rentes Thos. W. Wrenne & Qo. 407 UNION STREET offer the facilities of their NASHVILLE. TENN GREAT BANKING HOUSE For Real Estate Investments, Sales and Loans to tennessee visitors / 9oJ THE MILBURN WAGON COMPANY - ;...-. s^gsg^ac. 8 4 8 SSw.^^ 'TTfTiifl ^ W ! • 1 1 % ^V^jvll III ! ." ' l| V! 'illflit BBBft^r'^ifp^**^'- mSi «iftlii»^S*ra MHm^gi stspF 9 7 OUR PLANT: TOLEDO, O. COVERING 61 ACRES CAPACITY, 75,000 FINISHED VEHICLES PER VR. NN^ OUESALE AND ft^ 'L Manufacturers Driving Wagons Top Buggies Surries Spring Wagons Delivery Wagons Farm Wagons and Rail Road Carts OUR NASHVILLE BRANCH The Largest Exclusive Buggy and Wagon Distributing House in the Entire South Jobbers In Harness and Rubber Tires WHITE NASHVILLE BRANCH F3R CATALOGUE AM PRICES — ^-%#^ E. C. 0OYKIN, Manager When the people in the South make what is worn in the South, then will come our first real independence. — make many improvements in the grounds and provide new features and increased premiums for the pleasure and profit of its patrons. IJTlir interest that is shown by the farmers, live stock breeders and manufacturers of Ten nessee fully establishes their deep interest in the Fair of this year, and that they realize and appreciate the great benefits to be derived from an annual exhibition of the products of the farm, herds and factories. IflThe manaj ment has spared no pains, labor or expense in arranging for this exhibition, and feels confident that all visitors will be enthusiastic over what the}- will see — the products of the brain and brawn of the sons of the grand old "Volunteer State." We extend a hearty wel come to every one from every state, and bid them enjoy themselves to the utmost Committees Executive Committee John Early, Chairman E. S. Shannon, Secretary Jos. Frank E. W. Foster Irby Bennett John Coode Overton Lea James Palmer H. M. Brennecke Edgar M. Foster A. H. Robinson George Hi lolle Board of Directors Overton Lea George Holle M. M. Gardner E. S. Gardner E. S. Shannon John Early A. H. Robinson Edgar M. Foster O. J. Timothy C. F. Frizzell John Coode Wm. J. Cummins H. M. Brennecke J. M. Overton Irby Bennett L. C. Garrabnnt James Palmer James C. Bradford R. Houston Dudley John H. DeWitt Nathaniel Baxter Louis Lebeck E. R. Richardson Joseph Frank H. W. Buttorff E. W. Foster J. D. B. DeBow F. B. Seawnght Jame; McConnell William Gersi Standing Committees Amusements-John Early. James Paimer. J. W. Russwurm Concessions- Jos. Frank, John Coode, H. M. Brennecke Transpo.tation-L. C. Garrabrant. H. M. Smith. J. D. B. DeBow Premium List - Overton Lea. E. W. Foster. Frank B. Seawngh. Publicity -Edgar M. Foster. A. H. Robinson. E. S. Shannon Building Committee- Jame, Palmer. J. W. Ru swurm. May Overton. John Early Gates and Admission;- C. F. Frizzell. Edgar Foster. George H. Holle Finance-John Early. W J Cummins. Geo. H. Holle ^ Falls Business College Broadway and Eighth Ave. NASHVILLE, TENN. REFERENCES These references are placed here because ever) corporation, firm, bonk, "i | on mr n tioned has had, or now has from one to one dozen of the graduates of this ( '..llr^e employed: Hon. M k. Patterson, Governor of Tenm Hon. J<>hn I. Cox, Ex-Governor ol renni Hon. James s. Prazier, Bx-Governoi ol Tenm Hun. Benton Mc.Millin Hon. Robert L. Taylor, i > i Hon James D. Porl The Nashville Board of Trade I ifflclali ol The Officials ol the I lounty The t Ifflclals of the City The American National Bank The First National Bank The Merchants National Bank The Union Bank .V Trn The Nashville Trust i The Officials of L a N. R R The Officials of L. & N. Terminal The Officials ol N ftC.R] The Officials of I C R.R. The < <>v., .;.,,.,,, S(m . The only one in Nashville which hai the full confidence of the PUBLIC. If this is not so, why is it that every bmlt in Nashville has its graduates, and 95 per cent of the rail- roads are patrons of this COLLEGE? BE SURE YOU INVESTIGATE BEFORE CON- TRACTING .■■ The Officials of all the Lierarv Colleges, Academic-., and Institutes in and a All the Officials of the Peabody Normal College Ninetv-five percent of all the pastors and church officials of all donnmti The Nashville Board of Education The Corn's of Watkins Institute Night School All reputable expert , All Presidents, General Managers, and Superintendents o all the manul . The'Western Union Telegraph Co. rhe Postal Pelegrapl The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co.. and ninety nine per cent of all t: I Hshlng houses and wholesale and retail merchants All the United States officials in this city whose n our beau ifuH u or out of it The United States Supremi The Judges of the United States Supreme Court I The Judgeg of the State Supreme Court and and < ourl son ' ounty The Officials of the Nashville Railway & Light I and Nashvil The Officials of all the bote's, insurance companies, real The Claude J. Bell Educational Bureau 1 ' The Gregory Talc. Blackboai The Supenntendent ot I u All religious and secular newspapers, periodicals, Bfl For further Information and Individual References, Call on Us. Telegraphy, Railroading, and all other Commercial Branches thoroughly taught by educated teachers. Enter now. ALEXANDER FALL. President $mtnvt8 at ®he iffatr of 19uT The Mexican National Band will give daily Concerts throughout the Fair. Free Acts on 40-foot platform in front of grandstand each after- noon and night. Daily Exhibitions of Live Stock. Open Air Horse Show five nights of Fair. Daily Aerial Flights by latest improved airship. Grand Live Stock Parade Thursday afternoon. Poultry Institute and Egg Laying Contest. Tented Camp Grounds where visitors may spend the week with the Fair Association. ■Mi l • I f • il-l 'I I I I I I l l i l l l I I I I I Push Principles AND YOUR BUSINESS WILL GROW Retails $3.50 to $7.00 Retails $3.50 to $7.00 HOLLINS SONS & COMPANY Nashville, Tennessee ai'iii'i'ii 1 1 1 tii ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hlllllillll Hiililliilnl. Dilnl I I I I nil I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I _l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Centrally located. Newly furnished, delightful rooms. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Service unsur- passed. Rates for the Fair unchanged, $1.50 and $2.00 per day i i i i i i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I i 4 I Fifth Avenue Inn I \ Consolidated I i Electric Co. JAMES SHINGLETON. Man.irr Electrical Contractors and dealer* in Dynamos, Motors and Electrical Supplies, Elec- tric and Combination Chandeliers A Home for Homecomers MISS MAGGIE WEBBER Proprietress Wt Reconstruct and Repair any make of Klcitru Apparatus 416 Deaderick St. NASHVILLE, TENN "l'il'T'1'1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I • • • • ■ I I I I 9 Information for the Public 4. The Fair grounds will be open to the public on Monday, September 23, at 9 o'clock a. m. and will open each day thereafter at 8 o'clock a. m. 5. Vehicles and automobiles will be admitted to the grounds at the main driveway on payment of the following fees : One- horse vehicle, 25 cents; two-horse vehicle, 35 cents; one-seat auto- mobile, 25 cents ; two-seat automobile, 35 cents. A well-arranged hitch-yard will be provided by the Fair Association, and no hitch- ing will be allowed on the grounds except in this enclosure. A separate yard will be furnished for automobiles. 6. The Fair Association will also provide a hitch yard just outside the grounds, where visitors may hitch their horses free of charge. 7. A conveniently located check room will be provided on the grounds where visitors may check lunch baskets and other articles at a small cost. 8. Within the grounds is located a beautiful grove that will be set aside for lunch grounds and the general public is cordially invited to avail themselves of the conveniences here offered. Basket dinners may be brought to the grounds and the noon hour pleasantly spent in meeting and eating with one's friends. For the convenience of those who do not care to bring their din- ners, these grounds will be provided with a modern restaurant catering the best the market affords at a reasonable price. 9. The facilities for reaching the grounds are excellent, both by street railway and private conveyance. Visitors coming to the Fair over the Illinois Central Railway may leave trains at Fair Grounds Station, within a few feet of the south entrance to the grounds. Those coming from south of Nashville over the Louisville & Nashville Railroad may leave trains at Wedge- wood Avenue, a short distance from the main entrance and di- rectly on the line of the street railway to the grounds. The Eighth Avenue and Glendale Street Railway line runs direct to the main entrance of the grounds. ADMISSION FEES. 10. The charge for admission to the grounds will be as follows: General admission $0.50 Grand stand from 1 to 6 p. m .25 Children between 5 and 12 years of age .25 One-horse vehicle .25 Two-horse vehicle .35 One-seat automobile .25 Two-seat automobile .35 Campers ticket, good for entire week 2.00 11. A "Bureau of Information" will be located just inside the grounds at the main street railway entrance, where information regarding the Fair may be obtained. 12. A postoffice will be maintained on the grounds and all mail sent in care of the State Fair Grounds will be brought each day to the grounds for delivery. 10 Our Pictorial Advertising Bulletins are the finest in the country, and they make you more money than they cost *P ^ — When in a hurry for good signs telephone Sory and your wants will be quickly supplied 3 l6 Fourth Avenue, North J/6 Fourth Avenue, North 13. The grounds will be open to the public each day from 8 a. m. to 12 midnight, beginning Monday morning and ending Saturday night. 14. Xo gambling, pool selling or any immoral shows or dis- orderly conduct will be tolerated on the grounds. JACKSON STATUE-STATE CAPITOL CONFEDERATE MONUMENT -MT. OLIVET CEMETERY Courtesy Davie Pointing Co, T. O. MORRIS E I. mmkri- T. O. Morris <& Co. Wholesale Fruit and Produce M erchants No. 130 Second Avenue, North Phone Main 99 NASHVILLE, TENN. E. Calvert p. u , A , , KMT Calvert Brothers I'hotoi; RAPHBRS and Portrait Painters COR. FOURTH AVI-:., and ONION ST. I'hone 202 N ISH71 i.i-i. Tk.n n Lei G0S6Y »• 1" Hatter We fit people that never had a fit We block Panamas, manufacture, retail and renovate felt hats 317 Fourth Ave., North NASHVILLE, TENN CHAS.SHINKLE. DR. W. A. ATCHISON. Puts and Trias Vici Ptu Both Summer .ind Wir.te* U ,• Comfort the People Southern Ice & Coal Co, First and Fatherland Sts. NASHVILLE, TENN GOVERNOR FOLK GOVERNOR PATTERSON Daily Official Program MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. Address of Welcome — Gov. M. R. Patterson. Response — Gov. Jos. W. Folk, Missouri. Addresses by Senator Robt. L. Taylor, Hon. Henry Watterson, ORDER OF EXHIBITION. Hon. Edw. W. Carmack. Horses — Pacers. Grade, German Coach. Ponies — Other than Shetland. OPEN AIR HORSE SHOW MONDAY NIGHT. (First class called at 8 o'clock p. m.) Light Harness Horse — Single. Stallion, mare or gelding to be shown to runabout. Shetland Ponies Under Saddle. Animals not to be over forty-six inches in height. To be ridden by boy not over 14' years of age. W&^ffiffii Ewell farm ESTABLISHI Breeders of Trotters, Pacers Shetland Ponies, Jersey Cattle ^%= and Southdown Sheep *&l? Postoffice: SPRING HILL, MAURY COUNTY TENN. R. R. Station: ewclls, tenn ON L ». N m R . 12 MruM SOUTH Or NAJHVILLI Home of JOHN R. GENTRY, 2:00y 2 . Sire of fifteen with records. Three of the get of John R. Gentry have trials of 2: 10 or better in 1907. McEWEN, 2:1 8 %. Sire of Rudy Kip, 2:04 V. and thirty-two others with race Evidence of Excellence In fifteen showings at Tennessee State Fair, 1906, we won Thirteen First Prizes, Five Seconds and Two Thirds. FOR SALE Young Stock, Stallions, Mares, Colts and Fillies, of highest quality and extreme speed blood-lines always on hand for sale. OUR JERSEYS Represent the best of the famous Ten- nessee Strains. Herd headed by Mar- chande 2nd's Torment, a grand- Geo. Campbell Brown Percy Brown. PROPRIETORS The Blood of BROWN HAL is specialized at Ewell Farm. PROGRAMME- Continued Most Stylish Single Rig. (Either light or heavy harness.) Mare or gelding, to be shown to appropriate vehicle, to be driven by lady or gentleman. Heavy Harness Pairs. Horses to be over 15^ hands high and to be shown in heavy harness to appropriate vehicle. HON. HENRY WATTERSON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. I [ORSES — Roadsters. Saddle Horses. Ponies — Shetland. Jacks and Jennets. Cattle — Beef Breeds, Shorthorns. Dairy Breeds, Jerseys' Swine — Berkshires. Sheep — In order of premium list. 16 THE COUCH BEAUTIFUL The perfection of modern art and industry is in no way better exemplified than in tlir recent products of cabinet makers, whose skill and ingenuity appear to have exhausted the |>"s- sibilities of all of the woods of the forest. Distance has offered no barrier to the importation of materials, nor has :nn in • expedient been overlooked that would, in the slightest way, aid in attaining the highest achieve- ment in this line of work. Great, however, as the advancement has been in all branches of wood-working, notobk in fine Furniture and Pianos, none has equalled that of the present day Casket, which hi brought to a plane of beauty and elegance that places it among the most exquisite products c if the day. To this particular line of cabinet work The National Casket Co. has given its sin* ■ and best efforts, in the belief that there should be nothing more chaste or beautiful than the couch of final rest. With this idea always in mind it has been their constant endeavor to make • duction an object of beauty, appealing to the artistic sense, not only by its ru"lil> i Oriental wood, but also by soft and effective drapings of the finest, sheerest silk. The output of the company's various mills comprises caskets of evei from the rarest woods elaborately carved, to the simp!" unadorned OOUch, but all are alike in way of substantial construction and superior workmanship. The latest products of the National Casket Company, which arc the beet that long experience and ample capital can produce, are to be had of the leading Funerel Directors in the United States. Upon intimation to any of them thai inspection IS desired, il mm he had at any of the Company's show rooms, where caskets made from a great variety of w0 Big |V|cjTK6lS J |9 CJty Market. Phone Main 792 PROGRAMME— Continued WEDNESDAY NIGHT. (First class called at S o'clock p. m.) Ladies' Turnout. Single horse, nu r e or gelding, to trap or phaeton. To be driven by lady who may be accompanied by gentle- man. Shetland Ponies — Single Harness. ( Animals not to exceed forty-six inches in height.) To be shown in single harness to appropriate vehicle and driven by boy or girl not over 15 years of age. agricultural building-state fair Gentleman Driver. Ligfht harness horse to runabout or road wasron. Gaited Saddle Horse. Mare or welding:. . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. Horses — Light Harness, Groups and Specials. .Miles — Size, Classification and Teams. Cattle — Beef Breeds, Angus and Polled Durhams. Swim; — Durocs. Sheep— In order of premium list. Livestock parade at 4 p. m. 20 Xr , i?T|r tfr »|r rf^ t|t r|r ^ ^|r rlr »:tr ^ ^r r|r r|^ »|r ^t* *•-•'!- -?• -f^ •f* •f* ^|r«#r^dc * * * * * * * * * THE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE CITY Capital, $100,000.00 Undivided Profit*, $26,833.78 (tttttf 9abttupB Sank Conducts a General Banking Business and Pays Four Per Cent on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes of the latest improved pattern OFFICERS A. S. WILLIAMS. PRESTO] m DIRECTORS H. L. POX, Casrii r A.S.WILLIAMS F. O. WATTS W. S. BRANSPORD C. P. PRIZZELL JAMBS. B.CALDWELL ANDY MBADORS V. ]•:. SCHWAB W. R. COLE M.J. SMITH II. I. POX :- * * r r 4 r r r r r r r r |*4i444.4.4.444»4 k ^ i ^4«^^4«4«4«x W^********^^rfrrf?^^^r^^rh^»? ! '. r r r t * r I * 4 I \ * * ijJ4*4*4* 4»^4*4* 4*4* 4. 4. 4. ^ *h *»* 4- *»• ►»• *•• 1- *r ►»<• ••« *♦* "l* »r ;< * * * * * Jensen, Herzer & Jeck Jewelers g Diam ond Merchants Honest Goods at Honest Prices Perfect Diamonds Only Out-of-town orders receive prompt attention 402 Union St, Phone Main 872 NASHVILLE, TENN, PROGRAMME- Continued THURSDAY NIGHT. (First class called at 8 o'clock p. m.) Light Harness Horses — Pairs. Pair mares or geldings or mare and gelding, to be to runabout or road wagon. shovn Lady Driver, Unaccompanied. Mare or gelding to runabout or road wagon, by lady unaccompanied. To be driven a tennessee cow Harness Ponies Other Than Shetland. (Animals not to exceed fifty-six inches in height.) To be shown in single harness to appropriate vehicle and driven by boy not over 16 years of age. 1 1 e \vy Harness — Pairs. Horses to be not over \Sy 2 hands high and to be shown in heavy harness to appropriate vehicle. Walk, Trot, Canter Horses. Mare or gelding, to be shown under saddle. 22 GREAT BARGAINS in Real Estate. Houses for s.ilc or rent in any port of city. Farms for sale or rent in any part of State. See me when ready to buy or rent :: :; :: :: Phone Hemlock 1517 -L O.W.CROCKETT Office 327 Union St. G<\RDEN SEED FIELD SEED Wood, Stubbs & Co. - Seeds. Fertilizers, Implements V. B.EWING Resident Mgr 109 North Mjrk" •VIII E. TENN. Catalogue mjtleJ free on request ONION SETS FLOWER SEED J$ »f* *|* *f? *f? *f* «f* *fc *fc *fa rf* *fa *£• rf r *?.- rf? *!* *!* *!* *?* *t" •:?* *r* *t"t"t"f * * * * * * * * * * * * An Essential Thing and there are man)-, in the management of a hank is the personal, painstaking care of its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, ili<- officers <>( this institu- tion keep themselves in touch with evry important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. Capital - Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits - - - . - $ 200,000 00 139,003 24 1,636,111 84 OFFICERS EDGAR JONES, Pres. A. H. ROBINS »N, V EUSTICE A. HAIL, Vice-Pres. WATKINS CROCKS I I CaSHIBI E. R. BURR, Assistant Cashier Union B^nk &. Trust Co. Designated Depository for the State of Tennessee 3,08 Third Avenue, North NASHVILLE. 1ENN. r * 4 * ♦ » l * ♦ T * r r r r * Fulcher Brick Company BRICK MAKERS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Nashville, Tenn. BardorvFulcher Cut Stone Company O INTRACTORS AND BUILDERS GRANITE umI MARBI B Ml INI M1MS No. 165 Fourth Avenue, North PROGRAMME- Continued FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. Horses — All classes not previously judged. Cattle — All classes not previously judged. Swine — All classes not previously judged. Sheep — All classes not previously judged. FRIDAY NIGHT. (First class called at 8 o'clock p. m.) Roadster, Mare or Gelding. (Owned in Davidson County for private use.) "NEDJRAM" ( rentleman driver, accompanied by lady. Best light harness road mare or gelding to runabout or road wagon. High Acting Heavy Harness Horse. Mare or gelding, not over 15-3. ) To be shown to appropriate two or four-wheeled vehicle. Potato Race on Ponies. ( For boy riders not over 14 years of age. To ride ponies not over 14 hands high.) 24 Tennessee Auditing Qo. 57-59 Yanderbilt Law Building NASHVILLE, TBNNBSSBB 30 Years' Experience in Accountancy Expert Accounting in all Branches for Corporation*, llim* ami I mil vliluala Installation of Systems ami Cost \< ■«■ la Expert Testimony In Courts on Hand writing Fire Losses A>> No. 3 NOEL BLOCK J. O. Treanor & Son Ftrr Insurant!-: 304 CHURCH STREET TELKl'HONK MAIN 168 NASHVILLE. TBNN PROGRAMME- Continued All contestants must ^art at signal ride fifty yards, dismount, pick up potato, mount, return to starting point and deposit potato in goal basket, continuing until all potatoes are picked up. Win- ner to be the boy placing greatest number of potatoes in basket. Rockaway, Depot Wagon or Coupe Hor^e. (To be shown before appropriate vehicle.) Mare or gelding, not less than 15-3 hands high. ■ TENNESSEE PASTURE SCENE What Tennessee Needs Tennessee has much to be thankful for in the way of citizen- ship, religious and educational institutions, boundless mineral re- sources, excellent forests, fine livestock, fertile lands, the best water, the finest climate and its varied manufacturing and indus- trial institutions, but it has some "wants" yet. She needs more capital, coupled with industry, pluck and brains to develop her boundless resources. Intelligent, industrial emi- grants to build homes in the State and to become prosperous and happy through the cultivation of her fruitful soil. Manufac- turers to add millions of dollars to the value of her cotton crop by spinning and weaving into thread and cloth for mills, steel works, and other industries into which large quantities of iron and steel enter, near our inexhaustible iron ore de- posits where coal of the finest quality and limestone for fluxing, can be found in abundance and in close proximity; to manu- facture the timber of which there is estimated to be in the State more than 16,000,000 acres, about one-half of which is yet virgin forest, into the finished product instead of shipping it 26 Ci)ocicli| Dad uOcpLO llv «. lo\ Cuu GTL''^)^ot%9lCu^,on''j:- ; ^ 1 lVU\vV„K | . SAMPLES BY RETURN MAIL FOSTER. WEBB 5L PARKES SOCIETY ENGRAVERS PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS AND STATIONERS NASHVILLE in the log or as rough lumber, to distant markets ; to operate fer- tilizer factories, to convert the phosphate rock into commercial fertilizers which is now shipped in the rock to distant States and to Europe; to manufacture our large tobacco crops into plug and smoking tobacco, cigars and snuff; agricultural implement manufactories, wagon and carriage factories and wood factories or every kind; manufactories, for hardware articles of various kinds. These are only a few of the many industrial manufacturing concerns that could be successfully and profitably established and conducted under the favorable conditions existing in Ten- nessee, and capital and capacity will find an open door waiting for them. PRIZE CATTLE ON FAIR GROUNDS Advantages of Nashville Death rate low. Health rate high. Gateway to the South. Key to the Southern trade. Free from labor agitation. Best lighted city in the South. Food supplies are abundant and cheap. Fourth shoe market in the United States. Cheapest fuel in the world in abundance. The center of the South's most fertile section. Fourth city in the Union as a milling center. 28 III Yes, Roofings -i • :■: Rex Flintkote Rooling, Grav- el Top Rooling, Ruberoid Roofing, Uncle Hiram's Rubber Roofiing, 2 and 3 Ply Ready Roofing. Makers of Granitoid Sidewalks and Blocks. Manuiacturers of Uncle Hiram's Celebrated A. G. Roof Paint and Metallic Patch Paint for old leaky Roofs. Get Prices and Samples 1 v Uncle Hiram Roofing Go. | L NASHVILLE, TENN. [«] The Duke Hotel PHIL W DUKE, Proprietor Newly furnished, elegant rooms. Rates $1.00 per day. Convenient to the business portion or the city. Special attention given all Homecomers and State Fair patrons .". Phone Main 774 | 3IU Firth Ave, North I NASHVILLE, TENNESS Gray-Fox Tailoring Co WILL M.GRAY. MGB. 2l5fOUI!MA Fine Tailoring and Draping Fall Styles n<>w Ready. Fox" Stick Pina k ! NASHVILLE. TENN. ?, I V u I I »"l "4 v « I CUNCAN McKAY ED RE JOHN E POTTER McKAY. REECE & CO. SEED AND GRAIN MERCHANTS 124 SECOND AVENUE. NORTH TENNESSEE h nashville. tenn Largest hardwood lumber market in the world. Woodworking industries employ three thousand men. Lower freight rates than any other Southern city. Factories employ over seventeen thousand people. One hundred and eighty-five miles of paved streets. Largest grinder of soft winter wheat in the world. The only watchcase manufactory in the South. Unequaled in the beauty and variety of its retail stores. The most important egg and poultry market in the South. Third largest city in the South, white population considered. Every street car in the city enters a central transfer station. Students from abroad spend $2,000,000 per annum in Nashville. Wholesale and retail trade at Nashville amounts to $140,- 000,000. Manufactures 5,000 barrels of flour and 1,500 barrels of meal per day. The largest manufacturer of commercial fertilizers in the United States. Second school city in the United States, and the educational •center of the South. Nashville has a splendid park system. Nashville has the best paved streets in the South. More variety of manufacturing industries than any other Southern city. The political and geographical center of the State, which is bordered by eight other States. The Count} - in which it is located has 200 miles of free turn- pikes and a complete rural free delivery system. Higher commercial rating than any other Southern city, in- dicating prosperity and stability of its commerce. Workingmen live comfortably on less money than elsewhere and work out doors ten months in the year. Eighty-one miles of electric street railway. The largest wholesale hat and millinery houses south of the Ohio river. Nashville has the largest and best wholesale and retail hard- ware stores in the world. Ranks second in the percentage of increase in new buildings erected in the entire United States. Nashville manufactures a greater variety of articles than any •other Southern city. Nashville is the largest jobbing market in the South and con- ceded to be the cheapest. -* Taking a day's railroad ride as a radius and Nashville as a center, there are 20,000,000 people living in a circle thus de- scribed. 30 View of Broad Street looking Wist Bhowing on left JARRATT & LOVE'S HARDWARE STORE Tne Tennessee \A/agon A Southern made wagon, Bold on liberal guarantee. We have the general agency. A card or telephone «rcl get our net prices and terms. There are eight railroads, under four separate managements, tributary to Nashville, and Cumberland river navigable for 600 miles all the year round. Nashville is within 100 miles of three practically inexhaustible coal fields, giving it cheap steam and domestic fuel. .More than 50 per cent increase in manufacturing plants located in Nashville during the past four years. VIEW IN FAIR GROUNDS Historic Points in and Around Nashville Fort Houston was on Currey's Mill, just to the south and west of the reservoir. In 1767 Isaac Lindsey and four others from South Carolina visited the spot now known as Nashville. The Shelby Medical College, founded in 1857, formerly stood where the custom house now stands. The home of William Walker, the "grey-eyed man of destiny," >tands at 142 Fourth Ave., N. Fort .Morton during the civil war was on Kirkpatrick's Mill, where the city reservoir is now located. The State capitol of Tennessee during 1812M815 stood on Broad street, nearly opposite the postoffice. Gen. James Robertson, the founder of Nashville, lived for many years where the transfer station is located now. 32 Courtesy of Davie Printing t\> Sfattonei Nashville Bridge Co. Office, Stahlman Bldg. NASHVILLE, TENN. Bridges, Steel Buildings, Stand Pipes, Roof Trusses, Towers, Girders, Tanks Beams AND ALL KINDS OF STEEL WORK :•: ;■•: | • . i :■■: \ . •: si! Some Recent Local Contracts: Southern Freight Depot, Illinois Central Elevator, Stahknu Bu3o> ing, Howe Ice Co., Waterworks Pumping Station, Gcrst Brewing Co., Vanderbilt University, Nashville Railway & Ughl Prewitt-Spurr Mfg. Co.. Booth & Co., Wholesale M Warehouse Co. -:- -:- -'■- -'■- -'■- Andrew Jackson's law office was situated at 335 Union street, flanked and surrounde 1 l)v fine business buil ings. The old home of Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer, who was killed in the battle of Fishing Creek, stands at 312 Sixth Ave.. X. Eaton's station was located on the east side of the river, near Lock Xo. 1. It may be reached over the White's Creek Pike. Dr. Felix Robertson, the first male white child born in Xash- ville, resided at 129 Fourth Ave., X. The house still stands. The mountains and river known as the Cumberland were named for the Duke of Cumberland, then Prime Minister of Eng- land, in 1748. The first merchandise shop in Xashville was opened on the AGRICULTURAL BUILDING AND GRAND STAND north side of the Public Square, between Second and Third avenues, by Lardner Clark. Champ Ferguson, the noted guerrilla, was executed at the cor- ner of Church and Stonewall streets during the civil war, where the old Tennessee prison stood. The building where the first gun caps were made in Tennessee, and where they were made in large quantities during the civil war, stood at 208-210 Public Square. The first bridge built across the Cumberland began on the northeast side of the Public Square, next to the Methodist Pub- li>hing House, and ran to the Gallatin Pike. 34 mmmmmmm^.^. % k a ; : WE 1 •s WM M. CARR GILBERT S LO( The Apparel Oft Proclaim the Man S :'■: Therefore, you should be careful who makes your clothes. If bought from us you* are guaranteed a fit in the latest styles "We Know Ilou . •: GEO. R. ANTHONY CO. i 210 Fifth A ve. , North X a 1 1 TS NA s/n v/ - / '■ : \ : iffivi*:* 4/:* irt* vt* 3/z s ±fc* -V^* V 1 * i « / > jGGXsX-XsXs&X&sXsXsX^^ E L L W D STOCK FARM Southern headquarters for well bred Poland China Swine and South- down Sheep. Herd headed by the great Mixer, by Keep On and the State Fair winner, Perfect Tecumseh. Most of our sows are either State Fair winners or out of State Fair winners. Flock headed by Imp Stetch worth Conquerer and Banner Bearer. Our stock won more pre- miums than any breeders on the Southern Fair Circuit last year. Youngr stock for sale. Personal inspection solicited. Stock- men met at train by appoint- ment. Long Distance I'hone. Yours to please R. P. HUE GALLATIN, TENN. )®®®&d®&$£& The postoffice originally stood on the northeast corner of Cedar and Third Ave., N., and Gen. Robert Armstrong, one of the heroes of New Orleans, served therein. The City Hotel was located on the east side of the Square, just south of the Methodist Publishing House block. It was in this hotel that Jackson and Benton had their famous duel. Judge John Catron formerly lived on Third Ave., N., opposite the Maxwell House, and his home embraced the entire lot bounded by Church. Third avenue and Bank alley. The Hermitage, home of Andrew Jackson, is eleven miles east of the city on the Lebanon turnpike. It may be reached by both the Southern and the N., C. & St. L. Railways. DAVIDSON COUNTY COURT HOUSE Courtesy Davie Printing Co?npanv, Stationers Felix Grundy, orginally interred in the old City Cemetery, is now buried at Mount Olivet. Grundy was one of the most famous statesmen, orators and lawyers Tennessee ever bore. In 1714 M. Charleville, a Frenchman, engaged in trapping and trading, occupied an old fort, built by the Shawnees, at the junction of Lick Branch and the Cumberland River, as his residence. West Nashville, at a point about four miles west of this city, was the scene of the great Southwest treaty with the Indians, consummated in June, 1783, after two years of bitter warfare. 36 ..'> a- rtjnni = spring ijill, iUaurg ffimtntij. armtrsBrr % ARGE Gymnasium, Hot and Cold Baths, No Saloons, Country Community of High Culture and Fine Morals, Health Conditions Unexcelled, Entrance into Be& Colleges without Examination, Free Scholarships in Eight Leading Southern Universities, Ex- penses Low. Fall Term Begins Wednesday, September 4, 1907 . For Catalogue, address W. G. BRANHAM, M. A. and WILLIAM HUGHES, M. A. PRINCIPALS 37 The old Throne home, on the west side of Sixth avenue, be- tween Union street and Gardner's alley, was the 'home of "Lean Jimmy" Jones, Governor of Tennessee, for a number of years. In 1770 the first commercial venture recorded was made down the Cumberland by Casper Mansker and ten others. They made a boat trip to the Spanish Natchez for the purpose of trading. The camp made by Casper Mansker's party on their trading tour was located on the banks of the river, just a few yards south of the City Gas Company's plant. Nearby stood the old Shawnee fort. lA I pi m CUSTOM HOUSE Courtesy Davie Printing Company, Stationers Davidson Academy, the first educational institution established in Middle Tennessee, which was founded in 17X5. was situated between Second and Fourth Avenues, and immediately south of Peabody street. In 1779 James Robertson and a large party left the Watauga Settlement, under Robertson's prophecy: "We are the advance guard of civilization," and settled at Nashborough, the present center of the city. The building known as the old Zollicoffer Barracks, used as a Federal prison during the Civil war, is the Maxwell House, as it now stands, the building being practically the same, corner Fourth avenue, North, and Church streets. 38 Hibbett, Gentry & Co. WHOLESALE PAPER GROCER'S SUNDRIES 140 SECOND AVENUE. NORTH NASHVILLE. TENN. PURCHASERS OF SALVA(,I STOCKS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC NASHVILLE, TENN. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC-WARD SEMINARY The Leading School of Music in the South Unsurpassed Opportunities for Music Study at Moderate Cost The frequent Recitals, Helpful Musical Atmos- phere, and unusual FREE ADVANTAGES enjoyed by Pupils of WARD CONSERVA- TORY are of incalculable value and benefit. PREPARATION FOR TEACHING A SPECIALTY. Many of our graduates occupy Lucrative Positions. An investigation will dem- onstrate the Superiority of this Institution. THREE GREAT Popular Songs "California is the Place for Me" "Spooning with Your Lady-love" "I'm Liyin' in Hopes of Gellin' a Man" I lns<- Songs ore creating a lug sensa- tion all over i lie country. \ Music Denier for these-. If you can't get them in j our cit) irom the PUBLISHER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH, PREPAID REGULAR SESSION OPENS SEPT. 26, 1907 For further particulars concerning any of the various Departments of Ward Seminary, address: J. D. BLANTON. President, NASHVILLE. TENN. LEW ROBERTS MUSIC PUBLISHER 16 Arcade NasbTlllc Trno. O'BRYAN BROS MANUFACTURERS OF THE Duck Head Brand Factories at NASHVILLE and WEST NASHVILLE, TENN. Overalls and Coats NASHVILLI 39 Freeland's Station, built almost simultaneously with Nash- borough, was located in North Nashville, at the old McGavock place, now the site of the Phoenix Cotton Mills. At this point a hard battle with Indians was fought on January 15, 1781. In 1778 the first settler of Nashville appeared in Thomas Sharpe Spencer, known in history as "Big Foot" Spencer. His first winter in Middle Tennessee was spent in a hollow tree, and his small crop of corn was the embryonic germ of "Greater Nashville." The home of President James K. Polk, formerly the resi- dence of Felix Grundy, U. S. S., stood for many years on Church street, between Seventh and Eight avenues, where the Polk flats now stand. President Polk's body is now interred on the northeast side of the State Capitol grounds. TERMINAL STATION Courtesy Davie Printing Company, Stationers Fort Negley, the scene of bitter conflicts during the great war, lies in a well-preserved state just east of the Boulevard, at a point a few hundred yards north of the city reservoir. The site can be reached over the Glendale or any South Nashville car, and was known as St. Cloud Hill. In Alay, 1797, Louis Philippe, afterwards King of France, visited Nashville with his two brothers, en route to New Orleans. They were entertained at the home of Gen. Wm. B. Lewis while here, under the same roof which afterward sheltered General Lafayette and many other noted men. They went down the Cumberland in a canoe. 40 Greater Nashville's Great Bookstore S^m&E Save Money By calling or writing us for catalogue and prices. We carry constantly in stock the books of all lead- ing publishers, and are prepared to fill orders on short notice at lowest prices. Books, Stationery, Diaries, Blank Books, Fountain Pens, etc. etc. Write for Catalogue to SMITH & LAMAR, Agts. DALLAS. TEX. NASHVILLE, TENN. The Largest Bookstores in the South I Ik- famous battle with Indians, during which Mrs James Robertson turned defeat into victory for the settlers by turning the settlers hounds out of the fort, was fought south "and west "i the fort and north and east of the postoffice, the deadliest part DRIVKWAV of the fray occurring along Broad street between Fourth and Fifth avenues. James Robertson, founder of Nashville, is buried in the old .ty Cemetery on Fourth avenue, South, just this side of the N., 42 NASHVIuLE. TENNESSEE FOUNDED 1667 * MONTGOMERY BELL ACADEMY 4* + Classical, Latin-^cirntific and business iL'onvsrs X S. M. D CLARK. AM . Princifal H T WE SUBMIT TO YOU THE CLAIMS OF THE ACADEMY. BECAUSE- «gi 1. It is the oldest and leading boy s school o( the city; and one ol the be»t equipped 4" preparatory schools of the South., 2. Its partial endowment guarantees permanency. 4. 3. Its certificate* of graduation admit to the Universities without examination. 4* For years its graduates have held the forefront in the professions and the buei- T ness world. The University of Tennessee has given it three scholar ships, tin- •J. Washington & Lee University, of Virginia, one, the Tulanc. of Louisiana, one, and 4" University of the South, one. 3, 4. It recognizes the fact that there is a diversity of minds and tastes, and therefore 4« offers three courses of study to its pupils. 5. A specialty is made of spelling, penmanship, reading and elocution. X, 6. Its laboratory enables its pupils to do work of a high order. «|« 7. Its reference library is a valuable adjunct. Its students also have access to the *r library of the Peabody College. .j, 8. Its large corps of teachers secures the greatest degree of personal contact. 4" 9. Monthly examinations and reports enable the parent to watch the progress ol the J pupils. 2, 10. Due attention is given athletics, but they are subordinated to study, lis own 4" grounds are spacious, but it also has access to the Peabody College athletic grounds. T 11. The ultimate end of all its teachings is to established a sound moral character and j, to make thoughtful, progressive men and law-abiding citizens. 4" For catalogue or further particulars, address * Phone 2512 S. M. D. CLARK. A.M., Principal. ^4*4*4*4*4*4*4'4*4*4*4*4*4'4*4*4*4*4 , 4>4*4 , 4*4 , 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4'4* A 4*4<4*4 , 4*4*4**!<*I**}*4' 4"!**!"!"{**{"l*4*4* 4* * C. A. CRAIG. President C. P. WOFFORD. 2nd V,ce-Pre«,den ^ W. R. WILLS, Vice-Presidenl C. R. CLEMENTS. Secretary and Tr ! IM National Life & Accident f * * * * + I Or NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE J * I 4> T * The largest and strongest purely Industrial Life, Accident and Health lnsur- + * ance Company in existence. Visitors to the city will he warmly welcome 4. t Combination Policy of Industrial Insurance $ Covering Sickness, Accident and Death t * f <* =^ J I $.00,000.00 Deposited with Treasurer of Tennessee J * " t 4* % Offices, lOtH Floor STAHLMAN BUILDING J * 1 •J. T IHi National Life & Accident Insurance Co. C. & St. L. crossing. Dr. Felix Robertson, the first male white child born in Nashville, is also buried there. Nearby are the graves of Col. John Tipton, William Carroll, George Washington Campbell, and many other noted men. Nashborough, the original germ of Nashville, stood on the west bank of the Cumberland River, along Church street, then known as Spring, half-way across the Square. The stockade which surrounded the group of buildings, forts, cabins, and out- POLK FLATS-NASHVILLE Where the Old Polk Residence Once Stood Courtesy Davie Printing Co., Stationers houses covered all of First avenue within the limits named above,, and included the fine spring at the foot of Church street. The residence of Hon. John Bell, United States Senator from Tennessee, and the nominee of a great political party for Presi- dent in I860, was on the south side of Broad street and west ol Fourth avenue, and occupied nearly the entire block. It is- at present known as the Broadway House. HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERNERS IN N. Y. Broadway Central Hotel Cor. Third Street IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK Special attention given to Ladies unescorted Special Rates for Summer OUR TABLE is the foundation of our enormous business. American Plan, $2,50 upwards European Plan, $1.00 upwards Send for Large Colored Map and Guide of New York, Free. TILLY HAYNES DANIEL C, WEBB r*ropriet r Mgr., Formerly of Charleston, S. C THE ONLY NEW YORK HOTEL FEATURING Excellent Food AMERICAN PLAN Mod. rate Pi ices Good Service When a boy, former Secretary of the Interior, E. A. Hitchcock, lived in this house and attended school in Nashville. When General Lafayette visited Nashville, on May 4, 1825. he went first to the home of Gen. W. B. Lewis, whose old home i- new being dismantled where it stands on the Lebanon pike, in South Nashville. He was also entertained at the old McNairy home, which stood on Summer street, where the Wilson Block is now, and afterwards he dined at the Nashville Inn, which stood where Richardson Brothers' store is on the north side of the Public Square. SCENE AT WHARF The gun from which the initial shot of the Spanish-American War was fired is located at Centennial Park. When the historic shot was made the gun was on the gunboat Nashville, under the command of a Tennessean, Washburn Maynard. This gun was brought to Nashville at the suggestion of Miss Lucy Eastman, daughter of Mr. L. R. Eastman. This gun and the old Spanish .unn which was captured at Manila, May 1, 1898, now located in ral Park, were secured by the Nashville Chamber of Com- merce. 46 Sparlock-Neal Co. *i Wholesale DRUGGISTS $ Dealers in Proprietary Medi- cines, Soda Water Supplies, Druggists' Sundries, Paints and Oils, Cigars, etc. 214 and 216 Second cAvenue, North NASHVILLE, U.S.A. Maryland Casualty Company •) •) (• (• •) •) (• (• •' •) (• (• •) <• :• •) •) (• (• (• •) •) (• (• •) •) (• (• •> •) Aeddaol Employei '■ t.inlnliiy Steam Boilei Ganeral Walar Damaa Burglary Aulomobil Mr. Ilk Public Liability Klrv.L.r Sprioldar I' CI... Liability INSURANCE 406 SIAHLMAN BIDG. NASHVILLE liNNFSSH •« M #i.^.frx,yi;iyi;^ l fc,fifc,y£ l & 217-219-221-223 THIRD AVE., N. Cordially invites you to visit and enjoy their store, itself a gorgeous exhibition of Fine Cut Glass, Art Pottery, Royal Chinas and Bric-a-Brac. ^J The mirrored Art Room is a brilliant electric spectacle visited by admirers from all over the world. It has no equal. NATIONAL STEEL RANGES, ENTERPRISE STOVES, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY, DINING - ROOM AND DAIRY SUPPLIES TINWARE, QUEENSWARE ESSENTIALS TO HOUSEKEEPING ^^^faf^!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RocK City Art Studio: ■ § •) :• •) . :• == I 210 — INCORPORATED = R. P. MOODY, Manager The popular place to have your Pictures framed. Price*, 33' | per cent, cheaper than elsewhere. We also do excellent Photograph work of all kinds. All work guaranteed to be first class. Call to see us once, then you will always know where to have your work of this class done in the future. - - -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- Fifth Avenue. North NASHVILLE. TLNN. § Points of Interest City Reservoir, Eighth Avenue, South. Peabody College, Second Avenue, South. Vanderbilt University, West End avenue. State Capitol and grounds, Capitol Square. Confederate Monument, Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Old Zollicoffer home, 312 Sixth Avenue, North. Ward's Seminary. 143-149 Eighth Avenue, North. Tennessee School for the Blind, 88 Fillmore street. BELLE MEADE Tennessee Industrial School, 2\A miles Murfreesboro road. I 'on federate Soldiers' Home, 34 of a mile from Hermitage. Old City Cemetery, corner of Fourth Avenue, South, and Oak street. New Carnegie Library, Eighth Avenue, North, between Church and Union streets. Old Acklen Home, now Belmont College, at terminus of Six- teenth Avenue, South. United States Custom House and Postoffice, corner of Broad streel and Eighth avenue. 48 fa iftd r 1 -i — *\*< ' m, -I CO >< O PQ O fa o S5 1 Z 2 H d . E -a CO £ o & o DQ if) W W fa 1% S ! 2 ! 3 W 5 z 6 O 1 2 S Q THE SOUTHERN HOTEL V Halt Block trom Union Depot European Plan, Strictly First ('lass, Every Room in the I louse an Outside Room Cor. Weal Ninth, Boyi e u W. R. Steele. Prop. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Shop Phone. Main 1959 Res. Phone. Main 2058 ROBT. L. BELL iOU^E AND SIGN PAINTER 122 3rd Ave., N. NASHVILLE, TENN. Hardwood Flooring Oak or Beech i or ii thick PREWin-SPURR 19 DESIGN OF MEMORIAL FIGURE Surmounting: Monument to be erected by the citizens of Nashville at Centennial Park Courtesy Taylor-Trotwood Magazine 50 !»*»*» JX^OP-CT-CT-as-G^CC-33; *»«»45>^*-<*'0"0>« Oh& *>»-*» "OUR THREE STORES" Frank & Co. 234 and 236 Fourth Ave, North Frank Sl CO. (Branch) 510 Church Street Shirt Makers and Men's Outfitters lElf PHONf MMN I2'.M> JOY & SON? Loventhal, Frank & Co. Arcade and Fifth Ave., North Boys' Clothing and Boys' Furnishings THE ONLY fXCLUSIVE BOYS* STORE IN THE CITY FLORISTS L60I CHURCH ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. i Notwithstanding The steady fires of investigation to which the Life Insurance business has been subjected, there is one old line company, The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Which has shown a constant increase in volume of business. During the pasl: twelve months the Northwestern Mutual has written more life insurance and had a smaller percentage of lapsed policies than in any previous year of its history. "There's a Reason" And as a judicious man you ought to see Throop & East- man, General Agents, Nashville, Tenn., or one of their reliable representatives and get the facts. PRESIDENT POLK'S' BIRTH PLAC£«* a—* 4 "*** BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT POLK Courtesy Taylor-Trotwood Magazine National Cemetery, six miles on the Gallatin turnpike, where about 17,000 Federal soldiers are buried. Commercial Hotel, used as headquarters during the war, northeast corner of Fourth Avenue, North, and Cedar street. TOMB OF PKESIDENT POLK 52 E. E. FOLK, President P. M. ESTES, Vice President J. N. KEELIN, v. \ & Mdr C. A. FOLK. Tr- m FOLK-KEELIN PRINTING CO. Engraved Stationery a Specialty SSM^2 Your Business is Solicited Printers of tlits *5>mmrnir Jlmiiram One of the Most Complete Plants in the ~ South ===== ALL KINDS OF ARTISTIC PRINTING DONE QUICKLY BLANK BOOKS MANUFACTURED STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES Telephones: Main 233 and 1601 Cor. Union St. and Second Ave. Plater Residence, formerly the Murfree home, where "Charles Egbert Craddock," Miss Mary N. Murfree, lived, 120 Ninth Avenue, South. Old Methodist Publishing House, the occupation of which by the Federals gave rise to the celebrated Publishing House claim, northeast corner of the Public Square. Centennial Park, where the Tennessee Centennial Exposition was held in 1897, and where the beautiful Parthenon yet stands, near terminus of West End avenue. ( ien. G. P. Thruston's residence, former home of Lieut. W. P. A. Campbell, of Confederate States Navy, who died in Egypt- ian service, while exploring Africa. Hermitage, home of Gen. Andrew Jackson, eleven miles east of city, on Lebanon turnpike, and on Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis and Southern Railways. POLK PLACE— LAST HOME OF PRES JAMES K. POLK Courtesy Taylor-Trotwood Magazine Belle Meade, famous stock farm, seven miles on Richland turnpike and Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. This was the home of the late Gen. W. H. Jackson. Site of old Tennessee Prison, used as a political prison during the war, and place of execution of Champ Ferguson, corner of Church and Stonewall streets. New prison, West Nashville. Maxwell House, called during war, Zollicoffer Barracks, while in course of construction, and where Confederate prisoners in transit were held, corner of Church street and Fourth Avenue, North. Battlefield^: Nashville, near Glendale Park, south of city ; Stones River, thirty-one miles south of city, on Nashville, Chat- tanooga and St. Louis Railway; Franklin, nineteen miles south of city, on Louisville & Nashville Railroad. 54 The Talbot Tailoring Co. Successors to N. C. Collier FINE TAILORING GEORGE MITCHELL/ ALBERT MITCHELLS CUTTERS Morning, Afternoon or Evening Wear Correct Garments for Every Occasion or Purpose Ready-Made or to Measure SpeciaUnd Exclusive Imported Suitings Samples Promptly Furnished THE TALBOT CLOTHING CO. FORMERLY HUNTINGTON'S Fine READY TO WEA R CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS For MEM, BOYS and CHILDREN 409 Church Street « /Jy^ ^wlflHB^^H EhBi ataBHij-'i-j- -3 j . * *\ '" ff^BBa^K x^- ^^B ctober 30 seven companies sailed on the Zelandia for the Philippines, and November 6 the remainder sailed on the City of Pueblo. William C. Smith was Colonel; Gracey Childress, Lieutenant-Colonel; Albert Bayless, Senior Major; B. Frank Cheatham and John Mc- Guire, Majors; and James Knox Polk, Adjutant. The Regiment first did guard duty at Bilib Prison, Manila. February 5 Colonel Smith fell dead while on the firing line. After service around Manila and Cavite, the Regiment was ordered to Iloilo, where it helped to capture the city, its work being rapid, determined and gallant. It took part in many skirmishes and in repelling night at- tacks, and later engaged in lively fighting around Iloilo and Jara, and on the Island of Panay, and also Cebu. Though frequently exposed to danger from a treacherous foe, the Regiment was exceedingly fortunate, losing all told only 26 men, 9 of these in the Philippines. When the Regiment was aboard a transport under sailing orders for home, it volun- tarily disembarked and assisted in repulsing the enemy — an act which won it praise from the President of the United States, and added to its enviable reputation. After the death of Colonel Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel Childress became Colonel, and Major Bayless Lieutenant-Colonel, with B. F. Cheatham, John E. McGuire, and William J. Whitthorne, Majors. When Major Cheatham raised a battalion out of the First to join the 37th Volunteers, Captain A. C. Gillem was elected Major. On its return to the United States the Regiment was mus- tered out at San Francisco, but returned to Nashville in a body, where it received an ovation. This in the briefest outline is the history of the First Tennes- see — a history which reaches through the Seminole war in the Florida everglades; the plains of Mexico; many bloody fields and weary marches of the Civil War, and the jungles and wilds of the far Philippines. It has fought Indians, Mexicans and Filip- pinos, served in the war with Spain, and poured out its blood in 63 • the great fractricidal war that tried the very souls of men. Men come and men go, but the First Tennessee has ever responded to the call of duty, and nowhere has it ever failed to do its duty to the utmost. Three generations of Tennesseans have served with it- colors, and all have reflected credit on the Volunteer State — a name of which every Tennessean should be proud. The First Tennessee was reorganized in 1903, and W. C. Tatom was elected Colonel, and W. J. Whitthorne, Lieutenant- Colonel. They were re-elected in 1906. The present regimental officers and staff are : W. C. Tatom, Colonel ; W. J. Whit- thorne, Lieutenant-Colonel; J. H. Samuels, Captain and Adjutant; T. E. Halbert, Major and Surgeon; Lucius E. Burch, Captain and Surgeon; John \V. Moore, Captain and Surgeon; Thomas ■Goodall, Captain and Quartermaster; W. W. Kinkead, Captain and Commissary; W. B. Holmes, Captain and Chaplain. The Majors are Otho Robinson and Robert E. Martin. Of these offi- cers five served in the Philippines and two in Cuba. A number of the line officers, Captains and Lieutenants, also saw service in the Philippines, as did very many of the enlisted men, among whom are a number who have served in the regular army. The Regiment has had practical experience and instruction in camp li f e, drill, guard duty, field exercises, manouevers, target practice, tactics, strategy, etc., and if the State or the Nation should need its services, in ten hours it can be mobilized, equipped for service and ready for duty. Period of Service: Seminole War, Florida, 1836; Mexican War, 1846; Civil War, 1861-5; war with Spain and with Fili- pinos, 1898-9. List of Colonels: J. B. Bradford, W. B. Campbell, George Maney, Hume R. Field, W. C. Smith, Giacey Childress, W. C. Tatom. ..i lEitaratimtal Sntmata of Emmssn By A. P. FOSTER, A. M. A. P. FOSTER, A. M. Associate Business Manager Taylor-Trotwood Magazine Educational Interests of Tennessee BY A. V. I <>M IK. \.M. The desirability of education was firmly implanted in the minds of the earliest settlers of Tennessee. In Tennessee educa- tion gained its first lodgment west of the Allegheny .Mountain In Middle Tennessee, indeed, education antedated even the estab lishment of civil government itself; for the sister of General James Robertson, the "Father of Tennessee," herself taughl the children on board the boat which Col. John Donelson brought to the site of Nashville in 1780; and the school, thus begun, was continued after the landing. PEABODY NORMAL COLLEGE While the pioneers were by no means scholars in the mod- ern sense of that word they were of great mental vigor and high intelligence. That there were few illiterates is shown by two conclusive instances: In 1776 a petition for better protection was sent to the Provincial Council of North Carolina by one hundred and fourteen men of the Watauga Association, the first settlement in what is now East Tennessee ; and of this number all but two were able to sign their own names. Again, a few years later, the settlers of the Great French Lick (Nashville) to the number of 256 formed an agreement and only one was compelled to make his mark. These advance guards of western civilization early provided for educational facilities. With them the spelling book went hand 67 in hand with the Bible, the rifle and the axe. With fourteen years after the first permanent white settler, William Bean, braved the savage by erecting his cabin within the limits of what is n<>\\ Tennessee; seven -years before this land became even a Territory, and fourteen years before it became a State, the first school was established in 1783. All honor and respect are due to Samuel Doak, the founder of this "the first literary institution that was established in the great valley of the Mississippi." He was the firm, fearless, dogmatic and brainy John Knox of the West : his influence over the hardy pioneers of those days was remarkable, and the impress of his genius, and the far-reaching effects of his work on succeeding generations is inestimably great. This school was chartered by the Legislature of North Caro- lina and was named Martin Academy in honor of the Governor. It was located at Salem in Washington County, and was re-char- tered in 1795 and re-named Washington College. Doak was the President of the College continuously until 1816, when he resigned in favor of his son. The institution which the elder Doak employed to direct the popular mind of the new territory is the cause of education was continued by his son and his successors and still exists, a useful school of the Academ- ical-college type, and the spirit of its founder still inspires the people of the beautiful region in which it is located. Samuel Doak and his associates, Houston, Balch, Carrick, and Craighead, constituted an excellent representation of that branch of the army of the Lord which looked upon the school house as the twin sister of the "church house," and believed that ignorance was the lever which satan employed for the enslave- ment of mankind to his service. Craighead, indeed, was in hot water with his church authorities and suspected by some of heresy but, such his force of character and his honesty that by 1829 he had induced the church to sanction his educational views. This man, Rev. Thomas B. Craighead, servant of God and of his fellow men, is especially mentioned here because he was not only the associate of Samuel Doak, but also the first president of Davidson Academy, which later became the University of Nashville. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. While the first beginnings of education in this State were made in East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee followed in similar efforts with a very brief interval. It was Robertson, too, who laid the foundation for the reputation which Nashville has now as an educational center; for in 1785 he secured from the Legis- lature of North Carolina a grant for Davidson Academy of 240 acres of land. For many years Andrew Jackson was a member Of it- board of trustees and did much for it during its infant 68 struggles, its transformation into Cumberland College and its final metamorphosis into the University of Nashville in 1825. Rev. Thomas B. Craighead was the first president of the new academy and for twenty years he taught this school in his own church building. In 1806 the name was changed to Cumberland College in the hope it might be the recipient of one-half of the 100,000 acres which the Federal Congress had decided to grant for the support of two colleges, one in the eastern and the other western part of the State. But the college became involved in the mazes of the land controversies, and did not prosper for this reason and for other reasons, until the advent of Dr. Phillip Lindsley, who came to Nashville in 1824 and was elected presi- dent of the college. At the time of his election this famous educator was vice- President of Princeton and in the very flower of his great ability and enthusiasm ; and for the ensuing twenty-five years the career of Cumberland College, which, in 1825, became the University of Nashville was bound up in the career of its remarkable presi- dent. Lindsley, like Doak and Craighead, was an enthusiastic edu- cator, and his intention was to make the University of Nashville the equal of the great colleges North and East. He entered upon his work and conducted it with broad catholicity and comprehen- sion under the most adverse conditions, such as lack of funds, the want of an effective common school system and of preparatory schools, and the educational crudeness of a citizenship but recent- ly emerged from the struggles with the Indians and with the hardships of the wilderness. Nevertheless his powerful appeals by speech and by pen, and the undeniable merits of his powerful school were felt in the gradual emergence of a sentiment for edu- cation which laid the foundations for the present greatness and grandeur of this institution in particular and for Tennessee schools in general. The Board of Trustees during Lindsley's reign included many of the most influential public men of the State, and from its 1,000 students, the aggregate number from 1825 to 1850, came twenty- eight members of Congress and a correspondingly large number of eminent men in other walk of life. Phillip Lindsley was, without question, the greatest educational force in Tennessee in his day; indeed, one of the greatest educational forces of the whole country in the nineteenth century, a force comparable to Mann and Barnard and Wayland and Sears, a force which made of a weak school a strong university which is to-day a response to his prophetic faith. For from the beginnings enumerated this institution has expanded until it now embraces the famous Pea- body Normal College, the Winthrop Model School, the Montgom- 70 ery Bell Academy and a medical college — comprising hundii students and scores of instructors. Under its present Chancellor, ex-Governor James D. Porter, one of the most distinguished pub- lic men whom the South possesses to-day, the history of its fulness is entering upon a new and still more glorious chapter. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY The excellent work of the Medical Department will be readily understood from the subjoined extract from the address of Chancellor Porter delivered at the Fifty-third Commencement of this College on March 31, 1904. He said: "In the year 1849 the Trustees provided a Medical Depart- ment for the University of Nashville. In twelve months it was the most prosperous of the medical schools of the South, with 71 the largest student attendance. Now, after the lapse of more than half a century, its classes are the largest of any school in the Southern Medical College Association. "'The attendance for the session now about to close was 308, <>ne of the largest the school has ever known in spite of the fact that a full four year course is given. The number of alumni at the close of the last session was 4,453, this being the largest number of any Southern school. "The prestige of the department is an important factor in it- success, but it owes more to the character and ability of its teaching force than to all other agencies. The gentlemen who constituted the faculty in 1849 were the foremost men of the pro- fession. It was my good fortune to know them, to be familiar with their professional attainments, and to know personally their immediate successors. I can therefore say with confidence that the faculty of the Medical Department has always been the strongest; strong in personal character, in professional culture, and in experience, but never abler or stronger in all of these elements than to-day. "I congratulate you, young gentlemen, upon your go:»d for- tune in having been under the tuition and direction of men of this type; the opportunity is worth more than money, and I be- lieve that you have not been unmindful of it. I believe that your alma mater will have good reason for pride in your future careers." While the University of Nashville, under its various desig- nations was laying the foundations of education broad and deep in .Middle Tennessee, the great institution, now known as the I Diversity of Tennessee, was working out its problem of salva- tion in the Eastern part of the State. The settlers who had re- volted from North Carolina in 1784 and had set up an independ- ent State known as Franklin, had placed in their Constitution a provision for the "encouragement of all kinds of learning," and has provided for a central university and for public grammar schools in each county, to be endowed with public lands and supported by local taxation. In 1790 North Carolina ceded to the United States the territory, which six years later was ad- mitted as the sixteenth State into the Union. Wm. Blount became the Governor of the Territory, one of whose firsts acts was the creation of a school known at the present time as Greenville and Tusculum College. The following day it created Blount College, named in honor of the governor, and located it at Knoxville, the tal of the Territory. The board of trustees of the new college was remarkable. It included the governor of the Territory, the first two United States Senators, the first two Judges, John Sevier, the first governor of 72 Tennessee, four subsequent senators of the United States, three governors and the proprietor of the first newspaper published in Tennessee. Rev. Samuel Carrick, one of Doak's associates, was the first President. In 1806 Blount College was merged in East Tennessee Col- lege and, like Cumberland College, it suffered in consequence of land troubles. Of this period of its existence the historian of the University says : "From the death of the first president, Rev. Samuel Carrick, who bears the two-fold honor of planting the Presbyterian religion in the wilderness of Tennes- see, founder and first pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Knoxville, and the first president of East Tennessee College, to the close of the Civil War, the history of the college is a story of struggle and repeated disappointment, of heroic efforts on the part of successive presidents, conspicuous among whom were Shannon, Coffin, Estabrook and Cook, of alternate periods of ad- vance and retreat." "The history of the period before the Civil War was largely taken up with the effort to realize the land-grant fund and to overcome the popular prejudice which was engen- dered against the college on account of this struggle." In 1820 the college united with the Hampden-Sidney Acad- emy of Knoxville, and in 1840 its name was changed to the East Tennessee University. A few years prior to this date there be- came a member of its faculty a man who was destined to be one of the strongest publicists of Tennessee, one of the great names of Southern educators, one of the most eminent thinkers of the United States— Horace Maynard. The deluge of the Civil War prevented all efforts of the col- lege which were not renewed until the resurrection of the Univer- sity of Tennessee after that cataclysm. The work of this insti- tution in recent years has made it one of the strongest universities in the United States. In a report of the United States Commis- sioner of Education several years ago was this significant state- ment: "The State University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, after the close of the Civil War, became a celebrated headquarters of the movement for the establishment of the graded common school in Southern villages and cities. Perhaps the most brilliant group of superintendents of the graded schools of the Southern x\tlantic and Southwestern States dates from this university, several of the most distinguished being natives of Tennessee and graduates of this school." EARLY PUBLIC EDUCATION. From the very foundation of the State the leaders in public affairs acknowledged the benefit that would accrue to all the peo- ple from a good system of public instruction, and the messages of all the governors were filled with suggestions looking to the up- 74 building of such schools. The I'd Ural Government, too, from the very beginning showed a disposition to assist the States in their efforts for popular education. In 1806 the United States, by what is known as the "cession act," granted to Tennessee a generous appropriation of public lands for the promotion of education. By a curious paradox, however, the public school system of this State was hindered by the very means designed to make it strong and efficient. 1 In- late Capt. W. R. Garrett, Professor of History in the Peabod) Normal College, has given this explanation of the misfortune re- ferred to: .a#VtfM ■Hi CAMPUS AND SOME OF THE BUILDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH "In Ohio and in other States carved out of the Northv, est Territory the sixteenth section in each township was designated and conveyed direct to the inhabitants of the township. The ad- mirable system of United States surveys definitely located the grant and the title was vested. Tennessee, which had been ad- mitted ten years before its land cession, had not been reached by this system of surveys. The township and the section could not therefore be designated, and Congress did not vest title in the in- habitants of a township or district. The provision was in the following words: 'And the State of Tennessee shall, moreover, in issuing grants and perfecting titles, locate 640 acres to every 75 six miles square in the territory hereby ceded, where existing claims will allow the same, which shall be appropriated for the use of schools for the instruction of children forever.' This pro- vision imposed a duty on the State, but failed to vest the title in the subordinate civil division. Tennessee had no series of civil divisions of six miles square corresponding to the township. In the meantime much of the land had been taken up by valid claims, and, with the rapid stream of immigration which poured in, the squatter preceded the surveyor. Many acts were passed by the Legislature to protect the school lands, but from the vague nature of the grant, and possibly from the failure to appreciate its value, the opportunity to utilize it was lost." Another provision of the same act appropriated 100,000 acres for the benefit of two colleges and 100,000 acres for the benefit of academies, one for each county, the land to be sold for not less than $2.00 per acre and the proceeds to be invested in funds for the purpose aforesaid. Consequently charters were granted, according to a list re- cently compiled by Mr. J. G. Cisco, of Nashville, to the follow- ing academies : Ilarpeth Academy, Williamson county; Robertson Acad- emy,, Davidson county; Bradley Academy, Rutherford county; Trans-Montania Academy, Sumner county; Campbell Academy, Wilson county; Geneva Academy, Smith county; Montpelier Academy, Jackson county; Liberty Academy, Robertson county; Rural Academy, Dickson county; Tracy Academy, Dickson county (spelled Dixon in the Act) ; Overton Academy, Overton county ; Dover Academy, Stewart county ; DufBeld Academy, Carter county; Martin Academy, (rechartered), Washington county ; Jefferson Academy, Sullivan county ; Rhea Academy. Greene county; McMinn Academy, Hawkins county; Madison Academy, Grainger county; Speedwell Academy, Claiborne county ; Maury Academy, Jefferson county ; Anderson Academy, Cocke county; Nancy Academy, Sevier county; Hampden-Sid- ney Academy, Knox county ; Union Academy, Knox county ; Union Academy, Anderson county; Rittenhouse Academy, Roane county ; Porter Academy, Blount county, Franklin Acad- emy, Campbell county. Valadolid Academy was established in Davidson county about the year 1800, but was not chartered until Oct. 18, 1805. Fisk's Female Academy, established Sept. 11, 1806, was the first chartered school for young women west of the Alleghanies. Jt was located at Hilham, in Overton county. Washington Academy was established at Dover, Stewart county, in 1807. Woodward Academy, Maury county, was chartered in 1809. 76 Pulaski Academy, Giles county; Fayette Academy, Lincoln county; Dickson Academy, Bedford county, and Tate Academy, Humphreys county, were chartered in September, 1809. An act passed Nov. 22, 1809, granted charters to Priestl) Academy, White county; Quincy Academy, Warren county; Carrick Academy, Franklin county; Tennessee Academy, Rhea county; Love Academy, Bledsoe county; Johnson Academy, Hickman county. Knoxville Female Academy was established in L8U ; Mary- ville Female Academy in 1813, and Nashville Female Academy in 1817. VIEW FROM VICE CHANCELLOR'S RESIDENCE The Late Bishop Quintard in the Fore ('.round It appears, therefore, that there were forty-four chartered academies in Tennessee before the year 1818, in addition to the colleges which have received previous mention. Nevertheless, the ample provisions made by the general gov- ernment for public education in Tennessee were, in large meas- ure, nugatory, if not positively injurious, and certainly retarda- tive in results for the following reasons: The population was sparse. The loose allotment and survey of the lands presented an invitation for all to come and secure homes without cost, and many had done so. Lands had been -ranted by the Federal Government, by the State of North Caro- lina, by the State of Tennessee and by the Indians; and trans- fers had been made by many owners and settlers, some with record, many without record. Hence it happened with loose habits of local organization and government that prevailed, to- gether with the active opposition of many who were influential and the indifference of the lower white classes, that public edu- cation failed to become popular. On the contrary, attempts to carry out the provisions of the "cession" met with fierce op- position on the part of a people who could not endure to sur- render their hard won lands for a vague educational benefit to future generations. Again, it was found impossible to sell the lands for $2.00 per acre, the price fixed by Congress, w r hen fifty cents per acre for wild lands was deemed an extreme sum. This war, or clash of interests, continued for a whole genera- tion, although the germ of a common school system was formed in 1829 when a statute was passed requiring that school districts should be laid out and their population ascertained. The Constitutional Convention of 1834, also, which called for reforms, did all in its power for the school interests of the State and tied up the school fund as tightly as the fundamental law could do it. This convention adopted the Constitution under which mainly the State of Tennessee is conducting its govern- ment to-day; for the Constitution of 1870 is virtually that of 1834 with the changes made necessary by the results of the Civil War. From 1840 to 1861, when the Civil War began, the history of the public schools of Tennessee is largely a record of legislative provisions for the preservation and the issuance of State school funds, and it may be stated parenthetically that more than three hundred acts have been passed by the Legislature of Tennessee on subjects growing out of the relations of the school lands to the school fund of the State and its proper protection. Yet during the same period there was little provision for such an efficient ad- ministration of public schools as would warrant the liberality of expenditure which was contemplated, and therefore large sums were paid out without any appreciable advance towards an ade- quate system of public schools. So notoriously was this the case that Governor Neil S. Brown said in 1847: "The effort for popular education has slumbered and lan- guished and pined, and exists now rather as a memento of the past than as a living system of future growth and expansion." And yet, while popular education was at a stand-still for a long period in Tennessee, it would be the acme of injustice to say 78 that the people were illiterate or uneducated. For the forty years immediately prior to 1860 there was a great amount of val- uable instruction open to all the people through the public speak- ing and preaching of all kinds by which Tennessee has always been distinguished. There is no other state which, during this period, can point to so large and brilliant a galaxy of orators as graced the hustings of the Volunteer State in those days. There were Andrew Jackson, Sam Houston, William Car- roll, Hugh Lawson White, Ephriam H. Foster, Neil S. Brown, Meredith P. Gentry, Phillip Lindsley, "Lean Jimmy" Jones, James K. Polk, Gustavus Henry, John Bell, Isham G. Harris, Andrew Johnson, Aaron V. Brown, Cave Johnson and many others whose eloquence and information instructed while evok- ing admiration and applause. Moreover, the experience encountered in the making of such a State as Tennessee were in themselves a school even with books and pedagogues left out. A people who removed from the wil- derness the treacherous savages and brought it into a condition fit for occupancy by civilized white men, who established a com- monwealth like Tennessee, who built beautiful and flourishing cities out of unoccupied fields and woods, and at the same time defeated a foreign foe at King's Mountain, at New Orleans and in Mexico; who furnished more than 100,000 troops, some on each side, in a great fratricidal war ; who, then, accepting the ar- bitrament of arms, proceeded to recoup its fortunes and to reha- bilitate its local affairs on better bases than ever before in an in- credibly short space of time — such a people can be trusted to secure to its future generations the blessings of education in ful- ness and adequacy. And this Tennessee has done. bo TENNESSEE J. (i. CISCO Land and Immigrant Agent L. lV X. R. R. Nashville, Tenn. T ennessee That everybody cannot live in Tennessee is a self-evident fact, but why any man. woman or child should prefer to live elsewhere is beyond the comprehension of this writer; but main- nam. seek homes in other Stales, and are apparent!) satisfied; but so long as they live they arc proud to call themselves rennesseans; and why shouldn't they? Where else in all the world can be found so many, and Mich an abundance of the things and condi- tions which go to make life worth living? If we are seeking a healthful location we find it in Tennessee; if it is rich lands we want, we find them in Tennessee; if we would revel in the richest products of the soil, we will find them in Tenm if it is opportunities we are seeking, Tennessee presents them; if we are looking for -rand scenery we have onl) to go to the mountain regions of the State an 1 we will find sun-kissed peaks. KINGS MOUNTAIN Showing: Ferguson's Grave beetling cliffs, towering crags, deep valleys and gulches where the sun never shines, and where placid waters glide and where cataracts roar. If we are seeking a .State with a -rand and glo- rious history, Tennessee is that State. The position of Tennessee on the map, and its latitude, are all that can he desired. Nowhere can he found a liner or more equitahle climate. The average annual temperature of the Stale is about 59 decrees ; for the Eastern Division it is 57 degrees; for the Middle Division it is r>0 decrees; for the Western Division it is 61 degrees. January is the average coldest month, and its aver- age temperature is 37 decrees. July is the average hottesl month, and its average is 77 degrees. The average rainfall is about 52 inches annually, the heaviest being in March. 5.61 inches, ami the lightest in October, 3.24 inches. Damaging drouths are extremely 83 rare, and floods seldom occur. The average annual snow fall is eight inches ; the snows are generally light and seldom iay on the ground more than a few days. Tennessee is a long rhomboid with a width at its widest place of 109 miles, and a length of 385 miles. Its area in nearly 42,000 square miles, about 27,000,000 acres. It touches on its borders eight States, more than any other State, except Missouri. It has within its borders more miles of navigable waters than any other State in the Union. Hundreds of beautiful streams drain the land, supply motive power, and enliven the valleys. Springs of cold limpid water bubble up from out of the depths of the earth in every section of the State. It has for its western border two hundred miles of the great "Father of Waters," the mighty Mis- sissippi. The beautiful Tennessee, as picturesque as the Rhine, has its source in Virginia and North Carolina, flows in a south- westerly direction across the State, swoops with a long, graceful curve down into Alabama, then returns and crosses Tennessee from south to north, crosses Kentucky and pours its flood into the Ohio. It furnishes to Tennessee 320 miles of navigable water. The Cumberland, a no less beautiful stream than the Tennessee, has its source in the mountains of Kentucky, and after gaining considerable volume drops down into Tennessee, flows through the great Middle Tennessee Basin, the Garden of the Gods, then returns to Kentucky and empties its waters into the Ohio a few miles from the mouth of the Tennessee. It affords the State 315 miles of navigable water. Other streams of more or less import- ance, some of them navigable, are numerous in every division of the State. No State in the Union has a more varied surface than Ten- nessee. Its topographical features embrace mountain and plain, upland and lowland, hill and valley. Its elevation above the sea ranges from 300 feet along the Mississippi River in the western end of the State to 6,600 feet in its eastern extremity. The soils are as diversified as is the surface of the State, embracing almost every variety. For these reasons, and the fact that the climate corresponds with the topography, no State has a greater variety of products. Any thing that will grow any where in a temperate climate will grow as well or better in Tennessee. Tennessee is separated from North Carolina by a line which for the most part follows the crest of the great Unaka Moun- tains. The Unaka is the greatest mountain range in the Appa- lachian system and is the largest mountain mass in the United States east of the Mississippi River. It is a continuation of the Blue Ridge of Virginia, and consists of several mountain ridges which run in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction for a distance of nearly two hundred miles across the State. The average elevation of these mountains is aboul 5,000 feel above the sea, but there are a number of peaks and knobs which rise considerably higher. Alt. Pegot is the highest point, 6,636 above the sea, or more than a mile and a quarter higher than the lands lying along the Mississippi River. The characteristic features of the mountain region of I Tennessee is that it is made up of parallel ridges separated by valleys of nearly uniform width. These ridges are nol continu- ous, but are broken into ranges of various lengths, each bearing a local name. Thus we have the Unaka, the Great Smoky, the Bald, the Chilhowie, the Frog and other mountains; Mission Ridge and Walden's Ridge. From these mountains extend spurs and ridges, and interlocked between them are many beautiful and fertile valleys in which are splendid farms, prosperous ami busy towns inhabited by a people of pure Anglo-Saxon blood, descend- ed from the pioneers who wrested this fair land from wild na- ture and the savage Indian, and who fought in the battles of the Revolution. The famous valley of East Tennessee is the fluted floor of the region lying between the Unaka range and the Cumberland Plat- eau. Its average elevation is about 1,000 feet above sea level. The climate in the valley is as near perfect as can be found mi the American continent. The high altitude, the undulating sur- face, the great number of rivers and creeks, and their rapid flow, the absence of marsh lands, and the exhilirating breezes from the mountains all contribute to make it an immense sani- tarium. Knoxville is the commercial, social, educational and geograph- ical center of East Tennessee. It is one of the most beautiful of all the cities of the South, and one of the wealthiest. It lias been the home of many eminent men, and the scene of many stirring events. No city in Tennessee is richer in history. Chattanooga is at the extreme southern end of the mountain region of Tennessee. It, too, is rich in history, but of a later period. It first came into prominence during the Civil War as the gateway to the South. Chattanooga is one of the greatest manufacturing centers of the South; its manufactured products are to be found in every land, in every clime and under "every sun." Middle Tennessee is the largest, most populous and the richest of the three natural divisions of the State. Its surface is greatly diversified, and exhibits varieties of scenery the most opposite; "mountains with rushing torrents and foaming cataracts, hilly, with swift, smooth gliding streams, level, where the waters linger by the side of green pastures and grassy meadows." Nowhere has nature been more lavish in her gifts; the richest soils, the 85 abundance of the most necessary minerals, the finest timber, the purest water, everything that man could desire. There is no crop that grows above the 35th parallel that will not do as well or better here. While this section has long been noted for its manufacturing, its chief glory is in its splendid farms. This division consists of a terrace covering over 9,000 square miles, which circularly rims the greatest limestone basin called the Cen- tral Basin with its 5,450 square miles. This basin is the bed of an ancient lake which received the waters of the Cumberland and other streams. The basin is not a level plain as might be sup- pose:!, but it is a succession of hills and vales with a deep lime- stone soil, well watered by springs, creeks and rivers. The Cum- berland River forms the outlet for the waters of the northern part and Duck River for the southern part. The capital city, Nashville, is situated near the center of the basin, and the center of the State, on the banks of the Cumberland River in the heart of the finest farming region on the globe. It is recognized as the educational center, not only of Tennessee, but of the South. Nowhere in all this broad land did the Indians, the original owners of the soil, fight harder to maintain their ancient homes than in the country around Nashville. The Anglo-Saxon won. as they always do, but at a frightful cost in blood. Few fam- ilies of the pioneers but mourned the loss of loved ones. But the prize was worth the sacrifice. The Cumberland Plateau, most of which lies in Middle Ten- nessee, is a high table land that rises 2,000 feet above sea level. The plateau lands are not as fertile as are those in the valleys and the basin, but they may be made productive by the use of fertil- izers and intelligent cultivation. The plateau soils are especially adapted to fruit and vegetable growing. Most of the largest or- chards of the State are to be found there, and the fruit crop sel- dom fails. The plateau is underlaid with coal of the best quality. It is capped with sandstone; the soils are thin, sandy and porous. It is often flat for many miles, then again it is rolling and di- versified with hills and valleys. It is well watered with springs, creeks and rivers ; many of its mineral springs have long been famous for their medicinal qualities and as resorts of health seek- ers. The whole plateau is one vast sanitarium. It contains many good towns and a population of splendid people. The eastern edge of the plateau presents an almost continuous line of bold cliff that forms in places an impassable barrier. Its western side is an irregular slope, jagged and scalloped with deep coves and val- leys which broaden out into the .Middle Tennessee Basin. The lands on the plateau and on the highland rim are the low- est in price in the State, ranging from $2.50 to §25 per acre. But 86 the time will come, and thai before many years, when the) will command double these prices. The chief towns of the plateau are Tullahoma, Manch< McMinnville, Sparta. Cookeville and Winchester. Monl Ea the famous Southern Chautauqua and summer resort, and wanee, the seat of the University of the South, arc situated on the plateau. West Tennessee is that geographical division of the State which lies between the Tennessee and the Mississippi Rivers. It rank- third in size and population, though it contains the most popu- lous city in the State, Memphis. It is an area of clays, loam and sand, It has no minerals nor rocks, except along the Ten- nessee River, where the formation is a continuation of that of the Middle Tennessee limestone. The surface is comparatively level, the streams have low hanks and sluggish currents and are often bordered by low wide marshy bottoms. It contains a num- ber of small rivers which rise near the eastern border ami flow westwardly ('own the slope to the Mississippi. The land- of this division of the State are very fertile, and for the most part its productive qualities are inexhaustible. Very little of the land but can be cultivated. Cotton, corn, wheat, rye. oats, toba peanuts, clover and timothy do as well, and some of them better here than elsewhere in the State. In recent years vegetable grow- ing, small fruits and berries have been receiving much atten- tion from the farmers, and have proven enormously profitable. The climate of West Tennessee is milder than that of either ol the other two divisions. The chief towns are Memphis, Jackson, Humboldt, Dyersburg, Union City, Paris, and Covington. A century and a half ago Tennessee was an unbroken, unknown and untrodden wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts and wild men. In 1540, DeSoto, with his heroic band of adventurers, entered the territory now known as Tennessee and explored a small part of its section in search of gold. He then passed out and into Ala- bama. In the month of May, 1542, he again entered Tern* and camped on the Chickasaw BJuffs about where Memphis now stands long enough to construct rafts on which to cross the Mis- sissippi. In 1673 Father Marquette, on a tour of exploration, stopped at the Chickasaw Bluffs. The next white men to visit Tennessee was a party under LaSalle, in 1682. In 1714, M. Charleville built a trading house on the bluff where Nashville now stands. Again, in 17-10. the French, under Bienville, camped for a short time at the Chickasaw Bluffs. In 1758, Fort Loudon, on the banks of the Tennessee River, the first edifice constructed by members of the Anglo-Saxon race. was built. The melancholy fate of the English garrison at this fort, in 1760, is known to all students of history. 87 Soon after the massacre of the garrison of Fort Loudon, ex- plorers, hunters and adventurers began to cross the mountains and spread themselves over what is now known as East Tennes- see. Among the first of these were Daniel Boone, Walden, Scaggs Cox, Calloway and others. Henry Scaggs, with a few daring adventurers whose names are not known, explored the Cumber- land country in 1766. Two years later James Smith and three other white men and a negro slave explored the Cumberland as far down as the mouth of Stone's River. The first permanent settlement by white men was on the banks of the Holston in 1771. Captain William Bean built the first cabin, and Russell Bean, his son, was the first white child to be born in the State. From this date the tide of immigration began to flow in a steady and ever-increasing stream. Scores of the heroic men and women of that period deserve a volume each but tew of them have a line, and the names of many of them have been forgotten, and a large majority of them sleep in un- marked graves. THE ROAD TO FT HENRY IN THE FEDERAL LINES AND BELOW PORTERS BATTERY. TAKEN JULY 18. 1906 (Ennfetorat? Urteratt j> OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND Camps of Veterans and Sons of Veterans, Chapters of Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Confederate Southern Memorial Association, representing over fifty thousand members Ten Reasons Why The Veteran Should Be Invaluable To All Americans 1. Because it is a publication devoted 6. It commemorates the brave deeds exclusively to obtaining and preserving of the heroes of the great war, and pre- accurate historical data relating to the War between the States. 2. It brings to light hitherto unknown phases of that great conflict. 3. It has done more than any other known medium to clearly and truthfully define the position of the South in the memorable contest of the sixties. 4. It contains letters and records from those who served on both sides of the most remarkable struggle in the history of the world. serves a record of them for future gen- erations. 7. It officially represents all Confed- erate organizations, and carefully chron- icles the work accomplished by them. 8. Although a class magazine, it has lived longer than any other magazine in the entire South. 9. It continually gives information con- cerning individuals to interested persons who could obtain it in no other way. 10. It has never swerved from its 5. It presents all questions fairly and avowed purpose to advocate right, justice ith careful accuracy. and truth. Subscription Price, Only $1.00 Per Year - ADDRESS {&\\t fflonfeforat? Urteran NASHVILLE Agents Wanted TENNESSEE ifcwCgpn^ MORE THAN THIRTY APPLICANTS TURNED AWAY THIS YEAR. CASTLE HEIGHTS SCHOOL Pronounced by Southern Educators "the greatest success In the Preparatory World." Faculty and Equipment equal to that of Eastern preparatory schools commanding double our prlo lagniticont buildings, steam heat, electric lights, pure water. Best equipped school gymnasium In the iouth: fine swimming pool, indoor running track, etc. header in Southern Athletics as a resul ... xpert faculty coaching and clean sportsmanship. No sol ,. ( igaretU i absolutely p, ohtbited. I pert m and manhood the objet lives For handsomely illustrated catalogue, address, THE HEADMASTER.*, Lebanon, Tena. i i i i i ii in i i ii i 1 1 1 ■ | R. B. ONES. Manager I • _ LOUIS A. BATES | President 5 ©<# '5=> <«-'?k'* "^ <+*> V^.V^S*^*^^** ▼ ^ Xlulane! | Tbotel | NASHV1LLE.TENN. jlRates $2.00 anbj | XHp per S>a^ j American Plan : THREE BLOCKS FROM TERMINAL STATION ii lit iii iii i '■ ii i i i ■ i it i ■ ■ 1 3mpr rial (Eafr W. H. MOORE MANAGER FORMER MANAGER UNION DEPOT CAPE Ipflt irrinrr MOST TEMPTING MENU. AT MOST REAS- ONABLE PRICE IN THE CITY i i ■ i i i i i i i i i i ■ i i 828 BROAD STREET OPr READ HOUSE Chattanooga, Tennessee $H?^^H?H^T|?»!?TfcT|?T|^^ S. J. Keith. President J. H. Fall, Vice President W. C. Dibrell, Vice President .1. T. I i.>u i i i , Cashier i '. . w. p\ M , a -i i ai J. s. Mi 1 1 1 m- i . a • < ashler ■jPJHi H Miffl®E!AL Capital, Surplus, $600,000.00 600,000.00 Sum available for accommodation of customers, 6,500,000.00 «I It is the policy of this bank to aid in every legitimate way and assist in the developmenl of " the commercial and financial interests of Nashville - ,- RIVER SCENE NEAR NASHVILLE l-'irst Settlement in Tennessee Nashville — Queen City of the South Nashville, the capital city of Tennessee, and the queen cit) of the South, is a city of homes, educational institutions and indus trial establishments. The wonderful strides it has made in tin- way of population, showing that its superior advantages are highly appreciated by those seeking homes, are shown 1>\ the fad that while in 1900 the number of people residing within the porate limits was 80,681, in 1906 it was 164,172, an increase of more than 100 per cent. An inspection of a map <>f the Mi sippi Valley discloses the fact that Nashville lies nearer the cen ter of population, rail and water transportation, and the supplies for subsistence than any other city in that valley. It is about midway between the Great Lakes lying on the north, and the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and aboul half-wa) between the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and the arid plain- on the west. It MAYOR T. O. MORRIS can draw subsistence from a larger area in a shorter time and at a cheaper rate than any other city in the South. Tenn< touches on its borders eight other States, and. therefore, the pro- ductions of those States are readily available. It- several systems of railways, with immediate connection-, give an easy outlet with- in from fourteen to nineteen hour-, to the < mlf ^i Mexico, at Mo- bile, Pensacola, and New Orleans. It also reaches the Atlantic Ocean at Brunswick, Savannah, Charleston, Wilmington, Nor- folk, Newport News, Baltimore, and many of the coasl cities in the East. Within twelve hours produce may be transported to Chicago, the city that dominates the Lake region and the great Northwest. Louisville may be reached in five hour-. Cincinnati in nine hours, St. Louis in twelve hours, Buffalo in twenty-three hours, Kansas City in twenty-three hours, Detroit in twenty 95 hour-. Pittsburg in twenty-one hours, and New York in twenty- I hours. Cleveland, Ohio, is within eighteen hours. By means of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, heavy products may be carried to all the leading places lying on the navigable water- of the Mississippi Valley. Eight lines of railroads are tributary to Nashville. This city an advantage in having lower freight rates than any theni city — thus enabling her merchants and manufacturers i '.1 their goods at lower prices than other markets. Two great raili items, the Illinois Central and the Southern, have entered Nashville within the past two years, adding 11,600 miles to the mileage previously operated. The Cumberland River, upon which Nashville is situated, is navigable for boats of 400 tons burden to Point Burnside, a dis- tance of 325 miles above Nashville, and for a distance of 193 miles bel..\v the city to the mouth of the river, giving a total th of navigable waters for this stream of 518 miles (the on of navigation lasts from eight to ten months during the year>. By means of this stream connection is made with the ( Ihio River, the Mississippi, and through them to all other navi- gable streams of the Mississippi Valley. Statistics gathered by the Board of Trade show that the wholesale trade of Nashville for 1905 was $131,000,000, an in- crease of SJS.000,000 over the preceding year. In 1906 it was probably twenty-five per cent more, while figures for 1907 will far exceed the latter, demonstrating that its commerce is expand- ing at a very rapid rate. The retail business added to the whole- sale trade will, for 1907, likely reach the amount of $30,000,000. Nashville has more than 600 manufacturing plants, the ag- gregate capital of which exceeds $20,000,000. These concerns employ over 17,000 people, and the annual wages paid to their employees i- mure than $6,000,000. The cost of material is $15,- 000,000, while the value of the products of these industrial es- tablishments exceed $25,000,000 annually. There are about twenty financial institutions in Nashville, and the bank clearings have shown a rapid increase during the past few years. Tax rates are low, and real estate has advanced at a rapid rate. Hundreds of homes have recently been erected in the city and suburb-, and the demand for houses is large. The number of building permits issued during the past twelve months has broken all reo trds. Nashville is the best lighted city in the South, the fourth shoe market in the United States, the fourth city in the Union as a milling center, the largest hardwood lumber market in the world, the largest grinder of soft winter wheat in the world, the most Important egg and poultry market in the South, the largest manu- facturer of commercial fertilizer in the United States, the second city in the country, and the educational centre of the S.-uth ha- the best paved streets in the South, the finest street railway and lighl system in the South, manufactures a greater variet) of articles than any other Southern City, and is the larg- t jobbing market in the South, more colleges and universities than any city in the Southern States; and ten libraries. 96 B \.\KS Nashville has twenty banking institutions, representing $5,0OO,< - tal stock and surplus with deposits amounting I • oo Prominent among these are the Fourth National Bank, American National Bank, Union Bank and Trust Co., City Savings and Firsl Trust an Bank. SHOE FACTOR U.S. 'This important industry has been pushed to such an extent Nashville the fourth shoe market in the United Si The J. G. Hynds Shoe Mfg. Co., which was established here less than three years ago, built for themselves a magnificent factory buildh granite and brick, 50x250 long and three stories high, thoroughly eq with the most modern machinery, giving them a capacitj for tw< fifteen hundred pairs per day. This company is officered and manned bj a strong conservative and efficient set of men that have made one of the best institutions in the South today. In this short time they have been compelled by reason of increased trade to begin this fall to run their full capacity, and it will he but a short time until the Hynds "Big 4" line is known throughout the entire South. Richardson Bros. Shoe Co., has for years been one of the strong tors in Nashville's success in this industry. Lately this company have built and equipped one of the most modern shoe factories in the .state Their great success in the past but fortells their future, and we can hut believe that in a very short time Nashville will be made to rank third shoe market in the United States. CONFEDERATE VETERAN. The publisher desired to give space to the Confederacy, hut the absence of Mr. S. A. Cunningham from the city prevented. We cannot pass this point without some mention of that great official organ of the numerous orders and societies of the Confederacy, the Confederate I 'eteran. What better mention can be made than to note the action <>t" the ( < vou, on our own motion, this letter on a special subject because we know that the desire is common among us that the knowledge <>f the pril and facts of the Confederate epoch should be more widely diffused We feel that this information should be conveyed to the people of the present age through the press and other agencies in such spirit, manner, and mode of publication as will do justice to our Confederate people, secure the fame of which our dear Southland is well worthy, abate all ungenerou troversial spirit, and promote a more perfect understanding and cor union of all parts and people of our Country. In considering maturely this very important matter we are gratified by the fact that the United Confederate Veterans Associati »n, I onfed- erated Southern Memorial Association, the United Daughters of th federacy, and the United Sons of Confederate Veterans have an organ, commended over and over again by unanimous resolutions at 1 97 inventions, in a magazine of high rank called the Confederate ibly edited and published monthly by our true and enthusiastic n federate soldier. S. A. Cunningham, at Nashville. This noble its career years ago as a patriotic venture upon the field pe m its confidence reposed in those to whom its worthy objects ind we have witnessed its ascent to success with the especial that sucl: - so well deserved. We deplore nothing about it if that the benefits it is conferring every month upon thousands of enjoyed by tens of thousands more. It is a medium by which every pi ' mfederate times is intelligently and interestingly yed t«» the minds of young and old. It is a glad hand extended II) to shake every Confederate hand, and it goes with a sincere ting to all patriots in our Land. It is a treasury of argu- ment, history, biography, story, and song, continuing to steadily increase from month to month. Its contents make a table around rates, with their sons and daughters and friends sit once a month to enjoy an intellectual, social, affectionate, friendly, country- it never was of more value than it is now. And, con- sidering all that should be said, written, and done through its agency during the next ten years of only one hundred and twenty issues, it is noiv i u ible than ever. In view of all things we know about the Confederate Veteran magazine and it- valuable uses, will you, each and all of you, agree to make an immediate practical working effort to at least double the number of sub- scription-, and thus quadruple the number of its interested readers? Can we afford to do less? Can we do anything of better avail to diffuse the knowledge and increase the appreciation of our Southland and its history? We urge that immediate personal effort be made by Confederates and their -on- and daughters. We ask that the ever-generous press of our country help us, and that the Confederate Veteran publish this appeal conspicuously. Repeating our expressions of gratitude to all who have honored us as Urate soldiers, and greeting you with our hands and hearts, we have the honor to be your obedient servants: hen 1» l.--: : V' ^swwInP jIL. J^ts* ■■^aSHfirlfr**" F. DRAUGHON, Pres a great extent, owes his s cess to Home Study. TAKE YOUR CHOICE A Course of BOOKKEEPING, BANKING, SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS ENGLISH, LETTER WRIT- ING, ARITHMETIC, MECHANICAL DRAWING, IL- LUSTRATING,TELEGRAPHY,orLAW,FREE BY MAIL as above explained, if you AT ONCE CLIP and send the OP- PORTUNITY BLANK found below. BANKER SAYS E. J. Slauffer, Mulberry Grove, III., writes: "I will, on the first, become cashier of the First National Bank of this place. If it HAD NOT been for Draughon's Home-Study Bookkeeping, which I AM NOW COMPLETING. I might not be able to fill this position. I left the farm two years ago, when 17years of age." From Central America G. W. A. Bartley. Bookkeeper, Ash & Bros. .DryGoods. Port Limon, CostaRica, CENTRAL AMERICA. writes: "Prof. Draughon: I knew nothing of Bookkeeping before taking your Home Study. I am also highly pleased with the progress I am mak- ing in taking your Penmanship BY MAIL." Stenographer Says J. E. Crumplcr. Stenographer for Williams & Giles. Allorneys. Lyons. Ga.. wrilcs: "Prof. Draughon: I say without hesitancy lhal, in m> opinion, there is NOTH I NG lo equal your Home-Study Course of Shorl- hand. I now feel thsl I have a fu- ture before me. Your Honu Course has done the work. cut here: BANKER SAYS A.M.Pike. Asst. Cash- ier Springfield (Tenn.) Na- tional Bank, writes: "A course in Draughon's Col- lege procured for me an of- fer to take charge of a set of books, at a salary of $1,- 500.00 a year, from a firm that knew nothing but that fact concerning my business qualifications." SIGN THIS OPPORTUNITY BLANK TO-DAY Prof. Jno. F. Draughon. Room No. 1. Draughon Bldg.. Nashv.llr. Trm,.: I desire to know more of your special Home-Sludy offer made ia S.sle Fair Catalogue. Also send me. FREE, your BIG BOOK on Home Study. sted in taking a Co of. My name is Post Office Sl »" R. R. No. ♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦^♦♦♦^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O** ♦<> ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ iVXvXvXvXvXVX -VJi VXVX \XX IXVXVXVXVX VXvXvXvXvXvX'* mm&m uui® ill CAPITAL SHAREHOLDERS* LIABILITY SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS (earned) SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS ubDe $1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID UPON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ;& j& W. W. BERRY, Pres. JOHN B. RANSOM THOS. L. HERBERT A. H. ROBINSON LESLIE CHEEK OFFICERS A. H. ROBINSON. V. Pres. DIRECTORS JOHN M. GRAY, JR. HORATIO BERRY BYRD DOUGLAS OVERTON LEA THOS. J. FELDER R. W. TURNER JOHNSON BRANSFORD N. P. LE SUEUR N. P. LE SUEUR. G. M. NEELY JAS. B. RICHARDSON W. W. BERRY ROBERT J. LYLES 103 CONCIERTO NO. 6. Me— "Machaquito" R- Gascon • ►veron" Weber ;ra . . a Boheme" » • P ucc '"f ens-Foi" Waldtenfel n— "Southern Stars" Ascher-Mah j, R. ronet solo)— "Love Me and the World is Mine" E. Ball ctra . -"Cavalleria Rusticana" Mascagni "Spanischer Nos. 2 y 5" Moskowski Extra _ CONCIERTO NO. 7. 1 Marcha— "The Paramount" Prestorff Ruy Bias" Mendelssohn Extra "Carmen No. 3" Bizet Extra asse Infernale" Pillevestre ■•'I'ii Vuelo de la Fantasia" F. Arand « I ra - Danzas "Alma y Corazon" Eldorduy Pomone" Waldtenfel Extra CONCIERTO NO. 8. (. March— "The Stars and Stripes" Sousa Freyschuts" Weber • ra .5 Fantasia — "Carmen No. 2" Bizet 4 March— "Marcha Heroica" Vincent Extra Is "Dios Nunca Muere" Alcala 6. Polka — "The Conquista" (Piccolo Solo) Ritchie Extra intasia— "Lohengrin" (3 Acto) Wagner 8 Gavota -"Lisonjero" Chaminade Extra CONCIERTO NO. 9. 1. Marcha— "Glorias Hacionales" Gascon Leonora No. 1" Beethoven Extra "La Vivandiere" Godaro 4 Vals— "Peonia" Balart Ext ra Fantasia "Retrete Austrichiene" Keler Bela mine" Theo. Bendix Extra : "Flautino" 8. Ma/nrka— "Celajes de Oro" Manzanares :ra CONCIERTO NO. 10. ' M il American" Herard ertura "Caballeria Ligera" Suppe 3, \'.il~ "Amorosa" Allier "Aida No. 2" Verdi 'ra "Inaugural" Leo Delibes 'ra No 2" Verdi Serenata Hungara" Leon Chic •ra mi J. J. HILL Wholesale Produce and Com- mission Merchant CONSIGNMKN IS S< >I,I< II I 1 > Specialties: Apples. Oranges, Lemon Cabbage and Potatoes in Car Load Lotl 181 183 N. Market St. NASHVILLE. 1ENN ?— WHAT- ? I Tennesssee College for Women. Campus cont-ins fifteen acre,. *\ Everything new but the empus. Our comdors are ten feet wide. None but the best in faculty and equipment. Lectures by promment men dunng the year. No school is better located. L.ghted throughout w.lh e ec.ncty. Electric switch in erery room. Every bed-room u an room. Strong teachers in piano, voice, art a nd express- Owe your daughter a cot plele course at T. C. September eleventh is opening day. [ion. Exnda" Ponchielli riusion una" j Aranda .... Infcrnale" Pillevcstre ■ ■• '.'.'.Leoncavallo ctra CONCIERTO NO. 12. i Paso Doble— "Cielo Mexicano" .. A AT f Benvenuto Cellini A - M ^ rtl , llez ctra Berlioz 3 Vals "Adelina" I Franzes "Hungariche No 5 "y 6' d V^ a11 :ra ° J Brahms ntasia "La Havarraise" Ar "Lohengrin" Massenet Wagner Pinttoresques" », 8 Intermezo "Rustii Massenet • ra Mascagni 106 I COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS! Classical Courses leading to A. B. and B. S. I * Engineering Course leading to C. E. I > • Conservatory of Music Offering B. M. I • LAW SCHOOL-10,000 pages of living law read. Course given in ten raontl * THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ; CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY Founded 1842. LEBANON, TENNESSl I i I W. J. 613DE | LAND & LUMBER COMPANY NHSHVILLE, TENNESSEE MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWOOD LUMBER Chestnut Poplar Cypress Oak Ash Gum YARDS: Nashville Colesburg Hohenwald Kimmins Cude, Miss. I SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES, fr n -m m. ri^ll^^*^ For Young Women Belmont College ^^1* tfssasasssii «as«s«pi swss=«* cation is advisable. ,„.,„. direct each of Tic ten »C.iOOl» coin- Mature, experienced and skilful teacurs^ siH2 the college. Courses leading to £*£«*• *'«* ar. . y ^ ^ and onli ho^eVj^orse back riding etc. foundcrsnnd priadpi Iu addition to t'.e continued devotion oil.*, ( ^ his entire time to the college. Send to-day J* u , „• HLRO N. Principal.. Rev BA LANDRITH. LL.D.. Regent. Mms H 107 West End Ave., Nashville, looking toward Vanderbilt University, paved wild Kilulitli Bitulithic is the Pavement for the Better Class of Streets. SOUTHERN BITULITHIC CO. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (ffjn and around Nashville 've have been at work for many years putting down Granitoid Pavements, putting on Gravel Roofs, doing all sorts of Concrete work. CWe have the equipment and experience for work of all kinds. Nashville Roofing & Paving Co. 604 First National BanK Building, Nashville, Tenn. .0: 33 o G a o o : o a o :o: o 'O' o o : o o 109 MEN WHO BELIEVE IX THE STATE FAIR Ambrose & Bostelman Company JAS. J. AMBROSE. Prest. and Trcas. Printers §>tatt0n?rB Hank Everything in Office Supplies Phone Main 615 303-305 Church St. NASHVILLE, TENN. in List of Premiums for the Fair of 1907 DEPARTMENT A- BEEF CATTLE W. H. Dunn, Superintendent, Gallatin. Judges, A. A. Armstrong, Camargo, 111., and Rank C. Forbes, Henry, 111 SECTION' 1— SHORTHORN'S. OPEN COMPETITION. The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section must be recorded or accepted for record in the American Shorthorn Herd Book; $335 of the money offered for Shorthorns in open competition is donated by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association. Animals entitled to this premium money must be registered in the American Shorthorn Herd Book previous to time entries close. (Department A, Lot No. 1. Class or Prize No. 1.) BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Whitehall King D. R. Hanna, Ravena, Ohio Missie Diamond A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Prince Royal 8 113 & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. F. VV. Cotton, Manilla. Ind. ■ , arm, Lexington, Ky. 5i :phenson, Bryson, Tenn. (Department A. Lot No. 1. Class or Prize No. 2.) BULL 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Office Name of Animal iter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Avondale I lamia. Ravena, Ohio Diamond Mariner i rev. Springfield, Tenn. Scotch Robin j |) d,,i. . F!al Rock, In 1. 1-. \\ Manilla. Ind. (Department A. Lot No. 1, Class or Prize Xo. 3.) BULL, SENIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I \\ Harding, Waukesha; Wis. \noka Sutton .1 1). Douglas & Son. Flat Rock, Ind. (Department A. Lot No. 1, Class or Prize No. 4.) BULL, JUNIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal nter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Red Monarch I W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Red Sultan J. 1). Douglas & So,,. Flat Rock, Ind. partmenl \. Lot No. i, Class or Prize No. 5.) BULL, SENIOR CALF. md Post office Name of Animal nter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Wallstreet Harding, Wavkesha, Wis. Marshall Best Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Bruce 1 W Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Sultan II. na, Ravena, Ohio Diamond Earl Uley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. B. Sun Beam VII. on, Obion, Tenn. Cloverdale Victor on, Mat Reck. Ind. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 114 ( Departmenl \. Lol No. 1, Class 01 Pri BULL, JUNIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post OMce \ ,, Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Marshall F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. \\ : A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, I i mi. II. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn. \l J. I). Douglas & Sou, Ra1 Rock, [nd F W. O.ttnn, Manilla, [nd. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, ky. (Departmenl A. Lol No. 1, Class or Prize X" COW 3 YEARS OLD AND I >VER. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio .-Thorny Bud F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. ^noka Broad hook I). R. Manna, Ravena, Ohio Moss Rose, l\' A. R. Alloy, Bell Buckle. Tenn. Duchess of Glenmore J. D. Douglas & Son. Flat Rock, [nd. F W. Cotton, Manilla, Ind. F. W. Cotton, Manilla, Ind. Flmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. F. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis. (Department A, Lot Xo. 1, Class or Prize No. 8.) HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name <>)' Animal Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Browndale Rose F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Missie of Browndale D. R. Hanna, Ravena, Ohio Lady Myssie, II A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Lady Sun I J. 1). Douglas & Son. Flat Rock, Ind. F. W. Cotton, Manilla, Ind. F. W. Cotton, Manilla, Ind. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. (Department A, Lot Xo. 1, Class or Prize No HEIFER, SENIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of A> Carpenter cS: Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Nina Princess F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Vnoka <■ F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Broadhook's Sult.>..v D. R. Hanna, Ravena, Ohio Glen Brook Butterfly J. D. Douglas & Son, Flat Rock. hid. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 115 ::• A. Lot No. 1. Class or Prize No. 10.) HEIFER JUNIOR YEARLING. Name of Animal . M. Ohio Sweet Duchess 5Si Mans:" Sweet Duchess ... Wavkesha, Wis. Ramsden Flora Diamond Lorender II Buckle, Tenn. Bell Buckle. T. - n, Flat Rock. Ind. Manilla. Ind. . Ky. partment A. Lot No. 1. Class or Prize No. 11.) HEIFER, SENIOR CALF. Name of Animal r&R M - eld, Ohio Rosewood Max Harding. W Nis. Sultan's Anthem F W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Anoka Broadhooks F. W. Hardin-. Waukesha, Wis. Anoka Countess D. K. Hanna, Ravena, Ohio Royal Lady A. K. Alky. Bell Buckle. Tenn. Countess Victor, II. J. D - vk. Ind - n, Flat Rock, Ind. F. W Manilla. Ind. Elmdorf Farm. Lexington, Ky. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. (Department A. Lot Xo. 1, Class or Prize Xo. 12. i HEIFER. JUNIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal titer & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Sweetoften F. W. Harding. Waukesha, Wis. Clementina V K. AlKy. Bell Buckle, Tenn. Fourth Maid of Gloster J. I >. Douglass & Son, Flat Rock. Ind. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. F. W. Harding. Waukesha. Wis. F. W. Harding. Waukesha. Wi>. I Department A. Lot No. 2. Class or Prize Xo. 13.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. ' ( ; /ft.v Name of Animal Mansfield, Ohio Exhibitor's Herd . Harding. Waukesha, Wis. .. Ohio II Buckle, Tenn. Prince Royal J enn. Duchess of Glenmore 116 A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ..Lad) A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. —Ladj ,. Ill A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. . II J. I). Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, In.!. J. I). Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, [nd. !•'. \Y. Cotton, Manilla, [nd. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. (Department A, Lot No. 3, Class or Prize No. 14.) BREEDER'S Y( >UNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield. Ohio —Young F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. A. R. Alley. Bell Buckle, Tenn Baron Sunbeam, IX. A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Lady Sunbeam, III A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Countess Victor, II A. R. .Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Grace ' A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Fourth Maid of Gl J. I). Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. (Department A, Lot Xo. 4. Class or Prize Mo. 1 I CALL HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield. Ohio Calf herd F. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis. J. D. Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. (Department A, Lot No. 5, Class or Prize No. 15.) GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of A\ Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Lady Sin A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Lady Sunbeam, III A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Baron Sunbeam, VII A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Baron Sunbeam, IX. J. D. Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. • J. D. Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. - F. W. Cotton, Manilla, Ind. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. ]17 (Department A. Lot No. 6, Class or Prize Xo. 16.) PRODUCE OF COW. \fhce Name of Animal or Article nter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Produce of cow ter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Produce of cow F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis Produce of cow Harding, Waukesha, Wis Produce of cow I) R. Haima, Ravena, Ohio Produce of cow \ R VIley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Lady Sun Beam V R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Baron Sun Beam, IX. J. D. Douglas & Son. Flat Rock, Ind. J D Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. I \\ Cotton, Manilla. Ind. Elmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. (Department A, Lot Xo. 7, Class or Prize No. 17.) CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Offiic Name of Animal F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. .Champion .1 I). Douglas & Son, Flat Rock. Ind. 1 W Cotton, Manilla, Ind. (Department A, Lot Xo. 7, Class or Prize Xo. 18.) CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal I W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis Champion I I). Douglas & Son. Flat Rock, Ind. (Department A, Lot No. 7, Class or Prize Xo. 19.) CHAMPION FEMALE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Champion J. D Douglas & Son, Flat Rock. Ind (Department A, Lot No. 7, Class or Prize Xo. 20.) CHAMPION FEMALE UNDER 2 YEARS. •' ' ' Ofhce Name of Animal W Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Champion .1 I) Douglas & Son, Flat Rock, Ind. 118 (Departmenl A, Loi No. 7, Class "t Pri i No. 21.) GRAND CHAMPION BULL, CUP < IR MEDAL Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of .l>ii>n>l" tin- money offered for Tennessee Shornhorns is donated by the American Shorthorn Breeders Association. Animals entitled t<> this premium money must be registered in the American Shorthorn Nerd Book previous to the time entries close. (Department A, Lot No. 8, Class or Prize No. 23 I BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn Prince Royal Marion Stephenson, Bryson, Tenn. (Department A, Lot No. 8, Class or Prize No. 24.) BULL 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal E. R. C. Erey, Springfield Scotch Robin (Department A, Lot No. 8, Class or Prize No. 27 I BULL, SENIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of , \nimal A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Baron Sunbeam H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn. Cloversdale Victor, IV (Department A, Lot No. S, Class or Prize No BULL, JUNIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office -\' 3 A. R. Alley. Bell Buckle, Tenn. 1 III (Departmeni A. Lol No. 12, Class or Prizi No PRODUC] ( >F ( I >\\ S Exhibitor and Post OMce Na A. R. Alley, Rcll Buckle, Tenn. Lady Sunl A. R. Alley, Bell Buckle, Tenn. Baron Sunb SECTION II— HEREFORDS. 1 OMPI riTION. The pedigrees of all animals entered in thi^ section musl or accepted for record in the American Hereford R money offered for Herefords in open competition i-* dona! American Hereford Cattle Breeders Association. Animals t" >• titled to this premium money must be 1 in the American 11 ford Record previous to time entries 1 (Department A, Lot Xo. 14, Class or Prize No. 43. I BULLS 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn. Gilner Bros., Eminence, Ky —Dodson D. A. Edwards, Union City, Tenn. Curly Boj (Department A, Lot 14, Class or Prize No. 44.) BULLS, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER .V Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind. v Prince had 1\ D. A. Edwards, Union City, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn W. T .McCroy, Kentland, Ala (Department A, Lot Xo. 14. Class or Pri e No. 45 1 BULL 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER A Exhibitor and Post Office -V"'"' J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Gihner Bros., Eminence, Ky Uritish Ih Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. Boy 121 i Department A. Lot Xo. 14, Class or Prize No. 46.) BULL UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. ,„d Post Office Name of Animal \\ S. Van Nana & Son, Fowler, Ind Prime Lad XXXVIII. \\ S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Tenn March Lad to Kittell, Herbert, Tenn to Kittell. Herbert, Tenn j II (' Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky The Kentuckian Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Democracy Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky British Arbitrator Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. Mulock (Department A, Lot Xo. 14, Class or Prize Xo. 47.) io\\. 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal \V S. Van Xatta & Son. Fowler, Ind Princess I Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn I I ':.. Kittell, Herbert, Tenn. J. II. i' Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Miss Meh'on Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. Uneeda Boy Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Alma W. T. McCroy, Kentland, Ind I Department A. Lot Xo. 14, Class or Prize Xo. 48.) HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. S. Van Xatta & Son. Fowler, Ind Pret Face W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind Suzette II. .1 'Mt., Kittell. Herbert, Tenn J II C Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky British Blossom Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Maude Midler II. Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Felecia II. W. T. McCroy, Kentland, Ind. partmenl A. Lot 14, Class or Prize Xo. 49.) HEIFER, 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post office Name of Animal itta & S..n. Fowler, Ind Prime Lass III. Van Xatta & Sun, Fowler, Ind Margaret Van Xatta & S..n, Fowler, Ind Laurie Lass Van Xatta & Son, howler, Ind Lassie J Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn 122 J. II. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky , Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. Protector Marchi< Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn \V. T. McCroy, Kentland, Ala (Departmenl A, Lot No. 14, Class or Prize No. 50 I HEIFER, UNDER l VI \k OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name oi Animal \\ . S. Van Xatla & Son, Fowler, Ind Sister Ma:. W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, ln«l Loona W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind Donald I...- II \Y. S. Van Xatta cS: Son, Fowler, Ind J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn J. 11. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky lair Virginia Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Golden 1 'reams Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. British March io Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky British Dorothy Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Julia W. T. McCroy, Kentland, Ala (Department A, Lot Xo. 15, Class or Prize No. 51.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. W. T. McCroy, Kentland, Ala (Department A, Lot Xo. 16, Class or Prize Xo. 52.) BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky (Department A, Lot Xo. 16^2, Class or Prize X... 52 CALF HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. S. Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind J. Otto Kittell, Herbert, Tenn Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky 123 partmenl A. Lot No. 17. Class or Prize Xo. 53.) GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S Son, Fowler, Ind - Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, End t0 Kittell, Herl renn Eminence, Ky Get of Britisher 5., Eminence, Ky Get of Protector (Department A. Lot No. 18, Class or Prize Xo. 54.) PRODUCE OF COW. and Post Office Name of Annual W S Van Xatta & Son, Fowler, Ind Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind . Kittell, Herbert, Tenn r Bros., Eminence, Ky Produce of Dorothy II. -.. Eminence, Ky Produce of Lady Fowler & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn (Department A, Lot Xo. 19, Class or Prize No. 55.) CHAMPION BULL, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. and Post Office Name of Animal J ' » ■■• Kittel, Herb rt, renn I). A. Edwards, Union City, Tenn Levie S. (Department A. Lo1 No. 19, Class or Prize Xo. 56.) CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and Post I Xante of Animal J Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn .1. II. ' Leigh, Franklin, Tenn & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Expectation (Department A. Lot No. 19, Class or Prize Xo. 56^.) GR*AND CH \MPI< >N HULL. and Post Office Name of Animal rt, Tenn 1 j.-il la: in. Tenn , >epartmen1 A. Loi No. 19, Class or Prize No. 57.) [AMPION COW OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER, ii d /'■ Name of . Inimal [erbei . Tenn J. H. C. 1 F nklin, Tenn 1 rallatin, Tenn 124 ( Department A, Loi No. 1". Class 01 Pri CHAMPION HEIFER, UNDEK 2 \ I \kS Exhibitor and Post Office \\, J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Term Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. ( Department A, Lot No. 19,. Class or Pri GRAND CHAMPION FEW \l I Exhibitor and Post Office \nimal J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn , |.,,,k | TENNESSEE HEREFORDS. Competition limited to animals owned or bred by a Tennessee bi The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section must 1" or accepted for record in the American Hereford Record. (Department A, Lot Xo. 20, Class or Prize No. BULL, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal D. A. Edwards, Union City, Tenn. Curley Boy (Department A, Lot No. 20, Class or Prize No. 60 > BULL, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal D. A. Edwards, Union City, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. Expectation (Department A, Lot No. 20, Class or Prize No. 61.) BULL, 1 WEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. Uneeda Bo) (Department A, Lot No. 20, Class or Prize No. 62 I BULL, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office - v '"'"' "■>' ■''"'»" / J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn. 125 partment A. Lot No. 20. Class or Prize No. 63.) ( i >W, 3 YEARS OR OVER. . and p osi office Name of Animal I. II. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Uneeda Boy I Department A. Lot No. 20, Class or Prize Xo. 64.) HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. and Post Office Name of Animal I II. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. ;.u & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn (Department A. Lot Xo. 20, Class or Prize Xo. 65.) HEIFER, 1 YEAR OLD AND UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. Gillespie .V Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Lady Tennie I (Department A, Lot Xo. 20, Class or Prize Xo. 66.) HEIFER, UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal J. II. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. ( iillespie & Payne, Gallatin, ' Tenn Julia ( Department A. Lot Xo. 21, Class or Prize Xo. 67.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Gillespie & Payne, Gallatin, Tenn Exhibitor's Herd (Department A. Lot Xo. 23, Class or Prize Xo. 69.) CHAMPION BULL. AXY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal .1 II . C Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. (Department A. Lot Xo. 23. ('l;,-,s or Prize Xo. 70.) < II \.MI'|o\ COW, AXY AGE. ' ■•' Post Office Xante of Animal J II ( Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. [ 126 ( Departmenl A, Class No. 23! . « :iass or I'm.. GILTNER SIM ( I \l. Exhibitor and Post Office J. II. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn SECTIOX III— ABERDEEN ANGUS 0P1 \ COMPETIl ION. The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section mu irdcd or accepted for record in the American Aberdeen Angus Rec of the money offered for Aberdeen-Angus in open competition is ,|. ed by the American Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association. Animals in be entitled to this premium money must be registered in the Ameri can Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book previous to the time entries close. (Department A, Lot No. 24, Class <>r Prize No. 71.) BULL, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize No. 72. i BULL, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Will Highlander Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn \ ■ \V. N. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize No. 73.) BULL, 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Obio Royal Prince Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio — B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize No. 74.) BULL, UXDER 1 YEAR OLD Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Obio H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Royalist of Highlan 127 H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Cheatham of Highlander •„,. Antioch, Tenn. Baron Kuroki • Stoi Bluff, End & King, Hillsboro, Ohio & Son, Atlanta, Ga partment A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize Xo. 75.) COW. 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. .. r , ; OMce Name of Animal 11 M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Laurello of Freeland M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Princess of Freeland arm, Antioch, Tenn Francis M. W. N - ne Bluff, Ind ing, Hillsboro, Ohio & King, Hillsboro, Ohio bnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize Xo. 76.) HEIFER, _' YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Lone May Flower H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Lady Pride of Cullen Burketl Farm, Antioch, Tenn Sadie Hill W. N ■ Ston Bluff, Ind Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga ( Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize Xo. 77.) HEIFER, 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor ami Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Her Majesty H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Enterprise Omia W. : - ne Bluff, Ind W. i Stone Bluff, Ind Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga Ii. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot Xo. 24, Class or Prize Xo. 78.) HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. ' ; I Office Name of Animal M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Coroden II. Hillsboro, Ohio Cora of Highlander Hillsboro, Ohio Young Martha 128 MJ.'iL -~& '^fck Ij£l "*4 *ftl A- £• 229 »wil pp^sMI58B I 1 .... ^ , ^ u . -. 4- PANORAMA OF ( II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn ._Sadie Hall II Burkett Farm, Antioch, Term )■,,., Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn _Anni< W. N. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind W. N. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio - Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot No. 25, Class or Prize No. ! EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio . W. N. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga (Department A, Lot No. 26, Class or Prize No, 80 BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio \V. X. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind. Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga. (Department A, Lot No. 26*4 Class or Prize No. 80 CALF HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio (Department A, Lot No. 27, Class or Prize No. 81.) GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Anin H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Burkett Farm, Antioch, Ohio Baron Kuroki Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Su Burkett Farm, Antioch, Ohio Mine Turner Burkett Farm, Antioch, Ohio ..Sadie Hall II. W. N. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ga 9 129 VIEW OF NASHVILLE'S CKKAT PACKING EH v.. Nral|0ff Abattiur AND MAIN OFFICE ^^^^fjl^^^ ABATTOIR 106 PUBLIC SQUARE ^Bl^iPSr 1306-12 ADAMS STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. MANUFACTURERS OF ^ Neuhoff's "Ideal" Fancy Sugar-Cured Hams " and Breakfast Bacon ) \ ALSO f Neuhofl's Famous Boneless Boiled Ham Pure Lard and All Kinds of Sausage ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST SANITARY ABATTOIRS IN THE SOUTH Us products maintain a distinctive reputation for purity and excellence, bag duly inspected and passed under the PURE FOOD ACT of June 30. I. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP ON FOOT ■ \q CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Q* 131 (Department A, Lot Xo. 28, Class or Prize No. 82.) PRODUCE OF COWS. ind Post Office Name of Animal II. M. Brown,, Ohio •- 11. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Adine Turner : arm, Antioch. Tenn Emily Aucheulech \V. X. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind & King, Hillsboro. Ohio B B. Johnson & Son. Atlanta, Ga i Department A. Lot Xo. 29, Class or Prize Xo. 83.) CHAMPION BULL, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name nf Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Ver Louise Leo W. N Stone Bluff, Ind (Department A. Lol Xo. 29, Class or Prize Xo. 84.) (|| UM'IOX BULL, UXDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and J'ost Office Name of Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Baron Kuroki \V. X. Foster, Stone Bluff, Ind. (Department \. Lot Xo. 29, Class or Prize Xo. 85.) CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Kurket! Farm, Antioch, Tenn Sadie Hall \V. N Stone Bluff, Ind. epartmenl A. Lot Xo. 29, Class or Prize Xo. 86.) CHAMPION HEIFER, UXDER 2 YEARS. Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn. Sadie Hall II. W. X. F« le Bluff, Ind. TENNESSEE ANGUS. ion limited to animals owned or bred by Tennessee breed- of all animals entered in this section must be rec- pted for record in the American Aberdeen-Angus Record. 1 Departmenl A. Lot Xo. 30, Class or Prize Xo. 87.) KILLS 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. ■ad Post Office Name of Animal 132 (Department A, Lot No. 30, Class or Prize No. - BULLS, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office \„. Burkett Farm, Antioch, Dim \, (Department A, Lot No. 30, Class or Prize No BULL, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post OM> e Na Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Baron Kuroki (Department A, Lo1 No. 30, Class or Prize No. 91.) COW, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn ancis M (Department A, Lot No. 30, Class or Prize No. HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Sadie Hall (Department A, Lot No. 30, Class or Prize X". ' HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Ohio Sadie Hall II. (Department A, Lot No. 33, Class or Prize No. ! CHAMPION BULL, ANY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, "Tenn \ (Department A, Lot 33, Class or Prize X". ' CHAMPION COW, AXY AG] Exhibitor and Post Office -V"""' "/ Animal Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn SECTION IV— RED P< 'U.S. The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section musl or accepted for record in the recognized herd hook for I for the premium money offered in this section i- donated by the Ann 133 Red Poll Cattle Club. Animals entitled to these premiums must ieen registered in the American Red Poll Record previous to the entries clo (Department A. Lol No. 34, Class or Prize Xo. 99.) BULL, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Nailor I I Buchanan, Indianapolis. Ind Cranberry (Department A. Lot Xo. 34. Class or Prize Xo. 100.) BULL, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I J Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind Flanner (Department A. Lot Xo. 34, Class or Prize Xo. 101.) BULL. 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal » J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind George W. (Department A. Lot Xo. 34, Class or Prize Xo. 102.) BULL, UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Dan Frank Hastline. Strasburg, Ohio Philips C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind Glad Hand (Department A. Lot Xo. 34, Class or Prize Xo. 103.) COW, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post office Name of Animal Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Miss McKinley Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Rocco 1 J Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind ~__Cassanda, Md. 1 J Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind Moss Rose (Department A, Lot No. 34, Class <>r Prize No. 104.) HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post i Name of Animal Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Cassie Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Lillie ' I Buchanan, Indianapolis, [ n d Faulin J Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind Dutch Rose 134 ( Departmem A. Lol No. 34, i i Prize v HEIFER, l YEAR OLD, UI D Inhibitor and Post Office Nan p ra nk Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio - Prank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio C, |. Buchanan, Indianapolis, hid. ( Department A, Lot No. 34. Gass or Prize No HEIFER, UNDER 1 YE \U OLD. ,- ; -i ■, ,,, / />,,>•/ r )/£,-,• Name of ■ In Exhibitor unci i osi < 'm; < prank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio Frank Hastline, Strasburg, Ohio — C. |. Buchanan, Indianapolis, End (Department A. Lol No. 35, Class or Prize No. 107.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xann- ,f .Innnal Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio... Frank Hartline. Strasburg, Ohio --Exhib, C. 1. Buchanan, Indianapolis. Ind ..Exhibitors (Department A, Lot No. 36, Class or Prize No. 108 I BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. , ., . , d , n«.. Mime o/ Animal Exhibitor and Post Office Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Obi" C.-J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department A, Lot No. 37, Class or Prize No. 1 GET OF SIRE. , r, . rut. Name of Animal Exhibitor and Post Office Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department A, Lot No. 38, Class or Prize No. 1 PRODUCE OF COW. „~ Name of An Exhibitor and Post office Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio C. J. Buchanan. Indianapolis, Ind (Department A, Lot No. 39. Class or Prize CHAM I [ON BULL, AW AGE. __ Name of At Exhibitor and Post Office Champion Bull [•rank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio.-- "champion I C T Buchanan, Indianapolis, In-1 L35 I I I I I.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I QtDHjCKORy High Grade Fertilizers iO = BRAND = MANUFACTURED BY Acid Phosphates for all Crops National Fertilizer Co. %S£ TENNESSEE Established 1832 Box 325 ~| I II I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Your Inquiries are Solicited Nashville, Tenn. ■ 1 1 ii ■■■ ii ■ 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i ■iZ Southern Yintage Wines High-Grade Whiskies Imported Beers Besl Lines Cuban and Key VYesl Cigars Sidney Lucas 222 FOURTH AVE.. NORTH Nashville, Tenn. wo 6** (Department A. Lot 39, Class or Prize No. 112.) CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER, AXY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Frank Hartlim Ohio »' J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind SIXTH )X V— POLLED-DURHAMS. OP] \ COMPETITION. The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section must be recorded pted for record in the recognized herd book for the breed. (Department A. Lot Xo. 40, Class or Prize 113.) BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind (Department A. Lot Xo. 40, Class or Prize Xo. 115.) BULL 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal < (scar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Chas. Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind. (Department A, Lot Xo. 40, Class or Prize Xo. 116.) BULL UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. r Hadley. Plainfield, Ind. Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind. (Department A, Lot Xo. 40, Class or Prize Xo. 117.) COW 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post office Name of Animal Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind. I Wright, Paris Crossing, Intl. (Departmenl A, Lol No. 40, Class or Prize Xo. 118.) HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 3. tor and Post • Xante of Animal Wright, Pari ing, Ind. 138 ( I >epartmen1 A. Lol No. 40, Cla or P MI II IK 1 \ E \K I »LD WD UND1 Exhibitor and Post ( >tii c Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, In.l. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, I ml. Oscar Hadley. Plainfield, In.l. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, 1 ml. <.'has. Wright, Paris Crossing, hid. Wright, Paris Crossing, hid. ... (Department A. \.<>\ Xo. 40, Class oi Prize X". I HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR < >LD. Exhibitor and Post Office \ma\ Oscar Hadley, Plainfield. hid. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, hid. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, hid. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield. hid. Chas. Wright, Paris Crossing, hid. (Department A, Lol X". 41, Class or Prize No. 121.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Winn- of Annual Chas. Wright, Paris Crossing, hid. (Department A, Lot Xo. 42, Class or Prize No. 122.) BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office ime of Animal Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, hid. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, hid. (Department A, Lot Xo. 43, Class or Prize No. 123.) GET oh SIR P. Exhibitor and Post Office A,/;//,' of Animal Oscar Hadley, Plainfield. Ind. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. i Department A, Lot Xo. 44, Class or Prize Xo. 124.) PRODUCE OF C< »W Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Oscar Hadley. Plainfield, Ind. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Chas. Wright, Paris Crossing, hi 1. __. J 39 (Department \. Lot No. 45. Class or Prize Xo. 125.) CHAMPION BULL. ,,..,/ p os t Name of Animal ■ Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind. I Department A. Lot No. 45, Class or Prize No. 125^.) CH \ Ml 'I OX FEMALE. md Post Office Name of Animal Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Wright, Paris Crossing, Ind. BEEF BREEDS OTHER THAN THOSE CLASSIFIED. i Department A, Not Classified, Lot Xo. 46, Class or Prize Xo. 126.) BULL 3 YEARS OLD AXD OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Company, Dansburg, Mich. i Department A. Non-Classified, Lot X'o. 46, Class or Prize Xo. 127.) BULL 2 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Xamc of Animal Michigan Prem. Stuck Farm, Dansburg, Mich. (Department A, Non-Classified, Lot Xo. 46, Class or Prize No. 128.) BULL 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Xamc of Animal Michigan Prem. Stuck Farm, Dansburg, Mich. menl A. Non Classified, Lot Xo. 46, Class or Prize Xo. 129.) BULL UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and > Xamc of Animal Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. nl A. Non Classified, Lot Xo. 46, Class or Prize Xo. 130.) • ' »\\ 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. <■•<•' Post Office Xamc of Animal stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich, no (Departmenl A. Non Classified, Lot No. 16, \\\ HEIFER _' YEARS OLD AND UNDER Exhibitor and Post Office \\,, Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. . (Department A, Non-Classified, Lol No 16, I lass or I':: HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office A,< Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Midi. Michigan Prem. Stock Farm. Dansburg, Mich. (Department A, Non-Classified, Lot No. 46, Cla^s or Prize No. 13 HEIFER UNDER 1 YFAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. _' Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. (Department A. Non-Classified, Lot No. 47. Class or Prize No. 134.) FXI 1 1 HI TOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. (Department A, Non-Classified, Lot No. 48, Class or Pri BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. (Department A, Non-Classified, Lot No. 49, Class or Pri GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. (Department A, Non-Classified, Lot No. 50. Class or Prize No. 137 PRODUCE OF COW Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Prem. Stock Farm, Dansburg, Mich. 141 StjF NaflbhtU? afcmtraarau DAILY AND SUNDAY ©.The Newspaper that met with public approval from its fiist issue. C Broadly Democratic. Free of Cor- porate Influence. C Seeks and prints the news all the time — never dodges it. dt, Honestly and vigorously advocates whatever is for the best interests of all the people. CL,Has more striking news and exclu- sive literary features than any other Southern Newspaper. Ct, A postal request brings a sample of The Nashville Tennessean. ®lj? £totjhtll? JSmwBBtnn NASHVILLE, TENN. 143 DEPARTMENT B-DAIRY CATTLE. \Y. < rETTYS, Superintendent, Athens. SECTION 1— JERSEYS. OPEN COMPETITION. The pedigrees of all animals entered in this section must be recorded record in the American Jersey Cattle Club Herd Book. B, Lol Xo. 51, Class or Prize No. 139.) BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. \nd J'ost Ofliec « Name of Animal Shelbyville, Tenn. Galway Hail Wall byville, Tenn. Golden Term of Klerwood "ii Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. I Frederickburg, Va. Va. 144 D. S. Williams, Nashville, I enn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. R. L. Franklin, Gallatin, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No, 140 I BULL 2 YEARS OLD AND I A hi Exhibitor and Post Office A'.; Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. Garth, Trenton, Ky. Prince Masterman A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 141.) BULL, SENIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Nobleman of Klemw 1 Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. Garth, Trenton, Ky. Lowland Golden A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 142.) BULL, JUNIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize X<>. 14.1 i BULL, SENIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Peter Pan Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 144. t BULL, JUNIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Nam Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. 10 145 INTERIOR DAIRY BARN OVERTON HALL FARM Beer and Good Health People Who Drink Plenty of Beer Are Always Strong and Healthy PROF. DR. P. BAUER, Berlin, Germany, to demon- x strate the effect of beer on the health, says: "Of the 75 employes of Haase's Brewery, each of whom drinks daily over a gallon of beer, 56 have stood the rigid physical examination for enrollment in the army and are sol- diers; of the remaining eighteen, eipht are minors, three were found too small in slature, and four were rejected for defect* suffered by accident." Pure, well-aged Beer, like GERST Beer is a tonic, an appetizer and a food that is nourishing and strengthening. Solid foods often remain in the stomach a long time and retard digestion. Liquid foods, like GERST Beer, are an aid to digestion. There is Good Health in every bottle of Gerst Beer SEND YOUR ORDERS TO The William Gerst Brewing Qo. Nashville, Tenn .ill Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 145.) CI IW 3 YEARS OLD AND OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Glistening Dew Drop Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Pride Bess Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Artie's Pride, 2nd Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Artie's Pride, 3rd Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Sensible Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Lexington Lilly Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. < (verton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. : Overton Hall Farm, Nashville. Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. rth, Trenton, Tenn. March's Bisson A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 146.) HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Tipsy Suitor of K. Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Lady Suitor of K. ■ 'ii Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A I'.. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. A. I'.. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lol No. 51, Class or Prize No. 147.) HEIFER, SENIOR YEARLING (IN MILK). Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Work of Suitor of K. Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. No name Han Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Xo name "ii Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. \ B Lewi . Frederickburg, Va. A B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. 148 (Department A. Lol No. 51, Class or Prize ' HEIFER, SENIOR YEARLING (NO! IN MILK OR HAN 6 MONTHS WITH I \it i. Exhibitor and Post Office Nana Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tcnn. Faith Cooper ol I Han Wallace. Shelbyville, Tcnn. Clair of I Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tcnn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tcnn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, "Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. (Department A, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 14 HEIFER, JUNK >U VI \R!.I\'(,. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Sensible of K Overton Hall Farm. Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. Garth, Antioch, Tcnn. Garth Island I A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department A, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No, 1 HEIFER, SENIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Lady Term of K Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Elizabeth of K Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tcnn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. D. S. Williams, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. '(Department B, Lot No. 51, Class or Prize No. 151.) HEIFER, JUNIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Na Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tcnn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. 149 ii Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. rth, Trenton, Tenn. I r< in. hi. Tenn. A B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. — A. B. rederickburg, Va. — Williams, Nashville, Tenn. ___ Nashville, Tenn. ___ (Department B, Lot Xo. 52, Class or Prize No. 152.) EXHIBITOR'S HERDS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Exhibitor's herd. Hart Wallace. Shelbyville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. • >n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. ii partment B, Lot No. 53, Class or Prize No. 153.) BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Breeder's young herd Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Breeder's young herd ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. . on Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. 1.. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. - L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. 1.. Cooper & Smi, Nashville, Tenn. I.. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Departmenl 11, Lot No. 54, Class or Prize No. 154.) CALF HERD. ■ ■■' ''■- ' Office Name of Animal Shelbyville, Trim. I all Farm, Nashville, Tenn. [all barm, Nashville, Tenn. S"ii, Nashville, Tenn. __J Nashville, Tenn. _. ille, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. 150 (Department B, Lol No. 55, (lass or Prize No IS GET OF SIR] Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 56, Class or Prize No. IS PRODUCE OF COW. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Produci Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Produce oi Hart Wallace, Shelbyville, Tenn. Produci Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. 157.) CHAMPION BULL, 2 YEARS OLD I >K I IVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. l. : CHAMPION BULL. 2 ^ 1 Exhibitor and Post Office Nam Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. 151 LEBANON PIKE SCENE SH )WING A PORTION OF CLOVER BOTTOM FARM [ADFORD. Prrst. Iinteaab JFurutturr iHatwfarturutg (En. (iNCORPORATEU ' A .1 M. ASHVILLE, TENNESSEE CE AND SALESROOM 217 Broadway FACTORY AND WAREROOMS : Cor. Bradford Si. and N. C. & Si. L. Ry. i/HAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT? DFORD.V. Pre It's Bradford's line of Furniture. Fifteen years experience in making Furniture has taught us how to make the best Fur; iture at the lowest prices. If you don't know the line you had better get acquainted. If our representative doesn't r a< h you, drop us a line for our cata'ogue At your service at all tinus. BRADFORD WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. I Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. 159.) CHAMPION COW, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor ana Post Office Name of Animal ton Hall Farm. Nashville, Term. ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Term. A. B. Lewis. Frederickburg, Va. (.Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. 160.) CHAMPION HEIFER, UNDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. 161.) GRAND CHAMPION BULL (SILVER CUP). Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ! Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. Lewis, Frederickburg, Va. (Department B, Lot No. 57, Class or Prize No. 162.) GRAND CHAMPION COW (SILVER CUP). Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ■<>n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. A. I!. Lewi-. Frederickburg, Va. TENNESSEE JERSEYS. .Ml animals to be owned by Tennessee exhibitor, and to be bred bv Ten- pi as noted. (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize No. 163.) BULL 3 VEARS OLD OR OVER; NOT NECESSARY TO BE I ENNESSEE BRED. and Post Office Name of Animal Ml Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Min. Gallatin, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. 154 (Department I'., Lol N ; o. 58, Class <>r Pri BULL, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Am Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Term. fames L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize N BULL UNDER 1 YEAR I ILD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize No. 167 COW 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER, Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize No. 168.) HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. - (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize No. 16! HEIFER, SENIOR YEARLING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot No. 58, Class or Prize No. 170.) HEIFER, JUNIOR YEARLING Exhibitor and Post Office v <"'' Overton Hall Farm, Nashville. Tenn. Overton Hall Farm. Nashville, Tenn. 155 (Department P>, Lot Xo. 58, Class or Prize Xo. 171.) HEIFER, SENIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm. Nashville, Tenn. - L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot Xo. 58, Class or Prize Xo. 172.) HEIFER, JUXIOR CALF. Exhibitor and Post I Name of Animal ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. ti n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. (Department B, Lot Xo. 59, Class or Prize Xo. 173.) CALF HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. n Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Xashville, Tenn. - L. Cooper & Son, Xashville, Tenn. .. . _ James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. _ James L. Cooper & Son, Xashville, Tenn. James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. SECTION II— HOLSTEIX-FRIESIAX. OPEN COMPETITION. I In pedigrees of all animals entered in this section must he recorded record in the Herd Book of the Holstein-Friesian Asso- • 'ii. (Department I'.. Lol No. f>4, Class or Prize Xo. 178.) BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. id Post I »///', e Name of Animal Purdum, Indianapolis, hid. 156 (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. IT BULL 2 YEARS OLD \\l> I ND] I Exhibitor and Post Office Nan Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, [nd. (Department B, Lot No. ''-4. < lass or Prize No. 18 BULL 1 YEAR OLD AND UND1 R 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. 181.) BULL UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. 182.) COW 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. 183.) HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. 184.) HEIFER 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Nam* of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 64, Class or Prize No. 185 HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office - V """- °f h "" u ' 1 Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. 157 1 Money Saved is Money Made! Why not let me save you from one to two thousand dollars on your home or Farm? Farms in Texas and Tennessee moN^Tu^r'j °- w - CROCKET PHONES^Hemlock 1517-L and Main 1190. "THE REAL ESTATE MAN " o ! i <«^«^*^,*^v*^v«^.#^\^^<*^^^^^<^^ ^s, *^>«^ «^«^^^i«^ FIRST-CLASS ROOMS 50c PER DAY ALL HOME-COMERS WELCOME * i % I J. D. BLOUNT, Manager £ i 906-912 Church Street Nashville. Tennessee f ®1jf If Frmttarj? if ntrl Ward Conservatory of Mvisic NASHVILLE. TENN. (Department of Mvisic, Ward Seminary) The Leading School of Music in the South Unsurpassed Opportunities for Music Study at Moderate Cost The frequent Recitals, Helpful Musical Atmosphere, and unusual FREE ADVAN I'A'.I S enjoyed by Pupils of WARD CONSERVATORY are of incalculable value and benefit. PREPARATION FOR TEACHING A SPECIALTY. Many of our graduates cccupy Lucrative Positions, An investigation will demonstrate the Superiority of this institution. R.EGVLAR SESSION OPENS SEPT. 26, 1907. For further particulars concerning: any of the various Departments of Ward Seminary, addresa: J. D. BLANTON, President, Nashville. Term. I (ferity (ml (Unmpang s MANUFACTURERS OF CARBON AND fN I I O Car> Axle and i LUBRICATING \-mJ I L— «^ MACHINE GREASES IsOAPS : SSESSJSKK "~~~ APEX AXLE GREASE | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 159 (Department B, Lot No. 65, Class or Prize No. 185.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis. Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 66, Class or Prize No. 187.) BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 66*4 Class or Prize No. 187^. CALF HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal j Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 67, Class or Prize No. 188.) GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum. Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B. Lot No. 68, Class or Prize No. 189.) PRODUCE OF COW. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal WCstley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 69, Class or Prize No. 190.) CHAMPION. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. (Department B, Lot No. 69, Class or Prize No. 191.) CHAMPION COW ANY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Westley Purdum, Indianapolis, Ind. 160 Mens High-Grade Shoes I Sell the BEST— Wear the BEST -Are the BEST. That's All The Largest and Best Equipped • Shoe Factory in the South CAPACITY 2,500 PAIRS I PER DAY cover ihr Sooth and Soulliwc«t T5 — rS3 — ?3 — ^B ^ VA HYNDS' BIG 4 LINE OUR LIBERAL ADVERTISING of the Big Four Line creates a demand, and once sold a customer will have no other VISITING MERCHANTS INVITED TO VISIT OUR FACTORY and see how the Big Four Line is made. Take West Nashville car line WRITE FOR SALESMAN OR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. G. HYNDS SHOE MFG. COMPANY NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE CARTEE Tent and Wagon and Hord - | Covers Tents and Cots For Rent Telephone Main 1690 - ■8 NASHVILLE TENN. iOUGH Awning Co. 3tton Duck to Awning Stripes lulins and Camp Furniture 434=436 Deaderick Street Accidents •'^gfsgj^'" Will happen — even with such a neat house- keeper as the Malleable Girl Tin* malleable girl is not careless, but then accidents will happen. She is not worried, however, for she knows that twice the amount of water will not crack the top of her range because it is thoroughly annealed stove plate. A cake of ice can be placed on it while the top is red-hot without in anywise affecting the casting. Should any of this water run down onto the oven, it will not firecrack as cast iron would under similar conditions. Should an accident of a sim- ilar character happen to another range, it would break and firecrack into ;i score of pieces. You will be glad to learn of other distinctive features of this wonderful range. Dan. G. Clark, Jr., has all sizes at 325 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. SECTIOX III— DAIRY BRJ Other than those ( 'la ssified, OPEN COMF1 Hi Pedigrees of all animals entered in this section musl b accepted for record in the recognized herd book of the b (Department B, Lot Xo. 70, Class or Prize No. 192 I BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Stub (Department B, Lot No. 70, Class or Prize No. 193.) BULL 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio (Department B, Lot No. 70, Class or Prize No. 194.) BULL 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Bessie Kid Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Beauty Kid (Department B, Lot No. 70, Class or Prize No. 195.) BULL UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Dave H. Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio .-Dim II. Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Dan II. (Department B, Lot No. 70, Class or Prize No. I9l COW 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio ..Bethlehem Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Vnnie Darling III (Department B, Lot No. 70, Class or Prize No. \<>7. i HEIFER 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio 11 161 ( Department B. Lot Xo. 70, Class or Prize Xo. 198.) HEIFER 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Dorris of Lakeview Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Beauty III (Department B, Lol X". "0, Class or Prize Xo. 199.) HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. \nd Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Irene II Hull Br..>.. Painesville, Ohio Ruth II (Department B. Lot Xo. 71. Class or Prize Xo. 200.) EXHIBITOR'S HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Hull Bros.. Painesville, Ohio (Department B, Lot Xo. 72, Class or Prize Xo. 201.) BREEDER'S YOUNG HERD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio (Department B, Lot Xo. 73, Class or Prize Xo. 202.) GET OF SIRE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio (Department B, Lot Xo. 74, Class or Prize Xo. 203.) PRODUCE OF COW. Exhibitor ana Post Office Xante of Animal Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Produce of cow Hull Bros., Painesville, Ohio Produce of cow J62 DEPARTMENT C-HORSES. Lon P. McFarland, Superintendent, Leevill< SECTIOX I— LIGHT HARNESS HORSES FOR BREEDING PURPOSES. (Department C, Lot No. 81, Class or Prize No. 217 I STALLION 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Ixhibitor and Post Office . Xante of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, Tenn. McNaught I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, Tenn. McNaught Idle Hour Farm, Macon, Ga., Athlane Idle Hour Farm, Macon, Ga., Mokoline D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City, Ky. i Irmonl R. L. Franklin, Gallatin, Tenn. Noble Fern (Department C, Lot Xo. 81, Class or Prize No. _ M I STALLIOX 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Kid Fl J. L. Xicoll & Son, Woodhurn, -Ky. D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City, Ky. Noble 163 (Department C, Lot Xo. 81, Class or Prize Xo. 219.) STALLION 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office - v "'"f of Animal 1 R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Mallbeta Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Term. McKinsey Bell Idle Hour Stock Farm. Macon. Ga. Albar Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon. Ga. Admiral Evans i & Young, Watertown, Tenn. Red Eagle, Tenn. Savage, Nashville, Tenn. (Department C, Lot Xo. 81, Class or Prize Xo. 220.) STALLION 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal 1. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Kid Snap 1". M. Ewing, Aspen Hill, Tenn. Crescent Boy Patton & Young, Watertown, Tenn. Red Chief (Department C, Lot Xo. 81, Class or Prize Xo. 221.) HORSE FOAL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Lydia Wilkes E. Bell Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Effie Hill Idle Hour Stock Farm. Macon, Ga. J. J. Vester, Nashville, Tenn. (Department C, Lot Xo. 81, Class or Prize Xo. 222.) MARE 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, Tenn. Naetter I R. Peck & Son. Winchester, Tenn. Viviar M. I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, Tenn. Allen & ol.lham. Gallatin, Tenn. J Baber, Gallatin, Tenn. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Prince Spears Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Grafert F, M. Erving, Aspen Hill, Tenn. Babels I-. M. Erving, Aspen Hill, Tenn. Virginia I hompson, Lebanon, Tenn. Virginia Dave J D. Whit Gallatin, Tenn. Ellen Yeiser Harry S. Stokes, Nashville, Tenn. Countess Harrj . Nashville, Tenn. My Lady 164 (Department C, Lol No. 81, < lass or I'm.. ' MARE 3 YE VRS < M.l> WD ( DJ R -I Exhibitor and Post ( )Mce I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. I. R. Peck & Son. Winchester, 111. W. P. Baker, Sr., Gallatin, Tenn. Idle I lour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. VII I. P. Russell, Stevenson, Ala. Marry S. Stokes, Nashville, Tenn. Kittj {Department C, Lol No. 81, Class or Pri FILLY 2 YEARS I »LD WD UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office , m al I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn Summer I Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. l Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. I'm J. P. Cook & Co., Newton, Kansas (Department C, Lot No. SI. Class or Prize No. 225.) FILLY 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. F. M. Ewing, Aspen Hill, Tenn. J. A. Goldston, Nashville, Tenn. J. F. Cook & Co., Newton, Kan. (Department C, Let Xo. 81, Class or Prize No. 22 LILLY, FOAL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of 'Animal Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Koheys Lord lurzer Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Summer Morn (Department C, Lot Xo. 82, Class or Prize No. 227 CHAMPIOX STALLION. Exhibitor and Post Office -V"""' "/ Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City. Ky. - Noble Fern, Jr. D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City. Ky. (Department C, Lot Xo. 82, Class or Prize No CHAMPIOX MARE. Exhibitor and Post Office - V '"' ; ' I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester. Tenn. J. S. Whitesides & Co., Gallatin. Tenn. 165 (Department C. Lot Xo. 83, Class or Prize Xo. 229.) STALLION AND GET. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. k. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. McXaught Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Franklin, Jr., Gallatin, Tenn. Xoble Fern (Department C. Lot Xo. 84, Class or Prize No. 230.) MARE AND PRODUCE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son. Winchester, Tenn. Xaretta J k. Peck & S UND Exhibitor and f'ost Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. T. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. 1. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 1!'. W. P. Baker, Sr., Gallatin, Tenn. Nina 1. L. Nicoll, Woodburn, Ky. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Mlethorne ] P. Russell, Jr., Stevenson, Ala. D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City, Ky. Noble Fern, Jr Harry S. Stokes, Nashville, Tenn. Kitty Brown (Department C, Lot No. 86, Class or Prize No. 234.) STALLION, MARE, OR GELDING 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER .<. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Vdmiral Evans Patton & Young, Watertown, Tenn. Red Eagle Boy (Department C, Lot No. 87, Class or Prize No. 235. I PAIRS OF ROADSTERS, ANY AGE, NOT NECESSARY TO MATCH IN COLOR: SAME CONDITION AS LOT 86. Exhibitor and Post Office • v «""' °f i " : I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111 I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111 Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn. Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn. J. L. Nicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga ...Major Ward 8 Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga Prince Sp flic I D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City, Ky Harry S. Stokes, Nashville 167 SECTION III— PACERS. | Department C, Lot Xo. 88, Class or Prize No. 236.) STALLION 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. The Hobo I V Goldston, Nashville, Tenn. (Department C. Lot No. 88, Class or prize No. 241.) MARE 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Jno. Parley, Nashville, Tenn. J. A. Goldston, Xashvi'le, Tenn. SECTION IV— SADDLE HORSES. . Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or Prize No. 249.) STA 1.1.1 OX. 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. L. Xicoll & Son, Woodbury Ky. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. General Lee J. B. Roberts. Nashville, Tenn. Prince Denmark C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. Monte Mark i Department C, Lot Xo. 91, Class or Prize Xo. 250.) STALLION 3 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 4. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Rex Donovan D. A Slater & Co., Gold City, Ky. Eagle Boy I Departmenl C, Lot Xo. 91, Class or Prize No. 251.) STALLION 2 YEARS OLD AXD UXDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal .1. A. Goldston, Nashville, Tenn. Jno. Early 1) V Slate & Co., Cold City, Ky. Eagle Boy J D. Whitesid( X I '<•.. Gold City, Ky. Manns Daire ( Department C, Lot Xo. 91, Class or Prize Xo. 252.) STALLION 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. and Post Office Name of Animal '.. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. __' Peacock, Jr. 168 (Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or P STALLION, FOAL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office \nimal Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. ( I Jepartmenl C, Lol No. 91, I llass or Prizi MARE 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Namt J. L. Nicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Grissam & Thomas, Lebanon, Tenn. (Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or Prize No. FILLY 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. P. Baker, Sr., Gallatin, Tenn. Nina Moir (Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or Prjze No. 2 FILLY 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. ^Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. F. Cook & Co., Newton, Kan. (Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or Prize No. - FILLY 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Jno. Early, Nashville, Tenn. Debt W. N. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn Gypsey Dare W. N. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn. Lady Gr.-J W. N. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn. Elethea May J. T. Cook & Co., Newton, Kan. (Department C, Lot No. 91, Class or Prize No. 258.) FILLY, FOAL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn. (Department C, Lot No. 92, Class or Prize No CHAMPION STALLION. Exhibitor and Post Office J. B. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. J. B. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 169 i Department C. Lot No. 92, Class or Prize No. 260.) • - CHAMPION" MARE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. W. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn. < Department C, Lot No. 93, Class or Prize No. 261.) ST M.l.loN AXD 3 OF HIS GET, EITHER SEX, UNDER 5 YEARS m| \.,|. : NOT OPEN TO STALLION ENTERED l\ LOTS 83 OR 90. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal [die H"iir Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. General Lee and 3 [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Rex Bernard and 3 \Y. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn. \V. W. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn. My Dove Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Nat Baxter and get (Department C, Lot No. Special, Class or Prize No. 261^4.) BEST FIVE-GAITED SADDLE STALLION, MARE OR GELDING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn. Jackson, B. G. J. L. Xicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky. [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. General Lee Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Reo Bird Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Seal Skin J. C. O'Connell, Louisville, Ky. Red Berry I , J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. Monte Mark J. I). Whiteside & Co., Gallatin, Tenn. Redwood J. T. Cook & Son, Newton, Kan. i Department C, Lot No. 94, Class or Prize No. 260.) MARE OR GELDING OVER 15-1, AND UNDER 15-3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. L Nicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Sunrise Harry Smith, Gallatin, Tenn. The Dude J. C. O'Connell, Louisville'. Ky. Miss Barrymorc i Department C, Lot No. 94, Class or Prize No. 261.) MARE OR GELDING OVER 15-3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal .1. L Nieholl & Son, Woodburn, Ky. J D. Whiteside & Co., Gallatin. Tenn Black Rose 170 SECTION V— MISCELLANEi IUS ( LAS (Department C, Lot No. 95, Qass 01 Pri MARE OR GELDING, ANY VGE Exhibitor and Post Office tnimal Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn. J. L. Nicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky. :__ [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. [die Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. ..Seal Skin Albert Dodson, Nolensville, Tenn. Grissam & Thomas, Lebanon, Tenn. Virginia J. C. O'Connell, Louisville, Ky. . Miss Barrymorc J. D. Whiteside & Co., Gallatin, Tenn. ..Red* I J. F. Cook & Co., Newton, Kan. (Department C, Lot No. 96, Class or Prize No. MARE OR GELDING NOT LESS THAN 15-3 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. R. Peck & Son, Winchester, 111. Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn. J. L. Nicoll & Son, Woodburn, Ky. J. D. Whiteside & Co., Gallatin, Tenn. J. F. Cook & Co., Newton, Kan. : (Department C, Lot No. 99, Class or Prize No. 17$. \ REGISTERED GERMAN COACH STALLION THAI' HAS MADE THE SEASON OF 1907 IN TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, A I. A BAMA, MISSISSIPPI, NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. Nibo (Department C, Lot No. 101, Class or Prize No. 274. i MARE OR GELDING 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. (Department C, Lot No. 101, Class or Prize No. 276 I MARE OR GELDING 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3 Exhibitor and Post Office Name "/ Animal J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. J7l i Department C, Lot No. 101, Class or Prize No. 277.) MARE OR GELDING 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. itor and Post ( Office Name of Animal o Kittell, Herbert, Tenn. Bluebell o, Kittell, Herbert, Tenn. Aristocrat i Department C, Lot No. 101, Class or Prize No. 278.) H >AL OF 1907, EITHER SEN. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal tto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. General to Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. Red Cloud J. Otto Kittel, Herbert, Tenn. May Queen SECTION VII— THOROUGHBRED HORSES. I Department C, Lot No. 104, Class or Prize No. 286.) STALLION, ANY AGE, MUST HAVE DONE SERVICE IN 1907; NOT LESS THAN 3 ENTRIES. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal C. B. Weakley, Nashville, Tenn. D. Ora I I »epartment C, Lot No. 104, Class or Prize No. 287.) BROOD MARK. AXY AGE, MUST HAVE PRODUCED FOAL 1907 OR BE WITH FO/\l FROM 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. Irksome M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. Soseia M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. Addie C. I Departmenl C, Lot No. 104, Class or Prize No. 288.) COLT FOAL OF 1906. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. Otoga I Department C, Lot No. 104, Class or Prize No. 289.) FILLY, FOAL OF 1906. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn 172 I I >epartmen1 (', Lo1 No. 104, I COLT. FOAL ( >F 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office x, nili M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. (Department C, Lot No. 104, Class or Priz< FILLY, FOAL OF 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal M. Taylor, St. Blaise, Tenn. For all stallions, any type or breed, that have made a public season in Tennessee during 1907. To be judged by their individuality, quality and fxueness to type represented. To be shown to bridle. (Department C, Lot No. 105, Class or Prize No. . Exhibitor and Post Office Natne'of Animal Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Nal Baxter Idle Home Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. General Idle Hour Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. Rex Bernard W. M. Gray, Dixon Springs, Tenn. My Daughter S. W. Wright, Hermitage, Tenn. High Cliff, Jr. C. B. Weakley, Nashville, Tenn. D. A. Slate & Co., Gold City, Ky. Imonl Stallion Produce Stakes. For registered trotting or pacing stallion and three of his get, foals of 1907. Entrance $25, to accompany entry. The State Fair Association will add $100 to entrance fees, the whole I divided, 60 per cent to first, 25 per cent to second, and 15 per cent to third Must have not less than four entries. Stallion to count 25 per cent, pro duce 25 per cent each. (Department C, Lot No. 104, Class or Pri/c No. 293.) Exhibitor and Post Office #<">•' "-> •'"""" / Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn 173 [, ,\ vi 1 1— PONIES— SHETLAND. I Department C. Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. 295.) STALLION 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Nat Baxter \\\ B. Campbell, Nashville, Tenn. Colonel S .1 Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn. Spot S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn. Ebony ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. I K Alley. Nashville. Billy I Department C, Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. 296.) STALLION 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Miss Mary Etta Joseph, Nashville, Tenn. Petie J. J. Vester, Nashville, Tenn. Jim Vester ( Department C, Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. 297.) STALLION 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Codffrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Strong Box Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. i Department C, Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. 298.) STALLION, FOAL OF 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Bernie C. Elizabeth Gardner, Gallatin, Tenn. S J Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn. Spot II. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn. .' k. Alley, Nashville, Tenn. ( Department C, Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. 299.) MARE, ?> YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal 11 Bros., Nashville, Tenn Midget 11 Bros., Na>hville, Tenn Nellie S. Miss Elizabeth Gardner, Gallatin, Tenn. Charmette Elizabeth Gardner, Gallatin, Tenn Marquise J Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn. Hilda B. r, Nashville, Tenn J 74 Miss Mary Ella Joseph, Nashville, I • mi Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn — ^ Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Term J. R. Allen, Nashville, Tenn (Department C, Lot Xo. 106, Class or Pri FILLY, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER Exhibitor and Post Office Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn Miss Mary Ella Joseph, Nashville, Tenn Lady Sli Miss Mary Ella Joseph, Nashville, Tenn. Filly I Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn (Department C, Lot No. 107, Class or Prize X". 301.) FILLY, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2, Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Miss Mary Ella Joseph, Nashville, Tenn -Filly Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn J. J. Vester, Nashville, Tenn J. R. Allen, Nashville, Tenn (Department C, Lot No. 106, Class or Prize No. ' FILLY, FOAL OF 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name W. B. Campbell, Nashville, Tenn Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn ..Martha - S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn Overton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn 175 (Department C, Lot Xo. 107, Class or Prize No. 303.) HERD TO CONSIST OF ONE STALLIOX, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER I HAT HAS DONE SERVICE IN 1907; ONE MARE WITH FOAL OR THAT HAS PRODUCED FOAL WITHIN PAST TWELVE MONTHS AND Fl )UR HEAD ANY AGE OR SEX. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Cockrell Bros., Nashville, Tenn S J. Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn ton Hall Farm, Nashville, Tenn PI INIES OTHER THAN SHETLAXD. (Department C, Lot Xo. 108, Class or Prize Xo. 304.) STALLIOX, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Idle Hour Stock Farm. Macon Ga >_ Porto Rico ( Department C, Lot Xo. 108, Class or Prize Xo. 306.) STALLIOX, UXDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Roberts Bros., Nashville, Tenn Master K. (Department C, Lot Xo. 108, Class or Prize No. 307.) MARE, 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Roberts Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Lottie B. partment C, Lot No. 108, Class or Prize No. 309.) FILLY, UNDER 2 YEARS. Exhibitor and Post Office . Name of Animal Roberts Bros., Nashville, Tenn Willie B. 176 DEPARTMENT D-MULES AND JACK STOCK. J. L. JOXES, Superintendent, Columbia. JUDGE. J. W. HOWARD. Columbia, Tenn. SECTION I.— MULES. SPECIAL RULES. (Department D, Lot No. 110, Class or Prize No. 313.) BEST MARE MULE. 4 YEARS OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office - v "»"" °f Animal Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn J. O. Baber, Gallatin, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 110, Class or Prize No. 314.) BEST MARE MULE. 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4 c i -u-, j n t n&-, Same of An Exhibitor and lost Umcc Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle. Tenn Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn William O. Harris, Nashville, Tein T. M. Dobbins, Gallatin. Tenn 12 177 , Department D. Lot No. 110. Class or Prize Xo. 315.) MARE MULE, 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 3. and Post Offer Name of Animal S. I. Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn. Mandy S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn Emma I rallatin, Tenn Beck Baber, Gallatin. Tenn Lize I M. William-. Henderson Cross Roads, Tenn i Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 316.) BEST MAKE MULE, 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal - Reager, Flat Creek, Tenn ger, Flat Creek. Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 317.) BEST MARE, FOAL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal - Reager, Flat Creek, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 318.) BEST HORSE. 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn Dock T. M. Dobbins, Gallatin, Tenn ( Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 320.) BEST HORSE MULE. 2 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. O. Baber, Gallatin. Tenn Rufus Red (Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 324.) . MARE MULE, AXY AGE, 15 HAXDS AXD UXDER 15.2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I S. Reager, Flat Creek, Tenn partment D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or Prize Xo. 325.) MARE MULE, ANY AGE, 15.2 AXD UXDER 16 HAXDS. and Post Office Name of Article J Fletcher, Gallatin. Tenn Mandy ' J ■ Gallatin, Tenn Emma 178 Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, I enn Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn J. O. Baber, Gallatin, Tenn J. O. Baber, Gallatin, Tenn. i I >epartmen1 I >, Lot No. 1 10, Class or I'm/. No BEST MARE MULE, ANY \(.l<, 16 HANDS OR 0\ Exhibitor and Post Office Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn T. M. Dobbins, Gallatin, Tenn Allen & Oldham, Gallatin, Tenn .-Rhody J. M. Williams, Henderson Cross Roads, renn (Department D, Lot Xo. 110, Class or I'm/. No. . BEST HORSE MULE, AXY AGP., 15.2 AND UNDER 1'. II \ Exhibitor and Post Office Vainc of Animal Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn I J. O. Baber, Gallatin, Tenn Rufus Red (Department D, Lot No. 110, Class or Prize No. 330.) BEST HORSE MULE, ANY AGE, 16 HANDS OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office . Name of Animal T. M. Dobbins, Gallatin, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. Ill, Class or Prize No. 331.) BEST MARE MULE, ANY AGE OR SIZE Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn J. M. Williams, Henderson Cross Roads, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. Ill, Class or Prize No. 33 BEST HORSE MULE, ANY AGE OR SI /.I Exhibitor and Post Office • v "»" Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 112, Class or Prize No. 333 I BEST TWO-MULE TEAM. Exhibitor and Post Office - V """ S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn --Mandy and Emnu Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn --Sammia and Li Z. R. Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn 179 (Department D, Lol No. 112. Class or Prize No. 334.) BEST FOUR-MULE TEAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn Sammis and Lize; Dock and Tom S ECT ION 11 .— T EN N ESS Kb: M ULES. (Department 1 ). Lot No. 113, Class or Prize Xo. 335.) MARE MULE, 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Allen & Oldham. Gallatin, Tenn Rhody (Department 1). Lot No. 113, Class or Prize No. 337.) MARE .MULE, 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. Exhibitor and Post Ofh e Name of Animal Z. R Pickens, Bell Buckle. Tenn Sammie '/.. R. Pickens. Bell Buckle, Tenn Lize (Department D, Lot No. 113, Class or Prize No. 338.) MAKE MULE, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn Mandy S. J. Fletcher, Gallatin, Tenn Emma T. S. Reager, Mat Creek, Tenn T. S. Reager, Flat Creek, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 113, Class or Prize Xo. 340.) HORSE MULE, 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Z. R Pickens, Bell Buckle, Tenn. SECTION III.— JACKS AND JEXXETS. Judge, L M. Monsees, Smithton, Mb. (Department D, Lol No. 114, Class or Prize Xo. 344.) BEST JACK, 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Offirr v x i ■ i '"' ' A ante of Animal • s - w. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn 180 S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. I'.. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn J. I\ Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky l;. !l McFarland, Nolensville, Tenn... Rice, limit & McWhirter, Alt. Juliet, Tenn... R. L. Burton & Son, Alt. Juliet, Tenn fellow W. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn W. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn W. J. Moore, Columbia, Tenn (Department I). Lot No. 114, Class or Prizi Mo BEST JACK, 3 YEARS OLD AXD UNDER 1 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. D. Jordan, Lascassie, Tenn J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 114, Class or Prize No. 346.) BEST JACK, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER -V Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Alt. Juliet, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 114, Class or Prize No. 347.) BEST JACK, 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky B. H McFarlanJ, Xolensville, Tenn J. M. Jackson, Xashville, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Alt. Juliet, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Alt. Juliet, Tenn R. L. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet, Tenn J. L. Earthman, Xashville, Tenn. 181 (Department D, Lot 114, Class or Prize No. 348.) BEST JACK, FOAL OF 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I 1 Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky McFarland, Nolensville, Tenn (Departmenl D, Lot Xo. 114, Class Prize No. 349.) BEST JENNET, 4 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. I-'. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. F. Cook iV Co., Lexington, Ky K. I.. Burton & Son, Alt. Juliet, Tenn Black Anne R I.. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet, Tenn Ellen (Department D, Lot Xo. 114, Class or Prize No. 350.) BES1 JENNET, 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. Exhibitor and /'est Office Name of Animal I I •'. Cook & S, Lo1 No. 1 18, ( lias 01 Pri BEST J \» K, 3 YEARS OLD OR 0\ Exhibitor and Post ( )fRce S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. D. Jordan, Lascassas, Tenn J. I'>. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn 1!. 11. McFarland, Nolensville, Trim Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Julie!. Tenn. Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Alt. Juliet, renn R. L. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet. Tenn Fellow \V. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn \Y. J. Moore, Columbia, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 118, Class or Prize No BEST JACK, 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 118, Class or Prize No. . ; BEST JACK, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn B. H. McFarland, Nolensville, Tenn J. M. Jackson, Nashville, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn R. L. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet, Tenn W. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 118, Class or Prize No. 361.) BEST JACK, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal L. H. McFarland, Nolensville, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 118, Class or Prize v BEST JENNET, 3 YEARS OLD AND OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Nam S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn R. L. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet, Tenn._. R. L Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet, Tenn._- 183 , i., riim-nt D. Lot No. 115, Class or Prize Xo. 354.) CHAMPION JACK. ANY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office - v "»'^ °f Animal I B. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn Revenue I F. Cook & Son, Lexington; Ky. J. F. Cook & Son, Lexington, Ky. J. F. Cook & Son, Lexington, Ky. J. F. Cook & Son, Lexington, Ky. (Department D, Lot Xo. 115, Class or Prize Xo. 355.) CHAMPION JENNET, ANY AGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky I F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky |. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky I. M. Williams. Henderson Cross Roads, Tenn _ I. M. William^. Henderson Cross Roads, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 116, Class or Prize Xo. 356.) GRAND CHAMPION JACK. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. W. Jetton. Murfreesboro, Tenn S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn S W Jetton. Murfreesboro, Tenn S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn . S. W. Jetton, .Murfreesboro, Tenn J. I). Jordan. Lascassas, Tenn J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington. Ky 1 F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky J. ]■'. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky I. F. Cook & Co.. Lexington, Ky I. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky B. II. McFarland, Nolensville, Tenn W. J. Moore. Columbia, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 117, Class or Prize Xo. 357.) ! HERD OF JACKS AXD JEXXETS, COXSISTIXG OF ONE JACK, 4 YEARS old) or OVER, THAT HAS MADE A SEA- l\ 1907; ONE JENNET THAT IS WITH FOAL OR II I A I HAS PR( IDUCED A FOAL WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, \N1) FIVE JACKS OR JEXXETS, ANA' AGE; ALL TO RE OWXED BY EX- HIBITOR; $50 CUP. Exhibitor and Post office Name of Animal S. W. Jen, ,n. Murfreesboro, Tenn J I- '■.. Lexington, Ky J F. < ' ... Lexington, Ky ■ ■ ■■ McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn 184 ( Department I >. Lol No. 1 18, Class or Pi i BEST JENNET, 2 YEARS OLD \" I 'hi R 3 Exhibitor and Post < >flt e Nam, J. M. Williams, Henderson Cross Roads, Tenn. J. M. Williams, Henderson Cross Roads, i • mi. (Department I), Lol No. 118, Class or Prize No. . BEST JENNET, 1 YEAR I >l.l> WD UNDER ; Exhibitor and Post Office Name <>l Animal S. W. Jetton, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 118, Class or Prize No. 365 > BEST JENNET UNDER 1 YEAR OLD Exhibitor and Post Office Name of \nimal R. L. Burton & Son, Mt. Juliet. Tenn (Department D, Lot No. 119, Class or Prize No, BEST TENNESSEE OWNED JACKS. ANY \«.| Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. Jordan, Lascassas, Tenn J. B. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn J. M. Jackson, Nasbville, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn Rice, Hunt & McWhirter, Mt. Juliet, Tenn W. J. Moore, Columbia, Tenn 185 DEPARTMENT E— SWINE. J. S. HEXDERSOX, Superintendent, Kenton. JUDGES— A. J. LOVEJOY, Roscoe, 111.; J. M. KLEVER, Blooming- burg, Ohio. SECTIOX I— BERKSHIRES. OPEN COM PETIT10X. (Department E, Lot No. 120, Class or Prize Xo. 375.) BOAR 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and I'ost Office Xante of Animal J. D. B. DeBow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Ravenwood (Department E, Lot Xo. 120, Class or Prize Xo. 376.) BOAR, lx MONTHS AXD UXDER 24. Exhibitor and I'ost (Jtli.c Name of Animal J D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Longfellow A. 1*. Shropshire, Centerville, Ky Boulion Model 186 (Department E, Loi No. L20, Class or Prizi No 377 I BOAR, 12 MONTHS AND UNDER Exhibitor and Post Office \,, J. D. B. Dc Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premii J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenw 1 J. I). B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Loi I. D. H. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. (Department E, Lot No. 120, (lass or Prize No. 378.) BOAR, 6 MONTHS AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal II. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Hermitage, Tenn Clover Bottom Earl II. Clover Bottom Farm, Hermitage, Tenn Clover Bottom Earl J. D. B. DeBow, Nashville, Tenn Baron Star J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Baron Star III. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Baron Star I V J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Charmer J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Charmer II. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn King A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky (Department E, Lot No. 120, Class or Prize No. 35 BOAR, UNDER 6 MONTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. C. Doriclson, Obion Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Premier J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Starlight J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chief II. J. D. B. DeBow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chief 111. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chief IV J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chi J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chief VI. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Highland Chief VII J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premie. I J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Lee II! J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 187 (Department E. Lot Xo. 120, Class or Prize Xo. 380.) sow. 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Lady Lee R. II. I D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Lady Premier C. V. (Department E, Lot Xo. 120, Class or Prize No. 381.) SOW. 18 MONTHS AXD UNDER 24. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I. D. I!. De Bow, Nashville, Term Model Lady of Bourbon I. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Columbia Queen J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Stumpy Lady Lee I I Apartment E, Lot Xo. 120, Class or Prize Xo. ?>S2. ) SOW, 12 MONTHS AXD UXDER 18. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal I. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Mostera Orange Blossom J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Mostera Orange Blossom II. I. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Premier Lady Longfellow J 1» I'.. De Bow, Xashville, Tenn Premier Princess J. I). B. De Bow, Xashville, Tenn \uxvasse Duchess XCVUI. W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn Stella Premier (Department E. Lot Xo. 120, Class or Prize Xo. 383.) SOW. 6 MOXTHS AXD UXDER 12. « Exhibitor and I'ost OMce Name of Animal II. C. Doridson, Obion, Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Bell er Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Bell II. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Charmer Queen J. I'. B. De How, Xashville, Tenn Charmer Queen II. J. 1*. B. De Bow, Xashville, Tenn Morning Star II. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Royal Lady J D. 1'.. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn North Ridge Lady II. J. D. I'.. De Bow, Xashville, Tenn Xorth Ridge Lady III. J. D. B. De Bow, Xashville. Tenn Lady Premier LXXL V 1'. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky .V I'. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A 1'. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky ! .1 F. linker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn Daisy Duke .1 I'. Tinker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn Lady Longfellow, B. B. F. W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn Artful Violet W. 1). Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn Fairview Beauty 188 (Departmem K, Lol No. 120, Class or Prizi No SOW, UNDER 6 MONTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Nanu H. C. Doridson, Obion, Term \,. Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Term. . —Clover Bottom D I s III Clover Bottom Farm. Donelson, Term. Clover Bottom I 1 IV J. I). R. De Bow, Nashville, Term Ravenwood D J. 1). B. De Bow, Nashville, Term Ravenwood Dutchess II J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess III J. I). B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess IV J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess V J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess VI J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville. Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess VII J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenwood Dutchess VII! A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky J. F. Tucker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn. W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department E, Lot No. 121, Class or Prize No. 365.) BOAR AND THREE SOWS, ALL OVER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn (Department E, Lot No. 121, Class or Prize No. 366.) BOAR AND THREE SOWS, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department E, Lot No. 122. Class or Prize No. CHAMPION BOAR, 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office - V '""'" "■' ■'"' J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky 189 (Department E, Lot No. 122, Class or Prize Xo. 368.) CHAMPION BOAR, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal j D. B. De Low. Nashville, Tenn V P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky (Department L, Lot Xo. 122, Class or Prize Xo. 369.) CI l.\M PI OX SOW, 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow. Nashville, Tenn (Departmenl E, Lot Xo. 122, Class or Prize No. 370.) CHAMPION SOW, UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal J. D. B. De Bow. Nashville, Tenn A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky J. E. Tucker, Smyrna, Tenn. (Department E, Lot 122, Class or Prize Xo. 371.) GRAXD CHAMPIOX BOAR. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal .1 D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn V !'. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky (Department E, Lot Xo. 122, Class or Prize No. 372.) GRAXD CHAMPIOX SOW. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow. Nashville, Tenn A. P. Shropshire, Centreville, Ky J. F. Tucker &: Son, Smyrna, Tenn. z SECTIOX II— TEXXESSEE BERKSHIRES. All animals to be owned by Tennessee exhibitor and to be bred by 1 ennessee breeder, except as noted. (Departmenl E, Lot Xo. 123, Class or Prize Xo. 373.) BOAR, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER; NOT NECESSARY TO BE I ENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Oft Name of Animal ■ Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Master of Biltmore J "■ B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Premier Ravenwood 190 (Department I . Lol No. 123, I :iass 01 Pri Bl >AR, 1 YEAR OLD \\h UND Exhibitor and Post Offer J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn Ravenw. (Departmenl E, Lol No. 123, i Bl >AR 6 MONTHS OLD A.ND UNDER 12 Exhibitor and Post Office \\ : . H. C. Doridson, Obion, Tenn. ._Dal( P Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover B< Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. < J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. _ Kin. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. , n Star 4th J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Baron Star 3rd J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Premier Charmer J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Premier Charmer 2nd (Department E, Lot No. 123, Class or Prize No. 376.) BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal H. C. Doridson, Obion, Tenn. Dale Prin Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Premier J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland Chief 2nd J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland Chief 3rd J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland Chief 4th J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland Chief 5th J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland I J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Highland Chief 7th J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Rearguard J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Premii i J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Premier Bugler (Department E, Lot No. 123, Class or Prize N SOW 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER; NOT NECESSARY ["0 BE TENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office - v '" ; J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville. Tenn. J. D. B. DeBow, Nashville, Tenn. - Lady Premier (Department E, Lot No. 123, Class or Pri SOW 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville. Tenn «*•■ 191 I 1). B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Masters Orange Blossom I 1). B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Masters Orange Blossom 2nd \\. D Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Stella Premier (Department !•".. Lot No. 123, Class or Prize Xo. 379.) A 6 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal ■ Bottom Farm. Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Bell 2nd ■ Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Bell I Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Morning Star 2nd '| D B. De Bow, Nashville. Tenn. Charmers Queen I. ]) |; De Bow, Nashville. Tenn. Charmers Queen 2nd I. F. Tucker & Son. Smyrna. Tenn. W. D. Mooney, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Fairview Beauty LADY DARKNE5S(7I389) OF RAVENWOOD STOCK FARM-J. D. B. DeBOW, PROP. ^Department E, Lot No. 123, Class or Prize Xo. 380.) SOW I NDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Doridson, Obion, Tenn. Dales Missie 5th r Bottom Farm, Donelson. Tenn. Clover Bottom Duchess 4th r Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn. Clover Bottom Duchess, 3rd J D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess J D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 2nd J- D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 3rd J D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 4th J D. B, De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 5th J D. I'. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 6th J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenwood Duchess 7th 192 J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville. Trim. R J. I). B. De Bow, Xashvillr, Tenn. Ravenw 1 |)u J- D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. Ravenw 1 Du J. F. Tucker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn. (Department E, Lot Xo. 124, Class or Pri -1.) BOAR AND THREE SOWS OVER 1 YEAR OLD; SARY TO BE TENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of .h: J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. F. Tucker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn. J. F. Tucker & Son, Smyrna, Tenn. (Department E, Lot No. 124. class or Prize No. 3f BOAR AXD THREE SOWS UXDER 1 YEAR OLD; \l.l. ["O BE BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn LOT 124J4— GWALTNEY SPECIAL 3S2 l / 2 . For the best Tennessee owned Berkshire individual, am or sex, L. H. Gwaltney, breeder of Berkshire swine. Hickman, Tenn., offers a 3 months sow pig. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn SECTIOX III— POLAND CHINA. OPEN COMPETITION. (Department E, Lot No. 125, Class or Prize No. 3£ BOAR 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Shafner P A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 125, Class or Pri No. 384.) BOAR 18 MONTHS AND UNDER 24. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio 13 193 5 1 t , 1 f (Department E, Lot Xo. 125, Class or Prize Xo. 385.) BOAR 12 MONTHS AXD UXDER 18. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Chief Perfector A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio Smith Brothers, Normandy, Tenn. ' (Department E, Lot Xo. 125, Class or Prize Xo. 386.) BOAR 6 MOXTHS AXD UXDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. ii & Riee. Hutchison, Ky. Sandow ii I'. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Mogul \ C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio (Department E, Lot Xo. 125, Class or Prize Xo. 387.) BOAR UXDER 6 MOXTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Gayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. -_ Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Joe - Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Tennessee Lad Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Tennessee Beau O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Perfect Walkover 6th O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Walkover A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio i Department E, Lot Xo. 125, Class or Prize Xo. 388.) SOW 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibit, 'i- and Post Office Xante of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. m & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Idella Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Maple Leaf Gayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Wonders Dream Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Exover Queer Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Excellent Queen I, 1'. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Sunshine V < Son, Xenia, Ohio A. ( Sou, Xenia, Ohio Son, Xenia, Ohio 196 ( Department I'., Lol No. 125, I SOW IS MONTHS AND U> ,,; , Exhibitor and Post Office S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, < Hiio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio I Departmenl E, Lol No. 125, Class or Pi SOW 12 MONTHS \XI) UNDER 18 Exhibitor and Post Office Nanu S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 125, Class or Prize N SOW 6 MONTHS AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Ruby Queen Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Fern O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. OHie Sunshine 2nd O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Ollie Sunshine 3rd O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Sunshine E. S.' Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. High E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. G;irw\ I E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Wright's E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Fancy Chum 2nd A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 125, Class or Prize No. 3 SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Nan S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. 197 \ Rico. Hutchison, Ky. m, Hermitage, Term. Look at Me son, Hermitage, Tenn. Royal Girl i I. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Sunshine 8th I t. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Sunshine 9th Wright, Brush Creek. Tenn. Beauty Spot Brush Creek, Tenn. Flora O. (rush Creek. Tenn. Flashy 2nd A. C. Gri A Son, Xenia, Ohio \. (. 8 Son. Xenia, Ohio A C. Grieve & Son. Xenia, Ohio ' (Department E, Lot Xo. 126, Class or Prize Xo. 393.) BOAR AXD THREE SOWS, ALL OVER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office . Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Shofner's Perfection Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Exover Queen Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Excellent Queen Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn. Lady Gift A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. C. Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio (Department E, Lot Xo. 126, Class or Prize No. 394.) BOAR AXD THREE SOWS UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. 1 ). P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. ' Mogul O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn. Ollie Sunshine 2nd 0. P. Harry, Alexandria, Tenn. Ollie Sunshine 3rd 0. P. Harry,. Alexandria, Tenn. Tennessee Sunshine 6th A. C Grieve & Son, Xenia, Ohio A. ' '. Grieve & Sun, Xenia, Ohio I Department E, Lot Xo. 127, Class or Prize Xo. 395.) \.\IHn\ BOAR 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. on & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. 198 $%& i&Btfe*--:.. .'/■£!*. A A VIEW OF STONES RIVER, AT RAVENWO »D FARM. (Department E, Lot No. 127, Class or Prize N< CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 1 YEAR I >LD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Bolivcr, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. (Department E, Lot No. 127, Class or Prize No. 395 CHAMPION SOW 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Bolivcr, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. FANNY- OF RAVENWOOD STOCK FARM. JOHN P. WILLIAMS President ■ J. M. OVERTON Vice Prest., Gen. Mjir. C. DIBRELL Treasurer C. C0« Secre Bon Air Coal & Iron C PIG IRON, COAL, COKE Collieries at Bon Air, Raver, scroft, and Eastland, White and Cumberland Count.e. Tennessee. Smelting and Heating Coke. Furnace. at Allen s Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee. ToThIN* cIsTINGsTnd £Z.m™ht' '"7 L5 ° '° f» ™ 1S IRON IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED work needing . sof fluid iron and '„' T" II i' *"' hol,oww - re " nd r " di »'»". «™« -" -'asses of foundry X .ron, and one thai will carry a large per cent of scrap. LOW SULPH UR A SPECIALTY. V" OUR BOM AIR AND CUMBERLAND BLOCK COALS Are ihe BFST AND CHE/^PFST domestic and ...... i u- l , , , A -M in the South, and make more hea, ,0 .he ^Z Z^y tZSZZH ^^'^S&^k^' (,UREAS .I. L i?, C0KE ™f*™°er of Smelting Companies with great success His J b.f and strong- a grea. burden carrier, and excellent for heating and drying. 6 Stahlman Building, Nashville, Tenr». ( Department !•'., Lot No. 1-7, Cla CHAMPION St >\Y UNDER 1 Yl ^R, Exhibitor and Post Office Nami S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. I E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Wri (Department E, Lot No. 127, Class or Prize No. -^ GRAND CHAMPION BOAR. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Si (Department E, Lot No. 127, Class or Prize No. 400.) GRAND CHAMPION SOW. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal S. J. Burk, Boliver, Mo. Clayton & Rice, Hutchison, Ky. E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. High Flyer E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Garvin's Choice E. S. Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn. Wright's B< si SECTION IV— TENNESSEE POLAND CHINAS. All animals to be owned by Tennessee exhibitor and to be bred by Tennessee breeder, except as noted. (Department E, Lot No. 128, Class or Prize No. 401.) BOAR, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER: NOT NECESSARY TO TENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Shofner's Perf< (Department E, Lot No. 128, Class or Prize No. 402 I BOAR, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Smith Bros., Normandy, Tenn 201 partment E, Lot No. 128, Class or Prize No. 404.) BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. . and Posi , Name of Animal I rfson, Hermitage, Tenn Tennessee Lad ; .odson, Hermitage, Tenn Tennessee Beau Alexandria, Tenn Perfect Walkover rry, Alexandria, Tenn Tennessee Walkover (Department E, Lot No. 128, Class or Prize No. 405.) _■ YEARS OLD OR OVER; NOT NECESSARY TO BE TEN- NESSEE BRED. Exhibitor ami Post Office Name of Animal Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Ox Over Queen Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Excellent Queen O. P. Larry. Alexandria, Tenn Tennessee Sunshine 2nd >( partment E. Lot No. 128, Class or Prize No. 407.) SOW, 6 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Annual O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn Tennessee Sunshine 6th - Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn High Flyer (Department E, Lot No. .128, Class or Prize No. 408.) SOW, UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Look At Me Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Royal Girl O. P. Barry , Alexandria, Tenn Tennessee Sunshine 8th O. P. Marry, Alexandria, Tenn Tennessee Sunshine c,th Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn Beauty Spot Wright, Brush Creek, Tenn Flora O Wright, Brush Qreek, Tenn Flashy 2nd (Department E, Lot No. 129, Class or Prize No. 409.) R AND THREE SOWS, OVER 1 YEAR OLD; NOT NECES- SARY TO BE TENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Ox Over Queen •odson, Hermitage, Tenn Excellent Queen linn Lady Gift 1. Hermitage, Tenn Shofners Perfection 202 (Department E, Lot No. 129, < BOAR AND THREE SOWS, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD; \l I BRED BY EXHIBl [*< Exhibitor and Post Office O. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn Herd LOT ug'_. WRIGHT SPEC] \L. 410K'— For the best Trim ned Poland China indi< age or sex, E. S. Wright, breeder of Poland China swin< Tenn., offers a 6 months boar pig. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An 0. P. Barry, Alexandria, Tenn SECTION V— DUROC JERSEYS. Open Competition. (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Pri/e No. jm.i BOAR, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office .Y,/;< • of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborne, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize X<>. 412.) BOAR, 18 MONTHS AND UNDER 24. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborne, Ohio Conger Bros., Fayetteville, Tenn (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. (I3-) BOAR, 12 MONTHS AND UNDER [8. Exhibitor and Post Office Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No | BOAR, 6 MONTHS AND UNDER u Exhibitor and Post Office Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio 203 , Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. 415.) BOAR, UNDER 6 MONTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros.. Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. 416.) SOW, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Main hi Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. 417.) SOW, 18 MONTHS AND UNDER 24. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Main >n Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. 4'8j SOW, 12 MONTHS AND UNDER 18. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Ilros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No 4T9. ) SOW, 6 MONTHS AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn. Ohio Mahon I'.rov, Osborn. Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 130, Class or Prize No. 420.) SOW, UNDER 6 MONTHS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., ( Jsborn, Ohio 204 ^ (Department E, Lot No. 131, Class or Pi »i.) BOAR AND THREE SOWS, ALL 0\ 1 K OLD, Exhibitor and Post Office Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 131, Class or Pri BOAR AND THREE SOWS, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD Exhibitor and Post Office >' Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No. 423. 1 CHAMPION BOAR, 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. , Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No. 424.) CHAMPION BOAR, UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No. 425.) CHAMPION, 1 YEAR OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No \2 CHAMPION SOW, UNDER 1 YEAR. Exhibitor and Post Office Home of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio (Department- E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No. 4-7 GRAND CHAMPION BOAR. Exhibitor and Post Office V """- °t A " i, " i ' 1 Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio 205 (Department E, Lot No. 132, Class or Prize No. 428.) GRAND CHAMPION SOW. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Mahon Bros., Osborn, Ohio SKCTION VI— TENNESSEE DUROC-JERSEYS. All animals to be owned by Tennessee exhibitor and to be bred by Tennessee breeder, except as noted. (Department E, Lot No. 133, Class or Prize No. 429.) BOAR, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER; NOT NECESSARY TO BE TENNESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal (Department E, Lot No. 133, Class or Prize No. 430.) BOAR, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Conger Bros., Fayettevillt, Term (Department E, Lot No. 133, Class or Prize No. 432.) BOAR, UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. T. White, Milton, Tenn Victoria (Department E, Lot No. 133, Class or Prize No. 435.) SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. T. White, Milton, Tenn Queen (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize No. 438.) BOAR, 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. '1 I ). \ er, Lucasville, Ohio 206 ( Department !•'., Lot No. 135, I BOAR 1 YEAR < >l.i> AND U! Exhibitor and Post Office No Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E, Lot Mo. 135, Class or Prize Ni BOAR 6 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize No. 441.) BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize No. 44_' SOW 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize No. 443.) SOW 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize No. 444.) SOW 6 MOXTHS OLD AND UNDER 12. Exhibitor and Post Office - V "" - Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Wm. T. Dever,' Lucasville, Ohio ' Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio 207 (Department E, Lot No. 135, Class or Prize Xo. 445.) SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD. md Post Office Name of Animal Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. 1 )ever, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio I Department E, Lot No. 136, Class or Prize No. 446.) B< > \K AND THREE SOWS OVER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal Win. T. Dover, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio (Department E. Lot No. 136, Class or Prize No. 447.) BOAR AND THREE SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Wm. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever. Lucasville, Ohio Win. T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio 208 DEPARTMENT F-SHEEP. R. P. 1 1 1 tk. Superintendent, Gallatin Judge, II. P. Mill.r, Sunbury, ( >hio. LINCOLN SHEEP. (Department F, Lot No. 139, Class or I'ri/e No, 448 I AGED RAM Exhibitor and Post Office .Winn- of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 139, Class or Prize No. 44'' | YEARLING RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. W. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 139, Class or Prize No. 450. | RAM LAMB. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 139. Class or Prize No. 451.) AGED EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro. Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville. Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. --- 14 209 i Department F, Lot No. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 452.) YEARLING EWE. and Post Office A t a;;r' of Animal II. M. Brown. Hillsboro, Ohio Ak-x. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. A Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. I Department F, Lot Xo. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 453.) EWE LAMB. Exhibitor and Post Office Xamc of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio . Alexander A Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alexander A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alexander A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 454.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 455.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis. i Department F. Lot Xo. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 456.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio ._ ._ (Department F, Lot Xo. 139, Class or Prize Xo. 457.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal H. M. Brow,,. Hillsboro, Ohio _ SECTION I— SOUTHDOWXS. (Department E. Lot Xo. 140, Class or Prize Xo. 460.) RAM 2 YHARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor ami / Name of Animal I . M. Ilinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. I. M. Ilinkle & Son. Springfield, Tenn. Wolt 210 Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F. Lot No. 140, Class or Pri RAM 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, I i mi. . Hillsdale I Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 140, Class or Prize No. \< RAM UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. _ Midget T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. . Bishop Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 140, Class or Pri/o No 463.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER "Exhibitor and Post Office Winn- of Animal T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdale Duchess T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdale B T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Compton Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 140, Class or Prize No. 464.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Annual T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. I T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdal T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdal Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot \ ; o. 140, Class or Prize No * • EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office - v « ; " ,(,/ T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. 211 LOT 141— FLOCKS. . ■ y age. ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 J. and ewe Iamb under 1 year : all owned by exhibitor. Lot Ma 141. Class or Prize Xo. 466.) - Name of Animal T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. T. M. Hi: - Spring ;. Tenn. Hillsdale Duchess T. M. Hi: Spring :. Tenn. Hillsdale Victoria T M. Hi:- Spring Id, Tenn. Hillsdale Xell T. M. Hi: - ringfield, Tenn. Watt T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Compton T. If. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Leota T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Duchess Bell Geo. McKerrow. Pewaukee. Wis. Geo. McKerrow. Pewaukee. Wis. i Department F. Lot Xo. 142. Class or Prize Xo. 467. ) COXSISTIXG OF 4 LAMBS. 2 RAMS AXD 2 EWES. THE GET OF OXE RAM. TO BE BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Midget T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Bailey T. M. Hinkle. Springfield. Tenn. Duchess Xell T. M. Hinkle. Springfield, Tenn. Duchess Bell Geo. McKerrow. Pewaukee. Wis. Geo. McKerrow. Pewaukee. Wis. I Department F. Lot Xo. 143. Class or Prize Xo. 468. ) CHAMPIOX RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal T. M. Hi: - :.. Springfield. Tenn. ( Department F. Lot Xo. 143. Class or Prize Xo. - CHAMPIOX EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal -:nn. Hillsdale Du ... SECTIOX II— TENNESSEE S< (Department F. Lot Xo. 144. Class • . RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER: XOT NECESSARY TEXXESSEE BRED. Exhibitor and Post Office T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield, Tenn. T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield. Tenn. i Department F, Lot Xo. 144. Class or Prize N RAM 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hills (Department F, Lot Xo. 144. Cla-? or Prize N RAM UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An t. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield. Tenn. T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. I T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. I (Department F. Lot Xo. 144. Class or Prize N EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OYER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. Hillsdale Dr. T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. C-mpton T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. Hillsdale B (.Department F. Lot Xo. 144. Class or Prize N EWE 1 YEAR OLD AXD L'N'DER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office Na T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. Hillsdale Vkl T M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. ' T M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. c Hills (.Department F. Lot Xo. 144. Class r Pr " : EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post i T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. T. M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield, Tenn. T M. Hinkle & Son. Springfield. Tenn. J. K. Scott. Mrrfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott. Murfreesboro, Tenn. 213 LOT 145— FLOCKS. 47(i Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 ■ lil and under 2. and ewe lamb under 1 year: all owned by exhibitor. I Department F, Lot Xo. 145, Class or Prize Xo. 476.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. M. 1 1 inkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. T. M. 1 1 inkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdale Duchess T. M. 1 1 inkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Hillsdale Victoria T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Duchess Nell T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Watt T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Compton T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn Leota T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Duchess Bell (Department F, Lot No. 146, Class or Prize No. 477.) Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewes, the get of one ; to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Midget T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Bailey T. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Duchess Nell I. M. Hinkle & Son, Springfield, Tenn. Duchess Bell SECTION III— TENNESSEE SHEEP. (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class or Prize No. 478.) RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class or Prize Xo. 479.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office tf ame f Animal J K Scuii, Murfreesboro, Tenn. .1. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 214 (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class or Prize '. I RAM UNDER 1 i I- \k i Exhibitor and Post Office .V„. [(Mmtf j J. K. Scott, Murfrecsboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn. (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class or Prize No. I EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR 0\ Ik Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class ,„• Prize No 182.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department F, Lot No. 147, Class or Prize No. 483.) EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn. Cloverdale 44 LOT 148. FLOCKS. 484. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 years old nr over, ewe 1 year old and under 2, ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned by exhibitor. (Department F, Lot No. 148, Class or Prize No. 484. I Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. LOT 149— PENS. 485. Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewes, the gel "i on* ram ; to be bred by exhibitor. (Department F, Lot No. 149, Class ,„• Prize No. 485, Exhibitor and Post Office - v -"' v °t Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 215 SECTION IV— SHROPSHIRES. i Departmenl F, Lot No. 150, Class or Prize Xo. 486.) RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal T. \\ . Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee. Wis. (Departmenl F, Lot Xo. 150, Class or Prize Xo. 487.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AND UXDER 2. Exhibitor and J'ost Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 'I". W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 150, Class or Prize Xo. 488.) RAM UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and J'ost Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding. Waukesha, Wis. T. W. 1 larding. Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, IlilPboro, Ohio II. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio McKerrow. Pewaukee, Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 150, Class or Prize Xo. 489.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. I. W. Harding. Waukesha, Wis. • H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio McKerrow, Pewaukee. Wis. M( Kerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lol No. 150, Class or Prize Xo. 490.) EWE 1 YFAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal I W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 216 T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. II. M. Brown, I [illsboro, I >hio 1 1. M. Brown, ! [illsboro, < >hio Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 150, Class or Pri EWE UNDER 1 \ I \R OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office .Wane of Animal T. W. Hardin- Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis. T. W. Harding. Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 151, Class or Prize No. -J'. 492. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 year old and under 2, and ewe lamb under 1 year: all owned by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. ; (Department F, Lot Xo. 152, Class or Prize No. 493 I Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewe-, the gel ol one ram, to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. _ . (Department F, Lot No. 153, Class or Prize No. 4"4 i CHAMPION RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. H. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio 217 (Department F, Lot Xo. 153, Class or Prize Xo. 495.) CHAMPION EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Hardin-. Waukesha, Wis. 11. M. Brown, Hillsboro, Ohio SECTIOX V— COTSWOLDS. (Department F, Lot Xo. 154, Class or Prize No. 496.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 1. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 154, Class or Prize No. 497.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. \Y. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 154, Class or Prize Xo. 498.) RAM UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. \V. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. I . \Y. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. * (Department F, Lot No. 154, Class or Prize Xo. 499.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. \Y. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 'I. \V. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W, Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. i. Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. 218 (Department F, Lot No. 154, I la o P EWE 1 YEAR OLD \.ND UNDER Exhibitor and Post Office T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 154, Class or Prize No 50 EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Nam* of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. LOT 155— FLOCKS. 502. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 years old 01 we 1 year old and under 2, and ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned by exhibitor. (Department F, Lot No. 155, Class or Prize No. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 156, Class or Prize No. 503.) Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewes, the get of one rain : to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 157, Class or Prize No. 504 I CHAMPION RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office •"'<' of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. . (Department F, Lot No. 157, Class or Prize No. 505 I CHAMPION KWI Exhibitor and Post Office • v '"'"' "/ Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company. Doresburg, Mich. . 219 HON VI— OXFORD-DOWNS. (Department F, Lot No. 158, Class or Prize Xo. 506.) RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. i Department J ; . Lot Xo. 158, Class or Prize Xo. 507.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. McKerrow, Pewaukee. Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. I Department F, Lot Xo. 158, Class or Prize Xo. 508.) RAM UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 158, Class or Prize Xo. 509.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. MeKerr. llV . Pewaukee. Wis. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 158, Class or Prize Xo. 510.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AXD UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. . Pewaukee, Wis. : rrow, Pewaukee, Wis. 220 (Department F, Lol No. 158, Class or Prize No. 511 i EWE UNDER 1 \\\\< OLD Exhibitor and Post Office Name <>/ tnimal Michigan Premium Stock Company. Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stuck Company, Doresburg, Mich. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. LOT 159 -FLI >€KS. 512. Consisting of one ram any age. ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 year old and under 2, ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned by exhibitor (Department F. Lot No. 159, (lavs , „■ Prize No. 512.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot No. 160, Class or Prize No. 513.) Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewes, the gel of one ram. to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis. (Department F, Lot Xo. 161, Class or Prize No. 514.) CHAMPION RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 161, Class or Prize' No. 515.) CHAMPION EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. SECTION VII— MERIN< >S. American and Delaine. (Department F, Lot No. 162, Class or Prize No. 5l( RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR < A IK Exhibitor and Post Office W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio 221 W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio \V. Cook I'eorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. I Department F, Lot Xo. 162, Class or Prize Xo. 517.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal \Y. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio \Y. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio \Y. Cook & Sons; Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 162, Class or Prize Xo. 518.) RAM UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio \Y. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich.: Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 162; Class or Prize Xo. 519.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal \Y. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio YV. Cook & Sons, Peorio. Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio - , Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. i (Departmenl F, Lot Xo. 162, Class or Prize Xo. 520.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AXD IWDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal >ok & Sons, Peorio, Ohio ■>ok & Sons, Peorio, Ohio •>ok & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Departmenl I'. Lot Xo. 162, Class or Prize Xo. 521.) EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. v Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal . Peorio, Ohio 222 W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doi Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doi Mich. LOT 163— FLOCKS. 522. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 yeai old year old and under 2, ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned bj (Department F, Lot No. 163, Class or Priz< 522.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of An W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 164, Class or Prize No, 523.) Consisting of four lambs, two rams and two ewes, one ram; to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 165, Class or Prize No. 524.) CHAMPION RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Wane of Animal W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan .Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 165, Class or Prize . v CHAMPION EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal W. Cook & Sons, Peorio, Ohio Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. -_- SECTION VIII— RAMBOUILLET. (Department F, Lot No. 166, Class or Pri RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 223 J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 166, Class or Prize Xo. 527.) RAM 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal 1. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Sou. Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 166, Class or Prize Xo. 528.) RAM UXDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 166, Class or Prize Xo. 529.) EWE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 166, Class or Prize Xo. 530.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AXD UXDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreeshoro, Tenn. J. K. Scott. Murfreeshoro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 166, Class or Prize Xo. 531.) EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. 224 LOT 167— FLOCKS. 532. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe _' years old i year old and under 2, and ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned b) (Department 1", Loi No. 167, I lass oi Pri Exhibitor and Post Office J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot \'o. 168, Class or Prize No 533.) Consisting of four lambs, two ranis, and tun ewes, the gi to be bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name »j Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro. Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 169, Class or Prize No. 534 > CHAMPION RAM. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot Xo. 169, Class or Prize No. 535.) CHAMPION EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Animal J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, .Mich. SECTIOX IX— DORS K IS. (Department F, Lot Xo. 170, Class or Prize No. 536 I RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind. Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. - (Department F, Lot Xo. 170. Class or Prize No. 5 RAM 1 YEAR OLD AX I) UND1 Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. R. Nash, Tipton. Ind. 15 225 R. Nash, Tipton, Ind. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 170. Class or Prize Xo. 538.) R \.M UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal R. Nash, Tipton, [nd Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, I nd Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, .Mich. Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg. Mich. (Department F, Lot No. 170, Class or Prize No. 539.) EWE _• YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind , Michigan Premium Stock Company. Doresburg, Mich Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich 1 I lepartment F, Lot No. 170, Class or Prize No. 540.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name .of Animal I ii". R. Nash. Tipton, Ind Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich (Department F, Lol Xo. 170, Class or Prize Xo. 541.) EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. lixhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Jn<». R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Jn<>. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Mich'- urn Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich (Department F, Lot Xo. 171, Class or Prize No. 542.) sting cif one ram any age, ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 year old ind under 2, and ewe lamb under 1 year; all owned by exhibitor. ;'/.<>■ and Post Office Name of Animat R Nash, Tipton, Ind I ipton, Ind Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg. Mich 226 (Department F, Lot No. \jj. Class or Pi Consisting of four Iambs', two rams and two cm in be bred 1>> exhibitor. Exhibitor and Posi ( office Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Iml Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresb (Department V. Lot No. 173, Class or Pi CHAMPION RAM Exhibitor and Post Office Name of At Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Iml Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich (Department F, Lot No. [73, Class or Prize No CHAMPION EWE Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal Jno. R. Nash, Tipton, Ind Michigan Premium Stock Company, Doresburg, Mich ... SECTION X— HAMPSHIRE. (Department F, Lot Xo. 174, Class or Prize No. 546.) RAM 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis J. K. Scott, Murfreesboro, Tenn Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 174. Class or Prize No. 547 | RAM 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Not T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis - (Department F, Lot No. 174. Class or Prize N RAM UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office T. W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis T. . W. Harding, Waukesha. Wis r W Harding, Waukesha, Wis \. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son. Galesville, Wis \ Arnold X- Son, Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 174. Class or Prize No. 549-) EWE _> YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I W Harding, Waukesha, Wis I W Harding, Waukesha, Wis Alex. A. Arm .Id & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A Arnold & Son. Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot Xo. 174. Class or Prize No. 550.) EWE 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor ami Post Office Xamc of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding. Waukesha. Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & S< in, I lalesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 174, Class or Prize No. 551.) EWE UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. 1 larding. Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis." Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville. Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis FLOCKS. Consisting of one ram any age, ewe 2 years old or over, ewe 1 year old and under 2. and ewe lamb under I year; all owned by exhibitor. 1 I department I". Lot No. 175, Class or Prize No. 552.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal I W. I [arding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis A Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 176, Class or Prize No. 553.) tin- ..:' four lambs, two ram-, and two ewes, the get of one ram; i-i hi- bred by exhibitor. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W Harding, Waukesha, Wis 228 Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis... Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis... "(Department !•'. Lot No. 177. Class or Pi CHAMPK >N RAM Exhibitor and Post OMce Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T, W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis.. . Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis (Department F, Lot No. 177, Class or Prize X" 5 CHAMPION EWE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis T. W. Harding. Waukesha. Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis Alex. A. Arnold & Son, Galesville, Wis SECTION XI— ANGORA GOATS. (Department F, Lot No. 177^2, Class or Prize X" BUCK 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER T. R. Love, Gallatin, Tenn M I". Webb Conger Bros., Fayetteville, Tenn (Department F, Lot No. 177^, Class or Prize X" 557 1 BUCK 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER 2 Exhibitor and Post Office T. R. Love, Gallatin, Tenn B Conger Bros., Fayetteville. Tenn Burrell Jackson, Antioch, Tenn (Deparment F, Lot No. 1 77 ' • Class or Pri e No 5 BUCK KID UNDER 1 YEAR OLD Exhibitor and Post Office T. R. Love, Gallatin, Tenn H. C. Davidson, Obion. Tenn Burrell Jackson, Antioch. Tenn (Deparment F, Lot No. 177V2. Class or Prize No. 559.) DOE _• YEARS OLD OR OVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. R. Love, Gallatin, Tenn Queen of Summer Eve Fayetteville, Tenn (Department F, Lot No. 1 77 ' _> . Class or Prize No. 560.) D< IE 1 YEAR < »LD AND UNDER 2. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. R. Love, Gallatin, Tenn Beauty Ewe r Bros., Fayetteville, Tenn Burrell Jackson. Antioch. Tenn (Department F, Lot No. i77!/>. Class or Prize No. 561.) DOE KID UNDER 1 YEAR OLD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Animal T. R .Love, Gallatin, Tenn Maid Ewe Conger Bros., Fayetteville, Term H. C. I >avidson, ( )bion, Tenn Burrell Jackson, Antioch, Tenn PRIZE WINNERS DEPARTMENT I— AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS. V. A. Bradley, Superintendent, Pleasant View. Judge, C. A. Mookes, Knoxville, Tenn. FARM AND GARDEN PRODUCTS (Department I, Lot Xo. 215, Class or Prize No Premiums:- 1st, $1,000.00; 2d, $300.00; 3d, $150.00; 4th, $100.00; 5tl Exhibitor and Post Ofiiee .\'r. Y. M. Rizer, Franklin, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn. Giles County Farmers" Association, Pulaski, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 216, Class or Prize No. ' BEST COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT BY INDIVIDUAL Premiums: 1st. $150.00; 2d. $75.0H; 3 4th, $ Exhibitor and Post Office J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn. W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn. C. S. Looney, Winchester, Tenn. Fairfield Farm, Hermitage. Tenn. 231 I Department I. Lot No. 217. Class or Prize Xo. 937.) BEST TEN EARS OF CORN, AXY SIZE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article J. H. Q Leigh, Franklin, Tenn 10 Ears Corn T. L. Huffman, Normandy, Tenn. Huffman, Normandy, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones. Concord, Tenn. \V. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. M. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Looney, Winchester, Tenn. Davidson, Obion, Tenn. K. S. Brandon, Normandy, Tenn. SECTION II— SINGLE EXHIBITS. CORN. *LOT 217— SOUTHERX AGRICULTURIST SPECIAL. i I Kpartment I, Lot Xo. 218, Class or Prize Xo. 938.) BEST TEX EARS TEXXESSEE RED COB. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article \V. J. Gresham, .Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn partment I. Lot Xo. 218. Class or Prize Xo. 939.) BEST TEX EARS HUFFMAX. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article T. L. Huffman. Normandy, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones, Concord. Tenn. I [offman, Normandy, Tenn (Departmenl I. Lot Xo. 218, Class or Prize Xo. 940.) BEST TEN EARS WATSOX. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article W . J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna. Tenn Fairfield Farm, Hermitage, Tenn. (Departmenl I. Loj X.,. 218, Class or Prize Xo. 941.) BEST TEN EARS BOONE COUNTY WHITE. '■ '•' Post "fficc Xante of Article I'. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn 232 Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn (Department I. Lol X". -'IS, Class or I'm ■ No BEST TEN EARS HICK( >KY KING. Exhibitor and Post Office \'am< Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski. Tenn W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna. Tenn ._. (Department I, Lot No. 21S. Class or Pri ■ No. 943 I BEST TEX EARS IOWA SILVER MINI Exhibitor ami Post Office Nattti W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 218, Class or Prize No. 944 I BEST TEX EARS ANY VARIETY PROLIFIC CORN. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn . C. S. Looney, Winchester, Tenn H. C. Davidson, Obion Tenn , R. S. Brandon, Xormandy, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 218, Class or Prize No. 945.) BEST TEX EARS AXY VARIETY YELLOW CORN. Exhibitor and Post Office Natn< Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Fairfield Farm, Hermitage, Tenn H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 219, Class or Prize Xo. BEST VARIETY DISPLAY OF CORN IN" EAR, TO Bl EXHIBITOR AXD SHOWN IX TEN EARS 1' Exhibitor and Post Office J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn R. S. Brandon, Xormandy, Tenn. 233 (Department I, Lot No. 219, Class or Prize No. 947.) BEST DISPLAY OF CORN IN FULL STALK, NOT LESS THAN 3 VARIETIES TO BE GROWN BY EXHIBITOR. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article I. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 219, Class or Prize No. 948.) MOST ARTISTIC DISPLAY OF CORN IN EAR, SHELLED AND IX FULL STALK. MUST BE INSTALLED BY EXHIB- ITOR, BUT NOT NECESSARY TO BE GROWN BY EXHIBITOR. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn i Department I, Lot No. 220, Class or Prize No. 949.) BEST HALF BUSHEL WHEAT, ANY VARIETY. LIBERTY MILLS SPECIAL. lixhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Y. M. Rizer, Franklin, Tenn 1 1'. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn S. A. Harper & Son, Bethpage, Tenn Jos. Hoffstetter, Hermitage, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn \V. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn Harry Walker, Concord, Tenn C. S. Looney, Winchester, Tenn A. M. Dement, Cortner, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Haskin, Murfreesboro, Tenn Tom MeAdams, Belfast, Tenn White Rosborough, Normandy, Tenn partment I, Lot No. 221, Class or Prize Xo. 960.) BEST HALF BUSHEL FULTZ. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Id Farm, Hermitage, Tenn partment I, Lot No. 221, Class or Prize No. 961.) BEST HALF BUSHEL CURREL PROLIFIC. md Post Office Name of Article I, Hi I run. 234 (Department I, Lol X,, 221, I ! BEST MALI' BUSHEL BEARDED Will- \|. Exhibitor and Post Office Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn.. Jas. Hoffstetter, Hermitage, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Trim J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Fairfield Farm, Hermitage, Tenn A. M. Dement, Cortner, Tenn W. A. Hoskin, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 221, Class or l'i BEST HALF BUSHEL SMOOTH HEAD WHEAT, OTHER lll\\ THOSE CLASSIFIED, Exhibitor and Post Office Wm;. Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn. Sm. A. M. Dement, Cortner, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 221, Class or Prize No. 9 BEST SHEAF OF WHEAT. Exhibitor and Post Office Nantt J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin, Tenn Half bushel Bearded V. W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 222, Class or Prize No. 9 BEST HALF BUSHEL WINTER TURF OATS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of . \rticU Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 222, Class or Prize t BEST HALF BUSHEL RED RUST-PROOF OATS. Jixhihitor and Post Office Nantt Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 222, Class or Pri No. ! BEST HALF BUSHEL BURT OATS. Exhibitor and Post Office Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn. Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Fai-field Farm, Hermitage, Tenn 235 A. M. Dement, Cortner, Tenn H. C. Davidson, Obion, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 222. Class or Prize Xo. 968.) BEST HALF BUSHEL WHITE SPRING OATS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn Fairfield Farm, Hermitage, Tenn i Department I. Lot No. 222, Class or Prize Xo. 969.) BEST HALF BUSHEL BLACK SPRIXG OATS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article ]n<>. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn ( Department I. Lot Xo. 222, Class or Prize Xo. 970.) BEST DISPLAY OF OATS IX SHEAF, XOT LESS THAX THREE VARIETIES, ALL PROPERLY NAMED AXD LABELLED. NOT NECESSARY TO BE GROWN" BY EXHIBITOR. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article J. H. C. Leigh, Franklin. Tenn Jno. A. Jones. Concord, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 223. Class or Prize Xo. 971.) BEST HALF BUSHEL WINTER BARLEY. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article W. I. Gresham, Mnrfreesboro, Tenn. A. M. Dement. Cortner, Tenn - (Department I, Lot Xo. 223. Class or Prize Xo. 972.) BEST HALF BUSHEL SPRIXG BARLEY. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article Fairfield Farm. Hermitage, Tenn (Department I. Lot No. 224. Class or Prize Xo. 975.) BEST HALF BUSHEL WINTER RYF. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn A. M. Dement. Cortner. Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 225, Class or Prize Xo. 977.) BEST FIVE POUND BUNDLE BROOM CORN". ibitor and Post Office Name of Article \V. J. Gresham, -Mnrfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna. Tenn 236 (Department I, Lot No. 226, Class or Pri BEST TWENTY FIVE SI \l.KS EARLY UMBER Exhibitor and Post Office Natiu W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 226, Clas^ or Pri BEST TWENTY-FIVE STALKS ORANGE. Exhibitor and Post Office Na»u W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna. Tenn TENNESSEE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT-LOUISIANA PURCHASE I KP" ISI 1 ION. (Department I, Lot Xo. 226. Class or Prize No. 9 BEST TWENTY-FIVE STALKS RED rOP. Exhibitor and Post Office Nam Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn.. Fairfield Farm, Hermitage, Tenn. 237 (Department 1, Lot Xo. 226, Class or Prize Xo. 981.) BEST TWENTY-FIVE STALKS KAFFIR CORX. Exhibitor and Post I Name of Article P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn (Department I. Lot No. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 983.) BEST BALE TIMOTHY. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article P. M. Tamble, Nashville, Tenn —V.- Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 984.) BEST BALE ALFALFA. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 985.) BEST BALE ALSYKE CLOVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 986.) BEST BALE RED CLOVER. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. 1. (in-sham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 987.) BEST BALE MILLET. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 228, Class or Prize Xo. 988.) BEST BALE MILLET. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 238 (Department I, Lot No. 230, Class or Pri REST PECK GERMAN Mil. 1.1 I Exhibitor and Post Office J. M. Grcsham, Smyrna, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 2M), Class 01 Pi BEST PECK RED CLOVER. Exhibitor and Post Office .Win:. W. I. Grcsham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 231, Class or Prize No. 1002.) BEST TEN STALKS OF COTTON, WITH BOLLS ATTACHED ANY VARIETY. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 231, Class or Prize No. 1003.) BEST TWO POUNDS LINT COTTON, DIRECT FROM GIN. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 232, Class or Prize No. 1005 I LARGEST SUNFLOWER ON STALK. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 232, Cl.nss or Prize No. 10 BEST DISPLAY OF FORAGE GRASSES AND CLOVER I N GR1 Exhibitor and Post Office Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn. W. I. Meadows, Murfreesboro, Tenn H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn 239 SECTION III-GARDEX PRODUCTS. VEGETABLES. (Department I, Lot Xo. 233, Class or Prize Xo. 1010.) PECK RED TRIUMPH. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn \Y. 1. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 233, Class or Prize No. 1013.) PECK CROWN JEWEL. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article H. K. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 233, Class or Prize No. 1014.) PECK EARLY ROSE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article W. A. llaskin, Murfreesboro, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 233, Class or Prize No. 1015.) PECK ANY OTHER DISTINCT VARIETY. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn C. S. Looney, Winchester, Tenn H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 233, Class or Prize No. 1016.) BEST DISPLAY NOT LESS THAN FIVE VARIETIES. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Looney, Winchester, Tenn 11. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn (Department 1, Lot Xo. 234, Class or Prize No. 1017.) PECK SOUTHERN QUEEN. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article !'. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Concord, Tenn W. I !. Murfreesboro, Tenn 240 (Department I. Lol No. 234, Class 01 Pri PECK SI R UJSB] RG Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn (Departmenl I. Lot No. 234, * lass or Priz< No 10 PECK Nil. l.o\\ V \MS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name Geo. P. Meadows, Pulaski, Tenn Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 234, Class or Prize No. 1020 I PECK RED YAMS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of .1 Jno. A. Jones, Concord, Tenn S. N. Abbay, Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 1024.) BEST PECK RED ONIONS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of .1 W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 102S I BEST PECK WHITE ONIONS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of A J. M. Bass, Jr., Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 102 BEST PECK YELLOW ONIONS. Exhibitor and Post Office Namt H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. -'35. Class or Prize No. 1027. BEST DOZEN TOM ^TOES Exhibitor and Post Office • v '"' R. L. Jennings, Nashville, Tenn. H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn J. M. Bass, Jr., Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize v ^ BEST TEN RUTABAGA TURNIPS Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. Willis, Nashville, Tenn 16 2« PRIZE HORSES PRIZE PONIES LEWIS L BAXTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE REALTY AND LAND IM- PROVEMENT BUILDING ESPECIALLY LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR NEW HOME L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER PERFLATION ma Typewrite Writing A] Nashville Typewriter Exchange 26 ARCADE 333333 I IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE g I OUR PARTICIPATING POLICY AT | NON PARTICIPATING RATES DIVIDENDS PAID IN ADVANCE, THUS GUARANTEED, NO ESTIMATES C The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co., & PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOS. W. DILLIN, General Agent PHONE MAIN 4052 ij 301-302-303 Jackson Building NASHVILLE. TENN. fg 2X BAR 426 CHURCH ST. Make this Store your headquarters. We carry In Stock Everything that's fit to Drink. BEN CROCKETT Cascade, Old Jack Daniel. Peerless or Private Stock. SI 00 .. nu... t Out of town orders filled promptly. 7 year old Cascade or Peerless, $3.00 gallon 2X BAR 126 CI HJK CH si 243 "sSra^ \\- HOME e©MERS Can"kill twn birds with one stone" while visiting Nashville by supplying their needs in my line: CUTLERY RAZORS SCISSORS TOILET ARTICLES and RAZOR STROPS BARBERS' SUPPLIES My stock is the largest, best assorted aad most reasonably priced in the South. I am the only practical and exclusive dealer. John Weis Grinding and Repairs 331 Union Street HUGH M. WADDLE C. C. WAGGONER ESTABLISHED 1873 F. W. Baker & Co. T Importers and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS For Family and Medicinal Uses Special Attention Given to Jug Trade 205 Church St.. Nashville. Tenn. Telephone Main 994 3d Door from 2nd Ave. N. 30 THOUSAND TELEGRAPHERS uiiiiTrn Aaount of n«w WAN I M| e 'K"t-hour law. ■ ■■ill I LU Salaries incr\ BuVlN ESS iii^^'X Nashville, Knoxvllle and Memphis Draughon's T< leg] a] hy Bpecla i m n angement, Draughon's Co. (home offlce: Nashville, 'ivim.) has 30 Colleges In 17 fi |j - 00 capital; 8,000 students annua 18 success, Bl -1 M SS rrn 11 say I)i THE BEST. THREE month tmlyli keeping or Shorthand by Dra < • >l*i RIGHTED methods equals SIS el pwhere. Draughon al has 3,1 student l< irnlng by mail. Write tor prices on Home E POSITIONS secured or moi ' Catalogue i R B 1 . Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Sewing Machines For Manufacturing of all kinds SOLD BY Singer Sewing Machine Co. 244 5th Ave. N NASHVILLE. TENN WEIL BROS. Koofing and Bu ilders' Paper Brushes, Mops ..and Dusters.. • 310 Second Ave., N. NASHVILLE. TENN 245 (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize No. 1030.) TEX LOXG RED TABLE BEETS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Willis, Nashville, Tenn W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1031.) BEST TEX PARSNIPS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. Willis, Nashville, Tenn II. R. Coleman. Xashville, Tenn J. M. Bass, Jr.. Xashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1032.) BEST TEX CARROTS FOR TABLE USE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. Willis, Xashville, Tenn II. R. Coleman, Xashville, Tenn J. M. Bass, Jr., Xashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1034.) BEST TEN SALSIFY ROOT. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. Willis. Xashville, Tenn II. R. Coleman. Xashville, Tenn J. M. Bass, Jr., Xashville, Tenn ( Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1035.) BEST TEX CUCUMBERS FOR SLICIXG. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article W. I. Gresham, Mnrfreesboro, Tenn. (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1036.) BEST TEN CUCUMBERS FOR PTCKLIXG. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article W. J. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn _• (Department I. Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1037.) SIX STALKS OF CELERY: BEST IX APPEARAXCE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 246 1 1 >epartment J, Lot No. 235, I I.- s 01 P BEST SIX SI \I.KS OF CELERY; BES1 FOR Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. Willis, Nashville, 'Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class 01 Pri BEST SIX BUNCHES I'XkSl.l \ Exhibitor and Post Office A'./;;/, J. M. Bass, Jr.. Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 1040 I BEST THREE EGG PLANTS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Jno. Willis, Nashville, Tenn. J. M. Bass, Jr., Nashville, Tenn.__ (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 1041.) BEST SIN STALKS RHUBARB. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article R. L. Jennings, Nashville, Tenn. (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize No. 104 THREE HEADS CABBACI Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Ar H. R. Coleman, Nashville, Tenn (Department I, Lot No. 235, Class or Prize Xo. 1047. i BEST ONE DOZEN ROASTING EARS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Art W. I. Gresham, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize No. 1049.) BEST PECK VTRGIN] \ PI VNUTS. Exhibitor and Post Office v '"'"" ' J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn (Department I, Lot Xo. 235, Class or Prize No. 105 LARGEST AND BEST DISPLAY OF VEGETABLES BY I UAL GROWER. Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. Willis, Nashville, Tenn H. R. Coleman, Nashville. Tenn 247 [AL PREMIUMS FOR DAVIDSON COUNTY PRODUCTS. The County Court of Davidson County has appropriated the sum of $1,000 to be offered in premiums at the Fair of 1907 for products of Davidson County. (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 246, Class or Prize No. 1150.) BEEF BULL, ANY BREED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Burkett Farm, Antioch, Term Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn. (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 246. Class or Prize No. 1151.) BEEF COW, ANY BREED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn Burkett Farm, Antioch, Tenn (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 246, Class or Prize No. 1154.) BERKSHIRE BOAR, DAVIDSON COUNTY RAISED. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article J. D. 1!. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. 1). B. De How. Nashville, Tenn J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. I). B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. D. B. De How, Nashville, Tenn .1 D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn J. I). B. De How. Nashville, Tenn J. D B. De How. Nashville, Tenn J. D. B. 1).- How, Nashville, Tenn .1. I). B. De How. Nashville, Tenn (Davidson County Special. Lot No. 246, Class or Prize No. 1155.) BERKSHIRE SOW, DAVIDSON COUNTY RAISED. xhibitor ami Post Office Name of Article D. B. I >e Bow, Nashville, Tenn I) B. 1).- I'.ow, Nashville, Tenn D. B. I).- Bow, Nashville. Tenn : D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn D. I'.. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn D- B. De Bow, Nashville. Tenn D B D( Bow, Nashville, Tenn D. B. I).- Bow, Nashville, Tenn D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn D B De Bow, Nashville, Tenn D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn D B De Bow, Nashville, Tenn 248 J. D. B. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn.__. J. I), li. De Bow, Nashville, renn J. 1). I'.. De Bow, Nashville, Tenn. (Davidson County Special, Lol No. 246 I ... H56 POLAND CHINA BOAR, DAVIDSO! i Exhibitor and Post Office Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tmn ( Davidson County Special, Lol No. 246, Class or P POLAND CHINA SOW. DAVIDSON COl IV RAIS1 Exhibitor and Post Office .Xam, Joe Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn (Davidson County Special, Lol No. 246, Class or Prize No. 11 DAVIDSON COUNTY OWNED REGISTERED STALLH BREED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn glish Bell Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn . McKinsej (Davidson County Special, Lol No. 246, Class or Pri N T o. 1165 I DAVIDSON COUNTY OWNED, BROOD MARE; MIST HAV1 PRODUCED F< >AL 1907. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante o) James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 246, Cla^ or Prize No. II HORSE, FOAL OF 1907: DAVIDSON COUNTY RAIS1 Exhibitor and Post Office Wane oj Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn Lydia W ilk. (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 246, Class or Prize No. 1 MARE MULE, FOAL OF 1907, DAVIDSON COUNTY RAIS1 Exhibitor and Post Office James L. Cooper & Son, Nashville, Tenn Clover Bottom Farm, Donelson, Tenn (Davidson County Special. Lot No. 246, Class or Pri e No. JACK, DAVIDSON COUNTY OWNED. Exhibitor and Post Office J. B. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn W. L. Earthman, Nashville, Tenn (Davidson County Special, Lot No. 247. Class or Pri VEGETABLE DISPLAY. Exhibitor and Post Office Jno. Willis, Nashville, Tenn 249 MRS. BENTON .McMILLIN NHNKWITfl US A CUP OF THE- 5^ FINEST ^"PUREST i«, S, /X Woodland St.. Nashville. E IPROIDERED ARTICLES. (Department 1.. Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 1.) LUNCH 1 LOTH. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. Fannie Bruce Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. \Y. Crahtree Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. T. A. Embry Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. J. W. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. \Y. Shaddow Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. M. Woodward Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Mallie Dye Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. R. J. Marler Alexandria., Term. Mr-. I '.en Covington Winchester, Tenn Mr-. Jas. Keith Winchester, Tenn. Mi-- Martha Hargrave Madison, Tenn. Mr-. J. M. Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. Mr-, (i. P.. Organ Lebanon, Tenn. Mi-- Alice Jackson Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Mr-. R. M. Turner Nashville. Tenn. Mr-. K P. Wright Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Geo. W. Martin Nashville, Tenn. (Deparment L. Lot. No. 250, Class or Prize No. 2.) NAPKINSj SET OF SIX. Exhibitor Post Office- Mrs. Chas. Levy Nashville, Tenn Mr-. Pen Covington Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. M. Duncan Nashville, Tenn. Mi'-. J. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs._Zavier P. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. (Department L, Pot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 3.) Holl. IKS. SET or Six. Sll.K EMBROIDERED. Exhil post Office Mrs Ada P Dalton Huntingdon, Tenn. 252 ((Department L, Lol No. 250, Class or P SIDEBO VRD SC \KI . SI1 K km BROID1 Exhibitor Mrs. Jas. Keith VVin< Mrs. G. B. Organ \ . ( I )epartment 1., Lot No. 25 >. 1 la Pi SIDEBOARD SCARF, COTTON EMBR0ID1 Exhibitor Mrs. J. W. Lindsey Nashville, Mrs. N. G. Shook Winch* Miss Jennie Alston Gallatin, Tmn Miss Jennie Alston Gallatin, 'linn. Mrs. J. C. Brown parta, ''inn Mrs. J. N. Mosby Nashville, (Department L, Lot No. 250, Cla^s or Prize N TABLE CLOTH. Exhibitor Office Mrs. Otto Fritsche Allardt, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville, Tmn. Miss Bessie Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville. Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or I'rize No. S.) CENTERPIECE. Exhibitor Office Mrs. Jno. Blancett Nashville, Tcni Mrs. Hart Blanton Nashville, Terut Mrs. Otto Fritsche Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Mrs. F. R. LeSueur Nashville, Mrs. F. R. LeSueur Nashvilh . Mrs. Chas. Levy Nashville. 'I Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville, Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville. Mrs. H. H. Simmons Miss Stella Scott Vaughn Miss Kate Dickinson Gallatin, I Miss Jennie Abston Mrs. Jas. Keith Winchesti Mrs. E. S. Polk Miss Annie Rich Mrs. Win. Hume Mrs. G. L. Cullom Forest " Mrs. W. J. Thomas ..Fnnjdin, Mrs. Thomas 253 MRS. J. N. BROOKS, Associate Chairman P. K I. MONT COLLEGE * • Home Decorating { WALL PAPER •v/^V^..'- * i American & Foreign Wall Paper Pictures, Frames and Window Shades I * ! Papers from 8 cents to $30.00 and upward ,„r ,,, II 1',,., -. ,,„„,. „. wr || „ l)lr „„„' J CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED * FREEMAN & BECKETT DEGORATING CO. % ; 517 CHURCH STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. * LADIES MEET AT BEERM^YNH 314 UNION STREET UNION IJThe most attractive and up-to-date place in Nashville. FINE SODA FOUNTAIN and the best place in the City for a Good Hot Home Meal at Popular Prices. TJ Ladies of Nashville all know this up-to-date place. Ij Lunches put up to take with you. Dainties of all kinds. BEERMAN'S — [WOMEN'S NECESSITIES: In Silver, Cut Glass and Jewelry. Up To Date and Cheap. Visitors Welcome. I JENSEN, HERZER & JECK \ I JEWELERS I 402 Union Street Phone Main 872 J 255 Mr-. J. X. Crosswy Goodlettsville, Tenn. 1 [erbert Gannaway Memphis, Tcnn. Mr-. Herbert Gannaway Memphis. Tenn, Mrs. .1 B. Rippey Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Miss Annie Homlmier Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. Mr-. Ruthven Gordon Franklin, Tenn. Miss Cornelia Clippe Franklin, Tenn. Mi-- Cornelia Clippe Franklin, Tenn. Miss Addie Petway Bethesda, Tenn. Mr-, (i B. Organ Lebanon, Tenn. Miss Inez Roscoe Goodlettsville, Tenn. Miss Inez Roscoe Cood'ettsviile, Tenn. Mr-. Martha Dodson Hermitage, Tenn. Miss Sallie Smith Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mary E. Williams Nashville, Tenn. Mr.-. M. F Hughes Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. F. E. Jones Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. I). Haird ' Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mi-- Ollie Gist Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Henry Murger Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. John Cooper Quebec, Tenn. Mr-. Weil Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Walker Marcelle South Pittsburg, Tenn. Mr-. J. P». Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. Zavier B. Havier Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. Geo. W. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Lena Campbell Nashville, Tenn. National Agricultural and Normal School Madison, Tenn. Mrs. M. S. Gee Madison, Tenn. Mi-- Stella Crow Denton, Tenn. Mrs. Kirk Hart Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. I larry Manby Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J H. Fall Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. X Mosby Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Ella F. Poole Nashville, Tenn. M r-. J. J. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Lester Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. ('. A. I-Yrguson Nashville, Tcnn. I I >epartment L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 9.) SpiRTWAISTj EVELET EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Post Office Mollie Karr Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Lucy Hendley Gallatin, Tenn. 256 Mrs. Jno. M. Pinkerton Franklin, Mrs. H. H. Sanders Mrs. Geo. Martin Miss Susie M. Greene mi (Department I.. Lot No. 250, Class or Pri 1 N SHIRTWAIST, EMBROIDERED, MADE Exhibitor Miss Sallie Johnson Sewam Mrs. Chas. Johnson Nashville, Mrs. Mollie Karr X.,.1,, j Mrs. Hugh Raut Lebanon, I Mrs. J. M. Douglas Gallatin, I Miss Sallie K. Walker Gallatin, 1 inn Miss Mary Gaut Nashville, I Miss Ruth Rosser Madison, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. Robinson Nashville, Miss Elwood Russey Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. G. W. W. Sweeney Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Marbury Nashville, Tenn. Miss Lillie Manning Murfreesb Miss Sallie Petway Nashville, Tenn. Miss Laura Bang East Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tenn Mrs. J. B. Ridley Thompson Station, I enn. Miss Annie G. Truett Franklin, Tenn. Miss Cora Chriesman Bethesda, Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Nuchols Nashville, Tenn Miss Sallie Griffith Nashville, Miss Will Marchhanks Sparta. Tenn Miss Lula Tubb Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashi ille, Mrs. C. W. Schuyler Nashvilli Mrs. Weil Nasln ille, Miss Estell- Coffelt South Pittsbur( Miss Sallie Griffith Nashvilli Mrs. V. R. McDonald Nashvilli Miss Dee Waller Nasln ill* Miss Lula H. Shute Nashville, Teni Miss Louise Carr Miss Lena Tamble Nashville Miss Clara Ferguson Nashville, '1 (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No CORSKT COVER, EMBROIDERED, M VDE UP. Exhibitor Miss Lola Bringleman 17 257 •» oto$ aftidiow olk40 ' We are fAe on/y Photographers in Tennessee importing direct from Europe ft 0^ Oaf - on - 'Broadway 1512 Jessie Rutherford Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Sallie K. Walton Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. II. A. Walrusly Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. I. W. Crabtree Winchester, Tenn. Miss Elwood Russey Winchester, Tenn. Miss Martha James Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. Miss Meta Orr Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. <■ \V Nuckols Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. T. i ). Morris Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. 1 lenry Murger Sparta, Tenn. Miss Will Marchbank Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. W. K. Rogan Rogana, Tenn. Mrs. H. H. Sanders Nashville, Tenn. Miss Minnie McKeand Nashville, Tenn. Miss Louise Carr Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 12.) TURN-OVER COLLAR AND CUFFS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. H. T. Campbell Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Lucian Caldwell Nashville, Tenn. Miss Ruth Rosser Madison, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. White Pulaski, Tenn. Mrs. B. Marchbanks Sparta, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 13.) baby's bib. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. T. R. LeSueur Nashville, Tenn. Mi-s J. Rutherford Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Laura Bang East Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. (\ \Y. Nuckols East Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 14.) 501 \ PILLOW, SILK EMBROIDERED. Exhibitor Post Office Vnnie I >ismukes Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. F. Billingsley Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. J B Sanders Huntingdon, Tenn. Mrs. R. J Marler Alexandria, Tenn. Borgnis Nashville, Tenn. \l Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. 260 Mrs. G. B. Organ I , , Mrs. M. Flippin Mrs. M. Flippin Mrs. C. L. Hill \ Miss Alice Jackson Pleasant 1 1 ill. Mrs. Jno. V. Orman \ Mrs. Weil \\, Nashville Agricultural Norma] School . .Madi Airs. Jno. Crutcher Mr-. Jno. Crutcher Benton, ( I tcpunnenl 1.. Lol X". 250, CI P PILLOW, COTTON 1 U BR0I1 Exhibitor Mrs. Ringfield Nashville, I enn. Miss Jamie B. Wheeler ^ntioch, Tenn. Miss Jamie B. Wheeler \iiii Mi>> Frank Burlein Lawrenceburg, I Miss Amy Wilson Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Weil West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. V. R. McDonald Nashville, Tenn, Nashville Agricultural and Normal School Madison, Tenn. Mrs. Frank Gray Nash\ ille, It un (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No 16 1 PILLOW SHAMS. Exhibitor Miss Ewing Wesl Nashville, Mrs. J. B. Ridley Thompson Station, Tenn Miss Lutie Carr Franklin, Mrs. G. B. Moody \' ! (Deparment L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. ' TOWELS, HEMSTITCHED OR SCALLOPED WITH [NITIA1 Exhibitor Mrs. J. N. Crossway Goodlettsville, Mrs. J. B. Ridley Thompson Stal Mrs. Ellen Brown Gallatin. Mrs. J. T. Dawson Nasln ille, Mrs. W. J. Charlton Nashville, 'I Mrs. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Mrs. J. M. King N Mrs. J. M. King Nashvill Nashville Agricultural and Normal School (Deparment L, Lot No. 250, Class ,„■ P MOUNT MM i' K EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Mrs. W. A. Hoskfns Miss Mary Watkins 261 Mis. W. C. Potter Nashville, Tcnn. L C. Grantlaiwl Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Hugh Raut Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. W. C. Smelt Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Baxter Snelt Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mary E. Shackelford Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. E. Cannon Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Bailey Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mollie Estill Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Rolffs Franklin, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Organ Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. Joseph Harris Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. C. Brown Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. C. Brown Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Duncan Nashville, Tenn. Mr?. S. M. Harlin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Geo. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. A. Embry Winchester, Tenn. Miss Mary Watkins Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mr- W. M. Hume Spring Hill, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. V. Orman Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. T. E. Jones Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Kirk Hart Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. John Aust Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 19.) KENSINGTON EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Post OMce Mrs. Ada B. Dalton Huntingdon, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. M. Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Davina Vaughn Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 20.) FRENCH EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Post OMce Mr-. Chas. Levy Nashville, Term Miss Mary Watkins Goodlettsville, Tcnn. Miss Aileen Mathis Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mr-. A. T. Naylor Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. X. G. Shook Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. Dr. Stonestreet Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. S. H. Wilhoite Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. Mallie Dye Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Mary Gaut Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. A. Murkin Nashville, Tenn. ■ "1 Russey Winchester, Tenn. v Elwood Russey Winchester, Tenr. I- rank Turner Pulaski, Tenn. Mr- Jno. M Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. 262 Mrs. J. R. P.ersin Franklin, Mrs. J. R. P.ersin .Franklin, Mrs. Ruthven Gordon Franklin, Mrs. E. L. McNeill, Mrs. Jno. V. Orman X.,., . Mrs. W. D. Baird Mrs. J. H. Moore Mrs. N. M. Pierce Saundersville, I Mrs. W. C. Freeman Nashville, Miss Mamie McKeand Nashville, Miss Opal Sneed Nashville, Mrs. S. M. Harlan Nashville, I Mrs. Mary Benson Nashville, Eddie C. Reeves Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. T. Pritchitt I.,.|,. in „,, jenn. Miss Ella Poole Nashville, Tenn Miss Ella Poole Nashville, Tenn. Miss Ella Williamson Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mary Newburn Nashville, Tena (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 21.) EYELET EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Mrs. Hart Blanton Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. T. Campbell Nashville, Tenn Miss Dolly Rives Petersburg, Tenn Mrs. W. C. Smith Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Dr. Stonestreet Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Frank Boyette Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. J. Kelton Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. R. N. Locke Lawrenceburg, I tun Miss Lucy Henley Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Fred Covington Winchester, Tenn Miss Ida Walker Lynnvillc, Tenn Miss Meta Orr Nashville, Tena Miss Meta Orr Nashville, Tenn. Miss Watson Nashville, Tenn Miss J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. P. Rose Nashville, Tenn Miss Jennie B. Green Nashville, Tenn Miss Jennie B. Green Nashville, I Miss Farquaharson Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. Miss Jennie B. Green Nashville, Tenn. Miss Jennie B. Green Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Geo. Martin Nashvill< Nashville Agricultural and Normal School Eddie C. Reeves Mrs. Henry Manby Nashville Mrs. Jno. Aust Mrs. J. Q. Owsley 2r3 VIEWS OF CENTENNIAL PARK w/rnfizfa/'rl/earf/ '' ' KUHN COOPM Gt ARY NASHVILLE. TENN. 07 Fifth Ave, N. MENS, LADIES' AMD CHILDREN'S bfl Telephone Main 956 \ASIIVIIII. II \V iRaftttnr (Eolbgr Naahhtllr. arttn. mill make its pupils a present nf #r0,O00 in iEdurattmtal (Trips uiitliiu tbr next four years, taking thrm tljrnunjj forty statra g-tna for ratalogue Abiirrss A. 8T tubman. |h*». ®S$ \L? %\J ^JL^ %jL& ^JL^ \JL^ %JLr **!/ %Di WANTED-RAIN Manufac'urer of Umbrellas and Parasols Repairing and Recovering a Specialty 29 ARCADE ALDRED BROS Cleaners and Dyers -• .. .. Fancy Dyeing <>" (- otton, Silk and Woolen Garment* French process Dry Cleaning. 308 5th Ave. N.,HASh\ II If TBNN. 265 (Department L, Lot Xo. 250, Class or Prize No. 22.) SHADOW EMBROJDEKY. Exhibitor Post Office Miss Aileen Mathis Goodlettsville, Tenn. Beulab Myers Sewanee, Tenn. Mr-. H. T. Campbell Nashville, Tenn. Miss Annie Watkins Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Cantrell Gallatin, Tenn. Effie McMillin Alexandria, Tenn. M rs. Mary Bailey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. White Pulaski, Tenn. Mrs. A J. Bell Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 23.) OUTLINE EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Ringfield Nashville, Tenn. M rs. C. J. Ransom Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. M rs. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 250, Class or Prize No. 24.) HARDANGER EMBROIDERY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. R. J. Martin Alexandria, Tenn. Mrs. Jas. Mann Winchester, Tenn. Miss Jennie Chamberlain Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. A. D. Faris South Pittsburg, Tenn. Mrs. Asa F. Crowder Sparta, Tenn. Miss Elma Bright Trenton, Tenn. M rs. Jno. Landis Nashville, Tenn. DRAWN WORK. (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prize No. 30.) LUNCH CLOTH. Exhibitor p os t Office Mrs. W.J. Law , Nashville, Tenn. Josie Morris Belvidere, Tenn. Mrs A. T. Naylor Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G I'. Rose Nashville, Tenn. Frank Hurlien Lawrenceburg. Tenn. "art Phillips St. Joe, Tenn. Beatrice Gallaher ' Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 266 Airs. Jno. J. Kelton Lawren< burg Mrs. M. S. McDonigal Uwn Miss Jennie Abston Miss Jennie Abston Mrs. Henry Swaney Gallatin, Mrs. J. F. Lafferty <,.,!,,. Miss Sue Modena Decherd, Mrs. E. C. Mowbray .Wi Mrs. Will Armstrong Winch* I Mrs. C. L. Walrusley \\ Mrs. R. J. Marler Vlexandria, Mrs. Sam Bell Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Henry Swaney Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Alice Cartwright Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. B. F. Drake Nashville, I enn Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke Nashville, Mrs. F. E. McKay Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Thompson Wade Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. L. Kiser Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. C. Brown Sparta, Tenn. Miss Florence Hall Nashville, Tenn. Miss Florence Hall Nashville, Tenn Mrs. V. R. McDonald Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Geo. Martin Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Cora L. Watkins Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. L. W. Rollins Alexandria, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Lowe Nashville, I (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prize No. 31 1 DRESSER SCARF. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. G. P. Rose Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mattie Baxter I. aw renceburg, Tenn Mrs. Jno. J. Kelton Lawrencebnrg, Tenn. Mrs. J. F. Lafferty Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Pejjie Stubblefield HartsvUle, Tenn. Miss Alice Cartwright Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. Herbert Starnes Nashville, Mrs. A. L Kiser Sparta. Tenn Mrs. A. L Kiser Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Matt Taylor Spart Mrs. Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn Miss Leona Newell Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. B. Moody \dams, Mrs. J. L. Smith Benton, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prize No .;-• SET OF SIX NAPKINS. Exhibitor Mrs. G. C. Benedict 2(7 Mr<. Jno. A. < Ireen Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. (.. P. Rose Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. D. Dismukes Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. J. F. Lafferty Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Will Armstrong Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. B. !•'. Drake Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. C W . Schuyler Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Mary E. Robb Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prize No. 33.) DOLIES — SET OF SIX. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. T. Lafferty Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. G. B. ( >rgan Lebanon, Tenn. Mr-. L. W. Rollins Alexandria, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prize No. 34.) DRAWNWCRK — CENTERPIECE. Exhibitor Post Office Miss Jana I [opwood Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Miss Lena Hopwood Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. Amy Wilson Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Miss Sue Modena Decherd, Tenn. Mr-. Will Armstrong Winchester, Teim. Mrs. < i. B. Organ Lebanon, Tenn. Miss Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. ]■'. Lee Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Will Lyles St. Joseph, Tenn. Miss Mary E. Burk Nashville, Term. Mrs. 7. T. Jordan West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. '/.. T. Jordan West Nashville, Tenn. Nashville Agr. & Normal School Madison, Tenn. Mrs. L. W. Rollins Alexandria, Tenn. Mr-. J. M. I [arrison Sewanee, Tenn. Mr<. Mary Watkins Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mr-. A. I . Naylor Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G, P Rose Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. P. R->-e Nashville, Term. Miss May Montgomery Hendersonville, Tenn May Montgomer) Hendersonville, Tenn. Gallatin, Tenn. M rs. Robt. Clark Spencer, Tenn. Miss Ida Walker Lynnville, Tenn. Mr-. W. C. Crutcher Franklin, Tenn. Mary I [atcher Thompson Sta., Tenn. ' irtv righl Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mr- Elizabeth Clark Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Win Fletcher Nashville, Tenn. 263 Mrs. Thompson Wade Miss Ollie Gist Miss Ollie Gist Miss Lilly Fischer (Department L, Lot No. 251, Class or Prizi N< HEM Si IK II [NG 1:1-1 SP1 CI MEN Exhibitor Mrs. S. H. Wilhoite (, Uettsville, | Mrs. D. K. Lackey. Si I Miss Margaret Boddie Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Lee Walrnsley Winchester, Mrs. I. W. Crahtree Winchester, 1 Miss Annabel Newbill Pulaski, Tenn. Miss Fannie Murphy Nashville, Tenn. Miss Fannie Murphy Nashville, Trim. Mrs. G. W. Nuchols Nashville, Tenn. Miss Sallie Griffith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Sparta. . Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville, Tei Mrs. H. C. Leech West Nashville, Mrs. Cunningham South Pittsburg, Tenn. Miss Sallie Griffith Nashville, Tenn. Miss Nan O'Brien Nashvill*, Tenn. Miss Lizzie Evans Shelbyville, I cnn. LACE WORK. (Deparment L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No LACE COLLAR. Exhibitor Post Office Miss Minnie Andrew N* isl» ''I-'. Tenn. Mrs. Frank Sprague Wi Mrs. J. T. Lafferty < lalUl n, Mrs. J. B. Hassell < iallatin. Tenn. Miss Zella Hopwood Lawrenceburg, Mrs. Jas. E. Spence Lawrenceburg, Teni Mrs. H. J. Dunbar Crossville, Mrs. Sophie Cowan West Nashville, Mrs. J. H. Rolffs Franklin, Mrs. B. T. Drake N Mrs. E. H. Hull Mrs. B. E. Gray Mrs. C. W. Schuyler ..! Nashvil Mrs. Asa Cowder Mrs. V. R. McDonald Mrs. Nellie Cannon 269 LEBANON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES Twenty years of successful tunning. Brick building, steam heat, electric lights, bath rooms, and closets. Bightei D tea faculty in history of the school. Distilled drinking water. Docl fees last year for entire school less than $25.00. For catalogue and further information, address E. E. WEIR, Ph.D., President Lebanon, Tenn. ^Ii.lnuji I I:iiiTi|i lij"l' l"l'!| 'I I I. 'I I I I I l l l l i l l II ll I laMMIKjg TELEPHONES MAIN 913 279 Geny Bros,j Florists Choice Cut Flowers and ; Floral Designs j 712 Church St , NASHVILLE, TENN. I ~liiliiliiliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii|Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiii:iii:iiiiiiii'iiniii|iiirF i I WESTOVER ; $ WHITE SULPHUR WATER J WEST NASHVILLE j> THE BEST OF THE BEST. THE PUREST OF THE PURE. The MOST EFFECTIVE in Kidney, Liver and Stom- ach Troubles of any Water on the Market. A delicious TABLE WATER. NAT BAXTER. Proprietor 1 JAS. A. HUTCHISON. Manager PHONE HEMLOCK 247 ■y^^r* • | The Largest and Best Plant in the South American Dry Cleaning Co. WORK GUARANTEED 524 Union Street NASHVILLE, TENN. ®« 271 (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. 41.) LACE BOLERO. Exhibitor Post Office Mr- J. II. Rolffs • Franklin, Term. Mrs. Geo. Martin Nashville, Term. (Department L. Lot 252, Class or Prize No. 42.) baby's cap. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. C. Dalrymple Spencer, Tenn. Miss Mollie Carr Nashville. Tenn. Miss Fannie Phillips Watertown, Tenn. Mrs. E. Muth Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Marin Spence Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mr-. J. B. Sanders Huntingdon, Tenn. Mr-. Robt. Clark Spencer, Tenn. Mrs. K. C. Hardcastle Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mary Gaut Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. M. Truett Nashyillo, Tenn. Mr-. Joe Green Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Cooper Quebeck, Tenn. M rs. R. L. Brake Baker, Tenn. Mr-. S. J. McCormick Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Wilkins Northern Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Eryle Hyde Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. G. McConico Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Nellie Cannon Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. B. Moody Adams, Tenn. Mrs. Wilkins Northern Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. C. A. Ferguson Nashville, Tenn. Miss Clara Ferguson Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. 43.) CENTERPIECE. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. Frances Bruce Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Frances Bruce Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. V. Harrison Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Clarence Morris Goodlettsville, Tenn. Miss Theresa Turney Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. Alice Tuck Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. F. Lafferty Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. Frances Bruce Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Carrell Lawrenceburg, Tenn. M rs. Mary Carrell Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Belle Murell Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. Matlock West Nashville, Tenn. Pitman Pulaski, Tenn. Hume Spring Hill, Tenn. rs Franklin, Tenn. 272 Mrs - !> - v Hows e l i tnklin, I . ,„, Miss Mary Hatcher Thomp Mrs. Tilmore Fleming I . Mrs. Jacobson West N Miss Annie Luton Miss Alme Marshall Miss Sneezy 1 'leasant 1 1 ill. I Mrs. L. W. Rollins \\, Mrs. G. P. Rose Nashville, I Miss Lilie Buchanan Nashville, I Mrs. B. Marchbanks Nashville, I Mrs. W.J. Lodge South Pittsburg, Tenn. Mrs. G. \V. Hall Nashville, I Miss Mary B. O'Bryan Ridge Top, Tenn. Mrs. Geo. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Hunt Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. h I TABLE (OVER. Exhibit or Office Mrs. H. T. Campbell Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Shaddow Winchester, Tenn Mrs. Aiden Benedict Pleasant Hill, I Mrs. J. H. Rolffs Franklin, Tenn. Miss Alice Jackson Pleasant 1 [ill, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Asa Cowder Sparta, Tenn Mrs. H. B. McNeill Liberty, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. DOILIES. Exhibitor Mrs. Henry Sawrie Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No DOOR PANEL. Exhibitor Mrs. Chas. Marlary Nashville, Mrs. Lillie Buchanan Nashville, Teni (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize N TATTING. Exhibitor Mrs. Jennie Mathis Mrs. J. V. Shaw Mrs. B. B. Gillespie Mrs. Harry Swaney Mrs. B. P. Jackson i\/r t t. r_T 11 Mrs. J. B. Hassell . .• 18 ' 273 Anni- Martin Crossville, Tenn. Annis .Martin Crossville, Tenn. Miss Annis Martin Crossville, Tenn. Miss Belle Becher Columbia, Tenn. Miss Elwood Russey Winchester, Tenn. Miss Sue Lyons Decherd, Tenn. Mrs. J A. White Pulaski, Tenn. Mrs. M. F. Hughes Madison, Tenn. Mrs. 1 larry Swaney Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Laura Raulston South Pittsburg, Tenn. Mrs. T. J. Meyers Gallatin. Tenn. Mrs. Clara Swanger Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. 48.) BEST SPECIMENS OTHER LACE WORK. Exhibitor Post Mr-. R. A. Man West Nashville Mrs. R. A. Man West Nashville Mrs. R. A. Man West Nashville Mrs. G. P. Rose Nashville Mrs. Woodard West Nashville Mrs. Frances Bruce West Nashville Mrs. J. T. Bushy Lawrenceburg Miss Mary Boltz Lawrenceburg Mrs. Frank Burlien Lawrenceburg Miss Mary L. Dillin Nashville Miss Flora Hensler Winchester Mrs. J. M. Harwood Pulaski Mrs. P. A. Hovvse Franklin Mrs. B. T. Drake Nashville Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville Mrs. Asa Cowder Sparta Mrs. Elmore Hill Nashville Miss Mary B. O'Bryan Ridge Top Mrs. M. J. Ridgley . Huntingdon Mrs. Frances Bruce Nashville Miss Alice Jackson Pleasant Hill Mrs. T. A. Kirby Nashville Miss Kate Thompson Nashville Mrs. John G. Hawkins Cowan Mrs. Henry Sawrie Nashville Miss Louise Green Waverly Place Office Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. HANDKERCHIEFS. I Department L, Lot No. 253, Class or Prize No. 50.) POINT LACE. Exhibitor Post office Mrs. P. S. Hunt „ Winchester, Tenn. 274 Mrs. W. S. New Miss Mary Mathis * Miss Theresa Turhey \\ 1; Mrs. J. P. Laflferty ,,,;... Miss Annie Watkins GalUtil Mrs. Clifford Reese Lawn Leonora Fitzpatrick i, Ucttsville, Edna Conquest West Nashville, I Miss Bertha Tunnelle —Lynnville Mrs. I. N. Anstell Miss Mamie Wessell ..Nashville, Mrs. J. H. Rolffs Franklin, Tenn. Miss Queenie Thuss Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. E. H. Hull Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. B. Marchbanks Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. B. E. Gray Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Elma Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. E. Minor Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 253, Class or Prize No. 51.) H0NIT0N LAI I . Exhibitor Post (Met Mrs. J. C. Dalrymple Spencer, Tenn. Mrs. J. F. Lafferty Gallatin, Tenn Miss Mamie Wessel Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Charles Levy Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. C. Brown Sparta, Tenn. Miss Lalla Brown West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. B. Moody- .dams, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 253, Class or Prize No TATTING. Exhibitor Mrs. N. B. Lassiter Nashville, Tenit Mrs. Jennie Mathis Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. Harry Swaney Gallatin. Tenn. M s. M. J. Ridgley Huntingdon, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 253. Class or Prize No DRAWN WORK. Exhibitor Mrs. H. V. Harrison Miss Nannie Hodge r Miss Delia D. Fischer Miss Edna Frey -Spnni Miss Annie Harwell Miss Erskine Smith Miss Erskine Smith Miss Ollie Minich 275 Ollie Minich Winchester, Tenn. Lottie Minich Winchester, Tenn. Miss Lottie Minich — Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. G. P. Rose Nashville, Tenn. Miss Zella Hapwood Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. J. C Cannon Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Miss Mamie Lackey St. Joe, Tenn. Miss Annie Augustine St. Joe, Tenn. Mrs. E. S. Holt Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. \V. J. Thomas ' Franklin, Tenn. Miss Sallie Smith Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Walker Marcel! South Pittsburg, Tenn. Mrs. Eugene Crutcher Nashville, Tenn. Miss Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. Miss Florence Hall Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. L. W. Rollins Alexandria, Tenn. Mrs. J. X. Mosby Nashville, Tenn. Mi- Louise Green Waverly Place, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 253, Class or Prize No. 54.) EMBROIDERED. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. .\. J. Martin Crossville, Tenn. Miss Belle Beecher Columbia, Tenn. Miss Meta Orr Nashville, Tenn. Mrs, Harry Gee Madison, Tenn. Miss Bettie Altman Nashville, Tenn. CROCHETING AXD KNITTING. (Department L, Lot Xo. 254, Class or Prize No. 60.) KNITTED SLIPPERS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. I. W. Miller Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. H. Muth Nashville, Tenn. Miss Louise Peyton Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Louise Peyton Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. C. W. Anderson Madison, Tenn. Miss Sallie Ham Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Todd Franklin, Tenn. Miss Gertrude Leftwich Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize Xo. 61.) CROCHETED LADIES* SLIPPERS. Exhibitor p os t Office Miss Lucy Henley Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. W. J. Smith St. Joe, Tenn. 276 Mrs. J. H. Kendrick ,11,, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Miss Essie Hancock Mm I ( Departmenl L, Lol No. 254, Class 01 Pi 1 KNITTED WOOL SOCKS. Exhibitor /-„.,; Mrs. J. M. Looney Winche Mrs. Smith Pleasant Hill. I Mrs. R. E. Huke Winchester, i .-mi Mrs. T. R. Brown Lebanon, Tena .Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tena Mrs. Jno. Cooper Quebeck, Tenn. Miss Johnella White Nashville, Tenn (Departmenl L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No. 65.) infants' bootees. Exhibitor . Post ' WH t Mrs. Hu L. Craighead Nashville, Turn. Mrs. Bob Dudley Nashville, Tenn Mrs. E. Muth Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. F. Lafferty Gallatin, Tena Mrs. R. E. Huke Winchester, Tenn, Mrs. A. J. Nichols Columbia, Tenn Miss Elizabeth Stewart Nashville, Tenn. Miss Gertrude Leftwich Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Asa F. Cowder Sparta. Tena Miss Minnie Duryee Nashville. Tena Miss Minnie Duryee Nashville Tenn. Mrs. Frank Gray Nashville, I (Department L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No. <><>.) CROCHETEli OK KNITTED GL0V1 Exhibitor Post Mrs. Martha Howse Goodlettsville, Tena Mrs. S. P. Hart Petersburg, Tena Mrs. I. W. Miller Mrs. E. Muth Mrs. R. E. Huke -Winchester, Miss Johnella White ..Nashville, Miss Johnella White Mrs. B. E. Gray Mrs. J. M. King Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No CROCHETED OR KNITTED SHOULDER SHAWL. Exhibitor Mrs. Bob Dudley Mrs. I. W. Miller 277 .Mrs. I'.. A. Hughes Nashville, Terra. Jcson Pleasant Hill, Terra. Mrs. Cotnam South Pittsburg, Teija. Miss Ella I". Poole Nashville, Tenn. (Department L. L<>t No. 254, Class or Prize No. 68.) CROCHETED CAPE. Exhibitor Post Office Martha Bradford Nashville, Tenn. I Department L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No. 69.) infant's crocheted sacque. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. E A. Wilkinson Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. J. F.'tVrty Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. J. T. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. Miss Essie Hancock Murfreesboro, Tenn. Miss .Mary Lasser Nashville, Tenn. Miss Minnie Duryee Nashville, Tenn. Miss .Minnie Dnryee Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mamie McKeand Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. S. Hite Nashville, Tenn. (Department L. Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No. 70.) LADIES J I ROCHETED OK KNITTED SWEATER. Exhibitor Post Office Mr>. Hu L. Craighead Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Alice Jackson ' Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Miss Gertrude Leftwich Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. M. S. Gee Madison, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 254, Class or Prize No. 71.) BETED OR KNITTED AFGHAN. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Chas. Levy Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. E. A. Wilkinson Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. R. D. Dismukes Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. E E. Beard Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. I'.. T. Drake Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Ilaynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. J. T. Dawson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Peter Tamble Nashville, Tenn. Zavier B. Ilaynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. R. C hosier Nashville, Tenn. 278 (Department L, Lot No. 254, I lass 01 I CROCHETED OR KNtTTl Exhibitor Mrs. J. N. Embrey Wii Mrs. I. W. Miller Mrs. R. T. Rucker Nashville, I Mrs. R. E. Travis < Mrs. Baxter Smith Nashville, 'I Vim. Miss Aggie Thompson Win'. Bluff, Tena Mrs. J. H. Joyner I .;• field, Tena Mrs. J. H. Joyner Edgefield, Mrs. B. B. Gillespie Gallatin, Tena Mrs. Jno. W. Head Gallatin, Tena Mrs. T. H. King Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. W. Head Gallatin, Tena Mrs. Haynie Rose Pulaski, Tena Miss Bensa Patterson Elktoa Mr?. Wm. Hume Spring llil!, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tena Miss Annie Joslin Franklin, Trim. Mrs. J. B. Ridgley Thompson Statioa Tena Mrs. Jno. Cooper Quebeclc, Trim. Mrs. Robt. Holton Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Wiel Wesi Nashville, !' a rri ■ •Mil. I etui. Miss C. A. Fleming A/r- -\/t 01 :n: „ Nashville, Miss Mary Phillips 279 (Department L. Lot No. 254. Class or Prize No. 75.) ( ROCHETED I.ACE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. I. \V. Miller Nashville, Tenn. Miss Lucy Henley Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Jas. Whiteside Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Nannie Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. White Pulaski, Tenn. Mrs. Mollie Beasley Dunn, Tenn. Mrs. Win. Hume Spring Hill, Tenn. Mrs. J. K. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. Mr-, (.'hark- E. Griffith Nashville, Tenn. Miss Ollie Gist Sparta, Tenn. Mr-. Cotnam South Pittsburg, Tenn. Miss Essie Hancock Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. A. E. Love Benton, Tenn. SEWING, ETC. (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. 80.) CHILD'S WASH DRESS — WHITE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. Hugh Rant, Lebanon, Tenn. Miss Hattie Robertson, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. T. Lafferty. Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. Marvin Spence, Lawrenceburg, Tenn Mr-. J. B. Saunders, Huntingdon. Tenn Laurye Brognis, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. B. Romine, Pulaski, Tenn Mr-. Haynie Rose, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Fannie Murphy, Pulaski, Tenn. Mr-. B. Marchbanks, Sparta. Tenn Mi-- Clara Swanger, Nashville, Tenn ' Mr-. W. C. Freeman, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. Nan O'Brien, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. L. Baugh, Winchester, Tenn Mr-. C. B. Russey, Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mr-. Miller-, Nashville, Tenn Miss Nell Prince, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Carrie Hancock, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Miss Mary Gaut, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Elwood Russey, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. M. J. Devine, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. '.. W. Nuckols, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Clarence Smith, Nashville, Tenn 1'. F. Faller, S. Pittsburg, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill. Tenn hville Agricultural School, Nashville, Tenn 280 (Departmenl L, Lot No. 255, Class ,„■ Pri (II ll.n's \\ ami DRESS— NOT U i Exhibitor and Post Office Nam* of A> Miss Ira Haley, Madison, Tenn _ _ Child's Wash D .Mrs. M. J. Devine, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. F. B. Groves, Hendersonville, I nm. (Department L, Lot No. 255, Clas 01 Pri BOY'S mmui waist— machine made. Exhibitor and Post Office Natni Mrs. Miller, Nashville, Tenn Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. A. D. Farris, S. Pittsburg, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Landis, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 255, Class or Prize No. 83.) .MAX'S SHIRT — HAND-MADE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of .\> Mrs. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. Sophie Bell, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. E. Randolph, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 255, Class or Prize No. 84.) MAN'S SH I KT- -MAI II INK M ' Exhibitor and Post Office Name of A Mrs. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. F. B. Kirtland, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. H. V. Harrison, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. P. Rose, Nashville, Tenn Miss May Montgomery, Hendersonville, Tenn Mrs. Sue Walton, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. M. Gadsey, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. G. Brazelton, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Caroline Ellis, Dixon Springs, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. . v BUTTONHOLES ON VARIOUS ARTK Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. H. A. Bratton, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. H. A. Bratton, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. J. V. Shaw, Nashville, Tenn 281 Miss Jessie Rutherford, Nashville, Tenn Mi-s Jessie Rutherford, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Duval. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. A. J. Nickols, Columbia, Tenn Mrs. L. D. Wheeler, Nashville. Tenn Mrs. Janie Whitesides, Gallatin, Tenn __ Mrs. Miller. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Mis- Inez Rascoe, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. ('.. W. Nuckols, Nashville, Tenn Miss Caroline Ellis, Dixon Springs, Tenn Mrs. J. T. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Lewis, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Stringfellow, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. L. \V. Rollins, Alexandria, Tenn Mrs. T. E. McKay, Franklin, Tenn Willie Posey, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. H. Kendrick, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. Fannie Webb, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. J. Lodge, S. Pittsburg, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn Mrs. L. W. Rollins, Alexandria, Tenn. Mrs. A. C. Butterworth, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. B. Moody, Adams, Tenn Mrs. N. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mr-. J. T. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lizzie Evans, Shelbyville, Tenn Mrs. J. R. Stewart, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. 86.) PILLOW CASES, WITH INITIAL. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. R. P. Estes, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. W. K. Walton, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. G. W. Nuckols, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Martha Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Mr-. W. J. Charlton, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. J. II. Currey, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. S. M. Ilarlin, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. S. M. Harlin, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. S. M. Ilarlin. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. X. I'.. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. A. S. Warren, Jr., Nashville, Tenn (Departmeni L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. 87.) BESl BRIAR OR FEATHER STITCHING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mis- Francis Harris. Nashville, Tenn 282 Mrs. Jennie Mailiis, Goodlettsville, Tenri Mrs. T. R. Le Seucr, Nashville, renn Mrs. Miller, Nashville, Term Mrs. S. H. Wilhoite, Goodlettsville, renn Mrs. John W. Baker, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Annie Wemyss, Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Margaret Boddie, Gallatin, renn Miss Sallie K. Walton, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. M. C. Ferguson, Madison, IVnn Mrs. M. C. Ferguson, Madison, Tenn Mrs. C. J. Ransom, Nashville. Tenn Miss Laura Bang, Nashville, Tenn Miss H. A. Robinson, Nashville, Tenn Miss H. A. Robinson, Nashville. Tenn Miss Annie White, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. R. C. Lindsley, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. R. C. Lindsley, Nashville, Tenn . Mrs. A. J. Nichols, Columbia, Tenn Miss Laurye Brognis, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Sam Woodard, Pulaski, Tenn Miss Ruth Rosser, Madison, Tenn Miss Ruth Rosser, Madison, Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Nuckols-, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Fannie Ellis Murphy, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. T. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. E. Griffith, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. E. Griffith, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. L. W. Rollins, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Clarence Smith, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn Miss Nan O'Brien, Nashville, Tenn Miss Hester Joseph, Nashville, renn .Mrs. J. T. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lizzie Evans, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No 88 I BEST SPECIMEN PLAIN SEWING. Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. Miller, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Annie Kozmarch, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lizzie Evans, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 2?'?. Class or Prize Mo. . v infant's outfit. Exhibitor and Post Office Hallie Herrich, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. T. R. Le Seuer, Nashville, Tenn... 283 Miss Julia Work. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. \Y. II. Neal, Lawrenceburg, Tenn .Mrs. Will .Martin, Pulaski, Tenn (Department L, Lot \'o. 255, Class or Prize No. 90.) BAND MADE SHIRTWAIST. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. H. V. Harrison, Nashville, Tenn Miss Jessie Rutherford, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Sarah Gardner, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. T, R. Barrick, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Fannie Ellis Murphy, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Fannie Ellis Murphy, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. H. A. French, Nashville, Tenn Mrs, S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. \V. S. Lodge, S. Pittsburg, Tenn .Mrs. S. W. Rollins, Alexandria, Tenn Miss Nan O'Brien, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. 91.) SEWING APRON. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. J. H. Baugh, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. W. H. Palman, Nashville, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn Miss Zella Hapgood, Lawrenceburg, Tenn Mrs. Robt. Clark, Spencer, Tenn Mrs. Harry Swaney, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. H. A. French, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. F. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lula Tubb, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. John Cooper, Quebeck, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. Harry Swaney, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Ada Burns, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Asa Crowder, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. John Landis, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 255, Class or Prize No. 92.) KITCHEN APRON. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. W. L. Arnold, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. D. Henry, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. II. A. Bratton, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mr-. Miller, Nashville, Tenn 284 Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. \Y. 'I'. Allen. Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. W. J. Powers, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. E. I'.. Wilson, Nashville, I Mrs. Chas. M. Gadsey, Nashville, Tenn, Miss E. A. Hughes, Wesl Nashville, I . :nn, Mrs. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tnm Mrs. G. W. Nuchols, Nashville, Tenn.. Miss Nell Pinkerton, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. H. A. French, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Smith, South Pittsburg, Tenn Mrs. M. L. Wilson, South Pittsburg, Tenn._*. Mrs. Rhodes, South Pittsburg, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn.__ Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. Lucy Hagan, Lebanon, Tenn Mrs. John Landis, Nashville, Tenn LOT 256— MISCELLANE( US. (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. I00t) FANCY SUNBON NET. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Miss Rebecca Henry, Nashville, Tenn Miss Bell Frey, Springfield, Tenn Mrs. W. H. Pohnan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. H. Pohnan, Nashville, Tenn Miss Hattie Rosser, Madison, Tenn Mrs. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna, Tenn Mrs. F. B. Groves, Hendersonville, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Landis, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 101.) PIN CUSHION. Exhibitor and Post Office Miwi< Mrs. C. N. Curry, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. F. B. Kirtland, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Yarbrough, Old Woman's Home Mrs. Yarbrough, Old Woman's Home Mrs. Agnes Frey, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. Martha Dodson, Hermitage, Tenn Mrs. Johnella White, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. C. Brown, Sparta, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn 285 Miss Davina Vaughn, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Lizzie Evans, Shelbyville, Tenn._ (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 102.) SILK QUILT. Exhibitor and Post Office . Name of Article Mi-o Eula Austell, Cowan, Tenn Mrs. Ford, Old Woman's Home Mrs. Carpenter, Old Woman's Home Miss Martha Bradford, Old Woman's Home Miss Sue Lyons, Dechard, Tenn Mrs. Lewis Hurst, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. O. P. Pile, Wilder, Tenn Mrs. J. W. Rascoe, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. Yarbrough, Old Woman's Home . Mrs. Wm. Trebring, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. P. Rose, Nashville, Tenn Miss Annie Gaut, Cravison, Tenn Mrs. E. Randolph, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Ladies' Art Circle, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. J. A. White, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Minnie Parks, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. H. J. Kempker, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. B. Ridley, Thompson Station, Tenn Mrs. Sue Pinkerton, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. Lacy Doss, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. Mary E. Priest, Nashville, Tenn Mis. MaryE. Priest, Nashville, Tenn , Mrs. Watson, Nashville, Tenn Miss OlHc Gist, Sparta, Tenn Mis. E. H. Hull, Sparta, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mis- Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. A. W. Butterworth, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. V. R. McDonald, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Clarissa Hiskitt, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. N. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Emily Hill. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Pride, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. C. Torbett, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Geo. Donigan,' Nashville, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize Xo. 103.) COTTON QUILT. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. A. B. Bratton, Dechard, Tenn Mrs. Jeni Hogan, Nashville, Tenn M. W. P'Poole, Nashville, Tenn 286 Mrs. Amanda Kizer, Gallatin, Tcnn Mrs. Elypre Blanchard, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. E. Ferrell, Gallatin, r.nn. Mrs. G. P. Reid, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. E. Blaylock, Pleasanl Hill, Tenn Mrs. Phebc Dodge, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. J. L. Gunson, Nashville, Tenn Mi->s Ellwood Russey, Winchester, I 'enn Mrs. Lee Neal, Alexandria, Tenn Mrs. Lee Neal, Alexandria, Tenn Mis. Robert Terry, Sparta, Tcnn Mrs. E. L. Baldwin, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Callahan, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. J. R. Dorris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. H. Satterfield, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. N. McFadden, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Miss Ollie Gist, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. E. II. Hull, Sparta, Tenn Miss Lula Tubb, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Matt Taylor, Sparta, Tcnn Mrs. Matt Taylor, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. John Cooper, Quebeck, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill. Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Fannie Johnson, Murfreesboro, Tenn Miss S. D. Bell, Gallatin, Tenn Miss J. B. Clark, Nashville, Tenn Miss R. H. Ellis, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Cla^> or Prize No. 1<>4. i WOOL QUILT. Exhibitor and Post Office Nam< Mrs. Ford, Old Woman's Home Mrs. Minnie Parks, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. T. Hayes, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. J. E. Patton, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. -R. H. Ellis, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 105 TAILOR-MADE GOWN. Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. Kate Miller, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. A. Clark, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Pri MUST ART! Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. John A. Murkin, Jr., Nashvilli . I i 287 Miss Mamie McKeand, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Z. P. Leo, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. John Aust. Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 256, Class or Prize No. 107.) BEAD PURSE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. X. B. Haston, Spencer, Tenn Mrs. 11. T. Campbell, Xashville, Tenn Mi-- Maggie Crowell, Xashville, Tenn Mr-. E. Muth. Xashville, Tenn Miss Carrie Ring, Winchester, Tenn Miss Maud Moomough, Xashville, Tenn Miss Sallie Ham, Xashville, Tenn Mr-. M. T. Hughes, Madison, Tenn Miss Sophia Kearney, Madison, Tenn Mi-s Elizabeth Wheeler, Madison, Tenn Miss Claire Mathews, Madison, Tenn Mi-s Martha Handley, Madison, Tenn Mrs. S. J. LeSuer, Madison, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Madison, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Madison, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Madison, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Madison, Tenn Mi-s Margaret Rhea, Madison, Tenn Mi-s Margaret Rhea, Madison, Tenn Miss Edna Zickler, Madison, Tenn Mrs. J. R. Wall, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. R. Wall, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. R. Wall, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Wm. M. Duncan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Farquaharson, Nashville, Tenn Miss L. M. Rankin, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. S. Reeves, Nashville, Tenn Miss Madeline Swartzman, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Asa Crowder, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Geldo Ratterman, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. I. Owsley, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. A. B. Hill, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 108.) SPECIMEN BEAD WORK. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Maggie Crowell, Xashville, Tenn Miss Maggie Crowell, Xashville, Tenn 288 Mrs. I. W. Miller, Nashville, Tenn Gertrude Wisdom, Lawrenceburg, I enn Miss Isabel Atkinson, Winchester, I enn. Miss Willie Campbell, Dechard, Tenn Mrs. A. J. Nichols, Columbia, Tenn Mrs. R. C. Lindsley, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. E. A. Hughes, W. Nashville, Tenn.__. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler. Nashville, Tenn... Miss Jessie Lewis, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. J. Le Suer, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. J. Le Suer, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. T. Dawson, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. H. Kilbourne, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. H. Kilbourne, Nashville, Tenn Miss Frances Zorner, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sanmie Cook, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sanmie Cook, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sanmie Cook, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sanmie Cook, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sanmie Cook, Nashville, Tenn Miss Daisy Grace, Nashville, Tenn Miss Daisy Grace, Nashville, Tenn Miss Daisy Grace, Nashville, Tenn Miss Daisy Grace, Nashville, Tenn Miss Gertrude Leftwick, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Rhea, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Charlton, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Mollie Lewis, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. C. Brown, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Clarence Boyd, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Clarence Boyd, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Miss Madeline Swartzman, Nashville. Tenn. Miss Mary Ratterman, Nashville, Tenn Miss Ella Joe Brown, Nashville, Tenn Miss' Ella Joe Brown, Nashville, Tenn Miss Emma Brown, Nashville, Tenn Miss Emma Brown, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. D. A. Arnuine, Benton, Tenn Miss Davina Vaughn, Nashville, Tenn.— 289 l^NN£SSgl| -Tu RN e Prison Commission and Warden rixic The Home Light m \ p : . ELECTRIC LIGHT "utf Cleanest Safest Best :«.»i .Mi^s Ella Poole, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Ella Poole, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. B. Hill, Nashville, Tenn._ (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 110.) SCORE CARD DESIGN. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mi--- C. Turney, Winchester, Tenn Miss Arm i Reasor, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. W. N. Lackey, Gallatin, Tenn Mi^s Martha James. Nashville, Tenn Miss Janie Ross, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. R. Abernathy, Pulaski, Tenn Miss Elizabeth Yancey, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lizzie Evans, Shelbyville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 111.) PLACE CARD DESIGN. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Cass Turney, Winchester, Tenn Miss Amo Reasor, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. W. N. Lackey, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Martha James, Nashville, Tenn Miss Janie Ross, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Craig, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lizzie Evans, Shelbyville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 112.) MENU CARDS — 6 PAINTED. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Cass Turney, Winchester, Tenn Miss Amo Reasor, Gallatin, Tenn. J! Mrs. W. N. Lackey, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Martha James, Nashville, Tenn Miss Janie Ross, Nashville, Tenn Miss Alida Townes, Huntingdon, Tenn Miss Elizabeth Yancey, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 113.) COLLECTION OF FAVORS. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Cass Turney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. J. M. Harwood, Pulaski, Tenn Miss Alida Townes, Huntingdon, Tenn Mi-s |, stina .Mullens, Nashville, Tenn 292 (Department L, Lot No. 256, (lass or Prize No l MINIATURE PAINTING Exhibitor and Post ( )Mce Miss Dora Bradford. Pleasant Hill, Tenn ..Mini Miss Leonora Bailey, Franklin, I < mi Miss Leonora Bailey, Franklin, Tenn Miss Dora Bradford, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Annie Sharp, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Craig, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lol No. 256, Class or Prize No. 11 PHOTO II AME — PA1 I Exhibitor and Post Office Naine o) Miss Cass Tnrney, Winchester, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville. Tenn Miss Amo Reasor, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Amo Reasor, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn .__. (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 116.) BURM I" PI \ Exhibitor and Post Office Name o) Minnie Andrea, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ada Dalton, Huntingdon, Tenn Mrs. G. P. Rose, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. E. F. McKilson, Gallatin, Tenn Miss Jennie Mathews, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Lillie Buchanan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Lillie Buchanan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville. Tenn. Miss Mildred Norman, Nashville, Tenn Miss Mildred Norman, Nashville, Tenn Miss Margaret Hawthorne, Watertown, Tenn. Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville. Tenn Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville, Tenn Miss Louise Carr, Nashville, Tenn Miss Lucile Stewart, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. H. B. Gwin, Nashville. Tenn Mrs. H. B. Gwin, Nashville, Tenn Miss Mary Newburn, Orphan Asylum (Department L, Lot No. 256; Class ,„ P BURNT WOOD I B Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. H. A. Bratton, Nashville, Tenn.— Mrs. H. A. Bratton. Nashville, Tenn.-- 293 Mrs. Ada Dalton, Nashville, Term Mrs. H. V. Harrison, Nashville, Term Miss Hanger, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. E. H. Hull, Sparta, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 256, Class or Prize No. 118.) BURNT WOOD BOX. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Boys' Club, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. II. V. Harrison, Nashville, Tenn Miss Katherine Hooper, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. Lillie Buchanan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Miss Louise Carr, Nashville, Tenn Miss Spence Hill, Nashville, Tenn i Miss Mary Newburn, Orphan Asylum LOT 257— HAND PAINTED CHINA. (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 120.) PUNCH BOWL. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mr-. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn.__ Mrs. J. A. Wells, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. S. A. Powell, Nashville, Tenn Miss Virginia Hailly, Nashville, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville Tenn Miss Louise Carr, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 121.) VASE. E.xhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Edith Flisher, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Hutchison, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. W. Montgomery, W. Nashville, Tenn „___ Mrs. W. W. Montgomery, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Grace Cooper, W. Nashville, Tenn Mi-- Bessie Smith, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Hutchison, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. G. Pfingstay, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Joe Gillespie, W. Nashville, Tenn Mr-. C. W. Schuyler, W. Nashville, Tenn 294 Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, \Y. Nashville, Tenn Miss Alice Johnston, W. Nashville, Tenn .Mrs. M. N. Young, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Lettie Hogan, West Nashville, Penn Mrs. [da Noble, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. A. Wells, \V. Nashville, Tenn Miss Minnie Hammond, \V. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Walter Allen, Nashville, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Carrie Despot, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Carrie Despot, Nashville. Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 237, Class or Prize No. 122.) CUP AND SAUCER. Exhibitor and Post Office Nami Miss Edith Flischer, West Nashville, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Joseph Harris, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 123.) PLATES. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Edith Flisher, W. Nashville, Tenn PI Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. B. W. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. W. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. W. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Miss Grace Cooper, Nashville, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn Miss Sana Black, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Tenn Miss Ethel Reynolds, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. T. W. Hooper, Pulaski, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. W. G. Pfingstay, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. G. Pfingstay, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Annie E. Sharpe, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Miss Alice Johnston, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. A. Wells, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. A. Wells, Nashville, Tenn 295 LU «3 C/3 LU - z 5 ^ E ■ _ - 1 Mr-. Walter Allen. Nashville, Term Mrs. Walter Allen, Nashville, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Carrie Despot, Nashville, Tenn : Mrs. Jno. Ausl, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 124.) CREAM PITCHER AXD SUGAR BOWL. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mi-- Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn Mr-. Jim. Aust, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 125.) JARDIXERE. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Edith Flisher, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. B. W. Montgomery, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. \V. Montgomery, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. B. Romine, Pulaski, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Miss Annie E. Sharpe, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Handebuth, Jackson, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Aust, Nashville, Tenn ARTICLES NOT NAMED ABOVE. (Department L, Lot No. 257, Class or Prize No. 126.) Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Edith Flisher, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Edith Flisher, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Edith Flisher, W. Nashville, Tenn Miss Edith Flisher, W. Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ada B. Dalton, Huntingdon, Tenn Mrs. Ada B. Dalton, Huntingdon, Tenn Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. B. W. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. B. W. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. XV. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn Mi-s Grace Cooper, Nashville, Tenn Miss Grace Cooper, Nashville, Tenn Mi-s Grace Cooper, Nashville, Tenn Miss Grace Cooper, Nashville, Tenn Mis- Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn 298 Miss Bessie Smith, Nashville, Tenn, Mrs. W. H. Harvey, Lawrenceburg, I i nn Miss Sanna Black, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Nashville, Trim Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Pearl Saunders. Nashville, T< Mrs. S.S. Dibbrell, Sparta, Tenn Miss Joe Gillespie, Nashville, Tenn Miss Joe Gillespie, Nashville, Tenn Miss Joe Gillespie, Nashville, Tenn Miss Annie E. Sharpc, Nashville, Tenn.. Miss Annie E. Sharpe, Nashville, Tenn.. Miss Annie E. Sharpe, Nashville, I enn. Miss Annie E. Sharpe, Nashville, Tenn.. Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. C. W. Schuyler, Nashville, Tenn Miss Alice Johnston, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Ida Noble, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. A. Wells, Nashville, Tenn Miss Minnie Hammond, Nashville, Tenn.. Mrs. Walter Allen, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. G. Pfingstay, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. A. Powell, Nashville, Tenn Miss Virginia Hailey, Nashville, Tenn Miss Virginia Hailey, Nashville, Tenn — Miss Norma Harris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Handebuth, Jackson, Tenn Miss Louise Carr, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Aust, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Aust, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Aust, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Thos. Parkes, Jr., Nashville, Tenn.. LOT 258— HAND WOVEN ARTICI.i - (Department L, Lot No. 258, Class or Prize No. 130.) PORTIERES. Exhibitor and Post Office - v '"' ! Mrs. Maggie Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. E. L. Morris, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. O. Patton, South Pittsburg, Tenn... Mrs. T. S. Richard, South Pittsburg, Tenn Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville, Tenn.— 219 (Department L, Lot No. 258, Class or Prize Xo. 131.) RUG. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. Jennie Mat his, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. Geo. Buck, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mr-. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. J. \Y. Steed, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Phebe Dodge, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. J. Cooley, Pleasant Hill. Tenn Mrs. X. J. Smith, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Alice M. Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. Mattie Coggin, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. Mattie Coggin, Goodlettsville, Tenn Miss Alida Townes, Huntingdon, Tenn Mrs. L. W. Rollins, Alexandria, Tenn Mrs. Vaught, West Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. 0. Patton, South Pittsburg. Tenn Mrs. T. S. Richards, South Pittsburg, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill. Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Ilaynie, Gallatin. Tenn Mrs. Addie Frakes, Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie, Gallatin, Tenn ^ (Department L, Lot Xo. 258, Class or Prize Xo. 132.) BED SPREAD. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mr-. J. M. Looney, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. Carrie King, Winchester, Tenn Mrs. Elizabeth Lu.ndy, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. Flournoy Rivers, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Robt. Terry, Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Robt. Terry, Sparta, Tenn Mr-. Laura Wclborn, Applcton, Tenn Mi-- Mollie Springer, Dunn, Tenn Mrs. Will Marston, Dunn, Tenn Mrs. Matt 'Taylor, Sparta, Tenn . Mrs. Matt Taylor, Sparta, Tenn ' Mrs. Matt 'Taylor, Sparta, Tenn Mr-. Jno. Cooper, Quebeck, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Cooper, Quebeck, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn Mrs. X. T. Jordan. W. Nashville, Tenn Mr-. C. L. Woods, W. Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 258, Class or Prize No. 133.) BAND Woven LINEN. Exhibitor and Post Office Same of Article Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Tenn 300 (Department L, Lol No, 258, Cla i > RAG i A I', Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. A. Bratton, Decherd, Tenn Mrs. Elizabeth Lundy, Pleasant llill, Tenn Mrs. T. B. Brown, Lebanon, Tenn Mrs. J. M. Gresham, Smyrna. IViiii Miss Alida Townes, Huntingdon, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Cooper, Quebcck, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasant llill. Tenn Mrs. J. B. Sims, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. S. S. Dibrell, Sparta, Trim (Department L, Lol No. 258, Class or Prize No 135 I HAND WOVEN WORK. Exhibitor and Post Office Name Mrs. Flournoy Rivers, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Mattie Coggin, Goodlettsville, Tenn Mrs. W. O. Patton, South Pittsburg, Tenn Mrs. T. S. Richards, South Pittsburg, Tenn LOT 259— ARTS AND CRAFTS Wl >RK (Department L, Lot No. 259, Class or Prize No. 14 WOOD CARVING. Exhibitor and Post Office Same oj Mrs. Maggie Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Maggie Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Tom Wilson, Saundersville, Tenn Mrs. W. B. Romine, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 259, Class or Prize No. 141 METAL WORK, Exhibitor and Post Office Nam Mrs. .W. B. Romine, Pulaski, Tenn Mrs. Ruthven Gordon, Franklin, Tenn Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 25 f >, (I e No. 142 i VTHER. Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. Maggie Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn.— Mrs. Maggie Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn.— 301 Gray & Dudley HARDWARE CO. MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF Hardware, Stoves, Saddlery, Cut- lery, Housefurnishings Athletic Goods and Associate Lines Our Retail and City Department is pronounced the finest Hardware Store in the world. Visitors cordially invited to inspect it. D AND THIRD AVENUES NASHVILLE, TENN. 302 7 ' Miss Pear] Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Miss Pearl Saunders, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Handebuth, Jackson, Tenn Jas. Waterson, Jackson, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 259, Class or Prize Xo. 143.) PERFORATED LEATHER. Exhibitor and Post Office fJame of Article Mrs. Lillie Buchanan, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn Miss Davina Vaughn, Nashville, Tenn (Department D, Lot Xo. 259, Class or Prize Xo. 144. ) BOOK BINDING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Miss Maria Daviess, Xashville, Tenn. Miss Edith Flisher, Xashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Craig, Nashville, Tenn Jamie Ross, Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Robert Nichol, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Robert Nichol, Xashville, Tenn Jas. Waterston, Xashville. Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 259, Class or Prize Xo. 145. ) EOOK ILLUMINATING. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Mrs. Jas. Baird. Xashville, Tenn. Miss M. Allen, Xashville, Tenn Miss Maria Daviess, Nashville, Tenn Miss Edith Flisher, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Chas. Craig, Nashville, Tenn Jamie Ross, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Robert Nichol, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Robert Xichol, Xashville, Tenn Jas. Waterston, Xashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 259, Class or Prize Xo. 146.) WALL PAPER DESIGN. Exhibitor and Post Office Xante of Article Mrs. Jas. Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn .Mr-. Jas. Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn Mr>. Jas. Caldwell, Xashville, Tenn 304 ( Department L, Lot No. 259, I lass 01 Pi HAND MAIM JEW II R\ Exhibitor and Post Office Mrs. E. Randolph, Pleasanl Mill, Tenn Miss Alice Jackson, Pleasanl Hill, Tenn Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lol No. 259, Class or Pri CLAY MODE! I \'.. Exhibitor and Post Office Xam, Jamie S. Ross, Waverly Place, Tenn. Jamie S. Ross, Waverly Place, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 25 ( ), Class or Prize No. 1 : SPECIMEN OF POTTERY. Exhibitor and Post Office Win:, Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 259, Class or Prize No. 151.) GENERAL COLLEI TH'\ Exhibitor and Post Office Nam Mrs. K. P. Wright, Nashville, Tenn. LOT 260— BASKET WORK. (Department L, Lot No. 260, Class or Prize No. 160.) SPLIT BASKET WORK. Exhibitor and Post 'Office Mrs. D. Moore Andrews, Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 260, Class or Prize No. 162 I RAFFIA BASKETS. Exhibitor and Post Office Boys' Cluh, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, Nashville, Tenn.__ Miss Bessie Binford, Nashville, Tenn Mr. J. D. Braun, Nashville, Tenn (Department L. Lot No. 260, < lass or Pri RATT W BASKE rS. Exhibitor and Post Office Boys' Club, Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Moore Andrews, Nashville, Tenn.. 20 3° 5 MSN WHO APPROPRIATED 525,003 TO ERECT DAVIDSON COUNTY BUILDING AT STATE FA1 Photographs of tlie following members could not be obtained: L. C. Hessey, K. ( : . Connell, Jno. B. Talbot andJ.W. Wright. FACTS ABOUT" Jfirst Savings JSanh & Grust Company* *^ *^ it** / sr* d It has a capital stock of S300.000.00. C, Its directorate is as strong as thai of any bank in the South. CI, It accepts either savings or checking accounts. O, It opens accounts of $1.00 and up- wards. d. The first bank in Nashville to pay 4%. C It is contributing largely toward making the citizens of Nashville and Tennessee independent by accept- ing their funds as fast as they are ac- cumulated and investing them wisely. d. It has the confidence of nearly six thousand depositors who have en- trusted their fortunes to it. C It has no element of insecurity, as its loans are restricted to ( 1 ; mar- ketable collateral and (2) improved real estate at half its market value. Ct, It is located at Fourth and I nion and does Banking-by-Mail. A. M. SHOOK Presidenl W. R. COLE Vice-PresidenI D C. BUNTIN Vice-Presidenl P.D.HOUSTON Cashier M. E. HOLDERNESS, . Asst. Cashier The Home of 4°o and Safety 307 (Department L, Lot No. 1 0, Class or Prize Xo. 164.) FAFFIA PICTUKE FPAME. Exhibitor and Post Office Name of Article Boys* Club, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Moure Andrews, Nashville, Tenn LOT 251— SETTLEMENT WORK. (Department L, Lot No. 261, Class or Prize No. 170.) Mrs. Harry Weil, President Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Reuben Gentry Nashville, Tenn. Florence Crittendon Nashville, Tenn. Mi>- Alice Jackson Pleasant Hill, Tenn. CHILDREN'S WORK. (Department L, Lot No. 262, Class or Prize No. 175.) SCALLOPING. Exhibitor Post Office Martha Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Lela Rucker Lebanon, Tenn. Pauline Acklen Nashville, Tenn. Martha Regen Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 252, Class or Prize No. 176.) Ii EMSTITCHING. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. M. Looney ■. . Winchester, Tenn. Marilia Lin Isey Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mary Lewis Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Kathleen Vaughn Winchester, Tenn. Miss Owen Looney Winchester, Tenn. Miss Willie Campbell Decherd, Tenn. Miss Lela Rucker Lebanon, Tenn. Miss Annie L. Lowman South Pittsburg, Tenn. Miss Marilia Regen Nashville, Tenn. (Departmenl L, Lot No.. 252, Class or Prize No. 177.) EMBROIDERY; Exhibitor Post Office Miss Martha Weakley Nashville. Tena Mrs. (, |'. Rose Nashville, Tenn. 308 th; m£fw( rm rm 'w m$ rwrfja UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT OF Dorris, Karsch I & Company TELEPHONES, MAIN | 479 I 1369 616 CHURCH STREET NASHVILLE, - - TENNESSEE bKd jMiijMi jJ LAWN AT WOMAN'S BUILDING, TENNESSEE STATE FAIR '1 HE III'.H LIMESTONE BLUFFS OF DUCK RIVER Belmont College *****§***+ ===^=::= Naihtllle. Ttnn Kc\ . Ik V I Wlik'll II II i. Ml-- HOOD .HI, I VII III HON I' Atti The ti HUll "Alii. park ol vantagi and Bnowci degri . Pi Art, and I The Director ol M eminent Kussian , culturi- ami all "ii accommodate 12; n alread Send for illustrate or vi>it the ling. Addi Singer and Wheeler&Wilson Sewing Machines Sold for cash or on monthly payments. Machines rented. Needles and attachments for all makes of machines. Besl oil. All kinds of machines repaired. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 244 Fifth Avenue, North NASHVILLE, TENN. icffiftfs Illustrated Catalogues on Application. 220 5th Ave., North, Nashville, Tennessee EMiss Kittle Kelle % 's Ladies' Dressing and Ma n ■ icuring Par. telephones main 1: Specialty • ment 501-4 Wilcox Wdg.. NASHVILLE. VENN. 3U Miss Treecy Kraus Lawrenceburg, TeniT. Miss Elizabeth Chadwell Madison, Tenn. Mrs. Allen Shook Winchester, Tenn, Miss Kathleen Shook Winchester, Tenn. Edna Conquest West Nashville, Tenn. Catherine Acklen West Nashville, Tenn. Council Jewish Women West Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 262, Class or Prize Xo. 179.) LACE HANDKERCHIEF. Exhibitor Post Office Mackie Davis Nashville, Tenn. (Department L. Lot No. 262, Class or Prize Xo. 180.) DOLL. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. M. Looney Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Owen Looney Winchester, Tenn. Vowell West Nashville, Tenn. E. Allen Nashville, Tenn. Mi" Irene Looney Winchester, Tenn. Mr-. I. C. Patton West Nashville, Tenn. Lucy B. rlogan Lebanon, Tenn. (Department L. Lot Xo. 262, Class or Prize Xo. 181.) PATCHWORK. Exhibitor Post Office Elizabeth Hart Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. Clark Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 262, Class or Prize Xo. 182. i CROCHET CENTERPIECE. Mary Beasley Dunn, Tenn. (Departmenl L, Lot No. 263, Class or Prize Xo. 183.) SOFA PILLOW. Exhibitor Post Office Xell P.ates Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. Lec Neel Alexandria, Tenn. Jamie Miller Decherd, Tenn. Edna Conquest West Xashville, Tenn. Mary Beasley Dunn,' Tenn. Mary Beasley Dunn, Tenn. Anne Gilmore Gallatin, Tenn. i Regen Nashville, Tenn. I. oui Xashville, Tenn. 312 (Department L. Lol No. 262, Cla k.\l 1 i a Exhibitor Myrtle Corbitt TABLE LUXURIES (Department L, Lot No. 265, (lass or Pi BR] AH AMi i A.KES. Exhibitor Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesbo Mrs. W. A. Ross West Nashville, I Mrs. J. W. Fly Nashville, Miss Amu Reasor Gallatin, Miss licssie Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. II. A. Utlcy Goodlettsville, I Mrs. J. P. Williams Nashville, Mrs. W. W. Vaughn Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Charles Shinkle Nashville, Mrs. J. M. Gaut Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Robt. Shafer Madison, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. White, Pulasl Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Miss Lutie Carl Franklin, Mrs. H. T. Worman I. Mrs. E. E. Beard 1 Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, Nashville, Mrs. Hardy Selph Murfrei Mrs. T. G. Hill N Mrs. W. B. Pickard Wi illc, I (Department L, Lot X". 265, Class oi Pri SALT RISING BREAD. Exhibitor Mrs. Jno. Cooper Miss Martha Jones Etta Farrar Mrs. Amelia Parker — - Mrs. E. L. Morris Mrs. J. S. Buford Mrs. J. R. Green - Mrs. E. T. Lewis, Miss Minnie Bratton Mrs. J. T. Dawson Mrs. G. W. Donigan Mrs. Jno. Jones Mrs. Bettie Hobson Mrs. J. R. Stewart (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No; 201.) LOAF OF YEAST WHEAT BREAD. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Jno. Luton Baker, Tenn. .Mr-. C 11. Stetson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. Wiekser Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. .1. II. Fields Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Jii". M. Gladish Pulaski, Tenn. Mrs. Minnie Park Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. .1. W. Foster Saundersville, Tenn. Mr-. Stringfellow West Nashville, Tenm Agnes D. Fuller Hermitage, Tenn. Mr-. \V. J. Law Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Mary Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. J. Law, Nashville, Tenn. Johnella White Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. T. Lurry East Nashville, Tenn. Mr>. Sanford Duncan Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. L. J. Savage East Station, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. N. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. Harry Gee Madison, Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Donigan Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. B. F. Cockrill Nashville, Tenn. ( Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 202. ) GRAHAM BREAD. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Harry Gee Madison, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 203.) WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Eugene Hollins Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Landis ' Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 204.) LOAF B. BROWX BREAD. llxhibitor Post Office Mrs. Ernest Pillow Nashville, Tenn. Eva Hall Jones Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Amo Reasor Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. J. M. Gaut Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. L. Mc Farland Nashville, Tenn. Mi-- Martha E. Jones East Nashville, Tenn. i Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 205.) PONE CORN BREAD — 6. Exhii Post Office Mrs, M V Ltley Goodlettsville, Tenn. 314 .Air.. K. C Lindsej Mrs. J. A. White Mrs. Anna I [opkins Mrs. J. M. Gresham Mrs. Jno, I [ollins. IMrs. Hardy Selph Mrs. T. (i. Hill Mrs. T. E. McKay Airs. 1''.. (,. Payne Airs. I. T. Clendening Airs. E. T. Lewis ashvillc, Tei Mrs. J. T. Lawson, Mrs. C. A. Ferguson S'ashville, (Department L, Lot X". 265, Class or Prizi So J- CORN i ii. 1 1 Exhibitor Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Mini Mrs. J. A. Wells Nashville, Mi>. Hannah Collier Crowson, Lawrei Airs. J. II. Fields Nashville, Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tena Airs. Hardy Selph Murfreesb i (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class r Prize N T o. 207 I BEATEN* BISCU] I. Exhibitor Mrs. Ernest Pillow Nashvilli Mrs. J. E. Holt Nashvill Mrs. P. A. Smith Airs. J. A. Wells Miss Ruth Rosser Mrs. J. A. White Airs. Anna Hopkins, Airs. Jessie Wilkinson Mrs. G. W. Xuchols Miss Aline Marshall Mrs'. T. E. McKay Mrs. J. G. Curry Mrs. W. L. Mc Farland Mrs. Mosely Hopkins Mrs. J. S. Buford Mrs. X. B. Haynie Mrs. Harry Gee Miss Minnie Bratton Mrs. G. W. Donigan Mrs. Eugene Hollins 315 I Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 208.) POUND CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. A. lb .-kins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. L. D. Wheeler Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Matt Taylor Sparta, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 209.) SPONGE CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Ellen Stokes Xashville, Tenn.- Mrs. J. A. \Wlls Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. K. C. Lindsey Xashville, Tenn. .Mr-. J. \Y. Foster Saundersville, Tenn. Mrs. John Hollins . Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ilarcly Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr-. A. S. Warren Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Elma Martin Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Z. T. Jordan , West Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Mc Farland Xashville, Tenn. Miss Martha Jones East Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. S. Buford Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 210.) FRl"IT CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. W. L. Arnold West Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Vasliti Sneed Lynnville, Tenn. Mr-. G. A. Harrison Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Hollins Xashville. Tenn. J. JT. Kendrick Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Fannie R. Webb Xashville, Tenn. Mi-- Callie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Miss Pattie Buford Xashrville, Tenn. Mrs. W.S. McFarland Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Ed Cross West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. X. B. Jlaynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. J. P. Jones Xashville, Tenn. I Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 211.) JELLY LAYER CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Jacobson, West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W.S. McFarland Nashville, Tenn Mi-- Mary Brantley Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. 316 (Department L, Loi \,,. 265, Class 01 Pri MARBLE i aki Exhibitor Mrs. Hardy Selph M un . Miss Mary Brantley . Mrs. X. B. Haynic Galtaf Mrs. E. T. Lewis (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Priz< No. 213 I COCOANU i CAKE. Exhibitor Mrs. C. H. Stetson Nashville, Mrs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, Tcna Mrs. Anna Hopkins, Nashville, Dun Miss Delia Glase Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize X<>. J14 i CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE. Exhibitor ■ | >/fi, ,- Martha Litchford Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Roscoe Goodlettsville, Tenn Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Nashville, Tenn Mrs. G. A. Harrison Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Hardy Selph Tenn. Mrs. C. L. Young Sparta. Tern Miss Delia Glase Nashville, Tenn Mrs. A. H. Lawrence Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. B. G. Regen Nashville, Tenn Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatin. Mrs. E. T. Lewis Nashville, I Mrs. H. H. Blanton Nashvi (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize No. 215.) ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Exhibitor Mrs. J. A. Wells Nashville, Mrs. W. J. Stockard Lawrencebui Mrs .B. C. Shackleford Nashville, Mrs. E. S. Holt Nashville, Miss Annie Kazmarck Nashville, Mrs. J. C. Hopkins Miss Mary E. Williams Mrs. Jno. Cooper Mrs. Sanford Duncan Mrs. Fannie Webb Mrs. Elma Martin Mrs. W. L. McFarland Mrs. J. Q. Owsley Mrs. Bettie Hobson Margaret Webb 317 (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 216.) devil's food cake. Exhibitor Post Office Martlia Litchford Nashville, Term. Mrs. las. Cooper East Nashville, Station, Term. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tennr Mrs. T. W. Foster Saundersville, Term. Mr-. J. C. Hopkins Nashville, Term. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Nashville, Term. Mrs. A. S. Warren Nashville, Tenn. Vera King Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. \V. L. McFarland Nashville, Tenn. Eleanor Ratterman Nashville, Tenn. Miss Eliza Claybrooke Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Xavier Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Eugene Hollins Nashville, Tenn. Miss Susie Greene «. Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Pearcy Nashville, Tenn. Miss Sophie Doubleday Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 217.) NUT CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. B. G. Regen Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Xavier Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 218.) MARSH MAI. LOW CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. W. Roscoe Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. R. C. Lindsey __1 Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Xavier Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. (Department L, L<>t No. 265, Class or Prize No. 219.) i ARAMEL CAKE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. A. Wells, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Eields Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. I lardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr-. Fannie Webb Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. L. McFarland Nashville, Tenn. Mr 1 -. Mosely Hopkins Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. E. G. Payne Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Xavier Hopkins, Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. II. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. 318 (Department L, Lol No. 265, Class or Prize No. 230 I CREAM i AKK. Exhibitor ,,}-,,, Mrs. Anna Hopkins, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. |. ls . L. Cooper East Station, Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. L. Arnold VVesl Nashville, - Miss Lalla Brown VVesl Nashville, I .-mi Mrs. I',. G. Regen Nashville, (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 231 GINGER i AKK. Exhibitor Mrs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, I .-mi. Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tenn. Mrs. Hardy Selph Murfi I enn. Mrs. VV. L. McFarland Nashville, IVnn (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or I'm.-. No II All DOZEN DO Exhibitor Mrs. M. EC Peck Nashville, Tenn. Eva James Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. H. Stetson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, i Mrs. J. R. Piersin Franklin, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Nashville, I Mrs. II. A. French Nashville, i (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize Mo 2 OXE DOZEN LEMON SNAPS. Exhibitor Post Mrs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 265, Class or Prize No. 2 ONE DOZEN GINGER SNAPS. Exhibitor Airs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, him. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Nashvilli Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna. In Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, [enn Mrs. Jno. Landis (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize No. 235 OXE DOZEN SUGAR COOKIES. Exhibitor Airs. H. A. Bratton Mrs. C. H. Stetson Nashville, Mrs. H. R. Coleman. 319 Mr<. J. T. Curry Nashville, Term. Mr-. W. L. McFarland Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 236.) HALF DOZEN GINGER COOKIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. H. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tenn. Mrs. A. H. Lawrence Xashville, Tenn. i 1 kpurtment L, Lot Xo. 265, Class or Prize Xo. 237.) FRUIT COOKIES. Exhibitor Post Office Agnes D. Fuller Hermitage, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. McFarland Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. PIES. (Department L, Lot Xo. 266, Class or Prize Xo. 240.) APPLE PIE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. T. R. Leseur Xashville, Tenn. Agnes D. Fuller Hermitage, Tenn. Miss Mary Brantley Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. T. Dawson Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 266, Class or Prize Xo. 241.) PEACH PIE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. W. Dawson Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 266, Class or Prize Xo. 242.) LEMON PIE. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. T. K. Leseur Xashville, Tenn. Miss Marie Gray Madison, Tenn. Miss Anna Hopkins Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jas. L. Cooper East Station, Xashville, Tenn. Miss Annie Kazmarck Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Kennedy West West Xashville, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Xashville, Tenn. Mr- J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tenn. Mr-. T. G. Hill 1 Xashville, Tenn 320 Mrs. J. W. Braid Nashville, .Miss Susie Greene Gallatin, .Miss Clara Ferguson Nashville, (Department L, Lot No. 266, Class or Pri i PI MPKJN I'll. Exhibitor Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, I Mrs. J. T. Piersin Franklin, I Mrs. J. M. Gresham Agnes D. Fuller II, (Departmenl L, Lot No 266, Class or Pri HALF DOZJ Exhibitor Martha Litchford Nashville, i Mrs. W. T. Anderson ' '< Mrs. Pickard Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, 1 Mrs. Jno. A. Hollins Mrs. Hardy Selph Mrs. T. G. Hill \ Mrs. J. R. Green Mrs. Jno. Aust Nash> ill Mrs. Jno. Landis N JELLIES. (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 2 APPLE JELLY. Exhibitor Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, Miss Callie Buford Nashville, Miss Pattie Buford Nashville, Mrs. Elma Martin Nashville, I Mrs. Jno. Aust Nashville, Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatii Mrs. J. W. Boxley Mrs. Harry Swayney Mrs. Watson Miss Susie Greene Miss Elizabeth Claybrooke (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class -or BLACKBERRY JELLY. Exhibitor Mrs. J. R. Warner Estill Sprmj 21 321 Mrs. H. A. Utley Goodlettsville, Tcnn. .Mrs. C II. Stetson Nashville, Term. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Term. Mr-. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Term. Mr-. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. II. Field Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. II. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Harry Swaney Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Norvell Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Welch Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust : Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Marry Swaney Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. J. W. Boxley Clovercraft, Tenn. Miss Su-ie Green Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. II. II. Blanton Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 252.) CRANBERRY JELLY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. II. A. Utley Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Aust Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 253.) CRAEAPPLE JELLY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. E. Hart Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. II. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. II. Kendrick Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust Nashville, Tenn. Miss Minnie Bratton Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Landis Nashville. Tenn. ( Department L. Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 254.) GRAPE JELLY. Exhibitor. Post Office Mr-. J. R. Warner Estill Springs, Tenn. Mrs. II. V Utley Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mr-. J. II. Brengleman Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. L. Arnold Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tcnn. Mrs. Jas. Cooper East Station, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. H. K. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. L. Ezell Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. .\. S. Warren Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Welch Sparta, Tenn. 1 lallie Buford Nashville, Tenn. 322 Miss Pattie Buford Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrcll Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. i;ima Martin Nashville, I enn. Mrs. Bettie llohson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Eugene Hollins Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Fall Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. L Wood Nashville, Mrs. H. H. Blanton Nashville, Tenn (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 255.) i-l i \l JELLY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. R. Warner Estill Springs, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. Utlcy Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. Wm. Sudekum Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. H. Stetson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Brengleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. R. Leseur Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Jas. Cooper E. Station, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. S. Kelly Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. H. Stewart Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, Tenn. Miss Mary Pinkerton Franklin, Tenn. Miss Desmore Church Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Walter Anderson Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. A. S. Warren Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust Nashville, Tenn. Miss Etta Farrar West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Watson West Nashville, Tenn. Miss Susie Green West Nashville, Tenn. Miss Susie Green West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Fall West Nashville, IVnn. (Department L, Lot No. 267, Class or Prize No. 256.) QUINCE JELLY. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. R. Warner Estill Springs, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskin Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon. Tenn. 323 PRESERVES, .MARMALADES AND CANNED GOODS, i Department L. Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize No. 260.) M ARM A! AH is. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. II. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mjss Sumc Greene Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Joseph Harris Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Susie Greene Gallatin, Tenn. i Department L. Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 262.) PEAR MARMALADES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. II. II. lilanton Nashville. Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 263.) BLACKIiERRY JAM. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. \Y. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. M. K. Peck Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. K. C. Lindsey Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Hardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Susie Green Gallatin, Tenn. Mr-. H. II. lilanton Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jim. Landis Xashville, Tenn. i I department L. Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 264.) RASPBERRY JAM. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. H. Blanton Xashville, Tenn. I Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 265.) PRESERVED PEACHES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Hardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. • ne Hollins Xashville, Tenn. 324 (Departmenl L. Lol No. 267%, Class or Prize No. 266.) PRESERVED PEARS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. VV. M. Joseph Nashville, Term. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. Jas. L. Cooper Easl Station, h mi. Mrs. J. H. Field Nashville, Tena Mrs. I. W. Crabtree Winchester, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, I ena Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, I eiUL Mrs. W. L. Arnold West Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize No. _' ( >7 I PRESERVED PLUMS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Jas. L. Cooper East Station, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. B. G. Regen Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize No. 268.) PRESERVED CHERRIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize No. 269.) PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Arnold West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jas. S. Frazer Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ed Cross Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize No. 270. I BLACKBERRIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. C. H. Stetson Nashville, Tenn Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskin Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, IVnn. Mrs. G. A. Harrison Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Hardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. 325 I Department L. Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 271.) CANNED RASPBERRIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. \Y. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. \Y. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr-, li. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. ( Department L. Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 272.) CANNED PEACHES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. \Y. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. \Y. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr-. W. C. Spence Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mr-. \Y. H. Harvey Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. Cullum Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Walter Anderson Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Lewis Butler Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Jno. Aust Xashville, Tenn. ( Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 273.) CANNED PEARS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. YV. M. Joseph X'ashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskin Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskin Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. J. Wicksee Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Fields Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mr-. E. G. Payne Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 274.) CANNED STRAWBERRIES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. II. A. Frencb Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust Xashville, Tenn. i Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 275.) CANNED GRAPES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. YV. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. ( Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 276.) PLUMS. Post Office Mrs. C. II. Stetson Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Xashville, Tenn. 326 Mrs. Minnie Parks Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Jno. Aust Nashville, Tenn. ( Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize No, 277. I CANNED CHERRIES. E'xfabkar /-,,,, OMce Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. .Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, l'"ui. Mrs. Hardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. D. Taylor Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Aust Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize No. 27& I CANNED TOMATOES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. F. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Arnold West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. Lewis Butler Nashville, Trim. (Department L, Lot No. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 279.) WATERMELON PRESERVES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Arnold Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Marvin Spence Lawrencehuri;, Tenn. Mrs. Jennie Matthews Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. C. T. Crawford Lawrencehurg, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. Bratton Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Fields Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Nannie Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. C. Lindsey Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. A. Harrison Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Nichols Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. L. Ezell Chapel Hill. Tenn Mrs. J. Matt Williams Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Moore Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Greene Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Anst Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatin. Tenn. Mrs. Eugene Hollins Nashville, Tenn. 327 (Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 281.) APPLE PRESERVES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. X. B. Haynie • Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. J. X. Boxley Clovercroft, Tenn. Mi- Susie Green Gallatin, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 267%, Class or Prize Xo. 282.) TOMATO PRESERVES. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L Arnold Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jas. Depeu Lawrenceburg, Tenn.. Mrs. J. Wickser Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. J. Wickser Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibrell Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. E. T. Lewis Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Minnie Bratton Xashville, Tenn. PICKLES, ETC. (Department L, Lot Xo. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 290.) CUCUMBER PICKLES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. II. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mr-. \V. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Wm. Sudekum Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. W. I. Gresham Murfreesboro, Tenn. Miss Mattie Ingram. Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Walter Anderson Franklin, Tenn. Miss Callie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Miss Pattie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. B. F. Cockrill Xashville, Tenn. Miss Minnie Bratton Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. II. II. Crockett Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. I Department L, Lot Xo. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 291.) MIXED PICKLES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. II. L. Phillips Xashville, Tenn. 328 Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tcnn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ellen Manlove Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ellen Manlove Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Harry Swancy Gallatin, Tenn. Miss Dinsmore Church Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. A. S. Warren Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. John Aust Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Harry Swaney Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Asa Crowder Sparta, Tenn Mrs. Thos. H. Malone Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 292.) SWEET PEACH PICKI.ES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. W. Vaughn Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. James L. Cooper East Station, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lehanon, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Fields Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. A. Harrison Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mattie Ingram Nashville, Tenn. Miss Nannie Overton Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. John Aust Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 268, Class or Prize No. 293.) SWEET PICKLED PEARS. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. H. Fields Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lehanon, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 268, Class or Prize No. 294.) CHOW CHOW. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. H. Brengleman Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Sexton Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. P. A. Smith Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Lewis Butler Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell Nashville, Tenn, Miss Sallie Duncan Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Elma Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville. Tenn. 329 I Department L, Lot Xo. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 295.) MUSTARD PICKLES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Lizzie Williams Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. (Department L. Lot Xo. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 295.) CHILI SAUCE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. A. Russ Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Arnold Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. A. Mills Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. T. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. H. Stetson Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Walter Stokes Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. G. A. Harrison Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. P. A. Smith Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Lewis Butler Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. J. Kilbourne Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Fulcher West Xashville, Tenn. Miss Callie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Miss Pattie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Elma Martin Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. Miss Virginia Claybrooke Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. B. F. Cockrill Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Asa Crowder Sparta, Tenn. Miss Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. (Department L. Lot Xo. 268, Class or Prize Xo. 297.) TOMATO CATSUP. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. A. Russ Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Bringleman Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Win. Sudekum Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. A. Mills Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. C. H. Stetson Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Lewis Butler Xashville, Tenn. Miss Callie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Miss Pattie Buford Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. R. Green Xashville. Tenn. Mrs. B. F. Cockrill Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. II. Malone Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. II. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. 330 (Department L. Loi Xo. 268, Class or Prize N W Al IK Ml-. I d.\ S.WEE1 IV 1. Exhibitor i\, s t Office Mrs. J. M. Gaut Xashvill.-, him Mrs. J. A. White i' | , ,„, Mrs. H. R. Coleman Xasln ill,-. T.nn. Mrs. I lardy Selph Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Burrows Nashville, T.nn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. Miss Callie Buford Nashville, Tenn. Miss Pattie Buford Nashville, T.nn. Miss Henry Ewing Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. X. I!. Ilaynie Gallatin, I .-mi. Mrs. Eugene ETollins Nashville, T.nn. (Department L, Lot No. 268, Class or Prize X... 299.) SPICED GREEN TOMATO PICKLES. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. R. C. Lindsley Nashville, T.nn. Mrs. Lizzie Williams Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Haynie Gallatin, T.nn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Nashville, T.nn. (Department L, Lot No. 268, Class or Prize No. 300.) CANTALOUPE SWEET PICKLE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. L. Arnold Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Burrows Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. E. E. Beard Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. French Nashville, Tenn. Miss Virginia Claybrooke Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Thos. Parkes, Jr Nashville, Tenn. Miss Henry Ewing Sparta, T.nn. Mrs. N. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tenn. MISCELLANEOUS. (Department L, Lot No. 269, Class or Prize No. 305.) HOME-CURED BAKED HAM. Exhibitor Posi Office Mrs. H. A. Utley Goodlettville, Tenn. Miss Nannie Overton Nashville, T.nn. Mrs. X. B. Haynie Gallatin, Tena Mrs. W. R. Rogan Rogana, T.nn. 331 (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize No. 307.) HOME-CURED BACON. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Sam Fraker Belvidere, Term. Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Term. i Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 308.) ONE QUART SORGHUM. Exhibit or Post Office Mrs. W. J. Gresham Murfreesboro, Term. Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. G. Hawkins Cowan, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 311.) ONE QUART VINEGAR. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. J. H. Fields Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Hoskins Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. B. Brown Lebanon, Tenn. Mr-. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. J. Powers Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. J. Gresham Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. E. McKay Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Matt Taylor Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Cooper Quebeck, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. Miss Eliza Claybrooke Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ed Cross Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. Geo. Shields Madison, Tenn. Mr-. J. L. Chambers Lebanon, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 313.) GRAPE JUICE. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. II. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. L. Arnold Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. F. Martin Xashville, Tenn. .Mr-. G. A. Harrison Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Minnie Bratton Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Wilkins Northern 1 Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. Asa Crowder Sparta, Tenn. i Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 314.) ONE PINT GRAPE WINE. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. J. II. Fields Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. II. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. Mr-. E. E. Dandridge Xashville, Tenn. 332 Miss Rosa Hult Nashville, Tena Miss Rosa Holt Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. M. Gladish Pulaski, Tena Mrs. J. F. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Walter Stokes Nashville, I - mi Mrs. J. C. Hopkins Nashville, I <-mi Mrs. B. Mette _ Nashville, Tenn Mrs. Jo Davis Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Lizzie Williams Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Matt Taylor Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Cooper Quebeck, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Pope Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Wilkin's Northern Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Asa Crowder Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. J. D. Taylor Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. J. D. Taylor Gallatin, Tenn Mrs. Bettie Hobson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. M. Rucker Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. R. M. Rucker Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. Z. H. Brown Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 269, Class or Prize No. 315.) BLACKBERRY WINE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Nannie W. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. L. Phillips Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. Utley Goodlettsville, Tenn. Mrs. Gray Baker Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Marvin Spence Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Mrs. J. C. Hopkins Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Enoch Brown Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. W. B. Pickard West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Matt Taylor Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Matt Taylor Sparta, Tenn. Mrs. Elma Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Geo. W. Shields Madison, Tenn. Mrs. J. D. Taylor Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Bettie Hobson Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. B. R. Betty Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. Z. H. Brown Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 269, Class or Prize No. 316.) BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. H. L. Phillips Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. A. Utley Goodlettsville. Tenn. Mrs. Walter Stokes Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. H. Stewart Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. W. B. Pickard West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Dibbrell Sparta. Tenn. 33.3 Mrs. Elma Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Pope Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. .1. D. Taylor Gallatin, Tenn. Mrs. Jno. Landis Nashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 317.) CAKE HOME-MADE LAUNDRY SOAP. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. W. M. Joseph Nashville, Tenn. Mr-. J. F. Martin Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. I. G. Shook Winchester, Tenn. Mi— Alma Marshall Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. L. K. Hart Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Ed Cross West Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. M. W. Ownby Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. D. B. Evans East Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. R. Coleman Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 318.) CAKE HOME-MADE TOILET SOAP. Exhibitor . Post Office Mrs. Henry Benoyle Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. R. Green Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. D. B. Evans East Xashville, Tenn. ( Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 319.) HOME-MADE CHEESE. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. Chas. Shinkle Xashville, Tenn. (Department L, Lot Xo. 269, Class or Prize Xo. 320.) ONE DOZEX EGGS. Exhibitor Post Office Mr-. G. W. Doris Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. M. Joseph Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. II. A. Utley Xashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. M. Gresham Smyrna, Tenn. W. 1. Gresham__ T Mnrfreesboro, Tenn. Mrs. T. E McKay Franklin, Tenn. (Davidson County Specials, Lot Xo. 249, Class or Prize Xo. 1188.) COLLECTION. Exhibitor Post Office Mrs. John Aust Xashville. Tenn. 334 CANDIES. (Department I.. Lol No. 290, Class or Prize No. 3 I POUND CHOCOLATE Dl Exhibitor _ , ilfl , Miss Bessie Smith —Nashville Mrs. Martha Dodson Hermitage, Tenn. Mrs. R. A. Irvin Franklin, Tenn. (Department L, Lot No. 270, Class or Prize No. 322. i ONE HALF DOZEN KISSES. Exhibitor p os t office Mrs. James L. Cooper East Station, Tenn. Miss Bessie Smith Nashville, Tenn. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Nashville, i Mrs. Ernest Pillow Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. S. Warren Nashville, ; Miss Addie Norvell Nashville, Tenn. . S. Combs & Company Funeral Directors 314 Fifth Avenue, North NASHVILLE, TENN, CARRIAGES AND AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT PH0NE MAIN 554 THREE FLOORS OF FURNISHED BED ROOMS CONNECTED 3:- 5 THE WONDERFUL ELECTRIC CANDY MACHINE WHICH TOOK THE PRIZE FOR NOVELTY OF INVENTION AT WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO.,1904 1 The Candy made by this Machine is Absolutely Pure. Granulated sugar is poured into the spin- ner and is instantly changed into flossy filaments of PURE candy without the touch of a contaminating finger. MACHINES $100 EMCH Machines Made Expressly For Druggists, Fruit Stands, Confectioners and Hotels. Make the Soda Fountain Space Pay in Winter. One Pound of Sugar Makes $1.00 Worth of Candy. Our machines are fully protected by our patents. A number of Pirates have infringed our patents. We prosecuted the first who attempted it. The United Stales Court at St. Louis has just rendered judgment sus- taining our patents and perpetually enjoining infringements. -:- We own the exclusive right to the only method of FLOSS or SPUN CANDY and will prosecute every maker and user of infringing machines. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS ELECTRIC CANDY MACHINE COMPANY NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. ORIGINATORS AND EXCLUSIVE OWNERS OF PATENTS. yc SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 824 585 4 SOUTHERN AUIUM0B1LE COMPANY Nashville, Tennessee DEALERS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES INTERIOR OF GARAGE When you're buying an Automobile don't forget that the concern who sells vmi plays a very important part. Our concern, being financially responsible, stands behind every sale that is made. We handle only licensed Automobiles and sell each car under the guarantee of the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers. We are distributing agents for White Steamer, Pope-Toledo, Pope-Hartford, Buick and Oldsmobile Automobiles We have the best constructed and most most conveniently located garage in the South. Our repair shop is equipped with all the latest machinery, and in our vul- canizing department we do all kinds of tire repairing. A full line of Tires, Lamps, Horns, Caps, Goggles, etc., in stock. SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 819-821 BROAD STREET NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE RAVENWOOD STOCK r Home of the Big Bone Berkshire J. D B. DeBOW, Proprietor =>M CHARMERS DUKEZ35£.& 4 Visitors, Homf-Comtri and Fancier* are cordially invited to call and inspect the great RAN KN WOOD HtRD of BERKbHIRES to be exhibited at the State Fair. They represent the greatest size, style and quality. Those desiring stock hogs or show hogs can find them at our show prni at the fair, or at our breeding farm a few miles out from Nashville, Tennessee. Come and se» the largest hogs of the breed ever driven in a show ring in the history of the world. Young pigs and breed gilts always for sale. The cut above shows the style and finish of the hogs raised, and the one below shows the place where they are raised Igk»®°C@iEa(Bff'ig amid! Vinton Iavenwood Stock Farm: NASHVILLE, TENNE5SEE.