direction and velocity. On such a projection the winds at the different parts of the storm will be, in respect to direction, At S.W. part, wind N.W. S. S.E. E. N.E. N. N.W. W. W.^S. instead of West. S.W.4S. instead of S.W. S. J E. instead of South. S.E. E.S. instead of East. .E.E. instead of N.E. N.E. instead of North. Now, it is not a little curious that, on the supposition of the winds having the direction just given, they would be slightly centrifugal on 38 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT the advancing semicircle of the storm, but slightly centripetal on the receding half. Again, following out the author's illustration, the sum of the two components (80 + 8), viz., 88 miles, would be the velocity of the wind at the N.E. part of the storm (c in fig. 9) ; and the difference of the com- ponents (80 - 8), i.e. 72 miles, would be the velocity of the wind at its S.W. part (a in fig. 9) : and thus, from the minimum at a the velocity would increase alike on the advancing and receding semicircles, i. e. in the directions a d c and a b c, until it attained its maximum at c. This is not incon- sistent with what must naturally occur in all storm-fields of wide area, when the wind is circling around, with a greater or less convergence towards, a central area of low pressure. It may be well, at this point, to inquire whether the founders of the rotatory theory of storms laid down hard and fast laws and rules for the guidance of mariners, such as their followers have done *? There is no doubt that they did, but almost invariably with many subsequent quali- fications, and much explanation as to apparent anomalies ; so that, far from everything in connection with the theory and practice being " definite and unambiguous," the reverse is the case. It may indeed be said that they gave but a very qualified adhesion to much that has been enunciated for the last 30 or 40 years as the true principle of the law of storms. REDFIELD, writing in the American Journal of Science, in 1846, says : " When, in 1830, I first attempted to establish by direct evidence the rotative character of gales or tempests, I had only to encounter the then prevailing idea of a general rectilinear movement in these winds. Hence I have deemed it sufficient to describe the rotation in general terms, not doubting that on different sides of a rotatory storm, as in common rains or sluggish storms, might be found any course of wind, from the rotative to the rectilinear, together with varying conditions as regards clouds and rain. " But I have never been able to conceive that the wind in violent storms moves only in circles. On the contrary, a vortical movement, approaching to that which may be seen in all lesser vortices, aerial or aqueous, appears to be an essential element of their violent and long continued action, of their increased energy towards the centre or axis, and of the accompanying rain. In conformity with this view the storm OF THE LAW OF STORMS 39 figure on my chart of the storm of 1830 was directed to be engraved in spiral or involute lines, but this point was yielded for the convenience of the engraver. * * * * "The common idea of rotation in circles, however, is sufficiently correct for practical purposes, and for the construction of diagrams, whether for the use of mariners, or for determining between a rotative and general rectilinear wind, on one hand, or the lately alleged centri- petal winds on the other. The degree of vorticular inclination in violent storms must be subject, locally, to great variations; but it is not probable that on an average of the different sides, it ever comes near to forty-five degrees from the tangent of a circle, and that such average inclination ever exceeds two points of the compass, may well be doubted." REID, equally with REDFIELD, saw the weak points of a purely circular theory, and hence, in his Progress of the Development of the Law of Storms, he writes : " On the approach of a revolving storm, the weather is sometimes calm, or the wind is unsteady, or it may draw towards the storm ; and when this occurs it may be difficult to determine the exact point of the compass from whence the true whirlwind sets in. In like manner, it may not always be easy to determine the exact point at which a gale ends." And reverting to the subject, he says, "But a circle will only correctly represent a whirlwind when stationary. In the progressive whirlwind the figure would become cycloidal, and the degree of curvature would depend upon the rate of progress of the storm. While attempting to lay down a storm's track a wrong judgment may be formed, if data be rejected on account of its not conforming to a figure exactly circular." Then, using the track of the Charles Heddle reversed, as for the northern hemisphere, he says " at the point a the wind would be north j at the point b (due east of the point a) it would be S.W. : circles, nevertheless, have been found the most con- venient figures in endeavouring to explain the nature of storms." PIDDINGTON devotes eight pages of his Horn-Book to discussing the " probability of the incurving of the winds in a cyclone," and the " flat- tening in of the circle of a cyclone " quoting at the same time, with approbation, the extract from REDFIELD, given above. It appears to him " not improbable that, while at some point in the whole zone of a cyclone the wind may be blowing in a true circle, it may on the inner or central side of that part be a series of mcurving spirals, and that on the outer part there may be a centrifugal (i.e., a curving off from the centre) tendency." He also expresses the view, as a probability or possibility, 40 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT " that when cyclones are increasing in diameter or dilating, the spiral is a diverging one, or that the arrows (of the wind) curve outwardly, and when it contracts the spiral is a converging or incurving one : " and in another place he says, "it would seem also that this incurving takes place sometimes at a distance from the centre." PIDDINGTON is generally full of instances, and, according to his usual practice, adduces examples illustrating the remarks quoted above; he particularises ships' logs which indicated an alternation or shifting of the wind through four, five and more points, and infers that one vessel " by the alternating of the winds must have drifted over a succession of curves." It is also by " an excessive incurving of the winds towards the centre " that he finds " an explanation of how some ships (when disabled) may be blown and drifted round and round, with- out drifting out of the fatal centre : " and he con- cludes his observations as follows, "perhaps a further proof, or rather an indication of this in- curving may be found in the remarkable instances of ships being surrounded or having their decks covered during the passage of the calm centre of cyclones, in the neighbourhood of the land, with land and aquatic birds, butterflies, horse-flies, &c. ; now within a cyclone these animals must be incapable of doing more than keeping themselves in the air ; they must therefore, we may suppose, be gradually carried inwards by the in- curving tendency of the winds, and at the centre are kept there because they cannot fly out of it ; if the wind blew in true circles they would be scattered all over the body of the cyclone." It has been seen that BEDFIELD and PIDDINGTON agree in this that the incurving of the winds in a hurricane may amount to fully two points, if not more. No diagrams have been given to show the character of this incurving, as they understood it so that some have taken it to be of a spiral kind, as repre- sented in Fig. 10 ; while others have supposed it to approximate to the form of Fig. 11 which is really an incurved spiral (see dotted lines) but circular as the centre is approached. There is no doubt that REID, equally with REDFIELD and PIDDINGTON, wavered in opinion as to the precise form of OP THE LAW OP STORMS. a cyclone ; but nevertheless all three gave very positive rules, especially as to the direction of the winds on the different sides of a hurricane, and as to the bearing of the centre, taking the wind as a guide : it is true that cautionary paragraphs constantly occur in their writings, such as very considerably modify the positive character of their previous rules ; but subsequent authors, and the devotees of the circular theory, have persistently lost sight of the cautions, and only given, in a very dogmatic manner, the " definite and unambiguous " rules, forgetful that the backing and filling is of their very essence: for as a shipmaster has written " if the centre always bore eight points from the direction of the wind ; if the wind gradually increased in force as we near the centre ; if the wind veered gradually in all parts of the storm ; and if the centre were the only dangerous part of it, then the avoiding of a hurricane would be very simple." To sum up, though REDFIELD, REID and PIDDINQTON at first con- jectured a purely circular and rotatory action for the winds within the area of the storm-field, they came at last to modify this view, as a deduction from the observations submitted to them ; and they conceded this much that at least in some hurricanes, if not in all, there must be a slight incurvature of the winds ; but they had no distinct perception to what extent this deviation existed, and, consequently, as the practical rules deduced from the law of storms were already in the hands of those for whose benefit they were written, they were careful to note the anomalies while leaving the rules unmodified. Their followers elaborated the one and neglected the other. THOM, as before observed, was also a supporter of the rotatory theory of hurricanes, and he has much to say on the varied aspects of these storms as they occur in the Southern Indian Ocean : but in respect of the manoeuvring of ships when endeavouring to steer clear of, or when con- tending with, their fury, he merely suggests the course to be pursued, and his remarks are not to be taken as arbitrary rules, " for it is obvious that general rules cannot be made applicable to every case." It is, however, worthy of note that THOM was one of the first to indi- cate that the hurricanes of the Southern Indian Ocean had their origin in the region of calms or " variables " between the N. W. monsoon and the S.E. trade. His observations are as follow : We have two great winds blowing, in contrary directions, from one side to the other of the Indian Ocean, between the equator and the tropic, the one depending on fixed and permanent laws, and the other, periodically called into existence by agencies of a temporary duration, exerting an almost antagonist force to the former. As the solar action takes place in a gradual manner, the recession of the trade-wind, and 42 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT establishment of the monsoon, follow in a corresponding degree : the sky is serene and clear, indicating an increasing temperature in the upper regions of the atmosphere, and a rising dew point. But, as soon as the sun begins to leave the tropic, and the heat to decline, the changes con- tingent on the subsidence of the monsoon take place in a sudden and unequal manner, and it would seem often give rise to those fearful conflicts of elementary forces which form the subject of our present inquiry. "Between the two winds in question, about lat. 10 to 12 S., there is an intervening space of several degrees of variable and light winds, or calms, distinguished by an unsettled state of the atmosphere, exactly similar to that which occurs between the S.E. and N.E. trade- winds in the Atlantic. In approaching this tract, the S.E. trade deflects to South, and the westerly monsoon to N.N.W. or North. At the meeting of these currents of air, or rather in the neutral interval, sudden squalls, lulls, thunder-storms, and heavy rains, are usually experienced. This is to be expected from the very different conditions of the two winds, for they are not only diametrically opposite in their direction, but as dissimilar in reference to their respective temperature, humidity, and specific gravity, as it is well possible for two neighbouring masses of air to be. * * * * "During the presence of the sun in the southern hemisphere, a constant struggle between the two opposite currents of atmosphere may naturally be expected to take place along the interval which separates them. Not only theory, but observation establishes this fact. On the borders of the two winds, ships meet unsettled weather, and variable winds, at one moment are in a calm, and the next, perhaps, laid on their beam-ends by a squall. It is in this situation that thunder-storms and whirlwinds abound. To this tract we wish to direct attention, as being not only the locality where rotatory storms are first formed, but along which they move during the greater part of their course, till they acquire an intestine and specific action, involving the neighbouring currents of the atmosphere, which enable them to advance through the trade-wind to its opposite limits. " Two currents of atmosphere in motion from opposite points, on ap- proaching the neutral columns of air which intervene between them, cannot be supposed to lose their momentum, or to have their velocity suddenly arrested, or even materially diminished ; on the contrary, we must suppose that their motion will be diverted into a new channel. From a knowledge of the forces which propel the currents towards one another, we are prepared to expect that the S.E. trade will have a constant tendency, in a greater or less degree, according to accidental circumstances, to deflect towards the equator, and blow across the line of OP THE LAW OP STORMS. 43 " variables " into the region of the monsoon. This deviation will be favoured by any temporary diminution of the antagonist force of the opposite current. Suppose, for instance, a sudden elevation of tempera- ture, and consequent vertical current at some part of the monsoon, a considerable barometrical depression must follow, and a rush of the surrounding atmosphere would take place towards the point of diminished pressure, but with greatest force from that side where the heavier and cool S.E. trade-wind was pressing onwards at the earth's surface. This last current, on entering the hotter locality of the monsoon, would quickly acquire its temperature and relative de- gree of moisture, and con- sequently its direction. A portion of the trade-wind, in undergoing this change, would curve from its natural course S.E. to South, till it mixed with the monsoon, and then become a S.W., West, and N.W. wind (see Fig. 12). " Now, the new and periodical agencies which communicate a N. W. direction to the monsoon, evidently cause it to blow from the equator, so that at the point where it meets the trade-wind its course would be North, and from its greater degree of rarefaction would ascend and pass over it. But, in doing so, a portion of it must gradually mix with the colder S.E. wind, lose some of its heat, and partake of the character and assume the direction of the latter, in the course of which it would be found veering from N.W. to North and N.E. "Thus, by the natural deflection of the two winds in opposite directions, a constant tendency would exist in the atmosphere interposing between them to assume a circular motion. The curve of the trade-wind from East by S.E., to S. and S.W., to unite with the monsoon, amounts at least to half a circle, while the inclination of the latter from the equator, or in a reverse direction to the former, and to an equal extent, would form the opposite half of a completely connected circle. * * * " In every case where a circular storm is clearly determined, a branch of the S.E. trade is found to cross the line of "variables" and enter the monsoon, while the latter recrosses into the former, each gradually de- flecting till it appears to be part of the other, and both revolve around a common centre (see Fig. 1 2). It has been shown that the disc of atmosphere in a state of rotation is progressive, and, at places over which the centre 44 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT passes, its first approach is detected by the increasing violence of the S.E. trade, and its departure by a N. W. wind ; so that throughout the whole progress of the storm the relative positions of the two winds are preserved. Even the peculiar characteristics of each, as already described, are easily recognised at that part of the circle to which they belong. There is another circumstance worthy of notice in reference to the mutual action of the two currents when involved in a circular motion, which is, that during the early stages the N.W. predominates over the S.E., but, as the hurricane moves towards the tropic, it is exactly the reverse. In lat. 20 and 22 S., the S.E. trade often prevails with tempestuous violence for several days before the vortex arrives; but when the N.W. or west part of the storm sets in, although it blows with equal severity for ten or twelve hours, it seldom continues much longer. * * * "Whether the opinions which have been advanced regarding the formation of rotatory gales approach the truth, must in some measure depend on future observation ; one point, however, seems to be satis- factorily ascertained, that they are generally developed in the interval between, what we may be allowed to call, their parent winds, and in intimate relation with both, in such a manner that each would convey additional impulse to the revolving mass at the opposite sides of the circle. In this manner a storm may be supposed to receive accessions of impetus at the exterior of the circle, by the conversion of the rectilinear force into a circular motion, and by enlarging the sphere of its action it would impinge more extensively on neighbouring winds, and receive a continuous support. Even if the contiguity of two winds is not required to form a rotatory motion in the atmosphere, it appears to be absolutely necessary for the continued existence of such an action. There seems to be no other cause adequate to explain the duration of hurricanes for fifteen or twenty days, while travelling along a distance of 3000 miles : and finding that they arise between regular but opposite currents, continue their progression in the same relative position, and only terminate or lose their specific action at that point where the two winds cease to be regular, or near the extra-tropical " variables," it is consonant to reason to trace a connection of cause and effect between them." From THOM'S stand-point there is no hurricane until the winds shall have assumed a rotatory, or approximately rotatory, character ; he, how- ever, admits that even within the area of the storm-field the winds are often fitful and irregular, both as regards direction and force, and speaks of " alternate lulls and fierce spiral gusts in the vicinity of the vortex;" but his happy exposition of the origin of such storms "from a constant struggle between two opposite currents " of air clearly in- OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 45 dicates that on the borders of the hurricane there must be a considerable space where the " parent winds," that " convey additional impulse to the revolving mass," are stormy and tempestuous to such a degree as to render it " difficult," as REID says, " to determine the exact point from whence the true whirlwind sets in;" and THOM'S diagram, a portion of which is given on page 43, is very suggestive on this point. THOM'S explanation of the origin of the cyclones of the Southern Indian Ocean was written in 1845, but at that time it did not re- ceive much attention. Some years afterwards, when the Mauritius Meteorological Society was in full activity, and the storms of that region had become a constant subject of discussion among its members, Mr. MELDRUM, the able secretary of the Society, was enabled by fuller investigation to corroborate and develop the views and opinions enun- ciated by THOM in respect to the locality where cyclones are generated ; and in 1861 he wrote, "The more the Hurricanes of the Southern Indian Ocean are studied, the more evident does it become, that they owe their origin and continued existence, for several days, to the vibrating and conflict- ing action of the equatorial Westerly monsoon and the S.E. trade-wind, when the sun has southern declination. Between these two systems of winds there is a belt of maximum heat, and consequently of atmospheric rarefaction, with light and variable winds ; and towards this space of diminished pressure the monsoon and trade-wind flow from opposite directions, bringing with them the vapours which have been generated on either side. This belt of variables is inclined obliquely across the ocean, extending further south on its western side, towards the heated land ; and it also has, within certain limits, a vibratory motion from north to south, and vice versd, along its whole extent, the trade and monsoon reigning alternately in the same localities. The monsoon, however, is the aggressor, being backed and pressed upon by a much greater extent of cold and heavy air than its opponent ; and it is during its irruptions into the trade-wind region that hurricanes take place. " It might be expected that as the line of demarcation between the two winds has a great extent in longitude, so several hurricanes (or cyclones) might be formed between them at the same time, but at con- siderable distances apart ; and observation shows that this is the case. Several instances occurred in 1860, particularly in February. During the last ten days of that month, the equatorial borders of the trade, along its whole extent, were in a state of stormy gyration, and several distinct cyclones raged at the same time. The same thing has again occurred this year (1861)." 46 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT The foregoing remarks on the history of the investigation which resulted in the establishment of the circular theory of storms are suffi- ciently explicit. The outcome of the investigation was the development of that theory on the basis of the wind being more or less tangential to the circle, with the centre of the storm eight points (90 degrees) to the right of the wind's direction in the Northern Hemisphere, but to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This part of the subject may be aptly closed by introducing the cele- brated case of the brig Charles Heddle, which gave such impetus to the purely circular theory of hurricanes; after which, and before proceeding to discuss the more recent views of meteorologists in respect to these storms, it will be most appropri- ate to collect into a few pages what have hitherto been considered the prac- tical rules deduced from the "law of storms." The Charles Heddle, (Capt. Finck) was a Mauritius brig, engaged in the cattle' trade, and having been IV^BnEHRHBHBr built as a slaver, was considered a very fast sailer. She left Mauri- tius towards the end of February, 1845 (other vessels having started a day or two earlier), and after clearing the island, took a northerly course. Towards evening of the day of sailing she appears to have fallen into a heavy gale, which eventually proved to be the outer verge of a hurricane advancing from the N.E.-ward. Whether she put her helm up in order "to run out of the hurricane" is not clearly stated, but for Jive successive days she was apparently scudding right before the wind, as shown by the following extract from her log-book, and from which PIDDINGTON deduced the remarkable track given in Fig. 13. (c shows the storm's centre.) OF THE LAW OF STORMS. 47 Log of the Brig CHARLES HEDDLE, of Mauritius, Captain FINCK ; (kept in French), copied ly Captain ROYER, Master Attendant at that Port, and translated by HENRY PIDDINGTON. Nautical Time. H. K. F. Courses. Winds. Remarks. P.M. 1 2 3 5 5 K 4 4 NEbN ESE Variable to S "E Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd February, 1845. Horizon very low (tres rapproche), thick weather all round. Heavy sea, smart breeze, 4 o 5 4 l/U O Jy under the large sails ; pumped every two hours. 5 6 Sea and wind gradually increasing, vessel 6 6 labouring greatly, weather squally and threaten- 7 7 ing all round; the squalls very heavy. At 9.30 8 7 4 p. M. the mainyard went in two in the slings, 9 7 clued up and furled main-topsail, unbent main- 10 7 sail, and secured the pieces of the mainyard on 11 6 the booms. In jib and mizen ; scudding under 12 6 the foresail, fore-topsail and fore-topmast stay- A.M. sail, to wait for daylight; heavy squalls and 1 6 4 North SE sea. Down main-topsail yard, and struck top- 2 6 4 SSE gallant-mast. Noon, in close-reef fore-topsail. 3 4 6 6 4 4 The gale begins to make itself be felt ; scudding under foresail, and fore-topsail. 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 10 8 Latitude by Account 16 42' S. 11 8 Longitude Account 57 45' E. 12 8 P.M. 1 *13 ... WNW ESE Saturday 22nd to Sunday 23rd February. 2 3 4 13 12 11 ... NW NNW North SE SSE South Very bad weather; frightful sea; blowing very hard with incessant rain ; vessel taking in seas over the quarter while scudding under the 5 11 foresail and close reefed fore-topsail. Pumped 6 11 every hour ; vessel labouring greatly from the 8 12 12 NNE seas which swept over us. At 2 p. M. perceiving that the head rope of the foresail had given way, 9 10 12 12 ... NE sent two hands to cut away the earings, and let it come on deck ; saved the sail. The fore-top- 11 12 12 12 mast staysail halyards having given way hoisted the sail by a tackle. Gale at its height, scud- A.M. ding right before the wind, as it continually 1 2 3 12 12 12 ... ENE East veered round the compass ; pumps attended to ; vessel labouring excessively. It being impos- sible to clue up the fore-topsail without risking 4 12 severe damage, we resolved to run our chance 5 12 1 9 of what might happen. 7 Lu 12 ESE N. B. No position is given on this day. H.P. 8 12 9 12 10 12 SE * About is marked in the log. 11 12 ... SSE t These last winds and courses are so marked in the 12 12 ... South S~\\T North N"C1 log. I presume they mean to designate the changes be- tween Noon and 1 A.M. on the next day, as a memoran- W E ENE dum of a gradual veering. H.P. East ESEt HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Log of the Brig CHARLES HEDDLE continued. H. K. F. Courses. Winds. Remarks. P.M. Sunday 23rd to Monday 24th February. 1 2 3 12 12 12 ... S W ws w NE ENE Weather always the same with a frightful sea. Shipping from time to time very heavy seas ; one filled the whole deck fore and aft with two 4 12 feet of water ; the larboard waist-board carried 5 6 , 7 8 9 12 12 12 12 12 ... West WNW East ESE away ; much water going down the hatchways and cabin scuttle, though all secured by tarpau- lins. 4 P. M. fore-topsail blew away ; scudding under bare poles ; the new fore-topmast staysail giving way, saved it ; two men at the helm, 10 11 12 10 10 10 ... N W NNW SE SSE vessel labouring greatly; storm always at the same height ; winds veering round the compass from hour to hour, and even in half an hour. * A.M. j ift Brought all the crew aft into the cabin to be 1 2 JLU 10 at hand, closed up the fore-scuttle. 3 11 ... North South N.B. No position given on this day. H.P. 4 11 5 6 11 11 NNE SS W * The expression is "faisant le tour du compos d'heure en Jieure et meme une demi heure," of which the literal 7 11 ... NE S W translation would be, " going round the compass from 8 11 ENE w s w hour to hour and even in half an hour." What is meant 9 11 is evidently (by the log) that the wind was going round the compass and changing every hour or every half hour. 10 11 H.P. 11 11 East West 12 11 . P.M. Monday 24th to Tuesday 25th February. 1 2 3 11 12 12 ESE WNW The gale always at the same degree of strength, but the squalls a little heavier, pumps always in hand, vessel making water. All the cabins 4 5 6 12 12 11 ... SE N W below wet, the provisions in the great cabin also wet, the vessel making water through every seam in the deck without exception ; baled the 7 11 water out of the cabin by buckets. 8 9 11 11 ... SSE South NNW North Shipped several seas which went over all. 10 11 At two in the morning the vessel broached-to, 11 12 11 11 the water two feet deep on the deck; we re- mained in this dangerous position for about ten A.M. minutes, when she righted. We broached-to 1 11 ss w NNE again several times from the speed of the vessel ; t 2 11 s w NE cleared the scuppers. At 10, shipped a sea in 3 4 11 11 ... ws w ENE the fore rigging which carried away jib and fly- ing jib-boom. Cut away the wreck to clear the 5 11 bowspit. 6 11 ... West East Latitude by a doubtful Observation 16 18' S. 7 8 11 11 ... WNW NTIT ESE Longitude Chronometer 53 2' 30" E. 9 11 ... W S E t The words are "par la, vitesse du bailment." No 11 11 NNW SSE doubt the difficulty of steering her is here implied. H.P. 12 11 OF THE LAW OF STORMS. Log of the Brig CHARLES HEDDLE. continued. 49 H. K. F. Courses. Winds. Remarks. P.M. 1 11 North South Tuesday 25th to Wednesday 26th February. 2 11 ... NNE SS W The gale always at the same strength with- 3 11 out the least intermission, heavy sea and rain. 4 5 10 10 ... NE ENE S W wsw The tiller ropes gave way ; changed them ; then the bolts also of the tiller having given way, 6 10 ... East West drove in preventer ones. 7 8 9 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 ... ESE SE SSE South WNW NW NNW North Pumped ship every hour. The trusses of the fore-yard gave way, replaced them ; scudding under bare poles. The sea frightful, vessel making much water through the deck. 12 10 S S W NNE Crew worn out with fatigue. The sun ap- A.M. 1 10 SW NE peared indistinctly at noon, whereby we ob- tained an indifferent latitude and longitude. 2 11 ... WSW ENE 3 10 ... West East 4 10 ... WNW ESE 5 10 ... N W SE 6 10 ... NNW SSE 7 10 ... North South 8 10 ... NNE SS W 9 10 ... NE SW 10 10 ... ENE wsw Latitude by indifferent Observation 18 2' S. 11 10 ... East West Longitude, ditto, ditto ... 51 2' 30" E. 12 10 ... ESE WNW P.M. Wednesday 26th to Thursday 27th February. 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 9 9 9 SSE South N W NNW North The horizon always obscure though some- times clearing a little, but the squalls and sea always heavy ; pumped every hour. Two men at the helm. Always under bare poles. At 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 ... SS W WSW West NW NNE ENE East S F 10 p.m. clearing up a little, and we saw some stars, but the sea and wind always heavy. Bent fore-topmast staysail, and fore and aft mainsail with two reefs in it. Bent another 10 10 vv NNW O I * SSE fore-topmast staysail on the forestay to balance 11 12 AM 10 10 ... North NNE South SS W the vessel's sails. * Scudding always according to the veering of the wind. . JM. 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 ... NE ENE East ESE S W WSW West WNW Seeing that we had sustained much damage, and that we were nearer to Mauritius than to any other place, the Captain resolved to return there, not considering the vessel in a state to 5 10 SE NW continue her voyage. 6 10 SSE NNW Latitude Observation 20 12' S. 7 10 ... South North Longitude Chronometer ... 52 24' E. 3 10 SS W NN "E 9 10 ... O W S W 1.1 -Cj NE * i.e. When sail should be made, having lost the jib-boom. 10 10 ... wsw ENE 11 10 ... West East 12 10 50 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OP THE LAW OF STORMS. Log of the Brig CHARLES HEDDLE. continued. H. K. F. Courses. Winds. Remarks. P.M. 1 7 SE ENE Thursday 27th to Friday 28th February. 2 3 7 7 ... SSE ESE Variable toNE The weather becoming fine, bent the foresail and spare fore-topsail, took the main-topsail 4 7 yard for a mainyard, and let the reefs out of 5 7 the fore and aft mainsail. 6 7 6 6 4 4 Cloudy still, and lightning in all quarters. Fine, and sea smooth with a pleasant breeze. 8 6 4 9 6 10 6 Latitude Observation ... 23 19' S. 11 6 Longitude Chronometer ... 54 22' 28" 12 6 At end of day. It must be noticed that PIDDINQTON was indefatigable when he got hold of a log- book or a set of log-books that would illustrate the law of cyclones ; and in respect to the log of the Charles Heddle he must have spent much time and labour far more than it was worth in determining in a variety of ways such results as it would give ; but his main and most valuable achievement was the diagram of the ship's course from day to day, as shown in Fig. 13, p. 46, which, no doubt, is approxi- mately correct. The brig's course and distance by log was about N. 38 E. 102 miles, while the course and distance by D.R. and Obs. combined was S. 55 W. 370 miles ; which would give a current or storm- wave running in the direction of S. 51 W., about 468 miles in five days, or at the average rate of about 4 miles per hour. But the log, on the face of it, and by comparing the courses, winds, and distance with the remarks, gives no sign of strict accuracy, notwithstanding PIDDINGTON'S eulogy : it may be tried in a variety of ways, with an infinity of results none satis- factory: the only fact that comes broadly out is, that in about the space of 120 hours, when scudding (according to the account) before the wind, the brig made five complete circuits of the compass the 1st in 31 hours, the 2nd in 35 hours, the 3rd in 21 hours, the 4th in 17 hours, and the 5th in 16 hours whether strictly before the wind, all the time, is however open to question. But one thing is certain, and which alone would confute the log, if the winds in the storm have circular motion, together with a general tendency (progression) towards the S.W.-ward, then (also of necessity) the resultant of the southerly and westerly courses must be in excess of that in any other direction, supposing a vessel to be running before the wind and this too independently of any current. Log-books, kept in the ordinary way, are but a poor basis on which to found or establish a theory. THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 51 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OP STORMS, AND PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. From whatever cause a steady wind is so obstructed as to produce a Hurricane, Typhoon or Cyclone, the wind then assumes a rotatory motion over an area varying from 20 or 30 to some hundreds of miles in diameter, revolving the more rapidly the nearer the centre or vortex, up to a certain distance, within which there is a calm ; meanwhile the centre of rotation, together with the body of the storm, has a progressive motion varying from 2 to 20 or 40 miles per hour, with occasional inter- mitting intervals, during which it appears to be almost stationary or even retrograde, and the impetuosity of the wind itself around the circle may continue undiminished. Such storms have also been desig- nated Revolving Storms. flotation of the Wind- Vane in Hurricanes or Cyclones. In the same hemisphere the wind always revolves in the same way, and that is con- trary to the apparent course of the sun ; hence this direction is opposite in opposite hemispheres, being from right to left in the northern, but from left to right in the southern hemisphere. Or, to use the familiar illustration of the hands of a watch laid face upwards, the rotation of the wind during a hurricane, in the Northern Hemisphere, is in a direction contrary to that in which the hands move (Fig. 16, p. 53), while in the Southern Hemisphere the rotation is in the same direction as that of the hands of a watch (Fig. 17, p. 53.) Progressive Movement. The habitual tracks of hurricanes, if they have any, is unknown ; but being prevalent alike in the three oceans the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific they follow at certain seasons tolerably definite routes, so that there must be few navigators who have never crossed the path of one. They are however rarely found within 6 to 8 of the equator, but they rage with most fearful violence in the tropical regions, and, as a rule, take a curved route approximating to a parabola. The hurricane is impelled to the west in low latitudes because the tendency of the two currents of air (polar and equatorial) is in those regions to the westward along the surface; the equatorial current is much less so, and diminishing until actually altered to easterly, near the Tropic, after which its preserved equatorial rotatory force becomes more and more evident, while the westwardly tendency of the polar current diminishes; as a consequence, near the Tropic, the whirlwind ceases to move westward it recurves and then in its polarwise progression moves towards the eastward. 52 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND In the Northern Hemisphere, commencing about Lat. 10 to 20 N. the hurricane first advances from E.S.E., progressing towards W.N.W. with a northerly tendency as it approaches the northern tropic, where its course for some distance is nearly due North ; somewhere in the vicinity of the parallels of 25 to 32 N. it recurves, and invading the extra-tropical regions, continues its pro- gression, advancing from S.W. towards the N.E. increasing in diameter, while the wind, though still of fearful violence, has somewhat diminished in force as compared with its rotatory velo- city while within the tropics, and so it moves onward, until it finally breaks up (Fig. 14). Such is especially the character of the West India hurricanes, which range between the parallels of 10 and 50 N., and between the meridians of 30 and 103 W., though the majority of them are included between 55 and 85* W. Most of the storms that occur on the western side of the North Pacific and in the vicinity of Japan affect the same form, but those off" the west coast of Mexico and Lower California merely take a N.W.-ly direction of compara- tively small extent. The cyclones of the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea, as also the typhoons of China, take now a straight, and now a curvilinear course, due to local circumstances and the interference of the land. PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. 53 In the Southern Hemisphere, the cyclone, commencing in the equa- torial region, first advances from E.N.E., progressing towards the W.S.W. with a more and more southerly tendency in approaching the southern tropic, in the vicinity of which its course is nearly due South; it then commences to recurve, and continues its progressive movement, advancing from N.W. towards S.E., expanding in dimen- sions and probably diminishing in force as it traverses the extra- tropical regions, until it finally disappears (Fig. 15). Cyclones occur in the Southern Indian Ocean between the N.W. coast of Australia and the northern end of Madagascar, and range from the parallels of 6 to 40 S. ; but they are unknown in the tropical region of the South Atlantic. A few have been experienced in the South Pacific, but hitherto there have been few good records of them. Deductions from the Order of Rotation. Bearing in mind the direction of the rotation of the wind in each hemisphere, viz., against watch hands in the Northern, but with watch hands in the Southern, Hemisphere certain portions of the storm will be characterized by certain hurricane winds ; and considering the storm to be divided into four distinct parts, it will be found that, in the Northern Hemisphere, on the northern margin the wind must be easterly; on the eastern margin, southerly; on the southern margin, west- erly ; and on the western margin, northerly ; and thus each quarter of the cyclone is distinguished by its appro- priate wind. (See Fig. 16.) The relation of the winds to the margins in the South- ern Hemisphere will be ex- actly the reverse of their relation in the Northern, owing to the reversion of the rotation ; thus, it is the southern margin of the storm, south of the equator, that exhibits an easterly ; the western margin, a southerly ; the northern margin, a westerly ; and the eastern margin, a northerly wind. (See Fig. 17.) 54 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND Bearing of the Storm's Centre. Also, as each portion of the hurricane has its appropriate wind, there results, according to the Law of the Rotation of Revolving Gales, a very simple Rule for determining the bearing of the centre of the storm from the ship viz., Look to the wind's eye, and set its bearing by compass, the EIGHTH point to the RIGHT thereof, when in the Northern Hemisphere but to the LEFT of the wind's direction when in the Southern Hemisphere will be the bearing of the storm's centre. Hence, in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, from an easterly wind which characterizes the northern margin of the storm, its centre will bear south ; from a northerly wind the centre will bear east ; from a westerly wind it will bear north; and from a southerly wind, west. (See Fig. 16.) But, in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, from an easterly wind, the centre of the storm bears north; from a southerly wind the centre bears east ; from a westerly wind, south ; and from a northerly wind, west. (See Fig. 17.) It is well also to note that it is characteristic of the hurricanes of both hemispheres that westerly winds are found on their equatorial side, and easterly winds on their polar side, throughout their entire course, after recurvature no less than before recurvature. N.B. In Figs. 16 and 17, the line Q Q represents the Equator, and the arrows are to be taken as flying with the wind. These arrows (with the letters between them) show the direction of the wind for each hemisphere, according to the circular theory; the letters outside the arrows represent the points of the geographical horizon ; is the storm's centre; on this basis the two diagrams (16 and 17) fully illustrate the preceding paragraphs viz., the wind blowing against watch hands in the Northern Hemisphere, but with watch hands in the Southern Hemi- sphere ; and also, when facing the wind, the centre or area of lowest pressure is eight points to the right in the N. Hemisphere, but eight points to the left in the S. Hemisphere. Ex. In Fig. 16 on the N.W. side of the storm the wind will be N.E. and (when facing it) the centre will bear S.E., since it represents the N. Hemisphere; but, on the N.W. side of a cyclone in the S. Hemisphere (see Fig. 17) the wind will be S.W. and the centre bear S.E. ; thus Fig. 16 is a storm-compass for the Northern Hemisphere, and Fig. 17 a storm-compass for the Southern Hemisphere. As it is especially important to avoid the centre of the storm, the following Table shows at a glance (according to the circular theory) its relative bearing in each hemisphere : PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. 55 IN THE N. ] HEMISPHERE. IN THE S. I EEMISPHERE. If the wind be The centre of the Storm will bear from the Ship. If the wind be The centre of the Storm will bear from the Ship. North N. by E. . . N.N.E. . . . East. E. by S. E.S.E. North . N. by E. N.N E. . West. W. by N. WN W N.E. byN.. . N.E. . . S.E. by E. S.E. N.E. by N. . N.E. . N.W. by W. N W ' N.E. by E. . . E.N.E. . . . E. by N. . . East .... E. by S. . . . E.S.E. . . . S.E. by E. . . S.E. . . S.E. by S. S.S.E. S. by E. South. S. by W. S.S.W. S.W. by S. S.W. N.E. by E. E.N.E. . E. by N. East . . E. by S. . E.S.E. . S.E. by E. S E . . N.W. byN. N.N.W. N. by W. North. N. by E. N.N.E. N.E. byN. N E " S.E. byS. . . S.S.E. . . . S.W. by W. WS W. S.E. by S. S S E N.E. byE. E N E S. by E. . . . South . S. by W. . . S.S.W. . . . S.W. by S. . . S.W W. by S. West. W. by N. W.KW. N.W. by W. N.W. S. by E. . South . S. by W. S.S.W. . S.W. by S. S.W E. by N. East. E. by S. E.S.E. S.E. byE. S E. ' S.W. by W. . W.S.W. . . . N.W. by N. N.N.W. S.W. by W. . W S W . . S.E. by S. S S E W. by S. . . West .... W. by N. . . W.N W N. by W. North. N. by E. N N E W. by S. West . . W. by N. w N'W S. by E. South. S. by W. S S W N.W. byW. . N W N.E. by N. NE ' N.W. by W . N W S.W. byS. S W N.W. by N. . N.N.W. . . N.E. by E. E.N.E. N.W. by N. . N.N.W. . . . S.W. by W. W.S.W. N. by W. . . E. by N. N. by W. . . W. by S. Note. It will, however, be shown presently that this Table may not be strictly correct in all cases, for instance, when the storm- winds have an incurvature towards the area of lowest pressure ; but it is generally correct for the front of the storm. The Storm's Path, or Axis Line of the Storm's Progression. The line along which the centre of the hurricane progressively moves is variously called the storm-path, the storm's track, and the axis line ; or, not inaptly, by the French, the trajectory as indicative of a parabolic track in space. (See the dotted line in Figs. 14 and 15, p. 52.) A ship, in front of the storm, sailing, or lying-to, on the axis line would have no change of wind until the calm centre had passed over her, after which the wind would spring up suddenly with great fury 56 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND from the opposite direction to that by which she had entered the centre. In extra-tropical regions a cyclonic storm does not always develop a central calm, as is almost invariably the case within the tropics. When approaching the centre, and being off the axis line, the changes in the wind will necessarily become more and more rapid, and the sea more and more confused and heaped up. For any given fixed point in the storm- field, the' slower the progressive move- ment, the less rapid will be the change in the direction of the wind. And should the storm-area become temporarily sta- tionary, or nearly so, as is sometimes the case, the hauling of the wind, due to the ship's progressive motion (if it has any), may be contrary to the usual order. The axis line, or track of the hurricane, divides the storm-field into two parts, and, looking towards the direction in which the storm is moving, the part to the right is the right-hand semicircle, and that to the left is the left-hand semicircle. Another line, transverse to the axis line and passing through the calm centre, divides the storm-field into four quadrants, each of which has its characteristic pre- dominant wind, as seen in Fig. 18, and as already explained on pp. 53-54. French authors, speaking of the two sides of the storm-field, have applied the term "dangerous" (dangereux) to the semicircle in which the rotatory and progressive motion of the winds is approximately in the same direction ; and the term " manage- able " (maniable), or perhaps in this case better expressed as "navigable," to the semicircle in which the two motions are approximately opposed to each other. These two sides, in Fig. 19, are respectively designated by the letters D and N, and a glance at the long curved arrows, one north and the other south of the equator, which represent for each hemi- sphere the storm's track, shows that, in both PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. 57 hemispheres, the dangerous semicircle is inside or to eastward of the parabolic curve, and the navigable semicircle outside or to westward ; or, in relation to right and left of the track, in opposite hemispheres the positions are reversed, thus In the Northern Hemisphere, the dangerous semicircle is to the right, and the navigable semicircle to the left, of the track : but, In the Southern Hemisphere, the dangerous semicircle is to the left, and the navigable semicircle to the right, of the track. In both cases, however, the dangerous semicircle is on that side of the storm towards which the curvature of the path takes place. The terms dangerous and navigable are not wholly inappropriate; for, when in the dangerous semicircle and running before the wind, the tendency is ever towards the axis line and the centre of the storm ; but if in the navigable semicircle, except with bad management and being on the wrong tack when in front of the storm, the tendency is ever away from the centre. On the basis just indicated the winds for each semicircle are as follows : In the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE : Storm moving towards N.W. In dangerous semicircle, winds from N. E. to S.W. round by E. and S. In navigable semicircle, winds from N.E. to S.W. round by N. and W. Storm recurving to Northward In dangerous semicircle, winds from East to West round by S. In the navigable semicircle, winds from East to West round by N. Storm moving towards N.E. In dangerous semicircle, winds from S. E. to N.W. round by S. and W. In navigable semicircle, winds from S.E. to N.W. round by E. and N. In the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE : Storm moving towards S.W. In dangerous semicircle, winds from S.E. to N.W. round by E. and N. In navigable semicircle, winds from S.E. to N.W. round by S. and W. Storm recurving to Southward In dangerous semicircle, winds from East to West round by N. In navigable semicircle, winds from East to West round by S. Storm moving towards S.E. In dangerous semicircle, winds from N.E. to S.W. round by N. and W. In navigable semicircle, winds from N.E. to S.W. round by E. and S. 58 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND Position of Ship recognised by the veering or by the backing of the Winds. It may be further stated in elucidation of the hauling of the wind with or against watch hands that for a ship hove-to (1.) In the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, and in the dangerous (right- hand) semicircle, the winds must necessarily veer, in their pro- gressive motion over the ship, but in the navigable (left-hand) semicircle they will back : (2.) In the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, and in the dangerous (left-hand) semicircle, the winds will back, but in the navigable (right- hand) semicircle they will veer : But better still is the consideration of the storm-field, as divided into four quadrants, as in Figs. 20 and 21 ; from which it can readily be seen that the anterior quadrants (a c), that is, those in front of the ad- vancing centre, must, in each hemisphere, be more dangerous than the posterior (b d); while of the two anterior quadrants, since, in one of them the wind blows towards, and in the other away from, the axis line The advancing quadrant (Fig. 20 a) of the right-hand semicircle in the Northern Hemisphere, but the advancing quadrant (Fig. 21 a) of the left-hand semicircle in the Southern Hemisphere, must be the MOST PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. 59 DANGEROUS in which, if a ship be put before the wind, she must inevitably approach nearer and nearer to the storm's track and centre ; but running, be it observed, is a manoeuvre only justifiable in the case of the vessel being on the verge of the storm, and so near the axis line that she can speedily cross it, and thus be brought into the safer of the two advancing quadrants. The posterior quadrants can never come down on a vessel, but, with plenty of sea-room, may be entered, and the winds turned to advantage, giving due attention at the same time to the indications of the barometer, and the state of the weather and sea. Briefly stated, the storm paths over the Atlantic Ocean are charac- terized by certain winds that are most dangerous to vessels falling in with them according to the locality as follows : (1.) Before recurving off the West India Islands the most danger- ous hurricane winds are those between E.N.E. and N.N.E. (2.) About the period of recurving, vessels off the Bahamas and the coast of Florida find East, E.S.E., and S.E. winds most dangerous. (3.) After recurving, vessels off the coast of the United States find E.S.E. to S.S.E. and South winds most dangerous. In the Southern Indian Ocean, if the cyclone be moving towards the S. W. the most dangerous winds are those between South and East ; but when moving towards the S.E., winds between East and North are the most dangerous. At the period of recurving, winds between N.E. and S.E. are most dangerous. So that in both hemispheres winds inclining to westerly are compara- tively safe, while such as have easting in them require caution, skill and judgment in manoeuvring the ship, under whatever circumstances she encounters them whether by running into, or being overtaken by, a hur- ricane, and especially in the latter case, because if these winds change but little, and the barometer is falling rapidly, the ship is directly in front of the storm, and probably not far from the storm's progressive path. Use of the Barometer. The words "fair," "change," "rain," E. bv S. S. by W. E. by S. ,, E. W. by N. i > E. by S. , S. ^ E.S.E. S.S.W. E.S.E. ,, E. W.N.W. 1 E.S.E. , S. a S.E. byE. S.W. byS. S.E. by E. E. N.W. by W. pM

r r* S.S.E. , S. S. by E. W. by S. S. by E. ,, E. N. bv W. O S. by E. , S. W South West South ,, E. 'North $4" South , W. S. by W. S.S.W. W. by N. W.N.W. S. by W. ,, S. S.S.W. S. N. by E. N.N.E. O S. by W. , W. S.S.W. , W. S.W. by S. N.W. by W. S.W. by S. ,, S. N.E. byN. S.W. byS. , W. S.W. ' N.W. S.W. ' S. N.E. ' S.W. ' , W. II. FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE (DOVE) : Direction of Wind at com- mencement of Storm. And the centre (or vortex) bearing. If the Wind shifts from Steer But if the Wind shifts from South East South towards W. North ^4 South to wards E. S. by E. S.S.E. . E. by N. E.N.E. S. bvE. ,, S. S.S.E. S. N. by W. N.N.W. 1 SbyE. E. S.S.E ,, E. S.E. by S. N.E. by E. S.E. byS. S. N.W. byN. Is S.E. by S. E. S.E. ' N.E. ' S.E. ' S. N.W. o S.E. " E. S.E. bv E. N.E. bv N. S.E. byE. ,, S. N.W. by W. S S.E. by E. ,, E. 1 E.S.E." N.N.E!" E.S.E. S. W.N.W. -2 t/2 E.S.E. ,, E. S E. by S. N. by E. E. byS. ,, S. W. by N. 0> E. byS. ,, E. East North East ,, S. West ,j -M East ,, N. & E. by N. E.N.E. N. by W. N.N.W. E. by N. E. E.N.E. , E. W. by S. W.S.W. d o s E. byN. ,, N. E.N.E. ,, N. O J3 N.E. byE. N.W. by N. N.E. byE. , E. S.W. by W. S N.E. byE. ,, N. d o N.E. ' N.W. N.E. " , E. S.W. t N.E. " N. N.E. by N. N.W. by W. N.E. byN. , E. S.W. byS. cS o> N.E. byN. ,, N. o -t-> N.N.E. W.N.W. N.N.E. , E. S.S.W. ^ N.N.E. ,, N. 1 N. by E. North W. by N. West N. by E. , E. North , E. S. by W. South oT 03 '$ N. by E. N. North ,, W. S N. by W. N.N.W. W. by S. W.S.W. N. by W. , N. N.N.W. ,, -N. S. bv E. S.S.E. b 0) N. by W. W. N.N.W. ,, W. N.W. byN. S.W. by W. N.W. byN.,, N. S.E. byS. o N.W. byN.,, W. N.W. ' S.W. N.W. ,, N. S.E. 6 N.W. W. 68 THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, AND III. FOR NORTH HEMISPHERE. (From the French.) Direction Bearing Cyclone moving N W-ly. Cyc ^~ 3$ ^ J lone n 3 ^3 loving N-ly. Course (if Cyclone moving N E-ly. 3 J 3 Course (if II 3 , Course (if of Wind. of Centre. S & || : on whid leave-to. possible) to run out of Ss ^ || possible) to run out of & || | possible) to run out of 53 rC GO GO f* m I cyclone. It f cyclone. g e< s .H 0002 f cyclone. N E N P S W N P S W N P S W NbyE EbyS ... S W by W SWbyW ... S W NNE ESE ... ... WSW ... ... WSW ... ... S W NEbyN S E by E ... WbyS ... ... WbyS ... S W by W NE SE D S W ... W ... ... WSW NEbyE SEbyS ... WbyN ... ... WbyN ... WbyS ENE SSE ... WNW ... ... WNW ... ... W E byN SbyE ... WNW ... ... NWbyW ... WbyN E S ... WNW D S N W ... ... N W EbyS Sby W ... ... NWbyN ... ... NWbyN ... ... NWbyN ESE SSW ... ... NNW ... ... NNW ... ... NNW SEbyE SWbyS ... ... Nby W ... ... NNW ... ... Nby W SE SW ... ... N ... NNW D S N SEbyS SWbyW ... ... NbyE ... ... NbyE ... ... NbyE SSE WSW ... NNE ... ... NNE ... ... NNE SbyE WbyS ... ... NEbyN ... ... NEbyN ... ... NNE S W ... NE ... ... NE ... ... NNE Sby W WbyN ... ... NEbyE ... ... NEbyE ... ... NEbyE SSW WNW ... ... ENE ... ... ENE ... ... ENE S W by S NWbyW ... ... EbyN ;.. ... EbyN ... ... EbyN SW N W ... ... E ... ... E ... ... E SWbyW NWbyN N p EbyS ... ... EbyS ... ... EbyS WSW NNW ... ESE ... ... ESE ... ... ESE WbyS Nby W ... ... SEbyE ... ... SEbyE ... SEbyE W N ... ... SE ... ... SE ... ... SE WbyN NbyE ... ... SEbyS N P SEbyS ... ... SEbyS WNW NNE ... SSE ... ... SSE ... ... SSE NWbyW NEbyN ... ... SbyE ... ... SbyE ... ... SbyE N W NE ... ... S ... ... S ... ... S NWbyN NEbyE ... ... Sby W ... ... Sby W N p Sby W NNW ENE ... ... SSW ... SSW ... ... SSW Nby W EbyN ... ... SWbyS ... SWbyS ... SWbyS PRACTICAL RULES BASED THEREON. 69 IY. FOR SOUTH HEMISPHERE. (From the French.) Direction of Wind. Bearing of Centre. Cyclone moving S W-ly. Cyclone moving S-ly. Cyclone moving S E-ly. Semicircle in which 1 Ship takes cyclone. Tack on which to heave-to. Course (if possible) to run out of cyclone. Semicircle in which ] Ship takes cyclone. Tack on which to heave-to. Course (if possible) to run out of cyclone. 14 II II "o "** "r* PH Tack on which to heave-to. Course (if possible) to run out of cyclone. N W D P SE D P SE D P SSE NbyE WbyN ... ... SEbyS ... ... SEbyS ... ... SSE NNE WNW .. . SSE SSE ... SSE NEbyN NWbyW ... SbyE ... ... SbyE ... ... SbyE NE N W ... S SSW ... ... S NEbyE NWbyN ... SbyW ... ... ssw N S SbyW ENE NNW ... ... SSW . . . SSW ... ... SSW EbyN NbyW ... ... S W byS ... ... S WbyS ... ... SWbyS E N ... ... WSW ... S W ... ... S W EbyS NbyE ... ... WSW N S SWbyW ... ... SWbyW ESE NNE ... WSW ... WSW ... ... WSW SEby E NEbyN ... ... WbyS ... ... WbyS ... WbyS SE NE ... ... W ... W .. . .. . W SEbyS NEbyE N S WbyN ... ... WbyN ... ... WbyN SSE ENE .. . WNW ... ... WNW ... WNW SbyE EbyN ... NWbyW NWbyW ... ... NWbyW S E ... .. . NW ... N W ... NW Sby W EbyS ... NWbyN ... ... NWbyN ... ... NWbyN ssw ESE ... ... NNW ... .. . NNW ... NNW S Wby S SEbyE ... ... NbyW ... ... NbyW ... ... NbyW S W SE ... ... N ... ... N D P N SWbyW SEbyS ... NbyE ... ... NbyE NbyE WSW SSE ... ... NNE ... . . . NNE .. . .. . NNE WbyS SbyE ... ... NEbyN ... ... NEbyN ... ... NEbyN W S ... ... NE D P NE ... ... NE WbyN SbyW ... ... NEbyE ... ... NEbyE ... ... NEbyE WNW SSW ... ... ENE ... ... ENE ... ... ENE NWbyW SWbyS ... EbyN ... EbyN ... ... EbyN N W S W D P E ... ... E ... ... E NWbyN SWbyW ... EbyS ... ... EbyS ... ... EbyS NNW WSW ... ... ESE ... ... ESE ... ... ESE NbyW WbyS ... ... SEbyE ... SEbyE ... SEbyE SPIRAL ROTATION OP THE WIND. MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS : RESULTS OF RECENT INVESTIGATION. The controversies of meteorologists in the early part of our century eventuated in the triumph of the circular theory of storms, and the establishment of laws based on that theory. The chiefs in the investiga- tion REDFIELD, REID, and PIDDINGTON had their doubts about the exactitude of a strictly circular revolution of the winds, and were earnest in the expression of their doubts on this head ; they, however, nevertheless thought the eight-point rule for the bearing of the centre of the storm, and the tack on which to heave-to, according to the semicircle in which the ship was found to be, were sufficiently, although only approximately, accurate for safety, provided always that the barometer was carefully watched, together with the veering or the backing of the winds. It came to pass, however, that writers and many of them in high authority who ostensibly followed the teachings of the men who first discovered and popularized the " Law of Storms," insidiously, and without sufficient justification, persisted in advocating the strictly circular rotation of the winds in the tropical hurricane ; and, for at least twenty-five years after the first promulgation of the " Law," it was deemed a heresy to dispute the validity of the crude reasoning brought forward to substantiate the purely circular theory, though to some, at least, that theory appeared erroneous from the standpoint of mechanics and physics. One of the earliest writers that perceived and recognised the discrepancy between the theory and the facts, published a work on the subject in 1853 : " A Memoir on the Equinoctial Storms of March- April 1850 : an Inquiry into the Extent to which the Rotatory Theory may be applied." By F. P. B. Martin, Esq., M.A. (published by Thomas Harrison, Pall Mall). The work was altogether desultory somewhat crude and in form not very readable ; but the substance of the book may be summarized thus : After stating it to be "a settled conviction, that, subject to the varying modifications of local influences, the Law of Storms is universal, semper, ubique, et db omnibus" he proceeds, in a note, to remark, " that although these gales consist of a storm's eye, a central calm, .... the wind blowing round that centre is not of the same force at every portion of the circumference equally distant from that centre. More than one instance will occur in these pages, of steamers having crossed the track of very violent hurricanes without encountering any bad weather, or even, but for the barometrical depression, having had reason to suppose it to be near, Neither does the term mean that a storm is circular in the strict MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 71 mathematical acceptation of the word, as though the central storm's eye were equally distant from every part of the circumference at which its force is the same, inasmuch as the area of the storm, whilst advancing, expands, but unequally, and this inequality arises from the diminished pressure of the atmosphere in the rear quadrants of the storm : as the vortex moves forward, it draws within its influence the atmosphere in advance of it with a steady equal operation ; but as that portion in the rear of it does not collapse and subside with the same regularity with which it was set in motion, a current parallel to the axis of advance will frequently be found to blow on the left-hand semicircle for some time after the body of the storm has passed." The work scarcely attracted the attention it merited, and for the reasons already given. Many of the storms, however, of which particulars are given, coincide in character with those described by later observers, in India, China, the West Indies, and Mauritius. We come now to a later period of the controversy as to the strict validity of the circular theory. For years after the establishment of the Mauritius Meteorological Society, the members were constantly discussing the improbabilities of many of the " well-established laws," and the errors of some of the " practical rules : " the subject, though ever recurring, was always fresh, for every season brought disabled ships to Port Louis to refit j all sorts of forms for the cyclone, novel modes of progression, and new rules for avoiding the fury of the tempest were constantly before the members, and their value debated with considerable vigour : the perception of a theory differing from the circular one had dawned on them years before much notice was taken of their " Proceedings " in Europe, and in 1861 the controversy was at its height. Mr. C. MELDRUM, the secretary, had (during ten or a dozen years) often called attention to the apparent in- curving of the wind in cyclones, and to the losses occasioned by masters of ships acting on the supposition that the bearing of the centre of the storm was at right angles to the direction of the wind, and that the movement of the wind was in concentric circles : he had come to the conclusion that there was a converging of the wind in cyclones, when the late Capt. DOUGLAS WALES, then harbour-master at Port Louis, addressed the following important letter to him in 1872 : " Some remarks of yours respecting the uncertainty of the real position of the centre of a cyclone set me thinking, and I send you a few ideas on the subject, which, as a sailor, I think worthy the serious attention of seamen, and the correctness of which they may put to the test of experience, whenever they have opportunities of doing so. " Allow me to premise that I have no intention of dogmatizing. I believe our knowledge of the causes of these fearful tempests, of their 72 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. origin, their progress in this or that direction, their rate of progression, their recurving, the reason of those recurvings, and their ultimate dis- persion, to be still in its infancy. No doubt, the knowledge already acquired has saved many a good ship from becoming entangled in these storms, especially ships approaching them on their equatorial sides ; but at the same time it must be admitted that more than one intelligent seaman, who thought himself well up in the subject, has actually run into the very centre of a cyclone, when, by all known rules, he ought to have been certain of avoiding it. " There must be some reason for such an error, and it is that reason that I have been seeking for, and which, I trust, I have to some extent discovered. I assume that within a diameter of 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80 miles a true circular storm of terrific violence must be found in every so- called hurricane, and that, to a considerable distance outside and around this central and circular storm, winds are to be found gradually decreasing in force from 11, near the outer edge of the central storm, to 7 and 6, at the outer edge of the bad weather, but which, instead of blowing in ever-enlarging circles further and further out from one common centre, are always converging to that centre, and on all sides gradually increasing until, at a certain distance from the central calm, they acquire the force of a hurricane (12), and thence inwards blow with great violence in what, in all probability, is as nearly as may be a circle. " It is these converging lines of wind that are, I think, likely to lead men into error as to the position of the centre of the storm. " I shall, to prevent confusion, confine myself to cyclones south of the equator, every one acquainted with the cyclonic theory knowing that the inverse of rules for the guidance of seamen in the southern hemi- sphere will be the rules for their guidance in the northern hemisphere. " Let us suppose that a ship bound to Europe arrives at a point in a converging curve where the wind being N.E. with force 7, that is, double reefs and jib, barometer falling, sky overcast, confused swell, and, in short, every appearance of bad weather; Lat. 12 S., Long. 70 E. What ought her Commander to do 1 ' Heave-to on the Port Tack,' says one, ' and wait for the weather to clear.' ' Run to the S.W.,' says another, * and make use of the storm.' Being a pushing fellow he makes up his mind to run, and, truth to say, there are as many reasons for approving that proceeding as for finding fault with it. " If he succeeds in making use of the hurricane, he is considered a smart fellow ; if he runs into it and is dismasted, or worse, ' rash,' ' headstrong,' * ignorant,' etc.,* are the best terms he can look for : * These expressions are mild as compared with some that were heaped on shipmasters who (following, as they thought, "definite and unambiguous rules") had the misfortune to find their way to the centre, instead of out, of the hurricane. MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 73 and yet he might as easily have been wrong in heaving-to as in running. " The wind being N.E., he infers that the centre bears N.W. (see diagram 17, p. 53). He considers that the barometer and weather in- dicate that he is on the S.E. edge of a cyclone the N.E. wind upon which he is running forming a part of a circidar storm, and that necessarily the centre is N.W. of him. Considering, further, that in that Lat. and Long, the storm is probably travelling W.S.W., he thinks that if he runs S.W. he will be diverging from it, and that, by making use of the storm, he will get fine runs, perhaps for days to come. " But if the N.E. wind be only converging towards the fearful storm raging near the centre, that centre, in the first place, bears W. by N. J N. instead of N.W., so that the vessel, by steering S.W., is not diverging from the centre, as supposed, but is really drawing nearer to it. In due time the weather gets worse from this very cause ; the wind veers more to the eastward ; the barometer continues to fall ; and the Captain begins to doubt whether the storm may not after all be progressing more to the southward than he supposed whether indeed it may not, although so far to the eastward, be actually recurving, and he naturally becomes anxious, and uncertain what to do. If he decides on running at all risks, he finds the wind still drawing at first more and more easterly, and then more and more southerly, always increasing in fury, and the sea becoming more and more heavy and tumultuous. But run he must now, and he must run dead before it, and being on what I have supposed a line of wind converging to a centre, he finishes by getting into the real hurricane, and loss and disaster are imminent. He may, however, if his ship be tight and staunch, and runs well, get round to the N.W. side of the storm, and so get clear, probably with loss of spars and sails ; but he has clearly run into what he was running to avoid, because he was under the impression that the winds within the influence of a cyclone, although far from its centre, blew in circles round that centre, the wind everywhere clearly indicating the exact, or nearly exact, position of that centre. " These opinions I submit with very great diffidence for the considera- tion of seamen and cyclonists. I am not going to attempt the setting up of any dogmatic theory of mine own, but I am inclined to think that this theory of converging winds will probably account for the manner in which many vessels have become entangled in hurricanes when seeking to avoid them according to cyclonic rules. Like all other theories on this very important subject, it requires very careful consideration ; but there can be no possible risk in deducing from it the rule that vessels on approaching what the barometer, the state of the weather, and the force of the wind, clearly indicate as the dangerous side of a cyclone, 74 MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. should, in seeking to avoid it, keep the wind quite four points on the Port Quarter. " With the wind thus free, a fast ship would run with great rapidity through the water, and, unless the storm were advancing on her in a direct line, would be always increasing her distance from its centre, and getting into finer weather and, in any case, would have a very good chance of running across its track, and thus avoiding it. " Ships running into cyclones on their equatorial sides are to a very great extent without excuse. There are, however, some exceptional instances ; but they are very rare." The Theory of Revolving Storms had passed into what was supposed to be a well-defined Law, and the Practical Rules deduced therefrom were taken as established on the very best basis that of experience : it may, however, be said, without misstatement, that, from a critical point of view, the circular theory had come to be accepted without much con- troversy ; true, it had at first encountered opposition ; but from some cause, whether from the influence of names (always very potent), or from the apparent simplicity of the "Law" and its deductions, the opposition had been silenced, or was in abeyance. Now no place better than the Mauritius, owing to its situation, could have been selected for a crucial examination at once of the theory and its practical bearing on navigation ; and the letter of Capt. WALES is important, as showing that the regular discussions of the Meteorological Society of the island were (in 1872) beginning to develop valuable and unexpected results. There were advocates of the circular theory, and others, who strongly opposed it, and the discussions were at times very animated : the form of cyclones whether circles or ellipses ; the calm was it in the centre of a circle, or in one of the foci of an ellipse ? were the winds at a given place in the storm from such direction as the theory required them to be ] did this or that ship run into the vortex through disregarding or obeying the practical rules? these had been the topics debated and discussed at almost every meeting of the Society for ten or twelve years : meanwhile the Secretary (Mr. C. MELDRUM) was quietly examining the archives for new data ; the investigation resulted in his faith in the old principles being gradually shaken; and in February 1873 he read to the Society the following important paper : Notes on the Form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the Rules given for avoiding their Centres. " According to the earlier writers on the ' Law of Storms,' cyclones are of a circular form, and they are invariably represented by a number of concentric circles, in which the wind in the Northern Hemisphere MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 75 blows from right to left, or against the hands of a watch, and in the contrary direction in the Southern Hemisphere. " Following in the footsteps of his predecessors, who had written some thirty years previously, M. BRIDET, in his excellent treatise, Etude sur les Ouragans (Paris, 1869), has adopted the same views. " Now, if cyclones are circular, it is very easy to know the bearing of the centre, and a very simple rule is laid down by cyclonologists for the guidance of shipmasters in that respect. ' Turn your face to the * wind/ they say, ' and if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the ' centre will be to your right, but if in the Southern Hemisphere, to ' your left.' Or ' the bearing of the centre is always at right angles to ' the direction of the wind, but in different directions in the two ' hemispheres.' Thus, with the wind at East, the centre in the Northern Hemisphere bears due South, and in the Southern Hemisphere due North ; and so on. " But it is evident that if cyclones are not circular, the above rule is inapplicable. It is, therefore, of great practical importance to know something of the form of cyclones. " The first time attention was called to this particular point was, so far as I can find, in January 1860. The winds and weather at the Mauritius Observatory had just indicated the passage of a cyclone, and I determined to deduce its track from my own observations alone, before any vessels could arrive. Proceeding on the supposition that the circular theory was correct, I was obliged to come to the conclusion ' that the E.S.E. wind, which blew for forty-eight hours, did not belong ' to the cyclone, unless the latter travelled at first S. by E. and S.S.E., ' and then S. by W. and S.S.W., or in some other irregular way.' " These remarks, which were published in the Commercial Gazette, attracted the attention of Mr. CLARE BERNARD. " ' At the end of last January,' remarks Mr. BERNARD in a paper which he communicated to the Society, ' I saw with great interest, in 1 the Commercial Gazette, the remarkable paper read by Mr. MELDRUM ' to the Meteorological Society on the cyclone of the 8th to 16th ' January, and the perusal of it directed my ideas towards cyclonology, * to which I had hitherto paid but little attention. " < Soon afterwards I met with an extract from the Archives of ' Mauritius, containing an account of the celebrated hurricane of 1818, ' and I was anxious to trace the track which this cyclone had taken. I ' did so according to the circular theory, following the method described ' by Mr. MELDRUM in his paper, and was much surprised to find myself ' confronted by an impossible result. For the wind in 1818 commenced ' at E.S.E,, which placed the centre of the cyclone to the N.N.E. ; it afterwards veered to South, thus placing the centre in the East ; it 76 MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 1 then veered to North and N.W., which made the centre pass to the ' Westward and S.W.-ward of Mauritius. This cyclone, therefore, had * travelled in a zig-zag direction.' " Mr. BERNARD then proceeds to develop a theory by which, on the supposition that cyclones are elliptical, that the centre is in the posterior focus of the ellipse, and that the inclination of the major axis to the meridian varies, he accounted for all anomalies. But it was evident that, without further observation, this ingenious theory would not be sufficient to overthrow the circular theory, which had held its ground for nearly thirty years. (See Mercantile Marine Magazine, vol. 10, p. 321.) " From January 1860 down to the present time, no hurricane has been examined here which has not afforded fresh evidence that cyclones are not so circular as they have been supposed to be. To reproduce all the remarks that have been made on the subject would occupy too much time and space, but it may be proper to remind the Society of some of them. " In a paper read on the 31st July 1860, giving an account of the hurricane of the 6th to the 17th February 1860, it is said: 'The * Southerly and Northerly winds extended many degrees South and ' North of the centre, giving the storm an elliptical appearance ; and on 1 at least the llth, 12th and 13th, the trade, at some distance to the ' Eastward, was directed towards the centre. Hence the bearing of the * centre, from many of the vessels, was not at right angles to the wind's 1 direction.' " The following quotation is from an account of the hurricanes of the 18th to the 29th February 1860 : ' There are no means of determining ' the exact forms of the cyclones on each day ; but it is evident that the * wind did not blow in true circles. From observations made on all sides * of the Phoenix storm, on the 25th, it would appear that the meteor had ' a helical form ; for, while the S.E. trade swept round on its Western ' side, and the N.W. monsoon on its Eastern side, in two distinct curves, ' there was an Easterly stream of air (between the N.E.-ly and S.E.-ly ' winds) extending over several degrees, and directed towards the vortex. ' (See Fig. 22, p. 80.) On that day, then, and on subsequent days, the * bearing of the centre at some distance could not have been determined ' by the rules laid down on the subject. From the winds and weather * at Port Louis on the 25th, for example, the centre, according to the ' Law of Storms, should have been due North of the Island, whereas it ' was W.N. W. of it ; and the bearing of the centre from St. Denis, ' where the wind was S.E., should have been N.E., whereas it was about N.N.W.' " In a description of another storm which occurred in March 1860, we read as follows : ' Although the storm on some days appeared to be MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 77 ' more circular than on others, yet it is probable that during the whole ' time the wind blew round the centre spirally.' "An account of the hurricane of the 29th January to the 7th February 1863 contains the following remarks : ' But it is evident ' that at some distance from the centre the wind was not blowing in a * circle. The probability is that it was blowing towards it spirally. ' At all events, it was impossible for the John Barrow, William Carvill, 1 Louisa, etc., to determine by the Law of Storms the bearing of the ' centre at noon, although the wind was increasing fast and the barometer ' falling. The winds and weather experienced by these vessels would, ' according to the "Law," place the centre to the N.E.-ward of them; ' whereas it was nearly due North of the William Carvill, and N.N.W. ' of the John Barrow. All of them, in short, had the S.E. trade; but ' it is difficult to know when the trade forms a part of the " storm circle" ' Capt. TILLMAN of the Louisa, who was well aware that a cyclone was ' somewhere to the Northward, ran to the Westward, apparently under ' the impression that, with the wind at S.S.E. and S.E., he could cross ' the storm's track before the centre could reach him ; but after running ' nearly 200 miles W. J S. he found the wind hauling to the East, which ' made him give up the idea of passing in front of the storm. The ' storm was a revolving one, but it was only towards its centre that the 1 wind blew in a circular direction, the curvature increasing as the centre 1 was approached.' " A description of a severe hurricane, which took place from the 8th to the 22nd May 1863, contains the following remarks: 'Although, ' however, it is quite evident that the wind blew round the centre ' uninterruptedly, it does not appear that it did so in a circle. The disc ' of revolving air was a vortex, the "Western side of which was circular, ' or nearly so, while on its Eastern side the wind blew more or less ' towards the centre, the Westerly winds curving sharply to Northerly ' and North-easterly winds, and the Easterly winds blowing towards the ' centre.' " The years 1864-68 being remarkable for a comparative absence of hurricanes in the Southern Indian Ocean, we had not many oppor- tunities of studying their forms, and the bearings of their centres with respect to the directions of the wind. But from what we already knew, it was thought proper to call attention to the subject in a paper which was read before the British Association in 1867. The following is a quotation from the published report of that paper : ' As the trade- wind ' in front of a revolving storm often blows in strong gales with a falling ' barometer over many degrees in longitude, and the direction of the ' wind, especially at a distance, is far from being at right angles to the ' bearing of the centre, severe losses have occurred in consequence of 78 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. ' vessels, having the wind at S.E., running to the West or N.W., with ' the view of crossing the storm's path, under the impression that the ' centre bore N.E. In place of bearing N.E. when the wind is from ' S.E., the centre may bear North or N.N.W.; and if the storm be ' travelling to the S. W., as is often the case, a vessel steering Westward ' or N.W. may be running to her destruction. During a hurricane in 1 February 1860, for example, a number of vessels left the roadsteads of ' Reunion with the wind at S.E., and running to the N.W. got into the * heart of the storm. Several of them were wrecked on the coast of ' Madagascar, others were never heard of, and of those that returned ' some had to be abandoned.' " On approaching a cyclone on its Southern side, a vessel always encounters a strong trade- wind, and the bearing of the centre can seldom be inferred from the direction of the wind. This is often exemplified at the commencement of a storm at Mauritius, as already referred to in the cases of the hurricanes of March 1818 and January 1860. But we are not now alluding to such cases, but to the direction of the wind in what may be called the body of the storm. "At 8.30 A.M. on the 25th February 1860 a number of vessels in the roadstead of St. Denis received orders to put to sea. The barometer was then at 29 '68 inches; the sea was very high; the wind was blow- ing from S.E. in gusts ; much rain was falling in the squalls ; the nimbus clouds were moving with great rapidity; the sea was increasing more and more, and everything indicated the approach of a hurricane, (BRIDET, Etude, etc.) "In all, 41 vessels left the roadsteads of Reunion, either on the morning of the 25th or previously. " Now, as the wind was from S.E., the ' Law of Storms ' placed the centre away to N.E., and, naturally enough, the advice given to the commanders of these vessels would be to run to the N.W., so as to cross the storm's path in front of the centre, and get into the N.W. quadrant. But we have ample proof that, at noon on the 25th, the centre of the storm was nearly 150 miles N.N.W. of St. Denis, and that as it was travelling very slowly, the centre bore between N. by W. and N.N.W. , instead of N.E., at the time the vessels put to sea from that roadstead, with the intention, no doubt, of crossing the storm's path. " Most of the vessels steered towards some point between N.W. and West, but only four of them succeeded in crossing the storm's path in front of the centre. One of these was a steamer, and two of the other three had put to sea from other roadsteads before the 25th. Fortunately for them, the storm was travelling at the rate of only two to three miles an hour, otherwise they would probably have been less fortunate. If MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR ^o^^OF STORMS. 79 the storm had been progressing at the rate of five or six miles an hour, as often happens, they could not have crossed in time. " Four other vessels which steered West, in place of N.W., escaped without serious loss. This is entirely attributed by M. BRIDET to their having kept on the port tack, but their comparative safety was fully as much due to their having been considerably further from the centre than the vessels which ran to the N.W. -ward. One of the commanders, on his return, thought fit to apologise to the Port Captain for not having followed his instructions. ' According to the Law of Storms I ' should have run to the N.W. to try and pass to its navigable side, but ' the fear of broaching-to prevented me, and I resigned myself to receive ' the full force of the hurricane, my ship, in fact, being quite prepared * for lying-to.' It was well that he did not run to the N.W. " As for the remaining 33 vessels the results were deplorable : 55 men perished, either swallowed up by the sea, remarks M. BRIDET, or succumbing to disease contracted after the sufferings of shipwreck. Three vessels disappeared and were never heard of. Three more were wrecked on the coast of Madagascar. Four were afterwards condemned at St. Denis, and two more at Port Louis. In fine, only 10 vessels sustained slight damage; the remaining 31, either through total loss or necessary repairs, costing the insurers, according to M. BRIDET, 3,360,000 francs, or 134,400. " While lamenting these disasters, M. BRIDET, in very strong terms, ascribes them to the ignorance or the culpability said to have been shown by the commanders in not having acted in conformity with ' the principles of the new science.' But it will not, we think, be difficult to prove that, on this occasion at least, the ' principles ' themselves were more at fault than the commanders. "When the wind was from S.E. at St. Denis (Reunion) on the morning of the 25th, with a rather low and falling barometer and eveiy appearance of a hurricane, M. BRIDET, believing that the centre of the cyclone bore N.E., and that the vessels were in front of it, would have no doubt counselled the commanders to run to the N.W. with all possible speed. "Now the centre did not bear N.E., but between N. by W. and N.N.W. This very important point is fully proved by observations made at Mauritius (M), and Reunion (R), and by the following vessels: Emily Smith (e), Swallow (s\ steamer Somme (arrow above R ), Colbert (arrow below R , or Reunion), Ocean Wave (w) near Foule Point, PJmnix (p), Johanne (j), Chene (c), steamer Bahiana (b), and Jemmy (i).* * The letters show the positions of the vessels and of Mauritius and Reunion on Fig. 22, between at. 14 and 26 S., long. 45' to 63 E. 80 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. "We have, then, the direction of the wind at 12 different points on all sides of the centre ; and these show that, at noon of February 25th, the centre was in latitude 18 40' S., longitude 54 30' E., near the position of the Chene. These observations, however, not only enable us to determine with sufficient accuracy the position of the centre at noon on the 25th, but they also afford a good idea of the form of the cyclone (see Fig. 22). We see that from the Emily Smith and Swal- low northwards to the Ocean Wave, the wind curved round from S.E.-ward to S. by W. on the S.W. and West sides of the storm, but that as it pursued its course to the N.E.- ward it must have sharply curved so as to form the N.N.W. wind experienced by the P/icenix. It then gently curved round on the N.E. side of the storm, as shown by the N.E.-ly winds of the Chene and Jolianne. To the Southward and Eastward of these vessels, again, we find, as at Mauritius and with the Bahiana, an Easterly wind almost directed to the centre, while at and near Reunion there was a strong S.E.-ly wind, also blowing more or less towards the centre. " About 150 miles to the N.E. by N. of St. Denis the Johanne had a hard gale from N.N.E., whereas if the S.E. wind at St. Denis had belonged to a circular storm, the Johanne should have had the wind from N.W. by N. " M. BRIDET does not give the position of the centre at noon on the 25th, but he places it at noon on the 26th in lat. 19 2' S., long. 53 20' E., and it was placed by us in lat. 19 S., long. 53 30' E., which is practically the same. But we have seen that at noon on the 25th the centre was in 18 40' S. and 54 30' E. From noon on the 25th to noon on the 26th, therefore, the storm travelled nearly 62 miles on a W.S.W. course, or at the rate of 2-6 miles an hour. (See Fig. 22 for the position of the centre on the 25th towards which the spirals converge, and on 26th, indicated by a small white circle. ) " We thus arrive at the following important results : " Three hours after the vessels left St. Denis on the 25th, with the MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 81 wind from S.E., the centre bore about 150 miles to the N.N.W.; and as the storm was travelling at the rate of only 2 *6 miles an hour, it is clear that at the time the vessels put to sea (9 A.M.) the centre must have still been nearly in the same direction, the storm in the three hours' interval having progressed only 7 -8 miles to the W.S.W. At noon on the 26th, the centre was 160 miles due N.W. of St. Denis. Hence, if the vessels had all steered N.W. 011 leaving St. Denis, at the average rate of seven knots an .hour, they would have reached the spot occupied by the centre at noon on the 26th (as given by M. BRIDET himself) at 8 A.M. on the 26th, or four hours sooner than the centre, and have been at a distance of only ten miles from it. " A part of M. BRIDET'S censure is directed against those commanders who, by running to the N.W., and getting ultimately involved in the dangerous part of the hurricane, did not from the outset run on the port tack. But what we contend for is, that as the centre did not bear N.E. but N.N.W., it was, under any circumstances, most dangerous to steer to the N. W., and that heavy losses were to be fully expected, seeing that the vessels were going straight to the centre. Four vessels did succeed in crossing the storm's path in front of the centre. But this was the result of mere hazard, for it is certain that none of these vessels, when they left St. Denis, knew either the bearing of the centre or the storm's rate of progression. They owed their safety to the fact that the storm was travelling very slowly, and probably to the circumstance that they were enabled to run faster than the other vessels, and very little merit is due to their commanders. " Moreover, the vessels that were fortunate enough to cross in front of the storm kept on the starboard tack, which, as the storm was travelling on a W.S.W. course, is the tack usually recommended to vessels about to pass into the right-hand semicircle, it being expected that the S.E. and S.S.E. winds would soon veer to South and S.W. That the less fortunate vessels, therefore, should be blamed for running on the starboard tack at the outset, is, we think, a mistake. For aught they knew, the storm might have been travelling on a S.W. by S. course, in which case they would have been at the outset in the right- hand semicircle. It is true that, when they found the wind hauling to the East, they should, if possible, have been put on the port tack. But this may have been impossible. They ran to the Northward, in expectation of the wind veering to South and S.W. ; and before the S.E. and S.S.E. wind began to veer, not to South, but to East, they were irretrievably involved in the storm. Their great misfortune was that they held to the N.W. at all, on any tack. "We pass to another point which bears on the subject : " It has been observed at Mauritius, that when cyclones pass on the F 82 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. North side of the island, the wind often veers only from S.E.-ward to N.E.-ward, or to North at the utmost, although, in pursuing its course, the centre of the storm is afterwards found to bear West, or even S.W., of the Observatory. "In the destructive hurricane of the 18th to the 29th February 1860, for example, already referred to, the wind veered only from S.E. to N.N.E., and then gradually backed to E.S.E. ; and when the wind was from N.E. on the 27th, the centre of the storm did not bear N.W., according to the * Law,' but West. "Again, in the great hurricane of the 9th to the 19th February 1861, the centre of which passed between Mauritius and Reunion, the wind, it is true, veered from S.S.E. to East, N.W., and West, but its direction was not a sure indication of the bearing of the centre. On the 17th, 'for instance, when the wind at Port Louis was from N.N.W., the centre did not bear W.S.W., but between S.S.W. and S. by W. "From the 4th to the 10th January 1871 a storm passed on the North side of Mauritius. The wind at the Observatory veered only from S.S.E. to N.E., and then backed to E.S.E. The storm was traced from latitude 17 S., longitude 60 45' E. at noon on the 4th, to latitude 30 28' S., longitude 57 48' E. at noon on the 10th. It travelled at first on a W.S.W. course, and afterwards on a S.W., South, and S.E. course, passing a few miles to the Westward of Reunion on the 6th, where it committed considerable damage. Now at noon on the 6th, when the wind at Port Louis was strong from N.E., the centre, in place of bearing N.W., was 180 miles to the S.W., the wind at Port Louis blowing directly towards it. Many persons at Mauritius thought that as the wind did not veer beyond N.E., Reunion would be spared, but the arrival of vessels with full information showed not only that Reunion had suffered, but that the storm had passed to the Westward and South- ward of that Island. "At a meeting of this Society held on the 23rd March 1871 the storm's course and extent were discussed, and particular attention again called to the fact that the bearing of the centre was far from being at right angles to the direction of the wind, especially at a good distance from it ; and it was also remarked that, as usual, some of the vessels that had put to sea from Reunion had not since been heard of, they having run to the N.W. when the wind was from S.E., and probably got into or near the centre. "About this time I had a conversation with the harbour-master, Captain WALES, on the subject, and made a rough sketch of what I conceived to be the form of cyclones in these latitudes. Captain WALES at once perceived the practical bearing of the remarks submitted to him, MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 83 and in a few days he drew up a paper, ' On the Converging of the Wind in Cyclones,' which was read before the Society (see pp. 71-74). " Between the 8th and 19th February 1872 a very severe hurricane came down from the E.N.E., the centre passing about 70 miles North of Mauritius early on the morning of the 6th, and 40 to 50 miles N.W. of Reunion in the night of the 16th to the 17th. It did little harm at Mauritius, but the crops at Reunion suffered greatly, and several lives were lost. At the Observatory (Mauritius) the wind veered from S.S.E. to N.N.E., and then backed to E.S.E. The storm's path and extent were discussed in a paper read before the Society on the 28th March 1872; and we know bej^ond all doubt that when, at noon on the 17th, the wind was blowing at Mauritius in strong breezes from N.E. by N., the centre of the storm bore about 240 miles W.S.W. of the Observatory. On this occasion, also, a number of vessels put to sea from Reunion, and some of them have never returned. "From the 4th to the 10th January 1873 another severe hurricane came from the N.E. -ward, passed North of Mauritius, and committed great damage at Reunion, blowing down buildings, destroying the crops, and causing general distress. We know that at Mauritius the wind veered only from S.E. to N. by E., remaining but a short time at the latter point, from which it backed to East, and that when the wind was from N. by E. the centre of the storm bore about S.W. by W. " Shortly after the storm of 1871 or 1872 (I forget which), I received some copies of a Reunion newspaper containing a discussion of the storm by M. BRIDET, as well as several letters, in which the writers, or some of them, requested that gentleman to explain the fact that the wind at St. Denis did not veer more than it did, the circular theory requiring it to have passed to the West of North. I am not aware that M. BRIDET has given any satisfactory answer to these inquiries, his reply merely re-asserting the correctness of the ' Law of Storms ' as expounded by himself and others. Another writer, however, has suggested that, in approaching Mauritius and Reunion, cyclones might be flattened in consequence of the resistance presented by the high lands of these islands, and, if so, that this would account for the wind veering so little. But an examination of storms which have taken place at a great distance from high land, shows that their forms were nearly the same as in the case of storms passing near Mauritius and Reunion, and therefore the supposed influence of the mountains of these islands in altering the form of cyclones cannot be accepted as an explanation of the observed facts. This is a point of so much importance that we do not hesitate to give the details, for one day (the 16th), of the hurricane of the 8th to the 22nd May 1863. 84 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. (The ships involved were the Golconda (g f ), Francis Banfidd (6), Formosa (/), Rajasthan (r\ Lochnagar (I), Fez Eabannee (z), James Mussel (/), Glendevon (g), Tjielingsie (t), Sugar (s f ), Ms (i), Alice Maud (m), Scinde (s), Earl Dalhousie (d), Herald (h), Adela (a), and the Fairy, represented on Fig. 23 by their respective letters : the area embraced is from latitude to 26 S., and between longitude 71i and 89 E.) "The centre of the storm at noon was in latitude 11 20' S., longitude 78 50' E., or about 20 miles to the Eastward of the James Russel. " The relative positions of the vessels, and the winds they had (as laid down on Fig. 23), show that the S.E. trade-wind gently curved round on the West side of the storm, as shown by the logs of the Golconda, Francis Banfield, Formosa, Rajasthan, Lochnagar, and Fez Rdbannee ; that nearly 380 miles due North of the centre the Ibis had a strong breeze from West ; that between the Ibis and the Alice Maud the wind must have curved sharply round from West to N.E.; that the N.E.-ly winds of the Alice Maud, Scinde, Earl Dalhousie, Herald, and Adela were directed towards the centre; and that when the Tjielingsie had a storm from E.S.E. to East, the centre bore about 120 miles to the N.W.-ward of her. " The form of this cyclone, therefore, strongly resembled that of the 25th February 1860, which will be best seen by comparing Figs. 22 and 23. "The Earl Dalhousie had been scudding since 5 P.M. on the 14th, and by 8 A.M. on the 16th she had gone three times round the centre, the wind veering regularly from N.E. to East, S.E., South, S.W., West, etc., back to N.E. , until at last she apparently got into the central calm for a few minutes at 3.30 A.M. on the 16th. But no sooner did she get out of the centre, with the wind at N.N.W., than she again began to scud. By this time, however, the storm, which had been almost stationary, was travelling at the rate of 15 miles an hour, and she could not manage to run round the centre a fourth time. Still she held to the S.W. before the N.E. wind at the rate of 10 to 11 knots an hour, until, finding little improvement, she was hove-to at 6 P.M. MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 85 "During the latter part of the 16th and the earlier part of the 17th the vessels that had the wind from the N.E.-ward (Alice Maud, Scinde, Earl Dalhousie, Herald, and Adda) were either hove-to, or proceeding slowly to the Southward or S.W.-ward. But on the 17th, the weather having much improved, and the barometer risen considerably, they ran to the Southward and S.W.-ward; and on the 18th, the storm recurving and travelling slowly, most of them got into the centre, or close to it, a second time, and suffered severely. " The Earl Dalhousie scudded as before ; but by the time she had brought the wind from N.E. to S. by W., the rudder-head twisted, and refusing her starboard helm, the ship broached-to on the starboard tack, and went over on her beam ends, with her lower yards in the water, the lee main deck full, and the sea washing up half-way on the poop deck. In this dilemma it was found necessary to cut away the three masts by the deck. " The Alice Maud foundered, but fortunately her officers and crew were saved by the Chanaral. " The Herald, proceeding more slowly to the S.W.-ward than the Earl Dal/iousie, got into the centre only at 10 A.M. on the 19th, and was dismasted. "At 10 P.M. on the 16th, the James Russel had the wind from W. by S., from which it veered to W.N.W. and North early on the 17th. The weather being now more moderate, she ran South with the wind veering to N.N.E. and increasing, and by 3 P.M. on the 18th, after being dismasted, she was in the central calm, with her barometer at 2 7 '30. At 5 P.M. the wind recommenced from West to S.W., and blew with great fury for two hours. " The Scinde, going at the rate of only 2 to 3 knots, did not get near the centre a second time, but the Adela came up close to it, and was in great danger of foundering. " The Fairy, which had also the wind moderating at N.E. on the 16th (position not given), bore away S.W., and on the 17th she was 1 running before the wind (from N.E.-ward) with all possible speed.' At noon on the 18th, in latitude 14 9' S., longitude 78 10' E., with a furious hurricane from the N.E.-ward, she was laid-to on the starboard tack. 'At 6 P.M. the hurricane, which was then raging with tremendous 1 fury, ceased in less than one minute to an entire calm.' At 7 the hurricane recommenced from the opposite quarter, namely, S.W. She was then kept right before the wind, but in ten minutes she was thrown on her beam ends, and was for some time in great danger. On the 20th she was abandoned, her officers and crew taking refuge on board the Arundel from Bombay to Liverpool. " It is quite certain that all these vessels, if they had not run to the 86 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS, Southward and S.W.-ward, but had stood back for 48 hours, would have escaped. But what we have especially to remark is this, that, in all probability, the commanders were entirely mistaken as to the bearing of the centre. Most of them had been more or less involved in the hurricane from the 12th to the 16th, but at last the wind began to moderate, and the barometer to rise rapidly. Now, with the wind from N.E., and the barometer low, though rising, the centre, according to the circular theory, should bear N.W. ; and as the weather improved and the barometer continued to rise, it would naturally be inferred that, with the centre in that direction, and its distance increasing, there could be no great danger in running to the S.W.-ward. But at noon on the 16th, when the wind was from N.E.-ward, the centre was from 200 to 300 miles to the S.W.-ward of the vessels, and therefore at that distance the wind blew directly towards it ; and it cannot fail to be remarked that this is analogous to what has already been pointed out in the case of hurricanes passing near Mauritius and Reunion, the N.E.-ly winds at a distance blowing more or less towards the centre. " On the other hand, we have evidence that, near the centre, the wind blows, if not in a circle, at least nearly so. A good example of this is furnished by the Earl Dalhousie in running round the centre of the hurricane of May 1863. At noon on the 15th she was in lat. 8 55' S., long. 84 32' E. The following is an extract from her log : " 'At 1 A.M. a heavy gale from East ; course West, 10 to 11 knots. At 2, wind S.E. ; course N.W., 10 to 11 knots ; raining in torrents. At 3, wind South; course North, 10 knots; the roaring of the wind is something fearful, and the intense darkness is truly appalling. At 4, wind S.W. ; course N.E., 10 knots ; bar. 29-70. At 5, wind W.N.W. ; course E.S.E., 10 to 11 knots. At 6, wind N.N.W. ; course S.S.E., 10 knots. At 7, wind North ; course South, 1 1 knots ; blowing with tremendous fury, and raining in torrents ; bar. 29 '45. At 8, wind N.N.E.; course S.S.W., 11 knots. At 9, wind N.E. by E. ; course S.W. by W., 11 knots. At 10, wind East; course West, 11 knots; bar. 29-35 ; same weather and sea ; still scudding.' " It would thus appear that it took 9 hours to go completely round the centre ; and as the distance run was 95 miles, the diameter of the cyclone, on the supposition that the wind blew in a circle, and that the storm was stationary, would, with the Earl Dalhousie, be nearly 30 miles. The storm, however, was not stationary, but travelling at the rate of 3-3 miles an hour to the S.W.-ward. During the two hours, therefore, it took to bring the wind from East to South, the centre would have advanced nearly 7 miles, and have approached the vessel when on the S.W. side of the storm. But in getting round on the MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 87 Northern and Eastern sides, her distance from the centre would be increasing. This may partly account for the fact that in the Western half of the storm the wind veered rapidly, taking only about 3J hours to pass from East to West, whereas it took 5 J hours to pass from West to East. There is reason to suppose, however, that even at that short distance from the centre, the wind on the N.E. and Eastern sides of the storm was incurving towards the centre, for it took only one hour to bring the wind from S.W. to W.N.W., apparently showing the sharp curving in that part of the storm already alluded to, while it took a whole hour to bring the wind from W.N.W. to N.N.W.; and it will be seen that it remained 2 hours between North and N.E. by E., whereas on the Western side it veered four points in one hour. During all this time the vessel was gradually approaching the centre, for with the N.E.-ly and Easterly winds she gained more than she had previously lost. " Her next run round the centre was performed in a little more than 8 hours ; and as the subject is rather interesting, it may be proper to give the log in full, commencing where we stopped with the wind at East : "'At 11 A.M., wind S.E. by E. ; course N.W. by W., 11 knots; ship labouring very much. Noon, wind S. by E. ; course N. by W., 10 to 1 1 knots ; sky densely overcast ; same fearful hurricane, and rain in torrents ; bar. 29-25. At 1 P.M., wind S.W. by W. ; course N.E. by E., 10 to 11 knots; dense upper clouds, and light lower scud flying in various directions. At 2, wind W.N.W. ; course E.N.E., 10 to 11 knots. At 3, wind N.W. by W. ; course S.E. by S., 10 knots ; blowing a most severe storm, with constant heavy rain. At 4, wind North ; course South, 11 knots; bar. 29-20. At 5, wind N.E. ; course S.W., 11 knots. At 6, wind E. by N. ; course W. by S., 12 knots. At 7, wind E. by S. ; course W. by N., 12 knots.' From 10 A.M. to about 6J P.M. the wind veered right round the com- pass, the vessel making 92 miles ; and it will be seen that, as before, the wind must have curved sharply from S.W. by W. to W.N.W., and very slowly from W.N.W. to N.W. by N. " It would be easy to adduce many more instances showing that at least at some distance from the centre the form, of cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean is not truly represented by concentric circles, and that the rule usually given for ascertaining the bearing of the centre is often inapplicable. But we must stop here for the present, and now proceed to state briefly the conclusions at which we have arrived. " To find the exact directions in which the wind blows in a hurri- cane is not an easy matter. The true positions of the vessels are not always given, especially when their courses are frequently changed, and 88 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. it is impossible to get observations of the sun or stars. It doubtless happens, also, that the directions of the wind as given in the log-books are often incorrect to the extent, it may be, of two or three points. Then, although it may be quite certain that a cyclone exists, yet there may be only two or three vessels involved in it, and these may be all in the same part of the storm. For these reasons, it takes a long time, and the investigation of many cyclones, to obtain an approximate know- ledge of their forms. We, in fact, get only occasional glimpses, at such times as in consequence of many vessels being on all sides of a storm we can obtain good averages ; and this will account for the want of precision which sometimes characterizes the allusions made to the forms of cyclones in the descriptions which we have given of them. " Comparing, however, the results obtained during the last 20 years, and especially the last 12 years, we have no hesitation in saying that, generally (we do not say always), fully developed cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean have the same form as the cyclones of the 25th February 1860 and the 16th May 1863. " The forms of these two cyclones are given in Fig. 22 (p. 80), and Fig. 23 (p. 84), as examples of what may generally be expected. " It will be seen, as already remarked, that the S.E. trade- wind curves round on the Western side, giving the storm in that part of it a more or less circular appearance, but that the wind curves sharply from West to N.W. and North, and that the Easterly winds (particularly from E.N.E. to E.S.E.) blow nearly towards the centre, except when near it. "The line A B (Fig. 22, page 80) is supposed to pass through Mauritius, and it will be seen that the storm commences with the wind from S.E.-ward at A, but that as the centre advances to the S.W.-ward the wind gradually veers to North at B. " The extent to which the wind veers at a fixed point must depend upon the size of the storm, the distance from the centre, and the dia- meter of the more circular part near the centre. " Having given the general form of cyclones, I should perhaps leave the rest to practical men. But there can be no harm in stating, subject to correction, what appears to be necessary for avoiding the centre ; and in doing so I will quote here some remarks made in April 1863 : " ' A rotatory storm, in the Indian Ocean, not being a detached body of air whirling round in a circle beyond which light airs and variables prevail but the result of the conflicting action of two antagonistic winds which often respectively extend hundreds of miles North and South of the centre, towards which they at a distance begin to curve gradually, the degree of curvature increasing as the centre is approached, until at length they rush round it with more or less violence, it becomes MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 89 a question of practical importance to know when can the direction of the wind be relied upon for a sufficiently near estimate of the bearing of the centre ; for by considering the direction of the wind, when it is S.E. for example, to be tangential to a storm-circle, and then running to the Westward, with the view of crossing the storm's track, the vessel may be steered headlong to destruction. " ' There does not appear to be much difficulty in avoiding a rotatory storm when the vessel is in its Northern half, and has the wind at any point from South to North, through the West, or even from South to N.E. through the West. " ' If the wind be between South and West, a vessel should run to the N.W.-ward ; if it be between West and North, she should run to the N.E.-ward ; and if it be from N.E.-ward, she should make as much Easting as possible. " ' Or, if the sea and weather allowed, she might be hove-to on the proper tack till the barometer rose and the weather improved, [except, perhaps, when the wind is from N.E., in which case, if she be between the parallels of 18 and 30 S., the storm may be travelling to the S.E. -ward, and bearing down upon her. If such should be its course, she should endeavour to cross its path by running to the S.W.-ward.] N.B. Compare this exception (which is included in brackets) with paragraph (6), p. 91, where Mr. MELDRUM, as the result of ten years' additional experience, advises "making as much Easting as possible," instead of running to S.W.-ward. " ' When, however, the wind is from any point from South to North, by the West, there is really no danger whatever. All that is required is either to stand away from the centre, by going to the Westward, the N.W.-ward, the Northward, the N.E.-ward, or the Eastward, according to the direction of the wind, or to lie-to. It might easily be shown that all the homeward-bound vessels that come here for repairs, in con- sequence of their having sustained damage in a cyclone, which they entered from the North, incurred the heavy expense and the long delay thus occasioned, by running to the Southward or S.W.-ward, in place of heaving-to in time, or standing off till the barometer should rise and the weather improve. There is a strong temptation to such vessels to hold their course with a favourable breeze ; but an increasing Northerly or N.E.-ly wind, with a falling barometer and bad appearance, should warn them of the extreme danger of running to the S.W.-ward at the rate of perhaps 9 knots an hour. How many vessels, by taking supposed advantage of these Northerly winds, have got in front of a storm, been dismasted, and afterwards obliged to remain at Mauritius for months, if they should escape being condemned ! A delay of 24 or 48 hours would, almost in every instance, have saved both vessel and cargo. 90 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. " ' On the other hand, to vessels with the wind between South and East, or E.N.E., especially between S.S.E. and East, the case is widely different ; for the storm is travelling towards some point between W.S.W. and S.E., and that point cannot always be known, because the wind may not, as yet, be blowing round the centre of the storm in a circle, although the barometer be falling and the wind increasing. " ' To vessels in this situation the safest course seems to be to lie-to, and carefully watch the wind and barometer. " ' If the wind should haul decidedly, either to the East or to the South, the passage of the centre, with respect to the vessel's position, may be approximately inferred. " ' When the barometer has fallen four-tenths of an inch, the direction of the wind may be taken to be nearly at right angles to the direction of the centre. N.B. After ten years' more experience, a fall of tf/Z-tenths is considered necessary before the above conclusion can be drawn ; see paragraph (5), p. 91. " ' If the vessel should then have the wind from S.E., she should endeavour to run to the Westward, so as to cross the storm's path. By running to the Westward before the barometer has fallen more than a tenth or so, she may be approaching the centre of the storm, as the Louisa was doing when she had the wind from the S.E.-ward on the 2nd February 1863. " ' With the wind from S.E.-ward, the same difficulty presents itself to vessels at anchor at the bell-buoy (Mauritius) and at Reunion, namely, that of knowing the bearing of the centre, as, at the outset, the wind may be far from blowing at right angles to the direction of the centre. If the centre should bear North or N.N.W., in place of N.E., and the vessel run to the N.W.-ward, she may, by keeping that course, get into the heart of the storm, as has frequently happened to vessels leaving St. Denis, and as probably happened to the Shah Allum, after she left the bell-buoy in January 1863.' " * The best course would perhaps be (if the vessels cannot be brought into port) to put to sea on the first decisive indications of the coming storm, and, after obtaining sufficient sea-room, to lie-to, watch the wind and barometer, and be guided by them ; not hesitating to run to the Westward or N.W.-ward, if the barometer should have fallen three or four-tenths of an inch, with the wind between S.E. and South ; but, if the wind should haul from S.E. to East and N.E., taking care that the vessel be hove-to on the port tack, after getting as far to the Eastward as possible.' " After ten years' further experience, we have little to add to what was said in 1863. MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OP STORMS. 91 " (1.) The really dangerous position for a vessel is with the wind from N.E.-ward to S.S.E., and more especially from the S.E.-ward. " (2.) When the wind is between N.E. and E.S.E., our advice would be to lie-to at once. " (3.) With the wind from S.E.-ward, and the barometer still high, though falling, we would also heave-to, because, as yet, the bearing of the centre cannot be known. If the wind hauled decidedly to the Southward, and passed to the South of S.S.E., we would stand to the N.W. -ward without loss of time, but if it veered to the Eastward we would either lie-to on the port tack, or endeavour to make Easting. " (4.) On no account whatever would we run to the Southward or S.W.-ward with the wind anywhere between North and East, but make as much Easting as possible. " (5.) The most dangerous case of all is when the wind is steady from S.E., the barometer falling, and the wind gradually increasing in force. What is a vessel to do under these circumstances ? If she runs to the N.W. she may be going straight to the centre. Upon the whole, we think she cannot do better than lie-to and watch the wind and barometer. The chances are that the wind will veer, and that she will know, before it is too late, whether it is best to run to the N.W. -ward, or remain where she is, or hold to the Eastward. But if the wind does not veer, and the barometer has fallen from the commencement fully s-tenths of an inch, we would, as a last resort, run to the N.W.-ward if possible. We say ^/JT-tenths, because four-tenths, which was the amount of fall mentioned in 1863, is too small. (In the centre of the severest cyclones in these seas the barometer always falls below 28 inches.) " The above remarks apply chiefly to vessels encountering cyclones which have not yet commenced to curve to the Southward and S.E.- ward. " (6.) When a storm is travelling to the Southward or S.E.-ward, I would still, with the wind anywhere between North and East, make as much Easting as possible, and not, as recommended in 1863, run to the S.W.-ward, for we now know the N.E.-ly and Easterly winds often, if not always, blow towards the centre. " (7.) Storms do not always curve to the Southward and S.E.-ward, and those that do so seldom proceed far in those directions. But if it was found that a storm was travelling to South or S.E., a vessel with the wind from E.S.E. to South should hold to the Westward. " It may be proper to remark that the modifications above mentioned, as to the form of cyclones, do not very materially affect the general theory of revolving storms, as established by REDFIELD and REID in America and the West Indies, and by PIDDINGTON and THOM in Calcutta and Mauritius, although, I think, they deserve the attention of 92 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. all interested in navigation. They are, in some measure, a compromise between Prof. ESPY'S views and those of the advocates of the circular theory. " The forms given in Fig. 22 (p. 80) and Fig. 23 (p. 84) apply to storms when fully developed, and before they begin to break up. These storms are usually generated between an Easterly and Westerly current of air, and cease between a Northerly and Southerly current, so that at their commencement they are flattened on their Northern and Southern sides, and towards their close on their Western and Eastern sides." Such are the conclusions at which Mr. MELDRUM arrived as to the form of cyclones, and the gyration of the winds within the cyclonic area, in the southern hemisphere. But no less important, and much to the same effect, are the results of later observations made in the Bay of Bengal, in the China Seas, the Western Pacific, and among the West Indian Islands \ and to these it will presently be necessary to refer. The Law of Storms now enters on a new phase, to appreciate which it is necessary to briefly explain certain barometric phenomena intimately connected with atmospheric circulation. The navigator who, day by day, or at shorter intervals, records, in a graphic form, atmospheric pressure, as indicated by the barometer, understands that such a projection represents (according to his limited observations, and hence imperfectly) a barometrical curve for the route he has traversed. If, after a somewhat similar method, but from more exact and continuous observations made at many different places, baro- metric curves be drawn to show the mean annual pressure of the atmo- sphere over certain parts of the globe, as, for example, along meridional lines between lat. 80 N. and 60 S., it will be found that, however much these curves vary in curvature over different meridians, they are characteristically alike in this that there are two parts indicative of a higher pressure than else- where, so that, on viewing them trans- versely to the meri- dian, i.e. in the direction of the parallels of latitude, they would present the atmosphere which encircles the globe as apportioned into five distinct bands or areas, viz., two of high pressure and three of low pressure. (See Fig. 24 above, in which the upper curve represents (roughly) the atmospheric pressure over the meridian of 20 W., and the lower curve the atmospheric pressure over the meridian of 100* E.) MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 93 To Mr. A. BUCHAN (in 1868) is due the credit of having been the first to approximately solve the physical problem of the distribution of atmospheric pressure, and his views have since been corroborated by WOJEIKOF and others. In respect to the mean annual pressure, Mr. Buchan deduces the following important general conclusions : "There are two regions of high pressure the one north and the other south of the equator passing completely round the globe as broad belts of high pressure. They enclose between them the low pressure of the tropics, through the centre of which runs a narrower belt of still lower pressure, towards which the trade-winds blow. Since these belts of high pressure can only be maintained by air flowing in upon them in the upper regions of the atmosphere, it is towards these belts of high pressure that the upper currents of the air must flow. The southern belt of high pressure lies nearly parallel to the equator, and is of nearly uniform breadth throughout ; but the belt north of the equator has a very irregular outline, and great differences in its breadth and in its inclination to the equator, these irregularities being due to the unequal distribution of land and water in the Northern Hemisphere. Considered in a broad sense, there are only three regions of low pressure one round each pole, bounded by, or contained within, the belts of high pressure just described, and the equatorial belt of low pressure. The most re- markable of these, in so far as known, is the region of low pressure surrounding the South Pole, which appears to remain pretty constant during the whole year. The depression round the North Pole is divided into two distinct centres, at each of which there is a diminution of pressure greatly lower than the average north polar depressions :" these two centres lie one in the Atlantic in the vicinity of Iceland, and the other in the northern part of the North Pacific. These belts, following the course of the sun in its to-and-fro vibration from hemisphere to hemisphere, change their form and position, month by month, more or less rapidly according to the relative distribution of land and water. They have more uniformity in April and October, when atmospheric pressure appears to be more uniformly distributed over the globe, than during the other months of the year, while in January and July (the representative months of extreme seasons) occurs the greatest deviation from the annual mean. Of the latter months Mr. BUCHAN remarks : " In January the highest pressures are over the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, and the larger the continental mass the greater the pressure ; the lowest pressures are distributed over the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, South America and South Africa, and the Antarctic Ocean. In Central Asia the mean pressure of the atmosphere in this month is fully 30*40 inches, whereas in the North Atlantic, round 94 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. Iceland, it is only 29-34 inches, or upwards of an inch lower than in Central Asia. This area of high barometer is continued westward through Central and Southern Europe, the North Atlantic between lat. 5 N. and 45 N., North America (except the north and north-west part), and the Pacific for some distance on either side of lat. 15 N. : it is thus an exaggerated form of the high belt of annual mean pressure, spreading, however, over a much greater breadth in North America, and a still greater breadth in Asia. " In July, on the other hand, the mean pressure of Central Asia is only 29*47 inches, or nearly an inch lower than during January; or, putting this striking result in other words, about a thirtieth of the pres- sure of the atmosphere is removed from this region during the hottest months of the year, as compared with the winter season. The lowest pressures of the Northern Hemisphere are now distributed over the continents, and the larger the continental mass the greater is the de- pression. At the same time, the highest pressures are over the ocean, between lat. 50 N. and 50 e S., particularly over the North Atlantic and North Pacific, between lat. 25 and 40 N.; and in the Southern Hemi- sphere, over the belt of high mean annual pressure, which in this month reaches its maximum. Pressure is high in South America and in Australia, just as in the winter of the Northern Hemisphere pressure is high over the continents." The distribution of atmospheric pressure at different seasons is best elucidated by maps of the earth's surface, on which the various belts of pres- sure are delineated in two different colours, as in BUCHAN'S " Introductory Text Book of Meteorology," SCOTT'S "Elementary Meteorology," or WOJEIKOF'S " Atmospharische Circulation," to which the reader is referred for a fuller exposition of the subject. Our two plates I. and II. represent the distribution of atmospheric pressure for January and July respectively ; and the substance of the foregoing remarks is also projected into curves, in Figs. 25 and 26. A mean or average value is often but an inadequate expression for extreme differences, and this is especially the case in respect to meteorological pheno- mena, as may be seen by a comparison of the curves of at- mospheric pressure in Figs. 24 (p. 92), 25, and 26, which are given (in each case) for the same meridians, viz., 20 W. and 100 E. MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 95 The meridian of 20 W. passes along the length of the Atlantic, and wholly over water, with the exception of Iceland ; comparing the January curve of pressure (Fig. 25) with that of July (Fig. 26), there is a difference between them, which is most marked in the vicinity of Iceland, lat. 62 N., but which is also sufficiently characteristic in the equatorial regions, where the belt of calms (or area of low pressure), towards which the trade-winds blow, shifts its position through several degrees of latitude, and the area of lowest pressure from lat. 2 or 3 N. in January to lat. 1 1 N. in July; and where also the parts of the curve which represent the belts of high pressure (in lat. 25 to 30) on the polar sides of the trades show the greatest change in the Southern Hemi- sphere. The excessive low pressure of January, with its concomitant storms, in the vicinity of Iceland, disappears in July, while in the region of the great Southern Ocean the pressure remains comparatively unaltered, and always abnormally low. The meridian of 100 E. mainly passes over land (Central Asia) in the Northern Hemisphere, but over the ocean south of the equator ; hence the two seasonal (January and July) curves of pressure are markedly contrasted, nor do they bear the slightest resemblance to the curves which pass over the oceanic meridian of 20 W. ; they, in fact, illustrate the effect of the irregular and unequal distribution of land and water, and show the difference which characterizes areas of pressure as principally influenced through one or the other element j thus, it is the northern portion of the curve which undergoes the greatest change : in January, from the high pressure region of Central Asia the N.E. monsoon blows towards the low pressure area, in lat. 5 S. ; in July a reversion occurs, and from the vicinity of the equator the S. W. monsoon blows towards the same region of Central Asia, which is now one of remarkably low, as it had previously been one of remarkably high, pressure. (See Figs. 25 and 26.) Exactly as the inter-tropical winds the perennial trades and the periodical monsoons are connected with and influenced by belts of high and low pressure, so are the prevailing winds, and hence the climate of every part of the globe. With the march of the sun from one side of the equator to the other, these belts (and with them the whole atmo- 96 MODIFICATION. OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. sphere) make annually one general oscillation northwards in the northern spring, southwards in the northern autumn not in one unin- terrupted movement, but by a series of minor vibrations, until they have reached their most northern or southern limit, when the oscillations recur in the opposite direction. The purpose has here been to indicate in a general way the geogra- phical distribution of the belts or areas of high and low pressure, not to enquire into their cause whether they originate from temperature and humidity, or from these and other motive forces, the relation of which is at present but little understood, for, as Prof. H. MOHN says, " the chief problem in meteorology is the law of the variation of atmospheric pressure, and we may consider ourselves only on the threshold of a knowledge of it."* As a matter of fact, the general atmospheric circu- lation is intimately connected with, if not entirely dependent on, these areas ; and as, on a large scale, the prevalent winds and general climate of tropical, extra-tropical, and polar regions are more or less due to them, so, on a smaller scale, all fluctuations of wind and weather are coincident with local and temporary variations of pressure. And how does the general circulation take place 1 An area of high pressure indicates a superfluity of air ; an area of low pressure a deficiency of air. Wind, which is simply air in motion, in flowing away from the area of high pressure, circles round it with the sun, and towards and around the area of low pressure against the sun, in each hemisphere. The Trades, the Monsoons, the S.W. winds of Northern regions, and the " brave " N. W. winds of the Great Southern Ocean, all speak to the same effect ; and so, in a similar manner, wherever there is a local and temporary disturbance of the atmosphere, whether resulting in a high barometer, or in a low barometer as in a cyclone, the system of circula- tion is universal ; and, being so, it is on this that BUYS BALLOT has based the " Law of the Winds " which goes by his name, viz., the wind always flows from the region of the higher to that of the lower pressure, veering, in consequence of the earth's rotation, to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Dismissing this law for the present, and turning from areas of pres- sure which influence the general atmospheric circulation to those which, though they appear to have but a local origin and temporary existence, yet not unf requently take a wide geographical range, as is the case with * As to the question of the origin of these areas of high and low pressure, respecting which there is some controversy, it may be well to quote an observation of DOVE'S : " Whenever two phenomena constantly occur together, we may, with some probability, presume that one depends on the other in the relation of cause and effect. But it will remain to be decided which of the two is the cause and which the effect, because it is not impossible that both phenomena may be the result of a third phenomenon ; nor, in fact, can it be at once decided whether, when one of the phenomena is really the immediate effect of the other, the same result uiay not be brought about in a different way." MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR 97 storms, and especially those of the tropics, it may be premised that in this connection, as an area of low pressure has been called a cyclone, so an area of high pressure has been termed an anti-cyclone, owing to the reversal of the order of the circling winds. Areas of Low Pressure, or Cyclones. In the northern hemisphere (see Fig. 27) the wind circles round the central area of lowest pressure in a direction against the sun, or contrary to that of the motion of the hands of a watch. In the southern hemisphere (see Fig. 28) the wind circles round the centre of lowest depression in a direction also against the sun (astronomically considered),but this motion is there similar to that of the hands of a watch. But so far as observation goes shown by an ex- amination of the weather maps of the northern hemisphere, and indicated by the reports of able observers in all parts of the world this circling takes the form of a spiral, the tendency of the wind being inwards, and towards the place of lowest barometer, at an angle dependent upon the latitude in which the cyclone is moving, and the lay of the land along or towards which it is travelling : thus the direction of the wind is intermediate between that of the commonly accepted theory of rotatory gales winds blowing in circles returning on themselves and the directly in-blowing theory of ESPY, but more nearly approximating to the former than the latter the inclination being rather centrifugal than centripetal. The amount of incurvature varies considerably in different latitudes : between the tropics it is probably greatest in the rear of the storm ; in the higher latitudes, in the front. In the central area of the depression it is generally dead calm, but not always so in extra-tropical regions. The force of the wind in a cyclone in fact, in all storms, and when- ever wind blows around an area of low pressure varies in different parts according to the amount of difference in the pressure over a given distance, which is called the barometric gradient. Now, an isobar is the line (curved, circular or irregular) which passes through all places that at any given time have the barometer at the same height, thus, in Fig* 28 the outer irregular curve indicates in every part of it a barometric pressure of 29 '7 inches, the next (inwards) a pressure of 29 5 inches) and so on. Regions of both high and low pressure are surrounded by G 98 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. such isobars, i.e. by lines of equal barometric height. An area of low pressure has them crowded together, generally more crowded on one side than on the other; and the wind will be strong in proportion as the isobars appear to close on each other, or, in other words, to the steepness of the barometric gradient.* Thus in Figs. 27 and 28, at the parts of the diagrams marked a, where the isobars close on each other, the wind will be stronger than at 6. Connecting these diagrams with the hurricanes or cyclones of the tropics, it will be seen that the direction of the wind at any part will much depend on the shape or form of the area of low pressure, and the strength of the wind upon the distance separating successive isobars, together with the position of the surrounding areas of high pressure. Areas of High Pressure, or Anti-Cyclones. Wherever there is an area of low pressure there must be in the vicinity (so to speak) one or more areas of high pressure, over which the isobars are more widely separated than is the case with those apper- taining to cyclonic areas, and generally with greater irre- gularity of form ; the winds are light, the weather fine, and the sky clear, especially at the centre. From the centre of highest pressure the winds stream outwards (see Fig. 29), often nearly at right angles to the isobars, but, as they pursue their course, they turn in an opposite direction to that * The velocity or strength of the wind greatly depends on the difference of the barometrical readings over a given distance ; if, with three places x y z, each successively 50 miles apart, the difference of readings is greater between y and z than between x and y, it will blow stronger between the former (y z) than the latter (x y) : if there is no difference in the barometrical readings there will no wind. MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 99 assumed by the winds blowing inwards upon an area of low pressure hence, with watch hands in the northern hemisphere, and against watch hands in the southern hemisphere. These are anti-cyclones in contra- distinction to cyclones, and their meteorological difference is exceedingly well marked : not only do they differ as regards the direction and circling of the winds, but the temperature and humidity of the winds connected with each have perceptibly distinct characteristics. Together, the cyclone and anti-cyclone are concomitant agents in all atmospheric disturbances ; but it does not follow that every cyclone, considered from a meteorological stand-point, is a hurricane; the zephyr of summer may be cyclonic no less than the storm of winter, differing only in intensity. In great storms, the rotation of the wind and the various weather aspects are much complicated by cyclone following in the wake of cyclone. As the areas of high and low pressure are connected together at the surface of the earth by horizontally-flowing currents of air, and since the outflow from the anti- cyclone must be replenished and the inflow to the cyclone must be carried away, it is the most accepted view that the air ascends over areas of barometrical depression (cyclone), and descends over areas of barometrical elevation (anti-cyclone) ; from which it is further inferred that in the upper regions of the atmosphere the conditions of pressure must be reversed as compared with those below, in other words, over an area of low pressure there must be an excess of pressure at a certain level, causing an outflow of the air which is rising ; and conversely over an anti-cyclonic area there must be a deficiency of pressure at a certain height, the tendency of which is to attract the air towards the region of its existence.* It must be borne in mind that what has* here been said of areas of high and low pressure, and their geographical distribution, has inci- dentally been introduced to explain to the seaman and general reader, in as brief a manner as possible, the connection of such areas with storms not to discuss a subject that is now engaging the attention of the best meteorologists of Europe and America ; the writer is conscious that the remarks, with the accompanying plates and diagrams, can give but the rudest outline of an all-important branch of meteorology. At the annual meeting (1876) of the Meteorological Society, Dr. Mann, the President, in his address compared the meteorological doctrine * Besides BUCHAN, WOJEIKOF, MOHN, and others, who agree on this point, Professor HILDE- BRANDSSON, from observations of the cirrus cloud, shows that air flows away from centres of minima, and towards centres of maxima, in the upper regions of the atmosphere. See also, for very valuable and full information on the subjects here incidentally mentioned, " Aids to the Study and Forecast of Weather," by W. CLEMENT LEY, M.A. ; " The Barometer Manual for the use of Seamen," and " Principles of Forecasting by Plans of Weather Charts," by the Hon. RALPH ABERCROMBY pamphlets recently published by the Meteorological Council. 100 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. of high and low pressure areas of the atmosphere, and of the movement of currents of the air under the influence of the barometric gradient, to the Newtonian doctrine of gravitation in astronomical physics, to the Daltonian hypothesis of atomic proportions in chymistry, to the dynamic theory of the tides, and to Avogadro's law of the uniformity of the atomic constitution of gases under like conditions of pressure and temperature. Within the last few years meteorology has been studied on a sounder and more philosophical basis than formerly ; and, in that department of the science bearing especially on temperature, moisture, and pressure, together with the winds, research (or, in other words, systematized investigation founded on carefully recorded observations) has taken the place of pure conjecture based on imperfect data ; much has been learnt, but much more remains unknown ; discussion and controversy are equally rife at home and abroad, where the constant topics among meteorologists are : hygrometric questions causes of barometrical de- pressions the barometer and real pressure of the air relation between pressure and velocity of wind relation of the velocity of the wind to the gradients the effect of rainfall on the barometric pressure the distribution of temperature in an ascending current of air the origin and theory of storms in fact, whatever tends to improve our knowledge of the physics of the atmosphere, with its vapour, together with the mechanical effects of ascending, descending, and horizontally-flowing currents of air, on which depends the theory of all atmospheric circulation. The more systematic enquiry into the character of tropical storms, which was some time ago the great desideratum, and which was ably initiated and conducted by MELDRUM, BLANFORD, and WILLSON, has been very efficiently pursued and carried out by the PADRE BENITO VINES, the PERE DECHEVRENS, and E. KNIPPING (in Japan), so that more is now known than formerly of these intermittent visitors in the Southern Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, the China Sea, and the West Indies ; but it still remains certain that whatever is known of the cyclone as a hurricane has been derived from extra- tropical sources ; that knowledge however, so far as it goes, does not lead to any other inference than that the cyclonic storms of all regions are very much alike though those of the tropics may within a limited area be more persistently severe and destructive. The latest and most strenuous advocate of the purely circular theory of storms is M. FAYE, whose essay appeared in the " Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes" for 1875 ; it was written to uphold the older views in opposition to those of MELDRUM, as well as to controvert the theory of some Continental authors who had lately maintained the efficiency of ascending currents of air, and an upward motion, as the MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 101 first cause of a whirlwind. The essay endeavours to establish the reasonableness of most of the theories of the elder cyclonologists, and advances others of a later date showing that cyclones, and all similar phenomena, are descending currents of air of a conical form, like the whirlpools and eddies that form in water, and that their origin must be sought for in the upper regions of the atmosphere; the progressive motion is taken to be due to the upper part of the cyclone being dragged along by the upper current in which it takes its rise ; and waterspouts and whirlwinds (trombes) are considered to come into the same category as cyclones and hurricanes. M. FAYE'S proofs being disputed by PESLIN and COUSTE, and the invalidity of his arguments being pointed out, on returning to a re-discussion of MELDRUM'S notice of the Mauritius hurri- cane of February 1860, he endeavours to show that the storm was really circular, but modified by the action of the S.E. trade- wind the circular form being well developed in front, while the winds in the rear were centripetal ; he at the same time affirms that observations made at sea are not so accurate as desirable for the purpose, which is a rather good joke, considering that the circular theory was mainly based on data derived from ships' log-books. By various papers that have recently appeared in the " Revue Maritime et Colonial e," and the " Annales Hydrographiques" the views of French meteorologists and navigators do not coincide with those of M. FAYE. Prof. W. BLASIUS, in a work on the theory of storms, seems to indicate that the storm area is a region of conflict between two opposing currents of air where the equatorial and polar currents come into collision. Discarding on the one hand the rotary or cyclonic, and on the other the centripetal, theory as proposed respectively by REDFIELD and ESPY, he asserts that storms assume the form of an ellipse, in which the winds blow in straight lines from the circumference to- wards the region of the uprising equatorial current, and that the barometrical depression is only a secondary effect of the collision of the two winds, and not the original exciting cause of the storm. He also divides storms into two classes North-East, or those of winter, and South-East, or those of summer ; and shows that each is connected with its own peculiar cloud. (Fig. 30 is the form of the S.E. storm contrasted with a circular one.) After pointing out that the old rules 102 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. of the circular theory are worse than useless, he propounds new rules adapted to his two forms of storms. The work is that of an observer, and the statements are given with much positiveness ; but the inferences are not always correct, though several of the weak points in meteoro- logical reasoning are well exposed ; and the author's remarks are chiefly valuable as showing that the circular theory of storms requires re- consideration. But the most valuable works on Meteorology and the Law of Storms issued of late in the United States are Professor FERREL'S paper on " Cyclones" in the U. S. Survey Report 1878, and Professor LOOMIS' " Contributions to Meteorology" Before passing on, it may be well to quote Mr. BUCHAN (the great Scotch meteorologist) on the theory of cyclones : " The spiral rotation, instead of the purely circular rotation, of the winds in storms, completely alters the whole complexion of the question of the theory of storms. For since it follows from it that enormous quantities of air are constantly being poured all around into the area of the storm, and since, notwithstanding these accessions tending to increase the pressure, observation shows that the pressure is not thereby increased, but on the contrary sometimes diminished, we are forced to the conclusion, that, from a large area within and about the centre of the storm a vast ascending current must arise into the upper regions of the atmosphere ; and arriving there, must flow away over into neighbouring regions. The physical cause of the ascending currents is to be found in the moist and warm, and therefore light, air which all observation shows to prevail in the front and in the central part of storms. And since most of the rain which accompanies storms falls in those parts of the storm, the barometer will be still further reduced by the removal of the elastic aqueous vapour which is condensed into rain-drops, and by the latent heat set free in the condensation of the vapour." As a knowledge of the "law of storms" now forms part of the examination of candidates for the master's and mate's certificate, it is of importance that the parties most interested in this department of meteoro- logy should be well posted in the latest views respecting cyclones, and to this end an abstract is given of such parts of Professor FERREL'S paper as may be most useful to the navigator. Professor FERREL has investigated the subject from the twofold stand- point of (1) theory, and (2) the practical applications of the theory and comparisons with observations. In the first of these, embracing as it does much abstruse mathematical investigation, the general reader and the navigator will, unless well read in mathematics, take but little MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OP STORMS. 103 interest. It is sufficient, therefore, to say that in dealing with the mechanical theory of cyclones the elements considered are the earth's rotation and its effect on the movements of the atmosphere, the gyratory velocity of the wind around the centre of depression, the friction, the inertia, and the temperature and humidity of the air. The Professor aptly concludes the theoretical investigation into the mechanics of cyclones, by an illustration of the causes of their motion over the earth's surface : " So far we have regarded the cyclones as existing in an atmosphere having no motions excepting those belonging to the cyclones. But on account of the general motions of the atmosphere (treated of in the first part of these researches), cyclones usually occur in an atmosphere having a general motion independent of those of the cyclone itself. In order, therefore, to have the true motions relative to the earth's surface, we must take the resultant of the two motions. In the middle and higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere the general or normal motion of the air is from the west or south-west. In a cyclone in these latitudes this motion of the air coincides with that of the southern side of the cyclone, and increases the motion relative to the earth's surface, but on the northern side it is in the contrary direction, and counteracts in some measure that of the cyclone, or it may even entirely destroy it. On the east or north-east side of the cyclone and its opposite, this general motion from the west or south-west would have little effect upon the velocity relative to the earth's surface, but would affect mostly the inclination, that is, the angle between the tangent to the isobar and the direction of the wind, decreasing it on the east or north-east side of the cyclone, and increasing it on the west or south-west side. " In the latitude of the trade-winds, where the general or normal direction is from the east or north-east, the reverse takes place, so that the velocities of the air belonging to the cyclone are diminished or, it may be, entirely destroyed by the general or normal motion on the south side of the cyclone, but increased on the north side. The effect upon the inclination is in this case likewise reversed, being increased on the east or rear side and decreased on the opposite side. " But since the general motions of the atmosphere form two great systems of cyclone and its corresponding anti-cyclone, all ordinary cyclones are simply cyclones within a cyclone, so that all that has been stated with regard to smaller cyclones within ordinary cyclones is applicable here to ordinary cyclones with reference to the general motions of the atmosphere. Hence the isobars of cyclones as laid down upon the charts are the resultants generally of two or more systems of cyclones contained within or encroaching upon one another ; and to have the isobars belonging to any one system, it would be necessary to eliminate the effects 104 MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. of the others. The isobars of all ordinary cyclones are therefore affected generally by the isobars belonging to the general motions of the atmo- sphere, as well as by the smaller class of cyclones which may be contained within the ordinary ones. "The progressive motion of a cyclone depends mostly upon the general motions of the atmosphere, but also upon the tendency of the cyclone to press towards the pole. In the trade-wind latitudes the wind at the earth's surface is westward, or at least has a large westerly com- ponent, and hence the cyclones in these latitudes are carried westward by this westward motion of the air, especially at certain seasons, and, having likewise a tendency toward the pole, the resultant of the two is a westward motion, inclined a little toward the poles, or in the northern hemisphere a motion about W.N.W. After having arrived at the parallel of 30 or 35 in the tropical calm-belt, where there is no west- ward motion, the progressive motion is a polar one mostly, but, after progressing still nearer the pole, into the middle and higher latitudes, the general eastward motion of the atmosphere here, which is great in the upper regions, carries now the cyclone towards the east, and the direction of the progressive motion, which is usually about E.N.E., is the resultant of this eastward motion and the motion towards the pole. All well-developed cyclones, therefore, having their origin near the equator, have mostly a progressive motion represented by a curve some- what in the form of a parabola, having its vortex in the tropical calm- belt at the parallel of 30 or 35. " Both the progressive velocities and directions, however, are very different in individual cases, so that there must be other strong modifying influences ; and perhaps among these the principal are the distribution of the aqueous vapour and the positions of the general isothermal lines. The equatorial side of a cyclone is generally warmest, and contains the most aqueous vapour. As the air containing this vapour is carried around to the east and ascends, it becomes colder both from its ascent to higher altitudes, and from its being carried into higher latitudes, so that the vapour which it contains is mostly condensed on the east or north-east side of the cyclone. As the power of the cyclone is much increased by the latent heat of the vapour given out by condensation, this gives rise to a tendency to form a new centre of a cyclone continually in advance of the old one, so that the progressive motion of the cyclone is rather a continual forming of new cyclones, at least so far as the lower part of the atmosphere is concerned, in the direction in which the vapour of the cyclone is mostly condensed. Hence the velocity of the progres- sive motion is generally much greater than that of the general motion of the atmosphere below. The further around the vapour is carried before it is condensed, the more it will incline the direction of the pro- MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. 105 gressive motion from the east toward the pole. If it should not be carried around as far as the east before it is mostly condensed, it inclines the progressive motion from the east toward the equator. If the iso- therms should vary much from the parallels of latitude, this also might have considerable effect, so that, if they extended from S.W. to N.E., the progressive motion would be more inclined toward the poles than they would be if they extended from N.W. to S.E. " These views with regard to the effect of the unequal distribution of vapour upon the direction of the progressive motions of cyclones were first given by Rev. W. CLEMENT LEY." The second part of the subject is easily understood, and of the highest importance, corroborated as it is by the observations of MOHN, HILDE- BRANDSSON, LOOMIS, CLEMENT LEY, MELDRUM, WlLLSON, BLANFORD, TOYNBEE, the PADRE VINES of Havana, and others, whose investiga- tions have been specially directed to the storms and cyclones of the Atlantic, the Southern Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal. The particular feature to be noted is the undoubted incurvature of the wind more or less according to the quadrant of the storm in which the ship is found, and also according to the latitude. MELDRUM, as far back as 1867, first drew attention to the disasters resulting to vessels, through the direction of the centres of cyclones being estimated on the circular theory; and in March 1878, with the wind N.E. at Mauritius, it was found that he had correctly indicated the centre of the cyclone to be to the W.S.W.-ward, whereas on the circular theory it should have been to N.W.-ward. Captain TOYNBEE, from the discussion of the North Atlantic storm of August 1873, inferred that the wind in a hurricane draws in towards its centre : the average inclination of all the observations was 29 about the parallel of 50 ; the indraft is probably greater in one quarter than in another ; the indraft is probably greater near the centre than further from it. CLEMENT LEY'S observations for Europe make the mean inclination about 25 ; those of LOOMIS, for America (nearer the equator), about 47 ; those of the PADRE VINES, for the West Indies, about 45 ; and those of BLANFORD, for the Bay of Bengal, in some cases 42. Professor FERREL, on the same basis, remarks as follows : " From the deductions of theory, confirmed now and supplemented by numerous observations, it is evident that many of the usual rules and sailing directions must be very much modified, especially in low lati- tudes. Although the horn cards of PIDDINGTON, and all the rules based upon the strictly circular theory of the winds, may still be used at sea in high latitudes without great error, yet nearer the equator they must become more erroneous, and entirely fail at the equator if cyclones could 106 MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. exist there. It is beginning to be pretty generally acknowledged that, in sailing directions in a storm, some allowance should be made for a certain small amount of inclining of the winds, but it seems to be thought that this should be the same in all latitudes and at all distances from the centre of the storm. If in low latitudes the inclination of the winds may be 60 or more, the determination of the direction of the dangerous centre of a cyclone from the usual rules based upon the circular theory, in which the inclination is supposed to be naught, would lead to an error of five or six points of the compass. For this reason the amount of inclination at sea, under average circumstances, should be determined from observation for different latitudes, so that the navigator could modify his rules to suit the latitudes ; but unfortunately we have but few observations yet for this purpose at sea, and very few on land for the lower latitudes. Even on the same latitudes considerable allow- ance should be made for distance from the centre. While the centre of the cyclone is yet at a considerable distance and the winds have not a great velocity, it should be considered that they are probably, even in high latitudes, considerably inclined toward the centre, and that nearer the equator they may be nearly radial ; but even in these latitudes at places near the centre, where the velocities are very great, the gyrations may become nearly circular. " Where the cyclone has a progressive as well as cyclonic motion, the former makes the inclinations differ on different sides. The pro- gressive motion of the atmosphere at the earth's surface in the United States is very small, only in general two or three miles, and even less in places, and from the S.W. This, however, with Professor LOOMIS' small average velocities of the wind, should increase the inclination very sensibly in the west quadrant and decrease it in the east quadrant, while the inclinations of the north and south quadrants should be little affected, and have about the average value of all. This is the case with his results, and hence they are in accordance with theory. But the pro- gressive motion of the air in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America is comparatively great, as shown by the closeness of the isobars ; and hence this motion must affect the inclina- tions in cyclones there very much, especially in such parts of them as have only moderate velocities of the wind, and from this cause the winds should have smaller inclinations in the front than the rear part of the cyclone. " Mr. LEY obtained greater inclinations in Europe for the front than the rear parts of the storms, while Professor LOOMIS for the United States, and the PADRE VINES for the Antilles, obtained the reverse. This, however, may be explained from the consideration that the cyclones in Europe, especially those of the British Isles and Norway, are cyclones MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OP STORMS. 107 within a great cyclone with its centre near Iceland, and this is especially the case during the winter season. They are consequently cyclones upon an inclined plane, as it were ; and hence the isobars as usually charted are very much distorted, and the centre of the cyclone as given by the charted isobars is thrown to the left or N.W. of the real centre of the cyclone. This decreases the angle with the radius on the front or N.E. side of the storms and increases it on the rear or S.W. side, and con- sequently the inclination is increased in the former and decreased in the latter. " The effect of the progressive motion of the air on the inclinations of the winds in the cyclones of the Antilles is quite large, since the pro- gressive motion of the trade-winds is comparatively great. Here the trade- winds become nearly east winds. Hence the winds whose cyclonic component of motion is from the N. or S. suffer the greatest deviation from this direction, the inclination being decreased in the former case and increased in the latter. " By a reference to the citations (of the PADRE VINES of Havana), it is seen that in every instance the winds in the anterior part of the cyclone are said to be nearly circular, or to deviate but little from the tangent, while in the posterior part, where the winds are mostly from S.E. to S.W., the inclination is said to be very great, and the winds to blow almost towards the centre. " It is further stated with regard to these cyclones generally, ' that the winds which have suffered least deviation with respect to the tangent of the circle having for its centre the centre of the vortex of the cyclone, have been those which have blown from the first and fourth quadrants, and those deviating most with an inclination towards the centre, those (which have blown) from the third, and especially the second quadrant. In the winds from the E. and S. the inclination is such sometimes at all distances from the vortex that the wind blows directly towards it.' Here it is stated again that the winds which blew from the first and fourth quadrants, which are the winds of the W. or N.W. quadrant of the cyclone, and consequently the anterior part of it, had the least deviation from the tangent, and that those winds which blew from the third, and especially those from the second quadrant, and which are necessarily winds of the posterior part of the cyclones, had the greatest inclination, as they should. This inclination seems to have been so great in winds from the S.E. that they blew directly towards the centre. " The navigator, therefore, on determining the direction of the vortex of a cyclone from the direction of the wind, should, in addition to considering latitude, distance from centre, and velocity, likewise con- sider in what quadrant of the cyclone he is situated, since the direction of the vortex with reference to that of the wind is so different in 108 MODIFICATION OP THE CIRCULAR THEORY OF STORMS. different quadrants, especially where there is a large progressive motion, as in the trade-wind regions. In the front part of a cyclone, where the mariner is in the greatest danger, the direction of the vortex is generally more nearly at right angles to the direction in which the wind blows to the left in the northern hemisphere, and the contrary in the southern* and consequently the old rules of the circular theory are more nearly correct here than on any other side of the storm. We have seen that this is the case in the front part of the cyclones of the Antilles, where the direction of the vortex is nearly at right angles to the direction of the wind, while in the rear it is nearly in the direction in which the wind blows. On either side of the direction of progress, the direction of the vortex in cyclones here may be estimated to be about 45 to the left of the direction in which the wind blows." In reference to the prognostics of an approaching cyclone, the Professor dwells upon two which should particularly receive attention. " The almost universal precursor of a distant cyclone is the appear- ance of more cirrus clouds than usual, not only differing from those of the general currents in form, but also in the direction of the currents indicated by these clouds. The approach of cyclones from the E. or S.E. is always indicated at Havana by the appearance of these clouds when the vortex is yet 500 miles or more distant, and while fair weather is yet prevailing. The same is also observed as they pass off at a distance. Here the directions of the currents as indicated by the cirrus clouds seem to be very nearly radial, as they should be by theory in these low latitudes, and at great distances from the centre ; and hence the direction from which they come indicates very nearly the direction of the vortex of the cyclone. In these low latitudes the progressive motion of the atmosphere above is small in the cyclone season, and does not interfere much with the directions given by regular cyclonic motions." * * * " With regard to the existence of an anti-cyclone in connection with every cyclone, and the broad annulus of high barometer with its maxi- mum at the dividing limit between the cyclone and anti-cyclone, there are many confirmatory observations, but this maximum may be interfered with and masked by numerous irregularities. On the ocean, where the cyclonic systems are more regular, if we had a sufficient number of accurate observations, the annulus of high barometer and the winds of the anti-cyclone could be more readily distinguished from the other irregularities, especially within the tropics, where these irregularities are smaller. In the Antilles, where the islands being small in com- parison with the expanse of ocean around them, the annulus of high * This is according to BUYS BALLOT'S law, and with reference to the back to the wind; the seaman is accustomed to face the wind, in which case the statement here made would read : "to the right in the northern hemisphere, and the contrary (or left) in the southern," PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 109 barometer is readily observed, and the approach of the cyclonic centre indicated several days in advance of its arrival by the rising of the barometer above its normal level." The hurricane of September 1875 was thus indicated at Havana while the cyclone was yet 1200 miles distant, and that of September 1876 was similarly shown by a rise at Havana, while it was causing great destruction at Porto Rico. The observations of Mr. C. MELDRUM (of the Mauritius Observatory) on the " Form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean " have already (pp. 71-92) been given at some length. It remains to briefly collect the researches of other meteorologists who have discussed the subject on the same basis. PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. (By RHO. P. BENITO VINES, S. J. OF HAVANA.) FIRST INDICATIONS OF THE APPROACH OF A HURRICANE. The existence of a hurricane at a distance is manifested ordinarily by the passage of an anti-cyclone, the presence of which is revealed by the following phenomena : 1. Extraordinary rise of the barometer. 2. Anti-cyclonic winds of some duration. 3. Dry, bracing, and beautiful weather, clear sky, and exceedingly transparent atmosphere. The greater or less rise of the barometer in a given locality during the passage of an anti-cyclone depends not only on its force, but also on the distance of its centre. The anti-cyclonic winds are easily recognised by their coolness and dryness, and by their force and persistency with a high barometer. As a rule they dominate completely the land and sea breezes, and prevail during the hours of calm incident to the change from one to the other. Not unfrequently are they in complete opposition to these breezes, and also to the indications of the barometer under ordinary conditions. At Havana, for example, the barometer may rise during the day with a southerly wind, and fall during the night with a northerly wind. If the winds of the anti-cyclone rotate and diverge, the bearing of its centre can be determined by the following simple rule : If the observer stands with his back to the wind the centre of maximum pressure lies to his right and rear, so that with easterly winds the centre of the anti-cyclone bears between N. and E. ; with southerly winds, between E. and S. ; with westerly winds, between S. and W* ; and with northerly winds, between W. and N* 110 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. It is to be observed that in general the anti-cyclonic winds change direction very slowly, and sometimes blow for a long time from the same point of the compass. This arises from the slow motion of the body of the anti-cyclone, and its tendency to become fixed in certain regions. In respect to the weather experienced at Havana under the influ- ence of anti-cyclones, the following exception has been observed : When the centre of an anti-cyclone bears N.E. or N.W. from Havana, and a cyclone belonging to the same system at the same time crosses North America and the Atlantic between 45* and 50 north latitude, its presence is sometimes indicated by rainy weather ; this frequently happens with Northers and other strong winds. Considering the position of the anti-cyclone in this case, we may infer that it is supplied from above from the upper currents of the cyclone and from the warm and humid anti-trade winds. Anti-cyclones of this character do not usually precede a hurricane. As the centre of maximum pressure draws away from the observer, and he finds himself within the influence of the hurricane, the barometer, which has already dropped from its extraordinary height, goes on falling slowly. The upper regions get less clear, and a veil of cirrus clouds commences to form. This thickens gradually, and is the cause of the solar and lunar halos. At the time of the rising and setting of the sun the clouds are remarkable for their dark-red and violet tints. The peculiar cirro-stratus clouds,* the invariable precursors of the hurri- cane, soon appear ; the weather becomes heavy, the heat oppressive and sticky, causing profuse perspiration, and the humidity of the air increases. In a short time the cloud-bank of the hurricane appears on the horizon, the wind freshens every moment, and the first nimbus and broken cumulus clouds commence to disintegrate and fly about with gusts, light rains, and passing squalls. These increase in number and intensity, with the more rapid fall of the barometer, as the storm-centre approaches. Electrical discharges are rarely seen at this period, and their absence is a very bad sign. BEARING OF THE STORM-CENTRE. For an observer who has to rely solely on his own personal observations, as is the case with seamen, it is of the greatest importance to be able to determine with the closest possible approximation the bearing of the centre at different times and during different phases of the hurricane. * The cirro-stratus clouds, called by the author cirro-stratus plumtformes, appear like white and delicate feathers or like great and showy plumes crossing the firmament. These beautiful clouds remain fixed at times, and do not change their forms for hours. PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. Ill The following indications deduced from the appearance and dis- position of the clouds and from the direction of the air-currents will be of great utility : 1. As soon as the upper region commences to cloud over, the cirrus veil appears most dense in a particular part of the horizon where a whitish arc is formed, which, when the sun rises and sets, changes to an intense dark-red. This cirrus arc forms part of a misty aureole which surrounds the hurricane, and is consequently the first indication which enables us to fix its bearing. 2. It has been observed that the cirro-stratus clouds (before men- tioned) are so situated that their focus of radiation or divergence nearly corresponds to the bearing of the centre. This is considered a very good indication, and is fortified by numerous observations. To readily determine the position of this focus, it is only necessary to observe that when several of these cirro-stratus clouds diverge materially, and consequently are at some distance from the zenith, we must suppose them prolonged to the point of meeting. This should also be done when the cirro-stratus clouds show a slight curvature due to rotation, which has been observed in a few instances. (It is very re- markable, and entirely in agreement with the theory adopted by the author, that the few times this phenomenon has been observed it has been seen that the cirro-stratus clouds participate in the movement of rotation, and the whole body of clouds moves slowly round the focus of divergence, like the motion of the spokes of a wheel round its fixed axis.) 3. The cloud-bank of the hurricane presents itself above the horizon so that its centre nearly corresponds to the bearing of the storm-centre. In order to distinguish it easily, and not confound it with the squall clouds, particularly when the horizon is indistinguishable, it is necessary to note the following indications : The cloud-bank of the hurricane is distinguished from any other cloud by its appearance, by its relative fixity of position, by the movements of the squalls, and by the direction which the scud takes in relation to it. Its appearance is that of a cumulo-stratus cloud, which is formed in its upper part by a combination of rounded and cone-shaped clouds, while its lower part consists of a very dark nimbus cloud, whose base cannot be seen. The nimb\is of the squall has no particular form. Its base, however, is sometimes well defined, forming a dark band above the horizon. As to its relative fixity of position, it is evident that the cloud-bank of the hurricane does not move readily from one point of the horizon to another, but remains for a long time in one position, or moves very slowly, particularly during its first phases. The clouds of a squall, on the 112 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. contrary, appear in different parts of the horizon, and change position frequently. With respect to the movements of the squalls, it is seen that these at first disengage themselves from the cloud-bank, and then diverge. The cumulus clouds, which are first seen near the middle of the cloud-bank, assume gigantic proportions as they rise towards the zenith, gradually spreading out and covering the sky. Very soon appears the base of the cloud, forming above the horizon the dark band characteristic of the squall. With this cloud comes the rain, when the wind freshens and veers immediately to the right, blowing sometimes almost directly from the cloud-bank, which, when the squall has passed, is seen in the same point of the horizon as before. Later, the squalls arise from one ex- treme of the cloud-bank, and follow more or less closely the general move- ment of rotation. Finally, if the direction of the scud above the cloud-bank is noticed, it will be seen that it flies parallel to it as it rotates, so that an observer who is looking at the cloud-bank sees the clouds fly always from left to right in horizontal lines ; thus, if the cloud-bank bears south, the clouds above it fly horizontally from east to west. This does not happen when the observer looks at any other point of the horizon where there may be a heavy cloud, as he will soon see that the scud does not fly in horizon- tal lines, nor does not move from left to right relatively to himself. 4. As a rule, the lower air-currents converge, forming with the bear- ing of the storm-centre a variable angle, which is almost always greater than a right angle. For this reason the law of storms cannot be applied to them in all its simplicity without grave error. It is necessary to record here that the convergence of the winds is much greater ordinarily at the rear tJmn at the front of the storm, where it is sometimes entirely inappreciable. 5. The low clouds in the interior of the hurricane fly ordinarily in directions nearly perpendicular to the bearing of the centre, and conse- quently, applying the law of storms to the direction of these clouds, a much closer approximation will be obtained in the determination of the bearing of the centre than if the same law be applied to the direction of the winds on the outer edge of the hurricane. The same may be said of the violent gusts of the squalls if the wind veers always to the right, and its convergence is lessened or done away with altogether. 6. The cumulus, cirro-cumulus, and cirrus clouds that precede the hurricane generally diverge, that is to say, their direction forms with the bearing of the centre an angle less than eight points, with the very noticeable peculiarity, that if different strata are observed it will be seen that the divergence increases with the elevation. PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 113 7. The gusts of the first squalls that break away from the cloud-bank diverge. In order to determine, therefore, the bearing of the centre by taking advantage of the direction of the air-currents, provided the ob- server is not in the outer edge of the hurricane, the following simple rule may be applied : If the observer places himself with his back to the wind, the centre lies to his left and, in general, a little to the front ; if the same supposi- tion is made with respect to the direction of the nimbus clouds and the squall gusts, the centre lies approximately to his left. In the table that follows will be found expressed the bearings of the centre, corresponding to the eight principal points as they are deduced from the application of the law of storms to the direction of the nimbus clouds and squalls. By means of these general cases, the bearing corre- sponding to intermediate points can be easily obtained. If the nimbus clouds and squalls move The centre will bear NORTH. EAST. N.E. S.E. EAST. SOUTH. S.E. S.W. SOUTH. WEST. S.W. N.W. WEST. NORTH. N.W. N.E. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE TRACK OF THE HURRICANE. If at one point where the hurricane has touched complete observa- tions are obtained, the mean direction of the track can, in general, be determined with a sufficient degree of approximation by the following method : Choose two equal heights of the barometer before and after the barometric minimum, and, after having determined the two bearings of the centre corresponding to these heights, measure on a chart from the point of observation two equal distances in the direction of the given bearings ; the line that unites the extremes of these two distances gives the mean direction of the track, but not its true position, nor its nearest point to the observer. This last can be deduced from its angular velocity, or rather from the rapidity with which the wind shifts, if the speed of the body of the storm is known beforehand by observation at other points. In general it can be known if the centre has passed very close, if while the barometer is at its minimum the wind shifts rapidly so that in a few hours it changes from eight to twelve points ; and this may also 114 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. be the case when the barometer has not fallen much and the gusts have not been very violent. POSITION OF THE OBSERVER RELATIVE TO THE STORM-TRACK. As long as the bearing of the centre remains the same for some time, although the barometer falls rapidly and the wind increases in strength, the observer is directly in the track of the centre of the hurricane, or very close to it. If the bearing of the centre moves to his right, in which case the wind will also shift to the right, through K, E., S., and W., the observer is to the right of the track. When the wind shifts to the left and the bearing of the centre is changed in the same direction, the observer is to the left of the track. DANGEROUS AND MANAGEABLE SEMICIRCLES. The track divides the area of the storm into two parts, of which that to the right is called by seamen the dangerous semicircle, and that to the left the manageable semicircle. This relates to the hurricanes of the northern hemisphere. This classification depends on the greater or less danger usually encountered, and on the greater or less effort required to struggle against the storm and to withdraw from its centre, according as the vessel is on one side or the other of the track. In the dangerous semi- circle the gyratory winds tend to force the ship towards the front of the storm, and consequently to throw her in the path of the centre. It is necessary, therefore, to employ the maximum of effort to resist the violent force of the wind, and to prevent being overwhelmed by the hurricane. The manoeuvre laid down in this case is to lie-to on the starboard tack, and, as the wind shifts, which will always be towards the right, to head more and more towards the same side, whenever the force of the wind will permit, until the hurricane disappears in a direction between West and North, or between North and East, according as the observer is in the first or second branch of the track.* In the manageable semi- circle the winds of the hurricane can be utilized in order to run away from the centre. The manoeuvre that is usually practised in this case is to run with the wind on the starboard quarter. POSITION OF THE STORM IN ITS TRACK. It is very necessary to know the position of the storm in its track, because on this depends, in general, its direction, its velocity of trans- * As the tropical cyclones of the northern hemisphere first travel in a general north-westerly direction, then curve abruptly and advance to the north-eastward, it will be seen that their tracks consist of two parts or branches : the first branch is that part of the track before the curve, the second branch that portion of the track after the curve. PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 115 lation, or the movement of the storm body, its intensity, and the magni- tude of its diameter. East of the island of Santo Domingo, and between 10 and 20 N. latitude, it is certain that the hurricane is in the first branch of its track, and sweeps generally towards the fourth quadrant between N.W. and West with increasing velocity, which sometimes reaches 15 to 20 miles an hour, is of small diameter, and generally of great violence. In latitudes above 35 the hurricane is generally in the second branch of the track, and sweeps to the N.E. with increasing velocity, at times at- taining a speed of from 30 to 35 miles an hour, is of great diameter, and, in general, has lost the violent character of tropical hurricanes. In intermediate latitudes, between longitude 65 and 80 W., and very particularly in the island of Cuba, every possible case may occur. At Havana, for example, a hurricane may come from East, from E.S.E., or from S.E. by E., in the first branch of its track with variable velocity, according as it is near or far from the curve of its track ; from the S.E. or from the South, moving very slowly at the curve in its track ; finally from S.S.W. and from S.W., with increasing velocity in the second branch. When the hurricane presents itself from the East, E.S.E., or S.E. by E., with winds from North to N.E., as is most frequently the case, it is still in the first branch of its track. It will be known if it is about to curve or not if its phases succeed each other slowly or rapidly, or if its movements are retarded or accelerated. If it first appears from S.E., S.S.E., or South, it is much to be feared that it is already curving and about to cross the island (Cuba). This probability becomes a cer- tainty from the moment that it is seen that the bearing of the centre varies very little and the phenomena succeed each other slowly. Finally, when the hurricane comes from S.S.W. or from S.W. it is almost certain that it is in the second branch of its track or just entering it. In this case there is no time to lose, since the phases of these hurricanes succeed each other with great rapidity. GENERAL TRACKS OP THE CYCLONES IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. At the beginning of the season some of the hurricanes of June and July keep well to the south and cross the Caribbean Sea, and at times also the island of Cuba, in a W. by N. direction approximately. From the beginning of August to the end of September the tropical cyclones of the northern hemisphere in the first part of their track take generally a W.N.W. direction or a course between W.N.W. and N.W., and all of them curve outside of the tropics, generally between 27 and 33 latitude. As the season advances the initial direction of the track inclines more to the westward, the hurricanes keep further south and curve in lower latitudes, so that those of October, and even some at the end of 116 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. September, come to us from the southern part of the Caribbean Sea and curve in the vicinity of the Tropic of Cancer, or before reaching it, with this peculiarity, that where several have come in succession each one has curved not only in a lower latitude, but also further west than the pre- ceding. The interval in these cases from one to another is not less than twelve or fourteen days. These hurricanes are without doubt the most to be feared for the western portion of the island. The gales of November, December and January, which cross the United States in a N.E. to an E.N.E. direction, and which are manifested at Havana by a Norther due to the anti-cyclone which follows them, may be considered as being in the second branch of the track. PRACTICAL HINTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF VESSELS LEAVING THE PORT OF HAVANA OR NAVIGATING IN THE WEST INDIES DURING THE HURRICANE SEASON. When there are indications of a hurricane to windward 1. Navigation from the port of Havana to the eastward is very dangerous in the months of August and September. It is not so much so in October, however, as the hurricanes then come in lower latitudes. Nevertheless, in this last case a sailing vessel should wait until the hurricane has passed into the third quadrant or bears somewhere between South and West, in order to take advantage of the winds from the S.E. shifting to S. and S.W. 2. Navigation to the northward is also very dangerous in this case, as a sad experience has demonstrated. No sailing ship should try it ; a steamer can undertake this voyage if she is sure to have time to get out of the Strait of Florida and away from the coast before the storm can reach her. If the captain resolves to do this he should go at full speed, to get clear of the Strait and as far away as possible from the coast of Florida and the Gulf Stream in order to have plenty of sea-room. He should do this from the moment he observes the first indications of the hurricane, which may possibly be close upon him. This is without doubt one of the regions of greatest danger, not only on account of the many storms which cross it with various directions and velocities, but also because in the bight between Cape Canaveral and Cape Fear there is scarcely a manoeuvre possible which is not dangerous. In this part of the ocean it is preferable for a vessel to be in the dangerous semicircle of the storm, because at least there is always left the expedient of getting out by lying-to with the ship's head to the N.E., East, or S.E., as the occasion demands, while in the manageable semicircle the ship is squeezed between the track and the coast without space to PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 117 run. Innumerable are the ships which in the last few years have been wrecked on this coast. If the steamer is going to Spain, by making an easterly course south of the Bermudas after leaving the Strait she soon leaves the zone where the storms occur. She will probably have head winds at first, which will somewhat retard her voyage, and which would prevent a sailing vessel from following the course indicated. 3. Navigation to the westward in the case supposed is scarcely attended with any danger whatever, on account of the few hurricanes which cross the Gulf of Mexico on the first branch of their track, and because in case of curving well to the southward they do not enter the Gulf very far. They give plenty of time, so that captains, being fore- warned and having enough sea-room, can easily keep clear of the hurri- cane in case of necessity. If the hurricane presents itself from the S.S.E. to South or S.W., or with Easterly winds shifting to the Southward 1. Navigation to the eastward presents no danger. 2. The voyage to Yera Cruz and New Orleans may be very danger- ous, and the same may be said of navigation to the northward, for these hurricanes cross the eastern portion of the Gulf and the Southern States with great velocity after curving, and frequently surprise ships which are sailing westward and reach those which a short time before left for the north. When the hurricane is to the north of Havana or bears between West and North 1. Navigation to the eastward is not only without danger, but also has the advantage of favourable winds. 2. Navigation to the north or to the west is also without danger if the hurricane has already curved, because then the storm travels faster than a ship, and outstrips her rapidly. But if the hurricane is curving, although navigation to the westward is without danger in some cases, it will always be disadvantageous, because it is necessary to struggle against head winds and heavy seas, wasting time, consuming coal use- lessly, and straining the vessel without advancing much. To start north this case presents no danger, but there may be danger in continuing in that direction. At all events the case is very simple ; and if the captain has not intentionally put himself into the storm or does not get in front of it, it is very certain that it will not seek him. It is evident, then, that he should not venture to pass the Strait in the storm and leave the centre to the west or bearing between West and South, but rather wait until it has finished curving and disappears to the northward or between North and East, 118 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. Captains of vessels that make the voyage from Spain to Cuba by way of Puerto Rico from July to the end of October, on entering the zone of storms should keep a good look-out for the first indications of the hurricane, in order not to be surprised and perhaps overwhelmed. This refers to storms in their first branch, distance from their origin and from the curve of their track, and which are violent, of short radius, and ad- vance with great rapidity. If the first indications show that the bearing of the centre is South or S.W., by laying the ship to or slowing down, the storm will withdraw to the westward or between West and North. If it appears between S.E. and S. it will not be prudent to go on, or at least it will be necessary to use much caution, moderating the speed as long as the storm does not move off to the S. W. If the first indications show the centre to bear S.E. or S.E. by E., the ship is in a much more critical situation perhaps in the track itself, and not very distant from the centre in the dangerous semicircle. She should be laid-to immediately and allowed to reach N.E. as much as possible, utilizing for this purpose the diverging gusts of the first squalls even before the cyclonic winds of the body of the storm are well established. If during this manoeuvre it is seen that the centre moves towards the south, keep on lying-to always on the starboard tack, luffing as the wind shifts to the right until it blows from the third or fourth quadrant. If, having laid his ship to at the first indication of the storm, and it veers towards the first quadrant, the captain should see that the centre maintains the same bearing, that the barometer falls rapidly, and the wind increases in strength every moment, then the ship is in the track of the centre, or very close to it. Only in this extreme case, and when the captain is very certain of his observations, is it deemed prudent to bear up and risk running before the storm in order not to be overwhelmed. In performing this manoeuvre, taking into consideration the convergence of the superficial or outer currents of the cyclone, it is considered better judgment not to run directly before the wind, but to keep it always on the starboard quarter. If the centre is first seen bearing E.S.E., or between East and E.S.E., it is probable that the ship is either in the track itself or in the manage- able semicircle. To lie-to in this case would be a loss of precious time. It would be best, therefore, to run without losing a single moment, on a course between South and West, thus giving a chance for the hurricane to withdraw in the direction of the first or fourth quadrant, or between East and West through North. Finally, if the hurricane bears East or E.N.E., run on a course be- tween South and West, providing the wind freshens and the barometer falls. This case is almost free from danger, and presents no difficulties in manoeuvring, as long as the ship is well away from the coast. PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 119 Ships that navigate from South America to the port of Havana in August and September should go south of the island (Cuba). They should enter the Caribbean Sea in the vicinity of the island of Trinidad and make their longitude without going much to the northward before reaching the meridian of Cape San Antonio. If while crossing the Caribbean Sea they should have indications of a hurricane to the east- ward, they should run immediately to the southward as far as possible. From the end of September to the first of November, on the contrary, the navigation of the Caribbean Sea is very dangerous, particularly in the vicinity of Cape San Antonio, while the voyage to the north of the island is less dangerous than during the preceding months. At this time (during October) ships should go well to the eastward of the Wind- ward Islands and to the north of Puerto Rico and endeavour to make their latitude as soon as possible as far as the parallel of 20 between the meridians of 40 to 50. Considering the track that hurricanes generally take in October, steamers that start for Spain during this month will go safer by the way of Puerto Rico than to the northward. Steamers that navigate from Cape San Antonio to Havana in October, as soon as indications of a hurricane are observed, strong gales, low baro- meter, ugly appearances, etc., if they are near Cape San Antonio, will do well to run for the Bank of Yucatan and wait there, or else run out of their course to the westward until the storm has passed, and take advan- tage of the favourable winds which follow it to continue their voyage. If on the first indications of the hurricane the ship finds herself be- tween Cape San Antonio and Havana, the first thing to do is to get clear of the coast and the currents ; when this is done, if the centre bears be- tween E. and S., which is the most probable, continue running with the gale to W.S.W., and when the storm has passed to the N.E. the winds which follow it can be utilized to continue the voyage. If, when well away from the coast, the centre bears in the third quadrant, or between South and "West, lie-to for some time in order to observe if the centre remains on the same bearing or veers towards the second quadrant. If either is the case, run immediately with the wind on the starboard quarter j but if it is seen that it veers to the westward, the wind shifting to the right, lie-to with the head to the eastward. This last case is exceedingly dangerous, and navigation in these waters should be avoided as much as possible during the month of October. Of the many cases explained in these pages, there have been, during the last few years, examples with varying results. Knowing that occasions may again arise when these observations will be of use, they are recorded here in the hope that they may prove of benefit in some emergency. 120 PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. The danger of navigating these waters is great, the difficulties many and often insuperable, the losses and shipwrecks all too frequent. If by means of these incomplete notes a single disaster should be averted, they will not have been written in vain. The " Practical Hints in regard to the West Indian Hurricanes " here introduced (pp. 109-120) have been translated from the Spanish by Lieut. G. L. DYER, U.S.N., and are issued, "to lessen the dangers of navigation," by the United States Hydrographic Office. The small but valuable work of the PADRE BENITO VINES (Director of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory of the Royal College of Belen, in Havana), from which the translation has been compiled, is entitled " Apuntes relatives a los Huracanes de las Antillas en Setiembre y Octubre de 1875 y 1876." To this work Professor FERREL, in his paper on Cyclones, frequently refers, and the following extracts are especially worthy of note : From observations of the PADRE VINES on the hurricanes of the Antilles during September and October of 1875 and 1876, we may deduce some valuable results with regard to the inclination of the winds in cyclones in those low latitudes. Although we do not have in them the averages of many observations, yet we can rely on them with con- siderable certainty, since the cyclones there, being nearly the same as oceanic cyclones, are more regular and not so much affected by irregular abnormal disturbing influences, which require large numbers of obser- vations for their elimination. The following extracts from the Padre's book, some in substance merely, but mostly somewhat literal transla- tions, have a bearing on the general subject. In all the hurricanes of the Antilles it was observed "that the gyrating winds cease to be circular at a long distance from the vortex, and are found to deviate from the tangent to the circle with an inclination toward the centre, forming a kind of large converging spiral." This converging is likewise said to " vary not only in different hurricanes, but likewise in the same hurricane, with different directions and intensities of the wind, and with different distances from the vortex." In the same connection it is stated that the inclination is " especially small at no great distance from the vortex." In the hurricane of September 1875, "the winds of the anterior part of the storm were approximately circular, or with a slight inclina- tion toward the centre in some cases." But from observations made at numerous places, "the winds of the second (S.E.) quadrant, which remained at all these places when the vortex was at a considerable INCURVATURE OP THE WIND IN WEST INDIAN HURRICANES. 121 distance, suffered a great deviation toward the centre, and in some cases likewise the winds not far from the vortex." Similar observations were made of the hurricanes of 1876. In the anterior part of the storm the winds deviated but little from the tangent toward the centre, but in the posterior part they blew almost directly toward the centre. On the island of Porto Rico "little deviation in the winds of the third and fourth (S.W. and NYW.) quadrants was noted, some greater convergency in those of the first (N.E.) quadrant, and a great inclination toward the centre in those from the E. and S., especially as they became at a great distance from the vortex." The hurricane of the 19th of October 1876 is presented as a notable example of the great convergency of the winds. " After its passage by Havana, the winds, which in the posterior part blew from West to South, suffered a great deviation towards the centre, and that not only at a distance from the vortex, but even in its vicinity." And " the winds which prevailed from S.S.E. to S., and which, during the passage of the vortex by Havana, blew with force in the different towns situated to the E.S.E. of Havana, suffered likewise a very notable inclination towards the centre. With respect to the winds which prevailed in the first quadrant in the different localities of the anterior part of the cyclone, there was observed in them likewise a notable convergency, though in general in a less degree." From the preceding extracts, and many others of the same kind which might be cited, it is evident that there is not only an inclination of the winds in the cyclones of the Antilles, but that this inclination is much greater than in high latitudes. This latter deduction from theory, if true, is very important from practical considerations ; and although there cannot be any doubt with regard to it where the theory is under- stood, yet any observations which tend to confirm it must be regarded as being very important, and many more observations of the same kind are very desirable. In the extreme cases namely, in front and rear of the storm the angle of inclination in the former is stated to be very small, and the direction of the wind to be nearly at right angles to the radius of the cyclone, and in the latter to be so large that the wind blew almost directly toward the centre. On other sides of the cyclone the observations seem to give about a mean between these extremes. The angle of inclination, therefore, in the cyclones of the Antilles, and at all places at sea in the same latitudes, is probably about 45 on the average of all cases of great velocities of the wind, and still much greater where the velocities are not very great. But we do not have observations enough yet for determining quantitative results with much accuracy. 122 REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. There are many evidences in the observations of the hurricanes of the Antilles to show that the inclination near the vortex or centre of the cyclone is less than at considerable distances. It is not only so stated, as in the cases cited, but it may also be inferred from many other places where, in referring to the great inclinations in special cases, the phrase is often added, " even near the vortex," as though it was con- sidered that the inclination there is usually less than at greater distances. These observations are valuable as confirming those of MELDRUM in the Southern Indian Ocean, with regard to the great incurvature of the winds in the rear of the cyclone. REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. The observations of Mr. W. G. WILLSON on the Balasore (June 1872) cyclone elucidate the more recent views respecting cyclones, and his general remarks are well deserving the attention of those navigating the Bay of Bengal during the cyclone season. Of the cyclone itself Mr. WILLSON says : "It was not one of great violence, and was unusually small in dimensions its radius, probably, never exceeding forty or fifty miles ; the vortex, it is calculated, was formed on the night of June the 29th or the morning of June the 30th, at or about lat. 19 50' N., and long. 89 E. For some time after its formation, it seems to have been almost stationary. It moved afterwards with a velocity of about ten miles an hour, as it passed the Pilot Ridge, between 8 P.M. and midnight of the 30th. It advanced in a northerly direction very slowly from midnight, retarded by friction with the land, turning round to the westward along a path with less resistance, with probably a smaller radius. It increased in extent and velocity of propagation as it moved over a freer course towards Balasore. The approximate track of the centre, as derived from land observa- tions at Akyab, Chittagong, Calcutta, Saugor Island, and Madras, and from the logs and reports of no less than 26 vessels (including the light- ships), appears to have been as follows : June 30, 10 P.M Lat. 20 W N....Long. 87 55' E. Midnight..., 20 55',, ,, 87 50' July 1, 3 A.M ,, 8'30 A.M. ... 11 A.M. . 21 8' 87 45' 21 9' 87 10' 21 7' 86 45' "It is probable that, previous to the formation of this vortex, another distinct vortex had been formed on the 28th, in about the same place viz. lat. 19 50' N., long. 89 E. ; but it appears to have been almost stationary, and to have broken up on the morning of the 29th," REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. 123 This cyclone cannot have travelled over much more than 300 miles ; neither does it appear to have had any very remarkable speciality, except the very high cross sea which accompanied it a sea, reported " never to have been equalled in the Bay of Bengal." "With all the vessels, the gusts of wind are described as something fearful. Experience of former cyclones, in May and June, was verified by that of 1872, and therefore the following indications of the probable formation of a cyclone, in the north of the Bay of Bengal, during those months, hold good : " 1. The barometer falls steadily for some days round the north of the Bay. The fall occurs first to the south-east, at Chittagong and Akyab, and afterwards at Saugor Island, Cuttack, and Calcutta. The barometer at Saugor Island ranges lower than the barometer at Calcutta (normally at this season it ranges higher). "2. At Calcutta the winds become light and variable from S.E. round to N.E. As the disturbance increases, masses of cloud drift from E.N.E. or N.E., and, as the storm approaches, showers are frequent, and the wind blows in gusts. " 3. At Saugor Island the winds are at first light and variable, working round from S.E. to N.E. As the disturbance increases, and as the storm approaches, the barometer continues to fall steadily ; the wind increases in force, with squalls from the N.E., and masses of clouds float rapidly from the same direction. Outside there is a heavy southerly swell. "4. At Cuttack, or False Point, the winds are first light and variable from E.N.E., working generally round, through North to West, and W.S.W. As the storm approaches, the wind increases in force, with squalls from West and W.N.W. " 5. At Chittagong the winds are light and very variable, mostly from S.E. and N.E. " 6. At Akyab the winds are light at first, and saturated with moisture, mostly from South and S.E. As the disturbance increases, the wind increases in force, and works gradually round from S.E. to South and S.S.W. "7. In the Bay, along and south of a line drawn from about False Point to Cheduba Island, south-westerly gales, accompanied with torrents of rain, prevail. Standing northward, the barometer falls, and rises when standing southward." The inference drawn from the above data is that " Under the circumstances above specified (3), it appears unwise for ships, in a good anchorage at Saugor, to put to sea. The great danger is that they may be caught in a cyclone, before they have got sea-room to avoid it. Moreover, the pilot vessels will, under the circumstances, 124 REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. be generally off their stations, and ships will be unable to land their pilots. It should be remembered, also, that generally the worst part of a cyclone is the heavy cross sea which accompanies it. In the late cyclone it was this tremendous sea, which is reported never to have been equalled in the Bay, which did such damage. It is accounted for by the long-continued gales from the S.W. This danger would be avoided by not putting to sea until the weather improved. From (7) the following would appear to be a safe rule : Ships coming up the Bay in the months of May and June, with fresh south-westerly gales, ac- companied by torrents of rain and a falling barometer, should not press to the northward until the weather improves, and the barometer rises steadily/" One vessel (the Sophia Joakin) appears to have been in a difficult and dangerous position on the 29th, with a lee shore to the north and the cyclone to the south ; afraid to heave-to, she had to make a fair wind of it. On this circumstance Mr. WILLSON observes, "that running round a cyclone is always dangerous, more especially in those of small radius, and it is liable to be forgotten that the winds do not revolve round the vortex in circles, but along in-moving spirals, so that a course before the wind must inevitably bring a ship sooner or later to the centre." And he proceeds " I wish to draw particular attention to the following modern develop- ment of the laws of cyclonic storms, for the disregard of this law may lead, and has led, to many losses at sea. The direction of the wind, especially at a distance, is far from being at right angles to the bearing of the centre. The wind does not revolve round the vortex in circles, but along incurving spirals, differing two, three, or more points from the tangential circular directions. For example, when a ship is running up the Bay with a S.W. gale, squalls, torrents of rain, a barometer falling rapidly, and every appearance of a cyclone, she has no right to conclude that the centre bears N.W., and that therefore a North or a N.N.E. course is a safe one. The centre, if at a distance, may bear North or N.N.E., and a northerly course may run the ship into it, particularly as it may be then almost stationary. ' The safest course seems to be to lie-to, and watch the barometer and wind till the bearing of the centre be known with some certainty.' In this instance the barometer gene- rally rose when standing to the S.E., and fell when standing N.W. This was the experience of all the fleet to the S.E. " It must be borne in mind that, before any vortex is formed, gales blow towards and round a considerable belt of low pressure ; in deter- mining the changes of position of the centre of a cyclone from the veering of the wind, it must be borne in mind that the direction of the currents is not round a circle, but in a spiral, differing about two points REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. 125 or more from the circular direction, although close to the centre, the direction is probably more nearly circular. I use the following rule for the northern hemisphere : 'To find the bearing of the centre, stand with your face to the wind, and measure round to your right-hand side, about ten points (not eight). When the centre is at a distance, it may bear eleven, twelve, or thirteen points from the direction in which the wind is blowing.' " The following information respecting the revolving storms or cyclones of the Bay of Bengal is also derived from a report on the Midnapore and Burdwan cyclone of the 15th and 16th of October 1874, by Mr. W. G. WILLSON : Important distinctions have been observed between the cyclones which visit the shores of Bengal in October and November and those which occur in April and May. The storms of October and November are usually generated in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, near or a little north of the Andaman Islands ; and although in that locality the formation of the storm is preceded by many days of bad weather, and probably by a low barometer, there are usually no weather indica- tions along the Bengal coast-line of the existence of the coming storm until a day or two before its arrival ; and it is not until the place is near the limit of the gale of wind which surrounds the body of the advancing cyclone that any decided fall in the barometer takes place. In the north-west part of the Bay of Bengal during this season North- easterly winds predominate. The cyclones which are generated in October, somewhere between 14 N. and 18 N., are those which most frequently visit the Bengal shores, while the storms of November, which are generated further south, are (usually) only felt along the Madras coast. The cyclones which visit the shores of Bengal in April and May are usually generated in the northern part of the Bay of Bengal; the barometer falls steadily and considerably four or five days previously ; South-west winds prevail during this season, and winds from the North- east are very unusual. The storms in April and May are not usually so violent as those of October, and seldom travel far inland. Before a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal, and during its approach, North-easterly winds prevail over many degrees of longitude to the north of the storm, both on the eastern and western side of the path subsequently pursued, and there seems to be no marked tendency of the wind to veer until the cyclone is close at hand.* This fact, affecting as it does the generally received rule of allowing eight points to the light of the direction of the wind to determine the bearing of the * As far as the data show, the winds were north-easterly, all over the Bay of Bengal north of latitude 17 N., as early as noon of the llth October 1874, and south-westerly south of latitude 15 N. 126 *. REMARKS ON THE CYCLONES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. centre Q* a 'storm, is important for the seaman to remember; and a decided fall of the barometer should take place before the centre is assumed to bear eight points to the right of the direction of the wind. At a considerable distance from the centre, and before the barometer shall have fallen much, the centre may bear as much as twelve points to the right of the direction of the wind. From the foregoing remarks it will (in vessels situated to the north- ward of the storm's path) be apparent, that whereas in April and May the fall of the barometer and the shift of wind from South or S.W. to N.E. give timely warning of the approach of a cyclone, yet in October and November the fall of the barometer is usually small, and there is no warning shift of wind if the vessel be to the north of the storm's path. To make use of the slight fall of the barometer mentioned, the seaman should know that the barometer in these latitudes has four diurnal oscillations, which are perfectly regular in settled weather. The mercury is highest at 10 A.M. and 10 P.M., and lowest at 4 A.M. and 4 P.M. ; the difference between the heights at 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. is usually one-tenth of an inch ; and if the barometer did not rise from 4 A.M. to 10 A.M., or from 4 P.M. to 10 P.M., the seaman should be on his guard, as in these . latitudes the instrument would thus indicate considerable atmospheric disturbance. At the entrance of the River Hoogly the earliest indications of a coming cyclone are probably afforded by the motions of the lower clouds, which drift rapidly by in dark elongated masses from N.E. to S.W., and this is one of the surest tokens of a cyclonic disturbance ; these signs are never absent at the Hoogly whenever there is a cyclonic dis- turbance anywhere in the middle or northern parts of the Bay of Bengal. The mean direction of the wind at the Sandheads before a cyclone is always N.E. or E.N.E. more usually E.N.E. when the place is on the track of the storm, but it varies considerably in the gusts, which increase in strength as the storm approaches. The squalls become more frequent, the driving rain which accompanies them is gradually heavier as the cyclone approaches, and a heavy swell comes up from the south-eastward. With such indications, even if the baro- meter up to the time shall have shown no considerable fall, it may be concluded that the cyclone is not very far distant, and it may be expected that the barometer will give less warning of the approach of a storm in October' than in May or June. The storm-wave accompanying the Midnapore and Burdwan cyclone raised the level of the water in Diamond Harbour, River Hoogly, 16 feet. ( PRACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO TYPHOONS OF . PKACTICAL HINTS IN REGARD TO THE TYPHOONS OF THE CHINA SEA. The following observations by Mr. W. DOBERCK, the Government Astronomer, were issued at Hong Kong in May 1885 : In the China Sea the earliest signs of a typhoon are clouds of the cirrus type looking like fine hair, feathers or small white tufts of wool travelling from east or north, a slight rise in the barometer, clear and dry but hot weather, and light winds. These signs are followed by a falling barometer, while the tempera- ture rises still further. The air becomes oppressive from increasing dampness, and the sky presents a threatening and vaporous appearance. A swell in the sea, and also phosphorescence of the water as well as glorious sunsets, are other signs useful to the mariner who is acquainted with the usual conditions in the locality. If the typhoon is approaching, the sky becomes overcast, the tempe- rature in consequence decreases, the dampness increases, and the baro- meter falls more rapidly, while the wind increases in force. Nearer the centre the wind blows so that no canvas can withstand it, and the rain pours down in torrents, but there is no thunder and lightning. Still nearer the centre there is less wind and rain, and the sky is partly clear, but the sea is tremendous. This is therefore the most dangerous portion. The whereabouts of the centre of a typhoon may, in the China Sea, be ascertained by the rule : Stand with your back to the wind, and you will have the centre on your left side, but between two and four points in front of your left hand. There are, however, certain excep- tions to this rule. Thus there often blows a steady easterly gale along the southern coast of China when a typhoon is crossing the China Sea, and the gale blows often steady from north-east about the northern entrance to the Formosa Straits when there is a typhoon in a more southern latitude. When you have ascertained from the changes in the barometer and in the wind in which semicircle your vessel is situated, you should, if in the right-hand semicircle, keep the wind on the starboard tack, and if in the left-hand semicircle you should run on the starboard tack or heave-to on the port tack ; but it is dangerous to lie-to in a typhoon, particularly before you are sure that the centre is past. Vessels near the coast of China or in the Formosa Straits generally seek refuge in the nearest typhoon harbour indicated in the China Sea Directory, Vessels leaving Hong Kong are warned from the Observatory. Vessels leaving Singapore are enabled, by observing the rules given 128 CHINA AND JAPAN. above, to sail round the typhoon till they find themselves on the eastern border, when they may regain their lost distance. The force of the wind is usually greatest in the semicircle north of the centre. Typhoons are not met south of nine degrees northern latitude. Typhoons may be encountered at any season of the year, but are most frequent in August and September. They appear to originate S.E. of the Philippine Islands. In August and September they frequently pass East of Formosa or travel towards N.W. up through the Straits or strike the coast of China. Afterwards they usually recurve towards N.E. and pass over Japan or across the sea North of Japan, but not with the violence that is characteristic of tropical storms. During the remainder of the year they most frequently cross the China Sea from East to West. CHINA AND JAPAN. Turning to China and Japan, where the PERE DECHEVRENS (of the Jesuit College at Zikawei, seven miles S.W. of Shanghai) and Mr. E. KNIPPING (of Japan) have been engaged for some years on meteorological observations, and devoted considerable attention to the typhoons of the neighbouring seas, they give, as the results of their investigations, con- clusive evidence that in every instance they found "the winds practically circular in front of the typhoon and near the central calm, while, far from being so in the posterior quadrants, they were either convergent or, in some cases, centripetal; so that, although the eight-point rule would sufficiently indicate the position of the centre when in front of the storm, its direction would be uncertain to the extent of three or more points when at a distance from the centre, and within the area of the converging winds." KNIPPING also observes of the typhoons that pass near or across Japan : " In general, it seems that outdraf t (the anti-cyclone, to which the PADRE VINES refers, see p. 109) is noticed only in front of the centre, with light winds, while the greatest indraft has been found in the wake of the centre." And again (speaking of the storm of 1880) : "In the dangerous octant the bearing of the centre amounted on an average to eight points, sometimes less ; in the rear octant to thirteen points or more; all cases of indraft in the dangerous octant were observed to the left of the track. As similar results have been obtained in other typhoons, there is good reason to believe now that in all typhoons which travel at an appreciable rate, the bearing of the centre, in front, will always be less than in the rear, this difference depending principally on the rate of progress." The following remark also occurs: "The CLOUDS OF THE CIRRUS TYPE. 129 shape of the barometric curves in low latitudes is more like an inverted cone, in higher latitudes more like a basin, agreeing with the actually observed increase in the diameter of the central space with the latitude." The most disastrous typhoons, especially to shipping, are those which consist of several subsidiary low-pressure areas following fast in the wake of their predecessors, and which, by the varying changes of the wind, utterly perplex the navigator. NOTE ON CLOUDS OF THE CIRRUS TYPE. As frequent mention has been made in the previous pages (109-127) of the value of watching clouds of the "cirrus" type in connection with the approach of a cyclone, the following extract from "Instructions" drawn up by the Rev. C. W. LEY will be appreciated by the navigator. The attention of the observer is especially directed to clouds of the cirrus type, inclusive of what are here defined as true cirrus, sheet cirrus, high cirro-cumulus, and cirrus-haze ; and it is to these types of clouds only that the following instructions refer. Cirrus is the highest kind of cloud. When in moderate quantities it is commonly white, though when seen through haze it is usually somewhat cream-coloured, and, when the sun's rays have reached it through a long stratum of hazy atmosphere, is often of either an orange or rosy tint. In all cases it has a very delicate appearance. It is sometimes arranged like bunches of fine hair ; and such tufts of cirrus are often called "mares' tails." At other times it resembles small curled feathers. Quite as commonly, however, it lies in thin light strands, like pale gossamer threads. When cirrus overspreads a large portion of the sky, it becomes what is here termed "sheet-cirrus." In this state, when not too thick, it produces " halos " or large rings round the sun and moon. The sheet- cirrus sometimes appears fibrous, sometimes reticulated. When the veil of this cloud becomes thick, it assumes some neutral or muddy tint, except in those cases when it is so disposed that the rays of the rising or setting sun are reflected to us from its under- surface, which then appears of either an orange or rosy colour. "High cirro-cumulus" differs from simple cirrus in consisting of small detached masses somewhat rounded in form, a great flotilla of which is often seen in the sky, especially in fine summer weather. Clouds at lower levels are frequently disposed in this manner, but the observer must be very careful to distinguish from these the high cirro- i 130 TROUGH OF A CYCLONE. cumulus, which latter is either white, or changes its colour under the same circumstances as simple cirrus, no part of each cloudlet ever seem- ing to be decidedly thrown into shadow by another part. The high cirro-cumulus also possesses the same faintness and delicacy of outline which we observe in cirrus. Sometimes, however, cirrus is only visible as either a milky or an oily-looking haze, which is here termed " cirrus haze" THE TROUGH OF A CYCLONE. The Hon. RALPH ABERCROMBY, in a recently published work on the Principles of Forecasting Weather, being No. 60 issued by the Meteorological Council, has judiciously added a new term in cyclonology. He defines the trough of a cyclone as a line drawn through the centre of the cyclone, generally at right angles to its path : thus the trough marks out the position of all the places where the barometer has attained its lowest point. Everywhere the mercury is falling in front and rising in rear of this line, in consequence of the forward motion of the cyclone ; this line also defines the front and rear of a cyclone ; and it may so happen that, although not near to the centre of the storm, the passage of the trough will occasionally be marked by a sudden shifting of the wind. The front and rear of a cyclone are also well defined by characteristic meteorological conditions. A cyclone is not merely an area of low pressure within which the winds are blowing more or less inwards upon the centre ; but it is further distinguished in this, that in front of the trough we have a watery sun, or pale moon, with the attendant halo, an atmosphere warm, close, and muggy, damp weather with a dirty sky, drizzling or driving rain ; at the passage of the trough, a squall or shower; then the sky begins to break. The whole of the rear is cool, brisk, exhilarating, and dry, with a hard, firm sky. NOTE ON THE INCURVATURE OP THE WINDS IN THE TROPICS. The particular feature to be noted with regard to a hurricane within the tropics is the undoubted incurvature of the wind more or less according to the quadrant of the storm in which the ship is found, and also according to the latitude. MELDRUM, as far back as 1867, first drew attention to the disasters resulting to vessels through the direction of the centres of cyclones being estimated on the circular theory ; and in March 1878, with the wind N.E. at Mauritius, it was found that he had INCURVATURE OF THE WINDS IN THE TROPICS. 131 correctly indicated the centre of the cyclone to be to the W.S.W.-ward, whereas, on the circular theory, it should have been to N.W.-ward. In the Tropics the inclination as indicated alike by MELDRUM for the Southern Indian Ocean, BLANFORD and WILLSON for the Bay of Bengal, the PERE DECHEVRONS and DOBERCK for China, KNIPPING for Japan, and the PADRE VINES for the West Indies may be four points or more, according to the amount of incurvature or convergence towards the centre ; and this large deviation from the circle, in both hemispheres, as the storm is progressing to Westward, is in the rear or posterior quadrants; while in the front or anterior quadrants the winds more nearly conform to the circular. Hence, for the tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Fig. 31 will approximately represent the general trend of the winds ; and for the Southern Hemisphere, the trend of the winds will be approximately represented by Fig. 32. It is thus safe to infer that when in front of the storm, as indicated by the winds due to that part of it, and by giving attention to the sky, sea, and state of the barometer, the circular theory will approximately indicate the position of the centre, and enable the navigator to manoeuvre so as to avoid disaster; it appears to be also equally certain that the rear of the storm-with Fig< 32 (S> Hemisphere). its incurvingvriiids especially when these are fair for the prosecution of the voyage may be equally as dangerous as the front unless when, using those winds, the barometer be attentively watched. Under ordinary circumstances, the incurvature of the winds in the cyclones of the middle and higher latitudes does not appear to be so great as it is within the tropics. Captain TOYNBEE found it to be 29 in the storm of August 1873, and chiefly in front; Mr. CLEMENT LEY'S observations for Europe make the mean incurvature about 25, also greater for the front than the rear ; while Professor LOOM is for America (and nearer the equator) made it 47, but greater for the rear than the front. It seems to be not unlikely that this difference may be due, as pointed out by Lieut. SPINDLER of the Russian Navy, to the friction encountered by the wind on the continental side of cyclones, increasing the inclination on the west side, and therefore the rear of the American 132 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. storms, and on the east side, or front of the European storms. If this be the right solution, it will account for some of the anomalies in the China and Japan typhoons. HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. North Atlantic. M. ANDRE POEY, of Havana, gave, a few years ago, a chronological list of every hurricane (chiefly of tropical origin) in the North Atlantic of which any record could be traced viz. from 1493 to 1855 a period extending over 363 years; they amounted in the aggregate to 355,* and their distribution, according to the months in which they occurred, appears to be as follows I- January ... 5 February . . 7 March ... 11 April. ... 6 May .... 5 June .... 10 July .... 42 August ... 96 September . . 80 October ... 69 November . . 17 December . . 7 Hence the four months, July, August, September, and October, may be said to constitute the hurricane season of the North Atlantic, since the record assigns 287 (or 81 per cent.) to those months against 68 (or 19 per cent.) for the remaining months of the year. The extent of surface embraced by POEY'S list may be divided in five areas, as follows: (1) The West African; (2) the West Indian, including the Gulf of Mexico ; (3) the Eastern seaboard of North America ; (4) the Central Atlantic ; and (5) the Northern and Eastern Atlantic, respecting each of which some remarks are necessary. (1.) The West African area includes the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands, the Canaries, and Madeira. Of the six hurricanes mentioned by POET, three are stated to have occurred in the month of September off the Cape Verdes, to which may be added another, in 1872, also in September, which took a general N.W. by W. direction, from lat. 12 N., long. 22| W. towards lat. 17 N., long. 30 W. (Annales Hydrographiques). Numberless vessels are constantly traversing that part of the Atlantic, yet the records of hurricanes have hitherto been few, though in that locality, and during that month, all the elements which give birth to them are present the area of lowest pressure lies just south of the islands, near lat. 12 N., long. 20 to 25 W., with two opposing winds (the N.E. Trade and S.W. Monsoon) in close proximity to each other the Trade increasing in force and pushing to the south- * A few of the instances recorded are undoubtedly duplicates ; others, that occurred within two or three days of each other, are examples of a hurricane following nearly in the track of a predecessor. HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 133 ward. Of the remaining three hurricanes, one occurred in October, one in November, and the other in May, near the Canaries and Madeira ; and of these scanty particulars are known, except that the October storm of 1842 was (according to Sir W. REID) very destructive, and took a route towards Seville and Lisbon, and that all three approxi- mated to the curvature of the African coast. At the Canaries and Madeira, on the southern edge of the region of sub-tropical rains, gales are expected from the middle of October to December, with the moist S.W. winds. (2.) The West Indian area, including the Gulf of Mexico and southern part of the Caribbean Sea, is the region of the tropical hurricane in the North Atlantic. The examination of the records of a hundred years gives 215 hurricanes (including Northers), which, as regards the month, appear to be distributed as follows : January ... 5 February . . 2 March ... 6 April .... 1 May .... June .... 4 July .... 29 August ... 59 September . . 61 October ... 40 November . . 12 December , 6 The true hurricane season of the West Indies is July, August, Sep- tember, and October, while that of the NortJiers in the Gulf of Mexico extends from September to March. The southern part of the Caribbean Sea is not wholly exempted from hurricanes, though it cannot be said that there is a hurricane season, since at wide intervals four of these storms have taken place in September, one in December, and one in January; Trinidad more frequently experiences the storm-wave than the storm itself, but of the three hurricanes recorded as having visited the island, one occurred in August and two in September, within an interval of four years. (See also the PADRE VINES' remarks, p. 115.) (3.) The Eastern seaboard of North America is very frequently visited by the West Indian hurricane after recurvature, hence many of those storms already mentioned on p. 132 are common to the two areas. There are others, however, the records of which exclusively relate to the seaboard of the United States, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland, together with the Bermudas. As areas (1) and (2) are approximately connected, the paths of the hurricanes prevalent in the two regions may be taken together ; but any attempt to classify them so as to obtain a characteristic or " habitual path " month by month will utterly fail ; yet from a seasonal point, and taking them in the aggregate, the paths of the earlier hurricanes undoubtedly differ in form, and must be determined by a very different system of atmospheric circulation, from those that occur at a later date, 134 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. Thus Fig. 33 represents that portion of the Atlantic basin included from lat. 10 to 50 N., and from long. 40 to 100 W., with the varied forms of the principal storm-tracks from June to December, both months inclusive. The typical progressive movement is first W.N.W.-ly, recurving through North, and then advancing in a N.E.-ly direction the place of recurvature being somewhere between lat. 27 and 34 giving an approximately parabolic curve ; but this is not persistent and invariable. At the beginning of the season a storm may take the form (with a short course) represented by curve a; occasionally, between June and October (both inclusive), it may assume a more rectilinear direction, towards the West or W.N.W., across the Caribbean Sea, or the Gulf of Mexico, as at b and d ; the typical and most predominant form of the West Indian hurricane, with its course along the seaboard of the United States, appears in August and September, occasionally, however, in October, as shown in curves c, e, f, and g ; but a very common track for the October storm is represented by curves h, i, andj especially the latter, the course being N.N.E. and N.E. ; while the November and December, as well as some of the October, storms originate on the American continent, and take an E.N.E. to N.E. course (as k and I). The direction (so far as known) of all the West Indian storm-paths recorded in POEY'S catalogue was from the equator towards the poles, with the exception of one, that of 10th October 1847, which, com- mencing in the Atlantic, eastward of the Windward Islands, crossed Tobago to the mainland of South America thus, in its westwardly progression, moving obliquely towards the equator. REDFIELD had shown that some of the West Indian hurricanes com- menced in the eastern part of the North Atlantic, near the African HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 135 coast ; it is interesting to find that our Meteorological Office may throw more light on this point, and trace the life of a cyclone, with all its vicissitudes, from its birth in the tropical part of the Atlantic to its death in the extra-tropical part of that ocean, or it may be, on rare occasions, in some part of Western Europe. In a late publication* of that department, Capt. TOYNBEE observes that " the logs of two ships show that a hurricane originated in about 11 N. and 32 W., in August 1871 ; at midnight of the 17th its centre seems to have been in about 13J 1ST. and 38 W. ; a hurricane going to the W.N.W. also passed over the island of St. Thomas, at the rate of 17 miles an hour, on the 21st; there can be little doubt that this was the same hurricane, and if so, it must have travelled about W. by N. at a rate of nearly 18 miles an hour between midnight of the 17th and its passage over St. Thomas on the 21st;" and, again "in the part of the sea where some of the West India hurricanes originate, fresh N.E.-ly and S.W.-ly winds are in close contact, and the route which they take is to the southward of a permanent area of high pressure." " A southerly wind is retreating before the advancing N.E. Trade during the months in which West India hurricanes prevail," and "this origin between opposing winds agrees with the researches of MELDRUM in Mauritius, and WILLSON in the Bay of Bengal." In August 1873 a most destructive hurricane traversed a great part of the North Atlantic; killed nearly 500 people; damaged, stranded, or wrecked more than 1000 vessels, and damaged or destroyed nearly 1000 buildings in the neighbourhood of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Labrador, etc. The Meteorological Office instituted an inquiry into the formation and progress of this hurricane, and collected a large amount of meteorological data for the whole month. Captain TOYNBEE'S observations on this storm are contained in a paper read at the Royal United Service Institution on 1st June, and published in the Nautical Magazine of December 1877 the subject : " On the Great Hurricane, the Tracks of American Storms, and the Ordinary Winds of the North Atlantic experienced in August 1873" The storm was tracked day by day from the 14th of August, when a ship, in lat. 15 N., long. 38 W., was experiencing a W.N.W. gale of nearly hurricane force, thence it passed Sombrero, then westward of Bermuda, and onward to the south coast of Newfoundland, where it died down, and there was no gale after the 27th. It is not unworthy of note that three cyclonic systems of wind were traversing the Atlantic in different directions at the same time, and extended to Northern * " Physical Geography of the part of the Atlantic between 20* N. and 10* S., and between JO" to 40* W.," by Capt. TOVNBKB, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., etc, 136 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. Europe ; and it is remarked that one of these systems was, at its origin, considerably S.E.-ward of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, "almost rubbing against the great hurricane, and having its N.W.-ly winds and fine weather in very close contact with the S.E.-ly winds of the hurricane, while the hurricane itself never got beyond Newfoundland." Although the storm was tracked through its whole route, and was never lost sight of from 18th August until it had died out on the 27th, there was a scarcity of observations in its neighbourhood until it approached Bermuda. On the 23rd most of the observers were on its northern side, and it was not until the 24th, when it had moved further north, that it had a fair number of observers on its southern side ; on the latter day it had rather an oval shape. Fig. 34 shows the circulation of air in the hurricane when south of Newfoundland on the 25th; "it pictures the N.E. winds extending further north than the S.E., and the S.E. turning rather sharply into East and N.E. It seems worthy of notice that on the 24th there was a similarly-shaped whirl of air near the British Islands, in which N.E.-ly winds prevailed to the northward and north-eastward of S.E.-ly winds. These facts, it will be seen, agree in a remarkable way with the researches of Mr. MELDRUM with regard to the shape of Mauritius hurricanes." (The reader can compare Fig. 34 with Fig. 22 on p. 80, which is MELDRUM'S diagram of the circulation of air in the Mauritius hurricane of 25th February 1860). (4.) Of the storms of the Central Atlantic much more is known than formerly ; it was the opinion of Mr. HUNT (Consul) that the heavy gales off the A zores were in some instances, and in some way, related to the West Indian hurricane, which is not unlikely. HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 137 (5.) The meteorology of the Northern and Eastern Atlantic has now the close attention of the Meteorological Departments of the various maritime nations. The exigencies of commerce and navigation demand greater precision than formerly in the forecasting of weather ; and this would be impossible without systematized organizations for the collection of accurate observations. It was once a very prevalent opinion that a cyclone was rarely encountered out of the tropics ; it is now well known that the autumnal, winter, and early spring gales of the extra-tropical regions in fact bad weather of all kinds, at any season appertain to the cyclonic type, and have a close connection with the relative distri- bution of areas of high and low pressure. Southern Indian OceanMauritius and Reunion. Mr. MELDRUM and M. BRIDET are the great authorities on the hurricanes of the Southern Indian Ocean, and MELDRUM has given very elaborate tables illustrative of the periodicity of Cyclones and Rainfall in connection with Sun-spot periodicity. From 1731 to 1844 only 22 Mauritius hurricanes are on record, but this imperfect list might give merely those that were remarkable for their destructive effects on the islands. The number of cyclones for each year, from 1847 to 1873, is as follows, force of wind from 9 to 12, and the connection to which MELDRUM refers is sufficiently evident. Years. Hurricanes. Storms. Whole Gales. Strong Gales. Total Cyclones. 1847 5 5 8 6 2 8 9 3 2 3 2 10 1850 4 3 1 8 1 4 2 1 7 2 5 3 8 3 1 1 5 1 8 4 8 1 4 6 8 2 6 6 1 2 1 4 7 2 1 1 4 8 3 1 3 2 9 9 3 2 6 4 15 1860 7 4 2 13 1 6 2 2 2 11 2 4 2 2 2 10 3 & 2 1 1 9 4 2 2 1 5 6 2 2 3 7 6 1 4 2 1 8 7 4 2 6 8 3 2 2 7 9 3 1 3 2 9 1870 2 1 5 3 11 1 3 2 3 3 11 2 6 5 1 1 13 3 4 5 3 12 TOTAL 90 55 57 25 227 138 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. The following table gives the distribution of the Mauritius cyclones according to the months of the year : June .... 2 July .... 2 August ... September . . October ... 2 November . . 24 December . . 20 January . . 46 February . . 45 March ... 38 April ... 34 May .... 22 Thus, January, February, March, and April are essentially the hurricane season, but cyclones are by no means unfrequent in November, December, and May. It also seems highly probable that (as a rule) the more easterly, and the lower the latitude of, their origin the lower the parallel on which they will recurve, the more westerly their place of commencement the greater their sweep in latitude, and that, though they may bend or curve to the southward, they do not always take a S.E.-ly progression, but should they do so their path in that direction is very limited compared with the N.E. track of the West Indian hurricanes. The cyclones of the Indian Ocean are invariably attended with torrential rains in front of the trough. The cyclones of the Mozambique Channel in January take a S. W.-ly direction towards the African coast. Those off the N.W. coast of Australia or, more properly, between it and the south shores of Java, Sumbawa, and Timor as well as the few off the West coast of Australia, between lat. 23 and 30 S. (season from December to May) seem to be more or less influenced by the contour of the Australian land, but nevertheless belong to the Southern Indian Ocean type. Bay of Bengal. Lieut.-Col. GASTRELL and Mr. H. F. BLANFORD, when discussing the cyclone of 5th October 1864, which passed over Calcutta, appended some observations on the probable law of Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, of which the following is a general summary : Of 52 cyclones, their distribution, according to the months, is January ... 1 February . . March ... 1 April ... 3 May .... 13 June .... 3 July .... 2 August ... 2 September . . 1 October ... 14 November . . 11 December . . 1 showing that, though they are prevalent at the two periods the change of the monsoons they are also much more numerous at the end of the S.W. monsoon than at its commencement. When the storm-paths in the Bay are carefully plotted on a chart, it appears that the progression of those that traverse the north part of the Bay is towards some point between N. W. by W. and N. by W. ; while the ordinary path of such as occur in the south part of the Bay is HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 139 towards some point between N.W. and West. Disregarding the vicinity of the Andaman Sea (between the islands and the Tenasserim coast), where the tempests are generally entirely local, it appears that the cyclone-paths diverge from three principal foci. The first, which may be called the Northern focus, is a little to the East of the middle of that part of the Bay northward of Cape Negrais and the Godavery River ; the second, or Andaman focus, is in the immediate vicinity of those islands, ordinarily a little to the West or N.W. of the group ; the third, or Southern focus, is at about mid-distance between Ceylon and the Nicobar Islands; and, discussed in reference to these foci, it would appear that, at the beginning of the S.W. monsoon, cyclones originate in the South part of the Bay rather than in the North, while at the end of the S.W. monsoon they appear first in the North, then at the Andamans, and lastly in the South. A similar result is obtained if the Bay be considered as divided into only two parts by a line traced from Cape Negrais to the mouth of the Godavery : for example CYCLONES IN THE 1-5 1 1 1 1 c ^ >> >-3 <3 | C/J -M 1 1 TOTAL. N half 6 s 2 2 1 9 9 25 S. half 1 1 3 fi 6 8 1 26 And all the works consulted give but one case of a cyclone that had originated in the North part of the Bay between November and May, and no instance of one occurring in the Southern half in February, or during the months when the S.W. monsoon is at its full strength between May and October. Probable Causes which determine the Storm-paths. The cyclones of the extreme South part of the Bay tend towards Westward rather than Northward, because at the period when they principally occur the N.E. monsoon is at its height (December, January; see Fig. 35); those originating in the North part of the Bay progress towards the N.W. and N. by W., because at the period when they occur the S.W. wind is dominant, and it is but slightly affected by the current from Northward (see Fig. 36). The length of the arrows shows the comparative strength of winds. Put into a practical and concise form, the periodicity and place of origin of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal may be stated thus : 1. Cyclones most frequently occur at the period of the change of the monsoons ; 140 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 2. They are more frequent at the end of the S.W. monsoon (in October and November) than at its commencement (in May and June) ; 3. They sometimes, though rarely, occur in the north part of the Bay and in Bengal during the S.W. monsoon (in July, August, and September) never in the south part ; 4. They sometimes, though rarely, occur at the south extremity of the Bay, and between Ceylon and lat. 5 N. during the N.E. monsoon (in December, January, and March) never in the north part ; 5. At the change from the N.E. into the S.W. monsoon they occur more frequently in April in the south part of the Bay ; in May equally over all parts ; and in June chiefly (or only 1) in the north part of the Bay; 6. At the change from the S.W. into the N.E. monsoon, cyclones are most frequent in October in the north part of the Bay ; in November they are rare in the north and frequent in the south part of the Bay. Again, as to the path of cyclones : 7. Those which originate in the north part of the Bay usually pro- gress towards N. by W. and N. W. by W. ; 8. Those which originate near the Andaman Islands (not in the Andaman Sea) progress towards N.N.W. and West ; 9. Those that occur in the south part of the Bay have usually a pro- gressive motion towards the West, or a little north of West. It is also worthy of note, as probable, that 1. Cyclones in the Bay are preceded by a very moist and stormy wind from S.W., W.S.W., or West, to the S.W.-ward of the place where they take their rise. HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 141 2. Over that part of the Bay where they originate, and before their formation, the barometer stands lower than ordinarily, and lower than on the coasts around the Bay. 3. This depression is generated at the time when a small general fall of the barometer occurs over the Bay and Gulf, such as frequently, and at all seasons of the year, interrupts its normal state, or, in other words, during the passage of an ordinary barometric wave. 4. A general incurvature of the Southerly current around the place of low barometer precedes the formation of the centre of a cyclone. 5. At the place where the centre is forming, the barometer falls still more than around the centre, and continues to fall while the cyclone acquires strength. 6. The incurving S.W. current being the principal feeder of the cyclone, and the centre being formed more or less towards its Western border, the weather to the East and N.E. of the cyclone is more tem- pestuous than to the West and N.W. of it. 7. Within and around the cyclonic centre there is a strong indraught of the aerial currents, so that their direction is a spiral, not a circle, but more approximating to a circle at less than 10 to 15 miles from the centre than at a greater distance. 8. In all cases (perhaps only in some cases) cyclones follow no regular path, but a centre may break up or disappear while another is forming at some distance in advance. The duration of the calm at the centre of the cyclone cannot, how- ever (even when the diameter is known), be taken as the measure of the velocity of the progressive motion of the storm. The following observations principally apply to Calcutta and Lower Bengal : 1 . If during the ordinary (tropical) periods of rise the barometer is stationary or low, or if it falls more than two-tenths of an inch during the usual period of fall, bad weather is approaching. The probability is greater with a small gradual decrease of the daily mean through several days. 2. If the wind blowing from S.E. turns to N.E. with a falling barometer, bad weather is probable. The barometer and indications of the weather must then be carefully watched. 3. These signs should especially be noted at the coast stations, and warning given. The sea affords another very useful indication, when a strong swell comes in with gentle East or N.E. breezes. 142 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. The following indications are also very important : 4. At Ceylon a stormy moist wind from S.W. or W.S.W., with clouds passing rapidly in the same direction, and the barometer falling, indicates a current which will probably produce bad weather in the Bay. 5. When at Ceylon there are indications of a cyclone in the vicinity, there is little chance of its reaching the north part of the Bay, but it will probably be felt along the coast of Madras. 6. If at the Andaman Islands, or Alguada reef, or elsewhere on the Arracan coast, after some days of gentle or variable winds, with a falling barometer, a moist and stormy wind from S.W. arises, the great probability is that there will be bad weather in the north part of the Bay. 7. If after a steady and considerable fall of the barometer, conditions 4 and 6 being fulfilled, a North wind springs up at stations along the west side of the lower part of the Bay, a cyclonic centre has probably formed ; and if condition 1 is fulfilled, it is approaching and at no great distance. These indications ought to be especially noted at the periods of the change of monsoon. Arabian Sea and West Coast of India. Observations on the cyclones of Bombay are sufficiently numerous to show their connec- tion with the change of the monsoons, as is the case in the Bay of Bengal. Records for the Arabian Sea are scanty, as cyclones rarely occur in that sea ; such as we have give January ... February . . March . 1 May .... 1 June .... 2 July .... April .... 2 I August ... September . . 1 October ... 1 November . . 5 December , 2 The cyclones of the West Coast of India originate in the vicinity of the Maldives or Laccadives, and the earlier ones take a N.W. to N.N.W. course along the land ; those at the end of the year trend more to the W.N.W. and West. According to PIDDINGTON, one in Oct.-Nov. 1845 came from the Bay of Bengal, and traversed India from Pondicherry to the Malabar coast, pursuing a general westerly course. A very remarkable and heavy cyclone passed through the Gulf of Aden in June 1885. China Sea, and Western Part of North Pacific. These two regions may be classed together, because the monsoons are prevalent over both, but the seasonal efiect on the typhoons of the area, though sufficiently distinct, is not as well marked as in the case of the cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. The following record, although it shows that HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 143 typhoons may occur in any month, sufficiently indicates that they are most prevalent between May and November, and especially in August, September, and October : January ... 6 February . . 1 March ... 5 April .... ^ May .... 11 June .... 10 July .... 22 August ... 40 September . . 58 October ... 35 November . . 16 December . . 6 As regards the China Sea and China coast there appears to be, according to late observers, particular seasonal storm-paths ; and these paths may be either rectilinear, or curved towards the North, South, or West, according to the time and place of occurrence. The effect of the high land of Formosa in diverting the storm northward or southward has long been noticed in those that commence eastward of that island ; none cross it, as is often the case with typhoons off the Philippines. Recurvature is most clearly marked in the Western Pacific and off the Japan coast, especially in the instances of such storms as originate near the Mariana Islands in October ; these recurve off the Bonin or Lu-chu Islands. Recur vat ure has been seen in the hurricanes commencing be- tween the Carolines and Marianas. Typhoons have been experienced off the coast of Japan in July, August, September, and October. ON THE PROGRESSIVE MOTION OF TYPHOONS IN THE CHINA SEAS IN 1884. The Government Astronomer (Mr. W. DOBERCK) at Hong Kong published, in July 1885, the following Report on the Progressive Motion of Typhoons in 1884 : Hong Kong is situated in the region of the Trades, but the winds are greatly affected by the neighbouring continents principally by the immense Asiatic mainland, but to some extent also by Australia the influence of which is the cause of the monsoons. Thus we find, that although the average direction of the wind here is East a direction to some extent caused by the trend of the coast it still exhibits a regular annual variation. The air is impelled from a region where the barometric pressure is higher towards one where it is lower, its motion being, however, deflected toward the right in the northern hemisphere, owing to the rotation of the earth. In winter, when the pressure is high over China and low over Northern Australia, East or N.E. winds blow almost without interruption over the China Sea. In spring, when the baro- meter is falling over Southern Asia, the direction of the wind veers towards South, and reaches S.W., when about midsummer the lowest pressure lies over Central Asia and a high pressure over Australia. In autumn the direction of the wind backs by degrees to N.E. The S,W. monsoon does not, however, blow so steadily as the N.E. monsoon, possibly because the summer area of low pressure is not so 144 ' .? '^- t HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. regular as the winter area of high pressure in Asia ; and the Easterly trade-wind, supported by the (at that season) comparatively high pressure over the North Pacific, intrudes even in midsummer. It is explained in the Annual Weather Report for 1884 how the changes in the height of the barometer increase with the latitude. North of Hong Kong the barometric pressure is subject to much greater changes than south of it. In consequence, the East wind in winter increases in force with a rising barometer ; and the S. W. wind in summer increases in force with a falling barometer, except in the presence of a typhoon. During the winter season depressions originate within the area of Asia, which is covered by the high pressure, and pass Eastward. These are analogous to the depressions which originate in Nebraska and cross the Atlantic, and which also have their maximum frequency and in- tensity in winter. Those depressions lie outside the field of our investigations, and will no doubt continue to have the attention of the Observatories in the North of China. The typhoons appear to have their origin East or S.E. of the Philippines, in the trough of low pressure between the two high- pressure areas in the North Pacific and in Australia. Their paths are determined according to the law, first enunciated by the Kev. CLEMENT LEY, according to which an atmospheric depression moves so as to keep the high-pressure area on its right. This law was ori- ginally proved only in the cases of depressions in the neighbourhood of the United Kingdom, but it applies equally to the typhoons. Now the application of this law would greatly facilitate forecasts concerning the progress of a typhoon, if the telegraphic information were sufficient to give a correct idea of the position and shape of the area or areas of high pressure, as it is known that these are subject to comparatively little change. Typhoons may be divided into three classes, according to the paths which they generally follow. No doubt abnormal instances will occa- sionally present themselves, in China as well as in other countries, but probably they will be of rare occurrence. The first class of typhoons is common at the beginning and at the end of the typhoon season. Typhoons belonging to this class cross the China Sea, and pass either in a W.N.W. direction from the neighbour- hood of Luzon towards Hainan and Tonquin ; or, if pressure is high over Siam and Annam, they pass first Westward and subsequently S.W.-ward. Their life is generally between five and six days. The second class of typhoons is perhaps the most frequently en- countered, and their paths can be traced the furthest. They generally HURRICANE SEASONS AND move N. W.-ward in the neighbourhood of Luzon, and recurve towards N.E. in about 26 or rather between 22 and 32 northern latitude. They either strike the coast before recurving, in which case they generally at once lose the character of tropical hurricanes, or travel along the coast up through the Straits of Formosa. After recurving they generally cross Japan or the Sea of Japan, or strike the coast of Corea. These paths are explained simply according to CLEMENT LEY'S law : while S. W. of the high pressure in the North Pacific they pass N. W.-ward ; when arrived West of it, they pass Northward ; and when arrived N.W. of it, they pass N.E. -ward, and no doubt subsequently Eastward if their energy is not expended before they are North of the area. They are common about the middle of the typhoon season, and their life is on an average seven days. Typhoons of the third class are possibly the most common, but it appears that they are less frequently encountered, and therefore perhaps often escape observation. They pass East of Formosa moving North- ward. After recurving, they frequently skirt the Southern coast of Japan, or enter and traverse the Sea of Japan. A typhoon of this class frequently follows after one of the second class. When the latter has recurved, the former proceeds Northward. This is explained by the circumstance that the effective low-pressure area in Asia the pre- ceding typhoon is then, in fact, considerably East of its normal position. It is also well known that depressions are attracted towards places which have just been traversed by a depression. Their life is of uncertain duration. Typhoons of a fourth class pass South of Luzon, moving apparently Westward, or first Westward and then S. W.-ward. They are perhaps not uncommon, but are really situated outside the field of our investiga- tions. They appear in some respects to differ from typhoons of the other classes, and I believe that they are accompanied by thunderstorms. They are situated in so low a latitude, that the effect of the earth's rota- tion is much less than in the case of other typhoons, and, as they appear to quickly approach the equatorial belt, they form perhaps a link between typhoons proper and the atmospheric disturbances in that neighbour- hood, which are unconnected with rotating winds. Their life appears to be between one and two days. The average velocity of the typhoons of 1884 was as follows: East of Luzon : 7 nautical miles an hour. In the China Sea between 12 and 18 N. : 6 miles an hour. In the China Sea between Hong Kong, Luzon, and Southern Formosa: 11 miles an hour. About Hainan: 13 miles an hour. East of Formosa: 10 miles an hour. In the Formosa Strait: 12 miles an hour. In Kwangtung, Fokien, and 146 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. Kiangsi : 10 miles an hour. About Shanghai: 12 miles an hour. In Northern China : 23 miles an hour. About Japan : 19 miles an hour. In the Sea of Japan : 30 miles an hour. Additional Note on the NORTH PACIFIC Storms. The typhoons which reach Japan affect very much the form of the hurricanes of the tropical part of the North Atlantic, and after recurvature pass into and across the North Pacific, producing weather there similar to that which per- vades the North Atlantic during the passage of a cyclone between the United States and Western Europe ; occurring between July and November, they are most frequent in October. In a paper recently read before the Royal Meteorological Society by Mr. H. HARRIES, the progress of a typhoon, which had its origin, in September 1882, near the Philippines, is tracked across the Pacific and North America to Labrador and Greenland, and thence well into the North Atlantic, where, by joining another area of low pressure which had come up from the southward, it produced the heavy gales prevalent in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay at the end of October 1882. West Coast of Mexico and Lower California. Hurri- canes are not uncommon in this locality, and thence towards the Sandwich Islands, generally moving in a N.W. to W.N.W. direction in July, August, September, and October. There is a record of a storm which crossed Central America, passed over the Gulf of Mexico, and thence into the North Atlantic. West Coast Of North America. Hurricanes have been recorded moving in a N.E.-ly direction off San Francisco in December and January. South Pacific. The tropical regions of the South Pacific are by no means free from hurricanes, and the missionaries have from time to time given accounts of the low islands of some of the archipelagos being either nearly or completely submerged. The region between the Pomotu group (Low archipelago) and New Caledonia is frequently visited by hurricanes of a very severe type ; they affect the form of the Mauritius cyclones, and occur in January, February, or March. At the Fijis they occur in January and February, the path being first S.W., then recurving and following a short S.E.-ly course. At the Friendly Islands they do not seem to recurve, and the season is February and March. The seas between Australia and New Zealand feel the in- fluence of such storms in February and March, the course being towards S.S.W. or S.S.E. to S.E. At New Caledonia cyclones are expected in HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 147 January and February, and their path may be from N.W. to S.E., or from N.E. to S.W. Mr. S. J. WHITMEE, a missionary of long experience among the islands of the South Pacific, says : " There is rarely a year without at least one cyclone passing through, or in the neighbourhood of, one of the following groups of islands, viz. Fiji, Samoa, or Hervey. The cyclone season extends over a greater part of the period during which the sun is south of the equator ; consequently, when the Trade- winds from the north reach furthest south. Cyclones are most pre- valent about the middle of the season, or rather later than the middle. They rarely visit us earlier than December or January. They are usually preceded for a few days by strong, northerly winds. During such winds we watch the barometer very carefully, as a sudden fall is a sure indication of a cyclone near at hand." Additional Note on the S.W. Monsoon Storms generated in the BAY OF BENGAL during the years 1877 to 1881 (see also pp. 138-39). While going to press, JOHN ELIOT, Esq., M.A., Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal, has issued a Memoir on the Storms generated in the Bay of Bengal during the season of the S.W. monsoon. It appears to be an established fact that cyclonic storms are a regular and frequent feature of the whole S.W. monsoon period, and rainfall is a prominent factor in all the large atmospheric disturbances in India. Generally a much smaller number of cyclonic disturbances form in the Arabian Sea, and pass across the west coast of India, than advance from the Bay of Bengal to its coasts. Certain conditions which frequently, if not invariably, precede and accompany the formation of the cyclonic disturbances of the Bay are (1) A tendency to an approximate uni- formity of pressure over the Bay and the adjacent coast districts ; and (2) The winds decrease in strength, and the general monsoon circulation becomes feeble, more especially at its northern limits. In respect to the frequency of cyclones in the Bay, it is stated that cyclonic storms are most frequent, but least intense and severe, during the period of the S.W. monsoon; and that cyclonic disturbances of considerable intensity occasionally occur during the transition periods : on an average, one such storm is likely to occur every year during the May transition period, and two every year during the October transition period. In the five years under discussion the distribution of cyclones was as follows May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. 545 11 8661 46 From which it appears that cyclones were most frequent in August : all these were generated near the head of the Bay, and their tracks 148 HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. indicate that the probabilities of their passing northwards or westwards are about equal. Of the 46 cyclones recorded during the five years, 21 passed over Orissa, and 20 of these were generated during the intermediate period, or S.W. monsoon proper. Mr. ELIOT divides the cyclones in the Bay into two classes : the storms of the transition periods are cyclones of low elevation, and those of the intermediate periods are generally cyclones of high elevation. Of the 28 storms of the monsoon period proper, not one, so far as can be judged from the various observations, had a depression of the barometer exceeding a third of an inch. Extra-Tropical Regions. The storms of the extra-tropical regions of the middle and higher latitudes (northern and southern) are not unlike those of the tropics, except in dimension and intensity and that they originate in the collision of a different class of winds ; they are essentially cyclones, but their form more nearly approaches to that of an ellipse than does the typical hurricane of lower latitudes. Such are the usual gales which pervade the North Atlantic between the United States and Western Europe. In a succession of such storms, judiciously used, ships have run down their easting when bound to Australia. They are also common off Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. Storms in extra-tropical regions may occur at any period, but they are most prevalent shortly before, during, and shortly after, the winter of the hemisphere, and are the well-known winter gales of the locality. TABLE, showing the different Months of the Tear in which Hurricanes or Cyclones have been recorded in various Regions. Locality. i -a 1 i t ^ 6 .a i Irs i 1 $ < co 1 4J 8 1 o Q I North Atlantic (chiefly) West Indian) ) 5 9 7 11 9 6 q 5 ?! 10 10 42 8 96 80 4 6 69 81 17 18 7 q 355 115 Bombay 1 1 1 5 9 2 5 8 19 9 5 62 Arabian Sea 1 9 1 9 | 1 1 5 9 15 China Sea and North Pacific Java Sea 5 a 1 5 5 1 5 1 11 10 22 40 58 35 16 6 2 214 1? South. Indian Ocean 46 45 88 84 9^ 9, 9 fl 94 90 985 In broad terms, the hurricane season, in tropical regions, may be said to begin near the time of the summer solstice of each hemisphere ; HURRICANE SEASONS AND STORM-PATHS. 149 but, for the West Indies, hurricanes do not, as a rule, occur until after the sun has reached its greatest northern declination, in the Southern Indian Ocean, on the contrary, they may take place a month or more before the sun has attained its greatest southern declination, and then with greater or less frequency throughout the season. The absolute verticality of the sun at the place of origin is not borne out by obser- vation ; had it any effect, there would be a marked progression in the direction towards the equator of the places where such storms might be expected to begin, nearer the tropic early in the season, nearer the equator as the season advanced, but nothing of this kind is perceptible. These remarks apply more especially to the region of the typical hurricane, not to that of monsoons, where, owing to the entangled relations of land and water, there may be two distinct hurricane seasons. There is no instance on record of a hurricane having been encountered on, nor of one having crossed, the equator, although the simultaneous occurrence of two, but on opposite sides of the equator, and 10 to 12 apart, nearly under the same meridian, is well known. The phenomenon of two similar storms raging at the same time on different sides of the equator is probably incidental to the contiguity of the Monsoon and Trade-wind regions : as cyclones may be expected in the Bay of Bengal as well as in the Southern Indian Ocean during April and May, and again during November and December, similar meteorological con- ditions occurring about the same time, within the two regions, may eventuate in the simultaneous production of the same result a cyclone in each region but neither in any way connected. As it is necessary not to confound the strong monsoon winds with a true cyclone, so the same caution is necessary with regard to the winter storms of regions bordering on, or just within, ^the tropics. Mr. MELDRUM has well described those reaching from the Cape of Good Hope to the Mauritius, and thence towards the equator in June, July, and August, blowing hard from the southward, accompanied by a high barometer (30 '2 to 30-4 inches), and raising a high sea. The Diameter of a Hurricane or Cyclone varies, but it is un- doubtedly small at its origin, increasing in dimensions in its onward progression. The West Indian hurricane has been estimated at 500 to 1000 miles across, and expanding to larger dimensions beyond the tropics after recurvature. The Southern Indian Ocean cyclones average from 400 to 600 miles in diameter ; while those of the Arabian Sea 150 GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. and Bay of Bengal do not exceed 250 to 350 miles, and the typhoons of China about 50 to 200 miles or more. Widespread areas of low barometric pressure, having several centres of cyclonic action, may, in extra-tropical regions, have a diameter of 6000 miles, or may even form a belt extending nearly round the globe. Rate of Progressive Motion of Hurricanes. The velocity of the progressive motion of the entire area of a hurricane varies not only in different localities, but in the same locality and at the same season. The West Indian storms have been estimated to travel at the rate of 15 to 18 miles an hour (360 to 430 miles a day) previous to reaching the point of recurvature, and to have afterwards passed into the northern part of the North Atlantic at the accelerated speed of 25 to 40 miles per hour, though it is often much less. In the Bay of Bengal and China Sea the progression, except on rare occasions, does not exceed 9 to 12 miles, and is frequently not over 5 or 6 miles, per hour. There would seem to be greater variation in the Southern Indian Ocean rates, which, while averaging 5 to 10 miles, occasionally reach 14 to 18 miles an hour, but not unfrequently in the course of their progress appear to be either stationary, or perhaps not travelling at a greater speed than 1 to 2 miles an hour, which may well be the case if a hurricane with long path is the result of successive cyclonic centres one bred from the other. THOM was of opinion that the progressive velocity is reduced to 100 miles in 24 hours in about lat. 20 to 22 S., and that beyond 26 S. it scarcely exceeds 50 miles the causes of sup- port and progression having ceased to exist, a gradual breaking up is begun. This progressive velocity is independent of the enormous intensity of the wind blowing around and towards the calm centre, the steady rate of which within the tropics is rarely less than from 80 to 100 miles per hour, and must often, especially in the fitful gusts, and from the destruction wrought, attain the velocity of 120 to 150 miles per hour. GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. OLD RULE FOR FINDING THE CENTRE OF A ROTATORY GALE. Look to the wind's eye, set its bearing by compass, take the eighth point to the right thereof, and that will be the centre of the storm if in North latitude, but the eighth point to the left of the direction of the wind GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. 151 will be the bearing of the centre of the storm in South latitude. For example : IN NORTH LATITUDE. IN SOUTH LATITUDE. If the Wind be Centre of Storm will bear from If the Wind be Centre of Storm will bear from Ship Ship North East North West N.E. S.E. N.E. N.W. East South East North S.E. S.W. S.E. N.E. South West South East S.W. N.W. S.W. S.E. West North West South N.W. N.E. N.W. S.W. And similarly for the intermediate points. BUYS BALLOT'S LAW. The law formulated by BUYS BALLOT on the basis of later and more accurate observations is simply a more general application of the Law of Storms which was first enunciated by REDFIELD and REID, but expressed in terms of the barometer. For instance : With your face * to the wind you have IN THE NORTHEBN HEMISPHERE, A high barometer to your left. | A low barometer to your right. IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, A low barometer to your left. | A high barometer to your right. And the force or strength of the wind will depend on the barometric gradients, i.e., it will be approximately proportionate to the amount by which the barometers differ in a given distance. But the lowest barometer, or centre of depression, is somewhere to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and somewhere to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, not at right angles to the direction of the wind, * The seaman having been accustomed to "face the wind" in order to determine the direction of the storm's centre, the position is retained in the text, but Buys Ballot's Law is generally spoken of by meteorologists in reference to the back to the wind : thus Stand with your back to the wind, and you will have- In the Northern Hemisphere a low barometer to your left, and a high barometer to your right. In the Southern Hemisphere a low barometer to your right, and a high barometer to your left. Or otherwise, in the Northern Hemisphere, stand with the left hand towards the place where the barometrical reading is lowest, and with your right hand towards the place where it is highest, and you will have your back to the direction of the wind; and the reverse in the Southern Hemisphere. 152 GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. as the old law of circular storms implied ; for it is an indisputable fact that in cyclones or hurricanes, no less than in all storms, the wind draws spirally inwards (more or less) towards the centre, instead of blowing in circles returning on themselves. Hence The newer and better RULE FOR APPROXIMATELY DETERMINING THE CENTRE OF THE STORM will be IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, With wind North, the centre will bear more or less southward of East. ,, N.E. ,, ,, southward of S.E. East westward of South. S.E. ,, westward of S.W. ,, South ,, ,, northward of West. S.W. northward of TS.W. West ,, ,, eastward of North. N.W. ,, eastward of 'S.E. IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, With wind North, the centre will bear more or less southward of West. ,, N.E. ,, westward of 'N.W. ,, East ,, westward of North. S.E. ,, northward of N.E. ,, South ,, ,, northward of East. S.W T . eastward of S.E. ,, West ,, ,, eastward of South. N.W. southward of S.W. and similarly for the intermediate points in both hemispheres. It is specially to be noted that, from the observations of able meteorologists* made within the tropics during late years, the indraught of the wind across the isobars of the storm's area is generally much less in the front than in the rear of a cyclone. Owing to this fact, if the cyclone be for a time stationary or should it have slow progressive motion, as is very frequent in the Southern Indian Ocean the rear winds, and those behind the trough of the cyclone, may be as dangerous as the winds in the advancing front of the dangerous semicircle, unless the barometer be carefully watched (see p. 131). PKACTICAL RULES. Heaving-to. If prudence suggests or necessity compels heaving-to, then, since the ship should be put on the tack on which she will come up as the wind shifts, the Rule for both hemispheres is When in the right-hand semicircle, heave-to on the starboard tack. When in the left-hand semicircle, heave-to on the port tack. * See observations of MELDRUM, the PADRE VINES, WILLSON &c. GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. 153 Running. In any case in which running may be deemed the most judicious manoeuvre to adopt, then, if possible Keep the wind well on the starboard quarter in the northern hemisphere. Keep the wind well on the port quarter in the southern hemisphere. The wind should be kept on the ship's quarter as much as possible without causing her broaching-to. Since the winds blow towards the storm's centre, running before the wind is courting disaster. Barometer in the Tropics. As a guide to weather changes, in the Tropics the diurnal variation of the barometer is ordinarily from -06 to '12 of an inch, and it never exceeds 15-hundredths, except for a storm. The succession of changes is as follows :fatt from 9 Jh. or lOh. A.M. to 3Jh. or 4h. P.M., rise from 3Jh. or 4h. P.M. to 9Jh. or lOh. P.M. ; fall from 9Jh. or lOh. P.M. to 3Jh. or 4h. A.M., and rise from 3Jh. or 4h. A.M. to 9h. or lOh. A.M. ; any deviation from this as an excessive rise or fall, or again, fall when it should rise, or rise when it ought to fall is suspicious, and requires consideration, and, according to the ship's position, waiting or proceeding leisurely feeling the way. There is no such precise information derived from barometrical readings in the extra-tropical regions : the diurnal variation exists in the higher latitudes, but it is masked by the more frequent and irregular oscillations of the instrument, due to incessant atmospheric changes ; but these must be observed as assiduously as the more sure indications of the tropical storm. The most dangerous winds, and those which require the greatest caution and judgment in the handling of a ship, are : WHEN IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Cyclone moving N.W.-ly, winds between N.N.E. and E.N.E. Cyclone recurving, winds between E. N. E. and E. S. E. Cyclone moving N.E.-ly, winds between E.S.E. and S.S.E. WHEN IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Cyclone moving S.W.-ly, winds between S.S.E. and E.S.E. Cyclone recurving, winds between E.S.E. and E.KE. Cyclone moving S.E.-ly, winds between E.N.E. and N.N.E. These winds, when they are encountered, are in each case the most dangerous, because they are the winds characteristic of the advancing front of the dangerous semicircle; then, if the barometer is falling rapidly, while the wind remains steady in direction, or changes but little, and at the same time is increasing in force, the ship is dangerously near to, if not in, the storm's path. Within the region of tropical hurricanes, and in the season of their occurrence, it should never be forgotten that to continue to carry on with a fair wind, which is increasing in strength while the barometer 154 GENERAL SUMMARY AND PRACTICAL RULES. is falling, is wholly unjustifiable. Whenever doubts arise as to a ship's position in the storm, there always remains the saving mano3uvre of heaving to, carefully watching the successive shifts of wind, the sea, the sky, and, above all, the indications of the barometer, and then acting as judgment and the rules suggest. Remember that it is of the first importance that a ship should be so handled as to increase her distance from the centre in the very beginning of the storm. When in the navigable semicircle to the left of the path in the N. hemisphere, but to the right of the path in the S. hemisphere remember that, owing to the incurvature of the winds, the instructions for heaving-to and running are as important as if the ship were in the dangerous semicircle. As cyclones sometimes travel slowly, or remain stationary for a time, it is unsafe to follow closely in their wake, in the hope of profiting by a favourable wind. The winds that rush in behind a depression often blow more directly towards the storm's centre than do those found in other parts of the storm-field. As observed in the Barometer Manual " It is difficult to estimate the distance of the centre of the cyclone from a ship. This partly arises from the uncertainty as to the relation between the bearing of the centre and the direction of the wind, and greatly from there being no means of knowing whether the storm be of large or small dimensions. If the barometer falls slowly, and the weather only gradually gets worse, it is reasonable to suppose that the centre is distant ; and conversely, with a rapidly falling barometer and increasing bad weather, the centre may be supposed to be approaching dangerously near." For the Mauritius hurricanes, read pp. 87 to 92, but especially 90 and 91 : we have no better authority than Mr. MELDRUM. For the West Indian hurricanes, read pp. 109 to 120; the PADRE BENITO VINES has thrown quite a new light on the subject. For the Bay of Bengal, read pp. 122 to 126. For the China Sea, read pp. 127 to 129. When the Edinburgh Review of 1839, discussing the circular theory of storms, first promulgated the notion of " infallible rules " for storm sailing and this nonsense was echoed by various official authorities the knell was sounded heralding the loss of innumerable lives and the casting away of an immensity of property. Infallible rules were the bane of shipmasters in the days when the circular theory was con- sidered to be perfect, and no truer words on this subject were ever written than those communicated to me years ago by the late HENRY PlDDINGTON I QUESTIONS ON THE LAW OF STORMS. 155 " All positive rules for manoeuvring are sheer nonsense, and only tend to mislead : every ship in every cyclone must have its own peculiar management, dependent on the four great elements of the problem, which are (1) the ship and her sea-room ; (2) the track of the cyclone ; (3) its rate of travelling ; and (4) the ship's run and drift." These remarks are especially applicable to storm-sailing, based on the spiral rotation of the wind. Questions on the Law of Storms given at the Board of Trade Examination of Candidates for Master's and Mate's Certificates of Competency. QUESTIONS ON THE LAW OP STORMS. The Candidate is to answer in writing the whole of these Questions, numbering his Answers ivith numbers corresponding with the Questions. (1.) Q. The direction of the wind in a Cyclone being *, state the probable bearing of the centre in the | g ^hern } Hemisphere ? (2. ) Q. And suppose the wind during the passage of the same Cyclone were found to change towards the *, what would be the ship's position with reference to the line of progression of the centre of the Cyclone, and what action would you take ? (3.) Q. Under what conditions would the change in the direction of the wind in the Cyclone be the reverse of the above ? (4.) Q. What are the usual indications of a ship being on the line of pro- gression of the centre of a Cyclone ? (5.) Q. What are the usual indications that a ship is (a) approaching the centre of a Cyclone, and (5) receding from it ? (6.) Q. Describe the track usually taken by the Cyclones in the North Atlantic, Bay of Bengal, China Seas, Indian Ocean, and state the seasons of the year in which they most frequently occur in that region ? Directions as to answering the Questions. (1.) When facing the wind: In the N. hemisphere 8 to 10 points to the right of the wind's direction ; but S. ,, ,, ,, left ,, ,, will be the bearing of the centre of the storm. Say, the given wind is N.N.E. in the N. hemisphere, then the centre will bear E.S.E. toS.E. (see?. 152). Say, the given wind is S.S.E. in the S. Hemisphere, then the centre will bear E.N.E. toN.E. (seep. 152). Note. When in front of the storm this is always safe. (2.) This question is answered by remembering the words right, right, right, which signify that if the wind changes by the right, the ship is in the right-hand * The Examiner will fill in these blanks. 156 QUESTIONS ON THE LAW OP STORMS. semicircle, and she should be hove-to on the starboard tack, if compelled to heave-to ; in both hemispheres alike (see p. 152). Also, the words left, left, left, signify that if the wind changes by the left, the ship is in the fe/l-hand semicircle, and the tack on which to heave-to is the port tack ; in both hemispheres alike (see p. 152). If, however, by the change in the wind running is advisable Keep the wind well on the starboard quarter in the N. hemisphere, ,, ,, port ,, S. ,, (seep. 153). To run across the storm's path to get into the navigable semicircle is never judicious. (8.) The change in the direction of the wind might be the reverse of that given in question (2) if the storm was stationary for a time, or one of slow progress, and the ship was advancing in the line of the storm's progression faster than tbe body of the storm. Also, if the ship were in the other semicircle. Or if another area of low pressure were following on the heels of the first. (4. ) When a ship is in the line of progression of the centre of a cyclone there is little or no change in the direction of the wind, which, however, is increasing rapidly in force, with a continuously falling barometer, a dangerous sea, and ugly banks of clouds in the direction of the storm-field. (5.) When a ship is approaching the centre, the barometer, already low, falls very rapidly ; the wind blows furiously, perhaps shifting rapidly, accompanied with a corresponding high cross sea. When a ship is receding from the centre the barometer rises, the wind abates in force, and the sea begins to go down. (6.) North Atlantic. These cyclones commence near the equator, in lat. 8 to 18 N., trending W.N.W. and N-W.-ly; on passing the Northern Tropic they recurve in 24 to 32 N., and then trend N.E.-ly. The season extends from July to October, being most frequent in August and September (see p. 134). (6. ) Bay of Bengal. These cyclones trend between West and N. by W. , from the east side or middle of the Bay. The season is about the change of the monsoons in April and May and again in October and November (see pp. 139-142). (6.) China Seas. Typhoons trend Westerly, generally with Northing, when they pass on towards Japan ; but sometimes the trend is Westerly with Southing, when they pass into the China Sea. Typhoons that take a Northerly direction occur between July and November, but are most frequent in August and September ; those that cross the China Sea may occur at any season, but generally at the beginning and end of the regular typhoon season (see pp. 128 and 144). (6.) South Indian Ocean. These cyclones commence near the equator, in lat. 6 to 18 S., trending W.S. W. and S. W'.-ly ; they recurve near the Southern Tropic, and then trend S.E.-ly. The season extends from November to May, being most frequent in January, February, and March (see p. 138). 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWS! LOAN DEPT. Renewed books are subject t ; jj^^jtf HECtrtQ LD 2lA-50m-8/57 (C8481slO)476B General Library . University of California Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY