THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'So SATAN, BEING I,ON<; AND SI.IM, STRETCHED vp AND BENT IIEK DOWN A LIMB. THE ANTEDILUVIAN SERPENTINE MUSINGS. BY A DESCENDANT OF NOAH. " Adam and Eve tlie world begun, Adam, he carded and Eve. she spun." NEW YORK: 1THLISHED FOU TUB AUTHOR BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1874. Entered according to Act ut' Congress in tlie >e;ir IN! li.v ;. \'. ITTNAM S SUNS, ui tlue Oflu-e nl' tin- Liliiiiriiui iii:re.>* :it Wiisliin^tun BROTHER AND SISTER DESCENDANTS OF U0% (CARDERS AND SPINNERS THROUGH THE CURSE), THIS |Jocm is Jratcrmilln Commiitcb bn the ^.ui^or. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. CANTO FIRST. THE fiat of wisdom, creation's last day Brought forth in perfection our " temple of clay," When with breath from the Master, soul, spirit and mind, Young Adam stood thinking, the first of mankind ; Anon, a deep slumber his senses enfolds, Awaking from which Virgin Eve he beholds. A pinionless angel, no feathers or down, Or mantle, or garb, save the smile she puts on, As she stands in the rays of the new risen sun, Surveying the scene, to its beauties alive. Climax of perfection ! " Queen bee " of our hive ! When this mother of mortals in Eden first stood, 4: THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Creation was finished, and all remained good, 'Till a demon of rank, with luciferous crest, Discovered the twain as he peered through the mist, Sent by his eminence the chief " old boy " To overturn our apple cart of sublunary joy, Taught in all chicanery by this great potentate, No dilemma had a horn he couldn't demonstrate; Skillful in the courts below, and christened there " Old Scratch," Nowhere (except in Congress) has he ever found his match. The garden thus discovered, with a twinkle in his eye, He hurled himself to earth, like a meteor from the sky, Where on the verge of Eden, he demoralized the snake, Which approached the rib of Adam and thus to her he spake : THE ANTEDILUVIAN. " I saw thee through the morning sheen, And came to g: eet Eden's fair queen, Whose early orisons are paid To Him, who wisely all things made. "Who fashioned these majestic trees, Made lovely flowers to scent the breeze, And joyful birds, the flowers among, That freight the very air with song. How blest with Adam here to stay And while the balmy hours away " "Oh ye?," tays Eve, "all these delight, But Adarn had a dream last night; He thought a seraph by him stood, That told him of a fiendish brood Residing in the realms below, Who seek our Hiss to overthrow. The vision seems to vex him much, His breakfast he wouM hardly touch, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Scarce half an apricot he ate, And then went forth to meditate. Left thus to breakfast all alone, I ate until my peck was gone, When, having none to hear me talk, I, too, came out to have a walk, And glad I am to see thy face, And talk with thee of Adam's case. I don't know why it thus should be, But he don't seem a bit like me; He's growing set, in his own way, "Won't hear a word I have to say. I've just such dreams most every night, And they don't trouble me a mite ; Catch me to go without my food, For them, or any other brood; And yet I'm grieved to have him so, For there's no other man, you know/' THE ANTEDILUVIAN. I "Yea," quoth the serpent, "you're quite right In keeping thus your appetite, And all this tenderness you feel, The coining woman doth reveal ; But, then, respecting Adam's dreams, I've been thinking; and it seems To me, the more you have to say The more he'll have all his own way ; And, that the best thing to be done, Is just to leave the man alone ; I have no doubt he'll come out right From this illusion of the night, Returning in a different mood; So let us pluck delicious food, Which from your hands he may receive And eat, and bless his darling Eve. These orchard trees, with fruit replete. Of course from all you freely eat ? THE ANTEDILUVIAN. This tree seems higher than the rest, No doubt its apples are the best. " " Oh, no ! " says Eve, " that cannot be ! For this is the forbidden tree ; I never dreamed it was so near. Oh! I shall die. Oh, dear! Oh, dear! -Adam ! Adam ! Why ar'nt you here ? To which the serpent makes reply : " "Woman, you shall not surely die, This fruit will only make you wise, And open your beclouded eyes; It is a fruit to be desired : But taste, and you will be inspired, Exalted, made to comprehend The Deity, and me, your friend." " Do tell," says Eve, " can that be so \ '' Nearer the fatal tree they go. But then its branches all are high, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 9 And Eve, at first, is somewhat shy; So Satan, being long and slim. Stretched up and bent her down a limb ; Some of its leaves graze o'er her brow, She winks, as n'er she winked till now, A longing feels, far from her wont, (She'll have an apple, see'f she don't.) The pregnant limb is bending o'er her, And wisdom's apples swing before her, From which she plucks, despite her fear, So pleasant does the fruit appear ; While Satan, certain of his game, Shapes back his course from whence he came, Shouting as the serpent squirms, Hurrah ! Hurrah ! What food for worms ? Fair Eve, meantime, her partner finds, When round his neck her arms she twines, And with such fondness hugs the man, 10 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. As only mortal woman can ; While her erubescent cheeks, And these saccharifferous freaks, Of coming human nature spake, And told him she was half awake. He was a man ; first of the race, And, like a man he viewed the case; He'd pondered since the morning light Upon that vision of the night, Till the impression found its birth, That endless life, was not of earth. So to his fate became resigned, And in this wise relieved his mind : " This morning after leaving thee Seeing a monkey in a tree, I threw a stone hit monkey's head, The monkey fell, I found him dead, And scrutinized him half an hour, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 11 Till interrupted by a shower; And little difference I see Betwixt the monkey, you or me. We're all constructed much the same, Warm hearts are beating in each frame; All have the sinews, flesh and blood, Kept from decay by healthy food ; And though they talk in lingo queer, The greatest odds that doth appear, Is their extension in the rear, By which they have the vantage ground, When savage flies are buzzing round. Soon after, running o'er the plain Incautiously, I stubbed my toe, Hopped on one leg, and cried with pain, And almost cursed, it hurt me so. Would an immortal foot thus ache ? " Says Eve, " You'd better ask the snake ; 12 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. For from the fruit, on which he feeds, In knowledge, us he far exceeds. This morn he took me to that tree Forbidden but to you and me, Told me the virtue it contained, And what, by eating might be gained. I then, and there, some apples took, "Which lie concealed near yonder brook, The eating, I deferred until I came to you, and learned your will." Adam replies, " You're right my dear The serpent now is master here, And we must eat of this same fruit Or rank in knowledge 'neath the brute, And though it be a sin to eat, From what's decreed there's no retreat. My angel visitant last night, Bade me beware, lett Satan might THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 13 Evade the watch upon the wall, And slipping in, effect our fall ; But I've not seen the chap about Although I've kept a good lookout. I knocked that monkey off the limb, Thinking perchance it might be him ; And fearing that in some such shape, Our guardian watch, he might escape : Invisible, he may be near, And yet I would not have him here, I'm sure I'd rather fall without him, Although I don't know much about him. To comprehend this state of ours, We must enlarge our mental powers: I think corruption, heaven's plan, And knowledge, foreordained for man ; Mortality hath wants, and pains, While endless life itself sustains ; 14 TIIE ANTEDILUVIAN. These bodies, fashioned from the clay, Like vegetation, must decay ; So we must eat, or blindly rust, For what originates from dust Must back to dust again return ; So bring the fruit we've much to learn. She goes, with swift and willing feet ! She'll bring the fruit, and we must eat. Ye generations yet to be ! And feast beneath the living tree ; Believers in free agency ! Blame not your God-created sire, Because appointed to expire "With an enlarged and growing mind, Not chosen ever to be blind ! Conceive a race in darkness bound ; Compare them with yourselves, renowned In all that deifies our dust. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 15 Then curse old Adam, if you must ; And gibbet Eve in effigy ! ' Approaching Eve, the fruit divides! Corruption his pale courser strides, And forth upon his mission rides, Having the mortal germs in trust Designed for animated dust ; And Eden, to the world is lost : Ambrosia's short career is run, An apple has eclipsed her sun ; A.nd Paradise, on earth is done! CANTO SECOND. They eat!- Earth's hostess and her host Now entertain a dismal ghost ! Unseen, upon his pallid beast He comes, and joins them in their feast! Unnoticed, introspects the twain, And plants his germs, and strews his grain; "With ghastly smile, surveys the field, And tallies up the wondrous yield. The world before ne'er saw his match For counting chickens ere they hatch. The feast goes on, and Adam's brain Expands, until he feels a pain. ; Yet so enlarged in mind is he, Their nakedness he fails to see. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 17 While Eve, with vision more confined To dressing, strongly feels inclined; And soon, a notion she conceives To slip away, and bring some leaves Wherewith their persons to adorn, Thus pride of nakedness was born. 'Twas thus that Satan stained with fraud Proud man ; the image of his God ! "While angels watching at their post Beheld a cloud o'er Eden blown, Heard the shout of Satan's host And bore the tidings to the throne. There Gabriel, minister of state, And chief among the peers of fate, Commanded that the Tree of Life Be guarded by a naming knife, And cherubim, its way to shield Until it's time to be revealed. .18 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. " This is that fated world," he said, " Where Satan is to have free trade ; Of living souls make merchandise, And drug the hearts of men with lies : His character and skill display, And traffic in free agency. Not all the wisdom of the throne, To such as Satan, is made known : Some plans there are, he may not view, Though in them he has much to do. 'T'is his to work, through the long night Till time reveals the coming light ; Then to behold, to his dismay, Though things went swimmingly his way Himself and all his imps of sin, But little wheels, a wheel within. This offspring of Eternal Mind Some way to earth, must be confined ; THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 1 'J Originating from the throne, Where corruption's powers unknown, Its tendency this way would be But for reaction from the tree, Which is required to absorb And bind it to the new made orb, Confine it to its house of clay, Till death shall bear the wreck away. For, soul in substance to remain Requires an influence to restrain Its centric flight ; which motive power, To Satan given, he by our Preordination doth repair On his appointed mission there. All worlds are made and fill a place Revolving in the realms of space ; The parent mind directs their course, And rules them by the laws of force. 2<~ TIIK ANTEDILUVIAN. While men, poor brooding, thinking clods Conduct themselves as they were Gods, Revolving round the first great cause Which ' art to be and ever was.' Thus knowledge earthward rolls her tide And though corruption with it blend, Who wisdom makes his only guide Will have the Father for a friend. This Tree of Life, from which they go, In this good time, its leaves will shed, To heal the wounds of sin and woe, Where'er the tribes of earth are spread ; And every tenement of clay, That bears the Father's image there Shall have its resurrection day, And breathe another atmosphere, Though under just what stars and skies Is left a puzzle to the wise. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Yet many ministers of grace Striving to elevate their race, Ponder the word and weigh each verse, And puzzle o'er the fall, and curse. Keep puzzling on as they grow old, And thus inferring what's untold, Give it each Sabbath to their age A helpmeet for the sacred page." Then to those watchers of the scene, He said " Return to earth again, Let slip the demons of the curse With pall, and winding sheets, and hearse. Adam, the first of all below, With his ' for better or for worse ' From Eden's bowers now must go." This order, they forthwith obey, And back to Eden wing their way, Where soon, they light upon the wall, 22 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And thus aloud, on Adam call. " Adam ! Adam ! Where are ye now ? Have ye been plucking from the bough, Whereof ye gather but to die?" Says Adam, '"I can't tell a lie,' The woman made for my helpmeet Helped me to some, and I did eat." Unto the woman, then they say " Why did ye lead the man astray ? " When promptly Mother Eve replies: " The serpent said 'twould make me wise, Give to thought a new creation, Lift me to a higher station, Meet with Adam's approbation ; So without procrastination I plucked, and straight to Adam came And though we ate, the snake's to blame." Now, as all knowledge in this brute, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 23 By transmigration through the fruit, To Adam passed, and to his mate; Tt left him but the wreck of fate. Poor thing ! He knew not who to blame. So venomous, henceforth became, Cursed, above all beasts and cattle, Nothing left but hiss and rattle, Through the dust of earth to wind At enmity with all mankind. Thus heavily the snake was cursed, Because in the transgression first. Unto the woman, then they look, Her woe is written in the book ; Maternity must rule her here, Till love sends one to domineer. Her heritage is sighs, and groans, And agony in all her bones ; With breaking heart, and aching head, 24 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And progeny to Kick up Ned j Through all of which she lives caressed And children's children call her blest. To Adam who (so says St. Paul), "Was not deceived, though in the fall, Because with Eve he did partake ; The ground was cursed for his sake, Thistles and thorns must ever yield, And man must toil in wood and field, With sweating brow his living earn Till he to dust again return. Clothing the angels now provide, And fig leaves must be laid aside, So while the pair their toilet make We'll further muse upon the snake. CANTO THIRD. Doubtless, before the fall took place Serpents excelled the new made race In all those elements of mind That since have deified mankind. " Upon thy belly thou shalt go," Implies that 'twas not always so, And leads the student to conclude That formerly erect they stood. And proudly in the garden walked, And with the couple laughed and talked. Our sacred writers often make Mystic allusions to the snake, Which point to one, more noble far Than all earth's creeping monsters are, 2 26 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And tells the searcher after truth That serpents once were not uncouth. The brazen serpent Moses wrought, To Israel balm from Eden brought So full of power, it only took For direst wound, a single look ; And typified the healing balm Which " art," and " wast," and "art to come." "Be ye therefore as serpents wise" Applies to him in Paradise, Ere Satan's crew intruding thence Corrupted all his better sense, Enthroned him as their Demon Prince And hailed him as "Your Eminence." Well was his worth and wisdom known By all the imps of Satan's throne, Which were created and exist But to effect some high behest. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 27 For every thing was fixed and planned Before the earth was made and manned ; And Satan by foregone decree Helps carry out, " what is to be." There could not be, in other sense, An overruling Providence. Dost ask who was this being wise Located thus in Paradise, As teacher of the infant pair Breathing with them ambrosial air? Tell then, Oh, Muse! 'Twas Lucifer! Bright Lucifer, the morning star; Proud Lucifer, before he fell To be a minister of hell ! They needed some one to direct With higher powers of intellect, And thus a sort of Moses he To pilot them on life's rough sea. 28 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Which duty he no doubt performed Till Demon force the castle stormed, And sly Old Scratch (by hook or crook) Said Lucifer's acquirements took, From which he cut that spacious cloak Wherein to perpetrate the deed Of death, to Adam and his seed. When that proud peer, and all his chums Became transformed to snakes and worms, While other hosts of fallen ones Assumed the shape of Adam's sons. Thus to my muse 'tis clear and plain Celestial ones fell with the twain ; Else tell us who those sons of God Dwelling with men before the flood Wedding the fairest maids of earth Who gave to monster giants birth ? Who but those satellites that fell, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 29 By Milton's verse described so well, Kebellious host, routed and driven By Gabriel down the slopes of Heaven ? Our Father Isaac when a lad Conversant was with Arphaxad, And oft he heard that parent tell How these rebellious subjects fell ; And in this new made world of ours Found refuge from offended powers ; Took human form, and filled a place Contemporary with our race In its initiatory days, Ere wisdom magnified her wavs. O t/ Told how his grandsire used to say Those Anacondas of his day, All grace and righteousness withstood, Denied the race, and caused the flood. Though Noah with them liv'd and dealt, 30 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Their influence he never felt, JMor did they have the least effect On any in the line direct. Their power to wear the human form Was deluged in that awful storm, But still their shades in darkness dwell Haunting this orb to which they fell ; And though to sight invisible These same old anti-deluge chaps Iling round this world their spirit raps, Having their mediums of renown Alarming country, diverting town ; And who, by sympathetic aid, Put Moses' wonders in the shade. From instruments sweet music bring O Without a hand to touch a string, Or in a ring, around some table, Call up Nimrod who founded Babel, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 31 And question him about the brick, And how the slime was made to stick ; Or summon any ghost they please To settle weighty points like these. Their agents most are of the sex OfEndor's witch, Saul caused to vex The quiet of that good old seer, Who at her summons did appear, And in the mantle of the tomb, ^ Stood up and read the old King's doom ! Successors to those maids who cheered Their pilgrimage before the flood, Then sinking with them, disappeared, Cain's daughters in the land of Nod. Think not, my muse, of kith or kin With these diabolos of sin, Who stole their thunder from the throne, And lie in callino- it their own. 32 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. She merely questions the old chap Touching this mystery of our age, Then gives her spirit friends a rap, And leaves her note on historic pago. CANTO FOURTH. Secrets obscure, dark, and profound, This snake, and tree, and fruit surround ; And though some writers on the fall Suggest a devil in them all, But few are willing to concede Him, an appointment, or a need. While all admit he puts on airs, And still with fruit the mind ensnares : In every heart, some plant doth nourish, And delights, when most doth flourish Those scaly germs of innate sin, The serpent left when winding in ; Which to my muse makes things appear Inconclusive, mixed, and queer, 34 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Unless he has a mission here. Again, we read on scripture's page Of one correct, upright old sage Who keeping Satan in his rear Became translated from this sphere ; Now had all walked with Enoch's mien, Would such translation all have seen ( This surely was not the intent For which the soul in clay was pent ; In Enoch's travel we behold How Satan's power may be controlled, And that despite his tricks and lies, Man's province is to scale the skies. And where there's mystery involved His mission is to have it solved ; And where a peg holds but a doubt 'Tis " woman's sphere " to pry it out. Tell but a child in this our time THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 35 That if a certain tree lie climb, He's sure to meet with some disaster, See if he does not climb it faster : If not, he don't belong to me, For mine would climb no other tree. Just so it was with Eve and Adain, They would keep climbing till the} 7 had 'em, The apples, on that tree of knowledge Xow flourishing in school and college. Prolific tree ! Progressive fruit ! Lifting our race above the brute ! And, lacking which, like dolts and gumps, Xot knowing when we hold good trumps, We're euchred in the very face Of both the bowers and the ace ! Why to our parents thus forbidden? Deep, deep, the mystery is hidden And not a spirit loafs about 36 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Able to rap the puzzle out. Yet Adam's race as they rotate And sound the depths of sin and late That underlie snake, fruit and tree Shall fathom this deep mystery, Which in earth's coming jubilee All printed in a book shall be. We've seen a rib from Adam's side Become a woman, and a bride, By which process she's more refined. When with the man anew combined. And though they're called " one flesh " again They differ, just a little grain In some things ; thus related, Not being always fairly mated. Take, for instance, the subject tongue, Why, Eve had two, to Adam's one : Dost think that Paradise could be THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 37 Where there \vas such discrepancy? It never could have been, no, never; But for the serpent's being clever, Supplying to each wherein they lacked, By his sagacity and tact, And keeping Eden from commotion By his wisdom, and devotion, Just as train oil doth still old ocean : AVhich Eden might be ours to-day Had Satan's imps been kept away. Ye! who would equalize mankind To things as ordered, not resigned ; Better you lay the oar aside, And drift at rest upon the tide, Or else, create another moon, Controlling tides to suit your tune. You can't ? Pull on ! I'll join you when The serpent shall return again, 38 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. To promenade the earth once more Endowed with wisdom as of yore ; To navigate the human race And keep them in the paths of peace ! "It was not thus that Milton soared And sung of Paradise restored." Thanks, Monitor ! Milton was great : His muse I would not underrate; Yet bear with mine another flight, She possibly may come out right. Adam and Eve ! Majestic pair ! Though breathing an ambrosial air, Your bliss consists in being blind To all that elevates mankind. Till Satan's torch lit wisdom's light, Darker than Egypt, was the night That hung around your mental sight !- Is such, the Paradise to be, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 39 \\ r licn man shakos off mortality? Is this the Eden of the blest, Where Aveary pilgrims hope to rest, Av7heri trials of this life are o'er ? Is this that bright and shining shore Where Ave Avill meet to part no more ? This paradox will never do ; There must be odds betAvixt the two ! The first was Adam's Paradise, For him and Eve, Avho had no eyes ! While that to corne, prepared shall be For those who having eyes shall see. If this distinction don't exist Then Paradise, thy name is mist ! And secondary ranks the worth Of human longings for a birth Beyond the confines of old earth ! CANTO FIFTH. With knowledge, now is ushered in The fallen serpent's reign of sin Both good and evil was the fruit, And both in man have taken root. Read the tale of bygone ages Written by the priests and sages, Light, and darkness fill its pages : Xow the star of Tophet rages, Demon work and sin the wedge is, Lifting honor from men's souls, As round her central orb she rolls. Anon the sun's bright beams look down, And healthy planets circle round, While Satan's banner trails the ground, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 4-1 And human aspirations rise Scaling the battlements of lies. Old earth was made for clay and night, Seasons of darkness and of light, So man, created from its dust, Must have his shade, forsooth he must, And thus the snake, through demon might, Prepared him for his day and night, Suspending life npon a breath Beneath the shadow of grim death. For though the spirit grieve and mourn To see its dwelling wrecked and torn, Death has no power but to slay Man's animality of clay. When soul, unshackled from the clod, Returns set free unto its God. His words, "ye shall not surely die" Were never more than half A lie, 42 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And thus our serpent in the fall Proves not a liar after all. Why then abuse and call him black, And every chance give him a whack? Some men exist in our days, Who certainly have snakish ways ; If things go wrong they're sure to squirm, And lay it to the cursed worm ; Others, whom sin has brought to grief Fly to the serpent for relief, While some a lump of all sin make, And dump the w r hole upon the snake. Strange logic in the world is found, And many theories abound, But such theology as this, Might well be answered w r ith a hiss. Though earth, with lies is over-run, The serpent told but half an one, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 43 Or rather, Satan (as we've seen) Employed him as a " go between," And through the carriage of the brute, Revealed the secret of the fruit ; While Eve quite willing to be wise, Opened her mouth and then her eyes; Nor is it strange, that she should stray, When such a teacher led the way. Though created first, of all, Adam appears the last, to fall. He stood until the Woman blushed, When all his murmurings were hushed, His wakened spouse, seeming so cute, He quite elated, took the fruit Xo right to live alone he claimed, So ate until he was ashamed, And since there was no other flame, Poor man he's not so much to blame. 4A THE AXTEU1LUV1AX. Ye who the serpent stigmatize, And style him father of all lies ! Better yon leave his sin alone, And seek forgiveness for your own ; If in the fall he took the front, So in the curse, he bore the brunt. Think not because of old ' twas said " The woman's seed shall bruise his head," That every mortal child of earth Should hate the reptile, from his birth, And pelt, and mangle, him with stones, To atomize his very bones; Such action shows the man of sin, Whom Satan's self resides within, Who when resisted takes to flight, While snakes resisted always fight ; A proof than holy writ more strong, That Satan w r as not in him long, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 4:5 But wrought the fall, as we have seen, Then left him for the souls of men, When the two founders of our race In knowledge, took the serpent's place. For this medlar was fate's repose Their eyes to open his to close, And when fair Eve the apple took, The sleeping deities awoke, And the " knowledge box " exchanged, Precisely as ' twas pre-arranged, Though Satan swore, and proved it too That brokerage to him was due. Thus wisdom's fruit, food of the mind, Came with sin's essence in the rind. Oh ye ! who feast at wisdom's feet Do peel her apples ere you eat ! "Why, all their pomace masticate ; Keeping your imps in church and State, 46 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. With title deeds of modern date, Lacking the sign and seal of fate. Deacons, and Elders, whose long prayers Scarce shield them, from temptations' snares, And " honorables " to Congress sent, On salary grabbing jobs intent ? A LYING SPIRIT INTERRUPTS THE MUSE. " Imps in the cl in roll ? ' tis wondrous strange, A modern bard, thus wide should range, Of what's considered orthodox, By most good reverential folks, Who worship in the highest style, And bask in wisdom's holy smile, Where elegance excludes the vile, And carpels decorate the aisle; And rhetoric, with virtue's cream, So saturates salvation's scheme, That not a soul need ever stray, Or wander from its milky way / And sacred songs, from hireling throats, Dance to the organ's pealing notes, While envy steals through beauty's cloud, 48 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. To kiss the daughters of the proud ; Though imps, and fiends, are not allowed, Or if one chance to show its face, They smother it, with so much grace That ' tis not thought a real case. ' Tis true, of late, some congressmen A little indiscreet have been, And frenzied with the nation's cares, Bought into Satan's Railroad shares. However, taken as a class, They all as goodly jewels pass, And though they hold conflicting views, Some wearing boots, and others shoes, "With which they make some splendid hits, And sometimes give each other fits. Yet when bisected hoofs break out, It goes as ' parliamentary gout,' Or other transcendental ill, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 49 For which the doctors have no pill. And so sweet Charity steps in, To nurse the wounded member's shin, While all the people shout, Amen, And vote the cripple in again ! What ! imps among these honored ones ? Go, wean your muse or spike her guns No demons among Adam's boys ! " Lying spirit, hush thy noise ! And hark, to yon grave-digger's song, Whose occupation, goblins throng, Singing, among the sculptured stones, Singing, among decaying bones, Singing, where others come to weep, Singing, where dead men come to sleep, Singing, as he wields the spade, Singing, as he earns his bread, Singing, to the silent hosts, 50 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Singing to their varied ghosts, Singing, in the hole he's dug, Singing to the worm and bug, Singing, while the death bell rings, Singing listen while he sings Lying Spirit, lend an ear ! Of a demon, thou shalt hear. rl Business with me is never slack, I cover simple ones and wise, Just as they fall. For there's a demon on the track Of pilgrims here below the skies, Who gathers all. ' Tis said, that Adam's rib, or wife, The mother of the human race, Of scripture fame, Went off, and left the tree of Life, And gave this Demon her embrace, And fell in shame. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. " 51 Since which, from every land, and clime, And kindred, tongue, and nation, From huts, and thrones, This fiend has oiled the wheels of time With grief, and lamentation, And sighs and groans. The peasant of the lowly cot, Whether in joy, or its reverse, Famine or feast, Is as contented with his lot, Nor dreads this demon of the curse More than the Priest. Beneath the shadow of his wing Great David, in his robes was chilled, His powers flag Full soon, his royal pulse was stilled, In vain, alas ! She cherished him, Fair Abishag. 52 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Infallible, although they be, Rome's haughty Pope's, his sway must own, And, at his nod They founder on the Sacred See, And in their holy water, drown Grasping the rod. Here, too, in this our favored land, Than where, no brighter banner waves O'er creation, He reigns; and, with unflinching hand, Sends generations to their graves, Or cremation. And though no Kings sit robed in might, Or Queens, the lordly sceptre sway, Cap't with a crown, This tyrant, with unquestioned right, Orders our presidents away; Men of renown. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 53 Lincoln, who earns immortal fame, When battle for a nation's life 1 ts harvest reaps ; Falls by a rebel demon's aim, The noblest martyr of the strife, The Union weeps. Events that are to come, will be, And that which is to happen, will : Satan doth roar, And though our " contrabands" are free," They've that old curse upon them still, Pronounced by Noah. The power which scattered men abroad, Giving new tongues, on Shinar's plain, Where Babel stood, Can work through fiends, and have restored One language to the world again, One brotherhood. 54: THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Beneath thy robes, philanthropy, How many cloven feet are trained, In these our times ; And in thy name, humanity, How many imps are left unchained, To hatch new crimes? Some few, appear to human ken, Reflected in the ancient law, To Moses given : Though little here is known to men, The services these imps are for Under high Heaven. We know they make men disagree, Each wedding to some fond idea Of what is right. I wish they'd help my spade and me, To cover those they hasten here From human siprht. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 55 Vain wishl long since great Adam's shade The Machpelah's of earth hath found, And left a charm ; And sanctified the pick and spade, So there be ghosts on hallowed ground That do no harm. Ye sacred children of the tomb ! Shades of the pastl ye have your birth When friends are lost ! While imps and fiends are but at home Among the busy ones of earth, A mighty host. Cremation may destroy my trade, And take the worms appointed food, Our mortal clay : Yet every urn shall yield its shade, And worms will in the living brood, Nor lose their pray. 56 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Ere which I hope to be at rest, Another leave to act my part, The bell to toll And those to weep who love me best, And kiss me, sighing from the heart, " Peace to his soul ! " A nation will not miss me much. Yet not more sweet doth Lincoln sleep, Nor pope, nor king Than I shall when death's demon touch Sends me to earth, no more to weep, Or dread his sting." CANTO SIXTH And now, my muse, turn we again, To where, erstwhile, we left the twain, Not each distinctive act to trace, In this first toilet of our race ; For earth contained no gossip then To tell how people dressed, and when, Thus none beheld dear mother Eve Working her head out through her sleeve; Or with his coat on upside down, Saw father Adam of renown. This anecdote, bv Eve was told To her grandchildren when quite old, And was handed down through Noah To the descendants of Nahor. 58 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And later Edora's daughters laugh Round Jacob leaning on his staff, As he the ancient story tells, While making merry with those belles. Thus it came down in line direct And so I have it quite correct. Now, as there is no act of fate, Fashion and style to regulate, They, though at first somewhat perplexed, Get things at last all rightly fixed, When hand in hand, and wide awake, Their \vay into the world they take, Adam to plant, and Eve to sew, Where tares abound and thistles grow. A firm resolve is in each heart, To give themselves a fitting start, Living as far from Satan's thrall As found consistent with the fall ; THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 59 And with the tribes on record place The Genesis of Adam's race. Obedient to nature's laws When weary on their march, they pause, The dust from off their garments shake, And marvel that their bones should ache ; When near their halting place, is seen A mossy hillock, soft and green, Fit sofa for a fallen queen. Now mother Eve reclining here And contemplating woman's sphere Moistens her frailty with a tear ; While Adam dinner on the brain Ascends a tree, food to obtain, And finding soon a fruitful limb He calls on Eve to follow him. " Oh, no ! " says Eve, " I'm safer here, For we might fall again, my dear." 60 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Says he " I had not thought of that," Then with the fruit fills up his hat, Cautious descends, then cool and calm, Dines with his rib, and feels no harm. For covert from the lion's paw, And other beasts with man at war, And shelter from the wind and storm, An urgent need they feel and see, So when refreshed from spring and tree, They give to architecture thought. Their plans are to a focus brought, And every energy is bent On the erection of a tent ; And when the occidental breeze Danced through the sunset, on the trees, Finished, and firm, the fabric stood, And Adam's voice pronounced it good ; "While in the distance, Eve we see THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 61 Pre-meditating near a tree, CJ * As to what fruit she'll have for tea. Which question, settled to her mind She sinks the chosen bush behind, And from its laden branches picks, While at its roots, the death watch ticks Merrily to the lively cheer Of the cricket singing near. Till cultivation brought them bread, Wild fruit was all the food they had, And simple water from the brook The only beverage they took : While in the tent their wants were few, And little work they found to do ; Thus in simplicity they dwelt, And Eden's loss was lightly felt, Until the leaven of the tree Inflated their posterity. 62 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Take now our " period's female," As fully rigged, before the gale, She sweeps across the serpent's trail ; And let some popular divine, Whose sermons make earth's Sabbaths shine. And fill men's souls with sacred wine. At holy matrimonial shrine Unite her to some masculine Of ton and fashion the latest make ; And as they float on hymen's lake, Observe what special pains they take, To trace the windings of the snake; And all their ways and wants compare With what their pristine parents were; Then cast the odds, and we behold, The Devil's boot, when Eve was sold ! From the exchange of Belzebub, Of spirit circles, still the hub, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 63 A few diabolos are sent To sympathize around the tent, And with the owls collected there, To serenade the fallen pair, From which event no ill or harm Came to their dwelling, or alarm. So wearied nature found repose, Till in the morn refreshed they rose, Adam to clear a garden patch, And Eve new ways and means to hatch. Now, the command was very strict That they should learn arithmetic ; So when a season here they run They " multiply and carry one ; " Rejoicing in their figure three, Because, as yet, they cannot see The vagabond he is to be : 64: THE ANTEDILUVIAN. So Eve sings him lullabys, Sings to him of snakes and lies. THE FIRST BABY SOXG. Hush ! Hush, my dear baby, And listen to me, While I sing you the song Of the snake and tree. When time was beginning, And mother was new, And living in Eden, With nothing to do : A tall, polished serpent, A talkative snake, Oft walked in our garden His wits all awake. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Where proud of the wisdom With which lie was blest, lie became one fine day Of Satan possessed. And there in the garden, With apples bent down, Loomed over all others, The tree of renown. 'Twas a harbinger, there, Of Heaven's intent, Whose blessings to mortals Through Satan are sent. Though its secret was hid, And virtue concealed, Till found by this Demon And to ine revealed. U6 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. For 'twas here, my darling, And under this tree, Ye sweet talking serpent Came tricking to me. Yea, bright was his garnish, And luring he smiled, Be wary, my darling ! Be cautious, my child ! His crest, now, is fallen, And dust is his food, And over creation He scatters his brood ; His fangs are extended, And play round his face, And blazed on his forehead, These words we may trace ;- THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 67 " Confusion to Adam ! Though lofty his head, The sweat of his temples Shall moisten his bread! And his children, for aye Our God shall reprove For seizing the knowledge I brought from above ! " Beware of this serpent, And when on his trail, Look out for the circle Described by his tail ! And when comes to your ears His warning rattle, Then think of thy mother, Be brave in the battle ! 68 THE ANTEDILUVIAN'. * Remember he lured her, And left her in shame, Go, arm with a cudgel ! And strike, in her name! For this is the Demon, Released with his brood; When I ate of those apples, That tasted so good ! Oh ! beware of this brood ! My own precious child ; For they're in all the land ; And the earth is defiled ! The tribes that are coming Shall bow to his sway, And knowledge in battle Its thousands shall slay : THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 69 Till the tree, now pregnant * With apples of doom, Shall yield earth a goddess, To light up the gloom ! Hark ! hark, my dear baby ! The voice of our God, In thunder from Heaven, Peals out from the cloud ! 'Twas not thus in Eden Where mother was queen, No thunder was there, Or lightning, or rain. But Pison and Gihon, And other streams nigh Gave mists to the garden Which never was dry. 70 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 1 And the angels of light Spoke soft, cheerful words, And danced with thy mother. And sang with the birds. When from earth, and our fall, They shall wing me away, Oh I remember the song That I sing thee to-day. This song the polished, Intelligent snake, That walked in the garden His wits all awake. Yes, rife were his manners, And winning he smiled; Be wary, my darling, Be cautious, my child ! THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 71 What I closing thy peepers ? Not hearing a word? Almost with the angels ; In regions of Nod ? Well, dinner is ready, And Adam I'll call, So kiss me, my firstling, Then sleep on, that's all. CANTO SEVENTH. The early and the latter rain Falls on his vineyard, corn, and grain, While Adam cultivates each row, "With perspiration on his brow ; For him, and his, the world goes round ; Eve tends the pot, he tills the ground. While hopeful Cain, scorning to crawl, Or longer hang npon the wall, Drives round the dooryard on the goat Heedless of mother's warning note. Oh, ye ! whose children cry for bread, Go, till the land, as Adam did, Gird up your loins, and buckle to it ! Too many rather die than do it. THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 73 And ye, fair ones of modern times, Wild votaries at fashion's shrine, Fizzled, and flounced, with hard earned dimes, Contemplate this primeval scene And blush, that is, if you can - !N"ot that young scamp, my muse would note Demoralizing with the goat ; But ye, whilom ancestral pot, Legs on the bottom, lid on top I Oh, ye I plain wholesome kitchen knowledge, Dear relic of the old " has been \ " Fain I fain, would she soar with thy porridge, To the tents of the daughters of men I When Adam's vintage graced the lease, And mellow fruit hung on the trees, Ere Sol had left the orient, A figure four came to the tent, When for his father Cain was sent. 4 74: THE ANTEDILUVIAN. He found that parent in the field, And in this wise the news revealed : " A 'ittle tranger's to us tame Ot ma onts you to turn and name, He's just as tunnin' as a titten, An' mover's got 'im in your mitten." " Just so," says Adam, " that's all right, Go tell her I'll be home ere night, And hang the mitten on the gable, We'll name him when she's better, Able. And mind, my boy, keep binning bright A fire within the tent to-night ; For mischief's brewing in the weather, And we must keep close watch together. I've noticed many signs to-day, Telling of Demon stretch this way, They're quick to scent all mortal joy, So we must keep awake, my boy, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 75 Watching, with prayer, and Ebenezer, Shall take men through worse times than these are ; Keep this in mind, and understand, My seed must subjugate the land : Unless these imps take social form, In which event there'll be a storm, And then, though earth he overflown, Jehovah's sure to save his own." Thus Adam spake, putting to rout Some few diabolos on scout, When Cain returning to the tent Pondered these sayings as he w'ent. To be recalled in after times. When stained with blood, and steeped in crimes. The wheels of time revolving move, Our fallen pair contented prove, They borrow not, or do they care, To lend their neighbors of the air. 76 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Adam toils on, no fear or thought Of poaching on a neighbor's lot, Seed time and harvest, hears none say " You're cultivating the wrong way, From east to west your rows should tend, You'll not have half a yield my friend ; " Till blest with sight of stock and vine ; While mother Eve from goat or kine, Their lactescent fluid squeezes. As she contemplates curds and cheeses; And thus they live as roll the years, Attending to their own affairs. But Satan, who likes not this style, Leaving his throne, puts on a smile, And to his imps says " come on now, ' Let us go up and make a row ! " 'Tis thus a fuss is brought about, The brothers have a falling out, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 77 Young Cain and Abel can't agree, They differ in theology ! So Cain resolves to be a hero, And Abel falls, falls to zero! When Cain receives a mark or brand, That none shall slay him in the land, With this he left his home and God, And journeyed to " the land of Nod," Where he located with his spouse, But who she was, no mortal knows. Howbeit, an Enoch here they had, Who was the father of Irad ; And here a city, too, they raised, Around which Jabal's cattle grazed; Here Jubal's ancient harps were tuned, And earth's primeval organs groaned, Here Lamech's wife, Zillah the younger ; Reared Tubal Cain, the iron-monger. 78 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Judging from what Laineeh confessed, This city of the fratricide With holiness was never blessed ; But went with the apostate tide, Till Heaven's wrath, throuy/i, X null's flood, Avenged her wrongs, and Abel's blood. Since which, we find in every place, Among the tribes, that Adam's race Associate the man of mark With deeds diabolic and dark ; While on his name there rests such stain, No child has since been christened Cain. Old Enoch ! city of the flood, And refuge of the " Sons of God ! " Who, falling from their first estate, Brought Adam's race to sin and fate ! Some other bard thy walls must scale, Tally thy gates, and chant thy wail ! THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 79 Some other muse delve in thy lore, And freighted with thy debris soar To contemplate thy dark decades, And conjure up thy hero's shades! These giant sons of God, make known, And bring men's daughters " bone to bone : : ' Mine chooseth rather to reflect Her rays upon the line direct. Old moons depart, and new ones come, Our sovereign pair are still at home, And as they put life's business through, Another figure comes to view ; Which chosen Seth, in Abel's place (Whence sprang the Abrahamic race), Grew up to be his parents' pride And left an Enos when he died. Enos, a Oainan did reveal Who dying left Mahalaleel ; 80 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And long before Adam was buried, Mahalaleel produced a Jared, By whom an Enoch was begot, Who walked uprightly, and was not. Methuselah the next in line, Foots up nine hundred sixty-nine ; And sixty -six was Lamech's age, When Adam left this pilgrim stage. Next comes the hero of the flood, "Who built the ark of gopher wood, And by his energetic action, Of all creation, saved a fraction ; According to the Lord's command, Who had proposed to flood the land, Apostate peoples to efface, And with them, such of Adam's race, As might be tinctured with the stains Of blood, not lineal, from his veins. TIIK ANTEDILUVIAN. 81 This upright fraction proved so small, That one light bark conveyed them all. Upon that sea without a shore To Ararat with father Noah ; Where, when the waters were restrained, We're told their ancient craft remained, Long after patriarch and sons, With their wives and little ones, Beasts, creeping things, and birds that fly Had landed safe to multiply. And they a new departure take Thence from the altar, which they make, Cheered by the " bow of promise " sent, The token of the covenant. In mathematics Noah was good, And navigation understood ; Grounding the ark on Ararat, Appears the fault of young Japheth, 82 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Who, having fell asleep, 'twas said Neglected thus to "cast the lead." Schooled by the masters of his time, He stood an oracle sublime, And taught his children how to shun And circumvent the " evil one." But when the world, in knowledge grown, For wickedness was overthrown, Noah's good judgment somewhat strayed. And that event to knowledge laid. With sacred wine blent demon guile, And "took a drink" or in a "smile" Indulged then cursed the seed of Ham ; Which curse of late good " Uncle Sam," With modern teachers for his guide, Has labored hard to set aside ; And if the curse be but of earth, Having its genesis, or birth THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Solely from Noah's " getting tight," Then " Uncle Samuel " is right : And Heaven speed him on his way In boosting np our colored clay ! But if this curse, by God's ordained, Humanity has nothing gained, And all the boons of civil right "Will fail to make our darkies white ! This error of the patriarch, His sons embraced, and quenched the spark Of human knowledge stayed its tide Leaving the world to Satan's guide, Who unmolested, for a span, Again seems ruler over man. But 'round the tents of chosen Shem Yet lingered Eden's cherubim, Vicegerent of the " Lofty One " Watching, till Terah's loyal son 83 84- THE ANTEDILUVIAN*. Appeared ; the faithful Abraham, To whom Jehovah said " I AM ! " " Look to the stars and trust in me! E'en as their hosts thy seed shall be ! Nations, and kings shall come of thee, And priests and prophets shall increase Till earth receive the ' Prince of Peace ! ' ' But stay my Muse; restrain this flight ! Xor bathe thy wings in Judah's light! Our task was rather to explore The garden ; and the world of yore : Its patriarchs to recreate ; And from the ruined work of fate Display that serpent to our race, Who "woke up" Eden's masterpiece !" 85 CANTO EIGHTH. Thus having seen one flesh and blood Restored to earth, through Noah's flood, Let us return to Adam's day, His lengthened span of life survey, And estimate his social clay. To Him, who clothed in majesty, Directs through space the rolling spheres, A thousand years is but a day, A day e'en as a thousand years. Thus Adam's years were multiplied, While in a day he lived and died. Moses gives us to understand His pilgrimage eventful, and Diversified in many ways, 86 THE ANTEDILUVIAN". Upon the life tide of those days ; "When fallen angels dwelt with men, Producing mutiny and sin. He saw the tribes spring from his tent, With an inhuman offspring blent, And welded by the fiends' cement. Wept o'er the chosen Abel, slain By his unhallowed brother Cain ; Had daughters ruined in their prime, By these strange beings of his time ; Yet no one ever heard him grieve ; That he forsook not mother Eve, In that hugely pregnant hour, Yielding her to demon power ; As a less manly soul had done, Hugging to Paradise, alone. And though Satanic pressure then Was stronger than it since has been, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 87 Oar parent noble patriarch ! Stood up and toed the moral mark ; Walking before that mongrel clan, A circumspect and model man ; Then dying, left his line direct, The testament of the elect. Now, as some tribes may like to know Just why it was, he died, and how, It may be well enough to state The circumstances of his fate ; And furthermore, proceed to tell The manner of his funeral ; Adding some inferential views, Which are suggested by my muse. Believing in that early creed, Prognostic of the promised seed, And fostering a lively hope That sin some day, might have less scope, 88 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. He nourished in this vale of tears Nine centuries and thirty years, And having stood by mother Eve, When the apple sealed her doom, He, too, the scenes of earth must leave, And be gathered to the tomb. So Death comes by, one pleasant day, And takes his power to breathe away ; Bids him unto his sceptre bow, And stamps his seal upon his brow ; Stills the pulse and chills the blood, "When soars the spirit to its God, Leaving the clay inanimate, To find its antecedent state. " Adam is dead ! " 'tis whispered low, The tents of Seth are draped in woe, Eight, generations feel the blow, And tears, with old Euphrates flow, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 89 As here, the distant tribes collect To pay their tribute of respect, And on life's brevity reflect, With sympathy for nearer kin And charity for innate sin. Then, holy Enoch, bathed in tears, liecounts his deeds through all his years, And points them to their God above, And to the antedated king, The seed appointed to remove The venom of the serpent's sting ; While lamentation rends the air, From all the thousands gathered there. The tribes of Nod, Kingship maintain, And join as mourners in the train ; While tents extraneous dot the plain, Of multitudes antemundane, Which wing of doomed celestial pride Turned out to swell the imposing tide. 90 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Thus father Adam's fated clay Was honored in that early day. Our mother Eve, not long before Had journeyed to the silent shore ; And after preparations made Near her, to have the father laid, They move, with slow and measured pace Toward the consecrated place, AY here his remains are laid in view, That all may take a last adieu. " Peace to his dust ! " the stern tribes cry, As in their turn they're winding by ; " Peace to his dust ! " each patriarch said, Then lowered him to his hallowed bed, And left him to his final rest, Restored unto his mother's breast. What though with sin he be defiled, She recognizes but her child, And takes unto her pure embrace THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Old Adam, father of his race. Thus sanctified, and high above Corruption, bides maternal love. A glory, not in Eden known, Now radiates the mother's zone, And sits enthroned upon her brow, Distilling like the precious dew An essence, pure and undefined, Around the pathway of her child ; And giving aspirations flow, That time nor change can overthrow ! And when she's gathered to the tomb And we, the mourners' hearth surround, There comes a fragrance from the bloom Of memories, with glory crowmed. Dear mother Eve, had but this grace Adorned thy brow, beneath that tree, Satan and his apostate race 92 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. In vain had surely tempted thee ! This fact the arch deceiver knew, So hurried on his fiendish crew, And faltered not till he could read (Or thought he could), a title deed To found his kingdom, and proceed To rule and wreck the coming breed. We know not why 'twas thus to be, Or why in Eden grew that tree ; We only know we find sin here, An institution on our sphere, And that we find no earthly zone, Where thistle down has never blown, Or country, with such wholesome laws That men won't toil in Satan's cause ; We can't tell why we were not born Where blooms the rose without a thorn, Or why a spacious world like tin's, Should have no spot of perfect bliss ! THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 93 We only know the first transgression. Gave to Satan full possession Of all who have the " least discretion," We know not why Eve was beguiled. Before a babe on earth had smiled ; Or how the garden could have joys Without its little girls and boys ; We only know they come to us With smiles, that antedate the curse, And ar'nt of Adam's paradise, Where Satan's kingdom had its rise, But of that city, whose foundation Knows no wreck or devastation, And pay no tribute to the fiend, Till from their innocence they're weaned. Ye, who the woman's courage doubt, And call her nervous, weak and vain, Go, ask the anaconda out, 94: THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And walk with him without a cane. Eve met him thus, in Eden's bower, When he was crowned with demon power, And walked with him without a dread, Before his first great coat was shed ; You hail him in the wilderness And he'l salute you with a hiss, And if you're not like Daniel blest, He'll gulp you down, pants, coat, and vest. Eve heard the beast expound and preach, When he had brains and power of speech, Embraced his creed, and thought how wrong To live without her sight so long ; And now, though brains and speech are gone, His flattened head still preaching on, Corroborates each line and verse, That give the story of the curse ; And tells us, fewer brains are his, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. 95 Who doubts the book of Genesis ! Mother of tribes ! First multiplier, Chief rib of our immortal sire ! Through all the changes earth has seen, The snake has kept thy memory green, And will, till sin shall yield to grace, When basilisk and cockatrice Shall fraternize with Adam's race, And that apostate, Belzebub, Deliver up his hostile club. That millennial morn shall bring Joy to the snake ; losing his sting, His wits, that left him at the fall, He shall be able to recall, And rank on earth, harmless and wise, As erst he did in Paradise, Freed from the " father of all lies," Sages, and priests, he will advise, And with new unction touch their eyes ; 06 THE ANTEDILUVIAN. Mothers shall seek his dwelling place, And leave their babes in his embrace ! Children will smile to hear his name, And elders sing \vith glad acclaim, His star (eclipsed that death might reign),' Restored to bless the world again. And thou ! great Alpha of our race ! Who with thy rib, didst death embrace! All tribes to thee their source may trace, And though in scientific mire, Some, hankering for another sire, Ally themselves unto the brute, And write mankind, but monkey fruit Thy name, and fame, baptized shall be, In the dread Jordan of the tree! And with the fallen serpent's sting, Shall onward through the ages ring ! While rising generations sing, THE ANTEDILUVIAN. And round the realms of science swing This tail of human oriin. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-17m-8,'55(B3339s4)444 an A 001372152 i PS 991