jms. n A P G A R'S PLANT ANALYSIS; ADAPTED TO GRAY'S BOTANIES. BY E. A. AND A. C. APGAR. IVISON, BLAKEMAST, TATLOE & CO., NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, BY IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. STUDENTS in botany should be taught and required to write out brief descriptions of the plants they examine. This is important for the following reasons : i st. Pupils will thus become familiar with the meaning of botanical terms ; 2d. They will learn how to apply these terms in botanical descriptions; 3d. They will distinguish those characteristic features of a plant which are necessary to be known in making the analysis. 4th. The written exercises will afford the teacher an evidence of the work done by the pupils. The use of the blank schedules, which this book furnishes, wil' secure a systematic description of the plants analyzed. The " Analytical Arrangement of Botanical Terms " will be found valuable to the pupil in recalling to mind the terms used in the description of any particular part of a plant. In order to economize space pupils should abbreviate their descriptions as much as possible. NOTE -The signs for feet ("), inches ('), and twelfths ("), should be used in giving dimensions, and the signs for staminate ( * ) and pistilate ( 2 ) in the description of imperfect flowers. ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. ROOTS. Kinds. (i.) PRIMARY, growing from root-snd of embryo. (a.) SIMPLE. Conical^ ,iafiform.(^^; fusiform^). $ (b.) MULTIPLE. Moniliform, v necklace-like. Fascicu- ^ifc^ lated i wil^ tufted > thick and flesh y- Tubercular, y^b having small tubers. Fibrous, ^rolsH thread- like. (2.) SECONDARY, growing from stems. Underground, starting from stem below ground. Aerial, starting from stem above ground. Parts. STEM. e, part to which the leaf is fastened. i, Internode, portion between nodes. a, Axil, the angle between leaf and stem, upper side. Class. -Exogenous, outside-growing (Maple, Elm). Endogenous, inside-growing (Corn-stalk, Timothy). Situation. (i.) Above ground, usually leaf-bearing. (2.) Under ground, scale-bearing. Stems above Ground. Character. Herbaceous, soft, not woody (Four-o'clock). Siiffrutescent, slightly shrubby (Toad-flax). Stiff 'r -ut 'icons, shrubby at base (Trailing Arbutus). Fruticous, shrubby (Currant-bushes). Arborescent, tree-like (Flowering Dogwood). Arboreous, tree (Elm). Direction of Growth. Repent, t^/f^f 2 prostrate and rooting from the under surface (Partridge-berry). Procumbent, prostrate, but not rooting (Purslane). Decumbent, \^e^\ prostrate, except at the extremity (Poor Man's Weather-glass). Assurgent, ^Jf ascending obliquely. Erect, upright (Indian Corn). Scandent, ^FiA climbing with tendrils or rootlets (Grape, English Ivy). A Voluble, ~*fg twining (Morning-glory). Declinate, " ^ declined or bent downwards ( Blackberiy ). Diffuse, ^jJKi-' loosely-spreading (Red Currant). Forms of Branches. ?t a branch of sub- terranean origin that finally rises out of the ground. The Raspberry multiplies in this way. Offset, ^jf^^L a short, prostrate-rooting branch with a tuft of leaves at the end (Houseleek). \ a long, prostrate-rooting branch with tuft of leaves (Strawberry). Stolon, | a branch that curves downward and takes root. The Currant multiplies in this way. Tendril,*. IrPra thread-like coiling branch used for climbing. Spine or Thorn, ~*^ a hard, sharp-pointed branch. Stems under Ground. ij Kinds. Rhizoma or Rootstock, fsSi^s: a perennial, hori- Wr^n? zontal stem, partially or wholly subterranean (Calamus). Tuber, /V^iJ} an enlarged stem with eyes (White-potato). Bulb, KTJ& a bud, usually subterranean with fleshy scales sfflK, ( Onion j Lily). Corm, ?gW a solid bulb (Indian Turnip). ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. LEAVES. Parts. J$gjb, Blade, the expanded portion. p, Petiole, the stem. s, Stipules, leaf-like appendages at base of petiole. Kinds. (i.) SIMPLE, CJU having but one blade. Sessile, -^ without petiole. Petiolate, *i&& with petiole. Stimulate, //fijjviith stipules. *&?* Cirrhous, jS*ft with tendril. '* Tjr& (2.) COMPOUND, r\5^\^ having more than one blade. (a.) Pinnate, M^gSwith leaflets arranged along a common x^ petiole. Abruptly pinnate, ,j^> with even number of leaflets. Odd-pinnate, (J^jSnaving an odd leaflet. ? divided but once. Bipinnate, ' 3 $%j%, divided twice. /*=> Tri pinnate, divided three times. (b.) Palmate, leaflets diverging from one point. Unifalmate, ^j^ divided but once. efc Bipalmate r yC^ divided twice. / d^ Tripalmate,"*rjf divided three times. Framework. Midrib, the central vein. Ribs, jjs^y/ji ^y&ST strong veins branching from near the base of midrib. Veins, the branching framework. Veinlcts, /M|~/ small veins. Venation. Parallel, with simple veins running parallel from base to apex. Feather, (32^ with lateral veins branching at regular inter- vals from midrib. Radiate, W^? with strong veins branching from apex of petiole. Reticulate, jjjjl~/ with veins and veinlets that unite and separate in the form of network. Form. (a.) BROADEST AT THE MIDDLE. Peltate, (^ ; orbicular, p\ oval, fa); elliptical, fej ; ob- long-Os' linear, ,5^ ; acerose,**4jU04 (Pine). ** r J^c (b.) BROAPEST AT BASE. Deltoid, \Q ; cvale 6^y ; lanceolate, .0 subulate, ^ ; c or(fat-.('~^\ ; ren i- (^\r /I ' // f^ ' form,(^L\ hastate, <&; sagittate, &7 . (c.) BROADEST AT THE APEX. Obovatc, J^)\ oblan- ceolatc^; sfatulate^). cuneatr ^ obcordatc ,f\ lyratc, jf^ ; n:ncinatc, Bases ,~ Auriculatc'\^; oblique, QO ; tapering, M ; brupt,(gy-, cla'ping^Y^); perfoliate^/; connate, Apexes. Obcordatc. \j ; emarginate,( J ; refuse, 1 ); truncate^ ^f ( ; obtuse, i\&i ; acute, (\ ', acumi- e i /P\ ; mitcronatc, (*y~] i cuspidate, f^\ 5 arts ~ nate, tate, Margins. Buti***/* ; reja*d, t rf ; sinuate, f^ /v/v ' *, ; dentate, rT ; serrate AT ; incised, ; palmately-lobed.Wsf/-, pal- mately-clefl, ^^( ', palntately-parted , \&S palmately- di-vided, yj^ , pinnately-lobz.-i ', r\/~y\ pinnately-cleft, ? fafi : pinnately-parted,^) ; f innately-divided, ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. Surface. (a.) WITHOUT HAIRS. Glabrous, smooth. (b.) SOFT HAIRS. Pilous, few, short; hirsute, few, long; pubescent, dense, short ; villous, dense, long ; sericeous, silky; laniiginous, woolly; tomentous, matted like felt; _fl6ccous, fleecy tufts, (c.) STIFF HAIRS. S.abrous, minute, hard points; hispid, few, short points ; setous, bristly ; spinous, having spines. Color. Glaucous, covered with whitish powder. Canescent, grayish-white with fine pubescence. Incanous, hoary-white. Punctate, having transparent dots. Hyaline, nearly transparent. Texture. Succulent, fleshy ; coriaceous, leather-like ; scari- ous, dry ; rugous, wrinkled. Phyllotaxis, arrangement on the stem. 4lternaie'; opposite, JP ; ivhorled (verticillate) ; radical, the ground ; cauline, on the stem ; rosulate, jat$S]j?-. clus- tered ; fasciculate, JMg*i n bundles. Vernation, arrangement in the bud. Indtiplicate, fi) folded crosswise (Tulip-tree). Condnplicat;. ^//folded along midrib (Oak). Plicate, f-S*) folded like a fan (Red-currant). Circinate,) rolled lengthwise (Fern). Convolute,^) rolled edgewise (Cherry). Involute, (p G) both edges rolled inward (Apple). Revolute, (cjVo) both edges rolled outward (Willow), astraddle (Iris). Obvolute, ^^>half equitant (Jerusalem Sage). Triquetrous, ^Sj^ triangular equitant (Sedges). Duration. Fugacious, falling very early. Deciduous, falling at the close of the season. Persistent, remaining through the winter. INFLORESCENCE. Parts. Flower the blossom. Peduncle, ^.-~\ the stem of a solitary flower or the main stem of a flower-cluster. Scape, peduncle that grows from the ground. ; /, the stem of each flower of a flower-cluster. Bracts, b, small floral leaves. Involve* a cluster of bracts., Kinds. (i.) SOLITARY, single, alone. Terminal, at the summit of the stem. Axillar in the axils of the leaves. (2.) CLUSTERED, several flowers collected in a bunch, (a.) INDEFINITE or INDETERMINATE, flowering from axil- lary- buds. Inflorescence centripetal. FLOWERS PEDICELLATE. < FLOWERS SESSILE Racenn, were arranged alon-r the axis; pedicels about equal in length (Currant). Corymb, *\aj/ same as raceme, except that the lower pedicels are elongated, making the top Hat (Hawthorn). Umbel, same as corymb, ex- cept that the pedicels branch from about the same point (Milkweed). Panicle, compound raceme (Blue-grass). Thyrsus, a compact panicle (Lilac). Spike, ,JT same as raceme with flowers sessile (Mullein). Spadix, 1 a fleshy spike, generally enveloped by a large bract called (Calla Lily). Ament or Catkin, ~fc ^ a slender pendent spike, with scaly bracts (Birch). Head or Capitulu a shortened spike, reduced to a glebular form (Clover). (b.) DEFINITE or DETERMINATE, flowers all terminal. Inflorescence centrifugal. Cyme^^ I \ r flat-topped or rounded inflorescence (Elder). Fascicle, a compact cyme (Sweet- William). Glomerule, a cyme condensed into a head (Mint). Verticil/aster, (Motherwort). Scorpioid, not). two opposite glomerules joined a one-sided and coiled cyme (Forget-me- ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. FLOWER. Parts. Receptacle, the part upon which the several organs of the flower are inserted. Calyx^^sjT the exterior floral envelope. Corolla, j& the interior floral envelope. The calyx and corolla constitute the protecting organs, sometimes called perianth. S!ainensJ* ^\ margins turned outward (sepals of Hollyhock). Convolute, or contorted, (T ^ each piece overlaps its neighbor in one direction (Geranium). Imbricated, !Q (^) one r more petals wholly outside. Quincuncial, five petals, two without and two within and the remaining one with one edge outside and the other inside. Triquetrous, three petals, one without and one within, and the remaining one with one edge outside and the other inside. Vexillary, U,>u having one large petal enclosing the others (Pea). Plicate, ^-i r\ the folding of gamop6talous flowers. Stipen'olute, \^J*) with folds turned obliquely in the same direction (Morning-glory). STAMENS (ANDROECIUM). Parts '%\ Anther, the enlarged and essential portion. Filament, the stem holding the anther. Pollen, the fertilizing powder found in the anther. Kinds. Sessile, ^K8f anther without filament. ' u~J Sterile, filament without anther. Connivent, fr*\j converging. protruding out of corolla. Included, entirely within the corolla. Didynamous, (ijh four in number, two long and two short. Tetradynamous, 'm' six in number, four long and two W short. Cohesion. Syn^enesious, *^^^L united by their anthers. Monodelphous, united by their filaments into one set. Diadelphous, united into two sets. Polyadelphous, united into many sets. 10 ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. Adnation. Hypdgynous, jjjSfe' borne on the receptacle. Perigynous, ^j& borne on the calyx. Epip'stalous, borne on the corolla. Alternate, ^^f alternate with the lobes. Opposite, in front of the lobes. Ep'tgynous, borne on the ovary at its summit. Gynandrous, borne on the style (Orchid). FILAMENT. Kinds. Filiform, subulate, dilated, petaloid, bidentate. ANTHER. Parts. Lobes (thecce) and connective. ^ Adnation. Innate, ^\ anther firm on summit of fila- ment. Adnate, Up anther attached by its whole length to filament. Extr6rse, facing the petals. Intrdrse, facing the pistils. Versatile, ^^ attached near the middle. Dehiscence. Longitudinal, ^^ opening lengthwise. Transverse, HP opening crosswise. Porous, yj opening by terminal holes. opening by valves or doors. PISTILS (GYNOECIUM). Parts. (J ^ Stigma, the rough end to which the pollen adheres. Style, the stem holding the stigma. Ovary, the enlarged portion containing the ovules. Cohesion. Simple, j fl having but one cell, placenta style and stigma. A/;////>^,|||a collection of simple pistils (Blackberry). Compound, & simple pistils grown together, each called a carpel. STIGMA. Kinds. Sessile, stigma on ovary ; no style. Globose, globular (Four-o'clock). * Capitate, broad and flat. Lobed, rounded. Feathered, like a feather (Grasses). Linear, thread-like (Corn). STYLE. Kinds. - Basal, attached to base of ovary (Forget-me-not). Lateral, attached to side of ovary (Strawberry). Terminal, A A attached to top of ovary. Y 9 OVARY. Parts. Placenta, the parts to which the ovules are at- tached. partitions. Cells, cavities in which the ovules are arranged. Ovules, unfertilized seeds. Adnation. Inferior, .^gs?^ calyx adherent to ovary, same as superior calyx. Superior, ,-f^Q calyx free from ovary, same as inferior calyx. Placentation. Free-central, |j^ ovules attached to a central column in a one-celled ovary (Pink). Axillary, ffl|1\ ovules attached to a central column in a compound ovary. Parietal, (sS^N ovules attached to the outer walls of the vS? ovary. OVULE. Parts. Nucleus, n, the essential part in which the embryo is formed. Prtmlne, p, the exterior coat. Secundine, s, the interior coat. Micropyle, m, the opening of the ovary coats. Fun'tculus, the stem to which the ovule is attached. Hilum, h, the point of attachment on the ovule. Chalaza, c, the place where the coverings and nucleus join. ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. Rhaphe, r, the connection between the hilum and the chalaza. N. B. Through the funiculus, the rhaphe, and the cha- laza the ovule receives its nourishment from the placenta. Through the micropyle it receives the tubular prolonga- tion of the pollen. Kinds. Orthdtropous, (\ straight ; no change in direction of parts (Buckwheat). Campylotropous, (^^) curved ; the micropyle brought near the chalaza (Bean). Anatropous, inverted ; the micropyle brought near the hilum, pointing to the placentae. Rhaphe the whole length of the ovule (Magnolia). Amphitropous, A half inverted ; short rhaphe (Mallow). Direction of Ovary. Ergef } fK] ascending, '^. Aori- zontal,(\; pendulous, jA; suspended, (p\. FRUIT. Parts. Seed, the part containing the embryo. Pericarp, the covering of the seeds, including the ovary and all adnate parts. The parts of the pericarp are epicarp, or outer coat ; mesocarp, or middle coat ; and endocarp, or inner coat. xi /x Dehiscence. Septicldal, L <^>_ opening of the partitions. Loculicidal, Sept'ifragal, 1 s (^ gj opening at the dorsal suture. va l y es falling away from partitions. Circumcissile, ^^ opening by a circular horizontal line. Kinds. Simple, aggregate, accessory, multiple. (i.) SIMPLE FRUITS. Fleshy, Stone, Dry (formed by a single pistil). (a.) FLESHY FRUITS. Indehiscent (with two or more seeds). Berry, rind membranous (Grape). Seeds immersed in Hespcridium, rind leathery, separable a pulpy mass. (Orange). Pepo, rind hard (Cucumber). Seeds in cells. Pome, succulent calyx (Apple). (b.) STONE FRUITS. Indehiscent; one-celled; endo- carp hard. Drupe, three-coated; stone-cell entire (Peach). Tryma, two-coated; stone-cell two-parted (Walnut). Etcerio, an aggregation of drupes (Raspberry). (c.) DRY FRUITS. Indehiscent, usually one seed with one coat. Achenium, I coat separable from seed (Dandelion). Utricle, coat inflated (Goosefoot). Gary op sis, coat inseparable (Wheat). Clans, invested with a cupule, jjL ( Acom ). having winged appendages (Maple). (c 1 .) DRY FRUITS. Dehiscent. Follicle, AJfc opening by a ventral suture (Columbine). Legume, jaja) opening by both su- W tures (Bean). Lament, & jointed legume (Desmo- dium). Capsule, any compound dehiscent fruit. Single pistil. Silique, W a two-valved capsule Compound pistil. (Mustard ). Si/ick,\y/z short silique (Shep- herd's Purse), circumscissile dehiscence (Purslane). Pyxis, (2.) AGGREGATE FRUITS, ^|^ . A cluster of carpels on one receptacle taken as a whole (Raspberry). (3.) ACCESSORY or ANTHOCARPOUS FRUITS. Those of which the most conspicuous portion, although ap- pearing like a pericarp in some cases, does not belong to the pistil (Rose-hip). (4.) MULTIPLE or COLLECTIVE FRUITS. Those which result from the aggregation of several flowers into one mass (Pine-apple, Mulberry). Str6bile or Cone, a scaly multiple fruit, resulting from the ripening of some kinds of catkins (Hop, Conifers). G&lbalus, a closed cone (Juniper-berry, Red Cedar). SEED. Parts Integuments, seed-coats. Nucleuj, part contain- ing the embryo, (i.) PARTS OF INTEGUMENTS: Testa (episperm), the outer or proper seed-coat Tegmen (endbpleura}, the inner coat, sometimes wanting. Funiculus Hilum (A), Chalaza (c}, Rhaphe (r), are the same as in ovule. ANALYTICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOTANICAL TERMS. Aril, covering exterior to the integuments (not in the ovule) (May-apple, Water-lily). Coma, W a tuft of hairs on certain seeds (Silkweed). This is to be distinguished from pappus, which is a tuft on the fruit (Achenium). (2.) PARTS OF NUCLEUS: Embryo (e), the initial plantlet. Radicle (r), CC~SJL~CI} the rudimentary stem or first inter- node. Cotyledon (c), the seed leaf at the primary node. Plumule (/), the growing points above the cotyledons. ^*\ Albumen (a), (f(S) Ja the food for the plantlet's first txxS^ growth, stored outside the embryo. Kinds. (i.) GENERAL FORM: Ortlwtropous, (\; cam- VJs>* an&tropous same as in ovule. 23\* , $. JUT ; amphitropous, (z.) FORM OF COVERING: Conformed, adhering closely to nucleus. Cellular, loose (Pyrola). Winged, < \^j^ having expanded appendages ( Catalpa ). Woolly, covered closely with fibers (Cotton). with coma at the end (Willow Herb). (3.) TEXTURE OF ALBUMEN: Farinaceous, mealy (Wheat). Oily, mealy but mixed with oil (Poppy). Mucilaginous, like mucilage (Morning-glory). Ruminated, wrinkled (Papaw). (4.) NUMBER OF COTYLEDONS: Monocotyledonous, (i(S) j(Corn). Dicotyledonous, ^~ $& ^ ( Bean ). Polycotyledonous, W (Pine). (5.) POSITION AND ARRANGEMENT OF EMBRYO: Eccentric, *\|F/ e embryo on one side of albumen (Indian Com). curved around albumen (Four-o'clock). CV(?"N Accumbent, .-HJ J)c applied to the cotyledons when the radi- cle is bent and lies along their edge (Water-cress). Incumbent, rQjJf applied to the cotyledons when the radi- cle rests against the back of one of them (Shepherd's Purse). Conduplicate, *J^JL$UJL Class ...... . DIVISION ORDER .J.t SCIENTIFIC .... Name ' COMMON ...... j.^ .,.. A ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. \ /^ * ....... |AA/tflA^yA/!!^^ \d&AAyW^ .....tlJAikXvOO^ ; ..Jk|,/AAA/tfy^/\/w\^^ . /** U- I v . ^ .....(XT...L^/U....UA,A|^aA^n ..... ..Cy\/^^ ...LckX^ ^^^^ ~* j DIVISION .p ORDER ...A.. C SCIENTIFIC ... Name. - COMMON ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Class if/B, DIVISION ORDER ...LAj^UbJUL&JL ( SCIENTIFIC Name. Locality COMMON tfi ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Inflorescence Calyx sepals Petals Stamens. Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks *. ....V^^ )^...W Class DIVISION . ORDER ... f SCIENTIFIC Name. (COMMON ft (......}!. ...................... ^^... ...................... /.>ia. ,...', .fi^ .hAAju>fr....AAM Class DIVISION ORDER Name. SCIENTIFIC locality ...... / COMMON .(HtW$ />*/ ..... NAAXAA.-. ORDER OF -DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root .... Stem .... Leaves . Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens ,. Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class ORDER ..\Ls/Vrv~v^A/V^^^ Name. Locality. ( SCIENTIFIC . COMMON ...yh&J\sJ^.~M^^ ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind Root stem ..................... Leaves Inflorescence Calyx sepals Corolla petal, Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit .......... 1 Seeds Remarks. ...AAAA/*^^ .CXD....L\A/jt/\TVVV\. Class DIVISION .^. ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name.j (COMMON Locality ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stigma. Number, kind. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Seeds. Number, kind. Root ....tX-N^Nj^-vrrvN,^ Stem ..^..s^sL*w*>X^JS^, ^XAJK^A-ftJkJsJte-Vs .SL^XM>>^>SJ^.. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals v^^ ^^ .\X^^^ ** J^rs^^Sow Ar>^A-yv^A - ^NJ ^vJ^^O^^wtv A >U^*4^^ \ Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIEN' Name. ^ ( COMM Locality riFic ON Ttatf ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. - ' COMMON locality .... Datt ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, asstivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem .... Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC ....... Name. ( COMMON Locality ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence.... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthem V 1st II Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name. ' COMMON .... Locality. Date . ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence.... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthem Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. -; ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals* Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. - ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stein Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality .... Datt ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, asstivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovwry Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. | ( COMMON Locality Date . ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. I Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Inflorescence Cnlyjc Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthfi-H I'istil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON .... Locality ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, Aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC ... . Name, j ' COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. I Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margir Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name, j ( COMMON ... Locality ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, sestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. I Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margir Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Cnlyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers 1'istil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name, j ' COMMON .... Locality ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, asstivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. | ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Antlit'r.i fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. | ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. -; ( COMMON Locality Date... ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION, Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens A.nthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. J ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class , DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. J ( COMMON Locality Date... ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem, Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ' COMMON locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves . .. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class , DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. | ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class , DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, asstivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem I/eaves . .. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. - ( COMMON Locality Date... ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers I'istil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class : DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. ; ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem Leaves . .. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens A.nthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC . Name. ' COMMON .... Locality.... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stein Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class : DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. J ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. J ' COMMON .... Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem "Leaves . .. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class \ DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ' COMMON Locality Datt ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION, Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Soot Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name. - ( COMMON .... Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem . Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION, Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name. ' COMMON .... Locality. Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Hoot .... Stem..... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ? ( COMMON locality ... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, estivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name.-] ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem. Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Xieaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. JtOOt Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit s Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence ... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary rruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. } ( COMMON Locality , Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit 8 Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. | ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. } ( COMMON Locality , Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root .... Stem, .... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ] ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name.] ' COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Hoot Stem Leaves .... Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem, .... leaves . Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name.] ( COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, "Leaves.. .. Inflorescence . , . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ] ( COMMON Locality .... Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. St Jgm a. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves .. Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ' COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Strut Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name, ? ( COMMON locality .... Date .... ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, sestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem Leaves ..r.. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ' COMMON locality.... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. ROOt. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ' COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ' COMMON Locality.... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. ? ' COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name. } ( COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem 'Leaves Inflorescence . . . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name, -j ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit s Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. V ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla J-ctal* Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Hoot .. Stem.. Xieaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. - ( COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves.. .. Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC NameJ ( COMMON Locality ... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem, .... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens , Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name.] ( COMMON Locality , Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root .... Stem, .... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality ... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem, .... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ' COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root .... Stem,.... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem, . ... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality , Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens* Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem,.... Leaves . Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON Locality .... Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Koot Stem. Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla fetals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. -| ( COMMON Locality .... Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root .... Stem .... Leaves . Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ] ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER SCIENTIFIC Name. COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stetn Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC . Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem, Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER I SCIENTIFIC Name. ? ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ' COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Boot Stem Leave* Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem, Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. > ( COMMON Locality .... Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petal* Stamens Anthers fistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality .' '. Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind Root Sti'tit Leaves Inflorescence ... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC NameJ ' COMMON T.ocrtlitt/ Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence .... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks Class DIVISION ORDER -. ( SCIENTIFIC Name. ; ( COMMON Locality Date. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Soot Stem Inflorescence . Calyx Sepal Corolla, fetals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. } ( COMMON Locality. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margip. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem Leaves Inflorescence... Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON Locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem Leaves Inflorescence . Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers flstil Stiijntn Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name, j ( COMMON T.or.afiti/ Date.. ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Boot Stem -Sn Leaves rr>. Inflorescence /. Calyx A.. / Sepals $.. -7 Corolla f... Petals .1.. Stamens /.. Anthers Pistil //.. Stigma '.L Ovary .j. Fruit /..trf.. Seeds I..J.. Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER f SCIENTIFIC Name. ^ ( COMMON locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Petals. Number, form, aestivation. Stamens. Number, cohesion, adnation. Anthers. Form, cells, dehiscence. Pistil. Number, parts, cohesion. Stigma. Number, kind. Ovary. Adnation, number of cells, placentation. Fruit. Dehiscence, kind. Seeds. Number, kind. Root Stem leaves Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. Class DIVISION ORDER C SCIENTIFIC Name. 1 ( COMMON ; locality Date ORDER OF DESCRIPTION. Root. Kind. Stem. Class, character, direction of growth, height. Leaves. Arrangement, kind, form, margin. Inflorescence. Arrangement, kind. Calyx. Color, form, cohesion, adnation. Sepals. Number, form, aestivation. Corolla. Color, form, cohesion, adnatio Root Stem Iicarcs Inflorescence Calyx Sepals Corolla Petals Stamens Anthers Pistil Stigma Ovary Fruit Seeds Remarks. .: Class '. DIVISION ORDER ( SCIENTIFIC Name. J ( COMMON Locality Date ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. NAME. ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. PAGE ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. NAME. PAGE ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. NAME. PAGE ....*.... 1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX-SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON. NAME. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9