rHE BGD/r SH£Lf FOR BOYS AND GIRLS .//7 MURSERY HYME TO OWN-UP TIME 1920-21 ^sr ^Qy* CoHM T^- THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. -sale Dealers in the Books of All Publishers. \venue, New York, at Twenty-Sixth Si. ^' A TASTE for reading is an acquisition the worth of which is hardly to be overestimated; and yet a ma- jority of children, even those favored by circum- stance, grow up without it. This defect is due partly to the fault or ignorance of parents and teachers; partly also to the want in many cases of the proper means of cultiva- tion. For this taste, like many others, is usually not so much the gift of nature ae a product of cultivation. A wide difference exists, indeed, in children in respect to their natural inclination for reading, but there are few in whom it cannot be more or less developed by careful and judicious training. — Charles Eliot Norton. i:i The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls FROM NURSERY RHYME TO GROWN-UP TIME Selected and annotated by CLARA W. HUNT, Superintendent of the Children s Department, Brooklyn Public Library. RUTH G. HOPKINS, Children s Librarian, Bridgeport Public Library, Bridgeport, Connecticut. FRANKLIN K. MATHIEWS, Chief Librarian, Boy Scouts of America. The tides are classified for convenient use and alphabetized by author. The prices are corrected to October, 1920. Books marked with asterisk are netv publications. THE BOOKS FOR CHILDREN UP TO TEN YEARS OF AGE Selected and described by CLARA W. HUNT Superintendent of the Children's Department of the Brooklyn Public Library Picture Books T^ABIES a year old are not too young to enjoy pictures. Indeed, the child's taste for fj good books should begin in babyhood. Do not allow little children to see ugly and vulgar pictures. Even the "harmless" but empty books are a waste of time and money. Buy the positively good, like the following: These picture books illustrate Mother Goose and other Nursery Rhymes and Jingles Brooke, L. Leslie NURSERY RHYME PICTURE BOOK. iVantc. $2.00 The Man in the Moon, Hurapty Dumpty, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, etc. Large pictures liked by children. Caldecott, Randolph HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE PICTURE BOOK. Quarto edition. Warm. $2.25 This contains "Hey Diddle, Diddle" and "Baby Bunting," "Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid?" "A Frog He Would a-Wooing Go," "The Fox Jump.s Over the Parson's Gate." These may be obtained singly in paper covers at 60c. eacli. Caldecott's pic tures are delightfully and wholesomely humorous and Iiis art appeals to the youngest children. PICTURE BOOK NO. 2. Quarto edition. IVarne. $2.25 This contains "Three Jovial Huntsmen," "Sing a Song of Sixpence," "The Queen of Hearts," "The Farmer's Boy." These may be obtained singly in paper covers at 60c. each. Do not fail to include at least one of Caldecott's famous picture books in making up the baby's library. Crane, Walter THE BABY'S BOUQUET, a fresh bunch of old rhymes and tunes. IVarm: $1.50 Here are "Polly, Put the Kettle On," "Hot Cross Buns," "Lucy Locket," "London Bridge," etc., set to music. Walter Crane's pictures are very decorative but this and "The Baby's Opera" are better .suited to children four years of age and older than to "The Baby." THE BABY'S OPERA, a book of old rhymes with new dresses, the music by the earliest masters. IVarne. $1.50 This includes "The Mulberry Bush," "Ding Dong Dell," "Dickory Dock," "I Saw Three Ships," "Tom, the Piper's Son," etc. Greenaway, Kate THE MARIGOLD GARDEN. IVartie. $2.50 Kate_ Greenaway's pictures are quaint and charm- ing. No nursery is complete without at least one ot the picture books by this famous illustrator. For chil- dren three or four to seven or eight years old. MOTHER GOOSE. IVarne. $1.00 A tiny book which children of three will love. Babies, however, like larger figures than the fascin- ating little creatures pictured here. UNDER THE WINDOW, pictures and rhymes by Greenaway. Warne. $2.50 For children three or four to eight. This is quite as pretty as the two preceding books. ^•3ot>iJT TrrE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS LeJjtaJr, H. Wlllebeek. OUR oti> .niirsery: RH?ME§, the orlgin&i ' tunes 'harmonized by Alfred Moffat, illus. by LeMair. Mc Kay. |3.00 LeMair's pictures are lovely in coloring and grace and range of beautiful subjects. Of the four books listed here, "Little Songs of Long Ago" and "Our Old Nursery Rhymes" are best. Buy both of these volumes for the baby if you can. The whole family will love them. This book contains "Little Jack Horner," "I Love Little Pussy," "Jack and Jill," "Pat-a-Cake," "Humpty Dumpty,'" "Three Little Kittens," "Mary Had a Little Lamb," "Dickory Dock." "Yankee Doodle," etc. LITTLE SONGS OF LONG AGO, more old nursery rhymes, the original tunes harmonized by Alfred Moffat, illus. by LeMair. Mc Kay. 3.00 This includes "Little Polly Flinders," "The North Wind Doth Blow," "Old King Cole." "Curly Locks," Margery Daw," "Little Tom Tucker," etc. _ of three and grown-ups of any age will love it. Walter, L. E. ENGLISH NURSERY RHYMES, selected by L. E. Walter, harmonized by L. E. Broadwood, illus. by M. Wheeler. Macmillan. $2.75 Includes "Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play," "Cock a Doodle Doo," "Ride a Cock Horse," "Oh, Dear. What Can the Matter Be?" and twenty-five other nursery songs, beautifully illustrated. FROM "the little MOTHER GOOSE." Dodd, Mead & Co. 'See Sa vv . Children 7"^V addition to those in the Picture Book style ■*■ the folloving good editions of "Mother Goose" may be noted here. THE LITTLE MOTHER GOOSE. Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Dodd. $1.50 MOTHER GOOSE, illus. by Rackham. Century. $4.00 True Story "Picture Books" '~r'HEY tell about the farmer, the sailor, the 1 , SOME NURSERY RYHMES OF BELGIUM, FRANCE AND RUSSIA, selected and rhymed into English by Walter and the Belgian airs harmonized by Lucy Broadwood. Macmillan. $2.75 - . The Beligian songs are beautifully illustrated by brothers and sisters. Alfred Bastien. The French songs are from two well-known collections illustrated by Boutet de Monvel. The Russians songs and pictures are from a popular book published in Moscow. For children four to nine. engineer; about animals, forests, Indians; about people in distant lands. These will widen the child's world. Most of these will be liked by the youngest children as well as by their big THE CHILDREN'S CORNER, rhymes by R. H. Elkin, illus. by LeMair. Mc Kay. $2.00 Contains fifteen pictures with little rhymes. No music. OLD DUTC" NURSERY RHYMES, Illus. by LeMair. Engl':sh version of R. H. Elkin, the original tunes harmonized by J. Rongen. Mc Kay. $2.50 Fifteen songs each with a very pretty picture. For children of three or four and older. Homer, Sidney SONGS FROM MOTHER GOOSE. Macmillan. $2.25 For voice and piano, set to music by Sidney Homer. Illus. by Maginel Wright Enright. The composer set to music the Mother Goose rhymes so that his own children, led by their mother's won derful voice, might enjoy them together. Three full page pictures by Enright. Perkins, Raymond PLAYTIME BOOK, a collection of old-time nursery songs, arranged by Raymond Perkins and pictured by Paul Woodroffe. Pertn. $3.00 "What Are Little Boys Made of," "Over the Hills and Far Away," "Tom, Tom. the Piper's Son," "Little Bo-Peep," "Hey Diddle, Diddle," etc., and twenty- five other nursery songs, with music and beautiful pictures. A condensed edition of the above entitled 'Thirty old-time nursery songs" is published by Nelson at 75c. Pictures in the latter are not printed ip. .i.lur, Boutet de Monvel OUR CHILDREN, scenes from the country and the town by Anatole France, illus. by Boutet de Monvel. Duffield. $2.50 The two books by France, illustrated by Boutet de Monvel, give pictures and stories of French children in the pretty villages and farms of gallant France. For children six or seven to nine. GIRLS AND BOYS, scenes from the country and the town by Anatole France, illus. by Boutet de Monvel. Duffield. $2.50 Braine, S. E. MERCHANT SHIPS AND WHAT THEY BRING, illus. by C. J. DeLacy. Dutton. $2.00 Vivid pictures of the world's commerce. Even a three-year-old will enjoy these. Deming, E. W. INDIAN CHILD LIFE, illus. by E. W. Deming and with stories by T. O. Deming. Stokes. $2.50 This and the next book by Deming show little Indian children in their wigwams, at their games, with their pets. For children four to nine. RED FOLK AND WILD FOLK, illus. by E. W. Deming and with Indian folklore stories by T. O. Deming. Stokes. $2.75 Grant. Gordon THE STORY OF THE SHIP. Pictures by Gordon Grant. McLaughlin. $1.50 Ships_ from ancient Egypt to the present day. Col nred pictures having romantic interest as well as Iiistorical .nccuracv. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN UP TO TEN YEARS Smith, E. Boyd THE CHICKEN WORLD. Putnam. $2.00 Picture-story of an anxious mother hen and her brood in their barnyard home. For children two to six and older. THE FARM BOOK, story and pictures by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. $3.00 About the farmer's plowing, sowing, reaping, milk- ing, making butter, cutting wood, etc. For children three to eight or nine. THE RAILROAD BOOK, story and pictures by E. Boyd Smith, Houghton. $3.00 Pictures of the railroad and of Bob and Betty's journey on it. For children three to eight or nine. THE SEASHORE BOOK, story and pictures by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. $3.00 Poh a;'d Petty have fun digging clams, watching men huiM «hir>s, make sails, etc. They go to a "lat-nchinR" and they hear stories of the sea. Ex- pe"pnt story-telling pictures. For children four to nine. T' E STOPV OF POCAHONTAS AND CAPTAIN TOTTN SMITH, told and pictured by E. Boyd SmVh. Houghton. $3.00 ^n exreilent history picture book, interesting to children of five or six and to those much older Fairy Tale Picture Books TT.V nnnthfir sectinn will he given n li.tt of Fairy ■*■ TkIph in thp, form of hooks which are not notnhle. primarili/ for their pictures. FoUowing are plfure honks which take a few well-known fnirv tnlps for their suhjects. These should he honnht for children from three or four to seven or eight, not, as a ride, for the tiniest children. Brooke, L. Leslie THE GOLDEN GOOSE AND THE THREE BEARS. Warne. $2.00 Each of the two stories included in this volume may be obtained separately in paper covers for 7Sc. I THREE LITTLE PIGS AND TOM THUMB. Warne. $2.00 Each of the stories included in this volume may be obtained separately in paper covers for 75c. "The Three Bears" and "The Three Little Pigs" represent the most perfect style of making pictures for little children. I wish more artists would study these pictures of Leslie Brooke. "Funny" Picture Books JijJANY of the preceding picture books also ^^■*- are "funny," but the following belong espe- cially in this class: Adelborg, Ottilia CLEAN PETER AND THE CHILDREN OF GRUB- BYLEA, Longmans. $1.50 How the dirty children of Grubbylea were taken in hand by Clean Peter and made to reform. Brooke, L. Leslie JO NNY CROW'S GARDEN, IVarne. $2.00 A most perfect example of an ideal "funny book" for little folks. Good art and good feeling. De- lightful to children and adults. Not a trace of mean, spiteful, vulgar joking. Makers of "comic supple- ments." take notice! Francis, J. G. CHEERFUL CATS Century. $1.50 Black aiid-white outline pictures, not colored. Little Stories for Little Children Bryant, Sara Cone STORIES TO TELL THE LITTLF<'T ONES. Houghton. $2.50 Just the sort of stories for a mother to tell at bed- time to babies of two or three years. Gates, J. S. TOMMY SWEET-TOOTH AND LITTLE GIRL BLUE. Houghton. $1.00 Hopkins, W. J. THE SANDMAN, HIS FARM STORIES. Page. $1.50 Bedtime stories told by a father to a three-year- old about plowing, sugar-making, haying, apple- gathering, etc. Interesting to children of eight or nine as well as to tiny folks. THE SANDMAN, MORE FARM STORIES. Page. $1.50 Hunt, Clara Whitehill ABOUT HARRIET. Houghton. $2.00 About a little girl who had good times in the big city For children three to nine. Johnson. Margaret A BUNCH OF KEYS. Dutton. $2.00 The charm of these stories lies in the fact that little pictures take the place of words wherever that could be managed by the story teller. Beginners in reading will particularly enjoy this. Kay. 0. A. THE JOLLY OLD SHADOW MAN. Volland. .75e The inlly old Shndow Man takes a cross little buy on a ioi'rnev. Cieerful Plain Tane and the fioH- natured Checkered Cow help to cure the boy of his crossness. Attractive pictures by the author. Lefivre. F€liclte THE COCK THE MOUSE AND THE LITTLE RED HEN, lllus. by Tony Sarg. Jacobs. $1.25 _A story that will be popular as long as there are little children to listen to it. The pictures in this small book are as popular .is the story. n^rt^r. Beatrix THE PIE AND THE PATTY PAN. IVarne. 75c Beatrix Pniter's_ story-pictures of little animals who do human thines are too well known and too well loved by children to need comment. Unfor- tunately artists and writers of mediocre ability are imitating these books till the market is flooded with second rate stuff and little children are fed on stories of too narrowing a sameness. Even babies should have variety in their literary diet, and even Beatrix Potter is not always at her best. Buv all the following if you like. These are good. Then stop buying books of this sort. THE ROLY-POJ.Y PUDDING. IVarne. $1.75 TALE OF BENJAMIN BUNNY. IVarne. 75c TALE OF JEMIMA PUDDLEDUCK IVarne. 75c TALE OF MR. JEREMY FISHER. IVarne. 75c TALE OF MR. PETER RABBIT IVarne. 75c TALE OF SQUIRREL NUTKIN. IVarne. 75c TALE OF TIMMY TIPTOES. IVarne. 7Sc TALE OF TOM KITTEN. Poulsson. A. EmiHe. CHILD STORIES AND RHYMES. Lothrop. $1.50 For very young children. How the baby's milk comes to him from the farm and other matters of baby life. Sm<+h. Ger+rude ARABELLA AND ARAMINTA STORIES Small. $1.00 An amusing story full of the repetition dear to small children and to a beginner in reading. Wright, J. L. WITH THE LITTLE FOLKS. Houghton. $1.50 Stories of hnrne, farmvard and fairyland. THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS FROM "mother goose,' ILLl!STRATEU RV ARTHUR RACKHAM. The Century Co Fables, Fairy Tales, Myths and Other Famous Classics The Child's fairy tale years are apt to be from three to nine or ten years of age. All children should grow up with the best fairy tales, fables and myths — and with none but the best. Books in Groups I and II may be bought for the younger children. Group III contains the stories more likely to appeal to children sio" or seven to nine or ten. How- ever, do not take this grading too literally. Let the children themselves choose from any group. GROUP I BookK in Oroup I are coUertion^ of the most familiar tales, srtch an Cinderella, Three Bears. Hansel and G ret el, Three Billy Goats Gruff, etc. If you can afford the most ex- pensive book in the group get it. All these are good, hut the prices will show that some are small collections. Andersen, Hans Christian. THE SNOW QUEEN, retold by Louey Chrisholm. Nelson. 75c The lovely pictures by Honor C. Appleton make this worth while even though this is a retold An- dersen story. Coe, Frances E. FIRST BOOK OF STORIES FOR THE STORY TELLER. Houghton. $2.00 A few Greek and Norse myths besides familiar fairy tales and fables. Grimm, J. L. K. and W. K. FAIRY TALES. Editions: Illus. by Rhead. Harper. $1.60 Illus. by Crane. Macmillan. $2.40 Grover, Edwin O. FOLK-LORE READER. Atkinson. 50c Babies will enjoy listening to, beginners in read- ing will love to read themselves. Lang, Andrew CINDERELLA. Longmans. 48c This also includes "Rumpelstilzken," "Why the Sea Is Salt," "Puss in Boots," "Little Thumb." HISTORY OF WHITTINGTON. Longmans. 60c This also includes "The Gnnse Girl," "Trust> John," "The Forty Thieves," "The Master-Maid," "Aladdin." JACK THE GIANT KILLER. Longmans. 60c This also includes "Prince Hyacinth," "Beauty and the Beast." LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Longmans. 60c This includes also "Toads and Diamonds," "Snow- White and Rose-red," Hansel and Gretel," "Tlie Brave Little Tailor," THE PRINCESS ON THE GLASS HILL. Longmans. 60c This includes also "The Terrible Head," "Felicia and the Pot of Pinks," "The Water Lily," "The Gold .Spinners," "Blue Beard," "Goldilocks," "The Tale of a Youth Who .Set Out to Learn What Fear Is." THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOOD. Longmans. 60c This includes "The Bronze Ring," "East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon." Lamed WT T FAIRY TALES FROM FRANCE, Ulus. by John Rae. Volland. $1.35 Kichly colored pictures Perrault, Charles. FAIRY TALES, illus. by Robinson. Button. $1.00 Eight old stories, with good pictures. Scudder. Horace E. BOOK OF FABLES AND FOLK STORIES, illus. by Maurice E. Day. innii/htoii. $2.25 More than fifty stories ami fables. Skinner, E. and A. L. NURSERY TALES FROM MANY LANDS. Scribner. 90c Cumulative and other simple, familiar folk tales. Good make-up. Thorne-Thomsen, Gudrun EAST O' THE SUN AND WEST O' THE MOON. Rozc, Peterson. 60c About twenty-two stories. Aesop GROUP II FABLES. Editions: Baby's Own Aesop, illus. by Crane. llarne. $1.50 Fables, illus. by Rackham. Duubledav. $3.50 Fables, illus. by Tilney. Dnfton. $1.00 .Ml these editions are good, but (Vane's is less suited to the baby, than the others. Aspinwall, Alice. SHORT STORIES FOR SHORT PEOPLE. Dutton. $2.00 Merry tales about the Quick-running squash, and the little boy's ride on it; "The Upside-downians." !)eople who walked on their hands instead of their ieet; and other talcs as funn^. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN UP TO TEN YEARS Babbitt, E. C. JATAKA TALES. ~ Century. $1.25 Short fables and moral tales from the Orient. K( commended by Felix Adlcr. Barton, O. R. CLOUD BOAT STORIES Houyhton. $2.00 Billy takes rides with the Sandman in a cloud boat. He visits "Hnmpty Dumpty," "Little Jack Horner," and other friends. Burnett, Frances Hodgson THE COZY LION. Century. $1.00 Droll story of a lion who longed to play with the children and how he lived on breakfast foods till he lost the taste for blood. THE GOOD WOLF. Moffat. $1.75 About a jolly little boy who went to ttie woods where the (iood Wolf introduced him to the animals. Carrlck, Val6ry. PICTURE TALES FROM THE RUSSIAN. Longmans. $1.00 Humorous, pithy fairy tales, illustrated by droll, clever i)ictures in l)lack and white. Holbrook, Florence BOOK OF NATURE MYTHS. Houghton. $1.25 From the folklore of primitive races. The stories tell why the rabbit is timid, whv the parrot repeats the words of men, why the fox s tail has a white tip, wljy the peacock's tail has a hundred eyes, etc. Kipling, Rudyard JUST SO STORIES. Doubleday. $2.00 How the camel got his hump, how the whale got his tiny throat and other nonsense animal stories. Lorenzini, Carlo (C. CoUodi) ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO. Editions: Illus. by Copeland. 0"iw»i. 64c Illus. by Folkad. Dutton. 7Sc An Italian classic. About a mischievous little wooden boy who became real. Paine, Albert Bigelow THE HOLLOW TREE AND DEEP WOODS BOOK, illus. by J. M. Conde. Harper. $1.60 Delightfully funnv stories of a Crow, a Coon and 'I'dssum who lived in three "flats" in a hollow tree. Putnam, G. H. THE LITTLE GINGERBREAD MAN. Putnam. $1.75 .\ jolly little tale for very little people. Scudder, Horace E. CHILDREN'S BOOK, a collection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the English language. Houghton. $5.00 The title does not claim too much for this as a child's book. %Cf GROUP III ^fost of these books are world famous. Buy as many as possible. Notice that great authors have (jiven of their best to the children. Andersen, Hans Christian FAIRY TALES, illus. by Walker. Very beautiful fairy tales. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Editions: Ed. by Olcott. Illus. by Parrish. Ed. by Lang, illus. by Ford. Doubleday. $3.50 Holt. $1.50 Scribner. $3.50 Longmans.%\.^ "The Arabian Nights" has done more than libraries of "travel books" to bring the atmosphere of the Orient to western people. Armfleld, Constance WONDER TALES OF THE WORLD, Ulus. by Maxwell Armfleld. Harcourt. $2.50 Fairy tales from Arabia, Hungary, India, Japan and other parts of the world. Aulnoy, Countess d' THE CHILDREN'S FAIRYLAND, illus. by H. M. Olcott. Holt. $1.50 Lively and original stories with clever silhouette illustrations. Bailey, Margery SEVEN PEAS IN THE POD. Seven humorous fairy tales. Little. $2.00 FROM .lAKATA TALES, BY E. C. BABBITT. The Century Co. Baker, Olaf SHASTA OF THE WOLVES, Illus. by Charles Livingston Bull. Dodd. $2.00 Shasta is a little American Indian "Mowgli" who grew up in a wolf's den in our great West. The charm of the woods permeates the story. Baldwin, James STORY OF SIEGFRIED. Scribner. $2.00 Norse myths grouped about the central figure of Siegfried, hero of this story. Barzini, Luigi THE LITTLE MATCH MAN. Pcnn. $2.00 Adventures of a little match man made from the wood of an enchanted Japanese willow tree. Beston. H. B. THE FIRELIGHT FAIRY BOOK, illustrated by Maurice E. Day. Atlantic. \i.^ .Modern fairy tales true to the good old fairy spirit. Charming illustrations. Bowen, William THE ENCHANTED FOREST, illus. by Maud and Miska Petersham. Macmitlan. $3.00 A modern fairy tale with real fairy atmosphere. Browne, Frances R. THE WONDERFUL CHAIR AND THE TALES IT TOLD. Heath. .72c Lovely fairy atmosphere. Any child would like to climb into a chair thaf could tell such charming tales. Carryl, Charles E. THE ADMIRAL'S CARAVAN. Houghton. $2.50 First-rate nonsense for youngsters. DAVY AND THE GOBLIN; or. What followed read- ing Alice in Wonderland. Houghton. $2.50 One snowy Christmas Eve the Goblin took Davy on a Believing Voyage. The journey began in a tall Dutch clock. Charming nonsense. Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de DON QUIXOTE, retold by Parry, illus. by Crane. Lane. $2.50 The famous Spanish classic retold with spirit and humor and most suitably illustrated by Walter Crane Colum, Padraic THE ADVENTURES OF ODYSSEUS AND THE TALE OF TROY, illus. by Willy Pogany. Macmillan. $2.50 One of the most all-around satisfactory "juven- iles" in print. THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Colum, Padraic THE CHILDREN OF ODIN, illus. by Willy Pog- any. Macmillan. $2.00 Northern myths based on the old sagas. THE GIRL WHO SAT BY THE ASHES, illus. by D. S. Walker. Macmillan. $2.00 Few recent makers of fairy tales succeed in creat- ing the genuine fairy atmosphere as does Colum. Remarkably beautiful and simple English. Craik, Dinah M. (M.) THE LITTLE LAME PRINCE, illus. by Dunlap. Rand. $1.50 How the "Little Lame Prince" took wonderful journeys in his magic cloak. Hope Dunlap's pictures add much to the story. Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll) ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND, lUttS. by Tenniel. Macmillan. $2.25 Same, illus. by Rackham. Doubleday. $3.50 Many iieo|>lt think mere should be no "Alice" without Tenniel's pictures. I do not think the Rackham edition should by any means be neglected. Eliot, E. C. THE LITTLE EOUSE IN THE FAIRY WOOD. Stokes. $1.25 A poor little boy runs away to the fairy wood and has beautiful times with the Wind Creatures, the Bird Fairies and other forest friends. Franrh<, Anna THE LITTLE LEAD SOLDIER, illus. by Fattie Longs' reet Pr'ce. Penn. $2.00 About a remarkably traveled tin soldier whose first master was a litile Italian boy. FROM '"SEVEN OCLOCK STOKltS," BY K. C ANUEKSO.\. G. p. Putnam's Sons — See page 11 Haw+horne. Na+^anVi TANGLEWOOD TALES. Houghton. $1.50 WONDER BOOK. Houghton. $1.25 ■"Tlie Wonder Book" and "TaiiglewooU Taies" ai- very beautiful renderings of the old Greek storie> Howells, William Dean CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY. Harper. $1.60 Charming stories which a nonsense-loving father (ells his little son and daughter. Hudson, W. H. A LITTLE BOY LOST. Knopf. $2.00 A little boy wanders over the plains, and among the mountains of South America, mingling with animals and strange people. Will be enjoyed by the unusual child and the adult of literary taste who reads it aloud to the children. Kingsley, Charles THE HEROES; OR, GREEK FAIRY TALES. Ginn. 64c Very beautiful though quite different in stjfle from Hawthorne's re-telling of the old Greek stories. Get both Kingsley and Hawthorne if you can afford it. WATER BABIES. Editions: Illus. by Young. Ginn. 64c Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Dodd. $1.50 A fascinating story of a little boy who was turned into a water baby and so had wonderful experiences in ocean and river. Kipl'ng, Rudyard JUNGLE BOOK. Century. $2.00 About Mowgli and the wolves and other beasts of the Indian jungle. One of the great books for children. SECOND JUNGLE BOOK. Century. $2.00 Lagerlof, S. O. L. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF NILS, illus. by M. H. Frye. Doubleday. $3.50 How a naughty boy was changed to an elf and took wonderful journeys on the back of a goosey-gander. A Swedish classic. Olcott, Frances J. THE BOOK OF ELVES AND FAIRIES. ij oiighton. $3.00 A lovely collection of fairy tales. Olcott, Harriet M. THE WHTRLTT^O KIN'"- fi'^'D OTHER- FRENCH FAIRY TALES. Holt. $1.50 Ten fairy tales illustrated by Miss Ol- cott's delightful silhouettes. Pyle, Howard WONDER CLOCK; OR, FOUR AND TWENTY MARVELLOUS TALES, one for every hour of the day. Harper. $1.90 Stories and illustrations represent an ideal sort of "juvenile book." Ruskin, John KING OF THE GOLDEN RIVER: or, THE BLACK BROTHERS. Heath. 52c A lovely fairy tale. Stockton, Frank R. FANCIFUL TALES. Scribner. 64c "Old Pipes and the Dryad," "The Clocks of Rondaine," and other charming tales. Wigg^'n, Kate Douglas, and Smith, K. A. TALES OF LAUGHTER. Grosset. $1.00 A large collection, from all countries, of stories good for brightening young minds and waking gay laughter. Williston, T. P. JAPANESE FAIRY TALES RETOLD. 2 V. Rand. ea. $1.00 Stories and pictures which give children a real feeling of the Japanese atmosphere. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN UP TO TEN YEARS Bible Stories Hodges, George THE GARDEN OF EDEW. Houghton. $2.50 The three books by Dean Hodges are Bible stories well retold for children four to eight or nine years old. In general avoid "retold" Bible stories. The beauly of the original is usually spoiled in the change. "Thp Garden of Eden" and "The Castle of Zion," contain Old Testament stories. THE CASTLE OF ZIOW. Houghton. $2.50 WHEN THE KING CAME. Houghton. $1.90 A story of the life of Christ. Kelman, J. H. STORIES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Dntion. $1.00 A little book, almost entirely in Bible language. Liked by children six or seven and older. Jackson, Helen Hunt CAT STORIES. Little. $2.00 t;!]]""?,* stories: "Letters From a Cat," "Mammy Conorloa?" ^' Family." "The HuAter CatT o^" May, G. M. (C.) SO-FAT AND MEW-NEW. Adventures of a cat and a doe Heath. 52c LITTLE FOLKS IN FEATHER AND FUR. XT I 1 , , Button. $3.00 an" i^ °"^ hundred true stories of the smaller Mitton. G. £. CHILDREN'S BOOK OF STARS. Macmillan. $2.25 Barents and children will enjoy .this little intro- duction to astronomy. , *J,orIey, Margaret W. INSECT FOLK. Olcott, Francis J. BIBLE STORiES TO READ AND TELL. {{"^•i?,^,'!''- ^i?? ^"J„I^^^„.^"CHELL, the story of a mountain About grasshoppers, katydids, crickets, ^erc"' ^^ Old testament^ stories in Bible language. The est collection ' ' " old to any age squirrel. best collection of the sort. For children fo"ir years . Cha'rmingly told story of a babv Idu^rr'pf ' (^\'^a _i.i ._ ,„ jjjg Carolina mountains. ^uirrei jouna Stories of Animals and Out-of-Doors Parsons, Francis T. (S.) D. PLANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN. I"t'^'-"ting things about plants-winge/seefs' ALL children love animal stories and should seed sailboats, shootinrseeds'' leaf Tr^n.^^'^ .^"'^'• ^ be given plenty of them. Most of the follow- ' ""'• "■°°''' '^*^ inff are "true" even though few are real ^gg SPINNER FAMILV "science." It wiU not he a mistake to buy any The author makes facts of spider lif^*^^''"^^' ''"^ of these fur children four or five to nine years interesting of age. If the littlest ones do not appreciate Patterson S L these at once they will soon grow to them. HOW TO* HAVE BIRD NEIGHBORS quite racily Barbour. Ralnh H MY DOG'S STORY, illus. by John Rae. A puppy master. v.-^a\ tu "l''* friends with birds by'^providing bird baths, box^s for bird hou.- J- . F'oviaing Jacobs. $1.00 ly providing ses, and food in Dodd. Mead. $1.50 winter. Even a dtv dweller ^..'.mT, i -'I tells his own story to his little boy neighbors b/^folfowing the aulhorrplan^^"" '"'"'^ Bertelli. Lulgi. THE PRINCE AND HIS ANTS. Holt. $1.35 P'erson. Clara D. DOORYARD STORIES. Button $1.60 nil fKinuii A«iJ nis AD IS. noil, ^i.as «;tnri#.= «f ,.,,»„- i ..J-""^"^. *»•'« A remarkably successful child's science book. In- -Tma^ynarv \,-rif, "^ cuckoos, caterpillars, kittens, rmation about ants, wasps, bees. etc.. in the guise ^m^K'nary, yet based on some observation. form of a fairy tale. Usually authors who try to do this stort of thing fail miserably. Burgess, Thornton W. THE BURGESS BIRD BOOK FOR CHILDREN, Illus. by Louis Agasslz Fuertes. Little. $3.00 Very fine illustrations. THE BURGESS ANIMAL BOOK FOR CHILDREN. Illus. by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Little. $3.00 This tells little children about the four-footed beast.x as "The Burgess Bird Books" tells about their feathered friends. BOWSER THE HOUND. Little. $160 How Bowser the farmer's dog got lost and hurt and how Blacky the Crow helped him. HAPPY JACK. Little. $1.60 Story of a gray squirrel and his neighbors. Cheney. C. E. B. FEATHERS. FURS AND FINS. Page. $2.00 Many short stories of common animals. Coms*ork. A B. THE PET BOOK. Comstock. $2.50 A good book for every family of young children. How to house, feed and care for every sort of pet. Dole. C^ar'os F. CRIB AND FLY, a tale of two terriers. Heath. 56c About two dogs who were very close friends. Hawkes, Clarence. MASTER FRISKY. Crowell. $1.50 About a collie do^ o-nA his friends of farm and Dei.ghbprhopii. R^rhari's. Laura E. FOUR FEET, TWO FEET AND NO FEET. »t- ,,.« , Page. $2.00 -A^bout ISO short stories of animals. S»gur. S CR.) ," BY itALPH BERCK.xcKEN. Atlantic Monthly Press. hOOKS FOR CHILDREN HP TO TEN YEARS n Lucas, E. V. A BOOK OF VERSeS FOR CHILDREN. Holt. $L00 No pictures except in the front of this book. For this reason children will prefer "Another Book of Verses for Children," which has charming pictures by Bedford. Miller, O. B. SUNNY RHYMES FOR HAPPY CHILDREN, illus. by Carmen L. Browne. I'olland. .75c Slight but pleasantly clnldlike verses with very pretty illustrations. Pyle, Katharine CARELESS JANE, Dution. $1.25 l^iumorous and very "moral" rhymes, imitating old- fashioned verses, about the meddlesome child, the dirty, the vain, the careless one. Funny little black-and-white pictures. Skinner, A. M., and Wickes, F. G. A CHILD'S OWN BOOK OF VERSE. Macmiltan. 3 vol. Per set, %2.i2 Very good selection, attractive little pictures. Stevenson, Burton E. HOME BOOK OF VERSE FOR YOUNG FOLKS, illus. by Pogany. Holt. $2.25 If you can afford only one poetry collection for the children, buy this. There aren't a great many per- fect books in the world, but this is one of them. Stevenson, Robert Louis A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. Editions: Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Scribner. $3.50 Illus. by Robinson. Scribner. $1.75 Illus. by Storer. Scribner. $1.00 Illus. by Mars and Squire. Rand. 75c This beloved book needs no comment. The cheap little editions will be quite as well liked bv the children as the more expcneive ones Tileson, M. W. (F.) SUGAR AND SPICE AND ALL THAT'S NICE. Little. $1.7S Simple old favorites in rhyme and picture Whittier, John Greenleaf. CHILD LIFE; POEMS. Houghton. $3.25 A collection as good to-day as it *as when \Vhi» tier made it. Wiggin, Kate Douglas (S.), and Smith, N. A. PINAFORE PALACE. Grossct. $1.00 Rhymes and jingles for the littlest ones. POSY RING. Grosset. $1.00 This is unusually good in showing by its selec- tions that simple child-poetry may be real poetry, Wynne, Annette FOR DAYS AND DAYS, a year-round treasury of child verse. Stokes. $2.00 Even a' prosaic child will enjoy these little poems. Stories-That-Might-Be-True For Children Six or Seven to Nine or Ten Years of Age ' / "HESE arc, for the nio.st part, storie.<; of boys ■*■ and girls who have good times at home and at school, on the farm and in the city, in the icoods or by the sea-shore. Most of these have an Ameri- can setting, the few tvhich are about children of other- countries being valuable as "home life stories" rather than for their foreign atmosphere and information. AlcoM, Lou'sa iv^ay Little, ea. $1.50 LULU'S LIBRARY, 3 vol. .« Collections of short stories about real boys and girls, also some fairy tales and animal stories. Anderson, R. G. *SEVEN O'CLOCK STORIES, illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Putnam. .\bout three happy country children and their dogs, horses, cows, chickens, ducks, geese, gardens, sail- boats and other good things. Many good pictures. Brown, Abbie Farwell BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Houghton. $1.50 A nice little home story with some fairy tale dreams. FRIENDS AND COUSINS. Houghton. $1.50 A svimmer at the seashore where the children play pirates and Indians and have good fun. THE LONESOMEST DOLL. Houghton. $1.25 About a little (Jueen, a little peasant girl and a grand lonesome doll whose queen-mother never played with her. Cobb, B. B., and Ernest CLEMATIS. Putnam. $1.00 How a little orphan girl in a big city Home found a grandfather and a lovely home in the country. Curtis, E. S. INDIAN DAYS OF THE LONG AGO, illus. with photographs by the author and drawings by F. N. Wilson. World Book Co. $1.60 About Kukusim, son of Lone Pine, an Indian chief of the far west. Many pictures help to give an ex- cellent idea of Indian life "in the long ago." Defoe, Daniel THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE ON HIS ISLAND, illus. by Symington. ^ ... Button. $1.00 One of the books that six-year-olds and sixty enjoy equally. Fisher, Dorothy Canfield UNDERSTOOD BETSY. Holt. $1.30 A charming recent story about nine-year-old Betsy and the dear people on a high Vermont farm. Hale, Lucretia P. PETERKIN PAPERS. Houghton. $2.50 Laughter - provoking and wit sharpening stories about the Peterkin tamily, who had "all kinds of sense but common sense." Hopkins, William J. Houghton. $1.50 THE DOERS. A little boy watches and "helps" the workmen build a house, from digging the cellar to moving in the furniture. THE INDIAN BOOK. Houghton. $2.00 Indian life "more than a hundred years ago" out on the plains. "The Prairie Dog Story," "The Wigwam Fire Story," "The Buffalo Dance Story," "Drying Meat Story," "Medicine Bag Story," and others. THE SANDMAN; HIS SHIP STORIES. Page. $1.50 This tells about building a ship, sailing to India, having adventures and bringing home interesting things to New England. Fathers and small boys love this and the next book. THE SANDMAN; HIS SEA STORIES. Page. $1.50 About the good ship "Industry," the voyages and adventures of her crew and of the two little boys who sometimes sailed in her. A sequel to "The Sandman; His Ship Stories." Hunt. Clara Whitehill THE LITTLE HOUSE IN THE WOODS. Houghton. $1.75. Dorothy's good times one summer in a "litilf house" on the coast of Maine. 12 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Jackson, Helen Hunt NELLY'S SILVER MINE, a true story of Colorado life. Little. $1.75 Rob and Nelly, twins living in New England, took a long journey to their new home in Colorado. This is one of the stories that will never go out of fashion. It is as popular with children to-day as it was forty years ago. Lindsay, Maud BOBBY AND THE BIG ROAD. Lothrop. $1.50 About five ycnr old Bobbv's friends on the "Big Road" in the country. Phillips, E. C. WEE ANN, A STORY FOR LITTLE GIRLS. Houghton. $150 Wee Ann visits her grandmother in the country. A nice little story. Pierson, C. D. THREE LITTLE MILLERS. THE MILLERS AT PENCROFT. THE MILLERS AND THEIR PLAYMATES. THE MILLERS AND THEIR NEW HOME. Dutton. ea. $1.60 Stories of a family of children wtiose jolly father and mother let them build playhouses, keep pets, go to the circus, give plays, and have good times generally. Porter, B. C. TRUDY AND TIMOTHY. Peiin. $1.50 A country story, wholesome, happy, well told. Se«ur. S. (R.) de SOPHIE. Heath. 56c Sophie is a mischievous little French girl who has one lively escapade after another. Smith, Mary P. Wells JOLLY GOOD TIMES Little. $1.75 A perfect picture of child life on a New England farm in our grandmother's day. Never old-fashioned. it is true and lovely for children always. FOUR ON A FARM. Little. $1.75 Four little New York children spend a summer vacation on a New Hampshire farm, the boyhood home of their father. Spyri, J. H. LITTLE CURLY HEAD, THE PET LAMB. Crowell. $1.00 Story of children in the Swiss Alps. A happy Christmas ending. White, Eliza Orne. THE BLUE AUJNl. Houghton. $1.65 Evelyn and Jim have good times and help their beloved aunt — who is anything but "'blue" in war work. EDNAH AND HER BROTHERS. Houghton. $1.65 Kunah, aged nine, and her brothers, seven and five, had rather unusual experiences. Their father, an artist, once had a live buffalo for a model. This furnished one of the "experiences. " AN ONLY CHILD. Houghton. $1.65 Lois, the "only child," has a birthday party, finds a stray kitten, goes to school and- does other things that little girls like to read about. WHEN MOLLY WAS SIX. Houghton. $1.65 Tliis tells about a delightful happening for each month of the year that Molly was six. White, S^ewart Edward THE MAGIC FOREST. Macmillan. $2.00 How a Utile boy, walking in his sleep, found him- self with kind Indians in the Canadian forest, ijuite fascinating to children. Wyss, J. D. SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Editions: Illus. by Abbott. Jacobs. $1.50 lUtts. by Prater. Dutton. $2.00 Illus by Rhead. JJarper. $1.60 A "children's classic" that will live forever. How the children aU wish for .-idveiitures just li' e those of the Swiss family Robinson on their remarkable island I Stories of Other Lands For Children Six to Ten, Except When Otherwise Noted THE books in Group I are "information" books— true descriptions of other countries and accounts of their heroes. Those in Group II are stories of imaginary children, stories beloved by boys and girls. Their authors have made these so beautifully true to the "atmosphere" of Switzerland, Japan, Holland and the rest that the books are better than volumes of dry facts. GROUP I Barnard, H. C. THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN PICTURES. Macmillan. $1.40 THE BRITISH ISLES IN PICTURES. Macmillan. $1.40 F'niemoT'". Tobn PEEPS AT SWITZERLAND. Macmillan. $1.00 Ti ue \ vid d- . p lons and s ones of this beautiful country. Jewett, Sophie GOD'S TROUBADOUR. Crowell. $2.00 About St. Francis of Assisi. friend of birds and beasts and everyone who needed a friend. THE SPARTAN TWINS, BY LUCY PERKINS. Houghton Mifflin Co. IW(JK6 hOR CHILDREN Ul' TO TEN YEARS 13 Peary, J. (D.) CHILDREN OF THE ARCTIC. flukes. $2.25 THE SNOW BABY, _, , , Stokes. $2.25 The daughter of the discover of the North Pole was born in the Arctic regions. lhe2.00 One of the most beautiful of stories for children. This is a "must have." Mitchell. A. F PAZ AND PABLO, a story of two little Filipinos. . ,. , . World Book Co. 76c „,^,.s''K"t but attractive and worth-while story of Philippine child life. Morley, Margaret W. DONKEY JOHN OF THE TOY VALLEY. Au 1- I McClurg $1.35 Ahont a little wood-carver who lived in a high mountain valley where all the villagers carved toys for children. FROM "KATRINKA," BY H. E. HASKILL. E. P. Dutton & Co. THE MEXICAN TWINS, Houghton. $1,75 Perkins, Lucy Fitch. THE btLoiAW T»,INS. Houghton. A war story, not too sad for little folks. $1.75 TP^. DUTCH TWINS.. Houghton. $1.75 Ihis book will be enjoyed by three-year-olds and ny those several years older, too. THE ESKIMO TWINS. Honghton. $1.75 About the children of the cold countries. THE FRENCH TWINS Houghton. $1,75 About two little children of Rheims. THE IRISH TWINS. Houghton. $1,75 This, "The French Twins" and "The Scotch I wins are for children a little older than those who will enjoy the others of this series. Read these to children of eight years and older. THE JAPANESE TWINS. Houghton. $1.75 This is belpved by children four to eight years old. THE SCOTCH TWINS, Houghton. $1.75 The Scotch twin's and two other children form a clan and have lively times out of doors in Scotland. Spyri, J, (H.) HEIDI. Ginn 68c Same, illus by Kirk. Lippincott. $1,50 One of the choicest child stories in print. Every home library should own this story of the little Swiss girl. Steel, Flora Annie THE ADVENTURES OF AKBAR, illus. by Byam Shaw, Stokes. $1.75 The adventures of a baby prince of India, hun- dreds of years ago. Full of Oriental color. Stein. Evaleen THE CHRISTMAS PORRINGER. Page. $L25 Karen, a little peasant pirl of Bnipes. on Christ- mas Eve places her porringer on the doorstep for the Christ child to till. The storv tells what came of this. Yonge, Charlotte M. THE LITTLE DUKE, illus, by Millar. Macmillan. $2.40 A beautiful story of a little duke of Normandy hundreds of years ago. Be sure to get this attractive edition. Illustrated Books for Children THE following books are notable not they contain interesting illustrations. English, French, American, Russian few examples of each artist's work. Batten, J. D. CELTIC FAIRY TALES. Ed. by Joseph Jacobs. fiuiuiin. $1.75 Bilibin RUSSIAN WONDER TALES. Ed. by Post Wheeler. Century. . $3.00 Billinghurst, Percy J. A HUNDRED FABLES OF AESOP. Lane. 12.00 Birch, Reginald MASTER SKYLARK. By John Bennett. Century. J1.90 Boutet de Monvel OUR CHILDREN, Duffield. $2.50 GIRLS AND BOYS. Duffield. $2.50 Brock, C. E. TALES FROM THE ALHAMBRA OF WASHING- TON IRVING. Houghton. $2.00 Brooke, L. L. STORY OF THREE BEARS. Warne. 75c THREE LITTLE PIGS. Warne. 75c JOHNNY CROW'S GARDEN. Warne. $2.00 Browne, Gordon A BOOK OF DISCOVERIES. By John Masefield. Stokes. $2.50 Caldecott, Randolph HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE PICTURE BOOK. Warne. $2.25 PICTURE BOOK NO. 2. Warne. $2.25 Crane, Walter DON QUIXOTE OF THE MANCHA. Retold by Judge Parry Lane. $2.50 HOUSEHOLD STORIES FROM THE BROTHERS GRIMM. Macmillan. $2.40 WONDER BOOK. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Houghton. $4.00 Crulkshank, George CRUIKSHANK FAIRY BOOK. Putnam. $1.75 Day, Maurice E. JANE, JOSEPH AND JOHN. By Bergengren. Atlantic. $3.00 Dulac, Edmond STORIES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Retold by Lawrence Housman. Doran. $2.50 Dunlap, Hope THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN. By Robert Browning. Rand. $1.50 THE LITTLE LAME PRINCE. By Miss Mulock. Rand. $1.50 Enrlght, M. W. HANS BRINKER. By Mary Mapes Dodge. McKay. $3.50 Ford, H. J. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans. $1.50 THE ANIMAL STORY BOOK. Ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans. $1.50 Frost. A. B. UNCLE REMUS. By J. C. Harris, Appleton. $2,50 Fuertes, Louis Agassiz THE BURGESS BIRD BOOK. By T. W. Bttrgess. Little. $3,00 Greenaway, Kate MARIGOLD GARDEN. Warne. $2,50 MOTHER GOOSE. Warne. $1,00 UNDER THE WINDOW. Warne. $2.50 Hughes, Arthur SING SONG. By Christina G. Rossetti, Macmillan. $1,40 Lear, Edward BOOK OF NONSENSE. Little. $2.00 LeMalr, H. Wlllebeek LITTLE SONGS OF LONG AGO. Harmonized by Alfred Moffat. McKay. $3.00 OUR OLD NURSERY RHYMES. Harmonized by Alfred Moffat. McKay. $3,00 only for their literary value, but because The illustrations represent the work of and other artists. Space permits of only a Merrill. F. T. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. By Mark Twain. Harper. $2.25 Parrlsh, Maxfield ARABIAN NIGHTS. Ed, by Kate Douglas Wlggln and Nora A. Smith. Scrihner. $3.50 POEMS OF CHILDHOOD. By Eugene Field, Scrihner. $3.50 Perkins, Lucy Fitch THE DUTCrt TWINS. Houghton. $1.75 Pogany, Willy THE HOME BOOK OF VERSE FOR YOUNG FOLKS Ed. by B. E. Stevenson. Holt. $2.25 THE ADVENTURES OF ODYSSEUS. By Padraic Colum. Macmillan. $2.50 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. By Swift. Macmillan. $3.25 Price, Norman TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. By Charles and Mary Lamb. Scrihner. $2.75 Pyle, Howard THE MERRY ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. Scrihner. $3.50 PEPPER AND SALT. Harper. $1.65 THE WONDER CLOCK. Harper. $1.90 Rackham, Arthur AESOP'S FABLES. Doubleday. $3,50 MOTHER GOOSE, Century. $4.00 ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. Ed. by Flora Annie Steel. Macmillan. $5.00 Rhead, Louis GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES. Harper. $1.60 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. By J. D, Wyss. Harper. $1,60 Robinson, Charles LULLABY LAND. By Eugene Field. Scrihner. $1,75 Robinson, T, H. TALES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Button. $1,00 Sarg, Tony THE CLOCK, THE MOUSE AND THE LITTLE RED HEN, By F«llclt6 Lefivre, Jacobs. $1,25 Smith, E, Boyd THE CHICKEN WORLD. Putnam. $2.00 Smith, Jessie Willcox LITTLE WOMEN. By L. M. Alcott. Little. $3.00 A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Scrihner. $3,50 Stephens, Alice Barber, LITTLE WOMEN. By L. M. Alcott. Little. $2.50 Tennlel, Sir John ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND By Lewis Carroll. Macmillan. $1.75 Vimar, A. THE CURLY-HAIRED HEN. Fitzgerald. $1.50 Walker, Dugald Stewart THE GIRL WHO SAT BY THE ASHES. By Pad- rale Colum. Macmillan. $2.00 Wheeler, D. M. ENGLISH NURSERY RHYMES, Ed, by L. E. Walter. Macmillan. $2.75 Wyeth, N. C. KIDNAPPED. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Scrihner. $3.50 THE BOY'S KING ARTHUR. By Sir Thomas Malory. Ed. by Sidney Lanier. Scribner. $3.50 Young, Ellsworth JATAKA TALES. Retold by E. C. Babbitt. Century. $1.25 BOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS Edited by RUTH G. HOPKINS Head of Children s Department, Bridgeport Public Library "Books are keys to wisdom's treasure; Books arc gales to lands of pleasure; Books are paths that upuard lead; , Books are friends. Come, let us read." — Emilie Foulssnn. Stories of Fancy and Imagination For other fairy tales, see books listed in first part of this catalog under section "Fairy tales, myths and other famous classics." Though in the section for younger children, many of these books will also be enjoyed by boys and girls up to eleven years of age. Carryl, Charles E. DAVY AND THE GOBLIN. -Houghton. $2.50 A most delightful nonsense story. Like Alice in Wonderland with a boy the leading character. Ingelow, Jean M9PSA THE FAIRY. Lipphtcott. $1.50 Story of a boy who journeys to Fairy Land in company with a fascinating little girl fairy. La Motte Fouqne, F. de UNDINE. DuttoH. $1.00 A charming fairy tale of a water sprite who became a mortal. Macdonald, George AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND. I.ifpincott. $1.50 Same. Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. McKay. $3.50 An unusually beautiful fairy tale of a little bov's friendship for the North Wii.d. Macdonald, George PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN. Lippincott. $1.50 Same. Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. McKay. $3.50 The fair Princess Irene who lived in the en- chanted castle, the caverns of the cobs, with its quaint king and queen and goblin crew, the fight in the king's palace and the defeat of the enemy all due to Curdie and his courage and devotion, are woven into one of the most fascinating fairy tales. PRINCESS AND CURDIE. Lippincott. $1.50 Sequel to "Princess and the Goblin." Meigs, Cornelia KINGDOM OF THE WINDING ROAD. Macmillan. $2.25 The leading cliaracter in each story is the mys- terious lame beggar who pipes his way along the winding road, advising and helping all whom he meets who are sad or in trouble. Beautiful in tone and unusual ir conception. Pyle, Howard GARDEN BEHIND THE MOON. Scribner $2.50 Unusual fairy tale of a boy who visited the moon and was thought by people to be 'moon-struck.' For an older reader or a thoughtful child the story presents a beautiful symbolism. Stearns, Albert CHRIS AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP. Century. $1.75 Funny modern fairy tale of a boy into whose hands falls Aladdin's lamp. Stockton, Frank R. QUEEN'S MUSEUM AND OTHER FANCIFUL TALES. Scribner $3.50 Very beautiful book containing many of the most popular of Stockton's fanciful stories. Swift, Jonathan GULLIVER'S TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL RE- MOTE REGIONS OF THE WORLD, illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper. $1.60 Same: Ed. by Padriac Colum, illus. by Pogany. ,,, ^ Macmillan. $3.25 Same. Illus. by Rackham. Button. $3.50 Full of impossible incidents which children de- li(:ht in. Thackeray, William Makepeace ROSE AND THE RING, illus. by the author. Putnam. $1.50 A masterpiece of ridiculous mishaps. Wilde, Oscar. FAIRY TALES. Putnam. $1.50 A collection of unusually beautiful symbolical fairy tales. Great Stories From Ail Nations "Arabian Nights," Baldwin's "Story of Sieg- fried," Cervantes' "Don Quixote." Hawthorne's "Wonder Book" and "Tanglewood Tales," Kings- ley's "Greek Heroes" listed in the Fairy Tales for children under ten years of age, are also well loved by boys and girls as old as twelve. Baldwin, James STORY OF ROLAND. Scribner. $2.00 .Spirited narrative woven from the legends of early France. Baldwin, James . SAMPO: Hero Adventures from the Finnish, Kale- vaka. Illus. by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $2.00 Full of vigor, this story makes a strong appeal. Brown, Abbie F. IN THE DAYS OF GIANTS. Houghton. $1.50 Gives in delightful form the Xorse myths of Odin, Thor, Baldur and all the other gods and goddesses. More especially for children between nine and twelve years of age. CHAUCER. Editions: Tappan, Eva March. Chaucer story book. Houghton. $2.50 Darion, F. J. H. Story of the Canterbury pilgrims. Stokes. $3.00 Storr, F. & Turner. Canterbury chimes. Dutton. $1.50 16 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRfS FROM "the queen's MUSEUM," BY FRANK R. STOCK io\. Charles Sctibnei's Sons. See page 15. Colum, Padriac •CHILDREN OF ODIN, illus. by Willy Pogany. Macmillan. $2.00 Troswrk, Paul FIRDUSI. The story of Rustem and other Persian hero tales from Firdusi, by £. D. Renninger. Scribner. $1.65 Stirring tales replete with the fascination of knighthood based upon the stories and legends of the Persian hero, Rustem, as told in the Persian "Book of Kings." French, Allen STORY OF GRETTIR. Oi/ffo«. $2 on A tale which should teach a lad the quality of steadfast courage. The story of the great Icelandii: hero, Grettir, the outlaw. Holbrook, Florence NORTHLAND HEROES. Houghton. 56c The stnrv of Frithiof. the Nnrwesrian viking hero and his romantic love for Ingeborg, the daughter of his king;, also the tales of Beowulf and his bat- fies with the monster, Grendel, and Grendel's hor- rible mother. HOMER— ILIAD. Editions: Church, A. J. Iliad for ♦'n^<: •'"<' r -- Macmillan. $2.50 Perry, W. C. Boys' Illiad. Macmillan. $2.40 Familiarity with the Iliad and Odyssey and with Greek and Roman mythology is the very best foun- dation for the later enjoyment of literature. HOMER— ODYSSEY. Ed-^ons: Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan. $2.50 '"o'-m B-"'r'ac. Adventures of Odysseus and Tales of Troy. Macmillan. $2.50 Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. Ginn. 64c HuM. E'-^anor BOY'S CUCHULAIN, Heroic Legends of Ireland. Crowell. $2.50 Stories of Ireland's hero vividly and beautifully told. KING ARTKUR. Editions; Malory's Boys' King Anithur, ed. by Sidney Lanier, illus. by Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 Same, illus. by Y. Kaffero. Scribner. $2.00 Book of King Arthur and his noble knights by Mary Macleod, illus. by A. G. Walker. Stokes. $2.5C Secure one of tlie Lanier versions if possible. Plummer, Mary W. STORIES FROM THE CHRONICLES OF THE CID. Holt. $1.0C A simple and spirited \ersion which will acquaint the child witn the legends of mediaeval Spain. Raspe. ♦CHILDREN'S MUNCHAUSEN, selected and adapt ed by Rowland Thomas, illus. in color by Gordon Ross. Houghton. $2.75 ROBIN HOOD. Editions: Merry Adventures of Robin Pyle. Some Merry Adventures of tions from the larger book. Robin Hood, ed. by Paul Wyeth. Robin Hood, His Book, ed Hood, ed. by Howard Scribner. $3.50 Robin Hood. Selec- Scribner. 64c Creswick. Illus. by McKay. $3.50 by £. M. Tappan. Little. $2.00 and the Red Cross Button. $3.00 Spenser, Edmund FAERIE QUEEN Rolde-Smith, N. G. Una Knight. Stephens, James •IRISH FAIRY TALES, illus. by Arthur Rackham. Macmillan. $4.00 Fascinating stories of the mythological heroes of Ireland for older boys and girls. Tsnrati E. 'W. OLD BALLADS IN PROSE. Houghton. $L50 Uetaiii.* the spirit more i«erfectly than any other prose versions of the old ballads. Full of humor and i>oetry. VIRGIL. Church, A. J. Aeneid for boys and g^rls. MacmillaH. $2.50 hOOKS FOR OI.nFR BOYS A^D GIRLS 17 School and College Stories For Boys Barboar, Ralph Henry SPIRIT OF THE SCHOOL. Appleton. $1.75 School honor is the keynote around wliich is woven ■ spirited story of school life. One of the best titles from the pen of a popular writer of athletic itories. Grlsvold, Lotta. DEERIKG OF DEAL. (lOod story of school life. MacmillaH. $2.25 Httghes, Thomas TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS. Gi»mi. 96c Same. lUus. by Rhead. Harper. $1.60 Too well known to need discussion, this book claims its place on every boy's bookshelf. Johnson, Owen VARMINT. LUtle. $1.75 The "Varmint" is all that his name implies when he first arrives at Lawrenceville School. The story of how his companions "take it out of him" will delight all boy readers. La Flesche, Francis MIDDLE FIVE. Small. $1.25 An Indian boy's experiences at school with four of his friends. Maclaren, Ian TOUNG BARBARIANS. Dodd. $1.75 Scottish schoolboy life is sliown here in a story full of pranks, fun and adventure. Maynard, Colton SCHOOL DAYS OF ELLIOTT GRAY, JR. (Every- body's Library.) Grosset. $1.00 Describing a genuine fun-loving boy who en- deavors to keep alive the traditions and standards in the same school which his father had known as a bov. Paine. Ralph D. STROKE OAR. McClurg. $1.50 Silvers, Earl Reed •DICK ARNOLD OF RARITAN COLLEGE. Appleton. $1.75 A college story with more to ii ni.ni athletics though they play their part in tlie interest ami (UvelopintiU oi the pint. DioWs father refuses to pay his way in his third year of college because the boy decides to become a journalist instead of a doctor. Dick earns his own living and puts him- self through his remaining jrears, dropping his wealthy, gay friends and meeting the fine earnest fellows who are forced to earn their own college education. Turley, Charles GODFREY MARTEN, SCHOOLBOY. Dutton. $2.00 .\ Mischievous, high-spirited English boy with fme, manly qualities, is the hero of this story. School and College Stones For Girls Abbot, Jane J. HIGHACRES. Lippincott. $1.50 Story of a breezy little mountain girl who comes to a city school. Brown, Helen Dawes TWO COLLEGE GIRLS. Houghton. $1.50 The setting for this refreshing and happy story is X'assar. Coolidge, Susan WHAT KATY DID AT SCHOOL. Little. $1.75 An old-fashioned boarding-school story with a cer- tain very human element in it which prevents it fiiini losing in popularity. Daskam, J. D. SMITH COLLEGE STORIES. Scribtier. $1.50 Daulton, Agnes M. FROM SIOUX TO SUSAN. Century. $1.75 Story <»f an exceedingly lively girl and her dif- ficulty in adjusting herself to school life. DuBois, Mary Constance. GIRLS OF OLD GLORY. Century.%\.^ \ school story with a mystery. Ellis, K. R. WIDE AWAKE GIRLS AT COLLEGE. Little. $1.75 The second book in the "Wide Awake Girls" series. Singmaster, Elsie WHEN SARAH WENT TO SCHOOL. Houghton. $1.50 Sequel to "When Sarah Saved the Day." An unusual school story showing the pathetic yearning • if tlie heroine for an education. Youn g. Richard ♦Partington- comefh'toreck-/^erry.RoBlN'HooDy KROM "the MEKKY ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD," BY HOWARD PYLE. ChaiU'S Stribnci's SoUiy 18 THE BOOKSHEU FOR BOIS AND GIRLS Valle, Charlotte M. THE ORCUTT GIRLS. IVildc. $1.75 School life fifty years ago but still popular with i?irls 13 to IS. SUE ORCUTT. fVtldc. $1.75 Sequel to "Orcutt Girls." Warde, Margaret. BETTY WALES, FRESHMAN. Fcun. $1.75 The first of a series taking Betty througli the four years of college life. Said by a graduate tn be an unusually true picture of life at Smith. Webster, Jean JUST PATTY. Gr.,s.u-t. $1.00 Patty at boarding school keeps life for her teachers and fellow students from dullness by her genius for scrapes. WHEN PATTY WENT TO COLLEGE^ Grosset. $1.00 Century. $1.75 Patty," — a more grown-up Patty le, irrepressible, irresponsible, fas- Tng woman. Indian Books Other hooks about Indians are listed in the Boy Scout section of this catalog. Altsheler, Joseph A. APACHE GOLD. Applfrton, $1.75 "Hunting for the lost treasures of the Spaniard in the land of the Cliff Dwellers, Charles Wayne, a border lad. has terrible encounters with wild beasts and Apache Indians." — Pittsburgh ■ catalog. Baker, Olaf .'"' SHASTA OF THE WOLVES. Dodd. $2,00 Describes the strange boyhood of an Indian who as a baby was left in the forest by enemies aod was adopted by . a she- wolf. . Brooks, Eldridge S. MASTER OF THE STRONG HEARTS, a story of Custer's last rally. Button. $2;00 A stirring account of Custer's stand with Sittin? Bull in 1876. Drake, Francis F. INDIAN HISTORY FOR YOUNG FOLKS. Harper. $3.00 Eastman, Charles A. FROM THE DEEP WOODS TO CIVILIZATION. LUtle. $2.50 Story of Eastman's life, for older boys and girl.«. INDIAN BOYHOOD. Little. $2.50 Same. Grosset. $1.00 IJfe of the author told for younger boys and girls. Eastman, Elaine G. YELLOW STAR. Little. $1.75 Story of an Indian girl educated in a modern school who returns to her people to help teach them the "white man's" ways. Hasbrouck, Louise S. BOY'S PARKMAN. LUtle. $1.50 Here are collected the most thrilling and pictur- esque passages from Parkman's works, leaving out those parts not of so much interest to boys and girls. Jackson, Helen Hunt RAMON A. Little. $2.00 This tragic story will always have its place among books for young people. Lummis, Charles F. PUEBLO INDIAN FOLK-STORIES. Century. $1.75 Moon, Grace LOST INDIAN MAGIC. Stokes. $2.25 Unusually good story of Indians before the com- ing of 'the white man. The boy hero goes to the tribe of his enemies to try to discover the lost magic of his people. Moran, George N. KWAHU, THE HOPI INDIAN BOY. American Book Co. 72c An exquisitely told story of the life and manners ill an ancient pueblo before the Spanish conquest of liie Southwest. Older people as well as children will ■ lelight in the poetic phrasing and dccacy of Kwahu's romance, worthy of a permanent place among children's books for its style alone. Pendleton, Louis IN THE CAMP OF THE CREEKS. Pcnn.-fl.li Exciting Indian story with attacks by hostile In- dians, capture and danger of torture and all the usual "'Indian story" thrills. Sabin, Edwin L. BOYS' BOOK OF INDIAN WARRIORS. Jacobs. $1.75 Stories a-bout the greatest Indian warriors- . and Indian maidens told from the Indian's point of view. Schultz, James W. BIRD WOMAN. Houghton. $1.75 Vivid accunt of Sacajawea, the young girl who guided Lewis and Clark across the Rockies to the coast. RUNNING EAGLE, THE WARRIOR GIRL. Houghton. $L.7S Story of an Indian girl who preferred the hunter's life to the wigwam. '■ Good Stories Abbot, Jane D. LARKSPUR. Lippincott. $1^ A' lively story of the adventures of three chums as girl scouts. Alcott, Louisa May JACK AND JILL. LittU: $1.75 Same. lUus. by Harriet R. Richards, Little. $2.50 Miss Olcott's books need no introduction. Each succeeding generation of girls loves them as devo- tedly as those in the past. LITTLE WOMEN. Little. $1.75 Same. Illus. by Alice Barber Stephens. - JLitf/r; .$2.50 Same. Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. LittU-. $3.00 LITTLE MEN. Little. $1.75 Same. Illus. by R. B. Birch. LiHle. $2.50 Sequel to "Little Women." OLD-FASHIONED GIRL. Little. $L75 Same. Illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Little. $2.50 Alden, W. L. MORAL PIRATES. Harper. 90c Exciting adventures of four New York boys on •lie Hudson in a rowboat. NEW ROBINSON CRUSOE. Harper. 90c I'unny story of an Irish cabin boy who is ship- wrecked on a desert island with a crazy man who imagines himself the descendant of Robinson Crusoe. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. STORY OF A BAD BOY. Houghton. $1.65 Same. Illus. by A. B. Frost. Houghton. $2.25 The humorous adventures of boyhood life delight- fully told. Altsheler. Joseph A. QUEST OF THE FOUR. Appleton. $1.75 I'our men, each with a different quest go to Mexico. Exciting adventures with Indians, "Bad Mexicans" and dangers of other sorts follow each other in quick succession. Ames, Joseph B. CURLY OF THE CIRCLE BAR. Century. $1.75 A wild west story, full of excitement from the first chapter when Curly lies hidden in the hush bile his cruel master, the cattle thief, is punished !>>• the angry cowboys. Ashmun, Margaret E. HEART OF ISABEL CARLTON. ilactniilan. $2.29 Interests and activities of a group of high-school <;irU and hoys. Free from too much sentiment3 the summer in the country. ■ Buctuia, John PRESTER JOHN, OR GREAT DIAMOND PIPE. Doran. $1.20 A young Englishman sent to Africa in the employ of a trading company has most thrilling adventures because of his endeavor to obtain possession of a magnificent jewel which he hears is in the keeping of Prester John, the mysterious and treacherous leader of a tribe of natives who are plotting against the white men. Burton, Charles P. BOYS OF BOB'S HILL. Holt. $1.50 A lively gang of boys have their headquarters on Bob's Hill and one of their number tells in this book of the pranks and escapades in which they all take part. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. ROCKY FORK. Lothrop. $1.50 The story of a little girl born and brought up in the country, and her unusual experiences on mov- ir.,? to' a town. A simple and pleasing story. Cheney, Edward G. SCOTT BURTON ON THE RANGE. Abpleton. $1.S Sequel to "Scott Burton, Forester." A most excit- ing storjr of stranger's life in the great mountain forests in the West. Cody, Grace E. ELINOR'S JUNIOR HOP. Appleton. $1.75 Story of how Elinor had her wish and was able to atte'nd the junior hop at her brother's college. Comstock, Harriet T. CAMP BRAVE PINE. Crowell. $2.00 Camp fire girls spend a summer^ on a farm, and have all sorts of good times and jolly experiences. CooUdge, Susan (pseud.) WHAT KATY DID. LUtle. $1.75 One of many and wholesome stories written by ('lis rtnthor. Tlie first in the "Katy" series. Deland, Ellen Douglas OAKLEIGH. Harper. $1.60 Home story of a big family of boys and girls. Dickens, Charles CHRISTMAS CAROL. Illus. by Rackham. Lippincott. $1.75 Ariel Edition Putnam. $1.25 The ghosts who visit old Scrooge on Christmas Eve show him how much of Christmas happiness he iias missed. Dix, Beulah Marie BETTY BIDE-AT-HOME. Holt. $1.S0 Story of a plucky girl who wanted to go to col- lege but who found her share of success in writing stories. FRIENDS IN THE END. Holt. $1.50 Story of the feud between the Prendcrgast cfiil- dren and Jo Gi fiord and Dorothea Marden who are spiehding the summer on' a farm in the. New Hampshire mountains. Dodge, Mary Mapes ' ^."'"m ' DONALD AND DOROTHY. Century., ull.75 A mystery story for girls— Is Dorothy herself ,or her cousin Delia? ...-.' Evison, Milliceiiit RAINBOW GOLD. Lothrop. $1.75 Story of three children who go to live with tljeir i^randiather in a tinjr village iti Maine. Character drawing of the inhabitants of the village unusually well done. Above the average of books of this type. Ewing, J. H. JACKANAPES. Giini. 68c JACKANAPES. Story of a Short Life, Daddy Dar- win's Dovecote and others. Illus. by Ednk Cook. Duffield. $3.50 Heading the fourth chapter stand the words, "Cireater love hath no man than this, that a matt lay down hi? 'ife for hjs friends." That is tne iheme of ^Itts little agoir. Fisi«r, Dorothy Canfleld UNDERSTOOD BETSY. Holi. $1.50 Shows how Elizabeth Atin found herself when she went to live with relatives in Vermont. A gpod story which both mothers and daughters will enjoy French, Allen PELHAH AND HIS FRIEND TIM. LUtle. $1.75 Pelham's father owns a mill in New England. Tim work* in the mill. General excitement evolves when a strike is called and Pelham tries to protect the niill. Gilchrist, Beth B. HELEN OVER-THE-WALL. Penn. $1.75 An attractive story of a lively imaginative little girl. CINDERELLA'S GRANDDAUGHTER. Cent my. $1.75 "Pictures a capable older sister and the twins, a month's gayi*ty and at last the prince."— A. L. A. Booklist. ' Gottld, Elizabeth Lincoln ADMIRAL'S LITTLE SECRETARY. Peitn. $1.50 First in a series of books about a charming little Southern girl. Hn'f. L'Tretia P. PETERKIN PAPERS Houghton. U>S» LAST OF THE PETSRKINS. LUtle. $1.75 Not to know the Peterkin family and their still more famous friend, "the lady from Philadelphia" is almost as bad as not knowing Santa Claus or Tt^orge Washington. Full of the most absurd hap- penings. 20 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS A.\U GIRLS Heyliget, William HIGH BENTON. Appleton. $1.50 Story of the life of an average boy and how he finds through first-hand experience the value of an education. Hunting, Gardner SANDSY'S PAL. Harper. $1.60 Very good story of the wholesome effect of a friendship between two boys in widely different social stations. Hard, Marian K. and Jean B. Wilson WHEN SHE CAME HOME FROM COLLEGE. Houghton. $1.75 Not even college teaches all one needs to know as the girl heroine finds out when she tries to manage the home during the illness of her mother. Jackson, Helen Hunt NELLY'S SILVER MINE. LUtle. $1.75 Same. Little. $2.50 A story of Colorado life. One of the stories every girl reads. J Jacobs, C. D. TEXAS BLUE BONNET. Page. $1.50 Blue Bonnet having lived all her life on a Texas ranch finds it very hard at first to conform to the rules and regulations of school life in the New England village where she comes to stay with her grandmother. Janvier, Thomas A. AZTEC TREASURE HOUSE. Harper. $1.90 An old favorite which boys never tire of. Kneeland, ClarlMa A. SMUGGLER'S ISLAND. Houghton. $2.00 Here we have ingenuity and resourcefulness ad- mirably shown in the experiences of four boys and their older sister marooned on an island. Longhead, Flora Halnea ^ ^ ABANDONED CLAIM. Houghton. $2.00 How Ned and Martin Austin and tluir sister, Hoi>e. took up an abandoned claim in California and made good. FROM THE CRIMSON PATCH, BY AUGUST.^ H. SKAMAN. Century Co. Malot, Hector NOBODY'S BOY. Cupples. $150 Published in France under the title "Sans Famille" and declared a literary classic by L'Acadevivc Fran^aise. Marryat, Frederick MIDSHIPMAN EASY. Macmillan. $1.40 Full of thrilling episodes, rich in salt water characters, full of sea yarns. Matlack, Margaret Moore •SERGEANT JANE. LUtic. $1.75 Jane's father is a colonel of marines stationed at St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Here Jane has an exciting time exploring a seciOt room in the fortress. Meigs, Cornelia *POOL OF STARS. Mactnitlan. $2J5 An exciting story; being the mystery of a ruirve»i house, and the attempts of Betsy and David, who are preparing for college, to solve it. Montgomery, L. M. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. Paoe. $1.75 Among the very finest stories for girls. The author has caught the spirit of natural wboleltearte'd jrirlliood. Paine, Ralph D. ♦CALL OF THE OFF-SHORE WIND. HoxiglUon. $1^ Same. Grosset. $1.00 HEAD COACH. Grosset. $1.00 The good effect clean athletics may exert on a community. Peattie, Ella W. NEWCOMERS. Houghton. $1.75 A book for older girls of a charming family and how they attempt to make their way in a village hostile to them. Pendleton, Louis KING TOM AND THE RUNAWAYS. Appleton. $1.73 ."^1 range adventures of two boys lost in the swamps of (leorgia. Perkins, Lucy Fitch CORNELIA. Houghton. $1.65 A welcome story of an ingenious, whole-souled little girl wliose impulsive desires to right the wrongs of tlie world make very pood reading for girls from twelve to fourteen. Price, Edith B. •SILVER SHOAL LIGHT Ccntn>y. $1.75 Joan, a city girl, spends the summer at Silver Shoal Lighthouse, wtih the poet-keeper of the light, Jim Pemberly, Elspeth, his wife, and their little crip- pled son. Garth. They have a most interesting sum- mer, including an exciting encounter with German sjiies. A story well-written and told with real poetic feeling. Young and old will enjoy it. A Rankin, Carroll W. DANDELION COTTAGE. Holt. $1.5C A jolly group of girls and the pleasure they have in possession of a cottage playhotise. Schultz, James Willard *IN THE GREAT APACHE FOREST. Houghton $1.75 Story of a 17-year-old boy who was made tire- guard on Mount Thomas in Arizona, and his tliri'"- ing adventures with firebugs, a deserted sold^r- and a huge grizzly known as Old Double Killer. Seaman, Augusta H. 'CRIMSON PATCH. Century. SIJO Another mystery story for girls. A band of Ger- man spies are using a little Belgian girl as their tool but are foiled by the courage of Patricia, the girl heroine, and the quick wits of Chet Jack^n, the bell-liop wliose nmhifion is to become a detective. BOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 21 SienkiewJcz, Uenryk IN DESERT AND WILDERNESS. Little. $2.25 A story of the most thrilling adventure. Two cliildren, a Polish boy and his little English girl playmate are kidnapped by followers of the Malidi, liuring the days of the Mahdist uprising in Africa. The children are carried towards Khartoum but :nanage to escape from their captors. Their experi- •tnces both before and after their escape are so ■xciting that although the book is long no boy or ,'irl will be able to leave it, having once got into the swing of the story. Singmaster, Elsie WHEN SARAH SAVED .THE DAY. Houghton. $1.50 How a clear thinking girl of fifteen is suddenly railed upon to protect her orphaned brothers and sisters. Smitb. Elva S. MYSTERY TALES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Lothrop. $2.00 Contains many of the old favorites together with others not so often found in collections of the kind. Speannan, Frank H. NERVE OF FOLEY. Harper. $1.75 Short stories having to do with railroad life in the iar west. Though each story is complete in itself, rhe same characters appear in all. Plenty of ex- ^'itement. Some of the stories read aloud well. Stuart, Ruth McEnery STORY OF BABETTE. Harfer. $1.(0 A kidnapping story. EKiring the Mardi Gras fes- ivities Babettf. ;i little Creole girl, is stolen by the gypsies. Turpin, Edna •TREASURE MOUNTAIN. Century. $1.75 It is hard to imagine the girl who would not <-ujoy this exciting, rabidly moving tale of life iraong the mountain whites of Virginia. Waterloo, Stanley STORY OF AB. Doubleday. $L90 L'nusiially well done. A story of prehistoric man. ;old in so fascinating a manner that children love the book. Weir, F. Roney 'MERRY ANDREW. Small. $U5 Story of a merry-hearted girl and how she helped lift the mortgage from her grandfather's farm. Wiggin, Kate Douglas BIRD'S CHRISTMAS CAROL. Houghton. 90c How Carol Bird made a Merry Christmas for tiie Kuggleses in the rear. REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM. Houghton. $1.90 Same. Grosset. $1.00 The author was indeed inspired when she created Rebecca. Wotton, Mabel E. UNCLE TOM, THE BURGLAR. Penn. 75c The book presents a picture of the life of a large family of English children who have an exciting adventure with two burglars. Zollinger, Gulielma WIDOW O'CALLAGHAN'S BOYS. McClurg. $1.35 There were seven of them and it taxed the Wid "\v*s ability to the utmost to support and educate them all. A story of sturdy, level-headed effort to ■neet_ the world on its own rather severe terms and to win from it success and progress. Zwllgmeyer, Dikken WHAT HAPPENED TO INGER JOHANNE. Lothrop. $1.75 The "Tom Sawyer" for girls. Story of a little Norwegian girl and her ingenuity in getting into unintentional scrapes. KKOM "'WH.M UAPMiNED TO INCER JOHANNE, ' KY uiKKEN zwiLCMEYER. Lothrop, Lee and Shepixrd Co. Animal Books and Stories Atkinson, Eleanor GREYFRIARS BOBBY. Harper. $L75 "The toucliiiig story, mainly true, of a_ faithtui little terrier wno lived in a churchyard in Edin burgh where his master had been buried, and was fed and petted in the neighborhood. A statue of Bobby guards a drinking fountain near the gate."— Austin, Mary TRAIL BOOK. Houghton. $2.50 Oliver and Dorcas, whose father runs the boiler room in a great museum, discover that the stuffed animals come to life at night and talk. The children hide and overhear the stories. Brown, John RAB AND HIS FRIENDS. lUtis. by H. C. Macgoun in color. Phillips. 50c "Beautiful and pathetic Scotch story of a noble dog and his friends, a rare woman and her hus- band." Burgess, Thornton W. TdMMY AND THE WISHING STONE. Little. $1J0 Tommy finds out that when he sits on a certain stone his wishes come true. He can wish himself any kind of animal he likes, and best of all, wish himself back a little boy again. In this way he learns how many of the little animals of field and forest live and the dangers and pleasures of their lives. Downes, Alfred M. FIRE FIGHTERS AND THEIR PETS. Harper. $1.60 Tells of the many and varied pets of the fire men. Some are very amusing as those describing the antics of a pet monkey. Gives quite an idea of the firemen's life incidentally. Fraser, William A. ^ .. ., , MOOSWA. Scribner. $lo5 A wonderfully appealing story of the wi-e old moose and the other kindly creatures of the far north who save the life of a little boy. _ A book that girls love as much as boys and which gives all readers a new appreciation of animal life. 21' THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ^awkes, Clarence TRAILS TO WOODS AND WATERS. Jacobs. $1.60 A wonderful store of knowlcdife is contained jii tbeste tales of the big and little creatures of the woods and waters. Mair, John STICKEEN. Once read, never forgotton. master and a blizzard. Houghton. $1 25 About a dog, his Ollivant, Alfred BOB, SON OF BATTLE. Doubleday. $1.90 One of the best dog stories ever written. Paine, A. B. ARKANSAW BEAR. Altemus. $1.50 One of the few really good humorous book.* tor children, full of ridiculous adventures and delight- fully witty conversations. Rame, Louise de la MOUFFLOU. Lippmcutt. ^c All those who love dogs will delight in this story of Moufflou, the droll and lovable poodle. Seton, Ernest Thompson. MONARCH. THE BIG BEAR. Scribner. $1.00 Verrill, A. Hyatt PETS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT. Scribner. $? 00 Gives very full directions about caring for pets of all kinds from woodchucks to snakes. Tells what kinds of houses they should have, the food they should eat, what ailAients they are apt to have ana what treatment to give in each case. Wright, W. H. BEN, THE BLACK BEAR. Scribner. 88c A true story of the taming by ttie atithor of a little bear cub whose mother had been killed. FKOM "BIRDi ,..,,, V CHILD SHOULIJ K.NOW," !;V MI T.TK BLANCHAN. Grosset & ffliltkip. Nature Biooks and Books of Science Beard, Daniel C. AHERICAN BOYS' BOOK OP * BUGS, BUTTER- FLIES AND BEETLES. Lippincott. $2.50 Descriptions, diagrams of all sorts of Dugs, butter- flies and beetles fqr the boy interested in studj** or collection of insects." .-■' Blancban, Neltje. BIRDS THAT EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW. ; Grosset. , SIM ' A very good,' sympathetic, simplrf' treatment for children. Burgess, Thornton W. ' . BURGESS BIRD BOOK FQR .^CHILDREN. •^ ■' Little. $3.00 Facts given in story form, written for the younger children. Collins, A. Frederick MAGIC OF SCIENCE. Revell. $1.50 •■.A book of scientific amusements which can be per- formed with simple apparatus. Fabre, Jean Henri FIELD, FOREST AND FARM. Century. $2.50 A book which will delight and interest children (-xplaiiiing farming, gardening and fruit raising. •INSECT ADVENTURES. World Book Co. SL*) New edition — an attractive Httle book in abridged form. SECRET OF EVERY DAY THINGS. Century. $2.50 Has all manner of^ quaint ^ and curious i.nfonna- tion about Sax, hemp, matches, coal, breai snow. lud many other things' with which we come' in c«n- tact so often .that we fqrget how importstit they are. *' , • . Ingersoll, Ernest WIT OF THE WILD. Dcfdd:' $2.00 Sketches of incidents in the lives of all kinds of little creatures of the wild which have been actu- ally observed by the author. Very interestingly told for older boys and girls. Griffith, A. M. M. ■ STARS AND THEIR STORIES. Holt. $1.25 Diagrams show where to locate tne stars and con- .stellations whose stories are told. Makes a fas- cinating game of star study. Maeterlinck, Mauirice CHILDREN'S LIFE OF THE BEE. Dodi. $3.00 .\ most lovely hook. The text has been abridged ii'r children without injuring its beauty. Mathews, F. Schuyler FIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN TREES AND SHRUBS. Pntnam. $3.00 Of convenient pocket size, arrangement by family a ad including about eight hundred species. Miller. Olive Thome CHILDREN'S LIFE OF THE BEE. DitdS. 12.00 Intimate talks on bird '.va> s by a close cA^rver. :(>i>K> i(>u I'l.i'fK iut)s i\i) (,:nl> 23 Pollock, Frank L. WILDERNESS HONEY. Century. $1.75 Alice Harmon and her two brothers go to live in an oRl house in the wilderness and raise bees. Gives much information about bee culture in a most readable manner. Slusser, Effie Y. •STORIES OF LUTHER BURBANK AND HIS PLANT SCHOOL. Scribner. $1.35 Gives in attractive form the story of Burbank's life and his marvellous achievements. Numerous colored illustrations of his plants. A book for which there has been a great demand and Iieretofore none to fill the need. Stack, Frederick W. WILD FLOWERS EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW. Crosset. 1.00 Very satisfactory to place in children's liands. Includes about five hundred varieties. Verrill, A. H. HARPER'S BOOK FOR YOUNG GARDENERS. Harper. $1.60 Tells how to prepare the ground, about fertilizers, seeds, etc., for market, fruit and flower gardens. Gives instruction on how to protect the garden from insects and disease. HARPER'S BOOK FOR YOUNG NATURALISTS. Harper. $1.60 A comprehensive book for a boy collector giving directions for the starting and equipment of a mu- seum and the gathering of material for every snrt of collection. OCEAN AND ITS MYSTERIES. Dufficld. $1.50 It is to tell the real truths about the sea in a concise and entertaining way that this book has been written. It tells of its depths, currents, tides and waves, the dangers to ships and from icebergs ' and derelicts and above all the life in the great deeps as well as near the surface. •••• ■'}■. Occupations and Amusements Fvr additional books on uoodcraft, campina and other informational books, thit boys like, see Boy Scout list. Adams, J. D. CARPENTRY FOR BEGINNERS. M.ffat. $2.00 More elementary than Wheeler's ''Wood Working for Beginners." Adams, J. H. HARPER'S OUTDOOR BOOK FOR BOYS. , . . Harper. $1.60 •"Simple, practical directions and working diagrams fori making things that are worth making and hot JjHty'ond the powers of an energetic boy with a mechanical turn of mind.'"— A .L. A. Booklist.' .-' Archer, Effie A. KEEDLECRAFT. Doubleday. $1.00 Includes stenciling, tooled leather work, design stamping, crocheting, raflfia work and weaving as well as sewing and embroidery. Beaid, Patten JOLLY BOOK OF BOXCRAFT. i/y*i.«. $2.00 (iiven a few cardboard boxes, a pencil, scissors and some glue, and construction becomes a simple matter. The directions are clear and tli^ results interesting. Bond, A. Russell AMERICAN BOYS' ENGINEERING BOOK. Lippincott. $2.50 A book containing information atwut surveying, signalling, astronomy, construction work and elec- tricity. Barrel!, Mrs. Caroline F. B. FUN OF COOKING. Cenf.iry. $1.75 One of the best cook books for little girls. Gives recipes for special occasions as a school lunch, a birthday picnic, a Sunday night supper, a school party, a camping party, a Hallowe'en supper, candy for a fair, etc. Carrington, Hereward BIOYS' BOOK OF MAGIC. Dodd. $2.00 Tricks with cards, coins, handkerchiefs, eggs, mind reading, etc. Interesting chapters on Hindu and Yogi magic and tricks of wonder workers like Houdini. Claudy, C. H. FIRST BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY. McBride. $1.00 .V very useful book for the beginner, giving all sorts of practical directions for getting results in amateur photography. Small cuongli d be earned in a coat pocket. i Colli OS, A. F. ^ BOYS' AIRPLijLNE BOOK. Stokes. $1.60^ "How airplanes are built and how they fly-; how to build an. I fly models; making Hying boats and gliders; varied uses of airpFanes, instruments used,^ artd rec'..-d flights. "^A. L. A. Booklist. INVENTING FOR BOYS." » Stokes. $1,60 Practical suggestions with illustrations along- what lines to work. ■•■-■ ' Coale. Anna W. .- ,-.•*- <^.. «*^. SUMMER IN THE^^ GIRLS' CAMP. Ccnlury. $1.75k Complete and interesting account of summer cam& life for girls. "' S ji Crozie'r, G. B. OUTDOOR GAMES FOR CHILDREN. Dntlun. 75c Davis, C. G. ' HARPER'S BOATING BOOK FOR BOYS. Harper. $1.60 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield WHAT SHALL WE DO NOW? ' Stokes. $2.00 ■l-'ive .hundred children's games aiid pastimes. Fryer, Jane Eayre MARY FRANCES SEWING-BOOK. IVinston. $2.00 (■lives sample patterns which can In; Ijaced and Bache, £. D. WHEN MOTHER LETS US MAKE CANDY. Moffat. 75c Good recipes and clear directions, includ- ing lists of ingredients and utensils. Bassett. Sara Ware PAUL AND THE PRINTING PRESS. Little. $1.50 In this story of how- Paul Cameron estab- lished a high school pa- per called "The March Hare" the reader is told the story of printing and invention of the print- ing press. "summer in the girls camp, by .\N\\ W. _ co.'M.E. Century Co. Glover, EUye H. "DAME CURTSEY'S" BOOK FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR McClnrg. $1.50 Entertainments fer holidays, birthdays, spe- cial days, weddiiigs, showers, church socials and clubs. Good, Artliur MAGICAL EXPERI- MENTS. McKay. $1.50 Tricks with ordinary irticles, depending on . iTtain scientific laws vatber than on mere sleight of hand. 24 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Judson, Charles Ingram JUKIOR COOK B60K. Barse. $1.25 Comprehensive cook book for little girls. Direc- tions are very full, valuable little hints not i.tten given in cook books are included. Every other page of the book is blank so that new recipes may be pasted or written in. Practical general directions are given in the front of the book about how to work to the best advantage. Klickman, Flora LITTLE GIRLS' KNITTING AND CROCHET BOOK. Stokes. $-1.00 An attractive little h..ok with many useful and helpful designs. 'famous sculpture," by CHARLES L. BARSTOW. Century Co. Harks, Jeanette A. VACATION CAMPING FOR GIRLS. Appieton. $1.50 Tells the things to take on a camping trip, kind of clothes to wear, food to provide, how to make fires and care for the camp and oneself, etc. Miller, C. M. KITES AND KITE TOURNAMENTS. Manual Arts Press. $1.75 All sorts of kites, from tiny ones to those taller than a man and large enough to carry weight. Morgan, Alfred P. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CONSTRUCTION FOR AMATEURS. Van Kostrand. $1.50 Paine, Ralph D. STEAM SHOVEL MAN. Scribuer. $1.50 A boy's exciting adventures in Panama during the early days of the American construction of the canal. Poast, F. M. INDIAN NAMES, FACTS AND GAMES FOR CAMP FIRE GIRLS. James William Brxan Press, Woodward Bldg.. Washington, $1.00 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS. Official handbook of the Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts. $1.00 Verrill, A. H. BOY'S OUTDOOR VACATION BOOK. Dodd. $1.75 A complete handbook for every boy f«n5 of life and recreation in the open. Contains information on camping out, emergency hints, how to find direc- tion, knots and rope work, swimming, sailing, and two chapters on winter sports. Waterman, Amy H. L. A LITTLE PRESERVING BOOK FOR A LITTLE GIRL. Page. %\.% Wlthington, Paul BOOK OF ATHLETICS. Loihrop. $2.50 Foot-ball, track athletics, baseball, rowing, hockey, swimming, intercollegiate soccer, wrestling, lacrosse. hasketbaU, and golf. Books on Art PICTURES EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW. Grosset. $1.00 A book of about 45 of the most famous painters of all countries, giving very brief notes of the life of each and the distinctive feature about his work Barstow, C. L. FAMOUS BUILDINGS. Century $1.50 Very readable little book on different styles of architecture, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Gothic, etc. FAMOUS SCULPTURE. Ceriti^ry. HM A concise treatment of tlie subject which will attract children. Chandler, Anna Curtis MAGIC PICTURES OF LONG AGO. Holt. $1.4* "Stories of the people of many lands; with 47 re- productions from works of art and old manuscript*. Ten stories adapted from the author's story hour at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. They are about pictures, sculpture and artists which attract children's attention in the art rooms." — A. L. A. Booklist. MORE MAGIC PICTURES OF LONG AGO. Holt. $!.<« Similar to the first book. Oliver, Maude I. C. FIRST STEPS IN THE ENJOYMENT OF PIC- TURES. Holt $1.50 Unusually interesting little book giving in simple and clear form explanations of color, perspective, composition, draughtsmanship, etc., so that any reader may learn to understand and enjoy the beauty in what the artist has portrayed. Books on Music Uacy, James C. YOUNG PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF MUSIC. DitsoH. $1.19 Brief history of music followed by very short liiographies of famous musicians. Whitcomb, I. P. YOUNG PEOPLE'S STORY OF MUSIC. Dodd. $3.50 A book fascinating as reading besides giving much information about the history of music from pre- (listoric times to the present, together with chapters on all the great composers of all times. Stories of a Few Great Operas and Plays Bacon, M. S. H. OPERAS EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW. Grosset. $1.00 BOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 25 Barrie, James PETER AND WENDY. Scribiier. 12.00 The story of Peter "the boy who never grew up" ind how he taught Wendy to fly away with him to the "Never Never Land." Told with that inde- scribable charm that has endeared Barrie to thou- sands. PETER PAN, retold by F. O. Perkins. Silver. 90c STORY Of PETER PAN, retold by D. O'Connor, illtts. by Alice B. Woodward. Macmillan. 60c Told in simple language for younger children. The colored illustrations are very charming. Humperdinck, Engelbert KONIGSKINDER, RETOLD BY ANNA ALICE CHAPIN. Harper. $L60 Delightfully told story of Humperdinck's opera. Maeterlinck, Maurice CHILDREN'S BLUE BIRD. Dodd. $1.75 Same: BLUE BIRD FOR CHILDREN. Silver. 92c Beautiful leielling (if Maeterlinck's play. TYLTYL, the story of the Betrothal retold by Alex- ander T. de Mattos, illus. by Paus. l^dd. $5.00 A most beautiliil liuok. Cliildren who nave read the "Children's Hlue Bird" will be delighted to read more about Tytyl and the Fairy Berlingot who comes to help him find his sweetheart. Shakespeare, William LAMB, CHARLES. Tales from Shakespeare. Illus. by Rhead. Harper.. $1.60 Same: Illus. by Norman Price. Scribner. $2.50 Whether a child is drawn to the original drama or not, this classic rendition of Shakespeare deserves its own place in every child's reading. Macleod, Mary SHAKESPEARE STORY BOOK. Barnes. $2.50 Contains the comedies and tragedies. Gives the story of each in entertaining manner and uses as much of Shakespeare's words as can be easily worked into so shortened a form. Some Books of Plays For Children Carter. Elsie H. CHRISTMAS CANDLES. Holt. $1.50 Twelve plays suitable for Christmas entertain- ments. Mackay, Constance D. FOREST PRINCESS, and Other Masques. Holt. $1.35 Contains masques suitable for Christmas and other c-ccasions. HOUSE OF THE HEART. Holt. $1.25 Short and may be produced in or out of doors. Require simple scenery and costuming. PLAYS OF THE) PIONEERS, a Book of Historical Pageants and Plays. Harper. $1.50 Meigs, Cornelia STEADFAST PRINCESS. Macmillan. $1.00 An unusually good play for an evening's enter- tainment. Merington, Marguerite FESTIVAL PLAYS. Duffield. $1.50 One act pieces for New Year's Day, St. Valentine, Easter, Hallowe'en, Christmas and a child's birthday. HOLIDAY PLAYS. Duffield. $1.50 Five one-act pieces for Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving. Olcott, Virginia HOLIDAY PLAYS. Moffat. $2.00 Eight plays, one for each holiday: New Year's, St. Valentine's Day, April Fool's, Arbor Day. Hal- l9we'en, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Full direc- tions, simple scenery and costumes. Syrett, Netta SIX FAIRY PLAYS. Plays easy to give and containing enough interest to be given by older boys and girls than the fairy tale age. ntOM "TVLTYL, BY M.^URICK M XITKKI IM K. . Dodd, Mead & Co. Stories Of Real People Additional biographies are listed under ^Heroes of the OiU-of-Doors" and "Heroes of the Nation" in the Boy Scout section, Boutet de Monvel, Louis Maurice JOAN OF ARC. McKay. $1.50 This is a belittlcment of the regular well-known and well-loved edition published by Century. Re- duced in size and contains but 10 pictures, haa same text. Faulkner, Georgene RED CROSS STORIES FOR CHILDREN. Daughaday. 50c Stories of the self-sacrihce and devotion shown by those instrumental in the organization and carrying on of Red Cross work: Henri Dunant, Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Dr. Edward Tliomas De- vine, and Sister Julie and other Red Cross heroe* and heroines of the last great war. Foa, Mme. Eugenie BOY LIFE OF NAPOLEON. Lothrop. $2.00 .\ most popular account of Napoleon's youth. Franklin, Benjamin AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN lUus. by £. Boyd Smith. Holt. $2.25 Gilbert, Ariadne MORE THAN CONQUERORS. Century. $1.75 Brief sketches, interestingly written, including Irving, Agassiz, Livingston. Saint Gandens, Pasteur. Scott and others. Hasbrouck, Louise S. ISRAEL PUTNAM. Appleton. $1.75 A very readable story of the boyhood and adult life of "Old Put." Popular in style. Keller, Helen STORY OF MY LIFE. Grassct. $1.00 Every child's life will be enriched by reading of the author's indomitable courage and perseverance ■n the face of grreat disadvantages. 26 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ; Larcom. Lucy HEW ENGLAND GIRLHOOD. Houghton. $1.65 Livingstone, W. P. WHITE QUEEN OF THE OKOYING; Story of Mary Slessor for Young People. Doran. $1.25 A brave woman missionary to the Africans. She beeame. so beloved that one of the tribes made her its queen. Lossing, B. J. TWO SPIES; Nathan Hale and Jobii Andre. Applet on. $3.00 Mayo, Kathenne STANDARD BEARERS; true stones of heroes of law and order. Grosset. $1.00 Meadowcroft, W. H. BOY'S LIFE OF EDISON. Harper. $1.60 We are fortunate in having this stimulating ac- count from the hand of one whe is daily associated with Mr. Edison. Moses, Belle LOUISA MAY ALCOTT. Appleton. $1.75 Pictiu-es Miss Alcott's home life and its relation to her stories, quoting largely from her journals and letters. PAUL REVERE. Appleton. $1.75 A life of Paul Revere made as interesting as a story. Muir, John STORY OF MY BOYHOOD AND YOUTH. Houghton. $3.25 Nicolay, Helen BOY'S LIFE OF LAFAYETTE. Harper. $1 50 Overton, J. M. LIFE OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. Scribncr. $1.50 Parkman, Mary R. HEROES OF TO-DAY. Centurv. $1.75 , Glimpses of living men who have deserved recog- nition: Gen. Goethals, Captain Scott, Wilfred Gren- 'fell, John Muir and others. HEROINES OF SERVICE. Century. $1.75 A group of women who have taken an active part in making the world a better place to live in. PJ.UTARCH: LIVES., ed. by J. S White. Putnam. $2.00 Acquaintance with this group of short biographies .assures an ui^derstanding of innumerable literary references in after life. Richards, Laura E. WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE Page. $IJS Mrs. Richards was one of a large and interesting fa-mily,- and tells of their pranks arid happy home life. There are splendid chapters on her mother, Julia Ward Howe, and her father, Dr. Samuel Grid- ley Howe. Riis, Jacob MAKING OF AN AMERICAN. Macmillan. Tic A romance of real life — telling the unusual story of Jacob Riis and the great good he did for his adopted country. Seawell, Molly EUlott DECATUR AND SOMERS. Appleton. $1.50 Tells the romantic story of two young heroes of our navy. Southey, Robert LIFE OF NELSON. Illus. by McCormick. Houghton. $3.00 A beautiful edition of this classic biography. TEN GREAT ADVENTURERS. Harper. $1.75 Short biographies of Drake, David Livingstone. ('ai»t. Tohn Smtth, Columbus. Daniel Boone. Sir John Franklin, Cortes, John Paul Jones, De Soto, and r.;,ri1.:iM.. TEN GIRLS FROM HISTORY. Harper. jUS Lives of ten famous women. Besides Jeanne d'Arc, Queen Victoria, Lady Jane Gray, there are others not included in other books for girls: Sally Winstc: pf Revolutionary fame; Cofachique, an Indian prin- .ess; Jenny Lind, the Swedish nightingale; Eliza Lucas, the girl planter; "Gentle Annie," the daugh- ter of the regiment; Madeline de Vercheres, the heroine of Castle Dangerous; and Adrienne de Lafayette, the wife of Lafayette the hero of o-.t own and the French fight for liberty. Wade, Mary PILGRIMS OF TODAY. Little. $1.50 Interesting account of the lives and work of John Muir, Jacob Riis, Mary Antin, E. A. Stevens, Carl Schurz, Nathan Strauss, Joseph Pulitzer. Washington, Booker T. UP FROM SLAVERY. Burt. $1.00 "Boyhood days of Booker T. Washington, his struggles for an education and his life work ir. lonnection with the Tuskeegee Normal and Indi- trial Institute. Good to read aloud." Whitlock, Brand ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Small. $1.00 Especially adapted for boys and girls. One of the best for bovs and girls from 12 years of age to 16 or 17. Wildman, Edwin FAMOUS LEADERS OF INDUSTRY; the Life Stories of Boys Who Have Succeeded. , Page. $2,00 Stories of 25 of the greatest industrial magnates; including Henry Ford. Hudson Maxim, George East- man, Isaac Singer. George Westinghouse. Frank W. Woohvorth, etc. True Tales of Thrilling Adventure" Borup, George TENDERFOOT WITH PEARY. Stokes. $1.7? .\ vivid account of Peary's trip to the polo. Bullen, Frank ' ■ CRUISE OF THE CACHELOT. Appleton. $1.75 "I've never read anything that equals it in deep- sea wonder and mystery^ nor do we think that any hook before has so completely covered the whole business of whale fishing and at the same time given y tunnelling from Libby Prisen; the famous loco- motive chase and many other hairbreadth escapfes. Grenfell, Wilfred T. ' ./' ADRIFT ON AN ICE-PAN. Houghton. $1.25 A thrilling escape from the Labrador sea. logolevitch, Paul YOUNG RUSSIAN CORPORAL. Harper. $1.60 True account of the adventures of the youngest officer in the Russian army during the early days "f the great war. Knyvett, R. H. OVER THERE WITH THE AUSTRALIANS. Scribner. $1.50 The personal adventures of a young Australian who died as the result of the hardships ne had undergone. hOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GiRLS 27 Moffatt, Cleveland CAREERS OF DANGER AND DARING. Century. $2.00 Vivid account of the courage and achievement of bteeple climbers, deep-sea divers, balloonists, ocean and river pilots, bridge builders, firemen, acrobats, wild animal trainers, lecomotive engineers and the ■men who handle dynamite. Peck, Robert Morris WOLF HUNTERS, ed. by Grinnell. Grosset. $1.00 Two soldiers camp on the plains to hunt wolves, hxciting adventures with the wolves, other wild animals, hostile Indians and outlawed white men, Stockton, Frank R. BUCCANEERS AND PIRATES OF OUR COAST. Grosset. $1.00 (lives the stories of the most famous of the pirates who held a reign of terror during many years along the Atlantic coast. Synge, M. D. BOOK OF DISCOVERIES. Putnam. $5.00 "Fascinating account of the world's famous ex- plorers including the early travelers to the East, the discovery of America, explorations in Africa, and Australia and Arctic and Antarctic voyages."— Pittsburgh catalog. Wallace, Dillon LONG LABRADOR TRAIL. McClurg. $2.50 A second trip made to the Labrador wilderness, following that told of in "Lure of the Labrador Wild." At Home and Abroad — Travel Books Bishop, Farnham PANAMA'S PAST AND PRESENT. CctUiiry. $1.75 "Interesting account of the adventurers and buc- caneers of old Panama, the uprising against Co- lumbia, the coming of the Americans and the build- 'ing. 01 the canal. Many good pictures." — Pitts- burgh Catalog. Davies, E. C. *BOY IK SERBIA. Crowell. $1.50 Gives in- attractive manner descriptions of village Itfe in Serbia as it appears ta a small boy. Tells of school, fete days; Christmas .ind marriaee c,i4toms. •' • DuChaillu, Paul LAND OF THE LONG NIGHT. Scnbner. $2.25 STORIES OF THE GORILLA COUNTRY. ., ,.ii. ^ , -.-v, . , Harper, $1.60 ^jAgcotuiJt ?pf;excitJTig,.. adventures in the heart of ■ Africa.' 1^:: Hough, Emerson ^' - .' STORY OF THE COWBOY. Appleton. $1.75 A realistic picture of the life of the cowbov of tlie western plains, a type now'fApidly disappearing. ; La Varre, William J. UP THE MAZARUNI FOR DIAMONDS. . , M. Jones. $1.58 A simj^le, lively and informing narrative of life in the jungles of South America. Mirza, Youel B. •WHEN I WAS A BOY IN PERSIA. Lothrop. $1.00 One of the best so far in this series of books pic- turing life in foreign countries. The author is a young Persian who came to this country alone when only IS years old in order to obtain wider opportunities for education and personal freedom. Mokrievltch DeBogory, Vladimir •WHEN I WAS A BOY IN RUSSIA.* Lothrop. $1.00 Picturing sports, student life, revolutionist move- ment and even a glimpse of Siberia, from which rhe author escapes. Parkman, Francis OREGON TRAIL, with 75 iUus. by Remington. LUtle. $3.00 A classic book describing life in the West in the days when there was still romance and adventure abroad in the plains and wilderness ways. Roosevelt, Theodore STORIES OF THE GREAT WEST. Ceiitury. $1.75 Tells in the first part of the book in the author's forceful style the stories of a few of the great pioneers of the West. The second part de«' 'ibes the life on a big cattle ranch. Tomlinson, Everett T. PLACES YOUNG AMERICANS WANT TO KNOW. Appleton. $2.00 Pictures in an interesting way the places of great- est interest in our country. Wade, Mary H. TWIN TRAVELLERS IN SOUTH AMERICA. Stokes. $2.50 Especially interesting because so little has been written for children of this great and fascinating continent. Stories of Boys and Girls in Foreign Lands Aanmd, Hans LISBETH LONGFROCK. Ginn. 64c This story takes a charming little Norwegian girl from childhood through girlhood and tells now she realized her umbitions. Amicis, Edmonde de CUORE (HEART), Crowell. »J5 An Italian school boy's joflrnal. A spirited stwy (^-Italian school life probably characteristic of tne days it describes. Bates, Katberlne Lee IN SUNNY SPAIJl. -^^^^; Button, a.06 Intensely intere^iw^ sfory 6i Spanish homeme. Boyesen, H. H. BOYHOOD IN NORWAY. Scribner. $1.65 Stories of boy-life in the land of the midnight sun. Full of vigor, and several of the stories show the superstitions still current in parts of the country. Cammaerts, Emile and Tita BOY OF BRUGES. . . -. DmUo.h. $2.00 Story of a friendship between a Flemish boy and Walloon lad just at the outbreak of the recent war. Circumstances separate them, they both _ enlist and after several months rhey are reunited in action. Colum, Padrlac BOY OF ERINN. Button.. $2kO0> Story of an Irish peasant lad, his everyday in- terests and life into which are introduced Irish legends and hero tales. Dodge, Mary Mapes HANS BRINKER. Scribner. $1.00 Same: IUus by George Wharton Edwards. Scribner. $3.00 Same: IUus. by Maginel Wright Enrlght. McKay. 13.50 Careful descriptions of Dutch life and customs have been skillfully weven into a story of a Dutch boy who through his courage and devotion is able to restore his father's health. Dragotunis, Julia. UNDER GREEK SKIES. Button. $10& Three stories of Greek child life, le pio dO C^ ts wonderfully the atmosphere of modem GreeceC THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Duncan, Iforman ADVEWTURES OF BILLY TOPSAIL. Revell. J1.75 A popular first class story of the thrilling exper- iences of a Newfoundland boy with the big game of the sea. French, Harry W. LAWCE OF KANANA. Lothrop. 11.25 One of the best stories for boys and girls teach- ing heroism of the highest order. FROM "HEIDI," BY J. H. SPYRI. /. B. LippincoU Co. Gaines, Ruth TREASURE FLOWER. DuUon. |2.00 Every day life and doings of a little Japanese girl into which legends and Oriental customs are interwoven. Greenberg, David S. •COCKPIT OF SANTIAGO KEY. Bon{, $1.75 How the cockpit plays an important part in the life of the boy hero. An adventure and mystery story of Porto Rico. Haskell, Helen £. KATRINKA. Dutton. $2.00 .Story of a little Russian peasant girl who becomes the star dancer at the Imperial Theatre. An u»- ustially well written and fascinating story giving a vivid picture of all phases of life in Russia before the fall of the monarchy, from peasant life to the life at court. Martineau, Harriet FEATS ON THE FIORD. Dutton. $US A Norwegian romance for children with a thread of popular superstition which supplies a fascination that the most skeptical of young readers would be sorry to miss. Me'klejohn, Nannine A. La Villa •CART OF MANY COLORS; a story of Italy. Dutton. $2.00 Adventures of a little Italian boy and his Sici lian cart during the great war in Italy. Marai, Gensai KIBUN DAIZIN. Century. $1J0 The tale of a Japanese boy's rise from poverty and obscurity to wealth and honors. Perkins, Lucy Fitch SCOTCH TWINS. Houghtq'U. $1,75 A good picture of national life and customs with a rather more dramatic plot than that of former volumes. Rame, Louise de la DOG OF FLANDERS. Lippincott. 7«c Story oi old Antwerp and of Patrasche, the big Flemish dog whose devotion to his young master lasts even unto death. Shaw, Flora L. CASTLE BLAIR. Little. $1.75 John Ruskin wrote of this book: "The book i* good and lovely and true, having the bes-t descrip- tion of a noble child in it (Winnie) that I have ever read; and nearly the best description of the next best thing, a noble dog." Spyri, J. H. HEIDI. Gtnn. 68c Same: Illus by Kirk. Lippincott. $1.50 Same: Colored illus., gift ed. Crowell. $2.00 The delightful story of child life in the Swiss Alps and very generally considered the most nearly perfect of children's books. Stoddard, W. O. WHITE CAVE. Century. $1.7S The fascination of a "treasure" story is combined with the exciting adventures of a party of people lost in the Australian bush. Stuart, Florence P. PIANG, THE MORO JUNGLE BOY. Century. $1.79^ Adventure story for boys of a Philippino lad. Verrill, A. H. TRAIL OF THE CLOVEN HOOF. Dutton. %2M "A story of the search for a lost mine in a Central American setting which reflects the author** .icquaintance with Costa Rica and old Panama."— Annie Carroll Moore in The Bookinov, Dec. 1918- History Books of Other Countries Banks, H. W. BOYS' MOTLEY, or The Rise of the Dutch Re- public. Stokes. $2.00 A more jwpular account thin Griffis "Brave Irttle Holland." Colored illustrations. Bonner, John STORY HISTORY OF FRANCE, from the reign of Clovis, 481 A.D., to the signing of the anniis- tice, Nov., 1918. Harper. $1.75 Braithwaite, WUliam S. B. STORY OF THE GREAT WAR; with 12 lltus. la color. Stokes. $3.50 A very comprehensive book on the great war for boys and girls and adults. Part 1 tells of the causes of flie war; part 2 takes up each of the allied countries; part 3 tells the events of each year of the war; part 4, the navies' part; part 5, personal achievements; part 6, great personalities among the rulers, prime ministers, generals, admirals; last part, the Peace Congress at Paris. Froissart, Jean BOY'S FROISSART, ed. by Sidney Lanier. Scribner. $2.00 Froissart's chronicles presented in readable form by an able editor, making this book one of the early choices of a boy's own library. Hasbrouck, Louise S. MEXICO FROM CORTEZ TO CARRANZA. Appleton. $1.75 "The peculiarities of both kings and peons are pleasantly told in this book, which begins its story with the first faint legends of Mexican origin in ti»e 'Land of Sand* and ends with the present war."— A. L. A. Booklist. BOOKS FOR OL[>ER BOYS A\D GIRLS 29 Josephus. OUR YOUNG FOLKS' JOSEPHUS, ed. 1^ Walsh. Lippincott. $1.50 King, Dorothy STORIES OF SCOTLAND. Stokes. |1.50 Stories of the early days of border warfare between England and Scotland. Marshall, H. E. THE ISLAND STORY. Stokes. $4.00 Tel>s in a series of stories tlw history of England up through Queen Victoria's reign. Paine, Ralph D. FIGHTING FLEETS. Houghton. $4.00 Rolt-Wheeler, Francis BOY'S BOOK OF THE WORLD WAR. Lothrop. $2.50 Written for older boys it has the snap ana fresh- ness of simple handling. It will be read eagerly by every oerson who desires to find a brief history of the World War, sincere, unflinchingly truthful, colorful, and complete. Tappan, Eva Harch HERO STORIES OF FRANCE. Houghton. 11.75 Stories of the lives of prominent French leaders. Historical Stories of Other Countries Bennett, John MASTER SKYLARK Centura. $1.W Charmingly writ lev story of a boy of Stratford who was kidnapped by travelling players and taken to London where he met Shakespeare and Ben Joryson, and sang before "Good Oi>een Bess." Clemens, Samuel L. PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. Harper. $2.25 Illus. by Franklin Booth. Harper. $2.50 One of the choicest stories for boys and girls. The adventures of a prince who finds himself in the tattered garments of a poor lad and of Tom t anty who finds himself in the prince's attire. Cotes, Mrs. Sarah D. STORY OF SONNY SAHIB. Appleton. $1.75 A good stsry of a little English boy who was saved from death by his ayah at the time of the Indian Mutiny and taken to live in her native yillas-e in the heart of India. Dix, Beulah M. >'f^,RYLIPS. MacmUIan. $2.25 ("nil of .idventure. spirit and atmosphere. Among •111- \)fM stories for girls. DuBols, Mary G. ELINOR ARDEN, ROYALIST. Century. $1.90 A lovely story laid in the days of the Cromwellian wars, full of war and romance, adventure, devotion. Founded upon an actual incident in the life of Pn.'.-ess Henrietta Anne, daughter of Qiarles I. of Kri;;!:iri!. French, Allen STORY OF ROLF AND THE VIKING'S BOW « . . . •^♦*"'- W-75 Presents not only a number of sturdy Norsemen hut a lusty young hero who comes into his own by virtue of brave and mighty deeds. The old Ice- landic sagas have been drawn upon for the incidents ■n^c■ c\-periences of this stirring tale. Holland, Rupert S. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN SPUR. Century. $1.75 Story of a modern English boy who by means of an amiilet is able to have adventures in the past as well as the present. Kipling, Rudyard PUCK OF POOK'S HIiL. Doubleday. $2.00 Eiy?lish history stories, particularly good for read- me nlpud. Lamprey, L. IN THE DAYS OF THE GUILD. Stokes. |2J5 A g^roup of short stories, favorites with children, of boys and girls and what they did and learned in the days of the Guild. Marryat, Frederick CHILDREN OF THE NEW FOREST. Illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Holt. $1.5» Fortunes of a Royalist family in England. Martlneau, Harriet PEASANT AND THE PRINCE. Dutton. $1.25 Story of the days just prior to the French revolu- tion vividly told. Masefield, John JIM DAVIS. Grosset. $1.00 _A thrilling tale of adventure and smuggling in England one hundred years ago. MARTIN HYDE. THE DUKE'S MESSENGEll. Littl€. $1.75 Martin through boyish curiosity investip^ates the "ghosts" in the house next door and is drawn into the service of the Duke of Monmouth. Pendleton, Louis LOST PRINCE ALMON. Jewish Fub. Co. 75c Dramatic story built around the passage in the second book of Kings, "But Jehosheba, fhe d»og'h^er of King Joram, sister of Ahazial, took Joash, anvong the King's sons that that were slain, even lufc :«nd his. nurse. . . . and they hid him from Athalia so that he was not slain. . . . And he was with her . . . six years." FROM MASTER SKYLABK, BY JONN BENNEIT. Century Co. Pyle, Howard MEN OF IRON. Harper. $1.90 Chivalrous days of Henry IV. One of the most perfect books of its kind, giving a wonderful -pic- ture of the days of chivalry. Good character draw- ing. Prince Hal, afterwards King Henry V, and oihtTs of his court .Tppear in the story. 30 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS OTTO OF THE SILVER HAND. Scribner. $2.50 A tale of a boy who lived and suffered in the fory of a real liltle Indian lad. Stein, Evaleen GABRIEL AND THE HOUR BOOK. Page. $1.50 (.abriel was a little French lad who assisted the monks in tiie long ago days when all books were illuniinated and written by hand in the monasteries. ToW with great delicacy and charm and* with an exnoisite feeling for color. Stevenson, Robert Louis BLACK ARROW. Illns. by Wyeth. .... , . , Scribner. $3J0 Xorkisl s{oi.);.,»i5Lt. the wars of the roses."— Pitts- •urgn Catalog. -JVri** Historical, Stori^QC Ourf^wn Country ■ -•.<*■ "';^- Allen, Willis Boyd CLEARED FOR ACTION, ^ ' - Dtttton. $2.00 A story oi the Spanish -American war of 1898. Altsheler, Joseph A. GUNS OF SHILOH. . AftpUton. $1.75 "Guns of Mull Run" presents the Southerner's side ot the Civil War through tlie eyes of Harry Kenton., am! "Guns of Shtloh" the Northern side. "Shades of ilie Wilderness" follows Harry Kenton's cnrf>er as :in lide to General Lee. -_ LORDS OF THE WILD. ,^' Appteton. $1.75 Sl.-jry of the French and Indian w?ar, with the usual Aif'^'^eler thrills. Beanett, John BARNABY LEE. Century. $1,90 A thrilling story of encounter with pirates in colojiial days. A vivid portrayal of Peter Stuy- vesant and New Amsterdam life. Diz, Betdah Marie BLITHE McBRIDE. Macmillan. $2.25 The thrilling adventures, very well told, of a girl of thirteen in colonial times. SOLDIER RIG DALE. Macmillan. $2.25 Story of a very human, jolly little lad who came over in the Mayflower. Knlpe, E. B. and Enipe, A. A. POLLY TROTTER, PATRIOT. MacmUlan. $L75 A story of adventure of a little girl and her brother in Revolutionary days. -MAYFLOWER MAID. Century. |LfO Story of a young Puritan girl who comes to America in the Mayflower. MasoBL Alfred B. TOM STRONG, LINCOLN SCOUT. Holt. $LSO Another Tom Strong Iwiok dealing with experiences dilrin^ the Civil Wnr. Mason, Alfred B. TOM STRONG, WASHINGTON SCOUT. Hoit. $1.50 f"ne. Grosset. $1.00 Includes the Long Island campaign, the crossing of the Delaware and other events of the Revolution. Page, Thomas Nelson TWO LITTLE CONFEDERATES. Scribner. .$1.75 How two little Southern boys lived during the hard days of the Civil War. Full of tenderness, pathos and devotion to the cause of the South. Pyle, Howard JACK BALLISTER'S FORTUNES. Century. $2.00 A good story of the pirate Blackbeard and his crew _ among whom a young Virgitiian' lad had thrilling experiences. Singmaster, Elsie EMMELINE. Houghton. $1.50 Unexpected experiences of a girl of fifteen who finds herself playing an important role with South- ern soldiers who have taken refuge in. her grand father's house. Smith, Mary P. Wells BOYS AND GIRLS OF 77. Little. $1.75 A story of bravery and patriotism in northern Massachusetts. Taggart, Marion A. ♦PILGRIM MAlp. . DoHbleday. $1.75 A story of 1620— for girls of 1920— based on actual happenings. True, J. P. SCOUTING FOR WASHINGTON. LUtle. ».78 Thrilling stry of a bpy si)y in the service of Washington.' Our Own History Books Abbott, W. J. SOLDIERS OF THE SEA. Dodd. $2.00 Blajsdell, A. F. HEROIC DEEDS Of AMERICAN SAILORS. Little. $LO0 A selection of a number of dramatic and pic- turesque events to illustrate the perils and hravrt^ of our heroes of the seas. Brady, Csrms T. BORDER FIGHTS AND FIGHTERS. Doubleday. $1.75 "Stories of the pioneers between the Alle^hanies and the Mississippi and in the Texan revolution," Bruce, P. A. BRAVE DEEDS OF CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS. Jacobs. %l.n Coffin, Charles Carleton BOYS OF 76. Harper. $2.50 BOYS OF 'eL Page. $LSO Collins, Francis A. NAVAL HEROES OF TODAY. Century. $L75 Short chapters, each narrating true stories of the 'leeds of the men on our craft. Paris, John T. MAKERS OF OUR HISTORY. Ginn. $1.00 Twenty-eight short, interesting biographies of the best known of the heroes of our country together with others not so often written of in children's books. Griffis, William Elliot YOUNG PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE PIL- GRIMS. Houghton. $3.00 The author relates fully the events that led the Pilgrims to flee from England to Holland and then to America. To make the book more distinctly a young people's history. Dr. Griffis has given prominence to the things that must have been seen i>y the Pilgrim boys and 'girls or tliat covJd not ■Tive failed to ii'-te'-est them keenly. , HOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 31 Grinneil, G. B. BEYOND THE OLD FRONTIER. Scribner. $2.00 Adventures of Indian fighters, hunters and fur ti ;idcrs. Mathews, Basil ARGONAUTS OF FAITH. Doran. $1.50 A fascinating story of the "Mayflower" pilgrims. One which will captivate younger readers for whom t was especially written, and delight older readers - weir Nicolay, Helen OUR NATION IN THE BUILDING. o w y,^ , Century. $3.50 Sabia, Edwin BOY'S BOOK OF FRONTIER FIGHTERS. Jacobs. $1.75 Scoville, Samuel BRAVE DEEDS OF UNION SOLDIERS. Jacobs. $1.75 Swfictscr "K D TEN AMERICAN GIRLS FROM HISTORY. Harper. $1.75 Inteifsting stories of Pocohontas; Dorothy QuJncy; Molly Pitcher; Elizabeth Van Lew, the girl who re- fused all that slavery might^ be abolished; Ida Lewis, a heroic life saver; Clara Barto(i( A'^irginia Reed, the heroine of the plains; Loui.sa May .\lpott; Clara Morris; and Anna Dickinson, the j^iil orator. Synon, Mary MY COUNTRY'S PART Scrihner.,«iC . "A g<}od account, simply gives of the princi{5les, jitlrposcs and activities of the United States in the yreat war."— A. L. .^. Booklist. Tappan, Eva March AMERICAN HERO STORIES. Houghton. $2.50 Gives short sketches of the most famous of our national heroes beginning with Columbus and end- ing with Abraham Lincoln. OUR EUROPEAN ANCESTORS. Houghton. $1.04 "Brief summary of European history to the begin- ning of the seventeenth centiiry and the discovery of the new world."— .\. L. .\. Booklist. Patriotism and Citizenship Austin, Oscar P. UNCLE SAM'S SECRETS. Appleton. $1.60 A story (if nnlional affairs for the youth of the i^ation. Biyaat, Sara Cone I AM AN AMERICAN: First Lessons in Citizen- ship. Houghton. $1.50 Gordy, W. F. OUR PATRIOTS. Scribner. 64c ■'A clear simple little study on good citizenship. It sketches the m.nin outlines of American history in the lives of the great men and women from the Pilgrims to Lincoln, with chapters in the meaning of patriotism." — A. L. A. Booklist. Greene, Frances N. MY COUNTRY'S VOICE. Scribner. 60c .\ splendid hook on patriotism for younger chil- dren than the Beniis reader appeals to. Contains matter not found in other books of the kind. Greene, Homer THE FLAG. Jacobs. $1.60 .^ f;r>f)d story of patriotism. Hagedorn, Hermann YOU ARE THE HOPE OF THE WORLD. Macmillan. 80c A patriotic appeal to the youth of America. Hale, Edward E. MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY. Little. 60c Same. lUus. Little. $1JS .\ story of a naval officer who wished he might never again hear the name of the United States and '■•j.v his wish was granted. Parsons, Geoffrey LAND OF FAIR PLAY. Scribner. $1.50 Our government presented in terms of fair play Price, Overton W. LAND WE LIVE IN. Small. $1.50 "I have never seen so good a statement of the ' "iservation problem as this." — Gifford Pinchot. Smith. Elva S. PEACE AND PATRIOTISM. Lothrop. $2,00 "The purpose of this collection is to bring together into one volume for convenient use some of the i)est poems, speeches, and other selections emphasiz- ing the ideals of patriotism, internationalism and service, not only to one's own country but to hu- manity, also." Turkington, Grace A. ...i- MY COUNTRY. Gmi«V |1.08 A text book in civics and patriotism for young Americans. Poetry Field, Eugene POEMS OF CHILDHOOD. Illns. by Max^eld Par rlsh. Scribner. $3.50 Contains nearly all of Field's child-poems . Gilder, Jeanette L. HEART OF YOUTH. Macmillan. $1JS The poems in this book are group under suit- .ible headings and contain the best and most loved i">enis for children. • Ingpen, Roger - -' "•• * ONE THOUSAND POEMS FOR CHILDREN! = Jixcohs. $2.50 N'tw and cnlarijed edition. Longfellow, H. W. ' ' CHILDREN'S LONGFELLOW. Houghton. $2^0 Includes "Wreck of the Hesperus," "Village Black- smith," "Evangeline," part one; "Song of Htaw^tha,'' "Building pf the Ship.'* -^MZastle' Builder,*' "Paul Kevere's Ride," "Building of the Long Serpent." COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH. Illus. by Wyeth. Houghton. -^11.00 EVANGELINE. Illus. by H, C. Christy. Bobbs. $3.00 SONG OF HIAWATHA, cover by Maxfleld Parrlsh, frontispiece by Wyeth, many illus. by Frederick Remington. Houghton. $4.00 Macaulay, Thomas B. LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Longmans. $2.00 These stirring stories of Roman heroes in metrical form carry a strong appeal. . : Olcott, Frances J. STORY-TELLING BALLADS. Houghton. $3.00 STORY TELLING POEMS FOR CHILDREN. Houghton. $1.50 A spirited selection of narrative poems which i« sure to instill a love of poetry. Percy, Thomas BOY'S PE«CT. Edited by Sidney Lanier. Scribtuer. $2.00 Stirring ballads of English border warfare and chivalry. Riley, James Whltcomb RILEY CHILD-RHYMES. Bobbs. 60e A collection of Riley's poems containing thosa best loved by children. Tennyson, Alfred STORY OF THE IDYLLS OF THE KING. Adapted by Inez N. McFee with the oriflaal poem. lUoa. by M. L. Kirk. Stokes. $3.00 Wlggin, Kate Douglas. OOLDEN NUMBERS. Grosset. $1.01 .\mong the best collection for children. 32 THK noOKSHF.LF FOR BOYS .IND GIRLS Books of Inspiration BIBLE. Modern reader's Bible for schools: the New Testament, edited by Richard G. Moulton. Macmillan. $2.25 Based upon the original "Modern Readers' Bible" but adapted to younger readers. Bunyan, John PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Dutton. $2.50 Same: lUus. by Rhead. Century. $3.00 Dramatic dialogue, clear types of character and vivid descriptions have rendered this book world famous. Dana, Ethel N. STORY OF JESUS; pictures from paintings by Giotto Fra Angelico, Duccio, Ghirlandaio and Bamja da Siena; descriptive text from the New Testament. M. Jones. $16.50 Forty color reproductions of Italian paintings with Bible text. A wonderful book for a gift, each picture is so beautifully reproduced as to be an education in art appreciation. A book for young and old. Forbtxsh, William B. YOUNG FOLKS' BOOK OF IDEALS. Lothrop. $250 The best book of its kind. Very readable, not at all "preachy," and no "writing down." Full of most inspiring and helpful ideas. A splendid book for home or library, • Hasbrouck, Louise S. THE HALL WITH DOORS. Woman's Pr. $1.75 A group of normal, fun-loving girls form the V. V. club to find out what they are best fitted to do in order to earn their living. This is a book for which mothers and teachers have long beeu waiting to put into the hands of their girls. Tolstoi, Leo TOLSTOI FOR THE YOUNG. Dutton. $1.75 WHERE LOVE IS THERE GOD IS ALSO. Crowell. 60c Benson, E. F. DAVID BLAIZE. Picture of English school-life DoTOH. $1.75 Van Dyke, Henry LOST WORD. Scribner. 75c STORY OF THE OTHER WISE MAN. Harper. $1.00 Books Written By Children Ashford, Daisy YOUNG VISITERS. Girls with a sense of humor will delight in this book, a live story written by a nine-year-old girl. Conkling, Hilda POEMS BY A LITTLE GIRL. Stokes. $1.50 Wade, Horace A. IN THE SHADOW OF THE GREAT PERIL. Reilly. $1.25 Eleven years old and America's youngest author. Whiteley, Opal STORY OF OPAL; the journal of an understand- ing heart. Atlantic. $2.00 A portion of a journal written when Opal White- lev was in her seventh and^. eighth year. Books Older Boys and Girls WiU Enjoy Austen, Jane .' -v PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, Illus. Pocket Glas- sies, Macmillan. $1.40 Bacheller, Irving. LIGHT IN THE CLEARING. Bobbs. $2.00 Same. Grosset. $1.00 Blackmore, R. D. LORNA DOONE. Illus. in color. Dodd. $3.0C Same: Rittenhouse ed. Jacobs. $2.0C Same: Illus. by Merrill. CrowelL $3,0C John Ridd rescues Lorna from the robber Doones. Borup, George TENDERFOOT WITH PEARY. Stokes. $1,75 One of the most entertaining books oiF Arctic ad- venture by the youngest member of Peary's last Polar expedition. Breshkovsky, Catherine LITTLE GRANDMOTHER OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Edited by AUce Stone Black- well, One of the most stirring books of a woman's piirt in the political interests of a country. Bronte, Charlotte JANE EYRE. Haworth edition. Harpew. $2.25 A strong story well worth reading, deaRng with the development and self-realixation of a young Knglish girl. Churchill, Winston. CRISIS. Macmillan. $2.50 Suae. Grosset. $1.00 One of the best American novels. Setting in Civil War days. Craik, DM. JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN, Luxembourg ed. Crowell. $3.00 A famous story of English domestic life. John Halifax is a poor lad who wins success and the right to bear "without abuse, the grand name of gentleman." — Pittsburgh Catalog. Davis, Richard Harding SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. Scribner. $2.00 Same. Grosset. $1.00 A story of romantic adventure in a South .Amer- ican republic. Dawson, Mrs. S. M. CONFEDERATE GIRL'S DIARY. Houghton. $4.00 Written by a young girl who was caught in .Shei man's march to the sea. Gives a most vivid pic ture of the hardships endured by those who lived the land overrun by the contending armies. Pfkens, Charles DAVID COPPERFIELD. Macmillan. $2.25 "J.ike many fond parents I have in my heart oi hearts a favorite child, and his name is David Copperfield." — Charles Dickens. TALE OF TWO CITIES. Macmillan. $2.25 "Its picture of the fierce passions of the first French Revolution and above all its portrayal of -he noble-hearted castaway, Sidney Carton, make it almost a peerless book in modern literature."— Richard Grant White. Doyle, A. Conan WHITE COMPANY. Harper. $2.00 A young Englishman joins the famous White Company and has thrilling adventures in France. Dumas, Alexandre COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. 2 vol., leather. Cxowell. $7,00 Same: 1 vol. clo. Crowell. $3.0C Same: 3 voL Little. $6.00 (Little is best ed.) Edmond Dantes, by feigning death, escapes from dungeon in the Chateau d'lf and finds a hidden treasure to which a fellow prisoner had directed him. BOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 33 Dumas, Alexandre THREE MUSKETEERS. Editions: 2 vol. Illus. by Leloir. Illus. by Rowland Wheelright. The "three musketeers" meet tlirilling adventures. Little. $4.00 Crowell. $3.00 Dodd. $3.00 with plenty of Eliot, George SILAS MARKER. Illus. by Hugh Thomson. Macmillan. $2.40 Page, Thomas Nelson RED ROCK. Grosset. $1.00 One of the best books where the scene of the story IS laid in the period of Reconstruction In the South at the close of the Civil War. Paine, Ra/ph D. •SHIPS ACROSS THE SEA; stories of the American navy in the great war. Houghton. i2M Short stories covering features of our naval ac- tivities during the war. Ford, Paul Leicester JANICE MEREDITH. Grosset. $1.00 A story of the American Revolution. Franck, Harry A. WORKING MY WAY AROUND THE WORLD. Century. $2.00 Re-written by Lena M. Franck from Harry A. Franck's "Vagabond Journey Around the World." Garland, Hamlin CAPTAIN OF THE GRAY HORSE TROOP. Grosset. $1.00 A spirited western story of a young army officer in a difficult situation on an Indian reservation. Hugo, Victor LES MISERABLES. 2 vol. Cro $5.00 Husband, Joseph AMERICANS BY ADOPTION. Atlantic Monthly. $1.50 Nine biographical sketches of famous foreign-born Americans. Hyde, Mary K. GIKLS' BOOK OF THE RED CROSS. Cro->\ielt. $1.75 Very comprehensive account of the Red Cross from its beginning up to the present time. Irving, Washing'nn ALHAMBRA. II. as. by Joseph Peuuell. Macmillan. $2.40 Same: Pocket Fdilion. Macmillan. $1.00 "Legends. ti;i<' ' ■ii» and faii-y tales which time has woven aiiiiii_ ;iic cuius of the he.-mtifnl Moorish palace." — I'ittsbt.r.ri (.'ataloji. Johnston, William Allen LIMPY, THE BOY WHO FELT NEGLECTED. Grosset. $1.00 K'ngsley. Charles WESTWARD HO! Illus. by Brock. , Macmtilan. $1.50 Stirring story of adventure at sea in the days of the great Armada. Kipling, Rudyard. BRUS WOOD BOY (In: The Day's Work). Doubleday. $2.00 Fascinating little story of an English boy and girl who dream the same dreams from their child- hood days until they meet when grown up, and whose dreams bring about their love story. Lytton, E. G. Bulwer LAST DAY'S OF POMPEII. Everyman's Edition. Button. $L00 Same: Luxumbourg ed. Crowell. $3.00 Romance of life in Pompeii with the destruction of the city playing its tragic part in the fate of the characters in the story. Mttchell. S. Weir HUGH WYNNE. Illus. by Pyle. Century. $2.00 Among the best of historical novels, the scene laid at the time of the Revolution. KKUM TMK "TUHtb MUSKETEbKS, BY ALbXAniDKt OUMAS. Dodd, Mead & Co. Slocum, Joshua SAILING ALONE AROUND THE WORLD. Century. $1.90 Account of Captain Siocum's trip around the world in a small sailing boat. Smith, F. Hopkinson CALEB WEST, MASTER DIVER. Houghton. $2.00 The character of Caleb West is founded upon that heroic man, Capt. Thomas A. Scott, master diver. Tarkington, Booth MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE Doubleday. $1.75 Same. Grosset. $1.00 A popular author at his best. Wallace, Dillon BEYOND THE MEXICAN SIERRAS. McClurg. $3.00 Fascinating account of travels through a country little known and much misrepresented and niistni derstood. Wallace, Dillon LURE OF THE LABRADOR WILD. Kevell. $2.50 A story of heroic adventure in thi. great frozen north. Webster, Jean DADDY LONG LEGS. Grosset. $1.00 Wiggin, Kate Douglas MOTHER CAREY'S CHICKENS. Grosset.. $1.00 A home story for girls^ Wilson, Harry L. RUGGLES OF RED GAP Grosset. $1.00 BOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS Edited by Franklin K. Mathicws, Chief Scout Librarian Books for Boy Scouts was compiled under the supervision of the Library Com- mission of the Boy Scouts of America, consisting of George F. Bowerman, Librarian, Public Library of the District of Columbia, Washington, D. C; Harrison W. Craver, Director, Engineering Societies Library, New York City; Claude G. Leland, Superin- tendent, Bureau of Libraries. Board of Education, New York City; Edward F. Stevens, Librarian, Pratt Institute Free Library, Brooklyn, New York. The list is offered as a catalog for the use of book-store patrons, especially Scoutmasters and parents of scouts. It is hoped, too, that librarians may find it s srviceable in selecting books for their scout constituency. Lnfortunalely, the stories of Boy Scout life that can be recommended as combining first class literary quality and adequate interpretation of the Boy Scout Movement are yet to be written. It is recognized, however, that a list of this sort should contain some such stories. In order to have this re presentation it is necessary to include those books that are known to the library profession as "stepping stones." Of this type, from the great number of Boy Scout stories, a selection has been made of those that are passing fair in their interpretation of the Scout Movement, though, in common with the majority of books written for juvenile readers, deficient in literary quality. Books selected for the general list cover pretty much the whole field of a scout's reading interests, representing chiefly those that have proved themselves satisfactory, for the basis of selection is made upon reports received from scores of libraries and leading bookstores representing every part of the country. The boys' books of the current year have been read, some in manuscript, others in galley or page proof, a few in book form. There has been little or no opportunity. therefore, to apply to them the above test. Until such basis of choice is made, the 1920 books are included only tentatively. Those listed vary in quality not a little but possess sufficient merit to warrant both announcement of publication and consideration as permanent additions when the list is next revised. Books marked ivith asterisk are new publications. Stories of Boy Scouts ^xS^ilf^tir^rUl?' ^f■n » ^/ tt'^ '^^'^ ^"*? their SCOUt THE MYSTERY OF RAM ISLAND, tcitury. 51.75 training helpful in meeting emergencies and con- Story of camn life at the seashore and a search n.-^rinc? HifFirnltJp* for a gang of German spies plotting to destroy a big Quering ditticiiities. government ammunition plant. UNDER BOY SCOUT COLORS. Century. $1.75 Cheley, F. H. "A story of Boy Scouts and their principles which BOY SCdUT TRAIL BLAZERS. Barse. $1.00 somewhat crowds the rescues and good turns, but is, j^ tj,g pjke National Forest scouts encounter con- perhaps, more .interesting to boys because of that." stant dangers, which they meet with great courage and rare resource. Wnrgess. Thornton W. BOY SCOUTS OF WOODCRAFT CAMP Davis. Richard H. A great deal of woodcraft, camping, canodng," iS THE BOY SCOUT. AND OTHER STORIES. ^^ ^ ing, and other exciting adventures. Companion Contents- "The Boy .Scout" '-The Boy Who Cried ^^' ^'VoflcoZ'foriost ^Z^^^!y Tcor^ln XVwtGalleWr," ^"Blood Will Tell.- "The Bar a Trapper's 'Cave.-' Sinister. Biirritt Edwin C Eaton, Walter Pritchard. BOY SCOUT CRUSOES. Resell. $1.75 BOY SCOUTS OF THE BERKSHIRES The Covote Patrol and their Scout Master en ii uac. »i.«a [rthe^South Se'aT' '" ''""^''^ °" ' "'''"'' '"'"'' BOY SCOUTS IN GLACIER PARK. Wilde._ $1.75 in tne soutn seas. , . ^^^ adventures of two young Easterners in the Burton. C. P. „ . heart of the High Rockies. BOY SCOUTS OF BOB'S HILL. Every Boy^ Ll/5 Bgricofls'A'T- SEA. M""J'J?, .cS„ri"clJ^™n.'ffil'X'S.";o' 'X'i tZ^n^y nOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS 35 < »,;^l*y 1 1 Kno\[ "don stkonc — patrol leader,"' by WILLIAM HEYLiCER. /). Appleton & Co. Finnemore, John. THE WOLF PATROL. Macmillan. J1.75 "A lively story of the adventures of five English hoys." Fitzhugh, Percy K. TOM SLADE. BOY SCOUT. Grosset. 75c Heyliger, William. DON STRONG OF THE WOLF PATROL. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 DON STRONG— PATROL LEADER. Appleton. $1.75 Don Strong is a selfish fellow who scoffs at the Boy Scout movement as a game for kids, but after he joins the organization and realizes how much good it is really doing him and the other boys of the neighborhood, he not only becomes an en- thusiastic member of the Wolf Patrol, but helps to lighten the family burden at home as well. In the second volume, Don "makes good'' as a Patrol Leader. Holland, Rupert S. BOY SCOUTS OF BIRCH BARK ISLAND. Lippincott. $1.50 BLACKBEARD'S ISLAND. Lippincott. $1.50 Two southern boys and one Northern one stumble upon an old parchment map in a curio shop. It proves to be a guide to the finding of rich treasures buried two hundred years before by Captain Teach. There follows a series of exciting events and thoroughly enjoyable incidents. Hornibrook. Isabel. A SCOUT OF TODAY. Houghton. $1.75 A group of boys join a Boy Scout organization and have interesting and exciting experiences in the woods and along the shores of New England. Kueller, J. Van Ammers THE YOUNG LION OF FLANDERS. Stokes. $1.75 "The Young Lion of Flanders" is a sixteen-year- old Boy Scout, an expert motor cyclist, he becomes a dispatch rider in the Belgian army, and dis- tinguishes himself at Marbeeke, winning the appro- bation of the hero-king. Albert of Belgium. Lerrigo, C. H. BOY SCOUT TREASURE HUNTERS. Barse. 1.00 Stirring camping story, brimming full of most unusual happening in connection with a hunt for real treasure. BOY SCOUTS COURAGEOUS. Barse. 1.00 Stories of Scout valor and daring. McLane, F. Moulton. BOY SCOUTS OF T^E LIGHTHOUSE TROOP. Barse. 1.00 Tells of blind Scouts, and the influence one ex- erted on a "tough" New York school boy. Otis, James. BOY SCOUTS IN THE MAINE WOODS. Crowell. $1.50 Almost the last story written by one of our country's most popular juvenile writers. Pier A. S. THE HILLTOP TROOP. Houghton. $1.65 A characteristic account of the activities of the Boy Scouts, giving an enlighting portrayal of boy- character. Quirk, L. W. BOY SCOUTS OF THE BLACK EAGLE PATROL. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 Incidents of home, school and camp life that show the ideals and fun of Scouts. BOY SCOUTS ON CRUSADE. Little. $1.7S This follows "The Boy Scouts of Black Eagle Patrol" but it is not dependent on it. *BOY SCOUTS OF LAKEVILLE HIGH. Little. $1.75 A troop of scouts in a High School encounter c.pposition and enmity and overcome them as well as many other obstacles. Sabln. Edwin S. PLUCK ON THE LONG TRAIL. Crowell. $1.75 Boy Scouts in the Rockies. _ A stirring narrative of packing, trailing and camping. .i6 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Scoville, Samuel Jr. BOY SCOUTS IN THE WILDERNESS. Century. $1.75 A thrilling story of how a cynical millionaire lumber king challenged a troop of Scouts to send two of their number into his forest without taking anything with them, not even food or clothes, to live thirty days. Thurston, Ida T. THE SCOUTMASTER OF TROOP 5. Revell. $1.25 BILLY BURNS OF TROOP 5. Revell. $125 The first story shows how a Scoutmaster, a virile "lan, by means of the Scouting program may make his life count in a big way to influence the character develoj)ment of all boys. The second story shows what Sfoutmg may do for a boy of limited privileges. Wallace, Dillon TROOP ONE OF THE LABRADOR. Revell. $1.75 Interesting scout story by a popular author who knows thoroughly both Scouting and Labrador. Wilson, J. Fleming. TAp.SHELTON BOY SCOUT. Macmillan. $1.75 Vivid stories of Oregon Scouts, whose daring ex- ploits have to do with varied experiences on the sea. river and land of that wonderful country. Books on Camping, Hiking, WoodcraS| "IBtc. Beard, Dan C. SHELTERS, SHACKS AND SHANTIES. Scribner. $1.50 Pver fifty plans and pictures and full diiecti(ms for making' everything in the line of shelters for Boy Scouts. FIELD AND FOREST HANDY BOOK. Scribner. $2.25 A book genuinely helpful to all who are living close to nature in field or forest. BOAT BUILDING AND BOATING. Scribner. $1.50 Tells boys how to build craft in which they might navigate the ponds, lakes and streams near their homes. HANDBOOK FOR BOYS. Boy Scouts of America. 50c Official handbook, Boy Scouts of America . Treats of scoutcraft, woodcraft, campcraft, health and endurance, chivalry, patriotism and good citizenship. Fine reading for any boy, even if he is not a Scout. THE BOOK OF wdODCRAF'R ^%, '%facmUlan. $2.50 S^me of the chnnters (2.3 in all) have to do with pathfinding, use b|; Compass, route sketching, packs, marksraiiiiship in'tlie woods, axemanship, shelters and cabin building, knots, lashing, etc. pelts, tan- ning, edible plants, accidents and emergencies, etc. CAMP COOKERY. Macmillan. $1.90 f.ve'-y eten is traced — the se'ection of provisinns and utensils, with the kind and quantity of each, the (ireparation of game, the building of fires, the cooking of every conceivable kind of food that the camp outfit or woods. Arid .or streams may provide. Miller, W. H. CANOEING, SAILING AND MOTOR BOATING. _^. ., . . , Doran. $2.50 Uivided into three parts it discusses sailing and boat building, canoeing and cruising and motor boat management and construction. The building, rigging and sailing directions are clear and adequate and the many illustrations help the directions. Brunner, Josef TRACKS AND TRACKING. Macmillan. $1.90 Shows how to follow intelligently even the most intricate animal or bird tracks. Stories of Camping and Out-Door Adventures Cave, Edward THE BOY SCOUT'S CAMP BOOK. Doubleday. $1.00 Mr. Cave has told all the interesting things in a way to make one long to test his advice. THE ISLAND OF APPLEDORE. Macmillan. $2.25 Adventures on an island off the coast of New P^ngland. THE BOY SCOUT'S HIKE BOOK. Doubleday. $1.00 Gives advice on walking outfit, emergencies, tents and tent making, rations, etc. Browne, Belmore THE QUEST OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY. Putnam. $1.75 A story of adventure on the Yukon. Eastman, C. A. INDIAN SCOUT TALKS. Little. $1.25 From this book one may learn how to make friends with wild animals; how to build Indian canoes; how to make and to follow a blazed trail; how to start a fire without matches and cook without pots. There is good advice about fishing and trapping, the camp- site and portage and the language of footprints, and other phases of Indian woodcraft. Grinnell & Swan HARPER'S CAMPING AND SCOUTING. Harper. $1.60 Shows boys how to prepare for camping, what they should wear and eat and select as outfit, how to live in camn and take care of camp, how to cook, make and put up tents and other shelters, how to fish, hafrl'e a canoe, and how to deal with accidents and illness. THE WHITE BLANKET. Putnam. $1.75 Continues the Alaska i adventures of George Draper and Fred Morgan begun in "The Quest of the Golden Alley." They undertake a trapping expedi- tion, rescue a crippled prospector and a sick Indian and discover a ricn gold lode. Dugmore, A. Radclyffe ADVENTURES IN BEAVER STREAM CAMP. Grosset. $1.00 The boys, wrecked on the coast of Labrador, escape through their knowledge of woodcraft. Goulding, F. E. THE YOUNG MAROONERS. Uodd. $1.75 Story of the Florida Coast that has stood the test of time. Introduction by Joel Chandler Harris, Kephart. Horace THE BOOK OF CAMPING. Macmillan. $2.50 Tells of all typcr of tents and kinds of camp equipment, provisions and camp cookery, nearly half the book of 400 pages being devoted to that subject. Gregor, Elmer E. CAMPING IN THE WINTER WOODS. Harper. $1.60 Story of two boys who spend a winter in the Rocky Mountains with a guide. HOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS il Hendryx, James B. CONNIE MORGAN WITH THE MOUNTED. Putnam. $1.75 Continues the adventuresome career of "Connie Morgan of Alaska." Hough, Emerson THE YOUNG ALASKANS IN THE FAR NORTH. Harper. $1.60 Tliree young Alaskan lads start on an exploring trip along the Yukon and into the Klondike country, encountering thrilling experiences on the way. Hun+'Tig, Garflner SANDSY HIMSELF. Harper. $1.60 .Story for boys, abmit three of them and a bear, struggle in which for a time he appears in the wrong. Sequel to ".Sandsy's Pal,, a story of friend- ship between a waif of the streets and a boy "who had everytliing." London, Jack *BROWN WOLF AND 0T::ER JACK LONDON STORIES. Macmillan. A collection of twelve very varied typical London short stories suitable for boys, selected by Franklin K. Mathiews, Chief Scout Librarian, Boy Scouts of America. Munroe, Kirk CANOEMATES. Harper. $1.60 Travels of two boys from Key West, along the reefs to the mainland, through the Everglades. CAMPMATES. Harper. $1.60 The story of a boy's adventure with an engineering fiarty across the continent. Putnam, Ed. Hall WATTY & CO. Macmillan. $2.00 Adventures of three boys on an island, camping, cooking, fishing, sailing, etc.. told with unusual abilitv. Sp^^on, Ernest Tbomnson ROLF IN THE WOODS. Grosset. $1.00 A wholesome story of the thrilling forest life of three brave comrades. Wallace, Dillon UNGAVA BOB. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 THE GAUNT GREY WOLF. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 Mr. Wallace's two stories of Labrador amortr the tranners a"H frontier Ivdirins have -"usitiI merit. Norman Duncan says of "Ungava Bob": "A really admirable book for bm < — one of the most engaging of the sort I have ever read." FROM ADVENTURES IN BEAVER STREAM CAMP, BY A. RADCLYFFE DUCMORE Grosset and Dunlap. GRIT-A-PLENTY. Revell. $1.75 For adventure and realism of the most healthful sort boys will find it difficult, indeed, to beat this story of the famous Laborador explorer. THE RAGGED INLET GUARDS. Re^'ell. $1.75 "All of the men of a Labrador fishing village hav- ing gone 10 war. four young boys are left to make the living for the community. Their excitement of seal hunting, bear hunting and many other thrilling adventures, culminacing in the capture of a German wireless station, make up the story."— The Booklist, A. L. A. Heroes of the Out-ot-Doors Scouts and Pioneers — Biography Abbott, J. S. C. KIT CARSON. DANIEL BOONE. Dodd. $1.50 Dodd. $1.50 DAVID CROCKETT. Dodd. $1.50 The interesting biographies of J. S. C. Abbc't were well known to a former generation and have still retained their popularity. Cody, Col. W. F. ADVENTURES OF BUFFALO BILL. Harper. 90c Buffalo Bill's own account of how he crossed the plains as a scout; how he rounded up Indians, and made thrilling expeditions after Sioux o it West; how he had hiis famous duel with Yellow Hand, the Cheyenne Chief. Fitzhugb, Percy K. BOY'S BOOK OF SCOUTS. Crowell. $1.75 Stories of George Rogers Clark, Davy Crockett, Kit Carson, Daniel Boone. General Custer and other picturesque figures of the frontier. Grey. Zane THE LAST OF THE PLAINSMEN. Every Boy's L-br-ry. G' .^et. SI. 00 The life story of one of the last of the famous plainsmen (Buffalo Jones) is told in this volume by a noted writer whu^e books on Western iue are very widely read. Grinnell, George Bird. TRAILS OJb TnE PATHFINDERS. S crib tier. $2.00 Alexander Henry, Jonathan Carver, Mackenzie. Lewis and Clark, Zehulon M. Pike, Ross Cox, Thrimas T. Farnham and Fremont are some of_ the trail makers whose adventurous lives are described. nft THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Johnston, Chas. H. L. FAMOUS SCOUTS. Payc. $2.00 Sabin, E. L. BOY'S BOOK OF FRONTIER FIGHTERS. ,„ „ , Jacobs $1.75 Well told stones of frontier fighting settlers and Indians when our frontier was being pushed out into Kentucky, Ohio and farther west. Sprague, W. C. LIFE OF DAVID CROCKETT. Macnillan. $1.25 II Scouts and Pioneers — Fiction DAVID CROCKETT, SCOUT. I.ippincott. $1.75 A fascinating story of life among the pioneers and Indians of the frontier. Altsheler, Joseph A. THE HORSEMEN OF THE PLAINS. Every Boy's ^ Library. Gr asset. $1.00 "Stirring tales of boys' adventures with fur hunters in the Rockies in the late 60's." — A. L. A. Ames, Joseph B. •CURLY AND THE AZTEC GOLD. Century. $1.75 Adventures of a young cowboy who joined an ex- ploring party to locate Aztec treasure. Sequel to "Curly of the Circle Bar," but quite independent of it. Brooks, Noah THE BOY EMIGRANTS. Scribner. $3.00 Out on the Western plains, when a certain family became so large that the pie wouldn't go round, two of the boys decided to strike out for themselves. The story of their adventures is told in "The Boy Emigrants," which, published some little time ago, has been read by boys with eager willingness ever since. Carruth, Hayden TRACK'S END. Harper. $1.60 The story of loyalty to duty in the face of what seemed insuperable difficulties. Doubleday, Russell. CATTLE RANCH TO COLLEGE. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 A true story of the life of a boy in the Far West; fighting Indians, hunting, mining, "broncho-busting" and cattle ranching. Garland, Hamlin. BOY LIFE ON THE PRAIRIE. Harper. $1.75 Life on the unbroken prairie lands of tiorthern Iowa. Contains graphic descriptions of plowing and sowing, herding cattle, spearing fish, hunting prairie chickens, killing rattlesnakes and hunting wolves. Grinnell, George Bird JACK THE YOUNG RANCHMAN. Stokes. $1.75 The story of a New York boy, who, on account of his health, at the age of fourteen, goes West and lives on his uncle's ranch six months. Leonard, Edward •THE SILVER PRINCE. Appleton. $1.75 Presents a picture of Creede, the last of the old type of mining camps of the West. Terry, the boy of the story, inherits from his father a rich "strike" and so becomes "the Silver Prince." The plot ha» to do with Terry's efforts to "cash in" on this claim. Vigorously written, the action of the story presents the devefopment of Creede into a law-gov- erned town, and shows how Terry gradually came to see that the "good old days" were "bad old days." Sabin, E. L. LOST WITH LI«UTENANT PIKE. Lippincott. $1.75 A good story of the dogged courage with which frightful hardships were endured by the Pike party, BUFFALO BILL AND TEE OVERLAND TRAIL. Lippincott. $1.75 An insniring story of adventures during the romantic days of the Overland Trail, the Pony Ex- press and the Deadwood Coach. OPENING THE WEST WITH LEWIS AND CLARK. Lippincott. $1.75 This volume of "The Trail Blazers Series" concerns that great journey of Lewis and Clark from St. Louis to the head waters of the Missouri River and then across the Continental Divide, down the Columbia to the Pacific. WITH CARSON AND FREMONT. Lippincott. $1.75 American characters whose life history needs no coloring to add the touch of romance. Tomlinson, E. T. SCOUTING WITH DANIEL BOONE. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 The story of the adventures of two boys, James Boone, the Scout's eldest son, and Peleg Barnes, on the journi>y from North C"arolina to Kentucky in a company led by Daniel Boone. SCOUTING WITH KIT CARSON. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 The story of a boy who shared with the great scout the exciting frontier life in the days when buffalo roamed the plains and warring bands of Indians made life a constant i)eril. Tuttle, W. C. •REDDY BRANT. Century. $1.75 A western story sure to interest all who care to read of desperate situations and narrow escapes, with justice and law and order always finally pre- vailing. White, Stewart Edward GOLD. Do"hleda\. $2.00 Same. Grosset. $1.00 California in the days of the "forty-niners" and the rush for gold. Splendid story of the hardships, struggles and indomitable spirit of the pioneers who won the West. Ill Indians Altsheler, Joseph A. THE LAST OF THE CHIEFS. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 The story of two boys crossing th^ Western plains under the guide of an Indian — the last of the chiefs. THE YOUNG TRAILERS. Appleton. $1.75 A story of the early settlement of Kentucky. Henry. Ware, a young boy captured by the Indians, hearing that an attack on the whites is planned, escapes and carries warning to the settlement. LORDS OF THE WILD. Appleton. $1.75 Good Indian fighting story, the scene of which is laid around Lake George. THE SUN OF QUEBEC. Appleton. $1.75 Sequel to above story and latest oi the author's splendid French and Indian War Series. Cooper J. Fenimore THE LAST OF THE MOCHICANS. Every Boy's Library Edition— Black and white illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. Grosset. $1.00 Illustrated in color by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 lUtistrated in color by E. Boyd Smith. Holt. $1.75 INDIAN HISTORY FOR YOUNG FOLKS. Harper. $3.00 New and revised edition. INDIAN HEROES AND GREAT CHIEFTAINS. Little. $1.60 Life stories of fifteen famous Indian chiefs, written by one most competent to interpret for the modern boy the soul of the Indian. Gregor, Elmer E. RED ARROW. Harper. $1.60 Two Indian lads go on a quest for the Red Arrow, a famous medicine trophy which had been stolen from the Sioux. After many hardships and dangers, they finally return in triumph. RUNNING FOX. Appleton. $1.75 Much like the .story "Red .\rrow," described above. BOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS 39 " Look, Tkd. there go our strays! " — Page 50. FuoM "thk sii.ver cachk of the pawnke," by d. lange. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Grinnell, George Bird BEYOND THE OLD FRONTIER. Scribncr. $2.00 The folk-lore of the Blackfeet and some account of their tribal customs and manner of living, told l)y one who has lived with the Indians. Sabin, Edwin L. BOYS' BOOK OF INDIAN WARRIORS. Jacobs. 51.75 Life s'ories of inore than forty chiefs and Indian women. Illustrations from photographs supplied by BLACKFEET INDIAN STORIES. Scribner. $1.50 the Smithsonian Institution. Lange, D. THE SHAWNEE'S WARNING. Lothrop. $1.50 A thrilling story of the OreKon Trail in 1843. Rolt-Wheeler, Francis THE BOY WITH THE U. S. INDIANS. Lothrop. $1.75 With a typical bright American youth as a cen- tral figure, this tells a great deal about Indians, and gives a good idea of a great field of national activity, made thrilling on its human side by the heroism demanded in the little-known adventures of those who do the work of "Uncle Sam." THE AZTEC HUNTERS. Lothrop. $1.75 .Story of iiiystery and exploration, describing a phase of civilization in America a thousand years before the coming of the white man. Schultz, J. W. WITH THE INDIANS IN THE ROCKIES. Houghton. $1.75 A white boy and an Indian boy are captured by hostile Indians, have all sorts of adventures and endure many hardships. But by their craft and skill they save themselves. RISING WOLF, THE WHITE BLACKFOOT. Houghton. $1.75 Story of "Rising Wolf," the Indian name of a white boy who was adopted into the tribe, having formerly been an apprentice of the Hudson Bay Com- pany. Other equally good stories by Mr. Schultz are: "Lone Bull's Mistake," "The Gold Cache," "Apauk, Caller of Buffalo," "On the Warpath." Heroes of the Nation Abbott, Willis J. THE STORY OF OUR NAVY FOR YOUNG AMERICANS. Dodd. $2.50 SOLDIERS OF THE SEA. Dodd. $2.00 ^ The authoritative story of our crack fighting United States Marine Corps. Barnes, James THE HERO OF ERIE (COMMODORE PERRY). Appleton. $1.50 MIDSHIPMEN FARRAGUT. Appleton. $1.50 YANKEE .SHIPS AND YANKEE SAILORS. Every Boy's Library. Grossct. 1.00 Brooks, E. S. THE TRUE STORY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Lothrop. $2.00 Custer, Elizabeth B. BOOTS AND SADDLES. Harper. $1.90 The author describes life in the Dakotas with the sjreat general and scout, her husband. Franklin, Benlamin AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Holt. $2.25 Fraser, Curtis F. BOY'S BOOK OF BATTLES. Croicell. $1.75 From Bunker Hill to Argonne Forest. 40 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Goss, W. L, LIFE OF GRANT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, A 1 J . . . , Crowell. $1.50 A complete, adequate biography of the great gen- eral and president, written by one who knew Gram personally and served in his army. Hagedorn, Hermann BOYS' LIFE OF ROOSEVELT. Harper. |1.60 yery popular when published serially in Boy's Ltfe, the Boy Scouts' magazine. Hill, Frederick Trevor ON THE TRAIL OF WASHINGTON. _, , ^ Appleton. $2.00 The story of George Washington, not as a digni- fied President of the United States, but first as a child, then as a boy in his adventurous surveying expeditions, and as a young man fighting with and later commanding troops in the American Revolution. Kelly, Florence F. WHAT AMERICA DID. Dtttton. $2.00 Book for older boys. Concise, graphic account of our country's achievements in the Great War. Morgan, James ABRAHAM LINCOLN: THE BOY AND THE MAN. Gr asset. $1.00 "A splendid biography of Lincoln, full in anec- dr)tf»elte Fli 'ij Corpi. Cooper, James Fenimore. THE SPY. Mohawk Edition. Putnam. $1.75 ' I lie Spy." on publication, reached a success nil then unapproached in America. It was translated 'nto all of the principal European languages very soon after its appearance here. Doubleday, Russell A GUNNER ABOARD THE YANKEE. Kv^ry Boy's Library. Grosset. Jf.oo With a special introduction by the author, who was nimselt No. 5 on the after port gun on the U S Auxiliary Cruiser, "The Yankee,'^ at the time of Spanish-American War. Dyer, Walter A. BEN, THE BATTLE HORSE. Holt. $1.50 A good war story written around a horse and his master. Greene, Homer THE FLAG. Jacobs. $1.60 An angry boy insults the flag unwittingly and suffers in consequence until years after he "makes good" in the world war in a Canadian regiment in France. Hale, Edward Everett THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY. Little. $1.25 Story of a man who wished he might never again hear the name of the United States and how his wish was granted. Holland, Rupert S. THE BLUE HERON'S FEATHER. Lippincott. $1.50 The story of a Dutch boy in the American colony of New Netherland. In following Peter's fortunes, his experiences with settlers and Indians, the his- tory of the colony is outlined to the time of the English occupation. LAFAYETTE, WE COME. Jacobs. $1.60 Life of Lafayette in story form. Johnson, Hugh L. WILLIAMS OF WEST POINT. Every Boy's Li- brary. Grosset. $1.00 Cadet life at the Military Academy under the "old code" interestingly set forth in this story. King, Gen. Charles. CADET DAYS. Harper. $1.60 Describes West Point customs and ideals in a spirited story for boys. Mason, A. B. TOM STRONG, WASHINGTON'S SCOUT. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 Pittenger, William THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE. Penn. $2.00 A thrilling account of the attempt to capture a Georgia railroad during the Civil War. Rolt-Wheeler, Francis THE WONDER OF WAR IN THE HOLY LAND. Lothrop. $175 The hero is an American boy, son of an archaeolo- gist, who is taken captive by an Arab Sheik, and sees the "War in the Holy Land" at close range. THE WONDER OF WAR ON LAND. Lothrop. $1.75 Story of young American who was in the retreat to the Marne and served in the ragged legion which saved Paris. THE WONDER OF WAR IN THE AIR. Lothrop. $1.75 The story of an American boy who "flies for France" and succeeds at last iri bringing down a Zeppelin. The book aims to give information in regard to the training of an aviator and a picture of the "wild adventure" of this branch of the service. Sabin. Edwin L. ON THE PLAINS WITH CUSTER. Lippincott. $1.75 GENERAL CROOK AND THE FIGHTING APACHES. Lippincott. $1.75 The latest addition to "The Trail Blazers Series." BOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS 41 Seawell, Molly Elliot LITTLE JARVIS. Af(>leton. $1.50 Touching tale of a boy's heroic devotion to duty. Stevens, W. O. PEWEE CLINTON, PLEBE Lippincott. $1.50 A story of life at the U. S. Naval Academy, writ- ten from first-hand knowledge. Best Annapolis story yet written. Tisdale, L. G. THREE YEARS BEHIND THE GUN. Every Boy's Library, Grosset. $1,00 Tomlinson, E. T. WITH FLINTLOCK AND FIFE. WUde. $1.75 A story of the French and Indian Wars. MARCHING AGAINST THE IROQUOIS. Houghton. $1.75 General Sullivan's expedition into the country of the Iroquois, 1779. THE BOY SAILORS OF 1812. Lothrop. $1.75 PRISONERS OF WAR. Houghton. $1.75 Tlirilling adventures between the lines and later in a Southern prison vividly told. THE YOUNG SHARPS OOTER. Houghton. $1.75 This book treats of the Civil War in an interesting and stimulating way. SCOUTING WITH GENERAL FUNSTON. Grosset. $1.00 Heroes of Great Adventure Aldon, Adair 'AT THE SIGN OF THE TWO HEROES. Century $1.75 The "Two Heroes" is the old inn where Ethan Allen and his "green mountain boys" used to meet. Three boys in the same countryside under the in- spiration of these Revolutionary War heroes, are inspired to gather evidence which convicts a band of smugglers. Baldwin, James STORY OF ROLAND. Scribncr. $2.00 THE STORY OF SIEGFRIED. Scribner. $2.00 A STORY OF THE GOLDEN AGE. Scribner. $2.00 Brooks, E. S. A BOY OF THE FIRST EMPIRE. Century $1.75 Virtually a popular life of Napoleon for young folks. Brooks, Noah THE STORY OF MARCO POLO. Century. $1.75 Retold in an interesting way from the original Dodge, Mary Mapes HANS BRINKER. Scribner. $3.00; $1.00 A picture of life in Holland. One of the best and most popular stories for young people ever written. Dumas, Alexandre THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. 2 Volum - Everyman's Library. Button, Cloth. $2.00 Frost, W. H. THE COURT OF KING ARTHUR. Scribner. $1.00 Henry, O. THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF AND OT'ER STORIES FOR BOYS. Doubleday. $1.90 "A collection of twenty-five 'O. Henry' stories sititnb'e for hoys, selected by Franklin K. Mathiews. Chief Scout Librarian of the Boy Scouts of America." —A. L. A. Booklist. Holland, Rupert S. KING ARTHUR AND THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE. Jacobs. $1.50 A modernized and briefer Sir Thomas Malory nar- rative of the brave doings of King Arthur and his Knights. logolevitch, Paul THE YOUNG RUSSIAN CORPORAL. Harper. $1.60 Real story of a wonderful lad who did something big, first as a soldier in the Russian Army and later in America as a speaker, ur)?ing American workmen to speed up the supply of ships and ammu- nition for the Great War. Keboe, Thomas J. THE FIGHTING MASCOT. Dodd. $1.50 The true story of the youngest boy in the British Army who had more thrilling experiences than many a warrior twice iiis years.. L of men ot every age. Many striking full- page illn.strations. THE BOOK OF BRAVERY. Second Series. Sciiiyitcr. $2.50 Includes stories of hunters, explorers, and soldier.s — such men as Selous, Capt. John Smith, Scott, etc. Lanier, Sidney THE BOY'S FROISSART. Scribner. $2.00 "We greet this book with positive enthusiasm, feeling that the presentation of Froissart in a shape so tempting to youth is a particularly worthy task, particularly well done." — N. Y. Evening Post. THE BOY'S KING ARTHUR. Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 Madison, L. F. JOAN OF ARC Penn. $3.50 In fiction form, but with care as to authentic rec- ords, the marvelous life of the Warrior Maid of Orleans is presented with charm and simplicity. There are nine beautiful drawings in color by Frank E. Schoonover. Mathiews, Franklin K. (Editor) BOY SCOUTS' BOOK OF STORIES. .4ppIeton. $2.25 Such distinguished writers as Mark Twain, Ste- venson, Tarkington, O. Henry, Joseph C. Lincoln, Jack London, Stewart Edward White, Norman Dun can, Conan Doyle, Hermann Hagedorn, and many others, are represented. There are stories of the ^sea, of school life, of mystery, of the West, scout 'stories, humorous stories, etc. Miller, Leo L. THE HIDDEN PEOPLE. Scribner. $2.50 A very good treasure yarn of search for the gold of the Incas. Though the result is rather startling, it is all very interesting. Parkman. Francis THE OREGON TRAIL. Little. $2.00; $1.25 A picture of the true Indian of the plains, as he was when Parkman hunted buffalo in the Black Hills nearly seventy years ago. Plummet, Mary W. STORIES FROM THE CHRONICLES OF THE CTt. Holt. $1.00 Presents for young folks a connected narrative of strong personal interest, and pictures the hero as most Spanish children probably know him. Porter, Jane SCOTTISH CHIEFS. Crowell. $3.00 Romantic tale of which Wallace, the highly ideal- ized champion of Bruce's fortunes, is hero; 13th-14tb centuries. 42 THE BOOKSHELF FOR ROYS AND GIRLS Pyle, Howard JACK BALLISTER'S FORTUNES. Century. $2.00 A romance dealing with tlic pirates tliat infested the Atlantic coai^t in the early part of the eight- eenth ectitiiry. MEN OF IRON. //•/(•/■.r. $1.90 A romance of the times of chivalry, the scene being laid in the England of King Henry IV. OTTO OF THE SILVER HAND. Scribner. $2.50 A boy's life in the days of robber barons in Ger- many. THE STORY OF KING ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS. Scribner. $3.50 THE STORY OF THE CHAMPIONS OF THE ROUND TABLE. Scribner. $3.50 THE STORY OF SIR LANCELOT AND HIS COM- PANIONS. Scribner. $3.50 THE STORY OF THE GRAIL AND THE PASS- ING OF ARTHUR. Scribner. $3.50 The vigor and beauty of the drawings and the high and inspiring quality of the text brinj^ these immortal stories more clearly and satisfactorily be- fore us than ever before. THE MERRY ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. Scribner. $3.50 STOLEN TREASURE, Harper $1,25 Stories of buccaneers and pirates and of brave law- abiding men who match them in deeds of daring. The stories hold readers, young and old, spellbound. Scott Sir Walter IVANHOE. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. $4.00 Everyman's Library. Dutton, Cloth. $1.00 Sea Stories Bullen, Frank T. CRUISE OF THE "CACHALOT." Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 "I've never read anything that equals it in deep- .;ca wonder and mystery." — Rudyard Kipling. Cooper, James Fenimore THE PILOT. Mohawk Ed. Putnam. $1.75 Thought to be by many one of the best sea tales ever written. Dana, R. H. TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. $2.75 Everyman's Library. Button, Cloth. $1.00 Illustrated colored plates. McKay. $1.50 "A voyage around the Horn and to California about seventy-five years ago. Leads all others as the book best descriptive of the life of the American sailor." — E. S. Brooks. Defoe, Daniel ROBINSON CRUSOE Ilustrated by the Brothers Rhead. Harper. $1.60 Duncan, Norman ADVENTURES OF BILLY TOPSAIL. Rcvell. $1.75 A book to delight the heart of a real boy. Billy Topsail is a Newfoundlander who captures devil fish, goes whaling, is lost on a cliff, joins a sealer and does no end of venturesome things. BILLY TOPSAIL & COMPANY. Revell. $1.75 Dunn, J. Allan JIM MORSE, SOUTH SEA TRADER. Small, Maynard. $1.50 Story of savage tribes, lost treasure ships, pearl poachers and the like. Holland, Rupert S. . , ,. « NEPTUNE'S SON. Jacobs. $1.75 Well written story of a young sailor's first voyage. Has many thrilling adventures, among them pursuit of a pirate ship. THE TALISMAN. Lippincott. $1.75 The romance of the third Crusaf'.e. Rich- ird Coeur de Lion and S a 1 a d i n are prominent characters. Stevenson. R. L BLACK ARROW. lUus. in color by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3 50 Tappan, Eva March IN THE DAYS OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Lothrop. $1.50 Twain. Mark THE ADVENTURES OF H U C K L E - BERRY FINN. Harper. $2.25 THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAW- YER. Harper. $2.25 Wallace, Lew BEN-HUR; A TALE OF THE CHRIST. Harper. $1.75 FROM "tHF boy's KING ARTHliR." EDITED BY SIDNEY LAMER. Charles Scribner's Sons. ' HOOKS FOR BOY SCOUTS 43 Kingsley, Charles WESTWARD HO! Illustrated N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 Illustrated Thornton Oakley. Jacobs. $3.50 I ROM "two years BKFORE THE MAST," BY K. H. DANA. Houghton Mifflin Co. London, Jack CRUISE OF THE DAZZLER. Every Boy's Library. Gr asset. $1.00 Best boy's book London ever wrote; story based on some of his own boyhood adventures. Stevenson, Robert Louis KINAPPED. Ulus. in color by, N. C. Wyeth. SL-ribner. $3.50 Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 TREASURE ISLAND. Illus. in color by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 Illus. by George Var.'an. Scribner. $1.75 Washington Sq. Classics. Illus. by E. P. Plaisted. Jacobs. $1.50 Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 Verne, Jules TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1,00 The wonderful story of Captain Nemo's submarine craft and its cruises. MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, illus in color. N. C. Wyeth. Scribner. $3.50 Wyss, Johann David SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Illustrated in color. Jacobs. $1.50 Introduction by Wm. Dean Hewells. 111. by Rheac^.. Harper. $1.60 Everyman's Library. Cloth $1.00 HEROES OF SUCCESS. I. Biography Butterworth, Hezekiah THE BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN. .ApHctuH. $2.00 A faithful picture of time of Lincoln's boyhood and i>f the liardships and privations hp had to face, Franklin, Benjamin AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Marden, O. S. PUSHING TO THE FRONT. Holt. $2.25 Crowell. $2.00 Meadowcroft, William H. BOYS' LIFE OF EDISON. Harper. $1.66 Tlie author lias been for veais in daily associa- tion with E4isoi) >yorkii7R vyit'h liinj in his laboratory. Moores, Chas. W. LINCOLN FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Lays emphasis on the boyhood and youth of Lin- coln, his heroic struggle for an education and a place in the world, and the chief events of his public life. Paine, Albert Bigelow BOYS' LIFE OF MARK TWAIN. Harber $1.60 Sure to interest all lovers of "Huck"' and "Tom." Parton, James CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY. Houghton. $1.50 Short sketches for young Americans of busy men, merchants, inventors, manufacturers, teachers, farm- ers, reformers, etc. Rolt-Wheeler, Francis LIFE OF EDISON. Macmillan. $1.25 Washington. B. T. UP FROM SLAVERY. Burt. $1.00 Boyhood days of Booker T. NVashingtorr, his strug- gles for an education and his life work in con- nection with the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. Good to read aloud. — Pittsburgh. II Stories Barbour, R. H., and H. P. Holt THE MYSTERY OF THE "SEA-LARK." Century. $1.75 .\ fine tale of boyish enterprise and achievemetU, of the rehabilitation of a derelict yacht and its transformation into a profit-yielding ferry. Bassett, Sara Ware PAUL AND THE PRINTING PRESS. Little. $1.50 High school story centering around the jjublica- tion of a school paper and incidentally telling the story of printing and of the invention of the print- ing press. Bond. A. Russell WITH THE MEN WHO DO THINGS. Munn. $1.65 PICK, SHOVEL AND PLUCK. Munn. $1.65 .\ companion volume to "With the Men Who Do Things," taking the same two boys through a new series of engineering experiences. Cheyney, E. G. •SCOTT BURTON ON THE RANGE. Appleton. $1.75 A very good yarn of the U. S. Forestry Service, with a set-up a little different from theusual ranch- ing story. The character of the hero is quite well drawn and there is a good deal of plausibility In tlie tale of his work as a. detective — a rariger up against a gang well organized to cheat the Govern- ment — and the adventure this entails. Drysfla^". Wi11*«m THE FAST MAIL. jyHde. $1.75 A true story of the adventures of a boy who fought his way to success with clean grit and good senses. THE YOUNG SUPERCARGO. IVilde. $1.75 Portrays the hardships as well as the adventurps of those who enter the marine service. Dunn, J. Alias >JIM MORSE, GOLD HUNTER. Small, May'nard. $1.59 Jim and his companions penetrate into the country (It the "Karons in search of gold and a white child taken from' a wrecked vessel to be the fetich of the jiygmies. Adventures,^ dangers, a panorama of -trange savage life, this book, which is a sequel to "Jim Morse. South Sea Trader" but in no way de- pendent on it, is full of intere.st to boys. Eggleston. Edward THE HOOSIER SCHOOLBOY. Scribner. $1.00 Heyliger, William. OFF SIDE. Appleton. $1.75 The story of a boy who- "found himself." A splendid book to wake a boy up, and perhaps Ipaij him to fliake choice of a voc^tiqn. 44 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS •HIGH BENTON. Applctoit.. $1.75 "A story of the life of an average boy and how he finds through firsthand experience the value of an education. The career of High Benton, his problems, his failures, and his successes is well told and will interest the boy reader just below or cf high school age."— Booklist, A. L. A. Hunting, Gardner SANDSY'S PAL. Harper. $1.60 Interesting, fine-spirited tale, staged largely in an advertising office. Kipling, Rudyard CAPTAxNS Courageous. Century. $2.00 A story of the fishing banks. Harvey Cheyne, young and rich, spoiled by indulgence, while en route for Europe on an Atlantic steamer, falls over- board. He is picked up by a fishing smack bound for a season's fishing off the banks of Newfoundland and is put to work to earn his living. Latham, Farold S. MARTY LENDS A HAND. Macmillau. $1.75 A well-written, lively, pleasant story of a boy's efforts to assist family finances by mushroom culti- vation. Livermore, George G. •TAKE IT FROM DAD. Macmillan. $2.25 After the fashion of "Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son," the author has written for younger readers a book of similar worth and influ- ence. The father of the "letters" is one William Soule, a successful shoe manufacturer, whose son, "Ted," is at "Exeter," where he faces many prob- lems. But with hard common sense and humorous, phiIosoi>hic counsel, and stories of personal experi- ence to delight the heart of any boy, "Ted" is ad- vised by "Dad" just what to do. The "letters" are profusely illustrated by Bert Salg, who knows as well as any man in America how to put into his pictures a comedy quality that, without offense to grown-ups, delights the boy's sense of humor to the full. Sabin, E. L. OPENING THE IRON TRAIL Crowell. $2,00 A story of the great race to open up railroads, Stevenson, Bur*on E. TO"WV REMINGTON'S BATTLE. Evrv B"Vs Library. Grosset. $1,00 Storj of a West Virginia coal mine, Tolman, A, W. JIM SPURLING, FISHERMAN. Harper. $1.60 A splendid story of the adventures of three boys as deep-sea fishermen off the Maine coast. Heroes of Service Andrews, M. R. S. THE COUNSEL ASSIGNED. Scrihner. 75c Like the "Perfect Tribute, "_ this story is a mar- velous revelation of that heroic character, _ who was, with all his strength, so simple and so kindly, and so ever ready to surrender his own private aims for the sake of friend or principle. Barclay, V. C, (Editor). •THE SCOUTS' BOOK OF HEROES. Stokes. $2.50 A roster of the British scout heroes of the war with a little story or brief biography of_ each, and is valuable as a record of some individual cases of heroism in the Great War which would be inspiring to boya. Brooks, E. S. MASTER OF THE STRONG HEARTS. Dntton. $2.00 How a boy redeemed his promise to Sitting Bull. Drysdale, W. BEACH PATROL; A STORY OF THE LIFE- SAVING SERVICE. Wilde $1.75 Tale of land and sea, describing exciting adven- tures at the life-saving station near Atlantic City, and the r.-:le explanation, with many easily made ex- periments. rn*«h Kr''"^* GARDEN STEPS. Silver. Burdett & Co. 92c .Simply written, gives fundamental principles of veget.nbie growing, with special chapters on fall and winter preparedness. Co'e and Ernst FIT?ST AID FOR BOYS. Apfteton. $1.50 Every Scout and Scoutmaster needs this book for instruction and for guidance. The whole subject of First Aid is covered completely and thoroughly: Some of the chapters: What to Do; Shock; Fainting; Sunstroke; Concussion; Apoplexy; Intoxication; Epi- lepsy; Infection and "Staphy"; Burns; Fractures; Drowning, etc;. Collins, Francis A. THE CAMERA MAN. Century. $1-75 His adventures as aeroplane photographer, movie reporter and in other fields. Crimi. Trv'ng TFF BOY'S BOOK OF FIPE^FN. Dndd $1 «5 "A cub reporter on a New York paper is assigned the «tory of a big fire Hi* success ca'ises him to hrnw-se amonsr the 'blueshirts.' learning about the methods of fightine fires and acquiring choice bits nf infonnation. The result is, not a story, but facts, and a vivid sense of being present with the men who do things."— A. L. A. Booklist. 46 THE BOOKSHELF FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THE BOY'S BOOK OF POLICEMEN. Dodd. $1.65 Tells of the lite of the bluecoats or patrolmen, traffic men, mounted police, motor patrolmen, harbor patrolmen, and detectives, with as many anecdotes of thrilling experiences as the most absorbing story. Darrow, F. L. A BOY'S OWN BOOK OF GREAT INVENTIONS. Macmillan. $2.50 Hall, Dr. W. S. FROM YOUTH INTO MANHOOD. Association Press. 75c One of the very few good books to recommend to boys on the subject of sex-hygiene. Holden, E. S. OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG. Appleton. $1.60 This book gives the history of the American flag. There is also considerable information given con- cerning the flags and shields of other nations. Howden, J. R. BOY'S BOOK OF STEAMSHIPS. Stokes. $2.50 In the same series, books on "Railways" "War- ships," and "Locomotives." Stokes. $2.60 La Varrc W J UP THE MAZURUNI FOR DIAMONDS M. Jones. $1.50 A Veteran Boy Scout's story, for boys, of a canoe voyage in South America. Mathiews, Franklin K., (Editor). •BOY SCOUTS' YEAR BOOK. Appleton. $2.60 Was there ever such a wealth of gooa things for boys between the covers of one book? Contains twelve corking stories by prominent writers; a freat number of special articles by some of the most amous men of America; material on woodcraft, scoutcraft, camping, etc. McSpadden, J. Walter BOYS' BOOK OF FAMOUS SOLDIERS. Crowcll. $1.75 Stories of great generals from Washington to Foch. Moffett, Cleveland A BOY'S BOOK OF WONDERS AND INVEN- TIONS. WUde $1.35 The wonderful discoveries, inventions and experi- ments of the last ten years are presented in a way that will appeal to every reader . CAREERS OF DANGER AND DARING. Century: $2.00 Real incidents in the lives of steeple-climbers. bridge-builders, deep-sea divers, pilots, firemen, etc. Rolt-Wheeler, Francis ♦THE BOY'S BOOK OF THE WORLD WAR. Lothrop. $2.60 An admirably arranged and most interesting his- tory of the war. in which the various phases on all fronts are clearly explained. It lacks something in that personalities are almost disregarded, but this fact possibly adds to the effect of judicial impar- tiality. Stockbridge, Frank Parker •YANKEE INGENUITY IN THE WAR. Harper. $2.50 There is given a vast amount of information valu- able in itself and interestingly presented. Books on Nature Subjects Beard. Dan C. AMERICAN BOY'S BOOK OF BUGS. BUTTER- FLIES AND BEETLES. Lippincott. $2.50 Popular treatment sure to interest all boys who have a hobby for collecting, etc. Burroughs, John SQUIRRELS AND OTHER FUR BEARERS. Houghton. $1.65 Partial Contents: Squirrels, The Chipmunk. The Woodchuck. The Rabbit and the Hare, The Musk- rat, The Skunk, The Fox. Chapman, Frank M. BIRD LIFE. Appleton. $4.00 A guide to the study of our common birds, with 75 full-page colored plates and numerous text draw- ings by Ernest Thompson Seton. •WHAT BIRD IS THAT? Appleton. $1.25 A pocket museum of the land l)irds of the eastern United States, arranged according to season; with 301 birds in colors by Edmund J. Sawyer. Author is curator of birds, American Museum of Natural History. FUOM THE TRAIL OF THE SANDHILL ST.AG, BY ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. Charles Scribner's Sons. Collins, A. Frederick THE BOOK OF STARS. Appleton. $1.50 Written to conform to the tests of the Boy Scouts. Mar.y helpful diagrams and illustrations. Cragin, B. S. OUR INSECT FRIENDS AND FOES. HOW TO COLLECT AND STUDY THEM. Putnam. $1.75 Describes for young people the common insects found in the country east of the Rocky Mountains and north of the Gulf states. Fabre, Jean Henri. INSECT ADVENTURES. Dodd. $2.25 His life stories of familiar insects will prove fas- cinating because he touches into life the human quality; because instead of ripping up an animal and turning it into an object of horror and pity, he studies it alive, "under the blue sky to the song of the cicadas." Gilmore, A. F. BIRDS OF FIELD, FOREST AND PARK. Page. $2.50 A most readable book for all lovers of the out- of-doors. Holland, W. J. THE BUTTERFLY GUIDE. Doubleday. $1.25 ' A pocket manual for the ready identification of the commoner species found in the United States and Canada. Color illustrations for identification accompanied by descriptions. Keeler, Harriet L. OUR NATIVE TREES, AND HOW TO IDENTIFY THEM, Scribncr. $3.00 n(WKS FOR BOY SCOUTS 47 OUR NORTHERN SHRUBS AND HOW TO IDENTIFY THEM. Scrihncr. $3.00 Mathews, F. S. KIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN WILD FLOWERS. I'lilnaiii. $3.00 Most i.oinpact jm.|iiiImi lianiili.Hik vcl provided. KIKLD BOOK OF AMERICAN TREES AND SHRUBS. Putnam. $3.00 .. ij.pular untechnical treatment, well written and .ell illustrated. Miller, Olive Thorne THE FIRST BOOK OF BIRDS. Houghton. $1.75 THE SECOND BOOK OF BIRDS. Houghton. $1.75 .Standard bird books for young people. Colored illustrations. Moon, Frederick F. THE BOOK OF FORESTRY. Appleton. $3.00 Especially helpful to Boy Scouts who are anxious '1 obtain merit badges on conservation, forest pro- lion or fire prevention. Reed, Chester A. LAND BIRDS. IJoubU-Jay. $1.25 An illustrated pocket text hook that enables any 'ine to quickly identify any song or insectivorous bird found east of the Rocky Mountains. Every I>ird is shown in color, including the females and young. WATER AND GAME BIRDS. Doubleday. $1.25 Includes all of the water birds, game birds, and birds of prey east of the Rockies. Each species illustrated in colors. 230 in number. FLOWER GUIDE. Doubleday. $1.25 .\ guide to the common wild flowers found in the Kastern and Middle .States. Rogers, Julia E. THE TREE GUIDE. Doubleday. $1.25 Contains 243 illustrations (32 of them colored and many in black and white), and a description of every tree east of the Rocky Mountains. Animal and Other Nature Stories Darling, E. B. BALDY OF NOME. Pcun. $2.50 Baldy is a real dog, well known in Alaska. His many adventures with _his young owner, Beii, espe- .lily the- story of hi^ races, make excitiiig and ::oles'jme reading. DuChaillu, Paul WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQUATOR. Harper. $1.60 Full of exciting adventures ' among the savage tribes and wild animals of West Africa. Dyer, W. A. THE DOGS OF BOYTOWN. Holt. $1.50 Storv of the adventures of boys and dogs in which is mingled a great deal of dog lore concerning two dozen common breeds, their traits, care and training. Eaten. Walter Pritchard •ON TTiE EDGE OF THE WILDERNESS. Wilde. $1.75 These are beautifully told stories of wild animals lat will have a strong appeal to any animal lover. Tl,.; Lp.st American," the concluding story, is the :est iA all; but "Big Reddy" is a delighttul io\ '■-iry; "General Jim" is an amusing crow story; ;id "Rastus Earns His Sleep" relates entertainingly !rr -ontest of wit between a dog and a coon. ' (3, Clarence ( COAT. Jacobs. $1.60 ^- -' iries of animals are written as sympathetic- is this story of Shaggycoat. And all the under the guise of the entertaining story, I- ■.:<: learning all the essential facts of a beaver's ' c .iid habits. TRAILS TO WOODS AND WATERS. Jacobs. $1.60 Pleasant nature pictures told simply in a chatty L.^hi'^n that makes the book easy to read. lugersoU, Ernest THE RAISON CREEK EXPLORING CLUB. Appleton. $1.75 A stirring boys' mystery story that tells a great iji.y new and interesting things about the woods !i.'. wood folks. Kellcy, J. G. THi; BOY MINERAL COLLECTORS. Lippincott. $1.50 A story not only interesting in. itself, but very valuable for any boy ititerested in the study of min- ora lii»;y or the collection of minerals. London, Jack HE CALL OF THE WILD. Every Boy's Library. Grosset. $1.00 ■■S'L')ry of wild life in the Klondike. The hero, a .i^iiidcent dog. finally obeys the 'call of the wild' 'ul relapses into savagery because his last and - I friend was killed by the Iixlians." Mills, Enos A. THE GRIZZLY. Houghton. $2.25 Devoted to the explanation, praise and defence of the grizzly bear. Roberts, C. G. D. JIM— STORY OF A BACKWOODS POLICE DOG. Macmillan. $2.50 A volume of stories wh